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EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1935.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


I. Detailed Tables : — page Ml. Students on the Books of University Colleges .. .. .. 2 M2. Courses taken by Students .. .. .. .. .. 2 M 3. Subjects taken by Students .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 M 4. Scholarships, Bursaries, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 3 M 5. Number of Successful Candidates for Degrees .. .. .. 4 11. Reports and Accounts of the University of New Zealand and the of Constituent Colleges— 1. University of New Zealand .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 5 2. Auckland University College .. .. .. .. .. 9 3. Victoria University College .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 4. Canterbury College .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 5. University of Otago .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25

I—E. 7.



Table M1. —Students on the Books of University Colleges, 1935.

Table M2. —Courses taken by Students in 1935


Auckland Victoria nanf-crlmi-v University University r „ n " y ! Otago University. I Totals. College. College. ooliege. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. ! M. F. T. M. F. T. - I. Students attending lecGraduates .. .. 88 36 124 68 23 91 40 36 76| 82 20 102 278 115 393 Undergraduates .. 625 226 851 501 122 623 530 252 782 833 2351,06812,489 835 3,324 Non-matriculated 70 21 91 27 10 37 99 62 161 56 47 103 252 140 392 students Totals .. 783 2831,066 596 155 751 669 3501,019 971 3021,273 3,0191,090 4,109 II. Exempted students not 156 28 184 206 53 259 78 36 114 112 40; 152: 552 157 709 attending lectures III. Grand totals, 1935 .. 939 311 1,250 802 2081,010 747 3861,133 1,083 342'l,425 3,5711,2474,818 Totals, 1934 .. 924 301 1,225 822 251 1,073 751 3041,055 1,011 357|1, 368 3,5081,213 4,721 Difference .. +15+10 +25 -2oj-43 -63 -4 +82 +78 +72 —15| +57 +63 +34 +97

Number of Students (including Students exempt from attending Lectures). Course, AuoUa^ u ™ verait y Victo ™™J erait y | Canterbury College. Otago University. Totals. M. ! F. T. M. P. ! T. M. V. j T. M. F, | T. M. F. T. Agriculture .. .. 7 .. 7 3.. 3 5.. 5 4 .. 4 19.. 19 Architecture .. .. 37 3 40 37 3 40 Arts .. .. 319 213 532 281 152 433 262 218 480 242 153 395 1,104 7361,840 Commerce .. .. 185 17 202 249 18 267 100 21 121 207 9 216 741 65 806 Dentistry .. .. 6 .. 6 7 .. 7 4 .. 4 127 10 137 144 10 154 Engineering .. .. 32 32 10 10 90 90 132 .. 132 Forestry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 1 .. .. 1 1 Home Science . . .. 2 2 4 4 2 2 95 95 103 103 Journalism .. .. 9 7 16 2 2 4 6 4 10 17 13 30 Law .. .. 101 8 109 138 5 143 39 5 44 47 1 48 325 19 344 Massage .. 3 13 16 3 13 16 Medicine .. .. 26 1 27 9 4 13 9 1 10 334 25 359 378 31 409 Mining .. 39 .. 39 39 .. 39 Music .. .. 10 24 34 2 2 7 4 11 9 20 29 26 50 76 Science .. .. 122 27 149 115 22 137 106 23 129 71 16 87 414 88 502 Total number taking 854 3021,156 814 2091,023 629 278 907 1,083 3421,425 3,3801,1314,511 definite courses, 1935 Total number taking 908 281 1,189 820 2421,062 616 236 852 1,011 357 1,368 3,3551,116 4,471 definite courses, 1934 Difference.. .. -54 +21 -33 -6 -33 -39 +13 +42 +55 +72 -15 +57 +25 +15 +40

R • 7.

Table M3.-Subjects taken by Students in 1935.

Table M4. —Scholarships, Bursaries, Exhibitions, and Studentships held at the Constituent Colleges in 1935.

In addition to the above there were 9 and 8 Agricultural Bursars in attendance at Canterbury Agricultural College (Lincoln) and at Massey Agricultural College (Palmerston North) respectively.


Number of Students (including Students exempt from attending Lectures). Subject. TJmversity canterbury College. Otago University. Totals. M. ! F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. ____ 1 I I Acoustics .. •• 1 1 •• 1 | Actuarial science .. 2 .. 2 3 .. 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 .. 5 Agriculture .. I 4 .. 4 4 .. 4 Anthropology 14 4 18 14 4 18 Architecture .. .. 37 3 40 . . • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • ■ 37 3 40 Botany .. .. 27 18 45 14 8 22 9 13 22 7 7 14 57 46 103 Chemistry .. . . 122 17 139 102 26 128 1 96 19 115 190 42 232 510 104 j 614 Commercial subjects .. 159 17 176 200 16 216 46 24 70 207 9 216 612 66 ! 678 Dentistry .. .. 6 .. 6 4 .. 4 127 10 137 137 10 147 Economics .. ..162 20 182 211 24 235 109 21 130 135 4 139 617 69 686 Education .. . . 90 65 155 42 25 67 68 84 152 65 35 100 265 209 474 Engineering . . . . 101 2 103 .. . • .. 84 .. 84 .. .. . . 185 2 187 TiWIiHh . . . . 116 100 216 112 69 181 89 98 187 64 64 128 381 331 712 Forestry .. 1 ■ • ' 1 • • 1 French .. . 117 86 203 108 62 170 90 88 178 81 66 147 396 302 698 Geography .. .. 43 3 46 5 2 7 15 31 46 .. .. .. 63 36 99 Geology .. 22 7 29 10 3 13 18 2 20 77 6 83 127 18 145 German 14 8 22 2 2 10 9 19 26 17 43 Greek .. 32 10 42 9 5 14 12 3 15 29 18 47 82 36 118 Greek art, &c. .. .. .. • • 4 12 16 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 12 16 Hebrew .. .. 9 1 10 1 1 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 2 12 History .. .. 151 68 219 118 49 167 117 110 227 65 29 94 451 256 707 Home science .. .. 2 2 .. .. .. .. .. . • ■ • 95 95 .. 97 97 Journalism .. .. 14 7 21 .. .. .. 6 3 9 .. .. . . 20 10 30 Latin .. 73 40 113 77 41 118 56 31 87 31 27 58 237 139 376 Law subjects .. 101 8 109 135 4 139 25 6 31 47 1 48 308 19 327 Massage .. . . . • • • ■ • ■ • ■ • • • ■ • • • ■ ■ 3 13 16 3 13 16 Mathematics, applied .. 51 11 62 40 4 44 27 8 35 41 7 48 159 30 189 Mathematics, pure .. 112 40 152 88 16 104 93 23 116 88 21 109 381 100 481 Medicine .. 26 1 27 10 1 11 334 25 359 370 27 397 Mining .. . • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • 39 .. 39 39 .. 39 Music 17 45 62 .. 2 2 14 10 24 20 14 34 51 71 122 Philosophy .. 89 34 123 75 26 101 71 38 109 82 30 112 317 128 445 Physics . . .. 113 10 123 73 13 86 55 15 70 160 45 205 401 83 484 Political science .. .. •• 3 1 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 1 4 Public finance .. 15 .. 15 15 .. 15 Sociology .. .. 3 3 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 3 6 Zoology .. ..49 9 58 J 37 23 60 32 10 42 102 20 122 220 62 282

Vnlfpty U gS y uSty. Total - , , . . » College. College. ° J Scholarships, &c. ° M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. II. . F, : T. Junior University Scholarships 8 4 12 3 1 4 7.. 7 7 2 9 25 7 32 University National Scholar- 8 3 11 5 3 8 12 10 22 14 4 18 39 20 59 ships Taranaki Scholarships .. 52 7.. 3 3 1.. 1 2 4 6 8 9 17 Senior University Scholarships 5 2 7 4.. 4 4.. 4 6.. 6 19 2 21 University Bursaries .. 102 55 157 41 20 61 62 33 95 99 23 122 304 131 435 Home Science Bursaries •• 15 15 .. 15 15 Other scholarships and exhibi- 10 .. 10 6 6 12 15 11 26 24 13 37 55 30 85 tions Training-college Studentships 56 69 125 . . .. .. 67 66 133 .. .. .. 123 135 258 Totals 1935 .. 194 135 329 59 33 92 168 120 288 152 61 213 573 349 922 Totals, 1934 .. 149 87 236 98 47 145 108 84 192 179 71 250 534 289 823 Difference .. -(-45-(-48 —{— 93 —39 —14 —53 —(—60 —f-36 -(-96 —27 —10 —37 -(-39 —f— 60j —(— 99


Table M5.—Number of Successful Candidates at the Examinations for Degrees in 1935

In addition to these successes, 6 passed for Diploma of Honours, 4,282 candidates passed sections of the examinations for degrees or for admission to professions ; 241 gained certificates of proficiency. There were 297 candidates (including bursary candidates) for the Entrance Scholarship Examination, 33 gaming scholarships, 100 others passing the examination with credit, and 84 qualifying for matriculation. The number of candidates for the University Entrance Examination was 4,602, of whom 2,122 passed the examination.


(Total number of entrants for all examinations 9,480, of whom 1,214 were absent.) Auckland Victoria p. . , University University c o] ?ege UnVveraitv Total - Degrees, Ac. Ooūege. College. University. M. F. T. ; M. F. T. M. F. T. M. | F J T. M. F. j T. Doctor of Medicine .. 1 .. 1 1 .. i Honours in Arts .. 5 5 10 7 5 12 10 6 16 12 4 16 34 20 54 Master of Arts .. ..14 4 18 8 4 12 8 3 11 10 3 13 40 14 54 Honours in Science .. 10 111 8 2 10 13 13 10 10 41 3 44 Master of Science .. .. 2.. 2 3.. 3 3 3 6 8 3 11 Honours in Law .. .. 1 1 2.. 2 1 1 4.. 4 Master of Laws .. 1 1 3.. 3 4.. 4 Honours in Commerce .. .. 1 1 2.. 2 3.. 3 1 1 7 .. 7 Master of— Commerce .. .. .. 2.. 2 2.. 2 2.. 2 1 1 7.. 7 Home Science .. 2 2 .. 2 2 Honours in Agricultural Science .. .. .. 1* . . 1* 2f .. 2f .. .. 3 .. 3 Master of Agricultural Science .. 1*.. 1*.. .. .. 1 .. 1 Bachelor of— Arts .. .. ..26 37 63 35 23 58 32 36 68 29 18 47 122 114 236 Science .. .. ..21 6 27 15 3 18 16 4 20 11 2 13 63 15 78 Medicine and Surgery 29 2 31 29 2 31 Dental Surgery .. 17 1 18 17 1 18 Laws . . .. . . 12 2 14 16 .. 16 6 . . 6 4 .. 4 38 2 40 Commerce .. .. .. 25 1 26 25 2 27 9 1 10 8 . . 8 67 4 71 Engineering (Civil) .. 6.. 6 6.. 6 Engineering (Mechanical) 2 .. 2 2 .. 2 Engineering (Electrical, mech.) .. .. .. 4.. 4 .. .. .. 4.. 4 Engineering (Electrical, civil) 3 .. 3 3 .. 3 Engineering(Mining or Metallurgy) 3 .. 3 3 .. 3 Home Science .. 9 9 .. 9 9 Agricultural Science .. 3* . . 3* 5f .. 5f 8 8 Music .. .. .... 1 1 .. 1 1 2 2 .. 4 4 Senior University Scholarships J 9 2 11 1 3 5.. 5 19 3 22 John Tinline Scholarships .. .. 1 1 .. .. .. .. 1 1 Totals, 1935 .. ..128 59 187 132 41 173 126 54 180 145 43 188 531 197 728 Totals, 1934 .. .. 132 37 169 133 47 180 119 40 159 136 53 189 520 177 697 Difference .. .. -4 +22+18 -1 -6 -7 +7 +14+21 +9 -10 -1 +11 +20+31 * Massey Agricultural College. t Canterbury Agricultural College. t One of the scholarships was divided between two students.



i. REPORT ON THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND, 1935. Visitor. —His Excellency the Governor-General. Chancellor.—John Alfred Hanan, M.L.C. Vice-Chancellor. —Thomas A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc. The Senate. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. —H. F. Von Haast, Esq., M.A., LL.B.; J. A. Valentine, B.A. ; L. J. Wild, Esq., M.A., B.Sc. ; J. C. H. Somerville. Appointed by Councils of Constituent Colleges—H. I). Acland, Esq., B.A. ; F. H. Bakewell, Esq., M.A. (deceased); K. Mackenzie, M.D. (Edin.), F.R.C.8.; P. Levi, Esq., M.A.; W. J. Morrell, Esq., M.A. ; L. D. Ritchie ; Col. Hon. G. J. Smith, C.8.E., M.L.C. ; H. J. D. Mahon, Esq., B.A. Elected by District Courts of Convocation —F. A. De La Mare, Esq., 8.A., LL.B. ; J. B. Callan, K.C., 8.A., LL.B. ; W. Newlands, Esq., M.A., B.Sc., M.8., Ch.B., &c. ; T. U. Wells, Esq., M.A. ; A. E. Flower, Esq., M.A., M.Sc. The Director of Education —N. T. Lambourne, Esq., M.A. Appointed by the Senate —W. P. Evans, Esq., M.A., Ph.D. ; T. A. Hunter, Esq., M.A., M.Sc. Appointed by the Academic Board —J. R. Brown, Esq., M.A., Hon. LL.D., F.N.Z.1.A.; James Hight, Esq., C.M.G., M.A., Litt.D., E.R.E.S. ; H. G. Denham, Esq., M.A., D.Sc. Registrar—E. T. Norris, Esq., M.A. REPORT OF THE SENATE. In compliance with section 22 of the New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1926, the Senate makes the following report to the Hon. the Minister of Education of the proceedings of the University during the past year. The Entrance Board met on 27th August, 1935. Among other matters the Board approved the lowering to twenty-one years of the age for provisional matriculation for certain courses. Certain variations were recommended in the prescriptions for the Entrance Examination in Latin, Greek, Physics, History, and Chemistry. The Board approved the deletion of the subject Agriculture from the syllabus in the expectation that it would be included among the subjects for the School-leaving Examination. Remits from the various Principals' and Teachers' Associations were fully considered. The Academic Board met on 29th October, 1935. Reports were received from conferences of Professors of the subjects Philosophy, Music, Physics, Classics, and History. Recommendations were made to the Senate dealing with the detail of set books, periods, and minor amendments in the prescriptions of various subjects. The Professors of Engineering submitted in a redrafted form the courses for the degrees of B.E. The Board recommended the detailed regulations to govern the award of scholarships arising from the gift of £20,000 made to the University in 1935 by Sir George Shirtcliffe. The Board submitted to the Senate its findings on the employment of lecturers as examiners, and recommended the names of examiners required for the 1936 examinations. The Senate met in Auckland on 16th January, 1936. The elections of principal officers resulted as follows : Chancellor, the Hon. J. A. Hanan, M.L.C. (re-elected); Pro-Chancellor, Mr. H. F. Von Haast, M.A., LL.B. ; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. P. Levi, M.A. The Senate recorded with regret the deaths of two former members —Professor J. K. H. Inglis, D.Sc., of Dunedin, and Mr. F. H. Bakewell, M.A., of Wellington. Applications for admission ad eundem statum, nine in number, were approved ; and thirty-one grants of provisional matriculation were confirmed. Exemption from fee for the Entrance Examination was granted to 186 candidates in poor circumstances. The finances of the University show little variation except as to the addition of scholarship capital of the sum of £20,000 to provide income to meet the Shirtcliffe Scholarships. The Government grant paid to the University for fifty-nine years, and amounting latterly to £4,000, has not been made since 1929, and the Senate directed that application should be made for its renewal. Of twenty-one bills submitted to the Senate, and dealing with sundry degrees and examinations, seventeen were passed after discussion, two after minor amendment, and two were referred back for further consideration. The Senate adopted the report of the Committee on Theology, which stated, inter alia, that having regard to the information before it the committee does not consider it practicable to secure an amendment of the University Act such as would enable the University to confer degrees in Divinity or Theology. The Senate referred to the Courts of Convocation for their reports the whole question of the reconstitution of such courts. The report of the Committee on Medical Education was adopted, and the committee was instructed to obtain and submit to the Otago University the opinion of the medical profession in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch, and of other bodies concerned. The Senate adjourned, to meet next in Auckland during January, 1937.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS OE THE UNIVERSITY OE NEW ZEALAND FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1936. GENERAL ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Balance, 31st March, 1935— £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1935— £ s. d. £ s. d. Post Office Savings-bank .. 5,867 17 0 Bank of New Zealand .. 1,048 9 5 Petty cash .. .. .. 40 0 0 English agency .. .. 38 8 11 Bank of New Zealand: Fixed 1,086 18 4 deposit .. .. • ■ 2,000 0 0 Administration expenses — 7,907 17 0 Office salaries .. .. 3,038 3 0 Government grants —National en- Clerical assistance .. .. 103 0 0 dowment .. .. .. •• 4,569 17 10 Rent, light, cleaning, &c. .. 489 2 0 Admission ad eundem .. .. ■■ 25 4 0 Senate, Academic Board, EnCertificates .. .. .. ■■ 310 11 0 trance Board, and conferences 1,070 19 3 Medical and dental registration .. . . 174 6 0 Grant to Registrar . . .. 366 0 0 Provisional matriculation . . . ■ 233 2 0 5,067 4 3 Late matriculating .. .. • ■ 17 17 0 Examination expensesDegree fees- Medical 1,615 13 7 B.A. .. • • • • 214 4 0 Dental .. .. .. 942 8 4 B.Se. .. .. .. 79 16 0 November .. .. .. 12,647 5 9 BH So .. •• ■■ 6 6 0 December .. .. . . 5,750 19 0 RE." ' ■■ •• 99 15 0 20,956 6 8 B.Afr.Sc. . . . . . • 63 0 0 National endowment— B.For.Sc. .. .. 21 0 0 Auckland .. .. .. 1,142 16 7 LL.B. .. . . • • 195 6 0 Victoria .. . . .. 1,1418 1 B.Com. . ■ . . • • 72 9 0 Canterbury .. .. . . 1, 142 16 7 M B Ch B. .. .. .. 346 10 0 Otago .. .. .. 1.142 16 7 B.Med.Sc 5 5 0 • 4,569 17 10 B.D.S. .. •• •• 89 5 0 Office furniture .. .. .. 75 0 11 Mus.B. . . . . • • 21 0 0 Postages .. .. .. .. 316 4 0 j£A. ~ .. .. 327 12 0 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 1,381 11 6 M.Com. . . . . • • 44 2 0 Miscellaneous— D.Litt. . . . • • ■ 15 15 0 Exchange . . .. .. 935 6 5 M.Sc. . . . ■ • ■ 154 12 0 Bank charges .. . . 2 3 6 B.Arch. . . .. • • 15 15 0 Sundries .. . . .. 130 18 8 M.Agr.Sc. . . .. ■ ■ 15 15 0 Fidelity insurance .. .. 18 15 0 D.Sc. . , .. • • 63 0 0 Diplomas .. .. .. 44 16 8 LL.M. •• •• 81 18 0 Telephone and private-box rentals 44 11 8 LL.D. .. • • • ■ 15 15 0 Audit fee .. .. 50 12 6 M.D. . . • ■ • ■ 15 15 0 Stationery .. . . . . 113 0 2 Diplomas .. .. . ■ 73 10 0 Stamp duty .. . . .. 12 0 0 COP Dental . . • • 15 15 0 Receipt stamps .. . . 96 5 8 2,053 0 0 1,448 10 3 Examination fees Transfer to Ordinary Scholarship LL.D. - ■ 10 10 0 Account .. .. .. .. 9,785 10 4 D.Sc. .. • • • • 7 17 6 English Agency— Litt.D. .. • 21 0 0 Examiners .. .. .. 1,884 4 6 j) _ .. .. 42 0 0 Printing examination-papers .. 361 5 10 M.H.Se. .. • ■ • • 6 6 0 University Bureau . . .. 50 0 0 M.A. .. .. . . 452 16 0 Salaries .. .. .. 319 0 0 M.So. .. ■ • • • 215 13 6 Examination cables .. .. 14 17 4 m!aot.Sc. • ■ • • ■ • 25 4 0 Rent . . .. .. 56 0 0 LL M .. 45 12 0 Sundries .. .. .. 55 12 4 Mus.D. .. ■■ ■■ 15 15 0 2,741 0 0 Qh _ .. .. 12 12 0 Finance Act, 1925, section 42— j j i ) , , 4 4-0 Emergency wages-tax .. 4 19 0 NZ. Statute Law .. .. 22 0 Refund of money lost by student MCom. • ■ ■ • 61 13 0 November examination .. 18 0 ha .. 3,689 14 0 General expenses .. .. 012 6 B!SC. ' ■ • • • • 1,150 17 6 619 6 g ~ .. 496 2 6 Balance, 31st March, 1936 — LL B and Law Prof. . • 889 15 3 Post Office Savings-bank . . 590 4 2 B.Com. and Accts. Prof. .. 9,463 11 6 English Agency .. .. 315 13 5 Certificate of Proficiency .. 173 17 6 Petty cash .. .. .. 40 0 0 Diplomas—Education, Journal- _ ~ ism, and Social Science .. 245 16 6 945 17 7 B Med Sc • • • • 10 10 0 Less Bank of New Zealand .. 504 19 4 Senior Scholarship in Law . . 77 0 440 18 o Mus.B. .. • ■ ■ • 213 12 0 B.Agr.Sc. .. ■ • • • 274 1 0 B.For.Sc. .. •• 3 3 0 Architecture • • • • 290 17 0 M.8., Ch.B. . . .. •• 1,960 11 3 B.D.S. and C.O.P. .. • • 563 16 6 B.H.Sc 116 11 0 Pre-requisites for M.A. .. 26 10 0 Pre-requisites for M.Sc. ..550 Insurance .. • • • • 232 10 6 Banking . • • • • • 379 3 0 Diploma in Fine Arts .. 50 8 0 Entrance .. ■ • • • 9'612 14 6 Accountants' Preliminary 75 6 0



GENERAL ACCOUNT —continued. Statement oe Receipts and Payments—continued. Receipts—continued. Payments-—continued. Examination fees—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Entrance Scholarship . . 307 13 0 Eees paid in advance .. .. 19 3 0 Miscellaneous .. .. 10 8 9 D.P.H. .. .. .. 6 6 0 School Certificate .. .. 389 8 7 31,588 4 10 Less fees paid in £ s. d. 1934 .. 4 14 6 Less refunds and overpaid fees .. 333 3 2 Less fees outstanding . . ~ 616 6 — 344 14 2 31,243 10 8 Reconsideration fees .. .. .. 764 12 6 Miscellaneous — Refund legal expenses Ordinary and Tinline Scholarships .. 100 8 3 Cost of conducting Taranaki Scholarship Examination .. 61 7 0 Sales of calendar .. .. 99 1 11 Sales of examination-papers .. 66 19 4 Exchange saved .. .. 23 9 8 Sundries .. .. .. 0 13 6 Centre fees .. .. .. 16 10 0 368 9 8 Interest— Post Office Savings-bank to 31st March, 1936 .. . . 90 4 2 Bank of New Zealand : Fixed deposit .. .. .. 117 10 0 207 14 2 £47,876 1 10 £47,876 1 10 Revenue Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Ordinary Scholarship .. .. .. 2,142 1 3 Admission ad eundem .. ■. .. 25 4 0 Senate expenses .. .. ■. • • 385 5 6 Certificates .. .. .. .. ■ • 310 11 0 Executive meetings .. .. .. .. 83 15 7 Reconsideration fees .. .. .. .. 739 12 6 Elections .. .. .. .. •• 15 0 0 Degree fees .. .. .. .. .. 2,053 0 0 Finance Committee .. .. .. •• 37 17 1 Examination fees .. .. .. .. 31,200 12 6 Entrance Board .. .. .. .. 37 6 3 Medical and dental registration .. .. 174 6 0 Conferences re Medical School .. .. .. 75 18 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 519 0 5 Conferences of Professors .. .. • • 113 8 11 Interest .. . . .. • • • • 198 3 6 Results Committee .. .. . • • ■ 28 3 7 Rhodes Scholarship Committee •. • ■ 65 17 0 Registrarship .. .. . • • ■ 54 17 3 Academic Board expenses .. .. . . 167 10 1 Graduation ceremonies . . .. . . 5 19 6 Salaries .. .. .. ■ • .. 3,460 3 0 Grant to Registrar .. .. . . ■ • 366 0 0 November examinations .. .. 14,891 6 1 December examinations .. .. •• 5,72157 Dental examinations .. . . . . ■ • 942 8 4 Medical examinations .. .. 1,615 13 7 Miscellaneous .. • • • • • • 1 > 888 3 5 Printing .. .. •• •• •• 1,381 11 6 Rent .. . • • ■ • • • ■ 549 2 0 Depreciation (office furniture) .. .. 120 0 0 Balance at 31st March, 1936 .. .. •• 1,071 15 11 £35,220 9 11 £35,220 9 11 Appropriation Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ordinary Scholarship Capital Account .. .. 2,311 5 2 Balanoe, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. 2,311 5 2 Balance at 31st March, 1936 .. .. .. 1,071 15 11 Balance from revenue for year ending 31st March, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 1,07115 11 £3,383 1 1 £3,383 I 1



ORDINARY SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Balance, 31st March, 1935— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand .. 206 111 English Agency: Scholarships .. .. 1,505 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. 1,224 10 3 Bank charges .. .. .. .. 763 English Agency . . .. 145 0 0 Junior Scholarships .. .. 2,058 7 2 Cash in hand .. .. 879 18 5 Senior Scholarships .. .. 1,381 16 9 2,455 10 7 Post-graduate Scholarships .. 20 0 0 Transfer from General Account .. .. 9,785 10 4 3,460 311 Advance from Emily Johnston Bequest .. 1,875 0 0 Loans on mortgage .. .. .. 9,217 16 2 Interest received .. .. .. .. 2,593 19 5 Advance to Cook Prize Account .. .. 50 0 0 Interest Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 49 5 4 Legal expenses. . .. .. .. 50 4 1 Advance to Arnold Atkinson Prize Account . . .. .. .. 32 3 10 Advance to Macmillan Brown Scholarship .. .. .. .. 11 15 0 Advance to Emily Johnston Bequest .. .. 1,200 0 0 Inscribed stock .. . . . . 148 15 8 Balance, 31st March, 1936— Post Office Savings-bank .. 2,049 5 4 English Agency .. .. 390 0 0 2,439 5 4 Less Bank of New Zealand .. 1,363 4 7 1,076 0 9 £16,759 5 8 £16,759 5 8 Revenue Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Scholarships .. .. .. .. 3,456 311 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 2,690 811 Scholarships, English Agency .. .. .. 1,369 0 0 General Account .. .. .. .. 2,142 1 3 Bank charges . . .. . . . . 7 6 3 £4,832 10 2 £4,832 10 2 Appropriation Account. £ s. d. £ g . a. Balance at 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. 1,130 4 1 General Account Appropriation Account .. 1,130 4 1 £1,130 4 1 £1,130 4 1 UNIVERSITY NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. Grants — £ s. d. £ s. d. Education Department .. .. .. 2,978 0 0 Balance, Ist April, 1935 .. .. .. 0 0 2 Public Trustee .. .. .. .. 1,066 10 6 National Scholarships.. .. .. .. 2,959 10 0 General Account .. .. .. .. 5 5 8 Taranaki Scholarships .. .. .. 1,066 10 6 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 23 15 6 £4,049 16 2 £4,049 16 2 GENERAL BALANCE-SHEET AS AT 31st MARCH, 1936. General Account — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. General Account — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Account . . 1, 200 0 9 Post Office SavingsPlus revenue .. 1,071 15 11 bank .. .. 590 4 2 2,271 16 8 English Agency .. 315 13 5 Fees paid in advance . . 19 3 0 905 17 7 Sundry creditors .. . . 105 0 0 Petty cash . . .. 40 0 0 Bank of New Zealand .. 504 19 4 Furniture .. .. 1,088 15 5 2,900 19 0 Sundry debtors .. .. 866 6 0 Ordinary Scholarship 2,900 19 0 Account — Ordinary Scholarship Capital Account .. 67,400 19 4 Account— Plus appropriation 2,311 5 2 Post Office Savings69,712 4 6 bank .. .. 2,049 5 4 Bank of New Zealand .. 1,363 4 7 English Agency .. 390 0 0 Emily Johnston Be- 2,439 5 4 quest Account .. .. 1,875 0 0 Mortgages .. 18,567 16 2 Sundry creditors .. . . 857 19 6 Accrued interest .. 742 14 5 73,808 8 7 Inscribed stock .. 29,000 10 1 Special Scholarship Municipal debentures 21,148 18 8 Accounts— Scholarship payCapital .. .. .. 41,009 19 10 ments in advance Revenue .. . . 989 4 10 (English Agency) 590 0 0 Sundry creditors .. .. 1,324 4 5 Sundry debtors .. 1,319 3 11. 43,323 9 1 71,369 3 3 Special Scholarships ——• 73,808 8 7 Accounts — Investments .. .. .. 43,299 13 7 University National • Scholarship Account — Bank of New Zealand .. .. 23 15 6 £120,032 16 8 £120,032 16 8 The Audit Office, having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct. G. F. C. Campbell, I. F. McKenzie, Controller and Auditor-General, Registrar.



2. AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Visitor. —The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. President. —T. U. Wells, Esq., M.A. Vice-President.—H. J. I). Mahon, Esq., B.A. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council—George Grey Campbell, Esci. ; A. H. Johnstone, Esq., 8.A., LTj.B. ; H. G. Cousins, Esq., M.A. Appointed by the Professorial Board—Professor P. W. Burbidge, M.Sc., B.A. • Professor H. G. Forder, B.A. Elected by members of the Legislature—Sir H. Hortou, B.A. ; S. I. Crookes, Esq., M.1.E.E., M.N.Z.SOO.C E ■ W. P. Endean,' Esq., LL.B. Elected bv Graduates —H. J. I). Mahon, Esq., B.A. ; W. H. Cocker, Esq., 8.A., LL.B. ; T. U. Wells, Esq , M A • A. K. Turner, Esq., M.A., LL.B. Appointed by the Auckland City Council—G. G. Grant, Esq. Appointed by the Auckland Education Board—Hon. Archibald Burns, M.L.C. Registrar.—M. It. O'Shea, Esq., B.Com. Staff. Professors. —Classics —C. G. Cooper, M.A. English—W. A. Sewell, 8.A., B.Litt. Modern Languages—Maxwell Walker, M.A., B.Com. Mathematics —H. G. Forder, B.A. Chemistry—F. P. Worley, M.A., M.Sc., D.Sc., D.I.C. Physics —P. W. Burbidge, M.Sc., 8.A., Res. Botany—(Lecturer-in-charge) T. L. Lancaster, M.Sc., F.L.S. Zoology— (Lecturer-in-charge) W. R. McGregor, B.Sc. History —James Rutherford, M.A., Ph.D. Economics—H. Belshaw, M.A., Ph.D.., F.S.S. Law —R. M. Algie, LL.M. Philosophy—William Anderson, M.A. Music—H. Hollinrake, M.A., Mus.Bach. Education—»A. B. Fitt, M.A., Ph.D. Architecture—C. R. Knight, M.A., B.Arcli., A.R.1.8.A., A.N.Z.I.A. Engineering—S. E. Lamb, B.Sc., A.R.C.Sc.(Lond.), A.M.1.M.E., M.N.Z.Soc.C.E. Geology—J. A. Bartrurn, M.Sc.,A.O.S.M , F.N.Z.lnst., F.G.S. Lecturers, 30. REPORT. In pursuance of the provisions of tlie Auckland University College Act, 1882, the Council has the honour to make the following report for the year 1935 : — Elections to Council. —The Professorial Board representatives are now Professors Burbidge and Forder. Mr. H. G. Cousins, M.A., has been appointed by the Governor-General in Council. Mr. G. Gordon Grant is the representative of the City Council. In June Mr. Kenneth Mackenzie, M.D., M.Ch., retired from the Presidency of the Council and did not seek re-election as a member. Mr. A. K. Turner, M.A., LL.B., was returned by Convocation to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Mackenzie's retirement. Mr. T. U. Wells was elected President, and Mr. H. J. D. Mahon, 8.A., Vice-President. On the retirement of Mr. Justice Northcroft, Mr. W. P. Endean, LL.B., was elected by members of the General Assembly. Staff. —During 1935 Professor Belshaw was appointed Economic Adviser to the Government, and during 1936 will be away on sabbatical leave. Mr. H. R. Rodwell, M.A., has been appointed Acting-Professor of Economics for the two years. Mr. G. B. Bell resigned from the School of Engineering in order to go into private practice. School of Engineering. —With, the exhaustion of College financial reserves the question of the financing of the School of Engineering came to a head. Mr. Crookes, on behalf of the College, instituted a vigorous campaign for the establishment of an endowment fund for the School. He was successful in raising over £6,000. During 1935 the staff of the School, in order to meet the position, carried on at half salaries. Towards the end of 1935 the Government made a grant to enable the School to be carried on during 1936, but nothing definite concerning the future of the School has yet been decided. Finance. —The liquid reserves which carried the College on during the depression have now been exhausted, and it will be necessary to obtain an increased Government grant in order to continue the work of the College at a proper level of efficiency. Library.—The Carnegie Corporation has agreed to donate to the College 5,000 dollars a year for three years, commencing from 1936. The various sections of the library have been reviewed by the teaching staff and the librarian, and a plan of expenditure drawn up which aims at bringing all sections to a uniform strength. The Carnegie Corporation has, in addition, presented a valuable art-teaching set and over 2,000 reproductions. Considerable use has been made of the set during the past year. The Paterson Library Bequest of some 2,000 volumes, mainly classics, was incorporated in the library during the year. An endowment of £1,000 for maintenance accompanied the bequest. Workers' Educational Association. —Enrolments have totalled 1,224, as against 1,349 last year. This numerical decline is partly compensated by a certain freshness and spirit of experiment in some of the city classes, and by the fact that in country districts there has been a swing to more difficult sociological subjects. The quality of written work received from correspondence discussion groups has been probably higher than in any previous year. Some of the best work comes from unemployment relief camps, and it was the group leader in one of these camps who gained this year's university bursary. Borrowing from the library by country groups and individuals, much of it guided by the Director, has shown a marked expansion. Since the cutting-ofE of Government grants in 1932 the Workers' Educational Association has owed its continued existence very largely to the Carnegie Corporation of New York. It is hoped that the new Government, whose programme stresses the importance of adult education, will be able to remedy the situation.

2—E. 7.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1935. ARTS AND GENERAL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Government grants — £ s. d. £ s. d. Statutory— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1935 .. .. 6,194 310 Auckland Univer- Salaries. £s. d. sity College Act, Professors, lecturers, 1882.. .. 4,000 0 0 &c. .. 23,828 15 9 New Zealand Uni- Less special versity Amend- schools .. 3,628 18 2 ment Act, 1928 8,500 0 0 20,199 17 7 Office.. .. .. .. 1,145 4 8 12,500 0 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 684 10 9 Less cuts in sala- Library .. .. . . 416 9 1 ries .. .. 5,275 0 0 Gardener .. .. .. 239 10 6 7,225 0 0 22,685 12 7 Add increased Less refunds .. .. 8 15 0 grant .. 899 15 0 22,676 17 7 8,124 15 0 Office expenses .. .. .. .. 3 0 7 Add grant for increased salaries.. 1,895 6 9 Property expenses .. .. .. 42 18 6 Printing and calendars .. . . 80 15 3 10,020 1 9 Printing Land Reserve Report .. 20 0 0 Increased grant, April-December, 100 15 3 1934 .. .. .. 1,446 0 0 Stationery and advertising .. .. 115 0 3 Telephones, postages, and exchange .. 238 15 8 11,466 1 9 Less refunds .. .. .. 5 12 5 National Endowment — New Zea- 233 3 3 land University Amendment Act, Insurance ~ .. . . .. 230 17 6 1914 .. .. .. 2,284 18 8 Water .. .. .. .. .. 70 15 0 13,751 0 5 Lighting .. .. .. 339 16 0 Salary, Professor Belshaw .. .. . . 852 15 1 Less refunds .. .. .. 3 3 0 Donations .. .. .. .. 57 5 0 336 13 0 Kreielsheimer Research .. .. .. 100 0 0 Heating.. .. .. .. .. 208 12 6 University of New Zealand—National- Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 21 0 10 endowment revenue .. . . 1,141 7 10 Material for lectures— Less share to Workers' Educa- Botany .. .. .. 156 15 4 tional Association .. .. 150 0 0 Zoology .. .. .. 350 4 8 991 7 10 Chemistry .. .. . . 490 13 5 Endowment revenue: Rents from Physics .. .. .. 206 15 5 properties — Geology .. .. .. 38 6 4 Current .. .. .. 443 0 9 Other departments .. .. 57 1 1 Arrears .. .. .. 251 8 5 1,299 16 3 In suspense .. .. .. 15 10 0 Equipment—Physics .. .. .. 35 1 0 In advance .. .. .. 9 113 Arts furniture .. .. .. .. 1176 : 719 10 5 Grounds equipment .. .. .. 29 5 0 Education reserves .. .. .. 516 3 8 Office equipment .. .. .. 64 9 6 Interest on debentures — £ s. d. Endowment sales investment .. 447 7 8 Library books .. .. 468 8 2 Endowment royalties investment 63 12 7 Less refunds . . 23 18 0 511 0 3 444 10 2 Endowment royalties .. .. 56 5 0 Periodicals .. .. .. 454 13 5 Premium on debenture conversion .. 33 17 1 Maintenance .. .. .. 153 14 9 90 2 1 1,052 18 4 Hire of rooms .. .. .. .. 125 19 6 Repairs .. .. .. .. 870 5 5 Engineering Building Reserve Fund. . .. 85 13 1 Cleaning material .. .. .. 87 17 6 General Endowment Fund— Grounds maintenance .. .. .. 16 11 0 Donation .. .. . . 200 0 0 Duplicating material .. .. .. 180 8 9 Premium on debenture conversion 7 11 6 General and legal expenses .. .. 77 11 7 207 11 6 Audit expenses .. .. .. .. 42 10 6 Student fees (including Annual examination expenses .. .. 116 5 0 College fees) — Appointments to staff .. .. 112 0 Current and in ad- £ s. d. Less refunds . . .. .. 3 6 8 vance .. .. 12,191 4 8 7 15 4 Arrears .. .. 210 12 7 Interest, commission, and brokerage . . 142 18 8 Repayments . . 168 14 0 Graduation .. .. .. .. 36 15 11 — 12,570 11 3 Bulletins .. .. .. 10 0 0 Less special schools . . 1, 156 4 6 Less refunds .. .. .. 8 0 0 • 2 0 0 11.414 6 9 Lecturing .. .. .. .. 13 11 0 Less refunds .. .. 226 14 0 Clock maintenance and internal tele11,187 12 9 phones .. .. .. .. 22 10 0 Exemption fees .. .. .. 596 18 6 Court of Convocation .. .. .. 4 2 1 Less refunds .. .. .. 39 18 0 Investments — 557 0 6 Endowment royalties .. .. 80 2 1 Laboratory deposits .. .. 156 11 7 Engineering Building Reserve .. 85 13 1 Less refunds .. .. .. 44 3 4 General Endowment Fund .. 207 11 6 112 8 3 373 6 8 Fines .. .. .. •• .. 36 13 7 Engineering endowment, Bank of New Sale of books .. .. . . .. 6 3 0 Zealand . . .. .. . . 15 15 0 Sale of physics notes .. .. .. 9 10 0 Students' Association —Donation to Sale of duplicated material . . .. 103 0 4 New Zealand Society of Accountants .. 5 5 0



ARTS AND GENERAL—continued,. Statement of Receipts and Payments—continued. Receipts—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest — Contra .. .. .. .. 4,183 10 8 Depreciation and Endowment Fund 198 17 6 Workers' Educational Association General Endowment Fund .. 375 1 8 tutorial classes (contra) .. 860 1 10 Mennie Bequest—School of Com- Sir George Grey Scholarship .. 50 0 0 merce .. .. .. 53 4 8 Commerce Scholarship .. .. 20 0 0 627 3 10 Journalism prize .. .. 4 19 3 Rebate on staff life insurance .. . . 10 6 1 Swanson Hut Fund . . .. 0 17 10 Administration Medical Library .. .. 50 0 0 Forestry prize .. .. .. 5 0 0 Contra.. .. .. .. 4,110 6 2 Architectural prizes .. .. 8 11 6 Carnegie grant for adult education 860 1 10 — 5,133 1 1 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. 50 0 0 Transfers from special schools —Engineering .. 1,314 13 10 Commerce .. .. .. 20 0 0 Journalism prize .. .. 5 5 0 Swanson Hut Fund . . .. 1 10 6 Architectural prizes .. .. 8 116 Dr. Kagawa Essay prizes .. 110 5,056 16 0 Transfers from special schools — Architecture . . .. .. 37 1 0 Music.. .. .. .. 63 8 8 100 9 8 Balance .. .. .. .. 5,314 17 2 £41,180 10 0 £41,180 10 0 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grants— £ s. d. £ s. d. Professors, lecturers, Statutory .. .. .. 10,020 1 9 &c. .. .. 23,828 15 9 National endowment .. .. 2,284 18 8 Less special schools 3,628 18 2 Salary of Professor Belshaw .. 852 15 1 20,199 17 7 " 13,157 15 6 Office .. .. 1,145 4 8 Donations .. .. .. 157 5 0 Cleaning and caretaking . . 684 10 9 Less transfers to £ s. d. Library .. .. .. 416 9 1 engineer appeal.. 15 15 0 Gardener . . .. .. 239 10 6 Less transfers to Students' Associa--22,685 12 7 tion .. 5 5 0 Less refunds .. .. 8 15 0 21 0 0 22,676 17 7 136 5 0 Office expenses and duplicating .. . . .. 87 19 7 University of New Zealand— Property expenses .. .. . . .. 42 18 6 National endowment .. .. 1,141 710 Printing and calendar .. .. . . . . 100 15 3 Less share to Workers' EducaStationery and advertising .. . . . . 115 0 3 tional Association .. . . 150 0 0 Telephones, postages, and exchange .. .. 233 3 3 991 7 10 Insurance .. . . .. . . .. 126 15 5 Endowment revenue— Water .. . . .. . . .. 70 15 0 Rents from properties .. 673 8 6 Lighting .. .. .. . . .. 336 13 0 Add amount paid off Suspense .. 15 10 0 Heating . . .. .. . . .. 208 12 6 688 18 6 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 21 010 Education reserves .. .. .. 516 3 8 Lecture requisites— Interest on debentures— Botany .. . . .. 164 6 4 Endowment sales investment .. 447 7 8 Zoology .. ■. . . 350 10 8 Endowment royalties investment.. 63 12 7 Geology . . .. . . 42 16 4 511 o 3 Chemistry .. .. .. 412 18 2 Student fees— £ s. d. Physics .. .. .. 177 16 5 Lectures.. .. 11,173 2 7 Other departments .. .. 159 17 9 College fees .. 1,040 0 6 j 1,308 5 8 12,213 3 1 Library maintenance .. .. .. .. 160 16 6 Less special schools .. .. 1,156 4 6 Repairs .. . . .. .. .. 870 5 5 — Cleaning material .. .. .. .. 87 17 6 11,056 18 7 Grounds maintenance .. .. .. .. 16110 Add special allowance repayments 168 14 0 General and legal expenses .. .. .. 77 11 7 11,225 12 7 Audit expenses .. . . .. .. 42 10 6 Exemption fees and annual examinaAnnual examination expenses .. .. . . 132 5 0 tion fees .. .. .. .. 557 0 6 Appointments to staff .. .. .. .. 910 7 Fines .. .. . . .. .. 36 13 7 Interest and commission .. .. .. 142 18 8 Sale of books . . . . .. .. 6 3 0 Graduation .. .. .. .. 36 15 11 Hire of rooms .. .. .. 125 19 6 Bulletins .. .. .. .. .. 200 Outstanding .. .. .. 9 9 0 Lecturing . . .. .. .. .. 13 11 0 — 135 8 6 Clock maintenance and internal telephones .. 22 10 0 Duplicating .. .. .. .. 172 4 0 Workers' Educational Association bursaries . . 46 8 0 Law notes .. .. .. .. 3 8 3 College bursaries .. .. .. .. 25 14 0 Interest — Court of Convocation expenses ~ .. .. 5 18 1 Depreciation and Endowment Fund 238 17 6 Depreciation — £ s. d. General Endowment Fund .. 369 11 2 Arts building . . .. . . 636 0 0 Mennie Bequest—School of CornStudents' building .. .. 101 0 0 merce . . .. .. 53 4 8 Arts furniture .. .. .. 376 3 6 661 13 4 Students' furniture .. .. 93 0 0 Staff insurance rebate .. .. .. 10 6 1 Library .. . . .. 375 12 0 Administration of special achools— Science building . . .. 522 0 0 School of Engineering .. . . 50 0 0 Science furniture .. .. 29 10 0 School of Architecture .. .. 50 0 0 Science equipment .. .. 392 1 0 School of Music .. .. 25 0 0 Engineering building .. .. 81 10 0 Medical Library .. .. 50 0 0 Engineering equipment .. .. 223 0 0 175 0 0 Engineering furniture .. .. 3 0 0 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 2,181 10 9 Office equipment .. .. 38 9 6 Grounds equipment .. .. 6 5 0 Caretaker's cottage .. .. 43 0 0 Swanson cottage .. .. 29 13 0 2,950 4 0



ARTS AND GENERAL—continued. Statement of Income and Expenditure—continued. Expenditure.—continued. Income —continued. £ s. d. Transfers from special schools— £ s. d. £ s. d. School of Engineering .. .. 1,333 2 5 Less School of £ s. d. Architecture .. 79 4 9 Less School of Music .. 59 10 11 138 15 8 1,194 6 9 £31,166 11 4 £31,166 11 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance from Income and Expenditure .. .. 2,181 10 9 Depreciation transferred to capital .. 2,950 4 0 Capital purchases, 1935 — £ s. d. Balance transferred to Revenue Funds .. .. 426 11 9 Science equipment .. .. 35 1 0 Office equipment .. .. 64 9 6 Grounds equipment .. .. 29 5 0 Arts furniture .. .. .. 1 17 6 130 13 0 Library — Arts and general .. .. 899 3 7 School of Engineering .. 31 19 5 School of Architecture .. 11l 12 11 School of Music .. .. 21 16 1 1,064 12 0 £3,376 15 9 £3,376 15 9 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1935. Capital Statement. Liabilities. Fixed Assets. £ s. <1. £ s. d. Buildings and equipment— £ s. d. Capital balance, Ist January, 1935 241,054 19 0 Arts building .. .. .. .. 128,200 0 0 Add purchases from revenue.. 1,195 5 0 Arts furniture .. .. .. .. 7,600 0 0 — Students' building . . . . . . 23,000 0 0 242,250 4 0 Students' furniture . . . . . . 870 0 0 Less depreciation .. 2,950 4 0 Caretaker's cottage .. .. .. 1,850 0 0 239,300 0 0 Swanson cottage .. .. .. .. 490 0 0 Engineering building .. .. .. 580 0 0 Engineering equipment . . . . . . 2,000 0 0 Engineering furniture .. . . .. 50 0 0 Science building .. .. .. . . 20,360 0 0 Science equipment .. .. .. 3,550 0 0 Science furniture .. .. . . . . 280 0 0 Office equipment .. . . . . . . 340 0 0 Grounds equipment . . .. .. 70 0 0 Library . . .. .. .. . . 7,140 0 0 Properties— £ s. d. Science-building site .. 5,920 0 0 Arts building .. .. 24,500 0 0 30,420 0 0 Endowment lands .. .. .. .. 12,500 0 0 £239,300 0 0 £239,300 0 0 Statement No. 2. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Endowment sales .. .. .. .. 10,541 1 9 Endowment sales investment .. .. .. 10,541 1 9 Endowment royalties.. .. .. .. 1,436 18 4 Endowment royalties investment .. .. 1,426 18 4 General Endowment Fund .. .. .. 8,871 6 2 General Endowment Fund investment .. .. 8,871 6 2 Engineering Building Reserve Fund .. .. 1,878 2 8 Engineering Building Fund investment .. 1,878 2 8 Depreciation and Endowment Fund .. .. 5,486 8 4 Depreciation and Endowment Fund investment 5,486 8 4 Mennie Bequest—School of Commerce .. .. 1,320 16 2 Mennie Bequest—School of Commerce .. .. 1,320 16 2 Building Fund .. .. .. .. 60 18 10 Building Fund Investment—Auckland Savings-bank 60 18 10 Students' Building and Furniture Depreciation Students' Building and Furniture Depreciation Fund .. .. .. .. . . 129 16 10 Fund investment —Auckland Savings-bank .. 129 16 10 Engineering Endowment Trust Fund .. .. 1,776 5 0 Engineering Endowment Trust investment .. 1,776 5 0 Medical Library Funds .. .. . . 16 15 1 Sundry debtors — . Land Utilization Research Fund .. .. 414 19 0 Endowment rent— Paterson Bequest (interest balance) .. .. 9 2 3 Arrears .. .. ~ .. .. 213 12 6 Swanson Hut Funds .. .. .. .. 31 16 11 In suspense .. .. .. .. 459 11 6 Rents in suspense .. .. .. .. 459 11 6 Depreciation and Endowment Fund rent —Cathcart 80 0 0 Rents in advance .. .. .. .. 9 113 Insurance in advance " . . .. . . 104 2 1 Student fees in advance .. .. .. 58 4 8 Student fees —Arrears .. .. .. 167 8 0 Forestry prizes .. .. .. . . 5 0 0 Hire of rooms outstanding .. .. .. 9 9 0 Dr. Kagawa Essay Prize .. . . . . 110 Physics notes in stock .. .. .. 25 18 6 £ s. d. Revenue — £ s. d. £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand overdraft .. 4,885 19 10 Balance, Ist January, Less Post Office Savings-bank 1935 .. .. 5,851 0 3 balance .. .. .. 11 19 0 Less grant received 4,874 0 10 for 1934 .. 1,446 0 0 4,405 0 3 Transfer from prize balances .. I ll 1 — 4,403 9 2 Add net balance from Income and Expenditure .. .. 426 11 9 4,830 0 11 £37,381 16 7 £37,381 16 7



SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING.' Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. . . . . Nil Salaries . . .. . . . . 1 ,550 10 5 Capitation .. . . . . . . . . Nil Lecture requisites .. .. .. .. 69 3 9 Student fees .. . . . . ~ .. 386 15 0 Library— £ s. d. Testing fees .. .. .. .. .. 64 19 8 Books .. .. .. 29 16 11 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. 1,314 13 10 Periodicals .. .. .. 22 6 Maintenance .. .. 4 14 11 36 14 4 Telephone .. .. .. .. . . 16 17 6 Advertising .. .. .. .. . . 36 4 0 Lighting, gas, power, and water .. .. 33 16 4 Repairs . . .. .. .. .. 3 110 Syllabus .. .. .. .. .. 17 5 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. 262 £1,766 8 6 £1,766 8 6 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,550 10 5 Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil Lecture requisites .. .. .. .. 69 3 9 Capitation grant .. .. .. .. Nil Library maintenance .. .. .. .. 4 14 11 Student fees .. .. .. .. .. 386 15 0 Telephone .. .. .. .. .. 16 17 6 Testing fees .. .. . . .. .. 64 19 8 Advertising . . . . .. .. .. 36 4 0 Deficit transferred to Arts and General .. 1,333 2 5 Lighting, gas, power, and water .. .. 33 16 4 Repairs .. . . .. .. 3 11 0 Syllabus .. . . .. .. .. 17 5 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. 2 14 2 Administration .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 £1,784 17 1 £1,784 17 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance from Income and Expenditure 1,333 2 5 Library purchases, 1935 31 19 5 £ s d 1,365 1 10 Deficit for 1935 .. .. .. ..£1,365 1 10 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. ..I 863 12 9 Government grant .. .. 1,500 0 0 Library— £ s. d. Add grant for increased salaries Books . . .. .. 101 19 11 (5 per cent.) .. . . .. 86 2 0 Periodicals .. . . . . 9 13 0 Add grant for increases salaries Maintenance .. .. 5 12 6 (August to December) (£135 13s. 117 5 5 per annum, per cent.) . . 56 8 9 Lecture requisites .. .. . . ~ 18 12 9 1, 642 10 9 Architectural Examination expenses .. . . 11- -10 0 Student fees .. .. .. .. .. 454 9 6 Prospectus .. .. .. .. .. 46 10 0 Architectural Examination fees .. .. 18 18 0 Sundries .. .. .. . . .. 21 6 4 Balance transferred to Arts and General . . 37 1 0 . £2,115 18 3 £2,115 18 3 - Statement op Income Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,863 12 9 Government grant .. .. .. 1,642 10 9 Lecture requisites .. .. .. .. 18 12 9 Student fees . . .. .. .. . . 454 9 g Library maintenance .. .. .. .. 5 12 6 Examination fees .. .. .. , . 18 18 0 Examination expenses .. .. .. 11 10 0 Prospectus .. .. .. .. . . 46 10 0 Sundries .. . . .. .. . . 40 15 6 Administration .. .. . . .. 50 0 0 Balance transferred to Arts and General .. 79 4 9 £2,115 18 3 - £2,1 Id IS 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. Surplus from Income and Expenditure 79 4 9 £ s. d. Deficit for 1935 .. .. 32 8 2 "Library" purchases, 1935 .. .. .. 11l 12 11 m 12 jl



SCHOOL OF MUSIC. (Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil Salaries . . .. . . 514 15 0 Student fees .. .. .. .. .. 315 0 0 Less grant by Education Board 300 0 0 — 214 15 0 Library .. .. .. .. .. 21 16 1 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. 15 0 3 Balance transferred to Arts and General .. 63 8 8 £315 0 0 £315 0 0 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 514 15 0 Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil Sundries . . .. .. .. • ■ 15 14 1 Student fees .. .. .. .. .. 315 0 0 Administration .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Education Board .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Balance transferred to Arts and General .. 59 10 11 £615 0 0 £615 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. Library purchases, 1935 .. 21 16 I Surplus for 1935 .. .. 37 14 10 £ s. d. 59 10 11 Balance from Income and Expenditure .. 59 10 11 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Balance, Bank of New Zealand, 31st' £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. December, 1934 . . .. .. 815 3 Director .. .. .. 438 10 10 Balance, Post Office Savings-bank .. 259 2 6 Tutors .. .. .. .. 285 4 4 267 17 9 723 15 2 Interest, Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 719 6 Library— Auckland University Council, grant Books . . .. .. .. 52 3 3 from — Periodicals .. .. .. 14 0 Carnegie Corporation .. .. 860 110 53 7 3 National endowment .. .. 150 0 0 Stationery .. .. .. .. 22 2 8 1,010 1 10 Caretaking .. .. .. .. 5 12 8 General expenses .. .. .. .. 0160 Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1935 .. .. .. .. 53 1 6 Post Office Savings-bank, 31st December, 1935 .. .. .. 427 310 480 5 4 £1,285 19 1 £1,285 19 1 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest, Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 719 6 Director .. .. .. ■ ■ 438 10 10 Auckland University Council, share of national-endow-Tutors .. .. ■. • • 285 4 4 ment .. .. . . .. . . 150 0 0 723 15 2 Excess expenditure over income transferred to Carnegie Stationery .. .. .. ■ • 22 2 8 grant for adult education .. .. .. 594 7 0 Caretaking .. .. .. • ■ • • 5 12 8 General expenses .. .. .. .. 0 16 0 £752 6 6 £752 6 6 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Carnegie Library grant .. .. 84 13 9 Library .. .. .. .. .. 576 0 0 Less 1935 purchases .. .. 53 7 3 Cash — 31 66 Bank of New Zealand .. .. 53 1 6 Carnegie grant—Adult education .. 1,043 510 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 427 3 10 Less 1935 expenditure .. .. 594 7 0 480 5 4 ——— 448 18 10 Accumulated funds .. .. 587 10 0 Add Library purchases, 1935 .. 53 7 3 640 17 3 Less depreciation, library ... 64 17 3 576 0 0 £1,056 5 4 £1,056 5 4



3. VICTORIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Visitor. —The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. Chairman.—P. Levi, M.A. Appointed by Governor-General in Council. —I). M. Stout, M.D., D.5.0., 0.8. E., F.R.C.S., and T. Forsyth, Esq. Elected by Court of Convocation —P. Levi, M.A. ; The Hon. Mr. Justice H. H. Ostler, LL.B. ; S. Eichelbaum, M.A., LL.B. ; and H. E. O'Leary, LL.B., K.C. Elected by teachers in primary schools—H. A. Parkinson, M.A. ; E. L. Combs, M.A. Elected by members of Education Boards —The Hon. W. H. Mclntyre, M.L.C.; and J. A. Valentine, B.A. Appointed by Wellington City Council —H. A. R. Huggins. Elected by teachers in secondary schools and technical high schools —T. R. Cresswell, M.A. Elected by governing bodies of secondary schools —W. H. P. Barber. Elected by the Professorial Board —T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc.; J. Ranking Brown, M.A., Hon.Litt.D., F.N.Z.I.A. Staff. Professors. — Classics —J. Rankine Brown, M.A. (St. Andrews and Oxford), Hon.LL.D. (St. Andrews), F.N.Z.I.A. (Chairman, Professorial Board). English—H. Mackenzie, M.A. (St. Andrews). Modern Languages— E. J. Boyd-Wilson, M.A., B.Sc. (N.Z.), B.A. (Camb.), (Dean of Arts Faculty). Philosophy—T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc. (N.Z.). History—E. L. W. Wood, B.A. (Sydney), M.A. (Oxon.). Economics —B. E. Murphy, M.A., LL.B., B.Com. (N.Z.), F.E.S., F.S.S. (Dean of Commerce Faculty). Education —W. H. Gould, M.A. (N.Z.), Mathematics —E. E. Miles, M.A. (N.Z.), M.A. (Oxon.), Dip.Ed. Biology—H. B. Kirk, M.A. (N.Z.), F.R.S.N.Z. Physics—D. C. H. Florance, M.A., M.Sc. (N.Z.). Chemistry—P. W. Robertson, M.A., M.Sc. (N.Z.), M.A. (Oxford), Ph.D. (Leipzig), (Dean of Science Faculty). Geology—C. A. Cotton, D.Sc. (N.Z.), A.0.5.M., F.G.S., F.R.S.N.Z. Law —J. Adamson, M.A., LL.B. (Edin.), (Dean of Law Faculty) ; J. Williams, LL.M. (N.Z.), Ph.D. (Cantab.l. Registrar —G. G. S. Robison, M.A. (N.Z.). Librarian—H. G. Miller, M.A. (N.Z.). Lecturers, twelve. REPORT. (EXTRACTS.) The Victoria University College Council presents the following report for the year 1935 : — Students and Classes. —The number of students attending the classes in 1935 was 75]. The Work of the College : The Staff. —Miss Ellis, who for some years was assistant to the Professor of History, resigned her position as from the end of 1935, and the Council appointed Dr. J. C. Beaglehole as full-time Lecturer and Assistant to the Professor of History in her place. The reopening of the Wellington Teachers' Training College in 1936 was responsible for a large increase in the number of students attending the classes in Education, and the Council appointed Mr. A. E. Campbell, who was formerly part-time Assistant, as full-time Lecturer and Assistant to the Professor of Education. The Library. —The year has been an important one in the history of the library. The second year's grant (5,000 dollars) from the Carnegie Corporation has been received and expended ; the Council has received notice of two valuable bequests to the library, one from the late A. R. Atkinson, Esq., of the estimated value of £3,000, the other from the late A. .D. Crawford, Esq., of £2,000 ; some 1,200 books have been bequeathed to the library by the late Mr. Atkinson. Additional accommodation has been provided for over 10,000 volumes. Two new reading-rooms have been opened. Workers' Educational Association. —During 1935 the work of the Association was carried on largely as a result of a grant received from the Carnegie Corporation, together with a grant received from the National Endowment Fund. Finances, however, did not permit the appointment of a full-time Tutor-Organizer, and the work outside Wellington was carried on by means of Discussion Courses and the Box Courses hired from Canterbury College. Dr. J. G Beaglehole was again in charge of the Discussion Courses, and he was able to visit most of the sixteen groups. Twenty-five groups used the Box material. Twelve series of lectures were given in Wellington and its suburbs. With the change in Government the Association fully expects that at least a portion of its former grant will be restored, and that next year it will be able to appoint a Tutor-Organizer as well as to extend its work in the city and suburbs. Accommodation. —The Council would again stress the serious position that has arisen owing to the lack of accommodation in the College. The rapid growth of the library, due in great measure to the generous benefaction of the Carnegie Corporation, has resulted in a serious shortage of accommodation. This applies both to class-rooms and to private rooms for Professors and Lecturers. Towards the end of last year negotiations were in progress with the Government with regard to the erection of a new biology block and a new administration block. The Council would urge that funds for the immediate erection of these two blocks be granted.


E. —7.

STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1935. GENERAL ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 2,008 6 4 Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Government grants .. .. .. .. 10,969 19 10 Teaching staff .. .. 17,346 1 9 National-endowment grant — Office .. .. .. 1,188 0 6 Government .. .. .. .. 2,284 18 8 Caretaker and cleaners .. 689 15 3 New Zealand University .. .. .. 1,141 8 1 Mechanic and gardener .. 410 11 1 Fees (gross) .. .. .. .. .. 8,775 2 6 Library .. .. .. 797 5 2 Examination fees (gross) .. .. .. 1,002 15 0 20,431 13 9 Sale of— Office expenses .. .. .. .. 288 5 8 Calendars .. .. .. .. .. 23 7 0 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 153 8 11 Notes .. .. .. .. .. 77 17 0 Advertising . . .. .. .. .. 62 15 3 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. .. 25 0 0 Telephone .. .. .. .. . . 77 13 10 James Macintosh Scholarship . . . . .. 255 11 2 Insurance .. .. .. . . . . 157 0 9 Grant, Students' Association .. .. .. 20 0 0 Water .. .. . . . . . . 46 2 0 Carnegie grant for library .. .. .. 1,251 19 2 Light and heat .. .. .. .. 596 18 10 Rent — Travelling-expenses .. .. . . . . 162 2 10 Garage .. . . .. .. . . 16 0 0 Apparatus and chemicals — Reserves .. . . .. .. .. 189 16 6 Chemistry .. .. . . 295 6 3 Interest — Physics .. . . . . 95 15 6 Debentures School of Economics .. . . 144 10 0 Biology .. . . . . 112 10 1 Debentures T. G. Macarthy .. . . . . 424 2 10 Geology .. . . 16 15 3 Post Office Savings-bank General Account . . 29 17 8 Psychology .. . . 13 1 Post Office Savings-bank Government Subsidy • 521 10 2 Account .. .. .. . . 5 4 5 Buildings .. . . . . .. . . 20 19 4 Nurses Classes —Health Department .. .. 56 0 0 Furniture .. . . . 177 510 Lecture —Dr. Bertram Thomas .. .. 22 2 5 Alterations to library .. .. 119 5 1 War Bursary—Rands.. .. .. .. 3 6 8 ' 296 10 11 From Weir House Account .. .. .. 100 0 0 Maintenance.. .. .. .. .. 110 6 9 Cleaning and genera] .. .. .. .. 661911 Grounds .. .. .. .. . . 85 16 6 Calendars .. .. . . .. . . 131 8 0 Examination expenses .. . . . . 159 16 11 Contingencies .. .. . . .. 66 19 2 Unauthorized .. .. .. . . 2 10 0 Fees refunded .. .. .. . . 51 17 0 Examination fees refunded . . . . . . 39 18 0 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. . , 25 0 0 James Macintosh Scholarship .. . . . . 255 11 2 Nurses' classes—Tutors . . . . . . 56 0 0 Library books . . . . . . . . 835 1 2 Legal expenses . . . . .. . . 6 6 0 Special grant —Library .. . . . . 4 0 0 Carpenter's shop .. .. . . . . 10 0 Transferred to Tutorial Class Account .. .. 150 0 0 War Bursary —Rands.. .. .. .. 3 6 8 To Carnegie Library Account .. .. .. 1,251 19 2 Balance— £ s. d. Cash at Bank of New Zealand . . 126 15 8 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank General Account .. .. 3,173 6 3 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank Subsidy Account .. . . 180 1 2 3,480 3 1 Less— £ s. d. Tutorial Classes Account .. 668 15 11 S. A. Rhodes Account .. 101 10 9 Carnegie Account .. 0 18 6 T. G. Macarthy 0 11 4 771 16 6 2,708 6 7 £28,827 5 3 £28,827 5 3 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Staff .. .. .. .. .. 18,446 8 1 Government grant .. .. .. .. 10,969 19 10 Office .. .. .. .. .. 1,188 0 6 National-endowment grant .. .. .. 3,276 6 9 Library .. .. .. .. .. 797 5 2 Fees .. .. .. .. .. 8,718 13 0 Office expenses .. .. . . ~ 188 5 8 Examination fees .. . . .. . . 962 17 0 Telephone ~ .. . . . . . . 77 13 10 Sale calendars .. .. .. . . 23 7 0 Printing and stationery .. . . .. 161 10 4 Sale notes .. . . .. . . .. 77 17 0 Advertising .. . . . . . . .. 60 16 3 Grant —Students' Association .. .. . , 20 0 0 Insurance .. . . . . .. .. 157 0 9 Interest — Water .. .. .. . . .. 41 12 0 General . . . . .. .. . . 20 14 8 Heat and light . . . . . . .. 596 18 10 T. G. Macarthy .. .. . . ! . 424 12 9 Travelling-expenses .. . . . . . . 162 2 10 School of Economics . . .. . . 204 14 2 Chemistry .. .. . . . . .. 295 6 3 Rent— Physics .. .. .. . . .. 95 15 6 Reserves .. .. . . .. .. 189 16 6 Biology .. .. . . . . .. 104 13 1 Garage .. . . .. . . . . 16 0 0 Psychology .. .. . . . . .. 4 6 1 Geology .. . . . . . . .. 16 15 3 Maintenance.. .. .. .. .. 11069 Cleaning and general .. .. .. 59 9 10 Grounds .. .. .. .. .. 85 16 6 Calendars .. .. .. .. .. 131 8 0 Examination expenses .. . . . . 156 3 5 Contingencies . . .. . . .. 44 16 9 Legal expenses . . .. .. .. 6 6 0 Unauthorized .. .. .. .. 2 10 0 Special grant —Library .. .. .. 4 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,909 11 0 £24,904 18 8 £24,904 18 8



GENERAL ACCOUNT—continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Scholarship Fund Accounts, &c. .. .. 64,812 5 4 Cash at Bank of New Zealand — £ s. d. £ s. d. Weir House capital and liabilities .. .. 49,674 3 1 General Account .. .. 126 15 8 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 72 8 0 Trust Funds .. .. .. 654 011 £ s. d. 780 16 7 Accumulated Fund .. .. 108,106 5 1 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank— Plus balance Income and Ex- General Account .. .. 2,581 10 11 penditure Account .. .. 1,909 .11 0 Trust Funds .. .. .. 4,881 9 5 7,463 0 4 110,015 16 1 Debentures—General Account .. .. 3,400 0 0 £ s. d. Debentures and inscribed stock— Less depreciation ■ 2,652 6 0 Trust funds .. .. .. .. 52,105 9 2 Less sundry debtors S. A. Rhodes—Shares —Paparoa Co. .. .. '330 0 0 written off .. 49 16 0 Weir Hostel loan .. .. .. .. 2,681 0 0 2,702 2 0 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 81 19 9 107,313 14 1 Accrued interest .. .. .. .. 793 7 5 Buildings and equipment (less depreciation)— £ s. d. College buildings .. .. 64,488 111 Library books .. .. 10,602 4 7 Caretaker's cottage .. .. 312 11 5 Laboratory fittings .. .. 2,009 3 5 Apparatus .. .. .. 5,925 18 0 Fencing and grounds .. .. 1,751 6 5 Furniture and fittings . . 5,244 3 0 Bicycle-shed . . . . . . 97 5 0 Carpenter's shop .. .. 22 1 8 S. A. Rhodes— £ s. d. Office equipment .. 78 4 5 Motor-car .. 204 0 0 282 4 5 Carnegie Library books — General .. .. .. 2,283 13 6 W.E.A. .. .. .. 94 0 10 93,112 14 2 Land—Site .. .. .. .. 11,450 0 0 Weir House —Assets .. .. .. 49,674 3 1 £221,872 10 6 £221,872 10 6 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION TUTORIAL CLASSES. Statement oe Beceipts and Payments. jßeceipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 178 8 3 Director .. . . . . 81 0 0 Received from Carnegie Trustees .. 484 9 7 Secretary .. .. 100 0 0 375 12 7 Organizer discussions .. .. 100 0 0 860 22 Tutors .. .. . . .. 208 0 0 Discussion courses .. .. .. . . 18 10 4 489 0 0 Workers' Educational Association for Box circles .. 33 5 0 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Transferred from National-endowment grant .. 150 0 0 Boxes .. . . . . . . .. 33 6 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. . . .. 17 18 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 15 4 Balance at bank .. .. .. .. 668 15 11 £1,240 5 9 • £1,240 5 9 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. . • . . 489 0 0 Received from Carnegie Trustees .. . . 860 22 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Received from Workers' Educational Association, Boxes .. .. .. .. .. 33 6 0 Wellington . . . . .. .. .. 33 5 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 17 18 6 Received from J. C. Beaglehole (discussions) .. 18 10 4 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 15 4 Transferred from National-endowment grant .. 150 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 490 7 8 £1,061 17 6 £1,061 17 6 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Trust Fund, 31st December, 1934 .. .. .. 178 8 3 Cash at bank .. .. .. .. .. 668 15 11 Plus balance, Income amd Expenditure Account . . 490 7 8 £668 15 11 £668 15 11

3—E. 7.


E. —7.

WEIR HOUSE ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward . . . . .. .. 659 7 3 Buildings .. .. . . .. . . 210 0 Received from Public Trustee .. .. .. 1,265 5 7 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 414 1 7 Boarders'fees ~ .. .. .. 4,882 13 4 Souvenirs .. .. !! '' 7 610 Interest, Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 12 15 0 Grounds .. .. . . .. 180 0 3 Billiard-table receipts .. .. .. .. 12 17 1 Surfacing drive .. .. . . .. 62 6 3 Miscellaneous receipts . . .. .. .. 719 8 £ s. d. Locker fees . . . . .. .. . , 27 0 0 Bread .. .. .. .. 150 19 9 Gas and electric light .. .. 374 19 2 Fruit and vegetables .. .. 547 8 2 Groceries . . .. . . 818 17 1 Heat . . .. .. .. 163 10 0 Insurance .. .. .. 49 13 11 Laundry .. .. .. 125 8 7 Meat and fish .. .. . . 503 11 6 Milk . . .. .. .. 209 19 4 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 101 17 3 Rent . . .. .. .. 500 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. 1,331 5 3 Telephone .. .. .. 45 16 6 Water .. .. .. .. 149 8 6 Maintenance .. .. .. 20 15 7 Fees refunded .. .. .. 715 4 Locker fees refunded .. .. 2 5 0 To General Account .. .. 100 0 0 5,203 10 11 Balance — Bank of New Zealand .. .. 666 1 8 Post Office Savings-bank .. 313 10 5 979 12 1 £6,867 17 11 £6,867 17 11 Statement oe Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Bread .. .. .. .. .. 152 4 9 Boarders'fees .. .. .. .. 4.874 18 0 Fruit and Vegetables .. .. .. .. 542 18 6 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 7198 Gas and electric light .. .. .. .. 374 19 2 Billiard receipts .. .. .. .. 12 17 1 Groceries .. .. .. .. .. 832 511 From Public Trustee .. .. .. .. 1,265 5 7 Heat . . .. .. . . .. 159 16 0 Locker fees .. .. .. .. .. 24 15 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 49 13 11 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 9 510 Laundry . . .. .. .. .. 122 4 1 Meat and fish . . .. .. .. 496 12 6 Milk.. .. .. .. .. .. 209 11 8 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 98 8 9 Rent .......... 500 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,331 5 3 Telephone . . .. .. .. .. 45 16 6 Water .. .. .. .. .. 150 4 6 Maintenance .. .. . . .. .. 20 15 7 To General Account .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Souvenirs .. .. . . .. .. 7 6 10 Hospital Board .. .. .. . . 62 6 3 Balance .. .. .. .. . . 938 11 0 "£6,195 1 2 £6,195 1 2 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. Trust Fund Capital Account, 31st £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash in Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. 666 1 8 December, 1934 .. . . 49,244 5 4 Cash in Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 313 ]0 5 Less depreciation .. .. 3,306 10 2 Weir House building .. .. .. .. 43,083 9 9 Staff cottage and recreation-room .. .. 1,177 12 9 45,937 15 2 Destructor .. .. .. .. 7 16 9 Plus balance, Income and Ex- Furniture and equipment .. .. .. 3,859 12 8 penditure Account .. .. 938 11 0 Outbuildings .. .. .. .. '6311 10 46,876 6 2 Grounds .. .. .. .. .. 477 19 9 Loan Account .. .. . . .. 2,681 0 0 Accrued interest .. .. . . .. 7 0 10 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 116 16 11 Stock in hand .. .. 17 6 8 % £49,674 3f 1 £49,674 3 Ī



4- CANTERBURY COLLEGE. Visitor. —The Hon. the Minister of Education. Board of Governors. Chairman. —C. T. Aschman, Esq. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General —Miss E. A. Chaplin, B.A. ; A. 0. Wilkinson, Esq., B.Com. ; Right Rev. Dr. Campbell West-Watson. Appointed by members of Parliament —E. J. Howard, Esq., M.P. ; Colonel the Hon. G. J. Smith, Esq., C.8.E.» M.L.C., V.D.; Hon. Sir R. Heaton Rhodes, K.C.V.0., K.8.E., M.L.C. Appointed by graduates—J. H. E. Schroder, Esq., M.A. ;J. G. I). Ward, Esq., LL.B. ;R. A. Campbell, Esq., B.Sc. ; A. E. Flower, Esq., M.A., M.Sc. ; G. M. L. Lester, Esq., M.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ; R. Hepburn, Esq., LL.M., B.Com. Appointed by teachers —C. T. Aschman, Esq. ; J. G. Poison, Esq., M.A. ; W. 0. Colee, Esq., M.A. Appointed by School Committees —H. D. Acland, Esq., B.A. ; W. A. Banks, Esq. ; W. P. Spencer, Esq. Representatives of the Professorial Board —Professor J. Hight, C.M.G., M.A., Litt.D. (Rector), .ex officio: Professor H. G. Denham M.A., D.Sc. Registrar.—C. C. Kemp, A.1Ī..A.N./., F.C.S.N.Z. Staff. Rector. —Professor J. Hight, C.M.G., M.A., Litt.D. Professors. —Classics —L. G. Pocock, M.A. Mathematics—W. Saddler, M.A., D.Sc., 13.A.. F.R.S. English Language and Literature —F. Sinclaire, M.A. French and German —C. Malthus, M.A., Litt.D. Chemistry— H. G. Denham, M.A., M.Sc., D.Sc., Ph.D. Engineering—(Electrical) P. H. Powell, M.Sc., M.Eng., M.1.E.E., M.A.I.E.E. ; (Civil) J. E. L. Cull, B.Sc., A.M.I.M.E. : (Mechanical) S. Steele, B.Sc. Biology—E. Percival, B.Sc. History—J. Hight, C.M.G., M.A., Litt.D., F.R.E.S. Physics—C. C. Farr, D.Sc., F.P.S.L., F.N.Z.lnst. Mental and Moral Philosophy—Vacant.. Education and Director of Extension Work —J. Shelley, M.A. Economics —A. H. Tocker, M.A. Lecturers, nineteen. REPORT. (EXTRACTS.) As far as Canterbury College is concerned, the depression from which the Dominion has suffered has been met by rigid economy and a stern refusal to embark on expenditure, however pressing the need or justifiable the demand, if the resources to meet it were not readily available. The Council has steadfastly followed the policy of cutting its cloth according to its means —always a disagreeable business, but especially so when it would have been easy to create debt and leave it to the future to be met. The position, however, has been relieved in large measure by the generous and whole-hearted co-operation of the teaching and administrative staffs, and I cannot speak in too high terms of the loyalty displayed by them in the last three or four harassing years. The disturbing decrease injendowment revenue is a|convincing sign that we have reached the end of a period in the development of the College. In more prosperous years additions to the teaching staff and extensions of buildings have been met mainly out of ordinary revenue, but any further advances along that line are now impossible. The conclusion is inevitable that the changed circumstances have so affected, and will almost certainly continue to affect, the sources of the College's material support, that the demands for future development can be met only by increased grants from outside sources. During the year the financial position of some of the tenants has been reviewed, and where the circumstances warranted reductions in rent were made or payments due were suspended. In some cases remissions of arrears of rent were made, and in nearly every instance where relief was afforded grateful acknowledgment was made by the tenant of the sympathetic attitude of the Council. As far as can be judged endowment revenue has now reached " base level," and with brighter prospects for the chief primary products it is expected that our tenants will be able to meet their rent commitments in full. There is, however, a large amount of arrears outstanding, and the Council must face the position that a large proportion will be irrecoverable. In accordance with the provisions of the Canterbury University College Act, the annual election of members took place in June, when all the retiring members were re-elected. Mr. A. 0. Wilkinson was reappointed by His Excellency the Governor-General; Colonel G. J. Smith by the members of Parliament in the Canterbury University District; Messrs. A. E. Flower and J. H. Schroder, by the District Court of Convocation ; Mr. C. T. Aschman by the school-teachers ; and Mr. W. P. Spencer by the School Committees. At the annual meeting of the Council held in July Mr. C. T. Aschman was re-elected Chairman, and Mr. A. E. Flower, Deputy-Chairman. During the year under review Mr. W. F. Robinson, who had held the position of lecturer in Surveying and Building Construction, resigned after twenty-five years' service. In addition to proved high qualifications as a lecturer Mr. Robinson retired with the splendid record of not having missed a single lecture throughout his long connection with the School of Engineering. Another serious loss to the staff of the school was the retirement of Mr. A. F. Morrison. For forty-three years Mr. Morrison held the post of lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, having shared in the credit accruing from the great progress made by the School of Engineering from its beginnings to the present time. By resolution the Council expressed its appreciation of the services rendered by both these highly efficient officers. The vacancies created by the resignations were filled by the appointment of Mr. A. Lush as lecturer in Mechanical Engineering and Mr. C. 0. Barnett as lecturer in Surveying and Building Construction. A list of other changes on the staff is to be found in the Rector's informative report. The thanks of the Council are due to the Education Department and to the Board of Education for placing the services of three lecturers during the year 1934 at the disposal of the College when the Christchurch Training College was closed. I wish also to express the Council's appreciation of the fact that with the opening of the Training College at the beginning of 1935 we were allowed to retain the services of two of the lecturers, Mr. G. Jobberns as lecturer in Geography and Mr. A. J. Campbell as lecturer in Education. Owing to the suspension of the School of Forestry, Mr. L. Morrison, Lecturer in Entomology, terminated his connection with that department. The Council expressed its regret that circumstances should have made such a course necessary, and recorded its appreciation of the work he had done during the five years of his appointment. Members of the staff of the College granted leave during the year for study abroad were : Mr. C. E. Foweraker, Lecturer in Botany ; Dr. D. B. Macleod, Lecturer in Physics ; Mr. P. G. Bamford of the School of Engineering ; and Dr. Broadhead, Lecturer in Classics. Each of these will resume duty during the 1936 session.



STATEMENT OP ACCOUNTS EOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1935. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s . d. Payments- t i tg f n if , 2,398 2 7 Balance .. V 8 L d , J. M. B. Crawford s legacy on account .. .. 500 0 0 Inscribed stock—J. M. B. Crawford " " 527 15 (') Chamber of Commerce grant .. 100 0 0 Mortgage on Rolleston House (balance) !! ! 500 0 0 Leas paid to A. H. looker .. ~»0« _ »d " fg 1? 1 t, 50 0 0 Office furniture .. .. _ q 1Q S Donation J. E. Gabites .. .. .. 55 0 Library books .. " ana National endowment 3,426 6 8 Students' Association fees 981 6 8 Rent of reserves 9,694 14 3 Testing fees .. .. " " m* o Students fees 11,005 11 10 Scholarships and allowances " " Students Association fees 944 310 Salaries and wages .. " " Testing fees 181 4 10 Office expenses .. !! " «2 ? i? ™ , rles Endowment expenses . . ' ' gjo 9 Library fines 11 12 4 Entertainment—HigH School pupils-King's Jubilee 16 0 0 Library fees " " \\ % t . 150 0 0 l U nt e ere S t° oma 10 0 Printing and stationery .. 333 8 2 810 0 „„ „ „ Advertising .. .. . . 40 17 8 ~ u y Insurance .. ion fi a Government grant for entertainment— Water-Hiitmlv *' oV u U Hi !L S fe?unlet lS " King ' SjUbllee u0 0 Telephones and postages ' " 103 4 3 reiunaea . . .. 1-0 0 Heating and lighting .. .. 732 9 6 XT • , , , . . . 16 0 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildVarious scholarships, grants, &c. .. .. 300 0 0 i n gs .. sio A. Transfers— Cleaning-material . . 73 19 3 Administration .. .. 1,421 16 2 Upkeep of grounds .. " i Medical School reserves 750 14 11 Legal expenses.. .. 21 7 6 * 20 0 0 E~s- ereCOrdS " " 23 3 3 _ 2,192 11 1 Cass Station .. 16 13 2 BoaX fees- 896 7 0 Arthur's Pass cottage !. 110 0 1» 11 + tr O « Grant to necessitous students .. 14 13 0 Rolleston House .. .. 2,210 16 0 Rector's honorarium .. . 38 9 3 Helen Connon Hall .. .. 1,970 11 6 Rector's petty cash 1 1 3 4 ' lBl 7 6 Sundries .. " j 0 BalanCe 5,892 16 10 Material for Science departments" 1,057 18 2 History of art lectures .. . . 6 13 3 Travelling — Lecturer in Entomology • ■ . . . . 6 0 0 Geography lectures .. .. 12 11 10 Interest .. .. .. 574 jj 4 Rent —Assistant porter's cottage . . 52 0 0 Grant to E. J. Page .. .. 50 0 0 Passage to England — Hartley Scholar .. .. _ _ 47 18 4 0 , - 4,419 18 1 Scheme 5 .. .. . , _ _ ggg 7 0 Astronomical Observatory.. in n a Rolleston House— " " ' U Telephone rental .. ~ 22 8 3 Salaries and wages .. . . 707 4 6 Provisions .. .. !. 929 13 10 Heating and lighting .. .. 281 13 3 Repairs of buildings .. .. 221 17 5 Insurance .. . . 15 9 0 Other expenses . . .. 23 5 2 T, .. — 2,202 1 5 Furniture .. . . .. .. 47 5 5 Household requisites . . .. .. 51 0 6 Helen Connon Hall— Telephone rental .. 17 8 0 Salaries and wages . . . . 488 5 j Provisions . . . , 642 12 7 Heating and lighting .. 238 22 Repairs of buildings . . . . 13 14 11 Insurance .. . . .. 37 19 10 Other expenses .. .. 6 13 0 v ~ 1,444 15 7 Jb urniture .. .. _ 15132 Household requisites .. . . ~ 23 7 1 Interest on mortgage .. .. ' _ 320 q q £41,747~12 2 £41,747 12 1



Statement op Income and Expenditube. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grants .. .. .. 2,996 9 1 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 16,356 0 10 J. M. B. Crawford's legacy on account .. 500 0 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 524 5 4 Chamber of Commerce grant .. 100 0 0 Library .. .. .. 649 3 9 Less paid to A. H. Tocker . . 50 0 0 Office .. .. .. 1,877 9 5 50 o 0 19,406 19 4 Donations .. .. .. .. 28 2 6 Library books .. .. .. .. 626 611 Rent of reserves .. .. .. .. 9,313 4 6 Office expenses .. .. .. .. 463 17 8 National endowment .. .. .. 3,426 6 8 Endowment expenses .. .. .. 296 22 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 10|787 7 4 Astronomical Observatory expenses .. 10 0 0 Testing fees .. .. .. .. 66 13 10 Transfer —Workers' Educational Asso- Examination fees .. .. .. 205 7 6 ciation (share national endowment) .. 150 0 0 Sundries— General expenses— Interest .. .. .. 60 10 0 Printing and stationery .. .. 340 17 6 Sales .. .. .. .. 20 3 5 Advertising .. .. .. 41 9 4 Library fines .. .. .. 11 12 4 Insurance .. .. .. 100 6 6 Library fees .. .. .. II 10 0 Water-supply .. .. .. 31 15 6 Use of rooms .. .. .. 11 5 0 Telephones, postages . . .. 103 4 3 115 o 9 Heating and lighting .. .. 732 15 6 Transfers— Repairs and maintenance of build- Administration .. .. 1,421 16 2 i n gs • • . • .. 817 13 9 Museum, Library, and School of Cleaning material . . .. 74 8 3 Technical Science .. .. 20 0 0 Upkeep of grounds .. .. 153 22 Medical School.. .. .. 672 16 11 Legal expenses .. .. 21 7 6 2,114 13 I Gramophone records .. .. 23 3 3 Rolleston House —Boarding fees .. .. 2,163 5 6 Expenses— Helen Connon Hall—Boarding fees .. .. 1,956 16 0 Cass Station .... 16 13 2 Arthur's Pass cottage .. 1 10 0 Grants to necessitous students .. 14 13 0 Rector's honorarium .. .. 38 9 3 Rector's petty cash .. .. 3 13 3 Sundries .. .. .. 102 2 0 Material for Science departments 1,065 7 5 History of art lectures . . .. 6 13 3 Travelling —Entomologist .. 6 0 0 Geography lectures .. .. 12 II 10 Interest .. . . . . 574 11 4 Rent—Assistant porter's house .. 52 0 0 Grant to F. J. Page to assist music studies . . .. .. 50 0 0 Passage to England — Hartley Scholar .. .. .. 47 18 4 4,432 6 4 Rolleston House — Telephone .. . . .. 22 8 3 Salaries and wages .. .. 707 4 6 Provisions .. .. .. 918 2 6 Heating and lighting .. .. 281 13 3 Repairs to buildings . . .. 209 1 9 Insurance .. .. . . 15 9 0 Other expenses .. .. 23 15 2 2,177 14 5 Helen Connon Hall— Telephone .. .. .. 17 8 0 Salaries and wages .. .. 488 5 1 Provisions .. .. .. 640 0 4 Heating and lighting .. .. 239 17 8 Repairs to buildings .. .. 13 14 II Insurance .. .. .. 37 19 10 Other expenses .. .. 6 13 0 Interest on mortgage .. .. 320 0 0 1,763 18 10 Depreciation— College — Equipment and apparatus .. 308 5 1 Furniture and fittings .. 269 7 2 Office equipment .. .. 25 0 10 — 602 13 1 Rolleston House— Buildings .. .. .. 301 16 7 Furniture .. .. .. 59 16 2 Utensils .. .. .. 48 3 9 409 16 6 Helen Connon Hall — Buildings .. .. .. 325 17 8 Furniture .. .. .. 138 2 0 Utensils .. .. .. 42 9 4 506 9 0 Capital .. .. .. .. .. 2,877 2 6 £33,723 6 9 £33,723 6 9



Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowment lands .. .. .. 294,973 9 5 Capital .. .. .. 466,424 11 1 r?! Arthur's Pass— Plus income and expenditure, Site .. .. . . . • .. 50 0 0 balance .. .. .. 2,877 2 6 fpj Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 197 13 2 Plus Government subsidies .. 903 11 10Jjj4| Cass—Buildings .. .. .. .. 466 11 10 470,205 5 5 College— £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. •• 104 511 Site .. ... ■■ •• 25,282 17 8 Donation not applied .. .. •• 15 0 0 Buildings .. •• 115,883 8 3 Rolleston House— Equipment and apparatus . . 3,082 11 0 Fees paid in advance .. .. .. 24 12 6 Less depreciation . . . . 308 5 1 Sundry creditors .. .. .. •. 32 7 2 - Helen Connon Hall — 2,774 5 11 Mortgage—Public Trustee .. .. .. 6,400 0 0 Plus purchases, 1935 .. .. 188 17 1 Pees paid in advance .. .. 15 14 0 — 2,963 3 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 34 19 6 Furniture and fittings . 2,693 12 0 T. W. Adams School of Forestry— Less depreciation .. .. 269 7 2 Capital .. .. .. 5,501 15 1 Less income and expenditure, 2,424 4 10 balance .. •. 90 2 6 Plus purchases, 1935 , . .. 242 0 6 5,591 17 7 2,666 5 4 Students' Loan Fund — Office equipment . . .. 250 8 9 Capital . . .. .. 997 11 4 Less depreciation, 1935 .. 25 010 Interest .. .. .. 34 3 6 225 7 11 1,031 14 10 Plus purchases, 1935 .. .. 9 19 8 Less amounts written oft' .. 12 17 6 235 7 7 1,018 17 4 Library books .. .. .. .. 3,350 0 0 General Account overdrawn .. 5,892 16 10 Investments .. .. .. .. 1,727 15 0 Less T. W. Adams £ s. d. Sundry debtors— School of Forestry 474 10 7 Government grants .. .. 598 6 6 Less Students' Loan £ s. d. Fund .. 206 5 8 Rents .. 9,193 14 7 680 16 3 Less reserve bad 5,212 0 7 and doubtful debts .. 5,316 16 9 3,876 17 10 Students' fees .. . . .. 25 8 6 Testing fees .. .. .. 81 8 6 Interest .. .. .. 119 3 5 Salaries due by Lincoln College .. 29 3 4 4,730 8 1 Rolleston House— Site 6,775 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. 6,036 11 2 Less depreciation .. .. 301 16 7 5,734 14 7 Furniture .. .. .. 598 2 1 Less depreciation .. .. 59 16 2 538 5 11 Plus purchases, 1935 .. 47 5 5 585 11 4 Household requisites .. .. 240 18 11 Less depreciation .. . . 48 3 9 192 15 2 Plus purchases, 1935 .. 51 0 6 243 15 8 I Provisions .. .. . . .. 30 0 0 | Sundry debtors —Boarding fees .. 13 12 0 ! Helen Connon Hall — I Site .. .. .. .. 4,800 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. 10,862 15 8 Less depreciation .. .. 325 17 8 — 10,536 18 0 Furniture .. .. .. 1,381 1 2 Less depreciation . . .. 138 2 0 1,242 19 2 Plus purchases, 1935 . . 15 13 2 1,258 12 4 Utensils .. .. .. 212 6 10 Less depreciation .. .. 42 9 4 169 17 6 Plus purchases, 1935 .. 23 7 1 193 4 7 Sundry debtors— Boarding fees .. .. . . 6 13 6 Provisions.. .. .. .. 20 0 0 T. W. Adams School of Forestry— Site .. .. .. .. 2,780 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. 776 3 0 Less depreciation .. .. 38 16 0 737 7 0 Investment .. .. .. .. 1,600 0 0 Students' Loan Fund—Loans .. . . .. 812 11 8 £488,655 0 0 £488,655 0 0



ASSOCIATION FOR COUNTRY EDUCATION. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,212 18 8 Equipment .. .. .. .. .. 65 2 1 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 28 15 11 Library books .. .. .. .. 98 3 0 Hire of library books and sales .. .. .. 19 17 II Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 810 4 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 21 15 7 General expenses .. . . .. .. 309 19 0 £1,283 8 1 £1,283 8 1 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Library books .. . . .. .. 98 3 0 Balance, Ist January, 1935 .. .. .. 476 14 9 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 810 4 0 Grant from Carnegie Corporation .. .. 1,200 0 0 General expenses .. .. .. .. 310 14 0 Hire of library books and sales .. .. 19 17 II Depreciation—Furniture and equipment .. .. 21 12 11 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 28 15 11 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 484 14 8 £1,725 8 7 £1,725 8 7 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income and expenditure—Balance .. .. 484 14 8 Furniture and equipment .. .. 216 9 4 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 3 8 3 Less depreciation .. .. 21 12 11 Cash Account —Overdrawn .. .. .. 21 15 7 194 16 5 Plus purchases, 1935 .. .. 65 2 1 259 18T6 Library books .. .. . . .. 250 OTO £509 18 6 £509 18 6 SCHOOL OF FORESTRY. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Sale typewriter .. ... .. .. 10 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 2,920 17 4 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 2,910 17 4 £2,920 17 4 • £2,920 17 4 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Depreciation on equipment .. .. .. 30 0 0 Capital .. .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 £30 0 0 £30 0 0 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash Account overdrawn .. .. .. 2,910 17 4 Capital Account, Ist January, 1935.. 2,520 17 4 Plus income and expenditure .. 30 0 0 2,550 17 4 Equipment and apparatus.. .. 300 0 0 £ s. d. Less depreciation .. 30 0 0 Less sale .. 10 0 0 40 0 0 260 0 0 Library books .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 £2,910 17 4 £2,910 17 4 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Payments. £ s. dReceipts. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. ~ .. ~ 5.987 19 P. Balance, Ist January, 1935 .. .. .. 4,907 3 5 Library books .. . . 45 3 2 Government grants .. .. .. .. 4,382 2 5 Testing fees .. .. ~ .. .. 916 4 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 1,814 14 9 General expenses— £ s. d. Testing fees .. .. .. .. .. 83 19 0 Heating and lighting .. .. 251 11 9 Sundries— £ s. d. Insurance .. .. .. 48 9 3 Interest .. .. .. 187 12 1 Printing, stationery, and advertising 47 3 0 Sales, &c. .. .. .. 7 9 9 Material and apparatus .. .. 96 15 6 195 i io Repairs to buildings .. .. 50 11 6 Transfers —Museum, Library, and School of Tech- Sundries . . .. .. 47 14 10 nical Science .. .. .. . . 500 0 0 Testing expenses .. .. 0 111 Administration .. .. .. 194- 15 9 737 12 8 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 5,102 9 7 £11,883 1 5 £1U83T5



SCHOOL OP ENGINEERING —continued. Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 5,987 19 8 Government grants .. .. .. .. 4,558 11 0 Library books .. .. .. .. 45 3 2 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 1,798 10 3 General expenses — £ s. d. Testing fees .. .. .. .. .. 77 9 0 Heating, lighting, and power . . 251 11 9 Interest .. .. .. . . .. 166 18 5 Insurance .. .. . . 48 9 3 Sales, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 799 Printing, stationery, and advertising 47 3 0 Transfer from Museum, Library, and School of Material .. .. . . 93 1 10 Technical Science .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. 50 11 6 Capital—Transfer of balance .. .. .. 530 16 8 Sundries .. .. .. 47 18 1 Testing expenses .. . . 0 111 Administration .. . . 194 15 9 734 2 3 Depreciation—Equipment, apparatus, and furniture 872 10 0 £7,639 15 1 £7,639 15 1 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. 35,361 13 4 Buildings .. .. .. .. 20,668 6 0 Less income and expenditure .. 530 16 8 Equipment and apparatus .. 8,344 2 1 34,830 16 8 Less depreciation .. .. 834 8 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 9 0 9 7,509 14 1 Furniture and fittings .. .. 381 9 8 Less depreciation .. . . 38 2 0 343 7 8 Library books .. .. .. .. 800 0 0 Sundry debtors — Government grants .. .. .. .. 376 8 7 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 35 7 6 Testing fees .. .. .. .. 440 Cash .. .. .. .. .. 5,102 9 7 £34,839 17 5 £34,839 17 5 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1935 .. .. .. 166 10 3 Library books .. .. . . .. 18 4 2 Grant—Carnegie Corporation, New York .. 860 1 10 Salaries .. .. .. . . .. 670 15 10 Box-scheme fees .. .. .. .. 189 7 4 Rental of rooms .. .. . . . . 90 9 0 Interest .. .. • • • ■ ■ • 65 4 3 Administration .. .. .. .. 27 7 2 National endowment . . .. .. .. 150 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 41 811 Gramophone records .. .. . . .. 27 ] 10 Sundries .. .. .. . . .. 9 14 2 Printing and stationery . . . . .. 44 14 8 Balance .. .. . . . . .. 501 7 11 £1,431 3 8 £1,431 3 8 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Grant from Carnegie Corporation .. .. 484 9 5 Salaries .. .. .. .. ■ • 670 15 10 Box-scheme fees .. .. .. .. 189 7 4 General expenses — Interest .. .. .. .. .. 65 4 3 Library books .. .. .. 24 7 4 National endowment . . .. .. .. 150 0 0 Rental of rooms .. .. .. 91 11 6 Capital—Transfer of balance .. .. .. 56 2 5 Travelling-expenses . . 41 8 11 Gramophone records .. .. 27 110 Printing and stationery .. .. 44 14 8 Administration . . .. .. 27 7 2 Sundries .. .. • • • ■ 914 2 266 5 7 Equipment and apparatus —Depreciation .. 8 2 0 £945 3 5 £945 3 5 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Equipment and apparatus .. 81 0 0 Capital .. .. •• •• 1,084 13 2 Less depreciation .. .. .. 8 2 0 Less income and expenditure — 72 18 0 Balance .. .. .. 56 2 5 Library books .. .. . . . . 100 0 0 1,028 10 9 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 7.50 0 0 Grant from Carnegie Corporation for 1936 .. 375 12 5 Cash .. .. .. .. 501 7 II Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 20 2 9 £1,424 5 11 £1,424 5 11



5. UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, Visitor. —His Excellency the Governor-General. Council. Chancellor. —W. J. Morrell, Esq., M.A. Vice-Chancellor. —L. D. Ritchie, Esq. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council—Hon. Sir J. Allen. M.A., G.C.M.G., K.C.8., M.JL.C. ;G. R. Ritchie, Esq., J.P. ; James Fitzgerald, Esq., 8.A., M.8., &c. Elected by graduates—K. S. Batchelor, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ; Rev. D. C. Herron, M.C., M.A. ; Rt. Rev. W. A. R. Fitchett, M.A. ; J. W. Howorth, LL.B. Elected by the professors—R. J. T. Bell, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S.E. ; Sir H. L. Ferguson, C.M.G., M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S.I. Elected to represent Otago Hospital Board—J. W. Dove, Esq., J.P. ; elected by teachers in primary schools, J. Robertson, 8.A., B.Sc. ; elected by the Otago Education Board, James Wallace, Esq. ; elected by High School Boards, W. R. Brugh, Esq. ; elected by the Southland Education Board, Major S. Rice; elected by School Committees, L. I). Ritchie, Esq. ; elected by teachers of secondary schools. W. J. Morrell, Esq., M.A. (Oxon) ; elected by Dunedin City Council, F. W. Mitchell, Esq. Staff. Professors. —Biology —W. B. Benham, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.N.Z.lnst. English — Herbert Ramsay, M.A. Physiology—J. Malcolm, M.D. Dentistry—R. B. Dodds, D.D.S. Domestic Arts—Ann G. Strong, 0.8. E., B.Sc. Physics—R. Jack, M.A., D.Sc., Ph.D. Philosophy—J. N. Findlay, M.A., Ph.D. Anatomy—W. P. Gowland, M.D., B.Sc., F.R.C.S., Eng. Pathology—E. F. D'Ath, M.D. Classics —T. D. Adams, M.A. Modern Languages—G. E. Thompson, M.A., Litt.D. Mathematics—R. J. T. Bell, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E. Geology and Mineralogy—W. N. Benson, D.Sc., F.G.S., &c. Surgery—F. G. Bell, M.D., L.R.C.P., F.R.C.S. Systematic Medicine—D. W. C. Jones, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. Ophthalmology—Sir H. L. Ferguson, C.M.G., M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S.I. History—J. R. Elder, C.M.G., M.A., D.Litt. Clinical Medicine and Therapeutics—F. W. B. Fitchett, M.D., C.M. Bacteriology and Public Health—C. E. Hercus, M.D., 8.D.5., D.P.H., D.5.0., 0.8. E. Economics—R. W. Souter, M.A., Ph.D. Education— R. Lawson, M.A., Litt.D. Midwifery and Gynaecology—J. B. Dawson, M.D., 8.5., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Mining— A. R. Andrew, D.Sc., &c. Associate Professors. —Dentistry—J. R. Burt, L.D.S., R.C.S. Also lecturers, demonstrators, and assistants. Registrar.—H. Chapman, Esq., B.A. REPORT (ABRIDGED) OF THE CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. In accordance with the provisions of the University of Otago Ordinance, 1869, I have the honour to report on the proceedings of the University of Otago for the year ended 31st December, 1935. The Council. —During the year the Council received the resignation of Mr. J. M. Butler, M.Sc., who had represented the Court of Convocation since 1933. During his short stay on the Council Mr. Butler proved himself a very active and useful member, and general regret was expressed when his transfer to Wellington necessitated his severing his connection with the University. The vacancy has been filled by the election of Mr. J. W. Howorth, LL.B. Teaching Staff.—l very much regret to report the loss by death of a highly valued member of the Professoriate, Dr. J. K. H. Inglis, Professor of Chemistry. Dr. Inglis was appointed to the chair of Chemistry in 1911, and from that year to the time of his death served the University with singular devotion, both as teacher and member of the Council. His loss is deeply deplored by Councillors, professors, and students. Another severe loss to the teaching staff has been occasioned by the resignation ol Dr. A. G. B. Fisher, Professor of Economics since 1924. Dr. Fisher's high attainments and teaching capabilities had made him a valuable member of the staff, and his resignation was accepted with much regret. The Council nevertheless congratulates Dr. Fisher very sincerely on his appointment to the chair of Economics in the University of Western Australia. The vacancy thus occasioned has been filled by the appointment of Dr. R. W. Souter, a distinguished graduate of this University, whose work as lecturer in the Economics Department of the Columbia University, New York, had earned high praise from responsible authorities. . There have been other changes in the sub-professorial staff of lecturers and assistants, most of which are mentioned in the reports of the respective deans already forwarded. I wish to point out, however, that the attention of the Council was drawn to the urgent need of providing additional assistance to various professors, and that it has done what lay in its power towards meeting that need. Association for Country Education.—ln my last report I referred to a gift made by the Carnegie Corporation of New York for the support of a scheme of extension work in Otago and Canterbury. To assist in the carrying-on of this work an association was formed, known as the Association for Country Education (A.C.E.), and Miss Violet Macmillan, B.H.Sc., was appointed organizer of the whole scheme. Tutors appointed by Canterbury College hold classes in literature and drama in country districts both in Otago and Canterbury, whilst tutors appointed by the University of Otago give instruction in home economics in the same districts. The scheme is working satisfactorily, and it is hoped that it will to a large extent become self-supporting. If, however, this very useful branch of adult education is to be developed satisfactorily some Government aid will undoubtedly be required.

4—E. 7.



Library. —Towards tie close of the year the newly appointed Librarian, Mr. John Harris, returned from England, where he had taken a course of training in the School of Librarianship, University of London. In an endeavour to provide reasonable facilities the Council has added to the library two small lecture-rooms, and a professors' private room, but the result may be regarded only as a temporary expedient. The library accommodation is not yet sufficient to allow of our receiving the gift of books offered by the Carnegie Corporation, whilst the loss of the lecture-rooms is causing difficulty in providing space for all classes. The Council feels strongly, therefore, that a new library building is urgently needed, and it trusts that means will be found during the current year for meeting this requirement. Benefactions. —The Council received during the past year a generous bequest from Dr. Daniel Colquhoun, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, who died early in the year. The bequest of £8,000 was to be invested and the income applied partly for general purposes, partly for the Medical library, and partly for the museum. Other benefactions include a gift of £500 from Mrs. Mickle, of Christchurch, for the endowment of a scholarship in Medicine, a gift of £157 10s. from the New Zealand Branch of the British Medical Association to the Sir Lindo Ferguson Fund, for assistance to the Medical School, and a gift of £106 from former students of Dr. Colquhoun for the establishment of a memorial to their former teacher. Training College.—The Council desires to record its appreciation of the action of the Government in re-establishing teacher-training in the four chief centres of New Zealand. This step, in the Council's opinion, will be of marked benefit to the educational system of the Dominion.

STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1935. ARTS AND GENERAL ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1935 .. . 2,184 1 8 Salaries (including superannuation Government grants— contributions and unemployment Annual . . . . .. 5,009 19 3 tax) — On account of national endowment 2,284 18 10 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 18,992 2 1 On account of Sir George Grey Cleaning and caretaking . . 999 15 1 Scholarship . . .. . . 50 0 0 Office .. .. .. 1,674 3 8 On account of chemistry laboratory 6 6 0 Library . . .. .. 544 14 5 7,351 4 1 22,210 15 3 University of New Zealand—On ac- Printing, advertising, and stationery . . . . 592 7 1 count of national endowment . . . . 991 710 Telephones, postages, &c. . . ' . . . . 166 6 6 Donations— Insurance .. . . .. . . . . 128 6 4 Presbyterian Church Board .. 2,400 0 0 Water .. .. .. ... .. 43 5 7 Trustees Executors Co., Ltd.—On Power . . . . . . . . 81 15 5 account of music . . .. 550 0 0 Lighting .. .. . . . . . . 212 9 3 Sundry donations . . .. 5 5 0 Heating .. .. .. . . . 450 jq jo 2,955 5 0 Travelling-expenses . . .. .. .. 60 16 8 Bent — Material— £ s. cL Pastoral reserves— Physics .. .. .. 139 4 9 Arts .. .. .. 2,193 13 0 Biology .. .. 74 8 4 Law . . . . .. 58 7 2 Chemistry .. .. . . 389 5 7 Castle Street .. . . . . 450 10 4 Botany .'. .. . . .. 1 12 3 Professors' houses . . . . 374 12 6 Geology.. .. .. . . 6 18 Education Board .. . . 0 5 0 General .. .. .. 10 17 8 King Street property .. .. 40 0 1 (521 10 3 Sundries .. .. .. 22 0 6 Equipment and apparatus— 3,139 8 7 Physics.. .. .. .. 296 9 9 Fees for chemical analysis .. .. .. 22 11 6 Biology .. .. 185 9 3 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 11,343 10 7 Chemistry .. .. .. 35 711 Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,796 12 3 Botany.'. .. .. .. 57 14 7 Calendar sales .. .. .. .. 9 9 2 Geology.. .. .. .. 52 11 11 Sale of notes, &c. .. .. .. .. 710 0 Psychology .. .. .. 133 5 5 Sundry receipts, including Government subsidies on General .. .. . . 123 0 5 work in grounds, &c. .. .. .. 648 8 11 883 19 3 Transfer from Beverly Trust Account—Salaries .. 789 8 9 Pees paid to lecturer on account of chemical analysis 15 6 0 Students' Association Account—Salary . . . . 134 11 5 Furniture . . .. .. , . ' 151 5 g Transfer from Hocken Library Account—Salary .. 92 12 3 Library .. . . . . .. 790 g jq Transfer from sundry accounts for ad- Buildings—Stoker and boiler, &c. . . .. 373 10 3 ministration— £ s. d. Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 1,654 14 6 Dental .. . . .. .. 169 19 0 Cleaning materials and expenses .. .. 43 11 1 Medical .. .. .. 465 311 Fees paid to professors and lecturers and Students' Mining .. .. .. .. 48 7 8 Association .. . . .. ~ 632 15 9 Museum . . .. 20 0 0 Interest on University debentures .. .. 297 10 0 Home science . . . . .. 117 17 0 Pees refunded to students .. .. . . 187 8 6 Studholme House (two years) .. 150 0 0 Miscellaneous expenses— £ s. d. Studholme House Account—lnsurance I 7 5 Audit . . .. .. .. 83 5 0 972 15 0 Law-costs .. .. .. 83 2 1 Transfer from Hocken Bequest Account .. 154 4 11 166 7 1 Pees for vocational-guidance test, less paid to Rates .. .. .. .. ~ 46 9 8 assistant .. .. . . .. .. 514 0 Government subsidy on account of work Dr. cash balance at 31st December, 1935 .. 36 19 11 in grounds (paid to 0.U.5.A.) . . 142 6 0 O.U.S.A. proportion cost of tennis-courts 44 0 0 186 6 0 Other expenses .. .. . . ~ 55$ 4 q Bank of New Zealand commissions and bank charge 14 1 7 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. .. 50 0 0 Transfer to Mining School for adjustment of account wrongly debited . . .. .. .. 9 16 6 Balance at 31st December, 1935, on fixed deposit .. 2,000 0 0 £32,635 15 10 £32,635 15 10



ARTS AND GENERAL ACCOUNT—continued. Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1935 .. .. .. 3,065 2 4 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 18,992 2 1 Government grants— Cleaning and caretaking .. 999 15 1 Annual .. .. .. .. .. 5,682 15 6 Office .. .. .. 1,674 3 8 On account of national endowment .. .. 2,284 18 10 Library .. .. .. 544 14 5 On account of Sir George Grey scholar .. 50 0 0 22,210 15 3 On account of chemistry laboratory .. .. 6 6 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 592 7 1 University of New Zealand, grant for salary and Telephones, postages, and exchanges . . .. 166 6 6 library .. .. .. .. .. 991 710 Insurance .. .. •. • • • ■ 128 6 4 Donations— Water .. .. .. ■. . • 43 5 7 Presbyterian Church Board .. .. .. 2, 400 0 0 Power .. .. • • .. • • 81 15 5 Sundries .. .. .. .. 550 Lighting .. .. . • . • • • 212 9 3 Rent of reserves — Allocation on Heating .. .. .. ■. .. 456 10 10 account of — £ s. d. Travelling-expenses .. .. .. • ■ 60 16 8 Arts and science .. .. 2,193 13 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 1,654 14 6 Law .. .. .. 58 7 2 Cleaning materials and expenses .. .. 43 11 1 Castle Street .. .. .. 441 6 3 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 558 4 0 Education Board .. .. 0 5 0 Law-costs, audit fees, and rates .. .. 212 16 9 Professors' houses .. .. 342 16 3 Bank of New Zealand for commission .. .. 14 1 7 King Street property .. .. 18 0 8 Government subsidy paid to O.U.SA. on account of Sundries .. .. .. 22 0 6 work in grounds, and proportion of University's 3,076 8 10 share of work at tennis-court .. .. 186 6 0 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 11,175 410 Fees to professors, lecturers, and Students' Asso- Calendar sales .. .. •. • ■ 9 9 2 ciation . . .. . ■ • • • • 632 15 9 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. .. 710 0 Interest on University debentures .. .. 297 10 0 Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,793 7 8 Refunds due to students .. .. .. 7 17 6 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 648 8 11 Payment to Sir George Grey scholar .. .. 50 0 0 Rent allowance and salary allowance from Students' Material — £ s. d. Association .. .. . . .. 134 11 5 Chemistry .. .. 389 5 7 Chemical analysis fees received.. .. .. 19 1 6 Physics .. .. .. 139 4 9 Grant from — Biology .. .. • • 74 8 4 Beverly Account for salaries .. .. 789 8 9 Botany .. .. .. I 12 3 Trustees Co. for salary .. .. .. 529 3 4 Geology .. • • • • 6 18 Hocken Library for salary .. .. .. 92 12 3 General .. .. .. 10 17 8 Hocken Bequest Income Account .. .. 154 411 621 10 3 Transfer from sundry accounts for administration.. 896 7 7 Sundry transfers to capital—Appropriation for equipment— Chemistry .. .. • ■ 35 711 Physics .. .. .. 296 9 9 Biology .. • • . • 185 9 3 Botany .. • • •. 57 14 7 Geology .. .. 52 11 11 Psychology .. . • • • 133 5 5 General .. • • .. 123 0 5 883 19 3 Appropriation for buildings .. .. •. 373 10 3 Appropriation for library .. .. .. 790 6 10 Appropriation for furniture .. .. ■ • 151 5 8 Transfer to Mining School amount wrongly debited 9 16 6 Balance .. .. .. •• 3,370 15 10 £33,811 14 8 £33,811 14 8

S"E. 7.


E. —7.

ARTS AND GENERAL ACCOUNT—continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st Decembeb, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Account— £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowment lands .. .. .. 139,064 0 0 Amount at 31st December, 1934 809,639 11 8 University-site .. .. 29,096 4 7 Less total donations and sub- University buildings .. .. .. 341,565 2 8 sidies in Capital Account to Equipment— 31st December, 1934 .. 199,162 10 10 610,477 010 Arts and general .. .. 9,625 8 6 — Medical .. .. .. 12,749 3 5 Total donations in Capital Ac- Dental, home - science, mining, count to 31st December, 1934 130,510 13 8 museum (including exhibits), Donations received in 1935 .. 6,458 11 0 home-science extension .. 57,033 8 2 136,969 4 8 79,408 0 1 Total subsidies in Capital Account Office equipment .. .. .. 529 8 1 to 31st December, 1934 .. .. 68,651 17 2 Furniture .. .. .. 7,413 17 1 Subsidies received in 1935 .. .. Nil Library (including Hocken) .. .. 24,436 4 1 Accretion on conversion of de- Laboratory materials . . .. .. 3,949 1 2 bentures .. .. .. .. 498 17 2 InvestmentsTransfer from Income and Ex- Debentures and inscribed stock 189,057 1 2 penditure Account — Loan on mortgage .. .. 5,000 0 0 Mary Glendining .. . . 100 0 0 Shares in sundry companies and Donald Reid .. .. 431 15 6 in Bank of New Zealand . . 3,750 0 0 Sir John Roberts .. . . 10 0 0 Cash on fixed deposit in Bank of Dean's Fund (Medical Faculty) 155 11 3 New Zealand .. .. 5,000 0 0 Ralph Barnett .. .. 70 14 8 Cash in Post Office and Dunedin Museum building extension .. 62 10 0 Savings-banks .. .. 2,577 7 5 — 830 11 5 205,384 8 7 Appropriation from sundry in- Debtors — come accounts for purchase of Assay fees due .. .. 31 15 0 equipment, books, furniture, Sundry debtors for chemical &c. .. .. .. .. 5,291 12 2 analysis .. .. .. 14 14 0 Analysis fees overpaid lecturer.. 0 4 6 822,719 3 5 Dental fees due .. .. 8 18 0 Less depreciation written off .. 2,205 11 8 Bacteriology fees due .. 306 510 Pathology fees due .. .. 184 8 6 820,513 11 9 Public Health fees due .. 40 1 6 Income and Expenditure Accounts Government grant due .. 1,275 15 5 —Credit balance of accounts — Hocken Library Account .. 311 17 2 Arts and General Account .. 3,370 15 10 Interest accrued .. .. 2,219 111 Hocken Library Books Com- Students' Association Account — mittee .. .. .. 76 7 9 Logan Park .. .. 703 611 Home Science School .. 2,758 17 8 Students'fees due . . .. 212 10 3 Home Science Extension Account g 30g }() q No. 1 .. .. .. 1,006 10 3 Rents dueHome Science Extension Account Otago runs .. .. .. 5,281 10 10 No. 2 . . .. .. 228 15 1 Southland runs .. .. 156 8 3 Moritzson Gift .. .. 181 1 7 Castle Street .. . . 158 0 11 Ethnology Gift .. .. 104 2 4 Professors' houses .. . . 61 9 9 Dr. Barnett's Gift .. .. 494 811 5,657 9 9 Sir John Roberts' Gift .. 657 17 7 Cash at bank .. .. .. .. 16 1 Dental Students' Library . . 108 4 7 Parker Grave .. .. 22 6 Honorary medical staff .. 39 14 9 Medical School Hostel .. 5 8 10 Home Economics Endowment Account .. .. .. 236 13 7, Janet Ferguson Account .. 16 13. 0 Medical School Library Special Account .. .. .. 494 19 9 Medical School Account .. 7,279 1 2 17,061 15 2 Less Income and Expenditure Accounts —Debit balances— £ s. d. Dental School 278 5 11 Mining School 2,374 3 2 Museum .. 210 15 10 2,863 4 11 14,198 10 3 Sundry creditors — Assay fees due to lecturer .. 2 14 0 Trustees, Executors, and Agency Co. Account debentures .. 7,000 0 0 Fees due to professors and lecturers .. .. . . 301 13 9 Fees due to Health Department 37 12 10 Trustees, Executors, and Agency Co.—Salary paid in advance 91 13 4 Rent overpaid: King Street property .. .. .. 5 14 6 Amount owing on account of vocational-guidance tests .. 15 4 0 7,454 12 5 Balance of special accounts — Cameron Memorial Fund .. 451 0 3 Chamber of Commerce .. 9 1 10 Popular lectures .. .. 40 18 3 Cancer research .. . . 671 17 10 Hydatid research .. .. 275 2 6 Physiology research .. .. 12 10 9 Reserve for bad and doubtful debts .. .. .. 5,615 5 4 Studhr lme House Account .. 25 0 0 —— 7,100 16 9 £849,267 11 2 £849,267 11 2



ARTS AND GENERAL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d.' Payments. £ g. d. Balance on Ist January, 1935— £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1935— £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. 41,760 2 7 Debentures .. .. .. 41,782 13 4 Cash .. .. .. 268 6 8, Cash .. .. .. 389 5 11 42,028 9 3 42,171 19 3 Donation—Sir John Ross (Bequest) .. .. 100 0 0 Profit on conversion of debentures .. .. 43 10 0 £42,171 19 3 £42,171 19 3 DENTAL SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. 1,907 2 6 Balance on Ist January, 1935 .. .. .. 661 15 3 Rent from reserves .. .. .. .. 511 810 Salaries (including superannuation contributions and Students' fees .. .. .. .. 2,307 2 0 unemployment tax) — £ s. d. Dental patients'fees .. .. .. .. 2,128 13 9 Professors and lecturers .. 3,745 811 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. .. 500 0 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 392 11 7 Interest on investments .. .. 14 13 3 Office .. .. .. 382 18 11 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. .. 9 9 3 4,520 19 5 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 3 3 9 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 87 16 10 Transfer from Sidey Account .. .. .. 85 9 9 Telephones, postages, &c. .. .. .. 28 7 7 Transfer from Hocken Bequest Account .. .. 23 14 10 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 56 4 5 Sale of apparatus to Chemistry Department .. 15 0 0 Water .. .. .. .. ~ 131 9 9 Balance on 31st December, 1935 .. .. 461 1 5 Power ~ .. .. .. .. 59 10 5 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 16 0 3 Heating .. .. .. .. .. 209 7 6 Material .. .. .. .. .. 1,300 14 9 Equipment .. .. .. ~ .. 60 6 9 Library .. .. .. .. .. 5 17 6 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 120 11 6 Cleaning materials and expenses, including laundry 227 3 7 Miscellaneous payments .. .. .. 108 7 9 Pees paid to lecturers and Students' Association .. 135 16 9 Fees refunded to students .. .. .. 41 2 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 712 Buildings (new work) .. .. .. .. 1110 Transfer to Dental Students' Library for subsidy on donation .. .. .. .. .. 610 0 Bank of New Zealand for charges .. .. 0 16 2 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. .. .. 169 19 0 £7,966 19 4 £7,966 19 4 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 594 4 10 Government grant .. .. .. .. 2,032 4 2 Salaries. £s. d. Interest on investments .. .. .. 14 11 8 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 3,745 8 11 Rent from reserves .. .. .. .. 511 8 10 .Cleaning and caretaking .. 392 11 7 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 2,273 10 0 Office .. .. .. 382 18 11 Grant from Hospital Board (Otago) ... .. 500 0 0 4,520 19 5 Fees of dental patients.. .. .. 2,110 7 9 Printing, advertising, and stationery . . .. 87 16 10 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. .. 9 9 3 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. .. 28 7 7 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 339 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 56 4 5 Hocken Bequest income allocation .. .. 23 14 10 Water .. .. .. .. .. 131 9 9 Apparatus sold to Chemistry Department .. 15 0 0 Power .. .. .. .. .. 59 10 5 Transfer from Sidey Gift Account .. .. 85 9 9 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 16 0 3 Balance .. .. .. .. 278 5 11 Heating .. .. .. .. .. 209 7 6 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 120 11 6 Cleaning materials, expenses, and laundrywork .. 227 3 7 Miscellaneous payments .. .. .. 108 7 9 Fees paid to professors, lecturers, and Students' Association .. .. .. .. 134 15 9 Bank of New Zealand for charges .. .. 0 16 2 Material . . .. ■ ■ • ■ 1,300 14 9 Sundry transfers to capital— Appropriation for— Equipment . . .. . . . • 60 6 9 Library . . .. .. . . .. 5 17 6 Furniture .. • ■ . . .. 7 12 Buildings . . .. . . .. 11 1 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. .• •• 169 19 0 Transfer to Dental Students' Library for subsidy on donations .. . . ■ ■ .. - • 6 10 0 £7,857 5 11 £7,857 5 11



DENTAL SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1935 — £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1935 — £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. 346 17 4 Debentures .. .. .. 346 17 4 Cash .. .. .. .. 0 18 4 Cash .. .. .. .. 3 0 3 347 15 8 349 17 7 Profit on conversion of debentures .. .. 2 111 £349 17 7 £349 17 7 HOME SCIENCE SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. I Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1935 .. .. 3,106 1 5 Salaries (including superannuation £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grants — contributions and unemploymentAnnual .. .. .. 2,339 17 6 tax) — For bursaries .. .. .. 441 9 7 Professor, lecturers, &c. .. 3,001 5 6 2,781 7 1 Cleaning .. .. .. 181 14 6 Students' fees.. .. .. .. .. 2,106 4 0 Office .. .. .. 435 3 1 Interest on investments .. .. .. 45 1 10 3,618 3 1 Income from Hocken Bequest .. .. .. 16 9 3 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 97 14 4 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 65 15 9 Telephones, postages, &c. .. .. .. 22 7 2 Transfer from Studholme House Account—Salaries.. 386 14 6 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 987 Transfer from Studholme House adjustment—Miss Water .. .. .. .. .. 6 19 6 Burnside's salary .. .. .. .. 516 3 Power .. .. .. .. .. 57 111 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 39 2 6 Heating .. .. .. .. .. 79 19 3 Equipment .. .. .. .. .. 108 2 4 Material .. .. .. .. .. 326 16 11 Library .. .. .. .. .. 50 3 2 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 194 12 9 Bursary allowance paid out .. .. .. 441 9 7 Fees paid to professors, lecturers, and Students' Association.. .. .. .. .. 78 15 0 Fees refunded to students .. .. .. 47 17 6 Miscellaneous expenses.. .. .. .. 63 10 6 Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 14 13 4 Transfer to Arts and General Account—Administration .. . . .. .. .. 117 17 0 Bank of New Zealand for charges . . .. 0 3 3 Transfer to Studholme House —Salary allowance for years 1933 and 1934 .. .. .. 200 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 2,838 12 5 £8,513 10 1 £8,513 10 1 HOME SCIENCE SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1935 — £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1935— £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. 475 6 7 Debentures .. .. .. 475 6 7 Cash .. .. .. .. 2 18 0 Cash .. .. .. .. 2 18 0 478 4 7 — 478 4 7 £478 4 7 £478 4 7



MEDICAL SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1935 .. .. .. 5,400 211 Salaries (including superannuation £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. 3,597 16 3 contributions and unemployRents — £ s. d. ment tax — Pastoral reserves .. .. 1,371 17 7 Professors, lecturers, &e. .. 13,285 3 4 Sundries .. .. .. 14 17 6 Cleaning and caretaking .. 752 13 7 1,386 15 1 Office .. ... .. 421 6 10 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 12,777 16 10 Library .. .. .. 195 13 6 Fees for— 14,654 17 3 Bacteriological reports .. .. .. 1,216 10 10 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 247 12 4 Pathological reports .. .. .. 670 13 10 Telephones, postages, &c. .. .. .. 130 17 5 Public health reports .. . . .. 41 16 6 Insurance .. . . . . . . .. 139 15 10 Grant from Hospital Board . . .. .. 1,000 0 0 Water .. .. .. .. .. 113 4 6 Sale of notes.. .. .. .. .. 703 Power .. .. .. .. .. 96 1 3 Sundry receipts .. .. . . .. 185 4 0 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 191 5 9 Interest on investments .. .. . . 198 4 3 Heating .. .. .. .. .. 543 8 11 Transfer from— Material— £ s. d. Glendining Account .. . . .. 660 12 1 Anatomy .. .. .. 152 0 11 Ralph Barnett Account .. . . . . 624 15 0 Physiology .. .. .. 437 14 1 Dr. Barnett Account . . . . . . 157 10 6 Bacteriology .. .. .. 411 3 8 Special Library Account .. .. .. 127 311 Pathology .. .. .. 449 11 2 Obstetrics Fund .. .. .. .. 1, 540 17 0 Pharmacology .. .. .. 8 5 5 Cancer Research Account . . . . . . 59 5 6 General . . .. .. 412 1 Sir John Roberts Account .. .. .. 153 10 4 1,463 7 4 Hydatid Research Account .. . . . . 34 13 4 Equipment— Hocken Bequest Account .. .. .. 64 19 10 Anatomy .. .. .. 23 19 7 Physiology .. .. .. 215 12 7 Bacteriology . . .. .. 90 18 10 Pathology .. .. .. 167 18 10 General .. .. .. 46 14 1 545 3 11 Furniture .. .. . . .. .. 173 17 6 Library .. .. .. .. .. 577 3 11 Repairs and maintenance .. .. .. 399 11 2 Cleaning material and expenses, including laundry 90 11 9 Miscellaneous payments .. .. .. 292 14 0 Fees refunded to students .. .. .. 235 9 3 Fees paid to professors, lecturers, and Students' Association .. .. .. .. 1,607117 Payments to special lecturers .. . . .. 126 0 0 Fees paid to Health Department . . .. 66 10 9 Payment to Hospital Board Account —Salaries .. 453 9 5 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. .. .. 465 3 11 Sundry new works .. .. . . .. 490 4 3 Travelling-expenses . . . . .. 121 I 8 Bank charges .. .. . . .. 12 16 2 Balance on 31st December, 1935 — £ s. d. On fixed deposit .. 3,000 0 0 In current account .. .. 3,667 8 5 6,667 8 5 £29,905 8 3 £29,905 8 3



MEDICAL SCHOOL—continued. Statement of Income and Expenditure. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Professors, lecturers, &o. .. 13,288 3 4 Balance .. .. .. .. 5,699 4 7 Cleaning and caretaking .. 752 13 7 Government grant .. .. .. 3,934 6 8 Office .. .. .. 421 6 10 RentLibrary .. .. .. 195 13 6 Reserves .. .. .. 1,371 17 7 14,654 17 3 Sundries .. .. .. 14 17 6 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 247 12 4 1,386 15 1 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. .. 130 17 5 Pees for— Insurance .. .. .. .. . • 139 15 10 Bacteriology .. . . . . 1,152 9 3 Water .. .. . . .. .. 113 4 6 Pathology .. .. . . . . .. 696 13 6 Power .. . . .. . . .. 96 1 3 Public Health .. .. . . .. 3 5 8 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 191 5 9 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Heating .. .. .. .. .. 543 8 11 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. .. 7 0 3 Repah-s and maintenance of buildings .. .. 399 11 2 Sundry receipts .. .. . . . . 185 4 0 Cleaning materials, expenses, and laundrywork .. 90 11 9 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 12,522 4 7 Miscellaneous payments .. . . .. 292 14 0 Hocken Bequest income allocation .. .. 64 19 10 Travelling-expenses .. . . .. .. 121 1 8 Interest— Pees to professors, lecturers, and Students' Associa- Prom Medical School Investment Account .. 202 10 8 tion .. .. .. .. .. 1,598 2 4 Mary Glendining Income Account .. 660 12 1 Special payment to lecturers . . .. .. 126 0 0 Ralph Barnett Income Account . . .. 624 15 0 Material — £ s. d. Transfer from sundry accounts for salaries— Anatomy .. .. .. 152 011 Obstetrics Pund .. .. .. .. 1,540 17 0 Bacteriology .. .. .. 411 3 8 Hydatid research .. .. .. . . 34 13 4 Pathology .. .. .. 449 11 2 Cancer research .. .. .. .. 59 5 6 Physiology .. .. .. 437 14 1 Sir John Robert's Account .. . . . . 153 10 4 Pharmacology .. .. . . 8 5 5 Transfer from Medical Library Special Account .. 127 311 Medical, general .. . . .. 4 12 1 Transfer from Barnett Income Account . . 157 10 6 1,463 7 4 Hospital Board —Salaries of resident medical and surgical officers .. .. 453 9 5 Bank of New Zealand for charges .. .. 12 16 2 Students' fees written off ...... 710 0 Sundry transfers to capital—Appropriation for equipment — £ s. d. Anatomy .. .. .. 23 19 7 Bacteriology .. .. .. 90 18 10 Pathology .. .. .. 167 18 10 Physiology .. .. .. 215 12 7 Medical, general .. .. .. 46 14 1 545 3 11 Appropriation for — Library .. .. .• • • ■ • 577 311 Purniture .. . . .. .. . • 173 17 6 Buildings .. .. .. • • • • 490 4 3 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. ■ ■ . • •• 465 3 11 Balance .. .. .. •• 7,279 1 2 £30,213 1 9 £30,213 1 9 MEDICAL SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1935— £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1935 — £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. 3,505 18 0 Debentures .. .. .. 3,505 18 0 Cash . .. .. .. 2 19 5 Cash .. .. .. .. 93 6 8 3,508 17 5 3,599 4 8 Profit on conversion of debentures .. .. 90 7 3 £3,599 4 8 £3,599 4 8


E. —7.

MINING SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Government grants— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Annual (Education Department) .. 628 17 6 Balance on Ist January, 1935 .. .. 2,765 11 2 Mines Department .. .. 637 18 0 Salaries (including superannuation 1,266 15 6 contributions and unemployment Rent from reserves .. .. . . .. 251 19 6 tax) — Students' fees .. .. .. .. 640 13 0 Professor, lecturer, &e. .. .. 1,247 15 7 Interest on investments .. .. .. 46 10 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 20 15 9 Assay fees .. .. .. .. 327 13 9 1,268 11 4 Transfer from Hocken Bequest Account .. 615 2 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 41 10 4 Sale of notes ~ .. .. .. 3 10 0 Telephones, postages, &c. .. .. . . 11 12 5 Transfer from Arts and General for adjustment of Insurance .. .. .. .. . . 10 8 5 account wrongly debited .. .. .. 9 16 6 Water .. .. .. .. .. 796 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 2,470 13 2 Power .. .. .. .. .. 41 7 6 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 1142 Heating .. .. .. .. , . 45 17 3 Material . . .. . . . . . . 147 12 6 Equipment .. .. .. .. .. 80 8 8 Library .. .. .. .. . . 28 5 5 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 55 2 8 Repairs and maintenance of buildings . . .. 125 1 10 Cleaning materials and expenses .. .. 22 0 Miscellaneous payments .. .. . . 21 5 10 Assay fees paid to lecturer .. .. . . 218 0 9 Fees paid to lecturers and Students' Association .. 62 19 9 Bank charges .. . . . . .. 0 7 5 Refund to students .. .. 3100 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. . . .. .. . . 48 7 8 £5,024 6 7 £5,024 6 7 Statement or Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 2,682 18 2 Government grants— £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries— £ s. d. Annual (Education Department) .. 665 13 9 Professor, lecturers, &c. .. 1,247 15 7 Mines Department .. .. 637 18 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 20 15 9 1 303 11 9 1,268 11 4 Rent—Reserves .. .. .. .. 251 19 6 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 41 10 4 Students'fees.. ... .. .. .. 604 15 0 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. . . 11 12 5 Interest on investments .. . . .. 46 5 8 Insurance .. .. .. .. . . 10 8 5 Assay fees . . .. . . . . . . 91 16 1 Water .. .. .. .. .. 796 Sale of notes .. .. .. .. . . 3 10 0 Power . . .. .. .. .. 41 7 6 Hocken Bequest income allocation .. . . 6 15 2 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 1142 Transfer from Arts and General (amount wrongly Heating .. .. . . .. .. 45 17 3 posted) . . . . . . . . .. 9 16 6 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 125 110 Balance .. .. .. .. 2,374 3 2 Cleaning materials and expenses .. .. 22 0 Miscellaneous payments .. .. .. 21 5 10 Pees to lecturers and Students' Association .. 62 19 9 Bank of New Zealand, for charges . . .. 0 7 5 Material . . .. . . .. .. 147 12 6 Sundery transfers to capital— Appropriation for— Equipment .. .. .. .. 80 8 8 Library .. .. .. .. .. 28 5 5 Furniture .. .. .. .. 55 2 8 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. .. .. 48 7 8 £4,692 12 10 £4,692 12 10 MINING SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1935 — £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1935 — £ s. d. £ s d Debentures .. .. .. 1,099 18 11 Debentures .. .. .. 1,121 11 6 Cash .. .. .. .. 0 7 2 Cash .. .. .. . . 18 7 1,100 6 1 — 1123 0 i Profit on conversion of debentures .. .. 22 14 0 £1.123 0 1 • «,123 0 1 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d Payments. £ s d Balance on Ist January, 1935 .. .. .. 273 9 4 Salaries .. .. .. .. _ 729 6 1 Interest on investments .. .. . . .. 13 310 Expenses .. .. .. . ' . . 139 15 6 Grants per University of New Zealand Library .. .. .. 53 6 11 from Carnegie Corporation— £ s. d. Balance .. .. 374 a c Account, 1935 .. . . .. 484 9 5 Account, 1936 .. .. .. 375 12 5 860 I 10 Grant from University of New Zealand on account national endowment .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 £1,296 15 0 £1,296 15 0


E —7.

WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1935 .. .. .. 312 0 8 Balance on 31st December, 1935—Debentures .. 312 0 8 £312 0 8 £312 0 8 —. Statement of Income and Expenditube. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. •• •• 729 6 1 Balance on Ist January, 1935 .. .. .. 277 5 11 Travelling-expenses .. .. . . .. 139 15 6 Interest on investments .. .. . . .. 13 2 8 Library .. .. . • ■ ■ • • 53 611 University of New Zealand — Grant from Carnegie Balance .. .. .. •• •• 24 11 7 Corporation .. .. .. .. .. 484 9 5 Government grant due at this date .. . . 22 2 1 National-endowment grant per University of New Zealand .. .. .. ... .. 150 0 0 £947 0 1 £947 0 I Balance-sheet as at 31st Decembeb, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. . . ■ • ■ ■ 312 0 8 Debentures .. .. .. .. .. 312 0 8 Balance of income .. .. . . .. 24 II 7 Interest accrued .. .. .. .. 3 15 5 Grant prepaid on account of 1936 .. .. .. 375 12 5 Government grant due .. .. .. .. 22 2 1 Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. 374 6 6 £712 4 8 £712 4 8 HOME ECONOMICS EXTENSION ACCOUNT No. 1. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1935 .. .. .. 2,980 9 11 Car .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 5 0 Furniture .. . . .. .. .. 15 10 8 Repairs and alterations to rooms .. . . 58 4 0 Transfer to Home Economics Extension Account No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. 1,800 0 0 Balance on 31st December, 1935, in Post Office Savings-bank .. .. .. .. 1,006 10 3 £2,980 9 11 £2,980 9 11 HOME ECONOMICS EXTENSION ACCOUNT No. 2. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Donations— £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries (including superannuation £ s. d. £ s. d. Carnegie Corporation per Sir James contributions and unemployment Allen) for car .. .. • • 292 10 0 tax) — Sundry .. .. . . 19 0 Lecturers .. .. 1,168 12 7 293 19 0 Office .. .. .. 158 5 1 Sale of pamphlets, fees for radio talks, and sundries .. 25 15 0 Cleaner .. .. .. 15 16 Canterbury College—Refund on account of salaries, 1,341 19 2 expenses, &c. .. .. .. .. 255 17 11 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 98 4 6 Interest .. .. . • • • • • 51 14 9 Telephones, postages, &c. .. .. .. 43 12 6 Transfer from Home Economics Extension Account Insurance .. .. .. .. . . 13 9 5 No. 1 .. .. .. .. .. 1,800 0 0 Personal travelling-expenses .. .. .. 94 12 4 Expenses of running car .. .. . . 130 10 10 Library .. . . .. . . . . 22 3 I Equipment .. . . .. . . .. 333 15 0 Material .. .. . . .. .. 1 12 6 Miscellaneous expenses.. .. .. .. 78 17 2 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 039 Heating .. .. .. .. .. 214 Rent on account of 1934 and 1935 . . .. 37 10 0 Balance on 31st December, 1935, in Post Office Savings-bank .. .. .. . . 228 15 1 £2,427 6 8 £2,427 6 8 HOME ECONOMICS INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1935 — £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1935 — £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. 1,769 0 2 Debentures .. .. .. 1,769 0 2 Cash . .. .. .. 105 10 6 Cash .. .. .. .. 194 5 9 1,874 10 8 1,963 5 11 Interest .. .. • • • • • • 79 15 8 Premium on conversion of debentures .. .. 819 7 £1,963 5 11 £1,963 5 11

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (834 copies), £47 10s.

By Authority: G. H. Loney, Government Printer, Wellington. —1936.

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1935.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, E-07

Word Count

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1935.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, E-07

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1935.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, E-07

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