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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 13 of the Swamp Drainage Act, 1915.

Department of Lands and Survey, Sir, — Wellington, Ist June, 1938. In pursuance of section 13 of the Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, I have the honour to forward the report of the Land Drainage Engineer covering operations on lands proclaimed under the Swamp Drainage Act and amendments. I have, &c., W. Robertson, The Hon. Frank Langstone, Minister of Lands. Under-Secretary for Lands.

REPORT OF LAND DRAINAGE ENGINEER. Sir, — I have the honour to submit my annual report on the areas proclaimed under the Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, and its amendments. Kaitaia Drainage Area (61,430 Acres), Mangonui County. During the year the only work undertaken was the maintenance of completed works. As usual, tenders for the drain-cleaning contracts were called for in the late summer, and all this work was satisfactorily carried out by the contractors. Engineering surveys were completed for the enlargement of an outlet to Waipapakauri, which, when completed, should give great relief to the Kaitaia small farms area and bring in further areas, besides benefiting the established settlers along its route of approximately 3| miles. Monighan Dredge No. 18, at present in the district, is to be refitted for this work, which will be undertaken by day labour under the supervision of the Overseer in Charge. Similar surveys were carried out for the widening and deepening of Puckey's outlet drain, which will provide a considerably better outlet for the drainage of the neighbouring country. The contracts for this work have been let and will be completed early in the coming year, to give relief for the winter season. Further surveys for work entailing the removal of approximately 5,000 cubic yards of spoil were completed, and tenders called for without response. The work on these drains will now be curtailed and included in the ordinary maintenance cleaning. The antipathy of contractors towards tendering for this work is on account of the considerable amount of timber to be met with. Rainfall and river-gauge readings taken throughout the year are shown on the schedule hereunder.

Highest Rain- Kaitaia River-gauge, Wai- „ „ Rainfall Wet Days ,, fallf °f kuriki Bridge. Month - (Inches). in Month. Twenty-four (Inches). Hi § hest - Lowest " 1937. April .. .. .. 6-86 20 1-35 57-2 53-2 May .. .. .. 5-81 21 1-36 62-0 53-7 June .. .. .. 5-91 15 2-40 65-0 53-4 July .. .. .. 4-31 23 0-70 61-2 54-0 August .. .. .. 1-83 11 0-59 65-0 53-5 September .. .. 4-47 19 0-93 58-7 54-0 October .. .. 0-55 2 0-46 54-3 52-7 November .. .. 2-62 10 1-05 59-8 52-4 December .. .. 2-65 4 1-67 55-5 52-4 1938. January .. .. 2-76 6 1-23 54-5 52-2 February .. .. 2-70 11 2-46 58-5 52-5 March.. .. .. 0-74 3 0-42 52-5 52-2 Totals .. .. 41-21 145


Drains. —Some sixty-two miles of drains were cleaned during the year. Stop-banks.—The repairing of the stop-banks undertaken last year was carried on this year to the extent of the vote, and the repairs effected should provide a better safeguard against ordinary spring tides, but not against the exceptional spring tides which are experienced occasionally in this locality. River Protection. —Severe erosion occurred on a bend in the Awanui River adjoining the Kaitaia small farms. Immediate remedial measures were taken, and the bank is now holding satisfactorily behind a protection of raking piles and sheathing. Works Expenditure.—The total expenditure for the year was £1,039 10s. 4d. Drainage Rates. —The following schedule shows the position of the rates struck and collected in the two wards :—

Hikurangi Drainage Area (50,000 Acres), Whangarei County. No work was carried out on this area during the year. The only expenditure was the overseer's wages, amount to £230. Waihi Drainage Area (20,000 Acres), Tauranga County. The drainage outlets, stop-banks, and flood-gates in this area were again maintained by the Department, the bulk of the hand drains being maintained by contract labour. The total length of drains maintained annually is 37 miles 73 chains. A length of drain totalling 168 chains was reconditioned during the year. One length of drain totalling 184 chains was handed over to the flaxmilling company leasing portion of the area for maintenance purposes. Repairs were carried out to several flood-gates during the year. Flax-milling was carried on for the greater part of the year by the company leasing a portion of the unsettled swamp area. Late in the year this company surrendered its lease of an area totalling 1,600 acres between the Wharere and Pongakawa Canals, and this area will be developed by the Department. Satisfactory progress was made in the development of the block of 1,000 acres of swamp lands west of the Wharere Canal. An electric flood-pump was installed to serve an area of 400 acres, and this has already effected a marked improvement. The five dairy-farms established have done well, and a further dairy-farm will be established in the coming year. The balance of the area is being consolidated with cattle and sheep before being settled. The expenditure during the year was £849 14s. 2d. Drainage rates struck totalled : Capital £752 15s. Id., maintenance £1,247 6s. 2d. ; whilst the amount collected was : Capital £285 6s. 9d., maintenance £712 16s. 6d. Poukawa Drainage Area (15,567 Acres) Hawke's Bay. Maintenance of completed works was carried out during the year, and I am indebted to the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier, for carrying out the inspections of the cleaning contracts. The expenditure during the year was £128 Is. 7d. Rates struck amounted to £1,121 Is. sd. (capital only), whilst £187 17s. lid. was collected by the District Office at Napier. I have, &c., R. L. Innis, The Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Land Drainage Engineer.


Capital. Maintenance. Struck. | Collected. Struck. | Collected. I | £ s. d. j £ s. d. j £ s. d. j £ s. d. Town .. .. 406 18 10 301 16 9 199 4 6 j 126 18 4 Rural .. .. 2,898 16 3 585 4 1] j 1,4-85 5 3 | 294 17 5 j I


SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE SQHEME. Rate Accounts for Year ended 31st March, 1938. KAITAIA DRAINAGE AREA. Special Rate Accounts : Capital. Rural Town Rural Town Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Transfer to Reserve Fund .. .. 409 1 5 55 18 2 Balance .. .. .. 1,208 0 6 68 14 2 Interest charge .. .. .. 2,320 18 7 354 110 Rates levied .. .. 3,183 9 9 .. 406 19 1 Remissions .. .. .. 19 6 5 0 11 6 Less rebate .. 285 7 7 Adjustment of overcharged rates .. .. 5 4 6 2,898 22 Adjustment of overcharged penalty on rates .. .. .. .. .. 007 Balance .. .. .. .. 1,356 16 3 59 16 8 £4,106 2 8 £475 13 3 £4,106 2 8 £475 13 3 General Rate Accounts : Maintenance. Rural Town Rural Town Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Dr. £ s. d.- £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cost of maintenance .. .. 1,144 1 3 165 910 Balance .. .. .. .. 257 910 103 15 5 Remissions .. .. .. 8 6 11 2 15 2 Rates levied .. .. .. 1,485 5 3 199 4 4 Balance, 31st March, 1938 .. .. 590 611 134 14 9 £1,742 15 1 £302 19 9 £1,742 15 1 £302 19 9 WAiHt Drainage Area. Special Rate Accounts : Capital. Pukehina Kaikokopu Pukehina Kaikokopu Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Remissions .. .. .. 855 17 1 318 7 Balance .. .. .. .. 990 11 1 76 8 6 Transfer to Reserve Fund .. .. 35 13 2 53 10 1 Rates levied .. .. .. 339 9 7 413 5 6 Interest charge .. .. .. 214 610 321 911 Balance, 31st March, 1938 .. .. 224 3 7 110 15 5 £1,330 0 8 £489 14 0 £1,330 0 8 £489 14 0 General Rate Accounts : Maintenance. Pukehina Kaikokopu Central Pukehina Kaikokopu Central Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. 37 11 7 Balance .. .. 832 11 6 170 2 8 Cost of maintenance .. 213 1 II 416 15 6 455 0 6 Rates levied .. .. 190 3 4 496 18 5 560 4 5 Adjustment of overcharged Balance, 31st March, 1938 .. .. 1,843 13 3 penalty on rates .. .. 18 5 Remissions .. .. 719 7 22 4 2 1,906 12 1 Adjustment of overcharged rates .. .. .. .. 4 13 6 Balance, 31st March, 1938 90 5 9 246 13 0 £1,022 14 10 £667 1 .1 £2,403 17 8 £1,022 14 10 £667 1 1 £2,403 17 8 Poukawa Drainage Area. Special Rate Account: Capital. Dr. £ s. d. | Cr. £ s. d. Transfer to Reserve Fund .. .. .. 134 11 1 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 366 17 4 Interest charged .. .. .. .. 942 18 11 Rates levied .. .. .. .. .. 1,121 1 5 Balance, 31st March, 1938 .. . . .. 410 8 9 £1,487 18 9 | £1,487 18 9 General Rate Account: Maintenance. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Cost of maintenance .. .. .. .. 128 1 7 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 218 14 4 Balance, 31st March, 1938 .. .. .. 90 12 9 £218 14 4 £218 14 4 Receipts and Payments Account for Year ended 31st March, 1938. Reeemti Public Consolidated PmrmenU Public Consolidated ueceipis. Works ]j UIK j. Fund , payments. Wor i ffi Fund Rents from national-endowment land £ s. d. £ s. d. Kaitaia Drainage Area : Maintenance, £ s. d. £ s. d. in Waihi Drainage Area .. .. 386 4 0 completed works .. .. .. 985 4 9 Special rate for interest and sinking Waihi Drainage Area : Maintenance, fund — completed works .. .. .. 849 18 2 Waihi Drainage Area .. .. .. 285 6 9 Poukawa Drainage Area: MainKaitaia Drainage Area .. .. .. 879 1 7 tenance, completed works .. .. 128 I 7 Poukawa Drainage Area .. .. 187 17 11 Hikurangi Drainage Area : Drainage General rate for administration and works, &c. .. .. .. 323 17 1 maintenance — Plant, &c. (general) .. .. 587 11 2 Waihi Drainage Area .. .. .. 712 16 6 Transfer receipts to Treasury AdjustKaitaia Drainage Area .. .. .. 421 3 11 ment Account .. .. .. .. 3,152 1 2 Poukawa .. .. .. .. .. Transfer receipts to Public Works Rates paid in advance .. .. .. 0 3 9 Fund Account .. .. 935 7 11 Thirds .. .. .. .. 142 6 1 Sundry rents .. .. .. .. 6 0 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 131 0 8 Credits in reduction of expenditure . . 935 711 Transfer of expenditure to Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. .. 1,963 4 6 Transfer of expenditure to Public Works Fund Account .. .. 911 8 3 £1,846 16 2 £5,115 5 8 £1,846 16 2 £5,115 5 8


C.— 4.

Balance-sheet as at 31 st March, 1938. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Capital Account, Public Works Fund .. .. 691,840 15 2 Kaitaia Drainage Area — £ s. d. £ s. d. Reserve : Repayment capital costs— Allocated cost of works on which Kaitaia Drainage rates are levied— Area — £ s. d. £ s. d. Rural subdivision .. .. 60,000 0 0 Rural subdivision 2,832 16 10 Town subdivision .. .. 8,200 0 0 Town subdivision 387 2 11 68,200 0 0 3,219 19 9 Excess cost of works not recoverWaihi Drainage able .. .. .. 155,984 16 11 Area — Interest Account: Proportion Pukehina Subdi- chargeable to area .. 150,121 16 4 vision.. .. 272 9 9 306,106 13 3 Kaikokopu Subdi- Waihi Drainage Area — vision .. 408 15 0 Allocated cost of works on which 681 4 9 rates are levied — Poukawa Drainage Area .. 730 4 4 Pukehina Subdivision .. 5,000 0 0 4,631 8 10 Kaikokopu Subdivision .. 7,500 0 0 Rate accounts — Central Subdivision .. 49,414 3 6 Special Rate Accounts : Capital— 61,914 3 6 Kaitaia Drainage Excess cost of works not recover - Area — £ s. d. able .. .. .. 24,526 0 0 Rural subdivision 1,356 16 3 Interest Account: Proportion Town subdivision 59 16 8 chargeable to area .. 44,898 16 4 1,416 12 11 . 69,424 16 4 Waihi Drainage Poukawa Drainage Area— Area — Drainage works .. .. 15,984 13 2 Pukehina Subdi- Interest Account: Proportion vision .. 224 3 7 chargeable to area .. 1,865 2 8 Kaikokopu Sub- 17,849 15 10 division .. 110 15 5 Hikurangi Drainage Area— 334 19 0 Drainage works .. .. 247,819 17 11 Poukawa Drainage Area .. 410 8 9 Interest Account: Proportion 2,162 0 8 chargeable to area .. 146,951 2 5 General Rate Accounts: Main- 394,771 0 4 tenance— Mangawai Drainage Area — Kaitaia Drainage Drainage works .. .. 1,877 19 3 Area — £ s. d. Interest Account: Proportion Rural subdivision 590 611 chargeable to area .. 1,508 8 1 Town subdivision 134 14 9 3,386 7 4 725 1 8 Harihari Drainage Area— Waihi Drainage Drainage works .. .. 4,355 211 Area— Interest Account: Proportion Pukehina Subdi- chargeable to area .. 3,106 16 10 vision .. 90 5 9 7,461 19 9 Kaikokopu Sub- Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 1,596 8 1 division .. 246 13 0 Wharves .. .. .. .. .. 53 12 0 336 18 9 Plant and machinery .. .. .. .. 28,4-49 10 9 Poukawa Drainage Area .. 90 12 9 Loose tools .. .. .. .. .. 236 4 11 1,152 13 2 Stores on hand .. .. .. .. 3,668 3 7 Sundry creditors — Motor-vehicles .. .. .. .. 173 15 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 18 14 3 Sundry debtors for rates — Departmental . . .. . . 4 16 Drainage Area. Capita!. Maintenance. 22 15 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Rents charged in advance .. .. .. 219 0 0 Kaitaia.. .. 17,090 5 4 6,341 410 23,431 10 2 Payments in advance —- Waihi .. .. 4,879 18 7 4,194 710 9,074 6 5 Rent .. .. .. 10 12 5 Poukawa .. 3,143. 6 8 169 4 0 3,312 10 8 Rates .. .. .. 4 6 7 Sundry debtors— 14 19 o Rent under section 4 (2), Swamp Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 0 6 0 Land Drainage Amendment Act, Writings-olf in Suspense .. .. .. 121 8 0 1926 .. .. .. 416 510 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. ..315,281 4 4 House rent .. .. .. 950 Law-costs .. .. .. 687 0 10 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 41 2 6 Departmental .. .. .. 328 3 2 1,481 17 4 Rate Account— General Rate Account : Maintenance— Waihi Drainage Area : Central Subdivision .. 1,843 13 3 Maintenance costs (Hikurangi) .. .. 434 8 9 Premiums on conversion .. .. .. 127 10 0 Revenue Account —Waihi Drainage Area : Central Subdivision .. .. .. 12,172 9 1 Losses in Suspense .. .. .. .. 121 8 0 Cash in transit from Post-office .. .. 154 6 1 £1,015,446 10 II £1,015,446 10 II W. Robertson, Under-Secretary for Lands. Wm. E. Shaw, Chief Accountant. I hereby certify that the Rate Accounts and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby subject to the explanatory notes dealing with departmental accounts generally as appearing at commencement of parliamentary return [8.-l, Pt. IV]. —J. H. Fowler, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (700 copies), £6 10s.

By Authority .: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l93B.

Price 3d.]


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Bibliographic details

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SWAMP DRAINAGE. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1938, TOGETHER WITH STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1938 Session I, C-04

Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SWAMP DRAINAGE. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1938, TOGETHER WITH STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1938 Session I, C-04

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SWAMP DRAINAGE. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1938, TOGETHER WITH STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1938 Session I, C-04

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