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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 13 of the Swamp Drainage Act, 1915.

Department of Lands and Survey, Sir,— Wellington, Ist July, 1936. In pursuance of section 13 of the Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, I have the honour to forward the report of the Chief Drainage Engineer covering operations on lands proclaimed under the Swamp Drainage Act and amendments. I have, &c, W. Robertson, Under-Secretary for Lands. The Hon. Prank Langstone, Minister of Lands.

REPORT OP CHIEF DRAINAGE ENGINEER. Sir,— I have the honour to submit my annual report on the areas proclaimed under the Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, and its amendments. Kaitaia Drainage Area (61,430 Acres), Mangonui County. Maintenance of completed works was the only work undertaken during the year. Drains and stop-banks were kept cleared and repaired, and some stone-work carried out at the Spillway intake to correct scour by flood-waters. No new work was done in the area except for drainage of the Kaitaia small farms. Bainfall. —Rainfall and river-gauge readings were taken throughout the year as shown on schedule hereunder: —

Rainfall and River-gauge Readings at Kaitaia for Year ending 31st March, 1936.

I—C. 4.

Highest Rain- Kaitaia River-gauge, Wai--p . . fall for kuriki Bridge. Month. (Inches). Wet Twenty-four (Inches). Hi g hest " Lowest 1935. April .. 6-26 13 2-12 64-5 53-6 May •• 5-78 21 1-30 59-7 54-5 June . .. 4-60 25 0-42 61-4 54-9 July .. .. 7-35 16 2-05 65-8 54-5 August .. ■■ 5-32 17 1-60 64-2 55-0 September .. .. ■■ 11-57 19 5-29 70-5 53-9 October 4-66 15 1-48 61-3 53-5 November .. .. .. 4-29 20 2-03 65-3 53-7 December .. .. .. 4-30 5 2-33 69-8 53-6 1936. January .. .. •• 12-08 14 2-59 70-5 53-0 February .. .. •• 6-13 11 4-56 70-8 53-1 March .. .. 2-08 8 0-79 59-7 52-6 Totals .. •• 74-42 184


Comparative rainfall for the past eighteen years during which records have been kept by this Department is as shown hereunder:—

The present year is the wettest recorded, as the rainfall is 74-42 in., compared with the average rainfall over eighteen years of 51-01 in. An unusual feature of this year's rainfall is that the heaviest falls occurred in midsummer, with consequent damage to pastures not caused by winter floods of same intensity. The rainfall for January is the highest ever recorded for any one month, and as the falls in this month and in February occurred over short periods, extensive flooding was caused. Flood-control works which were able to deal with the average rainfall which might be expected from our records have proved inadequate for the much greater rainfall, and high rate of precipitation, recorded both in this and last year. Kaitaia township and other low-lying land in the area was inundated on several occasions during the year, and parts of the lowest country about the Tangonge Basin were under water for a sufficiently long period to destroy some good pasture which had been established in recent years. Increased channel-capacity is required to deal with the run-off following such rainfall and rate of precipitation as has been experienced this year, and although records have not been kept for a sufficiently long period to give reliable information it is indicated that similar conditions to those experienced this year may occur frequently enough to seriously hamper the development of the Kaitaia Flats in the present condition of the outlets provided for flood-waters. Whangatane Spillway. —Repairs to the intake were carried out to correct scour caused by flood-waters passing through this channel, but control works of a comprehensive nature are urgently required to cope with the volume of water to be dealt with here during heavy rainfalls. Drains. —Contracts were let in March for clearing 62 miles of drains, and approximately 28 miles had been completed by the end of March. All drains are cleared in the autumn and the balance of the clearing for this year will be completed in April. Stop-banks. —Considerable damage was done to about 10 miles of stop-bank by an abnormal tide occurring on 26th March and this is being repaired as rapidly as possible. No work had been done on these banks for some years as they were well consolidated and mostly in grass, but they will now require extensive repairs to restore to former condition. Kaitaia River. —Frequent overtaxing of this channel above the Spillway intake caused erosion of the banks so that poplar and other trees planted close to the banks have fallen into the stream, causing serious blockage. A contract was let in March for clearing 3 miles of the channel of fallen trees and this work is now being carried on by the contractor. Plant. —No plant was in use for drainage-works, but tools and plant which could be used on small-farm areas were transferred as required. Proposals for Ensuing Year. —Maintenance of drains and repairs to stop-banks are works to be carried on next year, and the clearing of the Kaitaia River will be completed early in the period. Some further work will also be required at the Spillway intake pending erection of a permanent structure for regulating flow of flood-waters. As a result of the severe floods experienced in this district, as well as other portions of the Northern Peninsula, a special report on the flood position is to be prepared by the District Engineer at Whangarei and myself. Works Expenditure. —The total expenditure for the year was £1,812 7s. Id. Drainage Rates. —Rates struck amounted to £5,111 7s. 7d., and £1,436 15s. Id. was collected. A rebate of £469 10s. 2d. was allowed off capital rates.


Year. Rainfall for Year. Wettest Month. Rainfall. In. In. 1918-19 .. .. .. 47-30 October, 1918 .. .. 9-06 1919-20 .. .. .. 31-71 July, 1919.. .. .. 7-37 1920-21 .. .. .. 53-11 Mav and August., 1920 (each).. 8-02 1921-22 .. .. .. 49-42 March, 1922 .. .. 5-84 1922-23 .. .. .. 44-81 October, 1922 .. .. 7-46 1923-24 .. .. .. 49-23 October, 1923 .. .. 7-92 1924-25 .. .. .. 48-89 May, 1924 .. .. .. 10-34 1925-26 .. .. .. 57-90 May, 1925 .. .. .. 10-43 1926-27 .. .. .. 64-91 October, 1926 .. .. 9-62 1927-28 .. .. .. 55-97 July, 1927 .. .. .. 11-35 1928-29 .. .. .. 58-21 June, 1928 .. .. .. 9-13 1929-30 .. .. .. 51-11 May, 1929 .. .. .. 6-30 1930-31 .. .. .. 39-27 June, 1930 .. .. .. 7-55 1931-32 .. .. .. 41-43 July, 1931 5-88 1932-33 .. .. .. 37-93 February, 1933 .. .. 6-35 1933-34 .. .. .. 40-62 July, 1933 .. .. .. 7-37 1934-35 .. .. .. 71-97 June, 1934 .. .. .. 9-54 1935-36 74-42 January, 1936 .. .. 12-08


Hikurangi Drainage Area (50,000 Acres), Whangarei County. Rainfall. —The rain throughout the year has again been well in excess, both in quantity and in intensity, of that usually experienced. The year's total recorded at the Apotu Camp gauge being 81-27 in. In common with the remainder of the Northern Peninsula, some severe floods have occurred in this area. In June the Jordan stage showed an elevation of 34-1 ft, and early in February the stage reached was 38-4 ft., the latter being the greatest for forty years. On this latter occasion rain was so intense that as much as 15 in. fell in some twenty hours on the Ist February. Construction Work. —No developmental construction work, either by power excavator or by hand labour, has been carried out through the year. Plant and Machinery, &c. —All plant and machinery is stored at the Apotu Camp. During the year certain items have been sold or transferred to other works under the control of this Department. Belief Works. —No relief workers in the area have been directly under departmental control. A small gang has worked on a creek outlet near Hikurangi Mountain, but these men are on the rationed No. 5 scheme from Hikurangi. Departmental Records. —All stores and office records have been kept up to date. Maintenance. —Through the year ordinary maintenance was carried out on the hand-dug outlets of the area and also, where required, on the Ngararatunua Canal. General. —The disastrous floods through the past two years, culminating in the peak visitation of early February, have resulted in the settlers petitioning that thorough investigation be made into the possibility of lessening the flood-menace by the completion of further developmental work. This inves igation will take the form of a joint report compiled by the District Engineer at Whangarei and myself. Works Expenditure. —The expenditure for the year was £989 3s. Bd. Waihi Drainage Area (20,000 Acres), Tauranga County. The drainage outlets and stop-banks in this area were again maintained by the Department, improvements being carried out where desirable. The total length of drains maintained annually is 37 m. 73 ch., and contracts were advertised for this work. An additional length of 15 m. of canal and stream is maintained periodically as required. The foreshore and lower lengths of the canals were stop-banked as the canals were constructed, and seven flood-gates were placed under these banks. These works are also maintained by the Department. The flax company, which leases the major portion of the unsettled swamp area in the district, recommenced milling during the year. There appears to be an ample supply of good millable flax on the area being worked. Development work was proceeded with by the Department on the areas of surrendered flax-leaf west of the Wharere Canal, the total area grassed to date being 550 acres. Dairying was carried out on these fully equipped sections, and a further four sections were in course of preparation for dairying next season. Bullocks were grazed on this area to assist consolidation, and a small flock of sheep were run to control ragwort. The expenditure for the year was £637 ss. 3d. Drainage rates struck totalled £1,683 9s. 3d., whilst £481 17s. 10d. was collected. Poukawa Drainage Area (15,567 Acres), Hawke's Bay. The only work carried out during the year was the maintenance of the outlets. There has been considerable difficulty in obtaining suitable labour, and it appears to me that the control of this area should be taken over by the local office. The expenditure for the year was £249 17s. Rates struck amounted to £1,121 Is. sd. (capital only), whilst £746 16s. 10d. was collected by the District Office at Napier. I have, &c, R. G. Macmorran, Chief Drainage Engineer. The Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington.

2—C. 4.



SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE SCHEMES. Rate Accounts for Year ended 31st March, 1936. Kaitaia Drainage Area. Special Bate Accounts: Capital. ftural Town Kural Town Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Dr , £ s. d. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Transfer'to Reserve Fund .. 374 12 0 51 311 By Balance .. .. .. 786 9 4 25 7 2 Interest charge .. .. 2,175 8 0 358 16 1 £ s. d. Remissions .. .. .. 28 17 6 16 7 Rates levied .. 3,132 16 2 Balance, 31st March, 1936 .. 1,077 15 2 45 10 4 Less rebate .. 469 10 2 2,663 6 0 409 12 6 Penalty, 10 per cent, unpaid rates 206 17 4 21 17 3 £3,656 12 8 £456 16 11 £3,656 12 8 £456 16 11 General Mate Accounts: Maintenance. Itural Town Rural Town Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cost of maintenance .. .. 1,250 0 0 185 19 0 By Balance .. .. .. 109 14 7 102 14 4 Remissions .. .. .. 938 058 Rates levied .. .. .. 1,096 8 6 151 1 2 Balance, 31st March, 1936 .. 31 13 7 75 11 4 Penalty, 10 per cent, unpaid rates 84 14 2 8 0 6 £1,290 17 3 £261 16 0 £1,290 17 3 £261 16 0 Waihi Drainage Area. Special Bate Accounts: Capital. Pukehina Kaikokopu Pukehina Kaikokopu Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. . ■ 40 16 10 By Balance .. .. .. 743 14 1 Remissions .. .. .. .. 0 0 1 Rates levied .. . . .. 339 9 7 413 16 0 Transfer to Reserve Fund . . 32 13 1 48 19 7 Penalty, 10 per cent, unpaid rates .. 33 18 11 33 3 3 Interest charge .. .. .. 217 611 326 0 5 Balance, 31st March, 1936.. .. 867 2 7 31 2 4 £1,117 2 7 £446 19 3 £1,117 2 7 £446 19 3 General Bate Accounts: Maintenance. Pukehina Kaikokopu Central Pukehina Kaikokopu Central Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Dr £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. .. 105 11 10 By Balance .. .. 774 3 6 585 911 Cost of maintenance .. 75 00 257 0 0 315 18 11 Rates levied.. .. 122 4 4 320 310 360 5 2 Remissions .. .. .. .. 6 13 4 Penalty, 10 per cent. Balance, 31st March, unpaid rates .. 12 4 5 23 15 5 24 8 4 1936 .. .. 833 12 3 672 9 2 .. Balance, 31st March, 1936 .. .. .. .. 43 10 7 £908 12 3 £929 9 2 £428 4 1 £908 12 3 £929 9 2 £428 4 1



SWAMP LAND DBAINAGE SCHEMES— continued. Poukawa Drainage Aeea. Special Bate Account: Capital. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Remissions .. .. .. .. 23 2 7 By Balance .. . . . . .. . . 215 1 3 Transfer to Reserve Fund .. .. .. 123 4 4 Rates levied .. .. .. 1,121 1 5 Interest charge .. . . .. . . 954 5 8 Penalty, 10 per cent, unpaid rates .. .. 44 10 4 Balance, 31st March, 1936 . . . . .. 280 0 5 £1,380 13 0 £1,380 13 0 General Bate Account: Maintenance. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. To Remissions .. .. .. .. 1 2 10 By Balance .. .. .. .. ... 290 10 9 Maintenance completed works . . .. 15 0 6 Balance, 31st March, 1936 .. .. .. 274 7 5 £290 10 9 £290 10 9 Receipts and Payments Account for Year ended 31st March, 1936. Public Consolidated Public Consolidated. Works Fund. Fund. Works Fund. Fund. Receipts. Payments. To Rents from national-endowment £ s. d. £ s. d. By Kaitaia Drainage Area — £ s. d. £ s. d. land in Waihi Drainage Area . . . . 520 18 1 Drainage works, &c. .. 446 12 0 Special rate for interest and sink- Maintenance, completed works .. 1,132 19 8 ing fund — Waihi Drainage Area : MaintenWaihi Drainage Area .. .. 135 18 9 ance completed works .. .. 479 1 7 Kaitaia Drainage Area .. .. 1,171 14 10 Poukawa Drainage Area — Poukawa Drainage Area .. .. 740 17 11 Drainage works, &c. .. 236 11 6 General rate for administration Maintenance, completed works .. 13 5 6 and maintenance — Hikurangi Drainage Area— Waihi Drainage Area .. .. 345 14 1 Drainage works, &c. .. 1,029 1 1 Kaitaia Drainage Area .. .. 504 18 11 Maintenance, completed works .. 278 19 9 Poukawa Drainage Area .. .. 518 11 Plant, &c. (general) .. .. 179 11 4 Rates paid in advance .. .. .. 0 4 6 Transfer receipts to Treasury Subsidy from Consolidated Fund : Adjustment Account .. .. 3,688 1 8 Maintenance, Kaitaia Drainage Transfer, receipts to Public Works Area, balance, 1934-35 .. .. 12 0 0 Fund .. .. .. 1,511 17 10 Thirds .. .. .. .. 145 14 7 Sundry rents .. .. .. .. 12 6 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 91 14 7 Credits in reduction of expenditure 1,511 17 10 Transfer, expenditure to Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 1,904 6 6 Transfer, expenditure to Public Works Fund .. .. 1,891 15 11 £3,403 13 9 £5,592 8 2 £3,403 13 9 £5,592 8 2



SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE SCHEMES— continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1936. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Capital Account, Public Works Fund .. .. 689,645 4 2 Kaitaia Drainage Area— £ s. d. £ s. d. Reserve : Repayment capital costs — Allocated cost of works on which Kaitaia Drainage Dis- rates are levied — triofc— £ s. d. £ s. d. Rural subdivision .. .. 60,000 0 0 Rural subdivision 2,032 6 3 Town subdivision .. .. 8,200 0 0 Town subdivision 277 15 0 68,200 0 0 2,310 1 3 Excess cost of works not recoverWaihi Drainage Dis- able .. .. ..155,936 17 0 trict Interest Account : Proportion Pukehina subdivi- chargeable to district .. 132,442 9 2 sion., .. 202 14 1 288,379 6 2 Kaikokopu subdi- Waihi Drainage Area— vision .. 304 1 2 Allocated cost of works on which 506 15 3 rates are levied — Poukawa Drainage District .. 466 18 0 Pukehina subdivision .. 5,000 0 0 3,283 14 6 Kaikokopu subdivision .. 7,500 0 0 Rate Accounts Central subdivision .. 49,414 3 6 Special Rate Accounts : Capital— 61,914 3 6 Kaitaia Drainage Excess cost of works not recoverDistrict— £ s. d. able .. .. .. 24,505 18 1 Rural subdivi- Interest Account : Proportion sion .. 1,077 15 2 chargeable to district .. 41,051 17 6 Town subdivi- 65,557 15 7 sion .. 45 10 4 Poukawa Drainage Area— 1,123 5 6 Drainage works .. .. 16,024 10 8 Waihi Drainage Interest Account: Proportion District chargeable to district .. 2,568 11 2 Pukehina subdi- 18,593 1 10 vision . . 867 2 7 Hikurangi Drainage Area— Kaikokopu sub- Drainage works .. .. 246,726 17 5 division .. 31 2 4 Interest Account : Proportion 898 4 11 chargeable to district .. 122,769 9 2 Poukawa Drainage District .. 280 0 5 369,496 6 7 2,301 10 10 Mangawai Drainage Area — General Rate Accounts: Mainten- Drainage works .. .. 1,877 19 3 ance Interest Account : Proportion Kaitaia Drainage Dis- chargeable to district .. 1,308 7 3 trict— £ s. d. 3,186 6 6 Town subdivision 75 11 4 Harihari Drainage Area — Rural subdivision 3113 7 Drainage works .. .. 4,355 211 ■ 107 411 Interest Account : Proportion Waihi Drainage Dis- chargeable to district .. 2,666 22 trict— 7,021 5 1 Pukehina subdivi- Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 1,51113 10 sion .. .. 833 12 3 Wharves .. .. .. .. .. 59 8 7 Kaikokopu subdi- Plant and machinery .. .. .. .. 27,724 5 7 vision 672 9 2 Loose tools .. .. .. .. .. 289 2 8 1,506 1 5 Stores on hand .. .. .. .. 3,848 17 5 Poukawa Drainage District .. 274 7 5 Sundry debtors for rates — I §87 13 9 Drainage District. Capital. Maintenance. „ , ~. ' £ s. d. £ s. d. sundry creditors — r . nn , o _ ._ „ „mn -1n ,„ OAn K n ■MWllanpniiq 382 17 11 Kaitaia.. .. 12,427 17 8 3,919 7 11 16,347 5 7 tT , ,■ , a o a Waihi .. .. 4,800 8 2 6,419 11 1 11,219 19 6 Departmental 0 3 0 «» .. 911 169 7 3 17 2 Rents charged in advance 238 1 1 Sundry debtors— Payments in advance- £ s. d. Rent under section 4 (2), Swamp j> ent 0 3 0 Land Drainage Amendment Act, £ s. d. r. a o o 1926 .. . ■ ■ ■ 412 1 8 Rates.. .. .. .. 0 8 3 isMU - •• , a ]s ]fl 0 11 3 House-rent .. .. •. Zα lo L\) Suspense Account 0 6 0 Law-costs 484 14 10 Writings-off in Suspense 832 2 4 Miscellaneous 41 0 6 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 259,932 17 1 Departmental 585 16 6 l>m g 4 Rate Account — General Rate Account —Maintenance— Waihi Drainage District: Central subdivision 43 10 7 Maintenance-costs: Hikurangi.. .. .. 318 9 9 Postponed rent .. • • • ■ ■ • 937 19 5 Premiums on conversion .. ■. ■ • 178 10 0 Revenue Account — Waihi Drainage District : Central ward .. .. •• ■• 9,095 2 0 Losses in Suspense .. .. .. .. 832 2 4 Cash in transit from Post-office .. .. 7 3 2 £958,505 1 11 j £958,505 1 11 ... _ .- . ..'... W. Robertson, Under-Secretary for Lands. Wμ. E. Shaw, Chief Accountant. I hereby certify that the Rate Accounts and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the comment that no charge for the cost of exchange on payments made m London is included in the Account.— J. H. Fowler, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (674 copies), £8 15s.

By Authority: G. H. Loney, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 936.

fnce 6d.]


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Bibliographic details

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SWAMP DRAINAGE. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1936, TOGETHER WITH STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, C-04

Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SWAMP DRAINAGE. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1936, TOGETHER WITH STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, C-04

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SWAMP DRAINAGE. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1936, TOGETHER WITH STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, C-04

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