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Mr. Speaker,— Since I took control of the Public Works Department in December last my whole energies have been concentrated in endeavouring to revitalize the activities of this important Department. On assuming office I found there was not in existence a policy which could be relied upon to give sufficient guidance to the head of the Department and his staff and which was necessary if the Department was to function in the most efficient and satisfactory way. My effort has been to frame a policy such as I believe will ultimately result in clearly defining the system upon which the Government intends to carry out its public works, and which will give to the Department that lead which it can rightly expect from the Minister in Control. I was quite prepared to find, owing to several years of financial depression, that there might not be a settled policy, and I make due allowance for such difficulties, but I was not prepared to find that the whole of the public-works activities had been converted into a system of relief for unemployment. With this end solely in view, methods of work had been adopted which were not only uneconomical but, to say the least of it, were highly demoralizing to the men compelled to work under such conditions. It was a surprise to me that after years of work under this system the staff and workmen of the Department should have retained the will and energy to work, which I found still existed among them. The whole position was most unsatisfactory, and gave absolutely no incentive" to any one to give of his best. New life needed to be infused into the workmen employed by the Department. [n genera], no exception could be taken to the value of the works upon which they were engaged. Some of them J did not approve of, and I did not hesitate to stop them. I shall refer to such works later. Others I would have stopped had they not progressed too far to make it inadvisable to do so ; there were other works which should obviously have been started and had not. The Government has gone carefully into the necessity or otherwise of such works, and many of them have now been put in hand. These works are given in more detail in this Stateini^ I '- and I venture to say that there is not one of them that will not be found to return some economic value to the State. Ī wish at present, however, to dwell more upon the method of carrj' 111 » ou t these works than upon their national benefit. In an age when machinery is doing so much to relieve the burden of hard work, and to reduce expenditure in every direction, I could not agree to conti* me f° carry out work by methods that involved the unnecessary expenditure of energy and increase in cost, such as is inherent in a system of work for the relief of unemployment only. The engineers of my Department have had to carry out a unpleasant

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and distasteful duty in being asked to do work in such, a way, and I am doing all I can to give them the plant and machinery that will enable them to undertake work in the way it should be carried out in this enlightened age. I have, of course, found it necessary to hold a balance between the use of machinery and the employment of men who are willing to work and cannot find work, and so far I have not found it necessary to diminish the number of men employed, but rather to keep them employed in a more useful way. I could not, however, ask men to work industriously for the inadequate livingwage they were receiving when the present Government took control of public works. I decided that this state of affairs should not continue, and at the earliest possible moment issued a properly planned programme of the Department's activities, together with instructions that in future public works were to be undertaken as standard works, and that we were to depart from the relief system which had been followed for years past. The first objective having been obtained, I then concluded an agreement with the New Zealand Workers' Union covering all employees of the Department. Under this agreement the men have been given the inducement to work—reasonable hours, good conditions, and fair wages. A five-day week of forty hours' has been introduced on public works in New Zealand for the first time, and is proving entirely successful from the point of view T both of the Department and of the men. Living-conditions on. the works have been improved, by the provision of better camp accommodation, for which no charge is being made. Wages have been substantially increased, and the men are now able to earn a decent living-wage. In November, 1935, the average wage of workers on public works was 12s. 6d. per day, whereas in June, 1936, the average was 17s. 9d. per day. As far as possible the aim has been, to secure uniformity of average wages in all districts, but climatic conditions and varying types of construction activity result in some differences in earnings. I have stated elsewhere that I firmly believe in the co-operative contract system of working. This system has been in operation on public works for over forty years, and I am convinced that it encourages the men to give of their best, because they are paid by results and know that they will be paid for what they earn. I have instructed that this system is to be continued at prices allowing men of average ability working industriously to earn the daily rates of wages provided for in the agreement. The workmen are allowed to select their work-mates and to appoint their own headman. From the Ist April, 1936, arrangements have been made for two pays per month instead of one pay per month, which was the practice hitherto. This concession is, I am sure, very much appreciated by the men and by their dependants. In addition to providing the five-day week, improved camp accommodation, and increased wages mentioned above, provision has been made for workmen with two months' service to be paid, for seven statutory holidays —viz., New Year's Day, Clood Friday, Easter Monday, King's Birthday, Labour Day, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day. Workmen with twelve months' continuous service are entitled to two weeks' annual leave per annum, of which five days will be paid for where the continuous service is under two years, and ten days will be paid for where the continuous service the Department is two years or over. and library facilities are being provided on the larger works, and arrangements have been made with the Y.M.C.A. authorities for pictures and other sc c ial amenities. The Government has agreed to meet any reasonable cost of the service in excess of the revenue received by the Y.M.C.A. The agreement with the New Zealand Workers' Union provides for preference to unionists an d workmen are required to become financial members of the union within one inonth of commencing duty. Arrangements have been made for the Department to collect the union subscription where the men give the necessary legal authority.


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From the above, it will be seen that an endeavour has been made to provide reasonable conditions for the men to work under, and I now wish to outline the Government's proposals for works to give employment to as large a number of men as possible. When the Government assumed office at the beginning of December, 1935, 13,696 men were employed on public works, of whom 8,289 were employed on relief work, while for the week ending 15tli August, 1936, 15,851 men were employed, most of whom were on standard works. It is intended to increase the number employed on public works to 20,000 as soon as possible. It will be seen from the estimates of expenditure for the Consolidated Fund already submitted to Parliament that provision has been made for the assistance hitherto provided from unemployment taxation for public-works activities now being found from ordinary revenue. The principal amounts are for irrigation, £97,500 ; for land improvement, £71,000; for additions and improvements to open railwaylines, £77,000. In addition, the Consolidated Fund is providing £39,000 towards the construction and improvement of settlement roads, £20,000 towards the cost of renewal of road bridges, £80,000 for restoration of roadworks, bridges, &c., damaged by floods, and £20,000 for maintenance and repair of roads. For the construction of aerodromes and emergency landing-grounds £341,000 is being provided, whereas the expenditure from the Consolidated Fund for this service last year was £6,196. Provision has also been made under the Consolidated Fund this year for £100,000 for the purchase of modern plant, which is additional to the amount of £90,000 for plant for main highways. The total vote for Maintenance of Public Works and Services under the Consolidated Fund is £1,182,500, as compared with an expenditure of £145,492 from this fund last year. I am anxious to pursue an energetic policy, of public works so as to provide national assets, and at the same time assist in relieving the distress caused by the drastic cessation of constructional works by the late Government. My colleague, the Hon. Minister of Finance, in the Budget referred to this subject of the curtailment of public works as being a material factor in the increase in unemployment throughout the Dominion. The diagram below shows how serious this sudden curtailment was in the economic life of the people. From 1919 to 1931 expenditure increased from £1,350,408 to £8,388,529. In 1932 it dropped to £4,815,542, in 1933 to £1,727,076, and during the years ending 31st March, 1934, 1935, and 1936, expenditure was £2,087,781, £2,242,535, and £2,484,561.

Annual Public Works Expenditure. (Loan Money)



When it is remembered that business develops under settled conditions, it will be realized that any sudden disturbance is fraught with far-reaching consequences. The reduction in expenditure from loan-money of £6,661,453 in two years was disastrous, as when public works should have been expanding an opposite policy was being followed. The present Government is attempting to remedy the position by providing for a reasonable development of the national resources, using ordinary revenue to assist where the works are of such a nature as not to realize a full return of the annual cost. A study of the proposed expenditure on public works for this year, as indicated in the Public Works estimates, shows that much the greater portion thereof is needed for means of transport and travel. Under broad headings the proposed expenditure is as follows : — (1) Construction of means of communication and £ transport (railways, highways, roads, harbours, and aerodromes) .. .. .. 5,605,700 (2) Land-development, including settlement of unemployed workers . . . . . . 959,000 (3) Erection of public buildings .. .. .. 1,215,000 (4) Development of electric power .. .. 764,000 £8,543,700 Railways will this year form a much larger proportion of the cost of the first item than they have for the past few years. Work has been recommenced on the Napier-Grisborne Railway, the South Island Main Trunk Railway, and the Westport-Inangahua Railway. Additional railway construction under the control of the Public Works Department will be the Turakina-Okoia Deviation on the Wellington - New Plymouth Railway. The proposed expenditure on road communications is very much larger this year than it has ever been in the j>ast, and is more than half the total for all public works. On main highways alone it is proposed to expend £3,050,000, but more than £2,000,000 of this is received from revenue. The Government is anxious to embark on an extensive programme for the elimination of railway level-crossings over main highways, and is prepared to place a very considerable sum of money on the estimates for this purpose. The design of these crossings, however, involves in each case a problem of its own, and some time must elapse before the full effect of the programme is felt, but I have instructed the Department to expedite the work as much as possible. In a few months' time a very large number of these works will be under way. I am particularly anxious to improve the roads to our backblock settlers in order to give them easy access to their markets and ports of export, and this year over a million pounds will be provided for this purpose, and for the opening-up of further lands for development. With the policy of land improvement and reclamation, and improved methods of transport, our roading-system must be brought up to a higher standard than has existed in the past. As Minister of Transport I have a particular interest in improved road conditions, and propose to do all I can to render our roads lafer for modern methods of transport and travel. Railways and roads are our chief means for the transportation of the products of the country, and the necessities of the community in general, and are still our principal means of passenger tiavel, but I believe the day is not far distant when travel by air will play a big part in the passenger traffic of this country.



A comparatively large vote from the Consolidated Fund is asked for this year for the construction of aerodromes and emergency landing-grounds, without which safe and adequate communication by air would be impossible. With an annual provision of this amount, or even less, for the next two or three years I anticipate that air travel in this country will be placed on a safe and satisfactory basis. I consider that the construction of aerodromes is at present lagging behind the development of aviation in general. The work of erecting public buildings is also very much behind what it should be to keep pace with the development of social and other services of the Government. Instructions were given to the Public Works Department to considerably increase its staff to cope with this work. This has been done, and the architectural staff has been more than doubled. Anticipating that even this may not wholly meet the demand for public buildings, permission has been given to the heads of the Departments for which buildings are required to allocate some work to architects in private practice if it should be necessary. Land development and improvement is considered most desirable by the Government. Irrigation plays a large part in the improvement of our farm lands in the South Island, and the Government is anxious to extend work of this nature provided it can secure to itself an adequate return for the involved in meeting the annual charges on money borrowed for this purpose. The provision of a sum of £1,030,000, including settlement of unemployed workers, is asked for on the estimates for these works. Hydro-electric supply has received a good deal of my attention since I assumed office. " One of the proposed new works to increase power-supply was under investigation at Waikaremoana. I was not satisfied that this was a sufficiently safe proposal, and therefore ordered the work to be stopped until I had an opportunity of going fully into the design of the scheme. This I intend to do as soon as possible. Works for the increase of power-supply from Arapuni were well advanced when I took control of the Department. lam not sure that I would have agreed to this work, but as it had progressed so far I have not taken any steps to prevent its completion. Further electric power will soon be required to cope with the demand, and a programme of additional work will shortly be considered. As mentioned in my opening remarks, I am desirous of carrying out public works with the help of the most up-to-date machinery, and I have asked for a considerable sum in my estimates to purchase modern plant. All new railway works, large road works, irrigation works, aerodromes, and other works, will be well equipped with this plant.. I would like to take this opportunity of placing on record my appreciation of the services of Mr. C. J. McKenzie, who retired from the position of Engineer-in-Chief on the 21st July, 1936, on account of ill health. Mr. McKenzie's illness caused concern to every officer of the Department, and it was with pleasure that we learned of his continued progress towards a complete recovery. I wish also to place on record my appreciation of the services of the other officers of the Department who have been at all times most willing to co-operate with me in my office as Minister of Public Works. FINANCE. I now set out in summary form particulars regarding expenditure and receipts for last financial year, and also general information concerning the various classes of works financed from the Public Works Fund. The payments and receipts for the year 1935-36, and accumulated totals, in connection with the Public Works Fund and other associated votes and accounts are shown in the tabulation below. The gross expenditure amounted to £6,663,091, of which £1,347,097 was expended by other Government Departments ; the recoveries in reduction of expenditure amounted to £l ,508,549. of which £500,958 was recovered


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by other Departments; the net expenditure totalled £5,154,542, of which £846,139 was expended by other Departments. In addition the Department collected £1,028,416 from sales of electricity and from other forms of revenue.


Expenditure, 1935-36. Total Net . , Exnenditure to Class of Work. j ; 8 [ st Maroh , Gross. Recoveries. Net. 1936. Expenditure, Public Works Fund. Railways £ £ £ £ New construction .. .. •• •• •• 8,088 42,986 Cr. 34,898 38,670,448 Improvements and additions to open lines .. .. — 335,213 42,304 - 292,909 17,911,888 Eoads. . .. .. •• •• •• - 522,702 78,325 - 444,377 22,986,307* Public buildings .. .. - 409,649 62,769 346,880 12,069,672' Lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbour defences .. .. 5,629 2,708 2,921 1,322,048 Tourist and health resorts .. .. •• •• 15,021 1,338 13,683 717,136 Telegraph extension .. .. •• •• 260,271 64,891 195,380 11,755,918 Departmental -251,189 151,805 99,384 3,091,929 Irrigation, water-supply, and|drainage .. .. •• 152,718 67,304 85,414 1,303,179 Lands-improvement .. .. .. •• 97,568 59,659 37,909 928,036 Swamp land drainage .. .. •• •• •• 25,160 12,238 12,922 55,917 Settlement of unemployed workers .. .. .. 220,567 69,222 151,345 664,485: Native-land settlement - 337,854 265,953 71,901 357,971 Plant, material, and services .. .. .. •• - 343,390 320,952 22,438 140,987 Dairy industry loans .. .. •• •• 10,750 .. 10,750 10,750 Cost and discount, raising loans, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,828,307 Closed accounts (for more detail see Table 1) .. •• •• .. .. 7,995,340 Totals, General Purposes Account .. .. 2,995,769 1,242,454 1,753,315 123,810,318! Electric Supply Account (previously Aid to Water-power Works Account) — Construction (expenditure as per accounts in Table 5) .. 193,331 .. 193,331 13,112,485 Working-expenses (expenditure as per accounts in Table 5) 197,968 .. 197,968 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .. .. . . .. 709,740 Totals, Public Works Fund 3,387,068 1,242,454 2,144,614 137,632,543 Expenditure, other Votes and Accounts. Main Highways Account — Revenue Fund— Annual appropriation (maintenance, interest and loan redemption) 1,576,069 116,787 1,459,282V Permanent appropriation (rate subsidies, interest on transfer from Public Works Fund, &c.) .. .. 460,125 .. 460,125 Construction Fund — Annual appropriation 530,471 97,203 433,268«; 5,978,495* Consolidated Fund (maintenance, public buildings, roads, &c.) 197,507 52,105 145,402 Closed accounts (for details see Public Works Statement, 1933) .. .. .. 18,955,387 Unemployment Fund (expenditure by Public Works Department) : Amounts not included above .. .. .. 511,851 .. 511,851 Totals, Other votes and accounts .. .. 3,276,023 266,095 3,009,928 24,933,882 Grand total of expenditure, Public Works Fund and other votes and accounts for the year ended 31st March, 1936 .. 6,663,091 1,508,549 5,154,542 Capital expenditure to date .. .. •• •• 162,566,425 * Includes £4,500 expended under section 16, subsection (1), Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustmen Act, 1923. t Excludes expenditure on Workers' Dwellings totalling £319,918 transferred to State Advances Accounl % Includes £4,865 expended under Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), section 6. § Does not include expenditure under Ellesmere Lan Drainage Act, 1905, or £1,226,000 transferred to and included in Main Highways Construction Fund. || Excludes interest an loan charges. f For annual income and expenditure accounts, see Appendix E. ** As per accounts in Appendix E.



Of the net payments totalling £5,154,542 shown above, £2,379,914 may be regarded as expended from loan-moneys and £55,774,628 as expended from annual taxation. In diagrammatic form the ratio which the various classes bear to the whole is shown below. It should be noted that the figures are gross —that, is, before deducting recoveries, which include from the Unemployment Fund and similar amounts which, if deducted, would detract from the true portrayal of activities. £ Per Cent. Roads, inclining main highways .. .. .. 3,089,367= 40-16 / j y_V Public buildings, including schools .. .. 409,649= 5-33 / j / -yA Hydro-Electric (construction and working expenses) .. 391,299= 5 -09 / /yS - Railway construction, improvements, and additions .. 343,301= 4-46 j j/ / Settlement of unemployed workers .. .. 220,567= 2-87 / Laiyaf improvement .. .. .. .. 97,568= 1• 27 I Irri'igation .. .. .. .. .. 152,718= 1<99 H Pyiblic buildings, roads, &c. (maintenance) .. .. 197,507= 2-57 \ I • Telegraph extension .. .. .. .. 260,271= 3-38 \ .s 1\ \ /Native-land Settlement .. .. .. .. 337,854= 4-39 \ / I \ Unemployment Board (expenditure by Public Works \X J \ Department) .. .. .. .. .. 511,851= 6-65 \ \ I -A / Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 651,139= 8-47 / -«-J Revenue (receipts) .. .. .. .. 1,028,416= 13-37 Total revenue and gross expenditure for year ... £7,691,507=100 ■00 In regard to the ways and means of the General Purposes Account of the Public Works Fund the position is as under £ £ Balance available, Ist April, 1935 .. .. .. 1,193,331 Add fundfc received during the year — Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), section 2 613,090 Fin,-nice Act, 1931 (No. 4), section 2 1 ,636,910 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 213,165 — 2,463,165 3,656,496 Deduct expenditure during 1935-36 — Uifder annual appropriations .. .1,748,450 Ujider permanent appropriations . . 5,395 1,753,845 Balance available, 31st Marcli, 1936 .. £l ,902,651


(to. of Work. * Receipts,* Public Works Department. £ Ordinary Revenue Account, Irrigation (receipts for year) .. .. .. .. .. 17,023 Electric Supply Account (sales of energy, miscellaneous receipts, &c.) : Receipts for year .. 993,812 Main Highways Revenue Fund (repayment of advances, &c., and interest) : Receipts for year .. 17,581 Total receipts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,028,416

Public Works Other m , j Department. Departments. £ £ £ Gross expenditure .. .. .. .. .. 5,315,994 1, 34.y7097 6,663,091 Recoveries and receipts .. .. .. .. .. 2,036,007 500,958 2,536,965 * Excludes motor-spirits tax, registration fees, &c., collected by other Departments, *»lso other small registration fees, &c.


The estimated net expenditure under the General Purposes Account for the current financial year, 1936-37, is £4,686,700, and arrangements are being made with the Minister of Finance to provide the necessary funds. This is the amount shown on the Public Works estimates, which also show an estimated net expenditure of £764,000 from the Electric Supply Account and £2,752,000 from the Main Highways Account, a total for all these accounts of £8,202,700. MAIN HIGHWAYS. I have already indicated that main-highways requirements account for the largest proportion of the expenditure which is entrusted to my Department, and this fact in itself goes to show how important is this phase of its activities. \At present the main-highways system is comprised of some 12,000 miles of the most important urban, arterial, and rural roads, and the control of this system is exercised ifnder the jurisdiction of the Main Highways Board by local authorities and the Public Worts Department. The Main Highways Board has been responsible for directing ana' assisting local authorities in the improvement and better maintenance of main highways in a way which has given a great measure of general satisfaction. The improved' standard of the principal roads of the Dominion to-day has been brought about only by the co-operative efforts of the Board and the local authorities concerned, but, while the position is as I have stated, it is considered, nevertheless, that the existing methods of administration do not adequately cater for present-day needs. I refer particularly to the divided control of our main highways and the delay and inconvenience which arise through lack of co-ordinated and planned administration. Although many local authorities are possessed of a broad national perspective, there are, unfortunately, others which allow purely local considerations to prejudice their judgment. Road-transport facilities are vital to our national welfare, and communication by land depends at all times on our main traffic- arteries being kept up to a high standard of efficiency. Under the present system 0 f control, it has happened that trunk routes remain uncompleted because of the inability or unwillingness of a local authority to contribute a reasonable share of the finance involved. In order to unify the control of the principal arterial highways and t-,o ensure that such highways are properly conditioned for continuous service, it is proposed to place approximately 4,000 miles under the direct control of the Main Highways Board. This mileage will be selected from existing main highways and classified as a State highways system, so that the full cost of improvements to a reasonable standard and the proper maintenance of that standard will be provided wholly from the Main Highways Account. This will also relieve local authorities of some 'financial obligations and enable them to devote needed attention to secondary highways of local importance, as well as ordinary county or settlement roads. The necessary legislation to give effect to the foregoing proposal will be brought down in the near future. I have discussed with the M^i n Highways Board some of the details involved in the change contemplated, and tentative arrangements have already been made in anticipation of the scheme being brought into operation. On various occasions it has been declared to be the policy 0 f the Government to assume the direct responsibility for the expenditure of public moneys, and, as far as possible, to provide for the administration of public activities through the elected representatives of the people. It is therefore proposed fc o include in the amending legislation provision for regulating the functions of the Board in accordance with the policy I have mentioned. In making this statement, however, Ido not wish to detract way from' what the Board has accomplished during the past twelve years, because I fully appreciate the excellent service it has rendered in that period. The extension of the Board's jurisdiction in respect of the proposed State highways system and the intention to retain the Board with its present personnel indicate a recognition by the Government of the success achieved the Board's administration.



The activities of tlie Board during the past financial year are more particularly described in its annual report appended to this Statement. The report shows that the total expenditure from highways funds on actual works, as distinct from loan and special charges, amounted to £1,600,000, which is nearly £400,000 more than was expended on similar works during the year immediately preceding. In addition, interest and loan charges accounted for £292,000, while general-rate subsidies, together with a special subsidy on rates levied upon farming-land, involved further payments aggregating £371,000. The question of charging rate subsidies to the Main Highways Account is one which the Government intends to review in connection with its general financial policy as soon as circumstances allow. Although the present urgent requirements have not yet enabled the matter to be completely investigated, the financing of highways operations entirely from revenue instead of partly from loan-money as hitherto is also receiving serious consideration. The progressive increase in annual loan charges, in respect of highways, now involves the appropriation of approximately £300,000 per annum, and it is desirable that if at all possible future works be financed from current revenues. Expenditure from the Highways Revenue Fund throughout the entire highways system averaged the equivalent of £122-4 per mile, compared with £100-3 for the previous year. At present the maintenance costs are relatively high in some localities, due to various factors, such as scarcity of metal, increased traffic, and adverse weather conditions. Where circumstances warrant, permanent surfacing is carried out and the cost of maintenance can then be reduced. The increase in the average expenditure per mile per annum is due to the fact that for a number of years past insufficient funds were available to provide for necessary maintenance works, and it was the aim of all concerned to restrict expenditure in every way, but last year a larger sum was allocated, and this is reflected in the figures quoted. In its report the Board refers to the steady increase in motor traffic generally as disclosed by the additional registrations of motor-vehicles and the greater importation of motor-spirit. It is apparent that, with the increased traffic, there is an immediate necessity to intensify the maintenance of highway surfaces, and improve, as far as possible, present unsatisfactory alignment. Improvement of alignment is a substantial factor in the elimination of accident risk, and, while much good work in this direction has already been accomplished, a great deal remains to be done. In order to meet present requirements it is proposed to allocate £l ,000,000 from highways funds this year for maintenance purposes. In addition to this sum, £200,000 is being provided for urgent bridge renewals. The problem of replacing decayed and obsolete bridges is still somewhat acute, and, while this class of work is being carried out as expeditiously as possible, further acceleration is largely dependent on the progress that can be made with engineering surveys, site investigations, foundation-testing, and the designing of suitable and economic structures based on the peculiar features of each case. The permanent surfacing of trunk routes and radial highways, which carry a sustained volume of traffic, resulted in the completion, during the past year, of 277 miles of dustless pavement. At the 31st March, 1936, the total length of highways thus surfaced was 1,943 miles, which is 16 per cent, of the total main-highways system. This class of work will be continued during the current year, the intention being to concentrate primarily upon the main arterial routes, although other highway sections will receive attention where traffic considerations and maintenafi&e- costs justify this form of surfacing. A number of construction works are in process of completion, and these will be continued during the present year. In addition, further works comprising reconstruction, realignment, widening of narrow ar.d aangerous sections, general improvements, new bridging, and level-crossing eliminations will be undertaken, and for this purpose the sum of approximately £1,300,000 is being appropriated.

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The Government lias arranged for the Main Highways Board to proceed with a vigorous programme of railway-crossing eliminations, and a considerable amount of investigation and design work has already been completed in this connection. Already a large number of these grade separations are in hand, and within the ensuing twelve months Ī anticipate that many of the most dangerous locations will have been dealt with. Within the next two years it is hoped to dispose of the majority of the present crossings, thereby removing a considerable source of danger and preventing accident and loss of life which unfortunately result from the failure of road-users to observe adequate precautions when, negotiating these danger spots. The value of State assistance to local authorities in respect of the maintenance and improvement of main highways generally may be gauged from the fact that during the past year the Main Highways Account provided from public funds 80 per cent, of the cost of maintenance and 84 per cent, of the cost of construction. Such assistance will be continued and wherever possible extended. SETTLEMENT AND OTHER ROADS. The net expenditure from capital funds on this class of work during the last financial year amounted to £444,377, as compared with £371,573 for the previous year, an increase of £72,804. These figures do not include any sums which were found by local authorities in respect of subsidies granted towards works under their control. Most of the expenditure under the immediate control of the Department related to the formation and metalling of roads in outlying areas. Last year 336 miles of road were reformed or formed as against 303* miles for the previous year, while 645 miles were metalled, compared with 714 miles for the previous year. I am convinced that, notwithstanding the attention which has been given in the past to the provision of some form of access to those m backblock districts, the time has arrived when this question must be given special consideration. The primary production of the Dominion has been developed most intensively in those places where reasonable and adequate roads exist, and it is practically impossible to expect efficient farming in partially developed areas until proper facilities are available for transport of materials and produce. It does not follow that improved roading is necessarily justifiable in all parts that have been taken up for settlement, but where further settlement or greater development is possible the need for proper road access is well recognized, & and it is intended to devote more attention to this phase of activity with a view to improving present unsatisfactory conditions. However, apart from the purely commercial aspect, reasonable road access must be provided as a community service where settlement has become established. In the interests of education and public health, and to overcome isolation in periods of emergency, communication by land is vital to the welfare of our people, and it is my intention to give special consideration to improving road conditions wherever possible. In addition to the formation and metalling of roads, grants and subsidies have been expended in bridging. This class of work often imposes such a burden on local authorities and their ratepayers that it is very necessary to allocate capital moneys by way of assistance towards establishing proper means of communication to developmental areas. The services of my Department have been made available in the economic design of structures in order to conserve the funds of both the State and local authorities. From a close study of modern methods and practice, it has been possible to design bridges in permanent materials at reasonable cost, and by this means the amount required for regular maintenance expenditure is reduced, with consequent savings the public taxpayer, without impairing the efficiency of the structures. In a few instances, because of special circumstances, it has been deemed advisable to utilize suitable timber for bridfing, but as a general rule this course is not adopted.



The development of the tourist and scenic attractions of the Dominion is onlypossible according to the measure of their accessibility, and, where necessary, expenditure has been incurred in the construction or improvement of roads leading to these attractions. Īam firmly of the opinion that the natural beauties of our country should be within easy reach of all of our citizens and not merely of those who visit us from overseas, and it will be my endeavour to make this objective possible of achievement. I have referred elsewhere to the past activities of the Department in utilizing roadworks for the purpose of employing labour which otherwise would not be placed. Formerly, a considerable amount of assistance was obtained from unemployment funds towards the prosecution of works which were commenced principally to relieve unemployment. At present, however, all roadworks under the control of my Department are being carried out at standard rates, and I am satisfied that the ultimate results are proving entirely satisfactory. Although not financed from capital moneys, the restoration of flood damage is a matter in which my Department has taken an active and practical interest. During the month of February last a cyclonic storm visited the Dominion, and, whilst fortunately many districts escaped severe damage or suffered very slightly, a number of others, such as Whangarei, Taranaki, liawke's Bay, and Wellington districts, experienced considerable damage to settlement roads and bridges. The total cost of restoration in the districts mentioned was estimated to be in the vicinity of £100,000. Many local authorities found it necessary to approach the Government for financial aid towards the cost of repairs, and, after careful investigation of the circumstances, including the capacity of the authorities to meet a reasonable share of the cost, subsidies varying from £l for £l to as much as £3 for £l were made available. Having regard to the experiences of the past, the climatic changes to which the country is prone, and the probability of flood damage (sometimes of an extremely substantial nature) occurring at frequent intervals, it appears that serious consideration should be given to the inclusion of a reasonable contingency item in the annual budgets of every local road-controlling authority for use should occasion require. The setting-apart of, say, a proportionate amount of a local authority's estimated annual revenue would ensure that finance would be readily available for the purpose mentioned, and, if it happened that the contingency items were not fully expended, the finances of the local authority would be improved by the existence of a satisfactory reserve. A few of the major works which have been in hand during the past year and are still in course of completion are: — Reconstruction, including widening and metalling, of the WaikaremoanaRotorua Road to a standard required for modern motor transport between Lake Waikaremoana and the thermal wonders of the Rotorua district. Work has been in progress at each end of the road for some months, and 377 men are employed. Widening and extension of the Western Hutt Road, which was started a few years ago as a relief of unemployment work, is now a standard work. This road, when the proposed bridge over the Hutt River at Silverstream has been erected, will provide a much needed additional outlet from Wellington City to the Upper Hutt Valley and the Wairarapa, especially when the present highway through the Taita Gorge is blocked with slips or by flooding of the Hutt River. One hundred and twenty-nine men are employed on this road. The road which branches off the Western Hutt Road at Hay wards and joins the Auckland-Wellington Main Highway at Pahautanui is being widened and otherwise reconstructed to a standard necessary for modern motor transport, and when completer 1 will provide a much better connection between the Hutt Valley and the beach resorts on the West Coast and the Auckland-Wellington Main Highway. Eighty-six men are employed. Construction of the Lewis Pass Road, involving erection of several bridges, will provide a much shorter connection between North Canterbury and the north and middle portions of the West Coast than by any of the present highway routes. Work has been in progress at the Canterbury end for several years, but a recommencement was not made on the Reefton (West Coast) side until much later. J 1 !tree hundred and twenty-five men are employed. Main South Road (Westland): During the past year operations have been confined to the Weheka-Bruce Bay section, on which 107 men are employed.


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Two large bridges are under construction, and, as the road work is well advanced an immediate start is to be made with the next, and last, section to the Haast' on which several large bridges will be needed. to otr^f 6 T!™ ime " C ! men ī T is bein s made witll the Haast Pass Road 1 th 6 SoUth WeSt,and R ° ad * 8 b ' id « e — These two roads will provide direct communication between the glaciers and other scenic attractions of Westland and the lakes of Otago. Camp? are being h workmen at the Makaroro end of Haast Pass Road, but, owing he °P T g f w qU + e i nt , SUPplieS by steamer ' tlle "umber of men on than fifty Westland cannot be immediately increased by more Taill^ nother «nportant work which is being started is completion of the Taumarunui Tokaanu Road, which will give employment to 200 men In Tokaarni fl W ° V f l \ a sllorter rout e between the Main Trunk district and okaanu, the road will open up some excellent timber country, and will enable anfafffie int<> &ImS ' b ° th al °"B the route A commencement is also be made with what is known as the Waitakere sum ge wZh?b ri v V S S l° n I T I b ° dieS have fo ™ d the reas^ble for , i ha^ e been . asked to contribute. This work will give employment for 200 unemployed married men of Auckland City and suburbs, and when completed will provide an excellent scenic drive near Auckland. «.v +W T f t0 f 6 -]■ res ® nt y™ r ' s Programme of roadworks, lam pleased to say that extensive activities have been planned for the purpose of furthering the development of the Dominion s roadmg-system, and it is proposed to appropriate for this purpose £500,000 more than was provided for the previous year. graph hereunder ex P enditure over the last twenty years is illustrated by




HYDRO-ELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT. Since taking over the portfolio of Public Works I have continued the work in connection with this branch of the Department's activities on the general lines adopted by the preceding Government. It is my intention., however, when more urgent matters requiring attention in other directions have been cleared up, to give more special attention to this important section of the Department's activities. The principal construction work being carried on is the installation at Arapuni of two additional units, each of 21,000 kw., which was commenced by my predecessor. The difficult work in connection with the foundations for the power-house extensions has been completed and the installation of the machines commenced. It is hoped that the first of the new units will be ready for operation before the peak loads occur in June of next year, and the second unit should be complete a few months later. The main transmission-line is being continued northward from the present terminus at Henderson to give supply at substations at Mareretu and Mangatapere to the North Auckland Electric-power Board, and power should be available to this area during the present year. Before my taking over control of the Department it was considered desirable that the water leaving Lake Waikaremoana should be directly controlled, as by so doing the upper 400 ft. of fall between Lakes Waikaremoana and Kaitawa, which at present is wasted, may be developed, and also because the control of the outflow from the lake will increase the capacity of the present station .and also that of a lower station which at some later date may be developed below the present station. As Waikaremoana forms part of the Government's main interconnected system, full control of the water there would also have quite a considerable influence on the methods of operation and degree of development of the other stations connected to the system. The country through which the tunnel would have to be driven to obtain full control of the water is, however, of such a nature that I have suspended further work on it until the very fullest and most careful consideration has been given to all the factors of risk, cost, and value. In the South Island a large amount of finishing and cleaning-up in connection with the Waitaki scheme, which went into operation during the previous year, has been carried on. Certain work in connection with the closing of the final three temporary sluiceways which were used during construction of the dam, and which was not successfully completed before the water rose over the dam crest in 1934, can now only be carried out in the low-water winter months. One of these sluices was closed last winter, and during the present low-water period a second one has been closed, and it is anticipated that the third and final one will be completed within the next few weeks. Following, particularly, on increased activity in mining there has been a very much increased demand for electric power on the West Coast. The existing local plants have been quite unable to meet the ever-increasing demand, and the Department has had an investigation made of several possible sources of power in the area. After studying all aspects of the problem, it has been decided that the present position can best be met by connecting this district with the existing Government electrical system supplied from Lake Coleridge and Waitaki by means of an extra-high-tension transmission from Lake Coleridge via Arthur's Pass to a central point in the vicinity of Hokitika. From there additional lines will be built to connect with, various points where load becomes available. The mining position has been thoroughly investigated in the area in conjunction with my colleague the Minister of Mines, and there is no question but that the provision of a reliable and adequate supply of power in this area will give a great stimulus to the mining industry there, and will also provide a profitable revenue for our hydro-electric-power system. Contracts have already been completed for supply to two large dredges, each using about 800 kilowatts, and negotiations are in hand in respect to others. During recent months the indication of the approach of more prosperous times has given a great stimulus to the electrical industry, and everywhere there are indications of increasing demands. To provide for this, additional transformers and switch--gear will be necessary in many of the existing substations, and arrangements to secure the necessary plant are being made.



For the year just closed the increase in the number of units generated in the Government stations showed an increase over the previous year of 6-84 per cent, in the North Island and 14-49 per cent, in the South Island, whilst for the quarter ending in June of this year as compared with the corresponding quarter of the previous year the increase has been 11-81 per cent, in the North and 15-97 per cent, in the South. Financially the year has been a successful one, although in the South Island the position has been affected by the fact that the large amount of capital invested in the Waitaki development has come on the Operating Account for the first complete year. Despite the addition of the large amount of additional capital, however, the whole Electric-supply Account has been able to earn 6-55 per cent, on the operating capital after paying net operating-expenses. The position of the account is summarized in the following table, and the result since the State commenced operation in the electric-supply business is shown in the following graph : —

Percentage earned on Operating Capital after Paying Working-expenses.

In the North Island the depreciation reserve required by the State Supply of Electrical Energy Act —viz., 12j per cent, of the capital invested —has now been reached, and a considerably reduced amount is therefore chargeable to depreciation, with a consequential considerable credit balance of £187,533 on the year's operations. The balance has been used to reduce the amount of deficiency which has been accumulated in earlier years and which now stands at £399,315. In the South Island, where in the past the depreciation reserve had reached the 12|-per-cent. limit mentioned above, the addition of a large amount of additional capital has necessitated the resumption of full payments into the Depreciation Reserve Fund, with the result that the year's operations show a loss of £65,809. To meet this loss the General Reserve has been drawn on, and has been reduced to £175,809. The general position to date is that the Electric Supply Account has been able to meet all operating and interest charges, has provided £950,988 towards the statutory requirements of £1,350,303 for depreciation, and, in addition, has provided £326,500 to sinking fund and £175,809 to general reserve from profits made from time to time on Lake Coleridge and Horahora systems. In other words, the Electric Supply System as a whole has paid interest and operating charges and provided £1,453,297 in reserves, of which £308,945 has already been utilized by Treasury for the paying-off of loans which formed part of the original capital.


Averaee Percentage of Operating : Gross Working- Net Net Balance i Revenue. expenses. Balance. to Operating P j Capital. £ £ £ £ Per Cent. North Island System .. 8,445,737 795,391 144,068 651,323 7-71 South Island System .. 4,431,949 245,258 53,900 191,358 4-32 Totals .. .. 12,877,686 1,040,649 197,968 842,681 6-55


Electric-supply Operating Accounts. North Island Electric-power System. The Arapuni-Mangahao-Waikaremoana plants have operated satisfactorily throughout the past year, and the revenue shows an increase of £82,625 over that of the previous year. The result of the year's operations was as follows :— £ £ Capital investment at end of year . . . . . . 8,635,000 Revenue .. .. .. .. .. 795,391 Operating-expenses . , . . . . 144,068 Balance .. .. .. .. £651,323 The balance has been used in paying interest charges (£408,051), and £38,148 as the Department's share of the capital charges on the King's Wharf generatingplant of the Auckland Electric-power Board, also £17,591 to provide the full statutory contribution to depreciation. Accumulated losses to date amount to £399,315, but the Reserve Accounts established in connection with this system show that £961,757 has been credited to depreciation and £55,930 to sinking fund, which latter amount has been utilized in the redemption of loans. South Island Electric-supply System,. The Lake Coleridge-Waitaki plants have operated satisfactorily during the past year, and the revenue shows an increase of £17,161 over that of the previous year. The year's operations resulted as under: — £ £ Capital investment at end of year .. .. .. 4,460,382 Revenue .. .. .. .. ..245,258 Operating-expenses . . . . . , 53 ; 9QO Balance . . .. . . .. £191,358 The balance has been used in payment of interest (£177,217), £79,750 has been paid to depreciation, the deficiency of £65,609 being provided from general reserve. Supply in the Nelson District. Prior to the present Government coming into power a license to develop a water power on the Cobb River and to supply power in the Nelson and Golden Bay areas had been granted to a private company. After protracted negotiations, authority has now been given to this company, which is interested in various industries in the area, to assign this license to a new company specially constituted to deal solely with the supply of power to the local authorities and special industries in the area. Special precautions have been taken to be certain that the interests of ratepayers and consumers in the area to be supplied are adequately protected, and provision is made for acquisition by the Crown on favourable terms in the event of default by the company, or if in any case such action should appear desirable. Southland Electric-power Board. This particular authority, which operates the Monowai power-station and a large reticulation system dependent thereon, has for some years been unable to carrv on without resource to rating as a means of augmenting its revenue. Negotiations had been carried on by the previous Government with a view to taking over a part or the whole of this Board's business. An examination of the whole position satisfied me that the best assistance that could be rendered to the ratepayers in this area would be for the Government to take over the whole undertaking and thereafter



operate it as part of the Government system. The loans from which the Board's works have been built had been guaranteed by the State, and as this year the right existed to renew these loans on more favourable terms it appeared, if the change in ownership were desirable, that it should be effected without further delay, so that any advantages that might be obtained by getting the Government to itself arrange the new loan should be secured. Negotiations with the Board with this object in view have been in hand for some time. Electric-supply Authorities. Power generated in bulk is in the main sold to local authorities for distribution to the actual consumers. The local authorities are thus really partners with the Department in the complete business of giving supply to consumers, and their action and administration thus has a very considerable influence on the success of the undertaking. In fact, as the Government receives on the average only 0-34 d. for each unit, sold, and as the consumer pays on the average l-25d. per unit purchased, it can readily be seen that these supply authorities can have a very considerable influence on success or otherwise of the whole business. On the whole I think it can be said that the general result is good, as there is considerable evidence to prove that the cost and general availability of electricity in New Zealand, particularly in rural areas, compares quite favourably with other places. I have not yet had opportunity to go as fully into the matter as I intend, but there are undoubtedly one or two aspects of distribution and of the relation between the generating authority and the distributing authority which are not quite perfect. There undoubtedly appears in some cases to be lack of co-operation between different owners of generating-plant. It is difficult under any contract to be sure that our available resources are being worked in the way best suited to the national interest. This particular problem has been considered in other places, and there certainly seems to be quite a decided concensus of opinion among power authorities that there should be some centralized control of generating-plants. Electrical-supply and Electrical-wiring Regulations. The Electrical-supply Regulations and Electrical-wiring Regulations, which were issued in 1927, and have been under review by the Regulations Advisory Committee since 1931, were finalized during the past year, and complete new editions were gazetted in September, 1935. General. The capital invested in the electric-supply systems operating throughout the Dominion totals £33,181,503, which includes £13,095,382 of Government expenditure, and the gross revenue received for the year was £4,823,324. After paying working-costs, interest, sinking fund, and depreciation charges, the net profit for the year under review was £554,154, as compared with £449,499 for 1935, which indicates that the electric-supply business as a whole is in a healthy condition. It is gratifying to notice there is distinct evidence of expansion of business among the electric-supply authorities. An analysis and summary of the operating results and other statistics furnished by each electric-supply authority reveals the fact that there has been an increased consumption of electrical energy amounting in the aggregate to approximately 8-25 per cent, over that of 1935. The statistics also indicate that during the past year new consumers have been connected at an average rate of approximately 1,100 per month, and the completed figures for the year show that the ratio of number of consumers of electricity to the total population of the Dominion (1,573,482) is 22-7 per cent., or 24-35 per cent, of population in areas supplied with electricity. The statistical data relative to each electric-supply authority will be found in the series of tables accompanying the report of the Chief Electrical Engineer.



RAILWAYS. During the last four years the construction of new railway-lines has been at a standstill, and works actually in hand, some of which were rapidly approaching completion, were abandoned. The existing economic position at that time no doubt led the Railways Board to believe that the various lines under construction were not justified from a commercial point of view, and that the anticipated traffic would not pay the cost of operation let alone any return on the capital cost of construction. I am of the opinion that from the broad national point of view this attitude was a mistake. In spite of the large mileage of highly improved main highways and the efficiency of modern motor transport, the railway still remains the predominant factor in the country's transportation system, and the completion of the present isolated systems and the linking-up of the various districts by rail is, in my opinion, the proper and reasonable course to adopt. When this Government took office it was found impossible to proceed with the abandoned works without obtaining legislative authority enabling it to resume control of this important Department of State, the Railways Department. Legislation to overcome this difficulty was, therefore, given urgency, the Railways Board was abolished, and a new construction policy adopted. Careful investigations were made concerning the merits of the various lines, and it was decided to proceed with certain of them as a first instalment of the Government's policy. The completion of the Napier-Gisborne line was considered to be of the first importance, and my Department was authorized to make an immediate start with this work. It was found, however, that a great portion of the construction plant and material had been disposed of, the staff had been reduced, and the organization generally sadly depleted, permanent way and rolling-stock had deteriorated, slips and subsidences had taken place throughout the completed formation, and no attempt had been made to reconstruct the portions of the line damaged during the Napier earthquake, the net result being that a very considerable sum has had to be added to the original cost of construction in order to provide for the general cleaningup of the sections and the replacement of plant and material. This work is now being vigorously prosecuted, and the number of men employed on the work is rapidly increasing. The completion of the South Island Main Trunk and the Westport-Inangahua Railway were authorized later, and similar difficulties in regard to the replacement of plant and material and the deterioration of permanent way and formation were experienced. A start has been made with both these lines, but at the closing of the period covered by this statement there had been time only to make preliminary arrangements. In carrying out these works it is my policy to utilize as far as possible the latest and most up-to-date labour-saving machinery, and, with this end in view, orders have already been placed for a number of Diesel-engined shovels and drag-lines, air-compressors, lorries, concrete-mixers, service rails, and other construction material. IRRIGATION. Although the appropriation for irrigation works for some years past has, compared with appropriations from the Public Works Fund for certain other purposes, been a relatively small one, it has to be pointed out that irrigation works have this important feature, that they create an asset on the land and build up the prosperity of the country both directly and indirectly. Certain large areas with deficient rainfall have productive capacity far below normal without irrigation,

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but under irrigation are capable of ranking equally, from a productive point of view, with other lands favoured by the most favourable climatic conditions in New New Zealand. lam satisfied, as a result of my investigations during the time I have held the portfolio of Public Works, that as an avenue for the expenditure of Public Works funds, irrigation works should take a very high place. While this is so, it has to be remembered that, from the very nature of the enterprise, irrigation works require most careful planning and investigation ; moreover arrangements for finance involve negotiations in many cases with settlers, and detailed discussions with the Departments of Lands and Agriculture, and with Treasury. This accounts for what may appear the delay in putting certain projects in hand, but I am hopeful that before the end of this financial year work in hand will be speeded up, and that one major scheme in Otago, under investigation for some time, will be commenced. This is the Maniototo Irrigation Scheme, which could supply water to a gross area of 83,000 acres, but as a first development it is proposed to undertake work to supply water to 30,000 acres, at an estimated cost of £393,000. Surveys of distributaries and preparation of estimates and plans in relation to this first stage have occupied the year. Consideration is at present being given to acquiring certain areas of land that would be benefited, but all is in order for an immediate commencement with the work as soon as the Government's final approval is available. Intensive investigation work into irrigation in Canterbury Province has continued. During the year topographic surveys were carried out on close on 200,000 acres, the stream-gauging is being speeded up by the installation of ten more waterlevel recorders, and soil-type surveys and soil-moisture determinations have continued. One branch of these investigations will show closely the water that is available for irrigation purposes in Canterbury, and the other will closely define the areas which would definitely benefit by irrigation. It can be said that the standard of this investigation is at least as high as that in any part of the world. I would add that preliminary steps for an extension of this investigation into Marlborough Province have been undertaken. River water-level recorders are being arranged for, and rainfall, wind velocity, and evaporation stations have been established. Coming now to a brief description of the works in hand, the largest in the Otago District is the Omakau Irrigation Scheme, which will supply water to 14,000 acres. The rock-fill dam across the Manuherikia River, with spillway, spillway-shaft, and valve-chamber, and up-stream pavement slab, was completed. Seven miles of main race and 34| miles of branch and distributary races were completed, together with associated works such as siphons and intake weirs. These works were brought to a conclusion sufficiently early in the season to enable water to be supplied to 5,000 acres. Marked improvement has followed in the Ida Valley Scheme by the completion of the Poolburn drainage. The major work in the Teviot Scheme was the driving and lining of a tunnel 5,078 ft. long to eliminate the main 36 in. pipe-line. Close on one-half of the work was done during the year. Work is in hand on renewing two steel pipe siphons with concrete-lined steel mains. In the Last Chance Scheme, Butchers Creek Dam, concrete-arch type, wa,s completed, some 1,800 cubic yards of concrete being placed during the year. In addition, a tunnel through schist rock, to improve the race system, was completed, the year's work being some 1,900 ft. of tunnelling. The Fraser River Dam, of concrete-arch type, in the Earnscleugh Scheme made good progress. The purpose of the dam is to augment irrigation supplies to the Earnscleugh Flats. In the Canterbury Province work on the Redcliff Irrigation Scheme was actively carried on to completion. All races and structures were finished and tested, and water can now be supplied to about 5,000 acres.



On the Levels Plain Irrigation Scheme work was started on Ist July, 1935. During the year thirty miles of races were excavated, representing 103,000 cubic yards of earthwork. In addition, fifty-one race structures in reinforced concrete were built. Work was also begun in March last on the Ashburton-Lyndhurst Irrigation Scheme, and good progress is being made. This section of the work will make water available to 25,000 acres of irrigable land. Reviewing the operating side of irrigation, water was supplied to 43,847 acres, compared with 38,027 acres for the previous year, the increase being mainly due to supply to the new Omakau area. The revenue for the past year for Otago schemes in operation was £22,891, working-expenses £14,666, and gross profit on working £8,225. These figures show a small improvement on the previous year. The large item for arrears outstanding has not been reduced. Action to have the matter of these arrears investigated by the Otago Mortgagors Relief Commission was discontinued, and I have arranged that this work be carried on by a committee of expert Government officers. I consider that advantage should now be taken of the statutory provision for the collection of water rates as a first charge on the produce of the land, and I have authorized a reasonable enforcement of that provision where necessary. The question of arrears should not then present the same difficulty. The following graph shows the growth of irrigation areas under Government schemes in the last sixteen years: —

LANDS IMPROVEMENT. The net capital expenditure from the Public Works Fund was £.37,909, but the gross expenditure was £97,568, thus indicating that by far the greater portion of the cost of this class of work has been met from revenue funds, and providing a comparison with the previous year's net capital expenditure of £82,092. The works carried out under the Lands Improvement Section of the Public Works Fund can be classified under the following general headings ■- Works for the drainage of farm lands. Works for the reclamation of sand-dune areas. Works for the reclamation of tidal-flat areas. Works for the improvement and control of divers. Works for the clearing of farm lands.



The Taupiri Drainage Scheme in Auckland District is undoubtedly the major work under the first description, providing as it does for the improvement of 93,500 acres of flat land and affecting also the productive capacity of some 56,300 acres of hill country. Operations have now been in hand over three successive years, and, as with all other works of this class, the results now beginning to appear after completion of 75 per cent, of the scheme are of a definitely satisfactory character. Other areas under development by drainage include the Te Kawa Drainage Scheme, also in Auckland District, the Waimatua Drainage Area, adjoining Invercargill, and completed during the year, and the combined drainage and clearing scheme in progress at Paraparaumu, some forty miles north from Wellington. Such works can truly be regarded as of great value to the Dominion. Sand-dune reclamation works have again received considerable attention, not with the object of rendering these areas fertile and productive, but in an effort to safeguard rich pasture-lands and watercourses from the ever-encroaching sand drift caused by prevailing strong winds. The important areas undergoing reclamation measures are located on the west coast of the North Island, in the Auckland and Wellington Provinces. Programmes of work have been approved over extensive areas totalling several thousands of acres, and in many instances the establishment of marram-grass and lupin has already resulted, according to time, in the partial or more complete stability of the dunes. As the stabilization of the drifts has proceeded, tree-planting operations have been undertaken, and it is intended ultimately to adopt these measures over the whole of the reclaimed areas. The value of these works will be the more evident with the passing of time. The largest tidal-flat reclamation work in hand during the year was the Ahuriri Lagoon Reclamation at Napier. This area of approximately 7,600 acres was, prior to the earthquake of 1931, an excellent fishing and yachting ground, but its upheaval as a result of the earthquake rendered it a desolate expanse of mud-bank and shallow brackish water. Upon completion of the extensive developmental operations now in progress, it is intended to establish families on small farms. In the North Auckland District the work for the year has been confined to maintenance of the previously completed schemes at Hokianga and Whangaroa Harbours, while in Auckland District the scheme at Kaipara Harbour has been furthered. The improvement and control of rivers provided useful work for many men, and, indeed, such works can claim much importance by reason of the great benefits accruing to adjacent lands upon completion of each scheme. The clearing of willows from watercourses and the construction of stop-banks, protective groynes, and weirs have been the special features of most of these schemes, which have the common object of improving the drainage of the watersheds and generally safeguarding valuable lands from damage due to flooding and silting whenever heavy rain occurs. Local bodies are capable of rendering invaluable assistance to the Dominion by attending to the smaller works within their own respective borders. General improvements have been carried out on farm lands during the year, the funds being provided by the interested settlers and the Unemployment Board. The works were individually of a minor nature, but in the aggregate the assistance rendered to primary producers has been very considerable. In fact, in the great majority of cases it is practically certain that the works could never have been undertaken by the settlers without the assistance extended to them under this scheme. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. General Departmental Buildings. At Alexandra a contract is in hand for the erection of new .departmental buildings. The excavation of the site of the new departmental building at Wellington and additions to the Public Works Department's garage were made. The total net expenditure under this vote was £39,532, which included a further Government subsidy of £30,000 towards the erection of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum building at Wellington. This building was officially opened on Ist August, 1936.



Courthouses. For a number of years courthouse accommodation in many centres has been inadequate, and it became evident during the year that the additions and alterations then contemplated in a few centres would not meet the Justice Department's needs as a whole to any great extent. The matter has been reviewed, and it is now possible in accordance with the Government's general building policy to commence a definite and steady programme of additions which, within the next two or three years, will place accommodation on a satisfactory basis. The Department of Justice is in close collaboration with the Government Architect in all projected work to ensure that design and layout will provide for convenience and expedition of court and office work, and that the special interior features peculiar to courthouses in the matter of heating,, lighting, acoustics, strong-room accommodation, &c., are given full consideration. The total expenditure for the year ended 31st March last was £8,701, and was incurred on new work which included the completion of the new Wairoa Courthouse, new Putaruru Courthouse, approaching completion of additions at Palmerston North, and also the commencement of the new library additions at the Auckland Supreme Court. A site for the new courthouse at Invercargill was also purchased. For the year ending 31st March, 1937, a total estimated capital expenditure of approximately £39,000 is being provided for on account, and it is proposed to proceed with the new courthouses at Ashburton. Blenheim, Invercargill, and Kaeo, and extensive reconstruction at Christchurch and alterations at Auckland. Prison Buildings and Works. Due to the decreasing population at prison and borstal institutions it has not been necessary to consider further housing-accommodation during the year. The total net expenditure from capital funds during the year amounted to £2,123. This included a wool-shed at Hautu Prison Farm, milking-machinery at No. 1 Dairy, Waikeria Borstal Farm, and an electric ironer at the Women's Borstal, Wellington. For the current year it has been found necessary to consider a number of improvements to plant and equipment which have been deferred over the depression period. At several institutions laundering was carried on under somewhat unsatisfactory conditions, and improved laundering conditions at Invercargill, Point Halswell, Waikeria, and Addington are provided for in the current year's estimates, and except at Invercargill the installations are at present under way. Other principal works for the current year are the installation of a meatchiller at Waikeria for the supply of Mount Eden Prison with meat, and the provision of two additional cottages at that institution to meet the shortage whicli at present exists. Police-stations. The net expenditure on police-stations during the year was £6,710. A policestation was erected at Tikitiki, and a new lock-up at Palmerston North. Additions were made to the Central Police-station at Auckland ; a house and land were purchased for use as a police-station at Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island, and a site for police purposes was acquired at Kaeo. Several of the police-stations in the larger towns, notably those at YVhangarei, Wanganui, Napier, Palmerston North, Nelson, Greymouth, and Timaru, are very old buildings, which provide inadequate accommodation and are rapidly approaching the end of their period of usefulness. They will require to be replaced in the near future by buildings suitable for presentday requirements. Post and Telegraph Buildings and Land. The capital expenditure on erection of Post and Telegraph buildings and garages amounted to £97,800. During the year new post-office buildings were erected at Toko and Petone, and additions were made to the Rotorua and Wellsford buildings.



A garage was erected at Hamilton, a garage and line-shed at Kaikohe, and an additional garage at Paeroa ; and the garages at Taumarunui and Wanganui were extended. Improvements in the accommodation at a number of post-offices were effected. The following buildings were in course of erection at the end of the year : Albury, Auckland (garage), Cambridge (addition), Charleston, Dunedin, Hampden (addition), Kaikoura (carrier-current building), Ohingaiti (addition), Pahiatua (post-office and residence), Porangahau, Rangiora, Te Puke (garage), Wellington (additional story on General Post Office building). Good progress continues to be made with the new chief post-office building atjDunedin, and it is expected that the work will be completed by October. Plans are being prepared for a number oi new buildings. The preparation of the plans for the new chief post-office building at Thames has been protracted owing to structural difficulties. The plans have now been completed, however, and tenders will be called for at an early date. Areas of land no longer required at the following places were relinquished or disposed of : Lower Hutt (portion of automatic-exchange site for street-widening), Petone (portion of post-office site for street-widening), Palmerston North (strip of chief post-office site), Turakina, and Wanstead. The disposal was effected of the old post-office building and site at Auckland East, the lineman's residence and site at Ohura, the old post-office site and the school-house thereon at Whakataki, and the line-depot building and site at Stout Street, Wellington. Areas of land were acquired as follows : Aramoho (extension of post-office site), Belfast (for post-office), Dargaville (for store garage), New Plymouth (for chief postoffice), Otorohanga (for. post-office), Rangiora (extension of post-office site), Thames (extension of chief post-office site), and Wellington (extension of Mount Etako radiostation site). The post-office building at Kumeu was destroyed by fire in August. Mental Hospitals. The capital expenditure for the year on mental hospitals was £67,465, being £31,165 less than on the previous year. It is proposed to appropriate £216,000 for expenditure on capital works for the current year. Auckland : At Avondale additions to the boiler-house have been completed, and extensive repairs and renovations carried out. Puhitahi: At Puhitahi four new villas are under construction, and when completed accommodation will be provided for 600 patients in this institution. A new store is nearing completion in the services block. Two residences, with garages, have been erected, and the roading, sewerage, and electrical services have been extended to the residential quarter of the institution. Tokanui: At Tokanui two new villas for farm-workers are nearing completion. Roads, water, sewerage, and electrical services have been extended to the new villas, and remodelling of the main sewerage system has been completed. Repairs and renovations have been carried out at the main institution, and new electrical refrigerating plant has been installed in the butchers' shop. Nelson : At Ngawhatu two additional villas have been erected, and an additional villa is in the course of construction. The installation of the machinery for the laundry and boiler-house has been completed. Roading, water-supply, sewerage works," and electrical reticulation is being extended to the new villas. A new cool store has been constructed, and general maintenance and repair work carried out. Hokitika : At Hokitika a new villa for fifty patients is nearing completion. A residence and garage has been erected for the Head Attendant. A large addition was made to the laundry, and a new tool-shed erected. Christchurch : At Sunnyside a new grain-store was erected, and a vegetablepreparation room is nearing completion. The latter is the forerunner of extensive reconstruction of the kitchen block. At Templeton a vocational block and tool-shed in wood have been completed. Two new villas are in the course of construction, and additional roading, water-supply, sewerage works, and electrical reticulation are being extended to these works. Seacliff: Alterations and repairs have been attended to.



Health and Hospital Institution,?. Expenditure approximating £48,000 is contemplated at Queen Mary Hospital, Hanmer Springs, in providing a new hospital for male patients and a new massage block and bathhouse. Improvements in the water-supply for the hospital and township are also being undertaken. Provision is made for the payment of further instalment on account of the Government grant of £20,000 towards the cost of the new Obstetric Hospital at Dunedin. The erection of a new training clinic for probationer dental nurses at Wellington is being undertaken as early as possible. A site has been selected and plans are in the course of preparation. It is hoped to have the actual construction well advanced within the year and final provision made accordingly. The net expenditure on health and hospital institutions for the vear was £2,191. Education. * The net expenditure of capital funds on the erection of school buildings, additions, and teachers' residences, and the purchase of sites, amounted to £131,457 for the year. This sum includes £10,033 provided by the Consolidated Fund to meet the cost of works under £200. The expenditure was reduced by credits-in-aid amounting to £48,547. This figure includes a substantial portion of the proceeds from the sale to the Fire Board of the Clyde Quay School site, Wellington, and also a contribution from the Unemployment Board towards the cost of erecting school buildings. The following table shows for the last three years the capital expenditure on new school buildings, additions, sites, and teachers' residences : — 1933-34. 1934-35. 1935-36. £ £ £ Public schools .. .. .. ..57,664 35,105 87,908 Secondary schools .. .. .. 2,568 14,679 23,516 Technical schools .. .. .. .. 1,504 12,851 59,350 Training colleges .. . . .. . . .. .. 610 Native schools .. .. .. .. 2,698 5,419 8,399 Child-welfare institutions . . . . . . . . . . 221 Grand total .. .. .. ..64,434 68,054 180,004 Less credits-in-aid .. .. .. 7,778 10,894 48,547 £56,656 £57,160 £131,457 ESTABLISHMENT OF AERODROMES. During the year considerable expansion has taken place in this side of my Department's activities, and a special branch has been established to work in conjunction with the Civil Aviation and Air Services Branches of the Defence Department. In consequence of the quickened public interest and demand for air-transport facilities and the development of the Air Force stations at Hobsonville and Wigram, much more rapid development of aerodromes and emergency landing-fields has been proceeded with than was originally contemplated. During the year air services were placed in operation on the Main Air Trunk route between Palmerston North and Dunedin and across Cook Strait from Wellington to Blenheim and Nelson, in addition to the air services already in operation between Gisborne and Napier, and on the West Coast of the South Island. Further extensions to these services are contemplated in the near future.



The development of aerodromes and emergency landing-grounds is being primarily concentrated to provide a chain of fields along the air routes which are either already in operation or shortly to be commenced. Forty aerodromes or landing-grounds were actually under construction during the year, and construction proposals are under consideration for an additional sixty or seventy fields. Work was provided on aerodrome-construction for a maximum number of 2,400 men, who might otherwise have been engaged on less productive work. Much of the greater portion of the expenditure to cover this work was made available from the Unemployment Funds, and a total of £202,860 was expended from this source. In addition, £3,464 was expended from the Consolidated Fund to cover the provision of tools, plant, materials, and overhead, £79,581 from Defence Department funds (including the £5,000 Civil Aviation vote), and an additional £4,854 from the Public Works funds, most of which is recoverable. RAILWAYS-IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO OPEN LINES. The net expenditure out of the Public Works Fund under the above heading for the year ended 31st March, 1936, was £292,909. Almost the whole of this expenditure was incurred on the new terminal facilities at Wellington, which comprise three major works : the Wellington new station building and yard ; the Tawa Flat deviation ; and the Wellington Paekakariki electrification. Some preliminary expenditure was incurred on the Wellington -Johnsonville electrification. The only other work of importance in hand during the year was the Puketeraki deviation, which was nearing completion at the 31st March, 1936. Good progress was made during the year by the contractor with the erection of the new station building at Wellington. At the same time the layout of the new yard was proceeded with by the Railways Department and station platforms and verandas erected. The new signal-cabin was completed and a contract let for the erection of the locomotive depot. The construction of Bunny Street on a new alignment was completed, and at the close of the financial year the construction of a new taxi road was in hand. The work of electrifying the section between Wellington and Paekakariki was continued according to schedule, the laying of the 33,000-volt cable being completed during the year and the overhead gear and rail bonding proceeded with. Sub-stations for traction power were nearing completion, and the outdoor steelwork for the electrical equipment was completed at two sub-stations. On the Tawa Flat deviation one line was opened for night goods traffic on 22nd July, 1935. The Thermit welding of the rails on. this section of line was completed and ballasting was proceeding. The new Tawa Flat station was nearly completed at the end of the financial year. LIGHTHOUSES. The net expenditure on lighthouses for the year was £3,320. At Baring Head additional oil storage was provided and a telephone-line eight miles in length erected to the Exchange at Eastbourne. At Tiritiri Island a reinforced-concrete building was erected to house the fogsignal apparatus. HABBOUR WORKS. During the year the French Pass Wharf and Mangonui Wharf were completed, and the Te Hapua Wharf is now under construction. As far as the Public Works Fund was concerned no new expenditure was incurred on harbour works.


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TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS. The expenditure was £13,683, as against £12,880 for the previous year, the main items of which were the purchase of a launch for Milford Sound, new outdoor bathhouse at Morere Hot Springs, and additions to the Te Anau Hotel and to Lake House, Waikaremoana. During the current year it is proposed to proceed with the erection of staff quarters at the Chateau Tongariro, huts in the Eglinton Valley, extensions to the Rotorua electric system, and additions to the Hotel Milford, Milford Sound. TELEGRAPH EXTENSION. The expenditure on telegraph extension by the Post and Telegraph Department for the financial year in respect of telephone, telegraph, and radio services throughout the Dominion amounted to £195,37'9, as against £135,933 for the year ended the 31st March, 1935. The long-distance toll service was further improved by the establishment of a three-channel carrier current system for direct operation between Auckland and Wellington. The installation of this system has provided an additional toll outlet between Auckland and Wellington, thus increasing the number of direct outlets between those centres from two to three and enabling better facilities to be made available for emergency purposes via alternative routes. In addition, the installation of several new single-channel carrier current systems provided additional highgrade direct toll circuits between Auckland and New Plymouth, Auckland and Palmerston North, Palmerston North and Wellington, Palmerston North and Masterton, and Wellington and Napier. The telegraph offices at Whangarei, Hamilton, Rotorua, Masterton, Blenheim, Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, Timaru, Oamaru, and Invercargill, which were hitherto wholly morse offices, were equipped with teleprinter apparatus for the despatch of telegraph traffic to and from their main distributing or controlling centres. Additional teleprinter equipment was installed, at each of the main distributing centres—viz., Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin—to provide new teleprinter channels between Auckland and Whangarei, Auckland and Hamilton, Auckland and Rotorua, Wellington and Masterton, Wellington and Blenheim, Wellington and Nelson, Christchurch and Westport, Christchurch and Greymouth, Christchurch ancl Timaru, Christchurch and Oamaru, Christchurch and Invercargill, and Dunedin and Invercargill. Additional multiplex equipment also was installed at Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch to meet special demands during exceptionally busy periods. Throughout the year new telephone-exchange connections continued to exceed relinquishments, the net gain in subscribers being 5,255, as against 2,200 for the previous year. Although the peak number of main subscribers reached in 1930 has not yet been regained, it is pleasing to record that the grand total of telephone installations of all kinds in the Dominion at the close of the year (166,565) is approximately 200 in excess of the number recorded in 1930. The position in this respect is due largely to the marked increase in extension stations, which now total 30,598, compared with 26,698 in December, 1930, an increase of 3,900 ; and it indicates that the advantages of the auxiliary telephone-equipment facilities provided by the Department are realized by the business community. A number of the new subscribers for the year were former telephone-exchange subscribers who could be reconnected with a minimum of expense, but in many instances demands for telephone service are being received from new areas which have not previously been reticulated fully. In these cases the necessary cabling, &c., is being proceeded with as fast as is practicable. It has not been necessary to make large additions to the automatic telephone-exchange switching-equipment, but additional two-party-line equipment has been installed at the Auckland Central, Wellington Central, and Dunedin Central Exchanges, while such equipment has been provided initially at the Onehunga, Takapuna, and Oamaru Exchanges. In so far as magneto exchanges are concerned, the major construction works were the installation of branching multiple switchboard equipment at Morrinsville and Rangiora, and the removal of the latter exchange to the new building. A considerable amount was spent during the year in the purchase

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of equipment for private automatic branch exchanges, thirteen of which were installed during the year and four existing installations transferred for use elsewhere. The following is a brief summary of the more important operations in regard to the development of telephone-exchange systems in the Dominion : — The laying of 22 miles of underground cable ducts. The laying or erecting of 47 miles of lead-covered cable containing 11,156 miles of wire for subscribers' circuits. The erection of 192 miles of pole-line and 2,196 miles of open aerial wire for telephone-exchange subscribers' circuits. The installation of seventy public-call offices and seven pay stations. The installation of additional two-party-line equipment at Auckland Central, Wellington Central, and Dunedin Central, and the initial provision of similar equipment at the Onehunga, Takapuna, and Oamaru automatic telephone exchanges. The modification at a number of automatic exchanges of the end-line equipment of certain groups to provide " step-on " facilities for private automatic branch exchanges where more than one trunk is leased. The provision of motor-generator sets with automatic charging control at P.A.B.X. stations at Auckland. The installation of a stand-by engine-generator set at Wanganui automatic telephone exchange. The installation of timing-devices in a large number of public-call offices. The installation of branching multiple switchboard equipment at Morrinsville and Rangiora, and the removal of the latter exchange to the new building. The installation of increased switchboard accommodation at Kerikeri, Tauranga, and Ranfurly telephone exchanges. The replacement of the telephone-exchange battery at Greymouth. The reconstruction or partial reconstruction of open aerial systems at forty-nine exchanges. The replacement of marline hangers for aerial telephone cable with galvanized-steel cable rings at a number of exchanges. Extensions and improvements to the plant at Wellington Radio during the year have caused this station to attain, in some respects, the status of a national radio centre conducting not only coastal services for the benefit of shipping, but also services to the island dependencies and certain Pacific Islands of other Administrations. All the short-wave services undertaken by the station are now equipped with transmitters of high-frequency stability, making a notable improvement in the standard of the service given. One of the chief improvements was the replacement by modern equipment of the crystal control type of short-wave transmitter used for the mobile service. Simultaneously with this replacement, automatic apparatus was installed for the transmission of the daily press news to ships at sea and island stations within range. The main transmitter used in the coastal service for mediumwave transmissions has also been replaced by more modern equipment providing higher frequency-stability and improved power-output. At Awarua Radio modern transmitting-apparatus was installed, and this station is now up to modern standards in this respect. SETTLEMENT OF UNEMPLOYED WORKERS. During the year steady progress was made with the development of the areas acquired by the small farms for settlement under the provisions of the Small Farms (Relief of Unemployment) Act, 1932-33. The cottages erected during the twelve months number forty-nine, the average cost of each being £281, as against £241 last year. This increase can be attributed to the increased cost of building materials.



Throughout the year the number of workmen employed on the development work on the blocks remained fairly constant. The following summary shows the expenditure under the vote, and the results for the year :— Capital expenditure .. .. .. £146,480 Number of sections under development, and area . . . . . . . . . . 583 ; 48,689 acres Number of share milkers established .. 5 Number of men employed on development . . 1,246 DEFENCE WORKS. A large programme of construction work is being carried out on behalf of the Navy Office and the Defence Department. PLANT AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. Immediately upon the present Government taking up office, I made a close investigation into the matter of utilizing modern plant upon the Department's construction works as proceeding and as contemplated by the Government. After visiting most of the works in hand by the Department throughout New Zealand, and after going fully into the question with the Department, I decided upon a policy of instituting the very latest type of construction plant upon such works whereon a combination of plant and man-power would show a decided economy to the Government and at the same time lighten the laborious side of the work with advantage to the men employed. Although this policy has been in operation for several months now, its full effects have not yet been felt, because the greater portion of the plant on order has not yet arrived upon the works. The majority of the new plant ordered is being supplied from England, but, wherever economically possible, New-Zealand-made plant is being obtained, and, to foster New Zealand industry, a preference loading is applied to all tenders in favour of New Zealand manufacturers when the quotations are being considered by the Tenders Board. I should like to point out here that tenders for the Department's plant requirements are invariably called in the public press at the four main centres of New Zealand, and no reputable firm is precluded from tendering. The specifications are also mailed to the High Commissioner for New Zealand so that British firms unrepresented in New Zealand may also have an opportunity of tendering, sufficient time being given for mailing manufacturers' data from England before the closing date. In this way information is received concerning the very latest equipment available upon the world's markets. During the year a quantity of plant was maintained upon swamp drainage and the removal of tree-stumps in the Auckland, Stratford, and Taumarunui districts ; irrigation and drainage works in Otago Central and South Canterbury ; various stone-quarries throughout New Zealand ; Arapuni Power-house extensions ; Homer Tunnel; Ahuriri Lagoon reclamation ; Hutt Estuary reclamation ; and aerodrome-construction works generally ; whilst a quantity of road-maintenance and construction plant was utilized upon the Department's roading-works and main highways throughout New Zealand. My Department carried out the engineering investigations and the purchase of plant and machine tools required for the New Zealand Government Air Force workshops and for the workshops at the Naval Base, Devonport, Auckland, where an extensive programme is being inaugurated by the Government to allow of the refitting of warships being carried out as far as possible in New Zealand, and so allow of the absorption of New Zealand labour upon the work, instead of sending



the ships home to England for the purpose of refitting. The Department has also arranged the contracts for the supply of a considerable quantity of plant obtained during the year by local bodies on hire-purchase through the Main Highways Board, and has also prepared the proposals and arranged contracts for the supply of all lighthouse equipment and machinery required by the Marine Department. The mechanical inspections necessary during the year in connection with the issue of certificates of fitness for all licensed passenger-carrying vehicles throughout New Zealand have been carried out by the Public Works Department on behalf of the Transport Department. It is gratifying to note that the total all-in running-cost per mile of the Department's motor-vehicle fleet continues to show a reduction to the present level of 3-12 d. per mile for cars and 5-34 d. per mile for trucks, as compared with 3-20 d. and 5-63 d. respectively for the previous year. The saving of , J o d. upon the total mileage run during the year represents a sum of £1,550, and the Department applies the closest scrutiny to all matters relating to the cheapest possible running of the motorvehicle fleet in the best interests of the Government. As appendices to the Statement, honourable members will find full details of the principal works carried out by the Department, together with the reports of the Engineer-in-Chief, the Chief Electrical Engineer, the Government Architect, and the Main Highways Board.



Hangars No. 1 and No. 2.




View showing Roof in course of Construction.

Interior View showing Roof Construction and Doors.



View showing Method of Drainage.


Air-mail Service to South Westland.



Regrading with Tractor-drawn Excavator-carrier.


View of Extensions to Arapuni Generating-station, 1936.



Aerial Views of Country traversed by 110 kv. Transmission-line between masterton and melling.



Interior View of Waitaki Generating-station.

View of Waitaki Dam and Portion of Generating-station.


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View of Steelwork, Addington Substation.

Outdoor Switching-station, Waitaki.



Headgates for Nos. 1 and 2 Lateral.

View showing Lifting-gear.



Combined Syphon Culvert, Lateral Headgate, and Drop.


General View—Shaft Spillway in Foreground.




General View. Rock-fill Dam on Right.

General View showing Water impounded by Dam.



Waikato River Road Bridge, Fairfield, under Construction: Main Spans 130ft. Reinforced-concrete Bowstring Spans.

Kingseat Mental Hospital: Aerial View showing General Layout.


Government Life Insurance Building: Steelwork in course of Erection.

Dunedin Post-office —Nearing Completion.




TABLES. Page No. I.—Total Expenditure : Summary showing Total Expenditure out of Public Works Fund .. 2 No. 2,—Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1914-15 to 1935-36 .. .. .. 3 No. 3. —Railways : Statement showing Expenditure on Construction of Railways .. .. .. 9 No. 4,—Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings out of Public Works Fund.. .. 12 No. s.—Development of Water-power: Statement of Accounts .. .. .. .. .. 13 No. 6.—lrrigation and Water-supply: Sohedule of Schemes completed or under Construction and under Investigation .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. 21

APPENDICES. Appendix A.—Expenditure foe the Year: Audited Statement of Expenditure out of the Public Works Fund for the Year 1935-36 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 B.—Annual Report on Public Works, by the Engineer-in-Chief .. .. .. 26 C.—Annual Report on Public Buildings, by the Government Architect .. .. 53 „ D.—-Annual Report on Electrical Work and Water-power Schemes, by the Chief Electrical Engineer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 E,— Annual Report on Main Highways, by the Main Highways Board .. .. .. 119

I—D. 1.


TABLE No. 1. Summary showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services out of Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account) to 31st March, 1936, and the Liabilities on that Date.


Number j Tnf-nl Expenditure -o . of 1 -XT ota ' during 1 Recoveries i Total Total Table Works. ! Expenditure | Twelve Months on Account of Net Expenditure Liabilities on | Net Expenditure containing to ended Services to 31st March, 1936. i and Works. Details. j 31st March, 1935. 3i s t March, 1936. of Previ °us Years. 31st March, 1936. Liabilities. ££££££ 3 Railways* 56,324,536** 258,011 211 56,582,336 30,770 56,613.106 Railways* "a p°f?t •• •• 22,542,180 444,377 _ 250 22,986,307 57,502 23,043,809 Roads + Tet rad 84 n'KS ?oM' 133 ' 971 12,069,672 70,383 12,140,055 Public buildings.* lelegraphs .. .. .. 11,560,538 195,380/- .. 11,755,918 135,392 11,891,310 Telegraphs Departmental 3,020,723 99,384 28,178 3,091,929 2 928 3 094 857 Derartmental Charges and expenses of raising bans.. 3,828,307 .. .. 3,828,307 .. 3,828,307 Charges and expenses of raisine loans W^Sees' ahma - VaAa - and har " 319 ' 127 2 ' 921 ■■ 322, 048 674 1,322,722 Lighthouse, haZur-wLks^ Irrigation and water-supply! •• 1,217,765 85,414 .. 1,303,179 9,984 1,313,163 IrrigatioTand water-supply S Lands improvement" .. .. 891,133 37,909 1,006 928,036 8,514 936 550 Lands improvement II Tourist and health resorts .. .. 703,473 13,683 20 717 136 995 71SViKi ;J j iT j. Settlement of unemployed .. 513,140 151,345- 664'485 5 716 fi70'201 urist and health resorts. .. iisim "„ 8 sag 4o:SS sarstsrassr* -1 Swamp land drainage .. .. 43,258 12,922 263 55,917 1 209 57 196 •' •• 295 ' 561 M 9 ' 491 357 ' 971 21 ' 62 ° 379:591 Native^ land settlement. Dairy industry loans .. .. ">.750 ■■ 10,750 .. 10,750 Dairy industry loans. 114,235,471 1,753,315 173,808 115,814,978 386,487 116,201,465 Closed accounts :— , :: :: i:S;g :: ~ i;S;S :: «8« SL. „o. 18 „ SsSSStitSLum»:: 'ZS :: » ''i : S :: '«:« Interest and sinking fund . .. 218 500 .. " 218 500 " Aiding works on Thames goldfields. Rates on Native lands .. .. 68 672 " 68 679 " ««'«79 Interest and sinking fund. Motor transport services .. .. 33 635 .. " 33'635 " Rates on Native lands. Thermal springs 14,600 .. . H 600 " ?t'fi00 Motor transport services. 10 of 1878 Coal-exploration and mine-develop- 10 835 .. Ī0 835 " Thermal springs. men t r ' ' j.u,ooo .. 1U,oo5 Coal-exploration and mine-develop-7,996,549 .. 1,209 7,995,340 .. 7,995,340 Transfer to Main Highways Account, 1,226,000 .. I 99« OOO 1 99« aao t , , M . , . Construction Fund 1,-6,000 .. 1,226,000 Transfer to Main Highways Account, Construction Jb und. Totals 123,458,020 1,753,315 175.017 386,487 125,422,805 Totals. bondMder, n0t R^ d , I m P/^ em T ent ' WeUington-Manawatu Purchase, and Railways Improvement Accounts. Instate£150,000 paid to Midland Railway 1929 section 32 STncludeMn <5 nnn Sectl01 ;l J (1) ! Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1923. J Includes £12,500 expended under Finance Act, 1929, section 32 § Includes £115,000 previously expended under Irrigation and Water-supply Account, 1911-12 to 1915-16 and part 1917-18, now included in Public Works Fund • also £6 727 Irrigation' aSTWater LnSf doeT noti ffiT 4 now transferred to Irrigation and Water-supply. || £6,727 previously expended on irrigation under this item now transferred to derWW w f + inclU ,f f30 °. 9 f 0 /fended and included under Roads Class. If Includes £4,865 expended under Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), section 6. **After deducting £134,485 for land transferred to and now included under Public Buildings (Post and Telegraph Department).


TABLE No. 2. GENERAL SUMMARY. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account), 1914-15 to 1935-36.


M Showing Net Yeably Expenditube out of Public Wobks Fund (Geneeal Pubposes Account), 1914-15 to 1935-36. N.B. —The figures in italics, prefixed by " Or.," are either recoveries on account of services of previous years or receipts-in-aid applied in reduction of expenditure. Total Net Expenditure. Description of Services. ;— | ~~~ bSb ; I " ~ | | j .« . ■ . - . v . ; i i ■ 1 ; ; March, 1914. 1914-15. 1915-16. 1916-17. 1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-20. 1920-21. 1921-22. 1922-23, 1923-24. 1924-25. £ £ £ ££££££ £££ Immigration... .. .. .. .. .. 2,288,523 33,219 10,010 6,533 3,856 Cr.12,018 Gr.62,561 Cr. 7,806 247,528 90,611 92,600 136,353 Cr. 10 Cr. 140 Cr. 1,267 Cr. 16 Public Works, Departmental .. .. .. .. 850,745 100.719 111,489 131,701 127,962 115.419 121,677 143,280 128,002 111,367 110,445 127,556 Cr. 2,662 Gr. 4,119 Cr. 6,280 Cr. 525 Cr. 131 Gr. 69 Cr. 19 Irrigation and Water-supply .. .. .. .. 69,864 32,090 29,874 28,754 11,650 22,919 34,115 55,345 83,313 58.131 95,467 127,995 Cr. 18,451 Gr. 9,854 Railways .. .. .. .. .. •• 30,898,630 1,146,753 1,065,171 620,947 495,771 387,923 748.649 1,365,466 3,133,200 2,110,859 1,776,413 1,878,729 Or. 6,022 Gr. 4,633 Cr. 4,845 Cr. 110 Cr. 4,924 Cr.105,196 Cr. 388 Cr. 751 Cr. 3,171 Gr. 1,167 Cr.37,924 Payment to Midland Railway Bondholders .. .. 150,000 Roads: — ■ Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges .. .. .. 8,787,127 484,365 400,062 203,746 128,730 221,887 376,097 527,854 552,895 643,156 751,370 603,968 Cr. 6 00 Cr. 997 Cr. 603 Cr. 81 Gr. 197 Cr. 244 Cr. 188 Cr. 231 Roads on Goldfields.. .. .. -. .. 997,251 30,065 24.432 17,099 6,912 4.186 12,465 11,050 11,264 4,850 2,867 2,755 Development of Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery .. 16,023 Lands Improvement Account* .. .. .. 300,930 Total, Roads .. .. .. .. 10,101,331 514,430 424,494 220,845 135,042 225,076 387,959 538,823 563,962 647,762 754,049 606,492 Development of Mining .. .. .. 882,691 2,384- 6,602 4,592 27 518 1,173 2,153 2,130 Cr. 98 1,363 Cr. 255 Cr. 6,545 Cr. 1,000 Cr. 7,008 Cr. 1,606 Cr. 51 Cr. 1,785 Gr. 2,310 Purchase of Native Lands .. .. .. . 1,572,883 Or. 7,060 Cr. 972 Gr. 868 Cr. 57 .. Gr. 57 Cr. 59 Cr. 52 Native Lands Purchase Account .. .. 491,980 Total, Land Purchases .. .. . 2,064,863 Or. 1,060 Cr. 972 Cr. 868 Cr. 57 .. Cr. 57 Cr. 59 Cr. 52 Telegraph Extension .. .. .. .. 2,669,772 288,395 249,554 203,311 213,955 198,611 249.379 336,468 590,981 512,657 717,409 957,294 1 Cr. 11,082 * Excludes expenditure subsequent to 1900 included under separate class " Lands Improvement." [Continued on page 6.


TABLE No. 2—continued. GENERAL SUMMARY— continued. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account), 1914-15 to 1935-36-continued.


Total Net Expenditure. Description of,Services. Expenditure — — to 31st :| • i | : March, 1914. 1914-15. 1915-16. 1916-17. 1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-20. j 1920-21. | 1921-22. 1922-23. | 1923-24. 1924-25. Public Buildings: — £ £ £ £££££££££ General (including Miscellaneous) .. .. .. 296,744 52,239 22,050 12,648 11,646 43,168 64,207 39,504 87 057 113 553 8 160 30 791 j Or. 15,067 ' ' Or ' U Parliamentary .. .. .. .. .. 375,900: 31,478 17,133 22,586 37,233 J'Courthouses •• •• •• •• 1 5,171 4,902 299 21 .. 868 1,400 2," 018 2*448 5^363 Prisons .. .. .. .. .. 800,292 14,515 17,786 15,685 13,195 16,299 20,981 30,038 41,740 26,484 t, ,• ! , Cr. 800 Cr. 2,568 Cr. ' 86 LPolice-stations J 19,122 25,484 21,147 18,814 6,157 24,944 36,843 j 22,544 6,298 12,838 18,553 Post and Telegraph 1,123,910 60,838 35,258 22,744 33,525 26,072 66,543 93,364 112,906 77,211 108,395 65 917 n , Cr. 560 Cr. 675 Cr. 69 ' Cr. 210 Customs .. .. .. .. .. .. 49,441 .. .. .. .. .. Quarantine Stations .. .. .. .. .. 6,255 .. .. .. .. .. 35,490 15,529 4,581 154 171 284 Mental Hospitals .. .. .. .. 678,626 53,996 54,898 44,602 26,502 14,640 18,277 27,368 41,838 13,852 26 541 68 438 Cr. 15 ' ' Public Health .. .. .. .. 32,754 Health and Hospital Institutions .. .. .. 138,885 998 1,426 j 7,570 4,080 2,332 8,484 4,099 26,131 20,981 7,420 27 951 School Buildings .. .. .. .. 2,197,306 122,940 97,972 70,367 63,082 115,656 195,500 244,722 2,469 r ' 1,399 Agricultural 45,870 2,428 2,972 3,046 5,685 4,229 7,227 9,345 īfll 5H '*282 Workers' Dwellings .. .. .. .. .. 110,841 68,275 55,893 1 35,437 15,505 7,293 26,674 .. .. . Gr '_ 171 0r ' 686 Total, Public BuUdings 5,856,824 431,966 335,759 256,131 214,221 235,846 469,195 500,852 334,809 _ 255,818 188, 9lŌ" 243,877 Lighthouses, Harbour- works, and Harbour-defences :— Lighthouses 199,618 ! 3,887 1,415 449 561 1,663 253 758 16,350 3,260 4,473 2 850 Harbour-works 364,505 12,563 9,355 2,280 2,359 3,729 3,245 4,080 2,424 423 Harbour-defences .. .. .. .. 541,381 681 2,903 1,038 56 Cr. 1,235 Cr." 16 Total, Lighthouses, &c. .. .. .. 1,105,504 17,131 13,673 3,767 2,976 5,392 3,498 4,838 18,774 8,549 10,791 3,273~ Rates on Native Lands .. .. .. .. 68,672 .. .. . . ... .. ~~ * [Continued on page 7.


TABLE No. 2— continued. GENERAL SUMMARY-continued. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account), 1914-15 to 1935-36— continued.


Total Net Expenditure. Description of Services. 1 : March, 1914. 1914-15. ' 1915-16. 1916-17. 1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-20. 1920-21. 1921-22. 1922-23. 1923-24. 1924-25. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Contingent Defence .. .. .. .. .. 974,394 15,221 37,619 9.742 6,714 8,809 10,187 8,701 15,586 1,702 4,931 27,133 Cr. 922 Cr. 463 Cr. 280 Or. 380 Tourist and Health Resorts .. .. .. .. 244,528 8,232 5,167 1.094 931 1,620 6.194 19,041 17,996 5,435 27,264 12,343 Cr. 12 Cr. 500 Or. 110 Gr. 81 Lands Improvement* .. .. .. 114,550 13,810 5,936 Gr. 2,731 1,838 t Cr. 4,268 2,964 2,064 17,478 26,204 18,182 34,172 Cr. 522 Charges and Expenses of raising Loans .. j 1,252,403 35,495 ! 5,037 I 35 1 .... 184 174,280 I 62,399 311,905 241,930 Cr. 34,865 Cr. 5,030 Interest and Sinking Funds .. .. .. .. 218,500 Coal-exploration and Mine-development .. .. 10,835 Thermal Springs .. .. .. .. .. 14,600 .. .. .. .. • • • • • • ■ ■ Plant, Material, and Stores .. .. .. .. .. .. 74,418 9,778 6,811 20,638 47,682 169,910 122,801 Cr. 4,983 Cr. 49,159 Cr. 30,956 Or. 31 Cr. 16 Cr. 1 Motor Transport Service .. .. .. .. .. .. • • .. •. ! • • • • • • • • 22,679 962 5,000 Transfer to Main Highways Account: — I Construction Fund.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• | •• "I ' Total Ways and Means Credits .. .. .. 42,770 11,160 5,713 43,492 11,993 112,864 19,628 11,616 20,127 9,142 40,793 Grand Total— Net Expenditure .. ., 59,837,229 2,597,109 2,363,658 1,488,786 1,193,930 1,195,489 1,907,850 3,121,132 5,449,351 3,892,320 |4,056, 423 4,558,570 * Expenditure prior to 1901 (totalling £300,930) included under separate class " Roads." [Continued on page 8.


TABLE No. 2— continued. GENERAL SUMMARY —continued. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account), 1914-15 to 1935-36—continued.


Expenditure. Total Net Description of Services. 1 — Expenditure 1925-26, | 1926-27. 1927-28. j 1928-29. 1929-30. 1930-31. 1931-32. 1932-33. 1933-34. j 1934-35. 1935-36 March, T . ,. ££££££££££,££ Immigration .. .. .. .. .. .. 107,521 184,918 67,157 50,266 41,756 33,544 5,265 .. .. .. .. 3 313 059 443 Or. 283 Cr. 210 Cr. 583 Cr. 532 Cr. 370 Cr. 362 Public Works. Departmental .. 126,598 115,866 130,951 142,252 132,783 131,816 151,377 104,904 98,703 76 486 ~3^)91~929 Cr. 129 Cr. 35,918 Cr.13,328 Cr.88,499 Cr.51,671 Cr. 16,381 Cr.33,947 Cr.52,639 Cr.33,872 Cr.31,154 Cr.28,178 Irrigation and Water-supply* .. .. .. .. 56,227 56,937 49,735 55,198 69,657 62,614 37,749 53,290 66,838 91 241 85 414 l~303~17!t Cr. 31 Cr. 2,798 Cr. 8 Cr. 96 RaUwa - ys 1,988,614 1,480,807 1,141,822 1,216,277 1,812,521 1,987,196 952,388 160,853 132,111 56~432 336 P»™„ t f m-a, , q ., „ „ Cr. 16,875 Cr.95, 647 Cr. 1,699 Cr. 2,595 Cr.l,296 Cr. 792 Cr. 20,568 Cr. 9,056 Cr. 20 Cr.134,696 rayment to Midland Railway Bondholders .. .. .. .. .. .. qqq Roads: — j Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges 664,694 575,898 669,833 780,990 1,005,330 1,379,810 1,078,270 396,559 359,671 371 573 444 377 21 294 672 T> , , . Cr. 4,810 Cr. 981 Cr. 540 Cr. 330 Cr. 415 Cr. 472 Cr. 564 Cr. 1,171 Cr. 445 Cr. 471 Cr. '250 ' ' Koads to give access to Outlying Districts .. .. .. .. 33,642 5 1,582' 53,693 91,126 3,940 233 983 Koads on Goldfields .. .. .. .. .. 3,934 2,230 2,330 1,005 1,885 4,586 .. " " " 1 140'699 r , , Cr. 467 Development of Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery .... .. .. .. .. ,, i a r, 9 o Lands Improvement Account .. .. .... .. .. i .. .. j' " " " " goo ' Total, Roads .. .. .. 563,818 577,147 704,798 833,247 1,060,493 1,475,050 1,081,646 395,388 359,226 371,102 444,127 22,986,307 Development of Mining .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ ~ ; 880~872 Cr. 1,130 Cr. 260 Cr. 260 Cr. 260 " Cr." 50 " " Cr." 143 Purchase of Native Lands .. . .. ,. .. Cr. 535 Cr. 56 .. .. .. .. ~ ā\~7~J23 .. ~ l~562^)i Native Lands Purchase Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Total, Land Purchases .. .. .. .. Cr. 535 Cr. 56 .. .. .. .. (Jr. ~ 7 2~054~()24 Settlement of Unemployed Workers .. .. .. .. 118,722 172,109" 222,309~ 151,345 664^485 telegraph Extension .. .. .. .. 931,661 558,042 625,540 624,414 594,383 419,756 249,978 99,999 144,160 135 933 195 380 11 755 918 Cr. 32 * Includes £6,727 previously included under Lands Improvement class.


TABLE No. 2— continued. GENERAL SUMMARY- continued. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account), 1914-15 to 1935-36— continued.


Expenditure. Total Net 1 — —— ; Expenditure Description of Services. 1925-26. ' 1926-27. ! 1927-28. j 1928-29. 1929-30. 1930-31. 1931-32. 1932-33. 1933-34. j 1934-35. 1935-36. Public Buildings •— £ £ £ £ ££££*.££ General (including Miscellaneous) 29,369 119,864 42,553 4,272 14.106* 85,204 33,189 2,107 594 30,713 39,447 1,015,189 Cr. 345 Cr. 429 Cr. 1 065 Cr. 420 Cr. 3,156 Cr. 55 Cr. 4,231 Cr. 2,067 Cr. 1,075 Cr.14,087 Cr.125,964 Parliamentary •• 35 27,142 15,723 37 .. .. .. .. 527,267 /Courthouses 7,209 1,261 7.531 8,387 15,765 19,572 3,513 970 72 533 8,701 h I Cr. 13 .. Cr. 95 Cr. 29 Cr. 16,403 Cr. 529 Cr. 222 Cr. 255 Cr. 93 Cr. 4,278 Judicial j Prisons 24,197 22.812 22,358 12,573 18,814 2,504 2,621 2,026 1,018 1,605 2 ,123 , , Q .Judicial Cr gos Cr _ 524 \ Gr . 321 Cr. 285 Cr. 134 Cr. 67 Cr. 71 1,507,251 1 Police-stations . .. .. •• 16,594 7,411 5,561 6,925 8,442 8,360 2,535 1,022 74 2,754 6,710 | Cr. 102 Cr. 13 Cr. 970 Cr. 605 Cr. 319 Cr. 54 Cr. 91 Cr. 80 Cr. 79 Cr. 240 Cr. 35 \ j Post and Teleeraub .. .. 89,865 86,052 77,194 62,087 104,157 138,671 104,505 2,763 21,078 100,484 232,285 j 2,825,495 g P Cr. 453 Cr. 1,114 Cr. 834 Cr. 1,980 Cr. 197 Cr. 1,391 Cr. 3,179 Cr. 4,823 Cr. 1,502 Cr. 582 Cr.2,760 Customs .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •- •• •• •• •• •• •• 62464 MeXfHo e s^taIs 0nS " " " 77! 835 68 >35 51J19 96J82 152;096 13<M40 45/938 73>21 98,629 1,959496 Cr. 283 Cr. 3,600 Cr. 860 Cr. 40 Public Health • •• •• •• •• •• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I 54 Health and Hospital Institutions .. .. .. 31,177 15,840 14,361 19,637 16,651 17,338 3,316 301 1,248 656 2,191 370,800 Cr. 300 Cr. 310 Cr. 1 Cr. 113 Cr. 150 School Buildings « .. •• •• •• ■■ •• 259,149 52,623 52,239 51,506 122,357 | 3,621,734 g Gr l 05() Cr 7f953 Cr. 2,428 Cr. 1,110 Cr. 40 Cr. 805 Cr. 217 Cr. 933 Agricultural .. .. •• 7,932 4,164 2,863 2,808 2,963 1,509 .. .. 48 88 85 98,081 g Cr. 865 Or. 310 Or. 2,395 Cr. 1,721 Cr. 194 Cr. 1,927 Cr. 1,535 Cr. 437 Or. 32 Workers' Dwellingsf .. .. ■ • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • j • • • • Cr.319,918 Total, Public Buildings .. .. .. 280,780 315,299 216,237 205,262 354,429 403,680 443,878; 81,657 145,089 Cr.48,241 347,394 J12,069, 672 Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour-defences :— j Lighthouses .. .. .. .. •• 5,690 5,758 7,979 2,637 4,460 4,103 5,046 ; 688 1,276 4,021 3,320 279,265 Cr. 750 Cr. 500 Harbour-works 3,717 13,263 15,891 14,425 10,736 6,742 6,987 Cr. 5,277 11,988 2,581 Cr. 399 497,975 Cr. 131 Cr. 204 Cr. 165 Harbour-defences .. .. .. .. • • • • • • • • ! • • ■ • • ■ • • • • ■ • • • • • 544, 808 Total, Lighthouses, &c. .. .. .. 8,5.26 18,817 23,705 17,062 14,696 10,845 12,033 Cr. 4,589 13,264 6,602 2,921 1,322,048 Rates on Native Lands .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• " 68,672 * Includes £12,500 expended under Finance Act, 1929, section 32. tTransferred to State Advances Account.


TABLE No. 2— continued. GENERAL SUMMARY— continued. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account), 1914-15 to 1935-36—continued.


Expenditure. Total Net Description of Services. Expenditure 1925-26. 1926-27. 1927-28. 1928-29. 1929-30. 1930-31. 1931-32. 1932-33. 1933-34. I 1934-35. 1935-36. March, 1 1936. * — — — s Egg 1 I Contingent Defence 4ef766 isfsi2 & ■ , £ , £ , £ , £ 1401143 Or. 33 Or. 751 Cr. 465 Gr. 648 Or. 1,326 Or. 586 Or. 4,039 Or. 624 Or. 76 Or. 704 Tourist and Health Resorts 43,486 31,981 36,673~ 39,254 20,547 60,288 87,609 14,454 ~~V.13,683 717^136 Gr. 516 Cr. 440 Or. 1,213 Or. 2,494 Gr. 85 Or. 877 Or. 21 Cr. 705 Cr. 20 Lands Improvement* 70,493 56 ,267 72,898 85,861 79,454 70,534 38,899 38,-906 71,825 82,092 37,909 928,036 Cr. 19 Cr. 135 Cr. 2,574 Or. 87 Cr. 112 Gr. 1,041 Gr. 506 Cr. 248 Or. 329 Gr. 722 Cr.1,006 Swamp Land Drainage " 7 7 I 7 ~ ~ 13,959 12,922 Cr. 297 Cr. 231 Cr. 263 Dairy Industry Loans.. .. .. .. ~ " " •• •• •• •• • • .. .. .. 10,750 10,750 Charges and Expenses of raising Loans 297,180 155,373 100,297 438,238 518,158 164,535 ~U 600 ~ 3 828 307 Cr. 3,811 Interest and Sinking Funds .. .. .. - •• •• •• .. .. .. .. 218,500 Coal-exploration and Mine-development .. .. ,. .. .. * * *' '* *• •• •• •• •• .. .. 10,835 Thermal Springs .. .. .. .. " " - •• ■■ .. . . .. 14,600 Plant, Material, and Services 36,930 Or. 9,334 Cr.17,610 Cr. 6,551 Or. 35,092 Or. 42,824 Vr. 103,571 Cr.45,^i 855 Or. 1,992 Cr. 8,985 Cr. 1,224 Cr. 360 Cr. 216 Cr. 1,338 Cr. 161 Cr. 22 Or. 165 Gr. 418 Native Land Settlement .. .. .. .. ~ 7 ' 179,485 125,790 71,901 357,971 Or. 52 Cr. 9,662 Cr.9,491 Motor Transport Service .. .. .. .. 4,994 .. " ' " '' " • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • 33,635 Transfer to Main Highways Account ■ Construction Fund 400,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 .. .. .. .. 1 226 000 Total Ways and Means GrMs .. .. 27,474 146,933 40,026 106,429 62,859 41,583 72,214 Ūiīē I^TiīŌ* Grand Total Net Expenditure .. .. 4,588,111 8,841,12« 3,860, «38 S,8!0,S77 4,854,314f4,7.f»,07ll 2,»94:«24 «Sl'.ui 1,36M?S I.SlSl l,iS 12S.M&318 £22 ' i ' 5 '" l9^& ' now to Irrigation a„d »„<7


TABLE No. 3. Expenditure on Railways to 31st March, 1936.


Expenditure out of Public Works Fund Total Expenditure during Year 1935-36 : New Works. Total Expenditure Lines of Railway. °P ened '° r r by Genor Jl Expenditure ; Government to by Provinces and sfirSmS. °'f™ Construction and 31st March, 1936. surveys. Lines^ M. ch. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Kaihu Valley .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 32 179,143 14 9 .. •• 179,143 14 9 Opua Wharf to Whangarei and Onerahi .. .. .. 58 06 608,258 15 7 .. .. Or. 2,989 19 8 605,268 15 11 Otiria to Ngapuhi .. .. .. .. .. 13 45 127,370 15 6 .. .. •• 127,370 15 6 Whangarei Branch (Kioreroa to Waiotira) .. .. .. 19 79 420,483 1 0 .. ■■ •• 420,483 1 0 North Auckland Main Trunk — Ngapuhi Northwards .. .. .. .. .. 11 00 885,640 16 4 .. Gr. 3,080 12 4 .. 882,560 4 0 Helensville Northwards .. .. .. .. 83 39 2,989,296 4 0 30 0 0 .. Gr. 85 0 0 2,989,181 4 0 North Auckland Main Trunk to Dargaville .. .. .. .. 455,311 4 11 .. Gr. 4,929 0 4 .. 450,382 4 7 Helensville to Te Awamutu .. ., .. .. 148 67 6,025,461 19 4 113,390 0 0 .. 3,210 16 2 5,915,282 15 6 Waiuku Branch (Paerata to Waiuku) .. .. .. 12 69 208,909 9 6 .. .. .. 208,909 9 6 Huntlv to Awaroa .. .. .. .. .. 8 75 184,379 5 0 .. •• 184,379 5 0 Waikokowai Branch .. .. .. .. .. 3,442 0 0 .. .. •• 3,442 0 0 Frankton to Thames .. .. .. .. .. 62 58 506,021 3 7! .. .. .. 506,021 3 7 Cambridge Branch (Ruakura Junction to Cambridge) .. 12 02 61,831 17 3 .. .. 61,831 17 3 Morrinsville to Rotorua .. .. .. .. 69 33 434,127 7 1 140 0 0 .. Gr. 385 0 0 433,602 7 1 Marton to Te Awamutu .. .. .. .. .. 209 69 3,123,162 13 5 490 0 0 .. .. 3,122,672 13 5 Waipa Gravel Access Branch .. .. .. .. 114 0 0 .. .. ■■ 114 0 0 Raetihi Branch .. .. .. .. .. 8 50 89,452 2 1 .. .. .. 89,452 2 1 Rotorua to Taupo .. .. .. .. 37,862 13 11 .. .. .. 37,862 13 11 Paeroa to Pokeno .. . . .. .... .. 22,890 1 8 .. .. .. 22,890 1 8 Paeroa to Tauranga .. .. .. .. .. 50 65 1,250,363 10 1 .. 11 8 5 .. 1,250,374 18 6 Tauranga to Taneatua, including Te Maunga to Mauuganui 59 17 1,497,930 4 2 .. 19 3 4 Gr. 395 19 10 1,497,553 7 8 Branch Gisborne to Motu .. .. .. .. 49 32 625,075 6 9 .. .. .. 625,075 6 9 Gisborne to Ormond Tramway .. .. .. .. .. 4,975 1 7 *.. .. .. 4,975 1 7 Napier to Gisborne — Gisborne Southwards .. .. .. .. 11 51 285,546 5 10 .. Or. 1 10 0 Gr. 698 5 9 284,846 10 1 Waikokopu Northwards .. .. .. .. .. 553,432 17 10 .. Gr. 6,526 9 2 .. 546,906 8 8 Wairoa Northwards .. . . .. .. .. .. 20,681 12 6 .. .. .. 20,681 12 6 Napier Northwards .. .. .. .. .. 38 62 2,384,118 6 3 205 0 0 Or. 2,310 9 10 .. 2,381,602 16 5 Waikokopu Branch .. .. .. .. .. .. 628,161 7 1 .. 165 6 4 .. 628,326 13 5 Wellington to Napier — Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North .. .. 114 06 1,176,834 7 8 10,500 0 0 .. Or. 275 0 0 1,166,059 7 8 Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension .. 129 30 3,255,551 1 4 .. .. 160 7 8 3,255,711 9 0 Featherston to Martinborough .. .. .. .. .. 399 0 0 .. .. .. 399 0 0 Wellington to Waitara — Wellington to Longburn .. .. .. .. 83 37 3,230,501 8 3 70 0 0 .. 300,530 14 1 3,530,962 2 4 Foxton to Waitara and Moturoa.. .. .. .. 196 22 2,110,827 18 11 : 9,466 0 0 .. 1,320 9 3 2,102,682 8 2 Mount Egmont Branch .. .. .. .. 6 00 70,536 1 6 .. .. .. 70,536 1 6 Moturoa to Opunake .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,105 0 0 .. .. .. 3,105 0 0 Opunake Branch (Te Roti to Opunake) .. -—— .. 22 63 447,861 18 7 .. 0 18 0 .. 447,862 16 7 Manaia Branch (Kapuni to Manaia) .. .. .. .. 9,483 6 0 .. .. .. 9,483 6 0 Rangitikei River Quarry Line .. .. .. .. .. 206 0 0 j .. .. .. 206 0 0


TABLE No. 3— continued. Expenditure on Railways to 31st March, 1936— continued.


Expenditure out of Public Works Fund Total Expenditure JfZm!?„, during Year 1935-36 : New Works. Total Expenditure Valuation of Works Lines of Railway. Mileage for Expenditure ' i Go/ernmenfto by and &SZ£t&. of Prions Con— and surveys. line8 M. ch. £ s. d. £ g. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Stratford to Okahukura .. .. .. .. .. 89 00 3,077,760 10 2 .. Cr. 5,358 12 9 .. 3,072,401 17 5 Nelson to Greyrnouth — Nelson to Inangahua .. .. .. .. .. 64 47 719,087 12 7 .. Cr. 851 19 1 .. 718,235 13 6 Stillwater to Inangahua .. .. .. .. 57 32 226,593 15 11 .. .. .. 226,593 15 11 78,307 0 0 Ngahere to Blackball .. .. ,, .. .. 3 40 147,881 12 11 .. .. .. 147,881 12 11 279,685 0 0 Westport to Ngakawau .. .. .. .. .. 19 56 209,904 14 2 .. .. .. 209,904 14 2 Ngakawau to Mokihinui .......... 7 12 * .. .. .. * Mokihinui to Colliery Line ........ 3 69 t • • • • • • t Westport to Cape Foulwind ........ 7 00 J .. .. .. J Westport to Inangahua .. .. .. .. .. 5 74 632,280 10 7 80 0 0 Cr. 4,861 9 8 .. 627,339 0 11 Greyrnouth to Rewanui .. .. .. .. .. 2 44 259,815 10 2 .. .. .. 259,815 10 2 Point Elizabeth Branch .. .. .. .. .. 8 70 74,363 10 11 .. .. .. 74,363 10 11 Greyrnouth to Ross and Mikonui .. .. .. .. 38 68 431,438 12 10 .. .. .. 431,438 12 10 Pieton to Waipara — Picton Southwards .. .. .. .. .. 56 06 954,910 4 4 .. Cr. 2,263 6 10 .. 952,646 17 6 Waipara Northwards .. .. .. .. .. 44 14 608,722 5 1 .. Cr. 3,714 4 4 .. 605,007 10 9 Christchurch to Greyrnouth — Rolleston to Bealey .. .. .. .. .. 73 07 1,012,029 5 11 .. .. .. 1,012,029 5 11 61,579 0 0 Whitecliffs Branch .. .. .. .. .. 11 38 25,021 0 0 .. .. .. 25,021 0 0 Greyrnouth to Bealey .. .. .. .. .. 58 12 1,978,623 10 6 25 0 0 .. 1,176 18 5 1,979,775 8 11 263,889 0 0 Hurunui to Waitaki — Main Line (Waiau to Waitaki) .. .. .. .. 219 07 2,700,470 7 5 .. .. 390 1 2 2,700,860 8 7 316,135 0 0 Oxford Branch (Rangiora to Oxford West) .. .. 21 76 53,072 8 2 .. .. Cr. 3,374 11 0 49,697 17 2 Eyreton Branch (Kaiapoi to Bennett's) .. .. .. 20 07 44,277 0 0 .. .. .. 44,277 0 0 Lyttelton Branch .. .. .. .. .. 6 26 230,493 18 4 .. .. .. 230,493 18 4 340,500 0 0 Southbridge Branch (Hornby to Southbridge) .. .. 25 31 92,181 4 8 .. .. .. 92,181 4 8 Little River Branch (Lincoln to Little River) .. .. 22 46 111,940 7 9 .. .. .. 111,940 7 9 Rakaia to Methven .. .. .. .. .. 22 20 77,090 19 2 .. .. .. 77,090 19 2 Ashburton to Springburn .. .. .. .. 27 29 64,035 11 3 .. .. .. 64,025 11 3 Orari to Geraldine .. .. .. .. .. .. 321 0 0 .. .. .. 321 0 0 Fairlie Branch (Washdvke Junction to Fairlie) .. .. 36 05 70,606 10 8 .. .. Cr. 103 15 3 70,502 15 5 75,124 0 0 Waimate Branch .. .. .. .. .. 12 63 80,862 4 6 .. .. .. 80,862 4 6 Canterbury Interior Main Line — Oxford to Malvern .. .. .. .. .. 11 44 46,248 0 0 .. .. .. 46,248 0 0 Whitecliffs to Rakaia .. .. .. .. .. .. 542 0 0 .. .. .. 542 0 0 Temuka to Rangitata .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,152 0 0 .. .. .. 5,152 0 0 Waitaki to Bluff — Main Line, including Port Chalmers Branch .. .. 252 71 4,163,781 11 8 .. .. 16,473 4 3 4,180,254 15 11 82,259 0 0 Duntroon Branch (Pukeuri to Kurow) .. .. .. 37 33 86,564 14 6 .. .. Cr. 229 6 0 86,265 8 6 37,500 0 0 Ngapara Branch (Waiareka Junction to Ngapara) .. .. 14 76 25,238 2 0 .. i .. .. 25,238 2 0 58,009 0 0 * The funds for this extension —namely, £35,501 2s. lid.—were provided by the Westport Harbour Board. t The funds for purchase of this line —namely, £15,745 —were provided by the Harbour Board. t The funds for this line —namely, £93,450 —were provided by the Westport Harbour Board.


TABLE No. 3— continued. Expenditure on Railways to 31st March, 1936— continued.


JJArrjilJ-Zii-UJ-ViU I 3-t T T i U J- kj 7 - Expenditure out of Public Works Fund „ w . „ Totai Expenditure on «f of Year 1935-36: *ew Works. „ ., Mileage opened for by General "ExTienditiire r,nwrnmpnt to n , T ?, -, L,DeSOfEal,Way - °<hr Construction and Surveys. Line9 . Waitaki to Bluff —continued. M. ch. £ s - £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 15 4 Livingstone Branch (Windsor to Tokarahi) .. .. 11 75 83,6-;3 4 11 .. •• > 32'906 8 11 Waihemo Branch (Palmerston to Dunbaek) .. .. 8 55 32,90b 8 11 .. •• 85 0 0 'u30 0 0 Fernhill Railway .. .. .. ■. •• 1 60 1,415 0 0 .. •• • §,£14: Q Q 0 0 Brighton Road Branch •• •• „7 " " .. 12,051 0 7 29,691 0 0 Outram Branch (Mosgiel to Outram) 8 78 12,051 0 7 .. 718,258 17 1 Lawrence Branch .. .. .. .. 58 67 718,258 17 1 .. •• Q Q Balclutha to Tuapeka Mouth .. .. .. . • •• 0 0 .. •• -„0 ~qq «3 Catlin's River Branch (Balclutha to Tahakopa) .. .. 42 67 463,909 6 3 200 0 0 .. •• 124*808 4 5 Heriotburn Branch (Waipahi to Edievale) .. .. 26 23 124,808 4 5 .. •• 68 423 0 0 Waikaka Branch (McNab to Waikaka) 12 65 68,423 0 0 .. . •• 112',294 3 2 9 36 53 593 14 10 ! Or. 3,103 0 11 50,490 13 11 Edendale to Glenham .. .. .. .. •• y do 7 U £2 4 0 Riversdale to Switzers .. .. .. .. •• 13 70 82,285 4 0 .. •• •• 185 229 5 5 Seaward Bush to Catlin's (Appleby to Tokanui) .. .. 32 79 185,229 5 5 .. •• •• 453'717 10 1 Otago Central (Wingatui to Cromwell) .. .. .. 147 27 1,453,717 10 1 -sg. 1 " 1 *-: 87« MM»». «»»» ■■ - «siS"2 0 • Mararoa Branch (Lumsden to Mossburn) .. .. .. 10 40 i? n n " " " ' 140 0 0 Winton to Heddon Bush •• " 360,075 18 5 37,097 0 0 Makarewa to Orepuki and Waiau .. .. .. . • 5b 34 dou,u/o is o .. • 103,790 15 10 23,200 0 0 Thornbury to Wairio .. .. .. .. . • 22 15 iOrf, /yu lo iu .. • • • Forest Hill (Winton to Hedgehope) .. .. 12 40 23,337 0 0 .. •• 10 337 0 0 Expenses of Railway Commissions and other Expenditure not .. 10,337 0 0 chargeable to Individual Lines Surveys of New Lines— 31 235 10 i North Island 31,235 10 1 .. j 0 0 South Island •• 0 0 .. •• 11,977,319 17 11 Rolling-stock .. .. .. •• •• •• an in i !, 60 571 1 11 Motor-omnibus Service, Wellington .. .. .. .. 10 o " 14 076 12 9 General .. •• •• •• •• •• •• *o'ro * " " <7r 762' 612 94 Depreciation provided for out of Railway Revenue and aotually .. Cr. 762,612 9 4 .. •• •• > repaid to Public Works Fund 4 162 11 8 Or 620 7 9 3,542 3 11 Stock of Permanent- way Materials .. .. .. •• 4,lb2 11 o .. • Tota]s 3,388 ~46 j67,756,578 13 5*~ 134,696 0 0{ Or. 34,321 16 0 303,709 3 0 67,891,270 0 5* 1,787,741 0 Ot * The £10,400,000 accrued depreciation of assets referred to in section 23 (2), Government Railways Amendment Act, 1931, not deducted. t Includes value for £150,000 paid to debenture holders under the Midland Railway Petitions Settlement Act Amendment Act, 1903. t Includes £134,485, land transferred to the Post and Telegraph Department.


TABLE No. 4. Expenditure on Public Buildings out of Public Works Fund to the 31st March, 1936, and the Liabilities on that Date.


T _ + „i Expenditure Total Liabilities on — Year ended EXPe t n o ditUre 1MK 31st: March, 31st March, 31st March, 1936 ' 1936. 1936. 1936. Liabilities. General— £ £ £ £ £ Alexandra Depot, Wellington* .. .. 8,084 .. 8,084 .. 8,084 Government House, Wellington (land and 72,645 1,645 74,290 61 74,351 new building) Offices for public Departments! .. .. 933,587 Cr. 119,054 814,533 2,263 816,796 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 87,390 30,892 118,282 6 118,288 Parliament Buildings — Old buildings .. .. .. .. 76,553 .. 76,553 .. 76,553 New buildings .. .. .. .. 393,625 .. 393,625 .. 393,625 Alterations to streets surrounding grounds, 57,089 .. 57,089 .. 57,089 and purchase of land .. .. .. .. 1,494,030 13,221 1,507,251 2,305 1.509,556 Postal and telegraph .. .. .. 2,595,970 229,525|| 2,825,495 39,445 2,864,940 Customs .. .. .. .. 49,441 .. 49,441 .. 49,441 Quarantine-stations .. .. .. 62,464 .. 62,464 .. 62,464 Mental hospitals .. .. .. .. 1,891,731 67,465 1,959,196 13,198 1,972,394 Health and Hospital Institutions! •• 401,363 2,191 403,554 15 403.569 School buildings .. .. .. .. 3,500,310 121,424 3,621,734 12,930 3,634,664 Agricultural .. .. .. .. 97,996 85 98,081 160 98,241 Totals .. .. .. .. 11,722,278 347,394 12,069,672 70,383 12,140,055 * Expenditure re Defence requirements only. Other expenditure included in " Judicial" class. t Includes £12,500 expended under Finance Act, 1929, section 32. + Includes Courthouses, prisons, and police-stations. § Includes £32,754 previously shown under " Public Health." II Includes £134,485 for land transferred from Railway Department.


TABLE No. 5 ELECTRIC SUPPLY ACCOUNT.—STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS AT THE 31st MARCH, 1936. General Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1936, compared with Position at 31st March, 1935.


Liabilities. 1935-36. ) 1934-35. i Assets. 1 1935-36. 1934-35. ~ :' : : '' •- ■■■-"■ ■ -!' ; '" " i I Aid to Water-power Works and Electric £ g. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. North Island scheme— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. t, y Aogqunl.s Assets as per separate balance-sheet .. 9,039,956 12 0 8,818,443 6 6 Debentures Stockjssued— Profit and Loss Account— Loss to date .. 399,315 0 9 586,848 10 7 At 3 per cent, interest .. .. 954,632 17 3 423,665 0 0 9 439 271 12 9 At 3J per cent, interest .. .. 1,000,000 0 0 1,000.000 0 0 ' ' " 9 405 291 17 1 At 3f per cent, interest .. .. 574,555 0 0 574,555 0 0 ' At 4 per cent, interest .. .. 1,957,890 0 0 1,957 '890 0 0 At 4j-per cent, interest .. .. 2,623,913 18 0 2,623,913 18 0 At 5 per cent, interest .. .. 3,159,227 13 6 3,670,219 6 10 South Island scheme— At per cent, interest .. .. 4,600 0 0 5,400 0 0 Assets as per separate balance-sheet .. 4,563,834 17 10 4,492,708 16 10 At 6 per cent, interest .. .. 1,884,642 6 3 1,884,642 6 3 Investments, Sinking Fund .. .. 17,555 5 1 1 669 5 2 Debentures not yet converted .. .. 50 0 0 50 0 0 4 581 390 2 11 - 12,159,511 15 0 ' ' 4,494,378 2 0 12,140,335 11 1 ' Consolidated Fund — Interest accrued on loans to 31st March, 126,724 8 4 128 949 3 7 1936 Sundry creditors for interest unclaimed .. 25 13 6 54 13 6 126,750 1 10 129,003 17 1 Interest reserve, being excess of interest .. 27,281 1 8 42,137 8 1 charged to schemes over interest actually ' Surveys and General .. .. .. .. 17,101 16 10 15 743 7 4 paid on capital liability Carried forward .. .. .. 12,313,542 18 6 12,311,476 16 3 Carried forward .. .. .. 14,037,763 12 6 13,915,413 6 5


TABLE No. 5- continued. ELECTRIC SUPPLY ACCOUNT.—STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS AT THE 31st MARCH, 1936—continued. General Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1936, as compared with Position at 31st March, 1935— continued.

T. A. Bakkow, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant, Public Works Department. I hereby certify that the General Balance-sheet has been duly compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly states the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon. The following comments are appended:— 1. To avoid delay, the accounts of the Mangahao-Waikaremoana scheme, the audit of which has not been completed by the local Audit Inspector, have been accepted from the Department's records. 2. The agreement with the Wellington City Council for the supply of electricity from Mangahao expired on 30th September, 1935, and the terms of a new agreement have not yet been settled. The accounts as presented include the amount charged for the supply for the balance of the year calculated at an increased rate, but the City Council has paid for this period at the previous rate and disputes liability for the balance of £17,705 3s. 4d. G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


— Liabilities. 1935-36. 1934-35. || Assets. 1935-36. 1934-35. j T j £ B." d. £ s. d. £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 12,313,542 18 6 12,311,476 16 3 Brought forward .. .. j .. 14,037,763 12 6 13,915,413 6 5 Sundry Creditors Balance in Electric Supply Account at the North Island scheme .. .. 70,008 6 9 60,930 17 2 end of year— ! South Island scheme .. .. 20,027 8 9 24,875 12 0 Cash in Public Account .. . - J 39,501 13 2 330,149 10 10 Surveys and general .. .. .. 195 13 11 Imprests outstanding.. .. .. j 3,101 17 4 2,308 5 9 90,231 9 5 ! 42,603 10 6 85,806 9 2 ! 332,457 16 7 Charges paid in advance — South Island scheme •• 13 15 0 Depreciation Reserve — North Island scheme .. .. 961,757 2 9 959,085 16 1 j Investment Account (amount invested until i .. 175,000 0 0 South Island scheme .. .. 388,546 3 4 323,599 14 lj actually required) 1,350,303 6 1 j 1,282,685 10 2 Sinking Fund Reserve — . Amount utilized for redemption of loans 308,945 0 0 308,145 0 0 Available for further redemptions .. 17,555 5 1 18,338 15 3 326,600 5 1 ; 326,483 15 3 Writings-off in Suspense — South Island scheme .. • . .. 45 1 0 Reserve Fund — South Island scheme .. .. .. 175,809 3 3 241,418 11 5 Sundry debtors for interest due but unpaid .. 1,078 15 4 Total .. .. .. .. £14,256,445 18 4 |£14,247,871 3 0 Total .. .. .. j .. £14,256,445 18 4 £14,247,871 3 0 I " - i Notes. —(a) No charge for the cost of exchange on interest payments made in London is included, (b) Owing to the interconnection of the undertakings in the North Island it has not been found practicable to show separately the accounts of the various schemes as required by the State Supply of Electrical Energy Act, 1917-


TABLE No. 5- continued. NORTH ISLAND HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY— continued. Profit and Loss Account For Year ended 31st March, 1936, compared with Year ended 31st March, 1935.


Gross Revenue Account. 1935-36. I 1934-35. J 1935-36. 1934-35. To Generating-expenses, headworks, and £ g. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Sales of energy — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. power-house— i Wholesale .. .. .. 785,264 5 3 703,746 17 1 Arapuni .. .. .. 10,929 5 3 11,659 2 2, Retail .. .. .. .. 2,019 4 6 1,681 17 1 Horahora .. .. .. 5,615 14 10 5,193 9 4 I 787,283 9 9 — Mangahao .. .. .. 19,883 17 0 10,827 12 6 705,428 14 5 Waikaremoana .. .. .. 9,560 19 3 8,523 17 5 Standby stations .. .. 10,272 3 9 912 5 3 Rents— 56,262 0 1 Cottages, &c. .. .. .. 6,885 13 3 6,281 6 10 37,116 6 8 Lines, plant, &c. .. .. 667 2 7 679 19 8 Transmission-lines — 7,552 15 10 Patrol, maintenance, &c. .. .. .. 32,501 19 6 27,895 4 4 Substations — 6,961 6 6 Operation and maintenance .. .. 19,204 15 0 21,989 14 3 Management and general— MiscellaneousSalaries, office expenses, accident, sick, .. 36,099 6 11 33,926 0 8 Tests and inspection .. .. .. 360 16 7 336 18 2 and holiday pay, testing, &c. Penalties .. .. .. .. 194 0 1 1 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 38 13 6 144,068 1 6 120,927 5 11 Balance to Net Revenue Account .. .. j 651,323 0 9 591,839 6 8 £795,391 2 3 £712,766 12 7 £795,391 2 3 £712,766 12 7 Net Revenue Account. - . ; _ , . —- 1935-36. 1934-35. 1935-36. 1934-35. |j I || | - ■ - - 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest for year ended 31st March, 1936 .. .. 408,050 14 2 414,041 12 3 By Balance from Gross Revenue Account .. .. 651,323 0 9 591,839 6 8 Depreciation on completed works .. .. .. 17,591 5 6 150,538 10 5 Balance to Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. .. 10,428 2 8 King's Wharf Station, half annual charges on capital 38,147 11 3 37,687 6 8 costs thereon Balance to Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. 187,533 9 10 £651,323 0 9 £602,267 9 4 £651,323 0 9 £602,267 9 4




Profit and Loss Appropriation Account For Year ended 31st March, 1936, compared with Year 31st March, 1935. | 1935-36. 1934-35. jj 1935-36. 1934-35. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. To Balance from previous year .. .. .. .. 586,848 10 7 576,420 7 11 By Balance from Net Revenue Account .. .. .. 187,533 9 10 Balance from Net Revenue Account .. .. .. .. 10,428 2 8 Balance to General Balance-sheet .. .. .. 399,315 0 9 586,848 10 7 £586,848 10 7 £586,848 10 7 £586,848 10 7 £586,848 10 7 Depreciation Reserve Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s . a. £ s. d. To Replacements, renewals, &c. .. .. .. .. 53,283 7 6 18,066 3 7 By Balance at close of previous year .. .. .. 959,085 16 1 794,820 12 9 Balance to General Balance-sheet .. .. .. 961,757 2 9 959,085 16 1 Interest at 4 per cent, per annum .. .. .. 38,363 8 8 31,792 16 6 Amount set aside as per Net Revenue Account .. 17,591 5 6 150,538 10 5 j £1,015,040 10 3 £977,133 16 5 £1,015,040 10 3 £977,151 19 8 : . . . , ; ■ , — r - . s====s=s=s=== Sinking Fund Account. £ s - d - £ s- cl - £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. 55,929 15 6 55,929 15 6 By Balance at close of previous year .. .. .. 55,929 15 6 55,821 5 9 Interest on investments .. .. .. .. .. 108 9 9 £55,929 15 6 £55,929 15 6 £55,929 15 6 £55,929 15 6


TABLE No. 5— continued. NORTH ISLAND HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY— continued. Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1936.

2—D. 1.


I i ! II 'I I I Liabilities. 1935-36. ! 1934-35. Assets. 1935-36. i 1934-35. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ g. d. | Head works, power-house, machinery, &c. — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Depreciation Reserve .. .. .. .. 961,757 2 9 959,085 16 1 Arapuni .. .. .. .. 2,188,149 16 4 2,111,518 6 10 Horahora .. .. .. .. 310,703 14 11 310,279 18 1 Mangahao .. .. .. .. 1,273,163 14 11 1,208,775 12 8 Sinking Fund — Waikaremoana .. .. .. 542,899 8 11 521,820 13 10 Utilized for redemption of loans.. .. .. 55,929 15 6 55,929 15 6 4,314,916 15 1 4,152,394 11 5 Auxiliary plants — Diesel Station, Penrose .. .. 61,801 16 11 61,801 16 11 Steam Station Grand Junction .. .. 9,099 17 4 9,125 19 4 Steam Station, Huntly.. .. .. 10,847 111 10,847 111 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 70,008 6 9 60,930 17 2 81,748 16 2 81,774 18 2 Head Office Account .. .. .. .. 8,351,576 7 9 8,329,345 8 4 Transmission-lines .. .. .. .. 1,518,092 11 8 1,540,374 2 10 Substations .. .. .. .. .. 924,081 1 1 911,832 4 4 Office buildings, land, railway siding, harbour .. 38,234 9 0 34,418 16 8 facilities, &c. Service buildings, workmen's accommodation, .. ... 97,977 1 4 &c. Temporary development, Waikaremoana .. .. 39,241 9 10 39,241 9 10 Salaries and expenses of engineers and others .. 479,987 19 1 428,064 11 9 on surveys and during construction Cost of raising loans .. .. .. .. 297,753 19 11 281,992 11 10 Interest during construction .. .. .. 940,943 7 4 937,468 18 3 8,635,000 9 2 8,505,539 6 5 Plant, motor-vehicles, &c. .. .. .. 43,325 18 11 24,785 17 6 Stocks .. .. .. .. .. 144,043 16 7 107,813 0 7 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. .. 217,586 7 4 180,305 2 0 Accumulated loss to 31st March, 1935 .. 586,848 10 7 Profit, 1935-36 .. .. .. .. 187,533 9 10 i 399,315 0 9 586,848 10 7 £9,439,271 12 9 £9,405,291 17 1 £9,439,271 12 9 £9,405,291 17 1 I — 77=1 . — Note. —Owing to the mterconnection of the undertakings in the North Island it has not been found practicable to show separately the accounts of the various schemes as required by the State Supply of Electrical Energy Act, 1917.

D.— 1.

TABLE No. 5— continued. SOUTH ISLAND HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY. Profit and Loss Account. For Year ended 31st March, 1936, compared with Year ended 31st March, 1935.


Gross Revenue Account. 1935-36. 1934-35. 1935-36. 1934-35. To Generating-expenses, headworks, power- £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Sales of energy — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. houses, and auxiliary plant — Wholesale .. .. .. 241,920 12 2 225,725 2 10 Lake Coleridge .. .. .. 10,931 13 5 8,998 6 7 Retail .. .. .. .. 556 10 7 362 12 3 Waitaki .. .. .. .. 8,313 8 3 927 4 5 242,477 2 9 Lyttelton Diesel station .. .. 874 10 0 1,428 6 0 226,087 15 1 20,119 11 8 11,353 17 0 Discounts forfeited .. .. .. .. 1 3 10 32 8 11 Bents — Transmission and distribution — Land and buildings .. .. 2,209 16 8 Primary distribution .. .. 6,244 2 10 4,948 2 8 Electric lines and poles .. .. 199 9 0 Secondary distribution .. .. 2,184 14 0 1,549 11 10 Electric plant .. .. .. 206 13 6 8,428 16 10 2,615 19 2 1,871 1 5 6,497 14 6 Substations .. .. .. .. 10,545 2 2 7,638 10 11 Eees for testing and repairing electrical .. 163 16 0 105 5 4 Plant, tools, testing, &c. .. .. .. 496 2 5 324 0 9 appliances and earnings of motorElectrical testing .. .. .. .. 88 18 1 59 1 5 vehicles Trunk telephone system .. .. .. 662 1 9 Management and general expenses .. .. 13,559 13 10 9,209 13 6 53,900 6 9 35,082 18 1 Balance, to Net Bevenue Account .. .. 191,357 15 0 193,013 12 8 £245,258 1 9 £228,096 10 9 £245,258 1 9 £228,096 10 9 Net Revenue Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j To Depreciation on completed work .. .. 79,749 13 7 78,551 19 3 By Balance from Gross Bevenue Account .. 191,357 15 0 193,013 12 8 Interest for year ended 31st March, 1936 .. 177,217 9 7 97,792 3 4 Balance to Profit and Loss Appropria- .. 65,609 8 2 Balance to Profit and Loss Appropriation .. .. 16,669 10 1 tion Account Account £256,967 3 2 £193,013 12 8 £256,967 3 2 £193,013 12 8




Profit and Loss Appropriation Account. * 1935-36. 1934-35. j 1935_36. 1934-35. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance from Net Revenue Account .. .. .. 65,609 8 2 .. By Balance from Net Revenue Account .. .. .. .. 16,669 10 1 Sinking Fund Reserve Account — Adjustment amount over credited to General Reserve in .. 18,419 12 0 Amount appropriated under section 12 (1) of the State .. 16,669 10 1 1933-34 Supply of Electrical Energy Act, 1917 Transfer from General Reserve Account .. .. 65,609 8 2 Amount appropriated under section 23 of the Finance Act, .. 18,419 12 0 1928, for year 1933-34 £65,609 8 2 £35,089 2 1 £65,609 8 2 £35,089 2 1 Depreciation Reserve Account. To Amounts written oS — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Motor-vehicles, tools, plant, &e. .. .. .. 27,747 4 1 9,234 2 8 By Balance from previous year's statement .. .. .. 323,599 14 1 244,501 16 1 Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. 388,546 3 4 323,599 14 1 Interest at 4 per cent, per annum .. .. .. 12,943 19 9 9,780 I 5 Amount set aside as per Net Revenue Account .. .. 79,749 13 7 78,551 19 3 £416,293 7 5 £332,833 16 9 £416,293 7 5 £332,833 16 9 General Reserve Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Transfer to Profit and Loss Appropriation Account amount .. 18,419 12 0 By Balance at close of previous year .. .. .. 241,418 11 5 259,838 3 5 over credited, 1933-34 Transfer to Profit and Loss Appropriation Account under 65,609 8 2 section 13 (2) (b) of the State Supply of Electrical Energy Act, 1917 Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. 175,809 3 3 241,418 11 5 — : £241,418 11 5 £259,838 3 5 £241,418 11 5 £259,838 3 5 Sinking Fund Reserve Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. 270,570 9 7 270,553 19 9 By Balance at close of previous year .. .. .. 270,553 19 9 233,384 11 3 Amount set aside as per Profit and Loss Appropriation .. 35,087 2 1 Account Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 9 10 2,080 6 5 £270,570 9 7 £270,553 19 9 £270,570 9 7 £270,553 19 9


TABLE No. 5— continued. SOUTH ISLAND HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY— continued. Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1936.

I certify that the Balance-sheet and accompanying Accounts have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


. Liabilities. 1935-36. 1934-35. Assets. 1935-36. j 1934-35. ' ' [ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Power stations — Depreciation Reserve .. .. .. • • 388,546 3 4 323,599 14 1 Lake Coleridge — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Headworks .. .. .. 544,281 1 8 541,556 10 4 Reserve Fund — Buildings and machinery .. .. 247,945 18 2 250,593 0 7 Balance at close of previous year .. 241,418 11 5 792,226 19 10 Loss for year .. .. .. 65,609 8 2 792,149 10 11 175,809 3 3 241,418 11 5 Waitaki — Sinking Fund — Headworks .. .. .. 1,109,652 10 8 1,067,581 15 5 Amount utilized for redemption of loans 253,015 4 6 252,215 4 6 Buildings and machinery .. .. 618,427 14 11 615,746 17 10 Available for further redemptions .. 17,555 5 1 18,338 15 3 1,728,080 5 7 — 270,570 9 7 1,683,328 13 3 270 553 19 9 Lyttelton Diesel station .. .. .. 89,066 3 7 89,006 5 1 Transmission and distribution — Sundry creditors —- Primary .. .. .. .. 598,985 5 8 597, 133 3 6 Public Works Department .. .. 5,354 4 2 17,464 7 6 Secondary .. .. .. .. 64,462 7 10 71,110 3 4 Other Government Departments .. 280 8 4 416 7 9 663,447 13 6 Non-departmental .. .. .. 14,392 16 3 6,994 17 6 668,243 6 10 20,027 8 9 24,875 12 9 Substations .. .. .. .. .. 416,488 7 11 412,836 13 1 Trunk Telephone System .. .. 29,179 5 6 19,925 8 7 Charges paid in advance ... .. .. 13 15 0 .. Exploration and preliminary surveys .. 26,263 6 3 87,447 19 9 Salaries and expenses during construction 111,910 14 5 48,197 14 0 Writings-off in suspense .. .. .. 45 1 0 .. Interest during construction .. .. 454,822 18 3 453,865 18 1 Charges and expenses of raising loans .. 148,896 13 8 142,869 11 0 Head Office Account .. .. .. .. 3,726,378 2 0 3,633,930 4 0 771,072 18 1 4,460,382 8 6 4,397,871 0 7 Plant, tools, &c. .. .. .. .. 21,064 3 11 21,591 12 2 Stocks of material .. .. .. .. 48,697 1 2 43,722 0 6 Sundry debtors — Public Works Department .. .. 611 2 4 1,340 16 7 Other Government Departments .. 1,307 7 11 1,046 12 9 Non-departmental .. .. .. 31,738 17 0 27,114 19 8 33,657 7 3 29,502 9 0 Payments in advance .. .. .. .. 33 17 0 21 14 7 Sinking Fund investments .. .. .. 17,555 5 1 1,669 5 2 £4,581,390 2 11 £4,494,378 2 0 £4,581,390 2 11 £4,494,378 2 0


TABLE No. 6. IRRIGATION AND WATER-SUPPLY. Schedule of Schemes completed or under Construction.


; — i : ~ " I Main Canal Dis- ! Area Works authorized. ! Works completed. Expenditure River charge (Maximum). Average Rainfall ! j> ain f a ii i Area for which , , to Remarks Source o, Supply. «5° Becor&ab.e. "JSSS F \ Waffi Main Distribu- Main Ustribu- I | mum). Design. 1935-36. j j available. | Canals. tanes. | Canals. | taries. | Canterbury South— Cusecs. Cusecs. Cusecs. Inches. Inches. Acres. Acres. M. ch. M. oh. M. ch. M ch £ Ashburton .. Rangitata River .. 1,500 320 j .. 23-00 25-00 38,000 .. 20 0 80 0 .. 2 0 1,024 Under construct™. Levels.. .. Opihi River .. 180 180 .. 22-00 19-83 20,000 .. 7 0 56 0 7 0 20 0 21,101 Under construction. Redcliff .. Waitaki River .. .3,000 55 .. 21-00 17-8 7,000 4,603 3 69 13 76 3 69 13 76 23,290 Wearing completion. 0 tS~ .. Otekaike River .. 9 15 .. 15-45 1,500 800 14 37 3 47 14 37 3 47 3,631 Completed, on Steward Settlement Waitaki River .. .. 110 .. ' 17-38 18,000 .. 14 60 50 31 14 60 50 31 12,115 Completed. (Steward Settlement) °TlSr<- .. Lindis River .. 35 20 20 19-62 21-06 2,000 1,400 13 0 2 40 13 0 2 40 33,700 Completed. Arrow River .. Arrow River ..40 50 27 ( 27^02' j 28-33 6,536 3,421 .. .. 9 18 24 2 142,468 Completed, (Arrowtown and Bengerburu .. .. 1 4 4 ""IT* - * ■«"> «42».. 2 0.. 751 Completed. B. r - .» ,««•»'« .- "T.„ 1M4 «•» 2,101 1. 30 1, 00 11 SO 17» .»,«0 aSHMKSSX- .. m T } 2, 24.00 ,0,000 8,242 0, 0 101 0 «0 0 00 12 ,2,0«» Con, Mount Ida) herikia River and (Naseby and Naseby Idaburn .. Idaburn' 3 8 4-25 24 . 6g 2;500 615 10 0 0 40 7 26 0 40 6,739 Main scheme completed. (Moa Creek, BlackIda Valley and stone Hill) IdaVaUe7~-- Manorburn, Pool- .. 110 90 16-86 23-05 14,000 11,761 73 0 54 0 73 0 29 50 1 burn, Moa Creek, (Moa Creek) and Totara J>298,667 Completed. Additional Creek. (Storage storage furnished by PoolManorburn Dam) burn Dam. Galloway .. Manorburn Dam .. .. 30 26 14-25 14-32 3,450 2,653 10 50 10 7 10 50 10 7 J (Galloway) _ , T -«•. •] -»«- t i A n n " .. 2 0 .. 2 0 5,131 Dam and race-work comLower Manorburn Manorburn Creek 4 7 7 •• -■ •• « pleted _ Protective works am j now completed.


TABLE No. 6— continued. IRRIGATION AND WATER-SUPPLY— continued. Schedule of Schemes completed or under Construction— continued.


Main Canal Dis- I I . i • , ! „ T , , , , River charge (Maximum). ivorafw. a f v, or ks authorized. Works completed. Expenditure I DisphflrfTP I — — Average Rainfall •R ni - T1 f Q ii | Area for which .uxpenaiture Scheme. Source of Supply. n\SX i from ! ioq? I commanded Irrigation i j j oi A E em irks mum) As per Daring Records available. 1 ' 35 - J (Gross). Water is Main Distribu-: Main I Distribu- JJS?* ' j Design. 1935-36. j j available. Canals. taries. J Canals, j taries. 1936. Otago Central —ctd. Cusecs. Cusecs. Cusecs. Inches. Inches. Acres. Acres. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. £ Last Chance (Fruit- Shingle, Coal Gorge, 8 20 13-5 16-49 19-72 4,300 2,231 22 0 5 70 20 78 5 70 57,330 Conroy's Creek Dam comlands and Earns- Butcher's Creek (Earnscleugh and pleted and 209 acres addicleugh Tops) and Conroy s Creek Roxburgh East) tional area being serTe d. Butcher's Creek Dam now under construction will augment existing supply and serve an additional Manuherikia-Alex- Manuherikia River 77 100 89 15-00 14-78 7,000 6,090 23 0 46 20 23 0 46 20 239,138 Completed Portion of andra - Clyde (Alexandra, Ophir, present race is being re- • and Clyde) placed by a tunnel appro xi/a i mately one mile in length. Omakau .. Manuherikia River 1 36 65 35 f 20-29 19-61 10,800 5,000 42 0 50 0 30 10 49 36 280,346 Nearing completion. 8,000 and Storage Dam - (Clyde, Ophir, and (irrigable) acres wiI1 be sup pi ied from and Thompsons J 7 7 7-5 L Blackstone Hill) main race and 2,800 acres ee from Thompson's and adTarras.. .. Lindis River .. 35 70 32 19-62 21-06 6,000 3,952 21 70 17 55 21 70 17 55 136,804 Completed!" 66 S ' (Tarras) Teviot River .. Teviot River and 40 80 58 17-61 23-10 5,300 3,987 20 48 14 57 20 48 14 57 75,747 Completed and serving all , . Lake 0nslow Dam (Roxburgh East) la „d requiring water? General mvestiga- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ 14 113 tions, and surveys, &e. Total: Schemes completed or under construction .. .. .. .. 160,129 57,000 375 50 526 23 349 22 400 43 1,443,300


TABLE No. 6—continued. IRRIGATION AND WATER-SUPPLY— continued. Schedule of Schemes under Investigation.


Main Canals I . Expenditure i Kiver Discharge Average EainlaU Rainiall j * Juhl Tiiftlih,? to I Bemarks. Source o £ Supply. (Ma—,, 19 35. — ded Ma. ~ 3 „ h , Design. | . ! — ~ * ci jt. Pnqpos Ousecs Inches. Inches. Acres. Miles. Miles. £ "iJarrhilf' .. Rangitata River .. 3,500 .. ■■ 25-0 " 1 f Investigations into the feasibility of irrigation in Mayfield-Hinds .. 1 Rangitata River .. 3,500 .. ■■ 26-5 .. the Canterbury Province have been m hand rjr Eansitata River .. 3,500 .. •• 26-5 40,000 •• lcA4nJ since January, 1934. Investigations include p,- " " Rakaia River 4 000 450 •• 25-37 92,000 •• the following phenomena, viz. : Soil moisture, Valetta-Tinwald " Rangitata River !! 3>0 800 23 28-44 84,000 40 .. mechanical analysis of soil, depth of ground Investigations of other ! .. •• -• •• L water, evaporation, rainfall, and river-flow. proposed schemes j Marlborough — _ _ _ _ 748 Comprehensive investigation surveys of schemes Investigation of pro- .. • • • • • ■ ■ • " " " f or the Wairau Valley and parts of the Wairau posed schemes Plains are in hand. Otago Central — „ __ 09 qk 3,774 Hydro-electric scheme under investigation. Cromwell Flat and Low- Hydro-electrie develop- 29 .. -U-00 •- •• • Power would be available for pumping irrigaburn (Roaring Meg) ment of Roaring Meg (Roaring tion gup pj ies to 8000 aores j n Upper Clutha and pumping from Meg) j Valley. Portion of this area could be supplied Clutha and Kawarau jf rom H awea River power and [pumping Rivers , scheme. OK 1fi R . ,4.70 100 000 60 .. 15,315 Modified scheme for complete irrigation of Maniototo (Upper Taieri) Taieri River and storage 25 500 10 »4 11 ' 5,000 acres is possible without storage, or for dam (W aipiata) reasonable partial irrigation of 15,000 acres. Surveys practically complete for scheme to irrigate 100,000 acres. „ on aa 01 715 .... For lands about St. Bathin'S. To bear £15,000 Scandinavian .. Tributaries of Manuheri- .. -0 du-oo ■>> •» •• •• towards cost of Falls dam, Upper Manuherikia kia River | ( & t. iiatnan a) scheme. Irrigable area, 3,000 acres. 91. 7S 9'4-98 .. •• Investigations have been made for a hydroUpper Clutha Valley (in- Hawea and Clutha Rivers 08O .. - . , . " ' electric power development at the outlet of eluding Hawea Flats) (pumping) with power- (Hawea R.) (Hawea Mat, L,ug- Lake Hawea _ Sufficient power would be station at outlet of 3,000 gate, and iarras) available to pump water from the Hawea and Lake Hawea (Clutha R.) Clutha Rivers to 13,700 acres in the Upper Clutha Valley. , „ fi on. o n iq.fii 16 000 58 60 6,553 Surveys and investigations have been made for Upper Manuherikia (ex- Manuherikia River and 36 .. ou ' the extension of the Omakau scheme (now tension of Omakau storage dam at Manu- (at dam- s!'7 i under construction) to supply lands between Scheme) herikia Falls site) Blackstone Hill) Tiger Hiu and clyde _ i rr j ga ble area, 12,000 acres. 2,145 Includes the reading of river and rain gauges. Investigation of proposed .. I schemes 44 584 Total: Schemes under investigation .. • • • • • • "' '' " ' 1,487,884 Grand total — . Includes expenditure from Public Works Fund, Consolidated Fund, Unemployment Fund; also administration and loan charges.




Prepared in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Works Act, 1928.

Sir, — Public Works Department, Wellington, 20th June, 1936. In compliance with the Bth section of the Public Works Act, 1928, I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year on all works and services chargeable to the Public Works Fund. I have, &c., R. Semple, The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington. Minister of Public Works.

Statement of Net Expenditure on all Works and Services chargeable to the Public Works Fund for the Year 1935-36.


VoteNo -| Summary - AP tion Pria ' Expenditure. Credits in Aid. Bxpe^ tuIe General Purposes Account— £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 34 Public Works, Departmental .. .. 112,700 251,189 5 6 151,804 13 2 99,384 12 4 35,36 Railways .. .. .. .. 446,000 343,301 10 3 85,289 16 4 258,011 13 11 37-44 Public Buildings .. .. .. 569,425 409,648 18 5 62,769 6 6 346,879 11 11 45,46 Lighthouses and Harbour-works .. 14,250 5,628 18 7 2,707 17 4 2,921 1 3 47 Development of Tourist Resorts .. 29,000 15,021 9 2 1,338 12 8 13,682 16 6 48 Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works 470,500 522,702 6 10 78,325 9 7 444,376 17 3 49 Telegraph Extension .. .. .. 300,000 260,271 4 10 64,891 12 6 195,379 12 4 50 Lands, Miscellaneous .. .. .. 98,330 97,567 12 3 59,658 16 8 37,908 15 7 51 Irrigation, Water-supply, and Drainage.. 108,500 152,717 15 11 67,303 19 2 85,413 16 9 52 Swamp Land Drainage .. .. 19,000 25,159 17 2 12,237 15 9 12,922 1 5 53 Plant, Material, and Services .. .. 40,000 343,389 19 6 320,952 8 6 22,437 11 0 54 Settlement of Unemployed Workers .. 350,000 215,702 2 4 69,222 0 7 146,480 1 9 55 Native Land Settlement .. .. 180,166 337,840 7 2 265,953 5 1 71,887 2 1 55a Dairy Industry Loans .. .. 100,000 10,750 0 7 .. 10,750 0 7 Unauthorized —Services not provided for .. 2,560 13 0 2,546 14 7 13 18 5 Totals, General Purposes Account .. 2,837,871 2,993,452 I 61,245,002 8 51,748,449 13 1 Electric Supply Account— 56 Development of Water-power. . . . 623,000 549,848 4 4 20,773 4 0 529,075 0 4 Unauthorized —Services not provided for .. 408 0 0 408 0 0 Totals, Public Works Fund .. 3,460,871 3,543,708 5 101,266,183 12 52,277,524 13 5


APPENDIX A —continued.

T. A. Barrow, A.R.A.N.Z. Accountant. J. Wood, Acting Engineer-in-Chief and Under-Secretary. Examined and found correct, subject to the foregoing departmental note.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


Vote No. Name of Vote. priation. ExpenSture. Credits in Aid. Expenditure. Public Works Fund. General Purposes Account— £ £ s. d. £ s. d. , 3 ' ; 34 Public Works, Departmental .. .. 112,700 251,189 5 6 151,804 13 2 99,384 - 4 35 Railway-construction .. .. 2,000 8,088 2 6 42,985 18 6 Or. 34,897 16 0 36 Railways Improvements and Additions 444,000 335,213 7 9 42,303 17 10 292,909 9 11 to Open Lines Public Buildings— 37 General .. .. •• 53,100 39,669 10 7 137 0 7 39,532 10 0 38 Courthouses .. •• 12,700 14,257 7 8 ® mo'oci o k 39 Education Buildings .. .. 180,000 169,733 8 2 47,375 18 9 1l-,357 9 5 40 Prison Buildings and Works .. 3,000 2,122 16 9 .. Jo '! 41 Police-stations .. .. •• 9,625 8,410 17 3 i? 3™ „ r 42 Postal and Telegraph .. .. 200,000 105,088 8 4 i n 43 Mental Hospital Buildings .. .. 92,000 67,700 12 0 235 19 3 ® 44 Health and Hospital Institutions .. 19,000 2,665 17 8 475 0 0 2,190 17 8 Lighthouses and Harbour-works — , „ „„ „ „ 45 Lighthouses 9,250 3,379 11 9 » 3,320 3 8 46 Harbour-works .. .. •• 5,000 2,249 6 10 ? Jo aS> ir a 47 Development of Tourist Resorts .. 29,000 15,021 9 2 1,338 1- 8 13,682 16 6 48 Roads, &c. .. .. •• •• 470,500 522,702 6 10 78,325 9 7 444,376 17 3 49 Telegraph Extension.. .. .. 300,000 260,271 4 10 64,891 12 6 195,379 12 4 50 Lands, Miscellaneous .. .. . .. 98,330 97,567 12 3 ® oI ]?o !! « 51 Irrigation, Water-supply, and Drainage . . 108,500 152,717 15 11 67,303 19 2 85,413 16 9 52 Swamp Land Drainage .. .. 19,000 25,159 17 2 12,237 15 9 12,9J2 1 5 53 Plant, Material, and Services . . . . 40,000 343,389 19 6 320,95- 8 6 22,437 11 0 54 Settlement of Unemployed Workers .. 350,000 215,702 2 4 69,222 0 7 146,480 1 9 55 Native Land Settlement .. .. 180,166 337.840 7 2 265,953 5 1 ? „ 55 a Dairy Industry Loans .. .. 100,000 10,750 07 .. i o k Unauthorized —Services not provided for .. 2,560 13 0 2,546 14 7 13 18 5 Totals, General Purposes Account .. 2,837,8712,993,452 1 61,245,002 8 51,748,449 13 1 Electric Supply Account — 56 Development of Water-power .. 623,000 549,848 4 4 20,773 4 0 5-9,075 0 Unauthorized —Services not provided for .. 408 0 0 408 0 0 Totals, Public Works Fund .. 3,460,8713,543,708 5 101,266,183 12 52,277,524 13 5 Note.—This statement includes only the expenditure on works, and does not include expenditure such as interest, sinking funds, and charges and expenses of loans.




The Engineer-in-Chief to the Hon. the Minister op Public Works. Sir, — I have the honour to submit the following report upon the various works under my control completed and in progress throughout the Dominion during the period from Ist July, 1935, to the 30th June, 1936. Table No. 3 (pages 9-11) shows the expenditure on Government Railways in New Zealand up to the 31st March, 1935, and also the mileage opened for traffic.

RAILWAYS. North Auckland Main Trunk Railway.—Okaihau Northwards. Work on this section was again confined to the disposal of surplus stores, buildings, &c., which were on hand when construction was suspended. The quarry installation was dismantled, and maintenance work was practically nil. Dargaville Branch Railway.—Tangowahine Section. No work other than the operation of goods and passenger services and the necessary maintenance of permanent-way was carried out during the period. There were 5,316 passengers, 388,346 superficial feet of timber, 999 bales of wool, 46,800 head of stock, and 3,625 tons of general goods carried during the year. Taubaroa Quarry. This quarry was in active operation for ten months of the year, during which time the average output per month was 2,357 cubic yards. The total amount of metal crushed was 23,570 cubic yards, including 500 cubic yards of spawls. Of this amount 8,706 cubic yards were used on road and highway metalling by this Department, 4,798 cubic yards by local bodies, 9,414 cubic yards by railways, and 650 cubic yards were sold to farmers in the adjoining districts. The plant has been kept in good order throughout the year, and a metal-washing plant was built in order to obtain a good class of clean concrete metal. Waikokopu Branch Railway. This line has been maintained by this Department during the past year in order to permit the carriage of frozen meat from Wairoa to Waikokopu, as well as the general haulage of goods. During the period a two-year programme of bridge-painting was completed, every bridge on the line having been cleaned and given two coats of paint. Repairs to the Waikokopu Breakwater to make good storm damage were carried out, and 245 cubic yards of concrete placed in position. Napier-Gisborne Railway. Kofuawhara Section. —From 23 m. 0 ch. to 33 m. 72 ch. ; length, 10 m. 72 ch. The first steps towards resumption of construction were taken in May, when the repairing of quarters for staff and workmen was commenced. Operations were extended as soon as possible to embrace all the restoration work requisite for getting construction going, the number of men employed being built up continuously as accommodation became available. Fifty-one huts for single men were put into good repair, while the Y.M.C.A. recreational building and twelve married quarters were reblocked to make them serviceable. Twelve single huts were received on transfer from Lake Waikaremoana Hydro-electric works and were re-erected. Attention was given to the service road, which was completely formed and metalled before the cessation of railway-construction. Water-tables were cleaned out, scrub cleared, and culverts put into shape over the full length. The bridges were also repaired where necessary. The cleaning up of the faces and restoration of the service track as a preliminary to commencement of actual formation work were put in hand in the heavy cuttings along the Waikokopu Bluffs— 23 m. 24 ch. to 24 m. and at 28 m. 53 ch.



At the partially completed water-drive at 31 m. 6 oh.. (Kaingapipi Stream), a slip over the portal was cleared away, and service-track restorations made to enable co-operative contract driving to be resumed. Stone-rubble toes for protecting embankments against wave action were erected from 23 m. 73 ch. to 24 m. 11 ch. These are to be faced with a low concrete sea-wall; 50 lineal feet of the latter was completed. On the cessation of work in 1931, under arrangements with the Wairoa Electric-power Board, the 11,000-volt line had been duplicated from Wairoa to Nuhaka and a new line extended to Waikokopu, at which point supply was being given by the Board. The Department undertook the erection of the line from this point to the Waikoura Tunnel, the last tunnel on the line, and had erected all the poles and strung several miles of wire. Owing to lack of maintenance a considerable amount of repair work was incurred on the completed portion, and a strong party was put on to this, and is carrying on with the erection of the remainder of the wires. The works system was overhauled from Waikokopu to the main office at No. 3 Camp. At the end of the period employees totalled 129, and the number was being rapidly increased. Wharerata Section. —From 14 m. 40 ch., Gisborne Chainage, to 33 m. 72 ch., Waikokopu Chainage : This is the heaviest section between Waikokopu and Gisborne. Work has been mainly confined so far to the erection of workmen's accommodation, reopening service roads and tracks, clearing waterdrives, and draining. Twelve single men's huts were repaired and re-erected for staff quarters. Thirteen wooden, married quarters were repaired. Nineteen single men's huts were repaired and re-erected. Thirteen single men's tent quarters were erected. One new married tent quarters has been erected, and others have been transported to the sites ready for erection. Repainting of old quarters is being proceeded with. The Y.M.C.A. recreational building was reopened and placed under the charge of a resident secretary. All access roads and tracks have been opened up for the Wharekakaho Valley and Beach Camp Section between 18 m. 40 ch. and 20 m. 30 ch., Gisborne Chainage. The Tikiwhata Road leading to the southern portal of the Coast Road tunnel (46 ch. long) has been cleared of scrub and slips, but the extension of this road to the turntable in the Tikiwhata Valley requires some further rej>airs. The foot track to the north end of the Coast Road (149 ch.) tunnel has been opened up. Water-drives were reopened at 18 m. 73 ch., Gisborne Chainage, and at 36 m. 8 ch., 35 m. 65 ch., and 35 m. 34 ch., Wairoa chainages. Work on formation has been confined to preparations at various points, comprising clearing scrub, draining cuttings, repairing and relaying service track and trucks. The number of men employed at the end of the period, exclusive of staff, was seventy-two and was being rapidly increased. Gisborne Section. —From 7-35 ch. to 14 m. 40 ch. ; length, 14 m. 47 ch. : No construction work was actually done on this section before the end of the period. Napier-Gisbobne Railway. Napier-Putorino Section. —0 m. -37 m. 35 ch. ; length, 37 m. 35 ch. A start was made to clear up this section as soon as the work was authorized by Cabinet shortly before the end of the period. All growth has now been cleared from the track and the rails uncovered as far as the 16 m. peg. Between 12 m. and 16 m. two muck trains have been used to clear slips. The length between Napier and Eskdale is being heavily ballasted and regraded to eliminate earthquake damage, and a gang of artisans is engaged in repairing culvert damage. The work of lifting and reconditioning the line has been very heavy over the first 8 nr., owing to the large amount of uplift on the shingle ground during the 1931 earthquake. No actual final lifting has yet been completed. Slips and bank subsidences have occurred chiefly in the upper reaches of the Esk Valley —i.e., 13 m. to 20 nr. —and all slip material has been utilized to raise and widen weak banks. Two muck trains have been employed, and to date have shifted 8,012 cubic yards between 12 m. 30 ch. and 16 m. 5 ch. The ballast-pit at the 5 m. peg was open to use, and to date 11,790 cubic yards of ballast were loaded and removed by the ballast train hired from the Railways Department. The 2 ft. culvert at 7 m. 13 ch. has been replaced by 18 in. pipes 24 ft. long. The washed out culvert at 7 m. 59-29 ch. was repaired and the bank made good. The 6 ft. flat-top culvert at 14 m. 2-81 ch. is being protected by means of a reinforced-concrete spillway. Tent-accommodation for forty men has been erected at Waipunga (15 m. 20 ch.), together with cookhouse and bathhouse. A total of 118 men is at present "employ ed~cm this section. Putorino-Wairoa Section m. 35 ch. -70 m. 67 eh. ; length, 32 m. 32 ch. : For the major portion of the year under review the only work carried out was maintenance of the Mohaka Viaduct steel. Spread over t.wr years, a programme of cleaning and painting with two coats of paint was practically complete 3n onset of winter conditions necessitated the closing-down of this work. Towards the end < ' Vstr actions to proceed with completion of the line were received, and at the close of tb ' ell. in hand, upwards of ninety men being spread over the section in general r " PI? 1 crushing installation at the south side of the Mohaka Viaduct to pr he section, and tenders are to be called immediately for the hau" for the northern section, large quantities being required



in both cases. At the Mohaka Viaduct site a camp was erected, stafl installed, and plant and materials are coming to hand in readiness for the early prosecution of this important undertaking. When the year closed the preparatory work was well in hand, and a start had been made on the erection of the towers for the cable-way which will be used for placing the steelwork. Westport-Inangahua Railway. The Te Kuha - Cascade section has been maintained during the year by the Department to handle the coal traffic from the Cascade Mine. Apart from this maintenance no other work was carried out during the period. South Island Main Trunk Railway. No constructional work was carried out on this line since my last report; only a very limited amount of maintenance has been carried out, and surplus material has been disposed of as opportunity offered. The completion of this line has now been authorized by Cabinet, and work on accommodation was commenced almost immediately after 30th June. A large amount of new plant has been ordered so that a vigorous and progressive policy of construction may be put in hand.

IRRIGATION. CENTRAL OTAGO. Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Schemes. As shown in the table below, there are now thirteen schemes in operation on a trading basis. The total area irrigated during the season was 43,847 acres, water being supplied to 4.59 irrigators. The corresponding figures for the 1934-35 season were 38,027 acres and 402 irrigators, the increase being due chiefly to the inclusion of the Omakau scheme, which is now nearing completion. Excluding this scheme, in which water is purchased as it is required and in which no irrigation agreements are in operation, an area of 38,847 acres was irrigated, as against an area of 44,158 acres which should have been irrigated. The difference was the area to which water was refused on account of the non-payment of the water rates. The total irrigable area now commanded on all schemes is 60,000 acres. Generally speaking, the season was a successful one, and was notably free from destructive thunderstorms. The spring and summer were more than usually dry, but stream-flows were well maintained and no shortage of supplies occurred on any schemes. The comparative absence of dry, hot winds during the summer tended to offset the low rainfall. The completed schemes now in operation are shown in the following table, which also indicates the areas actually irrigated, the area that should have been irrigated if the settlers had paid their arrears of rates, and the number of irrigators in each scheme : —

The Omakau scheme was in its first year of operation, and th, - % now commanded is 13,400 acres. The financial results of the year's operations are as follow °9.891 ; workingexpenses, £14,666 ; gross profit on working, £8,225. As far as possible water rates were collected in advanc "ears with their payments. Since 31st March, the amount collected under review, £17,023.


I Scheme Area actually Area that could Number of irrigated. be irrigated. irrigators. Acres. Acres. Arrow River .. .. 1,761 2,864 39 Ardgour .. .. 1,342 1,364 13 Bengerburn . . .. 114 144 13 Earnscleugh .. .. 1,865 2,058 47 Galloway .. .. 2,591 2,618 22 Hawkdun .. .. 7,473 8,736 59 Idaburn . . . . .. 565 565 8 Ida Valley .. .. 10,689 11,474 55 Last Chance .. .. 1,848 2,118 32 Manuherikia .. .. 4,781 5,622 72 Tarras .. .. .. 2,574 2,725 19 Teviot River .. .. 3,244 3,870 47 38,847 .. 426 Omakau .. .. .. 5,000 .. 33 Totals .. .. 43,847 44,158 459


The usual work in connection with, stream-gauging, lake-level recording, and meteorological records was carried on throughout the year. Schemes under Construction. Omahau Scheme: Falls Dam.—This structure, a rock-fill dam 110 ft. high, was completed early in the year. Work done during that period consisted of the completion of the spillway and spillway shaft, lining of 294 ft. of the access-drive to the valve-chamber, and the plugging of the diversion tunnel and installation of valves. These works entailed the placing of some 570 cubic yards of concrete. In addition, the concrete pavement slab, parapet wall, and handrail along the crest of the dam were completed. The dam has since been filled and put into operation, and is giving very satisfactory service. Race System'. —During the year 7 m. of main race were excavated, making the t,otal to date 30| m. 34 m. 36 ch. of branch and distributary races were completed, making a total of 49 m. 36 eh. to date. Of this, 24 m. 46 ch. are in the Omakau section, 10 m. in the Lauder section, and 14 m. 70 ch. in the Matakanui section. Work on concrete siphons included the completion of the intake siphon of 54 in. diameter, and the laying of distributary lines of smaller diameter. The main intake weir, silt-trap, and bye-wash were completed, and one siphon spillway installed in the main race. Other works included the intake weir in Lauder Creek and other structures incidental to irrigation schemes. This scheme is now practically completed, and water was supplied to an area of 5,000 acres during the past season. Ida Valley Scheme: Poolburn Drainage. —This work was completed during the year, the length of drain finally excavated being 5 m. 70 ch., of which approximately 2 m. were cut during the period. A very marked improvement has resulted in the lands affected by the drain. Teviot Scheme: Intake Tunnel. —The driving and lining of the tunnel to eliminate the main 36 in. pipe line was completed. The total length of tunnel, which was put into commission in October last, is 5,078 ft. The year's progress consisted of 1,658 ft. of excavation and 3,078 ft. of lining. Extension Siphons. —No. 2 siphon, which was in a bad state of repair, was renewed with 510 ft. of 22-in.-diameter concrete-lined steel pipes. Last Chance Scheme: Butchers Dam. —This dam, of the arched type, of 105 ft. radius and 82ft. in height, is now nearing completion. 1,800 cubic yards of concrete were placed during the year. The tunnel, of a total length of 2,388 ft., has been driven and a limited amount of lining-work is being done. The length driven during the year was 1,888 ft. The dam and tunnel will be put into commission for the approaching irrigation season, and will supply Alexandra Borough in addition to lands under the Last Chance scheme. Earnscleugh Scheme: Fraser River Dam. —Work on this dam is well in hand, which is a concrete arched structure of 175 ft. radius and of 102 ft. in height. During the year foundation excavation work has totalled 3,640 cubic yards, and 1,079 cubic yards of concrete have been placed. Access to the site entailed the construction of 6 miles of road. Additional works carried out included the erection of 6 m. of transmission-line, installation of plant and buildings, and diversion of the Fraser River. This dam will augment supplies to the Earnscleugh scheme. Manuherikia Scheme: Manuherikia Tunnel. — Work on this tunnel, which will eliminate approximately 1| m. of troublesome race in the Manuherikia Gorge, was commenced late in the year. Camps and buildings were erected and compressor plant and air-lines installed. Up to the end of June, 504 ft. of tunnel have been driven at the outlet end and 256 ft. from No. 1 adit. The total length of tunnel is 78 ch. Surveys. Maniototo Scheme. —Further surveys and investigations of alternative layouts of this scheme were carried out during the year. A considerable amount of work was done in surveying distributary races and in preparing estimates for the full and for a modified scheme. CANTERBURY. Schemes under Construction. Redcliff Irrigation Scheme. —During the year construction work was actively carried on. At the conclusion of the year all works had been completed except the raceman's cottage, which is now in hand. All structures and races had been finished and tested satisfactorily under full-flow conditions. Construction was finished too late in the season for the water to be made available to irrigators, but approximately 100 acres of the demonstration area were watered once. An automatically controlled turnout was constructed to deliver water from our water-races to the Lower Waiho stock water-race, and suitable financial arrangements in respect to this were concluded with the Waimate County Council. The area commanded by this scheme is 5,134 acres, of which 4,603 acres are considered economically irrigable, and everything is now in order to have the scheme operating next irrigation season. Levels Plain Irrigation Scheme. —Work was commenced on Ist July, 1935. Buildings for office, stores, and workshops, &c., were erected, and yard established 1J m. from Temuka Railway-station and adjacent to Opihi River Bridge, Main South Road. An average of over 120 men have been employed during the year.



Race-formation. In all, 30 m. of races had been excavated by the end of the year, the mileage being made up as follows : — Diversion race . . .. .. . y .. . , Im. 18 ch. Main race . . . . .. . , .. .. . . sm. 36 ch. No. 1 lateral .. . . . . . . , . . . . . 10 ch. No. 2 lateral and distributaries . . . . . . . . . . 3m. 33 ch. No. 3 lateral and distributaries . . . . . . . . 12 m. 67 ch. No. 4 lateral and distributaries . . . . .. . .. 5 m. 57 ch. No. 5 lateral and distributaries .. . . . . . . .. 1 m. 16 ch. A total of 102,837 cubic yards was excavated in the above races. This represents 73 per cent, of total excavation. Structures. —A* total of fifty-one structures in reinforced concrete, averaging approximately 16 cubic yards each, was completed or in hand on 30th June. This represents the bulk of the work on the main race, and includes the larger structures in the scheme. Ashburton-Lyndhurst Irrigation Scheme. —Work was commenced on 16th March, 1936. Since that time an average of 100 men have been employed, and 4 m. 57 ch. of race constructed, requiring the excavation of approximately 20,000 cubic yards. This is about 6 per cent, of the total earthwork to complete the scheme. No structures have been built as yet. A main camp, with store, office, and other buildings was erected at Winchmore, sm. from Ashburton. A second camp to accommodate thirty married men was partly erected by the end of the period. When completed in September, 1938, this scheme will command approximately 38,800 acres, of which 25,500 is regarded as economically irrigable. Canterbury Irrigation Investigations. Topographic Survey.—This work was continued from June, 1935, until October, 1935, by two field parties operating from Kirwee and Oxford. Work was discontinued in October in favour of other more urgent work. The area contoured during this period was 183,500 acres, arranged in counties as follows : Rangiora, 15,000 ; Eyre, 61,000 ; Tawera, 15,000 ; Malvern, 72,500 ; Paparua, 20,000 : total, 183,500 acres. Stream-gauging. —Gauging of rivers has been intermittent during the year. Regular gaugings of the Wairau have been instituted, and an automatic river-level recorder is to be installed. Four more recorders have been set in operation in Canterbury, and a further six are on order. Of these latter, one is to be installed at Blenheim, one at Lake Heron, and one on each of the following rivers : Ashley, North Ashburton, Waiau, and Hurunui. The date of commencement of continuous record of flow for the following rivers is as follows : Upper Opihi, 15th November, 1935 ; Opuha, 22nd February, 1936 ; South Ashburton, 7th January, 1936 ; Rangitata, 20th October, 1935. Observations on depth of ground-water were continued during the year. Weekly inspections of the tunnels for determining rainfall penetration have been continued, in addition to extra inspections during rainy periods. Soil-moisture and Rainfall. —Observations of soil-moisture and rainfall have been continued during the year at the fifteen stations in Ashburton County, thus completing a total of twenty-five months of record. Soil-moisture has generally been consistently high during the year under review, and owing to higher rainfall during the summer of 1935-36 no abnormally low values were found such as occurred during the previous summer. Observations have been continued also in Waimate County on the area served by the Redcliff Irrigation Scheme. As in the case of Ashburton soils, the moisture did not drop to the same extent during the past summer as it did during the previous season (1934-35), but the values obtained were on the whole lower than those recorded for Ashburton County. Samples have been taken regularly since Ist October, 1935, at four stations in Levels County. Periods of only moderately low soil-moisture were observed during the past summer, and for the rest of the year values have been consistently high. Thirteen stations for soil-moisture observations have been established in the Blenheim district since March, 1936, samples being forwarded fortnightly. To date only normal to high values have been recorded. Evaporation. —A record of evaporation, with wind, humidity, and temperature observations has been kept at Ternuka since 19th September, 1935, and the loss from an open-water surface till 30th June amounted to 26-98 in. Another station was established in April, 1936, at the Blenheim Aerodrome, and observations are made daily. Soil Surveys, c6c. —The detailed soil survey of the Levels Plain has been carried out, and the field work and classification of soil types by mechanical analysis have been completed for the soil survey of the Redcliff area. A number of mechanical and chemical analyses has been carried out on soils from the Blenheim district by way of preliminary examination, and a report submitted thereon. Determinations have also been made of the void content and field capacity of representative soil types from Ashburton and Levels Counties, and the latter values have shown good agreement with the observed behaviour of the soils in the field following conditions of heavy rainfall. Further chemical work included the analysis of river-water and river-silts, and flocculation problems of domestic watersupply.


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Rainfall-runoff. —The six automatic rainfall-recording instruments installed in the high country of the North Ashburton Valley were found to be defective owing to excessive friction in the working parts. In December, 1935, they were brought out and the design lightly altered. They were restarted in April, 1936, and just before the conclusion of the year an inspection was made to replace charts. A very satisfactory record was obtained from each instrument. Rangitata Diversion Race. —During the year a survey was carried out to locate a proposed race from the Rangitata Gorge to near Ruapuna. A distance of 6m. 51 ch. was traversed and levelled, and typical cross-sections taken. Oxford and Malvern Counties: Stoch Water-supply.—A survey was made during the year of a scheme for raising water from the Waimakariri River above the gorge bridge by means of a hydraulic turbo-pump, and for supplying stock water to Malvern and other connties from an intake situated at the gorge bridge.

HYDRO-ELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT. Arapuni Scheme. Very good progress has been made during the year with the work of extension of the powerhouse for the installation of two additional 20,000 k.w. units in the Arapuni Station. The foundation work has been very extensive, requiring massive concrete work. Construction work was carefully undertaken by the extensive use of well-timbered shafts, but was prosecuted with despatch. A summary of the work carried out is as follows : — Excavation above tailwater level, 28,680 yards. Excavation below tailwater level, 11,400 yards, including 8,080 yards taken out of fifty-two shafts for the main foundation piers. Excavation of tailrace, 7,800 yards. At the end of the year the main excavation work was about 97 per cent, complete, the excavation for piers, &c., about 89 per cent, complete, and the tailrace excavation was complete. Forty-one boreholes, totalling 1,664 ft. of 2| in. boring, were put down to explore the foundations, and a 75 ft. tunnel, 7 ft. by 4 ft. dimensions, was excavated for the pitometer gallery. Concrete was placed as follows : — Foundations, 7,120 yards (including 6,020 yards for deep foundation work, of which 92-5 per cent, was completed). Building superstructure, 400 yards in columns and walls and 120 yards in beams and slabs. Tailrace floor, 190 yards. Protective work on the cliff face was completed, a total of 3,535 ft. of holes being bored to take steel rods, which were grouted in position. Waitaki River Scheme. At the commencement of the year covered by this report construction work at the dam and powerhouse was practically complete, only a few items requiring completion. Several of the temporary sluices closed by temporary gates were successfully plugged and filled with concrete. The removal of temporary steel trestling and the cleaning-up and disposal of plant marked the closing stages of the work. _ One item that has presented much difficulty is the closing of temporary sluices 9, 10, and 11. Here the gates which had been set in position to close the sluices and enable concreting to be carried out had overrun their positions and could not be restored. Remedial measures have been carried out under great difficulties, but I am now able to report that sluice No. 9 was successfully plugged and concreting is practically complete. At Nos. 10 and 11 the position is now under control, concreting is being carried out at No. 11, and similar procedure will be followed at No. 10 as the river stage allows.

' CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF ROADS AND BRIDGES. Whangarei District. Bull's Road (Bay of Islands County). —5 m. 60 ch. was formed 16 ft. wide and metalled 9 ft. by 6 in. during the year. Motatau to Maromaku Road (Bay of Islands County). —3 m. was metalled, and all settlers have good access to railway and dairy factory. Opahi to McKenzie's Road (Bay of Islands County). —This road, 1 m. 49 ch. long, was metalled and bridging was completed. Opua to Black Bridge Road (Bay of Islands County). —3 m. was metalled on this road. Preston's Road (Bay of Islands County).—A length of 3m. was formed 12 ft. wide, thus providing a short route from Waipapa to the railhead at Okaihau, and also facilitating the subdivision of an adjacent Government block. Dargaville to Pukehuia Road (Hobson County). —3 m. 40 ch. was formed 16 ft. wide to serve a district which had been isolated as a result of the cessation of the cream-boat service on the Wairoa River. Metalling and bridging will follow. Hoyle's Road (Hobson County). —2 m. 63 ch. was metalled, and all seven settlers have satisfactory access. Mangarata to Arapohue Road (Hobson County). —5 m. 28 ch., which was widened to 16 ft. last year, was metalled, thus giving all-weather access to Pukehuia Railway-station. 'okahu Bridge, Lush's Road (Hobson County). —A dangerous bridge was replaced by a modern structure of three 30 ft. spans in reinforced concrete.


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Omana Main Road (Hobson County).—A length of 3 m. was widened to 16 ft. Tikinui to Tangaihi Road (Hobson County).—An additional length of 1 m. 8 ch. was metalled. This road will be an important factor in the development of the Pouto Peninsula. Tutamoe to Wekaweka Road (Hobson County). —3 m. 74 ch. was metalled to serve three settlers. Mata Road ( Hobianga County).—The formation completed last year was badly damaged by floods and metalling was delayed, only 1J m. being completed this year. Opononi to Omapere Road (Hokianga County). —The balance of the formation (1 m. 4 ch.) was completed to a width of 16 ft., and 2 m. 35 ch. was metalled. Omapere to Waimamaku (Hokianga County). —A considerable portion of this road is being realigned, 76 ch. having been formed to a width of 16 ft. with metalling to follow. Awanui to Mangonui Road, Kaingaroa to Lake Ohia Section (Mangonui County). —4 m. 16 ch. was formed 16 ft. wide, and 3 m. has been metalled. Gurr's Road (Mangonui County). —1 m. 26 ch. was metalled, thus completing the subdivisional road for a small-farm scheme. Kaitaia Block Access Road (Mangonui County). —This road, which serves a small-farm scheme on the Kaitaia Swamp, was metalled to a width of 9 ft. over a distance of 2 m. 70 ch. Parapara to Otukai Road (Mangonui County).—2 m. 24 ch. was metalled to a width of 8 ft. to afford satisfactory access to many European settlers and a Native settlement. Takahue to Herekino Road (Mangonui County). —This was a very narrow and tortuous road, and was practically impassable because of inefficient drainage. 6m. 44 ch. was reformed to a width of 16 ft., and metalling is to follow. Waipapakauri to Tangoake Road (Mangonui County). —This is a section of the road on the far northern peninsula. 7m. was formed and sanded where necessary. Bull's Road (Otamatea County). —5 m. was widened to 16 ft. and realigned. 2m. 40 ch. of metalling was completed. Hukatere to Te Kowhai Road (Otamatea County).—3 m. 60 ch. was metalled 9 ft. wide. Hukatere to Tinopai Road (Otamatea County). —Metalling of 1 m. 28 ch. to a width of 9 ft. has completed the surfacing of this road. Kaiwaka to Oneriri Road (Otamatea County). —2 m. was formed 16 ft. wide, and Im. 20 ch. was metalled 9 ft. by 6 in. Parahi to Lusk's Road (Otamatea County).—This road gives access to Waiotira Railway-station. 3 m. 27 ch. was widened to 16 ft. and metalled 9 ft. by 6 in. Kauri Mountain Road (Whangarei County). —3 m. was metalled 8 ft. by 6 in. Marsden Point Road (Whangarei County). —5| m. was metalled 9 ft. by 6 in., making a very important improvement to the district. Maungatapere to Kaigoose Road (Whangarei County).—Formation was completed over a length of 1 m. 36 ch., and 2 in. 36 ch. was metalled 9 ft. by 6 in. Oue Block Road (Whangarei County). —2 m. 40 ch. was metalled 9 ft. by 6 in. Tangihua and Codlin's Road (Whangarei County). —1 ni. 63 ch. of Codlin's Road was formed, and 29 ch. was metalled 9 ft. by 6 in. Completion of the whole programme as proposed will afford satisfactory access to nine settlers. Waimatenui Road (Whangarei County). —The balance of last year's programme was completed, 3m. of metalling having been done. Flood damage delayed the work considerably. Two 40-ft.-span concrete bridges were also erected. Waipu to Mangawai Road Bridges (Whangarei County). —A commencement was made with the erection of three reinforced concrete bridges to replace structures washed away by floods. One of 40 ft. span has been completed, and the other two are in hand. Pupuke Bridge (Whangaroa County).—This bridge, 120 ft. long, was completed during the year, but shortly afterwards one span was badly damaged during a heavy flood. Taratara Road (Whangaroa County). —The 3 m. formed last year was metalled 9 ft. by 6 in. Auckland District. Colville to Port Jackson Road, Paritu Southwards Section (Coromandel County).—With the formation of 1 m. 18 ch. finished during the year the total length of new work on this road is 5 m. 40 ch., and all of this has been metalled, thus affording a large area of good country at Port Jackson an allweather access to Coromandel. Coromandel to Kennedy Bay Road (Coromandel County). —A major deviation on the Coromandel side of the Main Divide has been undertaken, and up till the present 1 m. 36 ch. of formation has been completed to a width of 14 ft. Awhitu Central to Manukau, Heads Road (Franklin County).—All-weather access was provided to six more settlers by the metalling of a further length of 1 m. 33 ch. Hamilton to West Coast Road, Pollok (Franklin County).—Metalling was continued on this road, an additional 1 m. 49 ch. having been completed. Blind Bay - Kaitoke-Harataonga Road (Great Barrier Island County).—During the year a length of 2 m. 18 ch. was formed and 65 ch. was metalled. Kerepeehi to Awaiti Road (Hauraki Plains County). —Metalling of this road was extended over a distance of 2 m. 70 ch. Netherton to Tirohia Road (Hauraki Plains County).—New formation was carried out over a distance of 2 m. 37 ch. Kaimango Road (Kawhia County).—This is a settlement road, and during the year 4 m. 62 ch. was reformed and widened and 2 m. 26 ch. was metalled.



Taumatatotara East Road (Kawhia County). —Five settlers in a previously isolated district have now an all-weather access as a result of the Department having completed the formation of 4 m. 25 ch. and the metalling of 2 m. 3 ch. of this road. Botany Bridge (Manukau County). —The County Council erected a concrete bridge of 36 ft. span and 20 ft. between kerbs. Lane's Bridge, Alfriston to Ardmore Road (Mawalcau County).—The Council completed the erection of one 40-ft.-span concrete bridge 20 ft. between kerbs to replace a decayed wooden structure. Matingarahi to Puanoano Road (Manukau County). —Metalling of 2 m. 40 ch. has been completed, thus giving ail all-weather road between Clevedon, Orere, Kaiaua, and Pokeno. French Pass and Te Miro Roads (Matamata County). —Re-formation and metalling work is being carried out on these roads, and up till the present 4 m. 20 ch. has been re-formed, and 3 m. 22 ch. metalled. This is an important settlement work. Putaruru to Lichfield Road (Matamata County). —Four properties were provided with all-weather access as a result of the Matamata County Council having carried out the metalling of 60 ch. of this road. Waitoa Bridge, Peria Road (Matamata County).—A new bridge of 30ft. span and 12 ft between kerbs was built in rolled-steel joist stringers on ironbark piles. The County Council performed this work. Kennedy's and Dickey's Flat Roads (Ohinemuri County). —1 m. 21 ch. of metalling carried out during the year has provided a good access to six settlers. Loop and Adams Roads (Otorohanga County).—These are settlement roads, and during the year the Department completed the metalling of 8 m. 32 ch. Ouruwhero Road (Otorohanga County).—The metalling of 3 m. 10 ch. has eliminated the last clay gap on this road. Panetapu Settlement Roads (Otorohanga County).—The Panetapu Estate has been settled under the Flock House scheme. On the basis of arrangements made with the trustees the Department is carrying out the formation and metalling of the necessary roads. To date 4m. 40 ch. of formation has been completed. Te Tahi Road (Otorohanga County).—Seven settlers have now much improved access as a result of this Department's operations in the metalling of 3 m. 3 ch. of this road. Waiti Road (Piako County).—There are eight settlers on this road, and during the year 3 m. of widening and 2 m. 34 ch. of metalling was completed. Grove's Road (Raglan County).—The re-formation and metalling of this road is in hand, and during the year 3 m. of formation work and 49 ch. of metalling has been completed. Okete Soldiers' Settlement Road (Raglan County). —The metalling of this road was extended for a further distance of 4 m. 39 ch. Ruapuke Mountain Road (Raglan County).—This road, serving some twelve settlers, was metalled for a further distance of 4 m. 71 ch. Te Pahu Limeworks Road (Raglan County).—3 m. 17 ch. of this road has been metalled, and, in addition to giving all-weather access to six settlers, the work has provided a useful cream route. Waingaro Springs to Te Uku Road (Raglan County).—This road provides a through connection between the Waingaro district and Te Uku. The authorized programme is the re-formation and metalling of 6 m. 40 ch., and during the year 4 m. 10 ch. of re-formation and 1 m. 73 ch. of metalling has been completed. Dills and Vipond's Roads (Rodney County).—2 m. 70 ch. has been widened to 16 ft. and a sandstone base course laid. In addition, 236 ft. of culverts were placed. Mahurangi Heads West Road (Rodney County).—This road was in very bad condition when the Department undertook improvements in the way of widening to 16 ft. and subsequent metalling. Up till the present, 474 ft. of culverts have been placed and 3 m. 28 ch. of metalling completed, thus affording thirteen settlers an all-weather access to Warkworth. Run Road and Marcroft's to Duddings Road (Rodney County).—The Council metalled 1 m. 25 ch. of these roads under Government subsidy. Te Arai Group Roads (Rodney County).—Work has been continued on these roads, 2 m. 58 ch. of widening and re-formation and sm. 20 ch. of metalling having been completed this year. The necessity for this work may be understood when it is mentioned that twenty-two settlers now have all-weather access to Hoteo Railway-station. Kauaeranga Valley Road (Thames County). —2 m. 56 ch. has been metalled. Hikuai to Whangamata Road (Thames County).—During the year 4 m. 7 ch. of this road was metalled, and when the work is completed it will connect all the metal on the East Coast of the Coromandel Peninsula between Waihi and Mercury Bay. Feist's Access Road (Waikato County).—The Council completed the metalling of 1 m. 67 ch. of this road during the year, and four settlers are now provided with a good metal access. Hoe-o-Tainui Block Access Road (Piako and Waikato Counties).-—This work, which was commenced last year, has now been completed. During the year 2m. 24 ch. was formed and 4m. 64 ch. metalled. Waerenga to Maramarua Road (Waikato County).—The Council completed the metalling of 1 m. 30 ch. of this road. Ellicott's Block, Monckton's and Block Roads (Waipa County).—The roading of this Block, which was commenced last year, was continued, and requirements for the new settlement have now been completed. A further length of 2m. 49 ch. of formation (total to date 7m. 6 ch.) and metalling of 1 m. 25 ch. (total to date 5 m. 15 ch.) were completed during the year. Green and Potter's Road (Waitemata County). —The re-formation and metalling of 3 m. 65 ch. of this road completed during the year will give eight settlers an all-weather access and will provide a connection between the Auckland-Maungaturoto and Kumeu-Albany Main Highways and Kumeu Railwaystation.

3-D. 1.



Huia Stream Bridge, Brooklyn to Huia Road (Waitemata County). —A reinforced-concrete bridge of three 31 ft. spans on concrete piers and abutments with 13 ft. roadway between kerbs was erected by the Council to replace an old wooden structure. McLaughlin's Road (Waitemata County). —The total length of this road is 2m. 20ch., and it was metalled throughout during the year. In addition, one 25-ft.-span wooden bridge was erected and 342 ft. of culverts were placed. Old North Road, Waikoukou State Forest Reserve (Waitemata County).—This road was re-formed and metalled over its entire length of 3 m. Taylor's and Old North Roads (Waitemata County). —A programme involving the re-formation and metalling of 6m. 50 ch. of these roads has been undertaken. During the year 2m. was completed. Upper Orewa to Upper Waiwera Road (Waitemata County).—Re-formation and metalling over a distance of 2 m., together with the placing of 106 ft. of culverts, was completed during the year. Upper Waiwera to Tahekeroa Road (Waitemata County).—This road was re-formed and widened to 16 ft. over a distance of Im. 61 ch. Metalling was carried out over sm. 66 ch. and 278 ft. of culverts were placed. Wainui to Makarau Road (Waitemata County).—The work carried out during the year in the metalling of 4 m. 4 ch. completes the surfacing of this road throughout its entire length, and an allweather connection is now provided between Makarau Railway-station at the north and Kaukapakapa Railway-station at the south. Tauranga District. Waioeka Bridge, Wairata Road (Opotiki County).—A suspension-span bridge of 144 ft., with two land spans, has been practically completed. Campbell's Road (Rotorua County). —2 m. of metalling has very considerably benefited seven Crown settlers who are dairy-farming in the locality. Kaharoa Road (Rotorua County). —1 im. has been metalled, affording all-weather access to twelve settlers. Rotorua to Atiamuri Road (Rotorua County). —This important road was widened to 18 ft. for a distance of Im. 18 ch. 2§ m. was metalled and 270 ft. of culverts were placed. No. 2 Road Te Puke (Tauranga County). —1 m. 59 ch. was metalled during.the year. Wharere Small Farms Access Road (Tauranga County).—This road gives access to a Government small-farm scheme. 4m. 46 ch. was raised and widened, and 3,000 cubic yards of pumice has been delivered for placing on the road. Broadlands Small Farm Settlement Road (Taupo County).—As indicated, this road serves a smallfarm scheme. 3m. 3 ch. has been formed and metalled. Eastern Boundary Road ( Whakatane County).—l m. 50 ch. of metalling has been performed. Eastern Drain Road (Whakatane County). —1 m. 35 ch. has been raised, widened, and metalled, thus giving much improved access to the dairy factory. Onepu Settlement Road (Whakatane County). —Widening, culverting, and grading has been carried out over a length of 5 m. 20 ch. Stanley Road (Whakatane County). —Improvements have been carried out over a distance of 5 m. and, while the road is not metalled over all this length, it is nevertheless passable in all weathers. Murupara to Te Whaiti Road (Whakatane County). —This is a vital link in an important through road which is carrying an ever-increasing amount of traffic. 4m. 40 ch. was metalled during the year. Rotorua to Waikaremoana Road (Whakatane County).—A major work is in hand on this scenic route which traverses some unique bush country. The results for the year are —150 ch. formed and widened to 20 ft. in heavy formation ; 202 ch. metalled 12 ft. wide ; 13,375 cubic yards of slips cleared ; and 233 lineal feet of culverts placed. Gisborne District. Bushy Knoll Road (Cook County).—80 ch. of formation has been prepared for metalling, 108 ft. of concrete culverts installed, and 50 ch. of base-course metalling completed. Hangaroa Junction to Waikaremoana Road (Cook County). —2 m. 38 ch. of bottom-course metalling and 6 m. of crushed top-course metalling were completed. Manutuke to Wairoa Road via Mangapoike Valley (Cook County). —Both abutments of Jex Blake's bridge were constructed. 2m. of full-depth crushed-stone metalling was completed and a two-coat bitumen seal was applied over a length of 2| m. Papatu Road (Cook Coxinty)7o ch. of metalling has completed all proposals for this road. Waimata River Suspension Bridge (Manders Road), (Cook County). —This bridge, providing for foot and sheep traffic, and also for transport of wool-bales singly, was completed, the length being 180 ft. and the width 3 ft. Kokomuku Road (Matakaoa County).—1 m. 58 ch. of formation and placing of 448 ft. of concrete culverts was completed. Kopuapounamu Road (Matakaoa County).—2 m. 12 ch. of metalling was carried out. Main East Coast Road: Potaka Junction to Whangaparaoa (Matakaoa County). —9 m. 40 ch. of formation was trimmed and 6m. 20 ch. was metalled. 1,656 ft. of concrete culverts have also been placed. A small bridge of temporary materials was replaced with a reinforced-concrete structure 20 ft. long. Kaiaua Road (Uawa County). —47 ch. of metalling was completed. Kiore Road (Uawa County). —1 m. 32 ch. of metalling was completed. T auwhareparae Road (Huanui Junction to Hutchinson's), (Uawa County). —50 ch. of metalling was carried out, thus completing the surfacing of a steep hill section of this road, which is an important access to a very large area of back-country.



Aorangiwai Stream Bridge : Makarika to Matahiia Road (Waiapu County). This bridge, of two 60 ft. girder spans with 8 ft. roadway on Australian hardwood piled piers, was completed, as well as 30 oh. of approach roading. Ihungia - Mata - Waitahaia Road (Waiapu County). —A length of 3m. was prepared for subsequent metalling, 966 ft. of concrete culverts being installed. Poroporo Bridge, Rangitukia Road (Waiapu County). —A bridge 110 ft. long was erected. Rangitukia to East Cape Road (Waiapu County). —Under the supervision of the Native Department concrete culverts aggregating 700 ft. were installed. Tokomaru to Mata Road (Waiapu County).—4 m. has been widened and 813 ft. of concrete culverts installed. 2,500 cubic yards of stone spawls, were carted from the Waiau River to a crusher-dump on the roadside. Wairongomai Stream Bridge (Tapuwaeroa Road), (Waiapu County). —This bridge, of four 60 it. plate-girder spans, with one 20 ft. rolled-steel joist span, with reinforced-concrete deck, and 8 ft. roadway, was completed. . Gisborne to Motu via Whakarau Road (Waikohu County).—1 m. of metalling was carried out during the year. . Mutuera Stream Bridge (Matawai to Hangaroa Road), (Waikohu County). —A 40 ft. timber bridge on rolled-steel joists was completed. Rakauroa to Tahora Road (Waikohu County).-—3 m. 60 ch. of bottom-course metalling was completed. Rere to Wharekopae Road (Waikohu County). —1 m. 25 ch. of bottom-course metalling and 37 en. of top-course metalling was completed during the year. Tarndale Road (Waikohu County).—2 m. 10 ch. of formation work was carried out and 426 ft. of concrete culverts were installed. Waihora Stream Bridge (Bruce's Road), (Waikohu County). This bridge, 106 ft. long, was completed, as well as a road deviation of 40 ch. Taumarunui District. Kouturoa Road (Kaitieke County). —A length of 7m. of second-class formation was trimmed up and dangerous bends widened in readiness for the placing of metal. Huia and Turoto Roads (Ohura County) —4 m. 20 ch. of re-formation and metalling was completed, thus affording a safer and more regular access to several settlers. Ohura Road, Toi Toi to Niho Niho Section (Ohura County).—3 m. 40 ch. of re-formation and metalling was completed, and, as a result, all-weather access is now available to settlers who previously contended with irregular access. Waikaka Road (Ohura County). —1 m. 40 ch. of metalling was carried out. Waikaka Stream Bridge (Ohura County). —A suspension bridge, 133 ft. in length with 8 ft. roadway and constructed in rolled-steel joists and hardwood towers, was completed. Taumarunui to Taupo, Taringamotu to Mangakahu Section (Taumarunui County). Re-formation and metalling were carried out over a distance of 5 m. Te Maire to Mangaohutu Road (Taumarunui County).—2 m. 10 ch. of re-formation and metalling was completed during the year. Auahi South Road (Waitomo County). —Re-formation and metalling of 2m. 10 ch. and the installing of 290 lineal feet of culverts were completed. Ngatamahine Block Settlement Roads (Waitomo County). —This roading was performed in the interests of the small-farms settlement scheme at Ngatamahine Block, and during the year 2 m. 13 ch. was formed, 3 m. 53 ch. was metalled, and 193 lineal feet of culverts was placed. Ngatarawa Road (Waitomo County). —4 m. 45 ch. of metalling was carried out, thus affording all-weather access to a considerable area of good farm country. Te Kuiti to Taumarunui Road, Mangapeehi to Poro-o-tarao Section (Waitomo County). A length of 2 m. 10 ch. was re-formed and metalled during the year. Te Marama Road (Waitomo County). —5 m. 10 ch. was re-formed and metalled, and 253 lineal feet of culverts was placed. Stratford District. Mangahia Road (Clifton County). —2 m. 10 ch. was metalled on this settlement road. Mangaonga Road (Clifton County).—lra. 48 ch. was formed, 48ft. of culverts were placed, and 2 iu. 23 ch. was metalled. Mokau River Punt (Clifton County).—A punt of substantial structure was provided on the Mokau River as a means of access to the soldier settlers on the south bank of the river. Moki Road (Clifton County).—3l ch. was formed. 2m. 1 ch. was metalled, and 196 ft. of culverts was placed. , Ufuti to Ngatoto Road (Clifton County). —Formation was carried out over a distance of 3 m. 4 ch., 36 ch. was metalled, and 4-80 ft. of culverts was placed. Kaweora Road (Egmont County). —Metalling was carried out over a distance of 3 m. Opunake to Stratford Road (Egmont County). —1 m. 13 ch. was metalled. Wiremu Road Group (Egmont County). —An extensive programme of roading improvements has been completed in the district, the work performed this year being the metalling of 65 ch. and the placing of 142 ft. of culverts. Tonga Stream Bridge, Tangarakau Gorge Road (Ohura County). —A small bridge was erected on this settlement road. Mangawhio Road (Patea County). —A commencement was made with a comprehensive scheme ot roading improvements, 50 ch. of metal being placed this year.




Murimoto and Watershed Roads (Rangitikei County). —6 m. 5 oh. was metalled. Taihape to Napier Road (Rangitikei County).- 1 m. 65 ch. of metalling was carried out. Matau Road Group (Stratford County).—As a further improvement to the roads in the Matau Settlement, the Department completed 1 m. 65 ch. of metalling. Makuri Road (Stratford County).—l m. 20 ch. was formed. Plymouth Road (Taranaki County). —75 ch. of this road was metalled. Mangapurua Valley Road (Waimarino County).—This road serves a soldier settlement, and an additional 3m. 44 ch. has been metalled. A bridge known as " Morgan's Bridge "is also under construction. Oruakukuru to Karioi Road (Waimarino County).—Metalling was carried out over a distance of 1 m. 40 ch. Waipapa Valley Road (Waimarino County).—7o ch. of metal was laid. Otikoki Road (Waitotara County). —43 ch. of this road, which lies on the western bank of the Wanganui River, was formed, and 125 ft. of culverts was placed. Matahiwi to Ohotu Road (Wanganui County).—2 m. 57 ch. of this road was formed and 482 ft. of water drive constructed. Wanganui River Road, Left Bank, Bridges (Wanganui County).—A bridge over the Mangoihe Stream was completed and the construction of a bridge over the Motuaruhi Stream is in hand. Favier and Akama Road (Whangamomona County). —1 m. 72 ch. was formed and metalled. Kohuratahi and Whitianga Bridges (Whangamomona County). —Two bridges were completed. Mangaowata Road (Whangamomona County). —60 ch. was formed and metalled. Mangare Road (Whangamomona County). —1 m. 40 ch. was re-formed and 36 ch. was metalled. Napier District. Cowper's Road Bridge, Tiratu Block (Dannevirke County).—Work was commenced on a reinforcedconcrete bridge of 20 ft. span. Mangamaire Road (Dannevirke County). —Metalling of 1 m. 35 ch. has been completed. Dartmoor Road No. 1 Bridge (Hawke's Bay County).—An old wooden bridge was replaced with 30 ft. of 6 ft. concrete pipe and tilling. Napier to Taihape Road (Hawke's Bay County).—This road was metalled over a length of 4 m. Puhokio Stream Bridge No. 3, Waimaramato Te Apiti Road (Hawke's Bay County). —This bridge work is in hand under contract. Mangatarata Road (Patangata County). —60 ch. of this road was metalled during the year. Wallingford to Blackhead Road, Hunter's Access (Patangata County). —1 m. 64 ch. of this access road was metalled. Carlyon's Bridge, Kereru to Waipawa Road (Waipawa County). —The erection of this bridge of two 14 ft. diameter spans in reinforced concrete has been commenced under contract. Two-mile Creek (Butler's) Bridge, Gwavas Road (Waipawa County). —The erection of a bridge of two 14 ft. concrete slabs on piers and abutments has been completed. Nicholls Road (Waipukurau County). —3 m. of this road was metalled. Tourere to Whetakura Road (W aipukurau County). —1 m. 20 ch. of metalling was completed under contract. Glenbrook Road (Wairoa County). —1 m. was metalled, work being spread over several troublesome sections of the road. The Waikare low-level bridge in reinforced concrete 108 ft. long with 8 ft. roadway was completed. Hinkesman's Access Road Suspension Bridge (Wairoa County). —This stock bridge 300 ft. long was completed under a contract let by the county. Kopuawhara to Mahia Road (Wairoa County). —1 m. 44 ch. of metalling, being the balance of a contract let last year, was completed. Rotorua to Waikaremoana Road, Hopuruahine to Ruatahuna Section (Wairoa County). —Work has been pushed along on this road. Improvements are in hand over a length of Bm. out of the total distance of 15 m. Up till the present 3m. 50 ch. has been widened to a minimum width of 16 ft. Some 50 ch. of metalling has been completed on the widened portions, and a total length of 105 ft. of new culverts has been placed. Putere to Maungataniwha Road (Wairoa County). —71 ch. of metalling was completed. Tangoio to Mohaka Coast Road (Wairoa County). —A length of Im. 53 ch. was widened to 14 ft., and 15 ch. of new formation was completed. The Tutaenui River Bridge, a reinforced concrete structure 40 ft. long with 10 ft. roadway, was completed. Birch Road East (Weber County). —88 ch. of this road was metalled under contract. Wellington District. North Range Road (Akitio County).—2 m. 40 ch. of metalling has been carried out on this settlement road. Range Road (Akitio County).—This is also a settlement road, and during the year 2 m. 60 ch. of metalling was completed. Waione Bridge, Akitio River Road (Akitio County).—Construction of a reinforced-concrete bridge of two 42 ft. spans has been commenced. Pile-driving is at present in hand. Waipatakaka Road (Akitio County). —Metal was placed over a distance of 2 m. 20 ch. Mataikona Road (Castlepoint County). —This road follows the coastline from Whakataki to Mataikona Soldier Settlement. During the year a further length of 65 ch. was metalled. Castlehill Road Culvert (Eketahuna County).—Construction of a reinforced-concrete culvert 6 ft. by 4 ft. by 34 ft., together with approaches, was completed.



Makahahi Hill Road Culvert (Eketahuna County). —A type of culvert similar to the above but measuring 6 ft. by 6 ft. by 49 ft. was completed, together with approaches. Hume's Bridge, Tauanui Road (Featherston County).—The erection of a rolled-steel joist bridge of four 46 ft. spans, with timber deck, was completed. Western Hutt Road (Hutt County).—A programme of major improvements is in hand on this road. The widening, culverting, and metalling of Im. was completed during the year. Haywards-Pahautanui Road (Hutt County).—Improvements of a major character are being effected on this road, and a commencement has already been made. Evans Road Bridge (Masterton County).—The erection of a timber bridge, of five 25 ft. spans with 8 ft. roadway, was commenced. Khandallah-Johnsonville Road (Makara County). —This road, including the extension of 15 ch., is now completed, and has been handed over to the Main Highways Board. Hood's Bridge, South Road (Mauriceville County).—A reinforced-concrete bridge, of one 50 ft. span with 20 ft. roadway, was erected. Mangamahoe Station Road Bridge (Mauriceville County). —A reinforced-concrete bridge, of one 50 ft. span with 12 ft. 6 in. roadway, was completed during the year. McCarthy's Bridge, Te Aupapa Road ( County). — A bridge, of 50 ft. span and of reinforced-concrete arch design, has been completed, the roadway being 12 ft. wide. Glenburn Road (Wairarapa South County).—The formation and metalling of 3 m. 36 ch. of this road was completed during the year. Nelson District. Atkinson's Road (Awatere County).—Trimming and metalling of 45 ch. of this road was completed. Ure River Road, Palmers Access (Awatere County). —An engineering survey was carried out on both the left and right banks of the river, and, though no work has yet been accomplished, it is proposed to proceed with the construction of the road on the right bank, the length being 2 m. 55 ch. Wairoa River - Mangarakau Road (Collingwood County).—This road will give much improved access to a large pastoral, milling, and mining area south of the West Haven Inlet. 4m. 29 ch. of formation was completed and 758 ft. of concrete culverts were placed. Two bridges, consisting of New Zealand timber spans carried on reinforced-concrete piers and abutments were erected, and the construction of a large bridge at Wairoa River is under way. Avon Valley Road (Marlborough County).—l m. 78 ch. of metalling was carried out. North Bank Road-Wairau River Protective Works (Marlborough County). —Four groynes are being erected in the river to protect the road, and also a school in the near vicinity. Rai River Bridge (Smarts), (Marlborough County). —A suspension bridge, of 160 ft. span with 2 ft. 6 in. roadway, has been completed. Tunakino Valley Road (Marlborough County).—The formation, culverting, and metalling of Im. 18 ch. of road is nearing completion. This work will be particularly beneficial, as it eliminates a double fording of the dangerous Tunakino River. Wairau River Bridge (Timms), (North Bank Road), (Marlborough County).—This bridge of seven 25 ft. spans in Australian hardwood was completed. Howard Bridge (Murchison County).—An 80 ft. truss span bridge was erected to provide safe access to G-oldfields. Maruia River Road, West Bank (Murchison County).—Metalling of a distance of 2m. 40ch. is in hand. Rotoiti Road (Murchison County).—2l ch. of formation and 1 m. 19 ch. of metalling was carried out. Shenandoah Road (Murchison County). —Trimming and re-formation work was commenced on this road for the purpose of subsequent metalling. The route will be an alternative one between Murchison and Reefton, eliminating the difficult Maruia Saddle. Roads and Tracks (Sounds County). —As the result of the establishment of local government in the area, it was agreed to proceed with the restoration and construction of roads and tracks in a section of this county. 4m. of road and 17 m. 60 ch. of track received attention during the year. Wainui River Bridge (Takaka County).—This bridge of two 25 ft. reinforced-concrete spans, with 5| ch. of approach roading, is practically completed. Marahau River Bridge (Waimea County). —A suspension bridge of 140 ft. span, with 3 ft. roadway, was erected to provide access for settlers and school-children on the north bank of the river. Motueka River Bridge (Waimea County). —The reconstruction of the traffic suspension bridge at Ngatimoti was commenced. Serpentine Road (Waimea County). —Metalling, over a distance of 70 ch., was completed. Taylor's Creek Bridge (Pigeon Valley - Stanley Brook Road), (Waimea County).—This bridge, of one 16 ft. and two 12 ft. 6 in. spans, with 12 ft. roadway, was erected in reinforced concrete. Tadmor to Glenhope Road (Waimea County). —Metalling of 2 m 8 ch. is in hand. Telenuis Bridge (Spring Grove Back Road), (Waimea County).—A reinforced-concrete bridge, of 20 ft. skew span, with 12 ft. roadway, was erected. Greymouth District. Cascade Road (Buller County). —The construction of a road access from Denniston to the Cascade Coal-mine was undertaken by the Buller County Council. The work completed during the year comprises 10 ch. of clearing, 74 ch. of formation, and 56 ch. of metalling and culverting. Karamea, to Collingwood Road, Oparara to Kohaihai Section (Buller County).—The re-formation and metalling of a further 71 oh. of this road was carried out by the Buller County Council as an improvement in the access to four settlers.



Pakihi Roads (Buller County). —The Buller County Council has roading operations in hand to facilitate the subdivision of a large block of pakihi land in the vicinity of Sergeant's Hill. This area is being developed by the Lands Department, with the co-operation and advice of the Cawthron Institute. Formation and metalling has been completed over a length of 64 ch. Big River to Rough River Road (Grey County).—Construction work has been commenced on a length of 3 m. 64 ch., which, in addition to providing better access to farming country, will aflord an alternative route between Blackball and Ikamatua. Brown Grey River Bridge, First Crossing, Upper Grey Valley to Haupiri Road (Grey County).— The Grey County Council let a contract for the construction of this bridge, consisting of two 50 ft. rolled-steel joist spans on timber piers and abutments. This work is a necessary improvement in the access to settlement lands. Brunner-Blackball Road (Grey County).—The formation of the remaining portion of this direct route between Brunner and Blackball has been continued during the year. Work carried out comprises 144 ch. of clearing, 246 ch. of formation, 162 ch. of metalling, 62 ch. of widening, 3 ch. of stone-walling, and the placing of 624 ft. of concrete-pipe culverts. Craigieburn Creek Bridge, Big River to Rough River Road (Grey County). —This bridge, consisting of four 30 ft. rolled-steel joist spans on ironbark piers and abutments, is nearing completion. Matai Road (Grey County).—Several settlers have been inconvenienced over a number of years by the flooding of this road. A programme of improvements was undertaken, and up till the present a length of 37 ch. has been raised 3 ft. OrangipuJcu River Bridge, Kumara to Inchbonnie Road (Grey County).—A bridge 40ft. in length and of two 20 ft. timber spans on reinforced-concrete piers and abutments has been completed by the Grey County Council. Croesus Track (Grey County). —A further length of 2m. has been reconditioned, making a total of 6m. which has now been improved. The track provides access for gold prospectors, and one 25 ft. stringer span bridge was also erected. Jackson's Creek Bridge, Springlands Junction to Hot Springs Road ( County). —The construction of a 45 ft. reinforced-concrete bridge on reinforced-concrete piles and abutments has been completed. Some 9 ch. of approach roading was also undertaken. One-mile Creek Bridge, Springlands Junction to Hot Springs Road (Inangahua County).—This bridge is nearing completion. The design is similar to Jackson's Creek Bridge mentioned above. Mair's Road (Inangahua County).—Work on this settlement road was completed during the year with the formation of 4 ch. and the metalling of 28 ch. A small timber bridge on concrete abutments was also erected. Waiau to Maruia Road via Lewis Pass (Inangahua County) .—This road when completed will connect with the work now being carried out on the Canterbury side of Lewis Pass and will form part of a through road from the West Coast to Canterbury. The work completed during the year comprises 139 ch. of formation, 53 ch. of metalling, and the erection of one temporary bridge. Arahura to Milltown Road (Westland County).—The West-land County Council has cleared 2 m. 5 ch., and has formed 1 m. 65 ch. of 6 ft. track. Dry Creek Bridge, Poerua Settlement Road (Westland County). —This bridge, 100 ft. in length and consisting of four 25 ft. spans in New Zealand timbers, together with 6 ch. of approach roading, has been completed. It is a much-needed improvement in the access to several newly established settlers. Hapulea River Bridge, Okuru (Westland County).—A bridge, of New Zealand timbers, 200 ft. long, and comprising eight 25 ft. stringer spans, has been constructed over the Hapuka River. Main South Road (Westland County).—Fox River Bridge : The construction of this steel suspension bridge, with reinforced-concrete deck and of 360 ft. span between towers, has been commenced. Excavations for tower foundations and anchorages are nearing completion, and a contract has been let for the supply of steelwork. Cook River Bridge: This steel and concrete suspension bridge, of 264 ft. span between towers, is under construction. Shafts have been sunk for tower foundations and a contract has been let for the supply of steelwork. Weheka to Bruce Bay Section : Reconstruction work, formation of deviations, and bridging has been put in hand on this section of the road, which will eventually form part of the main road from the West Coast to Otago. The work carried out includes the clearing of 172 ch. of bush, formation of 43 ch. of new roadway, and 75 ch. of metalling. Plans have been prepared for bridges over the Bullock and Ohinetamatea Streams, and the formation of approaches to these bridges and the protection of riverbanks is well in hand. Surveys are in hand to Bruce Bay, and also between Bruce Bay and Haast. Malfroy's Bridge (Westland County).—Two 60ft. truss spans have been erected to replace those destroyed by a severe flood. The work included the construction of a new ironbark pier. Mananui Road (Westland County).—The formation of 68 ch. of new road, and the metalling of 42 ch., has been completed by the Westland County Council. Christchubch District. Okain's Bay to Little Akaloa Road (Akaroa County). —A length of has been metalled, thus completing all-weather access to the Little Akaloa Valley. Hossack Road (Amuri County). —70 ch. of formation and metalling completed during the year will give good access to a Government leasehold estate, and will eventially facilitate the removal of timber from the Hanmer Plantations by the State Forest Service Department. Lewis Pass Road (Amuri County). —This work has been continued vigorously during the year, an average of 200 men being employed, and the following work has been completed : Metalling (complete) 19 m. 40 ch. ; metalling (base coat only) sm. ; bridges (three), 489 ft. One of these bridges is a permanent one, and the other two are temporary structures, of 333 ft. and 116 ft., over the Hope and Boyle Rivers respectively. Now that the Greymouth end is being worked simultaneously with the Christchurch section, it is expected that this work will be completed before the end of the financial year 1936-37, with the exception of permanent bridges.



Inner Totara Roads (Levels County) -Re-formation and metalling of 3 m. has afforded greatly improved access to eight settlers. • n Pareora to Tyclio Road (Levels County).—2 m. 40 ch. lias been formed and metalled, serving five settlers and opening up a good gravel-pit. . . Ball Hut. Road (Mackenzie County). —Work on this road was not extensive, only 27* ch. having been widened and generally improved to permit its safer use by tourists. Previously the road was narrow and in a dangerous condition. Haldon Road (Mackenzie County).—Metalling has been carried out over approximately 12 m Stony Creek Bridge, Te Akatarewa Road (Waimate County).—An 80ft. light traffic bridge erected during the year has eliminated the most troublesome of three bad fords. . Summit Road (Heathcote, Halswell, and Mount Herbert Counties).— Work on this scenic road has been continued during the year, with an average complement of 200 men Approximately 2| m. have been formed and metalled. A vigorous programme has now been decided upon for tins road. Dunedin District. Big Creek Ford (Bruce County) .—A- reinforced concrete ford, 50 ft, long by 14ft. wide, with six 24 in diameter openings for normal river flow, was completed. LovelVs Flat to Moneymore Road (Bruce County). —10 ch. of formation and ch. of gravelling were carried out during the year. Mount Maitland Road (Bruce County).—BS ch. was metalled 9 ft. by 6 m Blackburn to Mount Stuart Road (Bruce County).—7B ch. was metalled 9 ft, by 6 in. Waihola - Taieri Mouth Road (Bruce County).—i m. 40 ch. was widened and metalled Clarendon-Berwick Road (Bruce County).—Widening of 2 m. 70 ch. and metalling of 1 m. 39 ch. were carried out during the year. Ahuriri - Waiwera Road (Clutha County).—Metalling of 75 ch. was completed Greenfield Road (Clutha County).—73 ch. of metalling was completed during the year. Webb's Road (Clutha County).—Gravelling was carried out over a distance of 88* oil. Long Point Road (Clutha County).—A. programme involving improvement over a distance ot 3 m was commenced, and 2 m. 21 ch. has been completed. _ Kinloch-Routeburn Road (Lake County).—Gravelling of 2 m. 20 ch. was carried out. Kinqston-Queenstown Road (Lake County).-Construction work was continued expeditiously throughout the year. Formation work with the exception of approximately 80 ch. has been completed. First-coat gravelling has been carried out over a length of 20 m and the erection of Staircas Bridge, of 60 ft. arch design in reinforced concrete, is in hand. The road was declared a mamhig way 011 (Maniototo County).-Im. 40 ch of gravelling has been completed. Little liyeburn Bridge (Maniototo County).—This bridge of three 20 ft. timber spans, wit wide roadway and 2,810 cubic yards of approaches, was completed. _ _ White Sow Valley Road (Maniototo County).—l m. 56 ch. of gravelling was carried out. Kyeburn River Bridge (Maniototo County).—The erection of this bridge, of four 45 ft. spans m rpiTiforced concrete, was commenced. i 4- j Heriot-Roxburgh via Moa Flat Road (Tuapeka County),-2 m. 41 ch. of gravelling was completed. Waipori-Outram Road (Tuapeka County).—3 m. of gravelling was carried out during thei year Drybread to Lauder Road (Vincent County).—Formation and gravelling of 80 ch. was completed. Fortification^ Weston Road (Waitaki County).—Gravelling was completed over a distance of 60 ch. Invercargill District. Caroline-Josephville Road (Southland County).-This important through road connecting Dipton and Lumsden and providing a shorter route from Invercargill to Kingston was completed m March. The total works carried out were 2 m. 37 ch. of 20 ft. formation, with culvertmg, bridging, and fencing, alld GoJgeTwai£a l ßoad (Southland County).-I m. 62 ch. of gravelling was completed, and will road is a comectin g- link between Jom * h - VlUe fsottSdvSy).-This is a through road serving several settlers, dnd bounty)'.—Several settlers gain access by this road, of which 1 m. was gravelled Road (Wallace County) .—1 m. 16 ch. of gravelling was completed Waiau River Footbridge, Motumote (Wallace County) .-This 260 ft. suspension bridge, with 2 ft. 6 m. decking, was completed during the year. LANDS IMPROVEMENT. Whangarei District. Hokianga Harbour Reclamation.—All construction in connection with this work was completed, and onerations during the year were confined to maintenance. Whanqaroa Harbour Reclamation.—ln this case the same remarks as above will apply. RuSka Block.-4 m. 72 ch. of drains were widened and 58 ch. of new work was completed. Drainage was also carried out in the Uretiti area.



Waiotu Stream Willows. —2 m. 3 oh. of this stream was cleared of willows. Progress was greatly impeded by successive floods. Sand-dune Reclamation Work. —At Te Kopuru an area of 75 acres was planted in marram-grass. Further work in the vicinity of Kaitaia was in the nature of 310 ch. of fencing to keep wandering stock off the plantations. Auckland District. Taupiri Drainage Scheme. —Drainage work on the Taupiri drainage scheme, an area embracing 146 square miles of flat land and 88 square miles of hill country, was continued for the third successive year. On the main drains, Mangawara River, Tauhei and Komakorau Streams of a total length of 41 m. 15 ch., a length of 2| m. has been completed. The subsidiary drains, totalling 62 m. 55 ch., are located mostly in peat land and have been opened up over the full length. A second lift of 30 m. and a third lift of 4 m., all in swamp land, have also been completed, while a fourth lift has been commenced on one section. Consolidation up to 5 ft. has already been obtained after a period of two years. Wet conditions during the summer hampered operations, but progress generally has been fair, and over 75 per cent, of the work has now been completed. Approximately 400,000 cubic yards were excavated during the year, making a total of 1,400,000 cubic yards to date. Two drag-line machines were employed on bottom-lift excavation in the main channel, and the balance of the work was carried out by hand labour under the co-operative contract system. (In areas adjacent to completed drains minor flooding only occurred during the year, and the channels generally are functioning very satisfactorily. Te Kawa Drainage Scheme.—The work under this scheme was continued during the year, but progress was retarded very considerably on account of the heavy rainfall which was spread over the greater part of the year. The total rainfall recorded on these works during the period was 58-75 in., the wettest month being February, when a.reading of 9-35 in. was registered. The work carried out consisted of the widening and deepening of 3 m. 32 ch. of drains the bottom width of which varied from 4 ft. to 8 ft. Despite the exceptionally heavy rainfall no flooding occurred in any portion of the completed drains. Paewhenua Drainage Scheme.—The Department has in hand the construction of 5 m. 55 ch. of drains in order to improve an area of 215 acres of swamp land to be used for farming purposes. During the period a total length of 121 ch. of drains were completed. Akaaka Swamp Drainage. —During the year a commencement was made with the widening and deepening of a further 88 ch. on the Eastern drain, and work duly completed brings the total length dealt with up to 11 m. 10 ch. Upper Waihou River Clearing.—'The clearing of this stream was continued during the year from one large camp with two steam log-haulers in operation. The work carried out over the period consisted of the clearing of large willows from both banks and the removal of heavy snags from the waterway over a length of 3m. 64 ch. All timber and rubbish was stacked and burned. Ohinemuri River Stop-banks.—The work of raising these stop-banks was commenced during the year. The right bank stop-bank round Paeroa Borough was raised over a distance of 82 ch. and 173 ch. of similar work was carried out on the left bank. The former work was completed just prior to the severe flood which occurred in February, and was the means of preventing the serious flooding of the Paeroa Borough area. Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement (Maintenance). —Operations were continued under a single men's camp scheme during the year, and the clearing of stop-banks between Mangaiti and Tirohia was carried out over a distance of 4 ni. 50 ch. In addition to this work, the drains were excavated on the inside of the Lower Waihou right bank stop-bank over a length of 2 m. 16 ch. between Ngahina and Netherton. Hoteo River Clearing. During the year a survey party was engaged in carrying out a survey of the Hoteo River and its tributaries in connection with the proposed willow clearing and general improvement to the drainage of the adjacent areas. The survey was carried out over a length of 48J m. and plans have been completed to date over 30 m. Sand-dune Reclamation Woeks. In addition to the season's planting programme, the work carried out in previous years was maintained, and replanting was also given attention where necessary. South Kaipara Heads.—Approximately 100 acres were replanted in marram, and 1,000 lb. of lupin-seed was gathered and sown during the period. A considerable amount of work was also carried out in the removal of mounds to prevent wind-channels. Woodhill-Muriwai-Helensville.—During the period a further area of 630 acres was planted in marram-grass and 4J tons of lupin-seed was collected and sown. The total area planted to date has now reached 8,290 acres, and, in addition, 760 acres have been replanted in various areas. The exceptionally heavy gales and storms experienced during the early part of the year caused considerable damage to marram and lupin plants, and a total of 760 acres was replanted in the various areas. Both marram and lupin are making fairly good progress. The nursery was enlarged during the year, and at present 70,000 pine-seedlings are lined out. There are also 8,000 two-year-old pines ready for planting out. During the year 24,000 pines were planted in Rimmer's Block. Pakiri Sand-dune Reclamation.—A total of 155 acres of marram and lupin was planted in this area, approximately half of which is located at the mouth of the Pakiri River with the object of preventing the sand-drift from silting the stream. In addition to this work 1J m. of fencing was erected to protect the planting at the mouth of the river. Both marram and lupin are thriving.



Waikato Heads and Kariotahi.—A total area of 3,600 acres has now been planted in marram-grass. 01 that area, about 1,800 acres are under lupin. Lupin-seed gathered amounted to 5,030 lb., and four-fifths of that quantity has been sown. The nursery contains 50,000 trees, P. radiata and P. muricata bsing ready for lining out. Trees lined out last season to the number of 9,000 are ready to plant out. Grass and trees planted last season are growing satisfactorily, and general progress and results to date in this undertaking are most encouraging. Napier District. Kumeti Drain. —A flood of unprecedented severity occurred on the 2nd February, resulting in the washing-out for the second time of Thorburn's Road Bridge and the wooden chute beneath it. Certain survey work was necessary to determine the special features of repair work. Until this flood occurred the only maintenance work carried out had been the planting of 220 bitter-willow cuttings. This flood, however, scoured holes 6 ft. deep on the down-stream side of weirs No. 4 and No. 1, and also degraded the bed down-stream from weir No. 1 for a depth of 10 ft. These weirs were repaired by constructing additional stone and netting gabions and mats and plastering them with 2|in. of concrete to protect the wire from general wear and tear during more difficult conditions. Other repair work included the raising of end contraction gabions of most of the weirs, as the flood had overtopped them, although no actual damage resulted. On the 21st February a cloud-burst caused a second flood, which for a short period was equal in severity to the first. The system of weirs as a whole stood up to both floods very well indeed, and both weirs No. 14 and No. 13 were buried and weirs No. 4 and No. 1 were seriously threatened, though no actual failure took place. Taumarunui District. Willow-clearing, Mokau River. —The river has been cleared of willows from the Eight-mile Junction Bridge (Te Kuiti - Bulls Main Highway) to a point 10 ch. west of the Mapiu Stream, a distance of 16 m. 50 ch., leaving about 5 m. of clearing to complete the programme. Mokauiti Willow-clearing, &c.—About Im. of the Huioteka and Mangawhero Streams was cleared. There is yet a distance of 35 ch. in the Mokauiti Stream to be completed. Land-development. —The single men's camp at Aukopae was continued until the end of May, when the men were transferred to small-farm schemes. The work carried out was in the nature of various improvements on private properties by arrangement with the landowners, and comprised 28 acres of bushfelling, 89 acres of stumping and logging, 357 acres of scrub-cutting, 9 acres cleared of fern, and 8 acres of rushes grubbed, 98 acres ragwort cut and/or sprayed, 35 acres top-dressed, 127 chains of fences erected or reconditioned, 770 posts and 3,000 battens split, 3 ch. of 12 ft. road and 119 ch. of farm tracks formed, four culverts constructed and 8 ch. of ditching. General Land-improvement, Taumarunui and Manunui Districts. —There has been a considerable surplus of labour in and about Taumarunui Borough, and, while a few men have been employed on works similar to that at Aukopae, the majority have been engaged in improving adjacent highways and roads, and on river-protection works. Much useful work has been done in this way, though it is hardly possible to tabulate it in a very informative manner. Wellington District. Eastbourne Foreshore Protection. —The Department has completed the construction of 33 ch. of stone walling and apron protection as well as eleven timber groynes. The Eastbourne Borough Council is proceeding to extend the work. Sand-dune Reclamation between Manawatu River and Ohau River. —64,200 trees have been planted out over an extensive area ; 330 acres have been planted in marram-grass with flax in swampy places, and break-wind fences have been provided where necessary. Makowhai Stream Improvements. —The work of straightening, widening, and deepening this stream is now completed and the camp closed down, 74,505 cubic yards of earth being shifted during the period. Paraparaumu Drainage and Clearing. —Single men located in three nearby camps have been busily engaged in draining, clearing, and stumping considerable areas of rich land, which in its former condition was of little value as farm pastures. Hutt River Estuary Reclamation. —A commencement has been made with the reclamation of a considerable area at the northern end of Wellington Harbour. Two drag-lines have been installed for excavating the bed of the Hutt River and depositing the material on the low-lying ground in the estuary. Two steam locomotives are being used for hauling material for filling, and quarries have been opened up to provide additional spoil. General Land-clearing, Hutt Valley. —There were considerable areas of Crown lands in and about the Hutt Valley on which gorse and other weeds had obtained a firm hold. The clearing of this gorse, &c., and the levelling of rough areas, together with the reclamation of low swampy patches, has received attention during the year, and the programme is now complete. Nelson District. Fireblight Prevention. —The Department has had a camp of men engaged in cutting hawthorn hedges with the object of preventing fireblight in the apple-growing districts around Nelson. During the year lOi m. of hedges Were cut and burned. Wairoa River Protective Works, Brightwater. —Additional work for the protection of farm lands in this locality was commenced during the year, the construction of four stone crate groynes each 36 ft. long and the formation of 6| ch. of stop-bank having been completed. Further surveys were made, and, in view of the progressive erosion of valuable farming-land by the Waimea River and its tributaries, the Wairoa and Wai-iti, it seems necessary to again extend the survey to cover the whole area between Wairoa Gorge and the sea. Clarence River Protective Works. —A stop-bank 195 ft. long, situated approximately 2 m. above the mouth of the Clarence River, has been completed as 'a protection for Crown leasehold and freehold farm land. It also affords a greater margin of safety for the main highway.



Greymouth District. Humphreys Gully Water-race. —The old section of this water-race, 10 m. in length, has now been reconditioned, and the new portion, 11 m. in length, is nearing completion. Work carried out during the year included the construction of 1,517 ft. of fluming, 8,677 ft. of tunnelling, the timbering of 3,279 ft. of race and repairs to siphons. Clearing and benching is complete over the whole length, and most of the excavation of the ditch has been carried out. The whole work should be completed by the end of October, 1936. Christchurch District. Ashley River Trust Flood-control Works. —During the year an extensive programme of work was continued on this scheme. Results may be summarized as follows : Formation—North stop-bank, sm. completed (102,548 cubic yards) ; south stop-bank, 2m. completed (41,742 cubic yards). Willow-planting : 27|- acres planted. Good growth has been made this year, although a large proportion of younger plants were lost by flood. Grassing : All completed work has been sown with grass-seed. Fencing : 14 m. completed. Clearing : 20 acres of control channel cleared of scrub. On the 20th February a record flood occurred and did considerable damage to all works. 111,466 cubic yards of stop-bank and groyne were lost. Ashburton and Hinds Rivers Flood Control. —A comprehensive survey of these two rivers is being made with a view to determining a suitable scheme for flood-control purposes. Invercargill District. Drainage Scheme. —This work has been carried on in a vigorous manner, and consists of widening, deepening, and strengthening the existing creek, and the construction of an elaborate system of outfall drains. Operations were completed during the year, 51 m. of outfall drains having been constructed. SMALL-FARMS SCHEMES. Whangarei District. Mate North-Te Karae Blocks VI and VII. —Development work is being carried out on these blocks by married men, who are later to become established as settlers. The results may be stated as 47 acres cleared of fern, 51 acres of scrub-cutting, 38 acres of heavy logging, 17 acres ploughed, 200 acres sown in grass, 360 acres top-dressed, 240 ch. of fencing and 2 cow-sheds erected. Taipuha Farm Settlement.—Work in this scheme has been completed during the year. A watersupply was installed, concrete troughs being erected where necessary and connected with the main supply. Other development work was in the nature of 167 acres of surface clearing, 142 acres of scrub-cutting, 17 acres ploughed, 52 acres stumped, 305 ch. of draining, 289 ch. of fencing, 373 acres top-dressed, 22 ch. of access tracks formed, and the erection of 8 farm bridges. Onekura Farm Scheme. —With the exception of water-troughs the whole of the work on this block has been completed. The programme this year was in the nature of 107 acres of fern and scrub cut, 34 acres ploughed, 136 acres logged and cleared, 224 acres top-dressed, and 913 ch. of fencing, 7 pigsties, and 1 implement-shed erected. Newman's Block. —The whole of the development work on this block has been completed, watersupply having been provided wherever possible. The main items of the programme for the year were 236 ch. of fencing, 86 acres of fern and scrub cut, and 20 acres top-dressed. Gun's Block. —The approved programme on this block has been completed during the year, but other contemplated work is yet under consideration. The more important items performed this year were 267 acres of bush felled, 77 acres of scrub and fern cut, 85 ch. of fencing, and 395 acres topdressed and sown in grass. Auckland District. Church Mission Block.—There is now a total of 445 acres in grass on the block. 11l acres were cut for hay and ensilage during the year. Fencing has been considerably extended since last report, and total is now 32 m., made up of 10 m. of road and boundary fences and 22 m. of internal and subdivisional fences. Fortunately a suitable spring with sufficient yield of water was found on each section and an independent supply has been installed for each settler during the year, including an electrically driven pump, storage-tank, reticulation, and troughs. A start has been made with the planting of trees, and it is proposed to plant 30,000 this season. The eight sections on the block are still occupied by the original selectors, and are now in such a state as will enable them to be carried on if necessary without further attention or supervision by this Department. Mangawai Kauri-gum Reserve. —The development of this block was put in hand during the year, 3m. of road having been formed to 16 ft. width and Im. metalled. In addition, 375 ft. of 12 in. culverts have been placed, 135 ch. of side drains excavated, and the main drain measuring 18 ft. by 15 ft. has been deepened 6 ft. over a length of 54 ch. A considerable amount of engineering survey has also been carried out in connection with the roading and draining of the block. Kaipara Harbour Mangrove Reclamation. —During the year the reclamation of this area was put in hand. To date 4m. 9 ch. of drains have been excavated, the material taken out being used in the building of stop-banks over a similar distance. Six floodgates have been constructed complete with 30 in. concrete culverts, parapets, and aprons. About 1,200 cubic yards of clay have been excavated and barged for fillings at creek crossings. Also 1,050 cubic yards sandstone spalls were quarried and barged and used for facing up banks over creek crossings. A total area of 730 acres has now been dewatered, and workmen are engaged in strengthening banks to standard dimensions and generally consolidating the completed work.



Section 255, Blocks XI and XV, Maungatautari Survey District (late Property of W. L. Foss).— The development of the above block of 438 acres has been carried out during the year by one occupier and the necessary ordinary workmen, and good progress has been made. Scrub and other growth was cleared over an area of 100 acres. 30 acres of ragwort was dealt with, 77 acres were ploughed, 110 acres cultivated in turnips, swedes, and grass. 56 ch. of rabbit-proof fencing and 125 ch. of temporary fences for stock control were erected. , _ Lot 2 of Section 1, Block XV, Maungatautari Survey District (late L. S. Langaon s Property). This property, which comprises an area of 456 acres, has been developed during the year by one occupier and the necessary ordinary workmen. To date, scrub and other growth has been cleared over 106 acres 57 acres of ragwort have been dealt with, 48 acres ploughed, 163 acres cultivated in swedes, turnips, and temporary pasture ; 32 ch. of rabbit-proof fencing and 102 ch. of temporary fencing for stock-control have been erected. Further developmental work of a similar nature is proposed to be carried out next year. Blocks V, VI, X, and IX, Maungatautari Survey District (Elhcotts Block). In addition to the work previously undertaken, considerable work of a developmental nature has been carried out on this block of 2,900 acres. There are thirty-one farm applicants housed in temporary public-works married quarters, together with other labour required. It is anticipated that the block will be subdivided into seventeen holdings, and it is proposed to proceed with the erection of six permanent cottages milking-sheds, &c., almost immediately. A particularly good season was experienced for grass as is indicated by the fact that 200 tons of hay and ensilage were harvested m addition to the inroads made by control stock consisting of bullocks, heifers, and sheep. To date 426 acres of tutu and fern have been grubbed, ragwort has been dealt with over 100 acres, 486 acres have been ploughed, and permanent grass has been sown over 196 acres ; 256 acres of new pasture has been harrowed and top-dressed ; 609 ch. of fencing has been erected, and 53 ch. of fencing has been repaired and renewed. 225 acres have been cultivated in swedes and temporary grass, five farm bridges have been erected, and a total of 3,450 trees was planted during the year. Further developmental work of a similar nature is proposed to be carried out on this block next year. Tauranga District. Wainui South Block, near Apata.—Working-conditions in the block have progressively changed during the year, as from about August, 1935, when milking commenced, much more time has had to be given by the six men in the block to the maintenance of the holdings, and on the development side the* 5 most important item remaining to be done is the completion of internal fencing. The year s operations are shown in following summary

The foregoing summary includes the area of new land recently sown in pasture. Napier District. Ahuriri Lagoon Reclamation.—This lagoon, formerly a shallow arm of the sea in Ahuriri Harbour, has now been transformed to an area of approximately 7,500 acres of mud-flat and shallow water, and is being reclaimed with a view to subdivision into small farms for allotment to settlers. The main factors of the scheme now being undertaken by the Department are—(l) A gravity system of drainage affecting 1 500 acres at the southern end of the lagoon ; (2) construction of 11 m. of stop-bank to exclude drainage coming off the hill country to the west; and (3) construction of two pumping-stations and internal drainage of the areas served—4,ooo acres and 600 acres respectively. Further work has been carried out during the year on the gravity-drainage system, and the drainage of approximately 1,200 acres has been completed to date in that area, but efforts have been mainly concentrated on the building of stop-banks Although weather conditions have been very unfavourable, progress has been satisfactory, and practically the whole length of stop-bank has been built by hand labour and is now ready for topping up with the drag-line excavator. The building of both pumping-stations is in hand, and it is anticipated that they will be ready to dewater the stop-banked areas when the banks are completed. On the drained land two tractor units have been ploughing since May last, and have completed an area of 182 acres to date liie primary object of this work is to hasten the leaching-out of salt from this soil, but it may also be regarded as the first step towards bringing the land into a state of productivity.


... . „ To 30/6/36 from | Past Year. Start of Scheme. Boundary fences .. • • • • • • • ■ , ! chains. Subdivision (internal) fences . . ■ • • • 340 chains. 583 ,, Temporary fences (internal) .. •• •• 91 „ Clearing (scrub-cutting) • ■ • ■ Hi acres. 404| acres. Ploughing, disking, harrowing, and grassing . . 71 A- „ 404-» „ Harvesting —hay and ensilage . . .. • • -159 ,, 159 Top-dressing old pasture . . • ■ ■ ■ 280 „ -<80 ,, N 0TE _As the boundary and permanent subdivision fences were finalized, the temporary fences were as far as possible dismantled and salvaged, and material re-used in permanent work.


Details of progress to date are as follows :— Stop-banks : 260,430 cubic yards of spoil have been placed in lOf m. of bank, which is now ready for topping up by drag-line. Dewatering drains : Two miles have been excavated by machine in pumped areas. Subsidiary drains : 8f m. of drain of 3 ft. to 5 ft. bottom width have been completed. Lateral drains : 79 m. of drain have been completed of 12 in. bottom width by 3 ft. deep. Water drive : Excavation and lining completed (174 ft. long), also portals. Pumping-stations— North station : Excavation for foundations has been completed. 1,400 lineal feet -of steel sheet piling and 325 lineal feet of concrete piling have been driven. South station : Excavation for foundations is complete and pile-driving in hand. South floodgate : An earthen coffer-dam has been built around the site" and excavation for foundations has been completed. Roading : Approximately 3m. of access road have been formed, culverted, and metalled. Taumarunui District. Pururu Block. —Good progress has been made with the developmental work on fourteen sections. 112 acres have been sown in permanent pasture, 50 acres in swedes, and 26 acres in oats and barley. 1 m. 30 ch. of road was metalled and 4 m. 31 ch. of boundary and subdivisional fencing was completed. One cow-byre was built, and water-supply has been provided to four cow-sheds. Waitanguru Block.—The year's programme of developmental work comprised 10 m. 76 ch. of boundary and subdivisional fencing, the repairing of 3 m. 30 ch. of existing fences, a small amount of road-formation, and the stumping and clearing of 85 acres. In addition 170 acres were sown in permanent pasture, and top-dressing was carried out over 311 acres. Some 20,000 odd battens were split for fencing-work, and nearby farmers took advantage of the Department's organization to fell and burn 72 acres of bush, also to stump and clear 46 acres. Ngatamahine Block. Work in this block has been continued, sm. of boundary and subdivisional fencing being erected and 75 ch. of existing fences repaired. 2m. 25 ch. of road was formed and metalled, 93 acres was cleared and some 182 acres was sown in permanent pasture, and the construction of new drains and the deepening of others also received attention. Owen Block.—Work was commenced in this area during the year, 1 m. 30 ch. of road-metalling, 127 ch. of fencing, and clearing and stumping of 65 acres having been completed. In addition an area' of 27 acres was ploughed, and ragwort was treated over 110 acres. Lee's Property.—This scheme will shortly be completed as far as developmental work is concerned. The year's operations comprise 245 ch. of fencing, 106 ch. of road formation and metalling, 9 acres of clearing and stumping, 114 acres sown in grass, 163 acres ploughed, 43 acres in crops, and 181 ch. of drains. Four houses, four cow-sheds, and one manure-shed were built. Metcalfe's Estate.—Settlement work is still being carried out on this 335-acre block, the year's progress being evidenced in 139 ch. of fencing, 95 ch. of temporary fencing, 163 ch. of drains, and 173 acres of clearing. There are now 196 acres in grass, and 3,500 shelter-belt trees were planted.

HARBOUR WORKS. Westfort Harbour.—No further construction was carried out during the year, and there was very considerable fluctuation in bar depths. In the early part of the year, up to June, there was a considerable improvement, soundings giving a monthly mean depth of 16 ft. From then onwards there was a steady reduction in bar soundings, the mean depth having fallen to 12 ft. at the end of the year. In the fairway the average working-depth was 23 ft, 6 in. as against 24 ft. in 1934-35, and 24 ft. 10 in. in 1933-34, the decrease for the past year being due to shoaling. Dredging operations were carried out by the suction dredge " Eileen Ward " ; the bucket dredge " Maui " and the suction dredge " Rubi Seddon " being out of commission. During the period 171,323 cubic yards were dredged from the bar, 97,277 cubic yards from the lower river, 76,453 cubic yards from the berthages, and 11,582 cubic yards from the floating basin— a total of 356,635 cubic yards, all of which was transported and deposited at sea. The dredge worked on 127 days for an average cost of 8-01 d., a higher rate than that for 1934-35 of 6'499d. The rainfall recorded on the harbour gauge for the year was 73-33 in., rain falling on 178 days. For the three preceding years the figures were—l 932-33, 66-99 in., 179 days ; 1933-34, 81-27 in 174 days ; 1934-35, 79-57 in., 169 days.. The " Eileen Ward " was sent to Wellington for annual overhaul, and was well maintained during the whole period. The shipping in the harbour proved to be practically the same as last year, the total tonnage entering port being 260,111 tons, an increase of 7,070 tons on that of last year. Coal shipped from the port was 291,041 tons, a slight decrease on that of the previous year. The tug " Mana " was only required once to tow a vessel from the port, but was utilized on several occasions in dragging for submerged objects. Running repairs to the dredges and plant kept the workshops staff fully employed. Karamea Harbour— Owing to the alteration of the course of the river at its mouth, the port is not now workable. Little Wanganui Harbour.—Owing to the lack of sufficient floods and to adverse sea conditions, the entrance at times shoaled sufficiently to interrupt working, which is only possible during spring tides. Since the a.s. " Fairburn " was wrecked on the Westport Breakwater, the harbour was not used for a short period, but another vessel is now taking up the trade.



Oicarito Harbour.—The Okarito Harbour Co. has continued to develop this harbour, and in doing so completed the construction of a timber training-wall north of the proposed entrance straight out from the present wall. A cut was made in the shingle bank, but all efforts to close the present entrance and open a new one have been unsuccessful. The company erected a dam in the north channel of the lagoon, but this was unsuccessful owing to the nature of the underlying strata ; various other temporary measures such as the erection of scrub groynes have been tried, but so far without success. The present wharf was demolished and a new wharf commenced. It is now the company's intention to temporarily abandon the project of the new entrance and build a wharf to suit the present entrance. Waikokopu Harbour. —This port has been operated by the Wairoa Harbour Board on behalf of the Public Works Department. During the year sixty-six coastal vessels worked the port, and handled 3,147 tons of general cargo ; 309 42 ft. poles ; 9,000 ft. of hardwood timber. In addition seven overseas vessels worked the port, and lifted 8,023 quarters of beef ; 81,092 carcasses of mutton and lamb ; 1,056 bales of wool ; 274 sacks of hides ; 41 casks of tallow ; 54 tons of manure ; 1,639 pigs ; 1,019 carcasses of pork ; 500 boxes of casings ; 2,024 packages sundries ; 100 cases of jellied veal. Necessary repairs have been carried out to the wharf and buildings. Approximately 200 yards of concrete cast in blocks and in situ have been added to the top of the breakwater at the sea ends, and this lias somewhat improved the conditions at the wharf. Soundings taken during the year show no appreciable change in depth either at the wharf or the roadstead. Elmslie Bay Wharf and Approach, French Pass. —The erection of a new wharf to replace the existing decayed structure was completed under contract. The structure is built of hardwood timber throughout, and comprises eleven 12 ft. approach spans, 8 ft. roadway carried on two pile piers, and an enlarged end 72 ft. by 30 ft. carried on hardwood piles with steps for launch passengers and davits for the handling of light cargo. A shed 24 ft. by 12 ft. has been erected on the wharf for storage of cargo. The approach filling is protected from wave action by curved concrete retaining-walls. The wharf serves D'Urville Island and the whole of the French Pass area. Marlborough Sounds. —Repairs to wharves in the Sounds area are in hand at Torea Bay, Portage, and Onahau Bay in Queen Charlotte Sound, and Waitaria Bay in Kenepuru Sound. The work consists of generally renovating and repairing the existing structures. Te Ha/pua Wharf. —Tenders were called for the proposed new concrete wharf at Te Hapua, an isolated Native village in the far North. On account of the locality of the structure it was very difficult to get a satisfactory tender, but the contract has recently been let, and work will shortly be put in hand. Whangapara Wharf. —The approach to this wharf has been completed in stone to a length of 45 ft. and a width of 15 ft. Steps are being taken to have plans prepared for the new wharf. Thames Harbour Berthage at Thames Wharf. —The dredging of the berthage at the above wharf has been carried out by the Public Works Department for the Thames Harbour Board over a length of 277 ft. to a width of 60 ft. and a depth of 9 ft. at low water extending to the seaward end of the wharf. A shallow channel has also been extended for a distance of 226 ft. to a width of 50 ft.., and a depth of , 7 ft. at low water. Dredging operations are still in progress. When completed this work will considerably improve the channel leading to the wharf and enable vessels to work the wharf with much greater facility. Lighthouses. Baring Head. —This lighthouse was erected at the entrance to the Wellington Heads towards the end of last year, and was officially opened on 17th June, 1935. It has been operating successfully since that date. Additional oil storage was provided at the power-house, and the approach road to the station was cleaned up generally. A telephone line eight miles in length was erected in order to connect the lighthouse with the exchange at Eastbourne. Aharoa Lighthouse. —Repairs to the landing-stage and erection of a new stairway were completed during the financial year. Renovations were also carried out to the keeper's cottage. Godley Head Lighthouse— Alterations were carried out to the lubricating-system of the engines and compressors. French Pass Beacon. —About the end of last year the concrete beacon at the entrance to the Pass was damaged and partly unseated from the rock foundation. Repairs consisting of the placing of a concrete band around the base are at present in hand, but the work is rendered difficult owing to the fact that the base of the beacon is practically at the low spring-tide level, and if bad weather is experienced during the spring-tide period the work is very much hampered. Taiaroa Fog Signal.—Repairs to the engines were carried out during the year. Tiritiri Fog Signal.—A reinforced concrete building 20 ft. by 21 ft. was erected on the above Island to house the fog signal apparatus. In addition to this work the main lighthouse tower was painted both internally and externally and a lightning conductor installed. General. A number of applications have been received from local bodies and private individuals for approval of works involving marine interests. Among the various applications were the following : — Foreshore Licenses.—Westhaven Inlet; Kawarau Rapids, Lake Wakatipu ; Tryphena Harbour, Great Barrier Island ; Akaroa Harbour. Breakwater. —Extension at Oamaru.



Wharves and Jetties. —Napier; Te Hapua, Parengarenga; Westhaven Inlet; Tauranga; Quarryman's Bay; Kauri Point, Auckland; Bluff Harbour; Motukaraka, Wairupe Creek; Hokianga ; Ravensbourne, Dunedin ; Motuihi Island. Boat Sheds and Skids. —St. Mary's Bay, Auckland ; Vauxhall, Otago Harbour ; Evans Bay, Wellington (2) ; Anderson's Bay, Otago ; Rocky Point, Otago Harbour ; Mechanics Bay, Auckland Harbour. Bridges. —Port Ahuriri; Pukapuka Stream, Mahurangi; Waitotara River ; Puhinui Creek, Manukau Harbour ; Long Bay Bridges, Auckland Harbour ; Hoteo River Bridge, Whangarei Harbour. Training-walls. —Motueka Harbour ; Protective groyne, Patea River. Reclamations. —Evans Bay, Wellington ; Putiki Bay, Waikeke Island ; Hobsonville, Auckland ; Okarito Harbour. Sewerage Outfalls. —East Clive, Hastings.

ESTABLISHMENT OF AERODROMES AND LANDING-GROUNDS, In pursuance of the Government's policy to establish a chain of aerodromes and intermediate emergency landing-grounds throughout the Dominion to cater for the needs of the New Zealand Air Force, private flying, and commercial air transport, considerable expansion of this branch of the Department's activities has taken place during the year ending 30th June, 1936. In connection with this work, through the attachment of one of my officers to the Defence Department, very close co-operation has been established between my Department and the Royal New Zealand Air Force and Civil Aviation Branches of the Defence Department. Very considerable assistance has also been received from the Labour Department, the Transport Board, and the Lands and Survey Department. Apart from the actual construction and development of aerodromes and landing-fields, the work has entailed a considerable amount of investigation connected with projected air routes and the selection of the most suitable sites for development as aerodromes. In addition to the expansion and development of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Base at Hobsonville and the Royal New Zealand Air Force Flying Training School at Wigram, investigations have now been extended to 106 sites in both Islands, many of which have been found to be quite unsuitable. Preliminary surveys have been carried out on twenty-five possible sites, and thirty-two areas have been surveyed with a view to development, and construction actually undertaken on forty, of which nine have been completed at least to a primary stage of development. During the year by far the greater proportion of the cost of construction was met from the Employment Funds for the utilization of unemployed labour, which would otherwise, in many cases, have been employed on work of little permanent value. Several aerodromes have been commenced, utilizing plant methods of construction, and proposals have been in the course of preparation to undertake all new works commencing in the coming year by plant methods as far as is practicable. During the year a maximum of 2,400 men were employed on aerodrome construction. In addition to the aerodrome work involving the actual preparation of the flying-fields, this Department is also preparing the designs and supervising the construction and layout of buildings and facilities at the Air Force stations, acts in an expert and advisory capacity in all matters connected with civil aerodromes, the establishment of air routes, and, generally, in conjunction with the Civil Aviation Branch of the Defence Department, in an advisory capacity on many matters pertaining to civilaviation development. New Zealand Air Pilot.—ln conjunction with the Civil Aviation Branch of the Defence Department, this Department has been responsible for the issue of a New Zealand Air Pilot on similar lines to the Air Pilot of Great Britain. The Aerodrome Branch of the Department has been engaged in the collection, compilation, and preparation of all information in connection with this publication now available to all aviators. Strip Maps.—ln conjunction with the Lands and Survey Department, the preparation of aviation strip maps in six maps covering the whole Dominion has been proceeded with. These maps embody the best features of aviation maps published throughout the world. The first sections are already in the hands of the printer and should be available shortly. Details of the aerodrome works at present in hand in the various Public Works Districts are as follows :— Royal New Zealand Aie Fobce. Auckland District: Hobsonville Air Base.—During the year construction work has been continued on the enlargement and improvement of the flying-field to enable it to accommodate the increased use of land planes at this station ; regrading operations are now being extended to cover 90 acres, the work has been heavy and has involved the shifting of 82,500 cubic yards of spoil during the period. Excavation and reclamation for an additional seaplane hangar has been put in hand, is now nearing completion, and has involved the shifting of 23,500 cubic yards of spoil. A single men's barracks to accommodate sixty airmen and ten cottages for other ranks, the erection of which were in hand last year, have been completed and put into service. No. 2 land plane hangar —120 ft. by 85 ft. —has been completed during the period. In addition to the above structures, extensive improvements to the grounds generally, extensive sewerage, water-supply, and electrical-reticulation schemes have been extended during the year. Christchurch District: Wigram Aerodrome. —During the year small extensions in the outfield of the flying-field have been regraded and levelled, and a small area of 5 acres near the hangars has been tile drained.



Two large hangars 90 ft. by 180 ft. clear span, with, annexes, were completed, and a workshop block has been commenced. Other buildings under construction during the period include a motortransport station, residence for the Officer Commanding, and a barracks and mess to accommodate forty single airmen. 'The residential area has been levelled and roaded, and extensive investigations for sewerage, water-supply, and electrical reticulation have been undertaken. Nelson District: Woodburne Aerodrome. —A site has been secured to provide an additional Air Force station. Minor improvements to the surface of the field have been undertaken and the field is at present being used temporarily by the Air Transport services. Civil Aerodromes and Emergency Landing-melds. Whangarei District. —Sites in the following localities have been investigated : Waipapakauri, Whangarei, Te Hapua, Te Paki, Cooper's Beach, Pukepoto, Maungatapere, Ivawakawa, Paparoa, Waitangi, Rawene, Kaikohe, Dargaville, Kerikeri, and Waihopo. Preliminary surveys have been undertaken on the following sites : Whangarei, Te Hapua, Kaikohe, Dargaville, and Kerikeri. Construction work has been completed at Waipapakauri Aerodrome over an area of 30J acres, and extensions are being considered. Auckland District. —Preliminary investigations have been undertaken for sites in the following localities : Point England (Auckland), Ngaruawahia, Coromandel, Morrinsville, Te Aroha, Pukekohe, Kaawa Valley, Waiuku, Kawhia, Te Uku, Whangamata, Raglan, Lake Whangape, Hamilton, Otamatea and Rodney Counties, and at Great Barrier Island. Preliminary surveys have been undertaken at the following sites : Ngaruawahia and Kaawa Valley. Construction proposals were prepared for the following sites: Mangere, Point England, Coromandel, Thames, Ngaruawahia, and Great Barrier Island. Construction was carried out on the following fields : — Mangere.—During the period an area of 35 acres was graded involving the shifting of 81,000 cubic yards of spoil, and the work is now approximately half completed. Ngaruawahia.—Development was commenced toward the end of the period. Tauranga-Bay of Plenty District. —Preliminary investigations have been carried out for sites in the following localities : Tauranga, Atiamuri, Whakatane, Rangataiki Plains, Galatea, Te Teko, and Opotiki. Engineering surveys have been undertaken at Tauranga and Opotiki, and construction proposals have been prepared for these two sites. Construction work has proceeded during the year on the Rotorua Aerodrome, and 75 acres have been levelled to date involving 86,100 cubic yards of earthwork. The development of Taupo Aerodrome is completed, Taumarunui-King Country District. —Preliminary investigations have been carried out for sites in the following localities : Taumarunui, Te Awamutu, and Chateau Tongariro. Construction work has been continued at Te Kuiti, 21 acres of landing-strips have been regraded, and the work of levelling the outfields is nearing completion. Stratford-Taranahi District. —Preliminary investigations have been carried out for sites in the following localities : Pukearuhe, Waverley, Patea, Karioi, Ohakune, and Waitotara Valley. Preliminary surveys were undertaken at Karioi and surveys for extensions at New Plymouth. Construction has been undertaken on the following aerodromes : — New Plymouth.—The initial development of this aerodrome was completed during the period, and the field available now comprises approximately 150 acres. Very heavy earthwork and surfacing was involved. Stratford. —Development of this aerodrome was practically completed during the period and involved extensive drainage and earthwork movement; approximately 80 acres having been completed. Hawera. —Work was put in hand during the period and was well advanced, 10 acres having been completed. Wanganui. —Development work has been continued under the control of the Wanganui City Council, and is well forward. Gisborne-Poverty Bay District. —Preliminary investigations were undertaken at Motuhora and Raukauroa, and construction proposals prepared for Gisborne Aerodrome. Construction was commenced on the Darton Field at Gisborne, utilizing plant methods of construction in conjunction with hand labour, and the first stage of development is approaching completion. Napier-Hawhe's Bay Area. —Preliminary investigations were undertaken at Wairoa, Opoutama, Mohaka, Waikare, Arapawanui, Nuliaka, Titiokura, and Waipukurau. Engineering surveys were carried out at Opoutama, Mohaka, and Waipukurau. Construction work was undertaken on the following fields : — Napier. —It is proposed to develop 110 acres by stop-banking, drainage, and regrading, and 70 acres have now been completed. Westshore. —A fine landing-ground has been established on portion of the reclaimed inner lagoon, and little work was required to make it suitable. Hastings. —Of the 75 acres of this aerodrome, 17 acres require relevelling or top-dressing, and, to date, 35 acres have been completed. « Waipukurau. —During the period 15 acres have been relevelled and returfed, and approximately 70 acres remain to be completed.


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DannevirJce. —This field of 75 acres has been relevelled and returfed, and was practically completed during the year. Mohaka. —The construction of an emergency landing-field was undertaken at Mohaka, and, of the 56 acres of the field, 26 acres have been relevelled. Wellington District. —Preliminary investigations were undertaken for sites in the following localities: Paraparaumu, Waikanae, Bulls, Tokomaru, and Porirua. Engineering surveys were carried out at Martinborough and Levin. Construction work has been in hand on the following aerodromes : — Masterton. —This field has now been completely relevelled and finished over 66 acres. Palmerston North. —Extensive drainage and relevelling operations were in hand during the period, and the work is well forward : 104,000 cubic yards have been excavated from the flying-field, and 8,650 cubic yards from drains ; 54 acres have been returfed. and completed, while 32,560 linear feet of tile drains were placed and back-filled. Feilding. —39 acres of this aerodrome have been completed during the period, and extensive ring-draining and internal drainage has been carried out. A total of 15,900 linear feet of tile drains was placed and back-filled. Rongotai, Wellington. —The development of this aerodrome has been proceeded with under the direction of the Wellington City Council. Nelson District. —Preliminary investigations for landing-ground sites have been undertaken in the following localities : Takaka, Tadmor, Collingwood, Seddon, Ward, Cape Campbell, Ivekerangu, Clarence River, and Whangapeka. Engineering surveys have been carried out at Nelson, Cape Campbell, Kekerangu, Clarence River, and Takaka. Development proposals for an airport on the Quarantine Reserve site at Nelson are nearing completion. Construction work has been undertaken on the following fields : — Blenheim. —The development of an area of approximately 140 acres has been put in hand, and approximately 80 acres have been completed. Very heavy earthwork has been involved. Motueka. —Approximately 50 acres of the 70 acres comprising this aerodrome were completed during the year. Development to provide landing-grounds has also been commenced at Cape Campbell and at Takaka, while an emergency landing has been provided at Kekerangu. Christchurch-Canterbury District. —Preliminary investigations have been undertaken for sites in the following localities : Hapuku River Mouth, Kaikoura, Amuri Bluff, Conway River Mouth, Hurunui River Mouth, Motunau Island, Washbourne, Fairlie, Lake Pukaki, Simons Pass, Waimate, and Waitaki Hydro, and surveys were completed of the first six. Construction proposals and plans were prepared for the development of an extended aerodrome at Saltwater Creek, Timaru. Construction work was completed to an initial stage of development on the Hermitage landingground at Mount Cook. Greymouth-Westlamd District.—Preliminary investigations were undertaken for sites in the following localities : Karamea, Reefton, Ikamatua, Karangarua, Landsborough, and Arawata. Engineering surveys have been carried out at Mussel Point, Upper Okuru, Haast, Mahitahi, Karangarua, and Inchbonnie. Construction work has been in hand on the following aerodromes and landing-grounds : —■ West port. —The construction of the landing-strip system has been completed and surfacing is in hand. Extensive protection work and marram-grass and lupin planting have been necessary to cope with wave and wind action. Further extensions are being investigated. Greymouth. —Extensive earthwork and surfacing with soil has been carried out on this aerodrome, which is now nearing completion. Extensions are being investigated. Hokitika. —The development of this field has involved the shifting of a large quantity of earthwork and extensive stream-diversions and stop-banking ; 45 acres were finished off during the period and the work is now nearing completion. Other landing fields under construction during the year were —Inchbonnie, Ross, Waiho, Weheka, Haast, Upper Okuru, and Mussel Point, and, at all, the work is well forward. Landing-grounds were also established at Landsborough and Arawata, but little construction work was involved. Dunedin-Otago District. —Preliminary investigations were undertaken for sites in the following localities: Dunedin Foreshore, Oamaru, Queenstown, Ranfurly, Waikouaiti, Balclutha, Heriot, Waianakarua, Middlemarclx, Alexandra, and Nevis. Engineering surveys were carried out at Balclutha, Waikouaiti (two sites), and Taieri. Construction work has been in hand during the year at Taieri Aerodrome, and 59 acres have been completed and returfed during the year. InvercargiU-Southland District. —Preliminary investigations were undertaken for sites in the following localities : Pembroke, Te Anau, Eglinton Valley, Gore, Stewart Island, and for various temporary landing-fields. Engineering surveys were carred out at Gore and Invercargill. Construction work was completed during the year on the new aerodrome at Invercargill ; 77 acres were regraded and levelled, but the field still requires draining and grassing.



PLANT AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. The policy of the present Government caused a change in the attitude adopted by the Department regarding the plant available from the major construction works that were closed down some years ago, and sales of surplus plant or equipment considered likely to proye of value upon future public works were stopped. In anticipation of instructions to obtain modern construction plant, action was taken immediately after the change of Government to prepare the necessary specifications and advertise contracts for the supply of modern machinery, inc'uding diesel-engine-driven excavators on creeper track with shovel and drag-line equipment; diesel-engine and electric-motor-driven stationary air-compressors ; diesel locomotives ; pile-driving winches, pumping-sets, and portable air-compressors, all diesel-engine-driven ; petrol-engine-driven concrete-mixers with power loading skips ; portable rock crushing and screening plant; tunnel ventilating-fans, workshops machine tools, stationary diesel engines ; diesel rollers and tractors ; diesel-engine- and petrol-engine-driven road-graders ; and motor-vehicles for use upon construction works generally. Plant in Use. —During the year construction plant of various descriptions was used and maintained in good order upon the following works : Kirikopuni-Tangowahine Railway service ; Tauraroa metal quarry ; Motutara Island metal-quarry, including to wing-launches and barges for metal transport; Wade-Waiwera-Warkworth to Waipu Main Highway improvement works ; Devonport Naval Base ; Auckland District road construction and maintenance ; Mangere Aerodrome construction; motor-launch transport, Auckland and Hauraki Gulf ; dredging at Thames Wharf tidal basin ; swamp drainage, Taupiri district ; Upper Waihou River, clearing and snagging ; Arapuni Power-house extensions ; Milsom Aerodrome ; Tangahoe deviation work, Gisborne Aerodrome ; Hobsonville Air Force Base ; Wairoa-Waikokopu Railway service; Ahuriri Lagoon reclamation, drainage, and stop-banking; Bluff Hill slip, Napier ; Esk River Railway bridge pier renewals; Upper Mangahao Power Scheme development work ; power-line construction and renewals ; Hutt Estuary reclamation ; Wairoa River protection works ; Ashley River Control Scheme ; Lewis Pass Road ; Levels Irrigation Scheme ; Redcliff Irrigation Scheme ; Omakau Irrigation Scheme ; Ida Valley Irrigation Scheme ; Teviot Irrigation Scheme ; Butchers Dam ; Fraser River Dam ; Summit Road ; Te Anau to Milford Road ; Homer Tunnel ; Waitaki Dam ; Civil aerodromes and landing-grounds in Greymouth district; general roading works and road-maintenance works under Public Works vote and Main Highways votes throughout New Zealand. Motor-vehicle Operations.—The introduction of fortnightly pays on the scattered public-works jobs throughout New Zealand, and also the general increase in works started up, has necessitated an increase in the Department's motor-vehicle fleet and a consequent increase in mileage for the year. A general summary of the position is as follows : —

Public Works Department's Motor-vehicles.

The cost of operating the Public Works Department and Main Highways Board motor-vehicle fleet during the year is shown in the summary below, which also includes the results of the two previous year's operation for comparison. The costs shown include the following : — Running-charges : Petrol, oil, grease, tires, tubes, repairs, and maintenance. Standing-charges — Interest at 5 per cent, per annum and depreciation varying from a minimum of 20 per cent, to a maximum of 40 per cent, per annum on the capital cost, Garage rent ss. per week. Registration and annual license fees.

4—D. X,


1935-36. At 1st July, At 1st July, p h , s M At 30th June, 1934. 1935. bold. lg36 _ Cars .. .. .. 138 141 40 27 154 Light delivery trucks . . .. 101 112 26 7 131 Trucks (1 ton and over) . . .. 69 72 20 13 79 Totals .. .. .. 308 325 86 47 364


An analysis of the above summary showing the results of the year's operation in the various districts throughout New Zealand is as follows, the schedule including all vehicles that have operated for any part of the year —i.e., vehicles purchased and vehicles sold during the period : —

Public Works Departmental and Main Highways Board Motor-vehicles. —Mileage and Operating-costs for Year 1935-36.

Motor-vehicle Allowances. —The total amount paid during tie year to departmental officers at scale rates for the use of their own cars upon Government business is shown in the following table, which also includes the amounts paid during the two previous years.


Type of Vehicle. Total Cost. Total Mileage. Cost per Mile. Year 1933-34. £ £ Cars and light deliveries combined (10 cwt. to 15 cwt.) 32,086 2,278,834 3-38 Trucks (1 ton and over) .. .. .. 15,599 594,925 6-29 All vehicles 47,685 2,873,759 3-98 Year 1934-35. Cars and light deliveries combined (10 cwt. to 15 cwt.) 36,430 2,728,110 3-20 Trucks (1 ton and over) .. .. .. 14,563 621,413 5*63 All vehicles 50,993 3,349,523 3-65 Year 1935-36. Cars and light deliveries combined (10 cwt. to 15 cwt.) 39,724 -3,058,246 3-12 Trucks (1 ton and over) .. .. .. 14,681 660,390 5-34 All vehicles 54,405 3,718,636 3-51

aoS »ffS., T *"" k " T ™"» (■ »4 ««)• District. : Number m , , Cost Number T + , Cost of Mileage. „ . per of Mileage. fVl 5 per Vehicles. ' Mile. Vehicles. ' ' Mile. £ d. £ d. Whangarei .. .. 17 228,985 3,196 3-35 2 19,333 475 5-90 Auckland .. .. 29 363,749 4,273 2-82 2 15,060 519 8-27 Tauranga .. .. 12 154,150 1,746 2-72 4 47,032 741 3-78 Gisborne .. .. 8 73,970 1,022 3-32 4 28,845 779 6-48 Taumarunui .. .. 11 115,383 1,513 3-15 10 142,907 2,056 3-45 Stratford .. .. 18 235,936 2,516 2-56 3 9,719 188 4-64 Napier .. .. 12 120,157 1,403 2-80 2 16,868 266 3-78 Wellington .. .. 20 205,745 2,353 2-74 8 42,310 1,232 6-99 Nelson .. .. 11 120,297 1,310 2-61 5 34,776 624 4-31 Greymouth .. .. 18 189,521 2,282 2-89 10 115,590 1,993 4-14 Christcliurcli .. .. 19 242,450 3,021 2-99 4 16,291 468 6-89 Dunedin .. .. 25 244,313 3,145 3-09 6 44,107 945 5-14 Totals, general districts 200 2,294,656 27,780 2 • 91 60 532,838 10,286 4-63 Hamilton Electric - power 33 256,284 3,765 3-53 9 19,537 859 10-55 District Palmerston North .. 41 300,767 4,882 3-90 8 38,569 1,288 8-01 Christchurch Electric-power 28 206,539 3,297 3-83 12 69,446 2,248 7-77 District Totals, Electric-power 102 763,590 11,944 3-75 29 127,552 4,395 8-27 , Districts Grand totals all districts 302 3,058,246 39,724 3-12 89 (60,390 14,681 5-34


The totals comprise a large number of comparatively small sums paid for mileages run at the convenience of the Department where the transfer or purchase of a departmental vehicle was not warranted and the arranging of hire from other sources was inexpedient. Year. Total Allowances. £ s. d. 1933-34 .. .. .. .. .. 803 3 0 1934-35 .. .. .. .. .. 1,571 10 2 1935-36 .. .. .. .. .. 1,160 17 5 Plant Repair Depots.—The Department's plant repair depots at Whangarei, Rotorua, and Wellington have functioned satisfactorily during the year, and have been utilized by other Government Departments in the locality. These depots, which are set up principally as running-sheds, are staffed with skeleton staffs of three or four skilled men, who are used to carry out urgent running repairs of road-construction plant and arrange for major plant repairs by private enterprise on best tender. The plant depot at Wellington also handles the repairs of Public Works Department plant passing through Wellington on transfer from remote districts, and operates the repair and distribution of compressed-air tools to the general construction works throughout New Zealand, wherever warranted. This air-tool service is proving a decided economy to the Department, and saves the general stocking-up of costly spare parts at various places, whilst the maintenance is in the hands of one expert working full time upon the work. Several skilled maintenance fitters are operating singly under the control of various district engineers, and are carrying out similar work to that done at the plant depots, but upon a smaller scale, private enterprise being utilized largely to handle major repairs on best competitive quotation. Inspections of Passenger-carrying Vehicles. —All of the mechanical and structural inspections required by the Transport Department before issuing licenses to private operators were carried out by the Public Works Department's mechanical staff during the year, and certificates of fitness or permits to run were issued as follows :—

Vehicles condemned, 38 ; vehicles withdrawn voluntarily, 104. General. —Mechanical work, including the figuring of proposals, preparation of specifications and contracts, inspections and consultations on various mechanical matters, including steam-generation, water-supplies, pumping-schemes, heating-schemes, gasworks, supply of machine tools and workshops equipment, institution of domestic mechanical services, electric-lift installations, and supply of roadconstruction and special motor-vehicles was carried out for various Government Departments—including Naval Department, Defence Department, Post and Telegraph Department, Mental Hospitals Department, Cook Islands Department, Health Department, Lands Department, Forestry Department, Industries and Commerce Department, Justice Department, Native Department, Mines Department, Marine Department, External Affairs Department, Agriculture Department, and the Government Loans Board. A considerable quantity of road-construction plant and motor-vehicles was obtained for local bodies on behalf of the Main Highways Board : the work involved covering the preparation of specifications, calling tenders, analysing tenders, and making the necessary recommendations to the Board.

NAVAL AND DEFENCE DEPARTMENTAL WORKS. During the whole of the year covered by this report a construction programme has been in hand on behalf of the Navy Office and the Defence Department. Works for the Navy Office include reconstruction of portion of the Dcvonport Station, Auckland, and the first year's programme in connection with the Kauri Point Depot. Works for the Defence Department include major structures at Auckland and Wellington, and extensions in connection with the Air Force Bases at Hobsonville, Auckland, and Wigram (Christchurch). The programme has involved careful and detailed planning, and works are receiving skilled supervision.



District. ° nmi " S ® rvice ® e ™ ce T buses. Cars. Coaches. Trucks. 1. Whangarei .. .. . . . . 13 37 5 55 110 2. Auckland and Tauranga .. .. 214 121 32 27 394 4. Gisborne and Napier .. .. .. 78 143 36 1 258 5. Stratford and Taumarunui .. .. 12 99 8 26 145 6. Wellington .. .. .. .. 120 136 8 30 294 7. Nelson and Westland .. .. .. 21 92 1 5 119 8. Cliristchurcli .. .. .. .. 56 51 10 6 123 9. Dunedin .. .. .. .. 51 72 4 13 140 10. Invercargill .. . . .. .. 24 27 4 8 63 Totals .. .. .. .. 589 778 108 171 1,646


TRAMWAYS. Auckland. —During the year under review the Auckland Transport Board constructed three short lengths of track and overhead equipment of a total length of 13 ch. The Farmers' and Wyndham Street Extensions have been provided in connection with the inauguration of a free tram service to and from Pitt Street and the Farmers' Union Building in Hobson Street. The Sandringham Extension was for the purpose of providing improved terminal facilities. Fourteen cars were damaged as a result of accidents ; twenty, which includes the carry-over from the previous year, were repaired, inspected, and returned to service. One vehicle has been reconstructed on a streamlined basis. Two fatal accidents occurred resulting from tramcars coming into collision with pedestrians. Of one the Board was absolved from all blame, and on the other the inquest was adjourned. New Plymouth. —Progress is being made with the bonding of rails by welding, there being approximately one mile to do. One mile of trolley-wiie was renewed. No fatal accidents occurred, and there were no labour disputes. Wanganui. —The double track in Taupo Quay was completely lifted and replaced by a single track with loops at Wilson Street and Victoria Avenue. The length of line affected was 16 ch. The track in Rangiora Street was extended a further 80 ft. towards the sea to enable trams to be shunted without blocking the motor-parking area. New motors were installed in one car, and trolley-wire grips (to enable motormen to safely handle broken wires) have been issued to all cars. Wellington. —Two cars were 'inspected and certificates issued. 26 ch. of track were duplicated in Broadway, Miramar, and a certificate issued. Ohristchurch. —The Christchurch Tramway Board proposes to remove all tracks, &c., on the Linwood and Dallington route, and to replace the tram service with diesel-engined buses. The proposal has been investigated and approved. Alterations to the loop in Selwyn Street, Spreydon, have been made to provide better visibility for motormen. Dunedin. —During the year no new tramcars were placed in service and no alterations were made to existing cars. The tram-line on the Anderson's Bay route at Ross's Corner has been converted from a single line to a double track around the curve for a distance of 10 ch. No accidents necessitating special inspection of equipment occurred during the year.

PUBLIC BUILDINGS.—MAINTENANCE. The maintenance of public buildings has been carried out by the District Engineers and their staffs in accordance with proposals and reports prepared in district offices. Maintenance work is, for more ready reference, included with public-building work reported on by the Government Architect.

PUBLIC BUILDING WORKS AND ELECTRICAL OPERATIONS. For details of the public-building works and of the operations of hydro-electric enterprises, please see separate reports by the Government Architect and the Chief Electrical Engineer. J. Wood, M.lnst.C.E., Engineer-in-Chief.




ANNUAL REPORT OF BUILDINGS BY THE GOVERNMENT ARCHITECT» The Government Architect to the Hon. Minister of Public Works. Sir, — I have the honour to submit the following report on the activities of the Architectural Branch for the year ended 30th June, 1936. During the period plans were prepared for fifty-eight buildings of an estimated total value of £1,115,000, of which eighteen contracts, totalling £93,356, have been let. Fifteen other contracts of the value of £123,765 for buildings designed prior to 30th June, 1935, have also been let, making the total contracts let during the year £217,121. A considerable amount of detail work has been done in connection with Dunedin Chief Post-office, which is nearing completion, the Government Life Insurance Building, Wellington, and other works under construction. Numerous plans and specifications submitted to the Local Government Loans Board have been examined and reported upon. The utmost economy, consistent with the factor of maintenance and regard to the nature and importance of the buildings, has been observed. Building prices, particularly for timber structures, have hardened, but there has been competition resulting in satisfactory contracts. British or New Zealand materials and manufactures have been used almost exclusively, and the standard of locally made articles has been very satisfactory. Appended is a schedule of works, which includes maintenance work and minor contracts prepared in the various district offices: — Vice-regal. Auckland. —Extensive alterations and repairs were effected to the vice-regal residence. Post-offices. Whangarei.—Renovations and repairs were undertaken to twenty-two buildings, renovations and additions were carried out to one building, and renovations and alterations were effected to five buildings. Auckland. —Extensive alterations and additions to the Cambridge Post-office are in hand. A garage in reinforced concrete at Stanley Street is approaching completion. The demolition of the Shortland Street Post-office is nearly finished. A new residence was erected for the Postmaster at Wellsford, and additions were made to the post-office. Repairs and renovations were carried out to fifty-eight buildings. Taumarunui. —Renovations and repairs were attended to at seventeen buildings. Tauranga.—Renovations and repairs were effected to fourteen buildings, including alterations and additions to the post-office at Rotorua. Gisborne. —Renovations and repairs were dealt with at eight buildings. Stratford. —A new post-office was erected at Toko. Renovations and repairs were effected at fifteen buildings, and alterations and additions made to five. Napier. A new post-office was erected at Porangahau. Renovations and repairs were carried out at twenty-one buildings, and alterations and additions made to two. Wellington.—A two-story concrete post-office was erected at Petone ;an additional story in wood was erected on the General Post Office building at Wellington, and extensive alterations made to the subdivision of the third and fourth floors. At Pahiatua a new post-office and a residence for the Postmaster, both in concrete, are being erected. Nelson. —Renovations and repairs were effected at eleven buildings. Christchurch —A new post-office was built at Albury, and a carrier-equipment building erected at Kaikoura. The new post-office at Rangiora, a two-story concrete structure, is very nearly completed. Renovations and repairs were carried out at forty-two various buildings, and alterations made to five. Dunedin. —The new chief post-office is nearing completion, the stone facing is nearly completed, bronze windows are in position and glazed, and all interior partitions, joinery, and other fittings are well advanced. Renovations and repairs were undertaken at thirty-one buildings, and additions made to four. Greymouth.—A garage was built at Hokitika, and renovations and repairs were effected to seventeen buildings. Courthouses. Whangarei. —Renovations and repairs were effected at one building ; buildings at Mangawai and Waipu were sold and removed from site. Auckland.—An extensive addition of two stories and basement was completed for the Law Library at Auckland. Renovations and repairs were carried out at eleven Courthouses. Taumarunui. —Additions were made to the Taumarunui Courthouse for a law library. Tauranga.—Renovations and repairs 'were effected |to one Courthouse. Gisborne.—Renovations and repairs were carried out to one Courthouse.



Stratford. Renovations and repairs were attended to at three Courthouses, and alterations made to two. Napier. A new Courthouse was erected at Wairoa. Renovations and repairs were dealt with at three Courthouses. Wellington.—Additions were made to the Courthouse at Palmerston North. The Courthouse buildings at Wellington had the exterior cleaned down and coated with a special preparation. Nelson.—Renovations and repairs were effected to three Courthouses. Ohristchurch.—Extensive alterations and additions were made to the Courthouse at Timaru. Alterations were carried out at one Courthouse, and renovations and repairs were undertaken at twelve Courthouses. Dunedin.—Renovations and repairs were attended to at eleven Courthouses. Greymouth. Extensive renovations and repairs were dealt with at three Courthouses. Renovations were made to one Courthouse. Police-stations and Gaols. Whangarei. Renovations and repairs were effected at seven buildings, and plumbing additions were carried out at two buildings. Auckland.—Extensive alterations and additions were made to the Auckland Central Policestation A motor-garage and cool-storage accommodation are in course of erection at Waikeria borstal Institution, and renovations and repairs were effected to buildings and staff cottages. Renovations and repairs were dealt with at twenty-one buildings. Taumarunui. At Hautu Prison Farm a bathhouse and laundry were completed and a new woolshed erected. Renovations and repairs were attended to at eight buildings. Tauranga.—Renovations and repairs were undertaken at seven buildings. Gisborne. A new residence, two-cell lock-up, garage, and stable were erected at Tikitiki Renovations and repairs were carried out at five buildings, and alterations made to one building. Stratford— New buildings are in course of erection at Waitotara, and a new garage was built at laihape. Renovations and repairs were effected at thirteen buildings, and alterations and additions made to five. Na-pier.—A new police-station with four-cell lock-up is in course of erection at Wairoa and a new police-station and sergeant's residence is being built at Woodville. Renovations and repairs were executed at eight buildings. Wellington.—A. new look-up in concrete was erected at Palmerston North as part of an extensive rebuilding programme. Nelson. —Renovations and repairs were dealt with at seven buildings. Ohristchurch. Renovations and repairs were attended to at twenty-four buildings, and alterations and additions were made to three buildings. Dunedin. Renovations and repairs were undertaken at twenty-two buildings. Additions to the Invercargill Police-station are in hand. Greymouth.—Renovations and repairs were effected at twenty-four buildings. Mental Hospitals. Avondale. Additions to the boiler-house were completed, and extensive renovations and repairs were undertaken. Kingseai.—Four new villas and a store building are well advanced. Two doctors' residences complete with garages were completed. Tokanw,.—Two villas for farm workers are nearing completion, and a new residence for the Medical Superintendent is practically completed. Renovations and repairs were attended to and a new electric refrigerating plant was installed in the butcher's shop. NgawhatuVillas Nos. 4 and 5 were completed, and Villa No. 6is in course of erection. A new cool store is being built, automatic stokers were installed in the boiler-house, and electrical reticulation water service, and drainage. were completed. Sunnyside. A new vegetable-cleaning house is three parts completed, and a grain store was erected. Templeton. A vocational block, together with a tool-shed, was completed. Two new villas were commenced and general maintenance attended to. Seacliff. —General renovations and repairs, alterations, and additions were effected Hokitika.—A residence and garage for the head attendant were erected, large additions made to the laundry, and a new tool-shed was built. A new villa is nearing completion. General maintenance and repairs were undertaken. Education Depabtment. Auckland.—Renovations and repairs were carried out at three homes. Gisborne. Renovations and repairs were executed at two buildings, and alterations and additions were made to one building. Stratford. Additional class-rooms are being built at the New Plymouth Girls' High School Renovations and repairs were dealt with at the Stratford Technical High School, and alterations and additions attended to at the Hawera Technical High School. Napier.-Additionsj were made to the Dannevirke High School, and renovations were undertaken at the Hastings High School. Wellington. Additions were made to the workshops at the Palmerston North Technical School.



Nelson.—At the Richmond Special School for Girls a new annexe is in course of erection, also a drying-room and additions to the laundry. Minor alterations and maintenance work were also attended to. A new Technical block is being built at the Nelson Boys' College, and general maintenance attended to. Christchurch. —Renovations and repairs were effected at five buildings. Dunedin. —Renovations and repairs were carried out at three buildings and additions were made to one building. Health Department. Auckland. —Renovations and repairs were executed at St. Helens Hospital. Christchurch. —Repairs were dealt with at St. Helens Hospital, Christchurch. Dunedin. Miscellaneous renovations were carried out to St. Helens Hospital, Invercargill. Greymouth.—A new cottage for the matron and additions to the Nurses' Home at Greymouth were completed. Defence Department. Whangarei.—Renovations and repairs were undertaken at the Whangarei Drill-hall. Tauranga. —Renovations and repairs were effected at two buildings. Stratford. —Renovations and repairs were carried out at three buildings. Napier. —Renovations and repairs were executed at three buildings. Wellington.—New stables were erected and two contracts were let for defence works. Nelson. —Renovations and repairs were dealt with at two buildings. Christchurch. —A new building for single men was erected at the Burnham Military Camp. At Wigram Aerodrome a residence was erected for the Officer Commanding, and accommodation for forty single men is in course of erection. Renovations and repairs were attended to at two buildings, and alterations and additions were made to one building. Greymouth. —Repairs were effected at three buildings. Department of Agriculture. Auckland.—A poison-mixing plant is being installed at Hamilton. Taumarunui. —Repairs were undertaken at one building. Stratford. —Renovations and repairs were carried out at two buildings. Napier. —Repairs were executed at one building. Nelson— General maintenance was attended to at two buildings. Christchurch. —Renovations and repairs, together with alterations, were undertaken to two Stock Inspectors'residences. Dunedin. —Renovations and repairs were effected at ten buildings. Greymouth. —Additions were made in the Stock Inspector's Office, Greymouth. Tourist Department. Auckland. Extensive interior alterations were completed at the Tourist Office, Auckland, and a neon sign erected. , Taumarunui. —Extensions were made to the Salt Hut at Tongariro, and a commencement was made with the erection of new staff quarters at Chateau Tongariro. At the Waitomo Caves Hostel lock-up garages were erected for six cars, and sundry repairs attended to. Tauranqa.—Alterations and additions were made to the Tourist Department s offices at Rotorua. Napier. Twelve staff cubicles and conveniences were completed at Lake House, Waikaremoana, and a cool store was provided at the hostel. . . r „ i, Christchurch—Extensive alterations were made to the Tourist Department s offices m Christchurch. Dunedin. —Extensive additions were made to the Tourist Hotel, Te Anau. Sundry alterations were attended to at other buildings. Miscellaneous. Whanqarei.—A cottage was erected at the Tautoro Bush Property, Kaikohe, for the Forestry Department. Chimneys of the Public Works Department cottages at Okaihau were renewed m brick. Auckland. —Renovations and repairs were effected to the Customs building Temporary accommodation for the Labour Department, State Eire, National Provident Fund ana Post-office m Hart;s Building High Street, on account of the demolition ot the Shortland Street Post-office, was fitted up. Four cottages were erected for the Lands and Survey Department, and a suite of offices was fitted up for the Government Life Insurance Department. General renovations and repairs were undertaken. Taumarunui. —Extensive alterations and renovations were carried out to the old post-oflice at Taumarunui to accommodate various Government Departments, the old departmental building being now occupied by the Public Works Department. At Te Kuiti the Public Works Department has expanded to occupy all of the departmental buildings, and other Departments are now quartered in rented premises. A surfaceman's cottage was erected at Ongarue. Renovations and repairs were executed to three dwellings for the Public Works Department. Tauranga. —A petrol store was built at Rotorua and additions to the Public Works garage are in hand. Additions were made to the Native Land Court at Rotorua. Gisborne. —Renovations and repairs were dealt with at three buildings.



Stratford.—Renovations and repairs were attended to at four buildings, and alterations and additions were made to four buildings Napier. Alterations were made to the Public Works Department's office, and miscellaneous renovations and repairs were undertaken. Wellington— The parapets and other dangerous ornaments on the Government Printing Office were removed to minimize earthquake risk. The foundations of the Government Life Insurance iiilding were completed, and the erection of the steel-work is well advanced. A new corrugated asbestos roof was laid on the Public Works Department Bulk Store to replace the fabric roofing which had perished. A new lavatory building was erected at the Unemployment Bureau Buckle Street e site for the new departmental buildings in Stout Street was cleared of all old buildings, and a contract was let for the foundations. After a considerable amount of excavation and underpinning had been done the contract was terminated on account of proposals for a larger building. New farm buildings were completed at the Wallaceville Laboratory. Renovations and repairs were carried out to a large number of police-stations, courthouses, post-offices, &c., also alterations to provide and improve office accommodation on account of expanding activities. A considerable increase of work has fallen to the Public Works Department's Workshops, and additions were made to the shops. Nelson. —Alterations, renovations, and repairs were attended to. Christchurch. Extensive additions and alterations were undertaken for the Unemployment Board and new quarters were provided for the Women's Employment Committee. Extensive rearrangements of accommodation were carried out for the various Departments in consequence of the occupation of the State -tire building. Repairs and renovations were dealt with at five buildings. Dunedin. A new office was built for the Public Works Department at Alexandra, and renovations and repairs were attended to. Greymouth.—Five offices were fitted up for the Labour Department, Renovations and repairs were carried out to six buildings. Generally.—Work in connection with the fitting-up of polling-booths for the General Election was attended to. Drapmgs, at short notice, were put up on account of the death of the late King and arrangements made in connection with the proclamation of the new Monarch. John T. MAIE, A.R.1.8.A., Government Architect.





The Chief Electrical Engineer to The Hon. Minister oe Public Works. Sir, — I beg to report on the position of the development of electric power in the Dominion for the past year, as follows : — GENERATIHG-SGHEMES IN OPERATION. NORTH ISLAND ELECTRIC-POWER SYSTEM. 1. Capital Outlay. At the close of the year 1935-36 the total capital outlay was £8,461,193, representing assets in operation, and £173,807, representing assets not in operation, giving a total capital outlay of £8,635,000, and Table II gives an analysis of this amount. 2. Financial Results. The total revenue for the year amounted to £795,391 and working-expenses £144,068, which resulted in a gross profit of £651,323, equal to a return of 7-71 per cent, on the average capital in operation (£8,44-5,737). After paying interest (£408,051), depreciation (£17,591), and the departmental proportion of the capital charges on King's Wharf Station (£38,148) there was a net profit of £187,533. The accumulated loss now stands at £399,315 for the North Island system. Comparative figures for the year ending 31st March, 1935, are as follows : Revenue, £712,766 ; working-expenses, £120,927 ; interest, £414,042 ; depreciation, £150,538 ; and King's Wharf charges, £37,687 —with a net loss of £10,428. The decrease in the depreciation charge from £150,538 in 1935 to £17,591 in 1936 is on account of the amount in the Fund having now reached the statutory 12|-per-cent. limitation, the payment of £17,591 being all that was necessary to augment the Fund to bring it up to the aforementioned limitation. The increase in this year's working-expenses is due mainly to the 7§-per-cent. restoration of salaries and wages, maintenance of roads, maintenance of additional main transmission lines, and general increase of work due to growth of load, together with expansion in the amount of testing work now carried out by the Department. The accumulated Depreciation Reserve and Sinking Funds as at 31st March, 1936, amounted to £1,017,687. Table I gives full particulars of financial results as well as other relevant statistical information. 3. General. The units generated totalled 622,348,529, and to this must be added 236,134 purchased units, making a grand total of 622,584,663 units output for the system. Units actually sold total 563,673,258, and units used for station auxiliaries, &c., total 6,699,031. The number of non-productive or lost units total 52,212,374, equivalent to 8-4 per cent, of total output. The maximum load on the system was 116,800 kw. and the annual load factor 60-85 per cent. The total connected load was 843,209 kw., and the demand factor or ratio of maximum load to connected load was 13-85 per cent.



4. Construction, Operation, and Maintenance. A. HAMILTON DISTRICT. (1) Construction. (a) Power-stations. Arapuni. —The most important work in hand is the extension of the station to take two additional 20,000 kw. units. At the end of the year the main excavation work was about 96-6 per cent, complete, the excavation for piers, &c., about 89 per cent, complete, and the tail-race excavation was complete. The transformers for the extensions (48,000 kv.a. capacity) arrived and were stored at Putaruru. (■b) Substations. Hamilton. —Erection of new 25-ton crane was completed. A new garage and store were built, and a workshop added to the old garage, and extensions were made to the test-room. Henderson. —Earthing-switches and 0.C.8.s were erected on the two incoming 50 kv. circuits, and preliminary work was done for switch-gear for the North Auckland line. Te Awamutu. —A 50 kv. 0.0.8. was installed controlling the outgoing line to Hangatiki. Ngongotaha. —Building of a third cottage was completed. Edgecumbe.—Building of a fourth cottage was started. (c) Transmission-lines. North Auckland Line (50 kv.). —Detailed survey of this line proceeded throughout the greater part of the year. Substation sites were selected at Tahekeroa, Mareretu, and Maungatapere. Cartage of poles was commenced in December, 1935, and erection of poles in February, and, at the end of the year, 100 pole structures (9-8 miles) had been erected. Arapuni-Stratford Line (110 kv.). —Construction of three cottages, garage, and workshop for linemen at Ongarue was completed, and the Tahora depot buildings (two cottages, garage, and workshop) were practically completed. (2) Operation and Maintenance. No. 1 unit at Arapuni being out of service for rewinding the generator, it was necessary to run Horahora continuously throughout the year, and occasional assistance over the winter peak load was obtained from the Penrose Diesel plant from May to July, and from McLaren's Falls from June to August. King's Wharf plant and the Diesel plant had to be run on 19th. December for a short time when a hot terminal necessitated a shut-down on No. 3 unit at Arapuni, and again between 3rd and 7th of February owing to trouble caused by salt on the 110 kv. transmission-lines. The Arapuni and Horahora plants were run normally throughout the year in parallel with Mangahao and Waikaremoana without any difficulty. (a) Power-stations. Arapuni.—Turbines : The lower guide bearing of No. 2 unit was found to have rather large clearance, and was replaced by the spare bearing. The brass sleeves on the pilot distributor valves of Nos. 3 and 4- were found to be worn, and were replaced, and on No. 2 the whole valve was replaced. On No. 4 rings were fitted to the piston of the pilot servomotor. Generators : No. 1 rotor was put in good condition and the stator rewound (after the burn-out on 15th February, 1935) and the unit restored to service on 11th March, 1936. No 2 unit was taken out of service for general overhaul on completion of repairs to No. 1. The brakes on all four units were provided with a new independent air-pipe connection to the compressor. Transformers : Blow-out vents were fitted to the main transformers. One 110 kv. bushing failed in service, and another was found defective and removed, both of them on the 110/50 kv. bank. Switch-gear : New larger 110 kv. bushings were installed in 0.C.8. No. 58. Three 110 kv. pillar insulators failed in service, one of them during a lightning-storm. Nearly all the work of replacing these pillar insulators with others of a better type was completed during the latter part of the year. Two 50 kv. 0.C.8. bushings were found with lower porcelain cones cracked, and were replaced. Horahora. —Generators : Some new coils and laminations were put in on No. 5 generator, which had been damaged by short-circuit late in the previous year, and the unit was restored to service on Bth January, 1936. Transformers : A new 5 kv. winding was installed in one of the 5/50 kv. transformers which had been burnt out on a short-circuit in December, 1934. Switch-gear: New 50 kv. bushings were fitted to the 0.C.8.5, replacing all the old style defective bushings. Seven cracked 50 kv. insulators of old type were replaced. (b) Substations. Penrose. —Sixty eye-b®lts were fitted to strain insulators connected to the structure to strengthen the existing steel cable connections. Two 110 kv. capacitor bushings broke down in service, and one 110 kv. 0.C.8. bushing which caused radio interference was replaced. Bombay. —New de-lon contacts were fitted to the two 50 kv. 0.C.8.5. A 110 kv. 0.C.8. bushing found faulty by a radio-interference detector was replaced.



Waikino. —Two 11 kv. current transformers broke down during the year. A flashover which damaged three 11 kv. insulators and potential transformer fuses was caused by a rat. Hamilton. —An additional feeder was installed by Hamilton Borough to be connected to the 11 kv. switch-gear. The borough's two existing cables are to be paralleled, and the panel thus made available is to be used for the new and larger feeder. An automatic telephone exchange was installed by the Post and Telegraph Department. Huntly.—To enable supply to be given to the new fertilizer-factory, a 1,000 kv.a. three-phase 50/11 kv. transformer from Takapuna substation was installed temporarily, and, with a new 11 kv. switch cubicle, was put in service on Ist February, 1936. Te Awamutu. —A 50 kv. 0.C.8. bushing with cracked porcelain shed was replaced. Hangatiki. —The 50 kv. fuses were removed after installation of a line 0.C.8. at Te Awamutu. The 50/11 kv. transformers were overhauled. (c) Transmission-lines. Seven 50 kv. pin insulators failed in service during the year, five of them being damaged by lightning, and one by flashover caused by a bird, and one being found badly cracked. Also two 110 kv. suspension insulator units were damaged by lightning, and 25 units were damaged by leakage due to salt spray. Three hundred and seventy-four pin insulators (50 kv.) were found defective by live-line testing during the year, and in addition twenty-eight were found defective by inspection. (A further 111 of two kinds which had been found to be liable to failure were replaced.) Of the 50 kv. insulators, 133 were replaced with live-line tools. Thirty-four 52 ft., forty-eight 42 ft., three 38 ft., one 35 ft., one 30 ft., and thirteen 25 ft. poles were found defective and replaced during the year. On a number of poles on different lines holes due to decayed knots or other causes were cleaned out and filled with a bitumen mixture to prevent further decay. On all 110 kv. and 50 kv. lines during the year there were a total of thirty-one outages due to faults on lines, involving outages of the lines on which they occurred of a total time of 170 hours 56 minutes, and, in addition, there were further outages, with a total time of about 300 hours, on the different sections of the Arapuni-Penrose lines due to salt in the severe storm of 2nd to 7th February, 1936. This year's figures are for twenty-eight sections of lines, so that the interruptions average a little more than one per section, with an average time of about six hours to get the section of line ready again for service, and, in almost all cases, there was an alternative means of supply available to consumers. The usual maintenance of lines and access tracks, and examination of insulators and poles, was carried out during the year. Special work on individual lines was as follows Arapuni-Penrose 110 kv. Wood-pole Line. —Following the discovery of a pole with decayed heartwood, all poles on this line were examined for decay by boring small holes right through them. Twenty-seven poles on this line were replaced on account of this defect, and seven for other defects, and several others were strengthened. Penrose-Takapuna 50 kv. Line. —The overhaul and resagging of this line were completed. A number of tower bases were painted where showing signs of rust. Hamilton-Frankton 11 kv. Line. —This line was altered by removing circuits from it which are no longer necessary, and is now a four-circuit line to pole 34 (three circuits for Central Waikato Power Board and one for Public Works Department consumers) and two-circuit from pole 34 to pole 124. On a large number of Post and Telegraph crossings on different lines, double insulators and 7/16 copper wire instead of the existing solid wire were installed to comply with regulations. Salt-storm in February.—After very heavy easterly wind with torrential rain on Saturday night and Sunday morning (Ist and 2nd February, 1936), the rain ceased about noon on Sunday, and the wind changed through north to west and blew heavily all Sunday afternoon from the west without rain. It died down about 8 p.m. From then on the weather was normal, with heavy dews at night, until it rained heavily on Thursday night. The westerly gale on Sunday must have carried inland an enormous quantity of salt, up to a distance of more than twenty miles, as, when dry, the salt was plainly visible on insulators, in the form of flakes not unlike frost, and traces of it could be seen on the ground at the foot of the towers. At 3.46 p.m. on Sunday, all three Arapuni-Penrose circuits tripped out on fault, but the wood-pole line was closed in again normally, and hay found on the tower-line by patrol was considered to be the cause of the trouble, but at 11.50 p.m. all three circuits again tripped out in quick succession, and, shortly after, the structure at Bombay was found to be covered with a slimy coating of salt spray, and all insulators and bushings were sparking violently, owing to the combined effect of dew and salt. About 2 a.m. patrols started from Penrose and Bombay on cleaning insulators, and shortly afterwards linemen from Hamilton started working north from Rangiriri Hills. A summary of the work is as follows : — By Monday at 6 p.m. eighteen men working eighteen hours cleaned insulators on both circuits of the steel-tower line on 167 towers, and at 6.48 p.m. both circuits were livened up from Arapuni to Bombay, and they remained in service until about 4 a.m., when they tripped out automatically due to a flashover. On Tuesday thirty-five men worked twelve hours wiping most of these towers again (it having been found impossible, with the limited gear that can .be carried, to clean off wet salt in one wiping), as well as wiping twenty-six additional towers. At 6.30 p.m. both circuits were made alive to Penrose, and remained alive until they tripped out automatically at 5.27 a.m. on Wednesday.



On Wednesday thirty-five men again worked twelve hours on wiping and patrol and completed the wiping from Rangiriri (Tower 313) to Penrose (Tower 527), also from Kainui (201) to Taupiri (214). At 12.56 p.m. both lines were made alive to Penrose, and were put on load, and there were no further flashovers. On Thursday forty-two men worked twelve hours completing the wiping of the East Circuit (98 towers 215-313) and also wiping on the wood-pole line, while the West Circuit was left on load until 4.15 p.m., when, the East Circuit having been finished, the load was changed over to it. On Thursday night heavy rain obviated the necessity of completing the wiping of the West Circuit, which was left alive all night, and put into normal service at 8 a.m. on Friday. On Friday forty men worked ten hours patrolling and examining insulators on the wood-pole line, and found all but a few traces of salt had been washed off by the rain, and the line was tested and ready for service about 5.30 p.m. In the five days the total number of insulator units cleaned was about 15,000, on 326 towers and 739 poles, on about sixty miles of line between Taupiri and Penrose. Signs of flashover were found on sixty-four strings of insulators, of which six complete strings were replaced, and on fifteen strings the tower (or pole) unit was replaced. Nine lengths of damaged cable have since been replaced, and hay and bark removed from two towers. ('d) Reliability of Supply. At the sixteen major points of supply the average number of accidental interruptions was 12-5, of an average duration of 16-9 minutes, compared with fourteen and twenty-two minutes, and 7-5 and 5-5 minutes for the two previous years. In addition, the average number of pre-arranged interruptions for repairs, &c., was 5-9, of an average duration of 1 hour 48 minutes, compared with 5-6 and 1 hour 40 minutes, and 4-1 and 1 hour 15 minutes for the two previous years. B. PALMERSTON NORTH DISTRICT. 1. Construction. (a) POWER-STATIONS. Mangahao Power-house and Headworks.—The new gate winches at the surge chamber were installed and lifting-tests carried out on them. In the meantime, all the necessary control circuits have been completed with the exception of the tripping-circuit. The contacts of the tripping-devices to be installed on the pipe-lines are being altered from the mercury-in-glass type to a mechanical type in order to eliminate the possibility of mal-operation during earthquakes. The extensions to the surgechamber and the new winch-house were also completed during the year. Cottages. —Good progress is being made by the contractor with the erection of seven new staff cottages and additional single men's quarters in the village at Mangaore. Waikaremoana Power-house and Headworks.—At Onepoto construction was commenced on the lake-control scheme, a camp being established and service transformers installed for the camp and construction plant. This work has, however, been suspended for the present. In the village good progress is being made by the contractor with the erection of eight new cottages for staff accommodation, and it is anticipated that these will be completed in six weeks' time. (b) SUBSTATIONS. Khandallah. —In connection with the additions to be made to the outdoor switch-gear, three new cantilevers have been erected, and the motor-operating gear has been installed for the transformer air-break switches. Melling.—Three new single-phase auto-transformers have been dried out and connected into service : these will facilitate the regulation of the voltage on the 11 kv. bus-bars of the substation. Paraparaumu. —This is a new substation and, to date, the switch-room and two cottages have been completed, while the rest of the equipment —transformers, switch-gear, &c. —is on order. Bunnythorpe. —The new 110 kv. 0.C.8. disconnects and air-break switch, together with the necessary double-line relays, were put into service on the Bunnythorpe-Woodville duplicate line. Marton. —110 kv. liquid fuses were installed for the purpose of transformer protection. Wanganui. —The erection of the steelwork for the fourth bay at Wanganui has been completed, as well as the new line 0.C.8. and its corresponding air-break switch. The 0.C.8. for a new 4,500 kv.a. transformer bank has been erected, and the new transformers have been dried out and the necessary concrete pads installed. Hawera. —Considerable trouble has been experienced here in the past due to blown lightningarrester fuses, and the lightning-arresters have now been replaced by a more modern type. Stratford. —Construction work at this substation has now been completed. The condenser was dried out and put into service, and a 25 kv.a. local service transformer installed. New Plymouth.—As at Hawera, the lightning-arresters, of an obsolete type, have now been replaced by a modern design. Woodville. —With the completion of the duplicate line to Bunnythorpe, the outdoor structure was reconstructed. In order to do this a by-pass was erected round the northern and southern sides of the substation, the Masterton line being supplied directly from Bunnythorpe. A point of interest with regard to this work is that new eye-bolts on the Mangamaire and Dannevirke sides of the structure were fitted with the line alive. These replaced shorter ones in order to give greater clearance between the air-break switch bases and the 0.C.8. jumpers.



(c) TRANSMISSION-LINES. Melling-Masterton.—The location and survey of the transmission and telephone lines was practically completed by the end of June. The final location of the portion of the transmission-line crossing the Rimutaka Range was checked by an aeroplane flight over the route, this being the only feasible method of ensuring that the best route had been selected over very broken country. Bunnythorpe-Woodville. —The duplicate line between Bunnythorpe and Woodville was completed and put into service during the year. Tuai-Gisborne.—The duplication of the Tuai-Ruakituri section of this line is well advanced, thirteen out of seventeen miles of poles being erected. Wiring is to be commenced almost immediately, and it is anticipated that the line will be ready for service in October, 1936. General. —Owing to the unsatisfactory nature of the pole foundations on the Tuai-Ruakituri duplication, a considerable amount of work was carried out in order to decide on a satisfactory method of guying the poles, and a suitable design has now been approved. (d) TELEPHONE SYSTEM. Owing to the risk of lengthy disruption of telephone communication which may be occasioned by gales and earthquakes, a decision was made to install radiophone transmitting and receiving-sets at Mangahao and Tuai Power-houses. After much investigation the receivers at both power-houses have now been installed in permanent locations, and fairly satisfactory communication is obtained except in the middle of the day, when reception is poor at either end. The question of increasing the power of the transmitting-sets is being considered. A double-circuit line was run on railway property between the new offices at Palmerston North and Bunnythorpe Substation. The telephone board at Bunnythorpe was completely reconstructed, and automatic selector equipment added, so that the new office now has instantaneous access by telephone to all parts of the system and vice versa, two conversations being possible simultaneously. (e) TESTING. In conjunction with the shifting of the district office to Palmerston North, the test-room, was shifted from its old location in the Power-house at Mangahao to more spacious quarters on the ground floor of the new office. Shortly after the shift to Palmerston North, the new testing-equipment came to hand, and has been put into operation. This equipment, which includes current and potential generators with sine wave characteristics, greatly facilitates the testing of meters and relays. In connection with the expansion of the activities of the testing staff in the field, designs were prepared for a new transport-vehicle, which has now come to hand. This vehicle includes special compartments so that the various instruments may be carried conveniently, in addition to providing ample space for loose equipment. 2. Operation and Maintenance. (a) Power-stations. Mangahao Power-house and Headworks. —As a result of the wet season the water-supply was well maintained during the year. At No. 1 dam the rainfall amounted to 175-04 in., rain being recorded on 216 days. A particularly wet period was experienced towards the end of October, and the Arapeti Dam overflowed for the first time since the system went into operation, water flowing ofer the crest to a depth of 8 in. The total amount of waste water recorded for the year at No. 2 dam was 10,628,000,000 cubic feet. The access road was blocked on numerous occasions by slips, some of which were of considerable magnitude, and during the gale on the 2nd February, 1936, many large trees were blown across the road. The telephone and indicator lines between Nos. 1 and 2 dams suffered very severely and had to be completely dismantled. A new line is being erected on the same poles as the power-supply. The General Branch established a camp at the headworks, and, after erecting a new reinforcedconcrete bridge at Tramline Creek, proceeded with the work of concreting the Cushion Pool below No. 2 dam. In spite of indifferent weather, the work proceeded smoothly and was completed early in April. Sandblasting of the bus-pipes in the power-house was completed and Nos. 1, 2, and 3 turbines and governors were completely overhauled. Comprehensive governor tests were then carried out on all three machines, the generators being loaded on the test tank for the purpose. In continuance of the policy of improving the working-conditions in the switch-gallery, a soundproof cover has been fitted over the voltage regulators. Investigations were also made with regard to the lighting, and these resulted in a big improvement being effected by excluding all direct daylight, thus reducing very considerably the glare from the black polished panels and the glass faces of the instruments. Following the removal of the district office to Palmerston North, the old office building was converted into a social hall, while the old test-room in the power-house building was fitted up as a storeroom. Work was continued on the strengthening of the power-house earthing-system, which is being brought up to present-day standards. Wailcaremoana Power-house and Headworks. —Due to a very wet season, the lake has been at a higher average level this year than for many previous years. The lake-level in August, 1935, was just under 2,020 ft., and the lake level varied over a range of 7 ft. during the year. The average measured discharge was 590 cusecs, and the rainfall for the year 87-78 in.


D. —1.

During the storm in February, 1936, the surge-chamber gate control lines swung together, causing the surge-chamber gate to drop. The push-buttons in the gate-control house have been covered with glass eases, to prevent accidental operation. The control-room has been silenced by lining the walls with insulating board and putting in double windows, and in order to maintain adequate ventilation a 24-in. fan was installed in the roof and slots opened up in the floor. New lighting fittings were installed, the average intensity of illumination being increased from two and a half to seven foot-candles in the centre of the room. Test switches have been installed to test the various circuit-breaker trip circuits. A fault on a 110 kv. air-break switch revealed that under certain conditions the indicating lights did not show the true position of the switch-arm, and accordingly new auxiliary switches are being installed to take care of this. Over-voltage relays have been installed to protect the main generators. In the outdoor station new sleepers were laid in the centre traverser track, and schemes were prepared for lighting the outdoor structure and erecting screens to protect workmen while near high tension apparatus. (b) SUBSTATIONS. Khandallah.—One 110 kv. capacitor bushing failed, but was taken out of service without causing an interruption. All capacitor bushings have now been fitted with new porcelain rain-sheds. One single-phase unit from the main transformer banks was taken out of service during the year for inspection. The core and windings were lifted out and found to be in excellent condition after eleven years' service, no trace of sludge or moisture being found. At the same time, the oil was renewed in the high-tension bushings, and the low-tension bushings were overhauled. New inverse time overload relays were fitted on the east and west. 11 kv. transformer 0.C.8.5, and on the Wellington City Nos. 1 and 2 feeder Other work done includes the following : Repairs were carried out to the regulator rotor of the Testing transformer, the pilot-lighting of the 11 kv. switch-gear was changed over from D.C. to A.C., and an automatic relay installed, and a new recording K.V.A.H. and K.W.H. meter was installed on the railway feeder. The test-tank for bushings was fitted with immersion heaters in order to carry out tests in hot oil. Melting. —On the 26th May, lightning struck and caused severe damage to one single-phase unit of the transformer bank. The tank burst, allowing the oil to escape, and the windings were destroyed by fire. A new transformer unit without radiators and fittings was ordered, and has been dried out as a spare, being fitted with radiators and other serviceable parts from the damaged unit. At the same time new windings were ordered for the damaged unit and will be fitted to the undamaged core. The old tank was repaired, and will be used as a storage-tank for the reconditioned coils when these are dried out. During a flood in the Hutt River, the substation site was flooded, the water rising to the level of the lower workshop floor. On another occasion a serious flashover took place on the Ilutt Valley Power Board's 11 kv. structure, shattering a number of insulators. Bunnythorpe.—A synchroscope has been installed for the purpose of paralleling the system on the bus-tie 0.C.8., and gear has been installed so that when both bus-tie switches are open, single-line protection will be on the two Bunnythorpe-Mangahao lines. Marton* —A 110 kv. transformer bushing which gave a low megger reading was changed, and the tripping battery and D.C. wiring overhauled. Wanganui. —Repairs were carried out to No. 5 air-break switch, and the traverser track and truck were overhauled in readiness for the installation of the new transformer bank. Hawera. —Interruptions to supply were caused on two occasions during lightning storms. On the first occasion all three lightning-arrester fuses were blown, and on the second one fuse was blown. Stratford. —On the 13th and 14th April a heavy deposit of salt was left on the structure during a storm, necessitating the cleaning of the whole structure. The metering-equipment on the Arapuni tie-line has been modified to measure the kw. demand in both directions. New Plymouth. —No trouble was experienced here during the year, except on one occasion when all three lightning-arrester fuses were blown during a lightning-storm in the district. Masterton. —During the gale on the 2nd February, 1936, an earthquake release clamp came adrift, allowing a 110 kv. lead to one transformer to fall on the conservator tank, but no damage resulted. Mangamaire. —A new armature was installed in the operating motor of the 110 kv. 0.C.8. Following low megger tests, this 0.C.8. was taken out of service and the bushings, pull-rods, and tanks were dried out, and at the same time provision was made for draining the oil from the bushings. Woodville. —During the reconstruction of the substation, new post insulators were fitted to the air-break switches. Dannevirke. —Eighteen defective post insulators and four switch units were changed on the structure, and a spare 110 kv. bushing was modified so that it can be readily emptied of oil. Waipawa. —The metering-equipment was transferred from a panel on the 11 kv. switch-gear to a new swinging panel mounted on the wall, and new meters and relays were installed on No. 1 transformer panel. Napier. —Four faulty bushings and one faulty cable-box were taken out of service for overhaul before any interruption to supply occurred. A number of faulty switch and post insulators on the structure were also replaced.


D. —1.

Wairoa.—No trouble was experienced here during the year. Gisborne. —Due to a series of faults on the Poverty Bay Power Board's system, the earthing reactor burnt out and had to be rewound. (c) Transmission-lines. (i) 110 lev. Mangaore-Khandallah Duplicate Line. —The special maintenance gang has been occupied on this line during the year. A very considerable amount of maintenance work has been carried out, including refitting and shortening poles, changing insulators, and other miscellaneous work. Stiffening of all towers on this line has been completed, and a cross-arm on tower 58, which failed while changing insulators, was repaired. During the month of October, 1935, a flood in the Ohau River washed out one transmission-line pole and a flood in the Waikanae River endangered two poles, necessitating urgent protective work being carried out. Subsequently, four poles at the Ohau River were replaced by two piled poles, there being sufficient clearance to eliminate two poles altogether. Similarly, at the Waikanae River, two double poles were replaced by two piled double poles, and two single poles were piled. On the telephone-line a deviation had to be made near Paekakariki to avoid peat fires in the swamp. Two poles were replaced at the Ohau River by one piled pole and a deviation made at the Waikanae River after the October floods, three of the poles in the new line being piled. As a result of these alterations, some six miles of galvanized-iron wire were replaced by copper-weld, and all dry joints were soldered. During the gale on the 2nd February, 1936, no trouble was experienced on the west line, but three faults occurred on the east line. In the vicinity of Waikanae and Waitohu branches of trees were blown across the line, while near Mangahao Power-house a conductor was broken by the gale. In addition, a fairly large number of poles were loosened in the ground and were found to have a lean towards the west; these were subsequently straightened and re-rammed. On the telephone-line most of the trouble was caused by trees or branches being blown across the line, breaking the conductors in several places. Several poles were pulled out of line near Waikanae, a lightning-arrester insulator was broken at Potts Road telephone-hut, and a quantity of hay was blown into the line near Ohau and Manakau. The gale was evidently less severe on the southern section, as no trouble was experienced on the main line south of Waikanae and on the telephone-line south of Paraparaumu. Poles replaced : 17 transmission-line and 20 telephone-line. Poles dismantled : 10 transmission-line and 6 telephone-line. New poles erected : 8 transmission-line and 9 telephone-line. Broken main line conductors : 1. Khandallah-Melling.—The usual maintenance work was carried out on this line, no trouble being experienced during the year. Mangaore-Bunnythorpe Duplicate Line.—Protective work was carried out at the Manawatu River, and strengthening work was completed on the two river towers and. the four towers at Mangaore. During the storm on the 2nd February a conductor was broken by flying material on the west line near Linton ; otherwise the damage was confined to poles being blown out of plumb, and a number of hanger brackets which were blown up and had to be readjusted after the storm. The telephone-line suffered considerably during this gale, two poles being broken, Victoria telephone-hut wrecked, and Wliitmore telephone-hut being blown off its foundations. Poles replaced : 6 telephone-line. Broken poles : 2 telephone-line. Main-line conductors broken : 1. Bunnythorpe-Marton- Wanganui.—Protective work was carried out at the Oroua River crossing, and poles "were inspected for sun cracks. No damage was done to the main line by the gale on the 2nd February. A large amount of damage was done to the telephone-line during February's gale, due to trees failing on the line ; at the Wangaehu River crossing the wires were tangled, presumably by a tree coming down the river, which was in high flood. Poles replaced : 2 telephone-line. Poles broken : 1 telephone-line (broken by car). Wanganui-Hawera-Stratford.—During a lightning-storm on the 18th October, 1935, a considerable amount of damage was done to the main transmission and telephone lines. On two structures the damage was mainly confined to shattered insulators, while on a third structure, in addition to shattered insulators, one pole was split. A post unit on the Waverley air-break switch which had probably been damaged by a rifle-bullet was replaced and the steelwork scraped and painted. Earthing-mats were fitted to the Wanganui River towers. No damage was caused by the high winds on the 2nd February. * After the lightning-storm mentioned above, one pole and six crossarms had to be replaced. Poles replaced : 2 telephone-line. Stratford-Pohokura. —No trouble was experienced on this line during the year. The telephone-line was deviated to provide better clearance at the Toko rifle range, and five binders had to be replaced after the storm on the 2nd February. Bunnythorpe-Woodville. —No trouble was experienced on the existing west line, and all towers on this line have now been strengthened.



After the gale on the 2nd February, nearly all the poles on the recently erected east line were found to have a lean and had to be straightened and rammed. The existing west line was undamaged. The telephone-line was very badly damaged during February's gale' and had to be practically reconstructed. In addition, the Summit telephone-hut was blown over and wrecked. All dry joints on the telephone-line were soldered and the Summit and Ruahine telephone-huts were wired down. Poles replaced : 2 transmission-line and 10 telephone-line. Poles broken : 2 telephone-line. Woodville-Mangamaire- Masterton.—The special maintenance gang completed the overhaul of this line during the year. A large number of poles were replaced, refitted, or had other maintenance carried out on them. The Manawatu and Waingawa River towers were strengthened, and the earth wire was removed from. Masterton Substation northwards. Little damage was done on this line by the gale on the 2nd February. One main-line pole was blown nearly over, and had to be straightened, otherwise the line was undamaged. Poles replaced : 19 transmission-line and 11 telephone-line. Poles broken : 1 telephone-pole. Woodville-pannevirke-Waipawa-Napier. —The special maintenance gang has nearly completed the overhaul of this line, a small amount of work remaining to be done in the vicinity of Dannevirke. River-protection work was carried out at the Avoca River. The removal of earth wire on this line has been completed with the exception of that on the north side of Waipawa, which has been left to operate the wind-gauge. Bracing has been completed on all towers on this section, and non-standard insulator strings converted to standard strings. No damage was experienced during the gale of the 2nd February. During the storm of the 2nd February many trees were blown across the telephone-line, crossarms and conductors being broken. Poles replaced : 46 transmission-line and 2 telephone-line. Poles dismantled : 1 telephone-line. New poles erected : 2 transmission-line. Napier-Tuai Duplicate Line. —Both lines have been overhauled, and earth resistance at all towers reduced to 10 ohms. During the overhaul of the east line a large number of broken cable strands were found in clamps, especially at weighted positions. The position seemed, so serious that, during the overhaul of the west line, a very detailed examination was made and the results analysed. Although there were more breaks at suspension positions, the percentage of breaks was greatest for weighted positions, no breaks being found at strain towers. Check tests of the tension were made showing that the line was slightly over-tensioned. Following the detailed results from the west line, comprehensive tests were carried out with two objects in view namely, to determine the effect of festoon dampers, and to determine as nearly as possible the exact nature of vibrations at weighted positions. An experimental span was fitted up on which vibrations of any desired frequency could be produced by means of a mechanical device. The results of these tests have been analysed, and consideration is now being given to the problem of overcoming the effect of vibration at the clamps. (ii) 50, kv. Stratford-New Plymouth.—After the gale in February, twenty-seven poles, two of which were blown nearly over, had to be straightened and rammed. Tuai-Gisborne.—Pole 385 was removed, due to ground slipping, and, following trouble due to contacts between the telephone-wire and one phase of the transmission-line during a high wind, a span breaker was put in between poles 28 and 29, and the telephone-wires were lowered between poles 33 and 34. Another interruption was due to an opossum coming into contact with the main line. An outage of eighteen hours occurred following the gale on the 2nd February. Subsequent investigations support the theory that the outage was due to a broken insulator on the 50 kv. airbreak switch at Gisborne. At the time, however, considerable difficulty was experienced in patrolling the line in an attempt to discover the cause of the outage due to the stormy conditions and lack of telephone communication. The line suffered no damage, however, and power was restored after the Poverty Bay Power Board had carried out temporary repairs to its system. On the telephone-line fuses were blown at Tuai, Ruakituri, Hangaroa, and Gisborne, due to induced current in the telephone-line. Near Hangaroa the conductors were cut by a sheet of iron blown against the line by the gale. Poles dismantled : 1 transmission-line. New poles erected : 1 telephone-line. Tuai-Wairoa.—An interruption of fourteen hours was caused by a pole breaking during the gale of the 2nd February, otherwise the line gave satisfactory operation during the year. Poles replaced : 3 transmission-line. Poles broken : 1 transmission-line. (iii) 11 kv. No trouble, was experienced on 11 kv. lines during the year, the only interruption due to trouble on these lines being caused by a piece of hoop-iron which came into contact with the Hutt Valley feeders. A number of poles on these feeders had to be straightened after the storm on the 2nd February.



(iv) General. (1) Lightning-storms. —Eight lightning-storms were experienced during the year, seven of which caused interruptions to supply. Four affected apparatus at substations ; one near Hawera caused several insulators to flash over on the Hawera-Wanganui line and damaged the telephone-line ; one near Khandallah caused a total interruption on the two Mangahao-Khandallah lines, but caused no damage ; while the seventh tripped the Mangahao-Bunnythorpe west line, but caused no damage. The other lightning-storm occurred on the Arapuni-Stratford line, but caused no interruption to supply to any consumer. (2) Special Maintenance Work. —During the year the " live-line " gang carried out the following work with the line alive : 64 poles were replaced, 94 poles lowered, 196 poles refitted, crossarms on 64: poles overhauled, and 123 insulators changed. In addition to the above-mentioned maintenance work, the following special work was carried out under live-line conditions :— A damaged isolating-link at Woodville was repaired alive, and at the same substation the eye-bolts at the terminals of the Dannevirke and Mangamaire lines were replaced by longer ones. During the reconstruction at Woodville jumpers were removed and later replaced to give clearance for work on the structure. At Mangamaire jumpers from the line to the isolating-links of the 0.C.8. were removed and later replaced in order to give clearance for work on the 0.C.8. bushings. At Bunnythorpe the 11 kv. leads from a pothead to the Manawatu-Oroua Power Boards' lines were removed alive and later reconnected. Experimental work was carried out to check a method of testing post insulators by the buzzstick method, and subsequently the post insulators at Dannevirke and Waipawa were tested by this method. The other special maintenance gang was employed on the Mangaore-Khandallah line during the year, and worked under " dead-line " conditions. (3) Khandallah High-tension Testing-set. —The usual retests were made at Khandallah of all insulators found " dud " by the buzz-stick tests and removed from the line. In addition to these, the following special tests were made during the year : — Flashover and thermal cycle tests were made on sixteen units submitted for test; porosity tests were made on some fifty kv. pin-type insulators, and several post insulators were submitted to a 50-cycle power test under salt conditions. An 11 kv. strain insulator submitted by a supply authority was tested for wet and dry flashover at 50 cycles, and some 33 kv. pin-type insulators were submitted to a flashover test. (.d) TELEPHONE-LINES. In order to reduce the number of vibration breaks which were occurring on the cadmium-copper sections of the telephone-lines, cork dampers were fitted on all sections, and, with the exception of one break which occurred very shortly after the installation of the dampers, the trouble has ceased. (e) TELEPHONE SYSTEM. Investigation Work. —Measurements of the induced voltages occurring on the telephone-lines during earth faults on the power-lines were carried out, and these will serve as a basis for rationalizing the degree of insulation required and the system of protection against damage to apparatus and acoustic shock to operators. General. —The enclosure and sound-proofing of the control-rooms at Tuai and Mangahao Powerhouses has been completed, and, as a result, the receiving and transmitting conditions have been greatly improved. (/) TESTING. Maintenance tests on all relays and metefing equipments were carried out in accordance with the six-monthly testing schedule. A large number of special tests were carried out in the test-room and in the field. These included tests on the telephone system and apparatus, and the calibration and testing of meters and substandards for various supply authorities. Following the mal-operation of No. 6 0.C.8. at Khandallah, an investigation was made and tests were made on the east line capacitor bushings. A number of tests were made, and a method was developed to obtain comparative tests between good and bad bushings, these tests being made with the apparatus in service. (g) GENERAL. Load. —Standby stations were called on to supply power to the Department on four occasions. The New Plymouth Borough Council supplied 5,060 units, the Taranaki Power Board supplied 10,136 units, and the Wellington City Council generated 54,826 units at the Department's request, and 19,388 units were supplied back to Khandallah Substation. The maximum load on the system was 55,120 kw., as compared with 53,010 kw. for last year, an increase of 4 per cent. The total output was 274,728,861 units, as compared with 260,499,714 for last year, an increase of 5.5 per cent. The annual load factor was 56-7 per cent, for this year, as against 56-1 per cent, for last year.

5—D. 1.



During the year the Mangahao-Waikaremoana system was operated in parallel with the Arapuni system, and the following figures relate to the interchange of power between the two systems :— Units taken from the Arapuni system totalled 38,414,250 for this year, as against 51,889,765 for last year, while this year 319,901 units were supplied back to the Arapuni system. The maximum demand on the Arapuni system was 19,800 kw., as against 23,160 kw. last year. Reliability of Supply. —During the year there were seventy-four faults causing interruptions to consumers, forty-one of which originated on the Department's system and thirty-three occurred on consumers' systems. Due to faults on the Department's system, supply to Khandallah Substation was interrupted on six occasions during the year, of a total duration of fourteen minutes. On one further occasion, while urgent repairs were being carried out on the Mangahao-Khandallah transmission-line, Khandallah Substation was being supplied from the Wellington City Council's station at Evans Bay. During this period an interruption to supply of thirty-four minutes occurred to the other consumers supplied from Khandallah, owing to trouble on the Wellington City Council's system. The average number of interruptions to each of the nineteen consumers was eight, faults on the Department's system being responsible for an average of five interruptions per consumer. The average duration of each interruption was thirty-five minutes, but, excluding ten major interruptions, this average is reduced to 5-4 minutes. Four of these major interruptions were caused by the gale on the 2nd February, 1936. Storm on the 2nd February, 1936. —On the 2nd February a storm of unprecedented magnitude was experienced over a wide area, covering most of the Mangahao-Waikaremoana system. The greatest wind intensity was felt in the Manawatu-Oroua and Horowhenua districts, including Palmerston North, where plantations were levelled and many roofs torn off. In certain parts of the Managahao headworks practically all the large trees were levelled to the ground, and a large amount of damage was done to the telephone and indicator lines by these falling trees. In the staff village at Mangaore the telephone and local service lines suffered severely, and severe damage was done to the young plantations and to the cottage fences. Details of the damage to individual lines have been given under their respective headings. With the exception of that due to a broken pole on the Tuai-Wairoa line, all interruptions were due to branches of trees and building material being blown across the transmission-lines. A considerable amount of tree-cutting has since been done, so that the telephone and transmission systems should be reasonably free from similar troubles in the future. On the transmission-lines a great deal of work had to be done after the storm in straightening poles which were leaning over, particularly on the newly erected Bunnythorpe-Ashhurst section, where the ground had not had time to consolidate properly. No trouble whatever was experienced on the sections where the lines are carried on steel towers. The telephone-line also suffered severely from falling trees. The worst section was the doublecircuit line between Bunnythorpe and Woodville, where long plantations of trees crashed across the lines, reducing them to a mass of wreckage. These lines had to be practically rebuilt. A serious feature was the extensive disorganization of the communication system, but fortunately no serious interruption to supply was experienced as a result of this. As the Post and Telegraph Department's system was also seriously disorganized, communication between Mangahao and Tuai had to be maintained by radio during the storm. This was not altogether satisfactory owing to the poor reception experienced during the daylight hours. In order to meet such an emergency in the future, a scheme is now being investigated with a view to installing small emergency radio-transmitting sets at each substation. By this means communication will be possible at all times from substation to substation. In addition to the trouble experienced on the Department's system, very considerable damage was caused on most supply authorities' systems, resulting in extensive interruptions to supply. Accordingly, as soon as the necessary repairs had been carried out on the Department's system, assistance was given by the two special maintenance gangs to the Horowhenua, Manawatu-Oroua, Dannevirke, and Tararua Power Boards, and to the Palmerston North City Council. The assistance of these skilled linemen undoubtedly contributed very materially towards the restoration of electricity-supply in the stormstricken areas with a minimum of delay. I would like to pay a tribute to the work of the staff, and particularly to the linemen for their work during and after the storm on the 2nd February, 1936. Transfer of District Office.—During the year, the district office was moved from Shannon to the new office building in Palmerston North, and the transfer was carried out expeditiously with very little interruption to the office routine. The working-conditions have been considerably improved for the staff by the more commodious quarters and better lighting and heating in the new office. Moreover greater efficiency is obtained, from an administrative point of view, by the accommodation of the whole of the office staff, stores, and test-room in the same building. SOUTH ISLAND ELECTRIC-POWER SYSTEM. The year ending 31st March, 1936, represents the twenty-first year of operation of the Lake Coleridge undertaking, and the first complete year of operation of the Waitaki Power-station. Since January, 1936, the Dunedin City Corporation plant at Waipori has also been in parallel with the Department's system, and this has led to a peculiar position regarding the annual returns. On one occasion a failure of the Waipori supply threw the major part of the Dunedin load on the Department's system for a few hours, and during this time the maximum system output of 40,100 kw. was registered. Apart



from this isolated peak, the normal peak load was 36,780 kw., and, as we did not derive any revenue from the additional load, the use of the figure of 40,100 kw. would nullify any real comparison between the figures for this and previous years. Therefore, the figure of 36,780 kw. has been adopted as the maximum system load for the period under review. 1. Capital Outlay. The capital outlay at 31st March was £4,460,382, of which assets to the value of £18,075 were not in operation. 2. Financial Results. The total revenue for the year was £245,258, and working-expenses £53,900, which made a gross profit of £191,358, equal to a return of 4-32 per cent, on the average capital outlay in operation (£4 431 949). ' The interest charge for the year was £177,217, an increase of £79,425 on 1934-35, owing to the Waitaki assets being in operation for the full year. An amount of £65,609 was transferred from the General Reserve Fund to enable the full appropriation to be made for the Depreciation Reserve. No funds were available for sinking fund this year, the deficiency to this account was £53,493 at 31st} March The accumulated Depreciation Reserve and sinking funds at 31st March, 1936, amounted to £659,116, and the General Reserve Fund to £175,809. Table I gives full particulars of financial results, as well as other relevant statistical information. The detailed operating-costs (Table III) shows that the total costs per unit generated for the year were 0-075 d., compared with 0-057 d. for the previous year. The increase in working-expenses is due mainly to the 7i-per-cent. restoration of salaries and wages, and the operation of Waitaki Station. Table V shows the gross financial results of the distribution of energy of the South Island electricpower system and of the supply authorities and consumers who are supplied by it. 3. General. The total units generated was 170,516,380, representing an increase of 12-67 per cent, on those for last year Of these units, 149,698, 738 were sold, while 3,329,480 were otherwise accounted for. The balance, representing losses, totalled 17,488,162 units, or 10-25 per cent, of the units generated. The maximum system load increased from 32,540 kw. to 36,780 kw., an increase of 13 per cent. ; although, as previously explained, an isolated peak of 40,100 kw. was registered. Based on 36,780 kw., the annual load factor was 52-7 per cent. _ The connected-load return shows a big increase, but this is largely due to the inclusion ol the figures for the Dunedin City Corporation. Apart from this, however, the figures for the Chnstchurch City Council show a marked increase. The actual connected-load totals 355,840 kw., compared wit i 249,847 kw. for last year. The demand factor based on 36,780 kw. has fallen from. 13-05 per cent, to 10-32 per cent. 4. Construction, Operation, and Maintenance. (1) Construction. (a) Power-stations. Lake Coleridge Power-station.—There was practically no construction work done during this year, with the exception of the installation of an induction-regulator for use on the local service supply. This installation is not quite completed. _ Waitaki Power-station.—The main part of this station was completed prior to the period under review but minor additions were made consisting of the installation of No. 2 telephone-exchange , meters in staff cottages ; fencing around the 110 kv. lightning-arresters; and handrails m the powerhouse. A 32-volt lighting system was put into operation in the top gallery of the dam. The new hydraulic recorders for registering the lake and tail-race level were received and erected. The temporary 66/11 kv. substation through which power was supplied during construction was dismantled. (6) Substations. AMington Substation.—The 66 kv. lightning-arresters were dismantled from the three incoming 66 kv lines, one set being re-erected near the steel structure and connected to the bus-bars. The new lighting standards associated with the outdoor structure were erected and put into service, with very satisfactory results. . . . . Another two bays were added to the stores building, owing to the increasing demand lor storage Substation.—Two new cottages were built for the accommodation of linesmen. Point Substation.—Extensive alterations are in progress at this substation, due to the dismantling of the line to Ashburton. In future this substation will be unattended. Ashburton Substation.—The two new cottages were commenced, but as yet have not been comPlet6 Good progress was made with the installation of the 11 kv. metal-clad switch-gear, the bulk of which was transferred from Timaru Substation. This switch-gear with its control panels is nearly rebuild Qne of tlle line terminal structures in order to accommodate the new line from Hororata, as the poles of the old structure showed signs of decay.




Timaru Substation.—The 11 kv. switch-gear transferred from Addington was completed and put into service on 23rd June, 1935, the old substation being disconnected on the 30th June. The old 11 kv. switch-gear was dismantled and part forwarded to Oamaru and the balance to Ashburton. The 66 kv. relay system was finally completed and put into service. The two original cottages were connected to the sewerage system, and are being supplied with power from the new substation. Glenavy Substation.—A third concrete cottage was erected during the year for the accommodation of a lineman. All overhead services were replaced with underground cables. The fencing round the structure was completed, while the layout and levelling of the section were further improved. Oamaru Substation.—Two further cottages were erected, and the storm-water drainage was extended. The 11 kv. switch-gear from Timaru was re-erected, together with the necessary control panels. Control panels for the 110 kv. "lines were installed. Two more 110 kv. oil-circuit breakers were put into service. An induction-regulator, transferred from Addington, and the new 11 kv. switch-gear were put into service on 9th February, 1936. Half-way Bush Substation.—This station was essentially complete and was ready to supply power on Ist April, 1935, but the Dunedin City Corporation did not take load until the 28tli April. Minor work was done, including the erection of local service panels, extensions to drainage, fencing, and levelling of section. (c) Transmission-lines. The olcl 11 kv. southern feeder from Addington to Stoddart's Corner was replaced by a 33 kv. line. This line is built for a double circuit, but only one set of conductors has been run at present. The Banks Peninsula Power Board is now supplied direct from Addington at 33 kv. This year saw the removal of part of the first 66 kv. transmission-line to Timaru—the section between Point Substation and Ashburton. A new 110 kv. line (operating at 66 kv.) was built from Hororata to Ashburton, and this necessitated the removal of the Point-Ashburton line, which it was designed to supersede. The new line has been completed, but has not yet been put into service. (d) Telephone System. This year has seen the development of the trunk telephone system, which runs, wherever possible, on railway poles. The circuits brought into operation are as follows : — Addington-Bankside-Hororata-Lake Coleridge. A ddi ngton-Ashburton. Ashburton-Timaru. Timaru-Glenavy—Oamaru (previously in service). Oamaru-Dunedin. The result is that clear speech is possible from one end of the system to the other, and there is freedom from the noise usually associated with power-line telephones. Another innovation is the use of weatherproof telephones instead of the usual huts and telephones. The absence of high induced voltages on the telephone system also permits the omission of insulating transformers and drainage coils, with a consequent improvement in speech transmission. (e) Testing. This branch of the Department's activities has had a heavy year, due to the fact that construction work was proceeding right through the system, and has been responsible for the design and development of the substation control panels, transformer tapping switches, and for the testing of all equipment prior to its being put into service. This latter work has involved much travelling and long hours for the staff, as their work is of a very specialized nature and cannot be delegated. (/) Survey. The plans of the Oamaru-Dunedin 110 kv. line were finally corrected and traced. A complete survey of the 110 kv. Hororata-Ashburton line was made, and also of the AddingtonStoddart's Corner 33 kv. line. The Bankside - Lake Coleridge telephone-line was located and pegged. Some survey work was done in connection with the taking of further land at Ashburton. Apart from the above, general office work and a considerable amount of work relating to easements on the Oamaru-Dunedin line was undertaken. Preliminary data was obtained for the Coleridge to Arthur's Pass 66 kv. line. (2) Operation and Maintenance. General. —During the first few months of parallel operation a certain amount of trouble was experienced, due to difficulties with the voltage-regulators and excitation system at Waitaki. This, combined with the incomplete state of the relay system and with the lack of direct telephonic communication between Coleridge and Waitaki, resulted in several interruptions to the southern substations, but with the correction of the regulators, the completion of the relay scheme, and particularly the completion of the trunk telephone, the number of interruptions dropped in a most marked manner.



Lake Coleridge Power-station.—Due to the parallel operation of the system, it lias been possible to keep up the level of Lake Coleridge throughout the year, and there were no difficulties on this account. The Harper River diversion gates are showing pronounced signs of the wear due to prolonged operation with heavy flow, and proposals are being formulated for the construction of a new set of diversion gates and intake works. The Acheron diversion was in use for about five months of the year. Further losses of screen-bars have occurred, and the screen-supporting structure is being redesigned accordingly. On the 18th November, 1935, a disastrous accident occurred, No. 3 pipe-line had been drained for a month in order to permit of the usual scraping and painting. This work was almost complete when the accidental opening of the surge-chamber gate filled the pipe-line with water and caused the death of three men. A small amount of damage was done in the powerhouse itself, and No. 1 generator winding had to be repaired. Early in December, 1935, an unusual leakage started in the No. 2 tunnel adit. On examination it was found that a small section of the tunnel-lining had been scoured near the surge-chamber. This was repaired, and then it was decided to take advantage of the shut-down to grout the tunnel-lining. This was last done in .1927-28, and since then there has been no opportunity for further work. Grouting operations were still in progress at the end of March, 1936. Various repairs and modifications to the Larner Johnson valves of Nos. 2 and 3 units were made, with the result that the remote control of these valves became possible. Apart from the above the usual maintenance has been necessary. Waitaki Power-station.—This station has now been in continuous operation since January, 1935, and, on the whole, very little trouble has been experienced. The main difficulty was in connection with the excitation system, which is of a new type. Extensive testing was necessary before stable conditions were reached, but the desired end has now been attained. Lyttelton Diesel Station.—There has been no occasion to call upon this plant during the past year, but it has been maintained in good condition. A new automatic pump was installed to cope with the leakage of storm water into the basement. (b) Substations. The new metal-clad 11 kv. switch-gear at Addington has performed satisfactorily, the oil-circuit breakers dealing with any faults without showing signs of distress. The old metal-clad switch-gear has been heat-treated as far as the oil-circuit breakers are concerned, while all the auxiliary wiringhas been standardized to permit of the interchange of oil-circuit breakers. At Ashburton and Hororata substations arrangements are in train for the installation of 110-volt batteries and for altering the 66 kv. oil-circuit breakers to make them suitable for remote control. The telephone-exchanges at all substations, except Addington and Point, were replaced by a standard type developed by the test department. Routine maintenance work was carried out at all substations during the year. (c) Transmission-lines. Generally, the condition of the transmission-lines is good, and there were few interruptions due to actual line trouble, with the exception of the interruptions due to the phenomenal snowstorm on the 9th and 10th of June, 1935. On the 10th June, during the thaw, there was a total interruption to the Addington supply of 17£ minutes, this being the first severance of the supply to Addington since 1933. Fortunately the storm was restricted to the coastal area in the Canterbury Province. The most serious damage was done to the 33 kv. line to North Canterbury Power Board, the supply being interrupted from Sunday night to the following Tuesday evening. A summary of all interruptions (lasting over one minute) to the 110 kv. and 66 kv. supply (exclusive of pre-arranged shut-downs), is as follows :— Point Substation.—A failure of the 66/11 kv. transformer caused an outage of seven days, while on the 10th June an outage of seven minutes occurred. Hororata Substation— On 10th June an outage of seven minutes occurred as for Point. This was the only accidental interruption at this substation. Addington Substation. —The only interruption was one of 17f minutes on 10th June. Ashburton Substation. —There were eight accidental interruptions totalling fifty-three minutes, of which twenty-nine minutes were taken up on the 9th and 10th June, and were due to trouble on the local feeders during the snowstorm. Timaru Substation.—Six accidental interruptions here totalled 57f minutes, the two longest being due to relay trouble and line trouble respectively. Oamaru Substation—There were six accidental interruptions totalling sixty-seven minutes, the causes being as for Timaru. Half Way Bush Substation.—There were fifteen interruptions here, with a total time of eighty-eight minutes. Eight of these occupying fifty-six minutes were due to line trouble, six occupying twentyeight minutes were due to the faulty operation of relays, and the remaining one was due to regulator trouble at Waitaki. Line Maintenance. —During the year a careful inspection was made of all poles with a view to determining how far decay has progressed, and to find out how many poles needed replacement. The condition of the timber even in poles that have been in service for over twenty years is surprisingly good, and most of the unsound poles were found to have decayed at points other than the ground-line. Twenty-four poles were replaced following the tests, while two more actually broke in service.



There are a number of poles that are sound, but the section of heart timber is considerably reduced, and it is probable that a large proportion of these will be changed during the ensuing year. " Live line " testing was again carried out with the following results : — 66 kv. and 110 kv. Insulators : — Number tested — Pin type .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. 15,091 Suspension type .. .. . . .. . . .. 52,685 Strain type .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,968 Defective — Pin type .. .. . . .. . . . . .. 75 Suspension type .. . . . . . . . . . . 113 Strain type .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 104 Of the above 83,744 insulators, the percentage defective is 0-35. 33 kv. Insulators : — Number tested — Pin type .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,166 Suspension type .. .. . . .. .. .. . . 99 Strain type .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 880 Defective — Pin type .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 38 Suspension type .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 Strain type .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 6 Of these 4,166 insulators, 1-06 per cent, were defective. (d) Testing. Apart from the duties imposed on this branch by the widespread construction, the usual routine maintenance was carried out on oil-circuit breakers, transformers, relays, batteries, telephones, and meters. The number of tests and investigations recorded during the year numbered 337. This branch also has charge of the time-control apparatus, and is responsible for the accurate maintenance of the system time, which is an important factor now that so many synchronous clocks are installed throughout the country.

DESIGN OFFICE. A. Electrical Section. During the year the staff in the Electrical Design Office has been exceptionally busy, and was considerably augmented to cope with the necessary work associated with additions to North Island power-stations and new sub-stations in connection with extensions to the main transmission systems to supply the North Auckland District. In the South Island the activities are associated principally with the extensions to the Lake Coleridge 66 kv. transmission system to give supply to the Westland district, via Arthur's Pass. The specifications, layout and foundation drawings were prepared in connection with the installation of the 250 kw. hydro-electric generating station to supply power for construction purposes at Homer Tunnel. B. Hydraulic Section. Investigation of Power Resources. During the year an examination was made of a portion of the West Coast, particularly in the Hokitika district, for possible power schemes to meet a prospective mining load. Two projects, Toaroha and Waitaha, utilizing the Toaroha and Kakapotabi rivers, have been investigated. Although neither of these schemes could be recommended at the present time, they both present favourable features which may be utilized with advantage when the West Coast is connected with the Coleridge-Waitaki system. When this is done much larger schemes than are now required could be developed at a very reasonable cost per kilowatt. No finality has been reached in regard to Waikato River investigations, owing to the staff being diverted to the Arapuni extensions, where their time has been fully occupied. Waikaremoana. During the year various proposals were considered with a view to controlling the flow from Waikaremoana. To determine the exact nature of the ground a shaft was sunk, after extensive grouting operations, and a short-length tunnel driven. These works were located in such a position as would fit in with one scheme of the development. This work has now been suspended pending further consideration. While these works were in progress, investigation, location, and design were carried out in connection with possible pipe-lines and other features of the upper development which aimed at using the 440 ft. of fall between Waikaremoana and the intake of the main development. A detailed survey of the village at Tuai was carried out, and with this was incorporated a diversion canal to pass any water not used in the present main development into the forebay for a lower development, which at a later date may be utilized to develop a further 330 ft. fall below the present power-station. Preparation has also been made for the penstock for the third unit in the present power-station, and tenders for this have been called.



Statistical Data and Studies. Collection of river-flow records has been continued, and studies of the growth of load have been made from time to time, together with studies of how these loads are to be met. World Power Conference. Communication has been maintained with the World Power Conference, and with the section dealing with large dams. The Department has arranged to exchange information concerning existing dams with other member countries. It is considered that the information so obtained will be of great value. ELECTRIC-POWER BOARDS. There are now forty-five districts constituted, and forty-one (including Westland Power, Ltd., operating under delegated license) actually carrying out the distribution and sale of electrical energy (August, 1936). The total area covered is 80,299 square miles, or 77-5 per cent, of the total area of the Dominion (103,415 square miles) ; the total population concerned is 1,084,836, or 69 per cent, of the total population (1,573,482) of the Dominion ; and the unimproved value of the land included m the electric-power districts and outer areas is £249,033,403, or 82-9 per cent, of the total unimproved value of the Dominion (£301,137,513). _ So far only one of the four main cities —viz., Auckland —has been included m the inner area 01 an electric-power district, but of the secondary centres the cities of Wanganui, Palmerston North, and Invercargill, and the Boroughs of Timaru, Napier, Hastings, Blenheim, Greymouth, Gisborne, and Oaniaru are included. The advantage of Power Board organization is more obvious to rural than to urban ratepayers, and yet the above position indicates that some of the more important centres have realized that it is to their advantage generally to be associated with the country in undertaking the work of reticulation of electric power on a comprehensive scale. Table VIII gives details of the gazetted date of constitution, the area, population, and rateable value of each of forty-five power districts already formed, also the amounts of the loans already authorized, and the voting on polls taken. The total amount of the loans authorized by the forty-one districts which have taken their polls is £14,410,010. The population of the districts is 976,270, so that the loans authorized amount to £14-76 per head of population, as compared with £14-58 last year. The unimproved valuation of the districts is £222,433,533, the loans authorized amounting to 6-41 per cent, of the unimproved rateable value of the lands pledged as security for the loans. The aggregate voting at the polls totalled 69,720 for and 12,409 against the respective loan P Co PTable XI shows the capital outlay incurred by each Board up to the end of the financial year 1935-36, together with the revenue and annual expenditure. The total capital outlay by the forty-one Boards which are in operation is £14,156,962, practically all of which is on works in service. The gross revenue from the sale of electricity by these Boards was £2,338,218. The general result is a profit over the whole business of the Power Boards of £107,321 for appropriation to reserve funds, &c., after paying working-expenses and capital charges for interest, sinking fund, and depreciation. . During the last year five of the Boards struck a general rate, which was collected in all cases, and one of the Boards struck special rates for the security for loans, which were collected in this case. The following table gives details of the rates levied and collected : —

Rates collected by Electric-power Boards for Year ended 31st March, 1936.

LOCAL ELECTRIC-SUPPLY SYSTEMS. Including the Government plants, there are now (31st March, 1936), forty-one public electricpower stations operating in the Dominion, as compared with forty last year, the additional one being accounted for by the Otago Central Power Board's new hydro station on the Roaring Meg.


General Kate. Availability Rate. Special Rates. Total Name of Board. "7 coUerted Levied. Collected, j Levied. Collected. Levied. Collected. d. £ £ d- £ £ Banks Peninsula .. T %, and g L o 2,702* .. .. .. •• «'I??* Malvern .. .. J 2,495* .. .. •• •• 2,495* Marlborough .. .. .. .. 66* .. .. 66 Manawatu-Oroua .. .. 41* •• •• Otago .. .. 0-15and0-05 330* .. .. 0-15 and 0-175 3,736* 4,066* Southland .. f 32,232* .. .. •• •• 32 ' Taranaki 43* .. .. 43* Wairoa .. .. '■ 1,845* .. •• •• •• 1,845 Totals .. .. 39,645 .. j 109 j .. 3,736 43,490 * Includes arrears for previous years.


There are ninety-two local electric-supply authorities directly engaged in the retail sale of electricity, and the following table shows the proportion using Government-generated power : —

(a) Included in these supply areas are 54 boroughs and 36 town districts. (b) Included in these supply areas are 23 boroughs and 11 town districts. (c) Palmerston North, Wellington, and Christchurcb. (d) Nelson, Dunedin, and Invercargill. (e) Exclusive of 77 boroughs and 47 town districts incorporated as constituent parts of Power Board supply areas. On the 19th March, 1936, the Otago Central Electric-power Board's hydro station on Roaring Meg River was officially opened. During the year Kaikoura County Council installed a 40 kw. Diesel generating-set as an addition to its present installed capacity of 37 kw. of suction-gas plant. Palmerston North City Council has recently commenced the installation of a 2,000 kw. Diesel plant,.* The total installed capacity (excluding standby plant) has increased by 1,649 kw. during the year, being at present 235,403 kw. The increase is due to Otago Central Power Board's 1,600 kw. installation on the Roaring Meg River, and to Kaikoura County Council's additional Diesel plant. The proportion of installed plant is now as follows :— Stations. Kilowatts. P ro P° rt >° n per Cent. Water-power (excluding 11 standby installations) .. ..36 234,425 99'55 Steam-power (excluding standby plants at Portland (3,190 kw.), Auckland (41,160 kw.), Wanganui (1,500 kw.), Wellington (10,000 kw.), Invercargill (1,975 kw.), Gisborne (350 kw.), Waihi,f Huntly (1,500 kw.), Dunedin (1,875 kw.), Christchurch (1,500 kw.), Nelson (500 kw.), Petone (516 kw.), Hokitika (625 kw.) : totalling 64,691 kw.) .. .. .. I 750 0-32 Gas-power (excluding standby plant Palmerston North (1,020 kw.), Westport (210 kw.), Kaikoura (37 kw.), Taihape (75 kw.), Franklin (187 kw.) : totalling 1,529 kw.) .. .. .. 0 Oil-power (excluding standby plants at Penrose (3,750 kw.), Lyttelton (5,760 kw.), Dunedin (860 kw.), Blenheim (456 kw.), Hastings (1,087 kw.), Gisborne (980 kw.), Ashburton (160 kw.), Napier (500 kw.), Thames (262 kw.), Opunake (148 kw.), Ohakune (113 kw.), Hawera (485 kw.), Oamaru (192 kw.), New Plymouth (350 kw.), Hokitika (Kanieri) (150 kw.), Hokitika (200 kw.), Motueka (110 kw.), Patea (64 kw.), Reefton (80 kw.), Petone (316 kw.), Rawene (20 kw.): totalling 16,047 kw.) .. .. .. .. ..4 228 0-13 Total .. .. .. .. ..41 235,403 100-00 The number of consumers supplied has increased from 342,334 to 355,973, an increase of 13,639, or 4 per cent., for the year. The total population included in the various electric-supply areas is 1,461,770, or 93 per cent, of the total population of the Dominion, so that the ideal of a supply being available to every home in the Dominion is well on the way to realization. The maximum demand per head of population in the areas supplied now exceeds the allocation of 0-15 kw., or 0-2 horse-power, per head of population, the original basis of the design of the Government schemes. Table X shows, for each supply authority, the average maximum demand per consumer. The units sold per head of population supplied were 531, as compared with 493 last year. (See footnote on Table X.) The total length of transmission and distribution line in service is 22,424 route-miles, as compared with 21,707 last year, an increase of 717 miles, or 3-29 per cent. This fact would seem to indicate that there is a steady demand for the extension of electric lines to meet the requirements of the rural areas. The number of consumers per route-mile is 15-87, as compared with 15-72 last year.

* Westland Power, Ltd., purchased a 625 kw. turbo-alternator set from the Blackball Coal Co. and re-erected same at Hokitika as auxiliary to the hydro-station at Dillman's. f 1,640 kw. plant partially dismantled at present.


Class of Local Authority controlling „ Using Using Electric-supply System. Government Non-Government J ' Supply. Supply. Number. Number. Power Board .. . . . . . . 28 (a) 12(b) City Council operating own reticulation . . 3 (c) 3 (d) Borough Council operating own reticulation . . 13 (e) 16 (e) County Council operating own reticulation . . 2 3 Town Board operating own reticulation . . 2 (e) 3 (e) Company . . .. .. .. . . 5 Private . . .. . . .. .. 1 Tourist Department .. . . .. ] Totals .. .. .. .. 49 I 43 1 ' 92


A new factor introduced for comparative purposes this year is " Units sold per £1 of distribution capital," and appears in Table X. This index figure is computed from the total units sold (section 9 of F.P. 15) divided by the capital outlay shown opposite subsections (c) and (d) of section 15 of F.P. 15, and is one which it is hoped will be of value to supply authorities in general when its purport is fully appreciated. The sales per route-mile of line were 34,550 units, and the gross revenue £215. The units are greater than last year (33,000), and there is an increase in revenue as against £211 last year, due to a general reduction in selling-rates and to load-building campaigns. This increase can also be attributed to a decided improvement in the economic conditions which have prevailed during the past three years. Out of the ninety-three distributing authorities (including Public Works Department, North Island and South Island systems, and excluding Ross Borough), eighty-five showed a profit for the year amounting to £646,911 and eight showed a loss amounting to £92,757. The gross revenue (excluding rates) was £4,823,324, and the general result is a profit for the whole Dominion of £554,154 after paying working-costs (£2,197,770) and capital (interest, sinking fund, and depreciation) charges (£2,071,400) at the rate of 6-25 per cent, on the total capital outlay of £33,181,503. This shows a net profit of 1-67 per cent., as compared with 1-37 per cent, last year. The business on the whole is thus a thoroughly sound and remunerative one as well as supplying a public necessity to 93 per cent, of the population of the Dominion. The following table summarizes the results of the year's operations in connection with electric supply throughout the Dominion, and Tables XI and XII show the financial statistics for each supply authority. It should be noted that the method of compilation and computation adopted for the following table is slightly different to that of years previous to 1933 : —

GROWTH OF LOAD. The total connected load at end of the year under review was 1,342,577 kw., compared with 1,228,814 for 1935, an increase of 113,763 kw., or 9-28 per cent. Statistics pertaining to the increasing use of electric ranges, electric water-heaters, and milkingmachines have been collected and scheduled for some years past, and from the following table will be seen the annual growth which has taken place in each class : —


— Water. Steam. j Gas. | Oil. I Total. j ; \ ___J ! X. Number of main stations .. • • • • No. 36 1 .. j 4 41 2. Installed capacity (main plant) .. .. Kw. 234,425 750 .. j 228 23o,403 3. Number of standby stations .. •• No. 11 10 6 | 19 45 4. Installed capacity (standby plant) .. .. Kw. 4,186 63,825 1,325 ; 15,627 84,963 5. Number of consumers .. .. No. 352,188 3,075 .. 710 355,973 6 Connected load .. .. .. Kw. 1,332,961 8,732 .. 884 1,342,577 1 Units generated ■■ No. 982,494,278 5,047,783 677,771 1,099,824 989,319,656 s". Units sold to consumers (Table X) . . .. No. 773,597,017 1,788,535 j .. 204,456 775,590.008 9. Percentage of non-productive units •• % 21-25 20J)9 .. ,« 10. Total operative capital (including distribution £ 33,027,924 117,573 .. 36,006 33,181,503 systems and standby plant) 11. Total capital per kilowatt installed (including £ 103-5 93-7 .. 120 IOd-5 distributing sj'stems, &c.) , , k 12. Annual working-costs .. .. .. £ 1,095,196 13,790 .. r pq ' J !?, 13. Annual working-cost per unit under section 8 d. 0-34 1-85 5-b9 0-344 14. Annual capital costs (interest, sinking fund, £ 2,059,211 9,774 .. 2,41o 2,071,400 and depreciation) 15. Annual capital cost per unit under section 8 d. 0-64 1-30 .. ; ~-8o r 16. Annual capital costs as percentage of capital % 6-25 " i JJ.Z „ 1Q J 17. Total annual costs (section 12 plus section 14) £ 3,154,407 23,564 .. , ',247 3,185,21» 18. Total annual cost per unit under section 8 .. d. 0-97 3-15 .. 8-54 0-985 19. Total annual revenue (excluding rates and £ 3,705,597 27,389 .. 6,386 3,739,37^ bulk sales) from consumers 20. Average revenue per unit f under section 8 d. 1-15 3-68 .. 7-51 1-175 21. Net profit (section 19, less section 17) .. £ j 551,190 3,825 | .. 861 .jo4,1o4 22. Ratio working-costs to revenue (section 12 and % 29-4 50-3 j .. 76-0 29-7 section 19) j ! * After deducting revenue derived from bulk sales (Table XI). t From retail sale of electricity (Table XI).

— 1 t~ : i rr — r I .1 p Annual j Electric Annual Water" Annual Annual Year. Consumers. , Increase _ I Rangeg . Inorease . Water- Increase. ; ; Increase. I J I L : 1 ' Number. Per Cent. Number. Per Cent. Number. Per Cent. Number. Per Cent. 1925 .. .. 148,699 .. 1,526 .. .. .. 3,581 1926 192,392 29-3 4,671 205-0 6,654 .. 4,856 35-8 1927 . 228,345 18-7 9,511 104-0 14,160 113-0 6,738 38-8 1928 .. 243,795 6-8 15,766 66-0 21,513 52-0 8,514 26-3 1929 .. 266,306 9-2 20,254 28-5 29,257 36-0 10,161 19-4 1930 .. .. 284,235 6-7 25,997 28-3 37,564 28-5 11,922 17-3 1931 .. 300,809 5-9 29,480 13-2 42,803 13-9 13,656 14-5 1932 .. .. 309,360 2-8 31,973 8-5 45,796 7-1 14,163 3-7 1933 .. 322,997 4-4 33,998 6-4 48,070 5-0 15,913 12-4 1934 .. 334,593 3-6 36,081 6-2 50,272 4-6 16,992 6-8 1935 .. 342,334 2-3 39,730 10-1 53,635 6-7 17,200 1-2 1936 .. .. 355,973 4-0 44,837 12-9 58,864 9-8 18,458 7-4 See Table XV for details for year ended 31st March, 1936.


BROKEN WIRES AND POLES. Gales of exceptional severity, accompanied in some instances by heavy snowstorms, occurred in many parts of the Dominion during the past year, and account for the extraordinary large number of breaks reported. There were 8,290 broken wires reported by electric-supply authorities, with 104,499 miles of conductor erected. The corresponding figures for the previous year were 2,204 broken wires, and 102,718 miles of conductor in use. In 2,852 instances reported involving 8,290 broken wires, falling trees were again the principal cause of the breaks, and accounted for 47 per cent, of the total, as against 26'6 per cent, for 1935. As regards broken poles, 451 instances were reported for the year, of which 232, or 51-4 per cent., were New Zealand blue-gum. For 1935 the total number of broken poles reported was 518, and it is still evident that electricsupply authorities who experimented with New Zealand blue-gum and nondescript Australian hardwoods are now being called upon to make replacements sooner than the anticipated life of fifteen years for poles used on distribution-lines.

Actual Mileages and Sizes of Overhead Conductors in use at 31st March, 1936.

No returns received from Auckland, Christchurch, and Heatlicote.


C °PP CT - Aluminium. M g v t a J* ed i %™ n n ized Copperweld. ( ffl^admtaS- d Size of , copper. Tota) Conductors - - — , { Break . | !" ™"- Miles. ]*%*■ Miles. Break- jBreak- Mles Break- «-• 7/20 .. 6,9642,510 .... 1 ...... 2 510 7/18 .. 11,0861,705 ' " 1*705 7/17 .. 2,455 230 '230 7/16 .. 20,1441,088 36 4 90 1 135 1 .. .. 177 .... 1 094 7/15 .. 110 78 3 .. .. '3 7/14 .. 11,052 258 8 2 49 2 . . 723 260 7/13 .. 1.093 6.. .. 4 6 7/12 .. 429 8 146 13 5 3 9 7/11 . 7/10 .. 33 . . 204 8 . 51 7/9 .. 76 .. 15 .. 5 7/8 .. 585 7/7 .. 19/18 .. 1 398 7 . "7 19/17 .. 525 128 128 19/16 . . I 1,707 15 . 15 19/15 .. i 171 19 19 19/14 . . ; 581 10 10 19/13 .. 2,815 7 7 19/12 . . 593 2 19/10 .. .. 37/16 .. 47 37/15 .. 400 4 .. '4 37/14 .. 90 37/13 .. 23 37/12 .. 76 227 66/13 12 .. .. 2,686 281 .. .. 2 .. 101 .. 12 281 11 .. .. 4 10 .. .. 8,896 892 .. .. 438 .. 256 .. 442 9 .. .. 30(i) .. 901 8 .. 12,956 623 .. .. 4,093 20 5,839 196 634 1 .. .. .. 840 7 .. 772 5 96 .. 91 10 15 6 .. 305 6 .. .. 81 .. 142 .. 623 6 4 .. j 599 .. 78 .. 2 2 66 92 .... .... .... . 92 0 .. .. ! 79 '' " 2/0 .. .. .. 10 16 59 16 3/0 399 3/13 .. i 3/12 .. 136 6 26 6 3/11 5 3/10 .. 24 .. 2 3/9 10 3/8 9 2 "2 4/16 .. 13 4/14 253 3 "5 5/14 207 2/10 .. 9 6/-144 .. 19 " 7/-186 41 7/-136 .. j 47 ;; "82 7/-0834 .. 44 8 .. .. 8 7/-0743 83 4 . . . . 3 7/'112 2 2 1/112 281(2) 2i "21 Miscellaneous .. j 54 . . 1 .. .. 4 .. 12 .. .. .. . . .. 5 Totals .. j87,5147,988 473 26 5,228 24 6,573 197 1,907 20 2,493 14 301 21 8,290 Grand total, 104,499 miles.


ELECTRICAL SUPPLY AND ELECTRICAL WIRING REGULATIONS. The revision of the Electrical Supply and Electrical Wiring Regulations gazetted in July, 1927, with the intention of revising same after two years' trial, has now been completed, and the new regulations were published m the New Zealand Gazette, No. 65, dated 6th September, 1935. INSPECTION OF ELECTRIC LINES, ALSO PRIVATE GENERATING-PLANTS. The annual departmental inspection of the electric lines in operation was carried out in the case of supply authorities last year, and any defects or breaches of the regulations which came under notice were duly notified to the supply authorities concerned. These inspection activities of the Department undoubtedly tend towards the maintaining of a high standard, and the general willingness on the part of the supply authorities to co-operate in a general observance of the regulations governing such matters is of great assistance to this Department. The following supply authorities have notified extensions to electric lines in their respective districts during the year : — Power Boards — Power Boards —continued. Boroughs — Ashburton. South Taranaki. Bluff. Auckland. Southland. Hamilton. Banks Peninsula. Springs-Ellesmere. New Plymouth. Bay of Plenty Taranaki. Ohakune. Cambridge. Tararua. Patea. Central Hawke's Bay. Tauranga. Taumarunui. Central Waikato. Te Awamutu. Wairoa. Dannevirke. Thames Valley Westport. Franklin. Waitomo. Town District— Grey. Waimea. Mangaweka. Hawke's Bay. Wairarapa. County Councils — Hutt Valley. Waitaki. Heathcote. Horowhenua. Waitemata. Waimairi. Marlborough. Wanganui-Rangitikei. Companies — Manawatu-Oroua. Cities — Kanieri Electric, Ltd. North Canterbury. Christchurch. Skippers Ltd. Otago Central. Dunedin. Westland Power, Ltd. Poverty Bay Wellington. South Canterbury. It is not generally known that under the Electrical Wiremen's Registration Amendment Act, 1928, it is mandatory to give notice of the installation of private electric plants, and provision is made for the inspection of these plants before same are placed in service. During the year inspections have been made as opportunity offered. LICENSES ISSUED. The following water-power and electric-line licenses (48) and permits (13) have been issued during the period between 30th June, 1935, and 30th June, 1936 : Licenses H. J. Redwood, Okoha , R. J.°Gray, Kauroo Hill; Hume Pipe Co. (Cobb River) (2) ; Tourist Department, Rotorua (amendment) ; Waitahu Gold-mining Co., Reefton ; Alexander Mines, Reefton ; T. Hotton, Naseby ; A. J. Winchester, Naseby S. I. Llewellm, Orinoco ; Blackball Creek Coal Co., Blackball, N.2. Flax Investments, Barrytown ; Gordon Bros., Garston ; A. W. McLean, Garston ; W. L. Oswold, Upper Awatere ; A. Rittson-Thomas, Tirohanga ; G. D. Grant, Otiake ; Golden Sands Gold-mining Co., Barrytown ■; W. F. Baldwin, Ohaeawai ; J. W. R. Baldwin, Ohaeawai; Kanieri Electric Ltd. (amendment) ; North Canterbury Power Board (additions) ; C. S. Hammond, Taihape ; C. G. White & D. G. Johnson, Onakaka ; Makarora Ltd, Pembroke ; E. L. Morgan, Lake Brunner ; North Auckland Power Board (amendment) ; J. Minehan, Hokitika ; W. Black, Waimate ; L. Cooper, Rai Valley; Otago Central Power Board (amendment) ; Grey Power Board (additions) ; F.P.Butler, Matainui; Skippers, Ltd, Skippers ; Wairakei, Ltd. (amendment); E. A. Grey, Horeke ; Bruce Bay Timber Co, Bruce Bay ; H. S. Chadwick, Raetihi; Taumarunui Borough Council (additions) ; D. W. Win, Owen Junction ; C. W. F. Hamilton, Fairlie ; C. F. Hamilton, Fairlie ; Lewis and Sowman, Upper Takaka ; Clutha River Gold Dredging Co, Alexandra ; C. R. Hall, Woodstock ; C. J. Kerr, Peel Forest; W. S. C. Bowman, Kaitaia ; J. C. Hickmott, Aorere. Revocations (4) — J. Thomson, Ratanui ; G.Laing, Waimauku ; N.Z. Flax Investments, Barrytown; A. C. Pease, Mangatoki. Assignment (1)— N. G. McLean, Rotheram. Permits (13) —L. P. Haycock, Pokororo ;J. Paton, Kekerangu ; H. Hebberd, Whangamoa ; A. Drummond, Tapawera ; A. A. McFarlane, Rotheram ; R. S. Thompson, Wetherstone ; R. C. Turnbull, Blackmount; A. Taylor, Alexandra ; J. H. Price, Wakefield ; Hokianga Dairy Co, Motukaraka ; C. Jackson, Karioi; J. Hutley, Awanui; H. Voyce, Mairoa. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES BOARD. An opportunity to submit the draft Bill to give effect to representations regarding the sale and use of unsafe electrical appliances did not present itself during the past year.



ELECTRICAL ACCIDENTS. During the year there were reported to the Department forty-eight electrical accidents, involving the loss of human life in nine instances. (Four of the accidents included more than one person injured.) Corresponding figures for 1935 were forty-five and seven respectively. This year's electrical accidents resulted in injuries (fatal and otherwise) to the following :— Electrical employees . . . . . . .. . . 13 Other tradesmen . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 General public . . .. . . . . . . 20 Stock .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 ELECTRICAL FIRES. During the year there were twenty-seven fires attributed to electrical causes and reported to the Department by electrical-supply authorities, as per list below. The corresponding figures for 1935 and 1934 were twenty-two and twenty-six respectively. The sources of this year's electrical fires included the following :— Electric irons .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 Electric radiators . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Other electrical appliances . . . . . . . . . . 4 Defective installations .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Soldering-iron accidentally placed on celluloid film .. . . 1 Total .. .. . . . . . . 27 REGISTRATION OF ELECTRICAL WIREMEN. The Electrical Wiremen's Registration Act was passed in 1925 to ensure the safety of the public and users of electrical energy by providing qualified persons to install electrical wiring and equipment and by providing qualified inspectors to see that the wiring regulations are complied with. The apprentices in the electrical-wiring trade are required to pass an examination, to serve three years, and to be not less than nineteen years of age before they can be registered. The examination consists of two parts, a written part to test the candidate's knowledge of the theory of electricity and his knowledge of the safety regulations, and a practical part to test his workmanship. . The Act has been in operation for ten years, during which time there has been a gradual raising of the standard of electrical work, with the result that the consumer is now obtaining better value for expenditure and an installation which will have a longer life. During the ten years ended the 31st March, 1936, there have been registered 3,520 electrical wiremen with full registration, 479 with limited registration, and 452 inspectors. In addition, 4,167 candidates sat for the written part of the examination and 3,323 for the practical part. A total of 528 reports of breaches of the Act and 424 reports of defective work by registered persons have been received. For carrying out defective work 76 wiremen have been cautioned, 90 have been censured, 87 have had their registration certificates endorsed, and 5 have had their names removed from the register. The increasing value of the Act can be gauged from the fact that when it came into force there were 192,392 consumers, and these had increased to 355,973 at the 31st March, 1936. The success which has attended the administration of the Act has to a large extent been due to the co-operation of the electrical-supply authorities whose duty it is to inspect all electrical wiring. To make the requirements of the Act more widely known a precis was prepared during the year, and this was included as an appendix to the electrical-wiring regulations. The inquiries with regard to the Act which have been received since the wiring regulations were published indicates that the appendix is serving a very useful purpose. Po keep the registers clear of dead names it is provided that they shall be purged once every five years. This purging took place during the past year, and as a result 502 names were removed from the full-registration register and 55 from the limited-registration register. About 50 per cent, of removals were due to failure on the part of the registered persons to notify change of address, consequently the notice sent to the person concerned was returned unclaimed. In addition to a notice having been sent to each registered person, posters were forwarded for display in post-offices, by the supply authorities and in the district offices of the Public Works Department, and the secretaries of the respective wiremen's unions were notified in order that they might also bring the matter under the notice of their members. Up to the end of June 153 names had been restored to the registers. During the year ended 30th June there were registered 68 wiremen with full registration, 61 with limited registration, and 35 inspectors of electrical wiring. There were 248 candidates for the written part of the examination and 149 for the practical part; the passes were 57 in the written part and 65 in the practical part.



The examiners for the practical part of the examination drew attention to the need for more care being taken in earthing the conduit; and to the unsatisfactory manner in which the plug-sockets were installed and the flexible cord connected to the plugs. They also pointed out that more attention should be given to cleaning the ends of conduits and nipples, that the nipples should be cut to the correct length, that the standard of work in jointing and soldering was very low, and that the tying of the wires to the insulators was very badly done. There were 46 reports of breaches of the Act during the year ended 30th June, and 15 prosecutions were taken. The fines and costs imposed totalled £44 12s. 6d. Details of the reports follow : — Cinematograph operators doing wiring, 2 ; claiming to be registered, 2 ; employing an unregistered person, 15 ; failure to give notice to an electrical-supply authority, 7 ; failure to return certificates, 3 ; farmer doing wiring, 1 ; labourers changing flexible cords, 2 ; labourers doing wiring, 6 ; mechanics doing wiring, 2 ; painters doing wiring, 2 ; permitting an unregistered person to work, 1 ; salesmen doing wiring, 1 ; slaughterman doing wiring, 1 ; window-dresser doing wiring, 1. The defective work reports totalled 34 for the same period . As a result of these reports 4 wiremen were cautioned, 6 were censured, and 6 had their registration certificates endorsed. Four reports are still under investigation. It seems inevitable that as work in the electrical trade increases as a result of increased activity in the building and allied trades the reports of defective work must increase, but it is gratifying to record that in very few cases is a wireman reported for defective work more than once. Further efforts have been made during the year to impress on dealers in electrical apparatus the need for assembly and repairs to be carried out by skilled persons. A certain amount of success has been achieved with the assistance of the electrical-supply authorities, but much still remains to be done, more especially in view of the large increase in the use of portable appliances. Fortunately, the majority of portable appliances are used in situations where no ill-effects are to be apprehended from shock. The sale of electrical appliances such as vacuum cleaners, washing-machines, radio-receiving sets, portable signs, portable milking-machines, and vulcanizers is undertaken to a very large extent by speciality salesmen whose main qualifications are ability to sell and not technical knowledge of electricity. These salesmen sometimes install appliances in a manner which does not comply with the safety regulations ; they also neglect to notify the electrical-supply authority, and the consumer is left to find out that the appliance must be properly installed, and, in some cases, may not be used at all. The remedy for this state of affairs appears to be threefold. Firstly, the older children in our schools should be taught how to use electrical equipment properly, how to maintain it in good condition, when it is necessary for the metal case to be connected to eartli, and how to ascertain whether it has been assembled correctly and is in good repair ; secondly, more of the apprentices to the electrical trade should be trained to become salesmen ; and, thirdly, the present salesmen should be given training so that they will know how electrical appliances work, in what situations the metal cases are required by the regulations to be earthed, and so that they will be able to ascertain whether the appliances are in good order. F. T. M. Kissel, B.SC., M.1.E.E., A.M.1.C.E., Chief Electrical Engineer.



INDEX TO TABLES. Year ending 31st March, 1936.


Table Page | No. No. North Island and South Island Electricpower systems — Capital outlay and results of operation I 79 Analysis of capital outlay .. .. II 80 Analysis of working-costs .. . . Ill 80 Gross financial results of distribution, North Island system .. .. IV 81 Gross financial results of distribution, South Island system .. .. V 82 Route-miles of Public Works Department's lines in operation .. .. VI 83 Route-miles of electric-supply authorities' lines in operation .. .. VII 84 Electric-power Boards—Statistical data VIII 85

Table Page j No. j ISTo. Electric-supply stations of New Zealand— (a) Population, consumers, routemiles of lines, &c. .. . . IX 88 (b) Results of generation and distribution .. .. .. X 93 (c) Financial results of operations .. XI 96 (d) Appropriations and Reserves .. XII 99 (e) Averages derived from Tables IX, X, and XI .. .. .. XIII 102 (/) Abridged schedule of selling rates XIV 105 (g) Electric ranges, water heaters, and milking-machines .. .. XV 111 Samoan Administration (Apia) .. XVI 114

D. —1.

Table I. —Summary of Financial and Operating Statistics for North Island and South Island Electricpower Systems for the Year ending 31st March, 1936.


Notb.—North Island system includes Arapuni-Horahora-Mangahao-Waikaremoana all interconnected. South Island system includes Lake Coleridge and Waitaki interconnected. 1935-36 || i 1935-36 (Second Year). || j (Second Year). (a) Financial. (1) Capital outlay— (4) Capital charges—continued. £ Assets in operation— £ Half capital charges, King's Wharf Station 38,148 North Island system .. .. 8,461,193 — —.— South Island system .. .. 4,442,307 ! Total capital charges for year .. 720,757 Total assets in operation .. 12,903,500 j (5) Total costs for year .. .. .. 918,725 Assets not in operation—■ i (6) Net profit or loss for year— North Island system .. .. 173,807 North Island system .. .. .. Gr. 187,533 South Island system .. .. 18,075 South Island system .. .. .. Dr. 65,609 Total assets not in operation .. 191,882 Total profit for year .. .. 121,924 Total capital outlay .. .. 13,095,382 (7) Accumulated Depreciation Reserve — ! North Island system .. .. .. 961,757 (2) Revenue for year— South Island system .. .. .. 388,546 North Island system .. .. .. 795,391 —— South Island system .. .. .. 245,258 Total Depreciation Reserve .. 1,350,303 Total revenue for year .. .. 1,040,649 (8) Accumulated Sinking Fund Reserve — North Island system .. .. .. 55,930 (3) Costs— South Island system .. .. .. 270,570 Working-costs— North Island system .. .. 144,068 Total Sinking Fund Reserve .. 326,500 South Island system .. .. 53,900 " (9) Accumulated loss — Total working-costs for year .. 197,968 North Island system .. .. .. 399,315 South Island system .. .. .. Nil. (4) Capital charges— — Interest— (10) General Reserve — North Island system .. .. 408,051 North Island system.. .. .. Nil. South Island system .. .. 177,217 South Island system .. .. .. 175,809 Depreciation— . North Island system .. .. 17,591 (11) Electric Supply Account to date* .. Dr. 223,506 South Island system .. .. 79,750 —-—-—-—— (b) Operating Results. Maximum load (kilowatts)— RevenueNorth Island system .. .. .. 116,800 Per kilowatt (system maximum) — £ South Island system .. .. .. 36,780f North Island system .. .. .. 6-81f Average load (kilowatts)— South Island system .. .. ... 6-66-j-North Island system .. .. .. 71,000 Per unit generated— d. South Island system .. .. .. 19,400 North Island system .. .. .. 0-307 South Island system .. .. .. 0 ■ 345 Average load factor— Per Cent. Per unit distributed— North Island system .. .. .. 60-85 North Island system .. .. .. 0 ■ 335 South Island system .. .. .. 52-70 South Island system .. .. .. 0-384 Per unit sold — Units output— Units. North Island system .. .. .. 0 • 339J North Island system .. .. .. 622,584,663 South Island system .. .. .. 0 ■ 3931; South Island system .. .. .. 170,516,380 Working-costs— Per kilowatt (system maximum) — £ Combined .. .. .. 793,101,043 North Island system .. .. .. 1-23 — South Island system .. . . .. ] ■ 47 Units distributed — Per unit generated— d. Units sold— North Island system .. .. .. 0 • 056 North Island system .. .. .. 563,673,258 South Island system .. .. .. 0-075 South Island system .. .. .. 149,698,738 Per unit distributed— North Island system .. .. .. 0-061 Combined .. .. .. 713,371,996 South Island system .. .. .. 0-084 —— Per unit sold— Units unsold (station auxiliaries, &c.)— . North Island system .. .. .. 0-062 North Island system .. .. .. 6,699,031 South Island system .. .. .. 0-086 South Island system .. .. .. 3,329,480 Capital Charges— Per kilowatt (system maximum) — £ Combined .. .. .. 10,028,511 North Island system .. .. .. 3-97 — South Island system .. .. .. 6-99 Total units distributed, North Island 570,372,289 Per unit generated— d. system North Island system .. .. .. 0-179 Total units distributed, South Island 153,028,218 South Island system .. .. .. 0-361 system Per unit distributed— North Island system .. .. .. 0-195 Line losses- —- South Island system .. .. .. 0 • 403 Transmission— Units. Per Cent. Per unit sold— North Island system .. 51,879,103 8-30 North Island system .. .. .. 0-197 South Island system .. 16,175,913 9-48 South Island system .. .. .. 0-411 — | Total Costs — Combined .. .. 68,055,016 .. j Per kilowatt (system maximum) — £ North Island system .. .. .. 5-20 Distribution — South Island system .. .. .. 8-46 North Island system .. 333,271 .. Per unit generated— d. South Island system .. 1,312,249 0-85 North Island system .. .. .. 0-235 South Island system .. .. .. 0-436 Combined .. .. 1,645,520 .. Per unit distributed— North Island system .. .. .. 0 • 256 Total line losses, North 52,212,374 8-40 South Island system. .. .. .. 0-487 Island system Per unit sold—North Island system .. .. .. 0-259 Total line losses, South 17,488,162 10-25 South Island system .. .. .. 0-497 Island system * Does not include arrears in sinking fund payments, f See remarks on page 67 regarding accidental peak of 40,100 kilowatts. $ Based on gross revenue. For corresponding figures, based on revenue received from sale of electricity only, see Table XXII,


Table II. —Analysis of Capital Outlay as at 31st March, 1936.

Table III. —Operating or Working Costs for Year ended 31st March, 1936.

North Island System. South Island System.. Units generated .. .. 622,584,663 Units generated .. .. 170,516,380 Units distributed .. .. 570,372,289 Units distributed .. .. 153,028,218 Units sold .. .. .. 563,673,258 Units sold .. .. 149,698,738


North Island System. South Island System. C Totals 0<J Headworks and power-stations— Headworks and power-stations— Land, fencing, and reading — £ Land, fencing, and reading— £ £ Arapuni .. .. .. .. 110,401 Coleridge .. .. .. .. 24,33!) Horahora .. .. .. .. 3,208 Waitaki .. .. .. .. 48,554 Mangahao .. .. .. .. 72,110 Waikaremoana .. .. .. 66,744 325,356 Headworks — Headworks— Arapuni .. .. .. .. 1,284,928 Coleridge .. .. .. .. 519,965 Horahora .. .. .. .. 151,423 Waitaki .. .. .. .. 1,061,099 Mangahao .. .. .. .. 848,862 Waikaremoana .. .. .. 148,515 4,014,792 Generating-station, buildings, and village— Generating-station, buildings, and village— Arapuni .. .. .. .. 345,102 Coleridge .. .. .. .. 85,420 Horahora .. .. .. .. 60,869 Waitaki .. .. .. .. 434,009 Mangahao .. .. .. .. 161,080 Waikaremoana .. .. .. 152,758 1,239,238 Generating plant and machinery— Generating plant and machinery— Arapuni .. .. .. .. 447,718 Coleridge .. .. .. .. 162,503 Horahora .. .. .. .. 95,204 Waitaki .. .. .. .. 184,419 Mangahao .. .. .. .. 191,111 Waikaremoana .. .. .. 174,883 1,255,838 Auxiliary stations (three) —Penrose, Huntly, 81,749 Auxiliary station (one) —Lyttelton .. 89,066 Grand Junction 170,815 Transmission and distribution— Transmission and distribution— Primary distribution— Primary distribution — 11 kv. lines .. .. .. .. 40,991 11 kv. lines 33 lev. lines .. .. . . .. .. 33 kv. lines .. .. .. 26,310 50 kv. lines .. .. .. .. 324,364 50 kv. lines 66 kv. lines .. .. .. .. .. 66 kv. lines .. .. .. 314,567 110 kv. lines .. .. .. .. 1,146,723 110 kv. lines .. .. .. 258,10 Secondary distribution .. .. .. .. Secondary distribution .. .. .. 64,462 2,175,525 Substations— Substations— 11 kv. substations .. .. .. '5,167 11 kv. substations 33 kv. substations .. . . .. .. 33 kv. substations .. .. .. 11,109 50 kv. substations .. .. .. 180,412 50 kv. substations 66 kv. substations .. . . .. .. 66 kv. substations .. .. .. 239,235 110 kv. substations .. .. .. 728,502 110 kv. substations .. .. .. 166,144 1,340,569 General— General— General, offices, garages, stores, and other 33,457 General, offices, garages, stores, and other accommodation accommodation Telephone services .. .. •• 4,777 Telephone services .. .. .. 29,179 Explorations and preliminary surveys; 822,998 Explorations and preliminary surveys; 287,071 engineering, office, and general expenses; engineering, office, and general expenses ; charges and expenses of raising loans charges and expenses of raising loans Interest during construction .. .. 940,944 Interest during construction .. .. 454,823 2,573,249 Grand totals .. .. 8,635,000 .. 4,460,382 13,095,382

North Island System. South Island System. Cost per Unit. ' Cost per Unit. Cost. . 1 Cost. j Generated. Distributed. Sold. j Generated. Distributed. Sold. I [___ i I 1 £ d. d. d. £ d. d. d. (a) Headworks and power stations .. 46,688 0-0180 0-0196 0-0198 19,245 0-0270 0-0301 0-0308 (b) Auxiliary stations .. . . 898 . . .. .. 875 47,586 0-0184 0-0201 0-0206 20,120 0-0282 0-0314 0-0321 (c) Transmission and distribution — Primary distribution .. 31,805 0-0123 0-0134 0-0135 6,244 0-0087 0-0098 0-0100 Secondary distribution .. .. .. .. .. 2,185 0-0030 0-0034 0-0035 (d) Substations .. .. .. 19,204 0-0074 0-0081 0-0082 10,545 0-0148 0-0165 0-0169 (e) Management and general— General expenses .. .. 384 .. .. .. 585 Management .. .. 35,715 0-0138 0-0150 0-0152 14,221 0-0200 0-0223 0-0228 Total costs (0) to (e) .. 134,694 0-0520 0-0566 0-0575 53,900 0-0751 0-0838 0-0857 (/) Power purchased .... 84 (g) Standby provision .. .. 9,290 0-0036 0-0039 0-0040 Total costs(a) to (g) .. 144,068 0-056 0-061 0-062 53,900 0-075 0-084 0-086


Table IV.—North Island Electric-power System.— Gross Financial Results of Distribution of Energy for the Year ended 31st March, 1936.

6—D. 1.


Avenue. Expenditure. Balance. O £ I j I i " [ ī i I ; j " 1 " ; S 8 ranitni From Sale of • ■ *"3 . Working- o . g Profit. Distributing Authority. -g g Outlay Electrical Energy. g .2 g ! § | <2-g& costs -g jf-d §.§ a gl ~~7~~~ ! §1 . "i ll 1 Si Total. sis and Interest. "8 3g I g § « J-g Total. | Loan }2jo "Rniv rfnr Ph £o Oo Manage- n i •£ S? o 0 o pnated Lnappro- ° Retail. ® ment. & «>* j Sf | °g- „ *o priated. itesaie;. j p ! r M Reserves. Public Works Department { » fc"M«r "5» ' ' *■*? «« .«• "».J» <*.« «-» ;; •• %»}»,« .' Auckland Power Board .. .. 53,931 3,301,876 629,790 .. .. .. 10,525 640,315 209,511 108,293 119 J70 .. 45,584 600'914 2,682 36,719 Bay of Plenty Power Board .. 1,653 196,470 40,601 .. .. 907 727 42,235 13,016 8,445 9,048 1,305 2,940 .. .. 275 35,029 1,771 5,'435 Cambridge Power Board .. 1,557 115,965 19,104 .. .. 149 798 20,051 6,931 6,317 4,576 .. 1,851 .. 94 64 19,773 '278 Central Hawke's Bay Power Board 1,696 151,960 23,583 .. .. .. 55 23,638 7,550 4,425 5,852 846 103 2,516 .. 186 21,478 354 1,806 Central Waikato Power Board .. 5,260 369,838 60,404 56 .. 48 610 61,118 22,364 12,366 15,512 870 5,977 827 .. 774 58,690 .. 2^428 Dannevirke Power Board .. 2,760 222,868 30,139 .. .. 58 282 30,479 7,326 6,468 9,328 1,207 3,140 63 .. 633 28,165 558 l'756 Franklin Power Board .. .. 3,936 294,258 47,971 .. .. 1,307 3,457 52,735 19,039 9,674 12,949 4,500 4,867 .. .: 614 51,643 500 'ō92 Hamilton Borough Council .. 4,644 60,782 39,695 .. .. .. 190 39,885 13.042 9,926 1,871 .. 2,008 .. .. 152 26,999 12,665 221 Havelock North Town Board .. 312 26,800 3,831 .. .. .. 1 3,832 893 910 1,004 500 479 .. .. 4 3.790 ' 42 Hawke's Bay Power Board .. 6,787 353,913 67,133 16,667 .. .. 746 84,546 36,292 12,697 17,604 8,328 2,000 3,326 .. 907 81!154 3,392 .. !! Horowhenua Power Board .. 4,550 229,154 47,516 .. .. 304 830 48,650 20,524 10,533 8,365 .. 163 4,150 .. 869 44,604 '363 3 683 Hutt Valley Power Board .. 12,251 383,388 103,347 .. .. 403 864 104,614 45,392 23,554 16,957 3,293 1,300 3,842 .. 673 95,011 4,109 5'494 Inglewood Borough Council .. 427 9,006 3,972 .. .. 775 .. 4,747 1,709 1,369 453 .. 340 103 .. 18 3,992 746 9 Kaponga Town Board .. .. 372 23,052 5,016 .. 89 134 62 5,301 772 3,362 712 .. ,. 80 .. 129 5,055 .. 246 Manawatu-Oroua Power Board .. 5,077 485,514 68,989 17,381 41 353 249 87,013 36,940 15,922 21,100 914 6,703 174 .. 575 82,328 .. 4 685 Mangaweka Town Board .. 120 5,761 978 .. 159 8 46 1,191 350 433 91 .. 21 .. .. 22 917 '274 Napier Borough Council .. 4,809 126,072 43,480 .. .. .. 1,249 44,729 15,774 6,333 5,696 2,111 1,581 .. .. 1,721 33,216 5J84 6,329 !! New Plymouth Borough Council .. 6,494 357,807 67,525 1,474 .. 826 1,527 71,352 8,400 18,728 11,717 500 1,831 4,094 497 973 46,740 14'ô85 9 927 Opunake Power Board .. .. 1,000 109,258 12,656 .. .. .. 33 12,689 1,464 4,430 3,774 200 1,975 .. .. 167 12,010 '.. 679 Palrnerston North City Council .. 6,036 242,924 60,696 .. .. 134 73 60,903 17,381 11,958 7,744 .. 3,029 .. .. 194 20,597 Patea Borough Council .. .. 404 18,129 4,472 .. .. 42 7 4,521 1,138 1,188 589 42 156 124 .. 21 3'258 1*263 Poverty Bay Power Board .. 5,191 321,476 58,634 .. .. 144 1,851 60,629 16,432 16,829 13,094 1,096 6,909 .. .. 737 55.097 5,179 353 Rotorua (Tourist Department) .. 2,160 77,653 21,671 .. .. .. 660 22,331 6,639 5,781 3,882 1,553 1,553 .. .. .. '.. 2 923 South Taranaki Power Board .. 3,266 208,271 34,655 1,128 .. 221 398 36,402 7,168 10,077 8,538 1,091 3,406 1,424 .. 330 32.034 4,368 Stratford Borough Council .. 1,102 28,111 13,347 .. .. .. 3 13,350 4,885 2,196 1,910 .. .. 990 .. 24 10,005 3^345 Taihape Borough Council .. 577 10,435 5,564 .. .. .. .. 5,564 52 1,922 631 508 106 81 .. 61 3,361 1,582 621 Taranaki Power Board .. .. 2,567 478,086 36,902 8,628 43 .. 421 45,994 1,562 10.510 19,493 .. .. 7,918 .. 1,334 40 817 3 368 1 809 Tararua Power Board .. .. 1,685 168,839 23,952 .. .. 470 151 24,573 6,578 5,678 6,663 1,951 1,860 .. .. 58 'ō95 l'l90 !! Te Aroha Borough Council .. 740 16,748 7,476 .. .. 43 59 7,578 2,522 3,267 476 .. 55 .. .. 11 6,331 447 800 Te Awamutu Power Board .. 1,979 190,858 29,346 .. .. 23 120 29,489 10,066 5,458 6,926 .. .. 2,760 .. 426 .. 3,853 Thames Valley Power Board .. 7,898 804,013 114,684 5,246 .. .. 1,282 121,212 39,845 23,219 40,364 240 6,578 531 5,014 697 116,488 .. 4724 Thames Borough Council .. 1,169 30,090 12,166 .. .. .. 90 12,256 2,728 4,462 856 36 255 .. .. 55 8,392 1,000 2'864 Wairarapa Power Board.. .. 5,137 353,062 52,146 .. .. 641 659 53,446 11,547 11,581 15,021 3,467 3,000 .. .. 2,434 47,050 3,496 2',900 !! Wairoa Power Board .. .. 395 63,919 7,515 5,343 1,845 44 282 15,029 7,144 2,250 3,021 137 500 802 .. 82 13,936 '.. l'o93 Wairoa Borough Council .. 695 11,104 8,366 .. .. .. 90 8,456 5,343 1,342 665 .. 365 .. .. 71 7,786 670 Waitara Borough Council .. 525 7,321 3,914 .. 510 .. 50 4,474 1,438 882 552 291 .. 365 .. 165 3 693 781 Waitemata Power Board .. 11,106 431,939 80,266 .. .. 333 1,083 81,682 29,039 23,772 18,606 2,116 3,108 2,785 .. 2,019 81,445 .. 237 !! Waitomo Power Board .. .. 1,401 105,499 18,482 .. .. 256 30 18,768 6,974 4,517 4,631 161 1,270 213 .. .. 770 232 Wanganui-Rangitikei Power Board 10,502 530,065 101,207 402 .. .. 1,627 103,236 36,455 19,311 22,881 10,758 2,130 9,098 .. 1,388 1,215 Wellington City Council .. 37,455 1,178,204 333,355 .. .. .. 5,252 338,607 94,458 85,596 20,887 26,913 4,809 .. 4,690 23,214 34,571 43,469 Total.. .. .. 219,927 20,735,488 2,384,275 803,879 2,6877,623 44,547 3,243,011 776,989 653,388 890,512 144,410 148,365 46,266 55,879 61,742 2,777,551 317,789 147,671 ~ * Includes £173,807 of assets not in operation, t Hall capital charges lor King's Wharf Station, paid by Department. Gross profit, £465,460 ; rates collected, £2,687 ; net profit, £462,773. Ratio working expenses to revenue = 46 per cent.; ratio capital charges to capital outlay = 6-28 per cent.

D. —1.

Table V.—South Island Electric-power System.—Gross Financial Results of Distribution of Energy for the Year ended 31st March, 1936.


Revenue. Expenditure. -Balance. Number — — p j— * j Profit. t~v * . .. ... . . u of Capital From Sale of Electrical w i Distnbutmg Authority. Con . Outlay. Energy. Trading 0th Paid for ™°f sa nd DeDre- Sinkin" Princi P al 0ther . Appro- L sumers. Kates, j Account Sources Total - Electrical kinase- Interest - 1 ciation Eund° R epay- Exchange. Expendi- Total. priated Unappro- . Bulk Account, bources. Energy. M f e ciation. .buna. ment. ture. to Re- priated. lietail. (for Resale ) ment. serves. £ £ £ £ i £ j £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Public Works Department .. 108 4,460,382* 45,410 197,067 .. 164! 2,617 245,258 .. 53,900 177,217 79,750 .. .. .. .. 310,867 .. .. 65,609 Ashburton Power Board .. 3,983 326,984 46,003 .. i 673 46,676 13,474 9,250 15,075 2,443 442 4,800 .. .. 45,484 1,192 Banks Peninsula Power Board .. 1,012 103,302 11,552 .. 2,702 52 217 14,523 3,750 5,143 4,452 .. 1,886 .. .. .. 15,231 .. .. 708 Christchurch City Council .. 30,210 788,996 i 228,016 9,190 .. 873 6,124 244,203 89,000 66,433 9,646 28,464 .. 3,466 1,806 2,267 201,082 17,928 25,193 Dunedin City Council .. .. 27,636 1,618,770 216,014 13,256 .. .. : 2,228 231,498 9,750 53,560 53,997 28,768 24,018 .. 3,522 6,348 179,963 51,535 Heathcote County Council .. 1,279 26,005 11,046 .. .. .. 61 11,107 6,174 2,616 1,010 .. 723 .. .. .. 10,523 .. 584 Kaiapoi Borough Council .. 495 10,847 3,060 .. .. 46 .. 3,106 1,252 1,005 327 ; 52 256 .. .. .. 2,892 98 116 Lyttelton Borough Council .. 888 12,325 6,857 .. .. .. .. 6,857 2,638 1,559 305 175 175 .. .. .. 4,852 495 1,510 Malvern Power Board .. .. 680 71,166 7,768 .. 2,495 110 291 10,664 2,362 3,643 3,149 .. 846 .. .. .. 10,000 .. 664 North Canterbury Power Board .. 2,195 166,580 22,666 3,156 .. .. 753 26,575 10,058 7,321 6,217 148 2,769 44 .. .. 26,557 .. 18 Otago Power Board .. .. 4,174 301,236 44,155 .. 3,764 .. 46 47,965 13,256 8,219 13,100 .. 3,050 3,544 .. .. 41,169 .. 6,796 Biccarton Borough Council .. 1,522 22,833 11,689 .. .. 285 [ .. 11,974 5,798 3,436 439 257 181 .. .. 61 10,172 645 1,157 Rangiora Borough Council .. 682 13,677 5,175 .. .. .. I 56 5,231 1,905 2,288 282 i 81 75 .. .. .. 4,631 .. 600 South Canterbury Power Board .. 4,268 334,945 39,645 16,005 .. 561 848 57,059 27,880 6,213 13,149 3,305 4,805 .. .. 693 56,045 .. 1,014 Springs-Ellesmere Power Board .. 2,574 161,456 29,924 .. .. .. 367 30,291 10,886 6,591 6,264 258 2,707 .. .. 713 27,419 .. 2,872 Sumner Borough Council .. 1,068 15,372 5,918 .. .. 28 .. 5,946 2,836 1,363 310 397 90 .. 61 5,057 830 59 Timaru Borough Council .. 4,532 102,228 .. .. .. 241 35,188 16,015 9,282 1,970 784 3,302 .. .. 155 31,508 3,680 Waimairi County Council .. 3,501 61,993 23,752 34 71 18 44 23,919 9,618 3,875 1,683 ! 4,000 1,444 .. .. 203 20,823 3,096 Waitaki Power Board .. .. 3,926 178,906 32,351 .. .. 660 304 33,315 11,804 8,046 7,392 j 1,218 2,649 .. .. 790 31,899 .. 1,416 Totals .. .. 94,733 8,778,003 825,948 238,708 9,032 2,797 14,870 1,091,355 238,456 253,743 315,984 150,100 49,418 11,854 5,328 11,291 1,036,174 79,499 41,999 66,317 * Includes £18,075 of assets not in operation. Gross profit, £55,181; rates collected, £9,032; net profit, £46,149. Ratio working expenses to revenue = 46 per cent.; ratio capital charges to capital outlay = 6'09 per cent.

D, —1.

Table VI.—Route-miles of Line operated by the Public Works Department, as at 31st March, 1936.

Actual Mileages and Sizes of Overhead Conductors in use in connection with above Lines.



NOBTH ISLAND SYSTEM. Voltage .. .. 110 kv. ! 50 kv. 11 ky. 3kv. ; . — Total Number of Circuits .. 1. 2. 1. j 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Eoute- ; miles, Miles .. .. 486-40 258-57 i 380-24 j 28-68 j 14-81 22-61 0-18 4-55 6-62 1,202-66 SOUTH ISLAND SYSTEM. Voltage .. .. 110 kv. 66 kv. I 33 kv. 11 kv. 6-6 kv. L.T. 1 ; Total Number of Circuits .. 1. 2. | 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. .. Route- ; : miles, Miles .. .. 221-64 .. 380-89 .. 17-1819-69 11-14 21-54 0-27 2-52 4-02 2-3 681-19 I '

North Island System. South Island System. « -S a h 5 § S 45 ® - si <4 Id I !l a s I «: -ad I a 5 | g ftiii 1 -3 o. i M . go g- -3 6 °. " g 1 j° -S & s ° •aft & ■§ O O O j O EH O <3 <1 O OH _ _ _ . 1/-112.. .. 278 278 1/-160.. .. 202 573 .. 775 10 14 24 1/-192.. .. .. 1/0 .. 72 72 3/0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 399 .. .. 399 7/-064.. 71 71 53 53 7/-080.. 664 .. .. .. .. 664 323 2 .. .. .. 325 7/-104.. 200 .. .. .. .. 200 .. 14 .. .. .. 14 7/-128.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 180 .. .. .. 194 7/-135.. .. .. 7/-167.. .. 586 .. .. 586 .. .. .. .. 4 4 7/-182.. .. .. 8 8 19/-052.. 3 3 19/-064.. 408 ... 408 40 40 19/-072.. 2 .. .. .. .. 2 19/-080.. .. .. 1 1 19/-092.. 1,748 .. .. .. .. 1,748 1,054 .. .. .. .. 1,054 19/-104.. 436 .. .. .. .. 436 24 .. .. .. .. 24 37/-072.. 359 359 37/-092.. 17 17 37/-102.. .. .. .. .. 227 .. .. 227 Totals 3,980 586 202 573 278 5,619* 1,509 196 626 10 26 2,367f * Includes 1,039 miles of telephone f Does not include 1,262 miles of telephone line conductors.


Table VII.—Route-miles of Supply Authorities' Lines connected to Government Systems as at 31st March, 1936.


Voltage .. .. .. .. I 22,000. | 11,000. j 6,600. | 3,300. | 400. Total Z r~ TZ T7 i i i j : i i ; i i i ; Ī Itonte-miles Number of Circuits .. 1. 1. 2. 3. j 4. 1. 2. 3.. 4. 1. 2. | L. a. (a) North Island System. Auckland Power Board .. .. 54-01 154-53 .. .. .. 190-35 .. .. .. .. .. 692-06 .. 1,116-46 Bay of Plenty Power Board .. .. 234-62 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31-00 I .. 265-92 Cambridge Power Board .. .. .. 1-75 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 115-00 .. 73-00 1 .. 189-75 Central Hawke's Bay Power Board.. .. 158-50 1-50 .. .. 30-00 : .. .. .. 4-25 .. 49-00 .. 243-40 Central Waikato Power Board .. .. 306-95 12-35 .. 0-67 .. .. .. .. 98-58 .. 284-03 .. 702-58 Dannevirke Power Board .. .. 24-34 3-00 1-50 .. 210-34 0-50 .. .. .. .. 81-50 .. 322-07 Franklin Power Board .. .. .. 404-48 10-81 0-37 0-62 .. .. .. .. .. .. 176-00 .. 592-28 Hamilton Borough Council .. .. 6-74 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49-63 .. 56-37 Hawke's Bay Power Board .. .. 176-25 15-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 6-25 .. 86-50 .. 285-50 Horowhenua Power Board .. .. 169-94 5-80 0-83 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 472-98 .. 649-55 Hutt Valley Power Board.. .. .. 6-41 21-83 .. .. 17-60 67-41 .. .. .. .. 182-88 1-78 299-16 Manawatu-Oroua Power Board .. .. 263-65 33-00 .. 1-50 .. .. .. .. 166-44 .. 152-20 .. 616-79 New Plymouth Borough Council .. .. 256-25 16-00 .. 2-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 60-00 .. 334-25 Poverty Bay Power Board .. .. 36-44 6-75 .. .. 149-72 11-50 .. 0-22 .. .. 225-00 0-82 431-44 Rotorua (Tourist Department) .. .. .. .. .. .. 33-73 5-00 .. .. 8-75 .. 16-53 0-51 64-52 South Taranaki Power Board .. .. 180-32 8-88 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1-37 .. 162-85 .. 353-52 Taranaki Power Board .. .. 34-26 36-66 .. .. .. 311-30 5-01 0-13 0-06 .. .. 239-28 0-15 626-85 Tararua Power Board .. .. .. 92-21 12-31 .. .. .. .. .. .. 140-41 .. 147-70 .. 392-88 Te Awamutu Power Board .. .. 61-11 12-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 162-85. 4-75 83-86 .. 324-57 Te Aroha Borough Council .. .. 1-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4-20 .. 13-63 .. 18-83 Thames Borough Council .. .. .. 1-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4-50 .. 16-00 .. 21-75 Thames Valley Power Board .. .. 524-32 75-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 37-68 .. 185-19 .. 822-19 Wairarapa Power Board .. .. .. 245-06 27-25 1-25 .. .. .. .. .. 13-68 .. 256-59 .. 545-58 Wairoa Power Board .. .. .. 38-00 24-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 6-00 .. 51-00 .. 119-00 Waitemata Power Board .. .. .. 681-81 6-45 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 688-26 Waitomo Power Board .. .. .. 95-78 5-75 1-00 0-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. 23-37 0-50 126-20 Wanganui-Rangitikei Power Board.. .. 212-50 25-00 .. .. 226-00 .. .. .. 3-00 .. 492-00 .. 961-50 *Wellington City Council .. Totals .. „ 88-27 4,371-87 322-68 4-95 5-04 1,169-04 89-42 0-13 0-28 772-96 4-75 4,340-25 3-76 ll,173-40(o) Voltage .. .. .. .. I 33,000. j 11,000. | 6,600. I 3,300. I 400. 230. J— ! 1 : ! ! Underground Total Number of Circuits .. .. .. | 1. j 1. [ 2. j 3. j 4. j 1. | 2. j 1. j 2. | 3. | 1. j 2 1 Cable. Route-miles. South Island System. Ashburton Power Board .. .. .. 77-44 19-00 0-7 0-62 714-69 2-1 .. .. .. 81-64 .. .. 1-00 897-19 Banks Peninsula Power Board .. 22-0 25-30 .. .. .. 58-20 4-0 40-13 .. .. 54-88 .. .. .. 204-50 Christchurch City Council .. .. .. 15-38 .. .. .. .. .. 6-44 .. .. 252-94 .. 66-52 341-28 Dunedin City Council .. .. 96-75 .. .. .. .. 171-70 12-60 12-80 1-50 0-20 265-60 .. .. 19-61 580-76 Heathcote County Council .. .. .. 7-80 .. .. .. .. .. 1-63 .. .. 24-66 0-22 .. 0-75 35-06 Kaiapoi Borough Council .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1-06 .. .. 5-50 .. 7-88 .. 14-44 Lyttelton Borough Council .. .. .. 1-80 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8-28 .. .. 0-22 10-31 Malvern Power Board .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 171-60 .. .. .. .. 12-25 .! " 0-50 184-35 North Canterbury Power Board .. .. 274-86 14-16 .. .. 43-26 .. 25-60 .. .. 25-60 .. 69-42 0-29 453-19 Otago Power Board .. .. 40-35 89-88 .. .. .. 190-35 0-50 .. .. .. 45-68 .. 162-70 .. 529-45 Rangiora Borough Council .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2-21 0-57 .. 7-06 0-1 3-40 0-09 13-44 Riccarton Borough Council .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2-50 .. 15-75 .. .. .. 18-25 South Canterbury Power Board .. .. 30-64 83-50 .. .. 541-58 3-5 .. .. .. 105-45 0-5 " i-64 766-81 Springs-Ellesmere Power Board .. .. 37-73 6-50 .. .. 39-94 .. 124-70 .. .. 114-23 .. .. 0-45 323-55 Sumner Borough Council .. .. . . 1-00 . . .. .. .. .. 2-50 .. .. 6-00 . . 9-50 Timaru Borough Council .. .. .. 1-19 .. .. .. .. .. 4-20 3-60 .. 47-26 .! '! 2-75 59-00 Waitaki Power Board .. .. .. 129-67 0-70 .. .. 188-08 .. 3-45 .. .. 108-44 .. .. 0-27 430-61 Waimairi County Council .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37-00 1-0 23-00 .. .. 63-50 .. 19-00 0-61 144-11 , Totals .. 159-10 692-69 123-86 0-7 0-62 2,156-40 23-70 247-71 8-17 0-20 1,247-71 0-82 262-40 94-71 5,018-79


Table VIII. —Electric-power Districts of New Zealand as constituted at 31st March, 1936.


Value of Rateable Property. , . aw„i Total Votes cast for wwtwHm. Proclamation Approximate Area. Population. —— — ; Valuation Basis . i°!™» Loan Polls. JNnmDer of Board. cSSS?L ZSSS. | S l2L gazetted. — — purposes. authorized. payers. District. Outer Area. District. Outer Area. District. District. Outer Area. For. Against. i Number, Sq. Miles. Sq. Maes. Number. Number. £ £ £ £ Number. Number. 1. Ashburton .. .. 17/11/21 12 1,193 1,271 18,870 501 11,500,000 8,314,594 700,000 Capital .. .. 411,150 ! 2,999 706 4,175 f 1/4/22^ 7/9/22 2. Auckland .. ..J 12 325 .. 225,000 .. 78,840,179 50,491,865 .. Capital .. .. 2,542,500 11,004 1,367 35,000 15/7/25 12/11/25 L. 29/7 /26^ 3. Banks Peninsula .. .. {24/1I/21} 7 387 •• 4 > 050 •• 3,757,770 3,545,448 • .. Capital .. .. 114,680 658 113 1,081 4. Bay of Plenty .. .. 20/8/25 8 536 2,678 10,355 1,815 1,497,032 1,497,032 188,502 Unimproved .. 206,000 654 153 2,294 5. Buller(l) .. .. .. 11/5/22 5 1,987 .. 9,197 .. 696,374 696,374 .. Unimproved .. Poll not yet taken. 6. Cambridge .. / 8 137 .. 6,000 .. 2,559,567 1,550,262 .. Capital .. .. 122,835 749 123 1,600 L o/y/zdj f19/10/22 1 7. Central Hawke's Bay .. 7/4/27 y 9 1,300 .. 10,490 .. 5,589,823 5,589,823 .. Unimproved .. 150,000 543 41 2,717 L 28/8/30 J f 8/7/20*1 7/9/22 I 6/3/24 I 8. Central Waikato .. ..J V/V/ot !- H 985 155 19,100 N.A. 8,824,339 4,663,847 N.A. Capital .. .. 419,000 2,004 168 4,500 I 8/1/25 I 3/12/25 3/9/27 I 27/3/30 9. Dannevirke .. .. 11/8/21 10 578 118 12,188 426 3,582,183 3,582,183 466,663 Unimproved .. 224,000 1,587 330 4,452 f 2/10/241 10. Franklin .. .. ■■ i 28/7/27 9 628 58 16,770 435 7,761,397 4,926,883 111,365 Capital .. .. 329,820 2,471 478 4,352 1.31 10 29 J 11. Golden Bay .. .. 18/6/25 ; 5 51 967 1,400 1,950 465,514 248,871 318,313 Capital .. .. 28,000 393 98 391 12. Grey .. .. .. 26/10/22 9 702 810 14,320 768 2,453,941 650,091 117,700 Capital .. .. 315,385 3,095 884 3.293 f 19/6/24 ~j i 13. Hawke's Bay .. .. -j VfJJil, I ! 9 1,680 2 45,123 1,142 9,541,249f 9,541,249 124,319 Unimproved .. 429,000 681 68 10,099 , 7/4/27 f I 28/8/30 I 14. Horowhenua .. .. 1/12/21 9 600 .. 17,200 .. 6,898,987* 3,403,255 .. Capital ... .. 260,000 973 26 3,780(3) 15. Hutt Valley .. 11 330 " 45,670 .. 5,386,273 5,386,273 .. Unimproved .. 390.000 2,333 343 12,044 I | ' | ~ : ' (For notes see p. 87).


Table VIII.—Electric-power Districts of New Zealand as constituted at 31st March, 1936— continued.


Value of Rateable Property. Proclamation Approximate Area. Population. Valuation Basic Total T°r.aj ' or Number _ . affecting Members Used as Bating Unimnrnved Ratfnz Amount Loan ™ ls - of Name of Board. Constitution on Board. Basis. Unimproved. used for Bating of Loans Bategazetted. -ruipuac». authorized. payers. District. Outer Area. District. Outer Area. District. District. Outer Area. For. Against. . Number. Sq. Miles. Sq. Miles. Number. Number. £ £ £ £ Number. Number. 16. Lake Wakatipu(l) .. .. 1/2/34 7 73 3,800 1,700 1,200 .. 171,920 321,690 .. .. Poll not yet taken. 474 17. Malvern .. .. .. {17/3/30} 6 308 1 ' 773 3,350* 1,500* 2,812,044 2,078,625 N A j Capital .. .. 65,000 508 33 1,032 ( 1/12/211 18 Manawatu- Oroua .. i 20/6/29 J- 12 1,301 .. 40,000 .. 12,918,565 12,918,565 .. Unimproved .. 550,000 1,144 96 9,100 I 1/11/34 j 19 Marlborough .. .. 25/10/23 8 3,218 .. 14,530 .. 7,449,979 4,258,916 .. Capital .. .. 349,500 1,587 431 3,760 f 29/3/23 ~j 20. North Auckland(l) .. -j J" 12 2,218 5 26,516 7,154 3,660,515 3,660,515 846,127 Unimproved .. 297,000 3,512 958 5,974 [l3/12/34 j 21. North Canterbury .. .. 8 1,628 2 ' 948 11,734 7,551 9,190,828 7,619,765 4,388,264 Capital .. .. 210,700 653 150 2,899 f 18/8/21 "I 22. Opunake.. .. <: 19/3/25 V 7 230 10 5,030 70 2,191,404 1,162,972 N.A.J Capital .. .. 95,000 504 107 970 L 20/8/25 J f 26/10/22 1 23 Otago Central .. .. < 4/12/24 9 306 2,378 3,585 1,585 742,782 296,380 727,447 Capital .. .. 102,000 688 32 858 L 19/7/28 J f18/10/231 24. Otago .. .. .. i f 9 1 ' 391 890 17 > 931 6 > 251 4,797,711 3,061,588 1,634,860 Capital .. .. 310,500 1,358 206 5,535 I 26/4/29 J 25. Poverty Bay .. .. 20/12/23 11 1,747 1,344 24,440 8,610 14,461,734 6,140,499 3,110,233 Capital .. .. 379,750 2,319 530 8,173 26. Reefton(l) .-. .. 30/6/21 5 24 .. 1,639 .. 178,055 38,054 .. Capital .. .. .. Poll not yet taken. f 26/10/221 27. South Canterbury .. .. ■{ 8/3/28 12 1,673 3,579 35,618 6,980 15,096,516 12,946,839 2,640,530 Capital .. .. 380,220 1,919 587 6,410 113/12/28 J 28. South Taranaki .. .. { 3 1° 434 46 20,000 1,500 9,059,095 5,296,444 79,442 Capital .. .. 227,500 1,237 300 3,847 29 Southland .. 19/11/19 12 7,918 3,035 72,406 30 11,876,000 11,876,000 110,000 Unimproved .. 1,650,000 6,516 415 20,327 r 8/7/201 I 29/3/23 j 30. Springs-Ellesmere .. .. 17/3/30 ' 5 524 KA "t 12,330 N.A.J 7,856,719 5,678,061 32,000 Capital .. .. 166,520 1,352 105 3,133 I 5/2/31 I 6/8/31 J [ (For notes see p. 87.)

ī>.— l.

Table VIII. -Electric-power Districts of New Zealand as constituted at 31st March, 1936-continued.


-LAxSJ-lJli V 111. lUijJLUlXVliU £ w n J.U J.O.VJ w.. . ■ Value of Rateable Property. Total Total Votes cast for Number Proclamation Approximate Area. Population. " — Valuation Basis Am°ount Loan Polls. of afiectins Members Used as Ratm 0 Unimproved. used for Rating ot - Loans RateName of Board. Constitution on Board. Basis. Purposes. authorized. j payers. gazetted. " ' . For. | Against. District. Outer Area. District. Outer Area. District. District. Outer Area. | , n e t £ Number. Number. Number. Sq. Miles. Sq. Miles. Number. Number. i t * f 19/5/22 ~| TaraQaki .. \ 20/5/16 )■ 8 355 1,333 13,985 8,015 6,141.672 2,865,396 3,109,336 Capital .. .. 446,000 1,134 263 2,150 | 5/2/31 32. Tararua .. .. .. 23/3/22 10 700 524 8,115 1,805 2,815,000 2,815,000 1,262,581 Unimproved .. 200,000 714 83 3,600 33. Tauranga .. .. | 16/7/31 T 7 646 3 8,940* 4,030* 1,004,372 1,004,372 517,107 Unimproved .. 184,500 1,555 342 2,563 1 ''C /33 j / 8/1/20 \ g 270 10 8,524 N.A. 2,134,179 2,134,179 N.A.J Unimproved .. 178,000 757 146 2,043 34. Te Awamutu .. •• K 27/11/24/ r 22/7/20 \ » 1n9 1 830 176,839 255,661 .. Unimproved .. 55,500 280 32 391 35. Teviot .. .. " I 6/11/24/ ' 36. Thames Valley .. - 12 2,295 6 39,910 3,200 14,089,950 6,571,168 44,265 Capital .. .. 850,000 3,210 988 13,074 37 Waimea .. ' 2/5/29 J 7 434 1,126 10,000 14,000 2,309,473 N.A4 N.A.J Capital .. .. 84,500 1,184 279 2,438 f 25/3/20"! I 22/7/26, 9 606 j 390 20,940 4,350 10,528,989 5,617,379 2,811,057 Capital .. .. 330,600 2,295 312 5,445 38. Wairarapa .. i 4/11/26 f ' ' I 3/2/27 I t17/10/29 J f 18/1/23") „ fi w . j 4/11/26 ! 7 382 25 2 500 200 696,621 696,621 163,379 Unimproved .. 45,800 94 39. Wairere .. .. i 21/3/29 f 40. Wairoa ' ' 29/7/20 J 10 ' 1,354 .. 5,520 .. 4,207,351 2,488,442 ■■ Capital.. ■■ 100,000 504 31 „ w , . / 9/8/23 \ 9 520 ] §53 17,500 2,500 5,747.283 4,406,970 239,322 Capital .. .. 195,650 1,959 222 4,752 41. Waitaki .. .. " \ 5/4/28/ f18/10/231 42. Waitemata .. f I 12 1,106 .. 45,630 .. 13,903,497 5,821,648 .. Capital .. .. 495,000 11,326 2,214 16,206* I 7/3/29 I 43. Waitomo .. .. 6/3/24 J 7 160 1,100 6,670 2,000 801,312 801,312 N.A.J Unimproved .. 143,400 784 109 1,634 44. Wanganui-Rangitikei .. 12 1,648 972 52,000 3,000 22,099,617* 6,568,540* 1,408,210* Capita! .. .. 375,000 1,315 214 10,350* [ 6/11/34 J - „ oft „ in Poll not yet taken. 683 45. Westland(2) .. .. 9 900 .. 3,462 401,319 2-0,810 „ J Totals> 1933 _3 6 " ~ 401 46,090 34,209 992,268 92,568 338,704,049 223,560,691 25,472,712 ■■ 14,410,010 80,552 14,091 229,815 Totals, 1934-35 .. .T 404 3!M)M 347,826,237 224,110,453 25,246,895 .. 13,766,625 69,720 12,409 227,254 ( 1) Not yet actively functioning. (2) License delegated to Westland Power, Ltd. (3) »31-32 figures. Later return not furnished. • 1934-35 figures. t Changed from capital to unimproved basis. t N.A. - not available.


Table IX.—Statistics of Population, Consumers, System Voltages, Route-miles of Lines, etc., for the Year ended 31st March, 1936.


t i OTE -— ;[n th ° column describing the Source of Supply the following abbreviations are used : G.N. - Government supply, North Island system; G.S. = Government supply, South Island system; I. = Independent supply (own generating- plant); B. = Bulk supply from another authority. Year „ , Batio of Voltage. whm Population Consumers I - r „. OTri ,._ Sunnlv Authority Source of included in Number of to Popula- M : i ; Koutesupply Autnority. gupply _ Supply Area Qf eonmjmers o£ per Route- gta(le Head _ mended Su PP!y- Area of Generation. Trans- Primary Secondary Distribution (and Lines. TJL menced. ' Supply. mission. Distribution. System oi Supply). Lme - Public Works Department. % 1. Arapuni-Mangahao-Waikaremoana .. I. 1921 .. 301 .. { } 400/230 A.C. 1,203 .. L 5 > 000 J ' ' J ) M=896 2. Coleridge-Waitaki f i 10 ,000 1 „ AAA , {.W=676 L 1915 •• 94 { 6;600 I 66,000 | 1J.000 } 400/230 A.C. 681 .. Totals, P.W.D. .. .. .. .. .. 395 .. .. _ _ _ x gg4 Electeic-powee Boabds. 1. Ashburton G.S. 1923 18,870 3,983 21-10 400 (s) .. / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 897 4-4 oa,i, \ 6,600 f 2. Auckland G.N. 1908 225,000 53,931 23-97 6,600 (s) 22,000 / 11,000 400/230 A.C. \ 1 142 47-2 1 6,600 460/230 D.C. / 3. Banks Peninsula G.S. 1921 4,050 1,012 25-00 3,300 (s) 33,000 { \ 400/230 A.C. 205 4-9 310 i 3 3oo i 5 BuLr f ' Plenty G ' N ' 1928 10 ' 355 1,653 15 ' 97 •• 11 ',000 400/230 A.C. 266 6-2 6. Cambridge G.N. 1921 6,000 1,557 25-95 !! " / 11 000 \ 400/230 AC ' i 90 s : 2 \ 3,300 / 7. Central Hawke's Bay .. .. G.N. 1925 10,490 1,696 16-17 .. .. / "[(SOO \ 400/230 A.C. 239 7-1 I 3 3oo I 8. Central Waikato .. .. .. G.N. 1921 19,010 5,259 27-67 .. •• / \ 400/230 A.C. 703 7-5 1 3 300 f 9. Dannevirke G.N. 1925 12,614 2,760 21-90 .. .. / 11 >10 \ 400/230 A.C. 325 8-5 J?' K? » 1925 17,205 3,936 22-90 .. .. 1 IK 000 J 400/230 A.C. 592 6-7 11. Golden Bay .. .. .. I. 1929 1,400 396 28-30 400 .. 6,600 400/230 AC 61 330 Jo" S rey , , •• •• 1- 14,320 3,455 24-10 3,300 33,000 11,000 400/230 A!C! 189 18-3 42 13. Hawke s Bay G.N. 1927 29,833 6,785 22-75 3,300 (s) .. / 11,000 400/230 A.C. \ 345 19-7 t a it i \ 3,300 460/230 D.C. f £.N. 1924 17,150 4,550 26-50 .. .. 11,000 400/230 A.C. J 326 14-0 15. Hutt Valley G.N. 1925 45,000 12,251 27-22 .. -• / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 297 41-3 .! 16. Lake Wakatipu 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. _ 6,600 f 17. Malvern .. .. .. .. G.S. 1925 5,050 '680 13-46 '! 6'600 400/230 AC 'l84 3-' 7 18. Manawatu-Oroua .. .. .. G.N. 1924 39,011 5,076 13-00 .. •• / 11,000 \ 400/230 a!c! 616 8-3 1 ! \ 3,300 / (For notes, see page 92.)


Table IX.—Statistics of Population, Consumers, System Voltages, Route-miles of Lines, etc., for the Year ended 31st March, 1936-continued.


G.N. = Government supply, North Island system. G.S. = Government supply, South Island system. I. = Independent supply (own generating-plant). B. = Bulk supply from another authority. „ Ratio of Voltage. Population Consumers ; — Route- Con su m ers Source of „™®? included in Number of to Popula- miles ol pe * nrS 6 " Static Head. Supply Authority. Supply. " PP 7 Area of Consumers, tion m Trans- Primary Secondary Distribution (and Lines. mertced. Supply ' Generation. Distribution. System of Supply). me - i Electric-powek Boards —continued, % „ 19. Marlborough .. .. .. I. 1927 14,530 2.888 19-90 6,600 33,000 / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 282 10-0 100 \ 6,600 / 20. North Auckland 2 .. f 11,000 1 21. North Canterbury .. .. .. G.S. 1928 11,734 2,195 18-72 .. i 6,600 f- 400/230 A.C. 453 4-9 ! 3,300 J 22. Opunake .. .. .. .. I. & B. 1924 5,100 1,000 19-60 6,600 .. 6,600 400/230 A.C. 152 6-6 47 23. Otago Central .. .. .. I. & B. 1925 3,585 987 27-50 6,600 5 33,000 / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 187 5-3 987 \ 6,600 f 24. Otago .. .. .. .. B. 1926 17,931 4,174 23-30 .. 33,000 / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 607 6-9 \ 6,600 f 25. Poverty Bay .. .. .. G.N. 1912 24,440 5,191 21-24 6,600 (s) .. / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. \ 378 13-7 \ 6,600 / 460/230 D.C. / 27! South°Canterbury " " !! G.S. 1925 4,268 16-88 400 (s) .. / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 767 5-6 66 \ 6,600 / 28. South Taranaki .. .. .. G.N. 1929 20,000 3,265 16-33 5,500 (s) .. 11,000 400/230 A.C. 267 12-2 57 29. Southland.. .. .. .. I. 1925 48,875 10,198 20-90 6,600 66,000 / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 2,408 4-2 154 \ 3,300 f f 11,000 1 30. Springs-Ellesmere .. .. .. G.S. 1922 12,330 2,574 20-87 .. .. ■{ 6,600 400/230 A.C. 324 7-9 I 3,300 J 31. Taranaki .. .. .. .. I. & G.N. 1927 22,000 2,562 11-65 6,600 33,000 / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 401 6-4 300 \ 6.600 / 32. Tararua .. .. .. .. G.N. 1925 8,115 1,685 20-80 .. .. / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 224 7-5 \ 3,300 / f 11,000— 3 ph. J 400 /230 AC 1 33. Tauranga .. .. .. .. B. 1926 9,564 1,420 14*85 .. 33,000 3 300 460/230 1 ph. 3 w. A.C. f 34. TeAwamutu .. .. .. G.N. 1921 8,524 1,979 23-20 .. .. / ' 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 325 6-1 \ 3,300 r f 11,000 ] 35. Teviot I. 1924 1,830 416 22-75 3,300 .. 6,600 J> 400/230 A.C. 69 6-0 380 L 3,300 J 36. Thames Valley .. .. .. G.N. 1921 35,850 7,896 22-00 .. / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 823 9-6 \ 3,300 J 37. Waimea .. .. .. .. I. & B. 1912 9,235 1,859 20-12 f 400 ] .. / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 127 14-6 960/16/10 3,300 }■ \ 2,500 / I 2,500 J 38. Wairarapa .. .. .. G.N. 1923 19,500 5,137 26-35 3,300 (s) .. f 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 524 9-8 429/290 \ 3,300 / 39. Wairere .. .. .. .. I. 1925 2,000 351 17-55 6,600 .. 6,600 400/230 A.C. 119 3-0 65 40. Wairoa .. .. .. .. G.N. 1923 1 5,520 394 7-14 .. .. / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 97 4-1 \ 3,300 J (For notes, see page 92.)


Table IX.—Statistics of Population, Consumers, System Voltages, Route-miles of Lines, etc., for the Year ended 31st March, 1936— continued.


G.N. =Government supply, North Island system. G.S. =Government supply, South Island system. I.=Independent supply (own generating-plant). B.=Bulk supply from another authority. Y Batio of Voltage. wffru Population Consumers I -Rnnfp Consumers Supply Authority S „™» f Supply in^ e d a ed of in VonC" I P Head. PP y ' com- Consumers, toonm Generation Trans " Primary Secondary Distribution (and Lines. ™'® of menced. ""PPW- Supply feneration. mission. Distribution. | System of Supply). Lme - Eleotkic-powek Boards —continued. % Ft. f 11,000 1 41. Waitaki .. .. .. .. G.S. 1926 17,500 3,926 22-45 3,300 (s) .. 6,600 y 400/230 A.C. 431 9-1 250 3,300 J 42. Waitemata .. .. .. G.N. 1926 45,550 11,106 24-40 .. .. 11,000 400/230 A.C. 688 16-2 43. Waitomo .. .. .. .. G.N. 1926 8,670 1,401 16-18 .. .. 11,000 400/230 A.C. 126 11-1 44. Wanganui-Rangititei .. .. G.N. 1924 52,380 10,500 20-05 3,300 (s) .. | l <3',600 j- / 797 132 45. Westland 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... Totals, Power Boards .. .. .. .. 905,410 196,352 21*69 .. .. .. .. 17,565 Other Local Authorities. City Councils. 1. Christchurch .. .. .. G.S. 1903 95,000 30,210 31-80 460 D.C. (s) .. / 11,000 400/230 A.C. \ 341 88-5 \ 3,300 460/230 D.C. / 6 600 2. Dunedin .. I. & G.S. 1907 92,000 27,636 30-05 | ( 35 ' 000 { 3'300 } 581 47 ' 6 700 3. Inveroargill B. 1914 22,000 5,911 26-85 j 3 Joj| } .. { } 79 74 " 8 4. Nelson .. .. .. .. I. 1923 12,000 3,075 25-60 3,300 .. 3,300 400/230 A.C. 48 64-1 5. Palmerston North .. .. .. B. 1924 22,191 6,036 27-20 3,300 (s) .. f 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 82 73-6 \ 3,300 / 6. Wellington .. .. .. G.N. 1907 125,000 37,455 29-95 ll,000(s) .. / 11,000 400/230 A.C. \ 360 104-0 \ 3,300 500 D.C. (Trams) / Totals, City Councils .. .. .. 368,191 110,323 29-90 .. .. .. .. 1,491 Borough Councils. 1. Blufl .. .. .. .. B. 1903 2,036 509 25-00 .. .. 3,300 400/230 A.C. 11 46-3 2. Hamilton.. .. .. .. G.N. 1913 16,100 4,644 28-80 .. .. 11,000 400/230 A.C. 58 80-1 3. Inglewood .. .. .. B. 1905 1,300 427 32-80 .. .. 3,300 400/230 A.C. 8 53-4 4. Kaiapoi .. .. .. .. B. 1917 1,700 495 29-10 .. .. 3,300 400/230 A.C. 14 35-4 5. Lyttelton . . .. .. .. G.S. 1918 3,300 888 26-90 .. .. 11,000 400/230 A.C. 10 88-8 6. Napier .. .. .. B. 1913 15,300 4,809 31-45 3,300(«) .. 3,300 400/230 A.C. 43 111-8 7. New Plymouth .. .. .. I. & G.N. 1905 21,000 6,493 30-90 6,600 .. 11,000 / 400/230 A.C. \ 334 19-5 240/120 \ 500 D.C. (Trams) / 8. Ohakune .. .. .. .. B. & I. 1914 1,940 469 24-20 2,400 (s) .. / 6,600 \ 400/230 A.C. 17 27-6 42 - - . \ 2,400 / For jiotes, see page 92.)

Table IX.-Statistics of Population, Consumers, System Voltages, Rou te-miles of Lines, etc., for the Year ended 31st March, 1936-continued.



G.N.=Government supply, North Island system. S u ppl y. South I S W system. supply (own gengra^^ Batio of Voltage. Consumers Iw Population Consumers _ j M°es of P ™?°5 e ' Static Head. Supply Authority. Supply 0 * Supply "Ijea of" Consumers. tionin Trans- Primary Secondary Distribution (and Lines. llne ™ y com- Supply. Area of Generation. mission. Distribution. System of Supply). menced. ** Supply. ! ~ Other Local Authorities —continued. jo/ 9 Patfa^ MS ~ 00ntinUed ' .. B. & I. 1901 2,310 404 17% 3,300 W •• 3,300 460/230 DC. 11 HI 279 I. 1917 1,400 390 27-85 460 .. •• 400/230 A C 1 38-1 510 : rl B ™ :: :: .. ;■ jg jg »g , S x :: 1;C »&«£ - "» 380 3,300 (s) / 400/230 A.C. 13 52-5 -1—- :: :: £*. ffi K i£ 8S ■ •• 3:300 400/230 A - a - 18 84 : 6 :: :: «. !*> »;«• «3» :: { t:Z «Si£ > " " SKT:: :: :: :: & j® » MS SS :: " { »:= } ; SSSUi :: :: :: L "' 88 '■«» '•« S:S S ° ;; { «8 } S ' S " :S " u Z* 21. Tauranga >■ »» »»3 I.MS »■« M. {g;= *g } " £ 'J 22. TeAroha 1906 2,367 740 31-25 3,300 (.) - - 3,300 Ac". 12 26-4 .. £S£?:: :: :: :: »: SK 4.S i.S M { ..jôog } - / « } -/—. ..Tlmaru B. 1908 17,300 4,532 26-20 - \ U.000 } 400/230 A.C. «■ - :: I: IS !:«? S S3 4 - c :: i|°i! S SI i&mSEL' :: :: :: | ||| . » 2 | I: 30 3 ' 300 22 : 000 1« SlUS S 258 _ 30. Whangarei B - 1915 7 > 900 7~ZT A - - " Ay0o4 • " * * Totals, Borough Councils .. •• j 152,596 41,034 26 98 Toum Boards. „ 1£> OK AA „ „ nn 3 300 400/230 A.C. 17 18-4 50 North .. .. .. L * B. 1916 1,250 312 25-00 3,3 .. < 2 0 ; 5 .. 3! Kaponga .. " '.i -- I- & B. ; 1916 1,200 372 31-00 3,300 .. 400/230 AC. 10 12-0 S* ;; :: :: I: iS» 775 III li-58 •• 3 > 300 230 A - c - Totals, Town Boards . -- | 4,211 1,092 25-93 j .. -• ' (Eor notes, see page 92.)

T>.~ 1.

Table IX.—Statistics of Population, Consumers, System Voltages, Route-miles of Lines, etc., for the Year ended 31st March, 1936-continued.


G.N. =Government supply, North Island system. G.S.=Government Supply, South Island system. I.=Independent supply (own generating-plant). B.=Bulk supply from another authority. Year Batio of Voltage. when Population Consumers Omisiimprs SunTilv Authorifv Source of „ ®, included in Number of to Popula- " ~ BoutePP y " Supply. PP y Area of Consumers. tion in . miles oi P Static Head. mended 1 ?- Area of Generation. Primary Secondary Distribution (and Lines. ot mencea. Supply. mission. Distribution. System of Supply). -bine. Other Local Authorities —continued. County Councils. % 1. Heathcote .. .. .. G.S. 1914 6,000 1,279 21-31 .. / 11,000 \ 400/230 A.C. 35 36-6 \ 3,300 f 2. Kaikoura .. .. .. .. I. 1922 630 167 26-50 3,300 .. 3,300 400/230 AG 5 33-4 3. Murchison .. .. .. I. 1922 540 188 34-80 3,300 .. 3,300 400/230 A.C. 16 11-8 105 4. Uawa .. .. .. .. I. 1925; 400 100 25-00 230 .. .. 230 D C 3 33-3 ā. Waimairi .. .. .. .. B. 1917 14,000 3,501 25-00 .. .. / 6,600 \ 400/230 A.'c' 144 24-3 \ 3,300 / Totals, County Councils .. .. .. | 21,570 5,235 24-20 .. .. .. 203 Totals, other Local Authorities .. .. 546,568 157,684 28-87 .. .. 2 817 '■ ~ Companies. 1. Alderton Utility Co. .. .. I. 1930 300 64 21-33 400 .. 6,350 230 A C 12 5-3 123 2. Kanieri Electric, Ltd. .. .. I. 1921 2,692 722 26-80 2,400 .. 11,000 400/230 A C 26 27-8 250/110 3. Reefton Electric Light and Power Co., I. 1887 1,300 378 29-10 230 .. .. 230 D C* 8 47-3 27 Ltd. 4. P. Spender (Rawene) .. .. I. 1926 300 53 17-66 230 .. .. 230 D.C. 1 53-0 5. Wilson's (N.Z.) Portland Cement, Ltd... I. 1916 500 172 34-40 5,500 22,000 2,200 400/230 A.C.' 44 130 6. Westland Power, Ltd. .. .. I. & B. 1928 4,700 153 3-26 / 6,600 \ .. / 11,000 \ 400/230 AC 67 "-3 260/105 \ 400 / \ 6,600 / ' " I Totals, Companies .. .. .. .. j 9,792 1,542 15-72 .. .. jgg Totals, all Supply Authorities .. .. .. 1,461,770 355,973 24-35 .. .. .. _ i 22 424 Notes.—(«) = Standby supply. i Not actively functioning. 2 Distribution system under construction ; supply not yet commenced. 3 License delegated to Westland Power, Ltd. JNo returns received. 6 Otago Central Power Boards new generating- station at Roaring Meg commenced supplying power on 19th March. 1936.

D. —1.

Table X.—Results of Generation and Distribution for Year ended 31st March, 1936.


Note. — In the columns detailing the capacity of generating plant the following symbols are used to denote the type of prime mover : * Water ; f Steam ; J Oil; § Gas. - - - Capacity of Generating Connected TTll u 0 Units sold (Average), g Plant. Load. | UmtB - g _ |^| Maxi- S 7 : T5 — Supply Authority. mum T i ts n + 1 rr«+„i Sold. >. *3-8 «go Per °:g g g No. Load. | Generated. ejected ItodHdESI Hon- I S£ |S » eta " |S° Main Plant. Standby Plant. ™f k Bulk | ► Purchased. grated ] ag Betail to productive. ! I g ■§ gfg, I | Supply. p Water. Steam. Oil. Gas. ! purchased. Supply fori Consumers. 14 I 2 So 4 ' | 1 Resale. 1 1 i Public Works Department. Kw. Kv.a. Kw. Kv.a. Kw. Kw. Kw. % No. I No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. % % No. No. No. Kw. 1. Arapuni-Mangahao-Waikare- 122,600* 148,810 f 3,750J 4,689 \ 116,800 843,209 18,731 13-85 620,064, 155 7 1,969, 872 10 314,502 .. 236,134 622,584,663 563,673,258 32,751,853 58,911,405 9-46 60-85 .. .. 231 .. 1 moana \ l.500f 1,875/ I 2. Coleridge-Waitaki .. .. 64,500* 73,972 / 5,760J 7,200\ 36,780 353,693 23,962 10-40170,516,380 .. .. .. .. 170,516,380 149,698,738 19,109,718 20,817,642 12-21 52-95 .. .. 128 .. 2 \ 1,100| 5 1,100/ Totals, P.W.D. .. 187,100 222,782 12,110 14,864 .. .. 42,693 .. 790,580,535 1,969,872 314,502 .. 236,134 793,101,043 713,371,996 51,861,571 79,729,047 10-05 198 i i Electric-power Boards. 1. Ashburton .. .. .. .. 160t 200 1,835 .. 16,08011-41 .. .. 15,540 .. 7,618,000 7,633,540 .. 5,682,737 1,950,803 25-56 47-50301 1,427 19 0-46 1 2. Auckland .. .. .. .. f35,550t 43,940\ 37,176 .. 220,74816-85 .. 1,814,20c 11 ... .. 172,361,412 174,175,612 .. 148,834,433 25,341,179 14-55 53-40662 2,405 91 0-54 25 2 3. Banks Peninsula .. .. .. .. 5 ' 6 72* 6 490 .. 4,54210-78 64,836 .. .. .. 2,097,400 2,162,236 .. 1,619,119 543,117 25-12 50-40400 1,600 21 0-48 3 4. Bay of Plenty .. .. .. 1,350 .. 7,367 18-33 .. .. .. .. 10.194,664 10,194,664 .. 9,031,986 1,162,678 11-40 86-20872 5,460 60 0-82 4 5. Buller 1 .. .. .. .. .. # _ ,, , , # _ .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. 5 6. Cambridge .. .. .. !. " " *834 !! 3,351 24-90 !! !! !! " 5,298,356 5,298,356 .. 4,371,144 927,212 17-50 72-50729 2,805 51 0-54 6 7. Central Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. .. 904 .. 5,47316-50 .. .. .. .. 4,730,486 4,730,486 .. 4,134,535 595,951 12-60 59-70394 2,440 37 0-53 7 8. Central Waikato .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,556 .. 19,167 13-33 .. .. .. .. 16.019,990 16,019,990 13,675,076 13,651.610 2,344,914 14-63 71-55718 2,597 44 0-49 8 9. Dannevirke .. .. .. .. .. .. 900 .. 8,26410-89 .. .. .. .. 4,855.776 4,855,776 .. 4,337,693 518,083 10-67 61-60344 1,572 23 0-33 9 10. Franklin .. .. .. .. .. 1875 220 2,430 .. 13,232 18-36 .. .. .. .. 14,910,403 1 4,910,403 .. 12,738,431 2,171,972 14-57 70-00 740 3,240 5 3 0-62 10 11. Golden Bay .. .. 175* 250 .. 192 1,041 18-43 769,432 2 130 771,562 .. 600,038 171,524 22-23 45-80429 1,515 40 0-49 11 12. Grey .. .. .. 3,060» 3,600 .. .. 1,980 .. 11,36317-43 8,726,874 .. . .! 8,726,874 .. 7,164,108 1,562,766 17-90 50-30500 2,075 55 0-57 12 13. Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. j 520t 650} 4,608 38,637 26,413 11-93 .. .. 1,096 .. 25,742,624 25,743,720 23,228,225 13,730,952 2,515,495 9-77 63-80460 2,024 89 0-43 13 14. Horowhenua .. .. .. .. ' .' 67 '' D ' C | ' 2,456 .. 15,10616-25 .. .. .. .. 11,582,200 11,582,200 .. 10,206,890 1,375,310 11-88 53-80595 2,240 62 0-54 14 15. Hutt Valley .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,194 .. 48,101 10-78 .. .. . 25,494,980 25,494,980 .. 21,696,228 3,798,752 14-90 56-00482 1,771 92 0-42 15 16. Lake Wakatipu 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1-6 17. Malvern .. .. .. .. .. .. [[ *227 " 2 751 8-26 .. !. *! .. 974*442 974,442 .. 688,062 286,380 29-40 49-00136 1,012 13 0-33 17 18. Manawatu-Oroua .. .. .. .. .. 4,500 43 187 2li01810-42 .. 29 478'670 29,478,670 26,255,402 12,886,845 3,223,268 10-93 74-90330 2,540 65 0-53 18 19. Marlborough .. .. 1,000* 1,250 4561 570 960 .. 10,850 8-85 5,377,860 .. 68,460 .. .. 5,446,320 .. 4,314,909 1,131,411 20-77 64-75297 1,492 25 0-33 19 20. North Auckland ! . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. 20 21. North Canterbury .. .. .. .. .. 1,278 10,829 7,92111-80 .. .. 5,566,400 5,566,400 4,638,421 3,753,611 927,979 16-65 49-75305 1,630 31 0-44 21 22. Opunake . . .. .. 315* 450 148{ 185 500 .. 18-70 1,324,900 .. 46,035 .. 689,780 2,060,715 .. 1,577,886 482,829 23-44 47-00309 1,578 27 0-50 22 23. Otago Central 26 .. .. 1,600* 2,000 .. .. 440 .. 2,08021-15 17,917 .. .. .. 2,618,100 2,636,017 .. 2,192,364 443,653 16-80 68-40611 2,220 27 0-45 23 24. Otago .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,734 .. 12,43913-93 .. .. . 7,805,609 7,805,609 .. 6,002,044 1,803,565 23-10 51-40334 1,436 26 0-41 24 25. Poverty Bay .. .. .. .. / 680$ 850\ 2,088 .. 20,82910 02 .. .. 62,470 .. 10,983,400 11,045,870 .. 9,338,034 1,707,836 15-45 60-40382 1,800 40 0-40 25 \ 300$ D.C. / 26. Reefton 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 26 27. South Canterbury . . .. " .. '*29* *36 3,496 28*399 13,25812-32 !! !! !! 16,681., 172 16,681., 172 14,535,149 7,166,749 2,146,023 12-86 54-50284 1,679 56 0-42 27 28. South Taranaki .. .. .. .. r 555* 692\ 1,542 9,561 9,09316-13 2,467,949 .. 44,051 .. 4,833,934 7,345,934 6,204,343 5,814,641 1,141,591 15-54 54-40291 1,780 55 0-45 28 29. Southland .. .. 6,000* 7,050 6<> ' 6,600 54,674 36,81512-07 28,001,600 .. .. .. 12,726 28,014,326 20,114,064 13,486,702 7,900,262 28-20 48-50276 1,322 21 0-43 29 30. Springs-Ellesmere .. .... .. . . 1.200 9 86112-17 . 6 091 861 6,091,861 .. 5,083,737 1,008,214 16-55 57-90412 1,975 38 0-47 30 31. Taranaki . . .. .. 3,200* 3,600 .. .. 2,376 14,744 8,62016-12 13,353,700 .. .. .. 19,830 13,373,530 10,367,500 6,277,744 3,006,030 22-45 64-30285 2,450 54 0-52 31 32. Tararua .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 695 .. 6,35210-94 .. .. . .. 3,780.136 3,780,136 .. 3,326,368 453,768 12-00 62-10410 1,9/3 30 0-41 32 33. Tauranga .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,040 .. .. .. . .. 4.949.396 11 4,949,396 .. 4,949,396 15 .. 15 •• 518 3,487 39 .. 33 34. Te Awamutu .. .. .. .. ,. 1,219 .. 7,45816-35 .. .. 6 885,000 .. 5.822,963 1,062,037 15-43 64-50683 2,945 37 0-62 34 35. Teviot .. .. .. 750* 939 .. .. 810 3,538 1,45822-90 4,573,340 .. .. .. .. 4,573,340 4,396,228 1,778,128 177,112 3-87 64-50972 4,275 140 0-89 35 36. Thames Valley .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,595 33,294 29,19013-80 .. .. .. .. 30,768,074 30,768,074 26,606,539 24,300,029 4,161,535 13-53 76-50678 3,080 60 0-52 36 37. Waimea .. .. ., 390* 482 110J 137 351 .. 3,44810-18 956,032 .. 18,542 .. 108,415 1,082,989 .. 804,711 278,278 25-72 35-20 87 433 16 0-19 37 38. Wairarapa .. .. .. .. 837* 1,188 2,010 .. 20,845 9-63 2,280,270 s .. .. .. 9,346,381 11,626,651 .. 9,945,760 1,680,891 14-45 66-10510 1,935 55 0-39 38 39. Wairere .. .. .. 490* 700 .. .. 400 .. 1,84421-70 1,932,950 .. .. .. .. 1,932,950 .. 1,322,964 609,986 31-55 55-20661 3,770 54 1-14 39 40. Wairoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 852 4,789 1,82317-80 .. .. .. .. 4.113,816 4,113,816 3,520,700 1,403,800 593,116 14-41 55-10254 3,560 67 0-86 40 41. Waitaki .. .. .. .. .. / 120* 150\ 1,833 .. 14,005 13-09 168,211 .. 40,106 .. 8,268,360 8,476,677 .. 7,185,874 1,290,803 15-22 52-80411 1,830 53 0-47 41 42. "Waitemata .. .. .. .. ,! 92 * T 4 ° 3,700 .. 35,04410-55 .. .. .. .. 19,627,050 19,627,050 .. 17,094,814 2,532,236 12-90 60-50375 1,540 50 0-33 42 43. Waitomo.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 864 .. 5,445 15-86 .. .. .. .. 3,985,150 3,985,150 .. 3,352,455 632,695 15-87 52-75387 2,390 43 0-62 43 44. Wanganui-Kangitikei .. .. .. l,500f 1,875 4,824 37,306 36.97312-94 .. .. .. .. 24,935,067 24,935,067 21,697,140 21,496,753 3,237,927 12-98 59-00411 1,948 63 0-42 44 45. Westland 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .! .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 Totals, Power Boards .. 16,980 20,321 48,078 51,630 .. .. 728,383 .. 67,913,106 s .. 296,300 .. 503,431,190 571,640,596» .. 439,167,247 86,899,181 15-20" .. 485 2,236 49 (For notes see page 95.)


Table X.—Results of Generation and Distribution for Year ended 31st March, 1936— continued.


Note. — In the columns detailing the capacity of generating plant the following symbols are used to denote the type of prime mover : * Water ; f Steam ; J Oil; § Gas. Capacity of Generating Connected £ TT § Plant. Load. f Umts - -g Units sold (Average), g Maxi- : — 3 \~Z i c '3 « I Supply Authority. S. Exclud- "§ Generated. I Total **»• || gl I •*§ I Per. o|« g 11 No . Main Plant. Standby Plant. ing Bulk I Purchased. I S ener ated Including Non- ■§ S 2 I | C P° -Bulk g upp iy g i and Bulk Retail to productive. S>?-S 5 0 SfiS f £ Supply. p Water. Steam. Oil. Gas. j purchased. Supplyfor Consumers. »« S g g g<: sumer. £;§ g, £ a ; I Resale. P4 n 1 P<Px fio <! Other Local Authokities. City Councils. Ew. Kv.a. Kw. Kv.a. Kw. Sw. Kw. % 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No No Nn «/ o/ w „ _ 1. Ohristchurch .. .. .. .. 400f D.C. 17,560144,927 129,037 12-12 .. .. .. .. 70,511,713 70,511,713 63,613,135 57,261,504 6,898 578 9-80 45 85 603 1 895 8?' 1 2. Dunedin 17,400» 21,750 r l,875f 2,340\ 18,200 95,777 83,33819-00 70,401,302 19,340 16,790 .. 4,537,300 74,974,732 63;969;875! 5611641266 lllool'iiB? 14-67 47-00610 1:856 88 0-54 !s 2 \ 860J D.C. f ' ' ' 3. Invercargill .. 1 1,932 .. 16,18911-94 .. 10,700 .. .. 6,106,400 6,117,100 .. 5,246,500 870,600 114-25 36-10238 j 785 63 0-29»» 3 4. Nelson .. .. .. 750f 937 500f 624 , 870 .. 8,732 9-97 .. 2,400,880 .. .. .. I 2,400,880 1,896,712! 1,788,535 504 168 '20-99 31-50149 ' 589 3K n- 97 a. 5. Palmerston North .. 816§ 1,020 2,832 .. 22,16912-77 .. .. .. 625,320 13,368,557 13,993,877 .. 12 595 306 1 398 571 9-99 56-40567 2 090 l®? 5 t 6. Wellington .. ..-j .. .. { 9,000| 21,264 .. 160,30913-26 .. 694,763- .. .. 72,118,500 ,72, 813,'263 .. llUlfsll Ill-H SS-lSSoB IliSS 77 0-th' 6 Totals, City Councils .. 18,150 ; 22,687 16,426 17,108 .. .. 419,774 .. 70,401,302 3,077,911 1S 16,790 625,320166,642,470 240,763,793 IS ~ 196,135,016 30,401,132 I12-63 1 ' 532 !l 778 77 " ' ! ' ' ' Borough Councils. \ ■, 1. Bluff .. .. .. .. .. .. ! .. 249 .. 1,670 14-90 .. .. .. .. 520,962 520,962 .. 450 163 70 799 13-59 93-90991 Sftti >7a n -i 2. Hamilton .. 1,692 .. 12,570 13-46 .. .. .. .. 6,541,780 6,541,780 .. 5,874 864 666 916 10-20 44-00365 1 265 103 o 3. Inglewood .. 153 .. 1,525 10-03 .. .. .. .. 621,830 621,830 .. 562 702 59 128 9-51 46-40433 1 320 80 3 4. Kaiapoi .. 125 .. 954 13-10 .. .. .. .. 404,120 404,120 .. 378 308 25 812 6-40 36-90222 '?«? I? 2 2? ? 5. Lyttelton .. 274 . . 3,312 8-28 .. .. .. .. 1,108,664 1,108,664 .. I 843 940 264 724 : 23-90 46-209g6 950 82 0 \ «•Napier 400t 500 1,617 .. 11,379 14-21 .. .. 270 .. 9,320,500 9,320,770 .. ! 8,594 269 726'501 7-80 65-80562 1 790 136 0 34 R 7. New Plymouth .. .. 3,500* 4,375 / 1,200* 1,500\ 3,900 23,774 23,52416-40 12,735,006 .. .. .. 5,099,036 17,834,042 15,788,112 2,050;930 11-50 52-20718 2494 138 0-51» 7 8. Ohakune } 120 j, 100 .. 68214-66 3,434 .. 1,026 .. 372,850 377,310 .. 301,140 76,170 20-20 43-10 155 642 52 0-21 8 9. Patea .. .. .. .. .. 88* 154 " 58326-42 226,209 .. 310 .. 389,702 616,221 .. 543,320 72,901 11-83 45-70235 1,344 ' 58 0-38 9 10. Picton .. .. .. / 125| D.C. .. .. 78 .. 605 12-90 .. .. 182,370 .. .. 182,370 .. 138,233 44,137 24-20 126-70 99 354 ! 19 0-20 10 11. Queenstown .. .. 60* 75 .. .. 75 .. 445 16-85 218,340 .. .. .. .. 218,340 .. 165.377 52 963 24-23 '33-25184 R90 .19 n 90 11 12. Raetlhi 280* 350 96* 120 265 2,257 1,575 11-74 882,330 .. .. .. .. 882,330 843,785 470 935 38 545 4-37 138-00105 1 126 tfl 0-39 \l 13. Rangiora .. 193 .. 1,953 9-88 .. .. 690 .. 660,690 661,380 ..' 592 859 68 521 10-36 '39-10965 870 43 oJs IS mt™ n . :: :: •• 2 . D .o. :: :: , 677 ?: M710 :" .. .. .. .. 2,973,130 2,973,130 .. 1 3> 678; 8 29 294:30! »,5S I0-Ī5 ISI i,IS : m lit 11 16. Rotorua (Tourist Dept.) .. .. .. 200* 250 797 .. 5,81413-70 27i,084 .. .. .. 3,318,335 3,589', 419 " 2 432 '323 1 157'096 32-25 i 51-40 2lV 1 195 iq n ii 17. Stratford .. 600 .. 2,82521-24 .. .. .. .. 2,699,060 2,699,060 .. 2 164 606 534,454 19-80 51-40577 Ī 966 103 1? 18. Sumner .. 374 .. 2,51414-87 .. .. .. .. 1,448,284 1,448,284 .. 1 352 028 96 256 6-66 44-10413 1 265 ss not \l 19. Taihape 150* D.C. 75§ D.C. 229 .. 1,183 19-37 574,662 .. .. 628 16,800 592,090 .. 544 466 47 624 8-04 29-50250 944 80 n'?n iq 20. Taumarunui .. .. 425* 500 .. .. 340 2,270 2,143 15-00 1,173,042 .. .. .. .. 1,173,042 961,523 928 785 211 519 18-03 '39-40 166 908 n'a? 9n 21. Tauranga 3,040* 3,500 640* 800 2,514 9,949 2,863 25-27 12,997,199 .. .. .. 3,033 13,000,232 9,127 497 3,257 354 3,872 735 29-80 59-00960 3 110 I 212 ?? 22. TeAroha 133* 166 273 .. 2,383 11-45 236,282 .. .. .. 956,530 1,192 812 1 062 731 130 081 10-90 49-90449 lis? 7« 007 11 23. TePuke .. 142 .. 1,046 13-57 .. .. .. .. 659,836 659 836 .. 628 160 31 676 4-82 53-10 641 1 98n w n ft. IS 24. Thames / 120* 150\ 268 .. 1,721 15-56 .. .. 151,475 .. 1,849,980 1,501,455 .. 1,4191962 tl.ils lit M-.00 8U llm lie oil I 25. Timaru .. .. .. .. .. .. ' .. 1,715 .. 15,14111-32 .. .. .. .. 7,368,400 7,368,400 .. 6,250,380 1 118 020 15-18 49-05361 1 380 si n qo on 26. Wairoa .. 513 .. 2,963 17-31 .. .. .. .. 2,116,900 2,116,900 .. 1 934 563 182 337 8-62 47-10768 2'784 4o nl! II 27. Waitara .. 137 .. 1,01013-56 .. .. .. .. 515,390 515 390 .. 472 177 43 213 8-38 43-00238 'qon i la n £ 1% 28. Westport .. .. 200* 250 210§ 265 288 .. 2,109 13-65 792,990 .. .. 40,723 .. 833,713 .. 712 895 120 818 14-49 33-10170 759 w n'?? II 29. Whakatane .. .. 390* 538 .. .. 300 .. 1,953 15-36 1,319,390 .. .. .. 850 1,320,240 1,170,517 1,169 537 149 723 11-34 50-i5675 9 ISS f, £'31 28 30. Whangarei .. .. •- 720 6,930 6,561 10-40 .. .. 2,721,950 2,7211950 2; 3 49;543 2; 2 77;i43 3?2;Io7 Ī3-68 f',030 S 8'-20 lo Totals, Borough Councils j 8,188 9,588 4,047 4,966 .. .. 116,790 .. 31,429,968, .. 336,141 41,351 51,188,612 82,996,072 .. 63,290,321 12,661,800 15-26 17 415 1~542 87 ~ (For notes see page 95.)

D. —1.

Notes 1 Not actively functioning. 8 Distribution system under construction; supply not yet commenced. "License delesated to Westland Power Ltd. 4 No returns received. 5 Christclmrch Tramway Board's standby plant available when required. 6 Limited to 30 kw. by Pelton wheel capacity. ' Includes 2,102,765 units generated for Public Board's stations at Kourarau 8 2,102,765 units of this amount included m units generated by Arapum-Mangahao-Waikaremoana system; batoce only ™d to totals for piwer Boards. » 2,102,765 units generated for Public Works Department by Waiiarapa Power Board not included in this total (see Notes 7 and 8). 10 Includes 1,922,100 units generated for Public V\ orks Department by Auckland Power Board's steam station, and 47,772 units generated by Wellington City Council s steam station 1,814 -00 units supplied to Auckland Power Board's system but included in units generated for Public Works Department by steam stolons, and not added to totals for Power Boards. 12 47,772 units of this amount included m units generated for Public Works Department by steam stations, and not added to totals for City Councils. "Does not include 47,772 units generated for Pubhc Works Department by Wellington City Council's steam plant (see Note 12). 11 Includes units lost in transmission and distribution, units used free of charge, units used for station auxiliaries, Ac. 16 Tauranga Power Board pays on units measured at consumers meters ; losses included in Tauranga Borough Council's system losses. 18 Kamo Town Board pays on units measured at consumers meters; losses included in Whangarei Borough Council's system losses. "Percentage of total units generated and purchased. Percentage of total units generated— i.e., 989,319,656. "Excludes units supplied for mining purposes (3,b78, 960). Excludes units supplied to Whangarei (2,721,950) and to Cement Works (8,729,398). 21 Excludes units supplied for mining purposes (1,639,764) After deducting from units sold retail 14,048,122 units supplied for mining and cement manufacture. ; After deducting from units sold retail 61,216,507 units supplied for traction, mining, and cement manufacture. Without this deduction the figures are. Per head ol population, 531; and per retail consumer. 2,178. 24 To nearest unit. 2 5 Excludes maximum load of tramway systems. 26 New generating station at Roaring Meg commenced supplying power on 19th March, 1936.

Table X.—Results of Generation and Distribution for Year ended 31st March, 1936— continued.

Table A.-Summary of Totals relevant to Table X.


Note. —In the columns detailing the capacity of generating plant the following symbols are used to denote the type of prime mover: * Water; | Steam ; J Oil; § Gas. — ~ I ~ j g I Capacity of Generating Connected % Units. 'S L nits sold (Average). | Plant - Load - 1 ' : 3m . rT~57!iflll - 7 - Maxi- . : , — 1 ~ j " 7" 7 <d <d* _.2 § p er ' o«§ w £j £ No Supply Authority. j mum Inolud | s Generated. Total bold ' |.B || gS Betail i 3,g~i §>I°| Load. • Exclud- « generated Including * Non- td-s Con- *-."£+■=! Main Plant. Standby Plant. ing Bulk g , : : : d u i fe? Purchased. and Bul] . to productive. ■< p. sumer £« 'S £ ft ! ; Supply Supply ' p Water. Steam. Oil. Gas. ; purchased. Supply for Consumers. » SS ' rt 5S;>«! Resale. | > J ! Other Local Authorities— ad. 1 ! ■ I » T „ or o/ & ; »„ w n TCw ,HaveloSTofr!-. .. i K ĪU. **8« 14*44 . A* ! *?" ! . S>% 8j . 7-4 49«' 1,562 1 :: ::| - 96 . ■«, :: :: Jt :: ?83:8 :: :: :: :: i «.g g-« !>| I :: :: :: :: :: i :: 3£g :: :: :: :: ISffg *3:% :: 1;SS Sff friS'g £tjjLJj_j?j_ * Totals, Town Boards .. 240 380 .. .. .. .. 2,402 .. 868,780 .. .. .. 708,838 1,577,618 I .. 1,330,786 246,832 15-64 17 .. 316 jl,218 38 1. CoUnC%ls ' 736 5 92oil2-43 . .. .. 2,593,995 2,593,995 .. 2,269,746 324,249 12-50 40-20378 !»774 87 0-58 1 2. Kaikoura !! !! "48+ **60 *37$ 47 43 !! 'l39 30-90 .. .. 39,390 11,100 .. 50,490 .. 42,766 7,724 15-30 J3-40 08 256 14 0-26 2 3. Murchison .. .! 80* 100 .. .. 70 .. 373 18-77 218,900 .. .. .. .. 2 15'™n " 5 «'ok2 Stan iq'-S) 39 157 8 0-14 4 4 TJawa qn+ t> p 14. 74 1S-Q9 23 790 .. 23,790 .. 15,/26 8,064 33-80 19 30 39 157 siwaimairi" " .. " :: 1,431 !! 15,890 9-00 !! : : .. .. 6,482,851 6,482,851 5,834,566 5,830,824 648,285 10-00 51-70417 1,666 94 0-41 5 Totals, County Councils 158 260 37 47 ~ ~ 22,396 .. 218,900 77~ 63,180 11,100 9,076,846 9,370,026 .. 8,322,542 1,043,742 11-18" ■■ 386 1,590 83 Totals, other Local 26,736' 53,236 20,510 22,121 I .. .. 561,362 .. 102,918,950 3,077,911 416,111 677,771227,616,766 |334,707,509 .. 269,078,665 44,353,506 13-25" .. 492 1,706 <9 Authorities ' 1 j ' 1 1. Alderton°Utifity E Co. .. 88* 100 .. .. i 76 .. 25929-30 254,898 .. .. j •• j 1191165 t St'lSR 1 lll'fill 20 15 57 • 35 206» 8 3 '?68 18 206 * " 2 2. Kanieri Electric, Ltd. .. 1,600* 1,806 150} 167 : 1,120 2,414 1,88746-40 5,614,800 .. 9,980 .. ; .. 5,624,780 4,491,165 4,233,438 1,133,615 20 15 57 35206 768 206 3. Reefton Electric Light and 98*; D.C. 80} D.C. | 110 .. 179 61-50 186,060 .. .. .. •• 186,060 .. 139,545 46,515 25-00 19-30107 3,0 22 0 -9 4. P. SpInder 0 (Kawe'ne) .. 25} D.C. 20} D.C. j 13 .. 6619-70 .. .. 7,931 .. j .. n 7» 1 a s ,Hm , «>- f?2 67Uo«97 2 ° 863 2 ° " " 5 5. Wilson's (N.Z.) Portland Ce- 2,000»; 2,500 3,190} 3,750 | 2,200 13,028 6,09816-87 12,987,300 .. .. .. 12,987,300 11,599,781 8,877,831 1,387,519 10 68 6/ 40-97 ment, Ltd. ; : 6. Westiand Power, Ltd. -.. 876*! 1,008 250/ 740 •• 1,65044-85 2,038,629 .. 55,000 .. 257,727 2,351,356 .. 2,007,980 343,376 14-60 36-26 78 21 2,406 2 > .3 Totals, Companies .. 4,587 j 5,414 4,265 : 4,792 j .. .. 10,139 .. 21,081,687 .. 72,911 .. 257,727 21,412,325 15,482,525 2,950,123 13-78" .. 14v 2 - 980- 8 191 Totals, all Supply Autho- 235,403 281,432 84,963 93,407 ; .. .. 1,342,577 .. 982,494,278 5,047,783 1,099,824 677,771731,541,817 .. .. 775,590,008 213,931,857 21-62 18 .. 489 28 2,006" a 48 j .. rities ■ ! - - — '—

Capital Population ■« , invested in Units included in T Transmission Supply Authority. generated. Area of and Supply. oonsumers. Distribution Systems. Number. Number. Number. £ Public Works Department .. .. ... 792,864,909 .. 395 3,603,185 Electric-power Boards .. .. .. .. 68,209,406 905,410 196,352 9,031,101 Other Local Authorities — City Councils .. .. .. .. 74,121,323 368,191 110,323 2,531,529 Borough Councils .. .. .. .. 31.807,460 ' 152,596 41,034 731,606 Town Boards .. .. .. .. '868,780 4,211 1,092 34,891 County Councils .. .. .. .. 293,180 21,570 5,235 99,976 Totals for other Local Authorities .. ! 107,090,743 546,568 157,684 3,398,002 ■Companies .. .. .. .. .. 21,154,598 9,792 1,542 81,116 Totals for all Supply Authorities.. .. 989,319,656 1,461,770 355,973 16,113,404 i


Table XI.—Financial Results of Operation for the Year ended 31st March, 1936.


(For Appropriations and Reserves see Table XII.) Revenue. Working Expenses. Capital Charges. Net Results !■* • Capital - — — — ' 11.£ Supply Authority. <"e ■of Electricity. J Cost of Power. Per _ I Per »■« Hi System. gSli|ll T ° tal - _ " 1|5| Xd Totol - of ' Merest. |^ gDe t ?™ ia - Capital Total. °o? Costs - Profit Loss «Si |go °!i„ Purchased. S||| eeSal. Charges. : Capita, jjgg. ■ — : I ""I PUBLIC WOEKS Department. £ £ i £ £££ £ £ £ £££'%£ £ £ £ £ •/ f tee 1. Arapuni-Mangahao-Waikaremoana 8,635,000 8,351,576 39,729 747,554 .. 8,108 795,391 55,956 306 57,036 30,770 144,068 18-11 408 051 17 501 38 148« 463 790 5-37 «17 sis 18 , L ~ , 2. Coleridge-Waitaki .. .. 4,460,382 3,726,378 45,410 197,067 164 2,617 245,258 20,120 .. isl974 14306 531900 21-97 1771217 11 79l?50 . 2561967 5-76 310 1867 65,609 " 2 Totals, P.W.D. .. .. 13,095,382 12,077,954 85,139 944,621 164 10,725 1,040,649 76,076 306 76,010 j 45,576 197.968" 1.9- 02 585,268 7 88,148 720,757 918,725 187,533 65,609 Electric-power BOARIjS. 1. Ashburton .. .. .. 326,984 344,300 46,003 .. .. 673 46,676 240 13,474 5,751 3,259 22,724 48-70 15,075 442 2,443 4 800' 22 760 6-96 45 484 1 1Q9 1 2. Auckland .. .. .. 3,301,876 2,700,900 629,790 .. .. 10,525 640,315 8,384 209,511 63,394 48,361» 329,650» 51-50 119,170» 62 056» 44 454» 45 584» "7l'"64» 8-22 600 914» 39 401 " " 9 3. Banks Peninsula .. .. 103,302 98,100 11,552 .. 52 217 11,821 68 31750 31314 1>61 sls93 75-25 4 452 1 886 6 338 6-lI 15 ' * iin 0 7n« I .. .. 196,470 205,700 40,601 .. 907 727 42,235 .. 13,016 5,036 3,684 21,736 51-40 9,048 2,940 l',305 11 131293 6-77 35lo29 7,206 I 6. Cambridge .. .. 115,965 102',836 19',104 11 i49 798 2Ôl051 11 6',931 41433 l',948 13',312 66 : 4o 41516 l',851 " "94» fi'461 19'773 '978 " " « 7. Central Hawkes Bay .. 151,960 139,246 23,583 .. .. 55 23,638 .. 7,550 2,387 2,224 12,161 51-40 5,852 103 846 2 516' 9'317 6-13 21 478 2 160 " " % 8. Central Waikato .. .. 369,838 357,187 60,404 56 48 610 61,118 .. 22,364 7,526 5,614 35,504 58-00 15,512 5,977 S70 '827' 23 186 6-27 58 690 2 4*s " " I 9. Danneyirke 222,868 220,697 30,139 .. 58 282 30,479 .. 7,326 3,527 3,574 14 427 47-35 91328 3 140 1 207 63' 13 738 6-16 28 165 2 3?! " t 10. Franklin .. .. .. 294,258 307,800 47,971 .. 1,307 3,457 52,735 744" 19,039 4,066 5,478 29,327 55-50 12,949 4 867 4 500 «2'si6 7-57 51643 i'oqo " " in 11. Golden Bay 27,803 25,300 4,287 .. 56 11 4,354 315 18 487 954 1 774 40-70 1 085 256 255 " 1 596 5-75 3 370 9s! " " 1? 12. Grey 287,497 292,285 38,144 .. 430 605 39,179 1,314 .. 2,730 9,150 13 194 33-70 14 354 4,235 1021 2'ō87' 22 197 7-72 35 391 3 788 " " 1-9 13. Hawke's Bay .. .. 353,913 348,477 67.133 16,667 .. 746 84,546 29 36,292 7,229 6,346 49,896 59-00 17 604 2 000 8 328 3 326' 31 258 8-83 81 154 3 39? " " 13 14. Horowhenua 229,154 199,326 47,516 .. 304 830 48,650 .. 20,524 7 151 4 251 31 926 65-60 8 365 163 4 150' 12 678 5-53 44 604 4'04« " " 18 LakeWakatipu' " " 3B8 ' 193 103 ' 347 " 403 864 104 ' 614 " 45,392 12 ' 905 11,322 69,619 66 ' 50 16,957 300 8 ' 293 251392 6-62 it',011 9I603 11 11 15 17. Malvern .. .. 7i,166 741250 7>68 11 iio 291 8',169 11 2,362 2',196 l',447 6,005 73-50 3', 149 '846 " " s'995 lo'ooo " liii 9 Aon 18- Manawatu-Oroua .. .. 485,514 495,259 68,989 17,381 353 249 86,972 .. 36,940 12,404 4,093 53,437 61-40 21 100 6,703 '914 'i74' 28 891 5-95 82 328 4'644 4? 18 MlSSttS&d- 11 11 (12 000)» 29 .' 923 11 , 22 612 3 °' 457 1>278 " 8 ' 643 2 ' 609 7,530 24 ' 7 ° 14:400 3:842 2,973 • ll 11x5 6-40 lllfll t'flt 1! 66 1» 21. North Canterbury .. .. 166,580 160',200 22',666 3 1156 11 753 26',575 11 l61o58 4',238 3',083 171379 65-4o 6,217 2'769 'i48 "44' Ô'l78 2«'557 "is " 9? 22. Opunake .. .. 109,258 88,840 12,656 .. .. 33 12,689 1,080 1.464 2,021 1,496 6,061 47-75 3,774 1 975 *00 5 949 5-45 12 010 67Q " " 99 23. Otago Central .. .. 121,043 91,072 11,073 .. 127 374 11,574 .. 1 252 550 2 419 4 221 36-50 3 705 413 492 l'«04' 6 214 111 w'«5 " ! " I? li' 2 tag ° + -E 803,298 44,155 .. .. 46 44,201 .. 13,256 4,674 3,545 21,475 48-60 13 100 3,050 .' 3 544' l®'i lit 6-54 4l'l69 s'082 " ° 764 II »6 Relfton ? ay " " 312,605 58,634 .. 144 1,851 60,629 1,790 16,432 9,035 6,741 33,998 56-10 | 13lo94 61909 1,096 2llo99 6-56 Si097 61532 11 j It 27. South Canterbury .. .. 334,945 3lŌ*,950 391645 16l005 561 848 57lo59 11 27',880 3',438 31468 34',786 61 : 00 13 149 4's05 3'305 " 91'950 5«'n4>; ,'m, " " IS 28. South Taranaki .. .. 208,271 208,348 34,655 1,128 221 398 36,402 1,901 7 168 slsos 4 998 17 575 48-30 8 538 3 406 1 091 l'4 2 4' S'459 6-1! S2 0M I'Ss " " 11 29. Southland 1 '® 4 ?'?? 4 1 '? 38 ' 134 H".«6 21,591 125 14,566 146,758 6,069 166 29,092 8,721 44 048 30-00 90,600 22 500 6 642 2 409' 122 151 7-90 166 199 19 44l 39 iio 1| 30. Sprmgs-EIIesmere .. .. 1«.«6 146,100 29,924 .. .. 367 30,291 .. 10,886 4,547 2,757 18 190 60-10 6 264 2 707 258 9 229 5-7° 9-419 2's79 ' In 31- Taranaki 462,150 36,902 8,628 .. 421 45,951 1,596 1,562 5,761 4,487 13 406 29-20 19 493 7'gl8' <>7411 5-73 4o'817 I'lS " '4-! 31 32. Tararua 168,839 169,900 23,952 .. 470 151 24,573 .. 6,578 31428 2I3O8 121314 50-20 6 663 1 860 1 951 10 474 6-90 !"'«« I'lft " 43 00 33. Tauranga .. .. .. 134,429 134,130 24,793 .. 16 770 25,579 .. 7,572 4,562 2,679 14 813 57-90 5 800 '60 '800 3'048' 9 708 7-2° 94'wi l'nls " " 34. TeAwamutu .. .. 190,858 162,200 29,346 .. 23 120 29,489 .. 10,066 3,141 2,743 15,950 54-00 6 926 2 760' 9 686 5-08 25*636 q'm " " 36. Teviot 59,201 54,800 5,402 1,252 .. 108 6.762 487 .1 496 1 028 2 011 29-70 2 343 " 'êl8 766' 3 427 5-79 t'Ss 'S " " « 36. Thames Valley .. .. 804,013 823,111 114,684 5,246 .. 1,282 121,212 .. 39,845 14,861 9,055 63 761 52-50 40 364 ô'578 240 5 545'» 52 797 6-56 116'488 4'79! " " Ik 37. Waimea 86,535 84,409 12,301 .. .. 1,213 13,514 2,254 1,351 2,451 2,189 8 245 61-00 3 760 ' ' ' 37I0 4-35 ll'oot t'soa " " It 38. Wairarapa .. .. .. 353,062 356,700 52.146 .. 641 659 53,446 673 11,547 3.471 9,871 25 562 47-80 15 021 3'Ô00 3'4ô7 " 21 488 fi-09 47'o?n r'tor " " 11 39. Wairere 48,229 48,200 5,146 .. .. 174 5,320 230 .1 852 1 269 2 351 44-20 2 054 707 " 2 761 5 73 ?'l12 ' " " ll 40. Wairoa 63.919 68,180 7,515 5,343 44 282 13,184 .. 7,144 1,205 1,127 9 476 71-90 s'021 500 137 '802' J'460 « qs A'lH ?? 41. Waitaki 178,906 178,250 32,351 .. 660 304 33,315 1,273 11,817 5 244 2 306 20 640 62-00 7 392 2 649 1 218 it'tw 6-30 31 899 1'ilfi ' 42. Waitemata .. .. .. 431,939 448,696 80,266 .. 333 1,083 81,682 .. 29,039 14,968 10,823 54:830 67-10 18'606 3'lOS 9' 116 2'785' 26'615 6-16 8l'445 937 " " 49 43. Waitomo 305,499 109,487 18,482 .. 256 30 18,768 .. 61974 2,605 1 912 11 491 61-20 4 631 1 270 161 213' «97* t it ?7 , ™r , „ 9 " " 45' WesSd" 61 " 530 ' 065 509,241 101,207 402 .. 1,627 103,236 1,076 36,515 11,996 7,567 57,154 55-40 221881 2ll30 10,758 9,098' 441867 8-47 ill', 021 l',21 5 11 11 44 Totals, Power Boards .. 14,156,962 13,472,770 js, 184, 631 96,855 7,820 48,912 2,338,218 30,801 703,061 284,323 212,667~ 1,230, 852 52-60 610,312 173,003 J 106,807 ~ 109,923 |l, 000, 045 7^)6~2, 230, 897 MsTtSeT 25.434 43,188 (For notes see page 95.)

Table XI.—Financial Results of Operation for the Year ended 31st March, 1936— continued.


7 I). 1.


(For Appropriations and Reserves see Table XII.) Revenue. • Working Expenses. Capital Charges. I Net Results. !■§ Capital ' — — - T | L g|| j Supply Authority. HeX? T.iSv. ° f Electricity - | gf .fgU Cost of Power. j Manage- | other ■ 1 |!]sro. System. R |fc » |1| f||| Total - ||S| ™na Tota! ' ° f Interest. Capital Total ol I Costs ' Profit. Loss. ||| ! detail. ~ |.o o p rt X 1 — ■ § !l! 8 «» I - n e ue e " <*»*»• ! |J| Sj .-■& _j i H I i 1 i i ~~ ! i ~ ■ 1— : — i— ■ Other Local Authorities. City Councils. £ £ £ ££££!££££.£%£££ £ S°/£f£e 1. Christchurch. . .. .. 788,996 205,301 228,016 9,190 873 6,124 24.4,203 .. 89,000 44,544 24,156 157,700 64-60 9,646 28 464 5 272'» 43 382 5-o0 201 082 43 121 l 2. Dunedin .. .. .. 1,618,770 1,331,200 216,014 13,256 .. 2,228 231,498 11,313 9,750 27,890 18,505 67,458 29-15 53,997 24,018 28'768 5722» l ° 112*505 6-95 179'q63 51535 " " 9 3. Invercargill .. .. .. 141,485 106,497 50,752 .. .. 1,570 52,322 2,397 16,593 3,892 3.760 26.642 51-00 4,025 1 587 2 762' 8*374 5-92 35*016 17*306 " " i 4. Nelson .. .. .. 117,573 55,400 26,429 1,351 84 876 28,740 10,043 .. 2,340 2,758 15,141 52-70 3,324 1,108 4,530 ~*812» 9'774 8-32 »4*915 3 825 " " 4 5. Palmerston North .. .. 242,924 175,834 60,696 .. 134 73 60,903 4,083 17,381 4,183 3,886 29,533 48-50 7,744 3 029 10*773 4-44 40'<i06 »0 597 " " t 6. Wellington .. .. .. 1,178,204 387,127 333,355 .. .. 5,252 338,607 16,216 94,458 56,782 35,812 203,268 60-00 20,887 4,809 26,913 4',690»! 4-87 7s!()40 !! .! 6 Totals, City Councils .. 4,087,952 2,261,359 915,262: 23,797 1,091 16,123 956,273 44,052 227,182 139,631 88,877 499,742 52-25 99,623 32,964 90,262 19.258 j 242,107 5-92 741,849 ~ Borough Councils. 1- BM •• 7,211 8,400 4,117 .. .. 254 4.371 .. 2,392 226 824 3,442 78-80 371 185! .. 556 7-71 3 998 373 1 2. Hamilton .. .. .. 60,782 49,100 39,695 .. .. 190 39,885 .. 13,042 8,318 1,760 23.120 57-90 1,871 2,008 3 879 6-38 26*999 19 886 " " 5 3. Inglewood 9,006 10,553 3,972 .. 775 .. 4,747 .. 1,709 702 685 3i096 65-20 453 340 " 'io3' 896 9-95 3 992 755 " " t 4. Kaiapoi .. .. .. 10,847 6,715 3,060 .. 46 .. 3,106 .. 1,252 575 430 2,257 72-70 327 256 52 635 5-85 2'892 214 " " 4 5. Lytteltoil .. .. .. 12,325 5,500 6,857 .. .. .. 6,857 .. 2,638 1,242 317 4,197 61-20 305 175 175 655 5-31 4*852 "005 " " t 6. Napier .. .. .. 126,072 134,032 43,480 .. .. 1,249 44,729 48 15,774 4,466 3,540 23,828 53-30 5,696 1,581 2,111 " 9 388 7-45 33'nS lVw " " fi 7. New Plymouth .. .. 357,807 257,498 67,525 1,474 826 1,527 71,352 2,160 8.400 14,359 3,182 28,101 39-40 11.717 1,831 500 4 591'» 18 639 5-"l 46*740 24 619 " " 7 8. Ohakune 18,897 12,550 3,439 .. 10 .. 3,449 78 454 644 557 1,733 50-30 500 339 382 1.221 6-46 2 954 *495 " " 1 9. Patea .. .. .. 18,129 13,201 4,472 .. 42 7 4,521 145 1.138 395 669 2,347 52-00 589 156 42 124 7 911 5-0 9 3 95« 1 963 ' *" a 10. Picton 16,171 14,845 3,116 .. .. 11 3,127 1,508 .. j 447 392 2,347 75-10 638 195 400 1 233 7-63 3 580 453 180 10 11. Queenstown.. .. .. 13,145 11,305 1,823 .. .. 85 1,908 238 .. j 570 125 933 49-00 480 221 121 8»2 6-25 1*755 *153 11 12. Raetihi 22,378 22,364 3,946 454 19 232 4,651 326 .. , 1,537 573 2,436 52-40 959 290 . " 1 249 5-58 3 685 966 " " 19 13. Bangiora .. .. .. 13,677 6.050 5,175 .. .. 56 5,231 3 1,905! 1,208 1,077 4,193 80-20 282 75 81 ' *438 3-20 4 631 600 " " Tq 14. Bicearton .. .. .. 22,833 5,200 11.689 .. 285 .. ; 11,974 .. 5,798' 1,886 1,611 9,295 77-65 439 181 257 !! - 877 3-84 1,802 " !! 14 16. Rot rist Department). . 77,653 77,653 21,671 .. .. 660 22,331 463 6,639; 4',543 775 55 : 65 3',882 1*553 1*553 " 6*988 9 : 00 10*408 2*923 " " Ifi 17-' 28,111 44,485 13,347 .... 3 13,350 .. 4,885; 1,497 723 7,105 53-25 1,910 . *990' 2'<100 10-32 10 005 3 345 " " 1? 15,372 7.300 5,918 .. 28 .. 5,946 .. 2,836 761 663 4,260 71-70 310 90 397 . 797 5-18 5 057 889 " " 18 „.x±ape .. .. .. 10,434 j 14,620 5,564 .. ; .. .. 5,564 857 52 750 376 2,035 36-60 631 106 508 81' 1 326 12-70 3 361 9 203 * 19 30. Taumarunm .. .. 64,467! 51,800 9,559 371 40 364 10,334 1,314 .. 665 1.361 3,340 32-33 2,415 .. 938' 3 353 5-20 6*693 3*641 " " 5o 21. Tauranga .. .. .. 161,498! 133,779 12,454 8,813! .. 530 21,797 2,475 6 1,353 1,555 5.389 24-72 8,017 984 1 000 971' 10*972 6-80 16*361 5 436 " " 91 22. TeAroha 16,748 7,500 7,476 .. ' 4.3 59 7,578 478 2,522; 1,947 853 5:800 76-50 476 55 531 3-17 6 331 1 94? " " 11 23. TePuke 12,027; 7,106 3,713 .. ' .. 52 3,765 .. 1,187 485 289 li961 52-10' 304 .. 250 'i88' 692 5-75 2 653 1112 " " 9? 24. Thames 30,090 1 15,961 12,166 .. .. 90 12,256 j 1.356 2,728! 1.922 1,239 7,245 59-10 j 856 255 36 1 147 3-82 8 392 3*864 " " 94 25. Timaru 102,228! 46,300 84,947 .. .. 241 35,188 .. 16,015! 6,335 3,102 25,452 72-40 1,970 3,302 784 " 6*056 5-92 31 508 3 680 " " H 26. Wairoa .. .. .. 11,104 ; 16,050 8,366 .. .. 90 8,456 ! .. 5,343 500 913 6,756 79-90 j 665 365 .. .. 1*030 9-28 7*786 '#70 " 9R 27. Waitara .. .. .. 7,321 | 12,600 3,914 .. .. 50 3,964 .. 1,438 417 630 2,485 i 62-70 j 552 .. 291 365' 1*208 16-50 3 693 510 97 28. Westport 34,699 29,965 7,199 .. 15 12 7.226: 1,038 .. 972 991 3,001 j 41:50 1,308 576 266 2 150 6-20 5*151 9 075 " 98 29. Whakatane . . .. .. 35,158 38,037 6,695 3 69 .. 6.767! 543 8! 817 717 2,085 130-80 I 1,641 756 " 2*397 6-82 4 489 S'go? " " 30. Whangarei .. .. .. 73,710! 28,337 18,589 598 477 I 1,213 20.877 \ ■ ■ 6,227 3,073 2,271 11,571 | 55-40 j 1,308 310 1,783 !! 4-62 14,'972 5,'905 " " 30 Totals, Borough Councils . . ! 1,389,900 j 1,088,806 373,944 11,713 2,675 j 6,975 395,307 | 13,030 104,388 62,612 32,200 212,230 : 53-70: 50,872 16,185 j 10,989 8.301 86,847 6-ĪĪ 298,577 ~97 183 453~l 690~ Town Boards. 1. Havelock North .. .. 26,800 j 14,930 3,831 .. .. 1 3,832 I 182 893 | 420 ! 312 1,807*1 47-20 I 1 004 479 i 500 I 1 983 7-4(1 <t 700 A9 , 2. Kamo I 2,224' 1,931 1,120 .. .. 9 1,129 .. 598! 33 60 691 01-20 95 96 216' " *407 18-98 1A90 of " « I 3. Kaponga .. .. .. I 23,052! 16,000 5,016 ' .. 134 62 5,212! 1,689 772: 1,2 0: 562 4,263 181-75 712 ! '*80' 792 3-4° i'X?t ,JS " £2 r 4. Mangaweka .. .. .. 1 5,761 j 1,303 978 .. 8 46 1.032 I .. 350 284 I 171 805 ! 78-00 91 21 ! 119 1.04. '017 īie " ,5n 1 5. Manunui .. . .. 3,166 | 3,500 894 | .. .. .. 894 | .. 371 29 j 165; 565 j 63-30 186 40 " j " 996 7-14 791 103 . 5 Totals, Tou n Boards .. | 61,003 | 37,664 j 11,839 .. 142 118 12,099 I 1,871 2,984 2,006 J 1,270 j 8,131 | 67-20 2,088 636 | 716 j 80 3,520 5-77 U~651 448 (For notes see page 98.)


Table XI.—Financial Results of Operation for the Year ended 31st March, 1936— continued.


(For Appropriations and Reserves see Table XII.) Revenue. Working Expenses. Capital Charges. Net Results. 4 Capital — j — — , V.;. I 8 S-g Supply Authority. 'Electric? Sale ol Electricity. I «-g i Cost of Power. „|'S- Maria „ e _ ! Per Per »„ «. — if 111! Tota, 111 1 » Total. °of mteres, ~«a- £*« T otal. " ProHt. Loss. iff °' I°|3« G S a " "sed. ojl! General. Charges. Capital |«| Other Local Authorities —contd. \ County Councils. £ £ £ £ £ £ i £ £ £ £ £ £ % I £ £ £ £ £ o/ & ££ £ 1. Heathcote .. .. .. 26,005 20,874 11,046 .. .. 61 11,107 .. 6,174 1,867 749 8,790 I 79-20 I 1,010 723 .. .. 1,733 6-66 10,523 584 .. . 1 o' 5 aik^ ra •• •• •* 10,684 8,600 1,670 .. 45 .. 1,715 1,116 .. 21 440 1,577 j 92-00 ! 456 173 .. .. 629 5-89 2,206 .. 491 358 2 3. Murchison .. .. .. 14,895 12,600 2,384 .. 41 .. [ 2,425 132 .. 612 476 1,220 150-30 558 2 .. .. 560 3-76 1,780 645 .. .. 3 4. Uawa _ .. .. .. 6,275 2,242 1,022 .. 5 61 j 1,088 490 .. 6 31 527 ! 48-45 110 .. .. 443 7 553 8-82 1,080 8 .. .. 4 5. Waimairi .. .. .. 61,994 37,700 23,752 34 18 44 | 23,848 .. 9,618 1 713 2,365 13,696 57-40 1,683 1,444 4,000 .. 7,127 11-50 20,823 3,025 .. 71 5 Totals, County Councils .. 119,853 82,016 39,874 34 109 166 40,183 1,738 15,792 4,219 4,061 25,810 j 64-20 3,817 2,342 4,000 443 10,602 8-84 36,412 4,262 491 429 Totals, other Local Authori- 5,658,708 3,469,845 1,340,919 35,544 j 4,017 23,382 1,403,862 60,691 350,346 208,468 126,408 i 745,913 I 53-10 * 156,400 52,127 105,967 28,082 342 576 6-05 1 088.489 316 317 944 1,445 ties I I II! ■ Companies. 1. Alderton Utility Co. .. .. 5,556 .. 935 .. .. .. 935 24 .. 16 428 468 50-00 161 .. 156 .. 317 5-70 785 150 .. .. 1 2. Kanieri Electric, Ltd. .. 81,414 .. 11,942 697 114 190 12,943 4,116 .. 1,027 2,957 8,100 62-50 2,944 .. 1,303 4,247 5-22 12 347 596 2 3. Beef ton Electric Light and Power 6,929 .. 3,412 .. 49 20 3,481 843 .. 259 1,605 2.707 77-50 2'707 774 " 3 Co., Ltd. 4. P. Spender (Rawene) .. .. 2,876 .. 436 .. .. 20 456 291 .. 10 80 381 83-50 381 75 4 5. Wilson's (K.Z.) Portland Cement, 91,065 .. 7,039 6,235 .. 358 13,632 3,225 .. 865 831 4,921 36-10 " ' " " 4 8 711 " " 5 Ltd -• •• •• •• • • ' ' .... 6. Westland Power, Ltd. .. 82,611 .. 8,365 .. 358 425 9,148 2,738 647 466 2,609 6,460 70-60 1,783 .. 1,675 .. 3,458 4-19 9,918 .. 770 .. 6 Totals, Companies .. 270,451. .. 32,129 6,932 521 1,013 40,595 11,237 647 2,643 ] 8,510 23,037 56-75 4,888 7 3,134 .. 8,022 31,059 10.306 770 77"! Totals, all Supply Authori- 33,181,503 29,020,569 3,642,818 1,083,952 12,522 84,032 4,823,324 178,805 1,054,360 571,444 393,161 2,197,770 45-57 1,356,868 225,130 313,249 176,153 2,071,400 6-24~ 4,269 ,170 646,911 92,757 44,633 j Net profit for all Supply Authorities, £554,154. _ Notes.— 1 Not actively functioning. 2 Distribution system under construction ; supply not yet commenced. 3 License delegated to Westland Power, Ltd. 4 No returns received. 5 Capital expenditure and loan liability shown for record purposes, but not added to totals Board not yet supplying power. Half capital charges on Auckland Power Board's King's "Wharf Steam Station paid by Public Works Department. 7 Principal repayment (annual instalment). 8 After deducting proportion of half the capital charges on King s Wharf Steam Station paid by the Public Works Department. 9 Exchange on overseas interest payments. 10 Loan discount. 11 Bepairs to stand-by plant only. 12 Includes cost of street lighting.



Table XII.—Appropriations and Reserves for Year ended 31st March, 1936.


(For Statistics of Capital, Revenue, and Expenditure see Table XI.) Appropriations of Net Surplus for Year ended 31st March, 1936 (after paying Working-expenses . and Statutory Capital Charges). Accumulated Reserves and Funds. J Supply Authority. Renewal General Accident fiates"' Pa3 ™ f Lnt E xpendi- Unappro- Total Sinking Fund. Depreciation. Renewal. General and Other Balance, Balance, No * Reserve Insurance (Local Dividends ture out '™eous Dr i a t e d (Net Profifet • I ! H Reserves. Revenue Revenue Fund. Fund. Authori- (Com- of Surplus. for Year). _ „ , ' " Account. Account. ties). panies). Revenue. Reserve. Funds. Reserve. Funds. Reserve. Funds. Reserve. Funds. Public Works Department. £££££££££ £ £ £ £ £ £ +■ <. „ 1. Arapuni-Mangahaô-Waikareniōana .. 187,533 187,533 55,930 .. 961,757 onq o n - , 2. Coleridge-Waitaki .. .. •• .. .. 270,570 17,555 388,546 .. " !! i 75 ; 8 09 " " " 2 T °^ FgbHC W ° rkS Depart " 187,533 187,533 326,500 17,555 1,350,303 ~ 77 ~ 1753)9 77 7 399,315 Electrio-power Boards. 1. Ashburton .. .. .. 1,128 .. .. .. .. .. 64 .. 1,192 4,289 4,295 7,203 2,210 3,100 3,100 .. .. .. 11 939 1 3 Banks a peninsula " " " " " " " " 2 ' 682 36 ' 719 39,401 1,135,356 1,111,564 643,506 .. 28,346 .. 232,651 .. 36,719 !. 2 J. wanks I eninsuia .. .. .. .. .. 3, 10 :i 3,103 4,939 4,939 .. .. 10 100 5 258 3 5:» y :: :: :: :: :: ;; 11671 100 5,435 7,206 10,027 8,427 9,478 K :: 8 ; 0 57 I <■<?. Cambridge •• •• •• •• .. .. .. .. .. 278 278 7,932 8,049 1,766 1,766 .. .. 16 629 3 885 6 |. Centra Hawke s Bay 320 34 1,806 2,160 1,092 1,092 20,163 15,486 .. .. 2 196 l' 5 95 5 137 " ? P |. Centrai Waikato 2,428 2,428 22,624 22,624 29,718 28 848 6,337 6,160 22 535 10 781 " 8 Ō™ 358 200 1,756 2,314 19,644 17,794 20 349 19 143 . 8 041 " 7 676 " 9 Ī Ī9' I' u "!« 280 220 592 092 25 > 587 2 5,587 25,000 25,000 .. .. 16 195 8 '995 4 591 " 10 i^t 0ldenBay 315 197 472 984 1,468 1,468 603 .. !! Moo ' ī'458 " 11 C B" m rey , '-R "" " •' '• '• •• •• 3 ' 490 298 3,788 32,915 35,274 4,929 2,058 .. .. 12'215 3 366 ' 20 330 19 G ®awkes Bay 3,392 .. .. 3,392 24,297 24,297 15,913 8 117 .. .. lg'366 ll'o52 \l 200 .. .. 143 20 3,683 4,046 1,091 1,091 30,226 30 226 .. .. 47 777 13*900 8 949 *' 14 c S|atwaka y ti P uV !! ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; 4 ; 109 ;; 5 ; 494 9 > 603 20,192 21,692 67,738 67 > 738 e.osi s,98i So ' t'Ml 7 .jManawatu-Oroua .. 7 7 7 7 4,644 46 J83 55423 35!365 " " 900 " " 4'44® iSrid» :: :: :: :: :: 1,712 1,712 29 ' 051 36,051 23,180 6,167 •• - :: :: 7 ; 0 i4 w 21. North Canterbury j 8 .. 18 9 ; g62 6 ' 7g4 ;; •• " 4 ' 4g4 ' 20 22. Opunake .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 679 679 2,029 2,029 2,166 1,966 .. .. 16'773 " 6*388 " 92 23. Otago Central 1,1.39 1,139 4,138 4,138 3,827 1.490 .. .. 10 928 " l' 28 0 23 Ik T> t H I'ozn " •' •• •• " 3,032 3 ' 032 33,195 31 > 872 29 " 925 i- 960 •• 2 581 24 26 Relftoni 1,929 2,0 °° 6 353 5 ' 532 34,828 39 ' 123 16 ' 360 6 ' 239 ■ •• 31,901 7 9,828 7 25 Vo 7 7 7 .7 7' l|oi4 17 i817 201802 12 7 7 31 394 " 3*213 " 97 fq'SonuJnd 1 3 ' 5 °° 797 " 4 ' 368 14,930 14,930 7,623 7,623 •• •• »'.539 " 28 29. boutHiand .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 400,826 400,826 28,278 16,411 .. .. 94 961 10 744 ' H 30. Springs-EUesmere 2,872 2,872 6,844 10.597 8,227 8,051 .. .. 15 820 " 12 333 " ™ Tarariak 1 390 .. .. 2,959 19 1,766 5,134 2,707 2,707 15,560 9,332 .. .. 22 221 " 3 929 " « 32 " •• 595 1,190 1,785 15,571 15,571 17,477 10,790 584 .. " 1191 " 00 33. Tauranga 1,000 2 56 1.058 1,249 1,249 10,767 9,946 .. .. 15 057 7*274 *75 " 3 ? 34. TeAwamutu 504 .. 3,349 3,853 1,193 1,193 6,235 6 235 .. 30 479 6 693 " 2 o«īr vii 1,324 1,324 7,611 7,611 3 > 536 i' 767 •• 7 '75 " 4'399 •• 34 36. Thames Yaliey 4,734 4,724 118,433 123,683 21,060 20,820 1,250 .. 7 981 " 5 078 " qfi 37. Waimea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i, 509 1;50 9 .. .. , " 36 38. Wairarapa 3,100 396 2,900 6,396 24,597 26,680 23,589 18,844 V. 3s'l68 18*677 4 609 " »r 39 - Walrere 80 .. 128 208 3,523 3,283 1,859 1,747 .. .. 600 592 7 39 (For notes see page 101.)

D. —1.

Table XII.— Appropriations and Reserves for Year ended 31st March, 1936—continued.


(For Statistics of Capital, Revenue, and Expenditure see Table XI.) Appropriations of Net Surplus for Year ended 31st March, 1936 (after paying Working-expenses and Statutory Capital Charges). Accumulated Reserves and Funds. t, ™ 7 ~ ~ i J ; Credit Debit Supply Authority. ~ Relief of Payment Capital Miscel- Sinking Fund r, i +1 ,, , j General and Other Balance, Balance, Renewal general Accident llates of Expench- Unappro- : Total Sinking Fund. Depreciation. Renewal. ; Reserves.' Revenue Revenue No " -p d Reserve Insurance (Local Dividends ture out T!: pnated j (Net Profit ; J Account. Account. Fund. Fund. Authori- (Com- of Surplus. for Year). -r, ties). panies). Revenue. ments - Reserve. Funds. Reserve. lunos. Reserve. Funds. Reserve. Funds. Electric -power Boards —continued. £££££££££ £ £ f .c $ $ $ $ r $ «•Wairoa 2 ,283 2 ,268 3>494 2>U7 * . . 6,643 40 1o' Vi 'ī "• •' •• •• ■' '• •• 1,416 1,416 29,540 22,579 20,150 20,150 .. .. 13,811 5,125 5,424 .. 41 42. Waitemata .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 237 237 49,729 52,293 25,706 25,590 .. .. 37,381 10,005 7,948 .. 42 ;, Waitomo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 770 .. 23 2 1,002 10,883 10,883 2,850 2,689 .. .. 213 .. 388 .. i 43 44. Wanganui-Rangitikei .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,215 .. 1,215 12,726 12,726 37,797 29,899 1,175 .. 66,102 .. 11,873 .. 44 4o. Westland 3 .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ i 45 Totals, Power Boards .. 1,408 3,965 590 .. .. 26,320 10,569 89,903 132,755 2,194,558 2,197,174 1,251,230 437,966 46,773 15,241 919,521 78,476 209,485 62,387 j Othek Local Authorities. City Councils. 1. Christchurch .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,833 .. .. 2,095 25,193 43,121 60,435 60,435 .. .. 35,000 .. 384,961 .. 25,193 .. 1 2. JJunedin .. .. .. 16,024 .. .. 35,511 .. .. .. .. 51,535 225,602 225,602 236,735 .. 216,238 216,238 .. .. 91,834 .. 2 3. Invercargill .. .. 10 ,000 .. 3,706 3,600 .. 17,306 15,091 15,091 20,933 20,933 .. .. 34,981 .. 2,769 .. 3 4. Nelson .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 .. 1,888 .. 937 3,825 4,849 4,849 13,862 17,745 21,615 .. 14,600 .. 37,820 .. 4 5. Palmerston North .. .. .. 4,602 500 2,000 .. 12,700 795 .. 20,597 18,703 18,703 35,399 35,399 .. .. 83,007 7,225 18,611 .. 5 6. Wellington .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 .. 9,571 .. 43,469 78,040 82,178 82,178 373,652 76,225 163,708 87,483 216,366 144,496 469,965 .. 6 Totals, City Councils .. 16,024 4,602 500 89,344 .. 27,865 6,490 69,599 214,424 406,858 406,858 680,581 150,302 436,561 303,721 733,915 151,721 646,192 Borough Councils. 1. Bluff .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 20 .. 253 .. .. 373 1,436 1 436 1888 1>888 322 : 2. Hamilton .. .. .. .. 221 .. 4,665 .. .. 8,000 .. 12,886 21,081 21,081 11,205 11,205 .. .. 25,750 15,699 13,003 .. 2 3. Inglewood .. .. .. 50 .. .. 696 .. .. 9 755 .. 4.656 .. 14 .. .. .. .. 3,633 .. 3 4. Kaaapor .. .. .. 98 .. .. .. .. .. .. 116 214 125 125 2,548 1,277 1,330 .. 2,285 .. .. 4 5. Lyttelton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 495 .. 1,510 2,005 1,381 1,381 966 791 .. .. 2,000 .. 7,893 .. 5 n 5 " "• •' '• '■ 3,754 " 838 592 6 ' 329 H.513 14,328 14,535 24,315 22,205 .. .. 5,392 .. 6,333 .. 6 7. New Plymouth .. .. .. 750 .. 6,000 .. 5,000 2,935 9,927 24,612 19,471 19,471 17,501 17,501 21.990 21,990 182,984 .. 30,631 .. 7 8. Ohakune .. .. .. .. .. .. 441 .. 54 .. 495 1,450 1,450 1,439 167 .. .. 211 .. 2,427 .. 8 9. Patea .. .. .. .. 85 .. 287 . .. 891 .. .. 1,263 862 862 48 48 .. .. 6,286 .. .. 9 10. Picton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,348 2,348 3,133 2,733 .. .. 2*613 .. 1,292 .. ' 10 11. Queenstown .. .. .... .. .. 150 .. .. .. 3 153 359 359 1,294 790 .. .. .. .. 1 331 .. 11 12. Baetihi .. .. .. .. .. .. 156 .. 259 74 477 966 20 20 902 902 .. .. 529 .. '736 .. 12 13. Kangiora .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ 600 600 1,791 1,791 1,121 1,042 .. .. .. .. 3 989 .. 13 14. Biccarton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 490 155 1,157 1,802 1,896 1,162 3,920 3,663 . 15,521 4'212 14 15. Boss 4 .. .. .... .. .. .. __ _ ,. .. . _ ' jg 16. Botorua (Tourist Department) .. .. 2,923 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,923 20,916 " " 8 341 5 418 " " 16 17. Stratford .. .. 2,788 .. 557 .. .. 3,345 1,515 1,515 1,679 1,429 .. .. 990 .. .. 13,665 17 8. Simmer .. .. 830 .. .. .. 59 889 1,175 1,175 1,928 1,531 .. .. .. .. 9,389 .. 18 19. Taihape .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,582 .. .. .. 621 2,203 3,799 3,799 4,369 3.861 .. .. .. .. 2 557 .. 19 20. Taumarunui .. .. 1,200 .. 1,618 .. 823 3,641 2,370 2,816 4,876 4,876 .. .. 13,093 .. 2,258 .. 20 21 - Tauranga •• •• •• •• •• 93 3,000 .. 1,540 803 .. 5,436 10,699 10,699 7,493 5,768 .. .. 37,066 13,551 20,964 .. 21 -"•TeAroha .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 447 .. 8 00 1,247 493 493 2,381 2,031 .. .. 2,545 .. 9,704 .. i 22 mf 6 " " " 75 " " 633 "• '• 15 389 1,112 •• •• 3,851 3 ' 851 536 •• 2,541 .. 4,497 .. 23 24. Thames .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i ; 000 2,864 3,864 678 678 1,540 1,540 .. .. 9,715 1,500 6,368 .. 24 25. Timaru .. .. .. 127 .. I .. 1,000 .. 2,553 .. .. 3,680 7,875 7,875 2,000 2,000 .. .. 52,814 .. 8,995 .. I 1 (For notes see page 101.)


Table XII.—Appropriations and Reserves for Year ended 31st March, 1936— continued.


(For Statistics of Capital, Revenue, and Expenditure see Table XI.) Appropriations of Net Surplus for Year ended 31st March, 1936 (after paying Working-expenses Accumulated Reserves and Funds and Statutory Capital Charges). ' — —— — Credit Debit Supply Authority. General AccWfint ; j ]£» ~ Unappro- Total Sinking Fund. j Depreciation. Renewal. letS SSS l liiiH Reserve Insurance i (Local Dividends ture out p a v- priated (Net Profit j " i Account. Account. Fund. Fund. Authori- (Com- of ments Surplus. for Year). Reserve. Funds. Reserve. Funds. Reserve. Funds. Reserve. i Funds. ties). panies). Revenue. " I Otheb Local Authorities —continued. Boroucih Councils —continued. £££££££££ £ £ £ £££ £ £ ££ 26 Wairoa . .... .. .. 670 .. .. .. 670 1,474 1,474 1,053 1,053 .. .. 1,115 .. 30 .. 26 27 Waitara .. .. .. .. 271 .. .. .. .. 271 3,660 3,660 1,591 1,264 .. .. 827 .. 1,081 .. 27 28. Westport .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 .. 720 .. 355 2,075 7,854 7,854 3,386 3,235 .. .. 1,067 .. 6,818 .. 28 29. Whakatane .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,111 .. .. .. 1,174 2,285 977 1,289 144 144 .. .. .. .. .. 449 39 30. Whangarei .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,316 .. 2,459 .. 1,130 5,905 7,239 7,235 7,410 7,410 .. .. 52,160 .. .. .. 30 Totals, Borough Councils .. 350 3,979 93 32,670 .. 18,174 13,574 28,343 97,183 137,272 142,155 133,534 123,772 23,856 21,990 425,845 36,168 150,196 14,114 Town Boards. 1. Havelock North .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 42 2,223 2,223 509 509 .. .. 7,000 .. 5,223 .. 1 2. Kamo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 . . . . 31 52 .. .. .. .. .. 307 .. 192 .. 2 3. Kaponga .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 157 157 .. 268 .. .. .. .. .. 862 477 .. 3 4. Mangaweka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 115 115 847 847 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,567 5. Manunui .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 103 103 379 379 276 .. .. .. .. .. 416 .. 5 Totals, Town Boards .. .. .. . . .. .. 31 . . 417 448 3,501 3,717 785 509 .. .. 7,307 862 11,875 County Councils. 1. Heathcote .. .. .. .. -. •. .. .. •. . • 584 584 .. .. .. 8,020 .. .. .. .. 11,543 .. 1 2. Kaikoura .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1,408 „ 2 3. Murchison .. . • .. .. .. .. 645 .. .. .. .. 645 .. .. .. .. .. .. • • •. 516 4. Uawa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,165 .. .. 164 4 5. Waimairi .. .. .. .. 1,207 .. .. .. 1,818 .. .. 3,025 8,212 8,227 13,985 .. .. .. 33,022 .. .. .. 5 Totals, County Councils .. .. 1,207 .. 645 .. 1,818 .. 592 4,262 8,212 8,227 13,985 8,020 .. .. 37,187 .. 12,059 1,572 Totals, other Local Authorities 16,374 9,788 593 122,659 .. 47,888 20,064 98,951 316,317 555,843 560,957 828,885 282,603 460,417 325,711 1,204,254 188,751 820,322 15,686 Companies. 1. Alderton Utility Co. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . . 150 150 .. .. .. .. .. . . • • • • 199 .. 1 2. Kanieri Electric, Ltd. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 596 .. .. 596 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,218 .. 3,345 .. 2 3. Reefton Electric Light and Power .. .. .. .. 375 .. 120 279 774 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,293 .. .. .. 3 Co., Ltd. 4. P. Spender (Rawene) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 75 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 5. Wilson's (N.Z.) Portland Cement, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,711 8,711 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 Ltd. 6. Westland Power, Ltd. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10,900 6 Totals, Companies .. .. .. .. .. .. 375 596 120 9,215 10,306 .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,511 .. 3,544 10,900 Totals, all Supply Authorities 17,782 13,753 1,183 122,659 375 74,804 30,753 385,602 646,911 3,076,901 2,775,686 3,430,418 720,569 507,190 340,952 2,308,095 267,227 1,033,351 488,288 Notes. — 1 Not actively functioning. 2 Distribution system under construction; supply not yet commenced. 3 License delegated to "Westland Power, Ltd. 4 No returns received. 5 Paid into Load Development Reserve. 6 Gross surplus. 7 Includes General Reserves, Accident Fund Reserves, Loan Repayment Reserves, Capital Expenditure out of Revenue, Load Development Reserves, Bad Debts Reserves, &c.


Table XIII.—Averages Derived from Tables IX, X, and XI, for Year ended 31st March, 1936.


_ (For Summary of Relevant Totals from above-named Tables see Table B on page 104.) Capital Outlay. Revenue (Averages). Working-costs. Capital Charges. Total Costs. Supply Authority. per p er Per Unit j p Per Kw. Per v „ _ _ _ w Per Boute- of Per Unit sold sold Per J of Route- Per Unit PmKw. Per Unit Vet J v ' Per Unit Per _F w - ' Capita. mile of Revenue. soli - et fy Domestic P .Consnmer. sold ' Maximum 80ld ' Maximum sold - Maximum Supply). ' Demand. Demand. Demand. ■ s. _J W <P) ffl («) 1 (/) (g) (g) (') W (A) (A) Public Works Department. £ £ £ d d d £ ■ £ £ I # ri # I ri ' -c J ri t 2-fidn M SSi 0 ' WkaremO ~ il'Vn o'Slo •' - I •• •'» ! 664 0-062 1*23 I 0 167 ! 3 97 0 259 5 20 1 2. Coleridge Waitakl .. .. .. .. .. .. 6j 5 50 18-40 0-389 .. .. .. j .. 6-60 j 356 0-086 1-47 I 0-411 6-98 0-497 8-46 2 Averages, Public Works Department-.. .. .. .. 6,950 12-71 0-346 .. .. ~ TT T 547 <M)67 T j 0-242 j T 0-309 TT Electric-power Boards. 2 Auckland 11 " " " " " " H'S? o ton I'll J'nt? 1 "8f 2 2 ' 696 2 ' 47 11 ' 55 25 ' 08 51 °' 960 12 ' 38 9 962 12 ' 49 1,922 24,78 1 3' Banks Peninsula " " " " " " H'Vn '?«? o'ni J'Sio 2? 6 0865 2 ' 85 10 ' 58 16 ' 95 562 °' 832 8 ' 87 °' 438 7,39 9,979 16 ' 17 2 4 BavofTWv " " " •' '• " ?o'o2 ££ 8 ' 94 1,712 1,712 1,732 2 ' 92 n ' 42 23 '58 . 56 1-318 18-15 0-940 12-94 2-258 31-09 3 5! BuUer 1 ■■ ■■ •• •• •• •• 18 ' 8 ' 739 4- 84 1-079 1-079 2-652 4-08 24-55 30-10 153 0-578 16-10 0-353 9-85 0-931 25-95 4 7' CeSrai d Hawke's Bav " " " " " i2'?n S2 2'?I J"'2f2 1,949 3 ' 34 12 ' 27 22 ' 90 101 0,732 15 ' 98 0,354 7 : 75 1-086 23 ; 73 6 8* Central WaTkato " " " " J 4 '?? 22« ?' 1,369 1,369 3 ' 14 2 ' 26 13 ' 90 26-10 99 0-706 13-45 0-541 10-30 1-247 23-75 7 9 Dannevirke " " " " " " }2'«2 «12 I'ail 1 ' 06 J 2 ' 590 3 ' 21 11,48 23 ' 6B 86 °' 623 13 ' 89 0,407 9 ' 07 1,030 22 ' 96 8 10 SfnklTn " " " " " " H'?n 222 ' 4 2 1 ' 667 X ' 667 4 ' 185 2 ' 42 10 ' 92 33 ' 59 93 °' 799 16 ' 03 0- 7 60 15-26 1-559 31-29 9 ll' Golden Bav " " " " " " ]al% HS. a'Ā ?'2?? 0 '2°l 2 ' 027 3 ' 06 12 ' 20 19 ' 75 81 0,552 12,06 °' 429 9,17 0,972 , 21 ' 23 10 12 Grev " " " " " " Jn'?n -.ton 2'f 9 1,716 1,715 4 ' 68 3,11 10-82 22-32 70 0-710 9-25 0-639 8-30 1-349 17-55 11 13* Hawkp's Bav " " " " " " ??'I2 Ho2 I 78 2 ' 2 2 ' 74 11,04 19 ' 27 202 0 442 6 ' 67 °' 743 11,20 1,185 17,87 12 14 Horowhenua " " '2o2 /II ?'??S VII 2 2 '°S 5 2 ' 28 9 ' 9 ° 18 ' 18 243 °' 515 10 ' 82 0,323 6-78 0-838 17-60 13 15 HuttValW " " " " " 222 1 »2« J'S? I'l 7 1117 2 ' 574 2 ' 84 10 ' 44 19 ' 35 146 0,751 13 '°° °' 298 5 ' 16 i' 049 18 '1 6 14 16l Lake Wakatipu 1 '' ! " " " " ' 2 ' 361 2 ' 32 8 ' 44 19 ' 89 348 °' 770 13 ' 40 °' 281 4 89 1,061 18 ' 29 15 18' Manawatii" Oroua '' " " " " " ?Īq i'lo n'Hn 2 'tj° " 1 '® 2 11,43 34 ' 24 42 2 993 26 ' 46 1,393 17 '®° 3 486 44 ' 96 I 7 19' Klhomuo-h " " " '• •' io'in ! ?§? "SI °' 790 1,284 ■■ 1,78 13,60 19 ' 20 140 0-489 11-88 0-264 6-42 0-753 18-30 18 20i North Auckland 8 '' " " " " " 2 ' 934 2 ' 10 10 ' 35 31 ' 15 106 0 ' 419 7 ' 85 1,181 22,10 1,600 29,95 19 22 Onu < ?ake anterbUry " " " " " If' ?2 ??§ S'i? 1,336 J ' 522 2 ' 22 2 ' 00 10 ' 32 20 ' 22 57 0-900 13-60 0-475 7-18 1-375 20-78 21 23' Ota Central " " " " " " qq'S 112 ,n'nf }'ā?o } 4 '° 2 ' 49 12 ' 66 25 ' 31 83 °' 922 12 ' 12 0 906 H' 90 1,828 24 02 22 24 Otaao ■■ •• •• •• 33 ''° 64 ' 10,94 l' 2 ! 2 1'gl 2 3 '42 3-23 11-21 25-17 59 0-462 9-59 0-680 14-13 1-142 23-72 23 25' POTOTtv Bav " " " " " " «'?? asn ?'?! J'ISS "■ 2,47 10,57 25,46 73 0,859 12,38 0,788 11,36 1,647 28,74 24 26! Beefton 1 " " " " " " 07 2 ' 387 2 ' 48 11,30 28 ' 10 155 0,874 16,30 0,542 10,10 l' 4 " 26 ' 40 25 I 8 South Ta?anaki r} ' " " " " " }n'?i ill S'2o 1 1,32 I 2 ' 380 li62 9 ' 29 15 ' 92 73 0 574 °' 95 ° ,35 1 6 ' 08 0,925 16 '°3 27 29' Southland " " " " " " o?'«n «?2 ,i'2n : J'^ 3 2 15 1,76 10 ' 61 23 ' 40 134 0,680 11,38 0,560 9,37 l' 240 20 ' 75 28 30' Snrines-Bllesmere" " " " " " ?q'o2 ?qo I An J ?2 2 ' 87 2 ' 56 10 ' 83 20 ' 00 55 0,526 6 ' 68 1 457 18,50 1,983 25,18 29 31 Taranaki " " " " " 9i'2o , o in'£2 }'tl? 2 ' 232 2 46 11 62 24 ' 95 92 °' 859 15 ' 16 0,435 7,70 1,294 22 ' 86 30 32' Tararua " " " " "" lo'so '«? 2'n2 1,68 1,70 14 40 19 16 114 0 310 5,64 0 635 11,53 0,945 17,17 31 33' Tauransa" " " " " " " lot 1Ā I'S 4 ' 444 3 ' 03 14 ' 21 84,45 107 0 888 17,72 0,756 15 '°8 i'644 32-80 32 q?' I? j g i •' '■ ■■ 14,05 326 5,42 1,202 l' 202 2-141 2-67 17-45 60 0-718 0-471 1-189 33 35' Tevio™ U " " " " " SI'q? ofo o'q2 i'S2 n'«n ?'« 3 ' 46 14 ' 83 24 ' 98 99 0 658 13 ' 08 0 ' 399 7 ' 95 1,087 21 ' 03 34 36' Thames Vallev " " " " " " lS'?o I'22 ?'nS? ?'?»2 J'^ 5 3 ' 01 12 ' 97 8 22 97 0 110 2,48 °' 187 4,28 0,297 6 '71 35 37' Wataea " " " " " "" o'«2 III ?'o2 J'iln 3 ' 24 14 ' 52 26 10 146 0 ' 675 13 ' 87 0,475 11,48 1,050 25,35 36 38* Wairaram* " " " " " " iq io «?f V22 ?'SIS ?'2-2 „ " 46 6 ' 62 35-05 i 97 2-460 23-50 1-120 10-72 3-580 34-22 37 39' Waireīe " " " " " "" if f? fJ 2'H J' 258 1,2 2 8 2 ' 9 ? 0 2,74 10,15 25,93 ! 100 0-617 12-71 0-519 10-69 1-136 23-40 38 40' Wairoa " " " " " " " r?q ?'o? 1 n'tmf ?"2fi ?'2 44 ?' 66 14 ' 63 12 ' 87 1 43 0-426 5-88 0-502 6-90 0-928 12-78 39 41' Waitaki " " " " " " " īo'o? hie til ?'a ll ?'t n „ 1,42 19 ' 08 15,10 133 0 646 11 12 0,304 5,24 °' 950 16 ' 36 40 42' Waitemata " " " " " " a'?? «9« ?'qI J'?o2 }'?o2 J'?? 8 1,90 8 ' 24 17 ' 65 76 0 690 11 26 °' 376 6 't4 1-066 17-40 41 43' Waitomo " " " " " " i?'fl alt ! i o'oL 1,79 7 ' 23 21 ' 70 117 0,770 14,80 °' 374 7,20 1,144 22 ' 00 42 44' Wanganui-Eansitikei " " " " " lo'i? i ««! I'll i : ?l? l'?f« I'S? 2 ' 16 13 ' 20 21 40 147 °' 823 13,30 0,449 7,26 1,272 20,56 43 45! We°Hand s " " " " ' 6 9 ' 39 21 ' 07 128 °' 632 11,84 0,496 9,30 1,128 21 ' 14 44 Averages, Power Boards 15-63 j 806 6-21 j 1 • 194(c) 1 ■ 216 ~ I I Īi3~~ 0-672(4) 0-546(1-) ~ l-218(i) T Other Local Authorities. City Councils. 9' Si^pH C ii UrCh " " " " "• •' 8 ' 30 2 ' 310 3 ' 33 0-895 0-957 0-851 2-47 7-55 13-50 695 0-595 8-98 0-164 2-47 0-759 11-45 1 3 fnve?ca mm 17 2*52 21SS 2*2?S ?'? 12 2 ' 37 7 ' 40 12 - 60 0-253 8-70 0-i22 6-18 0-6?5 9-88 2 4 JTelson " " q'™ ' S 2 'i 9 f' 322 2 ' 522 5 ' 0 2 ' 38 8 ' 25 26,25 843 1-219 13-80 0-383 4-33 1-602 18-13 3 5 Patoerstoi North" " " " " "" n q2 ?'qr2 fon i ?''?« o'2 10 S'? 8 8,60 32 ' 00 579 1,916 17,41 1,237 11,23 3,153 28 ' 64 4 i?: . -Nortn .. .. .. .. .. 11-95 2,965 4-00 1-155 1-155 2-513 2-74 10-05 21-45 741 0-563 10-42 0-206 3-81 0-76Q 14.-93 5 6. Wellington 9-42 3,270 3-53 1-269 1-370 0-910 2-71 8-04 ll 67 926 0-7?i 9-56 0-218 2-70 0-992 Jl-ll 6 Averages, City Councils .. .. .. . . 11-10 2,742 4-35 l-120(c) 1-157 .. 2-53 7-88 .. 630 0-612(4) .. 0-296(4) .. 0-908(4) — — — : ' (For notes see uage 104.}


Table XIII.— Averages Derived from Tables IX, X, and XI, for Year ended 31st March, 1936—continued.


(For Summary of Relevant Totalis from above-named Tables see Table B on page 104.) Capital Outlay. Revenue (Averages). Working-costs. Capital Charges. Total Costs. Supply Authority. p P £1 Per Unit PerUnit p PerXw. p ?w . P ?w . p P.Kw. A "J? —• SOM - «. So CaPita - —,Ma~ | mileof sold. sold. sold. „ m Supply). I (a) (6) (d) (e) (/) (g) ! (g)( 5 ) (h) (h) (h) Other Local Authorities —continued. j _ „ . , , ~ , £ 1 Bluff BO " 0Ugh " lS - 3 £ 54 655 As ! 2-192 ! 2-192 3-560 ! 8-09 I 16*52 874 I 1 834 0-296 2-23 2 130 16-05 1 2 Hamilton 3-78 1,048 1-53 1-622 1-622 3-49 , 2-48 8-55 | 23-45 685 i 0-945 13-65 0-158 2-29 1 103 15-94 2 3 .. 6-93 1,126 2-27 1-692 1-692 3-115 I 3-65 9-31 ! 25-96 497 j 1-320 20-24 0-382 5-86 1-702 26-10 3 4" Kaiapoi . .. 6-38 775 3-54 1-942 1-942 2-0 1 1-83 6-18 24-50 219 1 1-432 18-05 0-403 5-08 J'835 ?2'1? t 5'Lyttelton' " : 3-74 1,233 1-80 1-950 1-950 2-766 j 2-08 7-72 25-00 686 1-193 15-32 0-186 2-39 1-379 17-71 5 e' Napier . ... .. 8-24 2,930 2-90 1-214 1-214 2-365 ! 2-92 9-04 26-90 1,010 ] 0-666 14-74 0-262 5-81 0-928 20-55 6 7' New Plymouth " 17-04 1,072 5-18 1-049 1-107 2-5 I 3-33 10-12 17-70 207 j 0-427 7-20 0-284 4-78 0-711 11-98 7 8 OhakuTie 9-74 1 112 5-50 2-742 2-742 4-595 I 1-78 7-33 34-39 202 i 1-382 17-33 ! 0-974 12-21 2-356 29-54 8 9 Patea " " " " !! 7-85 1,067 4-05 j 1-975 1-975 3-7 1-96 11-07 29-05 263 | 1-037 15-24 0-402 5-92 1-439 21-16 9 10* Pieton *' * * 11-55 1 470 5-19 5-410 5-410 5-3 1 2-24 7-98 ; 40-00 283 4-075 30-10 2-141 15-80 6-216 45-90 10 11 Ouee? 8 toWn 14-60 1 878 7-22 ' 2-645 2-645 . ; 2-12 6-83 24-30 260 ! 1-353 12-44 1-191 10-96 2-544 23-40 11 12' Baetihi " " .. .. .. 4-98 800 5-09 1-251 2-010 3-395 ! 0-93 9-44 16-60 157 \ 0-693 9-19 0-355 4-71 1 048 13-90 12 13 Bangiora 6-12 1,053 2-64 I 2-095 2-095 2-9 2-34 7-59 26-82 398 1-696 21-73 0-177 2-27 1-873 24-00 13 14! Eiccarton !. :: 4-31 1-95 ! 1-048 1-048 1-5 2-26 7-68 17-27 650 0-833 13-73 0-079 1-30 0-912 15-03 14 l&. lotorua (Tourist Department) " !! ! 6 : 81 1,194 3 : 58 2-140 2-iio l-si l'-96 10-03 27-20 334 1-227 15-61 0-690 8-77 1-9X7 24-38 16 17 strntford 7-50 1 652 2-10 1-480 1-480 2-705 3-56 12-11 22-24 785 0-788 11-83 0-322 4-83 1-110 16 66 1/ Islumner ! " " !! 4-7Ô 1,11? 5-60 1-060 Ī-050 1-73 1-82 5-54 15-83 592 0-756 11-40 0-141 2-13 0-897 13-53 18 19 Taihane 4-78 1 043 1-88 2-450 2-450 2-852 2-55 9-65 24-30 556 0-896 8-88 0-584 5-i9 1-480 14-67 19 20 Taumarunui 11-50 3 790 6-49 2-480 2-470 .. 1-78 9-35 29-20 584 0-834 9-83 0-837 9-86 1-671 19-69 20 21 Tauranga " " " 1! !! 47-60 2 524 7-59 0-560 0-918 0-902 3-83 11-87 8-46 332 0-142 2-14 0-288 4-37 0-430 6-51 21 22 Te Aroha 7-08 882 2-24 1-688 1-688 3-66 3-20 10-10 27-40 394 1-310 21-25 0-120 1-95 1-430 23-20 22 23 Te Puke 12-28 1,002 3-24 1-420 1-420 2-684 3-84 11-71 26-10 309 0-750 13-80 0-264 4-87 1-014 18-67 23 24 Thames 6-40 1367 2-47 2-060 2-060 3-5 2-61 10-40 45-40 553 1-225 27-00 0-194 4-28 1-419 31-28 24 25. Timaru .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5-91 1,732 2-93 1-342 1-342 1-653 2-03 7-71 20-40 593 0-978 14-85 0-232 3-53 1-210 18-38 25 26 Wairoa .. .. .. .. .. 4-41 793 1-33 1-037 1-037 1-708 3-35 12-03 16-30 598 0-838 13-17 0-128 2-01 0-966 15-18 26 27 Waitara 3-70 610 1-87 1-990 1-990 3-523 2-00 7-46 28-60 326 1-263 18-13 0-614 8-82 1-877 26-95 27 Is! westport :: :: :: :: :: :: III Ji" Iā, s- 6 1-72 7 -6 6 25-00 379 i-oio io-4i 0-725 7-« 1-735 n-ss 28 29 Whakatane 20-30 517 5-25 1-374 1-374 3-602 3-90 13-17 22-33 99 0-428 6-95 0-492 7-99 0-920 J-J-94 §0.' Whangarei !! !! !! !! 9-34 1,990 3-84 1-961 1-961 3-0 2-57 8-39 26-65 519 1-182 16-09 0-348 4-72 1-530 20-81 30 Averages, Borough Councils .. .. .. 9-10 1,344 3-61 l-417(c) 1-430 .. 2-51 9-07 j .. 373 0-805(&)| .. 0-327(&)j .. 1-132(&) 1. Havelock North .. Town Boards. g ? g g Qg | 1 2 Kamo .. .. .. .. 3-71 371 1-99 3-713 3-713 6-0 1-88 9-11 14-94 187 2-290 9-21 1-350 5-43 , 3-640 14 64 2 3. Kaponga .. .. .. .. .. .. 19-20 452 4-60 2-014 2-014 6-0 4-35 13-49 23-00 98 1-712 19-56 0-318 3-63 ! 2-030 23 19 3 4. Mangaweka 14-92 576 5-89 1-622 | 1-622 3-0 2-67 8-15 29-65 98 1-335 24-40 0-186 3-40 [ 1-521 -7-80 4 5. Manunui.. .. .. .. .. .. 4-09 633 3-54 7-450 ; 7-450 7-770 1-15 5-42 35-75 179 4-710 j 22-60 j 1-880 9-04 | 6-590 31 64 5 Averages, Town Boards .. .. .. .. 14-48 685 5-15 2-136(c) 2-136 .. 2-87 10-85 .. 133 l-465(4)j .. j 0-635(4) .. j 2-100(4) 1 Heathcote .. ° 0UntV CounaU - __ 4 . 33 748 2 . 35 1 . 168 1-168 , j.j j 8 . 63 1B , 01 ! 316 0 . 930 U.g4 0-183 2-35 I'JJS Jf'f® 1 2 Kaikoura .. .. .. .. .. .. 16-96 2,137 6-39 9-370 9-370 I 10-5 2-72 10-00 38-85 j 334 8-850 36-70 3-530 14-62 !2'380 51-32 2 3 Murehison .. .. .. .. .. .. 27-60 930 6-24 3-500 3-500 ! 3-0 4-50 12-69 34-05 149 1-790 17-43 0-822 8-00 2-612 25-43 3 4 Uawa . . .. .. .. -■ 15-69 2,092 6-13 15-600 15-600 I 16-50 2-72 10-22 7-31 ! -341 8-040 3-76 8-440 3-95 7-71 4 5] Waimairi .. .. .. .. .. .. 4-43 430 2-60 0-978 0-978 j 0-978 1-70 6-78 16-61 165 0-564 9-57 0-293 4-98 0-857 14-55 5 Averages, County Councils .. .. .. .. 5-56 591 3-01 l-150(c) 1-150 | .. 1-86 j 7-62 .. 197 0-744(4) .. 0-306(4) 1-050(4) Averages, other Local Authorities .. .. .. 10-35 2,010 4-11 l-196(c) 1-229 j .. 2-50 j 8-20 .. 489 0-666(4) .. 0-306(4) .. j 0-972(4) (For notes see page 104.)


Table XIII.-Averages Derived from Tables IX, X, and XI, for Year ended 31st March, 1936—continued.

Table B. Summary of Totals from Tables IX, X, and XI.

Table A. Traction, Mining, &c.— Units sold and Revenue obtained for Year ended 31st March, 1936.


,.. ! Other Local Authorities. Public t> „ , . Works I Power ■ — Totals, Department. boards. j Companies. Councils. Councils. | Boards. j Councils. lotal. SSSSS :: :: 8MK 55« %« $.«, Units sold retail to consumers .. 51,861 ,571 439,167 ,247 196,135 ioi6 63,290'321 133o'786 8 322'542 269 078'665 15 482'525 775 590'008 L ZZgYoadrS bytraCtl ° n ' ' 10 ' 200 ' 470 20 ' 245 ' 786 15,784,807 841,323 sssas ttt':: :: 41 ' 5 1;1£ w».» 252 „ —— —— — —- _ __ _____ _ Capital outlay .. 13,095,382 14,156,962 4,087,952 1,389 900 61 003 119 853 5 658 708 270 451 33 181 5n<! le^epSf:: :: M "''Hill M' 8 "-' 839 iiM s I;SII:I?i I I'fK tf' 657 ii>88 ° 89 • 908 sSjSS 'S?ro revenue frata trabtioif, minhlg 65.349,2,122,566 869,515 , 372,144 11,839 39,874 1,293,372 15,986 I 3,497,273 loads, ,&c. Gross revenue (excluding rates) .. i 1,040,649 2,338,218 956,273 395 307 1 12 099 40 183 1403 86-2 40 595 I A soo bu?k r ~ rCTenUe lr ° m ! 9a '° 28 2 ' 241 . 363 9 32-476 383 '594 ! | l.'SgltS «t.MS ! Awl SSfcS '• '■ 720 '75 7 !'000'0« 1 2 ' 230 25,810 745,913 23.037 2,197,770 Total costs 0 " " i 9?2'?95 86,347 3,520 10,602 342,576 8.022 2,071,400 iatei collected .'i M8 ' 72t> 2 ' 2 7 "' 849 | 11,651 36,412 1,088,489 ; 31,059 4,269,170 I '• j .. 690 1 326 i 429 1,445 . .. 44,633

(For Summary of Relevant Totals from above-named Tables see Table B below.) Capital Outlay. Revenue (averages). Working-costs, j Capital Charoes. Total Costs. Supply Authority. per Per Unlt Per Uni( . j . per p er 1 ! w „ Per Route- of Per Unit sold sold Per i | Qf Route _ Per Unit Per _Kw. , pjjr ūni( . Per Kw. Per Unlt Per p. j 0 ' Capita. mile of Revenue. sold " (Retail (Retail Capita. c I Maximum mile of sold. M J* I sold. „ ? f sold ? f Line. Supply). Domestic Demand. Line. Maximum Maximum Maximum Supply). ' ! - , - )eman< i. ] Demand. Demand. ;- ! ' : — — — : {,l} 'y.\ '") I tf) 'I (g) (g)C) (h) (h) (ft) j_ Companies. £ i £ f h * /i P | „ „1 i 1. Alderton Utility Co. .. 18-5? «as i noo to , £ , £ £ j £ d. £ d. £ d I £ 2. Kanieri Electric, Ltd. .. 30-20 ! 3 130 e> A o'fi7fi I'iln i q'oL S'lS 14 ' 60 12 * 30 78 °" 520 6-16 °' 352 4-17 0-872 I 10-33 1 3. Reefton Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd. .. " 5-33 866 2-03 5-870 5-870 fi n 9 k« q'oq S'SJ 1 486 °' 433 7 ' 2S °' 227 8 ' 79 °' 060 11-02 2 4. P. Spender (Rawene) .. , » oSS ® ° 7 " IS 9 ' 08 81 ' 00 ! 4-660 24-55 .. .. 4-660 ! 24-55 3 5. Wilson's (M\Z.) Portland Cement. Ltd. " 10-10 I 2OT0 6-86 1-1 7 2 i H'm vm I I'?? 8 «'n5 1 486 11 ' 880 29 ' 30 •• -• 11-830 : 29-30 4 West-land Power, Ltd 17-58 | l&° III Ull till IT III ' till 1 f.% ?| ° 0 ™ ITs o-iis 4*7 13% £% 1 Averages, Companies 27 . 63 1>712 6 . 93 0 . 498(e) 2 . 660 j 3 . 44 — | | , _ Averages, all Supply Authorities, 1936 . . .. _J2-70 1,480 7-02 | 1-127( C ) 1-175 [ .. | 2-56 j_ 9-82 | m ' 0-680«! -- 1 0-641« ""TW; .. "™ llll:: :: Iff? lfā IT? i I'll 111 ! •• f'ff j j:g| ■■ g® °- 69 I ~ 9 ~ i-ss ! ~ !S If.ig in* I ®' 94 | ■ -*• 1-34 j :: 111 ;; •• 1^5Q0 i 7 -° 8 1 •• ' 2-56 | ii-63 i 211 I I .. ;; ;; ;; ! ;; retail sales divided P by units sold retail to customers™ from traetorTan^/o^minI^ 1 P lusUDits SOld ' incllldiri S bulk supply where given. (c) Revenue from (e) Gross revenue, excluding rates and revenue from bulk supply where given. (/) Revenue from retail salS lassJevm™ / dl ? lded by "mts sold retail less units supplied for traction and/or mining, &c.„ loads, sojd including bulk supply where given. (k) Total units sold retail to consumer 6 ™ 6 S fSSf ID1 ? g ' &C ' •, 1 ° adS - 4 . to) Beyenue from retail plus bulk sales. (fi) Total units W estland Power, Ltd. 4 No returns received. « To nearest £. ' JN ot actively functioning. Distribution system under construction ; supply not yet commenced. 3 License delegated to

Supply Authority. Type of Load. Units sold. Revenue. Public Works Department. No £ Coleridge-Waitaki .. .. Traction— N.Z.R., Christ- 2,148,000 4,512 church Christchurch Tram- 8,148, 470 15,278 ways Totals •• .. 10,296,470 19,790 Power Boards. Auckland .. .. Traction.. .. 19,210,555 59,441 Wanganui-Uangitikei .. .. Traction.. .. 1,036,230 2^624 Totals .. 20,245,785 62,065 3 Cities and Boroughs. Dunedin .. .. .. Traction.. .. 4,841,567 11.422 ( Invercargill .. .. Traction.. .. 610,931 ] New. Plymouth .. .. Traction.. .. 841,323 1,800 ] Wellington .. .. .. Traction.. .. 10,332,309 32,288 3 Totals •• .. 16,626,130 47,547 1 Companies. Kanieri Electric, Ltd. .. .. Mining .. .. 3,678,960 5,748 v\ estland Power, Ltd. .. Mining .. .. 1,639 764 4 761 WUson's (N.Z.) Portland Cement, Cement-manufacture 8,729, '398 5,'634 t 1 Totals •• •• 14,048,122 16,143 1 Totals for above Supply Authori- .. 61,216,507 145,545

J), 1.

Table XIV.— Abridged Schedule of Selling-rates for Electrical Energy, 1935-36.


(Note. —In the following table, on account of space limitations, only an outline of the rates is given. Details may be obtained from the Rate-book of the Electric-power Boards and Supply Authorities Association or from individual supply authorities' tariff schedules. T.S. = Time switch ; C.O.S. = Change-over switch used with range, motors, &c.) Supply Authority. Domestic. Commercial. Public Works Department. f£2 10s. per kv.a. of maximum demand per quarter for first 200 kv.a. 1. Arapuni-Mangahao-Waikaremoana\ T , ,, . , J £2 per kv.a. of maximum demand per quarter for next 4,800 kv.a. 2. Coleridge-Waitaki .. f U SU P" y on £1 ig g . per kv.a. of maximum demand per quarter for next 15,000 kv.a. I £ I. 6s. 3d. per kv.a. of maximum demand per quarter for all over 20,000 kv.a. Electrio-power Boards. 1. Ashburton .. .. .. 8d., 3d., and 2d.; 8d., 3d., and ljd. (with Lighting, 6d.; heating, 2d., ljd., and Id.; range over 3 lew.); water - heating power, 3d., 2d., and ljd. Reduced rates (metered): Jd.; flat rates, 600 w., 7s. 6d. ; for guarantees and for off-peak supply; 1,000 w., 12s. 6d. per month on T.S. or night rate (9.30 p.m. to 7 a.m.), fd. C.O.S. 2. Auckland .. .. .. 4d., 3d., and Jd.; water-heating : £12 12s. Lighting : 4d. and ljd.; radiators : 4d. per kw. per annum or pro rata according to (1st May to 31st October); power : 2Jd., wattage of element. Alternatively, fd. per Id., and fd. Alternative rate, 8s. per kv.a. unit with thermostat control. Discount, of M.D. per month plus T 9 s d. per unit; 10 per cent. night rate (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.), Jd. (for approved purposes). Discount, 10 per cent. 3. Banks Peninsula .. 9d. and 3d. (for lighting, ironing, &c.); 9d., Lighting: 7d.; heating: 2d. and lid.; dairy 2d., and ljd. (for lighting, heating, and water-heaters: Jd. (on T.S. or C.O.S.); power); 9d. and 1 Jd. (with range); water- power: 2d. and ljd. (milking - motors); heating: fd. ; (9 .30 p.m. to 5.30 a.m.). 3d., 2d., and ljd. (general-purpose motors); Both on T.S. Day heating, on C.O.S. with night rate (9 p.m. to 5 a.m.), Jd. Disrange. Discount, 7J per cent. count, 7J per cent. 4. Bay of Plenty .. .. .. 9d., 2d., and ljd.; water-heating : 4s. per Lighting : 9d. (shops and offices); 9d. and 100 w. per quarter (on T.S.) 6d. (hotels, &c.); heating: 4d.; 3d. and ljd. on T.S., (shops and offices); 2d. and ljd. (hotels, &c.); power: 3d., 2Jd., and 2d. (general-purpose motors); 5d. and ljd. (milking-motors). 5. Cambridge .. .. .. Lighting : 6d. ; heating and cooking : 3d., Lighting : 6Jd., 5Jd., and 4Jd. (discount, ljd., and fd. (discount, 5 per cent.); water- 5 per cent.); dairy water-heaters on heating : £4 10s. per annum up to 750 w. C.O.S. : £4 per annum for 600 w.; £6 per (on T.S.); £6 per annum up to 1,000 w. (on annum for 1,000 w.; power: 3d., ljd., T.S.); £12 per annum per kw. (continuous) and fd.; 3d., ljd., fd., and Jd. (restricted hours); milking-motors, 4d. and Id. Discount, 5 per cent. 6. Central Hawke's Bay .. .. 7d., 3Jd., 2d., and ljd.; water-heating : £6 Lighting : 7d.; heating : 3d., 2d., and ljd.; per annum per 1,000 w. with range or 2d. and Id. (off peak); power : 3d., 2Jd., milking-motor ; £8 per annum per 1,000 w. and 2d. (industrial); 2Jd. and 2d. (milkingwithout motors). 7. Central Waikato .. .. Lighting : 5d.; heating and cooking : ljd.; Lighting : 5d.; heating and cooking : ljd. ; " electric home " rate : 5d., ljd., and Id. ; power : 2Jd. for general-purpose and milk-water-heating : 16s. per 100 w. per annum ing motors up to 2 h.p.; 2Jd. and ljd. on T.S.; 22s. per 100 w. per annum un- (off peak); water-heating : 12s. per 100 w. restricted. Discount, 5 per cent. per annum on C.O.S. with milking motor. Discount, 5 per cent. 8. Dannevirke .. .. .. Lighting and heating : 7d. and 4d.; cooking : Lighting : 6d. ; heating : 3d. and Id.; 3d. and ljd. ; water-heating : (a) Jd. per power : 3d., 2d., and ljd.; fd. (9 p.m. to unit (T.S.); (6) £1 per 100 w. per annum 5 a.m.); milking-motors : £1 per h.p. per (T.S.) annum plus 4d., 2Jd., and Id. per unit; water-heating: (a) and (b) As for domestic ; (c) 600 w., £4 10s., 1,000 w., £6 per annum on C.O.S. 9. Franklin .. .. .. Lighting : 5d. ; heating, power and cook- Lighting and water-heating : As for domesing : ljd. and Id.; water-heating : 15s. tic ; power : milking and industrial motors, per 100 w. per annum on T.S. or C.O.S.; 2Jd. and 2d.; general-purpose farm motors, 20s. per 100 w. per annum continuous. Dis- £1 per h.p. per annum pius 4d. per unit, count, 10 per cent. Discount, 10 per cent. 10. Golden Bay .. .. .. Lighting: 8Jd. and 7d. (discount, 5 per cent.); Lighting, &c. : As for domestic; power: heating: 4Jd., 2fd., 1 Jcl., and Id. ; cook- 3fd., 2fd., and Id. Discount, 5 per cent, ing : ljd., Id., and fd. (discount, ō per cent.); water-heating: £l per 100w. per annum ; £6 per kw. per annum with range 11. Grey .. .. .. .. Lighting: 6d. and 4d.; cooking and heat- Lighting: 6d. and 4d.; heating: ljd.; ing: Id.; water-heating : Jd. per unit power: 2d. (without range); Jd. per unit (with range) 12. Hawke's Bay .. .. .. Country area—7d., 2d., and ljd.; water- Country area—Lighting : 7d., 5d., and 4d.; heating : £1 per 100 w. per annum (T.S.). heating : 2d. and ljd.; cooking : 2d. and Hastings—6d., 2d., and ljd. ; water-heat- Id.; power : 3d., ljd., and ljd. Hasting : £10 per kw. per annum (twenty-four ings—Lighting": 6Jd. and 2Jd.; heating : hours) 3d. ; power : 2Jd. and ljd. 13. Horowhenua .. .. .. Lighting and heating : (as) 7d. and 3d. (mini- Lighting : 7d. and 4d. (discount, 2d. per unit mum charge, 3s. 6d. per month), (b) 7d. and on units at 7d.); heating : 3d. (minimum Ifd. (minimum charge, 7s. per month), charge, Is. 9d. per month), or Ifd. and Id. (discount for (a) and (b), 2d. per unit on (minimum charge, 6s. per month); power : units at 7d.), (c) with electric range, 10s. 3d. and 2d.; 2Jd. and 2d. (milking-motors). per month plus Id. per unit; water-heat-ing : £12 per kw. per annum (continuous), £9 per kw. per annum on C.O.S.


Table XIV.— Abridged Schedule of Selling-rates for Electrical Energy, 1935-36—continued.


Supply Authority. Domestic. Commercial. - - ■ | . ( —_ Electeio-power Boards —continued. 14. Hutt Valley .. .. .. 4Jd., ljd., Id., and Jd.; water-heating : Lighting : 5d„ 4d., and 3d.; heating : 2|d. 19s. 6d. per 100 w. per annum (twenty-two 2d., and l£d.; power : 3d., 2d., ljd., and hours); 16s. 9d. per 100 w. per annum Id. ; Is. per h.p. per month plus 0-65d. (thermostat); 12s. per 100 w. per annum per unit (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.); £1 2s. per (thermostat and C.O.S.); 5s. per 100 w. h.p. per annum plus 2d. and Id. per unit per annum (night rate). Discount, 8J per (milking-motors). Discount, 84 per cent, cent. 15. Malvern .. .. .. 9d. and 3d. (minimum charge, £4 10s. per Power : 3d., 2d., and l|-d. (minimum charge, annum), down to 9d., 2d., ljd., and Id. 15s. per quarter per h.p.); 3d., 2d., and (minimum charge, £24 per annum) ; Id. (minimum charge, £15 per quarter); 9.30 p.m. to 7.30 a.m., Jd. per unit (T.S.); Jd. (night rate). water-heating: (a) Jd. (9.30 p.m. to 7.30 a.m., T.8.), (6) twenty-four hours' service : general domestic rates, (c) Jd. and Jd. with range (twenty-four hours) 16. Manawatu-Oroua .. .. 7d. and 3Jd. (single meter); lighting : 7d. Lighting : 7d. ; power : milking-motors, 3d., (separate meter) ; heating : ljd. (separate 2Jd., and lfd., other motors, 3 Jd., 3d., meter); water-heating : 600 w., £5 8s. per and lfd. annum ; 1,000 w., £9 per annum (on T.S., C.O.S., or pilot wire) 17. Marlborough .. .. .. 8d., 2Jd., 2d., and ljd. ; water-heating : Lighting : 8d. ; heating : 3d. and ljd. (shops, 9s. 6d. per 100 w. per annum (8 p.m. to &c.), 2Jd. and 2d. (hotels, &c.); power : 6.30 a.m. on T.S.) 4d., 2Jd., and 2d. 18. North Canterbury .. .. 6d., 3d., 2d., and ljd. ; 6d„ 2d., and ljd. Lighting : 6d. and 4d. ; heating : 2d., l|d., (27s. 6d. per month guarantee), with range ; and Id. ; power : 3d., 2d., and l£d.; 6d., 2d., ljd., and Id. (35s. per month night rate, Jd. (T.S.). guarantee), with range ; water-heating : Jd. per unit first 600 units per quarter; Jd. per unit balance, with T.S. and thermostat 19. Opunake .. .. .. 8d. and 3d. ; 8d. and ljd. (twelve months or Power : Industrial motors, 3d. (200 units), more) ; water-heating : £1 per 100 w. per 2d. (excess); milking-motors, 4d. (60 units), annum (twenty-four hours); 15s. per 2d. (excess). Discount, 10 per cent. 100 w. per annum on C.O.S. Discount, 10 per cent. 20. Otago Central .. .. .. Lighting : £10 per kw. per annum plus 4d., Lighting : 8d. ; lighting and heating : 8d., 2d., and Id. per unit; heating and cook- 4d., and 2d. ; power ; £2 per h.p. per ing : £1 per annum per kw. of maximum annum plus 4d., 2d., and Id. per unit. demand (or 70 per cent, connected load); water-heating: £12 per kw. per annum (continuous); £6 per kw. per annum on C.O.S. 21. Otago .. .. .. (a) 9d., 4d., and 2d. ; (b) 9d. and 2Jd. (with Lighting : 9d. and 3d.; heating : (a) 3d.; range over 2J kw.); with water-heater and (b) l|d. (off peak); power : 4d., 2d., and range over 3 kw. : (c) 9d., 2d., and ljd. Id.; ljd. (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.). (minimum charge, £4 10s. per quarter); (d) 9d., 2d., ljd., and Id. (minimum charge, £6 per quarter); water-heating : £10 per kw. per annum with thermostat and C.O.S. 22. Poverty Bay .. .. .. Lighting : Borough, 5Jd. ; country, 6Jd. ; Lighting : Borough, 5Jd. and 4d.; country, heating : 3Jd.; cooking : 3d. and Id. ; 6Jd. and 4d. ; heating : 3Jd.; lfd. (April water-heating: £1 per 100 w. per annum to September on T.S.) ; water-heating (T.S. or C.O.S.) (dairy sheds) : 16s. per 100 w. per annum on T.S. or C.O.S. power: 2Jd., 2id., and 2d. 23. South Canterbury .. .. 7d., 3d., and Id. ; water-heating : with range, Lighting : 7d„ 5d., and 4d. ; heating: 3d.; 13s. 4d.; without range, 16s. 8d. per cooking: 2d. and Id. ; general-purpose month for 1 kw. ; 6s. 8d. per month for motors: 3d., 2d., and Id.; milking-motors: each additional kw. (20 to 22 hours per £3 per h.p. per annum plus 2d. per unit. day) 24. South Taranaki.. .. .. Lighting : 6d. and 4Jd. ; heating and cook- Lighting : 6d. and 4Jd. ; mdustrial motors : ing : 2d. and ljd.; water-heating : twenty 3d. and 2d. ; milking-motors : 3d.; dairyhours, 15s. per 100 w. per annum with range factory motors : 2Jd., 2d„ and l|d. Disor mUking-motor; 20s. per 100 w. per count, as for domestic. amium without range or milkmg-motor. For twenty-four hours the rates are 20s. and 25s. respectively. Discount: Unit basis, Jd. per unit; flat rates and minimum charges, 5 per cent. 25. Southland .. .. .. Lighting, heating, and power : 7d„ 4d., 2Jd„ Lighting, heating, cooking, and small power : and ljd. ; cooking : Id.; water-heating : As for domestic. fd. on C.O.S. with range or motor 26. Springs-Ellesmere .. .. Lighting and heating: 6d. and 2d. ; cook- Lighting: 6d. ; heating: 3d. and 2d.; ing : ljd. and Id. ; water-heating : £1 per milking-motors : 3d.; general power : 3d., 100 w. per annum (C.O.S. and thermostat); 2d., and ljd. (up to 15 h.p.). £4 per kw. per annum (9 p.m. to 7.30 a.m.) 27. Taranaki .. .. .. Lighting : 6Jd.: heating : 3Jd. (combination Lighting and heating : As for domestic ; meter), ljd. (special meter); cooking: dairy water-heating: £6 per annum for ljd. (special meter) ; water-heating : £6 600 w. on C.O.S., 10s. per annum for each per annum for 600 w. (twenty-four hours), additional 50 w.; power : 3|d. up to J h.p. 10s. per annum for each additional 50 w. (combination meter), 3£d. up to J h.p. (separate meter), 3Jd. (J to 5 h.p. and all milking-motors). Special rates for large motors.


Table XIV. —Abridged Schedules of Selling-rates for Electrical Energy, 1935-36 —continued.


Supply Authority. Domestic. Commercial. Elbotkic-powek Boakds —continued. 28. Tararua .. .. .. General rate : 8d. and 4d. ; heating and cook- Lighting, &c. : As for domestic ; dairy ing: ljd. and Id. ; water-heating : On water-heaters on C.O.S. with motor: T.S., 600 w., 10s. per month ; 1,000 nr., 600 w., 24s. per quarter ; 1,000 w., £2 per • 15s. 4d. per month ; 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., 600 w., quarter. 16s. per quarter ; 1,000 w., 26s. per quarter 29. Tauranga .. .. • ■ 5d., 3d., and Id. ; with range and water- Lighting: 8d. ; heating: ljd. ; motors heater : £7 10s. per annum plus Jd. per under 5 h.p. : 3d., 2Jd., and ljd. unit; water-heating : flat rate, Is. 8d. per 100 w. per month 30. Te Awamutu .. . . .. 5d. and 3d. ; heating and cooking : with Lighting : 5d. ; power : 3d., 2d., and ljd.; range, ljd. ; without range, 2d. and ljd. ; Jd. (9 p.m. to 5 a.m.). water-heating : on T.S. or C.O.S., with range or milking-motor, 600 w., £3 per annum ; 1,000 w., £5 per annum 31. Teviot.. .. .. Lighting: £10 per kw. per annum plus 3d., Lighting, &c. : As for domestic; motors: Id., and Jd. per unit; heating and cooking : £1 13s. per h.p. per annum plus a unit 10s. per kw. per annum plus 3d., Id., and charge for units used over 99 of Id. (conId. per unit; water-heating : £10, con- tinuous use) and 3d. (intermittent use), tinuous, £6, intermittent (C.O.S.) per kw. per annum 32. Thames Valley .. .. • • Lighting : 6Jd. ; heating and cooking : 3d. Lighting, &c. : As for domestic ; industrial: and Id. ; water-heating : 13s. per 100 w. 3d. to 0-6d. (unrestricted), 0-5d. (9.30 p.m. per annum on T.S. ; 24s. per 100 w. per to 5.30 a.m.) ; milking and farm motors, annum continuous. Night rate (9.30 p.m. 3d. to 5.30 a.m.): 0-225d. per unit. 33. Waimea .. .. ■ • 10d., 3Jd., 3d., and 2Jd. ; water-heating : Lighting : 10(1. and 7d. ; heating : 4d., off £10 per kw. per annum (off peak) peak, 2Jd.; motors : 4Jd., 3Jd., and 3d.; 2d. (8 p.m. to 6 a.m.). 34. Wairarapa .. . • • ■ Lighting : 5Jd. ; heating : 2fd. ; cooking : Lighting : 5Jd. and 4Jd.; heating : l|d. l|d. and Jd. ; water-heating : £10 per kw. (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.), jd. (10 p.m. to 6 a.m.); per annum for twenty-one hours. Reduced power : 2fd. and 2d. (industrial motors rates for shorter periods up to 4 h.p.). Special rates for large motors. 2d. (milking-motors). 35. Wairere .. .. • • 9d., 2d., fd., and Id. ; water-heating (on T.S. Lighting, heating, and cooking : 9d., 2d., or C.O.S.): 600 w., lis. per month; and Id. ; general power: 4Jd. ; night rate 1,000 w., 15s. per month (7 p.m. to 6 a.m.), jd.; milking-motors : 3Jd., 2d., and fd. 36. Wairoa . . .. • • 9d., 3d., 2d., and Id.; water-heating (on General power : 3d., 2d., and l|d. ; milkingT.S.) : 600 w., 22s. 6d. per quarter ; motors : J to 1 h.p., £8 5s. per annum up 1,000 w., 32s. 6d. per quarter to 300 units, 3d. per unit for next 200 units, and ljd. per unit over 500 units. 37. Waitaki .. .. •• Lighting and small domestic uses: 6d., 3d., Lighting: 6d. and 3d. (10 p.m. to 7 a.m., and l|d. 3d.); heating: 2d.; cooking: ljd. (10 p.m. General rate (with range over 3 kw.) : Oamaru to 7 a.m., fd.); industrial power : 3d., 2d., and suburbs —(a) 6d. and ljd. (minimum, ljd., and Id. (number of units at primary 10s. per month), (b) 6d., ljd., and Id. (mini- rates depend on h.p. or kv.a.); milkingmum, £1 per month) motors : £2 per h.p. per annum plus 2d. Country and districts : (c) 6d. and ljd. per unit. Discount, 30 per cent, on general (minimum, £2 10s. per quarter), (d) 6d., ljd., commercial use ; 15 per cent, on motor and Id. (minimum, £5 per quarter) uses Water-heating : Is. per 100 w. per month on C.O.S. ; continuous, 2s. ; night rate (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.), Jd. Discount, 30 per cent. 38. Waitemata .. .. .. Lighting : 5d. ; heatmg, cooking, and power : Lighting: 15s. per ampere of maximum 3d. and ljd. ; with range (5 kw. or larger), demand per quarter plus 2Jd. per unit; £5 per annum plus Id. per unit; water- industrial load: 3d., 2Jd., and ljd.; heating: twenty-hour service, 21s. per milking-motors: 5s. per h.p. per month 100 w. per annum (minimum charge, £5 5s. plus 2d. per unit. Discount, 25 per cent, per annum) ; eight-hour night service, 6s. 4d. per 100 w. per annum (minimum charge, £3 16s. per annum). Discount, 25 per cent. 39. Waitomo .. .. .. Lighting : 6d.; heating : 3d. and ljd. ; Lighting : 6d. (special rate, 3d.); heating : cooking : Id.; water-heating : (a) 600 w., 3d. and ljd.; industrial power : up to on C.O.S. with range, £4 16s. per annum ; 50 h.p., 2Jd. and ljd. (units at primary rate (6) on T.S. without range, £6 per annum ; depend on h.p.); over 50 h.p., special; (c) continuous, £10 per annum. Larger farm motors, 2Jd. wattages, pro rata 40. Wanganui-Rangitikei .. .. 5d., ljd., and Id. ; water-heating: with range Lighting: 5d., 4d., and 3d.; heating: Id. or milking-motor, 15s.; without, 20s. per and Jd. (on pilot control); industrial 100 w. per annum (on pilot control or T.S.); power: 3d., 2d., ljd., and Id.; milkingnight water-heating (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.), motors, ljd. (where condenser installed), half ordinary rates 3d. (no condenser); night power (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.), Jd. City Councils. 1. Christchurch .. .. .. Lighting: 4d. and fd. ; heating, cooking, and Lighting: 5d. and Id. (flat rate, 4d.); small power : fd. ; water-heating : un- heatmg : 2d. (offices, &c.), Id. (hotels, &c.); restricted, £1 per 100 w. per annum, or fd. water-heating : 30s. per 100 w. per annum ; per unit; C.O.S. or thermostat, Jd. per industrial power : lfd. and Jd. ; milkingunit; night rate (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.), Jd. motors : 30s. per J h.p. per annum plus fd. per unit.


Table XIV. Abridged Schedule of Selling-rates for Electrical Energy, 1935-36—continued.


Supply Authority. Domestic. Commercial. City Councils—eontinued. 2. • • .. .. Lighting, heating, and cooking : City area— Lighting : (a) 5d., (b) 5d. for units amounting and fd. to kv.a. demand x 45, Id. excess; heating : Country districts and ; and (a) (b) for units amounting to kv.a. Id. (minimum charge, £6 per annum), 4Jd. demand X 50, Jd. excess ; power : ljd. and fd. (minimum charge, £12 per annum) for first 50 units per month per b.h.p., or Water-heating : twenty-four hours, £10 per per kv.a. of maximum demand, Jd. excess kv.a. per annum ; 10 p.m. to 7.30 a.m., £3 (minimum charge, 2s. 6d. per month per per kv.a. per annum (T.S.); on C.O.S. with h.p., or per kv.a. of maximum demand, range or milking-motor, £6 per kv.a. per May-September); 10 p.m. to 7.30 a.m., id. annum 3. Invercargill .. .. .. Lighting : (a) Primary units at 3Jd., excess Lighting, heating, &c. : As for domestic ; at power rates ; (6) flat rate, 6d.; heating power : general rate, 2Jd., ljd., and ljd.; and cooking: ljd. rate C. 4 : 2Jd. (7 a.m. to 11 p.m.), Jd. A (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.). Nels on .. .. .. Lighting : 6d. ; heating : 4d., 3d., and 2d. Lighting : 6d„ 4d„ and 3d.; small power : Discount : Id. for lighting, Jd. for heating 3d. and 2d. ; large power : lfd. and ljd. and power (restricted use) ; heating and power (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.), ljd. Discount, Id. for lighting, Jd. for heating and power. 5. Palmerston North .. .. Lighting : 6d. ; heating and cooking : ljd. Lighting : 6d. and 3d. ; heating : ] Jd. and and Id. (discount, 16f per cent.); water- Id.; motors: 3d., 2Jd., and lfd.; night heating: Is. 4d. per 100 w. per month power (10.30 p.m. to 7.30 a.m.) : Jd. (21J hours), 2s. per 100 w. per month Discount, 124 per cent. (24 hours) 6. Wellington .. .. .. General rate : 4d. and Jd. ; water-heating : Lighting : (a) 4Jd. to 2Jd. (discount, 15 per 8s. 4d. per 500 w. per month (thermostat), cent.); (6) 5d. per unit per kv.a. of maxi6d. per 100 w. per month (10.30 p.m. to mum demand x 45, Id. excess ; heating : 7.30 a.m.) 2d. (discount, 10 per cent.); power : (a) 2Jd., lfd., ljd., and ljd. (discount, Jd. per unit); (b) 6s. per month per kv.a. of maximum demand up to 50 kv.a.; 5s. per month per kv.a. of maximum demand additional plus Jd. per unit (discount, 20 per cent, on units). Borough Councils. 1. Bluff .. .. .. .. Lighting : 6d. and 4d. ; heating : 2d. . . Lighting and heating : As for domestic ; power : 3d. and lfd. 2. Hamilton .. .. .. General rate: 5d„ ljd., and Id.; water- Lighting: 5d., 4d., and 3d.; power: 2d., heating : 19s. per 100 w. per annum on ljd., and Id. T.S. (off peak), 24s. per 100 w. per annum (continuous), 8s. per 100 w. per annum (10 p.m. to 8 a.m.) 3. Inglewood .. .. .. Lighting: 6d. ; heating : 2d. ; domestic Lighting : 6d.; heating : 2d. ; power : 2d. . . ra te: ljd. au d i^d. 4. Kaiapoi .. .. .. Lighting : 4d. (April to September), (id. (Octo- Lighting and heating: As for domestic; ber to March); cooking, &c. : 2s. 6d. first motors : 2s. 6d. per month per h.p. plus kw., Is. extra kw. of connected load plus 2d. and Id. per unit; 10.30 p.m. to 6.30 ljd. and Id. per unit; heating : 600 w., a.m., Jd. 2d. (minimum charge, 5s. per month), 1,000 w., 2d. (minimum charge, 10s. per month) 5. Lyttelton .. .. .. Lighting : 4Jd. (net); heating : Id. (net) .. Lighting : 4Jd. (net); heating : Id. (net) ; „ _ T . power : 3d., 2d., Hd., and Id. 6. Napier .. .. .. General rate : 6Jd., ljd., and Id. (discount, Lighting : 6Jd. for M.D. x 30 units per 10 per cent.); water-heating: Is. lOd. per month, balance 2Jd. (discount, 10 per cent.). 100 w. per month (restricted), 3s. per 100 w. (M.D. = installed wattage). Heating and per month (unrestricted) ; with range over small power : 3Jd., 2d., and ljd. Motors 2 kw., Is. 8d. and 2s. 8d. respectively (unrestricted) : (a) 3|d„ 2d., and ljd. (discount, 10 per cent.); (b) 2Jd. per unit per kv.a. for first 500 units per month ; _ „ ™ , . balance, ljd. (discount, 10 per cent.). 7. New Plymouth .. .. .. Lighting: 5d. (minimum charge, Is. 6d. per Lighting: 6d., 5d„ and 4d.; power: 2d. month); heating : 2d. and Id. (minimum per unit per h.p. for first 50 units, Id. for charge, Is. 6d. per month); cooking and excess ; dairy factories : ljd., with annua] heating : Id. (minimum charge, 7s. 6d. per minimum. month); water-heating : £1 per 100 w. per annum (twenty-four hours) 8. Ohakune .. .. .. General rate (one meter) : Graduated tariffs General rate : Graduated from lOd. and 3fd. from lOd. and 3Jd. to 7d., ljd., and Id. to 8d., 2d., and Id. (discount, 20 per cent.) ; (discount, 20 per cent.); general rate shops, offices, &c. (separate meters)—-light-separate. meters)—lighting : lOd. (less 20 ing : lOd. (less 20 per cent.), and 9d. (less per cent.), and 9d. (less 33J per cent.); 33J per cent.); heating : 4d. (less 25 heating : 4d. (less 25 per cent.), 2d„ and per cent.), 3d., and ljd, (both less 33J ljd. ; water-heating : 600 w., £4 per annum per cent.); motors up to 10 h.p., 4d. (less (twenty hours) 25 per cent.), 3d. and ljd. (both less 33J per cent.). 9. Patea .. .. .. Lighting : 7d. and 6d. (minimum charge, 3s. Lighting, &c. : As for domestic ; power : 3d., per month), (net); heating and cooking : 2Jd., 2d., and Id. (net). 4d., ljd., and Id. (net); water-heating : 15s. per 100 w. per annum 10. Picton.. .. .. .. General rate: 8d., 4d„ 3d., and 2d.; 8d. and General rate: 8d., 6d., 4d„ 3d., and 2d.; 2d. (with range) power : 4d.


Table XIV.—Abridged Schedule of Selling-rates for Electrical Energy, 1935-36 —continued.


Supply Authority. Domestic. Commercial. Bobough Councils' —continued. 11. Queenstown .. .. .. Lighting rate : 7d. to 2d. .. .. Lighting rate : 7d. to 2d. ; power: 4d., 3d., and 2d. 12. Raetihi . . .. .. Lighting : 8d., 5d., and 3d. ; heating : 2d. Lighting, &c. : As for domestic; power : and Id. ; water-heating : per month, 3d., 2fd., 2d., and lfd. 600 w., Ss. ; 750 w., 6s. 3d. : 1,000 w„ 8s. 4d. 13. Rangiora .. .. .. General rate : 6d., 3d., lfd., Id., and fd. (dis- Lighting : 6d., 5d., 4d., and 3d. (discount, count, 7f per cent.); water-heating : 24s. 7f per cent.); radiators : 2fd. and lfd. per 100 w. per annum ; fd. on C.O.S. with (discount, 7f per cent.); power : (a) 3d. range and Id., (b) fd. (9.30 p.m. to 7.30 a.m.). 14. Riccarton .. .. .. Lighting: (a) 4d., (b) 6d. per unit per kw. of Lighting, &c. : As for domestic ; power: lfd. maximum demand X 40; fd. excess ; heat- Discount, 10 per cent. ing and cooking : fd. ; water-heating : twenty hours, 16s. 8d. per 100 w. per annum. Discount, 10 per cent. 15. Rotorua (Tourist Department) . . Lighting : 6fd., 6d„ 5Jd., and 5d. ; lighting, Lighting : 6Jd., 6d., 5fd., and 5d. ; heating heating, and cooking : 6fd., 3d., lfd.. and and power : 3d., 2d., and Id. ; waterId. ; water-heating : fd. (off peak) heating : £5 per kw. per annum on C.O.S. with milking-motor. 16. Stratford .. . . . . General rate : 8d. and 2d. ; heating and Lighting : 8d. and 3d. ; heating : 3d., 2d., cooking : 2d. and Id. ; water-heating : Is. and Id. ; power : up to 10 h.p., 4d. per per 100 w. per month (twenty hours), 2s. unit for first 20 units per h.p. per month, per 100 w. per month (twenty-four hours), Id. excess. 6d. per 100 w. per month (night) 17. Sumner .. .. .. Lighting: 4d. ; heating: Id.; water-heat- Lighting, &c. : As for domestic; power: Id. ing : 10s. per 100 w. per annum (10.30 p.m. to 6.30 a.m.), £1 per 100 w. per annum (11.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.), £1 10s. per 100 w. per annum (continuous) 18. Taihape . . .. .. Lighting : 7-4d. ; heating and cooking : lfd. ; Lighting, &c. : As for domestic ; power : 2d. water-heating : £2 per kw. per annum Id., and fd. 19. Taumarunui . . . . . . Lighting: 8d^; heating : 4d. and 2d. ; Lighting : 8d. ; heating : 3d. and 2d. ; water-heating : on T.S. with 3 kw. range, power : 3fd., 2fd., 2d., lfd., lfd. (dis£6 per annum for 500 w. ; £1 each extra count, fd. per unit). 100 w. 20. Tauranga . . . . .. Lighting : 5d. : heating : Id. ; water-heat- Lighting : 5d. ; heating : (a) Id., (6) |d. per ing: 2s. per 100 w. per month kw. installed plus fd. per unit; power: 2d. and Id. 21. Te Aroha .. .. .. Lighting: 6d., 5fd., and 5d. (net) ; heating, Lighting: 6d., 5fd., and 5d. (net) ; heating: cooking, and power : 2fd., 2d., and Id. 3d., 2d., Id., and fd. (net) ; motive-power : (net) ; water-heating : with range, Is. Id. 3d., 2d., lfd., and Id. (discount, 10 per per 100 w. per month ; without range, cent.); night rate, fd. Is. 3d. per 100 w. per month on T.S. Discount, 10 per cent. 22. Te Puke .. .. ■■ Lighting: 7d. (net)'; heating: 2d. and Id. ; Lighting: 7d. (net); heating and power: water-heating : 9s. 4d. per month for 500 w. 2fd. and ! jd. (T.S.); 13s. 8d. per month for 500 w. (twenty-four hours) 23. Thames .. . . . . Lighting : 6d., 4d., 3d., and lid. ; heating Lighting : 8d. ; power : 3d. to id. and cooking,: 3d., 2d., and lfd. ; waterheating : £7 4s. per 500 w. per annum or pro rata 24. Timaru .. .. .. Lighting and heating : 5d. and Id. ; water- Lighting and heating : 4d., 2d., and Jd. ; heating : 0-3d. (sixteen hours) power : 2d. per unit per h.p. per month X 50 ; excess, Jd. 25. Wairoa . . .. • • Lighting, heating, and cooking : 5d., 2fd., Lighting : 5d. ; alternative rate, 5d. per unit Id., and fd. ; water-heating : 600 w., for first 3 units per 100 w. ; excess, ljd. lis. 6d. per month ; 1,000 w., 18s. 2d. per month 26. Waitara .. .. .. Lighting : 7d. ; heating : 3d., 2d., and Id... Power : 3d. and Id. 27. Westport .. .. .. Lighting : 6d., 3d., and Id. : water-heating : Lighting : 6d. and 5d. ; heating : 3d. and Is. per 100 w. per month (twenty-four hours) Id. ; power : 3d. for first 27 units per h.p. ; next 200 at 2fd. ; excess, 2d. 28. Whakatane . . . . • ■ Lighting and heating : 8d. and 2d. ; cooking : Lighting, &c. : As for domestic ; power : lfd. ; water-heating : £1 per 100 w. per 3fd., 2fd., and lfd. annum 29. Whangarei .. .. .. Lighting : 4fd. and 4d. ; domestic power : Lighting : 4fd. and 4d. ; power : 3d., 2fd., lfd. ; water-heating : £1 per 100 w. per 2d., and lfd. annum (T.S.) Town Boakds. 1. Havelock North .. . . General rate : 7d., 2d., and lfd. . . .. Lighting : 7d., 5d., and 4d. ; heating and cooking : 2d. and lfd. 2. Kamo . . .. . . Lighting : 7Jd. (net) . . .. . . Power : 4d. Discount, 20 per cent. 3. Kaponga .. .. . . Lighting : 8d., 4d., and 2d. ; heating : 2d. Lighting, &c. : As for domestic ; power : 4d. and Id. ; cooking : lfd. ; water-heating : and 2d. ; milking-motors : 3fd. and 2d. £1 per 100 w. per annum 4. Mangaweka .. .. .. Lighting : 7d. ; heating : 2fd. and lfd. ; Lighting, &c. : As for domestic ; power : cooking: lfd. and Id. ; water-heating 4d. (twenty hours) : 10s. per annum per 50 w. (T.S.), 7s. 6d. per annum per 50 w. (with range) 5. Manunui .. .. .. General rate : 9d. and 4fd. .. . . Lighting : 9d. ; heating : 4fd.


Table XIV.— Abridged Schedule of Selling-rates for Electrical Energy, 1935-36—continued.


Supply Authority. Domestic. Commercial. County Councils. 1. Heathcote .. .. .. Lighting : 5d. (Cashmere area, 4d.) ; heating : Lighting, &c. : As for domestic; power: Id. (Cashmere area, Jd.) ; water-heating : 3 h.p. or less, 2d. and Id. ; over 3 h.p„ 3d., £8 per kw. per annum (eighteen hours) 2d., and Id. 2. Kaikoura .. .. .. Lighting : lOJd. .. .. .. Power : 4d. 3. Murehison .. .. .. Lighting : 7s. per month for each twelve Lighting, &e. : As for domestic ; power : £3 lighting and two heating points plus 4d. per h.p. per annum plus 3d. and 2d. per per unit; heating : 3d. ; cooking : 2d. ; unit; milking-motors : £6 per h.p. per water-heating : (a) 15s. per 100 w. per annum plus 2d. per unit. annum on T.S. or C.O.S. with range or motor ; (b) 20s. per 100 w. per annum continuous 4. Uawa .. .. .. Lighting: 17d. ; heating: lid. .. Power: lid. 5. Waimain .. .. .. Lighting : 4d. and id.; heating and cooking : Lighting, &c. : As for domestic ; power up Id. (all units), (discount, Id. per Is.) ; to 10 h.p. : 2d. and id., Jd. (night rate) ; water-heating : 10s. per month per 100 w. milking-motors : £5 per h.p. per annum (nineteen hours) ; 3s. 6d. per month per plus Id. per unit. 100 w. (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) Companies. 1. Alderton Utility Co. .. .. General rate : 6d., 4d., 2d., and Id. ; water- Power: £5 per h.p. per annum. heating : 20s. per 100 w. per annum (T.S.) 2. Kanieri Electric, Ltd. .. .. Lighting : First 200, 6d. (net); excess, 4d. Lighting, &c. : As for domestic ; power : (net); heating, &c. : Id. (net); water- Class PA, 3d. to 0-4d. ; Class PB (over heating : Jd. net (twenty-four hours, 6,000 units per month), £15 per month plus thermostat), fd. net (T.S. or C.O.S.) 0-4d. per unit. 3. Reefton Electric Light and Power Lighting : 9d. .. .. Power • 4d and 1 itd Co., Ltd. ' 4. P. Spender (Rawene) .. .. Lighting : 15d. .. .. .. Power : 9d. 5. Wilson s (X.Z.) Portland Cement, Lighting : 5M. up to 150 units per quarter, Lighting : As for domestic ; power : (a) 3d. Ltd - 5d - for excess ; domestic power : Hd. ; up to 300 units per quarter, 2fd. for excess water-heating : |d. (C.O.S.). Discount, (discount, 3 per cent.); (6) lfd. and ljd. 3 per cent. (discount, 3 per cent.) ; (c) £1 10s. per kv.a. of maximum demand per quarter plus „ „ T . id. per unit (discount, 10 per cent.). 6. Westland Power, Ltd. .. .. Lighting : Is., reducible to 9d. if water- Lighting, &c. : As for domestic ; power : up heater, range, or 2 h.p. motor installed ; to 15 h.p., 6s, per h.p. per. month plus 4d. heating only : 3d. ; with range, 2Jd. ; and 2d. per unit; milking-motors : £10 cooking: 2|d. ; water-heating: meter per h.p. per annum if water-heater also rate, l|d. ; flat rate, £1 6s. 8d. per 100 w. installed (discount, 25 per cent-.). per annum (discount, 25 per cent.)


Table XV.—Return of Electric Ranges, Water-heaters, and Milking-machines connected to Electric-supply Systems as at 31st March, 1936.


Number of Consumers. -Ranges. Water-heaters. Milking-machines. Supply Authority. I ! Percentage of Percentage of Dnmpati,. rnmrnm-mal Tnt„l Under 5 5 Kilowatts Total Tnfnl TTw Number of w , lmh „ Total Total Number Horse- Not yet Domestic. Commercial. Total. Kilowatts. and over. Number. Total Kw. Domestic umber. Kilowatts. Number of power. electrified. Consumers. Consumers. Public Works Department. No. No. No. No. No. No. Per Cent. Per Cent. No. 1. Arapuni-Mangahao-Waikaremoana .. 290 11 301 13 158 171 1,225 59-00 162 194 53-80 2. Coleridge - W aitaki ...... 62 32 94 30 54 84 498 .. 117 146 .. 2 6 Totals, Public Works Department.. 352 43 395 43 212 255 1,723 72-40 279 340 70-65 2 6 Electric-power Boards. 1. Ashburton .. .. .. 3,486 497 3,983 145 804 949 6,439 27-22 518 1,009 13-00 85 119 19 2. Auckland .. .. .. .. 43,608 10,323 53,931 .. 6,461 6,461 45,227 14-82 12,404 6,822 23-00 306 612 3. Banks Peninsula .. .. .. 948 64 1,012 68 155 223 1,310 23-52 205 302 20-26 198 147 4. Bay of Plenty .. .. .. 1,429 224 1,653 57 497 554 3,340 38-80 1,086 790 65-70 604 887 33 5. Buller (*) • ■ 6. Cambridge .. .. .. 1,395 162 1,557 16 180 196 1,128 14-05 543 413 34-85 374 498 9 7. Central Hawke's Bay .. .. 1,342 354 1,696 7 226 233 1,521 17-37 281 281 16-57 99 182 8. Central Waikato .. .. .. 4,739 520 5,259 86 353 439 2,526 9-26 1,472 911 28-00 1,425 2,415 350 9. Dannevirke .. .. .. 2,278 482 2,760 6 223 229 1,524 10-05 541 381 19-60 405 542 10. Franklin .. .. .. .. 3,544 392 3,936 210 650 860 4,274 24-26 1,728 1,047 43-90 1,398 1,785 11. Golden Bay .. .. .. 325 71 396 15 26 41 194 12-62 55 42 13-90 83 84 10 12. Grey .. .. .. .. 2,945 510 3,455 .. 317 317 2,097 10-76 205 215 5-94 12 14 13.-Hawke's Bay .. .. .. 6,020 765 6,785 70 719 789 6,706 13-10 826 534 12-17 256 378 14. Horowhenua .. .. .. 3,438 1,112 4,550 8 738 746 4,651 21-70 1,164 731 25-60 998 1,001 15. Hutt Valley .. .. .. 11,535 716 12,251 123 2,068 2,191 11,743 19-00 1,731 1,924 14-13 74 115 16. Lake Wakatipu ( x ) .. 17. Malvern .. .. .. .. 600 80 680 16 133 149 943 24-84 69 117 10-15 6 10 18. Manawatu-Oroua .. .. .. 4,933 143 5,076 .. 894 894 5,042 18-12 1,684 1,022 33-20 1,180 1,931 19. Marlborough .. .. .. 2,448 440 2,888 157 364 521 2,782 21-29 308 222 10-66 96 161 20. North Auckland ( 2 ) .. . . .. .. .. ... 21. North Canterbury .. .. .. 1,988 207 2,195 94 242 336 1,962 16-90 204 336 9-30 84 127 22. Opunake .. .. .. .. 875 125 1,000 .. 94 94 475 10-74 132 84 13-20 275 444 23. Otago Central .. .. .. 767 220 987 6 135 141 812 18-39 152 160 15-40 79 59 24. Otago .. .. .. .. 4,142 32 4,174 17 350 367 2,189 8-86 322 318 7-72 112 190 25. Poverty Bay .. .. .. 4,166 1,025 5,191 .. 1,115 1,135 7,190 26-77 763 517 14-70 149 149 26. Reefton ( 1 ) 27. South Canterbury .. .. .. 3,696 572 4,268 75 613 688 4,393 18-61 474 721 11-10 166 232 20 28. South Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. 3,265 21 254 275 1,651 .. 503 428 15-41 525 783 124 29. Southland .. .. .. .. 8,821 1,377 10,198 16 1,344 1,360 9,441 15-42 380 456 3-73 1,060 2,006 30. Springs-Ellesmere .. .. .. 2,329 245 2,574 46 235 281 1,709 12-07 145 163 5-63 133 222 31. Taranaki .. .. .. .. 1,235 1,327 2,562 8 340 348 2,457 28-18 920 556 35-90 987 1,792 32. Tararua .. .. .. .. 1,530 155 1,685 44 190 234 1,481 15-29 415 266 24-60 376 510 33. Tauranga .. .. .. .. 1,314 106 1,420 47 265 312 1,836 23-74 687 436 48-40 532 854 57 34. TeAwamutu .. .. .. 1,642 337 1,979 29 240 269 1,618 16-38 620 440 31-30 647 1,013 30 35. Teviot .. .. .. .. 345 71 416 12 143 155 938 44-92 118 99 28-36 36. Thames Valley .. .. .. 7,074 822 7,896 56 996 1,052 7,130 14-87 2,857 1,954 36-20 2,628 4,671 37. Waimea .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,859 20 28 48 .180 .. 26 13 1-40 12 10 38. Wairarapa .. .. .. 4,256 881 5,137 55 466 521 3,586 12-24 805 811 15-67 470 799 28 39. Wairere .. .. .. .. 294 57 351 4 101 105 665 35-70 170 95 48-40 93 140 40. Wairoa .. .. .. .. 324 70 394 31 83 114 608 35-20 130 85 33-00 139 119 2 . : SMI __ : . j { (For notes, see page 113.)


Table XV.—Return of Electric Ranges, Water-heaters, and Milking-machines connected to Electric-supply Systems as at 31st March, 1936—continued.


Number of Consumers. ! Ranges. Water-heaters. Milking-machines Supply Authority. j , I Percentage of" Percentage of Domestic. Commercial. Total. Kilowatts I T °tal Total Kw ' Number of Number Total Total vr h Horse- Not yet Kilowatts. and over. | Number. J-otai nw. Domes tic Number. Kilowatts. Number of : Number. er> j j J Consumers. | Consumers. Electric-powee Boards —continued. No. No. No. No. No. No. Per Cent Per Cent No 41. Waitaki .. .. .. .. 3,217 709 3,926 83 638 721 4,768 22-41 699 888 17-80 36 53 42. Waitemata .. .. .. .. .. 11,106 58 2,032 2,090 12,623 .. 2,073 1 380 18-67 471 464 43. Waitomo .. .. .. .. 1,052 349 1,401 36 263 299 1,908 28-42 393 251 28-05 207 315 44. Wanganui-Rangitikei .. .. 8,395 2,105 10,500 .. 1,131 1,131 7,662 13-47 1,560 1 061 14-85 697 958 45. Westland ( 3 ) ........ .. .. .. .. .. ' Totals, Power Boards .. .. .. .. 196,352 1,742 26,106 27,848 178,729 .. 39,368 28,291 20-05 17,477 26,791 682 Other Local Authorities. City Councils. 1. Christchurch .. .. .. 24,994 5,216 30,210 623 5,885 6,508 41,812 26-05 5 839 5 902 19-33 18 33 2. Dunedin .. .. .. .. 21,001 6,635 27,636 167 1,408 1,575 9,118 7-50 2 459 2'628 8-90 112 200 3. Invercargi U .. .. .. .. .. 5,911 11 95 106 619 .. 1 ' 1 4. Nelson .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,07'5 .. .. .. .. .. 2 3 5. Palmerston North .. .. .. 4,891 1,145 6,036 87 594 681 4,034 13-92 1 444 914 23-90 3 6 6. Wellington .. .. .. 26,306 11,149 37,455 220 1,682 1,902 12,041 7-23 4,428 8-53 Totals, City Councils .. .. .. .. 110,323 1,108 9,664 10,772 67,624 .. 12,940 13,876 11-73 133 239 Borough Councils. 1. Bluff ........ 422 87 509 5 3 8 25 1-90 1 2 0-20 2. Hamilton .. .. .. .. 3,393 1,251 4,644 12 133 145 887 4-27 284 206 6-1" 3. Inglewood .. .. .. 367 60 427 3 29 32 205 8-72 26 23 6-09 2 "3 4. Kaiapoi .. .. .. .. 426 69 495 48 25 73 328 17-13 7 7 1-41 3 1 5. Lyttelton .. .. .. .. 815 73 888 7 75 82 521 9-23 42 46 4-37 1 3 6. Napier .. .. .. .. 3,606 1,203 4,809 31 184 215 1,405 5-96 665 413 13-83 7. New Plymouth .. .. .. 5,504 989 6,493 198 920 1,118 5,705 20-30 1 184 715 18-23 '420 '770 8. Ohakune .. .. .. .. 365 104 469 7 11 18 85 4-93 19 15 4-05 6 6 "3 9. Patea ........ .. .. 404 22 26 48 213 .. 31 20 7-67 17 17 9 10. Pieton 320 70 390 1 1 2 11 0-62 .. .. 11. Queenstown .. .. .. .. .. 267 2 6 8 46 12. Raetihi ........ 330 88 418 2 14 16 97 4-85 "33 "25 '7. 90 "26 "37 13. Rangiora ........ 592 90 682 3 50 53 344 8-95 44 57 6-45 14. Riccarton .. .. .. .. 1,394 128 1,522 43 355 398 2,491 28-55 409 363 26-88 15. Ross ( 4 ) 16. Rotorua (Tourist Department) .. 1,580 580 2,160 96 149 245 1,213 15-50 298 "264 i3-80 "79 118 17. Stratford .. .. .. .. 854 248 1,102 8 183 191 959 22-37 179 163 16- 9 5 3 4 18. Sumner .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,068 46 117 163 973 .. 104 88 9-74 1 3 19. Taihape .. .. .. .. 424 153 577 1 10 11 58 2-60 17 17 2-95 1 5 20. Taumarunui .. .. .. 680 342 1,022 5 31 36 206 5-30 35 27 3-42 '6 23 21. Tauranga .. .. .. .. 739 309 1,048 95 351 446 2,676( 6 ) ' 60-40 490 196 46-75 22. TeAroha .. .. .. .. 513 227 740 4 54 58 399 11-30 74 49 10-00 "7 "15 23. Te Puke .. .. .. .. 205 112 317 10 28 38 212 18-54 50 31 15-77 7 10 24. Thames .. .. .. .. 910 259 1,169 4 19 23 133 2-53 4S 29 4-10 25. Timaru .. .. .. .. 3,568 964 4,532 .. 503 503 3,263 14-10 412 413 9-09 26. Wairoa .. .. .. .. 499 196 J 695 7 153 160 1,095 32-07 183 102 26-33 " '' (For notes, see page 113.)

8-D. 1.


Table XV.—Return of Electric Ranges, Water-heaters, and Milking-machines connected to Electric-supply Systems as at 31st March, 1936— continued.


Number of Consumers. Ranges. Water-heaters. Milking-machines. I — 7 i ' ; : . j I Supply Authority. I'll' Percentage of Percentage of Domestic. I Commercial. Total. Kilowatts 5 a nd over tS Number Total Kw " ! Number. Kilowatts. : Number oi Number. electrified. j Consumers. Consumers. ; - 1 — No. No. No. No. No. No. Per Cent. Per Cent. No. 27 Waitara .. .. .. • • 434 91 525 6 34 40 245 9-22 33 25 6-29 1 2 28. Westport .. .. .. .. 708 232 940 1 13 14 94 1-98 27 22 2-87 1 2 29. Whakatane .. .. .. 376 132 508 12 89 101 651 26-87 112 70 22-05 8 4 30. Whangarei.. .. .. .. .. •• 2,214 34 174 208 1,265 .. 138 82 6-23 13 24 Totals, Borough Councils .. ■ • •• 41,034 713 3,740 4,453 25,805 .. 4,945 3,470 12-03 622 1,047 5 —— < * ' Town Boards. 1. Havelock North .. .. .. 284 28 312 58 4 62 246 21-83 21 14 6-73 2. Kamo .. .. .. •• 116 7 123 .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 1 2 .. 3. Kaponga .. .. .. -- 317 55 372 .. 15 15 84 4-73 45 29 12-10 112 211 26 4. Mangaweka .. .. .. 90 30 120 1 16 17 93 18-89 16 7 13-33 11 9 5. Manunui .. .. .. • • 145 20 165 .. .. .. • • • • • • • • • ■ 2 1 .. Totals, Town Boards .. .. 952 140 1,092 59 35 94 423 9-88 82 50 7-51 126 223 26 County Councils. 1. Heathcote .. .. .. 1,276 3 1,279 97 345 442 2,652( 5 ) 34-62 327 304 25-57 4 6 2. Kaikoura .. .. .. •• 120 47 167 .. .. .. ■■ ■■ •• •• •• 3. Murchison ■. . . • • 167 21 188 7 4 11 38 6-o9 11 7 0-58 --0 3 4. Uawa .. . . .. • • 86 14 100 . > 5. Waimairi .. .. .. -- 3,311 190 3,501 55 784 839 4,849 25-35 806 758 23-02 22 27 Totals, County Councils .. 4,960 275 5,235 159 1,133 1,292 7,539 26-04 1,144 1,069 21-86 46 60 3 Totals, other Local Authorities .. .. .. 157,684 2,039 14,572 16,611 101,391 .. 19,111 18,465 12-11 927 1,569 34 Companies. 1. Alderton Utility Co. .... 56 8 64 10 19 29 147 51-80' 30 17 46-90 7 4 2. Kanieri Electric, Ltd. .. .. 499 223 722 14 55 69 400 13-83 33 36 4-57 3. Keefton Electric Light and Power Co., 291 87 378 .. .. .. •• -• 2 3 0-53 1 2.. Ltd. " - - - - • • •• ........ 4. P. Spender (Rawene) .... 32 21 53 .. 5. Wilson's (N.Z.) Portland Cement, Ltd... 133 39 172 4 1 5 16 3-76 6 4 3-49 24 50 6. Westland Power, Ltd. .. .. 125 28 153 2 18 20 109 16-00 35 45 22-90 20 40 150 Totals, Companies .. .. 1,136 406 1,542 30 93 123 672 10-82 106 105 6-88 52 96 150 Totals, all Supply Authorities, 1936 .. •• 355,973 3,854 40,983 44,837 282,515 .. 58,864 47,201 16-53 18,458 28,462 866 1935 .. -- 342,334 3,889 35,841 39,730 247,607 .. 53,635 42,860 15-66 17,200 27,458 1,003 1934 .. -. 334,593 3,378 32,713 36,091 225,240 .. 50,272 39,559 15-02 16,992 26,428 1,344( 6 ) 1933 .. -- 322,997 2,198 31,525 33,723 .. .. 47,772 38,832 14-80 15,913 25,953 1,330( 6 ) „ 1932 .. .. 309,360 2,054 29,919 31,973 .. .. 45,796 37,444 14-80 14,163 25,220 1,046 . (1) Not actively functioning. (2) Distribution system under construction; supply not yet commenced. (3) License delegated to Westland Power, Ltd. (4) No returns received. (5) Estimated figures. (6) Increase accounted for by improved collection of statistic .


Table XVI.—Samoan Administration (Apia).—Statistics for Year ending 31st March, 1936. Installed in December, 1928.


Statistical. 1935. 1936. Financial. j 1935. J 1936. £ £ Installed capacity (hydro) .. 80 kw. 80 kw. Capital outlay .. .. 21,563 23,325 Installed capacity (Diesel)* .. . . 45 kw. Revenue from sale of electricity.. 3,548 3,755 Static head .. .. .. 192 ft. 192 ft. Revenue, miscellaneous . . 330 317 Generating voltage .. .. 2,200 volts 2,200 volts Working-expenses .. .. 1,053 1,075 Supply voltage .. .. 220/110 volts 220/110 volts Capital charges .. .. 1,228 1,233 Number of consumers (domestic) 214 256 Total annual costs . . .. 2,2.81 2,308 Number of consumers (commercial) 74 82 Profit .. .. .. 1,597 1,764 Units generated (hydro) .. 200,911 208,429 Accumulated Depreciation Reserve 7,895 9,128 Units generated (Diesel)* .... . . d. d. Units sold .. .. .. 164,912 165,031 Average revenue per unit sold . . 5-20 5-45 Units non-productive.. .. 17-9 per cent. 20-8 per cent. Average working-cost per unit sold 1-53 1-57 Maximum load . . . . 70 kw. 65 kw. Average total cost per unit sold 3-30 3-36 Connected load .. .. 234 kw. 238 kw. £ £ Average load factor .. . . 32-9 per cent. 36-4 per cent. Capital outlay per £1 of revenue 6-35 5*73 Demand factor .. .. 29-8 per cent. 27-3 per cent. Per Cent. PerCent Route-miles of reticulation — Ratio working-expenses to gross 29-75 26-40 Overhead .. .. 10J 10J revenue Underground .. 6f 6f Ratio capital charges to capital 5-68 5-29 outlay Ratio net profit to capital outlay 7-38 7-57 * Not yet in operation.





D. —I.











TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MAIN HIGHWAYS BOARD. The Main Highways Board to the Hon. Minister of Public Works, Wellington. Sir, — In accordance with the requirements of section 24 of the Main Highways Act, 1922, the Main Highways Board has the honour to submit its twelfth annual report for presentation to Parliament. The report covers the period from the Ist April, 1935, to the 31st March, 1936, though a number of matters referred to are subsequent to the latter date and are included for convenience and completeness of record. General. The present length of main highways maintained or subsidized by the Board is 12,040 miles, and particulars of expenditure for the year ended 31st March, 1936, as well as a detailed statement on the position of various works, are shown later in this report. The total length of formed roads and streets throughout the Dominion is approximately 52,000 miles, and, excluding streets in boroughs and town districts, the present main highways system embraces, with few exceptions, all the more important roads in each district. The total expenditure from main highways funds for the financial year ended on the 31st March, 1936, amounted to £2,337,558, compared with £1,943,814 for the year immediately preceding. The expenditure from the Revenue Fund for the year 1935-36 was £1,909,534, as compared with £1,618,331 for 1934-35 and £1,147,731 for 1933-34. These figures include a number of charges against the Revenue Fund under special legislative authority, and which are not directly related to matters covered by the Main Highways Act, 1922. The amounts expended from the Revenue Fund on actual maintenance of main highways (including items such as flood damage, <fcc.) during the last four years were as follow : 1932-33, £600,324; 1933-34, £674,026; 1934-35, £932,675; 1935-36, £1,190,179. The Bqard's standard subsidy for maintenance work is £3 for £1, but in some cases a higher rate is paid because of special circumstances. The expenditure from the Construction Fund for the year 1935-36 was £428,024, as compared with the following amounts spent during the three preceding years : 1932-33, £159,323 ; 1933-34, £198,295 ; 1934-35, £325,483. Towards the end of the last calendar year it became apparent that highways revenue was buoyant and that taxation receipts were likely to exceed the original estimates. A supplementary programme of works was prepared, and an additional £75,000 appropriated by Parliament, which amount was augmented to some extent by the Unemployment Board in consideration of the employment of a substantial number of men from Government Registration Bureaux. The increase in expenditure under both funds for the year 1935-36 is accounted for principally by (1) the resumption of normal activities as a result of the general improvement in the Dominion's financial position ; (2) the supplementary programme of works undertaken to assist towards the relief of unemployment; and (3) the construction of the Milford Sound Highway, the cost of which became chargeable to the Main Highways Account as from the 21st May, 1935. In its last annual report the Board drew attention to the steady increase manifested in the amount of traffic on main highways. The increase in motor-vehicle registrations and petrol importations is evidence that the volume of traffic on main highways is becoming still greater. Progress has been made in the direction of continuing improvement works such as realignment, widening of sharp corners and narrow sections, reconstruction and dustless surfacing. Personnel. Consequent upon obtaining an appointment in the Treasury, Mr. E. L. Greensmith relinquished his membership of the Board, and Mr. T. A. Barrow, Accountant to the Public Works Department, filled the vacancy. The Board recorded in its minutes its appreciation of Mr. Greensmith's services. Since the end of the financial year a great loss was sustained by the resignation, for reasons of ill-health, of Mr. C. J. McKenzie, C.8.E., who had been a member of the Board since 1924, and had occupied'the office of Chairman since 1932. Due in no small measure to Mr. McKenzie's personal qualities, the relations of the Board with the various public and local authorities have been of a most happy nature, and the utmost harmony has prevailed in the Board's administration. Members have expressed their sincere regret that Mr. McKenzie was not able to continue in office, and placed on record their appreciation of his work together with their best wishes for a complete restoration to health. Mr. John Wood, Engineer-in-Chief and Under-Secretary of the Public Works Department, has been appointed Chairman of the Board, and Mr. A. J. Baker, formerly an acting-member, has been appointed as a member representing the Government. Mr. H. H. Sharp has replaced Mr. Baker as an acting-member. »



Legislation. New legislation affecting the Board, and passed since last report, has been as follows :— Section 20 of the Finance Act, 1935, authorized the payment to local authorities out of the Main Highways Revenue Fund of subsidies equal to 12J per centum of the total amount of rates levied in respect of lands used for farming purposes. The subsidies thus received by local authorities were to be applied in granting to the ratepayers concerned a rebate or refund o! 12-J per centum of the rates levied by each local authority. The full text of section 20 reads : — " (1) This section applies with respect to—• (a) All rates levied on its own account by a County Council on lands used exclusively or principally for agricultural, horticultural, or pastoral purposes : (b) All rates levied on its own account by any Road Board (other than a Road Board to which paragraph (d) of this subsection applies) on lands used exclusively or principally for agricultural, horticultural, or pastoral purposes : (c) All rates levied on its own account by a Town Board whose district forms part of a county, on lands used exclusively or principally for agricultural, horticultural, or pastoral purposes : {d) All rates levied on its own account by a Borough Council, Town Board, or Road Board on any urban farm land (within the meaning of the Urban Farm Land Rating Act, 1932), included as at the last day of February, nineteen hundred and thirty-six, in any farm-land roll under that Act (whether or not the farm-land roll has come into force on that date) : (e) All rates levied by the Valuer-General pursuant to section fifty-eight or section fifty-nine of the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926, on lands used exclusively or principally for agricultural, horticultural, or pastoral purposes. " (2) For the purposes of this section any rates levied by a County Council pursuant to a delegation under section one hundred and seventeen of the Road Boards Act, 1908, shall be deemed to be levied by the Council on its own account, and any rates levied by any Road Board or town Board pursuant to a delegation under section one hundred and twenty-eight of the Counties Act, 1920, or pursuant to a direction given under section eighty-five of the Rating Act, 1925, shall be- deemed to be rates levied on its own account by that Road Board or Town Board, as the case may be. " (3) To every local authority that for the year ending the thirty-first day of March, nineteen hundred and thirty-six, has levied any rates to which this section applies there shall in accordance with this section be paid a subsidy equal to twelve and one-half per centum of the total amount of such rates. " (4) The subsidy payable to any local authority pursuant to this section shall, not later than the thirty-first day of March, nineteen hundred and thirty-six, be paid out of the Main Highways Revenue Fund without further appropriation than this section. " (5) For the purpose of enabling effect to be given to the foregoing provisions of this section every local authority that is entitled to receive a subsidy thereunder shall, as soon as practicable after the passing of this Act, furnish to the Valuer-General, in a form to be approved by him, a statement, certified as correct by the Chairman or Mayor pursuant to a resolution of the local authority, showing— (a) In the case of lands that are not included in a farm-land roll either — (i) The names of the owners and occupiers of all rateable properties in its district that are used exclusively or principally for agricultural, horticultural, or pastoral purposes, together with the rateable value of each such property and the total amount of rates levied by the local authority on its own account in respect thereof for the current financial year ; or (ii) The aggregate amount of the rates levied by the local authority on its own account for the current financial year on all the rateable property in its district; and, in respect of rateable property in its district that is not used exclusively or principally for agricultural, horticultural, or pastoral purposes, the name of the owner and occupier of any such property, its rateable value, and the total amount of the rates levied by the local authority on its own account in respect thereof for the current financial year : (b) In the case of lands that are included in a farm-land roll, the aggregate amount of the rates levied by the local authority on its own account for the current financial year on all lands included in that roll: (e) Any other particulars that the Valuer-General may require. " (6) Every local authority that receives a subsidy under the foregoing provisions of this section shall grant to the ratepayers concerned a rebate or refund, as the case may require, of an amount equal to twelve and one-half per centum of the rates to which this section applies, levied by such local authority.



" (7) Nothing in this section or in section twenty-eight of the Finance Act (No. 3), 1934, shall affect or be deemed to have affected the amount of the subsidies payable to any local authority under the authority of section nine of the Appropriation Act, 1916, or section seventy-one of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, and such subsidies shall be calculated and paid in all respects as if no refunds or rebates had been granted under this section or under section twenty-eight of the Finance Act (No. 3), 1934, as the case may be. " (8) For the purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires, The term i£ local authority " includes the Valuer-General acting under the authority of section fifty-eight or section fifty-nine of the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926 ; and The term " rates " does not include any charges which by any Act are made recoverable as if they were rates or are declared to be rates unless the amount of such charges is in fact computed by reference to the rateable value of the rateable property on which they are charged." The amount of subsidies paid from the Main Highways Revenue Fund during the year 1935-36 under the authority of the foregoing legislation was £186,117. The total amount of special rate subsidies paid during the last few years under legislation of a similar nature, and including last year's payments, has been £618,257. Section 3 of the Finance Act (No. 2), 1935, provided for the abolition of the Main Highways Revenue Fund and of the Main Highways Construction Fund, as from the Ist April, 1936. The section reads as follows : — "3. (1) The Main Highways Revenue Fund and the Main Highways Construction Fund established by subsection two of section thirteen of the Main Highways Act, 1922, are hereby abolished. " (2) Ail references in the Main Highways Act, 1922, or in any other Act, to the Main Highways Revenue Fund or the Main Highways Construction Fund shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be deemed to be references to the Main Highways Account established by section thirteen of the Main Highways Act, 1922. " (3) The Main Highways Act, 1922, is hereby consequentially amended as follows : — (a) By repealing subsection two of section thirteen : (b) By omitting from paragraph (e) of subsection one of section fifteen the words not being moneys payable out of the Construction Fund " : (c) By repealing subsection two of section fifteen : (d) By repealing paragraph (c) of section sixteen. " (4) Section three of the Main Highways Amendment Act, 1927, and subsection two of section live of the Finance Act, 1928, are hereby consequentially repealed. " (5) This section shall come into force on the first day of April, nineteen hundred and thirty-six." This enactment will simplify accounting and obviate the necessity for keeping two Funds within the Main Highways Account. For convenience, the expenditure on works is now being recorded under three divisions —viz., maintenance, renewals, and construction, which latter term includes improvements. In the past, expenditure from the Revenue Fund has not shown the actual maintenance costs, as renewal items have also been included. However, from the Ist April, 1936, true maintenance expenditure, as distinct from renewals and construction, will be available. The figures appearing throughout this report relate to expenditure from the respective Funds, rather than to the particular nature of the works undertaken, and on this basis are comparable with the details as presented in previous reports. Finance. The actual income of the Main Highways Revenue Fund from external sources for the year 1935-36 amounted to £1,941,655. The table below shows how this amount is made up, and the corresponding figures over the previous nine years : —


_ 1926-27. 1927-28. 1928-29. 1929-30. 1930-31. 1931-32. 1932-33. j 1933-34. 1.934-35. 1935-36. £ ! £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Transfer from Consoli- 35,000 j 35,000 35,000 35,000 t t t t t t Proceeds 1 " 11 / tax on 188,450 ! 219,658 196,747 155,722 129,188 84,649 63,253 62,979 91,693 93,308 tyres and tubes collected through the 283,963 303,861 341,017 378,135 | 397,139 372,224 354,216 354,444 355,990 397,606 fees of motorvehicles &«c Motor-spirits tax .. .. 130,461 730,414 873,369 |1,219, 209 1,231,202 644,126 669,868 970,506 3,449,125 Mileage-tax .. •• •• 1,133 1,284 1,616 Totals .. 507,413 688,980 1,303,178 1,442,226 1,745,536 1,688,075 1,061,595 1,088,424 1,419,473 1,941,655 t Further transfers abolished by amending legislation.


The receipts from the Customs-tax on tyres and tubes shows a small increase on the amount for the preceding year. Registration, license fees, &c., amounted to a record total, exceeding by £500 the previous highest figures, reached in 1930-31. The receipts under this heading for the year ended 31st March, 1936, were over £40,000 more than for the year 1934-35. The proceeds from the motor-spirits tax were very much higher for the year 1935-36, exceeding the previous year's figure by £478,000, and representing the largest sum which has been credited to the Revenue Fund in any one year. The gross importations of motor-spirits since 1926 have been as follows, these figures providing a good index of the volume of motor traffic, to which maintenance requirements especially are closely related Gallons. Gallons. 1926 (January to December) .. 44,800,000 1931 (January to December).. 61,800,000 1927 „ .. 48,000,000 1932 „ .. 58,400,000 1928 „ .. 54,500,000 1933 „ .. 55,400,000 1929 „ ... 62,400,000 1934 „ .. 64,600,000 1930 „ .. 68,300,000 1935 „ .. 65,300,000 It will be seen that the importations for the calendar year 1935 were slightly more than for 1934. For the year ended 31st March, 1936, the summarized expenditure under the Revenue Fund was as follows : — Expenditure. Maintenance works — £ North Island .. .. .. .. .. .. 771,289 South Island .. .. .. .. .. .. 418,890 Administration and general charges .. .. .. . . 56,732 Loan charges (including commutation of toll-gate charges and Hutt Road fees) .. .. .. .. .. .. 291,651 Subsidies on rates .. .. .. .. .. .. 184,855 Special subsidy on farm-land rates. (Finance Act, 1935) .. .. 186,117 £1,909,534 An analysis of the expenditure for 1935-36 by the Board and by local authorities on maintenance, as distinct from interest on loans and other overhead charges, is shown in the tabulation below : —•

An analysis of the actual expenditure by the Board on maintenance in each Island, as compared with the number of motor-vehicles in each Island at the 31st March, shows the following comparisons for the last ten years : —


T . Percentage Percentage OontrfbntLn Authorities' Total. p Boa^, s . Authorities' Contribution. Contrjbution C °^ on Contribution to iotal. tQ Total £ £ £ North Island .. .. .. 771,289 190,619 961,908 80-18 19-82 South Island .. .. .. 418,890 93,804 512,694 81-70 18-30-Total ... ... ' 1,190,179 284,423 1,474,602 80-71 19-29

1926-27. 1927-28. j 1928-29. j 1929-30. 1930-31. J 1931-32. 1932-33. 1933-34. J 1935-36. | — . __ . North Island — Maintenance expen- 64-86 67-51 66-13 62-30 59-23 62-31 62-84 63-80 65-44 64-80 diture Motor-vehicles .. 61-86 62-19 63-08 63-63 63-84 63-77 63-78 63-94 64-31 64-84 South Island— Maintenance expen- 35-14 32-49 33-87 37-70 40-77 37-69 37-16 36-20 34-56 35-20 diture Motor-vehicles .. 38-14 37-81 36-92 36-37 36-16 36-23 36-22 36-06 35-69 35-16


An analysis of the Board's expenditure and the by local authorities, for the year 1935-36, under the Construction Fund shows the following position

The following tabulation shows the amounts which have been provided by the Board and the local authorities on both maintenance and construction during the last ten years : —

The maintenance figures in the above tabulation exclude indirect charges such as supervision, interest, &c., but include the cost of earthquake and flood damage restoration. It will be noticed that under both maintenance and construction expenditure the figures show an increase on the expenditure of recent years. The following statement shows the total expenditure by the Board in each Island from both Revenue and Construction Funds for the financial year ended 31st March, 1936. The figures include administration charges : —

Unfortunately it has not yet been possible for the Government to arrange for all current expenditure on highways works to be met from revenue, but, as the cost of interest and sinking fund payments is already a very large annual charge against revenue, the Board has, on several occasions, made strong representations concerning the use of loan-money for highways purposes. Quite apart from the consideration as to whether or not the classes of work being carried out should be met from revenue moneys, the position concerning the Board is that the annual charges in respect of loans have steadily increased and a very substantial liability must now be met each year.


Board's , If™ 1 . , T t , IWntegeof Loc^Ta?,SL' — Contribution. «-»■ Conation to £ £ £ North. Island .. .. 235,755 58,134 293,889 80-22 19-78 South Island .. .. 192,269 20,129 212,458 90-53 9-47 Totals.. .. 428,024 78,263 506,347 84-54 15-46

1926-27. 1927-28. 1928-29. 1929-30. 1930-31. J 1931-32. 1932-33. ! 1933-34. 1934-35. 1935-36. £££££££££ £ Maintenance by Board .. 438,762 523,581 7.56,3991,049,249 872,577 849,734 600,324 674,026 932,6751,190,179 Maintenance by local autho- 276,349 269,065 284,526 375,849 317,839 215,568 168,466 187,735 226,554 284,423 Construction by Board .. 540,362 449,904 936,148 1.007,957 667,902 361,969 159,323 198,295 325,483 428,084 Construction by local autho- 255,860 262,538 214,155 203,148 150,984 94,973 43,181 55,997 57,975 78,263 ntl0 Totals .. .. 1,511,3331,505,0882,191,2282,636,2032,009,3021,522,244 971,2941,116,0531,542,6871,980,949 Percentages. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Maintenance by Board .. 61-4 66-0 72-7 73-6 73-3 79-8 78-1 78-2 ® Maintenance by local autho- 38'6 34-0 27'3 26'4 26'7 20-2 21-9 21-8 19-5 19-3 Construction by Board .. 67-9 63-1 81-4 83-3 81-6 79-2 77-6 77-0 Construction by local autho- 32-1 36-9 18-6 16-7 18-4 20-8 22-4 23-0 15-1 lo-o rities • . ___

Total Percentage __ Expendta, Expenditure Maintenance. j On^etta. £ i £ £ North Island .. .. •• 798,328 244,020 1,042,348 62-23 South Island 433,575 199,072 632,647 37-77^ Totals .. 1,231,903 443,092 j 1,674,995 100-00


The following table discloses the growtlj of annual loan charges and demonstrates how the use of borrowed moneys involves the appropriation of future revenues, thereby reducing the amounts which would otherwise be available for current requirements. MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT. Annual Loan Chabges. Year. £ Year. £ 1925-26 .. .. .. .. 23,235 1931-32 .. .. .. .. 262,078 1926-27 .. .. .. .. 71,578 1932-33 .. .. .. .. 269,179 1927-28 .. .. .. .. 31,630 1933-34 .. .. .. .. 258,674 1928-29 .. .. .. .. 116,178 1934-35 .. .. .. .. 281,871 1929-30 .. .. .. .. 126,416 1935-36 .. .. .. .. 291,651 1930-31 .. .. .. .. 224,605 The matter is one which is at present receiving the earnest consideration of the Government, and the representations submitted from the highways viewpoint are being studied in connection with future financial policy. Assistance fbom the Unemployment Fund. In recent years the Board has undertaken a number of improvement works, somewhat in advance of the normal programme, for the purpose of assisting as far as possible towards the relief of unemployment. Such a course was rendered practicable through the Unemployment Board granting subsidies based on the amount of labour employed. This arrangement provided extra finance, and enabled additional works to be commenced, and consequently a much greater number of men to be employed, without unduly restricting the prosecution of ordinary works. In effect, highways funds were applied to advantage in relieving the unemployment situation, while at the same time additional progress was made possible in carrying out improvement work. There is, of course, a limit to which Highways Funds should be used in relieving unemployment. It does not always follow that works requiring attention are necessarily situated in the localities where unemployment is most acute, but in considering proposals, the circumstances of each case were examined carefully, in order that, as far as possible, justifiable work and not the labour situation, governed the actual selections that were made. The subsidies previously granted from the Unemployment Fund have been withdrawn as from the Ist April, 1936, and highways funds will require to be allocated for the whole of the cost involved in completing these special works, most of which are in the progressive stage. Maintenance. The primary requirement for any highway system is its proper maintenance, and the Board has impressed on local controlling authorities the necessity for continuous attention being given to this phase of the work. Maintenance has generally been of a reasonable standard though many floods caused much scouring of metal surfaces over a wide area. The heaviest floods occurred in February and March, and caused considerable damage, the estimated cost of the repairs being in the vicinity of £100,000. The Taranaki District suffered most, where the damage was estimated at £68,000. The principal losses in this di,strict were six concrete bridges. With a view to improving the standard of maintenance and reducing cost, the Board made arrangements with the Public Works Department to design a special power-grader suitable for New Zealand conditions, and embodying up-to-date mechanical features. Photographs of two models of the grader are attached to this report. These machines are almost wholly New Zealand made and are giving very satisfactory service. When the graders were first produced, it was found necessary to make adjustments of a minor nature, but now that the machines have been run in, excellent service is being obtained. The Board has also purchased for a number of local bodies many modern grading units, the local bodies undertaking to acquire such equipment under terms of hire-purchase. Due attention has also been given to dustless surfaces. The designed speed of motor-vehicles has increased during the last two or three years by twenty to thirty miles per hour, greatly increasing road impact. There is ample evidence that many of the old surfaces are becoming progressively rougher, and that it will be necessary to pay more and more attention to the application of smoothing-coats to overcome unevenness, and thus prevent impact damage to the metal crust. Already the technique of smoothing-coat work has developed to the extent that production cost of plant-mix material, using cut-back bitumen, has been reduced in some districts from £2 2s. 6d. per ton to £1 6s. 6d. per ton. There is no doubt that the appearance and riding comfort of the sections that have been treated have been vastly improved. Roughometer readings have been reduced from two hundred units to the mile to as low as five units to the mile. The viagraph appended to this report shows by comparison the relative roughness of the different types of pavement between Christchurch and Glenavy. Of some 12,000 miles in the highways system, approximately 2,000 miles are paved; the remainder has gravel or crushed-rock surfaces. Much of this latter type will be treated in due course with bituminous materials ; but there are many hundreds of miles of highway where the traffic densities are so low that it is likely to be many years before sealing or similar surface treatment can be economically justified. Therefore, in the meantime, grading equipment must be maintained to the highest possible standard.



The average expenditure on maintenance per mile per annum on the whole highways system, by the Board and local authorities, since 1924, is shown in the following table Average Average Expenditure v Expenditure Year - per Mile Year ' per Mile per Annum. per Annum. £ £ 1924-25 .. .. .. .. 51-7 1930-31 .. .. .. .. 103-1 1925-26 .. .. .. .. 73-2 1931-32 .. .. .. .. 92-5 1926-27 .. .. .. .. 111-9 1932-33 .. .. .. .. 70-7 1927-28 .. .. .. .. 119-9 1933-34 .. .. .. .. 78-6 1928-29 .. .. .. .. 100-1 1934-35 .. .. .. .. 100-3 1929-30 .. .. .. .. 128-6 1935-36 .. .. .. .. 122-4 Construction, Reconstruction, and Surfacing. The expenditure from the Construction Fund for the year 1935-36 was £428,024, an increase of 32 per cent, on the corresponding expenditure for the preceding year. The season just past was not a good one for bituminous surfacing in most districts owing to wet weather being generally experienced. During the year ended 31st March, 1936, 152 miles of main highways were reconstructed, formed, or widened, 358 miles of dustless surfacing, including stage construction, were completed, of which 245 miles were sealing, and 93 miles plant-mix or road-mix pavement. The table below shows the extent and types of - work carried out on the main highways system by the Board and local authorities since the Board commenced active operations in 1924.

A description of some of the major works is as follows : — Auckland District. Auckland-Wellington Main Highway, Waipa County Division.—This work, extending over a length of 30 miles and estimated to cost £162,000, consists of improving the alignment, remetalling, and plant-mix surfacing, together with the reconstruction of several bridges in reinforced concrete, and the renewal of all culverts in permanent materials. As this highway is one of the most heavily trafficked in the Dominion, a high standard has been set. The minimum radius of curvature is 10 chains and vertical sight distances 500 ft. Good progress has been maintained and at least half of the work completed. The surfacing comprises a cushion course of sand or inferior metal on the subgrade, followed by a 6 in. consolidated thickness of crushed basalt rock. A mulch-dressing of chippings is then applied, and maintained for at least three weeks under traffic, after which a first-seal coat of No. 1 tar is laid. Finally a plant-mix surface, f in. thick, of densely-graded aggregate with M.C. 3 binder is planed on with a long base planer. Tauranga District. Rotorua County, Sealing.—Rotorua is one of the most important tourist resorts in the Dominion, and in the holiday season there is a large influx of visitors. It has been recorded that 2,400 vehicles traversed the main road between 5 p.m. and 5 a.m. on one day. The original surfacing was for the most part the natural pumice, which in dry weather dispersed clouds of dust, to the great discomfort and danger of motorists. The Board undertook some 20 miles of surface sealing in the area at a cost of £26,000. It was necessary to utilize local materials, as much as possible, as stone-chipping, which had to be obtained from remote areas, cost as much as £1 6s. per cubic yard. The pumice itself consists of fine fragments of glass, with very little cohesion, and is very absorbent, When the surface was


„ n rr, i Road-and- Bituminous | t>„„.*.i Formation Gravelling Tar and plant . mix Macadam Bituminous' P °!" „ . pa Year - w .r d m f n Bl * UII ?. m0US Bituminous (Penetra- Concrete. ! p —* Brid § e8 - Widening. Metalling. Sealing. Surfacing. tion). Concrete. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Ft. 1924-25.. .. 19 63 6 .. 6 .. .. 2,434 1925-26.. ..45 88 16 45 4 6 5,168 1926-27.. .. 174 151 35 .. 38 12 16 6,408 1927-28.. .. 173 133 83 .. 34 .. 6 7,760 1928-29.. .. 224 185 122 .. 51 14 11 9,482 1929-30.. .. 173 179 133 .. 39 31 12 7,547 1930-31.. .. 130 128 95 .. 41 14 9 11,175 1931-32.. .. 139 69 129 32 9 3 4,062 1932-33.. .. 56 45 72 .. 8 .. .. 3,178 1933-34.. .. 44 28 75 .. 7 .. 1 4,988 1934-35.. .. ! 113 69 172 27 3 .. 2 6,641 1935-36.. .. | 152 98 245 91 2 .. .. 8,718 1 j 1 Totals .. 1,442 : 1,236 1,183 118 306 84 j 66 77,561 I 1 L


brought to shape the pumice was sprayed with | gallon of No. 1 tar per square yard, and before the tar was wholly absorbed a coat of chippings graded f in. to § in. was applied. After the lapse of a few weeks a second coat of heavy road-oil at the rate of gallon per square yard was sprayed, and covered with chippings graded § in. to § in. This type of work enables the maximum use to be made of inferior local materials. Stratford District. Stratford-Taumarunui Main Highway: Moki Tunnel.—This tunnel is through a razor-backed papa ridge and is 8 chains in length, 12 ft. in width, having a Gothic arch, the point of which is 20 ft. above road-level. Owing to the uneven bedding of the papa strata, large flakes are apt to become dislodged from the roof, and for this reason a small amount of timber lining has been placed in the roof. The saving in climb and distance to motor-vehicles justified the construction of this tunnel. Wellington District. Wellington-Napier Main Highway : Sealing in W airarapa Division.—At the beginning of the year there were on this highway several lengths of gravel surfaces totalling 20 miles. The Board was anxious to close the gaps and so give a continuous length of dustless surfacing from Wellington to some 10 miles north of Napier, a total distance of 230 miles. Contracts for the whole of the work were let, and generally have been about 50 per cent, completed. The work was delayed by wet weather. On one contract many timber stumps were discovered below the subgrade, causing considerable expense and delay. The type of surfacing on these contracts generally consists of a priming coat of light tar, followed by an application of heavy road-oil and large chippings, 1 in. to § in. Auckland-Wellington Main Highway : Whirohino Deviation. —The Whirokino Section receives the flood overflow from the Manawatu River, and during a wet season the highway may be covered with water up to a depth of 10 ft. Traffic is disorganized for from twenty to thirty days per annum, and in order to provide an all-weather route it was decided to put in hand the raising of the road above flood-level. The flood-discharge of the Manawatu River is estimated at 200,000 cusecs, and in order to provide for this volume of water it is necessary to build a viaduct 55 chains long, in addition to a new bridge over the Manawatu River, which requires to be 600 ft. long to span the main channel. The work of forming the approach banks up to 14 ft. in height over a distance of 60 chains has been put in hand, likewise the driving of test .piles to obtain preliminary information for bridge-designing purposes. The work will cost approximately £80,000. Nelson District. Takaka Hill, Whangamoa Hill, and Hope Saddle : Improvements. —The widening and improvements on these sections of highway are typical of many works undertaken throughout the country for the relief of unemployment. The Takaka Hill in particular is regarded as the longest and most tortuous hill road in the Dominion. It is 10 miles long on the Riwaka side and 7 miles on the Takaka side, and the summit is 2,600 ft. above sea-level. At the higher elevations it is subject to snow-storms and severe frosts in winter, making traffic conditions unpleasant and dangerous. The improvements being undertaken will give ample road-width, and the dangerous section near Hawk Crag has been superseded by a deviation on the sunny side of the hill. It is perhaps not out of the way to remark here on the lack of consideration that has been shown by some motorists using this road. They have complained frequently about conditions which it is natural to expect while major reconstruction work of this kind is in progress. Regular users of the road, however, recognize that some inconvenience must be suffered if the route is to be improved and at the same time kept open* for traffic. Every effort is made to give to road users the best service that is possible. Nelson - Inangahua J unction Main Highway : Richmond - Belgrove Section. On this section an important improvement was the plant-mix surfacing over a distance of 13 miles. The surface w~as first built up, shaped, and primed with bitumen, cut-back with fuel oil and tar-oil, and later surfaced with § in. thickness of plant-mix of densely graded aggregate. The whole "work cost £12,000. West Coast District. Inangahua Junction - Weheka Main Highway: Kumara - Flowery Creek Deviation.—This deviation, 8 miles in length, will reduce the distance between Greymouth and Hokitika by 8-| miles. During the period over 3 miles were completed. The work involves the construction of six reinforced concrete bridges, all of which are in hand. Canterbury District. Christchurch - Dunedin Main Highway: Rangitata Deviation.—During the period a commencement was made with this deviation, which is 20 miles long, and which shortens the distance between Christchurch and Dunedin by 10 miles. Generally, the formation is very light. Two large bridges, however, are required, one 2,000 ft. long over the north branch of the Rangitata River, and the other 1,000 ft. long over the south branch. Good progress has been made on the 6 miles of the section between Hinds and Ealing.



McNamara'-s Corner to Waitaki River, Surfacing.—This section is 12 miles in length and was metalled in preparation for ordinary sealing. During crushing-operations for chips, &c., a considerable quantity of quarry waste had accumulated. The grading of this waste was found suitable for a plantmix aggregate, and at the request of the local authority this type of surfacing was adopted. The thickness of the pavement on the primed surface is 1 in., and the cost including the priming was £750 per mile. Dunedin District. Ghristchurch - Dunedin Main Highway : Waitaki River to Oamaru. —As a result of the excellent riding qualities of the section in Waimate County described above, the neighbouring Waitaki County also requested this plant-mix drag type of surface on 7f miles of new first-coat seal and on 4| miles of old, uneven sealing. The work was carried out at a cost of £488 per mile, the thickness of surfacing being §- in. Oamaru-Dimedin. —Considerable progress was made on this section. Fairly heavy earthwork has been undertaken by employment camps between Hillgrove and Shag Point over a length of 6 miles. On this section the road passes under the railway at two points, by subways with sharp approaches. The subways are being eliminated by a deviation skirting the sea coast. On this section 8 miles of two-coat sealing were carried out. The sealing only, cost £600 per mile. Southland District. Gorei- Te Anau — Milford Main Highway. —The last section of this highway between Hollyford and Milford, is now under construction. The route is entirely scenic, and opens up one of New Zealand's national parks. It presents to the visitor or tourist something which is calculated to excel almost anything in the world. Approaching the Park along the floor of the Eglinton Valley, glorious vistas of lake and mountain scenery open up in the birch forests through which the route has been formed. Planked on either hand are towering cliffs and mountains 5,000 ft. to 8,000 ft. high, rising almost perpendicularly from the floor of the valley to well above the snow line. Approaching the Hollyford Valley the country becomes more rugged and the grandeur increases. Construction is here more difficult till the portal of the Homer Tunnel is reached. The tunnel, which was recently commenced, will be some three-quarters of a mile in length and is being built double lane on alin 10 grade. The eastern portal is sited at an elevation of 3,100 ft., and the western portal at 2,700 ft.,, above sea-level. Prom the higher elevations of the route on the western side there will be exposed magnificent views of Milford Sound, hundreds of feet below. Mirrored on its surface will be seen the high rock-walls and tumbling waters with depth of colour and tone unsurpassed. Bridges. During the period a very heavy bridge programme was undertaken. Proposals were submitted for examination at the rate of twenty per month, and involved considerable checking and requisitions for improvement in the design. Apart from the examination of the plans, considerable preliminary information is required, as the Board insists on a thorough investigation of foundations by way of test pits, bores, or test piles, so that in each case the cost of the substructure can be correlated with the cost of the superstructure, and the most economical design obtained. In spite of the substantial progress recorded, there is still much leeway to make up. Many large structures have been given extended life at the expense of high maintenance-cost, but it is not economical to continue this process indefinitely, and the reconstruction of these bridges will have to be faced in the near future. For many of them plans are already in hand. The policy of building in reinforced concrete has been continued. During the period 232 bridges were put in hand, and of these 164 were completed. Among the most important structures at various stages of completion the following may be particularly mentioned : — Waitangi Washout Bridge, on the Napier-Wellington via Wairarapa Main Highway, about 3 miles south of Napier, has a roadway 24 ft. wide and is 800 ft. long. It is built entirely of reinforced concrete and consists of twenty 40 ft. spans supported on pile piers and abutments. The total cost was approximately £11,500, equal to 12s. per square foot of deck. Waitangi Bridge, also on the Napier-Wellington via Wairarapa Main Highway, is about half a mile southwards from the Waitangi Washout Bridge, and is of similar width and construction, and is 600 ft. long. The cost will be approximately £9,700, or 13s. 6d. per square foot of deck. The new bridge replaces an old timber one-way bridge, which was a frequent cause of delay on this heavily trafficked highway. The lengths of both the Waitangi Washout and Waitangi Bridges were fixed by the widths of the flood-channels required for the Hawke's Bay River Board's flood-control scheme now under construction. The construction of these two bridges eliminates two level crossings over the railway. Tangahoe Bridge is on the Auckland-Wellington Main Highway about 4 miles south of Hawera. The main span in the new bridge is a reinforced concrete, open spandrel, hingeless arch, having two parabolic arch ribs with a span of 90 ft. and a rise of 41 ft. There are two 26 ft. girder approach spans at the Hawera end, and two 35 ft. spans at the other end. The width of roadway is 20 ft., and the total length is 217 ft. The deck-level of the bridge is 80 ft. above the bed of the stream. The bridge replaces an old low-level timber bridge over the Tangahoe stream, and with a deviation of the highway 56 chains long, the through distance by road is reduced by about 24 chains, and the alignment is greatly improved. The cost of the bridge was about £6,010, while the formation of the deviation, apart from the bridge, cost £10,000.


D— 1.

Waitara Town Bridge.—This bridge, built in 1913, consists of four 60 ft. plate-girder spans, with an 18 ft. roadway and two footways each 4 ft. wide. The piers were of concrete carried on piles. In 1935, during a heavy flood, timber carried down the river was caught up in the piles of one pier below water-level and below the level of the pier concrete, damaging the piles and allowing the pier to cant downstream. To remedy the trouble temporary timber staging was built in the river and the superstructure, which had subsided with the pier, was lifted back into place. The old pier was demolished, and a new pier, carried on reinforced-concrete cylinders sunk under an air lock, was constructed. This work was done with practically no interruption to traffic. To prevent a recurrence of the trouble, the other two piers in the river are being demolished and replaced by new cylinder piers, of sufficient width to take a wider roadway should this become necessary in the future. Paremata Bridge, on the Paremata-Plimmerton Main Highway at the crossing of the Pahautanui arm of the Porirua Harbour, has a roadway of 22 ft. and two footways each of 4 ft. width. It is built of reinforced concrete on pile piers, and is 450 ft. long, consisting of 50 ft. spans. The cost of the bridge will be about £12,500. Waimakariri Rwer Bridge, on the Upper Riccarton — Arthur s Pass Main Highway at Bealey. is 880 ft. long and consists of 44 ft. spans. The roadway is 10 ft. wide, and a central span 18 ft. wide is provided for passing purposes. The bridge is of reinforced concrete on pile piers, and will cost approximately £7,000. Traffic will no longer be required to ford this river, which has always been one of the greatest obstructions on this highway. Traffic Census. The traffic census taken last year has been tabulated and is shown in graphical form on the maps attached to this report. The census has proved invaluable to the Board in considering the relative urgency of improvement works and paving, also the bridge-width that should be adopted on each highway, and the elimination of level crossings. Many interesting traffic features have been disclosed. For instance, much weight has often been o-iven to " foreign " traffic—that is, traffic domiciled outside the area served by a particular highway. However, the census shows generally that traffic is intensely local, and that as a rule a large proportion of vehicles keeps within, a radius of 25 miles of the centre at which it is domiciled. Another interesting feature disclosed is the use that is made of the highways system. Four hundred miles, or 3 per cent., of the most intensely trafficked highways, carry 30 per cent, of the highways traffic. Four thousand miles, or 30 per cent, of the most densely trafficked highways, carry nearly 80 per cent, of the highways traffic. It is a coincidence that 4,000 miles is the length that the Government proposes to take over to form a State arterial system. In this system certain highways, although not amongst those with greatest traffic density, are included on account of their arterial character. Probably next year it will be advisable to take another census, so that further traffic, studies can be made, more particularly with regard to the weight of the vehicles and loads carried. Contact with Local Bodies. It has been the practice of the Board to maintain contact with local bodies interested in the control of main highways, by paying annual visits of inspection to the various districts in the North Island and South Island respectively in alternate years. Such inspections also enable the Board as a whole to investigate local problems and conditions, and to discuss particular aspects of administration and finance with those authorities exercising local jurisdiction. By this means the Board is in a better position to co-relate applications for financial assistance, and to consider the recommendations submitted from time to time by District Highways Councils, which advisory bodies are composed of local-body representatives. The Board, had proposed to visit tlie South. Island towards the end 01 the last linanciai year, but as Parliament assembled earlier than usual, and the Board was awaiting an indication of the Government's future highways policy, it was deemed advisable to cancel the arrangements which had been made and to defer the matter till a later occasion. _ _ Local authorities generally have continued to satisfactorily administer highways anairs under their control. However, the Board finds it necessary to record that there have been some cases, fortunately few in number, where local authorities have been unwilling to proceed with works as planned, principally with a view to receiving greater financial aid, or of being entirely relieved of all financial responsibility. The proposal of the Government to introduce a system of State highways will obviate delay in prosecuting urgent works on arterial highways included in the new system, where previously the reluctance of a local authority to meet its obligations caused a postponement of such works. Proposed State Highways System. With the change in the Administration, an announcement has been made that legislation is to be introduced providing for a system of State highways. The proposal contemplates the transfer of control and responsibility, in respect of arterial main highways, from local authorities to the Board, and the financing of the Dominion's national highways wholly from the Main Highways Account.



The principal advantages of this change will be, firstly, that essential works on arterial main highways will not be subject to delay through the financial difficulties of local authorities ; secondly, that local authorities which previously contributed towards arterial routes, will be relieved of such contributions, and the relief thus afforded will enable them to give needed attention to main highways and ordinary county or settlement roads ; and, thirdly, that continuous works in the way of improvements and permanent surfacing will be possible, without interruptions arising from circumstances involving the position of a local authority. On the other hand, the estimated savings to local authorities in respect of both construction and maintenance, are approximately £120,000 per annum, which sum will now become a liability on the Main Highways Account. Although the legislation has not yet been passed, the Board has made preliminary arrangements of a tentative nature, in order to facilitate the change at the appropriate time. It is of interest to note that, as a result of the announcement regarding the proposed State system, a number of local authorities likely to derive some relief therefrom have sought to obtain further main highways in order to secure additional subsidies ; but it is unlikely that the present general highways system will be increased very much in the meantime, in view of the additional cost to the Main Highways Account of the State Highways System. In the past many local authorities have displayed a tendency to press for special consideration of their claims, without proper regard to the relative merits of their position. Quite frequently application has been made for preferential assistance above the standard rate of subsidy, and it has been noticed that, no matter what the standard rate might be, a higher rate has been sought. It will be necessary in future for the Board to adhere more rigidly to the standard subsidy rates, in view of the fact that highways funds are to meet the full cost of the requirements of the State system. Soon after the Government's proposals for the State system were made known some local authorities saw fit to modify their construction activities, presumably with a view to conserving their own finances. In a few instances works in hand were tapered off, and in other cases reconstruction works about to be commenced were postponed indefinitely. Unfortunately, maintenance also was curtailed, and complaints have been received regarding the condition of some highway surfaces, which have been neglected. Where necessary the Board has taken the matter up with the authorities concerned, with a view to essential work being continued. Generally speaking, it may be said that the majority of local authorities have co-operated, by maintaining those highways which have been selected tentatively for inclusion in the proposed State system. Where maintenance is deteriorating, or construction work suspended, the Board will be faced with the necessity of restoring surfaces and resuming work as soon as possible after the inauguration of the State scheme. Elimination of Level-crossings on Main Highways. As reported last year, an agreement was reached between the Main Highways Board, the Railways Department, and the Unemployment Board, dividing the cost of level-crossing elimination in the proportion 50 per cent, to the Main Highways Board, 33| per cent, to the Unemployment Board, and 16§ per cent, to the Railways Department. However, during the year it was found that Unemployment funds were required for that Department s more urgent requirements, and the Minister of Employment found it necessary to cancel the agreement in so far as he was concerned. Fresh arrangements are being made, and the Government has intimated the likelihood of the Board's share being reduced considerably. Although it is anticipated that only some £100,000 will come to charge this year, it is expected that next year's expenditure will reach £1,000,000. The Government has indicated that it desires to have this work prosecuted vigorously, and with this end in view, a preliminary study has been made of all of the level crossings on main highways, totalling some 530, the elimination of all of which will cost approximately £3,500,000. Since this policy has been announced, innumerable suggestions by the public for removing the dangers have been submitted through the Minister. These for the most part are devices to draw the attention of the motorist to the fact that he is approaching the crossing, and take the form of narrowing the trafficable width of pavement, or of introducing sharp curves, humps, or joggles on the road-surface. All of these devices are considered unsatisfactory in that, in attempting to remove one danger, they introduce others potentially as great. The only way to wholly remove the danger is to separate the grades. This solution can be considered to be the final opinion of the best thought in the world that has been applied to the problem. The first consideration was to schedule the crossings in order of urgency. This was done by applying a factor obtained by multiplying the road traffic by the rail traffic, and by 1, 2, 3, or 4 depending on whether the visibility at the crossing was described as good, fair, poor, or bad. Of the total of 530 crossings, 100 have a factor greater than 10,000, 23 lie between 7,500 and 10,000, with the rest graduating down to a factor as low as 30. The methods of elimination are by (a) deviation of highway or railway, (b) road overbridge, and (c) road subway. The deviation of the highway is not usually a 100-per-cent. solution, since a small amount of local traffic may still require the crossing. The subway often introduces drainage problems, and the great majority of the eliminations will therefore be by overbridge. In preparing designs it was first thought that it would be possible to standardize a few types, but as site-plans were submitted it became apparent that each elimination required special treatment, due to the varying angles of skew, topographical features, proximity to populous areas, and various railway clearances. However, now that a considerable number of crossings have been designed, it is possible to more or less adapt some of these designs to suit other locations.

9—D. 1.



Owing to the difficulty experienced in keeping design work ahead of construction, a certain amount of time has necessarily elapsed before final detailed plans of some schemes have been available. Specially trained stafl has been entrusted with the designing of particular structures which involve difficult features, and the information and experience now available will- enable the design-work to proceed more expeditiously. Wherever possible, the formation of approach ramps or cuttings has been commenced in advance, up to within suitable distance of the site of the proposed structure. This practice allow T s a certain amount of consolidation to take place, in readiness for traffic when the structure itself has been finished. All overbridges are being constructed in reinforced concrete, and, because of their long life, special consideration is being given to the alignment of the bridges and approaches, and to vertical sight distances. The minimum curvature, except in special cases, is 10 chains radius, with 400 ft. vertical sight distance. The vertical curve in all cases is built into the bridge. The minimum width of deck will be 22 ft. Pile-foundations are not generally required, so that where material for the construction of the ramps is not available on short haul, the bridge is often designed much longer, at no additional cost over the whole job. The longer bridge has the advantage that it does not cover up frontage of properties as does an earth fill, and still leaves a strip of road reserve for access purposes. A brief description of some typical overbridges is as follows : — Styx. —Length, 575 ft. ; roadway, 30 ft., with 2-ft. wide kerbs on each side. Grade approaches 1 in 20. Bridge on straight except for one end span. Bridge on skew of about 50° to railway. Bridge has been used in preference to bank, down to a height of about 6 ft. This was economical on account of the high cost of filling, and the fact that access was required at ground-level parallel to the bridge, and if bank had been used retaining-walls would have been necessary. A contract has been let for this bridge. The total cost of the bridge only wall be £7,521, or about Bs. per square foot. Mokoia. —Three 30 ft. spans ; roadway, 24 ft., all on a curve of 10 chains radius. The bridge spans a fairly deep cutting, giving ample clearance to the railway. The centre-line of railway is 9|° skewed to the radial line at the centre of bridge, and all piers and abutments are parallel to centreline of railway. The approximate cost will be £1,420, or about 13s. 6d. per square foot. Polceno. —Length, 125 ft., consisting of three continuous spans 32 ft., 61 ft., and 32 ft., supported on piles. Roadway, 24 ft. The bridge is on a skew of 30° to the centre-line of railway, and is wholly on a curve of 25 chains radius. The bridge is canted at \ in. to the foot, and this cant, combined with the skew piers and vertical curve, makes the determination of deck-levels complicated. The cost is £3,600, and the cost per square foot £1 4s. Oio. —Length, 130 ft. ; roadway, 22 ft. Continuous spans of 40 ft., 50 ft., and 40 ft., supported on pile piers. The bridge is straight and on a vertical curve. The skew to the railway is about 30J°. The piers and abutments are parallel to the railway, giving the same complicated deck-levels as is evident in the Pokeno design. Owing to the necessity of providing access to the passenger platform and for a tramway, these features could not be avoided. The estimated cost is £3,200, or £1 2s. 6d. per square foot. Piriaka. —Length, 135 ft. ; roadway,. 24 ft., three 45 ft. simple spans on pile foundations. The railway is on a skew of about 40° to the centre-line of bridge, but the piers are skewed to 60°. This tends to square up the ends of the bridge. The deck reinforcement is all laid parallel to the piers. The estimated cost is £2,570, or about 16s. per square foot. This design shows the use of a span over the railway longer than necessary, to partly square up the piers. Where the piers are skewed at less than 60° to the centre-line of the bridge, it is usually necessary to lay the deck reinforcement square to centre-line of bridge, which requires varying rod-lengths. Normanby. —Length, 160 ft. ; roadway, 24 ft. Four 40 ft. simple spans on footing foundations, the whole being on a curve of 7-| chains radius. The centre-line of railway is on a skew of about 39|° to the bridge. For bridges on curves the details are greatly simplified if the piers and abutments can be made radial to the curve. This has been done by adopting what has been named the " step over " pier, which consists of columns outside the horizontal clearance-lines of the railway connected by a cap above the vertical clearance-line. The estimated cost is £2,600, or 13s. 6d. per square foot. Kiwi. —Length, 200 ft. ; roadway, 24 ft. Four 50 ft. simple spans on footing foundations. The bridge is on the straight, but crosses a curve on the railway on a sharp skew. The piers have been kept square to the centre-line of bridge by adopting a " step over " pier, as in Normanby. The estimated cost is £3,579, and the cost per square foot, 18s. 6d. Lorneville. —Length, 200 ft. : roadway, 40 ft., with 4 ft. footway. Five 40 ft. simple spans on footing foundations. The bridge is on a curve of 25 chains radius, and the centre-line of railway is only slightly skewed. Piers and abutments are radial, which makes the details fairly straightforward. The wide roadway was adopted on account of the large amount of stock traffic. The estimated cost is £5,600, or about 13s. per square foot. Acquisition or Gravel-deposits, etc. In its last report the Board stated that intimation had been given to local authorities that in approved cases it would acquire metal-deposits, from which supplies could be drawn for highways purposes at cheaper unit rates. As previously explained, the object of this decision was to ensure



continuous supplies at reasonable cost, and to obviate the practice which had developed amongst local authorities of paying royalties, instead of exercising their statutory powers for acquiring deposits outright. A number of areas have already been set aside, and negotiations are in progress for the acquisition of others. Advances to Local Authorities. The Board, during the year under review, continued its usual policy of advancing money to those local authorities which were unable to raise from other sources, their share of the cost of particular works which the Board was desirous of undertaking. Once again a considerable increase in the amount so advanced is recorded, the total number of agreements entered into last year being twenty-one, and the amount advanced being £24,523 12s. 9d., as compared with fourteen, totalling £18,938 10s. 9d., for the preceding year. The total principal outstanding at 31st March, 1936, in respect of all advances made prior to that date was £89,799 3s. lid. Traffic-control. Since last report the Board has continued to subsidize the cost of traffic-control carried out by approved groups on the lines which have been followed for some years. As the result of unsatisfactory conditions regarding enforcement of regulations governing traffic and transport services, the matter was discussed with the Transport Department, and the Board agreed to extend its activities in this connection by appointing additional Inspectors, and assuming, where possible, direct control in lieu of group control. Consequent upon this arrangement, new appointments were made and officers stationed at Okaihau and Stratford respectively. The subsidies previously paid to the Waikato, Waitomo, Rangiora, and South Canterbury groups were withdrawn and the group Inspectors taken over by the Board. The Waitomo Group Inspector had resigned through ill health, and the vacancy in this case was filled by the appointment of a new departmental Inspector. Negotiations are in progress with other groups and the supervision of traffic enforcement by a centralized authority having Dominion-wide jurisdiction should produce a measure of uniformity not possible hitherto, and at the same time result in more efficient administration. The testing of loadometers for any local authorities interested in traffic-control was continued, and, in addition, regular tests were made of the Board's own instruments. The total number of Group Inspectors subsidized by the Board is now fourteen, while a similar number of traffic officers operate directly under the Board's control. Signposting, Centre-line Marking, etc. The cost of signposting carried out on main highways during the year ended 31st March, 1936, was subsidized at the rate of £3 for £1, the cost to the Board being £1,851 12s. 2d. The total amount contributed by the Board towards this work up to the date mentioned was £11,549 9s. 3d. The marking of centre-lines on paved surfaces and the lettering of standard warning-notices on pavements adjacent to railway crossings and other dangerous locations have been extended. Plant. Local authorities have continued to make use of the facilities provided by the Board to enable them to obtain plant on the hire-purchase system, and an increase in these transactions has been recorded. The purchases for 1935-36 amounted to £18,090, as compared with £9,166 for 1934-35, £3,368 for 1933-34, and £1,117 for 1932-33. Since the inception of this scheme plant to the value of £193,912 has been purchased, of which sum only £23,273 remained outstanding at the 31st March, 1936. The items purchased during the year under this scheme were : Trucks, 6 ; power-graders, 10 ; planer and tractor, 1 ; crusher and elevator, 1 ; belt-conveyor and rotary screen, 1 ; portable screening and crushing plant, 1 ; tractor, 1. The Board also purchased a quantity of new plant for its own use, as well as replacing some that had become obsolete. The following items were purchased: Tractors, 5 ; motor-cars, 5 ; roadplaners, 3 ; trailer, 1 ; motor-lorries, 2 ; machine-saw, 1 ; machine-sharpener, 1 ; power-graders, 5 ; drilling-machine, 1 ; compressors, 2 ; crushers, 2. Classification of Main Highways under the Heavy Motor-vehicle Regulations, 1932. Provision exists in the Heavy Motor-vehicle Regulations, 1932, whereby road-controlling authorities are enabled to restrict the gross loading of heavy motor-vehicles according to the weightcarrying capacity of . each road. This restriction is effected by means of classification which requires the prior approval of the Minister of Transport. It is essential that, having regard to the nature of its construction, a road should not be subjected to traffic loads of undue weight, otherwise considerable expenditure of public moneys is necessary for repair and maintenance. Although for some years many local authorities were reluctant to classify roads, the position now is that many miles of roads and highways are appropriately classified. There is no doubt that a system of classification for gross loads is of material assistance towards stabilizing maintenance-costs. The Board is making its best endeavours to co-operate with the Transport Department and local authorities, with a view to securing some measure of uniformity in the permissible loading on main highways, and progress in this direction




can be recorded. It may be stated that the general aim of the Board is to provide for a, standard classification, so that rural main highways will carry gross loading up to 6| tons for two-axled vehicles and up to 10 tons for multi-axled vehicles. Many highways are definitely below such a standard, but as funds permit, the foundations and general construction are being strengthened year by year, where traffic density justifies such action. Stock Traffic on Main Highways. With a view to facilitating the transfer of stock between the Poverty Bay and Bay of Plenty districts, and obviating inconvenience to both motorists and stock-owners, an endeavour was made to confine all through stock traffic to the highway via the Motu. By-laws were enacted which prohibited such through traffic from using the alternative route through the Waioeka Valley, where the road is of fairly recent construction and, though of ample width for vehicular purposes, is somewhat narrow for large mobs of stock. The Motu route has been used for very many years, and in point of distance is no longer than the Waioeka route. It was held by a Court that these by-laws were unreasonable and therefore invalid. It appears that no special legislative provision exists for controlling stock traffic in country districts to the same extent as is possible in municipal areas. The Board is of opinion that the matter merits special consideration and, with the intention of submitting proposals to the Government, the New Zealand Counties' Association has been consulted. The association obtained the views of its constituent counties, and ascertained that by far the majority of replies favoured the Board's suggestions. Suitable representations are being made to the Government, so that where an alternative route is available for stock traffic, a local authority may be able to make special by-laws, to prevent longdistance stock traffic from congesting vehicular routes. Testing of Highway Materials. The Board's Petrologist. has continued the testing of road-metal and similar materials from numerous sources, and details of standard tests are shown in Table 6 appended to this report. Subgrade soils have also been examined, and standard tests will be carried out as soon as the necessary equipment has been completely installed. The Dominion Analyst has carried out, on the Board's behalf, numerous tests of tar, bitumen, road-oil, and emulsion, for surfacing-work. Examination for Foremen and Overseers of Road Construction. The tenth examination for foremen and overseers of road construction was held on the 30th October, 1935, and at twenty centres throughout the Dominion fifty-five candidates presented themselves. The examination is divided into two papers, one relating to general road construction and maintenance and the other to tar, bituminous, and concrete-road construction. Three candidates passed in both papers and twelve secured a partial pass by satisfying requirements in respect of only one paper. Of those who had previously obtained a partial pass, three were successful in completing the examination. Since the institution of the examination, it has been the Board's practice to withhold the issue of a certificate of competency until satisfied that the candidate has had reasonable practical experience in modern roadwork. During the year, certificates were issued to four candidates who had passed previous examinations and had, in the meantime, produced evidence of adequate practical experience, these candidated being B. L. Williscroft, M. J. Scally, A. S. Henry, and M. Winter. The names of the candidates who passed or completed a pass at this examination are as follows, those to whom a certificate was issued being indicated by an asterisk : R. Jackman, *R. Hanna, *W. H. Claris, G. E. Berry, *P. S. Butler, *H. W. Stansfield. Recent examinations have disclosed that comparatively few of the candidates had had practical experience of tar, bituminous, and concrete-road construction. It was therefore decided that, until a candidate had produced satisfactory evidence of at least one year's experience in this class of work, he should not be admitted for examination in paper No. 2. Operation of Magnetic Truck, j The Board's magnetic truck, which was acquired for the purpose of clearing main highways of iron or steel puncture-producing articles, has been in operation in the North Island during the year, except for the period April to July, 1935, when the machine was out of commission owing to replacement of the engine unit. The length of road surface actually cleared from 29th July, 1935, to 31st March, 1936, was 1,514 miles, and the weight of material picked up by the magnet was 3,935 lb., which equals an average of 2-6 lb. to the mile cleared. This is a reduction when compared with the average of 3-25 lb. for the previous year. The machine was also occasionally hired to local authorities for use on roads other than main highways. Declaration of New Main Highways and Adjustments. In pursuance of section 11 of the Main Highways Act, 1922, the usual annual review of main highways was made during the year ended 31st March, 1936. Recommendations by District Highways Councils included proposals for approximately 1,311 miles of new main highways, and for the revocation of 44 miles of the existing system. The Board, however, recommended the declaration of 54-2 miles 23 chains of new main highways, and the revocation of lengths totalling 47 miles 77 chains, these latter in some cases being meiely formal cancellations, to facilitate the description or renaming of highways which were being extended or relocated. Apart from the extensions and reductions arising from the recommendations of the District Highways Councils, a number of other alterations were made at the suggestion of the Board, most of which were in the nature of adjustments, or to meet special circumstances,



The following list shows the lengths of main highways which were declared during the year ended the 31st March, 1936, including adjustments. Main Highways declared. No. 1 Highway District— Miles, chains. Dargaville-Kaihu .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 6 Awanui-Kaiangaroa .. .. .. .. .. 4 41 Te Kopuru - Tikinui .. . . .. .. .. 8 16 Mititai-Tauraroa . . .. .. . . .. .. 23 4 Opononi Road .. .. .. . . .. . . 1 60 Mangonui - Cooper's Beach .. . . . . . . .. ..10 No. 2 Highway District — Coromandel Wharf Road .. .. . . .. .. 0 70 Waiuku-Otaua .. .. . . .. .. .. ..45 Ngatea-Waharoa via Morrinsville . . .. .. . . 16 32 Papakura-Kawakawa via Clevedon . . .. .. .. 9 60 Bucklands Beach Road .. . . .. .. .. 3 40 Carruth Road .. .. .. .. .. .. ..112 Pa.nmure-Otahuhu .. . . .. .. .. 2 45 Matamata Station Road .. .. .. .. .. 0 21 Great South Road (Newmarket Borough) .. .. .. 0 75 Taupiri-Morrinsville .. .. . . .. .. ..60 Whatawhata -Te Rore .. .. .. .. .. 13 8 Hamilton-Tauhei via Gordonton .. .. .. . . 15 0 New Lynn - Huia via Brooklyn .. .. .. .. ..110 No. 3 Highway District— Rotorua-Atiamuri . . .. .. .. .. .. 23 0 Whakatane Wharf Road .. .. .. .. .. ..05 No. 4 Highway District— Hicks Bay Wharf Road .. .. .. . . .. 0 60 Gisborne - Tolaga Bay via Waimata . . .. .. 3 10 Gisborne-Opotiki via the Coast .. .. . . .. 2 40 Mangakino-Waiomatatini .. .. .. . . .. 0 55 Motu Front Road .. .. .. .. .. ~ ..80 No. 5 Highway District — Waipawa-Pourerere .. .. .. .. .. 0 79 Cole Road .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 46 Freelands Road .. .. .. .. .. . . 2 10 Tuki Tuki - Haumoana Beach .. .. .. .. 0 46 Elsthorpe-Kairakau .. .. .. .. .. 8 28 Neave-Harpham .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 58 Waipukurau Racecourse Road .. .. .. .. 2 72 Gisborne-Wairoa via Hangaroa (Wairoa Borough) .. .. .. 0 25 Napier-Gisborne via Wairoa (Wairoa Borough) .. .. 0 19 Wairoa Marine Parade .. .. .. .. .. ..08 Greatford-Woodville .. .. .. .. .. 0 41 No. 6 Highway District — National Park Station Road .. .. .. .. 0 40 Taumarunui-Ongarue .. .. .. .. .. 30 20 Pio Pio - Mangaohae .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 40 No. 7 Highway District — Waihi Road (Hawera) .. .. .. .. .. 1 17 Opunake Beach Road .. .. .. .. .. 0 33 Mangaotuku Road .. .. .. .. .. 6 20 No. 8 Highway District — Marton Station Road .. .. .. .. .. 0 60 Waitotara Valley Extension .. .. .. .. 9 40 Otara Road . . .. .. .. .. .. 1 70 Raetihi-Ohura .. .. .. .. .. .. ..60 Patea Beach Road .. . . .. .. .. 1 27 Wanganui River (Right Bank) Road.. .. .. .. 2 20 No. 9 Highway District — Paremata-Plimmerton .. .. .. .. .. .. 119 West Street .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 60 Shannon-Mangahao .. .. .. .. .. 7 33 Cheltenham - McKays Line .. . . .. .. .. ..20 Johnsonville-Newlands .. .. .. .. .. ..36 Feilding-Raumai via Colyton .. .. . . .. 2 44 Feilding - Cliff Road via Stanway .. .. .. .. 6 31 No. 10 Highway District — Pa Valley Road .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 10 Featherston-Martinborough .. .. .. .. .. 0 52 Featherston Station Road .. .. .. .. .. 0 66 Tutaekara Road .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 44 Chester Road .. .. .. .. .. .. ..30



Main Highways declared—continued. No. 11 Highway District— Miles, chains. Picton-Havelock via The Grove .. .. .. .. 23 55 No. 12 Highway District— Inangahua Junction - Weheka .. .. .. .. 8 30 Kumara - Arthurs Pass .. .. .. .. .. 5 72 Stafford Loop Road .. ~ . . .. .. 10 48 No. 14 Highway District — Pigeon Bay Road .. .. . . .. .. .. ..30 Okain's Bay Road.. .. .. .. .. .. ..30 Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi . . .. . . .. ~ .. 6 12 Leithfield Beach Road .. .. .. .. .. 0 75 Marshlands - New Brighton . . . . .. .. .. 1 17 Harewood Road .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 20 West Melton - Tai Tapu .. .. .. . . .. .. 13 32 Glenroy-Hororata . . .. .. .. .. .. ..60 Aylesbury - Lake Coleridge .. .. .. .. 8 40 Ilam Road .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 35 Little River - Teoka Saddle .. .. .. . . 5 20 No. 15 Highway District — Arundel - Peel Forest Extension .. .. .. .. 4 20 Walnut Avenue .. .. .. . . .. . . 0 52 Tinwald-Mayfield via Westerfield . . .. .. .. 8 28 Rakaia-Methven via Barrhill . . . . .. .. .. 11 28 Timaru - Holm Station Bridge .. . . .. .. ... 88 Blueclifis Road .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 40 Morven - Waihao River Bridge .. .. .. . . ..20 Waimate - Waihao River Bridge .. .. .. .. 4 10 Albury - Burke Extension .. .. .. .. . . ..78 No. 16 Highway District — Gore -Te Anau - Milford Extension .. .. .. .. 26 40 Port Chalmers - Waitati .. .. .. .. .. 6 18 Port Chalmers - Aramoa,na .. .. .. .. .. 6 72 - Hills Creek .. .. .. .. .. 4 60 No. 17 Highway District — Kaitangata - Paretai Punt .. .. .. . . .. 5 40 Waikawa-Papatowai .. .. .. .. .. 13 10 Romahapa - Port Molyneux .. .. .. .. 2 50 Kaikorai Valley Road .. .. .. .. .. 0 38 Gladstone Road .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 25 Allanton-Outram .. .. .. .. ~ .. 4 20 Roxburgh - Miller's Flat .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 Kelso-Tapanui .. .. .. .. .. .. ..30 No. 18 Highway District— Wallacetown-Branxholm .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 21 Chatton-Waikaka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 26 Waitane-Mataura .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 48 Woodlands South Road .. .. .. .. .. 3 29 Lindsay-Calcium .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 50 Half-moon Bay - Horse-shoe Bay .. .. .. .. ..30 Total.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 564 6 The following list shows the lengths of main highways which were revoked during the year ended the 31st March, 1936, including adjustments :— Main Highways revoked. No. 1 Highway District— Miles, chains. Dargaville-Kaihu . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 28 No. 4 Highway District — Gisborne-Opotiki via the coast .. .. .. .. 1 48 Rotokautuku-Waiomatatini .. .. .. .. 0 65 . No. 5 Highway District— Waipawa-Pourerere (Waipawa Borough) .. .. .. 0 62 Napier-Gisborne via Wairoa (Wairoa Borough) .. .. .. 0 25 No. 6 Highway District — Taumarunui-Taringamotu .. .. .. .. .. ..120 Ma-iroa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 No. 9 Highway District — Taonui-Raumai .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 24



Main Highways revoked —continued. No. 10 Highway District— Mito.chata. Featherston-Martinborough No. 11 Highway District 34. Blenheim-Christchurch via Parnassus No. 12 Highway District— 16 4Q Inangahua Junction-Weheka No. 14 Highway District— ; Q 64 Christchurch-New Brighton via Wamom Road .. •• •• g Aylesbury - Lake Coleridge • • • • • • '' '' Total * 85 18 Tn submitting its recommendations regarding alterations or extensions to the mam highways In submitting its recomn g of funds from which subsidies and grants be S Wherever possible, additional highways are nominated, in order that State aid STw&ySSI and improvement of relatively important roads m the va„ona diStrl Generally speaking, the preliminary selections by District Highways Councils are reviewed prior PROGRESS REPORT. The following statement shows the more important construction work carried out under the control of the Board during the year ended 31st March, 1936 :— : A length of 30 eh., whioh waa snbjeot to fieqnent flooding, was 1600 WeSfcnlTert 6 ftTy 4 ft. eonerete culvert was oompleted, with approaches on improved ahgnment. Fifty-two blind comers were cut back, giving greatly improved visibility. SSmp' a ■»■»«<* b ' id 8« of fiTO 40 "■ spa ™' toSetl,el approachesj was completed. 1 widened, and 60 eh. of top-conrse metal laid. Orewa-Waiwera: 3m. 61 ch. was reconatruoted and metalled. The re-formation of t. hand; Im. 13«h. has been *" d w,l " >n ' ! Deviation is in F^ es f' J9 h f widenill g was completed and base-course metal laid. SSs Bndge : Th" bridge, of one 32 ft § span, wi completed, on improved alignment. wrth a atreamH,~« n h. sealing „» afterward. : 12 *■ ™ rai " 4 ' "* " e,l ' d ™ °" La ke 0m The construction of a 54 ch. deviation above flood-level was put in hand Jo ch of embankment was completed and three temporary bridges <constructed Wbakanara Flooding : The embankment and concrete floodway have been complete . Ka mo-Hikurangi • Im. was reconstructed and 3m. metalled m preparation for sealing. Kamo HiJiura g deviation, which eliminates two level crossings near Hikumng? was put in hand ; the formation and half the metalling being completed at the end ° ft : The bituminous resurfacing of this section was completed Otamatea County : Im. between Grant's Corner (Maungaturoto) and the railway-station was re-formed and metalled in preparation for sealing. '""■t5g1iu.,....!.. : Im. of baae-eonrse metal ... laid, and sealing put in hand, Kirikopuni Bridge : This concrete bridge, of four 40 ft. spans, was completed. Dargaville Borough : 1 m. 60 ch. received a first sealmg-coat. Dargaville-Maungaturoto : 19 ch. was sealed in Dargaville Borough.



Warkworth-Tauhoa. Beresford's Bridge : This 50 ft. span concrete structure was completed WarJcworth-Leigh. Whangateau Bridge : A2O ft. span concrete bridge has been erected Waimate-Kaeo-Mangonui:— JOS 7SSS" to " lie ™ "» f-WW "»«» «' are in hand. 'A 7 ft " by 5 ft " conorete cul ™rt was completed, and 20 ch. of approaches Kaukapakapa-Port Albert.--Wharehinejßridge : The former wooden structure was replaced by a concrete bridge of four 45 ft. spans, and 14 ch. of approaches formed and metalled Wellsford-Leigh:— Barton's Bridge : The erection of a 40 ft. concrete bridge is in hand. Salt's Bridge : This bridge is also being rebuilt in concrete '"TltSn*"' -01 " 8 *" CUl ™" : A 10V Bft ' CUlve " h " ""truoted Kaitaia-Moluharak,.-Onetoke Bridge: Two 16 ft. sp,™ were .dded in of a length of tie approaches damaged by flood. c-uguu oi me Bridge Flooding : A 20 eh. length ... lifted oho™ Hood level, „nd Auckland-Maungaturoto (No. 2 District) :— .pptrs^oi^r* 14 rtmot ™ e ot • ienBth ° f 120 Birkenhead Borough : Widening of the paved surface has been carried out. Great South Road : — cycle M track Wellington 1 8 Sh ° Ulder WaS collstructed > principally as a Franklin County: The remaining bituminous-penetration shoulder-work on this length was completed, a length of 26 ch. being carried out. Slippery Creek Bridge, 90 ft. "long, and Leatham's Bridge, 40 ft. long were completed and approaches formed and metalled. 7 ch. of approaches were concreted at the former bridge' and ch. sealed at the latter. 8 ' A contract was let for bituminous-penetration surfacing over a length of 4 m 74 ch 2 m 9ch of which was completed. • Ngaruawahia Borough Section, of 2m. 17 ch., was reconstructed, and sealed in one coat • a contract was also let for plant-mix surfacing over this length. ' Waipa County : The work between Ngaruawahia and Hamilton was completed, a length of sm. 34 ch. being sealed this year A contract was let for placing plant-mix surfacing on this section, and 6m. 55 ch. completed. Between Hamilton and Ohaupo two contracts covering a length of 10 m. 31 ch were let, 9m. 24 ch. of reconstruction and metalling and sm. 18 ch. of sealing being completed Between Te Awamutu and Otorohanga a contract covering 2 m 14 ch Puniu Stream formation completed. A bridge 228 ft. long is under construction'at the Te Awamutu Borough : The widening of 1 m. 26 ch. was carried out. Auckland-HelensviUe-Waiwera:— Waitemata County : A length of 4m. 76 ch. has been constructed and sealed. Contracts for formation over a further 3 m. 30 ch. are in progress. comjfletecf 11111 Bndge ' 120 ft ' lon S> and Wright's Bridge, 50 ft. long, with approaches, have been Helensville Town District: The reconstruction and sealing of 45 ch. were completed Kumevr-A Ibany. Waitemata County: The Biverhead Bridge, a 250 ft. concrete structure of five spans with its approaches, has been completed. ' Pokeno-Waihi.—Franklin County : The Mangatawhiri Stream Diversion was completed Hauraki Plains County : A contract has been let for the reconstruction and sealing of 7 m and 3f m. of reconstruction carried out. *' A contract was let for the construction of the Waitakaruru Canal Bridge 90 ft lone and the work is well in hand. -6' wift °^r fi C r ty: f B T n brid l e Wa ? destr °y ed flood at Waikino, and replaced with a 6 ft. by 6 ft. concrete culvert. The widening on this section has been continued, and the improvement of the Karangahake Gorge put in hand. The work is principally in rock cutting witn nigh batters, and massive stone walling adjoining the river. Level crossing elimination near Waihi: A contract was let for the elimination by a7O ch deviation, of a highway level-crossing, an unsatisfactory subway, and a level-crossing on a completed formatlon of tlle first 34 ch -> including the placing of all culverts, has been Waihi Borough : A contract has been let for a new concrete bridge over the Ohinemuri Kiver, and work is m hand. Pipiroar-Coromandel:— Thames County: From Waihou Bridge to Kopu, a length of 52 ch., has been sealed in two coats. Thames Borough: The whole length of Queen Street, 1 m. 20 ch., has been sealed in one coat. This represents the complete surfacing of the urban portion of the section.



Kopu-Raglan:—■ Thames County : A contract was let for reconstruction and sealing between Puriri and Kopu, a distance of 4m. 20 ch. Reconstruction was practically completed, and m. between Puriri and Matatoki sealed in one coat. Ohinemuri County : The section between Thames County boundary and Paeroa received a second-coat seal during the year. Between Paeroa and Tirohia, a distance of 4J m., was also given a second coat. A contract was let for two-coat sealing between Tirohia and Te Aroha, a distance of 7 m., and the work was completed, making the sealing continuous from Hikutaia through Paeroa and Te Aroha to Morrinsville. The reconstruction and metalling of Im. 50 ch. near Waitoki was carried out. A new bridge 25 ft. long was constructed over the Patuwhao Stream near Mangaiti. Level-crossings at Mangaiti Station and Mace's were re-formed to easy curves, metalled and sealed. Waikato County : A further 15J ch. of the Hinton's Gully deviation was completed during the year, and the whole deviation of 68J ch. opened for traffic. 2m. 30 ch. of sealing, west of Eureka Station Road, was carried out. Waipa County : The reconstruction of this section, sm. 51 ch. in length, is in hand. Hamilton-Rotorua: — Cambridge Borough : The sealing of 14 ch. was carried out. Matamata County : A total length of 7m. 10 ch. was sealed during the year. Waitoa-Tau/po: — Piako County : A contract was carried out for the reconstruction and two-coat sealing of 3 m. 30 ch. Matamata County: Second-coat sealing was applied to Im. 73 ch. between Tirau and Putaruru. The Mangawhero Stream Bridge, of one 25 ft. span in concrete, was completed. A concrete bridge, of one 40 ft. span, has been constructed over the Oraka Stream at Putaruru. Matamata-Tauranga : — Matamata County : The Mangawhero Stream Bridge, of one 40 ft. and two 10 ft. concrete spans, was completed. A concrete culvert, 9 ft. by 8 ft., was built to replace a small bridge east of the Waihou Stream, and 28 ch. of deviation formed and metalled. Papakwra-Kawakawa, via Clevedon : — Manukau County : Black's Bridge, consisting of one 35 ft. concrete span, with approaches, was completed. A contract was let for the construction of the Waitarata Bridge and approaches, on the newly-declared length of this highway. Drury-Awhitu, via Waiuku. —Franklin County : Alignment and sealing carried out on a length of 1 m. 69 ch. between Pukekohe and Paerata. Takapuna-Silverdale. —Waitemata County : Reconstruction and sealing were completed over a length of 62 ch. Te Aroha - Waharoa. —Piako County : Reconstruction and sealing were carried out over a length of 3 m. 60 ch. Mount Albert - Royal Oak. —Mount Roskill Road District: A contract has been let for the reconstruction and concrete paving of a length of 34 ch., 12 ft. wide. Te Awamutu - Barton's Corner.—Waipa County : From Te Awamutu Borough to 7 ch. south of Puniu Bridge, 117 ch. of two-coat sealing was completed. Henderson-Kumeu, via Swanson : — Henderson Town District: Reconstruction was commenced, and 20 ch. of base-course metal laid. Waitemata County : The reconstruction of 57| ch. was commenced. Kaukapakapa - Port Albert. —Waitemata County : The approaches to the Waitangi Bridge were completed, and the erection of the Makarau Bridge, consisting of one 8 ft. and two 30 ft. spans, together with its approaches, was carried out. Waikumete - West Coast: —■ Glen Eden Town District: Reconstruction was carried out over a length of Im. 43 ch. Waitemata County : 60 ch. of reconstruction was put in hand. Te Kauwhata - Waitakaruru. —Waikato County: Rock's deviation, 16 oil. in length, was completed. Papakura-Hunua. —Franklin County : A contract has been let for Lockwood's Bridge, a single 18 ft. concrete span. Papatoetoe-Howick:— Papatoetoe Town District: Second-coat sealing was applied on al3 ch. length. Manukau County : Two-coat sealing is in hand. Howiek-Manurewa.—Manukau County : Kimpton's and Hunterville Bridges, of one 32 ft. and one 20 ft. span respectively, were erected. Tuakau-Onewhero. —Raglan County : 90 ch. was sealed in two coats.



Ngatea-Waharoa, via Morrinsville : — Piako County : Reconstruction and sealing were carried out lor a length of Im. 30 ch. northwards from Tahuna Township ; 2m. from Hangawliera Road to Tauhei Road, and 2m. eastward from Walton Township. Matamata County —Waitoa Stream Bridge : A concrete bridge of two 20 ft. and one 25 ft. spans, with 10 ch. of approaches, was completed. Tuakau-Pokeno, via Whangarata.—Tuakau Town District. : A contract for sealing a length of 48 ch. was carried out. Waihi Beach. —Waihi Borough : Three corners on the Gorge section were straightened to one easy curve by two heavy cuttings and a fill. In addition, a length of 12 ch. near the Beach on a high fill was widened to 24 ft. Ngatea-Turua. —-Hauraki Plains County : A contract was let for reconstruction and sealing of the unsealed length of 1 m. 56 ch., and reconstruction completed. Waihi-Tauranga.—Tauranga County : 56 ch. was sealed in two coats, and 2m. 32 ch. received a second coat. Tauranga-Whakatane : — Tauranga County : 82 ch. of second-coat sealing was applied, and 3m. sealed in two coats. Twin Bridges : A 24 ft. span concrete bridge was erected, replacing two small wooden bridges. Atuaroa Bridge : This single 40 ft. concrete span was completed. Whakatane County : 28 ch. of two-coat sealing in Matata Township was carried out. Gisborne-Whakatane, via Motu : — Whakatane County —Roberts' Culvert and Deviation : An 8 ft. by 6 ft. concrete culvert was installed to replace a small bridge, and 35 ch. of deviation formed and metalled. Nukuhou Bridge : A concrete bridge, 72 ft. long, was completed. Waiotahi Bluffs : Three groynes, each 165 ft. long, were erected to protect the highway from sea-erosion. Stone-pitching of the toe of the bank is also to be carried out. Hamilton-Rotorua (No. 3 District). —2 m. 10 ch. of deviation was formed and metalled and Bm. 24 ch. of two-coat sealing carried out. Rotorua-Napier (No. 3 District) :— Rotorua County : sm. of two-coat sealing was completed. Wharepapa and Mangākara Bridges : These concrete bridges, each of one 30 ft. span, were erected. Mangahoanga Bridge : The existing bridge was replaced with twin 5 ft. concrete pipes. Taupo Township : 3m. 28 ch. of two-coat sealing was completed. Waitoa-Taupo (No. 3 District). —-Mangaharakeke Bridge: A concrete bridge of one 30ft. span was erected. Rotorua-Whakatane: — Rotorua County : 5J- in. of two-coat sealing was completed. Puarenga Bridge : This 40 ft. span concrete bridge was completed. Wingaiti Bridge : A single 20 ft. span concrete bridge was erected, replacing an old bridge. Whakatane County —Reid's Drain Bridge : The old bridge was replaced by an 8 ft. span concrete bridge 66 ft. wide. Maungaroa Bridge : A 6 ft. by 6 ft. concrete culvert was installed to replace this bridge. Qisborne-Opotiki, via Ooast (No. 3 District). —Oruaiti Bridge : This bridge having been carried away by a slip, an 8 ft. by 4 ft. concrete culvert was built in its place. Rotorua-Tauranga (Direct). —Tauranga County: 4m. was widened and metalled. Papamoa - Mount Maunganui. —2 m. was widened and Im. metalled. Rotorua-Atiamuri. —1| m. was metalled and 5 m. coated with pumice. Gisborne-Opotiki, via Motu : — Cook County : The reconstruction of 2| m. was completed, and the length sealed in two coats. Waikohu County : The metalling and sealing of fm. through the Te Karaka Township was completed. Gisborne-Wairoa, via Morere.—Cook County—Wharerata Hill: Reconstruction over a distance of 2J m. has been continued. Gisborne-Opotiki, via Coast (No. 4 District) : — Cook County : 4 miles to 6 miles : The contract for reconstruction and sealing of 2m. was completed. Tatapouri Deviation : This 45 ch. deviation has been completed. Gisborne-Wairoa, via Hangaroa : —• Cook County : 6m. 56 ch. to 44 m. : The sealing of 3m. 8 ch., and the reconstruction of a further length of 3 m. have been carried out. Harris Hill—Reconstruction : The metalling of this section was completed, the length being 3 m. 44 ch. 25 m. to 25 m. 64 ch. : This section was reconstructed and metalled. 25 m. 64 ch. to 27 m. 64 ch. : Improvements to grade, width, and alignment are in progress, 1| m. being completed. 24 m. 64 ch. to 43 m. 20 ch. : Five small timber bridges have been replaced by pipe culverts. Improvements to alignment and width have been effected in conjunction with these replacements.



Patutahu-Rere: —• Cook County : 1 m. 31 oh. of formation and Jm. of metalling have been carried out. An old wooden bridge has been replaced by a 10 ft. by 6 ft. concrete culvert. Waikohu County : A 7 ft. by 6 ft. concrete culvert has been constructed. Takapau-Ihungia. —Waiapu County : The Makarika Stream bridge, comprising three 40 ft. steel-joist spans on concrete piers, with concrete deck, has been erected. Hicks Bay Wharf Highway. —The construction of a 250 ft. concrete bridge over the Wharekahika River was commenced. N apisr-G-isborm, via Wairoa, Hawke's Bay County : — Napier Borough Boundary to Te Ngaru Crossing : A deviation 40 ch. in length, avoiding the Whirinaki Hdl and eliminating six sharp curves, is nearing completion. Te Ngaru Crossing to Tutira : The widening of this section has been completed. Tutira to Waikare : Extensive widening and metalling have been carried out. Wairoa Borough : 67 ch. was reconstructed, and sealed in two coats. Napier-Wellington, via Wairarapa (No. 5 District) :— Hawke's Bay County : This section, which had broken up badly, was metalled for a length of If m. and sealed in two coats. A concrete bridge of 30 ft. span was built at Pakipaki, also a 6 ft. concrete pipe culvert, works which replaced two narrow wooden bridges. Waitangi Washout Bridge : This bridge, consisting of twenty 40 ft. concrete spans with a 24 ft. deck, together with its approaches, was completed. The bridge eliminates two levelcrossings. Waitangi Stream Bridge : The construction of this fifteen-span bridge is in progress. Waipawa County : A length of 3m. 21 ch., from Waipawa Borough to Otane, was reconstructed and sealed. Waipukurau County : The sealing of 2m. 66 ch. was completed. Dannevirke County : Manawatu Hill Deviation : The formation of this deviation, 66 ch. long, is nearing completion. Woodville County : A deviation of 4J ch. at Papatawa railway-crossing was completed. 1 m. of original sealed surfaces has been reconstructed, in preparation for improved surfacing. Rotorua-Napier (No. 5 District) : — Hawke's Bay County : Widening has been carried out between Maori G-ully and Te Pohue, and is in hand near Glengarry. Mohaka Bridge - Rangitaiki River : A 6 ft. by 4 ft. water-drive, 76 ft. long, was put in at Peka Creek, to replace the existing bridge. The Waipunga River Bridge, consisting of one 40 ft. and two 20 ft. steel-joist spans, was completed. Napier-Hastings, via Fernhill. —A contract for metalling and sealing sm. 10 ch., from the RedclyHe Bridge to Fernhill, was carried out. Otane-TukituM, via Elsthorpe. —Hawke's Bay County : A 40 ft. concrete bridge was constructed over the Oho Stream. Waipawa-Tikokino. —A length of Im. at the Waipawa end was reconstructed and sealed. Two-mile Creek Bridge : A contract has been let for the erection of this bridge. Waipawor-Ongaonga. —1 m. was sealed in one coat. Dannevirke-Waipukurau, via — Waipukurau County : The contract for sealing Im. 59 ch. was completed, and a further contract let for 2 m. 76 ch., of which 2 m. 40 ch. has been completed. Patangata County : The Kokomoko Bridge, of one 40 ft. concrete span, was erected. Weber County Section, Morgan's Bridge and Approaches : Contracts for these works are in progress. Dannevirke-Waipukurau, via Porangahau.—Dannevirke County : 3m. of two-coat sealing was carried out. Hastings-Maraekakaho. —2| m. was reconstructed and metalled. Ruakituri Valley.—Te Reinga Bridge: The erection of a 278 ft. suspension bridge, to replace the existing bridge, is in hand. W aipawa-Pourerere: — Patangata County : The erection of Logan's Bridge was completed, the structure comprising three 45 ft. concrete spans. Two culverts of 11 ft. span were erected. via Hatuma :— Waipawa County : 1 m. through the Takapau Township has been sealed. Waipukurau County : 1 m. 55 ch. has been prepared, and a contract let for the sealing. Mangateretere - Te Awanga: — 2 m. at the Mangateretere end was reconstructed, and sealed in two coats. An 8 ft. span concrete culvert was put in at Muddy Creek. Petane-Eskdale. —This highway was reconstructed, and sealed in two coats. Takapau Saleyards:— This highway, 36 ch. in length, was reconstructed in preparation for sealing.



Takapau West:— Reconstruction of the full length of 72 ch., in preparation for sealing next year, was carried out. Hastings-Waimarama:— Hawke s Bay County : 28 ch. deviation, with an 8 ft. span concrete culvert, was put in at the western end of the Tukituki River Bridge. A new concrete bridge over the Waipuka Stream was completed. Auckland-Wellington, via Taranaki (No. 6 District).—Te Kuiti - Pio Pio Section: This length has been reformed, metalled, and prepared for sealing, the contract for which has been let. Te Kuiti - Bulls, via Taumarunui (No. 6 District) :— Mangaiti Turnoff - Mapiu Gates : 1 m. 20 oh. of re-formation was completed, and base-course metalling commenced. Manunui Town District : Im. 30 ch. of re-formation and metalling was completed in preparation for sealing. Stratford-Taumarunui (No. 6 District) .—Between Taumarunui and the Ohura County boundary the elimination of two sharp corners is in hand. Raurimu - Wade's Landing.—Meade's Bridge : This bridge, 35 ft. in length, of steel joists on concrete abutments, was completed. PioPio-Tatu.—2 m. of re-formation, terminating at the Waitewhena Stream Bridge, was completed. National Park-Taupo.—National Park-Tongariro River Bridge, Otukou Deviation: Im. 30 ch. of re-formation was completed, and 1J m. coated with shingle. Manunui-Owhango. Im. of re-formation was completed between Manunui and the Victory Bridge. Auckland-Wellington, via Taranaki (No. 7district) 1 :— Clifton County : A short deviation on Mount Messenger has been completed. In the Minn Valley a further 60 ch. of the deviation has been formed and 103 ch. metalled. The formation of a deviation near the Okoke Road Junction is in hand, 33 ch. of formation and 18 ch. of metalling being completed. The Crenui Hill Deviation has been completed by the metalling of 26 ch. north of Urenui. 2 ni. 41 ch. between Urenui and the Ohanga Road Junction has been prepared, and sealed in one coat. Taranaki County . At Lepperton Junction a 13 oh. deviation has been formed, metalled and sealed. Hawera County : 24 ch. of formation of the Tangahoe Deviation was carried out, and at the end of the year the Tangahoe Stream Bridge was nearing completion. Lepperton Junction - Hawera, via Opunake :— 40 ch. of new formation, providing improved alignment of the Oakura Hill section, has been completed. Egmont County . A contract has been let for the construction of a new bridge over the Ouri Stream. New Plymouth- Kaimata.—The formation, metalling, and sealing of a deviation 36 ch. in length, west of the Waiwakaiho River, and the reconstruction and sealing of a further 57 ch., have been carried out. Opunake-Eltharn.—Eltham County : The bituminous surfacing has been widened to 18 ft. over a 40 ch. section, east of Kaponga. Stratford-Taumarunui (No. 7 District) :— The formation of a short deviation at the foot of the Whangamomona Saddle was completed. The Makahu and Raekohua Stream bridges, of 35 ft. and 20 ft. spans, have been erected" and the construction of a concrete bridge of one 16 ft, and two 45 ft, spans, at the Mangapapa Stream, is in hand. The Moki Saddle tunnel was completed early in the year, and 15 ch. of approach-road formed. Skeet Highway.—l m. 70 ch. of bituminous surfacing was widened to 15 ft. Oliawe-Skeet. —3£ m. of bituminous surfacing was widened to 14 ft. Flood Damage.—On the 9th January and 2nd February, 1936, disastrous floods caused a great deal of of damage in the district, twelve bridges and concrete culverts being either destroyed or seriously damaged. Restoration works are well in hand. Auckland-Wellington, via Taranaki (No. 8 District) : — Patea County : The reconstruction and metalling of 33 ch. of the Manawapou Hill, and the reconstruction of 25 ch. of the Whenuakura Hill were completed. The reconstruction of 52 ch. of the Waitotara Hill is well advanced. Waitotara County : The metalling of Im. 32 ch. was completed, and a contract let for the reconstruction of 62-| ch. Sealing, in one coat, of Im. 51 ch. at Maxwell and 11 ch. on the Kai Iwi Hill, was carried out. A second sealing-coat was applied over a further length of 60 ch. Rangitikei County : Glasgow's Deviation, 54 ch. in length, was sealed in one coat, thereby completing the sealing of the county section.



Te Kuiti- Bulls, via Taumarunui (No. 8 District):- — Tohanga Road Section : 6 ch. of reconstruction and Im. 36 ch. of metalling were carried out, and a contract let for the construction of the Rongokaupo Stream Culvert. Rangitikei County : The reconstruction of Bm. of the Mangaweka-Utiki section was put in hand. Greatford-Bulls Section : The reconstruction and base-course metalling of 3m. 50 ch. and the installation of a 10 ft. by 4 ft. concrete culvert at Greatford were carried out. 10 ch. in Ohingaiti Township was sealed, a wooden bridge was replaced by a 4 ft. pipe culvert, and a contract was let for the widening of the Porewa Stream Bridge. Taihape Borough: The reconstruction of two lengths, totalling Im. 46 ch., has been commenced. Kaharoa Highway. —A length of 30 ch. was sealed. Kohi Highway. —43 ch. in Kohi Gorge was re-formed, metalled, and 38 ch. prepared for sealing. East and Watershed Highway.■ —Metalling was continued over a length of 3m. 50 ch. between Kauarapaoa Road and Road. A length of Im. remains to complete this highway as an all-weather road. Wanganui-Horopito : — Wanganui County: 2m. of widening, Im. 45 ch. of regrading, Im. 37 ch. of metalling, and 38 ch. of fencing were carried out on the hill section. 2m. 4 ch. between Wanganui East and Upokongaro was reconstructed and metalled in preparation for sealing. Pipiriki-Raetihir-Ohakune: — Ohakune Borough : 2m. 26 ch. was reconstructed and sealed, and the Mangateitei Stream Bridge, a rigid-frame concrete structure of 45 ft. span, was erected. Raetihi Borough : 7 ch. was regraded on the approach to the Makotuku Stream Bridge, and 8| ch. widened near the western boundary. Wanganui-Karioi. —Wanganui County : At 30| m. a large concrete pipe culvert, 80 ft. long, and a water-drive, 90 ft. by 9 ft. by 5 ft. at Chimney Creek have been put in, to replace old timber bridges. 40 ch. of re-formation and metalling in preparation for sealing was carried out. Awahuri-Mangaweka, via Kimbolton (No. 8 District). —Mangaweka Town District: The Mangateweka Stream Bridge, a 30 ft. concrete span, was completed. Waverley Beach Highway. —Patea County : 33 ch. of metalling was carried out. Turakina-Cliff Road, via Marton-Rangitikei County —Turakina-Marton Section : A contract was let for the re-formation and metalling of 8 m. 38 ch., and at the end of the year 2 m. 14 ch. of reconstruction and base-course metalling were completed. Two concrete culverts were installed, one at Bonny Glen and the other near Fern Plats Junction. Waitotara Valley Highway. —Waitotara County : 15 ch. of widening near Waitotara and on Parekama Hill has been completed. Wellington-Auckland, via Taranaki (No. 9 District) :— Makara County —Porirua-Paremata Section : The realignment of this section was completed by the construction of 8 ch. of formation and 63 ch. of metalling on deviations. The whole length of 75 ch. received a coat of tar-primer. Manawatu County — Section : The deviation and raising of this 2-|-mile section, between the Manawatu River and Foxton, which has been flooded on numerous occasions, has been put in hand. Included in the proposal is the renewal of the Whirokino Bridge, of 550 ft., and the construction of a concrete viaduct 55 ch. in length. Himatangi-Sanson Section : At Himatangi 40 ch. was prepared for sealing and a tar-primer applied. From Sanson southwards, sm. of reconstruction and road-mix bituminous surfacing has been completed. Sanson-Bulls Section—Piakatutu and Makowhai Bridges : These concrete bridges, each of one 20 ft. span, were completed. Wellington-Napier, via Wairarapa (No. 9 District). —Akatarawa-Rimutaka Summit : On the Mungaroa Hill 46 ch. of heavy widening on a narrow section was carried out. Awahuri-Mangaweka, via Kimbolton. —Iviwitea County : Between Cheltenham and Kimbolton 3m. 75 ch. has been reconstructed, and of this length 3 m. 35 ch. was tar-primed and sealed in one coat. Feilding-Cliff Road, via Stanway. —Feilding Borough : 54 ch. was prepared, tar-primed, and sealed in one coat. Levin - Paimerston North, via Shannon :— Horowhenua County —Waoku Bridge and Deviation : This concrete bridge, of one 32 ft. span, was completed, also a 14 ch. deviation at the bridge-site. Ihakara Hill: South of Shannon an unsurfaced gap of 3m. is being prepared for sealing. Mangaore Bridge : This bridge, comprising two 30 ft. concrete beam-spans, was completed. Ashhurst-Pohangina.—Oroua County : 3 m. has been reconstructed, and 40 ch. primed. Upper Hutt - Waikanae. —Widening near Akatarawa : Widening was continued during the year, a length of 1 m. 10 ch. being completed, and 62 ch. metalled. Longburn-Rongotea.—ln the Rongotea Township preparation, tar-priming, and one-coat sealing were completed over a length of 40 ch.



Bunnythorpe-Kairanga.-—2 m. has been reconstructed, tar-primed, and sealed in one coat. The whole of this highway is now sealed. Pahautanui-Plimmerton.—ln the Plimmerton Township 25 ch. was prepared, tar-primed, and sealed. Pohangina Valley - Apiti.—Pohangina County—Porewa, Te Ekaou, and Opawe Bridges : These three concrete bridges, two being of 30 ft. and the last of 50 ft. span, were erected. Otaki Beach Highway.—Otaki Borough : 2m. 56 ch. has been prepared for sealing, and has received a coat of tar-primer. Paremata-Plimmerton:— Im. of formation of this new highway has been completed. A length of 20 ch. is still in hand. Paremata Bridge : This concrete bridge over the Porirua Harbour, between Paremata and Plimmerton, consisting of nine 50 ft. spans, is in hand. At the end of March 200 ft. had been erected, and the bridge is now nearing completion. Wellington-Napier, via Wairarapa (No. 10 District) : — Rimutaka Summit - Featherston : 1 m. 11 ch. of widening in rock was carried out on a narrow length of the Rimutaka Hill. Wairarapa South County : The northern abutment of the Waiohine Bridge is being protected by placing large concrete blocks. Masterton County : At the north end of this section 41 ch. of widening and preparation for sealing were completed, also 18 ch. of deviations. Mauriceville County : Preparation for sealing was completed over a distance of 3m. 31 ch., and of this 30 ch. was tar-primed and sealed in one coat. Eketahuna County : Preparation was completed over a length of 2m. 33 ch., and 50 ch. tar-primed and sealed in one coat. Pahiatua County : Bm. of preparation and 2m. 73 ch. of tar-priming and first-coat sealing were completed. Pahiatua-Akitio, via Pongaroa :— Pahiatua County : Heavy widening was carried out for a length of 37 ch. in the Makuri Gorge. Some of this work comprised the restoration of earthquake damage. Hotel Bridge : A contract has been let and work is in hand on this concrete bridge, of one 34 ft. arched span. Akitio County.—Gichards Bridge, of one 28 ft. concrete span, was erected. Lodge Bridge, of similar construction, has also been completed. Wareware Bridge, of one 30 ft. concrete span, has been erected, and Meech's culvert, 8 ft. by 6 ft. by 97 ft. long, is in hand. Masterton-Weber, via Alfredton : — Mauriceville County : Widening and raising above flood-level were carried out over a length of 53 ch. Eketahuna County : A contract is in hand for Napier's Bridge, comprising one 45 ft., two 42 ft., and one 33 ft. concrete spans. Widening was completed over a length of 16 ch. Akitio County, Kohiku Bridge : This 30 ft. concrete bridge is in course of erection. Masterton-Castlepoint, via Tinui :— Masterton County : The Wangaehu Overflow Bridges at 2-2 m. and 2-3 m. were completed. Castlepoint County : A contract for a 20 ch. deviation is in hand. Masterton-Stronvar, via Weraiti. —Masterton County : The Wangaehu Overflow Bridge at 0-6 m. has been completed. The Awatiritiri Bridge was replaced by a concrete culvert 9 ft. by 9 ft. bv 48 ft. long. Martinborough-Masterton, via Gladstone : — Featherston County : Preparation was completed over a length of 69 ch., and Im. of tarpriming and one-coat sealing applied. Masterton County : Preparation, tar-priming, and one-coat sealing were carried out over a length of 2 m. 58 ch. The Makoura Stream Bridge, of one 25 ft. concrete span, was completed. Tupurupuru -Te Wharau.—Wairarapa South County : The Deep Creek Bridge, of one 55 ft. arched concrete span, was constructed. Carterton-Longbush.—Wairarapa South County : A bridge at om. 35 ch., of one 9 ft. concrete span, was completed, and contracts are in hand for the renewal of three other small bridges on this highway. Martinborough-Awhea.—Featherston County : 40 ch. of preparation for sealing was carried out. Martinborough - Lake Ferry : — Featherston County : The preparation of 2m. 22 ch. and the priming and one-coat sealing of 2 m, 13 ch. were completed. Perry's Bridge, of two 13 ft. concrete spans, and Kelly's Bridge, of one 12 ft. concrete span, have been erected. Kahautara Highway.—Featherston County : Tar-priming and one-coat sealing were carried out over a length of 3m. 32 ch. William's Bridge was replaced by a concrete box culvert. Featherston - Pigeon Bush.—Featherston County : Preparation, priming, and one-coat sealing were completed over 45 ch.



Pahiatua Station Highway. — Pahiatua County : Im. 2 ch. of preparation, priming, and one-coat sealing was carried out, completing the sealing of this highway. Ponotahi Highway.—Featherston County : Tar-priming and one-coat sealing were applied over a distance of 55 ch. Rimu Highway— Akitio County : Robertson's Bridge, of one 35 ft. concrete span, was completed. Te Ore Ore - Bideford. —Masterton County : The Taueru River Bridge, comprising two 50 ft. and one 60 ft. concrete spans, was erected. Mangaone Valley Highway : — • Eketahuna County : A contract was let and work commenced on Godfrey's Bridge. Pahiatua County : 15 ch. of widening was carried out. The Mangaone River Bridge, comprising one 80 ft. concrete arch span and two 33 ft. landspans, was completed. Pahiatua Borough : Preparation, tar-priming, and one-coat sealing were carried out over a length of 44 ch. Blairlogie-Langdale. —Masterton County : 30 ch. of heavy widening was completed. Picton-Bluff (No. 11 District) : — Picton Borough : 20 ch. has been prepared for sealing. Marlborough County : The Long Gully Culvert, consisting of triple 42 in. iron pipes, 40 ft. long, and the formation and metalling of 17 ch. of approaches were carried out. Awatere County : The construction of the Hog Swamp Bridge Deviation, involving the formation and metalling of 20 ch., has been completed. A contract for the erection of the bridge is in progress. 60 ch. of widening was carried out between Dashwood and Awatere Bridge, and scrub protective work placed at Kekerangu Beach. Blenheim-Nelson: — Marlborough County: Raising formation at Canvastown : This work, comprising the raising of 16 ch. on the Blenheim side of the Wakamarina Bridge and 11 ch. on the Nelson side, is in hand. Marriott's Creek Culvert: This work, comprising the construction of alO ft. span concrete culvert, together with the formation and metalling of ch. of approaches, and the construction of 10J ch. of creek diversion, has been completed. Waimea County : Collins and Whangamoa Valleys : This work has been extended to include the whole of the section from the Rai Saddle to the foot of the Whangamoa Hill on the Nelson side, a total distance of 18 m. During the year 9 m.. 36 ch. of widening and improvement to grade and alignment have been completed, together with 6 m. 21 ch. of base-course and 4 m. 55 ch. of top-course metalling. Nelson-Inangahua (No. 11 District) : — Waimea County. —Richmond-Belgrove Section : Bituminous plant-mix surfacing has been applied over a distance of 13 m. 52 ch. This makes the length of continuous sealing on this highway, from Nelson City, 21 m. 28 ch. Twin 30 in. pipe culverts have been installed at several creeks on this section, replacing fords and obsolete structures. Foxhill-Glenhope Section : Newport's Creek Bridge : This 13 ft. span concrete bridge has been erected. Tunniclifie's Gully Bridge, a 35 ft. concrete beam span, together with the protection of the abutments by stone crates, and the formation and metalling of 5 ch. of approaches, have been completed. Moorhouse Creek Bridge, comprising a concrete beam span, and the formation and metalling of 5 ch. of approaches, has been completed. Little Hope Stream Bridge : The construction of this 31 ft. concrete bridge was carried out. Hope Saddle-Kawatiri: The widening and improvement to grade and alignment on the Hope Saddle was extended to cover the section to Kawatiri. During the year sm. 68 ch. has been completed, together with two short deviations. Base-course metalling has been completed over 4 m. 48 ch. and top-course over 1 m. 74 ch. Murchison County. —Kawatiri Creek Bridge : The erection of a 23 ft. concrete span and the formation and metalling of 7 ch. of approaches have been put in hand. Owen River Bridge Approaches : The approaches, including a deviation, cover a distance of 30 ch., and of this 17 ch. was constructed during the year, together with approaches to the Owen River East Bank Road, and the installation of two pipe culverts. The work has been completed. Kerr's Creek Culvert : This work included the construction of an 8 ft. by 8 ft. concrete culvert, 2 ch. of creek diversion, and the formation and metalling of 3 ch. of approaches, and has been completed. Staircase Creek Culvert: The erection of a 6 ft. by 4 ft. concrete culvert, the construction of 1 ch. of creek diversion, and the formation and metalling of 2| ch. of approaches have been carried out. Buller Gorge : The first of a series of retaining-walls in the Gorge is in progress. This wall is of the reinforced concrete cantilever type, and extends for a length of 78 ft. O'Rourke's No. 2 Creek Bridge : The construction of this bridge, comprising a 45 ft. concrete span, and the formation and metalling of 4 ch. of approaches, is in hand. Richmond-Collingwood:— Waimea County : 3m. 9 ch. was sealed in two coats, Takaka Hill Section : The widening and improvement to grade and alignment have been continued. The deviation to eliminate Hawk's Craig has been completed, Im. 48 ch. being constructed during the year, and 4m. 31 ch. of reconstruction of the existing highway. Base-course metalling over 6 m. has been completed.



Spring Creek-Raranga.—Chaytor's Bridge: A contract for this work, comprising a 34ft, concrete bridge and the formation and metalling of 5 ch. of approaches, is in hand. Murchison-Reef ton :— Woodcock's Creek Culvert: A contract for a concrete box culvert 8 ft. by 6 ft., with 5 ch. of approaches, lias been completed. Bunting's Creek Bridge : This work, comprising the construction of a 14 ft, span concrete bridge and 3 ch. of approaches, was carried out. Appleby—Motueka, via Tasman. 0 Connor s Creek Bridge : The erection of this bridge, of one 38 ft concrete span, has been completed, and the approaches are in hand. Motueka Wharf Highway.—Motueka Borough : 48 ch. has been sealed in two coats. Takakar-Temkohe.—Takaka, Town District: 49 ch. of two-coat sealing is in hand. Collingwood-Bainham.—B ch. of two-coat sealing has been completed in Collingwood Township. Westport-Karamea : — Kongahu Deviation . The formation of this deviation, 2|- m. long, which was necessitated by sea-erosion, is nearing completion. Mokihmui River Bridge : Eight stringer spans ill rimu, of a total length of 200 ft,, are being renewed in reinforced concrete ; the temporary bridge connecting with the hardwood trass spans has been built, and three piers concreted. Jones Creek Bridge: A weak steel and timber bridge has been replaced by a concrete structure of 46 ft. span. A small creek nearby has been bridged by al2 ft. span. The highway in the vicinity, which was subject to flooding, has been raised over a length of 13 ch., and stopbanks built for the control of the main creek. Karamea Bridge - Karamea Post-office : Raising road near Dairy Factory : This work, consisting of a filling across a flood-channel and the erection of a timber bridge, is in hand. Westport-Mokihinui Section: Improvements om. to 3 m.: A further length of 27 ch. has been widened to 24 ft. Inangahua Junction - West port: — _ Westport Borough : A length of 22 ch. has been sealed, completing the sealing of the borough section. Buller County : At 19 m. 47 ch. (Stitt's Bluff) a cantilever reinforced concrete wall, 67 ft, in length, has been completed, and improvements to the adjoining length of highway are in hand. Extensive widening has been carried out on Waimea and Norris' Hills, at Nine-mile Creek and in the vicinity of Tiroroa, Five-mile Creek Culvert : A 6 ft. by 6 ft. concrete culvert has been completed, and the approaches widened. Nelson-Inangahua Junction (No. 12 District) .—8 m. Inangahua Junction ; Arnold Creek Culvert : A concrete culvert 6 ft. by 6 ft. by 56 ft. long, on improved alignment, has been built to replace a timber bridge. Inangahua Junction - Weheka : — Bourke's Creek Bridge : The existing timber bridge is being replaced by a single 50 ft. concrete span. Landing Creek Bridge : The former timber bridge has been replaced bv a concrete structure of three 35 ft. spans. York Creek Bridge : The construction of this 40 ft. span concrete bridge, on the deviation near Larry's Creek, has been completed. Minehan's Creek Bridges : These two 30 ft, and 40 ft, single-span concrete bridges are being built to eliminate two open fords. The highway is also being deviated for 37 ch. to provide better alignment. During the year the formation of the deviation and part of the metalling have been completed, while all piles have been driven for the bridges. Friend's Creek Bridges : Three 28-ft,-span concrete bridges, together with 61 ch. of widening and improvement of the highway, have been completed. Deviation near Larry s Creek : This deviation, 36 ch. in length, which eliminates two levelcrossings, has been completed. Reefton Township : A 92 ch. length, leading from the railway-station to the centre of the township, has been prepared for sealing. Devil's Creek Bridge : The construction of this 40 ft. span concrete bridge has been completed. Adamstown Creek Overflow Bridge : A 12-ft,-span concrete structure has been built to replace an old timber bridge. Greymouth—Brunner Improvements ; Improvements of this 2-f- m. section, consisting chiefly of raising low lengths, improving curves, culverting, and drainage, including an 8 ft. by 8 ft, concrete culvert, were carried out. The largest filling was at Kaiata Creek, where a 25 ch. length, frequently flooded 3 ft, deep, was lifted. Kaiata Creek Bridge : A concrete bridge of 40 ft. span has been constructed. Racecourse Creek Bridge : This 42 ft. hardwood bridge has been strengthened, and widened to 20 ft. Greymouth-Omoto Improvements : Improvements in grade, line, and width of a 22 ch. length have been completed, and a further length of I m. 30 ch. commenced. Paroa—Taramakau : A length of 3m. 66 ch. was reconstructed and sealed. Brunner Borough : Sealing was completed over a length of 3m. 52 ch.



Kumara - Flowery Creek Deviation : This Bm. deviation, which will reduce the distance between Greymouth and Hokitika by 8|- m., and includes six bridges, in in progress, the formation of 3m. 9 ch. being completed. . , . Kaihinu - Flowery Creek : A length of Im. 56 ch. has been reconstructed and sealed, also a short length at Shenandoah Creek. . Hokitika River Bridge at Kanieri : The 165 ft. temporary bridge, replacing three spans demolished by flood, was completed and a contract has recently been let for the construction of a new reinforced concrete bridge 806 ft. long. IM , Deep Creek Bridge : A contract has been let for the construction of a 10 ft. by .10 It. by 10 A It. concrete culvert to replace the timber bridge. The work includes 36 ch. of realignment. Gow's Creek Culvert: The construction of al2 ft. by 11 ft. concrete culvert, on improved alignment, has been completed. The road work is in hand. T . Urquhart's Creek Culvert: The 8 ft. by 8 ft. culvert and associated road-improvements have been completed. Arthurs Pass - Kumara : — Kelly's Creek Bridge : This 120 ft. concrete bridge has been completed. North Creek Culvert : This 8 ft. by 8 ft. concrete culvert, together with 72 ch. of improvement to width and alignment, is in hand. Humphrey's Creek Culvert: An 8 ft. by 8 ft. concrete culvert and 12 ch. of approaches have been Cu°lverts te near Jackson's : The construction of two small reinforced concrete culverts and the straightening and regrading of 14 ch. of highway are in progress. The above four culverts eliminate open fords which gave trouble m times oi heavy ram. Rangiriri Creek Bridge : This 22 ft. span concrete bridge has been completed. Taipo River Bridge : This bridge, which consisted of four 110 ft. timber truss-spans on cylinder piers, had become unsafe!, and is being reconstructed, utilizing two of the existing piers. The new structure will consist of two 110 ft. plate-girder spans and one 40 ft steel ]oist span, with reinforced-concrete deck and abutments, a deep filling being substituted for one full span alld During f the°year a temporary bridge, 200 ft. long, and concrete abutments, have been built, and the erection of the new superstructure is in progress. _ Rocky Point Culvert: A 6 ft. by 6 ft. concrete culvert, with a retammg-waii at its outlet, is being constructed to replace a timber bridge. . Goat Creek Bridge : A contract has been let for a bridge over this creek and the improvement of 16 ch. of approaches. The bridge will consist of two 20 ft. hardwood stringer spans and one 40 ft. steel-joist span, on ironbark piles. Westport-Greymouth Goast Highway: — Four Mile - Charleston Section : The improvement of the surface of this section has been undertaken over considerable lengths. . i i• i Protective Work at 13 m. 10 ch. : The bank of the Little Totara River below the highway has been revetted with stone. Charleston - Fox's River Section : Widening and metalling have proceeded throughout the year. Deep Creek Gorge has been greatly improved, and widening is m progress between Bromielow Creek and Candlelight. Fox's River - Punakaiki Section : A series of groynes has been built along the toe of the northern approach to Fox's River Bridge. . r . , , A Rockford Creek Culvert: An 8 ft. by 4 ft. concrete culvert is being built to eliminate a ford. Greymouth-Punakaiki Section—Deviation at 9| m. : This deviation, 53 ch. m length, made necessary bv sea-erosion, has been completed. Lawson's Creek Bridge : A concrete bridge, 35 ft. long, has been completed. Coal Creek Bridge, First Crossing : This timber bridge is being reconstructed to a width ol 20 ft Runanga Borough : This 70 ch. section has been widened and prepared for sealing. Kanieri-Koiterangi.—Sto])iorth. , s Bridge : This bridge, of two 25 ft. spans, has been slewed 12 ft. to improve a dangerous approach. Lake Kanieri Highway.-Coal Creek Bridge : The timber bridge is being renewed m concrete, the new structure having a single span of 50 ft. _ Reefton-Maruia. —Crushington Deviation : In connection with the renewal of Lankey s Creek ridge a 34 ch. deviation has been formed. The bridge will be replaced by a large concrete culvert. Granity-Stockton. —Extensive works are being carried out, comprising realignment, widening, and curve-improvement, particularly of the steep zig-zag section. Waimangaroa - Burnett's Face.—Extensive widening, to a minimum of 14 ft., has been carried out. Picton-Bluff (No. 13 District).—The following bridges have been completed: Glen Colwyn Creek, one 30 ft. span ; Ruth's Creek, one 30 ft. span ; Hawkswood Creek, one 30 ft. span ; Stony Creek, three 33 ft. spans. Waivara-Kaikoura, via Culverden : _ Conway River Bridge Approaches : 32 ch. of formation was completed. Hurunui - Red Post Junction : Preparation for sealing is m hand. Hurunui - Karaka Creek : 4m. 36 ch. of sealing was carried out. Karaka Creek Bridge : This 30 ft. span bridge was erected. Mina-Gore Bay. —Shore-protection work at Gore Bay was put in hand. Leader-Waiau.—The- Castaly River and Stanton River Bridges, of two 25 ft. and one 37 ft. span respectively, were completed.

10—D. 1.



Picton-Bluff (No. 14 District) : — Eyre County : Kaiapoi Borough - Waimakariri Bridge : Shoulders of the concrete pavement were sealed for a length of 1 m. 59 ch. Rolleston-Rakaia —Bituminous surfacing : A length of 6m. was surfaced, completing the 19-| m. contract. Upper Riccarton - Arthurs Pass : — Paparua County : Masham-West Melton: Reconstruction was completed over Bm. 51 cli., and sm. of mixed-in-place and plant-mix surfacing laid. Tawera County : Waimakariri River Bridge : Piles were driven in fourteen piers, ten piers concjeted, and 308 ft. of deck-slab constructed. 53 ch. of approach road was completed. Bealey - Arthurs Pass : Widening was carried out over 63 ch. of this section. Christchurch-Akaroa: — Riccarton Borough : Two-coat seal was applied over a length of 21 ch. Springs County : 25 ch. was sealed in. two coats. Rangiora-Oxford, via Loburn.—Reconstruction and first-coat sealing of 1 m. 40 ch. were completed. Sockburn - Southbridge - Rakaia Huts : — Sockburn-Prebbleton : The two-coat sealing of 3m. 31 ch. was completed. Doyleston-Leeston : The two-coat sealing of Im. 37 ch. was completed. Leeston Town District: Reconstruction and first-coat sealing were carried out over a length of 75 ch. Christchurch - Governor's Bay. —Kiwi - Governor's Bay : The work of widening this section was completed over a length of 77 ch. Cashmere-lleathcote. —1 m. 25 ch. of sealing was carried out. Ashley Gorge.—The widening of corners has been carried out over a length of 10 m. 75 ch. Masham-Belfast. —Mixed-in-place and plant-mix surfacing was applied over a length of 1 m. 55 ch. Picton-Bluff (No. 15 District) :— Ashburton County : Rakaia River Bridge : Test-piles were driven on the line of the proposed new bridge. Ashburton-Hinds : A two-coat seal was applied over a distance of 9 m. 73 ch. Geraldine County and Borough : The original sealed surface having in course of time become very uneven, a bituminous plant-mix smoothing coat was applied over a total length of 204- m. Levels County, Timaru - Pareora River : Preparation for sealing has been carried out on lengths of this section. Waimate County, Waitaki River - McNamara's Corner : Plant-mix surfacing was applied on this 12 m. section. Deep Creek - Waihao Downs - Dip Creek.—Waimate Borough : Im. 10 ch. was similarly resurfaced. Ashburton to Junction Darjield-Arundel M.H. —Ashburton-Winchmore : Preparation for sealing was carried out over a length of 1 m. 63 ch. Geraldine-Fairlie.—Robb's Bridge, Dixon's Bridge, and Pringle's Bridge were erected, the first of 80 ft. and the two latter of 40 ft. span. Timaru-Cave. —Timaru-Gleniti: Two-coat sealing was applied over 75 ch. Timaru-Queenstown: — Washdyke - Pleasant Point: A priming-coat was applied on a length of 7m. 79 ch., also on 1 m. 30 ch. in the Pleasant Point Town District. Ma Waro Bridge : This 80 ft. bridge was completed. Ashburton-Wakanui. —Ashburton Borough : 71 ch. of plant-mix surfacing was laid. Lake Pukaki - Hermitage.—Bush Creek Bridge : All piles were driven, and ten piers, 280 ft. of beams, and 200 ft. of deck-slab concreted. Picton-Bluff (No. 16 District) : — Waitaki County : 7f m. between the Waitaki River and Pukeuri was reconstructed and sealed. Similar work is in hand between Oamaru and Maheno. Reconstruction between Waianakarua and Hampden, 3 m. 35 ch., was completed, and a two-coat seal applied between Herbert and Hampden, 6m. 55 ch. A concrete bridge, consisting of five 20 ft. spans, was erected at Big Kuri Stream. Extensive improvements were carried out between Hillgrove and Shag Point, a length of some 6m. being involved. Several sharp corners were eliminated by a 50 ch. deviation, and other sections improved by regrading on improved alignment. The elimination of the level-crossing at Kartigi by an overbridge was commenced at the end of the year. Improvements between Shag Point and Palmerston, 4 m. 50 ch., were commenced. A two-coat seal was applied on the Waikouaiti Borough section, 1 m. 41 ch. At the junction with the Evansdale-Merton Main Highway, a narrow bridge was replaced by a twin 4 ft. culvert, and the formation widened. 70 ch. on the steep section of the Kilmog Hill, between Merton and Evansdale, was widened to provide a track for horse-drawn traffic.



Timaru-Queenstown. —Construction was continued on the Lindis Pass section,2 m. 61 ch. of formation and Im. 10 cli. of metalling being completed. The erection of the Lindis River Bridge, of three 40 ft. spans, was carried out, and two 20 ft. span bridges erected over the Cardrona River. Pukeuri-Omarāma. —A 30 ch. deviation at Otematapaio was completed. Waiareka-Duntroon.—The widening of 1 m. on the Ngapara Hill was completed. Palmerston-Queenstown. —The realignment, regrading, and metalling of 3 m. 39 ch. between Chatto Creek and Springvale were carried out. The Lauder Creek Bridge, of 40 ft. span in concrete, was erected Clarksville-Springvale (No. 16 District) .—A deviation at Butcher's Gully, rendered necessary by the construction of a reservoir, was commenced, 60 ch. of formation, and 1 m. of fencing being Dunedin - Port Chalmers.—2Bs ch. of two-coat sealing was applied in the Port Chalmers Borough. St. Bathan's Loop.—A 20 ft. span bridge was erected over Station Creek. Waipiata-Styx. —The Sowburn Creek Bridge, 70 ft. in length, was erected. Kyeburn-'Middlemaroh. —The erection of Last Creek Bridge is in progress. Picton-Bluff (No. 17 District) Bruce County : The reconstruction and sealing of the Taieri Ferry - Milton section were completed, 5 m. 39 ch. of metalling and 12 m. 60 ch. of sealing being carried out. The realignment and regrading of the junction with the Clarksville-Springvale Main Highway was completed. . The widening of several sharp bends between Milton and Balchitha was carried out, also the dismantling of the old Balclutha Bridge. Clarksville-Springvale (No. 17 District) : — The Glenore Culvert was renewed by an 8 ft. by 8 ft. concrete structure, and 6 ch. of realignment completed. Bowlers Creek Bridge : This 12 ft. timber structure was widened to 24 It. McNab - Rae's Junction.—The widening of Featherstone's Bridge, near Edievale, to 24 ft. was completed. Balclutha-Papatowai. —The erection of the Puruhaua Stream Bridge, a 20 ft. concrete span, was commenced. Gladstone Highway.—33s ch. was sealed in the Mosgiel Borough. Picton-Bluff (No. 18 District) Two sections, Gore-McNab (2 m. 26 ch.) and Brydone-Mataura (3 m. 60 ch.), have been sealed in two coats, and a small bridge over the Lowburn Stream rebuilt in concrete. Between Edendale and Morton Mains a 50 ch. length of narrow formation has been widened. Lome-Castlerock: — Southland County: 2m. 5 ch. is being reconstructed in preparation for sealing. Wrey's Bush- Mossburn.—A small bridge of 15 ft. span has been renewed in concrete, and the alignment of 13 ch. of highway improved at this point. Gore - Te Anau - Milford Sound : — Between Mossburn and Te Anau, general improvements are being undertaken, and at 31st March work was in hand over a length of 1 m. . Hollyford Section : During the year the main objective has been the gaining of access to the Homer Tunnel, and the installation of plant and buildings to enable this work to proceed. (The tunnel is described elsewhere.) A power-house generating 250 k.w. has been provided on the Hollyford River, with a trans-mission-line 4 m. in length. At the Homer a fully equipped workshop has been built, compressors erected and housed, a blacksmith's shop, explosives magazine, and appurtenant buildings, including accommodation, erected, and water-supply and telephone-line installed. At 31st March the tunnel had been opened up and two lengths timbered, while concreting had commenced on the first length. The road-construction for some 6m. was originally formed as an access track and subsequently widened and improved, but is not yet to standard. The following work had been completed at 31st March: Formation, 18 ch.; gravelling, 1 m. 71 ch. ; culverts, 622 lin. ft. ; bridges, 65 ft. Milford End : Work was commenced at the Milford End in October. A hardwood jetty and wharf-shed have been built in Fresh-water Basin adjacent to the Milford launch anchorage, and a base-camp established 2m. from this point. Buildings, comprising store, canteen, hospital, office, and cook-house, were erected, besides usual accommodation. Bush-work, formation, and bridge-construction on the first 2f m. are well in hand. Public Works Department. Since the inception of the Main Highways system all field investigations, designing, and supervision apart from that carried out by local authorities, have been undertaken for the Board by the Public Works Department, which receives payment in accordance with arrangements approved by the Minister. The Board acknowledges the continued co-operation of the Department, and records its appreciation of the valuable services rendered at all times by the Department and its officers. Signed on behalf of the Main Highways Board, J. Wood, Chairman.



TABLE 1.—MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT. REVENUE FUND. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1936, and Total to Date.


! i Total since j T T<^ al si J c ® , EXPENDITURE : Y Jrtitk i IKOOME - YeL°S-k to 81/3/38, ; t0 31/3/36. Net expenditure on maintenance, repairs, &c., of main highways :— t x . , ,, c , Highway District — £ s. d. £ s. d. Income from ... . , 0 . ,,, , . , s B ' . " w„ '1 ...... 85,235 0 10 571,115 14 6 : Motor-registration licenses, fees, and fines (section 24, Motor-vehicles No 2 " ' '• •• •• 171.198 4 11 1,062,904 8 5 ! Act, 1924).. .. .. .. .. •• 421,951 13 4 3,930,252 2 2 No ' 3 " " ,. .. .. 100,798 19 11 467,692 18 5 Less Commission on collection by Post and Telegraph Department — No! 4 !! •• •• •• •• 52,607 18 1 358,633 7 2 £ s. d. jj" 0 * 5 ,. .. .. .. .. .. 78,033 4 11 626,469 10 1 Motor-registration fees and licenses .. .. 17,324 1 5 vr ' a " " .. .. .. 52,998 6 9 395,956 12 7 Fees for registration of change of ownership .. 7,021 19 0 No ' 7 " " " _ 47,243 13 0 448,218 14 3 ! 24,346 0 5 197,504 10 9 No' a ........ 49,800 4 0 376,962 15 7 ! — No! 9 :: 65,379 4 7 545,69417 u 397,6051211 3,732,74711 5 Tyj n 10 .. .. .. .. .. 67,994 7 2 467,560 18 11 ! Interest from investments of £ s. d. 1 1 Construction Fund .. .. .. . • 848 13 10 Totals for North Island .. .. .. 771,289 4 2 5,321,209 17 0 Revenue Fund .. .. .. .. 141 11 1 c _ • 990 4 11 216,146 5 5 __ __ __ .. .. .. .. 62,598 13 11 453,105 14 6 Interest from local authorities on plant purchased on their behalf .. 889 2 10 21,208 6 2 ■pr ' to .. .. ., .. .. 104,566 8 5 807,820 9 6 Interest on advances to local authorities .. .. .. 3,448 15 11 22,525 14 11 jj 0 ' ig _ .. .. 17,224 12 2 202,614 9 6 Mileage Tax (Finance Act, 1931-32 (No. 2), section 19) .. .. 1,615 14 11 4,032 18 9 14 " .. .. .. ,. .. .. 47,935 6 0 330,303 16 11 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. .. .. 188 0 7 1,579 16 7 jr 0 ' jg _ _ __ ., .. .. .. 60,851 10 9 414,288 3 10 Motor-spirits tax (section 9, Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927) .. 1,449,124 18 5 7,918,280 1 10 jg- 0 jg _ _ _ .. .. .. .. 44,776 17 6 265,901 10 0 Tire-tax (sections 13 and 14, Main Highways Act, 1922) .. .. 93,308 9 11 1,921,241 15 4 jj 0 ' 27 .. .. .. .. .. .. 40,400 9 8 276,469 18 5 Transfer from Consolidated Fund (section 14, Main Highways Act, 1922) .. 210,000 0 0 jf 0 " 18 .. .. .. •• ■■ •• 40,535 11 4 304,049 17 3 Rent of and tolls from ferries .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,081 10 6 Totals for Dominion 1,190,178 13 11 8,375,763 16 11 Administration — Administration expenses (including salaries, travellingexpenses, office rents, printing, stationery, postages, and £ s. d. miscellaneous expenses) .. .. •• •• 52,354 12 8 .. 376,409 0 7 Fees and travelling - expenses of members of the Main Highways Board other than Government members .. 983 14 0 .. 14,798 14 7 Miscellaneous expenses — Advertising, maps, rent of halls, traffic tallies, transport I of samples, depreciation of furniture, &c. .. .. 83 11 7 .. 5,111 10 1 Compensation under section 3, Public Works Amendment Act, 1925 •• 1,015 1 6 Exchange on remittances .. .. -. 1,920 2 11 .. 1,920 2 11 Petrological laboratory and other experimental work, Expenses of .. .. .. •• 1,389 103 8,142 120 Total administration .. .. .. 56,731 11 5 407,397 1 8 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,246,910 5 4 8,783,160 18 7 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 1,947,171 0 5 14,049,844 0 11


TABLE 1.—MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT— continued. REVENUE FUND— continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1936, and Total to Date-continued.


— — ī ~~ Total since Total since Total for Inception of Main „ Total for Inception of Main INCOME. Year 1935-36. Highways Act, 1922, EXPENDITURE. Year 1935-36. Highways Act, 1922, to 31/3/36. to 31/3/36. J | _ — — ' — Brought forward U46,910 6 8,78 3 fl60 18 Brought forward 1,947,171 0 5 14,049,844 0 11 Loan charges — £ s. d. Charges and expenses of raising loans, management charges of Consolidated Stock on account of Construction Fund, &c. .. .. •• •• •• 164 14 0 .. 48,831 18 9 Interest on amount appropriated out of Public Works Fund and paid into Main Highways Account Construetion Fund •• 61,300 0 0 .. 367,800 0 0 Interest on loans, recoupment to Consolidated Fund (section 4, Finance Act, 1919) .. ... •• 119,105 6 1 .. 834,963 11 3 Transfer to reserve for redemption of main highway securities 85,419 0 0 .. 499,635 0 0* Payment to local authorities in commutation of toll-gate charges (Finance Act, 1925, section 20) .. .. 1,663 8 10 .. 24,295 6 3 Payment to Wellington City Council in commutation of fees chargeable in respect of motor-vehicles using Hutt a „ Road (Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), section 33) 23,998 19 8 .. 181,610 9 8 Total loan charges .. .. .. 291,651 8 7 1,957,136 5 11 Subsidies, &c., in respect of other than main highways — Municipal Corporations (Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, - section 71) .. .. ... ... •• 24,655 8 8 .. 149,750 12 o County Councils and other local authorities (Finance Act, ' 1930, section 37) 160,199 12 2 .. 96o,742 1 5 Subsidies to County Councils for rebate to ratepayers (Finance Act (No. 4), 1931, section 45) .. .. •• 253, 89Z Subsidy on rates levied on farming land (Finance Act 1935, section 20) .. •• 186 ' 117 3 9 " 364,363 10 9 Maintenance and construction of roads giving access to outlying areas (Finance Act (No. 3), 1931) .. .. •• •- 45,91» Total subsidies 370,972 4 7 1,779,667 3 4 1,909,533 18 6 12,519,964 9 10 Transfers to Construction Fund .. .. .. •• 3,000 0 0 1,503,000 0 0 1,912,533 18 614,022,964 9 10 Balance, being excess of income over expenditure, carried to general :1 ,. orn , , balance-sheet 34 > 637 1 11 2b ' 8/9 11 1 1 947.171 0 5 14.049.844 0 11 1-947,171 0 5 14,049,844 0 11 = ' * Excludes £53,256 19s. 5d. interest credited. Note. No charge for the cost of exchange on interest payments made in London is included in the accounts.


TABLE 1.—MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT— continued. CONSTRUCTION FUND—CAPITAL ACCOUNT. Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st March, 1936, and Total to Date.


Total aince Total since Total for Year Declaration ol rwnniinr Total for Year Declaration of EXPENDIIUBJS. 1935-36. Main Highways UMlAtMii. 1935-36. Main Highways (9/6/24). (9/6/24). Net expenditure on construction and improvement of main highways — Highway District — £ s. d. £ s. d. Loans raised under Main Highways Act, 1922 — No. 1 .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 43,201 1 6 673,957 1 10 Stock and Debentures issued £ s. d. £ s. d. No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 68,069 12 9 880,122 19 9 At 3 per cent, interest .. .. .. .. .. 130,000 0 0 266,365 0 0 No. 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,319 2 4 180,301 2 2 At 3J per cent, interest .. .. .. .. .. .. 108,295 0 0 No. 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26,225 13 4 403,792 10 10 At 3f per cent, interest .. .. .. .. .. .. 403,000 0 0 No. 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 14,788 19 7 299,699 16 0 At 4 per cent, interest .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,750,980 0 0 No. 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,535 19 2 350,079 18 7 At 4i per cent, interest .. .. .. .. .. .. 542.004 10 10 No. 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,070 14 6 358,446 18 4 At 5| per cent, interest .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,000 0 0 No. 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,274 9 0 214,839 2 1 At 5| per cent, interest .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,250 0 0 No. 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30,185 5 4 605,290 8 6 Securities redeemed, Loans Redemption Account .. .. ' 5,000 0 0 No. 10 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,084 2 6 232,693 18 10 Consolidated Fund —Public Debt Redemption Fund .. .. .. 55,720 0 0 Totals for North Island .. .. .. .. 235,755 0 0 4,199,223 16 11 3,154,614 10 10 No. 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23,430 9 8 184,908 18 0 Receipts under section 15, Finance Act, 1923, from Public Works Fund, No. 12 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,054 3 7 168,528 11 10 General Purposes Account (at 5 per cent, interest) .. .. .. .. 1,226,000 0 0 No. 13 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,196 17 1 168,439 7 7 Transfer from Revenue Fund .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 1,503,000 0 0 No. 14 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36,994 7 1 339,835 1 9 Temporary transfers from other accounts .. .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 No. 15 .. .. .. .. .. .. . 17,406 10 0 176,722 6 3 Balance, being excess of expenditure over income, carried to general No. 16 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35,393 19 3 196.141 5 9 balance-sheet .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 175,024 1 1 ! 1.3,390 12 2 No. 17 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,22110 4 380,510 4 3 No. 18 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57,571 4 1 164,185 10 8 Totals for Dominion .. .. .. .. 428,024 1 1 5,978,495 3 0 Premium on conversion of loans .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,510 0 0 428,024 1 1 5,997,005 3 0 j 428,024 1 1 5,997,005 3 0

TABLE 1.—MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT— continued. General Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1936.


T. A. Barrow, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant, Public Works Department. J. Wood, Chairman, Main Highways Board. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Accounts and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon. The following comment is appended: A Reserve of £547,891 19s. sd. for redemption of securities has been set up and paid over to Loans Redemption Account, but only £5,000 has been applied to the redemption of securities.—J. H. Fowler, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General.


LIABILITIES. I ««SX 8 I CM |^f on Total. j ASSETS. , "tr I ToM ' Revenue Fund— j £ s. d. " £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash in Public Account— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Excess of income over expenditure for 1935-36 .. 34,637 111 At call .. .. .. •• 87,522 17 0 1,868 5 7 8J,3JI / 1 Less Balance at 31/3/35 .. .. .. 7,757 10 10 Sundry debtors . OK , a n 9 ass in ± ; Public Works Department .. .. •• •• 1,684 2 4 l,2o4 8 0 2,938 10 4 26,879 11 1 .. 26,879 11 1 Other Government Departments .. 5,378 3 11 2,063 5 0 /,441 8 11 Sundry creditors — Non-departmental .. .. . • ■■ 3,961 17 0 3,870 10 4 7,832 7 4 Public Works Department .. .. .. 5,119 0 7 2,417 15 0 7,536 15 7 Advances to local authorities (Main Highways Amendment _ Other Government Departments .. .. 1,936 16 5 669 11 8 2,606 8 1 Act, 1926, section 2) .. .. •• 89,797 3 11 .. 89,'' ' Non-departmental .. .. .. .. 141,565 18 3 44,990 19 5 186,556 17 8 Advance on subsidies (Finance Act, 1930, sections 37 and 39, Interest accrued on loans .. .. .. 28,471 6 5 .. 28,471 6 5 and Finance Act, 1932, section 36) .. .. .. ,! ,'1 " ?'or!n 11 ir M.otor-registration fees paid in advance .. .. 80,000 15 0 .. 80,000 15 0 Motor-registration fee in hands of Postal Department .. 4,290 11 10 .. ~' Writings-off in Suspense .. .. . . .. 71 4 0 69 11 4 140 15 4 Interest due and accrued .. .. .. 2,244 2 1 •• f,244 i 1 Reserve for redemption of securities .. .. 547,891 19 5 .. 547,891 19 5 Stocks of materials, tools, &c. .. .. •• 29,696 12 4 25,631 5 0 oo, 327 17 4 Stocks Deficits Account.. .. .. .. ■■ 71 4 0 69 11 4 140 15 4 Furniture, fittings, &c. .. £ s. d. Expenditure to 31/3/36 .. .. 2,016 17 9 Less depreciation to 31/3/36.. .. 780 2 11 1,236 14 10 .. 1,236 14 10 Plant and equipment — For Main Highways BoardsExpenditure to 31/3/36 .. .. 120,147 6 1 Less depreciation charged to works .. 88,260 19 5 31,886 6 8 .. 31,886 6 8 Purchased for local authorities — Expenditure to 31/3/36 .. •• 193,911 16 6 Less repayments of principal .. 170,639 1 11 23,272 14 7 .. 23,272 14 7 Amount transferred to Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. . • 548,948 7 7 Less amount utilized for redemption of securities .. .. . • • • 5,000 0 0 543,948 7 7 Interest accrued to 31/3/36 .. .. 3,943 11 10 547,891 19 5 .. 547,891 19 5 Construction Fund — Excess of expenditure over income for 1935-36.. .. .. •• 175,024 1 1 Less Balance at 31/3/35 .. ■■ 161,633 8 11 .. 13,390 12 2 13,390 12 2 831,936 11 2 48,147 17 5 880,084 8 7 831,936 11 2 48,147 17 5 880,084 8 7 I ' ' — ' Note. —No liability is included for interest on loans redeemed out of Public Debt Redemption Fund.


Table 2.—Lengths of Main Highways at 31st March, 1936.

Table 3. —Construction Work completed during Year, 1935-36.


Type of Surface. Number and Name of Highway Total. District. „ , Dustless. Macadam. i Clay or Pumice. I I _ , _ - . - - — M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 1. Auckland North .. .. 55 20 922 69 . . 978 9 2. Auckland South .. .. 346 79 858 42 8 22 1,213 63 3. Tauranga . . . . 73 41 339 10 311 73 724 44 4. Gisborne .. .. 65 56 309 4 0 40 375 20 5. Napier .. . . .. 166 22 564 66 6 0 737 8 6. King-country .. .. 27 19 635 44 26 3 688 66 7. Taranaki .. .. 321 8 140 36 11 56 473 20 8. Wanganui .. .. 98 20 421 65 4 60 524 65 9. Wellington West .. 199 14 297 78 .. 497 12 10. Wellington East .. .. 106 42 397 57 .. 504 19 Totals, North Island .. 1,460 1 4,887 71 369 14 6,717 6 11 Nelson .. .. .. 42 8 617 26 10 27 669 61 12. West Coast .. .. 24 63 507 18 8 30 540 31 13. Canterbury North . . 28 39 305 25 .. 333 64 14. Canterbury Central . . 138 42 600 34 .. 738 76 15. Canterbury South . . 110 59 691 15 . . 801 74 16. Otago Central .. .. 55 79 757 19 2 0 815 18 17. Otago South . . .. 48 22 474 37 .. 522 59 18. Southland .. .. 33 56 874 31 .. 908 7 Totals, South Island .. 482 48 4,827 45 20 57 5,330 70 Totals, Dominion .. j 1,942 49 9,715 36 389 71 J 12,047 76

T Road- and Bitu- „ , , „ . . . Formation Gravelling Plant-mix minous Bitu- Portland EngineerNumber and Name of Highway anf i an( X Bitu- Macadam minous Cement Bridges. ing District. Widening. Metalling, minous (Pene- Concrete. Concrete. Surveys. healing. Sllrlacing . tration). M. oh. M. ch. M. ch. M. oh. M. ch. M. ch. M. oh. Ft. M. oh. 1. Auckland North . . .. 6 1 1 39 2 76 0 39 .. .. .. 795 17 65 2. Auckland South .. .. 10 39 27 5 57 27 6 55 2 2 .. 0 7 1,439 6 31 3. Tauranga . . .. 2 45 9 5 26 25 .. .. .. .. 589 6 45 4. Gisborne . . . . 7 37 12 53 8 32 .. . . . . .. 132 15 26 5. Napier .. .. .. 2 14 1 38 23 22 .. .. .. .. 2,108 2 59 6. King-country . . .. 9 12 4 72 .. .. . . .. • • 35 7. Taranaki ' . . . . 3 1 2 58 3 59 2 0 . . .. . . 63 4 45 8. Wanganui . . . . 14 16 4 53 5 22 .. .. . . .. 75 18 15 9. Wellington West .. 22 48 0 77 7 14 15 50 .. .. .. 1,045 49 61 10. Wellington East . . 26 5 0 18 16 2 .. .. .. .. 600 26 18 11. Nelson .. .. ..16 26 5 67 7 68 13 52 .. .. .. 151 .13 74 12. West Coast .. .. 7 1 3 11 10 0 .. .. .. .. 553 26 66 13. Canterbury North .. 0 38 0 6 4 10 .. .. . • .. 306 0 51 14. Canterbury Central .. 13 28 .. 12 50 12 36 .. .. . . 160 23 75 15. Canterbury South . . 1 63 .. 23 71 33 35 .. .. . . 240 22 26 16. Otago Central . . .. 9 0 17 45 16 26 4 40 . . .. .. 390 5 64 17. Otago South .. .. 0 19 5 58 13 14 1 59 .. .. . . 8 11 57 18. Southland .. .. 0 39 0 13 6 20 .. .. .. .. 29 29 0 Totals .. .. 152 32 97 58 244 58 90 46 2 2 .. 0 7 8,718 281 58


Table 4. —Lengths of Main Highways metalled and surfaced since Inception of Board's Operations (9th June, 1924).

Table 5.—Maintenance of Main Highways (including Bridges).

11—D. 1.


T , , T yP e of Surface - Dustless ! PerC r ge A , , x-d-j a- ' i Surfacing j Dustless At close of Period ending Main ,, , Ar.JL„ Highways. ; Clay Gravel and Dustless add !? durm § ! ® u^ a , c, " g . to s and Pumice. Macadam. Surfacing. Year " i Mam I Highways. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. 9th June, 1924 .. 5,954 1,535 4,171 248 1 .. 4-2 31st March. 1925 .. 5,954 1,472 4,222 260 j 12 4-4 1926 .. 6,272 1,384 4,557 331 71 5-3 1927 .. 6,391 1,233 4,726 432 101 6-8 1928 .. 6,608 1,100 4,953 555 123 8-4 1929 .. 10,403 915 8,735 753 198 7-2 1930 .. 10,408 736 8,705 967 214 9-3 1931 .. 10,419 608 8,685 1,126 159 10-8 1932 .. 10,846 539 9,009 1,298 172 12-0 1933 .. 10,878 494 9,005 1,379 81 12-7 1934 .. 10,974 466 9,047 1,461 82 13-3 - 1935 .. 11,557 397 9,494 1,666 205 14-4 1936 .. 12,048 390 9,715 1,943 277 16-1 Percentage at 31st March, 100 3-2 80-7 16-1 1936

Expenditure. Average per Mile per Annum. Number and Name of Length T.nral 7 7 ; ; j . ; 7 7 7 Highway District. Maintained. Board. Authori- Total. w cp co co co cp co cji S cjj ties. m TtH co <n th o o> 00 to CO CO CO CO CO CO W CN <N 04 OS OSOSOiCiCfcCSOJOiOS tH r-lr-lrHi—IrHiHrHi—IiH M. ch. £ £ £ ££££££££££ 1. Auckland North .. 978 9 85,235 22,482 107,717 110-1 97-9 71-6 61-2 79-2 83-4 115-7 90-3 103-6 65-6 2. Auckland South .. 1,213 63 171,198 49,017 220,215 181-4 141-1 124-6 106-9 145-3 175-8 214-3 183-0 203-3 181-0 3. Tauranga .. 724 44 100,799 10,103 110,902 153-1 87-1 72-9 61-9 70-7 80-4 90-7 74-5 80-3 69-1 4 Gisborne .. 375 20 52,608 14,208 66,816 178-1 164-9 106-4 96-3 117-3 163-5 189-5 124-9 104-3 152-7 5 Napier .. .. 737 8 78,033 24,342 102,375 138-9 117-7 81-4 79-3 75-9 121-2 146-7 120-3 170-0 169-4 6 King-country .. 688 66 52,998 8,457 61,455 89-2 99-7 70-8 57-1 70-0 85-8 115-7 61-4 56-2 69-8 7 Taranaki .. 473 20 47,244 11,139 58,383 123-4 102-5 83-8 84-5 125-2 136-0 172-8 155-9 195-7 198-8 8 Wanganui .. 524 65 49,800 14,250 64,050 122-0 87-5 80-8 66-0 101-0 126-7 176-1 88-5 145-3 167-6 9 Wellington West .. 497 12 65,379 16,216 81,595 164-1 124-7 106-0 110-8 149-8 179-0 224-3 185-6 228-9 166-3 10. Wellington East .. 504 19 67,995 20,405 88,400 175-3 181-3 114-9 91-4 128-6 141-6 159-0 138-4 138-8 138-0 ; Totals, North Island 6,717 6 771,289 190,619 961,908 143-2 118-3 91-3 81-0 104-5 124-8 155-8 119-9 141-2 131-6 11 Nelson .. .. 669 61 62,599 15,619 78,218 116-8 101-1 74-1 66-6 103-6 82-0 112-8 88-7 102-1 119-9 12 WestCoast .. 540 31 104,566 11,330 115,896 214-5 142-6 110-8 104-1 136-7 122-4 166-8 144-9 118-3 114-2 13 Canterbury North 333 64 17,225 3,721 20,946 62-8 55-7 58-3 50-0 55-4 72-6 99-7 81-1 90-1 79-5 14. Canterbury Central 738 76 47,935 11,999 59,934 81-1 55-2 50-9 50-2 76-5 75-2 77-3 68-8 87-3 81-4 15. Canterbury South 801 74 60,852 16,720 77,572 96-7 66-9 59-3 67-0 78-7 88-0 89-6 66-3 105-0 79-5 16. Otago Central .. 815 18 44,777 12,344 57,121 70-1 75-1 50-3 46-4 52-8 36-4 73-9 47-7 77-2 49-3 17 OtagoSouth .. 522 59 40,400 10,707 51,107 97-8 84-6 73-8 72-8 99-5 90-8 108-1 77-1 90-5 81-7 18. Southland .. 908 7 40,536 11,364 51,900 57-1 53-9 44-4 41-6 43-2 58-7 57-9 49-9 63-4 76-0 Totals, South Island 5,330 70 418,890 93,804 512,694 96-2 77-6 62-7 60-3 77-4 75-8 94-1 75-0 91-4 85-4 Totals, Dominion .. 12,047 76 1,190,179 284,423 1,474,602122-4 100-3 78-5 70-7 92-5 103-1 128-6 100-1 119-9 111-9


Table 6.—Tests of Stone completed during the Year ended 31st March, 1936.

Numerous other tests were made by abrasion with steel shot, sieve analysis, gravitation, microscopic examination, &c., as required by the nature of the samples submitted.

By Authority : G. H. Loney, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 936.

[1,031 '6<36—4052


<» fc "a .J H ■*» Abrasion. II is.8 ® ** 8 I No. Locality. d g § § 3 «g ja § .§ fj Geological Classification. 43 S3 •« PH fl o> 'o !3 a f° &.a« lis If K g 1 & 4* *6 i ; • ■ 283 Hope's Quarry, Palmerston 187-5 0-40 2-50 16-0 19-0 28 Basalt. South 284 Grinter Bros., Auckland .. 171-5 1-30 3-20 11-9 19-0 27 Granite. 285 Linnell's Quarry, Kaiwaka .. 160-2 2-20 2-78 14-7 17-8 25 Trachyte. 286 Waipu Quarry, Whangarei .. 165-8 0-25 7-48 5-3 .. .. Greywacke. 287 Aitcheson's Quarry, Heriot .. 169-0 0-45 2-86 14-0 17-3 14 Brecciated greywacke. 288 Takaka Hill, Nelson .. 164-6 0-35 10-46 3-8 10-0 11 Marble. 289 Karapiro, Waikato River, Mata- 170-8 0-57 2-48 16-1 19-1 23 Greywacke. mata County 290 Waerenga-a-kuri Quarry, Cook 166-8 1-20 5-50 7-1 16-5 11 Limestone. County 291 Whimp's Quarry, Kauri, 167-1 0-65 4-10 9-7 18-1 18 Basalt. Whangarei 292 Hardie's Quarry, Tikipunga, 166-5 1-60 3-18 12-6 16-9 13 Basalt. Whangarei 293 Culbert's Quarry, Onerahi, 174-3 0-30 4-36 9-4 11-3 15 Basalt. Whangarei 294 Waldron's Quarry, Whatatiri, 173-3 1-03 3-90 9-7 16-9 18 Basalt. Whangarei 295 Waipu Gorge, Otamatea County 165-6 0-42 7-94 5-0 .. .. Greywacke.



D -1 1



Viagraph showing Comparative Smoothness of Surfaces Between Sockburn and Glenavy According to Different Types of Construction-compiled from Roughometer Recordings. CHRISTCHURCH-DUNEDIN MAIN HIGHWAY.


Raising Roadway at Kawakawa Township above Flood-level on New Alignment: New Alignment appearing in Centre, Old Route on Left.


Re-alignment and Sealing on Ngongotaha-Mamaku Bush Section.


I—Main1 —Main Highways.


Sea Erosion at Waiotahi Bluffs.



Widening and Reconstruction in Karangahake Gorge.

Widening and Reconstruction in Karangahake Gorge.



Shoulder Sealing.


View showing 6-yard Carry-all Scraper in Operation.


D, 1.

Puniu Deviation.

Puniu Bridge on New Deviation.



Waitangi Washout Bridge: Twenty 40ft. Spans, 24ft. Roadway.


Tangahoe Bridge on New Deviation: 90ft. Arch Span with 41ft. Rise; Total Length 214ft., 20ft. Roadway; Deck-level 80ft. above Stream.



Re-alignment: Mimi Valley Section.


Waitara River Bridge, Waitara Borough: View showing in Foreground Pier reconstructed after flood damage.



Parawhaiti Bridge, Masterton County Division.


Kohiku Bridge and Deviation: One 30ft. Span, 24ft. Roadway.



Paremata Traffic Bridge across Pahautanui Arm of Porirua Harbour: View showing Bridge in Course of Construction.


Re-alignment between Mossburn and the Key.


2 Main Highways.


Lyell Creek Bridge: Three 40ft. Rolled-steel Joist Spans.


View showing New Highway alongside Lake Wakatipu.



Standard Model 88.

Standard Model 90.


D 1




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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT (BY THE HON. R. SEMPLE, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, D-01

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT (BY THE HON. R. SEMPLE, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT (BY THE HON. R. SEMPLE, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, D-01

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