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EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1933.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

CONTENTS. I. Detailed Tables page M 1. Students on the Books of University Colleges .. .. .. 2 M2. Courses taken by Students .. .. .. .. ... .. 2 M 3. Subjects taken by Students .. .. .. .. .. 3 M 4. Scholarships, Bursaries, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 3 M 5. Number of Successful Candidates for Degrees .. .. .. 4 lĪ. Reports and Accounts of the University of New Zealand and of the Constituent Colleges : — 1. University of New Zealand .. .. .. ■. .. • • .. 5 2. Auckland University College .. .. . . .. .. .. 9 3. Victoria University College .. .. , . .. .. •. .. 16 4. Canterbury College .. .. .. .. • • • ■ .. 20 5. University of Otago .. .. .. .. ■ • • • .. 26

I—E. 7.



Table M1. —Students on the Books of University Colleges, 1933.

Table M2. —Courses taken by Students in 1933.


Auckland Victoria ranwhnnr University University raw ota S° University. Totals. College. College. ooiiege. I i ' I M. P. I T. M. | F. T. M. F. T. M. | F. T. M. F. T. I I I I I. Students attending lectures — Graduates .. . . 67 40 107 54 26 80 56 33 89 61 30 91 238 129 367 Undergraduates .. 661 247 908 454 111 565 536 215 751 757 2451,002 2,408 818 3,226 Non- matriculated 61 23 84 16 9 25 115 60 175 54 29 83 246 121 367 students Totals .. .. 789 3101,099 524 146 670 707 308'l,015 872 3041,176 2,8921,068 3,960 II. Exempted students not, 173 .35 208 241 100 341 124 42 166 93 38 131 631 215 846 attending lectures III. Grand totals, 1933 .. 962 3451,307 765 2461,011 831 3501,181 965 3421,307 3,5231,283 4,806 Totals, 1932 .. 999 3501,349 800 3401,140 781 2921,073 954 3961,350 3,5341,3784,912 Difference .. -37 -5 -42 -35 -94-129 +50 +58J + 1081 +11 -54 -43 -11 -95 -106

Number of Students (including Students exempt from attending Lectures). Course. Canterbury College. Otago University. Totals. M. j F. T. M. , F. I T, I M. F. j T. M. F j I. M. F. T. I ' I I I I , I • Agriculture . . .. 10 .. 10 6 .. 6 9 .. 9 2 1 3 27 1 28 Architecture . . . . 43 4 47 . . . . .. .. . . . . .. 43 4 47 Arts .. .. 355 248 603 269 188 457 246 230 476 231 155 386 1,101 821 1,922 Commerce .. .. 197 24 221 179 10 189 128 8 136 187 9 196 691 51 742 Dentistry .. .. 8 .. 8 4 .. 4 1 .. 1 95 16 111 108 16 124 Engineering .. .. 47 47 7 7 115 115 3 3 172 .. 172 Forestry .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 10 10 .. .. .. 10 10 Home science . . .. 1 I 1 1 .. .. . . 91 91 93 93 Journalism . . . . 15 12 27 4 1 5 6 3 9 25 16 41 Law .. .. 115 4 119 156 8 164 50 5 55 53 2 55 374 19 393 Massage . . . . 7 8 15 7 8 15 Medicine . . .. 19 4 23 17 2 19 7 .. 7 292 29 321 335 35 370 Mining .. 35 35 35 35 Music .. .. 2 8 10 5 4 9 3 15 18 10 27 37 Public administration .. 19 19 19 19 Science .. .. 122 24 146 117 19 136 108 16 124 56 16 72 403 75 478 Total number taking 952 3291,281 759 229 988 685 266 951 964 3421,306 3,360 ], 166 4,526 definite courses, 1933 Total number taking 945 321 1,266 799 3341,133 614 237 851 953 397 1,350 3,311 1,2894,600 definite courses, 1932 Difference .. .. +7 +8 +15 -40 -105 -145 +71 +29 + 100 +11 -55 -44 +49 -123 -74


Table M3.— Subjects taken by Students in 1933.

Table M4. —Scholarships, Bursaries, Exhibitions, and Studentships held at the Constituent Colleges in 1933.


Number of Students (including Students exempt from attending Lectures). Subject. University Victoria University | Canterbury College. Otago University. Totals. M. | F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. j F. I T. M. j F. T. :: :: ::| ::| ::| :: :: :: ■» » «!;« 4 g Architecture .. . 48 4 52 ...... • ■ 48 4 52 Botany .. 23- 20 43 11 ! 8 19 I 27 4 31 6 II .17-' 67 43 110 Chemistry .. ..116 20 136 125 20 145 152 18 170 148 52 200 541 110 651 Commercial subjects .. 233 35 268 159 14 j 173 ! 139 12 151 188 9 197 719 /0 789 Dentistry .. .. 4 .. 4 .. .. 95 16 111 99 16 115 Economics .. ..167 23 190 205 48 253 122 22 144 111. 9 120 605 102 707 Education . .. 78 76 154. 56 31 87 91 127 2.18 63 48 111 j 288 282 570 Engineering . . .. 69 3 72 190 ..190 3 .. 3 j 262 3 265 English . 120 113 233 108 99 207 | 97 110 207 84 94 178 409 416 825 Forestry . 1° •• 10 10 •• 10 French .. . . 123 89 212 54 79 133 113 85 198 99 63 162 389 316 705 !X7 hy :: :: u- 'a 37 J 'e 211 4 32 «| 1 43 ii u ii German 5 5 10 4 3 7 7 11 18 16 19 35 : Greek 41 28 69 5 3 1 8 14 5 19 22 12 34 82 48 130 Greek art, &c!' 12 16 ; 28; 10 22 32 22 38 60 History .. .. 60 133 193 125 82 ! 207 150 104 254 81 58 139 416 377 793 History of art ! " 3 13 16 " Ai 3 J, i® Home science .. 1 1 •• .. .. ■■ •• •• 91 91.* 92, 92^ Journalism .. .. 14 17 31 .. .. .. 6 3 9 .. .. ... .20 20 . A • Latin . 101 42 143 100 37 I 137 52 47 99 39 16 55 292 142 | 434 Law subjects .. 87 3, 90 144 7,151 58 5 63 53 . 2 .55 342 17 | 3S9 Mathematics, applied '. . 50 15 65 48 *2 50 79 '? 86 32 3 35 209 27 23(1 Mathematics, pure .. 126 39 165 87 14 101 139 22 161 74 26 100 42b 101 527 Medicine .. 19 4 23 292 29 321 311 33 344 Mininsr i I 3o .. .35.... 35 35 Mu™ g 6 19 25 16 31 47 3 15 18 25. 65 90 Philosophy " .. 72 40 112 78 50 128 101 48 149 99 33 132 350 171 521 Physics .. ..102. 8 110 75 4 79 100 7 .107 150 35 185 427 54 481 Political science .. .,. 18 25 .. •• • • 18 7 25 Zoology .. 12 77 40 19 59 27 12 39 102 25 127 234 .68 .302

Auckland yict°ria Canterbury Otago Total University University College. University. , , , . . Coilege. College. Scholarships, &c. - _____ . _ . , M. j F. I T. M. j F. T. M..-j F. J T. M. F. T. M. F. T. Junior University Scholarships 5 7 12 3 1 4 3 . 1 - 4 9 1 10 20 10 30 University National Scholar- 11 4 15 3 2 5, 6 5 11 -jO - Taranaki Scholarships .. 5 1 6 1 2 3 1 3 4 2 1 3 9 7 16 Senior University Scholarships 53 -8 3.. 3 4.. 4 3 1 4 15 4 19 University Bursaries .. 147 78 225 100 44 144 112 60 172 148 60 208 507 242 749 Home Science Bursaries in "ah \n ra Other scholarships and exhibi- 4 1 5 9 ] 10 7 3 10 27 39 47 17 Training-college studentships 66 41 107 62 79 141 128 120 248 Totals 1933 .. 243 135 378 119 50 169 195 151 346 209 89 298 766 4251,191 Totals! 1932 .. 373 158 531 205 169 374 225 140 365 379 208 587 1,182 6751,857 Difference .. -130 -23 -153 -86 -119 -205 -30 +11 -19 -170 -119 -289 -416 -250-666


Table M5. —Number of Successful Candidates at the Examinations for Degrees in 1933.

In addition to these successes, 4,784 candidates passed sections of the examinations for degrees or for admission to professions; 197 gained certificates of proficiency. There were 345 candidates (including bursary candidates) for the Entrance Scholarship Examination, 31 gaining scholarships, 103 others passing the examination with credit, and 112 qualifying for matriculation. The number of candidates for the University Entrance Examination was 4,738, of whom 2,291 passed the examination.


(Total number of entrants for all examinations 8,784, of whom 1,034 were absent.) Auckland Victoria I r-ntMhnnr Otiuo M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. I F ! T. M. F. T. i ! L Doctor of Medicine . . { 1 1 2 1 1 i 2 Honours in Arts .. . . ! 4 Hi 20 3 7 10 5 5 10 6 7 13 18 35 j 63 Master of Arts .. .. I 9 4 13 8 2 10 7 2 9 4 5 9 28, 13 j 41 Honours in Science .. . . 5 .. S : 8 4 12 4 2 6 5 1 6 j 22' 7 j 20 Master of Science .. .. 2 .. 2 I 6 ! .. 6 2 .. I 2 10 .. ! 10 Honours in Law . . .. 1 .. 1 4 .. 4 ! 5 .. 5 j 10 .. 10 Master of Laws .. .. I .. 1 3 .. 3 1 .. 1 2 .. 2 7..J 7 Honours in Commerce .. . . 1 . . 1 .. . . i • ■ 1 • • 1 Master of Commerce .. .. 1 .. 11.. 1 .... !•• 2.. 2 Master of Home Science .. •.. .. .. j . . . . .. j .. . . j .. . . Honours in Agricultural Science .. . . .. ,. i 1* . . 1* . . . . i ■ • 1 ■ ■ 1 Master of Agricultural Science .. ! 1 .. 11*.. 1* .. . . • • • ■ Bachelor of— Arts .. .. .. ! 46 22 08 !| 16 16 32 23 21 44 31 22 I 53 116 81 197 Science .. .. .. 20 4 24 !j 17 6 23 I 21 3 24 11 3 14 69 16 85 Medicine and Surgery .. .... .. 33 3 : 36 33 3 36 Dental Surgery . . .. j J | 8 2 I 10 8 2 10 Laws .. . . .. 10 .. 10 19 .. 19 I 7 .. 7 12.. 12 48 .. 48 Commerce .. .. ..11 2 13 13 1 14 9 .. 9 8 .. 8 41 3 44 Engineering (Civil) . . .. 1 .. 1 | 17 .. 17 j . . j 18 .. j 18 Engineering (Eleotrical-meeh.) .. 8 .. 8 .. .. .. 8 .. 8 Engineering (Electrical-civil) .. j . . .. .. 5']' .. 5 | .. .. .. 5 .. 5 Engineering (Mining) .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 Home Science .. .. .. 11 11 .. 11 11 Agricultural Science .. 8* .. 8* 3 . . 3 11 11 Forestry Science .. .. 5 .. 5 . . i .. . . 5 . . 5 Music .. .. .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 3.. 3 2 | 2 4 72 9 Senior University Scholarships ..51 631 441 551 6 I 17 4 21 John Tinline Scholarship ..j j 1 1 .. 1 1 Totals, 1933 .. .. 119 49 168 Ill2 37 149 'l22 34 156 136 59 195 489 179 668 Totals, 1932 .. . . 102 45 147 1100 43 143 j 83 36 119 106 59 165 391 183 574 Difference .'. .. +17+4 +21 +12-6 +6 [+39 —2 +37 +30 .. +30 1+98 -4 +94 •Massey Agricultural College.


ĪI. REPORTS AND ACCOUNTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND AND OF CONSTITUENT COLLEGES. i. REPORT ON THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND, 1933. Visitor. —His Excellency the Governor-General. Chancellor. —John Maemillan Brown, Esq., M.A., LL.D. Pro-Chancellor. —Hon. J. A. Hanan, M.L.C. Vice-Chancellor. —Thomas A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc. The Senate. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council—H. F. Von Haast, Esq., M.A., LL.B. ; the Hon. J. A. Hanan, M.L.C. ; J. A. Valentine, B.A. ; L. J. Wild, Esq., M.A., B.Sc. Appointed by Councils of Constituent Colleges —H. D. Acland, Esq., B.A. ; F. H. Bakewell, Esq., M.A. ; H. Ranston, M.A., Litt.D. ; the Hon. Sir George Eowlds, Kt., C.B.E. ; P. Levi, Esq., M.A. ; W. J. Morrell, Esq., M.A. ; L. D. Ritchie ; Col. Hon. G. J. Smith, C.8.E., M.L.C. Elected by District Courts of Convocation —J. Maemillan Brown, Esq., M.A., LL.D. ; F. A. De La Mare, Esq., 8.A., LL.B. ; C. M. Gilray, Esq., M.C., M.A. ; W. Newlands, Esq., M.A., B.Sc., M.8., Ch.B., &e. ; T. U. Wells, Esq., M.A. ; A. E. Flower, Esq., M.A., M.Sc. The Director of Education —N. T. Lambourne, Esq., M.A. Appointed by the Senate—W. P. Evans, Esq., M.A. Ph.D. ;T. A. Hunter, Esq., M.A., M.Sc. Appointed by Academic Board —J. R. Brown, Esq., M.A., Hon. LL.D., K.X.Z. 1...V.: James Hight, Esq., C.M.G., M.A., Litt.D., F.R.E.S. ; H. W. Segar, Esq., F.N.Z.lnst., M.A. Registrar—E. T. Norris, Esq., M.A. REPORT OF THE SENATE. In compliance with section 22 of the New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1926, the Senate makes the following report to the Hon. the Minister of Education of the proceedings of the University during the past year. The Entrance Board met on 22nd August, 1933, and considered various proposals concerning the Entrance Examinations. It adopted the report, with certain amendments, of a subcommittee appointed at its previous meeting to review the basis on which Entrance Scholarships are awarded. The proposals were subsequently not approved by the Academic Board. It reaffirmed the recommendation adopted in 1933, that the Entrance Examinations should begin not earlier than the 7th and not later than the 9th December. The Academic Board at its meeting on the 31st October, 1933, presented in detail a scheme for the conduct in New Zealand, as far as possible, of the examinations in Stage 111 of the B.A. and B.Sc. and also for honours in arts and science. It recommended that the Senate should take such steps as are necessary to enable it to confer degrees in divinity, and should also make every endeavour to secure provision for the admission of graduates into the Civil Service so that there may be available for selection for administrative positions of high responsibility an adequate supply of highly trained men. At its annual meeting on the 16th January, 1934, in accordance with recommendations of the Academic Board, the Senate amended various statutes and provided for the reduction of the fee payable for several degrees from seven guineas to five. It adopted a recommendation proceeding from the Entrance Board through the Academic Board that approval be given to the plan for the co-operation of the University and the Education Department in conducting the School Leaving Certificate Examination. It approved the action of the Executive in admitting to the Entrance Examination without fee 234 candidates, being the children of registered unemployed persons ; of these, 113 passed, 118 failed, while 3 were absent. The Senate placed the sum of £600 at the disposal of the Executive Committee for making such grants as it may deem fit to the holders of post-graduate scholarships in law, architecture, engineering, and medicine. As the high rate of exchange persists, the Senate could not restore the post-graduate scholarships which it had been obliged to suspend.



STATEMENT OE ACCOUNTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1934, GENERAL ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Balance, 31st March, 1933 — £ s. d. £ s. d. Administration expenses— £ s. d. £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand .. . . 544 17 3 Office salaries . . . . .. 2,637 8 10 Post Office Savings-bank .. 2,434 15 11 Clerical assistance .. .. 66 18 9 English agency .. .. 1,494 8 1 Rent, lighting, cleaning, &c. .. 585 18 9 Petty cash .. . • • ■ 40 0 0 Senate and Academic Board exBank of New Zealand: Fixed deposit 2,000 0 0 penses .. .. .. 668 17 5 6,514 1 3 3,959 3 9 Government grants —National endow- Examination expense — ment.. .. . . •• 2,534 6 7 Medical .. .. .. 1,417 8 2 2,534 6 7 Dental .. .. . . 836 17 10 Admission ad eundem .. ■■ ■■ 16 16 0 November .. .. .. 11,807 I 0 Certificates .. .. .. 286 16 0 December .. .. .. 5,944 15 11 Medical and denta! registration .. . ■ 315 0 0 20,006 2 11 Provisional Matriculation .. .. .. 148 1 0 National endowment — Degree fees — Auckland . . . . . . 633 15 8 B.A. .. .. ■ • ■ • 162 15 0 Victoria .. . . . 632 19 7 B.Sc. •• •• •• 53 11 0 Canterbury .. .. .. 633 15 8 8E... • . ■ ■ • • 192 3 0 Otago .. . . .. 633 15 8 B.Agr. . . • • • • 27 6 0 2,534 6 7 B.For.Sc. . ■ ■ ■ . • 12 12 0 Office furniture .. .. . . .. 29 3 6 LL.B. • • • ■ • - 277 4 0 Postages .. .. .. .. 286 0 1 B.Com. .. .. .. 26 5 0 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 1,061 9 2 M.8., Ch.B. .. .. . . 358 1 0 Miscellaneous— B.D.S. • ■ ■ • • • 106 1 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. 13 0 6 Mus.B. . . .. . ■ 7 7 0 Examination tables . . . . 36 15 7 M.A. . . . . • • •• 257 5 0 Exchange .. . . 915 3 3 M.Com. . . • • • ■ 15 15 0 Bank charges . . . . . . 6 15 0 Litt.D. . . .. . • 46 10 0 Sundries .. . . . . 211 1 1 M.Se. • • • • • • 72 9 0 Fidelity assurance .. . . 15 0 0 M.S. .. • • • • • • 15 15 0 Diplomas .. .. .. 37 13 9 M.Agr. • • ■ • • • 12 12 0 Telephone and private-box rentals 42 19 0 D.Sc. . . . • • • 31 10 0 Audit fee .. . . . . 44 15 6 LL.M. • • ■ • • • 75 12 l) Charges on " Aotea" property . . 44 7 8 B.Arch. . • ■ • . • 29 8 0 Stationery .. . . . . 75 10 5 M.D. .. .. • • • • 31 10 0 Stamp duty .. .. . . 12 0 0 Diplomas .. •• ■■ 73 10 0 1,455 1 9 1,885 1 0 Transfer to Ordinary Scholarship Examination fees — Account . . .. . . . . 830 0 0 D.D.S. . • • • • • 21 0 0 English agency— D.Sc. •• •• •• 21 0 0 Examiners .. .. .. 2,080 7 4 Litt.D. . • • • • • 26 5 0 Printing examination-papers . . 394 12 4 M.D. . . ■ • ■ ■ • 88 9 0 Universities Bureau . . .. 50 0 0 M.H.Sc. .. . . .. 3 3 0 Salaries .. .. . . 332 12 0 MA... • ■ • • • ■ 406 13 0 Examination cables .. . . 43 4 2 M.Sc. . ■ • ■ • ■ 161 7 0 Rent .. .. .. .. 90 0 0 M.Agr.Sc. .. •• •• 3 8 0 Scholarships .. .. .. 3,015 10 4 LL.M. . . • • ■ • 79 10 0 Sundries .. . . .. 66 7 4 M.Com. .. 19 3 0 - - 6,072 13 6 B.A. .. • ■ ■ • • • 4,297 15 6 Balance, 31st March, 1934 — B.Sc. • • • • .. 1,100 17 0 Bank of New Zealand . . , . 640 14 3 B.E. . . • ■ ■ • • • 802 19 0 Post Office Savings-bank . . 1,081 2 8 LL.B. and Law Prof. .. .. 1,060 3 3 English agency .. .. 764 5 8 B.Com. and Accountancy Prof. .. 7,912 14 3 Petty cash .. .. .. 40 0 0 Certificates of Proficiency .. 258 3 6 Bank of New Zealand (fixed deposit) 2,000 0 0 Diplomas —Education, Journalism, 4,526 2 7 and Social Science .. .. 264 10 6 New Zealand Government debentures .. 3,069 3 2 B.Med.Sc. .. .. .. 5 5 0 Senior Scholarship in Law .. 4 14 0 Mus.B. . ■ • • • • 193 14 0 B.Agr.Sc 377 9 6 B.For.Sc. . . .. . . 60 18 0 Architecture . . .. . . 352 15 6 M.8., Ch.B 1,599 18 6 B.D.S. and C.O.P 412 7 6 B.H.Sc. .. .. •• 108 3 0 Pre-requisites for M.A. . . .. 34 7 0 Insurance . • • • • ■ 202 2 0 Banking . • ■ • ■ • 723 7 6 Diploma in Fine Arts . . .. 55 13 0 Entrance .. .. ■■ 9,738 8 0 Accountants' Preliminary .. 507 18 6 Entrance Scholarship • . .. 352 16 0 Fees paid in advance . . . . 14 8 6 Miscellaneous .. . ■ . • 9 0 6 D.P.H. .... 6 6 0 31,286 13 0 Carried forward .. .. .. 43,829 7 0



GENERAL ACCOUNT —continued. Statement of Receipts- and Payments—continued. Receipts—continued. Payments—continued. £ s. d. f s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. 31,286 13 0 Brought forward .. .. .. 43,829 7 0 £ s. d. Less fees paid in 1932 15 9 6 Less refunds .. 360 2 6 — 375 12 0 30,911 1 0 Reconsideration fees .. . . . . 555 2 10 Miscellaneous — Cost of conducting Taranaki Scholarship Examination . . 83 14 7 Sales of calendar . . .. 104 17 5 Sales of examination papers . . 85 11 0 Exchange saved . . . . 20 17 5 Sundries . . . . . . 10 19 10 306 0 3 Interest — Post Office Savings - bank to 31st March, 1934.. .. .. 146 6 9 English agency .. .. 5 4 4 New Zealand Government debentures .. .. .. 115 10 0 Bank of New Zealand (fixed deposit) 90 0 0 357 1 1 £43,829 7 0 £43,829 7 0 REVENUE ACCOUNT. Expenditure. - £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Ordinary Scholarship . . .. . . . . 830 0 0 Admission ad eundem . . . . . . 16 16 0 Senate expenses . . . . . . . . 185 17 1 Certificates .. . . . . . . . . 286 16 0 Executive meetings .. .. .. .. 119 10 1 Reconsideration fees .. .. .. .. 556 5 8 Appointments committee .. .. .. 20 16 1 Degree fees .. .. ■■ .. 1,885 1 0 Entrance Board .. . . .. . . 48 16 2 Examination fees . . . . .. . . 30,912 2 0 Auckland Jubilee (Vice-Chancellor's expenses) . . 12 210 Medical dental registration . . . . . . 315 0 0 Results committee .. .. .. . . 36 2 4 Miscellaneous .. . . . . . . 454 1 3 Rhodes Scholarship Committee .. . . 90 0 2 Interest .. .. . . . . • ■ 388 2 10 Academic Board expenses . . . . . . 155 12 8 Salaries .. .. .. .. •• 3,136 19 7 November examinations .. .. . . 14,257 0 8 December examinations . . . . . . 5,944 15 11 Dental examinations .. .. . . .. 836 17 10 Medical examinations .. .. .. 1,417 8 2 Miscellaneous .. .. ■■ .. 1,819 10 1 Printing .. .. .. 1,013 0 3 Rent .. . ■ ■ ■ - - ■ • 645 18 9 Depreciation (office furniture) . . . . .. 130 0 0 Balance at 31st March, 1934 .. .. .. 4,113 16 1 £34,814 4 9 £34,814 4 9 APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT. £ s. d. £ s. d. Inscribed stock investment on account of Ordinary Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. 6,445 110 Scholarship .. .. .. .. 3,069 3 2 Balance from revenue for year ending 31st March, Balance; 31st March, 1934 .. .. .. 7,489 14 9 1934 .. . . .. .. .. 4,113 16 1 £10,558 17 11 £10,558 17 11 ORDINARY SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. .. £ s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. 1,066 111 Bank charges .. .. .. .. 10 0 General Account . . .. .. . . 830 0 0 Bank commission, &c. . . . . .. 7 0 0 Interest received .. .. .. .. 2,558 11 2 £ s. d. Interest, Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 33 14 0 Junior Scholarships .. .. 2,072 16 I Havdon Prize Account. . .. .. .. 3 7 9 Senior Scholarships .. .. 1,401 13 9 Post-graduate Scholarship .. 9 9 8 3,483 19 6 Balance at Bank of New Zealand .. 792 9 11 Balance, Post Office Savings-bank . . 207 5 5 — — 999 is 4 £4,491 14 10 £4,491 14 10



ORDINARY SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT —continued. Revenue Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 3,474 910 Interest .. .. .. •• • • 2,640 210 Scholarships, English agency .. .. .. 2,200 0 0 General Account .. . ■ •• •• 830 0 0 Bank charges . . . • .. • • 8 0 0 Balance at 31st March, 1934 .. . . .. 2,253 510 Charges, " Aotea " property .. .. .. 40 18 10 £5,723 8 8 £5,723 8 8 Appropriation Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Revenue Account as at 31st March, 1933 .. 6,366 13 0 Balance, 31st March, 1934 .. .. .. 8,619 18 10 Balance from revenue for vear ending 31st March, 1934 .. .. " .. .. .. 2,253 510 £8,619 18 10 £8,619 18 10 UNIVERSITY NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance at 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. 45 1 6 National Scholarships .. .. .. ..2,730 17 10 Grants — Taranaki Scholarships . . .. . . 1, 066 8 6 Education Department . . •• 2,725 18 4 Balance .. •• •• 15 0 6 Public Trustee .. ■■ .. ■■ 1,036 7 6 General Account . . . . . . . • 4 19 6 £3,812 6 10 £3,812 6 10 GENERAL BALANCE-SHEET AS AT 31st MARCH, 1934. General Account — £ s. d. £ s. d. General Account — £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Account . . . . 1,200 0 9 Bank of New Zealand . . . . 640 14 3 Plus Revenue Account .. . . 4,113 16 1 Post Office Savings-bank . . 1,081 2 8 Plus Appropriation Account .. 3,375 18 8 Accrued interest .. .. 42 11 11 8,689 15 6 English agency .. .. 764 5 8 Pees paid in advance .. •• 14 8 6 Bank of New Zealand (fixed deposit) 2,000 0 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 180 16 9 4,528 14 6 Ordinary Scholarship Account — Petty cash .. . . . . • ■ 40 0 0 Capital Account .. .. 46,732 11 10 Furniture .. .. 1,170 7 8 Transfer from General Account .. 17,959 12 3 Rent in advance (English agency) .. .. 30 0 0 Add Investments from General Ordinary Scholarship Account — Account .. .. •• 3,069 3 2 Bank of New Zealand .. .. 792 9 11 Premium on conversion .. 72 16 9 Post Of&ce Savings-bank .. 207 5 5 999 15 4 67,834 4 0 Mortgages .. .. 9, 350 0 0 £ s. d. Accrued interest .. .. 648 4 0 Less Appropriations 6,366 13 0 Inscribed stock and Government Revenue Account.. 2,253 510 debentures .. .. .. 28,851 14 5 ■ 8,619 18 10 Municipal debentures .. .. 21,590 10 9 59,214 5 2 60,440 9 2 Special Scholarship Accounts— Scholarship payments in advance (English agency).. 825 0 0 Capital .. .. •• 20,746 10 4 Special Scholarship Accounts —Investments .. 21,260 11 10 Revenue .. • • . • 457 7 3 Ordinary Scholarship Account —Sundry debtors .. 14 15 I 21,203 17 7 General Account —Sundry debtors .. .. 100 8 3 Prize Accounts —Sundry creditors .. .. 6 IIJ 1 Bank of New Zealand (University National ScholarUniversity National Scholarship Account —Sundry ship Account) .. . . .. • • 15 0 6 creditors .. .. •. • • • • 15 0 6 Tinline Scholarship Account —Sundry creditors .. 50 4 2 Ordinary Scholarship Account —Sundry creditors .. 50 4 1 £89,425 2 4 £89,425 2 4


E,— 7

2. AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Visitor.—The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. jj Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General—A. H. Johnstone, Esq., 8.A., LL.B • H R Jenkins Esn • Hon. Sir James C. Parr, K.C.M.G. I '' Appointed by the Professorial Board—Professor A. B. Pitt, M.A., Ph.D. ; Professor M. Walker, M.A., B.Com. T? tr E w Ct lu \" embe ™o°A the Le § islature —H. Horton, Esq.; S. I. Crookes, Esq., M.1.E.E., M.NZSocCE • ii. H. Northcroft, Esq., D.S.O. , W. Ei n M.A ESq " 8,A,; Kenneth MacWip ' Es 1" M.8., M.Ch., P.R.C.S.; Appointed by the Auckland City Council—G. W. Hutchison, Esq. Appointed by the Auckland Education Board—A. Burns, Esq. Registrar—M. R. O'Shea, Esq., B.Com. Staff. Pro/es-sora.—Classic—Vacant. English C. W. Egerton, M.A. Mathematics-H. W. Segar, MA Modern Languages-M Walker, M.A., B.Com. (Dean, Arts Faculty). Chemistry-E. P. Worley, MA DSo DIC ECS Physics P. W. Burbidge, M.Sc., B.A. Economics-H. Belshaw, M.A., Ph.D. (DeaiTcoiLerceFaculty)Hkforv Vacant. Law—R. M. Algie, LL.M. (Dean, Law Faculty). Philosophy—W. Anderson, M.A. Architecture— C I. Knight, M.A., B.Arch., A.R.1.8.A., A.N.Z.I.A. (Dean, Fine Arts Faculty). Education—A. B. Fitt, M.A., Ph D If w7' fSm I'' • Mus . E. Thomas, Mus.Doc. Engineering—S. E. Lamb, B.Sc., A.R.C.Sc., A.M IM E M.N.Z.Soc.C.E. (Dean, Engineering Faculty). Geology—J. A. Bartrum, M.Sc., A.O.S.M. (Dean, Science Faculty). Lecturers, twenty-nine. REPORT. In pursuance of the provisions of the Auckland University College Act, 1882 the Council has the honour to make the following report for the year 1933 : Council. After having been a member of the Council since 1916, and President since 1920 the Hon Sir George Fowlds severed his connection with the College in June. Great regret was felt by all members of the community at the loss of Sir George's services to the College. Mr. Kenneth Mackenzie was elected President, and Mr. T U. Wells, Vice-President. The vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Charles Rhodes was filled by Sir James Parr, and Mr. A. H. Johnstone took the place of the Hon bir George fowlds, both being appointments by the Governor-General in Council. Staff.—At the end of the year the College lost the services of three Professors who had reached the retiring age-namely, Professor C. W. Egerton (English), Professor H. W. Segar (Mathematics), and Professor W E^ Thomas (Music). Mr. A. H. Bowell, who had been a member of the staff since fj o m n ? College m 1883, also retired. Owing to the existing financial restrictions the Chair of Music will not for the present be filled, but applications were called for the Chairs of English and Mathematics for the vacancy caused by the untimely death of Professor Paterson, and for the Chair of History. There was a large field of applicants, sixty-four in all being received, and the following appomtments were made : The Chair of English, Mr. W. A. Sewell, B.A;, Leeds • Classics Mr C G* Cooper M A., St. Andrews ; Mathematics, Mr. H. G. Forder, 8.A., Cantab ; History, Dr. J. Rutherford' M.A., Durham, Ph.D., Michigan. Mr. H. R. Rodwell, Lecturer in Economics, will be absent on exchange leave during 1934 having arranged a transfer with Mr. H. I). Dickinson, of Leeds University. Miss A. E. Minchin, who was granted a Carnegie Fellowship, returned from a year in the United States and England. ' While in America she studied at the University of Michigan, where she gained the degree B.A. L.S. Mr M R O'Shea, Registrar, who was also away during a part of the year with a Carnegie Fellowship returned after a comprehensive visit of inquiry into the administrative systems of various Universities in America Canada, and Britain. Jubilee.—The College celebrated its fiftieth Jubilee in May of this year. Finance.—The College has suffered very drastic reduction in income from the Government fortunately there were certain reserves from previous years which careful administration had built up An inroad was first made on these in 1931. The amount thus taken has increased annually, and it is doubtful if the balance now remaining will be sufficient to meet the budget deficit for 1934. Thus we have carried on for four years without appeal to the Government. Workers' Educational Association.—Statistics from country centres are not all to hand, but, using a conservative estimate where necessary, enrolments have totalled about 1,755 (city 688 box scheme about 572, correspondence scheme about 421, Hamilton 74), as against 2,029 last year ' The volume of box and correspondence-scheme work is not quite so great as last year, but an encouraging feature has been the number of groups formed among unemployed workers. The regular broadcasting of two W.E.A. talks per week from IYA has continued. There has unfortunately been no improvement as regards finance. In fact, it has been necessary to discontinue the position of tutor-organizer in the Waikato for the time being. The generous emergency grant from the Carnegie Corporation, together with an annual sum from University College endowments, have been the main factors in saving the W.E.A. from extinction.

2—-E. 7.


E. —7

STATEMENT OP ACCOUNTS FOE THE YEAE ENDED 31st DECEMBEE, 1933. ARTS AND GENERAL. Statement of Eeceipts and Payments. Receipts. -f dyyvtewts. Government grants— Balance Bank of New £s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Statutory— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Zealand .. 433 17 3 Auckland University Less Post Office SavCollege Act, 1882 4,000 0 0 ings Bank balance 0 5b New Zealand Uni- 4 ' w 11 9 versity Amend- Add ment Act, 1928 8,500 Workers Educa12,500 0 0 tional Association Less cut in salaries .. 5,274 17 6 Share, national endowment funds 273 7 o 7,225 2 6 Medical library National Endowment —New Zea- funds .. 160 19 3 land Universitv Amendment Act, Land-utilization iqi.l " 1 267 3 1 research grant .. 319 11 o 19 " " " Jl 8,492 5 7 753 IS 3 1,187 10 0 Donations .. .. -• 12 12 0 Salaries University of New Zealand —National- Professors, lecturers, endowment revenue 632 19 8 &c. . . . .. 22,369 19 11 Endowment revenue — Less special schools 4,634 12 o Rents from properties — Less land research 101 5 0 Current .. .. 450 810 4,735 17 6 Arrears .. .. .. 232 16 4 9 In Suspense .. .. 85 16 8 17, 3 - In advance 21 1 9 Cleaning and care790 3 7 taking .. .. 631 19 0 Education reserves .. .. 553 11 4 Office .. .. I>ol6 10 6 Interest on debentures — Library .. .. 268 .17 2 Endowment sales investment .. .. 465 17 11 Gardener .. .. 221 3 0 0 n a Endowment royalties investment .. 57 1 9 2,ids Endowment royalties .. .. •• 99 10 0 Hire of rooms 50 0 0 19,772 12 1 Engineering Building Reserve Fund .. 74 7 7 Less refund .. .. 19 11 0 0 Depreciation and Endowment Fund . nr a n ' Investment .. .. •• •• 1,000 0 0 Compassionate allowance, Mrs. A. C. Student fees (including college fees) — Paterson .. .. .. •• 37 li 6 Current and in ad- £ s. d. Office expenses J » vance.. ..13,350 9 3 Property expenses 1« 13 A Arrears .. .. 125 2 6 Printing and calendars .. .. -• 8b 17 5 Repayments .. 70 7 0 Stationery and advertising .. 202 19 11 13,545 18 9 Less refunds .. .. .. 0 & 6 Less special schools .. .. 1,246 4 0 00 „ .7. 17 S Telephones, postages, and exchange.. 223 Lb b 12 299 14 9 Less refunds .. .. .. 14 8 Less refunds .. .. ' 135 17 9 222 11 10 12,163 17 0 Insurance .. .. •• 123 0 7 Exemption fees 708 1 0 Less refunds 0 11 5 Less refunds 67 4 0 122 9 2 640 17 0 Water .. .. .. •• •• 83 10 0 Laboratory deposits .. .. 124 13 8 Lighting 385 811 Less refunds 49 17 11 Less refund 0 5 0 _ 74 15 9 383 3 11 Fines 35 18 0 Heating 153 3 9 Less refunds 110 Less refund 0 14 6 34 17 0 152 9 3 Sale of books 6 7 11 Travelling-expenses 6 8 8 Sale of physics notes 20 15 0 University Jubilee expenses .. .. 83 12 7 Sale of duplicated material .. • • 102 5 7 Material Municipal administration grant .. .. 125 0 0 biology • • ■ • ' • 228 19 / Interest Chemistry . . . . ■ • 674 10 1 Depreciation and Endowment Fund Geology .. •• •• 37 10 10 investment •• 313 13 2 Physics .. .. 334 3 6 General Endowment Fund .. .. 351 12 10 Other departments .. .. 12 19 2 Mennie Bequest—School of Com- ' ' merce 63 19 1 Science equipment 61 17 9 Revenue .. • • • ■ • • 18 9 Office equipment .. .. • • 31 O U "Rebate on staff life insurance .. .. 512 8 Library £ s. d. Premium on conversion—New Zea- Books .. •• Ml o » land Government Bond 017 9 Less refunds .. 010 0 Contra— 2,620 5 6 220 16 8 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. 50 0 0 Periodicals .. .. .. 311 7 4 Journalism Prize .. •• 5 5 0 Maintenance.. .. 97 2 3 New Zealand Perpetual Forests Less refunds .. 0 4, Scholarship.. .. .. 80 0 0 96 17 6 fi2 „ ,fi Architectural Prizes .. ..1116 T , 1Q079 Commerce Scholarships .. . . 20 0 0 Repairs .. • • ■ ■ • • - 2,777 2 0 Cleaning material .. .. 93 9 3 Balance, 31st December, 1933 .. .. 3,390 2 3 Grounds maintenance 41 8 8 Duplicatmg material .. •. • • 103 y n General and legal expenses .. .. 46 4 7 Audit .. • • • ■ ■ • • • 40 19 0 Carried forward .. .. •• 32,301 13 2 Annual examination expenses .. .. 119 18 4


E. —7.

ARTS AND GENERAL —continued. Statement of "Receipts and Payments—continued. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 32,301 13 2 Appointments to staff .. .. 947 19 6 Interest and commission .. .. . . 19 9 3 Graduation .. .. .. .. 25 14 4 Bulletins .. .. .. .. 34 5 5 Lecturing .. .. • • • • 4 14 6 Clock maintenance and internal telephones .. .. ■ ■ .. 23 12 3 Repairs—Students'Association .. .. 5 10 0 Workers' Educational Association — Share, national endowment funds .. 405 I) 0 Physics notes expenses .. .. .. 8 7 6 Premium on conversion : New Zealand Government Bond —New Zealand Insurance Co. .. .. .. 2 9 0 Temporary investments — Endowment royalties .. .. 102 8 7 Engineering Building Reserve .. 44 6 2 General Endowment Fund .. 2 18 7 Mennie Bequest .. •. 14 13 0 164 6 4 Contra .. .. .. 2,620 5 6 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. 50 0 0 Journalism Prize .. .. 4 10 0 Commerce Scholarships .. . . 20 0 0 New Zealand Perpetual Forest Scholarship .. .. • • 80 0 0 Architectural Prizes .. •. 1116 Butterworth Prize .. .. 0 5 1 2,776 12 1 Transfers from special schools — School of Music .. .. 218 3 11 School of Engineering .. .. 2,175 15 1 School of Architecture .. .. 394 16 6 2,788 15 6 £32,301 in £32,301 13 2 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. I Income. Salaries— £ 8. d. £ S. d. 1 Government grants— £ s. d. £ . . Professors, lecturers, &e. .. .. 22,369 19 11 Statutory Less special schools .. ..4,634 12 6 Auckland University College Act, Less land research .. .. 101 5 0 IT t'- ' a Y ' 4,735 17 6 New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1928 .. .. 8,500 0 0 17,634 2 5 Cleaning and caretaking .. 631 19 0 ,22 Office .. .. .. 1,016 10 6 Less cut m salaries .. 5,274 17 6 Library .. . • • • 268 17 2 ITIZZ „ „ Gardener .. .. .. 221 3 0 7,225 2 6 2,138 9 8 National endowment —New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1914 1,267 3 I 19,772 12 1 ' «,492 5 7 Less refunds 1 9 11 Donations .. .. .. .. 12 12 0 University 01 JNew Zealand —.National 19,771 22 endowment Revenue .. .. 632 19 8 Compassionate allowance — Mrs. Less share to Workers' Educational A. C. Paterson 12 6 Association 405 0 0 Office expenses and duplicating .. .. 109 10 6 Property expenses 19 13 3 Endowment revenue— Printing and calendars 86 17 5 Rents from properties .. .. «>8 IS 0 Stationery and advertising .. • • 17 8 Less amount m Suspense .. 32 13 4 Telephones, postages, and exchange .. 222 11 10 r ~ IvwnrjiYiee . . . . • ■ 1 9 2 63.) o " w>t „ ' ' 83 10 0 Add amount paid off Suspense 85 16 8 TtohLa" :: :: :: 385 311 722 110 Keating' •• •• 152 9 3 Education reserves .. .. .. 553 11 4 Travelling-expense's '' !! •• 6 8 8 Interest on debenturesLecture requisites: Material- Endowment sales interest .. 465 1/ 1 Biology . .. . . 230 17 4 Endowment royalties interest .. 57 1 9 Chemistry . ■ . • • • "20 17 1 °- J " Geolosrv • • ■ • 37 10 10 Student feesPhysics 316 2 5 Lectures 12,302 15 0 Other departments .. .. 186 18 5 College fees 1,120 17 6 1,392 6 1 13,423 12 6 Less special schools .. .. 1,246 4 0 Library— 12 ' 177 8 6 Vnrinrlipals .. 311 7 4 Add special - allowance repayMaTntenanee " !! .. 101 15 6 ments 70 7 0 maintenance 413 2 10 12,247 15 6



ARTS AND GENERAL —continued. Statement of Income and Expenditure—continued. Expenditure,. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Repairs .. .. .. .. 192 7 2 Student fees—continued. Cleaning-material .. .. .. 93 0 3 Exemption fees and annual exGrounds maintenance .. .. .. 41 8 8 animation fees .. .. .. 040 17 o General and legal expenses .. .. 4« 4 7 Fines .. .. .. .. 34 ] 7 0 Audit .. .. .. .. .. 40 19 0 Sale of books .. .. .. .. 6711 Annual examination expenses .. .. 135 2 5 Hire of rooms .. .. .. .. 130 14 0 Appointments to staff .. .. .. 961 2 1 Duplicating .. .. .. .. 311 io H Interest and commission .. .. .. 19 9 3 Interest— Graduation .. .. .. .. 25 14 4 Depreciation and Endowment Fund Bulletins .. .. .. .. 34 5 5 investment .. .. . . 319 3 8 Lecturing .. .. .. .. 4 14 6 General Endowment Fund InvestClock maintenance and internal tele- ment .. .. .. 351 12 10 phones .. .. .. .. 23 12 3 Mennie Bequest—School of CornWorkers' Educational Association merce Investment .. .. 63 19 1 bursaries .. .. .. .. 56 18 U Revenue — Post Office SavingsCollege bursaries .. .. .. 66 7 6 bank .. ~ .. 18 9 University Jubilee expenses .. .. 83 12 7 736 4 4 Investment Engineering Building Fund .. 25 0 0 Staff insurance rebate .. .. .. 512 8 I Administration, special schools— 24,856 2 3 School of Architecture .. .. 100 0 0 Depreciation— School of Engineering .. .. ISO 0 0 Arts building . . .. .. 650 0 0 School of Music .. .. 25 0 0 Students'building .. .. 116 10 0 275 0 n Library .. .. .. 297 11 3 Arts furniture .. . . .. 439 18 0 Students'furniture .. .. 119 0 0 Excess expenditure over income .. .. 6,122 12 8 Science building .. .. 549 5 0 Science furniture .. .. 35 10 0 Science equipment .. .. 440 8 9 Engineering building .. .. 108 0 0 Engineering equipment . . .. 274 0 0 Engineering furniture .. ' .. 6 4 0 Office equipment .. .. 23 7 0 Grounds equipment .. .. 7 10 0 Caretaker's cottage .. .. 49 13 0 Swanson cottage .. .. 28 8 3 3,145 5 3 Transfers from special schools— School of Architecture .. .. 493 13 7 School of Engineering .. .. 2,304 17 1 School of Music .. .. 243 3 11 3,041 14 7 £31,043 2 1 £31,043 2 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d Balance.from income and expenditure ... 6,122 12 8 Depreciation transferred to Capital Add capital purchases, 1933— Account .. .. 3,145 5 3 Science equipment .. .. 61 17 9 Balance transferred to Revenue Funds 3,332 12 11 Office equipment .. .. 31 0 0 . 5 477 i o 9 92 17 9 ' Library— Arts and General .. .. 220 16 8 School of Architecture .. 18 4 3 School of Engineering .. 23 6 10 — 262 7 9 £6,477 18 2 £6,477 18 2 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1933. Capital Statement. Liabilities. Fixed Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Buildings and equipment— £ s , d Capital balance, Ist January, 1933 245,239 8 9 - Arts building .. .. .. ..129 483 0 0 Add purchases from revenue .. 355 5 6 Arts furniture .. .. .. .. "s'3sB 7 0 Students' building.. .. .. .. 23 217 0 0 245,594 14 3 Students'furniture .. .. .. 10 0 Less depreciation, 1933 .. 3,145 5 3 Caretaker's cottage .. .. .. 1,941 10 0 242,449 9 0 Swanson cottage .. .. . . .. 54J q 0 Engineering building .. .. .. 756 0 0 Engineering equipment .. .. .. 2,469 0 0 Engineering furniture .. .. .. 59 0 0 Science building .. .. ~ .. 21,417 10 0 Science equipment .. .. .. 3,968 0 0 Science furniture .. .. .. .. 324 0 0 Office equipment .. .. .. .. 211 10 0 Grounds equipment .. .. .. 53 10 0 Library equipment .. .. .. 5,653 12 0 Properties— £ s. d. Science-building site .. 5,920 0 0 Arts-building site .. .. 24,500 0 0 30,420 ' 0 0 Endowment lands .. .. .. 12,500 0 0 £242,449 9 0 £242,449 9 0



ARTS AND GENERAL—continued. Statement No. 2. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Endowment sales .. .. .. .. 10,537 4 3 Endowment sales investment .. .. .. 10,537 4 3 Endowment royalties .. .. .. 1,259 4 3 Endowment royalties investment .. .. 1,259 4 3 General Endowment Fund .. .. .. 7,464 1 4 General Endowment Fund investment .. .. 7,464 1 4 Engineering Building Reserve Fund .. .. 1,709 1 I Engineering Building Reserve Fund investment .. 0 1 Depreciation and Endowment Fund .. .. 6,260 0 0 Depreciation and Endowment Fund investment .. 6,260 0 0 Mennie bequest—School of Commerce .. .. 1,314 13 0 Mennie bequest—School of Commerce investment 1,314 13 0 Building Fund .. .. .. .. 57 9 2 Building Fund in vestment—Auckland Savings-bank 57 9 2 Student Building Furniture Depreciation Fund .. 165 4 10 Student Building Furniture Depreciation Fund Student Furniture Fund .. . . .. 18 15 5 investment—Auokland Savings-bank .. .. 165 410 Medical Library Fund .. .. .. 170 11 1 Sundry debtorsLand Utilization Research Fund .. .. 207 4 6 Endowment rent— £ s. d. Workers' Educational Association national-endow- Arrears .. .. 261 8 2 ment balance .. .. .. .. 313 17 6 In Suspense—Five years .. 493 11 6 Rents in suspense .. .. .. .. 493 11 6 754 ig g Rents in advance .. .. .. .. 21 1 9 Depreciation and Endowment Student fees in advance .. .. .. 173 0 0 Fund interest—Cathcart .. 40 0 0 Prizes — £ s. d. Depreciation and Endowment Allum Prize .. .. 0 18 6 Fund interest —B.P. and S. 5 10 6 Forestry Scholarship .. 10 0 0 45 jq q Journalism Prize .. .. 015 0 Student fees—Arrears .. .. 158 12 6 11 13 6 Hire of rooms .. .. .. 80 14 0 Bank of New Zealand—Overdraft 2,700 3 5 Butterworth Prize .. .. .. 0 2 11 Less Post Office Savings-bank Physics notes in stock.. .. .. 44 3 (i balance .. .. 114 3 Revenue £ s. d. 2,698 9 2 Ist January, 1933 — Balance .. 720 17 11 Transfer from not revenue .. 3,332 12 11 4,053 10 10 Less— Sale of Investment— Depreciation and Endowment Fund 1,000 0 0 1931 student fee .. 18 6 1,001 8 6 3,052 2 4 £32,875 2 4 £32,875 2 4 SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Statement, of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 324 0 0 Student fees (including college fees) .. .. 117 12 0 Music Examination expenses .. .. .. 10 14 8 Music Examination fees .. .. .. 4 4 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. ..'553 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. -.. 218 311 £339 19 11 £339 19 n Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 324 0 0 Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil Music Examination expenses .. .. 10 14 8 Student fees .. .. .. .. .. 117 12 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. 553 Music Examination fees .. .. .. 4 4 0 Administration .. .. .. .. 2500 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. .. 243 311 £364 19 II £364 19 11 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. 1,250 0 0 Salaries .. .. ... .. 1,699 13 0 Less cut in salaries .. . . 404 0 0 Library— — 846 0 0 Books .. .. .. 18 4 3 Student fees (including college fee) .. .. 574 14 0 Periodicals .. . . . . 9 7 0 Architecture Examination fees .. .. 9 9 0 Maintenance .. .. .. 0 010 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. 394 16 6 27 12 1 Lecture requisites .. .. . . 916 2 Less refund .. .. .. 6 13 2 3 3.0 Architectural Examination expenses . . .. 10 10 0 Prospectus .. .. .. .. .. 46 10 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. 16 18 7 Repairs .. .. .. .. .. 20 12 10 £1,824 19 6 £1,824 19 6



SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE —continued. Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £s. d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,699 13 0 Government grant .. .. .. .. 846 0 0 Library — Student fees .. .. .. .. 574 14 0 Periodicals .. .. .. 9 7 0 Examination fees .. .. .. .. 9 9 0 Maintenance .. .. .. 0 0 10 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. 493 13 7 9 7 10 Lecture requisites .. .. .. .. 3 3 0 Examination expenses .. .. .. 10 10 0 Prospectus .. • ■ .. .• • ■ 46 10 0 Repairs .. .. .. .. .. 20 12 10 Sundries .. .. .. .. • - 33 19 11 Administration .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 £1,923 16 7 £1,923 16 7 SCHOOL OE ENGINEERING. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil Salaries .. .. .. .. 2,620 19 0 Capitation grant .. . . .. .. Nil Lecture requisites .. .. .. .. 36 6 7 Student fees (including college fees) . . .. 553 18 0 Library— Testing fees .. . ■ ■ ■ • • 29 8 8 Books .. .. .. 23 610 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. 2,175 15 1 Periodicals .. .. .. 74 6 Maintenance . . .. .. 3 2 1 33 13 5 Telephone .. .. .. .. .. 16 17 6 Stationery .. .. .. . . .. 0 16 6 Lighting, gas, power, and water .. .. 39 17 8 Repairs .. .. .. .. .. 7 117 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. 219 6 £2,759 1 9 £2,759 I 9 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. ■■ •• 2,620 19 0 Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil Lecture requisites .. .. .. ■ • 36 6 7 Capitation grant .. . . .. .. Nil Library Student fees .. .. .. .. 553 18 0 Periodicals .. ■ • • • • • 7 4 6 Testing fees .. .. . . .. 29 8 8 Maintenance .. .. •• 3 2 1 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. 2,304 17 I Telephone .. • • • • ■ • • ■ 16 17 6 Stationery .. .. • • • • • • 16 6 Lighting, gas, power, and water .. . . 39 17 8 Repairs .. • ■ ■ ■ • • • • 1 I Sundries .. • ■ • • ■ • • • r ō Administration .. • • • • • • 150 0 0 £2,888 3 9 £2,888 3 9 — WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments. Balance, Bank of New Zealand, Ist Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. January, 1933 12 17 2 Staff 98 16 0 Balance, Auckland Savings-bank, Ist Tutors .. .. .. January, 1933 304 18 2 31? 15 4 DlrectOT 36410 ° 9 0 Interest—Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 20 5 8 Library— Director's salary—Transfer from national-endowment Books .. .. .. .. II LZ 0 ' .. .. .. 364 10 0 Periodicals .. .. .. 2 6 7 a ' ' 24 19 1 Stationery .. .. .. .. .. 44 5 6 General expenses .. .. .. .. 10 0 Travelling .. .. .. .. .. 6 10 9 Rent and caretaking .. .. .. .. 24 10 0 Lighting and heating .. .. .. .. 3197 Balance — £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1933 .. .. .. 34 10 1 Auckland Savings-bank, 31st Decern- 96 7 0 ber. 1933 130 17 1 £702 11 0 j £702 11 0


Ē. —7

WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION- continued. Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. di Salaries .. .. .. .. 101 19 0 Interest—Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 20 5 8 Add Director's salary, paid by Auck- Director's salary, paid by Auckland University College 364 10 0 land University College .. .. 364 10 0 Excess expenditure over income—Trans466 9 0 ferred to —• £ s. d. Library periodicals .. .. .. .. 2 6 7 Carnegie emergency grant .. .. 164 5 9 Stationery .. .. .. .. . . 44 5 6 Accumulated funds .. .. 64 6 6 General expenses .. . . . • . • .1 0 0 228 12 3 Travelling .. .. .. .. 6109 Rent and caretaking .. . . .. . . 24 10 0 Lighting and heating .. . . .. . • 319 7 Depreciation, library .. . . .. . . 64 6 6 £613 7 11 £613 7 11 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1933. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Carnegie Emergency Fund— £ s. d. £ s. d. Library .. .. .. .. .. 583 10 0 Ist January, 1933 .. .. .. 307 16 5 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. 34 10 1 Expended during 1933 .. .. 164 5 9 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. 96 7 0 Books purchased, 1933 .. .. 12 13 7 130 17 1 176 19 4 130 17 1 Accumulated funds — Ist January, 1933 .. .. 625 4 0 Add capital purchases .. .. 22 12 6 647 16 6 Less depreciation, library . . 64 6 6 583 10 0 £714 7 1 £714 7 1 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION NATIONAL ENDOWMENT GRANT. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d Balance, Ist January, 1933 .. .. .. 273 7 6 Salary, Director .. .. .. .. 364 10 0 National-endowment revenue, grant for 1933-34 .. 405 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1933 .. .. .. 313 17 6 £078 7 6 £678 7 6 The Audit Office, having examined the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct. —J. H. Fowler, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General. A



3. VICTORIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Visitor. —The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. Chairman. —P. Levi, Esq., M.A. Appointed by Governor-General—A. R.' Atkinson, Esq., 8.A., and T. I). M. Stout, Esq.. M.D. Elected by Court of Convocation — The Hon. Mr. Justice H. H. Ostler, LL.B.; P. Levi, Esq., M.A.; A. Fair, Esq., LL.B.; S. Eichelbaum, Esq., M.A., LL.B. Elected by teachers in primary schools—H. A. Parkinson, Esq., M.A. ; and P. H. Bakewell, Esq., M.A. Elected by members of Education Boards—R. McCallum, Esq., M.L.C., and J. A. Valentine, B.A. Appointed by Wellington City Council—H. A. R. Huggins, Esq. Elected by teachers in secondary schools and technical high schools—T. R. Cresswell, Esq., M.A. Elected by governing bodies of secondary schools—T. Forsyth, Esq. Elected by the Professorial Board —Professor T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc.; Professor W. H. Gould, M.A. Staff. Professors. —Classics —J. Rankine Brown, M.A. (St. Andrews and Oxford), Hon. LL.D. (St. Andrews), F.N.Z.I.A. English —H. Mackenzie, M.A. (St. Andrews). Modern Languages—E. J. Boyd-Wilson, M.A., B.Sc. (N.Z.), B.A. (Camb.), (Dean of Arts Faculty). Philosophy—T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc. (N.Z.). History—F. P. Wilson. M.A. (N.Z.), F.E.S. Economics —B. E. Murphy, M.A., LL.B., B.Com. (N.Z.), F.E.S., F.S.S. (Dean of Commerce Faculty). Education —W. H. Gould, M.A. (N.Z.), (Chairman of Professorial Board). Mathematics—D. M. Y. Sommerville, M.A., D.Sc. (St. Andrews), F.R.S.E., F.N.Z.I. Biology—H. B. Kirk, M.A. (N.Z.), F.N.Z.I. Physics—D. C. H. Florance, M.A., M.Sc. (N.Z.). Chemistry—P. W. Robertson, M.A., M.Sc. (N.Z.), M.A. (Oxford), Ph.D. (Leipzig), (Dean of Science Faculty). Geology—C. A. Cotton, D.Sc. (N.Z.), A.0.5.M., F.G.S. Law—J. Adamson, M.A., LL.B. (Edin), (Dean of Law Faculty) ; H. H. Cornish, M.A., LL.B. (N.Z.). Registrar—G. G. S. Robison, M.A. (N.Z.). Librarian— H. G. Miller, M.A. (N.Z.). Lecturers, twelve. REPORT (ABRIDGED). Pursuant to section 44 of the Victoria College Act, 1905, the Council presents the following report for the year 1933 : — The Work of the College : The Staff. —We regret to record the death of Professor D. M. Y. Sommerville, Professor of Mathematics. For nineteen years Professor Sommerville served the College and the cause of education generally with marked ability. He was one of the foremost mathematicians of the day, and reflected great honour on the institution. Satisfactory temporary arrangements under the direction of Mr. F. F. Miles have been made for carrying'on the work of the Mathematics department until a successor is appointed to the Chair. In May Dr. I. A. Henning, Lecturer in Modern Languages, resigned his position in order to propeed to Australia. Temporary arrangements were made for carrying on his work for the remainder of the year, when Dr. A. C. Keys, M.A., Dr. Univ. of Paris, was appointed to the vacancy. Accountancy Classes.—ln response to an urgent demand for the establishment of classes in Accountancy in order to provide the full curriculum for the Commerce degree, it was resolved, with the co-operation and assistance of the New Zealand Society of Accountants, to establish such classes. Mr. Fountain, 8.C0m., and Mr. N. A. Foden, M.A., LL.M., were appointed lecturers, the former in Bookkeeping and Auditing, and the latter in Accountancy Law subjects. The enrolment in the classes is particularly gratifying and clearly shows that they are meeting a felt need. Weir House.—Weir House was opened to Students of Victoria University College on the Ist March, 1933, Dr. I. A. Henning being in charge as Warden. The official opening took place on the 6th March, the ceremony being performed by His Excellency the Governor-General, Lord Bledisloe. The House opened with about forty students in residence and gradually filled until it reached capacity at the end of the session. On Dr. Henning relinquishing the position of Warden at the end of May, Dr. I. L. G. Sutherland was appointed. Some fifty students were in residence during the long vacation and the House was full to capacity (79), with some waiting, at the commencement of the 1934 session. An extension of the accommodation is being made. Library : Reorganization.—The year was a very important one in the history of the library. The Librarian returned in May from a year's investigation of University library matters abroad, and recommended comprehensive changes in organization. It was finally decided that the library should be placed upon a footing similar to that of a teaching department, the Librarian being given administrative power covering the entire library organization and being responsible directly to the Academic Head of the College. These changes met with the approval of the Carnegie Corporation, and towards the end of the year a first instalment of 5,000 dollars was placed at our disposal for the purchase of books. With a view to the establishment of a comprehensive plan of book-purchase, it was decided to abandon definite allocation of funds to particular subjects, and a brief report indicating the lines along which the book collection should be developed was drawn up by the Librarian and the late Professor Sommerville and approved by the Professorial Board. The first orders out of the Carnegie Fund have now been despatched. In addition to the grant of 5,000 dollars a year the Carnegie Corporation has decided to give the library a set of prints, photographs, and books on fine arts, which will be of great value to our students.


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STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1933. GENERAL ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 3,351 7 7 Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. 9,182 9 4 Teaching staff .. .. 16,181 010 National-endowment grant — Office .. .. .. 1,085 3 0 Government .. .. .. .. 1,267 3 3 Caretaker and cleaners .. 602 18 3 New Zealand University .. .. .. 632 19 7 Mechanic and gardener .. 418 10 4 Fees (gross) .. .. .. .. .. 8,327 13 0 Library .. .. .. 652 1 8 Examination fees (gross) .. .. .. 1,243 14 6 18,939 1.4 1 Sale of— Office expenses .. .. .. .. 178 1 11 Calendars .. .. .. .. .. 20 12 11 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 176 6 3 Notes .. .. .. .. . . 128 10 6 Advertising .. .. .. .. .. 71 13 2 Payment for use of buildings .. .. 3 0 0 Telephone .. .. .. .. .. 70 10 0 New Zealand Pharmacy Board .. .. 610 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 160 4 5 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. .. 50 0 0 Water .. .. .. .. .. 57 2 0 Trustees, James Macintosh Scholarship .. 412 4 0 Light and heat .. .. .. .. 462 19 10 Grant Students' Association .. .. .. 40 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 26 10 10 Nurses' classes—Health Department .. .. 67 4 0 Apparatus and chemicals— £ s. d. Agricultural bursars .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Chemistry .. .. 283 17 1 Interest — £ s. d. Physics .. .. .. 202 15 10 Debentures .. .. 155 15 3 Biology .. .. .. 211 18 8 T. G. Macarthy .. .. 461 16 2 Geology .. .. .. 914 4 617 11 5 Psychology .. .. 4 0 2 Donations library deposits .. .. .. 4 4 0 Greek art .. .. 12 11 0 Refund Weir loan .. .. .. .. 319 0 0 '724 17 1 Payment for Library Assistant (Students' Associa- Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 107 6 5 tion) .. .. .. .. .. 3 15 0 Maintenance.. .. .. .. .. 27 14 0 Travelling-allowance refunded (Dr. Wildman) .. 20 17 6 Cleaning and general .. .. .. 49 1 1 Weir Account —-Refund .. .. .. 15 0 Grounds .. .. .. .. .. 805 Carnegie Trustees for library .. .. .. 1,180 3 0 Calendars .. .. .. .. .. 109 19 0 Interest, Post Office Savings-bank— Examination expenses .. .. .. 164 11 0 General .. .. .. .. .. 141 11 8 Contingencies .. .. .. .. 34 8 2 Government subsidies .. .. .. 6 2 3 Fees refunded .. .. .. .. 35 3 6 Examination fees refunded .. .. .. 18 18 0 Tutorial classes —National endowment .. .. 300 0 0 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. . . 50 0 0 James Macintosh Scholarship .. .. .. 412 4 0 Nurses' classes—Tutors .. .. .. 67 4 0 Tea-room .. .. . . .. .. 7 14 6 Library books .. .. .. .. 488 17 1 Building alterations .. .. .. .. 51311 Law Society .. .. .. .. 2 12 0 Agricultural bursars .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Sir Robert Stout portrait .. .. .. 31 19 2 22,934 15 10 £ s. d. Balance at Bank of New Zealand 2,546 3 9 Plus uncredited deposit .. 7 8 4 2,553 12 1 Less. £s. d. Unpresented cheques 413 5 Library deposits .. 6 6 0 Tutorial classes .. 50 0 11 Macarthy Account .. Oil 4 S. A. Rhodes Account 278 17 4 340 9 Q 2,213 3 1 Post Office Savings-bank — General Account .. .. .. .. 630 I 3 Subsidy Account .. .. .. .. 169 15 4 Carnegie Account .. .. .. .. 1,180 3 0 £27,127 18 6 £27,127 18 6

3 —E. 7.



GENERAL ACCOUNT —continued. Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 17,202 9 5 Government grant .. .. .. .. 9,182 9 4 Library salaries .. .. .. .. 648 6 8 National-endowment grant .. .. .. 1,600 210 Office salaries .. .. .. « .. 1,085 3 0 Fees .. .. .. .. .. 8,271 1 6 Office expenses .. .. .. .. 178 111 Examination fees .. .. .. .. 1,224 16 6 Telephone .. .. .. .. .. 70 10 0 Sale of — Printing and stationery .. .. .. 181 8 9 Calendars .. .. .. .. 20 12 11 Advertising .. .. .. .. .. 71 13 2 Notes .. .. .. .. .. 128 10 6 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 160 4 5 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 203 111 Water .. .. .. .. . . 63 15 0 Macartby interest .. .. .. .. 445 19 10 Heat and light .. .. .. . . 462 19 10 Grant — Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 26 10 10 Students .. .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 Chemistry .. .. . . .. .. 277 10 7 Use of buildings .. .. .. ~ 3 0 0 Physics .. .. .. .. . . 202 15 10 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 129 12 3 Biology .. .. .. .. .. 217 13 11 Psychology .. .. .. .. .. 402 Geology .. .. .. .. . . 9 14 4 Maintenance.. .. .. .. .. 27 14 0 Cleaning and general .. .. .. 55 10 9 Grounds .. .. .. .. .. 805 Calendars .. .. .. .. .. 109 19 0 Examination expenses .. .. .. 164 11 0 Contingencies .. .. .. .. 13 10 8 Greek art .. .. .. .. .. 1 13 1 Tea-room .. .. .. .. .. 5 10 10 £21,249 7 7 £21,249 7 7 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1933. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Scholarship fund accounts, &c. .. .. .. 60,518 18 0 Cash at Bank of New Zealand— £ s. d. £ s. d. Sundrv creditors .. .. .. .. 125 18 8 General Account .. .. 2,213 3 I £ s. d. Trust funds .. .. .. 1,023 17 8 Accumulated fund .. .. 113,768 14 11 3,237 0 9 Less balance, Income and Ex- Cash at Post Office Savings-bank— penditure Account, £129 12s. General funds .. .. 630 1 3 3d.: depreciation, £2,740 Trust funds .. .. .. 3,051 1 6 Is. 9d. .. .. .. 2,869 14 0 3,681 2 9 110,899 011 Debentures —General Account .. .. 3,400 0 0 Debentures and inscribed stock — Trust funds .. .. .. .. 52,105 9 2 S. A. Rhodes : Shares—Paparoa Co. .. 330 0 0 Weir Hostel loan .. .. .. 2,681 0 0 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 71 12 0 Accrued interest .. .. .. 638 9 3 Buildings and equipment (less depreciation) — College buildings .. .. 67,816 1 4 Library books .. ..10,354 14 2 Caretaker's cottage .. .. 346 6 9 Laboratory fittings .. .. 2,009 3 5 Apparatus .. .. . . 6,233 13 3 Fencing and grounds .. .. 1,751 6 5 Furniture and fittings .. .. 5,228 7 1 Bicycle-shed .. .. .. 97 5 0 Boring-machine .. . . 21 1 8 S. A. Rhodes (office equipment) .. 91 4 7 — 93,949 3 8 Land —Site .. .. .. .. 11,450 0 0 £171,543 17 7 £171,543 17 7 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION TUTORIAL CLASSES. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 312 19 7 Salaries—■ £ s. d. £ s. d. Per J. A. Brailsford — £ s. d. Tutor-organizer .. .. .. 336 3 9 Discussions Courses .. .. 46 14 0 Director .. .. .. 81 0 0 Donations .. .. .. 11 11 6 Secretary .. .. .. 85 10 0 58 5 6 Tutors .. .. .. 188 0 0 Grants —Workers' Educational Association branches 64 12 6 690 13 9 Transferred from Workers' Educational Association Discussion courses .. .. .. . . 25 4 0 Library Account .. .. .. .. 273 15 4 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 89 17 11 From national endowment .. .. .. 300 0 0 Printing, &c. .. .. .. . . . 38 18 6 Boxes (to Canterbury College) .. .. . . 48 16 3 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. 15 1 1 To Workers' Educational Association Library Account .. .. .. .. .. 106 Balance at Bank of New Zealand .. .. 50 0 11 £1,009 12 11 £1,009 12 II



WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION TUTORIAL CLASSES—continued. Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ g. d. Income. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 690 13 9 Payments by Mr. Brailsford— £ s. d. £ s. d. Discussion courses .. .. .. .. 25 4 0 Discussion courses .. .. 46 14 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 89 17 11 Donations .. .. .. 11 II 6 Printing .. .. .. . . . . 38 18 6 58 5 6 Boxes .. .. .. .. .. 48 16 3 Grants from country branches .. .. .. 64 12 6 Bent • • • • ■ • ■ • • • 50 0 0 Transferred from Workers' Educational Association Sundries .. . . .. .. . . 15 1 1 Library Account .. .. .. .. 272 14 10 Prom national endowment .. .. .. 300 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 262 18 8 £958 11 6 £958 u 6 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s.. d. Trust Fund, 31st December, 1932 .. .. 312 19 7 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. 50 0 11 Less balance Income and Expenditure Account .. 262 18 8 £50 0 11 £50 0 11 WEIR HOUSE ACCOUNT. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 10,774 11 1 Spent on building .. .. .. 12,229 16 I Public Trustee— Loan repayment .. .. .. 319 0 0 Building .. .. .. .. .. 5,144 14 2 Furniture" .. .. .. .. 3,412 2 0 Maintenance .. .. .. .. 1,370 13 2 Grounds .. .. .. .. '197 1] 9 Boarders fees .. .. .. .. 3,218 17 9 Washhouse .. .. .. .. 63 11 10 Sundry .. .. .. .. .. 558 Provisions .. .. .. 1,535 9 7 Interest, Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 67 10 0 Light, heat, and water .. .. 428 4 6 Insurance .. .. .. 43 15 2 Laundry .. .. .. 59 2 7 Rent .. . . .. .. 250 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. 855 16 9 Telephone .. .. .. 47 7 5 Uniforms .. .. .. 4 6 7 • 3,224 2 7 Balance— Bank of New Zealand .. .. 378 8 8 Post Office Savings-bank .. 756 18 11 1,135 7 7 £20,581 11 10 ■ £20,581 11 10 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Provisions, &c. .. .. .. .. 1,530 11 4 Fees .. .. .. .. .. 3,229 12 9 Lighting and heating .. . . . . . . 445 7 2 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 'ō5B Insurance .. .. .. .. . . 43 15 2 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 55 0 7 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 132 11 11 Weir Estate—Maintenance grant .. .. 1,370 13 2 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 855 16 9 Telephone . . .. .. .. .. 47 7 '5 Uniforms .. .. .. .. .. 467 Excess of income over expenditure .. . . 1,100 15 10 » £4,660 12 2 £4,660 12 2 Balance-sheet- as at 31st December, 1933. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital, 31st December, 1932 .. .. .. 41,405 17 3 Cash in hand .. .. .. .. 10 15 0 Grant .. .. .. .. .. 5,144 14 2 Cash in bank .. .. .. .. 378 8 8 Transfer .. .. .. .. . . 127 6 9 Cash in Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 756 18 11 Weir House building .. .. .. .. 45,812 9 9 46,677 18 2 Furniture and equipment .. .. .. 3,544 3 3 Loan —General Account .. .. .. 2,681 0 0 Grounds .. .. .. .. .. 197 n 9 Sundry creditors . . .. .. .. 358 11 3 Outbuildings .. .. .. .. 63 11 10 Income and Expenditure Account .. .. 1,100 15 10 Interest accrued due .. .. .. .. 38 3 1 Stock in hand .. .. .. .. 16 3 0 £50,818 5 3 £50,818 5 3


E. —7

4. CANTERBURY COLLEGE. Visitor. —The Hon. the Minister of Education. Board of Governors. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General —Miss E. A. Chaplin, 8.A.; John Joseph Dougall, Esq. Right Rev. Dr. Campbell West-Watson. • Appointed by members of Parliament —E. J. Howard, Esq., M.P. ; Colonel the Hon. G. J. bmith, Esq., o.x>.E. s M.L.C., V.D. ; Hon. Sir R. Heaton Rhodes, K.C.V.0., K.8.E., M.L.C. Appointed by graduates—J. H. E. Schroder, Esq., M.A.; Miss K. M. Gresson, M.A. ; R. A. Campbell, Esq., B.Sc.; A. E. Flower, Esq., M.A., M.Sc, ; G. M. L. Lester, Esq., M.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ; R. Hepburn, Esq., LL.M., B.Com. Appointed by teachers —C. T. Aschman, Esq. (Chairman); J. G. Poison, Esq., M.A. ;L. B. Wood, Esq., M.A. Appointed by School Committees —H. I). Acland, Esq., B.A. ;W. A. Banks, Esq. ;W. P. Spencer, Bsq. Representatives of the Professorial Board —Professor J. Hight, M.A., Litt.D. (Rector), ex officio; Professor H. G. Denham, M.A., D.Sc. Registrar. —-C. C. Kemp, A.R.A.N.Z., F.C.S.N.Z. Staff, Rector. —Professor J. Hight, C.M.G., M.A., Litt.l). „ , _ „ ~ . T , „ „ , Professors. —Classics —L. G. Pococli, M.A. Mathematics —W. Saddler, M.A., D.Sc., 8.A., B English Language and Literature —F. Sinclaire, M.A. French and German T. G. R. Blunt, M.A. (Oxford). Chemistry— H. G. Denham, M.A., M.Sc., D.Sc., Ph.D. Engineering—(Electrical) P. H. Powell, M.Sc., M.Eng., M.1.E.E., M.A.I.E.E. (Dean of Eng. Faculty); (Civil) J. E. L. Cull, B.Sc., A.M.1.M.E.; (Mechanical) fe. Steele, B.Sc. Biology—E. Percival, B.Sc. (Dean of Science Faculty). History—J. Hight, C.M.G., M.A., Litt.D., F.R.E.S. Physics— C C Fan- DSc , F.P.S.L., F.N.ZJnst. Mental and Moral Philosophy—C. F. Salmond, M.A. (absent on leave till July')- Acting-Professor C. E. Beeby, M.A., Ph.D. Education and Director of Extension Work—J. Shelley, M.A. (Dean of Faculty of Mental, Moral, and Social Sciences). Economics—A. H. Tocker, M.A. (Dean of Commerce Faculty). Lecturers, twenty-seven. EXTRACT FROM THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS. As in tlie preceding years, the Board was faced during 1933 with, serious administrative and financial problems on account of a continued fall in revenue from endowment lands, but an additional Government grant of £3,500, of which, three-fourths came into the financial year, and an unexpected increase in the amount received from students' fees brought a measure of welcome relief. A number of applications were received from tenants during the year for reductions of rent, suspension of payments due, of relief in various ways, and in each case careful and sympathetic consideration was given to the application both from the point of view of the needs of the harassed tenant and of the obligations of trusteeship imposed upon the Board. The financial position as far as it will be affected by concessions that have been made can be definitely assessed, but the recovery of outstanding rents remains a difficult problem. The significance of the situation may be gauged, to some extent, by the fact that in 1928 unpaid rents amounted to £2,460 ; whereas at the end of 1933 that amount had increased to £20,227. While the outlook for our dairy-farmer tenants is still discouraging, the increased prices for wool realized at the sales at the end of the year improved the position of tenants holding pastoral leases, and it is hoped that with a continuance of wool prices on a higher level the revenue derived from this class of endowment land, though far below that received in more prosperous years, will be on a more assured basis. . . The Board, unfortunately, has been compelled to continue its policy of rigid economy m all departments. Of these, Canterbury College has suffered most because of the financial limits that have been set, for these an amount of personal hardship has resulted, development has been arrested, and efficiency has been maintained only by increased effort by members of the staff. It is only right and proper that I should place on record the Board's deep appreciation of the loyalty of the staff of the College in a time of financial anxiety. Never was the spirit of Canterbury College so abundant in helpful co -operation. An offer, on specified conditions, of 5,000 dollars annually for three years to be expended on the purchase of books for the College library, was made by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Unfortunately, limited College finances made it very difficult to meet all the requirements demanded, but if the Corporation accepts modified proposals offered by the Board, with the assurance of further developments when revenue is more buoyant, a valuable addition to the book stock of the library will be made possible. . To mark the sixtieth year in the history of Canterbury College, a special service at the Cathedral on Sunday, 7th May, was attended by a large number including members of the Board of Governors, members of the staff of the College, graduates, and undergraduates. The sermon was preached by the Right Rev. Bishop West-Watson. Commemoration Day was made a feature of the Diamond Jubilee proceedings, the Commemoration Day address being given by Professor Shelley on " Culture in a Mechanized World." . . A report presented to the Board on the assistance given by Canterbury College m solving tHe problems that continually confront those engaged in industrial and commercial undertakings, on the encouragement given to cultural activities, and on the advice given in applying psychological principles to family, social, and business difficulties showed that the staff of Canterbury College, as representing the highest type of public-service institution, fully realizes its duty to put its expert knowledge at the service of the community. The extent of the work done by many members of the staff outside their ordinary departmental duties and its great value to those needing their help were only imperfectly appreciated until the report under notice was presented to the Board and made public. During the year the Canterbury College Act was amended and consolidated. The effect of one amendment is that from the beginning of 1934 the controlling authority of the College is to be designated a " Council" instead of a " Board of Governors." Another change was made m the constitution of the Teachers' electorate, which now consists of " teachers whose names are registered in the Teachers' Register kept by the Director of Education as are for the time being employed in public schools, secondary schools, technical high schools, combined schools, or schools under the control of the Department of Education, situated in education districts wholly or partly within the Canterbury University District."



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1933. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Refund from War Memorial Fund to meet progress Balance .. .. .. 19,801 2 5 payment on contract .. . • • • 749 5 2 Progress payment of War Memorial window .. 749 5 2 Government grants .. .. •• •• 4,195 4 0 Instalment, Rolleston House mortgage .. .. 200 0 0 Donations .. .. • • ■ • • ■ 100 0 0 Instalment of Helen Connon Hall mortgage .. 700 0 0 University of New Zealand, national-endowment 1 urniture .. . • • • • ■ -. 5 5 0 revenue .. .. •• 1,900 3 0 Library books .. .. .. .. 360 2 11 Rent of reserves . • ■ • • * • 22 Loan to Librarian .. . - • ■ ■ - 120 0 0 Students' fees .. .. •• •• 11,571 12 '6 Students' Association fees .. .. .. 948 12 6 Students' Association fees .. ■■ •• 953 12 (5 Testing fees .. . . .. .. 182 2 6 Testing fees .. • • • • • • 220 17 0 Scholarships and allowances, &c., on £ s. d. Lincoln College—Share salary, Entomologist .. 391 7 9 account of Education Department 28(5 5 0 Sundries Various donors .. .. - .. 433 19 0 Repayment of expenses by Indus- £ s. d. 720 4 0 trial Research Department .. 11 13 6 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 18,079 (i 6 Interest .. .. •• 46 11 1 Office expenses .. .. .. .. 462 011 S a l es .. '. .. .. 14 12 0 Endowment expenses .. .. .. 483 4 5 Library fines .. .. . ■ 3 15 9 Transfers: Workers' Educational AsTelescope fees .. .. • • 22 3 sociation .. .... .. 700 0 0 Use of rooms .. .. .. 20 14 6 General expenses — Waimakariri Trust —Compensation Printing and stationery .. .. 246 14 9 for land taken Reserve 710, £175 Advertising .. .. .. 68 19 ] plus interest (£l5 3s. 9d.) .. 190 3 9 Telephone rentals and postages .. 68 13 2 Various scholarships, grants, &c. .. 720 4 0 Insurance .. .. 97 10 5 1,009 16 10 Water-supply .. .. .. 49 12 0 Transfers — Heating and lighting .. .. 733 4 3 Administration .. ..1,140 19 4 Repairs and maintenance of buildings 189 0 7 Medical School reserves .. 82114 11 Cleaning-material .. .. 55 11 1 Museum, Library, and School of Upkeep of grounds .. .. 135 5 8 Technical Science .. .. 15 0 0 Legal expenses .. .. .. 110 1,977 14 3 Gramophone records and books .. 13 2 6 Boarding fees Travelling : Lecturer in Entomology 6 0 0 Rolleston House .. ..1,719 10 6 Expenses— Helen Connon Hall .. ..2,275 5 0 History of Art lectures .. 11 311 3,994 15 6 Cass Station .. .. .. 6 10 7 Grant for wages—No. 5 Scheme .. .. 2,325 4 0 Arthur's Pass cottage .. .. 2 0 8 Balance .. .. •• •• •• 14,861 8 4 Prizes .. .. .. •• 16 16 2 Grants to necessitous students .. 28 10 6 Rector's honorarium .. .. 37 0 0 Rector's petty cash .. .. 6 0 0 Appointment to Chair of Modern Languages .. • • ■ ■ 17 19 3 Sundries .. • • ■ • 81 15 1 Interest .. .. •. 793 19 10 Travelling : Lecturer in English .. 25 0 0 On account Industrial Research Department .. .. • • 25 15 0 Material for Science Departments 930 7 2 3,647 12 8 Labour: No. 5 Scheme .. .. .. 2,325 4 0 Rolleston House — Telephone, &c. .. • ■ • • 27 3 4 Salaries and wages .. .. 598 16 3 Provisions .. • • ■. 614 3 9 Heating and lighting .. .. 215 19 10 Repairs and maintenance of buildings 69 14 11 Insurance .. ■ • .. 14 19 2 Other expenses .. .. .. 8 10 — 1,548 18 3 Furniture .. ■. .. .. 3 3 0 Utensils .. ■ . ■. .. 35 17 7 Helen Connon Hall — Telephone, &c. .. .. .. 29 19 6 Salaries and wages . . .. 488 10 11 Provisions .. .. .. 647 13 8 Heating and lighting .. .. 237 12 10 Repairs and maintenance of buildings 10 11 9 Insurance .. .. .. 42 10 6 Other expenses .. .. .. 1 19 0 1,458 18 2 Interest .. .. .. .. 369 7 8 Furniture .. .. .. .. 8 14 4 Utensils .. ■. .. ■ • 24 1 0 £52,933 3 0 £52,933 3 0



Statement of Income and Expenditube. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Government grants .. .. .. .. 4,053 15 0 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 15,089 13 4 Donations .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 446 16 7 New Zealand University national-endowment Library .. .. .. 252 2 5 revenue .. .. .. .. .. 1,900 3 0 Office .. .. .. 1,757 17 5 £ s. d. —: 17,546 9 9 Rent of reserves .. .. 11,218 19 2 Library books .. .. .. .. 334 13 7 Less reserve for bad and doubtful Office expenses .. .. .. .. 459 6 5 debts .. .. .. 1,510 0 0 Endowment expenses .. .. .. 372 511 9,708 19 2 Transfer: Workers' Educational As- Students' fees .. .. .. .. 11,217 4 0 sociation .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 Testing fees .. .. .. .. 33 9 0 General expenses — £ s. d. Examination fees .. .. . . 399 16 6 Printing and stationery .. 250 10 7 Sundries — Advertising .. .. .. 68 19 1 Interest on investments .. 79 5 0 Telephone rental and postages.. 65 18 8 Sales .. .. .. 14 12 0 Insurance .. .. •. 97 10 5 Pines .. .. .. 3 15 9 Water-supply .. .. 49 12 0 Use of rooms .. .. 20 14 6 Heating and lighting .. .. 732 9 3 Telescope fees .. .. 22 3 Repairs and maintenance of build- 120 9 6 ings .. .. .. 188 2 5 Transfers— Cleaning-material .. .. 55 11 1 Administration .. .. 1,140 19 4 Upkeep of grounds .. .. 135 17 3 Medical School reserves .. 565 11 1 Legal expenses .. .. 110 Museum, library, and School of Gramophone records and books 417 3 Technical Science .. .. 15 0 0 Travelling: Lecturer in Entomo- 1,721 10 5 logy .. .. .. 6 0 0 Rolleston House: Boarding fees .. .. 1,716 3 0 Expenses of — Helen Connon Hall : Boarding fees .. 2,312 17 6 History of Art lectures .. 11 3 11 Cass Station .. . . 6 10 7 Arthur's Pass cottage .. 2 0 8 Prizes .. .. .. 16 16 2 Grants to necessitous students . . 28 10 6 Rector's honorarium .. . . 37 0 0 Rector's petty cash .. .. 6 0 0 Appointment to Chair of Modern Languages .. .. .. 17 19 3 Sundries ...... 81 1 4 Interest .. .. .. 793 19 10 Material for Science Departments 948 14 1 Travelling: Lecturer in English 25 0 0 3,631 5 4 Rolleston House — Telephone, &c. .. .. 27 3 4 Salaries and wages .. .. 600 10 8 Provisions .. .. .. 627 1 4 Heating and lighting .. .. 228 4 4 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. .. 71115 Insurance .. .. .. 14 19 2 Other expenses .... 8 1 0 1,577 11 3 Helen Connon Hall— Telephone, &c. .. .. 25 4 6 Salaries and wages .. .. 492 15 1 Provisions .. .. .. 665 3 4 Heating and lighting .. .. 237 12 10 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. .. 10 5 9 Insurance .. .. .. 42 10 6 Other expenses .. .. 1 19 0 Interest .. .. .. 369 7 8 1,844 18 8 Depreciation— College— Equipment and apparatus .. 385 2 7 Furniture and fittings .. 321 11 5 Office equipment .. .. 27 14 2 • 734 8 2 Rolleston House — Furniture ...... 71 8 9 Utensils .. .. .. 61 4 6 132 13 3 Helen Connon Hall— Buildings .. .. .. 346 7 0 Furniture .. .. .. 168 1 5 Utensils .. .. .. 57 12 9 572 1 2 | Capital: Transfer of balance .. .. 5,378 13 7 i £33,284 7 1 , £33,284 7 1 j



Balance-sheet as at 31st December., 1933. Liabilities. Assets. £ 8 . d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowment lands .. .. .. 294,973 9 5 Capital .. .. .. 457,214 5 7 Arthur's Pass — Plus income and expenditure Site .. ... .. .. .. 50 0 0 balance .. .. .. 5,378 13 7 Buildings .. .. .. .. 197 13 2 Plus Government subsidies .. 903 11 10 Cass —Buildings .. .. .. 466 11 10 Plus refund amount advanced as College— progress payment of War Site.. .. .. .. .. 25,282 17 8 Memorial .. .. .. 749 5 2 Buildings .. .. .. .. 115 841 18 0 464,245 16 2 £ s. d. Rents paid in advance .. .. 5 17 0 Equipment and apparatus .. 3,851 5 10 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 73 9 9 Less depreciation .. .. 385 2 7 Donation not applied .. .. • .. 15 0 0 ■—- - 3,466 3 3 Rolleston House— Furniture and fittings .. .. 3,215 14 0 Mortgage .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Less depreciation .. .. 321 11 5 Fees paid in advance .. .. 18 14 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 37 19 7 2,894 2 7 Helen Connon Hall— • Plus purchases, 1933 .. .. 5 5 0 Mortgage .. .. .. .. 6,400 0 0 2,899 7 7 Fees paid in advance .. .. 3 3 0 Office equipment .. .. 277 1 8 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 26 14 8 Less depreciation, 1933 .. 27 14 2 T. W. Adams School of Forestry— 249 7 6 Capital .. .. .. 5,527 0 0 Library books .. .. .. .. 3,350 0 0 Less income and expenditure Investments .. .. .. .. 1,200 0 0 balance .. .. .. 72 12 4 Sundry debtors— £ s. d. 5,454 7 8 Rents .. .. 12,416 14 8 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 2 5 0 Less reserve for Students' Loan Fund— bad and doubtCapital .. .. .. 924 5 4 ful debts .. 7,364 5 4 Interest .. .. .. 36 10 5 — — 5,052 9 4 — 960 15 9 Advance to Librarian .. .. 120 0 0 General Account overdrawn .. 14,861 8 4 Students' fees .. .. 63 3 0 Less T. W. Adams £ s. d. Testing fees .. .. .. 13 2 6 School of Forestry 1,259 12 8 Interest .. .. .. 43 10 2 Less Students' Loan General expenses .. .. 25 15 0 Fund .. 159 11 5 Medical School reserve .. 978 1 1 1,419 4 1 — 6,296 1 1 —* —- 13,442 4 3 Rolleston House — Site.. .. .. .. .. 6,775 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. .. 6,354 3 3 Furniture .. .. .. 714 7 6 Less depreciation .. .. 71 8 9 642 18 9 Plus purchases, 1933 .. 3 3 0 646 1 9 Household requisites .. .. 306 2 8 Less depreciation .. .. 61 4 6 244 18 2 Plus purchases, 1933 .. 36 9 5 281 7 7 Provisions .. .. .. .. 14 0 0 Sundry debtors : Boarding fees .. .. 31 5 0 Helen Connon Hall— Site.. .. .. .. .. 4,800 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. 11,545 1 11 Less depreciation .. .. 346 7 0 11,198 14 11 Furniture .. .. .. 1,680 14 5 Less depreciation .. .. 168 1 5 1,512 13 0 Plus purchases, 1933 .. 8 14 4 — 1,521 7 4 Utensils .. .. .. 288 4 1 Less depreciation .. .. 57 12 9 230 11 4 Plus purchases, 1933 .. 24 18 4 255 9 8 Sundry debtors— Boarding fees .. .. .. 32 3 6 Provisions .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 T. W. Adams School of Forestry—■ Site.. .. .. .. .. 2,780 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. 860 0 0 Less depreciation .. .. 43 0 0 817 0 0 Investment .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Students' Loan Fund: Loans .. .. 801 4 4 £491,186 6 10 £491,186 6 10



CANTERBURY ADULT RURAL SCHEME. Statement oe Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d Grant from Carnegie Corporation, plus exchange .. 980 17 9 Balance, Ist January, 1933 .. .. •• o\) Hire of library books .. .. •• 61810 Library books .. .. ■■ • Balance 12 5 5 New car and body 192 0 0 Salaries .. .. • • • ■ • • 338 / b General expenses .. ■. • ■ • • 127 16 0 £1,054 12 0 £1,054 12 0 Statement oe Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1933 44 9 Grant from Carnegie Corporation, plus exchange .. 980 17 0 Salaries .. .. ■ • • • ■ • 338 2 6 Hire library books and donations .. .. bl 81U General expenses .. .. • • • ■ 1213 2 Loss on old car given in part payment of new one and depreciation .. .. - • • • 99 12 8 Balance .. • • • • • • • • 3 6 £1,042 6 7 £1,042 6 7 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1933. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Cash Account overdrawn .. .. • • 12 5 5 Furniture and fittings .. . „ .. • • 240 10 4 Income and expenditure, balance .. .. 479 3 6 Library books .. .. .. • ■ • £491 8 11 £491 8 11 school oe forestry. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Students' fees .. .. •• •• 182 19 0 Balance .. .. .. .. •• > - Sales of Journal, &c. .. •. •• •• 8 15 1 Salaries •• •• •• ** * * aqio Testing fees 89 6 0 Library books 6 9 10 Balance 2,088 6 6 Testing fees • • 86 4 3 General expenses — v - s. a. Laboratory expenses .. 18 3 1 Travelling-expenses .. .. 9 18 0 Car maintenance .. .. 30 17 6 Printing and stationery .. .. 23 19 9 Interest .. .. .. 68 3 9 Administration .. .. .. 11 19 6 163 1 7 £2,369 6 7 £2,369 6 7 Statement oe Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Library books .. .. 6 9 10 Students' fees .. .. 182 18 0 Salaries .. .. • • • • • ■ 791 10 9 Subscriptions to Journal, &c. .. . . . • 815 1 General expenses — £s. d. Testing fees " . " " sol 19 10 Laboratory expenses .. .. 18 3 1 Capital: Transfer of balance 803 12 10 Travelling-expenses .. .. . ■ 918 0 Car repairs and maintenance .. 30 17 6 Printing and stationery .. 23 3 3 Interest .. .. ■ • .. 68 3 9 Administration .. .. .. 11 19 6 162 5 1 Depreciation .. .. • • • ■ .. 38 2 0 £998 7 8 £998 7 J! Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1933. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s d £ s. d. Cash Account overdrawn 2,088 6 6 Capital Account, Ist January, 1933 .. 841 2 5 Plus Income and expenditure .. 803 12 10 1,644 15 3 Equipment, apparatus, and furniture .. 381 13 3 Less depreciation .. .. 38 2 0 343 11 3 Library books .. .. - • • • 100 0 0 £2,088 6 6 £2,088 6 6 1 = 1



SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1933 .. .. .. 4,353 14 9 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 5,278 10 1 Government grants .. .. .. .. 3,845 0 0 Library books .. .. .. .. 34 10 5 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 2,182 16 6 Testing fees .. .. .. .. 26 16 0 Testing fees .. .. .. .. 148 10 9 General expenses— £ s. d. Sundries— Heating, lighting, and power .. 265 5 8 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 190 9 10 Insurance .. .. .. 48 6 7 Sales, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 996 Printing, stationery, and advertising 65 6 4 Transfers —Museum, Library, and School of Tech- Material .. .. .. 300 6 8 nical Science .. .. .. .. 550 0 0 General supplies .. .. 41 7 6 Repairs to buildings .. .. 5 8 4 Sundries .. .. .. 45 18 8 Testing-expenses .. .. 2 117 Exhibitions .. .. .. 40 0 0 Administration .. .. .. 180 17 7 • 995 8 11 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 4,944 15 11 £11,280 1 4 £11,280 1 4 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 5,562 0 1 Government grants .. .. .. .. 3,845 0 0 Library books .. .. .. .. 34 10 5 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 2,174 1 6 General expenses — £ s. d. Testing fees .. .. .. .. .. 125 10 11 Heating, lighting, and power .. 264 11 3 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 190 910 Insurance .. .. .. 48 6 7 Sales, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 996 Printing, stationery, and advertising 58 17 2 Transfer from Museum, Library, and School of Material .. .. .. 16 16 8 Technical Science Endowment .. .. 550 0 0 General supplies .. .. .. 41 7 6 Capital —Transfer of balance .. .. .. 480 14 1 Repairs to buildings .. .. 5 8 4 Sundries .. .. .. 45 18 8 Testing-expenses . . .. 2 117 Exhibitions .. .. .. 40 0 0 Administration .. .. .. 180 17 7 704 15 4 Depreciation—-Equipment, apparatus, and furniture 1,074 0 0 £7,375 5 10 £7,375 5 10 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1933. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Buildings .. .. .. .. 20,668 6 0 Capital .. .. .. 36,574 5 8 £ s. d. Less income and expenditure Equipment and apparatus .. 10,270 5 4 balance .. .. .. 480 14 1 Less depreciation .. .. 1,027 0 0 36,093 11 7 9,243 5 4 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 16 3 4 Furniture and fittings .. .. 470 9 8 Less depreciation .. .. 47 0 0 423 9 8 Library books .. .. .. 800 0 0 Sundry debtors— Students' fees .. .. 17 6 0 Testing fees .. .. 12 12 0 — 29 18 0 Cash 4,944 15 11 £36,109 14 11 £36,109 14 11 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1933 .. .. 103 13 2 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 475 0 0 National-endowment revenue .. .. .. 700 0 0 Rental of rooms .. .. .. .. 104 12 6 Donations and fees in connection with box scheme .. 122 5 7 Box-scheme maintenance .. .. .. 49 6 1 Interest .. .. . • • • 43 4 3 General expenses .. .. .. .. 23 12 8 Stationery and postages .. .. .. 30 5 1 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 286 6 8 £969 3 0 £969 3 0 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. •• •• •• 475 0 0 National-endowment revenue .. .. .. 700 0 0 General expenses £ s. d. Donations and fees in connection with box scheme .. 122 5 7 Rental of rooms .. .. .. 104 3 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 43 4 3 Maintenance-box scheme . . .. 49 6 1 Stationery and postages .. .. 30 5 1 Sundries .. .. .. 23 12 8 ( 207 7 4 Equipment and apparatus—Depreciation .. 10 0 0 Capital —Transfer of balance .. .. .. 173 2 6 £865 9 10 £865 9 10

4—E. 7.



WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION —continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1933. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. 981 011 Equipment and apparatus .. .. 100 0 0 Plus income and expenditure balance 173 2 6 Less depreciation .. .. 10 0 0 1,154 3 5 90 0 0 "Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 22 3 3 Library books .. .. ■ • • • 50 0 0 Investments .. .. .. • • 750 0 0 Cash .. .. .. •■ •• 286 6 8 £1,176 6 8 £1,176 6 8 The Audit Office, having examined the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct. —G-. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

5. UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. Visitor. —His Excellency the Governor-General. Council. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council—Hon. Sir J. Allen, M.A., G.C.M.G., K.C.8., M.L.C.; G. R. Ritchie, Esq., J.P. ; James Fitzgerald, Esq., 8.A., M.8., &c. Elected by graduates—C. M. Gilray, Esq., M.C., M.A. (Oxon); Rev. D. C. Herron, M.C., M.A. ; Yen. Archdeacon W. A. R. Fitehett, M.A. ; J. M. Butler, Esq., M.Sc. Elected by the professors —J. K. H. Inglis, Esq., M.A., I).Sc., F.1.C.; Sir H. L. Ferguson, C.M.G., M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S.I. Elected to represent Otago Hospital Board—J. W. Dove, Esq., J.P. ; elected by teachers in primary schools, J. Robertson, 8.A., B.Sc. ; elected by the Otago Education Board, James Wallace, Esq.; elected by High School Boards, J. C. Stephens, Esq. ; elected by the Southland Education Board, J. C. Thomson, Esq.; elected by School Committees, L. D. Ritchie, Esq. (Vice-Chancellor); elected by teachers of secondary schools, W. J. Morrell, Esq., M.A. (Oxon), (Chancellor); elected by Dunedin City Council, F. W. Mitchell, Esq. Staff! Professors. —Biology —W. B. Benham, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.N.Z.lnst. English — Herbert Ramsay, M.A. Physiology—J. Malcolm. M.D. Dentistry—R. B. Dodds, D.D.S. (Dean of Dental Faculty). Chemistry—J. K. H. Inglis, M.A., D.Sc. Domestic Arts—Ann G. Strong, B.Sc. (Desin of Home Science Faculty). Physics—R. Jack, MA., D.Sc., Ph.D. Mental and Moral Philosophy—Vacant. Anatomy—W. P. Gowland, M.D., B.Sc., F.R.C.S., Eng.' Pathology—E. F. D'Ath, M.D. Classics—T. D. Adams, M.A. Modern Languages—G. E. Thompson, M.A., Litt.D (Dean of Arts and Science Faculty). Mathematics —R. J. T. Bell, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E. Geology and Mineralogy—W. N. Benson, D.Sc., F.G.S. Surgery—F. G. Bell, M.D., L.R.C.P., F.R.C.S. Systematic Medicine— DW C. Jones, M.A., M.D.. F.R.C.P. Ophthalmology—Sir H. L. Ferguson, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S.I. (Dean of Medical Faculty) History—J. R. Elder, M.A., D.Litt. Clinical Medicine and Therapeutics—F. W. B. Fitehett, M.D., C.M. Bacteriology and Public Health—C. E. Hercus, M.D., 8.D.5., D.P.H., D.5.0., 0.8. E. Economics—A. G. B. Fisher, 8.A., Ph.D. Education—R. Lawson, M.A., Litt.D. Midwifery and Gynaecology—J. B. Dawson, M.D., 8.5., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Mining—A. R. Andrew, D.Sc., &c. Associate Professors. —Dentistry—J. R. Burt, L.D.S., R.C.S. Also lecturers, demonstrators, and assistants. Registrar.—H. Chapman, Esq., B.A.



REPORT (ABRIDGED) OF THE CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. In accordance with the provisions of the University of Otago Ordinance, 1869, I have the honour herewith to submit a report on the proceedings of the University of Otago for the year ended 31st December, 1933. The Council. —It is with the utmost regret that I have to record the death of our late Chancellor, the Honourable Sir Thomas Sidey, which took place on 20th May, 1933. Sir Thomas was himself a student of the University, graduating as B.A. in 1884 and as LL.B. in 1887. In 1899 he was elected a member of the Council to represent the Court of Convocation, and this position he retained uninterruptedly until the time of his death. In 1921, on the resignation of Sir John Roberts, he was elected Vice-Chancellor, and in 1925, on the death of the Rev. Dr. Cameron, he became Chancellor. During this long period of office he gave ungrudgingly of his time and energy to the advancement of the University, which he also enriched by generous benefactions. Sir Thomas won not only the respect but also the abiding affection of his colleagues on the Council, the teaching staff, and the students, and his memory will long be cherished in his old University. In February Mr. J. A. Moore, M.A., B.Sc., who since 1924 had represented the teachers in primary schools, resigned his seat on appointment to the primary inspectorate. Mr. Moore was a useful and conscientious member of the Council, and his resignation was accepted with much regret. The two vacancies on the Council were filled by the election of Mr. J. M. Butler, M.Sc., to represent the Court of Convocation, and of Mr. J. Robertson, 8.A., B.Sc., to represent the teachers in primary schools. Teaching Staff. During the year 1933 the work of the Philosophy Chair was carried on temporarily by the Rev. J. M. Bates, M.A., and applications were invited for the Professorship, duties to commence in 1934. Since this Chair is endowed by the Presbyterian Church, the appointment of a Professor is in the hands of the Otago Presbyterian Church Board of Property. With the concurrence of the Presbyterian Synod of Otago and the University Council, and after full consultation with representatives of these two bodies, the Board appointed to the position Mr. J. N. Findlay, M.A. (Oxon), Ph.D. (Graz), lecturer in the University of Pretoria. Two professors were granted leave of absence for the year 1934 : Dr. Benson, Professor of Geology, who desired to undertake a year's research work in London ; and Dr. Fisher, Professor of Economics, who was offered the position of Economic Adviser for one year to the Bank of New South Wales. Dr. Benson's department is entrusted to the Lecturer in Geology (Dr. Turner) and Dr. Fisher's work has been undertaken by Mr. S. F. Limbrick, M.A., who was previously attached to the University of Tasmania. . . . Logan Park.—l am pleased to record that the protracted negotiations with the City Corporation regarding the lease of a sports-ground for the University on Logan Park have at length been brought to a satisfactory conclusion, and that a lease for a period of ninety-nine years with the right of renewal for a further period of ninety-nine years has been secured over an area of 7-9 acres. The Council deeply appreciates the generous manner in which the University has been treated in this matter by the Dunedin City Corporation and the Otago Harbour Board. Maternity Hospital—Two years ago the Chancellor's report mentioned that, owing to the magnificent response of the women of New Zealand to an appeal from the Obstetrical Society, a gift of £25,000 had been made to the University to permit of the appointment of a full-time Professor of Obstetrics. The Professor who was appointed, Dr. Dawson, very soon reported that his work in training medical students in this important branch of the curriculum was very severely handicapped by inadequate hospital facilities. The Otago Hospital Board is now negotiating with the Minister of Health regarding the erection of a new maternity hospital, and 1 hope to be able to record in my next report that this very necessary adjunct to our Medical School is in course of construction. Number of Medical Students.—The new medical buildings, which were completed in 1926, were designed with a view to coping with the numbers of students offering for many years to come, and they are well able to accommodate more students than are required for recruiting the ranks of the medical profession in New Zealand. For some few years past, however, there has been a progressive increase in the number of students offering, until it has become greater than the buildings can accommodate. It has therefore become necessary to impose some restriction, and the University of New Zealand has agreed that a selection may be made on the results of the Intermediate Examination. The exact details of the manner in which the selection is to be made have still to be worked out.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED -31st DECEMBER, 19-33. ARTS AND GENERAL ACCOUNT. Statement or Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ S- d. Government grants— £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1933 .. .. .. 2,560 8 6 Under New Zealand University Salaries (including superannuation contributions Amendment Act, 1928 .. t ,211 5 0 and unemployment-tax)— £ s . d. On account of national endowment 1,267 3 4 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 16,846 15 3 On account of Sir George Grey Cleaning and caretaking. . . . 840 12 3 Scholarship .. .. •• 50 0 0 Office .. .. .. 1,291 22 • 5,528 8 4 Library .. . . .. 364 5 0 University of New Zealand —On ac- 19,342 14 8 count of national endowment .. .. 332 19 8 Printing, advertising, and stationery . . .. 47] 2 8 Donations — Telephones, postages, &c. .. .. .. 131 ig 9 Presbyterian Church Board .. 2,200 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 112 11 9 Trustees Executors Co., Ltd., on Water .. .. ~ _ _ _ _ 59 4 6 account of music .. • • 550 0 0 Power .. . . .. . r _ _ 79 17 3 Sundry donations .. • ■ 5 110 Lighting .. .. . , _ _ # g 2,755 11 0 Heating .. .. .. ti _ 503 g g Rent— Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 10 2 0 Pastoral reserves — Material— £ s. d. Arts .. .. 1,824 18 6 Physics .. .. .. 50 19 3 Law .. .. •• 48 II 0 Biology .. .. .. .. 101 14 5 Castle Street .. . . 361 0 0 Chemistry . . .. .. 270 11 0 Professors' houses .. . . 374 8 7 Botany .. .. . . ~ 15 7 Education Board .. • • 0 5 0 Geology .. .. .. , _ 2811 King Street property .. .. 29 18 10 General .. . . . . .. 343 Sundries .. . • • • 23 8 0 430 g 5 2,662 9 11 Equipment and apparatusStudents' fees .. • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 11 >373 8 4 Physics .. .. .. ~ 283 9 6 Chemical analysis fees .. .. •• 1286 Biology .. .. .. .. 20 12 11 Interest on investments .. 1,731 1 8 Chemistry .. .. .. 33 4 1 Calendar sales . . • ■ • ■ • ■ 14 14 0 Botany .. .. .. .. 54 15 10 Sale of notes, &c. . . .. • • ■ • 16 10 0 Geology .. .. .. .. 21 10 8 Sundry receipts .. . . ■ • ■ ■ 155 14 10 Psychology .. .. .. 168 12 9 Transfer from Beverley Trust Account —Salaries .. 729 0 0 General . . .. ~ ~ 96 0 Students' Association Account —Salary .. . . 28 0 6 ggj g Transfer from Hocken Library Account —Salary .. 85 10 0 Office equipment . . .. .. _ 30 7 0 Sundry accounts for administration .. ■■ 613 0 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. 56 7 6 Transfer from Museum Account to adjust Mr. Library .. .. . . ~ _ _ gjy 17 g Skinner's salary .. ■. • • • • 24 19 6 Repairs and maintenance of building .. ~ 595 8 4 Transfer from Popular Lectures Account for library 15 0 0 Cleaning materials and expenses .. .. 38 2 4 Transfer from Hocken Bequest Account .. . . 119 I 5 Fees paid to professors and lecturers and Students' Transfer from Logan Park Account for interest .. 106 22 Association.. .. .. ggg 2 4 Studholme House Account—Payment on account of Interest on University debentures .. .. 3go 0 0 overdraft and administration, 1932 .. .. 115 11 6 Fees refunded to students .. .. .. 84 10 0 Transfer from sundry accounts .. .. •• 2,395 1 9 Miscellaneous expenses— £ d. Audit .. .. .. .. 89 2 0 Law-costs .. ~ 22 1 4 Architects' fees .. .. .. 16 13 0 Eates • • ■ • .. .. 43 11 10 Other expenses .. .. .. 340 17 2 Bank of New Zealand commissions and bank charge 38 16 4 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. , 50 0 0 Brokerage and premium, &c., on debentures .. 42 1 11 Insurance Account—Studholme House .. .. 17 5 BaJance .. .. .. .. 1,339 11 6 £28,814 13 1 £28,814 13 1



ARTS AND GENERAL ACCOUNT —continued. Statement of Income and Expenditube. Expenditure. Income, £ s. d. Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1933 .. .. .. 603 8 7 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 16,846 15 3 Government grants — Cleaning and caretaking .. 840 12 3 Under New Zealand University £ s. d. Office .. .. .. 1,291 22 Amendment Act, 1928 (statutory) 4,211 5 0 Library .. .. .. 364 5 0 On account of national endowment ■ 19,342 14 8 under New Zealand University Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 471 2 8 Amendment Act, 1928.. .. 1,267 3 4 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. .. 131 15 9 On account of Sir George Grey Insurance .. .. .. • • • • 112 -11 9 scholar .. .. .. 50 0 0 Water .. .. .. .. 59 4 6 5,528 8 4 Power .. .. .. .. • • 79 17 3 University of New Zealand grant for Lighting .. .. .. .. ■ • 176 14 6 salary and library .. . . .. 332 19 8 Heating .. .. .. . • • • 503 8 8 Donations — Presbyterian Church Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 10 2 0 Board .. .. .. 2,200 0 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 595 8 4 Sundries.. .. .. . ■ 511 0 Cleaning materials and expenses .. .. 38 2 4 2,~00 11 0 Miscellaneous expenses.. .. .. .. 512 5 4 Rent of reserves — Bank of New Zealand, for commission .. . . 38 16 4 Allocation on account of Fees to professors, lecturers, and Students' Asso- Arts and science .. .. 1,824 18 6 ciation .. .. .. • • • • 588 2 4 Law .. .. • • 48 11 0 Interest on University debentures .. . • 350 0 0 Castle Street .. .. .. 444 10 0 Refund students' fees .. .. . • ■ • 15 15 0 Education Board .. .. 0 5 0 Payment to Sir George Grey scholar ~ .. 50 0 0 Professors' houses .. .. 352 8 6 Payment of brokerage .. .. .. •• 7 20 King Street property .. .. 33 16 8 Payment of insurance and premium on debentures .. 34 19 11 Sundries .. .. .. 23 8 0 Material— £ s. d. 2,727 17 8 Chemistry .. .. .. 270 11 0 Students'fees. . .. .. .. •• 11,314 12 10 Physics .. .. .. .. 50 19 3 Calendar sales .. .. .. .. 14 14 0 Biology .. .. .. • • 101 14 5 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. .. 16 10 0 Botany .. .. .. .. 15 7 Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,746 8 4 Geology .. .. .. •• 28 11 Sundry receipts .. .. .. •• 155 14 10 General .. . . .. .. 3 4 3 Rent allowance and salary allowance from Students' .— 430 3 5 Association. . .. .. .. ■. 28 0 6 Sundry transfers to capital—Appropria- Chemical analysis fees payable to professor .. 22 0 tion for equipment— Chemical analysis fees receivable .. .. 10 6 6 Chemistry .. .. . . 33 4 1 Logan Park —Interest on loan . . .. .. 106 22 Physics .. .. .. .. 283 9 6 Hocken Bequest income allocation .. .. 48 18 9 Biology .. .. .. .. 20 12 11 Popular Lectures Account for library .. .. 15 0 0 Botany .. .. .. .. 54 15 10 Grant from — Geology .. .. .. .. 21 10 8 Beverley Account for salaries .. .. 729 0 0 Psychology .. .. .. 168 12 9 Trustees Co. for salary .. .. .. 558 6 8 General .. .. .. .. 9 6 0 Hocken Library for salary .. .. .. 85 10 0 591 11 9 Hocken Bequest Income Account for salary of Appropriation for— Ethnology Lecturer .. .. . • 70 2 8 Office equipment .. .. .. .. 30 7 0 Transfer from Museum Account, being adjustment of Library . . .. .. .. ■ ■ 617 17 8 Mr. Skinner's salary .. . . .. .. 24 19 6 Furniture .. .. .. .. •• 56 7 6 Transfer from Capital Account, fire loss .. .. 18 0 0 Balance .. .. .. . • 2,186 3 4 Transfer from sundry accounts for administration .. 688 0 0 £27,030 14 0 £27,030 14 0



ARTS AND GENERAL ACCOUNT —continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1933. Liabilities. Assets. Capital Account —• £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amount at 31st December, 1932 784,347 12 6 Endowment lands .. .. .. 139,064 0 0 Less total donations and sub- University-site .. .. .. 29,096 4 7 sidies in Capital Account to University buildings .. .. .. 340,267 5 2 31st December, 1932 .. 186,431 6 7 Equipment— 597,916 511 Arts and general .. .. 8,094 13 2 Total donations in Capital Ac- Medical .. .. .. 12.199 4 3 count to 31st December, 1932 117,779 9 5 Dental home - science, mining, Donations received in 1933 .. 11,381 4 3 museum (including exhibits), 129,160 13 8 home science extension .. 55,674 17 6 Total subsidies in Capital Account 75,968 14 11 to 31st December, 1932 .. .. 68,651 17 2 Office equipment .. .. .. 397 7 1 Accretion on sale of debentures Furniture .. .. .. .. 7,455 0 0 and conversion of inscribed Library (including Hocken) .. .. 22,682 9 0 stock .. .. •• 2,474 16 8 Laboratory material .. .. .. 3,627 9 0 Transfer from Income and Ex- Investments — penditure Accounts — Debentures and inscribed stock 186,192 11 2 Mary Glendining .. . . 100 0 0 Company shares .. .. 2,500 0 0 Donald Reid .. .. 519 13 11 Deposits, Dunedin Savings-bank 591 6 4 Sir John Roberts .. .. 10 0 0 189,283 17 6 Dean's Eund (Medical Faculty) 16 19 7 Debtors — Ralph Barnett .. .. 68 11 3 Assay fees due .. .. 42 6 1 715 4 9 Chemical analysis fees due .. 5 5 0 Dental fees due .. • • 15 4 0 798,918 18 2 Bacteriology fees due .. .. 247 16 1 Appropriation from sundry in- Pathology fees due .. .. 133 13 1 come accounts for purchase of Public Health fees due . . 27 2 0 equipment, books, furniture, Hocken Library Account . . 362 2 7 & Cp ~ .. .. 3,667 19 7 Interest accrued .. .. 2,706 7 6 Students' Association Account — 802,586 17 9 Logan Park .. .. 894 7 8 L ess Home economics extension grant Depreciation written off .. 1,667 19 7 due .. .. .. 500 0 0 t nvA t n Fire losses transferred to in- " 4,934 4 0 come accounts .. 25 8 6 Rents due — 1,693 8 1 Otago runs .. .. .. 4,214 0 2 Southland runs .. .. 1,017 3 11 800,893 9 8 Castle Street reserves .. 186 10 0 Professors' houses .. .. 56 7 9 Income and Expenditure Accounts King Street property .. .. 9 15 1 —Credit balance of accounts — 5,483 16 11 Arts and General Account .. 2,186 3 4 Students'fees due .. .. .. 204 12 0 Chemistry Apparatus Fund .. 52 13 0 Cash at bank .. .. .. •• 5,471 J 3 Home Science School .. 2,916 15 10 Home Economics Extension .. 936 6 7 Moritzson Gift .. ■. 166 19 5 Ethnology Gift Account .. 86 7 7 Dr. Barnett's Gift . . .. 522 2 3 Sir John Robert's Gift . . 707 6 0 Dental Students' Library .. 87 13 0 Parker Grave .. •. 1 11 3 Honorary Medical Staff .. 129 4 0 Medical School Hostel Account.. 3 6 2 Home Economics Extension Endowment Account .. .. 77 3 2 Janet Ferguson Account .. 7 19 4 Medical School .. ■■ 4,113 14 3 11,995 5 2 Less Income and Expenditure Accounts —Debit balances — Dental School .. . ■ 836 15 1 Mining School . . .. 2,573 5 3 Museum .. • • 184 2 1 3,594 2 5 8,401 2 9 Sundry creditors — Assay fees due to lecturer .. 4 6 9 Chemical analysis fee due to pro- J fessor .. • • • • 0 0 6 Trustees Co. Account debentures 7,000 0 0 Fees due to professors and lecturers .. . • • • 126 8 11 Otago Hospital Board —Salaries due to Board .. . • 405 18 0 Students' fees due to be refunded 6 2 0 Trustees Executors Co.—Amount of salary of Lecturer in Music paid in advance .. .. 91 13 4 7,634 9 6 Balance of special accounts — Cameron Memorial Fund .. 431 5 11 Chamber of Commerce . . 5 14 7 Hocken Library Books Committee 137 2 0 Medical School, special library . . 526 2 7 Popular lectures . . .. 35 6 2 Cancer research . . .. 427 0 7 Physiology research .. 12 10 9 Reserve for bad and doubtful debts .. 5,408 10 4 Studholme House Account .. 23 12 7 7,007 5 6 £823,936 7 5 £823,936 7 5


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ARTS AND GENERAL SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1933 — £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1933 —Debentures .. 41,920 8 9 Debentures .. .. .. 38,949 710 Cash .. .. .. .. 73 19 3 — 39,023 7 1 Donation —Sir John Ross (bequest) .. .. 100 0 0 Profit on sale, conversion, and maturity of debentures and inscribed stock .. .. .. 1,223 0 11 Portion of proceeds, sale of Forest Hill .. .. 770 0 0 Balance, cash overinvested .. .. .. 804 0 9 £41,920 8 9 £41,920 8 9 DENTAL SCHOOL. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Government grants under New Zealand University Balance on Ist January, 1933 .. .. .. 409 9 1 Amendment Act, 1928 .. .. 1,215 0 0 Salaries (including superannuation contributions and Rent from reserves .. .. .. .. 425 9 5 unemployment-tax)— £ s. d. Students'fees.. .. .. .. .. 1,944 0 1 Professors and lecturers .. 3,374 8 7 Dental patients'fees .. .. .. .. 1,712 13 2 Cleaning and caretaking.. .. 357 12 5 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. .. 900 0 0 Office.. .. .. .. 340 13 0 Interest on investments .. .. .. 8 13 1 4,072 14 0 Sale of instruments and notes . . .. .. 7 2 4 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 55 13 0 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 0 15 0 Telephones, postages, &c. .. .. .. 25 15 4 Transfer from Sidey Account .. .. .. 92 16 8 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 54 7 4 Interest on Hocken Bequest .. .. .. 18 011 Water .. .. .. .. .. 99 13 6 Interest from Logan Park Account .. .. 19 10 8 Power . . .. .. .. .. 66 10 10 Balance on 31st December, 1933 .. .. 857 4 0 Lighting . . .. .. .. .. 18 1 5 Heating .. .. .. .. .. 279 5 3 Material .. .. .. .. .. 1,338 19 2 Equipment .. .. .. .. .. 32 10 3 Library .. .. .. .. .. 7110 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 103 211 Cleaning materials and expenses, including laundry.. 197 12 3 Miscellaneous payments .. .. .. 68 14 7 Fees paid to lecturers and Students' Association .. 104 8 11 ■ Fees refunded to students .. .. .. 9 19 6 Brokerage on debentures .. .. .. 0 17 6 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. .. .. 11l 0 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account .. .. 144 19 6 £7,201 5 4 £7,201 5 4 Statement op Income and Expendituke. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 530 13 2 Government grants under New Zealand University Salaries. £s. d. Amendment Act, 1928 .. .. .. 1,215 0 0 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 3,374 8 7 Interest on investments .. .. .. 103 15 9 Cleaning and caretaking.. .. 357 12 5 Rent from reserves .. .. .. .. 425 9 5 Office.. .. .. .. 340 13 0 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 1,929 3 7 4,072 14 0 Grant from Otago Hospital Board .. .. 900 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 55 13 0 Fees of dental patients.. .. .. .. 1,704 9 2 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. .. 25 15 4 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. .. 7 2 4 Insurance .. .. . • ■ ■ • ■ 54 7 4 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 0 15 0 Water .. .. .. •• •• 99 13 6 Hocken Bequest income allocation .. .. 18 0 11 Power . . .. .. ■ • • • 66 10 10 Logan Park —-Interest on loan .. .. .. 19 10 8 Lighting .. .. .. .. •• 1815 Transfer from Capital Account —Fire loss .. 7 8 6 Heating .. .. • ■ .. • • 279 5 3 Balance .. .. ■. .. .. 836 15 1 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 103 211 Cleaning materials and expenses, and laundrywork.. 197 12 3 Miscellaneous payments .. .. .. 68 14 7 Fees paid to professors, lecturers, and Students' Association.. .. .. .. ■■ 104 8 11 Payment of brokerage .. .. .. .. 0176 Material 1,338 19 2 Sundry transfers to capital — Appropriation for equipment .. .. .. 32 10 3 Appropriation for library .. .. .. 7 11 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration _U1 o_o _____ £7,167 10 5 £7,167 10 5



DENTAL SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1933 —Debentures .. .. 165 4 7 Balance on 31st December, 1933 Debentures .. 346 17 4 Portion of proceeds from sale of Forest Hill.. .. 175 0 0 Profit on conversion of inscribed stock .. .. 6 12 9 £346 17 4 £346 17 4 HOME-SCIENCE SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1933 .. .. .. 2,663 11 1 Salaries (including superannuation £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grants — contributions and unemployment - Under New Zealand University £ s. d. tax)- — Amendment Act, 1928 .. 2,254 10 0 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 2,735 4 6 For bursaries .. .. .. 598 16 0 Cleaning .. .. .. 153 0 9 2,853 6 0 Office .. .. .. 265 8 8 Donations .. ... .. •• •• 10 0 0 3, 153 13 11 Students' fees .. .. .. •• 2,116 II 3 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 97 1» 3 Interest on investments .. .. .. 27 7 7 Telephones, postages, &c. .. .. .. 21 18 2 Income from Hocken Bequest .. .. .. 14 15 11 Insurance .. .. .. .. •• ® f „ Interest from Logan Park .. .. .. 16 0 3 Water .. .. .. .. • • 6 1 6 Sundry receipts .. .. •• •• 97 2 9 Power .. .. .. .. .. bd b 0 Transfer from Studholme House Account —Salaries Lighting .. .. .. .. •. So on and insurance .. .. . • • • 438 I 4 Heating .. .. .. .. .. ,? 2 Equipment .. .. .. .. .. 125 7 6 Material .. .. .. .. .. 350 5 3 Library .. .. .. .. .. 51 6 1 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 106 110 Cleaning materials and expenses .. .. 4 7 10 Bursary allowance paid out .. .. .. 598 16 0 Fees paid to professors, lecturers, and Students' Association.. .. .. .. .. 221 0 10 Fees refunded to students .. .. .. 52 18 9 Miscellaneous expenses.. .. .. .. 36 6 5 Fees Account —Special lectures .. .. .. 22 1 0 Office equipment .. .. .. .. 17 0 0 Furnace .. .. .. .. .. 93 0 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administion .. .. .. .. .. 91 0 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account .. .. 12 7 4 Balance .. .. .. .. ..2,995 114 £8,236 16 2 £8,236 16 2 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. Salaries £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 2,640 511 Professor, lecturers, &c. .. 2,735 4 6 Government grantsCleaning . • • • 153 0 9 Under New Zealand University £ s. d. Office .. 265 8 8 Amendment Act, 1928 .. 2,254 10 0 3,153 13 11 On account home-science bursaries 598 16 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 97 18 3 _ n n Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. .. 21 18 2 Donations .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Insurance .. .. •• •• •• 949 Interest on investments .. .. .. 25 15 7 \y a t e r ~ .. .. .. 616 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 2,004 14 6 Power .. • • • ■ • • • ■ 63 6 0 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 97 2 9 Lighting .. .. •• •• 23 15 5 Hocken Bequest income allocation .. .. 14 15 II Heating .. • • • • • • 83 8 0 Logan Park —Interest on loan .. .. .. 16 0 3 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 106 110 Transfer from Studholme House for salaries .. 438 1 4 Miscellaneous expenses. . .. .. •• 14 3 Bursaries paid to students .. .. • • 598 16 0 Fees to professors, lecturers, and Students' Association .. 150 9 6 Material .. • • • ■ • • ■ • 350 5 3 Sundry transfers to capital— Appropriation for — Equipment .. .. • • • • 125 7 6 Library .. .. •• • • • • 51 6 1 Buildings .. • • • • • • 93 0 0 Office equipment .. .. • ■ • • 17 0 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. • ■ •• ■ ■ • • 91 0 0 Transfer to Studholme House for salaries.. .. 100 0 0 Balance .. .. •• •• •• 2,916 15 10 £8,100 2 3 £8,100 2 3


E,— 7

HOME-SCIENCE SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1933 — Balance on 31st December, 1933— £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. 471 4 7 Debentures .. .. .. 475 6 7 Cash .. .. .. .. 1 10 6 Cash .. .. .. .. 1 10 6 — 472 15 1 — 476 17 1 Profit on conversion of inscribed stock .. .. 4 2 0 £476 17 1 £476 17 1 MEDICAL SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1933 .. .. .. 4,055 19 9 Salaries (including superannuation Government grants —Under New Zealand University . contributions and unemploymentAmendment Act, 1928 .. .. .. 3,865 15 0 tax) — £ s. d. £ s. d. Rents £ s. d. Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 12,356 16 11 Pastoral reserves .. .. 1,141 5 9 Cleaning and caretaking .. 647 14 4 Sundries .. .. -. 13 10 0 Office .. .. .. 380 9 0 1,154 15 9 Library .. .. .. 181 0 0 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 10,404 5 9 ——-—— 13,566 0 3 p ees f or Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 150 810 Bacteriological reports .. .. .. 907 12 11 Telephones, postages, &c. .. .. .. 126 810 Pathological reports .. .. .. ■ ■ 499 6 7 Insurance .. .. .. .. 126 2 9 Public health reports . . .. .. 43 1 6 Water .. .. .. ~ .. 106 10 6 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Power .. .. .. .. .. 96 1 10 Sale of notes .. .. .. • • 266 Lighting .. .. .. .. 151 14 10 Sundry receipts .. .. .. •• 115 14 11 Heating.. .. .. .. .. 602 8 4 Interest on investments .. .. .. 176 0 11 Material — Transfers from — Anatomy .. .. .. 266 12 0 Glendining Account .. .. .. .. 677 5 4 Physiology .. .. .. 343 13 11 Barnett Account .. .. .. •• 606 14 7 Bacteriology .. .. .. 318 9 6 Medical School Special Library Account .. 81 3 3 Pathology .. .. .. 435 311 Obstetrics Eund .. . .. .. 1,922 17 7 Pharmacology.. .. .. 19 8 3 Cancer research .. . • . ■ ■ • 40 11 1 General .. .. .. 17 6 Goitre research .. -. •• 99 17 8 " 1,384 15 I Dean's Eund Medical Faculty.. .. .. 37 1 0 EquipmentSir John Roberts .. .. . - • • 66 17 4 Anatomy .. .. .. 72 3 9 Income from Hocken Bequest .. .. .. 54 12 7 Physiology .. .. .. 137 19 0 Interest from Logan Park .. .. .. 59 2 6 Bacteriology .. .. .. 75 14 9 Transfer from Obstetrics Account for jars supplied 810 9 Pathology .. .. .. 56 311 Dean's Fund Medical Faculty for malarial film .. 75 14 6 Pharmacology.. .. .. 30 211 General .. .. .. 199 5 4 571 9 8 Office equipment .. .. .. .. 32 14 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 255 7 3 Library .. .. .. .. .. 531 3 3 Repairs and maintenance .. .. .. 179 10 6 Cleaning material and expenses (including laundry) 60 13 0 Miscellaneous payments .. .. .. 133 13 5 Fees refunded to students .. .. .. 29 12 6 Fees paid to professors, lecturers, and Students' Association .. .. .. 1,088 3 11 Payments to special lecturers .. .. .. 222 11 1 Payment to Hospital Board Account—Salaries for 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 458 13 1 Brokerage on debentures .. .. .. 2 6 11 Insurance on Maheno-Marama Hall .. .. 8 6 9 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. .- .. 336 0 0 Health Department Account—Public health fees .. 16 5 10 Purchase automatic stoker .. .. .. 130 0 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account .. .. 1,377 19 3 Balance on 31st December, 1933 .. .. 4,210 6 1 £25,955 7 9 £25,955 7 9

5 —E. 7.



MEDICAL SCHOOL—continued. Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. Salaries—- £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 12,356 16 11 Balance .. .. .. .. 2,521 19 5 Cleaning and caretaking .. 647 14 4 Government grants—Under Sew Office .. .. .. 380 9 0 Zealand University Amendment Library .. .. .. 181 0 0 Act, 1928 .. .. .. .. 3,865 15 0 13,566 0 3 Rent — Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 150 810 From reserves .. .. 1,141 5 9 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. .. 126 810 Sundries .. .. .. 13 10 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 134 9 6 1,154 15 9 Water .. .. .. .. .. 106 10 6 Fees for— Power . . .. .. .. .. 96 1. 10 Bacteriology .. .. .. .. 872 9 5 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 151 14 10 Pathology .. .. .. .. 468 16 0 Heating .. .. .. .. .. 602 8 4 Public Health .. .. .. 33 12 2 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 179 10 6 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. 1,000 0 0 Cleaning materials and expenses, and laundry work 60 13 0 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. 2 6 6 Miscellaneous payments .. .. .. 133 13 5 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 115 14 11 Fees to professors, lecturers, and Students' Associa- Students' fees .. .. .. .. 10,414 0 6 tion .. .. .. .. .. 1,049 13 5 Hocken Bequest income allocation .. 54 12 7 Special payment to lecturers .. .. . . 222 11 1 Logan Park—lnterest on loan .. .. 59 2 6 Material— £ s. d. Interest from— Anatomy .. .. .. 266 12 0 Medical School Investment AcBacteriology.. .. .. 318 9 6 count .. .. .. 163 14 11 Pathology .. .. .. 435 3 11 Mary Glendining Income Account 677 5 4 Physiology .. .. .. 343 13 11 Ralph Barnett Income Account .. 606 14 7 Pharmacology .. .. 19 8 3 1,447 14 10 Medical, general .. .. 17 6 Transfer from sundry accounts for 1,384 15 1 salaries — Hospital Board—Salaries of resident medical and Obstetrics Fund .. .. 1,922 17 7 surgical officers .. .. .. . . 405 18 0 Cancer Research .. . . 40 11 1 Payment for brokerage .. .. .. 2 6 11 Goitre Research .. .. 99 17 8 Sundry transfers to capital—Ap- Dean's Fund, Medical Faculty .. 37 1 0 priation for equipment— £ s. d. Sir John Robert's Account .. 66 17 4 Anatomy .. .. .. 72 3 9 2,167 4 8 Bacteriology .. .. 75 14 9 Transfer from Medical Library Pathology .. .. .. 56 311 Special Account .. .. .. 81 3 3 Physiology .. .. .. 137 19 0 Transfer from Dean's Fund — threePharmacology .. .. 30 211 fifths cost of film on malaria .. .. 75 14 6 Medical, general .. .. 199 5 4 Transfer from Obstetrics Account— 571 9 8 Cost of museum jars .. .. .. 8 10 9 Appropriation for— Library .. .. .. . . ~ 531 3 3 Furniture . . .. .. .. .. 255 7 3 Office equipment . . .. .. .. 32 14 0 Buildings .. . . .. .. .. 130 0 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. .. .. 336 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 4,113 14 3 £24,343 12 9 £24,343 12 9 MEDICAL SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Keceipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1933 —Debentures .. 3,005 4 0 Balance on 31st December, 1933 —Debentures .. 3,505 18 0 Portion of proceeds of sale of Forest Hill endowment 469 0 0 Profit on sale and conversion of debentures and inscribed stock .. .. .. .. 31 14 0 £3,505 18 0 £3,505 18 0



MINING SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grants — £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1933 .. .. 2,736 12 2 Under New Zealand University Salaries (including superannuation Amendment Act, 1928 .. .. 446 10 0 contributions and unemployment - Mines Department .. .. 607 10 0 tax) — — 1,054 0 0 i Professor, lecturers, &c. .. 1,105 5 8 Rent from reserves .. .. .. •. 209 12 4 Cleaning and care taking .. 38 6 3 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 325 5 0 1,143 11 11 Interest on investments .. .. .. 47 9 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 37 1 10 Assay fees .. .. .. .. .. 299 11 10 Telephones, postages, &c. .. .. .. 12 7 7 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 18 3 3 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 919 5 Income from Hocken Bequest .. .. .. 5 13 10 Water .. .. .. .. .. 5 9 0 Interest from Logan Park .. .. .. 6 3 2 Power .. . „ .. . . .. 16 15 6 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 2,637 17 0 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 768 Heating .. .. .. . . .. 59 5 8 | Material .. .. .. ~ . . 148 13 2 j Equipment .. .. .. .. .. 516 9 Library .. .. .. . . .. 23 2 11 Repairs and maintenance of buildings . . .. 42 8 7 Cleaning materials and expenses .. . . 4 16 1 Miscellaneous payments .. . . .. 13 17 7 Assay fees paid to lecturers .. . . .. 195 3 2 Fees paid to lecturers and Students' Association .. 55 7 4 Brokerage on debentures .. .. .. 0 8 7 i Refund to student .. .. . . .. 4 16 I Transfers to— i Arts and General Account for administration .. 35 0 0 | Arts and General Account .. .. .. 45 10 0 Chemistry Apparatus Fund .. . . . . 10 0 £4,603 15 5 £4,603 15 5 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grants—■ £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. 2,740 6 2 Under New Zealand University Salaries — Amendment Act, 1928 .. .. 446 10 0 Professor, lecturers, &c. .. 1,105 5 8 Mines Department .. .. 607 10 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 38 6 3 1,054 0 0 1,143 11 11 Rent—Reserves .. .. .. .. 209 12 4 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 37 1 10 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 334 6 6 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. .. 12 7 7 Interest on investments . . . . . . 47 6 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. . ■ 919 5 Assay fees .. .. .. . . . . 113 4 5 Water .. .. .. .. ... . 590 Sundry receipts .. .. .. . . 18 3 3 Power .. .. .. • • • • 16 15 6 Hocken Bequest income allocation .. .. 5 13 10 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 768 Logan Park—lnterest on loan .. . . .. 6 3 2 Heating .. .. .. 59 5 8 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 2,573 5 3 Repairs and maintenance of buildings . . . . 42 8 7 Cleaning materials and expenses .. .. 4 16 1 Miscellaneous payments .. . . .. 13 17 7 Fees to lecturers and Students' Association .. 55 7 4 Material .. .. • ■ • • • ■ 148 13 2 Payment of brokerage .. .. .. .. 0 8 7 Sundry transfers to capital—Appropriation for — Equipment ........ 5 16 9 Library .. .. .. . ■ .. 23 211 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. .. .. 35 0 0 £4,361 14 9 £4,361 14 9 MINING SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1933 —Debentures .. 1,012 11 9 Balance on 31st December, 1933 —Debentures .. 1,099 18 11 Portion of proceeds of sale of Forest Hill .. 86 0 0 Profit on conversion of inscribed stock .. .. 17 2 £1,099 18 11 , £1,099 18 11 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1933 .. .. .. 115 6 8 Salaries (including superannuation deductions and unInterest on investments .. .. .. .. 11 10 4 employment-tax) .. .. .. .. 394 1 0' Grant from University of New Zealand .. .. 300 0 0 Expenses .. .. .. .. 60 1 8 Balance on 31st December, 1933 .. .. .. 27 5 8 £454 2 8 £454 2 8 Investment Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1933 —Debentures.. .. 254 7 10 Balance on 31st December, 1933 —-Debentures .. 312 0 8 Profit on sale of Otago Harbour Board debentures .. 57 12 10 £312 0 8 £312 0 8


E. —7

WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOClATlON—continued. Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries • - • • • • • • *®94 1 0 Balance on Ist January, 1933 .. .. . • 115 6 8 TVn-rollino- PTrnpnspH .. • • 60 1 8 Interest on investments .. .. .. .. 912 7 l raveiii ng - expenses .. University of New Zealand—National - endowment grant .. .. .. .. •• 300 0 0 Balance on 31st December, 1933 .. .. .. 29 3 5 £454 2 8 £454 2 8 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1933. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. -rnnital .. - - • • 312 0 8 Debentures .. .. .. .. • • 312 0 8 Cash in debit '' 32 19 0 Interest accrued 15 7 Balance of income .. .. .. ■ • 2W A o £344 19 8 £344 19 8 HOME ECONOMICS EXTENSION. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1933 713 13 2 Salaries (including superannuation conDonations— £ s - d - tributions and unemploymentCarnegie Corporation (per Sir tax)— £ s_ d. James Allen) .. -• 1,000 0 0 Lecturers 845 17 11 Home Economics Association .. oO 0 0 Office .. .. .. .. 61 Sundry donations .. •• 1 18 6 _ J — — 1.051 18 6 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. o2 i 8 Sale of pamphlets, fees for radio talks, and sundries .. 97 12 2 Telephones, postages, &c 45 13 11 Transfer from Home Economics Extension Endow- Insurance . . .. .. 5 7 0 mentFund -• 18 II 6 Personal travelling-expenses 18 1 11 Expenses ol running car . . .. . ■ »-2 u » Furniture .. .. .. .. • • 15 15 0 Library .. .. .. •• 10 12 9 Equipment .. .. .. •. ■ • 132 1 0 Material .. .. . ■ ■ - • • 26 0 0 Miscellaneous expenses.. .. .. .. 47 7 11 Lighting .. •• •• 365 Heating .. .. .. .. • • 39 10 8 Rent Account, 1932 .. .. .. • ■ 26 10 2 Wages (cleaner) .. .. ■. .. 12 9 9 Balance on 31st December, 1933 .. .. 436 6 7 £1,881 15 4 £1,881 15 4 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Salaries £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. • • • • 732 4 8 Lecturers 845 17 11 Donations 1,551 18 6 Office • • • • 61 15 0 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 97 12 2 907 12 11 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 62 1 8 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. ■ ■ 45 13 11 Insurance .. J> 7 0 Heat „ 2 * Light .. •• -• is 1 11 Travelling-expenses .. • • • • • • j " Car expenses .. -• •• *" ® Miscellaneous payments ■. • • • • 47 I 11 Material .. ■ • • • - • ■ ■ To i! o Wages , Rent .. •• •• •• Sundry transfers to capital—Appropriations for— Equipment 1 0 Furniture .. • • • - - • - • J a To o Library ™ 9 Balance .. •• •• •• b __ 7 £2,381 15 4 £2,381 15 4 HOME ECONOMICS INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1933- £ s. d. Transfer to Home Economics Extension Account .. 18 11 6 Debentures . .. •• 1,007 0 0 Brokerage on debentures .. .. .. 315 0 p , _ 28 11 4 Balance on 31st December, 1933 —• £ s. d. — 1,035 11 4 Debentures .. .. .. 1,769 0 2 Donation from Carnegie Corporation (per Sir James „„ „ „ Cash • •• " ' - 24 47 7 „ no , n Allen) .. ,o a o Profit on conversion of inscribed stock .. .. J - 0 2 Interest 47 19 9 £1,815 11 3 £1,815 11 3

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (800 copies), £47.

Bv Authority: G. H. Losey, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 934. Price Is.]


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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1933.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1934 Session I, E-07

Word Count

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1933.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1934 Session I, E-07

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1933.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1934 Session I, E-07

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