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Laid before Parliament pursuant to Section 21 of the Government Railways Amendment Act, 1931,

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS BOARD. The Right Hon. the Minister of Railways. New Zealand Government Railways, g IR _ Wellington, 27th July, 1934. Pursuant to the provision of section 21 of the Government Railways Amendment Act, 1931, the Government Railways Board transmits herewith the accounts of the Working Railways Department for the financial year ended 31st March, 1934, and, in doing so, desires to submit the following report on the working of the Department for the year : — For the first year since 1929 an increase in gross revenue has been recorded in comparison with the previous year. The total revenue actually exceeded the estimate made in the Board's previous report by £453,911. . , The revenue for the year was £6,332,711, as compared with £6,034,403 m the previous year, an increase of £298,308 (4-94 per cent.). The expenditure increased from £5,183,859 last year to £5,247,153 this year, an increase of £63,294 (1-22 per cent.). The net revenue was £1,085,558, as compared with £850,544 for the previous year, an increase of £235,014. The net revenue has increased progressively over the last three years to an aggregate extent of £396,831, equal to 57-62 per cent., but whereas in the two previous years the improvement in the net revenue was secured solely by reductions in expenditure, this year it is the result of increased revenue. The Board regards this as a satisfactory feature of the year's operations. Further comments on the finances of the Department will be made later in this report under appropriate headings. CO-ORDINATION OF RAIL AND ROAD TRANSPORT. Passenger-services. The Transport Licensing Act, 19-31, is now in its third year of operation, for licensing purposes, with respect to road passenger-services. As mentioned in the last report of the Board the licensing for the first year (1932-1933) was largely an automatic process. In the second licensing year (1933-1934) licensees desiring renewals of their licenses were required by the Act to show sufficient justification for the continued running of their services. Some measure of stabilization in the industry was achieved daring the second year, but the degree of regulation varied according to the particular ideas on the subject of transport held by the various Licensing Authorities. Following the procedure mentioned in its last report, the Board continued the' policy of being represented at the public hearings of the Licensing Authorities in order that full information regarding railway and co-ordinated services might be placed before the Authorities to enable them to give proper consideration to the matters which the Act provides that they should take into account. The Act makes express provision for the submission of evidence and representations by the Government Railways Board and local bodies, and also gives to the Board a right of appeal against the decisions of the Licensing Authorities. The Board found it necessary m the public interest to appeal against a number of the decisions given. In these cases the Board was definitely of opinion that the decisions of the Licensing Authorities were opposed to the best interests

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of the Dominion and the Board was seeking to assist in the formulation of principles for application to given classes of cases. The licensing of passenger-services for the third year (1934-1935) has now been completed in the North Island, and will shortly be completed in the South Island. With the progress of the work of the Licensing Authorities the Board is able more definitely to know its position with respect to road competition for. passenger traffic and, having regard to the decisions of the Licensing Authorities and the Transport Appeal and Co-ordination Boards, may require to adjust its business in such manner as may be deemed advisable in the public interest. Recently the Board decided to purchase the passenger-service business that was being carried on between Wanganui and Wellington by S.O.S. Motors, Ltd. The granting of the license to the vendor company has, however, been challenged, and the completion of the purchase and the transfer of the license has, therefore, been held in suspense pending the result of the litigation. The Board believes that in co-ordination with the railway services it will be able to.provide upon a sound economic basis an efficient service of high standard. The policy of the Board in connection with the operation by it of road services is founded on what it conceives, after a careful examination of all the facts in each case, to be the best thing to be done in the general interest. The Board has not in contemplation any plan of extensive road operations. When it appears that the public interest will be best conserved by the Board, undertaking road services in conjunction with its railway operations, the Board feels that there is no inherent reason why it should not do so. In New Zealand there is ample precedent for the Railway Department operating road services. Hitherto its activities have been confined more particularly to bus operations and to operations in connection with the collection and delivery of goods and parcels traffic. The difference is, however, more one of degree than kind, and with changing conditions fresh methods are required, and fields of action may require to be extended. The Board believes that the Railways Department is capable of affording a service that will be of an entirely satisfactory nature so far as the various districts served by its road service are concerned, and its operation of the road services which it has undertaken will enable it to bring about a co-ordination between those services and the railways which will be more effective and achieved with less friction than could have been the case with separate ownership of the railway and road services. Another co-ordination measure put into effect by the Board during the year was the institution of an omnibus service in the South Island, between Edievale and Waipahi, in place of the passengerservice given on the Tapanui Branch by mixed trains. As a result, it has been possible to effect considerable economies in working rail traffic on the line, while the omnibus service is already almost self-supporting. This omnibus service makes connections with the express trains operating between Dunedin and Invercargill, and provides a better service for passengers, mails, and parcels than was possible by the former mixed train service. Goods-services. As in the case of the licensing of passenger-services, provision was made by the Transport Goods Order, 1933-34 (by which the Transport Licensing Act, 1931, was applied to goods-services), for the granting of licenses automatically to operators who were carrying on the services in respect of which they sought licenses at the passing of the Act (11th November, 1931), and the majority of the licenses granted during the first licensing year (1933-1934) were of the automatic class. Officers of the Railways Department represented the Board at the public sittings of the various Licensing Authorities when applications for goods-service licenses were being considered and gave evidence regarding the services provided by the railways and co-ordinated carriers for the carriage of goods and live-stock and the charges made for the carriage thereof. Applications for the renewal of licenses granted last year are now being heard by the Licensing Authorities, and the Board is opposing the running of long-distance goods-services which it believes to be operating in wasteful competition with the railways. The railways are faced with intensive competition for general merchandise—the more payable traffic—in every part of the Dominion. The" effect of this competition upon the financial position is such that unless the position is rectified through the operation of the Transport Licensing Act the Board will be compelled to consider making some radical changes in its rating system in districts most seriously affected. The significance of this fact is a matter that the Board desires to emphasize. The Board has stressed on previous occasions, particularly in connection with branch lines, that the decisions of the Licensing Authorities would have an important bearing on the Board's ultimate policy regarding the operation of some of these lines. Hence, pending consideration of the operation of road motor services by the Licensing Authorities, the Board has deferred taking any drastic action either to curtail services or alter charges in these cases. The Board is bound to accept the decisions of the Licensing Authorities, and if a decision is given to license road motors in competition with a railway service, which experience has proved cannot be operated on a payable basis having regard to the traffic offering from the district served, the Board can only interpret the decision as meaning that road transport and not rail transport will best meet the needs of the district in question. In such circumstances the Board would feel compelled to give serious consideration to the position thereby created. It is charged by its constitution to work the railways economically and to eliminate wasteful expenditure; and there can be no justification for continuing to meet operating losses out of the public purse on any railway-line which is not essential to the transport needs of the district which it was built to serve. It must be obvious, therefore, that the decision of the Licensing Authority in each case carries with it a responsibility regarding the transport needs of the district and the consequent adjustment of services other than the road services to an economic basis, having regard to the decision of the Authority.



COASTAL SHIPPING. During the year representations were made to the Board by delegations representing the shipping and harbour interests. These representations took the form of protests against competition by the railways with coastwise shipping and the consequent adverse effect on Harbour Board revenues. Almost invariably the statement was made that the railways were competing at uneconomic rates. With regard to the broad question of competition, those making the representations were unable to suggest any formula to relieve the position. It was obviously impossible to lay down categorically that the railways should not under any circumstances compete for traffic with coastwise shipping. Indeed, such a formula could not be effective, for the sijxiple reason that it would ignore two very vital factors in the situation—namely, the development of road services, and the construction and operation of new railways through districts where coastwise shipping formerly had a virtual monopoly of the business of the district. A conference was held between representatives from the Railways Department and the harbour and shipping interests, for the purpose of generally reviewing the position .and, in particular, examining rates that were alleged to be uneconomic. The Board made it clear that it had no intention of charging uneconomic rates, and obviously it has no incentive to do so. Very little was gained from the conference, for, in the judgment of the Board, it was not established that the railway rates were uneconomic. The Board is sympathetic to the interests of the harbour and shipping authorities with whom it is desirous of co-operating to the fullest practicable degree. Competition between railways and coastal shipping services is by no means new. It has existed practically since railways commenced to operate in New Zealand. The competition has, however, undoubtedly developed in intensity during recent years. This has not, as in some quarters appears to be supposed, been due to a policy of aggression on the part of the railway authorities directed against coastal shipping, but has been due circumstances over which the Railways Board has had no control and of which it has been a victim probably as much as the coastal services. In every case regarding which complaint has been made the Board's policy was dictated by the obligations resting upon it in connection with the effective working of the railways. It is unfortunate that an almost phenomenal development of transport facilities has synchronized with the depression in trade and industry and a consequent substantial diminution in the quantum of transport work available. These two factors interacting have created difficulties not only for coastwise services, but also for the other services engaged in the transport industry. FINANCIAL. On the 31st March, 1934, the capital invested in lines open for traffic, including the steamers and plant on Lake Wakatipu and other subsidiary services, was £53,909,347, as compared with £51,480,949 on 31st March, 1933, an increase of £2,428,398. The taking-over from the Public Works Department of the Tahora-Okahukura Section, the final link in the Stratford - Main Trunk Railway, was mainly responsible for the increase, the capital cost of this section being £2,311,821. The only other capital expenditure incurred during the year was in connection with the new terminal facilities at Wellington and the Tawa Flat deviation, and was distributed as follows: Wellington new station and yard, £53,974 ; Wellington-Paekakariki electrification, £9,979 ; Tawa Flat deviation, £55,660. The sum of £379,351 was spent during the year out of the Depreciation Fund in replacing worn-out assets, the main items being : Locomotives, £100,645 ; cars and vans, £89,880 ; wagons, £98,683 ; bridges, £47,417. The financial results of the operations for the year ended 31st March, 1934, were as follow : — Year ended Year ended 31st March, 31st March, Variation. 1934. 1933. £ £ £ Gross revenue .. .. •• •• •• 6,332,711 6,034,403 -f-298,308 Gross expenditure .. •• •• •• 5,247,153 5,183,859 + 63,294 Net revenue.. .. • • •• ..1,085,558 850,544 +235,014 Interest charges .. .. •• 2,282,365 2,230,655 -f- 51,710 Excess of interest charges over net revenue .. .. 1,196,807 1,380,111 —183,304 The gross earnings for the year were £6,332,711, an increase of £298,308 (4-94 per cent.), compared with the previous year and a decrease of £1,238,826 (16-36 per cent.), compared with the year ended 31st March, 1931. The gross expenditure totalled £5,247,153, an increase of £63,294 (1-22 per cent.) over the previous year's figures and a decrease of £1,635,657 (23-76 per cent.) compared with the year ended 31st March, 1931. Interest charges totalled £2,282,365, an increase of £51,710 compared with the previous year. This increase principally was due to the taking-over of the Tahora—Okahukura Section of the Stratford - Main Trunk Railway. Renewals, Depreciation, and Equalization Accounts. During the year the sum of £229,203 was charged against revenue for renewals, and the amount expended from this fund for electric equipment, overhead lines, and track renewals was £134,220'. The credit balance at 31st March, 1934, in the Renewals Fund was £660,545.



During the year the sum of £482,735 was charged against revenue on account of depreciation. The position in regard to the undermentioned equalization funds is as follows : —

REVENUE. The income in respect of railway operation under the main headings, and the percentage under each heading to total income, compared with the previous two years, are as follow : —

The earnings from passenger traffic for the year have increased by 10-69 per cent, as compared with the previous year and the earnings from goods traffic have increased by 4-42 per cent. The operating earnings per average mile open and per train-mile are as follow : — Per Average Per Mile open. Train-mile. £ d. 1934 .. .. .. .. 1,704 132-92 1933 .. .. .. .. 1,611 130-37 1932 .. .. .. .. 1,746 136-63 The railway operating receipts for the last three years (exclusive of subsidiary services) from the North and South Island Main Lines and Branches shown separately are as follow : —

The operating earnings for the last three years for the North and South Island Main Lines and Branches separately per average mile open and per train-mile are as follow :—


Credit Balance n „ , Credit Balance i. , , i Contributions, Jixpenditure, . ... , ,, , brought forward 1933-34 1033-34 ! March, from 1933. 1 j 1934. £ £ j £ £ Slips, Floods, and Accidents Fund .. .. 76,042 19,746 1 6,215 89,573 Workers'compensation .. .. .. 20,222 33,893 j 27,118 26,997 Insurance 64,754 14,300 j 5,057 73,997 161,018 67,939 38,390 190,567

Per Cent, of ;i Per Cent, of j j Per Cent, of | 1934. | Operating !! 1933. Operating j 1932. j Operating Revenue. Revenue, i Revenue. ! I I ! ! . — — _ _. > . __ £ £ £ Passengers, ordinary .. 1,164,731 20-69 1,031,103 19-31 1,138,940 19-68 Season tickets .. .. 171,603 3-05 176,193 3-30 200,649 3-47 Parcels, luggage, and mails 281,889 5-00 283,822 5-32 316,245 5-46 Goods.. .. .. 3,911,245 69-49 3,745,777 70-16 4,019,600 69-43 Labour, demurrage, &c. .. 99,367 1-77 102,180 1-91 113,531 1-96 5,628,835 100-00 5,339,075 100-00 5,788,965 100-00

North Island Main Line and Branches. South Island Main Line and Branches. i I 1934. | 1933. 1932. 1934. 1933. I 1932. I £ £ £ £ £ £ Passengers, ordinary .. 741,020 658,006 724,694 412,078 363,336 403,922 Season tickets .. 115,454 116,731 131,941 53,009 56,190 65,108 Parcels, luggage, and mails 187,010 188,098 213,532 89,711 90,428 96,591 Goods .. .. 2,188,126 2,085,640 2,307,518 1,625,376 1,558,391 1,593,100 Labour, demurrage, &c. 54,302 59,091 65,464 40,651 38,768 41,897 3,285,912 3,107,566 3,443,149 2,220,825 2,107,113 2,200,618

North Island Main Line and Branches. South Island Main Line and Branches. Year. ; , ; Per Average Me j Per Train . miK Per Average Mile ■ Per Train . mile . £ d. £ d. 1934 .. .. .. 2,235 126-61 1,393 142-49 1933 .. .. .. 2,145 124-13 1,296 139-52 1932 2,376 131-49 1,353 143-83


EXPENDITURE. The total expenditure for the year ended 31st March, 1934, was £5,247,153, an increase of £63,294 as compared with the previous year's figures. 1933-34. 1932-33. 1931-32. £ £ £ Expenditure on train operation .. 4,877,146 4,833,754 5,301,653 Subsidiary services .. .. .. 370,007 350,105 369,302 £5,247,153 £5,183,859 £5,670,955

Operating Expenditure.

Maintenance of Way and Works. The expenditure for the year under this heading totalled £993,207, as compared with £931,273 for the previous year, an increase of £61,934 (6-65 per cent.). Compared with the average expenditure for the five years ended 31st March, 1930, the expenditure for the year under review represents a decrease of 12-0 per cent. The increase of £61,934 over last year's figure is due to the writing-off of abandoned assets, adjustments of capital charges, additional ballasting work, the taking-over of the last section of the Stratford-Okahukura line, repairs to tunnels, provision of additional motor-velocipedes, additional repairs to and painting of bridges and buildings, and extensions to water services. Maintenance of Signals and Electrical Appliances. The expenditure under this heading for the year totalled £110,298, an increase of £4,712 compared with the previous year. For the five years ended 31st March, 1930, the average annual expenditure in this branch was £107,716, and the expenditure in the year under review represents an increase of 2-4 per cent., on this average figure. Maintenance work in this branch is heavier than in past years, due to the development of automatic signalling, train-control, level-crossing alarms, &c. Telephone facilities have also been considerably extended since 1930; the mileage of telephone and telegraph wires is now 16,956, as compared with 11,920 in 1930, and the number of telephones has increased from 2,256 to 2,663 in the same period. Maintenance of Rolling-stock. The expenditure under this heading totalled £1,220,102, an increase of £31,628 (2-66 per cent.) compared with the previous year. The average annual expenditure in this branch for the five years ended 31st March, 1930, was £1,460,114, and the figures for the past year represent a reduction of 16-4 per cent, on this amount. A review under the various headings is as follows : — Locomotive Repairs. —The expenditure on locomotive repairs amounted to £525,024, an increase of £36,839 (7-55 per cent.) compared with the previous year. During the year 430 engines were passed through the shops, as compared with 381 in the previous year. The average mileage run by engines before being forwarded to the workshops for heavy repairs during the year was 70,159 miles. For the year ended 31st March., 1933, the mileage was 72,573. Maintenance of Carriages, Vans, and Wagons.—The total expenditure for the repair and painting of carriages and vans was £249,055, an increase of £2,360 compared with the previous year. A total of 1,600 carriages was repaired, of which number 1,351 received heavy repairs. During the previous year 1,575 carriages were repaired, of which 1,314 received heavy repairs. The expenditure on maintenance of wagons totalled £429,469, a decrease of £2,796 (0-65 per cent.) compared with the previous year ; 19,457 wagons passed through the shops. The corresponding number in the previous year was 17,300.


Per Cent, of i Per Cent, of Per Cent, of 1933-34. 1 Operating i 1932-33. Operating | 1931-32. Operating Revenue. i Revenue, j Revenue. £ £ £ Maintenance—Way and works 993,207 17-65 931,273 17-44 997,629 17-23 Maintenance—Signals .. 110,298 1-96 105,586 1-98 107,584 1-86 Maintenance—Rolling-stock .. 1,220,102; 21-67 1,188,474 22-26 1,270,585 21-94 Examination, lubrication, and 52,376 1 0-93 52,652 0-99 59,619 1-03 lighting of vehicles Transportation—Locomotive 1,012,451 17-99 1,062,149 19-89 1,195,151 20-64 Transportation—Traffic .. 1,253,833 22-27 1,255,280 23-51 1,424,520 24-60 General charges .. .. 58,944 1-05 61,252 1-15 69,280 1-20 Superannuation subsidy .. 175,935 3-13 177,088 3 ; 32 177,285 3-06 4,877,146 86-65 4,833,754 90-54 5,301,653 91-56


Examination, Lubrication, and Lighting of Rolling-stock. The expenditure on examination and lubrication of rolling-stock was £25,784, a decrease of £1,370 compared with the previous year. The decrease under this heading was due chiefly to general economy measures. The expenditure on the lighting of coaching vehicles increased by £1,094, the principal cause of this being additional train services. Locomotive Transportation. The expenditure under this heading was £1,012,451, a decrease of £49,698 (4-68 per cent.) compared with the previous year, the decrease being principally due to the more extensive use of soft coal in the North Island. The quantity of coal used was 361,239 tons an increase of 39,347 tons compared with the previous year. This increase is due to the fact that a larger proportion of brown coal was used during the year than in the previous year. For the year ended 31st March, 1934, the consumption of brown coals was 182,942 tons, as compared with 99,389 tons in the previous year; while the quantity of bituminous coals used decreased from 222,503 tons in 1933 to 178,297 tons in 1934. The cost of the fuel used was £441,146, representing a reduction of £46,487 on the cost of the previous year's supplies. The following table furnishes statistical information regarding locomotive transportation : — 1934. 1933. 1932. 1931. Cost per engine-mile .. .. .. 17 - 88 d. 19-25 d. 20-73 d. 23-31 d. Cost per train-mile .. .. .. 23-68 d. 25-66 d. 27-92 d. 31-72 d. Cost per engine-hour .. .. .. 189-87 d. 201-61 d. 213-29 d. 233-98 d. Cost per 1,000 gross ton-miles .. .. 118-66 d. 133-81 d. 144-16 d. 160-71 d. Engine-miles per engine-hour .. .. 10-62 10-49 10-29 10-04 Gross ton-miles per engine-hour .. . . 1,600 1,507 1,480 1,456 These figures show that while a greater quantity of work per engine-hour has been obtained from the engines the cost of working the engines has actually been reduced. Statistics of the consumption and cost of coal are as follow : —

Although the pounds of coal consumed per engine-mile increased by 5-30, or 9-59 per cent., this was due to the lower calorific value of soft coal, of which a much greater proportion was used this year. It will be noticed, however, that the cost of coal per engine-mile fell by l-05d. or 11-71 per cent. Traffic Transportation. The expenditure under this heading amounted to £1,253,833, a decrease of £1,447 (0-12 per cent.) compared with the previous year. The average annual expenditure in this Branch for the five years ended 31st March, 1930, was £1,793,396, and the expenditure for the year under review represents a reduction of 30-1 per cent, on the average figures. Notwithstanding an increase in traffic this year as compared with last year, a reduction in expenditure was found possible by the exercise of the strictest economy. General Charges. The expenditure under this heading totalled £234,879, a decrease of £3,461 compared with the previous year, due to general economies. Subsidiary Services. Subsidiary Service Revenue. —The Revenue from subsidiary services amounted to £703,876, as compared with £695,328 for the previous year, and an analysis of the figures is as follows :■ — 1933-34. 1932-33. 1931-32. £ £ £ Lake Wakatipu steamers .. .. 9,617 7,864 8,013 Refreshment service .. .. .. 73,657 69,505 82,234 Bookstall service .. .. .. 20,786 12,385 6,792 Advertising service .. .. .. 32,707 33,614 39,312 Departmental dwellings .. .. 137,238 137,575 138,725 Leases of bookstalls, &c. .. .. 15,749 16,224 17,822 Road-motor services .. .. .. 79,184 78,644 72,740 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 334,938 339,517 354,345 £703,876 £695,328 £719,983


Consumption. Cost. Coal. — 1934. 1933. 1934. 1933. lb. lb. d. d. Per engine-mile .. .. .. .. •• 60-55 55-25 7-92 8-97 Per engine-hour .. .. .. . • 643-08 579-50 84-14 94-06 Per thousand gross ton-miles .. .. .. 399-97 383-19 52-33 62-20


Subsidiary Services Expenditure. —The particulars of the expenditure in connection with the subsidiary services are as follow: — 1933-34. 1932-33. 1931-32. £ £ £ Lake Wakatipu steamers .. .. 9,610 8,200 10,068 Refreshment service .. .. .. 72,872 66,577 80,553 Bookstall service .. .. .. 19,102 11,315 5,782 Advertising service .. .. .. 30,159 29,937 36,414 Departmental dwellings .. .. 150,781 145,786 149,974 Leases of bookstalls, &c. .. .. 10,667 10,167 10,820 Road-motor services .. .. .. 76,816 78,123 75,691 £370,007 £350,105 £369,302 Analyses of the above variations are contained under the appropriate heading for each of these services as set out later in this report. Passengers. An analysis of the passenger traffic is as follows :—

Compared with the year 1932-33 the variations in pasenger traffic, other than season tickets, are as follow : —


I I ' ~ 1934. j 1933. Variation. Passenger journeys— Number. : Number. Number. Per Cent. Ordinary.. .. .. .. 7,511,346 ! 6,870,570 + 640,776 9-33 Season .. .. .. .. 11,535,840 11,496,084 + 39,756 0-35 Total .. .. .. 19,047,186 18,366,654 + 680,532 3-71 Revenue— £ £ £ Ordinary.. .. .. .. 1,164,731 1,031,103 +133,628 12-96 Season .. .. .. .. 171,603 176,193 — 4,590 2-61 Total .. .. .. i 1,336,334 1,207,296 +129,038 10-69 Passenger train-miles .. .. 4,550,559 4,348,767 +201,792 4-64 Revenue— Per mile of line .. .. '.. £411 £374 +£37 9-89

I ~ Journeys. Variation. Description. — — _ 1934. 1933. Number. PerCent. Standard fare .. .. .. 3,272,410 3,025,843 +246,567 8-15 Suburban .. .. .. .. 2,205,172 2,041,581 +163,591 8-01 Day and special excursion and other re- 2,033,764 1,803,146 +230,618 12-79 duced fares ——■— 7,511,346 6,870,570 +640,776 9-33 Revenue. Variation. Description. t — 1934, 1933. Amount. Per Cent. v £ £ £ Standard fare .. .. .. 923,182 829,836 + 93,346 11-25 Suburban .. .. .. .. 73,196 70,131 + 3,065 4-37 Day and special excursion and other re- 168,353 131,136 + 37,217 28-38 duced fares ! 1,164,731 1,031,103 +133,628 12-96


The variations in ordinary passenger traffic were distributed between first class and second class as follow :—

Standard-fare revenue, which represents approximately 80 per cent, of the ordinary passenger traffic, showed a continual decline from 1926 to 1933, but some improvement was shown for the year ended'3lst March, 1934, when revenue returned to just below the 1932 level, principally as the result of two Easter holiday periods having fallen during 1934 as against none in 1933 and one in 1932. The revenue for 1934 showed an increase of £93,346 over 1933, but of this amount approximately £55,000 is attributable to the Easter holidays, leaving £38,346 (or 4-6 per cent.) as the increase due to additional traffic. Eliminating Easter traffic, revenue every four-weekly period of the year showed a slight rise over that of the corresponding period of 1933, the increases ranging from 2-2 to 9-5 per cent. Suburban journeys showed an increase of approximately 8 per cent, over 1933 and the same increase over 1931, but revenue, while showing an increase of 4-4 per cent, over last year, declined by 9-2 per cent, as compared with 1931. The decline from the 1931 revenue figure in face of the increased volume of traffic is due to fare concessidns granted during the financial year ended 31st March, 1932, when suburban traffic reached its lowest level for the years 1926 to 1934. Revenue from this class' of traffic has shown a slight improvement during the, last two years, while the number of journeys in 1934 was the highest since the pre-depression year of 1930. Revenue from day and special excursions totalled £168,353, an increase of £37,217 (28-38 per cent.) compared with the previous year. The total passenger journeys under this heading amounted to 2,033,764, an increase of 230,618 journeys compared with the previous year. Although the prevailing economic conditions have been adverse to the development of special day and week-end excursions passenger traffic, every opportunity has been taken to promote this class of travel. In addition to catering for all classes of special events, numerous day and week-end excursions to selected resorts and between the main centres of population have been organized, the results from which have been quite satisfactory. ... . r . The following particulars of two long-distance excursions are given as indicating the potentialities of this class of business. The first of these two outings was run from Invercargill to Christchurch on the occasion of the Ranfurly Shield Football Match, Southland v. Canterbury. Three special trains were required to accommodate the 1,118 excursionists, and the revenue amounted to £1,483. The second excursion consisted of two special trains from Christchurch to Queenstown on behalf of the Corsair Social Club, and attracted 768 passengers, giving a revenue of £1,234. The total distance travelled by rail and lake steamer was approximately 850 miles. The time occupied m travelling was about thirty-three hours, and the transport arrangements allowed the excursionists one complete day at Queenstown. The widespread public interest in the Waitangi celebrations occasioned the travel of a large number of people to Opua en route to Waitangi. In all, a total of 4,218 passengers (principally Maoris) were conveyed by special and ordinary trains from various parts of the North Island. Everything possible was done to facilitate the transport of the visitors, and appreciative reference was made to the efficient manner in which this big undertaking was carried out by the Department. The policy of issuing tickets at cheap fares for Saturday-to-Monday travel in certain of the more populous areas has been attended with a considerable measure of success, and the question of extending the issue of such tickets to other suitable districts is engaging consideration. The revenue from season tickets amounted to £171,603, as compared with £176,193 the previous year, a decrease of £4,590. Eighty-four per cent, of the decrease was under the heading of " All Lines " and sectional annual tickets, and of the decrease of £3,867 in this group official tickets issued to Government Departments account for £3,114. Workers' weekly tickets increased by 4,550 and revenue by £863, the improvement being fairly well maintained throughout the year. Parcels, Luggage, and Mails. The receipts under this heading totalled £281,889, a decrease of £1,933 (0-68 per cent.) as compared with the previous year. An analysis of the revenue is as follows : 1933-34. 1932-33. Variation. £ £ £ Parcels .. .. •• •• •• 164,452 171,102 - 6,850 Excess luggage .. .. • • • • 6,810 6,907 — 97 Left luggage, luggage-checks, bicycles, and dogs 33,992 31,885 + 2,107 Mails .. • • 76,635 73,928 + 2,707 Total .. .. .. •• £281,889 £283,822 -£1,933


First Class. Second Class. Total. No. Per Cent. No. Per Cent. No. Per Cent. Journeys .. .. -14,742 3-21 +655,518 10-23 +640,776 9-33 £ £ £ Revenue .. .. + 6,145 2-73 +127,483 15-81 +133,628 12-96


Although parcels revenue shows a decline of 4 per cent, for the whole year, traffic has shown a distinct improvement over the latter half of the year. For the first six four-weekly periods of the year receipts dropped by £7,223 or 10-1 per cent. During the next three periods the rate of decline diminished until in January (the tenth period) it showed practically no variation. For the last three periods of the year-an increase of £2,149 (or 5-3 per cent.) was recorded. These figures indicate an upward movement in this class of traffic. The increase in revenue from luggage, &c., is in keeping with the increase in passenger traffic. The variations in revenue under the heading " Mails " are as follow : — 1934. 1933. Variation. Mails carried in guards' vans at half parcel £ £ £ rates .. .. .. .. .. 43,588 42,024 + 1,564 Railway travelling postal-vans .. .. 27,596 27,596 Mails carried in wagons .. .. .. 5,451 4,308 + 1,143 Total .. .. .. .. £76,635 £73,928 +£2,707 Goods and Live-stock. The revenue from goods and live-stock was £3,911,245, as compared with £3,745,777 for the previous year, an increase of £165,468, or 442 per cent. A comparison of the total revenue and tonnage of this year's traffic with that of the previous*year is as follows:— 1934. 1933. Increase. Per Cent. Revenue ..' .. £3,911,245 £3,745,777 £165,468 4-42 Tonnage .. .. 5,642,199 5,490,686 151,513 2-76 A comparison of the tonnage of goods and live-stock carried, together with the revenue derived therefrom for the past seven years, is as follows : — Variation as compared with Tonnage. Previous Year in each Case. Year. Tons. Tons. Per Cent. 1928 .. .. .. .. 7,358,388 + 49,939 0-68 1929 .. .. .. .. 7,613,445 + 255,057 .3-47 1930 .. .. .. .. 7,788,973 + 175,528 2-31 1931 .. .. .. .. 6,957,709 - 831,264 10-67 1932 .. .. .. .. 5,824,811 -1,132,898 16-28 1933 .. .. .. .. 5,490,686 — 334,125 5-74 1934 .. .. .. .. 5,642,199 + 151,513 2-76 Variation as compared with Revenue. Previous Year in each Case. Year. £ £ Per Cent. 1928 .. .. .. .. 4,680,135 + 83,969 1-83 1929 .. .. .. .. 4,846,125 + 165,990 3-55 1930 .. .. .. .. 4,904,324 + 58,199 1-20 1931 .. .. .. .. 4,487,357 - 416,967 8-50 1932 .. .. .. .. 4,019,600 - 467,757 10-42 1933 .. .. .. .. 3,745,777 - 273,823 6-81 1934 .. .. .. .. 3,911,245 +.165,468 4-42 A comparison with 1933 of the tonnage of commodities under six main headings is as follows : —

Agricultural products increased by 10,925 tons. Grain showed an increase in the South Island of 12,277 tons. The 1933 grain harvest was an exceptionally heavy one, with the result that from April to December, 1933, inclusive, the quantity carried increased by 46,038 tons, but with the commencement of the new season this year traffic showed the very heavy decline of 33,761 tons for

ii—D. 2.


Variation. 1934. 1933. Tons. Tons. Tons. Per Cent. Agricultural products .. .. .. 574,383 563,458 + 10,925 1-94 Animals and their products .. .. 1,230,014 1,214,147 + 15,867 1-31 Products of mines .. .. .. 1,746,648 1,699,054 + 47,594 2-80 Products of forests .. .. .. 362,805 315,519 + 47,286 14-99 Benzine, cement, and manures .. .. 710,361 768,882 — 58,521 7-61 General goods and miscellaneous .. 1,017,988 929,626 + 88,362 9-51 Totals .. .. .. 5,642,199 5,490,686 +151,513 2-76 ; 1


the months of January, February, and March. Traffic in February and March was adversely affected by a lighter yield, but, in addition, a late harvest also affected the position. From January to March, 1934, the quantity of wheat and oats threshed in the Canterbury, Otago, and Southland districts showed a decline of approximately 4,000,000 bushels (or 44 per cent.) on the corresponding months of 1933. In the North Island grain decreased by 3,196 tons. Meals increased by 4,352 tons, fruit decreased by 3,135 tons, root crops and fodder decreased by 4,279 tons, flax increased by 1,658 tons, and seeds by 5,591 tons. Animals and their products increased by 15,867 tons. The total number of cattle and calves carried was 918,111, compared with 687,027 the previous year. The increases were 12,767 cattle (4-27 per cent.) and 218,317 calves (56-28 per cent.). As the total number of cattle slaughtered for food (home consumption and export) showed an increase of 14 per cent, it would have been natural to expect a greater increase in the number railed than the 4-27 per cent, shown. In 1933 the number of cattle carried represented 67 per cent, of the total slaughterings, while in 1934 the number railed represented only 61 per cent, making it appear that in the year under review a larger proportion was driven to saleyards, freezing-works, &c. The substantial rise in calf traffic is due to a rise in the price obtained for " bobby " calves. Exports of veal increased by 47 per cent, over last year. The North Island recorded an increase of 354,140 sheep (7-5 per cent.) over last year, as the result of greater movement of store sheep. Compared with the average of the three financial years, 1931, 1932, and 1933, the number carried in 1934 increased by 19,987, or 0-4 per cent. In the South Island a decrease of 734,044, or 13-5 per cent., was shown compared with last year. This decrease may be ascribed partly to a later season for lambs this year and partly to the holding of lambs consequent upon the rise in wool prices. The number of sheep carried in the South Island in 1933 was well above normal, the excess over the previous year having been 381,986 head. An increase of 96,370 in the number of pigs carried was due to an increase in the exportation of frozen pork. For the year ended 31st March, 1934, exports showed an increase of 129 per cent, over the previous year. The tonnage of frozen meat carried increased by 4-5 per cent, and revenue by 13-4 per cent., the latter being due to the longer average haul. The total production of butter for the year ended March, 1934, showed an increase of 19,266 tons (12 per cent.) over last year, while the commodity statistics show that the tonnage carried by rail remained stationary. This is due in a measure to the operation of " truck rates " in the North Island. Butter forwarded in wagons at " truck rates "is not included under the butter commodity, but under the truck-rate heading. Revenue registered the substantial increase of £13,236, or 9-2 per cent. The average haul was 71 miles, as against 64 last year ; and the average receipt per ton was £1 Is. 6d. compared with 19s. 9d. The North Island shows a falling-off of 4,669 tons in cheese, but, as in the case of butter, revenue shows an improvement. The receipts from this commodity in the North Island increased by £7,416, or 11-5 per cent. The South Island recorded a decrease of 1,264' tons and £1,238. The total figures for the two Islands are, therefore : Tonnage decrease, 5,933 ; and revenue increase, £6,178. Total production increased by 3,592 tons (3-6 per cent.). The substantial rise in prices this season resulted in 7,289 tons more wool being railed in the North Island, with a consequent increase of £16,235 in revenue. The average haul in the North Island was 90 miles, as against 79 miles last year, and the revenue per ton-mile was 4-15 d., as compared with 4-38 d. last year. Revenue in the South Island showed an increase of £946, but the quantity carried decreased by 4,727 tons. Revenue from tallow, fat, hides, and skins showed the substantial increase of £6,754 (19-2 per cent.). In products of mines the principal variations were as follow : Agricultural lime increased by 21,543 tons ; New Zealand bituminous coal decreased by 59,523 tons ; New Zealand soft coals increased by 71,180 tons (North Island, 55,136 tons ; and South Island, 16,044 tons). The increase in soft coals was due to increased demand which followed the rise in the quantity of primary products this year, freezing-works and dairy factories having been responsible for the bulk of the increased consumption. The traffic in road-metal again decreased, the quantity carried being 13,809 tons less than last year. In products of forests there was an increase of 47,286 tons. New Zealand timber increased by 46,496 tons, mainly as the result of a much greater demand for timber following the granting of a subsidy on building-costs by the Unemployment Board. An increase in the quantity of white-pine timber exported from the "West Coast also played an important part in the improvement in this traffic in the South Island. Exports of timber from the Dominion increased by 10-3 per cent, over last year. Revenue from benzine in bulk increased by £8,550, but benzine, kerosene, &c., in drums and cases declined by £10,561, leaving a net decrease of £2,011 in this traffic. An increase of £12,445 in revenue from cement carried in the South Island was mainly due to the railing of cement to Ivurow for use in the construction of hydro-electric works. Traffic in the North Island showed practically no variation from last year.



Manures stowed the very heavy decline of 69,378 tons and £20,594 revenue in the North Island, while the South Island recorded an increase of 8,633 tons and £1,466. The traffic in miscellaneous goods, which comprise all commodities not listed under the groups already mentioned, amounted to 1,017,988 tons, an increase of 88,362 tons compared with the previous year. STATISTICS. The following are some statistics dealing with the operation of goods traffic : Variation. 1934. 1933. Amount. Per Cent. Goods-train mileage .. .. 5,612,915 5,480,086 +132,829 2-42 Goods earnings .. •• £3,911,245 £3,745,777 +165,468 4-42 Revenue goods tonnage .. 5,642,199 5,490,686 +151,513 2-76 Revenue net ton-mileage .. 383,520,359 363,449,162 +20,071,197 5-52 Average haul (miles) .... 68 66 +2 3-03 Average revenue per ton-mile .. 2 - 50 d. 2-52 d. —0-2 d. 0-79 Average revenue per ton .. 14s. 2d. 14s. +2d. 1 • 13 An increase in tonnage of 2-76 per cent., coupled with an increase of 1-13 per cent, in the average receipt per ton (the latter due to the longer average haul), has resulted in an increase in revenue of 4-42 per cent. Variation. 1934. 1933. Amount. Per Gent. Total gross ton-miles revenue freight 1,292,840,024 1,210,602,612 +82,237,412 6-79 Goods-vehicle miles (loaded) .. 106,328,407 99,952,604 + 6,375,803 6*38 Goods-vehicle miles (empty) .. 51,147,662 47,325,690 + 3,821,972 8-08 Total goods-vehicle miles .. 157,476,069 147,278,294 +10,197,775 6-92 The increases reflect the general improvement in goods traffic. The fact that empty vehicle miles have increased in a greater ratio than other items is due to an improvement in timber traffic in the Ohakune district, which increased by 20-73 per cent., and, as other traffic did not increase at the same rate, a greater haulage of empties occurred. Excluding Ohakune district (loaded + 12-48 per cent. ; empty, + 22-18 per cent.), the figures for loaded vehicle miles increased by 5-54 per cent, and empty vehicle miles increased by 5-84 per cent. Averages : Revenue, Freight Traffic. Variation. Per Mile of Line: — 1934. 1933. Amount. Per Cent. Goods revenue .. •• £1,203 £1,160 +£43 3-71 Total tonnage .. •• 1,736 1,700 +36 2-12 Net ton-miles .. 117,970 112,523 +5,447 4-84 Gross ton-miles .. .. 397,675 374,800 +22,875 6-10 Goods revenue per train-mile .. 167-24 d. 164 -05d. +3-19 d. 1-94 Train load, gross (tons) .. 230-33 220-91 +9-42 4-26 Train load, net (tons) .. .. 68-33 66-32 +2-01 3-03 Number of vehicles per train (loaded) .. .. 18-94 18-24- +0-70 3-84 Number of vehicles per train (empty) .. .. •• 9-29 8-64 +0-65 7-52 Per 1,000 Gross Ton-miles: — Revenue .. .. £3-025 £3-094 -£0-069 2-22 Net ton-miles .. 297 300 —3 1-00 As the rise of 6-79 per cent, in gross ton-miles was greater than the 4-42 per cent, rise in revenue (due mainly to the greater haulage of empty wagons) the revenue per thousand gross ton-miles fell by 2-22 per cent. Variation. Wagon User: 1934. 1933. Amount. Per Cent. Revenue per ordinary goods vehicle £136 £128 +£8 6-25 Revenue per live-stock vehicle .. £145 £143 +£2 1-40 Average wagon-load (tons) .. 3-61 3-64 —0-03 0-82 Average miles per wagon per day 19-06 17-53 +1-53 8-73 Average net ton-miles per wagon per annum (ordinary goods) .. 13,818 13,305 +513 3-86 Average net ton-miles per wagon per annum (live-stock) .. 11,017 10,570 +447 4-23




An analysis of the revenue for the year under review is as under: — 1934. 1933. Variation. £ £ £ Outdoor advertising .. .. .. 28,268 30,596 —2,328 Publications .. .. .. .. 3,006 1,862 +1,144 Miscellaneous.. .. .. .. 1,272 861 + 411 Advertising in buses .. . . . . 161 294 — 133 £32,707 £33,613 - £906 New business written up during the last four years is as under :— 1934. 1933. 1932. 1931. £ £ £ £ Outdoor advertising .. .. 17,235 24,069 26,415 47,948 Publications .. .. .. 2,915 1,295 1,859 3,338 Printing .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,442 Miscellaneous . . . . 613 621 767 904 Buses . . .. .. 13 127 749 151 £20,776 £26,112 £29,790 £53,783 The past year has been a very difficult one in the advertising field, and the amount of new business written up was £20,776, as compared with £26,112 for the previous year. This, together with the expiry of contracts made in pre-depression years, accounts for the decrease of £2,328 in outdoor advertising revenue. Increased advertising in the Railways Magazine is responsible for the increase of revenue under " Publications," the revenue obtained from this source being £2,170 as against £1,114 last year, an increase of £1,056. Expenditure for the year was approximately the same as the previous year. The total return to the Department in respect of operations of the Advertising Branch during the past five years was as follows : — 1934. 1933. 1932. 1931. 1930. Rent, land, and buildings 800 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Rent, advertising sites .. 7,890 7,593 8,741 10,644 10,390 Commission .. .. 786 780 960 1,236 1,458 Interest .. .. 1,261 1,413 1,697 2,070 2,335 Railage .. .. 390 265 293 260 323 Net profit .. .. 2,548 3,676 2,898 1,249 381 £13,675 £14,727 £15,589 £16,459 £15,887



Variation. 1934. 1933. Amount. Per Cent. £ £ £ Revenue .. .. .. 32,707 33,613 —906 2-70 Expenditure .. .. .. 30,159 29,937 +222 0-74 Net profit.. .. .. £2,548 £3,676 -£1,128 30-69

Variation. 1934. 1933. Amount. Per Cent. £ £ £ Revenue .. .. .. 73,657 69,505 +4,152 5-97 Expenditure .. .. .. 72,872 66,577 +6,295 9-46 Net profit .. .. .. £785 £2,928 —£2,143 73-19


Revenue. —An analysis of receipts discloses the following variations : —

The number of meals served in dining-rooms totalled 74,924, an increase of 1,034 over the previous year. The increase in revenue is a reflection of the cheaper service being offered to the travelling public by reason of the reduced prices for counter refreshments which, as mentioned in the Board's last report, came into operation on the 13th August, 1933. While the dining-room sales show comparatively little variation, the number of meals sold having increased by only 1,034 (or 1-39 per cent.), and the revenue by £125 (or 1-35 per cent.), the counter sales show a marked increase, the revenue advancing by £3,867 (or 6-25 per cent,.). Of this increase, £1,321 is directly attributable to the opening of rooms at Te Kuiti in April, 1933. The increase after excluding Te Kuiti was £2,546 (or 4-38 per cent.). From the 13th August, 1933, the cost of counter refreshments was reduced, and, while this resulted in an increase in business, the results to the end of the financial year were not sufficient to reimburse the Department for the concession made. The total expenditure increased by £6,295, of which amount stores and provisions were £4,211 and replacements of crockery and renewals £1,011. A certain proportion of this increase is due to the fact that the financial year under review included the larger share of requirements for Easter, 1933 and 1934, while the remainder is due to the increased turnover in dining and counter rooms. The actual return to the Department in respect of the operations of the Refreshment Branch for the past five years is as follows :• —

BOOKSTALL SERVICE. Four bookstalls were controlled by the Department at the commencement of the year, and the stalls at Te Kuiti, Dannevirke, Thorndon, and Ashburton were taken over during the year, making a total of eight bookstalls operated by the Department at the 31st March, 1934. The revenue amounted to £20,786 and expenditure totalled £19,102, leaving a net profit of £1,684 for the year's operations. The actual return to the Department in respect of the operation of bookstalls is as under : — 1933-34. 1932-33. £ £ Net profit .. .. .. .. 1,684 1,070 Rent 2,079 1,238 Railages .. .. .. .. 40 Commission .. .. .. 145 87 £3,948 £2,395 With reference to bookstalls, the Board desires to make the following comment regarding its policy: — Prior to the appointment of the Board the Department was already operating some of the bookstalls. The Board found that this was due to circumstances which necessitated the Department taking over the stalls in order to continue the service to the public. Later developments and


Variation. 1934. 1933. Increase. Per Cent. £ £ £ Dining-rooms .. .. .. 9,361 9,236 125 1-35 Counter-rooms .. .. .. 61,909 58,042 3,867 6 • 25 Miscellaneous 2,387 2,227 160 7-18 Totals .. .. .. £73,657 £69,505 £4,152 5-97

1934. 1933. 1932. 1931. 1930. £ £ £ £ £ Rent .. .. .. .. 9,230 9,100 9,100 9,100 11,170 Commission 620 584 715 996 970 Rail fares 1,066 1,066 1,066 1,287 1,287 Rail freights .. .. .. .. 1,818 1,851 2,349 2,991 3,234 Interest 1,124 1,129 1,291 1,184 1,099 Net profit .. .. .. .. 786 2,928 1,681 3,341 |6,981 £14,644 £16,658 £16,202 £18,899 £24,741


the experience gained in the management of the bookstalls convinced the Board that much could be done under departmental control to improve both the standard of service and the financial return. So far as standard of service is concerned, there is no doubt at all that the bookstalls which are being operated by the Department have given a service superior to that which was previously provided. The layout, quality, and variety of the stock have been improved in every case, and the service to the public has been maintained at a high standard. On the financial side the returns have been satisfactory, as the following figures will show : —

The private rental shown against the Auckland bookstall is that charged for the site in the old station which, owing to its position at the foot of Queen Street, received a fair proportion of trade from other than railway passengers and commanded a higher rental than would be obtainable from the site in the new station. The Board is of opinion that the operation of the bookstalls is an integral part of railway operation in the sense that a complete service to the public cannot be given without the provision of bookstalls. It concludes, therefore, that there is no reason why the Board should not itself operate the bookstalls if the requirements of standard of service and financial returns are met. As the foregoing figures indicate, actual experience has left no room for doubt on these two points ; and the Board has therefore adopted a policy that, except in some isolated cases where it would not be an advantage to do so, the bookstalls are to be controlled by the Department's organization. ROAD MOTOR SERVICES. The year's operations resulted in a profit of £2,368, compared with £521 for the previous year. Details of the fluctuations in revenue and expenditure are set out hereunder 1933-34. 1932-33. Variation. £ £ £ Revenue .. .. .. .. 79,184 78,644 + 540 Expenditure .. .. .. 76,816 78,123 —£1,307 Net revenue .. .. .. £2,368 £521 +£1,847 It is to be noted that the net return shown above is calculated after interest has been debited on the capital invested in the services ; and allowance made for depreciation on vehicles and plant. The total passenger journeys were 2,783,184, as compared with 2,740,263 for the year ended 31st March, 1933. The results of operating the various services were as follow : — Napier-Hastings. 1933-34. 1932-33. Decrease. £ £ £ Revenue .. .. .. .. 16,736 17,485 —749 Expenditure .. .. .. 16,185 16,688 —503 Net revenue .. .. £551 £797 -£246 The decrease in revenue was occasioned by the completion of rebuilding operations following the earthquake. Consequent upon this falling-ofl in traffic, bus-miles were reduced by 7-73 per cent, causing a reduction in expenditure of £503. Eleven buses are now used on this service compared with twelve in 1933. Hutt Valley. 1933-34. 1932-33. Variation. £ £ £ Revenue .. .. .. .. 55,519 55,652 -133 Expenditure .. .. .. 54,000 55,222 —1,222 Net revenue - .. .. £1,519 £430 +£1,089


„ Net Return to Railway t> . °™ er Department, Year ended Private Rental. 3 lst March, 1934. £ £ Auckland .. .. .. 1,353 1,220 Thorndon . . .. .. 433 582 Christchurch .. .. .. 595 1,147 Ashburton .. .. • • 103 192 Dunedin .. .. .. 580 722


Passenger journeys totalled 2,083,935, an increase of 23,622 compared with the previous year. This increase was principally in short-distance fares, but a slight falling-off in the passenger traffic on the longer routes resulted in the revenue for the year under review decreasing by £133. The expenditure decreased by £1,222, which decrease is due to a reduction in operating-expenses. Bus-mileage totalled 879,226 miles, a decrease of 7,332 miles compared with the previous year. Oamaku-Tokarahi. 1933-34, 1932-33. Variation. £ £ £ Revenue .. .. •• •• 1,783 1,629 +154 Expenditure .. .. .. ..1,741 1,635 +106 Net revenue .. ■ ■ Profit, £42 Loss, £6 +£48 Revenue amounted to £1,783, an increase of £154 over the previous year due to increase in longer distance passenger travel. Passenger journeys totalled 39,826, a decrease of 1,664. Expenditure amounted to £1,741, an increase of £106 compared with the previous year. This increase is due to the fact that a new bus was placed in this service during the year, thus increasing the depreciation payable for the year by £130. Dunedin-Pokt Chalmebs. 1933-34. 1932-33. Variation. £ £ £ Revenue .. .. .. •• 4,840 3,878 +962 Expenditure .. .. .. •• 4,541 4,578 37 Net revenue .. .. Profit, £299 Loss, £700 +£999 This service continues to show increased business. Passenger journeys increased from 139,978 to 175,799, being an increase of 35,821 journeys (or 25-59 per cent,). Bus-mileage increased by 12,425 miles (or 16-69 per cent.). Expenditure amounted to £4,541, a decrease of £37 on the previous year's figures. Runningcosts increased by reason of the increased mileage, but the cost per mile decreased from 8-10 d. to 7-25 d. (or 10-49 per cent.). A reduction of £148 was made in fixed charges on account of the withdrawal last year of two large buses and their replacement by smaller buses, on which less depreciation is payable. W aipahi-E die vale . £ Revenue .. . ■ • • ■ • • • ■ • 306 Expenditure . . .. ■ • • • ■ • • • 349 Loss .. .. ■ • • • ■ • £43 As a result of investigations made during the year, it was decided to withdraw the mixed trains which had previously operated between Waipahi and Edievale and operate the passenger business with a bus. Suitable arrangements have been made for working the goods traffic by goods trains operating from Clinton. The road passenger service was commenced on the 18th December, 1933, and had been operating for less than four months at the close of the financial year. Having regard to the initial expenditure incurred in establishing the service, including such charges as freight on the bus from Wellington (£3O), the result of the operations for the short period the service has been established is satisfactory. LAKE WAKATĪPU STEAMERS. 1933-34. 1932-33. Increase. £ £ £ Revenue .. .. •• •• 9,617 7,864 1,753 Expenditure .. .. •• •• 9,610 8,200 1,410 Net revenue .. .. Profit, £7 Loss, £336 £343 Revenue showed a substantial increase, being 22-29 per cent, above the previous year. Passenger revenue increased by £1,086 (or 37-97 per cent.), the passenger journeys showing an increase of 6,601 (or 38-51 per cent.), while goods revenue increased by £717 (or 17-56 per cent.), the bulk of this being live-stock and mining machinery and equipment. The live-stock carried increased by 4,158 head. The expenditure for the year totalled £9,610, an increase of £1,410 (17-20 per cent.) compared with the previous year.



Repairs to steamers showed a substantial advance over last year. This was due to the fact that both steamers on the service underwent heavy overhaul, involving additional expenditure this year. In addition, the boiler of the " Ben Lomond " failed in July, 1933, while the steamer " Earnslaw " was undergoing overhaul, and it was found necessary to install a new boiler. Both steamers being out of commission at the same time, it was found necessary to hire launches to maintain a service, and this factor contributed to the increase in expenditure this year. On the whole, the position of this service for the year must be regarded as satisfactory when compared with losses of £336, £2,055, and £4,898 respectively during the three preceding years. DEPARTMENTAL DWELLINGS. 1933-34. 1932-33. Variation. £ £ £ Revenue .. .. .. ..137,238 137,575 - 337 Expenditure .. .. .. 150,781 145,786 + 4,995 Loss .. .. .. £13,543 £8,211 +£5,332 The slight decrease in revenue was due to natural fluctuation in occupancy of dwellings. During the year the number of dwellings decreased from 3,636 to 3,629. The increase in maintenance charges this year is due to repairs on dwellings having been kept down to an absolute minimum during the previous few years. Essential painting and repairs this year account for the increase over last year. SICK BENEFIT FUND. The operations of the New Zealand Government Railways Employees' Sick Benefit Fund for the year ended 31st March, 1934, show a surplus of £5,306 compared with a surplus of £6,604 for the preceding year. The receipts totalled £24,921,. including the departmental subsidy of £8,000, as compared with £24,914 for the previous year. The total membership at 31st March, 1934, was 10,096 compared with 9,681 in 1933 an increase of 415. Sick-benefit payments totalled £19,615, compared with £18,310 for the previous twelve months, an increase of £1,305. The accumulated funds now stand in the balance-sheet at £26,520. SUGGESTIONS AND INVENTIONS COMMITTEE. The Suggestions and Inventions Committee dealt with 813 suggestions during the year, as compared with 622 during the previous year. Of these suggestions 57 were recommended for adoption in whole or in part, 343 were referred to heads of branches for their information, or were already in operation or related to matters of policy, 362 were not recommended for adoption, and 51 were, at the close of the financial year, under trial or investigation, and were carried forward for future consideration. Of the 57 suggestions recommended for adoption 18 were in connection with improvements to rolling-stock, 2 were in connection with workshop equipment, 13 referred to matters connected with the Way and Works and Signals Branches, while the balance dealt with general matters in connection with railway working. STORES BRANCH. The amount expended in connection with the purchases of stores during the year was £1,277,749 9s. 3d., and was made up as follows : — £ s. d. To merchants, manufacturers, and others in New Zealand .. 449,053 7 11 Payments through High Commissioner in London .. .. 158,565 6 1 Material manufactured in railway workshops .. .. .. 125,614 10 0 Coal and coke .. .. .. .. .. •■ 456,282 9 7 Stationery .. .. .. .. .. 17,829 0 2 Manufactured and used material recovered from other branches .. 36,392 17 4 Timber from railway sawmills .. .. .. •• 34,011 18 2 £1,277,749 9 3 The increase in this year's expenditure in comparison with that for the previous year was £20,120 15s. 6d. (or 1-6 per cent.). The principal variations were : Payments to merchants, manufacturers, and others in New Zealand, increased £50,944 os. lid. ; payments through the High Commissioner, London, increased £65,093 12s. ; material manufactured in railway workshops decreased £29,181 12s. sd. ; manufactured and used material recovered from other branches decreased £30,950 12s. 6d. ; payments for coal and coke decreased £46,246 9s. 7d.



Tie total issues of stores to all branches for the year amounted to £1,433,287 16s. 3d., as against £1,393,310 19s. sd. for the previous year, an increase of £39,976 16s. lOd. The value of stores held at 31st March, 1934, was £609,320, as compared with £526,447 at the end of the previous year, an increase of £82,873. Tie increase was due to tiere laving been a greater carry-over at tie end of tie financial year of materials for tie construction of rolling-stock. A statement of tie value of stores on iand at tie end of tie financial year for tie past six years is siown iereunder :—

Coal-Supplies. Tie average consumption of coal per week during tie year ended 31st Marci, 1934, was 7,411 tons, wiici was an increase of 838 tons per week compared witi tie previous year, and a decrease of 736 tons compared witi tie year ended 31st Marci, 1931. A comparison of tie purciases of New Zealand and imported fuel for eiglit years ended 31st Marci, 1934, is as follows :—• Year ew Zealand. Per Cent. Imported. Per Cent. Total. Tons. of Total. Tons. of Total. Tons. 1926-27 .. .. 187,793 49-30 193,163 50-70 380,956 1927-28 .. .. 288,646 65-50 152,025 34-50 440,671 1928-29 .. .. 356,724 84-25 66,675 15-75 423,399 1929-30 .. .. 355,214 74-59 121,037 25-41 476,251 1930-31 .. .. 367,686 90-00 40,827 10-00 408,513 1931-32 .. .. 373,335 89-72 42,756 10-28 416,091 1932-33 .. .. 388,005 100-00 .. .. 388 005 ■1933-34 .. .. 381,596 100-00 .. .. 381,596 It will be noted tiat tie purciases during tie year were all in New Zealand coal. Of tiese purciases 184,317 tons were iard coal and 197,279 tons soft coal. STAFF. lie total number of staff employed at tie 31st Marci, 1934, including tiose on works ciargeable to capital was 15,652, as compared witi 14,680 for tie previous year. Tie average number actually at work throughout tie year was 14,971, as compared witi 14,696 tie previous year. Of tie average number of staff at work during tie year 11,819 were permanent and 3,152 were casual employees. Tie average number of men engaged on works ciargeable to capital was 640, as compared with 441 during the previous year. During tie year 114 members of tie permanent staff resigned, 75 retired on superannuation, 60 died, and 107 were dismissed or paid off. Fifty employees were engaged. Eigit members of the Second Division were promoted to the First Division. A total of £27,117 was paid under the Workers' Compensation Act during tie year to members of the Second Division who suffered injury in the course of their employment. WORKSHOPS. New Locomotive Construction. Eigit Class K locomotives were completed in tie worksiops during tie year, making a total of twelve of tiis type now completed and passed into traffic. Twelve new boilers were built for replacement purposes. The tractive effort of tie locomotives in service during the year compared with tie two previous years is as follows : — 1932. 1933. 1934. Number of locomotives in service .. 647 626 605 Total tractive power in pounds .. 11,036,771 10,882,459 10,823,029 Average tractive power per locomotive in pounds .. .. .. 17,058 17,384 17,889 During the past year twenty-nine engines were scrapped, making a total of 164 obsolete locomotives wiici iave been scrapped since 1926.

iii—D. 2.


Stocks on Hand. Year ended ' —-—-— . Stores. | Coal. ' Total. £ £ £ 31st March, 1929 .. .. .. 714,118 ' 92,167 806,285 31st March, 1930 .. .. .. 676,739 154,357 831,096 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. 647,627 110,602 758,229 31st March, 1932 .. .. .. 481,056 181,073 662,129 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. 360,871 165,576 526,447 31st March, 1934 .. .. .. 451,683 157,637 609,320 : !


Improvements. Seven Wab and/or Ws locomotives were equipped with improved travelling-bogies and five locomotives were equipped with electric headlights. One hundred and four locomotives were equipped with " Waikato " spark-arresters in order to enable soft coal to be more extensively used. Carriages.—New Construction. Ten new carriages, comprising two sleeping-cars and eight second-class main-line cars, were completed and passed into service during the year. Construction work on seventeen new main-line carriages is well advanced. Improvements and Conversions. Two sleeping-cars were converted to second-class day-cars and equipped with chair-seats. Five carriages were fitted with steam-heating equipment. The programme of improving the seating-accommodation has been proceeded with during the year. Fifty-four second-class cars which had longitudinal seating were equipped with chair-seats of the " Addington " type. The lavatory accommodation on seventy-four cars was improved .n accordance with an improvement programme which has been under way for the past few years. The number of carriages in service at the end of the year was 1,500, of which number twenty-one were sleeping-cars. Seven carriages were equipped with S.K.F. roller bearings, making a total of fifty-nine cars equipped with these bearings to date. The installation of ball bearings in the passenger rolling-stock has been an important phase of the endeavours that have been made to improve passenger services. With the ordinary type of axle-box, hot-boxes are liable to occur, notwithstanding that a high standard of care may be exercised in their maintenance. The inconvenience of delay and disturbance of passengers when a hot-box occurs on a passenger vehicle is a serious matter, and one that the Board has been most anxious to avoid. It had been decided, prior to the constitution of the Board, that a number of axle-boxes of the ball-bearing type should be installed, and the result has amply justified this decision. The first bearings were placed in service late in 1931, and up to the present there have been no delays due to axle-boxes running hot on the vehicles that are equipped with roller bearings. Brake-vans. Two fifty-foot and nine thirty-foot brake-vans were constructed during the year and passed into traffic, and three forty four feet postal vans were converted to brake-vans. Four hundred and ninty-eight vans were in service at 31st March, 1934, of which total 485 were brake-vans and thirteen postal vans. Wagons. The construction of new rolling-stock to replace vehicles scrapped was continued during the year, a total of 216 wagons being constructed, comprising two petrol-wagons, five bogie horse-boxes, 171 four-wheeled sheep-trucks, ten four-wheeled frozen-meat trucks, and twenty-eight four-wheeled ventilated wagons. The number of wagons scrapped during the year totalled 494, comprising thirty-six bogie vehicles and 458 four-wheeled vehicles. At the close of the year 211 wagons were under construction in the workshops, comprising twenty bogie sheep-trucks, six bogie frozen-meat trucks, sixteen bogie covered goods-wagons, seventy-one four-wheeled sheep-trucks, eight four-wheeled frozen-meat trucks, and ninety four-wheeled ventilated wagons. The total number of wagons in service at 31st March, 1934, was 27,418. TRANSPORTATION. The train-mileage for the year (exclusive of shunting and departmental mileage) was 10,163,474, as against 9,828,853 for the previous year, an increase of 334,621 train miles. Of the total trainmileage run 4,550,559 were passenger-miles and 5,612,915 goods-miles, an increase of 201,792 and 132,829 respectively as compared with the previous year. The particulars of the revenue trainmileage run in the various sections are as follow : —


Section. 1933-34. 1932-33. Variation. Kaihu .. .. .. •• •• 13,808 13,136 + 672 Gisborne 37,108 40,324 - 3,216 North Island Main Line and Branches .. .. 6,228,946 6,008,264 +220,682 South Island Main Line and Branches .. .. 3,740,547 3,624,551 +115,996 Westport 60,492 60,671 - 179 Nelson 38,923 39,240 - 317 Picton .. .. .. .. .. 43,650 42,667 + 983 10,163,474 9,828,853 +334,621


TRAIN SERVICES. The Board has, since the commencement of its functions, diligently pursued a policy of improved services. It felt that, with the changing standard of demand in transport matters, the quality of service provided was bound to play a very important part in the results ultimately achieved. Speed in transit and efficiency in the direction of eliminating trouble for the customer immediately impressed the Board as vital factors. On both the passenger and the goods sides the advantage which the railways have in their capacity for night transport, was, in the opinion of the Board, a line of action that could be developed to the advantage of the railway business. Unfortunately, depressed conditions in trade and industry and the necessity for a curtailment of train-mileage to reduce expenditure, have made it impossible to develop night travel on the passenger side to the extent that the Board would have wished. This was due to the fact that the day services which have been provided over a long period of years could not be immediately curtailed, so that any night services that might be provided would involve additional train-mileage and consequent increased expenditure. If the improvement that has taken place during the past year in the financial position of the Department is maintained, the Board feels that its policy of providing night services, which has been held, in suspense for the reasons above mentioned, might be gone on with, and the Board is accordingly hopeful that during the coming year it may be able to do something in that direction. So far as goods services are concerned, the same difficulty did not present itself, as existing day services could be substantially cut down and the night services substituted therefor. A good deal has already been done in this "direction, and, taken in conjunction with collection and delivery services which the Board has developed, generally in association with local carriers, the Board is now able to give a rapid and efficient service in connection with the carriage of goods. There are express goods services now operating on the Main Trunk lines in both the North and South Islands. Between such points as Dunedin-Invercargill, Christchurch-Dunedin, Dunedin-Timaru, Christchurch-Timaru, Wellington - Palmerston North, Wellington-Wanganui, and Auckland-Hamilton goods delivered to the Department for transport up to the evening of one day are available at their destination practically at the opening of business on the following morning. The following table shows the average late arrivals of the express, mixed, and suburban trains for the year : —

Average Late Arrival of Trains, Year ended 31st March, 1934.

These figures include delays arising from all causes, including slips, floods, washouts, earthquakes, engine and other mechanical failures, and traffic delays at stations. In previous Statements the foregoing tabulation has included particulars for " long distance mixed trains." These particulars have been omitted from the tabulation in this Statement for the reason that mixed trains have now become substantially goods trains, the passenger traffic worked by them being very subsidiary to their main purpose. As the tabulation is intended to serve as an indication of the punctuality with which the passenger trains have been worked, particulars regarding " mixed " trains have been omitted as having little significance in relation to the put pose of the tabulation. A resume of the more important alterations to the principal express and passenger trains is as follows: — From 7th May, 1933, the daily Oamaru-Dunedin return service was accelerated by the provision of passenger trains in lieu of the mixed trains that had run previously. As from 10th May, 1933, a special passenger service was inaugurated between Timaru and Christchurch on Wednesdays, leaving Timaru at 7.50 a.m. and returning leaving Christchurch at 4.15 p.m. Subsequently the departure time from Christchurch was delayed to 4.50 p.m. As from sth June, 1933, the ordinary express train leaving Wellington for Auckland daily at 2.0 p.m. was rescheduled to leave Wellington at 3.0 p.m. to synchronize with the departure time of the ordinary Auckland-Wellington express train, and to provide a more suitable arrival time at Auckland. General. On 4th September, 1933, the Tahora-Okahukura Section of the Stratford - Main Trunk Line was taken over from the Public Works Department and a thrice-weekly express passenger service from New Plymouth to Auckland and vice versa was brought into operation. Parcels, goods, and livestock traffic has been worked over the new line since the 12th December, 1932. As from sth November, 1933, Sunday trains between Wellington and Upper Ilutt were reinstated as a trial. The patronage afforded this service, however, was below expectations even during the summer period, and fell away to such an extent that the service was discontinued from the 13th May, 1.934. As from the sth November, 1933, Sunday trains in the Auckland-Helen sville and AucklandPapakura areas were reintroduced. At the present time these trains are not being patronized as well as was anticipated, and their retention is contingent on the result at the expiry of a fixed trial period.


Period ended Average for Year Year ended in April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March. March. Minutes. Express and Mail Trains. 1934 .. .. 5-87 ! 3-58 [ 1-86 I 1-77 | 1-47 I 1-60 I 1-13 ! 1-68 I 1-64 I 7-88 I 5-37 j 5-63 I 7-41 | 3-60 1933 .. .. I 1-69 | 2-81 [ 1-33 [ 2-62 | 1-32 | 5-58 [ 1-66 j 1-43 | MS | 4-50 | 2-80 | 3-06 | 6-27 | 2-78 Suburban Trains. 1934 .. .. j 0-72 j 0-52 I 0-74 j 0-44 I 0-37 1 0-32 I 0-25 I 0-32 I 0-39 j 0-08 j 0-72 I 0-92 I 0-88 I 0-51 1933 .. .. | 0-47 | 0-48 j 0-42 [ 0-44 | 0-28 | 0-25 ! 0-20 | 0-28 1 0-26 j 0-56 I 0-47 I 0-60 | 0-55 | 0-40


In order to effect economies, and at the same time provide improved transport facilities for residents in the Tapanui-Kelso-Heriot district, the passenger accommodation on the Tapanui Branch trains was discontinued as from Ist January, 1934, and a departmental road motor service, connecting with main line trains at Waipahi was established. Goods transport requirements are met by a return goods service between Clinton and Edievale on four days weekly. Branch Lines. The operating revenue from branch lines totalled £300,021, an increase of £422 (0-01 per cent.) compared with the previous year. The passenger revenue increased by £2,613 (6-18 per cent.), and goods revenue decreased by £1,794 (0-80 per cent.). The operating expenditure was £369,898, compared with £399,130 for the previous year, a decrease of £29,232 (7.49 per cent.). A decline in traffic on certain of the branch lines necessitated a further curtailment of services, the train-mileage for the year totalling 784,385 miles. This represents a decrease of 20,400 miles (2-53 per cent.) compared with the previous year, and is a factor contributing to the decrease in expenditure. The net loss on branch lines after allowing for the feeder value of branch-line traffic was £4,562 compared with £44,591 in 1933 and £115,058 in 1932. Interest charges amounted to £388,573 as compared with £412,125 for the previous year. The total loss on branch lines for the past year, including interest charges was £393,135, or a decrease of £63,581 compared with the previous year. This loss represents 32-85 per cent, of the total deficit (including interest), while the mileage of branch lines was 26-63 per cent, of the total mileage of the railway system. As the Board has stated in its previous reports, its policy has been one of constructive effort directed towards improving the financial position of the branch lines, in the hope of justifying their continued working and thereby avoiding the necessity of curtailing branch-line losses by the drastic alternative of closing the lines. This policy takes on two main aspects —namely, revenue and expenditure. Revenue is a matter which largely rests with the people in the districts affected, and this applies particularly with regard to the operation of competitive services in the branch line districts. The Board made its appeal to the people to do their part in the preservation of the branch lines by placing their business on the lines, since the business done is in the last resort the only real justification for continued operation. Dealing with expenditure, the Board may fairly claim to have done its part. For the year ended 31st March, 1932 (this being the first year of the Board's operation), the operating loss on account of branch line working was £165,718. For the year ended 31st March, 1934, this loss had been reduced to £69,877, and this improvement in the net position of the branch lines has been brought about solely by the reductions which the Board has been able to achieve on the expenditure side. The revenue from branch lines has, in fact, not improved, as the following figures will show: — £ Year ended 31st March, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 308,560 Year ended 31st March, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 300,021 No doubt some of this decrease can be ascribed to the depression in trade and industry which has resulted in decreased revenue over the whole of the railway system ; but it is well known that there are many competitive services operating in districts served by branch lines which have had the effect of substantially decreasing the revenue from those lines, with, as the Board conceives it, no material advantage to the district. Taking as an example the Otago Central line, the service which this line is rendering to the Otago Central district is undeniable. Two of the principal types of traffic from the district are live-stock and fruit, and neither of these types of traffic could be adequately served by any other means of transport than the railway, and they certainly could not be served at the rates which are charged by rail. This applies particularly to fruit, an industry which has undoubtedly been built up on the cheap rates for transport which have been afforded, and are still being afforded, by the railways. It is found, however, that competitive road services, catering for the higher classes of traffic, are operating over very long distances in competition with this line. It is impossible to believe that there can be any substantial advantage in point of service from the operation of these competitive methods of transport, while it is equally undeniable that, from the point of view of the national interest, any advantage in service that might be claimed would certainly not justify the expenditure that is involved in this duplication of transport facilities. This line showed a net loss on operating (without interest) last year of £7,767, and the Board again desires to emphasize its appeal to the people of the district to do justice by the country in general, which is bearing this loss, in order to provide the railway service that is vital to the welfare of the district. Having regard to the fact that the line is so vital to the district, this loss might be borne by the general taxpayer without serious complaint if it were not for the fact that it is being made larger than it need be through the patronage afforded in the district to competitive services. A responsibility in this matter undoubtedly rests on the Transport Licensing Authorities but, in the last resort, the people of the district have it in their own hands in the sense that they have the power of determining how their transport shall be placed. The case of the Otago Central line has been cited as typical, but the Board does not wish it to be inferred that this is the only line to which the conditions as above described apply. The Board again earnestly appeals to the people in the districts served by branch lines to help the Board to improve the financial position of these lines so as to justify their continued working, and not force the Board to measures as regards services and charges which it would be loath to take, but which will undoubtedly be necessary if the peojsle concerned will not voluntarily exert themselves to remove the inequitable position that at present so largely obtains.



Isolated Sections. The results of operation on isolated sections are as follow : — Kaihu.—Revenue amounted to £3,824, an increase of £126 over the previous year's figures, all classes of traffic showing a slight increase. Expenditure totalled £5,956, a decrease of £96 compared with the previous year. Train-mileage was 13,808, compared with 13,136 in 1933, an increase of 672. The operating loss for the year was £2,132, as against £2,354 for the previous year. Gisborne. —Revenue totalled £15,996, an increase of £1,568. Passenger revenue fell by 11-93 per cent., parcels revenue increased slightly, and goods revenue advanced 15-6 per cent. The main items making up the increase in goods revenue were wool, road-metal, and timber. Expenditure totalled £18,202, a decrease of £745. Train-mileage was 37,108, as against 40,324 the previous year, a decrease of 3,216. The operating loss on this section was £2,206, as compared with £4,519 the position thus being improved by £2,313. Nelson. —Revenue amounted to £11,639, as against £13,402 for the previous year, a decrease of £1,763. Passenger revenue showed an increase of £897. Goods revenue fell by £2,447, due to the termination of the cartage contract between the railhead and Murchison. Expenditure totalled £19,082, or a decrease of £2,651 on the previous year's figures, all items with the exception of maintenance of rolling-stock showing decreases. The increase in rolling-stock repairs was due to heavy overhauls of locomotive engines and boilers. The train-mileage for the year was 38,923 miles, compared with 39,240 miles for the previous year. The operating loss on Nelson Section for the year was £7,443, as compared with £8,331 for the previous year. The financial results of this line last year led the Board to the conclusion that there was a prima facie case for closing the line. After discussion with the people of the district, however, it was decided to adjust some of the rates and to give the line a further trial for another year. The result cannot be considered as satisfactory. The revenue position has not improved. The loss on operating is considerable, and the Board is of opinion that there is little prospect of any substantial improvement. Picton. —The revenue from this section amounted to £27,317, a decrease of £1,486 compared with the previous year. Passenger revenue increased by £312, but goods revenue decreased by £1,883 (8-64 per cent.), the latter being due to severe drought conditions in Marlborough. Expenditure totalled £28,702, an increase of £154 over the previous year. The train-mileage was 43,650 miles,. against 42,667 miles for the previous year. The section showed an operating loss for the year of £1,385 compared with a profit of £255 for the previous year. West-port.—The revenue for this section totalled £63,322, as compared with £64,065 for the previous year, a decrease of £743. The principal decline is again in coal traffic, which totalled 283,654 tons, as compared with 288,248 tons for the previous year. Expenditure totalled £54,268, a reduction of £4,191 on the previous year's figures. Train-mileage was 60,492 miles, compared with 60,671 the previous year. The operating profit on this section was £9,054, compared with £5,606 in the previous year. Railway Publicity Beanch. The Board has found that the results of the advertising and general publicity efforts of the Department have been very satisfactory. Every day the principal newspapers in the Dominion carry some advertising relating to railway activities. By flashing signs in the main centres, by hoardings facing the principal streets, by posters, booklets, handbills, and leaflets, the story of railway service in all its forms is being constantly told. The Board has found an increasing willingness amongst local bodies and various organizations that are interested in particular localities, to co-operate with the Department in developing travel to such places. The marked success which has followed some of the campaigns already carried through in developing passenger traffic of this kind has assisted in extending this mutually helpful practice. In the matter of the display of travel posters, the Department now has reciprocal agreements with the following railways : London and North Eastern Railways ; Australian National Travel Association (covers all railway systems in Australia) ; Indian State Railways; South Indian Railway Co. ; Biera and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways ; Japanese Government Railways ; Egyptian State Railways ; Federated Malay State Railways; Ceylon Government Railways; Netherlands Indian State Railways ; Siam State Railways ; Canadian National Railways ; Canadian Pacific Railways. This ensures a very widespread distribution in other countries and assists in drawing attention to New Zealand and the various aspects of this country likely to appeal to prospective tourists or settlers. The Board feels that the efforts made by the Department to increase public interest in travel within the Dominion are having definite effects that not only help the Department to obtain more traffic, but do good to the public by giving them a fuller knowledge and appreciation of their own countryDuring the year no fewer than 26,000 posters have been prepared and distributed, and 40,000 handbills, cards, &c. Quite a number of publications have also been issued, including a revised " Picnics by Rail " booklet, a folder for Hanmer Springs, a Railways book-mark, a folder for the Ot.ira Walk, and four " Seeing New Zealand by Rail" folders for the Southern Lakes, Mount Cook, Northern Lakes, and Northland. Besides this work the Branch has assisted in literary work, layout and printing of booklets and folders for firms and local associations interested in the promotion of travel. The Department's own publications of this kind during the year totalled 125,000 copies.



As the principal seller of transport within the Dominion, the Board is necessarily interested in the promotion of tourist traffic to this country. It is well known, of course, that Railway organizations in Great Britain, Canada, United States of America, Germany, France, India, South Africa, and some other big countries are very active and enterprising in their efforts to draw tourist traffic from various countries to their own lines. A study of the present position justifies a belief that the time has come for the New Zealand Railways to send their message impressively overseas. Happily the Department is fully equipped for the production and distribution of suitable illustrated publicity matter. The preparation and distribution of photographs through the press and also to the Government Tourist Department has been further extended during the past year. A very fine range of enlarged coloured photographs of the principal scenic resorts in New Zealand has also been prepared and is now ready for exhibition in various centres of the Dominion, in order to assist in still further increasing passenger traffic by rail. The photographs are used largely in the New Zealand Railways Magazine, and also by other publications, to convey pictorial information to the public regarding railway developments and improvements of all kinds. Many overseas publications have used photographs distributed from the Railways Publicity Section, and the High Commissioner's Office, London, has been able to effect distribution of photographs of this type amongst leading British and Continental newspapers and magazines. Articles illustrated with railway photographs prepared in this Division have been supplied to publications in various countries, such as Messrs. Thos. Cook and Son's Travellers' Gazette, and The Railway Gazette, London. Railways Magazine. —Now in its ninth year of publication, the Department's official monthly Magazine maintains its high standard as a modern magazine, and continues to serve in its role as departmental " house organ." Distributed free to the staff, the Magazine provides a comparatively inexpensive, attractive, and readily accessible medium in which subjects of immediate and prospective railway interest and importance may be discussed and clarified. All subjects within the range of the Department's services and facilities are naturally within the scope of the Magazine, and only authoritative information is published. In making available, in compact form for the guidance of the staff, accurate knowledge concerning the _ operations of the Department, and by emphasing in other directions the importance of the railways in the national life of the country, the Magazine is doing a definitely constructive work. By free circulation amongst the Department's customers, the Magazine exerts an important beneficial influence from the Railway viewpoint, and both inside and outside the Service the Magazine continues to win high commendation from its readers. The advertising figures for the past year represent a doubling of the revenue from this source — a fact which indicates the increasing appeal of the Magazine to advertisers. The revenue from sales has also notably increased. The overall cost of the Magazine to the Department is a progressively decreasing one. At the present time the net cost of the Magazine to the Department is l-Bd. per copy. The prospect is that with a glowing revenue from advertising and sales, the cost to the Department will continue to decrease. If the Magazine account were credited with its publicity value to the Department, as house organs usually are in the case of private firms, the position would show a considerable profit. WAY AND WORKS BRANCH. The following are the principal features connected with the operations of the Way and Works Branch during the year Permanent-way. —The relaying done during the year was as follows Main line and branches, 52 lb., 53 lb., 55 lb., 56 lb., 65 lb., 70 lb., and 100 lb., M. Ch. relaid with 55 lb., 70 lb., and 100 lb. new material .. .. ..3172 Main line and branches relaid with second-hand material 55 lb., 56 lb., and 70 lb. .. .. .. ■ • • • • • • • .. 0 78 Total .. .. .. • • • • • • 32 70 Sleepers.—The number of new sleepers placed in the track during the year was 152,046. Ballasting.—During the year 163,336 cubic yards of ballast was placed on the track. Slips, Floods, do. —During the year a number of minor slips, floods, &c., occurred at the following places and caused delay to trains : — Between Ohaupo and Lake Road (Ohakune District). Between Manunui and Piriaka (Ohakune District). Between Kakariki and Greatford (Wanganui District). Between Porirua and Paremata (Wellington District). Between Ngaio and Khandallah (Wellington District). On Hokitika line. Between Taiôma and Parera (Dunedin District). On sth August, 1933, a fall of about 300 tons of papa rock occurred on the Point Elizabeth line, breaking the centre line. Track was cleared for traffic the following day. A further fall'of 20 tons happened on the 10th August, 1933, damaging the centre rail, but traffic was resumed on same day.



Earthquake. —An earthquake which occurred on the night of the sth March, 1934, caused damage in the Wairarapa, Hawke's Bay, Manawatu, and Wanganui districts. One pier of a bridge near Mahriceville was shifted 1 ft. out of place, and the fdling of the approaches at each end of the bridge subsided 1 ft. The filling in the approaches to the Kopua and Ormondville viaducts subsided about 6 in. At a point just north of Paraparaumu a bank through a swamp settled a maximum of 2 ft. 6 in. over a length of 3 chains. Several sidings leading to the wharf at Foxton could not be used for a day owing to subsidences. About two hundred chimneys in the districts mentioned were damaged. Cattle and Sheep Yards.—During the year sheep and cattle yards were provided at Matamata, Whangamarino, Kamahi, Castle Rock, and Ryal Bush Stations. Buildings.—All buildings have been maintained in satisfactory condition. A hut at Te Kuiti, lamp-room at Taumarunui, bus-garage at Hastings, and a small dwelling at Opapa were totally destroyed by fire during the year. The following were also damaged by fire ; Engine-sheds at Taumarunui, Hawera, and Wanganui; store-sheds at Frankton Junction and Lambton ; and houses at Kaikohe, Mercer, Halcombe, Longburn, Woodville, Karoro, Purakanui Cliffs, and Mosgiel. Railway Improvements. —The principal works carried out during the year were as follow : New turn-tables (55 ft.) were installed at Huntly, Putaruru, Waipukurau, Masterton, and Cross Creek ; Bus-garage erected at Hastings ; improvements and alterations to locomotive depots at Jrankton Junction and Taumarunui; additional sidings provided on breastwork at Lyttelton. Wellington New Station.—Work on the new station-yard was started on 3rd July, 1933. The site for new station building was cleared and drainage laid, a temporary additional platform was constructed at Lambton Station, also temporary wagon-repair shed and temporary carriage standing tracks were provided. Portion of the new goods yard has been constructed and parts of new main lines towards Kaiwarra have been laid. A contract for the construction of the new station building to be erected near Bunny Street was let to the Fletcher Construction Co., Ltd., in November, 1933. The contract price is £339,173 Os. lid., and the building is to be completed in February, 1937. The contractors have completed the preliminary work and have started to drive the reinforced-concrete piles for the foundations. Bridge-strengthening.—The work of strengthening and renewing bridges was continued during the year. The strengthening of the Toi Toi Viaduct and the reconstruction of the Wangaehu Viaduct were completed. In the South Island the strengthening of the Pareora Bridge was completed and the reconstruction of the North Rangitata Bridge is in hand. Welded Rail-joints. —With a view to reducing maintenance costs, several rail-joints at road crossings have been electrically welded and so far are giving satisfactory service. At present a trial length of one mile of the Lower Hutt suburban line has been laid with " Thermit " welded joints. It is hoped that in addition to savings in maintenance costs, greater comfort to the travelling public will result. If the anticipated improvements are realized, it is proposed to weld the whole of the new double track between Wellington and Tawa Flat. By this process as many as five ordinary rail lengths are welded together continuously on straights and shorter lengths on curves according to the radius. In the tunnels all joints will be eliminated. Mileage. —The mileage of track open for traffic on the 31st March, 1933, was 3,278 miles 74 chains. SIGNAL AND ELECTRICAL BRANCH. The following is a summary of the principal activities of the Signal and Electrical Branch during the year:— Signalling. Okahuhura. —A new system of key locking and signalling was completed and brought into use before regular passenger services were inaugurated to New Plymouth. The new system has fulfilled expectations, and has worked satisfactorily. Wellington New Station. —Stage one has been completed. This entailed extensive alterations in the Lambton north signal-box and the complete dismantling of the south box and interlocking. Iwo additional docks have been provided and interlocked and the new platforms have been flood-lighted. The new down main line between Thorndon and Kaiwarra across the reclamation has been brought into use and the main line connections at Kaiwarra lifted to allow further stages of the new work to proceed. Tenders for various sections of material for the new yard have been called and those for the interlocking machine and flood-lighting equipment accepted. The design of the signalling, telephone, lighting, and power reticulation is well in hand. As the new works have proceeded, temporary alterations to lines, lighting, and signalling have received attention. Automatic Signalling, Heathcote-Addington,—This work has been commenced and further material ordered to allow of its completion in the present year. General. —Alterations and additions to existing signalling and interlocking have been carried out at Whangarei, Kioreroa Bridge (lifted), Morningside, Ellerslie Racecourse Siding (lifted), Ellerslie, Westfield, Horotiu, Stratford, Palmerston North, Paekakariki (shunting indicators), Kaiwarra, and Lambton. Repeater light signals have been installed at Drury and Ngaruawahia.



Home and distant signals and Woods locks have been dismantled at Okahukura. A switch-locked siding has been installed at the Silverstream Ballast-pit and the switch-locked siding at Andrews' Siding has been removed. The total number of signalling installations is as follows : — Miles of single-line automatic signalling .. .. .. .. 190 m. 41 eh. Miles of double-line automatic signalling .. .. .. .. 63 m. 14 ch. Automatic crossing-loops .. .. .. .. .. 33 Automatic switch-locked sidings .. .. .. .. ... 34 Power interlockings .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 Mechanical interlockings .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 Interlocked tramway-crossings .. .. .. .. 7 Mechanical fixed-signal and Woods locked stations .. .. .. 305 Tablet locked sidings .. .. .. .. .. .. 265 Telegraph and Telephone Facilities. Bloclc-worlcing. —During the year Onoke was closed as a tablet station and Rotowaro and Waikiwi converted to switch-out working. The Waterworks Siding at Heathcote, controlled by the lock-and-block system, has been lifted., The present position in regard to block-working is as follows : — Total mileage equipped with tablet instruments.. .. .. 1,577 Number of tablet instruments in use .. .. .. .. .. 847 Number of tablet stations .. .. .. .. .. .. 353 Number of tablet exchangers .. .. .. .. .. 313 Mileage of double-line worked by lock and block .. .. .. 15 Number of stations .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Number of instruments .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 During this the fourth year of the communications rebuilding programme 174 miles of pole-line were rebuilt; 521 miles of copper conductors replaced the worn-out iron circuits on these sections ; and 591 miles of copper wire were erected in new circuits. The sections rebuilt include Helensville-Maungaturoto, Tahora-Stratford, Stratford-Aramoho. The train-control system was brought into use on the Stratford-Okahukura-Taumarunui Section with a temporary control office at Stratford, and the Stratford-Wanganui Train Control Section was nearing completion at the end of the year. Larger telephone exchanges were installed at Frankton Junction and Palmerston North, including a voice-frequency repeater at Frankton Junction, and the recovered exchange boards were used f.or providing additional facilities at Ohakune Junction, Taumarunui, and Wanganui. The cable on the Wellington Paekakariki Section is now partially installed, and this work is proceeding rapidly now that the route has been made available by the Public Works Department. A carrier-frequency telephone system from Ohakune to Paekakariki has been installed, and is ready for use when the Wellington-Paekakariki cable extends the circuit to Wellington. The circuit on the Onerahi Branch line was dismantled when the Branch line was lifted. The statistics of communication facilities are as follow :— Morse instruments .. .. .. .. .. 192 Telephones .. .. .. .. .. 2,663 Miles of wire .. .. .. .. .. ..16,956 Miles of poles .. .. .. .. .. 3,085 Railway exchangesAutomatic .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 Manual .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 Public exchange connections .. .. .. .. 570 The Board desires to make some comment as to the policy which it has pursued regarding the means of communication in connection with the railway services. When the Board assumed office it found that the standard of communications was much below what was required for efficient and satisfactory working. A programme of improvement had been worked out, and this programme the Board has diligently pursued according to the funds that could be made available for the purpose. The position has now been reached where substantial improvement has been brought about by the adoption of modern appliances, and the effect has already been very noticeable in the carrying-on of the Department's operations. Efficient means of communication have a vital bearing on the organization of the Department. They solve the problem of decentralization, for they admit of that degree of centralization which is inseparable from the operations of a State Department, and, by ensuring prompt communication of question and answer between headquarters and outlying areas, the real effects of decentralization can be obtained. This, the Board is convinced, has had a substantial bearing on the improved service, which has won favourable comment from the public in recent years. On the part of the staff nothing could be more unsatisfactory than poor communications. The effect of the improvement in means of communication on the general efficiency of the Department has been very marked, and this result has afforded the Board much satisfaction. Level-crossing Alarms. A number of these installations have been equipped with secondary batteries and rectifiers, reducing the more expensive primary-battery renewals. The total number of level crossings now fitted with automatic warning-devices is 123. In addition, there are also a number with manually controlled bells.


D— 2

Traction. Christchurch-Lyttelton. —The electrified section between Christchurch and Lyttelton lias continued free from any serious trouble. As a result of the change in field coils of the rotaries at Woolston Substation, a saving in the annual power bill of approximately £1,500 has been effected. Otira Electrification. —There has been no failures of the overhead at Otira during the year, and the system has continued to function satisfactorily. The overhead girders at Otira have been painted and the equipment generally is in excellent order. Wellington-Paekakariki. —During the year a commencement was made with the work of electrifying the line between Wellington and Paekakariki. Poles, bare cable, armoured cable, and insulators have been delivered, and the erection of traction poles between Paekakariki and Tawa Plat has been completed. Tenders for a large quantity of equipment have been received and orders for most of this have been placed. It is expected that with the delivery of the necessary equipment during the coming year rapid progress will be made. Electrical Reticulation. During the year a number of motor installations were completed at various workshops and locomotive depots. At the close of the year a total of 2,226 dwellings and 336 railway-stations were electrically lighted and 17 station-yards equipped with flood lighting. CONCLUSION. The Board is pleased again to record its appreciation of the good work that has been done by the staff during the year. It desires also to express its thanks to the press and the public for much helpful advice and criticism. The track, bridges, structures, signalling appliances, rolling-stock, and other plant are in good order and in every way efficient for the work required of them in carrying on the business of the Department. In witness thereof the official seal of the Government Railways Board was hereto [l.s.] affixed by resolution of the Board in the presence of — H. H. Sterling, Chairman Edward Newman " , XT „ Government Railways James 11. Gunson > nj J> Members Boar(L Geo. W. Reid Daniel Reese J J

iv—D. 2.



RESULTS OP WORKING. The following is a statement; of the results of working for the past five years

For the current year it is anticipated that the revenue will reach £6,356,970, and the expenditure £5,350,770.


Year ended 31st March, Paktiotjlaks. ; — : j ; 5 1934. 1933. 1932. 1931. 1930. Total miles open for traffic .. .. 3,320 3,315 3,315 3,322 3,287 Average miles open for year .. 3,304 3,315 3.315 3,303 3,287 Capital cost of opened and unopened lines £59,337,917 £59,228,894 £59,055,701 £68,679 ,025 £65,526,089 Capital cost of open lines .. .. £53,909,347 £51,480,949 £51,424,883 £60,545,154 £57,787,671 Capital cost per mile of open lines .. £16,238 £15,530 £15,513 £18,226 £17,581 Gross earnings .. .. ■■ £6,332,711 £6,034,403 £6,508,948 £7,571,537 £8,279,914 Working-expenses .. .. .. £5,247,153 £5,183,859 £5,670,955 £6,882,810 £7,358,859 NET EARNINGS .. .. £1,085,558 £850,544 £837,993 £688,727 £921,055 Interest charges .. .. •• £2,282,365 £2,230,655 £2,221,465 £2,255,345 £2,132,324 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL WORKINGEXPENSES TO GROSS EARNINGS 82-86 85-91 87*13 90-90 88-88 PERCENTAGE OF NET EARNINGS TO CAPITAL INVESTED .. .. ! 2-05 1-65 1-64 1-16 1-61 Railway operating earnings .. .. £5,628,835 £5,339,075 £5,788,965 £6,781,388 £7,473,993 Railway operating expenses .. .. £4,877,146 £4,833,754 £5,301,653 £6,406,143 £6,848,026 NET RAILWAY OPERATING EARNINGS £751,689 £505,321 £487,312 £375,245 £625,967 PERCENTAGE OF RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES TO EARNINGS .. 86-65 90-54 91-58 94-47 91 62 Operating earnings per average mile open £1,704 £1,610 ■ £1,746 I £2,053 £2,274 Operating expenses per average mile open £1,476 £1,458 £1,599 £1,939 £2,083 NET OPERATING EARNINGS PER AVERAGE MILE OPEN .. .. £228 £152 £147 £114 £191 d. d. d, d. d. Operating earnings per train-mile .. 132-92 130-37 136-63 144-26 149-21 Operating expenses per train-mile .. 115-17 118-03 125-13 136-28 136-71 NET OPERATING EARNINGS PER TRAIN-MILE .. .. .. 17-75 12-34 11-50 7*98 12-50 Passengers, ordinary .. .. 7,511,346 6,870,570 6,503,566 7,288,674 8,498,441 Season tickets .. .. .. 442,742 437,775 459,063 600,440 667,432 Total passenger journeys .. .. 19,047,186 18,366,654 19,151,480 22,813,708 25,413,621 Goods tonnage .. .. .. 5,093,396 4,945,592 5,272,253 6,409,831 7,233,295 Live-stock tonnage .. .. .. 548,803 545,094 552,558 556,498 566,407 Train-mileage .. .. .. 10,163,474 9,828,853 10,168,720 11,281,898 12,022,043 Engine-mileage .. .. .. 13,591,390 13,265,878 j 13,845,966 15,618,776 16,735,624 J __J >L I


I).— C A

INDEX OF STATEMENTS ACCOMPANYING ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS BOARD, 1933-34. No. X. Capital Account. General Balance-sheet. No. 2. Income and Expenditure of the Whole Undertaking. Net Revenue Account. No. 3. Tncome and Expenditure in respect of Railway Operation. Abstract A—Maintenance of Way and Works. Abstract B—-Maintenance of Signals and Electrical Appliances. Abstract C —Maintenance of Rolling-stock. Abstract D—Examination, Lubrication, and Lighting of Vehicles. Abstract E —Locomotive Transportation. Abstract F—Traffic Transportation. Abstract G—General Charges. Summary of Expenditure Abstracts. No. 4. Income and Expenditure in respect of Lake Wakatipu Steamers. No. 5. Income and Expenditure in respect of Refreshment Service. No. sa. Income and Expenditure in respect of Bookstall Service. No. 6. Income and Expenditure in respect of Advertising Service. No. 7. Income and Expenditure in respect of Departmental Dwellings. No. 8. Income and Expenditure in respect of Buildings occupied by Refreshment Service, Bookstall Proprietors, &c. No. 9. Income and Expenditure in respect of Road Motor Services. No. 10. Income and Expenditure in respect of Railway Employees' Sick Benefit Society. Balance-sheet. No. 11. Statement of Losses on Developmental Branch Lines and Isolated Sections. No. 12. Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments—Working Railways Account. Reconciliation Statement. No. 13. Renewals, Depreciation, and Equalization Reserve Accounts. General Reserve Account. Insurance Reserve Account. Workers' Compensation Reserve Account. Slips, Floods, and Accidents Equalization Reserve Account. Betterments Reserve Account. Renewals Reserve Account. Depreciation Reserve Account. No. 14. Expenditure on Construction of Railways, Rolling-stock, &c. Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest earned on Capital expended on Opened Lines. No. 15. Expenditure out of Working Railways Account (Depreciation Fund) and Public Works Fund. No. 16. Statement of Season Tickets issued. No. 17. Statement of Operating Traffic and Revenue. (1) Operating Traffic. (2) Operating Revenue. No. 18. Traffic and Revenue for each Station. No. 19. Classification of Goods and Live-stock Traffio and Earnings by Commodities. No. 20. Comparative Statement of Mileage, Capital Cost, Earnings, Expenditure, and Traffic. No. 21. Number of Employees. No. 22. Accidents. No. 23. Carriage and Wagon Stock and Tarpaulins. No. 24. Locomotive Stock. No. 25. Locomotive-running Costs.

1— D. 2.

D.— 2.

STATEMENT No. 1. Capital Account as at 31st March, 1934.


Total to 31st March, 1933, ! Total to 31st March •! j Total, to 31st March, i Year ended Total 31st March, j less Assets written off and Provision Year ended 31st March, 1934. 1934. * j 1933. 31st March, 1934. 1934. for Depreciation. ; 1*1! ' — ; - — ; I I Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Receipts £ s. d. £ s. d.j £ s. d. Permanent - wav, works, buildings, 46,834,058 0 1 .. 2,462,358 17 11 From General Government r t h r s ;andplant(iines ° pen PuMc Works Fund .. 50,920,696 2 5 1 2,458,265 13 sjss, 378,961 15 10 Deduct assets written off .. 645,160 13 5 94,981 18 5 Wellington-Hutt Railway Im- j 228,373 5 5 .. j 228,373 5 _____ 46,188,897 6 8 2,367,376 19 6 48,556,274 6 2 provement Account ! | Rolling-stock .. .. .. .. .. 289,208 1 9 Railways Improvement Ac- 641,275 7 8 .. 641,275 7 8 Deduct assets written off .. .. .. 117,866 19 8 : count, 1904 10,504,787 14 1| 171,341 2 1 10,676,128 16 2 Railways Improvements Autho-! 8,648,618 b 10 .. , 8,648,01» o iu New lines in course of construction by j rization Act 1914 Account , „„„ , 4 296 7 10 Public Works Department and j Consolidated Fund 4,296 7 10 .. 4,-Jb 7 10 charged against- Westport Harbour loans .. 328,190 0 0 .. 328,190 0 0 1. Railway Improvement Autho- .. 1,133,923 1 6 .. .. 1,133,923 1 6, Works constructed from Grey- 47,508 0 0 .. 47,508 rization Act 1914 Account i mouth Harbour Board funds j , 7S7 74 , 0 2. Public Works Fund: Railways .. 313,676 10 6 .. 55,659 19 9 369,336 10 31 Works constructed by provinces 1,787,741 0 0 .. 1,787,741 0 0 Improvements and additions i Midland Railway o. a to open lines . ■! valuation j _ Lake Wakatipu steamer service .. .. 31,560 14 11 " 31,560 14 11 j : 6 2,606,698 10 2 2,458,265 13 565,064,964 3 7 Deduct assXwttten off !! !! 1M19 9 3 !! .. : Deduct accrued depreciation 10,400,000 0 0 .. 10,400,000 0 0 69,338 5 7 Cr. 8,942 17 5 60,395 8 2' and other losses of capital ; __ ———j written off in accordance I 58,242,183 13 3 .. 2,585,435 3 11 60,827,618 17 2} with subsection (2), section 23, of the Government Railways Amendment Act, 1931 Deduct accrued depreciation on 7,553,377 8 9 Deduct repayments to capital 762,612 9 4 .. 762,612 9 4 existing assets _ _ 111 res P ect of depreciation Less full Hfe assets as at 3ist 645,160 13 5 151,444,086 0 10 2,458,265 13 5 53,902,351 14 3 arc , , wri en o 6,908,216 15 4 - — 306,052 19 4 7,214,£69 14 8 Advances to Capital Account from .. 6,502 8 5 6,502 8 5 j ' ' ; 1 Working Railways Account 5 51,333,966 17 11 2,279,382 4 7 53,613,349 2 6| Outstanding liabilities— ,, | Railways Department .. .. 117 13 0 117 13 0 Public Works Department .. .. 374 14 4 374 14 4 Add unexpended balances— 1. Depreciation reserve .. .. 146,982 11 1 .. 103,384 3 5 250,366 14 6 2. Assets Realization Account .. .. •• 45,630 13 0 45,630 13 0 51,480,949 9 0 .. 2,428,397 I 0 53,909,346 10 0 51,444,086 0 10 2,465,260 9 2 53,909,346 10 0 Note—Unopened lines are under the control of the Public Works Department, and all expenditure out of the Public Works Fund in connection therewith is included in the accounts of that Department.


STATEMENT No. I—continued.1 —continued. General Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1934. Liabilities. , Assets. Sundry creditors — Sawmills, bush areas, and stocks £ s. d. £ s. d. General creditors (including £ s. d. £ s. d. of timber .. .. .. .. 205,341 9 10 unpaid wages) and credit Stores and material on hand — balances .. .. 586,439 14 7 Stores Branch .. .. (509 ,32 0 7 5 Government Departments.. 29,093 311 Subsidiary services .. 8,208 5 6 — 615,532 18 6 617,528 12 XI Collections for refund to — Sundry Assets— Harbour Boards, shipping Advertising Branch .. 26,554 6 5 companies, and other Refreshment Branch .. 30,562 15 8 carriers .. .. 9,822 17 4 Housing improvements .. 14,132 1 7 Government Departments.. 62 4 5 71,249 3 8 9,885 1 9 Sundry debtors— Items to be written off on Advances to capital .. 6,502 8 5 receipt of parliamentary Government Departments .. 8,885 15 8 authority .. .. .. .. 3,058610 Advances: Housing scheme General reserve .. .. 1,144,552 17 8 under Government RailDepreciation reserve .. 250,366 14 6 ways Amendment Act, Assets realization .. .. 45,630 13 0 1927 — Renewals reserve .. .. 660 ,544 18 6 Section 15 (2), State AdInsurance reserves— vances .. .. 9,195 0 0 Fire .. .. .. 73,996 22 Section 15 (5), Railway emWorkers' Compensation .. 26,997 17 8 ployees .. . • 2,080 15 2 Slips, Floods, and Accidents 89,573 0 7 Work in progress, sundry 2,291,662 4 1 debtors, and debit balances 69,176 9 0 Betterment reserve— — 95,840 8 3. Refreshment Branch .. .. .. 3,983 13 11 Accrued interest on investments .. 4,239 19 0 Sick Benefit Fund .. .. .. .. 26,525 14 7 Outstanding at stations — Cash in hand .. .. 72,838 17 8 Freights, &c., owing by Government Departments .. 32,077 0 3 Freights, &c., owing by sundry debtors .. .. 119,804 8 1 224,720 6 0 Working Railways Investments .. 100,005 6 0 Sick Benefit Fund Investments 26,104 14 10 Cash in Working Railways Account .. .. .. .. 1,605,617 19 2 £2,950,647 19 8 £2,950,647 19 8 H. Valentine, F.R.A.N.Z., Chief Accountant. I hereby certify that the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly set out the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the above departmental note and to the exception that the cost of exchange in respect of payments made in London for the purposes of this account has not been charged to the account but has been borne by the Consolidated Fund. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.




STATEMENT No. 2. Income and Expenditure of the Whole Undertaking for the Year ended 31st March, 1934.

Year 1983-34. | Year 1932-33 Statement ■ ! ; I ! No. Gross Revenue. j Expenditure. | Net Revenue. Gross Revenue. j Expenditure. | Net Revenue. * ; - I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. Railway operation .. .. .. .. 3 5,628,835 8 1 4,877,145 13 5 | 751,689 14 8 5,339,075 5 10 i 4,833,754 7 1 505,320 18 9 Lake Wakatipu steamers .. .. .. 4 9,616 17 4 9,610 7 2: 6 10 2 7,864 8 10 ! 8,1991310 Dr. 335 5 0 Refreshment service .. .. .. .. 5 73,657 6 1 72,871 12 11 j 785 13 2 69,505 0 4 66,576 15 4 2,928 5 0 Book-stall service .. .. .. .. 5a 20,786 0 0 19,102 3 5 ! 1,683 16 7 12,384 15 6 j 11,315 0 1 1,069 15 5 Advertising service .. .. .. .. 6 32,706 16 1 30,159 2 7 2.547 13 6 33,613 9 1 29,936 12 8 3,676 16 5 Dwellings .. .. .. .. .. 7 137,238 9 0 150,781 0 1 \ Dr. 13,542 11 1 137,575 4 8 j 145,786 9 5 Dr. 8,211 4 9 Buildings occupied by refreshment service, book- 8 15,749 1 2 10,666 7 4 5,082 13 10 16,224 4 10 10,166 9 7 6,057 15 3 stall proprietors, &c. Road motor services .. .. .. .. 9 79,183 18 2 I 76,816 6 2 j 2,367 12 0 78,644 3 3 ! 78,123 9 6 520 13 9 Miscellaneous revenue .. .. .. .. 334,937 13 6 .. ■ 334,937 13 6 339,516 14 8 .. 339,516 14 8 6,332,711 9 5 5,247,152 13 1 j 6,034,403 7 0 ; 5,183,858 17 6 Total net revenue to Net Revenue Account .. .. .. .. I 1,085,558 16 4 j .. I .. 850,544 9 6 Net Be venue Account. Dr. 1933-34. | 1932-33. j Or. j 1933-34. j 1932-33. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest charges .. .. .. .. 2,282,365 4 2 2,230,655 4 10 By Net earnings before charging interest on capital.. i 1,085,558 16 4 850,544 9 6 Reduction on account of interest charges, vide j 1,196,806 7 10 1,380,110 15 4 Section 14, Finance Act, 1930 2,282,365 4 2 2,230,655 4 10 \ 2,282,365 4 2 2,230,655 4 10


D. -2

STATEMENT No. 3. Income and Expenditure in respect of Railway Operation for the Year ended 31st March, 1934.

+5 § Per Cent, of -g Per Cent, of I? Operating Revenue. „ ® Operating Revenue. EXPENDITURE. £ 1933-34. 1932-33. 1 REVENUE. ®|o 1933-34. 1932-33. ______ $ 1983-34. 1932-33. | 1933-34. 1932-33. ! £ s - d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Maintenance of way and works .. ; A 993,207 4 10; 931,272 15 10 17-65! 17-44 Passengers, ordinary .. .. 17 1,164,731 4 2 1,031,103 3 0 20-69 19-31 Maintenance of signals and electrical ap- B 110,298 Oil 105,586 13 7 1-96 1-98 Passengers, season tickets .. 17 171,603 6 1 176,192 15 1 3-05 3-30 pliances Parcels, luggage, and mails .. 17 281,888 19 0 283,822 7 6 5-00 5-32 Maintenance of rolling-stock .. .. C 1,220,101 12 6 1,188,474 15 3 21-68 22-26 Goods .. .. .. .. 17 3,911,244 12 11 3,745,777 5 0 69-49 70-16 Examination, lubrication, and lighting of ; D 52,376 18 5 52,651 16 5 0-93 0-99 Labour, demurrage, &c. .. .. 17 99,367 5 11 102,179 15 3 1-77 1-91 vehicles Locomotive transportation .. .. E 1,012,449 16 1 ! 1,062,149 2 0 17-99 19-89 Traffic transportation .. .. .. | I 1,253,833 3 7 1,255,279 10 1 22-27 23-51 General charges .. .. .. G 58,943 12 11 61,251 19 0 1-06 i 1-1-5 £ a. A. ■ Superannuation subsidy .. 183,770 8 2 |. Less amount allocated to subsidiary services, &c. .. .. 7,835 4 0 : G 175,935 4 2 j 177,087 14 11 3-13 : 3-32 Total operating expenses .. .. 4,877,145 13 5 4,833,754 7 1 86-66! 90-54 Net operating revenue .. .. 751,689 14 8 505,320 18 9 1.3-34 9-46 5,628,835 8 1 5,339,075 5 10 100-00 100-00 .. 5,628,835 8 1 5,339,075 5 10 100-00 100-00


Abstract B.—Maintenance of Signals and Electrical Appliances.


North Island South Island Kaihu. Gisborne. Main Line and Main Line and Westport. Nelson. Picton. Total. Branches. Branches. Item. I Per Per Per Per I Per Per Per Per Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile Total.} of Total. of Total. of Total. of Total. of Total. of Total. of Total. of Rail- Bail- Bail- Bail- Bail- Bail- Bail- Bailj way. way. way. j way. i way. way. way. way. Abstract A.—Maintenance of Way and Works. General expenses — £ . £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £i£ ££ ££ £ £ Branch .. .. 6 0-3 25 0-4 4,884 3-3 3,357 2-1 94; 2-6 18 0-3 42 0-7 8,426 2-8 District .. .. 69 2-9 324 5-4 16,981 11-4 14,722 9-2 369 10-3 288 4-5 304 5-4 33,057 10-0 Road-bed .. .. 485 20-2 2,277 38-0 82,283 55-4 68,509 43-0 1,925 53-5 2,796 43-6 2,429 43-5 160,704 48-3 Track renewals .. 995 41-4 1,182 19-7254,112 171 • 1 222,953 139-8 5,319 147-7 1,836 28-7 2,506 44-8 488,903147-2 Ballasting .. .. 194 8-1 .. .. 18,005 12-1 8,641 5-4 256 7-1 149 2-3 1 .. 27,246 8-2 Slips and floods .. 2 0-1 511 8-5 15,309 10-3 16,096 10-1 302 8-4 33 0-5 7 0-1 32,260 9-7 Fences, gates, cattle- 8 0-3 196 3-3 5,745 3-9 6,945 4-4 182 5-1 144 2-3 104 1-9 13,324 4-0 stops Roads, level - crossings, .. .. 11 0'2 2,578 1-7 2,688 1-7 22 0-6 19 0-3 42 0-7 5,360 1-6 approaches Bridges, viaducts, cul- 973 40-5 1,702 28-3 58,245 39-2 42,998 27-0 1,837 51-0 894 14-0 433 7-7 107,082} 32-3 verts, &c. Water-servioes, cranes, 34 1-4 119 2-0 7,932 5-3 6,780 4-3 1,238 34-4 57 0-9 124 2-2 16,284 4-9 weigh-bridges, &c. Wharves .. 103 0-1 .. .. 1,516 42-1 .. .. 8 0-1 1,627 0-5 Cattle-yards, loading- 2 0-1 116 1-9 5,824 3-9 4,701 2-9 34 0-9 19 0-3 66 1-2 10,762 3-2 banks, platforms, coal-stages Operating buildings .. 132 5-5 497 8-3 48,180 32-4 32,624 20-5 697 19-4 216 3-4 693 12-4 83,039 25-0 Betterments.. . . . . .. .. . . 3,290 2-2 1,843 1-2 .. .. .. .. .. . ■ 5,133 1-5 2,900120-8 6,960116-0523,471352-3 432,857271-613,791383-1 6,469101-1 6,759 120-7 993,207299-2 Per cent, of operating 75-84 43-51 15-93 19-49 21-78 55-58 24-74 17-65 revenue Per cent, of operating 48-69 38-24 18-87 21-90 25-41 33-90 23-55 20-36 expenditure Per train-mile (pence) 50-41 45-01 20-17 27-77 54-72 39-89 37-16 23-45

££££££ £££j£££££ £ £ General expenses .. 6 0-3 23 0-4 4,722 3-2 3,208 2-0 92, 2-6 17 0-3 39 0-7 8,107 2-4 Signals and interlocking .. .. 7 0-1 16,586 11-2 10,096 6-4 216! 6-0! 4 0-1 4 0-1 26,913 8-0 Automatic and power .. .. .. .. 6,093 4-1 4,481 2'8 j .. .. .. .. 10,574 3'2 signalling Level-crossing signals.. .. .. .. .. 1,536 1 • 0 983 0 • 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,519 0 • 8 Instruments, block- .. .. 14 0-2 9,759 6-6 5,947 3-7 120 3-2 7 0-1 6 0-1 15,853 4-8 working, tablets, &c. Overhead lines, block- 27 1-1 98 1-6 10,882 7-3 10,526 6-7 . 50 1-4 6 0-1 .. .. 21,589 6-4 working, tablets, &c. Overhead lines, auto- .. .. .. .. 3,319 2-2 2,161 1-4 .. .. .. .. 2 5,482 1-7 matic signalling Electric lighting used in .. .. 11 0-2 5,617 3-8 4,210 2-6 60 1-7 6 0-1 24 0-4 9,928 3'0 operation Overhead electrification .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,576 2'2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,576 1-1 and bonding Electric-power ap- .. .. 4 0-1 2,002 1-3 1,821 1-1 84 2-3 4 0'1 2 3,917 1*2 pliances Buildings 1,189 0-8 649 0-4 2 0-1 1,840 0-6 33 1-4 157 2-6 61,705 41-5 47,658 29-9 624 17-3 44 0-8 77 1-3 110,298 33-2 Per cent, of operating 0-86 0-98 1'88 2-15 0-99 0'38 0-28 1 ■ 9t> revenue Per cent, of operating 0-55 0-86 2-22 2-41 1 15 j 0-23 0 27 2-26 expenditure Per train-mile (pence) 0-57 1-02 2-38 3-06 2-48 j 0-27 | 0-42 2-60


Abstract D. —Examination, Lubrication, and Lighting of Vehicles.

Abstract E. —Locomotive Transportation.


~ " ~ 7 - ' I North Island South Island Kaihu. Gisborne. Main Line and Main Line and Westport. Nelson. Picton. Total. Branches. Branches. Item. j • ' : —] Per Per Per i Per Per Per I Per Per Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. | Train- Total. Train- | mile. mile. mile, j mile. mile. mile. ; mile. mile. Abstract C. —Maintenance op Rolling-stock. General expenses — £ [ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. | £ d. | £ d. 1 £ d. I £ d. Branch .. .. 81 0-1 33 0-2 6,690 0-3 4,566 0-3 130 0-5 24 0-1 56 0-3 11,507 0-3 District .. .. 1 2,639 0-1 2,407 0-2 .. .. 5,047 0-1 Locomotives .. 145; 2-6 856 5-5316,965 12-2193,068 12-4! 5,537 22-1; 3,872 23-9 4,581 25-3 525,024 12-4 Cars .. .. 94 1-6 742 4-8137,385 5-3 74,581 4-811,067 4-2! 325 2-0 490 2-7 214,684 5-1 Vans and postal vans.. 31 0-5 131 0-8 20,715 0-8 12,947 0-8 270 1-1; 109 0-7 168 0-9 34,371 0-8 Wagons .. .. 208i 3-7 1,314 8-6226,945 8-7155,793 10-0 6,661 26-4| 725 4-5 1,677 9-2 393,323 9-3 Service vehicles .. 4: 0-1 41 0-3 5,476 0-2 4,295 0-3 57 0-2 16 0-1 25 0-1 9,914 0-2 Tarpaulins, ropes, and 1; .. 451 0-3 11,108 0-4 14,768 0-9 182 0-7 47 0-3 81 0-4 26,232 0-6 nets ; 1 * 492, 8-6 3,162 20-5727,923 28-0462,425; 29-7 13,904| 55-2; 5,118 31-6 7,078 38-91,220,102 28-8 Per cent, of operating 12-87 19-77 22-15 20-82 21-96 43-97 25-91 21-67 revenue Per cent, of operating 8-26 17-37 26-24 23-40 25-62 26-82 24-66 25-02 expenditure Per mile of railway £ 20 53 490 290 | 386 80 126 368

! £ d. £ ! d. £ d. ! £ d. I £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. Examination and lubri- | 26 0-5 59 0-4 12,638 0-5 12,274 0-8 555 2-2 126 0-8 106 0-6 25,784 0-6 cation of cars, vans, and wagons Gas lighting of vehicles j 2 .. 38 0-2 7,742 0-3 3,438 0-2! 120 0-5 65 0-4 59 0-3 11,464 0-3 Electric lighting of j ! .. 7,344 0-3 3,285 0-2; 10,629 0-3 vehicles Depot expenses .. 2 .. ... .. 2,093 0-1 2,404 0-2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,499 0*1 30 0-5 97j 0-6 29,817 l-2j 21,401 1-4 675 2-7 191 1-2 165 0-9 52,376 1-3 Per cent, of operating : 0'78 j 0-61 0'91 0'96 1-06 1-64 0'60 0-93 revenue Per cent, of operating j 0 • 50 j 0 • 53 1-07 1 • 08 1 • 24 1 • 00 0-57 1 • 07 expenditure Per mile of railway £ 1-3 I 1-6 20-1 13-4 18'8 3-0 2'9 15-8

f d. I £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. General expenses, branch 4 0-1 14 0-1 2,916 0-1 1,975 0-1 36 0-2 10 0-1 24 0-1 4,999 0-1 General expenses, district .. .. .. .. 3,050 0-1 2,890 0-2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,940 0-1 Depot supervision 4 .. 18,066 0-7 11,907 0-8 165 0-7 3 .. 31 0-2 30,176 0-7 Wages, allowances, and 501 8-7 1,328 8-6209,905 8-1 137,679 8-9 3,641 14-4 1,307 8-1 2,057 11-3 356,418 8-4 expenses Fuel .. .. 457 7-9 2,522 16-3307,513 11-8169,933 10-9 2,329 9-2 1,704 10-5 2,796 15-5 487,254 11-6 Water .. .. 15 0-3 50 0-3 11,767 0-5 5,065 0-3 91 0-4 63 0-4 79 0-4 17,130 0-4 Stores .. .. 13 0-2 68 0-4 9,779 0-4 6,470 0-4 153 0-6 52 0-3 79 0-4 16,614 0-4 Shed-expenses .. 190 3-3 178 1-2 55,307 2-1 36,262 2-3 1,254 5-0 182 1-1 547 3-0 93,920 2-2 1,180 20-5 4,164 26-9618,303 23-8372,181 23-9 7,689 30-5 3,321 20-5 5,613 30-9 1,012,451 23-9 Per cent, of operating 30-86 26-03 18-82 16-76 12-14 28-53 20-55 17-99 revenue Per cent, of operating 19-81 22-88 22-28 18-83 14-17 17-40 19-56 20-76 expenditure Per mile of railway £ 49 69 416 233 j 214 52 100 305


Abstract G-. —General Charges.

Summary of Expenditure Abstracts.


North Island South Island Kaihn. Gisborne. Main Line and Main Line and Westport. Nelson. Picton. Total. Branches. Branches. Item. Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Train- Total. Trainmile. mile. mile. ; mile, j mile. mile. mile. mile. Abstract F. —Traffic Transportation. General expenses— £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. Branch .. .. 21 0-4 87 0-6 18,179 0-7 12,268 0-8 357 1-4 64 0-4 148 0-8 31,124 0-7 District .. .. 81 1-4 701 4-5 53,879 2-1 38,830 2-5 873 3-5 954 5-9 1,141 6-3 96,459 2-3 Station expenses— Supervision and office 591 10-3 889 5-6189,104 7*2 163,138 10*5 2,482 9-8 1,079 6*7 2,097 11*6 359,380 8*6 Platform .. 35 0*6 64 0*4 56,731 2*2 31,436 2*0 496 2*0 36 0*2 206 1*1 89,004 2*1 Signalling .. .. .. 217 1*4 76,728 3*0 46,381 3*0 876 3*5 2 .. 21 0*1 124,225 2*9 Shunting and mar- 35 0*6 123 0*8 80,522 3*1 65,461 4*2 2,304 9*1 238 1*5 387 2*1 149,070 3*5 shalling yards Goods-sheds and 32 0*6 71 0*5 66,179 2*5 61,491 3*9 229 0*9 186 1*1 734 4*0 128,922 3*0 goods-yards Wharves .. .. 18 0*3 .. .. 12,531 0*5 52,051 3*3 5,822 23*1 .. .. 2,125 11*8 72,547 1*7 Fuel, water, sta- 63 1*1 274i 1*8 12,034 0*5 9,144 0*6 176 0*7 179 1*1 135 0*7 22,005 0*5 tionery, and other station expenses Train expenses— Running .. .. 271 4*7 518 1 3*4 72,814 2*8 48,429 3*1 1,185 4*7 597 3*7 695 3*8 124,509 2*9 Cleaning and heating 19 0*3 55! 0*4 29,336 1*1 17,262 1*1 100 0*4 109 0*7 204 1*1 47,085 1*1 vehicles Sleeping-cars .. .. .. ■. .. 6,030 0*2 416 . . .. .. . . .. .. . . 6,446 0*2 Miscellaneous .. X1 0*1 1,843 0*1 1,178 0*1 Or. 1 21 0*1 5 .. 3,057 0*1 1,166 20*3 3,010 19*5675,910 26*0547,485 35*1 14,899 59*1 3,465 21*4 7,898 43*41,253,833 29*6 Per cent, of operating 30*49 18*82 20*57 24*65 23*53 j 29*77 28*91 22*28 revenue Per cent, of operating 19*58 16*54 24*36 27*70 27*45 18*16 27*52 25*71 expenditure Per mile of railway £ 49 50 , 455 343 j 414 54 141 378

£ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. ! £ d. £ d. £ d. T £ d. Head Office.. .. 20 0-3 89! 0-6 20,429 0-8 13,477 0-9 416 1-7 65 0-4 152 0-8 34,648 0-8 Departmental buildings 3 0'1 II 0'1 2,585 0-1 1,705 0-1 53 0'2 8 0-1 19 O'l 4,384 0-1 Appeal Board .... .. 1 . . 144 95 3 .. .. 1 244 Chief Accountant .. 11 0-2 48; 0-3 11,081 0-4 7,310 0-5 225 0-9 35 0-2 82 0-5 18,792 0-4 Training School .. 1 .. 3j .. 515 .. 341 .. 10 .. 2 .. 4 .. 876 .. 35 0-6 152 1-0 34,754 1-3 22,928| l-5j 707 2-8 110 0-7 258 1-4 58,944 1-3 Per cent, of operating 0-92 0-95 1-06 1*03 1-12 0-95 0-94 1-05 revenue ! Per cent, of operating 0*59 0-84 1-25 1*15 j 1-30 0*58 0-90 1*21 expenditure Per mile of railway £ 1*5 2*5 23-4 14-4 19*6 1-72 4-61 17*8 £ d. £ ; d. £ | d. £ d. £ d. £ ; d. £ d. £ j d. Superannuation subsidy 120 2*1 500 3-2102,704 3-9 69,414 4-5 1,979 7-9 364 2-2 854 4-7 175,935 4*2

North South Abstract and Item. j Kaihu. Gisborne. 11 iSeS" Westport. Nelson. Picton. Total. Branches. Branches. £ £ £ ! £ .£ .£ _£ .£ A. —Maintenance of Way and Works .. 2,900 6,960 523,471 ; 432,857 13,791 6,469 6,759 993,207 B. —Maintenance of Signal and Electrical 33 157 61,705 j 47,658 624 44 77 110,298 Appliances , C.—Maintenance of Rolling-stock .. 492 3,162 727,923 462,425 13,904 5,118 7,078 1,220,102 D.—Examination, Lubrication, and 30 97 29,817 21,401 675 191 165 52,376 Lighting of Vehicles E.— Locomotive Transportation .. 1,180 4,164 618,303 372,181 7,689 3,321 5,613 1,012,451 F Traffic Transportation .. .. 1,166 3,010 675,910 547,485 14,899 3,465 7,898 1,253,833 G.—General charges .. .. 35 152 34,754 22,928 707 110 258 58,944 Superannuation Subsidy .. .. 120 500 102,704 69,414 1,979 364 854 175,935 5,956 18,202 2,774,587 1,976,349 54,268 19,082 28,702 4,877,146 Per cent, of operating revenue .. 155-75 113-79 84-44 88-99 85-70 163-95 105-07 86-65 Per mile of railway •• £ 248 303 1,867 1,240 1,507 298 513 1,469 Per train-mile (pence) .. .. 103-52 117-72 106-90 126-81 215-31 • 117-66 157-81 115-17


STATEMENT No. 4. Income and Expenditure in respect of Lake Wakatipu Steamers.

STATEMENT No. 5. Income and Expenditure in respect of Refreshment Service.

STATEMENT No. 5a. Income and Expenditure in respect of Book-stall Service.

2 —D, 2.


PerCen t . ol I Per Cent, ol Revenue. Revenue. EXPENDITURE. 1933-34.1 1932-33. ; i| REVENUE. ! 1933-34. 1932-33. 1933-34. 1 1932-33. | i 1933-34. 1932-33 I £ _ ! £ £ | £ £ Salaries and wages, shore staff .. 869 829 9-04 10-54 Ordinary passengers .. 3,900 2,810 40-56 35-73 Salaries and wages, steamer staff 3,469 3,401 36-07 43-24 Season tickets .. .. 46 SO 0-48 0 64 Coal and stores .. .. 1,478 1,541 15-36 19-60 Parcels, luggage, and mails .. 860 892 8-94 1134 ftemirs steamers .. 1,697 733 17-65 9-31 Goods .. .. •• 4,790 4,083 49-81 ol92 Repairs,' wharves, &c 137 166 , 1-43 2-11 Miscellaneous .. .. 21 30 0-21 0-37 Insurance, depreciation, &c. .. 1,216 767 j 12-65 9-76 8,866 7,437 92-20 94-56 Operating profit .. • • 751 428 7-80 5-44 "mtT 7,865 100-00 100-00 9,617 j 7,865 100-00 100-00 Payments to railway revenue— Operating profit .. .. 751 ! 428 7-80 5-44 Interest on capital .. .. 744 763 7-74 9-70 : Net profit .. .. _7 »06 •_ Net loss 335 .. 4-26 751 763 j 7-80 9-70 751 j 763 j 7-80 j 9-70

Per Cent, of EXPENDITURE. 1933-34. 1932-33. ReTep " e - r REVENUE. 1933-34. 1932-33. 1933-34. 1932-33. £ £ £ £ Salaries and wages .. .. 22,793 21,824 30-94 31-40 Receipts from refreshment-rooms .. 73,657] 69,305 Provisions consumed .. .. 29,192 24,981 39-63 35-94 Light, fuel, and water . ■ 1,661 1,705 2-26 2-4.5 Renewals and depreciation .. 2,961 2,000 4-02 2-88 Insurance and miscellaneous .. 3,026 2,921 4-11 4-20 59,633 53,431 80-96 76-87 Operating profit .. 14,024 16,074 19-04 23-13 73,657 69,505 100-00 100-00 73,657 69,505 I>a Sterest on Capita! revenUe ])124 1,129 1-53 1-62 Operating profit 14,024 16,074 Rent ... •• 9,230 9,100 12-52 13-10 Freights and fares .. .. 2,884 2,917 3-92 4-19 Net profit .. • • • • 786 2,928 1-07 4-22 14,024 16,074 19-04 23-13 14,024 j 16,074

I Per Cent, of EXPENDITURE. 1933-34. 1932-33. j —j REVENUE. 1933-34. 1932-33. | 1933-34; 1932-33. I [ — — £ £ & £ Wages •• 1,894 1,249 9-11 10-08 Receipts .. •• •• •• 20,786 12,385 Stores .. 14,583 8,651 \ 70-16 69-86 Miscellaneous .. •• 507 177 j 2-44 1-43 16,984 10,077 81-71 81-37 Operating profit .. •• 3,802 2,308 j 18-29 18-63 20,786 12,385 100-00 100-00 20,786 12,385 Paymexits to railway revenue . _ o qao q qaq Rents .. .. .. 2,079 1,238 10-00 9-99 Operating profit .. .. •• Rail freights .. •• 39 .. 0-19 .. Net profit .. •• •• 1,684 1,070 8-10 8-64 3,802 2,308 18-29 18-63 3 > 802 2,308

D —2

STATEMENT No. 6. Income and Expenditure in respect of Advertising Service.

STATEMENT No. 7. Income and Expenditure in respect of Departmental Dwellings.

STATEMENT No. 8. Income and Expenditure in respect of Buildings occupied by Refreshment Service, Book-stall Proprietors, etc.


Per Cent, of Revenue. EXPENDITURE. 1933-34. j 1932-33. REVENUE. 1933-34. 1932-33 1983-34. 1932-33. £ £ .... £ £ Salaries, wages, and allowances 6,068 5,531 18-55 16-45 Advertising-signs, publications, &c. .. 32,707 33,613 Stores and materials .. .. 1,229 1,100 3-76 3-27 Office and general expenses .. 2,351 2,144 7-19 6-37 Insurance and depreciation .. 9,256 10,097 28-30 30-05 Reserve —Commission .. 129 .. 0-39 19,0.33 [18,872 58-19 56-14 Operating profit .. .. i 13,674 14,741 41-81 43-86 1 32,707 33,613 100-00 100-00 32,707 33,613 Payments to railway revenue — Interest on capital .. .. 1,261 1,413 3-86 4-20 Operating profit .. .. .. 13,674 14,741 Rent of premises and sites .. 8,690 8,607 26-57 25-61 Commission .. . • 786 780 2-40 2-32 Freights .. .. .. i 389 264 1-19 0-79 Net profit .. .. .. | 2,548 3,677 7-79 10-94 13,674 14,741 41-81 43-86 13,674 14,741 I

Per Cent, of Revenue. EXPENDITURE. 1933-34. 1932-33. — REVENUE. 1933-34. ; 1932-33. 1933-34. 1932-33. j : - £ ! £ £ £ Wages and charges .. .. 34,194 31,702 24*92 23-04 Rentals .. .. .. .. 137,238 137,575 Materials .. .. .. 14,648 12,036 10-67 8-75 Insurance .. .. •• 3,648 3,724 2*66 2'71 Depreciation .. . • 30,059 28,867 21*90 20'98 82,549 176,329 60-15 j 55-48 Operating profit .. .. 54,689 61,246 j 39-85 ; 44'52 137,238 J 100-00 100-00 137,238 137,575 __J I i Payments to railway revenue — I Operating profit .. .. .. 54,689 61,246 Interest .. .. .. 68,232 j69,457 49-72 50-49 Net loss .. .. .. .. 13,543 8,211 68,232 j69,457 49-72 50-49 68,232 69,457

Per Cent, of j Revenue. 1 EXPENDITURE. 1933-84. 1932-33. ; REVENUE. 1933-34. 1932-33 1933-34. 1932-33. I £ £ £ £ Wages and charges .. . • 1,004 607 6'38 5'66 Rentals .. .. .. .. 15,749 16,224 Materials 299 196 1-90 1-21 Insurance and depreciation .. 3,375 3,375 21-43 18-88 4,678 4,178 29-71 25-75 Operating profit .. 11,071 12,046 70-29 74-25 10,749 16,224 100-00 100-00 15,749 16,224 Payments to railway revenue — Operating profit .. .. .. 11,071 12,046 Interest .. .. ... 5,988 5,988 38-02 36-91 Net profit .. .. -■ 5,083 6,058 32-27 37-34 11,071 !12,046 70-29 74-25 11,071 12,046


STATEMENT No. 9. Income and Expenditure in respect of Road Motor Services.

STATEMENT No. 10. Railway Employees' Sick Benefit Society.


Per Cent. o( Per Cent, of Revenue. Revenue. EXPENDITURE. 1933-34. 1932-33. REVENUE. 1933-34. 1932-33. 1933-34.| 1932-33. 1933-34. 1932-33. £ £ £ Superintendence — Salaries and 6,104 5,876 7-7.1 7-47 Passengers .. .. .. 77,920 77,529 98-41 98-58 office expenses Parcels and mails .. •. 1,213 1,016 1*53 1'29 Maintenance charges .. .. 14,264 11,537 18-01 14-67 Advertising .. .. 51 99 0-06 0-13 Running-expenses .. .. 36,874 39,325 46-57 50-00 License fees .. .. .. 2,902 2,814 3-66 3-58 Insurance and depreciation .. 15,045 16,694 19-01 21-23 75,189 76,246 94-96 96-95 Operating profit .. .. 3,995 2,398 5-04 3-05 79,184 78,644 100-00 100-00 79,184 78,644 100-00 100-00 Payments to railway revenue— Operating profit .. .. 3,995 2,398 5-04 3-05 Interest on capital .. .. 1,627 1,877 2-05 2-39 Net profit 2,368 521 2-99 0-66 3,995 2,398 5-04 3-05 3,995 2,398 5-04 3-05

Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. 1933-34. 1932—33. j Income. 1933-34. 1932-33. £ £ £ £ To Sick pay paid to members .. .. 19,615 18,310 By Contributions .. .. .. 16,063 16,229 Balance carried down, being excess of income 5,306 6,604 Entrance fees .. .. •• •• 81 37 over expenditure Interest on investments .. .. 777 648 Subsidy as per section 5, subsection (1), of 8,000 8,000 Government Railways Amendment Act, 1928, charged to Working Railways Account 24,921 24,914 24,921 I 24,914 To Balance accumulated funds as at 31st March 26,520 21,214 By Accumulated funds brought forward on 21,214 14,610 1st April Balance brought down.. .. .. 5,306 6,604 26,520 21,214 26,520 21,214 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ £ Assets. £ £ Accumulated funds .. .. .. 26,520 21,214 Investments .. .. .. 26,105 20,628 Sick pay due not paid .. .. .. 9 6 Cash in Working Railway Account .. .. 421 592 Contributions outstanding at 31st March .. 3 26,529 21,220 26,529 21,220 \


STATEMENT No. 11. Statement of Losses on Developmental Branch Lines prom 5th March, 1933, to 3rd March, 1934, and Isolated Sections from 1st April, 1933, to 31st March, 1934.

STATEMENT No. 12. Statement op Cash Receipts and Payments.—Working Railways Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. To Balance brought forward .. .. 458,721 12 4 By Investments, Sick Benefit Fund . . .. 4,700 0 0 Revenue receipts .. .. •• 6,246,950 9 6 Wages and vouchers .. .. .. 4,735,113 13 4 " Credits-in-aid " (Working Railways ex- Refunds to Harbour Boards, shipping compenditure) .. .. .. .. 257,885 7 0 panies, and other carriers .. .. 260,688 17 2 Contributions to Sick Benefit Fund .. 24,145 16 6 Interest on capital .. .. .. 1,085,000 0 0 Interest on investments.. .. .. 35,696 8 4 Payments from Sick Benefit lund .. 18,354 4 0 Investments realized .. .. ... 756,075 0 0 Investments .. .. .. •• 70,000 0 0 Balance as per general balance-sheet .. 1,605,617 19 2 £7,779,474 13 8 £7,779,474 13 8 Reconciliation Statement. £ s. d. Credit balance in Working Railways Account as per Treasury figures .. .. 1,570,221 18 6 Add— Imprests outstanding — £ s - d. In the Dominion .. .. .. •• •• 2,330 18 10 In London .. .. .. .. • • • • 32,897 3 4 35,228 22 Cash in transit .. .. .. .. • • • • • • 167 18 6 Credit balance as per above statement .. .. •• •• •• £1,605,617 19 2


Average per Mile of Line operated. , . . T I Mileage Loss on Feeder Total Net i n rinding § <3® -h i w s — • Branches showing Loss. .operated. Working. Value. Loss. S3 f.2 3g 8 * mieresi. cj> © - ot> o> o OQ £ £ £ £ ££££££ Kaikohe 25 5,871 2,858 3,013 17,416 163 114 277 398 576 697 Kirikopuni" . •• 14 3,727 2,202 1,525 46,131 206 157 363 472 3,186 3,295 Waiuku ' ..13 1,492 2,216 724* 7,730 391 170 561 506 650 595 Taneatua " " .. .. Ill 15,798 13,307 2,491 115,704 520 120 640 662 1,020 1,042 Opunake ' .. .. •■ ! 23 2,308 2,468 160* 17,952 204 107 311 304 787 781 Greytown " .. .. • • j 3 1,547 773 774 1,214 108 258 366 623 147 405 North Island totals .. .. 189 30,743 23,824 6,919 206,147 395 126 521 558 1,054 1,091 Evreton-Oxford 1 43 3,007 1,043 1,964 5,947 119 24 143 189 93 138 Cheviot .. .. i 44 5,869 2,435 3,434 18,292 318 55 373 451 338 416 Little River' .. .. ' 23 3,902 430 3,472 8,083 306 15 321 475 200 351 Southbridge . .. •• 26 2,240* 1,571 3,811* 60 606 60 666 520 149 2 Whitecliffs 12 691 1,305 614* 41 192 109 301 249 55 4 Methven •• 23 746 2,901 2,155* 1,247 384 126 510 416 148 54 Springburn . .. 28 1,101 951 150 2,540 118 34 152 157 85 91 Fairlie 36 1,043* 1,812 2,855* 2,974 371 50 421 342 162 83 Waimate ' ... 13 2,793 2,694 99 2,103 220 207 427 435 154 162 Kurow " ' . 37 1,601* 4,064 5,665* 1,649* 415 110 525 372 109 45* Ngapara " ' .. •• 15 850 768 82 3,496 299 51 350 355 228 233 Waihemo " . ..19 1,046 1,416 370* 956 202 157 359 318 147 106 Otago Central 147 7,767 3,574 4,193 66,863 561 24 585 614 426 455 Outram . •• 9 1,290 508 782 2,389 151 56 207 1 294 179 265 Roxburgh" . •• 61 6,293 2,161 4,132 34,148 225 35 260 f 328 492 560 Catlins River . .. . • 43 2,877 4,661 1,784* 17,722 302 108 410 ! 369 454 412 Tapanui • •• 27 2.482 2,397 85 5,087 190 89 279 282 185 188 Waikaka .. • • 13 534 1,279 745* 2,064 149 98 247! 191 216 159 Switzers •• 14 655 867 212* 2,900 89 62 151 i 136 222 207 Wvndham . • • 4 718 1,135 417* 229 210 284 494 390 161 57 Seaward Bush 34 484 1,157 673* 6,572 238 34 272. 252 213 193 Orawia •• 9 429 631 202* 4,254 85 70 155 133 495 473 Forest Hill" ] 13 143 1,119 976* 74* 129 86 215 140 69 6* Mararoa .. .. .. • • 12 341 612 271* 744 69 51 120 97 85 62 South Island totals' .. .. 695 39,134 41,491 2,357* 186,988 324 | 60 384 380 272 269 Total, both Islands .. .. 884 69,877 65,315 4,562 393,135 339 74 413 418 440 445 Isolated Sections. Kaihu .. •• 24 1,920 .. 1,920 9,124 .. ..176 256 300 380 Gisborne . .. •• 60 1,163 .. 1,163 34,585 .. ... 298 318 557 576 N e ] S on .. 64 6,703 .. 6,703 28,605 .. .. 1 199 305 342 447 Picton .. .. •• • • 56 245 .. 245 26,132 .. .. j 515 518 462 467 Total .. .. .. 204 10,031 .. 10,031 98,446 .. .. 312 361 433 483 Grand total .. .. 1,088 79,908 65,315 14,593 491,581 I * Indicates profit.


STATEMENT No, 13. RENEWALS, DEPRECIATION, AND EQUALIZATION RESERVE ACCOUNTS. General Reserve Account. [ £ s. d. By Balance .. .. .. ..£1,144,552 17 8 Insurance Reserve Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Losses .. .. .. .. •• 3,472 3 1 By Balance from previous year .. .. 64,754 110 Upkeep Railway fire brigades and fire appliances 1,585 14 4 Premiums debited to working-expenses .. 14,299 17 9 Balance .. .. .. •• •• 73,996 22 £79,053 19 7 £79,053 19 7 By Balance .. .. .. .. 73,996 22 Workers' Compensation Reserve Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Accident payments .. .. .. 27,117 5 4 By Balance from previous year .. .. 20,222 2 3 Balance .. .. .. •• 26,997 17 8 Premiums debited to working-expenses .. 33,893 0 9 £54,115 3 0 £54,115 3 0 By Balance .. .. .. .. £26,997 17 8 Slips, Floods, and Accidents Equalization Reserve Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Repair* to bridges, slips, and washouts .. 6,215 9 1 By Balance from previous year .. .. 76,042 9 8 Balance .. .. .. .. 89,573 0 7 Contributions debited to working-expenses .. 19,746 0 0 £95,788 9 8 £95,788 9 8 By Balance .. .. .. .. .. £89,573 0 7 Betterments Reserve Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Refreshment Branch .. .. •• 14 16 10 By Balance from previous year .. .. 3,998 10 9 Balance .. .. •• •• 3,983 13 11 £3,998 10 9 £3,998 10 9 By Balance.. .. .. .. .. £3,983 13 11 Renewals Reserve Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Relaying of track .. .. •• 108,935 18 10 By Balance from previous year .. .. 565,562 0 6 Signal and electrical equipment .. .. 25,284 3 2 Contributions debited to working-expenses .. 226,813 0 0 Balance .. .. •• •• •• 660,544 18 6 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 2,390 0 0 £794,765 0 6 £794,765 0 6 By Balance .. .. .. .. ..£660,544 18 6 Depreciation Reserve Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Way and works .. .. • • • • 26,814 19 6 By Balance .. ... .. . . .. 146,982 11 1 Rollinff-stock .. .. 289,208 1 9 Contributions debited to working-expenses— Road motors 2,476 11 10 Bridges .. .. .. .. 53,625 0 0 Bridges .. .. .. •• 47,417 6 11 Operating buildings .. .. .. 37,551 0 0 Operating buildings .. •• •• 6,462 1 9 Dwellings .. .. .. .. 29,229 0 0 Refreshment, advertising, bookstalls, and road Head Office buildings and plant .. .. 1,579 0 0 motor buildings.. .. .. .. 597 12 5 Refreshment, advertising, bookstalls, and Workshops buildings and plant .. .. 3,158 19 6 road motor buildings .. .. .. 3,063 0 0 Locomotive running and car and wagon depots Stores, buildings, and plant .. .. 3,155 0 0 plant .. .. .. .. •• 3,215 9 2 Workshops buildings and plant .. .. 33,440 0 0 Balance .. .. ■■ 250,366 14 6 Locomotive running and car and wagon depots plant .. .. .. .. 1,968 0 0 Rolling-stock .. .. .. .. 305,633 17 0 Lake Wakatipu service .. .. .. 482 0 0 Road motor services .. .. .. 13,009 9 3 £629,717 17 4 £629,717 17 4 By Balance .. .. .. .. ..£250,366 14 6



STATEMENT No. 14. Expenditure on Construction of Railways, Rolling-stock, etc., to 31st March, 1934; Net Revenue and Rate of Interest earned on Capital expended on Opened Lines for Year ended same Date.


Opened Lines. tt j tvt„4. Rate of ; Unopened | JNet Tntprpot, Section of Railway. Lines. ! Revenue. " lines and RoUing- i T t , earnea. Works. stock. ! lowu - Kaihn " .. I 167,272 & 652 167,924 S" -2,132 Gisborne' " " •• 742! 162 774;655 .. -2,206 .. 1,326,437 North Island Main Line and Branches .. 27,965,308 3,648,687 31,613,995 .. ' fill,32a 1 13 8 2,595,039 South Island Main Line and Branches .. 15,498,230 2,515,493 18,013,723 3^2'90" 1 7 Westnort " .. - 6i,061 484,954 .! 9,054 1 H 4 v p ... 581,883 Nelson '1 " 495J11 14,925 510,636 .. -7,443 254,5!3 Pioton " " " !! 585,159 22,096 607,255 .. -1,385 " . .. .. 316,289 »> •• •• ** ** '* * * 45,877,735 6,295,407 52,173,142 5,377,066 751,689 1 9 6 Lake Wakatipu steamer service .. .. 17,648 .. 02 Subsidiary servioes, &c. .. .. .. 1,708,661 .. 1,708,661 .. 3.j ,■ o In suspense— Surveys, North Island .. .. •• •• •• •• i'iao Surveys, South Island .. .. •• A'ono General 9,896 .. 9,896 10,337 P.W.D. stock of permanent-way .. •• •• •• 4,1b» [47,613,940 6,295,407 53,909,347 .. 1,085,559 2 10 5,428,570 V ) - .—— ~y~ Total cost of opened and unopened lines at .. •• 59,337,917 31st March, 1933 jSTote.—The amount stated in this return as the cost of construction of opened lines includes the Provincial and General Government expenditure on railways. It also includes the Midland Railway and expenditure by the Greymouth and Westport Harbour Boards on railways and wharves under the provisions of section 7 of the Railways Authorization Act, 1885, the information regarding the last-mentioned being furnished by the respective Boards. The rate of interest earned has been computed on the average capital.


STATEMENT No. 15. Expenditure out of Working Railways Account (Depreciation Fund) and Public Works Fund for the Year ended 31st March, 1934.


r — I " I Working Railways p,, wi „ Wnrka "Way and Works Branch: Particulars of Works. Depreciation ,*?,, ,i Total. Fund. 1 una - £ > £ j £ Land .. ' .. .. .. .. .. .. 578 j Cr. 20 ' 558 Grading and formation .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,760 2,389 4,149 Bridges (structure only) .. .. .. .. .. .. 47,417 267 47,684 Culverts, subways .. .. .. .. .. .. 652 205 857 Fences, gates and cattlestops .. .. .. .. .. 231 .. 231 Permanent-way .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,390 24,936 31,326 Station buildings, and platforms .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,714 13,714 Cattle-yards, loading-banks, and signal-boxes .. .. .. .. 300 300 Engine-sheds, car and wagon depots, and other operating buildings .. 6,462 969 7,431 Dwellings and huts .. .. .. .. .. .. Cr. 24 .. Cr. 24 Wharves . . .. .. .. .. .. .. Cr. 3,000 .. Cr. 3,000 Water-services .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,026 242 1,268 Locomotive depot plant .. .. .. .. .. .. 636 253 889 Eoad-motor buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 598 .. 598 Cranes, weighbridges, capstans, and turntables .. .. .. 1,669 2,362 4,031 Maintenance movable plant .. .. .. .. .. 762 101 863 Miscellaneous (roads, sewerage, drainage, fire-fighting appliances, &c.) .. 613 7,100 7,713 Signalling and interlocking .. .. .. .. .. 2,481 497 2,978 Tablet installation .. .. .. .. .. . . 522 .. 522 Automatic and power signalling .. ., .. .. .. 5,719 243 5,962 Electric lighting .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j .. 332 332 Communication lines and apparatus .. .. .. .. 7,576 91 7,667 Level-crossing warning-signals .. . . .. .. .. Or. 141 .. Cr. 141 Electric traction and power appliances .. .. .. .. .. 9,972 9,972 81,927 63,953 145,880 Expenditure by Public Works Department—Tawa Flat deviation .. .. 55,660 55,660 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. 81,927 119,613 201,540


STATEMENT No. 15 —continued. Expenditure out of Working Railways Account (Depreciation Fund) for the Year ended 31st March, 1934—continued.

Particulars of Workshops and Depot. Machinery and Motor-buses. £ Workshop equipment .. .. •• •• •• 3>159 Machinery-and equipment for locomotive running and oar and wagon depots .. -4,osU Motor-buses .. •• •• •• •• •• 2,477 Reconciliation Statement, Public Wobks Fund. £ s. d. £ s. d. Expenditure— £ s. d. Expenditure charged by Way and Works Branch .. 119,612 14 11 Treasury .. 155,981 18 4 Vouchers outstanding previous year 36,863 8 2 J 119,118 10 2 Less recoveries .. .. •• •• 9,976 11 0 109,141 19 2 Public Works Department— Administration costs .. . • • • 3,476 0 0 Creditors .. .. ■ • 682 14 7 Less debtors .. . • 308 0 3 374 14 4 Vouchers outstanding at 31st March, 1934 .. 6,620 1 5 £119,612 14 11 £119,612 14 11


Locomotive Branch: Particulars of Rolling-stock. Number Number Number Incomplete j Complete Incomplete Expenditure, Description of Stock ordered. on | on on Tear ended 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, 19.34. 1933. | 1934. 1934. £ Locomotives, Class K .. .. •• •• 26 12 18 Bogies and alterations to thirty Wab and Ws locomotives .. .. • ■ j > Electric headlights for locomotives .. .. .. .. •• qi7 Pitting exhaust steam injectors to locomotives .. .. • • • • Locomotives, Rimutaka Incline .. .. . • • • • • • ■ Locomotives, electric (spare parts) .. .. .. ■ ■ ■ • • • Lr - *j-j? Fitting superheaters to locomotives .. . • • • ■ • • ■ • • Spare boilers .. .. ■ • • • • • • • • • • • ' Supply and fit new boilers .. .. • • • • ■ • • • • • Boiler crane No. 94 .. •• •• •• •• „ Boiler transferred to depot .. .. • • • • • • • • • • ; ' Carriages, Class Aa .. .. •• •• • ■> 5 ' Carriages, Class Aa (sleeping) .. •• •• 2' 2 .. Or. Fitting three De Luxe sleeping-carriages and one brake- .. .. • • van with S.K.F. bearing bogies Carriage and van bogies .. .. •• •• •• >' „ Fitting lavatories to carriages Aa 1687 and 1688 .. .. .. •• <^ r - Fitting chair-seats to carriages .. .. •• •• <555 Fitting electric light on cars .. . ■ ■ ■ ■ • • • ■ • Steam-heating five cars .. • • ■ • • • • • • • • • „„ ».. Carriages, Class A .. .. •• •• •• '' 3'()47 Carriages, suburban .. • • • • • • j • • • • • • ' Rail-car, Leyland .. .. •• •• •• i'2S0 Converting three postal cars to brake-vans .. *' I ' '* " '229 Fitting electric light to five vans .. .. ... • • ■ • ■ • Brake-vans, Class F .. •• •• •• •• «'non Wagons, Class J 1" " 53,090 Wagons, Class S .. •• •• •• •• •• •• fi'tu" Wagons, Class Uo .. .. •• •• ® •• ' 'I Wagons, Class W .. .. •• •• 23'l97 Waorail Class X A .. •• 10 28 »0 Wagons, Olass aa 10 3,951 Wagons, Class Xb .. .. •• •• •• , K] Wagons, Class Z •• •• Wagons, Class V bogie .. . • • • • • • • • • Spare train-lighting equipment .. .. • . • • • • • • Tarpaulins written off .. • • • ■ • • • • • • "J ' 38 248 251 289,208 Summary. Locomotives .. • • • • • • ■ • 2 ® 18 Carriages . • • • • • • • • • * ■ Brake-vans .. • • • • • • ■ • • • * "42 SStS&w- :: :: :: :: "» «; Rail motors .. ■ • ■ • • • ■ • ■ • • ' _LL___ 38 248 251 * Order originally five, subsequently reduced to two cars.

D.— C A

STATEMENT No. 16. Statement or Season Tickets issued for the Years ended 31st March, 1931 to 1934.

3-D. 2.


1933-34. 1932-33. 1931-32. 1930-31. Description of Tickets. ; Number. ( Amount. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. £ £ £ £ Annual, ail lines 9 785 10 1,074 15 1,591 21 2,020 Annual, North Island .. .. 52 4,416 -51 4,174 56 4,228 79 5,576 Annual, South Island .. .. 6 423 6 413 10 697 j 14 992 Sectional annual, North Island.. .. 227 12,232 241 12,601 260 13,676 j 336 16,373 Sectional annual, South Island .. 101 4,700 108 5,139 \ 120 5,677 \ 169 7,574 Reporters' annual .. .. .. 18 768 17 675 [ 14 572 \ 24 895 Tourist, all lines .. .. .. 97 1,504 107 1,678 128 2,021 181 2,898 Tourist, North Island .. .. 256 2,551 275 2,761 361 3,771 681 6,867 Tourist, South Island . . .. 16 187 16 165 22 227 44 445 School .. .. .. 25,206 21,926 25,470 22,342 27,695 24,067 29,398 25,300 Bearer twelve-trip .. .. .. 76,071 17,015 77,772 17,673 54,675 13,818 44,272• 12,539 Bearer fifty-trip .. - 2,507 6,976 6,371 21,211 Weekly twelve-trip .. .. .. 99,863 19,055 98,163 19,014 108,587 21,159 114,676 21,963 Weekly workmen's .. .. .. 214,819 35,571 210,269 34,708 234.397 39,156 \ 366,459 50,613 All other season .. .. .. 26,001 50,470 25,270 53,776 30,216 63,013 37,715 72,199 Totals .. .. .. 442,742 171,603 437,775 176,193 439,063 200,649 600,440 247,465 Total passenger journeys .. 1.1,535,840 .. 11,496,084 .. 12,652,034 .. 15,525,034


STATEMENT No. 17. Statement of Operating Traffic and Revenue for the Year ended 31st March, 1934. (1) OPERATING TRAFFIC.



I T ,, Passengers. Live-stock. Goods. i Length ® Gross Section. j 11 I j j . rr To^ Traffic. First Class. | Second Class. Total. J Cattle, j Calves. | Sheep. Pigs. J Total. Timber. Goods. Total. tonnage. j I 1 ; I ; I : 1933-34 I Miles. Number. Number. Number. Number. Number Number.: Number. Number. Number. Tons. Tons. I Tons. Tons. Tons. Kaihu .. .. ! 24 134 17,661 17,795 7 25 26 j 332 668 1.051 55 1,055 j 2,973 4,028 4,083 Gisborne . .. ..60 814 19,316 20.130 35 571 | 102,211 224 103,006 4,290 4,635 ! 22,666 27,301 31,591 North Island Main Line and Branches .. 1,486 263,545 3,833,742 4,097,287 320,266 237,492 591,155 |4,754,186 459,785 6,042,618 321,877 156,964 2,161,206 2,318,170 2,640,047 South Island Main Line and Branches .. 1.594 174,491 3,055,905 3,230,396 120,660 72,593 13,840:4,692,857 30,758 4,810,048 214,142 137,156 2,260,832 2,397,988 2.612,130 Westport . .. 36 136 53,353 53.489 695 119 ..I 355 .. 474 54 1,141 290,099 291,240 291,294 Nelson . 64 270 38,411 38,681 553 568 1,082 i 31,196 1,134 33,980 1,548 141 18,449 18,590 20,138 Picton .. .. .. .. 56 5,811 47,757 53,568 526 504 136 j 166,539 13 167,192 6,837 130 35,949 36,079 42,916 Total railway operation .. .. 3,320 445,201 7,066,145 7,511,346 442,742 311,872 606,239 -9,747,676 492,582 11,158,369 548,803 301,222 4,792,174 5,093,396 5,642,199 Lake Wakatipu steamers .. 23,740 23,740 4 120 .. 16,692 .. 16,812 708 946 6,065 7,011 7,719

Revenue. Mileage. __ j - Length j Per Section. for „ 0 Labour, Total Railway Per Traffic. Ordinary Season Luggage, Total Goods. Demurrage, Total Goods. Operating per Train Train. g ' Total. Passengers. Tickets. ; and Ooaehing. & Keyenue Annum Mile. &c - Mails - (Average). 1933-34. Miles. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ££d. Number. Number. ' Number. Kaihu .. .. .. .. 24 922 233 1,231 2,386 1,405 33 1,438 3,824 159 66-47 13,808 2,545 | 16,353 Gisborne .. .. .. ..60 1,456 427 1,664 3,547 12,352 97 12,449 15,996 267 103-46 37,108 7,965 ! 45,073 North Island Main Line and Branches.. 1,486 741,020 115,454 187.010 1,043,484 2,188,127 54,301 2,242,428 3,285,912 2,235 126-61 6,228,946 1,930,984 8,159,930 South Island Main Line and Branches .. 1,594 412,078 53,009 89,711 554,798 1,625,376 40,651 1,666,027 2,220,825 1,393 142-49 3,740,547 1,413,237 5,153,784 Westport .. .. .. .. 36 2,855 712 762 4,329 56,600 2,393 58,993 63,322 1.759 251-23 60,492 40,252 100,744 Nelson .. .. .. .. 64 2,714 915 477 4,106 7,472 61 7,533 11,639 182 71-77 38,923 10,209 49,132 Picton .. .. .. .. 56 3,686 853 1,034 5,573 19,913 1,831 21,744 27,317 488 150-20 43,650 22,724 66,374 Total railway operation .. 3,320 1,164,731 171,603 281,889 1,618,223 3,911,245 99,367 4,010,612 5,628,835 1,704 132-92 10,163,474 3,427,916 13,591,390 Lake Wakatipu steamers .. .. .. 3,900 46 860 4,806 4,790 10 4,800 9,606



STATEMENT No. 18. Statement of Traffic and Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1934.

4—D. 2.

OUTWARD. j INWARD. Number of Passenger Journeys. Stati ° nS ' i N ;- 6r S anT Hundreds o, Other Orgprj Season I ££& j Total Cattle Sheep ocher clast | S cTa°B d " T °«- TicS. C^es - S Teft G ° 0<iS - angers. Tiokets ' "• ; forwarded. Calves. pfgl j Goods ' Noeth Island Main Lines ' and Branches— Auckland —• Number. Number. | ions £ £ ! £ £ £ £ Number. Number. ' Tons Coaching .. .. 20,058 397,601 417,659 20,334 .. .. .. .. 88,442 7,256 41,233 Cr. 179 1,249 138,001 Goods .. .. .. .. .. .. 206 135 22,748 259,781 •• .. 246,306 11,091 257,397 500 989 23,404 231,584 Newmarket .. .. 2,096; 72,279 74,375 7,384 18 3 1,137- 2,478 4,578 1,288 951 5,504 . 63 12,384 24 .. 38,379 14,164 Mount Eden .. .. 792| 42,141 42,933 2,680 42 .. 161 6,491 3,351 485 453 4,433 105 8,827 260 278! 24,983 35,463 Avondale .. .. 485 77,628 78,113 21,819 319 .. 160 3,857 2,742 3,769 313 5,106 17 11,947 479 45 41,757 7^016 Henderson .. .. 467 92,271 92,738 7,791 8,304 16,739 300 7,223 3,318 2,061 851 6,432 21 12,683 902 4,747 2,844 6,292 H elensville .. .. 902 39,839 40,741 372 17,811 54,283 1,285 9,077 3,798 221 1,586 10,494 175 16,274 2,162 14,200' 2,680 25^244 Wellsford .. .. 304 7,309 7,613 55 8,625 26,603 1,204 5,361 1,670 37 1,513 6,158 51 9,429 919 3,643 1,196 8,320 Maungaturoto .. .. 450 10,851 11,301 .. 7,887 27,125 40 1,542 2,004 .. 108 4,517 14 6,643 469 5,468 ! 1,622 5,463 Paparoa .. .. 143 3,963 4,106 .. 11,124 20,530 329 2,096 860 .. 191 2,933 4 3,988 479 2,054 1,001 4J33 Waiotira .. .. 244 11,572 11,816 2] 21,343 74,957 3,297 11,888 1,854 16 777 15,915 294 18,856 1,795 3,481 1,377 49,824 Whangarei .. .. 2,583 43,576 46,159 248 16,036 40,692 550 16,187 10,348 172 1,155 9,689 391 21,755 979 5,968 20,998 17,094 Hikurangi .. .. 176 5,469 5,645 58 5,353 13,800 17,171 46,792 1,184 47 467 17,258 41 18,997 301 4,215 212 4,640 Otiria Junction .. 594 6,873 7,467 71 2,088 8,849 3,949 2,846 3,055 54 572 4,806 12 8.499 358 1,719 676 6.561 Kawakawa .. .. 583; 7,213 7,796 12 32 49 3 9,078 804 4 201 3.706 6 4,721 45,960 53,428 520 8.833 Opua .. .. 689; 16,634: 17,323 30 62 193 682 2,628 2,602 8 243 987 200 4,040 2 55 634 9,859 Kaikohe .. .. 362 11,844 12,206 4 2,760 29,482 2,210 1,673 2,735 5 639 5,786 12 9,177, 591 623; 1,128 6,304 Remuera .. .. 196} 6,301 6,497; 3,224 849 260 5 56 144: 457 54 477 4 1,136 j 1,156 922: 11,968 1,101 Green Lane .. .. 127, 28,579 28,706, 5,441 .. .. .. 118 508; 914 43 286 3 1,754 6 .. 1,450 2,090 Ellerslie .. .. Ill 44,442 44,553) 8,458 538 .. .. 137 865 1,433 99 1,510 5 3,912 610 .. 590 925 Penrose .. .. 71 33,558 33,629j 3,741 373 2,873 .. 84,790 530| 548 140 33,864 24 35,106 249,364 696,219 10,626 40,757 OnehungaTown .. 34 5,954 5,988| 3,414 li .. 4,970 808 368i 735 284 1,457 58 2,902 11 63 2 923 38 214 I I Otahuhu .. .. 827 100,672 101,499 12,686 2,550 25,662 920 120,694 2,900 3,423 250, 58,030 41 64,644 41,818 158,009 4,958 95.817 Papatoetoe .. .. 562 63,768; 64,330 10,914 532 2,012; 35 550 2,293 2,436 153, 614 9 5,505 2,196 12,477 5,187 5,196 Papakura .. .. 1,914 82,799, 84.713 8,976 7,046 4,896! .. 6,872 4.160 2,230 307 2,552 15 9,264 3,119 15,590 1.982 7,575 Drury ■■ •• 104 8,1931 8,297 262 6,136 9,768; 4 1 7,566 541 195' 55 6,202 3 6,996 575 2,803; 1,011 7,410 Waiuku .. .. 130 11,996 12,126 3 14,988 13,321: 47 252 1,216 2 99 1,390 7 2,714 597 5,247 6,110 21.136 Pukekohe .. .. 1,964 42,437; 44,401 242 12,857 17,654 90 12,357 5,170 112 598 14,061 18 19,959 2,168 13,001, 3,779 18,404 Tuakau .. .. 673 20,184! 20,857 339 10,308; 48,914 366 4,697 2,072 241 225 5,233 15; 7,786 964 13,802 2,229 10,305 Pokeno .. .. 87! 8,274 8,361 75 6,423 12,541 .. 294 569 57; 553 774 3 1,956 150 2,368 1,673 4,704 Mercer .. .. 302 15,925 16,227 131 61 9,189 420 4,774 1,159 127, 130 1.868 26 3.310 255 1,972 200 2 776 TeKauwhata .. .. j 155, 7,143 7,298 11 14,867, 50,714 50 4,469 1,086 8! 1,732 6,691 6 9,523 2,162 17,030 3,439 7,792 Huntly .. .. 669 57,599 58,268 7,996 3,960 6,017 44 237,634 5,081 1,883 384 167,778 189 175,315 1,114 2,300 2,815 9,359 GlenAfton .. .. I 24 12,107 12,131 47 998 22,010 480 J.*{8,139 750 37 70 93,957 60 94,874 858 5,769 625 11,891 Taupiri .. .. 51 7,546 7,597 151 3,334 12,948 289 T 5,401 894 88 89 5,898 49 7,018 384 3,026 3,643 9,001 Ngaruawahia .. .. J 219 12,952 13,171! 129 1,380 3,789 44 68,420 1,984 103 210 56,950 667 59,914,129,605 121,324 4,339 20,715 Erankton Junction .. 5,742 92,442 98,184 74 17,572 123,745 1,835 28,006 23,212 135 1,144 32,512 324 57,327j 7,342 99,461 78,867! 46,789 Hamilton .. .. j 3,850 57,992 61,842 518 18,661 29,036 1,953 14,833 14,665 728 3,017 22,272 103 40,785 i 868 6,747 24,656 24,573 Cambridge .. .. j 152; 4,835 4,987 142 20,802 44,277 .. 1,120 956 122 305 4,222 23 : 5,628! 1,779 10,507 2,335 32,469 Morrmsville .. .. 856j 26,215 27,071 390 45,218 141,953 730 17,248 4,017 245 1,395 30,596 24 ! 36,277 4,520 130,838 7,900 25,543 Matamata .. ..I 565 19,043 19,608 162 30,463 86,317 965 5,529 3,803 122 578 14,421 20 18,944 1.684 22,815 3,279 26.964 Putaruru .. .. 390, 14,132 14,522 360 9,458 32,063 33,693 3,143 3,230 396 1,714 12.259 42 17,641 1,920 37.691 6.587 24^073 ' Mamaku .. .. 170: 7,814 7,984 104 3,063 22,114 62,540 6,030 904 152 181 21,047 6 22,290 209 1,937 51 2,796 Rotorua .. .. 2,211 26,772 28,983 116 3,853 12,102 25,640 2,886 10,520 145 2,095 9,155 42 21,957 1,883 10,166 1,315 21.913 Waitoa .. .. 65 5,096 5,161 52 16,449 22,362 1,105 9,302 662 37 153 14.001 2 14,855 1,568 3,627 1.149 27,957 TeAroha .. .. 658 16,761 17,419 126 12,370 8,084 28 4,008 3,340 56 474 3,386 17 7,273 1,136 7,769 3,001 13,557 Paeroa .. .. 811 40,612 41,423 130 34,411 24,648 158 20,734 4,289 68 2,157 13,256 41 19,811 3,018 7,811 3,421 11,213 Thames .. .. 430 12,625 13,055} 323 1,676 1,535 49 5,327 2,473 231 579 6,392 17 9,692 826 3,950 4,092 9,615 Waihi .. .. 616 11,111 11,727 148 4,020 6,331 27 342 2,551 90 257 892 7 3,797 825 5.165 7,439 17.433 Katikati" .. .. 59 3,328 3,387: 161 13,050 26,795 5 1,038 549 121 149 3,895 1 4,715 572 3,931 1,201 3,548 Tauranga .. .. I 1,168 14,331 15,499 10 536 3,462; 757 5,208 4,693 10 1,899 7,593 51 14,246 618 3,019 984 8,718 TePuke .. .. j 134 9,964 10,098 11 16,600 31,530 740 4,847| 1,684 11 374 12,699 3' 14,771 700 2,944 548| 7,288 Edgecumbe .. .. 41 1,677 1,718 .. 19,719 78,254 2,337 1,738 805 .. 179 10,836 9 11,829 1,969 667 480 9,537 Taneatua .. .. ! 170 23,787 23,957 1| 9,116 99,620 .. 1,891 4,254 1 240 9,250 8j 13,753 1,489 307 157 9,133 Ohaupo .. .. 154 2,385 2,539 135: 8,174 10,771 .. 266 263 96 52 1,207 1 1,619 414 8,544 1,178 7,727 TeAwamutu .. .. 916 23,545 24,461 235 27,678 116,655 83 12,994 5,602 150 1,675 19,799 67 27,293 3,340 57,891 12,560 33,308 Otorohanga .. .. 564 13,491 14,055 43 14,959 54,151 1,222 25.763 2,673 22 963 17,837 37 21,532 1.400 20,701 6.576 16,360 Te Kuiti .. .. 1,900 43,873 45,773 505 9,037 84,820 105,930 53,543 8,631 319 1,405 56,152 331 66,838 2,326 32.177 5,669 16,357 Ongarue .. ..I 255 13,185 13,440 179 1,391 22,149 75,619 1,875 1,628 135 170 21,489 120 23,542 499 6,162 282 4,328 Okahukura .. .. | 49 11,891 11,940, 119 987 9,132 14,685 5,894 627 70 157 7,221 79 8.154 728 1,564 280 1,869 Taumarunui .. .. i 2,182 65,996 68,178 781 4,590 64,630 101,772 9,197 11,536 425 1,833 41,695 113 55,602 1,362 9,262 11,480 10.878 National Park .. .. j 526 15,059 15,585 17 698 21,875 97,473 5,253 2,676 11 491 31,562 21 34,761 j 528 1,747 9,024 7,306 Ohakune Junction .. ! 1,431 29,727 31,158! 63 1,023 8,450 30,628 6.042 4,398 233 490 13,639 60 18,820 j 566 735 734 1,830 Raetihi .. .. j 49 2,291 2,340, .. 861 78,210 625 1,605 353 .. 87 6,539 7 6,986; 708 13,543 728 2,457 Rangataua .. .. ! 144 13,157 13,301, 76 494 13,062 13,866 3,83l' 758 25 60 6,531 3o! 7,404 j 95 1,754 165 1,553 Mataroa .. .. 31 7,415 7,446 26 2,110 108.419 20,164 2,313 407 20 200 14.694 2 15.323! 390 6,639 396 1,977 Taihape .. .. ! 1,708 27,081 28,789 6 2,491 128,754 1,291 4,433 5,924 46 699 9,932 34 16,635 j 359 8,169 401 6,531 Mangaweka .. 190 4,638 4,828 7 4,590 126,245 1,468 3,565 709 5 125 12,066 5! 12,910! 351 3,637 4,097 2,309 ! I Hunterville .. .. j 496 13,528 14,024 25 6,064 145,880 9,842 2,366 1,958 19 407 10,586 7 12,977 j 1,259 23,660 1,282 6,911 Marton .. .. 2,906 24,421 27,327 121 4,461 193,366 37 10,701 7,259 156 937 15,136 447 23,935: 754 37,013 7,053 12,987 New Plymouth .. I 3,267 42,604 45,871 228 2,161 516 3,689 84,045 14,498 372 1,156 27,231 3,322 46,579) 1,851 11,725 18,781 87,659 (Breakwater) ; .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,568 30,440 .. .. .. 8,135 .. 8,135! .. .. 1,978 35,616 Waitara .. .. 556 23,169 23,725 395 2,848 3,061 21 18,963 2,147 238 223 10,949 143 13,700! 69,569 182,030 3.235 15,986 Inglewood .. .. 307 12,627 12,934 301 18,310! 19,889 .. 18,624 1.740 177 173 10,636 6 12.732 973 9,137 1,168 23,659 I I »



STATEMENT No. 18—continued. Statement of Traffic and Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1934—continued.

OUTWARD. INWAKD. Number of Passenger Journeys. Stat,onS - j Number Cat ' le Sh T Htindreds'of Other Season Luggage, Total i Miscel- ™al Cattle Sheep Hunted?'* other First- Second- ToM Calves. Pigs. Q • «««e™- Tl0k6te - Mats. ! laneOUB ' forwarded. Calves. Pigs. Ooods - class. class. I i J J I i [ I North Island Main Links AND BRANCHES —contd. Number. Number. Tons. £ £ £ £ £ x Number. Number. Tons. Tariki 38 2,567i 2,605 124 392 2,957 .. 1,286 202 71 13 1,138 1 1,425 13 959 172 2,059 Midhurst 96 5,778 5,874 228 1,582 3,652 .. 2,502 262 101 13 1,977 2 2,355 77 1,002 339 4,578 Stratford . .. 2,068 40,209 42,277 333 18,723 38,002 175, 7,062 7,641 279 721 7,497 100 16,238 3,119 14,394 5,607 14,329 Te Wera 72 1,350 1,422 3 2,074 7,226 425} 828 160 4 63 1,299 1 1,527 521 5,167 1,311 2,531 Whangamomona .. 241 6,489 6,730 • 4 3,246 61,526 5,303} 12,550 792 3 268 13,127 382 14,572 931 3,432 856 3,684 Ohura 70 3,193 3,263 .. 1,306 34,407 1,295; 1,628 708 .. 597 3,663 5 4,973 810 3,283 781 5,078 Eltham 417 18,741 19,158 416 34,521 43,241 1,381 12,015 2,735 302 285 11,580 25 14,927 8,824 25,312 6,969 16,988 Normanbv 12 4,434 4,446 159 16,477 11,478 .. } 10,402 352 79 43 8,452 2j 8,928 1,006 7,107 1,690 14,965 Hawera ' 1,894 44,145 46,039 223 28,987 63,255 312 15,440 8,834 341 682 11,797 133 21,787 9,401 65,174 15,238 28,011 p atea 390 10,116 10,506 165 1,628; 22,213 6471 7,711 2,023 117 215 11,698 244! 14,297 18,363 104,309 2,855 34,892 Waverley .. .. 185 8,432 8,617 37 9,845 94,529 .. } 3,077 1,404 28 205 7,305 49 8,991: 2,042 45,257 11,206 5,412 Aramoho 979 15,943 16,922 57 3,690 60,945 359 36,582 3,282 32 486 18,618 18 22,436 978 11,938 3,357 28,976 Waneanui 3,141 47,194 50,335 236 1,32.3 25,107 578 10,672 12,290 295 1,662 6,033 1,554 21,834 29,645 305,631 13,987 30,200 „ (Wharf) .. •• •- 1 237 438 32,609 .. .. .. 10,135 4,899 15,034 .. 31 438 4,544 Fordell 265 3,572 3,837 73 3,035 53,971 48 434 423 56 77 2,248 9 2,813 576 19,717 260 2,140 Turakina " 109 7,110 7,219 33 795 54,402 .. 1,155 517 22 88 2,507 6 3,140 128 15,521 293 2,425 Greatford 98 2,222 2,320 37 956 47,379 .. 5,722 302 32 39 4,511 1 4,885 270 16,355 1,037 2,928 Halcombe 38 6,561 6,599 55 357, 30,460 .. 2,530 498 54 31 3,081 3 3,667 51 10,356 183 3,066 Feilding .' .. 1,682 19,872 21,554 137 189,384 85 14,232 5,503 106 539 21,088 36 27,272 32,278 183,538 11,645 20,912 Palmerston North 11,617 124,094 135,711 280 2,101 25,694 346 34,211 33,151 593 3,632 43,493 408 81,277 6,709 107,806 47,215 55,977 Ashhurst .. .. 142 5,823 5,965 36 319 37,663 55 1,257 509 31 65 3,411 9 4,025 1,586 27,725 191 2,620 Lonsbum 182 14,247 14,429 53 10,321 40,233 2 9,906 744 28 146 16,962 18 17,898 25,511 159,828 388 13,439 Foxton .. .. .. .. 1,185 6,532 46 16,875 .. .. 39 5,128 188 5,355 328 7,443 7,650 6,932 Shannon .. .. 537 33,327 33,864 397 9,987 55,729 257 4,085 2,644 319 254 6,197 5 9,419 905 32,130 2,119 4,316 Levin .. 1,159 34,384 35,543 327 11,522 34,677 564 3,123 5,493 262 544 4,330 30 10,659 1,470 14,013 4,187 7,962 Otaki 766 20,300 21,066 343 2,999 32,631 435 2,252 3,030 292 1,917 3,622 17 8,878 921 11,249 374 5,832 Paekakariki 2,178 52,683 54,861 570 740 30,745 2,780 3,492 4,643 222 915 2,868 30 8,678 468 5,628 1,199 6,028 Johnsonville .. .. 931 42,838 43,769 8,165 890 18,849 2 268 2,162 1,905 99 1,009 15 5,190 13,870 86,979 735 4,375 Thorndon (Coaching) .. 22,854 253,340 276,194 16,128 .. .. .. .. 56,427 3,804 14,238 Gr. 104 138 74,503 Lambton (Coaching) .. 65,916 189,876 255,792 27,869 .. .. .. .. 19,705 12,652 4,657 Gr. 28 240 37,226 W Goods° n .. .. .- •• •• •• 438 3,566 6,737 150,732 .. .. .. 120,490 5,740 126,230 662 3,431 38,656 167,786 Wharf .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 3,151 .. .. .. 263 .. 263 .. .. .. 53,985 Courtenay Place Book- 2,122 12,924 15,046 2,225 .. .. .. .. 9,611 1,279 8,450 Gr. 19 21 19,342 ing-office Ngahauranea 35 2,680 2,715 900 10 3 11,639 70 176 8 758 2 1,014 13,664 611,219 .. 3,705 Petone 4,326 134,309 138,635 77,602 54 1,790 831 30,511 4,101 15,434 326 48,830 113 68,804 9,861 558,525 4,857 24,524 Lower Hutt 2,787 41,428 44,215 27,872 133 65 192 994 2,267 6,428 450 1,211 14} 10,370 229 1,443 8,273 3,433 Upper Hutt 1,548 73,442 74,990 14,144 649 8,868 .. 2,014 4,008 4,547 262 2,513 22j 11,352 864 3,731 390 3,087 Featherston .. .. 1,919 17,033 18,952 137 4,252 110,139 17 8,259 2,344 110 953 11,521 19 14,947 399 5,581 1,424 7,284 Carterton 906 8,957 9,863 62 3,073 71,703 11 22,585 1,805 48 577 33,827 11 36,268 15,450 78,710 5,731 9,037 Masterton 4,511 34,564 39,075 27 3,270 126,472 2,035 8,985 7,126 46 1,003 14,162 25 22,362 910 16,167 8,393 19,242 Maurice ville 48 1,676 1,724 14 265 13,075 .. 8,184 199 11 45 5,526 13 5,794 40 296 41 1,110 Eketahuna .. .. 502 5,367 5,869 38 6,459 57,508 1,843 3,489 1,052 31 189 6,909 3} 8,184 243 1,704 716 4,421 Hukanui 60 2,129 2,189 10 1,935 7,915 .. 1,186 211 8 131 1,732 1 2,083 102 645 284 1,798 Pahiatua " 472 4,338 4,810 8 7,823 81,471 2 2,868 1,053 10 277 7,429 4 8,773 532 5,210 2,043 4,482 52 1,527 1,579 8 3.413 43,166 .. 1,396 256 8 82 4,624 1 4,971 342 1,106 272 2,209 Woodville 892 17,910 18,802 45 15,043 187,304 49 5,769 2,173 43 191 16,426 15 18,848 1,758 19,136 957 5,063 Dannevirke .. .. 1,553 23,605 25,158 148 7,892 51,671 61 4,669 5,698 212 647 8,328 35] 14,920 1,110 10,632 3,119 13,564 Ormondville 117 8,267 8,384 24 4,258 60,868 .. 2,184 894 18 110 4,801 2 5,825 425 3,132 354 3,244 Takapau 193 4,794 4,987 39 3,067 83,595 .. 6,546 1,014 27 132 7,607 4 8,784| 286 5,171 96 3,109 Waipukurau ' 1,161 13,567 14,728 14 4,829 317,391 2,177 4,070 3,503 24 390 12,500 26 16,443} 803 9,781 2,330 8,390 Waipawa 394 10,187 10,581 40 2,292 115,093 4 8,115 1,764 12 202 7,253 18 9,249| 188 1,935 591 4,286 Otane .. .. 209 7,055 7,264 73 4,041 131,485 .. 4,685 862 61 97 8,178 2 9,200| 162 4,495 15 1,224 Hastings 2,247 31,563 33,810 66 642 38,308 306 24,227 13,837 101 1,561 32,648 198 48,345 1,236 36,848 6,700| 35,015 dive 19 453 472 .. 46 946 .. 37,478 69 27 13,818 3 13,917 4,360 571,373 708 3,785 Napier' " " 3,361 31,653 35,014 276 27 39 11 2,799 16,659 251 1,526 4,762 56 23,254 116 2,938 7,432 12,190 PortAhuriri .. .. •• •• •• •• 81 13,840 940 26,914 .. .. 33 13,710 562 14,305 119 906 3,133 50,726 Chief Accountant .. 41,167 129,362 170,529 6,797 .. .. .. .. 157,979 28,898 51,887 161,574 18,304 418,642 Overseas Traffic .... •• •• 295 295 54 1,882 .. .. .. 20,940 .. 20,940 295; 295 54 2,619 Totals .. .. 263,545 3,833,742 4,097,287 320,266828,647 5,213,971 706,338 2,161,206 741,020 115,454J 187,010 2,188,126 54,302j 3,285,912 828,647, 5,213,971 706,338 2,161,206 K Dar^avffle ION . .. 134 17,167 17,301 7 51 1,000; 4,749 2,973 1,880 25 1,171 1,380 33 4,489 51 l,000l 4,749 2,973 District Office 494 494 .. .. .. j .. .. Or. 958 208 60 25 .. Gr. 665 ■ ■ ■ ■ | •• Totals .. .. 134 17,661 17,795 7 51 1,000 4,749 2,973 922j 233} 1,231 1,405| 3s| 3,824 51 1,000 4,749 2,973 _____ ! | (Itsborne Section— Gisborne .. 438 9,469 9,907 35 323 9,352 239 6,125 2,303 29 261 2,159 93 4,845 271 93,272 20,618} 16,532 Motuhora 376 8,609 8,985 .. 248 93,083 20,618 16,532 844 .. 1,268 9,169 4 11,285 300 9,163 239 6,125 District Office .. .. .. 1,238 1,238 .. .. .. .. .. Or. 1,691 398 135 636 Gr. 522 .. .. .. | Overseas Traffic .. .. • • • • ■ ■ • - • • • • 9 .. .. .. 388 .. 388 .. .. .. 9 Totals .. .. 814 19,316j 20,130 35 571 102,435 20,857 22,666 1,456 427 1,664 12,352 97 15,996 571 102,435 20,857 22,666



STATEMENT No. 18—continued. Statement of Traffic and Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1934—continued.

5—D. 2

OUTWARD. j INWARD. Number of Passenger Journeys. Stati0nS ' NU of b6r S LT HundMHisof Other Ordinary Sea80n Total Cattle Sheep Other S eTa° S B d " Total. TickeTs. Calves. Pigs. «cxal Goods, j senger8 . Tickets. Goods. laneous. forw J ded . c ™ d eB . | Superficial Goods. j ( : j — South Island Main Lines AND Bkanches — Number. Number. Tons. £ £ £ £ £ £ Number. Number. I Tons Lyttelton .. .. 26,098 203,616 229,714 9,966 1,143 30,860 17,029 249,446 8,896 2,930 4,332 95,343 7,977 119,478 901 8 807 9 676 ?40 200 (Wharf) .. .. .. .. 10,026 1,789 .. 1,7891 .. .. ..' 4o'lS9 Heathcote .. 1,276 49,357 50,633 3,118 .. .. .. 3,040 914 752 53 2,951 I 4,671 36 .. 360 5 194 Woolston .. •• 877 39,004 39,881 8,282 2 3 3,933 918 1,3331 107 1,732 1 4,091 2 78 5">0 ]•' 077 Opawa .. .. j 437 23,909. 24,346 4,166 .. j .. .. 16 479 682 25 3 .. 1,189 : .. .. .. " .7' Christchurch — Coaching .. .. 47,441 445,598 493,039 12,604 .. .. .. .. 58,136 4,191 15,434 Cr. 60 347 78,048 Goods .. .. •• • •• •• 464 14 2,067 74,396 .. .. .. 56,355 512 56,867 392 76 34,970 248 053 Central Booking-office 11,858 45,700 57,558 192 .. .. .. .. 27,575 1,151 1,307 Cr. 3 21 30,051 Addington .. .. 408 12,811 13,219 767 3,488 218,512 2,246 33,332 1,233 145 188, 18,205 168 19,939 18,772 423,335 35 248 59 806 Riccarton .. .. j 242 4,752: 4,994 240 j .. 444 4,568 400 821 38 1,546 1 2,067 .. .. 36 380 15'l96 ; I ! i ' ' Papanui .. .. 286 8,149, 8,435 1,108 32 .. 82 5,636 643 389j 105 3,634 3 4,774 66 87 11 ].75j 7 144 Belfast . . . ■ 88 8,273 8,361 202 141 7,221 183 29.387 354 164 41 14,724 33 15,316 449 829,384 9 05 9 10*993 Kaiapoi .. .. 249 23,916 24,165 446 233; 7,555 28l! 19,258 1,422 432j 184 8,822 49, 10,909 71 171,232 2*239 8*909 Rangiora .. .. 465 42,455; 42,920 527 1,011 39,609 213! 13,853 3,280 439] 331 7,855 52, 11,957 542 8,405 10J41 East Oxford .. .. 2 23 25 277 43,641 .. j 2,111 17 .. ' 232 2,302 4 2,555 179 12,704 1 014 4 215 Sefton .. •• 10 4,266 4,276 114 .176 7,025 .. 4,692 308 65 27 2,705 .. 3,105 58 4,491 325 1763 Amberley .. ... 78 3,696! 3,774 30 366 56,402 3 3,081 430 26] 143 2,947 7 3,553 114 18 699 548 1 814 Waipara .. .. 122 3,028 3,150 46 1,274 138,873 .. 5,082 351 4fi 212 7,475 13 8,097 112 9,094 197 '903 Mina .. .. .. 42 1,522 1,564 15 985 76,998 .. 2,891 407 11 273 4,779 3 5,473 437 10,285 1,335 3.304 Parnassus .. .. [ 1,355 1, 19g| 2,551 .. 1,815] 89,907 878 2,544 758 .. 220 7,370 19 i 8,367 88 2 517 153 o 724 Waikari .. .. 59 3,936 3,995 21 140 24,153 .. 7,419 512 17 92 4,171 4 4,796 50 2,820 168 ī'894 Hawarden .. .. I 31 2,335 2,366 4 463 88,061 1 4,604 350 2 182 5,714 9 6,257 85 15,210 479 1 337 Culverden .. .. 83 2,140; 2,223 .. 1,314 80,833 .. 5,005 501 .. 164 6,273 8 6,946 292 8,275 293 2 853 Waiau .. .. j 35 1,035 1,070 .. 480 68,408 .. 2,102 292 .. 100 4,800 7 5,199 148 2,573 231 2,174 Hornby .. .. 134 9,544 9,678 75 1,174 4,024 .. i 44,763 922 64 35 17,056 2 18,079 1,418 4,614 1 221 39 696 Lincoln .. .. 13 4,925 4,938 132 942 57,157 .. 17,527 271 109 39 6,786 11 7,216 117 3,994 '574 2*454 Leeston .. .. 5 3,298 3,303 27 430 24,942 .. 4,698 278 25 473 2,526 4 3,306 266 18,919 837 4*793 Southbridge .. .. 1 8,739, 8,740 10 430 19,736 .. 6,857 696 8 450 3,887 2 5,043 88 8,848 110 1 899 Little River .. .. 10 6,414] 6,424 28 7,667 125,570 8 1,306 905 27 536 4,600 46 6,114 608 31,327 943 2 310 Islington .. .. j 60 6,178 6,238 41 27 3,876 554| 16,336 351 32 61 6,952 1 7,3971 7,870 4 169 10 462 Rolleston .. .. 79 6,408; 6,487 13 171 28,089 .. 6,306 518 11 42 3,196 9 3,776 160 4,041 468 1449 Kirwee .. .. 9 1,297 1,306 37 68 14,060 58 2,806 114 30 18 1,566 1 1,729 29 16,005 97 2^090 ' Darfield .. .. Ill 3,064! 3,175 55 257 40,729 88 8,558 336 46 76 4,602 2 5,062 111; 5,134 1 721 1 159 Coalgate .. .. 6 495 501 12 403 53,436 208 12,676 54 12 103 7,560 1 7,730 105 5'431 '904 2 966 Sheffield .. .. 35 1,896 1,931 21 228 26,096 79 3,245 280 28 203 2,418 1 2,930 35 11 282 153 L208 Springfield .. . . 705 8,640 9,345 24 316 17,315 3 3,086 1,377 24 179 4,364 26 5,970 73 150 2!289 Arthur's Pass .. .. 46 1,913 1,959 .... 6 14 99 224 .. 43 97 6 370 12 308 576 472 Otira .. ..I 527 15,803 16,330 7 365 6,958 57,430 1,747 2,096 7 216 18,868 34 21 221 46' 1 104 536 3 127 Moana .. .. 21 3,603 3,624 45 282 1,352 39,632 1,188 435 47 318 8,848 1 9,649 230 i L392 170 l'562 Stillwater .. .. 304 14,920 15,224 267 68 .. 34,742 58,322 1,521 187 84 28,964 11 30,767 160! 231 2 115 1346 Ngahere .. .. 161 5,832 5,993 91 911 10,131 50,972 1,026 504 47 89 9,739 14 10,393 291 3 114 7 1 086 Blackball .. .. 13 3,382 3,395 242 .. 160 .. 53,913 328 191 27 24,429 6 24,981 3 25 1^215 Ikamatua .. .. 147] 3,647 3,794 40 255 6,128 38,310 3,049 849 35 92 8,348 13 9,337 2,670 308 5 120 Reefton .. .. 757; 11,365 12,122 32 211 3,576 17,694 33,121 2,724 28 200 31,144 378 34,474 261 829 3,418 2*740 Inangahua .. .. | 42] 596 638 .. 307 8,761 1,571 2,123 130 •• 40 5,256 6 5,432 315 287 400 2*548 Greymouth .. .. 4,720 104,704 109,424 1,511 668 987 10,551 11,140 15,562 773 1,869 10,096 4,320 32,620 2,194 8,497 7,029 20^957 „ (Wharf) .. .. .. .. .. .. 117 2,241 .. .. .. 2,031 2,031 .. .. 216,973 171^832 Runanga .. .. 8 48,804 48,812 1,985 15 .. 896 89,800 1,252 567 40 40,251 46 42,156 53 .. 460 3 127 Rewanui .. .. 12 5,011 5,023 7,501 14 5 98,029 153 1,327 2 50,885 410 52,777 15 3 094 1 971 Kumara .. .. 560 4,833 5,393 39 894 3,610 64,381 541 476 30 76 9,922 27 10,531 94 583 100 1 311 Hokitika .. .. 1,407 24,039 25,446 126 208 4,321 55,585 2,404 4,361 115 543 13,326 412 18,757 278 2,327 10 936 10 007 Ross .. .. 53 12,909 12,962 .. 985 18,747 68,883 2,299 947 .. 96 16,636 4 17,683 145 244 408 2^929 Dunsandel .. .. 157 8,603 8,760 56 306 36,246 .. 4,759 861 46 102 3,232 2 4,243 165 20,210 213 2 337 Rakaia .. .. 377 14,519 14,896 291 549 78,652 12 20,564 1,670 274 231 13,989 18 16,182 240 27*484 567 4 018 Methven .. .. 15 6,115 6,130 11 327 69,125 .. 11,483 1,017 11 110 10,348 19 11,505 285 33,298 1,726 7 '757 Chertsey .. .. 13 3,352 3,365 61 1,735 51,921 1,298 11,440 278 47 41 11,555 1 11,922 1,404 63,282 312 1^807 Ashburton .. .. 2,585 55,306 57,891 212 808 3,618 137 17,351 9,614 217 1,100 12,980 238 24,149 897 55,569 12,828 22^127 Tinwald .. .. 13 3,737 3,750 49 312 92,046 893 9,589 174 6 60 9,116 4 9,3601 181 50,654 254 3,101 Mount Somers .. .... 8 8 .. 161 16,244 .. 6,103 1 .. 119 3,814 38 3,9721 67 3,597 404 2^851 Hinds . 33 4,649 4,682 133 155 46,397 1,404 8,807 435 98 44 7,387 3 7,967 124 15,979 115 3 012 Rangitata .. .. 70, 3,336 3,406 26 22 16,977 55 2,755 332 22 31 1,779 1 2,165 28 9,965 172 983 Orari .. .. 381 9,149 9,530 126 331 67,108 3 2,920 1,559 99 131 3,494 4 5,287 159 12,870 1,843 3,133 Winches 4 sr .. .. 51 2,945 2,996 81 133 6,107 .. 6,181 282 63 25 2,517 1 2,888 59 3,029 ' 96 2 681 Tenr.. .. 546 22,189 22,735 57 1,460 21,368 10 7,997 2,946 52 1,378 4,059 12 8,447 508 11,431 1,949 6,514 Washdyke .. .. 5 3,442 3,447 82 714 19,574 .. 13,306 219l 63 15 6,060 5 6,362 1,096 121,654 .. 4,660 Pleasant Point .. 13 4,256 4,269 68 435 67,327 .1 9,787 333 56 42 5,080 3 5,514 330 19 260 402 2 982 Albury .. .. 1 1,480 1,481 17 163 36,257 .. 2,562 205 13 29 2,136 2 2,385 157 2 277 806 "'461 Fairlie .. .. 63 8,466 8,529 10 355 65,569 .. 2,915 1,213 1» 232 4,108 7 5,572 164 786 4,' 803 Timaru .. .. 5,022 85,088 90,110 280 148 5,813 1,552 75,075 19,169 215) 1,741 21,141 2,858 45,124 455 237,705 12.916 141,690 (Wharf) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27,183 .. .. .. 3,879 .. 3,879 .. ..' .. 51,024 St. Andrews .. .. 26 5,503 5,529 125 382 16,561 2 15,370 388 93 37 5,370 2 5,890 168 91 444 819 4 016 Makihiki .. .. 12 1,488 1,500 77 95 34,586 20 5,122 151 65 22 2,735 1 2,974 27 8*,859 341 2J78 Studholme Junction .. 205 4,861 5,066 59 553 28,387 .. 8,611 882 36 : 47 4,767 5 5,737 192 104 1,588 Waimate .. .. ] 226 16,131 16,357 35 223 50,319 31 7,631 2,179 9| 498 6,343 4 9,033 178 3,593 2 420i 9.312 Morven .. .. j 60 2,809 2,869 68 47 20,554 .. 5,152 302 36; 29 2,972 1 3,340 38 231 L532 Glenavy .. .. ! 50 2,360 2,410 37 29 23,973 .. 3,708 262 29] 47 2,017 .. 2,355 17 7,092 179 L662 Pukeuri Junction .. 58 1,546 1,604 6 179 20,040 102 13,801 95 6 36 8,840 1 8,978 214 306 2'536 Duntroon .. .. 13 1,763 1,776 14 281 41,620 23 2,482 215 12 47 3,194 .. 3,468 119 5,806 448 1^883 Kurow .. .. 44 5,917 5,961 6 81 40,335 .. 2,869 1,061 7! 142 4,939 91 6,240 113 3 477 4 396 22 454 Oamaru .. .. 2,063 41,585 43,648 210 588 18,084 643 18,839 10,998 196, 1,817 8,774 894 22,679 596 7,154 6,722 36,729 (Breakwater) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 70 5,747 .. .. .. 1,647 .. 1,647 1 9 ..' 20^882 Waiareka Junction .. 6 628 634 .. 298 22,502 .. 6,294 44 .. 13 3,790 19 3,866 159 70,982 170 2,003 Ngapara .. .. .. 199 199 .. 80 3,288 .. 5,555 24 .. 17 3,154 .. 3,195 120 4,666 465 4^367 Maheno .. .. 12 5,960 5,972 69 610 22,208 24 5,940 438 45; 583 3,814 6 4,886 229 15,610 263 2,842 Hampden .. .. 104 2,714 2,818 38 514 23,141 .. 1,652 408 34] 203 2,339 9 2,993 129 6,034 634 2,896 Palmerston .. .. 516 27,004 27,520 98 881 81,188 1 6,654 3,077 68 574 6,533 52 10,304 362 3,916 640 5,862 Makaraeo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,047 .. .. .. 6,752 .. 6,752 .. .. 19 559 Waikouaiti .. .. 145 5,235 5,380 197 1,220 29,014 .. 983 650 116 171 1,982 1 2,920 613 3,508 896 6,373 Seacliff .. .. 408 10,395 10,803 429 174 3,299 .. 307 1,054 123 49 427 3 1,656 188 1,697 721 6,634 Waitati .. .. 56 15,379 15,435 76 156 2,032 .. 353 732 53 79 342 3 1,209 164 1,594 81 L239 Port Chalmers Upper .. 167 5,699 5,866 394 96 2,047 .. 48 418 102 66 88 1 675 33 136 23 ' 6 Sawyer's Bay .. .. 331 20,347 20,678| 3,173 47 342 .. 29 588 757 14 50 2 1,411 45 158 99 2,059



STATEMENT No. 18—continued. Statement of Traffic and Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1934—continued.

OUTWARD. INWARD. Number op Passenger Journeys. Stati ° nS ' -d 6 S anT . other Ordinary SeasoD Tom Total Cattle Sheep Qther flass." S cTa°SB d " Totft1 ' Ticket". Cal?es - Pi § s - ! j G ° 0dS ' sengers. Tickets ' Goods. laneous. {orwarded . c^ee p a £f Superficial Goods. : 1 j , | * — South Island Main Lines and Branches—contd. Number. Number. Tons £ £ £ £ £ f *r > m Port Chalmers .. .. 2,703 73,970 76,673 8,470 2] 95 23 45,682 2,743 2,569 143 9,616 1,056 16,127] 6 "268 1 757 °56 646 St. Leonard's .. ., | 236 12,730 12,966 2,433 9 .. ! 2 352 613 7 3 1 976 3 ' ' 67 Ravensbourne . . .. j 1,706 35,116 36,822 4,181 .. 33,854 506 1,082 14 15,658 4 17,264! .. !! " 277 3 son Dunedin (Coaching) .. , 26,863 435,674 462,537 13,554 .. .. .. j .. 75,194 5,518 11,460 Cr. 94 380 92,458' „ (Goods) .. .. 961 856, 6,880, 85,740 105,180 894 106,074 1,201 771 60,338 178,751 Cavereham .. .. 669 2o,030 25,699 1,837 .. .. 21 761 1,391 240 149 783 5 2,568< .. .. 6^248 Burnside .. ..! 586 23,162 23,748 3,187 1,547 29,194 29 50,731 544 555 125 46,377 42 47,643! 18,598 477,697 2 487 71197 Green Island .. .. 1,553 44.222 45,775 5,218 .. .. .. 8,938 1,144 1,226 30 2,633 17 5,050 .. 6 94 5*307 Abbotsford .. .. 307 39,044 39,3ol 4,523 1 .. .. 684 932 1,002 22! 286 6 2,248 1 237 '300 Wingatui .. ..I 175 23,741 23,916 1,113 1,055 24,975; 4 2,830 1,086 308 68 3,972 2 5,436 533 1 113 9 36 i 0 23 Middlemarch .. .. 141 1,723 1,864 .. 1,392 74,201 3 1,865 393 .. 526 6,4*1 4 207 15,081 705 2 ,'835 Waipiata .. •• 110 2,290 2,400 .. 301 49,6161 .. 773 678 .. 112 3,746 1 4,537 224 5 410 781 3 684 Ranfurly .. .. 288 3,435 3,723 9 319 46,362 20 1,210 1,081 4 228 3,772 10 5,095 91 1 515 3*136 Oturehua .. .. j 41 1,428 1,469 4 625 81,490: 8 2,088 526 3 238 eisse 3 7;656 35 5 172 1 114 2 426 2S3» :: "I S iZ » 4 Kj 8 !« S S A tS S K & :: :: £ JS 1:55 1 S i3&. " ..IS 2 jS 1 S S" § ,f:S £ ,s I'm 8SS :: " "S 1:S 1:S IS J2 8S .. * {« »« "It 1? '« " ? : g ffi 1 Allanton .. .. , 233 8,306 8,539 24 743 22,592 .. 3,429 562 21 225 2,252 " 1 3,'o61 537 291 t'fst Milburn ■■ •• ! 10 !' 365 i- 375 3 150 14,5951 .. 50,783 131 2 20 16,630 227 17,010! 115 3 791 123 7 867 Milton .. .. j 538 16,936 17,474 64 1,516 39,546 596 5,558 2,841 36 738 4,381 69 8,065! 369 15*423i 1 437 7*581 Lawrence .. .. Ill 4,494 4,605 3 214 23,171 516 1,551 537 3 214 2,466 10 3,230 105 3*7791 2 ' 754 5*4Q3 Miller's Flat .. .. 10 383 393 .. 63 37,920; 12 2,546 85 .. 74 5,198 1 5,358 74 657 "*780 f,*806 Roxburgh ... .. 23 421 444 .. 27 8,1691 22 3,146 187 .. 80 5,334 4 5,605 31 124 2 020 9 , lq Lovell's Flat .. •• 78 1,724 1,802 134 85 22,118 .. 13,351 177 44 33 7 110 149 7 513 43 9 Hn 1™ o'J™ Stirling .. •• 209 9-657 9.866 195 5,693 •• 93,621 1,130 196 162 1,194 53i,521 401 3*773 1 040 3'562 Balclutha .. •• 1 ' 1 ®? 25,649 26,801 53 1,414 63,298j 1,305 14,985 5,193 94 845 20,022 54 26,208i 4,161 173 721 4922 14534 Owaka .. .. 25 5,404 5,429 28 756 37,364 25,456 5,374 888 25 311 9|fl61 8 lolsKI 281 6,682 833 S Tahakopa .. .. j 2 10,915 10,917 .. 99 2,87!; 16,382 817 1,206 .. 156 4,075 26 5,463 68 1,507 9 1,830 Waiwera .. .. 20 2,187 2,207 .. 151 16,634 359: 1,029 268 .. 474 1,709: .. 2,451 63 3 738 581 A m\i Clinton .. .. 154: 12,076 12,230 40 314 36,629 3,801 1,554 1,598 36 82 3,529 12 5,257 66 2 354 698 4 331 Waipahi .. .. 96 5,184 5,280 3 1,982 58,107 .. 2,458 873 4 285 4 618 1 5 78 263 3 374 603 1*97 Tapanui .. .. 22 820 842 1 433 37,290, 3 1,519 306 1 72 3,419 .. 3,198 107 K 645 1^66 Heriot •• •• , ®j 1 . 843 1.849 .. 366 76,407 .. 1,834 421 .. 117 5,942 .. 6,480! 273 4449 692 8 031 Gore.. •• •• ! 1,707 42,976 44,683 216 1,739 160,86f 1,181 18,349 9,579 186 1,266 21,754 70 32,855 1,096 7'962 2 898 36*514 Riversdale .. .. 33 3,863 3,896 97 843 147,334: 27 7,377 505 94 145 12 387 3 13 134 213 6 066 Tl0* u's24 Mataura .. .. 135 21,619 21,754 327 407 20,474 443 15,513 2,275 247 118 17 2571 12 19 909 264 136 995 323 3*637 Edendale .. .. 349, 12,249 12,598 165 2,865 43,753 233 5,641 2,288 137 111 7,82 5 j 62 350 10i365 217 Wyndham .. .. 6 1,022 1,028 .. 505 22,925 .. 2,185 138 .. 56 3,200 ! 1 3,395 109 1 o 42 „ 0 o „ Woodlands 66 7,583 7,649 72 1,683 38,752j 453 2,874 747 57 86 3 *730 3 4 623 290 9 967 87 mill Invercargill (Coaching) .. ! 5,871 191,839 197,710 4,138 .. .. .. .. 32,877 2,047 2,547 Cr. 17 100 37*554 ' 10,591 TTT . », , (Goods) .. j .. .. .. 3,650 76,997 10,547 58,806 .. .. .. 36,153! 582 3ôi735 46 400 9 459 113 509 Waimahaka .. .. 2 9,518 9,520 49 2,156 54,470 1,898 2,125 581 37 196 4,673 18 5,505 229 *710 11^593 Bluff ; • ■ 357 46,632 46,989 1,646 61 294 2,095 90,181 2,150 828 169 37,040 4,300 44,487 820 429,862 35 132 91 265 » (Wharf) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,833 .. .. .. 535 .. 535 ! ' ' 17'roi Makarewa 12 5,883 5,895 425 888 96,359 169 26,006 320 204 61 15,052 4 15.641 1,508 2ii 964 'l 807 9 209 Thornbury .. .. 11 2,725 2,736 118 118 44,571 5,899 2,471 172 90 24 3,525 24 3;835 159 6 131 39 7 029 Riverton .. .. 334 5,493 o,827 179 252 11,41?, 14,980 2,451 719 147 195 4,915 7 5,983! 231 305 3^953 Orepuki .. .. 15 4,334 4,349 80 365 18,661; 5,060 1,014 481 56 93 3,011 24 3,665 100 4 151 21 1 964 Tuatapere .. .. 13 14,063 14,076 9 608 48,38( 31,037 10,222 1,123 10 326 15,361 1 16,821 185 1*857 2*598 Otautau .. .. 20 3,602 3,622 211 414 60,332: 4,626 3,148 446 175 85 4,596 17 5,319 259 4*374! 56 6'l45 Waino 2 3,723 3,725 44 107 19,346! .. 137,642 451 37 48 98 423 2,108 101 067 317 I 136 253 5*955 Winton .. .. I 239 10,352 10,591 162 972 175,488 9,741 48,457 998 122 529 24,942 11 261602 484 23!238 297 IS Lumsden .. .. j 350 19. 3 06 19,656 227 735 89,741 2 10,250 2,408 136 340 9,473 11 12,368 327 10 817 954 13 434 K^ g st°n 957 3,293 4.250 .. 48 1,816! .. 285 886 .. 33 396 1 1 316 79 2 624 508 9*392 Wakftipu)' 10 ' 89Gl 682 ] ' 529 2 ' 987 •' 2,987 78 886 208 3*784 Chief Accountant .. 8,085 58,634j 66,719 171 .. .. .. 30,781 12,903 24,836 86,458 9,734 164,712 Overseas Traffic .. .. 275 70 6 6,629 .. .. .. 26,252 .. 26,25£ 1 275 70 " 6 'e,629 Totals • • 174,4913,055,905 3,230,396 120,660 86,433 4,723,615 617,205 2,260,832 412,078 53,009 89,711 1,625,376 40,651 2,220,825 86,433 4,723,615 617,205 2,260,832 Westpokt Suction —• Westport .. .. 130 15,963 16,093 232 51 20&' 95 2,944 1,738 140 192 3,555 2,319 7,944 64 150 3 950 285 890 Waimangaroa 10,980 10,980 116 19 .. 481 125,730 429 64 147 11 20 897 2 '769 2 339 ® r8 f'• " " 25347 47 150 f 4,516 161,100 1,490 212 248 32,540 4 34,494 51 " 205 373 1*545 Officc 884 884 . > _ Cr. 802 296 175 18 59 Cr. 254 .. ' Overseas Traffic .. ■■ •• •• •• 2 43 325 .. .. .. 241 241 2 "43 "325 Totals •• 136 53,353 53,489 695 119 355 5,135 290,099 2,855 712 762 56,600 2,393 63,322 119 355 5,135 2 90,099 j " — : Nelson Section — Port Nelson .. .. .. .. j .. .. .. .. .. 2,740 ...... 194 194 1 = 7Q , , •• '• 20 2 28,020 28,282 448 2 144 144 6,744 2,209 397 227 1,559 53 4,445 1,511 25 946 471 10*252 Wakefield .. .. 8 8,680 8,688 105 286 15,434 262 6,067 538 38 59 2,615 4 3,254 7 '642 1'7 4*267 G enhope 393 393 .. 1,362 16,644 227 2,535 72 .. 39 1,923 1 2,035 132 5 634 35 1 988 District Office 1,318 1,318 .. .. Or. 105 480 152 486 3 1 016 ' Overseas Traffic .. .. 108 363 695 .. 695 " 108 " 363 Totals '• •' 270[ 38,411 38,681 553 1,650 32,330 633 18,449 2,714 915 477 7,472 61 11,639 1,650 32,330 633 18,449 Picton Section — Koton 2,114; 15,943 18,057 203 302 25,216 171 17,410 1,237 169 369 9 562 1 781 13 118 331 141 ™ ais IO Blenheim .. .. 3,697 34 > 3 ® 7 323 33 1 141,336 415 18,351 3,217 241 389 ' 46 302 171 17*410 District Office .. .. [ 1,144 1,144 .. .. .. .. Cr. 768 443 276 892 4 847 Overseas Traffic .. •• I •• .. 7 .. .. 188 .. .. 820 820 " 7 " " 188 Totals •• •• 5,811 47,757 53,568 526 64oj 166,552 586 35,949 3,686 853 1,034 19,913 1,831 27,317 640 166,552 586 35,949 Lake Wakatipu Steamers— Totals '• •• ) •• i 23,740 23,740 4 120 16,692 4,258 6,065 3,900 46 860 4,790 21 9,617 120 16,692 4,258 6,065

STATEMENT No. 19. Classification of Goods and Live-stock Traffic and Earnings by Commodities.


D.— 2

6— D. 2.

Year ended 31st March, 1934. Y eai ended 31st March, 1933. Kevenue. j Kevenue. Commodity. rr™ n T mn One , — Tonnage Per Cent. | Average | Tonnage ; Per Cent. | Mile Average carried. of Total. nnn . Haul. Per Per carried. o! Total, nnn emitted Haul. i Per Per 000 omitted. Amount. Cent. Per Ton. Ton 000 omitted. Amount. Cent, Per Ion. Ton j of Total. Mile. j | of Total. Mile. — . j | I . J T Products of Agriculture. Miles. £ s. d. d. Miles. £ s. d. d. Grain .. .. .. 276,105 4-89 12,336 45 126,419 3-16 9 2 2-45 269,367 4-91 13,697 51 133,827 3-50 10 0 2-34 Meals .. .. .. 115,139 2-04 7,291 63 67,836 1-69 11 10 2-23 110,787 2-02 7,161 65 63,655 1-72 11 11 2-19 Fruit .. .. .. 41,237 0-73 7,215 175 58,757 1-47 28 6 2-26 44,372 0-81 7,571 171 66,511 1-73 30 0 2-10 Root crops and fodder .. 106,844 1-89 8.633 81 66,562 1-67 12 6 1-84 111,123 2-02 7,947 72 63,962 1-67 11 6 1-92 Flax, green and dressed .. 12,715 0-23 859 68 8,659 0-22 13 8 2-41 1.1,057 0-20 641 58 7,724 0-20 14 0 2-89 Seeds' .. .. .. 22,343 0-40 1,380 62 17,302 0-43 15 6 3-00 16,752 0-30 1,054 63 13,379 0-35 16 0 3-04 574,383 10-18 ; 37,714 66 345,535 ! 8-64 12 0 2-19 563,458 10-26 38,071 68 351,058 9-17 12 6 2-21 CatXftndTorser^. '° .. 134,269 2-38 10,799 80 155,475 ! 3-89 23 2 3-45 119,097 2-17 9,873 83 143,180 3-74 24 1 3-48 Sheep and pigs .. .. 414,534 7-34 31,405 76 399,409 9-99 19 3 3-05 425,997 7-75 29,848 70 395,892 10-36 18 7 3-18 Meat .. .. .. 226,021 4-01 6,439 28 185,198 4-64 16 5 6-90 217,538 3-96 6,010 28 164,615 4-30 15 2 6-57 Butter .. .. .. 146,275 2-59 10,317 71 157,540 3-94 21 7 3-66 146,367 2-67 9,320 64 144,487 3-77 19 9 3-72 Cheese .. .. .. 89,480 1-59 4,994 56 93,628 2-34 20 11 4-49 j 95,336 1-74 4,741 50 87,357 2-28 18 4 4-42 Wool .. .. .. 152,036 2-69 8,437 55 157,831 3-95 20 9 4-48 149,678 2-73 7,072 47 140,477 3-67 18 10 4-76 Dairy by-products .. 16,666 0-31 1,392 84 16,002 0-40 19 2 2-75 14,868 0-27 1,310 88 15,154 0-40 20 4 2-77 Fat, hides, and skins .. 42,142 0-75 1,852 44 42.008 1-05 19 11 5-44 37,458 0-68 1,580 42 35,230 0-92 18 10 5-35 Fish .. .. .. 8,591 0-15 1,350 157 12,058 0-30 28 1 2-14 7,808 0-14 1,200 154 11,116 0-29 28 6 2-22 1,230,014 21-81 76,985 63 1,219,149 30-50 19 10 3-79 1,214,147 22-11 j 70,954 58 • 1,137,508 29-73 18 9 3-84 .. . - . ; - Produce of Mines. | Agricultural lime .. .. 195,018 3-45 12,942 66 72,080 1-80 7 5 1-33 173,932 3-17 i 11,892 68 65,064 1-71 7 6 1-31 Coal, imported .. .. 32.024 0-57 601 19 11,786 0-29 7 4 4-70 28,441 0-52 619 22 11,208 0-29 7 11 4-34 Coal, N.Z. hard .. .. 645,461 11-44 27,601 43 215,429 5-39 6 8 1-87 704,984 12-85 30,050 43 233,249 6-09 6 8 1-86 Coal, N.Z. brown .. .. 752,823 13-34 88,252 117 484,764 12-13 12 11 1-31 681,643 12-41 81,185 119 442,010 11-56 13 0 1-30 Road-metal .. .. 91,904 1-63 2,166 24 20,644 0-52 4 6 2-28 78,095 1-42 1,818 23 17,773 0-46 4 7 2-34 Lime and coke .. .. 29,418 0-52 1,980 67 14,981 0-38 10 2 1-81 31,959 0-58 1,840 58 14,632 0-38 9 2 1-90 1,746,648 30-95 133,542 76 819,684 20-51 9 5 1-47 1,699,054 30-95 127,404 75 783,936 20-49 9 3 1-47 Products of Forests. Timber, imported .. .. 7.708 0-14 378 49 6,388 0-16 16 7 4-05 6,615 0-12 373 56 6,407 0-16 19 5 4-11 Timber, N.Z. .. .. 293,514 5-20 31,162 106 268,239 6-72 18 3 2-06 247,018 4-50 25,460 103 223,773 5-85 18 1 2-10 Firewood, posts, &e. .. 61,583 1-09 4,624 75 25,799 0-64 8 5 1-33 61,886 1-13 4,596 74 25,312 0-66 8 2 1-32 362,805 6-43 36,164 100 300,426 7-52 16 7 1-99 315,519 5-75 I 30,429 96 j 255,492 6-67 16 2 2-01 Manufactures, <&c. Benzine, gasoline, kerosene .. 110,731 1-96 10,030 91 193.442 4-84 35 0 4-62 117,660 2-14 9,836 84 195,515 5-10 33 3 4-76 Cement .. .. .. 47,189 0-84 4,579 97 47,293 1-18 20 0 2-47 36,870 0-67 \ 3,355 91 35,450 0-93 19 3 2-53 Manures.. .. .. 552,441 9-79 35,802 65 263,215 6-59 9 6 1-76 614,352 11-19 38,241 62 282,826 7-39 9 2 1-77 710,361 12-59 50,411 71 503,950 12-61 14 2 2-39 768,882 14-00 ! 51,432 67 j 513,791 13-42 13 4 2-39 Miscellaneous .. .. 1,017,988 18-04 48,704 48 808,140 20-22 15 11 3-98 929,626 16-93 45,159 49 785,283 j 20 ■ 52 16 11 4-17 Totals .. .. 5,642,199 100-00 383,520 68 3,996,884 100-00 14 2 2-50 5,490,686 100-00 \ 363,449 66 3,827,068 100-00 14 0 2-52 I I


STATEMENT No. 20. Statement showing Mileage, Capital Cost, Traffic, Operating Revenue, and Expenditure of New Zealand Government Railways from 1st April, 1925, to 31st March, 1934.


MILEAGE, CAPITAL COST, TRAFFIC, AND REVENUE. Oth6r rear. Miles. Capita, Cost. Train-mileage. j | j Coaching and Timber £ No. £ £ No. No. Tons. 1925-1926 .. 3,138 45,794,199 10,319,407 27,653,414 2,537,047 409,207 391,649 8,209,965 770,654 1926-1927 .. 3,164 47,195,948 10,723,864 26,002,137 2,304,180 377,367 391,062 8,902,511 663,442 1927-1928 .. 3,180 49,014,832 10,838,594 25,379,665 2,145,296 379,933 459,742 9,299,715 570,558 1928-1929 .. 3,287 54,210,139 11,113,482 25,574,843 2,124,746 378,141 634,394 9,685,374 568,026 1929-1930 .. 3,287 55,347,541 12,022,043 25,413,621 1,995,927 386,792 695,060 10,271,544 574,080 1930-1931 .. 3.322 58,076,236 11,281,898 22,813,708 1,778,725 359,276 729,567 10,279,407 403,095 1931-1932 .. 3,315 49,661,930 10,168,720 19,151,480 1,339,589 316,245 685.649 10,685,464 253,534 1932-1933 .. 3,315 49,744,744 9,828,853 18,366,654 1,207,296 283,822 687,027 10,550,860 253,633 1933-1934 .. 3,320 52,173,141 10,163,474 19,047,186 1,336,334 281,889 918,111 10,240,258 301,222 __ I Miscellaneous Revenue ner Year. Goods. Total. Goods Revenue. Revenue, Labour, i Total Revenue. ,~.Vf ; Demurrage, Ac. iraln-mue. Tons. Tons. £ £ £ d. 1925-1926.. .. 6,028,959 6,799,613 4,499,160 143,861 7,589,274 176-51 1926-1927.. .. 6,161,706 6,825,148 4,596,166 145,759 7,423,472 166-14 1927-1928.. .. 6,276,525 6,847,083 4,680,135 138,481 7,343,845 162-62 1928-1929.. .. 6,509,978 7,078,004 4,846,125 175,852 7,524,864 162-50 1929-1930.. .. 6,649,114 7,223,194 4,904,324 186,949 7,473,993 149-21 1930-1931.. .. 5,998,562 6,401,657 4,487,357 156,029 6,781,388 144-26 1931-1932.. .. 5,018,719 5,272,253 4,019,600 113,531 5,788,965 136-63 1932-1933.. .. 4,691,959 4,945,592 3,745,777 102,180 5,339,075 130-37 1933-1934.. .. 4,792,174 5,093,396 3,911,245 99,367 5,628,835 132-92 EXPENDITURE. M.w»n.nn« ,,f Wan nnrt Wnrko Maintenance of Signals and Maintenance of Locomotives, Maintenance of Way and Works. Electrical Appliances. Carriages, and Wagons. ! Per Cent. Per Mile Per Cent. Per Mile Per Cent. Per Amount. of of Amount. of of Amount. of TrainRevenue. Railway. Revenue. Railway. Revenue. mile, £ £ £ £ £ d. 1925-1926 .. .. 1,144,385 15-08 368-80 105,064 1-38 33-86 1,311,317 17-28 30-50 1926-1927 .. .. 1,074,334 14-47 340-30 100,861 1-36 31-95 1,303,444 17-56 29-17 1927-1928 .. .. 1,147,067 15-62 360-94 102,871 1-40 32-37 1,380,727 18-80 30-57 1928-1929 .. .. 1,111,229 14-77 341-50 112,206 1-49 34-48 1,424,165 18-93 30-76 1929-1930 .. .. 1,146,014 15-33 352-19 117,577 1-57 36-13 1,680,919 22-49 33-55 1930-1931 .. .. 1,150,329 16-97 348-27 104,464 1-54 31-63 1,502.698 22-16 31-97 1931-1932 .. .. 997,629 17-23 300-94 107,584 1-86 32-45 1,270,585 21-94 29-99 1932-1933 .. .. 931,273 17-44 280-93 105,586 1-98 31-85 1,188,474 22-26 29-02 1933-1934 .. .. j 993,207 17-65 299-16 110,298 1-96 33-22 1,220,102 21-67 28-81 Locomotive Transportation. Traffic Transportation. General Charges. Expendi- Expendi1 Total tTlre ture cent PeI Cent Per Cent Per Expend:iture ' Trata- Cent of Amount. Train- Amount. i " Train- Amount. , • Train- mile. Revenue. Revenue. mIle - Revenue. m " e - Revenue. mile - £ d. £ d. £ d. £ d. 1925-1926 .. 1,636,620 21-56 38-06 1,743,641 22-98 40-55 223,543 2-94 5-20 6,164,570 143-37 81-23 1926-1927 .. 1,669,352 22-49 37-36 1,752,998 23-61 39-23 257,294 3-47 5-76 6,158,283 137-82 82-96 1927-1928 .. 1.662,074 22-63 36-80 1,760,459 23-97 38-98 248,921 3-39 5-51 6,302,119 139-55 85-81 1928-1929 .. 1,650,793 21-94 35-65 1,825,965 24-26 39-43 250,221 3-32 5-40 6,374,579 137-66 84-71 1929-1930 .. 1,755,208 23-49 35-03 1,883,918 25-21 37-61 264,389 3-54 5-28 6,848,026 136-71 91-62 1930-1931 .. 1,594,672 23-53 33-92 1,798,490 26-52 38-26 255,490 3-76 5-43 6,406.143 136-28 94-47 1931-1932 .. 1,254,770 21-67 29-61 1,424,520 24-60 33-62 246,565 4-26 5-82 5,301,653 125-13 91-56 1932-1933 .. 1,114,801 20-88 27-22 1,255,280 23-51 30-65 238,340 4-47 5-82 4,833,754 118-03 90-54 1933-1934 .. 1,064,827 18-92 25-14 1,253,833 22-28 29-61 234,879 4-17 5-55 4,877,146 115-17 86-65

STATEMENT No. 21. Comparative Statement of the Number of Employees for Years 1932—33 and 1933—34.

STATEMENT No. 22. Statement of Accidents for the Year ended 31st March, 1934

D.— 2.


T3 CO ! +3 CO ® a 3 2 2 i a qd £ ■ o 5i3g t I §3 '.s-g 2§ Branch * • S g, a a « ®l s āS2 J 3 .§ -sSS ol? £ | s s || §| 1« $ •2 03 5 © .2 '2 o b 55 § m § ê £ 0(!QQP3 ĒH — — , 1 QQ^-^4. General.. .'. ..1 2 550 147 3 3 3 259 273 31 114 1,386 Traffic 3 10 2,469 2,099 47 10 22 4,663 Maintenance .. .. 7 23 1,919 1,165 38 j 20 25 .. .. ■■ •• Locomotive .. .. 4 9 3,499 2,142 44 | 12 18 .. .. ■■ •• , Totals .. .. 15 44 8,437 5,553 132 j 45 j 68 259 273 31 114 14,971 1QQ9_^S General.. .. 1 2 I 562 143 3 4 3 261 252 32 113 1,376 Traffic .. .. .. 3 10 2,521 2,110 ol 11 26 4,732 Maintenance .. .. 7 25 1,775 1,111 39 24 28 j .. .. .. Locomotive .. .. 4 2,027 46* llj 18 5,579 Totals .. .. j 15 47 8,321 | 5,391 | 139 50 j 75 261 j 252 32 113 14,696 * Workshop staff only. Westport locomotive-running staff are included in South Island Main Line and Branches.

Train Accidents. Accidents on Line (other than Train Shunting Accidents. ! Employees — —p ; It 7 r~'• ImtyShin injured°at Trespassers. Miscellaneous. Total. Other n i Other the Railway Crossings. Railway Other Passengers. Employees. Passengers. Employees. Persons Passengers. Employees. persons. Boundary. Employees. Persons. Section. " i 1 i | i 1 i 1 | 1 I I 2 1 | | 2 1 ! J I 1 1 1 3 II I I I 1 I I a "S S s ā ā"s ~ā S if s m s S*s s.aiSiS gggsaBigsjiSB s Kaihu .. j I •• I ■" I •• " | o (rishnmp . • •• . , ,. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • * •• •• u • • • * i * * ■ ■ North Island Main Line !! 2 .. .. 2 4 .. 10 8 1 .. 1 1 48 .. 1 .. 1 14 25 499 .. ! 224 .. .. 25 816 and Branches ' . j , ,, ., | South Island Main Line .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. j 2 1 26 .. 3 4 .. .. - .. j 124 .. .. 3 48/ and Branches ' Westport j .. .. 2 i .. .. 3 .. 4 .. 8 17 Nelson .. | .. .. ! •• I 2 ® j 2 \ % Picton .. .. j .. .. j .. .. I .. I j • • | ! •' '' " j "' 7 Totals .. | 77 F[~77 77 2 7 77 14 9 T .. 1 1 77 j .. j 4 .. 1 16 29; .. .. | 2 837 ..357 .. .. 30:1,330


STATEMENT No. 23. Statement of Carriage, Rail-car, Brake-van, and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ended 31st March, 1934.


P Ā 3 cā w g CÔ M aS £ Q ® 4= M ā § 05 ō Description. Class. g "gg g, d g 5 S"g ,Q 5gg S S S a 5 °'3W •? o'SS > "3 .2 o M ® t»! ? ?5 aj EH Carriages— First class .. .. .. .. •■ ■• 160 .. 119 .. .. 3 282 Second class .... .. .. • • 3 423 4 349 7 7 4 797 Composite .. .. .. . • • • 1 237 8 139 3 7 5 400 Sleeping .. .. .. • ■ • ■ • • 17 .. 4 .. .. .. 21 Totals .. .. .. .... 4 837 12 611 10 14 12 1,500 Rail-cars .. .. .. .. . ■ • • ■ • 1 • • 2 3 Vans — Postal vans .. .. .. .... .. 7 6 ...... 13 Brake-vans .. .. .. .. • • 3 261 4 203 7 3 4 485 Totals .. .. .. .... 3 268 4 209 7 3 4 498 Wagons— Special-purpose wagon .. .. .. E .. 1 .. .. 1 Horse-boxes .. .. .. .. 6 . • 100 1 84 1 4 190 Cattle .. .. .. .. HI.. 407 4 259 4 4 8 686 Sheep .. .. .. .. J .. 1,336 40 1,085 .. 11 43 2,515 Covered goods .. .. .. .. K 1 300 2 217 5 6 3 534 Sleeping-vans .. .. .. .. K .. 25 49 1 1 76 High sides .. .. .. .. L 4 3,499 32 4,045 12 83 137 7,812 High sides .. .. .. . • La .. 3,164 .. 3,034 .. .. .. 6,198 High sides .. .. .. ..Lb 1,176 15 549 5 20 37 1,802 Low sides .. .. .. M 12 534 40 968 24 14 18 1,610 Low sides, steel .. .. .. .. Ma .. 145 12 .. .. .. .. 157 Work-train .. .. .. .. Mb .. 54 .. 18 72 Low sides .. .. .. .. Mb .. 5 10 .. .. 15 Timber .. .. • • ■. .. N 40 159 .. 180 32 8 .. 419 Iron hopper .. .. .. .. O .. 21 .. .. 21 Iron hopper, for ballast .. .. Ob .. 27 .. .. 27 Platform coal .. .. .. .. P • • 198 .. j .. .. .. .. 198 Petrol inspection .. .. .. .. Pw .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. 1 Moveable hopper .. .. .. .. Q .. .. .. 488 723 .. .. 1,211 Frozen meat .. .. .. .. W .. 327 3 98 .. 15 .. 443 Covered goods .. .. .. .. X .. 162 .. 26 .. .. .. 188 Cool, ventilated .. .. .. .. Xa 1 ; 317 .. 340 .. .. 7 665 Cool, ventilated .. .. .. .. Xb .. 91 .. 27 .. .. .. 118 Work-train hopper .. .. Y .. 30 1 31 Work-train hopper .. .. .. Yb .. 249 .. 143 .. .. ... 392 Special-purpose wagons, bogie .. E .. .. .. 3 1 4 High-side, bogie .. .. .. .. R 2 210 .. 82 .. .. .. 294 High-side, bogie .. .. .. .. Rb .. 70 .. 41 .. .. .. Ill High-side, bogie .. .. .. .. Rd .. 17 .. .. 17 High-side, bogie .. .. .. .. Rn .. 34 .. .. .. .... 34 Sheep, bogie .. .. .. S .. 48 19 67 Cattle, bogie .. .. .. . • T .. 35 .. 21 56 Platform, bogie .. .. .. .. U .. 228 40 136 4 4 10 422 Gas-storeholder, bogie .. .. ... Ua .. 10 .. 4 14 Platform, bogie .. .. .. . • Ub .. 138 .. 219 .. .. .. 357 Horse-boxes, bogie .. .. .. TJg .. 48 .. 49 97 Frozen meat, bogie .. .. . . V .. 56 .. 71 .. .. .. 127 Frozen meat, bogie .. .. .. Vb ' .. 123 .. 66 189 Covered goods, bogie .. .. .. Z .. 54 38 .. .. 92 Sleeping-vans, bogie .. .. .. Z .. .. .. ] 1 Covered goods, bogie .. .. .. Zr .. 76 .. 78 .. .. .. 154 Totals .. .. .. .. 60 13,474 189 12,450 810 167 268 27,418 Tarpaulins .. .. .. .. .. 28 j 11,868 113 11,345 52 164 285 23,855 1


STATEMENT No. 24 Locomotive Stock for Year ended 31st March, 1934.


' ~ ~ ~ a ri fl s •§ 'S 2 CSrd I s® s ■» «S s ,|8 gg §s . §« Type - Is it • «-§ s s « l ā a s® 5 3 s S S? § g 5 "3 1 s I 1 l-s 1 1.3 I I a 1 A Tender (4-cylinder balanced compound) 36 7 .. 38 j 19 5 ' A I (No. 409, simple) .. .. - Q •• 1 •• •• ■• 1Q \t. " " " I! 141 2 ! 87 54 141 " .. 7 1 8 8 5. " " " .. .. 10 1 10 10 BB ;; :: :. .. 30 .. .. 30 .. .. 30 c „ (shunting) .. . ■ 24 .. .. 12 .. 12 .. .. .. D Clayton (shunting) .. ■ • • • • • • • 1 • • • • '' '' " ,, E Electric .. . - ■ • • • 5 Eb (battery shunting, workshops) .. •• •• * •• •• •• L T r k :: :: :: :: :: :: ■. :: 1 i ? G Garratt (articulated) .. .. 3 3 .. 3 .. •. •• •• •• 3 H Tank (Fell) .. •• •• • • " • ■ •' '' " '' ~ J Tender .. .. • • • • •• • • • • •• • • "' " " , 9 K „ 12 •• I 2 l i L Tank .. .. .• ■• • ■ • • • ■ 2 •• '' * * " " ,« Q Tender .. .. • • • • 13 1 . • 1 12 13 R Tank (single, Eairlie) .. .. • • ■ • ■ • • ■ • ■ * •' • * " q U Tender .. .. •• 9 ° , " ? - - :: :: n :: :: :: « So :: :: :: :: I ■■ * •• •• :: » I T ?, nk :: :: :: :: :: " - "® \ « WA b „ (J,converted) .. .. ;; •• •• ;; ;; ;; 23 wb ;; :: •• ■■ 5 •• •• ,• Wd „ 8 ■ • % o \vI- ;; :: :: :: " ™ •• 17 :: " 3 "• v () WG ;, 8 •• •• 20 20 Ws „ .. •• •• •• 7 •• " " "o " " .-,n Ww .. •• •• •• 50 .. 47 ■■ '• , 8 X Tender (4-cylinder balanced compound) 7 3 .. Io .. •• •• .... Totals 420 18 2 338 5 242 10 7 1 6 610

STATEMENT No. 25. ALL SECTIONS. Locomotive Running Costs, Year ended 31st March, 1934.


Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation not given; printing (1,540 copies, including graph), £120.

Price Is. 6d.]

Authority : G. H. Loney, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 934.


Locomotive-mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Number Details. Running. Repairs. Running. Section. Locomo- ! Shunting MaJaJerer W ?S? 8 ' Total Section. tives. Train Total. Locomotive. Coal. Oil. Stores. Fuel. Wages. | Miscellaneous, i Overhead. Cwts. Quarts. £ £ £ £ £ N I M L and branches .. 339 6,296,199 1,860,222 8,156,421 24,060 4,667,222 302,118 194,979 13,594 296,069 213,613 718,255 N.I.M.L. and branches. S.I MX. and branches .. 228 3,603,565 1,317,232 4,920,797 21,582 2,442,935 196,221 114,943 8,369 140,647 134,243 398,202 S.I.M.L. and branches. Kaihu .. .. 2 13,808 2,545 16,353 8,176 5,554 539 111 23 450 554 1,138 Kaihu. Gisborne .. .. 5 37,108 7,965 45,073 9,014 19,304 1,975 553 80 2,479 1,263 4,375 Gisborne. Westport .. .. 10 60,512 40,232 100,744 10,074 47,235 4,560 4,674 256 2,320 3,816 11,066 Westport. Nelson .. •• 7 38,936 10,196 49,132 7,019 18,180 1,676 3,506 61 1,699 1,258 6,524 Nelson. Pioton .. .. .. 6 43,817 22,557 66,374 11,062 23,705 2,401 4,135 156 2,784 2,094 9,169 Picton. Total steam .. 597 10,093,945 3,260,949 13,354,894 j 22,370 7,224,135 509,490 322,901 22,539 446,448 356,841 1,148,729 Units. | Electric locos., E 2-6 .. 5 34,672 43,044 77,716 15,543 1,407,630 1,822 2,547 142 17.885 1,254 21,828 Electric locos., E 2-6. Electric locos., E 7-12 .. 6 111,884 21,151 133,035 22,173 2,088,730 2,378 4,730 203 4,360 1,980 11,273 Electric locos., E 7-12. Electric rail-motors, Rm. 6 1 13,706 389 14,095 14,095 94,192 156 29 16 528 118 691 Em. 6. Gallons. Petrol rail-motor, Rm. 1 .. 1 .. 3,509 3,509 ! 3,509 272 16 91 2 24 67 184 Rm. 1. Cwt. Steam rail-motor, Rm. 2. 1 7,811 330 j 8,141 j 8,141 763 231 215 17 42 164 438 Rm. 2. • Grant total .. 611 10,262,018 3,329,372 13,591,390 1 22,245 I 514,093 330,513 22,919 469,287 360,424 1,183,143 • ' 2? © 'rt 03 aS ■ ih ti Cost per Locomotive-mile. <8 a> o 2 bcs=f a » Ss g °S += 43 B j-, c n m H 3 O m I H «sOcJwS®. c3w 9 m. 2 *8 g © o f* © ® £ Repairs. Running. o ® S J «• « .. g 03 tc % c j§ § Si § Total Days in K Total, i 1 ii 1 ; 11 g S iii 1! cost - il steam - «3 Stores. Fuel. Wages. | | gg | J? 3I ||I o ; er- I 1 r J go. 1,3 la ga 1- _ . I I ' — : d. d. d. d. d. £ £ £ £ d. d. d. d. £ d. N.I.M.L. and branches .. .. 5-74. 0-40 8-71 6-28 21 13 101,557 11,767 20,971 84,988 2-98 0-35 0-62 2-50 937,538 27-58 72,147 213 N.I.M.L. and branches. S.I.M.L. and branches .. .. 5-61 0-41 6-86 6-55 19-43 56,506 5,065 9,177 55,204 2-75 0-25 0-45 2-69 524,154 25-57 45,682 200 S.I.M.L. and brances Kaihu .. .. .. .. 1-63 0-34 6-60 8-13 16-70 34 15 .. 143 0-50 0-22 .. 2-10 1,330 19-52 307 154 Kaihu. Gisborne .. .. .. 2-94 0-43 13-20 6-73 23-30 307 51 .. 304 1-63 0-27 .. 1-62 5,037 26-82 443 89 Gisborne. Westport .. .. .. 11-13 0-61 5-53 9-09 26-36 864 91 .. 1,259 2-06 0-22 .. 3-00 13,280 31-64 1,608 161 Westport. Nelson .. .. .. .. 17-12 0-30 8-30 6-15 ! 31-87 366 63 .. 258 1-79 0-31 .. 1-27 7,211 35-24 509 73 Nelson. Picton .. .. .. .. 14-95 0-56 10-07 7-57 j 33-15 446 79 .. 539 1-61 0-29 .. 1-95 10,233 | 37-00 809 134 Picton. Total steam .. .. 5-80 0-41 8-02 6-41 j 20-64 160,080 17,131 30,148 142,695 2-88 0-31 0:54 2-56 1,498,783 26-93 121,505 204 Electric locos., E 2-6 .. .. 7-87 0-44 55-23 3-87 r»7- l i 2,288 .. .. 871 7-07 .. .. 2-69 24,987 77-17 1,345 269 E 2-6. Electric locos., E 7-12 .. .. 8-54 0-37 7-87 1 3-57 ! 20-35 1,885 .. .. 1,491 3-41 .. .. 2-69 14,649 26-45 1,155 193 E 7-12. Electric rail-motor Rm. 6 .. .. 0-49 0-27 8-99 2-02 11-77 846; .. .. 158 14-40 .. ..' 2-69 1,695 28-86 291 291 Rm. 6. Petrol rail-motor Rm. 1 .. .. 6-22 0-14 1-64 4-58 j 12-58 8j .. .. 36 0-55 .. .. 2-50 228 15-63 37 37 Rm. 1. Steam rail-motor Rm. 2 .. .. 6-34 0-50 1-24' 4-83 1 12-91 455 ' .. 91 13-41 2-69 984 29-01 95 95 Rm. 2.


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GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS BOARD (REPORT BY THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1934 Session I, D-02

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GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS BOARD (REPORT BY THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1934 Session I, D-02

GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS BOARD (REPORT BY THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1934 Session I, D-02

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