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1932-33. NEW ZEALAND.


Jjaid on the Table of the House of Representatives.


Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the 7th Day of Auoust, 1931. Ordered, " That the petition of L. P. Jensen and others be referred direct to the Lands Committee." — (Hon. Mr. Macmillan.) Friday, the 2nd Day oe October, 1931. Ordered, " That the petition of J. Criehton be referred direct to the Lands Committee." —(Mr. Dickie.) Tuesday, the 13th Day oe October, 1931. Ordered, " That the petition of F. E. Mitchinson and another be referred direct to the Lands Committee."— (Mr. Lanostone.) Wednesday, the 12th Day oe October, 1932. Ordered, " That a Select Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to whom shall stand referred, after the first reading, all Bills affecting or in any way relating to the lands of the Crown, or education or other public reserves; the Committee to have power to recommend such amendments therein as it thinks proper, and to report generally, when necessary, upon the principles and provisions of the Bills : the Committee to consist of Mr. Connolly, Mr. Dickie, Mr. H'argest, Mr. Langstone, Mr. Macpherson, Mr. J. N. Massey, Mr. Richards, Mr. Savage, Mr. Stuart, and the mover." —(Hon. Mr. Ransom.) Thursday, the 13th Day or October, 1932. Ordered, " That all petitions not finally dealt with during the session of 1931 be again referred to the same Committees as they were referred to during the said session, and that all petitions received during the first session of 1932 be dealt with as if they had been received this session." —(Right Hon. Mr. Forbes.) Thursday, the 3rd Day oe November, 1932. Ordered, " That the Lands Committee have leave to sit this day during the present sitting of the House."— (Mr. Macpherson.) Wednesday, the 23rd Day oe November, 1932. Ordered, " That paper No. 170 (Reservation of Primary Education Endowments in Whangape Survey District, North Auckland Land District, and Wharepapa Survey District-, Auckland Land District) be referred to the Lands Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Ransom.) Ordered, " That paper No. 171 (Notices of Intention to issue Orders in Council cancelling the Reservation over the Buffalo Domain, Auckland District, and over Recreation Reserve, Section 59, Block XII, Cape Survey District, Taranaki Land District) be referred to the Lands Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Ransom.) Ordered, "That the petition of F. C. Yule be referred direct to the Lands Committee." —(Hon. Mr. McLeod.) Friday, the 3rd Day oe March, 1933. Ordered, That the Lands Committee have leave to sit this day during the present sitting of the House."— (Mr. Macpherson.) Tuesday, the 7th Day oe March, 1933. Ordered, " That the Lands Committee have leave to sit this day during the present sitting of the House." — (Mr. Macpherson.)

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Memoranda for the Chairman of the Lands Committee: — The Bill intituled the Carterton Borough Council and Wairarapa South County Council Empowering Act stands referred to the Lands Committee for report. The Bill intituled the Napier Harbour Board Empowering Act stands referred to the Lands Committee for report. The Bill intituled the Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act stands referred to the Lands Committee for report. • The. Bill intituled the Waitangi National Trust Board Act stands referred to the Lands Committee for report. The Bill intituled the Auckland City Empowering Act stands referred to the Lands Committee for report. The Bill intituled the Hawke's Bay Rivers Amendment Act stands referred to the Lands Committee for report. The Bill intituled the Whangarei Harbour Board Vesting Act stands referred to the Lands Committee tor report. The Bill intituled the Avon and Heathcote Estuary Conservancy Act stands referred to the Lands Committee for report. The Bill intituled the Christchurch City Reserves Amendment Act stands referred to the Lands Committee for report. The Bill intituled the Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act (No. 2) stands referred to the Lands Committee for report. The Bill intituled the Local Legislation Act stands referred to the Lands Committee for report.



No. 145/31. —Petition of James Cbichton, of Wanganui, Retired Bootseller and Musician. Praying for an inquiry into the circumstances of the loss of the sum. of £1,500 allegedly invested on his behalf by the Public Trustee, and for compensation. _ I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has 110 recommendation to make. 9th November, 1932. Carterton Borough Council and Wairarapa South County Council Empowering Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the Carterton Borough Council and Wairarapa South County Council Empowering Bill, and recommends that, so far as it affects a public reserve, the Bill be allowed to proceed without amendment. 10th November, 1932.


No. J Petitioner, &c. j Page j No. Petitioner, &a. | Page Auckland City Empowering Bill .. 4 15/32 Munro, A. F. T., and others .. 3 Avon and Heathcote Estuary Con- 5 43/32 Munro, R. M. A., and others . . 3 servanoy Bill ' . • Napier Harbour Board Empowering 3 19/32 Bacon, A. V., and others .. .. 3 Bill 266/32-33 Blatch, H. P., and others .. .. 4 263/32-33 Nichols, A. C., and others .. 4 Carterton Borough Council and Wai- 2 .. Parliamentary Paper No. 170 (Primary 3 rarapa South County Council Em- Education Endowment) powering Bill " • • Parliamentary Paper No. 171 (Can- 4 Christchureh City Reserves Amend- 5 celling Reservations) ment Bill " • • Reservations, Cancelling (Parliamen- 4 145/31 Crichton, J. .. ■ ■ • • 2 tary Paper No. 171) Education Endowment, Primary (Par- 3 .. Reserves and other Lands Disposal 4 liamentary Paper No. 170) Bill Final report .. .. • • 6 ■ • Reserves and other Lands Disposal 5 16/32 Harcourt, R. B., and others .. 3 Bill (No. 2) Hawke's Bay Rivers Amendment Bill 4 44/32 Russell, J. E., and others .. 2/32 Jackson, L.E. B., and others .. 3 18/32 Rutherford, W. D„ and others .. 3 86/31 Jensen, L. P., and others .. .. 3 4/32 Shand, E. T., and others .. .. 3 192/32-33 Law, J. 0. .. .. . • 3 ... Special report (re Chairman) .. 6 277/32-33 Law, J. O. .. .. 4 .. Special report (re Clerk) .. .. 6 Local Legislation Bill .. .. 5 268/32-33 Taylor, S. D„ and others .. .. 4 267/32-33 Macaulay, W. R., and others .. 4 .. Waitangi National Trust Board Bill.. 4 99/32 McCambridge, J., and others .. 3 . . Whangarei Harbour Board Vesting 4 262/32-33 Mackenzie, H., and others .. 4 Bill 269/32-33 McMillan, W. G., and others .. 4 307/32-33 Wheeler, H. C. .. .. .. 5 17/32 Mathieson, C. G., and others .. 3 278/32-33 Williams, S. E. G. .. .. 5 163/31 Mitchinson, F. C., and another .. 3 233/32-33 Yule, F. C. .. •• 5


No. 4, Sess. 1, Petition of Edgar T. Shand and 363 Others ; also on Petitions Nos. 15, Sess. 1, of Arthur F. T. Munro and 26 Others ; 16, Sess. 1, R. B. Harcourt and 59 Others ; 17, Sess. 1, C. G. Mathieson and 11 Others; 18, Sess. 1, W. D. Rutherford and 14 Others; 19, Sess. 1, A. Y. Bacon and 6 others ; 43, Sess. 1, R. M. A. Munro and 11 Others ; and 44, Sess. 1, J. E. Russell and 3 Others ; all of Otago and Southland, Sheepowners. Praying for the remission or refund of the whole or part of one or more years' rent of their pastoral leaseholds, for a reduction of rent for the remainder of the leases, and for an extension of the terms of the leases. 1 have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the foregoing petitions, but, as statutory provision under which the petitioners may be granted relief already exists and is being sympathetically exercised by the Government, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 17th November, 1932.

No. 86/31. —Petition of L. P. Jensen and 29 Others, of Omanawa, Tauranga, Farmers. Praying that certain land in Tauranga County be opened for settlement. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for consideration. 24th November, 1932.

No. 192.—Petition of Joseph Ormond Law, of Orini, Farmer. Praying for reinstatement on farm or other relief. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommendation to make. 24-th November, 1932.

No. 99, Sess. 1. —Petition of James McCambridge and 14 Others, of Fruitlands, Otago. Praying for the remission of their unpaid irrigation charges and the reduction of future charges to a lower scale. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, but, in view of the facts that statutory power to afford relief already exists and that the subject-matter of the petition is being referred to the Mortgagors' Adjustment Commission for consideration, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 24th November, 1932.

No. 163/31. —Petition of Frank Edwin Mitchinson and Another, of Raetihi, Farmers. Praying that the sum of £2,902 10s. Id. owing by them to the Raetihi Bush Fire Relief Fund be written off and the securities therefor released. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommendation to make. 24th November, 1932.

No. 2, Sess. 1. —Petition of Lewis E. B. Jackson, of Onehunga, Farmer. Praying that he be granted assistance to take up a farm. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommendation to make. 24th November, 1932.

Napier Harbour Board Empowering Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the Napier Harbour Board Empowering Bill, and recommends that, so far as it affects a public reserve, the Bill be allowed to proceed. Ist December, 1932.

Paper No. 170. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee recommends that the proposed reservation of primary education endowments in Whangape Survey District, North Auckland Land District, and Wharepapa Survey District, Auckland Land District, as set out in Paper No. 170 be approved. 2nd December, 1932.

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Paper No. 171. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has considered the proposals contained in the notices of intention to issue Orders in Council cancelling the reservation over the Buffalo Domain, Auckland Land District, and over Recreation Reserve, Section 59, Block XII, Cape Survey District, Taranaki Land District, as set out in Paper No. 171, and recommends that the proposals be approved. 2nd December, 1932.

Reserves and other Lands Disposal Bill. Ī have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the Reserves and other Lands Disposal Bill, and recommends that the Bill be allowed to proceed without amendment. 6th December, 1932.

Auckland City Empowering Bill. 1 have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the Auckland City Empowering Bill, and recommends that, so far as it affects the rights and prerogatives of the Crown, the Bill be allowed to proceed without amendment. 7th December, 1932.

Waitangi National Trust Board Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the Waitangi National Trust Board Bill, and recommends that the Bill be allowed to proceed without amendment. 7th December, 1932.

Hawke's Bay Rivers Amendment Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the Hawke's Bay Rivers Amendment Bill, and recommends that, so far as it affects the rights and prerogatives of the Crown, the Bill be allowed to proceed with the amendments shown on the copy of the Bill hereto attached. Bth December, 1932.

Whangarei Harbour Board Vesting Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the Whangarei Harbour Board Vesting Bill, and recommends that, so far as it affects the rights and prerogatives of the Crown, the Bill be allowed to proceed without amendment. Bth December, 1932.

No. 262, Petition of Hugh Mackenzie and 85 Others ; also on Petitions Nos. 263, A. C. Nichols and 17 Others ; 266, H. F. Blatch and 3 Others ; 267, W. R. Macaulay and 12 Others ; 268, S. D. Taylor and 20 Others ; and 269, W. G. McMillan and 8 Others ; all of Otago and Southland, Sheep-farmers. Praying for the appointment to tbe Otago Land Board and to the Southland Board of at least one member actively engaged in business as a sheep-farmer on high country, and for amendment of the Land Act, 1924, to give effect to this prayer. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the foregoing petitions. The Committee is of opinion that sufficient statutory provision for giving effect to the prayer of the petitioners already exists, and also that, as far as possible, regard is paid to the " balance " between the classes of farming represented on the Land Boards as well as to geographical representation. The Committee, therefore, has no recommendation to make. 9th February, 1933.

No. 277.—Petitipn of Joseph Ormond Law, of Orini, Farmer. Praying for reinstatement on farm or other relief. I have the honour to report that Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has 110 recommendation to make. 9th February, 1933.


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No. 278.—Petition of Stanley Forbes Cough Williams, of Runciman, Farmer. Praying—(l) for compensation in respect of £500 capital loss on farm ; (2) that the Crown inform petitioner what action it proposes to take in respect of moneys owing by him to the Crown. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition. In respect of the first part of the petitioner's prayer, the Committee has no recommendation to make. The amount referred to in the second part of the petitioner's prayer, £1,057 16s. 5d., has now been written off in pursuance of section 3 (3) of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, and the Commissioner of Crown Lands for the District has been requested by the Lands Department to so inform the petitioner. In respect of this part of petitioner's prayer also, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 9th February, 1933.

Avon and Heathcote Estuary Conservancy Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the Avon and Heathcote Estuary Conservancy Bill, and that, so far as the Bill affects the rights and prerogatives of the Crown, the Committee has no objection to make. The Committee, however, concurs in the opinion expressed in the report of the Local Bills Committee that, in view of the proposed inquiry by the Government into the possibility of reducing the number of existing local authorities, it is inopportune at the present time to create a new local authority. The Committee, therefore, recommends that the Bill be not allowed to proceed this session. 9th February, 1933.

Christchurch City Reserves Amendment Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the Christchurch City Reserves Amendment Bill, and recommends that, so far as the Bill affects the rights and prerogatives of the Crown or a public reserve, it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 24th February, 1933.

Reserves and other Lands Disposal Bill (No. 2). I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the Reserves and other Lands Disposal Bill (No. 2), and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 2nd March, 1933.

Local Legislation Bill. 1 have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the Local Legislation Bill, and recommends that, so far as it affects any Public Reserve, the Bill be allowed to proceed without amendment. 7th March, 1933.

No. 233. —Petition of Frederick Conrad Yule, of Featherston, liotelkeeper. Praying for the refund of a deposit of £231 paid to purchase land at Tarawera, or other relief. 1 have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommendation to make. Bth March, 1933.

No. 307.—Petition of Harry Cecil Wheeler, of Muriwai Beach, near Kaipara, Farmer. Praying for £2,710 compensation for loss alleged to be due to erroneous valuation of his land by the valuer for the State Advances Office. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommendation to make. Bth March, 1933. , J. A. Macpherson, Chairman.



Special Report. I have the honour to report that at its final meeting the Lands Committee unanimously passed the following resolution : — " That this Committee desires to place on record its high appreciation of the care and ability with which the Chairman, Mr. J. A. Macpherson, has conducted the business of the Committee throughout the session, and directs that this resolution be recorded on the minutes and be reported to the House." J. N. Massey, Bth March, 1933. A Member of the Committee.

Special Report. I have the honour to report that at its final meeting the Lands Committee expressed its appreciation of the services rendered to the Committee by the Clerk, Mr. W. J. Organ, and directed that the resolution be reported to the House. Bth March, 1933.

Final Report. I have the honour to report that during the session the Lands Committee, consisting of ten members, has held fourteen meetings and that the average attendance was six members. Eleven Bills, two parliamentary papers, and twenty-six petitions were referred to the Committee. All of these matters, with the exception of two late petitions, were considered and reported on to the House. Bth March, 1933. J. A. Macpherson, Chairman.

Approximate Cost oj Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (340 copies), £6 10s.

Authority: W. A. 6. Skinneb, Government Printer, Wellington. —1933.

Pnee 6d.]


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Bibliographic details

LANDS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. J. A. MACPHERSON, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1932 Session I-II, I-05

Word Count

LANDS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. J. A. MACPHERSON, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1932 Session I-II, I-05

LANDS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. J. A. MACPHERSON, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1932 Session I-II, I-05

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