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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 13 of the Swamp Drainage Act, 1915.

Sib, — Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, Ist August, 1932. In pursuance of section 13 of the Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, I have the honour to forward the report of the Chief Drainage Engineer covering operations on lands proclaimed under the Swamp Drainage Act and amendments. I have, &c., W. Robertson, The Hon. E. A. Ransom, Minister of Lands. Under-Secretary for Lands.

REPORT BY CHIEF DRAINAGE ENGINEER. Sib, — I have the honour to submit my annual report on the areas proclaimed under the Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, and its amendments. Kaitaia Drainage Area (61,430 Acres), Mangonui County. The principal work carried out in this area during the year has been maintenance of works previously completed, while some work in connection with the school cut and Whangatane spillway has also been undertaken as detailed below. Rainfall, dec. —Rainfall and river-gauge readings have been recorded daily at Kaitaia, and schedule giving particulars obtained is given hereunder : —

I—C. 4.

Highest Rainfall for Kaitaia River Rainfall Twenty-four Hours. Gauge Readings. Month. (Inches). Wet Days. J Inches. Day. Highest. Lowest. 1931. April .. .. .. 3-79 14 1-17 19th 60-5 52-0 May .. .. .. 3-58 13 0-93 18th 58-2 52-3 June .. .. .. 5-03 22 1-03 16th 63-5 53-0 July .. .. .. 5-88 24 0-94 29th 61-5 53-8 August .. .. .. 3-08 17 0-83 23rd 60-0 53-5 September.. .. .. 3-37 20 0-65 5th 59-0 53-7 October .. .. .. 2-21 10 0-57 7th 56-5 53-2 November.. .. .. 1-32 8 0-81 22nd 55-0 52-6 December .. .. .. 3-82 8 1-39 15th 65-0 52-5 1932. January .. .. .. 2-59 6 0-85 15th 55-5 52-3 February . . . . . . 2-37 6 0-73 19th 55-0 52-3 March .. .. .. 4-39 6 2-13 22nd 59-8 52-1 41-43 154

C. —4.

The last two years have seen a period of low rainfall, and the total fall for this year was 41-43 in. Except last year, when the fall totalled 39-27 in., this is the lowest recorded for eleven years. Rain fell on 154 days, the wettest month being July, with a fall of 5-88 in., and the driest, November, with a fall of 1-32 in. The rainfall was well distributed throughout the year, so there was no overtaxing of channels, and the highest level recorded on the river at Kaitaia was 7 ft. below flood-levels recorded frequently in the past. This shows the efficiency of flood-control works recently constructed, but the result must in part be attributed to the long period of low rainfall, the state of the water-shed, and consequent low percentage of run-off from the rainfall recorded. Whangatane Spillway. —Eight swing gates were erected across this channel to connect section boundaries and road-crossings. 1 mile 15 chains of stop-bank and fillings were raised to correct subsidence, and fascines placed on 70 chains of bank at the toe where erosion was occurring or likely to occur ; 80 chains of channel was cleared by cutting raupo and other growth. This channel has carried a fair volume of water on several occasions,. but has not yet had occasion to operate at full capacity. School Cut.—Work carried out in connection with this cut consisted of preparing and sowing in grass 4 acres for a school playground, fencing same, and laying a concrete cricket-pitch. Four pumping plants previously operated from the portion of the river now diverted were rearranged and pipe-lines laid to enable water to be pumped from, the new channel. 10 chains of fencing was erected to complete fencing of the area taken for the cut. Drains.—46 miles 42 chains of drain was cleared of growth, siltage, slips, &c., and contracts let in March for clearing 52 miles of drain of which 3 miles had been completed by the end of the period. 25 chains of drain was enlarged and deepened to standard size. Stop-banks.—Thirteen miles of stop-bank was kept in repair and 53 flood-gate outlets through the banks were frequently inspected and kept in repair to ensure efficient operation. 3 miles of bank was planted in Kikuyu grass, which is proving valuable as a binding, particularly where the banks are composed of sandy or other light soil. Surveys.—The only surveys carried out in connection with drainage works were the running of levels to establish contour lines on a number of properties adjacent to the Whangatane spillway. Proposals for Ensuing Year. —Maintenance of existing drains, &c., is the only work in hand for the ensuing year. Works Expenditure.—The total expenditure for the year was £6,899 9s. 6d., day-labour accounting for £2,310 12s. Id. Rating.—Some 597 rate notices were issued for a total rate struck of £4,160 14s. lid., and £1,965 19s. lOd. was collected. Hikurangi Drainage Area (50,000 Acres), Whangarei County. Rainfall. —The rainfall through the year, though at times very heavy, has not at any time caused serious flooding of the main swamp-area. The yearly total recorded at the Apotu gauge was 54 in., for a total number of 155 days with rain, compared with 41-12 in. for the previous year. Floods. —-The maximum stage recorded at Jordan Bridge was 29-3 ft., in May. The same elevation was again reached in March, but the high stage did not remain very long on either occasion. Data. —Data has been collected of precipitation at various stations, gauging of run-off, waterstages, &c. The stage-recorders previously at the Rapids, Lewis, and Jordan, will shortly be placed at Purua, Lewis, and the Whakapara-Waiotu junction. Purua Bridge will then become the main gaugingstation. Construction Work. —Construction work with excavators and hand-dug drains, where desirable, was carried on as expeditiously as general working-conditions allowed. Excavator Work, Wairua River. Main Diversions. —The only work carried out has been in lowering the grade of the ford-crossing at the mouth of G-H diversion. Main Diversion Spillways.—No work has been carried out on same. River-improvement.—No. 14 Bucyrus and No. 3 Priestman have carried out improvements to the river by removing rock and timber bars, easing bends, and widening narrow portions from 4 m. 30 ch. to 2 m. 54 ch., and from 2 m. 28 ch. to 1 m. 50 ch. No.. 13 Bucyrus has improved the river from 9 m. 10 ch. to 9 m. 20 ch. A contractor has almost completed removal of timber from Jordan Bridge to the inlet of No. 11 diversion. Up-river Diversions. —No. 1 : This has been regraded and widened to give the capacity of the largest section of the river proper. No. 1b : Work here has been on the same scale as for No. 1. No. 2 : Further work on widening has been done by the Priestman at high-river stages.


C.— 4.

No. 3 : Further excavation has been carried out oil the papa bar at the top end, a deep cut-off drain, back-filled with stone and timber, has been constructed to deal with seepage. No. 4 : No. 3 Priestman has dredged through this and the spoil has been rehandled by No. 14 drag-line. The drag-line has also moved back the greater part of the uphill spoil-bank and constructed a deep cut-off drain to deal with seepage. No. 5 : In spite of the scooping-work done early in the year, the bottom has risen again. Work is now in hand for a deep cut-off drain to deal with seepage. No. 6 : No. 13 drag-line completed the removal of the rock at the lower end, and also constructed a deep cut-off drain behind the first 8 chains of spoil-bank. No. 7 : The only work done has been the construction of a surface catch-water drain. No. 8 : No. 13 Bucyrus completed the excavation of this long diversion. A catch-water drain has been dug behind the spoil-bank on the severance as there is a considerable soakage in this particular locality. Nos. 9-15 : No work has been carried out. Results. —The net results to-day are low summer levels of 17-2 ft. at Jordan and 16-5 ft. at Lewis, with maximum flood-levels of 29'3 ft. and 26-4 ft. respectively for the year. Hand-work. Okarika Valley Drainage.—Cleaning of the narrow lagoon in Section 13a (main arm) has been completed and a new channel to the junction of Sections 6, 13, and 11 has been dug. The branch drain has been extended to reach the road above.Section 14, and a short length, parallel to the road, constructed to give an outlet to Section 19. Maintenance. —A small drain from the Mangawhero diversion through the low country of Section 6 N.W. 2 and S.E. 2 has been cleaned. Plant and Machinery. Bucyrus Plant. —Nos. 13 and 14 excavators have been engaged as drag-lines on diversion work and river-improvement. The wear-and-tear on these machines has not been excessive, save perhaps on unavoidable travelling and on buckets in grappling with timber and rock under water. No. 12 Bucyrus. —This machine is parked at Apotu. No. 26 Dipper. —This machine is moored in the river above Jordan Bridge. No. 3 Priestman. —This machine has been wholly on river-improvement work, from 4 m. 30 ch. to the Rapids, and has experienced a hard year in grappling with massive timber and rock. Drilling and Compressor Plant. —This remains stored at Apotu. Locomotives, Trucks, &c. —These have not been used throughout the year. One locomotive has been transferred to Hauraki Plains. Truck and Cars. —One 30 cwt. truck and two cars have been in use for the year. Workshops. —These have been kept busy throughout the year, where many machine parts have been made and repaired. Other Works. Survey Work. —Levels, cross-sections, &c., have been taken as required. Relief Works. —Through the months of April and May some fourteen relief workers were engaged on the Okarika Valley drainage. Proposals for Coming Year. —Excavator work on river improvement and diversions is proposed. Hand-work will be done only for the better functioning of the river-improvements, and in cleaning existing canals and drains. Works Expenditure. —Expenditure for year totalled £9,944 19s. 9d.; day-labour, £4,739 6s. 4d. ; piecework contracts, £1,766 4s. Id. Waihi Drainage Area (20,000 Acres), Tauranga County. The drainage system of this area has reached a degree of stability where future heavy expenditure will not be necessary. Excellent results have followed the redredging of the main outfalls and the drain-improvement works completed last year. This work, assisted by the excellent seasons experienced, has hastened consolidation and stabilization, but further consolidation of the peat must be expected over the greater portion of the area, and this will make the drainage problem more difficult. All hand-drains in the area were cleaned during the year, and the repair and maintenance of flood-gates and stop-banks carried out as required. The length of hand-drains cleaned during the year was 44 miles 73 chains. A new 3 ft. Calco flood-gate was placed at the mouth of the Waerenga Drain to protect an area of low-lying lands from the influence of the tides.

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Two idle sections of land, aggregating 100 acres, were surface-sown following a fire, and resubdivided, for disposal to three adjoining owners. Drainage outlets of a total length of 87 chains and 1,914 cubic yards capacity were constructed for this area. Flax Leases.—An excellent growth of flax has been maintained over the flax-lease area east of the Wharere Canal, but unfortunately the state of the' market has been unfavourable to the recommencement of milling. Flax-culture on the smaller leases west of the Wharere Canal was not proceeded with during the year, due to the depressed state of the market. Rates.—Rates struck totalled £2,397 6s. 7d., with eighty-nine demands issued ; £229 Bs. was collected. Poukawa Drainage Area (13,567 Acres), Hawke's Bay County. In the early part of the year the levels of the swamp and outlet were re-run in order to determine the extent of the disturbance due to the Napier earthquake. This relevelling showed that the earthquake had caused a general subsidence, but in such a way that the available fall in the valley was slightly increased. The swamp area subsided somewhere between a few inches and 1 ft., whilst at the lower end near Pakipaki the subsidence was some 2 ft. or over. The main channels through the swamp were badly affected by the earthquake as the shakes caused the spoil-banks to subside, and this brought up the bottom of the channels in places as much as 6 ft. At a later date these will require redredging. The downstream outlet channel suffered slight damage only. A new control-gate was constructed to replace the temporary one that failed in 1930. The new gate is a steel-sheet-pile structure consisting of long double wings and cut-off walls with a centre passage 12 ft., with concrete floor and water cushion. The water-level of the lake and outlet and the quantity of water flowing downstream are controlled by removable weir boards. Some 124 steel-sheet piles were driven and 11 cubic yards reinforced concrete placed. Two new drains were constructed from the canal at the southern end of the swamp through the Crown land to the new Pukekura Settlement. These drains will greatly benefit the Crown and settlement land, and entailed constructing 1 mile 51 chains new drain and enlarging 75 chains old drain. Expenditure totalled £3,048 4s. sd. I have, &c., R. G. Macmorran, The Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington. Chief Drainage Engineer.



SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT. Rate Accounts fob the Year ended 31st March, 1932. Kaitaia Drainage Area. Special Rate Accounts: Capital. Rural Town Rural Town Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. 3 6 4 .. By Balance .. .. .. .. 8 9 0 Transfer to Sinking Fund .. 315 0 0 43 1 0 Rates levied .. .. .. 3,377 16 0 458 13 10 Interest charge .. .. 2,085 0 0 407 19 0 Less rebate .. .. .. 899 111 Balance .. .. .. 270 1 10 44 6 1 2,478 14 1 Penalty, 10 per cent. .. .. 194 14 1 28 3 3 £2,673 8 2 £495 6 1 £2,673 8 2 £495 6 1 General Rate Accounts : Maintenance. Rural Town Rural Town Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Subdivision. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. 15 16 9 .. By Balance .. .. .. .. 9 17 8 Cost of maintenance (less subsidy) 645 16 8 64 11 6 Rates levied (less subsidy) .. 1,111 0 1 112 611 Rates written off .. .. 0 5 7 0 0 3 Penalty, 10 per cent. .. .. 70 8 4 6 4 8 Balance .. .. .. 519 9 5 63 17 4 £1,181 8 5 £128 9 3 £1,181 8 5 £128 9 3 Note. —Gross maintenance costs (£1,459 18s. lOd.) were subsidized from Consolidated Fund by £749 10s. 6d. Waihi Drainage Area. Special Rate Accounts : Capital. Pukehina Kaikokopu Pukehina Kaikokopu Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Transfer to Sinking Pund .. 27 11 3 41 611 By Balance .. .. .. 235 1 7 412 0 Interest .. .. .. 247 89 37131 Rates levied .. .. .. 374 2 0 384 011 Rates written off .. .. .. 31 2 6 Balance .. .. .. .. 54 19 7 Balance .. .. .. 334 3 7 £609 3 7 £443 12 6 £609 3 7 £443 12 6 General Rate Accounts : Maintenance. Pukehina Kaikokopu Central Pukehina Kaikokopu Central Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. .. 408 9 2 By Balance .. .. 86 5 4 344 12 8 Cost of maintenance .. 160 19 0 398 13 4 384 13 4 Rates levied .. 370 16 5 469 16 7 709 4 7 Rates written off .. .. 73 12 8 .. Balance .. .. .. ~ 83 17 II Balance .. .. 296 2 9 342 3 3 £457 1 9 £814 9 3 £793 2; 6 £457 1 9 £814 9 3 £793 2 6 Receipts and Payments Account tor the Year ended 31st March, 1932. Receipts. Payments. To Balance —Cash in Public Account, Ist April, £ s. d. By Kaitaia Drainage Area — £ s. d. £ s. d. 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 6,337 18 1 Drainage-works, &c. .. 5,917 211 Debentures issued under Swamp Land Drainage Management and engineering Act, 1915, and Appropriation Act, 1918, expenses .. .. 804 18 0 section 46 .. .. .. .. 12,750 0 0 — 6,722 011 Rents and royalties from national-endowment Waihi Drainage Area— lands in Waihi Drainage Area .. .. 371 15 0 Drainage-works, &c. .. 1,300 7 8 Special rate for interest and sink- Management and engineering ing fund —• £ s. d. expenses .. .. 17 0 6 Waihi Drainage Area 32 11 7 1,317 8 2 Kaitaia Drainage Area .. 1,095 3 5 Poukawa Drainage Area— 1,127 15 0 Drainage-works, &c. .. 2,046 0 2 General rate for administration Management and engineering and maintenance — expenses .. .. 221 19 10 Waihi Drainage Area .. 196 16 3 2,268 0 0 Kaitaia Drainage Area .. 887 4 2 Hikurangi Drainage Area— 1,084 0 5 Drainage-works, &<c. .. 6,742 11 11 Subsidy from Consolidated Pund—Maintenance, Management and engineering Kaitaia Drainage Area .. .. .. 749 10 6 expenses .. .. 1,264 811 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 115 17 2 — 8,007 010 Interest on investments .. .. .. 436 18 8 Fuel and stores .. .. .. 2,957 511 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 7,339 7 2 Expenses, raising loans .. .. 32 7 1 Balance—Cash in Public Account .. 9,008 19 1 £30,313 2 0 £30,313 2 0



Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1932. Liabilities. Assets. Debentures issued under Swamp Kaitaia Drainage District— Land Drainage Act, 1915— £ s. d. £ s. d. Allocated cost of works on which Debentures at 4 per cent. .. 589,000 0 0 rates are levied— £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures at 4J per cent. .. 98,000 0 0 Rural subdivision .. .. 60,000 0 0 Debentures at 5£ per cent. .. 12,750 0 0 Town subdivision .. .. 8,200 0 0 Debentures at 5J per cent. .. 12,000 0 0 68,200 0 0 681,750 0 0 Excess cost of works, not reConsolidated Fund — coverable .. .. .. 152,280 15 5 Loans redeemed under Public Interest Account — Proportion Debt Repayment Act, 1925 .. 5,000 0 0 chargeable to district .. 94,359 19 6 Interest on debentures paid but 246,640 14 11 not recouped .. .. 126,938 9 8 Waihi Drainage District — Interest on temporary transfers Allocated cost of works on which from other accounts .. 2,783 19 7 rates are levied— Accumulated interest on amount Pukeliina subdivision .. 5,000 0 0 expended on Public Works Central subdivision .. 50,000 0 0 Fund .. .. .. 3,359 12 8 Kaikokopu subdivision .. 7,500 0 0 138,082 1 11 62,500 0 0 Public Works Fund—Land Improvement vote .. 4,563 19 7 Excess cost of works, not reReserve Fund —Repayment, capital coverable.. .. .. 23,800 1 9 costs — Interest Account — Proportion Kaitaia Drainage Dis- chargeable to district .. 33,064 16 5 trict — £ s. d. £ s. d. 56,864 18 2 Rural subdivision 615 0 0 Poukawa Drainage District— Town subdivision 84 1 0 Drainage-works .. .. 15,, 566 11 11 — 699 1 0 Interest Account • —■ Proportion Waihi Drainage Dis- chargeable to district .. 3,861 9 4 trict— 19,428 1 3 Pukeliina subdivi- Hikurangi Drainage District— sion .. 78 16 3 Drainage-works .. .. 228,125 10 1 Kaikokopu subdi- Interest Account — Proportion vision ..118 4 5 chargeable to district .. 73,128 5 2 • 197 0 8 301,253 15 3 896 1 8 Mangawai Drainage District— Rate Accounts— Drainage-works .. .. 1,877 15 9 Special Rate Ac- Interest Account — Proportion counts —Capital— chargeable to district .. 894 10 3 Kaitaia Drainage 2,772 6 0 District — Harihari Drainage District— Town subdivision 44 6 1 Drainage-works .. .. 4,354 15 1 Rural subdivi- Interest Account — Proportion sion .. 270 110 chargeable to district .. 1,754 3 3 314 7 11 — 6,108 18 4 Waihi Drainage District— Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 2,255 13 8 Pukehina subdivision .. 334 3 7 Wharves .. .. .. .. .. 72 19 2 — 648 11 6 Plant and machinery .. .. .. .. 38,324 16 I General Rate Ac- Loose tools .. .. .. .. .. 561 18 7 counts —Mainten- Live-stock .. .. .. .. .. 1814 ance— Fuel .. .. .. .. .. 146 3 2 Kaitaia Drainage Stores on hand .. .. .. .. 5,33825 District — £ s. d. Sundry debtors for rates— Town subdivision 63 17 4 Kaitaia Drainage District— £ s. d. Rural subdivi- Capital .. .. .. 4,232 2 8 sion ..519 9 5 Maintenance .. .. 1,828 9 6 583 6 9 6,060 12 2 Waihi Drainage Dis- Waihi Drainage District — trict— Capital . . .. .. 2,259 2 9 Pukehina subdi- Maintenance .. .. 4,641 19 9 vision .. 296 2 9 — 6,901 2 6 Kaikokopu sub- Sundry debtors — division .. 342 3 3 Rent under section 4 (2), Swamp 638 6 0 Land Drainage Amendment 1,221 12 9 Act, 1926.. .. .. 3,263 6 1 Sundry creditors — House-rent .. .. .. 19 8 4 Miscellaneous .. .. 665 19 II Law-eosts .. .. .. 16 13 0 Departmental .. .. 8 2 5 Miscellaneous .. .. 16 14 0 — 674 2 4 Departmental .. .. 5 18 11 Interest on debentures accrued but not due .. 9,638 11 4 3,322 0 4 Rents charged in advance .. .. . . 383 19 1 Rate Account — Suspense Account .. .. ... .. 060 Waihi Drainage District — Writings off in Suspense . . .. .. 329 1 4 Special Rate Account—Capital, Payments in advance— £ s. d. Kaikokopu subdivision .. 54 19 7 Rates .. .. .. 7 7 10 General Rate Account—MainRent .. .. .. 0 3 0 tenance, Central subdivision 83 17 11 7 10 10 138 17 6 : Revenue Account —Waihi Drainage District —Central ward .. .. .. 1,887 6 6 Losses in Suspense .. .. .. .. 329 1 4 Cash — £ s. d. In Public Account .. .. 9,008 19 1 In transit from Post-office .. 61 10 7 9,070 9 8 £838,195 18 4 £838,195 18 4 W. Robertson, Under-Secretary for Lands. W. E. Shaw, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Statement of Receipts and Payments, Rate Accounts, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—J. H. Fowler, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (665 copies), £9.

By Authority: W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—-1932.

Price 6d.]


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DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SWAMP DRAINAGE. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1932, TOGETHER WITH STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1932 Session I-II, C-04

Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SWAMP DRAINAGE. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1932, TOGETHER WITH STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1932 Session I-II, C-04

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SWAMP DRAINAGE. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1932, TOGETHER WITH STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1932 Session I-II, C-04

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