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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


General Report :—• page Review of Past Year .. .. .. 2 Legislation .. .. .. 2 Protection of High and Stoep Country and Bushpreservation generally .. .. 3 Concessions granted under the Mortgagors and Lessees Rehabilitation Act, 1936. .. 3 Small Farms Board : Land-development— General .. .. .. .. 3 North Auckland .. .. .. 4 Auckland .. .. . . .. 7 Taranaki .. .. .. .. 14 Wellington .. .. .. ..17 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. 17 Nelson .. .. .. .. 18 Otago .. . . .. .. .. 18 Land-development under Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929— General .. .. .. .. 19 North Auckland .. .. .. 19 Auckland.. .. .. .. ..19 Gisborne .. .. . . .. 19 Hawke's Bay .. . . .. .. 20 Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. 20 Marlborough .. . . .. 20 Canterbury .. .. .. 20 Special Settlement of Inferior Lands .. 23 Lands for Seloction .. .. .. .. 23 Receipts .. .. .. .. .. 23 Postponements, Remissions, and Arrears of Rent.. 23 Educational Endowment .. .. .. 24

General Report—continued. page Lands reserved for various Purposes .. .. 24 Land for Settlements . . .. .. 24 Expenditure .. .. .. .. 24 Appendix— Settlement of Crown Lands— Extracts from Reports of Commissioners of Crown Lands — North Auckland .. .. .. 25 Auckland .. .. .. .. 25 Gisborne .. .. . . .. 25 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. 26 Taranaki .. .. .. .. 26 Wellington .. .. .. .. 26 Nelson . . .. ~ .. 27 Marlborough .. . .. 27 Westland .. .. .. .. .. 27 ( anterbury .. .. .. 27 Otago .. . . . .. 28 Southland .. .. .. 28 Tables :— Table 1. —Lands of the Dominion, Position of (approximately) .. .. 28 „ 2. —Selections during the Year .. 29 „ 3.—A1l Lands held on Lease .. .. 29 ~ 4. —Lands-for-settlement Lands .. 30 „ 5. —Endowment Lands loased and administered by Land Boards .. 30 „ 6.—Receipts, Arrears, and Postponements 31

Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, Ist July, 1940. Sir, — I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report on the settlement of Crown lands for the year ended 31st March, 1940, together with particulars of the special settlement of inferior lands, of the development work that is being carried out on unoccupied Crown and settlement lands, and of the operations under the Small-farms Scheme. I have, &c., R, G. Macmorran, Under-Secretary. The Hon. Frank Langstone, Minister of Lands. I—C. l.



REVIEW OF PAST YEAR. Although severe climatic conditions caused fairly heavy stock losses, particularly in cases where supplementary winter feed was not available, the year on the whole was a satisfactory one for Crown tenants. A particularly hard winter with widespread falls of snow was followed by a late spring, early growth being thus retarded ; but frequent rainfalls during the warm summer months assisted in the maintenance of production at a good level in most districts. Prices for fat lambs, wool, and general farm produce were good, but owing to weather-conditions the wool clip was light, while surplus sheep, and particularly store cattle, were difficult to dispose of at a satisfactory figure owing to a general shortage of suitable feed. In the cropping districts of the South Island an increased area was sown in wheat and, generally speaking, good yields were obtained. During the year close attention has been given to the question of land development and extensive operations have been proceeded with on Crown owned areas. In view of the situation created by the war the Department is fully seized of the necessity of all areas under its control being brought into a state of productivity as soon as possible, and development work is being extended with this end in view. Details of the position of the various blocks are set out at a later stage of this report. The question of the acquisition of suitable privately-owned properties in order to provide land for settlement purposes has also engaged attention, and several areas are under negotiation. This matter is dealt with more fully in the Land for Settlements report, parliamentary paper C.-5. In co-operation with the State Advances Corporation, good progress has been made in the amalgamation and regrouping of a number of uneconomic Crown leaseholds. The adjustments effected, which should result in the settlers concerned being established on a sound basis, have up to the present been confined mainly to the Canterbury district, but it is intended to take similar action in other districts wherever possible. The question of land erosion is one which effects lands of the Crown, and officers of the Department have been associated with those of other Departments in investigating the statutory and administrative questions connected with this matter. There was a decrease in the revenue figures compared with the previous year, this being accounted for mainly by a reduction in the amount received from the freeholding of Crown leaseholds and lower rental payments following on reductions in the annual rental of leaseholds as a result of adjustments made under the Mortgagors and Lessees Rehabilitation Act, 1936. Selections of Crown and settlement lands on all tenures during the year totalled 315,343 acres. This matter is dealt with more fully further on. At the 31st March the tenants on the books of the Department numbered 36,286, occupying a total area of approximately 18,001,430 acres. Pastoral runs account for 8,232,882 acres, while 1,769,084 acres of purchased estates are held under the provisions of the Land for Settlements Act. LEGISLATION. The Land Laws Amendment Act, 1939, provides authority for the Minister of Lands to construct waterworks for use in connection with the supply of water to Crown leasehold areas and lands being developed by the Crown for farming purposes. Other provisions of the Act are briefly as follows :— Lessees of certain endowments administered by Land Boards are given the right to vote at Land Board elections. The limit of up to five years in the aggregate up to which remissions and postponement of rent could be granted is removed. The reservation of national-endowment land is cancelled, and such land is declared to be ordinary Crown land. The revaluation provisions of the Land Act, 1924, are extended to lessees of land-settlement-finance holdings. The remaining provisions of the Act are of a machinery nature. The Small Farms Amendment Act, 1939, makes provision for the disposal of land subject to the Small Farms Act, 1932-33, on renewable lease for a term of thirty-three years with perpetual rights of renewal, but with no right to acquire the fee-simple. The provision in the original Act for the granting of a short-term lease is repealed, but the rights under leases already granted are preserved, with the exception that the right to convert to a deferred-payment license or a renewable lease under section 6 of the Small Farms Amendment Act of 1935 is not now available. The Act also contains certain provisions of a purely machinery nature.



The Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1939, contains twenty-six sections dealing with Crown lands, reserves, &c. Included in the Act is a section which provides authority for the adjustment of C rown leases and licenses in cases where subdivision and regrouping of uneconomic farms is agreed upon in order to provide the settlers concerned with additional land. PROTECTION OF HIGH AND STEEP COUNTRY AND BUSH -PRESERVATION GENERALLY. The Department, in co-operation with the State Forest Service, has continued to give attention to the necessity of bush-preservation and the protection of high and steep country generally As a result over 90,000 acres of Crown land was handed over to the State Forest Service for proclamation as permanent State forest, while approval was also given to the permanent reservation of over 160,000 acres of provisional State forest reserves. Dealings under these headings during the past four years have been as follows :— -

CONCESSIONS GRANTED TO CROWN LESSEES AND LICENSEES AS A RESULT OF ADJUSTMENTS EFFECTED UNDER THE MORTGAGORS AND LESSEES REHABILITATION ACT, 1936. The adjustment of Crown leases and licenses following on applications lodged under the Mortgagors the Lessees Rehabilitation Act, 1936, has now been practically completed, and particulars of the concessions granted are as follows :— No. of applications received .. .. . . 5 743 Reductions in annual rental — £ Permanent .. .. .. .. . . gg 792 Non-permanent .. .. .. .. 12' 779 Remissions of rental .. .. ■ .. .. _ , 'q27 Reductions in mortgage principal .. .. .. 11106 Postponements of rental .. .. .. ~ ~ .. 24' 776 Remissions of mortgage interest .. .. .. 4' 097 Postponements of mortgage interest.. .. .. '437 Reductions in principal owing under deferred-payment licenses .. .. 22,126 Remissions of interest owing under deferred-payment licenses .. .. 18,457 Postponements of interest owing under deferred-payment licenses .. 594 Reductions in principal owing under buildings loadings .. .. 8,153 Remissions of interest owing under buildings loadings .. .. .. 4,903 Postponements of interest owing under buildings loadings . . .. 23 SMALL FARMS BOARD : LAND DEVELOPMENT. The Small Farms Board has continued to concentrate on the reconditioning and development of the blocks under its control, and a further area was brought under the development programme during the year. Marked progress has been made, and a better season than the two preceding ones has meant an increase in the revenue derived from the farming operations on the blocks "being developed. During the year the further area brought into the development scheme was 9,205 acres, and this was in the mam the result of including in the scheme areas adjoining existing blocks. The total area under development (excluding areas allotted to tenants) is now 130,000 acres. Further development work was carried out during the year on the Kairangi, Karakariki, and Wharepapa Blocks, which were taken over last year from the Waikato Land Settlement Society. A further eighteen prospective settlers will be finally allotted their holdings for the ensuing dairying season.


Crown Land pro- Provisional State claimed as Perman- Forest Reserves made ent State Forest. Permanent Ones. ir i i .» , Acres. Acres. Year ended 31st March, 1937 .. .. 54,437 95 009 Year ended 31st March, 1938 .. .. 158,592 31 518 Year ended 31st March, 1939 .. .. 151 413 Year ended 31st March, 1940 .. .. 90,'680 163,'225 Totals for four years .. .. 553,466 441,165


The production and stock figures for the year compared with those for 1938-39 are of interest - Stock carried. 1939. 1940. Sheep .. .. .. .. .. .. 81,848 93,957 Dairy cattle.. .. .. .. .. .. 7,227 8,831 Run cattle .. .. .. .. .. ..10,142 13,317 Horses .. .. '.. .. .. .. 671 801 Pigs .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,408 1,698 Production. Butterfat— 1939. 1940. Weight .. .. .. .. 1,092,275 lb. 1,463,766 Ib. Value .. .. .. .. £68,851 £97,187 Wool — Bales .. .. .. .. 1,425 1,719 Value .. .. .. .. £16,824 £27,125 Sheep sold— Number .. .. .. .. 35,444 60,559 Value .. .. .. .. £28,874 £57,320 Cattle sold— Number .. .. .. .. 3,121 6,666 Value .. .. .. .. £21,399 £39,673 Pigs sold — Number .. .. .. .. 4,622 3,762 Value .. .. .. .. £6,927 £6,341 Miscellaneous: Skins, &c. .. .. £5,018 £6,285 The above figures relate to all blocks controlled by the Board. The gross expenditure for the year was : Materials, stock, &c., £310,492 ; wages, £302,750. Following are brief notes on the Blocks in the several Land Districts. (It is desirable that these should be read in conjunction with the notes published last year.) North Auckland Land District. Mangawai Block (1,856 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) Control of this block has been handed over to the Sujierintendent this year. The main work performed during the year comprised an extension of cultivation and grassing, drain extension and improvement, top-dressing and stocking. Pasture improvement has been fairly rapid, and indications are that the area will provide a successful dairying settlement. Puriri Block (1,400 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) During the year the last portion of bush (200 acres) was felled, burnt, and sown in permanent pasture. Post-splitting lias been continued, and much loose timber has been logged. An area was cultivated for swedes, and one small wool-shed erected. The initial grassing is now completed, and, except for minor capital works, future operations will be confined to farming and pasture improvement. Kaitaia Block (2,194 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) Eight dairy herds were milked, and on this portion the main works were the pasture improvements by stumping, discing, and harrowing. An area of 1,000 acres of sandhill and swamp land was added to the block during the year, and preparation of this area for grassing was commenced. Maoriroa Farm Settlement (522 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) On this block, seven settlers were established, but returns were not high, as the subdivisions have proved too small. One settler decided to vacate, and it is proposed to reduce the number of subdivisions to six. The acquisition of additional land is also being considered. Taipuha Farm Settlement (668 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) This is a very good settlement, on which there are seven settlers. The water-supply is good, and the block is electrically reticulated. Estimated revenue, 1939-40 season, is £3,584.



Mangatete Farm Settlement (1,263 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) This block contains nine dairy-farms, and the number of cows milked is 288. Estimated revenue 1939-40, is £3,963. The area is inclined to be hilly and fern-reversion is likely, but a steady top-dressing programme is being persevered with. Onekura Farm Settlement (1,032 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) Initial development work was carried out by the Public Works Department, and the occupiers are gradually bringing in the balance. Twelve dairy-farms are being worked. The number of cows being milked is 324, and the estimated revenue, 1939-40, is £3,485. This block has a particularly good water-supply. During the year a steady programme of top-dressing has been continued. Tutamoe Farm Settlement (974 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) This block is subdivided into six dairy-farms, and 107 cows are being milked. It is situated in a deteriorated area, with high altitude and particularly heavy rainfall. The settlers are working on wages. Estimated revenue, 1939-40, £1,174. Otaneroa Farm Settlement (803 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) There arc four settlers on this block, and the number of cows being milked is 124. The land is very hilly, and some fern-reversion is inevitable. Returns are definitely improving with steadv topdressing. J v Mata North Farm Settlement (1,523 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) On this block there are ten dairy-farms, and a total of 296 cows are being milked. Some sections are not well watered, but difficulty is experienced only during a drought. A vigorous programme of top-dressing is being pursued. Oriwau Farm Settlement (1,089 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) This area was acquired by lease in 1932, and settlers established without preliminary development, bix hundred and thirty acres has now been purchased, and the balance (460 acres) owned by the Natives is being purchased. There are thirteen subdivisions, and, although these are on the small side, systematic top-dressing is improving the quality of the stock and the amount of production beverai ol the Otahuhu dwellings have been renovated during the year. Raetea Farm Settlement (378 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) There are three dairy farms in the block, and ninety-seven cows are being milked. The area is well watered, and returns have considerably increased over the past four seasons. Waiotama Farm Settlement (313 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) The number of dairy-farms has been reduced to four by means of a resubdivision. The sections are now self-contained units, and 109 cows are being milked. Condition of stock is good. Waiaruhe Farm Settlement (272 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) Although the volcanic nature of this land has retarded development, the four dairy-farms are steadily improving m carrying-capacities and returns. Water-supply is adequate, and herds total ninety-six cows. Arapohue Farm Settlement (McCraith's Block), (162 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) There are two fully developed dairy-farms on which a total of sixty-six cows are being milked, ine water-supply is adequate, and the farms are proving exceptionally good. Rehutai Farm Settlement (1,120 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) The nineteen dairy-farms are looking extremely well, and development progress is being steadily maintained. Returns are well above average, and two settlers are outstandingly successful.



Te Maire Farm Settlement (769 Acres J. (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) During the year the eleven dairy-farms were increased in size by the allotment of 200 acres of adjoining Crown land. Dairy returns have shown a considerable increase over previous seasons. Whangarei Harbour Board (255 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) This area consists of reclaimed tidal mudflats, and six holdings are established. Pastures are now in good order, and ninety-four cows are being milked. Pukekaroro Farm, Settlement (Stewart's Block), (246 Acres). (Control : Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) Three dairy-farms are provided, and each is almost fully developed, ninety-three cows are being milked, and continued progress is confidently expected. Parris's Block (302 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) Ninety-one cows are being milked on the three dairy-farms. The block is a very good one. Church Mission Block (633 Acres). (Control : Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) There are eight dairy-farms, each served with an abundant water-supply. Pastures had deteriorated through overstocking, but this has been relieved by herd-reduction. Owing to good weather, this season is better than last. Capital charges were reduced during the year.

Particulars of the operations of the Small Farms Board in the North Auckland Land District. Allotted Holdings: (a) Where Settlers' charges have been fixed.


Te Maire Farm Settlement (769 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) During the year the eleven dairy-farms were increased in size by the allotment of 200 acres of adjoining Crown land. Dairy returns have shown a considerable increase over previous seasons. Whangarei Harbour Board (255 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) This area consists of reclaimed tidal mudflats, and six holdings are established. Pastures are now in good order, and ninety-four cows are being milked. Pukekaroro Farm Settlement (Stewart's Block:), (246 Acres). (Control : Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) Three dairy-farms are provided, and each is almost fully developed, ninety-three cows are being milked, and continued progress is confidently expected. Partis's Block (302 Acres). (Control : Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) Ninety-one cows are being milked on the three dairy-farms. The block is a very good one. Church Mission Block (633 Acres). (Control : Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) There are eight dairy-farms, each served with an abundant water-supply. Pastures had deteriorated through overstocking, but this has been relieved by herd-reduction. Owing to good weather, this season is better than last. Capital charges were reduced during the year. Particulars of the operations of the Small Farms Board in the North Auckland Land District. Allotted Holdings : (a) Where Settlers'charges have been fixed. Number Amount Amount Stock Carried. Estimated _. . . of Rental of Instal- of ' Total Block. Area. Ho]d _ Value ment Current .. , ,. Annual ings. Mortgage. Account. cows Stock ulls - P'B" , Sheep. Horses. Revenue. Acres. £ £ £ £ Church Mission .. 633 8 2,830 9,355 3,284 240 86 10 26 11 3,129 Maoriroa ..522 7 850 6,245 2,444 174 50 7 49 15 2,113 Taipuha ..668 7 2,805 8,095 1,074 248 97 10 40 .. 16 3,584 Te Maire .. 815 11 1,400 7,250 2,982 297 72 11 21 .. 18 3,915 Waiaruhe ..272 4 1,100 2,575 1,214 96 23 4 8 .. 7 1,514 Kehutai .. 1,119 19 3,435 10,840 6,288 550 70 14 59 30 28 7,970 Parris .. ..302 3 745 2,020 1,495 91 31 3 14 7 1,367 Pukekaroro ..246 3 1,030 2,370 744 93 32 4 10 5 1,261 Arapohue ..162 2 570 1,560 503 66 10 2 2 .. i 850 Individual holdings 2,719 35 7,426 15,834 6,836 802 370 30 100 210 46 10,950 Totals .. 7,458 99 22,191 66,144 26,864 2,657 841 95 329 240 157 36,653 Allotted Holdings: (b) Where Settlers' charges have not been fixed. Number Stock Carried. Estimated Block. Area. " " ~ ~ ~ *», ings. Cowe Stock Hulls. P'K 8 - Sheep. Horses. Revenue. Acres. £ Waiotaraa.. .. .. .. 314 4 109 21 4 10 4 1,245 Mangatete.. .. .. •• 1,263 9 288 111 10 48 105 24 3,963 Raetea . . .. .. .. 378 3 97 15 3 10 4 1,160 Mata North .. .. .. 1,523 10 296 122 17 39 450 33 3,387 Onekura .. .. .. .. 1,033 12 324 91 13 111 8 23 3,485 Otaneroa .. .. .. .. 803 4 124 24 7 13 113 6 1,550 Oriwau .. .. .. •• 1,090 13 303 95 16 50 72 26 4,418 Whangarei Harbour Board .. .. 255 6 94 32 2 27 .. 6 1,095 Tutamoe .. .. .. .. 974 6 107 40 6 10 .. 6 1,174 Individual holdings .. .. .. 884 17 245 92 10 f> 5 2,680 Totals .. .. ... 8,517 84 1,987 643 88 332 748 137 24,157

Te Maire Farm Settlement (769 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) During the year the eleven dairy-farms were increased in size by the allotment of 200 acres of adjoining Crown land. Dairy returns have shown a considerable increase over previous seasons. Whangarei Harbour Board (255 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) This area consists of reclaimed tidal mudflats, and six holdings are established. Pastures are now in good order, and ninety-four cows are being milked. Pukekaroro Farm Settlement (Stewart's Block:), (246 Acres). (Control : Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) Three dairy-farms are provided, and each is almost fully developed, ninety-three cows are being milked, and continued progress is confidently expected. Partis's Block (302 Acres). (Control : Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) Ninety-one cows are being milked on the three dairy-farms. The block is a very good one. Church Mission Block (633 Acres). (Control : Commissioner of Crown Lands, North Auckland.) There are eight dairy-farms, each served with an abundant water-supply. Pastures had deteriorated through overstocking, but this has been relieved by herd-reduction. Owing to good weather, this season is better than last. Capital charges were reduced during the year. Particulars of the operations of the Small Farms Board in the North Auckland Land District. Allotted Holdings : (a) Where Settlers'charges have been fixed. Number Amount Amount Stock Carried. Estimated _. . . of Rental of Instal- of ' Total Block. Area. Ho]d _ Value ment Current .. , ,. Annual ings. Mortgage. Account. cows Stock ulls - P'B" , Sheep. Horses. Revenue. Acres. £ £ £ £ Church Mission .. 633 8 2,830 9,355 3,284 240 86 10 26 11 3,129 Maoriroa ..522 7 850 6,245 2,444 174 50 7 49 15 2,113 Taipuha ..668 7 2,805 8,095 1,074 248 97 10 40 .. 16 3,584 Te Maire .. 815 11 1,400 7,250 2,982 297 72 11 21 .. 18 3,915 Waiaruhe ..272 4 1,100 2,575 1,214 96 23 4 8 .. 7 1,514 Kehutai .. 1,119 19 3,435 10,840 6,288 550 70 14 59 30 28 7,970 Parris .. ..302 3 745 2,020 1,495 91 31 3 14 7 1,367 Pukekaroro ..246 3 1,030 2,370 744 93 32 4 10 5 1,261 Arapohue ..162 2 570 1,560 503 66 10 2 2 .. i 850 Individual holdings 2,719 35 7,426 15,834 6,836 802 370 30 100 210 46 10,950 Totals .. 7,458 99 22,191 66,144 26,864 2,657 841 95 329 240 157 36,653 Allotted Holdings: (b) Where Settlers' charges have not been fixed. Number Stock Carried. Estimated Block. Area. " " ~ ~ ~ *», ings. Cowe Stock Hulls. P'K 8 - Sheep. Horses. Revenue. Acres. £ Waiotaraa.. .. .. .. 314 4 109 21 4 10 4 1,245 Mangatete.. .. .. •• 1,263 9 288 111 10 48 105 24 3,963 Raetea . . .. .. .. 378 3 97 15 3 10 4 1,160 Mata North .. .. .. 1,523 10 296 122 17 39 450 33 3,387 Onekura .. .. .. .. 1,033 12 324 91 13 111 8 23 3,485 Otaneroa .. .. .. .. 803 4 124 24 7 13 113 6 1,550 Oriwau .. .. .. •• 1,090 13 303 95 16 50 72 26 4,418 Whangarei Harbour Board .. .. 255 6 94 32 2 27 .. 6 1,095 Tutamoe .. .. .. .. 974 6 107 40 6 10 .. 6 1,174 Individual holdings .. .. .. 884 17 245 92 10 f> 5 2,680 Totals .. .. ... 8,517 84 1,987 643 88 332 748 137 24,157


Blocks in Course of Development in the North Auckland Land District.

Auckland Land District. Onepu Block (800 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland.) On this block nine settlers are in occupation, two sections having been amalgamated. J.he dry summer and autumn of 1939 affected the pastures severely, and the Department lias endeavoured to encourage the settlers to grow more lucerne and paspalum, and to spell their stock 011 other pastures for the winter months. It is felt that in this way the Onepu Block will become a satisfactory producing area. Tarawera Block (933 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland.) Nine sections are occupied by married settlers, while the remaining one is used in conjunction with the block extension which is being developed. Most of the sections have become useful dairy-farms and production should increase in normal seasons. ' The lighter sections, which were affected by the drought conditions of last summer require further improvement to their pastures to bring them up to full production. Wainui South Block (784 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland.) This block comprises seven dairy-farms ranging from 68 acres to 168 acres. To show what can be done, one section of 108 acres is carrying sixty dairy cows and twelve eighteen-month heifers (in addition to calves, horses, and pigs), 80 tons of hay and 40 tons of ensilage have been harvested, and 6 acres of root crops have been grown. The butterfat-production should exceed 13,500 lb. The whole block is very successful. Part Wharere Block (233 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland.) Five settlers are established 011 this portion of the block, the balance being under development by the Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland. Dredging operations have minimized the danger of floods, and the dry autumn suited the block admirably. The returns show an appreciable increase, and with careful attention to top-dressing the pastures, and good stock management, the block should make steady progress. Murupura Block (1,368 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland.) This block, which is adjacent to the Galatea Station, comprises fifteen farms. Of these, thirteen are occupied by married men and their families, one is used temporarily by two other settlers, and one section is available for application. The area suffered from the dry spell of the late summer and autumn of 1939, but the gradual establishment of lucerne stands and the growing of more root crops will gradually bring the block into full production.


Number of Stock Carried. Block. Area. Men ———- employed. Sheep. Dairy Cattle. Bun Cattle. Horses. Pigs. Acres. Mangawai .. .. 1,856 4 301 2 £ uriri . 1.400 10 1,086 .. 299 5 Kaitaia .. .. 2,194 17 .. 371 .. 12 Totals.. 5 »450 31 1,686 371 600 19 Sales. Butterfat. Wool. Cattle. Sheep. Pigs Block. Pounds. Value. Pounds. | Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. £ £ £ f n Mangawai .... .. is Puriri .. .... . . Kaitaia.. .. 54,817 3,532 '45 180 ii 6 Totals .. 54,817 3,532 .. .. 46 185 77 ~ He 3lT


Broadlands Block (861 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland.) This was a gift from Mr. E. Earle Yaile, and it is subdivided into eight farms of from 56 acres to 156 acres. The settlers are making steady progress. The establishment of lucerne is proving of benefit to the farms which, however, were not seriously affected by the previous dry season. Very little, if any, further assistance from the State should be required by these settlers. Park's Block (289 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland.) This block is situated about eight miles from Te Awamutu in a good farming district. There are six sections still held under lease, one having been sold. The six settlers are doing well, and are unlikely to require further State assistance. The settlement is a most satisfactory one. Blacks/law's Block (200 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland.) This block was subdivided into five sections, one of which has now been sold. The four settlers are making satisfactory progress. When the swamp area in each section is cleaned up, highly productive sections should be the result, but there is still a fair amount of individual work to be done on three of the sections. Whangamarino Block (1,096 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland.) This is a very satisfactory example of settlement under the small-farms scheme. The block is divided into nine sections of up to 160 acres, all of which are occupied by married settlers and their famil les On one farm production should exceed 10,000 11)., on three others over 9,000 lb., one over 8,000 lb., and two over 7,000 lb. The sections are being well farmed and should be able to produce all the revenue required for full development. Mill Road (147 Acres). (Control: Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland.) This block is situated within four miles of the Town of Paeroa, and two settlers are in occupation. This season thirty-six cows have been milked on each section, and the lull carrying-capacity is estimated to be forty cows. Edgecumbe Block (7,308 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) This block consists of Orini, Tarawera No. 2, and Edgecumbe Blocks, and an abandoned smallfarm section, all of which were amalgamated. During the year good progress has been made with pasture establishment on the hill portion, some 2,000 acres having been burnt and surface sown. Considerable progress has been made with the erection of fencing and with drain-construction. The older pastures have established well with careful stocking, and it is now possible to carry the increased number of cattle essential to control fern growth on the newer pastures. Dairying has commenced on the abandoned small holding, and returns are expected to be good. Wharere Block (3,820 Acres). (Control : Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) The main activities during the year were the construction and fencing of drains in the swamp area, clearing scrub, sowing of pastures, provision of a water-supply, and the control of ragwort and blackberry. On the hill land 160 acres of old pasture heavily infested with ragwort was top-dressed and grazed with sheep, and a further area was cleared and sown in permanent pasture. A water-supply was installed to serve portion of the block. Stock have thrived, and a good percentage of lambs were fattened for sale by the end or January. Appleton's Block (56 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) Improvement work was carried out on the pastures, and dairying with a small herd of heifers commenced, reasonable returns being obtained despite an unfavourable season. Tokoroa Block (4,855 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) Steady progress has been made with cultivation and grassing of this block, and the results obtained to date indicate that although initial establishment is somewhat slow the pastures steadily improve with stocking. The stock on the area have thrived, proving the efficiency of cobalt treatment of the pastures. successful pasture establishment for dairying appear good, and the block should prove very suitable for close settlement,



Mihi (formerly Paeroa) Block (12,070 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) Clearing of scrub, cultivation, and grassing has proceeded well on this block, and the first stock were brought on to graze the pastures early in the year. The area sown in grass is 1,461 acres, and a further 124 acres is in a swede crop. Other activities included fencing, draining, planting of shelter-belts, and detail work in connection with the arrangement of stock. Pasture establishment on this land is fairly rapid, and the land is healthy for stock. This land will undoubtedly prove suitable for dairying after a reasonable period to allow for pasture improvement and consolidation. 1 1 Waikite Block (6,206 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) A start was made with cultivation and sowing during August, and excellent progress has been made m pasture establishment, 1,083 acres being cultivated and 867 acres sown during the year. Other activities on the area include draining, fencing, and formation of tracks. A commencement was made by the Public Works Department to construct a new road through the block to link Ngakuru with Waiotapu. The completion of this work will provide a link between the various blocks m this district and greatly facilitate the interchange of plant and stock. The land will unquestionably be very suitable for settlement for dairying. Whirinalci Block (1,320 Acres). (Control : Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) The clearing of scrub and draining of several small swampy areas was put in hand, and at the close of the year arrangements were in hand to move plant to proceed with extensive cultivation and grassing. The prospects for successful pasture establishment are assured. Part Murupara Block (180 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) A five-acre stand of lucerne has been established, the pastures have been reconditioned and fences and other improvements overhauled ready for dairying. A dairy herd is available, and milking will be commenced in the coming season. Pouarua Block (10,476 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) Draining, roading, clearing, and grassing were actively proceeded with on this block during the year, and a steady mprovement in the pastures previously sown was effected by judicious grazing with cattle and sheep. The preliminary drain-construction has been practically completed, and future work will -consist of widening and deepening as the land subsides. A total of approximately 1,700 acres has been grassed, and a further 800 acres is being sown. The progress made in establishing pasture and consolidating the land with stock is very encouraging. Kerepeehi Extension Block (1,574 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) The programme of development embracing draining, clearing, and grassing was vigorously proceeded with during the year, and marked improvement was effected in the previously partly consolidated portions of the block. It is anticipated that in a few years this area will provide a considerable area suita-ble lor fattening the bullocks used for crushing and consolidating the deep peat areas on the adjoining Pouarua Block. Hoe-o-Tainui Block (1,439 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Auckland.) The draining, fencing, and extension of the water-supply were the main activities in this area. Dairying, including all necessary farm work, top-dressing, haymaking, and the growing of root crops, was carried out on twelve fully-equipped dairy-farms. Very good returns were obtained from the twelve dairy-farms, and as the pastures improve these returns will steadily increase. Arohena Block (3,987 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Development work has consisted mainly of the clearing, stumping, burning, and sowing of unploughable country, and the clearing and cropping of easy country. Good crops have been sown, and considerable areas are now in permanent grasses. Old pastures have been renovated by top-dressing and surface sowing of grasses. The necessary sheep-yards, wool-sheds, and dip have been erected and farm buildings constructed. As a whole, the marked improvement in the new and treated pastures and in the oontrol of ragwort gives good promise for future stocking and production. The work is approximately 50 per cent, completed. Bain's Block (169 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Operations on this block have continued, and it is reported that; work is approximately 90 per cent, completed.

2—C. 1.



Benton's Block (1,013 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kxiiti.) This section is situated in the high rainfall area and is approximately 1,500 ft. above sea-level. Originally it was badly reverted. Development work is approximately 90 per cent, completed, and it is intended to confine work to the area at present cleared of bush and not to cut any further bush. Burn's Block (139 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) This section originally was all reverted bush land badly infested with ragwort. Development work is approximately 75 per cent, completed. Henderson's Block (786 Acres). (Control : Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Development work this season was confined chiefly to stumping and logging of the swampy area and clearing scrub on same so as to allow of tramping and consolidation by stock. Work on this block, apart from essential consolidation by stock, is 70 per cent, completed. Pi ha Block (26 Acres). (Control : Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Ragwort has been kept under control, but pasture is only fair and will require renovation by either ploughing or surface cultivation and grubbing. At present the area is used as a stock-paddock and controlled from Lee's Block. Ellicott's Block (3,129 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) This coming season it is intended to start a new dairy herd in the front portion of the block. Up to the present time good progress has been made with the whole development scheme, but further consolidation over the whole block is still necessary for some time. It is anticipated that an increase in stock carried will be necessary next season. Foss's Block (438 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) A total area of 260 acres has now been sown in permanent pasture and top-dressed. Eight miles of new fencing has been erected, and 40 acres are in crop or being sown this autumn. Development is approximately 75 per cent, completed. Some time is still necessary with stocking with store sheep and cattle, so that the present pastures can be consolidated and improved. Kairangi Block (1,639 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) With the exception of approximately 240 acres, the whole area is in permanent grass or crops. It is intended to settle nine more men, who were prospective settlers of the Waikato Land Settlement Society, in the coming spring. Development is practically 80 per cent, completed. Karakariki Block (2,126 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) The whole development, with the exception of approximately 400 acres, is practically finished. A further nine prospective settlers will be established this coming spring in terms of agreement entered into with Waikato Land Settlement Society. Langdon's Block (456 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Development is approximately 75 per cent, completed and the property shows good promise, but the soil, being of a light nature, will take some time to become fully consolidated. Lee's Block (243 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) This season more swamp has been cleared, cultivated, and resown into permanent pastures, and work is now being concentrated on the swamp to bring it into a dairy-production pasture. Development is 90 per cent, completed. The dairy returns have been maintained, and it is estimated that four dairy herds will be established in the future. Maihiihi Block (443 Acres). (Control : Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Development is approximately 75 per cent, completed. At present thirteen dairy cows are being hand-milked. These will be increased next year, and eventually there should be three complete dairy units.



Mangamahoe Block (535 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Two areas have been amalgamated to form this block—namely, Hill's and Stanley's. As a whole, development work has steadily increased, and the stock-carrying capacity is improving. Throughout the autumn extensive pasture improvement has been carried out. The returns from the dairy herd show a considerable improvement on previous years. Mangaorino Block (832 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) This block consists of two sections, taken over during the year. Work commenced in October, and fencing, scrub-cutting, draining, and creek-cleaning have been carried out. An existing dwelling has been renovated. The land is easy hill country, but has reverted. Metcalfe's Block (337 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Tc Kuiti.) Development work is approximately 90 per cent, completed. It is intended tu establish a further dairy herd this coming season, and eventually the block should carry three herds along with mixed farming. Nilson's Block (712 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) This area was originally heavy bush country which had been milled. The development work is practically completed, and in future most of the work will be pasture improvement by stock and manure. Otoru Block (1,215 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Three areas have now been amalgamated to form this block—namely, Merrin's, Cruickshank's, and Larsen's. The three areas were originally deteriorated land. Most of the development work still to be done is on Merrill's sub-block, where logging up, scrubcutting, and pasture control is approximately 40 per cent, completed. Development on Cruickshank's, and Larsen's sub-blocks is practically complete. Pratt's Block (166 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Apart from 24 chains of boundary fences which are still to be erected, the development work is completed. Progress in the future will consist of pasture and stock improvement. With the three herds now established, this block is fully stocked, but considerable improvement in returns is anticipated with pasture control and consolidation. Puketotara Block (201 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) The necessary buildings have been constructed and a water-supply installed. With the exception of control of gorse and consolidation of pastures, development work is practically completed. Pururu Block (2,876 Acres). (Control : Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) This block now consists of two amalgamated sub-blocks—viz., the original Pururu Block and Smith's Block. Since development operations have been started good progress has been made with the clearing, logging, stumping, and drainage of the different areas, and at present some good pastures are established Ragwort is still fairly prevalent, but is being kept in check by controlled grazing and applications of sodium chlorate. This season two dairy herds have been milked with an average for the season of approximately 220 lb. butterfat. This coming season it is proposed to establish four herds of thirty cows each. There is still considerable development work to be undertaken, and at present those areas which are properly grassed and consolidated give promising prospects for the whole block. Vincent's Block (195 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Development work is practically finished. The future development will consist of improvement to existing new pastures and the replacement of old pastures by seasonal cropping. This block requires consolidation and age before major returns can be expected. Rumble's Block (379 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Gorse is still prevalent over the unimproved portions, and some time is still necessary before final development is reached. Approximately 50 per cent, of the property is now developed, and when completed should be a good mixed proposition.



Te Tahi Block (431 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Development work is now approximately 50 per cent, completed. Work completed includes fencing, fern and scrub cutting, and sowing of temporary pasture. Tahaia Block (105 Acres). (Control : Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Work started in August, 1939, and consists of fencing, stumping, clearing, and sowing of temporary pastures. Eventually the area should make good grazing land, as 90 per cent, is ploughable. Waitanguru Block (9,290 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) This block now consists of fifteen sub-blocks, five having been added during the year. Most of the country was badly deteriorated and ragwort-infested and, in addition, was subject to malnutrition in sheep. By the use of suitable licks, top-dressing, and feed-control this malnutrition has been completely eliminated. During the year development work has consisted of clearing, burning, cropping, and sowing of permanent and temporary pastures. There has been an all-round improvement in the quality of the stock, the carrying-capacity is increased, and it appears that eventually the country should make good grazing land. There is still a considerable amount of development work to be done and other reverted properties are being added from time to time. Watson's Block (1,046 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) This section was very badly infested with ragwort and reverted to scrub and fern. Only 400 acres of this block will be developed, the remainder being in bush, which it is not intended to cut. Wharepapa Block (3,676 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) A new three-stand wool-shed and sheep-yards have been erected. A new water-supply is partially completed. The whole block is now ring-fenced, and approximately 2,000 acres are now in permanent grass and a further 1,000 acres are in either temporary grass or crops. Development is approximately 75 per cent, completed, but some time is still necessary to complete consolidation of existing pastures before final development is reached. Good prospects for future stocking and production are expected.

Particulars of the Operations of the Small Farms Board in the Auckland Land District. Allotted Holdings: (a) Where Settlers' Charges have been fixed.

Allotted Holdings: (b) Where Settlers' Charges have not been fixed.


G a Tfontni Amount of Amount Stock curried. -3 g Block. Area. g'Sg Vni,,i Instalment ofCurrent — I-gsS S "3 ' Mortgage. Account. n Dry ... a , +=H_3oj W fl Cows. stoc f k Pigs. Sheep. Horses, g Acres. £ £ £ £ Part Blackshaw's . . 48 ] 770 390 . . 36 2 .. 2 615 Broadlands .. .. 881 8 775 10,077 3,778 253 50 23 .. 9 5,042 Murupara .. .. 1,368 13 1,005 13,970 7,210 424 44 40 .. .. 5 302 Onepu .. .. 690 9 565 7,380 2,045 271 52 23 .. 14 4'429 Park's .. .. 289 6 3,110 4,078 122 203 9 16 .. 10 2^917 Tarawera .. .. 933 9 1,378 11,050 3,765 318 59 38 .. 17 4,231 Wainui South .. .. 784 7 1,610 8,658 4,972 285 86 30 .. 15 3,767 Whangamarino .. 1,096 9 979 10,920 991 403 .. 34 409 9 6^337 Kairangi .. .. 271 5 .. 6,584 1,933 213 7 70 271 5 2*535 Karakariki .. .. 280 5 .. 7,353 2,185 195 4 90 6 2,350 Individual holdings .. 2,890 45 10,114 19,974 11,094 961 212 93 626 52 14,017 Totals .. .. 9,510 117 20,306 100,434 38,095 3,562 523 459 1,306 139 51,542

Number Stock carried. Estimated Block. Area. of —; Total Holdings. „ I „ . Annual Cows. . Dry Stock. Figs. Sheep. Horses. Revenue. Acres. £ Part Blaokshaw's .. .. 152 3 63 13 5 .. (j 1 158 Wharere .. .. .. 233 5 154 42 18 .. 0 2! 003 Individual holding .. .. 13 I I .. .. I igo Totals .. .. 398 9 218 55 23 .. 16 3,311


Blocks in Course of Development in the Auckland Land District.


Sales. Number stock carried. — . Block. Ared - of Men „ r , employed. Butterfat. Wool. Cattle. Sheep. Pigs. Sheep. Cattle. Cattle. Pigs * Horses. Pounds. Value. Bales. Pounds. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. ; j ; 1 L Acres. o „ ' Appleton's .. .. 56 1 27 fi l ! 9 Qi9 iaq ! £ I £ £ :: :: I'S 2 29 £ 984 J g "j| "» 378 - 65 ,. 3 ,. 10 Kerepeehi .. .. 1,574 10 '287 77,379 | 4,882 4j l,o46 /I 100 283 138 | 115 238 633 Mihi .. .. .. 12,070 51 .. " 543 '' " " " I ' ' 93 1 ' 021 •• ! Murupara .. .. 180 '' 1 '' " I " Tokoroa " !! 33 ™ " » "» I M88 167 "l2 125 491 '*30 " Waikite .. .. 6,206 22 5 1 " | 1 ™Sf"™ on :: S '| 1 : 163 > •» > ' «j »;«. m m 5;»7 », « Si 0 ." 1 :: " ,S! „ ,j,2 '? ,2 48 l - im -■ :: :: "10 "» :: ; " "™ "» Bain's.. . 'l6Q 3 '05 193 ' 18 " •• 57 11,597 903 42 294 3,086 2,892 .. ST :: :: j i f "g ■ :: :: i 88 *1 1 S 15 :: :: SS"'* :: :: »-S 1 3 f,i 1 H 8 1 1 " u 8511 g » «*» mS & "• K3r :: :: .,S >S i:£ » •• ,1 :: :: ,g gfc ,g "» ,g £ JS :: :: SSS :: :: ! 'il 1 S "'I J! » '« :: H g IS f £ J;£ 5:52 MS :: :: Maihiihi " " 443 " 788 % 14 7 1 '|5® ® 1 I'f* 9 68 22 401 246 " 62 175 S3SSS* :: :: £ '? "I ,g .» 8 '>» •»' 18 » S S IS "5 « S NOson^ s " ;; 712 1 69 28 ? 6,031 467 17 6,266 262 55 441 '438 '274 '34 84 Otoru .. .. .. 1 215 8 2 746 5 <>20 " a " " ®' 558 264 124 686 MI5 1-058 Piha 26 .. .. " 9 " " 47 18 ' 680 795 93 688 641 457 Puketotara !! " 2W 3 474 62 6 14 ' 588 1'%? " ** " 10 " 30 453 306 " 44 14 « & :: :: 2 4 1 14 t 2 ll " 51 1 21 '' 720 ™ ™ Tahaia 105 6 .. .. " 9 ' ' 4 1 » 262 49 356 1> 4 54 3 1 Te Rau-a-Moa .. .. 380 .. .. ' '' .... .. j Te Tahi .. .. 430 5 178 ' 87 4 " " " " ' Vincent's .. .. 195 3 466 1 63 6 " I " « ! i'., 0 ! 3 1>883 448 352 wair n r u :: :: K 1 *-°£ 'I *% ' 23 - 47 - 358 :: :: Wharepapa .. .. _25 2,5., 28 ii " «| ££ 1% 508 6,723 1! i! T ° talS " " 86 ' 413 638 40,482 2,408 7 > 773 541 284 183,380 11,922 833; 297,843 13,137 4,469 27,156 29,042 27,494 598 llgo" I j '


Taranaki Land District. Aria Block (413 Acres). (Control : Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Two sub-blocks have now been amalgamated to form this block—namely, Jacob's and Nicol's. These two areas were reverted sections with ragwort and blackberry prevalent. Development work has consisted of cutting and grubbing blackberry and clearing fern and scrub. The house on Nicol's Block has been renovated, and sheep-yards built. Some little time to complete development is necessary owing to the continual growth of blackberry. The work is approximately 80 per cent, completed. Brough's Block (1,054 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) This area was partially in deteriorated pasture, the balance being in fern and scrub with some blackberry. Development work commenced in 1938. A gravitational water-supply has been installed, and a new set of sheep-yards built. The work is approximately 50 per cent, completed. Kaeaea Block (1,605 Acres). (Control : Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Four blocks are amalgamated to form this area —namely, O'Sullivan's, West's, Brown's, and O'Callaghan's. Originally the four blocks were in fern, scrub, and blackberry and heavy raupo swamp. Work has consisted of fencing, stumping, scrub and fern cutting, draining, and grass sowing. Operations are approximately 20 per cent, completed. Kohua Block (1,094 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Two blocks now form this area —namely, Northcott's and Owen's. Originally they were both in fern and scrub with ragwort prevalent. There are approximately 329 acres in bush, of which 200 acres will be reserved. A new wool-shed, with sheep-yards, has been built and a dip constructed. Development operations have consisted mainly of fencing, clearing, stumping, draining, and grass-sowing. The work is approximately 80 per cent, completed. Mapara Block (3,985 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Nine sub-blocks are amalgamated to form Mapara Block—namely, Clifton's, Green's, Crawford's, Spencer's, Jensen's, Waghorn's, O'Keefe's, Julian's, Hunt's, and Crown land. Most of these areas were badly reverted and covered in fern, scrub, and some second-growth bush. Development work up to the present time has consisted of fencing, stumping, clearing, draining, roading, and grass-sowing. Approximately 40 per cent, of all development work is completed. Ngatamahine Block (4,638 Acres). (Control : Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Three sub-blocks have now been amalgamated to form this block—namely, Ngatamahine, Kaitaringa, and Sundvicks. Development work has consisted of clearing fern, scrub, and light bush, and considerable areas have been drained. New roads have been formed and metalled, and this season four dairy herds have been established. This season 150 acres were in crops and 200 acres were cut for hay. Eleven houses and seven cow-sheds have been erected, and five separate water-supplies have been installed. This coming season it is intended to establish two more dairy herds. Approximately 60 per cent, of the work is completed.



Patoto Block (721 Acres). (Control : Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) This block consists of three abandoned sections which were practically totally reverted and badly infested with ragwort. A new set of sheep-yards have been constructed, and two store-sheds erected. Development work consists of fencing, clearing, grassing, draining, and roading. The work is approximately 90 per cent, completed. Piu Block (5,626 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Thirteen blocks have now been amalgamated to form Piu Block- namely, Zimmerman's, Robertson's, Olsen's, Bricldand's, Buchli's, Orr's, Piu, Geddes's, Gillespie's, Logan's, Patillo's, Wall's' and Arndt's. Development work is approximately 50 per cent, completed, and indications point to the ultimate development into good mixed-grazing areas with pastures suitable for dairying. Tapuwae Block (3,328 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) T he soil is ver 7 U ght with a heavy pumice subsoil, and the whole area is deficient in stock minerals. With the use of stock-licks and top-dressing malnutrition in sheep and cattle is corrected, and experiments with test sheep have confirmed this and given most promising results. Approximately 25 per cent, of the development work is completed. It is planned to have approximately 500 acres stumped, while the remainder will be cleared of surface timber to allow of pasture control by stock. Waihuka Block (2,319 Acres). (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) This block consists of three abandoned properties—namely, Mehrten's, Dittmer's, and Prowse's. The soil is very light with a heavy pumice overlay. One wool-shed, sheep yard and dip, and one store-shed have been built. This year 90 acres were in crops and 20 acres were cut for hay. The work is approximately 60 per cent, completed, but owing to the light nature of the soil some time will be necessary before final development is reached.



Blocks in Course of Development in the Taranaki Land District.


Sales. Stock carried. Number I i Block. Area. of Men Butterfat. Wool. Cattle. Sheep. ] Pigs. employed. I Cow? Cattle T'igs. Sheep. Horses. Pounds. Value. Bales. ; Pounds. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. I i " j Acres. ! £ £ £ £ £ Aria .. .. .. .. 413 10 3 114 .. 1,120 4 .. .. .. 25 1 202 1,340 629 627 . Brough's .. .. .. .. 1,054 5 50 83 3 .. 5 1,926 233 .. .. 924 935 Kaeaea .. .. .. .. 1,605 38 .. .. .... Kohua .. .. .. .. 1,094 14 2 112 .. 1,265 9 .. .. 54 19,628 808 157 774 2,025 2,265 Mapara .. .. .. .. 3,986 23 6 211 .. 2,429 18 .. .. 65 22,660 960 209 1,019 2,798 2,101 Ngatamahine .. .. .. ] 4,638 68 190 660 83 5,725 28 33,041 2,212 105 39,827 1,754 47 180 1,294 1,213 85 278 Patoto .. . . .. .. 721 3 .. 100 .. 746 -I .. 39 14,079 594 2 12 708 892 Piu .. .. .. .. 5,376 65 7 173 .. 2,979 17 .. .. 30 11,566 476 220 1,041 2,495 1,895 Tapuwae .. .. .. 3,328 28 4 795 .. 5,719 14 .. .. 114 46,568 2,035 139 729 2,564 2,216 Waihuka .. .. .. 2,319 35 1 . . 961 5 .. 30 10,147 387 52 286 200 348 Totals .. 24,534 289 1 213 2,215 83 21,027 102 I 33,041 2,212 442 166,426 7,248 1,028 5,381 13,637 12,492 85 278 : i_ I . I I I i !


Wellington Land District. Raetihi Block (2,937 Acres). (Control : Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) Two areas have now been amalgamated to form this block—namely, Raetihi and Makaranui. A control depot has been established on the block and new buildings erected. As a whole the development has been confined to stumping and cultivation for crops. Some excellent turnip and swede crops are at present established, and the permanent grass areas are satisfactory but require further top-dressing and consolidation. On the Raetihi area work is approximately 80 per cent, completed. On the Makaranui area development work is approximately half-completed. With the planting ol shelter-belts and good pasture establishment this area should subdivide into good mixed-farming units, Ohakune Block (1,087 Acres.) (Control: Superintendent of Land Development, Te Kuiti.) At the present time there are 365 acres in new grass and 210 acres in crops. A further 120 acres have been logged and burnt and are now ready for ploughing. Good crops have been grown, and the new grass pastures are most promising. The work is approximately 60 per cent, completed.

Blocks in Course of Development in the Wellington Land District.

Hawke's Bay Land District. Ahuriri Lagoon (7,153 Acres). Development operations have been progressing steadily during the year. Owing to a very dry spring, summer, and autumn, there was a very large surface of salt deposit which adversely affected both the grassed land and the crops. It is anticipated than when the rains come there will be a very large quantity of salt quickly removed. However, the effect of the salt has been to decrease the area and quality of grass, and this will necessitate a slightly reduced wintercarrying capacity. A pea crop of 5 acres was successfully grown for canning, and yielded nearly 20 tons and returned a profit of approximately £22 per acre. It is intended to grow another 6to 8 acres of peas for canning this coming season. There was a satisfactory mangel crop, but the other crops were adversely affected by dry weather, so that it has been decided during the coming season to concentrate on producing crops such as mangels and pumpkins for stock fodder rather than the growing of crops for sale. Barley has again proved to be a reliable winter fodder, 180 acres wore grown and gave valuable grazing. This area will be laid down in permanent pasture. Approximately 700 acres of grass were top-dressed with superphosphate.

3—C. 1,


Number Stock carried. Block. Area. of Men employed. Dairy CoWB _ 1{ _ un battle. Pigs. Sheep. Horses. | " ~ ' Acres. Ohakune .. .. 1,087 11 1 278 .. 1,688 7 Raetihi .. ..2,937 30 4 294 .. 5,308 16 Totals.. ..4,024 41 5 572 .. 6,996 23 Sales. Butterfat. Wool. Cattle. Sheep. Pigs. Block. Pounds. Value. Bales. | Pounds, j Value. Number.' Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. £ £ £ £ £ Ohakune .. .. .. .. 10 0,083 218 215 937 4,047 4,233 Raetihi .. .. .. .. 126 46,690 1,908 400 1,013 4,079 3,280 ' T °tols •• .. .. 142 52,773 2,126 615 1,950 8,126 7,513 |


The lucerne stands have again proved of great value, and preparations have been made to extend the area by establishing another stand of 15 acres at the northern end of the block. Water has now been laid on to all paddocks, and had it not been for this the number of sheep grazed and fattened would have been very considerably less. The sales of fat sheep reached the very satisfactory total of over 7,500. The stock wintered totalled 5,656 sheep and 32 cattle, while the maximum number grazed (early summer) was 12,225 sheep.

Particulars of the Operations of the Small Farms Board in the Hawke's Bay Land District. Allotted Holdings: Where Settlers' Charges have been fixed.

Block in Course of Development in the Hawke's Bay Land District.

Nelson Land District. Palcihi Land-development, Sergeant's Hill, Westport, (1,558 Acres). During the year two further areas adjoining were acquiredDevelopment is practically completed, and henceforth maintenance-work only is necessary. Particularly bad weather seriously retarded haymaking. However, some 336 tons of ensilage and 54 tons of hay were saved, which will be just about sufficient for the existing stock. Pastures have held well generally, but Lotus major makes prolific growth and tends to smother the better-quality grasses. The herd on the first farm unit was reduced to thirty cows, but owing to exceptionally wet and cold conditions during the flush period production has been hardly up to expectations. It is doubtful whether production will exceed 200 lb. of butterfat per cow. Some 369 head of store cattle and eight horses are grazing on the main development area apart from the first farm unit, and all stock is in fine condition. During the year a fairly large number of prime fat cattle were disposed of at satisfactory prices. Otago Land District. Papanui Farm Settlement (908 Acres J. Development work carried out during the year included the felling of 40 acres of standing bush. This completes the felling of the main block of bush. There remains scattered areas totalling approximately 10 acres, which will be felled at some future date. Twenty-three acres of heavy old fallen bush was logged up. Forty-one acres was ploughed and sown, 12 acres in good permanent pasture, 14 acres in rape, and 15 acres in swede turnips. This, together with 60 tons of hay which was saved in good condition, will be used to fatten stock during the winter months. Owing to the recent increase in the prices of stock and wool, there are good prospects for the coming season,


Number Amount of Amount of Total Block. j Area. of Rental Value. Instalment Current Stock carried. Ann „„i I Holdings. | Mortgage. Account. Revenue. Acres £ £ £ £ Richmond .. 197 38 123 19,993 457 110 cattle, 2 horses, 735 15 sheep, 20 pigs, 762 poultry Karamu.. .. 103 19 292 9,373 306 45 cattle, 76 pigs, 920 153 poultry Individual holdings 681 12 324 421 4,298 176 cattle, 13horses, 1,976 212 sheep, 29 pigs, 232 poultry Totals .. 981 69 739 29,787 5,061 .. 3,631

Number Salea - Block. Area. of e^. en carried. Wool. Sheep. Cattle. ployed. Bales. | Weight. Value. Number Value. Number. Value. Acres. lb. £ £ £ Ahuriri Lagoon 7,153 13 5,080 sheep, 266 96,877 4,036 7,808 7,604 28 210 5 cattle, 3 horses


LAND-DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE LAND LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 1929. Considerable progress can be recorded for this scheme during the year, the Lands Development Board which administers the Act taking over the control of a further 260,855 acres. The greater part of this area was the Molesworth and Tarndale Stations in the Marlborough and Nelson Land Districts, but as the rehabilitation of this area is largely dependent on the spelling of the land progress will necessarily be slow. The Te Wera Estate of 9,922 acres in the Gisborne Land District, although previously developed under another statutory authority, was also placed under the control of the Board during the year. The net expenditure on development on all blocks during the year was £29,104, and the total value of produce sold was £81,735. This shows an increase in production of £22,749 on the previous year._ The demand for more production created by the war position will be an important factor in farming operations in the incoming year, and every effort is being made to assist in this direction. The othex important phase of the Lands Development Board's operations is the assistance made available to Crown tenants by way of loans to enable them to develop their properties. Advantage continues to be taken of this form of finance, and, since the passing of the Act in 1929, 604 settlers have received assistance involving loans totalling £273,669. This money is advanced for development purposes only, including the purchase of live-stock, the maximum amounts obtainable being 90 per cent, of the value of the contemplated improvements and 60 per cent, of the value of stock. The soundness of this method of finance is amply demonstrated by the fact that the total loss of capital to 31st March, 1940, amounts to only £10,224. This amount includes £2,088 written off mortgage principal by the various Adjustment Commissions set up under the Mortgagors and Lessees Rehabilitation Act, 1936. The loss represents approximately 3-75 per cent, of the total capital advanced, and fully demonstrates the soundness of this method of finance. Particular emphasis is given to this fact when it is recalled that the past decade, at the commencement of which the scheme came into operation, has been one of extremely unsettled and varying farming conditions. Pursuant to section 10 of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929, the following summary of operations during the year ended 31st March, 1940, is recorded :— (a) The Several Areas op Unoccupied Crown Lands in respect op which Development Works have been undertaken during the Year. North Auckland Land District. Kapiro Block (12,000 Acres). —Before embarking on large-scale development the Department decided to experiment on small areas as the soil is of a heavy ironstone content, inclined to be open and deficient in humus. Results so far are only fair, and it is too early yet to decide whether development operations should be extended to a more extensive area. Battens Block (1,524 Acres.) —Development operations on this block were confined chiefly to the sowing in grass of an area cleared of scrub last year. This enabled the carrying-capacity to be increased, and a steady increase in production from the Block may be anticipated. Auckland Land District. Galatea Estate (22,326 Acres).—-Farming methods are dictated by local conditions in this district, and where this has been allowed to influence operations results have been quite satisfactory. Knowledge and experience is being gained from year to year, and the dairying returns obtained on some of the share-farms on the estate encourages the belief that this industry will eventually be successfully established. On the station portion of the area the year's operations were confined chiefly to the extension of water-supply schemes and to the consolidation of pastures already established. Considerable new areas were also cultivated and sown in grass. Gisborne Land District. Te Wera Estate (9,922 Acres) was purchased by the Department in 1927, and development and farming operations have been carried on since that date. During the year considerable areas were stumped and ploughed for laying down in permanent pasture next year. During the past three years considerable attention has been paid to top-dressing and the use of stock-licks, with the result that both pastures and stock have greatly improved and wool weights and classes improved.



Hawke's Bay Land District. Kaheka Estate (10,048 Acres).' —Extensive development operations were continued during the year, when 1,589 acres were cleared of scrub and surface sown. Two hundred and forty-six chains of new fencing were erected and 80 chains of shelter plantations planted. Wethers numbering 2,647 were sold, the first draft of 1,443 averaging 67-7 lb. Kakariki Estate (19,288 Acres). —The chief development operations on this estate were the clearing of a further 50 acres scrub, the sowing of 332 acres in permanent pasture, the erection of 325 chains of new fencing, and the planting of 60 chains of shelter and timber belts. Other operations included the cultivation of 305 acres in oats, wheat, black barley, rye-corn, and swedes. Stock carried at the end of the year included 16,756 sheep and 998 run cattle. Parinui Farm. —This area of 1,044 acres is part of the Parinui Settlement. The whole of the manuka scrub on this area has now been cleared and approximately 30 acres stumped for cultivation. Farming operations were hampered somewhat by the dry season and the consequent low stock-prices, but nevertheless an improvement on last year's trading result was recorded. Waihau Block (963 Acres). —Vigorous development was continued on this block when an area of 315 acres of manuka scrub was felled, burnt, and grassed, 160 acres top-dressed, and 60 acres stumped. An implement and store shed erected mainly from timber from an old building has proved a distinct advantage. The wool clip amounted to 9,171 lb., compared with 4,023 lb., last year. Taranaki Land District. Development operations in Taranaki are confined for the most part to isolated areas which have proved unsuitable for closer settlement. The total area involved is approximately 7,403 acres, and while much of the area does not warrant heavy capital expenditure every effort is being made to maintain production as a contribution to the war effort. Marlborough Land District. Torode's Estate, an orchard a few miles out of Blenheim, continues to show very satisfactory results. Approximately 7,500 cases of fruit were disposed of to the Marketing Department during the year, but marketing restrictions prevented the sale of a considerable quantity of the lower-grade fruit. Improvements and plant have been well maintained, and the additional store-shed erected has already proved to be invaluable. Systematic attention was given to the orchard, which continues in good heart and reflects creditably on the capability of the Manager. Molesworth and Tarndale Runs (249,300 Acres). —The surrender of these pastoral runs was accepted in 1938, at which date the country was in a very deteriorated state and infested with rabbits. Large areas of winter country had been denuded of the natural covering, and sheet erosion had caused further damage. The Department, in an effort to rehabilitate the runs, has —except in a few small isolated areas —almost exterminated the rabbits. It was also decided to spell the runs, and, to afford the pasture every opportunity for recovery, sheep are not being run on the properties at present. Recovery on the shady faces and valley floors was rapid, and during the year the Lands Development Board, which had assumed control, decided to graze a limited number of cattle on these improved portions. It will take years for the properties to recover fully, but it is considered that, with judicious management and stocking, rehabilitation will eventually be effected. Canterbury Land District. Ashton Block, 703 acres, in the Ashburton County. The soil on this block is light and was infested with twitch, gorse, and brown-top when the Department took over. About three-quarters of the area is now considered to be fully developed, but the year's operations were somewhat disappointing as a result of the dry season. In response to the national appeal, an area of 25 acres of wheat was planted, but the spring-sowing of wheat is always somewhat hazardous, and results were below expectations. Brinklands Estate, 1,143 acres, in the Fairlie district. Although this area was purchased by the Department in 1929 it was only brought under the direct control of the Lands Development Board during the year. Some wheat was grown this year, but the property is used chiefly for sheep and cattle fattening, and the result of the year's operations was the best for some time. McKenzie Estate, 199 acres, near Geraldine. The development work on this area during the year was confined chiefly to draining. The property is now in fair order, and increased returns were shown from dairying in which this block is mainly engaged. Tripp Settlement. —Portion of this settlement was brought under the control of the Lands Development Board during the year. The total area concerned at present is approximately 490 acres and comprises mostly abandoned holdings. Th'e requires general rehabilitation, and a commencement was made with gorse-clearing, fencing, and constructing and clearing drains. As yet it has not been possible to establish a flock, and the property was used chiefly for grazing purposes.



Statement showing Extent of Operations under the Land-Developement Scheme as at 31st March, 1940.


Stock carried. Produce, &e., sold during Year , Number ended 31st March, 1940. Bloek. Area. of Men i ~ emPl " ye<1 Sh0ep - I 0at0e - Stock. Quantity. Value. North Auckland Land District. Acres. Batten's .. .. 1 524. 9 1 iao 1,0 a £ ' 1)102 142 4 •• 8,4651b. wool.. .. 296 49 cattle .. .. 382 305 sheep .. .. 263 Auckland Land District. Galatea (including six share farms) 20,000 1 44 111,450 4,415 24 158 I 69,380 lb. butterfat .. 4,637 ! 140,765 lb. wool .. 6,600 2,009 cattle .. .. 12,442 8,181 sheep .. .. 9^345 227 pigs .. .. 609 Gisborne Land District. TeWera 9)922 6 110,250 1,810 | .. .. | 77,790 lb. wool ..[ 1,730 3,440 sheep .. I 3,435 1 I I | 206 cattle .. ,. | 295 Hawks's Bay Land District. Kaheka 10)048 8 11)115 1,238 17 .. 82,767 lb. wool .. 3,559 3,456 sheep .. .. 3 999 KakMiki 19)288 21 W.766 1,033 54 1,471 !! 129,079 lb. wool . . 5,175 5,925 sheep .. ,. 5 738 Parinui 1 044 1 1 329 r, ' 3)239 ' 1 O 11,651 lb. wool .. 484 1,288 sheep .. .. 991 Waihau .. .. 963 o , ftnfi lnK „ 42 cattle .. .. 125 z 1)006 105 2 .. 9,1261b. wool.. .. 363 883 sheep .. .. I 902 Taranaki Land District. Whangamomona .. .. 4,581 4 2,624! 396 .. .. 20,088 lb. wool .. 893 2 cattle .. ; 9 Miscellaneous small properties (four) 2,822 4 2,780 495 .. 25 butterfat 24,868 lb. wool .. 797 93 cattle .. (t 32q 1,013 sheep .. .. 649 Nelson-Marlborough Land Districts. Molesworth-Tarndale .. .. |249.300 I 5 1 1 (inn 1 Torode's • • .. 68 2 I " " I " L • • I 1 *" ' • • ' • • I • • I 7,500 cases fruit .. I 1,875 Canterbury Land District. Asht0n 703 7 1)4 «H 3 1 2 7,967 lb. wool.. .. 406 24 cattle .. .. 211 961 sheep .. 1,027 BrinklalldS 1)143 8 2,652 127 3 .. lb. wool' " ' 88 3 2,316 sheep .. .. 2,302 McKenzie .... 199 2 71 , } 85 ™ttle •• •• 1,656 1 4 49 11,2821b. butterfat .. 687 56 cattle .. .. 201 Tripp .. .. .. 499 17 ® 4 P'S 8 ■ • ■ ■ 116 Totals ' • • • 322,095 133 62,560 10,498 114 jl,705 ~ sTm


In addition to the expenditure on blocks as set out above, expenditure has been incurred on roading, survey, &c., of various areas which are being developed by the settlers themselves, bringing the total expenditure for developing, stock roading, and surveys (apart from roading-costs payable out of the Public Works Fund) up to 31st March, 1940, to £437,753 and providing for 595 farms, exclusive of a number of blocks which have not yet been subdivided.

(c) and (d) Developed Allotments Disposed of.


,, ... Expenditure on Total ExpenExpenditure on D^velopment diture on Block. to31s°SSrch during Yoar Develo P ment , o,q ended 31st to 31st March, 1Jd9 ' March, 1940. 1940. North Auckland Land District. £ £ £ Batten's Block .. .. .. .. . • 390 390 Wharekohe Block .. .. .. 10,763 444 11,207 Auckland Land District. Arohena Block .. .. .. ■ • 207 .. 207 Galatea Estate 141,377 10,915 152,292 Koromatua Block .. .. .. 4,466 .. 4,466 Mangatutu Block .. .. 3,717 .. 3,717 Ngakuru Block .. .. .. .. 84,825 .. 84,825 Onepu Block* .. .. .. •• 20,120 .. 20,120 Te Kauwhata Block .. .. .. 32,176 .. 32,176 Hawke's Bay Land District. Kaheka Estate .. .. ■ • ■ • 3,681 4,423 8,104 Kakariki Estate .. .. .. .. 39,314 4,678 43,992 Parinui Block .. .. .. •• 2,326 863 3,189 Waihau Block .. .. •• 3,791 2,498 6,289 Canterbury Land District. Ashton Block .. .. .. 3,071 1,762 4,833 Brinklands Settlement")" . . .. • • 7,549 1,339 8,888 McKenzie Estate .. •• ■■ 1,263 1,550 2,813 Tripp Settlement! .. .. • • 168 242 410 358,814 29,104 387,918 * Part of Onepu Block taken over by Small Farms Board. f Previously developed under section 76 of Land for Settlements Act, 1925, and expenditure to 31st March, 1939, is under that authority.

| Number of Rental Annual Rent, Block. ! Allotments Area. Tenure. Capital or Interest disposed of. Value. receivable. Acres £ £ s. d. Galatea (part) 19 2,271 R.L. 17,045 852 5 0 Koromatua .. .. .. 4 538 R.L. 2,900 145 0 0 Mangatutu 5 771 R.L. 4,680 234 0 0 Neakuru . .. .. 45 8,697 R.L. 58,314 2,915 14 0 Onenu* .. 12 1,237 R!L. 11,675 583 15 0 3 10 . 7QF . /R.L. 8,325 416 5 0 Te Kauwhata .. .. .. 12 1,735 p 6 165 369 i 6 Omahuta No. 2 .. .. • • 1 230 R.L. 423 11 11 0 Wharekohe 15 1,879 R.L. 7,730 231 8 0 Totals .. 113 17,358 117,257 5,758 19 6 * I n addition, eleven sections are hold under the small-farms scheme.


(e) The Total Amount advanced to Crown Tenants for the Development op their Holdings, the Number op Advances and the Purpose por which Advances are made. Number of settlers assisted .. .. .. ~ 604 Loans approved— £ Improvements .. .. .. ~ 276 842 Stock •• •• •• •• .. .. 631 £298,473 Amounts actually advanced— £ Improvements .. .. .. .. , _ 254 084 Stock •• ■■ •• •• •• .. .. 19^585 £273,669 SPECIAL SETTLEMENT OF INFERIOR LANDS. The following summary of the lands dealt with during the year is furnished in accordance with the provisions of section 223 (14) of the Land Act, 1924 (a) Aggregate area of land set apart: Nil. (b) Number of allotments and aggregate area disposed of: Nil. The total number of allotments taken up and the area held as at 31st March, 1940, was thirty-six allotments, 7,078 acres. LANDS FOR SELECTION. During the year 315,343 acres were taken up on various tenures, the number of selections being 974 under all headings. These figures include some 502 sections, comprising altogether an area of 65,631 acres taken up under miscellaneous leases and licenses, so that' the selections on permanent tenures numbered 472 sections, covering a total area of 249,712 acres. The following table gives the selections of Crown Lands for the last five years :— Selections under all Tenures. , r ~ Area. Year ending Number. (Acres.) 31st March, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 1,037 210,026 31st March, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 1,342 463,178 31st March, 1938 .. .. .. .. .. i ; 072 232,225 31st March, 1939 .. .. .. .. .. i ; 062 271,549 31st March, 1940 .. .. .. .. .. 974 315,343 The lands dealt with above comprise both areas offered for the first time and areas which became available for re-offering through various reasons. The figures for entirely new rural areas selected during the year are as follows :—

RECEIPTS. The receipts for the year from all sources totalled £1,200,013. The receipts for the last five years have been as follows : Year ending 31st March, 1936 £1 276 510 • 1937, £1,402,596 ; 1938, £1,577,230 ; 1939, £1,429,501 ; 1940, £1,200,013. POSTPONEMENTS, REMISSIONS, AND ARREARS OF RENT. Rents the payment of which remained postponed at the 31st March amounted to £28,431. Arrears of rent at the 31st March (including arrears in respect of the current half-yearly charge) totalled £484,010, while remissions for the year totalled £132,752. The total remissions include the sum of £119,854, representing rent and interest remitted under the provisions of the Mortgagors and lessees Rehabilitation Act, 1936.


Class of Land. ! Num ber of New Rural I Total Area seleoted | Seotions selected. for the First Time. Crown land .. .. .. .. .. 64 6 °155 Settlement land .. .. .. .. ,, 3 ' I Grand totals . < .. .. .. 67 6 340


EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENTS. An area of approximately 792,529 acres of education endowments under the administration of the various Land Boards is leased to some 4,181 tenants, who pay a total annual rental of £116,069. LAND RESERVED FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES. Under the provisions of section 360 of the Land Act, 1924, and section 71 of the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, various areas of Crown and settlement land were permanently reserved during the year. The reservations made totalled sixty-six, covering an area of approximately 17,450 acres. A summary of work carried out under the heading is given below :— t> « t> Number of Area. Purpose of Reserve. r .Reservations. a. r. p. Addition to a public-school site .. .. 4 2 3 20 Aerodrome.. .. .. .. .. 1 7 0 14 Buildings of the General Government .. .. .. 1 035-9 County .. .. .. .. .. 1 22 0 0 For the growth and preservation of timber .. 1 39 1 34 Gravel .. .. .. .. .. ..3 10 1 19-5 Hospital .. .. .. .. .. 1 0 314 Lighthouse.. .. .. .. .. ..1 500 Municipal .. .. .. .. .. ..1 010 Native-school site .. .. .. .. 1 7 229 Plantation.. .. .. .. .. ..7 126 0 31-8 Pound-site .. .. .. .. .. ..2 3111 Public buildings of the General Government .. .. 4 0319-72 Public-hall site .. .. .. .. 1 0 1 16 Public-school site .. .. .. .. .. 10 51 336• 14 Quarry .. .. .. .. .. 1 12 0 8 Recreation.. .. .. .. .. ..15 268 0 19-17 Reservoir-site .. .. .. .. ..1 938 Resting-place for travelling stock .. .. .. 4 16 1 39-1 River-protection .. .. .. .. 3 5 022 Water-conservation .. .. .. .. ..2 15,459 0 0 Water-supply .. .. .. .. ..1 1,400 0 0 Total .. .. .. .. ..66 17,449 2 27-33 The above does not include areas that have been vested in the Crown as public reserves in town subdivisions pursuant to the provisions of section 16 of the Land Act, 1924. LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS. The statement usually published giving a summary of estates acquired in previous years under the provisions of the Land for Settlements Act has been omitted from the report owing to the necessity of conserving paper-supplies. The present position of the various settlements is, however, generally similar to that shown in Appendix II of the report for the year ended 31st March, 1939. The report of the Land Purchase Controller on land purchase operations for the past year is published in parliamentary paper C.-5.

EXPENDITURE. Summary of Expenditure approved during the Year ended 31st March, 1940.


Name of Vote or Account. Expenditure. | ll °«>veries. Bxpe^ ture . Voted Expenditure. Vote, Lands and Survey— £ £ £ £ Subdivision I .. .. .. .. .. 260,978 317,921 70,911 247,010 Subdivision II .. .. .. .. .. 66,282 49,949 .. 49,949 Subdivision III .. .. .. .. .. 12,396 9,222 .. 9,222 Total, Vote, Lands and Survey .. .. 339,656 377,092 70,911 306,181 Vote, Land for Settlements .. .. .. .. 287,800 178,233 24 178,209 Vote, Swamp Land Drainage— Hauraki Plains District .. .. .. .. 13,475 18,615 14,645 3,970 Swamp Land Drainage Districts .. .. .. 525 458 1,732 Or. 1,274 Vote, Settlement of Unemployed Workers .. .. 695,000 613,242 166,544 446,698 Total voted expenditure .. .. .. 1,336,456 1,187,640 253,856 933,784 Other Expenditure. Land for Settlements Account—Expenditure from capital proceeds of sales of Crown and national- 9,682 .. 9,682 endowment lands Interest and other charges .. .. .. .. .. 27,093 .. 27,093 Expenditure approved by the Hon. the Minister of Finance against Un- 50,226 .. 50,226 authorized Expenditure Account Refunds of revenue: Deposits Account expenditure and miscellaneous 33,051 expenditure — Total departmental expenditure .. .. .. .. 1,307,692 253,856 1,020,785



SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS. EXTRACTS PROM REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS OF CROWN LANDS. NORTH AUCKLAND. (L. J. Poff, Commissioner of Crown Lands.) In reviewing the past year it has to be noted that the winter was an extremely hard one for stock, and losses by death were heavy. The dry autumn, followed by a cold winter, caused an acute shortage of feed, the position being accentuated by a general failure on the part of farmers to provide requisite hay reserves. Under these circumstances many farms were overstocked, with the result that dairy cows coming into profit were in poor condition. The spring growth was slow in coming away, dry weather prevailing from early in November until late in December, causing pastures to dry up, with a consequent fall in butterfat production. With good rainfall and warm conditions early in the present year of 1940 considerable improvement in grass-growth and butterfat production took place, and it is now considered that the present season will show a total production'equal to and perhaps in excess of the previous season. The pricelevels for all classes of farm stock have been fairly well maintained at an economic basis. No large blocks of Crown land have been opened during the year. Certain suitable large areas require a satisfactory and complete drainage scheme to be developed before they can be offered for settlement. Very little change is to be recorded in the position of fruit and poultry farmers. Compared with the previous year, price-levels for both classes of produce have been favourable to the grower. The main feature of development during the year has been the concentration of work on old pastures and clearings rather than the development of new country. Stumping, logging, fencing, clearing rushes, drainage, and increased top-dressing programmes have been carried out in many cases assisted under the Government 4b Scheme. It is anticipated that by reason of this work a large increase in production will result.

AUCKLAND. (K. M. Graham, Commissioner of Crown Lands.) Despite a hard summer and slow recovery of pastures in the autumn stock came through the winter fairly well, and the season on the whole has been a highly productive one. Frequent rains encouraged a continuous growth of pasture in most parts of the district, enabling ample supplies of ensilage and hay to be harvested. Turnip crops have generally been a success where root and other crops had in the previous year been a failure on account of the dry spell of weather during the growing-stage. Prices for farm produce have been good, and in general it can again be reported that Crown tenants are in a satisfactory position and able to meet their obligations to the Department.

GISBORNE. (H. L. Primrose, Commissioner of Crown Lands.) Climatic conditions during the year just ended have been generally very favourable and helped to overcome, to a certain extent, the difficulties facing the dairy-farmers on the flats as a result of shortage of feed due to the very dry summer of the previous year. Unfortunately, however, the position in respect to the hill-country farmers was not relieved to the same extent, with the result that the death-rate amongst the run cattle was very great. The winter was very mild, with an early spring, followed by intermittent rains during the early summer months, consequently the dairying returns showed an increase of about 10 per cent, on the past year's figures. Unfortunately for the orchardists, a very severe hailstorm was experienced late in December, resulting in the destruction, in some cases, of the entire crops. Bach year an increasing area is being treated with manures as farmers recognize more and more the value of top-dressing. It is being realized that, if pastures are to be maintained and deterioration arrested, especially on hill country, it is essential that top-dressing be resorted to. Prices for wool and meat are generally regarded as satisfactory, whilst the returns from store stock and surplus sheep are considerably higher than the previous season. Altogether, the season can rightly be regarded as a very favourable one for the farming community generally, and it is gratifying to note that the satisfactory returns received have been reflected in the rental payments.

4—C. 1.



HAWKE'S BAY. (F. R. Burnley, Commissioner of Crown Lands.) "Gfec weather conditions during the past year were very disappointing from the farmers' point of view for practically the whole period. The autumn was fairly dry, the second dry one in succession, and there was no flush of feed available to help stock through what proved to be a fairly long, cold winter. Conditions were not good for ewes, and lambing suffered. Cattle feed was scarce, especially in the coastal area, and cattle had a rough time. A long spell of cold winds in the spring did not help dairy-farming, and the summer was dry and windy. Orchardists in many parts of the fruit district suffered heavy losses from hailstorms. Inquiries for land have been steady all the year for all classes of farm land except the poorer type of country.

TARANAKI. (A. F. Waters, Commissioner of Crown Lands.) The past season in Taranaki has been one of climatic extremes. The autumn of 1939 was characterized by one of the most prolonged dry spells in the history of Taranaki and the drought did not break until the season was too far advanced for autumn growth. Owing to feed shortage, prices of stock slumped badly and freezing-works became congested with an accumulation of meat beyond the capacity of normal shipping to transport. The early winter months were mild, but July and August were unusually cold, with much snow in inland districts. This was particularly hard on stock, and there was considerable mortality among run cattle where supplementary feed had not been provided. Spring was late, with a succession of gales to retard growth. January was a dry month, and February one of the wettest months experienced, culminating in a prolonged and heavy downpour that caused extensive damage to roads, railways, and farm lands throughout the district. Consequently, although the season's rainfall would be about the average, its uneven distribution has seriously curtailed production. County Councils generally have taken full advantage of Government assistance in dealing with the ragwort menace, and the position is greatly improved in the dairying districts. In hilly country, where treatment with sodium chlorate is impracticable, judicious grazing with sheep still appears to be the only solution of the problem.

WELLINGTON. (H. W. C. Mackintosh, Commissioner of Crown Lands.) In the main, farmers have had a somewhat difficult year, due chiefly to the vagaries of the weather. In the noithern portion of the land district the winter was severe, with heavy snowfalls, and there was consequently little growth in the pastures. The weather in the spring and summer was cold and wet, and at time of writing there is not much improvement in conditions. In the southern part of the district winter weather conditions were not severe, and stock came through to the spring in fair fettle. A dry spell set in in November and December which had the effect of retarding growth and curtailing production of butterfat, but from January onwards an exceptionally good growing season was experienced. Farmers are still more and more realizing the benefits accruing from liberal pasture-manuring programmes. The use of tripod harrows, coupled with the top-dressing, affects the pastures most beneficially. The effect of the concessions granted to tenants under the Mortgagors and Lessees Rehabilitation Act has been that money has become available for the improvement of pastures and also for the maintenance of buildings and fences. Prices ruling for stock generally have been on a par with last year's, with the exception of fat cast ewes, which were slightly better. Fat-lamb prices were good, but the lambs were later and the average weights lighter. Both leaseholders and freeholders have availed themselves largely of the opportunities offered by the 4b Unemployment Scheme to clean up scrub, gorse, and manuka areas and to cut drains to dewater wet lands. These areas, if properly maintained, will increase the production of the farms on which they are situated. During the year portions of the district have suffered from floods. The northern portion of the district was visited by a disastrous flood, with the result that some roads, bridges, and fencing were destroyed. Assistance to restore the damaged fences was granted, the work being done by 4b workers in the locality. Another flood occurred in the spring in the Kairanga-Horowhenua district. Some losses oi stock were suffered by farmers in the area inundated.



NELSON. (P. R. Wilkinson, Commissioner of Crown Lands.) The winter of 1939 was one of the most severe experienced in this district for many years past, and as a consequence the period under review has been a most trying one for farmers generally. The dry spell experienced in the summer of 1938-39 continued into the autumn, and resulted in a shortage of feed. Stock suffered accordingly, and entered upon the winter months in a fairly low condition to withstand a severe winter. Heavy snowfalls during the late winter took toll of the low-conditioned stock, and severe losses were suffered. In spite of the severe winter an early spring was experienced, and favourable farming conditions have prevailed for the balance of the period under review. Some' flooding in the early summer necessitated the replanting of considerable areas of tobacco, but the subsequent season has been quite a good one. Lands opened for selection were sought after in cases where the qaulity offered an inducement to settlers to expend money thereon. A considerable improvement in the position of the rent accounts of Crown tenants is noticeable.

MARLBOROUGH. (G. I. Maktin, Commissioner of Crown Lands.) The drought conditions which prevailed at the close of last season continued until the end of June, and the total rainfall at Blenheim for the six months ending 30th June, 1939, was only 3-93 in. Feed became very short, especially in the northern area, and stock generally went into the winter in poor condition. Good rains were experienced in July and August, and climatic conditions from then on were favourable for all portions of the district, with the exception of the low-lying, heavy lands adjacent to the lower reaches of the Wairau River. Heavy rains in the ranges at the source culminated in this river overflowing its banks early in December, inundating several thousands of acres of the district's best land. Crops which had shown exceptional promise were in many cases ruined, and considerable areas of permanent pasture were drowned out. Those sheep-farmers who rely wholly on wool and store sheep had a poor year. Although woolprices were up on those received recently, the increase was offset to a large extent by the lighter clips. In addition, prices for store sheep have been very poor, and in many cases barely cover the cost of getting sheep to the saleyards. Farmers on the easier lands who can fatten their surplus stock fared much better, as also did the agricultural farmers, and many good crops were harvested. The dairy-farming community has experienced a disappointing season, due largely to the abnormal climatic conditions prevailing, and production in the northern localities is slightly down on the previous season. Orchard production is down slightly below normal, but the size range is much better, the quality is good, and the trees generally have made average to vigorous growth.

WESTLAND. (B. King, Commissioner of Crown Lands.) Farming conditions over the past season have been particularly difficult. The rainfall daring the productive period was exceptionally heavy, being accompanied by uniformly low temperatures and a large decrease in the sunshine period. As a consequence growth of pastures was retarded. Those settlers with farm lands fronting on rivers, and these comprise a considerable number, have had large areas of pasture lands flooded from time to time, and the consequent deposit of silt on the herbage has had an injurious effect upon stock. An exceptional flood in the Grey Valley at the end of February was prevented from causing much damage to stock owing to the fact that it was generally anticipated, with the result that flocks and herds were removed to safer quarters in time. The protective banks recently erected at the Raupo Settlement withstood the strain of the floods remarkably well, although the margin of safety was reduced to a very low figure indeed. Further works are now in hand to increase the height of the protective banks. Settlers have met their obligations to the Department very satisfactorily during the year, revenue having been maintained, while arrears have been slightly reduced.

CANTERBURY. (N. C. Kensington, Commissioner of Crown Lands.) Reports generally show that climatic conditions have made farming conditions difficult over the past year, although there has been compensation by way of increased prices for wool and lambs. There were heavy falls of snow during July, mostly on the low country and Banks Peninsula, but no heavy falls were reported at that time in the Mackenzie country and on the high country generally. The high-country runholders, however, suffered later where heavy falls of snow were recorded in the middle and end of January. Weather conditions had a bad effect on wool, and light clips have been general, lambing percentages also being very low. A dry spring was followed by rain in the middle of January, and, although spring-sown wheat returns showed poor results, the autumn-sown returns were very satisfactory. The



potato crop is reported to be a good average, but oat crops generally have been very light. The wheatharvest weather was quite good, and the increased use of the header was most marked. Unfortunately the lower country suffered from the dry spring, more particularly as regards provision for haymaking and the closing of areas for grass-seed. Irrigation works in Mid-Canterbury are being pushed ahead, and the dry conditions experienced over the past year have demonstrated the necessity of having an area of irrigated pasture on the light lands of this part of the district.

OTAGO. (W. E. Shaw, Commissioner of Crown Lands.) In addition to heavy snowfalls in the winter, frequent high winds and occasional snowstorms extending right through the summer have been experienced on most of the run country during the year just ended. These climatic conditions have naturally had an effect on the lower country also, so with sheep properties generally it can be said that there has been a diminished wool-clip, a lighter lambing, and a greater death-rate. These difficulties have in most cases been more than offset by higher wool-prices and better prices for lambs and fat ewes. North Otago has once again suffered from drought conditions, the rape and turnips being especially affected. With regard to the latter crop, the diamond-back moth appears to be so firmly established that it is almost impossible, particularly in a dry season, to obtain a satisfactory yield. Grain crops have once again, with the exception of some of the lighter lands, given good yields, particularly autumn-sown wheat in North Otago. The unsettled weather slightly affected the grass-seed harvest in South Otago, but in Central Otago the results of the growing of fine seeds such as clovers have been satisfactory to the few that have engaged therein. The fruit-farmers in Central Otago have had a fairly good season. Yields have been heavy in nearly all cases, and good prices were obtained over a fair period.

SOUTHLAND. (T. Cagney, Commissioner of Crown Lands.) Although at the commencement of the period under review a favourable autumn and winter were experienced, the spring was ushered in with one of the severest snowstorms experienced in Southland for many years, resulting in heavy losses of stock, particularly on high-country holdings. For the remainder of the period the weather was generally variable and disappointing to farmers, particularly towards the close of the period, when wet, cold conditions prevailed. The effect is apparent in a material reduction in the usual output of butter and cheese factories, and to a lesser extent in most lines of farming production. Notwithstanding, however, the climatic conditions prevailing, wheat and oat crops have harvested remarkably well and reach the markets in good milling condition. No doubt drying winds at a critical stage of growth have assisted in this respect. Lambs, owing to the softness of pastures, were slow to fatten, and the usual percentage fattened off the mothers showed a marked decrease, with the result that turnips and green crops, which ordinarily would have been conserved for feed later in the season, had to be encroached on to some extent. Seed crops, with the exception of fescue, were poor, and early germination tests for samples of rye-grass are disappointing.

Table 1. —Return showing (approximately) Position of Lands in the Dominion at 31st March, 1940.


Total Area Land unfit for ; Total Arm) Total Area ' o( Cro*™ Lands Total Area of Settlement sold or arantfld reserved for leased undor Crown Lands Total Area (including Total Area District. 1 90 '^ a 0r h |™™ d ro9 S,, lor all Tenures available for of Area occupied in Land Freehold Piirnosm (exclusive of Future Native Land.* by Rivers, District, ircenoio. purposes. Reserves leased Disposal. Lakes, lloads, by Crown). &c.). Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. North Auckland . 2,651,277 463,745 491,634 139,396 514,720 217,428 4,478,200 Auckland .. .. 2,849,194 1,281,860 767,951 555,462 1,632,111 1,133,995 8,220,573 Gisborne .. .. 1,152,102 486,979 509,154 277,986 834,739 254,966 3,515,926 Hawke'sBay.. .. 1,585,052 202,520 494,238 48,416 371,222 216,438 2,917,886 Taranaki .. .. 1,131,304 352,506 575,823 91,464 165,706 87,628 2,404,431 Wellington f .. .. 3,553,692 1,066,181 754,647 140,977 786,024 749,548 7,051,069 Nelson .. .. 666,290 2,522,148 604,194 232,524 30,051 659,793 4,715,000 Marlborough .. .. 783,002 348,627 1,309,818 195,979 22,292 108,282 2,768,000 Westland .. .. 175,382 2,168,566 560,872 477,205 12,281 469,072 3,863,378 Canterbury .. .. 3,563,164 1,569,326 3,816,766 66,469 15,089 447,966 J9,478,780 Otago .. .. 1,980,553 932,514 5,442,552 15,074 25,000 612,084 9,007,777 Southland .. .. 1,863,760 4,442,496 1,369,445 37,693 126,776 129,356 7,969,526 Totals .. 21,954,772 15,837,468 16,697,094 2,278,645 4,536,011 5,086,556 66,390,546 * Includes certain areas alienated by sale to Europeans. f Includes Chatham Islands. J Increase of 350 acres revealed by resurvey.


Table 2.—Lands selected during the Year ended 31st March, 1940.

Table 3.—Lands held on Lease at 31st March, 1940.


j j - ; j j Cash. Plants. Renewable Lease. Small Grazing-runs. Pastoral Runs. in S£ g s^£j cts S°Occupatlon Totals - LAna district. Regulations. ceases. No. Area. No. Area. No. Area. No. j Area. No. Area. No. Area. No. Area. No. i Area. No. Area. No. Area. I North Auckland 18 30 48 .. . ACreS " ACre3 ' 78 18 192 ] land 10 2 ' 474 29 2 ' 707 3 '434 1 "69 102 ll'S 2 1 !B9 20^ Hawk?»T?» " " " " A ?? ? 204 5 3 ' 845 1 367 .. .. 10 4,307 2 1,752 25 10,934 Hawke s Bay .. .. .. 4 14 1 U 6 3698 ...... 3 205 1 1 15 3 929 Taranaki .. .. .. .. 5 397 4 i ; i 92 ] 7 4;682 .. .. .. .. .. " " » 16 ', 5 466 ,, fi 8 a 8 Nel^ 011 " " " " f 2 a 14 1,807 21 2 '° 96 " " " '• ■' •' • • 42 10.826 8 333 93 15^087 •• • • 4 4 •• 11 1> 21 3 •• •• 1 76,200 3 620 .. 35 7,582 4 366 58 85,985 Marlborough.. .. .. 1 2 3 7 1,086 .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 iq 0 17 1 299 " " " 1 o a'oa U U9 .. .. .. .. 1 75 3 25 35 2,374 1 1,000 59 3^595 t 5 6,262 44 8 ' 147 '• •• 5 77 > 287 108 18,173 10 1,436 176 111,307 i™??. , •' •' '• • jj J? •• 15 438 .. .. 4 30,027 .. .. 1 37 42 1,528 5 2 72 32,050 Southland .. .. .. .. 3 15 321 4 727 .. .. .. .. I. .. 36 i ;787 i8 7>0 44 65 9,894 Totals '• • • 83 I' 323 71 14,286 221 36,396 1 367 10 183,514 7 1,129 5 121 502 65,631 74 12,576 974 315,343 i i

Pa™ente. Lease in Perpetuity. Renewable Lease. iMeht ofPurch'i'e Grazing- Pastoral Runs. Licensafin Districts Land Perpetual Miscellaneous Leases Education Totals Land District. g Purchase. runs. Mining Districts I Occupation Leases. and Licenses. Endowments. lotais. Leases. No. Area. N o. Area. No. . Area. No. Area. No. Area. No. Area. No. Area. No. Area. No. Area. No. j Area. No. Area. No. Area. • j— s ! 1 j j ! 1 | | Katd Ckknd 1 IS i! g Ufa Hio S* " ACr6S ' 1 • ACTeS ' 1 ACT?4 «• H»'&% 3,860 Gisborne " *53 "ll 42!362 K 50 afcSS 74 .! 78 18 ' 76 ° U8 1,489 ' " Kf 7l "lit 522'256 Taranaki " I97 ll'fJ £2 £'$£ T 2 ° 39 > 454 9 53,734 .! " " " 1 "2 ,20 siSoS 189 K 1,111 545^8 tit u- ** 140,253 525 176,342 164 64,222 2 3,336 .. .. .. .. .. .. . 278 49 039 620 46 182 2 346 511 505 Nelson 8011 '66 17'477 326 loo'mf fln'ficn 6 ?'S? 14 24,347 6 10,626 2 476 666 514 10l'821 737^944 ft , Y? H 9 100,611 639 230,691 15 5,308 6 9,603 3 111,723 102 21,022 16 528 1 104 423 8? 286 134 7 893 1 731 587 246 SaTd Ugh • 76 lo'Z 347 M t "'2£ 107 269 ' 359 f 662! 074 ■ 7 53 229 12!989 34 l',nl JK vvestiana .. 7o 10,268 347 37,802 738 81,516 10 1,462 .. .. 34 290,705 236 45 662 132 770 81fi 185 9Q4 I3fi 14. 9«* 9 *9* (K(Ki i±± Canterbury .. 65 25,633 1,540 262,384 912 365,320 3 60 127 446,760 120 2,680,349 .. '. 53 1 605 1 116 202'595t '>35 70 869 4 171 4 055'575 ff'^ 6 1,277 271,882 1,126 370,421 92 11,520 386 1,446,401 324 3.294,756 .. .. 368 12 160 64 3*368 l'446 128 2941 442 46*739 5*602 s'63o'987 Southland .. 110 15,691 532 89,643 447 89,247 108 16,554 21 65,538 64 .. .. 40 1,164 15 175 «9 tlfl? 832 334[949 Totals .. 3,489 545,936 7,326 1,506,850 9,330 2,624,643 1,462 405,033 775 2,488,977 602 8,232,882 416 85,444 675 16,175 147 5,914 7,102 966,045 4,181 792,529 35,505 17,670,428 Note. —This table includes education endowments, but excludes other endowments administered by Land Boards. * Includes Thermal Springs district leases. t Includes Hanmer Crown leases. } Includes agricultural leases.


Table 4.—Lands disposed of under the Land for Settlements Act to the 31st March, 1940.

Table 5.—Endowment Lands administered by Land Boards and leased at 31st March, 1940.


>» Area of Land Total Area purchased for unlet, including Cash and made Freehold Total Landsleased to Date. Land forfeited, to Date. . surrendered, or ; : — Land District. 0$ g resumed, and not *S g o M - acquired. g g g re , ot _ an(1 a)s0 g g art 1 Land not yet £5 Area. „£ Area. S £ offered for If realized. |»> Rental. < Selection. gg g® Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. £ Acres. £ North Auckland .. 53,612 1,533 1,478 280 6,028 52,310 282 44,573 13,883 Auckland .. .. 381,688 77,492 37,685 1,025 169,303 471,583 709 97,208 31.834 Gisborne .. .. 87,809 435 12,958 66 11,454 91,768 211 62,962 16,571 Hawke'sBay .. 228,659 2,414 2,870 210 48,641 296,323 54 174,734 59,038 Taranaki .. .. 26,426 260 2,584 68 2,638 49,962 129 20,944 7,088 Wellington .. .. 161,641 1,047 5,269 622 24,844 271,595 836 130,481 70,556 Nelson .. .. 59,438 975 10,397 11 3,805 5,596 60 44,261 2,403 Marlborough.. .. 235,867 2,648 1,190 64 12,585 52,537 479 219,444 27,037 Westland .. .. 6,039 80 101 8 972 1,050 37 4,886 831 Canterbury .. .. 607,218 4,642 7,482 395 27,818 220,554 1,798 567,276 128,313 Otago .. .. 340,229 3,880 4,188 111 11,732 66,651 1,125 320,429 75,326 Southland .. .. 102,143 1,048 288 147 18,921 75,411 344 81,886 17,437 Totals .. 2,290,769 96,454 86,490 3,007 338,741 1,655,340 6,064 1,769,084 450,317

Education Endowments. Other Endowments. Totals. Land District. S3 6J I fe a Arra Annual -g j , Annual -2 : Annual | A"*- i Rental. § | Area ' j Rental. g Area - ! Rental. j • fc__J I a I I I a I A nrpH P A p cpo -t' A nrpo 4-' North Auckland .. .. 785 45,767 9,119 8 777 23 793 46,544 9,142 Auckland .. .. 189 33,510 2,819 18 889 427 207 34,399 3,246 Gisborne .. .. 71 38,472 4,688 3 946 47 74 39,418 4,735 Hawke'sBay .. .. 189 50,948 8,989 .. .. .. 189 50,948 8,989 Taranaki .. .. 620 46,182 10,430 18 9,698 1,167 638 55,880 11,597 Wellington .. .. 514 101,821 27,798 48 16,327 658 562 118,148 28,456 Nelson .. .. .. 134 7,893 608 586 15,855 1,688 720 23,748 2,296 Marlborough .. .. 34 1,114 524 .. .. .. 34 1,114 524 Westland .. .. 136 14,265 872 20 10 109 156 14,275 981 Canterbury .. .. 235 70,869 24,697 .. .. .. 235 70,869 24,697 Otago .. .. .. 442 46,739 5,703 67 177,241 6,449 509 223,980 12,152 Southland .. .. 832 334,949 19,822 13 109,259 2,093 845 444,208 21,915 Totals .. .. 4,181 792,529 116,069 781 331,002 12,661 4,962 1,123,531 128,730


Table 6.-Total Receipts, Arrears, and Postponements. (Total receipts from debtors and exclusive of credits on account departmental expenditure, &c.)

Pricei gd -j By Authority; E " V - Padl > Government Printer, Wellington.— 1940.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (670 copies), £47 10s.


North ! . , I Chief j j j Auckland. Auckland. Drainage Te Kuiti. Gisborne Hawke's . _ j ! j E ngmeer. ' Bay. Taranaki. Wellington. Marlborough. Nelson. Westland. Canterbury. Otago. Southland. Head Office. Total. £ £ Receipts. Crown Lands Account .. 32,012 36 208 ' £ £ I £ £ 1 £ £ £ £ £ £ *> « Undfor 49,928 96,'528 " fo'oS I JM5? 37,888 13 > 439 8 ' 098 8 ' 523 51.199 65,893 15 610 5 ! 348 431 •• •• :: : I2 -" 1 2« 2MTO 4,015 '- m ° 101 - 778 "■«» ■■ SMS SS&SSsr?*-? ''°l SIS :: :: «H **, -4 2 5 i : , 6 „ " J : I Small Farms Account .. 2! , 5 J 2 ;«g " j. j » »» 1,140 "676 .. J,S ''fS IS J g T " assai—. :: :: 210>1 « S '-U 2 *S '« '« '•'« » » •*> w» :: . J*:SS Rangitaiki .. .. ' ** •• .. i ** ! " ' 1,980 Swamp Drainage .. " 888 q'sto " " " " " " 22,529 Miscellaneous . "oco ™ 8 3 ' 519 •• 642 " " " 2 12,653 '■ — — 1 fi « 3 "« -m "136 uai ' '373 :: Kg ' !fiI2L! S ' M - i t8 ' 8<7 neMO 45,603 203.183 I 37.188 IS IBI n 293 j 191,100 151,884 0 ,;_, w , 1,200,018 Arrears .. .. 3! gg 4 2 6 84 9 73 7QR Arreabs and Postponements. PoBtponementa .. •• .." '« 1|2 '« «•« TS "KS 1"m » •• 8 " 2 '3.7,, 30, 22 ,. M 6 , S01 ——

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Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, C-01

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, C-01

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