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Laid before Parliament in pursuance of Section 124 of the Government Railways Act, 1926.

The Board has the honour to transmit, for the information of Parliament, the following report upon the transactions of the Government Railways Superannuation Fund for the year ended 31st March, 1932 ; — The Revenue Account, Balance-sheet, and statements in connection therewith will be found appended. The balance of income over expenditure for the year amounts to £5,656 19s. Id., a decrease of £110,882 19s. 4d., as compared with the previous year. The decrease in the amount received on account of contributions and the increase in the amount of life allowances paid have been the contributing causes of this decrease. Members' Contributions. —The income under this heading shows a decrease of £28,446 7s. 3d., members' contributions being £142,239 3s. 7d,, as compared with £170,685 10s. lOd. for the previous year. The number of contributors decreased by 1,044 as follows : At 3 per cent., 456 ; at 4 per cent., 212 ; at 5 per cent., 319 ; at 6 per cent., 32 ; at 7 per cent., 20 ; at 8 per cent., 4 ; at 9 per cent., 1. The falling-off in membership is due to reductions in staff as a result of the prevailing depression, vacancies in the permanent staff not having been filled. Contingent Contributors. —During the year 37 casual employees elected to contribute to the fund, so that in the event of their subsequently being permanently appointed they would not be faced with having to pay accumulated arrears on account of service prior to permanent appointment. The total number of employees so contributing at the end of the year under review was 136, and the amount standing to their credit £6,229 13s. lOd. Subsidy. —During the year the sum of £170,000 was paid into the fund by the Working Railways Department. Interest. —The interest earned amounts to £84,483 3s. 2d., an increase of £4,434, as compared with the previous year. Reference to Table C, Statement of Investments, shows that the average rate of interest on securities held at the 31st March, 1932, was 5-736 per cent., and the average rate earned on the mean funds for the year 5-734 per cent., as against 5-744 per cent., and 5-737 per cent., respectively for the previous year. Life Allowances. —The expenditure on account of life allowances to members amounts to £346,527 Is. 3d., an increase of £76,925 9s. 5d., as compared with the figures for the previous year. The increases under this heading were £20,365 16s. Bd. for the year ended 31st March, 1931, and £8,525 9s. lOd. for the year ended 31st March, 1930. On referring to Table A, Statement of Allowances, it will be seen that the average amount of the 759 allowances granted during the year is £185 7s. Bd., and the average amount of the 77 allowances discontinued is £125 lis. Id. Allowances to Widows and Children.—The expenditure under the heading of allowances to widows and children shows an increase of £705 6s. 6d. The sum of £12,200 ss. Id., being £241 14s. more than the previous year, was transferred from the Working Railways Account during the year on account of the increased payments to widows and children as provided in section 114, Part 111, of the Government Railways Act, 1926. Approval was received for the continuance of the cost-of-living bonus to annuitants in cases of special hardship where the allowance was less than £100, the amount of bonus granted being sufficient to bring the allowance up to £100, but with a maximum bonus of £26. The bonus is provided for out of the Working Railways Account, and is not a charge on the Superannuation Fund. At the 31st March, 1932, there were 2,296 members, 560 widows, and 392 children, making a total of 3,248 persons actually on the fund, involving an annual liability of £431,129 17s. 2d. Investment of the Fund.—The Investment Account has been increased during the year to the extent of £21,823 3s. lid. All moneys not required in the Current Account have been transferred to the Investment Account without delay. H. TI. Sterling, Chairman of the Government Railways, Superannuation Fund Board. D. s—l.


Table A.—Statement of Allowances for the Year ended 31st March, 1932.


On Attainment of Retiring Age or for ir Section 113. Section 113. Total Retiring and other Length of Service. Medically Unfit. Widows.. Children. Allowances. Number. Number. Number. Number. — Annual Amount. Annual Amount. at Annua! Amount. M. F. Total. M. P. Total. M. F. Total. M. F. Total. Retiring and other allowances— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Exiting at beginning of year .. 1,287 .. 1,287 250,344 8 1 327 .. 327 34,569 7 7 523 16,213 0 0 182 215 397 10,322 0 0 1,796 738 2,534 311,448 15 8 Granted dnrmg year at retirement 645 1 646 124,281 1 0 113 .. 113 16,426 11 0 48 1,488 0 0 32 30 62 1,612 0 0 790 79 869 143,807 12 0 t>. j . '• •• i' 932 1 1.933 374,625 9 1 440 .. 440 50,995 18 7 571 17,701 0 0 214 245 459 11,934 0 0 2,586 817 3,403 455,256 7 8 Discontinued during year .. 62 .. 62 8,063 4 8 15 .. 15 1,604 5 10 11 341 0 0 31 36 67 1,742 0 0 108 47 155 11,750 10 6 Existing at end of year .. 1,870 1 1,871 366,562 4 5 425 .. 425 49,391 1'» 9 560 17,360 0 0 183 ' 209 392 10,192 0 0 2,478 770 3,248 443,505 17 2 Particulars of Retiring and other Allowances discontinued during the Year. How discontinued — I By death .. .. .. | 62 .. 62 8,063 4 8 15 15' 1,604 5 10 4 124 0 0 .. | .. 77 4 81 9,791 10 6 By expiry .. .. .. 7 217 0 0 31 j 36 67 1,742 0 0 31 43 74 1,959 0 0 Total •• 62 •• t> 2 8,063 4 8 15 .. 15 1,604 5 10 11 341 0 0 31 36 67 f 1,742 0 0 108 47 155 |f 11,750 10 6 Progress of Retiring and other Allowances since establishment of the Fund to 31st March, 1932. Total granted* .. .. .. 2,986 2 2,988 478,589 13 2 694 I 1 695 70,502 8 3 872 24,432 0 0 801 795 1,596 32,487 0 0 4,481 16706 151 606,011 1 5 Total discontinued* .. .. 1,116 1 1,117 112,027 8 9 269 j 1 270 21,110 15 6 312 7.072 0 0 618 586 1,204 22,295 0 0 2,003 | 9002,903 162,505 4 3 Total existing at 31st March, 1932.. 1,870 1 1,871 366,562 4 5 425 .. 425 49,391 12 9 1 560 17,360 0 0 183 209 392 10,192 0 0 2,478 : 7703,248 443,505 17 2 Less amount receivable from the Working Railways Account on account of increased payments to widows and children .. .. .. .. .. .. . 22 376 0 0 £431,129 17 2 * Total allowances granted and discontinued include 200 widows at £18 only, and 693 children at £13 only, exeunt prior to increase ol allowances.


Table B. —Statement of Contributors.

Table C. —Statement op Investments. 1932. 1931. Funds invested at 31st March— £ a. d. £ e. d. At 4-5 per cent. .. .. ■ • • • 5,500 0 0 5, 500 0 0 „5 „ .. .. .. .. 15,835 0 0 15,835 0 0 ,5-125 „ .. •• •• 68,700 0 0 68,700 0 0 „5-25 „ .. .. •• 212,025 0 0 212,025 0 0 5-291 „ .. .. •• •• 67,000 10 0 67,000 10 0 5-5 „ .. •• •• 195,130 0 0 167,130 0 0 5-75 „ .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 250 0 0 '6 .. .. .. •• 889,650 15 1 890,778 13 8 " 6-5 „ .. .. •• •• 6,500 0 0 11,500 0 0 Cash in hand . . . . .. • . • ■ 792 18 9 84:1 16 3 £1,461,384 3 10 £1,439,560 19 11 Per Cent. Per Cent. Average rate of interest on securities held at 31st March .. 5-736 5-744 Average rate of interest earned on the mean funds .. .. 5-734 5-737 Table D. —Progress of the Fund. Balance forward. Allowances granted. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1903 7,056 11 9 1904 .. .. .. .. 40,357 17 3 12,010 14 8 1905 .. .. •• •• •• 68,670 7 8 8,519 7 8 1906 .. .. .. •• 90,984 1110 6,348 13 7 1907 .. .. .. •• •• 110,736 12 3 4,398 14 11 1908 .. .. •• •• •• 126,642 18 11 7,332 7 11 1909 .. .. .. •• 157,151 14 9 6,359 11 0 1910 .. .. .. .. •• 173,876 1 8 11,828 0 6 1911 .. .. .. .. 207,242 7 11 8,064 11 5 1912 .. .. .. .. •• 233,457 8 6 7,065 16 4 1913 .. .. .. .. 264,455 5 4 8,568 6 6 1914 .. .. •• 295,469 11 6 9,865 17 8 1915 .. .. .. .. 346,155 18 2 11,87114 3 1916 .. ■■ ■■ ■■ 362,810 4 2 9,662 2 5 1917 377,585 2 1 * 11,733 11 11 1918 .. .. .. 373,097 12 7 8,386 4 0 1919 . .. .. 363,804 4 4 9,252 17 8 1920 .. .. .. •• •• 408,232 10 8 20,341 7 3 1921 .. .. .. •• 464,490 17 0 20,346 8 9 1922 . .. .. .. .. 543,531 10 8 23,050 2 0 1923 .. .. .. .. •• 584,219 2 4 22,791 1 0 1924 .. .. .. .. 671,827 6 6 21,272 4 0 1925 .. .. .. .. •• 734,112 8 11 36,409 14 0 1925 (increased allowances to widows and children) .. .. .. •• 12,246 0 0 1926 .. .. •• •• 862,139 3 6 .23,509 6 0 1927 .. .. .. •• 985,828 4 0 28,281 4 0 1928 . .. •• •• ..1,111,199 11 2 21,120 12 0 1929 .. .. ..1,238,673 11 8 23,006 11 0 1930 .. .. •• ..1,371,918 12 3 27,986 14 0 1931 .. .. .. •• 1,488,565 18 3 40,573 13 0 1932 .. .. .. .. 1,454,173 8 4 143,807 12 0 £ s. d. 606,011 1 5 Less members died, &c. .. .. •• 162,505 4 3 Less liability of Working Railways Account on account increased payments to widows and children .. .. .. •• 12,376 0 0 174,881 4 3 Annual liability at 31st March, 1932.. .. .. £431,129 17 2


3 per 4 per , 5 per 6 per 7 per j 8 per 9 per Total Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Contributors at commencement of year 2,171 ; 352 9,625 1,461 239 18 6 13,872 New contributors during year .. .. .. 35 12 2 .. .. 49 Total .. .. .. 2,171 352 9,660 1,473 241 18 6 13,921 Contributors discontinued during year 456 212 354 44 22 4 1 1,093 Total contributors at 31st March, 1932 1,715 140 9,306 1,429 219 14 5 12,828


Statement of Accounts in accordance with Section 123, Government Railways Act, 1926. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1932.


EXPENDITURE. 1931-32. 1930-31. INCOME. 1931-32. 1030-31. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ B. d. £ s. d. > To Retiring-allowances to members .. .. .. 346,527 1 3 269,601 11 10 By Members' contributions .. .. .. .. 141,685 3 2 166,599 13 8 Allowances to widows and children .. .. .. 27,147 18 6 26,442 12 0 Members' contributions on account of casual service .. 554 0 5 4,085 17 2 Refunds of total contributions .. .. .. 20,752 3 0 14,971 4 7 Fines .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 10 0 Refunds of contributions in excess of allowances drawn by 449 16 2 796 10 0 Subsidies — deceased beneficiaries | Working Railways .. .. .. .. 170,000 0 0 170,000 0 0 Transfers to other funds .. .. .. .. 310 10 10 152 5 3 Working Railways, on account of increased allowances 12,200 5 1 11,958 11 1 Interest remitted .. .. .. .. .. 87 0 0 105 0 0 to widows and children Reserve for bad and doubtful debts .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 i .. New Zealand Railway Officers Institute, on account of 1 18 0 0 2 10 0 Administration charges — Richard Hampton Travelling-expenses of Board members .. .. 109 13 0 101 2 6 Interest .. .. .. .. .. j 84,483 3 2 80,049 3 2 Public Trust Office commission .. .. .. 2,323 10 5 2,462 0 1 Commission on Government Life Insurance collections . . 33 15 5 22 11 11 Public Trust mortgage-inspection fees .. .. .. 4 13 0 Audit Office fee .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 50 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,193 1 3 1.334 9 5 Postages .. .. .. .. .. .. 323 7 1 116 9 5 Printing and stationery .. .. .. .. 92 16 8 40 10 6 Balance carried down, being excess of income over expendi- 5,656 19 1 116,539 18 5 ture for the year ! 409,023 17 3 432,718 7 0 409,023 17 3 ; 432,718 7 0 To Amounts previously written off, now claimed — By Accumulated funds brought forward on 1st April, 1931 .. 1,488,565 18 3 1,371,918 12 3 Refunds of contributions .. .. .. ... 14 11 8 2 14 1 Amounts unclaimed written off — Rebates of contributions in respect of previous years (Finance 40,034 17 4 .. Refunds of contributions .. .. .. .. .. 21 6 8 Act, 1931) Retiring-allowances .. .. .. .. .. 5 15 6 Balance, accumulated funds as at 31st March, 1932 .. 1,454,173 8 4 1,488,565 18 3 Widows'allowances .. .. .. .. 1 .. 82 19 6 Bala nee brought down .. .. .. . . j 5,656 19 1 116,539 18 5 1,494,222 17 4 12,488 ,568 12 4 1,494,222 17 4 1.488 ,568 12 4 . , ! : I


Statement of Accounts, etc.-continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1932.


liabilities. 1931-32. 1930-31. j ASSETS. 1931-32. 1930-31. £ s. d. £ «9. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Accumulated funds as per Revenue Account .. .. 1,454.173 8 4 1,488,565 18 3 Investment Account— £ s. d. Casual employees, contingent contributions .. .. 6,229 13 10 14,408 14 4 Investments.. .. .. .. 1,460,591 5 1 Retiring and other allowances due (not paid)— Cash in hand .. .. .. 792 18 9 Members .. .. .. .. .. .. 685 17 6 1,240 18 1 \ 1,461,384 3 10 1,439,560 19 11 Widowg and children .. .. .. .. .. 87 10 3 65 11 10 Current AccountRefunds of contributions authorized (not paid) .. .. 688 12 2 230 2 10 Cash in hand .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,043 5 7 Transfers to other funds authorized (not paid) .. .. 23 7 1 5 11 11 Contributions in transit .. .. .. .. 4,595 5 0 14,505 13 0 Interest paid in advance ,. .. .. .. 403 6 9 359 8 3 Contributions outstanding .. .. .. .. 752 8 1 1,276 16 0 Public Trust Office .. .. .. .. .. 27,606 17 10 770 8 4 Contributions due by members in respect of casual service 4,370 2 1 6,171 13 7 Reserve for bad and doubtful debts .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 .. Working Railways — Rebates of contributions (Finance Act, 1931) .. .. 16,034 17 4 .. On account of cost-of-living bonus .. .. .. 276 19 4 297 0 2 On account of additional allowance to widows and children 959 17 9 943 3 7 Refund repayable .. .. .. .. .. 18 18 5 31 12 6 Interest due, not paid .. .. ,. .. .. 20,048 13 10 ; 13,549 13 8 Interest, accrued but not due .. .. .. .. 17,391 18 2 17,266 15 10 Rates and fees paid .. .. .. .. .. 109 0 3 Insurance premium .. .. .. .. .. 22 5 8 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. .. 3 18 8 1,509,933 11 1 Jl.505,646 13 10 1,509,933 11 1 11,505,646 13 10


Statement op Accounts, etc. —continued. Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1932. Dr. Receipts. £ s. rt. Of. Payments. £ s. d. To Balance in hands of Public Trustee on 31st By Retiring-allowances paid to members .. 347,050 12 10 March, 1931 .. .. .. •• 12,043 5 7 Allowances to widows and children.. .. 27,104 18 3 Contributions by staff .. .. •• 130,517 010 Contributions refunded to members who have Contributions by contingent contributors .. 2,931 13 4 left the service.. .. .. 20,295 11 3 Fines .. .. .. .. • • 43 5 0 Contributions refunded to contingent members Receipts from Working Railways Account— who have left the service .. .. 11,199 8 2 Subsidy .. .. .. •• 170,000 0 0 Payments to legal representatives of deceased Increased allowances to widows and children 12,183 10 11 beneficiaries under section 120 (c) of Govern-Cost-of-living bonus to annuitants .. 3,340 0 5 ment Railways Act, 1926 .. .. 449 lb 2 Payment of subsidy from the New Zealand Contributions transferred to other funds .. Ml lō » Railway Officers' Institute on account of Travelling-expenses of Board members .. 109 I,J 0 Richard Hampton .. .. •• 15 0 0 Public Trust commission .. .. •• 1,880 11 0 Interest .. .. • • • • 77,815 19 2 Rates and fees paid on account of mortgagors Commission on collections of Government Life (recoverable) .. .. • ■ • • 109 0 3 Insurance premiums .. .. •• 33 15 5 Insurance premiums .. .. •• M & » Balance due to Public Trustee .. .. 26,393 10 1 Audit Office charges .. w U U Salaries.. .. .. •• •• 1.193 1 3 Postages .. .. • • • • 323 7 1 Printing and stationery .. . • - ■ 92 16 8 Payment to annuitants by way of cost-of-living bonus .. .. •• 3,319 19 7 Investments .. .. •• 21,823 311 £435,317 0 9 £435,317 0 9 H. H. Steeling, Chairman of the Government Railways H. Valentine, Superannuation Fund Board. Chief Accountant, New Zealand Railways. I hereby certify that the Statement of Receipts and Payments, Revenue Account, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. J. H. Fowleb, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General.



Life Allowances granted, Year ended 31st March, 1932.

Name Annual , " ame - Allowance. 1 £ 8. d. Abel, R. A. .. .. 277 2 0 Adams, H. E. .. 363 17 0 Adkins, E. . . .. 221 19 0 Adkins, G. .. 180 16 0 Ahern, J. .. .. 221 11 0 Aitken, G. .. .. 126 9 0 Akers, R. W. .. 121 12 0 Allan, A. .. .. 208 10 0 Allan, H. . . . . 157 9 0 Allan, L. .. .. 109 18 0 Alleuder, H. V. .. 95 2 0 Anderson, J. G. .. 55 7 0 Andrew, B. .. 106 14 0 Angello, M. A. . . 86 13 0 Applegarth, G. E. . . 236 13 0 Armstrong, L. G. .. 137 10 0 Arnott, W. H. .. 102 15 0 Arthur, J. A. .. 304 18 0 Atley, J. .. .. 134 15 0 Auger, P. .. .. 160 16 0 Auld, D. M. .. .. 167 2 0 Austin, A. .. .. 145 10 0 Austin, A. A.. . . . 133 11 0 Bade, W. H. .. .. 224 4 0 Bagge, W. R. B. . . 459 13 0 Bain, T. .. .. 143 12 0 Baird, G. E. .. .. 360 18 0 Baird, W. A. .. 172 19 0 Ball, H. .. .. 146 15 0 Ball, R. H. .. . . 216 6 0 Barclay, J. T. .. 219 14 0 Barnes, T. H. .. 249 12 0 Barrett, G. H. . . 231 15 0 Barrett, W. .. .. 214 19 0 Barrowman, T. .. 293 17 0 Bartosh, T. .. .. 78 13 0 Bateman, A. V. . . 185 4 0 Bearsley, C. . . .. 171 11 0 Beauchamp, E. P. .. 142 15 0 Beckett, H. .. .. 87 18 0 Belesky, T. A. .. 172 13 0 Benn, H. . . . . 128 9 0 Bennett, H. S. .. 172 0 0 Bennett, W. F. .. 165 16 0 Benzoni, C. M. .. 525 14 0 Berry, G. G. G. .. 306 8 0 Betteridge, W. H. .. 192 14 0 Beveridge, T. .. 186 6 0 Bishop, F. T... .. 23112 0 Black, E. H. C. .. 132 18 0 Black, W. F. I. .. 238 9 0 Bland, A. J. .. .. 202 13 0 Bland, J. .. .. 129 8 0 Bland, J. .. .. 212 7 0 Boakes, G. A. .. 160 7 0 Bond, A. P. .. . . 173 0 0 Bond, P. J. .. .. 308 15 0 Borrows, R. A. .. 81 13 0 Boswell, J. A. .. 307 15 0 Botting, R. J. .. 148 6 0 Bowden, B. J. .. 128 2 0 Bowden, J. .. 235 8 0 Bowden, J. H. .. 200 11 0 Bower, J. W. .. 92 2 0 Boyce, A. F. .. . . 94 14 0 Boyd, C. .. .. 218 8 0 Boyd, C. A. . . .. 236 13 0 Bradley, P. A. T. .. 129 7 0 Brailsford, J. J. .. 137 5 0 Bray, C. .. .. 156 17 0 Bray, R. P. .. .. 236 0 0 Breeze, E. S. .. .. 121 0 0 Brennan, D. P. .. 141 6 0 Broad, C. O. E. . . 113 15 0 Brosnahan, T. .. 152 2 0 Brown, A. C. . . 155 9 0 Brown, J. .. .. 500 5 0 Brown, W. E. . . 132 0 0 Brown, W. E. . . 144 14 0 Bryan, A. W. .. 142 19 0 Bryant, G. T. .. 248 5 0 Bryce, G. J. . . .. 315 0 0 Buckinghan, A. E. . . 132 15 0 Burgess, A. C. .. 108 9 0 Burnett, G. A. T. .. 150 4 0 Burns, A. .. .. 294 9 0 Burns, R. .. .. 218 18 0 Burnside, H. D. C. .. 11l 17 0

Name. An™™ 1 Allowance. £ 8. d. Burrell, D. .. 253 7 0 Burrows, J. J. .. 241 13 0 Cairns, J. .. . . 198 4 0 Cameron, A. M. .. 248 10 0 Cameron, H. .. .. 217 6 0 Cameron, J. .. .. 209 0 0 Campbell, C. .. .. 119 8 0 Campbell, E. N. . . 188 0 0 Campbell, H. .. 131 12 0 Campbell, L. H. . . 187 17 0 Carey, IST. P. T. .. 239 5 0 Carey, P. 0. .. .. 199 4 0 Carnachan, J. .. 359 14 0 Carpenter, W. A. . . 133 11 0 Carr, H. F. M. .. 112 6 0 Carrell, G. .. .. 162 3 0 Carroll, J. .. .. 138 14 0 Carson, S. .. .. 153 12 0 Carswell, C. R. .. 36 10 0 Carter, R. S. M. .. 171 7 0 Carter, T. .. .. 187 10 0 Cassey, W. H. . . 128 5 0 Cavanagh,M. .. 253 7 0 Chambers, J. H. .. 249 9 0 Chapman, C. H. .. 204 2 0 Cheeseman, O. .. 141 18 0 Cheesman, R. S. .. 100 7 0 Child, E. A. .. .. 103 14 0 Church, J. C. .. 159 16 0 Clark, P. D. .. . . 263 0 0 Clarke, E. .. .. 401 16 0 Clarke, F. H. .. 131 11 0 Clarke, J. J. .. .. 188 17 0 Collins, R. T. .. 435 8 0 Colthurst, J. H. . . 209 15 0 Colville, G. .. .. 120 6 0 Commons, J. 117 2 0 Conder, H. J. . . 100 7 0 Connor, E. .. 153 18 0 Connor, J. .. 229 12 0 Coomber, W. T. .. 125 10 0 Cooney, P. .. 236 13 0 Cooper, A. .. 186 17 0 Cooper, E. J. .. 232 5 0 | Cooper, G. .. 147 7 0 Cooper, R. T. .. 192 11 0 Cooper, T. M. . . 184 8 0 Coote, W. . . .. 233 5 0 Couchman, F. W. .. 208 15 0 Cox, A. H. .. . . 131 0 0 Cragg, F. H. .. .. 116 14 0 Crawford, S. . . . . 67 3 0 Crawford, W. C. D. . . 286 16 0 Crawley, R. F. .. 212 12 0 Crisp, J. W. T. .. 166 6 0 Cronin, J. M. 113 0 0 Crosbie, 0. .. . . 42 12 0 Cross, G. E. .. . . 166 10 0 Crothers, C. S. . . 102 4 0 Culley, G. . . . . 133 9 0 Cunniffe, T. P. .. 124 18 0 Curby-Hackett, J. J. . . 195 17 0 Curie, C. C. . . . . 157 1 0 Curie, G. H. . . . . 120 10 0 Currie, J. .. .. 44 8 0 Curtavne, W... .. 94 13 0 Dalley, F. J. .. .. 136 5 0 Daly, M. . . . . 112 11 0 Daly, W. .. .. 154 3 0 Davidson, W. R. .. 512 19 0 Davis, A. 13. . . . . 143 5 0 Davis, A. L. .. .. 172 4 0 Davis, G. .. . . 142 17 0 Davis, W.J... .. 237 0 0 Davys, F. C. .. .. 152 4 0 Dawson, S. H. . . 191 15 0 Delany, F. M. . . 266 13 0 Dennehy,M. .. . . 822 17 0 de Rosa, J. .. .. 238 13 0 Devan, J. J. .. .. 189 1 0 de Vere, L. .. . . 273 2 0 Dewe, E. . . . . 118 1 0 Dews, G. .. .. 243 19 0 Diamond, W. J. .. 113 15 0 j Dick, H. . . .. 96 17 0 Dickson, R. W. J. .. 230 17 0 ; Di Rago, A. .. .. 151 16 0 | Dixon, R. C. .. .. 124 3 0

Name Annual flame - Allowance. £ 8. d. Divers, J. R. .. 146 13 0 Dobbie, R. C. .. 102 9 0 Dods, S. C. .. .. 186 13 0 Don, J. .. .. 253 7 0 Donaldson, T. .. 126 8 0 Donnelly, 0. D. .. 176 19 0 Donohue, W. .. 199 11 0 Donovan, C. A. .. 137 8 0 Doolan, J. E.. . .. 341 13 0 Dougan, W. J. K. .. 142 9 0 Dripps, J. .. .. 289 9 0 Drummond, G. .. 410 0 0 Duffm, J. H. .. .. 245 8 0 Duffin, J. L. .. . . 135 6 0 Dwyer, P. . . .. 170 16 0 Efford, W. H. . . 183 9 0 Egan, J. .. .. 195 7 0 Eimerick, C. D. .. 114 17 0 Elliot, C. B. .. .. 180 17 0 Elliott, T. H. . . 171 17 0 Emmerson, T. .. 129 3 0 Eva, N. G. .. .. 76 15 0 Ewbank, H. .. .. 146 18 0 Fastier, A. .. 283 7 0 Felton, C. C. .. . . 102 15 0 Ferguson, J. F. .. 135 1 0 Findlay, J. .. 160 3 0 Fitches, J. .. 138 19 0 Fitzgerald, J... .. 179 6 0 Fitzgerald, T. . . 155 10 0 Fletcher, P. E. . . 295 2 0 Fletcher, T. W. .. 156 10 0 Flynn, C. .. . . 40 15 0 Foote, W. J. .. .. 289 10 0 Forrest, F. D. .. 126 8 0 Foster, A. G. .. 245 9 0 Foster, E. J. .. .. 201 11 0 Foster, G. C. .. .. 198 11 0 Fowke, C. E. .. 405 6 0 Fowke, R. A. G. .. 257 14 0 Fowler, G. .. 242 5 0 Fowler, J. . . .. 373 3 0 Francis, J. J. 121 2 0 Franklin, H. W. .. 412 19 0 Eraser, D. .. .. 255 8 0 Eraser, J. G. .. .. 191 17 0 Frost, L. .. .. 117 0 0 Furlong, M. .. .. 182 2 0 Fyfe, A. C. . . .. 183 15 0 Gaftey, J. C. . . .. 165 19 0 Galvin, E. M. . . 149 7 0 Gardner, B. H. . . 132 11 0 Gardner, H. H. .. 370 18 0 Garlick, A. .. 20 12 0 Garner, G. M. . . 179 5 0 Garrick, T. .. .. 178 9 0 Gauntlett, J. B. . . 204 2 0 Gee, A. . . .. 116 3 0 Gerard, C. H. E. .. 281 0 0 Godber, A. P. . . 250 4 0 Goodman, T. D. . . 161 1 0 Gordon, J. . . 304 1 0 Gorinski, F. .. .. 144 4 0 Gosman, A. D. C. . . 168 2 0 Gough,B. .. .. 124 11 0 Gough, W. W. .. 184 17 0 Graham, J. H. .. 251 15 0 Grant, P. .. . . 84 17 0 Green, F. H. . . . . 137 8 0 Green, H. . . . . 431 14 0 Greig, G. .. .. 361 15 0 Grey, E. J. .. .. 263 1 0 Grover, E. . . 268 18 0 Guider, J. . . . . 229 8 0 Gurr, H. . . .. 281 4 0 Guthrie, G. H. .. 185 18 0 Haddrell, G. A. .. 116 6 0 Haines, C. W. G. . . 283 7 0 Hall, O. J. .. .. 137 16 0 Hall, W. GR. .. 175 17 0 Hamilton, W. . . 177 1 0 Hancox, J. C. .. 254 7 0 Handisides, T. W. . . 229 10 0 Hanrahan, W. T. .. 259 4 0 Hansen, J. G. .. 165 4 0 Harkess, W. H. . . 133 19 0 Harley, J. A. .. 131 18 0 Harman, A. E. .. 164 7 0




Life Allowances granted, Year ended 31st March, 1932—continued.

■ T Annual Allowance. £ s. d. Harmston, M. E. .. 169 8 0 Harris, N. E. .. 88 16 0 Harrison, G. H, .. 190 1 0 Harrop, C. . . 97 11 0 Hartland, P. H. .. 476 13 0 Hartley, W. . . • • 330 11 0 Hastings, D. H. .. 154 13 0 Hatcher, W. A. .. 137 10 0 Hawken, E. R. .. 167 19 0 Hay, A. .. . • 163 6 0 Hay, C. .. .. 196 11 0 Hay-Mackenzie, W. E... 443 7 0 Heavey, J. • • 120 7 0 Henderson, A. .. 250 10 0 Henderson, A. 8. .. 373 10 0 Henderson, E. W. . • 268 3 0 Henderson, H. .. 184 8 0 Henderson, J. 114 3 0 Henderson, J. W. •. 280 8 0 Hendren, T. J. .. 47 19 0 Hennessy, A. .. 130 19 0 Henry, A. .. .. 98 5 0 Heyward, J. W. • ■ 118 8 0 Hibbert, E. .. .. 18 0 0 Higgins, J. .. . • 131 6 0 Hill, P. W. .. 140 7 0 Hill, F. W. .. .. 117 12 0 Hill, T. G. .. . . 165 4 0 Hirst, J. W. .. .. 181 6 0 Hobbs, G. A. . . 188 12 0 Hobbs, W. E. . . 94 10 0 Hodge, A. J 204 17 0 Hodgson, T. .. .. 172 11 0 Hoffmann, P. A. G. .. 229 1 0 Hogg, R. W. .. • ■ 162 2 0 Hogg, W. J. .. • ■ 107 11 0 Hollier, W. E. . . 123 15 0 Hollis, C. W. .. • • 261 15 0 Hope, R 332 17 0 Horan, S. P. .. .. 100 1 0 Hosking, E. .. • ■ 117 9 0 I Hoskins, E. A. .. 159 7 0 J Housley, B. C. .. 324 13 0 Howitt, A. .. ■ - 342 14 0 Hudson, C. E. .. 167 0 0 Hudson, G. F. ■ • 119 19 0 Hughes, C. O. • • 105 9 0 Hughes, G. ■ ■ 117 8 0 Hughes, J. E. • ■ 141 7 0 Hughes, X. .. 138 3 0 Humphreys, W. . . 144 8 0 Hunt, P. E. .. ■ ■ 126 8 0 Hunt, F. N. .. • ■ 222 13 0 Hunter, E. G. • ■ 83 11 0 Hutchings, W. H. . . 164 3 0 I'Anson, J. D. .. 137 14 0 Inch, E. .. .. 209 1 0 Ingleton, E. J. • • 313 7 0 Inglis, J. T 157 9 0 Irwin, T. . . • • 157 15 0 Jackson, G. G. J. S. .■ 197 6 0 Jackson, H. L. •• 125 15 0 Jacobson, E. .. •■ 207 10 0 Jacobson, J. L. .• 126 1 0 James, E. N. .. 139 4 0 Jamieson, R. G. . ■ 205 3 0 Jarman, W. H. . ■ 278 3 0 Jenkins, R. .. . ■ 281 10 0 Jenkins, R. H. . • 192 9 0 Jenkins, T. A. .. 172 9 0 Jensen, J. P. .. • ■ 96 15 0 Johnson, R. .. • ■ 118 10 0 Johnston, E. .. •. 253 7 0 Johnston, G. . • • • 124 14 0 Johnston, T. C. •. 180 13 0 Johnston, W... • • 146 19 0 Johnstone, J. M. . • 200 5 0 Jolly, L. C. .. • ■ 243 17 0 Jones, E. .. .. 105 6 0 Jones, F. S. .. .. 35 7 0 Jones, H. E. .. .. 162 17 0 Jones, J. .. • • 101 8 0 Jordan, S. H. ■ ■ 92 19 0 Joyce, S. .. •. 123 11 0 Keat, L. 1 167 4 0 Keating, J. .. .. 131 2 0 Keegan, P. . ■ 210 11 0

J. - .. Annual Name. Allowance. £ s. d. Kelly, M. .. .. 186 17 0 Kelly, R. .. .. 117 0 0 Kennedy, J. .. .. 165 9 0 Kennedy, W. .. 139 17 0 Kent, R. S. .. .. 583 7 0 Kenyon, X). .. .. 138 16 0 Kerins, C. H. .. 210 8 0 Kerr, A. J. .. .. 119 12 0 Keys, E, I. .. 94 8 0 Keys, G. W. .. .. 194 15 0 Kilpatrick, C. .. 102 7 0 Lamb, A. .. .. 130 5 0 Lancaster, C. E. .. 223 18 0 Landells, W. T. . . 102 0 0 Larkin, H. .T. .. 295 18 0 Lash, H. J. .. .. 243 10 0 Lavin, W. T. .. 205 0 0 Lawrence, W. .. 9.5 7 0 Lawrence, W. J. .. 197 9 0 Lawrie, E. H. R. .. 126 5 0 Lawson, J. E. . . 125 1 0 Lee, A. J. .. . . 169 12 0 Lee, E. A. .. . . 158 2 0 Lewin, F. J. .. . . 175 8 0 Lewthwaite, J, J. .. 187 8 0 Lindsay, F. S. . . 188 2 0 Lister, S. .. .. 137 12 0 Livingston, H. . . 201 14 0 Lloyd, J. A. .. . . 224 4 0 Lowe, A. J. .. .. 235 2 0 Lowry, J. .. .. 175 13 0 Lundy, J. .. .. 108 6 0 Lynch, D. .. .. 231 16 0 MacGregor, R. R. .. 120 6 0 Macken, 0. A. . . 247 1 0 Maddox, R. E. . . 154 7 0 Mahoney, I). .. . . 267 15 0 Mahony, J. .. .. 250 13 0 Marchant, J. .. . . 127 4 0 Marsh, G. .. . ■ 136 16 0 I Martin, D. .. .. 191 0 0 ) Mason, G. W. ■ ■ 248 18 0 Matheson, A. .. 165 14 0 Matheson, J. L. . . 138 16 0 Max, A. J. .. . . 107 17 0 May, J. .. . . 1"59 5 0 May, W. H. .. . . 160 18 0 Mee, J. E. .. . . 185 8 0 Megson, W. A. . . 178 15 0 Mewburn, J. .. .. 149 18 0 Mewburn, P. .. . . 253 3 0 Middleton, J. J. .. 226 7 0 Miller, A. D. .. .. 260 0 0 Miller, G. S. .. .. 146 13 0 Miller, P. R. .. .. 241 16 0 Mills, H. .. .. 219 3 0 Mills, T. L. .. .. 11l 14 0 Mitchell, R. J. .. 142 3 0 Mitchell, W. H. .. 107 13 0 Moir, E. P. .. .. 452 11 0 Mole, H. P. .. .. 177 4 0 Moller, A. W. .. 201 14 0 Molloy, T. H... .. 135 1 o Moloney, D. .. .. 141 5 0 Monk, E. T. .. .. 198 10 0 Moody, G. .. .. 133 6 0 Moon, C. J. .. .. 276 14 0 Moore, D. A. .. 279 13 0 Moore, G. .. .. 169 15 0 Moore, W. .. .. 147 13 0 Morgan, G. H. W. .. 269 10 0 Morgan, R. H. .. 406 9 0 Morris, J. J, .. .. 136 5 0 Morris, W. P». .. 120 8 0 Moss, J. H. .. .. 152 16 0 Mulhane, T. .. .. 122 10 0 Mullaney, J. .. .. 117 11 0 Mullins, P.J... .. 135 7 0 Mundie, A. P. .. 175 2 0 Munn, L. .. .. 137 3 0 Munn, W. G. .. 101 14 0 Munro, D. .. .. 101 0 0 Munro, W. .. .. 167 4 0 Murphy, W. .. .. 103 1 0 Murray, J. M. .. 276 13 0 Murrow, W. S. .. 161 6 0 McAdie, R. J. .. 103 11 0

ht„„„ Annual - Allowance. £ s. d. MoAra, N. .. .. 192 12 0 Mcßeath, M. A. .. 108 8 0 McCallum, D. . . 130 18 0 McChesney, J. F. .. 261 16 0 McComish, J. D. .. 250 4 0 McCullough, J. .. 154 12 0 McDell, W. H. .. 175 7 0 McDonald, A. . . 129 18 0 McDonald, J... .. 142 11 0 McDonald, j... .. 135 8 0 McDonald, W. I. .. 62 4 0 McDougall, J. A. . ■ 135 11 0 McDufl, A. J. .. 205 14 0 McErlean, J. P. .. 89 5 0 McFarlane, W. . • 142 11 0 McFedries, J. H. . . 88 12 0 McGregor, W. . • 106 16 0 McGuire, P. .. .. 122 10 0 Mcllvride, P. J. .. 259 6 0 Mclndoe, W. J. .. 140 12 0 Mcintosh, W. .. 72 9 0 Mclntyre, D. .. 109 i) p Mclntyre, J. H. . . 103 11 *0 Mclvor, J. F... .. 170 10 0 McKay, A. .. .. 210 8 0 McKay, D. .. .. 109 8 0 McKendry, P. ■. 90 17 0 McKenzie, D. M. . . 107 14 0 McKeown, 11. .. 253 3 0 McKubre, E. S. .. 42 3 0 McLachlan, D. R. .. 142 7 0 McLean, F. A. . . 70 2 0 McLean, J. W. . ■ 105 9 0 McLeod, G. .. • ■ 155 5 0 McLeod, G. .. .. 313 7 0 McMath, H. S. . . 195 2 0 McMillan, C. .. .. 135 10 0 McMillan, T. C. .. 175 7 0 McMullen, J. .. .. 179 7 0 McNally, J. .. .. 136 16 0 McNamara, J. J. . . 223 18 0 McNaughton, H. . • 251 4 0 McPhail, C. E. .. 170 6 0 McQuillan, J... ■■ 115 8 0 Nalder, F. W. • • 185 16 0 Neil], C. H. .. . . 90 14 0 Neill, J. .. . . 129 7 0 Neilson, E, L. .. 159 9 0 Nelmes, W. W. . . 175 17 0 Nelson, A. 8... .. 85 15 0 Nelson, D. .. .. 303 14 0 Newling, W. .. .. 155 12 0 Nicholson, C. J. S. .. 100 8 0 Nicolson, W. M. . . 173 10 0 Noedl, H. C. .. .. 146 6 0 Nolan, E. W... .. 156 5 0 Nolan. M. .. .. 133 8 0 Nolan, W. P. .. 158 9 0 O'Brien, T. .. .. 151 4 0 O'Brien,T. .. .. 114 11 0 O'Brien, W. B. .. 128 18 0 O'Connell, T. .. 103 13 0 O'Connor, F. W. . . 248 14 0 O'Connor, T. A. .. 300 2 0 O'Driscoll, P. J. .. 114 0 0 O'Flaherty, J. P. .. 166 0 0 O'Hern, D. P. .. 186 7 0 O'Laughlin, G. T. C. .. 159 16 o Olds, E. T. .. .. 155 13 0 O'Leary, C. J. .. 196 19 0 Olson, C. F. .. .. 147 8 0 O'Neil, J. .. .. 173 2 0 O'Neil, P. .. .. 127 9 0 O'Neill, D. .. .. 98 8 0 O'Neill, W. T. .. 123 11 0 Orange, A. E. .. 324 7 0 Ory, J. W. .. .. 120 19 0 Otten, J. W. .. .. 132 12 0 O'Shannassy, F. J. .. 174 5 0 Packer, J. P. .. 101 12 0 Palmer, G. .. 224 13 0 Paris, F. .. .. 107 9 0 Parker, A. .. . . 157 11 0 Parsons, F. C. .. 137 18 0 Parsons, F. C. A. .. 213 4 0 Parsonson, W. E. .. 163 3 0 i Pascoe, H. W. L. .. 158 8 0


Life Allowances granted, Year ended 31st March, 1932 —continued.

„.m P Annual JName - Allowance. £ s. d. Pasley, W. 5... .. 167 15 0 Paton, G. .. .. 140 8 0 Patterson, W. P. .. 83 2 0 Paul, J. H. .. .. 110 0 0 Pawaon, W. E. .. 215 4 0 Pearoe, G. .. .. 189 13 0 Pellirig, T. H. .. 107 19 0 Penn, H. A. .. .. 521 10 0 Perrv, F. A. .. .. 222 17 0 Peterkin, E. R. .. 65 10 0 Peters, A. . . .. 157 1 0 Peters, H. C. .. 244 1 0 Peterson, J. L. .. 118 3 0 Petherbridge, A. .. 135 4 0 Pettit, C. L. .. .. 213 1 0 Phelan, J. A. .. J63 2 0 Philip, A. .. . . 184 12 0 Pickens, J.J... .. 159 17 0 Piper, A. L. .. .. 328 10 0 Pirie, F. K. .. .. 175 7 0 Pointon, R. .. .. 184 3 0 Pope, R. J. . . . . 102 17 0 Porteous, F. K. .. 434 15 0 Porteous, J. McC. . . 197 3 0 Powley, R. .. 128 0 0 Press, G. W. .. .. 182 6 0 ] Price, J. .. .. 88 0 0 Pringle, J. .. .. 313 7 0 Pullar, J. A. . . .. 134 14 0 Pullin, W. F. G. .. 333 3 0 Purcell, A. .. 176 1 0 Railton, J. W. .. 232 17 0 Rampton, C. .. .. 142 8 0 Rappe, H. G... .. 127 7 0 Read, C. T. .. .. 277 15 0 Reay, J. W. .. .. 312 1 0 Reehal, C. T. .. «118 12 0 Regan, G. .. ..11400 Regan, T. .. ..11790 Reid, E.J... .. 250 4 0 Reid, J. .. .. 364 12 0 Reid, T. M. .. .. 85 19 0 Reidy, D. B. . . . . 93 19 0 Reilly, T. . . .. 125 14 0 Rennie, W. . . .. 166 17 0 Retter, K. P. B. .. 11l 4 0 Richards, E. D. .. 333 6 0 Rickerby, J. G. .. 509 12 0 Riddock, A. J. .. 122 3 0 Rigby, E. .. .. 141 19 0 Robb, D. .. . . 155 8 0 Robb, J. .. . . 160 14 0 Robb, W. G. .. .. 167 0 0 R'obbins, J. T. .. 143 10 0 Robbins, W. .. .. 179 14 0 Roberts, E. L. . . 146 9 0 Robertson, J. R. .. 154 6 0 Robertson, R. .. 134 13 0 Robertson, T. . . 109 12 0 Robertson, W. .. 298 2 0 Robinson, H. S. .. 106 3 0 Rodger, J. .. .. 199 6 0 Roi, A. W. .. . . 161 16 0 Ronson, G. R. . . 172 12 0 Rooks, J. . . .. 135 8 0 Ross, H. K. .. . . 163 16 0 Roulston, W. R. . . 242 13 0 Rowe, J.J... .. 243 7 0 Rowland, G. . . . . 138 0 0 Rusbatch, J. . . .. 176 19 0 Ruscoe, G. W. .. 139 4 0 Rush, C. .. .. 287 16 0 Rush, P. C. . . .. 151 8 0 Rutledge, J. W. .. 246 1 0 Ryan, C. P. .. .. 308 6 0 Ryan, J. .. .. 224 4 0 Ryan, M. .. .. 99 3 0 Saggers, E. .. .. 119 8 0

D. 5 -2.

Nittip Annual ™ ame - Allowance. £ s. d. Salter, P. .. .. 129 0 0 Sampson, A. D. F. .. 459 16 0 Sargent, F. J. A. . . 198 6 0 Scadden, W. .. .. 131 14 0 Sohrader, W. H. G. . . 135 2 0 Scott, D. A. .. .. 160 18 0 Scott, M. .. .. 205 8 0 Scott, R. I). .. .. 297 10 0 Scott, W. T. .. .. 278 3 0 Scrimgeour, Ī). .. 104 11 0 Scrimgeour, D. .. 154 7 0 Scully, T. . . . . 239 1 0 Seaman, A. B. . . 248 16 0 Seaton, H. J. .. 108 7 0 Shepherd, R. G. .. 146 11 0 Shera, H. M. .. . . 289 0 0 Sherburd, E. H. 0. . . 11l 9 0 Shields, W. P. . . 91 15 0 Signal, S. .. .. 105 14 0 Simmons, W. H. . . 156 17 0 Skinner, R. S. . . 410 0 0 Sleeth, C. F. .. .. 189 18 0 Slines, P. .. .. 115 18 0 Sloan, H. . . .. 157 11 0 Sloan, P. B. .. .. 153 2 0 I Smethurst, W. . . 126 17 0 Smith, A. . . . . 138 17 0 Smith, G. G. .. .. 113 3 0 Smith, H. .. .. 68 0 0 Smith, H. .. .. 210 8 0 Smith, H. A. .. . . 109 15 0 Smith, J. .. . . 134 16 0 Smith, J. .. .. 123 3 0 Smith, J. H. M. .. 151 10 0 Smith, J. W. M. .. 232 9 0 Smith, P. .. .. 145 9 0 Smith, P. J. H. .. 151 4 0 Smith, R. .. .. 103 11 0 Smith, R. .. .. 101 11 0 Smith, R. E. .. .. 132 3 0 Smith, R. J. .. .. 132 14 0 Smith, S. C. T. J. .. 200 10 0 Smith, W. S. .. 244 11 0 Snow, T. .. 440 3 0 Spencer, A. .. .. 209 4 0 Stanley, W. S. .. 270 2 0 Stephenson, H. .. 192 3 0 Stephenson, W. L. .. 97 17 0 Sterling, H. H. ..1,447 0 0 Stevenson, W. .. 119 3 0 Stewart, A. B. .. 129 7 0 Stewart, D. C. .. 107 0 0 Stewart, J. C. .. 110 5 0 Stimpson, G. E. . . 103 9 0 Stokes, T. J. .. .. 217 16 0 Stone, J. H. . . .. 177 10 0 Stone, R. J. .. .. 205 9 0 Strawbridge, M. E. .. 133 8 0 Streeter, G. .. .. 278 15 0 Streeter, J. .. 138 18 0 Stringer, C. H. .. 194 0 0 Sturmer, F. J. .. 265 11 0 Sutherland, A. .. 109 3 0 Sutton, O. L... .. 177 13 0 Swinton, D. .. .. 143 19 0 Sword, B. R. .. .. 512 13 0 Tanner, D. .. .. 143 13 0 Tapp, F. H. .. .. 147 0 0 i Tash, C. .. .. 155 2 0 ; Taskei, J. M. .. 237 0 0 Taylor, G. E. J. .. 221 14 0 Taylor. J. W. .. 164 13 0 Taylor, P. G... .. 37117 0 Taylor, W. .. .. 145 14 0 Telfer, I). J. .. .. 141 18 0 Ternent, A. .. .. 193 1 0 Terry, F. J. .. .. 84 5 0 Thomas. Ī). .. .. 120 17 0

Name. ~i nnual Allowance. £ s. d. Thomas, J. H. . . 150 10 0 Thomas, R. J. .. 127 0 0 Thompson, A. R. .. 258 19 0 Thompson, W. G. .. 146 9 0 Thomson, A. . . .. 141 6 0 Thomson, I). .. 202 15 0 Thomson, J. ~ .. 236 1 0 Thomson, W... .. 272 10 0 Timings,T. .. .. 119 16 0 Timms, R. .. .. 110 18 0 Tomkies, E. A. . . 258 0 0 Torrance, A. .. 244 11 0 Towers, W. N". .. 124 3 0 Treneary, R. .. .. 177 5 0 Trower, A. G. .. 124 5 0 Turner, W. A. . . 180 16 0 Twohill, J. G. . . 283 1 0 Twose, S. C. . . .. 222 0 0 Urquhart, J. MoT. . . 185 9 0 Veiteh, W. J... .. 155 14 0 Virtue, C. H. .. 332 9 0 Von Sturmer, J. H. . . 232 8 0 Wakeling, W. N. .. 225 6 0 Walker, A. . . . . 130 2 0 Walker, R. A. .. 324 13 0 Wallace, J. S. .. 239 13 0 Wallstrom, A. G. .. 130 15 0 Walsh, E. J. . . .. 217 11 0 Walsh, W. P. J. .. 205 13 0 Waterhouse, W. J. T. . . 330 2 0 Watkins, S. H. .. 159 9 0 Watson, T. C. . . 185 7 0 Waugh, A. H. .. 146 15 0 Weale, ,J. P. . . .. 126 12 0 Webber, J. .. 220 15 0 Weir, M. J. R. . . 192 8 0 Wellings, W. A. .. 395 2 0 Welsh, J. . . .. 226 11 0 Wentworth, P. W. 8. .. 49 5 0 Weston, A. J. .. 112 16 0 Whelan, D. .. .. 144 2 0 Whelan, L. M. .. 162 5 0 Whitcombe, W. .. 222 15 0 White, H. .. .. 131 4 0 White, W. P.. . .. 359 11 0 Whitelaw, W. . . 120 14 0 Whyman, A. J. . . 150 15 0 Widdop, P. C. .. 800 0 0 Wilkinson, G. .. 265 10 0 Williams, A. .. .. 228 19 0 Williams, A. P. . . 159 8 0 Williams, C. E. .. 313 6 0 Williams, R. .. .. 161 18 0 Williamson, T. H. C. . . 198 4 0 Willis, H. J. .. .. 249 15 0 Wills, H. M. .. .. 187 8 0 Wilson, E. .. .. 136 13 0 Wilson, G. .. .. 253 7 0 Wilson, H. G, S. .. 95 10 0 Wilson, J. .. .. 99 19 0 Wilson, R. .. .. 129 2 0 Winter, P. E. :. .. 145 11 0 Winter, J. C. .. 248 13 0 Winton, J. .. .. 121 11 0 Witte, G. B. .. . . 33 13 0 Wolff, B. A. .. . . 262 2 0 Wood, A. .. . . 167 7 0 Wood, A. J. .. . . 176 8 0 Wood, L. W. ~ 156 5 0 Wood. W. G. . . 132 0 0 Woodbury, W. .. 260 15 0 Worner, S. .. 161 16 0 Wright, D. .. .. 133 9 0 Wright, G. W. .. 155 7 0 Wylie, H. .. .. 287 0 0 Yamm, W. J. .. 232 13 0 Yeoman, W. . . . . 181 8 0 Young, J. R. .. 158 12 0



Allowances to Widows and Children. Widows, £31 per annum ; children, £26 per annum. Alquist, A., and two children. | Kirby, A. M., and two children. Archibald, A. A. ; Lucas, A. M. Calvert, L. L., and one child. Mather, G. M„ and three children. Campbell, C. E. Matthews, B. Clark, E., and one child. Mattson, K. S. Cockburn, M., and two children. McElhinney, G., and one child. Cunneen, M. 11., and five children. McMillan, H. J., and one child. Dennehy, M. C. A. McSweeney, M. 1., and one child. Douglas, T. M. Miller, P. J., and one child. Farley, V. R., and one child. Morrissey, A. M., and three children. Gartv, M., and two children. Neill, V. M„ and three children. Gaudion, S. A„ and one child. O'Brien, M„ and two children. Geritj', N. I)., and one child. O'Neill, E. G. Glynn, H. M. Pullman, H. Grindley, \V. Scanlan, A. I. 1)., and one child. Haining, M. G. S., and one child. Sebelin, E., and two children. Halford, J. M., and four children. Sheehan, E., and three children. Hamblin, P., and two children. Spivey, H., and one child. Hamilton, J. M. Pennell, child of late H. Hancock, P., and three children. ! Taylor, M. A. Heretini, G. J., and one child. Thorburn, H. 8., and three children. Heywood, E. E., and four children. Vivian, H. A. Jamieson, I. White, K. H. Johnson, P., and one child. , Windle, 0. M., and one child. Kilpatrick, M. E., and one chiJd. Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (1,165 copies), £16 10s.

By Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 932.

Price, 6c?.]


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GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND. REPORT OF BOARD., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1932 Session I-II, D-05

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GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND. REPORT OF BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1932 Session I-II, D-05

GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND. REPORT OF BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1932 Session I-II, D-05

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