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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

EE POET. The Acting-Secretary, Department of Labour, to the Hon. the Minister of Labour. Sir, — Department of Labour, Wellington, sth July, 1934. I have the honour to present herewith the forty-third annual report of this Department for the information of His Excellency the Governor-General, and to be laid before Parliament, in compliance with the Labour Department Act, 1908, and the Factories Act, 1921-22. The report covers the financial year Ist April, 1933, to 31st March, 1934. Owing to the continued need for economy the report has again been made as brief as possible. I have, &c., Henry E. Moston, Acting-Secretary of Labour. The Hon. the Minister of Labour.

UNEMPLOYMENT. The activities of this Department, so far as unemployment is concerned, are mainly restricted to the registration of unemployed men and the placing of such men in employment, and the unemployment figures given below are therefore confined to " registrations " and " placements." Details as to the total number of men employed under the various schemes of the Unemployment Board or being assisted from the Unemployment Fund and other information on the question of unemployment may be obtained from the annual report of the Commissioner of Unemployment. On the Ist April, 1933, there were 51,529 applicants registered at the Department's employment offices throughout the Dominion. With slight fluctuations, the number gradually increased to 57,352 on the 22nd July, 1933, thereafter decreasing steadily until the 24th March, 1934, when it stood at 44,408. The number on the Department's registers on the 31st March, 1934, was 44,441. This number is 7,088 less than the number on the registers at the close of the previous year. (Note. — Since the Ist April the number of registered unemployed has continued to increase, the maximum figure up to the present being 48,393 on the 30th June, 1934—-i.e., 8,959 less than the peak figure for last year.) During the year 24,343 men were placed in employment, 2,698 on Government works (being mainly relief works under arrangement with the Unemployment Board), and the balance in private employment, inclusive of those placed under the Unemployment Board's schemes (but apart from those employed on the Unemployment Board's No. 5 Scheme). In addition, 375 were assisted by advances of railway fares or otherwise. (Figures for the previous year were 2,041, Government works ; 27,901, otherwise : total, 29,942.) Of the 44,441 men on the Department's registers at the 31st March, 39,993 were employed under No. 5 Scheme, which provides temporary employment according to each man's circumstances. This figure varies slightly from week to week, the maximum number securing relief during the year being 52,384 on the 2nd September, 1933, when the total number of unemployed on the register was 56,901. The men employed under No. 5 Scheme are not regarded as " placements," and are not therefore included in the figure 24,343 (supra).

1— H. 11.



The figures as to the number of factories and workers employed therein do not purport to coincide with those of the Government Statistician (annual statistics of factory production), as his returns, which are drawn up purely for statistical purposes, do not cover various small establishments that are included as factories under the Factories Act. It might be explained that the above figures are those ascertained at registration-time (April in each year), except that in order to include factories in seasonal industries which might be closed in April any new establishments opened during the year are added. The figures shown for 1933-34, therefore, chiefly represent the numbers in April, 1933. There has been a substantial decrease in the number of factories registered due to the closing-down of small businesses, while the decrease in the number of factory workers is negligible. A decided improvement is noticeable in a number of industries viz., clothing and white working, bootmanufacturing, and sawmilling and other trades connected with the building industry. The improvement in boot-manufacturing has been contributed to to some extent by the action of the Unemployment Board in supplying locally made boots to the unemployed, while the operation of the Board's No. 10 Scheme has undoubtedly been responsible for the revival (even if merely temporary) of the sawmilling and other trades connected with the building industry. The raising of the rate of exchange which was originally done for the purpose of benefiting the Dominion's primary producers has also been of considerable advantage to New Zealand manufacturers in that it has increased the landed cost of imported goods, thereby enabling the locally manufactured goods to secure a larger share of the market. This result has been particularly noticeable in the case of the clothing, white working, and other similar industries, where it was found necessary to work a considerable amount of overtime, and it is anticipated from the registrations that have so far been effected for the present year that the beneficial results observable during last year will be more than maintained during the coming year so far as factory employment is concerned. The establishment of the following new industries during the past year may also be regarded as an indication of the improved tone of manufacturing in the Dominion : — Rubberware-manufacturing. Flax woolpack and textile manufacturing. Vacuum packing of primary produce. Eel-canning. Manufacture of wooden matches. Manufacture of dry-cell batteries. Refining of crude oil into various grades of lubricating-oil, and the preparation of ethyl petrol. Accidents. In order that the accident statistics may be comparable with the statistics of other countries, as urged by the International Conference of Labour Statisticians in 1923, the figures cover the calendar year instead of the financial year. The total number of reported accidents to workers in factories is 2,747 (2,615 males and 132 females). Of the total number, 37 of the accidents occurred to workers under sixteen years of age, 550 to those between sixteen and twenty, and the remaining 2,160 to those above that age. Of the 6 fatal accidents 3 were caused by or were due to machinery. Of the total accidents, 357 were caused by or were due to machinery. The other principal causes of accidents were found to be as follows : Falls of persons (from stairs," ladders, platforms, &c.), 252 ; stepping on or striking against fixed objects, 108 ; faulty handling of tools, 896 ; handling of other objects—viz., objects dropped or tipped over, objects falling, or strain due to handling, 778 ; handling of poisonous, hot, and corrosive substances, 92 ; others (miscellaneous), 264 : total 2,747. Disability caused: Temporary disability, 2,655 ; permanent partial disability, 86. Fatalities, 6. The cases in respect of which time lost is available —viz., 2,601 —show that a total of 48,829 days were lost, or an average of 18-8 days for each worker. In cases where the amount of compensation paid is known —viz., in 2,685 out of the total of 2,747 —the total amount paid is £32,596 2s. lid. The following particulars are given of the fatal accidents that occurred during the year : — The manager of a sawmill died in hospital as the result of an accident which occurred while he was attending to one of the drive belts in the mill. No one witnessed the accident, but apparently the deceased in endeavouring to wipe some oil off the belt with a piece of cotton waste was caught up and thrown to the ground some distance away.


Number of j Number of Year. Factories Movement. Factory Movement, registered. I Workers. ° 1 J 1916-17 .. .. •• 12,455 759 (decrease) 78,188 4,823 (decrease). 1926-27 .. .. •• 16,619 308 (increase) 103,404 1,083 (increase). 1927-28 " .. •• 16,782 163 „ 102,622 782 (decrease). 1928-29 •• •• 16,677 105 (decrease) 102,795 173 (increase). 1929-30 .. .. •• 17,082 405 (increase) 104,448 1,653 „ 1930-31 " 17,019 63 (decrease) 104,377 71 (decrease). 1931-32 .. .. •• 16,253 766 „ 89,932 14,445 1932-33 16,176 77 „ 86,222 3,710 1933-34 .. • •• •• 15,598 578 ,, 85,968 254 ,,


A worker in a sawmill received fatal injuries when a stack of timber of the rack type fell upon him. The collapse of the stack was considered to be due principally to the timber forming the support frame having rotted at the base. n . l A worker in a sawmill was assisting in rolling a log down from the skids to the sawbench and was walking ahead of it towards the bench when the handle of a jack caught in his trousers and tripped him up. The log rolled on to his body inflicting fatal injuries. While a worker in a sawmill employed at the head of the breaking-down bench was moving the bench forward to cut a log which was overhanging the bench he was caught between one of the roof supports and the overhanging portion of the log and crushed to death. A worker engaged on a machine for stamping out heel-protectors had a finger of his right hand crushed between the plunger and the shaper. Tetanus supervened.. A worker engaged on machinery repairs was assisting to hoist a coil. The derrick used for the purpose collapsed, striking the worker, with fatal results. The following fatal accidents to persons other than " workers " within the meaning of that term as defined by the Workers' Compensation Act were reported The manager of a sawmill was engaged in supervising the lowering of a log down a chute into the mill when the log jammed in the chute. An endeavour was made to draw the log down by means of a winch, but immediately the winch was started the log came off the chute and struck the manager a fatal blow in the abdomen. . The owner of a small mill who was engaged on his own property cutting timber with a circular saw had just finished cutting a length of timber when the piece which he had left on the bench came in contact with the saw and, flying up, struck him on the head with fatal results. The manager of a dairy factory was standing on a platform emptying bags of sugar into a vat of boiling water when the platform collapsed, precipitating him into the boiling water. Inspections, etc. During the year visits of inspection to the number of 3,815 were made, in the course of which wages-books were examined to see that the provisions of the Unemployment Act, 1930, and its amendments, had been complied with in respect of the deduction of the emergency unemployment charge. Prosecutions numbered 27, in 22 of which convictions were obtained ; the fines totalled £26. No case calls for comment. Complaints were received respecting 231 alleged breaches of the Act, resulting in 19 prosecutions and 132 warnings. In 63 cases investigation showed that no breach had been committed, while in the remaining cases no action was considered necessary. Eight prosecutions were instituted for breaches which were discovered by Inspectors, and warnings were given in other cases, being either first offences or of a minor nature. , ; There were 278 requisitions served to comply with various requirements of the Act, such as for limewashing ; safeguards for workers employed on machinery, &c. ; sanitary conveniences ; fireescapes ; renovations and structural alterations ; heating-appliances ; ventilation; first-aid appliances ; and dining-rooms in the case of establishments employing over six women and girls and boys under sixteen.

Boys and Girls in Factories. Certificates of Fitness issued to Boys and Girls under Sixteen Years of Age to work in Factories.

SHOPS AND OFFICES ACT. The records stow 25,744 shops throughout New Zealand, of which 13,519 (approximately onehalf) were carried on without assistants. In the shops with assistants there were employed 18,878 males and 16,663 females. . During the year visits of inspection to the number of 5,922 were made, m the course of winch wages-books were examined to see that the provisions of the Unemployment Act, 1930, and its amendments had been complied with in respect of the deduction of the emergency unemployment charge Prosecutions numbered 109, in which 102 convictions were obtained ; fines, £97 15s. Complaints were received respecting 839 alleged breaches of the Act, resulting in 66 prosecutions and 493 warnings. In 249 cases investigation showed that no breach had been committed, while m the remaining cases no action was considered necessary. Forty-three prosecutions were instituted for breaches which were discovered by Inspectors, and warnings were given in other cases, being either first offences or of a minor nature. Twenty-seven requisitions were served on occupiers of shops to comply with various requirements of the Act, such as for sanitary conveniences, heating-appliances, seating-accommodation, and partitions.


Year. Boys. Girls. Total. Year. Boys. Girls. Total. 1916-17 •• 1,158 1,251 2,409 1929-30 .. .. 1,077 1,746 2,823 1930-31 .. .. 655 1,059 1,714 1926-27 .. 1,199 1,547 2,746 1931-32 ... .. 420 843 1,263 1927-28 .. .. 1,030 1,614 2,644 | 1932-33 .. .. 509 1,067 1,576 1928-29 .. .. 981 1,603 2,584 1933-34 .. .. 510 1,283 1,793


INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION ACT. WORK DONE UNDER THE ACT DURING THE YEAR 1933-34. Industrial agreements filed . . .. .. .. ■. . . 31 Awards of tie Court of Arbitration . . . . . . .. .. 58 The awards and industrial agreements actually in force on tie 31st March, 1934, total 396 (last year, 406). Work performed by Commissioners and Councils oe Conciliation. Industrial agreements made under section 28 of the principal Act . . .. 20 Industrial agreements made under section sof tie Amendment Act of 1932 . . 13 Disputes where recommendations were substantially accepted or agreements reached and referred to the Court to make awards .. .. . . 50 Disputes where no settlement was arrived at .. .. .. .. 51 Section 7 (4) of tie 1932 Amendment Act provides that where a settlement of tie dispute has not been arrived at by the Council of Conciliation appointed for tie tearing tiereof every award or industrial agreement theretofore binding on the parties to tie dispute in connection witi tie industry to wiici tie dispute relates siall cease to be in force on tie expiration of one month from the date of the Commissioner's notification to tie Clerk of Awards tiat no settlement of tie dispute was arrived at. Under tiis provision failure to react a settlement in tie 51 cases mentioned above resulted in tie cancellation of 23 awards and industrial agreements and tie partial concellation of 5, tie principal cause of failure being the inability of the parties to agree on tie wages to be paid. Tie difference in tie figures is explained by reason of tie fact that in a number of cases tie award or industrial agreement tad previously been cancelled. Tie following summary stows tie wage-rates fixed by awards and agreements made under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Act, 1932, in a number of the principal industries, as compared with the rates fixed by the awards and agreements that were in operation immediately prior thereto.


(Except where otherwise indicated, Wellington rates have been taken.) Industry. Present Bate. Previous Bate. Bakers •• •• •• £4 10s. per week .. .. £5 per week, less 10 per cent. = £4 10s. Boot operatives— • .. . . Is. 9fd. per hour .. 2s. OJd. per hour, less 10 per cent. = Is. 9fd. Female . . • • . . £2 4s. per week .. £2 10s. per week, less 10 per cent. = £2 5s. Tt.itnlipra .. £4 6s. to £5 3s. 6d. per week £4 16s. to £5 17s. 6d. per week, less 10 per cent . = £4 6s. 5d. to £5 5s. 9d. Carpenters and joiners .. .. 2s. per hour .. .. 2s. 3|d. per hour, less 10 per cent. = 2s. Id. Clothing-trade employees — Female .. • • .. £2 0s. 6d. per week . . £2 5s. per week, less 10 per cent. & £2 0s. 6d. ]y[ a l e .' .. .. £3 18s. 9d. per week .. £4 7s. 6d. per week, less 10 per cent. = £3 18s. 9d. Coachworkers . . .. .. 2s. per hour .. 2s. 3d. per hour, less 10 per cent. = 2s. Of^d. Cheese and butter factory employees £3 13s. to £4 13s. 2d. per week £4 Is. to £5 3s. 6d.,less 10per cent. =£3 12s. lid. (Auckland) to .. (a) £3 19s. to £4 9s. 6d. per £4 lis. to £5 3s. per week, less 10 per cent. = ( ' '' week £4 Is. lid. to £4 12s. 8d. (6) Horse .. •• •• (6) £3 17s. 8d. per week for one £4 8s. per week for one horse to £4 lis. per week horse, £4 Is. per week for for two horses, plus 2s. 6d. per week for each two or more horses additional horse. Less 10 per cent. = £3 19s. 2d. to £4 Is. lid., plus 2s. 3d. for each additional horse. Drivers (passenger transport) .. £4 5s. per week .. .. £5 per week, less 10 per cent. = £4 10s. Electrical workers .. 2s. Id. per hour, less 10 per 2s. 3d. per hour, less 10 per cent. = 2s. Oj&d. cent. = Is. 10|d. Engine-drivers, firemen, and greasers Drivers e ist*C y iass Certificate .. Is. 9Jd. per hour .. .. 2s. ljd. per hour, less 10 per cent. = Is. lid. Drivers' 2nd Class Certificate . . Is. 8d. per hour .. . . 2s. per hour, less 10 per cent. = Is. 9|d. Firemen and greasers . . .. Is. 7Jd. per hour . . .. Is. lljd. per hour, less 10 per cent. = 1s. 8&d. Grocers' assistants .. • • £4 5s. 6d. per week .. £4 15s., less 10 per cent. = £4 5s. 6d. Hairdressers .. • • . . £4 2s. 6d. per week .. £5 less 10 per cent. = £4 10s. Shop assistants (Auckland) — ■ .. , e ■, ... , K Adult males .. •• £4 5s. 6d. per week .. £4 15s., less 10 per cent. = £4 5s. 6d. Adult females •• £2 7s. 3d. per week .. £2 12s. 6d., less 10 per cent. = £2 7s. 3d. Storemen and Packers (wholesale ). . £3 12s. 9d. per week .. £4 5s., less 10 per cent. = £3 16s. 6d. Storemen and Packers (oil-stores) .. £3 15s. per week .. .. £4 7s. 6d„ less 10 per cent. = £3 18s. 9d. Storemen and packers (wool, grain, £3 12s. 6d. per week .. £4 5s., less 10 per cent. = £3 16s. 6d. &c., stores) faftofirst year) .. Is. 9|d. per hour .. .. 2s. per hour, less 10 per cent. = Is. 9fd. Conductors (after first year) .. Is. 8d. per hour .. .. Is. 10s. per hour, less 10 per cent. == Is. 7|d. Conductors (after fifth year) .. Is. 8jd. per hour .. .. Is. lOJd. per hour, less 10 per cent. = Is. 8Jd. Motor-bus drivers .. • • Is. 9fd. per hour .. .. 2s. per hour, less 10 per cent. = Is. 9fd. Tvnographers .. • • • ■ £4 to £4 14s. 6d. per week .. £4 15s. to £5 10s., less 10 per cent. = £4 5s. 6d. 8 F to £4 19s.

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Section 7 (5) of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Act, 1932, provides that where no settlement is arrived at in the case of a dispute in an industry or industries where female workers are employed the Court of Arbitration may, on application, make an order fixing the minimum rates of wages that may be paid to the female workers in the industry or industries concerned, such order to operate and be enforceable as an award, and to continue in force for a period of not less than six or more than twelve months, as may be specified therein. Up to 31st March, 1934, only two such orders have been made, one covering private-hotel employees throughout the Dominion (expired) and the other covering shop-assistants in certain trades in the Otago and Southland Industrial District, not covered by the existing Shop-assistants' award. Legal Decisions of Interest. Refusal to declare Industrial Agreement to he an Award. Where there was an award in force covering the whole industrial district and an industrial agreement was entered into under section 28 of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1925 (for the prevention and not the settlement of an industrial dispute), between the union of workers and certain employers parties to the award, and such employers employed a majority of the workers in the industry in the industrial district, an application to declare such industrial agreement to be an award was refused on the following grounds : (1) That there was an award in existence binding on certain employers not parties to the industrial agreement; (2) that neither the industrial agreement nor an order of the Court declaring it to be an award could supersede the existing award in toto ; (3) that in any event the employers bound by the existing award could not be made parties to another award in pari materia while the existing award remained in force. The present award must be cancelled or otherwise disposed of in the manner prescribed by the Act before such an application could be considered. Terms of Settlement of Industrial Dispute filed as Industrial Agreement declared void. Certain master butchers made application for the hearing by a Conciliation Council of an industrial dispute, the workers' union and a number of other master butchers being cited as respondents. The applicant employers recommended four assessors and the workers' union recommended a similar number. The respondent employers also recommended assessors, but the Commissioner, acting on the advice of the Court of Arbitration, disregarded the recommendation of the respondent employers and appointed the assessors recommended by the applicant employers and the respondent workers' union. The Council so constituted proceeded to inquire into the dispute, and, despite the objections of the respondent employers, purported to arrive at a-settlement of the dispute. The terms of settlement were set forth in writing, signed by all the assessors, the document being regarded as an industrial agreement binding on all the parties to the dispute, including the respondent dissentient employers. Action for a breach of this agreement was taken against one of the dissentient employers in the Court of Arbitration, which stated a case for the opinion of the Court of Appeal. Held by the Court of Appeal, That the objecting employers were entitled to recommend assessors, and such recommendation should have been considered by the Commissioner when appointing assessors to represent the respondents ; that what is required by section 5 (1) of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Act, 1932, is a settlement arrived at by agreement of the parties to the dispute who are present or represented at the inquiry, and terms of settlement, though they require to be signed by all the assessors, are, nevertheless, effective only if such parties to the dispute have agreed upon or consented to such terms. If any of the parties refuse to agree, there can be no settlement, and the only provision to meet such a case is contained in section 7 (1) of the Amendment Act. Semble, That the power to fix the closing-hours of shops conferred on the Court of Arbitration by section 17 of the Shops and Offices Amendment Act, 1927, cannot be exercised by a Council of Conciliation, and that any provision in the terms of settlement purporting to fix closing-hours would void the agreement. Registration op Industrial Associations and Unions. The usual statutory return (to the 31st December, 1933) of the associations and unions registered under the Act, with their membership at that date, is published herewith as an appendix. Comparison with the previous year shows that the total number of workers' unions has increased by 7 (to 407), and the total membership has decreased by 7,395 (from 79,283 to 71,888). Inspections, etc. During the year 1,690 complaints of alleged breaches of the Act and of awards and industrial agreements, &c., were received, but it was found on investigation that in 522 cases no breach had been committed. In 132 cases proceedings were taken, and in 953 warnings were given. No action was considered necessary in the remaining cases. Apart from the complaints mentioned above, a large proportion of the inspections of factories, shops, &c., included an inspection to ascertain whether the awards and agreements were being complied with in respect of wages, overtime, &c., and, as a result of these inspections, 14 prosecutions were taken and warnings were given in other cases. Of the 146 prosecutions, 131 were against employers and 15 against workers ; 125 convictions were recorded, 110 against employers and 15 against workers. Total penalties, £196 15s.



Industrial Disturbances during the Year. There were in all sixteen industrial disturbances during the year. The following is a summary of the more serious stoppages — Seamen and Firemen.—The seamen and firemen on a number of intercolonial and coastal vessels ceased work, refusing to accept a proposal by the owners for a further reduction of 5 per cent, in the rates of pay in addition to the 10-per-cent. reduction already in operation. The cooks and stewards, although not affected by the proposed reduction, ceased work in sympathy. Some delay in shipping was occasioned, but the more important services were maintained. After about ten days, a conference between the parties agreed upon a 2|-per-cent. reduction, and work was resumed. Waterside Workers. —The waterside workers in several ports refused to work overtime on a number of ships unless the shore gangs were paid for the same hours as the gangs employed on the hatches. In one case the Department proceeded against the fifty-eight men concerned for a breach of section 9 of the Labour Disputes Investigation Act, 1913, and obtained judgment against each of the defendants. The men have appealed against the convictions, but the cases have not yet been heard by the Court of Arbitration. LABOUR DISPUTES INVESTIGATION ACT, 1913. During the year thirteen agreements were filed pursuant to section 8 (1), the agreement in each case being reached without recourse to a conference under the Act or to a Labour Dispute Committee. These agreements were as follows : — Tramway, omnibus, and power-house employees, Christchurch. Tramway employees, Auckland. Tramway and omnibus employees (traffic section), Christchurch. Glassworkers, Auckland. Coal-miners, Waikato. Dairy factory managers, Wellington Industrial District. Tramway workshops employees, Christchurch. Tramway, omnibus, and power-house employees, Christchurch. Chain grocery store employees, Canterbury. Dairy-produce and cold storage workers, Wellington. Hardware-merchants employees, Wellington. Tramway, omnibus, and power-house employees, Christchurch. Clerical and showroom employees (Gas Co.'s) Auckland. Arising out of the disputes filed under the Act since its inception to date, only six ballots have been necessary, and in none of these cases did a strike take place in pursuance of such a ballot. There were on the 31st March, 1934, twelve agreements in force under this Act in the following industries :— Tramway and omnibus services (including power-house employees). Grocery trade employees in chain-stores. Managers in dairy factories. Storage workers in dairy-produce and cold stores. Hardware-merchants' assistants (wholesale). Glassworkers. Coal-miners. Clerical and showroom employees (Gas Co.). APPRENTICES ACT. This Act, which was passed in 1923, places the regulation of apprenticeships in the control of the Court of Arbitration. It also provides for the establishment of Committees representative of employers and workers ; these have such powers as may be delegated to them by the Court. The Committees, of which there are 66 functioning, are chiefly to be found in the main towns, and there is usually one for each industry. At the end of the previous year there were 105 Committees functioning, the reduction following upon the cancellation of awards and industrial agreements in accordance with the provisions of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, it having been held by the Court that on cancellation of an award or industrial agreement the Apprentices Act ceased to apply to the industry and locality concerned. The Department has again made available to Committees the services of some of its experienced officers, who undertake inquiry work and in many cases act in a secretarial capacity. These officers made 106 inspections under this Act during 1933-34, the inspections being carried out chiefly in the course of ordinary inspection and investigation work and while visiting factories, &c., in connection with other duties. Complaints were received regarding 130 alleged breaches of the Act, while 12 other breaches were discovered by the Department's Inspectors, 95 warnings being issued. There were 7 prosecutions during the year for various breaches of the Act and the orders made thereunder, convictions being entered in 6 of the cases, and penalties amounting to £5 ss, 6d. being imposed. Of the prosecutions, 2 were against employers and 5 against apprentices. The following table gives the approximate number of apprentices in the trades to which the Act applies. This information is based mainly on contracts of apprenticeship as registered with the Department.



Return showing Number of Apprentices employed in Skilled Trades, April, 1934. (The figures for the previous year are shown in parentheses.) Number of Number of Number of Trade. Apprentices Trade. Apprentices Trade. Apprentices employed. employed. employed. Baking .. .. 153 (219) Electrical .. 287 (329) Plumbing .. 300 (391) Boatbuilding .. 11 (19) Engineering . . 524 (672) Plastering .. 68 (106) Boilermaking .. 37 (45) Motor-engineering 659 (861) Printing . . 538 (596) Bootmaking .. 136 (145) Furniture .. 312 (421) Saddlery .. 24 (33) Boot-repairing . . 19 (32) Gardening . . 14 (15) Sail, tent, &c. 1 (1) Blacksmithing .. 21 (25) Hairdressing .. 78 (107) Tailoring .. 14 (16) Bricklaying . . 15 (33) Hatmaking .. . . (2) Tinsmithing . . 92 (117) Carpentering . . 505 (757) Jewellery . . 28 (36) Wicker-working 13 (14) Clothing .. 51 (53) Leadlight '.. 16 (20) Coachbuilding . . 140 (217) Masonry . . 16 (16) Totals . .4,303 (5,594) Coopering .. 5 (5) Moulding . . 62 (85) Cycle-working .. 12 (11) Painting . . 152 (195) The following table shows the number of apprentices employed in each year during the past six years :— Number of . •, Number of April, Apprentices. * p ' Apprentices. 1928 . •• •• 10,227 1932 .. .. .. .. 6,910 1929 .. .. 9,943 1933 .. .. .. .. 5,594 1930 .. .. .. .. 9,826 1934 .. .. .. .. 4,303 1931 .. .. •• 8,901 Amendment of Act. The provisions of section 56 of the Finance Act, 1932, which give Magistrates power, on application by any party concerned, to amend, suspend, or cancel any contract of apprenticeship in force at the date of the passing of the Act, are still being invoked to a considerable extent, owing to the difficulty experienced by employers in finding employment for their apprentices. Before a Magistrate, however, can cancel a contract under this section he is required to be satisfied that, owing to the economic conditions affecting the industry concerned or the particular business of the employer, the employer cannot reasonably be expected to continue to carry out the terms of the contract, but in the event of his ordering cancellation of the contract he may, if he thinks fit, award compensation to the apprentice. The following table shows the number of applications dealt with under this legislation during the year ended the 31st March, 1934 : —

Applications under Section 56 of the Finance Act, 1932, for Relief from the Provisions of Apprenticeship Contracts.


„ , . Nature of Decision. Total Number of ! 7 Applica- I Contracts Contracts Contracts Relief 10ns. I var ie(J, suspended. cancelled, j refused. I 1 ' Baking ■ ■ • ■ ■ • • • j ® • • 1 j .. Boilermaking .. ■ • • • • • 3 3 Bricklaying . . ■ • • ■ • ' • * Carpentering .. • • ■ • ■ • 31 25 2 2 2 Coachbuilding . . • • • ■ 1 1 Electrical .. •• •• 8 6 1 1 Engineering .. ■ • • • • • 36 36 Motor-engineering .. • ■ • • 29 21 4 4 Furniture . • • • • • ■ • ? Gardening .. • • • • • • 1 1 Hairdressing . . . ■ • ■ • • 6 6 Leadlight .. • • • • • • 3 3 Painting .. • • • • .. 11 8 1 1 1 Plumbing .. • • ■ • . . 36 32 1 2 1 Plastering .. • • 3 2 .. 1 Printing . • • • ■ ■ ■ • 210 185 . . .. 25 Saddlery .. • ■ • ■ ■ ■ 3 3 Tinsrnithing .. . . • ■ ■ • 3 3 Totals 399 348 10 12 29


Arrears op Wages. Amounts totalling £2,940 9s. were collected by the Department's officers on behalf of workers who had been underpaid the wages prescribed by awards and the various Acts, while further amounts of such arrears, totalling £2,794 os. Id., were paid by employers, at the instance of the Inspectors, directly to the workers concerned: total, £5,734 9s. Id. Workers' Compensation Act. The following cases have been heard and determined by the Court of Arbitration during the last seven years: 1926,60; 1927,99; 1928,99; 1929,101; 1930,123 ; 1931, 175 ; 1932,133; 1933,138. The more important decisions, with a digest thereof, are published in " New Zealand Workers' Compensation Cases," which is issued annually by the Department. During 1933 a decision of considerable importance to employers and workers was given by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council on an appeal from judgments of the Court of Appeal of New Zealand in proceedings brought to determine the liability of employers in respect of the deaths of or injuries to their workmen which occurred on the occasion of the Hawke's Bay earthquake of the 3rd February, 1931. In regard to the cases brought before the Privy Council it had been agreed before the Court of Appeal that the deaths and injuries were caused by " accident " and were in the course of employment, the only question for determination being whether the accidents arose. " out of the employment. It was contended on behalf of the employers that the risk of injury due to earthquake is a " community risk " and that a worker cannot say that an injury caused by such a happening arises out of his employment unless he can show that the nature of his employment exposed him more than other members of the public to the danger in question. The Judicial Committee, however, held that if a workman is injured by some natural force such as lightning, the heat of the sun, or extreme cold, which in itself has no kind of connection with employment, he cannot recover unless he can sufficiently associate such injury with his employment. This he can do if he can show that the employment exposed him in a special degree to suffering such an injury. But if he is injured by contact physically with some part of the place where he works, then, apart from questions of his own misconduct, he at once associates the accident, with his employment, and nothing further need be considered. So that if the roof or walls fall upon him, or he slips upon the premises, there is no need to make further inquiry as to why the accident happened. This decision caused employers and insurers considerable perturbation in view of the possibility of disastrous earthquakes occurring during working-hours in the more thickly populated areas, and as a result of a compromise provision was made in section 56 of the Finance Act, 1933 (No. 2), restricting the maximum aggregate liability of insurers in cases where compensation is payable under the Workers Compensation Act by any indemnified employers for personal injury by accident to any workers arising out of and in the course of their employment, if such injury has been caused by accident due directly or indirectly to earthquake. The maximum liability referred to is not to exceed £50,000 in respect of injuries resulting from a single earthquake or from any of a series of earthquakes occurring within any period of seven full days. Where the total liability of the insurers would in any case, except for the legislation, exceed £50,000 the aggregate liability of the several insurers is to be apportioned according to their premium incomes, and where the aggregate liability of the insurers is less than the total liability insured against by the employers, the amount of compensation payable is to bear the same proportion to the full amount of compensation as £50,000 bears to the aggregate amount of all valid claims made in respect of compensation for accidents due to the earthquake or series of earthquakes. SHEARERS' ACCOMMODATION ACT. All necessary inspections under this Act were previously carried out by the Inspectors of the Agriculture Department, but for economic reasons no inspections have been made during the year. SCAFFOLDING AND EXCAVATION ACT. During the year 3,360 notices of intention to erect buildings and scaffoldings and to commence excavations were received, and 9,007 inspections were made. There were no prosecutions. _ The number of accidents to workers during the year ending 31st December, 1933, is 44 (of which 1 was fatal). Of the 44 accidents, 37 were of a minor nature. It should be mentioned that the total includes not only accidents to workers on scaffolding or in connection with gear or excavations, but also all other accidents occurring in connection with building operations. Taking into consideration the hazardous nature of the work and the number of workers involved, the number of accidents due to falls from scaffolds, ladders, or roofs is small—viz., 14. The numbers according to occupations are : Labourers, 11 ; carpenters, 19 ; painters, 4 ; bricklayers, 1 ; unclassified, 9. The cases in respect of which information as to the time lost and compensation paid is available— viz., 35 and 41 respectively out of the 44 accidents—show that a total of 840 days were lost and compensation to the amount of £1,219 ss. 7d. was paid. The following are particulars of the fatal accident reported : A painter was engaged in painting a wall near a power-driven hoist, when the jersey which he was wearing caught on a revolving shaft. The following fatal accident to a person other than a worker was also reported : A master painter who was working on a Humphrey bracket scaffold was fatally injured when, owing to a faultily bored hole, the eyebolt at one end drew out and he fell to the ground.


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SERVANTS' REGISTRY OFFICES ACT. There are sixty-eight offices registered in New Zealand, all of which appear to be satisfactorily conducted (last year sixty-four). RENT RESTRICTION. There were 176 applications from tenants for inquiry (previous year, 278). The following table shows the results of the investigations (the figures in parentheses are those for the previous year) : —

As mentioned in previous reports, tie Kent Restriction Continuance Act, 1927, provided that from the Ist May, 1928 (1) the standard rent shall be determined on the basis of 7 per cent, on the capital value of the dwellinghouse as at the date of such determination (instead of on the 1914 value) exclusive of rates, insurance, repairs, and depreciation (as before) ; (2) the Act shall cease to operate except where, on the application of the tenant, a Magistrate otherwise orders ; in deciding the question the Magistrate shall have regard to the greater hardship that may be caused to either party concerned. Subject to the following paragraph, the provisions do not apply to houses first let after the 9th November, 1920. By the Rent Restriction Extension Act, 1931 (passed 31st July, 1931), the provisions were extended to cover dwellinghouses in the Hawke's Bay earthquake area let on the 3rd February, 1931 (the date of the earthquake), or since 1 that date at a rental not exceeding £104 per annum. The provisions were further continued by the Rent Restriction Act, 1933, until 31st October, 1934, when they will expire unless further extended. FOOTWEAR REGULATION ACT. There were 2,006 inspections made throughout the Dominion under this Act, and stocks of footwear were carefully examined. As most, if not all, of the footwear required to be branded under the Act is imported, the arrangement made with the. Customs Department whereby all imported footwear is examined in the Customs shed before release is still being continued. The services of the Department's footwear Inspectors have also been utilized in examining the boots supplied by the Unemployment Board to relief workers employed under the various unemployment schemes, with a view to ensuring that the manufacturers were complying with the Board's specifications. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ACT. The regulations under the Act provide for the reverification of weights, measures, and weighing and measuring instruments in use for trade purposes. The articles verified or reverified during the year are summarized hereunder : — Submitted. Incorrect. Weights .. .. 34,221 3,820 Measures .. .. .. .. .. 3,058 66 Weighing-instruments.. .. .. .. .. 22,682 2,473 Measuring-instruments .. .. .. .. 7,027 1,336 66,988 7,695 There were also submitted for verification 269,204 bottles—milk, cream, or oil —128 being incorrect. In addition to the reverification work referred to, the Department has carried out surprise tests of appliances on the owners' premises, 7,746 visits being made to business premises in this connection. The net-weight and standard-weight provisions of the regulations also received attention, 553 visits of inspection being made. There were 18 prosecutions for various breaches under this Act, convictions being obtained in 17 cases, and fines amounting to £14 10s. being imposed. The other case was withdrawn. Verification fees earned totalled £8,715 Bs. Id. (previous year, £8,676 17s. 3d.) ; increase, £38 10s. lOd.

2—H. 11.


AT i . i • r, Number m which Rents .Number m which Kenfcs A A A _ A T I l j demanded were deemed demanded were reduced. . .-n A at u • Total Number J ustlfied " Number in which no * r ° At Instance of t> r» + ± Proceedings Applications. By Department By By Department taken .* S Court, without reference Court. W1 P n n re ® rence to Court. toCourt - Auckland .. .. 14 (25) .. 1 .. 7 6 Wellington .. 100 (169) .. 22 .. 51 27 Christchurch .. 51 (61) .. 2 .. 39 10 Dunedin .. .. 2 (1) .. 2 Other towns .. 9 (22) .. 2 .. 4 3 176 (278) .. 29 .. 101 46 . * For example, cases found to be outside scope of Act, proceedings not desired by complainant, &c.


During the period the following eleven new designs of weighing and measuring instruments were submitted under clause 4, Part 11, of the regulations for approval for use for trade in the Dominion, viz. :— Weighing — Self-indicating (counter and platform) scales .. .. .. . . 4 Automatic weighing-instruments .. . . .. .. 1 Measuring— Petrol-pumps and equipment . . . . . . . . . . 5 Flow-meters (petrol) . . . . . • . . • • 1 11 Of these, 8 have been approved (after alterations to 3 patterns) and 3 are still under consideration. Inspections were again made during the year to ensure that the provisions of the Sale of Pood and Drugs Act relating to the weight of bread and the provisions of the Weights and Measures Regulations relating to the sale of coal, coke, and firewood were being complied with, resulting in 11 prosecutions (1 in respect of short-weight bread and 10 for breaches in connection with the sale of coal, coke, and firewood). These prosecutions are included in the figures given in the second paragraph above. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES AMENDMENT ACT, 1933. This legislation was promoted primarily to give effect to certain resolutions regarding standards and standardization adopted by the Imperial Conference held in London in 1930, but the opportunity was also taken of amending section 19 of the principal Act. The following is a summary of the provisions of the Amendment Act: — Section 2 : This section substitutes for the various standard weights and measures mentioned in the Second Schedule to the Act of 1925 two standards only, viz. : (1) standard pound, and (2) standard yard, which are to be copies of the corresponding Imperial standards, verified by comparison with such standards or with the parliamentary copies thereof. The substitution is to become effective on a date to be fixed by the Minister in the Gazette. Subsections (3) and (4) provide for the replacement of the standards in the event of their loss, destruction, or injury, and for periodical comparison of the standards with the corresponding Imperial standards or parliamentary copies thereof at intervals not exceeding ten years. Section 3 : The present standard weights and measures referred to in the Second Schedule to the principal Act are to become secondary standards which are to be compared with the standard weight and standard measure at intervals not exceeding five years. Provision is made for such additional secondary standards as may be required and for renewing any secondary standard. The Minister is given custody of the standard weight and standard measure and of the secondary standards. Section 4 provides (a) for departmental standards (which are the same as the present departmental standards), (b) for their deposit in the office of the Chief Inspector, (c) for their renewal, and (d) for their comparison with the secondary standards instead of with the primary standards as at present. Section 5 provides for the consequential repeal of sections 6 and 10 of the principal Act. Section 6 : As the table of metric equivalents set out in the Third Schedule to the principal Act is not in exact conformity with the latest tables of metric equivalents prescribed in England, the Governor-General is empowered to revise it from time to time by Order in Council in order that uniformity may be maintained. Section 7 "which substitutes a new subsection (1) of section 19 relating to goods in packages that are incorrectly labelled as to the net weight or measure of their contents, remedies certain defects in the drafting of the original subsection, and makes it applicable not only to package goods sold or offered or exposed for sale, but also to such goods in the possession of any person for sale. LEAD PROCESS REGULATIONS. These regulations were issued in 1925 to protect workers from the danger of lead poisoning in factories where lead paints are manufactured or prepared, and also in places where painting operations are carried on. No cases of suspected lead poisoning were reported during the year. Mention might be made here that one of the oil companies has recently completed arrangements for placing on the New Zealand market a motor-fuel known as ethyl petrol, which consists of a mixture of motor-spirit and ethyl fluid, the latter containing " tetraethyl lead." The ethyl fluid is imported in highly concentrated form in 10 gallon drums and is broken down in New Zealand by mixing with petrol to the standard required for commercial purposes. A special Department of Health Committee reported to the British Government in 1929 on the handling and distribution of ethyl products, and recommended the adoption of certain precautionary measures, and inquiries are at present being made by the Health Department of New Zealand as to whether any regulations dealing with the matter have been laid down by the British authorities. The corporation supplying ethyl fluid insists on its agents adopting rules and regulations issued by its medical department for the protection of the health of the workers handling the product, and periodical inspections made by this department's officers show that these rules and regulations are adequate and are being strictly adhered to.



TAILORING TRADE REGULATIONS. These regulations were gazetted in 1925 to prevent the misuse of such expressions as tailor-made and " hand-made " as applied to garments made to measure, some of which are made partly by machine process. In eleven instances factory-made garments were found to be incorrectly .described in advertisements, which, when attention was drawn to them, were immediately withdrawn. In no case were proceedings considered necessary. EXPENDITURE DURING THE YEAR. Salaries and allowances (including salaries of nominated members, Court of Arbitration), £ temporary clerical assistance, and agents' remuneration .. . . ■ • . . 32,365 Fares, board and lodging, &c., advanced to persons proceeding to employment (see refunds, below) .. • • ■ • • • • • • • • • ■ ■ ■ • f33 Fees paid to assessors on Conciliation Councils .. .. • • • ■ • • 1 > 339 Legal and witnesses' expenses (see refunds, below) .. .. ■ • • ■ • • 42 Postage, telegrams, telephones, and rent of letter-boxes .. .. • ■ •• 1,319 Printing, stationery, office requisites, equipment, heating and lighting of offices, advertising, &c. 2,608 Rent of office accommodation .. .. ■ • ■ • • ■ . • • ?•> ®^5 Travelling allowances and expenses of Inspectors, including expenditure on bicycles, motorcycles, and motor-cars, and maintenance thereof (including new motor-car, £208) . . 2, 633 Travelling allowances and expenses of members of Court of Arbitration (£1,799) and Conciliation Commissioners and assessors on Conciliation Councils (£1,318) .. .. •• 3,117 Miscellaneous expenditure .. .. .. • • • • • • ■ • . • • Compensation under the Workers' Compensation Act to J. A. Ferguson, Inspector of Weights and Measures . . .. . . • • • ■ • • ■ • • • • • 45,895 Less refunds— £ Fares . . .. . ■ ■ • • • • • ■ ■ ■ • 399 Legal and witnesses' expenses . . • • • • ■ ■ • • 1? Sale of publications .. . . • • ■ • • • ■ ■ 150 Travelling-expenses, &c., recovered from defendants in cases taken by Department and from persons to whom weights and measures services were rendered .. .. • ■ • • • ■ ■ • • ■ 1 > 546 From Government statistician, for services of officers . . • • • ■ 90 Miscellaneous .. .. • • ■ • • • • • ■ • 108 From Unemployment Fund for services, &c. .. .. •• •• 10,018 — IZfOZo 33,567 The above figures do not include a number of items for which provision for payment is made elsewhere than in the Department's vote —viz., salary of Judge, Court of Arbitration, messenger services, cleaning, &c.


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! d co oco •s-as O ! (Hp „ Name. Registered Office. 'i'Sj i Na •'-i a? <10 1041 New Zealand Coach and Motor Body 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 3 Builders 526 New Zealand Federated Builders and Con- 8-12 „ „ .. ., ,. 10 tractors 1253 New Zealand Federated Ironmasters .. 8-10 „ „ .. .. .. 4 1314 New Zealand Federated Master Painters, Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, Christchurch 6 Decorators, and Signwriters 1043 New Zealand Federated Newspaper - pro- Dominion Buildings, Wellington (P.O. Box 1066) .. 4 prietors 893 New Zealand Federation of Master Plumbers Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, Christchurch 6 1036 New Zealand Flour, Oatmeal, and Pearl- „ „ 2 barley Millers 1003 New Zealand Furniture Trades .. .. Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, Auckland • .. 4 724 New Zealand Master Printers .. .. Hud dart Parker Building, P.O. Square, Wellington .. 8 1260 New Zealand Nurserymen and Landscape 16 Aratonga Avenue, One Tree Hill, Auckland, S.E. 4.. 3 Gardeners 1333 New Zealand Theatrical Proprietors and Grand Opera House, Wellington .. .. .. 2 Managers 1248 New Zealand Waterside Employers' Asso- Harbour Board Shed 15, Customhouse Quay, Wellington 10 ciation 832 New Zealand Wholesale Clothing Manu- 58 Jervois Quay, Wellington .. .. .. 4 facturers — Totals.. .. .. .. .. .. Number of associations, 13 66




«w °2S "Re? M Name. Registered Office. 3ts 3 *ij \ . -«i 15 1225 Federated Cooks and Stewards of New Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 2 Zealand 1306 Federated Seamen's Union of New Zealand 131 Featherston Street, Wellington .. .. 3 1419 Grey Valley and Buller Underviewers and Ross Street, Dunollie .. .. .. . . 2 Deputies 487 Merchant Service Guild of New Zealand .. 153 Featherston Street, Wellington .. .. 2 855 New Zealand Amalgamated Society of Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 22 Carpenters and Joiners and Joiners' Machinists 1416 New Zealand Brick, Tile, Pottery, and Clay Trades Hall, Auckland, C. 1 .. .. . . 3 Workers 925 New Zealand Council of the Amalgamated Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. 9 Engineering and Allied Trades 1261 New Zealand Federated Bakers', Pastry- Tabernacle Buildings, Auckland, C. 2 .. . . 3 cooks', and Related Trades Employees 1318 New Zealand Federated Biscuit and Con- Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 3 fectionery 561 New Zealand Federated Boilermakers, Iron 36 Brown's Road, St. Albans, Christchurch .. . . 4 and Steel Ship and Bridge Builders 53 New Zealand Federated Boot Trade .. Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 5 796 New Zealand Federated Bricklayers .. 28 Kauri Street, Eastbourne .. .. .. 3 124 New Zealand Federated Clothing Trade Em- Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 7 ployees 473 New Zealand Federated Coachworkers and -6 His Majesty's Arcade, Queen Street, Auckland .. 4 Wheelwrights 824 New Zealand Federated Drivers and Related Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 9 Trades 677 New Zealand Federated Engine - drivers, „ „ .. .. .. .. 5 River Engineers, Greasers, and Firemen 1352 New Zealand Federated Fire Brigades' Em- 28 Kauri Street, Eastbourne .. .. .. 3 ployees I 772 New Zealand Federated Furniture Trade ,. Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 7 729 New Zealand Federated Hotel and Restau- 615 Cooke's Buildings, Auckland .. .. . . 9 rant Employees 275 New Zealand Federated Moulders .. 67 Valley Road, Caversham, Dunedin .. .. 4 567 New Zealand Federated Painters and Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 11 Decorators 786 New Zealand Federated Plumbers and Gas- Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. 3 fitters 1218 New Zealand Federated Shop-assistants .. Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 14 756 New Zealand Federated Stonemasons .. 161 Sandringham Road, Auckland, S. 2 .. .. 4 1238 New Zealand Federated Storemen and Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. .. .. 8 Packers (other than in Retail Shops) and Warehouse Employees (other than Drivers and Clerks) 869 New Zealand Federated Theatrical and 123 Ghuznee Street, Wellington .. .. .. 6 Places of Amusement Employees 543 New Zealand Federated Typographical .. 15, Third Floor, Cooper's Buildings, Willis Street, 4 Wellington 912 New Zealand Federated Woollen-mills and Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 4 Hosiery-factories Employees 1315 New Zealand Federation of Local Bodies Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 5 Labourers, Builders' and Contractors' " and General Labourers 866 New Zealand Journalists .. .. Wright's Buildings, Fort Street, Auckland (P.O. Box 1541) 3 1195 New Zealand Performing Musicians .. Pacific Buildings, Auckland .. .. .. 3 1117 New Zealand Related Printing Trades .. 2 Arthur Street, Ellerslie, Auckland .. .. 6 559 New Zealand Waterside Workers' Federation 80 Manners Street, Wellington .. .. .. 31 Totals.. .. .. .. .. .. Number of associations, 33 211




1$I • Reg. Kame. Registered Office. •§ "i § 1 No. Jl§ rt Northers (Auckland) Ind ustrial District. 348 Auckland and Suburban General Carriers Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, Auckland, C. 1 .. 87 and Coal-merchants 164 Auckland Builders and Contractors .. 7 Spencer Street, Remuera, Auckland .. .. 30 1420 Auckland Chain Grocery Stores .. .. Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, Auckland, C. 1 .. 11 741 Auckland Farmers' Freezing Co., Ltd. .. Endean's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland.. .. 1 911 Auckland Furniture and Furnishing .. Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, Auckland, C. 1 • • 40 472 Auckland Guild of Master Painters .. 3 Grotto Street, Onehunga .. .. .. 18 1252 Auckland Ironmasters .. .. • • Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, Auckland, C. 1 .. 48 736 Auckland Licensed Victuallers' Association New Zealand Insurance Buildings, Queen Street, Auck- 160 land 330 Auckland Master Bakers .. .. 28 Ferry Buildings, Quay Street, Auckland . . .. 86 571 Auckland Master Plumbers .. • • Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, Auckland, C. 1 .. 26 539 Auckland Master Printers and Allied Trades Endean's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland, C.'l .. 54 122 Auckland Master Tailors .. ... j Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, Auckland, C. 1 .. 14 1257 Auckland Nurserymen and Landscape i Care of O'Leary Bros, and Downes, Ltd., Auckland .. 33 Gardeners i 504 Auckland Provincial Coachbuilders and | Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, Auckland, C. 1 5 Wheelwrights 464 Auckland Provincial Master Butchers .. „ „ „ .. 76 1070 Auckland Provincial Newspaper-proprietors 149 Queen Street, Auckland .. .. .. 11 1011 Auckland Retail Drapers, Milliners, Mercers, Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, Auckland, C. 1 .. 22 and Clothiers i 148 Auckland Sawmillers and Woodware-manu- „ „ „ • • 21 facturers 1241 Auckland Waterside Employers'Union .. Quay Street Landing East, Auckland (G.P.O. Box 1602) 11 342 Devonport Steam Ferry Co., Ltd. .. Ferry Buildings, Auckland, C. 1 .. .. 1 370 Gisborne Builders and Contractors .. McKee's Buildings, Gladstone Road, Gisborne .. 9 979 Gisborne Master Printers and Bookbinders „ „ „ .. 5 326 Northern Steamship Co., Ltd. .. .. Quay Street, Auckland .. .. .. . - 1 750 Poverty Bay and East Coast Sheepowners P.O. Box 21, Gisborne .. .. .. • • 146 838 Poverty Bay Master Butchers .. .. 202 Ormond Road, Gisborne .. .. ■. 13 1027 South Auckland District Coachbuilders, Alexandra Street, Hamilton .. .. * •• 12 Blacksmiths, and Farriers 1281 South Auckland Master Butchers .. P.O. Box 187, Hamilton .. .. .. .. 60 163 Taupiri Coal-mines, Ltd. .. • - Ferry Buildings, Auckland, C. 1 .. .. 1 Totals.. .. •• •• •• Number of unions, 28 1,002 Wellington Industrial District. 142 Ballinger, Thomas, and Co., Ltd. .. 58-62 Victoria Street, Wellington .. .. .. 1 1426 Briscoe, E. W. Mills, and Co., Ltd. .. Corner Jervois Quay and Hunter Street, Wellington, C. 1 1 1390 Hawke's Bay Builders and Contractors .. Herschell Street, Napier . . .. .. .. 20 743 Hawke's Bay Sheepowners .. • • „ „ • • • • • • • • l' )7 1385 Masterton Master Builders .. .. Leecroft Chambers, Lincoln Road, Masterton .. 9 6 New Zealand Boot-manufacturers' Associa- 8-10 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 27 tion 1019 Niven, Jas. J., and Co., Ltd. .. .. 65-67 Taranaki Street, Wellington .. .. .. 1 1343 Palmerston North Master Builders and Con- 34 Florence Avenue, Palmerston North .. .. 9 tractors 1361 Wairarapa Master Printers and Allied Trades Leecroft Chambers, Lincoln Road, Masterton .. 7 418 Wanganui Builders and Contractors .. Ridgway Street, Wanganui . . .. .. 1 23 1274 Wanganui District Master Plumbers .. 259 Victoria Avenue, Wanganui . . .. .. : 9 1014 Wanganui Furniture Trades .. .. 16 Wicksteed Place, Wanganui .. .. .. 5 1245 Wanganui Waterside Employers' Union .. „ „ • ■ • • • • I 10 101 Wellington Builders and Contractors .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 35 1421 Wellington Chain Grocery Stores .. „ „ ■ • • ■ • • 9 815 Wellington Clothing-manufacturers .. 58 Jervois Quay, Wellington .. .. .. I 10 1054 Wellington Coach and Motor-vehicle Trades 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 10 1356 Wellington Dairy Factories .. Longburn .. .. • • „ • • " 1105 Wellington Engineers, Metal-workers, and A.M.P. Buildings, Customhouse Quay, Wellington .. » 13 Iron and Brass Founders 1022 Wellington Furniture and Furnishing Trade 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 19 1118 Wellington General Carriers and Custom- „ „ •• •• 34 house and Forwarding Agents 1123 Wellington Grocers .. .. •• 12 Panama Street, Wellington .. .. .. 59 106 Wellington Master Bakers .. . - 29 Naughton Terrace, Kilbirnie, Wellington, E. 3 .. 48 131 Wellington Master Painters .. .. 8-12 The Terrace, Wellington . . .. .. 55 886 ! Wellington Master Plumbers .. .. Bank of New Zealand Chambers, Manners Street, Wei- 22 lington 644 Wellington Master Printers, Lithographers, Huddart-Parker Building, P.O. Square, Wellington .. 29 948 Wellington Newspaper-proprietors .. Dominion Building, Wellington (P.O. Box 1066) .. 11 1255 Wellington Nurserymen and Landscape 339 Albert Street, Palmerston North .. .. 10 Gardeners 1197 Wellington Soft-goods Manufacturers .. 89 Wakefield Street, Wellington ' 1239 Wellington Waterside Employers Union .. Harbour Shed 15, Customhouse Quay, Wellington .. 15 1331 Williamson, J. C. (New Zealand), Ltd. .. Grand Opera House, Wellington .. • • ■ • 1 1411 Williamson (J.C.) Picture Corporation, Ltd. Dominion Building, Mercer Street, Wellington .. 1 Totals | • • • • • • Number of unions, 32 803




5ii„ Name. Registered Office. 'S'SSSS no. a a g® 35 a> Canterbury Industrial District. 113 i Builders' and Contractors' Association of 95 Gloucester Street, Christehurch .. .. .. 108 Canterbury 430 : Canterbury Butchers .. .. .. Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, Christchurch 99 1422 | Canterbury Chain Grocery Stores .. „ „4 324 Canterbury Employers of Drivers . . „ „12 1015 Canterbury Flour, Oatmeal, and Pearl- „ ,, 14 barley Millers 459 Canterbury Licensed Victuallers.. .. 119 Worcester Street, Christchurch .. .. 102 297 ; Canterbury Master Bakers .. " Burwood Lodge," Burwood, Christchurch .. .. 38 1368 ; Canterbury Master Grocers .. .. Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, Christchurch 8 694 Canterbury Master Printers .. .. Art Gallery, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 12 298 Canterbury Motor - body and Carriage 213 Manchester Street, Christehurch .. .. 11 Builders 914 | Canterbury Newspaper-proprietors .. Press Office, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 7 305 ; Canterbury Sawmillers .. .. .. Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, Christchurch 12 395 Canterbury Sheepowners .. 90 Hereford Street, Christchurch .. .. .. 389 452 Canterbury Tanners, Fellmongers, and Wool- Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, Christchurch 10 scourers 831 Christchurch Clothing-manufacturers .. „ „6 1247 Christchurch Engineers, Metal-workers, and „ „ 12 Iron and Brass Pounders 141 | Christchurch Furniture-makers .... „ „ 14 1069 \ Christchurch Hairdressers and Tobacconists 213 Manchester Street, Christchurch .. .. 31 1321 Christchurch Master Painters, Signwriters, 142 Armagh Street, Christchurch .. .. .. 54 and Decorators 1383 Christchurch Master Plasterers .. .. 254 Gloucester Street, Christchurch .. .. 9 894 Christchurch Master Plumbers .. .. Care of Canterbury Employers' Association, Christchurch 37 125 Christchurch Master Tailors .... „ ,, 23 1244 Lyttelton Waterside Employers' Union .. Coronation Hall,'Lyttelton .. .. .. 15 1396 North Canterbury American Type Threshing- 89 Hereford Street, Christchurch .. .. .. 20 mill Owners 1320 South Canterbury Builders and Contractors Stafford Street, Timaru .. .. .. .. 20 379 South Canterbury Threshing-mill Owners .. Royal Arcade, Timaru (P.O. Box 219) .. .. 22 1072 ! Timaru Master Printers and Bookbinders .. A.M.P. Buildings, Timaru .. .. .. . . 8 757 1 Timaru Painters .. . . .. Stafford Street, Timaru .. .. .. . . 7 1240 : Timaru Waterside Employers' Union .. Hay's Buildings, Timaru . . . . . . .. 11 519 I Whitcombe and Tombs, Ltd. .. ..Ill Cashel Street, Christchurch .. .. .. 1 Totals .. .. .. • • .. Number of unions, 30 1,116 Otago and Southland Industrial District. 306 Dunedin and Suburban General Carriers 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin .. .. .. 7 and Coal-merchants 891 Dunedin and Suburban Master Butchers .. 21 Crawford Street, Dunedin .. .. . . 48 1280 Dunedin and Suburban Pork-butchers .. 139 Stuart Street, Dunedin .. .. .. 5 337 Dunedin Builders and Contractors .. 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin .. . . . . 49 822 Dunedin Clothing-manufacturers .. Care of Hallenstein Bros., Dowling Street, Dunedin . . 5 1087 Dunedin Engineers, Metal-workers, and 60 High Street, St. Kilda, Dunedin .. .. 27 Iron and Brass Founders 1016 Dunedin Flour, Oatmeal, and Pearl-barley Care of Canterbury Employers'Association, Christchurch 6 Millers 189 Dunedin Master Bakers .. .. Otago Employers' Association, 20 Crawford Street, 29 Dunedin 313 Dunedin Master Tailors .. .. 27 Princes Street, Dunedin .. .. .. 7 867 Dunedin Plumbers .. .. .. 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin .. .. .. 20 1268 Dunedin Tobacconists .. .. .. » » • • • • • • 37 1317 Invercargill Master Painters .. .. 81 Tay Street, Invercargill .. .. .. 12 875 Invercargill Plumbers .. .. .. Fire-station, Esk Street, Invercargill .. .. 10 560 Invercargill and Suburban Master Butchers Crescent, Invercargill .. .. .. .. 28 1423 Otago and Southland Chain Grocery Stores Care of National Distributors, Ltd., Invercargill .. 6 318 Otago and Southland Gold-mining " .. 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin .. .. .. 4 936 Otago and Southland Newspaper-proprietors Evening Star Company Buildings, Dunedin .. .. 6 1254 Otago and Southland Nurserymen and Care of Christie and Christie, Burnside, Green Island, 7 Landscape Gardeners Dunedin 446 Otago and Southland Sheepowners .. 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin .. .. . . 285 1242 Otago and Southland Waterside Em- 49 Vogel Street, Dunedin .. .. .. . . 12 ployers' Union 302 Otago Grocers.. .. .. •• 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin .. .. .. 34 325 Otago Master Printers, Lithographers, and 1 Dowling Street, Dunedin .. .. .. 32 Bookbinders 343 Otago Painters .. .. .. i 20 Crawford Street, Dunedin .. .. . . 20 406 Southland Builders and Contractors .. ! Hallenstein's Buildings, Esk Street, Invercargill . . 20 664 Southland Grocers .. .. .. 88 Dee Street, Invercargill .. .. .. 48 137 Union Steamship Co. of New Zealand, Ltd. Water Street, Dunedin .. .. .. . . 1 88 Westport Coal Co., Ltd. .. j 31 Water Street, Dunedin .. .. . . 1 Totals .. . - • • • • • • Number of unions, 27 764




° ffi S3 ... S 2 *2 cô Name. Registered Office. '§« I® JNO. B § OH 1 ; _ Taranaki Industrial District. 1276 New Plymouth Waterside Employers'Union Collett and Co., Ltd., New Plymouth .. .. 8 605 Taranaki Dairying and Farming .. Public Trust Building, Stratford .. .. .. 60 516 Taranaki Licensed Victuallers .. .. P.O. Box 191, New Plymouth .. .. .. H 204 Taranaki Master Builders .. 74 Brougham Street, New Plymouth .. .. 12 861 Taranaki Master Printers, Lithographers, „ „ .... 6 and Bookbinders 447 Taranaki Master Tailors .. .. 53 Devon Street, New Plymouth .. .. .. 12 1229 Taranaki Provincial Retail Grocers .. Commercial Bank Buildings, Devon Street, New Plymouth 50 Totals .. .. .. ■ • • • Number of unions, 7 159 Marlborough Industrial District. 443 Marlborough Sheepowners .. .. Queen Street, Blenheim .. .. .. .. 70 1279 Picton Waterside Employers' Union .. Union Steamship Co. of New Zealand, Ltd., High Street, 14 Picton Totals .. .. • ■ • - • • Number of unions, 2 84 Nelson Industrial District. 1415 Motueka District Master Carriers . Poole Street, Motueka .. .. .. ■ ■ 16 774 Nelson Master Tailors .. .. .. Trafalgar Street, Nelson 1283 Nelson Waterside Employers' Union .. Wakefield Quay, Port Nelson .. .. • • 6 Totals .. .. • - • • • • • • Number of unions, 3 28 Westland Industrial District. 1277 | Greymouth Waterside Employers'Union .. | Union Steamship Co. of New Zealand, Ltd., Greymouth 3 ! . Totals .. .. .. • • • • • • Number of unions, 1 3 Grand totals .. I .. •• Industrial unions of employers, 130 3,959



3—H. 11.


■8 Si" S ©•§ eo Keg. Name _ Registered Office. sail No. S«» gsn Noetheen (Auckland) Industrial District. 1076 I Auckland Abattoir Assistants and Freezing- Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. • • • • 78 works Employees 825 Auckland and Suburban Local Bodies' Tabernacle Buildings, Newton, Auckland, C. 2 . . »00 Labourers and Related Trades 1313 Auckland Biscuit and Confectionery Workers Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. •• •• 1046 Auckland Branch of the Amalgamated „ „ • • • • • ■ • • '' 45 Society of Carpenters and Joiners 1078 Auckland Branch of the Amalgamated „ „ •• •• •• •• Engineering and Allied Trades 612 Auckland Brewers, Wine, and Spirit Mer- 6 His Majesty's Arcade, Queen Street, Auckland .. n chants' Employees „ 340 Auckland Brick, Tile, Pottery, and Clay Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. • • • • ~ 8 Workers 576 Auckland Bricklayers .. .. • • H.B. Buildings, Newton, Auckland, 0. 2 .. .. o t 871 i Auckland Builders', General, and other 38 Keppell Street, Arch Hill, Auckland .. . • »16 Labourers 152 : Auckland Butchers .. .. ■ • Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. • • • • •>*' 284 : Auckland Certificated Engine-drivers, River Engineers, and Marine Engine-drivers 1125 i Auckland City Cleaners, Caretakers, and „ „ 1108 ; Auckland City Female Bookbinders, Rulers, 6 His Majesty's Arcade, Queen Street, Auckland .. 70 Envelope-makers, Paper-bag Makers, and Printers' Feeders 502 Auckland Coach and Car Builders .. " " " " , K 444 Auckland Coopers .. . • • • Trades Hall, Auckland .. • • • • • • 1073 Auckland Creameries and Cheese and Butter Tabernacle Buildings, Newton, Auckland, O. L . . ->oo Factories Employees 1389 Auckland Curriers'and Beamsmen's .. Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. •• •• ' 720 Auckland Cutters, Trimmers, Pressors, and 8 Woolworth Offices, 6 Karangahape Road, Auckland, 0.1 other Clothing Employees u 753 Auckland Dairy Employees .. .. Trades Hall, Auckland .. ■■ •• •• 596 Auckland District Boilermakers, Iron-ship 18 H.B. Buildings, Newton, Auckland, 0. . Workers, and Bridge-builders 240 Auckland Drivers and Related Trades .. Trades Hall, Auckland .. 662 Auckland Electrical Workers .. .. 21 High Street, Auckland, 0.1 393 Auckland Federated Cooks and Stewards Sanford's Buildings, Customs Street West, Auckland .. 64 1297 Auckland Federated Seamen's .. .. Gladstone Buildings, Quay Street, Auckland.. .. • 508 Auckland Fellmongers, Tanners, Soap- 28 Inkerman Street, Onehunga, Auckland, S.E. o workers, and General Tannery Employees ' 921 Auckland Fire Brigades' Employees .. H.B. Buildings, Newton, Auckland, 0. . . . 381 Auckland Fish-trade Employees (other than 23 Torrence Street, Epsom, Auckland Fishermen) 1 1161 Auckland Gas Company's Clerical and Trades Hall, Auckland Showrooms Employees , h..j 486 314 Auckland Grocers'Assistants .. .. 22Swanson Street, Auckland •* " " 5S 501 Auckland Hairdressers' Assistants .. H.B. Buildings, Newton, Auckland, C. . . •. Q • 688 Auckland Hotel and Restaurant Employees 615 Cooke s Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland .. » 1129 Auckland Houses of Entertainment and Trades Hall, Auckland 149 Au P olTand1rt"rdTl E M?X e s .. 23 Vincent Terrace, Mount Albert, Auckland S.W. 2 .. 94 853 Auckland Journaliste Mould Bo, 154!, 708 Auckland Merchant Service Guild .. Quay Bddirn, Quay Street Auckland, f . I .. 70 923 Auckland Motion-picture Projectionists .. 2 ParneU Road, Parnell, Auckland, C. •• • • 474 Auckland Operative Bakers' and Pastry- Tabernacle Buildings, Auckland, 0. i cooks' and Related Trades Employees . , , , ,,, 0 9S „ 59 Auckland Operative Bootmakers .. I 55 Wellpark Avenue, Grey Lynn, Auckland, W. 2 . . 283 635 Auckland Operative Plasterers .. .. Trades Hall, Auckland .. . • • • • • 108 Auckland Painters, Decorators, and Lead- „ » 806 Auckland Performing Musicians .. .. Buildings, Auckland .. • • • ■ 120 654 Auckland Plumbers and Gasfitters .. Trades Hall, Auckland • • f ' u 1096 Auckland Related Printing Trades (other 2 Arthur Street, EUerslie, Auckland 1082 AuddandTetlifchemists' Employees .. 22 Swanson Street, Auckland 1100 Auckland Retail Shop-assistants in the „ » Boot, Hardware, Crockery, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Furniture, and Soft-goods 1246 Au T c r Mand Rope and Twine Workers KeppeU Street Arch Hill, Auckland .. .. 61 150 Auckland Saddlers, Harness-makers, Collar- Trades Hall, Auckland makers, Bag-makers, and Bridle-cutters Society 72 494 Auckland Ship, Yacht, and Boat Builders „ »




! o «■ j ! SS-Sra ■ieg- Name Registered Office. ! afl§§ No. §Sg' H |z;3p 1 , —■ ■ J Northern (Auckland) Industrial District —continued. 715 Auckland Stage Employees .. 24 St. Luke's Road, Mount Albert, Auckland, S.W. 2 .. 32 580 Auckland Stonemasons and Monumental 161 Sandringham Road, Auckland, S. 2 .. •. 50 Workers 73 Auckland Tailoresses and other Female Tabernacle Buildings, Auckland, C. 2 .. .. 965 Clothing Trade Employees _ 67 Auckland Tailors .. .. .. 8 Woolworth Offices, 6 Karangahape Road, Auckland, 0.1 50 830 Auckland Tallymen's .. .. .. Port Buildings, Quay Street, Auckland .. .. 74 248 Auckland Timber-workers .. .. Trades Hall, Auckland . . . . • • • • 252 1363 Auckland Transport Board's Tramway Tabernacle Buildings, Karangahape Road, Auckland .. 829 and Omnibus Employees 132 Auckland Typographical .. .. Foresters'Building, Albert Street, Auckland .. .. 366 183 Auckland United Flour-mill Employees .. 8 Woolworth Offices, 6 Karangahape Road, Auckland, C.l 81 910 Auckland United Furniture Trades .. Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. ■ • • • 376 1101 Auckland United Storemen and Packers ,, ,, .. •• •• 231 (other than in Retail Shops) and Warehouse Employees (other than Drivers and Clerks) 933 ! Auckland Waterside Workers .. .. Port Buildings, Quay Street, Auckland .. .. 1,145 1190 ! Bay of Islands Waterside Workers .. Opua, Bay of Islands . . .. • • • • 48 1168 1 Birkenhead Sugar-works Employees .. Glenfield, Auckland . . . • ■ • • • 166 ll30 I Devonport Ferry Co.'s Employees .. Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. •• •• 759 1 Gisborne and East Coast Shearers and Wool- 161 Stanley Road, Gisborne .. .. • • 689 shed Employees on 373 Gisborne Branch of the Amalgamated 126 Disraeli Street, Gisborne .. • ■ • • -0 Society of Carpenters and Joiners 699 Gisborne Drivers and Related Trades .. Unemployed Workers Movement Rooms, Gladstone 62 Road, Gisborne 1275 : Gisborne Grocers and other Shop Assistants 59 Lytton Road, Te Hapara, Gisborne .. . - 26 1380 I Gisborne Painters, Decorators, and Lead- Matchell's Buildings, Gladstone Road, Gisborne .. 21 light Workers t 661 Gisborne Printing and Related Trades .. 16 Rutene Road, Gisborne .. •• * '*■ 602 Gisborne Waterside Workers .. .. Kaiti Wharf, Gisborne . . . . • • • • 160 1408 Hellaby (R. and W.), Ltd., Westfield Meat- The Works, Westfield .. .. •• •• 138 preserving Workers, Slaughterhouse Assistants, and Freezing-chamber Hands , . 1402 ! Horotin Freezing Workers •• Works Hall, Horotiu .. .. ■■ -40 1024 Kaipara Waterside Workers .. .. Aratapu .. • • " ' " Jz,. 1406 : Kaiti Freezing-works Employees .. Gisborne Refrigerating Co. s Works, Gisborne .. -80 1386 Kawhia Waterside Workers .. .. Kawhia .. •• •• •• ° 1404 I Moerewa Freezing Workers . . .. Hall, Moerewa . . . - ■ • • ■ • • 1 1282 Northern Coal-mine Workers .. .. Glasgow Street, Huntly . . .. .. • • 579 779 Ohinemuri Branch of the Amalgamated Seddon Street, Waihi . . .. • • ■ • 57 Engineering Union (including Electricians and Motor Mechanics) 863 Ohinemuri Mines and Batteries Employees ,, „ •• •• •• •• ws (other than Engineers, Engine-drivers, and Firemen) , « 799 Onehunga Branch of the Amalgamated j Friendly Societies Hall, Grey Street, Onehunga .. 65 Society of Carpenters and Joiners ! „ 940 Onehunga Waterside Workers .. .. Onehunga Wharf, Onehunga .. .. • • 41155 Onehunga Woollen-mills Employees .. 261 Queen Street, Onehunga .. .. b / 1407 Opotiki Waterside Workers .. ... Church Street, Opotiki .. . . • • • • lo 1017 Otahuhu Branch of the Amalgamated Luke Road, Otahuhu Society of Carpenters and Joiners 1288 Otahuhu Chemical Manure Workers .. Trades Hall, Auckland .. .. ■ • ■ - 100 777 Poverty Bay and East Coast Builders', Con- 7 Daphne Street, Gisborne tractors', and General Labourers i 431 Poverty Bay Freezing-works and Related „ „ Trades Employees , on 1379 Pukemiro Coal-mine Workers .. Miners Hall, Pukemiro . . .. .. •• 120 837 ! South Auckland Engine-drivers, Winders, St. John's Schoolroom, Waihi Motormen, and Firemen 1394 , Southdown Freezing Workers .. Works, Southdown . . .. •• •• - • 1329 Tauranga Waterside Workers .. .. Men s V, aitmg-shed, Wharf, Tauranga . . .. 1413 Te Akatea Coal-mine Workers .. Glen Massey .. .. •• - 16 Thames Miners Queen Street, Thames 151 1263 Tokomaru Bay Waterside Workers .. Tokomaru Bay .. .. •• - •• 1056 Waihi Borough Labourers .. .. ; Miners Reading-room, Seddon Street, VS aihi .. 16 1109 Waikato District Coal-mine Underground Glen Afton Officials , k 877 Waikato District Engine-drivers, Firemen, j Rotowaro and Fitters (in Coal-mines) I n 1202 Whakatane Waterside Workers .. .. j McAlister Street, Whakatane .. .. . . a 1049 Whangarei Branch of the Amalgamated j St. John s Ambulance Rooms, Alexander Street, Society of Carpenters and Joiners j Whangarei .. .. • • • • • ■ 1188 Whangarei Waterside Workers .. .. I 5 Dent Street, Whangarei .. ■■ •• rp 0 £ a j g | .. .. Number of unions, 100 18,752



4—H. 11.


° ffi 8* *"• Q) * Name. "Registered Odice. ■§ g |§ Wellington Industrial District. 710 Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants 23 Aitkeu Street, Wellington .. .. .. 6,773 of New Zealand 1309 Chief Stewards' Guild of New Zealand .. Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 14 1217 Engine-drivers,. Firemen, and Gleaners' 44 Sydney Street East, Wellington, N. 1 .. .. 1,853 Association 212 Federated Cooks and Stewards of New Zea- Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 733 land 1398 Feilding Freezing Workers .. . . Freezing-works, Feilding .. .. . . .. 213 1107 Hawke's Bay Branch of the Amalgamated 102 Frederick Street, Hastings .. .. .. 284 Society of Carpenters and Joiners 1224 Hawke's Bay Builders and General 177 Waghorne Street, Napier .. . . .. IS Labourers 375 Hawke's Bay Drivers and Related Trades 23 Campbell Street, Port Ahuriri . . .. . . 48 1267 Hutt Valley Branch of the Amalgamated Labour Hall, Petone .. .. .. .. 97 Society of Carpenters and Joiners and Joiners' Machinists 1397 Longburn Freezing-workers .. .. Freezing-works, Longburn.. .. .. .. 94 540 Manawatu Flax-mills Employees .. 41 Rangitikei Street, Palmerston North .. .. 58 804 Masterton Branch of the Amalgamated So- Queen Street, Masterton .. .. .. .. 69 ciety of Carpenters and Joiners 775 Napier Gas Employees .. .. 48 Ossian Street, Port Ahuriri .. .. . . 10 1264 Napier Retail Shop Assistants (other than 707 Gray's Road, Hastings .. . . .. 43 Grocers, Butchers, Chemists, Hairdressers and Tobacconists' Assistants) 389 Napier Waterside Workers .. .. Robjohn's Street, Port Ahuriri . . .. .. 250 1323 Napier Wool, Grain, and Oil Store and 177 Waghorne Street, Napier .. .. .. 52 Wholesale Merchants' Employees (other than Drivers and Clerks) 1325 New Zealand Railway Tradesmen's Associa- A.M.P. Buildings, Wellington .. .. .. 1,425 tion 1401 Ngahauranga Freezing Workers .. 5 Ross Street, Kilbirnie, Wellington, E. 3 .. 88 594 Palmerston North Branch of the Amalga- 12 Fitzherbert Avenue, Palmerston North .. .. 26 mated Society of Carpenters and Joiners 210 Palmerston North Painters and Decorators 41 Rangitikei Street, Palmerston North .. .. 15 1417 Patea Freezing Workers .. .. Canville, Patea .. . . .. .. . . 92 1399 Petone Freezing-works Labourers .. 30 Victoria Street, Petone.. .. .. .. 55 1392 Tomoana Freezing-works Employees .. 505e Eastbourne Street, Hastings .. .. . 346 1349 Waikokopu Waterside Workers .. .. Waikokopu .. .. .. .. .. 27 1391 Waingawa Freezing-works Labourers .. 110 Colombo Road, Masterton .. .. .. 231 1400 Waingawa Slaughtermen's .. . . Care of K. H. Reid, Clareville, Carterton .. . . 177 672 Wanganui Branch of the Amalgamated Trinity Buildings, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui .. I 77 Society of Carpenters and Joiners 730 Wanganui Drivers and Related Trades .. 30 Liverpool Street, Wanganui .. .. .. 38 682 Wanganui Gasworks Employees .. 22 Harper Street, Gonville, Wanganui .. .. 27 1173 Wanganui Municipal Labourers .. .. ,, ,, ,, .. .. 62 748 Wanganui Municipal Tramways and Omni- Druids' Hall, Bell Street, Wanganui .. .. 40 bus Employees 258 Wanganui Society of Painters and Decorators Lincoln Road, Springvale, Wanganui .. .. 15 685 Wanganui Waterside Workers .. .. Town Wharf, Wanganui .. .. .. .. | 143 129 Wellington Amalgamated Society of Painters, Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 298 Decorators, and Leadlight Workers 813 Wellington Amalgamated Society of Shop- ,, ,, .. .. .. .. 350 . assistants in the Boot, Hardware, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Furniture, and Soft-goods Trades 1066 Wellington Branch of the Amalgamated „ ,, .. .. .. .. 320 Engineering and Allied Trades 991 Wellington Brewers, Bottlers, Bottle- ,, ,, .. .. .. . . 28 washers, and Aerated-water Employees (other than Storemen and Drivers) 528 Wellington Bricklayers .. 28 Kauri Street, Eastbourne .. .. . . 32 1077 Wellington Builders' and General Labourers Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. . . 417 1316 Wellington City Branch of the Amalgamated ,, „ .. .. .. .. 1,023 Society of Carpenters and Joiners and Joiners' Machinists 1102 Wellington City Gasworks Employees .. 80 Manners Street, Wellington .. .. .. 94 1134 Wellington City Ships'Tally Clerks .. 9 Blythe Street, Berhampore, Wellington .. .. 82 1204 Wellington City Tramways and Power- Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 640 houses Employees' and Municipal Omnibus Drivers 173 Wellington Coachworkers .. 31 Duncan Terrace, Wellington .. .. . . 18 1300 Wellington Creameries, Cheese, Butter 177 Main Street, Pahiatua .. .. .. 190 Factories and Dairy Employees 966 Wellington Dairy Employees .. .. i Trades Hall, Wellington (Secretary, 52 Hawker Street) 80 1367 Wellington Dairy Factory Managers .. j 177 Main Street, Pahiatua.. .. .. .. 10 218 Wellington District Hotel, Club, and i 2 Edward Street, Wellington .. .. .. 850 Restaurant Workers 219 Wellington Drivers and Related Trades .. j Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 400 611 Wellington Electrical Workers .. .. ,, ,, .. .. .. .. 550




sjfco Beg. Name Registered Office. -gggg No. 3£§ rt izi^n Wellington Industrial District —continued. 76 Wellington Federated Furniture Trade .. Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. . - 350 1305 Wellington Federated Seamen's .. .. 131 Featherston Street, Wellington .. .. 691 1174 Wellington Female Printers'Assistants .. 31 Duncan Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 99 1339 Wellington Fire Brigades' Employees .. 28 Kauri Street, Eastbourne .. .. .. 39 1079 Wellington Freezing - works and Belated Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. . • • • 56 Trades Employees 915 Wellington Hairdressers', Hairworkers', and 31 Duncan Terrace, Wellington .. .. •• "3 Wigmakers' Assistants 97 Wellington Iron and Brass Moulders .. Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. • ■ 23 1023 Wellington Journalists .. •. .. 31 Duncan Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 3 482 Wellington Merchant Service Guild .. 153 Featherston Street, Wellington.. .. .. 236 930 Wellington Metal-workers'Assistants .. Trades Hall, Wellington . . .. .. . ■ 99 1377 Wellington Motion Picture Projectionists .. 52 Russell Terrace, Newtown, Wellington .. .. 18 1 Wellington Operative Bakers and Pastry- Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. • • 100 cooks and Bakers and Pastrycooks' Labourers 14 Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society „ „ .. .. • • • • 134 Wellington Operative Butchers .. .. „ „ •• •• •• •• 315 808 Wellington Performing Musicians .. Care of 59 Manners Street, Wellington .. . . 55 200 Wellington Plasterers .. ■ • • • Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. . . .. 64 69 Wellington Plumbers and Gasfitters .. „ „ • • • ■ • • • ■ 292 1212 Wellington Related Printing Trades (other 31 Duncan Terrace, Wellington .. .. .. 240 than Female Assistants, Journalists, and Typographers) 234 Wellington Retail Grocers'Assistants .. Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. 801 167 Wellington Saddlers, Harness-makers, Gol- „ „ • • • • • • 20 lar-makers, Bridle-makers, Leather-bag Makers, and Canvas Workers 627 Wellington Shearers .. •• Brunswick Road (Correspondence, Care ol 1 .U., 718 Aramoho), Wanganui 1262 Wellington Shipwrights and Boatbuilders.. 278 Wellington Terrace, Wellington .. .. 22 242 Wellington Stationary, Traction, and Loco- Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. ; 67 motive Engine Drivers, and their Assistants . 638 Wellington Stonemasons .. G.P.O. Box 559, Wellington .. .. . . 13 773 Wellington Storemen and Packers (other Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 345 than in Retail Shops) and Warehouse Employees (other than Drivers and Clerks) 405 Wellington Tailoresses, Cutters, Pressers, 176 Cuba Street, Wellington .. .. .. 114 and other Clothing - trade Employees 2 Wellington Tailors .. • • .. 30 Volga Street, Island Bay, Wellington, S. 2 .. 66 705 Wellington Theatrical and Places of Amuse- 123 Ghuznee Street, Wellington .. .. .. 110 ment Employees 220 Wellington Timber-yards and Sawmills .. Trades Hall, Wellington . . .. .. .. 80 15 Wellington Typographical .. ..15, Third Floor, Cooper's Buildings, Willis Street, 420 Wellington 19 Wellington United Boilermakers, Iron and Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 72 Steel Ship and Bridge Builders TT , . ,„ A 932 Wellington Waterside Workers .. .. Shed 15, Queen's Wharf, Wellington .. .. 1,420 769 Wellington Woollen-mills and Hosiery Fac- Trades Hall, Wellington .. .. .. .. 214 tories Employees 1310 Whakatu Freezing - works and Related Whakatu .. .. •• ■ •• <>01 Trades Employees Number of unions, 84 1^60 Canterbury Industrial District. 1172 Ashburton Branch of the Amalgamated Burnett Street, Ashburton .. .. .. 13 Society of Carpenters and Joiners 463 Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. 1,295 Labourers 787 Canterbury Bakers and Pastrycooks' Em- „ » • • • • • • iu ° ployees . 566 Canterbury Bricklayers • • • • » » • ■ • • •' ' ' 726 Canterbury Brick, Pottery, Pipe, Tile, and „ „ Clay Workers 176 Canterbury Builders'and General Labourers, „ „ Quarry-workers, and Wool and Grain Store Employees _ 48 Canterbury Carpenters and Joiners .. » • • •• " it 263 Canterbury Coachbuilders .. • • . ,,, ! ,,, - .' , ," ', 194 Canterbury Curriers . . • • • • Druids' Hall, Portman Street, Wookton, Christchurch 16 555 Canterbury Dairy Factory Employees .. Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. 25 281 Canterbury Drivers and Related Trades .. ,, >> •• •• •• 4Z5 747 Canterbury Freezing - works and Related ,, », Trades Employees 274 Canterbury Grocers'Assistants .. .. ,, >> •• •• •• 16 '




' O co I 03 ' r. v rt a ™ Reg. Name. Registered Office. i a fl go No- |i|gCanterbury Industrial District —continued. 652 Canterbury Hotel and Restaurant Em- 241a Manchester Street, Christchurch .. . . i 909 ployees 288 Canterbury Shearers .. .. Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. j 1,482 268 Canterbury Timber yards, Sawmills, and ,, ,, .. .. . • WO Coal-yards Employees ! 140 Canterbury Traction and Stationary Engine | ,, ,, .. .. ■■ • • j 68 Drivers and Firemen's | 266 Canterbury Woollen-mills Employees .. Band Room, Charles Street (Secretary, E. C. Harper, j 314 Willock Street), Kaiapoi 549 Christchurch Aerated-water Workers and Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. j 40 other Bottlers j 1345 Christchurch Biscuit and Confectionery ,, ,, .. ■ ■ ■ • 0 Manufacturing Employees .. .. 20 Christchurch Branch of the Amalgamated ,, ,, . ■ Society of Carpenters and Joiners, Joiners' Machinists, and Shipwrights 1061 Christchurch Branch of the Amalgamated ,, ,, .. • j 78 0 Engineering and Allied Trades 550 Christchurch Brewers, Maltsters, and Re- ,, ,, .. •• •• •• 103 Tr&dos 1064 Christchurch Brush and Broom Trade .. 32 Tonbridge Street, St. Albans, Christchurch .. i 45 1139 Christchurch Clerks, Cashiers, and Office Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 5 Employees 1150 Christchurch Dress and Mantle Makers .. „ „ •• ■; , •• 1083 Christchurch Federated Furniture Trades 32 Tonbridge Street, St. Albans, Christchurch .. bO 1342 Christchurch Fire Brigade Employees . . Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. ->2 300 Christchurch Gardeners .. .. ,, •• •• 573 Christchurch Gasworks Employees _ ,, ,, •• •• •• 236 Christchurch Hairdressers and Tobacconists' ,, ,, • • • ■ • • Assistants ! „ 107 Christchurch Iron and Brass Moulders .. ,, „ •• •• •• 857 Christchurch Journalists .. .. „ » ™ , •• " 1357 Christchurch Leadlight and Glass Workers 32 Tonbridge Street, St. Albans, Christchurch . . 10 35 Christchurch Operative Bootmakers' Society Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. _ ■ ■ 250 193 Christchurch Operative Butchers .. ,, >> •• •• •• 385 Christchurch Operative Stonemasons .. ,, „ •• •• •• 81 Christchurch Painters .. .. .. » >• •• .. .. .. 107 809 Christchurch Performing Musicians .. ,, ,, ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ £ 1126 Christchurch Picture-theatre Employees ,, ,, •• •• M and Front-of-house Employees in other Theatres , , 123 Christchurch Plasterers -. .. >> >• •• •• •• f*' 38 Christchurch Plumbers and Gasfitters .. ,, „ •• •• •• 1147 Christchurch Printing Trades .. .. ,, >> ■■ ■■ 916 Christchurch Retail Shop-assistants (other ,, ,, • • ■ ■ • • ■ • lo1 than Grocers, Tobacconists, and Hairdressers' Assistants) 1201 Christchurch Rope, Twine, and Flock ,, ,, •• •• •• •• Makers , „ 223 Christchurch Saddlers, Harness and Collar ,, ,, 5 Christchurch Stage Employees .. .. 9 Hulbert Street, Linwood, Christchurch .. .. 32 1095 Christchurch Storemen and Packers (other Trades Hall. Christchurch than in Retail Shops) and Warehouse Employees (other than Drivers and Clerks) 11 Christchurch Tailoresses, Cutters, Pressers, „ „ and other Clothing-trade Employees 105 Christchurch Tailoring Trade .. .. >• >> •• •• tz 547 Christchurch Tramway Employees .. » •• '• '* " 1340 Christchurch Typographical .. .. „ . „ ,, 1' " " " 1412 Fairfield Slaughtermen's and Slaughter- 15 Wakanui Road, Ashburton men's Assistants „ . 1409 Islington Freezing-workers .. 57 Clarence Street, Riccarton, Christchurch .. .. 118 1405 Kaiapoi Freezing-workers .. .. Freezing-works, Kaiapoi _.. .. •• b7 1127 Lyttelton Branch of the Amalgamated 60 Hastings Street, Sydenham, Christchurch... Society of Carpenters and Joiners, Joiners' Machinists, and Shipwrights 1152 Lyttelton Ships'Tally Clerks .. .. Base of No. 3 Wharf, Lyttelton .. .. oo 938 Lyttelton Waterside Workers .. .. Coronation Hall, Lyttelton .. .. • • b2o 1099 Rangiora Branch of the Amalgamated 71 Perceval Street, Rangiora .. .. ■ • Society of Carpenters and Joiners 10 1311 South Canterbury Bakers and Pastrycooks' 36 Selwyn Street, Timaru .. .. .. ■■ i692 South P cTnterbury Timber-yards, Sawmills, Y.M.C.A., Church Street, Timaru 16 and Coal-yards Employees 737 Timaru Branch of the Amalgamated Society 29 High Street, Timaru of Carpenters and Joiners, Joiners' Machinists, and Shipwrights , t, oj. i. tv 7C 1035 Timaru Branch of the Amalgamated W.E.A. Rooms, George Street, Iimaru Engineering and Allied Trades I ,




03 X> Name. Registered Office. •S'fl la °* si S H 1 Canterbury Industrial District —continued. 386 Timaru Carpenters .. .. .. 237 Otipua Road, Timaru . . .. .. 22 481 Timaru Society of Painters and Decorators Y.M.C.A., George Street, Timaru .. .. .. 25 1180 Timaru United Millers and Flour-mill Em- 60 Victoria Street, Timaru .. .. .. 30 ployees 902 Timaru Wharf Labourers .. .. Strathallan Hall, Timaru .. .. .. .. 130 372 United Boilermakers, Iron and Steel Ship Trades Hall, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 41 Builders of Canterbury 174 United Millers, Engine-drivers, and Mill ,, ,, .. .. .. .. 56 Employees' Society of Canterbury 327 Waimate Workers .. .. .. Foresters'Hall, Waimate .. .. .. .. 57 Totals .. .. .. .. .. Number of unions, 70 11,863 Otago and Southland Industrial District. 758 I Bluff Waterside .. .. .. Waterside Workers' Waiting-rooms, Wharf, Bluff .. 250 776 I Dunedin and Mosgiel Woollen-mills Em- Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 524 ployees 1028 I Dunedin and Port Chalmers United Ship- ,, ,, .. .. .. .. 33 wrights 1112 Dunedin and Suburban Boot-repairers .. ,, ,, .. .. .. .. 28 892 Dunedin and Suburban General Electrical ,, ,, .. .. .. .. 72 Workers 221 Dunedin and Suburban Operative Butchers ,, ,, .. .. .. .. 92 903 Dunedin and Suburban Operative Licensed ,, ,, .. .. .. .. 17 ! Drainers 89 j Dunedin Bakers and Pastrycooks and their ,, ,, .. .. .. .. 60 Labourers 1142 Dunedin Biscuit and Confectionery Manu- 95 Rattray Street, Dunedin .. .. .. 86 facturing Employees .. L081 Dunedin Branch of the Amalgamated Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 322 Engineering Union and Allied Trades 873 Dunedin Brewers, Bottlers, Bottle-washers, ,, ,, .. .. .. .. 25 and Aerated Waters 1186 Dunedin Brickmakers, Pottery makers, Tile- ,, ,, .. .. .. .. 25 makers, and Sanitary-pipe Makers 1080 Dunedin Brush and Broom Trade .. ,, ,, .. .. .. 26 703 Dunedin Canister-workers .. .. ,, ,, .. .. .. •• 30 1094 Dunedin City Corporation Tramway Officials Market Street, Dunedin .. .. . . .. 22 84 Dunedin Federated Furniture Trades .. Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 36 1298 Dunedin Federated Seamen's .. 1 Crawford Street, Dunedin .. .. .. 330 1012 Dunedin Felt-hatters .. .. .. Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 16 1131 Dunedin Fire Brigades Employees .. ,, ,, .. .. .. .. 30 80 Dunedin Iron and Brass Moulders .. ,, ,, .. .. .. 112 854 Dunedin Journalists .. .. . • „ >, • • • • • • • ■ 48 1196 Dunedin Manufacturing Chemists' Em- „ „ .. .. .. .. 30 ployees 45 Dunedin Operative Bootmakers .. ,, ,, .. .. •• •• 152 71 Dunedin Operative Stonemasons .. ,, ,, .. •. • ■ • • 15 93 Dunedin Painters .. .. 23 Douglas Terrace, North-east Valley, Dunedin .. 30 1158 Dunedin Paper-mills Employees .. Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 150 36 Dunedin Pressors, Cutters, and other „ „ .. .. •. .. 63 Clothing-factory Operatives 647 Dunedin Printers' Machinists, Bookbinders, 23 Douglas Terrace, North-east Valley, Dunedin .. 180 Lithographers, and Related Trades 1098 Dunedin Retail Chemists' Assistants .. Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 16 1038 Dunedin Rope and Twine Spinners .. ,, ,, .. .. •• 30 711 Dunedin Stage Employees .. .. ,, ,, •• •• •• 18 58 Dunedin Tailoresses and other Female 26 Dowling Street, Dunedin .. .. .. 560 Clothing-trade Employees 942 Dunedin Theatrical and Shows Employees Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 42 (other than Stage Hands) 1326 Dunedin Tramways .. .. .. ,, ,, •• •• •• •• 230 99 Dunedin United Plumbers and Gasfitters .. ,, ,, .. .. •• ■ • 20 935 Dunedin Waterside Workers .. .. Rattray Street Wharf, Dunedin .. .. .. 260 1165 Dunedin Wax-vesta Employees .. .. 26 Dowling Street, Dunedin .. .. .. 42 1371 Finegand Freezing Workers .. .. Finegand, Balclutha .. .. .. .. 109 996 Green Island Coal-miners .. .. Fairfield, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 19 1140 Green Island Iron-rolling Mills Employees Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 20 9 Invercargill Bootmakers .. .. Labour Rooms, Invercargill .. .. .. 10 731 Invercargill Branch of the Amalgamated Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 62 Engineering Union (including Motor Mechanics, Electricians, and other Electrical Workers) 792 Invercargill Branch of the Amalgamated Allen's Hall, Kelvin Street, Invercargill .. .. 250 Society of Carpenters and Joiners

H,— ll



I s|^ Name. Registered Office. 'aaio iS | Otago and Southland Industrial District —continued. 1353 Inveroargill Hairdressers' and Tobacconists' Allen's Hall, Kelvin Street, Invercargill .. .. 16 Assistants 1167 Invercargill Retail Grocers'Assistants .. ,, ,, ,, .. .. 100 1249 Invercargill Tanners and Fellmongers .. 30 Oldham Street, Gore .. .. .. .. 22 848 Invercargill Tramways .. .. 63 Melbourne Street, Invercargill .. .. .. 38 1403 Invercargill Wholesale Storemen and Packers Trades Hall, Esk Street, Invercargill .. .. 65 and Warehouse Employees (other than Drivers and Clerks) 1181 Kaikorai Gable Tramway Employees .. Kaikorai Cable Tramway Co.'s Conductors' Room, 34 Dunedin 829 Kaitangata Coal-miners .. .. Water Street, Kaitangata .. .. .. .. 276 1293 Oamaru Branch of the Amalgamated Society Star and Garter Buildings, Itchen Street, Oamaru . . 54 of Carpenters and Joiners 1059 Oamaru Flour-mills Employees .. .. Humber Street, Oamaru .. .. .. .. 13 1287 Oamaru General and Local Bodies'Labourers Eden Street Extension, Oamaru .. .. .. 17 1160 Oamaru Grocers'Assistants .. .. 43 Lune Street, Oamaru .. .. .. 12 1037 Oamaru Painters .. .. .. 50 Til] Street, Oamaru .. .. .. .. 17 945 Oamaru Waterside Workers .. .. Waiting-room, Waterfront, Oamaru .. .. 65 1414 Ocean Beach Freezing-workers . . . . Greenhills .. .. . • • • ■ • 102 1296 Ohai District Colliery Engine-drivers and Public Hall, Ohai .. .. .. .. 22 Firemen 1290 Ohai District Underviewers, Deputies, and Main Street, Ohai .. .. .. • • 21 Shotfirers 1359 Otago and Southland Amalgamated Society Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. . ■ 353 of Shop Assistants (other than Grocers', Butchers', Chemists', Tobacconists', and Hairdressers' Assistants) 507 Otago and Southland General Labourers, ,, ,, .. .. • • - ■ 164 Builders' Labourers, Quarrymen, and Coal-yard Employees 599 Otago and Southland Freezing-works and ,, „ .. .. .. . • 119 Related Trades Employees 1133 Otago and Southland Harvest Hands, 95 Rattray Street, Dunedin .. .. . ■ 342 Threshing - mill, and Chaffcutter Employees 1176 Otago and Southland Lime, Cement, Phos- Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. . • 70 phate, and Marl Employees 503 Otago and Southland Operative Tailors and „ „ .. .. .. •• \ 66 Shop Tailoresses 182 Otago and Southland Saddle-makers, Har- ,, ,, •• •• -• •■ ] 12 ness-makers, Collar-makers, Bag-makers, Cover-makers, and Bridle-cutters 398 Otago and Southland Shearers .. .. 95 Rattray Street, Dunedin .. .. . ■ ! 593 1138 Otago and Southland Shepherds, Musterers, ,, ,, .. •• 169 and Drovers i 1179 Otago and Southland Wholesale Storemen ,, ,, .. . • •• J 240 and Packers 267 Otago Box-workers .. • • 26 Dowling Street, Dunedin .. .. • • 35 78 Otago Branch of the Amalgamated Society Trades Hall, Dunedin .. . . .. . • 524 of Carpenters and Joiners 246 Otago Bricklayers .. • ■ • • 106 Glen Road, Dunedin .. .. .. • ■ 19 205 Otago Coachworkers and Wheelwrights .. Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 20 1119 Otago Drivers and Related Trades .. 95 Rattray Street, Dunedin .. .. .. 210 506 Otago Engine-drivers, Firemen, and Greasers Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. 80 217 Otago Grocers'Assistants .. » >> 578 Otago Hairdressers' and Tobacconists' As- ,, ,, . • • • • • • 26 sistants 675 Otago Hotel, Restaurant, and Boarding- ,, ,, ... ■ • • • • • • 450 house Employees 197 Otago Metal-workers'Assistants •• ,, „ •• •• •• 80 216 Otago Operative Plasterers .. ,, >> •• •• •• 36 252 Otago Timber-yards and Sawmills .. 9 High Street, St. Kilda, Dunedin .. .. . . 56 77 Otago Typographical .. .. • ■ Trades Hall, Dunedin .. . . .. .. 105 956 Port Chalmers Waterside Workers .. Cross Wharf, Port Chalmers .. ... 232 1233 Pukeuri Freezing-workers . . • • Boardinghouse, Pukeuri .. .. .. . ■ 26 989 Southland and Otago Cheese and Butter Trades Hall, Esk Street, Invercargill .. . . 260 Factories Employees (other than Managers) 833 Southland and Otago Cheese-factory Man- ,, ,, ,, • • ■ • 80 a g er g 411 Southland Federated Furniture Trades .. Allen's Hall, Kelvin Street, Invercargill .. .. 32 1295 Southland Hotel and Restaurant Workers ,, ,, •• 200 1039 Southland Milk-condensing Factories Em- Underwood, Southland .. .. .. . . 47 225 Southland Operative Butchers .. . • Allen's Hall, Kelvin Street, Invercargill .. .. 76 784 Southland Painters .. •• •• >> » >• •• •• 834 Southland Plumbers, Gasfitters, Tinsmiths, ,, ,, ,, •• 42 and Sheet-metal Workers 245 Southland Timber-yards and Sawmills .. Trades Hall, Esk Street, Invercargill .. .. | 260 315 Southland Typographical .. „ >< ». •• 43 1251 Taratu Coal-mine Employees .. • • Taratu .. .. .. •. • • • • 2b 102 United Boilermakers and Iron-ship Builders Trades Hall, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 35 of Otago Totals.. .. •• Number of unions, 96 10,564




Offl-g Keg. Name Registered Offlce. •= Ī |§ No. ' āag^ Taranaki Industrial District. 1393 Borthwicks Ltd., Waitara Freezing Workers West Quay, Waitara .. •• ' „ '' 1335 New Plymouth Acid and Fertilizer Workers Care of John Clarke, Burton (street, lutzroy, JNew db Plymouth 805 New Plymouth Branch of the Amalgamated Devon Street, New Plymouth Society of Carpenters and Joiners . 811 New Plymouth General Labourers .. Workers Social Hall, New Plymouth .. 1122 New Plymouth Grocers'Assistants .. Devon Street, New Plymouth . . .. •• 1214 New Plymouth Hotel and Restaurant Em- Workers' Social Hall, New Plymouth .. .. 1068 New 'Plymouth Municipal Tramways and Darnell Street, Fitzroy, New Plymouth .. .. 32 Omnibus Employees ,, 982 New Plymouth Timber-yards and Sawmills Devon Street, New Plymouth Employees . - 1200 New Plymouth United Storemen and „ „ Packers (other than Employees in Grocery Establishments) 934 New Plymouth Waterside Workers .. Wharf Street, Moturoa, New Plymouth .. ... ~l < 1381 Patea Waterside Workers .. •• Wharf, Patea .. .. •• •• •• -w ,1312 Taranaki Amalgamated Society of Painters, Devon Street, New Plymouth Decorators, and Leadlight Workers 1324 Taranaki Branch of the Amalgamated En- „ ,, • • • • gineering and Allied Trades 1286 Taranaki Creameries, Cheese, Butter Fac- Workers'Social Hall, New Plymouth .. .. Mb tories, and Dairy Employees „ 1151 Taranaki Drivers and Related Trades .. >> " " ' , 1330 Taranaki Federated Furniture Trades .. Devon Street, New Plymouth . . .. - 1185 Taranaki Operative Butchers .. •• Workers'Social Hall, New Plymouth .. .. 4b Totals .. i •• •• •• Number of anions, 17 I 1,279 Marlborough Industrial District. 1223 Blenheim Motor - vehicle, Horse - drivers, 62 Maxwell Road, Blenheim and Stable Attendants 1 c 1163 Blenheim United Storemen (other than em- 10 Carvell Street, Blenheim .. .. .. 18 ployees in Retail Grocery and Soft-goods Establishments) ,,, , . JTT7 ,, , T1 . . , . .. . 1143 Marlborough Farm and Station Employees Loloma Rooms, Blenheim (W. McLennan, Renwicktown) b4 (other than Shearers and Shed Hands) ™ , • oo 1271 Marlborough Hotel, Private Hotel, Club, Bank of New Zealand Buildings, Blenheim .. .. 68 and Restaurant Workers r „ , . /TT7 ,, , ... ... 615 Marlborough Shearers .. .. • • Loloma Rooms, Blenheim (W. McLennan, Renwicktown) 141 1410 Picton Freezing Workers .... • • Literary Institute, High Street, Pieton .. .. 70 975 Picton Waterside Workers .. • • Wharf Head, Picton .. .. .. • • 50 Totals.. •• •• ■■ •• Number of unions, 7 496 Nelson Industrial District. 1145 Golden Bay Cement Company's Employees Motupipi .. .. • • • • • ■ 33 1384 Mapua Waterside Workers .. .. Mapua .. .. .. • • • • ■ • 1 12 1388 Motueka Waterside Workers .. .. Motueka .. .. .. | 1178 Nelson Grocers'Assistants .. Bridge Street, Nelson .. .. .. .. ] -0 572 Nelson Branch of the Amalgamated Society Lock Bros. Rooms, Hardy Street, Nelson .. .. 1 140 of Carpenters and Joiners , 1166 Nelson Branch of the Amalgamated Engi- Orange Hall, Colhngwood Street, Nelson .. .. 3b neering Union and Allied Trades . 1199 Nelson Brewers, Maltsters, Bottlers, Bottle- Munro's Rooms, Bridge Street, Nelson .. .. 13 washers, and Aerated-water .. • • i 10 1346 Nelson Federated Furniture Trades .. 104 Vanguard Street, Nelson •• • • ■■ 1265 Nelson Hotel, Private Hotel, Club, and Room 4, Rout's Buildings, Trafalgar Street, Nelson .. 95 Restaurant Workers , . XT . „ 1369 Nelson Jam Factory Workers .. .. Hare's Rooms, Bridge Street, Nelson .. . . 8 448 Nelson Labourers Stallard's Rooms, Hardy Street, Nelson .. .. 26 1146 Nelson Motor-car and Horse-drivers .. Stallard's Rooms, Hardy Street, Nelson .. .. 4] 445 Nelson Painters . ■ • • ■ • >> . >> » - •' 1 564 Nelson Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Sheet- Munro's Rooms, Bridge Street, Nelson .. .. : 16 metal Workers 570 Nelson Typographical 21 Elliott Street, Nelson ; 7 949 Nelson Waterside Workers .. • • 7 North Esk Street, Nelson 62 1372 Onakaka Iron Workers .. .. ■■ Onakaka .. .. •• •• 4 1370 Takaka and Onekaka Waterside Workers.. Pu Pu, Takaka Totals . - • • • • • • • • Number of unions, 18 584

H,— ll


Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (760 copies), £37 10;

Authority : G. H. Lonby, Government Printer, Wellington—l 934.

Price 9d.]


g ē3 Sjf « Reg. Name Registered office. '§3®® No. • gSn Westland Industrial District. 1344 Buller Deputies .. . ■ ■■ Millerton .. .. •• •• " 1307 I Greymouth Branch of the Amalgamated Lyceum Hall, Guinness Street, Greymouth Society of Carpenters and Joiners and Joiners' Machinists , „ 1250 ! Greymouth Printing Trades .. .. Marlborough Street, Greymouth .. .. " 952 | Greymouth Waterside Workers .. .. Waterside Workers'Hall, Richmond Quay, Greymouth 155 1348 Grey Valley Deputies and Underviewers .. Ross Street, Dunollie .. . • • • • • *>u 1418 | Hokitika Waterside Workers .. ,. ! Beach Street, Hokitika .. .. • • • • 82 Inangahua Gold and Coal Miners .. Bridge Street, Reefton .. ■ • • • • ■ 1042 Millerton and Granity Engine-drivers, Fire- Xorea Street, Granity men, Brakesmen, Bricklayers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, and Fitters „„ 858 I Westland Branch of the Amalgamated Engi- Lyceum Hall, Guinness Street, Greymouth neering and Allied Trades 1228 Westland Hotel, Restaurant, and Boarding- ,, » >> • • house Employees 1164 Westland Retail Shop-assistants in the Soft- ,, ,, goods, Fancy-goods, Furniture, Stationery, Hardware, Chemists, Tobacconists, Grocers, Boot, and Butchers' Trades 754 Westland Tailoring Trade and other Branches 10 Puketahi Street, Greymouth .. .. .. iu of the Clothing Trade s9 , 1111 Westland Timber-yards and Sawmills .. Guinness Street, Greymouth .. . . 690 Westport General Labourers and Mechanics 29 Russell Street, Westport . ' 959 Westport Waterside Workers .. 42 Peel Street, Westport Totals . .. .. •• •• •• Number of unions, 15 1,790 Grand totals .. .. Industrial unions of workers, 407 71,888

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DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR (REPORT OF THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1934 Session I, H-11

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DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR (REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1934 Session I, H-11

DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR (REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1934 Session I, H-11

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