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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


page 1. Report of Chief Inspector of Primary Schools .. 2 2. Report of Chief Inspector of Secondary Schools .. 5 3. Report of Superintendent of Technical Education 8 Primary Education. 4. Tables relating to Primary Education and Reports (Extracts) of Education Boards— Table A 1. Number of Public Primary Schools classified, &e. .. . . . . 15 Table A2. Attendance at Public Primary Schools, &c. .. .. .. 15 Table A3. Age and Sex of Pupils .. 16 Table A 4. Standard Classes, &c. .. 17 Table A 5. Average Age of Pupils .. .. 18 Table A 6. Median Ages of Pupils .. 18 Table A 7. Proficiency Examination Results .. 19 Table A 8. Age and Attainment of Pupils who left School .. .. .. 19 Table A 9. Destination of Children .. .. 20 Table A 10. School Staff .. .. .. 21 Table A 11. Classification of Teachers .. 21 Table A 12. Details of Classification of Teachers 21 Table A 13. Adult Teachers according to Grade of Salary .. .. .. .. 22 Table A 14. Registered Private Primary Schools 22 Table A 15. Ages of Pupils in Private Primary ' Schools .. .. .. .. 23 Table A 16. Lower Departments of Secondary Schools .. . . . . 24 Table A 17. Correspondence School Roll, &c. .. 24 Reports of Education Boards .. 25 Intermediate Education. 5. Tables relating to Intermediate Schools and Departments— Table B 1. Roll and Classification of Pupils, Staffs, &c. .. .. .. 29 Table 82. Ages of Pupils .. .. .. 29 Secondary and Technical Education. 6. Some Particulars relating to Post-primary Education .. .. .. .. 30 7. Tables relating to Full-time Pupils in Post-primary Schools (exclusive of District High Schools) — Table D 1. Average Attendance, Roll, Free-place Holders, Staff, &c. .. .. . . 31 Table D2. Age of Pupils .. .. 33 Table D 3. Years of Attendance of Pupils .. 34 Table D 4. Age of Pupils at Date of Admission 34 Table D 5. Courses of Instruction .. .. 35 Table D 6. Subjects taken by Pupils .. 37 Table D 7. Pupils Boarding away from Home.. 38 Table DB. Correspondence School Roll, &c. .. 39 8. Tables relating to Part-time Pupils in Post-primary Schools and to Manual Instruction— Table El. Pupils according to Occupations .. 40

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8. Tables relating to Part-time Pupils, &c.—contd. page Table E2. Ages of Pupils .. .. . . 40 Table E .3. Free-place and other Pupils according to Year of Attendance . . 40 Table E 4. Combined Roll, Day and Evening Classes.. .. .. .. .. 41 Table P. Pupils attending Special Manualtraining Centres .. .. 42 9. Tables relating to Secondary Departments of District High Schools— Table G 1. Average Attendance, Roll, Freeplace Holders, Staff .. .. 43 Table G 2. Ages of Pupils .. .. 45 Table G3. Years of Attendance of Pupils .. 45 Table G4. Age of Pupils at Date of Admission 45 Table G5. Subjects taken by Pupils .. 46 10. Scholarships. (There were no National Scholarships in 1934.) 11. Tables relating to Private Secondary Schools— Table Jl. Roll, &c., Staff .. .. .. 47 Table J2. Ages of Pupils .. .. .. 48 Training of Teachers. 12 and 13. As there were no Training Colleges open 49 in 1934, no figures are available. Financial Tables. 14. Education Boards— Table Ll. Receipts and Bank Balances .. 50 Table L2. Payments and Bank Balances .. 50 Table L 3. Office Staffs .. .. .. 51 Table L 4. Administration and Incidental Expenses .. .. .. .. 51 Table L 5. Statements of Income and Expenditure, &e. .. .. .. 52 15. Secondary, Combined, and Technical Schools and Classes— Table Ml. Receipts of Secondary Schools, &c. 62 Table M2. Payments of Secondary Schools, &c. 64 Table M 3. Receipts of Combined Schools .. 66 Table M 4. Payments of Combined Schools .. 66 Table M 5. Balance and Assets and Liabilities of Secondary Schools, &c. .. 67 Table M 6. Incidental Expenses .. 68 Table M 7. Receipts by Controlling Authorities, Technical High Schools, &c. .. .. 69 Table M 8. Payments by Controll ing Authorities, Technical High Schools, &c. .. 70 Table M 9. Statement of Receipts and Payments, Education Board Manual Classes .. .. 71 Table M 10. Hostels—lncome and Expenditure 72 Table Mil. Hostels—Average Income and Expenditure per Boarder .. .. 73 Table M 12. Hostels —Balance-sheets .. 74 16. Statement of Affairs and Balance-sheet of the Whanganui College Board of Trustees .. 76

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1. REPORT OP THE CHIEF INSPECTOR OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS. Sir, — I have the honour to present the following report on the primary schools of New Zealand 1 for the year ending 31st December, 1934 :— The Inspectorate. The Primary Inspectorate comprises thirty-seven officers. During the year the Service suffered a severe loss in the sudden death of Mr. W. G. Blackie, Senior Inspector of Schools, Auckland. His position was filled by Mr. M. Priestley, Inspector of Schools, Auckland, whose place was taken for the same period by Mr. G. K. Hamilton, Headmaster of the Auckland Normal School. No other staff changes took place. Owing, however, to the temporary closing of the training colleges in Auckland and Christchurch, Mr. ,T. G. Poison, Principal of the Christchurch Training College, was attached temporarily as Inspector to the Christchurch Inspectorate ; Mr. F. C. Brew, Vice-Principal of the Christchurch Training College, and Mr. F. C. Lopdell, Vice-Principal of the Auckland Training College, were similarly attached to the Auckland Inspectorate. This temporary increase of staff enabled some assistance to be given to district inspectorates where the burden of work is relatively heavy. One of the disadvantages of the existing system is the very uneven size of the Education districts in which the number of Inspectors varies from one to eleven. This makes it difficult to distribute equitably the load of inspection except by the Inspectors of the more favoured districts rendering assistance to their neighbouring colleagues. I must pay a tribute to the enthusiasm and thoroughness with which the Inspectors have met the exigencies of the situation. During the year the system of finding employment for all trained certificated teachers not yet in permanent positions was continued. This privilege was much appreciated and was of no small advantage to the schools. The reports on the teachers themselves indicate that they entered whole-heartedly into their work. One beneficial result of the present supply of certificated teachers is that there is hardly a school so remote as to be without a certificated staff. Whereas in 1913 no fewer than 29 per cent, and in 1920 no fewer than 28 per cent, of all teachers employed in public schools were uncertificated, the number now amounts to only a quarter of 1 per cent., and even the latter would disappear entirely were it not for the fact that in a few districts there is accommodation available for a local resident only. In such circumstances a higher and more even level of efficiency is naturally expected. Efficiency of the Schools. The reports of the Inspectors indicate that the schools continue to maintain their efficiency. The tone and spirit of work are very good. The sterner form of discipline imposed from without is giving way to the orderliness that comes from a more scientific knowledge of child nature and a more perfect adaptation of work to the capacity and interests of the pupils. The preparatory (infant) and lower standard departments keep well abreast of best modern practice ; in the upper school there is a tendency to cling to the more traditional. methods. The ground-work in most subjects, especially in English and arithmetic, is well done, but there is an inclination to concentrate too exclusively on the work that can be tested by written examination. The liberty of planning courses, a liberty emphasized on the first page of the Syllabus of Instruction, has been claimed in too few cases. Too little is being done to develop the aesthetic, the emotional, and the creative side of child life. Hence such aspects of education as music, art, and associated crafts, drama, appreciation of literature (including poetry), receive inadequate treatment. A gradual improvement is taking place, but the general aim is still too much in the direction of enabling the pupil to earn his living, and not sufficiently in that of enabling him to find an enduring satisfaction in life at all stages of his existence. Unfortunately the Proficiency Examination at the end of the primary stage has influenced practice throughout the whole course ; yet it is probable that the most important factors have been the force of mere tradition and the absence of the requisite knowledge and skill. With, however, the gradual permeation of the schools by teachers who have taken specialist courses in the training colleges the trouble should progressively disappear. Little fault can be found with the teaching of the traditional three It's. Music is better than it has ever been, and some, though too little, progress is being made in the matter of the reading of music and in the development of choral work, so strong a feature in the schools of the Mother-country.' Art is slowly improving, but attention is concentrated too exclusively on a photographic reproduction of objects instead of on illustration work, design, and decoration. The association of art with craft work has yet to be developed in our primary schools. The inspirational possibilities of colour are still to be explored. These await an adequate supply of trained teachers with adequate equipment. Physical education on the recreational side is excellently catered for in both field and water sports. Wherever facilities are available swimming and life-saving receive enthusiastic attention. In this branch of education experts are readily available ; for some years past all students leaving our training colleges have been well equipped. But in the field of remedial physical education the position is not so satisfactory ; shortly after the new system of physical' training was introduced it was necessary to withdraw the itinerant instructors, with the result that the difficult but valuable system


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lias been successfully implemented in only a small proportion of tlie schools. The system cannot be learned from the book ; it can be applied only by one who by personal experience is thoroughly familiar with it. It must be said, however, that the training colleges are now pouring forth a stream of qualified teachers whose influence should become more and more apparent. In all these subjects —music, arts and crafts, and physical education—the colleges cannot be expected to bring students to such a state of efficiency as will make them expert teachers unless the students have previously had consistent instruction in these subjects in both their primary and post-primary school course. Much valuable work was done during the year by the lecture staff of the temporarily closed training colleges who went on tour through the schools of the Dominion holding refresher courses in various centres and demonstrating in many schools the most modern methods of schoolroom practice. The benefit was not entirely to the schools ; these lecturers and their Principals who, as mentioned above, acted for the same period as Inspectors of Schools, through seeing in what degree their exstudents were implementing in the schools the training received in the training colleges, will naturally resume their college duties with a clearer insight into the essentials of teacher-training. The innovation was welcomed by the Education Boards throughout New Zealand ; their co-operation made the scheme possible, and many of them have asked that the experiment be repeated in more or less modified form. It was also possible to release for investigation abroad the Principal of the Auckland Training College (Mr. D. M. Rae), who, with the assistance of the Carnegie Corporation, was enabled to obtain at first hand much useful information relative to the training of teachers. Intermediate Schools and Departments. There were in operation in 1934 five separate intermediate schools and eleven intermediate departments, the former being independent schools containing Forms I and 11, and the latter departments attached to secondary, technical high, and district high schools. Two intermediate schools were established during the at Shirley in Canterbury and at Albany Street, Dunedin. In these schools the girls and boys of Forms I and II receive a more complete education than is possible if they remain as part of an ordinary primary school. And, what is of almost equal importance, their separation from the younger pupils makes possible a discipline more suited to their mental and physical development, which at this stage of life undergoes some profound changes. A greater degree of specialization among the staff and a more detailed classification of the pupils enable the aptitudes of the pupils to be more readily discovered and developed. When financial conditions improve the value of these schools could be still further enhanced by a greater development of the arts and crafts courses. The course is for two years and is intermediate between the primary school and the secondary or technical high schools ; but in order to meet the needs of those pupils who do not wish to enter a post-primary school a concession was made this year whereby such pupils could remain in the intermediate school for a third year. This extension of the course serves a valuable purpose in that it provides a profitable occupation for the boy or girl who otherwise would have left school and entered, perhaps, the ranks of the unemployed. In New Zealand at present 9 per cent, of all pupils in Forms I and II (Standards V and YI) are in these new schools and departments ; in England the percentage is over fifty. District High Schools. District high schools with their secondary departments continue to provide country pupils with good opportunities for post-primary education. The demand for the establishment of these schools steadily increases. Roll numbers show an increase over 1933. Two factors have recently given inspiration to this work : the institution of the School Certificate Examination as an alternative to the University Entrance Examination has, without lowering the standard of education, given the pupils a much wider range of subjects from which to choose their curriculum, and thus has allowed pupils to select those subjects most suited to their natural aptitudes ; and the formulation by the Department of suitable courses has proved a much appreciated guide to parents and teachers. It is, however, only to be expected that the narrower University Entrance Examination will, by mere force of tradition, continue for a time to determine unduly the pupils' choice. The new system is already influencing the courses of those pupils whose aim is to benefit as much as possible by post-primary education without any particular examination in view. This is seen especially in the development of arts and crafts, and in the increased adaptation of the manual courses to the domestic and agricultural life of the district. In one district, Reefton, a successful attempt has been made to fit the courses to the needs of the mining industry. In increasing degree these schools are encouraging and accepting the co-operation of the farmers, the farmers associations, and the woman's institutes both for advice and for practical assistance in instruction. These schools will no doubt achieve their highest purpose the more they cease to be a thing apart and the more they become an integral part of community life. Progress is impeded in some degree by the relative smallness of these secondary departments, with consequent lack of specialized staff. The inclusion in the secondary department of Forms I and II (Standards Y and VI) of the primary schools in the immediate vicinity would m some measure overcome this difficulty. Special Classes. The special classes established for mentally retarded pupils are functioning well and the pupils are receiving an education which will materially aid the majority of them in being ultimately self-supporting. In a number of cases parents of such children have refused to avail themselves of the services of these



classes. The compulsory provisions of the Education Act have not yet been invoked, but now that such classes have been in successful operation for some time, the question is worth considering whether the prejudices of the parents should continue to stand in the way of the children receiving the only type of education by which they can profit. Correspondence School. The Correspondence School continues to function effectively ; at the end of the year there were on the roll over 1,300 primary and over 400 secondary pupils. Its courses are sufficiently comprehensive to take pupils from the preparatory classes to the University Entrance stage. The lessons are planned to suit especially the busy isolated home where little direct supervision is possible ; their success is indicated not only by the number of pupils who annually gain their Certificates of Proficiency in Form II but by the fact that a number annually achieve success in the University Entrance (Matriculation) Examination. Among the number last year was one who had taken her whole primary and secondary course with the school. While the school provides very effectively for a general primary and secondary course, there are, nevertheless, certain aspects of work that in their very nature cannot receive due attention —e.g., physical education of a remedial nature, music, experimental science involving the use of dangerous materials. The social education also that a young person receives through association with his fellows is lacking in great degree. The staff, however, is ever on the alert to provide compensatory advantages : there are companies of Lone Guides, and Lone Scouts, a circulating library of 2,000 volumes, a magazine section, a stamp collection and exchange club, a school museum, a camera club, a pen friendship club which conducts correspondence through six overseas agencies with pupils in all parts of the world. And in selecting members of the staff care is taken to see that some of them have been distinguished for their activities in games and organized sports. Mention must be made of the course in needlecraft and dressmaking and the associated course in home science which is attracting the attention of the girls in rapidly increasing numbers, and winning the thorough appreciation of the parents. The home-science course is in charge of a graduate of the School of Domestic Science of the University of Otago ; the needlecraft section is to be strengthened by the addition of specialists in art and handwork. Proficiency Examination. The results of the annual Proficiency Examination were slightly better than last year, proficiency certificates being gained by 81 per cent, of the pupils in public schools and 82 per cent, in private schools, as compared with 79 per cent, and 78 per cent, respectively last year. This increase is probably due in some measure to the improved staffing of schools, especially small country schools referred to above. In view of the repeated requests from some quarters for the abolition of this examination and the granting of these certificates on the recommendation of the head teachers, it is advisable to point out that this is the only detailed examination conducted by the Department during the whole primary course of eight years, and that at the end of such a course it is well to have some disinterested official estimate of the general standard of attainment reached. Such an examination, wisely conducted, should furnish also a valuable guide to the post-primary course any of these pupils should subsequently follow. The privileges which a certificate of proficiency confers in securing further education or a position in industry or commerce has naturally claimed the attention of parents ; it is to be regretted, however, that this interest has affected many teachers to such an extent that they have been so eager to obtain a high percentage of passes that they have concentrated unduly on the bare requirements of the examination and have neglected to some extent those aspects of the subjects which are not susceptible of estimate by a written examination. This attitude was intensified by the publication in some districts of the results of the examination and even by the publication of the names of the pupils. lam pleased to say that last December nearly all the Education Boards decided that the list would no longer be available for publication. The question also of giving more weight to the head teacher's recommendation in regard to the best pupils is also under consideration. These matters should materially assist in creating a school atmosphere in which a more generous education can be provided for all, and especially for the more gifted pupils. Civic Duties. From the reports of. Inspectors it is clear that teachers are giving due attention to the training of their pupils in matters affecting the general welfare of the community. Through regular lessons and incidental references pupils are receiving useful information on such matters as temperance in many of its forms, in fire-prevention, in care of national property, and the preservation of native fauna and flora, and in the safe use of public roads and streets. With the co-operation of Education Boards a beginning has been made by the Post Office with the establishment of a system of school savings-banks. The province of the school to-day is rapidly extending ; to quote the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education (England), the teacher is not only expected to teach the subjects traditionally associated with the school, but he is to be in a sense a doctor, a bank clerk, a dairyman, a librarian, a traffic expert, a gardener, a playground instructor, a water-conservator, a temperance lecturer, and a protector of animals. With the more efficient functioning of the training colleges many things are possible to enable the young person to fit more fully into the scheme of modern life.



Broadcast Lessons for Schools. The system of broadcasting to schools has been further developed during the year, very good programmes having been broadcast weekly from all the national stations. The lessons are on an increasingly wide range of topics, and deal with subjects not ordinarily on the regular time-table, or with aspects of subjects with which teachers are not usually familiar. No attempt is made to supplant the teacher ; the object rather is to present another point of view, to encourage original thought, and to keep teachers informed of the most modern developments in the teaching of such subjects as music and literature. An inquiry just conducted by the League of Nations' Committee of Intellectual Co-operation shows that the system of broadcasting is becoming an integral part of the school-system in the most diverse regions of the world, and that, so far from this invasion of the school by machinery having a mechanizing effect, the result is stimulating and inspiring. For two reasons development here is slower than could be wished. In the first place, relatively few of our schools are equipped with receivers, but the number is rapidly increasing, and the Department hopes to make arrangements whereby radio sets can be secured at a minimum cost; and, in the second place, there is a dearth of speakers who possess the requisite knowledge in conjunction with the necessary skill in presenting this knowledge in an attractive form to young and invisible listeners. Each of these causes is in a sense dependent on the other. We hope after a certain stage has been reached to accelerate development by being able to offer more inducement to qualified speakers. Exchange of Teachers. During the year one secondary and ten primary teachers went on exchange to England (4), Canada (2), Natal (1), New South Wales (2), and Queensland (2). It is by no means possible to send abroad all who desire to go, since the number is limited to the number of outside teachers who have been nominated by their authorities for exchange with our teachers and accepted by the Department. The system is working well, and those who have recently returned have been much enriched and inspired by their experience. It is only right to put on record that the authorities overseas have been most ungrudging in the manner in which they have given our teachers the opportunities of experiencing the social and educational life of their countries. I have, &c., Jas. W. Mcllraith, The Director of Education, Wellington. Chief Inspector of Primary Schools.

2. REPORT OF THE CHIEF INSPECTOR OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Slß,— I have the honour to present the report for the year 1934. Staff. During the year Mr. J. B. Mawson, M.A., resigned from the Inspectorate to assume - the Principalship of St. Andrew's College, Christehuroh. Mr. Mawson had rendered excellent service during the six and a half years he was a Secondary School Inspector, and his work, I feel sure, was much appreciated by the teachers. After his departure in August, Mr. H. B. Tomlinson, M.A., Principal of the Wairarapa High School, was employed as a temporary Inspector for a period of over two months ; Mr. Tomlinson's assistance with the grading of teachers and the recommendation of senior-free-place pupils was very effective, and enabled the year's work to be completed quite satisfactorily. The vacancy on the staff was filled in December by the appointment of Mr. J. E. Learning, M.A., Senior Assistant on the staff of the Rotorua High School. Mr. Learning took up his duties in the following February. Consequent upon the temporary closing of the Auckland Training College the Department was able to utilize the services of Dr. H. B. Wallace, Lecturer in Method (Foreign Languages) at the college, by attaching him for the year to the Secondary Inspectorate as an Advisory Inspector in French in the various types of post-primary schools. Dr. Wallace visited, during the course of the year, most of the high schools and district high schools in the North Island as well as some of the principal technical high schools. He discussed methods, schemes, and programmes with the teachers, and gave demonstration lessons where opportune ; his visits were particularly valuable to teachers in the more remote schools, who often work in an atmosphere uncongenial to literary or linguistic studies, but in all schools his discussion and contributions to method were stimulating, even if sometimes provocative. His assistance was much appreciated. Routine Work. In the earlier part of the year sixteen secondary and combined schools were fully inspected, as well as the secondary departments of the twenty-eight district high schools in Canterbury, Otago, and Southland. In addition, twenty-three registered private secondary schools were inspected and reported on at various times during the year. In the second half of the year visits were paid to all the departmental secondary and combined schools in connection with the annual classification of assistant teachers and the award of senior free places and higher leaving certificates.



The number of departmental secondary and combined schools remains at forty-four. On the Ist March their aggregate roll was 17,786, as compared with 17,225 in 1933, and 17,601 in ,1932. The increase apparently points to a waning in intensity of the financial depression, a view that is borne out by a comparison of the roll numbers at the close of the year. The roll in December, 1934 (15,406), whilst still just below that of 1932 and 470 less than that of 1931, was nevertheless nearly two hundred above the 1933 level. Improvement also is evident in the greatly enhanced number of pupils who began their secondary schooling ; these numbered 5,950 in 1934, as compared with the meagre 5,229 of 1932. No doubt part of this increased enrolment of entrants is due to the abnormally high birth-rate of 1920, but some of it is the result of the lightening or the burden of financial stringency and of the return of a more hopeful outlook. Staffing problems have not been quite so acute in the past year, as fewer schools were compelled to dismiss teachers on account of falls in grade. Many of the school hostels continue to find difficulty in carrying on ; the aggregate roll of boarders rose, it is true, from 859 to 964 during the year, but this total is still 43 per cent, below the numbers in residence in 1930. The number of registered private secondary schools has decreased by one, and now stands at fifty-two. Their aggregate roll on the Ist July was 3,835 (1,703 boys and 2,132 girls). Five appeals were lodged by teachers against their classification, but three of these were subsequently withdrawn. The remaining two were heard in Auckland ; one appeal was successful and the other was not allowed. Free Places and Leaving Certificates. The number of senior free places granted to pupils from departmental secondary and combined schools on the Principals' and the Inspectors' recommendations was 3,602, as against 3,171 in the preceding year. Some 406 of the candidates who failed to obtain free places by accrediting sat the Intermediate Examination in November ; only fifty-one of these—i.e.-, 12| per cent. —succeeded in obtaining their senior free places by passing the examination. The cessation in 1932 of the right to enter upon a University bursary upon the securing of a higher leaving certificate continues to have its effect in reducing the number of applicants for the certificate. Only 705 were awarded in 1934 to pupils from departmental secondary and combined schools, as against 978 in 1931. An additional 128 were also awarded to pupils from endowed and registered private schools. Lower leaving certificates have continued to offer some attraction to pupils in district high and private schools ; as many as eighty-one were awarded in 1934, an unusually large number. None of these pupils came from the regular secondary schools. It may be noted in passing that this particular certificate has now ceased to be granted, its place having been taken by the recently introduced School Certificate. The lower leaving certificate has at no time been much sought after by secondary-school pupils ; practically every possible applicant had already obtained a more valuable qualification by passing the University Entrance Examination and consequently had no incentive to apply for it. The title " lower " has also detracted from its popularity. School Certificates. At long last a school leaving certificate has been instituted, and the first examination for it, held in conjunction with the University Entrance Examination, was held in December. Full details regarding the scope and nature of the examination and of the preliminary courses to be followed by the candidates were given in my last report, and there is no need to repeat them here. As was to be expected, the number of candidates who sat the Certificate Examination without at the same time attempting the University Entrance Examination was very small in the initial year of the system ; as a matter of fact, there were only 212 such candidates, as against the 3,985 who sat for both examinations simultaneously. There were very few pupils in the Fifth Forms who had followed for three years an examination course other than that leading to University Entrance, simply for the reason that previously there had been no other examination open to them. It was a natural consequence, therefore, that the establishment of an alternative examination during the course of the year would find very few pupils ready to make use of the opportunity presented. Most of the few candidates who did attempt the Certificate Examination alone did so in the misguided belief that this examination would be easier to pass than the University Entrance. This view is confirmed by the fact that only 11 per cent, of these candidates succeeded in obtaining a full pass, as against 44 per cent, of the total number of candidates. It is confidently expected that in a little while the number of candidates sitting for a certificate only will increase considerably. Courses suitable for such candidates, and not leading to the University Entrance, have already been organized in some schools, and in a year or so pupils now entering these will be ready to compete successfully for the certificate. The total number of candidates for the certificate was 4,197: of these, 1,876 obtained a complete pass and 883 a partial pass. Of the subjects not prescribed for University Entrance by far the most popular was book-keeping, which was offered by 104 candidates, 28 offered shorthand and typing, 24 needlework, and 30 housecraft. Only two candidates sat in biology, and only one in applied mechanics ; there were no candidates at all in heat engines. Although the Department has at all times stressed the fact that the Certificate Examination was to be of the same standard as that for the University Entrance, a -somewhat surprisingly large number of protests have been received from disappointed candidates and from parents and teachers that an unduly high standard had been demanded, and that the examination had been " harder to pass than



the University Entrance." It is obvious that if, as is earnestly desired, the certificate is to be accepted by employers and the public generally as having a standing equal to that of an entrance pass every precaution must be taken to prevent its being regarded as merely a second-grade entrance test. It is quite within the bounds of possibility that at some future time the University Entrance standard may be raised appreciably, but in the meantime the certificate must be definitely established at . a standard approximating the existing Entrance one. University Bursaries. The position regarding University bursaries presents some disqxiieting features. Reference was made in the last report to the growing disfavour with which the bursary is regarded, especially in districts remote from the University centres. The average annual value of a bursary is a little over £8, an emolument which offers little inducement to a sixth-form student in a country school to prepare for a very difficult examination in several subjects ; he realizes, too, that by passing the University Terms Examination in two or three subjects whilst still at school he can reduce the expenses of his subsequent University course by avoiding boarding and living expenses for at least a year, and that by doing this he is saving more than what a three years' bursary would bring him. The result is that the habit of school pupils preparing for degree examinations is growing, a fact that has given rise to much adverse comment in some University centres. Admittedly the acquirement of a degree or a section of a degree whilst the student is still a school-boy is very far from an ideal form of University training and education, and it is true, moreover, that in some instances the energy and attention of the school staff are unduly engaged with the requirements of a few degree students. The temptation to the pupil to avail himself of the opportunities offering is, however, very great indeed, and there is no indication that the custom of commencing University work at the schools is waning. One effective counter-move would be to make the University bursary more attractive and more helpful to the country student. If such a step could happily be realized at some time in the future when conditions have become more normal, there is no doubt that competition for the bursaries would revive and the number of " terms " students would decline. The following figures throw some light on the situation. The numbers of candidates who sat for the busarv only in the three years 1932, 1933, and 1934 were 83, 86, and 72 respectively ; candidates for bursary and University scholarship concurrently were 202, 248, and 214, making the total number of competitors for the bursary 285, 334, and 286. The most striking figures are those showing the number of bursaries actually taken up at the commencement of the following University year. Of the 180 who qualified in 1932, only 95 used their bursaries the next year ; similarly, 210 qualified in 1933, and only 109 of these made use of them ; in 1934 only 78 (41 per cent.) of the 189 who qualified took up their bursaries in the following March. Though information is not very precise upon this point, it appears that only eighteen of these seventy-eight bursars come from outside the four University centres. Educational Research. Many educationists were pleased to learn during the year that the New Zealand Council for Educational Research had commenced to function as an active body and, further, had appointed Dr. C. E. Beeby as its full-time executive officer. Dr. Beeby lost no time in placing before educational bodies and others interested the aims and policy of the Council and the main lines along which research projects will be directed. He has also enumerated and published a considerable list of major sociological and psychological problems which might profitably be attacked either by organized bodies of teachers or by individuals. The Council points out that teachers can do much to further its work in the way of suggesting researches, providing facilities, criticizing methods and results and enlisting public interest. On the other hand, the Council is able to help in various ways the teacher who is anxious to conduct a research, and there is the possibility of a small grant being made in some cases. The appeal of the Council and Dr. Beeby will, I feel sure, meet with an adequate response from secondary-school teachers, several of whom have already undertaken to assist in various research projects connected with secondary education. Conclusion. Apart from the interruptions caused by a larger number than usual of mild epidemics, work has proceeded smoothly in the secondary schools during the year. The Inspectors have been impressed bv the conscientious and efficient work of the vast majority of teachers, and also, on looking back over a period of years, by the changes for the better in their methods and viewpoint. A slavish adherence to formalism and dull routine is not yet extinct, but happily it is now of very rare occurrence indeed. In conclusion, I desire to express to my colleagues my appreciation of their loyal and efficient co-operation during a year that from accidental and extraneous causes has been somewhat trying to the Inspectorate. I have, &c., E. J. Parr, The Director of Education, Wellington. Chief Inspector of Secondary Schools.


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3. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Sir, — I have the honour to present my report for the year 1934. General . The attendance at technical high schools during the year 1934 was greatly affected by the varying conditions of employment of young people. At the beginning of the year the rolls were increased by larger numbers than usual returning in the higher classes, while towards the end of the year the demand for young employees became very strong and the senior classes in the technical high schools were much depleted. The attendance in evening classes were satisfactory in some courses, but the lack of trade apprentices, of whom very few were indentured during the year, resulted in a further falling off in trade classes, especially in the engineering trades. Buildings, Equipment, and Apparatus. In most cases the buildings, equipment, and apparatus were sufficient and suitable to the standard so far reached in technical schools and manual-training centres in the Dominion. On the whole, the buildings and equipment were maintained in fair condition, although it was clear in some cases that only repairs and maintenance of an urgent character were taken in hand. The grounds and playing-fields were, in general, well kept, though the schools were unable to spend so much on them as in former years, when the available allowances for incidental expenses were considerably larger. In regard to technical equipment and apparatus, it must be admitted that sufficient provision is not made in most of the schools for depreciation and obsolescence. In regard to technological and art libraries, some little interest was exhibited during the year, but the schools are, as a rule, very ill-provided with books of reference in the various branches of art, science, and technology. One country technical high school received a valuable gift of art books, photographs, and original prints from the Carnegie Corporation during the year, and steps are being taken to have the collection suitably housed in the evening-school building, where it will be easily accessible at set times to the general public as well as to the students of the school. In the larger technical schools more attention is now being paid to the development of library facilities. A large expenditure of money, time, and energy will, however, be necessary to bring the technical school libraries from their present rudimentary proportions up to the standards ordinarily attained in technical schools in other countries. Such a development is even more necessary in this Dominion than abroad, owing to its isolation and the comparative lack of large and varied manufacturing industries, and the consequent impossibility of students becoming acquainted by personal experience with many processes and activities easily observable by students in other lands. It is unfortunate that a real desire to establish reasonably good technological libraries in technical schools did not develop many years ago, when the allowances for incidentals were sufficiently generous to enable Boards to obtain all equipment and books necessary for their work. With the present allowance for incidentals the maintenance of equipment and the establishment and extension of libraries, which cannot be given preference before cleaning, lighting, heating, caretaking, and office expenses, are by no means easily provided for. It is hoped, however, that difficulties of finance may be overcome and that the technical school authorities will be able to establish for their students satisfactory library facilities in the near future, either individually or in co-operation with one another and with other local authorities. Class Materials. The cost of necessary materials for class use in both technical and manual-training classes is mainly defrayed by the Boards concerned from the allowance paid by Government on account of incidental expenses. In most cases the Boards appeared to be able to maintain a sufficient supply, part of it being provided by the pupils or their parents, either in cash or in kind. In the case of materials for science and in primary schools the allowance towards cost, made as a percentage on the salaries of itinerant instructors, was insufficient, but Education Boards were able to eke it out with the help of the allowance on manual-training classes. Where the materials used by pupils are converted into goods which are consumed by the pupils or removed by them from the schools there would appear to be little objection to the practice of asking pupils to pay towards the cost of materials, even in classes for primary-school pupils where attendance is compulsory. In all cases instructors in charge of classes have some discretion in this matter and are allowed to excuse children in poor circumstances from contributing in cash or kind. Character and Quality of Instruction. The character of the instruction in technical schools and classes varies with the demand and changes in sympathy with changes in industry and commerce. For example, the recent development of wireless communication and the continued progress of motor transport have led to the development of classes in several centres for radio service and for motor mechanics. More attention has also been given in recent years to training for agricultural pursuits not only in technical schools, but also in several secondary and combined schools. The proportion of time devoted to general subjects, including English, history and civics, mathematics and science, remains approximately constant in each type of school, being fixed almost


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precisely by the conditions under which junior and senior free places are held in the several types of post-primary schools. During the past year revised suggestions for courses in district high schools have been made to Education Boards, and are being tried out in some cases. These suggestions aim at more rational and complete differentiation of three courses —general, agricultural, and domestic —in schools where roll and staffing allow of subdivision of the work. There appears to be some possibility of success along these lines in cases where suitable teachers are available. The quality of the instruction in technical schools and classes and in manual-training classes has been well maintained during the past year.

Table A.—Classification of Teachers in Technical Schools and Classes and in Manual-training Classes. Number in each Division and Class for the Years 1920, 1927, and 1934.

Table B.—Classification of Teachers in Technical Schools and Classes and in Manual-training Classes. Percentage of Total classified in each Division and Class for the Years 1920, 1927, and 1934.

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Men. Women. Division. Class. ' ( 1 1920. 1927. 1934. 1920. j 1927. 1934. I VII .. .. .. .. 1 8 VI 1 8 33 7 5 V 5 31 44 2 7 16 IV 12 33 52 6 9 20 III 17 26 37 4 20 29 II 11 19 22 7 14 27 I 8 13 12 15 17 34 Totals, Division I .. .. .. 54 130 200 34 75 139 II .. .. VII .. .. 1 .. 5 9 VI 1 11 15 1 13 30 V 7 36 52 5 32 17 IV 17 27 46 18 26 15 III 25 32 23 26 14 14 II 19 20 10 23 17 6 I 34 10 3 33 4 1 Total, Division II .. .. .. 103 136 150 106 111 92 Total, both divisions .. .. 157 266 350 140 186 231

Men. Women. Division. Class. 1 ' 1920. 1927. | 1934. \ 1920. 1927. 1934. [ I; I .. .. .. .. VII .. .. .. .. 0-22 1-38 VI 0-34 1-77 5-68 .. 1-55 0-86 V 1-68 6-86 7-57 0-67 1-55 2-75 IV 4-04 7-30 8-95 2-02 1-99 3-44 III 5-72 5-76 6-37 1-36 4-42 4-99 II 3-70 4-20 3-79 2-36 3-10 4-65 I 2-69 2-88 2-07 5-05 3-76 5-85 Percentage in Division I .. .. 18-17 28-77 34-43 11-46 ! 16-59 23-92 IT .. .. .. .. VII .. .. 0-17 .. 1-11 1-55 VI 0-34 2-43 2-58 0-34 2-88 5-16 V 2-36 7-96 8-95 1-68 7-08 2-93 IV 5-72 5-97 7-92 6-06 5-76 2-58 III 8-42 7-08 3-96 8-75 3-10 2-41 II 6-40 4-42 1-72 7-74 3-76 1-03 I 11-45 2-21 0-52 11-11 0-88 0-17 Percentage in Division II .. .. 34-69 30-07 25-82 35-68 24-57 15-83 Total percentage .. .. .. 52-86 58-84 60-25 47-14 I 41-16 39-75


A comparison of the classified lists of teachers under the regulations for manual and technical instruction for the years 1920, 1927, and 1934 respectively shows how the staffs of full-time teachers have increased, and also the remarkable change of preponderance from Division 11, teachers without University degrees or equivalent qualifications, to Division I, teachers with University degrees or professional qualifications of approximately equal standard. It is further noticeable that whereas in 1920 72-6 per cent, of the men teachers and 77-1 per cent, of women teachers were in the three lowest classes, in 1934 only 30-6 per cent, of men teachers and 48-0 per cent, of women teachers were so placed. As the total number of teachers has almost doubled in the fourteen years, this rise in average classification is not substantially due to promotions of teachers from low classes in 1920 to high classes in 1934. It is mainly due to the possession of higher qualifications and a higher average of teaching efficiency by the teachers in 1934. Of the fifty-four men in Division I in 1920, twenty-two were classified in 1934, and six others had become principals of technical schools. Of the remaining twenty-six, one had become a primaryschool Inspector, one principal of a private secondary school, one a senior primary-school headmaster, three at least had joined other Government Departments, while others had transferred to secondary schools, and the remainder had retired from the service. Of those still in the classified list one had reached Class VI from Class I, three had reached Class V from Class I, three had reached Class VI from Class 11, two had reached Class V from Class 11, two had reached Class VI from Class 111, three had reached Class V from Class 111, two had reached Class IV from Class 111, four had reached Class VI from Class IV, one had reached Class V from Class IV, and one had gone from Class V to Class IV. In this division, therefore, the average promotion of men still holding positions as assistants has been 2-6 classes in fourteen years. This cannot be regarded as a rapid rate of promotion, and it may therefore be assumed that the standards of efficiency for the several classes have certainly not been lowered in this period. It is more likely that they have risen slightly. The median classification in 1920 lay between Class II and Class 111, whereas in 1934 it was between Class 111 and Class IV, the average classifications in the two years being 2-96 and 3-96 respectively. This appears to indicate that the average standard of the division is distinctly higher than it was in 1920. Of thirty-four women classified in 1920 in Division I, thirteen were classified in 1934, the average promotion being 2-5 classes in the fourteen years. The average classification of Division I women in 1920 was 2-21, and in 1934, 3-03, a rise of nearly one class. So far, therefore, as teachers with higher qualifications are concerned, not only have the numbers employed increased from fifty-four men and thirty-four women in 1920 to 200 men and 139 women in 1934, but the individual standard has also risen by approximately one class. The number of Division II men teachers shows an increase from 103 in 1920 to 150 in 1934, and of women teachers in Division II a decrease from 106 in 1920 to ninety-two in 1934. The average classification of Division II men was 2-49 in 1920 and 4-22 in 1934, and of women 2-5 in 1920 and 4-81 in 1934. Of 103 men in Division II in 1920 nine have since qualified for and are classed in Division I in 1934, while fifty others have remained in Division II with an average promotion of three classes, and the remainder have left the Service. Of 106 women in Division II in 1920 one has since qualified for and was placed in Division I in 1934, and thirty-seven others have remained in Division II with an average promotion of 2-9 classes in the fourteen years.

The scale-salary increases corresponding to the average promotions during the period 1920 to 1934 are as follows :—

• . In Division I for men yearly increments of £15 may be approved in each class, and a salary-increase of £104 therefore corresponds nearly to seven yearly increments ; for Division II men £90 increase is equal to nine yearly increments, for Division I women £80 increase is equal to 6'6 yearly increments, and for Division II women £58 increase corresponds to s'B yearly increments. As might have been expected, the highest rate of promotion was in that subdivision in which the largest proportion of teachers classified in 1920 remained in the service till 1934—namely, Division II men, of whom 60 per cent, remained. In the other subdivisions only about 40 per cent, of the teachers classified in 1920 remained to be classified in 1934. Of Division I men teachers in technical schools in 1934, 8-7 per cent, were on position bars, 20per cent, on grading bars, 5-8 per cent, on the maximum salary of the division, and 65 per cent, received increments.


Average Corresponding ScaleDivision. Promotion salary Increase (Classes). (per Annum). £ Division I men .. .. 2-6 104 Division II men .. .. 3-0 90 Division I women . . .. 2-5 80 Division II women .. .. 2-9 58

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Of Division I women teachers in technical schools in 1934, 8 per cent, were on position bars, 10 per cent, on grading bars, 6-8 per cent, on the maximum salary of the division, and 75 per cent, received increments. Of Division II men teachers in technical schools in the same year none were on position bars, 33i per cent, were on grading bars, 1J per cent, were on the maximum salary of the division, and 65 per cent, received increments. Of Division II women teachers in technical schools none were on position bars, 41 per cent, were on grading bars, 3 per cent, were on the maximum salary of the division, and 56 per cent, received increments. Of teachers of manual training working under Education Boards in 1934, with no position bars, 40 per cent, were on grading bars and 60 per cent, received increments. Taking all teachers classified and employed under the regulations for manual and technical instruction, 4 per cent, were on position bars, 3"8 per cent, receiving maximum salary in their division, 28 per cent, were on grading bars, and 64-2 per cent, received increments of salary. - Prom the above analysis it would appear that there is comparatively little departure through the existence of position bars from the principle of paying salary according to the teacher's classification. This departure is confined to Division I teachers, for whom it is about 8 per cent. It further appears that there has been a substantial rise in average classification since the scheme was adopted in 1920, but that in both Divisions this may be ascribed mainly to an actual improvement in qualifications of the teachers, which is also indicated by the relatively large increase of teachers classified in Division I. It seems probable that this increase in the teaching-power of individual teachers may account in some measure for the rapid rise in popularity of the technical high schools, which have very steadily grown in numbers at the average rate of 5 per cent, per annum. This rapid growth contributed to comparative freedom from crowding in the upper positions and thus encouraged teachers in other more congested branches to transfer to the technical-school service. In this way many of the most promising teachers in technical schools have been recruited. This process is unlikely to continue indefinitely, and a moderately steady state should be reached in a comparatively short period of time, so far as total numbers are concerned. Increased congestion in the higher classes will then tend to develop, as it has already done in other branches. So long as salaries depend solely on classification and not on position held such crowding of the higher classes will not affect the individual teacher, but the average salary must then rise, and the total cost of the teaching in proportion. To provide against undue rise in cost, and, further, to secure the appointment of a due proportion of highly qualified teachers in smaller schools, it has been found necessary to modify the system by restricting the proportion of more highly paid positions in all the schools. This restriction was put into operation in 1926, with application only to new appointments in the technical schools, and so far position-restrictions govern the salaries paid for less than 4 per cent, of all the teachers, but for about 8 per cent, of Division I teachers. The numbers of teachers awaiting appointment to positions in which their salary will be commensurate with their classification may be expected to increase fairly rapidly in the case of Division I teachers, with the consequence that in the larger schools, at least, promotions will tend to be made within the staff, and only lower positions offered for general competition. Another difficulty which is more or less peculiar to the technical-school service is that the more important positions on the staffs are naturally the senior positions in the several courses, and that these positions require highly specialized qualifications. The appointing Boards must therefore have the greatest possible freedom of choice of these heads of departments, with the inevitable result that the appointees, especially if they have had little or no previous teaching experience, cannot be placed in a high position on the classified list. The result is that the number of senior positions available for highly classified teachers is reduced. Some modification of the present system will probably become necessary in order to avoid a substantial increase in the number of teachers awaiting appointment to positions corresponding to their classification, while at the same time ensuring that the average salary shall not increase indefinitely from year to year. There is, however, no doubt that the principle adopted of paying salary according to classification, while, so far, it has not resulted in the average salary diverging appreciably from that in other branches of post-primary work, has contributed very largely to the marked increase of teaching power and efficiency in the technical high schools during the past fourteen years. It has also contributed towards a feeling of contentment among the teachers, which has reacted favourably in their attitude towards their work. The system possesses the further advantage that it permits of the establishment of a satisfactory Dominion classification of teachers and payment of salaries, without involving any sacrifice of freedom in making and approving appointments on the part of the local authority and the Department. In the case of technical schools such freedom of appointment is a prime condition of efficient management, and should be preserved to the fullest possible extent. Dependence of salaries on position held must lead to a demand on the part of the teachers for promotion generally according to classification, with a tendency towards the destruction of the present flexibility of the system. At the same time the needs of the country schools must be considered and some method employed of ensuring that the more efficient and highly paid teachers shall be spread evenly over the schools, and not gravitate in excessive proportion to the larger centres. The present restrictions on the proportion of more highly paid full-time teachers employed in technical schools tend to effect this object, as well as to ensure that the average salary does not increase unduly. Such restrictions do not affect the salaries of individual teachers so long as the list of positions available corresponds with the classification list. At present, as shown above, the difference is small but increasing, and may be considerable when a steady state has been reached.



Some modification of the system may ultimately become necessary to counteract this tendency, yet at the same time secure a reasonable average of salaries and the proper proportion of more highly classified assistants in each school. Courses in Technical Schools. While the courses in the smaller technical high schools and those in technical high schools situated in country districts show no considerable changes from those which have been in force for a number of years, except in regard to the numbers in the various courses, which have fluctuated largely in sympathy with economic conditions, the same conclusion does not apply with equal force to the technical high schools in the four centres and in one or two the largest towns outside the centres. In certain of these schools the day courses have tended to align themselves rather more in the direction of trade courses than of purely pre-vocational courses, which were at one time the only objective of the technical schools. The tendency is necessarily even more marked in the courses followed in evening classes, which have always offered some classes of a purely trade character, and rightly so. The question is bound up with the decay of the apprenticeship system, which decay, while in evidence before the depression, has now proceeded to such an extent that it would be safe to assert that for all practical purposes the apprenticeship system is dead. Another factor vitally affecting this issue is the modern system of minute specialization of function of tradesmen in order to facilitate economic production 011 a large scale and of the extended use of machinery to perform tasks which were formerly done by skilled men by hand methods. No doubt there has been a good deal of exaggeration in what has been written and spoken as to the effects of the mass production of goods by specialized machinery in that state of industrial organization known as " Technocracy," and whatever validity these opinions may have is mainly in regard to highly industrialized countries in the Northern Hemisphere ; yet it cannot be doubted that the movement has already made itself felt in New Zealand and that it will rapidly and increasingly do so in future years. The building trade, which at one time included the third largest number of employees among the industries of New Zealand, may be taken as an example.Here a single firm situated in one of the centres produces by mass-production methods sashes, doors, and specialized joinery of such quality and at such low prices that their products are competitive in most places throughout the Dominion and take the place of the local product. Large public buildings are now almost wholly constructed of steel-framing and concrete or of reinforced concrete, so that on these jobs the work of carpenters is largely restricted to that of fixing and removing the boxing. Thus the carpenter gives way to the engineer and mechanic, but here again fabrication of steel members is usually done, not on the job itself, but in highly specialized plants adapted for this purpose ; or the steelwork may be imported completely fabricated and needing onlv riveting or welding to complete the structure. Thus both the number of mechanics employed and the range of work is restricted. In the case of engineering the same tendency is easily observable. The Railways Department of New Zealand has found it necessary to concentrate its building and repair activities in highly specialized plants in both islands and to close down local repair shops which once existed. Though no doubt the result has been increased efficiency and decreased costs, it cannot be doubted that much labour has been displaced. The motor-engineering trade, as far as maintenance of road vehicles is concerned, tends to restrict its activities solely to the replacing of worn or broken parts by new ones supplied by the manufacturers at such cost that locally made or repaired parts could not possibly compete either 011 the basis of cost or of satisfaction to the user. One motor-car manufacturer with world-wide ramifications has a scheme whereby worn or defective engines may be replaced with a new or reconditioned engine for a comparatively small charge, the defective engine being returned to the factory for attention. Thus fewer men tend to be employed, and those of a constantly narrowing range of skills. Analysis of almost all the trades hitherto regarded as skilled would reveal similar tendencies to a greater or less degree ; the movement for rationalization in industry is world-wide and although we in New Zealand are only just beginning to feel its effects it cannot be doubted that the tendency will increase and that industrial dislocation must be increasingly evident. Modern industry is governed by the cost-accountant, and, in self-defence, can take little account of the social welfare of the human material it employs, except on a basis of cost per unit of production. No doubt means will eventually be adopted whereby this state of affairs will be remedied, but in the meantime the outlook is extremely disturbing to all who have the welfare of the youth and manhood of the nation at heart. Thus a very grave responsibility is thrown on those who are in charge of the technical schools of the Dominion so to arrange their courses and their teaching as to mitigate as far as possible the ill effects of present-day maladjusted industrialism. It would appear that in continuing to give courses of predominantly pre-vocational character, including an introduction to the culture that is our heritage and to those accepted principles of science and mathematics upon which the industrial state is built, they will best be serving the interests of those who must soon find themselves facing the problem of earning a livelihood in a disordered world. It would seem true that any large extension of the trade-school idea, apart altogether from the inherent difficulties such as the high cost of specialized equipment and the difficulty of disposing of the product, would not in the present state of industrial organization be of advantage to the students in our technical schools. These are likely to succeed better the more they have a sound knowledge of scientific principles, a disciplined intelligence, and a developed power of adaptation and initiative.



Courses hitherto in use in technical high schools have in general been designed to develop precisely these qualities, and present conditions demand that these qualities should be developed to an even higher degree and that curricula should be modified constantly towards this end. Agricultural Education. In technical high schools and combined schools there are two distinct types of courses in which agriculture has a place : the University Entrance course, including agriculture as the science subject, and the agricultural course in which the time usually spent on a foreign language and mathematics is available for a more extensive study of agriculture. The first type of course is gradually disappearing. It was essentially a compromise between the particular demands of the long-course pupil who desired to matriculate and the needs of the shortcourse pupil who would find work on the land or in an associated calling. So far as the teaching of agriculture is concerned, its weakness lies in the fact that the prescription set by the University authorities is necessarily limited in scope, and does not reflect the most characteristic features of New Zealand agriculture. Hence such a course is of limited value to those whose formal agricultural education ceases at the post-primary stage. Nor is it of much value to those students who desire to continue their education at the University standard ; for it has been attacked by those in the best position to appreciate its use for such a purpose —the Professors of the University Colleges of Agriculture. Students who go forward to the colleges with such a training find difficulty in mastering those general and technical subjects that require a preliminary sound knowledge of chemistry and biology. At the same time there has been considerable development of the second type of course, designed to cover two or more years. Particularly in technical high schools this course has become very varied in type, according to the special nature of the agriculture of the district and to the facilities existing in the school. Thus a school with a considerable area of land attached can offer a very practical course in field and animal husbandry, while large town or city schools offer a rural industrial course, with instruction in farm mechanics, together with such observational work on nearby farms as can be arranged. The provision of a school farm as an adjunct to an agricultural course of this second type must still be regarded as an experiment, with many evident difficulties. Where the school is entirely or predominantly an agricultural one there is every prospect that an attached farm would be fully utilized and successfully managed. But where this is not the case, the amount of actual work involved and the heavy burden of management create conditions that make success extremely problematical, whether we consider the effective use of the farm as a unit in the equipment of the course or the economical handling of the land and the stock. During and at the end of the year 1933, 5,020 boys left secondary, technical, and combined schools, and of these, 937, or about 19 per cent., went farming. During the same year slightly less than 9 per cent, of all boys attending these schools took an agricultural course. Boys leaving primary schools at the end of 1933 numbered 11,337, and of these, 2,678, or 24 per cent., engaged immediately in agricultural or pastoral pursuits. For these, agricultural education, so far as this Department is concerned, in general ends at the primary stage. Comparable figures for the secondary departments of district high schools are not available, but 39 per cent, of the leavers go to the land. It would thus appear that there is scope for further development of agricultural courses of the second type. The provisions of the Free Place Regulations ensure that such a course shall not become wholly vocational, but that adequate attention shall be paid to those subjects that are generally regarded as cultural, and the basis of all education. Technical Classes. During 1934 evening and part-time day technical classes were conducted in thirty-nine centres, as against thirty-seven in 1933. The total number of students in these classes was 9,597, of whom 5,616 held junior or senior free places and 3,981 paid fees. The numbers show an increase of 512 free and 7 paying pupils.

Students in Technical Classes: Numbers attending from certain Groups of Occupations.


Commercial, &c. ! Engineering and Building. a — — *3 ■O® . Sj »j, S ■%£ 5 a' S| 3»*§ •§ «I § ||g | s 8 11 § I 4 1=11 . § If I 1 P. * a a 1 | | fl 8 £§g | |S$ |o | O m £ H H |l, HPh 1928 .. 2,253 1,090 154 175 3,672 912 375 740 825 218 3,070 6,742 650 1929 .. 2,303 1,165 194 131 3,793 885 302 826 762 246 3,021 6,814 625 1930 .. 2,456 1,249 193 154 4,052 1,180 331 774 919 287 3,491 7,543 614 1931 .. 2,151 1,162 140 181 3,634 1,054 257 584 659 190 2,744 6,378 458 1932 .. 1,920 1,085 161 138 3,304 790 256 450 454 146 2,096 5,400 300 1933 .. 1,967 1,160 143 157 3,427 682 181 382 293 97 1,635 5,062 302 1934 .. 2,357 1,248 141 134 3,880 722 217 357 322 61 1.679 5,559 339 Note.—The 1928 and 1929 figures show roll at the 30th June in each year. From 1930 the figures show the roll at 1st July.

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Technical High Schools. The enrolment at technical high schools of full-time pupils taking courses under the regulations for manual and technical instruction was 8,911 at the Ist July, 1934, as compared with 8,706 at the corresponding date in the previous year. The enrolment of 8,911 consisted of 4,891 boys and 4.020 girls. Of the boys, 2,418 took industrial courses, 467 agricultural, 799 commercial work, 1.021 a general course, and 170 an art course. Of the girls, 1,533 took the domestic course, 1,800 the commercial course, 404 the general course, and 280 the art course. Manual Training. The total number of pupils receiving instruction in woodwork, metalwork, or domestic subjects under special instructors at manual-training centres was 45,420, as compared with 44,926 in 1933. The numbers attending from primary schools were 16,520 for woodwork, 107 for metalwork, and 15,758 for domestic subjects. Secondary departments of district high schools sent 1,875 pupils for woodwork and 1,749 for domestic subjects. From Forms 1 and II of intermediate schools there were 2,061 pupils for woodwork, 870 for metalwork, and 2,017 for domestic subjects. Private schools sent 2,100 pupils for woodwork and 2,279 for domestic subjects. Examinations. At the August examinations for the teachers' handicraft certificates there were seventeen candidates, of whom six were successful in qualifying for the award of certificates. Of the remaining eleven candidates, one was successful in completing Section I of the examination and one was successful in completing Section 11. Two other candidates also improved their examination status. Of the seventeen candidates who sat the examination, seven failed to improve their position. The following is a summary of the results of the technological examination held in November, 1934 : — Plumbing : Preliminary —Six sat, six passed. Intermediate —Seven sat, six passed. Final — Eight sat, five passed. Motor Mechanics : Final —Two sat, none passed. Motor Mechanics (Minor Course) : Preliminary—Two sat, one passed. Intermediate —One sat, one passed. Carpentry and Joinery : Preliminary—One sat, none passed. Intermediate —Twelve sat, seven passed. Final —Four sat, one passed. Cabinetmaking : Intermediate —Five sat, five passed. Final —Two sat, none passed. Electrical Fitting : Final —One sat, one passed. Engineering Trades : Preliminary —One sat, one passed. Intermediate —Four sat, three passed. Final —Eight sat, five passed. For the whole examination the results were as follow : Preliminary, ten candidates sat and eight passed ; intermediate, twenty-nine sat and twenty-two passed ; final, twenty-five sat and twelve passed ; the totals being sixty-four sat for the examinations and forty-two passed. In 1933 the total number who sat for the examinations was eighty-three, of whom forty-nine passed. The falling off in the total number of candidates is due entirely to the effect of the depression on trades and industry and the consequent reduction in the number of apprentices desiring to enter. In order to offset this effect to some extent, the examination fees were reduced in 1932 by 20 per cent. The examinations of the City and Guilds of London Institute continue to be held in New Zealand by the Education Department, but only in the subject of electrical-engineering practice and in special subjects for which no provision is made in connection with the Department's own technological examinations. During 1934 candidates for the City and Guilds Examinations were as follow : — Electrical Engineering Practice : Grade I (Continuous Current) —Seventy-five sat, fifty-eight passed. Electrical Engineering Practice : Grade I (Alternate Current) —Twenty-six sat, fifteen passed. Electrical Engineering Practice : Grade II (Continuous Current) —Thirty-seven sat, fifteen passed. Electrical Engineering Practice : Grade II (Alternate Current) —Twenty-eight sat, seven passed. Electrical Engineering Practice : Final —Eleven sat, three passed. Radio Communication Preliminary : Two sat, two passed. Intermediate—One sat, none passed. Final —One sat, one passed. Typography : Grade I—Two sat, two j>assed. Grade II —Two sat, one passed. Minor Course in Gaswork§ Practice : One sat, none passed. Metal-plate Work : Final Grade —One sat, none passed. Plain Cookery : One sat, one passed. The total number of individual candidates was 159, of whom ninety-seven were successful in passing in some section of the examination. As individual candidates are at liberty to enter for both sections of Grade I or Grade II of electrical-engineering practice in the same year, the total entries for all sections of the examinations is in excess of the total individual entries. In conclusion, I wish to express my deep appreciation of the loyal and efficient service in the cause of technical education and manual training given by my colleagues in the Department and by Principals and teachers in schools and classes during the year under review. I have, &c., W. S. LaTrobe, The Director of Education, Wellington. Superintendent of Technical Education.




4. TABLES RELATING TO PRIMARY EDUCATION AND REPORTS (EXTRACTS) OF EDUCATION BOARDS. Table A1.-Number of Public Primary Schools classified according to Grade, and Intermediate Schools and Departments, December, 1934.

Table A2. —Attendance at Public Primary Schools and in Forms I and II of Intermediate Schools and Departments in 1934.


I • * •'£ >> ■ <U 03 d co"^ Grade of School •§ 3 "3 ® ! 3 | | gog and § I © a d t. . ,5 , Average Attendance. 3 § g> | 1 3 o | o .a § § j2 ® =3 -3 o o"S0 •«! &H > B I p a O O aj^° 0 (1—8) .. . . 40 14 29 21 19 29 26 27 11 216 1 (9-20) . . 228 46 72 73 71 46 108 81 56 781 II (21-35) . . 152 41 34 25 44 23 85 42 42 488 {A (36-50) .. . . 105 28 22 15 23 12 46 25 25 30] III<J B (51-80) .. ..94 23 22 19 20 9 32 23 18 260 LC (81-120) .. ..35 7 14 11 13 10 23 9 8 130 fA (121-160) .. ..17 6 2 7 ' 7 1 7 6 6 59 IV<J B (161-200) .. ..7 4 4 5 6 3 6 5 2 42 (201-240) .. ..10 1 3 3 4 8 1 2 32 fA (241-280) .. ..5 2 5 1 8 1 4 1 2 29 V<i B (281-320) .. 8 1 2 1 7 4 5 1 29 IC (321-360) .. ..9 2 3 4 3 2 2 2.. 27 fA (361-400) .. 12 2 5 3 1 4 4 2 33 VI< B (401-440) .. .. 4 .. .. 1 3 .. 4 2 1 15 [C (441-480) .. .. 8 .. 1 1 1 .. 2 1 . . 14 f A (481-520) .. .. 7 3 1 I 3 .. 5 2 .. 22 B (521-560) .. . . 5 7 1 5 2 1 21 C (561-600) . . .. 8 .. 1 2 2 .. 2 1 1 17 D (601-640) .. .. 2 .. 1 .. 1 .. 2 .. .. 6 VII-i E (641-680) .. .. 1 1 .. 1 2 .. 5 F (681-720) .. . . .. 1 .. . . .. .. .. .. 1 2 G (721-760) .. 1 1 . . .. 2 H (761-800) I (801-840) .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. 1 LJ (841-880) .. Intermediate schools and depart- 7 .. 1 1 2 .. 2 3 .. 16 ments Totals for 1934 .. 764 179 220 196 248 138 380 244 179 2,548 Totals for 1933 .. 763 176 214 195 244 136 379 243 181 2,531 Difference .. +1 +3 +6 +1 +4 +2 -J-l +1 —2 +17 Note.—Thirteen half-time schools and fifty-three main schools with side schools attached are counted separately, and are included in the separate grades determined by the separate average attendance of each school.

(Excluding Secondary Departments of District High Schools, but including pupils in special classes and Standard VII.) Average Attendance for Krumhova Mean of Average Weekly Roll Whole Year (Mean of o of Three Terms, 1934. Average Attendance of Three Average Terms). Attendance —; . as 31st De- 31st-De- Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. p^olT'lsm cember, cember, ' 1933. 1934. Auckland Education District 60,845 61,046 31,338 -28,302 59,640 28,635 25,738 54,373 91-17 Taranaki „ 11,212 11,288 5,664 5,330 10,994 5,195 4,872 10,067 91-57 Wanganui „ 14,898 14,536 7,472 6.776 14,248 6,800 6,113 12,913 90-63 Hawke's Bay „ 14,514 14,338 7,470 6,550 14,020 6,797 5,960 12,757 90-99 Wellington „ 25,866 25,886 13,070 11,981 25,051 12,145 11,090 23,235 92-75 Nelson' „ 6,328 6,299 3,202 2,974 6,176 2,996 2,772 5,768 93-39 Canterbury „ 33,525 32,974 16,706 15,327 32,033 15,137 13,837 28,974 90-45 Otago „ 18,690 17,973 9,083 8.376 17,459 8,309 7,652 15,961 91-42 Southland „ 11,079 11,036 5,601 5,109 10,710 5,102 4,633 9,735 90-90 Intermediate schools and de- 3,684 4,279 2,330 2,023 4,353 2,171 1,877 4,048 92-99 partments Totals, 1934 .. .. 1.99,655 101,936 92,748 194,684 93,287 84,544 177,831 91-34 Totals, 1933 .. 200,641 .. 102,489 93,446 195,935 95,386 86,631 182,017 92-90 Difference .. .. -986 -553 -698 -1,251 -2,099 j —2,087 -4,186 -1-56 Note.—The corresponding figures for the secondary departments of district high schools will be found in Table G 1 on page 43 of this paper, and the corresponding figures for Form III of the separate intermediate schools in Table B 1 on page 29 of this paper.

E. —2

Table A3.—Age and Sex of the Pupils on the Rolls of Public Primary Schools and Intermediate Schools and Departments at 1st July, 1934.


(Excluding Secondary Departments of District High Schools and Form III of Intermediate Schools and Departments, but including special classes, Forms I and II of all Intermediate Schools and Departments, and Standard VII.) 5 aI1 Years 61 6 6 and >mder 7. 7 and under 8. 8 and under 9. 9 andunder 10. lOandunderll. 11 and under 12. 12 andunderl3. 13and under 14. |l4and under 15. 15 and underl6. 16 and Totals of all Ages. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls, j Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. I Total. I , ,1 I 1 j Education District — | j Auckland .. .. 283 248 3,655 3,387| 4,094 3,771 4,021 3,795 4,048 3,800 3,945 3,748 3,768 3,450: 3,582 3,171 2,494 1,965 1,079 752 241 98 24 11 31,234 28,196 59,430 Taranaki .. .. 73 47 673 63?| 696 675 754 649 712 674 690 679 663 632 638 660 506 446; 212 159 49 26 7 1 5,673 5,285 10,958 I j I Wanganui .. .. 90 88 805 778; 938 919 901 853 984 846 995 839 913 831 846 795 612 578 *273 180 70 30j 2 .. 7,429 6,737 14,166 Hawke'sBay .. 57 48 852 805 1 924 830 955 868 947 905: 947 818 921 792 886 756 637 471 255 187 50 39 6 2 7,437 6,521 13,958 Wellington.. .. 166 134 1,514 1,438 1,676 1,563 1,660 1,562 1,676 1,502 1,600 1,449 1,588 1,501 1,502 1,476 1,101 942 481 298 86 38 11 3 13,061 11,906 24,967 Nelson .. .. 32 40 401 395 346 387 385 385 401 381 383 406 389 381 349 273 218 122 75 19 10 .. .. 3,182 2,962 6,144 Canterbury .. 195 189 1,992 1,752 2,023 1,889 2,063 1,989 2,147 2,002 2,049 1,913 2,076 1,970 1,926 1,835 1,359 1,166 607 398 138 78 25 3 16,600 15,184 31,784 Otago .. .. 116 94 1,074 1,013' 1,116 1,090 1,130 1,061 1,238 1,109 1,167 1,074 1,104 1,096 1,059 1,033 680 583 282 191 50 13 2 .. 9,018 8,357 17,375 Southland .. .. 49 72 695 598 689 643 680 686 696 641 634 632 693 625 744 647 481 406 170: 114 29 11 2 2 5,562 5.077 10,639 Intermediate schools and .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 1 65 79 449 443 796 734 623 519 288 ! 207 93 43 8 2 2,324 2,028 4,352 departments Totals for 1934 ..j 1,061 960 11,661>10, 774^2, 551 11,726,12, 551|11, 848 12,835,11 ,881 12,473.11,614 12,581 11,729|l2, 360 11,456 8,766| 7,294| 3,769 2,561 825 386 87 24101,520; 92,253 193,773 Percentage of pupils of J 1-0 11-6 j 12-5 ' 12-6 12-8 ' 12-4 12-5 j 12-3 8-3 j 3;3 0'6 cTl ĪŌ(M) Totals for 1933 .. I 1,0051 903 lT, 801 11,068;lVt61 11 Trail 12,876 12,058 12,490 11,608jlF, 749 11,903 13,245 12,393 12,124 11, 111 8,729 7,500; 3,5841 2,410 ' 918 435 ~ 38 102 100 93 158195 258 , ! J ; ! __ l i ' ' Difference .. .. +56! +57 -140 -294 1 +90 -5 -325 -210 +345 +273, -276 -289 -664 -664 +236 +345 +37 -206 + 18ōj +151 -93 -49 -31 -14 -580 -905 -1,485

3—E. 2,


Table A 4.-Standard Classes of Pupils on the Rolls of Public Primary Schools and Intermediate Schools and Departments at 1st July, 1934.


(Kxcludl "g Secondary Departments of District High Schoola and Form III of Intermediate Schools and Departments, but including special classes, Forms I and II of all Intermediate Schools and Departments, and Standard VII.) .Special Classes for Pupils in Preparatory at 1St JU ' y in StimdMds aDā Backward Children. Classes. ] —" — 5 — 1- T Standard I. Standard II. Standard III. Standardly. Form I. Form II. Form III. B ° ys ' GlrlS - Total - BoyS ' GlrlS- Tota1 ' BoyS - Girls - Total - Boys - Girls - Tota1 ' B °y s - Girls - Total - Boys- Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Education District — Auckland .. 97 45 142 7,777 6,65814,435 4,028 3,609 7,637 4,196 3,845 8,041 4,330 4,135 8,465 4,147 3,890 8,037 3,569 3,189 6,758 2,980 2,689 5,669 110 136 246 31,234 28,196 59,430 Taranaki .. n 6 17 1,402 1,225 2,627 772 685 1,457 805 665 1,470 743 753 1,496 678 696 1,374 670 648 1,318 566 567 1,133 26 40 66 5,673 5,285 10,958 Wanganui .. 6 7 13 1,805 1,578 3,383 863 801 1,664 931 883 1,814 1,069 905 1,974 1,081 927 2,008 846 846 1,692 800 757 1,557 28 33 61 7,429 6,737 14,166 Hawke's Bay .. 17 14 31 1,797 1,544 3,341 987 795 1,782 966 892 1,858 1,021 958 1,979 969 849 1,818 878 787 1,665 764 627 1,391 38 55 93 7,437 6,521 13,958 Wellington .. 73 47 120 3,044 2,670 5,714 1,591 1,388 2,979 1,764 1,629 3,393 1,806 1,589 3,395 1,803 1,608 3,411 1,618 1,569 3,187 1,333 1,357 2,690 29 49 78 13,061 24,^67 NelS ° n •' •' 19 12 31 745 640 1,385 389 332 721 383 364 747 426 426 852 422 382 804 427 435 862 355 350 705 16 21 37 3,182 6,144 Canterbury .. 47 22 69 3,783 3,218 7,001 2,045 1,751 3,796 2,180 2,070 4,250 2,338 2,189 4,527 2,221 2,118 4,339 2,107 1,982 4,089 1,821 1,757 3,578 58 77 135 16,600 15J84 31^784 0tagO '- " 45 21 66 950 1,730 3)680 1)157 002 2 > 159 ] > 222 i' 068 2 >29° 1,277 1,173 2,450 1,221 1,258 2,479 1,121 1,092 2,213 1,004 978 1,982 21 35 56 9,018 8,357 17,375 Southland .. 8 8 16 1,350 1,110 2,460 681 659 1,340 703 662 1,365 785 707 1,492 677 689 1,366 756 676 1,432 588 550 1,138 14 16 30 5,562 5,077 10,639 Intermediate schools i . „„„ and departments 962 2,053 1,233 1,066 2,299 2,324 2,028 4,352 Totals for 1934 .. 323 182 505 23,653 20,373 44,02612,51311,022 23,53513,15012,078 25,22813,79512,835 26,63013,21912,417 25,636 13,083 12,186 25,269 11,444 10^698 22,142 340 462 802 101,520 92.253 193.773 Percentage of pupils .. .. 0-3 .. .. 22-7 .. .. 12-2 .. .. 13-0 13-8 tTTĪ TT7 of each standard ro u .. .. id » .. .. Id 2 . . .. 13-0 .. .. 11-4 .. .. 0-4 .. .. 100-0 Totals for 1933 .. 320 184 504 22,57219,255 41,82713,39012,087 25,47713,08612,121 25,207 12,997 27,12913,50912,709 26,218 13,310 12,617 25,927 H ,370 10,697 22,067 411 491 902102,100 93,158 KM3 Difference .. +3 -2 . +1 +1081 +1118 +2199 -877 -1065 -1,942 +64 -43 +21 -337 -162 -499 -29ō|-292~ -582 -227 -431 -658~^~7Ī^ I -71 -29 -100 -580 -905 : : I ' •


Table A5.-Age of Pupils of Public Primary Schools as at 1st July, 1934.

Table A6. —Median Ages of Pupils of Public Primary Schools as at 1st July, 1934.


Average Ages of the Pupils in each Class. Education District. Classes 1 P ' S1, S2 ' S3 ' S4 ' Form I. Form II. Form III. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Auckland .. .. .. 11 11 7 2 8 6 9 7 10 6 11 6 12 5 13 3 14 0 Taranaki .. .. .. 12 11 7 1 8 6 9 6 10 7 11 7 12 6 13 4 14 0 Wanganui .. .. .. 12 3 7 1 8 5 9 4 10 6 11 6 12 5 13 5 13 10 Hawke's Bay .. .. 12 1 7 2 8 6 9 5 10 6 11 6 12 5 13 4 14 0 Wellington . . . . .. 11 11 7 0 8 4 9 4 10 5 11 5 12 5 13 3 14 0 Nelson . . .. ..11 11 6 11 8 4 9 3 10 3 11 4 12 3 13 2 13 9 Canterbury .. .. ..11 3 7 0 8 4 9 4 10 4 11 5 12 5 13 3 13 9 Otago .. .. .. 10 7 6 11 8 3 9 2 10 3 11 3 12 4 13 1 13 7 Southland .. .. .. 12 2 7 0 8 4 9 4 10 6 11 6 12 5 13 2 13 6 All districts .. ..11 8 7 1 8 5 9 4 10 5 11 5 12 .5 13 3 13 10 Range (difference between [2 4 03 0 3 06 04 04 03 04 06 highest and lowest) |

Median Ages of the Pupils in each Class. Education District. ; ' Classes s\. S2. S3. S4. Form X. Form II. Form III. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Yr. m. Auckland .. .. 12 3 6 11 8 4 9 3 10 4 11 4 12 4 13 3 13 11 Taranaki .. .. . . 13 0 6 11 8 5 9 5 10 5 11 6 12 5 13 4 13 II Wansanui . 12 6 7 0 8 4 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 4 13 3 13 10 Hawke'sBay .. . . 12 5 6 11 8 5 9 4 10 4 11 4 12 4 13 3 13 10 Wellington .. .. 12 3 6 11 8 3 9 2 .10 3 11 4 12 4 13 2 13 11 Nelson .. 12 0 6 10 8 3 9 2 10 1 11 3 12 2 13 2 13 9 Canterbury .11 4 6 10 8 3 9 2 10 3 11 3 12 4 13 2 13 8 Otaeo " . .. 10 8 6 9 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 2 12 2 13 0 13 7 Southland .. .. .. 12 3 6 10 8 3 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 4 13 1 13 5 All districts .. .. 12 0 6 11 8 3 9 3 10 4 II 4 12 4 13 2 13 10 Range (difference between 34 03 04 04 04 04 03 04 06 highest and lowest)

E —2.

Table A7. —Proficiency Certificate Examination Results, 1934.

Table A8.—Age and Attainment of Pupils who definitely left Primary Schools during or at End of Year 1934.


Proficiency Certificates. Competency Certificates. Number of Education District. PupiIs ,, , Percentage of Average Age w, lmhpr Percentage of presented. Number of Successful Number gamed. presented. Pupils. gamed. presented. Public Schools. Yr. m. Auckland .. .. .. 5,533 4,819 87-1 13 9 491 8-9 Taranaki.. .. .. .. 1,087 859 79-0 13 5 147 13-5 Wanganui .. .. .. 1,447 1,091 75-4 13 7 235 16-2 Hawke'sBay .. .. .. 1,341 .1,099 82-0 13 7 179 13-3 Wellington .. .. .. 2,579 2,142 83-1 13 7 294 11-4 Nelson .. .. .. .. 679 559 82-3 13 5 88 13-0 Canterbury .. .. .. 3,403 2,560 75-2 13 6 535 15-7 Otago .! .. .. .. J,938 1,532 79-1 13 6 286 14-8 Southland .. .. .. 1,087 843 77-6 13 6 176 16-2 Totals .. .. .. 19,094 15,504 81-2 13 6 2,431 12-7 Private. Schools. Auckland .. .. .. 698 576 82-5 13 10 74 10-6 Taranaki.. .. .. .. 121 95 78-5 14 0 17 14-0 Wanganui .. .. .. 193 147 76-2 13 10 28 14-5 Hawke'sBay .. .. .. 177 145 81-9 13 8 21 11-9 Wellington .. .. .. 494 443 89-7 13 8 35 7-1 Nelson .. .. .. .. 78 64 82-1 13 7 8 10-3 Canterbury .. .. .. 551 454 82'4 13 10 69 12'5 Otago .. .. .. .. 246 184 74-8 13 6 29 11-8 Southland .. .. .. 109 82 75-2 13 4 17 15-6 Totals .. .. .. 2,667 2,190 82-1 13 8 298 11-2 Native Schools (including Native Mission and Chatham Islands). All schools .. .. .. | 289 | 202 69-9 || 14 4 | 49 gi 17-0 Intermediate Schools. All districts .. .. £3 2,177 | 1,782 | 81-9 ( 13 7 | . 284 | 13-0 *Secondary, Combined, and Technical Schools. All districts .. .. ... 1 568 1 236 | 41-5 | .. 1 140 | 24-6 Correspondence School. Correspondence School .. ( 69 | 63 j 91-3 ) 14 0 ) 2 | 2-9 Special Examinations. All districts .. .. .. 486 ; 258 53-1 .. j 117 24-1 Grand totals, 1934 .. .. 25,350 ! 20,235 79-8 .. 3,321 13-1 Grand totals, 1933 .. 25,062 | 19,319 77-1 j .. 3,417 13-6 Difference .. +288 I +916 +2-7 I .. I -96 -0-5 * The great majority of pupils in secondary, technical, and combined schools secured proficiency certificates before entry. The 568 candidates represent only about 2 per cent, of the pupils in these schools and the weakest section of the schools (those who failed to secure proficiency before entry). These pupils, also those sitting for special examinations during the year, will not, of course, be pupils of Form II.

In Form II. Age. Gained Proficiency Gained Competency Had not passed orm Certificate. Certificate. Form II. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. 15 years and over .. .. .. 677 385 266 136 320 167 224 133 14 „ under 15 .. .. 2,242 1,877 471 369 557 537 721 608 13 „ „ 14 .. .. 3,355 3,541 279 282 43 73 52 53 12 „ 13 .. .. 1,671 1,966 53 48 2 7 3 5 11 „ „ 12 .. . . 166 187 2 2 2 ] 12 Under 11 years .. .. . . 2 3 .. .. .. Totals, 1934 .. .. 8,113 17,959 1,071 837 924 785 ] 001 801 Totals, 1933 .. .. 7,821 7,713 1,065 835 868 778 963 800 Difference .. .. .. +292 i +246 +6 +2 +56 +7 -f-38 +1 In Standard IV. In Standard III. J In Sta j^ r d11 or Totals. Age. : Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Total. 15 years and over .. ..76 34 22 4 11 4 1,596 863 2 459 14 „ under 15 .. 350 235 119 72 48 28 4,508 3,726 8'234 13 „ „ 14 .. 24 16 18 11 10 4 3,781 3,980 7,761 12 „ „ 13 .. 3 3 2 3 2 3 1,736 2,035 3,771 11 „ „12 .. 4 5 I 2 9 178 206 384 Under 11 years . . .. 2 2 4 4 27 12 35 21 56 Totals, 1934 .. 459 295 166 94 100 60 11,834 10,831 22,665 Totals, 1933 .. 376 292 146 105 98 75 11,337 10,598 21,935 Difference . . +83 | +3 +20 —11 +2 —15 +497 +233 +730

E. —2

Table A9.—Destination of Children who definitely left Primary Schools during or at End of 1934.


, Auckland. Taranaki. Wanganui. Hawke's Bay. Wellington. Passed Not passed Passed Not passed Passed Not passed Passed Not passed Passed Not passed Form II. Form II. Form II. Form II. Form II. Form II. Form II. Form 11. Form II. Form II. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Post-primary .. .. .. .. .. 1,766 1,528 29 17 290 285 5 5 543 512 15 9 454 368 3 2 862 883 47 22 Commercial occupations- — (a) Clerical .. .. .. .. .. 4 9.. 3 3 2 1.. 2 3.. .. 1 2 2 1 (b) Shop and warehouse assistants .. .. Ill 58 41 36 12 5 5 1 14 6 13 1 28 3 7 3 56 33 36 25 Trades — (а) Engineering .. .. .. .. .. 27.. 14.. 3.. 1.. 4.. 1.. 3.. 3.. 9.. 4.. (б) Building .. .. .. .. .. 10.. 4 1 2.. 5.. 7 1 4.. (c) Other .. .. .. .. .. 56 17 39 12 7 6 1 5 12 1 3 29 22 7 13 Agricultural and pastoral .. .. .. ..561 38 456 39 128 13 114 10 122 7 130 3 124 1 89 2 93 8 95 3 Other occupations .. .... .. .. 55 71 77 46 18 13 8 10 29 10 43 19 23 20 29 9 48 51 53 40 Home .. .. .. .. . . . . 170 766 130 442 27 191 18 90 17 184 43 147 46 169 38 114 41 198 33 129 Sot known .. .. .. .. 29 8 49 28 3 3 3 2 8 4 12 8 4 3 7 2 12 5 13 3 Total number of children leaving, 1934 .. 2,789 2,495 839 623 488 510 154 118 747 726 263 187 698 568 184 132 1,158 1,203 294 236 Total number of children leaving, 1933 .. 2,594 2,424 751 662 500 458 172 120 777 655 216 169 635 595 172 121 1,150 1,265 309 244 Difference.. .. .. .. .. +195 +71 +88 -39 -12 +52 -18 -2 -30 +71 +47 +18 +63 —27 +12 +11 +8 —62 —15 -8 Nelson. Canterbury. Otago. Southland. Totals. noGHnntinn Passed Not passed Passed Not passed Passed Not passed Passed Not passed Passed ' Not passed • Form II. Form II. Form II. Form II. Form II. Form II. Form II. Form II. Form II. Form II. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys, j Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Post-primary .. .. .. .. 205 196 12 4 1,231 1,229 33 20 575 572 7 3 328 304 4 2 6,254 5,877 155 84 Commercial occupations — (a) Clerical .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 14 5 .. .. 4 1 . . . . .. .. 24 26 4 4 (b) Shop and warehouse assistants .. . . 6 3 2 2 21 12 13 11 11 5 4 2 6 4 265 125 125 81 Trades — (a) Engineering .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 1 5 1 4 1 1 2 65 1 31 1 (b) Building .. .. .. .. 1.. 1.. 5 2 6.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 29 1 23 2 (c) Other .. .. .. .. .. 2 1 5 1 32 3 6 8 14 4 9 1 3 4 .. 161 49 78 35 Agricultural and pastoral .. .. .. .. 66 7 48 3 178 12 146 7 113 12 87 9 98 7 90 5 1,483 105 1,255 81 Other occupations .. .. . . . . . . 17 10 16 4 59 32 86 45 45 15 45 22 24 7 16 12 318 229 373 207 Home .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 85 16 55 82 363 92 245 61 236 54 135 36 146 49 108 499 2,338 473 1,465 Not known .. .. .. .. .. 1 1 2 1 16 14 29 14 9 6 12 13 4 1 6 4 86 45 133 75 Total number of children leaving, 1934 .. 316 304 102 70 1,648 1,671 415 353 838 854 222 185 502 465 177 131 9,184 8,796 2,650 2,035 Total number of children leaving, 1933 .. 300 305 89 76 1,505 1,451 356 310 930 911 204 214 495 484 182 134 8,886 8,548 2,451 2,050 Difference.. .. .. .. .. +16 -1 +13 -6 +143 +220 +59 +43 -92 -57 +18 -29 +7 -19 -5 -3 +298 +248 +199 -15


Table A10.—School Staff, December, 1934 (exclusive of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, but inclusive of Forms I and II of all Intermediate Schools and Departments).

Table A11.—Classification of Teachers in Public Primary Schools, and in Forms I and II of Intermediate Schools and Departments, at 31st December, 1934.

Table A12. —Details of Classification of Teachers in Public Primary Schools, and in Forms I and II of Intermediate Schools and Departments, December, 1934.


g °-fg £ £§,; O • Sole Heads of Assistant Total Number of CU ® S.3 'SOS Teachers. Schools. Teachers. Adult Teachers. Sv® § £§ 3°o fl2 ® »oS a <3,2® is -T i H Ifi *1 M. | F. M. F M. F. M. F. Total. §,o SB? || S£§ I l_ B Ph X 0 *" 1 Education District— Auckland .. .. 757 257 118 304 50 284 926 8451,0941,939 .. 77-2 54 373 28-0 Taranaki .. .. 179 58 32 63 23 31 188 152 243 395 .. 62-6 lo'o67 25-5 Wanganui . . .. 219 67 60 73 15 50 230 190 305 495 .. 62-3 12'913 26-1 Hawke's Bay .. 195 62 52 68 7 55 221 185 280 465 .. 66-1 27-4 Wellington.. .. 246 31 91 87 21 108 437 226 549 775 . 41-2 23'235 30-0 Nelson .. .. 138 46 45 35 6 18 101 99 152 251 .. 65-1 5'768 23-0 Canterbury .. 378 79 119 141 29 176 544 396 6921,088 .. 57-2 28*974 26-6 Otago .. .. 241 59 72 86 17 108 305 253 394 647 .. 64-2 15'961 24-7 Southland.. .. 179 61 45 63 8 46 164 170 217 387 .. 78-3 25-2 Intermediate schools and 16 .. .. *7 .. 83 75 90 75 165 .. 120-0 24-5 departments ~ Totals, 1934 .. 2,548 720 634 927 176 959 3,1912,606 4,0016,607 .. 65-1 177,831 26-9 Totals, 1933 .. 2,531 699 670 900 174 835 2,924 2,434 3,768 6,202 .. 64-6 182,017 29-3 Difference .. +17+21 -36 +27 +2+124+267 +172+233+405 | .. +0-5 -4,186 -2-4 * There were five Principals of separate intermediate schools. The other two were head teachers of District High Schools to which were attached intermediate departments, and are not shown elsewhere. Note. —There were no probationers in the schools in 1933 and 1934.

(Teachers Departments of District High Schools are excluded.) All Schools. Excluding Schools ol Grade 0. Unclassified Unclassified Classified Teachers and T f . Classified Teachers and „ . . Teachers. Holders of rotal. Teachers. Holders of Total. Licenses. Licenses. Education District — Auckland .. .. .. 1,934 5 1,939 1,909 2 1911 Taranaki.. .. .. .. 393 .. 395 381 .. '38I Wanganui .. .. .. 495 . . 495 467 .. 467 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. 462 3 465 444 .. 444 Wellington .. .. .. 775 .. 775 756 .. 756 Nelson .. .. .. .. 247 4 251 223 .. 223 Canterbury .. .. .. 1,086 2 1,088 1,062 .. 1 062 Otago .. .. .. .. 643 4 647 621 .. '621 Southland .. .. .. 387 .. 387 376 .. 376 Intermediate schools and departments .. 135 30* 165 135 30* 165 Totals, 1934.. .. .. 6,559 48 6,607 6,374 32 6,406 Totals, 1933. . .. .. 6,153 49 6,202 5,980 30 6,010 Difference .. +406 _ 1 +405 +394 +2 +396 * These thirty intermediate school teachers are not the holders of teachers' certificates, but are classified as secondary or technical school teachers, and are in a totally different category from those listed in the upper portion of this table.

(Teachers in Secondary Departments of District High Schools are excluded.) Class A. Class B. j Class C. Class D. Class E. Total. j — , M. F. Total. M. F. Total.) M: F. Total. M. F. Total. M. F. Total. M. F. Total 1 ' Education d i s - trict— Auckland .. 11 . . 11 279 120 399 486 7601,246 66 207 273 1 4 5 843 1 091 1 934 Taranaki .. 1 1 2 51 25 76 87 167 254 13 48 61 .. 2 2 152 '243 '395 Wanganui . . 1 1 2 62 28 90 106 217 323 21 57 78 .. 2 2 190 305 495 Hawke's Bay 1 1 2 49 23 72 111 198 309 23 54 77 .. 2 2 184 278 462 Wellington . . 6 2 8 97 116 213 101 334 435 21 94 115 1 3 4 226 549 775 Nelson .. 3 .. 3 30 12 42 54 106 160 9 33 42 96 151 247 Canterbury . . 19 4 23 152 88 240 189 514 703 33 84 117 2 1 3 395 691 1 086 Otago . . 6 .. 6 99 72 171 121 282 403 27 36 63 253 390 '643 Southland . . 1 .. 1 59 22 81 95 160 255 15 35 50 170 217 387 Intermediate 6 1 7 44 24 68 22 29 51 .. 9 9 ...... 72 63 135* schools and departments Totals, 1934 55 10 65 922 5301,4521,3722,7674,139228 657 885 4 14 18 2,581 3,9786,559 Totals, 1933 47 8 55. 813 463 1,2761,3182,5613,879230 690 920 5 18 23 2,413 3,7406,153 Difference +8+2 +10+109+67+176 +54+206+260-2 1 -33 -35-1 -4 -5 +168+238 +406 * This total (135) gives only the number of those teachers in Forms I and II of intermediate schools and departments who have teachers' certificates. The other 30 are, however, classified as secondary or technical school teachers.


Table A13.—Adult Teachers in Public Schools (excluding Secondary Departments of District High Schools and all Intermediate Schools and Departments), classified according to Grade of Salary received at 31st December, 1934.

Table A14. —Registered Private Primary Schools.—Number of Schools, Pupils, and Teachers at the End of 1934.


Males. Females. Totals. Grade of Salary (See Note below). i Certificated. Uncertittcated. Certificated. Uncertificated. Certificated. Uncertificated ; ' ; ! 5 I ' Sole Teachers and Head Teachers. 0 (£15 per pupil in average attendance) 36 5 97 9 133 14 1 (£170-£200) .. .. .. 425 1 280 1 705 2 II (£210—£270) .. .. .. 253 .. 221 474 IIIA (£265-£295) . . .. 176 . . 91 267 IIIb (£280-£310) .. .. .. 209 .. 43 . . 252 IIIo (£280-£325) . . .. .. 116 .. 7 .. 123 IV (£325-£355) .. .. 121 . . 1 122 V (£360-£405) .. .. .. 84 .. .. 84 VI (£405-£425) .. .. .. 58 .. .. 58 VII (£435-£465) .. .. .. 85 . . .. .. 85 !! Relieving .. .. .. .. 38 .. 5 1 43 1 Relieving (rationing scheme) .. .. 33 .. 54 .. 87 Totals .. .. .. 1,634 6 799 11 2,433 17 Assistants. 1 (men £160-£205, women £140-£175) .. 155 .. 1,363 .. 1,518 1 (with additional £25 per annum)* .. .. .. 119 .. 119 2 (men £230-£280, women £205-£260) .. 328 .. 493 .. 821 2 (with additional £30 per annum )"|" .. . . .. 143 ., 143 3 (men £300-£330, women £285-£315) .. 107 .. 124 231 4(£340-£385) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " Special} .. .. .. .. 2 .. 3 .. 5 Relieving .. .. .. .. 17 .. 14 . . 31 Relieving (rationing scheme) .. .. 267 .. 857 .. 1,124 I Totals .. .. .. 876 .. 3,116 .. 3,992 j ] I * This grade of salary is paid to infant-mistresses in schools of Grade IIIo. f This grade of salary is paid to certain infant-mistresses in mixed schools of Grades Vb, Vc, and VIa, and to certain second female assistants in mixed schools of Grade VII. I Certain teachers in normal schools and special classes. N.B. —In addition to the grade salary shown in the table the regulations provide for the payment of additional amounts by way of grading increment, married allowance, house allowance, and normal school allowance. The rates quoted are according to scale but are subject to the reductions under the Finance Act, 1931, and the National Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1932, and to the increase under the Finance Act (No. 2), 1934.

li J- J. OJlJJ J-Jil J_» VX 1 XWUXBoll Number at End of Year. § Number of Teachers. Number of Schools. : § o £ •§ Total Roll. g »-s i2 n -Q J£ District. -7 — "§« % «5 So5 - — J §08 J21 § J2 | g Hi! IH 1« 3 ll II II 51 I |iS 'At sal Sl| |p !® •§" I" £ » 3 i — ; -rt e<3 O ! s3p< » 0« oHSOrrt-* 3 !? £» T2 ■£* f> I I I nm j O m I I o O g o -3 M. I P. M. F. M. I F. Auckland .. 9 56 13 78 220 6,706 721 3,709 3,938 7,647 6,724 .. 21 8 199 11 27 Taranaki .. 1 12 .. 13 13 1,164 .. 550 627 1,177 1,088 .. I .. 41 Wanganui .. 4 17 7 28 75 1,652 290 1,011 1,006 2,017 1,781 .. 8 3 58 11 ii Hawke's Bay 3 14 8 25 63 1,533 236 837 995 1,832 1,572 .. 6 3 41 7 13 Wellington .. 4 37 11 52 169 4.087 720 2,359 2,617 4,976 4,360 5 6 10 121 7 ">9 Nelson .. 1 6 1 8 19 570 28 277 340 617 576 . . 1 .. 20 2 Canterbury .. 7 46 11 64 258 4,389 682 2,568 2,761 5,329 4,641 3 16 12 134 11 19 Otago .. 2 21 3 26 65 1,850 136 997 1,054 2.051 1,753 .. 5 1 70 3 4 Southland .. .. 12 1 13 . . 952 38 454 536 990 890 .... 3 35 3 Totals, 1934 31 221 55 307 88222,903 2,851 12,76213,874 26,636 23,385 8 64 40 719 50 108 Totals, 1933 j 32 220 57 309 91422,747 2,76712,57513,853 26,428 23,526 9 61 51 693 46:~H4 Difference., j -1: + 1 -2 -2 -32 +156 +84 +187 +21 +208 -141 -1 +3-11 +26 +4! -6

E. —2

Table A15.—Ages of Pupils in Private Primary Schools in the Various Education Districts as at 1st July, 1934.


5-6 Years. 6-7 Years. 7-8 Years. 8-9 Years. 9-10 Years. 10-11 Years. 11-12 Years. 12-13 Years. 13-14 Years. 14-15 Years. 115-16 Years. [ j Totals. Education District. I j : — - ■ Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. | Boys. ! Girls. iBoys Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. J j J 1 [ ) I Auckland .. .. .. 283 265 386 415 421 419 446 438 459 477 412 494 441 462 361 416 ' 255 340 136 179 29 76 7 18 .. 4 3,636 4,003 Taranaki . . .. .. 46 35 61 61 64 62 59 71 67 63 71 75 62 74 71 67 46 64 15 31 7 12 1 9 .. 6 570 630 Wanganui .. .. .. 55 42 108 110 90 93 117 102 76 150 107 124 109 132 146 119 I 104 95 51 59 18 14 2 1 .. 3 983 1,044 Hawke's Bay .. .. 53 49 80 80 97 111 73 106 85 114 91 138 108 114 114 138; 76 88 38 47 4 23 .. 17 .. 9 819 1,034 Wellington .. .. .. 181 177 259 286 318 280 229 298 250 324 272 323 234 313 267 312 j 177 196 100 81 19 25 11 2 1 2 2,318 2,619 Nel8 ° n •• •• 36 40 29 36 28 32 24 30 35 39 33 35 32 39 28 40 23 25 11 15 1 1 280 332 Canterbury .. .. .. 192 173 280 276 290 277 243 312 293 309 304 318 310 341 281 323 207 208 91 100 18 25 3 1 .. .. 2,512 2,663 0ta S° •• •• 91 84 103 124 94 116 107 123 105 117 95 117 135 111 103 97 81 83 45 32 13 4 2 974 1,008 Southland .. .. .. 48 32 54 55 52 61 50 53 57 63 49 72 48 68 53 72 , 28 38 15 16 2 2 1 .... 1 457 533 Totals, 1934 .. .. 985 897 1,360 1,443 1,454 1,451 1,348 1,533 1,427 1,656 1,434 1,696 1,479 1,654 1,424 1,584 I 997 1,137 502 560 111 182 27 48 1 25 12,549 13,866 Totals, 1933 .. .. 958 875 1,343 1,394 1,298 1,409 1,406 1,553 1,406 1,636 1,442 11,583 1,581 1,628 1,333 1,559 994 1,163 459 507 113 166 25 70 7 18 12,365 13,561 Difference .. .. +27 +22 +17 +49 +156 : +42 —58 —20 +21 +20 —8 +113 -102 +26 +91 +25 j +3 —26 +43 +53 -2 +16 +2 -22 -6 +7 +184 +305


Table A16.—Lower Departments of Secondary Schools, 1934.—Average Attendance, Roll Classification, and Staff.

Table A17.— Correspondence School, Primary Department, 1934. —Average Weekly Roll, Classification, etc.


' Roll Classification according to Standards of Pupils on Roll © ®a-j a Number at 1st July, 1934. 53 <3 «s jSg at 31st *■§& , , , Decemhcr, Class P. 81. 82. S3. SI. Form I. Form II. Totals. 3|§ School. . 1934. I I i M B ra ™ & I B. | 6. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. j B. ! G. -g M. F. ■«f « a h New Plymouth Boys' High .. 9 9 1.. 2 .. 2 .. 4 .. 9.. 9 1.. Wanganui Girls' College .. 20 .. 24 .. 1 2 .. 4 .. 2 .. 3 .. 10 .. 22 22 .. 1 Gisborne High .. .. 11 4 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 4 6 8 14.. 1 Napier Girls' High .. .. 12 . . 12 .. 2 .. 1 .. 2 5 .. 2 .. 3 .. 15 15 .. 1 Nelson College .. .. 23 25 7 .. 7 .. 11 .. 25 .. 25 1 .. Nelson Girls' College .. .. 40 .. 44 3 .. 6 .. 7 .. 13 .. 15 .. 44 44 .. 3 Timaru Boys' High .. .. 26 31 .. 2 4 . . 7 . . 4 .. 5 .. 7 .. 29 . . 29 2 .. Timaru Girls' High . . .. 12 . . 15 .. 2 3 .. 3 .. 3 .. 11 11 .. 1 Totals, 1934 .. .. 153 69 99 2 5 .. 1 4 7 8 11 14 19 17 22 24 35 69 100 169 4 7 Totals, 1933 .. .. 164 76 102 3 2 4 2 .. 6 8 18 9 14 18 27 30 30 72 99 171 4 6 Difierence .. .. -11 -7 -3-1+3-4-1+4 +1 .. -7+5+5-1 -5 -6 +5 -3 +1 -2 ..+1

>> I p ' Classification according to Standards of Pupils on Roll o £ L 3 21 at 1st July, 1934. s. |s« I s l-R a n § Class P. 81. 82. S3. 84. Fl. F2. Totals. To t a l JSiSfl || g - ' ■3 m .a g, J B G I B B Q B g. B. G. B. G. B. G. M. F. r pq O 1,325 1,326 I 214 234 I 80 [ 93 85 I 82 j 96 101 61 j 80 j 44 | 66 43 57 623 713 1,336 | 5 18


REPORTS (EXTRACTS) OF EDUCATION BOARDS. AUCKLAND. (Chairman, Mr. T. U. Wells.) School Accommodation. —The Board appreciates the difficulties experienced by the Government in providing, from its limited funds, grants for urgently needed school accommodation, and with a view to assisting in the matter has, from its own funds, made contributions towards the cost of new building works, including remodelling of schools. The Board desires to point out, however, that there are still many cases where proper school accommodation is needed, and urges that, when funds permit, attention be given to the question of replacing unsuitable privately owned buildings, such as halls, &c. Remodelling of many schools is also necessary, particularly in cases where two teachers are obliged to work in the one room. Teachers' Residences. —The Board hopes that in future it will be possible for the Government to make grants for a larger number of teachers' residences. The problem of providing suitable accommodation for married teachers is still a common one in many rural districts, and although it is recognized that school accommodation must take precedence, the Board trusts that funds will be available for the provision of residences in a number of urgent cases. District High Schools.—During the year a district high school was opened at Kawakawa, making a total of twenty-seven such schools under'the Board's jurisdiction. The Board recognizes that the district high schools are of great value in affording to country children facilities for secondary education. The Inspectors' reports and the results of public examinations show that the instruction in district high schools compares favourably with that in secondary schools. Intermediate Schools.—The reports of the Inspectors continue to show the value of the work carried out in the intermediate schools in this education district, and confirm the opinion of the Board that the system should be extended to other centres when possible. Wireless Broadcasts to Schools. —Arrangements were continued during the year for the wireless broadcasting of lessons to schools. At the beginning of the year 98 public schools and 5,083 children listened in to the broadcasts. During the year the numbers increased to 162 schools and 8,410 children. In addition, a number of private schools availed themselves of the service. Refresher Courses.—As the training college was closed during 1934, the opportunity was taken to utilize the services of lecturers to conduct refresher courses at various centres in the subjects of physical instruction, art, handwork, and junior school method. The courses were of great value to the large number of teachers who availed themselves of the opportunity to keep abreast of the latest methods in those subjects as demonstrated at the courses. TARANAKI. (Chairman, Mr. J. A. Valentine.) Agriculture.—By request of the Board, the Senior Instructor in Agriculture, in co-operation with the agricultural instructional staff, prepared a pamphlet containing suggestions on the courses in agriculture and nature study for the use and guidance of teachers. This book is proving very helpful. Physical Education.—Refresher classes for teachers were held in several centres (the Instructors being Mr. Reid, of the Auckland Training College, and his associates) with the object of giving teachers an opportunity to attend demonstrations of methods of dealing in a scientific manner with the fundamental principles of physical education " The Growing Body." Teachers' Residences. —Some years ago movable baches to provide sleeping-quarters only for single male teachers were supplied to several outlying schools. But the Board now finds that owing to the congestion in the ranks of the more highly graded teachers, our young teachers in schools of Grade I and Grade II cannot obtain promotion. Nevertheless they marry and they live in these movable baches, which were never intended for the use of married teachers. For example, at Mangatupoto, Purangi, Whareorino, married teachers —in some cases with a family—are living, cooking, eating, and sleeping in these one-roomed baches. The conditions are altogether unsuitable for decent, refined people. My Board has devised a cheap, movable residence of three rooms with bath and laundry facilities which will meet these cases. In other rural areas there are Grade II and 111 schools without residences or accommodation of any description for the teachers. Hence, it would appear that there is need for the adoption by the Department of a definite policy with regard to the supply of teachers' residences in rural areas, just as residences in such areas are supplied for the use of the police, of railway employees, and of postal officers. WANGANUI. (Chairman, Mr. E. F. Hemingway.) School Environment. —No report of this Board would be complete without a reference to this matter. I was able to pay visits of inspection to a number of schools representative of the various portions of our large district, and in every case there was ample evidence of the continued practical interest taken by teachers and Committees in the environment of their schools. The work carried out during the year can safely be classed as excellent. As the years progress, there is an increasing

4—E. 2.


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realization of the important influence of environment on the mind of the child, and all those who have worked so hard to bring about the present creditable environment of the Board's schools may justly feel that they have contributed in a most practical way to the education of our children. New environment certificates were issued to 14 schools, and the certificates of 81 schools were endorsed, while letters of commendation were sent to Committees and teachers of 18 schools. School Committees. —The thanks of the Board, and, indeed, of the whole community, are due to those indefatigable workers —the members of the various School Committees. There is not the slightest doubt that the School Committees of this country save the Government thousands of pounds, not only by raising funds, but by their own personal labour, and. I cannot speak too highly of thenefforts. They have every reason to be proud of the results of their work in the schools of this district —work carried out solely for the benefit of the children, the citizens of the future. Physical Education. —During the year the Board was fortunate in obtaining the services of Mr. K. Reid and Miss M. Blackburne, members of the staff of the Auckland Training College, to hold short refresher courses in various centres. These courses were very well attended, and reports show that teachers derived much benefit from the visit of these experts. School Sports Associations continue to do most valuable work. The enthusiasm shown by competitors and parents at the annual gatherings left no doubt as to the popularity of this school activity. The Board tenders its thanks to all teachers, Committees, and parents, who so ably control this important work.

HAWKE'S BAY. (Chairman, Mr. G. A. Maddison.) As in the past two years, owing to the reduction in the maintenance grant, the Board has had to watch its finances very carefully, and has therefore not been able to give as much assistance as it would have liked for certain services in connection with the schools. On the whole, however, the Board's finances are in a very satisfactory position. The reductions in the maintenance grant have made it difficult for the Board to maintain the schools at their usual standard, but the special grant expended at the beginning of 1934 mainly on painting and renovation has enabled the Board to bring about a very desirable improvement in a number of schools which most needed attention. The majority of School Committees have recognized during the year that the Board has not had the funds available to carry out many desirable works, and various improvement schemes which Committees have had in mind have therefore had to stand over. Many Committees have, however, contributed liberally to various works, and where the Committees have been willing to help themselves the Board has endeavoured in such cases also to grant some assistance. The greatest concern of the Board during the year has been repairs to asphalt or bituminous surfaces. During the time that subsidies on voluntary contributions were available, many Committees obtained subsidies with the object of putting down such surfaces in the school playgrounds, and over the whole district a very large area of work was undertaken. It has been found, as is usual with this type of surfacing, that fairly extensive recoating and repairs have been necessary, and this has imposed a very heavy demand on the Board's funds. The Board has assisted to carry out this repair work in all urgent cases, as it is realized that if a surface of this type is allowed to deteriorate too far the cost of restoration in a year or two will be altogether too great. The Board has come to the conclusion and has definitely decided that it will not approve of any further asphalting or bitumen surface work at the schools, in view of the recurring cost for repairs. It believes that the best course is to put down all permanent surfaces in concrete. Although the initial cost is very much higher, the future cost of repairs is practically nil. Refresher Classes.—Mention has already been made of the refresher classes in physical drill. During the year special refresher classes were also conducted by members of the Auckland and Christchurch Training College staffs in art, infant method, and handwork. The classes were held at various centres throughout the district, and the many teachers who attended benefited greatly from this opportunity to learn the most up-to-date methods in these subjects. In addition to work done by means of refresher classes, three Lecturers from the training colleges visited the secondary departments of district high schools, and gave expert advice in the teaching of rural science, domestic science, and modern languages.

WELLINGTON. (Chairman, Mr. W. V. Dyer.) Children's Sports. —The Board appreciates the efforts of those teachers who have organized sports gatherings, and it is hoped that this side of school life will be still further developed. Special Classes. —The results obtained at these classes are very good indeed, and fully justify the Department's policy. Much of the work recently exhibited was excellent, reflecting great credit on the specialist teachers in charge. School Libraries. —The Wellington Public Libraries supplied 76,301 issues to 36 city and suburban schools. A total of 31,434 Supplementary Readers were issued in 1934, an increase of 1,310 on the previous year's total.



The Wellington Libraries' Department has again been responsible for the distribution of the books ; and many Supplementary Readers and also general books have been rebound. Old books have been withdrawn and replaced by more up-to-date issues, and the stock has been enlarged, the cost being borne throughout by the Wellington Libraries' Department, assisted by the Education Board, and with the support of the Wellington School Committees' and Educational Federation. This scheme provides a wonderful amount of reading for the pupils of the city and suburban schools, far in. excess of that obtainable from an individual school library, and should be availed of to the fullest possible extent. The Board's thanks are due to the Wellington Libraries' Staff for the manner in which they have at all times assisted our schools, and for the help which they have given to the teachers. School Committees Voluntary Contributions. —As far as possible the Board continued to subsidize the efforts of School Committees in connection with improvements to the school premises and the enlargement of school libraries. Owing to the effect of legislation passed during last session, however, very little assistance will be available in future, unless the Government accedes to the Board's request for the restoration of the subsidies scheme which was in force prior to the depression.

NELSON. (Chairman, Hon. W. H. Mclntyre, M.L.C.) School Age of Admission. —The Board is disappointed that the school age of admission has not yet been lowered to five, years. Those parents who can afford to do so are sending their five-year-olds to private schools, but the less fortunate child still finds the door of the State school closed to him until the beginning of the term in which he reaches the age of six. Once again the Board most earnestly asks that during the coming year the age of admission will be again reduced to five years. Rationing Scheme. —The altered conditions governing the rationing scheme provided employment for every certificated teacher who was without a permanent position. Although there may have been some criticism of the rates of salary and allowances prescribed, there can be no doubt that the new scheme was a decided success. Every young teacher was found a position and occupied a definite place in the education system of the Dominion. Practically all the rationed teachers, while hoping for better conditions ahead, were well satisfied with the arrangements made, and many expressions of appreciation were heard. It is very gratifying to know that for 1935 the salaries prescribed for rationed teachers will be still further increased. School-grounds. —The high standard of environment at practically all schools was maintained, and at the end of .the year the Board found it necessary to issue a further 12 environment certificates. The total number of certificates issued and endorsed at the end of the year was 39, and a further 25 schools received letters of commendation. Sjsecial mention must be made of the excellent swimming-bath erected, at very small cost, by the Committee, teacher, and pupils of Central Takaka.

CANTERBURY. (Chairman, Mr. C. S. Thompson.) Elementary Handwork in Priytary Schools.—No handwork or infant-room material was supplied by the Department for 1934 classes due to the existing economic conditions. The Board's stock of material being completely exhausted, it was found necessary to incur a certain expenditure in this connection on necessitous cases ; but owing to the limited funds available it was not found possible to cope adequately with the situation. No needlework capitation was made available by the Department in respect of schools staffed only by male teachers. In a few cases ladies of the district carried on the instruction in a voluntary capacity, and the Board's thanks are due to those who assisted in this direction. Manual Training.—Manual instruction was continued in the Canterbury District on the same lines as in previous years. No extension of the work was possible, due to the Government's policy not to expand this branch of education until financial conditions were easier. It was anticipated, however, that this restriction would be relaxed to some extent in the new year. There were nineteen centres in operation under fourteen Woodwork and thirteen Cookery Instructors. Pupils from 118 public and 23 private schools received instruction in woodwork and cookery, the respective numbers being approximately 3,739 boys and 3,514 girls. Agricultural Instruction. —Through the closing of the Christchurch Training College for the year the services of Mr. L. W. McCaskill, Lecturer in Nature Study and Agriculture, were made available to the extent of two-thirds of the school-days in each term to augment the work of the regular staff of three Instructors. With few exceptions it was thus possible for a.n Instructor's visit to be made to each school in each term, and also to extend the visits to the larger schools to whole-day visits, enabling more attention to be given to nature-study programmes in the lower classes than had hitherto been possible. The usual agricultural competitions were carried on, and a good measure of success obtained in all branches. School Hygiene. —The School Medical Officers have carried out the programme of inspection in their usual efficient manner. Zeal and enthusiasm have been marked features of their work, and parents have every reason to feel grateful for the establishment and maintenance of a service which must have a beneficial effect on the future of young New Zealand.


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OTAGO. (Chairman, Mr. J. Wallace.) Unemployed Teachers. —The decision to provide all unemployed teachers with work at £60 per annum, and boarding allowance where necessary at £24 per annum (increased at Ist August to £72 and £36 respectively), proved a satisfactory solution of the difficulties attached to the allocating of work under the scheme in existence during the past two years. It was welcomed by the unemployed teachers as providing a definite year's work, and by the schools as providing a greater measure of continuity in the teaching staffs. Training College Admissions. —For the first time since November, 1930, new trainees were selected to begin their training in 1935. The number of qualified applicants for admission as Division A students was 89, while the Otago quota to be selected therefrom was 38. The number of applicants for admission as Division C students (graduates) was eight, and the quota three. This is the first time that trainees have not been required to serve as probationers in schools for one year before entering college. Teachers of experience regard this probationary year as a most valuable year's training. It is possible that it is dispensed with on this occasion more for economical than for sound educational reasons. School Committees. —A good School Committee is one of the finest assets any district can have. It can band a whole community together in the interests of the local school, while a headmaster and his staff can do better work when they know they have the support and encouragement of a good Committee. Not many Committees now hold the opinion that our " free " system of education means that the Government should provide everything. In recent years School Committees have had much to discourage them — the withdrawal of pound-for-pound subsidy, reduced incidental grants through removal of five-year-olds, and lessened help from the Boards owing to the reduction of the maintenance grant. In many cases, however, these set-backs have spurred Committees to greater efforts, and during the past twelve months some phenomenal amounts have been raised for individual tables and chairs, central heating, washing facilities, and other amenities. The amount paid to School Committees for incidental expenses was £9,769. Thirty-eight Committees suffered a reduction in their incidental grant, while only four received an increase. The additional grant of £415 was used to assist those which had suffered most. Milk for School-children. —During the winter term the children of eleven Dunedin schools were provided with a mid-morning ration of milk. The method generally adopted was to give the milk free to the children of relief workers and to undernourished children, all others paying from 2d. to 4d. per week for i pint a day. The cost of the free milk was found in equal proportion by the Board and the School Committees. A total of 1,504 children were provided with milk, those receiving it free and those paying being about equally divided. Intermediate School. —The Dunedin North Intermediate School was opened for use on Monday, sth February, and officially opened by the Minister of Education (Hon. R. Masters, M.L.C.) on 23rd February. The opening roll was 348, but by permission of the Minister the school was staffed as for Grade Vla (361-400). There were actually sufficient pupils in the Fourth Standards of the contributing schools to place the school in Grade Vla, but a number of parents were disinclined to take advantage of the new type of school. With the growing prestige of the school, it is expected that this disinclination will gradually cease to exist.

SOUTHLAND. (Chairman, Mr. S. Rice.) Agriculture, Science, and Nature Study. —During the year a considerable advance has been made with reference to the correlation of the work of various classes and the employment of improved methods, particularly in regard to nature study. Many schools, however, find difficulty in carrying out science and agriculture experiments because of lack of and material. Much apparatus can be and is improvised, but there are certain essentials which are indispensable if a complete course is to be carried out. In this connection the Board would again draw attention to its dissatisfaction with the system whereby capitation provided for the purchase of materials is based on the salaries paid to Instructors, as districts such as this having only one Instructor are severely handicapped. Building Operations.—New building operations were very restricted during the year, expenditure of grants provided by the Department being as follows : — £ s. d. Sunnyside —New school. . . . . . . ■ ■ ■ • • 465 2 7 Colac Bay —Rebuilding school and residence destroyed by fire .. 721 17 10 Te Waewae —Remodelling school . . .. .. . ■ 75 10 2 Invercargill North —Concrete paving .. .. . . .. 97 19 5 Invercargill South —Concrete paving . . .. .. . ■ 57 5 0 £1,417 15 0 Grants received for maintenance of school buildings amounted to £4,311 17s. 6d., an increase of £1,232 15s. on the amount received for 1933, and the Board has been able, owing to the increased amount available, to make some progress towards overtaking arrears of maintenance work.




5. TABLES RELATING TO INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS. Table B1. —Roll Number and Classification of Pupils in Attendance at and Staffs of Intermediate Schools and Departments.

Table B2. —Ages of Pupils in Attendance at Intermediate Schools and Departments at 1st July, 1934.


CO * ~~ j* ■ O r ■ p_j . £ • °rQ Classification of Pupils on Roll as at 1st July, 1934. Number of Sg gi . : : j Full-time AssistIntermediate School ° a Sqs' oil Form I. Form II. Form III. All Forms. I ant Teachers - or Department. S o g g g 1 g«g §,gI-S mll f~S ■§ | a« *io« " I I ~ ~~ Total. ? — 1 §"5b I™ sS ?S"« Boys. Girls. Bovs. Girls. Boys.,Girls. Boys. Girls. M. F. 4 a -is a 'J_ £ (a) Whangarei .. 148 170 291 276 66 81 72 75' .. j .. 138 156 294 6 5 11 (b) Otahuhu .. 133 142 237 225 62 60 71 46 .. . . 133 106 239 5 5 10 (c) Kowhai .. 458 413 769 742 167 157 187 197 49 42 403 396 799 14 13 27 (cl) Northcote .. 123 140 240 228 57 54 63 72 .. .. 120 126 246 4 5 9 Id) Matamata .. 911 101 169 158 47 39 44 42 .. . . 91 81 172 3 4 7 (e) Waihi .. 70 66 123 118 33 36 33 21 .... 66 57 123 3 2 5 (a) Rotorua .. 55 92 130 124 36 40 35 23 . . .. 71 63 134 3 2 5 (c) Wanganui .. 229 198 367 356 75 67 111 99 26 4 212 170 382 6 7 13 (c) Napier .. 195 204 356 337 100 81 105 79 .. .. 205 160 365 6 6 12 (a) Rongotai .. 96 96 186 175 89 .. 100 189 . . 189 5 .. 5 (a) Marlborough 175 158 299 287 74 61 90 77 .. . . 164 138 302 6 6 12 (c) Shirley .. .. 359 331 314 73 85 90 87 .. .. 163 172 335 4 4 8 (e) West Christ- 179 145 284 276 59 57 93 88 . . .. 152 145 297 6 5 11 church (a) Waitaki Boys' 67 65 125 111 69 . . 57 126 . . 126 8 .. 8 (a) Waitaki Girls' 68 74 138 125 . . 65 . . 73 138 138 .. 7 7 (c) Dunedin North .. 369 324 312 84 79 82 87 4 6 170 172 342 5 6 11 Totals, 1934 2,087 2,792 4,369 4,1641,091 9621,2331,066 79 52 2,403 2,080 4,483 84 77 161 Totals, 1933 1,643 2,494 3,806 3,691 1,036 8591,045 850 81 95 2,162 1,804 3,966 69 62 131 Difference .. +444 +298 +563 +473 +55+103+188 +216 -2 -43 +241 +276 +517 +15+15 +30 (a) These are intermediate departments, consisting of Form I and Form II pupils, which have been attached to secondary schools, (ft) This school is a technical high school to which is attached an intermediate department. (c) These schools are separate intermediate schools. (d) District high schools including a primary - school department up to Standard IV, an intermediate or junior secondary department consisting of the former Form I and Form II pupils, and a senior high school or senior secondary department. (e) A district high schools with intermediate departments attached. * This total includes the teachers of Form III, also teachers of manual and technical subjects, part of whose time is devoted to the senior school, and hence is slightly greater than the total given in Table H 1 of E.-l.

Under Years | 12 Years 13 Years 14 Years 15 Years 16 Years 17 Years 11 Vp»r« an(i anfl and and and and and Totals. * under 12. j under 13. under 14. under 15. under 16. under 17. under 18. Intermediate School., I I m ri ' 50 ® cn I M ' og eq m pi eg » oi cc oj o o -p o -BO.aO.SO.fclO.HO.t5 o .fc pqtsme m omasimofqajmowasifq a . Whangarei .. .. 4 6 35 45 53 47 27 37 16 19 3 2 .. 138 156 Otahuhu .. .. 4 2 21 27 55 40 32 31 18 5 3 .. .. 1 .. .. 133 106 Kowhai .. . . 5 5 82 92 128 131 118 104 52 47 17 16 1 1 403 396 Northcote .. .. 7j 12 26 24 37 42 35 35 13 12 2 1 .. 120 126 Matamata . . . . 7 2 13 15 38 30 22 25 7 8 4 1 91 81 Waihi .. 10 7 21 29 19 14 15 7 1 66 57 Rotorua .. .... 3 13 17 24 24 20 12 11 6 2 1 1 71 63 Wanganui .. .. 2 6 33 23 73 58 68 47 26 28 10 8 212 170 Napier .. .. 3 7 40 28 66 55 52 36 27 28 16 6 1 205 160 Rongotai .. . . 18 . . 38 .. 62 .. 43 . . 17 . . 10 .. 1 189 Marlborough.. .. .. 3 28 25 51 53 50 40 24 13 10 4 1 164 138 Shirley .. .. 5 3 34 35 47 76 47 39 23 16 5 2 2 1 .. .. 163 172 West Christchurch .. 2 8 27 31 47 51 44 40 25 13 6 2 1 152 145 Waitaki Boys' .. 5 .. 19 .. 52 .. 38 .. 11 .. 1 126 Waitaki Girls' .. .. 10 .. 33 .. 44 .. 37 .. 12 .. 2 138 Dunedin North .. 5 13 34 45 62 65 40 38 22 10 7 1 170 172 Totals, 1934 .. 67 80 453 447 816 745 655 535 307 224 97 46 8 3 .. .. 2,403 2,080 Totals, 1933 .. 73 65 451 405 704 592 575 515 270 180 69 40 18 7 2 .. 2,1621,804 Difference .. .. -6+15 +2 +421 + 112 +153 +80 +20 +37 +44 +28] +6-10 -4 -2 .. +241+276 I I [





1933. 1934. Secondary Combined ! Technical I D £,vL ct Secondary ; Combined | Technical Schools. Schools. : Schools. ! Schools, j Schools, i Schools. Schools 1. Number of schools 38 6 21 81 38 6 21 81 2. Number of full-time pupils on roll — Boys .. .. .. 7,836 1,221 4,917 2,788 7,940 1,251 4,891 2,691 Girls .. .. .. 6,632 872 3,789 2,242 6,778 893 4,020 2,320 Totals .. .. 14,468 2,093 8,706 5,030 14,718 2,144 8,911 5,011 3. Number of free full-time pupils on roll — Boys .. .. .. 7,700 1,196 4,858 2,745 7,809 1,232 4,860 2,637 Girls .. .. .. 6,563 864 3,736 2,202 6,722 886 3,9,23 2,292 Totals .. .. 14,263 2,060 8,594 4,947 14,531 2,118 8,783 4,929 4. Number of evening or parttime pupils on roll— Boys .. .. .. .. 430 5,171 .. .. 434 5,681 Girls .. .. .. .. 274 3,203 .. .. 344 3,138 Totals .. .. .. 704 8,374 .. .. 778 8,819 5. Number of free evening or part-time pupils on roll — Boys .. .. .. .. 211 2,907 .. .. 231 3,324 Girls .. .. .. .. 151 1,835 .. .. 196 1,865 Totals .. .. .. 362 4,742 .. .. 427 5,189 6. Number of full-time assistants — Men .. .. .. 310 56 225 118 321 54 229 126 Women .. .. 249 34 141 89 252 35 147 98 Totals .. .. 559 90 366 207 573 89 376 224


7. TABLES RELATING TO FULL-TIME PUPILS IN POST-PRIMARY SCHOOLS (EXCLUSIVE OF DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS). Table D 1.-Post-primary Schools (exclusive of District High Schools): Average Attendance, Roll, Number of Government Free-place Holders, and Staff.


(Statistics of part-time pupils will be found in Section 8.) Roll Numbers (Full-time Pupils). Average « XT . Number Attend- dumber Number of New Number of Free Full-time Staff — — ance for of 1933 of New who Pupils on Roll at (including Principals), School. December 1934 1934 Pupils on Pupils commenced 1st July, 1934. (December, 1934). r , , , ' ' ,y Pa r Roll at admitted their Postlst March, 1st July, j ; - endinff beginning during primary — — 4 ' 1934 ' Boys. Girls. Total. December.) of 1934 * 1934 - U 1934° n Junior. Senior. M. | F. A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School ... .. .. .. .. 337 322 166 138 304 289 197 157 ' 141 I 241 79 11 3 Auckland Grammar School .. .. .. .. 944 895 822 .. 822 845 656 330 291 ! 549 329 34 Mount Albert Grammar School .. .. .. .. 609 566 501 .. 501 521 412 209 179 i 337 211 23 Auckland Girls'Grammar School .. .. .. .. 521 502 .. 458 458 482 305 226 197 I 364 137 ' 20 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. .. .. .. 631 608 .. 570 570 568 414 229 212 406 193 '' 93 lakapuna Grammar School .. .. .. .. 528 487 229 205 434 44.8 344 195 172 318 165 'i2 Thames High School 211 200 89 76 165 178 136 79 73 128 72 6 3 Hamilton High School .. .. .. .. .. 450 428 200 193 393 390 296 166 139 256 168 11 6 Rotorua High School 190 182 107 67 174 162 108 88 79 130 52 5 3 Wanganui Girls College 312 309 .. 295 295 287 200 121 108 191 109 .. 13 Pa merston North Boys High School 392 375 340 .. 340 346 255 152 138 231 138 16 ralmerston North Girls High School .. .. .. 242 229 .. 216 216 205 174 81 68 130 99 'io Gisborne High School 436 404 206 155 361 379 265 170 167 300 96 'i2 5 Hastings High School 472 443 206 185 391 398 308 178 161 309 133 11 7 Dannevirke High School 239 224 124 74 198 212 142 105 100 165 59 7 3 High School 276 271 151 93 244 243 180 102 94 178 88 8 4 Hutt Valley High School 474 435 220 167 387 410 292 188 173 310 125 10 8 Wellington College 789 744 689 .. 689 708 541 271 240 473 264 29 Bongotai Boys College 338 297 268 .. 268 281 238 105 99 191 102 14 Wellington Girls CoHege 484 457 .. 428 428 435 327 181 159 324 125 .. 'l9 Wellington East Girls 1 College 422 407 .. 380 380 381 275 158 146 289 113 17 Marlborough High School 299 283 147 107 254 256 178 130 122 204 78 7 4 Rangiora High School 227 216 118 90 208 195 148 94 88 160 56 6 4 Chnstchurch Boys High School 728 673 613 .. 613 542 507 221 194 427 234 27 Chnstchurch Girls High School .. .. 495 484 .. 453 453 442 324 183 161 320 161 ' 19 Avonside Girls High School .. .. .. .. 324 305 .. 266 266 274 192 138 l'>6 "12 93 " 13 Ashburton High School .. .. .. .. .. 239 221 117 95 212 198 171 76 71 122 95 "ô 5 Timaru Boys' High School 453 427 394 .. 394 394 286 175 153 258 160 18 Tirnaru Girls High School 373 363 .. 337 337 328 244 144 126 244 116 .. 15 Waimate High School 162 149 72 62 134 133 103 62 59 90 58 4 3 Waitaki Boys High School .. .. .. .. 304 293 285 . . 285 286 187 122 109 105 180 13 Waitaki Girls High School 243 237 .. 215 215 210 138 107 101 159 76 .. 10 Otago Boys High School 798 756 674 . . 674 697 548 268 249 461 278 29 Otago Girls High School 572 544 .. 506 506 ' 489 365 214 198 374 167 .. 22 South Otago High School 191 185 77 95 172 177 117 79 69 119 64 5 3 Gore High School 253 232 99 113 212 206 170 89 83 155 72 7 5 Southland Boys High School 347 338 314 .. 314 304 262 104 89 182 150 15 Southland Girls High School .. .. .. .. 230 227 .. 220 220 208 151 | 89 82 138 86 .. 10 Totels A, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 15,535 14,718 7,228 6,259 13,487 13,507 10,156 ! 5,786 5,216 9,550 4,981 346 265 lotalsA, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 15,049 14,468 7,156 6,153 13,309 13,404 10,130 j 5,375 4,850 8,799 5,464 j 336 261 Difference .. .. .. .. .. +486 +250 +72 +106 +178 +103 +26 | +411 +366 1 +751 —483 +10 +4


Table D 1.-Post-primary Schools (exclusive of District High Schools): Average Attendance, Roll, Number of Government Free-place Holders and Staff— continued.


_ x , Number Boll Numbers (Full-time Pupils). Average Number Number of New Number of Free Full-time Staff — Attend- oJ 1988 oJ New p up n s w ho Pupils on Boll at (including Principals), T1 nn ,' : ,Pupils on Pupils commenced 1st July, 1934. (December, 1934). School. At At December, 1934. /V RoU at admitted their Postlst March, 1st July, ; beginning during Primly §— g—SB ' * 7^ 1934. 1934. Glrls _ | Total _ December). of 1934 ' 1934, jn U 1934 011 Senior. M. F. B. Combined Schools. New Plymouth Boys' High School .. .. •• 486 456 401 .. j 401 420 326 164 152 283 167 20 .. New Plymouth Girls' High School 321 307 .. 268 ■ 268 270 200 129 111 209 95 12 Napier Boys' High School 372 347 293 293 304 255 25 • 14 211 129 lb Napier Girls' High School .. .. •• •• 265 252 .. 228 228 221 155 113 110 188 63 Nelson Oolleee •• •• ..457 448 415 .. 1 415 411 313 165 146 265 177 22 Nelson Girls College !! 350 334 .. 314 314 310 241 110 101 198 133 15_ Totals B 1934 •• 2.251 2,144 1,109 810 1,919 1,936 1,490 806 734 1,354 764 58 38 Totals' b' 1933 " !!. .. 2,176 2>3 1,112 817 ! 1,929 1,920 1,438 782 710 1,319 741 59 37 Difference +75 | +51 -3 -7 j -10 +16 +52 +24 j +24 j +35 ! +23 -1 +1 C. Technical Schools. Auckland Technical School j 1,328 1,209 481 418 899 1,010 681 | 668 642 1,018 180 29 18 Flam School of Art • ■ 114 112 25 60 85 87 66 I /1 40 43 51 4 2 Otatahu Technical School' !! .. 426 390 183 138 321 346 223 , 228 217 336 53 11 6 Hamilton Technical School ! 528 477 217 187 404 421 332 j 216 208 363 109 13 9 Pukekohe Technical School .. .. .. 213 200 94 87 181 176 . • TTawpra Technical School • • • • 327 288 135 117 252 266 203 133 123 194 92 7 o Technical School " " .. .. 338 309 150 122 272 273 214 , 131 123 206 102 8 5 Waiisranui Technical School ..588 547 356 119 475 507 366 250 227 383 153 20 9 J&MSSTI •• 249 237 124 89 213 207 143 106 96 158 I 73 9 4 PalmCTston North Technical School' .. .. 393 358 130 182 312 323 201 202 175 287: 71: 11 4 Masterton Technical School ! 217 201 54 81 35 69 10 ; 115 06 62 37 . 6 4 Petone Technical School . . .. .. .. .. ; 234 221 106 56 162 187 102 144 135 192 29 5 3 Wellington Technical School | 1,114 985 425 328 : 753 886 611 , o59 527 822 j 149 27 15 Westport Technical School .. .. .. •• 136 1-5 59 5- | 111 111 •> " . " „ t (rrpvmonth Technical School •• 342 319 136 142 278 28» 210 132 132 214 , 101 9 o cShurch Technfcal School '.i '.l .. .. 1,092 994 480 309 j 789 911 622 506 476 791 ! 200 25 16 Canterbury College School of Art .. .. .. 196 186 33 1-9 | 162 184 • 171 K4 a 7 Ashburton Technical School .. .. .. .. 245 225 72 110 182 188 135 Timaru Technical School.. .. .. .. •• 241 220 93 9- 185 19- 0 Dunedin Technical School 825 765 328 249 577 678 407 451 437 672 86 19 15 Invercargill Technical School 575 543 222 213 435 483 287 301 288 448 93 14 8_ Totals C 1934 9,721 8,911 3,903 3,280 7,183 7,892 5,378 4,673 4,377 6,986 l,/97 250 147 Totals' 1933 " " .. .. 8,706 3,955 3,194 7,149 7,883 5,078 4,598 4,273 6,805 1,789 246 141 Difference .. .. .. •• +335 +205 -52 +86 +34 +9 +300 ' +75 +104 +181 +8 +4 +6 Grand totals 1934 27,507 25,773 12,240 10,349 22,589 23,335 17,024 11,265 10,327 17,890 7,542 654 450 Grand totals', 1933 " .. .. 26*611 25 |267 12,223 10,164 22,387 23,207 16,646 10,755 9,833 16,923 7,994 641 439 Difference .. .. .. .. +896 +506 +17 +185 +202 +128 +378 +510 +494 +967 -452 +13 +11


Table D 2.-Classification according to Ages of Full-time Pupils on Roll of Post-primary Schools (exclusive of District High Schools) as at 1st July, 1934.

5 —E. 2


A § es of a11 Pupils on Roll as at 1st July, 1934. 55 •§ Under Tr ! Type Of School. |° 11 Years. U Years. 12 Years. 13 Years. 14 Years. 15 Years. 16 Years , 7Tmg , ~ aS : ' ars - 18 Years. 19 Years. 20 Years. 21 Years Total, j i and over. all Ages. B " G ' B " B " G " R G - «• «• B. j G. B. j G. B. G. B. g7 G B G B ' ' r°n " 38 " " " 15 »» 2 '.«» 2.019 j2,005 1,425 1>JM 8« , B9 | ā 7 7ī ī " H " 6 1 86 « 184 ™ " » » «. rn .33 .9 „ 2. „ " ; " 1 " •"» " J I ii 86 8 « 1.M» ,1,333 1,166 859 589 382 241 .70 „ , 1,251 S " Totals, 65 2 .. M 22 „ 8 2,020 2,01, _!L *1« J« J,,, 7si » «! " 24 " " l " +2 _1 "" +S " 112 + " + 180 +»« +333 +49» +5 +5 0 _,, 0 _, 84 J — - ■ ' I ~ 18 + 3 + 4 + 10 +108 +398


Table D3.—Classification according to Years of Attendance of Full-time Pupils on the Roll of Post-primary Schools (exclusive of District High Schools) at 1st July, 1934.

Table D4. —Classification according to Age at Date of Admission of Full-time Pupils (exclusive of District High Schools) who commenced Post-primary Education in 1934.


First-year Second-year Third-year Fourth-year Filth-year Totals. Pupils. Pupils. Pupils. Pupils. Pupils. £ ater< Type of School. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. - ( Secondary .. 2,658 2,487 2,151 1,963 1,391 1,187 994 703 568 347 178 91 7,940 6,778 Combined 396 313 322 248 241 161 156 103 87 44 49 24 1,251 893 Technical .. 2,340 1,882 1,501 1,183 643 584 269 221 100 98 38 52 4,891 4,020 Totals, 1934.. 5,394 4,682 3,974 3,394 2,275 1,932 1,419 1,027 755 489 265 167 14,082 11,691 Totals, 1933.. 5,186 4,366 3,629 3,244 2,538 1,905 1,582 1,128 779 489 260 161 13,974 11,293 Difierence .. +208 +316 +345 +150 -263 +27 -163 -101 -24 .. +5 +6 +108 +398

12 U YeS 8 . 12 Yeara " 13 YeaIS - W YearS ' andoye?. Total8 - Type of School. _ B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. Secondary . .. 48 63 576 739 1,267 1,146 596 482 216 83 2,703 2,513 Combined " .. .. 5 13 67 85 162 156 120 55 58 13 412 322 Technical 1. .. .. 28 21 395 414 1,035 918 720 472 254 122 2,432 1,947 Totals 1934 .. 81 97 1,038 1,238 2,464 2,220 j 1,436 1,009 528 218 5,547 4,782 Totals] 1933 .. 82 86 1,125 1,217 2,135 1,974 1 1,458 957 546 253 5,346 4,487 Difference .. .. j -1 +11 "-87 +21~ +329 +246 -22 +52 -18 -35 +201 +295


Table D5.—Full-time Pupils at Secondary, Combined, and Technical High Schools on 1st July, 1934, according to Courses of Instruction.


Professional or Professional or University Degree General, with Two General with One Industrial. Commercial. Agricultural. Art. Home Life. and Advanced Totals. , Foreign Languages. Foreign Language. Work. Grand ocnooi. Totals. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. .. 54 43 71 33 68 42 8 3 175 147 322 Auckland Grammar School .. .. 524 .. 109 .. 238 .. 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 895 .. 895 Mount Albert Grammar School .. .. 304 .. 119 .. .. .. 66 .. 52 .. .. .. .. .. 25 .. 566 .. 566 Auckland Girls'Grammar School .. .. 219 .. 64 .. .. .. 151 .. .. .. .. .. 68 .. .. .. 502 502 Epsom Girls'Grammar School .. .. .. 341 .. 267 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 608 608 Takapuna Grammar School .. .. 97 75 69 49 .. .. 93 79 .. .. .. .. .. 25 .. .. 259 228 487 Thames High School .. .. .. 30 26 66 26 .. .. .. 38 14 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 110 90 200 Hamilton High School .. .. .. 92 64 69 49 .. .. 63 57 .. .. .. .. .. 34 .. .. 224 204 428 Rotorua High School .. .. .. 33 21 44 13 .. .. 10 37 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ill 71 182 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. .. 104 .. 66 .. .. .. 76 .. .. .. 1 .. 62 .. .. .. 309 309 Palmerston North Boys' High School .. 68 .. 110 .. .. .. 112 .. 84 .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. 375 .. 375 Palmerston North Girls' High School .. .. 34 .. 62 .. .. .. 69 .. .. .. .. .. 64 .. .. .. 229 229 Gisborne High School .. .. .. 53 51 133 39 .. .. 10 54 37 .. .. .. .. 27 .. .. 233 171 404 Hastings High School . . .. .. 43 30 83 85 37 40 57 29 .. . . .. 39 .. 232 211 443 Dannevirke High School .. .. 43 30 28 20 .. .. 31 38 34 . . .. . . .. .. .. .. 136 88 224 Wairarapa High School .. .. 39 13 25 10 .. . • 70 42 34 .. .. .. .. 35 .. 3 168 103 271 Hutt Valley High School .. .. 78 31 146 76 .. .. .. 85 19 . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 243 192 435 Wellington College .. .. .. 416 .. 40 .. 10 .. 278 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 744 .. 744 Rongotai College .. .. .. 178 .. 85 .. 17 17 .. 297 .. 297 Wellington Girls' College .. .. .. 107 .. 102 137 23 .. 88 457 457 Wellington East Girls' College .. .. .. 170 .. 74 .. .. .. 79 .. .. .. .. .. 84 .. .. .. 407 407 Marlborough High School .. .. 15 4 50 32 17 57 53 25 30 .. 164 119 283 Rangiora High School .. .. .. 3 44 26 16 29 28 35 35 .. 127 89 216 Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. 358 .. 315 .. .. .. • • .. .. •. . • • • • • ■ • ■ . . • 673 .. 673 Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. .. 214 .. 145 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . • . . 125 .. .. .. 484 484 Avonside Girls' High School .. .. . • 76 . . 36 .. . . .. 161 .. .. . . .. . . 32 .. .. .. 305 305 Ashburton High School .. .. 14 11 89 73 .. .. 2 14 18 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 123 98 221 Timaru Boys' High School .. .. 105 .. 101 .. .. . • 147 . . 74 .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 427 .. 427 Timaru Girls' High School .. .. .. 52 .. 99 .. .. .. 98 .. .. .. .. .. 114 .. .. .. 363 363 Waimate High School .. .. .. 23 13 24 24 .. 13 25 15 12 .. 75 74 149 Waitaki Boys' High School .. .. 77 . . 86 .. 21 .. 49 .. 60 293 .. 293 Waitaki Girls' High School . . .. .. 43 . . 75 .. .. .. 81 .. .. .. . . . . 34 .. 4 .. 237 237 Otago Boys' High School .. .. 449 .. 307 .. .. .. • • . • •. •. ■ • ■ • • ■ ■ • • • ■ • 756 .. 756 Otago Girls' High School .. .. .. 236 .. 160 .. .. ■ ■ 136 . . .. .. . . .. 12 .. .. .. 544 544 South Otago High School .. .. 34 30 17 35 .. .. 23 28 10 .. .. .. .. 8 .. .. 84 101 185 Gore High School .. .. .. 44 37 40 34 .. .. 28 49 112 120 232 Southland Boys' High School .. .. 138 .. 169 .. .. .. 17 . . 6 .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. 338 .. 338 Southland Girls' High School .. .. .. 66 .. 94 .. .. .. 40 .. .. .. .. .. 27 .. .. .. 227 227 Totals .. .. .. 3,312 2,141 2,439f 1,868* 356 .. 1,162 1,780 612 .. 1 24 955 58 10 7,940 6,778 14,718 * Includes 9 who do not take a foreign language. t Includes 11 who do not take a foreign language.


Table D5.—Full-time Pupils at Secondary, Combined, and Technical High Schools on 1st July, 1934, according to Courses of Instruction— continued.


Professional or Professional or TTnivprsitv r>prr™ 0 School. Forefgn' La'nguages. Ag ™"- Art ' ~ j — — — 1 Totals. B - G - B - G - | B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. Combined Schools. New Plymouth Boys' High School 110 .. 169 67 36 51 95 Arc, AKC . New Plymouth Girls' High School 58 .. 75 .. .. .. 129 . " " " '45 " ÔA, t,„ Napier Boys' High School .. 104 92 49 69 33 " " Q47 9^7 Napier Girls' High School .. .... 32 37 115 . 40 " *28 " 9W tJL Nelson College.. 105 194 65 39 32 ' 13 448 Al Nelson Girls' College .. .. .. ,. 79 .. 89 .. .. .. 91 .. .. .. 4 _ 71 " 33 4 Totals 319 169 455 201 181 .. 144 335 116 I ~ 44 T 144 36~~7 893 2J144 Technical High Schools. Auckland .. .. .. 210 6 361 .... 345 74 o 06 7 „-9 r,r, 7 , 9nQ Elam School of Art 3 8 ' I. " " Ub 7 " 7I i?o Otahuhu .. .. .. .. 70 43 5 9 58 20 67 *64 "l " '53 " 217 1« ™ 12 1 35 26 33 .. 8 43 21 .. !! " !! 21 " " m ll loo Hamilton 153 .. 62 110 46 4 1 101 " "65 *>12 477 Hawera • • • • • • • • 50 31 26 19 31 32 56 19 .. 24 " " 158 130 988 Stratford 40 34 84 30 42 2 7 70 " Ī?, ona Wanganui 207 19 91 59 78 44 5 7 " '37 " " 406 141 547 Peildmg .. .. .. .. 1 1 57 25 .. 9 45 71 . 28 " 138 99 9V7 SertoiT 1 North :: :: :: :: :: :: • •• •• •• 4 '< - ios :: :: 159199 358 Petone .. .. .. m " 36 37 ;; ;; ;; •• •• •• lli 201 Weffingtam 126 82 264 85 151 .. 73 38 !! 166 ! !! 548 437 985 Greymouth .. .. .. 62 48 65 27 89 3 .. 25 157 162 S1Q Canterbury College School of Art .......... 38 148 Christchurch 391 .. 150 163 71 !! .. " 219 " " 61- 38" 994 Westport .. .. .. 36 30 25 5 29 .. " " 66 59 195 Ashburton 62 .. 3 48 25 'g7 " " 90 135 225 Timaru 93 .. 22 37 68 " " 115 105 220 P™^ 11 239 .. 166 183 .. .. 17 8 .. 152 !! !! 422 343 765 Invercargill „ 192 73 106 29 143 .. .. 294 249 543 Totals .. .. .. 173 110 848 294 2,418 2 799 1,800 467 1 179 280 .. 1,533 7 .. 4,891 4,020 8,911

E. —2.

Table D6.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary, Combined, and Technical Schools, 1934.


Secondary Schools. Combined Schools. Technical Schools. Subiect Number of Pupils Number of Pupils Number of Pupils taking Subjects. taking Subjects. taking Subjects. Boys. j Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Accountancy .. .. .. .. 182 5 19 • 26 28 Agriculture .. .. .. .. 1,016 .. 89 48 797 1 Animal husbandry .. .. .. 32 .. 74 .. 19 Arithmetic .. .. .. .. 7,411 6,171 1,128 849 3,529 3^669 Art ] •• •• •• •• ■■ .. .. .. 137 326 Biology or zoology .. .. .. 73 .. 7 Book-keepingi .. .. .. .. 2,108 1,823 486 317 1,863 2,345 Botany .. .. .. .. .. 208 430 5 107 311 63 Building construction .. .. .. 70 .. .. .. 212 Chemistry .. .. .. .. 5,810 154 899 .. 1,250 311 Commercial correspondence .. .. 4 42 .. 108 134 121 Cookery.. .. .. .. .. .. 2,077 .. 411 51 2,297 Dairy science .. .. .. .. 471 .. 51 .. 576 70 Designs and crafts .. .. .. 15 1,201 .. 397 570 2,218 Dietetics.. .. .. .. .. .. 147 ,. _ _ (j<7 Drawing— Blackboard .. .. .. .. 2 15 Engineering .. .. .. .. .. .. 116 .. 281 Freehand .. .. .. .. 3,217 3,617 491 491 2,768 2,754 Instrumental .. .. .. .. 2,472 142 402 5 3,213 394 Trade .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,269 Dressmaking .. .. .. .. .. 113 .. 27 .. 1,229 Economics .. .. .. .. 226 55 70 .. 149 164 Education .. .. . . .. 1 Electrotechnics .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Elocution .. .. .. .. 1,006 1,761 266 258 .. 135 Engine design .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Engineering: Electrical, mechanical, or motor .. .. 149 .. 1 281 English .. .. .. .. .. 7,937 6,774 1,236 893 4,'795 3,815 Farm mechanics .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 138 Forgework .. .. . . .. .. .. .. ,. 41 French .. .. .. .. .. 6,697 5,151 725 553 1,226 558 General experimental science .. .. 4,389 2,804 718 441 2,502 600 Geography .. .. .. 4,210 4,373 553 788 1,513 1,623 German .. .. .. . . . . .. 26 Heat and light .. . . .. .. 88 4 16 .. 121 Heat engines .. .. .. . . .. .. 77 .. 218 History.. .. .. .. .. 7,232 6,429 1,021 849 4,389 3,321 Home nursing and first aid . . .. { .. 591 .. 86 .. 575 Home science .. .. .. .. 11 5,921 18 745 18 2,179 Housecraft .. .. .. .. .. 100 .. 23 .. 295 Hygiene and physiology .. .. .. 110 1,241 .. 189 10 2,029 Latin .. .. .. .. .. 3,447 2,184 361 170 274 118 Laundrywork .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ,. 90 Leatherwork .. . . .. .. 34 Lettering .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 489 280 Live-stock .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 Magnetism and electricity .. .. 1,078 29 247 .. 862 Mathematics .. .. .. .. 7,200 4,132 1,126 347 3,927 333 Mechanics .. .. .. „ 77 1 31 .. 1,452 Metalwork or sheet-metal work .. .. 538 .. 280 .. 2,235 Millinery .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 264 Music .. .. .. .. .. 497 327 37 292 36 84 Musical appreciation .. .. .. 368 878 .. 141 .. 247 Needlework .. .. .. .. .. 3,421 .. 397 .. 2,818 Office routine, principles of commerce or business .. .. .. .. 465 613 methods Patternmaking .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 Processes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 362 Salesmanship .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 23 Scripture .. .. .. .. .. 422 Shorthand .. .. .. .. 255 1,832 38 335 498 1,838 Singing .. .. .. .. .. 4,831 4,930 795 869 1,824 2,378 Strength of materials . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 Technical electricity .. .. .. .. .. 48 .. 368 Textiles .. .. . . .. .. .. 92 Typing .. .. .. .. .. 208 1,547 78 335 805 F921 Typography .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 Woodwork .. .. .. .. 1,868 39 673 .. 2,738 33 Woolclassing . . .. .. .. 203 .. .. .. 205 Workshop theory and practice .. .. .. .. 56 .. 106 1 ! 1


Table D7.—Number of Pupils at 1st July, 1934, boarding away from Home to attend Secondary Schools and Lower Departments thereof, Combined Schools, and Technical High Schools.


•+3 +3 Secondary Departments. g * abD • Boarding at Total. "iTE -g _ , Boarding at Establishments Boarding So 3 school. School Hostels. approved by privately. Principal. a 8 Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. .. .. 20 21 .. 17 21 37 42 Auckland Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. 6 .. 36 .. 42 Mount Albert Grammar School .. .. 55 .. 15 .. 23 .. 93 Auckland Girls Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 .. 15 Epsom Girls Grammar School .. .. .. .. 24 .. 8 .. 45 .. 77 Takapuna Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 5 6 5 6 Thames High School .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 4 3 4 3 Hamilton High School .. .. .. .. 27 .. .. 11 13 11 40 Rotorua High School .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 5 2 5 2.. Wanganui Girls' College .. .. .. .. 55 .. .. .. 20 .. 75 6 Palmerston North Boys' High School .. .. 8 .. .. .. 16 .. 24 Palmerston North Girls' High School . . .. . • 8 .. .. .. 14 .. 22 Gisborne High School .. .. .. .. 17 7 .. 16 10 33 17 4 Hastings High School .. .. .. .. . • • • • • • • 5 12 5 12 Dannevirke High School .. .. . • 16 .... .. .. 12 16 12 Wairarapa High School . . . . .. 14 .. .. 7 8 21 8 Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. .. .. • • .. 3 3 3 3 Wellington College .. .. . • • • 43 .. .. .. 9 .. 52 Rongotai Boys' College .. .. .. .. . • • • • • 5 .. 5 Wellington Girls' College .. .. .. .. 4 .. .. .. 13 .. 17 Wellington East Girls' College .. .. .. .. .. • • • • •. 7 .. 7 Marlborough High School .. .. . . .. .. • • • • 10 8 10 8 Rangiora High School .. .. • • 5 2 .. .. .. 5 2 Christchurch Boys' High School . . . . 14 .. .. .. 7 .. 21 Christchurch Girls' High School . . .. . • 36 .. .. .. 29 .. 65 Avonside Girls' High School .. .. .. . • .. • • • • • • 7 .. 7 Ashburton High School .. . • • • • • • • • • • • 13 10 13 10 Timaru Boys' High School .. .. . . 88 .. .. .. 11 .. 99 .. 7 Timaru Girls' High School . . .. . • • • 42 .. .. .. 18 .. 60 4 Waimate High School .. .. .. • • • • • • • • • • 5 3 5 3 Waitaki Boys' High School .. .. . • 94 .. .. .. 14 .. 108 Waitaki Girls' High School .. .. .. . • 23 .. .. .. 10 .. 33 Otago Boys' High School .. .. . . 26 .. .. .. 16 .. 42 Otago Girls' High School . . . . .. . • .. • • • • • • 26 .. 26 South Otago High School .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 2 4 2 4.. Gore High School .. .. • • • • 6 8 .. 4 7 10 15 Southland Boys' High School . . . . . . 6 .. .. .. 23 .. 29 Southland Girls' High School .. .. 6 .. 11 .. 17 Totals, 1934 .. .. 412 257 21 14 267 337 700 608 21 Totals, 1933 .. . • 367 194 37 34 257 351 661 579 21 Difference .. .. •• +45 +63 —16 —20 +10 —14 +39 +29 B. Combined Schools. New Plymouth Boys' High School .. .. 78 .. .. .. 19 .. 97 .. 5 New Plymouth Girls" High School .. .. .. 25 .. .. .. 12 .. 37 Napier Boys' High School .. .. .. 29 .. .. .. 8 .. 37 Napier Girls' High School .. .. .. .. 10 .. .. .. 13 .. 23 2 Nelson College .. •. • • • • 117 .. .. .. 30 .. 147 .. 4 Nelson Girls' College .. .. . • • - •. 36 .. .. .. 30 .. 66 1 Totals, 1934 .. .. 224 71 .. 57 55 281 126 12 Totals, 1933 222 76 .. 47 52 269 128 16 Difference .. .. .. +2 —5 .. .. +10 +3 +12 —2 —4


Table D7.—Number of Pupils at 1st July, 1934, etc. —continued.

Table D8.— Correspondence School, Secondary Department, 1934.—Average Weekly Roll, Classification, etc.


Secondary Departments. g "§ d bfi . . . §£~ | Boarding at Total. cL^"i q-i,-»! Boarding at | Establishments Boarding ©ow bcnooi. School Hostels. approved by privately. ,a ffl | Principal. u o i i Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. C. Technical High Schools. Auckland Technical School .. .. .. .. • • .. .. 17 4 17 4 Elam School of Art .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 4 .. 4 Otahuhu Technical School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 6 2 6.. Hamilton Technical School .. .. .. .. •. .. .. 22 13 22 13 Pukekohe Technical School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 4 1 4.. Hawera Technical School .. .. .. .. •• •• .. 2 8 2 8 Stratford Technical School .. .. .. .. .. •• .. 2 8 2 8 Wanganui Technical School .. .. . . 33 9 .. 11 44 9 Feilding Technical School .. .. .. 42 . . .. 1 5 43 5 Palmerston North Technical School .. .. .. •. • • .. . . 4 .. 4 Masterton Technical School .. .. .. .. •• .. .. 2 4 2 4 Petone Technical School .. .. .. • • • • . • • ■ ■ • . . . . .. .... Wellington Technical School .. .. .. .. •• •• 9 5 9 5.. Westport Technical School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 1 1 1 Greymouth Technical School .. .. .. 5 .. .. .. 2 1 7 1 Canterbury College School of Art .. .... .. 1 3 4 12 5 15 Christchurch Technical School .. .. .. 11 11 •• .. 4 2 15 13 Ashburton Technical School .. .. .. •• •• .. 5 7 5 7 Timaru Technical School .. .. . . . • .. . • •. 3 5 3 5 Dunedin Technical School .. .. .. • • • • ■ • • • 13 13 13 13 Invercargill Technical School .. .. .. •. • ■ • • •. 10 13 10 13 Totals, 1934 .. .. .. 91 20 1 3 111 119 203 142 Totals, 1933 .. .. .. 66 19 5 93 113 159 137 Difference .. .. .. +25 +1 +1 —2 +18 +6 +44 +5 Grand totals, 1934 .. .. 727 348 22 17 435 511 1,184 876 33 Grand totals, 1933 .. .. 655 289 37 39 397 516 1,089 844 37 Difference .. .. .. +72 +59 -15 -22 +38 -5 +95 +32 -4

Classification according to Forms of Pupils on Roll o "§ £ A at 1st July, 1934. & § Roll Number at I ZT I Z | I I ~~ ~"7~ SI $ Q % Average Weekly Roll. 31st December, Form III. Form IV. Form V. Totals. To tal. 1934. * B. I G. B. G. B. G. B. G. M. F. i ! 423 , 396 126 160 j 33 76 28 24 187 260 447 5 10


8. TABLES RELATING TO PART-TIME PUPILS IN POST-PRIMARY SCHOOLS, AND TO MANUAL INSTRUCTION. Table E1. —Classification of Part-time Students on the Roll of Combined and Technical Schools or Classes at 1st July, 1934, according to Occupations.

Table E2. —Classification of Part-time Students on the Roll of Combined and Technical Schools or Classes, according to Ages, at 1st July, 1934.

Table E3. —Free Part-time Pupils classified according to Year of Attendance and Others on the Roll of Combined and Technical Schools or Classes at 1st July, 1934.


g 8 1 £ ,4 ! ! g-4i ■§ la li ■3» : -S» !gl 5-S1 ~|l$ all !■§ . HI 1 ill 1 ' 11 I 11 11 11 1 11 ill 1 ' 19 liil I! II H I * a 1 S g J P| I £ sā "g qā |ag |g| «|2| 3 j g- || h Combined Schools— Males .. .. 42 15 36 13 7 5 15 4 110 .. 76 49 3 53 6 434 Females .. .. j .. .. 42 44 109 6 43. 3 92 5 344 Technical Schools— Males .. .. 680 202 321 309 54 118 182 124 1,547 .. 6 846 428 83 630 151 5,681 Females 11 8 169 656 724 129 283 151 .. 929 78 3,138 Totals, 1934 .. 722 1 217 357 322 61 134 205 339 2,357 833 141 1,248 631 86 1,704 240 9,597 Totals, 1933 .. 682 j 181 382 293 97 157 203 302 1,967 835 143 1,160 500 92 1,760 324 9,078 Difference .. +40 I +36 —25 +29 —36 —23 +2 +37 +390 —2 —2 +88 +131 —6 —56 —84 +519 . I ■ I

Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen S ?J™" Eighteen Nineteen Twenty ! Twent y- _ 0ve J Yeare? Years " Year8 ' Years ' Years ' Years ' Years. Yeais - Years ' Tears - j Yeare one T ° talS ' Combined Schools— Males .. .. .. 1 7 19 40 74 90 64 42 24 5 68 434 Females .. .... .. 16 38 42 56 48 29 14 12 2 87 344 Technical Schools— Males .. .. 11 10 54 278 628 984 1,039 827 605 390 218 637 5,681 Females .. .. 11 24 70 271 437 591 602 371 217 117 69 358 3,138 Totals, 1934 .. 22 35 147 606 1,147 1,705 1,779 1,291 878 543 294 1,150 9,597 Totals, 1933 19 39 140 510 1,071 1,627 1,534 1,352 870 620 245 1,051 ■ 9,078 Difference .. +3 —4 +7 +96 +76 +78 +245 —31 +8 —77 +49 +99 +519

Year of Post-primary Course. Junior - Senior - Totals. students. Grand Total. First Year, i Second Year. Third Year. I Fourth Year. I "if?? 1 Year | and over. Combined Schools— ....... 1 ........... .... Males ...... 29 32 49 47 74 231 203 434 Females .. .. .. 45 32 26 44 49 196 148 344 Technical Schools— Males .. .. .. 405 445 900 801 773 3,324 2,357 5,681 Females .. .. .. 265 245 505 423 427 1,865 1,273 3,138 Totals, 1934 .. .. 744 | 754 1,480 ! 1,315 1,323 5,616 3,981 9,597 Totals, 1933 .. .. 674 j 678 1,215 | 1,319 1,218 5,104 3,974 9,078 Difference .. .. +70 [ +76 +265 ! -4 +105 +512 +7 +519 I 1


Table E4.—Table showing Combined Roll Numbers at Day and Evening Classes at 1st July, 1934.

6—E. 2,


Other Technical Classes. Technical High Schools. - Totals. Controlling Body. I Schools and Classes. ! Day. Evening. I Grand | Totals. ' " Totals. Males. Females. Totals. | M. F. M. F. I Males. Females. j Education Board .. .. Auckland (Onehunga, Otahuhu, Taumarunui, Tauranga, ! 217 173 390 .. 2 182 110 294 399 285 684, Te Aroha, Waihi) > Wellington (Lower Hutt) .. .. .. .. ! .. .. | .. .. .. 97 54 151 97 54 151 Nelson (Motueka) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j .. .. .. 13 12 25 13 12 25 Canterbury (Rangiora) .. .. ;. | .. ... ... .. 8 .. 8 8 . v 8 High School Board .. .. Whangarei Technical -School .. .. .. I .. ... .. .. 28 33 61 j 28 33 61 Palmerston North Technical School .. .. .-. 159 199 358 5 31 318 206 560 j 482 436 918 Dannevirke Technical School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 5 j 5 .. 5 Gisborne Technical School . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 94 64 158 i 94 64 158 Blenheim Technical School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 8 8 .. 8 Oamaru Technical School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 22 26 61 I 22 39 61 Balclutha Technical School .. .. .-. .. .. .. .. .. 18 20 38 18 20 38 Gore Technical School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 19 30 j 11 19 30 Secondary Education Board .. New Plymouth Combined Schools .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 158 122 280 I 158 122 280 Napier Combined Schools .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 109 60 169 109 60 169 Nelson Combined Schools .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 167 162 329 167 162 329 Masterton Technical School .. .. .. 87 114 201 11 14 94 46 165 192 174 366 Technical School Board .. Auckland Technical School .. .. .. 652 557 1,209 .. .. 1,089 339 1,428 1,741 896 2,637 Elam School of Art .. .. .. .. 38 74 112 1 14 64 64 143 103 152 '255 Hamilton Technical School .. .. .. 265 212 477 .. .. 157 117 274 422 329 751 Pukekohe Technical School .. . . .. 109 91 200 .. .. .. .. .. 109 91 200 Hawera Technical School .. .. .. .. 158 130 288 .. .. 25 27 52 183 157 340 Stratford Technical School .. .. .. .. 173 136 309 .. . . .. .. .. 173 136 309 Wanganui Technical School .. .. .. 406 141 547 .. 2 144 79 225 550 222 772 Feilding Technical School .. .. .. .. 138 99 237 .. 6 32 9 47 170 114 284 Petone Technical School . . .. .. .. 147 74 221 . . .. 249 74 323 396 148 544 Wellington Technical School .. .. .. 548 437 985 5 87 787 322 1,201 1,340 846 2,186 Westport Technical School .. .. .. .. 66 59 125 .... 18 43 61 84 102 186 Greymouth Technical School .. .. .. 157 162 319 .. .. 44 47 91 201 209 410 Christchurch Technical School .. .. .. 612 382 994 16 135 938 301 1,390 1,566 818 2,384 Ashburton Technical School .. .. .. 90 135 225 3 43 69 .115 133 207 340 Timaru Technical School .. .. .. .. 115 105 220 3 6 144 87 240 262 198 460 Kaiapoi Technical School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 9 23 14 9 23 Temuka Technical School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 13 18 6 45 26 19 45 Dunedin Technical School .. .. .. .. 422 343 765 .. .. 628 282 910 1,050 625 1,675 Invercargill Technical School .. .. .. 294 249 543 .. 4 220 159 383 514 412 926 University College Board .. Canterbury College School of Art .. .. .. 38 148 186 30 93 90 91 304 158 332 490 Totals, 1934 .. .. .. .. 4,891 4,020 8,911 79 423 6,036 3,059 9,597 11,006 7,502 18,508 Totals, 1933 .. .. .. .. 4,917 3,789 8,706 108 498 5,493 2,979 9,078 10,518 7,266 17,784 Difference .. .. .. .. —26 +231 +205 -29 i-75 +543 +80 +519 ! +488 +236 +724

E,— 2,

Table F.—Some Particulars relating to Pupils attending Special Manual-training Centres during the Year ended 31st December, 1934.


I Number of Pupils attending from : , Number Total of PupUs iD of Secondary Departments of Forms I and II of Intermediate D . , „ , , Attendance. Education District. Manual- Primary Schools. District High Schools. Schools and Departments. Private Schools. training Centres. ; Wood- Metal- Domestic Wood- Metal- Domestic Wood- Metal- Domestic Wood- Metal- Domestic Wood- Metal- Domestic work. work. Subjects. work. work. Subjects. work. work. Subjects. work. work. Subjects. work. work. Subjects. Auckland .. .. 35 4,623 107 4,210 610 .. 602 828 344 922 571 .. 734 6,632 451 6,468 Taranaki .. .. 9 946 .. 950 47 .. 40 .. .. .. 128 .. 136 1,121 .. 1,126 Wanganui .. .. 9 908 .. 836 124 .. 170 195 127 179 177 .. 129 1,404 127 1,314 Hawke'sBay .. .. 7 851 .. 750 65 .. 51 202 .. 157 -128 .. 196 1,246 .. 1,154 Wellington .. .. 18 2,497 .. 2,539 254 84 180 372 319 144 221 .. 146 3,344 403 3,009 Nelson .. .. .. 7 667 .. 663 81 .. Ill .. .. .. 58 .. 78 806 .. 852 Canterbury .. .. 25 3,392 .. 3,354 453 .. 361 197 .. 167 559 .. 542 4,601 .. 4,424 Otago .. .. .. 18 1,564 .. 1,501 191 .. 189 267 80 448 163 .. 206 2,185 80 2,344 Southland .. .. 6 1,072 .. 955 50 .. 45 .. .. .. 95 .. 112 1,217 .. 1,112 Totals, 1934 .. 134 16,520 107 15,758 1,875 84 1,749 2,061 870 2,017 2,100 .. 2,279 22,556 1,061 21,803 Totals, 1933 .. 135 16,793 74 16,053 1,785 .. 1,442 2,125 890 1,923 1,716 .. 2,125 22,419 964 21,543 Difference .. -1 -273 +33 -295 +90 +84 { +307 -64 -20 +94 j +384 .. +154 +137 +97 +260 I j


9. TABLES RELATING TO SECONDARY DEPARTMENTS OF DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS. Table G1. —Secondary Departments of District High Schools.—Average Attendance, Roll, Number of Government Free-place Holders, and of Teachers for 1934.


a I . « S ā ® • CO 'S Roll Numbers (Full-time Pupils). i*g Sg % Full-time Staff a-g gi . agg FreePuDils on (excluding — : II Is tf s h -•«?KSSS Name of School. ° I h « «1 S~ Isfl | S .2 1934 ' * ih December, 1934. $ *q Kr StK a U =* *1 oil fck tf : §■« ||3 | . ■.'ih-K-3 -D «. , rr 4. 1 sS S? Junior. Senior. M. F. , t-h Boys. Girls. Total. > 3 M 3« 30« 3 ■" 15 fc i Auckland Education Distkict. Cambridge .. .. 89 89 33 46 79 82 j 45 47 43 61 27 2 2 Dargaville . . .. 118 112 46 50 96 103 75 48 46 76 33 3 1 Helens ville .. .. 75 67 28 34 62 64 42 38 35 57 9 2 1 Huntlv . . 60 64 27 28 55 57 37 31 27 47 17 1 1 Kaitaia .. .. 40 39 15 18 33 35 20 23 20 32 7 1 1 Kawakawa* .. .. • • ■ • 9 6 15 • 20 18 .. 1 Matamata .. .. 147 135 54 56 110 120 71 79 75 103 29 3 2 Morrinsville .. 109 102 50 38 88 94 57 68 62 80 22 2 1 Ngatea .. .. 54 54 25 27 52 49 26 32 29 44 10 1 1 Northcote .. .. 109 99 44 40 84 90 57 60 55 83 16 1 4 Opotiki .. .. 79 75 41 30 71 68 47 30 29 44 26 2 1 Otorohanga .. .. 47 49 21 17 38 44 27 27 23 39 10 1 1 Paeroa .. .. 44 42 22 12 34 38 37 23 19 30 9 1 1 Pio Pio 27 25 9 12 21 22 15 17 12 19 6 2 Putaruru 46 41 16 18 34 38 16 31 28 36 5 1 1 Rawene .. 29 23 8 11 19 22 16 13 12 22 1 1 Ruawai .. .. 29 29 8 17 25 26 15 15 15 22 6 1 .. Taumarurmi .. .. 92 88 41 31 72 79 58 44 41 61 27* 2 1 Tauranga . .. 98 94 40 47 87 82 57 49 42 66 25 2 2 Te Aroha .. 68 66 24 30 54 60 23 52 43 56 9 2 1 TeAwamutu .. .. 108 103 54 35 89 95 63 44 41 72 31 3 1 Xe Kuiti 89 84 37 31 68 78 46 57 48 68 14 2 1 Te Puke " .. 40 39 14 16 30 35 20 23 23 31 8 1 1 Waihi .. 138 129 62 51 113 118 92 51 48 75 51 3 2 Waiuku .. .. 43 36 20 8 28 33 24 19 18 26 10 1 1 Warkworth .. .. 26 21 9 9 18 20 11 15 14 19 2 1 Whakatane .. .. 94 90 ! 38 36 74 81 55 43 40 69 20 2^ Totals .. .. 1,898 1,795 795 754 1,549 1,650 1,052 999 906 1,338 430 45 30 ( ! j , * Opened 3rd September, 1934. Taranaki Education District. Manaia .. .. 47 46 23 12 35 40 25 21 20 34 11 1 1 Ohura .. 15 15 5 6 11 13 6 9 8 10 5 1 Opunake . . .. 42 41 13 21 34 35 19 25 23 39 2 1 1 Totals .. .. 104 102 41 39 80 88 50 55 51 83 18 3 2 Wanganui Education Distkict. Poxton .. .. 66 56 22 27 49 49 33 35 34 44 12 2 1 Marton .. .. 98 93 48 36 84 85 58 48 39 66 25 2 2 Ohakune .. .. 96 92 45 35 80 82 . 62 44 41 65 24 2 Taihape .. .. 75 71 34 26 60 65 48 41 37 53 18 2 1 Totals .. .. 335 312 149 124 273 281 201 168 151 228 79 8 5 Hawke's Bay Education District. Norsewood .. . ■ 21 20 11 8 19 19 14 7 7 19 1 1 TeKaraka .. .. 45 45 25 15 40 41 33 19 19 33 12 1 1 Tolaga Bay .. .. 18 18 7 8 15 15 9 12 12 15 2 1 .. Waipawa .. •. 73 68 29 26 55 62 42 31 31 43 24 1 3 Waipukurau . . .. 73 65 30 21 51 59 44 33 31 50 14 1 - Wairoa . . . . 74 68 25 28 53 62 35 46 44 55 11 1 2 Woodville . . .. 55 48 23 17 40 45 26 31 .28 39 9 1 1 Totals .. .. 359 332 150 123 273 303 203 179 172 254 73 6 9


Table G1.—Secondary Departments of District High Schools.—Average Attendance, Roll, Number or Government Free-place Holders, and of Teachers for 1934 —continued.


I ' i II Ball Numbers (Full-time Pupils). |§ g I. Full-time Staff o W - = -*' ofiS Free Pupils on p „1 *g Boil at 1st July, Name of School. « g 'S fj §?§ £> g 5 § 1934. * December, 1934. jg g 5) TX a | o« -si • s f§ 5 ; |§ 8« 8® Sis -s 2s «3 «s es h " Boys. Girls. Total. >" |S |8S Janior - SeDior - M - •«I < * ■& Jzi 15 Wellington Education Distbiot. Carterton .. . . 41 38 15 18 33 35 21 21 19 28 10 1 1 Eketahuna .. .. 49 45 25 10 35 42 32 18 18 34 11 1 1 Featherston .. .. 50 48 18 30 48 46 33 22 16 36 12 1 1 Greytown .. .. 40 40 13 18 31 34 22 18 18 30 10 1 1 Levin.. ... .. 176 172 66 92 158 158 132 78 72 123 46 3 3 Martinborough.. .. 58 55 17 30 47 49 29 31 27 42 12 1 1 Pahiatua .. .. 44 43 18 24 42 41 23 22 20 33 10 1 1 Totals .. .. 458 441 172 222 394 405 292 210 190 326 111- 9 "9 Nelson Education District. Denniston .. .. I 25 23 J 15 7 22 22 16 11 11 20 3 1 .. Granity .... I 50 42 ! 23 18 41 41 36 22 18 25 17 1 1 Motueka .. .. 90 91 40 34 74 82 44 49 41 66 21 2 1 Murchison .. . . 22 22 10 11 21 21 14 9 9 14 8 1 Reefton .. .. 54 53 25 22 47 48 41 23 18 39 14 2 Takaka .. .. 33 31 15 12 27 28 20 15 14 15 16 1 1 Totals .. .. 274 262 128 104 232 242 171 129 111 179 79 8 3 Cantebbuby Education Distbiot. Akaroa .. .. 43 39 18 17 35 34 25 18 18 23 14 1 1 Fairlie .. .. 29 27 10 14 24 24 16 13 13 14 11 1 2 Geraldine .. .. 64 61 23 35 58 57 46 21 20 36 23 2 1 Hawarden .. .. 23 24 8 13 21 20 12 15 15 21 3 1 Hokitika .. .. 103 100 55 36 91 88 71 37 32 58 37 3 2 Kaikoura .. .. 38 34 21 11 32 32 29 15 15 24 10 1 1 Lyttelton .. .. 60 57 28 19 47 51 43 31 28 39 16 1 3 Methven . . .. 50 46 15 27 42 41 25 26 25 33 13 1 1 New Brighton .. . . 41 38 26 11 37 38 33 17 16 30 8 1 1 Oxford .. .. 34 30 13 17 30 27 22 13 13 22 8 1 2 Pleasant Point.. .. 40 39 20 17 37 35 44 13 12 23 16 1 1 Southbridge .. .. 78 78 36 35 71 70 49 34 30 I 63 15 2 2 Sumner .. .. 36 32 15 17 32 30 19 19 17 ! 24 7 1 2 Temuka .. .. 72 67 38 19 57 58 44 31 , 31 45 20 2 1 West Christchuroh .. 585 540 305 167 472 495 352 249 233 j 365 165 12 9 Totals .. .. 1,296 1,212 631 455 1,086 1,100 830 552 518 ! 820 366 31 29 Otago Education Distbiot. Alexandra .. .. 62 58 28 20 48 50 32 39 36 46 11 1 1 Cromwell .. .. 52 49 25 19 44 44 33 23 16 36 13 1 1 Kurow .. .. 38 34 13 11 24 30 31 9 8 23 11 1 1 Lawrence .. .. 30 31 12 16 28 28 18 15 9 18 13 1 Mosgiel .. .. 69 61 35 21 56 55 43 27 27 42 17 2 1 Owaka .. .. 25 24 13 7 20 23 14 10 10 16 8 1 Palmerston .. .. 58 57 27 20 47 49 30 30 29 43 12 1 1 Roxburgh .. .. 44 40 11 23 34 35 22 22 22 « 30 9 1 1 Tapanui .. .. 34 34 16 8 24 29 17 19 19 24 8 1 1 Tokomairiro .. .. 67 60 22 32 54 55 46 28 27 44 14 3 .. Totals .. .. 479 448 202 177 379 398 286 222 203 322 116 13 7 Southland Education Disteict. Riverton .. .. 37 I 36 15 19 : 34 33 21 17 17 23 ! 13 1 1 Winton .. .. 35 33 20 11 1 31 30 16 18 16 25 I 8 1 1 Wyndham .. . . 42 38 16 18 34 34 20 21 20 31 j 7 1 2 Totals .. .. 114 107 51 48 | 99 97 57 56 53 79 ' 28 3 4 Grand totals, 1934 5,317 5,011 2,319 2,046 ! 4,365 4,564 3,142 2,570 2,355 3,629 1,300 126 98 Grand totals, 1933 5,291 5,030 2,398 1,991 4,389 4,599 3,224 2,473 2,219 3,514 1,433 118 89 Difference .. +26 —19 —79 +55 —24 —35 —82 +97 +136 +115 —133 +8 +9


Table G2. —Ages of Pupils in Attendance at Secondary Departments of District High Schools at 1st July, 1934.

Table G3.—Classification of Pupils on Roll of Secondary Departments of District High Schools at 1st July, 1934, according to Years of Attendance.

Table G4. —District High Schools: Classification according to Age at Date of Admission of Pupils who commenced Post-primary Education in 1934.


Ages of Pupils on Roll at 1st July, 1934. Education nndpr m Vpst* 13 and under 14 and under 15 and under 16 and under 17 Years and T . , f n . District. Under l<5 Years. 14 Years. 15 Years. 16 Years. 17 Years. over. lotals ot all Ages. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boya. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. I Auckland .. 42 56 188 ' 242 299 266 202 149 120 89 89 53 940 855 Taranaki .. 1 1 13 22 14 18 11 6 8 1 6 1 I 53 49 Wanganui .. 5 6 42 32 53 40 38 35 17 16 15 13 i 170 142 Hawke's Bay 6 9 36 { 40 64 54 43 20 24 11 14 11 ! 187 145 Wellington 11 8 52 | 72 55 78 35 37 23 32 25 13 ! 201 240 Nelson .. 9 13 29 25 52 29 35 17 12 19 11 11 148 114 Canterbury .. 27 24 112 94 205 131 170 138 94 87 93 37 701 511 Otago 6 21 52 53 75 65 52 31 .27 26 24 16 236 212 Southland .. 4 4 14 16 19 19 10 6 5 3 3 4 55 52 Totals, 1934 111 142 538 596 836 700 , 596 439 330 284 280 159 2,691 2,320 Totals, 1933 159 150 598 493 732 614 601 509 432 278 266 198 2,788 2,242 Difference -48 - 8 - 60 +103 +104 + 86 .-5 - 70 -102 + 6 +14 - 39 -97 + 78

I Number of New Entrants in 1934 First Year Second j Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Totals ! ! wll ° had not P re ~ Tear. | Year. Year. Year. Year. I . viously received Education District. ! 1 , Secondary I Education, B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B G. B. G. B. G. B. G. Auckland .. 406 430 252 243 151 101 84 -55 34 22 13 4 940 855 1.795 445 461 Taranaki .. 25 27 12 16 12 3 4 2..!.... 53 49 102 25 26 "Waiiganui .. 76 62 45 44 24 18 15 12 7 6 3 .. 170 142 312 81 70 Hawke's Bay .. 84 74 53 43 26 11 15 8 5 5 4 4 187 145 332 96 78 Wellington .. 75 107 72 65 18 44 18 9 15 14 3 1 201 240 441 80 110 Nelson .. 55 49 43 28 28 16 13 15 5 4 4 2 148 114 262 60 51 Canterbury .. 265 231 200 123 108 89 79 42 38 15 11 11 701 511 1,212 279 239 Otago .. 91 102 67 56 45 23 19 18 13 5 1 8 236 212 448 95 108 Southland .. 25 24 16 13 10 7 1 4 3 3 .. 1 55 52 107 27 26 Totals, 1934 1,102 1,106 760 631 422 312 248 165 120 75 39 31 2,691 2,320 5,011 1,188 1,169 ; Totals, 1933 1,148 957 754 603 447 338 272 209 127 104 40 31 2,788 2,242 5,030 1,207 1,012 Difference .. -46 +149 +6 +28-25 -26 -24 -44-7 -29 -1 .. -97 +78 -19 -19 +157

Age at which Post-primary Course commenced. j Total. Year. Under 12 Years. 12 Years. 13 Years. 14 Years. ' 15 and B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. . 1934 .. .. ..26 28 260 319 532 550 274 211 96 61 1,188 1,169 1933 .. .. ..36 44 349 320 475 397 264 204 83 47 1,207 1,012 Difference .. -10 -16 -89 -1 +57 +153 j +10 j +7 +13 +14 -19 +157 [ I _


Table G5.—District High Schools: Subjects taken by Pupils.

10. SCHOLARSHIPS. There were no National Scholarships held in 1934.


Number of Pupils Number ot Pupils taking Subjects. taking Subjects. Subject. . Subject. Boys. ; Girls. Boys. Girls. - | Accountancy .. .. .. 10 •• History .. .. .. 2,565 2,251 Agriculture .. .. • • 1,797 125 Heat and light .. .. 4 Arithmetic .. .. .. 2,622 2,250 Home science.. .. 44 1,731 Arts and Crafts .. .. .. 202 830 Horticulture .. .. .. 25 99 Biology .. .. • • 127 117 Housecraft .. .. .. .. 3-i Bookkeeping !! .. •. 839 983 Hygiene and physiology ,. 39 102 Botany .. .. . ■ 332 296 Latin .. .. • • 213 86 Building construction .. .. 25 .. Laundry .. .. •• ;• , Chemistry .. .. .. 658 261 Mathematics .. .. •• 2,100 1,404 Commercial correspondence .. 6 4 Mechanics .. .. • • 5 1 Cookery .. .. . • • • 1 »422 Metalwork .. .. ■ • 45 Dairy science .. .. •• 523 94 Mining .. .. •• 10 .. Drawing .. .. • ■ 523 630 Music .. .. .. 64 62 Dressmaking .. .. • • • ■ 3 Physics .. .. ■ • ji 2b Economics .. .. .. 66 22 Scripture .. .. . . 39 42 Education .. .. .. ■■ 2 Sewing .. .. •• .. 1,359 Elocution .. .. .. 4 23 Shorthand .. .. .. 200 543 English .. •• •• 2,685 2,307 Singing .. .. 1,297 1,442 French .. .. • • 1,714 1,267 Typing .. .. ■ • 260 692 General experimental science .. 1,624 1,450 Woodwork .. .. •• l,o4o Geography .. .. •• 1,706 1,456 Woolclassing .. .. .. 29


11. TABLES RELATING TO PRIVATE SECONDARY AND TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. Table J1.—Endowed Schools and Registered Private Secondary and Technical Schools; Roll Number, etc., and Staff.


Boll Numbers (Full-time Pupils). S um !?. er ° f Full-time Staff (including Average Number of Principals), School. At , t December, 1934. Attendance meSced thdr December 1934. lst "» ch ' 1St ii? y ' 1934 ' beSi 19 n^ S ° f dUTiDg 1934 P EduSn y Boys. Girls. Total. in 1934. M. F. . Dilworth School, Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 34 30 23 .. 23 27 19 St. Stephen's Maori Boys' School, Bombay, Auckland .... 43 44 43 43 43 25 23 22 3 Auckland Diocesan High School, Epsom, Auckland .. .. .. 132 125 .. 123 123 117 91 44 25 .. 10 St. Cuthbert's College, Epsom, Auckland .. .. .. .. 157 156 .. 158 158 148 97 58 43 .. 10 St. Mary's Convent High School, Hamilton .. .. .. .. 54 48 .. 39 39 41 30 24 24 .. 3 Marist Brothers' High School, Hamilton .. .. .. .. 40 35 32 .. 32 34 27 15 15 2 Waikato Diocesan School for Girls, Hamilton .. .. 53 54 .. 54 54 50 28 37 29 .. 3 King's College, Middlemore, Otahuhu, Auckland .. . . .. 161 155 146 .. 146 150 115 45 40 10 St. Benedict's Convent, Newton, Auckland* (Technical) .. .... .. .. 48 48 40 .. 48 14 .. 2 Wesley Training College, Paerata, Auckland.. .. .. .. 48 49 47 .. 47 48 17 30 22 4 Sacred Heart College, Ponsonby, Auckland .. .. .. .. 222 218 194 . . 194 195 109 109 103 10 St. Mary's Convent High School, Ponsonby, Auckland .. .. 73 82 .. 77 77 71 38 45 32 .. ! 5 Sacred Heart Convent High School, Remuera, Auckland .. .. 25 25 .. 24 24 24 18 13 10 .. 5 Sacred Heart Convent High School, New Plymouth .. . . .. 40 40 .. 34 34 36 22 19 19 .. 3 Wellington Diocesan School for Girls, " Nga Tawa," Marton .. .. 88 87 .. 85 85 84 62 28 10 .. 12 Sacred Heart Convent High School, St. John's Hill, Wanganui .. 73 70 58 58 64 46 30 30 4 Wanganui Collegiate School, Wanganui .. .. .. .. 222 219 210 .. 210 206 142 86 73 15 Palmerston North Convent, Carroll Street, Palmerston North .. .. 42 42 .. 42 42 38 22 24 24 .. 3 " Iona" Presbyterian College for Girls, Havelock North .. .. I 36 39 .. 40 40 36 25 17 11 .. 7 Woodford House, Havelock North .. .. .. .. .. Ill 111 .. 110 110 104 78 43 11 8 Sacred Heart High School, Napier .. .. .. .. .. 32 31 .. 27 27 27 24 10 10 .. 2 Te Aute College, Pukehou.... .. .. .. .. 52 53 52 .. 52 49 27 26 24 4 I St. Mary's Convent High School, Blenheim . . .. .. .. 29 27 .. 28 28 24 1 15 17 16 .. 2 St. Patrick's College, Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 183 177 164 .. 164 179 124 59 53 9 Sacred Heart Convent High School, Island Bay, Wellington .. .. 36 38 .. 34 34 36 21 18 12 .. 6 Marsden Collegiate School, Karori, Wellington .. .. .. 98 97 .. 98 98 92 74 30 24 .. 9 Sacred Heart College, Lower Hutt, Wellington .. .. .. 28 27 .. 23 23 23 17 11 11 .. 2 St. Matthew's Collegiate School for Girls, Masterton .. .. .. 44 42 .. 43 43 39 28 15 11 .. 4 Scots College, Miramar, Wellington.. .. .. .. .. 69 65 64 .. 64 62 48 21 15 5 St. Patrick's College, Silverstream, Wellington .. .. .. 195 194 170 .. 170 168 112 83 52 11 Solway Girls' College, Solway, Masterton .. .. .. .. 50 51 .. 52 52 50 26 28 14 .. 5 Queen Margaret College, Wellington .. .. .. .. 96 94 .. 95 95 88 84 30 25 .. 7 St. Mary's College, Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 96 95 .. 88 88 84 51 44 43 .. 4 Wellesley College, Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 21 22 20 .. 20 20 12 12 9 3 Sacred Heart High School, Nelson .. .. .. .... 31 30 .. 28 28 25 23 9 5 .. 2 St. Mary's College, Westport .. .. .. .. .. 48 46 13 27 40 46 33 15 15 .. 3 Cathedral Grammar School, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 47 42 37 .. 37 37 32 13 11 3 ■Christ's College, Christchurch .. .. .. .. .. 293 285 285 .. 285 278 214 88 78 17


Table J1.—Endowed Schools and Registered Private Secondary and Technical Schools; Roll Number, etc., and Staff— continued.

Table J2.-Ages of Pupils on Roll of Registered Private Secondary and Technical Schools and Endowed Schools at 1st July, 1934.


Roll Numbers (Full-time Pupils.) Number of ti « f ff /^olndinff : ; Number of . . New Pupils Fnil l g ; j ,A ve ' age 1933 Pupils gumber of who com- \%a School. , t December, 1934. Attendance on BoU at ! Ne f ?^Pi IS menced their December, 1934. , .At At for begillning of : admitted post-primary lst ,! a ; rch ' 1S J„'S ly ' 1984 ' 1934. i during 1934. . BdU oation iyd4. l.*34. Boys. Girls. Total. in 1934. M. F. Sacred Heart Girls' College, Christchurch . . . . .. .. 105 105 .. 94 94 74 58 52 50 .. 5 St. Andrew's College, Christchurch .. .. . . . . .. 130 128 121 .. 121 118 88 46 42 6 St. Margaret's College, Christchurch . . . . . . .. 99 97 .. 94 94 85 68 37 28 .. 8 St. Mary's Collegiate School, Christchurch .. . . .. .. 53 54 . . 49 49 45 23 31 30 .. 3 Marist Brothers' High School, Greymouth .. . . . . . . 35 35 39 . . 39 37 28 9 9 2 St. Mary's High School, Greymouth .. . . . . . . 60 60 .. 52 52 53 41 22 21 .. 4 St. Bede's College, Papanui, Christchurch .. . . .. .. 140 141 128 . . 128 123 97 54 44 8 .. Craighead Diocesan School for Girls, Timaru ... . . .. 42 43 41 41 38 26 16 8 .. 4 Archerfield School, Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. 61 60 .. 60 60 56 50 15 11 ** 4 Christian Brothers' High School, Dunedin .. .. . , .. 118 121 120 .. 120 116 92 37 35 5 John McGlashan College, Dunedin .. .. . . . . . . 76 73 66 .. 66 66 50 26 23 4 St. Dominic's College, Dunedin . . . . . . . . . . 77 73 .. 65 65 67 55 30 24 .. 5 St, Hilda's Collegiate School, Dunedin . . . . .. .. 49 50 . . 47 47 46 32 19 16 .. 5 St. Philomena's College, Dunedin South .. . . .. .. 45 41 . . 36 36 40 26 18 18 .. 2 St. Kevin's College, Redcastle, Oamaru .. . . . .. . . 102 103 94 . . 94 96 53 35 33 5 Columbia College, Roslyn, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 75 75 .. 72 72 67 46 31 17 .. 8 St. Catherine's Convent High School, Invercargill . . . . . . 39 35 .. 33 33 29 22 17 15 .. 3 Totals, 1934 .. .. .. 4,408 4,339 2,068 2,078 4,146 4,039 2,831 1,778 1,425 130 172 Totals, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 4,341 4,224 2,077 1,986 4,063 3,974 3,027 1,603 1,317 132 161 Difference .. .. .. .. +67 +115 -9 .+92 +83 +65 -196 +175 +108 -2 +11 * Registered 15th August, 1934.

Ages of all Pupils on Boll at 1st July, 1934. 10 Years and 11 Years and 12 Years and 13 Years and 14 Years and 15 Years and 16 Years and 17 Years and 18 Years and 19 Years and 20 Years and 21 Years and T t r under 11. under 12. under 13. under 14. under 15. under 16. under 17. under 18. under 19. under 20. under 21. over. xotais. i ' ' : " ' T r~. ■ ' : ■ ■ ■ j Boys, j Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. | Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Totals for all .. 3 7 84 92 265 376 425 485 ! 497 527 454 395 328 187 116 53 j 19 8 j 7 .. 9 2 |2,207 2,132 schools ( | •• •, • | IT"" r ' " r r- : I *. *-• •/ * ] - |" r '


TRAINING OF TEACHERS. 12 AND 13. As there were no training colleges open in 1934, no figures or reports are available. The subject of training of teachers is dealt with in the introduction to the Report of the Minister of Education, E.-l, and also in the report of the Chief Inspector of Primary Schools at the commencement of this paper.

7—E. 2.


E. —2

Table L2.—Payments and Bank Balances of the several Education Boards for the Year 1934.

14. EDUCATION BOARDS. Table L1.—Receipts and Bank Balances of the several Education Boards for the Year 1934.



Receipts from Government. Public School Receipts Cash Education r j. . Teachers' and Buildings Rent and from Workshop Total Balances, Board. Relieving- Libraries Conveyance Incidental Training Manual Technical (including Maintenance Scholarships, Tota l from Local Account, Receipts. 1st January, P G r P . 'eaohers' Salaries (Capitation and Board Expenses of of iStructton. Sdinf), of School f" Sonrees. 1934. ' and Grant). of Pupils. Schools. Teachers. S j tes jf ur ni- Buildings. Miscellaneous. Allowances. tur ' e> &c _ £ £ | £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ££ £ £ Auckland .. 7,617 479,858 369 13,594 32,294 4,201 20,029 10,228 24,053 19,991 986 613,220 19,699 .. 632,919 14,907 Taranaki .. 1,934 89,031 21 2,548 6,448 .. 5,352 .. 5,000 4,424 113 114,871 2,989 601 118,461 4,876 Wanganui .. 2.319 117,470 30 2,591 8,351 .. 2,774 224 11,508 5,594 225 151,086 3,593 184 154,863 8,432* Hawke'sBav 2,299 110,005 222 6.129 7,761 .. 4,635 27 3,487. 5.716 123 140,404 1,721 253 142,378 4,919 Wellington".. 3,709 181,046 .. 4,484 13,006 123 8,378 387 9,525 9,046 512 230,216 27,376 .. 257,592 3,892 Nelson .. 1,459 56,602 56 1,756 4,012 .. 1,476 ! ■■ 4,136 2.872 73 72,442 1,043 .. 73,485 1,718 Canterbury .. 4,643 259,542 281 10,387 17,443 2,803 11,725 j 33 ; 17,138 12,842 629 337,466 14,674 392 352,532 2,442 Otago .. 2,746 143,652 117 6,676 9,693 .. 7,373 .. 6.992 8,409 111 185,769 11,949 153 197,871 4,929 Southland .. 1,878 85,520 .. 4,823 6,326 .. I 3,643 .. 1,781 4,639 114 108,724 2,238 69 111,031 1,871 Totals .. j 28,604 1,522,726 1,096 52,988 105,334 7,127 65,385 j 10,899 83,620' 73,533 2,886 1,954,198 85,282 1,652 2,041,132 47,986 * Amends entry in 1934 paper.

St&lf Salaries, | ill Public School | T , Assistance, Teachers' Libraries Conveyance Incidental Training Manual ! Technical Maintenance Scholarships, I Workshop Total Balances, Education Board. offlee ; Sa anes and (Capitation and Board of Ex P ens es ° f Teac w s j Instruction. Instruction. , bStoe) gttes of Sch ° o1 Sefunds, and Account. Payments. 31st December, Contingencies, | Allowances. Grants). Pupils. Schools. teachers. - | te Buildings. Sundries. 1934. Ac. ! II''* mmmmmmmmmm I ||J B IÊĒĒk.' i 1 j : Ī £ £ £ £ £ £ ! £ ; £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Auckland . 10,940 479,642 424 18,325 32,219 4,269 ! 21,130 : 10,371 22,746 18,831 15,138 524 634,559 13,267 Taranaki .. 2,871 88,983 18 3,560 6,592 .. ! 5.343 .. 3,898 3,747 870 3,446 119,328 4,009 Wanganui .. 3,306 117,316 136 2,677 8,403 4 | 2,872 548 9,976 5,783 2,451 2,787 156,259 7,036 Hawke's Bay . 3,229 110.008 246 5,598 7,803 .. 4,927 7 3,266 4,848 422 2,292 142,646 4,651 Wellington .. 6,221 180,893 .. 4,115 13,409 157 9,304 ! 470 10,453 10.990 22,927 .. 258,939 2,545 Nelson .. 1,899 56,563 63 1,721 3,900 1 1,509 .. 4,537 3,071 322 .. 73,586 1,617 Canterbury .. 6,004 259,444 286 11,553 17,580 2,952 13,282 40 17,128 10,713 11,930 5.452 356,364 l,390f Otago .. 3.197 143,703 115 6,592 9,769 .. 7,034 127 8,017 7,374 6,353 3,291 195,572 7,228 Southland .. 2,534 85,458 1 5,380 6,330 17 3,603 .. 1,830 3,676 1,294 1,655 111,778 1,124 Totals .. 40,201 1,522,010 1,289 59,521 106,005 7,400 | 69,004 11,563 81,851 69,033 61,707 | 19,447 2,049,031 40,087 t Overdrawn.


Table L 3. —Office Staffs of Education Boabds as at 31st December, 1934. Annual Hate of Annual Rate of -■-* ... Salary as at Salary as at Posltlon - End it Year Position. Bnd * f Year (to nearest £). (to nearest £). Auckland. Wellington. Secretary and Treasurer .. .. .. ■ ■ 680 Secretary .. .. . . .. .. .. 662 Accountant .. .. . • .. .. 510 Accountant .. .. .. .. .. 319 Advisory Inspector .. .. .. ... •• 553 Supplies and Truancy Officer .. ... ... .. 242 Chief Clerk .. .. .. .. • • 425 Staff Officer .. .. .. .. .. 255 Clerks—2 at £336, lat £302, 3at £285, lat £251, lat £207 2,287 Book-keeper .. .. .. .. .. 216 Cadet .. .. .. •• • • 171 Shorthand-typists—l at £198,3 at £171,2 at £153, lat £130 1,147 Office-boy .. .. .. .... .. 90 Clerks—2 at £153, lat £130 .. .. .. 436 Clerk-typiste .. .. .. •• 224 Office Junior .. .. i. .. .. 54 Typists—2 at £184, 1 at £144, 1 at £103, 1 at £81 .. 696 Truant Officer .. .. .. .. .. 180 Architect's Branch. Architect .. .. .. .!. .. .. 489 . ... ~ „ , Draughtsman .. .. . ; . .. .. 340 4 A Architects Branch. Shorthand-typist 207 Architect .. .. .. .. .. ..659 . Assistant Architect 383 Total 4 367 Working U oreman .. .. .. •• •• o4U Typist (part-time) .. .. .. .. .. 92 Nelson. Manual and Technical Branch. Secretary .. .. .. •> .. .. 595 Clerk .. .. .. .'. •. 285 Accountant .. .. .. .. .. 298 Typists—l at £184, lat £92 (part-time) .. .. 276 Clerks —1 at £173, lat £116 .. .. .. .. 289 Storekeeper, Caretaker, and Attendance Officer .. .. 216 Total .. .. .. .. .. 7,851 Foreman of Works .. .. .. .. .. 312 Painters—l at £257, 1 at £156, 1 at £52 .. .. 465 Total .. .. .. .. .. 2,175 Tabanaki. Secretary .. .. .. .. ... •• 525 Canterbury, Assistant Secretary .. .. ... .. .. 289 Secretary .. .. .. .. .. .. 616 Accountant .. .. .. .. .. 315 Assistant Secretary .. .. .. .. .. 446 Clerks—l at £183, lat £162, 2at £122 .. .. 589 Accountant .. .. .. .. .. 382 Caretaker and Storeman .. . . .. .. 210 Clerks—l at £318, lat £250, lat £200, lat £185, lat £122, Architect .. .. .. .. .. .. 510 lat £100, lat £132 .. . . .. .. 1,307 Workshop Foreman .. .. .. .. .. 310 Typists—2 at £200, lat £176, lat £155, lat £100 .. 831 Truant Officer, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 276 Draughtsman .. .. J. .. .. 300 Building Foreman .. .. . . .. .. 310 Foremen —2 at £382, lat £283 .. .. .. 1,047 Maintenance Foreman .. .. .. .. 307 Workshop Clerks —1 at £82, lat £107, lat £97 .. .. 286 Total ... .. . ! . .. 3,334 Attendance Officers—l at £134, 1 at £89 .. .. 223 Total .. .. .. .. .. 5,745 Otago. Wangantti. Secretary .. .. .. .. .. .. 620 Secretary and Treasurer .. . . .. .. 525 Chief Clerk .. .. .. .. .. 355 Assistant Secretary and Accountant .. .. .. 446 Accountant .. .. .. .. .. 300 Assistant Accountant .. .. .. .. 294 Clerks —1 at £220, lat £90, lat £175, lat £59, lat £33 577 Cashier and: Clerk .. .. .. .. .. 210 Typists—l at £162, lat £112 .. .. .. 274 Senior Typist .. .. .. .. .. 184 Architect .. .. .. .. .. .. 450 Clerk and Typist—l at £105, lat £95, lat £84 .. 284 Draughtsman .. .. .. .. .. 251 Clerk .. .. .. .. 85 Buildings Clerk .: .. .. .. 210 Total . . .. .. 2,827 Architect .. .. .. .;. .. .. 578 Total .. .. .. .. .. 2,816 Southland. Secretary .. .. .. j ..... .. 450 Accountant .. .. .. .. ... 300 Clerks —Chief, £200 ; lat £150 ,- Junior, £75 .. ~ 425 Clerk-typist, £162 ; Typist, £162 and 1 at'£ll2.. .. 436 Hawke's Bay. Secretary and Treasurer .. . . .. .. 617 Architects Branch.' Assistant Secretary and Accountant . .. .. 417 Architect .. .. .. ; .. .. .. 500 Clerks —1 at £345, lat £308, lat £287, lat £158 .. 1,098 Architect's Assistant .. .. .. .. 200 Typists—l at £224, lat £166 .;. .. .. 390 Attendance Officer and Janitor .. .. .. 216 Architect .. .. .. .. .. •• 368 Architect's Clerk and Draughtsman . . .. .. 278 \ Total .. .. .. .. .. 2,527 Total .. 1. .. .. .. 3,168 Grand total .. .. ..£34,810

Table L4.-Cost of Education Boards' Administration and of Incidental Expenses of Schools for Year ending 31st December, 1934.


Administration. Incidental Expenses of Schools. Education Board. Attendance. I Per Unit of Per Unit of Total.* ! Average Total. Average Attendance. Attendance. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland .. .. .. 57,494 8,125 2 10 32,219 11 2 Taranaki .. .. ., 10,155 2,173 4 3 6,592 13 0 Wanganui .. .. .. 13,550 1,167 1 9 8,403 12 5 Hawke'sBay .. .. 13,397 2,791 4 2 7,803 11 8 Wellington .. .. 23,640 5,068 4 3 12,609 10 8 Nelson .. .. .. 6,010 1,788 5 11 3,899 13 0 Canterbury .. .. 30,664 5,706 3 9 17,580 11 6 Otago .. .. .. 16,359 3,027 3 8 9,769 1111 Southland .. .. .. 10,144 2,505 4 11 6,330 12 6 Totals .. .. 181,413 32,350 3 7 105,204 11 7 * Excluding buildings and technical classes.


L 5, —Statements of Income and Expenditure, and Assets and Liabilities, and Balance-sheets of Education Boards.

AUCKLAND. Statement of Income and Expenditure, and Assets and Liabilities, for the Year ending 31st December, 1934.

Balance-sheet, 31st Decembeb, 1934. Debit Bank Balances and Moneys owing by Board. Credit Bank Balances and Moneys due to Board. Amounts owing— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Special accounts .. .. .. .. 8,449 17 9 Cash at bank on current account .. 7,881 3 10 General Account .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Less unpresented cheques .. 614 9 8 Credit balances— 7,266 14 2 Special accounts .. .. .. .. 10,420 15 4 Fixed deposits .. .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 General Account .. .. .. .. 9,627 8 4 Amounts due— Special accounts .. .. .. .. 15,245 12 3 General Account .. .. .. .. 10 15 0 £28,523 1 5 £28,523 1 5


As at 31st December, 1934. Name of Account. 1934 Income. Expenditure. Amounts due to Board. , . asi January, iaa*. Balance. — J Amounts owing by I Due from Department. jDue from other Sources. Board. Special Accounts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a . d. £ g. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Teachers' salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 443,347 13 4 443,547 13 4 .. .. .. 213 12 11 House allowances .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,850 13 5 13,850 13 5 .. .. .. 4 17 0 School libraries .. .. .. .. .. 185 19 3 383 3 5 414 5 8 154 17 0 Conveyance, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,164 8 2 19,164 8 2 .. 7,392 6 11 .. 3,002 11 8 Grants to School Committees .. .. .. 128 4 3 32,332 5 3 32,219 3 11 241 5 7 .. .. '35O 0 0 Training colleges .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,262 5 5 4,262 5 5 .. 35 4 5 .! 9 0 11 Scholarships — National .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 13 4 1 13 4 .. .. .. 1 13 4 Special .. .. .. .. .. .. 368 368 District High School salaries .. .. .. .. 22,460 15 11 22,460 15 11 .. 22 2 1 Manual and technical instruction .. .. .. 1,905 4 6 32,291 10 7 32,487 10 5 1,709 4 8 1,689 13 2 .. 1,116 11 8 Rebuilding .. .. .. .. .. 5,389 19 1 225 8 7 51 8 5 5,563 19 3 4,167 1 2 540 0 C .. Buildings —Maintenance .. .. .. .. 71 18 10 34,848 6 8 33,543 2 4 1,377 3 2 1,328 8 8 2 750 0 0 New buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,011 18 3 25,011 18 3 .. .. .. '854 10 9 Workshop Account .. .. . . .. .. 584 19 1 523 17 1 61 2 0 Sites sales .. .. .. .. .. .. 74 7 11 74 7 11 .. .. 70 15 10 !! Contractors' deposits .. .. .. .. .. 548 0 0 548 0 0 .. .. .. 95 0 0 Training College Hostel .. .. .. .. 1,374 3 11 20 1 5 81 1 8 1,313 3 8 Voluntary contributions ........ .. .. . . .. .. _. 51 19 6 Total of special accounts .. .. 9,055 9 10 629,610 17 5 628,245 11 11 10,420 15 4 14,634 16 5 610 15 10 8.449 17 9 General Account .. .. .. .. .. 10,229 10 10 12,116 15 6 12,718 18 0 9,627 8 4 5 15 0 5 0 0 25 0 0 Grand total .. .. .. .. 19,285 0 8 641,727 12 11 640,964 9 11 20,048 3 8 14,640 11 5 615 15 10 8,474 17 9 - ■*_ ,


TARANAKI. Statement of Income and Expenditure, and Assets and Liabilities, for the Year ending 31st December, 1934.

Balance-sheet, 31st December, 1934. Debit Bank Balances and Moneys owing by Board. Credit Bank Balances and Moneys due to Board. Amounts owing— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Special accounts .. .. .. .. 1,625 15 9 Cash at bant on current account .. 1,840 12 4 General Account .. .. .. .. 144 17 3 Less unpresented cheques .. 303 10 1 Credit balances— 1,537 2 3 Special accounts .. .. .. .. 7,004 3 2 Fixed deposits .. .. .. .. 2,471 15 0 General Account .. .. .. .. 1,589 15 4 Amounts due— Special accounts .. .. .. .. 6,073 18 2 General Account .. .. . . .. 281 16 1 £10,364 11 6 £10,364 11 6


As at 31st December, 1934. Name of Account. lat jfnuafyflOSi. Income - Expenditure. Amounts due to Board. Amounts owing by Due from Department. Due from other Sources. Board. Special Accounts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Teachers' salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 85,071 9 0 85,071 9 0 .. 7 16 6 .. 42 8 9 House allowances .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,366 9 1 2,366 9 1 .. .. .. 0 13 5 School libraries .. .. .. .. .. 21 79 18 94 18 94 21 79 121 Conveyance, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 3,773 1 10 3,773 1 10 .. 1,540 9 10 1 2 2 1,033 1 10 Grants to School Committees .. .. .. 30 19 8 6,494 14 3 6,450 2 8 75 11 3 30 7 6 .. 19 2 0 District High School salaries .. .. .. .. 1,580 0 5 1,580 0 5 .. 1 13 6 Manual instruction .. .. .. .. 234 14 2 5,661 14 4 5,553 2 9 343 5 9 463 13 1 51 12 11 67 16 10 Technical instruction .. .. .. .. 20 5 10 . . . . 20 5 10 Rebuilding .. .. .. .. .. 50 18 8 .. .. 50 18 8 Buildings —Maintenance .. .. .. .. 501 13 5 5,240 17 10 5,526 15 4 215 15 11 396 18 8 58 11 4 66 9 8 New buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,716 16 5 5,716 16 5 .. 1,059 18 3 0 1 8 179 9 6 Workshop Account .. .. .. .. 6,013 11 3 4,039 5 6 3,775 18 9 6,276 18 0 .. { 2 035 ' 5*} 149 3 9 Sites sales .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 2 11 52 2 11 .. .. 42 5 9 39 13 9 Subsidies .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 27 16 3 Total of special accounts .. .. 6,873 10 9 120,015 0 11 119,884 8 6 7,004 3 2 3,501 19 5 2,571 18 9 1,625 15 9 General Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,669 1 10 3,790 3 5 3,869 9 11 1,589 15 4 71 6 2 210 9 11 144 17 3 Grand total .. .. .. .. 8,542 12 7 123,805 4 4 123,753 18 5 8,593 18 6 3,573 5 7 2,782 8 8 1,770 13 0 * Stocks in hand.

E. —2.

WANGANUI. Statement of Income and Expenditure, and Assets and Liabilities, for the Year ending 31st December, 1934.

Balance-sheet, 31st December, 1934. Debit Bank Balances and Moneys owing by Board. Credit Bank Balances and Moneys due to Board. Amounts owing— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Special accounts .. .. .. .. 6,223 13 3 Cash at bank on current account .. 689 0 7 General Account .. .. .. .. 87 4 0 Less unpresented cheques .. 139 7 0 Credit balances— 549 13 7 Special accounts .. .. .. .. 3,393 9 5 Post Office Savings-bank Accounts .. .. 2,226 11 1 General Account .. .. .. .. 791 16 2 On mortgage .. . . .. .. 1,150 0 0 Investments—Inscribed stock .. .. .. 3,110 0 0 Amounts due— Special accounts .. .. .. .. 2,861 1 0 General Account .. .. .. .. 598 17 2 £10,496 2 10 £10,496 2 10


As at 31st December, 1934. Name of Account. Irt Inc0me ' Expenditure. Amounts due to Board. | Amounts owing by I Due from Department. Due from other Sources. Board. Special Accounts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Teachers' salaries .. 110,530 8 7 110,530 87 .. 099 .. 98 81 House allowances .. .. .. •• •• •• 3,134 8 5 3,134 8 5 .. 0 1 5 School libraries .. .. • • • • •. • • 136 4 9 136 4 9 . . 136 4 9 .. Conveyance, &c. .. . • • • • • • • 20 8 2 2,557 19 9 2,575 15 9 2 12 2 483 18 3 .. 533 12 6 Grants to School Committees .. .. .. 49 13 11 8,453 6 5 8,412 16 6 90 3 10 27 1 3 .. 20 10 0 Teachers' classes .. .. .. .. .. 45 12 7 .. 428 41 911 Alexander Bequest .. .. •• •• 2,623 2 0 107 3 10 95 6 8 2,634 19 2 Rees Bequest .. .. .. •• •• 2,197 2 5 95 6 2 1 0 0 2,291 8 7 District High School salaries .. . . . . .. 3,745 19 5 3,745 19 5 . . 0 1 9 Manual instruction .. .. • • • • 220 19 1 2,978 11 5 2,978 14 4 220 16 2 216 0 9 76 2 38 5 0 Technical instruction .. .. . . .. • • 539 0 0 539 0 0 .. 224 10 0 .. 4 9 6 Unemployed Wages Account .. . . .. .. 825 8 9 825 8 9 .. .. 51 13 9 Buildings —Maintenance .. .. .. .. 972 17 9 6,877 3 1 7,695 8 9 154 12 1 614 5 8 92 12 6 373 8 2 New buildings .. . . .. .. .. .. 11,983 10 8 11,983 10 8 .. 849 12 10 5 14 0 1,520 14 2 Workshop Account .. .. . . •. 1,428 12 0 3,119 8 2 2,751 13 7 1,796 6 7 .. 82 11 11 120 3 5 Sites sales .. .. .. .. . • 95 9 3 .. .. 95 9 3 Contractors' deposits .. .. .. . • •• 10 0 0 10 0 0 . . .. .. 10 0 0 Wanganui School sites 3,414 7 4* 737 0 0 | 1,299 13 9 3,977 1 1* .. .. 3,494 0 Of Health camp and miscellaneous .. .. .. 32 0 4 40 0 8 j 29 8 3 42 12 9 . . .. 10 2 5 Total of special accounts .. .. 4,271 10 2 155,871 0 1 1 156,749 0 10 3,393 9 5 2,552 6 5 308 14 7 6,223 13 3 General Account .. .. .. .. .. 844 13 6 3,928 2 7 3,980 19 11 791 16 2 196 3 0 402 14 2 87 4 0 Grand total .. .. .. .. 5,116 3 8 159,799 2 8 I 160,730 0 9 4,185 5 7 2,748 9 5 711 8 9 6,310 17 3 * Overdrawn. f Wanganui School sites : £3,494 represents amount advanced by Department for rent of Wanganui Technical College site and playing field?.


HAWKE'S BAY. Statement of Income and Expenditure, and Assets and Liabilities, for the Year ending 31st December, 1934.

Balance-sheet, 31st December, 1934. Debit Bank Balances and Moneys owing by Board. Credit Bank Balances and Moneys due to Board. Amounts owing. £g. d. £ s d £ s d Special accounts .. .. .. .. 1,374 19 7 Cash at bank on current account .. 1,890 10 9 oSr&ir? 63 8 0 •• Special accounts 5,950 16 8 Cash in hand 286 7 5 General Account 2,227 9 4 Fixed deposits ! 3,500 0 0 Amounts due— Special accounts .. .. .. .. 4,017 17 11 General Account . . .. .. .. 947 9 g £9,616 13 7 £9,616 13 7


I As at 31st December, 1934. Name of Account. lrt J<5£S£l'884. Income. Expenditure. ~ Amounts due to Board. " " T Balance. — Amounts owing by _ _ • Due from Department. |Due from other Sources. Board. Special Accounts. £ s d -Pari pt „ , Teachers' salaries , . .. .. i s. d. £ s. d £ s. d £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. House allowances " " I « V " " 87 3 8 School libraries .... " V '90T ,0 I 2 ' § J " •• 14 8 Conveyance, &c !! ;; "' "" . fj, ? * K ?21 19 7 .. 9 16 8 . . 34 15 5 Grants to School Committees .. " 7'761 0 5 7'7M a s " 230 41 " 1 10 0 District High School salaries .. .. !! 12 3 1 " " ' ™ ™ ™ SSi :: :: ■■ » • 4 > 834 6 9 *'™*i »n ® 8 » 8 i 20 lit Rfhinlrlmrr " ' " 10 i U . . 7 10 2 7 10 10 Kebuilding „ 262 5 4 80 0 0 .. 342 5 4 x>nilaings —Maintenance .. .. .. 2 f;o4. ifii k Qi7 q in k qqq < r\ n m a ' . New buildings i " 5(M « 1 5,917 9 10 5,888 4 0 2,334 111 175 4 0 2,180 11 6 799 11 7 Workshop Account .. .. .. 9 579' 9 0 l'848 8 0 9'4.77 19 70 1 oka' a 810 3 8 61 9 10 SitpQ «olpQ 'x „ u 1,848 8 0 2,4/7 12 10 1,950 4 2 .. 39 8 4 bites sales 130 6 9 70 0 0 70 0 0 130 6 9 Contractors deposits .. .. .. a- n i~- a a Voluntary contributions .. 0 ' ' • ■ • • 1' 0 0 Outside building works .. .. " !! 1,478' 8 10 1,478* 8 10 ! 163* 5 4 ? General ' S -P ecial aeoounts •• 6 618 1 8 140,105 3 11 M0,772 8 11 1,374 19 7 9 6 3,595 1 3 3,716 1 5 2,227 9 4 68 8 9 879 0 8 63 8 0 Grand total 8,966 11 2 143,700 5 2 144,488 10 4 8,178 6 0 1,768 8 11 3,196 18 5 1,438 7 7

E. —2,

WELLINGTON. Statement of Income and Expenditure, and Assets and Liabilities, for the Year ending 31st December, 1934.


~ As at 31st December, 1934. Name of Account. 1st Income ' Expenditure. Amounts due to Board. Amounts owing by Due from Department. Due from other Sources. oara. Special Accounts. £ d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Accidents to school-children, &c. .. .. .. .. 726 7 2 6 t .. .. I •• •• Advances •• 266 0 0 266 0 0 .. .. .. 0 10 0 Akitio County Library .. .. •• •• 10 5 .. •• 10 5 .. | •• A'i« q Chalk and stationery .. .. •• 132 13 7* 195 14 6 50 L 6 1- 18 5 .. -4 1" Contractors' deposits .. .. 449 12 6 449 12 6 .. .. j •• „ ft .. ,, Conveyance and board .. .. .. .. 4,241115 4, l41 11 5 .. 336 0 0 j District High School teachers' salaries .. .. 5,530 4 4 5,530 4 4 .. 21 Id 2 j District High School part-time teachers .. .. 99 0 2 .. 12 0 0 87 0 2 .. j 1• '' _ . Education Department's Trust .. 508 19 2 508 19 2 .. .. | 707 12 8 737 5 4 Furniture replacement — Buildings branch .. .. . • • • 81 1 3 22 18 4 .. 103 19 7 General .. .. • • • ■ • • 378 14 10 120 4 8 4 0 0 494 19 6 Heckler scholarships .. . • ■ • • • 89 19 6 4 0 1 61 10 0 32 9 < I louse allowances .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,226 10 5 4,226 10 5 „ C 5 4 .. •• Incidental expenses of schools .. .. .. 709 3 2 13,253 17 2 13,634 7 9 328 12 .. on n o '<STi 7 11 + Maintenance of school buildings 132 4 3 11,038 11 8 10,406 9 0 764 6 11 .. 30 17 9 613 7 llf M CWCTance •• 113 13 6 113 13 6 .. 65 9 8 General • •• 540 1 9 2,133 2 5 2,604 18 11 68 5 3 20 16 5 7 16 1 61 15 11 Handwork !! " .. . . .. j .. 420 0 5 | 376 11 10 43 8 7 Instructors — _ . _ . _. , a , - Q Salaries ! •• 5,818 19 1 5,818 19 1 .. 34 14 10 j .. 16 17 8 Expenses •• 498 3 0 498 3 0 33 6 8 | .. .. Marlborough Sounds library .. .. • • 13 17 6 . . 2 18 0 10 19 6 j Motor-cars Replacement Fund .. . . ... 935 11 9 325 14 5 745 18 2 515 8 0 Necessitous children's requisites .. .. .. I ■ • 491 18 10 491 18 10 Office Social Fund .. .. •• •• 80 10 10 114 17 9 139 19 2 55 9 5 .. .. •• Otaki Health Camp .. .. .. •. j • • 237 19 9 237 19 9 • • • ■ • • „ „ Primary teachers' salaries .. .. .. ..I ■■ 171,179 2 6 171,179 2 6 .. .. •• Rebuilding of worn-out schools .. . . .. 412 16 11 87 12 6 56 7 10 444 1 7 .. j Removal expenses of teachers .. .. .. •• 221 13 5 221 13 5 .. Rents of buildings and sites .. .. - • • • 339 1 8 539 1 8 School Committees —• , a . Funds ...... .. 49 11 4 49 11 4 .. .. • • 71 19 4 w 0 rk S :: :: :: .. 689 5 1 689 5 1 .. .. 62 0 7 57 10 9 Sites —Sales and purchases .. . • • • ■ ■ 33 1 7 2 0 0 12 7 6 22 14 1 SP Newbuildi S ngs •• 10,562 15 1 10,562 15 1 .. 812 11 3 .. 489 0 0 Manual buildings .. .. •• •• •• 113 0 0 113 0 0 .. 13 0 0 .. New sites .. •• .. .. .. 156 13 6 156 13 6 .. 236 10 7 63 7 8 63 7 8


WELLINGTON— continued. Statement of Income and Expenditure, and Assets and Liabilities, for the Year ending 31st December, 1934— continued.

Balance-sheet, 31st December, 1934. Debit Bank Balances and Moneys owing by Board. Credit Bank Balances and Moneys due to Board, Amounts owing— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Special accounts .. .. .. .. 4,234 3 8 Cash at bank on current account .. 1,355 13 6 General Account .. .. .. .. 36 14 10 Less unpresented cheques .. 406 8 5 Credit balances— 949 5 1 Special accounts .. .. .. .. 2,982 22 Investments, Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 1,570 8 7 General Account .. .. .. .. 490 5 7 Amounts due— Special accounts .. .. .. .. 5,047104 General Account .. .. .. . . 176 2 3 £7,743 6 3 £7,743 6 3

B—E. 2,


As at 31st December, 1934. Name of Account. 1st Income - Expenditure. Amounts due to Board. Amounts owing by Due from Department. Due from other Sources. Board. Special Accounts —continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Technical instruction, Lower Hutt .. .. .. 9 4 9* 486 14 4 48110 3 11 5* 68 32 .. 318 Training College —Caretaker's salary .. .. .. 154 2 9 154 29 .. 51 17 1 2211 Unemployment Relief Scheme No. 5 .. .. .. 8,603 8 7 8,603 8 7 .. .. 658 9 7 Contributions for subsidy .. .. .. .. •• 20 37 20 37 .. .. .. 200 Duke of Gloucester's visit .. .. .. .. • • 156 19 3 156 19 3 .. 113 3 2 2 5 10 144 17 0 Total of special accounts .. .. 3,365 5 7 243,041 19 6 243,425 2 11 2,982 2 2 1,860 2 0 3,187 8 4 4,234 3 8 General Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,022 18 8 5,844 19 5 6,377 12 6 490 5 7 .. 176 2 3 36 14 10 Grand total .. .. .. •• 4,388 4 3 248,886 18 11 249,802 15 5 3,472 7 9 1,860 2 0 3,363 10 7 4,270 18 6 * Overdrawn. -f Contingent liabilities amounting to £1,771 13s. Id. have not been taken into account in the amount owing by the Board.

E. —2

NELSON. Statement of Income and Expenditure, and Assets and Liabilities, for the Year ending 31st December, 1934.

Balance-sheet, 31st December, 1934. Debit Bank Balances and Moneys owing by Board. Credit Bank Balances and Moneys due to Board. Amounts owing— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Special accounts .. .. .. .. 736 18 11 Cash at bank on current account .. 766 12 0 General Account .. .. .. .. 254 13 3 Less unpresented cheques .. 149 9 2 Credit balances— 617 2 10 Special accounts .. .. .. .. 1,221 13 4 Fixed deposits .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 General Account .. .. .. .. 201 7 0 Amounts due— Special accounts .. .. .. .. 719 5 5 General Account .. .. .. .. 78 4 3 £2,414 12 6 £2,414 12 6


! As at 31st December, 1934. Name of Account. 1st January 0 ,'1934. lDcoroe - Expenditure. Amounts due to Board. Amounts owing by Due from Department. |Due from other Sources. Board. I , — Special Accounts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Teachers' salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 51,329 10 10 51,329 10 10 .. 2 0 0 .. 31 19 2 House allowances .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,882 13 9 1,882 13 9 .. 3 4 5 School libraries .. .. .. .. .. 12 17 2 98 10 5 70 3 2 41 4 5 20 16 0 .. 6 16 4 Conveyance, &c. .. .. .. .. 1,858 8 3 1,858 8 3 .. 98 1 11 2 3 0 413 1 10 Grants to School Committees .. .. .. 171 0 11 4,039 3 9 3,924 9 1 285 15 7 .. .. 26 0 5 Teachers' classes .. ,. .. .. .. 84 11 .. 100 74 11 District High School salaries .. .. .. .. 3,381 3 9 3,381 39 .. 032 .. ... Manual instruction .. .. .. .. 34 7 7 1,664 17 6 1,607 1 3 92 3 10 129 3 1 80 5 0 87 6 3 Rebuilding . . .. .. .. .. 30 13 7 .. .. 30 13 7 Buildings—Maintenance .. .. .. .. 961 7 5 2,901 15 0 3,098 11 5 764 11 0 301 7 8 4 14 4 96 16 7 New buildings .. . .• .. .. .. .. 4,417 7 8 4,417 7 8 .. 75 9 4 .. 72 18 4 Sites sales .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 12 6 53 12 6 .. 1 17 6 Contractors' deposits .. .. .. .. .. 26 19 6 26 19 6 .. .. .. 2 0 0 Total of special accounts .. .. 1,218 11 7 71,654 2 XI 71,651 1 2 1,221 13 4 632 3 1 87 2 4 736 18 11 General Account .. .. .. .. .. 607 13 9 1,991 19 6 2,398 6 3 201 7 0 5 15 0 72 9 3 254 13 3 Grand total .. .. .. .. 1,826 5 4 73,646 2 5 74,049 7 5 1,423 0 4 637 18 1 159 11 7 991 12 2

E,— 2

CANTERBURY. Statement of Income and Expenditure, and Assets and Liabilities, for the Year ending 31st December, 1934.

Balance-sheet, 31st December, 1934. Debit Bank Balances and Moneys owing by Board. Credit Bank Balances and Moneys due to Board. £ s. d. £ s. d. Debit balance at bank .. .. .. 6,36615 9 Cash in hand .. .. .. .. 582 3 9 Amounts owing— Fixed deposits .. .. .. .. 4,110 0 0 Special accounts .. .. .. .. 3,457 10 0 Investments .. .. .. .. 284 17 6 General Account .. .. .. .. 9145 Amounts due— Credit balances— Special accounts .. . . .. .. 10,485 4 11 Special accounts .. .. .. .. 4,751 2 1 General Account .. .. .. .. 140 18 0 General Account .. .. .. .. 936 11 11 £15,603 4 2 £15,603 4 2 i —


As at 31st December, 1934. Name of Account. 1st 1934. Income - Expenditure. Amounts due to Board. Amounts owing by Due from Department, j Due from other Sources. Board. Special Accounts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Teachers' salaries .. .. . . .. .. 23,794 17 6 23,794 17 6 .. 59 10 2 8 6 2 147 9 7 House allowances .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,686 5 4 4,686 5 4 .. 0 7 11 .. 1 13 3 School libraries .. .. .. . . .. .. 285 18 2 285 18 2 .. 31 14 7 Conveyance, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,564 14 0 11,564 14 0 .. 2,078 2 11 13 10 8 1113 8 Grants to School Committees .. .. .. .. 17,655 18 10 17,629 10 9 26 8 1 2 5 0 73 13 3 143 16 6 Training colleges .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,974 4 3 2,974 4 3 .. 80 14 7 10 10 0 29 8 0 Teachers' classes .. .. .. .. .. 50 16 4 .. .. 50 16 4 Scholarships — National .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 0 0 Special .. .. .. .. .. .. 592 3 7 592 3 7 . . .. 85 19 3 417 10 0 District High School salaries .. .. .. .. 16,119 0 4 16,119 0 4 .. .. .. 21 11 8 Manual instruction .. .. .. .. 1,886 4 7 12,944 10 10 13,315 2 2 1,515 13 3 653 2 0 31 13 11 - 83 15 6 Technical instruction .. .. .. .. 30 17 4 32 14 8 63 12 0 .. .. .. 24 0 11 Rebuilding .. .. .. . . .. 204 11 0 7 13 9 .. 212 4 9 Buildings—Maintenance .. .. .. .. 764 11 7 13,524 19 6 15,123 12 2 834 1 1* 867 4 7 23 13 11 242 15 4 New buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,018 0 8 19,018 0 8 .. 1,771 4 11 .. 1,227 0 8 Workshop Account .. .. .. .. 5,093 10 10 4,991 9 11 6,312 15 1 3,772 5 8 .. 3,680 4 10 73 16 11 Sites sales .. .. .. . . .. 7 15 1 198 3 3 198 3 3 7 15 1 1 16 7 Contractors' deposits .. .. .. .. .. 538 11 0 538 11 0 .. .. .. 22 2 0 Burnham-Jarvis Bequest ........ . . .. .. .. . . .. 606 16 6 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. .. . . 925 7 7 925 7 7 .. .. 557 4 2 129 10 10 Subsidies Account .. .. .. . . .. 83 19 1 83 19 1 .. .. .. 259 8 8 Unemployment .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,732 17 9 8,732 17 9 .. .. 454 5 6 Total of special accounts .. .. 8,038 6 9 138,671 10 0 141,958 14 8 4,751 2 1 5,546 3 3 4,939 1 8 3,457 10 0 General Account .. .. .. .. 926 15 5 7,325 12 4 7,315 15 10 936 11 11 37 11 7 103 6 5 91 4 5 Grand total .. .. .. .. 8,965 2 2 145,997 2 4 149,274 10 6 5,687 14 0 5,583 14 10 5,042 8 1 3,548 14 5 * Overdrawn.


OTAGO. Statement of Income and Expenditure, and Assets and Liabilities, for the Year ending 31st December, 1934.

Balance-sheet, 31st December, 1934. Debit Bank Balances and Moneys owing by Board. Credit Bank Balances and Moneys due to Board. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amounts owing—Special accounts .. .. 8,028 9 3 Cash at bank on current account .. 4,542 8 10 Credit balances— Less unpresented cheques .. 489 0 3 Special accounts .. .. .. .. 7,473 18 2 4,053 8 7 General Account .. .. .. .. 9,079 11 7 Fixed deposits .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Investments .. .. .. .. 2,974 19 4 Amounts due— Special accounts .. .. .. .. 10,076 12 9 General Account .. .. .. .. 7,276 18 4 £24,581 19 0 £24,581 19 0


As at 3lst December, 1934. Name of Account. 1st Expenditure. Balance Amounts due to Board. Amn|1T|tfl hv Due from Department, i Due from other Sources. Board. Special Accounts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Teachers' salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 135,860 18 11 135,860 18 11 .. 37 8 8 .. 16 9 2 House allowances .. .. .. .. .. 27 8 8 1,596 7 6 1,623 16 2 .. 1 5 3 School libraries .. .. .. .. .. .. 114 15 2 114 15 2 Conveyance, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,662 14 0 6,662 14 0 .. 1,293 15 1 .. 923* 9 6 Grants to School Committees .. .. .. 57 8 3 9,712 1 6 9,764 16 0 4 13 9 .. .. 540 19 0 Training College Trust Account .. .. .. 209 7 0 10 18 0 .. 220 5 0 .. I .. Teachers' classes .. .. .. .. .. 23 6 2 .. .. 23 6 2 Scholarship —Special .. .. .. .. 478 12 2 20 15 2 20 0 0 479 17 4 District High School salaries .. .. .. .. 6,239 16 7 6,235 0 0 4 16 7 .. ] Manual instruction .. .. .. .. 222 11 10 7,965 9 2 7,854 7 2 333 13 10 195 10 6 j .. 50 0 0 Technical instruction .. .. .. .. 123 0 1 3 18 7 126 18 8 Buildings —Maintenance .. .. .. .. 482 10 4 9,346 9 2 9,662 3 1 166 16 5 11 3 10 1,686 17 5 New buildings .. .. .. .. .. 8,282 10 3 8,282 10 3 .. 1,105 15 4 43 13 0 225 0 0 Workshop Account .. .. .. .. 1,540 18 2 3,876 18 3 3,534 14 0 1,883 2 5 .. 4,898 15 9 3,566 7 6 Contractors' deposits .. .. .. .. .. 38 12 9 38 .12 9 .. .. .. 11 19 6 Other accounts .. .. .. .. .. 2,550 10 3 7,046 6 2 5,238 19 9 4,357 16 8 1 9 0 1 800 18 11 2,694 4 7 Total of special accounts .. .. 5,715 12 11 196,778 11 2 195,020 5 11 7,473 18 2 2,646 7 8 7,430 5 1 8,028 9 3 General Account .. .. .. .. .. 8,491 6 8 5,876 19 1 5,288 14 2 9,079 11 7 99 7 0 7,177 11 4 Grand total .. .. .. .. 14,206 19 7 202,655 10 3 200,309 0 1 16,553 9 9 2,745 14 8 14,607 16 5 8,028 9 3


SOUTHLAND. Statement of Income and Expenditure, and Assets and Liabilities, for the Year ending 31st December, 1934.

Balance-sheet, 31st December. 1934. Debit. Bank Balances and Moneys owing by Board. Credit Bank Balances and Moneys due to Board. Amounts owing— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Special accounts .. .. .. 1,892 11 7 Cash at bank on current account .. 772 6 11 General Account .. .. . . .. 147 0 3 Less unpresented cheques .. 158 8 1 Credit balances— 613 18 10 Special accounts .. .. .. .. 1,269 16 2 Investments .. .. .. .. 510 0 0 General Account .. .. .. .. 1,609 10 7 Amounts due— Special accounts .. .. .. .. 3,022 10 4 General Account .. .. .. • • 772 9 5 £4,918 18 7 £4,918 18 7


As at 31st December, 1934. Name of Account. 1st Income - Expenditure. Baiaooa. Amounts due to Board. Amounts owing by Due from Department. [ Due from other Sources. Board. Special Accounts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Teachers' salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 82,007 8 10 82,007 8 10 .. •• •• 56 10 4 House allowances .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,466 4 3 1,466 43 .. 431 School libraries .. .. .. .. .. .. 001 001 .. •• 019 23 32 Conveyance, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,292 14 5 5,292 14 5 .. 1,591 14 0 13 7 11 933 6 9 Grants to School Committees .. .. .. 182 4 9 6,328 7 4 6,329 11 1 181 1 0 .. .. 12 8 9 Teachers' classes .. .. .. .. .. 235 7 7 .. 17 3 9 218 3 10 District High School salaries .. .. .. .. 2,041 1 10 2,041 1 10 .. .. 4111 Manual instruction .. .. .. .. 282 17 11 3,868 16 8 3,863 8 5 288 6 2 217 19 2 3 4 6 116 7 1 Technical instruction .. .. .. . . 9 13 4 .. .. 9 13 4 Buildings—Maintenance .. .. .. .. 1,424 16 3 6,190 19 3 7,043 3 8 572 11 10 419 5 4 2 5 0 290 19 1 New buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,312 0 3 2,312 0 3 .. 370 14 6 42 4 7 309 3 11 Workshop Account .. .. .. .. .. 3,537 15 9 3,537 15 9 Sites sales .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 50 52 50 .. 150 Contractors' deposits .. .. .. .. .. 39 19 6 39 19 6 Boarded-out children .. . . .. .. .. 19 9 2 19 9 2 .. 20 6 6 Subsidies .. .. .. .. .. .. 781 5 8 781 5 8 .. .. 335 19 0 146 1 5 Total of special accounts .. .. 2,134 19 10 113,938 8 0 114,803 11 8 1,269 16 2 2,624 2 7 398 7 9 1,892 11 7 General Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,613 4 8 2,995 8 5 2,999 2 6 ■ 1,609 10 7 37 7 7 735 1 10 147 0 3 Grand total .. .. .. .. 3,748 4 6 116,933 16 5 117,802 14 2 2,879 6 9 2,661 10 2 1,133 9 7 2,039 11 10 • : :


15.—SECONDARY, COMBINED, AND TECHNICAL SCHOOLS AND CLASSES. Table M 1.—Receipts of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1934.


Endowment Income Account. Buildings and Sites Account. Lower Department Account. Hostels Account. Board ' From R«» r ™s. rnvnm. Voluntary Balance, —. Interest, B ?k} nce > Sales of Balance, mentGrants Contribu- Transfers Balance, Balance, Boan jj nir Advances Transfers 1st Janu- Admims- 1 1st Janu- Endow- 1st Janu- turns and from other 1st Janu- Fees. Sundries. 1st Janu- to Boarders and ary, 1934. Vested in tered by ary, 1934. mento. ary, 1934. „ Miscel- Accounts. ary,1934. ary, 1934. * ees ' refunded. Sundries. Boards. Land ouuoiuae». laneous. Boards. A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ ££££ £ £ ££££££ £ £ Whangarei High School .. 443 171 228 87 357 .. .. .. .. 666 .. .. .. 671 2,166 .. 286 Auckland Grammar School .. 8,257 9,799 2,490 724 1,446 243 195 .. 45 .. 29 3 100 659 202 Thames High School .. . . 787 708 142 216 .. .. 656* .. 473 381 Hamilton High School .. 250 78 344 .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 317* 1 090 73 637 Rotorua High School .. .. .. 1,223 121 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Wanganui Girls' College ..1,015 969 290 1 .. .. 330 .. 40 42 485 265 13 495 3,866 1,037 78 Palmerston North High School 275 .. 617 300 .. .. .. 4,090 .. .. .. .. .. 247 419 23 1 370 Gisborne High School .. .. 1,181 2,445 .. 6 7 .. .. .. 15 111 162 3 940 1,303 115 '329 Hastings High School .. . . 444 706 .. .. .. . . 4* 63 Dannevirke High School .. 146 353 .. .. .. .. 15 .. .. .. .. .. .. 72* 558 .. 93 Wairarapa High School .. 165 .. 254 .. .. .. 1,052* .. .. 61 .. .. .. 1.741 984 66 70 Hutt Valley High School .. 285 435 .. .. .. .. 4* 5 75 Wellington College .. .. 5,310 12,292 2,031 801 54 .. 3,655* 165 13,469 6,904 .. .. .. 1,375 2,912 iio 39 Marlborough High School .. 310 77 336 Rangiora High School .. .. 204 .. .. .. .. 100 .. .. 199 .. .. .. 330* 441 Christchurch Boys' High School 1,969 4,845 .. .. .. .. 1,524* .. .. 5,228 .. .. .. 228 663 .. 26 Christchurch Girls' High School .. 341 .. 6 . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 951 i 562 120 Avonside Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 Akaroa High School .. .. 2,121 166 .. 14 .. .. 23 .. .. .. .. .. ..1 913* Hokitika High School .. .. 62* 14 .. 97 Ashburton High School .. 351 694 .. .. 70 .. .. . . .. 4 Timaru High School .. .. 397 1,434 .. 500 .. .. .. . . .. 728 .. .. .. 499 .. 438 Waimate High School . . 548 .. 393 .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 Waitaki High School .. .. 1,090 1,522 386 50 .. 34 302* .. .. 315 .. .. .. 1,330 1,293 Otago High School .. .. 4,037 4,072 1,007 142 .. .. .. .. 30 .. .. .. .. 1 317 115 234 South Otago High School .. 82 . . 129 .. .. . . .. 134 .. 32 Gore High School .. .. 137 .. 171 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 325 578 .. 83 Southland High School .. .. 2,449 450 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,446 .. .. .. 80* 397 27 243 Totals .. .. 29,538 44,997 9,389 2,944 1,934 277 6,534* 4,481 14,132 17,042 596 427 16 9,397 22,649 2,225 4,248 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate Schoolf Christ's College .. .. .. .. .. 2,299 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,403 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 2,299 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,403 * Account overdrawn. t'B-eceipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet are printed on page 76.


Table M1.—Receipts of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1934—continued.


General Account. Manual and Science Instruction Account. Special Accounts. Board - Balance, From Government. Voluntary „„ hnn , Transfers G ment~ Transfers Balance, Transfers IstJanu- Contribu- 8 -S° o1 Sundries, from other a „ Captation Sundries, from other 1st Janu- laneous from other ary, 1934. Teachers' Incidental tions. Fees " Accounts. Accounts, ary, 1934. • Accounts. Salaries. Expenses. u °siuies. A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ££ £ £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School .. .. .. 73 8,453 820 .. .. 22 821 .. 57* 332 38 .. 25 18 Auckland Grammar School .. .. 1,351 32,800 5,710 .. .. 575 6,169 8,841 42 535 .. .. 6,049 341 Thames High School .. .. . . 120 3,284 410 .. .. . . . • 143 89 . . .. .. 367 36 Hamilton High School 603 5,878 807 .. .. 76 262 329 27 52 1 279 232 Rotorua High School .. .. .. 536 3,510 488 .. .. .. 88 1,280 6* 35 .. .. 5 Wanganui Girls'College .. .. .. 671 2,450 578 .. .. 96 1,093 1,152 37* 41 14 33 60 Palmer ston North High School .. . . 448 8,880 1,173 .. 3 116 90 91 73 120 .. .. 562 23 Gisborne High School .. .. .. 152 4,930 787 .. .. 78 25 1,311 3 62 .. .. 242 979 Hastings High School .. .. .. 335 5,850 848 .. .. 121 193 569 1 74 51 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. 146 3,361 455 .. .. .. 160 317 65* 28 45 Wairarapa High School .. .. . . 1,043 3,998 517 . . 35 57 565 187 32 48 Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. 6* 5,588 851 .. 95 32 43 392 131 79 .. .. 12 Wellington College .. .. .. 1,305* 22,666 3,779 .. .. 332 111 6,026 70 500 109 .. 789 610 Marlborough High School .. .. . . 74* 6,635 765 .. .. 4 190 434 38 293 . . 10 Rangiora High School .. .. . . 104 3,600 432 .. 153 17 850 .. 42* 30 Christchurch Boys' High School .. 487 10,090 1,279 .. .. 146 79 23 172 102 5 Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. 513 5,375 885 .. .. 28 142 22 852 92 80 Avonside Girls' High School .. .. I 318 3,875 598 .. .. . . 54 24 142 66 54 .. .. Akaroa High School .. Hokitika High School Ashburton High School .. .. ... 421* 3,170 455 .. 64 .. 285 412 27* 38 .. .. 78 45 Timaru High School .. .. .. 2,113* 11,310 1,495 .. .. 116 2 454 63 257 .. .. 185 2 Waimate High School .. .. .. 41* 2,322 326 .. .. 3 s 11 297 46 .. .. •• 2* 1 Waitaki High School .. .. .. 188 10,218 1,257 .. .. 118 707 1,898 195 265 .. .. 177* 57 Otago High School .. .. .. 4,465 13,130 2,413 .. 15 257 523 4,591 509 114 2 .. 3,136 131 South Otago High School .. .. .. 18* 2 ,500 374 .. 48 15 233 155 3* 34 Gore High School .. .. .. 414 3,792 477 .. .. 56 98 137 32* 30 .. .. 868 127 Southland High School .. .. .. 358 8,873 1,029 .. .. 99 228 110 157* 81 Totals .. .. .. .. 8,347 196,538 29,008 .. 413 2,364 13,022 29,195 2,059 3,308 347 95 12,418 2,662 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate Schoolf Christ's College .. .. . . • • 116* .. .. .. .. 8,766 1,684 7,211 Totals .. .. .. .. 116* .. .. .. .. 8,766 1,684 7,211 * Account overdrawn. t Receipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet are printed on page 76.


Table M 2.—Payments of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1934.


Endowments Income Account. Buildings and Sites Acoount. Lower Department Account. Board. Office Expenditure Transfers ««in™» 0 ' Balance Expenditure on Interest -Raiancp Balance, Salaries on to menfo 1 <51 it De- Bufldings, Sites, Loans on Loans S I ' Teachers' Incidental Miscel- 31st Deand Endow- other ce mb er , 1934. and cember, 1934. repaid ' cember, 1934. SaJaries ' laneous. comber, Expenses. ments. Accounts. Transfers. Apparatus. Sundry. 1934. A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School .. .. 9 35 819 66 .. 357 .. 600 66 Auckland Grammar School .. .. 452 3,310 8,841 8,667 .. 1,689 80 .. .. 160 Thames High School .. .. 89 108 227 1,429 .. .. 612 .. 84 499* Hamilton High School .. .. .. 33 329 310 Rotorua High School .. .. 65 .. 1,280 Wanganui Girls'College .. .. 49 2 1,193 1,030 .. .. .. .. 42 370 200 61 4 499 Palmerston North High School .. .. .. 1,133 59 .. .. 4,115 .. .. 25* Gisborne High School .. .. 150 46 1,326 2,111 .. 7 15 .. .. .. 190 19 .. 67 Hastings High School .. # . .. . • 568 582 .. . . 60 . . .. 1* Dannevirke High School .. . .. .. 317 182 .. . . .. .. 15 Wairarapa High School .. .. .. . . 187 232 .. . . .. .. .. 990* Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. . . 316 404 .. . . .. .. 76 Wellington College .. .. 291 249 12,929 6,964 .. 54 1,430 5,229 15,123 4,899* Marlborough High School .. . . .. . . 352 371 Rangiora High School .. .. .. 5 199 .. .. • . .. 182 17 100 Christchurch Boys' High School .. 269 142 5,252 1,151 .. .. .. 3,000 2,228 1,524* Christchurch Girls' High School . . 20 3 46 278 .. . . Avonside Girls' High School .. .. • • • • • • • • • • 24 Akaroa High School .. .. .. 16 .. 2,285 .. .. .. .. . . 23 Hokitika High School .. .. 27 25 139 142* Ashburton High School .. . . 44 30 416 554 .. 70 4 Timaru High School .. .. 104 138 1,328 761 .. .. 32 617 79 Waimate High School .. .. 20 7 318 596 .. .. . . . . 21 Waitaki High School .. . . 100 68 1,540 1,339 .. 34 13 Otago High School. . .. .. 226 108 4,663 4,261 .. .. .. .. .. 30 South Otago High School .. .. .. • . 181 30 .. .. 159 .. 6 Gore High School .. .. . • • • • • 207 101 Southland High School .. .. 74 47 2,778 .. .. •• 1,400 229 817 Totals .. .. .. 1,989 4,372 46,884 33,621 .. 2,211 7,944 9,857 18,574 7,255* 390 80 4 566 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School"]* Christ's College .. .. •• 111 737 1,451 Totals Ill 737 1,451 * Account overdrawn. t Receipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet are printed on page 76.

9—E. 2


Table M2.—Payments of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1934— continued.


Hostels Account. General Account. Speoial Accoarits - Board - ' Ttnlnnr-A Maintenance Transfers Unl»,,,.. -Rnlnnc Ralan™. Totai 1 31st T)e-' Teachers' Incidental of Buildings, „ d to Qitt rtel' Material, Total Payments. I cember; 1834 . Salaries. Expenses. 5" cember, 1934. tSc ' cember, 1934. Pa 5™<»ts. cember , 1934. A. Secondary School*. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School .. .. .. .. 2,303 820 8,477 830 26 838 .. 19 180 133 41 1 Auckland Grammar School .. .. .. 3,392 598 41,409 6,123 584 5,448 .. 1,882 800' 224* 317 6,073 Thames High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,289 368 143 .. 5 152 41 48 294 109 Hamilton High School .. .. .. .. 1,302 181 6,144 752 79 239 1 740 80 .. 183 328 Botorua High School .. .. .. . . .. .. 4,253 488 30 524 .. 607 31 2* 1 4 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. .. .. 4,912 564 3,584 870 178 785 33 590 95 43* 60 Palmerston North High School .. .. .. 1,817 242 9,026 1,143 57 87 .. 488 89 103 25 560 Gisborne High School .. .. .. .. 1,813 873 6,193 735 130 13 .. 212 112 46* 999 222 Hastings High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,325 804 125 323 51 288 126 Hannevirke High School .. .. .. .. 576 3 3,504 435 171 133 .. 195 21 14* Waiiarapa High School .. .. .. .. 1,023 1.838 4,048 565 187 574 .. 1,028 14 66 Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.877 843 81 174 .. 20 100 110 .. 12 Wellington College .. .. .. .. 3,373 1,064 28,154 3,723 716 106 .. 1,090* 426 254 559 839 Marlborough High School.. .. .. .. .. .. 6,981 763 42 228 10 70* 351 9* Bangiora High School .. .. .. .. 428 316* 3,671 325 14 1,058 .. 88 106 118* Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. .. 818 99 10,223 1,293 23 52 .. 513 91 189 Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. .. 1,084 1,549 5,493 699 22 119 .. 632 169 855 Avonside Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. 3,887 681 24 40 .. 236 173 89 Akaroa High School .. .. .. .. 2 1,915* Hokitika High School Ash burton High School .. .. .. .. , .. .. 3,586 459 62 435 .. 577* 40 29* 15 1.08 Timaru High School .. .. .. .. 781 157 10,815 1,417 57 .. .. 1,025* 212 108 2 185 Waimate High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,552 345 91 .. .. 70* 31 15 .. 1* Waitaki High School .. .. .. .. 1,268 1,355 11,220 1,202 .. 1,667 98 198 266 194 83 203* Otago High School .. .. .. .. 1,426 3,518 17,337 2,820 548 422 .. 4,267 160 465 103 3,164 South Otago High School .. .. .. .. .. 2,583 360 67 278 .. 19 32 1* Gore High School .. .. .. .. 605 381 3,882 504 68 6 .. 514 42 44* 9 986 Southland High School .. .. .. .. 834 247* 9,023 960 110 77 .. 528 82 158* Totals .. .. .. .. 27,755 10,764 221,536 29,507 3,635 13,626 198 10,384 3,870 1,941 2,691 12,387 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate Schoolf Christ's College .. .. .. .. .. 13,403 .. 9,213 2,191 2,547 3,943 .. 350* Totals .. .. .. .. 13,403 .. 9,213 2,191 2,547 3,943 .. 350* _ * Account overdrawn. t Receipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet are printed on page 76.


Table M 3.—Receipts by Combined School Boards for the Year ended 31st December 1934.

Table M 4.—Payments of Combined School Boards for the Year ended 31st December, 1934.


Buildings, Sites, and | Endowment Income, j Lower Department. I Cash Teachers' Equipment. office i | t, n ; Manual | Balances, . - Salaries, j Incidental j Salaries and Caretakina. Heat and Office | x P en J Hostel. and Special. Total. 31st DeSch ° o1 - Full and Expenses. Main- Expenses. Water. cellaneous. Sa j ar j es an d SFSiJ? Teachers' Incidental Mis- Science. cember, , Part Time. | j New. tenance. i | Expenses. | Salaries. Expenses, cellaneous. ; j 1934. p £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ | £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ at "Pi 19 768 1 274 886 76 349 552 363 90 50 i .. 122 25 .. 8,898 .. 6 25,459 3,234 New Plymouth .. .. 12,768 1,274 J86 12g 3;568 12 494 227 36 2,692 .. 896 21,501 1,698 Nelson 12,812 69 935 1,107 324 409 107 747 30 I 208 ~676~ 11,302 529 .. 29,255 5,001 j v Y ) Totals .. .. 35,535 1,753 3,738 1,463 1,212 1,308 598 4,405 92 702 1,086 22,892 529 902 76,215 9,933

Buildings, Sites, and ; Endowment Income. i f . . Hoatete. | | Fees. J , j Cagh Teachers' j I Equipment. Voluntary TnwprT)p- Manual | . | Mis- 0 . , m *«i ! Balances, J» !lu™ Verted in tered by" ! Interest , &c . P-tment. Fee , other . Tuffion . , mS, , »»" ** L ?*%£"' Part Time. I New. tIom " Boards. Ifmg | ; &c . | | p f c £ £ £ £ £i£ f £ £ £ £ £ I £ £ £ £ , T „ ,, ,A 7n 9 £ , n „ 2 1 377 1 033 ! 114 .. 8,040 621 110 .. 396 3 24,671 4,022 New Plymouth .. 10,870 .,105 .. 2 .. , 2g lg0 2g5 25 064 20;874 2>325 Son :: :: JS K m . 1o :: i:m .. .. ™ .. 9 , 2 4 5 s.m .. ■■ 29 > 815 Totals 32,648 398~ 46 295 .. 3,897 1,935 46 942 .. 19,411 4,131 468 295 | 3,606 j 967 75,360 10,788


Table M 5.—Balances and Assets and Liabilities of Secondary-school and Combined School Boards as at 31st December, 1934.


Assets. Liabilities. Balance, 1st January, I ' Balance, . 1934. i I 31st December, 1034. Bank Balances and Amounts owing to Total. Overdrafts and Loans. Other Liabilities. Total. Investments. Board. A. Secondary Schools. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Whangarei High School .. .. 403 16 4 1,306 15 6 704 2 2 2,010 17 8 925 0 0 64 1 0 989 1 0 1,021 16 8 Auckland Grammar School . . .. 12,937 13 3 18,242 5 3 2,928 13 6 21,170 18 9 1,620 0 0 6,208 11 3 7,828 11 3 13,342 7 6 Thames High School .. .. 785 18 1 1,239 16 1 1,192 13 1 2,432 9 2 21 0 0 1,616 10 7 1,637 10 7 794 18 7 Hamilton High School .. .. 1,044 8 8 1,557 16 0 218 14 7 1,776 10 7 .. 386 18 7 386 18 7 1,389 12 0 Rotorua High School .. .. 749 2 8 609 7 11 283 13 9 893 1 8 .. 253 12 1 253 12 1 639 9 7 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 5,714 2 5 3,047 13 9 3,855 11 2 6,903 4 11 13 13 6 965 2 0 978 15 6 5,924 9 5 Palmerston North High School .. 712 13 8 1,089 9 8 812 15 0 1,902 4 8 .. 326 13 11 326 13 11 1,575 10 9 Gisborne High School .. .. 3,632 4 1 3,496 9 5 1,029 2 7 4,525 12 0 .. 433 6 0 433 6 0 4,092 6 0 Hastings High School .. .. 576 17 9 884 0 0 303 16 5 1,187 16 5 .. 629 2 0 629 2 0 558 14 5 Dannevirke High School .. ..Dr. 97 2 6 339 6 2 344 2 9 683 8 11 468 12 0 . . 468 12 0 214 16 11 Wairarapa High School .. .. 2,244 19 9 2,173 9 4 763 1 6 2.936 10 10 .. 618 1 0 618 1 0 2,318 9 10 Hutt Valley High School .. ..Dr. 7 3 7 534 7 7 30 14 5 565 2 0 . . 432 16 5 432 16 5 132 5 7 Wellington College .. .. Dr. 758 14 5 27,183 18 8 6,767 10 4 33,951 9 0 26,437 10 0 821 1 10 27,258 11 10 6,692 17 2 Marlborough High School .. .. 175 9 11 291 17 2 1,066 2 1 1,357 19 3 .. 1,206 1 1 1,206 1 1 151 18 2 Rangiora High School .. ..Dr. 396 4 6 .. 201 15 8 201 15 8 344 18 9 138 8 8 483 7 5 Dr. 281 11 9 Christchurch Boys' High School .. Dr. 37,153 9 4 428 4 9 4;501 6 2 4,929 10 11 41,000 0 0 25 12 4 41,025 12 4 Dr. 36,096 1 5 Christchurch Girls' High School .. 2,673 11 0 3,313 18 2 315 16 7 3,629 14 9 .. 47 9 7 47 9 7 3,582 5 2 Avonside Girls' High School .. 513 7 6 325 15 5 65 11 7 391 7 0 .. 0 15 6 0 15 6 390 11 6 Akaroa High School . . .. 369 0 0 392 8 8 136 15 5 529 4 1 .. • • • • 529 4 1 Hokitika High School .. .. 2,774 15 3 3,781 19 1 144 8 0 3,926 7 1 .. 60 11 2 60 11 2 3,865 15 11 Ashburton High School .. .. 1,238 8 9 1,078 7 4 994 19 6 2,073 6 10 300 0 0 571 4 8 871 4 8 1,202 2 2 Timaru High School .. .. 1,119 7 8 1,854 11 11 3,339 12 3 5,194 4 2 940 16 8 1,881 2 7 2,821 19 3 2,372 4 11 Waimate High School .. .. 384 11 7 540 6 1 130 2 6 670 8 7 .. 361 17 5 361 17 5 308 11 2 Waitaki High School .. .. 3,303 7 11 2,917 9 3 2,377 18 7 5,295 7 10 .. 1,363 4 9 1,363 4 9 3,932 3 1 Otago High School .. .. 16,823 17 6 15,704 17 5 1,155 16 10 16,860 14 3 .. 455 7 1 455 7 1 16,405 7 2 South Otago High School .. .. Dr. 23 1 10 130 16 5 48 15 9 179 12 2 .. 90 11 11 90 11 11 89 0 3 Gore High School .. .. .. 1,988 19 7 1,929 15 2 289 5 9 2,219 0 11 .. 155 9 4 155 9 4 2,063 11 7 Southland High School .. .. Dr. 14,450 11 3 122 3 1 1,551 16 0 1,673 19 1 16,182 4 6 2,329 18 9 18,512 3 3 Dr. 16,838 4 2 Totals .. .. .. 7,280 5 11 94,517 5 3 35,554 13 11 130,071 19 2 88,253 15 5 21,443 11 6 109,697 6 11 20,374 12 3 B. Combined Schools. New Plymouth High School .. 523 9 3 3,144 9 0 1,678 17 4 4,823 6 4 953 8 0 2,470 4 9 3,423 12 9 1,399 13 7 Napier High School .. .. Dr. 25,489 6 0 6,829 9 6 1,146 19 1 7.976 8 7 22,915 0 0 8,737 2 3 31,652 2 3 Dr. 23,675 13 8 Nelson College .. .. .. Dr. 4,168 15 5 3,430 0 0 1,442 7 10 4,872 7 10 4,169 17 11 3,438 16 10 7,608 14 9 Dr. 2,736 6 11 Totals .. .. .. Dr. 29,134 12 2 13,403 18 6 4,268 4 3 17,672 2 9 28,038 5 11 3 10 42,684 9 9 Dr. 25,012 7 0


Table M6. —Incidental Expenses of Secondary Schools, 1934.


i r-t -rH I j3 5rJ £ ® co S ? co || s ! P| S School. Total Cost. j|fc Sg School. Total Cost. "§ g 1m S oM 2 U«g rH £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School .. .. 856*18 2-54 Wellington East Girls'College .. 552*52 1*31 Auckland Grammar School .. 1,553*62 1*65 Marlborough High School .. 763*33 2*55 Mount Albert Grammar School .. 1,107*53 1*82 Rangiora High School .. .. 325*02 1*43 Auckland Girls'Grammar School .. 1,098*52 2*11 Christchurch Boys'High School 1,292*86 1*78 Epsom Girls'Grammar School .. 1,328*90 2*1.1 Christchurch Girls'High School 698*70 1*41 Takapuna Grammar School .. 1,034*80 1*96 Avonside Girls'High School .. 681*33 2*10 Thames High School .. .. 367*93 1*74 Ashburton High School .. 459*08 1*92 Hamilton High School .. .. 751*99 1*67 Timaru Boys'High School .. 866*54 1*91 Rotorua High School .. .. 487*57 2*57 Timaru Girls'High School .. 550*17 1*47 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 603*57 1*93 Waimate High School .. .. 335*50 2*07 Palmerston North Boys'High School - 707*98 1*81 Waitaki Boys'High School .. 421*90 1-39 Palmerston North Girls'High School 435*24 1*80 Waitaki Girls'High School .. 361*96 1*49 Gisborne High School .. .. 734*75 1*69 Otago Boys'High School .. 1,890*99 2*37 Hastings High School .. .. 803*95 1*70 Otago Girls'High School .. 928*71 1*62 Dannevirke High School.. .. 435*43 1*82 South Otago High School .. 360*36 1*89 Wairarapa High School .. .. 564*93 2*05 Gore High School .. .. 504*14 1*99 Hutt Valley High School .. 843*30 1*78 Southland Boys' High School .. 602*35 1*74 Wellington College .. .. 1,540*40 1*95 Southland Girls'High School .. 358*03 1*56 Rongotai Boys'College .. .. 773*15 2*29 - Wellington Girls'College .. 857*26 1*77 Totals .. .. 28,840*49 1*86


Table M 7.—Receipts by Controlling Authorities of all Technical, High, and Day School Classes (Full-time, Part-time, and Evening Courses) for the Year ended 31st December, 1934.


Receipts from Government. Other Receipts. Salaries Fees. Nfame of School. Allowances Main- Subsidies twJSJu vniimt-»™ Transfer* Recetots (Full-time, In ? ?™ tal J"?' tenance on Miscel- V nnXi y Scholar- Miscel- othM Hostel Total other Kecel P t3 - Part-time, «nces" of Voluntary laneoua. Govern- buttons' Other— e.g., ships. laneous. Aceounts Receipts. Receipts. and Stu- ances ' Buildings. Contribu- °IS Dutions. Tuition Material, Account. dent Rent - tions. ment - Typing. Teachers). Under Education Boards — £££££££ £ £££££££ £ Auckland— Small Centres .. .. 446 136 .. .. .. .. 582 .. 178 .. .. 5 .. .. 183 765 Otahuhu .. .. .. 8,036 1,282 317 .. .. .. 9,635 .. 80 16 .. 138 .. .. 234 9,869 Wellington — Lower Hutt .. .. 372 .. 15 .. .. .. 387 .. 40 .. .. 2 .. .. 42 429 Under High School Boards — Whangarei .. .. .. 170 . . .. . . . . .. 170 . . . . 19 .. .. . . .. 19 189 Palmerston North .. .. 7,239 1,261 49 6 5 8,560 175 490 170 .. 274 .. .. 1,109 9,669 Gisborne .. .. .. 621 71 . . .. .. .. 692 20 .. 102 .. 2 .. .. 124 816 Dannevirke .. . . .. 48 .. .. .. .. . . 48 6 18 . . . . 4 .. .. 28 76 Blenheim .. .. .. 80 6 .. . . .. 86 10 8 .. 5 .. 23 109 Oamaru . . . . .. 194 9 . . . . .. 203 35 35 3 8 .. 81 284 Balclutha .. .. .. . . .. ..... .. . . .. .. 5 15 .. 127 .. .. 147 147 Gore .. .. .. 28 9 .. .. .. . . 37 .. 18 .. . . .. .. .. 18 55 Under Secondary Education Board — Masterton .. .. .. 3,497 701 10 21 .. .. 4,229 110 102 105 .. 54 .. .. 371 4,600 Under Technical School Boards — Auckland .. .. .. 19,437 2,973 230 .. .. .. 22,640 .. 1,153 89 .. 4,576 .. .. 5,818 28,458 Elam School of Art .. .. 2,184 397 .. .. .. .. 2,581 .. 276 44 .. 168 .. .. 488 3,069 Hamilton .. .. .. 7,869 1,450 63 .. .. 106 9,488 15 198 33 .. 4,447 .. .. 4,693 14,181 Pukekohe .. .. .. 3,863 899 .. .. .. 81 4,843 .. .. 15 .. 232 .. .. 247 5,090 Hawera .. .. .. 4,190 895 86 .. .. .. 5,171 .. 67 .. .. 240 .. .. 307 5,478 Stratford .. .. .. 4,445 945 .. .. .. .. 5.390 .. 10 .. .. 157 .. .. 167 5,557 Wanganui .. .. .. 9,511 1,635 28 30 5 11,209 .. 247 124 .. 780 .. 2,250 3,401 14,610 Eeilding .. .. .. 4,246 887 17 12 .. .. 5,162 70 37 52 .. 78 .. 2,560 2,797 7,959 Petone .. .. .. 3,867 756 168 23 .. .. 4,814 45 141 131 .. 135 .. .. 452 5,266 Wellington .. .. .. 17,293 2,715 133 67 .. 96 20,304 13 988 516 60 2,115 .. .. 3,692 23,996 Westport .. .. .. 2,461 548 16 .. .. 24 3,049 43 58 7 .. 48 .. .. 156 3,205Greymouth .. .. .. 4,726 1,198 99 .. .. .. 6,023 50 50 .. .. 595 .. 568 1,263 7,286 Christchurch .. .. 16,913 2,865 268 .. .. 326 20,372 366 799 216 .. 2,522 .. 793 4,696 25,068 Ashburton .. .. .. 4,068 938 300 .. .. 48 5,354 5 53 52 .. 166 .. .. 276 5,630 Timaru .. .. .. 4,266 715 72 .. .. 1 5,054 63 229 161 .. 248 .. .. 701 5,755 Kaiapoi .. .. .. 29 . . .. .. .. .. 29 20 22 18 .. .. .. .. 60 89 Temuka .. .. .. 4 .. 4 . . .. .. 8 31 45 . . . . 12 . . . . 88 96 Dunedin .. .. .. 12,936 2,166 .. .. .. 18 15,120 8 623 637 .. 1.667 .. .. 2,935 18,055 Invercargill .. .. .. 8,340 1,604 .. 55 2 10,001 13 228 43 59 988 .. .. 1,331 11.332 Under University College Board — Canterbury College School of Art 4,917 508 .. .. .. .. 5,425 6 769 10 .. 258 .. .. 1,043 6,468 Totals „ . . 156,296 27,569 1,875 214 712 186,666 1,104 6,967 2,578 119 20,051 6,171 36,990 223,656


Table M8.—Payments by Controlling Authorities of all Technical, High, and Day School Classes (Full-time, Part-time, and Evening Courses) for the Year ended 31st December, 1934.


W orking-expenses. Salaries and Sites, = j ~~ ' 1 "— Buildings, Office Mainten- | Other Transfers Hostel Total Name of School. Equip- Expenses Materia i of Caretaking lighting, Expendi- toother p avment3 Expendiment, and Office (including . r . Buildings, f1 8 Heating, Miscel- i ture. Accounts. y ' ture. Student Rent - Salaries. Adver- for '„ laSS Grounds, cle a a^ n| , and laneous. Totai - ■reached tising and uae " and Cleaning. Wat(Jr _ lea ;. Printing). Equipment. Under Education Boards — £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Auckland — Small centres .. .. .. .. 504 .. 300 .. 74 . . 200 .. .. 574 .. .. .. 1,078 Otahuhu .. .. .. .. .. 8,004 372 25 45 533 19 201 153 .. 976 .. .. .. 9,352 Wellington — Lower Hutt .. .. .. .. 395 .. 33 12 3 1 15 7 .. 71 .. .. . . 466 Under High School Boards — Whangarei .. .. • • • • • • 176 .. 5 3 .. .. 25 .. .. 33 .. .. .. 209 Palmerston North .. .. . • • • 7,794 239 242 122 539 147 361 163 64 1,638 94 .. . . 9,765 Gisborne .. .. .. .. ■ • 668 1 32 52 .. 17 .. 41 .. 142 .. .. . . 811 Dannevirke .. . . .. • ■ .. 58 .. .. .. 5 .. .. 4 . . 9 . . .. .. 67 Blenheim . .. .. ■ • • • 84 .. .. .. 23 .. .. 5 . . 28 .. .. .. 112 Oamaru .. .. .. - ■ • • 195 .. 30 29 5 24 24 21 .. 133 .. .. .. 328 Balclutha .. .. .. .. ■ • •. 59 .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 1 .. . . .. 60 Gore .. .. • • • • 60 2 .. .. .... 1 63 .. .. .. 63 Under Secondary Education Board — Masterton .. .. .. .. .. 3,449 130 78 60 288 63 87 127 38 741 130 .. .. 4,450 Under Technical School Boards — Auckland .. .. .. .. 19,396 3,048 422 212 2,610 585 510 394 269 5,002 1,733 246 .. 29,425 Elam School of Art .. .. .. .. 2,202 83 172 ' 85 136 31 149 51 33 657 2 .. .. 2,944 Hamilton .. .. .. .. .. 7,958 3,576 205 114 554 86 288 91 274 1.612 275 .. .. 13,421 Pukekohe . .. .. •• •• 3,890 .. 62 82 249 257 303 40 90 1,083 90 .. .. 5,063 Hawera .. . ■ .. •• ■■ 4,295 143 131 134 94 98 207 67 181 912 274 .. .. 5,624 Stratford .. .. .. .. .. 4,411 77 66 49 70 168 314 45 17 729 181 .. .. 5,398 Wanganui .. .. .. .. .. 9,564 179 365 184 420 285 371 211 676 2,512 131 .. 2,560 14,946 I'eildinsr . .. .. .. 4,227 85 60 111 110 70 296 106 3 756 -187 .. 2,766 8,021 Petone .. .. .. .. .. 3,855 278 147 83 197 128 144 54 2 755 64 .. .. 4,952 Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 18,011 623 732 237 942 340 816 367 346 3,780 1,985 .. .. 24,399 Westport .. .. .. .. .. 2,505 46 119 34 108 74 217 63 .. 615 36 .. .. 3,202 Greymouth .. .. .. .. .. 4,764 240 197 105 138 61 178 43 43 765 717 .. 541 7,027 Christchurch .. .. .. .. .. 17,642 4,339 912 418 838 515 956 394 485 4,518 2,339 .. 936 29,774 Ashburton .. .. .. .. .. 4,073 824 139 77 286 163 214 62 66 1,007 9 .. .. 5,913 .. .. .. .. .. 4,270 191 211 112 283 154 175 59 28 1,022 287 .. .. 5,770 Kaiapoi .. .. .. .. .. 40 .. 15 4 12 .. 7 3 .. 41 8 .. .. 89 Temuka .. .. .. .. .. 42 .. 30 10 6 .. 11 4 .. 61 . . .. .. 103 Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. 12,740 831 552 224 831 306 613 306 1,084 3,916 887 .. .. 18,374 Invercargill .. .. .. .. ..8,308 375 295 146 649 193 481 179 333 2,276 3,639 .. .. 14,598 Under University College BoardCanterbury College School of Art .. .. 4,690 69 268 55 128 45 251 181 76 1,004 1,087 .. .. 6,850 Totals .. .. .. . . 158,210 15,808 5,905 2,801 10.131 3,830 7,414 3,242 4,109 37,432 14,155 246 6,803 232,654


Table M 9.—Statement of Receipts and Payments by Education Boards for the Year ended 31st December, 1934, in respect of Classes for Manual Instruction and Elementary Handwork.


Kecei'pts. Receipts from Government. Other Receipts. education Board. Salaries i Conveyance Capitation connection Buildings, Subsidies Total V1f q . f Payments by Total Receipts. (Full-time andl of Instructors! T , with Rent, and v . Government Pupils for Miscellaneous. other Part-time). { and Pupils. J igowaSces. Handwork j Equipment, C ontriMtiom. Receipts. Contritation9 - Material. Material. Receipts. - ! 1 Supplies. . Ac. | | £ £ £ £ £ £ | £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Auckland .. .. .. 13,945 1,983 4,104 .. 8 .. 20,040 .. 799 214 .. 1,013 21,053 Taranaki .. .. .. 3,328 1,048 979 .. .. .. 5,355 .. 22 220 53 295 5,650 Wanganui .. .. .. 1,750 490 534 .. .. .. 2,774 .. 3 88 88 179 2,953 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. 2,972 740 909 .. 13 .. 4,634 .. .. 215 42 257 4.891 Wellington .. .. .. 5,816 738 1,749 .. .. .. 8,303 .. 346 .. 46 392 8,695 Nelson .. .. .. 810 415 245 .. 3 1.473 .. 97 13 3 113 1,586 Canterbury .. .. .. 7,945 1,321 2,340 .. 110 .. 11,716 .. 428 .. 386 814 12,530 Otago .. .. .. 4,781 1,061 1,446 .. 84 •• 7,372 29 183 249 293 754 8,126 Southland .. .. .. 2,478 403 761 .. .. •• 3 ' 642 " 2 153 3 158 3 ' 800 Totals .. .. 43,825 8,199 13,067 .. 218 .. 65,309 29 1,880 1,152 ; 914 3,975 69,284 Payments. W orking-expenses. Education Board. Salaries. SSF" Oflice I Other Class Material Total Expenditure. and Rent. ***• j pother Miscel.aneou,. Wo ? m ?; £ £ £ £ | £ £ £ £ £ £ _) Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 13,744 .. 2,021 371 4,959 206 .. 5,536 21,301 Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. 3,233 .. Xjl 24 100 20 716 119 260 1,215 5,572 Wanganui .. .. .. .. .. 1,751 128 523 125 20 354 78 .. 577 2,979 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. 3,057 360 856 200 40 651 .. 3 894 5,167 V ) Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 5,802 .. 614 348 2,625 .. .. 2,973 9,389 Nelson .. .. .. .. .. 810 3 456 70 30 237 3 .. 340 1,609 Canterbury .. .. .. .. .. 8,128 723 1,697 369 .. 1,802 265 575 3,011 13,559 Otago .. .. .. .. .. 4,803 83 1,195 210 90 1,364 j 52 7 1,723 7,804 Southland .. .. .. .. .. 2,531 .. 415 150 50 560 135 .. 895 3,841 Totals .. .. .. 43,859 1,297 8,901 2J193 13,268 | 858 845 17,164 71,221 I


Table M10.—Secondary, Combined, and Technical School Hostels for Year 1934.— Income and Expenditure.


Expenditure. Number • . ...— Hostel. of Income. Insurance I , Profit. Loss. Boarders. General PrmHai(1 _ 0 o r . Supervision Wages, Laundry, T ; ahf Repairs and R . iWr- Other TWrpriation Total Expenses, j &c. | by Teachers _ and Grounds . Light, &c. Eeplaeemeilts . J Expenses. ; depreciation. iotal. A. Secondary. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Christchurch Boys' .. 15 SOS 8 3 22 9 0 209 1 0 103 9 7 275 2 0 .62 10 10 233 . 2 4 1 4 7 0 1 6 298 17 2 1,205 18 0 .. 397 9 9 Christchurch Girls' .. 36 1,678 2 11 40 7 1 351 0 7 90 7 2 500 14 8 114 7 1 39 1 0 2 16 8 5 13 3 301 3 5 1,445 10 11 232 12 0 T)armevirke Boys' .. 13 923 16 7 .. 317 15 4 284 2 10 145 4 8 83 13 2 23 11 10 75 3 0 3 8 9 74 19 6 1,007 19 1 .. 84 2 6 Gisborne Boys' and Girls' 27 1,565 14 5 40 0 0 462 16 4 247 0 0 371 7 7 184 5 4 46 16 0 23 7 10 144 16 5 253 0 0 1,773 9 6 .. 207 15 1 Gisborne Girls' . . .. .. .. • ■ • • • • • • 2 1 10 8 19 6 .. .. 11 1 4 .. 11 1 4 Gore Boys' and Girls' 15 650 15 6 15 0 0 184 13 5 54 0 0 231 3 2 67 4 1 16 12 9 .. 26 6 6 219 9 0 814 8 11 .. 163 13 5 Hamilton Girls' .. 24 1,356 13 6 76 15 11 298 7 11 162 0 0 260 14 7 62 19 7 34 18 7 258 19 11 33 3 8 28 0 0 1,216 0 2 140 13 4 Mount Albert Grammar 54 3,308 19 3 105 3 0 833 7 3 180 0 0 821 8 9 263 14 2 68 5 ] 88 12 11 116 6 8 283 19 3 2,760 17 1 548 2 2 Boys' Boys' .. 26 1,776 12 10 61 0 0 225 7 6 262 3 11 519 19 1 97 16 4 13 2 7 114 7 4 325 2 0 221 8 0 1,840 6 9 .. 63 13 11 Palmerston North Girls' 7 505 16 6 13 10 0 155 14 0 94 7 0 139 5 0 48 0 3 29 12 5 14 3 7 18 17 1 349 8 4 862 17 8 .. 357 1 2 Rangiora Boys' and 8 461 12 3 15 0 0 181 12 11 10 0 0 178 6 0 45 14 7 1 2 0 .. 5 1 7 70 0 0 506 17 1 .. 45 4 10 Girls' Southland Boys' .. 7 808 10 3 8 3 8 244 2 9 175 19 8 182 15 4 79 11 2 16 17 6 237 18 2 97 6 9 127 2 8 1,169 17 8 .. 361 7 5 Southland Girls' .... .. .. ■ • . • • • ■ • • • • 1 16 0 .. 1 16 0 .. 1 16 0 Timaru Girls' .. 45 2,728 6 5 62 14 3 654 16 0 258 9 0 724 6 8 192 16 1 99 3 3 71 17 4 53 13 9 246 10 0 2.364 6 4 364 0 1 Wairarapa Boys' .. 15 1,006 4 0 22 4 9 363 9 9 15 15 0 279 10 6 133 17 3 41 8 1 87 12 3 34 10 1 .. 978 7 8 27 16 4 Waitaki Girls' .. 27 1.475 4 10 60 0 0 492 5 5 78 0 0 341 14 7 102 1 0 39 12 2 15 19 9 80 12 10 251 0 0 1,461 5 9 13 19 1 Wanganui Girls' .. 60 5,118 1 10 173 1 6 1,199 0 8 294 14 2 1,396 4 8 486 14 0 62 10 4 10 0 01,179 8 6 269 11 3 5,071 5 1 46 16 9 Wellington Boys' .. 43 3.018 1 9 128 3 6 1,078 17 2 290 0 0 824 13 8 302 5 2 50 3 1 1 18 6 ' 73 12 0 610 10 2 3,360 3 3 .. 342 1 6 Wellington Girls' .. 4 346 5 3 14 3 3 141 1 10 .. 216 16 4 43 9 10 8 18 4 16 10 11 64 5 4 275 15 3 781 1 1 .. 434 15 10 Whangarei Boys' and 47 2.377 4 9 178 16 8 661 16 4 210 18 4 881 5 9 161 14 0 74 18 9 55 11 10 51 1 2 948 17 6 3,225 0 4 .. 847 15 7 Girls' Totals, A .. 473 29,914 11 1 1,036 12 7 8,055 6 2 2,811 6 8 8,290 13 02,532 13 11 901 17 11 1,085 4 12,315 3 104,829 11 6 31,858 9 8 1,373 19 93,317 18 4 B. Combined. Napier Boys' .. 30 1,956 19 2 109 12 11 620 5 10 262 17 6 511 6 1 185 0 10 84 3 11 13 7 1 23 5 3 150 0 0 1,959 19 5 .. 3 0 3 Napier Gills' .. 12 687 3 8 67 15 6 276 9 11 58 19 9 284 19 6 92 17 10 19 2 0 17 9 8 4 16 7 55 0 0 877 10 9 .. 190 7 1 Nelson Boys' .. 120 10,242 4 4 300 0 0 2.247 1 2 378 0 0 2,317 4 8 674 13 9 266 8 0 39 2 102,784 5 3 650 0 0 9,656 15 8 585 8 8 Nelson Girls' .. 36 2,932 0 1 140 0 0 826 5 1 299 14 0 868 17 5 196 9 8 183 10 8 20 6 5 315 11 7 200 0 0 3,050 14 10 .. 118 14 9 New Plymouth Boys' 82 6,853 19 9 197 1 6 1,994 8 5 266 1 7 874 19 9 650 6 7 224 16 1 411 2 12,254 8 3 .. 6,873 4 3 .. 19 4 6 New Plymouth Girls' 26 1,854 1 8 63 17 11 538 18 2 431 18 3 459 14 4 209 13 8 131 17 1 23 11 0 146 4 5 .. 2,005 14 10 .. 151 13 2 Totals, B .. .306 24,526 8 8 87S 7 10 6,503 8 7 1,697 11 1 5,317 1 92,009 2 4 909 17 9 524 19 1 5,528 11 4 1,055 0 0 24,423 19 9 585 8 8 482 19 9 0 €chwhocbL Christchurch Boys' .. 11 676 11 0 15 0 0 338 13 11 156 0 0 163 6 11 83 2 4 23 1 11 10 3 1 29 5 0 170 0 0 988 13 2 .. 312 2 2 Christchurch Girls' .. 13 661 15 0 15 0 0 161 12 0 234 0 0 .. 89 8 10 14 7 11 .. 57 5 5 170 0 0 741 14 2 .. 79 19 2 Peildino- Boys' .. 41 2,821 0 11 .. 877 8 7 200 12 0 530 9 9 174 12 7 23 1 9 3 0 0 606 4 1 330 0 0 2,745 8 9 75 12 2 Greymouth Boys' and 10 519 13 0 0 10 0 329 11 4 .. 107 0 6 68 2 8 .. 10 7 7 34 7 8 318 15 0 868 14 9 .. 349 1 9 Girls' Wanganui Boys' .. 42 1,686 15 9 37 10 0 785 16 1 134 4 4 529 6 8 207 5 5 89 14 0 99 8 4 93 7 9 .. 1,976 12 7 .. 289 16 10 Total, C .. 117 6,365 15 8 68 0 0 2,493 111 724 16 4 1,330 3 10 622 11 10 150 5 7 122 19 0 820 9 11 988 15 0 7,321 3 5 75 12 21,030 19 11 ■ ;


Table M11.—Secondary, Combined, and Technical School Hostels for Year 1934.— Average Income and Expenditure per Boarder per Week.

10— E. 2.


Expenditure. Hostel - Income. [ Wages, T Repairs and Insurance Rates, | otller / Profit. Loss. Provisions, &c. ■ Laundfy 'and Ll sM, Fuel, ce _ and Experts. Depreciat.on. Total. expenses. Dy ±eacners. Grounds. ments. Rent. A. Secondary. £ s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. £ s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. Christchurch Boys' .. ..109 0 7 5 4 28 071 17 60 * 0 7 8 1}0 1L . 0 10 2 Christchurch Girls' .. ..0 17 11 05 39 0 11 054 13 05 * 01 0 a 3 0 15 5 2 6 Dannevirke Boys' .. ..174 .. 95 85 043 26 08 23 01 ° o " n q n Gisborne Boys' and Girls' ..123 07 67 36 053 2 8 08 04 21 0 3 7 1 5 3 .. 3 Gore Boys' and Girls' .. 0 16 8 0 5 4 9 1 5 0 5 11 1 9 0 5 .. 0 8 0 5 7 1 0 11 .. 0 4 3 Hamilton Girls' .. ..119 13 49 27 042 10 07 42 0 6 ° ° ® a Jo a si? Mount Albert Grammar Boys' ..1 3 7 09 5 11 13 05 10 111 06 08 0 10 ° 19 8 •• Otago Boys' .. .. .. 1 6 3 0 11 3 4 3 11 0 7 8 1 5 0 2 1 8 4 10 0 3 3 1 7 2 .. 0 0 11 Palmerston North Girls' 1 7 10 09 87 5 2 078 28 18 09 1 0 ® 19 2 \ \ » " n o I Rangiora Boys' and Girls' ..1 2 2 09 89 06 087 2, 2 * 03 034 144 .. 0 j j Southland Boys' .. ..2 4 5 0 5 13 5 9 8- 0 10 1 4 4 0 11 13 1 5 4 0 7 0 3 4 3 .. 0 19 10 Timaru Girls' .. .. ..134 07 57 23 0 62 18 0 10 07 0 6 021 * ° f 31 Wairarapa Boys' .. 1 5 10 07 94 05 072 35 11 23 0 10 .. J Waitaki Girls' .. .. ..110 0 10 70 11 04 10 16 07 03 12 ° « n! Wanganui Girls' .. 1 12 10 1 1 7 8 1 11 0 8 11 3 1 0 5 0 1 7 7 0 1 9 1 12 6 0 4 •• Wellington Boys' .. ..170 12 98 27 075 28 05 * 08 0 5 6 1 10 1 .. 0 3 1 Wellington Girls' .. ..1 13 3 15 13 7 .. 10 10 42 0 10 17 62 * ® ® ? « = " ok!? Whangarei Boys' and Girls' ..0 19 6 1 6 5 5 19 073 14 07 0 5 05 0/9 165 .. 06 II Totals, A .. ..144 0 10 67 23 069 21 09 0 10 111 0 3 11 15 11 11 028 B. Combined. , ,, , „ Napier Boys' .. .. ..15 1 15 7 11 34 067 24 11 02 04 0 HI „ , Napier Girls' .. .. ..120 22 8 10 111 091 30 07 07 0 2 ° ? * 8 * 061 Nelson Boys' .. .. 1 12 10 10 72 13 075 22 0 10 01 8 11 ° o J 12 J ai'q Nelson Girls' .. .. ..1 11 4 16 8 10 32 093 21 20 03 34 0 2 2 1 12 7 .. 0 1 3 New Plymouth Boys' .. ..1 12 2 0 11 94 13 041 31 11 111 10 7 .. " noo New Plymouth Girls' .. ..175 0 11 ,80 65 06 10 31 111 04 2 2 - 198 ' ' 023 Totals, B .. ..1 10 10 1 1 82 2 2 068 26 12 08 6 11 014 1 10 8 0 9 0 0 7 r* p cn 7) i c nl Christehurch Boys' '.. ..1 3 8 0 6 11 10 5 6 0 5 9 2 11 0 10 0 4 1 0 0 5 11 1 14 7 .. 0 10 11 Christohurch Girls' .. ..0 19 7 05 4 10 6 11 .. 28 05 .. 18 0 5 0 1 1 11 .. 0 2 4 Feilding Boys' .. ..166 .. 83 1 10 050 18 03 * 58 0 3 1 1 5 9 0 9 Greymouth Boys' and Girls' ..100 * 12 8 .. 041 28 .. 05 14 0 12 3 1 13 5 .. ° ® Wanganui Boys' and Girls' 0 15 5 0 4 7 2 1 3 0 4 10 111 0 10 0 H 0jL° 0 18 1 " 0 2 8 Totals, C .. ..10 11 03 82 25 044 21 06 05 28 033 141 03 035 .


Table M12.—Balance-sheets of Secondary, Combined, and Technical High School Hostels as at 31st December, 1934. Liabilities.


Capital. ! . Hostel - h~ r , ~ Loans. B E*® on Other Liabilities. Cash overdrawn. Ac^™^f ed Total. GrZts From other Sources. tS ' , A - Secondary. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. , £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cnristchurch Boys .. .. .. .. 319 11 6 2,843 9 11 6,655 0 0 1,885 7 9 12 9 1 .. .. 11,715 1.8 3 Christchurch Girls' .. .. .. .. 4,766 11 2 6,891 3 0 .. 1,970 12 1 34 2 5 .. 1,720 8 4 15,382 17 0 Dannevirke Boys' .. .. .. .. 1,464 0 0 .. 231 14 0 496 10 6 237 8 0 .. .. 2,429 12 6 Gisborne Boys' and Girls' .. .. .. .. 8,403 13 11 .. 1,012 18 9 29 13 0 181 19 6 30 12 8 9,658 17 10 Gisborne Girls' .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,722 3 2 .. 714 14 0 .. .. .. 6,436 17 2 Gore Boys' and Girls' .. .. .. .. 9,000 0 0 3,348 15 6 1,051 16 0 .. 12 17 7 .. .. 13,413 9 1 Hamilton Girls' .. .. .. .. .. 161 6 4 .. 163 3 5 227 1 1 .. 327 14 0 879 4 10 Mount Albert Grammar Boys' .. .. .. .. 11,366 3 10 1,600 0 0 1,820 4 11 157 14 2 .. 548 2 2 15,492 5 1 Otago Boys' .. .. .. .. .. 9,130 0 0 .. .. 3,605 6 7 127 0 0 .. 630 10 10 13,492 17 5 Palmerston North Girls .. .. .. .. 4,408 0 0 1,135 7 7 .. 202 11 4 8 6 7 .. .. 5,754 5 6 Rangiora Boys' and Girls' .. .. .. 318 11 9 1,387 18 3 99 10 0 701 1 5 22 5 0 315 14 1 .. 2,845 0 6 Southland Boys' .. .. .. .. 1,029 18 0 62 3 9 582 2 7 379 4 3 79 19 1 206 14 2 .. 2,340 1 10 Southland Girls' .. .. .. .. .. .. 604 17 1 .. .. 40 11 7 .. 645 8 8 Timaru Girls' .. .. .. .. 5,050 0 0 .. 1,902 5 4 1,659 111 242 1 8 .. 3,283 10 1 12,136 19 0 Wairarapa Boys .. .. .. .. 22,452 1 9 1,000 0 0 .. 1,930 3 0 332 12 1 .. .. 25,714 16 10 Waitaki Girls' .. .. .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 6,771 0 11 250 0 0 1,225 14 3 .. .. . 9,746 15 2 Wanganui Girls' .. .. .. .. 4,796 9 0 8,727 11 0 .. .. 148 5 4 .. 2,941 8 4 16,613 13 8 Wellington Boys' .. .. .. .. 17,123 10 5 14,696 3 5 17,704 15 0 .. 95 16 6 .. .. 49,620 5 4 Wellington Girls' .. .. .. .. 6,360 8 7 .. 5,500 0 0 . 464 11 4 114 11 5 .. 12,439 11 4 Whangarei Boys' and Girls' .. .. .. 14,042 16 7 .. 525 0 0 6,452 1 6 26 17 6 .. .. 21,046 15 7 Totals, A .. .. .. .. 101,761 18 9 72,517 0 7 36,707 0 «0 24,218 15 8 2,259 0 5 859 10 9 9,482 6 5 247,805 12 7 B. Combined. Napier Boys' .. .. .. .. .. 20,733 2 10 .. .. 150 0 0 .. .. 868 19 11 21,752 2 9 Napier Girls .. .. .. .. .. 3,576 14 2 .. .. 55 0 0 •• 31 7 10 .. 3,663 2 0 Nelson Boys' .. .. .. .. .. 37,100 17 3 17,408 15 6 4,000 0 0 3,560 0 0 113 18 7 .. 1,622 6 9 63,805 18 1 Nelson Girls' .. .. .. .. .. 8,487 2 7 .. .. 1 )5 61 4 0 36 4 6 .. .. 10,084 11 1 New Plymouth Boys' .. .. .. .. 15,472 16 9 5,191 7 9 1,400 0 0 3,724 13 10 150 9 9 .. 10,072 6 10 36,011 14 11 New Plymouth Girls' .. .. .. .. 21,617 2 3 7,085 7 6 .. 2,943 1 8 30 12 4 1,916 14 11 362 5 10 33,955 4 6 Totals, B .. .. .. .. 106,987 15 10 29,685 10 9 5,400 0 0 11,993 19 6 331 5 2 1,948 2 9 12,925 19 4 169,272 13 4 C. Technical. Christchurch Boys' .. .. .. .. 3,825 0 0 .. .. 727 11 0 65 8 4 2,002 16 4 .. 6 620 15 8 Christchurch Girls' .. .. .. .. 2,700 0 0 4,410 0 0 .. 1,006 16 7 44 10 8 .. .. 8,161 7 3 Feilding Boys' .. .. .. .. .. 15,530 1 7 969 10 1 .. 0 0 76 17 7 .. 419 12 .11 19'o36 2 2 Greymouth Boys' and Girls' .. .. .. 3,147 6 10 4,638 11 3 .. 1,719 19 9 5 1 203 10 0 .. 9,739 12 11 Wanganui Boys' .. .. .. .. 36,089 10 9 230 17 0 .. .. 34 0 4 .. 152 12 4 36,507 0 5 Totals, C .. .. .. .. 61,291 19 2 10,248 18 4 .. 5,494 74 251 2 0 2,206 6 4 572 5 3 80,064 18 5


Table M12.—Balance-sheets of Secondary, Combined, and Technical High School Hostels as at 31st December, 1934— continued. Assets.

11— E. 2.


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Statement of Affairs and Balance-sheet of the Whanganui College Board of Trustees for the Year ended 31st December, 1934. Collegiate School Account. Dr. Or. To Boarding Account— £ s. d. £ s. d. By Fees — £ s. d. £ s. d. Wages .. .. .. 2,837 13 8 Boarding, &c. .. .. 17,472 3 4 Groceries .. .. .. 1,00117 1 Tuition .. .. .. 3.250 0 0 Dairy .. .. .. 565 12 1 Music .. .. .. 230 6 0 Bread .. .. .. 395 19 1 20,952 9 4 Fruit and vegetables .. 504 14 9 School prizes income .. .. 54 11 10 Butcher .. .. .. 781 11 2 * Scholarships income .. .. .. 316 5 0 Fuel and lighting . . .. 811 3 8 Laundry .. .. .. 640 1 3 21,323 6 2 Repairs and replacements .. 202 18 4 Transfer to General Account .. .. 333 610 Matron's sundries .. .. 33 19 4 Fish .. .. .. 118 15 11 7,894 6 4 Less meals, &c., charged for.. 147 0 9 7,747 5 7 Games .. .. .. 277 12 3 Library .. .. .. 30 0 0 Cadet Corps .. .. .. 56 14 1 Workshop .. .. 40 1 2 Laboratory .. .. 35 2 1 439 9 7 Free tuition .. .. .. 65 0 0 Scholarships .. .. .. 390 0 0 Concessions in fees .. .. 399 0 0 Concessions to ex St. George's boarders .. .. .. 30 0 0 884 0 0 School prizes .. .. .. .. 93 18 4 Salaries of masters .. .. .. 6,218152 Allowances .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 School Medical Officer .. .. .. 198 1 2 Printing, advertising, telephones, &c. .. 105 12 1 Grounds .. .. .. .. 543 10 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 140 4 2 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. 215 16 9 Entertainments .. .. .. 19123 Sundry school expenses .. .. 132 19 7 Rates .. .. .. •. 405 8 4 Interest .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Depreciation— Furniture .. .. .. .. 173 0 0 Pianos .. .. .. .. 56 0 0 Earthquake alterations, proportion written off 233 0 0 £21,656 13 0 £21,656 13 0 St. George's School Account. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. ToWages .. .. .. 425 1 7 By Fees.. .. .. .. 4,415 9 6 Fuel and lighting .. .. 160 911 Less free tuition, modified fees, Provisions .. .. .. 613 8 2 and fees remitted .. .. 376 12 6 Laundry .. .. .. 133 13 8 4,038 17 0 Music fees .. .. .. .. 98 14 0 1,332 13 4 Workshop fees .. .. .. 23 12 6 Less meals, &c., charged for .. 100 13 11 1,231 19 5 4,161 3 6 Salaries .. .. .. .. 1,444 15 9 Transfer to General Account .. .. 1,310 510 Medical Officer.. .. .. .. 41 18 8 Books .. .. .. •. 51 16 9 Printing, advertising, telephones, &e. .. 133 4 3 Grounds .. .. .. .. 371 8 5 School prizes .. .. .. .. 15 14 11 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. 49 3 7 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 75 1 0 Rates.. .. .. .. .. 20 13 5 Insurance .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Interest .. .. •. . • 1,625 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. •. 125 3 2 Depreciation on furniture .. .. 65 0 0 Earthquake alterations, proportion written off 195 10 0 £5,471 9 4 £5,471 9 4



Statement of Affairs and Balance-sheet of the Whanganui College Board of Trustees for the Year ended 31st December, 1934 —continued. General Account. „ Gr • £ S. d. £ S. d. Dr. £ a. d. £ s. d. By Rents .. .. .. 4,623 710 To Interest .. .. .. 651 2 7 Garage rents .. .. .. 8 2 0 Rates .. .. .. .. 338 17 9 Boys' extras—Collegiate School .. 88 7 7 Salaries .. .. .. 766 9 0 Boys' extras—St. George's School 7 9 3 Audit fee .. .. ~ 23 2 0 Book-room .. .. . . 58 7 6 Management sundries .. .. 72 15 5 Anonymous remittance transferred 5 0 0 Office rent .. .. .. 60 0 0 4 790 14 2 Postages, &c. .. .. 97 13 3 Bonuses on endowment policies— Printing and stationery .. .. 72 9 1 Re St. George's loan.. .. 169 6 0 Repairs and maintenance, estate .. 24 I 1 Re First earthquake loan .. 15 12 0 Legal expenses .. . . .. 130 5 9 Re, Second earthquake loan .. 13 4 0 Garden .. .. .. 4 8 1 jgg g n Contributions to Provident Fund .. 466 16 3 Reserve for doubtful debts .. 625 0 0 3,333 0 3 Transfer from School Account .. .. 333 6 10 Transfer from St. George's Account .. 1,310 5 10 Transfer to Balance Account .. .. 12 3 3 £4,988 16 2 £4,988 16 2 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. Assets. Balance Account at 31st December, £ s. d. £ s. d. Boys' accounts outstanding— £ s. d. £ g d 1933 .. .. .. 4,612 12 4 Collegiate School .. .. 3,119 411 Plus transfer from General Ac- :f St. George's School .. .. 402 10 3 count .. .. .. 12 3 3 Ss2] 15 2 4,624 15 7 Rent accounts outstanding .. .. 2,059 2 4 Sundry creditors— Collegiate SchoolCommunity stores .. .. 10 0 0 Buildings .. .. -.. 81,705 0 0 Pees paid in advance .. .. 183 0 0 Furniture .. .. :. 3,290 0 0 193 0 0 Pianos .. .. .. '506 0 0 School Funds— 0 0 Collegian .. .. .. 149 10 4 St. George's SchoolCamera Club .. .. 22 0 Buildings .. .. .. 25,797 011 151 12 4 Furniture .. .. .. 1,237 0 0 Provident Fund .. .. .. 5,677 11 10 27 034 0 11 Mortgages— Earthquake alterations— A.M.P. Society .. .. 104,050 0 0 Collegiate School .. .. 2,080 0 0 A.M.P., first earthquake loan .. 3,800 0 0 St. George's School .. .. 1,740 0 0 A.M.P., second earthquake loan.. 1,150 0 0 _J 3 g 2 O 0 0 Estate improvements— 109,000 0 0 Roads .. .. .. 13,004 1 11 Tayforth land .. .. 1,455 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. 2,650 0 0 Grey Street House .. .. 850 0 0 Block 1b .. .. .. 650 0 0 — 111,305 0 0 Grey Street House .. .. 973 4 4 Temporary deposits .. .. .. 7,531156 Avenue House .. .. 354 411 Reserve for doubtful debts .. .. 1,638 1 4 \- ggj ] j 9 Prize Fund endowments .. .. 511 14 0 Sinking Funds— Scholarship endowments .. .. 3,000 0 0 St. George's loan .. .. 4,938 0 0 Suspense Account— First earthquake loan.. .. 244 12 0 Accrued interest .. .. 1,402 811 Second earthquake loan .. 106 5 8 - Rates unpaid .. .. 551 14 3 g 288 17 8 Household accounts .. .. 221 14 8 Tayforth land .. .. .. .. 2'093 15 8 Sundries .. .. .. 28 4 7 Steward's stores on hand .. .. '254 11 5 Boys' extras paid but not charged— 2,204 2 5 Collegiate School .. .. 885 12 6 Less— £ s. d. St. George's School .. .. 206 9 6 Fees.. . . 132 16 6 ' j 2 0 Sundries .. 31 5 5 Sundry debtors .. .. 92 0 4 164 1 11 Secured accounts .. .. 937 18 2 — 2,040 0 6 1,029 18 6 Bank of New South Wales .. 12,486 6 9 Hadfield housemaster's house furniture taken Plus unpresented cheques .. 210 11 10 over .. .. .. ~ 33 18 0 — 12,696 18 7 Steward's petty cash on hand .. .. 916 10 £149,370 9 8 £149,370 9 8 Auditor's Certificate. —I have audited the books and accounts of the Whanganui College Board of Trustees for the year ended 31st .December, 1934, and have obtained all the information and explanations required by me. I report that in my opinion the above balance-sheet is properly drawn up so as to show the true position of the affairs of the Trust according to the best of my information and explanations given to me, and as shown by the books.—T. Ballingall, F.P.A.N.Z., Auditor.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (1,260 copies), £138

By Authority: Gr. H. Loney, Government Printer, Wellington.—l93s.

J —• ——• J v.urui.iiiu.vii.D J. liixuui « »T CiXirng l/Uil. _LC«JU. Pnee Is. 6d.~\


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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: PRIMARY AND POST-PRIMARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-2 of 1934.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1935 Session I, E-02

Word Count

EDUCATION: PRIMARY AND POST-PRIMARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-2 of 1934.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1935 Session I, E-02

EDUCATION: PRIMARY AND POST-PRIMARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-2 of 1934.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1935 Session I, E-02

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