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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


Section. Title of Section. Page Title of Section. Page 1. Introductory and General .. .. ..2 20. Intermediate Schools and Departments .. 33 2. Types of Schools .. .. .. ..8 21. Post-primary Education .. .. ..33 3. Cost of Education .. .. 8 22. Evening Technical Classes and Part-time Lay 4. School Buildings and Sites .. .. 9 Classes .. .. .. 33 5. Number of Schools .. .. 10 23. Native Schools . . . . .. 33 6. Enrolment at Educational Institutions .. 11 24. Registered Private Primary Schools .. . . 34 7. Regularity of Attendance .. .. ..18 25. Private Secondary Schools (Registered) .. 35 8. Staffs of Schools .. .. .. ..18 26. Correspondence School .. .. ..35 9. Number of Pupils and Adult Teachers in the 27. Kindergarten Schools .. .. .. 36 Public Primary Schools of the different Eduoa- 28. Consolidation of Schools .. .. 36 tion Districts .. .. .. .. 20 29. Conveyance of Pupils .. .. . . 36 10. Size of Classes .. .. .. .. 20 30. Manual Instruction .. .. .. 37 11. Classification of Teachers .. .. ..21 31. Physical Education .. .. ..37 12. Salaries of Teachers .. .. . . 24 32. School Music .. .. .. . . 37 13. Pupils leaving Public Primary Schools .. 26 33. Training of Teachers .. .. 38 14. Pupils commencing Post - primary Course in 34. Higher (University) Education .. . . 38 State Schools .. .. . . .. 26 35. Annual Examinations .. .. . . 39 15. Destination of Pupils .. .. 27 36. Child Welfare .. .. .. 41 16. Vocational Guidance and Placement . . 30 37. Teachers' Superannuation Fund .. .. 42 17. Length of Post-primary Course .. .. 31 Appendix—Statement of Expenditure and Re--18. Free Places in Post-primary Schools .. 32 coveries, &c. .. .. .. 43 19. Special Classes for Backward Children .. 32

Office of the Department of Education, Your Excellency Wellington, Ist October, 1937. I have the honour, in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act, 1914, to submit to Your Excellency the following report upon the progress and condition of public education in New Zealand during the year ended the 31st December, 1936. I have, &c., His Excellency the Governor-General of the P. Eraser. Dominion of New Zealand.

I—E. 1.



Ī. INTRODUCTORY AND GENERAL. The year 1936 has been marked by the restoration of educational facilities that were reduced or withdrawn during previous years, and also by the extension or introduction of other additional educational facilities. The policy placed before the country by the Government and reaffirmed on its assuming office at the end of 1935 was summed up as follows : — The readmission of the five-year-olds to public schools and the extension of kindergarten training. The extension of teacher-training facilities to provide the necessary staff for smaller classes. The rebuilding and reconditioning of old and unhygienic buildings. More liberal supplies of equipment, including adequate library facilities. The extension of dental treatment to all school-children. Standard rates of pay for all teachers now serving under the rationingscheme. Right of appeal against non-appointment. Improvement of the standard of teachers' residences. As stated in my report for the year ended 31st December, 1935, on assuming control of the portfolio of Education I found that the most pressing educational question before the Government was that of the readmission to the public and Native schools of children of five years of age. During the depression the lower limit of school age had been raised to six years. The first step towards realizing the Government's educational policy was, therefore, a decision to readmit the excluded children. This decision, which was most widely appreciated and acclaimed, became effective upon the reopening of the schools in the year 1936. The influx of these children into the schools taxed accommodation in the infantrooms and presented in a few cases temporary staffing difficulties, but, due to the praiseworthy co-operation of the Education Boards and teachers, these difficulties were, in general, satisfactorily overcome. It was also decided to reopen the Wellington and Dunedin Training Colleges, which had been closed as from the beginning of the year 1933. As stated in my previous report referred to, the rapid absorption during 1935 of teachers who had been employed as supernumeraries under the rationing scheme made it evident that a shortage would be experienced towards the end of the year 1936, due partly to the normal losses from the service and partly to the readmission of children of five years of age. The reopening in February, 1936, of the Wellington and Dunedin Training Colleges was accompanied, therefore, by a considerable increase in the numbers admitted to training in the four colleges. The allowances payable to training-college students were also increased, the new rates being £70 per annum (as compared with £20 and £30 per annum previously), and a boarding-allowance, where necessary, of £30 per annum (in place of the boarding-allowance loan of £40 per annum). During the year the training-college regulations were amended to provide for a Selection Committee to assist Education Boards in selecting students for training. In addition, a regulation was made giving students rejected as not medically fit for the Education service an opportunity of appealing to the Director of the Division of School Hygiene, Health Department. As an experiment in co-ordinating the work of the training college with that of the University, a Board of Studies was set up for the Wellington Training College to determine, in particular, the course of study best suited to the individual needs and capacities of the students. The scheme for rationing work among teachers not in permanent positions was discontinued in the year 1936. Instead, all such teachers who were certificated were employed as relieving-teachers. It was recognized that many teachers who had served under the rationing-scheme were older and more experienced than the teachers normally selected as probationary assistants, and the position was accordingly



met by approving the payment of salary at the rate of that for a Grade 1 assistant teacher for those acting in lieu of probationary assistants, while the few who were employed in Grade 0 schools were paid at scale relieving-rates. Early in the year those who were employed in Grade 0 schools had to be withdrawn to fill positions where needed in larger schools. To meet the staffing position created by the readmission of the five-year-olds it was decided to grade schools for the year 1936 on 95 per cent, of the roll number on the 31st March of that year. Education Boards were paid their general grant on a basis of this number instead of on average attendance for the previous year. An increase in the grant to enable kindergartens to carry on their work was provided. The regulations provide for capitation not exceeding £4 per annum for each pupil in average attendance, and not exceeding 255. for every 20s. raised by voluntary contributions and expended on the maintenance of the schools by the Free Kindergarten Association during the year. The capitation thus provided will, I hope, be augmented during the year 1937. A very important provision especially affecting primary schools was the section in the Education Amendment Act, 1936, which abolished (after 30th September, 1937) the Proficiency Examination and the issue of certificates of proficiency and competency. The discontinuance of the Proficiency Examination removes from our system an examination which, for over thirty years, has exerted a strong and generally restrictive influence on the teaching in primary schools. It is confidently hoped that teachers will take the opportunity they now have to plan for their pupils' courses of instruction that will ensure for them the fullest benefit obtainable from their education. Special attention has been given throughout the year to the educational interests of the country children. The consolidation of small rural schools in a larger school conveniently situated for this purpose has been encouraged wherever possible. The advantages of consolidation are briefly that children are taught in larger and better-staffed schools which, because of their size, are able to provide for country children educational facilities approximating to those that pertain in the towns. Wherever schools have been consolidated the transport necessary to bring the children to the school centre has been arranged, and, in all, some sixty-five conveyance services for these and other schools were established during the year 1936. A number of school buses have been built in the Railway Workshops, or are in course of construction. Actually twelve new buses were placed in conveyance services during the year, and at the end of the year there was a total of twenty-four school buses. These are placed where they can be most advantageously used, particularly in districts in which some difficulty has been found in establishing services under private contract. Increased provision was made for payment of boarding-allowances to assist country pupils to attend primary schools in cases where, through impracticability of conveyance, such pupils are obliged to live away from home in order to attend school. It is hoped that it will soon be possible to increase the amount of the boarding-allowance from its present amount of ss. per week to 7s. 6d. In addition, a larger grant was made in the year 1936 for the encouragement of Boys' and Girls' agricultural clubs. For primary schools generally the grant made for the incidental expenses of School Committees has been substantially increased, and a portion of the increase specially earmarked for improvements to school-grounds. It has been decided to supply the School Journal free to children attending private schools. Arrangements have been entered into by which private schools as well as public schools are able to obtain radio equipment at concession rates. The importance of radio is realized and encouragement is being given to this form of education. The provision for the supply of handwork material was doubled in the year 1936 to enable more adequate provision to be made for this form of instruction, and a further increase in the year 1937 is projected. A sum has been provided for needlework instruction in schools under the charge of a sole male teacher. For a considerable time prior to the year 1936 teachers were obliged to purchase their own work-books and scheme-books, but provision has now been made for these


E. —1

books to be supplied free to all teachers in public schools, and it is proposed to make this provision permanent. Much-needed financial assistance was provided for parents residing in country districts not served by the railways by means of grants for the conveyance by road of post-primary pupils. In cases where the homes were too far distant to permit of travelling to and fro daily a substantial contribution was made towards the cost of board of post-primary pupils. The grants payable for conveyance and board for post-primary pupils were at the same rate as those payable for primaryschool pupils. The new arrangements were brought into force in the third term of the year 1936. A similar- increase is proposed to be made in the boardingallowance as in the case of primary-school pupils. During the depression the rates paid to post-primary schools for manual and science capitation were reduced by 50 per cent., but from the beginning of the third term of the year 1936 they have been restored to the original rates of 2s. and Is. per pupil according to the subjects taken. Until 1936 pupils of post-primary schools could hold their free places only until the end of the term in which they reached the age of nineteen except in special cases approved by the Minister, when the free places might be held until the end of the year in which the pupil reached nineteen years. The regulations have now been altered extending all senior free places to the end of the year in which the pupil reaches nineteen years, provision being made for an extension beyond nineteen in special cases approved by the Minister. The age-limit for free school season tickets by rail has been extended from nineteen to twenty years ; provision has been made for dealing with cases of special hardship, and the privilege has been granted of allowing pupils to use their free school season tickets to travel to certain approved school functions. From the beginning of the year 1936, free school-books have been provided for post-primary pupils in cases where parents are unable to afford them, a substantial sum having been placed on the estimates for the purpose. An amendment to the regulations enables teachers occupying Grade D. positions in secondary schools, but classified as Grade C, to proceed to the maximum salary for Grade C. A small increase as from the Ist November, 1936, was made in the grant for incidental expenses of secondary schools. As regards higher education the most important proposal was the decision to restore the award of University National Bursaries, as from the beginning of the year 1937, on the higher-leaving-certificate qualification. In addition to this amelioration, the maximum amount payable under the bursary for University tuition fees will be increased from £10 to £20. A number of boarding-bursaries of an additional £30 per annum will also be made available for those who are required to live away from home in order to attend a University or Agricultural College, and for those students who require financial assistance to enable them to undertake University education. The numbers of awards of home-science and agricultural bursaries tenable at tlie University Colleges have been increased and awards have been made of the newly established Bursary in Fine Arts. An increase has taken place in the expenditure on War Bursaries, which were instituted for the children of soldiers who were killed or disabled in the Great War, and can be held by University bursars as well as by free-place pupils at postprimary schools. Additional provision was made in the year 1936 for special assistance to deserving University students in cases of hardship. In the sphere of adult education the grants formerly enjoyed by the Workers' Educational Association were restored, provision being made for the payment of £500 to the association and £750 to each of the four University Colleges to assist the association in its work. A representative committee of the University, the Workers' Educational Association, and other organizations interested considered adult education with a view to reporting on this very important branch of education. The Committee, which reported in the first instance to the University Senate, recommended the establishment of a Council of Adult Education to co-ordinate



the work of the associations and other organizations at present concerned with adult education, and it is hoped to give effect to the Committee's recommendation during the coming year. It is also hoped to increase still further the grant available in the coming year for the Workers' Educational Association, adult education generally, and for extending the benefits of the Workers' Educational Association to workers employed in construction work in isolated districts and living in publicworks camps. The roll of the Education Department's Correspondence School again increased during the year. Previously a pupil could not be enrolled in the Correspondence School unless his home was more than four miles from an existing school, but now the distance-limit is graduated according to the following scale : Up to seven years of age, two miles ; from seven to eleven years of age, three miles ; over eleven years of age, three miles and a half. Distance-limits do not apply to cases of physical disability. In the secondary department the Correspondence School is providing instruction for young people in employment, including postal cadets and junior assistants in Native schools, and teachers in Grade 0 schools. The age-limit for secondary pupils, which was formerly the end of the term in which they became nineteen years of age, may be extended on consideration of each individual case. A special class has been provided for children who have been handicapped by lack of opportunity. In the May holidays of 1936 an exhibition of work was organized at the Correspondence School, and was attended by a large number of parents and others interested in this method of education. The Correspondence School continues to fulfil most successfully the functions for which it was established. On the 7th July, 1936, Secretaries of Education Boards, and on the two following days representatives of Education Boards, met in conference at Wellington. The matters dealt with covered a wide field, and the resolutions passed received my careful consideration. Arising out of a recommendation of the conference, I approved the setting-up of a Committee representative of Education Boards, the New Zealand Educational Institute, and the Department to consider the question of a new salary scale for teachers in public schools, as well as the staffing of schools and the grading of teachers. On the 2nd", 3rd, and 4th September, 1936, a conference was called by the Right Hon. the Prime Minister to consider matters relating to the education, health, and the economic position of the Maori race. The resolutions affecting education passed by the conference dealt mainly with the teaching of the Maori language in Native schools, the curriculum in Maori secondary schools, and the provision of scholarships for children of the Maori race. Action has already been taken in regard to the principal recommendations. It is intended to provide a text-book on the Maori language for use in Native post-primary schools, and a sufficient sum will, I hope, be made available for the purpose, as also will be an extra provision for material for manual instruction in Native schools. The regulations relating to Native schools dealing with the award of scholarships open to children of the Maori race will be amended in 1937 to make provision for scholarships tenable in the final years of a post-primary course, and for additional scholarships tenable at post-primary schools and at University Colleges. Previously the tenure of scholarships available for Maori children at post-primary schools was restricted to the first two years of the course. On Ist and 2nd December, 1936, vocational-guidance officers met in conference with officers of the Education and Labour Departments to consider the question of vocational guidance and vocational training and placement. Matters relating generally to the employment of young people in industry and the means whereby the most effective use of the services of the officers concerned could be made were discussed. Arising out of this conference it is intended, to provide the services of a specially selected male and female teacher at each of the technical high schools in the four main centres, who will, to commence with, devote at least half of their time to the duties of vocational-guidance officers. Such teachers will also coordinate the work of the careers teachers in the school with that of the Employment Committees and the Employment Branch of the Labour Department. It is intended to provide in addition one teacher in each secondary and technical high school in



the smaller centres, as well as in the intermediate schools, to deal with vocational guidance. It may be mentioned that arrangements were made during the year to call further conferences early in the year 1937 on visual education, agricultural instruction, school architecture and equipment, and physical education. It is recognized that the film will become a valuable teaching-aid in the future, and to this end a conference will discuss all phases of visual education. The provision made for boys' and girls' agricultural clubs has already been mentioned in this report. A conference of Agricultural Instructors will be called to enable views to be obtained to help in the fostering of the work of these clubs, to increase the value of the teaching of the subjects of agriculture and nature study, and to discuss allied matters. Education Board Architects will also be asked to meet to discuss every phase of school construction, equipment, and maintenance, and the best types of school-buildings, particularly the several types of open-air schoolrooms. The subject of physical education will also be discussed by a conference of experts both from Government Departments and outside organizations, with a view to arriving at the best methods of improving the physique of the school population of the Dominion. The financial provision made in the year 1936 indicates the Government's determination to deal with the problem of the rebuilding and the reconditioning of old and unhygienic buildings. For this year a sum of £500,000 was provided for buildings, sites, &c., in connection with all branches of education. The previous year the sum provided was £180,000 plus assistance to the extent of £23,060 from the Unemployment Fund. It is hoped to provide £550,000 for the financial year 1937-38. In the year 1936, for the general maintenance of school buildings, residences, &c., the sum of £147,000 was provided for public schools and training colleges. Of this amount £100,000 was for general maintenance, £45,000 was for ground improvements, and £2,000 was for special works. In the previous year £65,000 was voted. It is hoped that a sum of £180,000 will be provided for public schools and training colleges next financial year. For secondary schools £19,500 was provided, as against £2,000 for the previous year ; for technical high schools £9,500 as against £2,000. Of the secondary allocation £18,000 and of the technical allocation £7,000 was for ground improvements. For Native schools £7,000 was provided, as against £6,000 in the previous year. It is hoped to allocate a sum of £22,500 for secondary schools, £12,500 for technical high schools, and £10,000 for Native schools next financial year. In the realization that there is still much to be done to make school-buildings safe against the danger of earthquake, it is intended to allot an additional £10,000 for this purpose in 1937-38. As far as possible new primary-school buildings are being erected on the openair principle, a design in which the Canterbury Education Board was the pioneer. This type of school, especially in its most up-to-date form, the detached class-room, is now generally recognized as best for promoting the health of the children. The provision of free milk in the schools is expected to have an important effect on the health of school-children. As the milk-in-schools scheme is organized and controlled by the Health Department, the report upon the work of that Department should be referred to for particulars of the scheme and its operation. The work of the School Dental Service is covered fully in the report of the Director-General of Health. The service will be extended as rapidly as nurses can be trained. The Dental Clinic Committees continue to give excellent support in stimulating local interest in this important adjunct to our education service. Under the scheme relating to the exchange of New Zealand teachers with those from other parts of the British Empire, twenty New Zealand teachers were, during 1936, serving in schools in different parts of the Empire. Two of these exchanges were with teachers in post-primary schools in England and Scotland respectively. The other eighteen were with teachers in primary schools situated in England, Canada, or Australia. No exchanges were arranged between New Zealand and South African teachers during the year. The only legislative enactment made during the year dealing with education was the Education Amendment Act, 1936, which altered the definition of school



age, thereby permitting the enrolment of children in public and Native schools on reaching the age of five years, validated Orders in Council fixing the basis of computation of grants to be made to Education Boards, and amending regulations increasing the allowances payable to training-college students, authorized Education Boards to pay increased honoraria to Chairmen of Education Boards, empowered Education Boards to expend moneys for maintenance or improvement of school-grounds from the special fund for the maintenance and repair of schools and teachers' residences, made provision for the establishment of special classes in the homes of crippled children, amended the provisions as to the appointment of teachers to fill advertised positions, provided (after 30th September, 1937) for the discontinuance of the Proficiency Examination and of the issue of certificates of proficiency and competency, and made retrospective the effect of proposed regulations increasing the allowances of student teachers in technical high schools. Preliminary consideration was given in 1936 to the question of the reorganization of the education system and the consequential consolidation of education legislation. Towards the end of the year, however, opportunity was given to educational authorities, associations of teachers, and other associations interested in the welfare of education to express their views in regard to the resolutions and recommendations of the Parliamentary B-ecess Education Committee, 1930. The school-year was somewhat abruptly brought to an end a few days before the date fixed under the regulations, because of the decision to close the schools as a preventive measure against the outbreak of infantile paralysis, which threatened to assume serious proportions about this time. This decision was arrived at after a careful and searching survey of the position and its threatening dangers, in consultation with the Director of Education (Mr. N. T. Lambourne) and the DirectorGeneral of Health (Dr. M. H. Watt). The total number of children actually committed under the provisions of the Child Welfare Act to the care of the Child Welfare Branch of the Education Department throughout the year shows a slight decrease as compared with the previous year. An important part of the work of Child Welfare officers is concerned with the readjustment of conditions in homes and families in order to prevent the committal of children or the need for their appearance before the Children's Courts. For the many cases placed under the supervision of Child Welfare officers by the Courts, the Department utilizes the services of the Big Brother Organizations both Y.M.C.A. and Catholic. In addition, honorary Child Welfare officers of both sexes are appointed for most country communities, and are giving valuable service in the work of the Branch. A section in the Statutes Amendment Act, 1936, provides that the punishment of whipping shall not be inflicted on any child or young person by order of a Children's Court established under the Child Welfare Act, 1925. The New Zealand Educational Research Council has been asked to report on the intermediate-school system. At the beginning of 1936 a new secondary school for boys, the King's Hioh School, was opened at South Dunedin, and the status of West Christchurch District High School was changed to that of a secondary school, the control of the school passing from the Canterbury Education Board to the Canterbury University College Council. The establishment of the additional school in Dunedin brought muchneeded relief to the accommodation at Otago Boys High School. Towards the end of 1936 it was decided to combine the Wairarapa High School and the Masterton Technical High School in a single institution to be known as Wairarapa College. I wish to express my appreciation of the whole-hearted interest that the Education Boards, the governing bodies of post-primary schools, the School Committees, _ and the Parents' Associations have taken in the schools, and of the loyal, diligent, and efficient manner in which the teachers and the officers of the Education Department have carried out their duties. _ The year recorded in this report is the first complete year of the present administration, and cannot be expected to show the fulfilment of the whole of the programme outlined on the first page hereof, but a very substantial beginning has been made.



2. TYPES OF SCHOOLS. The present position in regard to our school system is outlined below. The Native schools and the Correspondence School are under the direct control of the Department; the other schools given in Table A are controlled by the various Boards in accordance with the Act and the regulations made thereunder. The primary schools in the Chatham Islands have since 1929 been controlled by the Department. In addition to the types given in that table there exist a number of private primary schools, private secondary schools, and private Native schools (both primary and secondary). These are under the control of various private bodies, but the range of classes is substantially the same as that given for corresponding schools in the table. Some private secondary schools are " endowed" —i.e., maintained partly by revenues derived from grants of land made by the State. Apart from certain special schools for the mentally backward (two) and for the deaf (one) the following are the types of State schools that are at present in operation. The New Zealand Institute for the Blind is privately controlled.

Table A.

(а) A few primary schools have a Form 111, in which the work done approximates to that of Form 111 of a post-primary school. In some of the schools the work done ill Form 111 is supervised by the teacher, but the pupils are supplied with lessons compiled by the' staff of the Department's Correspondence School. Very few pupils, however, were receiving instruction in this manner during the year 1936. Some primary schools have become contributing schools —i.e., have lost Forms I and 11, these classes having been transferred to intermediate schools or departments. (б) Intermediate departments include Forms I and II only, Form 111 being considered part of the post-primary school to which the intermediate department is attached. Intermediate schools have, however, a Form 111 in cases specially approved by the Department. (c) In secondary departments of some district high schools there are a few pupils doing work in advance of that of Form V. One district high school—Waihi —has an intermediate department but no primary department. (d) Secondary and technical schools amalgamated under a single governing body. 3. COST OF EDUCATION. The appendix to this report shows in detail under various headings the expenditure on education during the financial year ended 31st March, 1937. The total expenditure, including endowment revenue, amounted to £4,032,266, as against £3,316,992 in the previous year, an increase of £715,274.


Type of School. Lowest Class. Highest Class. 1. Primary (a) .. . . . . Preparatory division Form II (Standard VI). 2. Native .. . . . . Preparatory division Form II (Standard VI). 3. Intermediate (b) .. .. Form I (Standard V) Form II (Standard VI). 4. District High School — (i) Primary Department .. Preparatory division Form II (Standard VI). (ii) Secondary Department (c) Form III.. .. Form V. 5. Secondary .. .. .. Form III.. .. Form VI. 6. Technical High .. .. Form III.. .. Form VI. 7. Combined (d) .. .. Form III. . . . Form VI. 8. Correspondence School — (i) Primary .. .. Preparatory division Form II (Standard VI). (ii) Secondary .. .. Form III. . . . Form VI.


An analysis of expenditure is shown in the following table : —

Table B. —Analysis of Expenditure on Education for the Year ended 31st March, 1937.

From public funds as shown in appendix .. .. .. .. .. 3,975,725 Endowments — Post-primary schools .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35,683 University colleges .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,858 £4,032,266 f Mean population for twelve months ended 31st March, 1937, was 1,578,757. j Grant to Massey Agricultural College is now provided under vote " Agriculture." § No significant amount. From the statement of expenditure and recoveries the cost per pupil in the primary schools based on average attendance was £12 4s. 4d. excluding buildings, a.nd £13 Is. 4d. including buildings. 4. SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND SITES. During the year the net capital expenditure on the erection of school buildings, additions, sites, and teachers' residences was £281,895, as against £131,457 for the previous year. The larger works provided for in the above expenditure included the rebuilding of the Te Aroha and Panmure Public Schools and additions to the Parnell School in the Auckland District ; the erection of a new school at Port Ahuriri, and additions to the Intermediate School at Napier, and the rebuilding of the Fitzroy School, New Plymouth. The Poroporo Native School was rebuilt, and a new Native school and residence erected at Matawaia.

2—E. 1.


(For more details see appendix to this Paper.) Total Expenditure ExDenditure expressed as Expenditure per Branch of Education. (Net) * Percentage of Total Head of Population.-* Expenditure. £ £ s. d. Departmental administration .. .. 37,336 0-93 0 0 6 Boards'administration .. .. .. 60,580 1-50 0 0 9 Cost of inspection— Primary .. .. .. .. 34,032 0-84 0 0 5 Native .. .. .. •• 2,681 0-07 § Post-primary .. .. .. .. 5,001 0-12 0 0 1 Primary education— Public schools .. .. .. .. 2,212,783 \ 55.14. i 8 9 Departmental Correspondence School . . 10,550 J Native Education — Native schools .. .. .. 106,248 \ „ _ Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 5,785 J Post-primary education — Secondary, technical, and combined schools .. 616,102 "] Secondary departments of district high schools 86,750 17.7a n q 1 Correspondence School .. .. . . 11,250 f Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 2,744 J Higher education J .. .. .. .. 107,565 2-67 0 1 4 Training of teachers .. . . .. 148,164 3-67 0 1 10 Special schools .. .. .. 24,109 0-60 0 0 4 Child welfare .. .. .. 105,171 2-61 0 14 Superannuation .. .. .. .. 169,388 4-20 0 2 2 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 4,131 0-10 0 0 1 Capital expenditure on school buildings .. 281,896 6-99 0 3 7 Total* .. .. .. .. 4,032,266 100-00 2 11 1 * This includes revenue from endowments administered by the various Boards, &c., as well as direct expenditure from public funds — £


Substantia] additions have been provided at the Otahuhu, Pukekohe, Wanganui, Petone, and Wellington Technical Schools, a new Art School has been erected at the Dunedin Technical School, the new Technical School at Papanui, Christchurch, has been completed, as well as new workshops at Nelson Boys' College. Considerable progress has been made in the erection of up-to-date buildings for the accommodation of both high-school and technical-school pupils in a combined school at Masterton, additional accommodation is being provided at the Marlborough High School, Blenheim, the Girls' High School, and at the Avonside High School in Christchurch, A new science block is being erected at Auckland University College, and arrangements are proceeding for the building of new biology and administration blocks at Victoria University College. A considerably accelerated building programme is in hand. An item was provided on the Consolidated Fund estimates to meet the cost of works costing under £200. These works included small additions and alterations, the total expenditure for the year being £13,012, which figure is included in the table given below. During the year it was necessary to provide £7,861 for the replacement of school buildings destroyed by fire. Of this amount, £6,831 was recovered from the Government Fire Insurance Fund. The following table shows the capital expenditure on new buildings, additions, sites, and teachers' residences for the financial years ended 31st March, 1934, 1935. 1936, and 1937 1933-34. 1934-35. 1935-36. 1936-37. £ £ £ £ Public schools .. 57,664 35,105 87,908 162,894 Secondary schools .. 2,568 14,679 23,516 24,092 Technical schools .. 1,504 12,851 59,350 77,836 Training colleges .. .. .. 610 6,730 Native schools .. 2,698 5,419 8,399 12,172 University Colleges . . . . . . 3,022 Massey Agricultural College.. . . . . . . . . 525 Child-welfare institutions .. . . . . . . 221 Schools for feebleminded .. . . .. . . 2,473 Gross total 64,434 68,054 180,004 289,744 Less credits-in-aid .. 7,778 10,894 48,547 7,848 £56,656 £57,160 £131,457 £281,896 5- NUMBER OF SCHOOLS. The folloAving table gives the number of public schools classified according to grade and the average attendance for the year ended 31st August. Although the table shows the grades of schools and the range of average attendance, public schools were not graded on average attendance for the year 1936. Owing to the re-entry of children five years of age into public schools at the beginning of the year, the schools were graded on 95 per cent, of the number of pupils on the roll on the 31st day of March instead of on the average attendance for the year ended on the 31st August preceding.




Table C 1. —Number of Public Primary Schools.

Table C 2, below, gives the number of schools other than public primary schools in the years 1935 and 1936 : —

Table C 2.—Number of Schools other than Public Primary Schools.

6. ENROLMENT AT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. The following tables (D to F) give some details as to numbers on the roll at recognized educational institutions, numbers of full-time pupils in the various standards and forms, the ages and classification of pupils, and median ages of full-time pupils in the various standards and forms in the different types of schools.

Total Average Attendance, f Number of Schools.* 1 Grade of School and p . Department t Secondary Totals Range of Average -Primary uepartment.I Departments lotals. Attendance. ; In each In each In each In each In each In each In each In each Subgrade. Grade. Subgrade. Grade. Subgrade. Grade. Subgrade. Grade. 0 (1-8) . . .. 131 131 860 860 .. .. 860 860 1 (9-20) .. .. 730 730 10,181 10,181 .. .. 10,181 10,181 II (21-35) .. .. 515 515 13,149 13,149 .. .. 13,149 13,149 IIIA (36-50) .. .. 288 '1 f 11,875 "] f .. "] f 11,875 1 IIIb (51-80) .. .. 277 j- 701«; 16,448 40,764-< 101 J- 16,549 40,995 IIIo (81-120) .. .. 136 J 1 12,441 J [ .130 J [_ 12,571 J IVA (121-160) .. .. 68 ■] f 9,118 1 f 676 1 f 9,794 1 IVB (161-200) .. .. 43 !> 146<; 7,514 )- 24,181«{ 682 |>2,082<; 8,196 )- 26,263 IVo (201-240) .. .. 35 J [_ 7,549 J [ 724 J t J VA (241-280) .. .. 29 1 f 7,304 ] f 211 1 f 7,515 l VB (281-320) .. .. 25 |> 78<| 7,297 547 J>1,202<{ 7,844 y 23,889 Vo (321-360) .. .. 24 j I 8,086 J [_ 444 J L 8 - 530 J VIA (361-400) .. .. 31 1 f 11,477 "} f #7 ] f 11,884 VIb (401-440) .. .. 16 !> 68<J 6,577 !> 211 j> 723<! 6,788 y 28,252 VIo (441-480) .. .. 21 J L 9,475 J L 105 J [ 9,580 j VIIa (481-520) .. .. 20 ] f 9,668 °] 148 1 f 9,816 * VIIB (521-560) .. .. 19 10,048 183 10,231 VIIc (561-600) .. .. 16 9,032 36 9,068 VHD (601-640) .. .. 11 6,648 .. 6,648 VIIB (641-680) .. .. 1 y 1,285 42,630-{ .. V 367<l 1,285 y 42,997 VIIF (681-720) .. .. 2 1,372 .. 1,372 Vila (721-760) .. .. 3 2,193 .. 2,193 VIIH (761-800) .. .. 2 1,519 .. 1,519 VIIi (801-840) .. .. ••J I •• J I •• J I •• VIIk (881-920) .. .. 1 .. ~ 865 .. .. .. 865 Totals, 1936 .. 2,444 2,444 181,981 181,981 4,605 4,605 186,586 186,586 Totals, 1935 .. 2,486 2,486 174,872 174,872 4,880 4,880 179,752 179,752 Difference .. .. -42 -42 +7,109 +7,109 -275 -275 +6,834 +6,834 * Eight half-time and forty schools with side schools attached are counted as separate schools. t Ttie average attendance shown under this heading is the average attendance for the year ended 31st August, 1936, computed and adjusted in accordance with the regulations governing the staffing of schools. The unadjusted total average attendance for the year ended 31st December, 1936, was: Primary departments, 183,525; secondary departments, 4,371. t Tlie average attendance shown under this heading includes any pupils in Standard VII or in special classes. § This refers to secondary classes conducted mainly in rural areas in district high schools.

(All schools not marked as " private " are State controlled.) Number of Schools in December, Number of Schools in December, 1935. 1936. Type ol School. Type of Education _ Boys' I Girls' ! Mixed T - , Boys' Girls' Mixed f , Schools, j Schools. I Schools. Schools. Schools. Schools. Chatham Islands .. .. Primary .. .. .. S 5 .. .. 5 5 Intermediate schools and depart- Intermediate 2 113 16 2 113 16 ments* Secondary departments of dis- Post-primary .. .. .. 85 85 .. .. 84 84 trict high schools Secondary .. .. .. Post-primary .. 10 12 16 38 11 12 17 40 Combined .. .. .. Post-primary .. 3 3 .. 6 3 3 .. 6 Technical .. .. .. Post-primary .. .. .. 21 21 .. . . 21 21 Native village .. .. Primary .. .. .. 138 138 .. .. 140 140 Native mission and boarding Primary .. .. .. 11 11 1 .. 11 12 (private) Native post-primary (private) .. Primary and 4 S 1 10 3 5 8 post-primary Lower departments of secondary Primary 3 3 1 7 3 3 6 schools (private) Private primary . . .. Primary .. 40 36 234 310 41 34 234 309 Endowed and registered private Post-primary 21 34 1 56 20 35 1 56 secondary schools Specialf .. .. .. Primary ..2 1 2 5 1 1 2 4 * Eleven of these in 1986 were intermediate departments. t Two of these are schools for the mentally backward, one a school for the blind, and one a school for the deaf. The New Zealand Institute for the Blind is privately controlled.


Table D.-Numbers on the Roll at Recognized Educational Institutions (exclusive of University Colleges and Kindergarten Schools).


Total Total rn .,, Number Number Ohildren. Adolescents. Adults. Type of School. on the Ron on the H| I ... ' Z I 18 ''j''" '' on the Roll 0:1 I i l-IT' i A* " I — * ~~~\ — 1st July, 1st July, Under | 10-11 11-12 | 12-13 | 13-14 14-15 15-16 | 36-17 | 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21 Years 1935. 1936. 10 Y ears. | Years. Years, j Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. and over. Public primary schools .. 186,875 199,000 110,358 24,062 23,544 20,571 14,016 5,432 914 90 13 Special classes for backward 510 551 100 74 110 107 109 36 12 2 1 children Native schools, village (primary) 7,852 9,098 5,036 1,024 990 835 743 384 72 11 2 1 Native schools, mission, and 577 674 386 56 70 71 55 20 11 4 1 boarding (private, primary)* Public primary schools, Chatham 164 166 80 24 19 8 25 6 3 1 Islands Secondary schools, lower depart- 192 210 60 31 40 34 23 16 5 1 ments Private primary schools* .. 26,035 26,549 13,998 3,087 3,205 2,934 2,100 935 223 58 8 1 Intermediate schools and depart- 4,421 4,420 4 107 938 1,532 1,151 536 138 13 1 ments Secondary departments of district 5,331 4,749 .. .. 6 243 1,055 1,529 1,099 548 191 65 7 5 1 high schools Secondary schools .. .. 14,91] 15,650 .. 1 24 632 3,055 4,576 3,671 2,334 965 317 69 4 2 Combined schools .. .. 2,176 2,233 .. .. 1 69 442 615 562 328 151 56 8 1 Technical high and day schools.. 9,049 9,163 .. .. 6 364 1,997 3,221 2,178 967 279 93 21 14 23 Technical schools and combined 10,833 12,481 .. .. 17 25 160 759 1,849 2,374 2,062 1,601 1,002 627 2,005 schools (part-time students at day and night classes) Native schools, secondary* — Primary .. .. .. 119 107 10 10 3 13 20 19 20 10 1 1 Post-primary .. . . 248 307 . . .. 4 17 68 80 66 24 16 15 2 15 Endowed and registered private 4,495 4,801 .. .. 6 227 820 1,212 1,142 795 468 105 12 8 6 secondary schools* Correspondence School — Primary .. .. .. 1,415 1,587 953 153 142 120 112 55 31 16 1 2 1 1 Secondary .. .. 561 786 .. ... 4 74 195 212 148 70 37 24 10 6 6 Training colleges .. .. 429 1,185 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 169 206 188 565 Schools for mentally backward, &c. 308 218 23 22 23 30 41 19 22 16 12 4 1 5 School for the deaf .... 119 115 37 11 10 11 8 10 21 3 2 2 New Zealand Institute for the 30 28 9 3 2 1 4 4 5.. Blind . ; 1_" Grand totals .. 276,650 294,078 131,054 28,665 29,160 27,905 26,148 19,664 12,206 7,707 4,276 2,455 1,353 860 2,625 Y 7 Population (inclusive of Maoris) .. 1,573,810 fl40, 994 115,678 29,969 29,754 27,264 26,451 27,678 29,074 28,140 128,910 at 24th March, 1936 * Native mission schools are registered private primary schools, and three Native secondary schools are registered private secondary schools, but in this table these schools are considered, respectively, mission schools and Native post-primary schools. f Estimated population five years of age but under ten years of age. f Estimated population twenty-one years of age and under twenty -two years of age.'


Table E. 1.—Numbers of Full-time Pupils in the various Standards and Forms as at 1st July, 1936.


Special Class taUjf Back> Class P " Standard I. Standard n. Standard III. Standard IV. Form I. Form II. Form III. Form IV. Form V. Form VI. Totals. Type of School. ward. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Public primary' .. 368 18333,656 30,113 12,328 11,31310,986 10,069 12,93111,694 12,73112,025 11,158 10,797 9,606 9,220 171 202 103,935 95,616 ]Sf a tive —Europeans.. 190 193 83 58 51 60 80 64 71 49 49 64 43 41 2 1 569 530 Maoris .. 2,094 1,866 521 444 451 445 443 450 302 310 203 208 105 145 2 10 .. .. 4,121 3,878 Public primary — Chatham .... 34 22 8 9 12 9 9 18 10 11 6 4 3 3 4 4 ............ 86 80 Islands Private primary and lower de- .. .. 3,737 3,691 1,610 1,635 1,462 1,559 1,611 1,697 1,708 1,760 1,597 1,874 1,422 1,664 95 409 13,242 14,289 partments of secondary Intermediate .. 1,166 947 1,203 1,005 35 64 2,404 2,016 Secondary departments of dis- .. .. •• .. •• •• •• •• •• 1,0501,093 695 713 514 501 88 95 2,347 2,402 trict high schools Secondary.. .. 2,8542,717 2,347 2,243 2,5401,954 518 477 8,259 7,391 Combined .. .. 485 319 352 305 388 244 69 71 1,294 939 Technical.. .. .. .. 2,5742,0471,5241,330 808 741 83 56 4,989 4,174 Endowed and registered private .. .. .. ■■ .. •• •• •• •• •• •• 876 816 750 773 711 674 197 185 2,534 2,448 secondary schools Correspondence .. .. 16 14 327 316 86 111 84 88 59 88 65 70 65 80 55 63 220 297 57 99 31 68 4 10 1,069 1,304 Totals .. .. 384 197 40,038 36,20114,63613,57013,04612,23015,13314,01114,88714,22514,24413,97412,43712,1418,368 7,979 5,725 5,463 4,992 4,182 959 894144,849135,067


Table E 2.—Age and Classification of Pupils attending Public Primary Schools as at 1st July, 1936.


Special Classes for Backward Children. Class P. Standard I. Standard II. Standard III. Standardly. Form I. | Form II. Form III. Totals. Age. __ , : . Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. J Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. 5 and under 6 .. .. .. 9,157 8,496 .. .. .. .. .. .. . 9 157 « 4Q« 6 „ 7 1 2 11,168 10,646 59 85 2 .. " " ll'»98 10 TO 7 „ 8 8 5 9,327 8,121 2,398 2,966 92 168 3 .. .. ll'828 ll'2«0 8 „ 9 22 10 3,046 2,131 6,328 5,885 2,597 3,095 169 224 3 2 ...... 12 ' n'347 9 10 .. 34 18 653 501 2,462 1,772 4,975 4,502 3,867 4,361 456 614 14 13 .... 10 " 11 •• 57 17 192 136 754 419 2,222 1,570 4,787 4,329 3,897 4,569 491 656 18 22 " 12'418 ll'718 11 » 12 •• 73 37 60 57 214 130 747 501 2,613 1,876 4,507 4,160 3,444 3,962 556 711 3 3 12'217 ll'437 12 » 13 .. 72 35 33 18 87 34 257 178 1,028 668 2,462 1,776 3,721 3,631 3,092 3,528 25 33 lo!777 9'901 13 » 14 68 41 15 6 19 16 76 38 377 201 1,104 730 2,438 1,912 3,541 3,385 72 86 7,710 6 415 14 „ 15 .. 22 14 3 1 5 5 15 12 76 32 260 158 908 563 1,901 1,383 51 59 3,241 2 227 15 „ 16 .. 9 3 1 1 5 2 10 3 35 14 127 52 460 173 17 14 665 '26I " 1 1 1 6 2 14 8 35 16 1 5 60 32 17 „ 18 .... 1 1 .. 1 .. .. .. 1 .. 1 3 2 2 2 8 6 Totals •• 368 183 33,656 30,113 12,328 11,313 10,986 10,069 12,931 11,694 12,731 12,025 11,158 10,797 9,606 9,220 171 202 103,935 95,616 Median ages in 11 10 12 1 6 8 6 7 8 7 8 5 9 7 9 5 10 6 10 3 11 5 11 2 12 5 12 3 13 4 13 1 13 10 13 9 years and months


Table E 3. —Age and Classification of Pupils attending Intermediate Schools and Departments as at 1st July, 1936.


Form I. Form II. Form III. Totals. . j . . Boys. 1 Girls. Boys. 1 Girls. Boys. 1 Girls. Boys. Girls. Under 10 years . . 1 ! 3 . . .. .. . . ! 1 3 10 and under 11 .. 48 57 . . 2 .. j 48 59 11 „ 12 .. 422 365 78 72 .. 1 500 438 12 „ 13 .. 393 335 396 398 3 7 792 740 13 „ 14 .. 207 153 418 339 13 21 j 638 513 14 „ 15 .. 83 32 j 238 154 9 20 I 330 206 15 „ 16 10 2 65 37 9 15 I 84 54 16 „ 17 .. 1 8 3 1 .. | 10 3 17 „ 18 .. 1 1 Totals .. 1,166 947 1,203 1,005 35 64 2,404 2,016 Median ages in years and 12 3 12 2 13 4 13 1 14 3 14 2 months


Table E 4. —Age and Classification of Pupils attending Public Post-primary Schools as at 1st July, 1936.


E.—1. 16 Table E 4. —Age and Classification of Pupils attending Public Post-primary Schools as at 1st July, 1936. Form III. Form IV. Form V. Form VI. Totals. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Secondary schools — Under 11 years .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 11 and under 12 .. 7 17 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 17 12 „ 13 .. 300 320 4 8 .. .. .. . . 304 328 13 „ 14 .. 1,196 1,313 251 281 8 5 1 1,455 1,600 14 „ 15 .. 988 848 1,099 1,107 229 301 4 .. 2,320 2,256 15 „ 16 .. .. 303 195 736 644 875 787 69 62 1,983 1,688 16 „ 17 .. 57 22 225 183 886 625 174 162 1,342 992 17 „ 18 .. 2 2 31 19 390 193 160 168 583 382 18 „ 19 .. .. .. 1 1 133 40 78 64 212 105 19 „ 20 .. .. .. .. .. 18 2 29 20 47 22 20 „ 21 .. 1 3 .. 3 1 21 and over .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 1 . . 2 Totals .. .. .. 2,854 2,717 2,347 2,243 2,540 1,954 518 477 8,259 7,391 Median ages in years and 13 11 13 9 14 10 14 9 16 2 15 10 17 1 17 1 iiiuxiuim ■— ~~ — —~—— ■ ""*"' ■' ■ ' "~ Combined schools — Under 11 years 11 and under 12 .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 12 „ 13 .. 31 37 .. 1 .. .. .. .. 31 38 13 „ 14 .. .. 214 162 33 33 .. 247 195 14 „ 15 .. 174 96 143 145 28 28 1 . , 346 269 15 „ 16 .. 55 21 131 101 136 99 10 9 332 230 16 „ 17 .. 11 1 37 24 123 90 23 19 194 134 17 „ 18 .. .. 1 7 1 72 22 19 29 98 53 18 „ 19 .. 1 .. 22 4 16 13 39 17 19 ., 20 .. 6 1 . . 1 6 2 20 „ 21 .. 21 and over .. .. .. .. .. ., 1 .. .. .. 1 Totals .. .. .. 485 319 352 305 388 244 09 71 1,294 939 Median ages in years and 14 0 13 9 15 0 14 10 16 3 15 11 17 1 17 3 vy\ /~fc v\ T" v% a _ J^_^J lllUi-l uIJ D -— . "— ~ ' "~~ ' " ' " " ' Technical high schools — Under 11 years 11 and under 12 . . 4 2 .. . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 12 „ 13 .. 176 182 2 4 .. .. .. .. 178 186 13 „ 14 .. 864 837 139 149 5 3 .. .. 1,008 989 14 „ 15 .. 1,051 763 641 583 90 92 1 1,782 1,439 15 „ 16 .. 405 229 540 437 275 276 15 1 1,235 943 16 „ 17 .. 69 32 169 135 276 242 28 16 542 425 17 „ 18 .. 4 2 31 22 110 73 22 15 167 112 18 „ 19 .. 1 .. 2 .. 40 29 11 10 54 39 19 „ 20 .. 4 8 5 4 9 12 20 „ 21 . . . . .. .. .. 3 7 2 2 5 9 21 and over .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 11 .. 7 5 18 Totals .. .. .. 2,574 2,047 1,524 1,330 808 741 83 50 4,989 4,174 Median ages in years and 14 3 14 0 15 0 14 11 16 2 16 0 17 0 17 8 District high schools — Under 11 years 11 and under 12 .. .. 2 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 4 12 „ 13 . . 104 133 3 3 .. .. .. .. 107 136 13 „ 14 .. 413 445 96 95 4 2 .. .. 513 542 14 „ 15 . . 354 375 314 356 61 68 1 .. 730 799 15 „ 16 .. 155 114 209 203 193 203 9 13 566 533 16 „ 17 .. 20 20 69 53 162 158 28 38 279 269 17 „ 18 . . 2 2 3 3 70 55 32 24 107 84 18 „ 19 .. .. .. 1 .. 21 14 14 15 36 29 19 „ 20 . . . . . . .. .. 2 .. 1 4 3 4 20 „ 21 . . .. .. .. .. 1 1 3 .. 4 ! 21 and over .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. I .. 1 Totals .. .. .. 1,050 1,093 695 713 514 501 88 95 2,347 2,402 Median ages in years and 14 0 13 11 14 10 14 9 16 0 15 11 17 2 16 11 months

3—E. 1

E.— 1

Table F 1.—Age and Classification of Pupils attending Registered Private Primary Schools and Lower Departments of Secondary Schools as at 1st July, 1936.


Class P. Standard I. Standard II. Standard III. Standard IY. Form I. j Form II. Form III. Totals. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. ; Boys. Girls, j Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. 5 years and under 6 .. 1,194 1,168 1 .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 1,195 1,168 6" „ 7 .. 1,382 1,395 74 91 .. 2 .. 1 1,456 1,489 7 „ 8 .. 874 874 473 617 50 101 3 5 1,400 1,597 8 9 .. 223 200 695 669 477 602 81 99 4 5 .. .. .. .. .. 1,480 1,575 9 " 10 40 38 264 203 605 565 489 644 98 134 3 11 1,499 1,595 10 11 15 9 74 34 239 199 581 579 517 608 139 177 4 9 .. 1,569 1,615 11 " 12 . 4 4 21 14 64 59 297 266 604 616 472 639 94 160 2 2 1,558 1,760 12 " 13 4 1 6 5 20 23 120 80 323 280 521 610 431 576 13 37 1,438 1,612 13 14 1 1 2 7 6 30 18 131 92 320 314 525 583 35 132 1,050 1,147 14 15 .. 1 1 .. 2 7 3 26 22 113 100 276 268 26 144 449 540 15 ' 16 1 3 1 4 2 22 15 70 61 14 63 113 143 16 " 17 1 •• 5 6 ' 20 7 5 28 31 41 17 " 18 .. .. ■ • ■■ • • • • • ■ • • 1 • ■ ■■ 2 2 1 .. .. 3 3 6 18 ,, 19 19 ,, 20 1 1 20 „ 21 .. .. .. • ■ ■ • • • ■ • • • ■ • • • 1 • ■ ■ • ■ • 1 I Totals .. .. 3,737 3,691 1,610 1,635 1,462 1,559 1,611 1,697 1,708 1,760 1,597 1,874 1,422 1,664 95 409 13,242 14,289 Median ages in years and 6 6 6 6 8 4 8 2 9 4 9 2 10 5 10 2 11 5 11 3 12 4 12 2 13 4 13 2 13 11 14 3 months I


Table F 2.—Age and Classification of Pupils attending Registered Private Secondary and Endowed Schools as at 1st July, 1936.

7. REGULARITY OF ATTENDANCE. The returns from Education Boards show that in all districts a creditably high standard of regularity of attendance was maintained throughout the year. There were no epidemics to cause any marked falling-off in attendance, but it was decided to close the schools a week earlier than was intended as a precaution against the spread of infantile paralysis, cases of which were reported in Dunedin. When expressed as a percentage of the average weekly roll, the average attendance was 92*16 per cent., as against 92-53 per cent, in the previous year. A high degree of regularity of attendance was recorded in the Nelson District, the percentage on the same basis as that referred to in the previous sentence being 94-79. 8. STAFFS OF SCHOOLS. The following table shows the number of adult teachers in the public primary schools of the different grades.

Table H 1.—Number of Adult Teachers employed in Primary Departments of Public Schools, December, 1936.


Form III. Form IV. Form V. Form VI. Totals. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys, j Girls. Boys. Girls. : | i I I 11 years and under 12 .. 2 3 1.. .. .. .. .. 3 3 12 „ 13 .. 88 123 10 8 98 131 13 „ 14 .. 321 309 99 98 2 2 .. 422 409 14 „ 15 .. 290 291 242 299 59 67 .. .. 591 657 15 „ 16 .. 124 75 247 263 199 235 23 14 593 587 16 „ 17 .. 34 13 108 90 241 226 59 59 44-2 388 17 „ 18 7 2 30 14 152 126 70 82 259 224 18 „ 19 4 6 1 40 15 23 28 73 44 19 „ 20 .. 1 7 .. 12 2 3 2 23 4 20 „ 21 .. 2 5 1 2 9 1 21 and over .. . . 3 .. . . .. 1 . . 17 .. 21 Totals .. .. 876 816 750 773 711 674 197 185 2,534 2,448 Median ages in years and 14 1 13 11 15 1 14 11 16 5 16 2 17 3 17 3 months

Sole Teachers. Head Teachers. Teachers' Total Adult, Teachers. Grade of School.* M. I\ M. B 1 . M. E\ M. F. Total. Grade 0 (1-8) .. 43 79 .. .. .. .. 43 79 122 I (9-20) .. 416 298 4 416 302 718 II (21-35) .. 270 197 26 12 .. 39 296 248 544 „ HIA (36-50) .. 7 3 183 89 3 271 193 363 556 „ IIIb (51-80) 226 41 5 285 231 326 557 „ IIIc (81-120) 120 9 9 260 129 269 398 „ IV (121-240) 137 2 110 426 247 428 675 V (241-360) .. .. .. 79 .. 135 398 214 398 612 VI (361-480) .. .. .. 65 .. 178 468 243 468 711 „ VII (over 480) 83 .. 321 816 404 816 1,220 All grades — 1936 736 577 919 153 761 2,967 2,416 3,697 6,113 1935 .. .. 772 605 898 152 772 2,849 2,442 3,606 6,048 Difference .. .. -36 -28 +21 +1 -11 +118 -26 +91 +65 * The grade of school given above is the grade in which the school is placed when all attached side schools are included, while part-time schools taught by the same teacher are counted as one school.


The following table indicates the number of women teachers for each 100 men teachers:—

Table H 2.—Ratio of Women to Men Teachers in Primary Schools.

Table H 3. —Number of Adult Full-time Teachers employed in Departmental Schools, December, 1935, and December, 1936.

In addition to the above the following numbers of teachers were also employed:—


19 E.—1. The following table indicates the lumber of women teachers for each 100 men teachers: — Table H 2.—Ratio of Women to Men Teachers in Primary Schools. 1929. 1930. 1931. j 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. Adult teachers — All schools .. .. ..184 178 174 167 157 156 148 153 Schools with roll 1-20 .. 162 157 156 120 103 89 78 83 Schools with roll over 20 .. 188 182 178 177 170 173 166 169 Probationers 265 224 177 * * * * * Training-college students .. 242 282 226 201 163 f 187 166 * There have been no probationers since 1931. t All Training Colleges were closed during 1934. Table H 3. —Number of Adult Full-time Teachers employed in Departmental Schools, December, 1935, and December, 1936. December, 1935. December, 1936. Principals Principals and Sole Assistant | Total Adult and Sole Assistant Total Adult Type of School. and Head Teachers. ■ Teachers. and Head Teachers. Teachers. Teachers. Teachers. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 1 Public (primary) .. .. 1-670 757 772 2,849 3,6061,655 730 761 2, 967 2,4163.. 697. Intermediate* .. .. 5 .. 61 64 66 64 5 .. 58 57 63 57 Secondary departments of f2 .. 129 100 131 100 fl •• 122 85 123 85 district high schools Secondary .. .. 26 12 322 256 348 268 28 12 337 277 365 289 Combined .. .. 4 3 54 36 58 39 4 3 54 39 58 42 Technical .. .. 21 .. 234 149 255 149 21 .. 243 148 264 148 Native (primary) . . 108 30 8 78 116 108 110 30 12 196 122 226 Chatham Islands .. .. 5.. 1 2 6 2 5.. 1 2 6 2 Correspondence— Primary .. . . 1 ".. 5 22 6 22 1 .. 2 31 3 31 Post-primary .. .. . . .. 6 11 6 11 . . .. 11 14 11 14 Special 1 2 9 10 10 12 1 3 7 11 8 14 Total .- ..1,843 8041,6013,577 3,444 4,3811,831 7781,6083,827 3,439 4,605 i * Where the intermediate department is attached to a secondary, technical, or district high school only the teachers of Forms I and II are included here. ■j- In 1935 the head teachers of the Waihi and West Christchurch District High Schools and in 1936 the head teacher of the former school only are accounted for. In addition to the above the following numbers of teachers were also employed : — 1935. 1936. M. F. M. F. Manual instructors .. .. .. 92 69 92 72 Student teachers in technical schools . . 8 4 6 5 Junior assistant teachers in Native schools . . 4 110 4 143

19 E.—1. The following table indicates the lumber of women teachers for each 100 men teachers: — Table H 2.—Ratio of Women to Men Teachers in Primary Schools. 1929. 1930. 1931. j 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. Adult teachers — All schools .. .. ..184 178 174 167 157 156 148 153 Schools with roll 1-20 .. 162 157 156 120 103 89 78 83 Schools with roll over 20 .. 188 182 178 177 170 173 166 169 Probationers 265 224 177 * * * * * Training-college students .. 242 282 226 201 163 f 187 166 * There have been no probationers since 1931. t All Training Colleges were closed during 1934. Table H 3.—Number of Adult Full-time Teachers employed in Departmental Schools, December, 1935, and December, 1936. December, 1935. December, 1936. Principals Principals and Sole Assistant | Total Adult and Sole Assistant Total Adult Type of School. and Head Teachers. ■ Teachers. and Head Teachers. Teachers. Teachers. Teachers. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 1 Public (primary) .. .. 1-670 757 772 2,849 3,6061,655 730 761 2, 967 2,4163.. 697. Intermediate* .. .. 5 .. 61 64 66 64 5 .. 58 57 63 57 Secondary departments of f2 .. 129 100 131 100 fl •• 122 85 123 85 district high schools Secondary .. .. 26 12 322 256 348 268 28 12 337 277 365 289 Combined .. .. 4 3 54 36 58 39 4 3 54 39 58 42 Technical .. .. 21 .. 234 149 255 149 21 .. 243 148 264 148 Native (primary) . . 108 30 8 78 116 108 110 30 12 196 122 226 Chatham Islands .. .. 5.. 1 2 6 2 5.. 1 2 6 2 Correspondence— Primary .. . . 1 ".. 5 22 6 22 1 .. 2 31 3 31 Post-primary .. .. . . .. 6 11 6 11 . . .. 11 14 11 14 Special 1 2 9 10 10 12 1 3 7 11 8 14 Total .- ..1,843 8041,6013,577 3,444 4,3811,831 7781,6083,827 3,439 4,605 i * Where the intermediate department is attached to a secondary, technical, or district high school only the teachers of Forms I and II are included here. ■j- In 1935 the head teachers of the Waihi and West Christchurch District High Schools and in 1936 the head teacher of the former school only are accounted for. In addition to the above the following numbers of teachers were also employed : — 1935. 1936. M. F. M. F. Manual instructors .. .. .. 92 69 92 72 Student teachers in technical schools . . 8 4 6 5 Junior assistant teachers in Native schools . . 4 110 4 143

19 E.—1. The following table indicates the lumber of women teachers for each 100 men teachers: — Table H 2.—Ratio of Women to Men Teachers in Primary Schools. 1929. 1930. 1931. j 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. Adult teachers — All schools .. .. ..184 178 174 167 157 156 148 153 Schools with roll 1-20 .. 162 157 156 120 103 89 78 83 Schools with roll over 20 .. 188 182 178 177 170 173 166 169 Probationers 265 224 177 * * * * * Training-college students .. 242 282 226 201 163 f 187 166 * There have been no probationers since 1931. t All Training Colleges were closed during 1934. Table H 3.—Number of Adult Full-time Teachers employed in Departmental Schools, December, 1935, and December, 1936. December, 1935. December, 1936. Principals Principals and Sole Assistant | Total Adult and Sole Assistant Total Adult Type of School. and Head Teachers. ■ Teachers. and Head Teachers. Teachers. Teachers. Teachers. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 1 Public (primary) .. .. 1-670 757 772 2,849 3,6061,655 730 761 2, 967 2,4163.. 697. Intermediate* .. .. 5 .. 61 64 66 64 5 .. 58 57 63 57 Secondary departments of f2 .. 129 100 131 100 fl •• 122 85 123 85 district high schools Secondary .. .. 26 12 322 256 348 268 28 12 337 277 365 289 Combined .. .. 4 3 54 36 58 39 4 3 54 39 58 42 Technical .. .. 21 .. 234 149 255 149 21 .. 243 148 264 148 Native (primary) . . 108 30 8 78 116 108 110 30 12 196 122 226 Chatham Islands .. .. 5.. 1 2 6 2 5.. 1 2 6 2 Correspondence— Primary .. . . 1 ".. 5 22 6 22 1 .. 2 31 3 31 Post-primary .. .. . . .. 6 11 6 11 . . .. 11 14 11 14 Special 1 2 9 10 10 12 1 3 7 11 8 14 Total .- ..1,843 8041,6013,577 3,444 4,3811,831 7781,6083,827 3,439 4,605 i * Where the intermediate department is attached to a secondary, technical, or district high school only the teachers of Forms I and II are included here. ■j- In 1935 the head teachers of the Waihi and West Christchurch District High Schools and in 1936 the head teacher of the former school only are accounted for. In addition to the above the following numbers of teachers were also employed : — 1935. 1936. M. F. M. F. Manual instructors .. .. .. 92 69 92 72 Student teachers in technical schools . . 8 4 6 5 Junior assistant teachers in Native schools . . 4 110 4 143


9. NUMBER OF PUPILS AND ADULT TEACHERS IN THE PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLS AND INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS IN THE DIFFERENT EDUCATION DISTRICTS. The following table gives the number of children attending public primary schools and intermediate schools and departments in the different education districts and the number of adult teachers in these schools at the end of 1936. The figures are exclusive of the secondary departments of district high schools.

Table J.

io. SIZE OF CLASSES. The following table shows the average number of children per adult teacher in public primary schools.

Table K 1.— Average Number of Children pes Adult Class-teacher in Public Primary Schools.

N.B. —The average attendance shown for each grade of school in the above table does not correspond with that shown in Table C 1, owing to the fact that in Table C 1 part-time and side schools are taken separately, thus altering the grades of various schools for the purpose of that table.


Education District. j Enrolment. , Adult Teachers. Auckland .. .. .. 67,285 750 1,967 Taranaki .. .. .. 11,617 164 366 Wanganui .. .. .. 15.699 208 481 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. 15,376 184 457 Wellington .. .. .. 27,414 239 777 Nelson .. .. .. 6,771 136 242 Canterbury .. .. .. 34,999 371 1,007 Otago .. .. .. .. 19,197 233 593 Southland .. .. .. 11,814 175 374 Totals.. .. .. 210,172 2,460 6,264

Average Average Number Number of Adult Teachers. ! Attendance ! of Children per Adult ! "fnrVear Class-teacher. Grade of School. ■ to . r , ! ended 31st All Head Class August, 1936 Teachers. Te£ }°>f™ j teachers , 1 (Primary 1935. 1936. excluded, j only). 0 (1-8) .. .. 122 .. 122 799 7 7 I (9-20) .. .. 718 .. 718 10,023 14 14 II (21-35) .. .. 544 .. 544 12,943 23 24 IIIa (36-50) .. .. 556 .. 556 11,659 21 21 IIIB (51-80) .. .. 557 .. 557 15,886 28 29 IIIo (81-120) .. .. 398 .. 398 11,759 29 30 IV (121-240) .. .. 675 .. 675 22,842 33 34 V (241-360) .. .. 612 .. 612 22,954- 37 38 VI (361-480) .. .. 711 65 646 26,389 40 41 VII (481 and over). . .. 1,220 83 1,137 46,727 40 41 All schools .. 6,113 148 5,965 181,981 30 31

Ē. —l

Table K 2. —Size of Classes in Public Primary Schools of Grade IV and over.

Table K 3.—Change in Average Number of Pupils per Adult Teacher in Public Primary Schools.

xi. CLASSIFICATION OF TEACHERS. The following tables give the status in regard to certificates of teachers in primary schools, intermediate schools and departments, secondary departments of district high schools and Native schools, and the classification of teachers in secondary, technical, and combined schools : —

Table L 1.—Status in regard to Certificates of Teachers in Primary Schools and Forms I and II of Intermediate Schools, and Departments as in December.


February, 1931. February, 1936. February, 1937. Number of Children. "ssr* ! ■sr* Under 31 . .. 221 7-0 296 10-3 j 346 11-4 31-40 .. 717 24-0 802 28-0 927 30-4 41-50 .. •• 1,164 39-0 1,173 40-9 1,259 41-4 51_60 .. .. .. 787 27-0 550 19-2 487 16-0 61 and over .. .. 83 3-0 45 1-6 25 0-8 Total .. .. 2,972 100-0 2,866 100-0 3,044 100-0

Average Attendance I Number of Number of Pupils per Yea.. for Year ending j Adult Teachers . Adult Teacher. 31st August. 1933 .. .. .. 183,148 6,072 30-2 1934 .. .. .. 177,422 6,442 27-5 1935 .. .. 174,872 6,048 28-9 1936 181,981 6,113 29-8

1934. 1935. 1936. Number Per- Number. ' f r Number. 1 centage. centage. centage. I. Certificated teachers .. .. 6,559 99-73 6,154 99-3 6,053 96-63 II. Uncertificated teachers— (1) Holding licenses .. .. 1 0-02 1 1 0-02 (2) Unlicensed .. .. 17* 0-25 43 0-7 210 3-35 Total uncertificated .. .. 18 0-27 44 0-7 211 3-37 Totals of I and II .. .. 6,577 100-0 6,198 100-0 6,264 100-0 * Teachers of manual subjects were omitted in 1934.


Table L 2.—Certificates held by Teachers in Primary Schools and Intermediate Schools and Departments as in December.

Table L 3. —Certificates held by Assistant Teachers in the Secondary Departments of District High Schools.

The difference between the totals here and in Table IT 3 is due to the fact that two teachers in these schools are not the holders of teachers' certificates. One of these, however, is classified as a secondary-school teacher.

Table L 4.—Certificates held by Teachers in Native Primary Schools. (Junior Assistant Teachers are excluded.)


1935. 1936. Class of Certificate. M. F. Total. M. ! P. i Total. . ; I | A .. .. .. 63 7 70 64 ! 7 71 B .. .. .. 922 505 1,427 919 477 1,396 C .. .. .. 1,299 2,525 3,824 1,232 2,510 3,742 D .. . . .. 216 606 822 212 623 835 E ...... 3 8 11 2 7 9 Totals .. .. 2,503 3,651 j 6,154 2,429 3,624 6,053

1935. 1936. Class of Certificate. j ; j M. F. Total. M. F. j Total. A ...... 12 10 22 10 5 15 B .. .. 105 82 187 96 71 167 C ...... 11 6 17 14 6 20 D .... 1 1 I 2 3 E Totals .. .. 128 99 227 121 84 j 205

1935. 1936. Class of Certificate. ; — M. F. Total. M. F. Total. A .. .. 1 1 B ..... 22 6 28 20 8 28 C ., .. 60 51 111 67 62 129 D . . . . . . 20 26 46 22 29 51 Ē ...... 1 1 1 1 Total certificated teachers . . 102 84 186 110 100 210 Uncertificated teachers . . 14 24 38 12 26 38 Grand totals .. 116 108 224 122 126 248


Table L 5.—Grading of Full-time Assistant Teachers in Secondary Schools as in December and prior to the Issue of the Annual Grading List.

Table L 6.—Classification of Full-time Assistant Teachers in Technical High and Day Schools and in Combined Schools as in December, 1936, and prior to the Issue of the Annual Classification List.

Note. —To be classified in Division I a teacher must be the holder of a University degree or equivalent qualification.

Table L 7. —Classification of Full-time Teachers of Manual-training Classes as in December, 1936, and prior to the Issue of the Annual Classification List.

Of the 164 teachers in the above table, 21 are agricultural instructors, 70 are woodwork instructors, 1 is a metal work instructor, 71 are cookery instructresses, and 1 is an art instructress. Note. —(1) To be classified in Division I a teacher must be the holder of a University degree or equivalent qualification. (2) In 1936 four of the men and five of the women were attached to certain intermediate schools or departments under the control of the Auckland Education Board. These are included also among the staffs of those intermediate schools or departments,


1935. 1936. Grade of Teacher. M. I F. Total. M. | F. Total. ' ! L I A .. .. .. 93 59 152 89 59 148 B .. .. .. 97 58 155 97 55 152 C .. .. .. 90 76 166 95 80 175 D .. .. .. 42 63 105 56 83 139 Totals .. .. 322 256 578 337 277 614

Class .. .. .. VII. ' VI. I V. IV. III. ■ II. ! ! Totals. Technical, High, and Day Schools. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Division I .. .. 0 7 28 4 40 13 38 20 41 15 19 14 12 16 178 89 Division II .. .. 0 11 9 17 21 8 19 9 5 8 3 5 8 1 65 59 Totals .. 0 18 37 21 61 21 57 29 46 23 22 19 20 17 243 148 Grand totals .. 18 58~ ~82 ; ~86 69~ ~~41 ~3T~ ~391 Combined Schools. Division I 0 3 12 6 7 4 10 6 9 5 3 5 3 2 44 31 Division II .. 01 11 31 43 12 1000 10 8 Totals . . 0 4 13 7 10 5 14 9 10 7 4 5 3 2 54 39 Grand totals .. 4 20 15 23 17 9 5 93

Class j vn - J VL ; V - I IV - , nL j II. | : Totals. M. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Division I .. .. 0 0 2 0 5 2 5 6 2 6 Oil 2 21 16 46 Division II .. .. 1 1 12 6 18 8 20 6 15 4 5 1 5 0 76 26 Totals .. 1 1 14 6 23 10 25 12 17 10 5 12 7 21 92 72 Grand totals ..2 20 33 37 27 17 28 164


12. SALARIES OF TEACHERS. The average salaries (including house allowances, value of residences, and all other allowances) of adult teachers in primary schools in 1914 and for the last five years are shown in the following table. Under the provisions of the Finance Act, 1931, the salaries of all teachers, in common with those of all public servants, were reduced by 10 per cent, as from the Ist April, 1931. Salaries were further reduced under the provisions of the National Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1932, as from the Ist April, 1932. The reductions made were 5 per cent, on salaries not exceeding £225 per centum, 10 per cent, between that figure and not exceeding £720, and 12| per cent, on those exceeding that figure. The salaries of all teachers were increased by 5 per cent, as from Ist April, 1934, by 7\ per cent, as from Ist August, 1935, and restored to scale rates as from Ist July, 1936. Table M I,—Average Salaries of Primary-school Teachers (exclusive of Teachers in Intermediate Schools and Departments and Secondary Departments op District High Schools) as in December. 1914. 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936.* (1) Teachers in all schools — £ £ £ £ £ £ (а) Men and women .. .. 163 228 231 229 261 298 (б) Men .. .. .. . • 224 283 283 283 312 361 (c) Women .. • • • - 128 195 198 194 224 254 (2) Teachers in schools with average attendance over eight — (a) Men and women .. .. . • 232 235 233 265 302 (b) Men .. .. .. ■ • .. 286 286 288 321 365 (c) Women .. .. ■ • • • 200 202 198 227 258 (3) Teachers in schools with average attendance over twenty — (a) Men and women .. .. .. 2.36 239 235 268 307 (b) Men .. .. .. • • .. 301 302 301 338 386 (c) Women .. .. • • • • 199 201 196 226 258 (4) Head teachers — (a) Men .. .. • • .. 357 356 372 400 447 (b) Women .. .. . • • ■ 309 313 323 347 394 (5) All sole teachers — (a) Men .. .. .. .. ■ • 222 224 233 258 288 (b) Women .. • • • • • • 199 197 212 243 268 (6) Assistants — (a) Men .... • • ■ ■ .. 249 250 231 277 333 (b) Women .. • • • ■ • ■ 188 191 183 213 244

* These average salaries are exclusive of relieving teachers,


4—E. 1

E. —1

Table M 2.—Average Salaries (inclusive of all Allowances and Value of Residence for Principals where provided) of Full-time Teachers in Intermediate and Post-primary Schools and of Manual Instructors as at 1st December.

Manual Instructors.— Average Rate of Salary of Manual Instructors as on 1st December.


1935. 1936. Principals. Assistants. All Teachers. Principals. Assistants. All Teachers. Men. | Women. Men _ Women _ j Both , Men _ Women _ Both Men _ j Women . Both Men _ , Women . Both Men _ Women _ Both ££££££££££££££££££ Intermediate schools and departments .. .. 541 541 345 272 308 363 272 319 539 .. 539 377 300 339 385 300 347 Secondary departments of district high schools .. .. .. .. 347 287 323 347 287 323 .. .. . . 379 304 349 379 304 349 Secondary schools .. .. .. 734 539 672 384 265 332 410 278 353 787 577 724 419 291 362 448 303 384 Combined schools .. .. .. 748 515 648 395 273 347 420 292 368 849 563 726 439 290 377 467 309 401 Technical high and day schools .. .. 682 .. 682 394 255 340 418 255 358 756 .. 756 428 274 370 454 274 390 I

1935. 1936. £ f Men .. .. .. .. .. 345 372 Women .. .. .. ..... 233 247 Men and women . . .. .. .. 297 317 i


Table M 3. —Average Salaries (including House Allowances, Value or Residences, and all other Allowances) of Adult Teachers in Native Schools as at 31st December. 1935. 1936. 1. Teachers in all schools— £ £ (a) Men and women .. .. .. .. . , 289 296 (b) Men .. .. .. .. .. .. 341 358 (c) Women .. .. .. .. .. .. 234 237 2. Head teachers — (a) Men .. .. .. . . . . . . 368 379 (b) Women .. .. .. .. .. .. 334 357 3. Sole teachers — (а) Men .. .. .. .. .. .. 220 256 (б) Women .. .. .. .. .. .. 237 233 4. Assistants — (a) Men .. . . . . . . .. . . 179 214 (b) Women .. .. . . .. .. . . 203 208 13. PUPILS LEAVING PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLS. In 1936 21,819 pupils (11,364 boys and 10,455 girls) left public primary schools. Of these, 17,600 (81 per cent.) had passed Form 11. In the last five years the numbers leaving have been as follow : —

14. PUPILS COMMENCING POST - PRIMARY COURSE IN STATE SCHOOLS. In 1936 13,466 pupils (7,184 boys and 6,282 girls) commenced post-primary education in State post-primary schools. In the last five years the numbers commencing post-primary education in these schools have been as follow : —

No return is made giving the number of pupils commencing a post-primary course who in the previous year gained a proficiency certificate as pupils in a public school. It will be observed, however, that the great majority of pupils who enter post-primary schools do so from public schools. To arrive at some approximate estimate as to the extent to which the gaining of a proficiency certificate influences the question as to whether a post-primary course is to be followed or not, the following figures have been grouped as a basis for comparison. It will be observed that the number of pupils who commence a post-primary course expressed as a percentage of the pupils who pass for a proficiency certificate in a previous year is variable, the factors contributing to this variation no doubt being the availability of suitable avenues of employment for boys, especially on completion of their primary-school course.


Year Total Number Number who j Percentage who leaving. passed Form II. | passed Form II. 1932 .. .. .. .J 21,466 16,930 79 1933 .. .. .. .. 21,935 17,434 79 1934 .. .. .. .. 22,665 17,980 79 1935 .. .. .. .. 22,108 17,708 80 1936 .. .. .. 21,819 17,600 81

Total Number Number of these Percentage coming y ear. commencing coming from Public from Public Post-primary Course. Primary Schools. Primary Schools. 1932 11,579 11,019 95 1933 .. .. .. .. 12,214 11,637 95 1934 .. .. .. ■ .. 12,686 12,143 96 1935 .. .. 13,177 12,632 96 1936 .. .. .. 13,466 12,849 95


The ages at which pupils commenced their post-primary course are given in the following table : —

Table N. —Ages at which Pupils commence Post-primary Course.

In 1935 24 per cent, and in 1936 23 per cent, of those commencing a postprimary course did so under the age of thirteen years. IS. DESTINATION OF PUPILS LEAVING SCHOOL. A summary of the destination returns obtained from the schools, through the various Boards, is given in the following tables : —

Table O 1. —Probable Destination of Pupils leaving Public Primary Schools during or at End of Year 1936.


Year of commencing post-primary course .. 1932. 1933. j 1934, i 1935. ! 1936. Number of proficiency passes in previous 14,128 16,549 16,633 17,286 17,031 year in public primary schools and intermediate schools and departments Number of pupils who commenced a post- 11,019 11,637 12,143 12,632 12,849 primary course in State schools and who came from public primary schools or intermediate schools and departments Percentage 78 70 73 73 75 i

Age at which Post-primary Course commenced. Total Numbers commencing Under 12 12 Yearg 13 Yearg u Ye ars. 15 Years P EduSion7 Years. and over. Boys. Girls. Boys. : Girls. Boys. ! Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys, j Girls. Secondary .. 29 61 641 734 1,235 1,302 746 511 219 110 2,870 2,718 Combined .. 1 9 78 80 215 173 142 48 57 9 493 319 Technical .. 23 22 380 443 1,146 987 897 519 265 125 2,711 2,096 District high .. 12 26 255 321 486 489 278 246 79 67 1,110 1,149 Totals—1936 .. 65 118 1,354 1,578 3,082 2,951 2,063 1,324 620 311 7,184 6,282 1935 .. 94 121 1,348 1,534 2,959 2,793 1,923 1,419 672 314 6,996 6,181 Difference .. -29 -3 +6 +44 +123 +158 +140 -95 -52 -3 +188 +101

Totals. Had passed Had not passed Form II. Form II. Destination. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Number. J Number. „ Pel : uent. Cent. Postprimary .. .. .. 6,388 6,163 192 131 6,580 58 6,294 60 Commercial occupations — (a) Clerical (including typing) 34 34 3 5 37 * 39 1 (b) Shop and warehouse assistants 367 255 197 88 564 5 343 3 Trades —• (a) Engineering .. . . 150 2 48 .. 198 2 2 * (b) Building .. .. .. 55 1 26 1 81 1 2 * (c) Other .. .. .. 231 80 169 64 400 4 144 1 Agricultural and pastoral .. 1,115 63 952 60 2,067 18 123 1 Other occupations .. .. 338 330 384 274 722 6 604 6 Home .. .. .. 240 1,590 271 1,142 511 4 2,732 26 Not known .. .. .. 92 72 112 100 204 2 172 2 Totals, 1936 .. .. 9,010 8,590 2,354 1,865 11,364 100 10,455 100 Totals, 1935 .. .. 9,131 8,577 2,395 2,005 11,526 .. 10,582 Difference.. .. .. —121 +13 —41 —140 —162 .. —127 * Insignificant percentage.


Table O 2. —Percentages of Pupils leaving Primary Schools in 1933-36 who proceeded to the various Destinations and Occupations.

Table O 3. —Probable Destination of Pupils leaving Intermediate Schools and Departments during or at End of 1936.

Table O 4. —Percentages of Pupils leaving Intermediate Schools and Departments in 1933-36 who proceeded to various Destinations and Occupations.


E.—l. 28 Table 0 2. —Percentages of Pupils leaving Primaby Schools in 1933-36 who proceeded to the various destinations and occupations. Boys. Girls. Destination. • 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. __ __^ Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Postprimary .. ..54 54 57 58 54 55 57 60 Commercial occupations — (a) Clerical (including *******! typing) (b) Stop and warehouse 33452233 assistants Trades— (a) Engineering .. 1 1 1 2 .. * * * (6) Building .. ..* 1 1 1 * * * * (c) Other ..2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 Agricultural and pastoral 24 23 21 18 2 2 1 1 Other occupations ..5 6 6 6 4 4 6 6 Home.. .. ..10 8 6 4 36 35 31 26 Not known .. ..1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 Totals .. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 * Insignificant percentage. Table O 3.—Probable Destination of Pupils leaving Intermediate Schools and Departments DURING OR AT End OF 1936. Boys. Girls. Occupation. First Second Third T , , p First Second Third ™ . , „ Year. Year. Year. TotaL Per °entage. Yea] . Year Year _ Total. Percentage. I Continued full-time 78 851 12 941 68 48 682 18 748 67 education Commercial (clerical, 12 79 25 116 8 1 51 14 66 6 typing, shop, and warehouse) Trades .. .. 11 92 29 132 10 1 31 21 53 5 Agricultural and pas- 5 55 5 65 5 toral Home .. .. 2 21 1 24 2 22 129 24 175 15 Miscellaneous .. 6 28 9 43 3 3 37 4 44 4 Not known 12 40 1 53 4 7 23 30 3 Totals, 1936 .. 126 1,166 82 1,374 100 82 953 81 1,116 100 Totals, 1935 .. 122 1,006 127 1,255 .. 107 906 114 1,127 Difference .. +4 +160 —45 +119 .. —25 +47 —33 —11 Table 0 4. —Percentages of Pupils leaving Intermediate Schools and Departments in 1933-36 who proceeded to various destinations and occupations. Boys. Girls. Oooupation. . 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. . I Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Continued full-time education .. 70 70 69 68 65 67 68 67 Commercial (clerical, typing, shop, 56883446 and warehouse) Trades .. .. ..4 6 7 10 2 3 3 5 Agricultural and pastoral .. 7 6 5 5 Home .. .. .. 8 5 4 2 25 23 19 15 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 5 3 4 3 2 2 4 4 Not known .. .. .. 1 4 3 4 3 1 2 3 Totals .. .. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

E.—l. 28 Table 0 2.—Percentages of Pupils leaving Primaby Schools in 1933-36 who proceeded to the various destinations and occupations. Boys. Girls. Destination. • 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. __ __^ Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Postprimary .. ..54 54 57 58 54 55 57 60 Commercial occupations — (a) Clerical (including *******! typing) (b) Stop and warehouse 33452233 assistants Trades— (a) Engineering .. 1 1 1 2 .. * * * (6) Building .. ..* 1 1 1 * * * * (c) Other ..2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 Agricultural and pastoral 24 23 21 18 2 2 1 1 Other occupations ..5 6 6 6 4 4 6 6 Home.. .. ..10 8 6 4 36 35 31 26 Not known .. ..1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 Totals .. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 * Insignificant percentage. Table O 3.—Probable Destination of Pupils leaving Intermediate Schools and Departments DURING OR AT End OF 1936. Boys. Girls. Occupation. First Second Third T , , p First Second Third ™ . , „ Year. Year. Year. TotaL Per °entage. Yea] . Year Year _ Total. Percentage. I Continued full-time 78 851 12 941 68 48 682 18 748 67 education Commercial (clerical, 12 79 25 116 8 1 51 14 66 6 typing, shop, and warehouse) Trades .. .. 11 92 29 132 10 1 31 21 53 5 Agricultural and pas- 5 55 5 65 5 toral Home .. .. 2 21 1 24 2 22 129 24 175 15 Miscellaneous .. 6 28 9 43 3 3 37 4 44 4 Not known 12 40 1 53 4 7 23 30 3 Totals, 1936 .. 126 1,166 82 1,374 100 82 953 81 1,116 100 Totals, 1935 .. 122 1,006 127 1,255 .. 107 906 114 1,127 Difference .. +4 +160 —45 +119 .. —25 +47 —33 —11 Table 0 4.—Percentages of Pupils leaving Intermediate Schools and Departments in 1933-36 who proceeded to various destinations and occupations. Boys. Girls. Oooupation. . 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. . I Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Continued full-time education .. 70 70 69 68 65 67 68 67 Commercial (clerical, typing, shop, 56883446 and warehouse) Trades .. .. ..4 6 7 10 2 3 3 5 Agricultural and pastoral .. 7 6 5 5 Home .. .. .. 8 5 4 2 25 23 19 15 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 5 3 4 3 2 2 4 4 Not known .. .. .. 1 4 3 4 3 1 2 3 Totals .. .. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

E.—l. 28 Table 0 2.—Percentages of Pupils leaving Primaby Schools in 1933-36 who proceeded to the various destinations and occupations. Boys. Girls. Destination. • 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. __ __^ Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Postprimary .. ..54 54 57 58 54 55 57 60 Commercial occupations — (a) Clerical (including *******! typing) (b) Stop and warehouse 33452233 assistants Trades— (a) Engineering .. 1 1 1 2 .. * * * (6) Building .. ..* 1 1 1 * * * * (c) Other ..2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 Agricultural and pastoral 24 23 21 18 2 2 1 1 Other occupations ..5 6 6 6 4 4 6 6 Home.. .. ..10 8 6 4 36 35 31 26 Not known .. ..1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 Totals .. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 * Insignificant percentage. Table O 3.—Probable Destination of Pupils leaving Intermediate Schools and Departments DURING OR AT End OF 1936. Boys. Girls. Occupation. First Second Third T , , p First Second Third ™ . , „ Year. Year. Year. TotaL Per °entage. Yea] . Year Year _ Total. Percentage. I Continued full-time 78 851 12 941 68 48 682 18 748 67 education Commercial (clerical, 12 79 25 116 8 1 51 14 66 6 typing, shop, and warehouse) Trades .. .. 11 92 29 132 10 1 31 21 53 5 Agricultural and pas- 5 55 5 65 5 toral Home .. .. 2 21 1 24 2 22 129 24 175 15 Miscellaneous .. 6 28 9 43 3 3 37 4 44 4 Not known 12 40 1 53 4 7 23 30 3 Totals, 1936 .. 126 1,166 82 1,374 100 82 953 81 1,116 100 Totals, 1935 .. 122 1,006 127 1,255 .. 107 906 114 1,127 Difference .. +4 +160 —45 +119 .. —25 +47 —33 —11 Table 0 4.—Percentages of Pupils leaving Intermediate Schools and Departments in 1933-36 who proceeded to various destinations and occupations. Boys. Girls. Oooupation. . 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. . I Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Continued full-time education .. 70 70 69 68 65 67 68 67 Commercial (clerical, typing, shop, 56883446 and warehouse) Trades .. .. ..4 6 7 10 2 3 3 5 Agricultural and pastoral .. 7 6 5 5 Home .. .. .. 8 5 4 2 25 23 19 15 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 5 3 4 3 2 2 4 4 Not known .. .. .. 1 4 3 4 3 1 2 3 Totals .. .. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100


Table O 5.—Probable Destination of Pupils leaving Post-primary Schools during or at the End of the Year 1936.


Technical High and Secondary Departments of „ , Secondary Schools. Combmed Schools. Day SoIloo i s . District High Schools. J-orais. Occupation. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Num- Per Num- Per Num- Per Num- Per Sum- i Per Num- Per Num. Per Num- Per Num- Per Num. ! Per ber. Cent. ber. Cent. ber. Cent. ber. Cent. ber. I Cent. ber. Cent. ber. Cent. ber. Cent. ber. Cent. ber. | Cent. University College .. .. 113 3-5 72 2-7 23 4-0 11 3-3 8 0-3 7 0-4 11 1-0 6 0-6 155 2-0 96 1-6 Teaching or training college .. 96 2-9 177 6-7 7 1-2 20 5-9 10 0-4 14 0-7 32 2-9 59 6-3 145 1-9 270 4-6 Cl6riC9)l Government or local body .. 403 12-4 57 2-1 60 10-5 6 1-8 116 4-3 26 1-3 170 15-6 14 1-5 749 9-8 103 1-8 Banks, insurance .. .. 159 4-9 28 1-1 22 3-9 3 0-9 7 0-2 6 0-3 17 1-6 2 0-2 205 2-7 39 0-7 Legal .. .. .. 63 1-9 22 0-8 5 0-9 4 1-2 8 0-3 18 0-9 4 0-4 8 0-9 80 1-1 52 0-9 Commercial .. .. 698 21-4 475 17-9 91 16-0 60 17-8 257 9-5 505 25-9 50 4-6 97 10-4 1,096 14-4 1,137 19-3 Engineering, surveying, and 51 1-6 .. .. 48 8-4 .. .. 300 11-1 .. .. 29 2-7 .. .. 428 5-6 architecture Various trades and industries. 513 15-7 141 5-3 55 9-7 25 7-4 765 28-3 347 17-8 177 16-3 29 3-1 1,510 19-8 542 9-2 Shop and warehouse .. 494 15-2 357 13-5 104 18-3 44 13-1 482 17-8 288 14-8 167 15-3 143 15-3 1,247 16-4 832 14-2 Farming .. .. .. 390 12-0 3 0-1 93 16-3 .. .. 368 13-6 .. .. 320 29-4 1 0-1 1,171 15-4 4 0-1 Home .. .. .. 33 1-0 683 25-7 6 1-1 112 33-2 25 0-9 453 23-3 45 4-1 476 50-8 109 1-4 1,724 29-3 Other occupations .. .. 54 1-6 411 15-5 24 4-2 25 7-4 117 4-3 84 4-3 19 1*7 52 5-5 214 2-8 572 9-7 Not known .. .. 191 5-9 228 8-6 31 5-5 27 8-0 243 9-0 201 10-3 48 4-4 50 5-3 513 6-7 506 8-6 Totals, 1936 .. 3,258 100-0 2,654 100-0 569 100-0 337 100-0 2,706 100-0 1,949 100-0 1,089 100-0 937 100-0 7,622 100-0 5,877 100-0 Totals, 1935 .. 2,608 .. 2,126 .. 439 .. 258 .. 2,408 .. 1,720 .. 1,199 .. 969 .. 6,654 .. 5,073 Diflerence .. .. +650 .. +528 .. +130 .. +79 .. +298 .. +229 .. —110 .. -32 .. +968 .. +804


Table O 6. —Percentages of Boys leaving Post-primary Schools in 1933-36 who proceeded to the University or to Employment in the Three Main Occupational Groups.

A noticeable feature of the table showing the percentage of pupils leaving primary public schools is the continued increase in the percentage of pupils proceeding to further post-primary education and the decrease in the percentage remaining at home. A decrease is again recorded in the percentage of boys engaging in agricultural and pastoral pursuits. Of the children leaving intermediate schools a small decrease is recorded in the percentage proceeding to post-primary schools. An increase is noted in the percentage of boys proceeding to occupations in " Trades." A perusal of Table 0 6 shows that the increase in the percentage of boys leaving post-primary schools and entering employment in the occupational group " Clerical, Professional, Shop, and Warehouse " referred to last year was again maintained this year. It is interesting to note that the percentage has doubled in the last five years. No figures are grouped giving similar information in respect to girls leaving post-primary school, but, on investigation, it was found that the number of girls entering the occupational group referred to above increased in 1936 in comparison with the number in the previous year to the same extent as in the case of boys. 16. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE AND PLACEMENT. In the table below it will be seen that the percentages of boys and girls proceeding to some definite occupation or to further full-time education have increased when compared with last year and the previous two years. The teachers have co-operated with parents and pupils in selecting suitable occupations having regard to the pupils' qualifications and aptitudes. An increasing amount of time has been given to the work of vocational guidance and placement by the teachers specially selected for this purpose on the staffs of the technical high schools in the four main centres.

Table P.— Percentages of Pupils leaving Primary, Intermediate, and Post-primary Schools in 1933-36 who are known to have proceeded to Further Full-time Education of a Higher Grade or to some Definite Occupation (Home excluded).


University. Sho™ Farming. Trades and Industries. Class of School. 1938.1934,1935. 1936. 1933, 1934jl 935. 1936. 1933.1934.1935. 1936 1933. 1934. 1985.1986. ! ! ! ! ! I 1 Secondary .. .. .. 6 5 5 4 41 50 55 60 18 15 13 12 14 14 16 16 Combined .. .. .. 5 4 7 4 33 45 48 59 24 24 17 16 16 12 17 10 Technical .. .. .. 1 1 * * 31 35 39 44 19 17 15 14 26 30 29 28 District high .. .. .. 2 1 2 1 24 31 37 43 39 33 31 29 15 16 16 16 All schools .. .. .. 3 3 3 2 34 41 46 52 22 20 17 15 19 20 20 20 * Insignificant percentage.

Boys. Girls. Class of School. . '■ j 1933. 1934. 1935. | 1936. 1933. 1934. j 1935. J 1936. Primary .. 89 90 92 94 63 64 68 72 Intermediate .. 91 91 93 94 72 76 79 82 Secondary .. 81 87 91 93 43 52 57 66 Combined .. 82 89 94 93 38 48 58 59 Technical .. 82 88 90 90 44 53 58 66 Secondary departments of 84 85 89 92 26 31 35 44 district high schools All post-primary schools 81 87 90 92 40 48 53 62


17. LENGTH OF POST - PRIMARY COURSE. The returns compiled in 1936 by teachers show also the duration of the postprimary course taken by pupils who have now left school. Summarized, the position is as follows : —

Table Q 1.

No returns have been obtained from post-primary schools giving the actual length of school life of each individual pupil, but from the information summarized in the above table it is possible to give an approximation of the average length of the school life of those pupils who left school in 1936. For this purpose a pupil leaving in his first year is taken to have a school life of one year and so on till those leaving in a fourth year or later are taken as four years only. Some pupils stay for five or six years, but this fact is compensated for when it is considered that many pupils leaving in their first and second year cannot be said to have a school life of one and two years respectively. The following figures are given, therefore, with the reservation that they are not compiled from exact information, but they are nevertheless not far from being correct: — Average Length of School Life. Y. M. Secondary schools . . . . .. .. , . ..29 Combined schools .. .. . . .. . . ..28 Technical high and day schools .. . . . . ..21 Secondary departments o£ district high schools . . ..23 All post-primary schools .. .. .. . . ..26 In the case of pupils who enter upon post-primary courses and leave during the same year, information has been obtained showing in months the duration of the school life of such pupils. The information received is tabulated in the table below. It will be noted that the totals are slightly below those shown as leaving in the first year in Table Q 1 preceding. This difference is due to the fact that Table Q 2 concerns those pupils who commenced and finished their courses in the same year, while Table Q 1 includes in " leaving in first year " pupils who, though in the first year of their course when they left, actually commenced that course in a previous calendar year or at a private secondary school.


Secondary Combined Technical High District High ah q u 1 Schools. Schools. vty£chooh Schools A11 Schools * Number ' Cent, j Number " Cent. | Number " j Cent. Numbor ' Cent. ! Number " | tant. Leaving in first year .. 852 14 139 16 1,512 33 641 32 3,144 23 Leaving in second year 1,636 28 273 30 1,600 34- 624 31 4,133 31 Leaving in third year .. 1,419 24 265 29 1,025 22 369 18 3,078 23 Leaving in fourth year 2,005 34 229 25 518 11 392 19 3,144 23 and later — — Totals, 1936 .. 5,912 100 906 100 4,655 100 2,026 100 13,499 100 Totals, 1935 .. 4,734 .. 697 .. 4,128 .. 2,168 .. 11,727 Difference .. +1,178 .. +209 .. +527 .. —142 .. +1,772


Table Q 2.—Number of Children who commenced Post-primary Courses in 1936 and who definitely left in the same Year.

18. FREE PLACES IN POST - PRIMARY SCHOOLS. The following table gives the number of free-place holders in post-primary schools in 1935 and 1936 : —

Table R.—Free-place Holders as at 1st July.

On the Ist July, 1936, 32,581 children were in attendance at public schools providing secondary education, and of these 32,228 held free places and 353 were paying pupils. Ninety - nine per cent, of the children were thus receiving free secondary education. In 1935 362 out of the 32,028 children in attendance were paying pupils. The percentage of children receiving free education in 1936 was the same as that of the previous year. 19. SPECIAL CLASSES FOR BACKWARD CHILDREN. One new class was established and one class was discontinued during the year. The roll number of these classes at Ist July, 1936, was 551, as against 510 in the previous year. The pupils in these classes have programmes of work adapted to their special individual needs. They are thus better able to progress to the limits of their capacity.


E.—1. 32 Table Q 2.—Number of Children who commenced Post-peimaey Courses in 1936 and who definitely LEFT IN THE SAME YEAR. i During During During During During During During During During During During First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Type of School. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Total. of oJ of of of of of of of of of Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. G. G. B. Q. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. Secondary schools .. .. 4 2 5 911 415 1124 939 20 42 34 28 24 36 21 50 20189 223 443 377 Percentage .. .. ..12 23 47 9 6 7 9 50 100 Combined schools .. .. 0 0 1 0 7 2 5 3 6 1 9 3 5 2 10 6 8 3 19 13 26 16 96 43 Percentage .. .. .. 0 T T 6 5 9 5 7 8 23 30 100 Technical schools .. .. 17 1326 1133 19 59 33 51 28 55 35 81 50 58 28 78 44 66 35 371 283 895 579 Percentage .. .. ..2 3 4 6 5 6 9 "if ~8~ T 44 100 Secondary departments of district 14 13 9 6 20 9 20 18 22 2015 20 28 32 27 19 28 19 27 23138 123 348 302 high schools l —y-~' v — </——"' —v —' v —v — IV —v — "' —v —' v — -r—' v —v ' —v —"• y "■ v "■ y ' Percentage .. .. ..425675 9 7 7 8 40 100 Totals.. .. .. 35 2841 2671 3499 65103 58118 78 156 118 123 71150 87 162 91724 645 1,782 1,301 Percentage .. ..224556 9 6 T 8 ~45 100 i8. FREE PLACES IN POST - PRIMARY SCHOOLS. The following table gives the number of free-place holders in post-primary schools in 1935 and 1936 :— Table R.—Free-plaoe Holders as at 1st July. i i Technical Secondary n , _ Secondary <SSST *g^ 1 «S* «e Schools. Schools. High Schools. School. Schools. Boys. Girls. I Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys.; Girls. Boys. Girls. Junior free places .. .. .. 5,2615,085 852 629 4,1023,3771,7411,803 280 416 12,23611,310 Senior free places .. .. .. J2,869 2,262 426 298 853 743 585 577 19 50 4,752 3,930 Totals .. .. .. .. 8,1307,3471,278 927 4,9554-, 120 2,3262, 380 299 466 16,98815,240 Grand totals, 1936 .. .. 15?477 2?205 9?075 4/706 765 32?228 Grand totals, 1935 .. .. 14,732 2,154 8,953 5,267 560 31,666 Difference .. .. .. +745 +51 +122 -561 +205 +562 On the 1st July, 1936, 32,581 children were in attendance at public schools providing secondary education, and of these 32,228 held free places and 353 were paying pupils. Ninety - nine per cent, of the children were thus receiving free secondary education. In 1935 362 out of the 32,028 children in attendance were paying pupils. The percentage of children receiving free education in 1936 was the same as that of the previous year. 19. SPECIAL CLASSES FOR BACKWARD CHILDREN. One new class was established and one class was discontinued during the year. The roll number of these classes at 1st July, 1936, was 551, as against 510 in the previous year. The pupils in these classes have programmes of work adapted to their special individual needs. They are thus better able to progress to the limits of their capacity.

E.—1. 32 Table Q 2.—Number of Children who commenced Post-peimaey Courses in 1936 and who definitely LEFT IN THE SAME YEAR. i During During During During During During During During During During During First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Type of School. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Total. of oJ of of of of of of of of of Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. Course. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. G. G. B. Q. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. Secondary schools .. .. 4 2 5 911 415 1124 939 20 42 34 28 24 36 21 50 20189 223 443 377 Percentage .. .. ..12 23 47 9 6 7 9 50 100 Combined schools .. .. 0 0 1 0 7 2 5 3 6 1 9 3 5 2 10 6 8 3 19 13 26 16 96 43 Percentage .. .. .. 0 T T 6 5 9 5 7 8 23 30 100 Technical schools .. .. 17 1326 1133 19 59 33 51 28 55 35 81 50 58 28 78 44 66 35 371 283 895 579 Percentage .. .. ..2 3 4 6 5 6 9 "if ~8~ T 44 100 Secondary departments of district 14 13 9 6 20 9 20 18 22 2015 20 28 32 27 19 28 19 27 23138 123 348 302 high schools l —y-~' v — </——"' —v—' v —v — IV —v — "' —v—' v — -r—' v —v ' —v—"• y "■ v "■ y ' Percentage .. .. ..425675 9 7 7 8 40 100 Totals.. .. .. 35 2841 2671 3499 65103 58118 78 156 118 123 71150 87 162 91724 645 1,782 1,301 Percentage .. ..224556 9 6 T 8 ~45 100 i8. FREE PLACES IN POST - PRIMARY SCHOOLS. The following table gives the number of free-place holders in post-primary schools in 1935 and 1936 :— Table R.—Free-plaoe Holders as at 1st July. i i Technical Secondary n , _ Secondary <SSST *g^ 1 «S* «e Schools. Schools. High Schools. School. Schools. Boys. Girls. I Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys.; Girls. Boys. Girls. Junior free places .. .. .. 5,2615,085 852 629 4,1023,3771,7411,803 280 416 12,23611,310 Senior free places .. .. .. J2,869 2,262 426 298 853 743 585 577 19 50 4,752 3,930 Totals .. .. .. .. 8,1307,3471,278 927 4,9554-, 120 2,3262, 380 299 466 16,98815,240 Grand totals, 1936 .. .. 15?477 2?205 9?075 4/706 765 32?228 Grand totals, 1935 .. .. 14,732 2,154 8,953 5,267 560 31,666 Difference .. .. .. +745 +51 +122 -561 +205 +562 On the 1st July, 1936, 32,581 children were in attendance at public schools providing secondary education, and of these 32,228 held free places and 353 were paying pupils. Ninety - nine per cent, of the children were thus receiving free secondary education. In 1935 362 out of the 32,028 children in attendance were paying pupils. The percentage of children receiving free education in 1936 was the same as that of the previous year. 19. SPECIAL CLASSES FOR BACKWARD CHILDREN. One new class was established and one class was discontinued during the year. The roll number of these classes at 1st July, 1936, was 551, as against 510 in the previous year. The pupils in these classes have programmes of work adapted to their special individual needs. They are thus better able to progress to the limits of their capacity.


20. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS. There were five intermediate "schools and eleven intermediate departments in 1936, the same number as in the previous year. The number of pupils on the rolls of these schools and departments at the end of 1936 was 4,307, as against 4,224 at the end of the previous year. Reports indicate the value of these schools and departments as an integral part of a modern system of education. Education Boards have expressed their appreciation of the value of the work done, and have applied for the establishment of such schools in a number of districts. 2i. POST-PRIMARY EDUCATION. In last year's report reference was made to the building of a new boys' high school in South Dunedin. This new school, the King's High School, was opened at the beginning of the year. The Christchurch West High School, now under the control of the Canterbury University College Council, functioned previously as a district high school in the same building under the Canterbury Education Board. The roll numbers of full-time pupils attending the various types of schools or departments as at Ist July of last and this year were as follow : — 1935. 1936. Secondary •• •• •• •• •• •• 14,911 15,650 Combined .. .. .. •• •• •• 2,176 2,233 Technical .. .. .. •• •• •• 9,049 9,163 Secondary department of district high schools .. .. 5,331 4,749 Endowed schools and registered private secondary schools 4,636 4,982 Correspondence School .. . . . • • • 561 786 36,664 37,563 The decrease in the number of pupils on the roll of secondary departments of district high schools and the increase in that for secondary schools are due mainly to the change of status of the Christchurch West District High School to that of a secondary school. In addition to the pupils in the types of schools mentioned above there were on the rolls of intermediate schools 99 pupils who had passed Form II and who were receiving instruction beyond that stage until such time as they could obtain suitable employment. These pupils would not, in the ordinary course, be continuing their education at a post-primary school. 22. EVENING TECHNICAL CLASSES AND PART-TIME DAY CLASSES. During 1936 evening technical and part-time day classes were conducted at eighty-eight, centres, compared with thirty-eight centres in 1935. The large increase is due to the fact that classes in dressmaking have been established in forty-seven country centres in the Southland Education District. As at Ist July these classes provided instruction for 12,481 students, as against 10,833 students in 1935. Of the 12,481 students 8,467 were males and 4,014 females ; 4,885 of the males and 2,219 of the females held free places, a total of 7,104, compared with 6,325 in 1935. It is interesting to note that the increase in the number of students is contributed to mainly by students who were engaged in the following occupations : Electricians, professional pursuits, woodworkers, other trades and industries, _ clerical pursuits, and engineers and mechanics. A perusal of the table showing the classification of students according to ages shows that the numbers increased at the highest rate at twenty-one years of age, followed by those sixteen years of age as at Ist July, 1936. 23. NATIVE SCHOOLS. At the end of 1936 the Department directly controlled and maintained 140 Native schools for the primary education of Maori children in districts where the Maori race predominates,

5—E. 1.



The following table shows the number of schools, with the enrolment, as at the Ist July, 1935, and Ist July, 1936 : —

European children to the number of 1,099 were in attendance at Native schools at Ist July, 1936, and are included in the above figures. If these be deducted, the total enrolment of Native children in all primary schools at Ist July becomes 19,207 compared with 16,897 in 1935. The average attendance at Native schools was maintained at a creditably high percentage, 90 per cent, of the average weekly roll. Boarding schools for the secondary education of the Maoris have been established by religious denominations, and the Government provides a number of scholarships tenable at these schools, which are inspected by the Department's officers. There were eight schools at the end of last year with an enrolment of 408 pupils, of whom 139 held Government scholarships. The Maori child who has obtained a proficiency certificate is also entitled to the usual facilities for secondary education provided at a post-primary school. In addition, five Maori boys held University scholarships, two at Victoria University College, and three at Auckland University College, each taking a course in arts, and four Maoris held Agricultural Scholarships, two being tenable at St. Stephen's College, one at Wesley College, and one at Te Aute College. One nursing scholar was in training at Napier Hospital. 24. REGISTERED PRIVATE PRIMARY SCHOOLS. The following table summarizes the returns furnished by registered private primary schools with respect to the year 1936 :—

Table S.

The number of schools at the end of the previous year was 310, and the total enrolment 26,869. There has been a decrease of 1 in the number of registered private primary schools when compared with the number at the end of 1935,


1935. j 1936. Schools. | Roll. Schools. j Roll. Native village schools .. .. ..I 138 7,852 140 9,098 Mission and boarding schools (primary) .. 11 577 12 674 Public schools with Native children enrolled 814 9,422 851 10,534 Totals .. .. .. .. 963 17,851 1,003 20,306

Undenomi- Catholic Other national Church Church Total. Schools. Schools. Schools. I Number of schools .. .. .. 30 224 55 309 Roll at December— Boys .. .. .. .. 362 11,611 1,425 13,398 Girls .. .. .. 591 12,117 1,603 14,311 Total .. .. .. .. 953 23,728 3,028 27,709 Average attendance .. .. .. 818 21,222 2,703 24,743 Teachers (inclusive of head teachers) — Men .. .. .. .. .. 9 49 57 115 Women .. .. .. .. 59 706 112 877 Total .. .. .. .. 68 755 169 992


25. ENDOWED SCHOOLS AND REGISTERED PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS. The following table summarizes the returns furnished by endowed schools and registered private secondary schools with respect to the years 1935 and 1936 :—

Table T.

26. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. Much has been done in the direction of bringing the educational opportunities offered by the Correspondence School more fully into line with those of other schools. In the primary division the limits of distance of the pupils' homes from a public school have been brought more nearly into line with those exempting children from compulsory attendance. Pupils may now be enrolled in the Correspondence School as follows :— Age Distance from School. Under seven years .. . . .. 2 miles. Between seven and eleven years .. . . 3 miles. Over eleven years . . .. .. .. 3| miles. In addition, the benefit of correspondence tuition has been extended to young persons in employment, including teachers of Grade 0 Schools, junior assistants in Native schools, Post Office cadets, and others residing where attendance at postprimary schools or evening classes is not possible. Such pupils, if entitled to a junior or senior free place, may now be enrolled in the secondary division without payment of fees. If not so entitled, they may be enrolled as fee-paying pupils at the rates chargeable in district high schools—namely, £2 ss. per annum. The availability and tenure of secondary free places is now the same for pupils of the Correspondence School as for those of other post-primary schools. Free handwork material has been made available to primary pupils, as in the public schools. In the secondary division elementary science equipment is provided free of charge in the first year. In the second and third years arrangements are made for pupils to attend a post-primary school for one week's intensive laboratory practice. The Department makes a grant for conveyance. The co-operation of the Principals of the post-primary schools is greatly appreciated. A system of issuing text-books on hire to secondary pupils has been instituted, and provision has been made for the supply of books and requisites free of charge to pupils whose parents are in necessitous circumstances. During the year a Correspondence School Savings-bank system in connection with the Post Office School Savings-bank scheme was established. During the school vacation in May an exhibition of the work of Correspondence School pupils was organized at the school. A large number of pupils, parents, and ex-pupils visited Wellington for the occasion. A camp for Correspondence School Lone Girl Guides was held. A Parents' Association was formed. An Ex-pupils' Re-union was held.


1933. 1936. Number of schools .. .. .. .. 56 56 Roll at 1st July .. .. .. .. 4,636 4,982 Average attendance .. .. .. .. 4,394 4,752 Teachers (inclusive of principals) — Men .. .. .. . . .. 140 151 Women .. .. .. .. .. 173 199 Total .. .. .... 313 350


27. KINDERGARTEN SCHOOLS. The number of schools, pupils 011 the roll, and average attendance at schools conducted in 1936 by recognized kindergarten associations were as follow :—

Table U.

28. CONSOLIDATION OF SCHOOLS. During the year a number of schemes, involving the closing of one or more small schools and the conveyance of pupils to the consolidated schools, were put into operation. Wherever consolidation schemes have been established, they have provided increased educational facilities. An increasing number of applications for consolidation is being received. 29. CONVEYANCE AND BOARD OF SCHOOL-CHILDREN. During the year 1936 the conveyance of children to public primary schools and Native schools was continued under the same conditions as have been in force for many years. During the last term of the year it was decided to extend to post-primary schools the same facilities for conveyance as were already approved for primary and Native schools, and the concession is welcomed extensively. In terms of this approval conveyance services are now being arranged for a number of postprimary schools, and a considerable number of children are availing themselves of the concession when travelling by ordinary passenger services. In respect of all conveyance services, both primary and post-primary, capitation at the rate of 6d. or Bd. per head per school-day is payable according to the distance travelled and the age of the pupil. Where capitation is not sufficient and where transport is still necessary, special contract services are arranged. The number of these services in operation in December, 1936, in the various education districts was as follows : Auckland, 81 (includes 3 contract ferry services) ; Taranaki, 17 ; Wanganui, 17 ; Hawke's Bay, 23 ; Wellington, 21 ; Nelson, 8 ; Canterbury, 40 ; Otago, 32 ; Southland, 24 : total, 263. Included in the above figures are those services run by school buses owned by the Education Department and driven by either teachers or special contractors. Particulars of these buses in the various education districts were as follow: Auckland, 16 ; Taranaki, 4 ; Hawke's Bay, 1 ; Wellington, 1 ; Canterbury, 1 ; Southland, 1 : total, 24. All school vehicles carrying children to school come now within the provisions of the transport legislation and are subject to inspection by the officers of the Transport Department. In addition to the assistance granted to children travelling to post-primary ■schools assistance is now given to those requiring to board at school centres to the extent of ss. per week. Consideration is being given to the possiblity of increasing this allowance. It is anticipated that this number will increase considerably when this provision becomes more widely known.


I I I Association. Number of Schools, j at | Average Attendance, j L i 1 Auckland .. .. .. 9 453 326 Hastings ........ 1 44 32 Hutt Valley ...... 1 53 i 42 Wellington ...... 7 292 242 Christdmrch .. .. .. 7 387 : 301 Dunedin .. .. .. .. 5 292 223 Invercargill .. .. .. 4 180 112 Totals, 1936 .. .. 34 1,701 1,278 Totals, 1935 .. .. .33 1,836 1,447 Difference.. .. .. +1 —135 -169


Table V.—Cost of Conveyance of Pupils to Schools and to Manual Classes by Rail, Motor-vehicle, etc.

30. MANUAL INSTRUCTION. During the year the usual instruction was given by class teachers in primary schools in the subjects elementary science and agriculture under the supervision of twenty-two itinerant agricultural instructors. The extent to which classes in other manual subjects were taken by pupils from the different types of schools may be summarized as follow : —

There were 138 manual-training centres during 1936. 31. PHYSICAL EDUCATION. This subject has received considerable attention by teachers and others, and its importance is very fully realized. With the installation of wireless sets there is a gradual extension of the use of loud-speakers for folk-dancing and other exercises. Where facilities are available swimming and life-saving are taken up enthusiastically by teachers and pupils. The most popular phase of the subject, however, is school games, and much credit is due to the teachers for the manner in which these are organized. 32. SCHOOL MUSIC. In recent years increasing interest has been shown in school music due in a measure to the influence of broadcasting. Even remote schools may now receive the benefits obtainable through this medium.


1935-36. 1936-37. Type of School. Rail. Other. Total. Rail. Other. Total. ££££££ Public primary .. .. .. 1,749 65,2251 66,974* 1,381 73,934f 75,315* Private primary .. .. •• 1,868 .. 1,868 1,419 .. 1,419 Manual classes in connection with public 4,832 2,576 7,408 3,323 3,979 7,302 primary Manual classes in connection with private 136 .. 136 72 .. 72 primary Secondary departments of district high .. 1,196 708 1,904 673 864 1,537 Secondary .. .. .. •• 4,387 .. 4,387 3,098 1,104 4,202 Combined .. .. . • • • 681 .. 681 419 285 704 Technical 6,151 - 6,151 3,984 461 4,445 Private secondary .. .. 1,089 .. 1,089 825 .. 825 Native .. .. • • •• 49 3,810 3,859 38 5,647 5,685 Totals .. .. •• 22,138 72,319 94,457 15,232 86,274 101,506 * This sum includes the cost of conveyance of children to consolidated schools and intermediate schools. t This sum includes £357, the cost of conveyance of children to intermediate departments of secondary schools. Board of children : Public schools, £4,502 ; Native schools, £1,056 ; district high schools, £256 ; secondary schools, £2,315 ; combined schools, £634 ; technical schools, £789 : total, £9,552.

Number of Number of Pupils attending Schools Centres. from which Pupils B GMs attended. 17 Public primary and Native schools .. .. 708 15,740 14,759 Intermediate schools and departments .. . . . • 16 2,372 1,947 Secondary departments of district high schools .. .. 69 1,557 1,605 Private schools .. .. •• ■■ 167 1,919 2,246 Totals 960 21,588 20,557


In the larger schools very fine choirs have been trained, and in some cases school orchestras have been formed under the leadership of a teacher on the staff of the school. The revival is due in no small degree to the preparation for the teaching of music that is given in the training colleges, and the best work is done in the schools where specialist teachers are responsible for the subject throughout the school. 33. TRAINING OF TEACHERS. The following tables summarize the position regarding the training of teachers at the end of 1935 and 1936 : —

Table W 1.—Number of Teachers in Training.

After being closed for three years the Dunedin and Wellington Training Colleges were reopened at the beginning of the year 1936. At the end of the year 786 students had completed the first year of training, while 392 had completed a two years' course and were available for service in the public schools as probationary assistants in 1937.

Table W 2.—Number of Students in the various Training Colleges.

34- HIGHER (UNIVERSITY) EDUCATION. The number of students on the books of the four University colleges affiliated to, and the two agricultural colleges established in connection with, the University of New Zealand at the end of 1936 was 5,218, as against 5,101 at the end of 1935. The figures for each of the colleges were as under : — 1935. 1936. Auckland .. .. .. .. 1,250 1,267 Victoria .. .. .. .. .. 1,010 1,055 Canterbury .. .. .. .. .. 1,133 1,125 Otago .. .. .. .. .. 1,425 1,520 Massey .. .. .. .. .. .. 220 210 Lincoln .. .. .. .. .. 63 41 5,101 5,218 The total number of students described as taking definite courses at the four affiliated colleges was 4,483. These were distributed as follow : — Agriculture . . .. 32 Journalism . . . . 34 Architecture .. . . 46 Law . . .. . . 323 Arts .. .. .. 1,851 Massage .. .. .. 12 . Commerce .. . . 698 Medicine . . . . .. 444 Dentistry .. .. 149 Mining . . .. 33 Engineering .. .. 212 Music .. .. .. 79 Home-science .. .. 95 Science .. .. .. 475


Training-college Students. Total. Division A. Division B. Division C. | Division D. . I I 1935 .. .. 398 .. 30 .. 428 1936 .. .. 1,057 .. 121 .. 1,178

1935. 1936. College. Men. Women. Total. Men. Women. Total. Auckland .. .. .. 70 148 218 163 259 422 Wellington .. .. .. .. .. .. 77 138 215 Christchurcli . . . . . . 79 131 210 117 195 312 Dunedin.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 86 143 229 Totals .. .. .. 149 279 428 443 735 1,178


The following are some particulars relating to University education in the four affiliated colleges : —

Table Y.

35. ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. Examinations conducted in 1936 comprised mainly the following : — (1) An August series for teachers' certificates and handicraft teachers' certificate. (2) A November-December series including the Training College Entrance, School Certificate, Intermediate, and Technological Examinations. Examinations were held at fifty-nine public centres in 1936. The number of candidates actually presenting themselves for the various examinations during the last three years is shown in Table Z 1 following : —

Table Z 1.—Number of Candidates for various Examinations.


1933. 1934. ' 1935. 1936. Number of students in actual attendance at 3,960 3,910 4,109 4,377 lectures Number of exempted students .. .. 846 811 709 590 Percentage of students— Men .. .. .. .. .. 73 74 74 75 Women .. .. .. .. 27 26 26 25 Percentage of students actually attending Universities receiving free education*— Men .. .. .. .. .. 26 18 19 22 Women .. .. .. .. 40 29 32 42 All students .. .. .. .. 30 21 22 27 Occupations of students expressed as per- , « sr - * a « centages — m. f. m. f. m. f. m. f. (1) Full-time students .. .. 46 63 47 68 44 55 40 44 (2) Teachers and training-colleges . . 13 23 9f 17f 12 28 17 39 (3) Government and local bodies 13 2 15 4 16 3 16 4 (4) Other .. .. .. 26 8 27 7 25 7 25 8 (5) Not known .. .. .. 2 4 2 4 3 7 2 5 •* These students hold scholarships or training-college studentships, f These are teachers. There were no training-college students in 1934.

- I Examination. 1934. 1935. j 1936. . I I Intermediate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,026 996 1,012 Teachers' Class C . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 97 87 Training College Entrance . . . . . . . . . . 308 684 845 School Certificate .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,197 4,307 4,402 London University Examinations .. .. .. .. .. 3 2 2 Handicraft Teachers' Certificate . . . . . . . . . . 17 13 16 Technological Examinations .. . . .. . . . . 64 67 69 Naval Cadetships .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 1 2 Aircraft Apprenticeship .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 3 2 Examinations held on behalf of City and Guilds of London Institute .. 159 191 217 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,880 6,366 6,654


Table Z 2.—Standard and Results of Examinations.

The examination branch of the Department assists in the arrangements necessary for carrying out the Wiremen's Begistration Examinations conducted by the Electrical Wiremen's Registration Board. In addition to those certificates issued as a result of the examinations given in Table Z 2, certificates were also issued in the following cases to candidates who were recommended by Principals of post-primary schools and approved by the Department's Inspectors.

Table Z 3.—Number of Certificates issued by accrediting.


1935. 1936. t/3 • • CO ■ COM CO f* • ' ® ' COM SC 3>deS i> d <u-« a> <» d c8 aid ©«» to E +>2 K d -* 0 S +=® -u ce2-3 «8,9 «8 2*3 «8 o «8rd Stage in Course 2 ■$ g 2 Q 2 2 2 5 S 2 ° 2 2 at, whifh rc *2 " rc3 _, '^* 0 Examination. Examin^ or mal,y ||fi || g || J jjl || | Jf *S $-8 00$ o a* . oa o®,2 "3 § <3 Oa OS Hfern H W " J (*,£3 t-> £ W t-< & - £ © £ 2 £ £ ® £ O >■ (3 Ū+) O'S iO O -5 O > -°0 gijlo S£,® a-a S'pij S'S® a-p 3 £ 03 '43 3 & 3 £ ro +3 gpft dff fc te; fe S5 & | se j z Proficiency* .. .. At end of Form II .. 25,131-20,070 3,328f 1,733 24,543 20,538 2,681f 1,324 Intermediate .. .. At end of Form IV .. 996 531 .. 465 1,012 509 .. 503 School Certificate .. At end of Form V .. 4,307 2,310 777§ 1,220 4,402 2,091 1,077§ 1,234 Training College Entrance At end of Form VI . . 684 319 259 106 845 262 414 169 Certificate for Class C and At end of training- 97 101 61 26 87 4:!: 64 19 Class B college course Handicraft Teachers' Cer- Taken by teachers 13 2 9 2 16 2 4 10 tificate Technological Examinations'— Preliminary.. At end of Form IV or 13 10 . . 3 18 10 8 equivalent Intermediate .. Evening classes, third- 24 15 9 33 23 .. 10 year apprentices Final .. .. Evening classes, fourth- 27 14 .. 13 18 15 3 year apprentices .. Special Examination in .. 3 . . 3 Building Construction Naval Cadetship .. Form III .. .. 1 1 Naval Cadetship (Special Form VI .. .. .. . . . . 2 2 Entry) Aircraft Apprentices .. Form V .. 3 2.. 1 2 1 1 London University . . Post-secondary .. 2 1 1 2.. .. 2 Examinations held on be- As for technological 191|| 89 .. 102 21711 116 .. 101 half of City and Guilds examinations of London Institute * This examination is held by the Department's Inspectors in the various education districts, but the results are given for the purposes of comparison. A more detailed analysis will be found in Table A V of E.-2. t Competency pass. t Includes 1 who passed for Class B. § Includes 16 who passed in additional subjects. || These numbers represent the subjects taken. The number of individual candidates was 116 in 1935 and 180 ill 1936.

(These are in addition to those awarded as a result of examination.) Number of Certificates issued. Certificate. Stage of Course at which Certificate is issued. i ; 1935. 1936. Intermediate . . At end of Form IV —i.e., at the end of at least the second 6,622 6,954 year of approved post-primary course Higher leaving .. At the end of Form VI —i.e., at the end of at least the fourth 993 1,060 year of approved post-primary course


In regard to examinations conducted by the University of New Zealand the following shows the position in 1935 and 1936: —

Table Z 4. —University Examinations.

3 6. CHILD WELFARE. The total number of children under the supervision of the Child Welfare Branch as at 31st March, 1937, was 7,240, classed under the following headings :— State wards — In foster-homes, hostels, and with friends . . . , . . 2,663 In situations (includes 14 absent without leave) . . . . . . 885 In Government institutions, receiving-homes, &c. . . .. 184 In private institutions .. .. . . . . . . .. 168 Inmates in special schools for backward children . . . . 253 In hospitals, convalescent homes, &c. . . .. . . . . 80 At School for Deaf, Sumner . . .. .. . . . . 8 4,241 Young persons supervised in their own homes by Child Welfare Officers by order of Court .. .. . . .. . . .. 863 Infants supervised in foster-homes registered under the Infants Act . . 830 Pupils at School for Deaf, Sumner (other than State wards (8) included in figures above) . . . . . . .. . . . . 103 Children dealt with as preventive cases .. .. .. .. 1,182 Children at New Zealand Institute for the Blind for whom the Department makes payment .. .. . . .. . . .. 21 7,240 The number of children committed to the care of the Superintendent during the year ended 31st March, 1937, was 432, classified according to reasons for committal, as follows : Indigent, 175 ; delinquent, 23 ; detrimental environments, 46 ; neglected, 22 ; not under proper control, 89 ; accused or guilty of punishable offence, 77 ; and, in addition, 6 were admitted by private arrangement (5 under section 12 of the Child Welfare Act and 1 under section 46 of the Infants Act), 43 were temporarily admitted, while 4 were placed under supervision and ordered to be detained in residence for a period, making the total number of admissions for the year 485. Of the children committed, 75 had been dealt with previously by the Courts for other offences, for which they had received terms of supervision. Classified according to age at the time of admission, the numbers, including temporary admissions, those admitted under section 12, Child Welfare Act, and section 46, Infants Act, and those ordered supervision with residence, are as follows : Under six months, 58 ; over six months and under one year, 17 ; from one to five years, 66; from five to ten years, 91; from ten to fourteen years, 109; over fourteen years, 144. The length of period of residence for the children temporarily admitted was from one day to seven weeks.

6—E. 1.


4.' Stage in Course at which Exarnina- AT , p~ Examination. tion is normally taken. j Number of Cand.dates. 1935, 1936. University Entrance At end of Form V —i.e., at end (a) Who presented them- 4,602 4,774 Examination of at least the third year of selves for examination post-primary course (only the (b) Who passed .. 2,122 2,342 very best third-year pupils (c) Who failed . . .. 2,480 2,432 succeed in passing) Entrance Scholarship At end of Form VI —i.e., at end (a) Who presented them- 297 280 Examination of at least the fourth year of selves for examination post-primary course (b) Who obtained at least a 133* 130* pass with credit (c) Who qualified only for 84 65 University entrance as a result of the examination (d) Who failed .. . . 80 85 Other University During University course .. («) Who presented them- 8,266 8,019 examinations selves for examination (b) Who obtained complete 5,251 4,889 or partial successes * Thirty scholarships are awarded yearly.


Of the children in foster-liomes at the 31st March, 1937, 133 over the age of fourteen years were receiving further education, 67 at primary schools and 66 at secondary or technical schools. Furthermore, 32 children under the age of fourteen years were receiving higher education. In addition, there were 15 residing in hostels receiving secondary education, and 11 children were boarding in colleges. 37. TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. The position of the fund at the 31st January, 1937, and the principal figures concerning the transactions for the year, compared with those for the year ended 31st, January, 1936, are given below : — 1935-36. 1936-37. £ £ Balance at credit of fund at end of year .. .. .. .. 974,715 964,605 Decrease over balance at end of previous year .. .. .. 14,595 10,110 Income for the year — Members'contributions .. .. .. .. .. 119,568 132,631 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 46,056 44,187 Government subsidy .. .. .. .. .. 170,046 171,800 Profit on realization of investments, &c. .. .. .. 38 34 Total income .. .. .. .. .. £335,708 £348,652 Expenditure— Retiring and other allowances .. .. .. .. 313,372 323,976 Contributions refunded, &c. .. .. .. .. 33,508 31,481 Administration expenses, &c. .. .. . . .. 3,423 3,306 Total expenditure .. .. .. .. £350,303 £358,763 1935-36. 1936-37. Number of contributors at 31st January .. .. .. .. 8,148 8,058 Number of members admitted during period .. .. . . 138 364 Number retiring from the fund during period . . . . .. 490 454 Net decrease in membership at 31st January . . . . .. 352 90 Number of allowances in force at 31st January .. .. .. 1,996 2,038 Representing an annual charge of .. .. .. .. £315,438 £322,557 Ordinary retiring-allowances .. .. .. 1,288 £256,971 1,306 £261,513 Retiring-allowances under extended provisions of section 75 of the Act, and under section 14 of Finance Act, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 142 £21,902 138 £21,883 Retiring-allowances in medically-unfit cases .. .. 199 £25,575 216 £27,830 Allowances to widows .. .. .. .. 288 £8,936 299 £9,277 Allowances to children .. .. .. .. 79 £2,054 79 £2,054 Funds invested at 31st January — £ £ At 3 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 5,000 At 3§ per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,855 8,175 At per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 51,681 At 3f per cent. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200 1,200 At 4 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 80,215 24,650 At 4-L per cent. .. ~ .. .. .. .. 174,055 280,239 At 4§ per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,800 1,800 At 4$ per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 70,082 136,730 At 4§ per cent. .. .. . , .. .. 2,000 100 At 4f per cent. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1, 100 At 4f per cent. .. .. .... .. .. .. 300 At 5 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60,715 At 5£ per cent. .. ~ .. .. .. .... 2,250 At 5i per cent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400 At 6 per cent. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 1,750 At 6 per cent. \Subject to reduction under the National f 607,365 376,392 At 6J- per cent. / Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1932 \ 6,250 197 Mortgage security acquired .. .. . . .. 3,109 Total .. .. .. .. .. £954,131 £954,679 Average rate of interest (per cent.) — Unreduced rate .. .. .. .. .. .. 5-374 4-972 After reduction as shown above .. .. .. .. 4-729 • 4-577 Unclaimed contributions held at 31st January .. .. .. £1,279 £855





General Administration. £ £ £ Salaries of Head Office staff .. .. . . . . 32,860 Part salaries of Inspectors attached to Head Office .. 1,529 Overtime and meal allowances .. .. .. .. 108 34,497 Office furniture and fittings .. .. .. .. ■ • 333 Postage and telegrams .. . . .. .. .. • ■ 914 Telephones .. .. .. .. .. • • • • 312 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. .. •. 626 Education Gazette — Salaries .. .. .. .. • • • • 200 Printing, postage, &c., office and other requisites .. 1,137 1,337 Printing and stationery .. .. .. .. .. 895 Printing and stationery—Storage with Government Printer .. 61 056 Expenses of officer attending Conference on Education, Honolulu .. 39 39,014 Less recoveries— Services rendered to Teachers' Superannuation 1,012 Board and to other Departments Education Gazette : Sales and advertising, &c. .. 275 Postage and telegrams . . .. .. 109 Printing and stationery and sale of publications 215 Teachers' certificates, fees for .. .. 67 _ 1,678 37,336 Primary Education (including Intermediate Schools or Departments under control of Education Board). Teachers'salaries and allowances .. .. .. 1,695,077 Teachers'salaries and allowances —Chatham Island schools .. 2,578 House allowances .. .. .. •. • • 41,909 1,739,564 Education Boards —Grants for administration and general 34,115 purposes Less portion chargeable to post-primary .. . . 808 33,307 School Committees'allowances —Cleaning, heating, &c. .. 155,995 Less portion chargeable to post-primary .. .. 3,689 152,306 School and class libraries .. .. .. •• •• 1,109 Supply of books in necessitous cases . . .. . • ■ • 1,957 Supply of meals for subnormal children .. .. • • ■ ■ 25 Removal expenses of teachers . . .. •. • ■ ■ • 1,398 School buildings and sites— Maintenance, including alterations to make safe £ against earthquake .. .. 125,945 Less portion for secondary departments of district high schools chargeable to post-primary .. .. • • 2,983 Rebuilding or repairing buildings destroyed or damaged 5,171 by fire Rent of buildings and sites for school purposes . . 2,644 Valuation fees and miscellaneous .. .. ■ • 21 130,798 Boys' and girls' agricultural clubs .. • • ■ ■ • • 543 Grants in aid of free kindergartens . . .. . ■ • • 4.886 Conveyance, &c., of children— By rail .. . . .. ■ • • • • ■ 6,196 By road and water .. .. • • • ■ 77,920 Boarding-allowances .. .. •• 4,501 Purchase of new buses . . .. • • • ■ 6,106 94,723 Conveyance of instructors and teachers .. .. •• 6,103 Correspondence School — Salaries of teachers .. .. •• 8,701 Meal allowances .. .. .. • • ■ • 9 Other expenses .. .. .. •• •• 1,718 Office furniture and fittings .. .. . ■ • • 459 10,887 Inspection (including compassionate allowances) — Salaries (less part charged Head Office Administration) .. 25,751 Travelling and removal expenses . . . . • • 7,667 Telephones and office expenses .. . • • • 120 Clerical assistance .. .. • ■ • • • • 400 Postage and telegrams .. .. • • • • 94 ' ■ 6 34,032 !

E,— l

Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries, etc. —continued.


Primary Education —continued. £ £ £ School Journal— Salaries .. .. .. .. . . . . 489 Printing, postage, office expenses, &c. .. . . 4,051 4,540 Manual Instruction— Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 59,679 Material .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,593 Incidentals .. .. . >, .. .. 15,542 83,814 Postages .. . . . . .. .. .. .. 5 Printing (register and other school books and forms) . . .. 734 2,300,731 Less recoveries-— Teachers' salaries . . .. .. .. 16 On account of maintenance of buildings .. 10 Correspondence School .. .. . . 337 School Journal sales .. . . . . 283 Special examination fees .. .. . . 57 On account of education of foreign children . . 56 Postages, printing, and stationery .. .. 224 Rent of school-sites, &c. .. .. .. 1,094 Registration and other fees .. . . .. 1 Manual instruction —Material .. .. 43 Conveyance of children .. .. .. 4 2,125 2,298,606 Post-primary Education. (Including intermediate departments attached to secondary and technical schools.) Teachers' salaries and allowances— 'District high schools .. .. .. .. 77,476 Secondary schools .. .. .. .. .. 244,284 Technical schools and classes .. .. .. 193,051 Combined schools .. .. .. .. .. 40,920 — 555,731 Grants to Boards for administrative and general purposes — District high schools .. .. . . .. 808 Secondary schools .. .. .. .. .. 37,945 Technical schools . . .. .. .. .. 36,821 Combined schools .. .. .. .. .. 8,464 : 84,038 School Committee allowances (portion for secondary depart- .. 3,689 ments, district high schools) Manual instruction in secondary schools .. .. .. .. 4,965 Conveyance of pupils— By rail .. . . .. .. .. .. 8,999 By road and water .. .. .. .. .. 2,714 Boarding-allowances . . . . . . . . 3,994 15,707 Supply of books in necessitous cases .. .. .. .. 645 Inspection— Salaries (less portion charged to Head Office Administration) 4,017 Travelling and removal expenses .. .. .. 973 Postages and telegrams .. .. .. .. 11 5,001 War Bursaries .. .. . . ., .. . . 2,744 School buildings, &c. —Maintenance of buildings (including 7,827 secondary departments of district high schools) Rents of buildings for school purposes .. .. .. 683 Rebuilding or repairing schools destroyed or damaged by fire 321 Equipment for Papanui Technical School .. . . .. 340 Valuation fees .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 9,179 Correspondence School— Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,307 Other expenses .. .. .. .. .. 3,265 12,572 Reefton School of Mines — Services rendered by secondary .. 100 department of district high school Marlborough High School —Grant under Marlborough High . . 400 School Act, 1899 Printing forms, &c., for schools .. .. .. . . 139 Secondary education reserves revenue distributed to High . . 12,749 School Boards (Education Reserves Amendment Act, 1914) 707,659 Less recoveries— On account of maintenance of buildings .. 710 Correspondence School .. .. .. 1,322 Teacher's salaries .. .. .. 8 Rent of school-sites, &c. .. .. .. 101 Tuition fees —Foreign children .. .. 15 : 2,156 — 705,503


Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries, etc. —continued.


Higher Education. £ £ £ Statutory grants— New Zealand University—National-endowment reserve .. 4,549 revenue Auckland University College— Grant for general purposes .. .. .. 17,110 National-endowment reserve revenue .. .. 2,274 19,384 Victoria University College— Grant for general purposes .. .. .. 13,783 National-endowment reserve revenue .. .. 2,274 — 16,057 Canterbury College— Grant for general purposes .. .. .. 8,561 National-endowment reserve revenue .. .. 2,275 — 10,836 University of Otago— Grant for general purposes .. .. .. 19,605 National-endowment reserve revenue .. .. 2,275 21,880 Scholarships and bursaries — University National Scholarships .. .. .. 4,502 Agricultural Scholarships .. .. .. .. 105 " Sir George Grey " Scholarships .. .. .. 200 University Bursaries .. .. .. .. 2,237 Agricultural Bursaries .. .. .. .. 1,359 Architectural Bursaries .. .. . . .. 262 Engineering Bursaries .. .. .. .. 777 Home-science Bursaries .. .. .. .. 930 Art Bursaries .. .. .. .. .. 62 10,434 Special assistance to deserving students .. .. .. 65 Workers Educational Association — Grant for organizing purposes — Auckland University College .. .. .. 750 Victoria University College .. .. .. 750 Canterbury College .. .. .. .. 750 University of Otago .. .. .. .. 750 Workers Educational Association.. .. .. 500 3,500 86,705 Training Colleges and Training of Teachers. Training Colleges — Salaries of staffs (including staffs of practising schools in .. 26,726 excess of usual staff as public schools) Travelling-expenses of staff and expenses in connection .. 4 with appointments Allowances to and expenses of students .. .. 110,413 Students' University College fees .. .. .. .. 7,920 Special instruction, libraries, and incidental expenses .. .. 2,878 Apparatus and material .. .. .. .. .. 433 Printing, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 148,391 Less recoveries— Students' allowances .. .. .. 188 Special instruction, libraries and incidental 2 expenses Students' University College fees .. .. 37 — — 227 148,164 Native Schools. Salaries of teachers .. .. .. .. .. .. 83,157 Removal expenses of teachers .. .. .. .. .. 1,63*J Conference on Maori Health and Education . . ., .. 203 Books, apparatus, and other school requisites .. .. .. 1,682 Manual instruction .. .. .. . . .. .. 770 Conveyance and board of children .. . .. 6,741 Purchase of food and clothing for children attending Te Hapua .. 67 Native School (recoverable) Sundries .. .. ■■ .. •• .. .. 110 Buildings and sites — Maintenance of buildings .. .. . . .. 12,543 Rent of buildings and sites .. .. .. .. 17.1 I2,7i4 Inspection— Salaries of Inspectors .. .. •• •• 1,879 Travelling and removal expenses .. .. .. 802 2,681 Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. •• .. 5,785 115,540

E,— l

Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries, etc. —continued.


I Native Schools —continued. Less recoveries— £ £ £ Books, maps, &c. .. .. .. .. 29 Maintenance of buildings .. .. .. 42 Rent of school-sites, &c. .. .. .. 48 Transfer and travelling-expenses of inspectors .. 24 Salaries of teachers and Inspectors .. .. 65 Scholarships and apprenticeships .. .. 536 Manual Instruction in Schools .. .. 7 Purchase of food and clothing for children— 75 Te Hapua Native School 826 114,714 Physical Instruction. Salaries of instructors .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,546 Travelling and removal expenses .. .. .. .. 134 2,689 Education of the Blind. Grant to New Zealand Institute for the Blind .. .. .. 1,500 Maintenance fees of Government pupils at Jubilee Institute .. .. 552 Travelling-expenses of pupils .. .. .. .. .. 38 2,090 Less recoveries: Maintenance fees, &c. .. .. .. 503 : 1,587 School for the Deaf. Salaries of staff .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,920 General maintenance of institution .. .. .. .. 1,858 Maintenance of buildings, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 487 Postage and telegrams .... .. .. .. .. 15 Travelling allowances and expenses (including transit of .. 315 children) Less recoveries— 8,600 Maintenance fees, &c. .. .. .. 1,808 Board of staff .. .. .. .. 415 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 5 Sale of stock .. .. .. .. 7 — 2,235 6,368 Schools for the Mentally Backward. Salaries of staff .. .. .. .. •• .. 9,759 Maintenance of institutions .. .. .. .. .. 6,7C8 Maintenance of buildings, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 2,018 Travelling allowances and expenses (including transit of .. 680 children) Sundries .... .. .. .. . • .. 34 Postage and telegrams .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 19,299 Less recoveries— Maintenance fees, &c. .. .. • ■ 852 Sale of produce, &c. .. .. . ■ 880 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 49 Board of staff .. .. . . .. 1,294 Maintenance of institution, &c. .. .. 62 Salaries .. .. .... .. 5 — 3,142 16,157 Child Welfare. Salaries of staffs, including field officers .. .. .. .. 29,127 Wages of inmates employed in institutions .. .. .. 262 Travelling and removal expenses (including transit of children) .. 4,275 Boarding-out of children .. .. .. .. .. 72,952 Maintenance of children in Government institutions .. .. 19,828 Maintenance of children in private institutions .. .. .. 2,943 Maintenance of buildings, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 2,600 Rent, office requisites, telephones, &c. .. .. .. .. 2,068 Office furniture and fittings .. . . .. .. .. 54 Printing, postage, and telegrams .. . ■ .. .. 770 Payment to Post and Telegraph Department for services .. .. 699 Payment to Registrar-General's Department for services .. .. 20 Refunds of inmates' earnings .. .. .. . • .. 750 Refund of maintenance payments .. .. • ■ •. 219 Legal expenses .. .. . • ■ • • • • ■ 26 136,593 Less recoveries— Maintenance fees, &c. .. .. .. 19,552 Refunds for clothing, &c., supplied .. .. 5,437 Refunds of boarding-out payments .. .. 360 Refunds of travelling-expenses .. .. 284 Recoveries on account of office rent, &c. .. 28 Recoveries on account of inmates' earnings .. 590 Sale of produce .. .. .. .. 2,801 Board of staff and others .. .. •• 2,118 Rent of land and buildings .. .. .. 447 Accumulated earnings of deceased inmates .. 133 Maintenance of institutions, &c. .. .. 78 Sale of furniture, surplus stores, &c. .. .. 31 31,859 — 104,734


Statement or Expenditure and Recoveries, etc. —continued.


Material and Stores. £ £ £ Salaries .. .. .. .• • • ■ • • • 1 > 090 Stores and material purchased .. .. .. .. •• .3,499 f j Lighting, cleaning, cartage, &c. .. . . .. .. .. 89 4,678 Less stores issued and charged to other items of vote, .. 4,152 Education 526 Less recoveries: Stores sold .. .. • - 87 439 Miscellaneous. Conference of Education Authorities .. .. .. .. 35 Examination expenses .. .. .. .. .. •. 2,996 Grading of teachers, costs of appeal, inquiries, &c. .. .. .. 289 Accidents to school-children and teachers .. .. .. .. 428 Salaries of teachers on exchange from overseas (recoverable).. .. 4,115 Teachers' Superannuation Fund — Annual contribution under Act .. .. .. 43,000 Additional allowance to widows and children .. .. 4,841 Additional subsidy .. .. .. .. 115,000 Additional subsidy (loss of interest) .. .. .. 6,547 169,388 Gramophones and radios for schools (recoverable) .. .. .. 597 Purchase of map and flags for schools (recoverable).. .. .. 4 Compensation in connection with publication of Civics Book .. .. 50 177,902 Less recoveries— Examination fees, &e. .. .. .. 2,681 Salaries of teachers on exchange from abroad .. 3,685 Radios and gramophones for schools .. .. 574 Grading of teachers .. .. .. 47 Maps and flags for schools .. .. .. 76 7,063 170,839 Net total, excluding new buildings, &c, .. .. .. 3,693,829 Public Works Consolidated Fund: Capital Expenditure. Fund. Vote, Education. Sites, buildings, equipment, &c. — £ £ Public schools .. .. .. .. .. 154,897 7,997 Training colleges .. .. .. .. .. 6,730 Secondary schools .. .. .. .. .. 21,430 2,662 Technical schools .. .. .. .. .. 76,787 1,049 Native schools .. .. •• 10,868 1,304 Universities .. .. .. .. . . 3,547 Schools for feeble-minded .. .. .. .. 2,473 276,732 13,012 Less recoveries (sale of sites, &c., and recoveries on account of expenditure of past years)-— Public schools .. .. .. .. 3,194 Secondary schools .. .. .. .. 3,654 Technical schools .. .. .. .. 1,000 7,848 Net expenditure on new buildings, &c. .. 268,884 13,012 281,896 Net total, including new building, &o. .. .. .. 3,975,725


SUMMARY. Consolidated Fund— , Vote, Education .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,396,234 Vote, Internal Affairs ' .. . „ 6,547 Finance Act, 1936 (section 23) .. .. .. .. .. 115 000 Unauthorized o0 Land Act, 1924 (national-endowment reserves revenue) .. . . .. .. 95 Education Reserves Act, 1928, sections 23 and 30 (primary-education reserves revenue) .. .. 75 749 Education Reserves Act, 1928, sections 23 and 30 (secondary-education reserves revenue) . . 12 749 Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves Act, 1896 (reserves revenue) . 215 Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 133 (Fire Insurance Fund) .. . . . . 6 831 Public Works Fund, vote, Education buildings . . . . .. ~ 268 884 LessConsolidated Fund— ' £ Recoveries on account of expenditure of previous year .. .. . . 242 Territorial revenue .. . . . . . . , . 127 Miscellaneous revenue .. . . .. ~ j 720 Registration and other fees .. .. .. .. ~ _ _ j 2,090 £3,975,725 Additional amounts are available from revenue from reserves vested in post-primary schools and University Colleges as follows : — £ Post-primary schools .. .. .. .. .. ~ _ 3g ggg University colleges .. .. . . .. ~ _ _ _ _ 20 858 Total £56,541

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, riot, given ; printing (1,260 copies), £75,

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 937 Price. 7s.J


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REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1936. [In Continuation of E.-1, 1936.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1937 Session I, E-01

Word Count

REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1936. [In Continuation of E.-1, 1936.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1937 Session I, E-01

REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1936. [In Continuation of E.-1, 1936.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1937 Session I, E-01

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