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Prepared in accordance with the requirements of Section 184 of the Coal-mines Act, 1925.

The Superintendent, State Coal-mines, Grey mouth, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Bth May, 1940. I have the honour to submit my annual report on the working of the State Coal-mines for the year ended 31st March, 1940. Liverpool Colliery. Coal-winning— The gross output for the year was 151,934 tons 18 cwt., an increase of 15,401 tons 17 cwt. when compared with the figures for the previous year. After making allowances for stocks on hand, surplus stock taken on charge, and deducting mine consumption and waste, there remained for disposal 148,780 tons 7 cwt. 2 qr., which is accounted for as follows :—

The gross output from the colliery since its inception amounts to 3,293,718 tons 5 cwt. During the year the colliery worked on 209 days, an increase of 7 days when compared with the previous year. The possible working-days, excluding Saturdays and union holidays, were 242. The difference between the days worked and the possible working-days is accounted for as follows : Bathhouse cold, 2 days ; breakdown railway-engine, 1 day ; slips on railway, 7 days ; no boats, 6 days ; snow, 2 days ; fatalities, 4 days ; returned on account of heavy rain, 1 day ; strike re payment of holidays, 2 days ; railway mishap, I day ; fall of stone in tunnel, 1 day ; fire in mine, 5 days ; employee overcome by gas, 1 day ; a total of 33 days. Employees.— connection with coal-winning the average number of persons employed in and about the mine was 822, made up as follows : Underground : Coal-hewers, 89 ; deputies, shiftmen, and truckers, 153 ; boys, 2, On the surface : 67 men and 11 boys,

I— C. 2A,

Screened. Unscreened. Small. Total. Tons. cwt. qr. Tons. cwt. qr. Tons. cwt. qr. Tons. cwt. qr. Shipped .. .. 1,367 4 3 10,415 5 2 47,809 6 3 59,591 17 0 Railed Canterbury .. 783 13 3 6,290 8 3 30,755 .1 1 37,829 3 3 Local sales* .. .. 42,242 10 3 2,048 1 0 4,516 16 0 48,807 7 3 Mine sales . . .. . . 43 0 0 . . 43 0 0 Sales to workmen, and free .. 1,827 4 3 .. 1,827 4 3 issues Stock in bin and yard .. .. .. 319 7 0 319 7 0 Stock on wharf .. .. .. .. 362 7 1 362 7 1 44,393 9 1 20,624 0 0 83,762 18 1 148,780 7 2 Used on works .. .. .. 5,070 0 0 .. 5,070 0 0 Waste .. .. .. .. 1,045 8 0 .. 1,045 £ 0 Totals .. .. 44,393 9 1 j 26,739 8 0 83,762 18 1 154,895 15 2 * Sales to Railways Department now included in local sales. Previously part included in "Railed to Canterbury."


Expenditure.—The total expenditure in connection with coal-winning for wages, stores, mine timber, and compensation, together with, subsidies on railway tickets and cost of fuel used on works, amounted to £117,519 4s. 6d., as compared with £106,117 2s. 3d. for the previous year. Coal-hewers' Average Daily Earnings. —The coal-hewers' average daily earnings were (gross) £2 Is. 4d. per day, and after deducting stores (explosives) their net return was £1 17s. 7d., an increase of Bd. per day when compared with the figures for the previous year. Daily Output. —The average daily mine output was 726 tons 19 cwt. and the coal-hewers' average daily output was 8 tons 3 cwt., as compared with 675 tons 18 cwt. and 8 tons respectively for the previous year. Deficiencies. —The total amount paid under the minimum-wage clause was £19 12s. lid. Accidents. —In addition to accidents of a minor nature, one fatal and four serious accidents occurred in the Liverpool Colliery. Fatal Accident — On 16th August, 1939, a miner was killed in the No. 3 bank, Morgan West. No direct evidence could be obtained as to how the accident occurred, but deceased either slipped and, striking his head against the lower side, broke his neck, or was struck by a piece of coal. Serious Accidents— Four serious accidents occurred during the year. On 25th August a miner slipped from a canche and struck his back against a rail, fracturing his spine. On 12th September a miner received a fractured breast-bone through being crushed between a box and prop. On 12th March a shiftman was struck by a prop and his shoulder broken. On 13th March a collier was buried by a fall of top coal. He received three fractured ribs and a severe scalp wound. Outbreak of Fire. —An old fire in the No. 1 Morgan East section broke over a stopping. Additional stoppings were erected and the fire again sealed off. Mine Workings: Developments, Kimbell and Anderson Sections. —Anderson Dip : James No. 2 dip has been driven a total distance of 10 chains. The gradient at the dip face is approximately 1 in 1-75. The coal is friable, 18 ft. in thickness, with a parting 8 ft. from the floor, and has a mudstone roof. Two levels have been driven on the strike of the seam in a westerly direction for a distance of 2 chains. The seam is gaseous. Preparations are being made to extend the endless-rope haulage to deal with the output from this section. Kimbell West Dip Section : This district is being developed by driving four headings to the rise in a westerly direction and four levels in a south-easterly direction. The headings are highly inclined, the gradient to the full rise being 1 in 2. The strike of the seam varies, giving the levels a sinuous contour. The coal varies from 8 ft. to 14 ft. in thickness. Eight pairs of colliers are employed on development work. Pillar-extraction is being carried out in both the Kimbell and Anderson seams, four pairs of men being employed in the Kimbell East rise section and two pairs in the Anderson dip section. All pillared areas are sealed off when extraction is completed. Two larger compressed-air winches have been installed to deal with the extra haulage in the dip sections, one in the Anderson dip and one in the Kimbell West dip. The necessary repairs to all stoppings, airways, and roadways have been attended to throughout the year. Developments, Morgan Seam. —In No. 3 bank, Morgan West, two headings have been driven in a northerly direction for a distance of 9 chains in good coal 10 ft. to 14 ft. in thickness, steeply inclined. Two levels have been extended in a westerly direction in good-quality coal. From the top of No. 3 jig, a pair of headings have been driven westerly in the direction of the main fault for a distance of 6 chains. From the extreme end of No. 3 bank a pair of headings have been driven. Dirt bands have been encountered, the seam being 3 ft. top coal, 1 ft. 6 in. dirt, and 5 ft. bottom coal. These headings have been extended beyond the No. 1 Liverpool old workings. The coal is hard and of good quality. Concrete Stoppings. —All necessary concrete stoppings to effectively control j)he fire have been erected. During the year the bulk of the output from the Morgan seam has been derived from pillarextraction in the Nos. 1 and 2 West banks and the Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 East banks. Morgan East Dip. —Towards the end of the year, development work was commenced to the south of the Morgan East level. A " Korfmann " coal-cutting machine was transferred from the Strongman Colliery and used for driving to the dip a distance of 7 chains. A total distance of 27 chains of development work was accomplished by the machine, and it is proposed to purchase a similar machine as a standby. An area of pillars below the barriers in No. 2 bank, Morgan East, has been reroaded preparatory to extraction. Rolling-stock.—A number of trucks from the James Colliery have been transferred to the Liverpool Colliery.



Repairs.—All the necessary repairs to buildings, viaducts, and roadways have been carried out. A start has been made to instal a new boiler at the bin. Plans have been completed for the extension of electric power underground for haulage purposes. Stone-dusting.—Work under this heading has been continued. The total number of samples taken from the Liverpool Colliery was 514. In addition, 63 samples from co-operative mines were analysed. Viaduct. —The subsidence mentioned in previous annual reports still continues, as shown in the schedule below, and constant realigning of the viaduct is necessary.

Middle Brake Viaduct (to Bins): Movement of Ground under Viaduct.

James Colliery. Coal-winning.—The gross total output for the year was 24,755 tons 8 cwt., a decrease of 17,893 tons 15 cwt. when compared with the figures of last year. Afte.r making allowances for stocks on hand at the beginning of the year and deducting mine consumption and waste there remained for disposal 34,714 tons 18 cwt., which is accounted for as follows : —

The gross total output from this colliery since its inception amounts to 599,583 tons 5 cwt. Days worked. —During the year the colliery worked on 226 clays, an increase of 18 days when compared with the previous period. The possible working-days, excluding Saturdays and union holidays, were 242. The difference between the days worked and the possible working-days is accounted for as follows : No orders, 4 days ; fatalities, 4 days ; installation new rope-road, 2 days ; dispute re truckers, 1 day ; strike re holiday pay, 1 day ; no electricity, 1 day ; slip on Midland Railway, 3 days : a total of 16 days. Employees. —In connection with coal-winning, the average number of persons employed in and about the mine was 65, made up as follows : Underground : Coal-hewers, 18 ; deputies, shiftmen, and truckers, 30 ; boys, 2. On the surface : 10 men and 5 boys. Expenditure.—The total expenditure in connection with coal-winning for wages, stores, mine timber, and compensation, together with subsidies on bus fares, cost of electric power, and coal used on works, amounted to £20,353 14s. Bd., as compared with £32,703 7s. for the previous year. Coal-hewers' Average Daily Earnings. —The coal-hewers' average daily earnings (gross) were £1 15s. 4d., and after deducting stores (explosives) their net return was £1 9s. 2d., a decrease of Is. 6d. per day when compared with last year.


Tunnol. s - Eainfall. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I 1939. 14th October .. .. .. Pegs put in. 1.4th November .. .. .. 2|" 2" 2f" If" 16-03" 14th December .. .. .. Peg unable 3J" 5" 3f" 2|" 22-46" to be seen 1940. 14th January .. .. .. 7\" 8" 7£" 6" 4" 11-62" 14th February .. .. .. 8|" 9" 8|" 7" 5£" 26-81" 14th March llf" llf" llf" 8f" 7£" 16-55" 14th April .. .. .. 14|" 134" 13J" ll|" 8" 4-10"

Soreened. | Small. Slack. Total. Tons cwt. qr. Tons cwt. qr. Tons cwt. qr. Tons cwt. qr. Tons cwt. qr. Shipped .. .. 6,652 15 0 1,158 19 2 .. 5,085 7 3 12,897 2 1 Railed Canterbury .. 7,336 15 2 1,153 3 3 436 0 3 200 6 0 9,126 6 0 Local sales .. .. 9 14 3 84 5 0 .. 241 12 2 335 12 1 Slack on dump written off .. .. .. 11,501 14 1 11,501 14 1 Sold to workmen, and .. 46 16 0 .. .. 46 16 0 free issues Stock in bin and yard 40 0 0 55 0 0 .. 300 0 0 395 0 0 Stock on wharf .. 40 3 0 .. .. 8 15 0 48 18 0 Stock on dump .. .. .. .. 362 9 1 362 9 1 Mine sales .. .. .. 100 .. .. 100 14,079 8 1 2,499 4 1 436 0 3 17,700 4 3 34,714 18 0 Used on works .. .. 106 0 0 .. .. 106 0 0 Waste .. .. .. 940 0 0 .. .. 940 0 0 Totals 14,079 8 1 3,545 4 1 436 0 3 17,700 4 3 35,760 18 0



Daily Output.—The average daily mine output was 109 tons 11 cwt. and the coal-hewers' average daily output was 6 tons 2 cwt., as compared with 205 tons 1 cwt. and 7 tons respectively for the previous year. deficiencies, — The total amount paid under the minimum-wage clause during the year was Stone-dusting.— -Work under this heading has been carried out. The number of samples taken from the mine and analysed was forty-nine. Plant and Machinery. —Maintenance of the plant and machinery has been carried out. Part of the old James Mine bin has been discarded. Rope-road.— During September the James Mine rope was discarded and a change over made to the Strongman rope-road, which was completed on 3rd September. The James Mine coal is now conveyed along the new rope-road from Cannell Creek to the bin. Underground Workings.— Coal-winning operations during the year were carried on in both pillar and solid workings. All coal-winning operations south of Cannell Creek have been completed. Pillars have been left in position to support the Strongman rope-road, which passes over part of the James Mine workings. At Cannell Creek, pillars in the section lying north-west have been extracted, and all the material withdrawn and the sections closed down. Solid Workings.— Development work is still proceeding. The main headings have been extended a distance of 11 chains between parallel faults approximately 10 chains apart running north-west and south-east. Serious Accident.—One serious accident occurred during the year. On 19th March a workman suffered a fractured collarbone. He had removed the belt from a circular saw, when the machinery was started. The loose belt became entangled with the pulleys, overturned the saw bench, and struck the workman. Stbongman Colliery. Coal-winning.—The gross total output for the year was 43,836 tons 9 cwt., as compared with 1,497 tons 10 cwt., this being the output from this colliery's inception to 31st March, 1939. After deducting mine consumption and waste and making allowances for stocks on hand and slack on dump written off there remained for disposal 42,601 tons 9 cwt. 1 qr., which is accounted for as follows :—

The gross output from the colliery since its inception amounts to 4-5,333 tons 19 cwt. ■ During the year the colliery worked on 225 days. The possible number of working-days, excluding Saturdays and union holidays, was 242. The difference between the days worked and the possible working-days is accounted for as follows : Dispute with truckers, 1 day ; account no rope running at James Mine, 4 days ; dispute re yardage not being paid for machine-cut coal, 1 day ; fatalities, 4 days ; installation new rope-road, 2 days ; strike re holiday pay, 1 day ; no electricity' 1 day ; slips on Midland Railway, 3 days : a total of 17 days. Employees. —ln connection with coal-winning, the number of persons employed in and about the mine was 140, made up as follows : Underground: Coal-hewers, 30; deputies, shiftmen, and truckers, 57 ; boys, 5. On the surface : 34 men and 14 boys. Expenditure. —The total expenditure in connection with coal-winning for wages, stores, mine timber, and compensation, together with subsidies on bus fares, cost of electric power, and coal used on works, amounted to £41,201 18s. lid. Capital expenditure, £15,558 17s. 2d. Coal-hewers' Average Daily Earnings. —The coal-hewers' average daily earnings (gross) were £1 16s. Id. per day, and after deducting stores (explosives) their net return was £1 12s. Daily Output. —The average daily output was 194 tons 16 cwt. 2 qr., and the average daily output per coal-hewer was 6 tons 8 cwt. Deficiencies. —The total amount paid under the minimum-wage clause was £15 6s. 2d. Coal-winning. —Coal-winning operations at this colliery were confined to the driving of the main headings in the top seam. No. 1 North : The No. 1 North section is bounded on the west by the " Armstrong " fault and on the east by a 90 ft. upthrow fault. Distance between the faults is 5£ chains. From the

s " r,L Un/Scrd. Nuts. Peas. Fines. Railway. Mixtures. Total. T,ma cwt - V- Tons owt. qr. Tons ewt. qr. Tons cwt. qr. Tons cwt. qr. Tons cwt. or. Tons owt. or Tons cwt or Shipped.. .. 8,114 18 3 3,772 11 1 2,484 10 2 3,883 8 3 474 8 1 1,490 16 3 106119 0 21 282 13 1 Hailed Canterbury 7,338 3 0 li,866 10 2 1,942 2 1 1,192 10 1 1,908 4 1 36] 18 0 14 599 8 Local sales .. 1,447 3 0 1,877 0 2 G07 13 1 155 6 3 300 6 0 00 17 1 4'448 ft S Mine sales .. .. 32 0 0 q>2 n n Sales to workmen, .. 1,237 3 0.. i .,,, ., a and free issues Stock on dump .. .. .. .. 277 10 3 .. . 277 10 -1 written off lu '* Stock in bin and yard 95 0 0 8 0 0 75 0 0 60 0 0 112 1 2 •«() 1 2 Stock on wharf 59 8 2 .. .. 7 2 0 .. ' 66 10 •> Stock on dump .. .. .. .. .. 307 16 1 307 16 1 17,054 13 1 8,783 8 1 5,109 6 0 5,298 7 3 3,380 6 0 1,490 16 3 1,484 14 1 42 601 ~ 9 1 Used on works .. .. 298 0 0 .. 90s n r> Waste 1,291 9 0.. \\ \[ jjg jj g Totals .. 17,054 13 1 10,372 14 1 5,109 6 0 5,298 7 3 3,380 6 0 1,490 16 3 1,484 14 1 44,190 18 1



main stone drive going east, a stone drive was driven north on a dip of 1 in 2 for approximately 33 ft. Four working-faces have been opened out in coal 13 ft. in thickness. Later it is proposed to grade the dip so that a rise of 1 in 132 in favour of the full load will be obtained. Advantage has been taken of the 90 ft. fault to commence driving to the bottom seam, which, after allowing for the fault displacement, is estimated to be 15 ft. below the present workings. A stone drive has been commenced and driven a distance of 20 ft. in an easterly direction. East Headings : The main haulage road was continued over the fault due east on a grade of 1 in 6. Three headings were continued for a distance of 14 chains in coal, where another upthrow fault was encountered. Boring has proved the seam 20 ft. above the present headings. The headings are stopped at present. North Headings : To the rise, three parallel headings have been extended in good coal for a distance of 8 chains. South Dip : A pair of dips were driven a distance of 7 chains in a southerly direction on a dip of 1 in 5-5, when a change in the contour of the seam was met. Driving is now continuing in a south-easterly direction. South Levels : A pair of levels were started 8 chains east of the 90 ft. fault and driven in a south-easterly direction for a distance of 7 chains, where the same fault that was struck in the east headings was encountered. Future Development—ln the north panel, development will be continued to tli£ rise between the Armstrong fault and the 90 ft. fault, and the bottom seam opened up to the east. No. 2 Panel North : The development will be continued by means of three parallel headings to the rise. Bast Headings : Three parallel headings will bo continued over the fault. South Levels : A pair of headings will be continued over the fault. Rope-roads.—The main rope-road, 2| miles, was installed on 3rd September and is operating satisfactorily. From the tunnel entrance to the foot of the rise in the east headings (a distance of 38 chains) a subsidiary endless-rope road has been installed. Screening Plant.—The erection of the screening plant was completed during the year. The plant, which is constructed of steel throughout, is designed for an output of 120 tons per hour, and is working satisfactorily. Bathhouse. —The reinforced-concrete bathhouse, together with drying-room, has been completed and is giving efficient service. The work of extending the bathhouse is now in hand. A reinforced-concrete building to serve lamp-room, ambulance-room and " Proto " .room is nearing completion, and is divided into three rooms as follows : Lamp-room for storing, handling, and charging the electric cap lamps, 30 ft. by 9 ft. by 9 ft. 9 in. Ambulance-room, 12 ft. by 10 ft' by 9 ft. 9 in. " Proto " room, 6 ft. by 10 ft. by 9 ft. 9 in. Magazine.— The magazine, which consists of a stone tunnel 20ft. by lift, by 9ft. high driven into the conglomerate bluff near the angle in the rope-road at the No. 3 tunnel portal, and faced with a 6 in. concrete wall, has been completed. Detonator Magazine.— The detonator magazine, built of reinforced concrete, size 6 ft., by 5 ft. by 6 ft. 6 in. high, near the No. 4 tunnel has been completed. Goal-cutting.—The " Korfmann " coal-cutter was given a trial, but owing to the presence of quartz pebbles in the coal the cutter was not altogether satisfactory. The machine is riowi working in the Liverpool Colliery and is giving good results. Accidents. —One fatal and two serious accidents occurred at the colliery during the year. On 17th December, 1939, a collier employed in the south level was caught by a fall of stone and his right leg was so severely injured that amputation was necessary. He died some days later in the Grey River Hospital. A miner was struck by a piece of coal which fractured a rib on the right side. A shiftman was unloading timber from a trolly when a prop rolled forward, breaking the small bone in his forearm. I have, &c, C. J. Stbongman, Superintendent.


NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MINES. Colliery Sales Accounts for Year ended 31st March, 1940.

Colliery Working Accounts for Year ended 31st March, 1940.


j)r t Liverpool. James. Strongman.* Cr. Liverpool. James. Strongman. — —— j * j j £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Railway haulage 12,268 19 2 2,005 7 5 2,592 8 2 I Sales of coal f.o.r., c.i.f., and f.o.b. .. .. 187,600 2 11 32,061 13 5 42,313 18 2 Wharfage .. !! .. •• 2,486 9 0 519 7 1 502 19 0 Special rate .. .. .. • • 710 8 3 148 7 9 143 14 0 i Marine freight .. .. .. •• 40,600 2 11 8,055 13 7 9,209 18 4 j 56,065 19 4 10,728 15 10 12,448 19 6 Working Account: Coal sales net f.o.r. .. 131,534 3 7 21,332 17 7 29,864 18 8 £187,600 2 11 £32,061 13 5 £42,313 18 2 j £187,600 2 11 £32,061 13 5 £42,313 18 2 » The results for the Strongman Colliery are for the period 1st October, 1939, to 31st March, 1940, this period being the colliery's first entry on to a trading basis.

f) r Liverpool. James. Strongman.* Cr. Liverpool. James. Strongman.* i J i i — I £ S. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Stocks on hand, 1st April, 1939 .. .. 2,603 15 1 751 19 10 1,126 10 0 Sales Account: Sales of coal f.o.r. .. 131,534 3 7 21,332 17 7 29,864 18 8 Coal-winninc, ' ' Sales of power .. .. .. .. 32 10 0 Wages .. .. .. 95,115 4 4 16,582 0 10 19,561 19 4 Stocks on hand at 31st March, 1940, at mine, 1,157 19 10 292 10 11 1,141 10 6 Stores and materials !! " . . 9'041 4 7 883 9 7 2,784 16 2 wharf, and afloat, as per Stock Account Rail and bus fares .. .. .. 774 8 8 194 14 1 545 10 2 Surplus in bin stocks .. .. .. 204 11 7 Coal purchased .. .. .. 16 18 4 17 16 3 7 11 11 Electric power.. .. .. .. . ■ 190 H 0 603 8 9 107,551 11 0 18,620 11 7 24,629 16 4 Gross profit: To Profit and Loss Account .. 25,377 14 0 3,004 16 11 6,376 12 10 £132,929 5 0 £21,625 8 6 £31,006 9 2 j £132,929 5 0 £21,625 8 6 j £31,006 9 2 » The results for the Strongman Colliery are for the period 1st October, 1939, to 31st March, 1940, this period being the colliery's first entry on to a trading basis.


Mac Donald Colliery Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1940. T . " J)r ' £ s. d. Cr e * t6reSt .. 1,828 16 10 Rents .. s ; d ; SffiSff:: :: - " :: :: :: 15 Net profit: Transferred to General Profit and Loss 1,667 14 6 Account £4 ' 572 7 9 £4,572 7 9

NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MINES— continued. Colliery Profit and Loss Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1940.


Dr \_ IjVEEFOOL - JAMM - Strongman.* Cr. Liverpool. James. Strongman.* n i • £ 8. d. ! £ s. d. f a H ~ Salaries .. .. .. _ 2,005 11 2 444 4 11 j q q n • £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. .. " 46 16 5 11 if r Gross profit at mine 25,377 14 0 3,004 16 11 6,376 12 10 Interest 2 799 12 3 o» o ? , ,.j, U . ® ®f nts „: 414 10 7 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. <556 3 5 3,644 1 7 Travelling-expenses recovered .. .. 6 1 4 2 3 6 Printing and stationery .. .. ." 144 1 2 24 0 2 .J J- f loss : Transferred to General Profit and .. 1,072 2 6 3,730 6 10 Repairs and maintenance 5,565 17 3 l.oSS !5 10 1,705 5 9 L ° SS Acc0unt Telegrams and postages 268 8 2 44 14 7 74 0 9 "Spiiii-:: :: :: •«,?{ «S,{ J ; JSESS7" :: -g,? • ■».{ • m,. Superannuation Fund subsidy .. .. 54 15 5 9 2 7 13 13 10 Depreciation 4,828 9 4 877 10 9 2 340 15 8 Rescue-station levy 492 11 8 88 2 4 ' 48 17 11 Reserve for bad debts 76 4 U 3 9 5 5 0 0 Advertising 58 15 3 176 5 10 45 12 9 Net Profit: Transferred to General Profit and I® f 2 11 10,106 19 8 Loss Account • • .. j £25,798 5 11 £4 079 2 11 fin lOfi 1Q 8 ~ " "— 1 110,106 19 8 £25,798 5 11 £4,079 2 11 £10,106 19 8 ~ • The results for the Stro ng m an Colliery are for the period 1st October. 1939, to 31st this period being the colliery's first to a trading basis.

0.--2 A.

NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MINES— continued. Depot Trading Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1940.

Depot Profit and Loss Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1940.


Dr. Wellington. Or. Wellington. Christchubch. I! v £ s. d. £, s. d. | £ s. d. £ s. d. Stocks on hand, 1st April, 1939 3,284 16 9 10,499 12 3 Sales of coal .. 162,81/ 18 8 80,/ 83 18 0 Purchases of coal .. .. 149,552 3 10 56,216 8 6 j Sales of coke, wood, &c. .. 6,808 10 9 3,507 17 6 Purchases of wood, coke, &c. .. 5,540 9 8 2,408 18 4 j Stocks on hand at 31st March, Wharfage and freights .. 1,817 17 8 32 2 10 | 1940 — Haulage to depot .. - 941 1 5 12,910 4 2 Coal : •• 3,043 7- 1 -6,695 7 1 Wages: Discharging .. 261 18 1 454 7 11 Wood, coke, &c. .. .. 282 17 5 991 15 0 Gross profit: To Profit and Loss 11,554 6 6 9,457 3 7 Account I j £172,952 13 11 £91,978 17 7 I £172,952 13 11 £91,978 17 7 ' 1 :

Dr. Wellington. Christchurch. | Wanoanui. Or. Wellington. j Christchurch. Wanoanui. | ! £ s. d; £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s - d. s. d. £ s. d. Wages: Yard .. .. .. I 1,371 9 0 1,954 16 7 .. Trading accounts: Gross profit .. 11,554 6 6 9,457 3 7 Salaries .. .. •• •• 1,408 19 3 1,375 9 5 .. Rents .. •• •• ** j^ ents _ .. .. ! 388 16 0 123 12 0 ; .. Net loss: To General Profit and Loss Interest .. • • • • .. 289 183 117 4 3 j .. Account Travelling-expenses .. .. .. J 148 7 3 26 6 6 Repairs and maintenance .. .. 387 14 8 374 9 4 14 5 2 Postages and telegrams .. .. 143 40 142 191; Printing and stationery .. i 119 12 4 103 17 3 Insurance .. •• •• •• i 35 9 11 40 16 1 2 9 6 Cartage .. • • • • • • 3,185 0 3 2,950 7 9 Sacks .. | 169 6 5 325 8 10 General expenses .. • • • • | 520 16 3 140 1 9 Audit fees .. • • • • • • j 40 10 0 32 16 0 | Superannuation Fund subsidy .. 1613 22 180; Reserve for bad debts .. .. 215 15 11 56 6 10 Rates .. • • • • • • 13 10 8 .. \ j Advertising • • • • • • 176 5 10 176 5 11 Depreciation .. • • • • 408 18 10 274 7 9 j 1120 ; Net profit: To General Profit and Loss 2,514 10 5 I 1,219 0 3 j 13 4 Account | j _ • " ' £11,554 6 6 £9,457 3 7 | £29 0 0 | £11,554 6 6 £9,457 3 7 £29 0 0


C— 2a

NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MlNES— continued. General Profit and Loss Account kor the Year ended 31st March 1940 N( T 7, „■ £ B - ''• £ »• d - Net profit- £ s d £ a H James Colliery .. . . ] ,072 2 6 Liverpool Colliery 3 361 a i Strongman Colliery .. .. 3,730 810 Mao Donald CoKy '.'. " 1667 14 H ~ , , 4 ' 8 02 *> * Wellington Depot . 2 814 10 r > Runanga water-supply scheme .. .. 1,000 0 0 Christchurch l)epot .. " 1219 0 3 Haliincc: Not profit for year carried down .. 14,840 I 4 Wangamii Depot' .. ] ;j 4 , 8,763 11 7 -Net recoveries— SeddojiviUe Colliery .. .. 37 10 2 Royalties . . . . . . 4,542 , r > 4 Stores sales .. ~ .. 173 3 10 _ 4,752 I!) 4 Sim revenue from hire of plant, buildings, &o. 112 (i 9 Interest on investments .. .. .. 7,013 13 0 £2M43J10_! 10 8 Sinking Fund Account for redemption of loan Net profit for year 1/540 1^ lialance : Net surplus for year .. .. 9,340 1 4 £14,840 1 4 £14,840 1 1

2—C. a.


NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MINES— continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st Makch, 1940. Liabilities. Assets. Loan capital— £ s. d. £ s. d. Collieries £_ s - £ s. . Securities at 3 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. 116,286 13 4 Development and Property Accounts .. .. .. 197,704 8 11 Securities at 4, per cent. .. .. .. .. .. 51,666 13 4 Machinery, plant, ropes, and rolling-stock .. .. .. 65,109 7 4 167,953 6 8 Eiectric plant (James Colliery) .. .. .. .. 1,966 13 9 Accrued interest on loan capital .. .. .. .. 1,340 19 8 Buildings at mines .. .. •• •• 38,348 6 9 Departmental- Sundry. Cottages at mines .. .. .. •• •• 1 7, . f Sundry creditors— £ s. d. £ s. d. Plantations at mines .. .. .. ■■ •• 640 13 11 Liverpool Collierv .. .. 2,032 11 6 15,231 12 5 17,264 3 11 Coal stocks (bins, wharf, and afloat) .. .. .. 2, 79 7 1 10 James Colliery .. .. .. .. 210 16 1 210 16 1 Stores on hand .. .. .. .. •• 22,182 18 3 Strongman Colliery .. .. .. 966 7 3 966 7 3 Wellington Depot* .. .. 83 18 10 986 19 3 1,070 18 1 334,123 13 1 Christchurch Depot .. .. 902 4 7 648 2 3 1,550 6 10 Less provisionally written off .. .. .. .. 51 0 2 Wanganui Depot.. .. .. .. 1 10 0 1 10 0 334,072 12 11 Prospecting on State Coal Reserve .. .. . ■ . • • • 743 lo 0 3,018 14 11 18,045 7 3 21,064 2 2 Plant, equipment, &c., on hire .. .. .. .. .. 358 3 1 Deposits on contracts .. .. .. .. .. ■ ■ 1,090 0 0 | Depots— Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,502 3 8 | Property Accounts .. .. .. .. •• 10,096 17 10 Reserves— Stocks and stores on hand .. .. .. 13,406 6 1 General Reserve .. .. .. .. .. .. 233,418 13 8 Bad Debts Reserve .. .. .. .. .. 1,480 0 0 23,503 3 11 Accident Insurance Reserve .. .. .. .. 9,648 8 3 Less provisionally written olf .. .. .. .. 2,072 18 5 — 244,547 1 11 21,430 5 6 General Profit and Loss Account: Net surplus for year .. .. .. 9,340 1 4 Sinking Fund investments .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,502 3 8 Housing advances to workmen .. .. .. .. 15,43711 1 -Interest accrued due .. .. .. .. .. 180 12 9 15,618 3 10 Departmental. Sundry. Sundry debtors— £ s. d. £ s. d. Liverpool Colliery .. .. 12 2 0 4,381 17 6 4,393 19 6 •lames Colliery .. .. .. .. 21 11 7 21 11 7 Strongman Colliery .. .. 67 4 4 963 17 4 1,031 1 8 Mac Donald Colliery .. .. .. 871 12 1 871 12 1 Wellington Depot .. .. 53 13 1 41,140 16 2 41,194 9 3 Christchurch Depot .. .. 872 12 2 4,822 13 7 5,695 5 9 1,005 11 7 52,202 8 3 53,207 19 10 Less provisionally written off .. .. .. .. 104 6 0 53,103 13 10 Cash in Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. .. .. .. 1,090 0 0 Cash in Public Account .. .. .. .. .. 18,774 10 6 Imprests outstanding .. .. .. .. .. 144 7 1 18,918 17 7 £450,837 15 5 j £450,837 15 5 I ===== State Coal-mines Office, Wellington, C. 1. H. H. Gibson, for Accountant. P- C. Webb, Minister of Mines. I hereby certify that the attached Working and Profit and Loss Accounts of Depots and Collieries, General Profit and Loss Account, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.-— Cybil G. Collins, Controller and Auditor-Genera!.



NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MINES —continued. Statement of Colliery Property Accounts as at 31st March, 1940.


Livebpool. James. MacDonald. j Strongman. Totals. Development and Property Account — s - d. , „ d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. BaW at 1st April, 1939 36,790 12 7 1,545 17 6 45,373 3 6 103 7 Additions during year .. .. .. .. ], 1.39 0 0 ! 5 4 1 o-'no3 i, I 11 7 Sales 91 U 0 I 1 7 128,555 15 i " °" " 0 J •• 126 0 0 37,879 12 7 9Q ~ Sales of coal won during development iza,iza lo z .... .. ■ 12,420 13 9 Transfers to other accounts .. in n n I 116,009 1 5 "' 10 u U • • .. • 246 10 0 37 ,864 12 7 1]K ,„ 0 „ " Ordinary depreciation .. 1,481 19 11 .. 1,055 16 5 309 3 10 3 M82 12 8 I ... _ _ Less provisionally written off .. .. .. .. 5 4 1 iio,40d 7 7 Electrical Plant Account — 36,382 12 8 1,545 17 6 44,317 7 1 115,453 7 7 197,699 4 10 Balance at 1st April, 1939 .. .. .. j .. 2 291 15 5 Depreciation .. .. .. .. : ' gg- 1 g Machinery, plant, ropes, and rolling-stock — " 1,966 13 9 .. 1,966 13 9 Balance at 1st April, 1939 22,711 14 10 2,335 2 9 , 0 Additions during year , . I 2,820 11 9 18 11 2 " 21'894 0 6 Sales 25 ' 5 ?jj I I 2,3 5? U n "46,172 4 8 18 2 0 ° 4 18 0 •• 317 5 5 Transfer to other accounts .. .. 21 => 3 i <148 '' 45,854 19 3 ________ '• 3 > 545 7 4 Depreciation it j ''434 I 9 " .. Less provisionally written off .. t . 15 q i I' 5 ! 5 H 6 40,767 8 5 Buildings at mine — --2,787 2 5 | 1,515 11 6 ; 40,767 8 5 65,070 2 4 Balance at 1st April, 1 9 3 9 4,909 15 9 616 7 9 8 65fi !7 O Additions during year .... iki 10 o ** 0,000 17 0 " j ° 2 | •• 24,995 12 9 Less depreciation 5 '374 5 118 4 8 .. 33 '439 8 4 Less provisionally written off .. .. .. 4,687 _ 3 4J8 3 1 33,163 1 5 4,68/ 2 3 498 3 1 33,163 1 5 38,348 6 9 Camedforaard £63,856 17 4_ £5,526 5 10 £44,317 7 1 < £189,383 17 5 £303,084 7~8

C— 2a


NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MINES— continued. Statement of Colliery Property Accounts as at 31st March, 1940— continued.

Statement of Depot Property Accounts as at 31st March, 1940.

Liverpool. James. MacDonali. Stkongman. L'otai = £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 63,856 17 4 5,526 5 10 44,317 7 1 189,383 17 S j 303,084 7 8 Cottages at mine — Balance at 1st April, 1939 .. .. .. 3,620 9 7 Additions during year .. .. .. ..2,030 18 11 5,651 8 6 Less depreciation .. .. .. .. 277 6 2 5,374 2 4 Less provisionally written off ...... 100 F ~ 5,373 2 4 .. .. •• 5,373 2 4 Plantation at mine — Balance at 1st April, 1939 .. .. .. 24 14 2 .. 653 17 4 Less recoveries ........ o 12 10 ■ • 32 4 9 19 1 4 .. 621 12 7 i .. 640 13 11 Coal (stock on hand at mine, wharf, and afloat) .. 1,362 11 5 292 19 11 .. 1.14110 6 Less provisionally written off ...... .. 090 F - 1,362 11 5 292 10 11 .. j 1,141 10 6 2,796 12 10 Stores (stock on hand) .. .. .. .. 22,182 18 3 Less provisionally written off ...... 521 22,177 16 2 .. .. J ■■ 22,177 16 2 . j £92,789 8 7 £5,818 16 9 £44,938 19 8 ! £190,525 7 11 £334,072 12 11

Wellington. Chbistchuroh. Wanganui. Totals. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Depot Property Account — Balance at 1st April, 1939 7,416 6 3 2,746 14 1 84 16 1 Additions during year.. .. .. ..- .. .. ■• 52 9 2 502 7 5 7,468 15 5 3,249 1 6 Sales .. .. .. .. .. .. .- •• 100 0 10 0 7,467 15 5 3,248 11 6 Transfer to other accounts .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 16 7 7,457 18 10 Less depreciation 408 18 10 274 7 9 11 2 0 7,049 0 0 2,974 3 9 73 14 1 Less provisionally written off.. .. .. .. .. .. 17 10 0 33 15 6 7,031 10 0 2,940 8 3 73 14 1 10,045 12 4 Stocks and stores on hand .. .. .. .. .. •• 3,693 6 9 9,712 19 4 Less provisionallv written off.. .. .. .. ■• ■• 133 2 2 1,888 10 9 3,560 4 7 7,824 8 7 i .. 11,384 13 2 £10,591 14 7 £10,764 16 10 | £73 14 1 £21,430 5 6



NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MlNES— continued. Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Yeah ended 31st March, 1940. Receipts. Payments. £ S. d. £ s. d. Strongman Colliery— £ g, d. £ s. d. Cash in Public Account at Ist April, Mine-development .. .. 16 579 7 1 1939 .. .. .. .. 7,025 611 Plant .. .. .. 1,047 410 Proceeds sale of ooal, &o. .. 330,302 0 3 Buildings .. .. 2,776 18 8 Recoveries, refunds, &c. .. 2,818 7 7 Wages .. .. is', 157 10 3 Royalties .. .. .. 9,713 3 4 Special rate .. .. .. ' 120 4 0 348,333 17 2 Coal purchased .. .. 7 13 5 Capital raised .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 Subsidized bus fares .. .. 518 14 2 Dishonoured oheques recredited .. .. 00 2 0 Electric power .. .. 597 1 0 Repayment of housing loans .. .. 1,428 14 10 - 3<j sio 13 11 James Colliery— Wages .. .. .. 17,010 14 10 Special rate .. .. .. 173 18 9 Coal purchased .. .. .19 2 9 . Subsidized bus fares .. .. 199 2 8 Electric power .. .. 242 19 8 17,645 18 8 Liverpool Colliery— Mine-development .. .. 333 211 Buildings .. .. .. 38 18 9 Cottages .. .. .. 1,816 0 4 Wages .. .. .. 93,863 4 0 Special rate .. .. .. 711 10 0 Railway tickets .. .. 2,32(i 15 4 Coal purchased .. .. 10 18 4 09,100 15 % Housing loans .. .. .. .. 4,675 0 0 Plant and stores .. .. ~ 37,270 7 7 Mac Donald Colliery Account .. . . 20 0 0 Wellington Depot Account .. .. I8,!)3I 19 0 Christchurch Depot Account .. .. • 28.709 6 8 Wanganui Depot Account .. .. 41 14 S Coal purchased on account of depots (Suspense Account) .. . . . . 925 0 4 Superannuation Fund subsidy .. 130 4 ]| Management and office salaries .. 7,000 17 11 Interest .. .. .. 5,279 13 9 Travelling-expenses .. .. 30 2 1 Printing and stationery .. 303 6 10 Repairs and maintenance .. 4,043 7 0 Wharfage .. .. .. 3,709 010 Railway haulage .. .. 19,090 9 4 Marine freights .. .. 59,004 0 5 P&stagea and telegrams . . .. 440 13 1 Insurance .. .. .. (i 13 5 Rents .. .. .. 85 15 3 Advertising .. .. .. 685 3 4 Compensation . . . . .. 0,072 12 4 Coal-miners' Relief Fund .. 451 13 4 General expenses .. .. 2,988 4 2 Sinking Fund instalment .. 5,500 0 0 Audit fees .. .. .. 225 0 0 Cheques dishonoured .. .. 66 2 6 Rescue-station levy .. .. 672 18 4 116,392 1 4 Cash in Public Account at 31st March, 1940 .. 18,774 10 (i Imprests outstanding .. 144 7 l —■ 18,918 17 7 £382.454 5 £382,454 I 5


NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MINES—continued. Table showing the Position of the State Coal-mines Account from Inception to 31st March, 1940.


Tntoi pBTiitoi Total Amount of Assets as per Liabilities as per Name of Works. i irJ,,ow);!„Depreciation Balance-sheet, 31st Net Profits Net Losses. Balance-sheet, »xpeuaiture. written off. March, 1940. 31st March, 1940. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Point Elizabeth Colliery .. 98,210 9 0 Less sales and loss by fire .. 2,291 6 11 95,919 2 1 95,919 2 1 .. 147,583 4 11 Liverpool Colliery .. .. 341,621 15 2 Less sales, transfers, and loss 9,389 9 10 by fire 332,232 5 4 262,983 4 4 69,249 I 0 58,061 4 1 .. 17,264 3 11 Seddonville Colliery .. 38,243 2 5 Less sales .. ■ • 548 17 0 37.694 5 5 37,694 5 5 .. .. 36,855 14 2 Briquette-works property .. 16,135 2 6 Less sales of plant .. 2,066 5 0 14,068 17 6 14,068 17 6 .. ., 22,660 18 10 Prospecting on State eoal reserve 11,918 7 0 Less transfers .. .. 10,785 8 0 1,132 19 0 389 4 0 743 15 0 Plant, buildings, &c., on hire 7,416 13 0 Less sales, transfers, &c. 3,920 5 10 3,496 7 2 3,138 4 I 358 3 1 520 12 10 Charming Creek prospecting .. 5,956 18 6 5,956 18 6 .. .. 5,545 1 11 James Colliery .. .. 74,062 7 3 Less sales, transfers, &c. .. 3,168 17 3 70.893 10 0 65,367 4 2 5,526 5 10 14,192 14 2 210 16 1 Strongman Colliery . . . 208,757 3 2 Less sales, transfers, &c. .. 17,022 14 7 191,734 8 7 2,350 11 2 189,383 17 5 3,730 6 10 966 7 3 Wellington Depot property .. 21,588 8 8 Less sales and transfers .. 897 16 9 20,690 11 11 13,659 1 11 7,031 10 0 2,241 1 5 1,070 18 1 MaeDonald Colliery .. 93,600 4 11 Less recoveries .. . . 756 8 1 92,843 16 10 47,904 17 2* 44,938 19 8 .. 29,051 10 10 Christchurch Depot property 15,287 17 3 Less sales and loss on horses 384 13 7 14,903 3 8 11,962 15 5 2,940 8 3 19,225 6 7 .. 1,550 6 10 Wanganui Depot property .. 3,735 13 0 Less sales and loss on horses 308 18 11 3,426 14 1 3,353 0 0 73 14 1 .. 2,242 16 8 1 10 0 Dunedin Depot property .. 2,023 3 7 Less sale of plant .. 641 10 0 1,381 13 7 1,381 13 7 4,248 3 5 Hulks property .. .. 4,033 15 5 Less sales .. .. .1,948 17 0 2,084 18 5 2,084 18 5 .. 1,78(5 12 11 Office furniture .. .. 189 13 9 Less sales .. .. 17 5 0 172 8 9 172 S 9 .. 172 8 9 Grand total .. 942,780 14 7 Less losses, sales, 54,148 13 9 transfers, &e. £888,632 0 10 £568,386 6 6 £320,245 14 4 Carried forward .. .. .. 320,245 14 4 229,418 2 9 118,699 15 7 21,064 2 2 * Includes interest (£30,285 19s. lOd.) capitalized from date of purchase to date lease wa granted—now written off.



NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MINES—continued. Table showing the Position of the State Coal-mines Account from Inception to 31st March, 1940continued.

Approximate. Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (520 copies), £27 iris.

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Governmeni Printer, Wellington. 1940.

Price. 67/. J

only) Interest on investments .. on r,™ 10 1n * Discounts ...... .. , _ 13 2 0 Cash lost (highway robbery) .. ., ,, RQ 0 1 Transfer to Accident Insurance .. 9 af!ft ,. „ Reserve " " ' ' ° ° Refund: Mines Department .. K nnA ,, „ 1932-33 (administrative " '" ' ° U ° expenses incurred in previous years) Runanga water-supply scheme .. 9 nnn A „ Stores sales ... ..' \[ 39 fl 8 4 2 ' 000 ° ° Total, profit and loss . .. .. ., 377,009 14 4 128,748 15 T Balanoe : Profits over losses .. .. , _ 248 260 18 8 £377,009 14 4 £377,009 14 4 Stocks on hand, less provisionally .. 36,359 2 2 written off Interest on investments accrued Winking Fund investments .. . . 5 502 ;j 8 Sundry debtors .. .. .. ,. 53*103 13 10 Cash in Public Account .. .. ., ]# 774 i(j (j Imprests outstanding .. ., ,. '144 7 \ •" Cash in Receiver - General's .. .. 1 090 0 0 Deposit Account Housing advances to workmen, .. ,. 15 618 .'? 10 and aoorued interest Loan Account .. .. .. Bad Debts Reserve .. .... .. " VJtl n Accrued interest payable .. " '„; . Sinking Fund " !! \\ n g g ' | General Reserve .. .. .. .. .. 233 418 13 8 n 'f , | General Profit and Loss Account .. B tin 1 4 "" o'oln ? , Deposits on contracts .. .. " i4 ° ' 4 " 1 4 Accident Insurance Reserve .. .. .. ., 9 K48 s 'i £450,837 15 5 £248,260 18 8 .. £430,837 15 6 • Includes interest or. sinking fund investments.

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Bibliographic details

STATE COAL-MINES. (REPORT ON THE WORKING OF) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1940., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, C-02a

Word Count

STATE COAL-MINES. (REPORT ON THE WORKING OF) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1940. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, C-02a

STATE COAL-MINES. (REPORT ON THE WORKING OF) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1940. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, C-02a

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