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B.—l [PT. ll]



i—B. 1 [PT. ll].

B.—l [PT. ll],


PAGE AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPORT ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. iii Statement of Irregularities in Connection with Public Moneys and Stores .. .. .. xiii Schedule of Imperfect Vouchers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. xiv Statement showing Sums irrecoverable by 'the Crown .. .. .. . . . . xvi SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS AND BALANCES Cash Accounts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I Summary of Balances .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 Interest, Conversion, and Redemption B.emittance Account .. .. .. .. . . 4 DETAIL STATEMENT OF REVENUE Ordinary Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 5 Ordinary Revenue, Interest on Public Debt Redemption Fund .. .. .. .. 9 Ordinary Revenue, Interest on other Public Moneys .. .. .. . . . . 9 Ordinary Revenue, Miscellaneous Revenue .. .. .. . .. .. . . 11 RECOVERIES ON ACCOUNT OF EXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS:— Consolidated Fund (Ordinary Revenue Account) .. .. .. .. .. . . 15 Public WorksJFund (General Purposes Account) .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 Main Highways Account—Revenue Fund .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 57 Main Highways Account—Construction Fund .. .. .. .. .. . . 57 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 Unemployment Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 58 DISBURSEMENTS UNDER CIVIL LIST ACT, 1920 (see 8.-l [Pt. I]). DISBURSEMENTS UNDER SPECIAL ACTS Debt Services, Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 Debt Services, Amortization of Debt— Sinking Fund .. . . .. .... .. .. . . .. .. 19 Repayment of Funded Debt .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 19 Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 Repayment of Advances .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 19 Transfer to Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 Debt Services, Administration and Management .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 Debt Services, Payment on Guaranteed Loans .. .. .. .. . . .. 20 Other Services .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE (see 8.-l [Pt. I]). AMORTIZATION OF DEBT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 DISBURSEMENTS UNDER RURAL INTERMEDIATE CREDIT ACT, 1927, SECTION 16 .. 28 STATEMENT OF BALANCES IN RESPECT OF PAYMENTS MADE ON BEHALF OF OTHER GOVERNMENTS .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. 28 IMPRESTS OF THE CONSOLIDATED FUND (ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT) OUTSTANDING.. 28 LOCAL BODIES' ACCOUNTS Endowments of Land : .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 Goldfields Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 29 Gold Duty' .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . 30 Fees and Fines .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . 30 Stamp Duty on Interest .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 32 Advance Accounts .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . 32 DEPOSITS ACCOUNT Summary of Deposits , Account .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. 33 Details of Receipts and Disbursements of Deposit Accounts .. . . . . . . . . 34 Receipts and Disbursements under the Trustee Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 47 IMPRESTS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS FUND (GENERAL PURPOSES ACCOUNT) OUTSTANDING . . 48 DETAIL STATEMENT OF TRANSACTIONS Land for Settlements Account .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . 49 Statement of Expenditure from the Capital proceeds of the Sale of Crown Lands .. ~ 49 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 51 Loans Redemption Account, Part II (Conversion Account) .. .. .. . . . . 55

B.—l [Pt. ll].



I have the honour to submit my report for the year ended 31st March, 1935, in terms of subsections (2), (3), and (4) of section 89 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926. In connection with these reports, which the Controller and Auditor-General is required to submit to Parliament year by year, it is desirable that I should explain that it is necessary to comment only on a very small percentage of the matters which come under the notice of Audit affecting the Public Accounts during each year. It will be readily understood that in the vast majority of cases where questions regarding ordinary transactions are raised by Audit a settlement is arrived at after discussion with the Treasury or the Department concerned, and there is no occasion therefore for further reference to be made to these cases in the annual report to Parliament. The full Statement of the Receipts and Payments of the Public Account is contained in two parliamentary papers —namely, (1) 8.-l [Pt. I], which shows, under main headings, the receipts and payments of the funds and accounts comprising the Public Account, and also shows details of the expenditure under the annual appropriations, Civil List, and the Unauthorized Expenditure Account, and (2) 8.-l [Pt. ll], which shows certain of the receipts and payments in greater detail than they are shown in 8.-l [Pt. I], and as the last-mentioned paper for 1934-35 has already been laid before Parliament, it is only necessary for me now to present Part II in accordance with the usual practice. Audit Status in relation to Parliament and the Public Accounts Committee. With a view of obtaining an expression of opinion from the Public Accounts Committee regarding the constitutional relationship which should exist between the Controller and Auditor-General and that Committee, and also with Parliament, the Controller and Auditor-General last session addressed a memorandum to the Chairman of the Committee, dated 28th September, 1934, in which he dealt fully with this subject. The following matters were discussed in the above memorandum and also in subsequent memoranda dated 17th and 23rd October, 1934, respectively (a) Parliamentary control over expenditure. (b) Parliamentary control over the form of Public Accounts. (c) Statutory position of the Controller and Auditor-General. (id) System on which the Public Accounts are based. (e) The functions of statements of receipts and payments as compared with departmental revenue accounts and balance-sheets. (/) Distinction between an appropriation audit and a commercial audit. When these matters came before the Committee for discussion it was pointed out by the Chairman that, as the subject of the Audit representations had not been specifically referred by Parliament to the Committee, any decision come to by the Committee could not, in view of the terms of the resolution of the House appointing the Committee, be reported to Parliament. The Committee, however, very kindly consented to hear and give consideration to the Audit review of the position, and I wish to acknowledge the courtesy of the Committee in devoting so much time to these matters, notwithstanding the absence of specific authority.

B.—l [PT. ll],

I do not propose now to enter into details concerning the subjects then submitted by Audit, but I may mention that in the course of discussion important differences were found to exist between the procedure and functions of the Public Accounts Committee of the House of Commons and the procedure and functions of the corresponding Committee of the New Zealand House of Representatives. As these questions very closely affect the very important principle of the control of public expenditure by Parliament through its Committee, and also through the Controller and Auditor-General, who is an officer of Parliament, and as they also affect the constitutional position of the Controller and Auditor-General, vis-a-vis the Public Accounts Committee and Parliament, I feel it desirable that the attention of Parliament should be called to the action taken by the Controller and AuditorGeneral in the hope that consideration may be given to the anomalies which appear to exist and which would seem to require early adjustment. Non-compliance with Law. In my report for last year, 8.-l [Pt. ll], page iv, paragraphs 3, 4, and 5, attention was drawn to certain matters in which the provisions of the law had not been complied with. As these irregularities were then dealt with in detail, Ido not propose to reiterate the objections referred to. No action has been taken, however, to remedy the position either by altering the present system so as to comply with the law or by amending the law so as to bring it into line with existing practice. Reference was also made in my last report, page xii, to the fact that payments made in London by the High Commissioner under the authority of section 20, Finance Act, 1928, are not being submitted for audit as is the ease with other payments. This practice still obtains and Audit can therefore accept no responsibility for the correctness of these payments. Changes in the Form of the Public Accounts. In my report for last year, 8.-l [Pt. ll], page xi, I drew attention to important changes in the form of the Public Accounts for the year 1933-34, and it is noted that still further changes have been made in the form of these Accounts for the year 1934-35. As pointed out last year it is the rule in the United Kingdom that no important alteration should be made in the form of the Public Accounts or Estimates unless such alteration has been approved by Parliament through the Public Accounts Committee. Frequent alterations in the form of the Public Accounts a,re undesirable, as they tend to reduce parliamentary control, and it is indicated by the highest authorities that the presentation of the accounts in a similar form year by year to enable proper comparisons to be made is of such importance that, even though an alteration may in itself be thought desirable, it should be made only after the gravest consideration and after the consent of the Public Accounts Committee has been obtained. I therefore again bring this matter under notice in the hope that steps may be taken by Parliament to require that no important alterations in the form of the Public Accounts or Estimates shall be made until such have been submitted to and approved by the Public Accounts Committee. Repayment of the Public Debt. The following table gives particulars of the amount of securities redeemed during the year under the provisions of the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925, and also of the total amount so redeemed to 31st March, 1935 :—


Nominal Value of Securities. Rate of Total Cost of Annual Saving Interest. Total to 31st March, v 1Q „. I Total to 31st March, Redemptions. of Interest.* 1934. Year 1934 ~ 35 ' I 1935. Per Cent. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3| 900 0 0 55,560 0 0 56,460 0 0 56,460 0 0 3f .. 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 4 2,290,863 0 0 .. 2,290,863 0 0 2,279,175 9 1 11,454 6 3 41 2,070,940 0 0 .. 2,070,940 0 0 2.055,562 5 0 20,709 8 0 5 2,596,400 0 0 1,567,000 0 0 4,163,400 0 0 4,162,846 5 0 62,451 0 0 51 1,353,090 0 0 500 0 0 1,353,590 0 0 1,353,572 10 0 23,687 16 6 5f 953,780 0 0 100 0 0 953,880 0 0 951,464 12 2 19,077 12 0 6 942,900 0 0 .. 942,900 0 0 921,603 18 11 23,572 10 0 10,208,873 0 0 1,623,160 12 0 11,832,033 12 0 11,780,685 12 2 160,952 12 9 * Difference between the rate of interest which the securities bore and the rate (3J per cent.) payable, by the Consolidated Fund to the Public Debt Repayment Account on the amount of securities redeemed under the Act.

B.—l [PT. ll].

It will be seen that an annual saving of interest amounting to £160,952 12s. 9d. has now been efiected by the operation of the Act. The following figures show how this saving increases year by year as the cumulative effect of the sinking fund becomes apparent Annual saving of interest on securities redeemed to — £ 8 . d. 31st March 1926 .. .. .. •• •• 8,137 10 3 31st March, 1927 •• 27,043 9 3 31st March, 1928 .. .. .. •• •• •• 39,592 0 4 31st March, 1929 .. .. .. •• •• •• 46,782 0 4 31st March, 1930 .. .. • • •• •• •• 57,218 13 7 31st March, 1931 .. .. -• •• •• •• 69,198 9 3 31st March, 1932 .. .. .. •• •• •• 90,816 3 3 31st March, 1933 .. .. ■■ •• •• 109,236 2 3 31st March, 1934 .. .. .. • ■ • • • • 137,436 17 9 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. • • •• 160,952 12 9 Of the £1,623,160 12s. redeemed during the year, £1,530,000 consisted of Treasury bills issued under the Banks Indemnity (Exchange) Act,' 1932-33, and, as explained in my report for last year, the effect of redeeming these bills out of the Public Debt Repayment Account was to free an equal amount of credit in the Ordinary Revenue Account for the purposes of the latter account. The following statement shows the amount of loans subject to the repayment, of the Public Debt Act, 1925, and of those not subject to the Act, as at 31st March, 1935 £ s. d. Debt subject to the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 192-5 .. .. .. 208,599,968 4 2 Debt not subject to the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 — Loans raised in respect of the— State Advances Account— £ s. d. £ s. d. Advances to Settlers Branch.. .. 19,588,020 8 5 Advances to Workers Branch .. 12,117,444 10 4 Advances to Local Authorities Branch 2,778,690 15 7 34,484,155 14 4 Loans for which special sinking funds are provided— State Coal-mines Account .. 105,833 6 8 Electric Supply Account .. .. 12,140,335 11 1 Nauru and Ocean Islands Account .. 431,475 0 0 Westport Harbour Account .. .. 614,250 0 0 Samoan Loans Suspense Account .. 105,000 0 0 13,396,893 17 9 Funded debt to the Imperial Government — Land for Settlements Account .. •. 33, 446 6 11 Naval Defence Act Account .. .. 577,446 11 5 Public Works Fund — General Purposes Account .. .. • • •• 169,109 15 3 War Expenses Account .. •• 23,320,196 17 0 F 24,100,199 10 7 71,981,249 2 8 Exempted under Finance Act, 1931 (No. 4), section 7 (2) : Deed of hypothecation .. .. 3,850,000 0 0 Total debt not subject to the Act .. •• 75,831,249 2 8 Total debt as at 31st March, 1935 (see 8.-l [Pt. Ill], 1935, page 8) .. .. £284,431,217 6 10f

•j. n.B. This does not include loans under Rural Advances Act, 1926, amounting to £4,213,050, which are not treated by the Treasury as forming part of the public debt.


B.—l [PT. ll].

Increase and Decrease of the Debt. The public debt accounts disclose a decrease for the year of £22,410,778 17s. Id., detailed as follows :— £ s. d. Total debt as at 31st March, 1934 (8.-l [Pt. Ill], page 7) .. .. .. .. 306,841,996 311 INCREASE— New loans raised during the £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. year for purposes of various accounts — Consolidated Fund —Ordinary Revenue Account (for payment to Reserve Bank) .. .. 1,000,000 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account .. .. 1,506,000 0 0 Public Works Fund —Electric Supply Account.. .. .. 141,400 0 0 Land for Settlements Account .. 160,635 0 0 Main Highways Account .. 431,500 0 0 State Forests Account . . .. 60,000 0 0 Loans Redemption Account: Part 11, Conversion Account. Securities issued to cover premiums on conversion allocated to various accounts .. . . 25 '0 0 3,299,560 0 0 DECREASE— Loans paid off during the year — From Consolidated Fund— Ordinary Revenue Account— Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 41 — Treasury bills redeemed 11,973,131 4 8 Less Treasury bills issued 8,521,022 4 8 3,452,109 0 0 Banks Indemnity (Exchange) Act, 1932-33 — Treasury bills redeemed 25,122,622 0 0 Less Treasury bills issued 7,247,750 0 0 1 17,874,872 0 0 Various loans .. .. .. 1,600,212 5 1 22,927,193 5 1 From Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account .. .. 148,035 0 0 From State Coal-mines Sinking Fund Account . . .. 8,400 0 0 From Loans Redemption countNauru and Ocean Island moneys .. .. ... 47,725 0 0 State Advances moneys .. .. 754,275 0 0 Reparation moneys .. .. 750 0 0 From Public Debt Repayment Account .. .. 1,623,160 12 0 From Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account : Deed of hypothecation under the Finance Act, 1931 (No. 4), section 7 (2) — Repayments of advances . . .. 200,000 0 0 Loans redeemed from loans raised in previous years for redemptions .. ~ .. 800 0 0 25,710,338 17 1 Decrease for year .. .. .. .. .. — 22,410,778 17 1 Total debt as at 31st March, 1935 (8.-l [Part lII], page 8) .. . . .. . . £284,431,217 6 10 The above figures do not include loans raised under the Rural Advances Act, 1926, as those loans, though raised by the Government, are not brought into the public debt accounts. The amount of such loans outstanding as at 31st March, 1935, was £4.213,050. The decrease in the debt during the year was effected principally by the application of the proceeds of surplus sterling assets sold to the Reserve Bank.


B. —1 [Pt. ll].

Treatment of Investments in the Public Accounts. The discrepancies between the Treasury books and the published accounts to which I have called attention in previous reports still continue. Negotiations have taken place between this office and the Treasury on the matter, but an agreement acceptable to the Audit Office has not been reached, though the Treasury has made an alteration in the summary following the abstract of the Public Account, 8.-l [Pt. I], which is a step in the right direction. If the Treasury can see its way to carry the matter a step further and sever the investments from the Receipts and Payments accounts, the objections raised by the Audit Office would to a large extent be removed. In some cases the abstract of the Public Account shows amounts as balances at the end of the year under the heading " Securities held," though in fact no securities are held representing such amounts. Treatment of Exchange in the Public Accounts. The position to which I drew attention in previous reports—see B;-l [Pt. ll], 1933, p. xvi, and B-1 [Pt. ll], 1934, page ix—still continues. Generally speaking, the method of treating exchange is to charge the cost to the Ordinary Revenue Account of the Consolidated Fund and to credit any premiums received from exchange to the same account, irrespective of whether or not the transactions in respect of which the exchange arose were transactions of this account. The effect is to place a heavier burden than necessary on the Consolidated Fund and to relieve other accounts of their due proportion of the cost. The authority quoted for this procedure is section 55 of the Finance Act, 1932, which provides that the Minister of Finance may exercise discretionary power in the matter of charging the exchange. It is therefore possible for the Minister in compliance with that section to allocate the exchange to the appropriate accounts if so desired: As an. example of the effect on an Appropriation Account I would quote a case in which expenditure amounting to £414 18s. 9d. was made in New Zealand out of vote, " Scientific and Industrial Research," the whole of such expenditure being recoverable in London. The equivalent of the £414 18s. 9d. was duly recovered in London, the amount being £333 ss. Bd. sterling. As the amount recovered in London was equal in value to the amount expended in New Zealand it is clear that the net amount chargeable against the vote was nil. Owing to the failure to make proper allowance for the difference in exchange, however, the vote, after being debited with £414 18s. 9d., was credited with £333 ss. Bd. only, and therefore showed a net debit of £81 13s. Id. in respect of this transaction, and was clearly overcharged to this extent. The above comments refer to the cash accounts only. As regards the departmental Income and Expenditure Accounts and Balance-sheets published in 8.-l [Pt. IV] the exchange charges are entirely omitted, and this .renders these accounts, which are required to be drawn up on a commercial basis, incapable of fulfilling their purpose. The net cost of exchange for the year amounted to £1,450,000 and was paid from and charged to Ordinary Revenue Account. A very substantial portion of this amount should, in the opinion of Audit, have been charged to the various appropriate accounts. Interest on Public Account Cash-balance Investments. I have on previous occasions drawn attention to the practice adopted by the Treasury of allocating interest derived from investments of moneys belonging to certain of the accounts within the Public Account to all of those accounts instead of to those only which have provided the money for the investments. . . . ■ . It will be recognized that by this method certain accounts receive credit for interest which they did not earn while others are deprived of part of the interest which they did earn. In so far as the Ordinary Revenue Account is thus affected the Budget balance is also affected. Conversion of Securities. Investment securities of a nominal value of £442,110 held as an investment of the Post Office Savings-bank funds bearing interest at 3| per cent., 3f per cent,, and 4 per cent, were converted into Government stock bearing interest at 3 per cent. An annual loss of interest to the Post Office amounting to £2,927 19s. was the result, although such conversion meant a corresponding saving of interest to the Consolidated Fund. As the entries were legally in order they were duly passed by the Audit Office after the attention of the Director-General of the Post and Telegraph Department had been called to the matter. Reserve Fund Investments in London. During the year the Treasury decided to dispose of India stocks, which had been held in London for many years as investments of the Reserve Fund and of the Post Office, and to purchase with the proceeds Imperial Treasury bonds, which it was considered would be more readily realizable should an urgent necessity arise. India stocks of a face value of £576,495 and bearing interest at 3J per cent., 3 per cent., and 2| per cent, were sold, the net proceeds being £452,755. Of these proceeds a sum of £452,737 was invested in British Treasury bonds of a face value of £448,300 and bearing interest at 2 per cent. The transaction involved an annual loss of income to the Government amounting to £8,767.


B.—l ITt. 111.

Imprests Outstanding. In examining the abstract of the Public Account for the year 1934-35 as submitted for audit it was found that imprests which were shown as outstanding in the Dominion were in fact not all held in the Dominion, but in some cases were outstanding in Australia, Samoa, Canada, and the United States of America. The Audit Office requested that the amounts should be shown as outstanding in the country in which they were actually held. The Treasury, however, did not concur, and, moreover, ceased showing the amount of imprests outstanding in London as has been customary for many years, and showed all the imprests outstanding under each account without any indication as to the country in which they were held. Owing to differences in exchange the amounts of imprests held in the different countries are of different values, even though they may be stated under units of account bearing the same name —the pound for example. For this reason it appears to the Audit Office desirable, if not essential, that the country in which the imprests are held should be stated in the Public Accounts. In order that the information may be available I append a statement of the imprests outstanding at 31st March, 1935, under each account, showing where such imprests were held : —

Departmental Accounts and Balance-sheets. The accounts and balance-sheets for the year 1933-34 of all Departments have been submitted and examined by the Audit Office. The examination showed that the system of accounting and internal checks have been well maintained throughout the year. A State balance-sheet was again produced and the ground-work prepared for the production of a State Income and Expenditure Account, which it is hoped will be submitted for Audit examination next year. It is fifteen years since the system of preparing departmental accounts on commercial lines was introduced, and it is now possible to make deductions from a survey of the position as annually shown. It has been recognized that the rates of depreciation charged in the past have in nearly all cases been too high, and there is no doubt that many assets, which have been written down to the extent of practically their full original value, still possess many more years of useful life. In the case of the general departmental accounts the depreciation reserves provided to 31st March, 1934, are being written off as at Ist April, 1934, against the respective assets with a corresponding reduction in capital account, thus reducing the charge for interest on capital. For the year ended 31st March, 1935, the depreciation will be calculated on the annually reducing value of the assets instead of on the original value as formerly, and new and reduced rates will be laid down for ensuing years. The Audit Office suggests that it would be more satisfactory to have a revaluation made of the various assets controlled by each Department, and to fix the rates to be charged annually on a basis to be determined by a review of the records of each Department from the date of the inception of the system. The omission of all mention of exchange in the departmental accounts has been fully dealt with under another heading in this report as well as in previous reports. In connection with the examination of these departmental accounts and balance-sheets difficulty is experienced in checking the dissections of capital and revenue expenditure made by the Departments concerned. I again make the suggestion that this difficulty could be readily overcome if the Departments were required to prepare their estimates in such a way as to distinguish between the capital and revenue items. Audit would then be able to satisfy itself by detailed examination of every voucher that proper allocations have been made. It has been claimed that this would involve a large increase in the size of the estimates, but in the cases of most Departments it would not involve much additional space, and the advantage of being able to secure a proper check is, in the opinion of the Audit Office, of primary importance.


Imprests outstanding. Account. : London. New Zealand. Australia. Samoa. Canada. United States. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. 82,672 5 518,577 15 7 14,418 8 11 1,231 17 6 144 0 8 1,055 15 6118,100 3 7 Deposits Account .. .. .. 8,517 13 011,260 5 0 .. .. .. .. 19,777 18 0 Public Works Fund — General Purposes Account .. 6,165 16 5 2,176 13 8 .. .. .. .. 8,342 10 1 Electric Supply Account .. .. 2,058 5 9 250 0 0 .. .. .. . . 2,308 5 9 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. 7,666 05 .. .. .. .. 7,666 0 5 Main Highways Account —Revenue Fund 1,295 12 10 .. .. .. .. .. 1,295 12 10 Unemployment Fund .. .. 585 1 9 191 1 2 .. .. .. .. 776 2 11 Working Railways Account .. .. 39,247 16 7 1 7 0 2,796 18 9 .. .. .. 42,046 2 4 140,542 11 940,123 2 1017,215 7 81,231 17 6144 0 81,055 15 6200,312 15 11

B.—l [Pt. ll].

I am not altogether satisfied that the basis of inter-departmental charges is uniform as between Departments. For instance, Cabinet decided that Departments undertaking work in connection with the small-farm scheme were not to recover administrative charges incurred therewith other than a reduced charge for the erection of cottages and milking-sheds. This, of course, refers to the cash accounts, and the Audit Office does not press the matter as regards these cash accounts, but is of opinion that the value of the services rendered should be shown in the respective Income and Expenditure Accounts of the Departments concerned, such as the Departments of Agriculture, Public Works, and Valuation. Otherwise the respective accounts would be shown as bearing a part of cost of administering the Unemployment Fund through the small-farm scheme. I have drawn attention in previous years to the fact that some Departments do not charge interest on the cost of works under construction. This practice is not in accord with Audit views, and is farreaching in its effects, as Departments holding assets constructed out of Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account) do not reflect in their balance-sheets the true capital cost of the works, and the revenue accounts of such Departments will also not reflect the true amount of interest chargeable. The practice is also inconsistent with the system in force in the Electric Supply Account, in which case interest during construction is being charged. Audit of Government Stores. The principles of stores accountancy appear to be well established now in all parts of the Service, and the result of the Audit inspection during the year has been on the whole satisfactory. Owing to shortage of trained officers, however, I have been unable to make a complete audit of the Railway and Post and Telegraph Departments during the year. It will be recognized that a complete audit of all Government stores and material in New Zealand entails a very considerable amount of work, and I am now providing for the training of additional officers, and hope to be able to keep pace with the work in the early future. Audit of Accounts of Local Authorities. The satisfactory position of the work of auditing the accounts of local authorities which was recorded in last year's report has been well maintained during the year. It is the aim of the Audit Office to audit the accounts of all local authorities within a reasonable time after the close of the financial year, and I am pleased to report that the majority of localauthority officials show a commendable desire to have their accounts audited with promptitude, and consequently prepare their accounts expeditiously. With a view of expediting the work it has been found necessary to increase the inspectional staff by the appointment of two additional Inspectors. A great deal of extra work has been thrown on the Audit staff in connection with the conversion of local bodies' loans under Part II of the Local Authorities Interest Reduction and Loans Conversion Act, 1932-33. During the year there were thirty-six instances where local authorities had contravened the statutory provisions governing borrowing on overdraft, and there were twenty-six instances where they had incurred liabilities, additional to overdraft liabilities, in excess of their current year's revenues. As pointed out in my previous reports, the present economic position has disclosed the inadequacy of the provisions of section 3 of the Local Bodies' Finance Act, 1921-22, as a safeguard against excessive borrowing. It would appear that at the present time the limits of overdraft, as fixed by section 3, are excessive in cases where arrears of rates include any large proportion of uncollectable rates. Many local authorities take full advantage of the present law to expend moneys in anticipation of the receipt of the rates levied by them for the year, which experience has shown cannot in many cases be collected to an amount sufficient to recoup that expenditure. The tendency of some local authorities to endeavour to economize at the expense of their debenture-holders by refraining from meeting their obligations in respect of the payment of sinkingfund instalments was again evident during the year. The accounts of no less than seventeen local bodies disclosed that they had failed, either to establish sinking funds, or to make the annual payments to the Sinking Fund Commissioners. During the year the Audit Office dealt with fifteen cases of misappropriation of funds by localbody officials, particulars of which were in every instance placed in the hands of the police. The defaulters were all dealt with by Criminal Court action, and a sentence was imposed by the Court in each instance. The total sum involved in the defalcations amounted to £2,435, and the largest sum misappropriated by any one official was £995. In one instance, where the amount misappropriated was £716, the misappropriation was made easy by the practice of the local-body members signing blank cheque forms and leaving them to be completed by the official concerned. Audit Inspectors have on quite a considerable number of occasions reported instances where this practice obtained in the offices of local authorities. In all cases where the practice has been reported to the Audit Office by the Inspectors steps have been taken to ensure its discontinuance immediately. Eight members of local authorities automatically forfeited their seats during the year on account of being concerned or interested in contracts with the local authorities, of which they were members, to an extent in excess of the statutory contractual limits, or on account of their holding an office or place of profit under or in the gift of such local authorities. In all instances the members concerned appear to have acted in ignorance of the law,

ii—B. l [Pt. ll].


B.—l TPt. 111.

In several of my previous reports I referred to the unsatisfactory state of the law governing the disqualification of members of local authorities, and I am pleased to note that the anomalies then existing in the law have now been removed by the passing during last session of Parliament of the Local Authorities (Members' Contracts) Act, 1934. The new Act provides for uniformity in the conditions which constitute disqualification of the members of the various types of local authorities. It becomes more obvious each year that some clearly expressed statutory rule should be laid down regarding what constitutes the reasonable additional costs of holding an Electric-power Board or Harbour Board election when such election is conducted simultaneously with the election of a Borough or County Council. Many disputes have arisen in the past between local authorities as to the interpretation to-be placed" on the words "reasonable additional costs," and the disputes have been determined by the Audit Office. In order to remove the cause of the disputes a clear definition of what constitutes " reasonable additional costs " is advisable. Although many local authorities have established stores systems by which an efficient control is maintained over the receipt and issue of stores, I again desire to draw attention to the fact that there are" yet a considerable number who fail to realize the many advantages to be obtained by keeping an accurate stores accounting system. Many of these local authorities contend that the amount and nature of their stores transactions do not warrant the expense of establishing and maintaining a stores system. It is not suggested that such local authorities should be required to establish elaborate systems of stores control. The wishes of the Audit Office would in such cases be met so long as the stores records kept by the local authorities afforded an adequate check over the receipt and issue of the stores. At present there is no statutory obligation 011 local bodies to keep accurate stores accounts, and, as stated in previous reports, it is desirable in the interests of the ratepayers that the keeping of stores records by the responsible officials of local authorities should be made compulsory by statute. The services of the Audit Inspectors are available to local authorities desirous of introducing systems of stores control into their accounts, and a number of local bodies have already sought their advice in this matter. Several of the County Councils within the Taranaki Provincial District have for a number of years past omitted to collect the heavy-traffic license fees in respect of all farmers' private motor-lorries used in carting milk to factories and in respect of which such fees are payable under the regulations. The Audit Office has no statutory power to compel these Councils to collect the«license fees in question, and attention is therefore drawn to the matter. The Audit Office was during the year called upon to deal with numerous breaches of the law relating to the accounts of local authorities, as detailed below (Schedule A). In each case where the Audit Office had power to take action an adjustment of accounts or a recovery of the moneys was required, excepting where a satisfactory explanation was made or where special circumstances were such that an adjustment or recovery was waived conditionally on legislation being obtained to validate the irregularities. A list of special cases where this conditional waiver was granted is set out in Schedule B. Schedule A. Depreciation in trading accounts, absence or inadequacy of charge for . . . . 9 Disqualification of local-body members on account of breaches of law . . . . 8 Expenditure without legal authority .. .. .. . . . . .. 24 Expenditure made by education authorities out of endowment income without approval of Minister .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . 11 Failure to provide for expenditure for year out of revenue .. .. . . 26 Failure to make claims within prescribed time for refunds of tax under Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927 .. .. .. . . . . . . .. 6 Fidelity securities for staff (absence of) .. .. .. . . 4 Finance Act, 1931 (No. 2), section 45 (2), and Finance Act, 1932, section 39 (3) — Rebates on rates not allowed in terms of .. .. .. .. 3 Approval of Minister not obtained for disposal of balance of subsidy received .. 1 Harbours Act, 1923, section 68 —Credit given for period in excess of that provided . . 4 Heavy traffic license fees not collected in respect of farmers' motor-lorries . . . . 5 Investments contrary to law .. .. .. .. . . . . 7 Loans raised without compliance with section 3 (1), Local Authorities' Loans (Rates of Interest) Act, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926 (offences under) — (a) Loans raised in excess of or without legal authority . . . . 2 (b) Loan-moneys illegally expended .. .. . . . . . . . . 9 (c) Loan-moneys not placed in separate bank account . . . . . . ..11 (d) Sinking funds not established and instalments in arrear .. .. ..17 (e) Interest paid in excess of authorized rate .. .. . , . . 1 (f) Miscellaneous ~ ~ , , ~ ~ , , , . 7


B.—l [PT. ll].

Schedule A—continued. Moneys not banked as required by law .. .. Overdrafts without or in excess of statutory authority Overdrafts without consent of Minister .. • • • • Purchase on terms or by instalments and payment of interest thereon .. -5 Rates, dues, fees, &c., not levied or collected according to law .. • • • • l!> Refunds, rebates, or remissions contrary to law .. .. • • • ■ • 4 Reserves for depreciation, &c., not invested Separate accounts established without lawful authority .. .. • • ...15 Separate accounts not kept as required by law .. .. • ■ • • ... ■ 2 Transactions not included in accounts Travelling expenses and allowances in excess of or without statutory authority ■ • I Trust-moneys wrongly applied . . . ■ • • • • • ■ ■ • .. 4 " Unauthorized expenditure " in excess of legal limits .. • • • ■ 2 Unlawful sinking and other funds Unlawful transfers between accounts and charging of amounts to wrong accounts . - 6 12 Miscellaneous .. • • ■ • • • • • • • " " Domain Boards — Q (a) Borrowing without authority of law .. • ■ • ■ • • (b) Breaches of trustee law .. .. • • • • ■ ■ • • . . 2 (c) Failure to bank moneys as required by law .. , 3 • • • • ..37 • 22 (d) Payments without statutory authority .. • • ■ • • • (e) Reductions of rental without Ministerial approval .. • ■ • • • • 10 (f) Transactions not included in accounts (g) Miscellaneous Cemetery Trustees — (a) Failure to bank as required by law .. • • • • • • .. 34 (b) Failure to keep a Register of Burials as required by law .. ■ • .. 2 (c) Investment without statutory authority .. . ■ • • • • 1 (d) Payments contrary to trustee law (e) Transactions not included in accounts Attention has been drawn during the year to the following matters which relate to the accounts of local authorities but which are not breaches of law Unsatisfactory systems of accounts — 16 (a) Financial .. • • • • • • • • (b) Stores Excessive sundry debtors, laxity in collecting rates, &c. .. • • • • -26 Profit and Loss Account: Balance incorrectly stated .. • • • ■ • • 2 Receipts and other items not verified owing to inadequacy or non-production of supporting evidence Payments unsupported by receipts and/or vouchers Failure to keep an essential book of record Miscellaneous .. • • ■ ■ • • • • • • " " 9 Liability and corresponding asset overstated in accounts .. • ■ • • Schedule B. —Breaches of Law -passed subject to Validation of Irregularities. Thames Borough Council-Purchase of certain properties in satisfaction of rates due and distribution pro rata of rents received in respect of such properties with Thames Harbour Boar . Auckland Transport Board—Entering into an agreement with certain persons for the running of an omnibus service by them, such agreement being ultra vires the Board. New Plymouth Harbour Board—Paying expenses of repaying a loan and of raising a new one out of sinking fund without obtaining the precedent consent of the Local Government Loans Board. .' Roxburgh Borough Council—Non-compliance with repayment provisions m Order m Council authorizing the raising of a loan.


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Schedule B.—Breaches of Law passed subject to Validation of Irregularities—continued. North Canterbury Hospital Board —Borrowing to pay ofi liabilities incurred before the raising of the loan. Great Barrier Island County Council Using moneys received in respect of county wharves for general county purposes, and failing to reimburse Wharf Account to extent of such moneys used. Massey Agricultural College Board—Borrowing by way of advance from the Public Trustee against a legacy due from an estate. Christchurch Drainage Board Creating a Machinery Renewals Reserve Account without authority of law. J Gisborne Harbour Board—Contributing out of general revenues to a staff-insurance scheme. Piako County Council—Failing to comply with provisions of section 3 (1), Local Authorities Loans' (Rates of Interest) Act, 1931, in respect of certain loans. Canterbury Agricultural College Board—Borrowing by way of overdraft in excess of the statutory limit. Palmerston North City Council—Refunding to General Account from a Loan Account moneys expended on the loan works prior to the raising of the loan. Statement of Royalties payable to the Crown and unpaid at the 31st March, 1935. Section 91 (2) of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, reads as follows :— The Controller and Auditor-General shall include in the report to be prepared by him pursuant to subsection two of section eighty-nine hereof a statement as to all royalties payable to the Crown and for the time being unpaid, setting forth in respect of such royalties :■ — " (a) The name of the person by whom the same are payable ; " (b) The amount payable by each such person; and " (c) The steps (if any) that have been taken to recover the said royalties, and, if no such steps have been taken, the reasons for allowing the said royalties to remain outstanding." Following the course previously adopted, the names of those in arrear are not published, although so required by the Act, but in the figures hereunder are included all amounts which were shown on the Department's books as owing and unpaid at the 31st March last. No attempt has been made to distinguish between the persons who have reasonable grounds for non-payment and those who have not: — Department. Amount unpaid. Forestry- £ s. d. £ s . d. Auckland Region .. .. .. .. 30 14 6 Nelson Region .. .. .. .. 2,946 411 Rotorua Region .. .. .. .. 758 10 0 Wellington Region . . .. .. .. 274 7 0 Westland Region .. .. .. .. 207 8 0 4,217 4 5 Lands and Survey— North Auckland District .. .. .. 1,136 11 8 Auckland District .. .. .. .. 306 610 Gisborne District .. .. .. .. 667 6 4 Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. 281 3 4 Wellington District .. .. .. .. 1,200 13 9 Nelson District .. .. .. .. 96 1 6 Canterbury District .. .. .. .. 9 8 9 Westland District .. .. .. .. 1,637 7 4 Southland District .. .. .. .. 144 6 5 5,479 5 11 Marine 736 4 8 Mines •• •• •• •• •• .. 4,796 13 10 Native .. .. .. .. .. .. _ 1;994 18 7 Public Works .. .. .. .. .. 315 0 State Coal-mines .. .. .. .. 2,404 10 3 £19,632 12 8


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Nature of irregularity. in-rolved. Aot ' on taken ' and Keaait - Defence Department. IRREGULARITY BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICER. £ S. d. Misappropriation of departmental stores .. 15 4 0 Offender convicted and admitted to probation for six months and ordered to make restitution. Education Department. IRREGULARITY BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICER. Misappropriation of departmental stores .. | 6 10 8 | Restitution being made. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Postal note lost in transit .. .. .. I . 0 19 1 I Inquiries not yet finalized. No loss to Department. Theft of money-order • • 15 2 3 I Offender fined and part restitution ordered. Cash lost in transit ■ • 5 0 0 Departmental instructions revised. No loss to Department. Lands and Survey Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Official postage stamps lost .. • • 0 8 4 Inquiry made without result. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 4 4 0 Officer left the Service. Justice Department. IRREGULARITY BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICER. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 19 15 6 Offender convicted and admitted to two years' probation. Restitution made. Native Department. IRREGULARITY BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICER. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. i 19 15 0 Offender convicted and fined £7 10s. Restitution made. Native Trust Office. IRREGULARITY BY PERSON NOT A DEPARTMENTAL OFFICER. Trust money illegally obtained .. .. 18 1 4 Offender convicted and admitted to two years' probation, and ordered to pay £5 towards costs. Restitution made. Post and Telegraph Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 29 12 9 Offender convicted and admitted to two years' probation. Restitution made. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 8 112 Officer dismissed the Service. Restitution made. Loss of registered letter .. 5 10 0 Disciplinary action taken. Loss to Department, £5 10s. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 65 1 7 Offender convicted and admitted to two years' probation. Recovery made. Loss of registered letter .. • • 3 0 0 Disciplinary action taken. Loss to Department, £3. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 0 3 3 Officer dismissed. Restitution made. Theft of stamps and moneys .. .. 1 9 11 Offender convicted and fined £10. Restitution ordered. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 119 15 7 Offender convicted and sentenced to twelve months' reformative detention on one charge and admitted to probation for eighteen months on remaining charges. Restitution made. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 9 3 5 Officer deceased. Recovery being made. Loss of unemployment stamps .. ' .. 40 0 0 Refund made by officer. Misappropriation of departmental moneys • .. 110 3 Offender convicted and admitted to probation for twelve months. Restitution made. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 30 9 0 Offender convicted and admitted to probation for two years. Restitution made. Theft of letters containing remittances .. 5 18 11 Offender convicted and sentenced to six months' imprisonment. Restitution made. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Loss of remittance . ■ ■ ■ 49 5 0 Police investigation unsuccessful. Loss to Department, £42. Theft of cash by burglar .. • • 61 0 0 Offender convicted and sentenced to ten years' hard labour. £39 10s. recovered. Theft of cash by burglar .. .. .. 0 18 4 Police investigation unsuccessful. Theft of cash and stamps by burglar .. 1 17 4 Police investigation unsuccessful. Forgery of pass-book and withdrawal-slip .. 5 10 0 Offender convicted and sentenced to two years' reformative detention. No loss to Department.

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Mature ol irregularity. involved. Action taken, and Result. Post and Telegraph Department— continued. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS — continued. £ S. d. Thefts from public call offices and stamp-vending 25 5 2 Police investigations unsuccessful except in three cases machines in which the offenders were convicted and sentenced — (a) Two months' imprisonment with hard labour ; (b) three months' imprisonment; (c) ordered to be detained in a Borstal institution for a period not exceeding two years. Forgery of authority to collect mail .. .. 1 16 5 Offender convicted and sentenced to nine months' hard labour. No loss to Department. Theft of money by burglars .. .. 5 16 11 Police investigation unsuccessful. Theft of money by burglars .. .. 31 17 1 Police investigation unsuccessful. Theft of money and stamps by burglars .. 43 16 9 Case against three suspects dismissed on account of lack of evidence. Public Works Department. IRREGULARITY BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICER. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 6 15 0 Convicted and admitted to two years' probation. Restitution ordered and Police costs to be paid. Railways Department. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Forged bank-note .. .. .. 10 0! Inquiries unsuccessful. Theft of bag containing departmental 108 10 9 | Police inquiries unsuccessful. State Advances Department. IRREGULARITY BY PERSON NOT A DEPARTMENTAL OFFICER. Advance obtained by false pretence .. 50 0 0 Case dismissed. £38 recovered and endeavour being made to collect balance. Unemployment Board. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Seventy-five cases in which relief workers 1,719 13 11 I Recovery being obtained. In nine cases offenders obtained moneys in excess of relief rates by convicted and fines amounting to £54 12s. imposed, making false statements to the Unemployment and costs totalling £7 12s. 6d. ordered to be paid. Board, or by failing to disclose material particulars of their circumstances Forgery of voucher .. .. .. 24 15 0 Police inquiries unsuccessful.

Department and Particulars. Season. Amount ! . To ' al Amount. j Agriculture. £ s . d. £ s . d. Travelling-expenses, officers travelling in Australia Receipts not obtained .. .. 21 3 4 Travelling-expenses, non-public servant visiting Receipts not obtained .. .. 0 10 0 Wellington on Government business 21 13 4 Customs. Travelling-expenses and postages, officers travelling Receipts unobtainable .. .. 181 10 0 in United States of America and Canada Travelling-expenses of officer travelling abroad .. Receipts unobtainable .. .. 17 2 ! 182 17 2 Defence. Refund of exchange to contractor .. .. Receipts unobtainable .. .. 214 9 6 Out-of-pocket expenses, officer travelling to New Receipts unobtainable .. .. 16 4 1 Zealand j 230 13 7 Education. Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 13 1 9 ! 13 1 9 Health. Exchange payment to officer travelling abroad .. Receipts not obtainable .. .. 6 12 9 6 12 9 Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity. Postages and telegrams, officer travelling in New Receipts unobtainable .. .. 4 8 3 Zealand Purchase of stamps, Melbourne and United States Receipts unobtainable .. .. 15 14 11 of America j 20 3 2

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Section 3 (3), Public Revenues Act, 1926. Appended is a statement of the items representing moneys and stores which require the authority of Parliament for their final writing-off and discharge from the Public Account. Staff. I have to record my appreciation of the excellent service rendered by the stafl of the Audit Department during the past financial year. The year has not been without the usual problems which the Audit Office is called upon from time to time to deal with, but it is very gratifying to know that the staff has given its services unsparingly in solving these problems. With a view to increasing the efficiency of the staff it has been laid down that no officer will be promoted to Glass II until he has passed the Accountants' Professional Examination, the completion of which is of paramount importance to Audit officers, whose duties require that they should possess a complete knowledge of accounting practice and procedure. On the staff of the Audit Office there are now fifty-seven officers who have completed the examination, and many others who have several subjects to their credit. It is with much satisfaction that I have also to record my appreciation of the manner in which the various Government Departments and local bodies have co-operated with the Audit Office in the carrying-out of its duties. My special thanks are due to the Crown Law Office for its very helpful advice on the many legal points which the Audit Office had occasion to refer for decision during the year. G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General, Audit Office, Wellington, 19th September, 1935,


Total Department and Particulars. Reason. Amount. Amount. ' I . Internal Affairs, £ s. d. £ s. d. Taxi fares .. .. .. • • • • Receipt not obtained .. .. 2 6 0 Refund of passport fee .. .. •• Receipt unobtainable .. •. 10 0 Travelling-expenses, members of Commissions . . Receipts not obtained .. .. 474 15 5 Travelling-expenses and cables, officer travelling in Receipts unobtainable .. .. 6 4 7 Australia Out-of-pocket expenses, members of Commissions Receipts not obtained .. .. 14 5 J 498 11 9 Marine. Travelling-expenses, representative attending con- Receipts not obtained .. .. 14 11 3 ference abroad " 14 11 3 Mental Hospitals. Postages on films .. . • * • • • Receipts unobtainable .. •. 4 12 8 4 12 8 Native. Drovers charges .. • • • • • • Receipts not obtained .. .. 10 11 Benzine .. .. . • • • • • Receipts not obtained .. .. 0 15 0 1 15 11 Naval Defence. Allotment of pay .. .. .. • • Receipt unobtainable .. .. 2 0 0 9 0 0 Pensions. War pensions, instalments of .. .. • • Receipts unobtainable .. .. 41311 41311 Post and Telegraph. Radio news .. .. • • • • • • Receipts unobtainable . . .. 13 9 Salary and allowances .. • • • • • Receipts unobtainable . . .. 63 8 5 Interest on lost coupons . . . . . • Paid on receipt of indemnity .. 7 10 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. • • • • Receipts unobtainable . . .. 0 14 0 Travelling-expenses, World Power Conference .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 30 12 3 Travelling-expenses, representative in Europe .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 60 8 5 Railways. Travelling-expenses, representative in Europe .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 61 6 7 61 6 7 Transport. Travelling-expenses .. ■■ •• Receipts unobtainable .. ... 1 15 0 Telegrams .. . . .. •• •• Receipts unobtainable .. .. 1 5 4 3 0 Treasury. Travelling-expenses .. . • ■ • ■ • Receipts unobtainable .. .. 3 117 Maintenance-moneys (Childrens Welfare Board) .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 10 0 Expenses in connection with silver coinage .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 25 17 3 Expenses of member of Commission .. .. Receipts not obtained .. .. 10 0 _ 31 8 10 Unemployment Board. Subsidy (originals lost) .. .. •. Receipts unobtainable .. .. 6 15 0 Railage and droving charges on stock .. .. Receipts unobtainable .. .. 215 16 o — tiCiu J. JL O £1,483 11 3

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Department and Particulars. ! Reason for writing off. Value of Stores. I Cash I | Agriculture. £ s. d. £ s. d. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Loss on realization, deficient, and obsolete 147 18 5 Value of stores .. .. . . .. Stolen .. .. .. .. 006 Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died and destroyed .. .. .. 365 5 2 Value of publications .. .. . . Gratuitously issued .. .. .. 8 6 0 Value of buildings .. .. .. Loss on demolition .. .. .. 29 17 1 Stores supplied .. .. . . .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 6196 Slaughtering and inspection fees .. .. Fees remitted to unemployment relief .. 2 18 6 organization Nursery registration fees .. .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 10 0 Veterinary and inspection fees . . .. Fees reduced owing to special ciroum- .. 19 15 0 stances Charges on condemned fruit destroyed .. Claim abandoned .. .. .. .. 0 3 6 Audit. Value of office equipment .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 1156 Customs. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost .. .. .. .. 050 Defence. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient, lost, unserviceable, or destroyed 1,232 17 3 by fire Value of stores .. .. .. .. Stolen .. .. .. .. 69 13 4 Value of stores .. .. .. . . Gratuitously issued .. .. .. 5170 Value of equipment .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 13,194 11 3 Value of clothing and equipment on issue to Destroyed by fire or untraceable .. 188 4 0 trainees Value of horses .. .. .. .. Died or destroyed .. .. .. Ill 7 0 ' Balance war gratuity overpaid .. .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 1860 Rent .. .. .. . . .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 55 11 5 Hire of tents .. .. .. .. Hire remitted owing to special circum- .. 21 1 7 stances Education. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, deficient, or obsolete .. 160 11 10 Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died or destroyed .. .. .. 95 1 9 Advertising .. .. .. .. Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 13 5 Clothing, books, and stationery .. . . Debtor unfinancial or untraceable .. .. 25 12 6 Maintenance fees .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial, deceased, or un- .. 4,389 14 0 traceable Tuition fees .. .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial or untraceable .. .. 13 15 0 Interest on purchase-price of land .. Debtor in poor circumstances .. .. 16 4 0 External Affairs. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient .. . . . . .. 98 0 10 Value of buildings .. .. .. Deficient or loss on demolition .. 4,159 2 10 Rent .. .. .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 206 3 9 Allowance to purchaser .. .. .. Loss on experimental shipment of bananas .. 180 0 0 Advance, New Zealand Reparation Estates.. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 64 3 11 Health. Value of stores .. .. .. . . Broken, lost, unserviceable, or loss on 468 18 9 realization Value of stores .. .. . . .. Stolen .. .. .. .. 1 18 0 Value of clothing .. .. Gratuitously issued to relief workers .. 2 19 8 Value of equipment .. .. .. Handed over to Health Camp Associations 175 6 9 Value of King George V Hospital .. .. Handed over to Waikato Hospital Board 42,729 5 9 Value of live-stock . . .. .. Died, destroyed, or loss on realization .. 75 15 0 Maintenance, treatment, and X-ray fees .. Debtors in poor circumstances, untrace- .. 7,551 12 2 able, or deceased Repairs to car damaged in accident .. Nugatory expenditure .. .. * ., 22 10 0 Sera supplied . . . . .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 0 10 1 Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient, lost, or unserviceable .. 796 17 10 Value of stores .. .. .. .. Stolen .. .. .. .. 009 Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died or destroyed .. .. .. 91 14 9 Value of buildings .. .. .. Loss on demolition or realization .. 729 4 3 Advertising charges .. .. .. Company in liquidation, debtors un- .. 515 18 11 financial Sanatorium and X-ray fees ,, .. Debtors in poor circumstances, untrace- .. 154 5 § I able, or deceased I

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iii—B. 1 [Pt. ll].


Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of Stores. Cash. Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity , —continued. _ 4» s. d. t s. d. "Rjfnts .. • • • • • • Debtors unfinancial .. .. . • .. 87 2 10 Fares ' • • • • • • • • Company in liquidation .. .. .. 40 8 10 Electricity and water supply • • • • Debtors unfinancial ; discounts for .. 189 15 0 prompt payment Photographs Debtors untraceable .. .. .. 0 4 0 Internal Affairs. Value of stores • • • • • • Deficient or unserviceable .. .. 4 Id 5 Advances by High Commissioner .. . • Debtors unfinancial or untraceable .. .. 48 14 9 Opossum royalty . . • • • • Debtor deceased .. .. .. .. 0 2 0 Repatriation of New-Zealander stranded in Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 9 lb 8 foreign country Justice and Prisons. Value of stores Deficient, lost or unserviceable .. Value of live-stock Died, destroyed, or. missing .. .. 1,913 8 11 Value of buildings Loss on demolition . .. .. 139 18 0 Pees, fines, and costs Company insolvent; estate insolvent; .. 5 7 6 debtor deceased ; fees short-collected Dental and medical treatment .. • ■ Claim unenforceable ; debtors unfinancial, .. 9 15 untraceable, or deceased Vegetables supplied .. .. •• Debtor unfinancial .. .. •• .. 0 9 6 Labour. Value of equipment Broken, lost, or unserviceable.. .. 70 18 11 •• Fares of workmen • • • ■ • • Debtors unfinancial or untraceable .. . . 14 i 11 Weights and measures fees . • •• Debtors unfinancial .. .. •• n-mn Penalty for breach of award .. .. Debtor unfinancial . . .. • ■ • • 0 10 0 Land and Income Tax. Income-tax .. •. • • • • Debtors unfinancial, untraceable, or de- .. 974 10 0 ceased Interest allowed .. • • • • No authority of law to validate action .. .. 76 18 4 Lands and Survey. . Value of stores Broken, loss on realization, or deficient 751 14 Value of stores Stolen •• , , ' Value of lithographs Damaged or obsolete .. 1,134 3 b Value of motor-vehicles .. .. •• Loss on realization .. .. 17 19 7 Value of buildings Loss on demolition II 13 0 . Advances under Deteriorated Lands Act .. Loss on realization .. .. •• •• 0 / / Advances under Lands? for Settlement Act .. Loss on realization .. .. .. " a , 1 Advances under Small Farms Plan .. Debtors unfinancia or loss on realization .. 2,351 5 1 Advances from Waimarino Bush Fire Relief Debtors unfinancial ,. .. •• •• 1,298 0 d Advances under Discharged Soldiers Settle- Loss on realization of securities .. ... 79,286 2 2 .. .. Debtors unfinancial . . .. • • . • 2 2 8 Interest on survey liens ' Debtors unfinancial; remission of survey .. 93 15 10 liens owing to special circumstances Interest on deferred payment licenses .. Debtors unfinancial, bankrupt, deceased, .. 1,819 17 6 or untraceable Sundry debtors for miscellaneous services .. Debtors unfinancial, untraceable, or de- .. 29 11 2 ceased Ixriviri-cnim .. .. •• Loss on realization .. .. •• 1,588 6 10 Posts and firewood . • • • •• Debtors unfinancial .. .. 97 17 11 Opossum-trapping license fee .. • • Debtor unfinancial .. .. • • • • 4 0 0 Timber royalties .. • • • ■ Debtors unfinancial; rebates allowed for .. 542 3 0 prompt payment Rentg . . .. .. Debtors unfinancial, bankrupt, deceased, .. 21,156 5 2 or untraceable Value of stores • • •• •• Broken or deficient, 1931-32 and 1932-33 635 12 3 anne Value of stores .. .. •• •• Deficient, lost, or obsolete .. .. 72 16 11 Machinery and boiler inspection fees and Debtors in poor circumstances, or un- .. 94 18 5 foreshore license traceable Scrap metal supplied Debtor imprisoned .. 12 18 U Mental Hospitals. . Value of stores Broken, deficient, or lost .. .. 7 « | Valnp of stores . . .. • • Stolen . . ■ ■ • • • ■ /1-1 Value of live-stock .. • • • • Died or destroyed .. .. .. 187 3 6 Value of machinery Loss on realization or unserviceable .. 1,936 14 6 Mines. . _ Value of stores .. . • •. • • Deficient, loss on realization, or unservice- 47 14 1 able Vfllnp nf stores .. . • • • Stolen . • .... .. 0 10 0 Value of coal shortages Due to handling, evaporation, or stone.. 863 13 5 Value of buildings .. •• •• Damaged by slip .. .. •• in9 ifi n Coal supplied Debtors unfinancia • • 10- 1 b II «Court costs Debtors unfinancial ■■ 2 4 U

B — 1 [PT. ll].



Department and Particulars. Reason for writing oft. Value of Stores. Cash. National Provident Fund. £ s. d. £ s. (L Value of stores .. .. .. . • Unserviceable .. .. .. 0 6 0 Value of stores .. .. .. .. Stolen .. .. .. .. 453 Native. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient .. .. .. .. 6 17 3 Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died or deficient .. .. .. 8,060 19 1 Value of farm .. .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 7 17 11 Value of improvements .. .. .. Land handed over free of charge to 88 0 0 Lands and Survey Department Repairs to motor-cars damaged in accidents Nugatory expenditure .. .. .. 10 0 0 Compensation for damage caused by fire .. Nugatory expenditure .. . . .. 50 0 0 Advance for improvements .. .. Debtor unfinanciaJ .. .. .. .. 1786 Advances on contracts and wages .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 11 15 ft Mortgage and legal costs .. .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 271 13 8 Native Trust. Mortgage interest .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. 20 0 D Naval Defence. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient or unserviceable .. .. 894 13 1 Value of stores .. . ■ • • . ■ Stolen . . .. .. .. 3 14 7 Value of clothing .. .. .. Issued at less than cost .. .. 966 3 9 Rents .. .. . • • • • ■ Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 20 17 6New Zealand Government Railways. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost or unserviceable .. .. 860 17 1 Value of stores .. .. •• Stolen .. .. .. .. 113 19 7 Value of wagons .. .. •• Damaged in accidents .. .. 1,056 14 0 Rent, fares, and freight .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial, untraceable, or de- .. 3,188 14 5 ceased Pensions. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient or unserviceable .. .. 2 8 2 Polioe. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient or lost .. .. .. 76 2 4 Value of buildings .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 128 19 11 Rent .. .. . • • • • • Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 80 3 3 Post and Telegraph. Value of stores .. .. .. • ■ Broken, deficient, destroyed by fire, lost, 2,949 8 5 obsolete, or unserviceable Value of stores .. .. .. .. Stolen .. .. .. .. 159 17 4 Value of telephones .. .. .. Destroyed by fire .. .. .. 763 4 9 Toll fees .. .. . • • • Debtors unfinancial or untraceable .. .. 305 19 0' Printing and Stationery. Value of stores .. .. .. •• Deficient or obsolete .. .. 221 11 5 Publications supplied .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial or untraceable .. .. 2 13 4 Public Service Superannuation. Advances on freehold property .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. .. 6,569 3 7 Overpayment of retiring allowance .. Debtor deceased .. .. .. .. 11111 Public Trust. Value of furniture .. .. ■ ■ Loss on realization .. .. .. 43 3 4 Mortgages and properties acquired by fore- Loss on realization .. .. .. .. 14,141 5 5 closure Public Works. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient, destroyed by fire, lost, loss on 13,041 14 5 realization, or unserviceable Value of stores .. . • . • ■ • Stolen .. .. .. .. 211 16 10 Value of buildings .. .. .. Destroyed by storm .. .. .. 62 0 0 Value of buildings .. .. .. Handed over as compensation .. 32 0 0 Value of live-stock .. .. .. Destroyed or died .. . . .. 26 8 6 Advance to Charitable organization .. Remission of cost of returning equipment .. 39 7 10' from camps Freight and fares .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 9 4 6 Cost of repairs .. .. . ■ Pole destroyed by accident .. .. .. 12 11 7 Sale of steam engine .. .. .. Company insolvent .. .. .. .. 101 12 0Hire of engine and drill .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Rent .. .. .. • • • • Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 519 2 Stores and electricity .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial or untraceable .. .. 15 9 10 Water rates .. .. .. •• Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 9,255 0 2 Scientific and Industrial Research. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Broken, lost, or loss on realization .. 221 17 2 Cost of replacing mirror accidentally broken Nugatory expenditure .. .. .. 2 10 II while blasting Stamp Duties. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Loss on realization and unserviceable .. 145 14 3 Penal interest .. .. .. .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 883 8 0 Slate Advances. Value of office appliances .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 23 4 6 Loans on mortgage .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. .. 2,720 1 8

B. —1 [Pt. ll].



Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of Stores. Cash. State Fire, and Accident Insurance. £ s - d - *• d * Rent .. .... .. .. Company in liquidation .. . • • • a Remission of interest .. .. •• Debtors unfinancial .. .. ■■ •• 199 0 0 State Forest Service. Value of stores .. .. • • • • Deficient, loss on realization, or un- SSZ J 7 serviceable Vfllnp of stores .. .. •. • • Stolen .. .. . • • • 1118 Value of trees Issued gratuitously to local bodies .. 3,571 17 6 Value of plantations .. .. •• Loss on realization .. .. •• 1,384 f. Value of live-stock .. .. Died .. .. •• « " Value of library.. .. •• •• Destroyed by fire, Wellington.. .. 441 13 5 Vnliip of buildines .. .. ■ • Loss on demolition .. .. • • 30 0 0 Rents and timber royalties .. Rebates for prompt payment; debtors .. 5,333 5 11 unfinancial; company insolvent Reduction of survey fees .. •• Debtor in poor circumstances .. •• 4 18 7 Repairs to motor-cars damaged in accidents Nugatory expenditure .. • • • • «>* " L >_ Timber sales .. .. • • • • Debtor unfinancial .. .. • • • • ooo iu o Treasury. . Value of stores .. .. Loss on realization or unserviceable .. t>5 J 0 •' Fire relief loan Debtor unfinancial ; 2 * Frost relief loan .. ... • • Debtor unfinancial ■ ■ « " J Miscellaneous investments, Reserve Fund .. Loss on realization .. .. •• •• '*,'•>i * Transport. License fees .. •• •• •• Debtor untraceable .. .. ■■ •• Unemployment Board. Value of stores Deficient or unserviceable .. U Value of stores .. •• •• Stolen .. .. •• ° ° " Value of live-stock .. ■■ •• Died or destroyed .. .. 11 10 U Valuation. . 790; Cost of special valuation .. ■ ■ Rebate allowed to local body owing to • . ' ~ special circumstances 109,997 6 7 242,579 11 5 £352,576*183. Od.

B.—l [PT. ll].




I—B.1 —B. 1 [PT. ll]

Balances on 31st March, 1934. Transactions, 1934-1935. Balances on 31st Mabch, 1935. DB. I Cu. Dr. I GR. I DR. | CB. I i I CONSOLIDATED FUND | £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. | Ordinary Revenue Account j .. 16,027,720 2 9 1148,067,180 9 9 132,244,295 14 Oj .. 204,835 7 0 Accounts of Local Bodies .. .. .. .. .. .. I 21,331 10 2 j 53,674 1 0 49,124 10 11 •• 16,782 0 l I Deposits Account .. .. .. .. .. .. . i 789,927 9 7 j 3,114,184 8 10 3,666,319 15 2 .. 1,342,062 15 11 PUBLIC WORKS FUND „ General PURPOSES Account .. .. .. .. •• •• 825,960 2 6 i 2,457,928 13 7 2,825,299 15 3 .. 1,193,331 4 2 ELECTRIC Supply ACCOUNT.. .. .. .. .. .. •• 416,259 10 4 j 1,205,550 16 3 1,121,749 2 6 .. 332,457 16 7 Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. 107,871 6 1 . 148,035 0 0 41,832 19 1 .. 1,669 5 2 BANK OF NEW ZEALAND SHARES ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 1,859,375 0 0 164,062 10 0 164,062 10 0 .. 1,859,375 0 0 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. ! 427,968 13 7 1,271,037 13 2 1,437,216 18 7 .. 594,147 19 0 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. . . 72,569 12 0 678,113 19 8 875,525 16 3 .. 269,981 8 7 LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 414,500 9 6 26,052,640 0 0 I 26,114,539 8 11 .. 476,399 18 5 LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT PART II CONVERSION ACCOUNT.. .. .. 12,675 0 0 12,675 0 0 MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT REVENUE FUND .. .. .. .. 181,907 6 9 1,714,679 8 5 1,566,340 9 9 .. 33,568 8 1 MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT CONSTRUCTION FUND .. .. .. 68,507 3 2 372,726 16 10 486,355 11 5 .. 182,135 17 9 PUBLIC DEBT REPAYMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 47,962 ]4 2 1,623,160 12 0 1,578,667 7 4 .. 3,469 9 6 REMITTANCES FROM LONDON ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. • - 21,208,136 0 11 21,208,136 0 11 REMITTANCES TO LONDON ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 .. .. RESERVE FUND ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. ..I .. 406,692 10 6 95,892 I 11 28,428 0 3 .. 339,228 8 10 SILVER AND BRONZE COIN ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 22,713 16 1 37,988 ] 5 573,700 0 0 .. 558,425 14 8 STATE ADVANCES LOAN ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 170 10 0 19,641 9 6 19,641 9 6 .. 170 10 0 STATE COAL-MINES ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 66,101 7 4 187,741 5 10 192,712 11 8 .. 71,072 13 2 STATE COAL-MINES SINKING FUND ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 8,422 8 7 8,400 0 0 8,568 5 1 .. 8,590 13 8 I STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,792 7 0 120,879 15 11 136,939 12 11 .. 41,852 4 0 UNEMPLOYMENT FUND .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 621,517 11 8 3,944,801 12 2 i 4,656,229 16 1 .. 1,332,945 15 7 WORKING RAILWAYS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,731,560 1 6 6,630,101 15 9 6,738,715 7 0 .. 1,840,173 12 9 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. j .. 24,144,831 13 3 220,189,231 12 11 j206,747,076 2 7 .. 10,702,676 2 11

B.—l [P T . ll].


5 r—— — . ; A—; 'CO * Note.— The New Zealand Public Account in London was not actually overdrawn as indicated, but a balance of £10,092 4s. 2d. was held therein. Reconciliation is as follows :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1935, as per bank pass-book .. .. .. .. 10,092 4 2 Add amounts expended in London not included in Treasury books .. .. .. 2,567 5 0 . , 12,659 9 2 Deduct amounts received in London not included in Treasury books .. .. 12,994 17 10 Overdraft, 31st March, 1935, as per Treasury books .. .. . . .. £335 8 8


Balances on 31st Mabch, 1934. I Transactions, 1934-1935. Balances on 31st March, 1935. Ob- Dr. Cr. Dr. j Cr. PUBLIC ACCOUNT £ s. d. Ssdfsdfsdfidfirl^ Reserve Bank of New Zealand in the Dominion .. ' .. 64,789,177 13 9 59,659,528 6 8 5 129 649 7 1 S ' ' C| Bank of New Zealand in the Dominion .. .. .. .. 529,070 2 9 .. 18 207 447 12 5 18 736 517 15 2 " m ADVANCE L0ND ° N " 25 ' 230 3 2 64,594:489 13 8 64!569 >4 19 2 " 335 8 8* ™ Miscellaneous IMPRESTS 160,106 3 0 .. 25,815,965 16 10 25,916,301 15 8 59 770 4 2 M Foreign IMPREST ACCOUNT. . .. .. .. .. .. 146,855 10 2 .. 1 794 468 0 2 1 730 780 18 7 1411'w 11 0 " INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS u - 1,/30, 780 18 7 140,542 11 9 .. O Consolidated Fund, — ORDINARY REVENUE Account 1,164,019 14 1 .. 3,258,881 6 9 4,366,965 16 11 55935 311 > 178 ' 155 0 0 •• 011 ' 200 0 0 12 - 850 0 0 00 :: o GENERAL Purposes ACCOUNT 58,847 8 6 .. 2,101,824 4 1 1,785,377 8 6 375 294 4 1 ° Electric Supply Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 250,000 0 0 250,000 0 0 O .Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. 83,790 0 0 .. 83 790 0 0 ' ' '' I Bank of New Zealand Shares Account .. .. .. .. 1,859,375 0 0 .! " ' 1 859 375 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 192 10 7 550 000 0 0 550 if)? 10 7 ' ' " !z| Land for Settlements Account 22,200 0 0 !127! 668 15 9 132 j003 15 9 17 865 0 0 " LOANS Redemption ACCOUNT . .. .. 1,343,105 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 343; 105 0 0 " ™ Main Highways Account Revenue Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 30q qqq q q 3qq qqq q q ' * * CO Main Highways Account Construction Fund .. " 0 0 192' 923 0 0 57 077 0 0 Reserve FUND Account 399,540 6 6 .. 42.820 5 9 117,453 3 0 324'907 9 3 " State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. .. 62,800 0 0 .. 69 800 0 0 " ! Unemployment FUND .. .. 1,100,000 0 0 1,100,000 0 0 " ® Working RAILWAYS ACCOUNT 126,110 0 10 .. 1,608,020 16 6 1,118,145 6 0 615 985 11 4 " -Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account .. .. 19,379,000 0 0 .. 52,853,580 4 4 71,748,580 4 4 0 0 I Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. j 24,170,061 16 5 25,230 3 2 239,928,649 10 0 253,370,805 0 4 10,703,011 11 7 335 8 g 1-1 ' I '

B. —1 [Pt. ll].




Dr £ s. d. Ce. £ s. d. Public Account, Wellington .. .. .. •• •• 5,129,649 7 1 New Zealand Public Account, London .. •• •• 335 8 8 Consolidated Fund: — Consolidated Fund .. .. .. •• -• 1,5 o, K ,, Ordinary Revenue Account Investment Account .. .. 55,935 3 11 Public Works Pund .. .. .. •• •• •• n n Deposits Account Investment Account .. .. •• 1,176,705 0 0 Bank of New Zealand Shares Account .. .. .. •• ,89,. Public Works Pund: I Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. 5»4,l 4/ iy u General Purposes Account Investment Account .. .. 375,294 4 1 j Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. •• 269,981 io I Bank of New Zealand Shares Account Investment Account .. 1,859,375 0 0 Loans Redemption Account .. .. -• „ „ , Land for Settlements Account Investment Account .. .. 17,865 0 0 | Main Highways Account Revenue Pund .. .. .. ■■ '' „ Loans Redemption Account Investment Account .. .. .. 343,105 0 0 i Main Highways Account Construction Pund .. •• •• 0 » Main Highways Account Construction Pund Investment Account 57,077 0 0 i Public Debt Repayment Account .. .. ' ' .. Reserve Fund Account Investment Account .. .. .. 324,907 9 3 j Reserve Pund.Account .. .. •• •• •• •• ' „ State Coal-mines Account Investment Account .. .. .. 62,800 0 0 j Silver and Bronze Coin Account .. .. .. • • • • >• > _ Working Railways Account Investment Account .. .. .. 615,985 11 4 . State Advances Loan Account .. .. •• •• •• * Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account .. .. 484,000 0 0 State Coal-miStes Account .. .. •• •• o'kqa « Dominion and Foreign Advances .. .. .. •• •• 200,312 15 11 ; State Coal-mines Sinking Fund Account .. •• •• \ n j State Forests Account .. . • . • • • • • • • * u I Unemployment Fund .. .. .. •• •• •• 1,332,945 15 7 | Working Railways Account .. .. .. •• 1,840,173 12 9 Total .. .. .. .. .. ■■ £10,703,011 11 7 TOTAL .. .. •• •• •• •• £10,703,011 11 7 * See note on page 2.

B.—i [Px. ll],




Balances as at 31st March, 1934. j Transactions, 1934-1935. j Balances as at 31st March, 1935. Debit. Credit. j Debit. | Credit. I Debit. | Credit. Interest Remittance Account— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ g. d. £ s . d. Bank of England .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,887,816 16 7 5,880,039 14 0 5,742,340 6 8 .. 5,750,117 9 3 ! High Commissioner .. .. .. .. .. .. 344 3 2 40,997 6 7 47,046 15 9 .. 6,393 12 4 Conversion Remittance Account — Bank of England .. .. # # 4 q 0 4 0 0 High Commissioner .. .. .. .. .. j 649 361 0 19 8 .. 18 j Redemption Remittance Account — | ( Bank of England .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,015,721 16 11 4,996,616 13 4 1,487,835 1 8 .. 1,506,940 5 3 High Commissioner .. j .. .. 37,000 0 0 .. 37,000 0 0 Suspense Remittance Account .. .. .. .. 10,903,893 1 5 .. 7,314,223 3 9 10,917,661 0 0 7,300,455 5 2 I I ' Totals 10,903,893 1 5 j 10,903,893 1 5 18,231,884 3 9 18,231,884 3 9 j 7,300,455 5 2 7,300,455 5 2

B.—l TPt. 111.




Keceipts. Refunds. Net Revenue. TAXATION ~ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs .. .. .. •• ■■ 7,446,163 13 8 22,566 6 3 7,423,597 7 5 Beer Duty 671,265 5 3 257 2 7 671,008 2 8 Sales TAX .. .. •• •• '2,175,066 9 0 4,563 0 3 2,170,503 8 9 FILM-HIRE TAX 44,490 15 8 44,490 15 8 GOLD-export DUTY .. .. •• •• 102,622 12 10 5 16 3 102,616 16 7 Highways,— . . 0 Tire-tax .. .. •• •• 92,735 15 0 149 0 4 92,586 14 8 Fees and Fines (Section 24. Motor-vehicles Act, 1924).. 392,011 13 11 351 3 2 391,660 10 9 Petrol-tax .. .. •• -■ •• 1,684,787.16 6 159,978 9 1* 1,424,809 7 5 Mileage-tax and Penalties (Finance Act, 1932-33 (No. 2), Section 19) — Electrically-propelled Motor-vehicles .. .. 1,045 16 0 .. i? Other Motor-vehicles 590 10 8 240 12 9 349 17 11 2,071,171 12 1 160,719 5 4 1,910,452 6 9f Stamp and Death Duties, — . Adhesive Stamps 337,455 12 1 211,501 1 6 125,954 10 7 Duty on Instruments 240,223 8 10 2,130 9 10 238,092 19 0 Estate Dutv . .... .. 1,765,075 11 8 24,758 1 4 1,740,317 10 4 Succession Duty : 430,708 3 3 11,035 15 9 «9,672 7 6 Gift Dutv ' 45 ' 477 2 4 73 4 1 45,403 18 3 Fines and Penalties .. .. •• •• 1,462 0 1 199 12 11 1,262 7 2 Impressed Stamps .. .. •• •• 187,062 13 6 32- 0 3 186,740 13 3 Stamp Duty on Interest .. .. • • • • 69 19 8 2 9 67 10 6 Licenses to Companies .. .. •• 85,493 1 0 1,637 9 5 83,855 11 7 Sharebrokers'Licenses .. .. •• •• 2,060 06 900 Bank Composition .. .. •• •• 218,017 3 3 ■■ ii i? Duties payable by Racing Clubs .. .. .. 372,004 8 11 18 19 0 371,985 9 11 Amusements-tax .. .. •• •• 49,563 4 9 36 16 2 49,526 8 7 Lottery Duty 17,999 14 7 .. 17,999 14 7 Overseas Passenger Duty .. .. •• 18,459 7 1 4 8 6 18,454 18 7 Miscellaneous 1,787 9 10 1,782 9 10 5 0 0 Receipts under Section 4, Mortgagees' Indemnity (Workers' Charges) Act, 1927 .. .. •• 1,316 8 0 0 15 0 1,315 13 0 3,774,235 9 4 253,512 12 9 3,520,722 16 7 Land-TAX 495,707 4 11 3,181 5 5 492,525 19 6 Income-tax .. .. .. •• •• 3,860,364 3 6 63,887 6 2 3,796,476 17 4 Miscellaneous,— .> Interest-tax (Finance Act, 1932-33, Section 5) .. 2,493 16 5 1 1 2 2,492 15 3 Interest-tax (Finance Act, 1932-33, Section 6) .. 42,486 3 0 .. 42,486 3 0 Residue, Mileage-tax and Penalties under Section 19, Finance Act, 1932-33 (No. 2) .. .. .. 233 5 3 . . 233 5 3 45,213 4 8 112 45,212 3 6 TOTAL, Taxation .. .. .. 20,686,300 10 11 508,693 16 2 20,177,606 14 9 Carried forward .. .. .. 20,686,300 10 11 508,693 16 2 20,177,606 14 9 £ s. d. * Refunds by Customs Department of Revenue incorrectly received or credited .. 9 12 9 Rebates by Post Office in respect of motor-spirits used otherwise than as fuel for motor-vehicles, in terms of Section 8 of the Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927 159,968 16 4 £159,978 9 1 t £391,660 10s. 9d. of this amount consists of fees, fines, &c., whioh are not taxation.

B.—l [Pt. II




Receipts. Refunds. Net Revenue. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d Brought forward .. .. .. 20,686,300 10 11 508,693 16 2 20,177,606 14 9 INTEREST :— On Capital Liability, Working Railways (interest at £4 5s. per cent, on capital expenditure from Public Works Fund, reduced by £10,400,000 in terms of the Government Railways Amendment Act, 1931, Section 23, and at £4 13s. 3d. per cent, on capital expenditure from the Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Acoount, as provided by Orders in Council under the Government Railways Act, 1926) — Year 1933-34 (balance).. .. .. .. 558 16 4 .. 558 16 4 £ s. d. Year 1934-35 .. .. .. 2,330,885 11 7 Less reduction made in terms of the Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), Section 14 .. .. 1,243,394 12 10 1,087,490 18 9 1,087,490 18 9 .. 1,087,490 18 9 1,088,049 15 1 .. 1,088,049 15 1 . I On Capital Liability, Postal and Telegraph (interest as determined under Section 95 of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928, at £4 5s. per cent, on the amount of the capital liability as at 1st April, 1934, together with interest at the rate of £2 2s. 6d. per cent, on the net amount applied for the purposes of the Department out of the Public Works Fund during the year)— £ s . ± Year 1934-35 (balance) .. 537,693 11 3 Year 1935 36 (in advance) .. 8,306 8 9 546,000 0 0 .. 546,000 0 0 On the Public Debt Redemption Fund (details on separate statement) .. .. .. .. 632,065 9 11 ... 632,065 9 11 On other Public Moneys (details on separate statement) 666,09110 8 1,96119 10 664,129 10 10 Total, Interest.. .. .. 2,932,206 15 8 1,961 19 10 2,930,244 15 10 OTHER RECEIPTS :— Registration and otheb Fees, — Air Navigation Act, 1931 .. .. .. .. 504 4 3 6 2 0 498 2 3 Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22 .. .. 45 10 37 10 800 Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22 (Part III) 12,429 3 3 11 10 0 12 417 13 3 Apprentices Act, 1923 .. .. .. .. 9 15 10 .. 9 15 10 ArmsAct, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. 2,895 12 6 .. 2,895 12 6 Births, Deaths, and Marriages .. .. .. 18,866 17 7 0 13 6 18,866 4 1 British Nationality and Status of Aliens (in New Zealand) Act, 1928 .. .. .. .. 352 1 1 9 3 0 342 18 1 By-laws Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. 330 .. 330 Cemeteries Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 42 0 0 .. 42 0 0 Cinematograph Films Act, 1928 .. .. .. 2,788 0 4 30 0 6 2,757 19 10 Coal-mines Act, 1925 .. .. .. .. 162 2 6 .. 'l62 2 6 ' Crown Grant Fees .. .. .. .. 8 0 0 9 1 3 Dr. 113 Customs Act, 1913 .. .. .. .. 12,240 9 10 41 6 3 12 199 3 7 Dairy Industry Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 2,934 7 6 5 12 6 2 928 15 0 Dentists Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 26 15 0 10 0 25 15 0 Distillation Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 64 0 0 .. 64 0 0 Education Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. 506 506 Electrical Wiremen's Registration Act, 1925 .. 494 5 6 8 0 0 486 5 6 Engineers Registration Act, 1924 .. .. .. 21 3 0 .. 21 3 0 Explosive and Dangerous Goods Act, 1908 .. .. 6,181 12 4 17 13 0 6 163 19 4 Factories Act, 1921-22 .. .. .. .. 3,302 16 0 1 13 0 3*301 3 0 Fertilizers Act, 1927 .. .. .. .. 483 16 0 7 8 0 476 8 0 Finance Act, 1915 (Part III), (Beer Duty) .. .. 1,158 17 3 30 10 8 1 128 6 7 Fisheries Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 409 4 1 0 7 0 408 17 1 Friendly Societies Act, 1909 .. .. .. 3 12 0 3 12 0 Health Act, 1920.. .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 .. .. 20 0 0 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926 .. 590 5 4 590 5 4 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1925 .. 240 2 6 10 0 239 2 6 Carried forward .. .. .. 66,282 8 2 218 1 8 . 66,064 6 6 Carried forward .. .. .. 23,618,507 6 7 510,655 16 0 23,107,85110 7

B.—l TPT. II




Receipts. Refunds. Jfet Revenue. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 23,618,507 6 7 510,655; 16 0 23,107,851 10 7 OTHER RECEIPTS— continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 66,282 8 2 218 1 8 66,064 6 6 Reoistkation and otheb Fees— continued. Inspection of Machinery Act, 1928 .. .. .. 19,38115 9 91 12 1 19,290 3 8 Land Agents Act, 1921-22 .. .. .. 6,683 10 0 669 14 0 6,013 16 0 Licensing Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 .. 50 0 0 Life Insurance Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 050 .. 050 Margarine Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 400 100 300 Masseurs Registration Act, 1920 .. 157 12 0 1 10 0 156 2 0 Medical Practitioners Act, 1914 .. .. .. 399 19 4 11 15 6 388 3 10 Mining Act, 1926 2,188 9 0 4 10 2,184 8 0 Money-lenders Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 1,933 15 0 68 15 0 1,865 0 0 Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1926, Section 14 (Taupo Waters) — Fees, Licenses, and Camp-sites .. .. .. 2,392 3 2 2 15 6 2,389 7 8 Fines and Penalties .. .. .. .. 14 5 0 .. 14 5 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 .. .. .. 2,181 19 6 10 1 6 2,171 18 0 Nurses and Midwives Registration Act, 1925.. .. 6,245 16 3 10 7 6 | 6,235 8 9 Opticians Act, 1928 .. .. .. .. 248 7 0 .. 248 7 0 Orchard and Garden Diseases Act, 1928 .. .. 1,513 15 5 8 13 11 1,505 1 6 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1921-22 .. 12,558 5 5 42 13 10 12,515 11 7 Plumbers Registration Act, 1912 .. .. .. 558 8 6 6 12 0 551 16 6 Sales Tax Act, 1932-33 .. .. .. .. 593 0 0 5 0 0 588 0 0 Servants'Registry Offices Act, 1908 .. .. 30 6 0 .. 30 6 0 Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1908 .. .. 45,435 16 0 3 7 6 45,432 8 6 Stock Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 779 8 0 1 15 0 777 13 0 Stone-quarries Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. 101 0 0 .. 101 0 0 Timber Export Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 503 ... 503 Timber-floating Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 8 10 0 .. 8 10 0 Tobacco Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 705 19 0 9 0 0 696 19 0 Tramways Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 400 .. 400 Transport Licensing Act, 1931 .. .. .. 20,110 18 5 196 19 7 19,913 18 10 Valuation of Land Act, 1925 .. .. .. 30,325 7 8 70 18 3 30,254 9 5 Veterinary Surgeons Act, 1926 .. .. .. 270 .. 270 Weights and Measures Act, 1925 .. .. .. 9,103 88 280 9,101 08 229,999 15 6 1,437 1 10 228,562 13 8 National Endowment Revenue, — Amounts transferred from State Forests Account in terms of Section 39 (2) of the Forests Act, 1921-22 3,435 10 4 . . 3,435 10 4 Rents, Royalties, &c. .. .. .. .. 140,431 8 1 1,347 16 7 1 Refunds arising out of operation of Section 6, De- V139,045 7 11 teriorated Lands Act, 1925 .. .. .. .. 38 3 7 J Interest on Sales .. .. .. .. 2,626 6 10 2 0 0 2,624 6 10 Interest under Section ] 3, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,656 0 8 .. 2,656 0 8 149,149 5 11 1,388 0 2 147,761 5 9 Teebitobial Revenue, —■ Rents, Royalties, and Miscellaneous Receipts from lands— Agriculture Department .. .. .. 14 18 0 .. 14 18 0 I Customs Department .. .. .. .. 100 .. 100 Defence Department .. .. .. .. 2,030 12 11 .. 2,030 12 11 Education Department .. .. .. .. 104 1 9 .. 104 1 9 Health Department .. .. .. .. 450 .. 450 Internal Affairs Department .. .. .. 38 2 8 . . 38 2 8 Justice and Prisons Department .. .. .. 422 16 0 . . 422 16 0 Lands and Survey Department— Crown lands 272,796 10 2 3,272 15 Q ~) Refunds arising out of the operation of Section 6 >269,456 17 1 of the Deteriorated Lands Act, 1925 .. .. .. 66 17 4 J Hauraki Plains lands 8,384 19 8 85 15 6 8,299 4 2 Swamp Drainage lands .. .. .. 315 9 2 .. 315 9 2 Small Farms Scheme .. .. .. .. 2,824 0 10 279 19 9 2,544 1 1 Marine Department 127 16 2 .. 127 16 2 Mental Hospitals .. .. .. .. 3 00 .. 300 Mines Department .. .. .. .. 7,542 5 5 10 2 8 7,532 2 9 Native Department .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 . . 5 0 0 Police Department 83 19 9 . . 83 19 9 Public Works Department .. .. .. 431 18 2 . . 431 18 2 295,130 15 8 3,715 11 0 291,415 4 8 Carried forward .. .. .. 674,279 17 1 6,540 13 0 667,739 4 1 Carried forward .. .. .. 23,618,507 6 7 510,655 16 0 23,107,851 10 7

B.—l FPt. 111.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934-193 5.



Beceipts. Refunds. Net Revenue. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 23,618,507 6 7 510,655 16 0 23,107,85110 7 OTHER RECEIPTS— continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 674,279 17 1 6,540 13 0 667,739 4 1 EXTERNAL AlTAtRS, — New Zealand Reparation Estates .. .. .. 41,843 4 4 21 10 6 41,821 13 10 Export of bananas from Samoa .. .. .. 55,288 11 4 0 2 6: 55,288 8 10 97,131 15 8 21 13 0 97,110 2 8 Justice, — Court fees, fines, and bankruptcy commission .. 151,612 3 1 7,415 4 8 I 144,196 18 5 Marine, — Pilotage Rates and Harbour Fees .. .. .. 1,521 18 11 .. 1,521 18 11 Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908 .. .. .. 98,300 7 5 72 18 7 98,227 8 10 Rents of Foreshores, Royalties, &c... .. .. 2,040 17 9 5 0 0 2,035 17 9 Sale of Oysters under Fisheries Act, 1908 .. .. 5,930 3 5 4 16 0 5,925 7 5 Rents from Toheroa Areas.. .. .. .. 316 0 0 .. 316 0 0 Westport Harbour .. .. .. .. 30,547 19 0 6 7 5 30,541 11 7 Whaling Industry License Fees .. .. .. 600 0 0 .. 600 0 0 139,257 6 6 89 2 0 139,168 4 6 Native, — Fees collected in stamps under the provisions of the Native Land Act, 1931 .. .. .. .. 5,204 9 6 .. 5,204 9 6 Post and Telegraph Department's Profits, — Profits other than Post Office Savings-bank profits received from the Post Office Account in terms of section 95 (I) (d) of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928— £ s. d'. Profit, year 1933-34 .. .. 164,447 6 0 Less paid over 1933-34 .. .. 132,770 9 10 31,676 16 2 J Less owing, 31st March, 1935 .. 18,676 16 2 Year 1934-35 (on account) .. 13,000 0 0 .. 13,000 0 0 Pbintinq and Stationery,— General receipts .. .. ... .. .. 179,109 5 3 3,453 5 5 175,655 19 10 Stamp Duties, — Land Registry and Deeds Register Office fees .. 45,047 17 1 .. 45,047 17 1 Tourist and Health Resorts, — Receipts in respect of Reserves under the Tourist and Health Resorts Control Act, 1908 .. .. 77,462 4 2 154 11 10 77,307 12 4 Miscellaneous (details on separate statement) .. 1,630,217 17 0 1,440 10 9 1,628,777 6 3 Recoveries on account ob 1 Expenditure of Previous Years (details on separate statement) .. .. 24,573 11 11 21 12 1 24,551 19 10 I Recoveries on account of Unauthorized Expenditure of Previous Years .. .. .. .. 482 13 7 .. 482 13 7 Total, Other Receipts .. .. [3,037,379 0 10 19,136 12 9 3,018,242 8 ] Total Revenue .. .. .. 26,655,886 7 5 529,792 8 9 ! 26,126,093 18 8

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 934- 1 935



2—B. 1 [PT. ll].


i Repayment op the Public Debt Act, 1925, Section 12 (a) : — Interest earned by the capital moneys of the Public Debt Redemption Fund held by— £ s. d. Public Trustee 288,978 16 4 State Advances Office .. .. •■ ■• •• •■ •• . ■■ 143,086 13 7 Interest at 4 per cent, on amount transferred from Consolidated Fund to Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account — £ s - d. Balance due to 1st March, 1932, on £10,850,000 .. .. • • 84,000 0 0 From 1st March, 1932, to 18th March, 1932, on £10,850,000 .. .. 20,213 14 0 On account of £400,273 19s. 5d. due for the period 18th March, 1932, to ]stMareh ' 1933 - •■ - • 95 ' 786 6 °- 200,000 0 0 632,065 9 11

Interest oh Othek Public Moneys : — On credit balances of — £ s - "• * ( r s ' ' . Foreign Imprest Account, London .. • • • • 16- 1- > New Zealand Public Account, London .. . • • ■ ° Public Debt Charges Account, London .. .. •• « * 5 Public Account, Wellington .. .. • • • ■ °20 * Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. .. • • „ On investments made in respect of the— Deposits Account .. • • • • • • • • " Loans Redemption Account .. •• •• •• t'oia t a Loans Redemption Account (Main Highways moneys) .. o d » New Zealand Government Indemnity Exchange Account .. 5,7bd 13 10 Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. -• 41,961 Bank of New Zealand Shares Account: Dividends transferred to Ordinary Revenue Account in terms of section 8 (3), Finance Act, 1926— _ Dividend on 500,000 £1 preference A shares .. 50,000 O 0 Final dividend on 1,375,000 £1 preference B shares for year ended 31st March, 1934 .. .. •• 68,750 0 Interim dividend on 1,375,000 £1 preference B shares for year ended 31st March, 1935 .. •• 31,250 0 0 Half - yearly dividend on 234,375 £1 C long - term mortgage shares to 31st March, 1934 .. .. 7,031 5 0 Half-yearly dividend on 234,375 £1 C long-term mortgage shares to 30th September, 1934 .. 7,031 5 0 0g2 1Q Q Public Works Fund, General Purposes Account .. •• 1 q'qan I Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. •• ir'aoo n Q Reserve Fund Account .. • - Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account, being amounts allocated in respect of the balances Deposits Account .. •• •• Loans Redemption Account .. •• 7 i Local Bodies' Account .. ■. • • • • ® , Ordinary Revenue Account .. •• •• o'fV? iq in Public Works Fund, General Purposes Account .. 9,117 19 1U Reserve Fund Account .. • ■ • ■ °5 15 8 Silver and Bronze Coin Account .. • • Suspense Account .. ■ • • • • §34. 13 1; ' 372,644 14 7 On £1,226,000 appropriated out of Public Works Fund and paid to Main Highways Account Construction Fund, in terms of paragraph (6), section 16, Main Highways Act, 1922— 61,300 0 0 Finance Act, 1930, section 36 On £462,701, net profits of the Cheviot Estate Account, lg 0 10 in terms of section 19 (4) of the Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2 On amount due from the Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account, in terms of section 12 (2), Native Land Amendment Act, 1932, on account of Native Land 28,750 0 0 Development (on account) • • • • • • * * ' ' A t A •• 482,256 11 7 Carried forward 1

B.—l [Pt. ll].


DETAIL STATEMENT of INTEREST on OTHER PUBLIC MONEYS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1935-continued.


t> , , f , £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d Brought forward .. 482,256 11 7Interest on Othek Public Moneys—continued. On advances from the Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account, to the Native Trustee— ° n£91 ' 60 ° •• •• 2,266 10 2 On capital moneys received from sale of Crown lands and paid into the Land for Settlements Account (section 13, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1926) — Interest for year 1933-34 (balance) .. .. .. 482 10 2 Interest for year 1934-35 (on account) .. .. \ [ 40' 000 0 0 On value of Crown lands declared to be subject to the ~ 54,482 10 2 Land for Settlements Act, 1925, and former Land for Settlements Acts— Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929 (section 47) — Year 1934-35 .. On loans to earthquake sufferers in terms of section 49, " " »,477 12 0 Hawke's Bay Earthquake Act, 1931 .. .. .. On loans to local bodies under Local Bodies' Loans Act, " " 18 5 1908 On loans to Samoan Treasury in terms of section 33, " " 67,480 18 3 Samoa Act, 1921 On loan of £79,800 to Taieri River Trust in terms of section 3, " " 4,462 10 0 Taieri River Improvement Amendment Act, 1932-33 .. .. On miscellaneous advances— " " - ' 9 For erection of hostels— Auckland Grammar School .. .. .. 80 0 0 New Plymouth High School .. .. .. 303 4 Timaru High School .. .. .. ., 213 jg q Wairarapa High School .. .. .. 67 10 0 Whangarei High School .. .. ,. 13 2 6 678 2 10 For Native Land Settlement Account—Survey liens . . .. 557 @ 0 From Vote "Agriculture," to various agricultural associations . . .. .. .. # ~ To discharged soldiers under Repatriation Act, 1918 .. ]. 756 2 11 To Eastbourne Borough Council for drainage works' .. .. 197 k i To Gore Borough Council (protective works) .. [ 13 8 1 To Land Settlement Associations, in terms of section 13 (5), Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909— Auchmore 235 12 10 Blairgowrie 507 18 2 5*™» . 216 10 8 Onastleton .. .. 9 7 q 7 A Clifton Grove .. .. .. !! " 422 8 2 encal ™ 1,313 4 3 £ enganff 66 10 7 £ le , mffer 158 11 9 Kelman .. .. Q£> 1A A T i * * * • • • OZ 14: 4 Lansdowne .. .. _ gg q Matamau .. .. > f i a q Melville Downs .. .. 1i9 9 Moana Vale .. .. " " 1« 0 Moorfield .. .. .. " " im I 1 Nikau Grange 327 12 0 ° tam " 318 13 8 Owfrsby 302 15 7 Quiltowen 263 0 9 Wal P a .. .. .. 101 5 11 Waitohi Downs .. ooq 19 , waiton ;; ;; A 12 I Wentnor .. .. .. «qo * 7 woodside .. .. ;; ;; ;; 1011511 To Maori Land Boards, under section 274, Native Land ~ 6,567 1 6 Act, 1909 .. .. .. , i To Mount Cook Tourist Co.—Lease of Hermitage, Mount Cook .. .. .. ,. _ To Otanomomo River Board, on account of stop-bank " o To Rotorua Golf Club .. .. .. _ _ '" J: £ To Taupiri Drainage Board (protective works) .. _ 15 9 1 To Thames Borough Council, on account of pumpineplant '• •' •• •• .. 57 18 n To Southland Electric-power Board, in terms of section 34, Finance Act, 1928 .. .. „ A Under the Native Land Act, 1931— " " Section 521 (2)...... a too q q Section 522 (7) " ;; 10116 9 Under the Small-farm Plan .. .. it 1? Under the Village-homestead Settlement Scheme " " ifis is in Under section 383 (5), Mining Act, 1926, credited under " Finance Act, 1932, section 12 (2) .. .. _. 227 0 0 — 21,995 12 4 Carried forward .. . „„„ 658,517 2 8

8.-i [PT. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 193 4-193 5.

DETAIL STATEMENT of INTEREST on OTHER PUBLIC MONEYS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1935 —continued.



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. •• •• 658,517 2 8 ] Interest on Othbk Public Moneys— continued. Miscellaneous interest on — Balance of Post-office Savings-bank Account used by Child Welfare Branch, Education Department .. .. 114 Compensation for improvements, credited under Finance Act, 1932, section 50 .. • • • • 25 10 0 Debentures under the Hutt Road Act, 1915 .. .. .. 2,400 0 0 Debentures, shares, and mortgages held as security for payment of tax .. .. • • • ■ • ■ Deposits by High Commissioner .. .. .. •• 0 10 11 Exchange on Land Settlement Association Debentures paid in London .. . ■ • • • • • ■ 116 16 3 Mortgage due to Reparation Estates •■ •• •• 376 4 11 : N.Z.E.F. allotments paid to Post-office Savings-bank Accounts in error .. .. • • • • • ■ 15 1 Outstanding debts due to — Department of Agriculture .. • • • • 4 5 4 Education Department .. .. •■ •• 20 170 , Overdue instalments on £3,989,100 3|-per-cent. 1955-60 London Loan .. .. ■ • • • ■ ■ ■ • 1-17 Purchase-moneys in connection with sales of land and buildings : — Department of Agriculture .. • • • ■ 6 9 10 Education Department .... • • , • • 50 2 9 Department of Lands and Survey .. ■. 139 17 2 Public Works Department .. •■ •• 204 8 8 400 18 5 Purchase-moneys in connection with sales of plant .. .. 134 13 4 Purchase price Waimea-Kumara water-race .. .. • ■ 174 1 6 Crown's proportion of Greymouth Harbour Board special coal rate : Credited as interest on sums of £114,439 Is. and £27,000 in terms of section 12 of the Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884 .. .. •• ________ £664,129 10 10

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Legislative Department— Royalty on publications sold .. . • • • • 0 3 0 Treasury Department : — Conscience-money .. .. • • • ■ • • nor Exchange, commission, discount, &c. .. ■ • ■ • 0 8 0 Unclaimed moneys, — Under Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 30— Courts of Law Trust .. .. ■ ■ • • 105 13 9 Gaolers' deposits .. ■ • • • • • 0 10 Goldfields deposits .. .. •• •• 14 10 6 Land Revenue deposits .. .. • • • • 154 13 7 Labour deposits .. • • • • • ■ i ? n Marine deposits .. • • • • • • ok k a Patents deposits .. ■• •• •■ 20 5 0 Probation Officer's deposits .. .. ■ • 1 10 0 State Forest deposits .. .. • ■ ■ • 5 0 0 Under Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 95— Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908 .. .. • • 21 12 6 General estates .. •• ■•• •• 4 >257 5 7 Bankruptcy Act, 1908 .. .. ■ ■ •'■ I 880 19 7 Rating Act, 1925 | "» " 9 Unclaimed land balances .. ■ • • • j boi d » Transfers from Deposits AccountMiscellaneous deposits .. • • • • • • 1° z ° Unclaimed earnings .. •• ■■ ■• Too 18 ū Unpresented cheques .. ■ • ■ • ■ • j i8 9 I Carried forward .. •• , •• 7,013 19 0 0 3 0

B.—l [P T . ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934-193 5.



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 7,013 19 0 0 3 0 Treasury Department—continued. Unclaimed moneys—continued. Dividends unclaimed for over 10 years— £ s. d. 4-per-cent. 1929 stock .. .. 204 7 4 4-per-cent. 1933-43 stock .. .. 9 6 0 3J-per-cent. 1940 stock .. .. 16 13 6 4-per-cent. 1943-63 stock .. 42 5 8 4J-per-cent. 1944 stock .. .. 0 10 11 3-per-cent. 1945 stock .. .. 2 5 0 3-per-cent. 1955-60 stock .. .. 2 13 10 278 2 3 Bank of England fractions of interest .. .. 167 16 10 Excess cash at Government offices .. .. .. 0 19 0 Money found by or handed to police officers, not claimed 16 4 10 Money found in Government institutions .. .. 6 8 9 Amount received in connection with prosecution under the Gold Coin Regulations, 1933 .. .. .. 4 0 0 Duty on scrap gold and jewellers'sweepings .. .. 3,081 6 9 Forfeited deposits— Immigration Restriction Act, 1908 .. .. .. 10 0 0 Land revenue deposits .. .. .. .. 9 16 1 Half Public Trust Office profits credited in terms of section 24 (1) of the Finance Act, 1929— £ s. d. For year 1932-33 .. .. .. 1,523 8 4 For year 1933-34 .. .. .. 658 18 6 2,182 6 10 Miners rights and prospecting licenses— £ s. d. Fiord County .. .. .. .. 12 15 0 Taupo County .. .. .. 15 0 14 0 0 New Zealand Government's share of profits from Bank of International Settlements .. .. .. .. 236 18 5 Post Office Savings-bank profits received from the Post Office Account in terms of section 95 (1) (c), Post and Telegraph Act, 1928— £ s. d. For year 1933-34 (balance) .. 120,723 1 10 For year 1934-35 (on account) .. 25,026 18 2 i 145,750 0 0 Profits on sale of gold coin .. v . .. 1,364,118 3 9 Profit on redemption of stock held by Public Works Fund •—General Purposes Account—-Investment Account .. 201 12 0 Savings in salaries paid to the Consolidated Fund in terms of section 5, Finance Act, 1931 (No. 2)— £ s. «d. Government Accident Insurance Account 293 13 4 Government Insurance Account .. 916 6 0 Native Trustee's Account .. .. 283 8 6 Public Trustee's Account .. .. 23,120 16 0 State Fire Insurance Account .. 870 19 5 25,485 3 3 Silver coin confiscated under section 12 (3), Finance Act, 1931 (No. 2) .. .. .. .. .. 536 18 3 Surplus funds—Moana Vale Land Settlement Association 115 6 8 1,549,229 2 8 Customs Department :— Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 78 0 0 Sale of goods seized by Customs and fees for redemption 8 0 9 86 0 9 Land and Income Tax Department : — Unclaimed moneys— Under Unclaimed Moneys Act, 1908, section 6, and Finance Act, 1932, section 30 .. .. .. .. 4,817 11 1 Department of Internal Affairs : — Fees and fines, Rotorua Acclimatization District .. 16 0 0 Fees for— Camp licenses and sites .. ., .. .. 148 18 0 Documentary evidence—Export of hides .. .. 7 7 0 Pump inspection .. .. .. .. 100 Slipway .. .. .. .. .. 13 12 0 Storage of powder .. .. .. .. 1,566 17 7 Passport fees .. .. .. .. .. 3,616 19 5 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 2 426 14 7 Sale of — Confiscated gear .. .. .. .. .. 3 12 0 Fishing and game licenses, Rotorua Acclimatization District .. .. .. .. .. 2,200 15 9 Godwit licenses .. .. .. .. .. 180 Publications .. .. .. . . .. 50 4 9 Waste paper . .. .. .. .. 18 4 10 — 10,071 13 11 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 1,564,204 11 5

B.—l IPT. II .

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934-1 93 5



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward- .. : .. .. .. 1,564,204 11 5 Marine Department : — , , ■ ; Rents of buildings .. .. .. • • • • '•'■ 41 1 0 Department of Labour : — Rents of buildings .. .. .. • • ■ • 59 3 3 Sale of scales (confiscated) .. '.. .. .. 1 11 0 . 60 14 3 Native Department : — Repayments on account of loan made from Civil List, PartV •• 20 5 0 Department of Justice and Prisons : — Estreated recognizances .. .. • • • • 3 0 0 King's counsel fees .. • • • • • • 10 10 0 Rents of buildings .. .. .... .. 220 15 3 2o4 5 6 Police Department : — Rents of buildings .. .. •• ■• •• 444 15 0 Sale of— Firearms (confiscated) .. .." ■ • • ■ • 158 8 2 Liquor (confiscated) .. .. .. •• 159 0 8 ——— 7ua o i-\) Naval Defence Department : — Forfeited deferred pay .. • • • ■ • • 601 18 9 Purchase of discharge by New Zealand ratings .. 61 0 0 Rents of buildings .. .. •• •• •• 888 9 6 ,"„.-«- ' 1,04b o o Defence Department :— Fines .. • ■ • • • • •• • ■ 6 15 10 Hire of equipment, &c. .. • • ■ • ■ • 101 7 10 Rents of buildings 5,152 I5 10 , g 260 19 6 Public Works Department : — Amounts credited in terms of section 16 (2) of the Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2)— Receipts under section 17 (4) (c), Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910— ..-_-- Rents, royalties, &c. .. .. • . • • 360 9 7 Contributions under sections 17 and 18, Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 — Gold-mining companies .. .. •• 1,11240 Consolidated Fund— On account of year — £ s. d. 1930-31 1,180 8 10 1931-32 1,222 12 6 1932-33 1,112 4 0 1933-34 936 4 6 4,451 9 10 Gold duty— £ s - d - Ohinemuri County .. .. 968 16 6 Piako County .. • • 0 6 1 Waihi Borough .. .. 4,856 13 2 _ OOK1K „ Payment for privilege of draining into pipe-line, Bllerslie Police-station site .. • • • • • • 1 10 0 Receipts from irrigation and water-supply schemes .. 19,686 17 5 Rents of buildings 4,174 5 4 Water-power license revenue .. • • ■ • 1,303 u iu 3g gl5 u g Department of Lands and Survey:— Hauraki Plains Act, 1926— Rates • • ■ • •• • • 1,196 11 6 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. •• ■• D ~* ° 11 Kauri-gum Industry Account — Miscellaneous receipts .. • • • ■ • • 931 0 6 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act, 1910— Rates .. ■ ■ ■ ■ •• ■• •• 4,773 lb 8 Miscellaneous receipts .. •• ■• •• ™ w n Scenery Preservation receipts .. •• •• <-,f>* *» " Swamp Land Drainage Act, 1915—Miscellaneous receipts 311 7 4 Swamp Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1928, section 2— General rate for administration and maintenance .. I,4o4 1« 9 Special rate for interest and repayment of loans .. 2,466 18 8 ,.„,,.„ . r __ 14,771 18 4 Department of Agriculture : — fi Rents of buildings •■ 1>4y/ 6 8 Carried forward •• 1,624,815 3 3

B.—l [Pt. ll].




r~ „ .. * .. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 1,624,815 3 3 Depaetment of Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity :■ — Overcharges on bookings, &c, unclaimed .. .. 144 12 9 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. ., 463 \Q Q 608 2 9 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research : — i Pees for analyses .. .. .. .. .... ... , : . 3jg 17 g Mines Department:— . - Commission on coal and goldfields revenue collected .. 505 19 4 Deposit on mineral prospecting warrant transferred for non-compliance with regulations under Mining Act, 1926 J 50 0 0 Hire of drills, &c. .. .. ., .. 450 8 0 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 29 10 0 Rent of plant .. .. .. .. .. 31 4 8 Sales under section 226, Mining Act, 1926 .. 153 10 0 — ; 1,220 12 0 Department op Health : — Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 437 n g Mental Hospitals Department :— Rents of buildings .. .. ., .. .. .. 954 Education Department : — Fees for teachers'certificates, licenses, &c. .. .. 51 8 6 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 888 4 6 Unclaimed earnings .. .. .. 427 0 7 1,366 13 7 £1,628,777 6 3

B.—l [Pt. ll].




£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Legislative Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. . • •• 3190 Treasury Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. . ■ 2 12 3 Customs Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. •. 0 15 0 Stamp Duties Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 59 1 6 Audit Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 2 19 6 Public Service Commissioner's Office :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 4 0 0 Department of Internal Affairs : — Balance of superannuation moneys applied in part restitution of defalcations in High Commissioners Office . • 532 14 8 Credit balance paid over by Imperial War Graves Commission .. .. .. .. . ■ •• 20,000 0 0 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 29 2 0 20,561 16 8 Department of External Affairs : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. . • .. 358 4 9 Marine Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. ■ • .. 49 3 1 Department of Labour : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. . • .. 24 9 10 Native Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. . ■ .. 48 14 0 Valuation Department Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. . • .. 4 10 3 Electoral Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. • • • ■ 0 10 0 Department of Justice and Prisons : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 5176 Crown Law Office :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. . • .. 0 12 6 Police Department :— Sale of — Publications .. .. .. •• 057 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. • • 237 7 3 Troop horses .. .. .. . • ■ • 19 0 0 256 12 10 Naval Defence Department Refund balance of advances to Admiralty, 31st March, 1934 .. .. .. .. .• •■ • • 45 18 5 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 21,457 7 1

B.—l [PT. I]].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 934-1 935.



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 21,457 7 1 Defence Department : — Sale of—■ Publications .. .. .. .. .. 123 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 27 0 0 28 2 3 Department oe Lands and Survey : — Adjustment of amount charged in error in 1933-34 . . 165 15 0 Repayment of advances in respect of village-homestead settlement lands .. .. .. .. .. 500 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 418 13 2 589 8 2 Department oe Agriculture :— Refund of loss on fertilizers for farmers .. .. 35 0 0 Repayment of loans to agricultural associations, &c. .. 277 6 6 Sale of— Land and buildings .. .. .. ■ .. 19 8 2 Live-stock . . .. .. .. .. 7 10 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. ., .. 359 2 7 698 7 3 Department oe Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity : — Instalments on account of advance to Rotorua Golf Club 112 11 8 Sale of— live-stock .. .. .. .. .. 78 19 9 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 136 8 11 328 0 4 Department oj Scientific and Industrial Research :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 3176 Mines Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 31 15 0 Transport Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 188 10 0 Department oe Health : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 195 17 5 Mental Hospitals Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 15 15 0 Education Department :— Amount received on account of casement windows, Wellington College .. t. .. .. 751 16 0 Sale of— Live-stock .. .. .. .. 5 10 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 214 1 4 971 7 4 Pensions Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 14 0 0 National Provident and Friendly Societies Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 226 ■ 24,551 19 10 UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS. Treasury Department : — Recovery on account of preliminary expenses —-Reserve Bank .. .. .. .. .. ! •.-. .. 481 3 7 Department or Internal Affairs :— Recovery of part fees and expenses—Government Monetary Commission .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 0 > 482 13 7 £25,034 13 5

B.—l [Pt. lIJ.


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE, and of RECOVERIES in respect of such DISBURSEMENTS, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1935. Debt Services —Interest.

3—B. l [PT, ll],


+i , . -, Gross Interest charged '»- nt Sl interest Due and Interest unclaimed to orfl K Nature of Security. Maturity Date. |o PayaWe ., 31st Ma a r s 0^1935 .* eD / e S^ 0^8B. __ H £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures .. .. Iβ December, 1925 4J 72 18 11 72 18 11 Debentures .. ill August, 1926 .. 6 34 10 0 34 10 0 Debentures .. .. 1 August, 1927 ..-5J 1 6 3 Stock and Debentures . . 15 November, 1927 5 496 8 4 496 8 4 Stock . 1 February, 1928 5J 5 5 0 o 5 0 Stock " " .. 20 April, 1929 .. 5 60 0 0 60 0 0 Debentures .. .. 1 4 1930 .. B* 32 16 3 32 16 3 Dentures ! !! 1930 I l.lS! I.o8 *>.« Debentures .. .. 15 December, 1930 41 0 4 6 0 4 6 Stock and Debentures .. 15 December, 1930 5| 11 5 6 J » » Stock and Debentures .. 1 August, 1931 ..6 ,? ,? ~ ioiir "l^O Stock • • 15 February, 1932 5} 14 14 6 13 11 6 1 3 0 So kand Debentures .. 15 J wf 1933 5* 584 1 8 484 15 8 99 6 0 Stock and Debentures .. 15 August, 1933 .. 5| 162 15 3 123 9 3 39 6 0 Stock 31 March, 1934 .. 3-| 700 0 0 .. 700 0 0 Debentures .. .. 1 April, 1934 .. 5 262 11 2 „••.-, 262 U 2 Debentures .. .. 9 October, 1934 .. 6J 110 5 0 110 5 0 .. Debentures .. .. 15 March, 1935 ..5 925 0 0 .. 925 0 0 Stock and Debentures .. 1 July, 1935 .. 6i 88 4 2 .. 0 14 Debentures .. .. 15 December, 1935 41 0 2 8 0 1 4 0 14 Stock and Debentures .. 1 February, 1936 5| 227 10 1 Hill Stock and Debentures .. 15 February, 1937 5| 349 16 10 312 12 8 Stock and Debentures .. 15 February, 1937 51 624 7 8 179 5 2 445 2 b Stock and Debentures .. 1 September, 1937 5 1 5 3 1 2 d 7 qfi fi 8 Stock and Debentures .. 1 September, 1937 51 „ £* « ' * „ " " 5 $2 7 5 Stock and Debentures .. 15 November, 1938 41 3,202 14 10 2,479 7 5 723 7 5 Stock and Debentures .. 20 April, 1939 .. 4* 1,102 11 5 930 4 2 172 7 3 Stock and Debentures .. 15 January, 1940 4 2,635 19 5 189 17 11 -,44b 1 b Stock and Debentures .. 15 June, 1940 .. 5 60 0 0 12.2 2 « ' Debentures . . . . 15 December, 1940 41 7 6 8 3 7 6 3 19 2 Debentures .. 1 January 1941 4| 2 50 250 .. Debentures .. .. 1 July, 1941 .. 41 do 14 4 aoA'n a 4 4 11 S"'™ :: :: !S£S 8 !?"» Debentures .. .. 1 February, 1950 4 323 5 9 .. 323 0 9 IS.- n :: ;;fi= 7 :: f ,.! . SS J ..SSj Debentures .. .. 15 January, 1957 .. 3 14 lb 11 ~ Totals in respect of previous years .. .. " 3 6 8,040 11 7 68,762 1111 Stock and Debentures .. 9 October, 1934 .. 5| 39,567 10 5 63 0 0 39,504 10 5 Stock . •• 1 November, 1934 31 544 12 0 .. n ?te k n Deed of Security.. .. 1 November, 1934 6J 5 0 ' ' Debentures .. .. 15 March, 1935 ..5 1,850 0 0 .. U860 0 0 Stock and Debentures .. 1 July, 1935 .. 5| 18 0 .. 9,319 18 0 Stock and Debentures .. 1 February, 1936 5* 8,328 2 0 2 15 0 8 ' 32 ° ]( ; 2 Stock • • 1 May, 1936 .. 4| 7 10 5 • • < j« » Kokand Debentures .. 15 February, 1937 5| 24,035 19 6 4,03o 19 6 E" ?S-.? I]- SS2 Si Stock " " 15 Novemter, 1938 3 84 6 0 .. 84 e 0 Stock . 15 November, 1938 41 770 11 2 .. '7011 2 Stock " " 20 April, 1939 ..41 117 0 0 .. 1" 0 0 Stock " .. 1 Janulry, 1940 34 601,178 12 4 .. 601,178 12 4 Stock " •• I 15 January 1940 3| 333 15 0 ., «33 15 0 K and Debentures ..; 15 January, 1940 4 498,140 4 0 1,769 6 0 *- Stock i 15 September, 1940 » 10,172 18 11 10,1/. 1» 11 Stock ■ ■ I 1 June, 1941 .. 41 2 5 4 .. i 0 * Crtrf I o™d :. J .. ■ 1.U..MJ11» S 10,175 17« 1,418,070 1» . u th. 1.» jo» ™t »,*. um J.. ••« w»■•« !•»•• ™w»«i,» »• "«* •»• " dlt "••• '•' •«'«•»«! these figures.

B.—l IPt. 111.


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE—continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued

Domicile of Gross Interest paid, 1934-35. £ s. d. London .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,921,037 0 7 Australia .. .. .. .. .. 151,538 12 0 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. 4,761,161 8 2 £10,833,737 0 9


I — a> *§ I nTiciaiTTic/i Gross Interest charged Nature of Security. Maturity Date US Interest Due and interest unclaimed to Ordinary Revenue g M Payable.* 81st Merrti 1W> * Account for Year I ilst Marci1 ' 19d5 - ended 31st March, 1935 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 1,423,245 19 3 10,175 17 6 1,413,070 1 9 Stock .. .. .. 1 March, 1942 .. 4 1,480 0 0 .. 1,480 0 0 Stock .. .. .. 1 January, 1943 4 126.425 1 6 126,425 1 6 Stock .. .. 15 March, 1943 .. 31 481,245 2 6 4,179 17 6 477„065 5 0 Stock .. .. .. 1 March, 1944 .. 4J 330,284 10 6 .. 330,284 10 6 Debentures .. .. 15 February, 1945 5 9,975 0 0 .. 9,975 0 0 Stock .. .. .. 1 March, 1945 .. 4-| 341,140 Iβ 8 .. 34.1' 140 16 8 Stock .. .. .. 1 April, 1945 .. 3 289,799 8 0 43,336 8 8 246,462 19 4 Stock .. .. .. 1 July, 1945 .. 5 506,790 0 0 .. 506,790 0 0 Stock .. .. .. 1 January, 1946 5 644,305 10 2 .. 644,305 10 2 Stock and Debentures .. 15 February, 1946 4 412,388 9 6 2,396 6 0 409,992 3 6 Stock .. .. .. 1 November, 1947 4J 504,972 7 10 .. 504,972 7 10 Debentures .. .. 1 January, 1949 4 420 0 0 '420 0 0 Stock and Debentures .. 15 April, 1949 .. 4 379,676 5 5 558 4 0 379,118 1 5 Stock .. .. .. 15 December, 1949 5 375,000 0 0 .. 375,000 0 0 Stock .. .. ..15 December, 1950 31 3,284 4 11 .. 3,284 4 11 Stock and Debentures .. 1 February, 1951 5J 135,575 0 0 135,575 0 0 Stock .. .. .. 1 August, 1951 .. 6" 352,199 6 2 .. 352'199 6 2 Stock .. .. .. 15 May, 1952 .. 3| 480,790 17 9 416 11 9 480,374 6 0 Stock .. .. .. 1 February, 1954 3J 175,000 0 0 .. 175,000 0 0 Stock and Debentures .. 15 June, 1955 .. 4 440,667 17 9 979 18 0 439,687 19 9 Stock and Debentures .. 1 January, 1956 3 7,515 5 1 7,515 5 1 Debentures .. .. 1 January, 1956 3| 129 14 2 129 14 2 Stock .. .. .. 1 January, 1956 4 4,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 Stock .. .. .. 15 January, 1957 21 16,305 4 1 .. 16,305 4 1 Stock and Debentures .. 15 January, 1957 3 23,857 10 10 .. 23,857 10 10 Stock .. .. .. 15 January, 1957 3| 86,067 7 7 7 7 Stock .. .. .. 1 February, 1957 3 7,373 3 9 7.373 3 9 Stock .. .. .. 15 May, 1957 .. 21 10,384 17 3 .. 10,384 17 3 Stock .. .. .. 15 May, 1957 .. 3 30,222 17 3 .. 30,222 17 3 Stock .. .. .. 15 May, 1957 .. 3-J 83,800 4 11 .. 83,800 4 11 Stock .. .. .. 15 August, 1957 .. 2* 19,168 6 5 .. 19.168 6 5 Stock .. .. ..15 August, .1957 .. 3 68,186 13 9 .. 13 9 Stock .. .. .. 15 August, 1957 .. 3J 38,344 8 1 .. 38,344 8 1 Stock .. .. .. 15 August, 1957 .. 4 74,113 19 8 .. 74,113 19 8 Stock .. .. .. 15 February, 1958 24 19,168 6 5 .. 19,168 6 5 Stock .. .. .. 15 February, 1958 3 19,333 6 3 .. 19,333 6 3 Stock .. .. .. 15 February, 1958 3J 84,115 10 .. 84,115 1 0 Stock .. .. .. 15 February, 1958 3| 1,025 6 2' .. 1,025 6 2 Stock .. .. .. 1 March, 1958 .. 4J 865,145 .18 6 865,145 18 6 Stock .. .. .. 15 June, 1958 .. 21 13,296 10 1 .. 13,296 10 .1 Stock ... .. .. 15 June, 1958 .. 3 26,612 8 6 26,612 8 6 Stock .. .. .. 15 June, 1958 .. 3£ 84,000 0 0 .. 84,000 0 0 Stock .. .. ..15 September, .1958 2i 22,177 0 5 .. 22,177 0 5 Stock .. .. ..15 September, 1958 3 16,072 5 6 16,072 5 6 Stock .. .. .. 15 September, 1958 U 84,000 0 0 84,000 0 0 Stock .. .. .. 15 December, 1958 2j 13,296 10 1 .. 13,296 10 1 Stock .. .. ..15 December, 1958 3 59,492 8 6 59,492 8 6 Stock .. .. ..15 December, 1958 3| 52,586 6 0 52,586 6 0 Stock .. .. ..15 March, 1959 .. 3 41,691 10 3 41,691 10 3 Stock .. .. .. 15 March, 1959 .. 31 84,000 0 0 .. 84,000 0 0 Stock .. .. ..15 March, 1959 .. 4 2,891 14 5 .. 2,891 14 5 Stock .. .. ..15 July, 1959 .. 3 93,427 13 8 .. 93,427 13 8 Stock .. .. .. 15 July, 1959 .. 3| 45,784 0 6 .. 45,784 0 6 Stock .. .. .. 15 July, 1959 .. 3| 13,146 11 6 .. 13,146 11 6 Stock .. .. ..15 November, 1959 3 67,530 13 8 67.530 13 8 Stock .. .. .. 15 November, 1959 3} 59,403 13 1 13 1 Stock .. .. .. I February, 1963 4 435,385 2 2 .. 435,385 2 2 Stock .. .. .. 1 November, 1971 5 250,000 0 0 .. 250,000 0 0 Floating Debt—i.e., Treasury .. .. 397,404 2 5 397 404 9 5 Bills Deed of Hypothecation .. .. .. 160,658 4 4 .. 160,658 4 4 10,895,780 4 2 62,043 3 5 10,833,737 0 9 Less amounts recovered from other accounts .... .. 2,809,924 10 3 Net amount of interest charged to Ordinary Revenue Account for year ended 31st March, 1935 £8,023,8.12 10 6 I * As the law does not require interest due and payable, and interest unclaimed, to be audited, the Audit Office has not checked these figures.

B.—l [FT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934- 1 9 3 5

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE and of RECOVERIES in respect of such DISBURSEMENTS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1935. Debt Services.


I Gross Amount I Net Amount | charged to R»„nv»rin» charged to —— | Ordinary Revenue Ordinary Revenue Account. Acoount. £ s. cl. £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest (details as shown in foregoing statement) .. 10,833,737 0 9 2,809,924 10 3 8,023,812 10 6 AMORTIZATION OF DEBT. Sinking Fund. Finance Act, 1928, Section 13 :— Westport Harbour Act, 1920, — Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884— Sinking Fund in respect of loans raised by Westport Harbour Board — Annual payment in terms of section 13 (4) (a) .. 7,000 0 0 .. 7,000 0 0 Amount paid in terms of section 13 (4) (d), being 41 per cent, in respect of £85,750 paid by the Public Trustee to 31st March, 1934, for redemption of loans .. .. •• •• 3,858 15 0 .. 3,858 15 0 Total, Sinking Fund .. .. 10,858 15 0 .. 10,858 15 0 Repayment of Funded Debt. Repayment oe Funded Debt (in terms of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1922, under Memorandum of Agreement with the Imperial Government dated 6th September, 1922)* .. .. .. •• •• •• •• Total, Repayment of Funded Debt* Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925, Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 : — Section 11 (a), —- Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution for the Year 1934-35 of \ per cent, on the public debt within the meaning of the Act outstanding at 31st March, 1934 (£ per cent. on £226,543,393 Is. 3d.) .. .. .. 1,132,716 19 4 .. 1,132,716 19 4 Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution of J per cent, on £10,208,873, debt redeemed under the Act to 31st March, 1934 .. .. .. •• 51,044 7 4 .. 51,044 7 4 Section 11 (6), — Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution of 3J per cent, on £10,208,873, debt redeemed under the Act to 31st March,1934 .... .. •• •• 357,310 11 1 .. 357,310 11 1 Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution of per cent, on £1,623,160 12s., debt redeemed under the Act during the year 1934-35, computed from the dates of redemption to 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. 37,221 2 3 .. 37,221 2 3 Total, Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1,578,293 0 0 .. 1,578,293 0 0 SECURITIES REDEEMED. Repayment of Advances in Terms of Deed of Hypothecation dated 15th February, 1933. Finance Act, 1931 (No. 4) Section 7 (2): — Repayment of portion of amounts advanced .. .. 200,000 0 0 -00,000 0 0 Total, Repayment of Advances .. 200,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 Transfer to Loans Redemption Account. Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 135 (4) : — Amount transferred to the Loans Redemption Account for the redemption of Main Highways loans, representing proportion of the interest on the balance of the Loans Redemption Account earned by moneys held in that account for the redemption of Main n Highways loans 7,326 3 8 7,326 3 8 Total, Transfer to Loans Redemption Account .. .. 7,326 38 .. 7,32638 ~~ Carried forward ~ ~. . ■ 12,630,214 19 5 3,009,924 10 3 9,620,290 9 2 * Payments suspended following Hoover proposals regarding war debts.

B.—l [Pt ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 934-1935.

DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE—continued. Debt Services—continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount charged to Recoveries charged to Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 12,630,214 19 5 3,009,924 10 3 9,620,290 9 2 ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT. New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, Section 62 (3): — Stamp duty on transfers of New Zealand Consolidated Stock .. .. .. .. .. 8,881 2 6 Less Amounts recovered from — £ s. d. Electric Supply Account .. .. 309 15 8 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account 114 8 4 Land for Settlements Account .. 5 0 8 State Advances Account— Settlers Branch .. .. 513 14 2 Workers Branch .. .. 372 14 5 State Forests Account .. .. 91 10 7 — .. 1,407 3 10 7,473 18 8 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, Section 61 :— Charges and expenses of raising loans, — Fresh issues— In respect of— Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account .. 470 17 9 .. 470 17 9 Public Works Fund—Electric Supply Account .. 110 5 7 110 5 7 Main Highways Account .. .. .. 471 16 10 471 16 10 State Forests Account .. . . .. 48 13 0 48 13 0 1,101 13 2 630 15 5 470 17 9 Issues in renewal and conversion— Public Works Fund—General Purposes £ s. d. Account .. .. ..72,241 17 5 Education Loans Account .. .. 25 0 0 Land for Settlements Account .. 37 10 0 Swamp Land Drainage Account .. 12 10 0 War Expenses Account .. .. 7 5 0 72,324 2 5 .. 72,324 2 5 New Zealand Debt Conversion, 1933 .. .. 1,380 2 5 .. 1,380 2 5 New Zealand Debt Conversion Act, 1932-33, Section 19 (3) — Costs, charges, and expenses of conversion—• Premiums paid in cash .. .. .. 109 11 5 .. 109 11 5 74,915 9 5 630 15 5 74,284 14 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 : — — Section 24 (1), — Amount paid Bank of England for year ended 31st October, 1934, for management of New Zealand loans— £ s. d. Consolidated Stock .. .. 39,706 3 4 Bonds .. .. .. 208 4 4 ■ 39,914 7 8 Less amounts recovered, from — £ s. d. Electric Supply Account .. .. 1,387 1 3 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 39 5 1 Land for Settlements Account .. 360 6 5 Main Highways Account .. 82 9 3 State Coal-mines Account .. 7 14 10 State Forests Account .. .. 31 13 6 State Advances Department— Settlers Branch .. .. 1,264 19 11 Workers Branch .. .. 617 7 6 Local Authorities Branch .. 149 8 10 — .. 3,940 6 7 35,974 1 1 Total, Administration and Management 123,710 19 7 5,978 5 10 117,732 13 9 PAYMENTS ON GUARANTEED LOANS. Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909 Section 13 (1), — Interest and principal in arrear made good under Government guarantee — Blairgowrie Land Settlement Association .. .. 19,241 3 7 Bruce Land Settlement Association .. .. 5,825 16 4 Eiffelton Land Settlement Association .. .. 101 3 5 Kelman Land Settlement Association . . .. 7,085 3 4 Lansdowne Land Settlement Association .. .. 4 10 Carried forward .. .. .. 32,257 7 8 Carried forward .. .. .. 12,753,925 19 0 3,015,902 16 1 9,738,023 2 11

B. —1 [PT. ll].


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE continued. Debt Services —continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount charged to Eeraveries „ „. char «® d t0 Ordinary Bevenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. 12,753,925 19 0 3,015,902 16 1 9,738,023 2 11 PAYMENTS ON GUARANTEED LOANS —continued. Brought forward .. .. • • 32,257 7 8 . Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909—c-ontinued. Section 13 (1) —continued. Interest and principal in arrear made good under Government guarantee —continued. Otauiri Land Settlement Association .. .. 12>809 4 10 Trentham Land Settlement Association .. .. 8,318 7 11 Woodside Land Settlement Association .. .. 2 19 5 i 53,387 19 10 I Less Repayment by Associations under subsection (5)— _ _ Auchmore Land Settlement Association .. ■ • 101 in a Blairgowrie Land Settlement Association .. • • 10 o Bract Land Settlement Association .. .. •• i'nrn n i 'i Glenco\irn Land Settlement Association .. •• 3,050 0 II Glenga'rifl Land Settlement Association .. •• * ■ ° Lansdcwne Land Settlement Association .. i loi in i Moana Vale Settlement Association .. .. •• kk -!,! ! Moorfield Land Settlement Association .. • • qsk i i Nikau G range Land Settlement Association .. .. !•> Otauiri Land Settlement Association .. .. •• ® ; Owersby Land Settlement Association .. ■ • i nfi 9 1 Trentham Land Settlement Association .. . • 10b 2 i Waipa Land Settlement Association .. • • ° 17 ' Walton Land Settlement Association .. • • ® 1 * Woodside Land Settlement Association .. • • 977 y 11,524 8 2 41,863 11 8 Local Bodies' Loans Amendment Act, 1908 :— Section 10, — Subsidies on instalments of sinking fund — Cambridge Borough Council, due 30th April, 1934 .. 25 0 0 Christchurch City Council, due 31st March, 1935 .. 71 5 0 Grey Lynn Borough Council, due 1st April, 1934 .. 225 0 0 Levin Borough Council, due 1st April, 1934 .. 135 0 0 Taihape Borough Council, due 1st April, 1934 .. 106 5 0 Taihape Borough Council, due 31st March, 1935 .. 18 15 0 581 5 0 .. 581 5 0 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, Section 76 : — Payments to State Advances Office by way of subsidy on instalments due by local authorities in respect of loans for roading outlying districts .. .. • • 160 6 0 • - Total, Payments on Guaranteed Loans 54,129 10 10 11,524 8 2 42,605 2 8 TOTAL, DEBT Services ~ 77 12,808,055 9 10 3,027,427 4 3 9,780,628 5 7

B.—l [PT. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE and RECOVERIES in respect of such DISBURSEMENTS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1935. Other Services.


Gross Amount Net Amount Act. charged to Becoreries charged to Ordinary Kevenue recoveries. Ordinary Bevenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d EDUCATION. Grants and Subsidies. University Colleges. Laud ACT, 1924 :— Section 297 (a), —• Transfer to Vote, Education, of that portion of the National-endowment Revenue for, the Year ended 31 March, 1934, paid to the Universities under Section 32 of the New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. 12,458 3 2 Education Boards, dkc. Land Act, 1924 :— Section 297 (6), —- Transfer to Vote, Education, of the residue to 31 March, 1934, of National-endowment Revenue .. .. 74,748 18 11 .. , 87,207 2 1 Total, Education .. .. 87,207 2 1 .. 87,207 2 1 GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES. Payment to Racing Clubs of Proportion ol Totalizator Duty. Finance Act, 1931 (No. 4) Section 20 (1), — Refunds to racing clubs of proportion of totalizator duty .. .. .. .. .. .. 27,289 5 6 — —— .. 27 ->89 5 6 Contribution towards Cost ol Singapore Naval Base. Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2): — Section 5 .. .. .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 „ ■ • 100,000 0 0 Subsidies to Superannuation Funds. Finance Act (No. 2), 1934 : — Section 17, — Government Railways Superannuation Fund .. 87,000 0 0 Public Service Superannuation Fund .. .. 5,000 0 0 Teachers'Superannuation Fund .. .. .. 108,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 I... - , I „ , '• 200,000 0 0 Miscellaneous Grants and Subsidies. Land Act, 1924 :— Sections 139 and 358, — Amount paid by Receivers of Land Revenue into Local Rodies' Deposit Accounts for payment to local authorities in respect of rents, royalties, &c. (" thirds," " fourths," and " halves ") — £ s. d. National-endowment revenue .. 3,548 18 10 Territorial revenue .. .. 7,659 2 4 Scenery-preservation receipts .. 0 8 0 11,208 9 2 ■ ■ . ,. jj 208 9 2 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, Section 17 (4) (d), and Appropriation Act, 1916, Section 27 : — Contributions towards interest and cost of administration and maintenance of Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Works, — £ s. d. On account of year 1930-31 .. 1,180 8 10 On account of year 1931-32 .. 1,222 12 6 On account of year 1932-33 1,112 4 0 On account of year 1933-34 .. 936 4 6 4,451 9 10 .. 4,451 9 10 Total Grants and Subsidies .. 342,949 4 6 .. 342,949 4 6 Carried forward .. .. .. 430,156 6 7 .. 430,156 6 7

B.—l [Pt. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934-193 5.

DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE—continued. Other Services —continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount charged to R»rnvi>rii><< charged to Aot - Ordinary Revenue I iwcovenes. Ordinary Sevenue Account. I Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 430,156 6 7 .. 430,156 6 7 SALARIES AND HONORARIA. Legislative. Appropriation Act, 1926 : — Section 24 (2), — Salary of Minister for Cook Islands in excess of the amount appropriated under the Civil List Act, 1920— 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 .. .. .. 84 7 0« Civil List Aot, 1920 : — Part III, Section 16, — Speakers of both Houses and Chair- £ s. d. men of Committees .. .. 2,182 17 0 Part III, Section 17, — Members of the Legislative Council .. 6 ,601 15 8 Members of the House Representatives .. .. .. 26,515 2 2 Part IV, Section 22, — Officers of Legislative Council and House of Representatives .. 2,007 15 1 37,307 9 11 37,391 16 11 — .. 37,391 16 11 Justice. Judicature Amendment Act, 1920 : — Section 3, — , The Judges— The Chief Justice — Myers, Sir K.-, K.C.M.G., K.B., salary, 1 April, 1934, to 31 Mai ch, 1935 .. .. .. .. 2,198 11 10f The Puisne Judges— Herdman, Sir A. L., salary, 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 .. .. •• .. 2,000 0 0 Ostler, H. H„ salary, 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 2,000 0 0 Reed, J. R., salary, 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 2,000 0 0 Smith, D. S., salary, 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 2,000 0 0 Blair, A. W., salary, 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 2,000 0 0 Kennedy, R., «alary, 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 2,000 0 0 Johnston, H. }?., salary, 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 . .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Fair, A., salary, 14 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 .. 1,927 15 7 MacGregor, W. C., salary, 1 to 13 April, 1934 .. 72 4 5 18,198 11 10 .. 18,198 11 10 Other Salaries. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1925 : — Section 64, — Judge of the Arbit ration Court — Sir Francis Frazer, salary, 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 . . .. .. .• • • 2,000 0 0 Public Revenues Ac r ', 1926 : — Section 6, — Salary, Controller and Auditor - General (Campbell, G. F. C„ C.M.G.), 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 .. 1,074 19 0 Public Service Act, 1912, and Appropriation Act, 1925, Section 20 (1) (a): —■ Public Service Commissioner, — Verschaffelt, P. I>. N., C.M.G., salary, 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 .. .. .. .. 1,240 7 0 Public Service Aot, 1912 : — Section 7 (4),— Deputy Public Service Commissioner — Thomson, A. E'., salary, 17 April, 1934, to 19 July, 1934 318 6 2 4,633 12 2 .. 4,633 12 2 Total, Salaries and Honoraria . . 60,224 0 11 . . 60,224 0 11 Carried forward .. .. .. 490,380 7 6 .. 490,380 7 6 * Salary (£463 17s. Id.) and house allowance (£105) also paid and charged under Civil List, Part II (see B.-l | Pt. II). t Half-pay for period 15th to 31st. V. arrh, 1935, while acting as Administrator,

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 193 4-1935.

DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE—continued. Other Services—continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount Act. charged to Kennvpri..'. charged to Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary ReTenue Account. Account. tj • ■ , . . , £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 490,380 7 6 .. 490,380 7 6 ■ ■ . ! , _ HIGHWAYS. Tire-tax, Fees, and Fines transferred to Main Highways Account. Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2) :— Section 24 (1),— Transfer to Main Highways Account Revenue Fund as under — £ s . d. Tire-tax .. .. .. 91,692 13 9 Motor-vehicles fees, fines, &c. .. 391,660 10 9 J 483,353 4 6 Tax on Motor-spirits transferred to Main Highways Account. MOTOB-SPIRITS TAXATION ACT, 1927, SECTION 9 (1) (a) : Allocation of residue after deduction of expenses,*— 92 per cent, of residue for period £ s. d. 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 .. 1,292,259 13 9 Less amount retained in Consolidated Fund .. .. 321,753 13 0 970,506 0 9 Amount transferred to Main Highways Account Revenue Fund ..' .. .. .. 970,506 0 9 Tax on Motor-spirits paid to Boroughs. Motob-spibits Taxation Act, 1927 : — Section 9 (1) (&),— Allocation of residue after deduction of expenses,*— Residue paid to Borough Councils— 8 per cent, for period 1 January, 1934, to 31 December, 1934 .. .. .. .. 110,644 0 6 Motor-vehicles : Mileage-tax and Penalties. Mileage-tax and Penalties transferred to Main Highways Account. Motob-spibits Taxation Act, 1927, Section 9(1) (a), and Finance Aot, 1932-33, (No. 2) :— Section 19 (5) (a), Electrically-propelled £ s. d. vehicles .. .. .. 962 2 8 Section 19 (5) (b), Other vehicles .. 321 18 0 1,284 0 8 Mileage-tax and Penalties paid to Boroughs. Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927, Section 9(1) (6), and Finance Act, 1932-33 (No. 2) : — Section 19 (5) (a), Electrically-propelled £ s. d. | vehicles .. .. .. 70 11 2 Section 19 (5) (&), Other vehicles .. 33 10 8 104 1 10 1,388 2 6 I OQQ O f* Expenses of collecting and making Refunds. Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2) : — Section 24 (3),— Transfer to the credit of Vote, Customs, in respect of the expenses incidental to the collection of tire-tax .. j 894 0 1 i Motoe-spieits Taxation Act, 1927 : — > Section 7, — Expenses of collecting tax on motorspirits paid to the credit of Vote, Customs for the period 1 January £ s. d. 1934, to 31 December, 1934 .. 16,23116 3 Expenses of refunding tax on motorspirits paid to the Post Office for the period 1 January, 1934, to 31 December, 1934 .. .. 3,947 9 4 20,179 5 7 21,073 6 6 .. 21,073 6 6 Total, Highways .. .. .. jl,586,964 14 9 .. 1,586,964 14 9 Carried forward .. .. .. 12,077,345 2 3 2,077,345 2 3 • No deduction has been made in respect oj any expenses incidental to the allocation of the res. due.

B.—l [Par. ll]


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE—continued. Other Services —continued.

4 —B. 1 [PT. 11.


Gross Amount Set Amount a » charged to Unnnvpripa charged to . I"' Act. Ordinary Revenue «jcovenee. Ordinary Bevenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 2,077,345 2 3 .. 2,077,345 2 3 EXCHANGE. Banks Indemnity (Exchange) Act, 1932-33 : — Sections 6 and 7, — Exchange on the purchase from banks of surplus sterling assets accumulated in London .. .. 1,453,054 17 0 262,790 0 0 1,190,264 17 0 Finance Act, 1932 : — Section 55, — Exchange on remittances of public moneys to or from any country beyond New Zealand .. .. 314,080 6 6 45,186 8 5 268,893 18 1 Total, Exchange .. .. •• L,767,135 3 6 307,976 8 5 1,459,158 15 1 ADVANCES. On Account of other Governments. Finance Act, 1930'(No. 2) :— Section 7, — Advances made on behalf of other Governments — Canada 115 18 11 48 19 7 66 19 4 ...... •• «.«J 24,047 4 4 306 18^9 Imperial Government .. '..'.. 18,088 14 1 24,299 0 6 Or. 6,210 6 5 K South Africa " " " !! 112 7 10 Gr. H2 7 10 42,628 15 6 48,576 12 9 Gr. 5,947 17 3 Miscellaneous Advances. Education Reserves Act, 1928 : — Section 29 (1),— Amount recovered from the Greymouth and Hokitika High Schools Deposits Account, being part of amount paid as compensation for improvements on Reserve 121b, Block V, Poerua Survey District, forming part of the endowments of the Greymouth and Hokitika High Schools, in respect of expenditure incurred during the year 1930-31 , • • 175 0 0 Gr. 175 0 0 Total, Advances .. .. .. 42,628 15 6 48,751 12 9 Gr. 6,122 17 3 OTHER SPECIAL ACTS. Pensions. Old-age Pensions. Land Act, 1924 :— Section 298,— Application of national-endowment revenue in payment of old-age pensions •• 37,374 .9 5 •• ... 37,374 9 5 Other Pensions. JUDICATURE ACT, 1908 : Sections 12-14,— Superannuation allowances — Chapman Sir F. R., 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 1,083 6 8 Strino-er Sir T. W., 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 750 0 0 Adams, A. S., 1 April, 1934, to 31 March, 1935 .. 666 13 8 MacGregor, W. C, 14 April, 1934, to 25 August, 1934 182 4 4 2,682 4 8 .. 2,682 4 8 Total, Pensions .. .. .. 40,056 14 1 .. 40,056 14 1 forward 40,056 14 1 .. 40,056 14 1 Carried forward .. .. 3,887,109 1 3 I 356,728 1 2 3,530,381 0 1

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934-193 5.

DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Other Services—continued.


Gross Amount Uet Amount Act. charged to Recoveries charged to Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue • I Account. Account. r, . J £ s. d. £ S. d. £ g. d. Brought forward 3,887,109 1 3 356,728 1 2 3,530,381 0 1 OTHER SPECIAL ACTS—continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 40,056 14 1 .. 40,056 14 1 Miscellaneous. Hawke's Bay Earthquake Act, 1931 :— Section 58 —- Loan to Napier Borough Council for the erection of community retail shops .. .. .. .. .. 10 9 1 Or 10 9 1* Loan to Hastings Borough Council for the erection of community retail shops .. .. .. .. .. 41 4 6 Cr. 41 4 6f 51 13 7 ~Cr. 51 13 7 Appropriation Act, 1926 Section 15, — Travelling-expenses of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral and staff in excess of amount provided under the Civil List Act, 1920 .. .. .. 1,336 7 11 0 8 0 1 335 19 11J Finance Act, 1930, Section 53 (4), and Finance Act, 1931 (No. 2), Section 25 (2) (b) Land assurance claims admitted and paid in connection with losses sustained through errors in the definitions of boundaries 15 0 0 .. 15 0 0 Finance Act (No. 3), 1934, Section 8:— Interest on income-tax paid in advance .. .. 9,387 1 8 .. 9 387 | g Finance Act, 1932-33 :— Section 7, — Refund of taxation on interest— £ s. d. On Rural Advances bonds .. 35,583 7 6 On Land Settlement Association's debentures .. .. .. 777 16 0 On Rural Intermediate Credit Board's securities .. .. 1,579 12 0 37,940 15 6 .. 37,940 15 6 Finance Act (No. 3), 1934: — Section 7, — Refunds to Departments of amounts representing savings in salaries paid to Public Account under terms of Finance Act, 1931 (No. 2), section 5— £ s. d. To the Native Trustee .. .. 283 8 6 To the Government Life Insurance Department .. .. .. 916 6 0 To the State Fire Insurance Department .. .. .. 870 19 5 To the Government Accident Insurance .. .. .. 293 13 4 Land Act, 1924:- 2,364 7 3 .. 2,364 7 3 Section 295 (2), — Administration expenses of national-endowment land.. 7,11515 4 .. 7115154 Mortgagees' Indemnity (Workers' Chaeges) Act, 1927, Section 5, and Finance Act, 1930, Section 53 :— Compensation to mortgagees .. .. .. 715134 715134 National Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1932 • — Section 46 (7), — Refunds of stamp duty on interest .. .. .. 7 40 740 Carried forward .. .. .. 98,938 19 1 52 1 7 98,886 17 6 Carried forward 3,887,109 1 3 356,728 1 2 3,530,381 0 1 demolition of community shops. f Rent of community shops7 * See also £2,017 9s." M. '

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 934-1 935. .

DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE—continued. Other Services —continued.



Gross Amount Net Amount charged to charged to Act. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary llevenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 3,887,109 1 3 356,728 1 2 3,530,381 0 1 OTHER SPECIAL ACTS —continued. Brought forward .. .. •• 98,938 19 1 52 1 7 98,886 17 6 Miscellaneous —continued. Native Purposes Act, 1931: — Section 51, — Eleventh annual payment to Arawa District Trust Board for the benefit £ s. d. of the Arawa Tribe • • • ■ 6,000 0 0 Less reduction made at the request of the Board .. • • 480 0 0 o 5,520 0 0 .. 5,520 0 0 Section 54, — Eighth annual payment to Tuwharetoa Trust Board for benefit of Tuwharetoa Tribe in connection with Lake Taupo claims .. •• „• • 3,000 0 0 , Less reduction made at the request of the Board .. -70 0 0 -,730 0 0 Public Revenues Act, 1926 Section 151, — Free issue of official postage-stamps to members of the House of Representatives and to members of o no in o the Legislative Council 2,119 10 0 .. .,119 10 0 Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act, 1933 Section 26 (2), — Salary and allowances of the Governor and DeputyGovernor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand .. 2,229 3 4 Less amount recovered from the Reserve Bank.. j .. 3,J79 3 4 Or. 1,750 0 0 i Rural Advances Act, 1926: — Section 8 (2), — Interest paid on Rural Advances bonds— 5-per-cent. bonds to mature 15 September, 1947 — F £ s. d. Interest due 15 September, 1933 25 0 0 Interest due 15 March, 1934 .. 4,122 10 0 Interest due 15 September, 1934 104,828 15 0 Interest due 15 March, 1935 .. 101,322 10 0 210,298 15 0 iess amount recovered from State Advances Office •• 210,152 10 0 146 5 0 5-per-cent. bonds to mature 15 September, 1938 — £ s. d. Interest due 15 September, 1934 250 0 0 Interest due 15 March, 1935 .. 250 0 0 oOO 0 0 Less amount received from State Advances Office • - '' 0 0 ■ Total, Other Special Acts .. 322,606 7 5 214,953 14 11 107,652 12 6 Total, Other Services 7 77 8 8 571,681 16 1 3,638,033 12 7 1 * Includes £1,750 expended in the year 1933-34.

Date of Maturity. Kate per Cent. Amount. £ s d Amortization of Debt :— New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, Section 58,— Securities redeemed before maturityStock— Public Works Fund— „ „ - General Purposes Account .. • • * eb - [> 13 '' 3i 20ô'000 0 0 General Purposes Account Jan. 15 1957 .. 3 5 .00,000 0 0 Gerreral Purposes Account •' " " Nov 15 1959 •' 3 1,200.000 0 0 War Expenses Account .. •• •• „ , u ™ n n War Expenses Account ar °^ 15 ,'ol 9 , 43 '' S I'filfi o 0 War Expenses Account .. •• •• May 15, 1952 .. | 188'140 0 0 War Expenses Account Nov. 15, 1941 .. 3j 188 ' 140 0 0 £1,600,212 5 1 • See also page 19.

B.—l [Pt. ll],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 934-1 935,

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under the RURAL INTERMEDIATE CREDIT ACT, 1927, Section 16. Advances to the Rural Intermediate Credit Board.

. Note.—ln terms of the Rural Intermediate Credit Act, 1927, the amounts advanced and outstanding at anv time shall not exceed in the aggregate the sum of £400,000. Every advance shall be free of interest for the period of ten years immediately succeeding the date on which the first such advance is made. After the expiration of the said period of ten years interest shall be payable half-yearly, at such rate as the Minister of Finance shall from time to time determine.

STATEMENT of BALANCES OUTSTANDING on 31st March, 1935, in respect of PAYMENTS MADE from the CONSOLIDATED FUND on behalf of OTHER GOVERNMENTS. Name of Government. Balance outstanding at 31st March, 1935. Canada .. .. .. .. .. j-jg jg jj Commonwealth of Australia .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 412 4 1 fiji . , „ 4 4 10 Imperial Government—General Advances .. .. .. .. 11,665 13 3 Total •• •• •• •• •• .. ... £26,198 1 1 Note.—Details of transactions are shown on page 25. j ; 1 .

STATEMENT of IMPRESTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) OUTSTANDING as at the 31st March, 1935, showing the SERVICES for which they were issued.


One-third of Two-thirds of Advance to be Date of Advance Term Date on which Date from which Advance (in Cash) credited to the Rural Total Advance udi,e oi aqvance. lerm. ;K, e p ayment is due Interest becomes for the Purpose of Intermediate Credit in Terms of payable. carrying on Business Redemption Fund Section 16 under the Act. in Terms of Section 17 (1). Years. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d June 30,1928.. 20 June 29,1948.. June 30, 1938 3,400 0 0 1,700 0 0* 5 100 0 0 June 30,1928.. 20 June 29,1948.. „ i „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15'000 0 0 July 31,1928.. 20 July 30,1948.. 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15 000 0 0 20 Aug. 14,1948.. „ . fcOOO 0.0 0 0* "foo 0 0 « US ;?q'!ooq'" S Aug. 20,1948.. „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 Sept. 13,1928.. 20 Sept. 12,1948.. „ ,, 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 9°*' M? 28 " 20 0ct- 2 ' 1948 -- „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 n°J" iq iqoq" oa S° t- 7 ' 1948 '" " " 10 > 000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Oct. 19.1928.. 20 Oct. 18,1948.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 n° T 20 NoV - 7 ' 1948 -'. .. .. 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 ? 0O; 1 ?n'iaon" OA Dec. 20,1948.. „ „. 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 April 10, 1929.. 20 April 9, 1949.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 May 16,1929.. 20 May J.5, 1949.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 May 27, 1929.. 20 May 26,1949.. „ „ | 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 June 4, 1929.. 20 June 3,1949.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7 500 0 0 Une ĪI' Ja 29 " 20 June 26, 1949.. „ „ | 8,000 0 0 4,000 0 0* 12,000 0 0 June 28, i929.. 20 June 27, 1949.. „ „ 30,000 0 0 15,000 0 0* 45,000 0 0 o Ug ; ?!' Ja? 9 "' 20 Aug. 27, 1949.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Sept. 16, 1929.. 20 Sept. 15, 1949.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 rw" o?' A! 9 " 20 0ot ' 2, 1949.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Oct. 24,1929.. 20 Oct. 23, 1949.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15 000 0 0 ?° V -', ,Ha!? 9 " 20 Nov ' 4 > 1949.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 .5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 April 16,1930.. 20 April 15,1950.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 w ay oi' Jao°" 20 April 30,1950.. „ „ 20,000 0 0 10,000 0 0* 30,000 0 0 May 30,1930.. 20 May 29, 1950.. „ „ 20,000 0 0 10,000 0 0* 30,000 0 0 June 17, 1930.. 20 June 16, 1950.. „ „ 20,000 0 0 10,000 0 0* 30,000 0 0 June30, 1930.. 20 June 29, 1950.. „ „ 20,270 0 0 10,130 0 0* 30,400 0 0 Total amount advanced prior to 31st March, 1931 .. £266,670 0 0 £133,330 0 0* £400,000 0 0 ♦ Securities issued in lieu of cash, in terms of subsection (4) of section 17.

j Consolidated Fund:— I Ordinary Revenue Account, — Under Special Acts— £ s d Rural Advances Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. ... .. ,. - - 3 000 0 0 Interest on Loans .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11*872 17 2 New Zealand Government Debentures Redemption and Interest Account .. .. .. 1, 200 0 0 Votes— Customs.. .. .• 15.. 6 Internal Attairs .. .. .. .. .. .. 250 13 9 External Affairs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 1 231 17 6 Printing and Stationery .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . jg g Justice and Prisons .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 17 4 6 Naval Defence .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. Jl,.i3;> 0 2 Defence .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .-. ... ■ 719 15 10 Lands and Survey.. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . 434 0 1 industries and Commerce, Tourist and Publicity .. .. .. . . . . 145 10 2 Health .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ■ .. 746 0 0 Education .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 6 0 Pensions.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .* h,663 9 3 General Imprest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ## ..2 563 5 8 General Services .. ... ... .. .. .. ,, 71,072 14 9 Total — •• •• .. £118,100 3 7

£.—1 [Pt. ll].


SUMMARY of ACCOUNTS of LOCAL BODIES for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1935.


Balances on T? B^pin t a Payments and Balances on 1st April, 1934. Receipts. Transfers. 31st March, 1935. I .__ ENDOWMENTS OF LAND. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ; £ s. d. Harbour Board :— (Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884, 6r!ymo°uth K 59 10 4 1,650 8 2 1,700 8 6 0-10 0 Counties :— (Land Act, 1924 Sections 138 (b) and 357, and Finance Act, 1924, Section 17 (2) ) — . „ . , „ „ Fiord • ■ 184 18 7 .. • • 184 18 7 Sounds'" " •• •• 1.449 6 5 14 8 8 .. 1,463 15 1 Taupo .. '.. -. TO7 10 7 20 2 10 42 18 11 684 14 6 2,341 15 7 34 11 6 42 18 11 2,333 8 2 Total, Endowments of Land .. 2,401 5 11 1,684 19 8 1,743 7 5 2,342 18 2 GOLDFIELDS REVENUE. (Mining Act, 1926, Section 447.) Counties :— , . _ „ Ashburton •• i f n n r n " AshW .. •• 050 050 Brace " " ■• 0 10 0 2 10 0 3 0 0 SXr " 156 0 10 1,705 12 8 1,581 16 8 279 16 10 Clifton " " " .. •• 0 10 0 0 10 0 ■• 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 Comnawood " " •■ 82 10 1 418 2 10 281 9 7 219 3 4 cToSet I! 56 17 11 I 402 9 4 378 10 9 80 16 6 GĪ_t_i_Tier Island '.'. 36' 5 0 37 15 9 68 15 9 5* S ■0 Great Barrier Isiana .. j m u 4 s>m 4 4 1;356U 10 HaurakiHains V. V. V. .., 0 5 0 0 5 0 f hemia - i - " : iS o io o :: I , a - :: :: :: «u . 0 - «;*5 Katiekl " .- 0 10 0 .. 0 10 0 ffke '' • • 196 0 1 868 15 2 981 2 6 83 12 9 Mackenzie- " " V. .. . 0 5 0 0 5 0 Ma Ira™ . .. 150 .. 150 Mantototo'' . • • ■ 151 3 8 529 8 11 518 16 10 161 15 9 Mariborolh " .. 20 8 0 372 5 10 310 8 4 82 5 6 M_cbison .. •• 84 0 7 735 11 3 662 2 11 157 8 11 OnTne_uri .. ■ • 152 16 9 535 0 6 527 15 3 160 2 0 P_3T •■ 010 ° 050 050 P-X " .. 19 5 6 I 32 18 0 51 8 6 0 15 0 Raglan '.'. '.'..... ■■ 0 5 0 0 5 0 fouSnd- :: :: :: »* T -e mn°e _.-i_mw e Selwyn .. • • • • • • 20 16 0 20 16 0 Stewartlsland .. .. .. ..' q J » J J * Q Tab_a " •• 22 19 5 131 6 0 115 18 39 3 9 Taraan " . .. 7 5 0 6 5 0 10 0 ThZef " 35 16 0 279 9 5 26115 8 53 9 9 '.'. ■ ■■ 70 1 0 610 17 1 510 13 7 170 4 6 & .. .. 1 15 0 1 15 0 " " ■• 595'1 9 1,531 3 6 1,758 8 10 367 16 5 wXmo" ■ • 55 5 0 208 0 3 229 19 3 33 6 0 WakouTiti . 15 0 0 2 5 0 17 5 0 Sea " ■ 15 6 9 84 4 7 75 17 7 23 13 9 WaiTa " " ■• 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 ,. Watoki ' • • 86 19 0 257 0 10 328 3 10 15 16 0 W_to_o" ■" ■• •• 0 10 ° °1° ° WallaT" •• 30 9 5 210 14 11 213 18 4 27 6 0 wZZnd" 243 4 4 4,827 13 5 4,770 0 10 300 16 11 wnSSei :: :. :: ewn 30105 26 5 3 ww» Whangaroa .. .. .. •• 050 .. '° .". °'. u 3,545 0 3 22,738 12 1 21,704 7 8 4,579 4 8

B.—l [Pt. ll],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 984-1 935.



Balances on ■n«««hrf« Payments and Balances on 1st April, 1934. receipts. Transfers. 31st March, 1935. - GOLDFIELDS REVENUE— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d £ s d .. (Mining Act, 1926, Section 447.) Boroughs:— Alexandra .. .. .. .. 3 11 3 .. J 3 11 3 Brunner .. .. .:. .. .. 7 19 0 .. 7 19 0 Cromwell.. .... .. .. 100 100 Greymouth .. .. .. .. 100 0 15 0 050 Hokitika .. .. .. .. .. 326 2 17 6 050 Kumara .. .. .. .. 0 15 0 23 7 0 20 4 0 3 18 0 Boss .. .. .. .. 21 4 9 i 155 13 1 153 12 10 23 5 0 Runanga .. .. .. .. .. 210 .. 210 Te Aroha.. .. .. .. 46 10 0 277 14 0 220 3 9 1 104 0 3 Thames .. .. .. .. 51 19 1 224 10 9 233 112! 42 18 8 Waihi .. .. .. .. 83 4 4 998 16 6 972 0 10 110 0 0 203 13 2 1,698 15 1 1,604 5 1 298 3 2 Town Boaed :— Cobden .. .." .. .. .. 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 Total, Goldfields Revenue.. 3,748 13 5 24,438 17 2 23,310 2 9 4,877 7 10 GOLD DUTY. (Gold Duty Act, 1908, Section 12.) Counties : — Coromandel .. .. .. 0 6 7 58 4 2 52 7 5 6 3 4 Murchison .. .. .. .. 006! 006 Ohinemuri .. .. .. 14 9 1 1,218 6 0 i 1,205 13 9 27 1 4 Piako .. .. .. -. 017 .. 0 17 Thames .. .. .. .. 20 12 0 27 3 8 47 15 1 0 0 7 _ ê ! J 35 9 3 1,303 14 4 1,305 18 4 33 5 3 BoEOUGHS : — Thames .. .. '"'.'. .. 5 13 11 80 10 9 80 2 9 6 1 11 Waihi .. .. .. .. .. 6,023 9 0 5,948 18 9 , 74 10 3 5 13 11 6,103 19 9 6,029 16 80 12 2 i 41 3 2 7,407 14 1 7,334 19 10 113 17 5 Less adjustments between accounts, being amount transferred from Waihi Borough to Ohinemuri County in terms of Order in Council dated 21st July, 1913 .',.." .. 350 0 0 350 0 0 — . ■ — : ToiiL, Gold Duty .. 41 3 2 7,057 14 1 6,984 19 10 113 17 5 FEES AND FINES. (Auctioneers Act, 1928, Section 42.) Cities :— Auckland .. .. .. .. 1,193 10 0 1,193 10 0 Christchurch .. .. .. 924 0 0 981 0 0 981 0 0 924 0 0 Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. 1,001 0 0 1,001 0 0 .. Invercargill .. .. .. 423 10 0 577 10 0 1,001 0 0 Nelson .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Palmerston North .. .. .. .. 288 0 0 172 10 0 115 10 0 Wanganui .. .. .. 154 0 0 192 10 0 j 192 10 0 154 0 0 Wellington \'. f \ .. .. .. 1,674 0 0 i 1,674 0 0 1,540 0 0 5,946 0 0 6,254 0 0 1,232 0 0 Gootties : — ,. Akaroa .. ... .. .. 115 10 0 77 0 0 115 10 0 77 0 0 -. Amuri .. :.. .. .. 38 10 0 - 38.10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Ashburton .. ... .. 269 10 0 269 10 0 269 10 0 269 10 0 Bay of Islands .. .. .. .. 17 0 0 17 0 0 Carried forward .. 423 10 0 402 0 0 440 10 0 385 0 0

B.—l [Pt. 11l




FEES AND FINES— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. (Auctioneers Act, 1928, Section 42.) Counties — continued. Brought forward .. 423 10 0 402 0 0 440 10' 0 385 0 0 Cheviot .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 115 10 0 77 0 0 115 10 0 Clifton 38 10 0 77 0 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Clutha .. .. .. 38 10 0 ! 38 10 0 Ellesmere .. .. .. 115 10 0 115 10 0 115 10 0 115 10 0 Eltham .. 38 10 0 ! .. , 38 10 0 Geraldine.. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Halswell .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Hauraki Plains .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Hawera .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 77 0 0 77 0 0 Heathcote .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Hobson .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 .. Hokianga .. 8 10 0 8 10 0 Horowhenua .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Inangahua .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Inglewood .. .. .. 38 10 0 154 0 0 38 10 0 154 0 0 Kairanga .. .. .. 77 0 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Kawhia .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Kiwitea 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Kowai .. .. 77 0 0 115 10 0 77 0 0 115 10 0 Levels .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Mackenzie .. .. .. 115 10 0 154 0 0 115 10 0 154 0 0 Malvern .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 38 10 0 Mangonui .. 17 0 0 17 0 0 Masterton .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Opotiki 8 10 0 .. 8 10 0 Oroua .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Oxford .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 38 10 0 Paparua .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Piako .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Rodney .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Southland .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 115 10 0 38 10 0 Stratford .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 77 0 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Taranaki .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Thames .. .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Tuapeka .. .. .. .. .. 154 0 0 154 0 0 Waimarino .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Waimate .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 77 0 0 77 0 0 38 10 0 Waipa .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Waipara .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Wairewa .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 77 0 0 77 0 0 Wairoa .. .. .. .. 8 10 0 34 0 0 25 10 0 17 0 0 Waitaki .. .. .. .. 192 10 0 192 10 0 192 10 0 192 10 0 Waitomo.. .. .. .. 38 10 0 57 0 0 95 10 0 Wanganui 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Whakatane .. .. .. 8 10 0 8 10 0 8 10 0 8 10 0 Whangarei .. 85 10 0 85 10 0 2,027 10 0 2,807 0 0 2,884 0 0 1,950 10 0 Boboughs : — Alexandra .. 38 10 0 ' 38 10 0 Ashburton .. .. .. 154 0 0 115 10 0 154 0 0 115 10 0 Balclutha .. .. .. .. 231 0 0 192 10 0 38 10 0 Blenheim .. .. .. .. 231 0 0 231 0 0 .. Cambridge .. .. .. 115 10 0 115 10 0 192 10 0 38 10 0 Dannevirke .. 154 0 0 154 0 0 269 10 0 38 10 0 Dargaville .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Devonport .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Peilding .. .. .. .. .. 231 0 0 77 0 0 154 0 0 Geraldine .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Gisborne .. 308 0 0 308 0 0 Gore .. .. .. .. 192 10 0 269 10 0 269 10 0 192 10 0 Greymouth .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Hamilton .. .. .. 231 0 0 192 10 0 423 10 0 Hastings .. .. .. .. 154 0 0 269 10 0 308 0 0 115 10 0 Hawera .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 77 0 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Hokitika .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Levin .. .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Lower Hutt .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Carried forward .. 1,078 0 0 2,618 0 0 j 2,887 10 0 808 10 0

B.—l [Pt. ll].




Balance on Bepptnts -Pavmfmta Balance on 1st April, 1934. receipts. Payments. 31gt March; 193B _ PEES AND FINES— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. (Auctioneers Act, 1928, Section 42.) Boroughs— continued. Brought forward ., 1,078 0 0 2,618 0 0 2,887 10 0 808 10 0 Lyttelton .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Marton .. .. .. .. .. 154 0 0 77 0 0 77 0 0 Masterton .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Milton .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Morrinsville .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 j 77 0 0 Motueka .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Napier .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 115 10 0 115 10 0 77 0 0 New Plymouth .. .. .. 38 10 0 77 0 0 j 38 10 0 77 0 0 Ngaruawahia .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Oamaru .. .. .. .. 115 10 0 115 10 0 115 10 0 115 10 0 Opotiki .. .. .. .. 8 10 0 17 0 0 8 10 0 17 0 0 Otahuhu .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 ! 38 10 0 Pahiatua .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 95 10 0 57 0 0 77 0 0 Picton .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Pukekohe.. .. .. .. .. 115 10 0 77 0 0 38 10 0 Raetihi .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Rangiora.. .. .. .. 115 10 0 115 10 0 115 10 0 115 10 0 Riecarton.. .. .. .. 115 10 0 154 0 0 154 0 0 115 10 0 Richmond .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Riverton .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Rotorua .. .. .. .. .. 115 10 0 115 10 0 Stratford .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Taihape .. .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Tapanui .. .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Taumarunni .. .. .. 154 0 0 38 10 0 192 10 0 Tauranga .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Te Aroha .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Te Awamutu .. .. .. 115 10 0 192 10 0 308 0 0 Te Kuiti .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 i 38 10 0 38 10 0 Temuka .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 77 0 0 i 77 0 0 38 10 0 Timaru .. .. .. .. 308 0 0 308 0 0 346 10 0 269 10 0 Waihi .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Waimate.. .. .. .. 38 10 0 115 10 0 115 10 0 38 10 0 Waipukurau .. .. .. 38 10 0 192 10 0 154 0 0 77 0 0 Wairoa .. .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 28 10 0 48 10 0 Whakatane .. .. .. 8 10 0 8 10 0 8 10 0 8 10 0 Whangarei .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Winton .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 231 0 0 j 269 10 0 38 10 0 2,635 0 0 5,780 10 0 6,185 10 0 2,230 0 0 Town Boards :— Bulls .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Edendale .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 j .. 38 10 0 Johnsonville .. .. .. .. 154 0 0 I 154 0 0 Kamo .. .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Kawakawa .. .. .. .. 8 10 0 8 10 0 Leeston .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Matamata .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Otautau .. .. .. .. .. 115 10 0 115 10 0 Otorohanga .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Papakura .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Putaruru .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Te Puke .. .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Tuakau .. .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Wyndham .. .. .. 38 10 0 154 0 0 192 10 0 77 0 0 1,009 10 0 971 0 0 115 10 0 Total, Fees and Fines .. 6,279 10 0 15,543 0 0 16,294 10 0 5,528 0 0 STAMP DUTY ON INTEREST. (National Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1932, Section 47.) Various local bodies .. .. .. 9,260 17 8 .. 5,341 1 0 3,919 16 8 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS. (Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 146.) Patea-Waitotara Rabbit Board .. Dr. 400 0 0 400 0 0

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934-1 935.

SUMMARY of DEPOSITS ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1935.

s—B. 1 [PT. ll].


„ . , Balances on . . „ j Payments and Balances on Deposit Accounts. j lst Aprili 193<L Receipts. Transfers. 31st March, 1935. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auctioneers Act, 1928, section 8 .. .. 47 7 2 .. .. 47 7 2 Dairy-produce Export Control Act, 1923 ... 6,255 17 2 80,939 3 0 78,032 13 9 9,162 6 5 Deposits on Contracts .. .. .. 30 0 0 2,576 19 6 2,521 19 6 85 0 0 Distribution of Wool Profits .. .. 2,417 13 .. .2,417 1 3 Earthquake Relief Fund (West Coast) .. 718 7 3 5,952 16 9 6,651 13 2 19 10 10 Education Reserves Act, 1928 — Sales of Land under section 27 — Primary Education Endowments ... 17,725 19 7 8,881 18 3 22 0 0 26,585 17 10 Secondary Education Endowments — Auckland Provincial District .. 459 19 9 12 0 0 .. 471 19 9 Taranaki Provincial District .. 264 14 0 .. •• 264 14 0 Hawke's Bay Provincial District .. 24 7 2 •. • ■ 24 7 2 Otago Provincial District .. .. 404 12 9 12 0 0 .. 416 12 9 Primary Education Endowment Deposit Ac- . count .. .. .. .. .. 121,761 1 3 121,761 1 3 Secondary Education Endowment Deposit Account — Auckland Provincial District .. .. 1,070 14 3 3,014 16 3 3,025 0 9 1,060 9 9 Taranaki Provincial District .. .. 442 13 4 1,150 13 7 1,125 10 8 467 16 3 Wellington Provincial District .. .. 1,156 19 0 5,435 10 0 4,744 1 9 1,848 7 3 Hawke's Bay Provincial District.. .. 865 2 6 2,068 9 6 2,156 18 6 776 13 6 Nelson Provincial District .. .. 225 7 11 496 19 1 649 6 4 73 0 8 Marlborough Provincial District .. .. 38 15 0 74 4 6 79 4 8 33 14 10 Otago Provincial District .. .. 1,140 11 0 1,984 17 4 2,178 6 6 947 1 10 Fisheries Act, 1908 .. .. .. 006 .. ■ • 006 General Assembly Library Eund .. .. 45 0 0 100 0 0 145 0 0 General Purposes Relief Account .. .. 24,341 3 5 1,779 2 0 2,674 11 9 23,445 13 8 Gold Duty Suspense Account .. .. 5,544 2 1 1,587 3 6 6,217 11 I 913 14 6 Grevniouth and Hokitika High School Acts, 1883 .. .. 5 15 8 260 10 7 211 7 10 54 18 5 Hauraki Plains Drains Deposit Account .. 10 0 0 .. •• 10 0 0 Hawke's Bay Earthquake Relief Eund .. .. 4114 411 4 Honey-export Control Act, 1924 .. .. 1 13 9 316 3 3 314 1 4 3 15 8 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926 103 19 2 511 8 8 512 4 11 103 2 11 Hunter Soldiers' Assistance Trust Account .. 5,041 1 7 1,138 9 7 2,065 0 1 4,114 11 1 Immigration Restriction Act, 1908 .. 1,340 0 0 1,840 0 0 1,800 0 0 1,380 0 0 Imperial Pensions 32,405 9 2 208,010 0 0 204,811 1 3 35,604 7 II Imperial Stamps and Postal Orders .. 119 2 6 .. __ 119 2 6 Interest on Cash Balance Investments Account 1,919 14 6 145,829 16 8 147,443 18 11 305 12 3 Kauri-gum Control Act, 1925 .. .. 46 9 9 .. 46 9 9 Kauri-gum Industry Account .. .. .. 1,643 5 4 84 19 5 1,558 5 11 Maori Unemployment .. .. .. •• 14,000 0 0 9,500 4 10 4,499 15 2 Meat-export Control Act, 1921-22 .. .. 3,978 15 II 37,465 7 0 39,694 14 5 1,749 8 6 Mining Act, 1926 .. .. .. 108 19 0 281 15 4 248 0 7 142 13 9 Miscellaneous 61,103 18 3 1,632,019 7 10 1,662,492 10 9 30,630 15 4 Money-order Settlement Account .. .. 26,757 19 4 77,899 17 2 103,243 2 4 1,414 L4 2 Moumahaki Endowment — , Revenue Account .. .. .. 89 11 8 751 3 9 750 5 6 90 1 Capital Account .. .. •• 994 12 10 .. • • ? Naval Radiograms .. .. .. .. 93 7 0 0 16 11 92 10 1 Naval Remittances .. .. .. 2,375 14 6 12,395 18 11, 11,384 10 11 3,387 2 6 Naval Savings-bank Deposit Account .. 161 13 8 3,115 1 1 3,239 14 9 37 0 0 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund 1,089 5 5 39 9 3 40 0 0 1,0!38 ,J4 8 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund Investment .. Dr. 1,000 0 0 • • • • Dr.. 1,000 0 0 New Zealand Reparation Estates .. .. .. 123 3 6 108 13 6 14 10 0 New Zealand University Endowment — . „ Westland .. 2,970 14 8 168 10 9 4 7 9 3,134 17 8 North Island Experimental Dairy School .. 11,074 3 6 541 12 4 24 18 3 11,590 17 7 Official Assignees'Balances .. .. 17,727 8 6 7,240 18 0 12,513 0 11 12,455 5 7 Orchard-tax Act, 1,927 .. .. .. 870 5 11 1,291 10 0 1,477 18 8 > 683 17 3 Payments through the High Commissioner .. 13,790 9 9 54,872 16 9 56,041 18 5 12,621 8 1 Promotion of Health Fund .. .. 924 10 11 817 19 2 106 11 Receipts by the High Commissioner for Pay- ! . „ ment in New Zealand .. .. .. H2 15 0 i 50,960 13 3 48,466 3 8 _,607 4 7 Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. 96,000 0 0 •• 10,000 0 0 86,000 0 0 Reserve Bank Investment Account .. • • 1,000,000 0 0 .. 1,000,000 0 Reserve Bank Shares .. .. .. 384,52(1 0 0 130,587 0 0 515,107 0 0 .. Samoan Loan Sinking Fund Account .. 118 14 7 4,216 7 0 4,335 0 0 0 1 7 Samoan Notes Security Account .. .. 32,000 0 0 1,280 0 0 1,280 0 0 32,000 0 0 Samoan Treasury Account .. .. 17,163 2 9 32,066 14 10 38,368 8 7 10,8bl 9 0 Taranaki Scholarships Endowment Account.. 396 18 0 988 15 10 939 15 10 44o Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves ; Act, 1896 .. . • • ■ • • • • l fi] 18 3 161 18 3 Thermal Springs Districts Act, 1910 .. 65 8 9 .. 65 8 9 ... Trustee Act, 1908 7,926 7 10 1 1 19 1 .. 7,928 6 1 Unclaimed Earnings .'. .. •• 599 0 0 | 1,221 0 3 1,116 6 2 703 14 1 Unpresented. Cheques . . .. 128 15 9 , 507 3 0 447 17 6 j 188 3 Victoria College Endowment Deposit Account 28 9 6 118 3 9 141 9 .8 5 6 1 Weraroa Agricultural Endowment Account — i Revenue Account 2,659 7 8 j 1,174 3 7 60 18 4 3,772 12 11 Capital Account .. .. •• 772 6 0 j ... • •• ® ® Wheat Research Levies .. .. .. 1,130 9 8 j 2,429 6 10 _,713 7 5 Totals .. .. .. 789,927 9 7 3,666,319 15 2 3,114,184 8 10 1,342,062 15 11

B.—l [Pt. ll].




Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts ' Total Disbursements ! Receipts. Disbursements. ! for Year. for Year. Dairy-produce Export Control Act, £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1923. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 6,255 17 2 Levy on export .. .. .. .. 80,939 3 0 .. 80,939 3 0 Payments to Board .. .. .. .. 77,252 7 3 Transfer to Customs Vote—Cost of collecting, &c. .. .. .. .. .. . . 780 6 6 ; 1 .. 78,032 13 9 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. 1 .. 9,162 6 5 ! 87,195 0 2 87,195 0 2 Deposits on Contracts. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Deposits on account of contracts .. .. 2,576 19 6 .. 2,576 19 6 Refunds of deposits on account of contracts.. .. 2,521 19 6 .. 2,521 19 6 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 85 0 0 2,606 19 6 2,606 19 6 ' 1 ' 'I ' ' '■ ' ■I, > , Earthquake Relief Fund (West Coast). Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 718 7 3* Interest on investments in the Common Fund of the Public Trustee— Year 1934-35 .. .. . . .. 60 19 9 Years 1929-34 .. .. .. 5,89117 0 .. 5,952 16 9 Payments to Public Trustee for investment — Year 1934-35 .. .. .. .. .. 672 10 11 Years 1929-34 .. .. .. ; .. 5,891 17 0| ! Expenditure on restoration of earthquake damage, and towards replacement of loss, &c. .. 87 5 3 .. 6,651 13 2 j Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. . . .. 19 10 10f 6,671 4 0 6,671 4 0 , . _ | Education Reserves Act, 1928 : Sales op Land under Section 27. Primary Education Endowments. Balance, 1st April, 1934 — Cash .. .. .. .. 5,875 19 7 Investments .. .. .. .. 11,850 0 0 : — •• 17,725 19 7 Sales of land .. .. .. .. 8,395 18 3 Interest on sales.. . . . . . . 12 0 0 Interest on investments . . . . . . 474 0 0 : .. 8,881 18 3 Purchase of land .. . . . . .. 22 0 0 .. 22 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1935 — Cash .. .. .. .. 14,735 17 10 Investments .. .. .. .. j .. 11,850 0 0 .. 26,585 17 10 26,607 17 10 26,607 17 10 | Secondary Education Endowments : Auckland Provincial District. Balance, 1st April. 1934— Cash .. .. .. .. 159 19 9 Investments .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 j .. 459 19 9 Interest on investments .. .. .. 12 0 0 ! .. 12 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1935— Cash .. .. .. .. .. 171 19 9 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 .. 471 19 9 471 19 9 471 19 9 * In addition to this cash balance, £1,501 17s. was held by the Public Trnstee in the Common Fund at 1st April, 1934. t The realization of portion of these investments was shown in previous years. t In addition to this cash balance, £2,264 7s. lid. was held by the Public Trustee in the Common Fund at 81st March, 1935.

B. —1 [Pt. ll].




Particulars of Particulars of | Total Receipts Total Disbursements I i lleceipts. Disbursements. 1 for Year, for Year. Education Reserves Act, 1928 : Sales oj? £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Laud under Section 27 —continued. Secondary Education Endowments : Otago Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1934 — Cash • • ■■ •• • ■ Investments .. .. • • • • ® 12 9 Interest on investments .. •• •• 1200 ]2 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1935— ... „ Cash 300 0 0 Investments .. • • • • • • • • ' I 416 12 9 416 12 9 416 12 9 " ! Primary Education Endowment Deposit Account. 121,005 17 5 Interest on funds held by Public Trustee .. 755 3 10 I 191 761 1 3 ' Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (2), transfer to Vote Education _ for primary-education purposes .. •• » 1 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 17,77 a Section 31 (3), maintenance, repairs, &c. .. •. Section 31 (3), surveys and permanent improvements .. •• •• •• j 121,761 1 3 121,761 1 3 121,761 1 3 Secondary Education Endowment Deposit Accounts. Auckland Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. • • • • • • Ronta .. •• 3,014 16 3 Kenta '• '• __1 .. 3,014 16 3 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928 Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 2,873 13 0 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 1 ' 3,025 0 9 ! K060 9 9 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. •• •• •* 4,085 10 6 4,085 10 6 Taranahi Provincial District. j I Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. •• Rents Interest on funds held by Public Trustee .. H 17 1 150 13 7 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928 Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 1,069 12 2 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. T n 10 Section 31 (3), maintenance, repairs, &c. .. .. 1 j 125 10 g „ , '' ! '467 16 3 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. •• •• •• ! 1.593 6 11 | 1,593 6 11 Wellington Provincial District. ' [ Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. •• •• ;• ... 5,435 10 0 Reuts •• '• .. 5,435 10 0 | Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928 " I i Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 4,506 2 5 ! Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 4,744 i 9 1 848 7 3 Balance, 31st March, 1935 • • • • • • * * [J ' 6,592 9 0 6,592 9 0

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 9 34-1 9 35.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Secondary Education Endowment Deposit Accounts— continued. Hawke's Bay Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 865 2 6 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 2,068 9 6 .. 2,068 9 6 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 2,047 17 11 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 109 0 7 .. 2,156 18 6 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. ,. 776 13 6 2,933 12 0 2,933 12 0 Nelson Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 225 7 11 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 496 19 1 .. 496 19 1 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 616 17 0 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 32 9 4 .. 649 6 4 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 73 0 8 722 7 0 722 7 0 ■ Marlborough Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 38 15 0 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 74 4 6 .. 74 4 6 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 75 5 5 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 3 19 3 ~— .. 79 4 8 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 33 14 10 112 19 6 112 19 6 Otago Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 1,140 11 0 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 1,984 17 4 .. 1,984 17 4 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— [ Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 2,122 4 7 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 56 1 11 .. 2,178 6 6 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. ., 947 1 jo 3,125 8 4 3,125 8 4 General Assembly Library Fund. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. ,. 45 0 0 Fees for Private Bills .. .. .. 100 0 0 —— .. 100 0 0 Payment to General Assembly Library .. .. 145 0 0 .. 145 0 0 145 0 0 145 0 0

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934- 1 935.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total DisbursementReceipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. £ s. d. £ B. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. GeUEBAL PURPOSES RELIEF ACCOUNT. Balance. 1st April, 1934— Cash!. 15,091 3 5 Investments.. .. .. s g I Finance Act, 1932, section 6 (4)— Repayment of advances— Fire relief .. .. •• ■• 113 5 10 Flood relief 220 1 3 Frost relief .. .. •• •• 115 7 4 Hailstorm relief .. .. ■• 209 10 5 Interest on advances — Waimarino bush-fire relief .. •. 363 0 4 Fire relief .. .. •• •• 38 13 7 Flood relief .. 49 19 7 Frost relief .. .. .. •• 32 3 11 Hailstorm relief .. .. • • 25 8 1 In aid of works of production — Hikurangi Coal Co., Ltd. .. . . 225 5 11 Receipts from sales or leases of land or interests in land or property acquired under mortgage or other security— In aid of works of production — Assistance to cider manufacturers — Repayment of advances .. •■ 3 13 9 Interest on advances .. • • 12 12 0 Interest on investments .. ■ • 370 0 0 Finance Act, 1932, section 6 (3)— Advances — Fire relief .. .. •• •• •• 080 Flood relief.. .. •• •• ■• 8 10 Frost relief .. .. •• •• ■• 9 12 9 Hailstorm relief .. .. •• •• 206 10 0 Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), section 5 (2)— Interest recouped to Consolidated Fund .. .. 2,450 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1935- . a—™" 1 » - - .. 2 3, 44 5 18 8 26,120 5 5 26,120 5 5 - Gold Duty Suspense Account. Balance, 1st April, 1934— Ohinemuri County .. .. •• 1,360 5 11 Piako County .. .. • • • • 0 12 0 Waihi Borough .. .. 4,183 4 2 .. 5,544 2 1 Amounts retained from Gold Duty towards satisfaction of charge under section 18 of Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improve- | ment Act, 1910 — Ohinemuri County .. ■ • • ■ 913 14 6 Waihi Borough 673.9 0 1 587 3 6 Payment to local body of amount retained in excess of requirements — Ohinemuri County . • • ■ • • ■ 391 9 5 Piako County .. .. •■ •• •• 0 o 11 Transfer to Consolidated Fund in terms of Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), section _ . Ohinemuri County .. .. •• ■■ 968 16 6 Piako County ■■ ± 0 ■'\ \ Waihi Borough .. •■ •• •• 4,85b 13 2 fl „,» „ , : .. 0,217 11 1 Balance, 31st March, 1935— „,„,., a Ohinemuri County .. .. ■• ■■ 913 14 b -„,„■,, „ . . 91o 14 b 7,131 5 7 7,131 5 7

B.—l [PT. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 3 4-1 9 35.



I ! Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts i Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. £ s. d. J £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Greymouth and Hokitika High School Acts, 1883. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 5 15 8 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 260 10 7 .. 260 10 7 Section 50 (3), Finance Act, 1932,— Payments to Consolidated Fund under section 31, Education Reserves Act, 1928— Subsections (1) and (2) —Administration expenses .. .. .. .. .. 10 17 10 Section 50 (1), Finance Act, 1932, — Refund to Consolidated Fund in respect of amounts expended under section 29, Education Reserves Act, 1928 — Principal .. .. .. .. .. 175 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 25 10 0 211 7 10 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 54 18 5 266 6 3 266 6 3 Hawke's Bay Earthquake Relief Fund. Contributions, —- Hawke's Bay . . .. .. .. 4 11 4 ! .. 4 11 4 Payments to Public Trustee, — Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. .. 4114 .. 4 114 4 11 4 4 11 4 HONEY-EXPORT CONTROL ACT, 1924. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 1 13 9 Levy on export .. .. .. .. 316 3 3 I — .. 316 3 3 Payments to Board .. .. .. .. 298 7 3 Transfer to Customs Vote—Cost of collecting to. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 14 1 .. 314 1 4 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 3 15 8 317 17 0 317 17 0 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926. Balance, 1st April, 1934 — Auckland Hospital Board .. .. 0 10 Marlborough Hospital Board .. .. 1 16 7 Waikato Hospital Board .. .. 102 1 7 .. 103 19 2 Rates collected — Auckland Hospital Board .. .. 28 4 5 Marlborough Hospital Board .. .. 194 12 6 Waikato Hospital Board .. .. 288 11 9 .. 511 8 8 Payments to Hospital Boards — Marlborough Hospital Board .. .. .. 169 13 0 Waikato Hospital Board .. .. .. 287 11 11 Transfer to Vote " Valuation" for cost of levying rates — Marlborough Hospital Board .. .. .. 5 0 0 Waikato Hospital Board .. .. .. 50 0 0 .. 512 4 11 Balance, 31st March, 1935— Auckland Hospital Board .. .. .. 28 5 5 Marlborough Hospital Board .. .. .. 21 16 1 Waikato Hospital Board .. .. .. 53 1 5 — — .. 103 2 11 615 7 10 615 7 10

B.—l [PT. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 3 4-1 9 35.



Particulars of j Particulars of j Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. ; Disbursements, i for Year. for Year. r , _ • _ Hunter Soldiers' Assistance Trust £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ; £ s. d. Account. Balance, 1st April, 1934 — Cash 606 1 7 Investments .. .. . . • • 4,435 0 0 .. 5,041 1 7 | Rents 475 11 7 Repayment of advances .. .. • • 420 7 10 Interest on advances .. .. • • 89 12 0 Interest on investments .. .. . • '52 18 2 .. 1,138 9 7 Hunter Gift for the Settlement of Discharged Soldiers Act, 1921 — Section 6 (a), expenses .. .. 36 10 11 Section 6 (6), advances .. .. .. •• 1,993 9 2 Section 6 (6), grants .. .. • ■ • • 35 0 0 j 2 06g 0 l Balance, 31st March. 1935 —■ Cash .. .. .. .. •• • • 679 11 1 Investments .. .. •• •• •• 3,435 0 0 ! .. 4,114 11 1 6.179 11 2 : 6,179 11 2 Immigration Restriction Act, 1908. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. •• 1,340 0 0 Deposits made bv aliens .. . .. 1 >840 0 0 * " .. 1,840 0 0 Repayments to aliens .. .. .. • • 1 > 800 0 0 — .. I 1,oOO U U Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. • • ■ • • • 380 0 0 3.180 0 0 3,180 0 0 1 Imperial Pensions. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. 32,405 9 2 Amounts received from Imperial Government for payment of pensions, &e. .. .. 167,000 0 0 Exchange .. .. .. .. 41,010 0 0 .. 208,010 0 0 Pensions, &c., paid in New Zealand .. 200,058 14 6 Commission transferred to Vote " Pensions " .. 3 ,413 2 10 Commission paid to Post Office .. .. .. 1,339 3 11 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. •• •• 35,604 7 11 240,415 9 2 240,415 9 2 _ ?-i—=7" —-.v-vr;; ■ a Imperial Stamps and Postal Orders. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. • • • ■ ■ • H9 2 6 Postal orders paid .. .. .. ■■ 119 2 6 119 2 6 119 2 6 | 119 2 6 Interest on Cash Balance Investments Account. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. •• 1.919 14 0 Interest on investments in New Zealand .. 60 16 5 Interest on investments in London .. 145,769 0 3 .. 145,829 16 8 Amounts credited to Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. •• •• 120,834 13 6 Amounts credited to other accounts .. 26,607 10 1 Amounts paid to the State Advances Office .. .. 115 4 r 1 .. 147,443 18 11 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. • • • ■ 3 ®5 12 3 147,749 11 2 147,749 11 2 Kauri-gum Control Act, 1925. j Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. • • • • 46 9 9 Transfer to Customs Vote —Cost of Collection .. 0 9 4 Transfer to Kauri-gum Industry Account .. .. 46 05 —.—.— .. 4b 9 9 46 9 9 46 9 9 ! I .

B, —i [PT. ll].


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 9 34-1 9 35.


j Particulars of Particulars ol Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Tear. . for Year. J Kauri-gum Industry Account. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance of Kauri-gum Control Board's Account 1,214 10 2 Balance of Kauri-gum Control Act 1925 Account .. .. .. .. 46 0 S Sales of gum .. .. .. .. 257 15 11 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. 124 18 10 .. 1,643 5 4 Expenditure under Finance Act, 1933 (No. 2), section 23 (3) .. .. . . .. 84 19 5 j .. 84 19 5 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. j .. .. .. 1,558 5 11 1,643 5 4 1,643 5 4 Maori Unemployment. Grants from Unemployment Board .. 14,000 0 0 i .. 14,000 0 0 Subsidies on labour contracts .. .. .. 9,500 4 10 .. 9,503 4 10 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 4,499 15 2 14,000 0 0 14,000 0 0 Meat-export Control Act, 1921-22. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. . . .. 3,978 15 11 Levy on export .. .. .. .. 37,465 7 0 — .. 37,465 7 0 Payments to Board .. .. .. .. 39,320 8 4 Transfer to Customs Vote—Cost of Collecting, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 374 6 1 — .. 39,694 14 5 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 1,749 8 6 4-1,444 2 11 41,444 2 11 Mining Act 1926. Balance, 1st April, 1934 — Thames and Coromandel Native Account. . 59 11 9 Thames and Coromandel European Account 33 7 3 Thames High School .. .. .. 16 0 0 .. 108 19 0 Goldfields revenue received under section 25 (c), Mining Act, 1926, payable to Native and European owners, and special endowments— Section 447 (5), Mining Act, 1926— Thames and Coromandel Native Account 153 14 2 Thames and Coromandel European Account .. .. .. .. 92 6 2 Section 6, Thames Boys' and Girls' High School Act, 1878— Thames High School .. .. .. 33 15 0 Section 7, Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884— Greymouth Harbour Board .. .. 2 0 0 .. 281 15 4 Revenues paid over under section 447 (5), Mining Act, 1926, to — Waikato - Maniapoto District Maori Land Board, in terms of section 544 of the Native Land Act, 1931— Thames and Coromandel Native Account .. 128 9 10 European owners— Thames and Coromandel European Account .. .. .. .. .. 81 5 9 Section 6, Thames Boys' and Girls' High School Act, 1878— Thames High School .. .. .. .. 36 5 0 Section 7, Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884—■ Greymouth Harbour Board .. .. .. 2 0 0 .. 248 0 7 Balance, 31st March, 1935— Thames and Coromandel Native Account.. .. 84 16 1 Thames and Coromandel European Account .. 44 7 8 Thames High School .. .. .. .. 13 10 0 ——' .. 142 13 9 390 14 4 390 14 4

B.—l [PT. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 934- 1 935.


6—B. 1 [PT. 111.


Particulars of Particulars of Totai Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. I [ Miscellaneous Deposits. £ s. d, £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 61,103 18 3 Receipts .. .. .. .. 1,632,019 7 10 .. 1,632,019 7 10 Payments .. .. .. .. .. 1,662,492 10 9 .. 1,662,492 10 9 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. ., .. 30,630 15 4 1,693,123 6 1 11,693,123 6 1 I MONEY-OKDEK SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 26,757 19 4 Amounts received for settlement of moneyorder transactions on behalf of the Post Office 77,899 17 2 .. 77,899 17 2 Payments .. .. •.. .. .. 103,243 2 4 .. 103,243 2 4 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 1,414 14 2 104,657 16 6 104,657 16 6 Moumahaki Endowment. Revenue Account. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 89 11 8 Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1924, section 130 — Rents from leases .. .. .. 717 3 9 Interest on investments .. .. .. 34 0 0 .. 751 3 9 Refund to Vote " Agriculture " of expenditure on agricultural instruction chargeable against the endowment —■ Section 130 (3), Reserves, &c, Act, 1924 .. .. 714 8 3 . Administration expenses under Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, section 4.. .. .. 35 17 3 . 750 5 6 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 90 9 11 840 15 5 840 15 5 Naval Radiograms. Fees held on behalf of Postmaster-General for radiograms transmitted through Admiralty Wireless Station at Portishead .. 93 7 0 .. 93 7 0 Payments to Postmaster-General .. .. .. 0 16 11 .. 0 16 11 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 92 10 1 93 7 0 93 7 0 Naval Remittances. Balance, 1st April, 1934— H.M.S. " Diomede" .. .. .. 1,082 10 0 H.M.S. " Dunedin" .. .. .. 1,000 18 0 H.M.S. " Philomel" .. .. .. 292 6 6 .. 2,375 14 6 Remittances from officers and ratings of the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy— H.M.S. "Diomede" .. .. .. 6,445 14 4 H.M.S. "Dunedin" .. .. .. 4,485 13 9 H.M.S. "Philomel" .. .. .. 1,464 10 10 .. 12,395 18 11 Payments through the Admiralty— H.M.S. "Diomede" .. .. .. .. 5,676 11 4 H.M.S. " Dunedin" .. .. .. .. 4,266 9 9 H.M.S. "Philomel" .. .. .. .. 1,441 9 10 .. 11,384 10 11 Balances, 31st March, 1935— H.M.S. " Diomede" .. .. .. .. 1,85113 Oi H.M.S. "Dunedin" .. .. .. .. 1,220 2 0 H.M.S. "Philomel" .. .. .. .. 315 7 6 ! .. 3,387 2 6 14,771 13 5 14,771 13 5

B.—l [PT. II

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934-193 5.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. Naval Savings-bank Deposit Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 1st April, 1934 — H.M.S. " Diomede" .. .. .. 67 19 1 H.M.S. " Dunedin" .. .. 93 14 7 .. 161 13 8 Lodgments by officers and ratings of the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy— H.M.S. " Diomede" .. .. .. 1,274 19 7 H.M.S. "Dunedin" .. .. .. 1,840 1 6 .. 3,115 1 1 Withdrawals—■ H.M.S. " Diomede" .. .. .. .. 1,305 18 8 H.M.S. "Dunedin" .. .. .. .. 1,933 16 1 , , O OOQ ~\A Q *« »J.iOJ/ It! ij Balance, 31st March, 1935 — H.M.S. "Diomede" .. .. .. .. 37 0 0 on A o 3,276 14 9 3,276 14 9 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund. Balance, 1st April, 1934— Cash .. .. .. .. 89 5 5 Investments .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 .. 1,089 5 5 Interest on investments .. .. .. 38 0 0 Exchange .. .. .. .. 19 3 .. 39 9 3 Finance Act, 1928, section 14 — Payments on account of prizes for rifle shooting .. .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 .. 40 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1935 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. 88 14 8 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 .. 1,088 14 8 1,128 14 8 1,128 14 8 New Zealand Reparation Estates. Amounts received at Apia, to be repaid at Wellington .. .. .. .. 123 3 6 .. 123 3 6 Amounts repaid at Wellington .. .. .. 108 13 6 .. 108 13 6 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 14 10 0 123 3 6 123 3 6 New Zealand University Endowment, Westland. Balance, 1st April, 1934— Cash .. .. .. .. 670 14. 8 Investments .. .. .. .. 2,300 0 0 .. 2,970 14 8 Rents from lands reserved under the University Endowment Act, 1868, for disposal under section 35 of the New Zealand University Act, 1908 .. .. .. .'. 76 10 9 Interest on investments .. .. .. 92 0 0 .. 168 10 9 Administration expenses under — New Zealand University Act, 1908, sections 34 and 35 .. .. .. .. .. 4 7 9 .. 4 7 9 Balance, 31st March, 1935— Cash .. .. .. .. .. 834 17 8 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 2,300 0 0 .. 3,134 17 8 3,139 5 5 3,139 5 5

B.—l [Pt. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 934-1 935.



i Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. tor xear. Nobth Island Expebimental Daiby School. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 1st April, 1934— Cash .. •• •• •• 3 > 574 3 6 Investments .. .. •• 7,500 0 0 .> g Receipts from lands under Reserves and Grown Lands Disposal and Enabling Act, 1896, section 8, and Waimate Agricultural Reserve Dairy School Act, 1906 —Rents .. 214 19 9 Interest on investments .. . • • • 326 12 7 541 12 4 Administration expenses under Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, section 4.. .. • ■ lu 4 Expenditure under section 17, Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1931 —Cost of 14 3 4 planting shelter-belt .. . • • • • ■ 24 18 3 Balance, 31st March, 1935 — _ flash .. •• •• o,U9U X/ I Q PC OA a ft Investments .. . ■ • 11,590 17 7 11,615 15 10 11,615 15 10 Official Assignees' Balances. „ „ fi Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. •• •• •• Excess funds lodged to Public Account by Official Assignees .. .. •• 7,240 18 0 18 0 Repayments to Official Assignees .. .. •• 12,513 0 11 12,513 0 11 ' " 5 7 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. •• •• •• 24,968 6 6 24,968 6 6 Obchaed-tax Act, 1927. Balance, 1st April, 1934 — Tax levied for general purposes .. • • 140 15 4 Tax levied for protection from fireblight— Christchurch .. • • • • a iS n Gisborne , 1 Marlborough .. ■ • • ■ a in a Rangiora ° U Waimea .. 870 5 11 Section 3, tax levied for general purposes .. 616 0 8 Section 4, tax levied for protection from fireblight— Christchurch .. • • • • • ■ 7 9 3 Gisborne .. •• •• 1 Marlborough .. .. •• •• 40 Q 7 Rangiora « Waimea .. ■■ •• 12 gi 10 0 Section 6, expenses of collection and administration transferred to Vote " Agriculture " — : 10f . o fi Tax levied for general purposes .. Tax levied for protection from fireblight— j Christchurch .. •• • • qar , 1 o u o Gisborne .. •• •• •• q 17 6 Marlborough .. ■ • • • • • 4 15 0 Rangiora .. •• •• •• •' Waimea Section 7, tax levied for general purposesPayment to New Zealand Fruitgrowers Federation, Ltd. Section 8, fireblight — Payments to Fireblight Committees Kim 1 Christchurch .. • • • ■ • • °5 5 9 Gisborne .. •• •• •• •• qq 19 11 Marlborough .. • • - • • • 42 5 1 Rangiora .. • • • • • • *' <> 1 a Waimea .. •• •• •• " °' d a 1,477 18 8 Balance, 31st March, 1935 — , . „ Tax levied for general purposes .. Tax levied for protection from fireblight I 28 8 4 Christchurch • - • • • - j '' ,, , s o Marlborough .. •• •• •• *09 15 7 Waimea j " ŌU/ ° .. 683 17 3 2,161 15 11 2,161 15 11 =====

b.—i [p T . ri].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934-193 5.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbureemen Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. Payments through the High Commissioner. £ s d £ <t d ? * A e j Balance, 1st April, 1934 I .. .. 13 790 9 9 I Amounts remitted to the High Commissioner for payment on behalf of various persons .. 54,872 16 9 I i> t. w \x. tx-\'n '■ 54,872 16 9 rayments by the High Commissioner . . .. 56 041 18 5 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .... " fo'eo}*!! ? 68,663 6 6 68,663 6 6 Promotion of Health Fund. ; Receipts from sale of Charity stamps .. 924 10 11 —— — ., 924 10 ] 1 Transfer to Vote " Health " under section 34 (3), Finance Act, 1929 .. .. .. .. 817 19 2 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. ' [ jj 924 10 11 924 10 11 Receipts by the High Commissioner foe Payment in New Zealand. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. __ 112 15 0 Amounts received by High Commissioner for payment to various persons and bodies .. 50,960 13 3 t> j. ■ at „ , , •■ 50,960 13 3 Payments in New Zealand .. .. .. 48,466 3 8 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .... " 4 ! » _ 51,073 8 3 51,073 8 3 Receivee-Geneeal's Deposit Account. Balance, 1st April, 1934 — Cash .. .. .. .. 8,550 0 0 Investments .. .. .. .. 87,450 0 0 T . ,. •• 96,000 0 0 Investments realized and proceeds paid to the Receiver-General .. .. .. ,. 10 qqq q q Balance, 31st March, 1935- " 10 ' 000 ° ° Investments .. .. ,_ Q Q 96,000 0 0 96,000 0 0 Reserve Bank Investment Account. ===== Transfer from Consolidated Fund, Ordinary Revenue Account, of proceeds of stock issued to Reserve Bank.. .. .. 1,000,000 0 0 Balance 31st March, 1935- " 0 ' 000 ° ° Investments .. .. 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 Reserve Bank Shares. '" Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 384,520 0 0 Application and instalment moneys lodged to Public Account .. .. .. 30,587 0 0 w i j t j , " ■■ 130,587 0 0 Excess lodgments refunded to applicants .. .. 15,107 0 0 Moneys invested on behalf of the Reserve Bank .. 500,000 0 0 •• 515,107 0 0 515,107 0 0 515,107 0 0 Samoan Loan Sinking Fund Account. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. _ _ 118 14 7 Interest on investments .. .. .. 197 16 2 Sinking Fund contribution from Samoan Treasury under — Finance Act 1932 (No. 2), section 4 (2) (a) 2,725 16 0 Finance Act 1932 (No. 2), section 4 (2) (6) 1,292 14 10 Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), section 4— ' " loan issued under Finance Act, 1926, section 4, redeemed and cancelled as from 31st March, 1935— To mature 7th July, 1957 .. 3,000 0 0 To mature 26th August, 1957 .. .. .. 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. ][ ' 0 " 4,335 1 7 4,335 1 7

B.—l [Pt. ll].




i Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Samoan Notes Security Account. Balance, 1st April, 1934 — Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. 32,000 0 0 Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,280 0 0 .. 1,280 0 0 Transferred to Samoan Treasury Account— Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,280 0 0 .. 1,280 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1935 — Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32,000 0 0 33,280 0 0 33,280 0 0 Samoan Treasury Account. Balance, 1st April, 1934— Cash .. .. .. .. 7,013 2 9 Investments .. .. .. 10,150 0 0 .. 17,163 2 9 Amounts received on behalf of the Samoan Treasury .. .. .. .. 6,730 14 10 Interest on investments .. .. .. 406 0 0 Interest on investments of the Samoan Notes Security Account .. .. .. 1,280 0 0 Repayment in Wellington of amounts paid to New Zealand Reparation Estates in Apia .. 23,650 0 0 .. 32,066 14 10 Payments made on behalf of the Samoan Treasury .. .. .. .. .. 28,567 19 7 Interest paid on loans from New Zealand Government .. .. .. .. .. 5,781 18 2 Sinking Fund Contribution on loans .. .. 4,018 10 10 .. 38,368 8 7 Balance, 31st March, 1935— Cash .. .. .. .. .. 2,361 9 0 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 8,500 0 0 .. 10,861 9 0 49,229 17 7 49,229 17 7 Taranaki Scholarships Endowment Account. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 396 18 0 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 988 15 10 — .. 988 15 10 Payments to Public Trustee in terms of section 22, New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. 890 7 2 Administration expenses under section 4, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, and section 31 (2), Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929 .. .. 49 8 8 .. 939 15 10 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 445 18 0 1,385 13 10 1,385 13 10 I Tauhanga Educational Endowment Reserves Act, 1896. Rents .. .. .. .. .. 161 18 3 — .. 161 18 3 Transfer to Vote " Education " in terms of section 7, Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves Act, 1896 .. .. .. 161 18 3 .. 161 18 3 161 18 3 161 18 3 Thermal Springs Districts Act, 1910. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 65 8 9 Payment to Waiariki District Maori Land Board for payment to Natives .. .. .. 65 8 9 .. 65 8 9 65 8 9 65 8 9

B.—l [Pt. IT].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934-193 5.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Trustee Act, 1908. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 7,926 7 10 Receipts under section 66 of the Act .. 1 19 1 .. 1 19 1 I Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 7,928 6 11 (Details on separate statement.) 7,928 6 11 7,928 6 11 Unclaimed Earnings. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 599 0 0 Workmen's earnings unclaimed and paid to Public Account .. .. .. 1,221 0 3 .. 1,221 0 3 Amounts paid to claimants .. .. .. 587 19 6 Amount transferred to Miscellaneous Revenue (unclaimed) .. .. .. .. .. 528 6 8 .. 1,116 6 2 Balance, 31st Maroh, 1935 .. .. I .. .. .. 703 14 1 1,820 0 3 1,820 0 3 Unpresented Cheques. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 128 15 9 Cheques unpresented and paid to Public Account .. . . .. .. S07 3 0 . . . 507 3 0 Amounts paid to claimants .. .. .. 324 18 9 Amount transferred to Miscellaneous Revenue (unclaimed) .. .. .. .. .. 122 18 9 .. 447 17 6 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 188 1 3 635 18 9 635 18 9 Victoria Coixeqe Endowments Deposit Account. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 28 9 6 Rents under sections 38 and 39, Victoria College Act, 1905 .. .. .. 118 3 9 .. 118 3 9 Administration expenses under section 39, Victoria College Act, 1905 .. .. .. 5 18 3 Payment to Victoria College .. .. .. 135 11 5 .. 141 9 8 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 537 146 13 3 146 13 3 Weraroa Agricultural Endowment Account. Revenue Account. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 2,659 7 8 Receipts under section 12, Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1928—Rents .. 1,150 3 7 Interest on investments .. .. .. 24 0 0 .. 1,174 3 7 Administration expenses under section 4, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927 .. .. 60 18 4 .. 60 18 4 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 3,772 12 11 3,833 11 3 I 3,833 11 3 i i Wheat Research Levies. Balance, 1st April, 1934 .. .. ... .. .. 1,130 9 8 Levies received for research in connection with wheat and flour .. .. .. 2,429 6 10 .. 2,429 6 10 Amount transferred to Vote " Scientific and Industrial Research" in terms of the Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), section 27 (1) .. .. 2,713 7 5 ■>'■' .. 2,713 7 5 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 846 9 1 : 3,559 16 6 3,559 16 6

B.—l [Pt. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 193 4-193 5.

STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS under the Trustee Act, 1908, to 31st March, 1935, with Particulars of the BALANCE at CREDIT in the DEPOSIT ACCOUNT on that Date. (Published in Terms of Section 72 of the Trustee Act, 1908.)


RECEIPTS. j ! i DISBURSEMENTS. , , £ s. d. £ s. d. 1935. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1934. Balance on 1st April, 1934 .. 7,926 7 10 I Balances on 31st March, 1935— Sept. 29 Estate of William A. Chandler .. .. .. .. i 1 19 1 j Estate of Susan Smallwood .. .. .. 9d 10 o • | J. Matheson and H. Gracie .. • • ! 414 3 3 ,, Mary McKay .. . • • • I 43 3 10 „ William Tattley .. .. .. j 45 1 5 ,, Barthia Wilkie .. . ■ • • 287 11 1 „ Robert Miller .. .. • j 22 4 7 „ Paora Parau and W. R. Miller .. • • J 23 0 0 „ Francis Humphreys Heighway .. 46 12 5 ,, George Moore .. . • ■ • j 2,414 0 0 ,, Richard Galway .. ■ ■ • • j 836 13 9 John Burk .. .. .. ■ ■ j 74 7 10 ,, Geoffrey Arthur Harney • • ■ • j 44 15 3 ,, John Hewitt .. • • • • j 162 12 0 Mark Earl .. .. .. • • 150 0 0 ,, Edward Thurlow Field .. .. 24 8 1 „ Michael McKey .. .. •• j 2,249 5 4 „ Martha Robinson .. ■■ •• 38 17 11 ,, John Bealy .. .. • • • ■ 49 17 1 „ Ernest Groome Gresham .. . . 1 23 1 8 ,, John Walsh and Bridget Walsh . ■ 199 2 11 ,, Bartholomew Hannan .. .. 185 2 10 ,, Patrick O'Rourke .. .. .. 191 3 1 „ William Patrick Molloy .. .. [ 103 3 0 „ William A. Chandler .. .. .. 1 19 1 Moanatairi Extended Gold-mining Co. .. .. 16 7 8 Direct Supply Co., Ltd., Auckland (in liquidation).. 33 5 10 | Wellington-Manawatu Railway Co., Ltd. .. 95 9 8 ! Inglewood Oil-boring and Prospecting Co., Ltd. .. 21 5 0 Southland Woollen Mills, Ltd. (in liquidation) .. 38 2 4 7,928 6 11 . ' Total .. .. .. .. | •• £7,928 6 11 j Total .. .. .. .. .. £7,928 6 11

B.—l [Pt.ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934-193 5.




£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Education Department :— Refund of amounts overclaimed in connection with additions, &c., to school buildings .. .. .. 196 10 4 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 20 3 0 216 13 4 Department of Labour : — Recovery of immigration passage-money .. .. 363 8 3 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 6 10 0 369 18 3 Department of Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity :— Sale of— Plant .. .. .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 5 0 0 705 0 0 Department of Lands and Survey :— Recovery of Native Land Settlement expenditure— Survey liens .. .. .. .. .. 6,573 15 1 Repayment of advances in respect of village-homestead settlement lands .. .. .. .. .. 41 0 0 Sale of— Land and buildings .. .. .. .. 32 10 7 Plant .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 10 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 203 9 6 : 6,878 5 2 Native Department :— Adjustment of overpayment on trees for Haparangi Plantation .. .. .. .. .. .. 717 7 4 Repayment of advances to Maori Land Boards — Under section 274, Native Land Act, 1909 .. .. 90 9 3 Under section 522 (7), Native Land Act, 1931 .. 2,200 0 0 Sale of land .. .. .. .. .. 80 0 0 ; 3,087 16 7 Public Works Department :— Allocation of general " departmental" administration expenditure in accordance with Cabinet decision, — For the year 1933-34 — Electric Supply Account .. .. .. 31,154 00 Deposit received in connection with purchase of premises at 429 The Strand, London .. .. .. 14,000 0 0 Instalments, — In respect of — Oturei mortgage .. .. .. .. 74 0 3 Access road .. .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 On loans to— Ashley River Trust .. .. .. .. 125 0 0 Eastbourne Borough Council .. .. .. 75 17 9 Gore Borough Council .. .. ,. .. 308 5 8 Otanomomo River Board .. .. .. 35 18 8 Taieri River Trust .. .. .. .. 367 5 0 Taupiri Drainage Board.. .. .. .. 39 4 11 Recovery of amount expended from Vote: Workers' dwellings .. .. .. .. .. 319,918 1 7 Sale of — Land and buildings .. .. .. .. 1,216 10 6 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 86 15 0 367,430 19 4 £378,688 12 8

Public Works Fund : — £ s. d General Purposes Account, — Vote —Roads, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,, 1,376 5 3 —Telegraph Extension .. .. .. .. • .. .. 5'437 3 g —Plant, Material, and Services .. .. .. .. .. 728 12 9 —Settlement of Unemployed Workers .. .. .. .. .. 683 9 7 —Native Land Settlement .. .. .. .. .. .. nfj 18 10 £8,342 10 1

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934 -1 9 35.



STATEMENT of EXPENDITURE from the CAPITAL PROCEEDS of the SALE of CROWN LANDS credited in terms of the LAND ACT, 1924, Section 20, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1935:—

DETAIL STATEMENT of EXPENDITURE relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT and of CREDITS IN REDUCTION of such Expenditure for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1935.

7—B. 1 [PT. ll].


tand for Settlenents Act, 1925, Section 47, and Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), Section 14,— £ s. d. Recovery of charges for roading — On Benmore—Otago University .. • • • • • ■ • • • • • • 90« q s On Wanganui River Trust Loan Block .. • • • - • • • • • ■ £625 6 6 — - —

Finance Act, 1931 (No. 4), Section 24— £ a. d. £ s. d. Payment to the Public Works Fund of the value of lands set apart or acquired for the purposes of the Post and Telegraph Department, but no longer required for such purposes .. • • • • • ■ • • s " " Land Act, 1924, Section 20 (3) — Payment in respect of land obtained for Government works, now deemed to be Crown lands 442 10 0 Land Act, 1924, Section 139— " Thirds " and " Fourths " paid to Local Bodies Deposit Account .. L-t> id Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, Section 20, and Discharged Soldiers Settlement Amendment Act, 1923, Section 20 (5) Payment to Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account m respect ot amount _ added to capital value .. ■ • • • ■ ■ • • • • Native Land Purposes Act, 1934, Section 3 (2) — Acquisition of lands .. •• •• •• •• •' ' Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, Section 41 — Purchase of land for the purposes of a public domain from the proceeds of the realization of Buffalo Domain .. • • • • • • • • '' 9

Name of Estate. Incidental Expenses. Total. Expenditure under the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, Section 45,— £ s. d. £ s. d. Expenses incidental to Estates — 26 11 3 Apanui .. •• ■■ " •' ' 2 036 y, 1Q n S a . . 6 13 11 Ardkeen.. .. •• ■ •• loisQ Arthurton • • • • • • • ■ • • • • '' 1 16 0 Awamoa • . • • ■ • • • • ■ • ■ ' ' 4 16 8 Awanui .. ■ • • • ■ ■ • • •• ' ' " n 19 A Bankfield .. • • ■ • • • • ■ ■ • • • l r 4 Doyleston .. •• •• •• • • " 050 Erina .. .. 280 Einlay Downs • • 370 X3 3 Galatea ....■••• 2 14 11 £ ort ° n .. 1 0 10 Hawtrey .. •• •• • • • • 144 Heatherlea .. • • • • • • • • • ■ • • o i o 1 Hereford Park .. •• •• ■ • • • • ■ '' oisfi Horahia .. • • • • ■ • ■ • • • ' ' 967 14 4 Hutt Valley . • • • • • ■ • • • ■ • ' i o Q Kohika No. 2 • • ■ • • • • • • • • • 7 16 0 Lindsay .. •• •• •• •• •' 569 4 3 Makaraeo ..•••• 44V Motutara .. • • • ■ • • • • ' • '' .» „ , Normandale .. ■ • • • • ■ • '' •' 1 18 10 Norwegians .. ■ • • • • • 1 ■ • • '' Carried forward .. .. •• 4,141 8 8

R—l [PT. IIJ.


DETAIL STATEMENT of EXPENDITURE relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT and of CREDITS IN REDUCTION of such Expenditure for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1935—continued.


Name of Estate. ! Incidental Expenses. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 4,141 8 8 Expenditure under the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, Section 45 —continued. Expenses incidental to Estates—continued. Ohauiti . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. 0 7 10 Omaka . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . 1 18 10 Oronga .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. 0 10 5 Pui . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. 15 2 9 Puni .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 3 3 0 Rangitaiki .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 169 Remuera .. .. .. . .. .. .. 0113 Reparoa.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 050 Repongaere .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 19 8 Rere .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 17 11 Soland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 11 2 Tahaia .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 0 9 10 Tangowahine .. . . .. . . . . .. .. 0 10 0 Tapanui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 456 9 2 Tauraroa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 314 Te Pua .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 5 0 Teschemaker .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 18 9 Te Wera . . . . .. . . .. .. .. 907 1 1 Tuturumuri .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 286 Valverde . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 1 12 7 Waiteitei . .. .. .. .. . . .. 0 19 3 Watea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 300 Whakata . . . . . . . . . . , . .. Ill Wilden .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. 12 2 5;56 4 2 6 Administration Expenses of Estates .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,63778 Total expenditure .. .. .. .. .. .. £17,201 10 2 Credits in reduction of Expenditure under the Land for Settlements Act, 0redlts inBeduotion 1925, Section 45, Purchase-money. Acquirement of Estates — £ s. d. £ s. d, Dalmain . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 881 14 3 Strathmore . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 76 3 7 Tapuwae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 950 0 0 Tuturumuri . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 100 0 0 Valverde .. . . . . . . , . . . . . 94 17 2 Wairakau .. .. .. .. .. 21 15 11 Wilden.. .. .. ., .. .. .. .. 2,295 4 0 4,419 14 11 Credits in Reduction of Incidental Expenses. Expenses incidental to Estates — £ s . d. Apanui .. . . . . .. . . .. .. 30 10 3 Aponga .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. 1,434 1 3 Arthurton . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 1 13 0 Awamoa .. . . . . . . . . , . .. 1 16 0 Awanui .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 4 16 8 Claremont .. .. .. .. .. .. 041 Doyleston .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 007 Gorton .. .. . . . . .. .. .. 5 14 11 Hawtrey .. . . .. .. .. .. 086 Heatherlea .. ., .. .. .. .. 144 Heights .. .. . . . . .. .. .. 4 11 0 Makaraeo . . . . . . .. .. .. 393 7 11 | Norwegians .. . . . . . ... .. .. 1 18 10 Ohauiti .. .. . . . . .. .. .. 0 7 7 Omaka .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. 1 18 10 Osborne .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 2 16 0 Parahi .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. 2 17 6 Rangitaiki .. , . .. .. . . .. .. 2 16 9 Reparoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 382 Soland .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 100 Starborcugh .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 050 Tangowahine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0106 Tauraroa .. . . . . .. .. .. .. 0 10 11 Te Miro .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 61 Valverde .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 080 Waihou .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 0 12 8 Waiteitei .. .... .. . . .. .. 1 15 6 Whakata .. . . .. .. .. .. .. Ill Wither .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 500 1,906 1 11 Total credits in reduction .. .. .. .. .. £6,325 16 10

B—B. 1 [PT. ll].

B.—l [PT. II

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 9 34-1 935

DETAILED STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS of LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1935.


1 _UJ fill LU.L AU11.1IIU1LJ -M. f v-rw • New Zealand Loans Act, 1932:— £ s. d. j £ s. d. Section 57, — Stock issued in exchange for Debentures — Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account — To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. •• •• 3,500 0 0 Land for Settlements Account — To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. •• 37,600 0 0 State Advances Account (Workers Branch) — To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. •■ •• 6,000 0 0 State Forests Account— To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. •• ■• 9,000 0 0 War Expenses Account— To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. • ■ ■ • 400 0 0 To mature 15th January, 1940 .. .. •• •• 45,185 0 0 To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. ■■ 44,750 0 0 To mature 15th February, 1946 .. .. •• •■ 57,585 0 0 To mature 15th April, 1949 .. .. .. ■• ■• 56,925 0 0 To mature 15th June, 1955 68,750 0 0 —— —^— — — ■—— yj Kf Ordinary Stock issued in exchange for Death Duty Stock — Public Works Fund —General Purposes AccountTo mature 15th June, 1955 .. .. .. ... • • 475 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account — To mature 15th June, 1955 .. .. .. •• •■ 3,370 0 0 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — To mature 15th April, 1949 .. .. •• •■ •• 3,580 0 0 War Expenses Account— To mature 15th January, 1940 .. .. ■• ■• 2 ,930 0 0 To mature 15th March, 1943 » J J To mature 15th February, 1946 .. ■• •• ■• 3,695 0 0 To mature 15th May, 1952 .. .. .. •• ■• 3,905 0 0 18,255 0 \' Section 14, — Securities issued in conversion of Loans — StockPublic Works Fund —General Purposes AccountTo mature 15th October, 1955-60 .. .. ■■ ■• 2,989,]00 0 0 To mature 15th January, 1957 .. .. •■ •• 1,417,000 0 0 To mature 15th May, 1957 .. .. ■• •• •■ 1,417,000 0 0 To mature loth August, 1957 1,417,000 0 0 To mature 15th February, 1958 .. .. •• ■• 917,000 0 0 To mature 15th June, 1958 .. .. H"fl'95x „ 2 To mature 15th September, 1958 .. .. ■• •■ 1,417,000 0 0 To mature 15th December, 1958 .. ,. ■■ ■• 1,417,000 0 0 To mature 15th November, 1959 .. .. •• ■• 25,785 0 0 Education Loans Account— „„„„„ To mature 15th November, 1959 .. .. ■• ■■ 2,099,480 0 0 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account— To mature 15th July, 1959 .. .. ,, •■ ■• 700,000 0 0 Kauri-gum Industry Account — To mature 15th August, 1957 .. •• •■ •• 57,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Account — „,«««« « n To mature 15th October, 1955-60 210 '™ J J To mature 15th July, 1959 .. .. .. ■■ •• 65,000 0 0 Land for Settlements (opening up Crown Lands) Account— To mature 15th December, 1958 .. .. •• •■ 217,740 0 0 Loans to Local Bodies Account— ..,-,,, -** „ „ To mature 15th August, 1957 ■ • 2,120,225 0 0 Maori Land Settlement Account — To mature 15th August, 1957 .. .. •■ •■ 231,675 0 0 Native Land Settlement Account — To mature 15th December, 1958 .. .. ■■ ■• 2,001,850 0 0 Railways Account — Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase AccountTo mature 15th February, 1958 .. .. •• ■• 500,000 0 0 Wellington-Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account— To mature 15th July, 1959 .. .. •• •• 305,080 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account— To mature 15th July, 1959 .. 985,500 0 0 Railways Improvement Account — To mature 15th July, 1959 414,770 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account — To mature 15th December, 1958 21'°™ „ „ To mature 15th November, 1959 .. •• •• ■• 262,000 0 0 Samoan Loan Suspense Account — ... „ „ To mature 15th December, 1958 102,410 0 0 State Advances Account — Settlers Branch — . To mature 15th October, 1955-60 .. 40,000 0 0 Workers Branch— To mature 15th October, 1955-60 .. '. 750,000 0 0 War Expenses Account— To mature 15th April, 1937 500,000 0 0 To mature 15th December, 1958 520,000 0 Q- q q Carried forward 0 0

B.—l [Pt. ll],




£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 24,942,565 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932— continued. Section 14 —continued. Securities issued in renewal of Loans— Treasury Bills— Land for Settlements Account— To mature 3rd August, 1934 . . . . .. 65,000 0 0 To mature 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. 0 0 130,000 0 0 Stock — Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account — To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 1,900 0 0 Electric Supply Account— To mature 1st February, 1957 .. .. .. .. 64,465 0 0 War Expenses Account — To mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 66,565 0 0 Section 63, — Stock issued in replacement of lost Debentures— Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account— To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. ., 1 000 0 0 Section 40 (6)',— Ordinary Stock issued in replacement of Death Duty Stock— Public Works Fund —General Purposes AccountTo mature 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 11 000 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account— To mature 15th June, 1955 .. .. .. .. .. 15,000 0 0 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — To mature 15th April, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 16,560 0 0 War Expenses Account— To mature 15th January, ]940 .. .. .. .. 4,355 0 0 To mature 15th March, 1943 .. .. .. .. .. 12,075 0 0 To mature 15th February, 1946 .. .. .. .. 10*290 0 0 To mature 15th May, 1952 .. .. .. .. .. 39*680 0 0 ]08,960 0 0 Finance Act, 1925, Section 13 :— Amount received in respect of War Expenses to be applied in repayment of War Loans— Subsection (3) —Repatriation Receipts paid in by State Advances Office 6,991 19 0 Subsection (2) —Miscellaneous Receipts .. .. .. .. 18 6 0 7,010 5 0 Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 135 (2) :— Amount received on account of New Zealand Share of German Reparations .. 2 664 17 6 Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 135 (4) :— Amount transferred from Ordinary Revenue Account for redemption of Main Highways Loans .. .. .. .. .. ., 7 326 3 8 Amount received from Main Highways Account Revenue Fund for redemption of Main Highways Loans .. .. .. .. 75 ; 573 0 0 Amount received from State Advances Office for redemption of Securities at or before maturity— State Advances Account— Settlers Branch .. .. .. .. ,, _ 724 600 0 0 Workers Branch .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 \ 300 0 0 Loans to Employers for Workers Dwellings .. .. .. 2,575 0 0 Amount received from the British Phosphate Commission for the redemption of Nauru and Ocean Islands Securities in terms of Section 13 (4) of the Finance Act, 1932 .. .. .. .. ., ] g 397 2 9 855,774 6 5 Total •• ■• •• •• •• ... .. £26,114,539 8 11

B.—l [Pt. llj


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1935.


New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 :— £ s - d - £ s - d - Section 57, — Debentures exchanged for Stock — Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account — Due 1st September, 1937 .. •• •• •• ■• 3,500 0 0 Land for Settlements Account — Due 15th November, 1941 .. .. ■• •■ •• <S7,oOO 0 0 State Advances Account (Workers Branch)— Due 1st September, 1937 .. •• •• •• ■• 6 > 000 ° ° State Forests Account — Due 15th November, 1941 .. .. •• •• •• 9 > 000 ° ° War Expenses Account — Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. • • ■ • • ■ fOO 0 0 Due 15th January, 1940 ■• ■■ «,18o 0 0 Due 15th November, 1941 .. .. 44 ' 7 °° 0 0 Due 15th February, 1946 I'll n n Due 15th April, 1949 56,925 0 0 n... ] hi, Tnnp TQfifi •■ •■ •• •• 08,/00 U U Due iōtn June, imjo 329,695 0 0 Death Duty Stock exchanged for ordinary Stock — Public Works Fund —General Purposes AccountDue 15th June, 1955 .. • • • • • • • • 475 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account — Due 15th June, 1955 .. ■■ •• •• •• 3 > 370 ° ° State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 15th April, 1949.. .. •■ •■ •• ■■ 3 ' 580 ° ° War Expenses Account — Due 15th January, 1940 .. ■■ •■ •• •• „ „ Due 15th March, 1943 • • • • 300 ■ 0 0 Due 15th February, 1946 .. .. •• •• •■ J>™ J » Bnp ip;+1i Mflv IQ^ 4 ? .. •- •• •• o,905 0 0 Due lotn May, 195- .. •• lg2g5 Q Q Section 14, — Securities converted — Treasury Bills — Land for Settlements Account — Due 31st March, 1935 .. •• 6o ' 000 ° ° Stock — Public Works Fund —General Purposes AccountDue 1st January, 1943 ]'īltitū no Due 15th January, 1957 M ,'nnn n n Due 15th May, 1957 .«7,000 0 0 Due 15th August, 1957 M 7,000 0 0 Due 15th February, 1958 5 n Due 15th June, 1958 M«'-2S2 n n Due 15th September, 1958 HĪZ'25S 2 2 Due 15th December, 1958 1,417,000 0 0 Due 15th November, 1959 .. .. •• •• •• 25,785 0 0 Electric Supply Account— Due 1st February, 1957 .. .. • ■ • • • • 800 0 0 Education Loans Account— ,. m , a . A „ Due 15th November, 1959 .. .. •• •■ •• 2,099,480 0 0 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account— Due 15th July, 1959 700,000 0 0 Kauri-gum Industry Account— Due 15th August, 1957 57 >000 ° ° Land for Settlements Account — Due 1st January, 1943 .. ■• •• •• •■ 131,075 4 8 Land for Settlements (opening up Crown Lands) Account— Due 15th December, 1958 .. .. •• •• •• 217,740 0 0 Loans to Local Bodies Account — «.«.am* r. a Due 15th August, 1957 2,120,225 0 0 Maori Land Settlement Account — Due 15th August, 1957 231,675 0 0 Native Land Settlement Account — Due 15th December, 1958 2,001,850 0 0 Railways Account — Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Account — Due 15th February, 1958 .. • • • ■ • • 500,000 0 0 Wellington-Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account — Due 15th July, 1959 .. •• •■ •• ■• 305,080 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account— Due 15th July, 1959 .. •• 985,500 0 0 Railways Improvement Account— Due 15th July, 1959 414,770 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account — Due 15th December, 1958 262 000 0 0 Due 15th November, 1959 .. •• •■ •• •• 262,000 0 0 Samoan Loan Suspense Account — Due 15th December, 1958 .. .. •• •• •• 102,410 0 0 State Advances Account— Settlers Branch— Due 1st January, 1943 .. ■ 25,080 19 11 Workers Branch— Due 1st January, 1943 .. ■■ •• •• ■• 470,268 IS - War Expenses Account— Due 15th June, 1955 520,000 0 0 Due 15th March, 1959 500,000 0 0 Carried forward 23,465,529 18 4

B.—l [PT. ll]




£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 23,455,529 18 4 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 — continued. Section 14 —continued. Securities paid off by the issue of new Securities — Stock — Public Works -Fund—General Purposes Account— Due 1st January, 1943 .. .. .. ,, .. [ 1,114,859 19 2 Land for Settlements Account— Due 1st January, 1943 .. .. .. .. .. 78,324 15 7 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 1st January, 1943 .. .. .. .. .. 14,919 0 ] State Advances Account (Workers Branch) — Due 1st January, 1943 .. .. .. .. .. 279,731 6 10 1,487,835 1 8 Loans renewed at maturity— Treasury Bills — Land for Settlements Account— Due 1st August, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 65,000 0 0 Due 3rd August, 1934 .'. .. .. .. .. 65,000 0 0 Deeds of Security— 130,000 0 0 Electric Supply Account — Due 1st November, 1934 ........ g4 455 q q Section 40 (3),— Loans renewed at maturity— Death Duty Stock matured — Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account— Due 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. 1,900 0 0 War Expenses Account— Due 15th January, 1940 .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 „ . 2,100 0 0 Section 58, — Securities redeemed at maturity— Debentures — State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 9th October, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 330,600 0 0 Stock— State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 9th October, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 392,800 0 0 State Advances Account (Workers Branch) — Due 9th October, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 27,300 0 0 750,700 0 0 Securities redeemed before maturity— StockState Advances Account— Loans to Employers for Workers Dwellings Account— Due 15th May, 1957 .. .. .. .. .. 2,575 0 0 Workers Branch— Due 15th February, 1958 .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Nauru and Ocean Islands Account— Due 15th January, 1957 .. .. .. .. .. 47,725 0 0 51,300 0 0 Section 63, — Debentures lost and replaced by Stock — Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account— Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Section 40 (6), — Death Duty Stock replaced by ordinary Stock— Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account— Due 15th November, 1941 .. .. .. .. .. 11,000 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account— Due 15th June, 1955 .. .. .. .. 15,000 0 0 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 15th April, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 16,560 0 0 War Expenses Account— Due 15th January, 1940 .. .. .. .. .. 4,355 0 0 Due 15th March, 1943 .. .. .. .. .. 12,075 0 0 Due 15th February, 1946 .. .. .. .. .. 0 0 Due 15th May, 1952 .. .. .. .. .. .. 39*680 0 0 „ , 108,960 0 0 Reparation Moneys applied in Redemption of Loans in Terms ov the Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 135 (3) :— Securities redeemed at maturity,— Debentures — i War Expenses Account — Due 15th November, 1927 .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Securities redeemed before maturity,— StockWar Expenses Account, — Due 15th January, 1940 .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Due 15th February, 1946 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 750 0 0 Totals ■• ■■ •■ •• •. -. .. £26,052,640 0 0

B.—l [Pt. ll]




New Zealand Loams Act, 1932 :— £ s. d. £ s. d. New Zealand Debt Conversion Act, 1932-33, — Section 9— Stock issued in exchange for debentures (dissented) — War Expenses Account — Due 20th April, 1939 .. .. .. . • • • • • 100 0 0 Section 12 — Securities issued in conversion— Debentures — Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account — Due 15th January, 1940 .. .. .. •. ■ ■ 100 0 0 Electric Supply Account — Due 15th February, 1946 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Education Loans Account — Due 15th February, 1946 .. .. .. • • 100 0 0 Land for Settlements Account— Due 15th January, 1940 .. .. .. • • • ■ 100 0 0 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 15th January, 1940 .. .. . ■ • ■ ■ • 950 0 0 Due 15th February, 1946 .. .. • • • • 605 0 0 Due 15th April, 1949 .. .. .. .. • • 150 0 0 Due 15th June, 1955 . . .. .. .. ■ ■ 150 0 0 State Advances Account (Workers Branch) — Due 15th January, 1940 .. .. .. •. •• 1,005 0 0 Due 15th February, 1946 .. .. ■ • • ■ 200 0 0 Due 15th April, 1949 .. .. .. • • • • 100 0 0 Due 15th June, 1955 .. .. .. ■ ■ • • 105 0 0 State Forests Account — Due 15th January, 1940 .. .. .. • • • ■ 300 0 0 War Expenses Account — Due 15th January, 1940 .. .. ■• ■■ ■• l> W0 0 0 Due 15th February, 1946 .. .. • • • ■ 800 0 0 Due 15th April, 1949 .. .. .. • • • ■ 700 0 0 Due 15th June, 1955 .. .. .. • • ■ ■ 705 0 0 7,870 0 0 Stock — Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account— Due 15th January, 1940 .. .. .. • • • • 250 0 0 Due 15th February, 1946 • .. .. • • • • 250 0 0 Due 15th April, 1949 .. .. .. ■ • • ■ 250 0 0 Due 15th June, 1955 .. .. .. ■ • • ■ 250 0 0 Land for Settlements Account— Due 15th January, 1940 .. .. ■ • ■ ■ • • 100 0 0 State Advances Account (Workers Branch) — Due 15th January, 1940 .. .. • • • • • • 100 0 0 Due 15th February, 1946 .. .. • ■ ■ ■ 100 0 0 War Expenses Account — Due 15th January, 1940 .. .. • • • • • • 900 0 0 Due 15th March, 1943 .. .. •• ■• •• 1,100 0 0 Due 15th February, 1946 .. .. • ■ ■ ■ 400 0 0 Due 15th May, 1952 .. .. .. •• ■• 1,005 0 0 4,705 0 0 Totals •• £12,675 0 0

B.—l [Pt. 111.




New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 :— £ s. d. £ s. d. New Zealand Debt Conversion Act, 1932-33,— Section 9 — Debentures (dissented) exchanged for Stock— War Expenses Account— » Due 20th April, 1939 .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Section 12— Securities converted— Debentures— Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account — Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Electric Supply Account— Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. ".. .. 100 0 0 Education Loans Account— Due 15th August, 1933 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Land for Settlements Account— Due 1st September, 1937 . . . . .. .. .. 200 0 0 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 1,350 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. . . .. .. 500 0 0 State Advances Account (Workers Branch) — Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. 300 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 State Forests Account— Due 15th August, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 War Expenses Account— ' Due 15th August, 1933 .. .. .. ' .. .. 500 0 0 Due 1st February, 1936 . . .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Due 15th November, 1938 .. .. .. 3,700 0 0 | Due 30th April, 1939 .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 11,050 0 0 StockPublic Works Fund—General Purposes Account— Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 War Expenses Account — Due 15th November, 1938 .. .. .'. .. 500 0 0 1,500 0 0 Premiums on Conversion— State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) .... .. 500 State Advances Account (Workers Branch) .. .. 10 0 0 War Expenses Account.. .. .. .. ''.. .. 10 0 0 25 0 0 Totals' .. .. .. '.. .. . .. £12,675 0 0 =^-^^

B.—l [Pt. II |.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 934-1935.


DETAIL STATEMENT of RECOVERIES on ACCOUNT of EXPENDITURE of PREVIOUS YEARS, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st Makch, 1935. REVENUE FUND. £ s. d. Amount received from the Matakaoa County Council in reduction of advances made .. . • 1,910 17 5 Sale of—- 30 0 0 Quarry u 9 fi Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. • • • ■ • • • • • ■ • • £1,954 19 11 CONSTRUCTION FUND. £ s. d. Sale of 20 0 0 Land and buildings .. .. .. • • • ■ • ■ • • • • • • " " Surplus and obsolete stores .. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • '' £23 15 11


B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1934-193 5.


DETAIL STATEMENT of RECOVERIES on ACCOUNT of EXPENDITURE of PREVIOUS YEARS, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1935. Sale of — £ s. d. Kant .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 207 3 5 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 39 0 0 £246 3 5


DETAIL STATEMENT of RECOVERIES on ACCOUNT of EXPENDITURE of PREVIOUS YEARS, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1935. Sale of— £ s , d _ Live-stock .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 900 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. 113 1 8 £122 1 8


DETAIL STATEMENT of RECOVERIES on ACCOUNT of EXPENDITURE of PREVIOUS YEARS, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1935. £ s. d. ] Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. .. .. .. J 121 10 0 G. C. Rodda, Secretary to the Treasury. B. C. Ashwin, Assistant Secretary to the Treasury. Examined and found correct. G, F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General, 18th September, 1935. 10th September, 1935.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (551 copies), £120.

By Authority : G. H. Loney, Government Printer, Wellington.—l93s, Price. Is. 3d.]


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