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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Marine Department, Wellington, Mtli September, 1937. Your Excellency,— I do myself the honour to transmit, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine Department for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I nave, &c., P. Fraser, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Minister of Marine. Dominion of New Zealand.


The Secretary, Marine Department, to the Hon. the Minister of Marine. Marine Department, Wellington, 20th August, 1937. I have the honour to submit the annual report on the operations of the Marine Department for the financial year ended 31st March, 1937. ~ T . * +. ™„+iTr The past year has been marked by extension in the various branches of the Department, due paitly to the improved shipping and general trade and partly to the progressive expansion into activities for which this Department holds the responsibility, such as fisheries inspection and research &c Increased expenditure, due mainly to the restoration of staff salaries extension of activities and cost of commodities, has been met with increased revenue in all branches, but the small departmental profit shown during the past four years has been reduced to a loss of approximately £1,500, after providing for depreciation and interest on capital of approximately £13,000 each. The restoration of salaries alone increased expenditure by about £6,000, so that the small loss, after allowing for the depreciation and interest charges, can be considered satisfactory. „. , The Department has progressively faced the necessity for an augmented stafi ; also extra repairs and maintenance-work held over during the period of financial depression have been, carried out during the year It is not a sound principle to postpone necessary maintenance-work m lean years to the succeeding years in that minor items become major repairs in the interim. There is no doubt therefore that the next few years' accounts of this Department will reflect abnormal maintenance expenditure, portion of which was a legitimate charge to previous years. It is the duty of the Marine Department to survey ships for safety purposes m the manner and to the extent set out in the Shipping and Seamen Act and the regulations thereunder. Annual surveys are carried out on all ships except fishing-boats not exceeding 10 tons register; sailing ships not exceeding 5 tons register ; motor pleasure launches of not more than 10 tons register, and farmers oil-launches not exceeding 6 tons register. Shipowners as a whole maintain their vessels and equipment in a good and seaworthy condition, but where small coastal vessels are owned m single units or £ small groups and when competition by sea and land is keen the tendency is to keep the vessels in service at all costs and to neglect the precautions against mishap which every ship should take. The Department has under consideration methods of keeping more closely in touch with vessels of this type with the object of ensuring that they are maintained m good condition that all equipment is carried and that they are navigated with due regard to their own safety and that of other vessels using the same waters Close attention will also be paid to fishing-vessels, particularly to those under

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10 tons measurement which are now exempt from survey, and for this purpose small amendments to the legislation will be necessary. The application of the tonnage limit, as is done with fishing-vessels to decide when a vessel comes under survey, works out unsatisfactorily in that owners will, if at all possible, keep their vessels below the limit in order to escape the inconvenience (and the small fee) resulting from the annual laying-up of the vessel for survey purposes. This has the undesirable result of perpetuating a fleet of smaller and, consequently, less seaworthy vessels than would otherwise be the case. The main lights on the New Zealand coast follow the world-wide practice of using incandescent oil-burners, and to ensure that they function correctly the constant attendance of a keeper is necessary. The most desirable improvement in working-conditions that could be brought about in the light-house service is the elimination of this night-watching, and if this can be done without impairing the reliability of the lights, and this reliability must be maintained at any cost, a great advance will have been made. The use of electricity offers great possibilities, and when the new light at Baring Head was erected in 1935 an electric system was installed. There is automatic protection against the failure of a generating-unit, also automatic replacement of a burnt-out lamp, and the keeper is warned of any failure by an alarm automatically sounded in his house. This plant has worked satisfactorily for the past two years, and the Department is now satisfied that a light of this type—that is, lens fixed, lamp 1,000 watts, and characteristic obtained by make and break of circuit —can give the reliable service required at a lighthouse without the attention of a keeper on watch. Almost the whole of the major lights, however, have fixed lights, the flashing characteristic being obtained by revolution of the lenses. This introduces a complication in the introduction of an electric system, but it is thought that a practical solution is possible. The light at Cape Campbell is of this type, and plans have been prepared for its electrification and the order for plant placed. If the expected reliability can be obtained here the programme of general electrification of coastal lights will be put in hand. It was intimated in last year's report that radio beacon equipment was being ordered from England for Baring Head and Cape Campbell lighthouses on specifications prepared by Post and Telegraph Engineers who had investigated systems in Great Britain. The installation of these two beacons is going on simultaneously with the electrification of the lights, power being generated on the spot by Diesel-engined generating-sets. There were unforeseen and unavoidable delays in the delivery of these equipments/but they have now arrived, and by the time this report is in print Baring Head beacon will be in operation under test. Provision is made on the estimates for a vote of £20,000 to continue the programme. At the time of the submission of this report His Majesty's Surveying Ship "Endeavour" has arrived in New Zealand waters to undertake the resurvey of the New Zealand coast-line. Work was commenced without delay in the vicinity of Auckland in completion of charts commenced by His Majesty's Surveying Ship " Penguin "in 1905. The major portion of the cost of this work is generously provided by His Majesty's Government in Great Britain, the contribution of the New Zealand Government being the provision of coal, stores, and the cost of docking, refitting, &c. ; also the provision of drawing-office accommodation at the Naval Base in Auckland. Financial. The following statement summarizes the revenue and expenditure of the Department for the past four years in comparison with the figures for 1922-23. These figures exclude Westport Harbour, which is summarized separately later :—


Branch. j 1922-23. j 1933-34. 1934-35. 1935-36. 1936-37. Revenue. Shipping Branch— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d £ s d Light dues .. .. 39,688 16 8 89,075 6 0 91,108 3 3 94,020 10 10 98 717 2 4 Engagement and discharge 3,179 11 0 1,712 19 6 1,711 13 6 1,793 8 6 2*140 13 0 fees Survey fees .. .. 3,095 9 0 3,542 5 9 3,500 12 0 3,625 5 10 3 731 0 5 Examination fees, &c. .. 395 12 6 229 12 6 194 14 10 202 3 0 '235 2 6 Lighthouse tender — Freight, passage-money, &c. 1,785 0 7 719 4 0 4,464 17 0 642 3 8 1 105 1 6 Miscellaneous .. .. 1,289 0 4 1,370 19 10 1,305 7 9 1,416 6 10 1 806 3 10 Harbours — Pilotage, port charges, &c. .. 764 14 6 1,806 3 0 1,711 15 1 2,044 0 11 1 855 13 10 Foreshore revenue .. 1,126 14 1 2,192 8 1 1,963 13 11 2,203 17 10 2'474 2 6 Inspection of Machinery— Inspection fees, &c. .. 17,126 19 6 19,529 12 2 19,331 14 10 19,566 5 8 20 082 15 6 Examination fees, &c. .. 667 0 0 313 2 6 359 4 6 422 14 6 'ō92 10 0 Fisheries — Sale of oysters .. .. 7,702 9 6 5,359 16 9 5,925 8 4 3,765 6 8 4 984 13 11 Fishing-boat license fees, &c. 324 9 6 613 7 6 513 17 ]. 555 g 9 '612 13 11 Rental of toheroa-beds .. 10 0 0 320 1 9 316 0 0 313 0 0 376 0 0 Fresh-water Fisheries: Fees, .. .. .. _ j Qgg j g &c. Ross Sea revenue .. .. .. 1,000 '7 6 600 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 Miscellaneous revenue .. 2,800 11 4 14 8 10 525 11 8 516 19 1 528 17 11 Totals •• •• 79,956 8 6 127,799 15 8 133,532 13 9 131,587 12 1 140,409~6~īl

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A deficit of £1,510 3s. lOcL, after making allowance for approximately £13,000 depieciation and interest charges of over £13,000, is most satisfactory. The total expenditure shows a rise from £102,187 last year to £116,046 for 1936-37, an increase of approximately £14,000, of which £6,000 is represented by the restoration of staff salaries. The income of the Department has also risen from £131,659 in 1935—36 to £140,181 in 1936—37, the principal increase being £4,700 in light dues from shipping —a reflection in the Department's accounts of the improved general trend of trade. Income from fisheries has also increased from £869 in 1935-36 to £2,056 in 1936-37, due to the making provision for 10 per cent, of fresh-water-fishing-license revenue to be paid to this Department. This extra fisheries income is to cover, to some extent, the activities of the Fresh Water Fisheries Research Section, which has now been accommodated in a. laboratory in Wellington. The restricted rock-oyster season in Auckland during the past year brought results comparable with previous years. Hakboubs. An important function of the Marine Department is the investigation, in conjunction with Treasury, of all applications for loans by Harbour Boards or harbour authorities under the Local Bodies' Loans Act. The financial and engineering aspects of each application receive close scrutiny from both national and local points of view. This is a necessary feature, particularly as public funds are being expended in capital works which may, or may not, have a purely local value and it is now noticeable that Harbour Boards are beginning to study their progress more from a national point of view than formerly. When it is considered that three minor adjoining ports in New Zealand have a collective public debt of over £2,000,000 without yet accomplishing the provision of a harbour capable of berthing foreign-going vessels, the need for close scrutiny of proposed works and cooperation of harbour authorities will be apparent. Most of the larger New Zealand harbours are controlled by local Harbour Boards, the smaller ports being vested in County Councils, with the exception of Picton and Westport harbours, which are controlled by the Marine Department. The minor harbours, not vested in a local body, are also controlled by this Department. Westport Harbour.—The chief improvement carried out during the year was the electrification of the harbour lights, and arrangements are now well in hand for the construction of an extension to the breakwater and repairs to the existing one. From a shipping point of view this harbour was maintained in an excellent manner during the past year, the depths both on the bar and in the berthing-area being well above normal. The average of monthly mean depths on the bar at L.W.O.S.T. was 16 ft. 3 in., a considerable improvement on the 14 ft. 4 in. for the previous year, and 14 ft. for 1934-35. For April the mean depth on the bar was 14 ft. 3 in., and from then on a gradual increase was maintained until October, when a mean depth of 17 ft. 4 in., the highest for the year, was reached. The following table shows ■the number of days in each year during the past ten years on which the specified depths were maintained :—


Branch. 1922-23. 1933-34. 1934-35. 1935-36. 1936-37. Expenditure. Head Office .. .. 9,612 2 8 7,788 X1 9 8,612 5 5 9,193 9 7 10 067 13 2 Harbours 4,826 13 2 1,792 3 3 2,071 3 7 2,333 3 11 2,668 5 0 Lighthouses .. .. 49,532 14 2 38,306 13 11 40,190 0 8 43,928 18 8 48 849 4 11 Mercantile marine .. .. 15,150 17 11 18,868 11 0 19,629 5 3 20,256 11 9 23'l29 2 0 Inspection of Machinery .. 27,015 0 0 14,279 19 6 15,130 5 5 15 863 12 0 18 191 JO 1 Fisheries .. .. .. 9,580 7 1 8,948 11 2 10,191 16 10 9,785 3 4 12'319 8 5 Miscellaneous services .. 2,655 3 8 25 196 .. 500 Grants and subsidies.. .. 1,510 0 0 550 0 0 550 0 0 250 0 0 250' 0 0 Depreciation .. .. 8,156 0 10 13,303 8 10 13,140 4 9 12,961 3 2 12,960 7 5 128,038 19 6 103,863 18 11 109,515 1 11 114,577 2 5 128,435 11 0 Interest on capital .. .. 15,716 7 3 20,634 I 0 14,331 17 2 13,917 8 0 13,483 19 9 Totals .. .. 143,755 6 9 124,497 19 11 123,846 19 1 128,494 10 5 141,919 10 9 5S?, ci i'„ . Surplus. Surplus. Surplus. Deficit, financial result .. .. 63,798 18 3 3,301 15 9 9,685 14 8 3,093 1 8 1,510 3 10

Depth. 1927-28. 1928-29. 1929-30. 1930-31. 1931-32. 1932-33. 1933-34. 1934-35. 1935-36. 1936-37. Over 14 ft .. .. .. .. .. 365 365 366 365 „ 16 ft 365 365 365 .. 365 360 357 361 365 ,, 18 ft. .. 366 350 363 340 366 350 279 353 355 356 „ 20 ft, .. 351 249 345 208 360 287 152 263 263 328 22 ft. .. 217 168 276 43 252 144 42 81 90 257 „ 24 ft. .. 102 107 99 .. 53 14 .. 15 6 86 „ 26 ft. 17 26 11 .. 10 7 „ 28 ft. .: .. 3


During the year the average working-depth on the bar at high water was 22 ft. 8 in.f|This is a substantial increase on 20 ft. 10 in. for the preceding comparative period and 20 ft. for 1934-35. The average working-depth in the river at high water was 24 ft. 6 in., as against 23 ft. 6 in. for 1935-36 and 24 ft. for 1934-35. This increase in depth followed the general trend of improved bar conditions for the first half of the year, but whereas definite shoaling occurred on the bars, the improvement in the fairway was maintained. A factor of definite effect in this connection, however, was that 216,434 cubic yards of material was lifted during the year by the " Eileen Ward " from the lower river fairway —i.e., from the crane wharf to the bar —as against 97, 277 for the preceding year, whilst the amount lifted during 1934-35 was 134,939 cubic yards. Dredging operations were confined to the suction dredge " Eileen Ward," the bucket dredge " Maui '' and the suction dredge " Rubi Seddon " still remaining out of commission. The " Eileen Ward " worked on 158 days and dredged a total of 535,105 cubic yards, of which 267,687 were taken from the bar, 216,434 from the lower river, 38,073 from the berthages, and 12,911 from the floating basin. The dredging was carried out at a cost of 4-83 d. per cubic yard, which is less than the unit cost per yard for the previous two years. The favourable cost of the dredging was accounted for by the fact that the dredger was not docked during the year, in which case there would have been increased costs and smaller output. The I Eileen Ward " was well maintained throughout the year, and a large amount of reconditioning was carried out during the period the vessel was under survey and overhaul. A comparison of the shipping entering the port during this year as against the previous two years shows very little difference, and amounted to 257,506 tons. For the twelve months under review eighteen large overseas vessels worked the port, as against sixteen for the previous period and fourteen for 1934-35. Rain fell on 229 days, an exceptionally large number, and 90-61 in. were recorded on the harbour gauge. This was the wettest year since 1931-32, when 114-55 in. fell. The reticulation of the main beacons, signal-station, and the two signalmen's cottages was put in hand during the year, the work being completed shortly after the close of the period. This work involved erection of 3J miles of transmission-line, nearly three of which is high-tension line. All plant and buildings have been kept in good repair. No major construction-work was carried out during the year, but repairs to the breakwater and river-protection work have been authorized. Preliminary work in the clearing of the Cape Foulwind line for the resumption of quarrying work and repairs to the Organ's Island Bridge have been put in hand. The following statement shows the coal trade, shipping, and financial statistics of Westport Harbour for each year since the Department has had control of the port:—

The finances show an improvement of £3,000 over the previous year's figures in spite of increased expenditure due to restoration of salaries and wages and increased coal costs. It is interesting to note that the financial statement this year is the best presented for a six-year period, and the more satisfactory position is accounted for by increased coal shipments. The revenue at this port is sufficient to meet normal working-expenses, interest on loans, and interest on advances from the Consolidated Fund, but is still unable to provide for sinking fund. The bunkering of vessels at Westport is encouraged as far as possible by reduced port dues on the vessels calling for bunkering purposes only, and this portion of the harbour trade continues to show


Net Tonnage x ge of Year. of Shipping c , gll jp ped Expenditure. Revenue. Financial Result, entered. : £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1921-22 .. 273,706 480,873 63,950 1 10 25,836 19 3 Deficit 38,113 2 7 1922-23 .. 332,401 573,487 50,738 17 5 38,700 8 1 „ 12,038 9 4 1923-24 .. 275,762 442,070 46,619 111 42,285 7 4 „ 4,333 14 7 1924-25.. 334,827 556,669 44,666 14 0 50,378 11 0 Surplus 5,71117 0 1925-26 .. 386,669 552,949 51,909 4 11 57,539 12 11 „ 5,630 8 0 .1926-27 .. 459,670 637,165 52,769 12 6 62,976 13 10 „ 10,207 1 4 1927-28 .. 466,021 623,256 65,828 1 7 65,909 8 1 „ 81 6 6 1928-29 .. 458,712 604,778 68,871 13 0 64,214 5 6 Deficit 4,657 7 6 1929-30 .. 479,623 625,835 64,877 10 5 66,274 17 3 Surplus 1,397 6 10 1930-31 .. 352,228 513,503 53,436 16 9 53,013 2 11 Deficit 423 13 10 1931-32 .. 234,936 336,873 46,803 2 4 34,602 12 9 „ 12,200 9 7 1932-33 .. 223,936 282,163 40,974 8 9 30,516 6 1 „ 10,458 2 8 1933-34 .. 240,132 280,080 39,783 7 4 30,886 13 9 „ 8,896 13 7 1934-35 .. 253,041 291,449 39,011 8 8 30,773 2 5 „ 8,238 6 3 1935-36 .. 260,111 295,067 41,480 16 9 30,891 0 7 „ 10,589 16 2 1936-37 .. 257,506 345,507 41,785 2 7 34,300 11 1 „ 7,484 11 6


an improvement, as shown by the following summary of vessels which called at Westport for bunkering during the past twelve years

Little Wanganui Harbour.—This port was maintained in a satisfactory working-condition through the year. The beacon marking the rock edge at the south side of the entrance was re-erected. I his beacon is an iron tripod bolted to concrete footings on the rock. It had previously been wrecked by heavy weather. . A new row-boat was supplied for the use of the Port Pilot, the old one having seen its day. The matter of extending downstream the port wharf so as to permit of greater facility in handling and loading timber was investigated, and a preliminary proposal approved. Detail plans have now been prepared. , . , Bay Wharf.— Proposals for the reconstruction of wharf and approach viaduct submitted by the Tokomaru Bay Harbour Board have been reported on for the Local Government Loans B ° ar Waikokopu Harbour—The operations at this harbour have been carried out by the Wairoa Harbour Board on behalf of the Public Works Department. During the year eighty-six coastal vessels worked the port and handled 5,932 tons of general cargo and 392,226 square feet of timber. In addition, seven oversea vessels worked the port and lifted 1 350 quarters of beef, 50,678 carcasses of lamb, 1,261 carcasses of pork, 2,417 packages of sundries, 670 bales of wool, 81 bags of hides, 29 casks of tallow, 500 cases of jellied veal, and 104 tons of general Cdrg< Exports are well below those of the previous year on account of the difficulty experienced by the freezing companies in obtaining shipping space. Necessary repairs have been carried out to wharf and buildings. Soundings show no appreciable New Plymouth Harbour.—A report has been submitted on a proposed loan for harbour-works. Whangapara Wharf, Great Barrier Island.—Plans, &c., in connection with the wharf have been approved and a contract let for same. The contractor has ordered materials, but so far none has come to hand and no work has been done on the site. _ ___ , Elmslie Bay Wharf, French Pass—The new wharf m Australian hardwood with a tee 75 It. long by 32 ft wide with 132 ft. of 8 ft. wide approach spans, has been completed, together with the erection of a shed for storage and two sets of launch steps. The formation of track approaches to the wharf has also been completed. Torea Wharf, Queen Charlotte Sound.—Kepairs of a minor nature have been carried out. Portage Wharf, Kenepuru Sound. —General repairs have been carried out, the main items being the resheathing of the piles and renewal of major portion of the decking. Onahau Bay Wharf, Queen Charlotte Sound—An addition to this wharf has been made by the erection of a tee 15 ft. by 5 ft. on 53 lb. of steel-rail piles. _ Waitaria Bay Wharf, Kenepuru Sound.—Extensive repairs have been completed, including the replacement of single caps with double caps, the renewal of practically all the decking, and renewal and repair of handrail. „ , i Thames Harbour—A small channel was previously dredged out over a distance ot 226 it. beyond the edge of the wharf. Dredging operations this year were extended another 334 ft., and the channel was excavated to a width of 50 ft., and a depth of 7 ft. at low water. Operations ceased when the dredger was submerged during the stormy weather, and has not been resumed Lhe total work carried out is—Berthage, 277 ft. long by 60 ft. wide by 9 ft. deep at low water ; channel beyond the wharf, 660 ft. long by 50 ft. wide by 7 ft. deep at low water. , Okarito Harbour.—The Okarito Harbour Co. has not carried out any further work during the year, but has been watching developments at the entrance. „ , Continued northerly weather caused considerable erosion of the beach during the greater part 01 the year, but during the past three to four weeks southerly winds have caused a considerable "building-up south of the present outlet. During the year the outlet channel has moved a considerable distance southwards and is now approximately midway between its position in 1934 and the north training wall.


„ ,,... , Quantity of Bunker Coal Year. Number of Vessels. taken 1 Tons. 1925-26 .. • ■ • • 20 1926-27 .... .. 44 1927-28 .. •• •• 51 54,993 1928-29 .. • • ■ • 54 54,083 1929-30 .. -• 57 61,546 1930-31 .. •• 24 25,969 1931-32 .. 10 7,637 1932-33 .. •• 7 6,872 1933-34 .. • ■ • • 14 12,703 1934-35 .. •• •• 21 16,376 1935-36 .. •• 34 20,647 1936-37 .. •• •• 23 22,039


Jacksons Bay Harbour.—During the year a survey of the harbour-site has been carried out and a contour plan of the bottom prepared for the purpose of locating a wharf-site. Lighthouses. The work of tendering the lighthouses has been satisfactorily carried out by the Government steamer " Matai," and, where possible to do so, steps were taken to provide many of the light-stations with more frequent mail-services. The provision of two additional automatic lights was commenced, and these will be in operation before this report appears in print. One is on Pearl Island at the entrance to Port Pegassus, and the other on St. Anne's Point at the entrance to Milford Sound. During the year arrangements were made to reduce the hours of duty of keepers to approximately forty hours per week by prescribing the hours of day duty to two hours per day for five days per week. At stations manned by two keepers only, the annual holiday leave was increased to six weeks to offset the extra hours of duty over forty per week. Six keepers were transferred to other branches of the Public Service, one resigned, while the services of two probationary keepers were dispensed with. Seven new keepers were appointed to fill existing vacancies. Considering the age of the wooden buildings at the lighthouses, many of which are over seventy years old, they are in a wonderful state of preservation and reflect credit on those whose duty it has been to attend to them in the past. However, in a few instances, notably at Centre Island and Portland Island, new dwellings are required, and it is hoped to proceed with the erection of them in the coming year. The curtailment of expenditure on repairs during recent years will, for. some little time, be reflected in an increased annual expenditure on repair work. The following are the more important works carried out or put in hand during the past year :— Godley Head Fog Signal. —The fog-signal machinery has been overhauled and new parts supplied where necessary. The signal was dismantled and cleaned and new parts made and fitted. Aharoa Lighthouse.—A new steel staircase for the landing-stage has been designed and is now in the course of manufacture. Tin Tin Fog Signal Station.—New handrailing has been fitted in the engine-room.. A full-way 6 in. valve has been incorporated in the main air-pipe line to the diaphone in place of the original 6 in. screw-down valve. A small hillock of earthwork has been excavated away from the site immediately under and extending outwards from the sound-projecting horn to improve the range of the signals. Milford Sound Lighthouse.—A new reinforced-concrete lighthouse has been erected on Anne Point, Milford Sound, complete with steel tower and fourth order flashing light in 300 m.m. dioptric lens. A crane has been erected at the landing and the bush cleared around the light. A new track has also been formed from the landing-point to the lighthouse. Pearl Island Lighthouse. —A new flashing light in 140 m.m. dioptric lens has been erected on a steel tower at Pearl Island, Port Pegassus, Stewart Island. Akers Point Light. —Action has been taken to procure a substitute flasher for the lighthouse at Akers Point. Ponui, Moko Hinau, Cuvier Island, North Cape, and Cape Maria Van Diemen Lighthouses. — In order to improve the transport conditions on the above stations the Department has arranged for the manufacture and delivery of power-winches to take the place of the present hand-operated outfits. The foundations and anchorage for the cable-way at Chicken Island has been put in, and it is hoped to have all the winches installed during the coming year. French Pass Beacon.—Considerable damage was done to this beacon when it was struck by one of the Anchor Shipping Co.'s steamers. A ring of reinforced concrete has been placed round the base of the beacon, and attention to a few minor details will complete the work. This work was hampered, as it could only be carried on during some spring tides. Kahurangi Point Lighthouse. —On account of sea-erosion during spring tides the lightkeeper's residence and store were endangered, and it was found necessary to remove the building 120 ft,, to a safer position. Baring Head Lighthouse.—The necessary equipment for a modern radio beacon has been ordered. Two 75 ft. steel masts have been fabricated and erected, and it is anticipated that by the time this report is in print the radio beacon will be in operation. The beacon will be operated on the existing Diesel power-supply, but a new 250 amp. 110 volt battery has been installed in place of the smaller one originally provided. This new battery will have ample capacity to meet the existing services as well as the additional load. During fog the beacon will transmit signals every two minutes in every six minutes' interval. In clear weather transmission will be made during the first and second six minutes' interval of each half-hour for the purpose of affording ships an opportunity of testing their directionfinders and the accuracy of the bearings obtained. This beacon, as well as the others to be erected on the coast, would be classified as W /T fog signals to distinguish them from beacons which operated at stated times irrespective of weather conditions or only on request. Cape Maria Van Diemen Lighthouse.—The old type W/T fog signal at Cape Maria Van Diemen is giving a considerable amount of trouble and has reached the stage when it is unreliable if operated for a lengthy period of fog. Pending the replacement with a modern type beacon, it may be necessary to make the signals available only on request. Cape Campbell Lighthouse.—lt is now proposed to electrify this light and also to provide a radiobeacon service. The apparatus has arrived in New Zealand and duplicate units of 18 kw. Diesel engined :generating-sets are expected shortly. Plans have been prepared for the power-house and radio quarters. Arrangements are being made to ship the necessary material to Cape. Campbell,, and the erection of power-house, aerial, generating-sets, &c., will be carried out by the Public Works staff, and



the aerial and radio beacon by the Post and Telegraph Department. The necessary apparatus for converting this light from an incandescent oil-burning one to electric operation has been ordered, and the conversion should be completed during the coming year. The generating-sets, the revolution of the lens to give a flashing characteristic, and the emergency lamp-changer will be automatically controlled electrically and will function with a minimum of attention. Stephens Island Lighthouse. —This light is also to be converted to an electric one in an exactly similar manner to Cape Campbell and a direction-finder installed. The generating-sets have been ordered, and arrangements are in hand for the erection of masts, aerial, and power-house. Harbour Board Legislation. The following legislation affecting Harbour Boards was passed during the year, the various Bills being investigated and approved by the Marine Department before presentation to Parliament: —- AucMavd Harbour Board, Empowering Act, 1936, amends the Auckland Harbour Board Empowering Act, 1926, to provide for the inclusion of the undermentioned works as from the operation of the latter Act, viz : (1) the construction of a new wharf west of Princes, with sheds and equipment; (2) the purchase of cranes and equipment for wharves ; (3) the placing of roofing over roadway Princes Wharf ; and (4) dredging. Bay of Islands Harbour Amendment Act, 1936, amended the Bay of Islands Harbour Act, 1920, to provide that the limits of the port may be defined under section 6 of the Harbours Act, 1923. Motueka. Harbour Board Amendment Act, 1936, enabled the Board to increase the amount of its borrowing-powers to £33,000. Napier Harbour Board and Napier Borough Enabling Act, 1936, authorizes the Board to sell portions of Ahuriri Lagoon Reserve to the Council for recreation purposes and vests portion of Battery Road in the Board. New Plymouth Borough Land Exchange and Empowering Act, 1936, effected an exchange of land between the Borough and the New Plymouth Harbour Board. Thames Harbour Act, 1936, dissolved the Thames Harbour Board and transferred its assets and liabilities to the Thames Borough Council. Wellington City Reclamation and Empowering Act, 1936, empowers the Council to reclaim portions of Lyall Bay for the purposes of a street and aerodrome. In addition to the above the following clauses appeared in the Local Legislation Act, 1936 :— Section 39 authorizes Auckland Harbour Board to borrow moneys in respect of purchase of tug. Section 40 authorizes Auckland Harbour Board to contribute towards a Trust Fund for the purpose of endowing the School of Engineering at the Auckland University College. Section 41 validates expenditure incurred by the Auckland Harbour Board in connection with the visit of the Australian Squadron. Section 42 authorizes Auckland Harbour Board to make a grant to the Wilson Home Endowment Fund. Section 43 makes provision with respect to raising of a loan of £5,400 by Wanganui Harbour Board. Section 44 repeals section 28 of the Timaru Harbour Board Act, 1876, which required harbourimprovement schemes to be submitted to a Commission. Section 56 authorizes Wellington Harbour Board, inter alia, to contribute to Wellington Branch of the New Zealand Free Ambulance Transport Service Incorporated. Section -59 authorizes Wellington Harbour Board to grant lease of land to Wellington City Council. Section 63 authorizes Napier Borough Council to refund portion of overdue rates and penalties to the Napier Harbour Board. Section 65 authorizes the Thames Harbour Board to lease an area of land for purposes of an aerodrome. Section 20 of the Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1936, validates an agreement respecting the reclamation at the mouth of the Hutt River. The Statutes Amendment Act, 1936, section 31, amended section 248 of the Harbours Act, 1923, to permit a worker injured in the course of his employment to bring an action within six (6) months after the cause of action arose. New and entended harbour-limits for the Bay of Islands Harbour were defined on the Ist December, 1936. Shipping Laws. The following general legislation was enacted during the past year : — The Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1936, provided for the issue of Certificates for Engineers of Coastal Motor Vessels and the making of regulations therefor. It also provided for the manning of motor-ships by engineers and deals with the manning-scale of fishing-vessels. Section 64 of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, was modified to permit of a seaman excepting any claim from a release signed by him. Section 202 was amended to remove any doubt that authority existed to charge dues on deck cargo. The Protection of British Shipping Act, 1936, was passed to protect British shipping against competition from foreign shipping in the carriage of passengers and goods between New Zealand and Commonwealth of Australia if such shipping is by the laws of its own country protected against competition from British shipping in the carnage of passengers or goods between ports or territories of that country. The Act applies only with respect to ships of a foreign country to which it is applied by Order in Council under the circumstances set out in section 3 of the Act.



Control of Foreshores and Wharves. An important function of the Marine Department is the efficient control of foreshores not already vested in local authorities and the approval of all plans for wharves or any works contemplated by harbour and other local authorities. Applications for foreshore licences and plans for harbour-works are submitted to this Department, and when approved are the subject of Orders in Council. The following return shows the Orders in Council which have been issued during the year ended 31st March, 1937


Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1936. 1st April .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7417) —Extension Whakatane Wharf. 29th „ .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7410) —Slipway. Bluff Harbour; Bluff Yacht Club. 29th „ .. . . Approving plan (M.D. 7418) —Boatshed and skid, Evans Bay, Wellington Harbour ; W. F. Coleman. 29th ,, .. . . Approving plan (M.D. 7426) —No. 2 Jetty, Lyttelton Harbour (widening). 6th May .. • • Approving plan (M.D. 7423) —Extension Oyster Wharf, Bluff Harbour ; Bluff Harbour Board. 6th ,, .. • • Approving plan (M.D. 7434) —Punt Ferry, Mercer, Waikato River : Roose Shipping Co., Ltd. 6th „ .. •. Approving plan (M.D. 7409) —Widening Bowen Pier, Port Chalmers ; Otago Harbour Board. 6th ,, . . .. Approving plan (P.W.D. 91723) —Wharf, Motutapu Island, Auckland Harbour ; Defence Department. 6th „ .. • ■ Approving plan (M.D. 7435) —Reconstruction Birch Street Wharf, Dunedin ; Otago Harbour Board. 6th ,, . . .. Licensing G. G. Hayter and C. Hayter occupy foreshore, Port Hardy, D'Urville Island (wharf). 6th ,, .. ■ • Revoking Order in Council (27th March, 1923) licensing O'stendOnetangi Wharves, Ltd., occupy foreshore Onetangi, Waiheke Island (wharf). 13th ,, . . • • Authorizing Auckland Harbour Board reclaim land, Freeman's Bay. 13th „• .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7431) —Reclamation, Freeman's Bay ; Auckland Harbour Board. 13th „ .. . . Licensing Northern Wairoa Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd., occupy foreshore, Mangawhare, Northern Wairoa River (wharf and coal-bins). 13th „ .. .. Revoking Order in Council (8th June, 1922) licensing W. Duncan occupy foreshore, Wade River (wharf). 13th ,, .. .. Revoking Order in Council (18th June, 1923) licensing Mrs. E. L. Smith occupy foreshore, Wade River (wharf). 20th ,, . . . ■ Licensing W. H. Saies occupy foreshore, Totara North, Whangaroa Harbour (store). 12th June .. . . Authorizing Tauranga Harbour Board reclaim land in Tauranga Harbour. 12th ,, . . • ■ Approving plan (M.D. 7442) —Reclamation, Tauranga Harbour. 16th ,, . . . . Revoking Order in Council (16th July, 1928) licensing John Harrison occupy foreshore, Whangape Harbour (wharf). 16th „ . . . . Revoking Order in Council (8th June, 1925) licensing trustees of estate of H. B. Riley occupy foreshore, Collingwood Harbour (wharf). 16th „ . . . . Approving plan (M.D. 7440) —Training Wharf, Calliope Dock, Auckland Harbour. 16th „ .. . . Approving plan (7443) —Dolphins, Off Launch Jetty, Mount Maunganui, Tauranga Harbour. 1st July .. . . Licensing A. C. Moore occupy foreshore, Rangiora, Hokianga Harbour (sawmill and timber-yard). 1st „ .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7450) —Groynes, South Beach, Blaketown, Greymouth; Greymouth Harbour Board. 1st. „ .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7447)—Jetty, Railway Reserve, Picton; Morgan and Olsson. 22nd ,, .. . . Licensing Pasco Bros., Ltd., to use and occupy part of foreshore at Half-moon Bay as a site for a wharf. 22nd ,, .. . . Revoking Order in Council of 18th June, 1934, licensing Paturau Valley Estate, Ltd., to occupy foreshore at Mangarakau River. 22nd ,, .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7449) —New Mangonui Wharf. 22nd ,, . . . . Approving plan (M.D. 7463) —Dolphin at Bluff Harbour Board's Slipway, Bluff Harbour. 22nd ,, . . .. Approving plan (M.D. 7452) —Sewage outfall, &c., Chelsea Bay, Auckland Harbour ; Birkenhead Borough Council. 5th August .. ■ • Amending Order in Council (13th May, 1930) licensing Mrs. E. S. Mullions occupy foreshore, Whangaroa Harbour (boatshed, &c.). 5th ,, .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7470) —Stop-bank, Whangaroa Harbour. 5th ,, .. . . Approving plan (M.D. 7453) —Workshop and shipyard, St. Lawrence, Admiralty Bay ; A. S. Turner and Sons. 5th „ .. .. Licensing A. S. Turner and Sons occupy foreshore, St. Lawrence, Admiralty Bay (workshop and shipyard).


Control of Foreshores and Wharves—continued.

2—H. 15.


Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1936. 12th August .. . . Approving plans : Structures in Auckland Harbour— (1) M.D. 7458 —Boatslied, Ponsonby ; J. P. Hastings. (2) M.D. 7459 —Boatslied, Stanley Point; P. H. Hughes. (3) M.D. 7460—Boatskid, Northcote ; J. Reid. (4) M.D. 7461 —Boatskid, Stanley Point; G. Winstone. (5) M.D. 7462—Boatshed, Ponsonby ; A. G. Frankham. 19th ,, .. . . Licensing Mangonui County Council occupy foreshore, Mangonui Harbour (wharf). 19th ,, . . .. Approving plan (M.D. 7471) —Training Wharf, Calliope Dock, Auckland Harbour. 2nd September . . . . Approving plan (M.D. 7479) —Boatshed, Ross Point, Otago Harbour ; W. A. Johnston. 9th „ .. . . Licensing S. Bassett occupy foreshore, Wairoa River, Westhaven (wharf). 9th ,, •• •• Approving plan (M.D. 7477) —Workshop, Tauranga Harbour; Tauranga Harbour Board. 16th „ . . . . Prescribing dues for wharf, Whangaroa Harbour ; Mrs. E. S. Moreton. 23rd „ .. .. Amending Order in Council (27th May, 1931) vesting in Hobson County Council management of certain wharves. 23rd „ .. .. Licensing Tangowahine Sawmill, Ltd., occupy foreshore, Tangowahine, Northern Wairoa River, Kaipara Harbour (wharf). 30th ,, .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7490) —Electric transmission line ; Northern Wairoa Bridge, Dargaville. 30th ,, .. .. Authorizing Onehunga Borough Council reclaim land Manukau Harbour (addition to Waikaraka Cemetery). 7th October .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7487) —Additions to Kerikeri Wharf, Bay of Islands ; Bay of Islands Harbour Board. 7th ,, • • .. Approving plan (M.D. 7493) —Boatshed and slipway, Vauxhall, Otago Harbour ; Otago Power Boat Club. 7th ,, .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7500) —Slipway, Dunedin, Otago Harbour Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. 14th ,, ■. . . Licensing W. G. H. T. Freese occupy foreshore, Rawene, Hokianga Harbour (office). 14th ,, .. . . Approving plan (M.D. 7503) —Office on foreshore, Rawene, Hokianga Harbour ; W. G. H. T. Freese. 22nd ,, . . . . Licensing Australian Glass Manufacturers Co., Ltd., occupy foreshore, Parengarenga Harbour (wharf site). 22nd ,, .. . . Approving plan (M.D. 7499) —Wharf, Parengarenga; Australian Glass Manufacturers Co., Ltd. 22nd „ .. . . Licensing William Wilson occupy foreshore, Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island (boatslip). 22nd ,, . . .. Approving plan (M.D. 7488) —Bridge over Makarau River, Kaipara Harbour ; Waitemata County Council. 28th „ .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7502)—Slipway (near Lagoon Dock), Greymouth Harbour ; Greymouth Regatta Club. 4th November .. . . Approving plan (M.D. 7512) —Encroachment of road embankment, Mercer, Waikato River ; New Zealand Railways. 4th ,, .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7456) —Dolphins, Helensville, Kaipara Harbour ; Charles Staniland West. 4th ,, .. . . Licensing Charles Staniland West to occupy foreshore at Helensville, Kaipara Harbour (site for dolphins). 4th ,, . . . . Approving plan (M.D. 7515) —Jetty at Purerua, Bay of Islands ; Education Department. 4th „ . . . . Prescribing dues and rates to be charged for use of Grove Wharf, Queen Charlotte Sound ; Marlborough County Council. Hth ,, .. .. Licensing E. R. Lane to occupy foreshore at Picton, Queen Charlotte Sound (boatslip). 11th ,, .. . . Revoking license of Frederick Charles Hargrave to occupy foreshore at Rawene, Hokianga Harbour (factory and shop site). Hth ,, . . .. Approving plan (M.D. 7508) —Men's convenience, Dargaville ; Dargaville Borough Council. 11th ,, .. . . Approving plan (M.D. 7508) —Boatshed and slipway, Vauxhall, Otago Harbour ; A. D. Reid. 18th ,, .. .. Licensing Northern Wairoa Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd., to occupy foreshore at Mangarama, Northern Wairoa River (wharf-site). 30th ,, . . . . Approving plan (M.D. 7518) —Retaining-wall, reclamation, viaduct, and timber wharf, Tokomaru Bay ; Tokomaru Bay Harbour Board. 30th ,, .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7491) —Reclamation, Picton Harbour ; Picton Borough Council. 30th „ .. .. Authorizing Picton Borough Council to reclaim land, Picton Harbour.

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Control of Foreshores and Wharves —continued.


Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1936. 1st December .. .. Approving warrant defining limits of Harbour of Bay of Islands. 9th ,, .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7523) —Boatshed and slipway, Vauxhall, Otago Harbour ; K. K. McCulloch. 9th ,, .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7522) —Boatshed and slipway, Vauxhall, Otago Harbour ; J. C. McBride. 15th ,, .. . . Approving warrant defining limits of Harbour of French Pass. 16th ,, .. . . Licensing William Buchanan to occupy foreshore in Okuru River (jetty). 16th „ .. . . Approving plan (M.D. 7517) —Jetty, Okuru River ; William Buchanan. 16th ,, .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7527) —Reclamation, St, Mary's Bay, Auckland Harbour ; Auckland City Council. 16th ,, .. . . Vesting French Pass Road Board with powers of a Harbour Board ; Harbour of French Pass. 16th ,, .. .. Authorizing Reclamation, St. Mary's Bay, Auckland Harbour; Auckland City Council. 23rd „ .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7530) —Additional bay to Oyster Wharf, Bluff Harbour ; Bluff Harbour Board. 23rd ,, .. .. Licensing Hokianga Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd., to occupy foreshore at Motukaraka, Hokianga Harbour (wharf site). 1937. 21st January . . . . Vesting Te Hapua Wharf, Parengarenga Harbour, in trustees, and prescribing dues. 21st „ .. .. Approving plan (M.D. 7516) —Dams and stop-banks, Okarito Harbour ; Okarito Harbour Co., Ltd. 21st ,, .. . . Licensing Heathcote County Council occupy foreshore, Sumner, Heathcote Estuary (Mount Pleasant Jetty). 21st ,, . . . . Revoking Order in Council (3rd November, 1920) licensing T. L. Millar occupy foreshore Waima River, Hokianga Harbour (reclamation). 21st ,, . . . . Licensing O'Brien Bros, occupy foreshore, Omiha Bay, Waiheke Island (wharf). 21st ,, .. . . Approving plan (M.D. 7532) —Slipway, Port Nelson.; Nalder and Biddle. 21st ,, . . .. Approving plan (M.D. 7536) —Boatshed, Manukau Harbour; E. McDonald. 27th ,, . . . . Approving plan (M.D. 7540) —Reclamation of site for oil-tank, Calliope Dock, Auckland Harbour ; Defence Department. 3rd February . . . . Approving plan (M.D. 7545) —Additional bay, Oyster Wharf, Bluff Harbour. 3rd „ . . . . Revoking license of Waitemata County Council over Taiotea Wharf. 3rd „ .. .. Licensing Hauraki Plains County Council occupy foreshore (Waitakaruru Stream and Piako River) and wharves at Waitakaruru, Pipiroa, Kopurahi, Hopai, Horahia, Ngatea, Puhanga, Kerepeehi, Kaihere, Mangawhero, and Patetonga. 3rd „ . . . . Approving plan (M.D. 7535) —Wharves vested in Hauraki Plains County Council. 3rd ,, . . . . Licensing R. Forrester occupy foreshore, Tokatoka, Kaipara Harbour (barge landing). 3rd „ .. . . Approving plan (M.D. 7521) —Barge landing, Tokatoka, Northern Wairoa River, Kaipara Harbour ; R. Forrester. 3rd „ . . . . Vesting in Akitio County Council foreshore at Akitio. 15th ,, . . . . Fixing harbour light dues ; Nelson Harbour Board. 15th ,, .. . . Approving plan (M.D. 7537) —Bridge over Waiarohia Stream., Cameron Street, Whangarei; Whangarei Borough Council. 15th ,, . . .. Approving plan (M.D. 7542) —Landing, Ponsonby, Auckland Harbour ; Auckland Harbour Board. 5th March . . . . Approving plan (M.D. 7552) —Clubhouse, Saint Mary's Bay, Ponsonby ; Ponsonby Cruising Club, Auckland. 18th ,, . . . . Revoking old scale of wharfage dues, Waitangi, Chatham Islands ; Chatham Islands County Council. 31st „ .. . . Vesting management of Metal Landings, Northern Wairoa River, Kaipara Harbour, in Hobson County Council. 31st „ . . . . Revoking license of Thomas Bragg to occupy foreshore, Bragg's Bay, Stewart Island. 31st ,, .. .. Licensing T. M. Lane ancl Sons, Ltd., to occupy foreshore, Whangaroa Harbour (sawmill). 31st „ .. . . Licensing Fish Freezers, Ltd., to occupy foreshore, Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island (freezing-works). 31st ,, .. . . Revoking license of Mrs. Ethel Grace Burns to occupy foreshore, Rotokakahi River, Whangape Harbour.


Adjustment and Inspection of Ships' Compasses. The regulations for the adjustment of compasses have been carefully administered, and compasses continue to be maintained in a good state of efficiency. The results of the investigation of adjustments show that the work of Compass Inspectors and Adjusters has been carefully performed. In a few cases it has been necessary to exercise extra supervision on account of the changing magnetic force in the vessels. Admiralty Charts. The Department, acting as sub-agent for J. D. Potter and Co., London, maintains a stock of Admiralty charts at Head Office and at the Mercantile Marine Offices in Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. The stock includes all charts of the Dominion, and also charts of a considerable portion of the globe. The latter practically includes all ports where non-regular traders are likely to go after discharging in the Dominion. The charts, after their receipt, are periodically corrected to date and, to ensure that purchasers receive information issued subsequent to the date of correction, a list of Notices to Mariners affecting the charts is maintained at each office for inspection. This procedure has been in operation in the Dominion for some years, and is now a condition in agreements between sub-agents and Messrs. J. D. Potter and Co. The sales of charts are increasing progressively, and this year reached a total of 976, of which about 32 per cent, were of charts outside the Dominion. Examination of Masters and Mates. During the year examinations were held in Auckland and Wellington and were conducted in a satisfactory manner, those for foreign-going certificates being in accordance with the Imperial Board of Trade requirements. Seventy-two examinations were held during the year. The percentages for foreign-going and home-trade certificates are as follows : Foreign-going —full pass, 47-8 ; partial pass, 39-1 ; failure, 13-1. Home-trade —full pass, 714 ; partial pass, 14-3 ; failure, 14-3. One candidate passed for fore and aft sail endorsement. Examination in Form and Colour Vision. These examinations are held at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. During the year fifty-seven candidates were examined, only one of whom failed in the lantern test and also in the letter test. No special examination was held during the year. Shipping Casualties. The shipping casualties during the year on or near the coast of New Zealand are recorded in the table attached to this report. Most of these are of a minor nature, but it is necessary to record them in order to maintain, for the use of surveyors, a complete history of every vessel. Casualties involving loss of life are, fortunately, rare on the New Zealand coast, but this year the sailing scow " Rangi " capsized during a cyclonic storm near Auckland with the loss of four lives. Of the other casualties, none of which involved loss of life, the most serious were —the striking by the new motor-ship " Matua " of an uncharted coral rock in Arutunga Anchorage, Aitutaki, Cook Islands ; the striking of Pipitea Wharf at Wellington by the s.s. " Wahine " during a fog; the wreck of the s.s. " Abel Tasman," which was swept away from the wharf at Greymoutli during a flood and thrown on to the beach near the north Breakwater ; and the foundering of two scows " Kaiaia " and " Tamahae." " New Zealand Nautical Almanac and Tide-tables." This publication for 1937 (35th edition) was issued about three weeks later than usual, the delay being due to pressure of work at the Government Printing Office. It provides seamen and other persons with much necessary and useful information in addition to special information for the various ports in the Dominion. The port information is corrected by the various Boards, and at the time of going to press is the latest available. New plans of Timaru and Oamaru were included in this year's edition. Notices to Mariners. Information relative to changes in navigational aids and to the discovery of obstructions, wreckage, or other dangers to navigation, and general information necessary for the use of mariners was published in the form of Notices to Mariners, of which fifty-five were issued during the year. In conformity with a scheme developed by the International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, the Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin Mercantile Marine Offices have been established as " Centralization Offices for Notices to Mariners." Notices are now received from the Admiralty, United States of America, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Singapore, India, Japan, Dutch East Indies, France, Canada, and Phillipine Islands and are available for inspection at these offices. At all other ports visited by foreign-going ships notices from the Admiralty, Australia, and Suva are available for inspection. " Certificates of Efficiency as Lifeboatmen." Examinations for these certificates are held in Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin, and the certificates issued by the Superintendents of Mercantile Marine. The shipping companies are requested to provide the necessary lifeboat and gear, and are responsible for getting the men together at the time appointed for the examination. Since the examination was introduced, 1,032 certificates have been issued.



Registration op Shipping. On the 31st December, 1936, there were on the Register of Vessels in the Dominion 53 sailingvessels of 4,701 tons register, 166 steamers of 82,136 tons register, and 264- motor-vessels of 14,269 tons register, as compared with 52 sailing-vessels of 4,726 tons register, 188 steamers of 80,763 tons register, and 255 motor-vessels of 10,518 tons register at the end of the previous year. The total number of vessels of all classes on the register at the end of the year was 483, aggregating 101,106 tons, as against 495 vessels aggregating 96,007 tons at the end of the previous year. The number of seamen employed on board was 3,071, as compared with 2,887 for the year 1935. Government Shipping Oppices. The administration of the Shipping and Seamen Act has been efficiently and smoothly carried out in the Government Shipping Offices to the entire satisfaction of owners and crews. The improvement in the shipping trade is reflected in the increased number of seamen engaged and discharged at the various ports during the year, the revenue in fees also showing a decided increase. The total number engaged and discharged was 11,803 and 11,533 respectively, compared with 10,283 and 10,070 respectively for the previous year. The transactions at the four main ports were as follows, the figures in parenthesis being those of the previous year : —

Engagement op Seamen. This service has been maintained. A record of seamen applying for work is kept for the purpose of filling vacancies. Sick and Injured Seamen. The total amount paid by shipowners to sick and injured seamen, under the provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, and its amendments, was £20,208 Bs., as against £14,619 7s. 9d. for the previous year, an increase of £5,589 os. 3d. Survey op Ships. The following table shows the number of certificates of survey issued to ships during the year, the figures for the previous year being shown in parenthesis : — Sea-going steam and motor ships .. .. . . . . 155 (159) Sea-going sailing-ships . . .. .. .. .. .. 2 (4) Restricted-limits steam and motor ships .. .. .. .. 367 (382) Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. 524 (545) Four new sea-going motor-ships, " Matua," " Kauri," " Gale," and " Coastguard," were surveyed by the Department for the first time during the year for the issue of certificates. The " Matua " is a steel vessel, built at Hebburn-on-Tyne in June, 1936, of 4,193 tons gross and 2,112 tons register. The propelling machinery consists of two sets of Armstrong Whitworth two-stroke cycle, single-acting Diesel engines, the total brake horse-power being 5,400. The auxiliary machinery is electrically driven, while the steering-gear is electro-hydraulically operated. The vessel is engaged in the New Zealand-Pacific Islands cargo and passenger service. A safety certificate as required for a passenger-ship plying on an international voyage was issued to the vessel after annual survey at Wellington in January, 1937, under the provisions of the International Convention for the Safetv of Life at Sea, 1929. The Kauri, built at Glasgow in August, 1936, has a gross tonnage 2,361, and a register tonnage of 1,302, and is propelled by a single set of 1,600 b.h.p., two-stroke cycle, single-acting Diesel engines constructed by Alex. Stephen and Sons, Ltd. She is employed in the intercolonial coal and timber trade. The " Gale," of 622 tons gross and 314 tons register, was built at Bowling, Scotland, in 1935. She is propelled by a single set of two-stroke cycle Diesel engines of 725 b.h.p., built by British Auxiliaries, Ltd., and is employed in the New Zealand coastal trade. The " Coastguard is a wooden fishing-vessel built at Sydney in 1935, of 27 tons register, and fitted with a single set of Fairbanks-Morse two-stroke cycle oil engines of 100 b.h.p. Eight restricted-limits motor-vessels and one steamship were surveyed for the first time during the year for the issue of certificates. Five of these vessels were new, two had been in private use for a number of years, and two were converted ships' life-boats. The s.s. " William C. Daldy," the largest of the new vessels, is a tug 117 ft. 6 in. long and was built at Renfrew in 1935. The propelling machinery consists of two sets of triple-expansion engines of 261n.h.p., made by Lobnitz and Co., Ltd. Steam is supplied by two cylindrical multitubular boilers, made by Barclay, Curie, and Co. Coal is burned under Howden's forced-draught system. This vessel, it will be observed, is the only new ship propelled by steam-engines surveyed in the Dominion during the year. The remaining first-survey vessels were all propelled by internal-combustion engines.


Port. Engaged. | Discharged. Fees. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland .. .. .. .. 3,244 (2,808) 3,355 (2,659): 618 2 0 (501 9 0) Wellington .. .. .. .. 5,735 (5,062) 5,484 (5,069) 1,021 19 0 (865 9 0) Lyttelton .. .. .. .. 546 (509) 550 (500) 91 10 0 (85 2 0) Dunedin .. .. .. .. 615 (372) 502 (400) 107 0 0 (73 0 0) | i


The sailing vessels " Pahiki," " Esme," and " Seagull " were converted to auxiliary powered vessels, the two latter after having been laid up for about five years. Now that the " Rangi " has been wrecked, the " Rewa " is the only sailing-vessel in commercial service on the New Zealand coast. The s.s. " Kaitoa," a small iron vessel some thirty-seven years old employed in towing on the Waikato River, was converted to oil-engine propulsion by the removal of the boiler and steam-engine, and the installation of a Diesel unit of 66 b.h.p. A total of nine vessels were deleted from the Department's current records during the year. Of these, the s.s. " Himatangi," a cargo vessel of 479 tons gross, built in 1911, which had been laid up since 1932, was purchased by an Australian firm and towed to Sydney. The s.s. " Kanna," a cargo vessel of 1,948 tons gross, also built in 1911, was sold to Eastern buyers. As the vessel sailed from New Zealand under foreign registry, the Department's Certificate of Survey was not required, but a survey of the life-saving appliances aboard was carried out by the Department. Three old steam-vessels, built of iron, were scuttled —namely, " Opihi," 1,117 tons gross, built 1886 ; " Dredge 222," 907 tons gross, built 1881 ; " Plucky," 81 tons gross, built 1880. The s.s. '' Orepuki," 545 tons gross, built 1908, was broken up. Three small vessels were wrecked, destroyed by fire, and sunk, respectively. The arrival of the t.s.s. " Awatea " in New Zealand waters last September, and the commencement of her running during that month, was a notable event in the history of the intercolonial passenger-service. The vessel is a luxury liner of the highest class and was built at Barrow-in-Furness in 1936. She is 527-3 ft. long, 74-2 ft. in breadth, with a depth of 31-75 ft. Gross tonnage is 13,482, and register tonnage is 7,929. The propelling machinery consists of two sets of single reduction geared turbines of over 20,000 shaft horse-power receiving superheated steam at 425 lb. per square inch pressure from six Yarrow type oil-fired boilers. Machinery and boilers were made by the builders of the vessel, Messrs. Yickers Armstrong, Ltd. The service speed of the " Awatea "is 20-| knots, a marked increase over the speed of British vessels hitherto engaged in the trade, and is sufficient to enable the vessel to make one round trip between Sydney and New Zealand ports a week. The ship ran throughout the summer of 1936-37 under a passenger and international safety certificate issued by the Imperial Board of Trade in July, 1936. Plans and specifications of nine new vessels built or building for service in New Zealand waters were examined in Head Office during the year. All the vessels are of wood with the exception of one, a new vehicular ferry steamer for Auckland Harbour, which is of composite construction. This vessel will be propelled by internal-combustion engines of 400 b.h.p. The largest repairs of the year were carried out to two express steamers —the " Rangatira " and " Wabine " —both engaged in the Wellington-Lyttelton passenger service. The " Rangatira " struck a rock outside Wellington Harbour on the morning of 2nd February, 1936, and entered dry-dock at Wellington on 9th February for repairs and reconditioning. She remained in dry-dock until 25th May, a period of 106 days, and, on completion of the work afloat, resumed running on the 29th June, 1936. The damage sustained to the hull-bottom was practically continuous from the forefoot to a position approximately 140 ft. aft of the stem. The plating, keel, framing, floors, and other internal structure were badly set up and the plating pierced in parts. The stem and the bow rudder were damaged. Serious damage was also sustained in way of the engine-room on the starboard side. Plating and frames were set up at this part, but, fortunately for the safety of the ship, the plating was not pierced. The work of repair was probably the greatest of its kind ever carried out in New Zealand. Forty hull plates were renewed and a large number were taken off, faired, and replaced. Fifty frames on port and starboard sides were cut and renewed, together with floors and brackets in numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 double bottom tanks. The bow rudder was removed, repaired, and refitted, and a portion of the stem bar and the forefoot castings were removed, faired, annealed, and replaced. The work was carried out to the requirements and under the supervision of the Department's surveyors and has proved in service to be entirely satisfactory. On sth June, 1936, the " Wahine " collided with Pipitea Wharf, Wellington, in a dense fog and sustained extensive damage to the stem bar and bow rudder and to the hull plating, and internal structure from the stem to the chain locker bulkhead. The collision bulkhead immediately aft of the damage remained intact and water did not gain access to the main compartments of the ship. Twelve shell plates on both sides of the bow were damaged and these were taken off and faired or renewed, and refitted. Portions of ten frames on both sides were cut and renewed. The bow rudder was completely renewed, and the forward steering-gear repaired. The vessel was out of commission from sth June, 1936, to 21st December, 1936, the greater part of this period being occupied in complete reconditioning of the vessel's battery of water-tube boilers. The vessel was originally equipped with eight coal-fired boilers and on a change-over to oil fuel some years ago it was found that six boilers were ample for requirements. Two boilers were taken out of the ship, and the tubes, headers, and mud drums of the iemaining boilers were renewed. One steam-drum was also renewed. In addition to the usual annual surveys, 244 seaworthiness, efficiency, and tonnage surveys were made during the year. Forty-one seaworthiness and efficiency surveys were made to overseas vessels not registered or normally surveyed in the Dominion. Twelve of these surveys were connected with repairs to the hull, ten with machinery, and four with winches and cargo gear. In two instances surveys were made in connection with the extension of Board of Trade passenger and safety certificates of passenger-vessels. In each of these cases the vessel's certificate expired while in New Zealand waters and the extension was granted under Article 52 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea for the purpose of allowing the ship to return to England.


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Safe Working Loads Regulations. The regulations require that no person shall sell or purchase any fibre rope for working cargo unless a written guarantee is given as to quality or brand and breaking-load, and that such guarantee must first have the Department's approval. The Department's approval is given in the form of a certificate based on the result of mechanical tests of samples of the ropes. During the year twenty samples of various brands and sizes of rope holding guarantee certificates were selected at random and tested with a view to ascertaining whether the quality of guaranteed rope was being maintained. The resirits of the tests were satisfactory in all cases. Three instances of the overloading of cargo gear came under the Department's notice. Proceedings against the offenders were duly taken, and convictions obtained. General Harbour Regulations. Regulation 103 of the General Harbour Regulations, 1935, requires : — (1) In every case where there occurs any accident causing death or serious injury to any person engaged in loading or discharging or handling cargo or coal, or in repair, overhaul, or repair-work on a ship, the person having the control or management of the work in connection with which the accident occurred shall forthwith after such accident deliver to the Superintendent of Mercantile Marine written notice of the same on the prescribed form. (2) In every case of breakage or failure of any derrick, chain sling, rope, or other appliance used in loading or discharging cargo or coal on or from ships, the person in charge of the work in connection with which the break or failure occurred shall, as soon as is reasonably possible thereafter, deliver to the Superintendent of Mercantile Marine written notice thereof on the prescribed form. The total number of accidents reported under the provisions of this regulation was 529, 509 being reported under the first paragraph and twenty under the second. Of the 509 reported accidents in which injuries were received by a worker, 485 could not be classed as serious and were, no doubt, reported as a precautionary measure. The remaining twenty-four comprised two fatal accidents and twenty-two involving workers in more or less serious injuries. Of the two fatal accidents one was due to a seaman falling from a gantry when releasing a hatchlid, and the other was due to a seaman falling from a boatswain's chair when painting a ventilator. Neither case was, strictly speaking, within the scope of the regulation. Of the twenty-two serious but non-fatal accidents, nine were due to falls down holds, four to falls other than down holds, five to being struck by falling cargo, and four to being struck by swinging cargo or gear. With regard to the twenty reported accidents involving failure of gear, two involved the failure of a derrick, two the failure of a chain, one the failure of a wire sling, and fifteen the failure of blocks, hooks, and other iron components of the gear. In none of these accidents were any injuries sustained by a worker, and in the majority of cases they were due to misuse of the gear. Inspection of Boilers. The total number of boilers inspected was 8,979, as against 9,009 inspected last year, a slightdecrease of thirty. Of the boilers inspected, 4,834 were fired boilers, 3,370 were unfired steam-pressure vessels, and 775 were air-receivers. The inspections included eighty-five new power-boilers, aggregating 1,527 horse-power manufactured in the Dominion, and thirty-seven new power-boilers, aggregating 655 horse-power imported from abroad. They also included 168 new steam-pressure vessels and forty-one new air-receivers manufactured in the Dominion, and 179 new steam-pressure vessels and fifty new air-receivers imported from abroad. The total number of new boilers, pressure vessels, and air-receivers for the year was 560, an increase of 104 over last year, and the drawings for the whole of these were examined and checked in Head Office before the units were accepted for a safe-working pressure. Some of the boilers of which plans were examined and approved are important boilers of their kind. One set of drawings represented two large water-tube boilers of the four-drum type each designed to evaporate 30,0001b. of steam per hour. Each boiler is complete with a battery of modern equipment for the economical production of high-pressure steam, consisting of superheater, economizer, de-aerating, and water-softening plant, and mechanical stokers. The designed working pressure is 450 lb. per square inch. Another drawing examined was of a cross-drum type water-tube boiler with a heating surface of 4,394 square feet. The boiler includes a superheater with a heating surface of 1,320 square feet, an economizer and a chain-grate stoker for automatic firing. The working-pressure is 270 lb. per square inch. A drawing of a similar boiler of rather less heating surface and a working-pressure of 250 lb. per square inch was also examined. In the steam-heating class of boiler plans were examined and approved of a large boiler with a heating surface of 432 square feet working at a pressure of 10 lb. per square inch. Among the unfired pressure vessels, plans were approved of a multiple roll ironer of all-welded construction, 13 ft. 8 in. long, designed to work at a steam-pressure of 100 lb. per square inch. The plans of Dominion-made boilers included several multitubular boilers of the largest size. A group of three now under construction are each 84 horse-power, 6 ft. 6 in. in diameter by 16 ft. long, and will work at a pressure of 130 lb. per square inch.



During the year the question of acceptance of Velox supercharged steam-boilers for electric-power generation at Wellington was put before the Department, and after careful consideration it was decided to accept the boilers under certain conditions. The Yelox boiler, or steam-generator, which is perhaps a more appropriate term, is one of the most recent developments in the steam-generation field. The main characteristic is the application of the principle of supercharging resulting in combustion taking place under pressure far exceeding normal practice and the partial transformation of this pressure into velocity in order to obtain high flue gas speed. Essentially, the boiler comprises a combustion chamber lined with evaporator tubes, a superheater, a separator by means of which water is separated from the steam, an exhaust gas turbine, and a feed water preheater. The Yelox boiler is very light in weight, contains little water, and occupies a comparatively small space. There is a complete absence of brickwork, and it operates flexibly under load variations at a very high efficiency. A feature of the design is the rapidity in which steam at full working-pressure can be supplied from cold. The boilers, made for New Zealand under test at the makers' works, Baden, started from cold to full load in 3 min. 38 sec. and attained the high efficiency of nearly 95 per cent. The pressure parts are practically of all-welded construction, and in this, respect the Velox boiler is the first power boiler of this construction approved for service in New Zealand. The conditions of acceptance of the welded pressure parts called for rigid tests. These comprised tensile of all weld metal, bend, impact at the junction of the welds, impact at the welds, tensile at joints, and density tests. Photo-macrographs and micrographs were required of the plates in the vicinity of the welds, of the junctions between welds and parent metals, and of the welds. X-ray photographs were required of the entire length of each welded seam, both longitudinal and circumferential. In addition to the tests it was required that each welded vessel should be efficiently heat-treated. The heat treatment consisted of heating each vessel in twelve hours to 650° C. holding it at that temperature for three hours and allowing it to cool slowly to 200° C. at the rate of 15° to 20° C. per hour. All the tests were carried out to the Department's satisfaction. The boilers will operate at a steam-pressure of 225 lb. per square inch, and are rated to generate 90,000 lb. of steam per hour. At the moment of writing the first unit is erected and is about to undergo exhaustive steam tests. Reference to the results of tests and the general operation of the Velox boiler will be made in the next annual report. A return showing the number of boilers inspected during each of the past five years is as follows :—

Machinery. The following statement shows the number of inspections of machines, machinery plants, lifts, cranes, and hoists made during the year, the corresponding figures for the previous year being shown in parentheses : — Machines not driven by steam power, plants, 9,499 (9,473) .. 64 ,214 (60,253) Machines driven by steam power, plants, 2,514 (2,638) .. .13,316 (12,329) Electric-power-supply stations .. .. .. .. 154 (167) Lifts .. .. 3,328 (3,116) Cranes .. .. .. • • ■ ■ •• • • 336 (395) Hoists 1,329 (1,308) Total inspections.. .. .. .. •• 82,677 (77,568) Included in these numbers are sixty-three lifts and twenty-seven cranes inspected for the first time. The plans of these machines were examined in Head Office and the working-loads computed before they were certificated. Of the new cranes installed in New Zealand during the past year the crane with the largest lifting capacity is one of the Guy Derrick type, imported by Messrs. Kanieri Gold-dredging, Ltd., for dredge-erection purposes. The mast and derrick of this crane are each 100 ft. long, and the safe load which can be lifted with the derrick at the maximum radius of 92 ft. is 10 tons. The increased dimensions of the newer passenger and cargo vessels that now call regularly at New Zealand ports are reflected in the larger and improved cargo cranes which have been installed on the wharves at Auckland, Wellington, and Lyttelton during the past year. At Auckland four new electric wharf cranes, each with a lifting-capacity of 5 tons at a maximum radius of 60 ft., have been purchased, and the jibs of some existing cranes on Auckland wharves have been lengthened to enable them to satisfactorily load and unload cargo from the largest vessels now trading to the port. At Wellington two 3 ton derrick cranes have been erected on the Queen's Wharf. They should prove useful in the rapid handling of the cargo, baggage, and mail carried by the large trans-Tasman express steamers which habitually berth at this wharf, and whose stay in port is of


1932-33. 1933-34. j 1934-35. 1935-36. 1936-37. Fired boilers .. .. .. •• 4,501 4,582 4,655 4,997 4,834 Unfired steam-pressure vessels .. .. 2,522 2,649 2,670 3,251 3,370 Air-receivers .. .. • • • • 635 691 675 761 775 Totals .. .. .. •• 7,658 7,922 8,000 9,009 8,979


necessarily brief duration. In Lyttelton tb.e Harbour Board has purchased ten electric wharf cranes of the high pedestal type, each capable of lifting 5 tons at a maximum radius of 65 ft. These cranes represent the largest order for port cargo-handling appliances which has been placed in recent years. Cranes used on wharves are certificated under the Inspection of Machinery Act and, as they are used for the purpose of handling ships' cargo, must comply with the Department's Safe Working Loads, issued under the General Harbour Regulations, in addition to the requirements for purely land cranes. Included in the new lifts are some very modern installations. The procedure adopted by the Department for the first inspection of machinery of this nature is that the importer or manufacturer must submit detailed plans and particulars to Head Office before erection. When plans have been examined and details finalized the District Office concerned is advised of the approved construction and instructed to inspect the installation, check it with the approved plans, and carry out the necessary tests of safety equipment. On receipt of the Inspector's report, together with a report from the local electrical supply authority, issued under the provisions of the Electrical Wiring Regulations, a certificate for the lift is issued. The certificate states the load or the number of persons the lift may carry and has a currency of six months. It must be posted in the lift-car. The type of lift now being installed in modern buildings is illustrated by the following brief description of a recent installation in a Wellington office building. The lift carries twelve persons and operates at a speed of 400 ft. per minute on car-switch or automatic push-button control. The source of power is alternating current at 400 volts, which is transformed by a motor-generator set to direct current for operation of the lifting machinery and the controls. A feature of the system is that all electrical circuits are operated at the low direct-current voltage of 60 volts and the controller is effectively isolated from the high-pressure mains and entirely eliminates any danger of high-voltage shocks from those using the lift or operating the doors. The landing-doors are provided with self-closers and the doors are so fitted that they must be locked in a closed position before the car can move. The lift is fully equipped with the latest electrical safety-devices and is fitted with an over-speed governor which operates and brings the lift to rest at a pre-determined over-speed. Eight fatal accidents and 129 non-fatal accidents connected with machinery inspected by the Department were reported and fully investigated during the year. In the case of each accident the whole of the relevant facts were obtained and the matter was not closed until the Department was satisfied that the machine and similar machines were equipped with safeguards which under ordinary care of the worker would prevent a recurrence of like accidents. The total number of boilers and machines of all classes is 90,303, and the ratio of the number of accidents to the number of boilers and machines inspected is 1 to 659. Two of the fatal accidents were connected with circular saws, two with lifts, and one each with a coal screen, an excavator, a churn, and a dough-mixer. Brief summaries of the fatal accidents taken from the reports are as follows :— (1) In April, 1936, the owner of a small portable wood-cutting plant met his death while cutting wood near Christchurch. The plant consisted of a home-made bench of the sliding chariot type and a circular saw driven by an old motor-car engine. Various parts of old motor-cars were used in the make-up of the plant, and it appeared from a careful examination after the accident that the circular saw was in a particularly bad condition. The saw was 30 in. diameter with a centre hole If in. diameter. The saw spindle was 1 in. diameter, and a poorly fitted loose washer was let in to make up the deficiency in bore. There was evidence that the saw had been well hammered and severely handled, and several old cracks were visible in the parts examined. On the day of the accident willow-trees were being cut for firewood, and when a knotty piece was met the saw flew to pieces. One portion struck the owner, who was operating the plant at the time, and inflicted injuries which caused almost instantaneous death. The plant had not been inspected by the Department and was therefore not certificated. Its condition was such that it would not have been passed for the issue of a certificate. (2) The second fatal accident with a circular saw also occurred near Christchurch, and again the owner and operator of the plant was killed. On this occasion the plant was fully certificated and a visit of inspection had been made only three days prior to the accident. On sth October, 1936, at a breast bench equipped with a circular saw, a piece of sawn timber was thrown over the saw and struck the sawyer and inflicted injuries, from which he died. It appeared from evidence at the inquest that the deceased had removed a riving-knife from the back of the saw immediately after the Inspector had left the mill. The riving-knife is a strict requirement of the Department for this class of saw, and its purpose is to prevent sawn timber from pinching the back of the saw and being thrown over the saw to the danger of the operator. It was rigidly enforced some twelve years when this class of accident was fairly common, and met with a good deal of opposition from the older workers, principally on the score that it would slow up the work. However, it was found that a well-fitted riving-knife gave the sawyer greater confidence in his work and actually improved production. An accident such as this, due to proved safeguards being deliberately removed by the owner of the plant immediately after a visit of inspection, is difficult to prevent. (3) A fatal accident occurred in September, 1936, with an automatic passenger-lift installed in an Auckland building. The body of a tenant was found at the bottom of the lift-well and it is assumed from blood-stains on the side of the well and on the car-sill that deceased went through the restricted opening between the car and the side of the well in the neighbourhood of the fifth floor and fell to the bottom of the well. It is further assumed that the lift temporarily stopped between floors and that deceased, who was the sole occupant of the car, opened the car-gate for the purpose of reaching down to open a landing gate. While in this position the lift probably started and he was drawn between the



car and the side of the well. Apart from a defect in the car guide-shoe, which was an effect of the accident, and a defective lock on the ground floor which had no bearing on the accident, rigid tests of the lift and its equipment did not reveal any defects which would have caused the lift to stop and thereby lead to the accident. The temporary stoppage may have been due to snatching at one of landing-doors as the lift passed upwards. The slamming of a snatched door would restart the fltt. The term " snatching " is used to express the practice of irresponsible persons forcing open landingdoors of automatic lifts as the car passes a landing and momentarily releases the safety lock. Evidence at the inquest disclosed that snatching was prevalent in the building. The lift has since been fitted with a device which will prevent this abuse. , ,„„„ (4) The second lift fatality of the year under review occurred at Auckland in December, I9<K>, when a man was killed while riding on a lift certificated for goods only. The deceased was visiting the caretaker of a building after office hours and ascended in a goods-lift, although there was a proper y equipped passenger-lift on the premises. The body was found in the lift-car at the second floor, a,nd from the injuries received there is good reason to believe that he was jammed between the car and tie side of the lift-well when the car was ascending. There were two prominent notices m the car stating that the lift was for goods only and prohibiting any person from riding m the car. 11m Coroner s verdict was that deceased died from a fractured neck resulting from an accident caused through, his inability to manage a goods-lift in which he was trespassing. , (5) On 19th October, 1936, a workman, whose normal duties were those of attending to a revolving screen used for washing and screening coal at a mine on the West Coast, was found dead in a troug beneath the screen. There were no witnesses to the accident, and the primary cause can only be surmized. The screen makes only twenty-two revolutions per minute, equivalent to a peripheral speed of about 207 ft. per minute, and it is not likely that the deceased was caught by it. Severe injuries to the head and neck were the cause of death, and it seems probable that deceased tnpped and fell into the trough and received the fatal injuries from the fall. The machine was equipped with safeguards at the time of the accident, but the platforms and guard-rails have since been improved to prevent a repetition of this class of accident. (6) When .a power-diiven excavator was being used at Wellington on the 9th December, 1936, for pulling timber piles from a refilled trench, the luffing rope broke and the falling jib struck a workman on the head and inflicted injuries from which he died the next day. The fractured rope was thoroughly tested on behalf of the Department at the School of Engineering, Canterbury College, and results showed that it was in good condition at the time of the accident. Bull-dog grips used for seizing the rope at the end where it fractured were improperly fitted, and this, combined with the fact that the machine was overloaded, was the primary cause ol the accident. The machine was certificated by the Department for use as an excavator and was being improperly used as a crane when the fatality occurred. (7) In December, 1936, a worker was killed by a butter churn m a dairy factory in JNorth Auckland. The man was not connected with the operation of the churn, and his duties at the time of the.accident were washing a drain in the vicinity of the machine. He was found dead at the back of the churn, and from the injuries he had received it was assumed that his head was crushed between a fixed and rotating part when he either slipped on the wet floor or fainted and fell against the machine, Ihe churn revolved very slowly, turning only 3| revolutions per minute, and the gear-wheels and other dangerous parts were enclosed by protective housings. In view of the slow speed at which the machine operated it was considered that the portions which projected from the back of the machine were not dangerous. Steps are being taken to improve the safety of this type of churn. ' (8) The remaining fatal machinery accident of the year occurred m a bakery at Dunedm on bth February, 1937. While dough from a dough mixing machine was being tested with the hopper-lid raised and the internal beaters running, a baker inadvertently dropped his left hand into the hopper and it was crushed between one of the beaters and the side of the machine. The injuries were not severe, but complications arose and the injured person collapsed and died in hospital about nine days later, ihe machine had been in operation for over twenty-five years without an accident and the deceased had been engaged at the machine for a period of thirteen years. The machine is of a very old type, and as it has two sets of beaters which may be run either in the same or opposite directions, it is difficult; to guard completely. The hopper-lid is being fitted with an interlocking device so arranged that when the hopper is open for the purpose of testing dough the beaters will run m the direction m which an accident is not likely to occur. . One hundred and twenty-nine non-fatal accidents connected with inspected machinery were reported during the year. Of these, one hundred and fifteen were minor accidents and fourteen were major accidents. In each case the circumstances of the accidents, and the safeguards and condition of the machine, were fully investigated and, where practicable, improvements to the machine or to the safeguards were effected in order to prevent a repetition of similar accidents. The return shows a considerable increase over last year, when a total of sixty-two non-fatal accidents were reported, it does not follow, however, that machinery has become more dangerous during this year than it was last vear. The higher accident rate may be attributed to a great extent to the fact that during the year Inspectors were notified that they should report all machinery accidents, except the really trivial ones which incapacitated the injured persons for three days or more. The Inspection of Machinery Act requires owners of machinery to notify to the Department only those accidents causing loss of lite or serious bodily injury. In previous years Inspectors did not have uniform views as to what constituted a serious accident, and hence would probably not have reported a large number of the accidents classified in this report as minor accidents. The increase in the number of machinery inspections shows that there has been an increased use of machinery during the year, with the consequence that more persons must have been exposed to the dangers of machinery. This would also explain to some extent the seemingly higher accident rate.

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The reporting of minor accidents is very desirable. It is often merely a matter of chance that tiZs°n ? W , aS I n ° t f S6rI T S " ne ' The va g ar ies of accidents should be well known, but it is somelrnes not appreciated that a valuable lesson as to how a serious accident may be safeguarded can often be learned from an investigation into the causes of a minor accident. adem la °Jlv S pm an T dre , d and seven of the accidents occurred with machines considered to be Dlanerf w safeguards. In many instances the guarding of such machines as saws, ThesemaSl I T f^ 6r wood - wor k ln g machines and presses could not be improved. 7 be considered dangerous, and only experience and extreme care on the part of the where accident Jrl amde Jl ts - FOT tunate ly, the safeguards fitted will prevent serious accidents, and nei cLf nff i are generally of a minor nature. One hundred of the accidents, or 77 nf rt!» Il ™ mber re P ort ed, were connected with injuries to the fingers or hands. In a number ot these cases thoughtlessness or inattention on the part of the workers were contributing factors. . n ymber of young persons injured by machinery during the year ending 31st March 1937 was again high no less than thirty-nine, or 30 per cent, of the total number of victims, being young thev w P rf el^ te ® n / ears of a f and under. Many of these had been operating the machines at which inexWnr. • v' Ver {, siort P® nods and the Wgt rate is no doubt due to their youth and to inexperience m working with power-driven machinery. shaftfnJn/tri' planerS ( n )> Papers moulders, and other wood-working machinery (14), belts and crane™! machinery (14), presses (12), metal-working machines (8), textile machinery (6), hi f !if ( mmcer ® (?)' Pnnting-machines (3), guillotines (2), and power mangles (2) were responsible for the majority of the non-fatal accidents. New Zealand's Standards. CommS P e b nT+L r *P resented on the Mechanical Engineering Divisional Committee of the New Zealand Standards Institute, Approximately sixty standard specifications were examined up to the 31st March. y ' spline,amons Prosecutions. Art Le S al proeeedmgs which were taken during the year for breaches of the Inspection of Machinery Act and those which were successful include seven prosecutions taken under section 16 (working machinery not adequately guarded) one under section 15 (working a lift when in charge of a boy not h 6en y earB ,° f 0116 ™ der sect]on 38 (working machinery in respect of which a certificate and * °ne under section 64 (employing an engine-driver not properly certificated and acting as engine-driver without a certificate). Staff. nf sSt 7 + 6ar r, u W l? n 'T° 1 f Invercar g il1 ' was transferred to the stag of the Senior Surveyor of Ships, Wellington. Mr S. N. Johnston was transferred from Wellington to the position of Senior Inspector of Machinery and Senior Surveyor of Ships, Christchurch. Mr. Lidgett, of Hamilton, resigned Mr T P V ' artm ' J ns Peotor of Machinery, Queensland, was appointed to fill the vacancy. M M +? fcransfe 7 6 / °m Auckland to Greymouth to have charge of the West Coast district. Mr. Mowatt was transferred from Greymouth to Invercargill. Mr. Parker whose appointment was Zl; J, f ? ar co l nmenc ® d d ! l t 6S at Wellington on the Ist April. Mr. Townsend assumed the position of Senior Inspector of Machinery and Senior Surveyor of Ships, Auckland, at the end of Wellingtoif H ' appointed Ins P ect °r of Machinery and Surveyor of Ships, n/r Arrangements were made for pending transfers arising out of the retirement early in 1937-38 of Mr. 1). .Bell, Inspector of Machinery and Surveyor of Ships, Dunedin. Examinations of Land Engineers, Engine-drivers, and Electric Tram-drivers. These examinations were held at the various offices of the Inspectors of Machinery throughout the Dominion at the regular intervals provided for in the regulations. In addition, a few special examinations were granted, but the holding of special examinations is not encouraged, as it is considered that the regular examinations are of sufficient frequency, and except in very exceptional circumstances candidates are expected to arrange that they may attend the scheduled examinations. _ the tull list of places where the examinations were held is shown in an appended return, as also is the number of candidates examined at each place. The classes of certificates for which examinations were nela were :— Extra First-class Stationary Engineer. First-class Engine-driver. Second-clans Engine-driver. Steam-winding-engine Driver. Electric-winding-engine Driver. Locomotive-engine Driver. Traction-engine Driver. Locomotive and Traction Engine Driver. Electric-tram Driver. Electric-tram Driver (One-man car). U* The total number of candidates examined was 565. Of this number, 420 were successful and includesl2oV exa 7 natl ° n , s - Fom hundred and eighty-three certificates were issued, which includes 420 to successful candidates m their examinations, the remainder being replacements and issues under the provisions of sections 53, 59, and 62 of the Inspection of Machinery Act, 1928,.


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Examination of Marine Engineers. During the year 189 candidates were examined for Marine Engineers' Certificates of Competency at the various centres throughout the Dominion. Of these, seventy-six candidates were examined for third-class, second-class, and first-class ordinary and motor certificates of Imperial validity ; of the forty-six third-class candidates who presented themselves for examination, twenty-three were successful and twenty-three were unsuccessful; of the eight second-class ordinary, motor, and steam endorsement candidates examined, seven were successful and one unsuccessful; of the twenty-two candidates examined for first-class ordinary, motor, and motor endorsement, twelve were successful and ten unsuccessful in the examination. In the case of first-class candidates the above particulars are comprised of nine candidates for ordinary certificates, of whom four were successful, six candidates for motor certificates of whom four were successful, and seven candidates for motor endorsement, of whom four were successful. In the case of second-class candidates, the foregoing return comprised five candidates for ordinary certificates, all passed ; two candidates for motor certificates, one passed and one failed ; and one candidate who was successful for steam endorsement. Of the twelve successful candidates for first-class examination, six passed at the first attempt, four at the second attempt, and two at the third attempt. Of the seven successful candidates for second-class examination, all passed at the first attempt. Of the twenty-three successful candidates for third-class examination, fifteen passed at the first attempt, seven at the second attempt, and one at the fourth attempt. The summary for third, second, and first class examinations being 55-3 per cent, passes and 44-7 per cent, failures, represents a decrease of 10 per cent, successful candidates over the previous year. There has been a reduction of about 22 per cent, third-class candidates presenting themselves for examination, which is, no doubt, due to the small demand for apprentices during the depression period. On the other hand, the return shows approximately the same percentage of increase for the higher grade certificates due to the improved shipping conditions. Of the remaining candidates, 113 examined for Certificates of Competency, which are valid in New Zealand only, which number represents an increase of 28 per cent, over last year, due, no doubt, to the proposed new regulations regarding Coastal Motor Certificates in favour of the present P.Y.O.S. Certificates. Of these, seventy —fifty-two of whom were successful —were examined for sea-going vessels propelled by some motive power other than steam ; thirty-six —thirty-one of whom were successful —for service in vessels propelled by some motive power other than steam plying within restricted limits ; seven —five of whom were successful —for steam-driven vessels plying within restricted limits. The examinations for first-class, second-class, ordinary and motor certificates, and those for thirdclass certificates are held at the four main centres only. Examinations for certificates of competency, which are valid in New Zealand only, have been held at the fifteen centres throughout the Dominion. Prosecutions. During the year proceedings were instituted under the various statutes administered by this Department. Of the thirty-nine cases the proceedings under each Act were as follows : Fisheries Act, 24 ; Inspection of Machinery Act, 10 ; Harbours Act, 1 ; Shipping and Seamen Act, 4. Fisheries. The report of the Chief Inspector of Fisheries, which is appended, deals fully with the activities of this Branch of the Department during the past year. The sale of rock oysters showed an improvement on the previous year, sales amounting to £4,964 13s. lid., as against £3,762 6s. Bd. for the 1935 season. The number of sacks marketed was 4,033, compared with 3,037 sacks in 1935. The quality of the oysters was again excellent and sales were brisk. Expenditure on oyster cultivation for the year was £1,161 14s. Id. Whaling. Under the provisions of the International Whaling Convention signed at Geneva in 1931 the Marine Department has authority to issue licenses only to vessels registered in New Zealand. One floating factory owned in the United Kingdom, but registered in New Zealand, is operating under international convention license in the Antarctic waters ; and the whaling-station operating in New Zealand waters from Tory Channel took sixty-nine whales during the 1936 season with a yield of 280 tons of oil, as compared with fifty-seven whales with a yield of 258 tons during the previous season. The improvement shown in the price of whale-oil has been maintained during the past year. Staff. During the year the five-day working-week was instituted where practicable in the various branches of the Department, the additional hours for recreation purposes being appreciated by members of the staff. The conduct of the staff during the year has been excellent. The fullest co-operation lias been shown and the efficiency of previous years maintained. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, L. B. Campbell, Secretary.



REPORT ON FISHERIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1937. Sir, — By the way of introduction to this annual report on fisheries attention may be drawn to the twofold purpose that should be served by such a report. It should provide (a) a record of fishery conditions for the period under review, and (b) a record of official action and departmental functions in relation to fisheries administration. The first is obviously necessary to provide data for the intelligent consideration of fishery facts —past, present, or impending—by those who may have a commercial, administrative, or legislative interest in the matter ; and the second, the administrative aspect of the report, is desirable in order that the public and their parliamentary representatives may be in a position to understand what is being done by and for the State to ensure that those national assets constituted by the fisheries are being utilized in a rational way and for the nation's benefit, which is, or should be, the aim of legislation and administration with regard to fisheries or any other national assets. To render an account of fishery conditions is to deal with a subject that is notoriously obscure, illusive, and liable to present controversial aspects. It is commonly assumed that no one can know the true facts about fish and nshing so well as those who are actually engaged in the industry. So long as that is the case, the official administration of fisheries is a thing of futility not fulfilling its purpose. For a long time that actually was the case and, superficially regarded, it did not seem to matter. It is still the case in relation to many aspects of fishery conditions ; the agents of exploitation are forging ahead while the agency for conservation is groping, its true course being out of sight or out of focus. But the present generation is at least beginning to suspect that conservation does matter. Whatever the limitations of departmental administration of fisheries have been with regard to practical knowledge, it has always had the imporatnt qualification of being disinterested. The object of the practical man', as fish-catcher or fish-dealer, is the maximum profit for himself with the minimum cost and effort.' The administrator's object is to ensure rational utilization, to control exploitation so that it does not out-pace conservation, that present profits may not be made at the expense of posterity. To this end he must have an understanding of the practical facts of exploitation in general and in detail, an understanding of the conditions of to-day in comparison with those of the past, and, if possible, a prevision of the trend towards developments that are likely to occur in the future. He' must have 'an understanding of the practical facts of the industry and a good deal more besides. If this report were as near the ideal fisheries report as its writer would like it to be it would demonstrate these points in the clearest possible light. All that can be said is that an attempt has been made, in the time available, to bring out some of the essential facts of the situation. In so far as the facts are not sufficiently elucidated it must be inferred that the administrative machinery is not adequate. Its fundamental limitation may be pointed out. It resides in the fact that, while the Department has made steady progress, which has been accelerated during the last year, in acquiring a more detailed and a more comprehensive knowledge of the results of fishery exploitation, its knowledge of the capital stocks of fish that are available for exploitation proceeds very slowly because it is not yet equipped to acquire such knowledge by special investigations such as have been carried on during the last thirty years or more by all the civilized countries that take a serious interest in their fishery resources. There are, fortunately, prospects at last of some development in this direction to which reference will be made later. During the year under review the staff of the Fisheries Branch was augmented by the appointment of two cadets, one of whom commenced his duties on 14th Spetember, 1936, and the other on the 14th January, 1937. The strength of our personnel was reduced, however, by the appointment of Mr. M. W. Young to the Sea Fisheries Investigation Committee set up by the Hon. the Minister of Industries and Commerce in January, 1937. This is only a temporary loss, and there is no doubt but that the detailed local evidence collected by this Committee throughout the Dominion will be of considerable assistance to the Government in dealing with the present problems in connection with all aspects of the fish industry. Much appreciated provision was also made during the year for the strengthening of the provincial staff of the Fisheries Branch by creating appointments for a District Inspector of Fisheries for the Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago Provinces respectively. Hitherto there were no local whole-time Inspectors of Fisheries except in the Auckland Province, where attention to rock-oyster beds constituted their principal duties. The appointments of District Inspectors were not made until after the end of the year under review. With the increased surveillance over fishery operations and the closer and more frequent contacts with the members of the industry that may now be expected the supply of information to headquarters will be more valuable than hitherto and future reports should thereby be much improved. In the present report, however, it is only on the statistical side that any important development can be recorded. For the first time in the history of the Department we have obtained data that may properly be called statistical. Though the fullest possible use cannot be made of them in this present report owing to limitations of time, the records are in our possession in detail and in collated form which "can be utilized for purposes for which the records of previous years were quite inadequate. The statistical tables that it has been customary to present with this report are for this year based on monthly returns of the landings of individual fishing-vessels and not, as hitherto, on an estimate made for a whole year by local Inspectors who sometimes had limited opportunities for obtaining comprehensive data for such an estimate. I would here express the thanks of the Fisheries Branch of the Department to the skippers and owners of fishing-vessels for the generally very satisfactory way in which they have co-operated with us in connection with these monthly returns. I believe it arises from a general desire to help, based



on an appreciation of the necessity of such data for a proper understanding of the fishing from year to year, and not from any compulsion imposed by the regulations. Of course, the responses have not been uniformly satisfactory, but, with the District Inspectors to assist where necessary, further improvements may be expected. It is hoped, in the annual reports on fisheries in future, to give tables in a form designed to record fishing conditions and results with more significance as well as with more accuracy. For this report only one additional table has been included, Hb, (p. 47) which shows the quantities of different kinds of fish caught by different methods of fishing for the year ended 31st March, 1937. The statement which follows gives the estimated total quantity and value of the principal classes of fishery products marketed during the year : — rv Value. Quantity. £ Wet fish .. .. .. .. .. 363,128 cwt. 360,466 Whitebait .. .. .. .. .. 1,888 cwt. 17,621 Oysters (dredged) .. .. .. .. 63,412 sacks 39,632 Oysters (rock) .. .. .. .. .. 4,033 sacks 4,840 Mussels .. .. .. .. .. 10,415 sacks 2,809 Crayfish .. .. .. .. .. 8,868 cwt. 7,848 Toheroa (canned products) .. .. .. 104,9361b. 6,271 Whale oil . . .. .. .. .. 280 tons 4,760 Quinnat salmon (netted fish only) .. .. .. 1,067 Ib. 54 Total value .. .. .. .. £444,301 In comparing these total figures with those of previous year's reports the fact must not be overlooked that, since they have been for the most part compiled from data collected, as explained above, on a different basis, the figures for wet fish and crayfish for the two years will not be strictly comparable. It is possible that the 1935-36 total of 363,448 cwt. for wet fish may have been slightly too high, because the bulk of the figures had been obtained from information supplied by merchants at the large centres, some of whose fish may have been derived from small outside fishing-ports. In the past there has thus always existed a possibility of the same fish figuring in two totals. However, the error involved was small, because such uncertainty applied to a very small portion of the whole, and it was also counterbalanced by the omission of sundry small catches that were disposed of by hawking, frequently by the catchers themselves. Bearing these cautions in mind it will be noticed that the total quantity of wet fish landed for the year under review—363,128 cwt. — is very similar to that for the previous year, being scarcely 0-9 per cent, below it. Its total value, however, is estimated at £360,466, which is about 15 per cent, increase. A marked decline is shown for whitebait and quinnat salmon, but all other categories show an increased yield. Details may be studied in Tables I-IV (pages 44 to 48). Surveying briefly the main features of the year's fishery at the principal ports we may first consider Auckland, which is by far the most important fishery port of the Dominion. Comparative figures for the total landings and for the two categories, snapper and flounder, for the last six years are given below :—

The figures for total landings and for snapper are tie highest yet recorded for any one year. The flounder total, with which is included the category returned as " mixed flat-fish," is the lowest for six years. This last is to be ascribed partly to a scarcity of the fish and partly to increased restriction on the fishing, the principal spawning-grounds for flounders in the Hauraki Gulf having been closed to Danish seiners for the two months (August and September) covering the period of reproduction, instead of the one month imposed the previous year, by a regulation gazetted on Bth August, 1935. Two steam-trawlers were in full-time operation and one part-time, as against one whole-time and two part-time for the previous year, and during the year these vessels made 117 landings, an increase of twenty-two on the landings made for the year 1935-36. The trawler voyages were divided between the outer grounds of the Hauraki Gulf and the Bay of Plenty grounds in the proportion of about 3 to 2, with seven landings from the West Coast out of the total of 117. Trawl-caught fish represented 34 per cent, of the total landings at Auckland, Danish-seined fish 61 per cent., and line-fishing vessels and net-fishing vessels landed 2-4 per cent, and 2-2 per cent, of the total respectively. In October, 1936, there was a dispute between the fishermen manning the thirty-two vessels comprising the Danish-seiner fleet and the fish-merchants regarding the prices paid for fish, and these vessels were not taken to sea between the 9tli and the 24th of that month. The dispute was settled by the merchants agreeing to pay 2d. per pound for snapper and tarakihi, and the merchants came to an agreement among themselves regarding the over rigorous competition which had been going on in connection with export trade. There does not appear to be much foundation for the hope that this


1931-32. j 1932-33. 1933-34. 1934-35. 1935-36. 1936-37. I Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Total quantity landed .. 83,753 82,758 91,512 102.313 129,209 159,371 Snapper .." .. .. 43,102 49,657 60,540 68,432 88,374 112,656 Flounder (including dabs) .. 4,201 10,452 6,607 6,550 7,560 3,743

H. —15

settlement of October, 1936, lias entirely ended the unsatisfactory conditions which have prevailed for some time in connection with the Auckland fishing industry. These were among the principal causes for the setting-up of a special Committee by the Government —the Sea Fisheries Investigation Committee —appointed in January, 1937, to make an exhaustive inquiry into the fish trade and fishing conditions throughout the Dominion, and from this inquiry beneficial results may be anticipated. The Committee, which at the time of writing is on the point of completing its inquiries, consists of Mr. James Thorn, M.P. (Chairman), with Mr. E. it. Sheed, of the Department of Industries and Commerce, and Mr. M. W. Young, of the Fisheries Branch, Marine Department. For the first time in the Dominion the catching of fish and its subsequent handling and distribution will be considered together as aspects of the same set of problems. The administration of fisheries by this Departmentis circumscribed by the authority given by the Fisheries Act and has no interest in fish when it has once been brought ashore (except fish that has been taken illegally). In actual fact, however, the conditions under which fish is bought and sold and distributed have a very important effect on the fishermen's operations. The problems of distribution cannot therefore be dissociated from the problems of production ; and nowhere does this apply more forcibly than in connection with the fisheries of Auckland, where competition for markets, especially the export markets, which normally provide the maximum profit for the minimum overhead expenditure, has led to the increase of catching-power with a consequent rise in the costs of production and has intensified the normal tendency on the part of the merchant to pay as little as possible to the fishermen for the fruits of their labour. The less price he got for his fish the more fish the fisherman had to catch to enable him to make a living ; and the effect of this was to accelerate the depletion of the overworked fishing-grounds, to drive the fishing-boats, to more distant fishing-grounds, and to give rise to complaints from the local fishermen and settlers in distant coastal districts on account of the increased frequency with which the waters in their neighbourhood were exploited by these very efficient commercial vessels from Auckland. And all this appears to have done no good to any New-Zealander, least of all to the consumers of fish among the general public. What may possibly be the preliminary effort of a new line of fishing enterprise for Auckland may here be recorded. In February, 1937, the " Maude E," an oil-engined fishing-vessel normally employed for Danish seining, was sent by Messrs. Sanford, Ltd., on an exploratory voyage for tuna. Starting from Auckland on 11th February she cruised as far north as Whangaruru and arrived back in Auckland on the 24th, trolling spinners of various patterns for practically the whole of the run in the open sea. The weather conditions were, on the whole, decidedly unfavourable, and this, together with the general inclemency of the 1936-37 summer, may be held accountable for the few fish caught. Altogether twenty-one fish of the tuna family were taken, consisting of four long-fin albacore (Germo g&rmo) and seventeen bonita (Katsuwonus pelamis). Evidence of the presence of the yellow-fin tuna (Neothynnus itosibi) was also obtained. It may be mentioned that all three species have been taken on odd occasions by amateur fishermen when trolling for pelagic game-fish. At the present time there is apparently an unsatisfied demand for these fish for canning purposes in the United States. There is no doubt as to their seasonal occurrence in New Zealand seas, more especially between North Cape and the Bay of Plenty. Whether they can be caught in sufficient abundance and got to market or to a freezer at working-costs that would provide for a profitable industry must for the present be left an open question. In the absence of anything but a very slight knowledge of the hydrology and marine biology of our seas which would afford some basis for conjecture as to the possible abundance and movements of these fish, the only way to provide an answer to this question is by direct fishing experiments. Since these could hardly be profitable in their early stage there appears to be good ground for the Department assisting as far as possible in this exploratory work. The development of a new line of commercial fishing in New Zealand for kinds hitherto unexploited would be welcome if only to relieve the pressure on stocks which show evidence of having been over-fished. Our present fishing industry is dependent entirely upon bottom fish (the " demersal " class in English official nomenclature) which are sought by means of trawls, seines, and lines ; and the nature and depth of the sea bottom round our coast set definite limits to the available stocks of such fish. Pelagic fish, such as the members of the tuna (tunny) family, are limited only by the suitability of the open waters in which they cruise as true ocean migrants. It has been shown by researches made in the Northern Hemisphere that the occurrence of the various species is correlated with water temperatures, which probably react directly upon the fish themselves and also indirectly upon them by conditioning the presence of food and their reproductive processes. However, as to these factors in New Zealand seas, next to nothing is definitely known. With regard to practical fishing possibilities it may be remarked that the tuna-fishing industry by modern methods in the North Pacific is a comparatively new development, but it has already resulted in a marked depletion of the nearer fishing areas, and only ocean-going vessels capable of cruising over a very long range are being built for the Californian tuna industry at the present time. I may venture to record my own doubts as to the occurrence of this class of fish in this part of the Pacific in anything like the abundance that is shown off the Pacific coast of North America, because there is no evidence of anything like the same wide distribution and vast abundance of the smaller pelagic fish such as sardines and mackerel upon which they feed. Because our pelagic fish resources may be comparatively small, however, there is no reason to assume that no use can be made of them. The nearness to the coast of the most " fishy " waters should be an advantage in reducing the cost of the fishing operations that may become a practical proposition when more exploratory work has been done and more experience gained in this line of fishing. Thames, the nearest neighbour and, on a limited scale, the rival of Auckland as a fishing-port, received supplies from two Danish-seiners this year. Nineteen launches operated with set-nets only, nine used both nets and lines and one engaged in line-fishing only. The combined returns of fish landings for Thames give a lower total than was shown last year, but the difference is probably



exaggerated owing to the new system of collecting the data. The total for this port obtained from data collected in the old way approximates very closely to that of last year. The usual comparative table for the last six years follows :—

A welcome rise in the total value is shown, the highest since 1931-32. This is due to the better prices paid for both snapper and especially for the latter part of the year, though both kinds had declined in quantity. For the time being, at any rate, Thames has fallen from the relatively more important position it held as a fishing-port in former years. Among the probable causes of this decline may be mentioned the deterioration of the flounder fishing and the disadvantage at which Thames is placed compared with Auckland from the better position of the larger port as an exporting centre and from its possession of a large fleet of Danish-seiners, most of which are recently-built vessels Reports and fishing returns tend to show that the local fishing-grounds of the Thames are maintaining a satisfactory degree of productivity. So tki as snapper fishing is concerned, this has been ascribed to the measures that have been taken for the protection of the spawning and nursery grounds. One may reasonably expect that the more recent steps taken to restrict the catching of dabs°and flounders when they are spawning or congregating to spawn, together with the regulation prescribing a larger mesh for flounder nets will in time produce the desired improvement in the flatfish stocks. In passing, it may be mentioned that these more effective fishery regulations are based on a biological understanding of the fish stocks combined with a practical acquaintance with fishery operations. Thanks to the work of the staff of the Fisheries Branch in the Auckland district some progress has been made alone; such lines, which are fundamental as a basis for sound administrative action ; but even in the Hauraki Gulf the problems to be elucidated are more than can be tackled with our present resources ; and elsewhere, for lack of the means for making biological investigation or for practical contacts with fishery operations, administration has been left rather groping in the dark. Fishing activity at Gisborne, which had slumped badly during the depression years, shows a decided revival; with one steamer trawling for part of the year and three whole-time motor-trawlers m operation, the landings have risen from 2,190 cwt. (value, £1,920) to 4,219 cwt. (value, £4,136). Good catches of tarakihi and groper were reported. The Napier fish returns show a decrease compared with the previous year, the total 15,585 cwt., as against 16,421 cwt., the total flat-fish landings having fallen by 242 cwt. and the round fish by 594 cwt. The total value, however, is higher, £15,522, compared with £13,782. The number of landings by trawlers diminished from 1,648 to 1,340, while Danish-seiner landings increased from 246 to 404. Trawling was responsible for 11,383 cwt., Danish-seining for 2,532 cwt., line-fishing for 1,661 cwt., while set-net- and seine-fishing produced 9 cwt. out of the total of 15,585 cwt. With returns received from every licensed fishing-boat, together with a better supply of market records, it has been possible to obtain much more comprehensive information as to the fishing in the Wellington district than has previously been the case. The two steam-trawlers, operating for the most part on the Cape Campbell, Kapiti, Kaikoura, and Palliser Bay grounds, provided 65 per cent, of the total fish landed. The principal fish caught by the trawlers, in order of abundance, was tarakihi (over 70 per cent, of the total fish landed by these vessels), moki (4-7 per cent.), barracouta (3-9 per cent.), snapper (2-4 per cent.), red cod (2-1 per cent.), groper (1-1 per cent.), and " whiting " (1 per cent.) With regard to the long-line fishing-vessels operating from Wellington, the data available show the highest total for both groper (hapuku) and ling that has been shown since the collection of records of the fishing was commenced in .1932, with practically no change in the hake landings since last vear The general use of sardines (" Picton Herrings ") as bait for groper has had a marked effect in improving the catches. The catch for the district totalled 46,103 cwt., valued at £54,908, and consisted of : Trawled fish, 62-3 per cent. ; fish, landed by the regular long-lining fleet of Wellington, 23-5 per cent. ; fish from miscellaneous fishing-launches working in and around Wellington Harbour, 10-1 per cent,.'; fish from local rowing boats, 0-1 per cent. ; and fish caught by boats operating at Makara, Paremata, Paraparaumu, and other small stations on the west coast of the province, 3-9 per cent. Of the total fish landed in Wellington 45-7 per cent, by weight consisted of tarakihi, with groper (hapuku) next in order of importance, representing 19-5 per cent. Making nine landings at Wellington during the year, the fish-carrier •' South Sea " brought a total of 8,721 cwt, of blue cod, 12 cwt. of groper, and 6 cwt, of mixed fish from the Chatham Islands. The returns from the French Pass district give a total of 2,545 cwt., compared with the previous year s total of 1,919 cwt, We are now getting much better information as to the fishing in this region than formerly, but it is still uncertain whether our data represent the whole of the fish taken. It would appear, however, that there is very little steady and continuous fishing throughout the year, and the returns received give an average of approximately seven landings per boat per month for the only three boats that worked every month during the year. The other boats did not average more than two landings each per|month.


Fish landed at Thames. 1931-32. | 1932-33. I 1933-34. I 1934-35. 1935-36. ! 1936-37. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Total wet fish 21,291 18,078 17,412 17,614 19,134 15 447 Snapper 10,257 9,750 10,429 11,163 14,053 11'356 Flounder (including dabs) .. .. 7,228 6,516 4,869 4,769 3 305 2'165 Total value £21,116 £14,029 £13,595 £13,957 £14,'593 £16^690

IT. —15

The system of individual fishing-boat returns has for the first time enabled a fairly comprehensive and precise statement to be made regarding the fishing operations from the South Island fishing ports, such as is summarized below : —

For details of the fishing-vessels engaged and the total quantities and kinds of fish caught, reference may be made to Tables I, lĪ, and lla. Precise comparison with the conditions of the previous year is not possible, for reasons already mentioned. The general impression obtainable from various jeports is that the local trawling-grounds off Canterbury and Otago are not as productive as formerly. The groper fishery, though yielding good supplies to long-liners on occasions, requires more effort than formerly to produce the same results. The blue-cod season for Stewart Island was below average and was much affected by bad weather. Statistics. Reference has already been made to this subject. In previous reports I have called attention to their fundamental necessity as a basis for fishery administration. Future reports, as they approach nearer to the ideal of what fishery reports should be, will consist to an increasing degree of information based on statistical data —viz., a record of the quantities of fish of various kinds produced by certain methods of fishing expressed so as to show the relationship between the yield of the fishery and the amount and kind" of effort that has been used to produce it. This will involve a complete recasting of the form of this report such as has not been possible for this year, but which it is hoped will be possible for next year's report.


. .. w e ' c ?lt age Principal Kinds of Ksh caught by each Method Port. ' Method of Fishmg. (by Weight) caught (in order of Quantity). by each Method. 1 v Picton .. • • Lines .. .. 93-9 Groper, blue cod, hake. Set-nets .. .. 6-1 Butterfish, moki. rapnheim .. .. Trawl .. .. 97-4 Mat fish, tarakihi, moki. Set-nets .. .. 1-4 Moki, butterfish, tarakihi. Lines .. • • 1 • 2 Groper, blue cod, snapper. Kaikoura.. •• •• Lines .. .. 95-3 Groper, ling, trumpeter. Set-nets .. .. 3-6 Butterfish. Trawl .. .. 1 ■ 1 Sole. Lyttelton . . .. •• Trawl .. .. 70-1 Tarakihi, ling, elephant-fish. Danish seine .. 19-1 Elephant-fish, gurnard, sole. Seine-net.. .. 7-8 Whiting, flounder, red cod. Lines .. .. 3-0 Red cod, ling, groper. Akaroa .. .. .. Trawl .. .. 83-3 Sole, elephant-fish, gurnard. Lines .. .. 15-9 Groper, ling. Seine-net.. .. 0-8 Flounder. Timaru .. .. •• Lines .. .. 61-8 Groper, ling. Danish seine .. 28-9 Gurnard, sole, red cod. Trawl .. .. 9-3 Flounder, red cod. Oamaru .. .. .. Lines .. .. 97-4 Groper, red cod, blue cod, ling. Set-nets.. .. 2-4 Moki, butterfish. Trawl .. .. 0-2 Sole, flounder. Moeraki .. .. •• Lines .. .. 98-3 Groper, blue cod, ling. Set-nets .. .. 1-7 Moki, butterfish. Port Chalmers . • • • Trawl .. • • 48-6 Sole, red cod. Lines .. .. 42-5 Groper, ling. Seine-nets and set- 8 • 9 Flounder, red cod. nets Taieri Mouth .. .. Trawl .. .. 76-9 Sole, flounder. * Lines .. .. 23-1 Groper, blue cod, red cod. Nuggets .. •• Trawl .. .. 78-2 Sole, flounder. Lines . . .. 21-8 Groper, barracouta. Owaka .. .. • • Lines .. .. 66-7 Groper, blue cod. Nets (seine) .. 33'3 Flounder. Waikawa .. •• Trawl .. .. 65-7 Sole, flounder. Lines .. .. 33-9 Groper, blue cod. Nets (seine) .. 0-4 Flounder. Invercargill •• •• Nets .. .. 87-9 Flounder, " herring." Lines .. .. 12-1 Blue cod. Bluff .. •• Lines .. .. 84-6 Blue cod, groper. Nets .. .. 15-4 Flounder, butterfish, moki. Stewart Island .. .. Lines .. .. 96-7 Blue cod, groper, trumpeter. Set-nets .. .. 3-3 Butterfish, moki. Riverton district .. .. Lines .. .. 98-0 Blue cod, groper. Seine-nets .. 2-0 Flounder. Greymouth . . • Trawl . . .. 86 ■ 9 Sole. Lines .. .. 11-0 Groper. Seine-nets . . 2 • 1 Mixed flat fish. Westport . .. •• Trawl .. .. 74-6 Sole, flounder. Lines .. .. 25-2 Groper. Seine-nets .. 0-2 Mixed flat fish. Motueka .. .. Lines .. .. 96-0 Snapper, blue cod, groper. Seine-nets .. 4-0 Flounder, Nelson .. •. • • Lines .. .. 67 - 4 Snapper, groper, blue cod. Danish seine .. 31*2 sole, gurnard. Seine-nets .. 1-4 Snapper, flounder.


Attention may here be drawn to the one additional table (Table llb, p. 47) which it has been possible to include in this year's statistics. This table shows the total amounts of each kind of fish produced by (a) trawling, (b) Danish-seining, (c) other nets (viz., set-nets and seines or drag-nets, which, unfortunately, have not been differentiated in some of the returns received), and (d) line-fishing. The total fish caught by each method of fishing were as follows : —

It will be noted that the fish caught by lines, though 5-6 per cent, less by weight than the proportion caught by Danish-seining, is 3-4 per cent, higher in value. Of the total fish caught by line-fishing, groper (hapuku) represents 30-7 per cent., blue cod 29-0 per cent., and snapper 20-4 per cent. Ten other kinds of fish make up the remaining 19-9 per cent. The quantities of the different kinds or classes of fish constituting the grand total of all wet fish landed for the year, together with their values, are shown below in order of abundance :—

Exports. The figures obtained from the Customs Department are shown in detail in Table Y (p. 48). Exports of frozen fish have diminished in total quantity from 54,267 cwt. for the previous year to 50,727 cwt. for the year ended 31st March, 1937, but the total value shows an increase from £123,198 to £132,401. The change in both totals may be to some extent connected with the fact that there is an increasing tendency to ship fillets, especially of snapper, instead of whole fish for the Australian trade.

4—H. 15.


Quantity. Value. Method of Fishing. ; , Hundredweight. Percentage of Total. £ Percentage of Totftl. Trawl .. .. .. 127,711 35-2 120,422 33-4 Danish seine .. .. 114,909 31-6 96,255 26-7 Long-and hand-lines .. 94,478 26-0 108,665 30-1 Set-and drag-nets or seines 26,030 7-2 35,124 9-7 363,128 .. 360,466

Quantity. Value. Kind or Class of Fish. — Hundredweight. Percentage of Total. £ Percentage of Total. i Snapper .. .. 142,425 39-22 110,379 30-62 Tarakihi .. .. 53,114 14-63 • 51,492 14-29 " Mixed round fish" .. 32,792 9-03 25-322 7-02 Hapuku (groper) .. 31,673 8-72 46,120 12-79 Blue cod .. .. 27,403 7-55 34,415 9-55 Ling .. .. .. 12,723 3-50 9,334 2-59 Soles .. .. .. 11,971 3-30 19,404 5-38 Flounders .. .. 10,992 3-03 24,277 6-74 Gurnard . . . . 9,294 2-56 5,909 1 • 64 " Mixed fiat fish" .. 7,543 2-08 15,295 4-24 Red cod .. .. 4,082 1-12 2,317 0-64 Mullet .. .. .. 2,666 0-74 1,922 0-53 Elephant-fish .. .. 2,287 0-63 2,237 0-62 Moki .. .. .. 2,277 0-62 2,010 0-56 Hake .. .. .. 2,162 0-59 2,009 0-56 John-dory .. .. 2,158 0-59 1,953 0-54 Barracouta .. .. 1,873 0-52 695 0-19 Pioke .. .. .. 1,603 0-44 277 0-08 Warehou .. .. 1,546 0-42 1,321 0-37 Butterfish .. .. 1,504 0-42 2,585 0-72 Whiting .. .. 644 0-18 741 0-21 Trumpeter .. .. 396 0-11 452 0-12 Totals .. .. 363,128 .. 360,466


The quantities in the principal classes of exports for the last six years have been as follows : —

Blue-cod exports show a decline of 24-4 per cent, in quantity and 18-5 per cent, in value ; flounder have decreased by 37-3 per cent, in quantity and 11-4 per cent, in value ; the exports of snapper, however, show an increase of 34-5 per cent, in quantity and 84-5 per cent, in value, the disparity between the increments of quantity and value in this case being largely due to the above-mentioned trade in filleted fish. Of canned fishery products the considerable increase in oysters shown last year is well maintained, the total being almost double in quantity and more than double in value in comparison with last year's figures. Toheroa and whitebait exports have also increased, but canned crayfish shows a substantial decline. Rock Oysters. As in 1935, the direction of the oyster-picking operations for the 1936 season was attended by difficulties arising from the great preponderance of young oysters on the beds, which were not sufficiently grown to be removed and which were liable to damage by the removal of those that were marketable. This condition was most marked in the Bay of Islands. Picking began on the 4th June, and the last shipment for the season arrived at the Auckland Depot on the 21st August. Weather conditions were generally much more favourable than during the previous winter, and the work of collection and transport from the beds was conducted with efficiency, for which credit is due to the Senior Inspector of Fisheries, in general charge, and to the local Inspectors, overseers, and pickers in the different areas of supply. The numbers of sacks marketed from each area was as follows : Bay of Islands, 1,197 ; Kaipara, 350; Hauraki Gulf, 1,583 (Takatu - Gull Point, 138; Kawau, 120; Rakino, 89; Rangitoto, 368; Motutapu, 122 ; Waiheke, 353 ; Ponui, 365 ; the Noisies, 7 ; Crusoe's Island, 21) ; Coromandel, 403 ; Great Barrier Island, 500 : total, 4,033 sacks (of 3 bushels each). The gross proceeds from sales amounted to £4,965. Since 1922 the beds in Whangarei Harbour have been picked for two seasons and then left for one, and 1936 was a year when no oysters were obtained from here. The beds in this harbour were reported to be in a disappointing condition. It is to be expected that this condition will prevail until whole-time, surveillance is provided, with the continuous attention to both cultivation and protection that can only be forthcoming by the appointment of an Inspector competent to attend to these matters. Whangarei Harbour is one of the most promising areas within reasonable access to markets where there is scope for increasing rock-oyster production. Oyster-cultivation. The usual operations have been conducted in connection with the destruction of pests and the cleaning of the beds, most attention to constructive work on a major scale having been given to the Kaipara Harbour, where there is most scope for it and the best prospects of profitable results. The details of the work done during the year are shown in the following statement: — Work done, Area, and Cost:— I. Bay of Islands : 559,200 borers and 1,690 pupus destroyed ; 12,995 square yards of rock cleared of weed, and 17 square yards of new rock-face exposed by blasting ; 29 square yards of drift bed formed. Cost, £100. 111. Kaipara : 23,250 square yards of clean stone laid down and 1,815 square yards of stone turned. Cost, £499 10s. IV. Takatu to Gull Point: 206,800 borers and 285 pupus destroyed ; 110 square yards of rock cleared of dead shell. Cost, £2 Bs. Y. South Shore, Tamaki Strait: 157,200 borers and 93 pupus destroyed ; 360 square yards of rock cleared of dead shell. Cost, £5 12s. VI. Coromandel : 337,557 borers destroyed ; 1,500 square yards of rock cleared of weed ; 190 pumice-concrete posts, with transplanted young oysters, erected. Cost, £25. VII. Kawau : 87,400 borers and 71 pupus destroyed ; 300 pumice-concrete posts erected and 10 re-erected. Cost, £48 17s. 9d. X. Motutapu : 164,000 borers and 95 pupus destroyed. Cost, £4. XII. Motuihi : 234,000 borers destroyed. Cost, £4 16s. XIII. Waiheke : 880,200 borers and 1,133 pupus destroyed ; 2,654 square yards of rock cleared of weed and 2,373 square yards of dead shell. Cost, £36 16s.


1931-32. 1932-33. 1933-34. ! 1934-35. 1935-36. 1936-37. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Frozen fish .. .. 14,098 19,854 34,738 46,714 54,267 50,727 Fish smoked, dried, pickled, or 638 521 1,243 1,968 2,519 3,724 salted Fish potted or preserved in tins — lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. Oysters .. .. .. 69,479 51,620 128,028 95,270 172,855 331,747 Other kinds .. .. 112,186 103,186 384,282 184,148 174,438 160,994


XIV. Ponui : 727,000 borers and 609 pupus destroyed ; 360 square yards of rock cleared of weed. Cost, £16. XVI. Great Barrier : 1,907 square yards of oyster-bearing rock shifted to better position , 1 439 square yards of clean stone laid down, and 2,233 square yards of mixed oyster-bearing and clean stone laid down 97,500 borer destroyed ; 6,594 square yards of rock cleared of weed. Cost, £86 Bs. ill Areas : 1,907 square yards of oyster-bearing rock shifted to better position ; 24,698 square yards of clean stone laid down ; 2,233 square yards of mixed oyster-bearing and clean stone laid down ; 3,450,857 borers and 3,976 pupus destroyed ; 24 103 square yards of rock cleared of weed and 2,843 square yards cleared of dead shell ; 29 square yards of drift bed formed; 17 square yards of new rock-face exposed by blasting ; 190 pumice-concrete posts transplanted from Kawau to Coromandel and 300 new pumice-concrete posts erected and 10 old posts re-erected. Cost ot labour and material, £829 7s. 9d. Judging from results obtained from similar work previously carried out, the 23,250 square yards of clean stone laid down on a beach m the Kaipara Harbour should yield good mmits when the oysters that are expected to settle thereon come to marketable size. Since the operations of transporting and laying down the new stone were dependent upon seasonal labour there were more difficulties to be overcome in getting suitable employees than usual owing to the increase of steady employment in the district, and the costs of the work were somewhat increased for the same reason The prospects of getting an early and abundant " spatfall " are better here than m most areas, though growth to marketable size is somewhat slow. , . . . ,i it,,™,. Captain Daniel's transplantation experiment, in which oysters bred in Bon Accord, Kawau (where oyster propagation, as in Kaipara, is usually on a more generous scale than average), and carried across the Hauraki Gulf to be planted on the Coromandel side (where oyster-spawning is precarious and sparse but individual growth is good) has been continued with modifications Tis year 190 posts encrusted with young Kawau oysters were transplanted to the Coromandel area and 300 new posts of a similar kind were erected on Kawau beaches. Dredge Oysters. The Bluff fleet of oyster-dredgers showed an increased activity, in comparison with the previous year, during the season (February to September inclusive) of L 936. An additional vessel was in operation for the last five months of the season ; the total number of landings made was increased from 772 to 1,078, and the total quantity of oysters marketed was 63,412 sacks, valued at £39,632, against 49,712 sacks, valued at £31,070, for the season of 1935. _ Exports of fresh oysters from Bluff amounted to 132,236 dozen (equalling approximately 2,200 sacks, or 6,600 bushels), which was less than the 1935 total by 63,878 dozen On the other hand, the export of canned oysters reached the high figure of 331,747 lb., valued at as compared with 172,855 lb., valued at £6,444, for the previous year. Toheroas. The total quantity of toheroas packed during the year at the two canneries m North Auckland was 104,9361b., and the export statistics show that 32,9791b. was exported during the sanie perio , both figures being substantially higher than those for the previous year (75,288 lb. and 24,83b lb. P The extensive areas of toheroa-beds on the Ninety-mile and North Kaipara beaches are reported to be well maintaining their stocks except in proximity to roads and holiday camps. The more southern beds, which are naturally less extensive and generally more accessible appear to have depreciated in the last few years. The amount of protection that the Department has been able to give them up to the present does not seem to be sufficient to ensure conservation m the face of the growing popularity of the toheroa as a food and the increasing numbers of motor-cars that visit the beaches. It has been suggested that the present limit of fifty that may legally be taken per person per day is too high, and it may be necessary to reduce this limit, at least in some districts. _ ihe necessity of more attention on the part of the Department is indicated not only m regard to ranging, but also in connection with surveys of available stocks so that a knowledge of their adequacy or inadequacy in relation to exploitation may be obtained m time to ensure that suitable measures for conservation may be taken. , , , So far as is possible, with our limited staff and many duties over a wide area, we have endeavoured to keep the various toheroa-beds under periodical observation, and the marine biologist has continue to collect occasional data in this connection. A study of the food and of the reproductive phenomena has also made some progress. The beds in the Wellington Province have naturally received most attention and would appear to need most attention since a remarkably small proportion of young toheroas is found among the stock. The indications are that good years for reproduction are few and far between in this area. Whitebait. Comprehensive information concerning the whitebait fishing throughout the Dominion is impossible to obtain under present conditions, but a summing-up of the season as the worst on record for most places appears to be closely m accordance with the facts in regard to the year 1936.



JummaSeTbllow°— ained t0 P roductivit y from the principal centres is

Whitebait Fishery.

Compared with the previous year, all the chief sources of commercial whitebait-supplies show a considerable decline, except the Waikato (Auckland), from which the estimated yield was 1,029 cwt. as against 804 cwt. for the 1935 season. It should be noted, however, that the Waikato whitebait do not consist entirely of young inanga (Galaxias attenuatus), but contain an admixture of young smelts or ' silvenes " (Retropmna retropinna) ; and this season the proportion of smelts was unusually high, amounting, according to a competent judge on the spot, to more than 60 per cent, of the total Young smelts are also taken with whitebait in the southern rivers, but it is doubtful whether the proportion caught and marketed ever reaches as much as 6 per cent. They are perfectly palatable and nutritious, and young fish belonging to the same family constitute a large part of the mixture of species that is covered by the commercial name of " whitebait "in other parts of the world. However, the connoisseur of New Zealand whitebait considers that their presence among the true Galaxias species depreciates its high gastronomic quality. The opinion has been expressed by a resident observer of whitebait conditions on the Waikato that the small run of Galaxias whitebait in the spring of 1936 was a consequence of the abnormal flood during February, which left a heavy deposit of silt on the herbage of the river-banks at the time when the spawn would be lying there. The report from the local Inspector of Fisheries for the Napier district describes the fishing in the Ngaruroro and Tukituki Rivers as fair, the total yield being estimated at 31 cwt., as against 32 cwt. for the previous season. In most other places, and particularly on the West Coast of the South Island, the prevalence of wet weather and continual floods were generally regarded as responsible for the greatly reduced catches ; but there seems little doubt that in several rivers the quantities of fish running were well below the average. No estimate was obtained from Matainui as to the catches of whitebait in southern Westland this season. It is known, however, that the fishery in that remote and comparatively virgin region was disappointing. Two enterprises may be noted in connection with the whitebait fishery of this territory, one being the location, not for the first time, however, of a mobile cannery plant at Parenga; the other the transport of whitebait from Big Bay by aeroplane to Invercargill. This will doubtless be continued in subsequent seasons so long as the virgin resources are maintained in this region, which had been unexploited up to this time and which is apparently the only part of New Zealand where the whitebait stocks have not been deteriorated by the effects of human settlement and human interference with the primeval natural conditions. Poor as was the 1936 total catch of whitebait compared with those of earlier years it nevertheless represented a total value of nearly £18,000 to the fishermen, without regarding the numerous " feeds " of this delicacy secured by amateur whitebaiters.


Number of T ! Fishermen. Total Centre" Kiver» fished. Method of Fishing. Fishing began Best Month. mateTj?)' ~ j (Approxi- ; Whole| Part mate.) ; Time. | Time. Auckland .. Waikato .. .. Hand-nets .. July .. September .. 70 50 i°029 Auckland .. Kartuna . .. Hand-nets .. July .. September .. 10 12 45 Auckland .. Tarawera and Rangi- Hand-nets .. Late July August - Septem- 30 30 39 taiki foer Napier .. Tukituki and Ngaru- Set-nets .. July .. October .. 25 50 31 roro New Plymouth Mimi, Urenui, Waitara, Hand and set nets July .. August . 100 1 3 Waiwakaiho, &c. Wellington !! M&naWatU " Set " nets •• October .. ..20 17 Blenheim .. Wairau, Opawa, Tua- Hand-nets ,. September November .. '5 50 "->5 manna, and Rose's Overflow Karamea .. Karamea and Little Hand-nets .. August .. September .. 40 23 Wanganui Westport .. Buller, Totara, and Hand-nets .. August .. w, , Ngakawa '' '' Greymouth .. Teremakau, Grey, and Set and hand nets August .. November 20 100 121 New Rivers Hokitika .. Hokitika, Mahinapua Set and hand nets August .. October 61 40 243 Creek, Waimea, Totara, and Waitaha Matainui Christchurch.. Styx, Ashley, Waima- Set and hand nets September November 53 24 93 kariri, and Avon Dunedin .. Mataura, New River, Hand-nets .. September October .. 44 Waikini, O r e t i, ■ • • *4 Molyneaux, Taieri, and Waikouaiti Invercargill .. Mataura, Oreti, Apa- Hand and set nets September .. 150 40 rima, and Makarewa j 1,888


In order to save the fishery from continuing still further in the general decline that has been shown over the last twenty years it is essential that action should be taken of a more thorough-going kind than is represented by the additions and amendments to fishery regulations that have been the sum total of the Department's reactions up to the present. This is far from implying that the last word has been said on the subject of whitebait regulations of the conservation all kind, but in addition I would recommend that definite provision should be made — (a) For the further investigation of the life-history of the species, especially the location of spawning-places not yet determined : (b) For the protection of known spawning-places which have been shown to be subject to known and preventable causes of damage. (c) For the protection and, if possible, the extension of such waters as can be shown to be important feeding-places for the adult inanga, and for the prevention of the further reduction or destruction of such bodies of water : (d) For the more adequate " ranging "of whitebait-fishing waters. All these measures would involve expenditure and necessitate additional appropriations from the public funds. To meet this, and also to facilitate administrative contacts with and control of the fishery, it is desirable that a licensing system should be set up for whitebait-fishing. This step is approved by the great majority of those who are seriously interested in both the catching and the commercial utilization of whitebait. Quinnat Salmon. With a good run of salmon into the Waitaki River during the late summer months and access to the upper waters prevented by the dam at, there was no difficulty in getting all the ova required for the Hakataramea Hatchery for the winter of 1936. The rack across the lower Hakataramea was in position on 11th April, and the first fish came into it four days later. Only a portion of those which came into the trap were used for stripping, the rest being put over the rack to continue their progress and to spawn naturally. The numbers of fish trapped and of eggs taken each month were as follows :—

On 9th May the rack was opened and the fish allowed to go through. The run this season continued into July, which is very exceptional. Of the fry that hatched out, 10,000 were retained for the ponds, 15,000 were shipped to Victoria, and the rest were planted in the Hakataramea at intervals between six and twenty-five miles above the hatchery. The salmon which passed the site of the rack (a few chains above the mouth of the Hakataramea River) spawned in considerable numbers in the lower two or three miles of its course. Many also spawned in the main Waitaki River below the dam and, according to reports, to within a relatively short distance of the sea. A number of female salmon were found dead, with ova unshed, between the dam and Kurow. It would appear that the presence of this obstruction must inevitably bring about a considerable reduction in the total salmon-propagation capacity of the Waitaki River system in the near future. The spawning potentialities of the Hakataramea, the only tributary now available, seem to be very limited. The planting with artificially hatched fry of its upper waters, which are not naturally " seeded " by quinnat salmon, may serve to maintain an adequate run each season into this river and provide a sufficient quota of parent fish for hatchery purposes. The extent of suitable bottom for spawning in the main river and the capacity of its waters for the sustenance of salmon fry are factors about which, with our present knowledge, we can only guess, All that can be said is that the construction of the Waitaki Dam has staged an experiment in salmon and trout ecology which, though unsought, will yield some valuable practical information when there has been time for the results of the physical change to be demonstrated in the biological conditions. If there should be shown a definite decline in the fish-producing capacity of the Waitaki system with regard to both salmon and trout, which for the present remains an open question, there will still be the further question as to whether it would be practicable to construct an effective fish-pass at the dam at a cost commensurate with the expected increase in the value of the fishery. The usual inspection by Mr. Main, of Deep Creek, Mesopotamia, which was formerly a very productive quinnat-spawning tributary of the Rangitata River, again showed a sub-normal number of fish in the creek in the middle of May, 1936. The main river run had been better than usual and the deficiency of salmon in the creek may be ascribed to the shallowing of the mouth of the creek at its confluence with the Rangitata. The fishing-season of 1937 showed unusual disparity in the runs in different rivers. For the Waimakariri River no anglers took out selling-licenses, and thus for the first time for many years there are no rod-fishing data for this river. The season was unquestionably a most disappointing one on this river. It is possible that the abnormal flooding in the headwaters during the spawningseason of 1933 had an appreciably depressing effect on the propagation of the year-class that would provide the majority of the 1937 run.


Males. Females. Ova. April (1st to 30th) .. .. .. 256 142 306,000 May (1st to 5th) .. .. .. 157 107 309,000 413 249 615,000


The South Canterbury rivers, however, provided numerous anglers with excellent sport and produced many fish of fair size and good quality. The Rakaia fishing was better than in the previous season, and the Rangitata River gave anglers the best season they had had for many years. A record provided by Mr. F. W. Pellett gives a total of 601 salmon caught at the mouth of this river up to the end of March, and probably more than four hundred were taken in the higher parts of its course. The Opihi fishing was affected by frequent floods and did not produce such a high total as in the previous season. A summary view of the incidence of the catches and some idea of the runs may be gathered from the following statement, which gives the catches recorded for (approximately) each third of the month.

The Waitaki anglers also had a good season. The fish did not appear in considerable numbers till the end of February, with the peak of the run towards the end of March. An angler who took out a selling-license for the last fortnight of the season reported a catch of twenty-one fish, taken on the 4th, 7th, and 11th of May between Duntroon and the Waitaki Dam. The average weight of these salmon was 16-7 lb. The returns sent in by holders of selling-licenses have been tabulated in the usual form and with the net-fishing returns are summarized in the table that follows.

Quinnat Salmon, 1937.

It will be noticed that the figures for the net-fishing in the Waimakariri show the lowest total catch since netting began. The poor runs this season, to which reference has already been made, may have had something to do with this, but a further and probably more potent cause of non-success was the considerable changes that have taken place in the conformation of the bed of the river since the previous year. In the mile or two of the lower course of the Waimakariri that is open to net-fishing there were only two places where it was both practicable and profitable to drag a net. For several years one netsman had operated at the " draft " by the Styx mouth and the other three at the " draft " abreast of Kairakei, each following in turn over the same water. The great flood of October, 1936, in combination with the operations of the Waimakariri River Trust, has completely wiped out the salmon pool near the Styx mouth and greatly reduced the fishing value of the other by altering the bottom contour. Consequently only two licenses for salmon-netting were taken out, and the licensees between them secured only 106 fish. An application for a netting-license for the Rakaia was granted this season, but the licensee was not able to overcome the physical obstacles to successful netting and caught only three fish.


January. February. March. April. 1st to 11th to 21st to 1st to 11th to 21st to 1st to j 11th to gist to 1st to 11th to 21st to 10th 20th 31st 10th 20th 28th 10th 20th 31st 10th 20th i 30th Rangitata River .. .. .. 47 42 107 84 264 57 Opihi River .... 1 2 2 4 8 42 44 41 3 3

Males. Females. Totals. Return from Rods. Rakaia River, 1/2/37 to 29/3/37 (five rods)— Number of fist caught .. • • • • 83 114 6 203 Total weight .. .. .. ..1,263 1b. 1,597 1b. 921b. 2,952 1b. Average weight .. .. •• •• 15 *2 lb. 14-0 lb. 15-3 lb. 14-5 lb. Rangitata River, 3/2/37 to 28/3/37 (six rods) — Number of fish caught . . . . . ■ 82 94 20 196 Total weight .. .. •• •• 1,2101b. 1,5001b. 328 1b. 3,0381b. Average weight .. .. •• 14-8 lb. 16-0 lb. 16-4 lb. 15-5 lb. Combined Rivers,' 1/2/37 to 29/3/37 (eleven rods) — Number of fish caught . . . . .. 165 208 26 399 Total weight ' .. .. • • 2,473 1b. 3,097 1b. 4201b. 5,990 1b. Average weight .. .. .. •• 15*0 lb. 14-9 lb. 16-1 lb. 15-0 Lb. Return from Net-fishing. Waimakiriri River, 9/3/37 to 11/4/37 (two nets) — Number of fish caught .. .. ■ • 57 49 . . 106 Total weight .. .. ■■ 524 1b. 525 1b. .. 1,067 1b. Average weight .. . . . • • • 9 ■ 2 lb. 10 • 2 lb. . . 10 • 1 lb.

H,— ls

Atlantic Salmon. For the trapping of Atlantic salmon for the supply of ova to the Te Anau Hatchery the usual rack was constructed in the Upokororo River and being completed on the 10th of March was entered by the first salmon on the following day. The numbers of fish taken each month during the season were as follows :—

The hatchery was supplied, to the full extent of its accommodation, with 422,000 ova, which were obtained from 156 female parent fish. Seventy-eight females escaped from the pen when an exceptionally heavy flood came over the stockade, and 133 were liberated above the rack to proceed to their natural spawning-places. The river was frequently in spate, but only one big flood, in which the river rose nearly a foot above the highest level that had been recorded for many years, caused any serious damage to the rack-structure or loss of fish. The fry produced were particularly healthy and vigorous, and, with practically no loss during incubation, the output was estimated at not less than 422,000. The majority of the parent fish were unusually small, some being no more than 2 lb. and about half of them under 4 lb. The largest fish were among the latest of the run. 36,000 fry were liberated in the Eglinton River and the rest at various places in the Upokororo River and its tributary creeks. The building and most of the accessories of the Hatchery at Te Anau are now in a very dilapidated condition and the question of their renewal is one that calls for early attention. There is much to be said in favour of a well-built permanent establishment of such dimensions that full use could be made of the available supply of spring-water, that is of particularly good quality for hatchery purposes. Scientific Investigation. In the report on fisheries for the year 1927-28 a section under this heading appeared, for the first time, in which was briefly recorded the progress made in our understanding of the biological basis of fishery problems ; and, since fishes are living organisms, every fishery problem has a biological basis, the fundamental factors of which must be understood before the problem can be elucidated or appreciated. The modest efforts that were being made in this direction were held up by lack of funds during the years of financial depression, and for the last four years this section has been missing from the fisheries report. It now reappears, with a fair prospect of becoming increasingly substantial and useful; at least that is the hope of the writer. Marine Fisheries. The fishery departments of most countries both pursue and encourage other institutions to pursue the study of marine biology, of which the natural history of food-fishes constitutes a part. They do so because it is recognized that an understanding of the nature of the many factors, both physical and organic, that pertain to the environment of fishes is necessary before one can have a complete understanding of the fishes themselves. Science as applied to the art of fish conservation consists mainly of the study of the factors that may be classed as favourable or inimical as they affect the existence of any particular species of useful fish. Common experience has shown that, so far as our commercial New Zealand fishes are concerned, they were more abundant in the earlier days—even so recently as under twenty years ago—than they are to-day, and that fishery operations are the new factors that have come into play to account for the reduction. The systematic or scientific study of the effects of the human factor upon fish-life is therefore an important part of fishery investigation ; and fishery statistics are the means whereby this line of investigation is carried on. But having, by statistical or other methods, reached the conclusion that a certain fishery is in need of regulation —which usually implies restrictions —the question arises as to the most suitable form of restriction to apply. The most suitable form is what will give the greatest help to the fish with the least hindrance or loss to the fishermen. It is here that a more purely biological understanding of the conditions is necessary, among which may be mentioned such matters as when and where the fish spawn, how long it takes them to mature, the size at which they mature, the rate of growth, and the rate of survival of the several generations that constitute the bulk of the stock. It is only on the basis of some knowledge of these matters that intelligent control of fishery operations can be attempted. With no immediate prospect of pursuing fishery research on an extensive scale, it is on these lines that our inquiries should be directed, and on these lines, with the understanding assistance of members of the fishing industry, it is possible to make


Males. Females. Totals. March .. .. .. 23 14 37 April 59 58 117 May 63 95 158 June .. .. ■• 40 62 102 July .. .. • ■ 29 52 81 August ...... 5 7 12 September (1st to 2nd) .... 1 1 219 289 508


progress with the modest material equipment that is within the scopê of reasonable financial resources so long as staff is available ; for it is a specialist's job for which workers have to be qualified scientifically and for which special training is essential. With the diversion of Mr. M, W. Young to more purely administrative duties, the investigational work of a biological nature has been carried on by Mr. A. M. Rapson, B.Sc., who has paid special attention to the stocks of flatfish in Tasman and Admiralty Bays. He has studied the effects of using nets of different-sized mesh on the size-distribution of the fishes in the catch and has obtained data on the age-composition of the fauna of dabs and lemon soles on some of the fishing-grounds. He has also collected and identified the pelagic eggs and larvae of these and other species with a view to locating spawning-places and nursery grounds. Similar investigations have been made with regard to the blue cod, together with preliminary attempts at elucidating the spawning phenomena of butterfish and the growth-rate of hapuku. These observations have been carried out on commercial fishing-boats and require to be continued and, if possible, extended before definite conclusions can be drawn in relation to the control of fishing-operations. Mr. Rapson has also continued observations on the composition by size (and age) of toheroa stocks, combining with this work observations on the contents of the alimentary canal and on the sexual condition. Fresh-water Research. Reference has been made in previous reports to the work carried out under the auspices of the Fresh-water Research Committee of the Acclimatization Societies' Association and to the difficulties encountered in developing the work owing to uncertainty of finance under the system of voluntary contributions from member societies. On 18th September, 1936, a Fisheries Amendment Act was passed which provided for the contribution by acclimatization societies, out of license fees received by them, towards the cost of research undertaken in relation to fresh-water fisheries ; and subsequently, on Ist October, 1936, regulations were made pursuant to this Act by which one-tenth of the aggregate fees chargeable for fishing-licenses issued by acclimatization societies should be paid into the Consolidated Fund. At the same time the Government took over the responsibility for continuing research work and arranged that it should be administered by the Marine Department. Owing to the difficulty of obtaining premises to serve as a laboratory the transfer did not take place till the year now under review had terminated, the Marine Department meanwhile assuming financial responsibility for the continuance of the work at Canterbury College, Christchurch, and in the field. During the final year of their service under the Committee the two biologists continued the collection and examination of material obtained for the purposes of the two main lines of investigation that were already in train. Mr. Parrott examined and reported on a sample of rainbow-trout scales from Lake Pearson and a small sample of brown-trout scales collected in the Waipori River system (Otago) in 1932. In continuing his investigation of trout-reproduction Mr. Hobbs aimed at studying redds in as many different types of environment as possible, sharing the available time between the rainbow-trout waters of the Auckland Acclimatization District and the brown-trout waters of Southland and the Kakanui River, North Otago. Studies oi the food and other factors affecting the early growth of troutwere also made. Professor Percival, of Canterbury University College, continued his personal investigation of fresh-water plankton, reporting to the Committee on the preliminary sampling of thirty-seven lakes in the South Island, with special reference to the variation in the abundance of minute organisms in the water of different types of lake. By way of historical record it is appropriate to quote Professor Percival's general resume of the work of the New Zealand Fresh-water Research Committee which he gave at its winding-up meeting on 3rd June, 1937, in which he said :— " At this final meeting of the Committee it is worth while to look back at the activities of the body set up by the Acclimatization Societies' Conference of 1929. At that time there was a feeling that insufficient knowledge existed about the inland fisheries of this country to enable administrators and anglers to understand the situation which had arisen in various parts where the return in average weight was said to be declining. The conflicting explanations at that time offered were unsatisfactory, and the Committee was charged with the ' investigation of the well-being of trout and other acclimatized fish.' " Two avenues of work offered themselves, one being an inquiry into possible causes of the alleged decline in fishing quality, the other being an attempt to determine the nature of stocks in age, length, and growth-rate with the object of providing a picture of present conditions and of accumulating facts which might be of comparative value in the future. The first of these inquiries resulted in the Fisheries Bulletin No. 5, the second in a preliminary paper in Fisheries Bulletin No. 4. Since then an examination of the fauna and environmental conditions of numerous fishing-waters throughout the Dominion has taken place, while large quantities of samples of scales from fish of known lengths and weights have been collected. Many of these have been read and many remain to be read. " Five years ago Mr. Hobbs voluntarily offered to undertake the study of natural regeneration of brown and rainbow trout and quinnat salmon. This work is still in progress and has meanwhile given a large amount of information about the value of natural reproduction in maintaining stocks. It has led in various directions to the consideration of the relation between young salmonids and between them and other species, to the consideration of factors controlling growth-rate and migration, and to an examination of the absolute productivity



of females in terms of eggs produced. The work has opened up possibilities of fisherymanagement which did not appear before and should be considered as providing the most important contribution made with the Committee's facilities. " Arising out of this work is the question of the reliability of the scale-reading method and of its limitations, and the indication that, while the laboratory must play an active part in elucidating problems, work in the field must always provide a test of conclusions derived in the laboratory, and vice versa. " Collaboration with some societies has been successful in the carrying out of long term observations. Among these may be mentioned the experiment in the Kakanui River, North Otago. Here, alternation of stocking and non-stocking with hatchery fry is proceeding with the object of determining the effect on the year class composition of anglers' catches, based on analyses of catches in the past several years. The first batch of material to be collected for this purpose should come in 1937-38. Southland has also taken part in collecting material to show migration changes in the Oreti and Aparima Rivers, and in trapping streams for productivity determinations. " During the existence of the Committee there has been a considerable amount of contact with societies all over the country for the purpose of explaining the aims and objects of the work and to inform them of the progress achieved. " In sum, the Committee may go out of existence knowing that knowledge has been obtained and understanding gained about a variety of matters which eight years ago were nebulous, and that a mass of raw fact is collected which may be of use to its successors." It is also fitting to include in the report the following extract from the minutes of its meeting of 3rd June, 1937 : — " The Committee decided respectfully to communicate to the Hon. the Minister of Marine the following recommendations as to the course the investigations should follow : — " (1) This Committee considers the continuation of the investigation of the natural reproduction of salmonidse and of subsequent survival to be of fundamental importance and recommends that this work should be continued, as one of the principal lines of research. " (2) This Committee recommends that the general survey of the age and growth of stocks of salmonid® be continued. " (3) This Committee recommends the continuation of both general and special investigations of lake plankton and also on general stream and lake fauna. " (4) This Committee recommends that when possible grants-in-aid be made to qualified persons, other than members of the staff, to enable approved special investigations to be carried out." The members of the Fresh-water Research Committee of the New Zealand Acclimatization Societies' Association were Dr. G. F. Y. Anson, Wellington Acclimatization Society (appointed vice Mr. L. 0. H. Tripp, who retired in 1932) ; Mr. M. H. Godby, North Canterbury Acclimatization Society ; Mr. G. Howes, Otago Acclimatization Society ; Professor E. Percival, Canterbury University College (Honorary Director of Research) ; Mr. E. J. C. Wiffen, Wellington Acclimatization Society (Secretary). Mr. D. F. Hobbs was co-opted to act as Honorary Research Secretary at Christchurch, where the research headquarters were located in the Biology Department of Canterbury University College. As Chairman of the Committee during its existence, and as the only member with an official or professional interest in fishery matters, I would like to take this opportunity of placing on record my sincere appreciation of the substantial services gratuitously but steadily and earnestly given by the above-named gentlemen to the task of the advancement of fresh-water-fishery science in New Zealand ; also to express the hope and belief that the co-operation with them and with acclimatization societies will continue and develop, for, although the fresh-water research organization has changed its name and its address, it will still work in the general interest of all New Zealand anglers. A. E. Hefford, Chief Inspector of Fisheries.

5 —H. 15.



Table showing the Number of Seamen engaged and discharged in New Zealand, and the Fees received, for the Year ended 31st March, 1937.


Engagements and Discharges, Foreign and , Intercolonial Trade. Engagements and Discharges, Home Trade. ~ — Total Engagements. Total Discharges. Grand Totals. P° rt - Engagements. Discharges. Engagements. Discharges. Number. Amount. Number, Amount. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Number. Amount, Number. Amount. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d Auckland .. .. .. 1,907 189 9 0 2,008 193 15 0 1,337 117 19 0 1,347 116 19 0 3,244 307 8 0 3,355 310 14 0 6,599 618 2 6 Dunedm .. .. .. 442 43 4 0 332 32 2 0 173 15 19 0 170 15 15 0 615 59 3 0 502 47 17 0 1 117 107 0 0 bis borne .. .. .. 1 0 2 0 2 0 4 0 263 21 15 0 271 23 13 0 264 21 17 0 273 23 17 0 537 45 14 0 Greymouth 36 3 10 0 33 3 4 0 33 2 14 0 33 2 14 0 69 6 4 0 66 5 18 0 135 12 2 0 ilokitika .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 12 0 11 0 15 0 10 0 12 0 11 0 15 0 21 1 7 0 Invercargill 22 2 2 0 24 2 6 0 42 2 13 0 40 2 19 0 64 4 15 0 64 5 5 0 128 10 0 0 Lyttelton .. .. .. 234 22 0 0 232 22 16 0 312 23 1 0 318 23 13 0 546 45 1 0 550 46 9 0 1,096 91 10 0 5[ a P ler • • •' • • 37 3 10 0 - 34 3 6 0 231 19 5 0 211 21 6 0 268 22 15 0 245 24 12 0 513 47 7 0 5 °Si xi. " " " 3 0 6 0 1 0 2 0 484 32 8 0 490 32 12 0 487 32 14 0 491 32 14 0 978 65 8 0 New Plymouth .. .. 12 1 6 0 9 0 16 0 18 1 8 0 24 2 0 0 30 2 14 0 33 2 16 0 63 5 10 0 Oamaru .. .. .. 2 040 4 080 2 040 2 040 4 080 6 0 12 0 10 100 Onehunga .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 189 16 14 0 182 16 0 0 189 16 14 0 182 16 0 0 371 32 14 0 i,? , ea • • • • • ■ • • ■ ■ ■ • • • • • 68 3 8 0 67 3 8 0 68 3 8 0 67 3 8 0 135 6 16 0 Tauranga !! !! !! !! " " " 20 1 6 ° 21 1 6 0 20 1 6 0 21 1 6 0 41 2 12 0 TeKopuru .. " " "l 0 "2 0 !! "l o"2 0 " !! "l 0*2 0 3 0 6 0 2 0 4 0 45 4 1 0 47 4 3 0 48 4 7 0 49 4 7 0 97 8 14 0 alrau . „ •• •• •• 5 0 10 0 3 0 6 0 5 0 10 0 3 0 6 0 8 0 16 0 w a n^ U1 „ 11 1 4 0 4 0 10 0 54 4 I 4 0 42 3 15 0 65 5 18 0 46 4 5 0 111 10 3 0 Wellington 3,802 359 18 0 3,609 338 4 0 1,933 163 4 0 1,875 160 13 0 5,735 523 2 0 5,484 498 17 0 11 219 1 021 19 0 Westport .. .. 14 1 8 0 24 2 8 0 41 3 14 0 41 3 12 0 55 5 2 0 65 6 0 0 I 'l20 ' 11 2 0 Foxton (Post-office) . . ,. .. 16 1 12 0 20 2 0 0 16 1 12 0 20 2 0 0: 36 3 12 0 6,526 ! 628 9 0 6,318 600 5 0 5,277 437 3 0 5,215 437 13 0 11,803 1,065 12 0 11,533 1,037 18 0 '1>3~336 2 103 10 ~Ō ——- — ! ——: 1 ■ . % % | i\ I _ rj


Table showing Total Cost of Maintenance (excluding Interest on Capital and Depreciation) of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses for the Year ended 31st March, 1937.

Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in Pursuance of the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, during the Year ended 31st March, 1937.

Return showing Amounts received prior to Ist April, 1936, standing to Credit or Estates of Deceased Seamen and for which Claims have not been proved. Balance to Credit of the Estate on 31st March, 1937. £ s. d. Banks, G., late seaman, s.s. " Marama " • • • ■ • • • • " o *i 0 Linton, P. A., late seaman, s.s. " Koonya ".. . ■ • • • • • • " n 1 q McEvoy, J., late trimmer, s.s. " Koromiko " . • • • • • • • " " 1 Stevens, F. G., late fireman, s.s. " Kaitangata .. •• •• •• *012 Wareline, F., late seaman, s.s. " Koromiko .. •• •• •• Wassel, R., late seaman, s.s. " Elsie Mary " .. • • • • • • • * £11 6 11


Name of Lighthouse. Salaries and Wages. Fuel. Maintenance. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Akaroa Head .. .. . • • • 468 13 8 43 17 4 172 18 1 685 9 1 Baring Head* 776 5 0 29 18 8 744 19 1 1,551 2 9 Brothirs . .. .. 855 10 1 48 19 9 193 3 7 1,097 13 5 Cape Brett .. .. .. • ■ 689 12 10 41 12 8 290 11 0 1,021 16 6 Cape Campbell . . . . ■ • 522 7 0 44 12 8 152 8 5 719 8 1 Cape Egmont* .. ■ • • • 254 10 3 34 0 4 101 3 1 389 13 8 Cape Maria 795 8 1 55 7 5 394 17 6 1,245 13 0 Cape Palliser .. .. .. • • 462 8 10 39 19 1 188 6 0 690 13 11 Cape Saunders .. • • • • 491 10 10 52 18 10 163 18 6 708 8 2 Cashpoint 471 6 9 43 1 1 211 2 0 725 9 10 Centre Island 734 2 3 65 15 11 129 10 8 929 8 10 Cuvier Island .. .. • • 716 14 0 48 18 8 290 19 6 1,056 12 2 Dog Island .. 523 16 4 69 10 11 126 5 7 719 12 10 East Cape 524 7 1 42 8 0 341 15 8 908 10 9 Farewell Spit 678 0 11 58 4 0 196 5 8 932 10 7 French Pass '• .. 206 6 8 7 4 10 64 17 4 278 8 10 Godley Head* 270 12 8 37 7 11 315 14 2 623 14 9 Kahurangi Point* .. ■ • • • 244 0 3 18 15 6 325 19 0 588 14 9 Kaipara Heads 734 13 9 54 1 2 305 10 9 1,094 5 8 Manukau South Head* .. .. 244 0 3 15 1 9 222 12 7 481 14 7 Moeraki .. 458 13 7 48 13 8 86 17 2 594 4 5 Moko Hinou 766 7 8 45 8 4 625 14 8 1,437 10 8 Nugget Point .. .. • • • • 493 9 11 50 2 9 128 1 4 671 14 0 Portland Island 784 5 11 50 14 2 415 7 8 1,850 7 9 Puysegur Point .. • • • • 798 8 2 73 3 4 285 19 4 1,157 1C 10 Stephens Island .. •• 797 4 1 57 6 4 254 11 5 1,109 1 10 Waipapapa Point 525 19 7 62 4 8 108 13 0 696 17 3 Marine Store .. . • • • • • 662 2 6 k? i c k lua 11 q Automatic lights (unwatched) .. . • • • 296 18 10 651 15 5 948 14 3 Foe signals 596 7 11 65 4 2 737 4 6 1,398 16 7 Government steamer 12,558 18 10 3,738 17 9 6,064 10 2 22,362 6 9 Radio beacons •• 68 14 3 68 14 3 29,106 5 8 5,340 10 6 14,402 8 9 48,849 4 11 * Watched automatic lights.

Balance Balance to Oredit of a i. Greuit ot Name of Seaman. 0 n!st April, Am0Unt ontfffh, 1936. 1937. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Blaney,E 22 0 4 1 6 9 23 J 1 .. Broadbent W. • • - 19 0 0 2 0 3 17 7 Carle, U 7 12 0 .. 7 12 0 Mton A •• •• •• 21 7 6 21 7 6 Pfflief'j" " ' 20 10 11 9 10 0 30 0 11 Gillies, J. ..•• 800 .. 800 Helgesen, 17 18 8 1 0 0 16 18 8 Kenny' W " " - ■■ •• 61 8 3 6 4 0 55 4 3 £enny,w. 2 10 i 2 10 1 JUtto, A. ■ • ■ • • • • ■ 26 1 1 .. 26 1 1 Lame, J. •• •• •• " 22 0 3 22 0 3 Larsem, C. .. ■ ■ • ■ • • • • 40 17 10 40 17 10 7 4 0 7 4 0 Leadon, G. .. • • • ■ • • 17 18 9 17 18 9 .. 12 6 9 0 5 1 12 1 8 īrt- tt7 v; 2 10 0 ■ • 2 10 0 Robinson, W.D. .. •• 196 7 2 196 7 2 Whitmore, J. G. • • • • • • • • _ 45 11 10 480 11 2 393 17 9 132 5 3


Summary of Examinations for Certificates of Competency as Masters and Mates for the Year ended 31st March, 1937.

Summary of Examinations for Certificates of Competency as Marine Engineer for the Year ended 31st March, 1937.


JL—15. 36 Summary of Examinations for Certificates of Competency as Masters and Mates for the Year ended 31st March, 1937. Auckland. Wellington. Totals. * Class of Certificate. | - . - 4 | - . - 6 I I _ . _, „• |f « s 33 a S3 * Bjg £ fa ss * s3 HJ 0 &H* fe pug .g &* s fcg 1 .s iS I &=( I Eq W M Foreign-going, masters and mates.. 11 9 .. 3 11 9 .. 3 23 Home-trade, masters and mates .. 8 2 1 1 2 10 2 1 114 Master, river (steam) .. .. 9 .. 1 .. 4 .. 2 .. 13 .. 3 .. 16 Yacht-master, New Zealand waters 2 .. 1 .. 1 3 .. 1 .. 4 Voluntary examination, compass .. .. 4 4 .. 4 deviation Voluntary examination, signals .. 1 1 1 Signals only .. .. .. 6 6 6 Fore and aft endorsement .. 1 1 1 Sub-Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. .. 3 3 3 Totals .. .. 41 11 7 4 7 .. 2 .. 48 11 9 4 72 Summary of Examinations for Certificates of Competency as Marine Engineer for the Year ended 31 st March, 1937. Auckland. Wellington. Christchurch. Dunedin. Other Centres. Totals. Class of Certificate. j • . _j j . j j _ ■ • _. • • . . , | J HlGHER-GRADE CERTIFICATES. First and second class (steam) .. 1 1 2 8 4 12 9 5 14 First and second class (motor) .. 2.. 2 3 3 6 5 3 8 First and second class (motor, endorse- .. 1 1 4 2 6 4 3 7 ment) Second class (steam, endorsement) 1 .. 1 1 \ Third class (steam) .. .. 3 7 10 8 6 14 7 6 13 5 4 9 .. .. '.'. 23 23 46 Total .. .. 6 9 15 24 15 39 7 6 13 5 4 9 42 34 76 Lower-grade Certificates. Sea-going engineer, P.V.O.S. .. 18 11 29 13 3 16 4 .. 4 1 2 3 16 2 18 52 18 70 Restricted-limits engineer, P.V.O.S. 7293.. 3314112 17 1 18 31 5 36 River engineer (steam) .. .. 1 1 2 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 2 1 3 5 2 7 Total .. .. .. 26 14 40 17 3 20 8 1 9 2 3 5 35 4 39 88 25 113 Grand total .. .. 32 23 55 41 18 59 15 7 22 7 7 14 35 4 39 130 59 189

Auckland. Wellington. Christchurch. Dunedin. Other Centres. Totals. Class of Certificate. j j 4 • • . . a^ssigsso g - 3 o»- 3 g 1 g •§ . 1 Higher-grade Certificates. First and second class (steam) .. 1 1 2 8 4 12 9 5 14 First and second class (motor) .. 2.. 2 3 3 6 5 3 8 First and second class (motor, endorse- .. 1 1 4 2 6 4 3 7 ment) Second class (steam, endorsement) 1 .. 1 1 _ _ X Third class (steam) .. .. 3 7 10 8 6 14 7 6 13 5 4 9 23 23 46 Total .. .. 6 9 15 24 15 39 7 6 13 5 4 9 42 34 76 Lower-grade Certificates. Sea-going engineer, P.V.O.S. 18 11 29 13 3 16 4 4 1 2 3 16 2 18 52 18 70 Restricted-limits engineer, P.V.O.S. 7293.. 3314112 17 1 18 31 5 36 River engineer (steam) .. .. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 5 2 7 Total .. .. .. 26 14 40 17 3 20 8 1 9 2 3 5 35 4 39 88 25 113 Grand total .. .. 32 23 55 41 18 59 15 7 22 7 7 14 35 4 39 130 59 189


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from 1st April, 1936, to 31st March, 1937.


Number of Nature of Number Wind. Date of Vessel's Name, Class, R . Register f T i . Place where Casualty Remarks, or Finding of Court of Inquiry. I Name of Master. Casualty. and Age. g * Tonnage. p flqc , pr , ]ost occurred. Crew. P assen " Cargo. Casualty. r ' Direction. Force. I 1936 April 3 Paroto, aux. ; 22 years .. Schooner .. 48 7 Nil 25 tons general .. Fire .. .. .. .. Auckland Harbour .. S.W. .. Blow-lamp pipe exploded, causing fire in G. Hartley. engine-room, damaging paintwork and burning electric wiring „ 3 Storm, s.s.; 13 years .. Schooner .. 370 17 .. 300 tons general .. Stranding .. .. .. Wanganui River .. Light north- 1 Vessel's propeller struck some object at the W.Williams. erly bend on Mitchell's Reach, and was repaired after vessel reached wharf ,, 5 Hawera, m.v.; 24 years Schooner .. 92 10 .. 120 tons general .. Leaking .. .. .. Wellington .. .. Northerly .. On arrival from Patea, vessel found to be P. McLauchlin. leaking ; repairs carried out ,. 18 Salvus, s.s. ; 8 years .. Schooner .. 2,948 33 .. 3,200 tons newsprint .. Stranding .. .. .. Whangarei Harbour .. E.N.E. 5 Vessel stranded on starboard side of channel Wm. Chas. Smith. when about one mile from Railway Wharf, Kioreroa, owing to pilot misjudging distance from beach on port side, due probably to strong wind from E.N.E. ,, 30 Tongariro. s.s. ; 10 years Schooner .. 5,472 51 .. 3,960 tons refrigerated and Stranding .. .. .. Nelson Harbour .. S.S.W. 5 Whilst proceeding out of harbour, being P. B. Clarke. general towed by s.s. ' Kaitoa." vessel failed to turn into channel and took the Inner Mole bank forward on port side, but was immediately afterwards all clear „ 30 James Cook, s.s.; 15 years Schooner .. 1,289 30 .. 2,800 tons timber and Damaged port hawse-pipe .. Auckland Harbour .. S.W. 6-7 Whilst berthing at Central Wharf, vessel C. G. Turner. general flange was caught by squall, and struck outer end of wharf, cracking port hawse-pipe flange Mav 1 Holmglen, m.v.; 8 years Schooner .. 290 12 .. About 500 tons general .. Damage to bulwarks, «fee. .. Cook Strait .. .. Heavy Gale Gale forced vessel to seek shelter, when M. M. McArthur. westerly damage to portholes, bulwarks, stays, handrails, &c., was found ,, 2 Kawau, s.s.; 37 years .. Schooner .. 52 10 8 .. Damaged rail and bulwarks .. Great Barrier Island .. S.W. 10 While vessel sheltering at Whangaparapara W. Raynes. Wharf, gale carried away fairlead and 3 ft. of rail, and tore away windlass on port side „ 2 South Sea, s.s.; 23 years Schooner .. 127 20 Nil Fish .. .. .. Damaged .. .. Nil Lat. 42° 30' S. ; Long. S.W. 10-11 During heavy gale with cross-sea, vessel A. P. Dowell. 177° 0' E. hove to and shipping seas, which smashed two dinghies and window in wheel-house, with other minor damage „ 24 Kalingo, s.s. ; 8 years .. Schooner .. 1,154 28 Nil Nil .. .. .. Stranded .. .. Nil Greymouth .. .. N.E. 5 Owing to sea and wind and the outflowing C. W. Ostenfeld. tide, the vessel grounded close to the seaward side of the signal-station. Two leaks were subsequently discovered ,, 25 Hauturu, m.v.; 9 years.. Schooner .. 162 12 Nil 91 tons .. .. Engine trouble. .. .. Nil Off Manukau Bar S. 2 Just after crossing the Manukau Bar the E. J. Keatley. port engine developed a hot bearing, which was remedied on return to Onehunga June 5 Wahine, s.s.; 23 years .. Schooner .. 1,798 98 210 200 tons .. .. Stranded .. .. Nil Pipitea Wharf, Wellington Calm .. The Court found that the Master was guilty B. B. Irwin. of error of judgment in two respects : (1) In steering the course which he did from abeam of Point Jerningham, which he did not see ; (2) in approaching the vicinity of the wharves in such a fog at excessive speed. The Master, Officers, and crew were commended for the promptitude with which they acted in the emergency which arose. The Master's certificate was returned to him and no order was made as to costs „ 9 Alma, aux. m.v. ; 34 years Ketch .. 21 4 Nil Nil .. .. .. Stranded .. .. Nil Waihou River .. W. 5 When passing through bridge-opening the S. Hakanson. vessel touched piles on port side, damaging them and a short length of the ship's rail „ 12 Foxton, m.v. ; 6 years .. Ketch .. 100 9 Nil 160 tons .. .. Stranded .. .. Nil Foxton .. .. W. 1 Vessel grounded on a sand-bank owing to I. Dalzell. the leading lights being obscured while vessel was entering the Manawatu River. After repeated attempts and the discharge of a portion of the cargo the vessel was j refloated, apparently undamaged


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from 1st April, 1936, to 31st March, 1937— continued.


Number of Nature of Number Wind. Casualty. Sage. T"" j - ks , or binding o, Court of Inquiry. Nam e o, Maater. Crew. Cargo. I Casualty. Direction. Force. J 1936. P June 22 Kapua, aux.m.v., 24 years Ketch .. 6 3 Nil 85 yards shingle .. Stranded; total loss .. Nil Wanga Point, Hauraki S. 2 Owing to the helmsman altering the course F. S. Wyatt. Gulf before the vessel cleared Wanga Point, and without reporting such change of course to the Master, the vessel stranded and became a total loss „ 29 A.N. 2, s.s., 10 years .. Schooner .. 96 12 .. Nil .. .. .. Stranded .. .. Nil Off Fraser Island, West Various 2 The vessel struck submerged coral reef one K. Bordal. Coast of Australia mile seaward of nearest breakers and was held fast for a few minutes. On examination a slight leak was discovered in the bunkers July 4 Waimarino, s.s., 6 years.. Fore and aft 1,752 31 Nil 745 tons .. .. Stranded .. .. Nil Bluff Harbour .. W.S.W. 8 When approaching the wharf the strong J.Bruce. wind caught the vessel, swinging her head on to the wind. Although nothing was felt apparently vessel touched bottom, as a scraping sound was heard. Ex- I amination revealed no damage to the ship i „ 6 Piako, s.s.; 16 years .. .. 5,114 65 Nil Meat and general .. Lost cable .. .• Nil Tokomaru Bay .. W. Gale During a westerty squall of gale force the H. E. Reilly. port anchor cable parted at the studless link connecting the anchor shackle „ 16 Owhiti, aux.m.v.; 12 years Ketch .. 6 4 Nil 75 yards shingle .. Stranded .. .. Nil Near Matheson's Beach, N.E. Strong While going through channel after leaving J. C. Ipsen. Hauraki Gulf beach, the vessel was caught by a strong puff of wind which swept the vessel down on the rocks at the entrance, damaging a propeller and fracturing a plank „ 18 Abel Tasman, s.s.; 19 Schooner .. 1,175 29 .. Timber and general .. Stranded, total loss .. .. Greymouth Bar .. N.W. Moderate The Court found that the vessel was moored W.D.Archibald, years to the wharf in accordance with the usual practice and moored to the satisfaction of the Harbourmaster. Without warning the moorings parted, and the vessel was swept down the river and drifted on to the North Beach, becoming a total loss. Everything was done to save the vessel, and no apparent defect appeared in the mooring-equipment, but it is possible that there was a latent defect in some of the equipment, and the banking-up of debris and logs under the wharf may have been a contributing cause, but the evidence, in the opinion of the Court, was not conclusive enough for it to find that the casualty was due to a cause other than misadventure. The Court found that the casualty was not caused or ! contributed to by the wrongful act or default of the Master or any of his crew or of the Harbour Board and its officials or any other person. The Master's and First Mate's certificates were returned to them. The Court made no order as to payment of the costs of the inquiry ,, 20 Waipiata, s.s.; 10 years Schooner .. 1,063 30 Nil 3,000 tons general .. Cracked hawse-pipe .. .. Between Wellington and S.W. 3 A slight leak was discovered into deck W. Whitefield. Auckland locker under forecastle head on the 18th i July, and on vessel's arrival at Auckland a crack was found in the port hawse-pipe, the cause and time of which were unknown „ 30 Hertford, s.s.; 18 years.. Schooner .. 6,888 57 .. 1,939 tons general .. Leaky boiler .. .. .. Auckland .. .. .. Calm Boiler was observed to be leaking at the E.Wilson. weld; opened up and repairs completed Aug. 22 Pukeko, m.v. ; 8 years .. Schooner .. 388 15 1 170 tons general .. Struck wharf .. .. .. Tolaga Bay .. .. N.E. 5 When berthing, the vessel's anchor came in F. S. Bates. contact with a spring pile, with the result that the hawse-pipe, spurling-pipe, I I and hawse-pipe collar were broken



„ 25 Limerick, m.v, ; 11 years Schooner .. 5,479 57 .. 12,000 tons oil and general Wire rope fouled propeller | .. Lat. 26° 01' S.; long. E.N.E. 10 A heavy sea swept a in. wire rope over- A.T.Norton. 171° 41' W. hoard, which fouled the starboard propeller. Wire eventually cut away, and _ apparently no damage to ship „ 2b Endeavour, aux. .. Ketch .. 42 5 Nil Ml .. .. .. Struck viaduct .. .. Nil Auckland .. .. N.E. Moderate When three lengths off the opening of the T. Stephens. viaduct bridge the keel of the vessel touched the mud, causing the vessel to be unsteady at the head, with the result that the jib-boom struck the control shed on the viaduct and splintered several Sept. 3-5 Waimarino, s.s. ; 6 years sfchooner .. 1,752 35 .. 500 tons general .. Leaking .. .. .. Between Bluff and Bun- S.W. 8 Vessel found to be ° leaking, which was J.Bruce. edin caused by vessel pounding in heavy seas -I-. -o i mu • and straining of rivets in No. 1 tank " 11 Qrt Whangara, m.v. ; Schooner .. 286 14 .. General .. .. Leaking .. .. .. Between Auckland and S. 9 On a voyage between Auckland and Wei- F. Chapman. 30 years Wellington lington it was found that vessel was leaking, apparently caused through sprung rivet „ lo Matua, m.v. ; 1 year .. Schooner .. 2,106 59 33 420 tons .. .. Stranded .. .. .. Aitutaki, Cook Islands .. E. Light When leaving Arutunga anchorage at A. H. Prosser. Aitutaki Island the vessel touched on a pinnacle of coral (uncharted), causing damage to both propellers, shaft, and rudder „ 16 Gael, m.v.; 32 years .. .. 46 7 .. 60 tons cement .. Stranded .. .. .. Westhaven Bar .. N.W. 3 Vessel struck the bar, lifting the rudder A. I). Tregidga. post in., which caused her to leak on tr -4.- a . around the post „ 10 Kapiti, m.v. .. .. Schooner .. 122 12 .. 50 tons .. .. Cracked piston .. .. .. Off Barrett's Beef N. 4 When entering Wellington Heads the main V. E. Johansen. engines stopped owing to a cracked piston, No. 1 cylinder; proceeded on _ „ , voyage under four cylinders ,, zb lamanae, aux. ; 62, years Scow .. 6 3 .. 20 yards sand .. .. Foundered .. .. .. 2-|- miles south of Whanga- S.W. Light The Court found that the vessel foundered B.H.Jones. paroa Peninsula shortly after midnight on the morning of the 26th September, 1936, 2h miles south of Whangaparoa Peninsula ; that the vessel was quite unseaworthy and inadequately manned ; that the ship foundered through the neglect and lack of seamanship of the engineer in charge, B. H. Jones, who, though probably a good engineer, was unsuited to command a vessel. The Court further found that the ship was manned according to law, but considered that the law should be amended so as to ensure that an engineer in charge of a vessel under 6 tons register had a good knowledge of seamanship. The Court returned Mr. Jones' certificate to him. but ordered him to contribute £10 10s. towards the costs of the in- „ 29 Wingatui, s.s. ; 22 years Schooner .. 1,344 30 .. 4,200 tons .. .. Fire .. .. .. .. Off Napier .. .. S. 8 Fire discovered in fore-end of No. 3 tween G.W.Evans. decks, probably caused through combustion in some unslaeked lime. Cargo ~ ~ „ „ , „ _ _ damaged, but none to vessel. Oct. 6 Canadian Challenger, s.s.; Schooner .. 3,331 35 .. 1,939 tons .. .. Leaky boiler .. .. .. Auckland .. .. .. Calm Boiler was found to be leaking at the weld. E. Wilson, n at ye^ rS TTr ~ Boiler opened ur> and repairs effected " 9 Margaret W., m.v.; 17 Schooner .. 290 12 .. 420 tons .. .. Propeller trouble .. .. Gisborne entrance .. N.W. 6 It was found t at the propeller stop had B. Burk. years gone and the nut had worked loose ; r , repairs subsequently effected f Kaimiro, s.s.; 7 years .. .. 1,330 34 .. Nil r While the " Kaimiro" was moving down- 1 G. A. Grey. 1Q J I stream the wind and current caught the | "1 j* Collision .. .. . . Westport .. .. S.W. 4 < vessel on starboard bow, causing her to V I XT- • ft* ' collide with the " Kapuni." which vessel it '. o'q eaIS " •• 100 tons j was slightly damaged j W. McKinnon. „ 14 wetere, s.s. , zd years .. .. 67 .. .. Burnt; total loss .. .. Wanganui .. .. .. .. Vessel destroyed by fire while lying at the T>. Bonner. Imlay Wharf; cause unknown ; vessel on tt t , abandoned to underwriters 29 Hokitika, m.v. , 10 years Schooner .. 81 9 .. 160 tons .. .. Struck wharf .. .. .. Wellington .. .. j N 5 Vessel collided with wharf, damaging hawse- A. M. Nalder. pipe and plate adjoining, also anchor I stock bent


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from 1st April, 1936, to 31st March, 1937— continued.


Number of Nature of Number Wind. Date of Vessel's Name, Class, Rifr Register Place where Casualty „ ri . , T . AT . M , Casualty. and Age. Elg - Toifnage. v : of Lives occurred. Bemarks, or Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. Crew. g!rg E Cargo. Casualty. Direction. Force. 1936. Nov. 4 Thomas Currell, s.s. ; 17 Ketch .. 84 10 .. .. Propeller fouled .. .. Hauraki Gulf .. .. Calm While shooting gear, a strong ebb tide caused J. Christofferson. years the gear to drift under vessel, fouling the propeller and rendering the vessel helpless * vessel towed to Auckland „ 6 Rotorua, s.s. ; 25 years .. .. 6,826 116 3 3,500 tons .. .. Leaking .. .. .. Gisborne .. .. S. 3 It was found that six nuts on starboard C. B. Lamb. side amidships, 4 ft. below load-line, were leaking considerably. „ 10 Kapuni, m.v. ; 27 years.. Schooner .. 95 10 .. Small quantity .. Stranded .. .. .. Cook Strait, off Terawhiti .. Calm During foggy weather, vessel stranded on W. McKinnon. a rock off Terawhiti and held for about an hour, eventually coming off astern ; apparently no damage to vessel Dec. 15 Ramsay, s.s. ; 7 years .. Schooner .. 2,993 35 .. 6,600 tons slag .. Leaking rivets .. .. .. " Chops," English Channel S.W. 8-9 Vessel encountered fierce south-west gale W. S. Wickman. (approx.) with high, dangerous cross-sea and shipped heavy water fore and aft, causing her to roll and strain heavily ; leaky rivets in Nos. 1 and 2 holds Dec. 24 Waikouaiti, s.s. ; 23 years Fore and aft 2,379 43 .. General .. .. Stranded .. .. .. Otago Harbour .. E.N.E. 2 Strong ebb tide caught the vessel on star- J.Bruce. board bow causing her to sheer to port, with the result that the vessel grounded ; vessel came off on the first of the flood tide with assistance of a tug ; apparently no 1937. damage Jan. 1 Westmoor, m.v. ; 12 years Schooner .. 2,638 28 .. 6,925 tons slag .. Leaking rivets .. .. Lat. 38° 42' N.; Long. S.W. 7 Six rivets were found to have been started W. A. Scott. 26° 55' W. ; Atlantic owing to vessel straining during heavy Ocean weather ; a cement-box was placed over the rivets to stop leaking „ 6 Remuera, s.s. ; 25 years Schooner .. 7,246 123 140 5,800 tons .. .. Engine trouble .. .. .. Lat. 21° 40' S.; Long. E.N.E. 3 Starboard H.P. junk-rings and piston- F. W. Robinson. 123° 40' W. rings fractured and piston-rod bent; no other damage to ship or cargo fEsme, m.v. ; 29 years .. Cutter .. 16 4 .. 60 tons shingle.. ""J / The collision could have been avoided if the ] E. J. Grogan. „ 9 ~j Collision .. .. ' .. Auckland Harbour .. N.W. 1 Lancia had gone to starboard instead f of to port; slight damage to the Esme ; ; L Lancia, m.v. ; 16 years.. Cutter ..6 2.. ..J I no damage to the " Lancia " I E. C. Lannam. „ 14 Taranaki, m.v.; 8 years Schooner .. 5,140 63 1 600 tons .. .. Lost anchor .. .. .. Auckland Harbour .. E.N.E. 9 Owing to rough weather, the vessel anchored S.Oswald. in-the stream for the night ; when heaving up anchor next morning, it was found that the end link to anchor shackle had parted „ 14 Canadian Highlander, s.s. ; Schooner .. 3,260 34 .. 3,000 tons .. .. Lost propeller blade .. | .. 15° 17' S. ; 127° 21' W. ; S.E. 4 It was found that one blade of the propeller S.F.Cameron. 17 years Pacific Ocean had broken off; cause unknown „ 14 Rangi, sail; 37 years .. Schooner .. 86 6 .. 90 tons logs .. .. Capsized, total loss .. 4 Between Rakino Island S.E. 8-9 The Court found that the casualty was P. J. Petersen. and Whangaparoa caused through the vessel encountering a Peninsula gale of unusual severity after she had rounded Cape Colville, and that the casualty and resulting loss of life was not contributed to by the wrongful act or default of the Master or any of his % crew or of the owners ; no order was made as to costs „ 23 Huanui, m.v. ; 27 years.. Aux. ketch 58 6 .. Ill tons coal .. .. Stranded .. .. .. Manawatu River bar .. W. 5-6 When entering the river a strong set was T. C. Thomsen. encountered and the vessel's head could not be maintained, with the result that she stranded on the bar and sustained severe straining ,, 28 Wakanui, m.v. ; 32 years Schooner .. 29 5 .. 50 tons .. Broken crank-shaft .. .. 1£ miles S. of Rakino .. Calm It was found that the crank-shaft had R. A. Roff. Island, N.Z. broken : cause unknown „ 31 Wanganella, m.v. ; 6 years Schooner .. 5,625 146 324 2,400 tons .. .. , Leaky piston .. ;. .. Tasman Sea .. .. E. 4 Owing to a leaky piston, the port engine G.B.Bates. i was stopped and was worked as necessary


6—H. 15


Feb. 1 I Margaret W., m.v. ; 18 Fore and aft 290 12 .. 300 tons .. .. Fractured crank-shaft .. .. Auckland .. .. W.S.W. 3 In the course of ordinary inspection while J. R. Owen, years vessel was at wharf it was found that the crank-shaft had been fractured „ 5 Hurunui, s.s. ; 15 years .. Schooner .. 5,803 73 .. Fire .. .. .. •• Wellington .. .. .. Light, variable When replenishing bunkers, smoke was F, C. Pretty. discovered issuing from the forward ventilator of the permanent cross- bunker ; coal discharged and fire extinguished; slight damage to bulkhead only „ 24 Margaret W., m.v.; 18 Schooner .. 290 12 .. 445 tons general .. Engine trouble .. .. .. Hauraki Gulf .. N. Fresh Number one bearing ran out and engineer J. R. Owen, years deemed it advisable to return to port for repairs . Tamahine, s.s. ; 12 years Schooner .. 803 49 637 128 tons general .. , As the " Tamahine" was berthing, with \ C. Sharpe. j ; engines stopped and no way on and head- ! line ashore, vessel drifted before stern I line could be made fast. The quarter | -Mr o ... . w wT o ) belting of the " Tamahine' came in \ 2 \ } Collision Queens Wharf, Welling- W. 3 ■( conta ā with the side of the " Kapiti " f ton berthed at wharf, slightly denting the I I plates and cracking paintwork of cabin i of the latter vessel; no damage to the I \ Kapiti, m.v. ; 35 years Schooner .. 122 12 1 "Tamahine" ' V. E. Johansen. ,, 5 Niagara, s.s. ; 24 years .. Schooner .. 7,582 260 .. 3,500 tons general .. One blade of midship pro- .. Between Suva and Auck- .. Light to The Chief Engineer reported some slight W.Martin. peller lost land moderate defect in midship propeller on 5th March ; on investigation at Auckland it was found that one blade of midship propeller was missing ; blade to be replaced at Sydney „ 11 Marina, s.s. ; 41 years .. Schooner .. 10 7 .. .. Stranded .. .. .. Poverty Bay .. S. .. Vessel put in for shelter, and the Master A. F. Johnson. being unfamiliar with harbour and using an old chart, missed the harbour-entrance, with the result that the vessel got into the breakers and became unmanageable ; vessel run ashore to save life ; casualty due to failure of Master to provide and acquaint himself with the latest information regarding harbour lights „ 25 Bosworth, s.s. ; 17 years .. 4,140 42 .. 8,500 tons slag .. Leaking rivets .. .. .. Auckland .. .. .. Calm Several leaky rivets discovered on port W. Savage. forward end of No. 5 hold ; apparently caused by vessel straining; repairs effected

H,— ls

Summary of Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1937.

Return oe Land Boiler and Machinery Inspections during the Year ended 31st March, 1937. Boiler inspections— Stationary, portable, and traction boilers . . . . .. . . 4,834 Steam-pressure vessels . . . . . . .. .. .. 3,370 Air-receivers .. .. .. . . . . . . .. 775 Total boilers .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,979 Machinery inspections— Lifts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,328 Cranes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 336 Hoists .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I ; 329 Machines driven by steam power.. ... .. .. .. 13,316 Machines not driven by steam power .. .. . . .. 64,214 Electric power supply station units .. .. . . .. 154 Tractors .. .. . . .. . . . . .. 311 Total machinery .. .. .. .. .. 82,988 Grand total .. .. .. ~ ~ .. 91 967

Return of New Boilers inspected for the Year ended 31st March, 1937.


On or near the Coasts of Outside the Dominion. Total Number of Casualties Dominion. reported. Nature of Casualty. i ' ~ i * ~ ' " j Number Number Number i Number Number [ Number of Tonnage, of Lives of Tonnage, of Lives of Tonnage, of Lives Vessels. lost. Vessels. lost. Vessels. I lost I ■ ! I Strandings— Total loss .. .. .. 4 1,273 4 .. .. 4 1 273 4 Damaged .. .. .. 11 4,032 .. 2 2,202 .. 13, 6,234 Undamaged .. .. .. 6 12,688 .. . .. . . 6 12,688 Total standings .. .. 21 17,993 4 2 2,202 .. 23 20,195 4 Fires— Total loss .. . . .. 1 37 .. .. _ _ _ _ j 37 Damaged .. .. .. 2 5,851 .. .. ! '' 2 5,851 Undamaged .. .. .. 1 1,344 . . .. 1 ] | 344 Total fires .. .. 4 7,232 .. .. .. .. 4 7,232 Collisions— Total loss Damaged .. .. .. 4 1,447 .. .. '' ' "4 Undamaged .. .. .. 2 925 .. ., .. .. 2 ' 925 Total collisions .. .. 6 2,372 .. .. .. 6 2 372 Miscellaneous, including damage by 19 30,642 .. 9 41,838 .. 28 72 480 heavy seas to hull and cargo, breakdown of machinery, &c. Total number of casualties 50 58,239 4 11 44,040 .. 61 102 279 4 reported

Made in Dominion. Imported. Total. Class. —r. • Sumber. ! Horse-power. Number. Horse-power. Number. Horse-power I J I Stationary, portable, and traction 85 .1,527 37 655 122 2 182 Digesters, jacketed pans, steril- 168 . . 179 .. 347 izers, vulcanizers, and other steam-receivers Air-receivers .. .. 41 .. 50 . . 91 294 1,527 266 655 560 2,182


Return of the Number of Certificates issued to Land Engine-drivers and Electric tram Drivers during the Year ended 31st March, 1937.

Return of Land Engineers, Engine-drivers, and Electric-tram Drivers' Examinations held throughout New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1937, showing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.


43 H.—15: Return of the Number of Certificates issued to Land Engine-drivers and Electric tram Drivers during the Year ended 31st March, 1937, Class. Number. Class. Number. Service— Competency — continued. First-class engine-driver .. .. 8 Locomotive and tractton engine driver .. 55 Competency — Locomotive engine driver .. .. 8 Extra first-class stationary engineer .. 2 Traction-engine driver .. .. 20 First-class engine-driver .. .. 23 Electric-tram driver .. .. .. 130 Second-class engine-driver .. .. 228 Electric-tram driver (one-man car) .. 2 Steam-winding-engine driver .. .. 2 * — Electric-winding-engine driver .. .. 5 Total .. .. .. 483 Return of Land Engineers, Engine-drivers, and Electric-tram Drivers' Examinations held throughout New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1937, showing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates. ! " : <ū ~ ' : j s 0 Winding. , . j 3£? *** __ !?* mXe ™ — -™SST Total. | Place. Claa8 ' l| 8team - i Electric - DriYer - I (J . 1 . P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. P. ; F. P. | F. P. F. h Auckland .. .. 1 3 8 36 7 1 71 6 111 22 133 Blenheim 1 1 Christchurch .... 1 2 2 19 6 4 1 .. .. 93 8 1 42 14 56 Dunedin 1 4 10 11 2 .. 12 .. 25 15 40 Gisborne 4 1 4 1 5 Greymouth : 6 7 21 9 8 1 4 1 .. .. 2 . . 4 45 18 63 Hamilton 4 2 14 12 4 .. 1 1 .. .. . . 24 14 38 Invercargill 2 10 9 1 1 .. 11 12 23 Lowburn Ferry 1 1 1 Napier 10 1 .. .. 1 11 1 12 Nelson .. 1 16 6 1 .. .. 1 1 19 7 26 New Plymouth .... 1 4 26 10 2 29 14 43 Oruru 1 1 PalmerstonN 1 1 11 3 1 13 4 17 Picton 1 1 • • 1 Timaru 2 2 4 2 6 4 10 Waipapakauri 1 1 •• 1 Wanganui 4 3 1 1 .. 6 3 9 Wellington ..13.. 3 17 2 3 .. 2 39 3 62 11 73 Westport 1 • • 1 1 1 2 2 4 Whangaparapara 2 2 .. 2 Whangarei 1 •■ 3 2 4 2 6 2 5 20 33 208 86 25 2 8 3 18 6 2 .. 5 .. 132 10 420 145 565 111!

; - o> • I ~~ ci Winding. . i Firs? S ci C as° d |! « motive Traction. p El tram Total. J Place. Cla8s - l | Stoam - ' Electric. Driver. g H*l __ _ __ j , r ■ ~ I ~ I ~ s P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. P. F. * Auckland .. ..1 3 8 36 7 1 71 6111 22 133 Blenheim 1 1 Christchurch .. ..1 2 2 19 6 4 1 .. .. 9 3 8 1 42 14 56 Dunedin 1 4 10 11 2 . . 12 . . 25 15 40 Gisborne 4 1 4 1 5 Greymouth : 6 7 21 9 8 1 4 1 .. .. 2 4 45 18 63 Hamilton 4 2 14 12 4 .. 1 1 .. .. . . 24 14 38 Invercargill 2 10 9 1 1 .. 11 12 23 Lowburn Ferry 1 1 1 Napier 10 1 .. .. 1 11 1 12 Nelson .. 1 16 6 1 .. .. 1 1 19 7 26 New Plymouth .... 1 4 26 10 2 29 14 43 Oruru 1 1 Palmerston N. .... 1 1 11 3 1 13 4 17 Picton 1 1 • • 1 Timaru 2 2 4 2 6 4 10 Waipapakauri 1 1 •• 1 Wanganui 4 3 1 1 .. 6 3 9 Wellington .. 1 3 .. 3 17 2 3 .. 2 39 3 62 11 73 Westport 1 •• 1 1 1 •• •* 2 2 4 Whangaparapara 2 2 .. 2 Whangarei 1 3 2 4 2 6 2 5 20 33 208 86 25 2 8 3 18 6 2 .. 5 .. 132 10 420 145 565 1


Table I.—Showing the Number of Fishing-vessels and the Number of Fishermen and other Persons engaged in the Fishing Industry at each Port for the Year ended 31st March, 1937.


Vessels engaged in Fishing for Wet Fish. Vessels engaged in Shell-fishery. Number of Persons employed. Steam I Motor Motor-vessels Motor-vessels, I B, owill „_ °y st ? r " Mussel- C ravfishina « Trawlers, j Trawlers. Danish- Set-net and , boats B dredging dredging Vessels Fishermen. Others. Total. Name of Port. | x "* seining. Line Fishing.! Vessels. Vessels. vessels. Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part, Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Whole Part Time. Time. Time. Time. I Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Awanui .. .. .. .. .. ................5. 1 7 7 a ?§ onui •' '• '• ■' 4 3 .. y. :: 10 ;; ;; :: J0 Bokiariga 1 3 .. 15 2 3() % Whangaroa .. .. .. .. 1 .. 4 1 2 5 2 5 Russell .. .. .. .. .. 6 12 2 4 3 14 30 .! 3 14 33 K? lpara ■ 20 7 20 7 .. .. 20 7 Whangarei .. .. .. .. 6 3 .. 3 I 12 9 6 J2 lg Auckland (including Manukau and Coromandel) .. 2 1 .. .. 20 12 82 32 8 50 ! .. .. 1 2 4 6 210 60 50 50 260 110 !? ames 2 .. 29 .. 11 3 92 .. 18 2 110 2 Mercury Bay .. .. .. .. ! 3 4 .. 2 I 3 13 7 1 14 7 Tauranga .. 3 .. u 10 35 .. 4 .. 2 9 .. Opotiki .. .. ... .. .. j 1 _ 4 5 _ _ 5 Whakatane .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 g 2 6 5 agl f n ! •• •• •• •• 2 ī •• '• •• •• •' •• 4 2 4 2 Kawhia .. .. .. .. .. 3 4 .. 1 j 6 12 .. .. 6 12 Gisborne .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 3 3 6 2 8 2 3 16 23 3 .. 19 23 a P'® r , '' , 3 4 3 2 2 1 2 9.. 7| 1 50 34 9 3 59 37 New Plymouth n 7 .. 10 25 27 6 31 2? Wanganui .. .. .. .. , 10 .. 5 27 27 Wellington and district 2 .. 55 19 9 37 2 46 165 137 46 18 211 155 iricton and Havelock .. .. .. 28 8 .. 3 2 57 19 57 l Q Blenheim (Wairau) .. . . .. 4 \ . \ 4 g 0 '' '' g g Nelson and district .. .. .. 3 3 12 12 !! 5 \ V. 1 23 32 6 "3 29 35 French Pass 4 .. 26 35 35 Westport .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 6 # # .... 3 27 27 Greymouth 3 '7 1 " V" !.' ..' 17 *8 !! 'i7 8 Hokitika .. .. .. .. .. ................ 2 .... 5 5 Kaikoura .. .. .. .. 2 14 .. 7 .. .! !! . ! .'! 6 '.' 30 1 31 f kar ° a 3 1.. .. 3 3.. 2 2 11 9 1.. 12 '9 Lyttelton .. .. .. .. .. 2 7 2 .. 32 14 22 12 4 2 130 27 12 1 142 28 Timar 11 . .. .. • • .. 1 9 2 3 15 4 36 16 3 39 16 Uamaru and Moeraki .. .. .. 29 8 8 34 22 5 5 39 Dunedin and Otago district .. . . .. 2 .. 17 1 49 8 11 10 9 159 19 39 198 19 Invercargill, Bluff and district, also Stewart Island 58 13 1 1 9 1 .. I73 30 59 47 232 77 Chatham Islands .. .. .. .. 9 g .. .. 4j 22 j 2 "g3 22 Totals •• •• •• •• 14 10 40 12 35 24 496 240 73 192 9 1 4 2 22 100 1,381 711 275 138 1,656 849


Table II.—Showing the various Kinds of Fish caught and approximately the Total Quantities of Fish* and Shell -fish landed at the Chief Fishing -ports for the Year ended 31st March, 1937.


Shell Fishery (excluding Toheroa). Quantity ! Total : Name of Port. Principal Kinds of Fish caught. landed Value ! Total valiie (Fish). (Fish). Oysters. Value. Mussels. Value. ; Crayfish. I Value. Value (Shell-fish) Cwt. £ Sacks. £ Sacks. £ Cwt. £ £ £ Awanui .. .. .. Snapper, mullet, groper, flounder ... .. .. 924 768 .. .. .. •• •• 768 Mangonui .. .. Snapper, flounder, groper, mullet, tarakihi .. .. .. .. 208 332 .. .. .. • • • • • • ■ • Hokianga .. .. Mullet, soles, flounder .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 841 445 .. .. .. _ Whangaroa .. .. Mullet, snapper, groper . . .. .. .. .. .. 143 96 .. .. .. ■ ■ 218 129 129 Russell .. .. .. Snapper, mullet, flounder, groper, crayfish, kingfish, tarakihi, gurnard, maomao 1,481 1,227 .. .. .. .. 44 102 10- i'oro Kaipara .. .. .. Flounder, snapper, mullet .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,912 3,852 .. .. .. .. i'700 Whangarei .. .. Snapper, groper, mullet, blue cod, flounder .. .. .. .. 1,241 1,732 .. .. .. ,' • *• '' . ,7.' 'i. Auckland (including Manukau Snapper, flounder, tarakihi, groper, gurnard, pioke, dory, mullet, crayfish, 159,371 117,950 4,033 4,840 7,019 1,827 1,325 1,554 8,2-1 2b, 1 /1 and Coromandel) blue cod, kingfish, trevally, frost - fish, barracouta, piper, oysters (rock), Thames .. .. .. Snapper, flounder, dab, mullet, gurnard, dory, pioke, mussels .. .. 15,447 16,690 .. .. 3,396 982 7 8 990 Mercury Bay .. .. Snapper, tarakihi, groper, gurnard, blue cod, flounder, kingfish, crayfish .. 1,829 1,345 .. .. .. ■■ 1,176 1,304 1,304 2,649 Tauranga .. .. .. Snapper, tarakihi, groper, mullet, blue cod, kingfish, trevally, pioke .. .. 3,988 3,143 .. .. .. •• •• •• •• |»> Whakatane .. .. Snapper, tarakihi, groper .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,403 2,087 .. .. .. •• •• 070 Opotiki .. .. .. Snapper, flat fish, groper, gurnard, tarakihi .. .. .. .. 146 270 .. .. ■ • • • • • • • • • '0 Raglan .. .. .. Snapper, flounder .. .. .. .. .. .. ■ • 595 794 .. .. .. .. • • • • • ■ Kawhia .. .. .. Snapper, flounder, mullet .. .. .. .. .. • ■ 605 600 .. .. • • ■ • • • • ■ • • 00 Gisborne .. .. .. Tarakihi, gurnard, snapper, groper, sole, flounder, kahawai, crayfish .. .. 4,219 4,136 .. .. .. 260 334 334 4,4/0 Napier .. .. .. Tarakihi, gurnard, sole, snapper, groper, flounder, barracouta, crayfish .. 15,585 15,522 .. .. .. .. 108 118 118 15>640 New Plymouth .. .. Snapper, groper, crayfish, tarakihi, cod, gurnard, kingfish, kahawai .. .. 2,070 2,581 .. .. .. 3 3 3 2,584 Wanganui.. .. .. Snapper, groper, blue cod, flounder, kahawai .. .. .. .. 304 408 .. .. .. ■■ n , '' _ J? Wellington and district .. Tarakihi, blue cod, groper, ling, hake, snapper, barracouta, moki, butterfish, 54,842t 68,721 .. .. .. .. -.,049 2,lbb 2,lbb /0,887 skate, warehou, crayfish, flounder, sole, kahawai, trevally, red cod, kingfish, gurnard, conger-eel Picton and Havelock .. Flounder, butterfish, moki, blue cod, groper, crayfish .. .. .. 3,313 4,866 .. .. .. 491 267 L67 5,133 Blenheim (Wairau) .. Sole, flounder, moki, tarakihi, red cod, snapper, butterfish, groper, gurnard, 2,316 2,462 .. .. .. •• 111 95 95 2,057 Nelson and district .. Snapper, flounder, dab, groper .. .. .. .. .. •• 5,603 6,397 .. .. .. ■■ 15 19 19 French Pass .. .. Blue cod, groper, sole, flounder, snapper, butterfish, gurnard .. .. 2,545 3,334 .. .. .. •• •• •• 'j!™ Westport .. .. .. Sole, snapper, groper, ling, flounder, crayfish, gurnard, turbot, red cod .. 544 969 .. .. .. 4 4 4 973 Greymouth .. .. Sole, groper, snapper, flounder, turbot, tarakihi, kingfish, red cod, ling .. 1,872 1,970 .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 3? Hokitika .. .. .. Groper, ling, snapper .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 74 .. .. .. ■■ •• •• •• 74 Kaikoura .. .. .. Groper, trumpeter, hake, ling, tarakihi, bass, blue cod, crayfish .. . • 3,743 5,594 .. .. .. •• -04 18/ 1»/ o,/ai Akaroa .. .. .. Flounder, sole, groper, brill, red cod. blue cod, crayfish, barracouta, kingfish, 3,420 4,534 .. .. .. •• 354 214 -14 4,748 kahawai, butterfish, moki Lyttelton .. .. .. Flounder, dab, groper, tarakihi, ling, gurnard, red cod, elephant-fish.. .. 15,258 18,475 .. .. •• •• 250 248 -48 18,7-3 Timaru .. .. .. Flounder, sole, groper, ling, red cod, blue cod, kingfish, elephant-fish, gurnard, 12,776 16,757 .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 16,757 brill, barracouta Oamaru and Moeraki .. Groper, blue cod, red cod, ling, barracouta, crayfish .. .. •• 3,313 3,937 .. .. •• •• 471 183 183 4,120 Dunedin and Otago district .. Sole, groper, flounder, snapper, red cod, blue cod, trevally, ling, moki, brill, 21,968 29,353 .. .. •• •• 1,777 913 913 30,z!bb barracouta, crayfish, gurnard, mullet, garfish, tarakihi, red perch, kingfish, trumpeter, skate, kahawai Invercargill, Bluff, and district Blue cod, groper, flounder, sole, green-bone, trevally, ling, kingfish, crayfish .. 3,200 4,479 63,412 39,632 .. .. •• •• 39,b3- 44,111 Stewart Island .. .. Blue cod, groper, trumpeter, green-bone, moki .. .. .. •• 8,690 10,001 .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 40,001 Chatham Islands .. .. Blue cod, groper .. .. .. .. • • ■ • • • 6,373 J 4,565 Totals .. .. .. .. ■■ •• •• 363,128 360,466 67,445 44,472 10,415 2,809 8,868 7,848 55,129 415,595 * Wot including whitebait. t Includes 8,721 cwt. blue cod, 12 cwt. groper, and 6 cwt. mixed fish caught at the Chatham Islands and landed at Wellington. f Exclusive of iish shipped direct to Wellington from fishingboats by s.s. "South Sea."


Table IIa.—Showing approximately the Quantities of Different Kinds of Fish landed at certain Ports during the Year ended 31st March, 1937.


3 I . § I — • - 1 1 « ! i , a" I 1 a i ti I g f 1 f I I I I I | ! I ! I 5 I 1 i i I I ! I I P S3J2 ® § Q .52 C3 <D « Mpt <1 t, g H O ® ft iz; fê MiSft^S^oSci i Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Gwt. Owt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Barracouta .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. 1,154 .. 9 .. .. .. 47 25 Blue cod .. .. .. .. .. 28 .. 23 .. .. 1 3 2 8,851 6 1,094 96 .. .. 17 573 2,162 6,143 Butterfish (greenbone) .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .... .. .. 687 2 242 .. .. .. 4 5 52 . Elephant-fish .. .. .. .. 'j>9 1,553 .. 303 : Flounder .. 39 1,413 , 14 2,903 2,165 15 2 40 129 4 53 18 481 5 12 1,259 Gurnard .. , t; . .. ... 1 1,694 519 .. 4 .. 190 3,857 .. 278 9 .. 441 26 75 606 Hake .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,826 .. 36 .. .. .. 248 Hapuku (groper) .. 94 .. 24 1,916 3 103 230 .. 984 1,383 151 8,996 16 886 227 128 226 349 2.136 361 230 John Dory .. .. .. .. 2,061 6 .. .. .. .. ., .. 71 .. .. 20 Ling .. .. 3 .. .. 3,724 69 .. .. 'is iô6 !! 1! Moki .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. 1 .. 4 .. .. 1,544 327 .. .. 148 65 27 Mullet .. 328 164 83 973 6 8 5 6 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Pioke .. .. .. .. .. 1,209 228 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. 162 Red cod .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 620 27 .. .. 2 1 297 268 Snapper .. 997 204 1,020 112,656 11,356 1,484 3,375 67 75 400 1,831 1,063 14 56 3,725 12 20 .. .. !! !! - Sole .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,559 .. 34 121 .. 115 80 703 431 .. " Tarakihi .. .. .. .. .. 24,966 .. 138 342 .. 194 13 2 21,068 347 .. 1 47 5,57s Trumpeter .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. _ 94 Warehou .. ,.. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. 1,548 Whiting .'. ; , •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 292 .. .. .. 352 Mixed flat fish 1 129 .. 840 1,051 .. 1 .. 317 399 .. 12 300 .. 412 212 371 561 3 Mixed round fish and 22 2 99 10,124 112 54 28 33 2,449 7,839 80 3,017 1,060 222 86 78 370 1,667 72 235 kinds not specified Total .. 1,481 1,912 1,241 159,371 15,447 1,829 3,988 146 4,219 15,585 2,070 54,842f 2,316 2,545 5,603 544 1,872 15,258 3,313 3,200 6,373f * Includes Coromandel. t Total includea the following flsh landed at Wellington by flah-oarrier " South Sea " from Chatham Islands: Blue cod, 8,721 %wt • "roper 12 cwt • mixed 8 ewt, 1 Exclusive of fish shimiert direct to Wellington from flshing-boats by s.s. " South Sea". u


Table IIb.—Showing the Quantities of Different Kinds of Fish* caught by the Different Methods of Fishing for the Year ended 31st March, 1937.


Trawl. Danish-seine. Other Nets. Lines. — —— — Grand Total. Steam. I Motor. Total. ; Motor. Motor. Bow-boat. Total. Steam. j Motor. j How-boat. Total. Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Owt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ mZZT :: :: 1,176 438 .. 6 .. 2 1,182 440 :: :: :: :: :: :: 27,390 - n 27,403 «:«>8 Butterfish (greenbone) .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. •• 1,498 2,576 6 9 1,504 2,585 .. .. .. n'907 1'237 Elephant-fish .. .. 647 835 873 718 1,520 1,553 730 644 2 2 .. 2 2 35 38 .. .. 35 38 2,-8/ Flounder .. .. 108 230 967 2,149 1,075 2,379 2,375 5,685 5,620 12,402 1,922 3,811 7,542 16,213 .. .. .. •• •• •• •• t'qnq Gurnard .. .. 2,296 1,560 1,380 1,000 3,676 2,560 5,129 3,137 263 118 6 4 269 122 213 86 / 4 220 90 9,-94 5,9Ua Uoirp 770 q 0 6 8 14 780 920 .. .. 14 15 .. 14 15 1,368 1,074 .. 1,368 1,074 2,162 2,009 Hapuku (groperj .. 1,905 3.013 530 637 2,435 3,650 276 388 , 12 22 28,818 41,846 132 214 28,962 42,082 John Dory .. .. 1,947 1,733 .. .. 1,947 1,733 211 220 •• . ••••• •; QQ _ j'Linff .. .. .. 2,249 1,775 511 339 2,760, 2,114 67 52 1 1 ■■ 1 1 9,890 7 > 162 5 0 9 ' 895 7 ' 167 Moki.. .. .. 1,538 1,518 340 186 1,878 1,704 .. .. 390 293 9 13 399 306 •• -'277 2,010 Mullet :. 2,440 1,752 226 170 2,666 1,922 ... .. .. .. •• •• •• 2,666 1,922 Pioke.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 719 72 849 202 .. .. 849 202 .... 9 1 26 2 35 3 1,603 277 Red cod !! *1 950 644 858 459 1,808 1,103 728 394 275 117 104 95 379 212 .. .. 1,100 600 7 8 1,167 608 4,082 2,317 Snapper .. .. 25,628 16,196 73 85 25,701 16,281 90,255 70,476 7,064 6,258 110 87 7,174 6,345 .. .. 18,806 16,844 489 433 19,295 17,27/ 142,425 110,379 Sole 1,638 2,827 8,520 12,933 10,158 15,760 1,778 3,569 33 71 2 4 35 75 •• •• •• y Tarakihi .. .. 47,574 47,448 566 554 48,140 48,002 4,337 2,985 26 28 10 11 36 39 567 430 34 36 601 466 53,114 51,492 Trumpeter .. .. 30 42 229 185 259 227 137 225 ... . 137 -25 39b 40^ Warehou .. .. 32 22 .. .. 32 22 .. .. 1,514 1,299 .. .. 1,514 1,299 1 >°~ L Whiting .. .. 292 272 .. .. 292 272 .. .. 350 468 2 1 352 469 »44 741 Mixed flat fish .. 761 1,607 2,895 4,448 3,656 6,055 1 ,*910 4,910 1,603 3,581 374 749 1,977 4,330 •• •• •• •• J'543 lō,29o Mixed round fish and kinds 12,849 8,649 7,563 6,998 20,412 15,647 6,394 3,723 965 729 351 257 1,316 986 1 1 4,587 4,934 82 31 4,670 4,966 32,79- 25,322 not specified . Total .. .. 102,392 89,715 25,319 30,707 127,711 120,422 114,909 96,255 22,908 29,913 3,122 5,211 26,030 35,124 13 23 93,676 107,898 789 744 94,478 108,665 363,128 360,466 * Not including whitebait.


Table III. —Showing the Number of Sacks and Value of the Oysters obtained in the Dominion during the Year ended 31st December, 1936.

Table IV.—Showing the Number and Species of Whales taken off the New Zealand Coast, with Quantity of Products for the Year ended 31st March, 1937.

Table V. —Showing the Total Quantity and Value of Fish and Shell-fish imported into and exported from New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1937. Fish and Shell-fish imported.


L0Cality ' ! | (Wholesale). Dredge Oystebs. Sacks. £ Foveaux Strait .. .. .. .. .. .. | 63,412 W 39,632 Rook Oysteks. Bay of Islands .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 197 Whangarei Harbour Kaipara Harbour .. .. .. .. .. .. 350 Hauraki Gulf* .. .. .. .. .. .. I 583 r 4,840 Coromandel .. .. . . .. .. .. . , '403 Great Barrier Island .. . . .. .. .. .. 500 J Total .. .. .. .. .. 4,033 Grand total .. .. .. .. .. 67,445 44,472 » Takatu to Gull Point, 138 ; Kawau, 120 ; Bakino, 89; Eangitoto, 368; Motutapu, 122 ; Waiheke, 353 ; Ponui, 365 ; Crusoe's Island, 21.

Whaling-station. ITamtoer of Species 1 ."? of Quantity of Boneduat Whales taken. J Oil. and Fertilizer. Tons. Marlborough Sounds (Picton) .. .. .. j 69 Humpback .. 280 Nil.

Description cf Fish. Quantity. | Value. £ (N.Z.). Anchovies, salted, in containers of 28 lb. or over . . .. 67 cwt. 291 Other fish— Frozen, smoked, piekled, dried, or salted .. .. .. 1,339 cwt. 4,050 Potted and preserved in tins .. .. .. .. 4,626,4821b. 174,105 178,446


Table V (continued). —Showing the Total Quantity and Value of Fish and Shell-fish imported into and exported from New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1937. Fish and Shell-fish exported.

* Includes frozen crayfish— Cwt. £(N.Z.) Auckland .. .. .. .. .. .. 355 1,214 Wellington .. .. .. .. .. .. 787 1,465 Lyttelton .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 89 Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 73 Invercargill .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 58 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,232 2,899

7—H. 15.


Description of Fish. Exporting Ports. Quantity. Value. Produce, of New Zealand. £ (N Z ) Oysters, fresh .. .. .. .. Auckland . . .. 1,190 doz. 37 Wellington.. .. 2,107 doz. 34 Invercargill (Bluff) .. 132,236 doz. 1,376 Total .. 135,533 doz. 1,447 Blue cod, frozen . . .. . Auckland .. .. 4 cwt. 11 Wellington.. .. 9,422 cwt. 26,550 Lyttelton .. .. 56 cwt. 170 Dunedin .. .. 211 cwt. 596 Invercargill .. 8,735 cwt. 18,761 Total .. 18,428 cwt. 46,088 Snapper, frozen .. .. Auckland .. .. 15,185 cwt. 44,384 Wellington . . .. 327 cwt. 590 Total .. 15,512 cwt. 44,974 Flounder, frozen .. .. .. Auckland .. .. 1,510 cwt. 5,388 Wellington.. 472 cwt. 1,295 Lyttelton .. .. 91 cwt. 305 Dunedin .. .. 462 cwt. 1,443 Invercargill.. .. 294 cwt. 887 Total .. 2,829 cwt. 9,318 Other kinds, frozen* .. .. .. Auckland .. .. 4,406 cwt. 11,931 Wellington .. .. 2,923 cwt. 5,520 Lyttelton .. .. 1,522 cwt. 2,315 Dunedin .. .. 3,184 cwt. 7,584 Invercargill .. 689 cwt. 1,762 Westport .. .. 2 cwt. Total 12,726 cwt. 29,122 Total exports of frozen fish from „ .. 50,727 cwt. 132,401 Dominion Smoked, dried, pickled, or salted.. .. „ .. 3,724 cwt. 12,069 Preserved in tins— Crayfish .. .. .. .. „ .. 23,7831b. 1,697 Oysters .. .. .. .. „ .. 331,7471b. 12,974 Toheroasf .. .. .. .. „ .. 32,979 lb. 2,425 Whitebaitf .. .. .. .. „ .. 104,2321b. 12,109 Value of total exports of New Zea- „ .. .. 175,122 land fish and shell-fish Re-exports. Potted and preserved in tins .. .. „ .. 12,6241b. 349

Toheroas. Whitebait, f Exporting Ports. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. lb. £(N.Z.) lb. £(N.Z.) Auckland .. .. 32,889 2,417 72,837 9,043 Wellington .. .. .. .. 17,039 1,607 Dunedin .. .. .. 90 8 8,243 1,026 Greymouth .. .. .. .. 5,844 400 Invercargill .. .. .. .. 269 33 32,979 2,425 104,232 12,109


APPENDIX. LEGISLATION. 18th September, 1936 Fisheries Amendment Act, 1936, providing for the contribution by Acclimatization Societies, out of license fees received by them, towards the cost of research undertaken in relation to fresh-water fisheries. ORDERS IN COUNCIL UNDER PARTS I AND II OF THE FISHERIES ACT, 1908. Part I. Ist April, 1936 Amending Regulations for Danish-seine Netting in Marlborough Sounds. Ist „ „ Restricting the taking of blue cod. 24th June, „ Prohibiting trawling in the Bay of Islands. 9th December, „ Amending the Salt-water Fishery Regulations re fishing statistics. Part 11. 3rd June, 1936 Making additional regulations for perch-fishing in Wellington Acclimatization District. Ist July, „ Amending Regulations for Trout-fishing in the Nelson Acclimatization District. sth August, „ Amending Regulations for Trout-fishing in the Waimarino Acclimatization District. 9th September, „ Amending Regulations for Trout-fishing in the Buller Acclimatization District. 9th „ „ Amending Regulations for Trout-fishing in the Auckland Acclimatization District. 30th „ „ Consolidating the General Fresh-water Fisheries Regulations. 23rd „ „ Amending Regulations for Trout-fishing in the Otago Acclimatization District. 23rd „ ~ Amending Regulations for Trout-fishing in the Waitaki Acclimatization District. 23rd „ „ Amending Regulations for Trout-fishing in the Waimate Acclimatization District. 30th „ ~ Amending Trout-fishing Regulations in the Taranaki Acclimatization District. 30th „ „ Consolidating the Fresh-water Fisheries Regulations. 7th October, „ Amending the South Canterbury Trout-fishing Regulations. 7th „ ~ Amending the Fresh-water Fisheries Regulations, 1936, by prohibiting eel-fishing in Otago Acclimatization District. Bth „ „ Amending the Rotorua Trout-fishing Regulations, 1929. Bth „ „ Amending the Taupo Trout-fishing Regulations, 1929. 14th „ ~ Amending Trout-fishing Regulations in the North Canterbury Acclimatization District. 28th „ „ Amending Regulations for Trout-fishing in the Taranaki Acclimatization District. 30th November, „ Making Regulations for the Taking of Trout in the Wellington Acclimatization District. 27th January, 1937 Amending Trout-fishing Regulations in the North Canterbury Acclimatization District.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (700 copies), £85.

By Authority: E. Y. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 937. Price Is. 3d.]


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MARINE DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1936-37., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1937 Session I, H-15

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1936-37. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1937 Session I, H-15

MARINE DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1936-37. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1937 Session I, H-15

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