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PAGE AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPORT .. .. .. .. .. .. iii Statement of Ibbegulabities in Connection with Public Moneys and Stokes .. .. .. vi Schedule of Impeefect Vouchers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. viii Statement showing Sums ibeecoveeable by the Ceown .. .. .. .. .. xxx SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS AND BALANCES:— Cash Accounts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Summary of Balances .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 Explanatory Statement of Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 Interest, Conversion, and Redemption Remittance Account .. .. .. .. .. 5 DETAIL STATEMENT OP REVENUE :— Oedinary Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■ .. .. .. 6 Ordinary Revenue, Interest on Public Debt Redemption Fund .. .. .. .. 9 Ordinary Revenue, Interest on other Public Moneys .. .. .. .. .. 9 Ordinary Revenue, Miscellaneous Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 RECOVERIES ON ACCOUNT OF EXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS:— Consolidated Fund (Ordinary Revenue Account) .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account) .. .. .. .. .. .. 81 Public Works Fund (Electric Supply Account) .. .. .. .. .. .. 82 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 82 Main Highways Account (Construction Fund) .. .. .. .. .. .. 95 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 95 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 95 DISBURSEMENTS UNDER CIVIL LIST ACT, 1920 (see 8.-l [Pt. I]). DISBURSEMENTS UNDER SPECIAL ACTS:— Debt Services, Interest .. .. .. ' .. .. .. .. 16 Debt Seevioes, Amortization of Debt— Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 Repayment of Funded Debt .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 Transfer to Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 Debt Services, Administration and Management .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 Debt Services, Payments on Guaranteed Loans .. .. .. .. .. .. 54 Other Services .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE (see 8.-l [Pt. I]). DISBURSEMENTS UNDER RURAL INTERMEDIATE CREDIT ACT, 1927, SECTION 16 .. .. 60 STATEMENT OF BALANCES IN RESPECT OF PAYMENTS MADE ON BEHALF OF OTHER GOVERNMENTS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 IMPRESTS OF THE CONSOLIDATED FUND (ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT) OUTSTANDING.. 60 LOCAL BODIES' ACCOUNTS:— Endowments of Land .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 61 goldfields revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Gold Duty .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 62 Fees and Fines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 62 Stamp Duty on Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 64 DEPOSITS ACCOUNT:— Summary of Deposits Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 65 Details of Receipts and Disbuesements of Deposit Accounts .. .. .. .. 66 Receipts and Disbursements under the Trustee Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 80 DETAIL STATEMENT OF TRANSACTIONS:— Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 82 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 Temporary Transfers undek Section 40 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 .. .. .. 96

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I have the honour to submit my report for the year ended 31st March, 1933, in terms of subsections (2) and (3) of section 89 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, which sets out in detail the several headings under which the Controller and Auditor-General is required to present his report to Parliament, and which reads as follows :— " 89. (1) The Treasury shall as soon as practicable after the end of every financial year prepare and send to the Audit Office a statement of the revenue and expenditure of the Public Account during that year. " (2) The Controller and Auditor-General shall forthwith examine that statement, and prepare and sign a report showing— " (a) The particulars of any discrepancies between such statement and the books of the Treasury : " (6) Full particulars of every case in which the provisions of this or any other Act, or the regulations or any forms, have not been carried out or adopted, or have in any manner been varied or departed from : " (c) Every case of failure to deliver or send in accounts or to collect or account for any moneys or stores : " (d) All sums allowed or disallowed without vouchers or with imperfect vouchers or upon incorrect certificates : " (e) Any proceeding that may have been taken by or against any person in pursuance of the provisions of this Act or the regulations : " (/) All unsatisfied surcharges which have been made by the Controller and AuditorGeneral and all surcharges disallowed by a Minister on appeal: '■ (g) In what accounts the Controller and Auditor-General has, with the consent of the Minister, dispensed with a detailed audit: " (h) Such other information as may be prescribed, or as the Controller and AuditorGeneral thinks desirable. " (3) The Controller and Auditor-General shall annex or append to the said report copies of all cases laid by him before the Attorney-General for his opinion, together with a copy of the opinion given in every such case. " (4) The Controller and Auditor-General shall lay the said statement, together with his report thereon, before Parliament within fourteen days after the signing of the report if Parliament is then in session, and, if not, then within fourteen days after the commencement of the next ensuing session." In reference to the last paragraph (4) above, I may explain that the full Statement of the Public Account is contained in two parliamentary papers —namely, 8.-l [Pt. I], which shows, under main headings, the receipts and payments of the funds and accounts comprising the Public Account, and also shows details of the expenditure under the annual appropriations, Civil List, and the Unauthorized Expenditure Account, and 8.-l [Pt. ll], which shows certain of the receipts and payments in greater detail than they are shown in 8.-l [Pt. I]. As the last-mentioned paper for 1932-33 has already been laid before Parliament, it is only necessary for me to present Part II in accordance with the usual practice. DISCREPANCIES IN THE ACCOUNTS. SECTION 89 (2) (a), PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1926. The differences between the statement of accounts as submitted to Parliament and the Treasury books, owing to the method of treating investments under the authority of section 16 of the Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), upon which I have reported on previous occasions, are still continued in the year's accounts. Under this authority certain amounts paid out of the various accounts by way of investment, though correctly entered as expenditure in the Treasury books, are omitted from the expenditure as shown in the published accounts, and are treated as balances in hand. With a view to obviating these differences the Audit Office has suggested to the Treasury that the amounts paid and received in respect of investments be shown in the published accounts in the same manner as in the books, and that a subsidiary account showing the investment transactions, and recording the amount of the investment balance at the beginning and end of each period, be inserted after the account to which the investments relate. If this suggestion is given effect to the table shown at the end of the abstract could be omitted.

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Further differences also existed between the accounts as submitted and the Treasury books owing to the headings of expenditure of the Ordinary Revenue Account used in the accounts being different from those used in the Treasury books, but as the Treasury has recently agreed to use the new headings in the Treasury books these differences will in the future be removed and the work of auditing the accounts will be much facilitated. CASES IN WHICH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW HAVE NOT BEEN CARRIED OUT. SECTION 89 (2) (b), PUBLIC BEVENUES ACT, 1926. National Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1932. —Exemption of the Auckland City Council from Liability to pay Stamp Duty on Interest on certain Securities of other Local Bodies held by it. Part IV of the National Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1932, provides for payment of stamp duty on interest derived from, inter alia, local bodies' securities. The Auckland City Council holds debentures issued by the Auckland Transport Board, the One Tree Hill Borough Council, the Auckland and Suburban Drainage Board, and the Auckland Electric-power Board, to secure moneys due by these local bodies to the City Council, and in respect of which the City Council had itself issued debentures to the lenders from whom the money was borrowed in the first instance. By Order in Council dated 19th September, 1932, securities of this class were exempted from the provisions of Part IV of the Act. On a voucher being submitted for the refund to the Auckland City Council of duty paid prior to the promulgation of the Order in Council, the Audit Office pointed out that the Order could not be made retrospective, but subsequently passed the voucher for payment of the refund on receipt of an assurance from the Prime Minister that validating legislation would be provided. This legislation has since been obtained, and appears in section 12 of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2). National Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1932. —Stamp Duty on Interest on Securities held by the Government Life Insurance Office and State Fire Insurance Office. Part IV of the National Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1932, provides for the payment of stamp duty on interest derived from Government and local bodies' securities. Part IV, however, was not expressed so as to bind the Crown, and consequently stamp duty was not paid in respect of interest derived from the securities held by the above-named Government Departments. As it was intended that the duty should be paid by these Departments, the Audit Office agreed to pass the payments on receiving the assurance of the Prime Minister that validating legislation would be introduced. This legislation has been obtained, and appears in section Bof the National Expenditure Adjustment Amendment Act, 1932. National Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1932. —Reduction of Pensions. Under the National Expenditure Adjustment Act provision was made for the reduction of pensions, and in the case of war pensions payable to dependants the reduction was to take effect from the Ist April, 1932. In the case of old-age, widows', miners', and South African war pensions it was provided that the reduction should take effect from the 10th May, 1932, and in the case of economic pensions no provision was made for the reduction in pensions then in existence. Vouchers submitted to the Audit Office, however, showed that all pensions were being reduced as from the Ist April, 1932, and when the question was raised with the Department Audit was advised that the reductions were made from the Ist April under Ministerial direction. Audit then referred the matter to the Crown Law Office, and it was ruled that the reduced pensions which had been paid could be deemed " payments on account," and that legislation would be advisable to protect the Crown against claims from pensioners for the reductions which had been made without full legislative authority. Public Revenues Act, 1928.—Vouchers not brought to Charge in the Public Accounts. In the course of audit it was found that during the year 1932-33 advances were made by the High Commissioner to or on behalf of Government officers travelling in the United Kingdom on public service to the amount of £1,121 10s. lid. The expenditure was subsequently covered by a grant charged to the Unauthorized Expenditure Account, and the advances were repaid to the Public Account in New Zealand by the officers concerned. The vouchers for the original advances were not brought to charge in the Public Accounts nor submitted to the Audit Office for appropriation audit as required by sections 65, 66, and 81 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926. Any failure to deal with vouchers in the manner required by the Public Revenues Act is a serious matter from an audit point of view, as vouchers so dealt with will escape appropriation audit, which, under section 72 of the Act, may not be dispensed with. The matter was brought under the notice of the Treasury, which has given an assurance that in future all advances made by the High Commissioner will be passed through the Public Accounts. As the advances in question had been repaid, no further action was considered necessary in this case.


B.—l TPt. ll].

Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927. Section 33 of the Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927, provides that when a contributor returns to duty in the Public Service while in receipt of a retiring-allowance, or receives payment for services rendered by him to or for any branch of the Government Service while in receipt of a retiringallowance, then no more of such retiring-allowance shall be paid in respect of any month than is equivalent, when added to the remuneration so received by him in that month, to one-twelfth of his annual salary at the date of his retirement. During the absence from New Zealand of the Public Service Commissioner a deputy was appointed to act for the Commissioner in terms of section 7 (4) of the Public Service Act, 1912, at the salary fixed by that section, but in view of the provision in the Public Service Superannuation Act above quoted the superannuation allowance could not be paid to the deputy, who is a superannuitant. The Audit Office, however, agreed to pass payments on account of the full pension payable on an undertaking being given that validating legislation would be provided. Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927. A retired officer of the Post and Telegraph Department, living in England, was appointed to represent the Government at the International Telegraph and Radio Telegraph Conference held at Madrid from September to December, 1932, and he was paid travelling-expenses and fees for his services in connection therewith. It was found that the payment to him by way of fees had been made contrary to the provisions of section 33 of the Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927, as the payment, taken together with his allowance as a superannuitant for the months of September, October, and November, amounted in each month to more than one-twelfth of his annual salary prior to retirement. It was pointed out to the Treasury that the provisions of the Act had been contravened, and the payment of fees was passed by Audit on receiving an assurance from the Prime Minister that validating legislation would be introduced during the next ensuing session. Rabbit Nuisance Act, 1928.—Subsidy to Hairini Rabbit Board. Under the Rabbit Nuisance Act, 1928, a Rabbit Board is in each financial year entitled to a subsidy from the Consolidated Fund equal to the amount received in respect of its general rates made and levied in that year. The Hairini Rabbit Board made a general rate for the year 1930-31, but the rate was not levied until after the commencement of the financial year 1931-32. A subsidy of £94 18s. lid. was paid in respect of these rates, but, as this payment was unlawful inasmuch as subsidy is payable only on rates which are both made and levied in the same year, the Audit Office asked the Department of Agriculture to adjust the matter by obtaining a refund of the amount involved. As the subsidy was paid under a misapprehension as to the strict interpretation of the Rabbit Nuisance Act, and no subsidy had been paid for three years, the Minister of Finance approved of legislation being brought down to validate the irregular payment. On receipt of this approval the Audit Office agreed to take no further action in the direction of effecting recovery. Sales Tax Act, 1932-33. The Sales Tax Act, 1932-33, does not bind the Crown, and consequently no sales tax is legally payable on purchases made by the Crown. After the passing of the Act vouchers were received containing claims which included sales tax against the Crown, but as the terms of the legislation did not enable a vendor to impose the liability the claims were disallowed by the Audit Office. Representations were made to the Government as to the difficulties which were being experienced by suppliers consequent on the claims being disallowed, and the payments were then passed by Audit on receiving an assurance from the Prime Minister that the necessary validating legislation would be introduced during the next ensuing session. Transport Licensing Act, 1931.—Travelling-allowances to Members of Licensing Authorities. The regulations prescribed under the Transport Licensing Act, 1931, authorize the payment of travelling-allowances and fees to members of Licensing Authorities and the Transport Appeal Board. When the members of the No. 3 Transport Licensing Authority were appointed they were informed by the Department that they would receive a travelling-allowance of £1 2s. 6d. for every day or part of a day during which they were absent from their usual place of residence on the business of the Authority. The regulations, however, did not permit of the payment of the travelling-allowance in respect of days or parts of days on which members were away from their usual place of residence but were not actually travelling. Vouchers for allowances in respect of these periods were, however, passed by the Audit Office when an assurance was given by the Prime Minister that the necessary validating legislation would be introduced. Cases recorded elsewhere in this Report. Other cases in which the provisions of the law have not been carried out are recorded elsewhere in this report, as follows : — New Zealand Debt Conversion Act, 1932-33 .. .. .. On page xiii. State Supply of Electrical Energy Act, 1917, section 5 (1) .. .. On page xvii. State Advances Act, 19] 3, section 20 .. .. .. .. .. On page xvii. Public Revenues Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. .. .. On page xviii.


B.—l [Pγ. ll].



Nature of Irregularity. invSwed. Action taken, and E<J8uIt ' Government Life Insurance Office. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. £ S. d. Failure to account promptly for moneys received 4 3 0 Offender banked money when pressed. No loss was sustained by Department. Matter not placed in hands of police. Health Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Failure to account promptly for moneys received 7 0 0 Offender dismissed from the Service. No loss to Department. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of departmental moneys .. . - 2 0 0 j Offender not discovered. Restitution has been made by officer who was deemed negligent. High Commissioner's Office. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. .2,666 7 1 Offenders convicted and sentenced to nine months' and twelve months' imprisonment respectively. A portion of the amount will be recovered from superannuation moneys. Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity Department. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Issue of valueless cheques .. .. ■ • 5 4 9 No legal action yet taken. Offender has promised to repay amounts. Justice Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 388 16 5 Offender convicted and admitted to probation for two years. Full restitution has been made. Labour Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of departmental moneys .. .. j 943 15 3 Police are unable to trace the offender, who is reputed to have left the country. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of departmental moneys .. .. I 3 8 9 Offender was placed on probation for six months and ordered to make restitution. Land and Deeds Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. I 0 4 0 1 Offender dismissed from the Service. Loss to I Department, 4s. Native Trust Office. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 1,463 4 5 Offender convicted and sentenced to three years' reformative detention. Loss to Department, £1,463 4s. 5d. Post and Telegraph Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of departmental moneys .. .. 15 12 3 Offender pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to three months' imprisonment with hard labour. Restitution made. Theft of postal packets .. . • 1 14 6 Offender pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years' reformative detention. Loss to Department, 9s. Theft of departmental moneys, forging and 189 14 1 Offender pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three uttering a withdrawal receipt years' reformative detention. Restitution made. Misappropriation of departmental moneys . . 29 3 11 Offender pleaded guilty and was admitted to probation for two years. Restitution made. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 362 0 0 Offender pleaded guilty and was sentenced to eighteen months' reformative detention. A portion of the amount will be recovered from superannuation moneys. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 3 9 4 Offender pleaded guilty and was admitted to probation for one year. Restitution made.

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Natrae of Irregularity. involved. Action taken, and Kesiilt. Post and Telegraph Department^-cortfmwed. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS — Continued. £ s. d. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 79 10 8 Offender pleaded guilty and was placed on probation for three years. Restitution made. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 190 13 4 Offender convicted and sentenced to eighteen months' reformative detention. A portion of the amount will be recovered from superannuation moneys. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 4 5 7 Offender dismissed from the Service. Restitution made. Theft of a postal packet .. .. .. 8 3 6 Offender pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months' imprisonment with hard labour. No loss to Department. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS HOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Fraudulent withdrawal from Savings-bank 3 10 0 Offender convicted and admitted to probation for account three years. Restitution ordered. Theft of departmental moneys .. .. 93 17 7 Offender convicted and admitted to probation for two years. Restitution being made. Theft of postal packets .. .. .. 0 10 0 Offender convicted and sentenced to six months' imprisonment. No loss to Department. Theft of departmental moneys .. .. 0 9 0 Offender convicted and ordered to come up for sentence if called upon. No loss to Department. Theft from public call offices .. .. 0 13 0 Offender convicted and sentenced to five months' imprisonment. Loss to Department, 4s. 9d. Theft from public call offices .. .. 17 17 8 Offender convicted and sentenced to four months' imprisonment. Fraudulent withdrawal from Savings - bank 15 0 0 Offender convicted and placed on probation for two account years. No loss to Department. Fraudulent withdrawal from Savings - bank 70 10 0 Offender convicted and sentenced to two years' account reformative detention. Loss to Department, £67 15s. 6d. Fraudulent withdrawal from Savings - bank 20 0 0 Offender convicted and committed to a Borstal account Institute for three years. Loss to Department, £20. Theft of registered-letter bag .. .. 13 0 0 Police investigation was unsuccessful. Loss to Department, £13. Obtaining money by false pretences .. .. 119 6 Offender convicted and admitted to probation for two years. No loss to Department. Theft of stamps, cash, &c, by burglar .. 115 11 0 Offender was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. Loss to Department, £9 10s. 9d. Theft of stamps, cash, &c, by burglar .. 144 5 11 Police investigation unsuccessful. Loss to Department, £39 Is. 7d. Theft of cash by burglar .. .. .. 0 7 2 Police investigation unsuccessful. Loss to Department, 7s. 2d. Theft of cash by burglar .. .. .. 0 8 0 Police investigation unsuccessful. No loss to Department. Theft of cash, &c, by burglar .. .. 13 4 2 Police investigation unsuccessful. Loss to Department, £13 4s. 2d. Theft of cash, &c, by burglars .. .. 133 1 7 Offenders sentenced to reformative detention for two years and one year respectively. Loss to Department, £23 0s. 7d. Thefts from various stamp - vending machines 69 4 7 As a result of police investigation, three offenders and public call offices were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. Loss to Department, £13 8s. 8d. Public Trust Office. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 259 0 0 | Offender sentenced to reformative detention for three years. A portion of the amount will be recovered from superannuation moneys. Public Works Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 15 0 0 Offender pleaded guilty and was admitted to probation for one year. Restitution made. Obtaining money by false pretences .. .. 25 9 11 Offender convicted and sentenced to twelve months' probation. Loss to Department, £12 10s. 9d. Railways Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of departmental moneys and falsification j 6 118 Officer dismissed from the Service. Restitution has of accounts been made. Offender convicted and admitted to probation for twelve months. Theft of departmental moneys .. .. 0 14 0 Officer was dismissed from the Service. Restitution has been made. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. i 12 5 0 Officer dismissed from the Service. Restitution has been made. Charge dismissed by Magistrate.

B.—l [Pt. ll].




Nature of Irregularity. involved Action taken, and Result. State Advances Department. IBBEGULABITIES BY PEBSONS NOT DEPABTMENTAL OFFICEBS. £ s. d. Failure to account for rents collected .. 95 0 5 i After investigation no action was taken against the offender, who is in a semi-menta] condition. Loss to Department, £50 16s. 6d. Failure to account for rents collected .. 23 3 2 Judgment for the amount has been obtained, but is not yet satisfied. Treasury Department. TBBEGULABITIES BY PEBSONS NOT DEPAETMENTAL OFFICEBS. • Forging endorsement on cheque .. .. 27 10 0 Offender admitted to probation for two years. Restitution made. Unemployment Board. BSBEGTJLAEITIES BY PEBSONS NOT DEPAETMENTAL OETICEES. Misappropriation of departmental moneys .. 4 0 3 Offender sentenced to reformative detention for three years. No loss to Department. Theft of departmental moneys .. .. 5 4 0 Offender convicted and was sentenced to twelve months' probation. No loss to Department.

Name. Department and Particulars. Amount. Total Amount. Customs. £ s. d. £ s. d. W. J. Stevenson .. • • Railway and taxi fares, and postage, Official Repre- 280 19 10 sentative at New York (1) 280 19 10 Education. G B Young .. .. • • Travelling-expenses (3) .. .. .. 12 1 6 ' ' — 12 1 6 Electoral. W. A. Collins .. .. ■ • Payment for services of Deputy Returning Officer's 0 12 6 Associate (3) A H Cato • ■ Payment to a Maori Associate. Maori Election (3) .. 0 12 6 — 1 5 0 External Affairs. F. W. Grainger .. .. Travelling-expenses (3) .. .. .. 6 14 0 Turners and°Growers .. .. Salary and expenses of agent while investigating and 32 17 9 reporting upon the conduct of banana-scheme operations in Samoa (1) 39 11 9 Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity. J.W.Collins .. .. .. Train and taxi fares in America (1) .. .. 2 3 2 W.A.James .. .. .. Entry, cartage, and dock charges on exhibits; 27 6 0 telegrams, cables, and postages, and reconditioning films, Official Representative at Vancouver (1) T. G. Dewar .. .. ■ • Postages, telegrams, and stationery, Agent at 318 3 Brisbane (2) — 33 7 5 Internal Affairs. T. R. Aicken .. . . ■ • Motor-hire, cables, telegrams, and postages while 69 15 5 travelling to and from Ottawa Conference and London (1) ——— 69 15 5 Justice. H. Mclntyre .. .. ■ • Service-car fares (1) .. .. .. 10 0 K. W. Dalrymple .. .. Service-car fares (1) .. .. .. . • 10 0 A. McDonald .. .. •• Service-car fares (1) .. .. .. .. 5 10 — —— 7 1 0 Lands and Survey. T. W. Preston .. .. Hotel expenses (1) .. .. .. • • 0 16 0 J. A. Henderson .. . . Hotel expenses 1) .. .. • • • • 0 16 0 — 1 12 0 Mental Hospitals. Dr E D Dunn .. Eee for medical examination of mental defective (3) 110 ' ' ' 1 i o Mines. Collins and Hayward .. .. Grant for prospecting (1) .. .. .. 19 10 0 19 10 0 National Provident Fund. Miss K Holland ■ ■ Refund by Hospital Board of superannuation con- 19 0 0 tributions (2) 19 0 0

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Name. Department and Particulars. Amount. Total Amount. Native. £ s. d. £ s. d. B.Walker .. .. .. Paddocking-charges incurred while driving stock (1) 2 15 0 2 15 0 Native Trust Office. Heta Mihingarangi .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. 17 17 0 R.M.Bradley .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. j 6 10 0 Hemara Rameka Paratene . . Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. 0 14 2 Te Morehu Rameka Paratene .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. 0 14 2 Ketu Hine .. .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. 0 5 5 Te Rangitarahae Reihana .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. I 0 5 10 Era Kemara .. .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. 9 5 9 Rongo Taihururu .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) 0 7 3 Merehapi Paraone .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. 7 3 4 S. I. Beton .. .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. 7 2 6 Kipa .. .. .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. 0 16 8 Mere Henare Hemara .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. 0 9 5 Te Rangi Hapuku .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. 0 118 Aorere Pereto .. .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) '.. 7 4 2 James Russell .. .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. 5 14 7 Te Ori Reene .. .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. 14 7 Te Angi Pihana .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (3) .. 2 17 8 Tna Hemi .. .. .. Rents paid to beneficiaries, Native Reserves (1) .. 0 5 7 District Land Registrar, Napier .. Registration fees (2) .. .. .. .. 0 15 0 Rongotehengia Nihoniho .. Rent (1) .. .. .. .. .. 1104 W. Ngahana .. .. .. Car fare (1) .. .. .. .. 10 0 Koroheke and seventy-four others | Distribution of Native rents (1) .. .. .. 294 5 6 367 0 7 Pensions. H. W. Cadogan .. .. Instalment of pension (2) .. .. .. 2 3 4 2 3 4 Post and Telegraph. L. W. Scales and Co. .. .. Tile-ditcher (1) .. .. .. .. 44 10 8 American Society for Testing Two editions of triennial publications of the " Book 084 Materials of Standards " (1) Forest Press, Lake Placid Club, Publications (1) .. .. .. .. 300 New York 47 19 0 Prisons. New Zealand Express Co. .. Sea freight (2) .. .. .. .. 0 13 9 0 13 9 Public Works. J. McEnnis .. .. .. Toll call (1) .. .. .. .. .. 076 0 7 6 Railways. H. J. S. Borland .. .. Cost of replacing piano string (3) .. . , 10 0 A. V. Whyman .. .. Meals obtained while on transfer (1) .. ... 3 7 6 4. 7 (l Samoan Administration. Public Works Department Wages (3) .. .. .. .. 46 12 1 employees, Western Samoa ■ 46 12 1 Scientific and Industrial Research. C.E.Adams .. .. .. Purchase of books (3) .. .. .. .. 4 14 11 4 14 11 State Forest Service. J. E. Raymond .. .. Wages (3) .. .. .. .. 4 7 6 Wm, Cook and Sons .. .. Carrying-charges on timber (2) .. , . .. 1 5 10 5 13 4 Treasury. W. H. Irvine .. .. .. Fares and other expenses (1) .. .. .. 6 12 0 Dr. R. M. Campbell .. .. Cables, telegrams, and postages while travelling to 19 14 9 and from Ottawa Conference (1) 26 6 9 Unemployment Board. R. Chote .. .. .. Wages under No. 4a Scheme (4) .. .. 2 0 0 W. Andrews and D. Raesido .. Wages of relief workers (3) .. .. .. 3 8 0 Wanganui City Council .. .. Wages paid to relief worker (3) .. .. .. 10 0 Franklin County Council .. Portion of wages paid to wife of relief worker (1) .. 1 12 6 Te Puke Flax-milling Co. .. Wages paid to workmen under No. 5 Scheme (1) .. 2 2 11 Inspector of Factories, Wellington Payments to dependants, overseas, of relief workers (1) 51 5 0 Deposit Account 61 8 5 £1,055 7 1 I • (1) Receipts not obtained. (2) Impossible to obtain receipts. (3) Receipts lost and cannot be replaced. (4) Voucher defective in terms of section 75 of the,Public Revenues Act.

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PROCEEDINGS TAKEN AGAINST DEFAULTERS AND OTHERS. SECTION 89 (2) (e), PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1926. Particulars of cases in which, proceedings have been taken in pursuance of the Public Revenues Act, or regulations thereunder, are included in the statement under paragraph 89 (2) (c). SURCHARGES. SECTION 89 (2) (/), PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1926. There are no surcharges imposed, by the Controller and Auditor-General remaining outstanding. No surcharges have been disallowed during the year by the Minister.on appeal. DETAILED AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS DISPENSED WITH. SECTION 89 (2) (g), PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1926. Section 72 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, reads as follows :— " The Controller and Auditor-General may, with the consent of the Minister, dispense with the detailed audit of any accounts, but not with any appropriation audit of such accounts. The consent of the Minister shall be given only in those cases in which, he considers that there are circumstances which render a detailed audit under this Act unnecessary : Provided that a list of such cases shall be comprised and published in the Controller and Auditor-General's report in each year." The Sales Tax Act, 1932-33, came into operation as from 9th February, 1933, and the collection of the revenue has been undertaken by the Customs Department. Some years ago the Minister of Finance approved of the detailed audit by the Audit Office of the Customs revenue being dispensed with on the grounds that the internal departmental check of details was efficient, and that the Audit Office check should therefore be confined to a " test " audit without a close check of details. As a similar thorough departmental check is exercised with, regard to collection of revenue from Sales Tax, the Minister has approved of the detailed audit by the Audit Office being also dispensed with. The Audit Office has, however, arranged to check in detail the record of the issue of licenses and the receipt of the monthly returns, and proposes to make " test " checks of the details appearing in these returns. COMMENTS BY THE CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR-GENERAL. SECTION 89 (2) (/»), PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1926. Repayment of the Public Debt. The following table gives particulars of the amount of securities redeemed during the year under the provisions of the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925, and also of the total amount so redeemed to 31st March, 1933 :—


Nominal Value of Securities redeemed. Rate of , Total Cost of Annual Saving in Interest. , , Redemptions. Interest.* Total to Y Total to 31st March, 1932. d I 31st March, 1933. Per Cent. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 4 2,290,863 0 0 .. 2,290,863 0 0 2,279,175 9 1 11,454 6 3 4! 2,070,940 0 0 .. 2,070,940 0 0 2,055,562 5 0 20,709 8 0 5 1,416,400 0 0 .. 1,416,400 0 0 1,415,846 5 0 21,246 0 0 5J 776,840 0 0 13,600 0 0 790,440 0 0 790,422 10 0 13,832 14 0 5| 13,900 0 0 907,160 0 0 921,060 0 0 918,684 5 10 I 18,421 4 0 6 941,350 0 0 1,550 0 0 . 942,900 0 0 921,603 18 11 | 23,572 10 0 I 7,510,293 0 0 922,310 0 0 8,432,603 0 0 8,381,294 13 10 109,236 2 3 * Difference between 1he rate of interest which the securities bore and the rate (3J per cent.) payable by the Consolidated Fund to the Public Debt Repayment Account on the amount of securities redeemed under the Act.

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It will be seen tha.t an annual saving of interest amounting to £109,236 2s. 3d. has now been effected by the operation of the Act. The following figures show how this saving increases year by year as the cumulative effect of the sinking fund becomes apparent:—■ Annual saving in interest on securities redeemed to — £ s . d. 31st March, 1926 .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,137 10 3 31st March, 1927 .. .. .. .. .. .. 27,043 9 3 31st March, 1928 .. .. .. .. .. .. 39,592 0 4 31st March, 1929 .. .. .. .. .. .. 46,782 0 4 31st March, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 57,218 13 7 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. .. 69,198 9 3 31st March, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. .. 90,816 3 3 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. .. 109,236 2 3 In this connection I would draw attention to the fact that at 31st March, 1933, there was a sum of £429,116 12s. 10d. cash lying at credit of the Public Debt Eepayment Account, this amount not having been used for the purpose for which it was transferred to the account. The failure to use this sum in the year in which it became available will reduce the saving of interest in all future years. The following statement shows the amount of loans subject to the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925, and of those not subject to the Act, as at 31st March, 1933 : —■ £ s. d. Debt subject to the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 .. .. 208,200,198 12 9 Debt not subject to the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925— Exempted under section 2 of the Act — Treasury bills issued under the £ s. d. Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 41 .. .. .. .. 1,585,000 0 0 Loans raised in respect of the State Advances Account— £ s. d. Advances to Settlers Branch .. 20,255,970 8 5 Advances to Workers Branch .. 12,828,439 10 4 Advances to Local Authorities Branch .. .. .. 2,778,690 15 7 35,863,100 14 4 Loans for which special sinking funds are provided— State Coal-mines Account .. 133,733 6 8 Electric Supply Account .. 11,533,275 11 1 Nauru and Ooean Islands Account 479,200 0 0 Westport Harbour Account .. 614,250 0 0 Samoan Loan Suspense Account 105,000 0 0 12,865,458 17 9 Funded debt to the Imperial Government— Land for Settlements Account .. 33,446 6 11 Naval Defence Act Account .. 577,446 11 5 Public Works Fund — General Purposes Account .. .. 169,109 15 3 War Expenses Account .. 23,320,196 17 0 24,100,199 10 7 74,413,759 2 8 Exempted under Finance Act, 1931 (No. 4), section 7 (2) : Deed of hypothecation .. .. .. .. 2,250,000 0 0 Total debt not subject to the Act .. 76,663,759 2 8 Total debt as at 31st March, 1933 (see 8.-l [Part lII], 1933, page 5) . . £284,872,957 15 5*

• N.B.—This does not include loans under Rural Advances Act, 1928, amounting to £4,213,050, which are not treated by the Treasure as forming part of the public debt.


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Increase and Decrease of the Debt. The Public Debt Accounts disclose a net increase in the public debt for the year of £2,930,157 12s. This was made up as follows : — £ s. d. Total debt as at 3lst March, 1932 (8.-l [Part lII], 1932, page 19) .. .. .. .. 281,942,800 3 5 Increase — NeAV loans raised during the year for purposes of various accounts — £ s. d. Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account .. 646,661 6 5 Electric Supply Account .. .. .. 500,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. 250,000 0 0 Native Land Settlement Account .. .. 191,000 0 0 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. 170,000 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account —Deed of hypothecation under Finance Act, 1931 (No. 4), section 7 (2) .. .. .. .. 2,250,000 0 0 £ s. d. 4,007,661 6 5 Banks Indemnity (Exchange) Act, 1932-33 — Treasury bills issued .." .. .. .. 2,858,034 19 7 Less Treasury bills redeemed .. .. 477,697 19 7 2,380,337 0 0 Decrease— 6,387,998 6 5 Loans paid off during the year — From Public Works Fund, Oeneral Purposes Account— Balances of closed Accounts applied in redemption of loans — Hauraki Plains Settlement £ s. d. Account .. .. 44 10 4 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. 10,797 5 0 Swamp Land Drainage Account 9,008 19 1 19,850 14 5 From Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 100 0 0 From Loans Redemption Account— State Advances moneys .. 852,850 0 0 Main Highways moneys .. 5,000 0 0 Mining Advances moneys .. 5,955 0 0 Reparation moneys .. .. 127,632 2 5 War credits .. .. 5,092 17 7 996,530 0 0 From Public Debt Repayment Account — Cash applied .. .. 919,849 18 3 Amount representing redemptions from premium on exchange .. 2,460 1 9 922,310 0 0 From various sinking funds .. .. 74,050 0 0 Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 41— Treasury bills redeemed .. 9,384,999 0 0 Less Treasury bills issued .. 7,939,999 0 0 1,445,000 0 0 3,457,840 14 5 Net increase for year .. .. .. 2,930,157 12 0 Total debt as at 31st March, 1933 (8.-l [Part lII], page 5) .. .. .. ..£284,872,957 15 5 The above figures do not include loans raised under the Rural Advances Act, 1926, as these loans, though raised by the Government, are not brought into the public debt accounts. The amount of such loans outstanding as at the 31st March, 1932, was £4,001,650, and on the 31st March, 1933, was £4,213,050, an increase during the year of £211,400. The total increase in Government loan indebtedness during the year was therefore £3,141,557 12s. At the 31st March, 1933, a sum of £303,657 10s. lOd. appropriated for the redemption of loans was lying at credit of the Loans Redemption Account, particulars being as follows :■ — Finance Act, 1925, section 13 — £ s. d. Amount received in respect of war expenses to be applied in redemption of war loans .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,996 9 2 Finance Act, 1932, section 12— Balance of Mining Advances Account transferred to Loans Redemption Account for redemption of securities .. .. .. .. 0 5 1 Finance Act, 1932, section 13— Balance of Nauru and Ocean Islands Account transferred to Loans Redemption Account for redemption of securities .. .. .. 3,053 3 2. Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 135 (4)— Amount received from Main Highways Account (Revenue Fund) for redemption of main-highways loans .. .. .. .. 264,061 0 0 Amount transferred from Ordinary Revenue Account for redemption of main-highways loans (representing interest received on main-highways moneys held in Loans Redemption Account) .. .. .. 18,156 13 5 Loa,ns raised in previous years for redemption of securities but not yet applied 2,390 0 0 £303,657 10 10


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In addition to the sum of £303,657 10s. 10d., a further sum of £6,398 os. 2d. was held in Loans Redemption Account, Part 11, Conversion Account, at 31st March, 1933, consisting of amounts received under the New Zealand Debt Conversion Act, 1932-33, to bring premiums on conversion to a multiple of £5. This £6,398 os. 2d. represents additional public debt, and securities will be issued in due course to cover the amount. As securities had not been issued at 31st March, 1933, and the conversion did not become operative until Ist April, 1933, the amount was treated as in suspense and was not brought into the Public Debt on 31st March, 1933. New Zealand Debt Conversion Act, 1932-33. This Act did not come into operation until Ist April, 1933, but, as some difficulties have arisen in connection with the carrying-out of the Act, and as in one respect the accounts for the financial year 1932-33 are affected, it seems desirable that I should refer to the matter in this report. The magnitude and complexity of the transactions covered by this Act are probably but little realized. In this connection I would point out that usually in the case of conversions one loan only is involved, and the securities to be converted are all of a similar nature. In the case of the conversions under the above Act, however, practically the whole of the internal debt of the Dominion held by the public is affected, and it was necessary to deal with securities of various terms and conditions, and, moreover, the new securities are themselves of various maturity dates, and not only one as is usually the case. As a result, the transactions are not only many in number, but are in many cases extremely complicated, and the work of checking by audit has been correspondingly arduous. At the time of writing this report, though the bulk of the work in connection with the actual cancellation and issue of securities in connection with the conversion has been completed, the accounting entries are not sufficiently advanced to enable me to give any details, but this will no doubt be done in the report for next year. After the passing of the Act it was found by the Government that in the case of some securities which came within the provisions of the Act it was considered undesirable to deal with such securities in the manner required by the Act, and in the case of other securities, which did not come within the Act, it was desired to convert in the manner provided for in the Act. It seemed to the Audit Office that no action should be taken, however desirable, which was at variance with or not covered by the Act; but, as the Government stated that it was a matter of policy and would be rectified by legislation later on, I. agreed to pass the entries desired. Owing to the wording of the Act, the interest for the period subsequent to the 31st March, 1933, on the new securities issued would be short-paid by one day, so that the holders of securities, in addition to suffering a reduction in the rate of interest, would also suffer the loss of interest for one day. At the request of the Treasury I agreed to the payment of interest for this day on the old securities, for the period to the 31st March, 1933, to correct the error. This extra day will have a disturbing effect on the various departmental balance-sheets for the year ended 31st March, 1933, for the interest to that date will be calculated on- the basis of a day in excess of the basis adopted in previous years, and the profit or loss as compared with previous years will thus be affected. It is of interest to note that certain securities charged on the public revenues, though domiciled in New Zealand and bearing interest at over 4 per cent, per annum, do not appear to come within the provisions of the New Zealand Debt Conversion Act, 1932-33, nor of the Finance Act, 1932-33 (which provides for a special interest-tax). The holders of the securities in question therefore continue to receive interest at rates of 5 per cent, or over, while the holders of other securities suffer a reduction in the rate of interest to 4 per cent., or 3| per cent, free of income-tax, or are subject to a special interest-tax of 33J per cent. Securities which are not subject to the Act are Treasury bills, a deed of security for £212,500 under section 4 of the Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919, and a deed of hypothecation securing moneys borrowed under section 7 (2) of the Finance Act, 1931 (No. 4), as amended by section 5 of the Finance Act, 1932-33 (No. 2). New Zealand Loans Act, 1932. The' New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, consolidated the law relating to New Zealand Government loans, and at the same time made some very important and far-reaching amendments to such law. After the passing of the Act the Treasury indicated that in the case of loans converted or raised under the Act it is not proposed to insert on the debentures or coupons any reference to the authorizing Act or to the purpose for which the moneys were borrowed. This will mean that it will not be possible to identify particular debentures as issued for the purposes of any particular account, or as issued under any particular statutory loan authority. Before the passing of this Act it was customary to insert on the securities a reference to the authorizing Act, or to the account for the purpose of which the loan was raised. The failure to record such information in respect of each security will render it impossible to carry out various requirements of law, and in some cases will have the effect of taking away, abridging, or prejudicially affecting the rights or interests of the holders of particular securities in the sinking funds which relate to such securities. It will also affect the accuracy of the departmental balance-sheets.


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The proposed procedure is so much at variance with that which has hitherto been followed that it is difficult to foresee exactly what results are likely to follow in particular cases. Examples are, however, becoming apparent from time to time, and I would bring the following under the notice of Parliament: — (a) Section 8 of the New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, definitely prohibits any action under the Act which would prejudicially affect any right or interest which any holder of securities may have. This section appears to debar the Government from taking any steps which would have the effect of destroying the link between a particular loan and its authorizing Act in any case in which the authorizing Act contains provisions fixing particular terms or conditions in respect of the loans raised thereunder which do not apply to all Government loans, or from taking any steps which would or might in any way prejudicially affect the rights or interests of holders of securities. In the case of each Government loan there is a special statutory sinking fund provided varying according to the purpose for which the loan was raised, namely — State Coal-mines loans : Electric-supply loans : Nauru and Ocean Islands loans : Westport Harbour loans. Loans raised for advances to the Samoan Treasury : State Advances loans for Settlers, Workers, and Local Authorities Branches : Loans covered by the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925. The amount of contribution to these sinking funds varies, ranging from 2 per cent, per annum in the case of State Coal-mines loans down to the actual amount of profits in the case of the State Advances loans, which in the case of the Workers Branch and Local Authorities Branch amounts to nothing as the profits are nil. The holders of the securities for each of these loans have a right or interest in the particular sinking fund relating to such loan. It will be seen, therefore, that these securities carry with them different rights or interests in respect of sinking funds. It follows that the holders of each security have different rights or interests attaching to their securities, and unless the relation between the securities and their particular loans is preserved it will be impossible to preserve to the holders the statutory rights or interests which appertain to such securities. It is clear, therefore, that the proposals under which, as stated by the Treasury, it will not be possible to identify particular debentures as issued for the purposes of any particular account would infringe the requirements of section 8 of the New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, for such proposals would deprive the individualholders of the rights or interests which the Government contracted to give them when it raised the loan under the special statutory provisions governing such loan. For example, the holders of securities issued in respect of State Coalmines loans, carrying a sinking fund of 2 per cent, per annum, will be in no better position than the holders of securities issued in respect of loans coming under the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, which carry sinking fund of only \ per cent, per annum, nor even in any better position than the holders of securities- issued in respect of State Advances loans for Workers and Local Authorities Branches, which up to the present time do not carry any real sinking fund, as there are no profits. It seems clear that it was not the intention of Parliament that the holders of securities should be deprived of their statutory rights, and that to carry out the Treasury proposals, and entirely divorce individual securities from the particular loans to which they relate, would be contrary to law. (b) Section 72 of the Finance Act, 1917, provides that, " Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Act or in any rules or regulations affecting any local authority or public body as hereinafter defined, it shall be lawful for any such local authority or public body to invest any moneys belonging to that local authority or public body upon inscribed stock of the loan raised or to be raised under the authority of the War Purposes Loan Act, 1917, and upon inscribed stock of any loan hereafter to be raised for war purposes under the authority of any Act that may be hereafter passed." It is clear that unless the securities issued in respect of the loans covered by this section can be identified with such loans it will be impossible for the local authority or public body to ascertain whether or not it is authorized to invest therein, or for the auditors, ratepayers, or other persons concerned with the financial operations of such bodies to satisfy themselves that any investments are authorized investments under this section. (c) Under section 28 of the Government Life Insurance Act, 1908, not more than onefourth of the investments made under section 27 of that Act can be in Government and-local-body securities. Section 75 (1) of the Finance Act, 1917, overrides this section in relation to investments in war loans, and authorizes any part of the moneys in the Government Insurance Account to be invested in inscribed stock issued for the purposes of the War Expenses Account. It is clear that unless the particular Government securities held by the Government Life Insurance Account can be identified with the particular account to which they relate it will be impossible to determine whether or not the requirements of the sections quoted above are being complied with. (d) Under section 75 (2) of the Finance Act, 1917, the trustees of savings-banks are similarly authorized to invest in war-loan securities in excess of the limit fixed by section 33 of the Savings-banks Act, 1908. Unless the particular Government securities held by savingsbanks can be identified with the relative account, it will be impossible to determine which of their securities were issued in respect of war loans (that is, in respect of the War Expenses Account) and to ascertain whether the law is being complied with, and the provisions of section 75 (2) and section 33 already referred to will be rendered ineffective.


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(e) Section 5 of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), requires that the interest payable in respect of the capital liability of any special fund or account within the Public Account or in respect of so much thereof as is represented by loan-moneys shall constitute a liability of such fund or account to the Consolidated Fund, and provides that amounts may from time to time be transferred from such special fund or account to satisfy such liability. Normally the amount of interest payable on each security varies according to the date the loan-moneys were received. It frequently happens that there is also a variation in the amount of interest payable on each security, caused by repayment being made at different dates. Unless it is known to which account each particular security relates, it will be impossible to give effect to the requirements of this section. (/) Brokerage payable in respect of the raising of loans or the renewing of securities under the New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, arises in the case of particular securities, and not in the case of other securities, depending on whether application for the loan or renewal is made through a bank or registered broker, or through an agent of the Government not entitled to brokerage. If it is not possible to identify particular securities as issued for the purpose of a particular account, it will be impossible to transfer the correct amounts of brokerage to the Consolidated Fund from the special fund or account to which a loan transaction relates, as provided for in section 61 (3) of the New Zealand Loans Act, 1932. (g) Where particular securities are paid off, converted to a different rate of interest, or dealt with in any manner which will terminate or vary the loan contract, unless it is possible to identify such securities as issued for the purpose of a particular account it will be impossible to determine which is the account actually affected by the redemption or alteration of the particular securities, and this will necessarily affect the reliability of the departmental balance-sheets. In my reports to Parliament I have mentioned the necessity, when consolidating Government loans, for preserving and maintaining the distinction between the loans raised for the purposes of different accounts. The examples given above show conclusively the evil effects, both from a legal and accountancy point of view, which must follow any failure to maintain such distinction. It is sought to justify the failure to record the connection between securities and the accounts for the purposes of which they were issued on the plea that the consolidation and simplification of the public debt accounts is facilitated thereby. In the opinion of the Audit Office the consolidation of the debt may be as readily effected without such failure, while the simplification which is claimed amounts to the omission of accounting data which are essential if true and proper accounts are to continue to be kept. Audit has for some years pressed for a consolidation of the public debt, but cannot agree that such consolidation involves destroying the relation between loans and the accounts for which they were raised. The method it is now proposed to follow would be suitable only if all loans were identical in their terms and conditions, and in the opinion of Audit is not suitable where loans are subject to various conditions as is at present the case with New Zealand loans. Transfer of Interest from Separate Accounts to the Consolidated Fund. By section 5 of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), the law has been altered in connection with the transfer of interest from separate accounts to the Consolidated Fund. Section 139 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, which has been repealed by this section, authorized the transfer of the amount actually paid from the Consolidated Fund on behalf of a separate account for interest charges, but section 5 authorizes the transfer of the amount of interest payable, even though it has not been paid. The result will be to credit to the Consolidated Fund cash belonging to the separate accounts, and thus to inflate the balance shown in the Consolidated Fund. This will have some effect on the Budget position, but whether the amount will be large enough to distort the true position to any material degree will depend on circumstances. Another point in connection with the transfer of interest from separate accounts to the Consolidated Fund which calls for comment is the fact that in some cases the separate accounts have insufficient revenue to meet the amount of interest transferred. The result is that the interest is paid from loanmoneys. Such a practice is most unsound from an accountancy point of view, and has the effect of making the Budget position appear better than it really is. In effect, the Consolidated Fund —that is, the general revenue account of the Dominion—is funded partly from loan-moneys without this fact being apparent in the accounts. In the case of the Native Land Settlement Account, for example, the Revenue Account for the year ended 31st March, 1932, discloses an accumulated loss of £1,320,727 ss. Bd. (see 8.-l [Part IV] Sup. to 1932, page 71), yet in the year 1932-33 interest to the amount of £38,037 Ms. 6d. was recouped from this account to the Consolidated Fund (see 8.-l [Part I], 1933, page 35). It is clear that this interest must have been paid entirely from loanmoneys, and this also applies to portion of the amounts transferred in previous years. Interest on Public Account Cash Balance Investments. In previous reports I have drawn the attention of Parliament to the system adopted by the Treasury of allocating the interest derived from investments of moneys belonging to certain accounts to all the accounts within the Public Account instead of to those accounts only which provide the money for the investments. I append a statement showing the amounts so allocated to each account during the year 1932-33. The allocation is made on an arbitrary basis, which, in my opinion, is ifot a correct one, as it has the effect of crediting the interest in many cases to accounts other than those which have earned it. I may explain that these investments are made out of the accumulations of the balances of cash in the various accounts within the Public Account.


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In this connection I would refer to my comments regarding the allocation of the interest arising from the investment of surplus exchange purchased in London, to be found on page xviii of this report. Deposits Account. —Interest on Cash Balance Investments Account. Receipts. Disbursements. Balance, 1931-32 — £ s. d. £ s. d. Amounts allocated to various Amount allocated to State accounts — £ s. d. £ a. d. Advances Account not Ordinary Revenue Account, paid over .. .. 2 0 4 In respect of balances Amount not allocated .. 8,364 6 2 of — 8,366 6 6 Ordinary Revenue AcInterest on investments — count .. .. 6,451 7 9 In New Zealand .. 5,680 16 3 Nauru and Ocean Islands Tn London .. .. 64,951 0 5 Account .. ... 8 14* 70,631 16 8 Nauru and Ocean Islands Sinking Fund Account 0 3 5* Local Bodies Account.. 107 0 0 Deposits Account .. 1,628 19 5 Loans Redemption Account .. .. 13,863 11 7 Westport Harbour Account .. .. 46 5 0* Suspense Account (undistributed) .. 8,789 0 6 Reserve Fund Account 8,468 17 3 Mining Advances Account .. .. 17 10* Public Works Fund General Purposes Account 16,834 18 1 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. 4 4 3* Swamp Land Drainage Account .. .. 24 4 2* Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. 10 3 3* 56,238 3 10 Deposits Accounts — Hunter Soldiers Assistance Trust Account .. .. .. .. 10 2 5 General Purposes Relief Account .. 36 11 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account 3,397 11 7 Electric Supply' Account .. .. 3,853 1 2 Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account 18 9 10 Land for Settlements Account .. 2,088 1 7 Land for Settlements Account in respect of balance of Hutt Valley Land Settlement Account .. .. .. 9 13 5* Main Highways Account Revenue Fund in respect of balances of— £ s. d. Revenue Fund .. 2,729 0 4 Construction Fund 982 12 11 3,711 13 3 Native Land Settlement Account .. 354 16 0 Public Debt Repayment Account. .. 241 16 9 State Advances Loan Account .. 15 9 10 State Coal-mines Account .. .. 128 14 11 State Coal-mines Sinking Fund Account 44 16 7 State Forests Account ' . . .. 149 9 7 Unemployment Fund . . .. 2, 675 4 9 Working Railways Account .. .. 3,252 0 1 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Amount allocated to State Advances Account not £ s. d. yet paid over .. .. 12 8 Amount not yet allocated 2,771 311 2,772 6 7 ! £78,998 3 2 I . £78,998 3 2 ♦ NOTE.—These accounts were abolished as from Ist April, 1032, and received no credit for interest on balances after that date. Treatment of Exchange in the Public Accounts. The method of treating exchange in the Public Accounts lacks uniformity, and in the opinion of the Audit Office is unsatisfactory, and in many cases causes the Public Accounts to be misleading and inaccurate. As regards exchange New Zealand to Australia during the period prior to the 20th January, 1933, when the exchange was in favour of New Zealand, in cases in which actual remittances were made, the exchange was brought into account correctly. In cases in which no actual remittances were made, and where the payments were met from moneys received by the New Zealand Government in Australia, the payments and receipts in Australian currency were entered in the Treasury books without conversion into New Zealand currency, with the result that the amount of the receipts and. also of the payments were both overstated. As the receipts frequently affected one account


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and the payments another, the result has been to render the accounts incorrect by overstating the receipts of one account and correspondingly overstating the expenditure of another account. Since the 20th January, 1933, the exchange New Zealand - Australia has returned to approximately par, and the method of treatment has become relatively unimportant. As regards exchange New Zealand to London, the increase of the rate from £110 to £125 on 20th January last has rendered the proper treatment of exchange in the accounts of even greater importance than it was previous to that date. In the case of transactions in which the Government acted as agent for private individuals, or for bodies or accounts outside the Public Account, the correct principle has been gradually adopted of allowing or charging exchange in favour of or against such individuals, bodies, or accounts at the ruling rate, even though it was not necessary to make an actual remittance of moneys in connection with the particular transaction. With this principle the Audit Office is in full agreement, but these transactions comprise only a comparatively small portion of the London transactions. The majority of the London transactions, however, relate to the services of the Public Account. In the case of these transactions where there has been an actual remittance the exchange in many cases, although taken into account, has not been allocated to the particular account or service in respect of which it was incurred, while in cases where there has been no actual remittance usually no allowance whatever has been made for exchange, but the receipts and payments have been entered in the New Zealand accounts at their sterling amount without conversion into New Zealand currency. As a result, the true cost of the various services, and the true value of the receipts and payments, is not shown in the separate accounts comprising the Public Account nor in the various votes, and, further, the balance-sheets and revenue accounts of the various undertakings which are published annually in 8.-l [Part IV] are in many cases rendered misleading. With a ruling rate of £125 the understatement of the cost of London payments, and the corresponding understatement of the amount of London receipts, is in the opinion of the Audit Office a serious matter from an accountancy point of view. The following examples are quoted as indicating the undesirable effects arising from the methods followed :— During the year 1932-33 expenditure was made in London to the amount of about £62,000 for the services of the Electric Supply Account, and a further £460,000 was expended as interest on loans raised for the purposes of this account. Allowing exchange at the rate of £110 New Zealand to £100 United Kingdom, and ignoring for the purposes of this example the increase to £125 which took place during the year, the cost of exchange on these payments was £6,200 and £46,000 respectively. The whole of this exchange was paid from and charged to the Ordinary Revenue Account of the Consolidated Fund, and no portion was charged to or recovered from the Electric Supply Account for the purposes of which the payments were made. The result is that the vote " Development of Water-supply " was undercharged to the amount of £6,200 (representing exchange on the services of this vote), while the separate Electric Supply Account was undercharged by an amount of £52,200. Further, section 5 (1) of the State Supply of Electrical Energy Act, 1917, requires that full and faithful accounts shall be kept'in respect of each electric-supply scheme, showing all moneys received and expended in connection therewith, and showing also the capital expenditure in connection with the scheme and the profit or loss arising from the operations of the scheme. It is clear that the accounts presented under this section are incorrect and misleading, for exchange costs to the amount of £52,200 relating to the various schemes have been omitted from such accounts, and have been charged to and paid out of the Consolidated Fund. In another case sums amounting to approximately £534,000 have been paid in London in respect of interest on loans of the State Advances Account, and the exchange on this, amounting to about £53,400, has been paid by the Consolidated Fund despite the fact that section 20 of the State Advances Act, 1913, requires that all sums payable in respect of interest on the loans raised under the authority of this Act shall be charged to and paid out of the State Advances Account. The effect is that the Consolidated Fund has been overcharged to the amount of £53,400 and the State Advances Account has been similarly undercharged, with the result that the State Advances revenue has been overstated, or the losses have been understated, by approximately £53,400. Many other accounts, such as the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account, Land for Settlements Account, Main Highways Account, Native Land Settlement Account, State Coal-mines Account, State Forests Account, and Working Railways Account, are similarly affected, with the result that the balancesheets and profit and loss accounts relating to these accounts disclose a position more favourable than would be the case if the true cost of carrying on the various services were brought into the relative accounts. In view of the provisions of section 55 of the Finance Act, 1932, the Audit Office appears to have no authority to refuse to pass the entries in the Public Accounts which have been authorized by the Minister pursuant to that section, and the vouchers for the transactions referred to above have been passed accordingly. Cost of Exchange, New Zealand-New York. An actual instance of the great increase in cost to the New Zealand Government arising from exchange in the case of payments overseas is afforded in the case of a half-yearly payment of interest which was payable in New York on Ist February, 1933, on a s|-per-cent. loan of £1,000,000. The nominal amount payable was £27,500. The amount actually paid in sterling in London to produce the requisite value in dollars in New York was £39,372 17s. Id. Taking the rate of exchange as £125 New Zealand to £100 sterling, which was the ruling rate at the date of the payment, the total cost to the Dominion works out at £49,216 Is. 4d.—that is to say, the cost of paying interest in New York of a nominal amount of £27,500 was £49,216 Is. 4d., the additional amount of £21,716 Is. 4d. representing the cost of exchange between Wellington, London, and New York.

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Banks Indemnity (Exchange) Act, 1932-33. The following statement shows in a summarized form the transactions under the above Act up to 30th September, 1933 :—

Statement showing the Result of the Transactions under the Banks Indemnity (Exchange) Act, 1932-33, from the Date of Operation of the Act to the 30th September, 1933.

At 30th September, 1933, the amount of Treasury bills outstanding under the Banks Indemnity (Exchange) Act, 1932-33, had been reduced from £17,881,256 ss. to £11,014,597, bills to the amount of £6,866,659 ss. having been redeemed partly from the proceeds of other Treasury bills issued under section 41 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, and partly from revenue. The abstract of the Public Account for the six months ended 30th September, 1933, which has been gazetted, shows that though the amount of £14,255,000 surplus exchange moneys had been credited to the Ordinary Revenue Account of the Consolidated Fund, a balance of £8,354,000 only, including imprests and investments, then remained in this account. It will be seen, therefore, that at least £5,900,000 of the credit so provided had been utilized to meet Ordinary Revenue Account charges in London and New Zealand. The rate of interest paid on the Treasury bills issued to provide for the purchase of the exchange on London has averaged over 5 per cent., while the rate of interest received on the deposits of exchangemoneys in London has averaged considerably less than 1 per cent. There has therefore been a loss to the Government in respect of interest of about 4 per cent, in respect of these transactions. The moneys placed on deposit in London were treated as Public Account cash balance investments (which are investments made from the accumulations of cash balances of the various separate accounts within the Public Account) instead of being treated as investments of the Ordinary Revenue Account alone, to which the exchange-moneys were credited, and against which the interest on the Treasury bills was charged. As a result, even the small amount of interest received on the deposits has not been credited to the Ordinary Revenue Account, but has been allocated between all the accounts forming part of the Public Account, and the net charge against the Consolidated Fund has thus been increased to an amount larger than would have been the case had the deposits been treated as investments of the Ordinary Revenue Account, to which the moneys belonged. I find it difficult to see why the charge against the Budget should have been unnecessarily increased by treating the investments as cash balance investments instead of treating them as Ordinary Revenue Account investments as far as possible. Under the Public Revenues Act, 1926, it is the duty of the Audit Office, before passing vouchers for any payment of public moneys, to satisfy itself that payment is due. In the case of the payments under the Banks Indemnity (Exchange) Act it would be impossible for the Audit Office to directly satisfy itself that any bank held excess of exchange on London coming within the provisions of the Act without an examination of the records of the bank by some officer appointed by the Controller and Auditor-General. Such a course was not possible, and I have passed the vouchers for the payments to the various banks on the certificate of the Chief Auditor of the Bank of New Zealand.


Transactions to Total Transactions to Slot Match, 1938. sotl/leptembe?, 1938. 30th September, 1933. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amount raised by the issue of Treasury bills under section 2,380,337 0 0 15,500,919 5 0 17,881,256 5 0 7 of the Act, for the purchase of surplus exchange on London and the payment of exchange thereon Amount provided for payment of exchange on surplus 0 10 0 1,130,287 0 0 1,130,287 10 0 exchange from funds not raised by the issue of Treasury bills under the Act Total amount provided for the purchase of surplus 2,380,337 10 0 16,631,206 5 0 19,011,543 15 0 exchange and the payment of exchange thereon ——~ r-=, _ —, 1 -= Amount paid to the banks for purchase of surplus exchange 1,910,000 0 0 13,345,000 0 0 15,255,000 0 0 under section 4 of the Act Exchange paid to the banks on surplus exchange under 470,337 10 0 3,286,206 5 0 3,756,543 15 0 section 6 of the Act Total amount paid for the purchase of surplus 2,380,337 10 0 16,631,206 5 0 19,011,543 15 0 exchange and payment of exchange thereon Amount of discount on Treasury bills issued under the Act 18,111 17 0 278,772 5 8 296,884 2 8 Total expenditure incurred under the Act .. 2,398,449 7 0 16,909,978 10 8 19,308,427 17 8 Amount of surplus exchange paid into the New Zealand 1,910,000 0 0 13,345,000 0 0 15,255,000 0 0 Government Indemnity Exchange Account, London Amount of surplus exchange transferred from the New 380,000 0 0 13,875,000 0 0 14,255,000 0 0 Zealand Government Indemnity Exchange Account, London, to the New Zealand Public Account, London Amount of surplus exchange retained in the New 1,530,000 0 0 —530,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 Zealand Government Indemnity Exchange i—~—. 1 r ■ , ■. j, —c Account, London

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Payments made from the New Zealand Public Account, London, not included in the Published Accounts. In my reports for previous years I drew attention to the fact that certain payments made out of the New Zealand Public Account in London under the authority of the Finance Act, 1928, section 20, are not charged against the appropriation provided by Parliament in that section, and are not submitted to the Audit Office for audit in terms of the Public Revenues Act, nor included in the Statement of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Public Account. In those reports I drew attention to the undesirable features of the system followed in connection with such payments. The system still continues, and the following is a list of such payments made during the year 1932-33 which have been excluded from the Public Accounts for that year, so far as it has been possible for Audit to trace them :—

Parliamentary Control of Expenditure. A definite tendency has been noticeable recently to depart from the established methods which have been built up during a long period of years with a view to ensuring the proper and efficient control of Parliament over the public expenditure. This tendency is shown in two directions. Firstly, there is a tendency to give statutory powers to members of the Government and others, the exercise of which powers amounts to the appropriation of particular funds to particular purposes, and thus in effect the power to appropriate public moneys which is constitutionally the prerogative of Parliament is passed on to others. It has always in the past been customary in New Zealand for Parliament to segregate public moneys into particular funds, and to limit the application of each such fund to a particular purpose or purposes. This was in accordance with a well-known constitutional principle, which is stated by a recognized authority as follows : — " ... . . the cardinal principle on which the whole of our financial system is based is that of parliamentary control, and by this is understood not the control of Parliament in its constitutional sense as composed of Sovereign, Lords, and Commons, but control by the Commons alone. ' Upon this fundamental principle, laid down at the very outset of English parliamentary history and secured by three hundred years of mingled conflict with the Grown and peaceful growth, is grounded the whole law of finance and, consequently, the whole British constitution.' " The most ancient, as well as the most valued, prerogative of the House of Commons is the right of supreme control over taxation, to which the right to control issues is a natural corollary. The prohibition of raising taxes without parliamentary authority would be nugatory if the proceeds, even of legal taxes, could be expended at the will of the sovereign. The right, therefore, of appropriation was a logical consequence of the right of levying supplies. ' The chain of historical evidence undeniably proves that a previous and stringent appropriation, often minute and specific, has formed an essential part of the British constitution.'"


Amounts , Amounts Amounts „ ,. , outstanding 1 - & recovered outstanding Particulars. at 31st March, P ?*J n ™ 8 d ™ n S at 31st March, 1932. IWM-tf* 1932-33. 1933. Sundry payments made by the High £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Commissioner on behalf of — Post and Telegraph Department 89 17 1 5,324 12 0 4,72119 4 692 9 9 Public Service and Teachers' Super- 2,737 4 1 17,177 15 10 16,168 10 9 3,746 9 2 annuation Funds National Provident Fund .. 71 4 6 713 4 3 636 10 5 14.7 18 4 Government Life Insurance Depart- 533 3 7 891 19 8 1,425 3 3 ment State Fire Insurance Department 12 6 125 10 2 126 12 8 General Assembly Library .. 358 5 4 540 6 6 717 0 10 181 11 0 Cook Islands Administration .. 80 14 4 381 13 7 153 17 3 308 10 8 Niue Island Administration .. .. 2 8 10 18 0 1 0 10 Otago University .. .. .. 206 10 9 105 9 5 101 1 4 Auckland Hospital Board . . .. 31 19 10 31 19 10 Institute for the Blind . . . . .. 0 12 6 0 12 6 Central Command Headquarters .. 6 3 10 6 3 10 Christchurch Press Co., Ltd. .. .. 24 0 0 .. 24 0 0 Wheat Marketing Agency Co., Ltd. .. 114 13 3 114 13 3 J. Holloway, Ltd. .. .. .. 144 144 Mr. W. Nash, M.P. .. .. .. 082 08 2 Captain M. D. Brown .. .. .. 116 116 Sir Cecil Day .. .. .. .. 770 770 Rev. Clyde Carr, M.P. .. .. .. 050 050 Mr. W. A. Veitch, M.P. .. .. 0 14 5 0 14 5 Mr. J. Armstrong .. .. .. 220 220 Mr. W. D. Brewster .. .. .. 060 060 Miss Gibson (steamer fare) .. .. 45 0 0 .. 45 0 0 3,871 11 5 25,599 19 5 24,223 9 9 5,248 1 1

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The two essentials of an appropriation are that it should designate the fund from which the expenditure is to be made and the purpose for which it is to be made. Parliament appropriates from each fund, either by an annual or a permanent appropriation, the moneys to be expended therefrom, and thus controls the expenditure by deciding not only how much should be expended for a particular purpose, but also from what statutory fund the expenditure should be made. Under the Public Revenues Act the responsibility is placed on the Audit Office of ensuring that the moneys expended are charged against the fund provided by Parliament for the same, that the appropriations of Parliament are not exceeded, and that the moneys are used for the purposes for which they are voted. In some recent cases, however, the usual practice of specific appropriation by Parliament has been departed from. The following may be quoted as examples : — Section 6 of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), empowers the Minister of Finance to make transfers between accounts or funds within the Public Account in connection with dealings in land vested in the Crown. The effect is to enable the Minister, if he so desired, to appropriate the moneys of one statutory fund for the purposes of another statutory fund, and apparently the Minister, instead of Parliament, is constituted the sole judge as to the propriety of the transaction, and the Audit Office has no power to object if any transfer were made under this section even though it might be of opinion that the transaction is improper from an accountancy point of view. Prior to the passing of the New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, the charges and expenses of raising loans were by law directed to be charged to and paid out of the appropriate account (meaning thereby the fund or account specified in the authorizing Act) or out of the Consolidated Fund. Section 61 of the New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, however, now provides that the charges and expenses of raising loans may, without further appropriation than this section, be charged to and paid out of the Consolidated Fund or such other fund or account as the Minister thinks fit. The effect is to give the Minister power, if he so desired, to appropriate moneys from any account for this purpose, and thus to transfer the power of appropriation from Parliament to the Minister. Section 65 of the New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, empowers the Minister in certain cases to determine the particular fund or account to be relieved of the capital liability in respect of loans redeemed, and thus in effect transfers to the Minister the power formerly vested in Parliament of determining to which particular account a loan relates. If, for instance, a Minister were to determine that a loan raised for the purpose of electric supply should be repaid from the revenues of the Land for Settlements Account, Audit could offer no objection. This means that the moneys of one account could be used for the purposes of another account, which is contrary to the previously accepted principle of parliamentary practice, which required that moneys raised or set aside by Parliament for any particular purpose must be devoted to that purpose and no other. It would appear, therefore, that Parliament has divested itself of the power to control the expenditure in cases such as those above mentioned, and the Controller and Auditor-General has been divested of the responsibility placed on him as an officer of Parliament of satisfying himself that the limitations hitherto placed by Parliament on such transactions were being observed. Secondly, there appears to be a growing tendency to subordinate the Public Accounts, which are statements of " receipts and payments " prepared by the Treasury pursuant to statute for submission to Parliament, to the departmental balance-sheets and Revenue Accounts (the " commercial accounts ") prepared by the various Government Departments. The statutory accounts prepared by the Treasury are on a cash basis, and are designed for the purpose of controlling the expenditure of public moneys, and are suitable for that purpose. The departmental accounts are not designed for such a purpose, nor are they capable of being used to control the annual expenditure, for they, do not record the amount actually received and expended in any year. In this connection the following quotations jlrom the authority already referred to are of interest: — " Real responsibility cannot be attached to the acts of the executive without publicity, and can only be ensured if, after the executive has performed its part, the way in which that part has been performed is ascertained by independent officers, and the result made known to Parliament. " The value of the publicity of the accounts is in direct proportion to their completeness and detailed information. However valuable a summarized statement may be in affording prima facie evidence that the provision made by Parliament has been followed, it cannot in itself furnish that full information which Parliament is entitled to have and which alone will enable it to follow up the expenditure. This principle applies not only to the normal annual provision, but still more to any extraordinary and supplementary provision made during the year. If Parliament has placed money at the disposal of a department for extraordinary services, that department is bound to show Parliament in return, as completely as circumstances permit, the manner in which the money so entrusted to it has been expended. Publicity furnishes the most effectual mode by which control can be exercised through the instrumentality of an audit office, and is therefore a most effective check upon improper or irregular expenditure of every kind, provided due advantage is taken of it; but, as Mill points out, ' publicity is no impediment to evil nor stimulus to good, if the public will not look at what is done.' At least the opportunity is provided, for without publicity the public could neither check nor encourage what it was not permitted to see. " Though the system of accounting for parliamentary grants necessarily possesses many of the features which are generally understood to be included in the term ' accounting,' as applied to commercial affairs, it cannot in its wider and more important aspect be treated from the commercial point of view at all, for it is founded on constitutional principles and


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is dependent on State policy. The essence of commercial finance is the outlay of money with the object of securing a monetary profit. The object of State finance, under parliamentary government, is to strike a balance between receipts and expenditure or, in practice, to aim at a small surplus in order to prevent the chance of a deficit. " The supreme control of the Commons over public grants, as already mentioned, necessarily demands the complete right of control over the manner in which those grants are spent. This second right must be inseparable from the first if the control over the grants is to be effective ; but it is a right which was not claimed nor enforced by the House of Commons until long after the right of control over supply had been established. Though the Bill of Rights was but a declaration of the ancient law of England and made no new claims for Parliament, it defined and brought into relief what the rights and privileges of Parliament were. The occasion was ripe for claiming the exercise of powers hitherto dormant, or hardly appreciated. Among these, the claim to control expenditure began to be exercised practically for the first time ; but it was not for nearly two hundred years more that it arrived at full maturity. The reason for this slow development of a natural, and, indeed, necessary claim is to be found mainly in the fact that Parliament failed to appreciate the fact that any advantage was to be gained by exercising the right. So long as the House of Commons felt it was controlling exchequer issues, both as regards the authority for issue and the appropriation, it was satisfied to leave the control of expenditure to the executive. When once the fallacy of this view was exposed, the development of the House of Commons' right followed and has now been carried to almost its farthest conclusions. The control of the House of Commons over expenditure, as well as over issues, is now recognized as supreme. Whether the control is effective or not depends on two main factors : firstly, on constitutional and parliamentary procedure and practice, and, secondly, on the machinery which Parliament sets up for seeing that its will is carried out." Referring to the method adopted in Great Britain the authority states, — " The third method is to deal with cash transactions during the period alone, and to ignore all assets and liabilities until such time as they are realized, when they enter as cash transactions into a subsequent account. Such is the method adopted in this country. It is the system of annuality strictly applied. Only actual incomings and outgoings of the exchequer within the financial year are considered in the national accounts, and the departmental accounts are similarly accounts solely of the cash transactions which actually take place within the year. If, for instance, there is money still owing to a department for a repayment service, it cannot be shown in the appropriation account as an asset, for that account is a cash account simply. If, owing to the importance of the outstanding asset, Parliament ought to be informed of it, the fact must be recorded by means of a note. If the failure to realize the asset within the year results in a deficit, the fact would, of course, be brought to the notice of Parliament in the explanation of the deficit. " Such a system possesses the beneficial qualities of simplicity, directness, and rapidity in closing the accounts. It is true that balance-sheets are prepared, but these deal only with cash balances and are in no sense balance-sheets in the commercial sense. An Imperial balance-sheet, or even a departmental balance-sheet on such lines, would be a practical impossibility, for many of the assets or liabilities of the State could not be expressed financially in the manner in which the goodwill of a business concern is assessed." These quotations make it abundantly clear that a system of accounts on a cash basis is the only practicable method by which efficient parliamentary control of the national finances may be achieved, and that accounts drawn up on a commercial basis are not suitable for this purpose. To the extent to which the statutory accounts drawn up on a cash basis are subordinated to departmental accounts drawn up on a commercial basis, the control of Parliament must be rendered less effective. In this connection it is of interest to note that when the United States adopted a Budgetary system of public accounting, after an investigation of the systems of other nations, a system similar to the British system with " Receipts and payments " as the accountancy basis was adopted as superior to any other system. All the self-governing Dominions of the British Empire have also in the past adopted the system of " Receipts and payments" as the general accounting basis, following on the British system. From the point of view of parliamentary control the essential information required in the public accounts is the amount of the receipts and payments during the financial year in respect of any particular account, vote, service, or undertaking. This information is contained only in the statutory public accounts which are prepared by the Treasury pursuant to the Public Revenues Act (which may be termed the control accounts), and cannot be shown in the departmental balance-sheets and profit and loss accounts. The latter are designed to show the position and result of an undertaking irrespective of the amount of moneys actually received and paid during any particular financial year, and for the purpose of providing this information it is in many cases advantageous to draw up such accounts in addition to the control accounts. The departmental balance-sheets and profit and loss accounts should, however, in all cases be viewed as complementary to the control accounts, and information should not be omitted from the control accounts on the ground that such information is unnecessary in view of the production of departmental balance-sheets and profit and loss accounts.


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Changes in the Form and Classification of the Public Accounts. One of the most desirable and useful characteristics of public accounts is uniformity and continuity. In this connection a recognized authority on public accounting says, — " In both estimates and accounts it is very desirable, from the point of view of Parliament, that there should be great facility for comparing one year's outlay, on any head of expenditure, with that of other years. Consequently, great importance is attached to the preservation of continuity of form in the estimates —that is to say, to providing as far as possible for the same class of expenditure and the same services under the same heads and in the same votes from year to year. " To destroy such continuity is undoubtedly a serious step, as on it must depend the means of comparison between the estimates and accounts of a series of years. While any important change may be to the departmental experts chiefly a matter of considerable inconvenience, it must practically take from Parliament all power of comparison, thus excluding the possibility of such criticism as depends on comparing the expenditure under the same head in different years." During recent years the changes in the form and classification of the public accounts of the Dominion have been so numerous and so frequent that it is almost impossible to obtain a correct comparison of the receipts and expenditure relating to individual services extending over a period of years. Unless this fact is kept in mind when studying the public accounts, an entirely erroneous impression may be obtained. For example, in 8.-l [Part I], 1932-33, on page 7, under " General Administration —vote ' External Affairs,' " net expenditure amounting to £83,094 7s. 6d. is shown for the year 1932-33 compared with £1,955 12s. sd. for the year 1931-32. It would be a natural conclusion that there had been an increase of £81,138 15s. Id. in the net expenditure of the External Affairs Department between the years 1931-32 and 1932-33, but this conclusion would be an erroneous one, the fact being that there was a small increase of £1,062 7s. 7d. only. Under the heading " Other Receipts —External Affairs," on page 4, £80,076 7s. 6d. is shown for the year 1932-33 compared with nothing for the year 1931-32. The increase shown was not an actual one, the apparent increase being due to the fact that receipts classified as credits to the vote in the year 1931-32 were differently classified as credits to " Other Receipts—External Affairs" in the year 1932-33. Similarly, the apparent increase of nearly £3,000,000 shown on page 7 of the same statement under vote " Pensions " does not represent an actual increase in the expenditure on pensions, but is due to the fact that most of this expenditure had previously been provided for under permanent appropriations. The abolition of the permanent appropriations, though itself a very desirable thing, thus had a disturbing effect on the comparative figures. Many instances of a like nature occur in the accounts. Had there been a few instances only it would have been possible to indicate the position in each case by notes on the accounts, but the changes which have been made are so many and varied that such a method was not practicable. Frequent changes in the form and classification of the public accounts must prejudicially affect the control of Parliament, and, though it is recognized that changes may at times be necessary and desirable, it is clear that no change should be made without very serious consideration, and that frequent recurring changes are most undesirable, and must be very difficult to justify. A cognate matter, which has the same effect, and is open to the same objections, is the practice of altering the votes in the annual Appropriation Act, frequently by combining several votes into one. Regarding this matter the authority already quoted states, — " Since Parliament appropriates the grants which it makes for each vote to the service of that vote, it necessarily follows that the control which it can, from the legal point of view, exercise over the Department is in direct proportion to the number of votes. The greater the number of votes, the greater the control; for the money is more explicitly appropriated and the discretionary power of the Department is correspondingly restricted. 'In every case where there is reason for maintaining parliamentary control —to the extent of requiring that any excess over the money granted by Parliament for a particular object or servioe should be submitted to the House —provision should be made for that service in a separate vote. To substitute in these cases for that parliamentary control, a control of the Treasury —such as that Department now exercises over the application of money voted for one subhead to the use of another —would be a great change.' The fewer the votes, and the larger those votes consequently are, the greater the freedom of the Department, which, so far as Parliament is directly concerned, is only limited by the vote total. ' Money hitherto voted under three separate votes, for three different objects, will, if included in one vote, be applicable, without any fresh resolution of Parliament, to all or any of the three objects. An excess on the estimate for any one or two of the objects will not have to be submitted to Parliament for sanction, if it be met by a surplus on the remainder of the new vote, whereas every excess on a separate vote is brought to the notice of the Public Accounts Committee.' ,: The Audit Office has no authority over the form and classification of the public accounts, which are largely decided by the form of the estimates, on which the accounts are based. In view of the importance of this matter, and of the undesirable results which must follow unnecessary or too frequent changes in the form of the accounts, I have thought it desirable to bring the subject under notice in order that steps may be taken to preserve as far as possible the uniformity and continuity of the public accounts from year to year, and thus provide that sound basis for comparison which is such a necessary feature in the case of national accounts.


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Post-audit System. Under the provisions of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, it is necessary that the certificate of the Controller and Auditor-General should be enfaced on the Abstract of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Public Accounts annually presented to Parliament, and it may be as well that I should explain that all the vouchers in support of the receipts and payments appearing in such abstract have not necessarily been passed by Audit as correct before the date of such certificate. The position is as follows : — Section 85 of the Public Revenues Act provides that the abstract is to be certified by the Audit Office within fourteen days after the receipt thereof. Under the post-audit system which obtains in New Zealand many of the vouchers will in the ordinary course not have been finally audited within this period, and in some cases it is not possible for the Treasury to submit the vouchers for audit until a considerable time after the abstract has been certified. For example, it may be necessary to obtain acquittances for payments overseas, involving delay of weeks or months before the vouchers can be submitted for audit. It was probably intended by the framers of the Public Revenues Act that the full statement of the revenue and expenditure of the Public Account pursuant to section 89 of that Act should be certified only after all the vouchers for the year had been finally audited. I have pointed out in previous reports, however, that a complete statement of the revenue and expenditure as called for in this section is not prepared and sent to the Audit Office, and I am therefore not in a position to present a complete statement to Parliament as required by the Act. A system is in operation, however, which ensures that all vouchers will eventually come before the Audit Office for examination, and the Treasury is not given a clearance until every voucher has been finally passed. At the 30th September, 1933, vouchers to the amount of £348 12s. in respect of the year ended 31st March, 1931, £6,756 17s. Id. in respect of the year ended 31st March, 1932, and £2,608,332 ss. 9d. in respect of the year ended 31st March, 1933, had not been finally passed by Audit. The vouchers comprised in the above totals will no doubt eventually be passed by Audit. There has been, however, one exception in the case of a voucher for £30 3s. Bd. in respect of the year 1931-32, for which there was no parliamentary authority or appropriation. As the Treasury declined to charge the amount against " Unauthorized," the voucher cannot be passed by Audit. State Balance-sheet. A State balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1932, was compiled, audited, and presented to Parliament This balance-sheet purports to show the assets and liabilities of the State, and is compiled from the details recorded in the departmental balance-sheets, but it may be as well for me to point out that in order that the full amount of the public debt may be accounted for it has been found necessary to insert nominal assets for the amount of loans outstanding in respect of which no tangible asset now exists. These nominal assets are grouped in the assets column under the heading " Other loan expenditure, £77,501,176." The " National Development Account, £40,576,626," also shown in the assets column, represents the total expenditure of loan-money on the items enumerated therein, all of a national character and of national importance, but which are not wholly represented by tangible assets. It is, however, necessary to point out that, even in those cases in which these items are now represented in whole or in part by tangible assets, the valuation for balance-sheet purposes is in many cases more or less arbitrary, and it is doubtful whether such valuations could be sustained at the present day. I may, as an example, cite the asset "Main highways, roads, &c, £26,601,965," which represents the total expenditure on roads to date, and includes in many cases the improvements, &c, of the same road on more than one occasion. The same remark applies to the asset " Harbour-works." Nevertheless, most items under this heading are indirectly beneficial to the State revenue. Similar considerations apply to other assets shown in the balance-sheet, such as land and buildings, State forests, railways, &c, the values of which have probably in many cases suffered considerable depreciation as a result of the economic conditions ruling at the present time. In this connection it is to be remembered that, as pointed out by an eminent authority, many of the assets or liabilities of the State cannot be expressed financially in the manner in which the goodwill of a business concern is assessed, and a State balance-sheet, or even in many cases a departmental balance-sheet, on strictly commercial lines, is a practical impossibility. A comparison of the years ended 31st March, 1931, and 31st March, 1932, reveals the following movements among assets : — Chief increases— £ Land, buildings, forests, &c. . . .. . . .. ■ • 363,843 Telephones and telegraphs .. .. .. .. •■ 146,318 Electrical schemes .. .. .. .-. .. ..1,324,445 Drainage schemes .. .. . . . • • ■ • • 136,721 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. .. •• 654,386 Unpaid interest and principal and postponed rente .. .. 806,444 Native land schemes .. .. .. .. •• 221,162 National development — Roads, &c 1,491,690 Education .. .. .. •• •• •• 249,311 Lands-development .. .. .. .. . • 31,800


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Chief decreases — £ Kailways, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,300,619 Collieries, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 224,452 Plant, material, and stores .. .. .. .. .. 363,767 Armaments .. .. .. .. .. .. 136,543 Government steamers, motors, &c. .. .. .. .. 65,653 Advances on loan or mortgage .. .. .. .. 480,065 Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. 868,878 Other loan expenditure —War expenditure .. .. .. 819,980 Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 370,965 Sundry debtors show large increases in all land-holding accounts, Health, Land and Income Tax, and Stamp Duties Departments. Unpaid interest and principal and postponed rents show large increases in all land accounts and State Advances Account. The decrease in railways is on account of a writing-down authorized by the Government Railways Act, 1931. The decrease in collieries, &c, is due to the writing-out of the Railway Housing Factory, £153,000, and a writing-down of the State collieries by £64,735. Liabilities. —The debt has increased £5,909,442 ; deposits, £80,622 ; Post Office investment certificates, £70,939 ; while Public Debt Redemption Fund decreased £350,000 ; creditors, £258,900 ; and reserves, £3,815,585 ; this last reduction being chiefly due to the Reserve Fund (£2,000,000) being put to use, and the use of part of the State coal reserves to write down assets. The net result is a reduction in the excess of assets over liabilities amounting to £9,082,226. Departmental Accounts and Balance-sheets. All Departments submitted income and expenditure or revenue accounts and balance-sheets for the year 1931-32, which have been duly examined by the Audit Office and presented to Parliament. Departmental balance-sheets have now been prepared on commercial lines annually over a period of years, and a comparison and analysis should have been of considerable benefit to the administration and of assistance in the economical running of the various activities of the State. They should also be of great interest and value to the taxpayer. Most receivers' accounts have been examined during the year, although shortage of staff has prevented the whole of them being examined, and the result of the Audit inspection reveals that the records and work of the Departments are being well conducted. A semi-continuous audit of the Meat Producers, Dairy Producers, and Fruitgrowers Boards has been maintained as in the past. The examination of the accounts of the Broadcasting Board on a semi-continuous basis was carried out during the year. Native Land Settlement. In my report to Parliament last year I found it necessary to state that the accounts of the Native land development schemes were in an unsatisfactory condition, and that it had not been possible for me to make a complete audit of these accounts. Since then, I regret to say, there has been no improvement, and the errors and deficiencies in the expenditure in connection with both the development schemes and Maori unemployed relief, due to the administrative methods adopted, have become more and more apparent the further the inquiries have proceeded. The impossibility of being able to exercise any effective check over the expenditure rendered it necessary for me to advise the Government from time to time of the position, and to state that I could not accept responsibility for the accuracy of the accounts. Certain changes in the administrative staff in Wellington have recently been made with the view of improving matters. Local investigation by Audit Inspectors of the development schemes in the East Coast and Rotorua Districts is still proceeding, and, although I am unable at this stage to make a full report, the investigation has proceeded sufficiently far to indicate that there have been grave irregularities in the accounts and also in the method of purchasing and disposing of stores, live-stock, &c. The Native Land Act, 1931, section 522, confers unusually wide powers on the Native Minister, and it is in the exercise of these powers that the ordinary methods of administration which prevail in other Government Departments have to a large extent been ignored, with the result that the departmental control has been weakened, extravagant methods have been adopted, and no proper records of many important transactions recorded.


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Stores Audit. List of Departments the Property and Stores of which have been Audited during the Year.

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Department and Office. Number. Date. Remarks. Agriculture Department —• Offices of Inspectors of Stock .. .. 22 Various Cash and stores. District Office, Auckland .. .. .. 15/12/32 Cash and stores. District Office, Christchurch .. .. .. 30/9/32 Cash and stores. District Office, Dunedin.. .. .. .. 23/10/32 Cash and stores. Experimental Area, Gore .. .. .. 31/10/32 Cash and stores. Quarantine Station, Motuihi .. .. .. 6/3/33 Stores. Farm of Instruction, Ruakura .. .. .. 31/8/32 Cash and stores. Horticultural Station, Te Kauwhata .. .. 31/3/33 Cash and stores. Laboratory, Wallaceville .. .. .. 18/10/32 Cash and stores. Defence Department — Receivers and Sub-receivers .. .. 15 Various Cash. Units and sub-units .. .. .. 57 Various Stores. Ordnance Depot, Ngaruawahia .. .. .. 26/10/32 Cash and stores. Ordnance Depot, Trentham .. .. .. 3/5/32 Stores. Aerodrome, Wigram .. .. .. .. 31/8/32 Cash and stores. Education Department — Child Welfare Offices .. .. .. 10 Various Cash and stores. Girls' Home, Burwood .. .. .. .. 17/11/32 Cash and stores. Boys' Probation Home, Christchurch .. .. 30/4/32 Cash and stores. Receiving-home, Christchurch .. .. .. 30/4/32 Cash and stores. Special School, Otekaike .. .. .. 30/9/32 Cash and stores. Special School, Sumner .. .. .. .. 30/11/32 Cash and stores. Receiving-homes, Wellington .. .. .. 31/8/32 Cash and stores. Correspondence School, Wellington .. .. 16/5/32 Stores. Boys'Training Farm, Weraroa .. .. .. 30/11/32 Cash and stores. Health Department — St. Helens Hospitals .. .. .. 7 Various Cash and stores. District Office, Auckland .. .. .. 31/8/32 Cash and stores. District Office, Christchurch .. .. .. 30/6/32 Cash and stores. District Office, Dunedin.. .. .. .. 30/4/32 Cash and stores. Queen Mary Hospital, Hanmer .. .. .. 31/12/32 Cash and stores. Quarantine Station, Motuihi .. .. .. 6/3/33 Stores. Sanatorium, Pukeora .. .. .. .. 30/11/32 Cash and stores. King George V Hospital, Rotorua .. .. 30/9/32 Cash and stores. Sera and Dental Store, Wellington .. .. 6/2/33 Stores. Industries and Commerce, Tourist and Publicity Department — District Office, Auckland .. .. .. 15/5/32 Cash and stores. District Office, Dunedin.. .. .. .. 15/5/32 Cash and stores. Hostel, Glade House .. .. .. .. 31/1/33 Cash and stores. Hostel, Milford Sound .. .. .. .. 31/1/33 Cash and stores. District Office, Rotorua .. .. .. 30/9/32 Cash and stores. Bath House, Rotorua .. .. .. .. 31/8/32 Cash and stores. Sanatorium, Rotorua .. .. .. .. 30/6/32 Cash and stores. District Office, Te Aroha .. .. .. 31/8/32 Cash and stores. Chateau, Tongariro .. .. .. .. 28/2/33 Cash and stores. Lake House, Waikaremoana .. .. .. 29/6/32 Cash and stores. Hostel, Waitomo Caves .. .. .. 30/11/32 Cash and stores. District Office, Wanganui .. .. .. 9/11/32 Cash and stores. Internal Affairs Department — Government Buildings, Christchurch .. .. 30/6/32 Stores. Government Buildings, Dunedin .. .. .. 31/1/33 Stores. Explosive Magazine, Greymouth .. .. .. 1/3/33 Stores. Explosive Magazine, Invercargill ... .. 28/10/32 Stores. Government Buildings, Invercargill .. .. 15/10/32 Stores. Explosive Magazine, Port Chalmers .. .. 28/4/32 Stores. Conservator of Fish and Game, Rotorua .. .. 30/6/32 Cash and stores. Government Buildings, Tauranga .. .. 1/6/32 Stores. Government Buildings, Wellington .. .. 27/1/33 Stores. Explosive Magazine, Wingatui .. .. .. 24/4/32 Stores. Lands and Survey Department — Land Drainage, Pongakawa .. .. .. 25/11/32 Cash and stores. Land Drainage, Thornton .. .. .. 24/11/32 Cash and stores. Marine Department — Mercantile Marine Office, Lyttelton .. .. 30/6/32 Stores. Mercantile Marine Office, Wellington .. .. 15/3/33 Stores. Mercantile Marine Office, Westport .. .. 7/2/33 Stores. Harbour Board, Westport .. .. .. 31/1/33 Stores. Mental Hospitals Department — Mental Hospital, Avondale .. .. .. 15/2/33 Cash and stores. Mental Hospital, Kingseat .. .. .. 30/6/32 Cash and stores. Mental Hospital, Seaclifl .. .. .. 31/1/33 Cash and stores. Mental Hospital, Sunnyside .. .. .. 31/7/32 Cash and stores. Mental Hospital, Tokanui .. .. .. 14/12/32 Cash and stores. Mines Department — State Coal Depot, Christchurch .. .. .. 31/3/33 Cash and stores. State Coal Mines, Dunollie .. .. .. 31/3/33 Cash and stores. State Coal Depot, Wanganui .. .. .. 31/3/33 Cash and stores. State Coal Dapot, Wellington .. .. .. 31/3/33 Cash and stores. Native Department — Bulk Grass Seed Account, Gisborne .. .. 21/6/32 Stores. Development Scheme, Mohaka .. .. I .. 21/6/32 Stores. Development Scheme, Poroporo .. .. .. 1/7/32 Stores. Development Scheme, Ranana .. .. .. 27/2/33 Stores. Development Scheme, Taheke .. .. .. 30/8/32 Stores. Development Scheme, Tuparoa .. .. .. 1/7/32 Stores.

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List of Departments the Property and Stores of which have been Audited during the Year — continued.

Audit of the Accounts of Local Authorities. The position of the audit of the accounts of local authorities at the 31st March, 1933, was not quite so good as at the, end of the previous financial year, the arrears of work at the 31st March, 1933, showing a slight increase over the arrears at 31st March, 1932. A considerable amount of extra work arising from the Unemployment and National Expenditure Adjustment Acts has been required to be undertaken by the Audit Inspecting Staff, and the progress reported in my last report has received a check in consequence. The number of officers on the Audit Inspecting Staff at the 31st March, 1933, was the same as at the 31st March, 1932, but the total of fees recorded during the past year in respect of the work carried out by the Inspecting Staff shows an increase when compared with that of the previous year of £440. As the fees are charged at a uniform rate for the time occupied on the audits it will be seen that any increase in the arrears of work is not due to any falling-off of energy on the part of the Audit Inspecting Staff, but rather to the additional work thrown on the staff. Local Authorities' Finance. During the year there were thirty-two cases where the statutory provisions governing borrowing on overdraft were contravened by local authorities. Some local authorities, through no lack of effort on their part to maintain their expenditure within the bounds of their income, are, owing to their inability to collect outstanding rates, finding it extremely difficult in the present financial stress to keep within the statutory limit of overdraft, and in several instances where the overdraft has been exceeded the local authorities concerned have shown a reluctance to take the necessary steps to recover the outstanding rates. Section 3 of the Local Bodies' Finance Act, 1921-22, restricts the borrowing on overdraft or temporary loan by a local authority during anv year to an amount not exceeding three-fourths of the total revenue of the preceding year, provided, however, that at the end of any year the amount so borrowed does not exceed a sum greater than that portion of the revenue of that year which remains unpaid and outstanding at that date. A local authority may therefore have committed a breach of section 3 at the end of any financial year, in that the amount owing at that date on overdraft, and/or temporary loan, exceeded the outstanding revenue of that year, but such local authority may nevertheless have complied with the statute on the following day, the first day of a new financial year, as on that day the borrowing limit is three-fourths of the total revenue of the preceding year. The present economic position has disclosed the inadequacy of the provisions of section 3 as a safeguard against excessive borrowing, as the fact that a local authority's accounts disclose that the bank overdraft, and/or temporary loans, do not exceed the revenue outstanding, is not an indication that the lender's position is secure, for the reason that it may not be possible for the local authority to collect any substantial portion of the outstanding revenue. It is apparent that at the present time the limits of borrowing fixed by section 3 are excessive in cases where arrears of rates form the greater part of the outstanding revenue, as such arrears will no doubt include a large proportion of uncollectable rates.


Department and Offlce. Number. Date. Remarks. Naval Defence Department — Naval Base, Auckland .. .. .. .. 16/8/32 Stores. R.N.V.R., Auckland .. .. .. .. 31/8/32 Cash and stores. R.N.V.R., Dunedin .. .. .. .. 30/4/32 Stores. R.N.V.R., Wellington .. .. .. .. 30/6/32 Cash and stores. Ships' cash accounts .. .. .. 44 Various Cash. Ships' miscellaneous accounts .. .. 29 Various Stores. Police Department — District Office, Auckland .. .. .. 30/5/32 Cash and stores. Police Station, Opotiki . . .. .. .. 25/3/33 Stores. Prisons Department — Prisons .. .. .. .. 12 Various Cash and stores. Public Works Department — District offices and sub-offices .. .. 26 Various Cash and stores. Road stores and roadworks .. .. 44 Various Stores. Lake Coleridge .. .. .. .. 31/7/32 Stores. Mangahao .. .. .. .. .. 5/7/32 Cash and stores. Waikaremoana .. .. .. .. 5/7/32 Cash and stores. Waitaki .. .. .. .. .. 31/3/33 Cash and stores. Workshops, Wellington .. .. .. .. 31/7/32 Stores. State Forest Service — District Office, Auckland .. .. .. 31/10/32 Cash and stores. District Office, Christchurch .. .. .. 31/10/32 Cash and stores. Plantation, Hanmer Springs .. .. .. 10/1/33 Cash and stores. District Office, Hokitika .. .. .. 22/4/32 Cash and stores. District Office, Invercargill .. .. .. 28/11/32 Cash and stores. Plantation, Maramarua .. .. .. .. 30/12/32 Cash and stores. District Office, Palmerston North .. .. 28/9/32 Cash and stores. Plantation, Riverhead .. .. .. .. 30/12/32 Cash and stores. Plantation, Tairua .. .. .. .. 6/12/32 Cash and stores.

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A matter which has been particularly marked during the past year is the tendency of local authorities to refrain from contributing the annual instalments to the sinking funds created in respect of loans raised by them. During the past year there were no less than twenty-three instances where local authorities had failed either to establish the sinking fund or to make the annual contribution thereto, notwithstanding that the terms upon which the loans were raised provided for the creation of and the payment of an annual instalment to such fund. The failure of local authorities in this regard represents the adoption of a policy of economy at the expense of the debenture-holder. Disqualifications . Six members of local authorities automatically forfeited their seats during the year on account of being concerned or interested in contracts with the local authorities of which they were members to an extent in excess of the statutory contractual limits, or on account of their holding an office or place of profit under or in the gift of such local authorities. In all instances but one the members concerned appear to have acted in ignorance of the law. In one instance an Audit Inspector reported that it had been discovered that a member of two local authorities, of one of which he was also Chairman, had been supplying goods to the two bodies and rendering invoices for such goods on the invoice forms of other firms. The cheques drawn by the local authorities concerned in payment of the goods supplied were traced into either the bank account of the member or into the bank account of one of the firms whose invoices he had used. In some cases the signatures to the vouchers, which purported to have been signed by the firms, were forged by the member, and in other cases, where the vouchers had been signed by an employee of the firm concerned, the cheques had been credited in the firm's books to the member's personal account. The Audit Office took proceedings against the member under the provisions of the Public Contracts and Local Bodies' Contracts Act, 1908, for recovery of four amounts received by him together with a penalty of £10 in respect of each transaction, and action was also taken against him for forgery in respect of all the invoices and vouchers forged by him. Prior to the commencement of the Court proceedings under the above-mentioned Act, the member paid to the Crown Solicitor the sum of the four amounts received by him—viz., £62 6s. 3d . and £40 for penalties, together with £3 3s. costs. On the charge of forgery, the member was convicted and fined £150 and £50 costs in respect of his dealings with one local authority, and he was convicted and ordered to come up for sentence if called upon within twelve months, in respect of his dealings with the other local authority. In all the member was fined £305 9s. 3d. Defalcations. In the past year the Audit Office dealt with thirteen cases of misappropriation of funds by local-body officials, particulars of which were in every instance placed in the hands of the police. The defaulters were dealt with by Criminal Court action, and a sentence was imposed by the Court in each instance. The total sum involved in the defalcations amounted to £1,915 65., and the largest sum misappropriated by any one official was £971. Stores. A satisfactory feature is the fact that the Audit Inspectors' reports indicate that local authorities appear to be gradually realizing that in order to eliminate wastage and prevent misappropriation of materials, the keeping of an adequate system of stores control is essential. There are still many local authorities, however, which regard such work as unnecessary. Such local authorities fail to realize that stores represent moneys and should be accounted for with almost as high a standard of accuracy as cash itself, nor do they appear to recognize the many advantages to be gained by keeping accurate records of the expenditure of stores. As stated by me in a previous report, it is desirable that the keeping of stores records by the responsible officials of local authorities should be made compulsory by statute. At present there is no statutory obligation on local bodies to keep accurate store accounts. Local Government Law. The Audit Office found it necessary to take action in respect of numerous breaches of the law relating to the accounts of local authorities, as detailed below (Schedule A). Where a satisfactory explanation concerning the breaches was not made by the local authority an adjustment in the accounts or a recovery of the moneys was required by the Audit Office. Where, however, special circumstances existed the adjustment was waived on an undertaking being given that legislation would be sought for the purpose of validating the irregularity. A list of the special cases where this conditional waiver was granted is set out in Schedule B. Schedule A. Depreciation in trading accounts, absence or inadequacy of charge for .. 1 Disqualification of local-body members on account of breaches of law .. .. 6 Expenditure without legal authority . . .. .. .. ■ • .. 47 Failure to provide for expenditure for year out of revenue .. .. .. 39 Fidelity securities for staff (absence of) .. .. .. .. • • ..11 Imprest accounts without authority of law .. .. .. .. .. 2 Investments contrary to law .. .. .. .. . • • • .. 6


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Schedule A —-continued. Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926 (offences under) — (a) Loans raised in excess of or without legal authority .. .. . . L (6) Loan-moneys illegally expended .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 (c)» Interest on fixed deposits, wrongly applied .. .. . . 1 (d) Loan-moneys not in separate bank account . . . . .. 12 (e) Sinking funds not established and instalments in arrear .. .. 23 (/) Loan allocations overexpended .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 (g) Sale of debentures at a discount .. .. .. .. .. 2 (h) Interest paid in excess of authorized rate . . .. .. 4 (i) Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 Main Highways Act, 1926, section 2 : Separate bank accounts not kept . . .. 2 Moneys not banked as required by law .. .. .. .. .. 9 Overdrafts without or in excess of statutory authority ... .. .. 32 Overdrafts without consent of Minister .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 Payments unsupported by receipts and/or vouchers .. .. .. .. 30 Purchase on terms or by instalments and payment of interest thereon. . .. 12 Rates, dues, &c, not levied or collected according to law . . .. .. 31 Rebates in terms of section 45 (2), Finance Act (No. 4), 1931, not allowed .. .. 3 Refunds or remissions contrary to law .. .. .. ■ .. .. 10 Reserves for depreciation, &c, not invested .. .. .. .. 15 Separate accounts established without lawful authority .. .. .. 17 Separate accounts not kept as required by law .. .. .. .. .. 5 Travelling expenses and allowances in excess of or without statutory authority .. 8 Unlawful sinking and other funds .. .. .. .. .. 4 " Unauthorized expenditure "in excess of legal limits .. . . . . . . 1 Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928 (offences under) — (a) Borrowing without authority of law .. .. .. . . 31 (b) Failure to bank funds as required by law .. .. .. .. 23 (c) Breaches of trustee law .. .. .. .. .. 6 (d) Payments without statutory authority .. .. .. .. 8 (e) Investments and deposits without statutory authority . . .. 16 (/) Reduction of rental without statutory authority .. .. .. 5 (g) Payments unsupported by receipts and/or vouchers .. .. 16 (h) Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 Cemeteries Act, 1908 (offences under) — (a) Failure to bank funds as required by law .. .. .. .. 36 (b) Breaches of trustee law .. .. .. .. .. 9 (c) Payments unsupported by receipts and/or vouchers .. .. 2 (d) Payments without statutory authority .. .. . . .. .. 4 (e) Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Attention has been drawn during the year to the following matters which relate to the accounts of local authorities but which are not breaches of law. Unsatisfactory systems of accounts — (a) Financial .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 (6) Stores .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..15 Excessive sundry debtors, laxity in collecting rates, &c. .. .. .. 18 Profit and Loss Account: Balance incorrectly stated .. .. .. 15 Sundry items not verified owing to inadequacy or non-production of supporting evidence 49 Schedule B. — Breaches of Law passed subject to Validation of Irregularities. Manukau County Council —Preliminary expenses incurred prior to raising of a loan charged to loan. Tauranga Borough Council —Expenditure in connection with borough jubilee celebrations. Pleasant Point Town Board—Loan-moneys used for purpose other than that authorized in the loan proposal. Stratford Borough Council —Expenditure in connection with opening of Stratford Main Trunk Railway. Taumarunui Borough Council —Expenditure in connection with opening of Stratford Main Trunk Railway. Napier Harbour Board —Harbour dues remitted without lawful authority. Wairoa Borough Council —Appointment, with remuneration, of a Councillor as supervisor of unemployment-relief works in the county. Hauraki Plains County Council —Expenditure of moneys of a special area loan on works outside such area. Brunner Borough Council —Rebate on rates allowed at a higher rate than prescribed by section 64, Rating Act, 1925. Malvern County Council—Diversion of trust funds. University of New Zealand —-Taranaki Scholarship awarded without recipient complying with statutory conditions. Timaru Borough Council —Grant to Central Relief Society and Boys Welfare League.


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Schedule B —continued. Lyttelton Harbour Board—Grant to Unemployment Relief Fund of Mayor of Christchurch. Hastings Borough Council —Grant to Unemployment Relief Fund from Theatre Account. Otorohanga Town Board—Renewal loan raised without approval of Loans Board and interestpaid thereon at higher rate than payable on original loan. Newman Cemetery Trustees —Payments to two trustees in contravention of trustee law. Pongaroa Scenic Reserve Board —Payments to a Board member in contravention of trustee law. Westshore Domain Board —Payments to Board member in excess of contractual limits. Waikouaiti Domain Board —Payment to Board member in excess of contractual limit. STATEMENT OF ROYALTIES PAYABLE TO THE CROWN AND UNPAID AT THE 31st MARCH, 1933. SECTION 91 (2), PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1926. Section 91 (2) of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, reads as follows : — " The Controller and Auditor-General shall include in the report to be prepared by him pursuant to subsection two of section eighty-nine hereof a statement as to all royalties payable to the Crown and for the time being unpaid, setting forth in respect of such royalties — " (a) The name of the person by whom the same are payable ; " (&) The amount payable by each such person ; and " (c) The steps (if any) that have been taken to recover the said royalties, and, if no such steps have been taken, the reasons for allowing the said royalties to remain outstanding." Following the course previously adopted, the names of those in arrear are not published, although so required by the Act, but in the figures hereunder are included all amounts which were shown on the Department's books as owing and unpaid on the 31st March last. No attempt has been made to distinguish between the persons who have reasonable grounds for non-payment and those who have not :— Department. Amount unpaid. Forestry — £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland Region .. .. .. .. .. 40 11 1 Nelson Region .. .. .. .. .. 2,141 18 9 Rotorua Region .. .. .. .. .. 2,080 11 0 Wellington Region .. .. .. .. .. 35 5 11 Westland Region .. .. .. .. .. 266 18 4 4,565 5 1 Lands and Survey — North Auckland District .. .. .. .. 1,683 7 4 Auckland District .. .. .. .. .. 532 1 1 Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. .. 287 0 2 Wellington District .. .. .. .. 1,242 411 Nelson District .. .. .. .. .. 113 2 4 Canterbury District .. .. .. .. 16 12 6 Westland District .. .. .. .. 1,428 3 0 Southland District .. .. .. .. .. 274 10 3 5,577 1 7 Defence .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 11 6 Marine .. .. .. .. .. .'. .. .. 584 7 11 Mines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,046 15 6 Native .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,994 18 7 Public Works .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 4 0 £21,779 4 2 MONEYS AND STORES WRITTEN OFF. SECTION 3 (3), PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1926. A statement of the items representing moneys and stores to the writing-off of which the Audit Office has given its concurrence since last report is shown in the Appendix hereto. STAFF. I desire to express my appreciation of the services which have been rendered by officers of the Department in carrying out the many difficult duties which the Audit Office is required to perform. I have also to thank the various Government Departments and Local Bodies for their ready cooperation in adopting suggestions made with a view to improving accounting methods and for the assistance rendered to the Audit Inspectors when carrying out their duties. G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. Audit Office, 6th December, 1933.


B.—l [PT. ll].




Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of Stores. Cash. Agriculture. £ s. d. £ s. d. Value of stores .. .. .. ■. Loss on realization, deficient, broken, 155 13 4 obsolete, stolen, or destroyed by fire Value of live-stook .. .. .. Died, destroyed, or deficient .. .. 415 2 11 Value of publications .. .. .. Gratuitously issued .. .. .. 1 13 9 Value of firewood .. .. .. Gratuitously issued .. .. .. 0 13 0 Value of buildings .; .. .. Loss on realization or demolition .. 334 2 8 Value of land .. .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 227 0 0 Value of motor-vehicles .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 39 2 5 Mamaku farm .. .. .. • • Loss on realization .. .. .. 3,040 13 Official stamps .. .. .. .. Deficient ., .. .. .. .. 1 18 5 Contribution towards salary and expenses of Company in liquidation .. .. .. 16 19 7 Farm Dairy Instructor Herd-testing fees .. .. .. Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 4 12 8 Dairy-produce grading-fees .. .. Companies in liquidation .. .. .. 10 1 Slaughtering and inspection fees .. .. Debtors bankrupt. Fee on actual stock .. 10 16 0 slaughtered, instead of minimum fee, accepted on account of trouble with slaughtermen Quarantine fees .. .. .. Fees remitted on account of animal dying .. 1 10 6 while in quarantine Fruit destruction .. .. .. Debtor in poor circumstances .. .. 0 3 9 Fumigation of lemons .. .. .. Debtor in poor circumstances .. .. 0 5 0 Hay supplied in connection with starving Debtor unfinanoial .. .. .. .. 3 4 6 stock, Wairarapa Sale of potatoes.. .. .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances or deceased .. 2 8 5 Sale of wine .. .. .. . ■ Debtors bankrupt or unfinanoial .. .. 2 12 0 Sale of condemned stock .. .. .. Company insolvent .. .. .. .. 27 0 0 Stationery supplied to farm student .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 0 2 3 Audit. Audit fees .. .. .. .. Fee reduced owing to special circum- .. 8 110 stances Defence. Value of stores .. .. .... Deficient, stolen, broken, destroyed by 24,125 8 6 fire, or loss on realization Value of horses .. .. .. .. Died or destroyed .. .. .. 116 10 0 Value of buildings .. .. .. Handed over on surrender of lease .. 437 0 0 Value of clothing and equipment on issue to Untraceable or destroyed by fire .. 98 17 9 trainees Value of aeroplane engines .. .. Loss on realization .. .. 1,956 9 6 Value of aeroplanes .. .. .. Destroyed in crashes .. .. 1,690 0 2 Value of spares .. .. .. .. Destroyed in crash while on loan .. 235 16 0 Value of motor-vehicles .. .. .. Damaged in accident .. .. 10 9 10 Value of equipment .. .. .. Gratuitously issued .. .. .. 27 8 7 Hire of tent .. .. .. , • Ordinary charge remitted .. .. .. 14 13 7 Hire of camp equipment .. .. .. Used for unemployment camps .. .. 40 0 0 Hire of blankets .. .. .. Issued on free loan for unemployed relief .. 5 10 0 purposes Rent .. .. .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. Ill 10 9 Freight on uniform supplied to foreign war Nugatory expenditure, gratuitous issue.. .. 2 6 10 museum Education. Value of stores .. .. .. • • Stolen, broken, deficient, or obsolete .. 108 13 8 Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died or destroyed .. .. .. 216 7 11 Value of motor-vehicles .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 56 15 3 Maintenance fees .. .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances, deceased, .. 1,150 10 5 or untraceable Sale of calf .. .. .. .. Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 2 2 0 External Affairs. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Unserviceable .. .. .. 10 0 0 Value of land, buildings, furniture, plant Loss on realization .. .. .. 7,834 16 5 and equipment, New Zealand Reparation Estates Value of stores and equipment, New Zealand Deficient, worn out, broken, perished, or 642 7 0 Reparation Estates obsolete Trading Accounts, New Zealand Reparation Debtors bankrupt or unfinancial .. .. 230 16 1 Estates Sale of bananas .. .. .. ■• Fruit deteriorated on voyage from Samoa .. 3,114 17 6 Government Accident Insurance. Interest under agreement for sale and purchase Remitted in order to save security .. .. 199 0 0

B.—l [PT. ll].



Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of Stores. Cash. Health. £ s. d. £ g. d. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient, destroyed, broken, or unservice- 1,210 11 5 able Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died or loss on realization .. .. 303 4 3 Value of machinery .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 57 10 0 Maintenance and treatment .. .. Debtors in poor circumstance, bankrupt, .. 8,715 5 7 untraceable, or deceased Returned empty containers .. .. Company insolvent .. .. .. .. 12 6 Immigration. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 6 2 6 Passage-money to New Zealand .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances .. .. 46 2 0 Industries and Commerce, Tourist and Publicity. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient, broken, stolen, obsolete, burnt, 390 6 0 ... unserviceable, or loss on realization Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died, stolen, or loss on realization .. 64 19 9 Value of buildings .. .. .. Loss on realization or demolition .. 2,295 17 8 Value of plant .. .. ., .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 383 16 4 Rotorua Sanatorium fees .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances or un- .. 228 16 4 traceable X-ray fees, Te Aroha ... .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances or bank- .. 880 rupt Harbour fees, Lakes Rotorua and Rotoiti .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. 7 13 2 Electricity-supply .. .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances or un- .. 60 17 11 traceable Water-supply .. .. .. .. Debtors bankrupt, unfinancial, or un- .. 50 7 0 traceable. Discount allowed under mitigating circumstances. Supply inadequate Hire of boat .. .. .. .. Department unable to recover the amount .. 0 5 0 owing Sale of photographs .. .. .. Photographs used for publicity purposes. 2 7 4 Debtor in poor circumstances Advertising-charges .. .. .. Debtors bankrupt or in poor circum- .. 6 0 0 stances Rents .. .. .. .. .. Date of commencement of tenancy .. 114 4 disputed. Debtor in poor circumstances Accommodation charges .. .. .. Debtors untraceable .. .. .. 0 9 0 Internal Affairs. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 383 .. Value of furniture .. .. .. Handed over to Canterbury Provincial 10 5 0 Buildings Board Advances by High Commissioner, and cost of Debtors in poor circumstances or un- .. 126 11 4 cables traceable Advance by Consul at Port Said .. .. Debtor untraceable .. .. .. .. 42 17 10 Costs of Commission of inquiry .. .. Debtor in poor circumstances .. .. 18 6 Justice. Value of stores .. ... .. .. Destroyed or loss on realization .. 31 10 9 Value of buildings .. .. .. Loss on demolition .. .. .. 38 0 0 Court costs .. .. .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances or deceased .. 33 2 0 Labour. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, deficient, or loss on realiza- 18 14 2 tion Penalties and costs .. .. .. Debtors bankrupt, in poor circumstances, .. 29 19 6 or untraceable Fares of workmen .. .. .. Untraceablo .... 1 18 11 Lands and Survey. Value of stores .:. .. Broken or deficient .. .. .. 192 18 3 Value of lithographs .. .. .. Obsolete or deficient .. .. 226 10 6 Value of motor-vehicles .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 37 17 4 ... Kauri-gum Industry Account .. .. Loss on realization of assets .. .. 7,259 8 11 Rents .. .. .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial, bankrupt, deceased, .. 10,038 3 11 or untraceable. Claim for rent abandoned on surrender of lease Cash forwarded in payment of rent .. Lost in fire following earthquake .. .. 11 7 6 Interest on deferred-payment licenses .. Debtors unfinancial, bankrupt, or un- 3,655 16 3 traceable Cash forwarded in payment of interest on i Lost in fire following earthquake .. .. 1 19 0 deferred-payment license Advances under Discharged Soldiers Settle- j Loss on realization of securities .. .. 69,764 19 10 ment Act Harbour Board debentures taken over as part Loss on realization .. .. .. .. 85 3 7 payment for discharged soldiers advances

B.—l [PT. ll].



Department and Particulars. Reason (or writing off. Value of Stores. Cash. Lands and Survey —continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash forwarded in payment of interest, dis- Lost in fire following earthquake .. .. 13 3 9 charged soldiers settlement advances Advances, Waimarino bush-fire relief .. Debtors unfinaneial. Interest remitted I .. 121 5 4 on account of low prices for produce Advances, flood relief .. .. .. Debtors unfinaneial or bankrupt .. .. 77 9 7 Legal expenses .. .. .. Debtors unfinaneial. Amounts due paid | .. 9 9 0 to post-office before issue of summonses Timber royalties .. .. .. Debtor unfinaneial. Rebates granted .. 320 6 9 for prompt payment Max royalty .. .. .. •• Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 247 14 1 Kauri-gum royalty and rent on gum-washing Debtors unfinaneial or untraceable .. .. 8 14 3 license Advances on kauri-gum .. .. Debtors unfinaneial or untraceable .. .. 17 18 3 Freight on kauri-gum .. .. .. Company wound up .. .. .. .. 11 16 0 Survey fees and interest .. .. No information available as to who applied .. 24 f> 11 for the survey Rates .. ■ • • • • • Debtor unfinaneial .. .. .. .. 025 Insurance premium .. .. .. Debtor unfinaneial .. .. .. .. 3 13 2 Sale of tools .. .. .. ■ ■ Company wound up .. .. .. .. 52 6 8 Sale of lithographs and Year-Book .. Debtors unfinaneial or untraceable .. .. 3 17 11 Legislative, Value of stores .. .. .. .. Broken or deficient .. .. .. 439 Value of publications .. .. .. Lost in post .. .. .. j 069 Marine. Value of stores .. .. .. ■ • Deficient or broken .. .. .. 43 5 2 Machinery and boiler inspection fees .. Debtors unfinaneial, bankrupt, or un- .. 56 7 5 traceable Rents and foreshore licenses .. .. Department unable to recover amounts .. 23 18 7 owing, claims abandoned Mental Hospitals. Value of stores .. .. .. •• Lost, stolen, or deficient .. .. 2,36117 9 Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died or destroyed .. .. .. 624 8 0 Sale of pig .. . • • • • • Buyer dissatisfied, claim reduced .. .. 110 Mines. Value of stores .. .. .. •■ Lost, stolen, or deficient .. .. 118 6 11 Value of coal shortages .. .. .. Due to handling, evaporation, and stone 2,306 4 9 Value of plant .. • • Loss on realization or unserviceable .. 253 2 2 Value of buildings .. • • Abandoned as of no further use .. 82 0 0 Court costs .. .. .. • • Debtors in poor circumstances, untrace- .. I 7 4 0 able, or deceased. Company dissolved Sale of coal .. ■ • • • Debtors unfinaneial or bankrupt .. .. 192 19 5 National Provident. Value of stores .. .. • • Loss on realization or unserviceable .. 16 12 10 Native. Value of stores .. .. .. • • Broken, deficient, or unserviceable .. 37 5 10 Native Trust. Local-body debentures .. .. • • Loss on realization .. .. .. .. 32 0 0 Naval Defence. Value of stores .. .. .. •• Lost, broken, or deficient .. .. 211 7 8 Value of clothing on issue .. .. Irrecoverable .. .. .. 4 17 3 Value of provisions, H.M.S. " Philomel'.' .. Issued at less than cost .. .. 133 18 5 I Value of provisions, H.M.S. " Diomede " .. Issued at less than cost .. .. 105 15 9 I Value of provisions, H.M.S. " Wakakura " .. Issued at less than cost .. .. 59 11 3 I Value of clothing, H.M.S. " Diomede " .. Issued at less than cost .. .. 36 2 11 J Mulct against pay for leave-breaking .. Offender discharged from the service, .. 9 4 0 deferred pay at credit forfeited Rent .. .. .. .. Debtor in poor circumstances .. .. 5 15 0 .. j Pensions. Value of stores .. .. .. •• Broken or unserviceable .. .. 8 6 11 Overpayments of war pension .. .. On review it was ascertained that pay- .. 623 6 1 merits were not in accordance with law. Amounts could not be recovered. Overpavment of widow's pension .. .. Pension paid on erroneous presumption .. 246 2 6 of husband's death by drowning. Amount could not be recovered.

B.—l [PT. 111.


v—B. 1 TPt. 111.


Department and Particulars. Reason lor writing off. Value of Stores. Cash. Police. £ s. d. £ s. d. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, unserviceable, or loss on ! 127 16 6 realization Value of buildings .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 219 10 5 Post and Telegraph. Value of stores .. .. .. .. I Lost, stolen, broken, obsolete, deficient, 1,484 10 6 destroyed by fire, or loss on realization Value of telephones .. .. .. Destroyed by fire .. .. .. 1,084 0 2 Value of motor-vehicles .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 5 15 4 Toll fees .. .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial, bankrupt, untrace- .. 428 12 4 able, or deceased Telephone receipts .. .. .. Cash stolen from public call offices .. .. 40 4 9 Repairs to cream lorry .. .. .. Nugatory expenditure ; lorry damaged in .. 18 11 3 collision with Government vehicle Rent .. .. .. .. .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 3100 Printing and Stationery. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, deficient, or stolen .. .. 61 12 0 Sale of publications .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial or untraceabJe .. .. 16 16 8 Prisons. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Stolen, lost, or damaged .. .. 129 16 4 Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died or destroyed .. .. .. 1,006 15 9 Value of land .. .. .. .. Loss on revaluation .. .. .. 5,853 14 2 Sale of road-metal and sand .. .. .Debtors unfinancial or untraceable .. .. 4 16 4 Medical maintenance of persons apprehended Debtors untraceable .. .. .. .. 400 Maintenance of prohibited immigrant pending Shipping company not held liable .. .. 6 12 0 deportation Police expenses .. .. .. .. Probationer absconded. Debtor deceased .. 16 0 Damage to prison property whilst on remand Debtor committed to mental hospital .. .. 10 0 for observation Value of clothing stolen by escaped prisoner.. Balance of charge, against earnings, .. 114 7 written off on release Honey shares .. .. .. .. Associationinliquidation, shares valueless .. 0 16 0 Costs of production of prisoner at Magistrate's- Debtor untraceable .. .. .. .. 14 0 Court Public Service Superannuation Fund. Overpayment of superannuation retiring- Notification of re-employment not given .. 633 18 6 allowance to office. Amount written off on account of hardship, and ill health of payee Public Trust. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Loss on realization or unserviceable .. 199 17 8 Loans on mortgage, and advances to estates Principal reduced to avoid foreclosure .. 5,974 18 11 and consequent loss on security. Loss on realization of securities Compensation to estate for loss of assets .. Misappropriated by former member of .. 411 18 10 office staff Public Works. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, stolen, obsolete, deficient, loss on 4,054 14 10 realization, or destroyed by fire Value of buildings .. .. .. Destroyed by fire .. .. .. 642 12 0 Makomako Sawmill .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 1,310 18 0 Contribution to railway-siding .. .. Contribution remitted owing to difficult .. 960 0 0 circumstances of the company Royalty on metal .. .. .. Metal found to be of inferior quality .. .. 360 0 0 Electricity supplied .. .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances, or un- .. 4 10 traceable. Company insolvent Power Account, penalty for late payment by Payment delayed owing to absence of .. 98 13 3 local bodies members of staff Inspection of electric lines .. .. Company insolvent .. .. .. .. 4 4 0 Damage to electric plant while being unloaded Claim reduced after negotiation between .. 44 7 4 Crown Solicitor and Shipping Company Water rates .. .. .. .. Debtor unfinancial. Rates remitted on .. 71 0 9 recommendation of special investigating committee Penalty for late payment of water rates .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 12 6 Drainage-works for Hospital Board .. Board considered work faulty and not in .. 14 3 3 accordance with requirements Interest on overdue instalments, sale of loco- Remitted under special circumstances .. .. 2 2 0 motive Rent .. .. .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial or untraceable .. .. 17 3 0 Hire charges and expenses .. .. Charges incurred in raising money for .. 4 10 0 relief fund Repairs to lorry damaged in accident .. Legal proceedings unsuccessful .. .. 46 7 3 Contribution to interest and sinking fund, loan Company in liquidation .. .. .. 9 3 4 under Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act Railway fares for workmen .. .. Debtors unfinanoial or untraceable .. .. 2 7 6 Wages overpaid to workman falsely repre- Debtor convicted and sentenced to pro- .. 12 10 9 senting himself as a married man bation, amount irrecoverable

B.—l [PT. ll].



Department and Particulars. Season lor writing off. Value of Stores. Cash. Public Works —continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. Wages overpaid to workmen owing to failure Workmen now on relief work or un- . . 3 15 10 to reduce rate in accordance with the employed National Expenditure Adjustment Act Compensation for loss of cow .. .. -Nugatory expenditure, animal strayed . . 8 0 0 through fence opening left by workmen and fell over a cliff Cost of repairs to building in Napier .. Nugatory expenditure ; damage caused .. 18 9 10 by blasting operations in the vicinity Compensation for damage to mowing-machine Nugatory expenditure ; damage caused .. 5 9 3 by survey pegs left in the ground Railways. Value of wagons .. .. .. Damaged beyond repair in various 1,025 16 9 accidents Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, stolen, or broken .. .. 968 12 2 Rent .. .. .. .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances, untrace- .. 567 10 0 able, or deceased. Railway-siding not used, claim for rental waived Freight and shunting charge .. .. Debtors unfinancial or untraceable .. .. 166 13 10 Advertising charges .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial or bankrupt. Penal .. 377 13 10 rate on disputed claim waived Cancellation fee .. .. .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 2 12 7 Dishonoured cheque .. .. .. Debtor untraceable .. .. .. .. 4 0 0 Scientific and Industrial Research. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost or unserviceable .. .. 42 3 8 Analysis fees .. .. .. .. Debtor untraceable. Efforts to collect .. 97 5 0 unsuccessful. Debit cancelled in return for information furnished Stamp Duties. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Broken, obsolete, or unserviceable .. 42 12 11 Death duty .. .. .. .. Bankrupt estate .. .. .. .. 680 7 2 Companies license duty .. .. .. Duty payable prior to a ruling that cer- .. 12,990 16 9 tain companies were not exempt; amounts irrecoverable Penal interest on totalizator duty .. .. Remitted on account of financial diffi- .. 518 13 10 culties of the Racing Clubs. Misunderstanding as to extension of time State Advances — Settlers Branch. Loans on mortgage .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. .. 10,152 148 State Advances — Worker," Branch. Loans on mortgage .. .. .. Loss on realization, debtors unfinancial .. 5,787 1 3 State Fire and Accident Insurance. Value of motor-vehicles .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. . . 12 17 3 State Forest Service. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Broken, lost, unserviceable, or loss on 441 11 11 realization Value of live-stook .. .. .. Died, destroyed, or loss on realization .. 48 10 0 Value of buildings .. .. .. Loss on demolition .. .. .. 176 5 1 Timber royalties .. .. .. Rebate for prompt payment .. .. .. 3,340 11 4 Timber royalties .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 3,256 3 7 Rent and permit fee .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial, or untraceable. . . 245 18 0 Rent remitted on account of flood damage Transport. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient or loss on realization .. 18 14 2 Treasury. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient .. .. .. .. 041 Deficiency, land-settlement associations .. Debentures matured, no assets .. •.. 5,166 12 11 Loans from General Purposes Relief Account — Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 350 17 7 Frost Relief Unemployment Board. Excess relief payments obtained under false Debtor unable to repay .. .. .. 10 2 6 pretences Compensation for loss on meat contract .. Nugatory expenditure; contractor in- .. 10 0 0 curred loss on account of anticipated number of workers failing to go into camp Valuation. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Unserviceable .. .. .. 0 17 0 79,679 3 9 152,958 4 7 £232,637 V 8s. 4d.

B.—l [Pt.ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 932-1 933


I—B. 1 [Pt. ll].


Balances on 31st March, 1932. Transactions, 1932-1933. Balances on 31st March, 1933. Dr. Cr. Dβ. Or. Dr. Cr. CONSOLIDATED FUND :— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Ordinary Beventte Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,167,78117 10 55,598,301 2 4 55,043,683 10 3 .. 613,164 5 9 Nauru and Ocean Islands Account .. .. .. .. .. 2,987 18 9 2,987 18 9 Nauru and Ocean Islands Sinking Fund Account .. • .. .. 65 4 5 65 4 5 Accounts of Local Bodies .. .. .. .. .. .. 14,419 18 10 167,587 9 10 205,199 6 1 .. 52,03115 1 Deposits Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 344,331 18 10 983,677 17 8 957,712 6 8 .. 318,366 7 10 PUBLIC WORKS FUND :— General Purposes Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,783,033 17 3 1,953,08113 8 1,491,018 11 5 .. 1,320,970 15 0 Electric Supply Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,224 16 8 1,232,667 17 4 1,356,872 12 2 .. 133,429 11 6 Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. ..• .. 62,058 15 10 200 0 0 21,932 16 2 .. 83,791 12 0 BANK OF NEW ZEALAND SHARES ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 1,859,375 0 0 242,708 6 8 242,708 6 8 .. 1,859,375 0 0 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. 194,909 1111 3,297,904 17 6 3,363,364 6 5 .. 260 369 0 10 GENERAL PURPOSES RELIEF ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 23,871 10 8 23,871 10 8 HAURAKI PLAINS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT . . .. .. .. 44 10 4 44 10 4 HOWARD ESTATE ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 11 1 0 11 1 HUNTER SOLDIERS ASSISTANCE TRUST ACCOUNT .. .. .. 7,123 1 6 7,123 16 HUTT VALLEY LANDS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 9115 11 9115 11 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 191,032 9 7 751,737 2 10 618,509 14 4 .. 57,805 1 1 LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 368,902 18 9 13,600,063 8 11 13,534,818 10 .. 303,657 10 10 LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT PART II CONVERSION ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 6,398 0 2 .. 6 398 0 2 MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT REVENUE FUND .. .. .. .. 398,859 7 1 1.385,747 8 10 1,191,779 10 10! .. 204,891 9 1 MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT CONSTRUCTION FUND .. .. .. 99,674 19 1 212,590 6 4 170,70118 9 ! .. 57 786 11 6 MINING ADVANCES ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 528 14 6 528 14 6 NATIVE LAND SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 3,941 1 5 411,877 13 1 411,38116 6 .. 3,445 4 10 PUBLIC DEBT REPAYMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 15,165 1 0 922,310 0 0 1,336,2611110 .. 429 116 12 10 RANGITAIKI LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT .. .. . .j .. 10,797 5 0 10,797 5 0 REMITTANCES FROM LONDON ACCOUNT . . .. .. : .. . . 261 19 9 261 19 9 REMITTANCES TO LONDON ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,075,929 4 6 I 3,075,929 4 6 RESERVE FUND ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,101,168 14 0 628,529 17 6! 5,910 11 7 .. 478,549 8 1 STATE ADVANCES LOAN ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 176 9 7 211,410 12 3 211,404 12 8 .. 170 10 0 STATE COAL-MINES ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 46,084 2 2 202,11110 7 222,003 18 2 .. 65,976 9 9 STATE COAL-MINES SINKING FUND ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 7,990 5 6 7,950 0 0 8,259 4 2 | .. 8,299 9 8 STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,487 16 0 281,738 17 6 284,550 8 1 I .. 14,299 6 7 SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 9,008 19 1 9,008 19 1 UNEMPLOYMENT FUND .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 184,966 12 8 3,801,493 13 0 4,040,953 5 9 .. 424 426 5 5 WESTPORT HARBOUR ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 477 13 0 477 13 0 WORKING RAILWAYS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 816,962 14 1 5,819,059 10 3 6,267,396 9 5 1,265,299 13 3 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,736,545 12 4 94,843,937 14 7 94,069,012 3 4 7,961,620 1 1* * For explanatory statement see page 4.

B.—i [Pt. ii;




Balances on 31st Mabch, 1932. Tbansactions, 1932-1933. Balances on 31st March, 1933. Dr. Ce. De. Ge. Dβ. Cr. PUBLIC ACCOUNT :— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand in the Dominion .. .. .. .. 834,292 17 4 .. 42,647,487 3 7 42,285,887 11 7 1,195,892 9 4 Bank of New Zealand in London .. .. .. .. 26,364 13 11 .. 30,976,946 13 1 30,991,267 13 10 12,043 13 2 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS :— Miscellaneous Imprests .. .. .. .. .. .. 82,397 8 7 .. 23,479,545 12 5 23,495,93110 2 66,01110 10 Foreign Imprest Account.. .. .. .. .. .. 107,491 2 7 .. 937,802 12 2 975,907 7 1 69,386 7 8 INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS :— Consolidated Fund, — Oedinaey Revenue Account .. .. .. .. .. 358,378 6 10 .. 1,100,050 0 0 1,182,041 0 0 276,387 6 10 Naueu and Ocean Islands Account .... .. .. 50 0 0 .. .. 50 0 0 Deposits Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 188,758 8 0 .. 296,005 0 0 214,058 8 0 270,705 0 0 Public Works Fund, — General Purposes Account .. .. .. .. .. 636,525 11 4 .. 4,978,062 16 0 4,326,500 18 10 1,288,087 8 6 Electric Supply Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 751,000 0 0 747,000 0 0 ! 4,000 0 0 Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account.. .. .. .. 61,660 0 0 .. 59,240 0 0 37,110 0 0 83,790 0 0 Dischaeged Soldiers Settlement Account.. .. .. .. 82,097 13 9 .. 1,019,208 0 0 953,218 3 2 148,087 10 7 Geneeal Purposes Relief Account .. .. .. .. 9,25000 .. .. 9,250 0 0 Hunter Soldiers Assistance Tkust Account .. .. .. 6,185 0 0 .. .. 6,185 0 0 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. 57,905 0 0 .. 317,920 0 0 353,625 0 0 22,200 0 0 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. 167,960 0 0 .. 249,900 0 0 205,755 0 0 212,105 0 0 Main Highways Account Revenue Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. .. 39,300 0 0 .. 15,000 0 0 .. 54,300 0 0 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. 150,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 Unemployment Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 100,000 0 0 .. 100,000 0 0 Working Railways Account .. .. .. .. .. 614,180 3 6 .. 918,783 4 2 726,255 0 0 806,708 7 8 Bank or New Zealand Shares Account .. .. .. .. 1,859,375 0 0 .. .. .. 1,859,375 0 0 Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account .. .. 3,204,834 0 0 .. 20,304,000 0 0 22,465,834 0 0 1,043,000 0 0 Reserve Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. .\ 399,540 6 6 .. 150,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 449,540 6 6 \ „ I Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,736,545 12 4 .. 128,500,951 1 5 129,275,876 12 8 7,961,620 1 1* * For explanatory statement see page 4.

B.—l [Pt. ll],





Public Account 1,207,936 2 6 Consolidated Fund .. .. ' J «■> s « Consolidated Fund :- Publ IC Works Fund .. 1 slim 18 6 Ordinary Revenue Account Investment Account .. .. 276,387 6 10 Discharged Soldiers Setttement Account '.'. " " 260369 0 10 Deposits Account Investment Account .. .. • .. .. 270,705 0 0 Land eob Settlements Account 57 11 Public Works Fund :- Loans Redemption Account .. 303 657 10 10 General Purposes Account Investment Account .. .. 1,288,087 8 6 Loans Redemption Account Paet II Conversion Account 6 398 0 2 Electric Supply Account Investment Account 4,000 0 0 Main Highways Account Revenue Fund 204891 9 1 Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account Investment Account .. 83,790 0 0 Main Highways Account Construction Fund" W 786 11 6 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account Investment Account .. 148,087 10 7 Native Land Settlement Account " i'ilfi 1 in Land for Settlements Account Investment Account .. .. 22,200 0 0 Public Debt Repayment Account '.'. 429 lie 12 10 Loans Redemption Account Investment Account 212,105 0 0 State Advances Loan Account " ivn in n State Coal-mines Account Investment Account 54,300 0 0 State Coal-mines Account .. " « ™ , , Unemployment Fund Investment Account 100,000 0 0 State Coal-mines Sinking Fund Account ". 8 299 9 8 Working Railways Account Investment Account .. .. .. 806,708 7 8 State Forests Account " la'oqq e 7 Reserve Fund Investment Account 449,540 6 6 Unemployment Fund " aoI'IZr « n Bank oi' ]Sew Zealand Shares Account Investment Account .. 1,859,375 0 0 Working Railways Account " " , oS'oqo n ? Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account 1,043,000 0 0 Reserve Fund Account " j 'J i Dominion and Foremn Advances 135,397 18 6 Bank oe New Zealand Shares Account '.'. '.'. '.'. '.[ 0 0 T0TAL 1 1* Total 1^ * For explanatory statement see page 4.

B.—l [Ft. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 3 2-1933.



Amounts invested Liability representing within the outstanding Lonns Public Account which borrowed from Amounts invested i are not available Accounts within the Name of Account. outside the until the Liabilities Public Account, Public Account. shown in Column (4) which Loans are are repaid, or the shown in those Sale of these Accounts as Securities is effected, i Investment Balances. (1) (2) (3) i (4) Consolidated Fund : — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. ... .. 26,243 6 10 250,144 0 0 1,636,228 0 0 Deposits Account .. .. .. .: .. 82,510 0 0 j 188,195 0 0 Public Wobks Fund : — General Purposes Account .. .. .. .. 37,595 0 0 1,250,492 8 6 494,192 14 6 Electric Supply Account .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 133,750 0 0 Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. 36,400 0 0 47,390 0 0 Bank ov New Zealand Shakes Account .. .. 1,859,37500 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. 100,000 0 0 48,087 10 7 130,000 0 0 Land fok Settlements Account .. ... .. 22,200 0 0 .. 187,603 10 7 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. c .. 144,200 0 0 67,905 0 0 Main Highways Account : — Construction Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 29,600 0 0 Native Land Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 155,000 0 0 Reserve Fund Account .. .. .. .. 399,540 6 6 50,000 0 0 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. .. 54,300 0 0 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Unemployment Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 Working Railways Account .. .. .. .. 98,248 1 8 708,460 6 0 Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account .. 1,043,000 0 0 3,851,311 15 0 I 2,766,974 5 1 Totals .. .. .. .. .. £6,618,286 0 1 £2,766,974 5 1

B.—l [Ft. IT].




Balances as at 31st March, 1932. Transactions, 1932-1933. Balances as at 31st March, 1933. Debit. Credit. Debit. Credit. Debit. Credit. Interest Remittance Account — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Bank of England .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,552,666 2 7 5,543,345 9 1 5,725,915 5 2 .. 5,735,235 18 8 High Commissioner .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,180 11 6 99,966 11 2 86,411 8 0 .. 1,625 8 4 Conversion Remittance Account ........ .. 400 .. .. ,. 400 Redemption Remittance Account .. .. .. .. 974,009 2 4 5,558,155 2 5 4,600,600 0 0 .. 16,453 19 11 Suspense Remittance Account .. .. .. .. 6,541,859 16 5 . 10,412,926 13 2 11,201,467 2 8 5,753,319 6 11 Totals .. .. .. .. 6,541,859 16 5 6,541,859 16 5 21,614,393 15 10 21,614,393 15 10 5,753,319 6 11 5,753,319 6 11

B.—l [Pt. II



£ s. d. * Refunds by Customs Department of Revenue incorrectly received or credited .. 478 18 6 Rebates by Post Office in respect of motor-spirits used otherwise than as fuel for motor-vehicles, in terms of Section Bof the Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927 131,942 0 9 £132,420 19 3 f £352,561 6s. Id. of this amount consists of fees, fines, &c., which are not taxation.


Receipts. Refunds. Net Revenue. TAXATION £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs .. .. .. .. .. •• 6,137,237 2 4 5,822 18 1 6,131,414 4 3 Beep. Duty .. .. .. .. .. 655,372 2 9 1,145 2 4 654,227 0 5 SALES TAX .. .. .. .. 38,265 4 8 11 15 1 38,253 9 7 Film HIKE Tax .. .. .. .. .. 30,101 16 7 .. 30,101 16 7 GOLD Export DUTY .. .. .. .. 15,687 11 5 51 17 8 15,635 13 9 Motor-vehicles —Duties, Licenses, etc., — Tire-tax .. .. .. .. 64,450 11 3 287 15 11 64,162 15 4 Pees and Fines (Section 24, Motor-vehicles Act, 1924).. 352,912 13 3 351 7 2 352,561 6 If Petrol-tax .. .. .. .. •• 1,396,301 13 11 132,420 19 3* 1,263,880 14 8 1,813,664 18 5 133,060 2 4 1,680,604 16 If Stamp and Death Duties, — Adhesive Stamps.. .. .. .. •• 393,455 13 7 323,351 11 3 70,104 2 4 Duty on Instruments .. .. .. •• 194,275 0 8 - 2,095 12 8 192,179 8 0 EstateDuty .. .. .. .. •• 1,152,309 17 4 31,914 17 4 1,120,395 0 0 Succession Duty .. .. .. .. •• 358,418 4 11 8,987 13 0 349,430 11 11 Gift Duty ' .. .. .. •• 41,901 3 6 32 4 0 41,868 19 6 Fines and Penalties .. .. -. .. 1,188 10 11 23 11 0 1,164 19 11 Impressed Stamps 169,254 14 7 545 11 8 168,709 2 11 Stamp Duty on Interest .. .. .. 495,971 12 4 186,839 16 7 309,131 15 9 Licenses to Companies .. .. .. 84,271 13 3 361 14 9 83,909 18 6 Sharebrokers'Licenses .. .. •• •• 1,596 19 6 14 0 0 1,582 19 6 Bank Composition .. .. .. . ■ 268,122 1 7 .. 268,122 1 7 Totalizator Revenue .. .. .. .. 305,477 9 11 3,106 3 10 302,371 6 1 Amusements-tax .. .. .. ■■ 53,615 15 5 51 11 0 53,564 4 5 Lottery Duty .. .. .. .. •• 17,306 4 9 .. 17,306 4 9 Overseas Passenger Duty .. .. .. •• 18,683 10 9 438 1 0 18,245 9 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. ■ • 43 8 0 16 5 0 27 3 0 Receipts under Section 4, Mortgagees' Indemnity (Workers'Charges) Act, 1927 .. .. .. 1,165 5 0 0 10 10 1,164 14 2 3,557,057 6 0 557,779 3 11 2,999,278 2 1 LAND-TAX .. .. .. .. •• 503,209 5 3 4,292 17 4 498,916 7 11 INCOME-TAX .. .. .. .. •• 3,602,841 3 4 46,066 13 6 3,556,774 9 10 TOTAL, Taxation .. .. .. 16,353,436 10 9 748,230 10 3 15,605,206 0 6f INTEREST : — Interest on Railway Capital Liability (interest at £4 5s. per cent, on capital expenditure from Public Works Fund, reduced by £10,400,000 in terms of the Government Railways Amendment Act, 1931, Section 23, and at £4 15s. lid. per cent, on capital expenditure from the Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account, as provided by Orders in Council under the Government Railways Act, 1926) — £ s. d. Year 1932-33 .. .. .. 2,230,655 4 10 Less reduction made in terms of the Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), Section 14 .. .. 1,380,110 15 4 850,544 9 6 .. 850,544 9 6 Interest on Postal and Telegraph Capital Liability (interest as determined under Section 95 of the Post and Telegraph'Act, 1928, at £4 6s. per cent, on the amount of the capital liability as at 1st April, 1932, together with interest at the rate of £2 3s. per cent, on the net amount applied for the purposes of the Department out of the Public Works Fund during the year)— £ s. d. Year 1932-33 (balance) .. 544,886 9 3 Year 1933 34 (in advance) .. 1,113 10 9 546,000 0 0 .. 546,000 0 0 Interest on the Public Debt Redemption Fund (details on separate statement) .. .. .. 620,088 13 9 .. 620,088 13 9 Interest on other Public Moneys (details on separate statement) .. .. . • .. .. 626,943 15 9 1,866 18 6 625,076 17 3 TOTAL, Interest .. .. .. 2,643,576 19 0 1,866 18 6 2,641,7.10 0 6 Carried forward .. .. .. 18,997,013 9 9 750,097 8 9 18,246,916 1 0

B.—l !Pt. 111.




Receipts. Refunds. Net Revenue. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 18,997,013 9 9 750,097 8 9 18,246,916 1 0 OTHER RECEIPTS :— Registration and othek Pees, — Air Navigation Act, 1931 .. .. .. .. 198 7 2 10 4 6 188 2 8 Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22 .. .. 10 6 9 .. 10 6 9 Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22 (Part III) 42 2 9 .. 42 2 9 Apprentices Act, 1923 .. .. .. .. 9 16 0 .. 9 16 0 Arms Act, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. 3,352 10 6 0 2 6 3,352 8 0 Births, Deaths, and Marriages .. .. .. 17,099 13 3 19 10 7 17,080 2 8 British Nationality and Status of Aliens (in New Zealand) Act, 1928 .. .. .. .. 425 13 0 2 10 0 423 3 0 By-laws Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. 12 12 0 .. 12 12 0 Cemeteries Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 41 19 6 .. 41 19 6 Cinematograph Films Act, 1928 .. .. .. 2,586 15 6 12 11 6 2,574 4 0 Coal-mines Act, 1925 .. .. .. .. 156 0 0 110 154 19 0 Copyright Act, 1913 .. ... .. .. 050 .. 050 Crown Grant Fees .. .. .. .. 300 500 Dr. 2 0 0 Customs Act, 1913 .. .. .. .. 11,286 9 7 624 17 1 10,661 12 6 Dairy Industry Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 2,613 10 9 0 0 2,604 1 0 Dentists Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 16 36 010 16 26 Distillation Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 214 0 0 .. 214 0 0 Education Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. 500 .. 500 Electrical Wiremen's Registration Act, 1925 .. 644 3 2 9 10 635 2 2 Engineers Registration Act, 1924 .. .. .. 41 4 0 2 16 0 38 8 0 Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act, 1908 .. .. 5,389 8 0 40 0 6 5,349 7 6 Factories Act, 1921-22 .. .. .. .. 3,083 5 0 1 11 0 3,081 14 0 Finance Act, 1915 (Part III), (Beer Duty) .. .. 1,030 5 8 80 5 8 950 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 49 .. .. .. 010 .. 010 Fisheries Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 478 4 3 0 12 0 477 12 3 Friendly Societies Act, 1909 .. .. .. 426 .. 426 Health Act, 1920.. .. .. .. .. 25 15 0 .. 25 15 0 Hospital and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926 .. 539 8 9 0 16 8 538 12 1 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1925 .. 67 17 6 .. 67 17 6 Inspection of Machinery Act, 1928 .. .. .. 19,176 16 0 82 16 2 19,093 19 10 Labour Disputes Investigation Act, 1913 .. .. 300 .. 3 00 Land Agents Act, 1921-22 .. .. .. 8,235 0 0 831 3 0 7,403 17 0 Licensing Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 56 0 0 .. 56 0 0 Life Insurance Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 .. 0 10 0 Margarine Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 300 .. 300 Masseurs Registration Act, 1920 .. .. .. 106 18 0 .. 106 18 0 Medical Practitioners Act, 1911 .. .. 574 4 0 5 5 0 568 19 0 Mining Act, 1926.. .. .. .. .. ],330 6 10 17 0 1,328 19 10 Native Land Act, 1931 .. .. .. .. 11 10 6 110 10 9 6 Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1926, Section 14 (Taupo Waters) — Fees, Licenses, and Camp Sites .. .. .. 1,900 9 0 1 10 6 1,898 18 6 Fines and Penalties .. .. .. .. 11 8 0 .. 11 8 0 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 .. .. 1.343 5 6 0 2 6 1,343 3 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 .. .. .. 819 12 0 0 10 0 819 2 0 Nurses and Midwives Registration Act, 1925.. .. 7,300 11 4 25 18 0 7,274 13 4 Opticians Act, 1928 .. .. .. .. 203 0 6 6 10 196 19 6 Orchard and Garden Diseases Act, 1928 .. .. 666 14 0 5 0 0 661 14 0 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1921-22 .. 11,935 18 3 38 12 9 11,897 5 6 Plumbers Registration Act, 1912 .. .. .. 499 2 6 14 5 0 484 17 6 Sales Tax Act, 1932-33 .. .. .. .. 103 0 0 .. 103 0 0 Servants' Registry Offices Act, 1908 .. . . 19 15 0 .. 19 15 0 Shorthand Reporters Act. 1908 .. .. .. 440 .. 440 Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1908 .. .. 40,591 12 6 4 17 0 40,586 15 6 Stock Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 693 14 0 3 0 0 690 14 0 Stone-quarries Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. 86 0 0 .. 86 0 0 Timber Export Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 174 0 8 .. 174 0 8 Timber-floating Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 13 0 0 .. 13 0 0 Tobacco Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 400 15 0 .. 400 15 0 Tramways Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 47 0 0 .. 47 0 0 Transport Licensing Act, 1931 .. .. .. 9,003 12 8 355 10 10 8,648 110 Valuation of Land Act, 1925 .. .. .. 36,383 11 10 147 3 6 36,236 8 4 Veterinary Surgeons Act, 1926 .. .. .. 270 .. 270 Weights and Measures Act, 1925 .. .. .. 8,647 9 11 119 8,646 8 2 199,724 19 4 2,345 6 0 197,379 13 4 National Endowment Revenue, — Amounts transferred from State Forests Account in terms of Section 39 (2) of the Forests Act, 1921-22 3,839 17 11 .. 3,839 17 11 Rents, Royalties, &c. .. .. .. .. 75,721 19 .0 704 0 10 "| Refunds arising out of operation of Section 6, De- }■ 74,847 0 0 teriorated Lands Act, 1925 .. .. .. .. 170 18 2 J Interest on Sales .. .. .. .. 1,862 13 4 1,741 19 9 " 120 13 7 Interest under Section ] 3, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,924 17 7 .. 2,924 17 7 84,349 7 10 2,616 18 9 81,732 9 1 Carried forward .. .. .. 284,074 7 2 4,962 4 9 279,112 2 5 Carried forward .. .. .. 18,997,013 9 9 750,097 8 9 18,246,916 1 0

£.—1 TPt. Il l

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.



Receipts. Refunds. Net Eevenue. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 18,997,013 9 9 750,097 8 9 18,246,916 1 0 OTHER RECEIPTS— continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 284,074 7 2 4,962 4 9 279,112 2 5 Territorial Revenue, — Rents and Miscellaneous Receipts from lands — Agriculture Department .. .. .. 32 61 468 27 195 Customs Department .. .. .. .. 100 .. 100 Defence Department .. .. .. .. 1,662 6 1 47 10 0 1,614 16 1 Education Department .. .. .. 263 5 6 263 5 6 Health Department .. .. .. .. 7 10 0 7 10 0 Internal Affairs Department .. .. .. 45 18 8 45 18 8 Justice Department .. .. .. .. 120 120 Lands and Survey Department— Crown lands ' .. .. .. .. 140,078 19 3 5,855 9 10 1 Refunds arising out of the operation of Section 6 j>133,920 4 5 of the Deteriorated Lands Act, 1925 .. .. .. 303 5 0 J Hauraki Plains lands .. .. .. .. 7,813 10 8 49 18 0 7,763 12 8 Swamp Drainage lands .. .. . . 352 9 9 .. 352 9 9 Marine Department .. .. .. .. 97 7 5 97 7 5 Mental Hospitals Department .. .. .. 300 .. 300 Mines Department .. .. .. .. 8,792 9 4 307 14 9 8,484 14 7 Native Department .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 .. 5 0 0 Police Department .. .. .. .. 100 6 0 100 6 0 Prisons Department .. .. .. .. 460 0 0 460 0 0 Public Works Department .. .. .. 674 14 8 11 6 7 663 8 1 160,391 5 5 6,579 10 10 153,811 14 7 External Affairs, — New Zealand Reparation Estates .. .. 47,172 3 0 46 17 3 47,125 5 9 Export of bananas from Samoa .. .. .. 32,951 1 9 32,951 1 9 80,123 4 9 46 17 3 80,076 7 6 Justice, —■ Court fees, fines, and bankruptcy commission .. 177,852 14 10 7,619 0 10 170,233 14 0 Marine, — Pilotage Rates and Harbour Pees .. .. .. 1,538 7 3 2 2 11 1,536 4 4 Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908 .. .. .. 92,991 4 11 107 11 9 92,883 13 2 Rents of Foreshores, Royalties, &c... .. .. 2,186 18 0 24 5 10 2,162 12 2 Sale of Oysters under Fisheries Act, 1908 .. .. 5,050 3 2 3 5 6 5,046 17 8 Rents from Toheroa Areas.. .. .. .. 334 0 0 10 0 333 0 0 Westport Harbour .. .. .. .. 29,102 19 7 115 17 11 28,987 1 8 Finance Act, 1932, Section 16 (1) — Balance of Westport Harbour Account transferred . . 477 13 0 .. 477 13 0 Interest on investments of Westport Harbour Account i 46 5 0 46 5 0 131,727 10 11 254 3 11 131,473 7 0 Native, — Fees collected in stamps under the provisions of the Native Land Act, 1931 .. .. .. .. 4,974 19 11 .. 4,974 19 11 Post and Telegraph Department's Profits, — Profits other than Post Office Savings-bank profits received from the Post Office Account in terms of Section 95 (1) (d) of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928— £ s. d. i Profit as at 31st March, 1930 .. 45,276 17 7 Year 1930-31 (overcredited in 1931-32) .. .. .. Dr. 7,329 0 2 Year 1931-32 (overcredited in 1931-32) .. .. ..Dr. 35,080 8 10 Year 1932-33 (on account) .. 453,132 11 5 456,000 0 0 .. 456,000 0 0 Printing and Stationery,— General receipts .. .. .. .. ..! 160,508 15 6 5,741 0 2 154,767 15 4 Stamp Duties, — Land Registry and Deeds Register Office fees .. 40,900 7 0 .. 40,900 7 0 Tourist and Health Resorts, — Receipts in respect of Reserves under the Tourist and Health Resorts Control Act, 1908 .. .. 60,273 19 5 95 7 0 60,178 12 5 From Reserves, — Finance Act, 1931 (No. 4)— Section 7—Amount transferred from capital money standing to the credit of Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 2,500,000 0 0 .. 2,500,000 0 0 Miscellaneous (details on separate statement) .. 264,876 13 4 197 19 1 264,678 14 3 Recoveries on account of Expenditure of Previous Years (details on separate statement) .. .. 11,49114 3 245 7 2 11,246 7 1 Recoveries on account of Unauthorized Expenditube op Pbevtous Yeabs .. .. .. .. 14,150 10 8 .. 14,150 10 8 Total, Other Receipts .. .. 4,347,346 3 2 25,741 11 0 4,321,604 12 2 Total Revenue .. .. .. 23,344,359 12 11 775,838 19 9 22,568,520 13 2

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 932-1 933.




Repayment op the Public Debt Act, 1925, Section 12 (a) : — £ s. d. Interest earned by the capital moneys of the Public Debt Redemption Fund held by— Public Trustee .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 328,578 10 6 State Advances Office .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 141,510 3 3 Interest at 4 per cent, on £10,850,000 (balance of £13,500,000) transferred from Consolidated Fund to Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account — On account of £434,000 due for the period 1st March, 1931, to 1st March, 1932 .. .. 150,000 0 0 £620,088 13 9

Interest on Othek Public Moneys :— £ s. d. £ s.. d. £ a. d. On credit balances of— Foreign Imprest Account, London .. .. .. .. 335 8 2 New Zealand Public Account, London .. .. .. 462 4 7 Public Debt Charges Account, London .. .. .. 25 0 4 Public Account, Wellington .. .. .. .. 7,457 3 2 Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. .. .. 622 19 8 8,902 15 11 On investments made in respect of the — Deposits Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,555 15 3 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 —Depreciation Fund Account .. .. .. .. 1,401 9 6 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. 953 8 4 Loans Redemption Account (Main Highways moneys) .. 7,444 12 4 Nauru and Ocean Islands Account .. .. .. .. 0 11 3 Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. .. 6,507 15 0 Bank of New Zealand Shares Account: Dividends transferred to Ordinary Revenue Account in terms of section 8 (3), Finance Act, 1926— Dividend on £500,000 preference A shares .. 50,000 0 0 Final dividend and bonus on £1,375,000 preference B shares for year ended 31st March, 1932 .. 139,583 6 8 Interim dividend on £1,375,000 preference B shares for year ended 31st March, 1933 .. .. 39,062 10 0 Half - yearly dividend on £234,375 C long - term mortgage shares to 31st March, 1932 .. .. 7,031 5 0 Half - yearly dividend on £234,375 C long - term mortgage shares to 30th September, 1932 .. 7,031 5 0 242,708 6 8 Public Works Fund, General Purposes Account .. .. 28,638 7 1 Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. .. .. 2,839 2 1 Reserve Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. 15,971 3 8 Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account, being amounts allocated in respect of the balances of the— Deposits Account .. .. .. .. 1,628 19 5 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. 4 4 3 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. 13,863 11 7 Local Bodies' Account .. .. .. .. 107 0 0 Mining Advances Account .. .. .. 1 7 10 Nauru and Ocean Islands Account .. . . 8 14 Nauru and Ocean Islands Sinking Fund Account .. 0 3 5 Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. 6,451 7 9 Public Works Fund, General Purposes Account .. 16,834 18 1 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. 10 3 3 Reserve Fund Account .. .. .. .. 8,468 17 3 Swamp Land Drainage Account .. .. .. 24 4 2 Suspense Account .. .. . . .. 8,789 0 6 56,191 18 10 364,212 10 0 On temporary transfers to other accounts, under section 40, Public Revenues Act, 1926, in respect of— Public Works Fund, General Purposes Account .. .. .. 1,115122 On £1,226,000 appropriated out of Public Works Fund and paid to Main Highways Account Construction Fund, in terms of paragraph (6), section 16, Main Highways Act, 1922— Finance Act, 1930, section 36 .. .. .. .. .. 61,300 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 435,530 18 1 I

B.—l [Pt. ll].


DETAIL STATEMENT of INTEREST on OTHER PUBLIC MONEYS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1933— continued.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 435,530 18 1 Interest on Other Public Moneys— continued. On £462,701, net profits of the Cheviot Estate Account, in terms of section 19 (4) of the Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2) .. .. 18,508 0 10 On amounts appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund and paid to State Forests Account — Section 21 of the Finance Act, 1926— On £59,250 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,666 5 0 Section 3 of the Finance Act, 1927 — On £45,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,362 10 0 5,028 15 0 On capital moneys received from sale of Crown, iands and paid into the Land for Settlements Account (section 13, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1926) — Interest for year 1931-32 (balance) .. .. .. 8,616 12 5 Interest for year 1932-33 (on account) .. .. .. 60,000 0 0 68,616 12 5 On value of Crown lands declared to be subject to the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, and former Land for Settlements Acts— Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929 (section 47) — Year 1932-33 .. .. 8,477 12 0 On loans to earthquake sufferers in terms of section 49, Hawke's Bay Earthquake Act, 1931 .. .. .. .. 1,1791011 On loans to local bodies under Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 69,212 12 5 On loans to Samoan Treasury in terms of section 33, Samoa Act, 1921 .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,241 14 3 On miscellaneous advances— For erection of hostels — Auckland Grammar School .. .. .. 51 13 7 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. 90 10 0 Mount Albert Grammar School .. .. .. 51 13 7 New Plymouth High School .. .. .. 509 11 7 Timaru High School .. .. .. .. 213 18 0 Wairarapa High School .. .. .. .. 113 6 3 Whangarei High School .. .. .. 49 7 9 1,080 0 9 For motor-cars sold by Education Department .. .. 0 2 0 From Vote " Agriculture," to various agricultural associations .. .. .. .. .. ! .. 127 1 1 To Cascade Coal Co. on account of railway siding .. j .. 47 1 1 To discharged soldiers under Repatriation Act, 1918 .. I .. 872 16 8 To Gore Borough Council (protective works) .. ] .. 43 8 4 To Hansford and Mills Construction Co.—Kairuru Quarry mortgage .. .. .. .. .. 742 4 8 To Land Settlement Associations, in terms of section 13 (5), Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909 — Chastleton .. .. .. .. .. 11 2 7 Clifton Grove .. .. .. 1 16 8 Glengarifi .. .. .. .. .. 690 Moorfield .. . . .. .. .. 61 17 9 Nikau Grange .. .. .. .. .. 235 12 5 Waipa .. .. .. .. .. 62 6 1 Waitohi Downs .. .. .. .. 65 2 6 444 7 0 To Mangawara River Board for improvements to Mangawara Stream .. .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 To Maori Land Board, under section 274, Native Land i Act, 1909. —Oturei mortgage .. .. .. .. 69 6 1 To Mount Cook Tourist Co. —Lease Hermitage, Mount Cook .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,133 15 0 To Native Land Settlement Account, in terms of section 8, Finance Act, 1929 .. .. .. .. .. 197 17 3 To Otanomomo River Board, on account of stop-bank .. 129 11 3 To Rotorua Golf Club .. .. .. .. .. 181 12 9 To Taranaki Acclimatization Society .. .. .. 3 7 7 To Thames Borough Council, on account of pumpingplant .. .. .. .... .. 57 18 0 To Southland Electric-power Board, in terms of section 34, Finance Act, 1928 .. .. .. .. 825 0 0 Under the village-homestead scheme .. .. [ .. 169 6 0 Under section 383 (5), Mining Act, 1926, credited under Finance Act, 1932, section 12 (2).. .. .. .. 1,223 5 9; 7,388 1 3 Miscellaneous interest on— Balance of Post-office Savings-bank Accounts used by Child Welfare Branch, Education Department— Hamilton .. .. .. .. .. 0 2 11 Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 2 0 11 2 3 10 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 2 3 10 620,183 17 2

B.- 1 [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

DETAIL STATEMENT of INTEREST on OTHER PUBLIC MONEYS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1933— continued.



£ s. d. £ s. d, £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 2 3 10 620,183 17 2 Interest on Othek Public Moneys — continued. Miscellaneous interest on— continued. Compensation for improvements, credited under Finance Act, 1932, section 50 .. .. j .. 91 8 6 Debentures under the Hutt Road Act, 1915 .. .. .. 2,400 0 0 Debentures and shares held as security for payment of tax .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 14 0 Deposits made by High Commissioner, London .. I .. 6 13 0 Mortgage due to Reparation Estates .. ..I .. 429 15 11 Outstanding balances — Contribution towards cost Waitarere Beach Road .. 9 5 0 Royalty on coal, Grey Valley collieries .. .. 30 6 10 39 11 10 Purchase-moneys in connection with sales of land— Old road at Ongarue .. .. .. .. 2 9 6 Police-station site .. .. .. •• 17138 Poroti Block .. .. .. .. .. 3 15 10 Post-office sites .. . . .. .. 4 15 6 School-sites .. .. .. .. .. 25 13 0 Taieri Plains .. .. .. .. .. 53 12 11 Waikeria .. .. .. .. .. 456 J 112 5 5 Purchase price— Mako Mako sawmill .. .. .. .. 57 0 0 Normanby Police-station .. .. .. 17 15 1 Waimea-Kumara water-race .. .. .. 32 12 10 107 7 11 - 3,233 0 5 Crown's proportion of Greymouth Harbour Board special coal rate : Credited as interest on sums of £114,439 Is. and £27,200 in terms of section 12 of the Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884 .. .. .. .. 1,659 19 8 £625,076 17 3

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Treasury Department :— Conscience-money .. .. .. .. .. 34 9 9 Exchange, commission, discount, &c. .. .. .. 27 7 1 Unclaimed moneys,— Under Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 30 — Courts of Law Trust .. .. .. .. 134 10 4 Gaolers' deposits .. .. .. .. 0 10 11 Land Revenue deposits .. .. .. .. 174 19 7 Labour deposits .. .. .. .. 45 18 6 Marine deposits .. .. .. .. 1 12 2 Probation officer's deposits .. .. .. 2 0 0 Miscellaneous deposits .. .. .. .. 2178 Under Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 95— Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908 .. .. .. 8 7 0 General estates .. .. .. .. 3,346 4 4 Bankruptcy Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 845 0 0 Rating Act, 1925 .. .. .. .. 198 13 9 Unclaimed land balances .. .. .. 908 15 6 Under Finance Act, 1932, section 30 .. .. 71,364 0 0 Transfers from Deposits Account — Miscellaneous Deposits Account .. .. .. 350 6 4 Unclaimed Earnings Account .. .. .. 902 15 2 Unpresented Cheques Account .. .. .. 176 12 5 Dividends unclaimed for over 10 years — 4-per-cent. 1929 stock .. .. .. .. 186 17 9 3J-per. cent. 1940 stock .. .. .. .. 10 3 0 j 4-per-cent. 1943-63 stock .. .. .. 37 12 7 [ 3-per-oent. 1945 stock .. .. .. .. 6 19 4 Bank of England fractions of interest .. . . 161 1 3 Excess cash at Government offices .. .. ■ • 2 5 0 Money found by, or handed to, police officers, not claimed 6 16 7 Money found in prison .. .. .. • • 16 4 Duty on scrap gold and jewellers'sweepings .. .. 2,871 0 2 Forfeited deposits, jewellers' sweepings .. - • 6 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. 81,814 2 6

B.—l [Pt ll].


TS, 1932- 1 9 3 3



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 81,814 2 6 Treasury Department— continued. Miners rights and prospecting licenses — £ s. d. Fiord County .. .. .. .. 3 15 0 Sounds County .. .. .. 20 9 2 Taupo County .. .. .. ..900 33 4 2 New Zealand Government's share of profits from Bank of International Settlements .. .. .. 325 7 8 Post Office Savings-bank profits received from the Post Office Account in terms of section 95 (1) (c), Post and Telegraph Act, 1928— For year 1930-31 (overoredited in £ s. d. 1931-32) .. .. ..Dr. 7,500 0 0 For year 1931-32 (balance).. .. 71,358 12 3 For year 1932-33 (on account) .. 43,133 12 4 106,992 4 7 Receipts from sale of kauri-gum .. .. .. 10 0 Sale of suitcase —Deceased prisoner .. .. .. 0 4 6 Savings in salaries paid to the Consolidated Fund in terms of section 5, Finance Act, 1931 (No. 2) — £ s. d. Government Accident Insurance Account 1,174 13 4 Government Insurance Account .. 3,665 4 0 Native Trustee's Account .. 1,133 14 0 State Fire Insurance Account .. 3,483 17 8 9,457 9 0 Share of profits received from the Royal Mint in respect of silver coin shipped to New Zealand .. .. 8,969 0 0 Silver coin confiscated under section 12 (3), Finance Act, 1931' (No. 2) .. .. .. 97 19 8 — 207,690 12 1 Customs Department : — Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 117 0 0 Sale of goods seized by Customs and fees for redemption 25 5 2 Department op Internal Affaiks : — Fees and fines, Rotorua Acclimatization District .. 106 0 0 Fees for camp licenses and sites .. .. .. 88 8 6 Fees for storage of powder .. .. .. .. 1,974 0 6 Fees, Taupo slipway .. .. .. .. 16 16 0 Passport fees .. .. .. .. .. 3,113 10 9 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 3,721 4 5 Sale of— Confiscated gear .. .. .. .. .. 0 12 6 Fishing and game licenses, Rotorua Acclimatization 1,627 2 6 District Publications .. .. .. .. .. 27 6 1 Waste paper .. .. .. .. .. 18 1 3 10,693 2 6 Marine Department : — Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. •. 73 18 0 Department of Labour : — Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 54 12 6 Sale of scales (confiscated) .. .. .. .. 0 7 6 55 0 0 Department or Justice : — Estreated recognizances .. .. .. .. 35 0 0 Forfeited deposits, parliamentary candidates .. .. 30 0 0 King's counsel fees .. .. .. • • 3 3 0 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. 161 17 0 230 0 0 Police Department : — Amount received in stamps for stolen property.. .. 4 0 0 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 359 18 0 Sale of — Firearms (confiscated) .. .. .. .. 86 5 7 Liquor (confiscated) .. .. .. .. 4 8 4 454 11 11 Prisons Department : — Contract deposit forfeited .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 52 4 6 552 4 6 Naval Defence Department : — Forfeited deferred pay .. .. .. .. 759 0 2 Purchase of discharge by New Zealand ratings .. 19 0 0 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 365 11 7 1,143 11 9 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 221,035 5 11

B.—l [Pt. Ilj.




£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 221,035 5 11 Defence Department :— Fines .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 6 Hire of equipment, &c. .. .. .. .. 130 17 7 Purchase of discharge .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 5,183 3 2 5,320 8 3 Public Works Department : — Payment for privilege of draining into pipe-line, Ellerslie Police-station site .. .. .. .. 1 10 0 Receipts under section 17, Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. 1,637 1 1 Receipts from irrigation and water-supply schemes .. 10,514 15 6 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 3,521 10 0 Water-power license revenue .. .. .. 1,281 14 11 16,956 11 6 Department of Lands and Survey : — Hauraki Plains Act, 1926— Rates .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,929 2 3 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. .. 775 18 7 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act, 1910 — Rates .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,084 12 11 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. .. 309 11 10 Rents from cottages erected out of Kauri-gum Account funds .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Sale of equipment of Kauri-gum Control Board .. 16 0 0 Scenery-preservation receipts—Rents .. .. 524 5 7 Swamp Land Drainage Act, 1915, miscellaneous receipts 721 10 0 Swamp Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1928, section 2 — General rate for administration and maintenance .. 1,118 16 3 Special rate for interest and repayment of loans .. 1,515 18 4 ; 14,025 15 9 Department op Agriculture :— Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,724 3 4 Department op Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity : — Overcharges on bookings, &c, unclaimed .. .. 246 8 8 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 500 16 6 747 5 2 Department op Scientific and Industrial Research :— Fees for analyses .. .. .. .. .. .. 324 3 5 Mines Department : — Commission on coal and goldfields revenue collected .. 523 6 5 Hire of drills and water-wheel .. .. .. 300 10 4 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 19 10 0 Rents of pipes .. .. .. .. .. 380 846 14 9 Department of Health : — Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. .,' 911 0 4 Mental Hospitals Department : — Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. 2 12 0 Department of Education :— Fees for teachers' certificates, licenses, &c. .. .. 635 13 0 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 1,421 6 7 Unclaimed earnings .. .. .. .. 328 13 11 Wages of deceased inmates .. .. .. .. 399 0 4 2,784 13 10 £264,678 14 3

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

DETAIL STATEMENT of OTHER RECEIPTS, RECOVERIES, on Account of EXPENDITURE of PREVIOUS YEARS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1933. Ordinary Revenue Account.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Legislative Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 27 9 6 Treasury Department:— Recovery of exchange paid in London on account of Auckland Institute and Museum .. .. .. .. 18 11 5 Stamp Duties Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 1,829 14 7 Audit Department : — Sale of— Old partition .. .. .. .. .. 2 0 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 0 9 6 2 9 6 Public Service Commissioner's Office: — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. • • 10 0 0 Department of Internal Affairs : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 174 0 9 Discharge of mortgage on Donbank Y.M.C.A. Hostel .. 3,500 0 0 3,674 0 9 Department of External Affairs : — Recovery on account of principal bill of sale .. .. 2 10 0 Refund of cablegram .. .. .. .. 0 14 0 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 627 4 1 630 8 1 Marine Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 482 14 0 Department of Labour : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 28 18 5 Native Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 14 19 4 Electoral Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 22 11 5 Department of Justice : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. . ■ 151 12 5 Police Department:— Sale of — Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 28 13 8 Troop horses .. .. .. .. • ■ 9 18 9 * 38 12 5 Prisons Department : : — Sale of — Horses 20 10 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 42 17 8 1 63 7 8 Naval Defence Department : — Refund balance of advances to Admiralty, 31st March, 1932 ■• 2,373 17 10 Defence Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. . . ■ • 29 0 4 Public Works Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. . . .. • • 3 12 0 Carried forward .. .. .. 9,40119 8

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

DETAIL STATEMENT of OTHER RECEIPTS, RECOVERIES, on Account of EXPENDITURE of PREVIOUS YEARS —continued. Ordinary Revenue Account—continued.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 9,401 19 8 Department of Lands and Survey :— Compulsory registration fee charged in error .. .. 15 0 Repayment of advances for purchase of grass-seed (refund) Dr. 27 10 0 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 25 10 4 Dr. 0 14 8 Department oe Agriculture : — Credit in respect of research foes on fungi .. .. 2 6 0 Instalment on sale of improvements, Poroti Block .. 9 3 2 Portion of subsidy refunded by New Zealand Herd-testing Association .. .. • ■ . • • • 0 10 8 Repayment of loans to agricultural associations, &c. .. 147 9 10 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 374 17 2 . 534 6 10 Department of Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity : — Instalments on account of advance to Rotorua Golf Club ' 100 0 8 Refund on account of defalcation .. .. .. 6 10 0 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 134 1 7 240 12 3 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research : — Refund of salary overpaid at Apia Observatory, Samoa .. .. 70 16 8 Mines Department : — Allowance to Westport-Stockton Co. on account of defective drill .. .. .. .. . • 90 13 0 Recovery of loss on drill carbons . . .. .. 106 4 4 Sale of — Drill-store .. .. .. .. .. 12 0 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 156 3 11 365 1 3 Transport Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 144 8 3 Department of Health : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores ,. .. .. .. 301 12 10 Mental Hospitals Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 93 10 4 Department of Education : — Instalments on account of purchase of motor-cars and motor-bus .. .. .. .. .. 14 2 2 Sale of — Building .. .. .. •• •• 296 Cow .. 10 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 70 6 0 87 17 8 Pensions Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 6 16 0 11,246 7 1 UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS. Treasury Department : — Exchange on remittances, London-New York, for payment of interest recovered from State Advances Office .. 8,125 17 10 Department of Internal Affairs : — Part expenses of delegation to Honolulu .. .. . . 6 13 4 Department of External Affairs : — Repayment of advance to Samoan Administration in terms of section 33 (3), Samoa Act. 1921 .. .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Native Department :— Recovery in connection with purchase of potatoes for relief of indigent Natives .. .. .. .. .. 17 19 6 14,150 1.0 8 £25,396 17 9

B.—l [Fr. ll],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE, and of RECOVERIES in respect of such DISBURSEMENTS, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1933. Debt Services —Interest.


aate Gross Interest Net Interest Act. Prineiral npr Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to h«,„,,.h~ charged to 4CT - rnnclpal. per Due Date Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordlnarf Revenne Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Aid to Public Works and 175,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/8/50 3,500 0 0 Land SettlementJAct, 175,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/8/50 3,500 0 0 1896 7,000 0 0 .. 7,000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and 500 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 10 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 500 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 10 0 0 1900 91,300 0 0 4 1/5/32 1/5/50 1,826 0 0 91,300 0 0 4 1/11/32 1/5/50 1,826 0 0 3,672 0 0 .. 3,672 0 0 Aid to Public Woeks and 104,500 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/12/33 2,090 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 104,500 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/12/33 2,090 0 0 1901 4,180 0 0 .. 4,180 0 0 Aid to Public Works and 300 0 0 4£ 1/6/32 1/12/32 6 15 0 Land Settlement Act, 300 0 0 4J 1/12/32 1/12/32 6 15 0 1902 145,200 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/12/51 2,904 0 0 145,200 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/12/51 2,904 0 0 5,821 10 0 .. 5,821 10 0 Aid to Public Works and 500 0 0 5-|- 15/8/32 15/8/33 13 2 6 Land Settlement Act, 500 0 0 5| 15/2/33 15/8/33 13 2 6 1903 479,065 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/34 9,581 6 0 479,065 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/34 9,581 6 0 600 0 0 41 1/7/32 1/1/34 13 10 0 600 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/34 13 10 0 3,750 0 0 51 1/9/32 1/9/37 103 2 6 3,750 0 0 5| 1/3/33 1/9/37 103 2 6 12,564 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 248 13 3 12,564 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 251 5 7 2,000 0 0 4 1/5/32 1/5/50 40 0 0 2,000 0 0 4 1/11/32 1/5/50 40 0 0 20,002 0 10 .. 20,002 0 10 Aid to Public Works and 500 0 0 51 1/3/32 1/9/37 13 15 0 Land Settlement Act, 500 0 0 5£ 1/9/32 1/9/37 13 15 0 1905 100 0 0 5| 1/3/33 1/9/37 2 15 0 156,700 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 3,134 0 0 156,700 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 3,134 0 0 6,298 5 0 .. 6,298 5 0 Aid to Public Works and 11,000 0 0 5 1/8/32 1/8/33 275 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 11,000 0 0 5 | 1/2/33 1/8/33 275 0 0 1906 281,500 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/34 5,630 0 0 281,500 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/34 5,630 0 0 600 0 0 4J 1/7/32 1/1/34 13 10 0 600 0 0 4| 1/1/33 1/1/34 13 10 0 35,350 0 0 5J 1/8/32 1/8/36 927 18 9 35,350 0 0 5-1- 1/2/33 1/8/36 927 18 9 3,350 0 0 54 1/3/32 1/9/37 92 2 6 92,300 0 0 51 1/9/32 1/9/37 2,538 5 0 90,250 0 0 5J 1/3/33 1/9/37 2,481 17 6 22.026 3 8 4" 1/7/32 1/1/49 222 1 5 44,026 3 8 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 444 2 10 19,471 6 9 .. 19,471 6 9 Aid and 200,500 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/33 4,010 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 200,500 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/33 4,010 0 0 1907 2,600 0 0 5J 1/2/32 1/2/33 71 10 0 106,000 0 0 5i 1/8/32 1/2/33 2,915 0 0 105,900 0 0 6£ 1/2/33 1/2/33 2,912 5 0 41,000 0 0 4 15/8/32 15/8/33 820 0 0 41,000 0 0 4 15/2/33 15/8/33 820 0 0 7,850 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 206 1 3 7,850 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 206 1 3 22,454 0 4 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 ! 226 7 8 22,454 0 4 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 ! 452 0 11 16,649 6 1 .. 16,649 6 1 Aid to Public Woeks and 300 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/37 7 10 0 Land Settlement Act, 300 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/9/37 7 10 0 1908 30,000 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/4/49 599 16 6 26,820 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/4/49 536 8 0 ■ 1,151 4 6 .. 1,151 4 6 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 84,245 13 2 .. 84,245 13 2

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest—continued

2—B. 1 [Pt. ll].


Eate „ „ , „, , aro38 Interest Net Interest Act. Principal. per Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries char « eli to Cent. ue ■ Date - Date - Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. ~ I ——— I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 84,245 13 2 .. 84,245 13 2 Aid to Public Works and 149,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 2,C80 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 149,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 2,980 0 0 1911 5,960 0 0 .. 5,960 0 0 Aid to Public Wokks and 186,500" 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/4/49 3,730 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 186,500jf0 0 4 1/10/32 1/4/49 3,730 0 0 1912 7,460 0 0 .. 7,460 0 0 Aid to Public Wokks and 84,840 0 0 3| 1/11/32 1/11/50 773 3 1 Land Settlement Act, ',450,000 0 0 4 1/5/32 1/11/50 31,180 15 0 1914 1,250,000 0 0 4 1/11/32 1/11/50 25,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/12/51 800 0 0 40,000 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/12/51 800 0 0 58,553 18 1 .. 58,553 18 1 Aid to Public Wokks and 34,600 0 0 5£ 1/8/32 1/2/36 951 10 0 Land Settlement Act, 34,600 0 0 5J 1/2/33 1/2/36 951 10 0 921 300 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 4 0 10 300 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 6 0 0 1,100,000 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/12/51 22,000 0 0 1,100,000 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/12/51 22,000 0 0 — 45,913 0 10 .. 45,913 0 10 Aid to Water - power 32,500 0 0 5 1/4/32 1/10/32 812 10 0 Works Act, 1910 32,500 0 0 5 1/10/32 1/10/32 812 10 0 5,000 0 0 5J 1/2/32 15/8/33 131 5 0 122,000 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 3,202 10 0 115,950 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 3,043 13 9 16,500 0 0 5 1/5/32 1/11/35 412 10 0 16,500 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/11/35 412 10 0 5,800 0 0 4J 1/4/32 1/10/49 130 10 0 5,800 0 0 4J 1/10/32 1/10/49 130 10 0 20,000 0 0 4| 1/5/32 1/5/50 450 0 0 20,000 0 0 4£ 1/11/32 1/5/50 450 0 0 9,988 8 9 ! Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,931 12 6 3,056 16 3 from Electric Supply Account Appropriation Act, 1912 15,000 0 0 4 1/5/32 1/11/50 300 0 0 (Irrigation and Water- 15,000 0 0 4 1/11/32 1/11/50 300 0 0 supply) 600 0 0 .- 600 0 0 Appropriation Act, 1918, 70,000 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/3/34 1,400 0 0 section 33 (Waimarino 70,000 0 0 4 1/3/33 1/3/34 1,400 0 0 Bush-fire Relief) 2,800 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. . , .. .. .. 500 0 0 2,300 0 0 from General Purposes Relief Account Ooal-mines Act, 1925 .. 89,600 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/4/34 1,792 0 0 89,600 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/4/34 1,724 9 7 3,516 9 7 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,516 9 7 from State Coalmines Account Deteriorated Lands Act, 22,000 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/4/32 440 0 0 1925 ! 22,000 0 0 4 1/10/32 j 1/4/49 440 0 0 880 0 0 Less amount recovered ., . . .. .. .. .. 880 0 0 from Land for Settlements Account Discharged Soldiers 2,947,000 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/9/51 58,940 0 0 Settlement Loans Act, 2,997,050 0 0 4 1/3/33 1/9/5] 59,941 0 0 1919, section 4 (Land 118,881 0 0 for Settlements) Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 36,168 0 o! 82,713 0 0 from Land for Settlements Account Carried forward .. .. .... .. 338,798 10 5 ' 47,996 2 1 j 290,802 8 4

B.—l [Pγ. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


p ate Gross Interest Net Interest lot Princtoal Der HaIl -yeariy Maturity Amount of charged to t>„p„ v ™i„. charged to * CT " rrmcipai. per Du e Date. Date , Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Ravenae Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 338,798 10 5 47,996 2 ] 290,802 8 4 Discharged Soldiers 200 0 0 5J 15/7/22 15/1/33 5 10 0 Settlement Loans Act, 200 0 0 5J 15/1/23 15/1/33 5 10 0 1920 200 0 0 5| 15/7/23 15/1/33 5 10 0 200 0 0 5| 15/1/24 15/1/33 5 10 0 200 0 0 5J 15/7/24 15/1/33 5 10 0 200 0 0 5A 15/1/25 15/1/33 5 10 0 200 0 0 5J 15/7/25 15/1/33 5 10 0 200 0 0 5* 15/1/26 15/1/33 5 10 0 200 0 0 5J 15/7/26 15/1/33 5 10 0 j 200 0 0 5| 15/1/27 15/1/33 5 10 0 200 0 0 5J 15/7/27 15/1/33 5 10 0 200 0 0 5J 15/1/28 15/1/33 5 10 0 200 0 0 5J 15/7/28 15/1/33 5 10 0 200 0 0 5| 15/1/29 15/1/33 5 10 0 200 0 0 5J 15/7/29 15/1/33 5 10 0 200 0 0 4 15/1/30 15/1/33 5 10 0 300 0 0 5f 15/7/30 15/1/33 8 5 0 1,500 0 0 5i 15/1/31 15/1/33 41 5 0 2,500 0 0 5| 15/7/31 15/1/33 68 15 0 13,700 0 0 5J 15/1/32 15/1/33 376 15 0 1,101,200 0 0 5| 15/7/32 15/1/33 30,283 0 0 1,092,800 0 0 5| 15/1/33 15/1/33 30,052 0 0 150,000 0 0 3 31/3/33 31/3/33 1,664 7 6 64,200 0 0 5 15/12/32 15/6/40 190 14 1 62,773 1 7 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 30,704 10 8 32,068 10 11 from Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account District Railways Pur- 40,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/7/49 800 0 0 chasing Acts, 1885-86 40,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/7/49 800 0 0 1,600 0 0 ... 1,600 0 0 Education Purposes LoANt 1,640 0 0 4£ 1/4/32 1/10/32 36 18 0 Act, 1919 1,640 0 0 4J 1/10/32 1/10/32 36 18 0 169,510 0 0 5| l/ 4 /32 1/10/32 4,449 12 9 169,510 0 0 5J 1/10/32 1/10/32 4,449 12 9 600 0 0 5| 1/7/32 1/7/33 16 10 0 600 0 0 5* 1/1/33 1/7/33 16 10 0 14,000 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/8/33 367 10 0 92,750 0 0 5} 15/8/32 15/8/33 2,434 13 9 92,750 0 0 5£ 15/2/33 15/8/33 2,434 13 9 1,074,100 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/34 21,482 0 0 1,074,100 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/34 21,482 0 0 1,000 0 0 5{ 1/1/32 1/7/35 26 5 0 179,900 0 0 5J 1/7/32 1/7/35 4,722 7 6 174,900 0 0 5J 1/1/33 1/7/35 4,591 2 6 5,150 0 0 5 1/4/32 1/4/36 128 15 0 5,150 0 0 5 1/10/32 1/4/36 128 15 0 1,960 0 0 5 1/5/32 1/5/36 49 0 0 1,960 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/5/36 49 0 0 58,390 0 0 5 1/4/32 1/10/36 1,459 15 0 58,390 0 0 5 1/10/32 1/10/36 1,459 15 0 743,900 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 14,878 0 0 743,900 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 14,878 0 0 50,000 0 0 4£ 1/7/32 1/1/49 1,125 0 0 50,000 0 0 4J 1/1/33 1/1/49 1,125 0 0 100,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/7/49 2,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/7/49 2,000 0 0 30,950 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/10/49 618 10 8 30,950 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/10/49 619 0 0 17,040 14 1 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 229 14 0 17,040 14 1 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 340 16 3 107,635 14 11 .. 107,635 14 11 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 510,807 6 11 78,700 12 9 432,106 14 2

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932- ] 9 3 3

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.



Hat. Gross Interest Net Interest Act PriuclDal ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to charged to t-rmapa!. Due Date _ Date Interest. Ordinary Eevenue Recoveries. Ordlnarf Eevenua Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 510,807 6 11 78,700 12 9 432,106 14 2 Education Pubposes Loans 37,800 0 0 5 1/8/32 1/8/32 945 0 0 Act, 1919, and Finance 240,820 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/33 4,816 8 0 Act, 1927 (No. 2), sec- 240,820 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/33 4,816 8 0 tion 4 40,410 0 0 44 1/8/32 1/2/33 909 4 6 40,410 0 0 4J 1/2/33 1/2/33 909 4 6 600 0 0 5 1/8/32 1/2/33 15 0 0 600 0 0 5 1/2/33 1/2/33 15 0 0 2,000 0 0 5| 15/8/32 15/8/33 52 10 0 2,000 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 52 10 0 37,800 0 0 5 1/2/33 1/8/34 945 0 0 15,000 0 0 5i 1/7/32 1/1/35 393 15 0 15,000 0 0 5J 1/1/33 1/1/35 393 15 0 55,200 0 0 5£ 1/8/32 1/8/35 1,449 0 0 "I 55,200 0 0 5| 1/2/33 1/8/35 1,449 0 0 40,000 0 0 5| 1/4/32 1/10/35 1,050 0 0 40,000 0 0 5J 1/10/32 1/10/35 1,050 0 0 7,000 0 0 44 1/8/32 1/8/36 50 1 1 5,000 0 0 44 1/4/32 1/10/36 111 11 6 10,100 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 258 16 6 10,050 0 0 54 15/2/33 15/2/37 257 10 5 39,550 0 0 5* 15/8/32 15/2/37 1,087 12 6 39,400 0 0 51 15/2/33 15/2/37 1,083 10 0 7,900 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/3/37 167 14 10 7,900 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/3/37 197 10 0 200 0 0 5J 1/9/31 1/9/37 5 10 0 23,250 0 0 54 1/9/32 1/9/37 639 7 6 23,250 0 0 5| 1/3/33 1/9/37 639 7 6 53,100 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 1,021 15 8 53,100 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 1,062 0 0 112,260 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/7/49 2,245 4 0 112,260 0 0 1 1/1/33 1/7/49 2,245 4 0 30,334 10 6 .. 30,334 10 6 Electric - power Works 200 0 0 5 15/1/28 15/7/30 5 0 0 Loan Act, 1919 200 0 0 5 15/7/28 15/7/30 5 0 0 200 0 0 5 15/1/29 15/7/30 5 0 0 200 0 0 5 15/7/29 15/7/30 5 0 0 200 0 0 5 15/1/30 15/7/30 5 0 0 200 0 0 5 15/7/30 15/7/30 5 0 0 212,500 0 0 5i 1/5/32 1/11/34 5,578 2 6 212,500 0 0 5:1 1/11/32 1/11/34 5,578 2 6 100 0 0 5 1/3/32 1/9/37 2 10 0 ' 3,650 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/37 91 5 0 3,600 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/9/37 90 0 0 15,800 0 0 54 1/3/32 1/9/37 434 10 0 150,450 0 0 54 1/9/32 1/9/37 4,137 7 6 148,100 0 0 54 1/3/33 1/9/37 4,072 15 0 20,014 12 6 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,783 7 6 4,231 5 0 from Electric Supply Account Finance Act, 1909 (Public 46,901 0 0 4 1/8/32 j 1/8/50 938 0 5 Woeks) 46,901 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/8/50 938 0 5 100,000 0 0 4 1/5/32 1/11/50 2,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 4 1/11/32 j 1/11/50 2,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 44 1/5/32 ! 1/11/50 2,250 0 0 100,000 0 0 44 1/11/32 j 1/11/50 2,250 0 0 ; 10,376 0 10 10,376 0 10 Finance Act, 1915, sec- 275 0 0 44 15/12/31 115/12/35 6 3 9 tion 105 (Public 15,170 0 0 44 15/6/32 15/12/35 341 6 6 Works) 15,370 0 0 4 15/12/32 15/12/35 345 16 6 1,200 0 0 5| 1/3/32 1/9/37 33 0 0 23,650 0 0 54 1/9/32 1/9/37 650 7 6 22,550 0 0 54 1/3/33 1/9/37 ! 620 2 6 305 0 0 44 15/12/31 15/12/40 6 17 3 369.600 0 0 44 15/6/32 15/12/40 8,316 0 0 369,495 0 0 44 15/12/32 15/12/40 8,313 12 9 48,000 0 0 4 15/6/32 15/12/50 960 0 0 48,000 0 0 4 15/12/32 15/12/50 960 0 0 830,505 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/12/51 16,610 2 0 830,505 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/12/51 16,610 2 0 20,940 0 0 44 1/6/32 1/12/51 471 3 0 20,940 0 0 44 1/12/32 1/12/51 471 3 0 , 54,715 16 9 .. i 54,715 16 9 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 626,248 7 6 94,484 0 3 531,764 7 3

B.—l [Pt. 111.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services—Interest—continued.


i -, . Gross Interest | Net Interest Prinrtna! ™r Half-yearly Maturity I Amount ol I charged to Recoveries charged to 4cS - Principal. per Due DatCi Date , j interest. Ordinary Revenue I Ke <»veri<>s. Ordinary Revenu, oeOT - ! Account. j Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. Brought forward .. I .. .. .. .. .. 626,248 7 6 94,484 0 3 [531,764 7 3 Finance Act, 1915, sec- 800 0 0 41 1/7/32 1/1/36 18 0 0 tion 106 800 0 0 44 1/1/33 1/1/36 18 0 0 1,000 0 0 4J 1/5/32 1/5/36 22 10 0 1,000 0 0 4$ 1/11/32 1/5/36 22 10 0 900 0 0 4| 1/7/32 1/1/41 20 5 0 900 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/41 20 5 0 2,200 0 0 4J 1/8/32 1/2/41 49 10 0 2,200 0 0 4| 1/2/33 1/2/41 49 10 0 127,500 0 0 U 30/9/32 31/3/41 2,868 15 0 127,500 0 0 4 31/3/33 31/3/41 2,868 15 0 71,700 0 0 i 4J 1/4/32 1/4/41 1,613 5 0 71,700 0 0 . 4J 1/10/32 1/4/41 1,613 5 0 19,500 0 0 4 15/4/32 15/4/41 438 15 0 19,500 0 0 4| 15/10/32 15/4/41 438 15 0 152,700 0 0 4| 1/5/32 1/5/41 3,435 15 0 152,700 0 0 44 1/11/32 1/5/41 3,435 15 0 212,900 0 0 44 1/6/32 1/6/41 4,790 5 0 212,900 0 0 4J 1/12/32 j 1/6/41 4,790 5 0 100 0 0 44 1/7/31 1/7/41 2 5 0 801,400 0 0 44 1/7/32 1/7/41 18,031 10 0 801,400 0 0 44 1/1/33 1/7/41 18,031 10 0 151,200 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/8/41 3,402 0 0 151,200 0 0 44 1/2/33 1/8/41 3,402 0 0 6,800 0 0 U 1/9/32 1/9/41 153 0 0 6,800 0 0 4£ 1/3/33 1/9/41 153 0 0 69,689 5 0 Less amount recovered— From Land for Settle- .. .. .. .. 16,256 16 3 ments Account s From State Advances .. . . .. .. 450 0 0 Office (Advances to Workers Branch) .. 16,706 16 3 52,982 8 9 Finance Act, 1916, sec- 100 0 0 4£ 1/9/21 1/9/30 2 5 0 tion 35 (War Expenses) 100 0 0 44 1/9/24 1/9/30 2 5 0 400 0 » 4 1/3/28 1/9/30 9 0 0 400 » 0 4 1/9/28 1/9/30 9 0 0 400 0 0 4 1/3/29 1/9/30 9 0 0 600 0 0 44 1/9/29 1/9/30 13 10 0 850 0 0 44 1/3/30 1/9/30 19 2 6 1,200 0 0 4| 1/9/30 1/9/30 27 0 0 21,000 0 0 5 1/5/32 1/11/32 525 0 0 21,000 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/11/32 525 0 0 5,000 0 0 5 1/6/32 1/12/32 125 0 0 5,000 0 0 5 1/12/32 1/12/32 125 0 0 34,400 0 0 5| 1/5/32 1/11/35 903 0 0 34,400 0 0 s£ 1/11/32 1/11/35 903 0 0 i 19,600 0 0 5{- 1/6/32 1/12/35 514 10 0 19,600 0 0 5J 1/12/32 1/12/35 514 10 0 30,200 0 0 5£ 1/8/32 1/2/36 792 15 0 30,200 0 0 5J 1/2/33 1/2/36 792 15 0 19,950 0 0 5i 1/8/32 1/2/36 548 12 6 19,850 0 0 5-4 1/2/33 1/2/36 545 17 6 3,000 0 0 5 1/8/32 1/2/37 68 12 7 3,000 0 0 5 1/2/33 1/2/37 75 0 0 LOO 0 0 54 1/3/31 1/9/37 2 15 0 750 0 0 54 1/9/31 1/9/37 20 12 6 42,300 0 0 5J 1/3/32 1/9/37 1,163 5 0 1,067,800 0 0 54 1/9/32 1/9/37 29,364 10 0 1,032,250 0 0 54 1/3/33 1/9/37 28,386 17 6 750 0 0 4| 1/3/31 1/9/41 16 17 6 1,150 0 0 4| 1/9/31 1/9/41 25 17 6 22,900 0 0 4| 1/3/32 1/9/41 515 5 0 688,900 0 0 44 1/9/32 1/9/41 15,500 5 0 676,800 0 0 4| 1/3/33 1/9/41 15,228 0 0 1,600 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/9/51 32 0 0 1,600 0 0 4 1/3/33 1/9/51 32 0 0 8,000 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/12/51 160 0 0 8,000 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/12/51 160 0 0 97,658 0 1 .. 97,658 0 i Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. ... 793,595 12 7 111,190 16 6 682,404 16 1

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


R . j Gross Interest Net Interest ... i prinoinai npr Half-yearly Maturity Amount of f charged to Recoveries ' charged to 4ct ~ rrmcipai. per Due Date _ Date Interest. , Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Eevenue enD ' Account. I Account. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 793,595 12 7 111,190 16 6 682,404 16 1 Finance Act, 1916, sec- 950,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 j 1/8/33 19,000 0 0 tion 49 (Public Works) 950,000 0 0 4 1/2/33! 1/8/33 19,000 0 0 38,000 0 0 .. 38,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1917, sec- 725,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/8/50 14,500 0 0 tion 77 (Aid to Public 725,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/8/50 14,500 0 0 Wokks) 29,000 0 0 .. 29,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, sec- 100 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/8/33 2 12 6 tion 10 (War Expenses) 12,700 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 333 7 6 12,700 0 0 5} 15/2/33 15/8/33 333 7 6 500 0 0 5| 15/2/32 15/2/37 13 15 0 29,550 0 0 5i 15/8/32 15/2/37 812 12 6 29,350 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/2/37 807 2 6 2,006,900 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/4/49 40,121 11 3 1,706,900 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/4/49 34,138 0 0 76,562 8 9 .. 76,562 8 9 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 9,850 0 0 5* 15/8/32 15/2/37 270 17 6 Part IV (War Ex- 9,850 0 0 5A 15/2/33 15/2/37 270 17 6 penses) 200 0 0 4* 20/10/29 20/4/39 4 10 0 400 0 0 4J 20/4/30 20/4/39 9 0 0 500 0 0 4J 20/10/30 20/4/39 11 5 0 1,500 0 0 44 20/4/31 20/4/39 33 15 0 3,200 0 0 U 20/10/31 20/4/39 72 0 0 1,963,100 0 0 4J 20/4/32 20/4/39 44,169 15 0 1,910,300 0 0 4 20/10/32 20/4/39 42,981 15 0 10,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/7/49 200 0 0 10,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/7/49 200 0 0 88,223 15 0 .. 88,223 15 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 1,000,000 0 0 5 16/7/32 16/7/34 25,000 0 0 section 29 (Public 1,000,000 0 0 5 16/1/33 16/7/34 25,000 0 0 Works) 106,050 0 0 3| 1/8/32 1/2/50 479 8 0 153,603 19 6 3f 1/2/33 1/2/50 945 14 10 28,750 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 575 0 0 28,750 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/30 575 0 0 52,575 2 10 '.. 52,575 2 10 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 73,720 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/3/34 1,474 8 0 section 30 (Cold 73,720 0 0 4 1/3/33 1/3/34 958 8 9 Storage Advances 2,432 16 9 Account) Less amount recovered from State Advances Office (Cold Storage Advances Account) — Yearl931-32 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,082 18 4 Year 1932-33 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 693 13 3 Or. 343 14 10 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 125,000 0 0 3} 1/9/32 1/3/51 2,343 15 0 section 31 (Discharged 125,000 0 0 3J 1/3/33 1/3/51 2,343 15 0 Soldiers Settlement) 96,200 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/3/51 1,924 0 0 96,200 0 0 4 1/3/33 1/3/51 1,924 0 0 8,535 10 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. ■■ 4,267 15 0 4,267 15 0 from Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account Finance Act, 19.19, sec- 6,800 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 187 0 0 tion 5 (Public Works) 6,800 0 0 51 15/2/33 15/2/37 187 0 0 56,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/7/49 1,120 0 0 56,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/7/49 1,120 0 0 500,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 10,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 10,000 0 0 22,614 0 0 .. 22,614 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,111,539 5 11 118,235 3 1 993,304 2 10

B.—l [Pγ. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


Rate „„,.,* . , Gross merest Net Interest Aot PrinclDal Der Hi »l f -yearly Maturity Amount of charged to charged t» a00, Principal, Due Date Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue B*<»verfc*. Ordinary Revmne ' Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,111,539 5 11 118,235 3 1 993,304 2 10 Finance Act, 1920, sec- 1,700 0 0 4A. 1/4/32 1/10/32 38 5 0 tion 15 (Electric- 1,700 0 0 4$ 1/10/32 1/10/32 38 5 0 power Works) 18,020 0 0 5 1/4/32 1/10/32 450 10 0 18,020 0 0 5 I 1/10/32 1/10/32 450 10 0 38,300 0 0 5J ! 15/8/32 15/8/33 1,005 7 6 38,300 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 1,005 7 6 1,000 0 0 (H 1/2/32 1/2/36 27 10 0 95,050 0 0 5i 1/8/32 1/2/36 2,613 17 6 95,050 0 0 5{ 1/2/33 1/2/36 2,613 17 6 8,243 10 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,596 15 0 3,646 15 0 from Electric Supply Account Finance Act, 1920, sec- , 487,000 0 0 5 1/6/32 1/12/51 12,013 2 5 tion 15 (Nauru and I 479,200 0 0 5 1/12/32 1/12/51 11,980 0 0 Ocean Islands) 23,993 2 5 .. 23,993 2 5 Finance Act, 1920, sec- 2,000 0 0 5 5/1/32 5/1/32 9 11 9 tion 15 (Public Works) 1,220 0 0 5 4/2/32 4/2/32 10 17 3 50 0 0 5£ 15/2/32 15/2/32 1 6 3 3,150 0 0 5 1/6/32 1/12/35 78 15 0 3,150 0 0 5 1/12/32 1/12/35 78 15 0 2,400 0 0 5 1/6/32 1/6/36 60 0 0 2,400 0 0 5 1/12/32 1/6/36 60 0 0 2,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 39 0 3 2,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 40 0 0 1,220 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 23 18 7 1,220 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 24 8 0 50,000 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/12/50 1,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/12/50 1,000 0 0 700,000 0 0 3| 1/6/32 1/12/51 1,222 11 6 91,910 0 0 3f I 1/12/32 1/12/51 968 12 2 99,240 0 0 4 j 1/6/32 1/12/51 3,102 12 3 99,240 0 0 4 ! 1/12/32 1/12/51 1,984 16 0 9,705 4 0 .. 9,705 4 0 Finance Act, 1921, sec- 900 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/2/32 23 12 6 tion 10 (Public Works) j 150,000 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/9/51 3,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 4 1/3/33 1/9/51 3,000 0 0 — 6,023 12 6 .. 6,023 12 6 Finance Act, 1921-22, 92,000 0 0 5 1/4/32 1/4/34 2,300 0 0 section 26 (Samoan 92,000 0 0 5 1/10/32 1/4/34 2,300 0 0 Loan) 4,600 0 0 t 4,600 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, sec- 250 0 0 5 1/7/32 1/1/35 6 5 0 tion 2 (Public Works) 250 0 0 5 1/1/33 1/1/35 6 5 0 3,920 0 0 5 1/5/32 1/11/35 98 0 0 3,920 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/11/35 98 0 0 53,000 0 0 5£ 1/8/32 1/2/36 1,457 10 0 53,000 0 0 5* 1/2/33 1/2/36 1,457 10 0 11,700 0 0 5* 15/8/32 15/2/37 321. 15 0 11,700 0 0 51 15/2/33 15/2/37 321 15 0 8,320 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/7/49 166 8 0 8,320 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/7/49 166 8 0 9,008 19 1 4 1/5/32 1/5/50 29 12 4 9,008 19 1 4 1/11/32 1/5/50 180 3 7 10,841 15 4 4 1/9/32 1/3/51 181 15 8 10,841 15 4 4 1/3/33 1/3/51 216 16 8 4,708 4 3 .. 4,708 4 3 Finance Act, 1925, sec- 32,000 0 0 5 1/4/32 1/4/34 800 0 0 tion 4 (Samoan Loan) 32,000 0 0 5 1/10/32 1/4/34 800 0 0 1,600 0 0 t 1,600 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,170,412 19 1 122,831 18 1 1,047,581 1 0 tInterest is received on the amounts advanced to Samoa and credited to "Interest, On Other Public Moneys."

B.—l [PT. llj.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


t, . Gross Interest Net Interest . «-, ppinoinal nor Halt-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to RM-nveriw. charged to Aot - principal, .per Due Date _ Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue K*covenes. Ordinary Revenue oenl- Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,170,412 19 1 122,83118 1 1,047,581 1 0 Finance Act, 1929, sec- 4,750 0 0 5£ 1/3/32 1/9/37 130 12 6 tion 2 (Public Works) 167,600 0 0 5} 1/9/32 J/9/37 4,609 0 0 148,950 0 0 5J 1/3/33 1/9/37 4,096 2 6 8,835 15 0 .. 8,835 15 0 Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), 3,000,000 0 0 5 16/7/32 16/7/34 75,000 0 0 section 2 (Public 3,000,000 0 0 5 16/1/33 16/7/34 75,000 0 0 Works) 150,000 0 0 .. 150,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), 1,000,000 0 0 5 16/7/32 16/7/34 25,000 0 0 section 3 (Electric- 1,000,000 0 0 5 16/1/33 16/7/34 25,000 0 0 power Works) 50,000 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 from Electric Supply Account Finance Act, 1931 (No. 4), 2,250,000 0 0 .. .. .. 10,736 6 0 10,736 6 0 .-...' 10,736 6 0 section 7 Fishing Industry Promo- 520 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/12/33 10 8 0 tion Act, 1919 520 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/12/33 10 1 10 2,685 0 0 U 1/6/32 1/12/33 60 8 3 2,685 0 9 4 1/12/32 1/12/33 50 12 11 270 0 0 5 1/6/32 1/12/33 6 15 0 270 0 0 5 1/12/32 1/12/33 5 13 2 143 19 2 Less amount recovered from State Advances Office (Fishing Industry Promotion Account) — Year 1931-32 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88 0 8 Year 1932-33 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 19 11 4 18 7 Forests Aot, 1921-22 .. 123,500 0 0 4J 1/8/32 1/8/33 2,778 15 0 123,500 0 0 4| 1/2/33 1/8/33 2,778 15 0 8,250 0 0 5| 15/8/32 15/8/33 216 11 3 8,250 0 0 5i 15/2/33 15/8/33 216 11 3 1,000 0 0 4| 1/8/32 1/2/34 22 10 0 1,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/34 22 10 0 27,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/8/50 540 0 0 27,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/8/50 540 0 0 7,115 12 6 .. 7,115 12 6 Forests Act, 1921-22, sec- 400 0 0 54 15/2/32 15/8/33 10 10. 0 tion 40, and Finance 49,950 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 1,311 3 9 Act, 1924, section 16 49,950 0 0 5| 15/2/33 15/8/33 1,311 3 9 5,700 0 0 4J 1/6/32 1/12/35 84 6 7 20,400 0 0 5 1/6/32 1/12/35 510 0 0 20,400 0 0 5 1/12/32 1/12/35 510 0 0 5,700 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/3/37 121 0 6 5,700 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/3/37 142 10 0 4,000 14 7 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 602 4 1 3,398 10 6 from State Forests Account Forests Act, 1921-22, and 450 0 0 61 15/2/32 15/8/33 1116 3 Finance Act, 1926, sec- 55,010 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 1,444 0 3 tion 6 55,010 0 0 5£ 15/2/33 15/8/33 1,444 0 3 24,890 0 0 5 1/8/32 1/8/32 622 5 0 24,890 0 0 5 1/2/33 1/8/34 622 5 0 20.000 0 0 5| 1/7/32 1/1/35 525 0 0 20,000 0 0 5J 1/1/33 1/1/35 525 0 0 1,450 0 0 5\ 15/2/32 15/2/37 39 17 6 146,300 0 0 5£ 15/8/32 15/2/37 4,023 5 0 144,800 0 0 6i 15/2/33 15/2/37 3,982 0 0 800 0 0 5| 1/3/32 1/9/37 22 0 0 35,800 0 0 5* 1/9/32 1/9/37 984 10 0 35,200 0 0 5| 1/3/33 1/9/37 968 0 0 500 0 0 4| 1/8/32 1/8/50 11 5 0 500 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/8/50 11 5 0 15,236 9 3 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 13 9 15,189 15 6 from State Forests Account Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,416,481 15 7 148,619 16 6 1,267,861 19 1 I

B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


-„ te i Gross Interest Net Interest Princlml oer Ha M-y ea rly Maturity ! Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to Act - Principal, per Due Date. Date. j Interest. Ordinary Revenue I neoovenw. Ordinary Revenue uent - I Account. | I Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,416,48115 7 148,619 16 6 1,267,86119 1 Fruit-preserving Indus- 56,850 0 0 4 ! 1/4/32 1/4/49 1,137 0 0 try Act, 1913, and 56,850 0 0 4 j 1/10/32 1/4/49 1,137 0 0 Finance Act, 1917, sec- 2,274 0 0 TION 80 Less amount recovered from State Advances Office (Fruit - preserving Industry Advances Account) — Year 1931-32 .. .. . .'■ .. .. 1,137 10 11 Year 1932-33 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,855 15 10 Or. 719 6 9 Government Railways Act, 1908— Finance Act, 1909 .. 55,500 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/34 1,110 0 0 55,500 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/34 1,110 0 0 1,000 0 0 4J 1/8/32 1/2/34 22 10 0 1,000 0 0 4i 1/2/33 1/2/34 22 10 0 — 2,265 0 0 .. 2,265 0 0 Railways Improvement 193,600 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/34 3,872 0 0 Authorization Acts, 193,600 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/34 3,872 0 0 1904-7 17,953 15 11 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 181 0 2 17,953 15 11 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 359 1 6 — 8,284 18 .. 8,284 1 8 Government Railways 162,670 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/34 3,253 8 0 Amendment Act, 1910 162,670 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/34 3,253 8 0 1,160 0 0 41- 1/7/32 1/1/34 26 2 0 1,160 0 0 4i 1/1/33 1/1/34 26 2 0 I •] . • ■ 3,000 0 0 4* 1/7/32 1/1/49 60 0 0 3,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 60 0 0 6,679 0 0 ... 6,679 0 0 Haubaki Plains Act, 1926 201,500 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/8/33 4,030 0 0 201,500 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/8/33 4,030 0 0 116,500 0 0 4J 1/8/32 1/8/33 2,621 5 0 116,500 0 0 4J 1/2/33 1/8/33 2,621 5 0 50,000 0 0 3| 1/4/32 1/10/47 875 0 0 50,000 0 0 3£ 1/10/32 1/10/47 875 0 0 10,000 0 0 3-| 1/4/32 1/10/48 175 0 0 10,000 0 0 U 1/10/32 1/10/48 175 0 0 25,000 0 0 3| 1/4/32 1/4/49 468 15 0 25,000 0 0 3f 1/10/32 1/4/49 468 15 0 800 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/4/49 16 1 9 222,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 4,440 0 0 222,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 4,440 0 0 144,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/8/50 2,880 0 0 144,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/8/50 2,880 0 0 6,000 0 0 4J 1/8/32 1/8/50 135 0 0 6,000 0 0 4J 1/2/33 1/8/50 135 0 0 24,000 0. .0 4 1/9/32 1/3/51 479 5 0 23,955 9 8 4 1/3/33 1/3/51 479 2 0 32,224 8 9 .. 32,224 8 9 Housing Act, 1919, sec- 345,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/7/49 6,900 0 0 now 30 10,520 0 0 4i 1/7/32 1/7/49 236 14 0 37,300 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/7/50 746 0 0 382,300 0 0 4 30/9/32 30/9/51 3,812 10 6 382,300 0 0 4 31/3/33 30/9/51 7,646 0 0 10,520 0 0 4i 30/9/32 30/9/51 118 0 5 10,520 0 0 4J 31/3/33 30/9/51 236 14 0 i 19,695 18 11 Less amount recovered from State Advances Office (Housing Account) — Year 1931-32 .. .. .. .. .. 8,041 15 8 Year 1932-33 .. .. .... .. 673 9 0 10,980 14 3 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,487,904 4 11 160,328 7 11 1,327,575 17 0

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


Grow Interest I Net Interest _. . . r*l e Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries ' charged to *<*. Principal. per Due J, ate . Date Interest. Ordinary Revenu* Kecovenes. Ordinary Kevemw vent. Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. | £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,487,904 4 11 160,328 7 11 1,327,575 17 0 Housing Act, 1919, sec- 3,975 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 79 10 0 tion 46 (Loans to Em- 3,975 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 70 7 5 ployees fob wobkers' 149 17 5 Dwellings Account) Less amount recovered from State Advances Office (Loans to Employers for Workers' Dwellings Account) — Year 1931-32 .. .. .. .. .. ■• •• 119 15 1 Year 1932-33 .. .. ■ ■ • • 38 15 5 CV. 8 13 1 Hutt Railway and Road 10,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/34 200 0 0 Improvement Acts, 1903, 10,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/34 200 0 0 1905, 1907, and 1910 1,700 0 0 4J 1/7/32 1/1/34 38 5 0 1,700 0 0 41 1/1/33 1/1/34 38 5 0 293,380 0 0 4" 1/5/32 1/5/50 5,867 12 0 293,380 0 0 4 1/11/32 1/5/50 5,867 12 0 12,211 14 0 .. 12,211 14 0 Irrigation and Water- 40,100 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/10/49 802 0 0 •supply Act, 1913 40,100 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/10/49 802 0 0 59,900 0 0 4 1/5/32 1/11/50 1,198 0 0 59,900 0 0 4 1/11/32 1/11/50 1,198 0 0 4,000 0 0 .. 4,000 0 0 Kauri-gum Industry 32,000 0 0 4 1/5/32 1/5/50 640 0 0 Amendment Act, 1914 32,000 0 0 4 1/11/32 1/5/50 640 0 0 1,280 0 0 .. 1,280 0 0 Kauri-gum Industry 25,000 0 0 4 1/5/32 1/5/50 500 0 0 Amendment Act, 1914, 25,000 0 0 4 1/11/32 1/5/50 500 0 0 and Appropriation Act, 1,000 0 0 .. 1,000 0 0 1918, section 45 Land for Settlements 4,000 0 0 5J 1/7/32 1/1/33 110 0 0 Act, 1908 3.900 0 0 5£ 1/1/33 1/1/33 107 5 0 1,000 0 0 5£ 1/2/32 1/2/33 27 10 0 5,500 0 0 5J 1/8/32 1/2/33 151 5 0 4,000 0 0 5* 1/2/33 1/2/33 110 0 0 . 506 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. • ■ ■ • • ■ 55 0 0 451 0 0 from Land for Settlements Account Land fob Settlements 25,000 0 0 4 14/9/32 14/3/33 500 0 0 Act, 1925 25,000 0 0 4 14/3/33 14/3/33 500 0 0 65,000 0 0 3| 21/12/32 21/6/33 1,218 15 0 2,000 0 0 5j 15/2/32 15/8/33 52 10 0 7,200 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 189 0 0 7,200 0 0 4 15/2/33 15/8/33 189 0 0 400 0 0 4J 30/9/32 30/9/33 9 0 0 400 0 0 4i 31/3/33 30/9/33 9 0 0 784,160 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/34 15,285 2 3 612,660 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/34 9,846 10 11 50 0 0 4J 1/7/32 1/1/34 1 2 6 50 0 0 4£ 1/1/33 1/1/34 0 0 7 135,000 0 0 4£ 1/8/32 1/2/34 3,037 10 0 135,000 0 0 4J 1/2/33 1/2/34 3,037 10 0 94,800 0 0 4| ! 1/9/32 1/3/34 2,133 0 0 94,800 0 0 4i 1/3/33 1/3/34 2,133 0 0 147,100 0 0 4i 1/4/32 1/4/34 3,309 15 0 147,100 0 0 4£ 1/10/32 1/4/34 3,309 15 0 33,100 0 0 4| 1/12/32 1/6/34 663 7 3 10,000 0 0 5 1/1/33 1/7/34 250 0 0 31,000 0 0 5 15/3/32 15/3/35 775 0 0 37,000 0 0 5 15/9/32 15/3/35 925 0 0 9,250 0 0 5 1/6/32 1/6/35 231 5 0 9,250 0 0 5 1/12/32 1/6/35 231 5 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 47,836 8 6 ll,507,051 16 4 160,54118 5 1,346,509 17 11

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


„ . Gross Interest Net Interest M Prinrin.1 ™r Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recnverieg charged to Aot - Principal. per Dae Date Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries, ordinary Revenue l,enc - Account.. Account. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s d £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 47,836 8 6 1,507,051 16 4 160,541 18 5 1,346,509 17 11 Land fob Settlements 53,600 0 0 5J 1/8/32 1/8/36 1.407 0 o Act, 1925— continued. 53,600 0 0 5J 1/2/33 1/8/36 1,407 0 0 18,950 0 0 5 1/4/32 1/10/36 417 18 9 18,950 0 0 5 1/10/32 1/10/36 473 15 0 1,500 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/2/37 38 8 9 1,500 0 0 5| 15/8/32 15/2/37 38 8 9 200 0 0 51 15/2/31 15/2/37 5 10 0 200 0 0 5J 15/8/31 15/2/37 5 10 0 2,700 0 0 5| 15/2/32 15/2/37 74 5 0 128,550 0 0 5| 15/8/32 15/2/37 3,535 2 6 110,350 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/2/37 3,034 12 6 15,250 0 0 5 1/10/32 1/4/37 300 16 5 16,900 0 0 5 1/12/32 1/6/37 356 10 5 22,000 0 0 5 1/2/33 1/8/37 548 9 10 3,300 0 0 5 1/3/32 1/9/37 34 6 1 160,300 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/37 1,861 8 7 184,700 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/9/37 4,482 19 4 100 0 0 51 1/9/31 1/9/37 2 15 0 3,550 0 0 5-1 1/3/32 .1/9/37 97 12 6 72,350 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/37 1,989 12 6 121,750 0 0 51 1/3/33 1/9/37 3.348 2 6 100,000 0 0 3* 1/7/32 1/1/49 1,318 9 11 100,000 0 0 3J 1/1/33 1/1/49 1,105 2 8 24,956 10 11 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 410 6 0 24,956 10 11 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 431 19 9 3,050 0 0 41 1/7/32 1/1/49 68 12 6 3,050 0 0 44 1/1/33 1/1/49 66 7 9 315,000 0 0 31 1/10/32 1/4/49 3,349 9 0 1,790,150 0 0 4 1/4/32 .1/4/49 27,585 11 1 1,378,150 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/4/49 22,815 0 11 112,856 19 8 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 2,192 17 3 112,856 19 8 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 264 16 9 25,000 0 0 31- 1/9/32 1/3/51 340 8 2 25,000 0 0 31 1/3/33 1/3/51 143 16 8 241,180 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/3/51 733 15 3 15,000 0 0 3} 21/6/32 1/9/51 172 12 0 125,000 0 0 31 1/9/32 1/9/51 2,187 10 0 125,000 0 0 31 1/3/33 1/9/51 1,188 11 1 135,671 19 8 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 95,184 7 0 40,487 12 8 from Land for Settlements Account Lands Improvement and 400,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 8,000 0 0 Native Land Acqtjisi- 400,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 8,000 0 0 tion Act, 1894 — 16,000 0 0 .. 16,000 0 0 1 .'.-._■"■, Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1,870,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 37,400 0 0 1908 1,870,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 37,400 0 0 74,800 0 0 .. 74,800 0 0 Local Bodies'Loans Act, 250,225 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/9/51 5,004 10 0 1908, and Government 250,225 0 0 4 1/3/33 1/9/51 5,004 10 0 Loans to Local Bodies ■ 10,009 0 0 .. 10,009 0 0 Act, 1886 Main Highways Act, 1922 33,450 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 878 1 3 33,450 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 878 1 3 21,550 0 0 5i 1/4/32 1/4/34 565 13 9 21,550 0 0 5J 1/10/32 1/4/34 565 13 9 4,450 0 0 5 1/5/32 1/5/34 111 5 0 4,450 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/5/34 111 5 0 4,250 0 0 41 1/4/32 1/4/35 94 16 9 17,050 0 0 5 1/4/32 1/4/36 426 5 0 17,050 0 0 5 1/10/32 1/4/36 426 5 0 9,550 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 244 14 10 9,550 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/2/37 244 13 11 2,900 0 0 51 15/2/32 15/2/37 79 15 0 128,400 0 0 51 15/8/32 15/2/37 3,531 0 0 127,650 0 0 51 15/2/33 15/2/37 3,510 7 6 ■ 4,250 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/3/37 90 4 10 4,250 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/3/37 106 5 0 2,550 0 0 51 1/3/32 1/9/37 70 2 6 94,450 0 0 51 1/9/32 1/9/37 2,597 7 6 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 14,531 17 10 1,743,532 16 0 255,726 5 5 1,487,806 10 7

B.—l [Ft. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


■n at)1 Gross Interest Net Interest A«t Prinrhml Tipr Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to Act - principal. per Due Date. Da te. Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Beve™ venl - Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 14,53117 10 1,743,532 16 0 255,726 5 5 1,487,806 10 7 Main Highways Act, 1922 92,550 0 0 5$ 1/3/33 1/9/37 2,545 2 6 —continued. 100,000 0 0 4" 1/6/32 1/6/51 2,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/6/51 2.000 0 0 50,000 0 0 4i 1/6/32 1/6/51 1,125 0 0 50,000 0 0 4i 1/12/32 1/6/51 1,125 0 0 23,327 0 4 Less recoveries from .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,973 15 2 7,353 5 2 Main Highways Revenue Fund Maori Land Settlement 181,675 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 3,633 10 0 Act, 1905 181,675 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 3,633 10 0 7 ; 267 0 0 .. 7,267 0 0 Maori Land Settlement 50,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 1,000 0 0 Act Amendment Act, 50,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 1,000 0 0 1907 2.000 0 0 .. 2,000 0 0 Mining Amendment Act, 11,500 0 0 4 1/5/32 1/5/50 230 0 0 1913 11,500 0 0 4 1/11/32 1/5/50 230 0 0 460 0 0 .. 460 0 0 Mining Amendment Act, 13,000 0 0 4 1/5/32 1/5/50 260 0 0 1913, and Amendment 13,000 0 0 4 1/11/32 1/5/50 260 0 0 Act, 1919 5,490 0 0 4£ 1/5/32 1/5/50 123 10 6 5,490 0 0 4* 1/11/32 1/5/50 123 10 6 767 1 0 .. 767 1 0 Native Land Amendment 13,350 0 0 4£ 1/5/32 1/5/32 176 2 2 Act, 1913 7,200 0 0 5 1/5/32 1/5/33 180 0 0 7,200 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/5/33 180 0 0 100,000 0 0 5£ 15/8/32 15/8/33 2,625 0 0 100,000 0 0 5£ 15/2/33 15/8/33 2,625 0 0 940,000 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/4/34 18,800 0 0 940,000 0 0 4 1/10/32 ' 1/4/34 18,800 0 0 116,000 0 0 4J 1/4/32 1/4/34 2,610 0 0 116,000 0 0 4£ 1/10/32 1/4/34 2,610 0 0 35,600 0 0 5J 1/5/32 1/5/36 934 10 0 35,600 0 0 5i 1/11/32 1/5/36 934 10 0 13,350 0 0 5 1/8/32 1/2/37 305 8 1 13,350 0 0 5 1/2/33 1/2/37 333 15 0 450 0 0 5£ 1/3/32 1/9/37 12 7 6 10,000 0 0 5| 1/9/32 1/9/37 I 275 0 O 10,000 0 0 5£ 1/3/33 1/9/37 ! 275 0 0 3,000 0 0 4£ 5/6/32 5/12/37 67 10 0 3,000 0 0 4£ 5/12/32 5/12/37 67 10 0 35,500 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 710 0 0 35,500 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 710 0 0 1,295,000 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/4/49 25,900 0 0 1,295,000 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/4/49 25,900 0 0 60,000 0 0 3J 1/11/32 1/5/50 995 6 10 106,026 19 7 .. 106,026 19 7 Native Land Purchase 125,000 0 0 4 30/4/32 31/10/32 2,500 0 0 Act, 1892 125,000 0 0 4 31/10/32 31/10/32 2,500 0 0 5,000 0 0 .. 5,000 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 13,000 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/4/49 260 0 0 1908, and Consolidated 13,000 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/4/49 260 0 0 Loan Act, 1867 — 520 0 0 .. 520 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,888,900 16 11 271,700 0 7 |l,617,200 16 4

B.—l [PT. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


„ . Gross Interest Net Interest «m Prinrtnol „„ Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to Act - Principal. per Due Date Date _ Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. ordinary Revernw oent - Account. Account. - £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,888,900 16 11 271,700 0 7 1,617,200 16 4 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 :— Consolidated Stock Act, 744,700 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/34 14,894 0 0 1884 744,700 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/34 14,894 0 0 29,788 0 0 .. 29,788 0 0 Defence and other Pur- 100,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 2,000 0 0 poses Loan Act, 1870 100,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 2,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 .. 4,000 0 0 General Purposes Loan 60,700 0 0 4 1/5/32 1/11/50 1,214 0 0 Act, 1873 60,700 0 0 4 1/11/32 1/11/50 1,214 0 0 2,428 0 0 .. 2,428 0 0 Immigration and Public 27,900 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 558 0 0 Works Loan Act, 1870 27,900 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 558 0 0 1,116 0 0 .. 1,116 0 0 New Zealand Consoli- 17,176,532 0 0 3J 1/7/32 1/1/40 300,589 6 2 dated Stock (London 17,176,532 0 0 3| 1/1/33 1/1/40 300,589 6 2 Issue) 2,889,095 11 1 3 1/4/32 1/4/45 43,336 8 8 9,659,980 1 1 3 1/10/32 1/4/45 144,899 14 0 6,770,88410 0 3 1/4/33 1/4/45 101,563 5 4 10,884,628 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/63 217,692 11 1 10,884,628 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/63 217,692 11 1 -1,326,363 2 6 Less — Amount recovered from Land for Settlements Account— £ s. d. On 3-|-per-cent. Stock, 1940 .. .. 17,805 0 7 On 3|-per-cent. Stock, 1940 (Cheviot Estate) 2,816 1 3 On 3-per-cent. Stock, 1945 .. .. 2,074 18 10 On 4-per-cent. Stock, 1943-63 .. .. 17,173 0 4 39,869 1 0 Amount recovered from State Advances Office— On £1,032,365 3i-per-cent. 1940 Stock, 1 year to 1 Jan., 1933— Settlers Branch (£881,848) .. .. 30,864 12 10 Workers Branch (£147,184) .. .. 5,151 8 10 Local Authorities Branch (£3,333) .. 116 13 0 On £3,008,728 13s. 7d. 3-per-cent. 1945 Stock, 1 year to 1 April, 1933— Settlers Branch (£3,001,582 10s. 2d.) .. 90,047 9 6 Workers Branch (£2,382 Is. 2d.) .. .. 71 9 4 Local Authorities Branch (£4,764 2s. 3d;) 142 18 8 On £2,834,521 4-per-cent. 1943-63 Stock, 1 year to 1 Feb., 1933— Settlers Branch (£1,426,188) .. .. 57,047 10 2 Workers Branch (£410,000) .. .. 16,400 0 0 Local Authorities Branch (£998,333) .. 39,933 6 8 239,775 9 0 Amount recovered from State Coal-mines Account— On 3i-per-cent. 1940 Stock .. .. 7 5 10 On 4-per-cent. 1943-63 Stock .. .. 1,033 6 8 1,040 12 6 .. 280,685 2 6 1,045,678 0 0 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1933-43 — Aid to Public Works 3,000,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/43 60,000 0 0 and Land Settlement 3,000,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/43 60,000 0 0 Act, 1922 1 120,000 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,252,595 19 5 552,385 3 1 2,700,210 16 4

B.—i [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


t, . I Gross Interest Net Interest Act Prineiml ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of | oharged to Recoveries charged to * w - Principal, per Due Date. Date- Interest. , Ordinary Revenue m covenes. Ordinary Revena* Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,252,595 19 5 552,385 3 1 2,700,210 16 4 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — continued. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1933-43—cW. New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10— Land for Settle- 210,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/43 4,200 0 0 ments Branch 210,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/43 4,200 0 0 8,400 0 0 Advances to Settlers 40,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/43 800 0 0 Branch 40,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/43 800 0 0 1,600 0 0 Advances to Workers 750,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/43 15,000 0 0 Branch 750,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/43 15,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 160,000 0 0 Less amount recovered,— From State Advances Office'— New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10 — Advances to Settlers Branch .. .. .. .. 1,600 0 0 Advances to Workers Branch .. .. .. .. 30,000 0 0 From Land for Settlements Account— New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10— Land for Settlements .. .. .. .. .. 4,200 0 0 ■ .. 35,800 0 0 124,200 0 0 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1944,— Aid to Public Works 324,851 10 6 4J 1/9/32 1/3/44 7,309 3 2 and Land Settlement 324,851 10 6 4£ I 1/3/33 1/3/44 7,309 3 2 Act, 1922 14,618 6 4 Education Purposes 250,000 0 0 4J 1/9/32 j 1/3/44 5,625 0 0 Loans Act, 1919 250,000 0 0 4J 1/3/33 1/3/44 5,625 0 0 11,250 0 0 Finance Act, 1923, sec- 3,211,599 15 9 4£ 1/9/32 1/3/44 72,260 19 11 tion2 (Public Works) 3,208,599 15 9 4J 1/3/33 1/3/44 72,193 9 11 144,454 9 10 Native Land Amend- 200,000 0 0 4J 1/9/32 1/3/44 4,500 0 0 ment Act, 1913 200,000 0 0 4£ 1/3/33 1/3/44 4,500 0 0 9,000 0 0 New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10— Land for Settlements 22,739 12 3 4| 1/9/32 1/3/44 511 12 10 Branch 22,739 12 3 4£ 1/3/33 1/3/44 511 12 10 1,023 5 8 Advances to Settlers 4,331 7 0 4J 1/9/32 1/3/44 97 9 1 Branch 4,331 7 0 4£ 1/3/33 1/3/44 97 9 1 194 18 2 Advances to Workers 81,212 17 7 I 4J 1/9/32 1/3/44 1,827 5 10 Branch 81,212 17 7 ! 4J 1/3/33 1/3/44 1,827 5 10 3,654 11 8 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,412,595 19 5 588,185 3 1 2,824,410 16 4

B._l [Pγ.- ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services—Interest —continued.


j> ftte Gross Interest Net Interest Act PrinciDal ner Ha ' f -y ea rly Maturity Amount of charged to n P „™ri..« charged to Aot - principal. Due Date. Da te. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .-. .. .. 3,412,595 19 5 588,185 3 1 2,824,410 16 4 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— continued. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1944— contd. State Advances Act, 1913— Advances to Settlers 1,603,132 8 6 4J 1/9/32 1/3/44 36,070 9 7 Branch 1,603,132 8 6 4£ 1/3/33 1/3/44 36,070 9 7 72,140 19 2 Advances to Workers 1,603,132 8 5 4* 1/9/32 1/3/44 36,070 9 7 Branch 1,603,132 8 5 4£ 1/3/33 1/3/44 36,070 9 7 72,140 19 2 Swamp Drainage Act, 50,000 0 0 4£ 1/9/32 1/3/44 1,125 0 0 1915, and Appropria- 50,000 0 0 4$ 1/3/33 1/3/44 1,125 0 0 tion Act, 1918, section46 2,250 0 0 330,727 10 0 Less amount recovered from State Advances Office — New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10— Advances to Settlers .. .. .. .. .. 194 18 2 Advances to Workers .. .. .. .. .. 3,654 11 8 State Advances Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers .. .. .. .. .. 72,140 19 2 Advances to Workers .. .. .. .. .. 72,140 19 2 .. 148,131 8 2 182,596 1 10 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1945 — Aid to Public Works 1,084,009 1 9 4J 1/9/32 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 and Land Settlement 1,084,009 1 9 4| 1/3/33 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 Act, 1922 48,780 8 2 Electric-power Works 542,004 10 10 4* 1/9/32 1/3/45 12,195 2 1 Loan Act, 1919 542,004 10 10 4J 1/3/33 1/3/45 12,195 2 1 24,390 4 2 Finance Act, 1923, sec- 1,084,009 1 9 4J 1/9/32 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 tion 2 (Public Works) 1,084,009 1 9 4 1/3/33 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 48,780 8 2 Finance Act, 1924, sec- 1,626,013 12 6 4| 1/9/32 1/3/45 36,585 5 11 tion 2 (Public Works) 1,626,013 12 6 4£ 1/3/33 1/3/45 36,585 5 11 73,170 11 10 Main Highways Act, 542,004 10 10 4£ 1/9/32 1/3/45 12,195 2 1 1922 542,004 10 10 4£ 1/3/33 1/3/45 12,195 2 1 24,390 4 2 Railways Improvement 542,004 10 10 4J 1/9/32 1/3/45 12.195 2 ] Authorization Act, 542,004 10 10 4| 1/3/33 1/3/45 12495 2 1 1914 24,390 4 2 Carried forward .. .." .. | .. .. .. 3,743,323 9 5 736,316 11 3 3,007,006 18 2

B. —1 [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


Gross Interest Net Interest „ . . , Ka Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to PsmwrfM charged to A<*. Principal. per Du e Date. Da te. Interest. Ordinary Revenue K-ecoverlei. Ordinary Revenue ent * Account. Account. £ s d. £ s. d. £ 9. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,743,323 9 5 736,316 11 3 3,007,006 18 2 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — continued. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1945 — contd. State Advances Act, 1913— Advances to Settlers 1,084,009 1 8 4J 1/9/32 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 Branoh 1,084,009 1 8 4-|- 1/3/33 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 48,780 8 2 Advances to Workers 1,084,009 1 8 4J 1/9/32 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 Branch 1,084,009 1 8 4£ 1/3/33 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 48,780 8 2 1 341,462 17 0 Less amount recovered from — Electric Supply Account (Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919) 12,195 2 1 Main Highways Account Revenue Fund (Main Highways Act, 1922) 12,195 2 1 State Advances Office— State Advances Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers .. .. .. .. .. 48,780 8 2 Advances to Workers .. .. .. .. 48,780 8 2 .. 121,951 0 6 219,511 16 6 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1935-45 — Aid to Public Works 30,083 6 8 5 1/7/32 1/7/45 752 1 8 and Land Settlement 30,083 6 8 5 1/1/33 1/7/45 752 1 8 Act, 1902 1,504 3 4 Aid to Public Works 2,861,553 6 8 5 1/7/32 1/7/45 71,538 16 8 and Land Settlement 2,861,553 6 8 5 1/1/33 1/7/45 71,538 16 8 Act, 1921 143,077 13 4 Discharged Soldiers 255,495 16 8 5 1/7/32 1/7/45 6,387 7 11 Settlement Loans 255,495 16 8 5 1/1/33 1/7/45 6,387 7 11 Act, 1920 12,774 15 10 Education Purposes 510,991 13 3 5 1/7/32 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 Loaus Act, 1919 510,991 13 3 5 1/1/33 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 25,549 11 8 Electric-power Works 510,991 13 4 5 1/7/32 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 LoanAct, 1919 510,99113 4 5 1/1/33 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 25,549 11 8 Forests Act, 1921-22 204,396 13 5 5 1/7/32 1/7/45 5,109 18 4 294,396 13 5 5 1/1/33 1/7/45 5,109 18 4 10,219 16 8 Native Land Amend- 255,495 16 9 5 1/7/32 1/7/45 6,387 7 11 ment Act, 1913 255,495 16 9 5 1/1/33 1/7/45 6,387 7 11 12,774 15 10 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— Public Works FundGeneral Purposes 5,000,000 0 0 5 1/7/32 1/7/45 125,000 0 0 Account 5,000,000 0 0 5 1/1/33 1/7/45 125,000 0 0 250,000 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,084,786 6 5 858,267 11 9 3,226,518 14 8

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 3 2-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


Gross Interest Net Interest _ . . „ . K*™ Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries I a cnar 8 ed to Act. Principal. per Dup Jj ate Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Cent, Account. Account. _ —- — £ s. d. £ |s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. •• 4,084,786 6 5 858,267 11 9 3,226,518 14 8 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — continued. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1935-45— ctd. War Purposes Loan 510,991 13 3 5 1/7/32 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 Act, 1917 510,991 13 3 5 1/1/33 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 25,549 11 8 507,000 0 0 Less amount recovered from— Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account (Discharged Soldiers 12,774 15 10 Settlement Loans Act, 1920) Electric Supply Account (Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919) 25,549 11 8 State Forests Account (Forests Act, 1921-22) .. .. 5,109 18 4 . .. 43,434 5 10 463,565 14 2 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1946 — Electric-power Works 2,066,661 6 2 5 1/7/32 1/1/46 51,666 10 8 Loan Act, 1919 2,066,661 6 2 5 1/1/33 1/1/46 51,666 10 8 103,333 1 4 Finance Act, 1920, sec- 500,000 0 0 5 1/7/32 L'l/46 12,500 0 0 tion 15 (Public Works) 500,000 0 0 5 1/1/33 1/1/46 12,500 0 0 25,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1925, sec- 4,151,450 10 2 5 1/7/32 1/1/46 103,786 5 3 tion 2 (Public Works) 1,151,450 10 2 5 1/1/33 1/1/46 103,786 5 3 207,572 10 6 Finance Act, 1926, sec 3,597,270 9 10 5 1/7/32 1/1/46 89,93115 3 tion2 (Public Works) 3,597,270 9 10 5 1/1/33 1/1/46 89,931 15 3 — 1 179,863 10 6 Railways Improvement 934,076 7 4 5 1/7/32 1/1/46 23,351 18 2 Authorization Act, 934,076 7 4 5 1/1/33 1/1/46 23,351 18 2 1914 46,703 16 4 Railways Improvement 1,644,466 10 3 5 1/7/32 1/1/46 41,111 13 3 Authorization Act, 1,644,466 10 3 5 1/1/33 1/1/46 41,111 13 3 1914, and Finance Act, 1926, section 3 82,223 6 6 644,696 5 2 Less amount recovered from Electric Supply Account (Electric- .. •• 103,333 1 4 541,363 3 10 power Works Loan Act, 1919) New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1947 — Electric-power Works 1,081,909 7 2 4£ 1/5/32 1/11/47 24,342 19 2 Loan Act, 1919 1,081,909 7 2 4J 1/11/32 1/11/47 24,342 19 2 48,685 18 4 Finance Act, 1926, sec- 1,622,864 0 9 4£ 1/5/32 1/11/47 36,514 8 9 tion2 (Public Works) 1,622,864 0 9 4£ 1/11/32 1/11/47 36,514 8 9 73,028 17 6 Finance Act, 1927 (No. 1,622,864 0 9 4J 1/5/32 1/11/47 36,514 8 9 2), section 2 (Public 1,622,864 0 9 4£ 1/11/32 1/11/47 36,514 8 9 Works) 73,028 17 6 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,236,482 11 7 1,005,034 18 11 J4.231.447 12 8

B.—l [Pt. 11].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

***********STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services—Interest —continued.

3--B. 1 Pt. 11l .


Gross Interest Net Interest .„ Prt„„l™l „„ Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to RecnverlM charged to Aet - Principal. per Due j^', Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue eat * Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,236,482 11 7 1,005,034 18 114,231,447 12 8 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — continued. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1947 — contd. New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— Ordinary Revenue 590,453 4 2 4£ 1/5/32 1/11/47 13,285 3 11 Account —Miscel- 590,453 4 2 4J 1/11/32 1/11/47 13,285 3 11 laneous 26,570 7 10 Public Works Fund—5,256,348 7 9 4£ 1/5/32 1/11/47 118,267 16 11 General Purposes 5,256,348 7 9 4J 1/11/32 1/11/47 118,267 16 11 Account — 236,535 13 10 Railways Improvement 1,081,909 7 2 4£ 1/5/32 1/11/47 24,342 19 2 Authorization Act, 1,081,909 7 2 4| 1/11/32 1/11/47 24,342 19 2 1914, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), 48,685 18 4 section 3 506,535 13 4 Less amount recovered from — Electric Supply Account — Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. .. .. 48,685 18 4 457,849 15 0 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1949 — Education Purposes 210,000 0 0 5 15/6/32 15/12/49 5,250 0 0 Loans Act,1919, and 210,000 0 0 5 15/12/32 15/12/49 5,250 0 0 Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), section 4 10,500 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, sec- 100,000 0 0 5 15/6/32 15/12/49 2,500 0 0 tion 105 (Public 100,000 0 0 5 15/12/32 15/12/49 2,500 0 0 Works) 5,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, sec- 592,566 7 4 5 15/6/32 15/12/49 14,814 3 2 tion 15 (Electric- 592,566 7 4 5 15/12/32 15/12/49 14,814 3 2 power Works) 29,628 6 4 Finance Act, 1920, sec- 150,000 0 0 5 15/6/32 15/12/49 3,750 0 0 tion 15 (Public 150,000 0 0 5 15/12/32 15/12/49 5,750 0 0 Works) — 7,500 0 0 Finance Act, 1927 (No. 196,730 9 N 6 5 15/6/32 15/12/49 4,918 5 3 2), section 2 (Public 196,730 9 6 5 15/12/32 15/12/49 4,918 5 3 Works) 9,836 10 6 Finance Act, 1928, sec- 1,185,132 14 8 5 15/6/32 15/12/49 29,628 6 5 tion2 (Public Works) 1,185,132 14 8 5 15/12/32 15/12/49 29,628 6 5 59,256 12 10 Finance Act, 1929, sec- 3,737,119 4 6 5 15/6/32 15/12/49 93,427 19 7 tion2 (Public Works) 3,737,119 4 6 5 15/12/32 15/12/49 93,427 19 7 186,855 19 2 Land for Settlements 110,000 0 0 5 15/6/32 15/12/49 2,750 0 0 Act, 1925 110,000 0 0 5 15/12/32 15/12/49 2,750 0 0 5,500 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— Public Works Fund— 360,835 18 0 5 15/6/32 15/12/49 9,020 17 11 General Purposes 360,835 18 0 5 15/12/32 15/12/49 9,020 17 11 Account 18,041 15 10 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,743,018 4 11 1,053,720 17 3 4,689,297 7 8

8.-l [Pγ. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 9 32- 193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


T,.,. Gross Interest Net Interest .„, Prini-iml n7r Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to nM>nvi>ri™ charged to 4cl " innclpal. per Due Date . : Date . Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. : Ordinary Revenue uenl- Account. | Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d. j £ s. d. £ a. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,743,018 411 1,053,720 17 3 4,689,297 7 8 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— continued. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1949— contd. Railways Improvement 857,615 6 0 5 15/6/32 15/12/49 21,440 7 8 Authorization Act, 857,615 6 0 5 15/12/32 15/12/49 21,440 7 8 1914, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), 42,880 15 4 section 3 375,000 0 0 Less amount recovered from — Electric Supply Account — Finance Act, 1920, section 15 (Electric-power Works) .. 29,628 6 4 Land for Settlements Account — Land tor Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. .. 2,750 0 0 - .. 32,378 6 4 342,621 13 8 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1951— State Advances Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers 1,250,000 0 0 5£ 1/8/32 1/2/51 34,375 0 0 Branch 1,250,000 0 0 5 J 1/2/33 1/2/51 34,375 0 0 68,750 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 68,750 0 0 from State Advances Office (Advances to Settlers Branch) New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1936-51— Electric-power Works 1,076,938 9 3 6 1/8/32 1/8/51 32,308 3 1 Loan Act, 1919 1,076,938 9 3 6 1/2/33 1/8/51 32,308 3 1 64,616 6 2 Finance Act, 1916, sec- 1,774 12 10 6 1/8/32 1/8/51 53 4 9 tion 50, and Finance 1,774 12 10 6 1/2/33 1/8/51 53 4 9 Act, 1920, section 16 (State Forests) 106 9 6 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 512,533 0 8 6 1/8/32 1/8/51 15,375 19 10 2), Part IV (War 512,533 0 8 6 1/2/33 1/8/51 15,375 19 10 Expenses) 30,751 19 8 Finance Act, 1920, sec- 807,703 17 0 6 1/8/32 1/8/51 24,231 2 4 tion 15 (Electric- 807,703 17 0 6 1/2/33 1/8/51 24,231 2 4 power Works) 48,462 4 8 Finance Act, 1921, sec- 2,423,111 10 11 6 1/8/32 1/8/51 72,693 6 11 tion 10 (Public 2,423,111 10 11 6 1/2/33 1/8/51 72,693 6 11 Works) — * 145,386 13 10 Railways Improvement 1,076,938 9 4 6 1/8/32 1/8/51 32,308 3 1 Authorization Act, 1,076,938 9 4 6 1/2/33 1/8/51 32,308 3 1 1914 64,616 6 2 ; 353,940 0 0 Less amount recovered from— Electric Supply Account — Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. 32,308 3 I Finance Act, 1920, section 15 (Electric-power Works) .. 24,231 2 4 .. 56,539 5 5 297,400 14 7 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,540,708 4 11 1,211,388 9 0 5,329,319 15 11 . I


B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


x> ate Gross Interest Net Interest Act. Princlnal D er Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to neamitn charged to * rnncipai. per D ue Da te. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue necoverks. Ordinary Bevenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ E''s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,540,708 £4 11 1,211,3889 0 5,329,319 15 11 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — continued. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1948-58 — Finance Act, 1920, sec- 1,000,000 0 0 4£ 1/9/32 1/3/58 22,500 0 0 tion 15 (Electric- 1,000,000 0 0 4J 1/3/33 1/3/58 22,500 0 0 power Works) 45,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2,500,000 0 0 4* 1/9/32 1/3/58 56,250 0 0 2), section 2 (Public 2,500,000 0 0 4| 1/3/33 1/3/58 56,250 0 0 Works) 112,500 0 0 Finance Act, 1928, sec- 2,000,000 0 0 4* 1/9/32 1/3/58 45,000 0 0 tion 2 (Public Works) 2,000,000 0 0 4J 1/3/33 1/3/58 45,000 0 0 90,000 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— Public Works Fund—12,227,987 13 3 4J 1/9/32 1/3/58 275,129 14 5 General Purposes 12,227,987 13 3 4J 1/3/33 1/3/58 275,129 14 5 Account 550,259 8 10 Railways Improvement 1,500,000 0 0 4* 1/9/32 1/3/58 33,750 0 1 Authorization Act, 1,500,000 0 0 4J 1/3/33 1/3/58 33,750 0 1 1914, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), 67,500 0 2 section 3 I 865,259 9 0 Less amount recovered from— Electric Supply Account— Finance Act, 1920, section 15 (Electric-power Works) .. .. .. 22,500 0 0 842,759 9 0 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1956-71— Aid to Public Works 1,200,000 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/11/71 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 .. 30,000 0 0 and Land Settlement Act, 1914 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 1,500,000 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/11/71 37,500 0 0 37,500 0 0 .. 37,500 0 0 2), section 29 (Public Works) Finance Act, 1920, sec- 1,300,000 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/11/71 32,500 0 0 32,500 0 0 .. 32,500 0 0 tion 15 (Public Works) Finance Act, 1930 (No. 500,000 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/11/71 12,500 0 0 12,500 0 0 2), section 3 (Electricpower Works) Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,500 0 0 from Electric Supply Account Finance Act, 1931 (No. 500,000 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/11/71 12,500 0 0 12,500 0 0 .. 12,500 0 0 4), section 2 (Public Works) New Zealand Loans Act, 1932— State Advances Account 46,900 0 0 4J 1/2/33 1/2/36 34 13 10 34 13 10 .. 34 13 10 (Workers) State Advances Account 3,100 0 0 4i 1/2/33 1/2/36 2 5 10 2 5 in .. 2 5 10 (Settlers) Banks Indemnity (Exchange) Act, 1932-33 — Treasury Bills .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,111 17 0 .. 18,111 17 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,549,116 10 7 1,246,388 9 0 [6,302.728 1 7

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 3 2-1933.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest—continued.


Gross Interest Net Interest „ . . . 'i a t e Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries „ charged to Act. Principal. per D ue Date. Dit e. Interest. Ordinary llevenue itecovcn.s. rjrdtaary Revenue kent. Account. Account. £ s d £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. . • 7,549,116 10 7 1,246,388 9 0 6,302,728 1 7 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 : — Aid to Public Works and 100 0 0 5i 1/9/32 1/9/37 2 15 0 Land Settlement Act, 100 0 0 5| 1/3/33 1/9/37 2 15 0 1900 500 0 0 1/5/32 1/5/41 11 5 0 500 0 0 4i 1/11/32 1/5/41 11 5 0 600 0 0 51 1/9/32 1/9/41 15 15 0 600 0 0 51 1/3/33 1/9/41 15 15 0 59 10 0 .. 59 10 0 Aid to Public Works and 38,700 0 0 51 1/9/32 1/9/41 1,015 17 6 Land Settlement Act, 38,700 0 0 5| 1/3/33 1/9/41 1,015 17 6 X902 2,031 15 0 .. 2,031 15 0 Aid to Public Works and 1,000 0 0 5| 15/8/32 15/8/33 26 5 0 Land Settlement Act, 1,000 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 26 5 0 1903 4,880 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/37 134 4 0 4,880 0 0 5| 1/3/33 1/9/37 134 4 0 10,000 0 0 4A 1/7/32 1/7/41 225 0 0 10,000 0 0 4| 1/1/33 1/7/4! 225 0 0 700 0 0 4 J 1/8/32 1/8/41 15 15 0 700 0 0 41 1/2/33 1/8/41 15 15 0 200 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/41 5 0 0 183,800 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/41 4,824 15 0 183,800 0 0 51 1/3/33 1/9/41 4,824 15 0 10,456 18 0 .. 10,456 18 0 Aid to Public Works and 50,000 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/37 1,375 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 50,100 0 0 5J 1/3/33 1/9/37 1,377 15 0 1905 2,752 15 0 ... 2,752 15 0 Aid to Public Works and 2,040 0 0 5 J 2 - 1/3/32 1/9/37 56 2 0 Land Settlement Act, 261,150 0 0 5| 1/9/32 1/9/37 7,181 12 6 1906 260,150 0 0 5-J 1/3/33 1/9/37 7,154 2 6 1,000 0 0 51 1/9/32 1/9/41 26 5 0 1,000 0 0 51 1/3/33 1/9/41 26 5 0 14,444 7 0 .. 14,444 7 0 Aid to Public Works and 232,600 0 0 5| 1/8/32 1/2/33 6,396 10 0 Land Settlement Act, 232,600 0 0 5| 1/2/33 1/2/33 6,396 10 0 1907 23,250 0 0 51 15/8/32 15/8/33 610 6 3 23,250 0 0 51 15/2/33 15/8/33 610 6 3 5,000 0 0 4J 1/7/32 1/7/41 112 10 0 5,000 0 0 4J 1/1/33 1/7/41 112 10 0 1,700 0 0 51 1/9/32 1/9/41 44 12 6 1,700 0 0 51 1/3/33 1/9/4] 44 12 6 14,327 17 6 .. 14,327 17 6 Aid to Public Works and 200 0 0 5 1/3/32 1/9/37 5 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 22,880 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/37 572 0 0 1908 23,780 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/9/37 569 10 0 1,146 10 0 .. 1,146 10 0 Aid to Public Works and 25,000 0 0 51 1/9/32 1/9/4.1 656 5 0 Land Settlement Act, 25,000 0 0 51 1/3/33 1/9/41 656 5 0 ]9H 1,312 10 0 .. 1,312 10 0 Aid to Public Works and 60,000 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 1,650 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 59,800 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/2/37 1,644 10 0 1914 3,294 10 0 .. 3,294 10 0 Aid to Public Works and 200 0 0 51 15/2/32 15/2/32 5 5 0 Land Settlement Act, 150,050 0 0 51 15/8/32 15/8/33 3,938 16 3 1921 150.050 0 0 51 15/2/33 15/8/33 3,938 16 3 400 0 0 5* 1/8/31 1/2/36 11 0 0 700 0 0 5| 1/2/32 1/2/38 19 5 0 39,660 0 0 5J 1/8/32 1/2/36 1,090 13 0 39,660 0 0 5| 1/2/33 1/2/36 1,090 13 0 4,000 0 0 o| 1/8/32 1/8/41 110 0 0 4,000 0 0 5* 1/2/33 1/8/41 110 0 0 10,314 8 6 .. 10,314 8 6 Aid to Water-power Works 900 0 0 51 15/2/32 15/8/33 23 12 6 Act, 1910 272,200 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 7,145 5 0 270,200 0 0 51 15/2/33 15/8/33 7,092 15 0 14,261 12 6 Less amount recovered from Electric Supply Account — Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. .. .. •• •• 7,155 15 0 7,105 17 6 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,623,519 4 1 1,253,544 4 0 6,369,975 0 1

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


Gross interest Net interest „ , . . Eate Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to Act, Principal. per Due k ate . Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Cent. Account. Account. £ s d £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. • • • • 7,623,519 4 1 1,253,544 4 0 6,369,975 0 1 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917- cW. Discharged Soldiers Settle- 50,050 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/32 1,313 16 3 merit Loans Art, 1919, 80,000 0 0 5J 1/8/32 1/2/36 2,200 0 0 section 4 (Land for 80,000 0 0 5J 1/2/33 1/2/36 2,200 0 0 Settlements) 5,713 10 3 .. 5,713 16 3 Discharged Soldiers Settle- 100 0 0 ~>l 15/1/29 15/1/33 2 15 0 ment Loans Act, 1920 100 0 0 54 15/7/29 15/1/33 2 15 0 100 0 0 5£ 15/1/30 15/1/33 2 15 0 400 0 0 54 15/7/30 15/1/33 11 0 0 200 0 0 51 15/1/31 15/1/33 5 10 0 600 0 0 5j 15/7'31 15/1/33 16 10 0 10,930 0 0 54 15/1/32 15/1/33 300 11 6 3,010,930 0 0 54 15/7'32 15/1/33 82,800 11 6 3,021,960 0 0 54 15/1/33 15/1/33 82,276 12 11 500 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/37 12 10 0 500 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/9/37 12 10 0 218,130 0 0 5 15/12/32 15/6/40 681 8 8 166,125 9 7 Less amount recovered .. .. .. • • • • • • 83,263 3 5 82,862 6 - from Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account Education Purposes Loans 850 0 0 5i 15/2/32 .15/8/33 22 6 3 Act, 1919 81,390 0 0 5-] 15/8/32 15/8/33 2,136 9 9 80,540 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 2,114 3 6 69,000 0 0 5J 1/7/32 1/7/35 1,811 5 0 74,000 0 0 51 1/1/33 1/7/35 1,942 10 0 , 8,026 14 6 .. 8,026 14 6 Education Purposes Loans 3,770 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 98 19 3 Act, 1919, and Finance 3,570 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 93 14 3 Act, 1927 (No. 2), sec- 50 0 0 5J 15/8/29 15/2/37 0 6 4 tion 4 1,080 0 0 0i 15/2/32 15/2/37 27 13 7 56,390 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 1,445 0 4 55,690 0 0 5$ 15/2/33 15/2/37 1,427 1 7 6,000 0 0 54 15/2/32 15/2/37 165 0 0 98,960 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 2,721 8 0 99,210 0 0 54 15/2/33 15/2/37 2,728 5 6 6,450 0 0 5J 1/3/32 1/9/37 177 7 6 34,490 0 0 54 1/9/32 1/9/37 948 9 6 33,740 0 0 54 1/3/33 1/9/37 927 17 0 10,761 2 10 .. 10,761 2 10 Electric - power Works 160,000 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 4,200 0 0 Loan Act, 1919 160,000 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 4,200 0 0 1,300 0 0 5 1/3/32 1/9/37 32 10 0 132,350 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/37 3,308 15 0 131,000 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/9/37 3,275 0 0 200 0 0 54 1/9/31 1/9/37 1 1 8 4,300 0 0 54 1/3/32 1/9/37 118 5 0 413,250 0 0 54 1/9/32 1/9/37 11,364 7 6 411,750 0 0 54 1/3/33 1/9/37 11,323 2 6 37,823 1 8 Less amount recovered .. .. •■ •• •■ •• 18,998 14 2 18,824 7 6 from Electric Supply Account Finance Act, 1915, sec- 1,200 0 0 44 15/6/32 15/12/35 27 0 0 tion 105 (Public Works) 1,200 0 0 4£ 15/12/32 15/12/35 27 0 0 550 0 0 54 1/3/32 1/9/37 15 2 6 95,550 0 0 54 1/9/32 1/9/37 2,627 12 6 93,800 0 0 54 1/3/33 1/9/37 2,579 10 0 2,000 0 0 44 15/12/31 15/12/40 45 0 0 13,950 0 0 44 15/6/32 15/12/40 313 17 6 14,050 0 0 44 15/12/32 15/12/40 316 2 6 200 0 0 5-i 1/3/32 1/9/41 5 5 0 84,970 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/41 2,230 9 0 83,970 0 0 54 1/3/33 1/9/41 2,204 4 0 10,391 3 0 .. 10,391 3 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 7,862,360 11 11 1,355,806 1 7 6,506,554 10 4

B.—l [Pt. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


j Ra 4. Gross Interest Net Interest Act ' Princroal ner HaH-year'y Maturity Amount of charged to »«„._,„ charged to *" i-ruicipai. Due Date _ Date _ Interest. Ordinary Revenue K*covenes. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,862,360 1111 1,355,806 1 7 6,506,554 10 4 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — etd. Finance Act, 1916, sec- 50 0 0 44 1/3/30 1/9/30 1 2 6 tion 35 (War Expenses) 50 0 0 4| 1/9/30 1/9/30 12 6 500 0 0 5| 1/8/31 1/2/36 13 15 0 1,950 0 0 5i 1/2/32 1/2/36 53 12 6 224,570 0 0 5-| 1/8/32 1/2/36 6,175 13 6 222,670 0 0 5i 1/2/33 1/2/36 6,123 8 6 10,000 0 0 5| 15/8/32 15/2/37 275 0 0 10,000 0 0 5| 15/2/33 15/2/37 275 0 0 950 0 0 54 1/3/31 1/9/37 3 14 5 1,200 0 0 5-| 1/9/31 1/9/37 33 0 0 11,330 0 0 5i 1/3/32 1/9/37 311 11 6 2,318,355 0 0 5 J- 1/9/32 1/9/37 63,754 15 3 2,321,335 0 0 5J 1/3/33 1/9/37 63,284 16 6 7,000 0 0 Si 1/9/33 1/9/37 30 11 9 100 0 0 44 1/3/32 1/9/41 2 5 0 63,800 0 0 4-| 1/9/32 1/9/41 1,435 10 0 65,900 0 0 4| 1/3/33 1/9/41 1,482 15 0 — 143,257 13 11 .. 143,257 13 11 Finance Act, 1918, sec- 194,660 0 0 54 15/8/32 15/8/33 5,040 1 4 tion 10 (War Expenses) 184,660 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/8/33 4,847 6 6 570 0 0 Si 15/2/32 15/2/37 15 13 6 243,730 0 0 54 15/8/32 15/2/37 6,702 11 6 242,810 0 0 Si 15/2/33 15/2/37 6,674 10 6 10,000 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/37 105 9 7 10,000 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/9/37 250 0 0 23,635 12 11 .. 23,635 12 11 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 50,000 0 0 5] 1/9/32 1/9/32 1,312 10 0 Part IV (War Expenses) 1,650 0 0 5} 15/2/32 15/2/37 45 7 6 128,930 0 0 5i 15/8/32 15/2/37 3,545 11 6 128,130 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/2/37 3,519 9 0 —— 8,422 18 0 .. 8,422 18 0 Finance Act, 1919, sec- 11,500 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 301 17 6 tion 5 (Public Works) 11,500 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 30117 6 150 (I 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/37 4 2 6 150 0 0 51 15/8/31 15/2/37 4 2 6 2,050 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/2/37 56 7 6 164,900 0 0 Si 15/8/32 15/2/37 4,534 15 0 163,100 0 0 Si 15/2/33 15/2/37 4,485 5 0 9,688 7 6 .. 9,688 7 6 Finance Act, 1920, sec- 500 0 0 51 15/2/32 15/8/33 13 2 6 tion 15 (Electric-power 146,980 0 0 5± 15/8/32 15/8/33 3,858 4 6 Works) 146,980 0 0 54, 15/2/33 15/8/33 3,858 4 6 900 0 0 54 1/2/32 1/2/36 24 15 0 302,800 0 0 54 1/8/32 1/2/36 8,327 0 0 298,600 0 0 5i 1/2/33 1/2/36 8,211 10 0 100 0 0 54 15/2/32 15/2/37 2 15 0 210,000 0 0 5i 15/8/32 15/2/37 5,775 0 0 209,500 0 0 5} 15/2/33 15/2/37 5,761 5 0 35,831 16 6 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,971 12 0 17,860 4 6 from Electric-supply Account Finance Act, 1920, sec- 50 0 0 5| 15/8/31 15/2/32 1 6 3 tion 15 (Public Works) 800 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/2/32 21 0 0 22 6 3 .. 22 6 3 Finance Act, 1921, sec- 500 0 0 51 15/2/32 15/2/32 13 2 6 tion 10 (Public Works) 13 2 6 .. 13 2 6 Finance Act, 1923, sec- 11,000 0 0 44 1/9/32 1/3/44 247 10 0 tion 2 (Public Works) 11,000 0 0 4J 1/3/33 1/3/44 247 10 0 495 0 0 .. 495 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,083,727 9 6 1,373,777 13 7 6,709,949 15 11

B.—] [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 3 2-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services—Interest—continued.


u a t» Gross Interest I Net Interest Act PrinciDal Der HaU-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to R„ m „„ri». charsed to ACt - Principal, Due Date _ Da te. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. ;8,083,727 9 6 1,373,777 13 7 6,709,949 15 11 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— etd. Finance Act, 1924, sec- 297,000 0 0 5J 1/8/32 1/2/36 8,167 10 0 tion 2 (Public Works?) 297,000 0 0 5J 1/2/33 1/2/36 8,167 10 0 250 0 0 51 15/2/32 15/2/37 6 17 6 65,680 0 0 5| 15/8/32 15/2/37 1,806 4 0 65,480 0 0 5£ 15/2/33 15/2/37 1,800 14 0 19,948 15 6 .. 19,948 15 6 Finance Act, 1929, sec- 1,520 0 0 5J 1/3/32 1/9/37 41 16 0 ' tion 2 (Public Works) 111,900 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/37 3,077 5 0 126,570 0 0 51 1/3/33 1/9/37 3,480 13 6 6,599 14 6 .. 6,599 14 6 Forests Act, 1921-22 .. 135,250 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 3,550 6 3 135,250 0 0 5| 15/2/33 15/8/33 3,550 6 3 7,100 12 6 .. 7,100 12 6 Forests Act, 1921-22, and 23,850 0 0 5£ .15/8/32 15/8/33 626 1 3 Finance Act, 1924, sec- 23,850 0 0 5-J 15/2/33 15/8/33 626 1 3 tion 16 1,252 2 6 .. 1,252 2 6 Forests Act, 1921-22, and 1,200 0 0 5i 15/2/31 15/8/33 Gr. 31 10 0 Finance Act, 1926, sec- 1,200 0 0 5| 15/8/31 15/8/33 Or. 3110 0 tion 6 1,150 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/8/33 30 3 9 234,600 0 0 5| 15/8/32 15/8/33 6,158 5 0 234,600 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 6,158 5 0 200 0 0 5J 15/8/31 15/2/37 5 2 6 2,370 0 0 51- 15/2/32 15/2/37 60 14 8 184,500 0 0 5| 15/8/32 15/2/37 4,727 17 8 182,400 0 0 5| 15/2/33 15/2/37 4,674 1 6 1,450 0 0 51 15/2/32 15/2/37 39 17 6 283,700 0 0 51 15/8/32 15/2/37 7,801 15 0 282,100 0 0 51 15/2/33 15/2/37 7,757 15 0 5,000 0 0 51 1/9/32 1/9/37 137 10 0 5,400 0 0 51 1/3/33 1/9/37 148 10 0 Less recoveries from 37,636 17 7 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 104 12 2 37,532 5 5 Forests Act, 1921-22, and 160,000 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/37 4,400 0 0 ' Finance Act, 1930 158,400 0 0 5| 1/3/33 1/9/37 4,356 0 0 (No. 2), section 5 8,756 0 0 .. 8,756 0 0 Government Railways Act, 1908 — Finance Act, 1909 .. 500 0 0 41 1/8/32 1/8/41 11 5 0 500 0 0 41 1/2/33 1/8/41 11 5 0 300 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/41 7 17 6 300 0 0 5| 1/3/33 1/9/41 7 17 6 38 5 0 .. 38 5 0 Government Railways 500 0 0 4 J 1/7/32 1/7/41 11 5 0 Amendment Act, 1910 500 0 0 4J 1/1/33 1/7/41 11 5 0 500 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/41 13 2 6 500 0 0 54, 1/3/33 1/9/41 13 2 6 48 15 0 .. 48 15 0 Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 1,500 0 0 5| 15/2/32 15/2/37 41 5 0 10,000 0 0 5|- 15/8/32 15/2/37 275 0 0 10,000 0 0 5| 15/2/33 15/2/37 275 0 0 591 5 0 .. 591 5 0 Land for Settlements 1,500 0 0 51 1/7/32 1/1/33 41 5 0 Act, 1908 1,600 0 0 5| 1/1/33 1/1/33 44 0 0 60,750 0 0 5|- 1/8/32 1/2/33 1,670 12 6 60,750 0 0 51- 1/2/33 1/2/33 1,670 12 6 42,750 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/41 1,122 3 9 42,250 0 0 5| 1/3/33 1/9/41 1,109 1 3 5,657 15 0 .. 5,657 15 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,171,357 12 1 1,373,882 5 9 6,797,475 6 4

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest-continued.


j, fo j Gross Interest Net Interest As* Prinrtnal nor Half-yearly Maturity Amount ot charged to Recoveries charged to *"• Principal. per Due Da te. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue vem - Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,171,357 12 1 1,373,882 5 9 6,797,475 6 4 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— ctd. Land for Settlements 3,700 0 0 5J 15/8/32 I 15/8/33 97 2 6 Act, 1925 3,700 0 0 5\ 15/2/33 15/8/33 97 2 6 8,660 0 0 5 30/6/32 30/6/36 143 10 10 8,660 0 0 5 30/12/32 30/6/36 216 10 0 500 0 0 5A 15/8/31 15/2/37 13 15 0 1,350 0 0 5j 15/2/32 15/2/37 37 2 6 393,110 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 10,810 10 6 392,810 0 0 51 15/2/33 15/2/37 10,802 5 6 200 0 0 5 1/3/31 1/9/37 5 0 0 200 0 0 5 1/9/31 1/9/37 5 0 0 47,130 0 0 5 1/3/32 1/9/37 184 16 5 1,282,640 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/37 24,371 16 9 1,508,800 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/9/37 36,354 16 0 2,000 0 0 5£ 1/9/31 1/9/37 32 6 5 8,230 0 0 5J 1/3/32 1/9/37 226 6 6 668,260 0 0 51 1/9/32 1/9/37 18,377 3 0 594,710 0 0 51 1/3/33 1/9/37 16,081 0 7 16,700 0 0 41 1/7/32 1/7/41 375 15 0 16,700 0 0 41 1/1/33 1/7/41 375 15 0 1,000 0 0 4| 1/8/32 1/8/41 22 10 0 1,000 0 0 41 1/2/33 1/8/41 22 10 0 52,500 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/41 1,378 2 6 52,500 0 0 5] 1/3/33 1/9/41 1,378 2 6 121,409 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 423 11 9 120,985 8 3 from Land for Settlements Account Land Laws Amendment 5,500 0 0 5| 1/9/32 1/9/41 144 7 6 Act, 1913 5,500 0 0 5J 1/3/33 1/9/41 144 7 6 288 15 0 .. 288 15 0 Main Highways Act, 1922 196,550 0 0 5| 15/8/32 15/8/33 5,159 8 9 196,550 0 0 5J- 15/2/33 15/8/33 5,159 8 9 100 0 0 51 15/2/32 15/2/37 2 11 3 197,600 0 0 51 15/8/32 15/2/37 5,063 10 7 197,600 0 0 5| 15/2/33 15/2/37 5,063 10 7 100 0 0 51 15/2/30 15/2/37 0 0 10 1,300 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/2/37 35 15 0 466,120 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 12,818 6 0 465,120 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/2/37 12,666 17 3 4,620 0 0 51 1/3/32 1/9/37 127 1 0 485,030 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/37 13,338 6 6 481,880 0 0 51 1/3/33 1/9/37 13,246 4 0 72,681 0 6 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 36,524 5 4 36,156 15 2 from Main Highways Account — Revenue Fund Maori Land Settlement 900 0 0 5| 1/9/32 1/9/41 23 12 6 Act, 1905 900 0 0 5£ 1/3/33 1/9/41 23 12 6 47 5 0 .. 47 5 0 Native Land Amendment 98,730 0 0 5| ■ 15/8/32 15/2/37 2,715 1 6 Act, 1913 98,030 0 0 5$ 15/2/33 15/2/37 2,695 16 6 950 0 0 51 1/3/32 1/9/37 26 2 6 250,350 0 0 51 1/9/32 1/9/37 6,884 12 6 249,450 0 0 54- 1/3/33 1/9/37 6,859 17 6 New Zealand Loans Act, 19,18110 6 .. 19,18110 6 1908,— Ordinary Revenue Ac- 450 0 0 5J 15/8/31 15/2/37 11 10 8 count—Miscellaneous 2,050 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/2/37 52 10 8 628,500 8 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 16,105 7 5 632,500 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/2/37 16,207 17 5 3,460 0 0 51 15/2/32 15/2/37 95 3 0 470,900 0 0 5| 15/8/32 15/2/37 12,949 5 0 469,600 0 0 51 15/2/33 15/2/37 12,914 0 0 500 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/37 12 10 0 500 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/9/37 12 10 0 1,700 0 0 51 1/3/32 1/9/37 46 15 0 133,500 0 0 5| 1/9/32 1/9/37 3,671 5 0 132,080 0 0 5J 1/3/33 1/9/37 3,632 4 0 65,710 18 2 .. 65,710 18 2 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,450,676 1 3 1,410,830 2 10 7,039,845 18 5 f

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-19 33.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest—continued.


, i Gross Interest Net Interest „ . . , ***!* Half-yearly Maturity Amount of . charged to PpnnwriM charged to Act- Principal. , per , )ue Bate _ Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. ordinary Revenue *- /ent - Account. Account. — £ g. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,450,676 1 3 1,410,830 2 10 7,039,845 18 5 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— ctd. New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — continued. Public Works Fund— 4,400 0 0 64 15/2/32 15/2/37 112 15 0 General Purposes Ac- 1,807,890 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 46,327 6 10 count 1,805,940 0 0 51 15/2/33 15/2/37 46,277 7 5 500 0 0 5J 15/8/31 15/2/37 13 15 0 2,150 0 0 54 15/2/32 15/2/37 59 2 6 752,840 0 0 5| 15/8/32 15/2/37 20,696 8 7 751,840 0 0 54 15/2/33 15/2/37 20,675 12 0 25,670 0 0 5* 1/9/32 1/9/37 705 1.8 6 24,050 0 0 54 1/3/33 1/9/37 661 7 6 135,529 13 4 .. 135,529 13 4 New Zealand State-guar- 2,000 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/41 52 10 0 anteed Advances Acts, 2,000 0 0 5J 1/3/33 1/9/41 52 10 0 1909-10 (Guaranteed 105 0 0 .. 105 0 0 Mining Advances) Railways Improvement 2,500 0 0 54. 1/2/32 1/2/36 68 15 0 Authorization Act, 1914 57,310 0 0 54. 1/8/32 1/2/36 1,576 0 6 57,310 0 0 54. 1/2/33 1/2/36 1,576 0 6 2,190 0 0 54 15/8/32 15/2/37 60 4 6 2,190 0 0 5| 15/2/33 15/2/37 60 4 6 3,341 5 0 .. 3,341 5 0 Railways Improvement 50,000 0 0 5J 15/8/31 15/8/33 1,312 10 0 AuthorizationAct,1914, 50,000 0 0 54 15/2/32 15/8/33 1,312 10 0 and Finance Act, 1926, 2,625 0 0 .. 2,625 0 0 section 3 Railways Improvement 178,400 0 0 54, 15/8/32 15/2/37 4,906 0 0 Authorization Act, 1914, 177,400 0 0 54. 15/2/33 15/2/37 4,878 10 0 and Finance Act, 1927 1,000 0 0 54. 1/9/31 1/9/37 27 10 0 Wo. 2), section 3 1,550 0 0 54 1/3/32 1/9/37 42 12 6 36,250 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/37 996 17 6 36,250 0 0 5J 1/3/33 1/9/37 996 17 6 11,848 7 6 .. 11,848 7 6 State Advances Act, 1913, — Advances to Settlers 400 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/8/33 10 10 0 Branch 160,690 0 0 54, 15/8/32 15/8/33 4,218 2 3 160,690 0 0 6J 15/2/33 15/8/33 4,218 2 3 746,100 0 0 51 9/4/32 9/10/34 18,661 2 6 j 692,900 0 0 5J 9/10/32 9/10/34 18,188 12 6 200 0 0 54 1/2/26 1/2/36 1 7 1 50 0 0 5| 1/8/31 1/2/36 1 7 6 7,950 0 0 5J 1/2/32 1/2/36 218 12 6 2,077,500 0 0 54 1/8/32 1/2/36 57,130 2 5 2,064,690 0 0 5£ 1/2/33 1/2/36 56,298 7 6 6,100 0 0 5J 1/8/33 1/2/36 10 4 3 500 0 0 5| 15/2/31 15/2/37 12 16 3 500 0 0 54 15/8/31 1.5/2/37 12 16 3 , 2,220 0 0 54 15/2/32 15/2/37 56 17 10 I 856,670 0 0 54 15/8/32 15/2/37 21,952 4 10 857,670 0 0 54 15/2/33 15/2/37 21,977 17 3 6,080 0 0 54 15/2/32 15/2/37 167 4 0 501,420 0 0 54 15/8/32 15/2/37 13,789 1 0 549,720 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/2/37 13,783 11 0 1,450 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/37 36 5 0 1,450 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/9/37 36 5 0 3,900 0 0 54 1/3/32 1/9/37 107 5 0 449,450 0 0 54 1/9/32 1/9/37 12,359 17 6 445,000 0 0 54 1/3/33 1/9/37 12,237 10 0 1,146,500 0 0 54 1/8/32 1/2/51 31,528 15 0 1,146,500 0 0 54 1/2/33 1/2/51 31,528 15 0 318,543 11 8 Less amount re- .. .. .. .. .. .. 319,299 2 1 Or. 755 10 5 covered from State Advances Office (Advances to Settlers' Branch) Advances to Workers 2,190 0 0 54 45/2/32 15/2/32 57 9 9 Branch 150 0 0 54 15/8/31 15/8/33 3 18 9 2,160 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/8/33 56 14 0 1,530.850 0 0 54 15/8/32 15/8/33 39,213 11 3 1,496,050 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 39,254 19 4 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,922,668 18 9 1,730,129 4 11 7,192,539 13 10

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest—continued.


.- . Gross Interest Net Interest p . , ™"° Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to Act - Principal. per Due Da t e . Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. ordinary Revenue uent * Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,922,668 18 9 1,730,129 4 11 7,192,539 13 10 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— ctd. State Advances Act, 1913 — continued. Advances to Workers 150,000 0 0 5| 9/4/32 9/10/34 3,937 10 0 Branch— continued. 150,000 0 0 5J 9/10/32 9/10/34 3,937 10 0 2,400 0 0 5J 1/2/32 1/2/36 66 0 0 753,690 0 0 54 1/8/32 1/2/36 20,726 9 6 770,390 0 0 5£ 1/2/33 1/2/36 20,635 14 6 22,650 0 0 5J 1/8/33 1/2/36 28 4 1 950 0 0 54 15/2/32 15/2/37 24 6 11 151,600 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 3,886 1 5 146,350 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/2/37 3,750 5 3 700 0 0 5J 15/8/31 15/2/37 19 5 0 3,850 0 0 oj 15/2/32 15/2/37 105 17 6 643,060 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 17,675 4 5 640,060 0 0 5 J 15/2/33 15/2/37 17,465 7 10 12,780 0 0 5 1/3/32 1/9/37 26 4 10 293,780 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/37 7,344 10 0 292,080 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/9/37 7,302 0 0 400 0 0 5J 1/9/31 1/9/37 11 0 0 4,250 0 0 5$ 1/3/32 1/9/37 116 17 6 409,240 0 0 54 1/9/32 1/9/37 11,254 2 0 401,590 0 0 54 1/3/33 1/9/37 11,043 14 6 502,000 0 0 5J 1/8/32 1/2/51 13,805 0 0 502,000 0 0 54 1/2/33 1/2/51 13,805 0 0 235,552 18 4 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 236,214 19 5 \ Or. 662 1 1 from State Advances Office (Advances to Workers Branch) Swamp Drainage Act, 12,000 0 0 5£ 15/8/32 15/2/37 330 0 0 1915, and Appropria- 12,000 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/2/37 330 0 0 tion Act, 1918. section 660 0 0 .. 660 0 0 46 War Purposes Loan Act, 100 0 0 5J 15/2/29 15/8/33 2 12 6 1917 300 0 0 5£ 15/8/31 15/8/33 7 17 6 9,100 0 0 6J 15/2/32 15/8/33 238 17 6 972,570 0 0 5J .15/8/32 .15/8/33 25,529 19 3 966,370 0 0 5:1- 15/2/33 15/8/33 25,366 9 10 13,850 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/37 380 17 6 13,850 0 0 54 1/3/33 1/9/37 380 17 6 51,907 11 7 .. 51,907 11 7 War Expenses .. 100 0 0 5 15/11/23 15/11/27 2 10 0 2,810 0 0 3 15/5/32 15/11/38 42 3 0 2,810 0 0 3 15/11/32 15/11/38 42 3 0 500 0 0 44 15/5/22 15/11/38 11 5 0 100 0 0 4-4 15/11/23 15/11/38 2 5 0 100 0 0 44 15/5/24 15/11/38 2 5 0 100 0 0 44 15/11/24 15/11/38 2 5 0 100 0 0 44 15/5/29 15/11/38 2 5 0 500 0 0 4| 15/5/30 15/11/38 11 5 0 500 0 0 44 15/11/30 15/11/38 11 5 0 4,100 0 0 44 15/5/31 15/11/38 92 5 0 9,650 0 0 4| 15/11/31 15/11/38 217 2 6 17,888,719 0 0 44 15/5/32 15/11/38 402,489 14 1 17,890,809 0 0 4| 15/11/32 15/11/38 403,793 10 8 10,000 0 0 4| 15/5/33 15/11/38 16 0 6 2,100 0 0 44 20/4/31 20/4/39 47 5 0 5,340 0 0 4| 20/10/31 20/4/39 120 3 0 5,861,200 0 0 44 20/4/32 20/4/39 129,719 8 11 5,815,900 0 0 4| 20/10/32 20/4/39 130,829 17 2 14,500 0 0 44 ' 20/4/33 20/4/39 69 6 11 3,550 0 0 5 j 1/3/32 1/9/41 88 15 0 98,620 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/41 2,465 10 0 98,620 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/9/41 2,465 10 0 3,650 0 0 54 1/9/31 1/9/41 95 16 3 15,860 0 0 5J 1/3/32 1/9/41 416 6 6 2,543,21.0 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/41 66.759 5 3 2,532,910 0 0 51 1/3/33 1/9/41 66,481 3 0 — 1,206,296 10 9 .. .1,206,296 10 9 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,417,085 19 5 1,966,344 4 4 8,450,741 15 1

B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


, I Gross Interest Net Interest . , t j> r - -„„i „T Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Bwnwrlm charged to Aot - Principal. per Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue oent - Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. " .: .. .. .. .. 10,417,085 19 5 1,966,344 4 4 8,450,741 15 1 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 :— Ordinary Revenue Ac- 900 0 0 5 1/5/32 1/5/34 22 10 0 count—Miscellaneous 900 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/5/34 22 10 0 53,750 0 0 5-1 1/8/32 1/8/34 360 18 9 13,750 0 0 5J 1/2/33 1/8/34 360 18 9 25,000 0 0 5J 1/4/32 1/10/34 656 5 0 25,000 0 0 5J 1/10/32 1/10/34 656 5 0 40,000 0 0 51 1/5/32 1/11/34 1,050 0 0 40,000 0 0 5-1 1/11/32 1/11/34 1,050 0 0 25,000 0 0 5i 15/2/32 15/2/37 640 12 6 86,950 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 2,228 2 4 81,950 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/2/37 2,099 18 11 200 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 2 12 2 60,000 0 0 44 1/5/32 1/11/50 1,350 0 0 60,000 0 0 4| 1/11/32 1/11/50 1,350 0 0 200,000 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/9/51 4,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 4 1/3/33 1/9/51 4,000 0 0 19,850 13 5 .. 19,850 13 5 Public Works Fund- 7,750 0 0 5 1/5/32 1/5/34 193 15 0 General Purposes Ac- 7,750 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/5/34 193 15 0 count 57,300 0 0 5J 1/5/32 1/5/34 1,504 2 6 57,300 0 0 51 1/11/32 1/5/34 1,504 2 6 7,600 0 0 54 1/5/32 1/5/34 209 0 0 7,600 0 0 54 1/11/32 1/5/34 209 0 0 36,850 0 0 5J 1/7/32 1/7/34 967 6 3 36,850 0 0 51 1/1/33 1/7/34 967 6 3 70,850 0 0 51 1/8/32 1/8/34 1,859 16 3 70,850 0 0 51 1/2/33 1/8/34 1,859 16 3 31,350 0 0 51 1/9/32 1/3/35 822 18 9 31,350 0 0 51 1/3/33 1/3/35 822 18 9 2,850 0 0 44 1/5/32 1/5/35 52 14 1 15,350 0 0 51 1/6/32 1/6/35 402 18 9 15,350 0 0 51 1/12/32 1/6/35 402 18 9 11,150 0 0 44 1/5/32 1/5/36 147 1 9 59,800 0 0 5 1/5/32 1/5/36 1,495 0 0 59,800 0 0 5 1/11/32 1/5/36 1,495 0 0 2,000 0 0 44 1/8/32 1/8/36 14 6 0 33,300 0 0 5 1/2/33 1/8/36 68 8 5 44,450 0 0 5 1/8/32 1/2/37 1,016 17 5 44,450 0 0 5 1/2/33 1/2/37 1,111 5 0 5,450 0 0 5| 15/2/32 15/2/37 139 13 1 107,100 0 0 54 15/8/32 15/2/37 2,744 10 4 105,500 0 0 54 15/2/33 15/2/37 2,703 7 2 50 0 0 54 15/2/31 15/2/37 1 7 6 250 0 0 54 15/8/31 15/2/37 6 17 6 4,550 0 0 5|- 15/2/32 15/2/37 125 2 6 346,000 0 0 54 15/8/32 15/2/37 9,515 0 0 342,150 0 0 54 15/2/33 15/2/37 9,409 2 6 4,850 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/3/37 102 19 7 4,850 0 0 5 1/3/33 1/3/37 121 5 0 1,350 0 0 5| 1/3/32 1/9/37 37 2 6 61,200 0 0 54 1/9/32 1/9/37 1,683 0 0 60,350 0 0 54 1/3/33 1/9/37 1,659 12 6 60,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/7/49 1,200 0 0 60,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/7/49 1,200 0 0 300 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 4 7 5 670 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 10 2 8 200,000 0 0 4 1/5/32 1/5/50 4,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 4 1/11/32 1/5/50 4,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 44 1/5/32 1/5/50 2,250 0 0 100,000 0 0 44 1/11/32 1/5/50 2,250 0 0 10,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/8/50 200 0 0 10,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/8/50 200 0 0 ■- 60,883 17 11 .. 60,883 17 11 Carried forward .. .. .... .. .. 10,497,820 10 9 1,966,344 4 4 8,531,476 6 5

B.—i [P T . iij.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 3 2 -19 33.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest—continued.


R t Gross Interest Net Interest A ,,t Princiml npr' Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to -Recoveries charged to Act - rrmcipal. per DuD Date _ Date _ Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue vem - Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,497,820 10 9 1,966,344 4 4 8,531,476 6 5 New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances Act, 1909 :— Guaranteed Mining Ad- 5,000 0 0 3| 1/4/32 1/4/49 93 15 0 vances Branch 5,000 0 0 3f 1/10/32 1/4/49 93 15 0 187 10 0 .. 187 10 0 Land for Settlements 25,000 0 0 3J 1/4/32 1/10/48 437 10 0 Branch 25,000 0 0 3J 1/10/32 1/10/48 437 10 0 470,000 0 0 3-| 1/4/32 1/4/49 8,812 10 0 470,000 0 0 3J 1/10/32 1/4/49 8,812 10 0 18,500 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,250 0 0 9,250 0 0 from Land for Settlements Account Local Authorities Branch 170,000 0 0 3J 1/4/32 1/4/47 2,975 0 0 170,000 0 0 ! 3| 1/10/32 1/4/47 2,975 0 0 425,000 0 0 j 3| 1/4/32 1/10/47 7,437 10 0 425,000 0 0 3i 1/10/32 1/10/47 7,437 10 0 100,000 0 0 | 3J 1/4/32 1/4/48 1,750 0 0 100,000 0 0 3| 1/10/32 1/4/48 1,750 0 0 361,485 0 0 3J 1/4/32 1/10/48 6,325 19 9 361,485 0 0 3J 1/10/32 1/10/48 6,325 19 9 275,000 0 0 3J 1/4/32 1/4/49 4,812 10 0 275,000 0 0 3£ 1/10/32 1/4/49 4,812 10 0 575 0 0 3J 1/4/32 1/4/49 10 15 7 575 0 0 3| 1/10/32 1/4/49 10 15 7 200 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/4/49 4 0 0 200 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/4/49 4 0 0 46,631 10 8 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 46,631 10 8 from State Advances Office (Advances to Local Authorities Branch) Local Authorities Branch— 33,000 0 0 4J 1/4/32 1/4/33 742 10 0 Opening up Crown 33,000 0 0 4J 1/10/32 1/4/33 742 10 0 Lands for Settlement 112,000 0 0 3J 1/4/32 1/4/48 1,960 0 0 Account 112,000 0 0 3J 1/10/32 1/4/48 1,960 0 0 3,515 0 0 3J 1/4/32 1/10/48 61 10 3 3,515 0 0 3J 1/10/32 1/10/48 61 10 3 60,425 0 0 3f 1/4/32 1/4/49 1,132 19 5 60,425 0 0 3f 1/10/32 1/4/49 1,132 19 5 8,800 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/4/49 176 0 0 8,800 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/4/49 176 0 0 8,145 19 4 .. 8,145 19 4 Rangitailii Land Drain- 5,000 0 0 4J 1/4/32 1/4/33 112 10 0 age Account 5,000 0 0 4J 1/10/32 1/4/33 112 10 0 25,000 0 0 3i 1/4/32 1/10/48 437 10 0 25,000 0 0 3| 1/10/32 1/10/48 437 10 0 10,000 0 0 3| 1/4/32 1/4/49 187 10 0 10,000 0 0 3| 1/10/32 1/4/49 187 10 0 1,475 0 0 .. 1,475 0 0 Native Land Settlement 80,000 0 0 4J 1/4/32 1/4/33 1,800 0 0 Branch 80,000 0 0 4| 1/10/32 1/4/33 1,800 0 0 20,000 0 0 3| 1/4/32 1/10/47 350 0 0 20,000 0 0 H 1/10/32 1/10/47 350 0 0 361,600 0 0 3i 1/4/32 1/10/48 6,328 0 0 361,600 0 0 3J 1/10/32 1/10/48 6,328 0 0 54,500 0 0 3| 1/4/32 1/4/49 1,021 17 6 54,500 0 0 3| 1/10/32 1/4/49 1,021 17 6 30,000 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/4/49 600 0 0 30,000 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/4/49 600 0 0 20,199 15 0 .. 20,199 15 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,592,960 5 9 2,022,225 15 0 8,570,734 10 9

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


_ . I Gross Interest Net Interest . PrinMoai ™r Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recover!*. charged to Act - Principal. per . Due Date> Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue uent - Account. Acoount. I 1 1_ . ! I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,592,960 5 9 2,022,225 15 0 8,570,734 10 9 New Zealand Statbqt/aranteed advances Act, 1909— continued. Advances to Settlers 100,000 0 0 3. 1/4/32 1/10/48 1,750 0 0 Branch 100,000 0 0 3. 1/10/32 1/10/48 1,750 0 0 37,000 0 0 3| 1/4/32 1/4/49 693 15 0 37,000 0 0 3|- 1/10/32 1/4/49 693 15 0 4,887 10 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,887 10 0 from State Advances Office (Advances to Settlers Branch) Advances to Workers 325,000 0 0 3. 1/4/32 1/10/48 5,687 10 0 Branch 325,000 0 0 3. 1/10/32 1/10/48 5,687 10 0 100,000 0 0 3| 1/4/32 1/4/49 1,875 0 0 100,000 0 0 3J I 1/10/32 1/4/49 1.875 0 0 15,125 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,125 0 0 from State Advances Office (Advances to Workers Branch) Post and Telegraph Act, 200,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/7/49 4,000 0 0 1908 200,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/7/49 4,000 0 0 8,000 0 0 .. 8,000 0 0 Public Revenues Amend- 2,093,750 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/34 41,875 0 0 ment Act, 1915,.section 2,093,750 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/34 41,875 0 0 5 (War Expenses) 83,750 0 0 .. 83,750 0 0 Public Revenues Act, .. .. .. .. 230,341 1 2 1926, section 41 (Trea- 230,341 12 .. 230,341 1 2 sury Bills) Railways Improvement 56,200 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/34 1,124 0 0 Authorization Act, 56,200 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/34 1,124 0 0 1914 10,300 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/7/49 206 0 0 10,300 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/7/49 206 0 0 674,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 13,480 0 0 674,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 13,480 0 0 29,620 0 0 .. 29,620 0 0 Railways Improvement 245,000 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/9/33 4,900 0 0 Authorization Act, 245,000 0 0 4 1/3/33 1/9/33 4,900 0 0 1914, and Finance Act, 90,000 0 0 4. 1/9/32 1/9/33 2,025 0 0 1926, section 3 90,000 0 0 4£ 1/3/33 1/9/33 2,025 0 0 13,850 0 0 .. 13,850 0 0 Railways Improvement 400 0 0 5J 15/2/32 j 15/2/37 11 0 0 Authorization Act, 54,250 0 0 5. 15/8/32 i 15/2/37 1,491 17 6 1914, and Finance Act, 49,050 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/2/37 1,348 17 6 1927 (No. 2), section 3 900 0 0 5. 1/3/32 j 1/9/37 24 15 0 13,450 0 0 5. 1/9/32 I 1/9/37 369 17 6 12,550 0 0 5. 1/3/33 j 1/9/37 345 2 6 3,591 10 0 .. 3,591 10 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,982,125 6 11 2,042,238 5 0 8,939,887 1 11

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest—continued.


Bate Gross Interest Net Interest Act Prinoiml nor Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to „„,„. charged to Acl- rancipal. per Du e Date. Date Interest. Ordinary Bevenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 10,982,125 6 11 2,042,238 5 0 8,039,887 1 11 Rangitaiki Land Drain- 5,000 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/3/33 131 5 0 age Amendment Act, 5,000 0 0 SJ 1/3/33 1/3/33 131 5 0 1913, and Amendments 168,000 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/3/34 3,180 14 8 157,202 15 0 4 1/3/33 1/3/34 3,144 1 1 37,000 0 0 4 J 1/9/32 1/3/34 832 10 0 37,000 0 0 4J 1/3/33 1/3/34 • 832 10 0 8,252 5 9 .. 8,252 5 9 Rangitaiki Land Drain- 24,000 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/12/50 480 0 0 age Amendment Act, 24,000 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/12/50 480 0 0 1913, and Finance Act, 63,000 0 0 4 1/6/32 '1/12/51 1,260 0 0 1920, section 16 63,000 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/12/51 1,260 0 0 13,000 0 0 4J 1/6/32 1/12/51 292 10 0 13,000 0 0 4J 1/12/32 1/12/51 292 10 0 4,065 0 0 .. 4,065 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drain- 82,000 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/12/51 1,640 0 0 age Amendment Act, 82,000 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/12/51 1,640 0 0 1913, and Finance Act, 3,280 0 0 .. 3,280 0 0 1921-22, section 23 Rangitaiki Land Drain- 50,000 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/12/51 1,000 0 0 age Amendment Act, 50,000 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/12/51 1,000 0 0 1913, and Finance Act, - 2,000 0 0 .. 2,000 0 0 1923, section 5 Rangitaiki Land Drain- 18,000 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/12/51 360 0 0 age Amendment Act, 18,000 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/12/51 360 0 0 1913, and Finance Act, 720 0 0 .. 720 0 0 1924, section 5 State Advances Act, 1913 : — Local Authorities Branch 230,000 0 0 3J 1/4/32 1/4/47 4,025 0 0 230,000 0 0 3J 1/10/32 1/4/47 4,025 0 0 200,000 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/6/51 4,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/6/51 4,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 4| 1/6/32 1/6/51 225 0 0 10,000 0 0 4J 1/12/32 1/6/51 225 0 0 16,500 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,725 0 0 Or. 4,225 0 0 from State Advances Office (Local Authorities Branch) Advances to Settlers 10,100 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 265 2 6 Branch 10,100 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 265 2 6 205,000 0 0 4J 1/6/32 1/12/33 4,612 10 0 205,000 0 0 4J 1/12/32 1/12/33 4,612 10 0 105,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/34 2,100 0 0 105,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/34 2,100 0 0 49,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/34 980 0 0 49,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/34 980 0 0 22,950 0 0 5£ 1/9/32 1/3/34 602 8 9 22,950 0 0 5J 1/3/33 1/3/34 602 8 9 ■ I 55,000 0 0 4J 1/4/32 1/4/34 1,237 10 0 55,000 0 0 4% 1/10/32 1/4/34 1,237 10 0 12,000 0 0 5£ 9/4/31 9/10/34 315 0 0 17,000 0 0 5| 9/10/31 9/10/34 446 5 0 410,400 0 0 5J 9/4/32 9/10/34 10,773 0 0 380,400 0 0 5J 9/10/32 9/10/34 9,985 10 0 5,700 0 0 4J 1/9/32 1/3/35 128 5 0 5,700 0 0 4| 1/3/33 1/3/35 19 13 6 3,250 0 0 5 1/7/32 1/1/36 81 5 0 3,250 0 0 5 1/1/33 1/1/36 81 5 0 50 0 0 5i 1/2/31 1/2/36 1 7 6 150 0 0 5J 1/8/31 1/2/36 4 2 6 7,200 0 0 5f 1/2/32 1/2/36 198 0 0 415,550 0 0 5J 1/8/32 1/2/36 11,427 12 6 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,016,942 12 8 2,062,963 5 0 8,953,979 7 8

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.


Gross Interest Net interest ,, . . , iute Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Rpcnvories charged to Act - Principal. per Due Date ; Da te. Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue tjent1 ' Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,016,942 12 8 2,062,963 5 0 8,953,979 7 8 State Advances Act, 1913 — continued. Advances to Settlers 398,550 0 0 5J 1/2/33 1/2/36 10,960 2 6 Branch— continued. 25,600 0 0 5| 1/9/32 1/3/36 672 0 0 25,600 0 0 5| 1/3/33 1/3/36 672 0 0 18,800 0 0 5 1/4/32 1/4/36 470 0 0 18,800 0 0 5 1/10/32 1/4/36 470 0 0 10,000 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/2/37 256 5 0 107,800 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 2,762 8 1 104,300 0 0 5£ 15/2/33 15/2/37 2,672 13 2 52,700 0 0 51 15/8/32 15/2/37 1,449 5 0 51,500 0 0 5i 15/2/33 15/2/37 1,416 5 0 4,300 0 0 5J 1/3/32 1/9/37 118 5 0 76,750 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/9/37 2,110 12 6 74,850 0 0 5J 1/3/33 1/9/37 2,058 7 6 103,500 0 0 oi 1/8/32 1/2/51 2,846 5 0 103,500 0 0 51 1/2/33 1/2/51 2,846 5 0 73,200 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/6/51 1,464 0 0 73,200 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/6/51 1,464 0 0 1,136,180 0 0 41 1/6/32 1/6/51 25,564 1 0 1,136,180 0 0 41 1/12/32 1/6/51 25,564 1 0 138,893 4 3 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. •■ 138,888 5 6 4 18 9 from State Advances Office (Advances to Settlers Branch) Advances to Workers 500 0 0 5J 15/8/28 15/2/32 13 2 6 Branch 500 0 0 51 15/2/29 15/2/32 13 2 6 500 0 0 5J 15/8/29 15/2/32 13 2 6 500 0 0 5J 15/2/30 15/2/32 13 2 6 500 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/32 13 2 6 500 0 0 5} 15/2/31 15/2/32 13 2 6 1,400 0 0 5£ 15/8/31 15/2/32 36 15 0 1,300 0 0 5i 15/2/32 15/2/32 34 2 6 670 0 0 5 15/8/32 22/4/32 6 3 0 240 0 0 5 15/2/32 29/4/32 2 8 8 65,330 0 0 5 1/6/32 1/6/32 1,633 5 0 470 0 0 5 15/8/32 16/6/32 7 17 1 10,000 0 0 5 1/7/32 1/7/32 250 0 0 750 0 0 5 15/8/32 28/7/32 16 17 0 970 0 0 5 15/8/32 1/9/32 24 5 0 970 0 0 5 15/2/33 1/9/32 2 5 2 27,230 0 0 5 1/9/32 1/9/32 680 15 0 1,000 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 26 5 0 2,300 0 0 5i 15/2/32 15/8/33 60 7 6 597,020 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 15,671 16 6 591,070 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/8/33 15,515 11 9 25,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/34 500 0 0 25,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/34 500 0 0 27,200 0 0 5J 1/8/32 1/2/34 714 0 0 27,200 0 0 51 1/2/33 1/2/34 714 0 0 31,400 0 0 51 1/6/32 1/12/34 824 5 0 31,400 0 0 51 1/12/32 1/12/34 824 5 0 3,750 0 0 41 1/7/32 1/1/35 84 7 6 3,750 0 0 41 1/1/33 1/1/35 41 12 2 15,000 0 0 51 1/4/32 1/4/35 393 15 0 15,000 0 0 5J 1/10/32 1/4/35 393 15 0 28,100 0 0 51 1/7/32 1/7/35 737 12 6 28,100 0 0 51 1/1/33 1/7/35 737 12 6 70,000 0 0 51 1/9/32 1/9/35 1,837 10 0 70,000 0 0 5-1 1/3/33 1/9/35 1,681 8 9 8,000 0 0 41 1/6/32 1/12/35 180 0 0 8,000 0 0 4J 1/12/32 1/12/35 118 7 1 19,400 0 0 5 1/7/32 1/1/36 122 4 11 11,700 0 0 41 1/8/32 1/2/36 263 5 0 11,700 0 0 41 1/2/33 1/2/36 85 2 0 92,120 0 0 5 1/8/32 1/2/36 2,303 0 0 92,120 0 0 5 1/2/33 1/2/36 2,303 0 0 50 0 0 51 1/2/30 1/2/36 1 7 6 50 0 0 51 1/8/30 1/2/36 1 7 6 150 0 0 51 1/2/31 1/2/36 4 2 6 150 0 0 5-1 1/8/31 1/2/36 4 2 6 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. ■• 11,155,835 16 112,201,85110 6 8,953,984 6 5

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLTC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services—Interest —continued.


Gross Interest Net Interest „ . . . -° ate Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to RMnV(TlH charged to Act. Principal. per Due Date Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue vent. Account. Account. i : : £ s d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,155,835 1611 2,201,85110 6 8,953,984 6 5 State Advances Act, 1 Ql Q COHtlTVUfd Advances to Workers 3,000 0 0 5J 1/2/32 1/2/36 82 10 0 Branch—continued. 227,400 0 0 5J 1/8/32 1/2/36 6,253 10 0 226,000 0 0 5J 1/2/33 1/2/36 6,215 0 0 510 0 0 5 1/4/32 1/4/36 12 15 0 510 0 0 5 1/10/32 1/4/36 12 15 0 18,800 0 0 5 1/8/32 1/2/37 430 1 7 18,800 0 0 5 1/2/33 1/2/37 470 0 0 30,000 0 0 5J 1/8/32 1/2/37 724 18 8 30,000 0 0 5J 1/2/33 1/2/37 787 10 0 47,150 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/2/37 1,208 5 0 47,150 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/2/37 1,208 3 9 450 0 0 5£ 15/2/31 15/2/37 12 7 6 450 0 0 5J 15/8/31 15/2/37 12 7 6 5,800 0 0 5J 15/2/32 15/2/37 159 10 0 175,500 0 0 5 J 15/8/32 15/2/37 4,826 5 0 164,350 0 0 5£ 15/2/33 15/2/37 4,519 12 6 500 0 0 Si 1/9/31 1/9/37 13 15 0 12,300 0 0 5£ 1/3/32 1/9/37 338 5 0 141,000 0 0 5J 1/9/32 1/9/37 3,877 10 0 130,650 0 0 5| 1/3/33 1/9/37 3,592 17 6 23,340 0 0 5 1/8/32 1/2/50 583 10 0 23,340 0 0 5 1/2/33 1/2/50 583 10 0 400,000 0 0 4J 1/5/32 1/5/50 9,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 4| 1/11/32 1/5/50 9,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 4J 1/8/32 1/8/50 9,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 4 J- 1/2/33 1/8/50 9,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 4J 1/5/32 1/11/50 1,125 0 0 50,000 0 0 4| 1/11/32 1/11/50 1,125 0 0 500 0 0 5£ 1/8/32 1/2/51 13 15 0 500 0 0 5J 1/2/33 1/2/51 13 15 0 50,000 0 0 4 1/6/32 1/6/51 1,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 4 1/12/32 1/6/51 1,000 0 0 1,034,700 0 0 4£ 1/6/32 1/6/51 23,280 15 0 1,034,700 0 0 4| 1/12/32 1/6/51 23,280 15 0 1,670 0 0 4| 1/9/32 1/9/51 37 11 6 1,670 0 0 4J 1/3/33 1/9/51 37 11 6 — ■ 172,256 12 7 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 172,496 8 10 Or. 239 16 3 from State Advances Office (Advances to Workers Branch) Swamp Drainage Act, 1915 26,000 0 0 4 1/5/32 1/5/50 520 0 0 26,000 0 0 4 1/11/32 1/5/50 520 0 0 20,000 0 0 4| 1/5/32 1/5/50 450 0 0 20,000 0 0 4J 1/11/32 1/5/50 450 0 0 1,940 0 0 •• 1,940 0 0 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, 12,750 0 0 5\ 1/7/32 1/7/36 334 13 9 and Appropriation Act, 12,750 0 0 5| 1/1/33 1/7/36 334 13 9 1918, section 46 41,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 820 0 0 41,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 820 0 0 437,991 0 11 4 1/5/32 1/5/50 8,910 7 8 437,991 0 11 4 1/11/32 1/5/50 8,759 16 5 28,000 0 0 4J 1/5/32 1/5/50 630 0 0 28,000 0 0 44 1/11/32 1/5/50 630 0 0 45,000 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/3/51 900 0 0 45.000 0 0 4 1/3/33 1/3/51 900 0 0 23,039 11 7 .. 23,039 11 7 I , Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. . •• 111,353,072 1 1 2,374,347 19 4 J8,978,724 1 9

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued.

4—B. 1 [Pt. ll].


Tjgf e Gross Interest Net Interest Act Princinal ner Hal£ -y earlv Maturity Amount of charged to Rmmta charged to AC • ' rme 'P al - J"» Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Ilevenue Recoveries. Ordinary Bevenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,353,072 1 1 2,374,347 19 4 8,978,724 1 9 Waihou and Ohinemuri 100,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/8/33 2,000 0 0 Rivers Improvement 100,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/8/33 2,000 0 0 Act, 1910 50,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/8/50 1,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/8/50 1,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 .. 6,000 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemtjri 129,925 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/8/50 2,598 10 0 Rivers Improvement 129,925 0 0 4 1 2/33 1/8/50 2,598 10 0 Act, 1910, and Finance 20,075 0 0 4J 1/8/32 1/8/50 451 13 9 Act, 1919, section 6 20,075 0 0 4| 1/2/33 1/8/50 45113 9 6,100 7 6 .. 6,100 7 6 Waihou and Ohinemuri 150,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 3,000 0 0 Rivers Improvement 150,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 3,000 0 0 Act, 1910 ; and Finance 6,000 0 0 .. 6,000 0 0 Act, 1922, section 16 Waihou and Ohinemuri 35,000 0 0 5£ 15/8/32 15/2/37 962 10 0 Rivers Improvement 35,000 0 0 5J 15/2/33 15/2/37 962 10 0 Act, 1910, and Finance 115,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/50 2,300 0 0 Act, 1924, section 6 115,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/50 2,300 0 0 6,525 0 0 .. 6,525 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri 70,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/33 1,400 0 0 Rivers Improvement 70,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/33 1,400 0 0 Act, 1910, and Finance 5,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 100 0 0 Act, 1926, section 7 5,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 -100 0 0 5,000 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/7/49 100 0 0 5,000 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/7/49 100 0 0 10,625 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/10/49 212 10 0 10,625 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/10/49 212 10 0 9,375 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/3/51 187 10 0 9,375 0 0 4 1/3/33 1/3/51 187 10 0 4,000 0 0 .. 4,000 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 200 0 0 5£ 15/2/31 15/8/33 5 5 0 1917 400 0 0 5i 15/8/31 15/8/33 10 10 0 3,250 0 0 5| 15/2/32 15/8/33 85 6 3 131,200 0 0 5J 15/8/32 15/8/33 3,444 0 0 130,850 0 0 5| 15/2/33 15/8/33 3,434 16 3 66,150 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/34 1,040 2 8 45,250 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/34 905 0 0 100 0 0 4J 15/11/27 15/11/38 2 5 0 100 0 0 4| 15/5/28 15/11/38 2 5 0 200 0 0 4J 15/11/28 15/11/38 4 10 0 400 0 0 4J 15/5/29 15/11/38 9 0 0 500 0 0 4J 15/11/29 15/11/38 11 5 0 600 0 0 4J 15/5/30 15/11/38 13 10 0 800 0 0 4 15/11/30 15/11/38 18 0 0 2,800 0 0 4| 15/5/31 15/11/38 63 0 0 9,700 0 0 4J 15/11/31 15/11/38 218 5 0 4,093,700 0 0 4£ 15/5/32 15/11/38 92,108 5 0 4,019,100 0 0 4| 15/11/32 15/11/38 90,429 15 0 191,805 0 2 .. 191,805 0 2 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,573,502 8 9 2,374,347 19 4 9,199,154 9 5 I

8.-l [FT. 11].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services-Interest —continued.


Gross Interest I Net- Interest Rate Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Hccnvcriei charged to Act. Principal. per Duc i) a t e . Date . Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue >jent. Account. Account. £ 3 d £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Brought forward .. .." ..' .. .. •• 11,573,502 8 9 2,374,347 19 4 9,199,154 9 5 War Purposes Loan Aot, 100 0 0 5 15/11/21 15/11/27 2 10 0 1917, and Finance Act, 100 0 0 5 15/5/22 15/11/27 2 10 0 1917, section 68 100 0 0 5 15/11/22 15/11/27 2 10 0 100 0 0 5 15/5/23 15/11/27 2 10 0 100 0 0 5 15/11/23 15/11/27 2 10 0 100 0 0 5 15/5/24 15/11/27 2 10 0 100 0 0 5 15/11/24 15/11/27 2 10 0 100 0 0 5 15/5/25 15/11/27 2 10 0 100 0 0 5 15/11/25 15/11/27 2 10 0 100 0 0 5 15/5/26 15/11/27 2 10 0 100 0 0 5 15/11/26 15/11/27 2 10 0 100 0 0 5 15/5/27 15/11/27 2 10 0 600 0 0 5 15/11/27 15/11/27 15 0 0 45 0 0 .. 45 0 0 Wellington and Mana- 500,000 0 0 4 1/9/32 1/3/51 10,000 0 0 watu Railway Pite- 500,000 0 0 4 1/3/33 1/3/51 10,000 0 0 chase Act, 1908 20,000 0 0 .. 20,000 0 0 Westport Harbour Act, 1920 :— Westport Harbour Board 482,750 0 0 4 1/7/32 1/1/49 9,355 11 2 Act, 1884, and Loan 461,150 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/49 8,694 2 4 Acts, 1896, 1897, and 18,049 13 6 .. 18,049 13 b 1900 Westport Harbour Board 200,000 0 0 5 15/8/32 15/2/45 5,000 0 0 Loan Act, 1908 200,000 0 0 5 15/2/33 15/2/45 5,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 .. 10,000 0 0 State Advances Debt :— Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 — Advances to Settlers 12,900 0 0 4 1/7/32. 1/1/34 258 0 0 12,900 0 0 4 1/1/33 1/1/34 258 0 0 51,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/34 1,020 0 0 51,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/34 1,020 0 0 2,556 0 0 Less amount re- .. .. .. .. •• •• 2,556 0 0 covered from State Advances Office ( Advanc e s t o Settlers Branch) New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10,— Advances to Settlers 752,093 15 0 44. 1/8/32 1/2/34 16,922 2 2 Branch 752,093 15 0 4J 1/2/33 1/2/34 16,922 2 2 33,844 4 4 Less amount re- .. .. .. .. ■ • • • 33, 4 4 covered from State Advances Office (Advancesto ..:.■_ Settlers Branch) Advances to Workers 200,000 0 0 4 1/8/32 1/2/34 4,000 0 0 Branch 200,000 0 0 4 1/2/33 1/2/34 4,000 0 0 5,406 5 0 4J 1/8/32 1/2/34 121 12 10 5,406 5 0 44 1/2/33 1/2/34 121 12 10 8,243 5 8 Less amount re- .. .. .. .. • • • • °> 243 5 ° covered from State Advances Office (Advances to Workers Branch) Carried forward .. .. .. .'. • • • • 11,666,240 12 3 2,418,991 9 4 9,247,249 2 11

B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Service —Interest —continued.


u a + e Gross Interest Net Interest Act Prineinal ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to n„„ m ,„rio= charged to mc,pal - c Pf t Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,666,240 12 3 2,418,991 9 4 |9,247, 249 2 11 New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances Act, 1909-10:— Native Land Settlement 50,000 0 0 4 1/4/32 1/4/34 1,000 0 0 Branch 50,000 0 0 4 1/10/32 1/4/34 1,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 3| 1/4/32 1/4/49 562 10 0 30,000 0 0 3| 1/10/32 1/4/49 562 10 0 3,125 0 0 .. 3,125 0 0 Less amounts re- .—. , covered from 11,669,365 12 3 2,418,991 9 4 9,250,374 2 11 Accounts as under — Discharged Soldiers .. .. .. .. .. .. 110,000 0 0 Settlement Electric Supply .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 164,000 0 0 Nauru Ocean .. .. .. .. .. .. 23,960 0 0 Islands State Forests .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 85,000 0 0 Land for Settle- .. .. .. .. .. .. 260,000 0 0 ments Main Highways .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 Native Land Set- .. .. .. .. .. .. 38,037 14 6 tlement State Coal Mines .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 General Purposes .. .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Relief J 0.732,497'14 6 Amount recovered from State Advances Office (Housing Branch) under the authority of the Housing Act, 1919, section 29 (/), which cannot be allotted to any particular authorizing Acts, being interest at 4 per cent, on £319,918 Is. 7d., expended from Public Works Fund under Vote " Workers' Dwellings." (On account of £12,796 14s. 6d.),— For year 1931-32 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,312 17 5 For year 1932-33 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,882 4 4 0.19,195 1 9 Total interest .. .. .. .. .. 11,669,365 12 3 3,170,684 5 7 8,498,681 6 8 Less Premium on Exchange .. .. .. 14,323 10 8 .. 14,323 10 8 Finance Act, 1932, section 55— 11,655,042 1 7 3,170,684 5 7 8,484,357 16 0 Premium on Exchange transferred to "Other Receipts, .. 3,851 11 6 .. 3,851 11 6 Miscellaneous " Premium on Exchange transferred to Deposits Account for payment .. 10,471 19 2 .. 10,471 19 2 to State Advances Office 11,669,365 12 3 3,170,684 5 7 8,498,681 6 8

B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE and of RECOVERIES in respect of such DISBURSEMENTS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1933. Debt Services.


Gross Amount Net Amount charged to Recoveries charged to Ordinary Revenue ivecovenes. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest (details as shown in foregoing statement) .. 11,669,365 12 3 3,170,684 5 7 8,498,681 6 8 AMORTIZATION OF DEBT. Sinking Fund. Finance Act, 1928, section 13 : — Westport Harbour Act, 1920,— Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884 — Sinking Fund in respect of loans raised by Westport Harbour Board — Annual payment in terms of section 13 (4) (a) .. 7,000 0 0 .. 7,000 0 0 Amount paid in terms of section 13 (4) (c), being 4J per cent, in respect of £46,900 paid by the Public Trustee during the year for redemption of loans .. .. .. .. .. 1,106 16 2 .. 1,106 16 2 Amount paid in terms of section 13 (4) (d), being 4J per cent, in respect of £38,850 paid by the Public Trustee to 31st March, 1932, for redemption of loans .. .. .. .. 1,748 5 0 .. 1,748 5 0 Total, Sinking Fund .. .. 9,855 1 2 .. 9,855 1 2 Repayment of Funded Debt. Repayment op Funded Debt (in terms of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1922, under Memorandum of Agreement with the Imperial Government dated 6th September, 1922)* .. Total, Repayment of Funded Debt* Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925. Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 : — Section 11 (a), — Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution for the Year 1932-33 of -J- per cent, on the public debt within the meaning of the Act outstanding at 31st March, 1932 (J per cent. on £205,724,341 5s. 3d.) .. .. .. 1,028,62114 2 .. 1,028,62114 2 Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution of J per cent, on £7,510,293, debt redeemed under the Act to 31st March, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 37,551 9 4 .. 37,551 9 4 Section 11 (6),— Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution of 3J per cent, on £7,510,293, debt redeemed under the Act to 31st March, 1932 .. .. * .. .. .. 262,860 5 10 .. 262,860 5 10 Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution of 3| per cent, on £922,310, debt redeemed under the Act during the year 1932-33, computed from the dates of redemption to 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. 6,986 5 9 .. 6,986 5 9 Less Reparation moneys credited pursuant to Finance Act, 1931 (No. 2), section 3 .. .. .. 44,837 7 7 Cr. 44,837 7 7 Total, Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1,336,019 15 1 44,837 7 7 1,291,182 7 6 Transfer to Loans Redemption Account. Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 135 (4) : — Amount transferred to the Loans Redemption Account for the redemption of Main Highways loans, representing proportion of the interest on the balance of the Loans Redemption Account earned by moneys held in that account for the redemption of Main Highways loans .. .. .. .. .. 7,407 18 0 .. 7,407 18 0 Total, Transfer to Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. i 7,407 18 0 .. 7,407 18 0 i ; Carried forward .. .. .. 13,022,648 6 6 3,215,52113 2 9,807,126 13 4 * Payments suspended following Hoover proposals regarding war debts.

B.—l [Pt ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 932-1 933.

*************DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Debt Services — continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount charged to Recoveries charged to Ordinary Eevenue aecovenea. Ordinary Bevenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 13,022,648 6 6 3,215,521 13 2 9,807,126 13 4 ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT. Finance Act, 1926 :— Section 23 (3),— Stamp-duty on transfers of New Zealand Consolidated Stock .. .. .. .. -. 13,035 0 0 Less Amounts recovered from— £ s. d. Electric-supply Account .. .. 979 1 5 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 72 0 4 Land for Settlements Account .. 5 12 11 Native Land Settlement Account .. 121 12 7 State Advances Account— Settlers Branch .. .. 398 16 1 Workers Branch .. .. 417 17 8 State Forests Account .. .. 57 12 2 .. 2,052 13 2 10,982 6 10 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, section 62 (3): — Stamp duty on transfers of New Zealand Consolidated Stock 2,841 17 0 Less Amounts recovered from — £ s. d. Electric Supply Account .. .. 154 17 10 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account 21 1 2 Land for Settlements Account 2 12 11 Native Land Settlement Account 44 6 0 State Advances Account — Settlers Branch .. .. 189 9 1 Workers Branch .. .. 174 13 6 State Forests Account .. .. 16 16 10 .. 603 17 4 2,238 0 2 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, section 61 : — Charges and expenses of raising loans — Public Works Fund: General Purposes Account— £ s. d. Issues in renewal and conversion .. 672 18 6 New Zealand Debt Conversion, 1933 .. 2,566 18 6 3,239 17 0 .. 3,239 17 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 : — Section 26,— Amount paid Bank of England for half-year ended 30th April, 1932, for management of New Zealand loans— £ s. d. Consolidated Stock .. .. 18,49111 0 -Bonds 694 10 5 Treasury Bills .. .. .. 800 0 0 19,986 15 Less amounts recovered from— Discharged Soldiers Settlement Ac- £ s. d. count .. .. • • 39 5 7 Electric Supply Account .. .. 1,315 11 2 Land for Settlements Account .. 360 7 0 Main Highways Account .. 82 10 0 Native Land Settlement Account .. 107 17 11 State Coal-mines Account .. 7 15 0 State Forests Account .. .. 31 13 10 State Advances Department — Settlers Branch .. .. 1,265 17 3 Workers Branch .. .. 617 8 3 Local Authorities Branch .. 149 10 7 , .. 3,977 16 7 16,008 4 10 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932: — Section 24(1),— Amount paid Bank of England for half-year ended 31st October, 1932, for management of New Zealand loans— £ s. d. Consolidated Stock .. .. 19,055 8 0 Bonds .. .. •■ 500 0 0 19,555 8 0 Less amounts recovered from— Discharged Soldiers Settlement Ac- £ s. d. count .. .. •• 39 5 5 Electric Supply Account .. .. 1,332 17 10 Land for Settlements Account .. 360 7 2 Main Highways Account .. 82 10 4 Native Land Settlement Account .. 107 18 0 State Coal-mines Account .. 7 15 0 State Forests Account .. .. 31 13 8 State Advances Department— Settlers Branch .. .. 1,265 19 0 Workers Branch .. .. 617 10 2 Local Authorities Branch 149 10 7 ..- 3,995 7 2 15,560 0 10 Total, Administration and Management 58,658 3 11 | 10,629 14 3 48,028 9 8 Carried forward .. .. .. 13,081,306 10 5 3,226,151 7 5 9,855,155 3 0

B.—l [Pt. ll].


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Debt Services — continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount charged to Hpi-mm-iTO charged to Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 113,081,306 10 5 3,226,151 7 5 9,855,155 3 0 i PAYMENTS ON GUARANTEED LOANS. Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909 : — Section 13 (1), — Interest and principal in arrear made good under Government guarantee'— Brookland Land Settlement Association .. .. 10 17 3 Bruce Land Settlement Association .. .. 146 13 9 Chastleton Land Settlement Association .. .. 6,261 16 11 Dunlop Land Settlement Association .. .. 5 15 0 Eureka Land Settlement Association .. .. 19 12 11 Glengariff Land Settlement Association .. .. 1,459 8 2 Gleniffer Land Settlement Association .. .. 2,947 12 1 Hikutaia Land Settlement Association .. .. 8 6 0 Kelman Land Settlement Association .. .. 273 7 5 Komata South Land Settlement Association .. 13 5 7 Martha Land Settlement Association .. .. 12 15 7 Melrose Land Settlement Association .. .. 6 19 9 Melville Downs Land Settlement Association .. 9,654 10 1 Mimosa Downs Land Settlement Association .. 7 16 8 Tainui Land Settlement Association .. .. 8 6 8 Trentham Land Settlement Association .. .. 268 6 6 Waipa Land Settlement Association .. .. 2,138 2 11 Waitangi Land Settlement Association .. .. 957 19 3 Waitobi Downs Land Settlement Association .. 8,738 19 6 Walton Land Settlement Association .. .. 1,001 12 8 Wentnor Land Settlement Association .. .. 4,075 10 3 38,017 14 11 Less Repayment by Associations under subsection (5) — Chastleton Land Settlement Association .. .. 21 17 5 Clifton Grove Land Settlement Association .. .. 195 18 10 Glengariff Land Settlement Association .. .. 30 9 10 Komata South Land Settlement Association .. .. 2,798 15 3 Moorfield Land Settlement Association .. .. 0 19 3 Waipa Land Settlement Association .. .. .. 73 9 5 | Waitangi Land Settlement Association .. .. 957 19 3 4,079 9 3 33,938 5 8 Local Bodies' Loans Amendment Act, 1908:--Section 10, , — Subsidies on instalments of sinking fund— Cambridge Borough Council, due 30th April, 1932 .. 25 0 0 Christchurch City Council, due 31st March, 1932 .. 71 5 0 Christchurch City Council, due 31st March, 1933 .. 71 5 0 Grey Lynn Borough Council, due 1st April, 1932 .. 225 0 0 Levin Borough Council, due 1st April, 1932 .. 135 0 0 Port Chalmers Borough Council, due 31st March, 1932 17 10 0 Port Chalmers Borough Council, due 31st March, 1933 17 10 0 Taihape Borough Council, due 1st April, 1932 .. 125 0 0 687 10 0 —— .. 687 10 0 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, section 76 :— Payments to State Advances Office by way of subsidy on instalments due by local authorities in respect of loans for reading outlying districts .. .. .. 233 17 0 .. 233 17 0 Total, Payments on Guaranteed Loans 38,939 1 11 4,079 9 3 34,859 12 8 Total, Debt Services .. .. 13,120,245 32 4 3,230,230 16 8 9,890,014 15 8

B.—l [FT. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE and RECOVERIES in respect of such DISBURSEMENTS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1933. Other Services.


Gross Amount Net Amount A,.t charged to K .rnvprlp* charged to Aot - Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. EDUCATION (Grants and" Subsidies). £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d Education Boards, &c. Land Act, 1924 :— Section 297 (&),— Transfer to Vote, Education, of the residue to 31 March, 1932, of National-endowment Revenue 44,518 0 4 .. 44,518 0 4 University Colleges. Land Act, 1924, Section 297 (a), and New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1914, Section 32 : — Payment to Universities of portion of National-endowment Revenue, — Auckland University College .. .. .. 1,236 12 3 Victoria University College .. .. .. 1,236 12 3 Canterbury College .. .. .. .. 1,236 12 3 University of Otago .. .. .. .. 1,236 12 3 New Zealand University .. .. .. .. 2,473 4 4 j .. 7,419 13 4 Total, Education .. .. 51,937 13 8 .. 51,937 13 8 OTHER GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES! Payment to Racing Clubs of Proportion of Totalizator Duty. Finance Act, 1931 (No. 4) :— Section 20 (1),— Refunds to racing clubs of proportion of totalizator duty.. . .. 25,397 7 4 .. 25,397 7 4 • . - , Contribution towards Cost of Singapore Naval Base. Finance Act, 1927 (No 2) :— Section 5 .. .. .. .. •• •■ 100,000 0 0 .. 100,000 0 0 Miscellaneous Grants and Subsidies. Land Act, 1924:— Sections 139 and 358,— Amount paid by Receivers of Land Revenue into Local Bodies' Deposit Accounts for payment to local authorities in respect of rents, royalties, &c. (" thirds," " fourths," and " halves") .. .. .. 5,265 5 5 .. 5,265 5 5 Local Authorities Empowering (Relief of Unemployment) Amendment Act, 1928 : — Section 3, — Subsidies to local authorities in respect of unemployment relief works— £ s. d. Hamilton Borough Council .. 139 11 10 Makerua Drainage Board .. .. 68 15 5 Wanganui City Council .. .. 7 6 7 ., : B . 215 13 10 .. 215 13 10 Rotobua Borough Act, 1922, Section 6, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 7 :— Pavment to Rotorua Borough Council, portion of bath receipts 789 15 0 . ■ 1 789 15 Q Total, Other Grants and Subsidies .. 131,668 17 .. 131,668 1 7 Carried forward 183,605 15 3 .. 183,605 15 3

B.—l [FT. ll].


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Other Services — continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount Ant charged to »«™™i« charged to Ordinary Kevenue . Ke «>™nes. | Ordinary Bevenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 183,605 15 3 .. 183,605 15 3 MOTOR TAXATION. Tire-tax, Fees, and Fines transferred to Main Highways Account. Finance Agt, 1927 (No. 2) :— Section 24 (1),— Transfer to Main Highways Account Eevenue Fund as under—■ £ s. d. Tire-tax .. .. .. 63,252 18 9 Motor-vehicles fees, fines, &c. .. 352,561 6 1 415,814 4 10 .. 415,814 4 10 Tax on Motor-spirits transferred to Main Highways Account. Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927, Section 9 (1) (a), and Finance Act, 1930, Section 38 :— Allocation of residue after deduction of expenses,*— 92 per cent, of residue for period £ s. d. 1st April, 1932, to 31st March, 1933 1,144,126 1 7 Less amount retained in Consolidated Fund .. .. 500,000 0 0 644,126 1 7 Amount transferred to Main Highways Account Revenue Fund .. .. .. .. 644,126 17 .. 644,126 1 7 Tax on Motor-spirits paid to Boroughs. Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927 :— Section 9, — Allocation of residue after deduction of expenses,*— Subsection (1) (b), residue paid to Borough Councils— 8 per cent, for period 1 January, 1932, to 31 December, 1932 .. .. .. .. 98,590 19 8 .. 98,590 19 8 Expenses of Collecting and Making Refunds. Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2): — Section 24 (3),— Transfer to the credit of Vote, Customs, in respect of the I expenses incidental to the collection of tire-tax .. 909 16 7 .. 909 16 7 Motob-spikits Taxation Act, 1927 : — Section 7, — Expenses of collecting tax on motor-spirits paid to the credit of Vote, Customs, for the period 1 January, 1932, to 31 December, 1932 .. .. .. 16,964 15 2 Expenses of refunding tax on motor-spirits paid to the Post Office for the period 1 January, 1932, to 31 December, 1932 .. .. .. .. 3,300 13 6 .. 20,265 8 8 Total, Motok Taxation .. .. 1,179,706 11 4 .. 1,179,706 11 4 . .■ EXCHANGE. ON REMITTANCES. Banks Indemnity (Exchange) Act, 1932-33 : — Sections 6 and 7, — Cost of exchange incurred on the purchase from banks of surplus exchange accumulated in London .. 470,337 10 0 .. 470,337 10 0 Finance Act, 1932 :— Section 55, — Exchange on remittances of public moneys to or from any country beyond New Zealand .. .. 367,080 11 3 24,967 4 9 342,113 6 6 Total, Exchange .. .. .. 837,418 1 3 24,967 4 9 812,450 16 6 Carried forward .. .. .. J2,200, 730 7 10 24,967 4 9 2,175,763 3 1 * No deduction has been made in respect of any expenses incident to the allocation of the residue.

B.—l [PT. ll],


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Other Services — continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount Act charged to R»mw«»u. charged to Act * Ordinary Revenue Kecovenei. Ordinary Kevenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 2,200,730 7 10 24,967 4 9 2,175,763 3 1 ADVANCES. Miscellaneous Advances. Education Reserves Aot, 1928 :— Section 29 (1),— Amount recovered from the Greymouth and Hokitika High Schools Deposit Account, being part of amount paid as compensation for improvements on Reserve 121b, Block V, Poerua Survey District forming part of the endowments of the Greymouth and Hokitika High Schools, in respect of expenditure incurred during the year 1930-31 .. .. .. 131 8 4 Or. 131 8 4 OTHER SPECIAL ACTS. SALARIES AND HONORARIA. Legislative. Appropriation Act, 1926 :— ■ Section 24 (2),— Salary of Minister for Cook Islands in excess of the amount appropriated under the Civil List Aot, 1920— 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 .. .. .. 137 14 0 .. 137 14 0* Civil List Aot, 1920 :— Part III, Section 16,— Speakers of both Houses and Chair- £ s. d. men of Committees .. .. 2,177 1 5 Part III, Section 17, — Members of the Legislative Council.. 5,646 3 9 Members of the House of Representatives .. .. .. .. 25,139 10 7 Part IV, Section 22,— Officers of Legislative Council and House of Representatives .. 2,268 0 0 35,230 15 9 .. 35,230 15 9 Justice. Judicature Amendment Aot, 1920 :— Section 3, —■ The Judges— The Chief Justice— Myers, SirM., K.C.M.G., K.B., salary, 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 .. .. .. .. 2,250 0 0 The Puisne Judges— Adams, A. S., salary, 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 2,000 0 0 Herdman, A. L., salary, 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 MacGregor, W. C, salary, 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, . 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Ostler, H. H., salary, 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 2,000 0 0 Reed, J. R., salary, 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 2,000 0 0 Smith, D. S., salary, 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 2,000 0 0 Blair, A. W., salary, 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 2,000 0 0 Kennedy, R., salary, 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 2,000 0 0 .. 18,250 0 0 Other Salaries. High Commissioner Act, 1908 :— Section 6, — Salary, High Commissioner (Wilford, Hon. Sir T. M., K.C.)— 1 January, 1932, to 31 Maroh, 1932 .. .. 450 0 0 .. 450 0 0 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Aot, 1925 :— Section 64,' — Judge of the Arbitration Court— Frazer, F. V., salary, 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 2,000 0 0 .. 2,000 0 0 Public Revenues Act, 1926: — Section 6, — Salary, Controller and Auditor-General (Campbell, G. F. C, CM.G.), 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 .. 1,023 15 0 .. 1,023 15 0 Carried forward .. .. .. 57,092 4 9 .. 57,092 4 9 Carried forward .. .. .. 2,200,730 7 10 25,098 13 1 2,175,631 14 9 • Salary (£757 7s.) and house allowance (£153) also paid and charged under Civil List, Part II (see B.-l [Pt. I]).

B.—l TPT. ll].


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Other Services — continued.


Gross Amount Net Amouni Act - OrdinaTaevenue »«««-■ Ordinar^nue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 2,200,730 7 10 25,098 13 1 2,175,631 14 9 OTHER SPECIAL ACTS— continued. SALARIES AND HONORARIA— continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 57,092 4 9 .. 57,092 4 9 Other Salaries — continued. Public Service Aot, 1912, and Appropriation Act, 1925, Section 20 (1) (a) : — Public Service Commissioner, — Versehaffelt, P. D. N., C.M.G., salary, 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 .. .. .. .. 1,181 5 0 .. 1,181 5 0 Public Service Act, 1912, and Appropriation Act, 1920, Section 16 (1): — Assistant Public Service Commissioner, — Dallard, B. L., salary, 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 859 19 0 .. 859 19 0 ! Total, Salaries and Honokakia .. 59,133 8 9 .. 59,133 8 9 i PENSIONS. Old-age Pensions. Land Act, 1924 : — Section 298, — Application of national-endowment revenue in payment of old-age pensions .. .. .. .. 22,259 0 2 .. 22,259 0 2 Other Pensions. Judicature Act, 1908 :— Sections 12-14, — Superannuation allowances— Chapman, Sir F. R., 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 1,083 6 8 Stringer, Sir T. W., 1 April, 1932, to 31 March, 1933 750 0 0 .. 1,833 6 8 1 Total, Pensions .. .. .. 24,092 6 10 .. 24,092 6 10 ! ADVANCES. On Account of other Governments. Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2) :— Section 7, — Advances made on behalf of other Governments— Canada .. .. .. ,. .. 516 14 8 881 12 5 Cr. 364 17 9 Commonwealth .. .. .. .. 23,410 4 4 22,442 10 2 i 967 14 2 Fiji .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 17 10 1 17 10 Imperial Government .. .. .. .. 30,254 18 3 18,954 5 7 11,300 12 8 Union of South Africa .. .. .. .. 249 2 7 280 16 2 Cr. 31 13 7 i i 54,432 17 8 42,561 2 2 11,871 15 6 Rural Intermediate Credit Aot, 1927 : — Section 18, — Advance to Rural Intermediate Credit Board, repayable within ten years, to provide for the preliminary expenses of associations .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 .. 250 0 0 Total, Advances .. .. .. 54,682 17 8 42,561 2 2 12,121 15 6 MISCELLANEOUS. Hawke's Bay Earthquake Act, 1931 : — Section 58, — Grants and special Government services in connection with the Hawke's Bay earthquake— Clearing Napier streets .. .. .. .. .. 128 1 8 Or. 128 1 8 Clearing Hastings and Wairoa streets .. .. .. 83 12 6 Cr. 83 12 6 Loan to Napier Borough Council for the erection of community retail shops .. .. .. .. 5,820 15 5 Cr. 5,820 16 5* Loan to Hastings Borough Council for the erection of community retail shops .. .. .. .. 1,079 8 10 Cr. 1,079 8 10f Restoration of Wairoa Borough Water-supply . . 214 14 1 .. 214 14 1 Carried forward .. .. .. 214 14 1 7,111 18 5 Cr. 6,897 4 4 Carried forward .. .. .. 137,908 13 3 42,561 2 2 95,347 11 1 j Carried forward .. .. .. 2,200,730 7 10 25,098 13 1 2,175,631 14 9 • Represents £4,726 16s. 2d. rente from community shops and £1,093 19s. 3d. sale of material from demolition of community shops, t Rent of community shops.

B.—l TPT: 111


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Other Services — continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount j i«t charged to n«v, m ri«. charged to Act - Ordinary Revenue Kecoveries. | Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 2,200,730 7 10 25,098 13 1 2,175,631 14 9 OTHER SPECIAL ACTS— continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 137,908 13 3 42,561 2 2 95,347 11 1 MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 214 14 1 7,111 18 5 CV. 6,897 4 4 Appropriation Act, 1926 : — Section 15, — Travelling-expenses of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral and staff in excess of amount provided under the Civil List Act, 1920 .. .. .. 929 12 7 .. 929 12 7* Finance Act, 1928 : — Section 20, — Amount paid by the High Commissioner in London — On behalf of the Dominion Stocking League .. j 0 13 5 On behalf of Ngaio-Khandallah Stocking League .. 0 5 3 .. 0 18 8 Finance Act, 1930, Section 53 (4), and Finance Act, 1931 (No. 2), Section 25 (2) (6) :— Land assurance claims admitted and paid in connection with losses sustained through errors in the definitions of boundaries .. .. .. .. .. 443 9 1 .. 443 9 1 Finance Act, 1931 (No. 4) : — Section 24 (2),— Refund to the Post and Telegraph Department of rent received from post-office sites .. .. .. i 100 5 3 .. 100 5 3 Finance Act, 1932, Section 53 (2): — Interest on income-tax paid in advance .. .. 2,680 15 11 .. 2,680 15 11 Land Act, 1924 : — Section 295 (2),— Administration expenses of national-endowment land .. 3,740 14 10 .. 3,740 14 10 Native Purposes Act, 1931 :— Section 51, — Ninth annual payment to Arawa District Trust Board for the benefit of the Arawa Tribe .. .. 6,000 0 0 480 0 0 5,520 0 0 Section 54, — Sixth annual payment to Tuwharetoa Trust Board for benefit of Tuwharetoa Tribe, in connection with Lake Taupo claims .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 270 0 0 2,730 0 0 Puklic Revenues Act, 1926 :— Section 151, — Free issue of official postage-stamps to members of the House of Representatives and to members of the Legislative Council .. .. .. .. 2,037 0 0 .. 2,037 0 0 Rural Advances Act, 1926 : — Section 8 (2),— Interest paid on Rural Advances bonds — 5-per-oent. bonds to mature 15 September, 1947— £ s. d. Interest due 15 March, 1932 .. 5,387 10 0 Interest due 15 September, 1932 .. 101,199 10 11 Interest due 15 March, 1933 .. 99,128 7 10 205,715 8 9 Less amount recovered from State Advances Office .. 206,971 13 9 Gr. 1,256 5 0 5-per-cent. bonds to mature 15 September, 1938— £ s. d. Interest due 15 September, 1932 .. 250 0 0 Interest due 15 March, 1933 .. 250 0 0 500 0 0 Less amount recovered from State Advances Office .. 500 0 0 Total interest .. .. .. .. 206,215 8 9 207,471 13 9 Gr. 1,256 5 0 Less premium on exchange . .. .. 328 14 10 , .. 328 14 10 205,886 13 11 207,471 13 9 Gr. 1,584 19 10 Finance Act, 1932 : — Section 55, — Premium on exchange transferred to Deposits Account for payment to State Advances Office .. 328 14 10 .. 328 14 10 ' I , 206,215 8 9 207,471 13 9 Or. 1,256 5 0 Total, Miscellaneous .. .. 225,362 19 2 215,333 12 2 JO,029 7 0 Total, Other Special Acts .. .. 363,271 12 5 | 257,894 14 4 105,376 18 1 Toial, Other Services .. .. 2,564,002 0 3 282,993 7 5 2,281,008 12 10 • See also £1,760 under Civil List, Part I (B.-l [Pt. I]).

B.—l [Pt. ll],


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under the RURAL INTERMEDIATE CREDIT ACT, 1927, Section 16. Advances to the Rural Intermediate Credit Board.

Note.—ln terms of the Rural Intermediate Credit Act, 1927, the amounts advanced and outstanding at any time shall not exceed in the aggregate the sum of £400,000. Every advance shall be free of interest for the period of ten years immediately succeeding the date on which the first such advance is made. After the expiration of the said period of ten years interest shall be payable half-yearly, at such rate as the Minister of Finance shall from time to time determine.


STATEMENT of IMPRESTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) OUTSTANDING as at the 31st March, 1933, showing the SERVICES for which they were issued.


One-third of Two-thirds of Advance to be Date from which Advance (in Cash) credited to the Bural Total Advance Date of Advance Term ,, Uate °" t - , Interest becomes for the Purpose of Intermediate Credit in Terms of Date or Advance. -term. llepayment 1B due . pa y ab i e . carrying on Business Redemption Fund Section 16. under the Act. in Terms of Section 17 (1). Years. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. June 30,1928.. 20 June 29,1948.. June 30, 1938 3,400 0 0 1,700 0 0* 5,100 0 0 June 30,1928.. 20 June 29,1948. . „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 July 31,1928.. 20 July 30,1948.. ' „ „ i 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Aug. 15,1928.. 20 Aug. 14,1948.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 Aug. 21,1928.. 20 Aug. 20,1948.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 Sept. 13,1928.. 20 Sept. 12,1948. . „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 Oct. 3,1928.. 20 Oct. 2,1948.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 Oct 8,1928.. 20 Oct. 7,1948.. ,. „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Oct. 19,1928.. 20 Oct. 18,1948.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Nov. 8,1928.. 20 Nov. 7,1948.. ., „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 Dec. 21,1928.. 20 Dec. 20,1948.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 April 10, 1929.. 20 April 9,1949.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 May 16, 1929.. 20 May 15,1949.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 May 27,1929.. 20 May 26,1949.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 June 4,1929.. 20 June 3,1949.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 June 27, 1929.. 20 : June 26, 1949.. „ „ 8,000 0 0 4,000 0 0* 12,000 0 0 June 28, 1929.. 20 June 27, 1949.. „ „ 30,000 0 0 15,000 0 0* 45,000 0 0 Aug. 28, 1929.. 20 Aug. 27, 1949.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Sept. 16, 1929.. 20 Sept. 15, 1949.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Oct. 3,1929.. 20 Oct. 2,1949.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Oct. 24,1929.. 20 Oct. 23,1949.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Nov 5 1929.. 20 Nov. 4,1949.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* j 15,000 0 0 April 16,1930.. 20 April 15, 1950.. ,. „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 May 1,1930.. 20 April30,1950.. „ „ 20,000 0 0 10,000 0 0* 30,000 0 0 May 30,1930.. 20 May 29, 1950.. „ „ , 20,000 0 0 10,000 0 0* 30,000 0 0 June 17, 1930.. 20 June 16, 1950.. „ „ 20,000-0 0 10,000 0 0* 30,000 0 0 June30, 1930.. 20 June29, 1950.. „ „ 20,270 0 0 10,130 0 0* 30,400 0 0 Total amount advanced prior to 31st March, 1931 .. | 266,670 0 0 133,330 0 0* 400,000 0 0 • Securities issued in lieu of cash, in terms of subsection (4) of section 17.

Balance outstanding at Name of Government. 31st March, 1933. £ s. d. Canada 233 9 9 Commonwealth of Australia .. .. .. .. .. ■• 13,620 14 1 Imperial Government —General Advances .. .. .. •• 22,523 0 7 Union of South Africa .. .. .. .. • • • • 198 3 11 Total £36,575 8 4 Note.—Details of transactions are shown on page 58.

Consolidated Exjnd : — Ordinary Revenue Account, — Under Special Acts— * s - <*• Rural Advances Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 3,263 15 0 Interest on Loans .. .. .. •. • • • • • • • • • • 3,299 10 0 Votes — Prime Minister's Department .. •• •• ■• •• •• •• 035 Customs , oil o i External Affairs .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 4 . 298 ° l Printing and Stationery .. .. .. •• •• •• •■ 2,181 19 2 S2SS :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ■■ «SS « Naval Defence .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• 12,932 19 11 Defence 0 9 5 Lands and Survey .. .. .. .. • • • • • • • • • ■ f" ° ' Industries and Commerce, Tourist and Publicity .. .. .. •• •■ 1,023 12 8 Scientific and Industrial Research .. .. .. • • • • • • • 15 16 0 Health 1.886 0 0 Education £ » Pensions 25 >358 7 7 Ueneral Imprest .. .. .. •• ■■ •• •■ •• ■ - "1 11 1U General Services 44 - 242 U ° Total £99,290 0 0

B.—l [PT. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 193 2-193 3.

SUMMARY of ACCOUNTS of LOCAL BODIES for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1933.


Balances on nemnnta Payments and Balances on 31st March, 1932. -receipts. Transfers. 31st March, 1933. ENDOWMENTS OF LAND. Hakbour Boabd :— (Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884, Section 7) — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Greymouth .. .. .. 78 10 7 2,671 14 0 2,432 16 318 3 1 78 10 7 2,671 14 0 2,432 16 318 3 1 Counties : — (Land Act, 1924 Sections 138 (6) and 357, and Finance Act, 1924, Section 17 (2) )— Fiord .. .. .... 184 18 7 .. .. 184 18 7 Sounds .. .. .. 1,428 5 7 15 8 7 .. 1,443 14 2 Taupo .. .. .. .. 682 0 10 33 19 8 .. 716 0 6 2,295 5 0 49 8 3 .. 2,344 13 3 Total Endowments of Land .. 2,373 15 7 2,721 2 3 2,432 1 6 2,662 16 4 GOLDFIELDS REVENUE. (Mining Act, 1926, Section 447.) Counties : — Ashburton .. .. .. 5 0 0 14 0 0 13 10 0 5 10 0 Bay of Islands .. .. .. .. 876 876 Bruce .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 50 100 Buller .. .. .. ... 38 12 6 588 6 6 454 4 3 172 14 9 Clutha .. .. .. .. .. 050 050 Collingwood .. .. .. 76 7 11 433 1 2 426 16 2 82 12 11 Coromandel .. .. .. 29 8 3 289 0 9 249 19 11 68 9 1 Dannevirke .. .. .. .. 050 050 Ellesmere .. .. .. 8 15 3 8 19 4 17 9 7 0 5 0 Featherston .. .. .. .. 150 100 050 Geraldine .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 0 10 0 Grey .. .. .. .. 877 17 4 3,609 4 11 3,495 19 5 991 2 10 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. 0 10 0 10 0 1 10 0 Horowhenua .. .. .. 050 .. 050 Hutt .. .. .. .. 0 15 0 150 200 Inangahua .. .. .. 479 11 9 1,400 10 9 1,330 0 7 550 1 11 Kairanga .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 050 050 Lake .. .. .. .. 108 1 1 447 4 10 479 8 8 75 17 3 Mackenzie .. .. .. .. 050 050 Makara .. .. .. .. .. 0 15 0 0 15 0 Manawatu .. .. .. .. 150 100 050 Maniototo .. .. .. 97 2 0 363 15 4 395 1 4 65 16 0 Marlborough .. . . .. 26 15 0 279 3 0 258 6 0 47 12 0 Masterton .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 0 10 0 Murchison ' .. .. .. 61 5 0 598 4 7 549 7 3 110 2 4 Ohinemuri . . .. .. 103 17 8 581 16 6 540 9 4 145 4 10 Ohura .. .. .. .. .. 050 050 Piako .. .. .. .. .. 61 9 0 41 15 9 19 13 3 Pohangina .. .. .. ..' 0 10 0 0 10 0 Rangiora .. .. .. .. .. 050 .. 050 Rotorua .. . . .. .. .. 6 15 0 4 5 0 2 10 0 Southland .. .. .. 80 1 10 390 2 8 348 5 0 121 19 6 Stewart Island .. .. .. .. 536 2 15 0 286 Taieri .. .. .. .. 050 7 10 0 4 15 0 300 Takaka .: . . .. .. 9 16 0 54 14 6 55 8 6 9 2 0 Taumarunui .. .. .. .. 050 050 Thames .. .. ... .. 23 18 0 240 4 0 221 3 6 42 18 6 Tuapeka .. .. .. .. 98 3 7 342 11 1 365 1 6 75 13 2 Vincent .. . . .. .. 119 8 6 829 7 3 775 10 1 173 5 8 Waihemo . . . . .. 4 10 0 36 6 9 28 16 3 12 0 6 Waikato .. .. .. .. .. 050 050 Waikouaiti .. .. .. 050 110 0 0 10 0 150 Waimarino .. .. .. 050 .. 050 Waimea .. .. .. .. 9 13 108 10 1 83 4 1 34 7 3 Wairarapa South .. .. .. 050 050 0 10 0 Wairoa .. .. .. .. 050 0 15 0 0 15 0 050 i Waitaki .. .. .. .. 22 2 9 196 17 3 145 11 0 73 9 0 Waitotara .. .. .. .. 050 050 Wallace .. .. .. .. 67 0 6 209 14 0 222 8 6 54 6 0 Westland .. .. .. 289 6 9 2,831 16 7 2,880 10 11 240 12 5 Whangarei .. .. .. 10 4 0 38 18 0 46 6 0 2 16 0 Woodville .. .. .. .. 050 050 2,649 1 11 13,995 4 10 13,457 6 1 3,187 0 8

B.—i rp T . ii],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 193 2-19 33.



Balances on ,.„..,. Payments and Balances on 31st March, 1932. receipts. Transfers. 31st March, 1933. ' I GOLDFIELDS REVENUE— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. (Mining Act, 1926, Section 447.) Boroughs : — Cromwell .. .. .. 350 .. 350 Greymouth .. .. .. 050 5 15 0 0 15 0 550 Hokitika .. .. .. .. 189 118 9 326 050 Kumara .. .. .. .. 0 15 0 900 600 3 15 0 Motueka .. .. .. .. .. 41 0 0 40 15 0 0 5 0 Ross .. .. .. .. 26 11 0 139 1 0 145 9 6 20 2 6 Te Aroha .. .. .. 133 10 0 497 16 2 505 3 9 126 2 5 Thames '.. .. .. .. 20 11 2 218 0 1 191 18 7 46 12 8 Waihi .. .. .. .. 194 5 9 913 2 8 962 19 0 144 9 5 Whangarei .. .. .. .. 020 .. 020 380 11 8 1,825 15 8 1,859 8 4 346 19 0 Town Board: — Cobden .. .. 100 250 2 50 100 100 250 250 100 Total Goldfields Revenue .. 3,030 13 7 15,823 5 6 15,318 19 5 3,534 19 8 GOLD DUTY. (Gold Duty Act, 1908, Section 12.) Counties : — Coromandel .. .. .. .. 17 3 11 17 3 11 Grey .. .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 .. 0 10 0 Murchison .. .. .. .. 160 .. 160 Ohinemuri .. .. .. 35 0 0 1,019 4 0 1,011 0 2 43 3 10 Piako .. .. .. .. .. 017 .. 017 Thames .. .. .. .. 098 4 18 0 .. 578 35 9 8 1,043 3 6 1,028 4 1 50 9 1 Boroughs:— Thames .. .. .. .. .. 35 5 6 35 5 6 Waihi .. .. .. .. .. 7,478 2 0 7,478 2 0 7,513 7 6 7,513 7 6 35 9 8 8,556 11 0 j 8,541 11 7 50 9 1 Less adjustments between accounts, being amount transferred from Waihi Borough to Ohinemuri County in terms of Order in Council dated 21st July, 1913 .. .. 350 0 0 ! 350 0 0 Total Gold Duty .. 35 9 8 8,206 11 0 8,19] 11 7 50 9 1 _i |_ ! I I PEES AND FINES. (Auctioneers Act, 1928, Section 42.) Cities :— Auckland .. .. .. .. 2,231 10 0 1,384 10 0 847 0 0 Christchurch .. .. .. 962 10 0 1,078 0 0 2,040 10 0 Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. 1,039 10 0 1,039 10 0 Invercargill .. .. .. 577 10 0 500 10 0 577 10 0 500 10 0 Nelson .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 38 10 0 Palmerston North .. .. .. .. 192 10 0 192 10 0 Wanganui .. .. .. 192 10 0 211 0 0 249 10 0 154 0 0 Wellington ... .. .. 1,597 0 0 1,751 0 0 3,348 0 0 3,406 10 0 7,042 10 0 8,909 0 0 1,540 0 0 Counties : — Akaroa .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 154 0 0 Amuri .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Ashburton .. .. .. 231 0 0 192 10 0 346 10 0 77 0 0 Awatere .. .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Bay of Islands .. .. .. .. 8 10 0 8 10 0 Carried forward .. 346 10 0 393 10 0 624 10 0 115 10 0

B.—l [Pt. 11l

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.



FEES AND FINES— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. (Auctioneers Act, 1928, Section 42.) Counties— continued. Brought forward .. 346 10 0 393 10 0 624 10 0 115 10 0 Cheviot .. . . .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Clifton .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Ellesmere .. . . .. 115 10 0 154 0 0 269 10 0 Eltham . . .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Hauraki Plains .. .. .. . . 77 0 0 38 10 0 j 38 10 0 Hawera .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 154 0 0 Hobson .. .. .. . . .. 47 0 0 47 0 0 Hokianga .. .. .. .. 8 10 0 8 10 0 Horowhenua .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Inangahua .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Inglcwood .. .. .. 77 0 0 38 10 0 115 10 0 Kaikoura .. .. .. .. .. 34 0 0 34 0 0 Kowai .. .. .. . . 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Mackenzie .. .. . . 115 10 0 124 0 0 124 0 0 115 10 0 Malvern .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 154 0 0 Mangonui.. .. .. .. 17 0 0 8 10 0 25 10 0 Marlborough .. .. .. .. 154 0 0 77 0 0 77 0 0 Masterton .. .. .. 38 10 0 77 0 0 77 0 0 38 10 0 Matamata .. .. .. . . 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Opotiki .. .. .. .. 8 10 0 8 10 0 17 0 0 Oroua .. .. ... .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Oxford .. .. .. . . 38 10 0 77 0 0 115 10 0 Paparua .. .. .. .. 115 10 0 38 10 0 154 0 0 Piako • • ■ • .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Raglan .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Rodney .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Southland .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Springs . . .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Stratford . . .. .. . . 77 0 0 77 0 0 154 0 0 Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Tauranga .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Waikato .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Waimarino .. .. .. . . 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Waimate .. .. ... .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 115 10 0 38 10 0 Waipa .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Wairewa .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 115 10 0 192 10 0 Wairoa .. .. .. .. .. 42 10 0 34 0 0 8 10 0 Waitaki .. .. .. .. 192 10 0 192 10 0 192 10 0 192 10 0 Waitomo .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 38 10 0 Wanganui .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Whakatane .. .. .. 17 0 0 8 10 0 25 10 0 Whangarei .. .. .. .. 115 10 0 77 0 0 38 10 0 1,890 10 0 2,677 0 0 3,558 0 0 1,009 10 0 Bobouohs : — Alexandra .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Ashburton .. .. .. 115 10 0 77 0 0 115 10 0 77 0 0 Balclutha .. .. .. .. 231 0 0 192 10 0 38 10 0 Blenheim .. .. .. .. 249 10 0 172 10 0 77 0 0 Cambridge .. .. .. 115 10 0 154 0 0 154 0 0 115 10 0 Dannevirke .. .. .. 115 10 0 231 0 0 346 10 0 Dargaville .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Devonport .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Feilding .. .. .. .. . . 77 0 0 77 0 0 Geraldine .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Gisborne .. .. .. .. 345 0 0 289 10 0 403 10 0 231 0 0 Gore .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 308 0 0 308 0 0 77 0 0 Greymouth .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Hamilton .. .. .. 231 0 0 308 0 0 308 0 0 231 0 0 Hastings .. .. .. .. .. 577 10 0 539 0 0 38 10 0 Hawera .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 115 10 0 38 10 0 Hokitika .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Inglewood .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Lower Hutt .. .. .. 38 10 0 77 0 0 115 10 0 Lyttelton .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Marton .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 115 10 0 115 10 0 77 0 0 Masterton .. .. .. 77 0 0 172 10 0 172 10 0 77 0 0 Milton .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 154 0 0 Motueka .. .. .. .. .. 18 10 0 i 18 10 0 Napier .. .. .. .. . . 231 0 0 231 0 0 New Plymouth .. .. .. 192 10 0 154 0 0 192 10 0 154 0 0 Ngaruawahia .. .. .. 38 10 0 ; 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Oamaru .. .. .. .. 154 0 0 115 10 0 j 154 0 0 115 10 0 Carried forward .. 1,885 0 0 3,964 0 0 I 4,347 10 0 1,501 10 0

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 193 2-193 3.



* Balance on Upppinto Pnvmon+a Balance on 31st March, 1932. Beceipte. Payments. 31st March; W3S FEES AND PINES— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. (Auctioneers Act, 1928, Section 42.) Boroughs— continued. Brought forward .. 1,885 0 0 3,964 0 0 4,347 10 0 1,501 10 0 Opotiki .. .. .. .. ! 8 10 0 8 10 0 17 0 0 Otahuhu .. .. .. .. I .. 154 0 0 77 0 0 77 0 0 Otaki .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Paeroa .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Pahiatua .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Palmerston .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Pioton .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Pukekohe.. .. .. .. 38 10 0 192 10 0 115 10 0 115 10 0 Raetihi .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Rangiora.. .. .. .. 115 10 0 154 0 0 269 10 0 Riocarton.. .. .. .. 115 10 0 115 10 0 231 0 0 Richmond .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Riverton .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Rotorua .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 134 0 0 211 0 0 Roxburgh .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Stratford .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 77 0 0 77 0 0 Taihape .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Taumarunui .. .. .. .. 442 0 0 211 0 0 231 0 0 Tauranga .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Te Aroha .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 TeAwamutu .. .. .. 38 10 0 115 10 0 115 10 0 38 10 0 Te Kuiti .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Temuka .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 115 10 0 38 10 0 Thames .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Timaru .. .. .. .. 308 0 0 403 10 0 326 10 0 385 0 0 Waihi .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Waimate .. .. .. .. 154 0 0 115 10 0 231 0 0 38 10 0 Waipukurau .. .. .. .. 95 10 0 57 0 0 38 10 0 Wairoa .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 8 10 0 18 10 0 Westport .. .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Whakatane .. .. .. .. 8 10 0 8 10 0 Whangarei .. .. .. .. 115 10 0 115 10 0 Winton .. .. .. . . 77 0 0 154 0 0 77 0 0 154 0 0 3,289 10 0 6,912 10 0 7,314 10 0 2,887 10 0 Town Boards : — Bulls .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Edendale .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Johnsonville .. .. .. 115 10 0 115 10 0 231 0 0 Kaitaia .. .. .. .. .. 8 10 0 8 10 0 Kamo .. . . .. .. .. 77 0 0 77 0 0 Kaponga .. . . .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Kawakawa .. . . .. 8 10 0 .. 8 10 0 Matamata .. .. .. .. 115 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Otautau .. .. .. . . 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Otorohanga .. .. . . 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Papakura . . . . . . . : 115 10 0 38 10 0 77 0 0 Raglan .. .. . . .. .. 8 10 0 8 10 0 Te Puke .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 .. 38 10 0 Tuakau .. .. .. . . .. 77 0 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 Waiuku .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 38 10 0 Wyndham .. .. .. 115 10 0 115 10 0 115 10 0 115 10 0 393 10 0 825 10 0 872 10 0 346 10 0 Total, Fees and Fines .. 8,980 0 0 17,457 10 0 20,654 0 0 5,783 10 0 STAMP DUTY ON INTEREST. (National Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1932, Section 47.) Various local bodies .. .. .. .. 160,990 17 4 120,990 17 4 40,000 0 0

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-1 933.

SUMMARY of DEPOSITS ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1933.

s— B. 1 [Pt. ll].


Detioait, Accounts Balances on n „«,!„(•. Payments and Balances on ueposit Accounts. 31at Mftrch> lg32 Beceipte. Transfers. 31st March, 1933. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auctioneers Act, 1928, section 8 .. .. 615 17 4 1,000 0 0 935 12 8 680 4 8 Coal-mines Amendment Act, 1922, section 23 10 0 0 .. .. 10 0 0 Dairy-produce Export Control Act, 1923 .. 3,534 2 7 48,134 4 10 44,837 4 4 6,831 3 1 Deposits on Contracts .. .. .. .. 267 6 0 232 6 0 35 0 0 Distribution of Wool Profits .. .. 2,428 7 3 .. 11 6 0 2,417 1 3 Earthquake Relief Fund (West Coast) .. 886 2 2 1,613 9 9 1,721 10 8 778 1 3 Education Reserves Act, 1928— Sales of Land under section 27— Primary-education Endowments .. 16,529 12 5 537 12 6 .. 17,067 4 11 Secondary-education Endowments— Auckland Provincial District .. 430 8 7 13 10 0 .. 443 18 7 Taranaki Provincial District .. 264 14 0 . . .. 264 14 0 Hawke's Bay Provincial District .. 24 7 2 .. .. 24 7 2 Otago Provincial District .. .. 376 4 5 13 10 0 .. 389 14 5 Education Reserves Act, 1928— Primary - education Endowment Deposit Account .. .. .. .. .. 80,428 9 8 80,428 9 8 Secondary - education Endowment Deposit Accounts— Auckland Provincial District .. .. 1,078 10 10 2,551 15 5 2,770 10 4 859 15 11 Taranaki Provincial District .. .. 438 0 10 1,240 8 1 1,199 4 0 479 4 11 Wellington Provincial District .. 872 4 4 2,245 5 0 2,541 13 10 575 15 6 Hawke's Bay Provincial District .. 748 19 9 1,339 19 8 1,533 0 3 555 19 2 Nelson Provincial District .. .. 62 10 6 491 6 1 324 2 1 229 14 6 Marlborough Provincial District .. 37 9 9 77 16 0 80 5 9 35 0 0 Otago Provincial District .. .. 740 12 3 1,683 8 2 1,432 13 0 991 7 5 Emigrants' Deposits .. .. .. .. 190 0 0 190 0 0 Fisheries Act, 1908 .. .. .. 006 .. .. 006 General Assembly Library Fund .. .. 75 0 0 .. 75 0 0 General Purposes Relief Account .. .. .. 26,575 15 0 1,985 14 9 24,590 0 3 Gold Duty Suspense Account .. .. 348 9 0 2,892 10 1 .. 3,240 19 1 Greymouth and Hokitika High School Acts, 1883.. .. .. .. .. 87 9 11 276 6 6 360 14 11 3 16 Hauraki Plains Drains Deposit Account .. 20 0 0 .. 10 0 0 10 0 0 Hawke's Bay Earthquake Relief Fund .. 201 5 7 1,082 11 8 1,215 10 10 68 6 5 Honey-export Control Act, 1924 .. .. 184 58 9 10 59 90 092 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926 98 12 11 390 17 10 470 4 6 19 6 3 Hunter Soldiers'Assistance Trust Account .. .. 7,639 19 6 1,878 6 10 5,761 12 8 Immigration Restriction Act, 1908 .. 1,090 0 0 1,510 0 0 1,320 0 0 1,280 0 0 Imperial Pensions .. .. .. 66,158 9 11 231,572 110 253,406 18 2 34,323 13 7 Imperial Stamps and Postal Orders .. 347 11 0 895 15 0 474 11 6 768 14 6 Interest on Cash Balance Investments Account 8,366 6 6 70,631 16 8 76,225 16 7 2,772 6 7 Kauri-gum Control Act, 1925 .. .. 42 11 1 435 1 4 423 12 6 53 19 11 Meat-export Control Act, 1921-22 .. .. 980 15 8 37,823 3 1 34,616 18 1 4,187 0 8 Mining Act, 1926 .. .. .. 206 15 1 220 18 9 155 0 5 272 13 5 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 27,854 3 5 203,836 12 2 171,088 11 10 60,602 3 9 Money-order Settlement Account .. .. 13,643 6 2 20,354 18 6 31,504 14 10 2,493 9 10 Moumahaki Endowment— Revenue Account .. .. .. 318 4 6 829 3 7 1,097 14 3 49 13 10 Capital Account .. .. .. 910 5 3 84 7 7 .. 994 12 10 Naval Remittances .. .. .. 2,044 7 2 7,431 17 1 7,692 6 7 1,783 17 8 Naval Savings-bank Deposit Account .. .. 1,058 0 7 998 0 11 59 19 8 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund .. .. .. 1,078 8 6 47 11 6 40 0 0 1,086 0 0 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund Investment .. Dr. 1,000 0 0 .. .. Dr. 1,000 0 0 New Zealand Reparation Estates .. .. 9 10 0 4,391 19 10 4,115 9 10 286 0 0 New Zealand University Endowment— Westland .. .. .. .. 2,585 10 182 4 9 4 0 9 2,763 5 0 North Island Experimental Dairy School .. 10,022 6 8 579 12 6 65 3 1 10,536 16 1 Orchard-tax Act, 1927 .. .. .. 600 11 10 2,077 2 11 1,400 5 2 1,277 9 7 Payments through High Commissioner .. 24,774 13 4 112,142 10 10 135,649 0 11 1,268 3 3 Post Office Savings-bank Deposits .. .. .. 42 0 0 42 0 0 Promotion of Health Fund .. .. 74 9 3 638 11 11 713 1 2 Receipts by the High Commissioner for Payment in New Zealand .. .. .. 3,069 2 10 30,258 9 4 26,259 14 1 7,067 18 1 Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. 91,000 0 0 .. 25,000 0 0 66,000 0 0 Remittances to Immigrants .. .. 25 0 0 13 0 0 38 0 0 Rotorua College and Grammar School Account .. 640 8 0 640 8 0 Samoan Loan Sinking Fund Account .. 22,392 3 6 3,774 6 5 26,155 0 0 11 9 11 Samoan Notes Security Account .. .. 32,000 0 0 1,420 0 0 1,420 0 0 32,000 0 0 Samoan Treasury Account .. .. 4,936 6 5 38,879 13 9 34,141 6 5 9,674 13 9 Taranaki Scholarships Endowment Account.. 342 8 10 950 9 7 961 11 3 331 7 2 Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves Act, 1896 . . .. .. .. .. 236 18 4 236 18 4 Thermal Springs Districts Act, 1910 ..! 1319 .. .. 1319 Trustee Act, 1908 .. .. .. 7,247 16 0 199 2 11 .. 7,446 18 11 Unclaimed Earnings .. .. .. 1,151 0 7 1,204 11 2 1,629 19 11 725 1110 Unemployment Insurance Stamps .. .. j 11 3 0 5 12 6 16 15 6 Unpresented Cheques .. .. .. j 185 5 6 189 15 11 219 3 7 155 17 10 Weraroa Agricultural Endowment Account— Revenue Account .. .. .. 875 16 6 705 8 0 33 18 5 1,547 6 1 Capital Account .. .. .. 699 11 8 72 14 4 .. 772 6 0 Wheat Research Levies .. .. .. 364 15 6 1,63114 5 1,598 16 2 397 13 9 Totals .. .. ... j 344,331 18 10 957,712 6 8 | 983,677 17 8 318,366 7 10

B.—l [Pt. ll].




Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursement." Keceipte. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. Auctioneers Act, 1928, Section 8. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 615 17 4 Receipts from insurance companies under fidelity-guarantee policies .. .. 1,000 0 0 •• 1,000 0 0 Amounts paid to claimants .. .. . . 935 12 8 .. 935 12 8 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 680 4 8 1,615 17 4 1,615 17 4 Dairy-produce Export Control Act, 1923. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 3,534 2 7 Levy on export .. .. .. .. 48,134 4 10 ; .. 48,134 4 10 Payments to Board .. .. .. .. 44,388 16 10 Transfer to Customs Vote—Cost of collecting, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 448 7 6 .. 44,837 4 4 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 6,831 3 1 51,668 7 5 51,668 7 5 Deposits on Contracts. Balance, 1st April, 1932 Deposits on account of contracts .. .. 267 6 0 .. 267 6 0 Refunds of deposits on account of contracts.. .. 232 6 0 .. 232 6 0 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. ., 35 0 0 j 267 6 0 267 6 0 j Distribution of Wool Profits Account. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 2,428 7 3 Reissue of stale cheques .. .. .. .. 1160 ■ •• 11 6 0 Balance, 31st March, 1933 ...... 2 417 1 3 2,428 7 3 2,428 7 3 Earthquake Relief Fund (West Coast). Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 886 2 2 Contributions .. .. .. .. 159 9 9 Realization of investments .. .. 1,450 0 0 Recovery of part cost of fencing-wire .. 4 0 0 .. 1,613 9 9 Administration expenses .. .. .. .. 0 3 6 Expenditure on restoration of earthquake damage, and towards replacement of loss, &c. .. 1,721 7 2 1 721 10 8 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. '778 1 3* 2,499 11 11 J 2,499 11 11 Education Reserves Act, 1928 : Sales of Land under Section 27. Primary Education Endowments. Balance, 1st April, 1932 — Cash .. .. .. .. 4,679 12 5 Investments .. .. .. .. 11,850 0 0 .. 16,529 12 5 Sales of land .. .. .. .. 4 7 6 Interest on investments .. .. .. 533 5 0 .. 537 12 6 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Cash .. .. .. .. .. 5,217 4 11 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 11,850 0 0 .. 17,067 4 11 17,067 4 11 J 17,067 4 11 ♦In addition to this cash balance, £1,538 0s. 5d. was held by the Public Trustee in the Common Fund at 31st March, 1933.

B.—l [PT. ll]





Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year, for Year. 1 Education Reserves Act, 1928: Sales or £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Land under Section 27 — continued. Secondary Education Endowments : Auckland Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1932— Cash .. .. .. .. 130 8 7 Investments .. .. 300 0 0 .. 430 8 7 Interest on investments . . .. .. 13 10 0 .. 13 10 0 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Cash .. .. .. .. .. 143 18 7 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 .. 443 18 7 443 18 7 443 18 7 Secondary Education Endowments : Otago Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1932— Cash .. .. .. .. 76 4 5 Investments .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 .. 376 4 5 Interest on investments .. .. .. 13 10 0 .. 13 10 0 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Cash .. .. . . •. .. 89 14 5 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 .. 389 14 5 389 14 5 389 14 5 Education Reserves Act, 1928 : Primary Education Endowment Deposit Account. Rents .. .. " .. .. .. 79,569 17 8 Interest on funds held by Public Trustee .. 858 12 0 .. 80,428 9 8 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (2), transfer to Vote " Education " for primary-education purposes .. .. 76,095 9 8 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 4,062 2 3 Section 31 (3), maintenance, repairs, &c. .. .. 174 13 10 Section 31 (3), surveys and permanent improvements .. • ■ .. •• 60 13 3 Refunds arising out of the operation of section 6 of the Deteriorated Lands Act, 1925 : Rents .. .. •. • • .. 35 10 8 , . .. 80,428 9 8 80,428 9 8 80,428 9 8 Education Reserves Act, 1928 : Secondary Education Endowment Deposit Accounts. Auckland Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 1,078 10 10 Rents 2,551 15 5 .. 2,551 15 5 Amount transferred to Rotorua College and Grammar School Account, to adjust revenue erroneously credited in previous years .. .. 640 8 0 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 1,991 11 9 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 138 10 7 .. 2,770 10 4 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. •• 859 15 11 3,630 6 3 3,630 6 3

B.—l [Pt. ll],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 193 2-193 3.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. Education Reserves Act, 1928 : Secondary £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Education Endowment Deposit Accounts — continued. Taranaki Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 438 0 10 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 1,208 11 4 Interest on funds held by Public Trustee .. 31 16 9 .. 1,240 8 1 .' Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 1,140 2 10 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 57 18 5 Section 31 (3), maintenance, repairs, &c. .. .. 12 9 .. 1,199 4 0 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 479 4 11 1,678 8 11 1,678 8 11 Wellington Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 872 4 4 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 2,245 5 0 .. 2,245 5 0 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 2,414 12 2 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 127 1 8 .. 2,541 13 10 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 575 15 6 3,117 9 4 3,117 9 4 Hawlce's Bay Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 748 19 9 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 1,339 19 8 .. 1,339 19 8 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 1,453 2 1 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 76 15 2 Section 31 (3), maintenance, repairs, &c. .. .. 3 3 0 y 533 q 3 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. 555 19 2 2,088 19 5 2,088 19 5 Nelson Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 62 10 6 Rents .. .. ... .. .. 491 6 1 .. 491 6 1 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 307 18 1 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 16 4 0 — .. 324 2 1 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 229 14 6 553 16 7 553 16 7 Marlborough Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 37 9 9 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 77 16 0 .. 77 16 0 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 76 3 0 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 4 2 9 .. 80 5 9 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 35 0 0 115 5 9 j 115 5 9

B.—l [Pt. 11 J.




Particulars of Particulars of Total Beceipti Total Disbursements Iteceipts. Kisbursementa. for Year. for Year. Education Reserves Act, 1928: Secondary £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Education Endowment Deposit Accounts — continued. Otago Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. • • 740 12 3 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 1,683 8 2 .. 1,683 8 2 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Seotion 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 1,360 13 4 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 71 19 8 .. 1,432 13 0 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. ■ • 991 7 5 2,424 0 5 2,424 0 5 Emigrants' Deposits. Balance, 1st April, 1932 Amounts received from emigrants by the High Commissioner .. .. .. .. 190 0 0 .. 190 0 0 Amounts paid over to emigrants in New Zealand .. 190 0 0 .. 190 0 0 190 0 0 190 0 0 General Assembly Library Fund. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 Payments to General Assembly Library .. .. 75 0 0 75 0 0 75 0 0 I , ===== ' General Purposes Relief Account. Finance Act, 1932, section 6 (1)— Balance of account transferred .. .. 23,871 10 8 Finance Act, 1932, section 6 (4) — Repayment of advanoes— Waimarino bush-fire relief .. . . 9 10 10 Fire relief .. .. .. .. 189 3 2 Flood relief .. .. .. .. 124 12 8 Frost relief .. .. .. .. 233 15 6 Hailstorm relief .. .. .. I 40 0 5 In aid of works of production— Hikurangi Coal Co., Ltd. .. .. 1,188 17 4 Lime-supply .. .. ■ • 28 7 8 Moutere Hills orchardists .. .. 14 4 1 Murchison Lime Co., Ltd. .. .. 132 19 8 Interest on advances — Waimarino bush-fire relief .. •. 30 0 0 Fire relief .. .. .. • • 43 5 4 Flood relief .. .. .. • • 44 0 10 Frost relief .. .. .. .-. 24 10 3 Hailstorm relief ... .. .. 1112 11 In aid of works of production — Hikurangi Coal Co., Ltd 125 6 7 Lime-supply .. .. •. 3 2 0 Moutere Hills orchardista .. .. 0 17 5 Murchison Lime Co.. Ltd. .. .. 13 15 0 Receipts from sales or leases of land or interests in land or property acquired under mortgage or other security— In aid of works of production — Assistance to cider manufacturers .. 16 16 8 Interest on investments .. .. 429 6 0 .. 26,575 15 0 Finance Act, 1932, section 6 (3)— Advances— Flood relief .. .. .. .. .. 377 18 4 Frost relief .. .. .. ■• •■ 3 12 0 Hailstorm relief .. .. • • ■. 4 6 10 In aid of works of production— Hikurangi Coal Co., Ltd. .. .. .. 294 17 7 Lime-supply .. .. .. ■ • 305 0 0 Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), section 5 (2) — Interest recouped to Consolidated Fund .. .. 1,000 0 0 '—i— ,. 1 7 voQ 14 y Balance, 31st March, 1933— Cash .. 15,340 0 3 InVe8tmentS •• - - 9 ' 25 ° ° ° .. 24,590 0 3 26,575 15 0 26,575 15 0

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 193 2-193 3.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Eeceipte. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. Gold Duty Suspense Account. £ s. d. £ 3. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 1st April, 1932— Ohinemuri County .. .. .. 347 17 0 Piako County .. .. .. . - 0 12 0 .. 348 9 0 Amounts retained from Gold Duty towards satisfaction of charge under section 18 of Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910— £ s. d. Ohinemuri County .. 764 8 1 Waihi Borough .. 2,128 2 0 ■■ 2,892 10 1 .. 2,892 10 1 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Ohinemuri County .. 1,112 5 1 Piako County .. .. 0 12 0 Waihi Borough .. 2,128 2 0 . .. .. .. 3,240 19 1 3,240 19 1 3,240 19 1 Gbeymouth and Hokitika High School Acts, 1883. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 87 9 11 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 276 6 6 .. 276 6 6 Section 50 (3), Finance Act, 1932 :— Payments to Consolidated Fund under section 31, Education Reserves Act, 1928:— Subsections (1) and (2) —Administration expenses .. .. .. .. .■ 7 18 1 Subsection (3) —Surveys and permanent improvements .. .. .. .. 130 0 0 Section 50 (1), Finance Act, 1932: — Refund Consolidated Fund in respect of amounts expended under section 29, Education Reserves Act, 1928 :— Principal .. .. .. .. .. 131 8 4 Interest .. 91 8 6 .. 360 14 11 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. • • • • 3 16 363 16 5 363 16 5 Haubaki Plains Drains Deposit Account. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. . • 20 0 0 Payments to depositors — J. S. McClune .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 .. 10 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. • • • • ■ ■ 10 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 Hawke's Bay Earthquake Relief Fund. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. ■. 201 5 7 Contributions: — Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. 76 18 1 Gisborne-Wairoa .. .. .. 1,005 13 7 .. 1,082 11 8 Payments to Public Trustee: — Hawke's Bay ■ ■ 278 3 8 Gisborne-Wairoa .. • ■ .. • • 937 7 2 .. 1,215 10 10 Balance, 31st March, 1933 :— Gisborne-Wairoa .. .. .. •• ■• •• 68 6 5 1,283 17 3 1,283 17 3 Honey-export Contbol Act, 1924. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. . • • • 18 4 Lew on export .. .. . ■ • • 58 9 10 r .. 58 9 10 Payments to Board .. .. .. ■ • 56 9 7 Transfer to Customs Vote —Cost of collecting &c . ■• •• ■■ 2 19 5 .. 59 9 0 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. •• •• ■• 092 59 18 2 59 18 2

B.—l [Fγ. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. lor Year. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926. Balance, 1st April, 1932 — Auckland Hospital Board .. .. 9 9 6 Marlborough Hospital Board 14 4 Waikato Hospital Board .. .. 87 19 1 .. 98 12 11 Rates collected — Auckland Hospital Board .... 0 1 0 Marlborough Hospital Board .. . . 135 10 3 Waikato Hospital Board .. .. 255 6 7 .. 390 17 10 Payments to Hospitals Boards— Marlborough Hospital Board .. .. .. 131 14 7 Waikato Hospital Board .. .. .. 274 0 5 Transfer to Vote "Valuation" for cost of levying rates — Auckland Hospital Board .. .. .. 9 9 6 Marlborough Hospital Board .. .. .. 5 0 0 Waikato Hospital Board .. .. .. 50 0 0 — .. 470 4 6 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Auckland Hospital Board .. .. .. 0 10 Waikato Hospital Board .. .. .. 19 5 3 — .. 19 6 3 489 10 9 j 489 10 9 hunteb soldibes , assistance trust Account. Finance Act, 1932, section 9 (1) — Balanoe of account transferred .. .. 7,123 1 6 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 214 0 0 Repayment of advances .. .. .. 78 12 4 Interest on advances .. .. .. 26 11 11 ; Interest on investments .. .. .. 197 13 9 .. 7,639 19 6 Hunter Gift for the Settlement of Discharged Soldiers Act, 1921— Section 6 (a), expenses .. .. .. .. 42 12 9 Section 6 (b), advances .. .. .. .. 1,746 0 8 Section 6 (6), grants .. .. .. .. 80 0 0 Land Act, 1924, section 139— "Thirds" and "fourths" paid to Looal Bodies' Deposit Accounts .. .. .. 9 13 5 .. 1,878 6 10 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. 326 12 8 Investments .. .. .. .- .. 5,435 0 0 — .. 5,761 12 8 7,639 19 6 7,639 19 6 Immigration Restriction Act, 1908. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 1,090 0 0 Deposits made by aliens .. .. .. 1,510 0 0 .. 1,510 0 0 Repayments to aliens .. .. ... .. 1,310 0 0 Transferred to Miscellaneous Revenue—Deposits forfeited or unclaimed .. .. .. 10 0 0 .. 1,320 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 1,280 0 0 2,600 0 0 2,600 0 0 Imperial Pensions. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 56,158 9 11 Amounts received from Imperial Government for payment of pensions, &c. .. .. 178,820 19 6 Exchange (including retrospective exchange).. 52,751 2 4 .. 231,572 1 10 Pensions, &c, paid in New Zealand .. .. 248,439 2 5 Commission transferred to Vote " Pensions " .. 4,967 15 9 .. 253,406 18 2 I Balanoe, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 34,323 13 7 287,730 11 9 287,730 11 9

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 932-1 9 33.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Eeceipts Total Disbursements -Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. Imperial Stamps and Postal Ordebs. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 347 11 0 Stamps and postal orders supplied to H.M. New Zealand ships by the Admiralty .. 895 15 0 .. 895 15 0 Postal orders paid .. .. .. .. 474 11 6 .. 474 11 6 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 768 14 6 1,243 6 0 1,243 6 0 Interest on Cash Balance Investments Account. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 8,366 6 6 Interest on investments in New Zealand .. 5,680 16 3 Interest on investments in London .. 64,951 0 5 _ . .. 70,631 16 8 Amounts credited to Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. .. .. 66,238 3 10 Amounts credited to other accounts .. .. 19,972 2 11 Amounts paid to the State Advances Office .. .. 15 9 10 — — .. 76,225 16 7 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 2,772 6 7 78,998 3 2 78,998 3 2 Kauri-gum Control Act, 1925. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 42 11 1 Levy on export .. .. .. .. 435 1 4 .. 435 1 4 Payments to Board .. .. .. .. 419 7 10 Transfers to Customs Vote —Cost of collection, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 4 8 . .. 423 12 6 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 53 19 11 477 12 5 477 12 5 Meat-export Control Act, 1921-22. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 980 15 8 Levy on export .. .. .. .. 37,823 3 1 ' •• 37,823 3 1 Payments"to Board .. .. .. .. 34,238 13 5 Transfers to Customs Vote —Cost of Collecting, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 378 4 8 .. — .. 34,616 18 1 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 4,187 0 8 38,803 18 9 38,803 18 9 Mining Act, 1926. Balance, 1st April, 1932 — Thames and Coromandel Native Account.. 60 5 4 Thames and Coromandel European Account 42 4 8 Thames High School .. .. .. 101 5 1 Greymouth Harbour Board .. .. 3 0 0 .. 206 15 1 Goldfields revenue received under section 25 (c), Mining Act, 1926, payable to Native and European owners, and special endowments — Section 447 (5), Mining Act, 1926— Thames and Coromandel Native Account 118 7 5 Thames and Coromandel European Account .. .. .. .. 63 3 10 Section 6, Thames Boys' and Girls' High School Act, 1878— Thames High School .. .. .. 38 7 6 Section 7, Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884— Greymouth Harbour Board .. .. 10 0 .. 220 18 9 Carried forward.. .. .. .. .. 427 13 10

B.—l [Pt. ll].




Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. Mining Act, 1926 — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 427 13 10 Revenues paid over under section 447 (5), Mining Act, 1926, to — Waikato - Maniapoto District Maori Land Board, in terms of section 17 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1928' — Thames and Coromandel Native Account .. 81 19 3 European owners— Thames and Coromandel European Account .. .. .. .. .. 73 1 2 — — .. 155 0 5 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Thames and Coromandel Native Account.. .. 96 13 6 Thames and Coromandel European Account .. 32 7 4 Thames High School . . .. .. .. 139 12 7 Greymouth Harbour Board .. .. .. 4 0 0 • — .. 272 13 5 427 13 10 427 13 10 Miscellaneous Deposits. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 27,854 3 5 Receipts .. .. .. .. 203,836 12 2 — .. 203,836 12 2 Payments .. .. .. .. .. 171,088 11 10 .. 171,088 11 10 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 60,602 3 9 231,690 15 7 231,690 15 7 Money-order Settlement Account. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 13,643 6 2 Amounts received for settlement of moneyorder transactions on behalf of the Post Office 20,354 18 6 .. 20,354 18 6 Payments .. .. .. .. .. 31,504 14 10 .. 31,504 14 10 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 2,493 9 10 33,998 4 8 33,998 4 8 Moumahaki Endowment. Revenue Account. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 318 4 6 Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1924, section 130 — Rents from leases .. .. .. 675 1 4 Proceeds from sales of assets .. .. 115 17 3 Interest on Investments .. .. .. 38 5 0 .. 829 3 7 Refund to Vote " Agriculture " of expenditure on agricultural instruction chargeable against the endowment —■ Section 130 (3), Reserves, &c, Act, 1924 .. .. 1,063 19 2 Administration expenses under Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, section 4.. .. .. 33 15 1 .. 1,097 14 3 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 49 13 10 1,147 8 1 1,147 8 1 Capital Account. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 910 5 3 Sales of buildings .. .. .. 84 7 7 .. 84 7 7 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Cash .. .. .. .. .. 144 12 10 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 850 0 0 .. 994 12 10 994 12 10 994 12 10

B.—l [PT. ll].




Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipt* Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. lor Year. Naval Remittances. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 1st April, 1932— H.M.S. Diomede .. .. .. 1,785 3 3 H.M.S. Philomel .. .. .. 259 3 11 .. 2,044 7 2 Remittances from officers and ratings of the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy— H.M.S. Diomede .. .. .. 3,403 16 1 H.M.S. Dunedin .. .. .. 3,427 18 5 H.M.S. Laburnum .. .. .. 0 15 0 H.M.S. Philomel .. .. .. 599 7 7 .. 7,431 17 1 Payments through the Admiralty— H.M.S. Diomede .. .. .. .. 4,415 18 7 H.M.S. Dunedin .. .. .. .. 2,606 7 2 H.M.S. Laburnum .. .. .. .. 0 15 0 H.M.S. Philomel .. .. .. .. 669 5 10 .. 7,692 6 7 Balances, 31st March, 1933— H.M.S. Diomede .. .. .. .. 773 0 9 H.M.S. Dunedin .. .. .. .. 821 11 3 H.M.S. Philomel .. .. .. .. 189 5 8 .. 1,783 17 8 9,476 4 3 9,476 4 3 Naval Savings-bank Deposit Account. Lodgments by officers and ratings of the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy — H.M.S. Diomede .. .. .. 596 10 0 H.M.S. Dunedin .. .. .. 461 10 7 .. 1,058 0 7 Withdrawals— H.M.S. Diomede .. .. .. .. 610 10 0 H.M.S. Dunedin .. .. .. .. 387 10 11 .. 998 0 11 Balance, 31st March, 1933— H.M.S. Diomede .. .. .. .. Dr. 14 0 0 H.M.S. Dunedin .. .. .. .. 73 19 8 .. 59 19 8 1,058 0 7 1,058 0 7 Nelson Rifle Peize Fund. Balance, 1st April, 1932— Cash .. .. .. .. 78 8 6 Investments .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 .. 1,078 8 6 Interest on investments .. .. .. 47 0 0 Exchange .. .. .. .. 0 11 6 .. 47 11 6 Finance Act, 1928, seotion 14— Payments on aooount of prizes for rifle shooting .. .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 .. 40 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Cash .. .. .. .. .. 86 0 0 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 1,086 0 0 1,126 0 0 1,126 0 0 New Zealand Reparation Estates. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 9 10 0 Amounts received at Apia, to be repaid at Wellington .. .. .. .. 4,391 19 10 .. 4,391 19 10 Amounts repaid at Wellington .. .. .. 4,115 9 10 .. 4,115 9 10 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 286 0 0 4,401 9 10 4,401 9 10 New Zealand University Endowment, Westland. Balance, 1st April, 1932— Cash .. .. .. .. 285 1 0 Investments .. .. .. .. 2,300 0 0 .. 2,585 10 Rents from lands reserved under the University Endowment Act, 1868, for disposal under section 35 of the New Zealand University Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 80 16 2 Interest on investments .. .. .. 101 8 7 .. 182 4 9 Administration expenses under — New Zealand University Act, 1908, sections 34 and 35 .. .. . - .. .. 4 0 9 .. 4 0 9 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Cash .. .. .. .. .. 463 5 0 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 2,300 0 0 .. 2,763 5 0 2,767 5 9 2,767 5 9

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 32-193 3.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursemente. for Year. for Year. North Island Experimental Dairy School. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 1st April, 1932— Cash .. .. .. .. 2,522 6 8 Investments .. .. .. .. 7,500 0 0 .. 10,022 6 8 Receipts from lands under Reserves and Crown Lands Disposal and Enabling Act, 1896, section 8, and Waimate Agricultural Reserve Dairy School Act, 1906—Rents .. 292 11 6 Interest on investments .. .. .. 287 1 0 .. 579 12 6 Administration expenses under Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, section 4.. .. .. 21 16 4 Expenditure under section 17, Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1931 —Cost of planting shelter-belt .. .. .. .. 43 6 9 .. 65 3 1 Balance, 31st March, 1933 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. 3,036 16 1 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 7,500 0 0 .. 10,536 16 1 10,601 19 2 10,601 19 2 Orchard-tax Act, 1927. Balance, 1st April, 1932— Tax levied for general purposes .. .. 1117 4 Tax levied for protection from fireblight — Christchurch .. .. .. 8 16 0 Gisborne .. .. .. .. 0 18 0 Marlborough ... .. .. 846 Rangiora .. .. .. .. 12 0 Waimea .. .. .. .. 468 16 0 Wairarapa .. .. .. .. 18 0 .. 600 11 10 Section 3, tax levied for general purposes .. 1,256 4 1 Section 4, tax levied for protection from fireblight— Christchurch .. .. .. .. 90 1 7 Gisborne .. .. .. .. 11 10 7 Marlborough .. .. .. .. 48 18 3 Rangiora .. .. .. .. 42 15 11 Te Kauwhata .. .. .. .. 18 10 0 Waimea .. .. .. .. 555 12 8 Wairarapa .. .. .. .. 53 9 10 .. 2,077 2 11 Section 6, expenses of collection and administration transferred to Vote " Agriculture " — Tax levied for general purposes .. .. .. 158 7 8 Tax levied for protection from fireblight— Christchurch .. .. .. .. 12 13 0 Gisborne .. .. .. .. .. 276 Marlborough .. .. .. .. 4 5 0 Rangiora .. .. .. .. .. 400 Waimea .. .. .. .. .. 886 Wairarapa .. .. .. .. .. 200 Section 7, tax levied for general purposes — Payment to New Zealand Fruitgrowers' Federation, Ltd. .. .. .. .. 549 11 0 Section 8, fireblight ■— Payments to Fireblight Committees — Christchurch .. .. .. .. 69 8 10 Gisborne .. .. .. .. .. 9 19 Marlborough .. .. .. .. ' 50 3 9 Rangiora .. .. .. .. .. 38 4 5 Waimea .. .. .. .. .. 441 0 0 Wairarapa .. .. .. .. .. 50 13 9 .. 1,400 5 2 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Tax levied for general purposes .. .. .. 659 12 9 Tax levied for protection from fireblight— Christchurch .. .. .. .. 16 15 9 Gisborne .. .. .. .. .. 0 19 4 Marlborough .. .. .. .. 2 14 0 Rangiora .. .. .. .. .. 1 13 6 Te Kauwhata .. .. .. .. 18 10 0 Waimea .. ).. .. .. .. 575 0 2 Wairarapa .. .. .. .. .. 241 .. 1,277 9 7 2,677 14 9 2,677 14 9

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments through the High Commissionee. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 24,774 13 4 Amounts remitted to the High Commissioner for payment on behalf of various persons .. 112,142 10 10 — — .. 112,142 10 10 Payments by the High Commissioner .. .. 135,649 0 11 .. 135,649 0 11 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 1,268 3 3 136,917 4 2 136,917 4 2 Post Office Savings-bank Deposits. Amounts received by the High Commissioner from various depositors.. .. .. 42 0 0 ■ .. 42 0 0 Payments to Post Office .. .. .. .. 42 0 0 .. 42 0 0 42 0 0 42 0 0 — _ i . =_== _*= = Promotion or Health Fund. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 74 9 3 Receipts from sale of Charity stamps .. 638 11 11 .. 638 11 11 Transfer to Vote " Health " under section 34 (3), Finance Act, 1929 .. .. .. .. 713 1 2 — .. 713 1 2 713 12 713 1 2 Receipts by the High Commissioner fob payment in New Zealand. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 3,069 2 10 Amounts received by High Commissioner for payment to various persons and bodies .. 30,258 9 4 .. 30,258 9 4 Payments in New Zealand .. .. .. 26,259 14 1 .. 26,259 14 1 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 7,067 18 1 33,327 12 2 33,327 12 2 Reoeiveb-General's Deposit Account. Balance, 1st April, 1932 — Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. 91,000 0 0 Investments realized and proceeds paid to the Receiver-General .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 ■ .. 25,000 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 66,000 0 0 91,000 0 0 91,000 0 0 Remittances to Immigbants. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Amounts paid in for remittance to immigrants through the High Commissioner .. . . 13 0 0 .. 13 0 0 Amounts remitted through the High Commissioner .. .. .. .. .. 38 0 0 .. 38 0 0 38 0 0 38 0 0

B.—l [Pt. ll],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. Rotortja College and Grammar School £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Account. Amount transferred from Secondary-education Endowments, Auckland Provincial District, to adjust revenue undercredited in previous years.. .. .. .. .. 640 8 0 .. 640 8 0 Expenditure under Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1926, section 12 (2) (a) — Transfer to Public Works Fund (Vote — Education Buildings) as a credit in reduction of expenditure incurred from the Education Loans Account in connection with erection of Rotorua High School .. .. 640 8 0 .. 640 8 0 640 8 0 j 640 8 0 Samoan Loan Sinking Fund Account. Balance, 1st April, 1932 — Cash .. .. .. .. 103 15 6 Investments .. .. .. .. 22,288 8 0 .. 22,392 3 6 Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,066 8 9 Sinking Fund contribution from Samoan Treasury under section 33 (2), Samoa Act, 1921 .. .. .. .. 2,707 17 8 — .. 3,774 6 5 Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), section 4 — 5-per-cent. debentures issued under Finance Act, 1921-22, section 26 (Samoan Loan), to mature 1st April, 1934, redeemed and cancelled as from 16th December, 1932.. .. 19,000 0 0 5J-per-cent. loan issued under Finance Act 1925, redeemed and cancelled as from 16th December, 1932 — To mature 14th September, 1957 .. .. 4,500 0 0 To mature, 25th January, 1958 .. .. 2,655 0 0 .. 26,155 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 9 11 26,166 9 11 26,166 9 11 Samoan Notes Security Account. Balance, 1st April, 1932 — Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. 32,000 0 0 Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,420 0 0 .. 1,420 0 0 Transferred to Samoan Treasury Account— Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,420 0 0 .. 1,420 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1933 — Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32,000 0 0 33,420 0 0 33,420 0 0 Samoan Treasury Account. Balance, 1st April, 1932— Cash .. .. .. .. 836 6 5 Investments .. .. .. .. 4,100 0 0 .. 4,936 6 5 Amounts received on behalf of the Samoan Treasury .. .. .. .. 27,283 15 8 Interest on investments .. .. .. 170 8 1 Interest on investments of the Samoan Notes Security Account -.. .'. .. 1,420 0 0 Repayment in Wellington of amounts paid to New Zealand Reparation Estates in Apia .. 10,000 0 0 Exchange on payments made in Australia .. 5 10 0 — .. 38,879 13 9 Payments made on behalf of the Samoan Treasury .. .. .. .. .. 17,028 14 6 Interest paid on loans from New Zealand Government .. .. .. .. .. 8,404 14 3 Sinking Fund Contribution on loans .. .. 2,707 17 8 Repayment of advance from New Zealand Government .. .. .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 .. 34,141 6 5 Balance, 31st March, 1933— Cash .. .. .. .. .. 6,024 13 9 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 3,650 0 0 .. 9,674 13 9 43,816 0 2 43,816 0 2

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. £ s. d £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Taranaki Soholabships Endowment Account. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 342 8 10 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 950 9 7 .. 950 9 7 Payments to Public Trustee in terms of section 22, New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. 914 1 0 Administration expenses under section 4, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, and section 31 (2), Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929 .. .. 47 10 3 .. 961 11 3 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 331 7 2 1,292 18 5 1,292 18 5 Tauramga Educational Endowment Reserves Act, 1896. Rents .. .. .. .. .. 236 18 4 .. 236 18 4 Transfer to Vote " Education " in terms of section 7, Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves Act, 1896 .. .. .. 236 18 4 .. 236 18 4 236 18 4 236 18 4 Trustee Aot, 1908. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 7,247 16 0 Receipts under section 66 .. .. 199 2 11 — — .. 199 2 11 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 7,446 18 11 (Details on separate statement.) 7,446 18 11 7,446 18 11 Unclaimed Earnings. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 1,151 0 7 Workmen's earnings unclaimed and paid to Public Account .. .. .. 1,204 11 2 .. 1,204 11 2 Amounts paid to claimants .. .. .. 727 4 9 Amount transferred to Miscellaneous Revenue (unclaimed) .. .. .. .. .. 902 15 2 .. 1,629 19 11 Balanoe, 31st Maroh, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 725 1110 2,355 11 9 2,355 11 9 Unemployment Insurance Stamps. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 11 3 0 Amounts received from sale of stamps .. 5 12 6 .. 5 12 6 Amounts from sale of stamps paid to Ministry of Labour, London ,. .. .. 16 15 6 .. 16 15 6 16 15 6 16 15 6 _ _ ===== ======= Unpresented Cheques. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 185 5 6 Cheques unpresented and paid to Public Account .. .. .. .. 189 15 11 .. 189 15 11 Amounts paid to claimants .. .. .. 42 11 2 Amount transferred to Miscellaneous Revenue (unclaimed) .. .. .. .. .. 176 12 5 .. 219 3 7 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. j .. .. .. 155 17 10 375 15 375 1 5 ====== J5BSa===S==

B.—l [Pt. ll],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 932-1 93 3.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. £ s. d. £ e. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Weraboa Agricultural Endowment Account. Revenue Account. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 875 16 6 Receipts under section 12, Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1928—Rents .. 678 8 0 Interest on investments .. .. .. 27 0 0 .. 705 8 0 Administration expenses under section 4, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927 .. .. 33 18 5 .. 33 18 5 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 1,547 6 1 1,581 4 6 1,581 4 6 Capital Account. Balance, 1st April, 1932 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. 99 11 8 Investments .. .. .. ., 600 0 0 .. 699 11 8 Sale of buildings .. .. .. 72 14 4 .. 72 14 4 Balance, 31st March, 1933 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. 172 6 0 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 .. 772 6 0 772 6 0 772 6 0 Wheat Rbsbabch Levies. Balance, 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 364 15 6 Levies received for research in connection with wheat and flour .. .. .. 1,631 14 5 .. 1,631 14 5 Amount transferred to Vote " Scientific and Industrial Research" in terms of the Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), section 27 (1) .. .. 1,598 16 2 .. 1,598 16 2 Balance, 31st March, 1933 .... .. .. 397 13 9 1,996 9 11 1,996 9 11

B.—l [Pt. ll].

STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS under the Trustee Act, 1908, to 31st March, 1933, with Particulars of the BALANCE at CREDIT in the DEPOSIT ACCOUNT on that Date. (Published in Terms of Section 72 of the Trustee Act, 1908.)



RECEIPTS. DISBURSEMENTS. 1932 - £ b. d. £ s. d. 1933. £ s. d £ s d April 1 Balance on 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. .. 7,247 16 0 March 31 Balances on 31st March, 1933— Estate of Susan Smallwood .. .. .. 93 10 0 1933. ,, J. Matheson and H. Gracie .. .. 414 3 3 March 8 Estate of John Walsh and Bridget Walsh .. .. .. 199 2 11 ,, Mary McKay .. .. .. 43 3 10 William Tattley .. .. .. 45 1 5 „ Barthia Wilkie .. .. .. 287 11 1 „ Robert Miller .. .. .. 22 4 7 Paora Parau and W. R. Miller .. .. 23 0 0 ,, Francis Humphreys Heigh way .. 46 12 5 George Moore .. .. .. 2,414 0 0 Richard Galway .. .. .. 836 13 9 John Burk .. .. .. .. 74 7 10 ,, Geoffrey Arthur Harney .. .. 44 15 3 John Hewitt .. .. .. 162 12 0 Mark Earl .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 ,, Edward Thurlow Field .. .. 24 8 1 Michael McKey .. .. .. 2,249 5 4 „ Martha Robinson .. .. .. 38 17 11 John Bealy .. .. .. .. 49 17 1 „ Ernest Groome Gresham .. .. 23 1 8 „ John Walsh and Bridget Walsh .. 199 2 11 Moanatairi Extended Gold-mining Co. .. .. 16 7 8 Direct Supply Co., Ltd., Auckland (in liquidation).. 33 5 10 Wellington-Manawatu Railway Co., Ltd. .. 95 9 8 Inglewood Oil-boring and Prospecting Co., Ltd. .. 21 5 0 Southland Woollen Mills, Ltd. (in liquidation) .. 38 2 4 7,446 18 11 Total .. .. .. .. .. £7,446 18 11 Total .. .. .. .. .. £7,446 18 11

8.-i |Jh ll].



6 —B. I [PT. ll].


Defence Department :— £ s. d. £ s. d. f s. d. Recovery of insurance on Drill Hall, Reefton, destroyed by fire .. .. . . .. .. • ■ 575 0 0 Sale of— Land and buildings .. .. .. ■ • 46 0 0 ,- • , Salvage, Reefton Drill Hall .. .. ... 3 0 0 i—_ 624 0 0 Department of Immigration : — Recovery of immigration passage-money .. .. 570 3 10 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. . . 12 10 0 582 13 10 Department of Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 Department of Lands and Survey : — Rangitaiki lands, — Sale of— Publications .. .. .. .. .. 0 10 6 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 0 15 0 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 0 8 9 1 14 3 Public Works Department : — Allocation of genera! " departmental " administration expenditure in accordance with Cabinet decision, — For the Year 1931-32— Electric Supply Account .. .. .. 52,533 0 0 Amount deducted from contract-money due to Hansford and Mills Construction Co., applied in payment on account of Kairuru Marble Quarry Mortgage . . 60 6 9 Contribution by settlers to cost of Tikinui Block floodgates 19 17 10 Instalments, — Cost of— Construction of private siding for Cascade Coal Co... 1,540 0 0 In respect to Oturei mortgage .. .. .. 105 4 3 Of purchase price— Makomako Sawmill .. .. .. .. 18 0 0 Normanby Police-station .. .. .. 3 12 1 On loans to — Gore Borough Council .. .. .. .- 276 15 11 Otanomomo River Board .. .. .. 33 18 0 Recovery of, — Balance owing re. drainage Kaitaia Maternity Hospital 23 7 4 Cost of— Adjustment fencing Lake Settlement .. .. 618 3 4 Installation lighting system, Te Araroa Hospital .. 90 0 0 Repairing fire damage, Public Works buildings, Napier 1,229 17 2 Survey of pipe-line, Mount Cook Hermitage .. 5 12 0 Wireless telephone, Glade House .. .. 831 17 0 Repayment of advances in respect of village-homestead settlement lands .. .. .. .. .. 121 0 0 Sale of— Land and buildings .. .. .. .. 14,531 6 6 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 350 9 9 72,392 7 11 Railway Department : — Sale of land .. .. .. .. .. ■ ■ 775 0 0 £74,415 16 0

B.—l [PT. ll].






DETAIL STATEMENT of EXPENDITURE relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT and of CREDITS IN REDUCTION of such Expenditure for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1933.


£ s. d. Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 600

£ s. d. Land for Settlements Act, 1925, Section 47, and Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), Section 14, — Recovery of charges for roading— On Benmore —Otago University .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 61 18 2 On Wanganui River Trust Loan Block .. .. .. .. .. ,. 15 14 5 £77 12 7

Name of Estate. Purchase-money. Total. Expenditure under the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, Sectio 45, — Acquirement of Estates— £ s. a. £ s. d. Awamate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 12 10 Wairakau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 185 10 0 211 2 10 Incidental Expenses. Expenses incidental to Estates — £ a. d. Almadale .. .. .. .. .. .'. .. 0 19 0 Apanui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 5 6 Aponga .. - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 3 11 Ardgowan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 148 Ardkeen.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 72 2 4 Avenel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 271 Awamate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 2 9 Awanui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 404 Clifton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 3 1 Cloverlea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 292 16 1 Einlay Downs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 6 11 Galatea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 4 9 Gorton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 0 0 Hall-Jones .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 3 3 Heights .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 256 Hereford Park .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 229 Homebrook .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 6 8 Horahia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 187 Hutt Valley .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 769 18 4 Kohika No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 0 4 Kakahu . . .. .. .. ' .. .. .. 1 17 11 Kopuku .. . . .. .. .. .. .. ... 1 11 6 i Makareao .. . . .. .. .. .. . . 4(50 19 2 Matuku .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 0 13 6 Meadows .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 13 2 Motutara .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 8 9 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 1,864 5 10 211 2 10

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

DETAIL STATEMENT of EXPENDITURE relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT and of CREDITS IN REDUCTION of such Expenditure for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1933— continued.


Name of Estate. Incidental Expenses. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d, Brought forward .. .. .. .. 1,864 5 10 211 2 10 Expenditure under the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, Section 45— continued. Expenses incidental to Estates — continued. Normandale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 17 11 Norwegians .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 250 Ohauiti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 223 Orongo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 235 Otarao .. .. .. .. .... .. .. 089 Pakaraka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 11 4 Parahi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 3 1 Piu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 17 3 Pukemapou .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 163 Rangitaiki .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 0 Remuera .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 163 Reparoa.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 11 4 Rosebery .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 4 Tangowahine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 14 3 TePoi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 8 TeWera .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 295 11 8 Tuturumuri .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 13 1 Waihau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 394 Wairakau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 220 Wairere .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 045 Waitawa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 5 Waiteitei .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 16 3 Waterson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 8 2,282 7 9 Administration Expenses of Estates .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,187 8 4 Total expenditure .. .. .. .. .. .. £9,680 18 11 Credits in reduction of Expenditure under the Land for Settlements Act, Credits in Reduction 1925, Section 45, — Purchase-money. Total. Acquirement of Estates — £ s. d. £ a. d. Wairakau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 116 19 7 116 19 7 Credits in Reduction of Incidental Expenses. Expenses incidental to Estates— £ s. d. Apanui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Aponga .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 12 0 Ardgowan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 148 Awamate .. .. .. .. .. 22 1 6 Awanui .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 5 16 11 Bryce .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■• 305 Clifton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 231 Cloverlea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 86 7 0 Gorton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 600 Hall-Jones .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 14 7 Horahia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 384 Hutt Valley .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 4 10 4 Kopuku.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 11 6 Makaraeo .. .. .. .. . • • • • • 477 15 1 Matuku .. .. .. .. .. .. . • • ■ 0 13 6 Montfort .. .. .. .. -. .. •• 1 11 5 Motutara .. .. .. .. .. .. ■ • 0 8 9 Mount Nessing .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 383 Ohauiti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 3 19 Otarao 24 18 3 Parahi .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •■ 656 Pukemapou .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 0 16 11 Rangitaiki .. .. .. .. . - .. • • 1 10 0 Remuera .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 163 Rosebery .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 308 Tangowahine .. .. .. •• •• •• •■ 110 To Poi .. .. . . .. .. • • • ■ ■ ■ 13 8 Waihau .. .. .. .. .. .. • ■ • ■ 1 18 7 Waitawa .. . . .. .. .. ■ ■ • ■ 7 11 9 Walters • ■ • • • • 1 19 10 Waterson .. .. .. .. .. .. •■ 138 Wilden .. .. .. .. .. •■ ■• •■ 70 0 7 Wither .. .. .. .. .. .. ■■ •■ 500 Total credits in reduction .. .. .. .. £902 5 4 6*

■B.—l [Pt. ll]. .


DETAILED STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS of LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1933.


I New- Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917, Section 3 : — £ s. d. £ s. d. Inscribed Stock issued in Conversion of Bonds and Debentures, — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906— 5|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .-. 800 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 — 5£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. .. .. 8,600 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919— 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1935 .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 4— 5|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. | 3,850 0 0 Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919— SJ-pcr-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. | 1,900 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works)— 4J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1940 .. .. ... .. j 100 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— 5£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1936 .. .. . . .. 100 0 0 5|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 21,300 0 0 4|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1941 .. .. .. .. 5,600 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— 54-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. . . 200 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV— 4J-per-eent. Inscribed Stock, 1939 .. .. .. .. 52,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works) .. .. ... 100 0 0 Finance Act, 1929, Section 2 (Public Works)— 5i-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. | 800 0 0 Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1926, Section 6— 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 5,350 0 0 Government Railways Act, 1908, and Finance Act, 1909— 4J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1941 .. .. . . . . 500 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 — 5-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,100 0 0 5|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. . . .. 100 0 0 5|-per-oent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Main Highways Act, 1922— Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 2,300 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Ordinary Revenue Account — Miscellaneous —Defence and Maori Wars — 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account— SJ-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 5£-per-eent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 3,950 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 3— ■ 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,200 0 0 5|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1936 .. .. .. .. 10,600 0 0 Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,650 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) — 5-J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 8,000 0 0 5|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1936 .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 SJ-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 22,050 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— 4|--per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1938 .. .. .. .. 87,800 0 0 5i-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 254,250 0 0 Inscribed Stock issued in Conversion of Death Duty Stock, — Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 4— 51-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— 4J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1939 .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch)' — 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1936 .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 5f-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) — 5|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1936 .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— 4|~per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1938 .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 5,950 0 0 Debentures issued in Conversion of Inscribed Stock, — Land for Settlement Act, 1925— 5J-pcr-cent. debentures, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. .. 75,000 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 335,200 0 0 I

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PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-19 3 3



£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 335,200 0 0 Inscribed Stock issued in Replacement of Death Duty Stock : — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920, Section 5 (6), — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920— 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Finance Act, 1917, Section 76 (4),— War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 — 4J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1938 .. .. .. .. 1,860 0 0 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. .. .. 220 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 15 (6), — Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— 4|-per-eent. Inscribed Stock, 1939 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Finance Act, 1925, Section 3 (6),— New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —Ordinary Revenue Account —Miscellaneous —Defence and Maori Wars— 54-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, .1937 .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908—Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account— 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 130 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — 5i-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1936 .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 — 3,410 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, Section 40 (6) : — Ordinary Stock issued in Replacement of Death Duty Stock (War Expenses), — 4£-per-oent. Stock, 1938 .. .. ..' .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 143 : — Inscribed Stock issued in Replacement of Lost Bonds, — New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 — 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— 4J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1930 .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— 4£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1939 .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 — 4£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1938 .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 1,550 0 0 Finance Act, 1922, Section 3 (5) : — Inscribed Stock issued in Replacement of Stock Certificates, — Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— 4£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1939 .. .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908: — Inscribed Stock issued for Redemption of Securities at or before Maturity, — New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 — To mature 15th June, 1940 .. .. .. .. •• 248,600 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 — To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 687,520 0 0 946,120 0 0 Inscribed Stock (Death Duties) issued for Redemption of Securities at or before Maturity, — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 — To mature 15th June, 1940 .. .. .. •• ■• 13,150 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925— To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 4,700 0 0 | 17,850 0 0 Carried forward .. " •• 1,304,630 0 0

B.—l [Pt. ll],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932 193 3.



, _ __ e £ s. d. £ b. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,304,630 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— continued. Debentures issued for Redemption of Securities at or before Maturity, — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 — To mature lat January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 22,000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907— To mature 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 18,050 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914— To mature 1st November, 1950 .. .. .. ■• 84,840 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919, Section 4 (Land for Settlements) — To mature 1st September, 1951 .. .. .. .. 50,050 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 — To mature 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 150,000 0 0 To mature 1st October, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 29,000 0 0 To mature 1st November, 1934 .. .. .. .. 21,000 0 0 To mature 1st October, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 To mature 15th June. 1940 .. .. .. ..... 67,050 0 0 To mature 1st November, 1950 .. .. .. .. 70,200 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 — To mature 1st October, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 61,660 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 29 (Public Works)— To mature 1st February, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 106,050 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Electric-power Works) — To mature 1st October, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 1,700 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Public Works) — To mature 1st December, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 91,910 0 0 Housing Act, 1919, Section 30— To mature 30th September, 1951 .. .. .. .. 392,820 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 — To mature 1st June, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 33,100 0 0 To mature 1st July, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 To mature 1st April, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 15,250 0 0 To mature 1st June, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 16,900 0 0 To mature 1st August, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 22,000 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 128,050 0 0 To mature 1st April, 1949 .. .. .. .. .- 315,000 0 0 To mature 1st March, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —Ordinary Revenue Account —Miscellaneous — To mature 1st February, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908—Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account — To mature 1st February, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 370 0 0 1,782,200 0 0 Debentures issued in Renewal of Debenture Loans matured, — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902— Renewed to 1st December, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 — Renewed to 1st October, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 32,500 0 0 Deteriorated Lands Act, 1925 — Renewed to 1st April, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 22,000 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 — Renewed to 1st October, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 109,490 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 4 — Renewed to 1st August, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 37,800 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Electric-power Works) — Renewed to 1st October, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 18,020 0 0 Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1926, Section 6— Renewed to 1st August, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 24,890 0 0 Native Land Purchases Act, 1892 — Renewed to 1st November, 1945 .. .. .. .. 125,000 0 0 Urewera Lands Act, 1921-22, Section 10 — Renewed to 1st October, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 29,323 8 4 _ 399,323 8 4 Consolidated Stock issued for Redemption of Securities at or before Maturity, — New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1956-71— Stock issued in respect of £4,000,000 authorized (part of £5,000,000 5-per-cent. Loan, 1932) — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 .. .. 1,200,000 0 0 Interest on overdue instalments .. .. .. .. 17150 Profit on sale of allotments .. .. .. .. 4 5 7 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 29 (Public Works) .. .. 1,500,000 0 0 Interest on overdue instalments .. .. .. .. 22 3 8 Profit on sale of allotments .. .. .. .. 5 7 1 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Public Works) .. .. .. 1,300,000 0 0 Interest on overdue instalments .. .. .. .. 1947 Profit on sale of allotments .. .. .. .. 4128 4,000,073 j, 8^7 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,486,226 16 11

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£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. 7,486,226 16 11 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — continued. Debentures issued in respect of Amount required to cover Charges and Expenses of raising £4,000,000 Consolidated Slock (Part of £5,000,000 5-per-cent. Loan, 1932),— Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 .. .. 38,043 3 7 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 29 (Public Works) .. .. 47,353 19 6 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Public Works) .. .. .. 41,213 8 11 126,810 12 0 Treasury Bills issued for Redemption of Securities at or before Maturity, — Land for Settlements Act, 1925 — To mature 21st June, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. ... 65,000 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, — Section 57, — Stock issued in Exchange for Debentures — Ordinary Revenue Account — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .- 2,400 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 19,900 0 0 Electric-supply Account — To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account — To mature 15th January, 1933 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 To mature 15th June, 1940 . . .. .. .. . - 600 0 0 Land for Settlements Account— To mature 15th February, 1937 .. /. .. .. 1,000 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,600 0 0 To mature 1st February, 1941 .. .. .. •• 2,200 0 0 Main Highways Account— To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — To mature 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. •• 1,400 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 650 0 0 State Advances Account (Workers Branch) — To mature 15th August, 1933 .. .. .. •• 4,200 0 0 To mature 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. ■ • 100 0 0 To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .'. .. .. 450 0 0 State Forests Account — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 900 0 0 War Expenses Account — To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 4,800 0 0 To mature 15th November, 1938 .. .. .. .. 33,100 0 0 To mature 20th April, 1939 .. .. .. .. •■ 24,800 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1941 .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Ordinary Stock issued in Exchange for Death Duty Stock— Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Education Loans AccountTo mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 War Expenses Account— To mature 15th November, 1938 .. .. .. .. 4,900 0 0 To mature 20th April, 1939 .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 119,500 0 0 Section 14, — Securities issued in Conversion of Loans — Debentures— Land for Settlement Account — To mature 1st February, 1935 .. .. .. .. 13,000 0 0 To mature 15th June, 1940 .. .. .. .. 49,630 0 0 To mature 1st February, 1950 .. .. .. .. 170,000 0 0 To mature 1st January, 1956 .. .. .. .. 2,256 0 0 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — To mature 1st June, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 300,000 0 0 StockLand for Settlements Account — To mature 15th January, 1940 .. .. .. .. 239,280 0 0 To mature 15th June, 1940 .. .. .. .. 293,340 0 0 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — To mature 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. 3,100 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 1,070,606 0 0 7,797,537 8 11

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.



£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 1,070,606 0 0 7,797,537 8 11 [ New Zealand Loans Act, 1932— continued. Section 14 —continued. Securities issued in Conversion of Loans — continued. Stock— continued. State Advances Account (Workers Branch) — To mature 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. 46,900 0 0 Death Duty StockLand for Settlements Account— To mature 15th June, 1940 .. .. .. .. 3,500 0 0 1,121,006 0 0 Securities issued in Renewal of Loans— Debentures — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account— To mature 15th June, 1940 .. .. .. .. 321,020 0 0 To mature 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. 104,730 0 0 To mature 1st February, 1950 .. .. .. .. 150,000 0 0 Education Loans Account — To mature 1st February, 1950 .. .. .. .. 281,830 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account — To mature 15th June, 1940 .. .. .. .. 106,300 0 0 To mature 1st February, 1950 .. ,. .. ..I 200,500 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account— To mature 1st February, 1950 ,.,. .. .. .. 70,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Account — To mature 15th June, 1940 .. .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account — To mature 15th June, 1940 .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 StockDischarged Soldiers Settlement Account— To mature 15th June, 1940 .. .. .. .. 2,112,140 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account— To mature 15th June, 1940 .. .. .. .. 176,270 0 0 Land for Settlements Account— To mature 15th January, 1940 .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 To mature 15th June, 1940 .. .. .. .. 5,850 0 0 Death Duty StockDischarged Soldiers Settlement Account — To mature loth June, 1940 .. .. .. .. 77,950 0 0 3,638,090 0 0 Finance Act, 1925, Section 13 : — Amount received in respect of War Expenses to be applied in Repayment of War Loans, — Subsection (2), Miscellaneous Receipts .. .. .. .. 0 9 9 Subsection (?>), .Repatriation Receipts paid in by State Advances Office .. 2,850 16 1 2,851 5 10 Finance Act, 1932, Section 12 : — Repayment of Mining Advances to be utilized for the Redemption of Securities .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,426 10 7 Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 135 (4) : — Amount transferred from Ordinary Revenue Account for Redemption of Main Highways Loans .. .. .. .. .. .. j 7,407 18 0 Amount received from Main Highways Account Revenue Fund for Redemption of Main Highways Loans .. .. .. .. 67,807 0 0 \ Amount received from State Advances Office for Redemption of Securities at or before Maturity — State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) .. .. 538,900 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) .. .. 238,110 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 30 (Cold Storage Advances) .. 38,750 0 0 Fishing Industry Promotion Act, 1919 .. .. .. .. 3,050 0 0 Fruit-preserving Industry Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1917, Section 80 24,000 0 0 Housing Act, 1919, Section 46 .. .. .. .. .. 1,400 0 0 Balance of Mining Advances Account transferred for Redemption of Securities in terms of Section 12, Finance Act, 1932 .. .. 528 14 6 Balance of Nauru and Ocean Islands Account transferred for Redemption of Securities in terms of Section 13, Finance Act, 1932 .. •• 2,987 18 9 Balance of Nauru and Ocean Islands Sinking Fund Account transferred for Redemption of Securities in terms of Section 13, Finance Act, 1932 . . 65 4 5 Sinking Funds paid over by the Public Trustee to redeem Debentures under Westport Harbour Act, 1920, and Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884, and Loan Acts, 1896, 1897, and 1900 .. .. .. .. 46,900 0 0 969,906 15 8 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £13,534,818 1 0

B.—l [Pt. ll]


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1933.


New Zealand Inscbibed Stock Act, 1917, Section 3: — £ s. d. £ s. d. Bonds and Debentures converted into Inscribed Stock, — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906— Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 800 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 — Due 15th January, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 8,000 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 — Due 1st July, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 4— Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 3,650 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 — Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 1,900 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works) — Due 15th December, 1940 .. .. .. .. . . 100 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. . . . . 100 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 21,300 0 0 Due 1st September, 1941 .. .. .. .. .. 5,600 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Finance Act (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— Due 20th April, 1939 .. .. .. .. .. .. 52,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works) — Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Finance Act, 1929, Section 2 (Public Works)— Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 800 0 0 Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1926, Section 6— Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 4,950 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Government Railways Act, 1908, and Finance Act, 1909. and Finance Act, 1915, Section 106— Due 1st August, 1941 .. .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1908 — Due 1st January, 1933 .. .. .. .'. .. 100 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 — Due 15th February, 1937 . . .. . . . . . . 300 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 1,200 0 0 Main Highways Act, 1922— Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —Ordinary Revenue Account —Miscellaneous—Defence and Maori Wars — Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account — Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 4,950 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 3— Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 10,600 0 0 Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 350 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) — Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 20,950 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 9,100 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 — Due 15th August, 1933 .. .. . . .. . . 100 0 0 Due 15th November, 1938 .. .. .. .. .. 87,800 0 0 254,250 0 0 Inscribed Stock converted into Debentures, — Land for Settlements Act, 1925 — Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. .. 75,000 0 0 Inscribed Stock (Death Duties) converted into Inscribed Stock, — Finance Act, 1917, Section 76 (3)— War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 (4f per cent., 1938) .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1925- Section 3 (5) — Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 4 (5J per cent., 1937) . . . . .. .. .. 300 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses), (4| per cent., 1939) .. 250 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — 5| per cent., 1936 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 5J per cent., 1937 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.00 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch), (5 J per cent., 1936) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 1 5,950 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 335,200 0 0

B.—l [Pt. ll].




£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 335,200 0 0 Insobibed Stock (Death Duties) replaced by Inscribed Stock : — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920, Section 5 (6), — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 (5$ per cent., 1933) .. 600 0 0 Finance Act, 1917, Section 76 (4),— War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 — 4J per cent., 1938 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,860 0 0 5J per cent., 1933 .. .. .. .. . - .. 220 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 15 (6), — Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses), (4f per cent., 1939) .. 100 0 0 Finance Act, 1925, Section 3 (6),— New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —Ordinary Revenue Account—Miscellaneous —Defence and Maori Wars (5J per cent., 1937) .. .. .. 200 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account (5| per cent., 1937) .. .. .. .. .. 130 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch), (5J per cent., 1936) 300 0 0 3,410 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, Section 40 (6): — Death Duty Stock replaced by Ordinary Stock, — War Expenses (4£ per cent., 1938) .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Finance Act, 1922, Section 3 (5): — Stock Certificates replaced by Inscribed Stock, — Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses) .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 143 :— Bonds lost and replaced by Inscribed Stock, — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 .. .. .. 200 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses) .. .. .. 50 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses) .. .. .. 300 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 1,550 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 : — Death Duty Stock redeemed at Maturity, — New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Land for Settlements Act, 1925— 5-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 (Death Duties) — Matured 14th June, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 800 0 0 Matured 1st July, 1932 .. .. .. 400 0 0 Matured 2nd September, 1932 .. .. .. . . 5,000 0 0 5i-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 (Death Duties) — Matured 2nd September, 1932 .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Main Highways Act, 1922— 5|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 (Death Duties) — Matured 2nd September, 1932 .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — 5£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1930 (Death Duties) — Matured,30th July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Matured 2nd September, 1932 .. .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) — 5£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 (Death Duties) — Matured 19th April, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Matured 2nd September, 1932 .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Ordinary Revenue Account —Miscellaneous — 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 (Death Duties) — Matured 30th July ; 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account— 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 (Death Duties) — Matured 5th October, 1932 .. .. .. ., .. 370 0 0 50,270 0 0 Finance Act, 1921-22, Section 24 : — Securities redeemed and cancelled before Maturity, — Debentures under— Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 — Due 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 22,000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907 — Due 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 18,050 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914— Due 1st November, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 84,840 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, No. 2 (Section 30), (Cold Storage Advances) — Due 1st March, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 38,750 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 163,640 0 0 390,930 0 0

B.—l [Pt. ll].




£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. •■ 163,640 0 0 390,930 0 0 Finance Act, 1921-22, Section 24— continued. Securities redeemed and cancelled before Maturity —continued. Debentures under — continued. Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 29 (Public Works)— "Due 1st February, 1950 .. .. .. ■• ■• 106,050 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Public Works) — Due 1st December, 1951 .. .. ■- •• •• 91,910 0 0 Fishing Industry Promotion Act, 1919 — Due 1st December, 1933 .. .. •• •• •• 3,050 0 0 Fruit Preserving Industry Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1917, Section 80— Due 1st April, 1949 .. .. .. .. •• •• 24,000 0 0 Housing Act, 1919, Section 30— Due 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. •• •• 355,520 0 0 Due 1st July, 1950 .. .. .. •■ •■ •■ 37,300 0 0 Housing Act, 1919, Section 46— Due 1st January, 1949 ... .. .. •■ ■• 1,400 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 — Due 1st January, 1934 .. .. .. ■• •• 307,385 0 0 Due 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. •• •• 59,256 10 11 Due 1st April, 1949 • 612,000 0 0 Due 1st February, 1950 .. .. •• •■ •■ 109,847 9 1 Due 1st March, 1951 .. .- •• •• •• 69,701 0 0 Due 1st September, 1951 .. .. •• ■■ •■ 90,000 0 0 Mining Amendment Act, 1913 — Due 1st May, 1950 .. .. .. ■■ ■■ •• 5,955 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — Due 1st March, 1935 .. .. ■■ •• ■■ 5,700 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch)— Due 1st January, 1935 .. .. .. •• •■ 3,750 0 0 Due 1st December, 1935 .. .. ■- •• •• 8,000 0 0 Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. •• •■ 11,700 0 0 Westport Harbour'Act, 1920, and Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884, and Loan Acts, 1896, 1897, and 1900— Due 1st January, 1949 .. .. . - • ■ • • 40,050 0 0 2,106,215 0 0 Inscribed Stock under — New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— Due 15th August, 1933 .. .. .. ■• •• •• 10,000 0 0 New Zealand Loahs Act, 1908 : — Debentures redeemed at Maturity, — Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 — Due 1st October, 1932 .. .. .. ■• •■ •• 61,660 0 0 ■ Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Electric-power Works) — Due 1st October, 1932 .. .. .. •• •• •■ 1,700 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) — Due 15th February, 1932 .. .. .. ■• •• 2,800 0 0 Due 22nd April, 1932 .. .. .. ■ ■ • ■ ■ • 670 0 0 Due 29th April, 1932 .. .. .. • • ■ • • • 240 0 0 Due 1st June, 1932 .. .. .. ■• •■ •• 65,330 0 0 Due 16th June, 1932 .. .. .. • • ■ • • • 470 0 0 Due 1st July, 1932 .. .. .. ■• •• ■■ 10,000 0 0 Due 28th July, 1932 .. .. .. • • • • • • 750 0 0 Due 1st September, 1932 .. .. .. ■• •• 28,200 0 0 171,820 0 0 Inscribed Stock redeemed at Maturity, — New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919, Section 4— Due 1st September, 1932 .. .. .. •■ •• 50,050 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) — Due 15th February, 1932 .. .. .. •• •■ 5,340 0 0 55,390 0 0 Treasury Bills redeemed at Maturity, — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914— Due 18th June, 1932 1,200,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 29 (Public Works)— Due 18th June, 1932 .. .. 1,500,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Public Works) — Due 18th June, 1932 1,300,000 0 0 4,000,000 0 0 Carried forward ... .. .. .. .. .. 6,734,355 0 0

B.— J [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932- 1 9 3 3.



£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 6,734,355 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— continued. Debentures redeemed by Renewal — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902 — Due 1st December, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 — Due 1st October, 1932 .. . . .. .. .. .. j 32,500 0 0 Deteriorated Lands Act, 1925— Due 1st April, 1932 .. .. .. * .. .. .. 22,000 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 — Due 1st October, 1932 .. .. .. .. .... 109,490 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 4— Due 1st August, 1932 .. . . . . .. .. .. 37,800 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Electric-power Works) — Due 1st October. 1932 .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,020 0 0 Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1926, Section 6— Due 1st August, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. .. 24,890 0 0 Native Land Purchases Act, 1892— Due 31st October, 1932 .. . . .. . . .. 125,000 0 0 Urewera Lands Act, 1921-22, Section 10 — Due 1st October, 1932 .. .. .. .. 29,323 8 4 399,323 8 4 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 : — Section 57, — Debentures exchanged for Stock— Ordinary Revenue Account— Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account— Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 2,400 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 19,900 0 0 Electric Supply Account— Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. . . .. 500 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account — Due 15th January, 1933 .. .. .. .. ■ • 100 0 0 Due 15th June, 1940 .. .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Land for Settlements Account — Due 15th February, 1937 ... .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 1,600 0 0 Due 1st February, 1941 .. .. .. .. .. 2,200 0 0 Main Highways Account— Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914, Account — Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. . .■ .. ■• 1,000 0 0 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 1,400 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. ■ . 650 0 0 State Advances Account (Workers Branch) — Due 15th August, 1933 .. .. .. 4,200 0 0 Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. • .. 100 0 0 Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 450 0 0 State Forests Account— Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. . • 200 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. ... ■• 900 0 0 War Expenses Account — Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 4,800 0 0 Due 15th November, 1938 .. .. .. .. .. 33,100 0 0 Due 20th April, 1939 .. .. .. .. .. ) .24,800 0 0 Due 1st September, 1941 .. . . . . .. .. 500 0 0 112,900 0 0 Death Duty Stock exchanged for Ordinary Stook — Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account — Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Education Loans Account —■ Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. •■ 400 0 0 War Expenses Account — Due 15th November, 1938 .. ., .. .. .. 4,900 0 0 Due 20th April, 1939 .. .. .. .. ■ • 300 0 0 6,600 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,253,178 8 4

B.—i TPt. ll].




£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,253,178 8 4 New Zealand Loans Act, 1032 — continued. Section 14, — Securities converted — Debentures— Land for Settlements Account — Due 1st April, 1949 .. .. .. .. ■■ 644,130 0 0 Due 1st February, 1950 .. .. .. .. •• 35,006 0 0 Due 1st March, 1951 .. .. .. .. ■• 150,000 0 0 State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 1st June, 1951 .. .. .. .. •• 300,000 0 0 1,129,136 0 0 StockState Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. ' .. .. •• 3,100 0 0 State Advances Account (Workers Branch) — Due 15th August, 1933 .. .. .. ■• ■• 25,250 0 0 Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 21,650 0 0 50,000 0 0 Loans renewed at Maturity— Debentures — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account — Due 15th January, 1933 .. .. .. .. •■ 794,590 0 0 Due 31st March, 1933 .. .. .. . ■ • 150,000 0 0 General Purposes Account— Due 1st February, 1933 .. .. .. •• • ■ 284,910 0 0 Education Loans Account— Due 1st February, 1933 .. .. .. ■• •• 281,830 0 0 Land for Settlements Account — Due 1st February, 1933 .. .. .. •• -• 1,500 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account— Due 1st March, 1933 .. .. .. •• .. 5,000 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account — Due 1st February, 1933 .. .. .. •• ■■ 70,000 0 0 — 1,587,830 0 0 Stock — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account — Due 15th January, 1933 .. .. .. .. •• 2,402,550 0 0 General Purposes Account— Due 1st February, 1933 .. .. .. . • ■• 198,160 0 0 Land for Settlements Account — Due 1st January, 1933 .. .. . • • • • ■ 100 0 0 Due 1st February, 1933 .. .. . • •• •• 5,750 0 0 1 2,606,560 0 0 Death Duty StockDischarged Soldiers Settlement Account— Due 15th January, 1933 .. .. . • •• •• ..' 66,300 0 0 Stock Certificates — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account — Due 15th January, 1933 .. .. .. •• ... .. 1,400 0 0 Treasury Bills— Land for Settlements Account — Due 14th March, 1933 .. .. .. •■ •• •• 25,000 0 0 Section 58, — Securities redeemed at Maturity— Debentures — State Advances Account (Workers Branch)- — Due 15th February, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Death Duty Stock— State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. •• .. 6,200 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 State Advances Account (Workers Branch) — Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 j : 8,700 0 0 Securities redeemed and cancelled before Maturity— Debentures — State Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 1st June, 1951 .. .. .. . • .. 500,000 0 0 State Advances Account (Workers Branch) — Due 1st September, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 70,000 0 0 Westport Harbour Act, 1920, and Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884, and Loan Acts, 1896, 1897, and 1900— Due 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 6,850 0 0 576,850 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,305,454 8 4

B.—l [Pp. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.



£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,305,454 8 4 I New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 — continued. Section 58 —continued. Securities redeemed and cancelled before Maturity— continued. StockState Advances Account (Settlers Branch) — Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 State Advances Account (Workers Branch) — Due 15th August, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 32,000 0 0 Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 35,000 0 0 - War Credits applied in Redemption of Loans in Teems or Section 13 (1) of the Finance Act, 1925: — Securities redeemed at Maturity, — Death Duty Stock under— New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— Due 13th December, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 80 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932— War Expenses— Due 28th November, 1932 ..' .. .. ,*. .. 4,062 17 7 Due 26th December, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Debentures — New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 — War Expenses— Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 450 0 0 5,092 17 7 Reparation Moneys applied in Redemption of Loans in Teems of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 135 (3): — Securities redeemed at Maturity, — Debentures — Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Due 1st November, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 21,000 0 0 Due 1st December, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917, and Finance Act, 1917, Section 68— Due 15th November, 1927 .. .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 27,700 0 0 Inscribed Stock— Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— Due 1st September, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 50,050 0 0 Death Duty StockNew Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— Due 2nd September, 1932 .. .. .. ., .. 20,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— £ s. d. Due 24th March, 1932 .. .. .. 500 0 0 Due 19th June, 1932 .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— £ s. d. Due 24th May, 1932 .. .. .. 3,140 0 0 Due 30th June, 1932 .. .. ... 300 0 0 Due 1st August, 1932 .. .. .. 1,250 0 0 Due 8th August, 1932 .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Due 13th October, 1932 .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 fi,690 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932 — War Expenses— £ s. d. Due 3rd September, 1932 .. .. .. 855 0 0 Due 19th October, 1932 .. .. .. 400 0 0 Due 27th November, 1932 .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Due 28th November, 1932 .. .. .. 17,437 2 5 21,692 2 5 —— 49,882 2 5 Chaeqes and Expenses of raising Loans :■ — New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 .. .. 38,065 4 2 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 29 (Public Works) .. .. 47.58110 3 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Public Works) .. .. .. 41,237 6 2 126,884 0 7 Total disbursements for the year .. .. .. ,.. £13,600,063 8 11

B.—l [PT. ll],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 3 2-19 3 3..








£ 8. d. Sale of building .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 15 0

£ s. d. £ s. d. Sale of — Plant .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 612 4 8 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,118 18 7 1,731 3 3

Recovery of— £ s. d. £ s. d. Expenses incurred in searching for lost tampers, Mt. Ruapehu .. .. 63 13 8 Fire damage, Hanmer Springs Plantation .. .. ., 150 0 0 Half cost of fencing-line, Naseby .. .. .. .. .. 8126 Sale of— Forest Reserve 3508, Block XII, Otaio Survey District .. .. .. 112189 Horses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 116 8 4 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. , , 431 o 11 882 14 2

B.—L [Ft. ll],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1932-193 3.

STATEMENT of TEMPORARY TRANSFERS between ACCOUNTS within the PUBLIC ACCOUNT in terms of Section 40 of the PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1926, during the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1933.

A. D. Park, Secretary to the Treasury. G. C. Eodda, Assistant Secretary to the Treasury. The Treasury, Wellington, 11th November, 1933.

By Authority: G. H. Loney, Government Printer, Wellington. —1933.

Approximate Cost of Paper. — Preparation, not given ; printing 520 copies), £248.

Examined and found correct. G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General, sth December, 1933.

Price 2s. 6 /.]


Transfer* Transfer from Da<« of Transfer. =•** %"££&? Repayment due. Amounts repaid. Date repaid. PerCent.j £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. 'd. Public Works Fund —Electric-supply Public Works Fund —General Purposes 31 Mar., 1932 4 15,000 0 0 .. 31 Mar., 1933 15,000 0 0 30 April, 1932 Account Account Xative Land Settlement Account .. Ditto .. .. .. .. 31 „ 1932 4 16,000 0 0 .. 31 „ 1933 16,000 0 0 28 Dec, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 6 July, 1932 4 .. 40,000 0 0 6 July, 1933 40,000 0 0 28 „ 1932 .. „ .. •■ •• • ■ I 3 Oct., 1922 4 .. 20,000 0 0 3 Oct., 1933 20,000 0 0 28 „ 1932 ..! „ .. .. .. .. 18 Nov., 1932 4 .. 14,000 0 0 18 Nov., 1933 14,000 0 0 28 „ 1932 .. ., .. .. .. .. 13 Dec, 1932 4 .. 16,000 0 0 14 Dec, 1933 | 16.000 0 0 28 „ 1932 State Forests Account .. ..I „ .. .. -■ .. 27 May, .1932 4 .. 20,000 0 0 27 May, 1933 0 0 31 Mar., 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 27 July, 1932 4 .. 20,000 0 0 27 July, 1933 20,000 0 0 31 „ 1933 .. .. .. . .. -. 4 Nov., 1932 4 .. 24,000 0 0 4 Nov., 1933 24,000 0 0 31 „ 1933 £31,000 0 0 £154,000 0 0 £185,000 0 0

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