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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Commissioner of Police to the Hon. the Minister in Charge of Police Department. Police Department, Wellington, Bth August, 1934. I have the honour to present the annual report on the Police Force for the year ended 31st March last. Strength of Force. On the 31st March last the number of permanent members of the Force of all ranks was 1,142, being an increase of thirty-six during the year. The total is made up as follows : — Superintendents .. . ■ • • • • • • 4 Inspectors .. . . •• • ■ • ■ .. 15 Sub-Inspectors .. .. . • • • • • 4 Senior Sergeants .. .. ■ • • • 29 Sergeants .. .. .. • ■ ■ • 95 Constables .. .. . ■ • ■ ■ ■ • • 923 Senior Detectives .. .. . • • • • • 5 Detective-sergeants .. .. . • • • • • 13 Detectives .. . . . • • • • ■ 54 In addition to the above there were — Police surgeons .. . • • • • • . . 12 Matrons .. . • • • • • • • • • 8 District constables .. .. • • ■ • ■ • 3 Native constables .. .. . • • • • • 1 There were also sixty-nine temporary constables appointed under section 2 of the Police Force Amendment Act, 1919. The majority of these were appointed on probation with a view to filling vacancies in the permanent staff if found suitable. The total actual strength of the Force, including temporary constables, showed a net increase of sixteen on 31st March last. Stations. A new station was established during the year at Runanga, and the stations at Panmure, Tangarakau, Marton Junction, and Dunollie were closed. Casualties. x The following are the casualties for the year ended 31st March last : Retired on pension under the Public Service Superannuation Act, 3 ; retired as medically unfit, 8 ; died, 9 ; resigned voluntarily, 6 ; dismissed, 1 : total, 27. This is 11 less than in the preceding year. Criminal Statistics. The criminal statistics (Appendix A) deal with offences reported to the police during the year ended 31st December last, and show an aggregate net decrease of 2,066 on the figures of 1932. The proportion of offences to the population was 2-15 per cent., as against 2-3 the previous year. There were increases during the year under the following headings, viz. :— Indecent assault on male . . . • 58 Theft of postal packets .. . . .. 29 Theft from dwellings .. .. ..25 Breaches of Arms Act .. .. .. 11l Obtaining credit by fraud . . . • 26 Being intoxicated in charge of motor-vehicle 25 Using profane, indecent, or obscene language 62 Minor breaches of Motor-vehicles Act . . 669 Gaming offences .. .. 55

I—H. 16.


The principal decreases were — Carnallv knowing girls .. .. 30 Breaches of the peace .. .. .. 71 Theft (petty) .. .. -. . . 478 Drunkenness .. .. .. . . 370 Theft by clerks or servants .. .. 90 Vagrancy offences .. .. 191 False pretences . . • • • • 185 Inciting violence, disorder, or lawlessness .. 139 Burglary, house-breaking, &c. .. .. 205 Unlawful conversion of horses, motor-cars, Receiving stolen property . . • • 74 &c. .. .. • • • • 187 Forgery and uttering . . .. 48 Opium-smoking, &c. . . 57 Failing to maintain wives, children, &c. .. 624 The continued decrease in the crime of burglary, housebreaking, &c. (205 in 1933 and 55 in 1932) also a decrease in petty thefts (478 in 1933) is gratifying. It will be observed that the decrease in offences of unlawful conversion of motor-cars was 187 in 1933 and 65 in 1932. This is noteworthy in view of the agitation for increased penalties. The decrease in drunkenness commented upon in last report still continues. The increase in convictions for breaches of the Gaming Act last year was 63 and the previous year 88, indicating continued police activity. The law respecting bookmaking requires strengthening. The following return shows the number of offences reported in each police district during the year, the number of cases in which arrests or summonses resulted, and the number in which no prosecution followed : —

The percentage of arrests or summonses resulting from offences reported during the year 1933 was 90-48, the figures of the preceding year being 9049. Serious Crimes. The following is a return of the number of serious crimes as compared with the previous year


Number of Offences Number in which . . I Number of in which Arrests no Arrests Police District. I offences reported. or Summonses or Summonses resulted. resulted. Whangarei .. .. •• •• •• 1,184 1,089 95 Auckland . . . • • ■ • • ■ • 7,589 6,824 765 Hamilton .. .. .. • • •• 2,403 2,294 109 Gisborne .. . • ■ • • • • • 904 833 71 Napier .. . • • • • • • • 1 > 885 1,745 140 New Plymouth .. .. . • •• 1,158 1,098 60 Wanganui .. .. •• •• •• 1,376 1,193 183 Palmerston North .. .. •• •• 1,478 1,389 89 Wellington .. •• •• •• 5,598 4,941 657 Nelson .. . . ■ • • • • ■ 833 721 112 Greymouth . . • • • • • • 893 814 79 Ch.ristch.urch .. .. • • ■ • 3,909 3,529 380 Timaru 733 633 100 Dunedin . . . . . • • • • • 2,319 2,107 212 Invercargill .. •• 1,040 923 117 Totals.. .. ■■ •• 33,302 30,133 3,169

1932. 1933. Crimes. Number of dumber of b q{ Number of Offences ln f Offenees , , which Arrests , , which Arrests reported. u A reported. ,, , r resulted. r resulted. Arson .. .. • • • • • ■ • • 27 14 9 Robbery» and aggravated robbery .. .. • • 9 4 11 8 Burglary, breaking into shops, dwellings, &c. .. 1,553 946 1,348 875 Forgery and uttering .. .. •• •• 224 211 176 160 Murder 15 13 22 12 Murder, attempted .. .. •• •• 2 2 3 3 Rape .. . . • • • • •• ■• 3 5 5 Receiving stolen property .. • • • • 283 283 209 209 Wounding with intent .. . • • • ■ • 1 1 4 2 Totals -• 2,123 1,490 1,792 1,283

H,— l6.

The following table shows particulars of the 22 cases of murder which occurred during the year, being an increase of 7 over the number in the previous year :—

It will be observed that in 12 cases the accused was committed for trial, and in 6 cases the offender committed suicide immediately after the crime. Of the remaining four cases, in three the offender has not yet been detected, and in the fourth the accused is an inmate of a mental hospital, and not in a condition to plead to the charge. Of the 22 murders one man murdered his family of four and another murdered two adults. In this return these are shown as six murders by six offenders (one in respect of each offence). Of those committed for trial, convictions were recorded in five cases, the accused was acquitted and discharged in two cases, and acquitted on the grounds of insanity in five cases. The three cases still undetected consist of a taxi-driver who was found murdered in his taxi-cab, a hotel-keeper who was shot dead in his bed at night, and an unidentified newly born child whose dead body was found in circumstances indicating foul play. Indecent and sexual offences were as under :—

Drunkenness. There has been a decrease of 369 in the number of prosecutions for drunkenness during the year as compared with the previous year. The number charged with drunkenness in 1933 was 3,499 (3,344 males and 155 females), whereas in 1932 the number was 3,868 (3,695 males and 173 females). From the following table it will be observed that 41-8 per cent, of the males and 62-5 per cent, of the females had previous convictions recorded against them, and 2-1 per cent, of the males were not permanent residents of the Dominion.


: N . or Number Results of Trials - vt ) nf Number . , . , in which JNumber 01 . , . , m winch. , , . n . , . , Offences m , whl t ch Offender Accused Acquitted Dlstrict " reported. r f f st , s committed w f co f" n ■ ♦ Acquitted on resulted. Q . ., mitted for Convicted. and Grounds i e - Trial. Discharged. of Insanity. Whangarei .. .. 1 1 .. 1 .. 1 Auckland .. 6 5 .. 5 4 . . 1 Gisborne . . .. 2 .. 2 New Plymouth. . . . . 1 1 . . 1 . . 1 Napier . . .. .. 1 . . 1 Wanganui . . .. 2 . . 2 Palmerston North . . 1 . . 1 Wellington .. .. 3 1 .. 1 1 Christchurch .. .. 5 4 .. 4 .. .. 4 Totals .. .. 22 12 6 12 5 2 5 I

[ ~~ ' Offences. 1932. 1933. j Unnatural offence .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 Unnatural offence, attempted .. .. .. . . 2 4 Indecently assaulting a male .. . . .. .. 24 82 Incest .. .. . . .. . . . . 13 10 Indecent acts .. .. .. .. .. 28 25 Concealment of birth . . .. . . .. .. 6 2 Assault, indecent .. .. .. .. .. 82 82 Rape .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 5 Rape, attempted .. .. . . .. . . 7 1 Carnally knowing girls .. .. .. .. 74 44 Carnally knowing girls, attempted .. .. . . 11 32 Abortion, procuring, &c. .. .. .. .. 11 5 Exposure of person and grossly indecent acts . . .. 180 196 Totals .. .. .. .. .. j 441 502


Return showing the Number of Persons charged with Drunkenness during the Year 1933, and the Number of Previous Convictions against them, so far as is known.

Number of foregoing who were members of the crews of vessels in port, 72. The following table shows the convictions for drunkenness per ten thousand of the population for each year from 1928 to 1932 in Australia and New Zealand . 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 1932. Commonwealth .. . ■ 94-27 89-5 73-0 58-6 60-7 New Zealand .. .. 43-20 46-3 42-4 32-1 26-7 Prosecutions against Hotelkeepers. The number of prosecutions against hotelkeepers during the year shows a decrease of 6 as compared with the preceding year. There were 546 prosecutions, resulting in 328 convictions during 1933, as against 552 prosecutions and 336 convictions m 1932. Sly-grog Selling. There were 44 prosecutions during the year for selling liquor without a license, resulting in 38 convictions, and there were also 70 prosecutions, resulting in 61 convictions, for other offences against the provisions of the Licensing Act in force in no-license districts. The lines imposed on the sly-grog sellers during the year 1933 amounted to £1,108. Gaming Offences. There were 524 prosecutions, resulting in 475 convictions, during the year under the Gaming Act, against 467 prosecutions and 412 convictions in 1932. Prosecutions of Bookmakers. The following return shows the result of prosecutions in connection with bookmaking during the year ended 31st March, 1934 : —


——-———— —. : ■■ . . : ; I ' j Males. Females. Total. Not previously convicted .. 1,944 58 One previous conviction .. • • • • 377 9 o Two previous convictions .. • • • • 228 16 2 Three previous convictions .. ■ • • • 183 11 19 Four previous convictions .. .. • • 137 6 Five previous convictions .. .. • ■ 109 Over five previous convictions .. • • 366 50 Totals .. •• 3,344 155 3,499

Number of Number of Amount of Fines Offence. Prosecutions. Convictions. imposed. £ s. d. Carrying on business of bookmaker .. •• 58 48 2,276 0 0 Keeping common gaming-house .. •• 77 ju ' J Found in common gaming-house .. • • -lo 25 0 0 Laying totalizator odds . - ■ • • • 6 0 0 Publishing betting-charts .. • • • • A A 3 0 0 Betting with bookmaker ...■■• • Street betting . • • • ■ • • • 5 Totals .. •• •• 166 ' 144 4 ' 984 0 0


Growth of Department. The following return shows the growth of the Department, the continued increase of the population, and the total number of offences (irrespective of by-law offences) reported, and in which arrests or summonses resulted, each year since 1877, prior to which date each province in the Dominion had its own Police Force, and reliable data are not available : —


t/2 03 ■g § ■ „5 Offences Arrests for • ag I ! L f , Police to p , f . Offences where Arrests Drunkenness r ' 2 S° ■■§ % Population. Po P ulatlon - reported. I „ or (included in 8 jh'S S ™ 1 ant ' Summonses "Offences S3 ° o c § resulted. reported"). O XS O O ' ; w 1878 25 90 14 329 458 1 to 944 . 432,352 14,157 13,959 6,668 1879 25 84 16 364 489 1 to 948 1 463,572 16,374 14,696 6,794 1880 25 86 21 379 511 1 to 949 JS c 484,939 17,837 16,723 6,484 1881 13 73 18 337 441 1 to 1,136' 500,976 16,635 15,212 5,587 1882 13 72 19 343 447 1 to 1,1581 g 5.17,626 18,613 17,470 6,860 1883 13 72 20 356 461 1 to 1,173.) £ 540,753 18,775 17,727 7,572 1884 13 70 17 365 465 1 to 1,263 3/3 587,295 18,263 17,322 7,151 1885 20 65 17 372 474 1 to 1,293 3/0f 613,212 18,955 17,723 7,034 1886 20 66 18 390 494 1 to 1,266 3/2 625,849 18,135 17,000 6,260 1887 20 69 18 395 502 1 to 1,265 3/2* 635,215 17,752 16,500 5,226 1888 13 69 17 388 487 1 to 1,328 3/lf 646,913 12,897 11,854 5,387 1889 13 65 17 389 484 1 to 1,347 2/lOf 652,125 12,945 11,885 5,444 1890 12 66 13 403 494 1 to 1,346 2/lOf 664,855 13,115 12,177 5,866 1891 7 61 14 404 486 1 to 1,375 2/llfc 668,353 12,674 11,748 5,416 1892 7 60 14 401 482 1 to 1,401 2/9 675,775 13,153 12,187 5,360 1893 7 53 14 407 481 1 to 1,439 2/6J 692,426 13,165 12,100 5,251 1894 7 55 13 410 485 1 to 1,472 2/7J 714,258 13,530 12,500 4,594 1895 7 51 13 416 487 1 to 1,495 2/6J 728,121 14,010 12,435 4,636 1896 6. 51 13 414 484 1 to 1,530 2/7£ 740,699 14,673 13,171 5,005 1897 7 45 12 453 517 1 to 1,461 2/7| 754,016 15,219 14,042 5,204 ] 898 7 56 16 457 536 1 to 1,435 2/8 768,910 16,378 14,730 5,532 1899 11 53 15 475 554 1 to .1,414 2/9| 783,317 16,865 15,561 6,289 1900 11 56 20 499 586 1 to 1,359 2/10f 796,359 18,358 17,131 7,299 1901 11 56 20 504 591 1 to 1,381 2/10J 816,290 19,909 18,742 8,057 1902 12 58 20 514 604 1 to 1,375 2/10* 830,800 19,771 18,802 8,269 1903 12 59 20 522 613 1 to 1,388 2/10* 851,068 20,736 19,867 8,815 1904 12 59 21 534 626 1 to 1,398 2/10| 875,648 21,066 20,118 9,615 1905 12 65 25 553 655 1 to 1,375 2/10| 900,682 20,249 19,251 8,707 1906 14 71 25 557 667 1 to 1,387 2/10* 925,605 21,160 20,241 9,210 1907 14 78 30 577 699 1 to 1,375 3/0 961,604 23,204 22,244 10,203 1908 15 83 32 604 734 1 to .1,331 3/2J 977,215 23,510 22,484 10,343 1909 16 87 35 633 771 1 to 1,308 3/4J 1,008,373 23,930 22,880 10,657 1910 16 86 34 639 775 1 to 1,330 3/3* 1,030,657 25,106 23,949 11,718 1911 15 87 38 648 788 1 to 1,333 3/4* 1,050,410 24,999 23,492 11,699 1912 15 89 39 692 835 1 to 1,287 3/5 1,075,250 25,981 24,837 11,884 1913 17 93 41 695 846 1 to 1,303 3/8 1,102,389 25,415 24,364 11,707 1914 17 94 40 719 870 1 to 1,304 3/9 1,134,506 27,563 26,494 13,189 1915 19 100 37 755 911 1 to 1,257 4/1 1,145,840 28,412 27,096 13,268 1916 19 104 36 757 916 1 to 1,258 4/2f 1,152,669 24,920 23,848 10,833 1917 20 108 36 734 898 1 to 1,280 4/3 1,150,002 21,724 20,701 8,800 1918 20 Lll 38 732* 901 1 to 1,274 4/6* 1,147,391 19,067 18,043 7,228 1919 20 112 41 705* 878 1 to 1,319 5/2| 1,158,156 24,278 23,312 8,216 1920 21 114 38 743* 916 1 to 1,325 4/1 If 1,214,184 26,106 24,718 8,979 1921 23 112 47 768* 950 1 to 1,310 6/4J 1,244,620 26,551 25,054 8,671 1922 22 118 43 826* 1,009 1 to 1,289 6/3f 1,300,967 24,699 22,843 6,409 1923 23 118 44 818*1,003 1 to 1,321 5/8J 1,325,301 26,119 24,356 7,035 1924 23 120 47 837* 1,027 1 to 1,312 5/8f 1,347,853 27',025 25,048 7,470 1925 23 121 51 831*1,026 1 to 1,344 5/9* 1,379,487 30,470 28,668 8,277 1926 24 121 52 888* 1,085 1 to 1,299 5/9* 1,409,692 31,615 29,199 7,854 1927 22 123 56 895* 1,096 1 to 1,312 5/8* 1,437,980 32,144 29,799 6,884 1928 23 127 54 913*1,117 1 to 1,301 5/9 1,453,517 33,138 30,622 6,601 1929 23 128 56 948*1,155 1 to 1,273 6/lf 1,470,649 34,250 31,575 6,810 1930 22 127 54 943* 1,146 1 to 1,298 6/1 1,488,612 37,214 33,690 6,125 1931 25 120 65 959*1,169 L to 1,292 6/0* 1,510,940 36,680 32,659 4,687 1932 25 123 65 944*1,157 1 to 1,317 5/5 1,524,633 35,368 32,006 3,868 1933 24 121 67 983*1,195 1 to 1,286 5/6* 1,536,964 33,302 30,133 3,499 1934 23 124 72 992*1,211 1 to 1,279 5/6£ 1,548,909 ... ! I ' * Includes temporary constables.


Police Prosecutions. The following is a return of the number of convictions for which fines were imposed and the total amount of such fines in respect of prosecutions instituted by the police during the year ended 31st March, 1934 : —

Criminal Registration Branch. At Headquarters the finger-impressions of 2,656 persons were received, classified, searched, indexed, and filed during the year ; 183 persons were identified as previous oSenders who, had it not been for the finger-print° system, would have passed as first offenders ; 1,836 photographs were taken by the photographers attached to the Branch ; the photographs of 2,678 prisoners (5,350 photographs) were dealt with, and 656 photographs were reproduced in the Police Gazette. . In twenty-one cases of breaking and entering, fingerprints left by the offenders when committing the crimes were identified, and the offenders prosecuted. In five of these cases enlarged photographs were prepared and the necessary evidence tendered, resulting in three convictions in the Supreme Court, and two admissions of guilt in the lower Court. The sixteen other ofienders pleaded guilty at the lower Court. Some cases worthy of mention were the following A railway-station was broken into, the safe blown open and money, &c., stolen. A number of finger-prints were found on articles believed to have been handled by the offender, which were immediately forwarded to this Branch, together with the finger-impressions of the complete staff Most of the prints found were identified as belonging to members of the staff, but there remained unidentified two poor prints. An extensive search for these prints gave a negative result. All finger impressions subsequently received were scrutinized, and two months later identical impressions came to hand, which proved to be those of a young man whose prints had not previously been recorded. As a result, this young man pleaded guilty not only to the offence committed at the railway-station, but to ten other offences, including robbery under arms ; breaking, entering, and theft; and unlawful conversion of motor-cars. .... „ . , •, Three other ofienders were found guilty at Supreme Courts principally on finger-print evidence, there being practically no other evidence available. All were cases of breaking, entering, and theft, one included safe-blowing, and another consisted of a series of housebreaking offences which had extended over a period of nearly two years. . T It is interesting to note that the finger-print system in New Zealand has to date been responsible for the identification of no less than 6,109 persons. _ The following table shows the increase in the finger-print collection since the introduction oi tne finger-print system of identification in March, 1903 : — —iiin I n . i


——— : — 1 — 1 *; : 1 * 7T :"••• I; • I Number of I Total Amount of Fines payable to i Convictions. | Fines imposed. 1 - I Consolidated Fund .. •• •• •• Main Highways Revenue Fund (section 24, Motor-veliicles Act, 1924) 3 > 5,497 Local authorities (by-law offences) . . . • • • • • 263 168 Total 13,911 29,122

Number of Increase on traced as v dumber of Increase on tracedae Year. Prints in Previous p rev i ous Year - Prints in Previous p rev ious Collection. Year. Offenders. ! Collection - ! Year j Offenders. L 1 1904 3 500 3,500 117 1920 .. 23,686 1,354 176 1905 ;; 4 200 700 72 1921 .. 26,650 2,964 232 1906 .. 800 88 1922 .. 28,408 1,758 255 1907 .. 6,151 1,151 104 1923 .. 30,284 1,876 292 190« 7 622 1 471 123 1924 .. 31,929 1,645 289 1909 8 718 138 1925 .. 33,802 1,873 267 1910 9 919 1201 140 1926 .. 35,844 2,042 292 1911 ' 10 905 986 148 1927 .. 37,808 1,964 255 1912 12 097 1,192 178 1928 .. 39,409 1,601 276 1913 13; 552 1,455 183 1929 .. 40,852 1,443 208 1914 15 302 1,750 230 1930 .. 42,371 1,519 239 1915 " 16'682 1,380 270 1931 .. 43,973 1,602 257 1916 18 134 1,452 218 1932 .. 45,692 1,719 215 III! [19 508 1,374 166 1933 .. 47,306 1,614 213 1918 : 20,982 1,474 132 1934 .. 48,545 1,239 183 1919 .. | 22,332 1,350 153


In the Auckland Branch the finger-print collection totalled 3,924 sets of prints on the 31st March, 1934. During the year 548 sets of finger-prints were received from the Mount Eden Prison or taken at this branch, and were duly classified, searched, and filed. The photographs of 164 prisoners were taken and 961 prints were taken from the negatives. Numerous photographs were taken in miscellaneous cases, such as scenes of crimes, &c., and were produced in Court. The total number of photographs produced by the branch during the year was 2,756 (including a portion of those required in the Ruawaro murder trial). Five volumes of New South Wales prisoners' photographs (1,500 photos) were received, ca,rd indexed, and the cards filed in order of finger-print classification. The remanded-prisoner forms with the results of the cases for 261 prisoners were dealt with and returned to the Criminal Registration Branch at Wellington. In fifteen cases offenders were traced by their finger-prints as having been previously convicted, &c. In three cases finger-prints left by offenders when committing crimes were identified ; and the offenders arrested and charged with the offences and convicted at the Auckland Supreme Court—one being a case of safe-blowing. Police Buildings, etc. The following works in connection with police-stations have been carried out- during the year by the Public Works Department:— A site for a police-station was acquired at Runanga, additional land was purchased at Taradale, and additions were made to the police-station at Portobello. Repairs, renovations, and improvements were effected at a number of stations, the principal being Mangonui, Rawene, Maungaturoto, Dargaville, Kaitaia, Kaikohe, Auckland Central, Papakura, Point Chevalier, Hamilton, Rotorua, Taupo, Manunui, Te Kuiti, Gisborne, Tokomaru Bay, Patutahi, Wanganui East, Wanganui (inspector's residence), Waverley, Bulls, Levin, Nuhaka, Waipawa, Wellington North, Taranaki Street (Wellington), Mount Cook (Wellington), Greytown, Wellingt on Central, Carterton, Collingwood, Picton, Port Nelson, Richmond, Wakefield, Motueka, Blackball, Westport, Greymouth, Christchurch, Belfast, Lincoln, St. Albans, Woolston, Methven, Linwood, Lyttelton, Chatham Islands, Amberley, Timaru, Pleasant Point, Oamaru, Balclutha, Middlemarch, Waikouaiti, Dunedin Central, Mosgiel, Lawrence, Queenstown, Tapanui, Bluff, and Wyndham. General. Recruiting.—Although the financial stringency has continued to prevent the opening of the Police Training Depot since it was closed in July, 1930, it is hoped circumstances will permit of it being reopened early in 1935. The constables appointed since 1930 have received such training as could be given them at the stations to which they were appointed, but, in view of the increasing ratio of constables who have not had the benefit of depot training, it is becoming increasingly desirable that future recruits receive the very necessary grounding in their duties that can best be given in the Training Depot. Conduct. Again this year it is gratifying to be again able to report upon the continued good conduct of the members of the service, their devotion to duty, and the success attending their efforts. The Detective Branch has maintained its efficiency. The high percentage of detected offences mentioned last year has been maintained. Social Conditions.—The gratifying reduction in social unrest commented upon last year has been continued. Conditions, happily, are becoming more normal. Extracts from reports of officers in charge of districts are appended. W. G. Wohlmann, Commissioner of Police.

EXTRACTS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF OFFICERS IN CHARGE OF DISTRICTS. Inspector O'HarA, Whangarei District. There has been a decrease of offences reported during the year —viz., 1,184, against 1,366 for the previous year, resulting in 1,089 prosecutions. There has been a decrease in thefts and mischief. The only serious crime was the murder on the night of the Bth January, 1933, of a Maori farmer residing with his wife and family at Pukepoto, near Kaitaia. A Maori youth was arrested for the offence, but was acquitted at the Auckland (Supreme Court. The conduct of the members of the Force in this district has been good, only two constables being dealt with for breaches of the Police Regulations. Superintendent Till, Auckland District. I regret to have to report the deaths of three members of the Force during the year : DetectiveSergeant M. O'Sullivan, in the prime of life and usefulness in the Force ; Constable W. Mclnness, on the eve of his retirement; and Constable J. Shields, a young man who was fatally injured in a motor accident at the level-crossing at Huntly Railway-station. The chief increases in offences reported were burglary, obscene language, and negligent or reckless driving. The chief decreases were : Thefts, house or shop breaking, drunkenness, vagrancy, unlawfully using motor-cars, and failing to maintain wives, &c. The returns show a marked decrease in the number of cases reported—namely, 872.



Drunkenness is decidedly on the decrease, there being about half as many arrests during 1933 as in 1930. All classes of thefts show a decrease. On the other hand, burglary and thefts from dwellings show an increase. Of 7,589 offences reported 765 were undetected. Roughly speaking, 650 of these undetected offences were thefts, house-breaking, and burglary. During the year there were six murders and two attempted murders reported. On charges of murder, one accused was found guilty of manslaughter, one was found not guilty on account of insanity, and one was sentenced to death. For attempted murder, one accused was acquitted, and one found guilty of assault causing bodily harm. In the case of the murder of a taxi-driver the offender has not been detected, nor can any clue be got as to his identity. The murder of a man and his wife at their farm at Ruawaro resulted in the arrest of a neighbouring farmer, who will be tried for these murders at the Supreme Court here. This case has aroused intense interest throughout the Dominion, and the inquiries in connection with it have thrown a tremendous amount of work on the police. [The accused has since been convicted on both charges and sentenced to death.] Ten constables were dealt with on eleven charges of breaches of the Police Regulations. In most cases these breaches were not of a grave nature. Generally speaking, the conduct of the police has been very good. Inspector Fraser, Hamilton District. An increase of a plain-clothes constable is required in the Detective Office on account of the increase of work. During the last six months the two detectives were frequently away for days on end making inquiries in other parts of the district. Occasionally one has had to be brought back on account of something urgent occurring at Hamilton. The amount of crime in this district warrants either another detective or plain-clothes constable in the Detective Office. The general conduct of members of the Force in this district for the past twelve months has been good and their duties performed in a very satisfactory manner. The offences return for the year ended 31st December, 1933, shows the total number of offences committed to be 2,403, compared with 2,078 for the previous twelve months, being an increase of 325. Of all the offences reported 2,294 were accounted for by arrest or summons, leaving 109 undetected or ,95-25 per cent, accounted for. Of all the cases dealt with 116 males were committed for trial or sentence and of those committed 104 were convicted. No very serious crime was committed during the year. Inspector O'Halloran, Gisborne District. The time has now arrived when the station at Motu should be closed and a station opened at Matawai (eight miles away). The hotel has now been removed from Motu to Matawai; and since the new road was opened through the Waioeka Gorge the main highway now branches off at Matawai to Opotiki, consequently Motu is now eight miles distant from the main Gisborne-Opotiki Road. The offences return for the year ended 31st December, 1933, showed a total of 904 offences reported, as compared with 1,250 in the previous year, a decrease of 346. Arrests or summonses resulted in 833 cases, leaving 71 undetected. Of the cases dealt with, 30 were committed for trial or sentence, of which 28 were convicted. The most noticeable decreases were in assaults ; thefts (petty) ; thefts by clerks or servants , false pretences; forgery; mischief; cruelty to animals; unlawfully using horses, motor-cars, be. ; being found in a common gaming-house ; failing to pay maintenance moneys ; and failing to comply with conditions of release under First Offenders Probation Act. The district has been free from crime of a very serious nature during the year, with the exception of two murders. In each case the husband brutally murdered his wife and then committed suicide. Two desperate criminals who were in custody for robbery with violence and for several other offences committed all over the Dominion and when arrested were found to be armed, very cleverly broke out of the Gisborne Gaol while awaiting trial at the Supreme Court. After escaping they stole a motorcar from a garage near the gaol and made for the bush around Motu. After a search lasting several days they were recaptured in the Waioeka Bush, and the members of the Force concerned were commended for their intelligence and perseverance in apprehending these offenders. The conduct of all members of the Force has been good during the year, and there were no defaulters. Inspector Fitzpatrick, Napier District. The authorized strength of the Force in this district was increased by the transfer of an additional constable at Dannevirke, so that permanent night duty can be performed. This addition has filled a long-felt want at Dannevirke. For the year ending 31st December last the total number of offences reported was 1,885, an increase on the previous year of 75. Of the 1,885 offences reported, 1,745 were accounted for by arrest or summons. The principal increases were : Indecently assaulting a male, assault, house and shop breaking, mischief, breach of the peace or behaviour with intent, cruelty to animals, breaches of prohibition order, found on licensed premises after hours, failing to pay maintenance-moneys, and breaches of Arms Act.



The principal decreases were : False pretences, receiving property dishonestly obtained, drunkenness, unlawfully using horses or motor-cars, Sunday trading, selling or supplying liquor to prohibited persons, and reckless or negligently driving motor-vehicles. The increase in oflences relating to house and shop breaking, and mischief was due to a gang of juveniles having committed the oflences in question. They were dealt with in the Children's Court. The other increases do not call for comment. With the exception of a constable being dismissed from the Force, and three other constables being convicted for breaches of the Police Regulations, the conduct of the members of the Force has been excellent, and a high standard of efficiency maintained. Inspector Rawle, New Plymouth District. No new stations have been opened, but one, Tangarakau, has been closed, due to exodus of population on completion of the Auckland-Stratford Railway. The oflences return for the year ending December, 1933, show a total of all oflences committed to be 1,158, compared with 1,147 for the previous twelve months, being an increase of 11 oflences. Of the number reported, 1,098 were accounted for by arrest or summons, equal to 94-82 per cent. No crimes committed during the year deserve special comment. Increases and decreases occurred under the following headings : Increases —house and shop breaking, uttering forged document, mischief, breaches of peace, intimidation, keeping common gaming-house, and breaches of Motor-vehicles Act; decreases —forgery, drunkenness, obscene language, damage to Post and Telegraph equipment, unlawfully selling liquor, and dangerous or reckless driving. The conduct of the police during the past twelve months has been good and the duties satisfactorily performed, with two exceptions. One constable, who was recommended for dismissal, resigned, and the other was fined £2 and transferred to a city. Inspector Ward, Wanganui District. I recommend that a third detective be stationed at Wanganui, the reason being that the district is a large scattered one and the services of the detectives are continually required in the country. The town is then left without a detective, and many thefts and other oflences have to be inquired into by uniformed police with unsatisfactory results. The oflences return for the year ending the 31st December, 1933, shows a total number of all offences committed to be 1,376, compared with 1,191 for the previous year, being an increase of 185. Of the number reported, 1,193 were accounted for by arrest or summons. The principal increases were : Offences against morality, theft, mischief, selling or exposing liquor for sale, and found on licensed premises. The principal decreases were : Carnal knowledge, theft from dwellings, false pretences, house and shop breaking, forgery, unlawfully using horses or motor-cars, intoxicated in charge of motor-vehicles, and illegally dealing in liquor in proclaimed areas. The increases shown in theft, robbery, and mischief are probably due to the lack of employment. The decreases shown are no doubt due to the temporary cessation (which occurs occasionally) of particular crimes. Two murders were committed during the year. In one, a husband murdered his wife, and, in the other, a man murdered a young woman with whom he was keeping company. In each case the murderer committed suicide. The motive for the murders was jealousy. Two offences of robbery under arms occurred in the city. The conduct of the police during the year has been good. There were no defaulters. Inspector Harvey, Palmerston North District. The Marton Junction Station was closed during the year and a second constable appointed to the Otaki Station. The offences return for the year ended 31st December, 1933, show that the total number of all offences reported was 1,478, compared with 1,520 for the previous year, a decrease of 42. Of the offences reported, 1,389 were dealt witii by arrest or summons. The principal increases were: Assault causing actual bodily harm, theft, receiving stolen property, false pretences, conspiring to defraud ; and using profane, indecent, or obfjene language. The principal decreases were : Assault, house or shop breaking, mischief, and unlawfully on premises by night without criminal intent. A young woman was murdered by 4 man with whom she was keeping company, and who immediately after the murder committed micide. On the 11th August, 1933, a youth e itered the Union Bank of Australasia, Palmerston North, and pointed a loaded revolver at the teller. ' The latter discharged the bank revolver at the intruder, and the youth decamped, but was shortly afterwards arrested on a charge of " being armed with an offensive weapon, did attempt to rob." He was subsequently sentenced to four years in a Borstal institution. Two men were sentenced in the Supreme Court, Palmerston North, to five years' hard labour and three years' hard labour respectively, for assault with intent to rob a storekeeper, eighty-three years of age, at Himatangi on the Ist August, 1933. These were the only cases of s&rious crime committed in this district during the year. The general conduct of the members of the Force has been good, and their duties have been satisfactorily performed.

2—H. 16.



Superintendent Emerson, Wellington District. The authorized strength of the district has been increased by eleven due to the appointment of an additional constable at Kilbirnie and ten constables at Wellington. For the year ended 31st December, 1933, the total number of offences reported was 5,598, a decrease of 404. . The principal increases were : Indecently assaulting males, offences relating to com, exposure ot person and grossly indecent acts, Sunday trading, gaming offences, breaches of Arms Act, and breaches of Motor-vehicles Act. The principal decreases were : Indecent assaults ; common assault; theft (undescnbed) ; house or shop breaking, &c. ; mischief ; breaches of the peace ; drunkenness ; using profane, indecent, or obscene language; vagrancy; assaulting, obstructing, or resisting constables; inciting violence, disorder, or lawlessness ; being unlawfully on premises at night without intent; gaming with instruments ; and failing to maintain wife or children. The following serious crimes occurred : On the 9th March, 1933, a woman, who was on probation from the Mental Hospital, murdered her child by strangulation. The mother was returned to the institution where she still is. On the 30th June, 1933, a man murdered a woman living in the same house at Wellington. He was found guilty and sentenced to death, the death penalty being duly carried out. On the 16th August, 1933, the dead body of a new-born male child, enclosed with a brick in portion of a canvas bag neatly sewed with fine cord or fishing-line, was found on the beach near Happy Valley. A post mortem examination revealed that the child had been murdered, death being due to direct violence —fractured skull, &c. On the 6th December, 1933, at Day's Bay, a child of tender years was raped by a man who at the Supreme Court, Wellington, was sentenced to seven years hard labour and ordered to be flogged once— fifteen strokes of the cat-o'-nine-tails. The conduct of the police has been good. A few were dealt with for breaches of regulations. Inspector Lewin, Nelson District. For the year ending 31st December, 1933, the total number of the offences reported was 833, compared with 857 for the previous twelve months, being a decrease of 24. Of all offences reported, 721 were accounted for by arrest or summons, leaving 112 undetected. There were increases in indecent assaults on males, false pretences, shop-breaking, drunkenness, breaches of the licensing laws, Motor-vehicles Act, and Animals Protection Act. The main decreases were in theft, mischief, and offences under the Destitute Persons Act. With the exception of two cases of safe-blowing, there were no serious criminal oflences during the year. In respect to the two cases of safe-blowing, sufficient evidence was obtained to establish a prima facie case against the offender, who has since been convicted and sentenced to a term of conduct of the members of the Force in this district has been good, and their duties satisfactorily performed. Three members received records of merit for the very efficient discharge of their duties. A senior sergeant was dealt with for breaches of the regulations and reduced to the rank ot sergeant. Inspector Lopdell, Greymouth District. In February last Dunollie Station was closed and Runanga Station opened. These townships are in the same locality, and the change was brought about to suit the convenience of the Department. The offences return for the year ending 31st December last shows a total of 893 offences, against 1,098 the previous year. There were slight fluctuations which are usual from year to year. Ihe largest item is decrease in licensing offences of 152, due to the scarcity of money and to increased police vigilance. On the night of 21st May, 1933, an explosion of gelignite in the vicinity of residences at Capleston in the Reefton Sub-district did some damage and caused much alarm. Two men were arrested for attempting to intimidate by discharging explosives near the residence of a certain person. One was acquitted, but the other was convicted and sentenced to three years imprisonment. The conduct of the police in the district has been excellent, there being only one defaulter during the year. Superintendent Cummings, Christchurch District. The conduct of both branches of the Service has been exceptionally good during the year ; only a few constables in the uniform branch had to be dealt with for minor breaches of the regulations. Unfortunately there was a good deal of serious crime in the district during the While there has been a small reduction in the number of thefts reported, also shop and house breaking, there has been a slight increase in burglary and attempted house and shcn breaking. There has been a reduction in the number of arrests for drunkenness, and an increase in he number of gaming offences. There has been a substantial decrease in maintenance cases under the ] destitute Persons Act and in the number of breaches of the Licensing Act. ....... , I regret having to report upon a number of grave offences, some accompanied with violence and loss of life. In one case a married man murdered his wife ana three children in his home at New Brighton by first rendering his wife unconscious, then turning on the gas of the gas-range and gassing her and the three children. He stood his trial for the murder of his wife and three children, and was acquitted on the grounds of insanity, and detained in a mental hospital. A charge of attempted


H. —16.

murder was preferred against a married woman who cut her baby's throat with a razor and then attempted suicide while her husband was at work. Both mother and child recovered. She was acquitted at the Supreme Court on the grounds of insanity, and is being detained in a mental hospital. The licensee of the Racecourse Hotel, Riccarton, was murdered early on the morning of the 17th November, 1933, while asleep in his bed in a room upstairs off the front balcony. He was shot with a double-barrelled shot-gun, both barrels being discharged into his chest, death being instantaneous. So far, the offender has not been traced. An enormous amount of time has been put into this matter, and very exhaustive inquiries have been made throughout New Zealand, but, I regret to state, without a direct result. It is clear that robbery was not the motive ; from the result of inquiries it is obvious that the offender had a deep personal grudge against the victim. There are two cases (still undetected) of shooting with intent to injure or kill. One was at Addington Railway-station, where a clerk on duty alone on a Sunday evening, answered a knock on the ticket-window facing the platform, and, on opening the window, was immediately confronted by a masked man, who shot him in the neck with a pea-rifle. He has completely recovered, but could give no description of the offender that was in any way helpful to the police in their efforts to trace the offender. Very exhaustive inquiries have been made into this case. The other was a case of shooting with a pea-rifle which occurred at Kirwee, a small country town in Canterbury. A youth was shot in the chest when he reached home late at night from a Bible-class meeting. It is alleged that he disturbed an armed robber at his father's home and that he closed with the intruder, who, after shooting him in the chest, made good his escape. Investigation is now being made into a case of a " hold-up " near Templeton, not far from Kirwee, where a country storekeeper was held up by wires being tied across the road. While the driver was getting into his lorry after clearing the wires from the roadway a pea-rifle shot was fired, missing him, but striking the lorry. Sufficient evidence is available to warrant a charge being preferred against the alleged offender, and from the surrounding facts and information gained from inquiries this man is very probably the offender in the two cases previously mentioned. The detective staff has had a very strenuous year, and has done excellent work. Apart from the two shooting cases and the murder at Riccarton, practically no serious crime remains undetected. They have been most successful in their investigations, and great credit is due to them for their successful work. The uniform branch has co-operated splendidly with them and both branches have worked together harmoniously. Attached to the strength of this station are a large number of temporary constables, most of whom show great promise. lam very pleased at the way they are shaping, and their conduct has been excellent —this is no doubt due, in a measure, to the wise selection of applicants for the Force. Inspector Bird, Timaru District. The total number of offences reported during the year ended the 31st December, 1933, was 733, as against 758 the previous year, being a decrease of 25. The principal increases were : Theft (undescribed), mischief, breaches of the Licensing Act, First Offenders' Probation Act, and Motorvehicles Act. Decreases : House or shop breaking, &c. ; drunkenness, damaging telegraph equipment, breaches of Arms Act, and reckless or negligent driving. There has been no serious crime during the year. The conduct of the police during the year has been good, no members of the Force being dealt with for breaches of the regulations. Superintendent Mcllveney, Dunedin District. There were 2,319 offences reported during the year, compared with 2,111 in 1932. Arrests or summonses resulted in 2,107 cases. The principal increases in offences reported appear in respect of false statements and declarations, drunk and disorderly, found on licensed premises after hours, theft (undescribed), mischief, breaches of prohibition orders, offences against provisions in force in no-license districts, intoxicated in charge of motor-vehicles, dangerous or negligent driving, and other breaches of the Motor-vehicles Act. The principal decreases were in false pretences, receiving property dishonestly obtained, breaches of the peace, inciting violence, disorder, or lawlessness, Sunday trading, unlawful betting, and damage to telegraph equipment. On the 28th July, 1933, a man was convicted on charges of robbery under arms, attempted robbery, and breaking and entering (three charges), and received sentences covering a period of five years for reformative purposes. The conduct of the police generally has been good, a few only having to be dealt with under the Police Regulations. Inspector Gibson, Invercargill District. The offences return for the year ended 31st December, 1933, shows a total of 1,040 offences reported. This is a decrease of 261 on the previous year's figures. The principal increases were : Assault, house or shop breaking, breaches of Arms Act, and being intoxicated in charge of motor-cars. The principal decreases were : Theft (simple), false pretences, mischief, drunkenness, failing to maintain, and breaches of Motor-vehicles Act. There was no serious crime reported during the year. The conduct of members of the Force, with the exception of one temporary constable, who was dismissed from the Force, was good. Two constables were fined for minor breaches of Police Regulations.

3—H. 16.



APPENDIX A. Return showing the Number of Offences reported, the Number of Offences for which Persons were apprehended or summoned, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ended 31st December, 1932, and Year ended 31st December, 1933.


1932. 1933. Increase or Decrease in ® © ©4= ™ Results of Cases in which Persons were Number of a § 2 © 03 apprehended or summoned. . i Offences £> © © £ a (Charges against Males and Females Number of reported. § S separately.) Convictions . Offences. _ ° S ' amongst those "3 fl committed «g-d °.2 «-a Committed Summarily D ismiqqed for Trial. £5 for Trial. convicted. uism ssea. g ■So, -S& 1 g , 1 o I I I oo an n* 3-Sow M. I P. M. F. M. F. M. F. a ® jg a III | M Q I Crimes and Justices or the Peace Acts, etc. Seditious offences .. .. .. I 16 11 11 .... 10 .. 1 .. .. ! 5 Misleading Justice. Perjury and false oatlis .. .. ! 4 5 5 4.. .. .. 1 4.. 1 .. False statements and declarations .. 39 51 51 5 44 .. 2 5 .. 12 ! .. Fabricating evidence .. .. .. 1 1 1 .. 1 .. 1'.. Corrupting juries or witnesses .. .. 2 2 1 .. .. 1 1 .. 2 I .. Attempting to defeat the course of .. 2 2 2.. .. 2 .. 2 .. justice Escapes and Rescues. Breaking prison .. .. .. .. 2 2 2.. .. 2 .. 2 Escaping from prison or lawful custody 15 24 24 11 13 8 .. 9 Escaping from prison or lawful custody, ..: 1 1 1 .. 1 .. 1 ; .. attempted Assisting or aiding escape from prison 3 1 1 1 .. 1 .. .. 2 or lawful custody Offences against Religion. Disturbing public worship .. .. 1 2 2 .... 2 .. 1 1 ,, Offences against Morality. Unnatural offence .. .. .. .. 14 14 11 3 10 .. 14 . .. Unnatural offence, attempted .. 2 1 1 .... .. .. 1 .. .. I 1 Unnatural offence, assault with intent .. 3 3 3.. .. 3 .. 3 | .. to commit Indecently assaulting a male .. 24 82 82 70 6 6 60 58 Indecently assaulting a male, attempted .. 1 1 1 .. .. 1 Incest .. .. .. .. 13 10 10 8 1 .. . . 1 8 II.. 3 Incest, attempted .. .. .. .. 2 2 .... 1 1 .. 2.. Indecent acts .. .. .. 28 25 24 1 22 1 .. ! .. .. .. .. 3 Publishing obscene matter .. .. 6 2 2 .... 2 .. .. 4 Offences against the Person, &c. Neglecting duties tending to the preser- 1 .. .. .... ,. .. .... .. .. .. 1 vation of life or health Murder .. .. .. .. 15 22 12 10 2 5 7 .. Murder, attempted .. .. 2 3 3 21 .. 1 1 Manslaughter .. .. .. 8 5 5 ' 4 1 .. 1 .. .. 3 Suicide, attempted .. .. 71 65 65 1 44 11 4 5 1 .. 6 Concealment of birth .. .. 6 2 1 .. 1 .. .. .. .. 4 Disabling or stupefying with intent to .. 1 1 .... 1 .. 1 commit a crime Wounding with intent to do grievous 1 4 2 11 .. 1 1 3.. bodily harm Putting explosive substances in places 1 .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .. 1 with intent to do bodily harm Administering poison or other noxious 1 .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 1 things with intent to injure or annoy Assault causing actual bodily harm .. 19 22 21 16 2 3 13 3 Causing actual bodily harm under cir- 1 .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .. 1 cumstances that, if death had been caused, would be manslaughter Assault, indecent .. .. .. 82 82 75 43 22 .. 10 31 Assault with intent to commit a crime 3 2 2 2.. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Assault .. .. .. .. 595 603 591 12 .. 486 19 69 5 7 8 .. Rape .. .. .. .. 3 5 5 3 .. 1 1 .. 1 2 .. Bape, attempted .. .. .. 7 1 .. .... .. .. ....I.. .. .. 6 Carnally knowing girls under sixteen 74 44 44 37 1 .. 6 .. j 30 .. .. 30 years Carnally know girls under sixteen years, 11 32 32 16.. 12 .. 4.. 13 .. 21 years, attempt to Carnally know idiots or imbecile women, .. 1 1 .... .. .. 1 .. j .. 1 attempts to Defilement of women or girls, procuring, 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. .. .. 2 permitting, or conspiring to induce, &c. Abortion, procuring .. .. 7 3 3 12 .. j 1 2 .. 4 Abortion, supplying means of procuring 3 2 2 1 .. .. 1 .. I 1 .. .. 1


APPENDIX A—continued. Return showing the Number of Offences reported, the Number of Offences for which Persons were apprehended or summoned, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ended 31st December, 1932, and Year ended 31st December, 1933—continued.


! in., n iqqq Increase or j iyoo. Decrease in — — — Number of © © f © ™ m Results of Cases in which Persons were | Offences « a apprehended or summoned. __ , reported. © © ® a (Charges against Males and Females Jsumber ot ! W g «£ o separately.) Convictions j Offences. O O a : amongst those I £ S M committed | *,3 °oSr3 Committed Summarily for Trial. ■ ' °I " for Trial. convicted. *-"™issea. q . o 5-1 sL H tu m'TtiOS w ca ®S SS ja* 3 .... 1 g -8 a, m i Mo |s I £ s-SS2 M. P. M. F. M. i F. M. F. a g 55 izj z ! Crimes and Justices of the Peace Acts, etc. —continued. Offences against the Person, <fee.—contd. Abortion, procuring own .. .. 1 .. • • .... • • Bigamy .. .. .. .. 8 8 8 6 2 .. 6 2 .. Abduction .. .. .. 6 1 1 .... •• •• 1.. Stealing children under fourteen years 2 3 3 .... 3 .. .. i .. .. .. 1 .. Offences aqainst Bights of Property. Theft (undescribed) .. .. 7,652 7,174 5,194 170 2 4,303 405 288 26 145 .. .. 478 Theft, attempted .. .. .. 32 29 23 2 2 15 2 2 2 2 3 Theft from the person .. .. 32 17 15 5 9 1 4 .. 15 Theft from the person, attempted .. 2 1 .. .... .. Theft from dwellings .. .. 278 303 144 50 82 4 7 1 44 25 Theft from dwellings, attempted .. 5 14 8 2.. 6 2 .. Theft by clerks or servants .. .. 149 59 58 25 1 24 8 24 .. JO Theft of animals (specified) .. 67 66 49 11 34 3 1 11 Theft of animals, attempted .. 3 3 3 .... 2 .. 1 .. .. .. • • False pretences .. .. .. 811 626 576 62 14 448 18 32 2 55 False pretences, attempted .. .. 27 27 24 2 17 2 2 1 1 .. Obtaining credit by fraud .. .. 145 171 146 4 .. 119 12 11 4 .. -6 .. False accounting by officials or clerks.. 3 .. .. .... .. .. •• 3 Conspiracy to defraud .. .. 11 15 14 13 1 7 .. 4 .. Cheating at play .. .. .. 3 .. .. .... .. • ■ ■ • Fortune-telling or practising witchcraft 17 7 7 .... 3 4 .. Robbery and aggravated robbery .. 9 11 8 8.. .. 5 .. 2.. Assault with intent to rob .. .. 7 5 4 4.. .. 4 .. Extortion by threats .. .. .. 5 5 4 1 3 .. 5 Burglary .. .. .. 55 70 38 30 .. 8 30 15 .. Burglary, attempted .. .. 4 4 1 .... 1 .. House or shop breaking, &c. .. 1,378 1,206 1 801 462 3 314 3 19 438 j 3 •• 172 House or shop breaking, &c., attempted 116 68 35 25 9 .. 1 23 .. Being found in dwellinghouse by night 2 5 4 1 3 1 f" Being armed with intent to break or .. 2 2 2.. .. .. .... 2 .. 2.. en * er . • 10 Being disguised or in possession of house- 13 3 3 1 2 1 breaking implements Receiving property dishonestly obtained 283 209 209 14 1 133 11 38 12 9 1 .. 74 Forgery .. .. .. 169 142 126 104 4 12 .. 5 1 95 4 | ... 27 Uttering forged documents or false 55 34 34 28 1 3 2 28 1 .. 21 certificates Sending false telegrams .. .. 3 .. .. .... .. • • • • ■J Possessing forged bank notes .. 1 .. .... .. Personation .. .. .. 2 3 3 .... 3 .. 1 Coin, offences relating to .. .. 7 27 27 18 9 18 .. 20 .. Arson .. 1 33 , 14 9 4.. 4 1.... 4 .. ... 19 Arson, attempted .. .. ». 2 7 5 2.. 2 1 .. o Wilfully placing obstruction on railways 3 3 1 .... 1 .. .... .. .. .. .. Placing explosive with intent to destroy i 6 2 2 2.. .. 1 buildings, ships, &c. Mischief . .. .. . • 764 786 743 3 .. 664 25 49 2 1 22 .. Mischief on railways and tramways .. 28 24 20 .... 14 .. 6 .. .. .. 4 Possessing or making explosive sub- 7 1 1 .... 1 stance, &c., with intent thereby to commit a crime Sending threatening letters .. .. 4 3 2 1 .. .. 1 1.. Threatening acts with intent to intimi- .. 2 2 1 1 1 • • 2.. date Police Offences Act. Breach of the peace or behaviour with 521 ■ 450 446 .... 391 9 43 3 intent , „ , ] , Cruelty to animals.. .. .. 114 95 93 .... 75 1 16 1 .. .. .. Drunkenness .. .. .. 3,612 3,293 3,293 .. .. 3,136 150 7 Drunk while in charge of horses, &c., or 38 23 23 .... 21 .. 2 loaded firearms _ Drunk and disorderly .. .. 219 183 183 .. .. 175 5 3 .. .. .. . 36 Soliciting prostitution .. .. 11 4 4 .... .. 4 .. .. .. .. Exposure of person and grossly indecent 180 196 175 5 .. 154 7 9 .. .. lo acts I


APPENDIX A —continued. Return showing the Number of Offences reported, the Number of Offences for which Persons were apprehended or summoned, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ended 31st December, 1932, and Year ended 31st December, 1933—continued.


1932. 1933. Increase or T : Decrease in © ® Results of Cases in which Persons were Number of 2 2 S J® ™ apprehended or summoned. xt , Offences «£ «2 ® * o (Charges against Males and Females Number of reported. S S S * fl separately.) Convictions Offences. ~ ~ 2 . amongst those o d committed <"<6 , Committed Summarily for Trial. £2 £2 S3®® for Trial. convicted. "«missed. . g <DfH<D^ r .teS ,QO O rO 1? £ ® CD Is 3® p.Sog M. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. § 0 SZj a 7, " Q Police Offences Act —continued. Using profane, indecent, or obscene lan- 465 527 523 .. .. 456 39 27 1 .. .. 62 guage Vagrancy (idle and disorderly persons, 639 448 447 3 .. 297 91 47 9 2 .. 191 rogues and vagabonds, and incorrigible rogues) Assaulting, obstructing, or resisting 137 102 102 .... 93 .. 8 1 .. .. .. 35 constables, &c. Intimidation to restrict lawful acts .. 48 58 56 .... 31 .. 25 .. .. 10 Inciting violence, disorder, or lawlessness 143 4 4 .... 1 .. 3.. .. .. .. 139 Unlawfully using horses, motor-cars, &c. 652 465 386 .. .. 356 7 23 .. .. .. 187 Unlawfully on premises at night without 174 114 114 .. .. 103 8 3 .. .. .. 60 criminal intent Sunday trading .. .. .-. 194 203 203 .. .. 135 56 12 .. .. 9 Gaming Act. Common gaming - house, keeping or 96 131 131 1 .. 120 2 6 2 1 35 managing, &c. Found in a common gaming-house .. 143 196 196 .. .. 188 .. 7 1 .. .. 53 Gaming with instruments .. .. 58 5 5 .... 5 .. .. 53 Publishing advertisements relating to 2 2 2 .... 1 .. 1 betting on horse-races Lotteries, unlawfully establishing or 25 25 25 .... 20 .. 5 conducting, &c. Betting, unlawful .. . . •. 47 49 47 .... 31 .. 16 .. .. 2 Following the occupation of bookmaker 50 62 62 6 49 1 4 2 4 12 Publishing betting charts .. .. 5 4 4 .... 4 .. .. 1 Trespass on racecourse .. .. 45 52 52 .... 49 .. 3 .. .. 7 Post and Telegraph Act. Illegally opening or delaying postal 15 5 5 1 3 1 1 10 packets Stealing postal packets, mail-bags, &c. 11 40 38 36 1 .. 1 36 .. 29 Stealing money, &c., from postal packets 6 6 6 6.. .. 6 Inj uring post-office pillars or boxes .. 25 3 .. .... . . .. .. 22 Damaging telegraph equipment .. 197 103 94 .... 87 .. 7 .. .. .. 94 Posting indecent post-cards or letters 3 5 4.... 3.. 1 .. .. 2.. False statement re posting postal packet 2 1 1 1 .. 1 .. .. 1 Destitute Persons Act. Failing to maintain wife or children .. 1,611 1,433 1,396 .. .. 1,075 22 294 5 .. .. .. 178 Failing for fourteen days to pay main- 2,999 2,553 2,498 .. .. 1,984 12 499 3 .. .. .. 446 tenance money Offences by husbands while separation 26 16 16 .... 15 .. 1 .. .. .. 10 orders are in force Offences prescribed in sections 52 and 58 .. 7 7 .... 2.. 4 1.. .. 7.. of Destitute Persons Act Shipping and Seamen Act. Ship-desertion .. .. .. 12 12 11 .... 11 Absent without leave .. .. 5 1 1 .... 1 .. .. 4 Offences against discipline .. .. 1 3 3 .... 3 .. 2.. Embezzling cargo .. .. .. .. 4 3 .... 3 .. 4.. Stowing away .. .. .. 31 29 29 .... 27 .. 2 .. .. .. 2 Licensing Act. Permitting drunkenness or violent con- 5 5 5 .... 2 .. 2 1 duct Selling or supplying liquor to intoxicated 12 8 8 .... 5 .. 3.. .. .. .. 4 persons Keeping disorderly houses .. .. 2 .. .. .... .. .. .. 2 Permitting gaming, gambling, &c. .. 3 .. .. .... .. .. .. 3 Selling or supplying liquor, or exposing 588 605 601 .. .. 372 32 187 10 .. .. 17 for sale, or opening or keeping open premises at unauthorized times Supplying liquor to persons under 10 18 18 .... 9 1 8 .. .. 8 twenty-one years Selling or supplying liquor to prohibited 24 16 16 .... 11 .. 5 .. .. .. 8 persons


APPENDIX A—continued. Return showing the Number of Offences reported, the Number of Offences for which Persons were apprehended or summoned, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ended 31st December, 1932, and Year ended 31st December, 1933—continued.


1932. 1933. Increase or _ Decrease in 8 © © "1 ® Results of Cases in which Persons wer e N rvSnnpcP f fl a 2® m apprehended or summoned. v, , » rpn „ rtp(1 «2 © © u 3 (Charges against Males and Females g 5H v & RA-nnrntfilv Convictions Offences. 2 ° ° B P y,) amongst those •3 a A a committed cwro £<6 Committed Summarily nismiqaed for Trial. °© o® & £16 for Trial. convicted. unmnssea. ® O ® O © • m $ ,Q g, ,Dft .Q g ■ © © S £ | g a a o g M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. § § 55 ig Z ' : ' ' - " ' ' " Q [ Licensing Act—continued. Permitting prohibited persons to be on 2 3 3 .... 3 .. 1 premises Unlawfully employing females in or .. 1 1 .... .. .. 1 . • • • 1 about a bar Illegally supplying liquor to Natives 45 34 34 .... 23 .. 11 .. .. .. 11 Obstructing Inspectors or refusing en- 8 9 9 .... 9 .. .... .. .. 1 trance to Inspectors or constables Having or purchasing labels for bottling 4 .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .. 4 contrary to Act Using bottles with labels more than once 8 5 5 .... 4.. 1 .. .. .. 3 Breaches of prohibition orders .. 457 475 473 .. .. 430 39 3 1 .. . . 18 Found on licensed premises after closing- 1,689 1,679 1,664 .. .. 1,534 20 110 .. .. .. 10 hours Refusing to quit licensed premises .. 18 10 10 .... 10 .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 Selling or exposing liquor for sale with- 59 45 44 .... 35 3 6 .. .. . . 14 out a license Found on premises where liquor was 10 17 17 .... 16 .. 1 .. .. 7 seized under a warrant Offences against provisions in force in 38 70 70 .... 58 3 9 .. .. 32 no-license districts Selling, supplying, or giving liquor to .. 1 1 .... 1 •. 1 Maoris in Native licensing districts Offences against provisions of no-license 85 40 37 .... 25 .. 12 .. .. .. 45 in Native proclaimed areas Supplying liquor to Natives in pro- 39 15 15 .... 11 .. 4 .. .. .. 24 claimed districts Permitting consumption of liquor in 9 10 10 .... 10 .. .... .. .. 1 restaurants after hours Miscellaneous. Absconding from industrial schools .. 57 19 19 .... 18 1 .. .. 38 Bankruptcy offences .. .. 41 16 16 13 3 11 .. .. 25 Brothels or houses of ill fame, keeping, 2 5 5 .... 1 3 .. 1 .. 3.. &c. Children, wilfully ill-treating, neglecting, 6 8 8 .... 7 1 .. 2.. abandoning, or exposing Deserting or absenting from His 8 4 3 .... 3 .. .... .. .. .. 4 Majesty's ships Drunk or behaving in a violent or off en- 19 14 14 .... 14 .. .. 5 sive manner, &c., on a railway, &c. , Failing to comply with conditions of 171 159 126 .. .. 113 11 2 .. .. .. 12 release under First Offenders Probation Act Habitual criminals or offenders, breach 1 2 2 .... 2 .. .... .. .. 1 of conditions of probationary license Indecent Publications Act, offences 11 5 5 .... _ 5 .. .... .. .. .. 6 under Opium-smoking, &c. .. .. 129 72 72 .... 61 .. 11 .. .. .. 57 Smuggling .. .. •• 7 •• •• .... •• •• .... .. .. .. 7 Trespassing on railway and refusing to 22 20 18 .... 18 leave, &c. Arms Act, breaches of .. •• 390 501 462 .. .. 444 2 14 2 .. .. Ill Auctioneers Act, breaches of .. 2 .. .. .... .. . • .. • • 2 Motor-vehicles Act. Causing death or bodily injury through 38 24 24 19 1 4 7 .. 14 reckless driving Being intoxicated in charge of a motor- 325 350 350 .. .. 323 2 z4 1 .. .. 2o Reckless or negligent driving .. 1,239 1,201 1,201 .. .. Z " " ** 38 Other breaches of Act .. .. 3,954 4,623 4,615 .. .. 4,333 102 175 5 .. .. 669 . . Totals .. .. .. 35,368 33,302 30,133 1,428 39 24,982 1,175 2,394 115 1,250 18 1,446 3512 V Y ' Decrease .. .. • • • • • • • • .... . • • • .... .. .. 2,066


APPENDIX B. Return showing the Strength and Distribution of the New Zealand Police Force on the 31st March, 1934.


a»b s i i s } «i j Is 8'«3 "M •- 1 "5 O , O ?H £] > r— II! II!11 i • 1I 111 ft 1! ii • si|Si n ri i Whangarei District— Whangarei .. .. 1 •■ 11 7 •• !•■ H Dargaville 1 2 3 Hikurangi 1 1 Houhora 1 1 Kaikohe 1 1 Kaitaia 2 2 Kawakawa 1 1 Mangonui 1 1 Maungaturoto 1 1 Ohaeawai 1 • • Rawene 2 2 Ruawai 1 1 Russell 1 1 Waipu 1 1 Whangaroa 1 1 Totals .. .. 1 .. 1 2 23 .. 1 .. 28 1 .. .. | Auckland District — Auckland .. 1 1 1 2 9 80 2 1 16113 23 .. .. Avondale 1 1 • • • • Awarba Bay • 1 Balmoral 1 1 Birkenhead 1 1 Coromandel 1 1 Devonport .. 1 4 5 Ellerslie • • i 2 2 Epsom.. .. | 1 1 Freeman's Bay 1 5 6 Grey Lynn 1 1 Helensville i 1 1 Henderson 1 1 Howick 1 1 Huntly 2 2 Kerepehi 1 1 Kingsland 1 1 Kohimarama 1 1 Mercer 1 1 Mount Albert 2 2 Mount Eden 1 9 10 Mount Eden(South) 1 1 New Lynn 1 1 Newmarket 1 .. 10 11 Newton 1 3 13 17 1 .. Northcote 1 1 • • ■ ■ Onehunga 1 5 6 Otahuhu 1 3 4 1.. .. Paeroa.. 2 2 Papakura 2 2 Papatoetoe 1 1 Parnell 1 3 4 Point Chevalier 1 1 ' Ponsonby .. 1 4 s Port Fitzroy (Great 1 Barrier) Pukekohe 1 2 3 Queen St. Wharf (A) 1 10 11 Remuera 1 1 Takapuna 2 2 Thames 1 4 5 Thames South 1 1 Tuakau 1 1 • • • • Waihi .. 1 4 5 Waiuku 1 1 Warkworth 1 1 Wellsford 1 1 •• ••! •• Whitianga 1 1 Totals .. Ill 423193 2 116242 25 2 .. Hamilton DistrictHamilton .. .. 1 .. 1 2 16 .. 1 1 22 Cambridge 2 2 Frankton Junction 1 3 4 Hamilton East 1 1 Katikati 1 1 Kawhia 1 1 • • Kihikihi 1 1 Matamata 1 1 Morrinsville 2 21 .. | .. ..

ail a. i » a . i gJ 1 . -1 J Stations. I! ! 1 1 J I ! | |! 11 ! | If j| || cd£ 3 2 * 0 <o S g ® o> S ® ® a>oQ° o v *> m a to $ o Q q «=0 Ho o o _ - - | — Hamilton District— continued. Ngaruawahia • •, • ■ 2 2 Otorohanga 1 1 Pntaruru 2 2 Raglan 1 1 Rotorua 1 • • 5 6 Taupo .. 1 1 Tauranga 3 3 Te Aroka 2 2 Te Awamutu 2 2 TeKuiti 1 3 4 Te Puke 1 1 TeWhaite 1 Tokaanu 1 1 Totals .. .. 1 .. 2 4 .52 .. 1 1 61 .. 1 .. Gisborne Distriet — Gisborne .. .. 1 .. 1 1 12 .... 1 16 Ivaiti .. 1 1 Makaraka 1 1 Motu .. 1 1 Opotiki .. 1 1 2 .. .. 1 Patutahi 1 1 Port Awanui 1 1 Ruatorea 1 1 Taneatua .. 1 1 Te Araroa .. 1 j 1 Te Karaka 1 : 1 Tokomaru Bay .. 1 1 1 2 Tolaga Bay .. 1 1 Waipiro Bay 1 1 Whakatane .. 2 2 Totals .. .. 1 .. 1 3 27 .. .. 1 33 .. .. 1 Napier DistrictNapier .. .. 1 .. 1 1 16 .. 1 .. 20 Bay View .. 1 1 Carlyle Street 1 1 Clive .. 1 1 Dannevirke 1 4 5 Hastings .. 11 9 .... 1 12 Haveloek North 1 1 Mohaka 1 ' Nukaka .. 1 1 Ongaonga .. 1 • • • ■ ! 1 j Ormondville .. 1 1 .. Porangahau .. 1 1 Port Ahuriri .. 1 3 .. 4 Takapau .. 1 1 Taradale .. 1 - • • • I •. 1 Waipawa .. 1 • .. .. 1 Waipukurau .. 1 • • .. .. 1 ... .. Wairoa .. 1 3 4 .. Totals .. .. 1 .. 2 5 48 .. 1 1 58 New Plymouth District — New Plymouth .. .. 1 .. 1 2 10 .... 2 16 1 .. .. Eltham .. 1 • • • • j • • 1 Fitzroy .. 1 1 Hawera .. 1 4 5 Inglewood .. 1 1 Kaponga .. 1 1 Manaia .. 1 1 ■ •; • ■ Mokau .. 1 • • ■ • • • 1 • • ■ ■ Moturoa .. 1 • • ' Normanby .. 1 • • - • • ■ 1 Opunake .. 1 ■ ■ 1 Rahotu .. 1 1 Stratford .. 1 4 .. .... 5 Waitara .. 1 1 Whangamomona 1 1 Totals .. •• 1 •• 1 4 30 .... 2 38 1 .. .. 1 ;


APPENDIX B—continued. Return showing the Strength, etc., of the New Zealand Police Force—continued.


a» g £ u £ 'i | ji i si «I A •rj a S A ° 2 d - 0 9.« '3 2 £ d ;-< 3 -2 £ ,o Stations. JS j!|'j j . S '8| j|| | S| |SsS «UT»n"i U s J»I Wanganui District — Wanganui .. .. 1 .. 1 1 15 .... 2 20 1 .. .. Aramoho 1 1 Castlecliff I 1 Gonville 1 1 Hunterville 1 1 Mangaweka 1 1 Manunui 1 1 Ohakune 1 .. .... 1 Ohura .. 1 1 Ongarue 1 1 Patea .. 1 1 Raetihi .. 1 1 Raurimu 1 1 St. John's (Wa- J 1 nganui) Taihape .. 1 3 4 Taumarunui .. .... .. 1.. 3 4 .. .. .. Waitotara .. 1 ] Wanganui East .. 1 1 Waverley .. 1 1 Totals .. .. 1 .. 2 2 37 ..... 2 44 1 .. .. Palmerston North District — Palmerston North .. 1 .. 1 1 17 1 .. 2 23 Ashharst 1 1 Bulls .. .. ] 1 Cuba Street 1 1 (Palmerston N.) Eketahuna 1 .. .... 1 Feilding ] 4 5 .... Foxton 1 1 Kimbolton 1 1 Levin .. 2 2 Marton .. 2 2 Otaki .. 2 2 Pahiatua 2 2 Pongaroa ] 1 Rongotea .. 1 1 Shannon 1 1 Terrace End 1 1 (Palmerston N.) Woodville 1 .. .... 1 Totals .. .. 1 .. 1 2 40 1 .. 2 47 Wellington District— Wellington .. 1 1 1 1 5 41 1 410 65 8 .. .. Brooklyn 1 1 Carterton 2 2 Eastbourne 1 1 Featherston .. I 2 2 Greytown North i 1 1 .. .. Island Bay .. 1 1 Johnson ville ! 1 1 Ivarori.. .. ; .. .. j ! 1 1 Kelburn ...... 1 1 Khandallah j 11 1 Kilbirnie j .. .. 1 3! 4 Lower Hutt I 0 7 Lyall Bay ...... 1 1 Martinborough 1 1 Masterton .. 1 5 6 Miramar .. ! 1 1 Mount Cook 1 3 22 26 4 .... Moera .. ! 1 1 Paekakariki 1 1 Petone.. ..: 1.. 6.. .. 1 8 Seatoun .. 1 1 Taranaki Street j .. 1 3 28! 32 4 .... Thbrndon Quay.. 1 .. ..! ! 1 ! I 1 Tinui .. ......! : 1; .. .... 1 Tinakori Road .. 1 1 Upper Hutt .. j 2 ; 2 Wadestown 1 ; 1 .. . Wellington South ] .. 6 7 Wharf (Wellington)' I 6 : 7 Totals .. Ill 1 515:147 1 4II186 16 .. .. I I I I

si s ,! si I I si II I ■ P-il Stations. |® § •§ g a S | J 'gl 1§ 3 gj | « | « S ®2Sg=g o a£.2| £g »sb ri-1 ggs§ * iri g Nelson District — Nelson .. ..1.. IX 9 .. .. 1 13 Blenheim 1 5 6 Collingwood 1 ] Havelock 1 1 .. .. Motueka 1 1 Murchison 1 1 Picton 2 2 Port Nelson 1 1 Richmond 1 1 Seddon 1 1 Takaka 1 1 .... Wakefield 1 1 Totals- .. .. 1 .. 1 2 25 .... 1 30 Greymouth District— Greymouth .. .. 1 .. 1111.. 1 1 16 Ahaura 1 1 .. Blackball 1 1 Brunnerton 1 1 .. .. Charleston 1 1 Cobden 1 1 Denniston 1 i Granity 1 1 Hokitika 1 3 4 Kanieri 1 1 Karamea 1 1 Kumara 1 1 Matainui 1 1 Millerton Otira .. 1 1 Reefton 2 2 Ross .. 1 1 Runanga 1 1 Seddonville 1 1 Waiuta 1 1 Westport 1 5 6 Totals .. .. 1 .. 1 3 37 .. 1 1 44 Christchurch D i s - trict — Christchurch .. 1 1 1 2 5 50 1 .. 8 69 18 .. .. Addington 1 1 2 1 .. Akaroa 1 1 Amberley 1 1 Ashburton 1 5 6 Beckenham r. .. 1 1 Belfast 1 1 Bingsland 1 1 Chatham Islands 1 1 Cheviot 1 1 Coalgate 1 1 Culverden 1 1 Darfield 1 1 Fendalton 1 1 Islington 1 1 Kaiapoi 2 2 Kaikoura 1 1 Leeston ] 1 Lincoln 1 1 Linwood 1 1 Little River 1 1 Lower Riccarton 1 1 Lyttelton 1 7 8 1 Methven 1 1 New Brighton 2 2 North New Brigh- 1 1 ton Oxford 1 1 .. ..! .. Papanhi .. 1 1 ,, .... Phillipstown 1 1 .. .... Rakaia 1 1 Rangiora 1 1 2 Riccarton (Upper) 1 1 St. Albans 1 2 3 Southbridge 1 1 Sumner .. 1 1 Sydenham 1 3 4 Waikari 1 1 Woolston 1 1 Totals .. 1 1 1 211 102 1 .. 81127 20 .. ..


APPENDIX B—continued. Return showing the Strength, etc., of the New Zealand Police Force—continued.

APPENDIX C. Return showing the Proportion of Police to Population and Cost of Police per Inhabitant in each of the Undermentioned Places.

Approximate Cost of Paper— Preparation, not given; printing (840 copies), £28.

By Authority : G. H. Loney, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 934.

Price 9d.\


... i . w <® "CO? 2 m W m !5 TO ® CO |*| S 1 — 43© ® .si o , 8 Sa a •§ S £ l*S £ „■ | J g3 Stations. || 11||! § | || ! | I | |= |! 1 1 a £ » ;®8 ! J «Si • B «oOô^ 10 -» a a mm o a O <» fi Ho o o Timaru District— Timaru .. .. 1 .. 1 1 13 .... 1 17 Duntroon 3 I Fairlie 1 1 Geraldine 1 1 Glenavy 1 1 Hampden 1 3 Kurow.. 1 3 Oamaru 1 7 8 Pleasant Point 1 1 St. Andrew's 1 1 Temuka 1 2 3 Waimataitai 1 1 Waimate 1 3 4 Waitaki Hydro 1 1 Works Totals .. .. 1 .. 1 4 35 .... 1 42 Dunedin District — Dunedin .. 1 .. 1 1 6 33 .. 3 5 50 5 .... Alexandra 1 11 Anderson's Bay 1 1 Balclutha 2 2 Caversham 1 1 Clyde .. 1 1 Cromwell 1 1 Green Island 1 1 • • • ■ : • • Kaitangata 1 1 Lawrence 1 1 Middlemarch 1 1 Milton 1 - 1 Mornington J 1 Mosgiel 1 3 Naseby I 1 North Dunedin 1 5 6 North-east Valley 1 1, Ophir .. 1 1 Outram 1 1 Owaka.. 1 1 Palmerston South 1 1 Port Chalmers 1 4 5 Portobello 1 1 Ranfurly 1 1 Ravensbourne 3 1 Roslyn 2 2 Roxburgh 1 1 St. Bathan's 3 1 St. Clair 1 1

•Sg o , o ga a 3 gS Sa > ~ S3 .25 >2 Stations. g®gog'3$ S 5 'S o | ® S | &-S|;S'g3 »» J® ® ° a« .2 » « » = § S g ®g Qg K o o a W d5 § pQ<°n Bo OO Dunedin District — continued. St. Kilda 1 1 South Dunedin 1 6 7 Waikouaiti X 1 Waitahuna 1 1 Waitati 1 1 Woodhaugh 1 3 Totals .. 1 .. 1 1 9 81 .. 3 5101 5 .. .. Invercargill District — Invercargill .. .. 1 .. 1 2 16 .. 1 1 22 Arrowtown 1 1 Bluff .. 1 2 3 Clinton 1 1 Gore .. 1 4 5 Half-moon Bay 1 1 Lumsden 1 1 Mataura 1 1 Nightcaps 1 1 North Invercargill Otautau 1 1 Pembroke 1 1 Queenstown 1 1 Riverton 1 1 South Invercargill 1 1 Tapanui I 1 Tokanui 1 1 Tuatapere 1 1 Waikaia 1 1 Waikiwi 1 1 Winton 1 1 Wyndham 1 1 .. .. Totals .. .. 1 .. 1 4 40 .. 1 1 48 Attached to head- .. 1 .. 32 3 9 quarters staff Lent to Cook Islands 1 1 •. • • • Administration Lent to Samoan 1 1 Administration On leave prior to 2 2 retirement Grand totals .. 415 4 29 95 923 5 13 541142 69 3 1 I 1 1

Number of Estimated 11 °' Cost of Police Place. Police. Population. to Population. » er Inhabitant. s. d. New Zealand 1,211 1,548,909 1 to 1,279 5 6\ Victoria 2,183 1,824,578 1 to 836 6 8 New South Wales 3,581 i in 1 |t Queensland .. •• •• 1,270 949,286 1 to 747 10 1J Wh Australia 738 582,715 1 to 790 8 101 Western Australia .. •• 560 oqo'? 6 r i t° bqq 7 3 Tasmania 260 232,116 1 to 893 7 4J

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THE POLICE FORCE OF THE DOMINION (ANNUAL REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1934 Session I, H-16

Word Count

THE POLICE FORCE OF THE DOMINION (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1934 Session I, H-16

THE POLICE FORCE OF THE DOMINION (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1934 Session I, H-16

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