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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 107, Subsection (2), of the Public Revenues Act, 1926.


PAGE 20 Government Insurance Office .. .. .. •• ■■ v '• V " 92 Government Accident Insurance Office .. 24 Mines .. 24 Native Trust Office .. .. .. •• Other Securities (Department of Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity ; Internal Affairs Department; Railways Department; and Pensions Department) .. • • ■ • • • • • ♦ " Post Office .. .. ■ ■ • • • • • • • • • • " " " Public Trust Office .. .. .. •• ■■ •• " 25 State Advances Office .. .. . • • • • • • • * * *" *' State Fire Insurance .. .. •• •• •• " 34 Summary, &c. .. .. •• •• •• - • *.* *' ' *' "" ' Treasury .. •• •• - •• ••

I—B.1 —B. 10.




Particulars of Security. Amount held „ , , Amount held Purchased or „ ,, , . Amount neia as at issued Sold, renewed, as at Nature of Security. Maturity Rate of 31st March, fa Renewal. or redeemed. 31st March, J Date. Interest. i9dl * 1932. SECURITIES HELD IN RESPECT OP SAVINGS-BANK INVESTMENTS. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. % £ £ £ £ Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1896 .. 1/8/50 4 .. 175,000 .. 175 000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 .. 1/1/49 4 175 'ō00 . . 175,000 .. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901 .. 1/12/33 4 " " 104'500 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902 .. 1/12/51 4 145*200 !! " 145*200 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 .. 1/1/34 4 477*875 .! !! 477*875 1/1/49 4 12,300 .. .. 12300 » » •• 1/5/50 2,000 .. .. 2,000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 .. 1/1/49 152 700 00 " If 700 t° PuWi° W°rks and Land Settlement Act, 19° 6 .. 1/1/34 4 681 500 " 400,000 281 'ōOO Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907 .. 1/2/33 4 150,500 .. .. 150 500 i° ? U w-° Works and Land Settlement Act, WO 8 .. 1/4/49 4 50|000 30,000 53,180 26*820 Aid to 1 ublic Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 .. 1/1/49 4 149.000 .. 149 000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1912 .. 1/4/49 4 186*500 186'500 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 .. 1/11/50 4 " 1,200,000 1,250!000 !° w b / i0 Works and Land Settlement Act, 1921 .. 1/12/51 4 1,099,'670 " 330 !! 1 100'000 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 1/10/49 4| 5,800 .. .. S^SOO Appropriation Act, 1912'('irrigation and Water-supply) " 1/11/50 4* is 000 20 ' 000 •• is'onn Appropriation Act, 1918, sec. 33 (Waimarino Bush-fire 1/3/34 4 70'000 " " 70 000 Relief Account) ' '' '' ' Coal-mines Act, 1925 .. .. .. .. 1/4/34 4 97 300 7 700 so finn Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 .. .. .. 1/4/49 4 13' 000 !! ' It'000 r£f S n! ldate ,? S A ook / ct > a ' i or a '■ "• 1/2/34 4 200,000 200,000 744^700 Defence and other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 .. .. 1/2/50 4 100 000 inn AAA Deteriorated Lands Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/4/32 4 22 000 ." " 22 000 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919, see. 4 .. 1/9/31 4 !! 2 856 450 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919, sec. 4 1/9/51 90,000 .. 90,000 (Land for Settlements) " '' ' "" District Railways Purchasing Acts, 1885, 1886 .. .. 1/7/49 4 40 000 40 000 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. 1/1/34 4 1 074'100 1/1/49 4 593,900 .. .. '.593^900 ■ • ■ • 1/7/49 4 100,000 .. .. 100,000 1/10/49 4 30,800 .. .. 30,800 Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1/2/33 4' 43,820 ..' " 43*820 Dltto •' •• •• •• •• •• 1/1/49 4 - 34.000 .. .. 34,000 1/7/49 4 112,260 .. .. 112,260 Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. " 15/7/35 5 700 000 000 7on nnn 6 °° Finance Act, 1909 (Public Works) ī/11/50 4 Xooo " IS® " " •• •• 1/8/50 4 46,901 .. 46,901 Finance Act, 1915, sec. 105 (Public Works) .. .. 15/12/50 4 48 000 100 > 000 •• Finance Act, 1916, sec. 35 (War Expenses) " !! \ 110 ' 00 ° " 83 ?^ Finance Act, 1916, sec. 49 (Public Works) .. .. 1/8/33 4 950000 '' osn'nnn Finance Act, 1917, see. 77 (Aid to Public Works) .. 1/8/50 4 " " 725'000 Imance Act, 1918, sec. 10 (War Expenses) .. .. 1/4/49 4 2 006 900 W> OOO 1 7nfi'onn Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. | S 4 ' ' 28 750 ' 'Ko Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 30 (Cold Storage Advances) 1/3/34 ! 4 73 7i*7'>n Fi Settlenfent') 1918 * N °' S6C ' 31 ' DiSCharged S ° ldierS V 3 /51 3f ..' " 25,000 !25^000 Finance Act,' 1919, sec. 5 (Public Works) V lft/% • 1 gg'joo 75,00 ° " Sg'joO Finance Act, 1920, see. 15 (Public Works) ... .. 1/12/50 4 «,000 .'! Īh^OOO " .... 1/12/51 4 49,240 50,000 .. 99*240 5/10/31 4 .. 2,400 2,400 •• 5/1/32 5 .. 2.000 2,000 Finance Act' sen* 10 P^ ean !! 1/12/51 5 250,000 000 !! 450|000 Act, 1921, see. 10 (Public Works) .. .. 1/9/51 4 150,000 .. 150^000 Finance Act,*1921-22, sec. 26 (Samoan Loan) !" 1/4/34 5 15 °'° 00 -A 410 150 ' 000 4|n Finance Act, 1924, sec. 2 (Public Works) .. .. 4 " Finance Act, 1925, sec. 4 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/34 5 S'j'ooo " 3?'ooo Fishing Industry Promotion Act, 1919 .. 1/19/33 4 '" „,0 ' " '«a Forests Act, 1921-22 %% ® ;; ;; 1/8/33 4\ 123,500 .. .. 123,500 Forests Act, 1921-22 and Finance Act, 1926, sec." 6 !! 1/8/50 4| j " " Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. I 18,613,261 4,320,260 f 6,236,730 16,696,791


Public Securities held by the Post Office—continued.


Particulars of Security. Amount hold Purchased or Amount held as at iqmipd bold, renewed, as at Nature of Security. ! Maturity | Xlaterf _ 31st March, in Eenewal . or redeemed. 31st March, SECURITIES HELD IN RESPECT OF SAVINGS-BANK INVESTMENTS—continued. % £ £ £ £ Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 18,613,201 4,320,260 6,236,730 16,696,791 Held in New Zealand—continued. New Zealand Government Securities—continued. Fruit-preserving Industry Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1/4/49 4 56,850 .. .. 56 850 1917, sec. 80 General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 .. .. .. 1/.11/50 4 60,700 .. .. 60,700 Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 (Settlers) .. 1/2/34 4 51,000 .. .. 51^000 Government Railways Act, 1908, and Railways Improve- 1./1/34 4 193,600 .. .. ment Authorization Acts, 1904-7 Government Railways Act, 1908, and Finance Act, 1909 1/1/34 4 55,500 .. .. j 55,500 Government Railways Amendment Act, 1910 .. .. 1/1/34 4 162,670 .. .. 162,670 „ „ .... 1/1/49 4 3,000 .. .. 3'000 Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. 1/10/47 3| 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 1/10/48 3| 10,000 .. .. 10,000 1/4/49 3f 25,000 .. .. 25,000 1/8/33 4 201,500 .. .. 201,500 .. .. .. .. i/2/50 4 222,000 .. .. 222,000 „ .. .. .. .. 1/8/50 4 144,000 .. .. 144,000 » .. .. ■■ 1/3/51 4 24,000 .. .. 24,000 1/8/33 4| 69,500 .. .. 69,500 Housing Act, 1919, sec. 30 .. .. .. .. 1/7/49 4 345,000 .. .. 345 000 1/7/50 4 37,300 .. .. 37,'sOO » •• •• •• 1/7/49 4£ .. 3,250 .. 3,250 Housing Act, 1919, sec. 46 .. .. .. .. 1/1/49 4 3,975 .. .. 3,975 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1903, 1905, 1/1/34 4 10,000 .. .. 10 000 1907, and 1910 Ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/50 4 293,380 .. .. 293,380 1/1/34 4i .. 1,700 .. 1,700 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870.. .. 1/2/50 4 27,900 .. .. 27,900 Irrigation and Water-supply Act, 1913 .. .. 1/10/49 4 40,100 .. .. 40 100 .... 1/11/50 4 59,900 .. .. 59'900 Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914 .. .. 1/5/50 4 32,000 .. .. 32,000 Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914, and Appro- 1/5/50 4 25,000 .. .. priation Act, 1918, sec. 45 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/3/32 4 841,066 .. 841,066 1/1/34 4 1,009,160 466,500 998,835 476,825 1/1/49 4 66,000 .. 50,000 16,000 1/4/49 4 1,378,150 300,000 712,000 966,150 1/2/50 4 3,000 .. .. 3,000 1/4/33 4| 180,000 .. 180,000 30/9/33 4J 400 .. .. 400 .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/34 4J 317,275 .. 317,275 1/2/34 4J 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 1/3/34 4i 244,800 94,800 244,800 94,800 1/4/34 4| 47,100 .. .. 47,100 1/1/49 4j .. 2,750 ., 2,750 1/6/35 5 .. 9,250 .. 9,250 Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act, 1/2/50 4 400,000 .. .. 400,000 1894 Local Bodies'Loans Act, 1908 .. .. .. 1/2/50 4 1,870,000 .. .. 1,870,000 Local Bodies'Loans Act, 1908, and Government Loans to 1/9/51 4 250,225 .. .. 250,225 Local Bodies Act, 1886 Main Highways Act, 1922 .. .. .. .. 1/6/51 4 .. 100,000 .. 100,000 1/6/31 4 100,000 .. 100,000 Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905 .. .. ., 1/2/50 4 181,675 .. .. 181,675 Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905, and Amendment Act, 1/2/50 4 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 1907 Mining Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 1/5/50 4 11,500 .. .. 11,500 Mining Amendment Act, 1913, and Amendment Act, 1919 1/5/31 4 12,000 .. 12,000 1/5/50 4 1,000 13,000 1,000 13,000 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 1/4/31 4 261,000 .. 261,000 1/4/34 1 4 940,000 .. .. 940,000 1/1/49 4 35,500 .. .. 35,500 1/4/49 4 922,000 323,000 50,000 1,195,000 1/4/31 4* 12,000 .. 12,000 1/4/34 4| 50,000 86,000 50.000 86,000 Native Land Purchases Act, 1892 .. .. .. 31/10/32 4 125,000 .. .. 125,000 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917, and Discharged 15/1/33 5i 16,600 .. .. 16,600 Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Ordinary Revenue Account— 1/9/51 4 200,000 .. .. 200,000 Miscellaneous) New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Public Works Fund— 1/7/49 4 60,000 .. .. 60,000 General Purposes) Ditto. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/50. 4 200,000 .. .. 200,000 1/8/50 4 .. 10,000 .. 10,000 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 30,737,587 5,965,510 10,301,706 26,401,391


Public Securities held by the Post Office—continued.


Particulars of Security. AmowrtbeM Purchased or Sold) renewedj —"T _ ~T~Miturity 1 Kate of «st March, to Swat OTredeemed - 8l8 *$f h > Nature of Security. | Date / | interest. 1031 ' lad ' SECURITIES HELD IN RESPECT OE SAVINGS-BANK INVESTMENTS —continued. % £ £ £ £ Brought forward .. •• 30,737,587 5,965,510 10,301,706 26,401,391 Held in New Zealand —continued. New Zealand, Government, Securities —continued. .. ./.»/« 3 .. ■ .. »»*» Advances to Workers Branch .. .. ■■ 1/W« 'j «g ;; j ;• gSjg Guaranteed Mining Advances Branch .. •• 1/4/49 3J 5,000 .. j ok'aaa T anrl for Settlements Branch .. •• 1/10/48 3J 25,000 .. .. 25,000 Land tor Settlements ijrancn .. .. g | 470;0 00 .. .. 470,000 Local Authorities Branch .. .. .. 1/4/33 4J 3 3,000 .. 1/4/33 4J 5,000 .. .. 5,000 1/4/47 3| 170,000 .. .. 170,000 ]/10/47 34 425,000 .. .. 425,000 1/4/48 3|- 212,000 .. .. 212,000 1/10/48 34 390,000 .. .. 390,000 1/4/49 3J 275,000 .. ! .. 275,000 1/4/49 3J 71,000 .. i .. 71,000 1/4/49 4 9,000 .. .. 9,000 Native Land Settlement Branch .. .. •• 1/10/47 31 0 ??'2aa " " | J?'»?? 1/10/48 31 361,600 .. .. 361,600 . .. 1/4/49 3f 54,500 .. .. j 54,500 1/4/49 4 30.000 .. .. I 30,000 " .... .. 1/4/33 U 80,000 .. "I 80 ' 000 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910 Advances to Settlers Branch .. .. 1/2/34 4J 752,094 .. •• 752.Q94 Advances to Workers Branch .. .. 1/2/34 4 190,130 •• " i'lnr 1/2/34 4\ 406 5,000 .. j 5,406 Native Land Settlement Branch .. .. •• 1/4/49 3J 30,000 .. .. j ??'??? 1/4/34 4 50,000 .. •• ! 50,000 Post and Telegraph Act, 1908 1/7/49 4 .200,000 .. •• aqo'^a Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915, sec. 5 (War 1/2/34 4 -,033,750 •• j •• j -,093,750 Expenses) Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914 .. 1/2/34 4 56,200 .. | •• J .. 1/7/49 4 10,300 .. •• 10,300 " .. 1/2/50 ' 4 674,000 .. 674,000 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914, and 1/9/33 4 245,000 .. •• 245,000 Finance Act, 1926, sec. 3 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and 1/3/34 4 168,000 .. •• 168,000 amendments „„ Ditto .. .. •• •• •• •• 1/3/34 4A 37,000 .. .. 37,000 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and 1/12/50 4 24,000 .. •• 24,000 Finance Act, 1920, section 16 ■n itto . .. .. .. 1/12/51 4 63,000 .. •• 63,000 •; ;; .. .. .. .. 1/12/51 u .. 13,000 .. 13,000 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and 1/12/51 4 82,000 .. • • 82,000 Finance Act, 1921-22, sec. 23 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and 1/12/51 4 o0,000 .. •• 50,000 Finance Act, 1923, sec. 5 n , A AA , Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and 1/12/51 4 10,000 .. •• 10,000 Finance Act, 1924, sec. 5 State Advances Act, 1913 — . _ Advances to Settlers Branch .. •• •• 1/1/34 4 " " do'nnn 1/2/34 4 49,000 .. •• 49,000 1/6/51 4 73,200 .. .. 73,200 1/12/33 4J 205,000 .. .. 205,000 1/4/34 41 55,000 .. •• 55,000 1/6/51 41- 1,076,180 20,000 .. 1,096,180 Advances to Workers Branch .. •• •• 1/2/34 4 ?„'??? " " -n'rlrlri 1/6/51 4 50,000 .. .. oO,000 1/5/50 41 200,000 100,000 .. 300,000 1/8/50 41 300,000 .. 300,000 1/6/51 41 934,700 .. .. 934,700 1/9/51 4-1 1,670 .. 1,670 1/2/50 5 .. 23,340 .. 23,340 Local Authorities Branch .. .. •• •• 1/4/47 3| 230,000 .. •• "m'onn 1/6/51 41 .. 10,000 .. 10,000 Swami) Drainage 4ct 1915 •• •• 1/5/31 4 11,000 .. 11,000 bwamp Drainage Act, ig^oo 26 000 " .. .. .. 1/5/50 41 20,000 .. .. 20,000 Carried forward •• 42,022,317 6,147,850 10,612,706 37,557,461


Public Securities held by the Post Office—continued.


Particulars of Security. Amount held p..,™. Amount held as at isaSrf sold, renewed, as at Maturitv Rate of 31st March > i n Renewal or redeemed. 31st March, Nature of Security. Date. Interest. 1931 " Renewal. lg32 _ SECURITIES HELD IN" RESPECT OE SAVINGS-BANK INVESTMENTS —continued. % | £ £ £ £ Brought forward .. .. .. .. ° j 42,022,317 6,147,830 10,612,706 37,557,461 Held in New Zealand —-continued. New Zealand Government Securities —continued. Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, and Appropriation Act, 1018, 1/5/31 4 226,000 .. 226,000 sec. 46 Ditto .. .. .. •• • • 1/1/49 4 41,000 .. .. 41,000 1/5/50 4 196,000 231,000 .. 427,000 1/3/51 4 45,000 .. .. 45,000 1/5/31 4i 5,000 .. 5,000 .. .. .. 1/5/50 4i 10,000 8,000 .. 18,000 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 .. 1/8/33 4 100,000 .. .. 100,000 1/8/50 4 50,000 .. .. 50,000 Waihou and Oliinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, 1/8/50 4 129,925 .. .. 129,925 and Finance Act, 1919, sec. 6 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, 1/2/50 4 150,000 .. .. 150,000 and Finance Act, 1922, sec. 16 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, 1/2/50 4 115,000 .. .. 115,000 and Finance Act, 1924, sec. 6 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, 1/2/33 4 10,000 .. .. 10,000 . and Finance Act, 1926, sec. 7 Ditto .. .. .. .. •• •• 1/1/49 4 5,000 .. .. 5,000 1/7/49 4 5,000 .. .. 5,000 1/10/49 4 10,625 .. .. 10,625 1/3/51 4 9,375 .. .. 9.375 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 .. .. .. 1/2/34 4 .. 15,000 .. 15,000 Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908 .. 1/3/51 4 500,000 .. .. 500,000 Westport- Harbour Act, 1920, Westport Harbour Board Act, 1/1/49 4 472,250 .. 21,600 450,650 1884, and Loan Acts, 1896, 1897, 1900 Local A uthorities Securities. BOROUGHS. Devonport .. .. . ■ .. •. 31/3/37 4J 100 .. .. 100 Hamilton .. .. ■ .. .. .. .. 1/8/36 4J 3,000 .. .. 3,000 „ .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/10/47 4| 1,000 .. .. 1,000 Timaru .. .. .. .. •• 30/6/47 4 4,000 .. .. 4,000 Waihi .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/12/52 5| 12,000 .. .. ' 12,000 CITY. Wellington.. .. .. .. .. .. 31/7/31 4 (a) 100,000 .. 100,000 30/6/33 4 (b) 25,000 .. .. 25,000 31/1/51 5i .. 72,200 .. 72,200 COUNTIES. Akaroa .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/49 4| 900 .. .. 900 Waitomo .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/10/62 5J 4,850 .. .. 4,850 HARBOUR BOARDS. Auckland .. .. 10/7/37 5J 500 .. .. 500 Greymouth .. .. .. .. .. 14/7/52 4 260,000 .. .. 260,000 Patea .. .. .. .. .. .. 8/2/46 U 21,870 .. .. 21,870 8/2/49 U 5,000 .. .. 5,000 8/2/53 4|- 8,130 .. .. 8,130 Thames .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/38 4 10,000 .. .. 10,000 Wellington.. .. .. .. .. .. 28/8/46 4 38,200 .. 1,400 36,800 28/8/46 4| 21,200 .. 1,100 20,100 LAND DRAINAGE BOARD. Ellesmere .. .. .. .. .. .. 14/10/52 4 2,850 .. .. 2,850 44,621,092 6,474,050 10,967,806 40,127,336 (a) Cost price, £99,000. (#) Cost price, £24,500.


Public Securities held by the Post Office —continued.


x, , fa Amount held as at Purchased or issued Sold, renewed, or Amount held as at iaraculars 01 security. 31st March, 1931. in renewal. redeemed. 31st March, 1932. nature of Security. M Date' ty Interest Nominal. Cost. Nominal. Cost. Nominal. Cost. Nominal. Cost. SECURITIES HELD IN RESPECT OF SAVINGS-BANK INVESTMENTS—continued. SECURITIES HELD IN LONDON. I £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Canadian Stock .. .. 1/7/38 3 5,000 4,800 .. .. .. .. 5,000 4,800 1/10/47 2i 12;667 10,133 .. .. .. .. 12,667 10,133 Cape of Good Hope Consoli- 1/7/29-49 -U 200 186 .. .. .. .. 200 186 dated Stock I British Conversion Loan Stock 1944-64 5 501,455 505,530 .. .. 501,455 505,530 Egyptian Government .. 3 .. .. 59,000 47,619 .. .. 59,000 47,619 Guaranteed bonds Government Advances to 1/1/34 4 12,900 12,965 .. .. .. .. 12,900 12,965 Settlers Act, 1908 India Stock .. .. 5/10/26 2i ' 109 52 .. .. .. 109 52 5/10/26 2J .. .. 65,341 27,0-59 .. .. 65,341 27,059 5/1/31 3 11 10 .. .. .. II 10 5/10/48 3 41 35 .. .. .. 41 35 5/10/48 3 .. .. 357,766 177.971 .. .. 357.766 177,971 5/1/31 3| 217 214 .. .. .. .. 217 214 5/1/31 3-1 .. .. 114,839 66,409 .. .. 114,839 66,409 New Zealand Consolidated 1/4/45 3 2,260,495 2,244,583 .. .. .. .. 2,260,495 2,244,583 Stock ! Ditto .. .. .. 1/1/40 3£ 618,000 618,000 .. .. .. .. 618,000 618,000 South Australian Stock .. 1/9/32-42 5 1,773 1,773 .. .. .. .. 1,773 1,773 1/1/39 34 12,000 11,760 .. •• .. .. 12,000 11,760 Transvaal Government 1923-53 3 .. .. 230,000 189,085 .. .. 230,000 189,085 Guaranteed Stock Victorian Stock .. .. 1/1/29-49 3 12,380 10,709 .. .. .. .. 12,380 10,709 Total .. .. .. .. 3,437,248 3,420.750 826,946 508,143 501,455 505,530 3,762,739 3,423,363

Particulars of Security. Amount, held p„ r <>h««orl nr Amount held as at Sold, renewed, as at Mstnritv T!ate of 31st March . ™ Renewal or redeemed. 31st March, Nature of Security. | M » Merest. 1931 ' 1932 - SECURITIES HELD IN RESPECT OF POST OEFICE INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES (OLD ISSUE). 0/ £ £ £ £ Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. •. 19/5/31 5 830 .. 830 26/5/31 5 490 .. 490 19/7/31 5 530 .. 530 3/8/31 5 110 .. 110 1/10/32 4i 1,640 .. .. 1,640 1/4/36 5 5,150 .. .. 5,150 1/5/36 5 .. 1,960 .. 1,960 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) ..' .. 1/12/35 5 3,150 .. .. 3,150 Finance Act, 1924, sec. 2 (Public Works) .. .. 1/1/35 5 250 .. .. 250 .... 1/11/35 5 3,920 .. .. 3,920 Main Highways Act, 1922 .. .. .. .. 1/5/34 5 4,450 .. 3,600 850 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Ordinary Revenue Account — 1/5/34 5 900 .. 900 MiSG6llclIlG011S j New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Public Works Fund — 1/5/34 5 7,750 .. 7,750 General Purposes Account) Ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/34 5i 7,600 .. 7,600 State Advances Act, 1913— Advances to Settlers Branch .. .. .. 1/1/36 5 3,250 .. .. 3,250 Advances to Workers Branch .. .. .. 22/4/32 5 670 .. .. 670 29/4/32 5 240 .. .. 240 16/6/32 5 470 .. .. 470 28/7/32 5 750 .. .. 750 1/9/32 5 970 .. .. 970 1/4/36 5 510 .. .. 510 43,630 1,960 21,810 23,780 SECURITIES HELD IN RESPECT OF POST OFFICE INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES (NEW ISSUE). % £ £ £ - £ Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 .. 1/8/33 5 .. 11,000 .. 11,000 1/8/36 5i .. 35,350 .. 35,350 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. .. .. 1/10/32 5 32,500 .. .. 32,500 .1/11/35 5 16,500 .. .. 16,500 . . 15/8/33 5| 43,450 .. .. 43,450 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. . . 1/10/36 5 .. 58,390 .. 58,390 .. i 1/10/31 5 58,390 .. 58,390 1/10/32 5| 1.69,510 .. .. 169,510 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 320,350 104,740 58,390 366,700


Public Securities held by the Post Office—continued.


Particulars of Security. Amount held p]] I Amount held -- as at PUI £,S d Sold, renewed, as at Nature of Security. Maturity Hate of Slat March, in Eenewal . or redeemed. 31st March, J Date. Interest. Ay * lvi*. SECURITIES HELD IN RESPECT OF POST OFFICE INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES (NEW ISSUE) —continued. %> £ £ £ £ T Brought forward 0 . 320,350 104,740 58,390 366,700 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1/8/31 4| 7,000 .. 7 000 1927 (No. 2), sec. 4 Ditt0 •• •• •• •• •• 1/10/31 4J 5.000 .. 5,000 1/8/36 4i .. 7,000 7.000 1/10/36 41- .. 5,000 5,000 1/1/32 5 15,000 .. 15,000 1/8/32 5 37,800 .. .. 37,800 •• i 1/3/37 5 .. 7,900 .. 7,900 j 1/1/35 5} 15,000 .. .. 15,000 •• 1/8/35 5J 55,200 .. .. 55,200 TJ." jl'mifl "or " •' •• 1/10/35 5i 40,000 .. .. 40.000 Finance Act, 1916, sec. 35 .. .. .. ; 1/11/31 4| 13,000 .. ]3,000 1/12/31 4J 8,000 .. 8000 " 1/2/32 4J 10,000 .. 10,000 1/3/32 4J 3,000 .. 3,000 1/11/32 5 21,000 .. .. 21,000 1/12/32 5 5,000 .. .. 5,000 i 1/2/37 5 .. 3,000 .. 3,000 1/11/35 5;|- 34,400 .. .. 34,400 1/12/35 5£ 19,600 .. .. 19,600 t,. . " •" •• •• 1/2/36 5| 30,200 .. .. 30 200 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Electric-power Works) .. 1/10/32 4\ 1,700 .. I 700 1/10/32 5 !! 18' 020 „ " ■■ 15/8/33 51 31,600 .. .. 31 600 Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1924, sec. 16 .. ; 1/12/35 4} 5,700 .. 5 700 " " " j 1/12/35 5 20,400 .. ..' 20,400 1/3/37 5 .. 5,700 .. 5,700 . " " » •• 15/8/33 5| 15,000 .. . 15 000 Iorests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1926, sec. 6 .. 1/8/32 5 24,890 .. .. 24'890 " " " •• 15/8/33 5J 24,810 .. .. 24'810 T J J. a " " ' • 1/1/35 5| 20,000 .. .. 20 000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. 1/10/36 5 .. 18,950 .. 18^950 m • TT- V ax "moo " " '• 1/8/36 5J | .. 53,600 .. 53'600 Main Highways Act, 1922 .. .. .. 1/4/35 4J ! 4,250 .. 4,250 1/4/36 5" .. 17,050 . ... / 17 050 ■1/4/31 5 j 17,050 .. 17,050 " •• 1/3/37 5 .. 4,250 .. 4 250 •• 15/8/33 5| 25,000 .. .. 25,000 AT i- T 'j " ■' " ■■ 1/4/34 5| 21,550 .. .. ' 21,550 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 1/5/32 41 .. 13 350 13 350 " » ■■ ■■ 1/5/33 5 .. 7,200 .. 7,200 J/2/37 .. 13,350 .. 13,350 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Public Works Fund— 1/5/31 5* 38.200 ' 38 200 General Purposes Account) Ditto •• •• •• •• •• 1/7/31 5 21,600 .. 21,600 1/8/31 5 33,300 .. 33,300 " " " •• •• •• 1/5/34 5| 57,300 .. .. 57 300 1/7/34 5J 36,850 .. .. 36^850 1/8/34 51 70,850 .. .. 70,850 1/7/31 4| 11,150 .. 11,150 1/8/31 4J 2,000 .. 2,000 1/6/35 41 2,850 .. 2,850 1/5/36 4| .. 11,150 11,150 1/8/36 41 .. 2,000 2,000 " '• •' •' •• •• •• 1/5/36 5 .. 59,800 .. 59,800 1/8/36 5 .. 33,300 33,300 " " " •' •• •• 1/2/37 5 .. 44,450 .. 44,450 " •• '• •• •• 1/3/37 5 .. 4,850 .. 4,850 1/3/35 5J 3.1,350 .. .. 31,350 at" „ , ;• •• •• •• •• 1/6/35 5J .15,350 .. .. 15 350 JNew Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Ordinary Revenue Account— 1/8/34 51 i 13 750 1 qVcn Miscellaneous) " ! ' " " ' u Ditto 1/10/34 5i 25,000 .. .. 25,000 ci " *' *' '* *• 1/11/34 40,000 .. 40 000 State Advances Act, 1913 — U,UUU Advances to Settlers Branch .. .. .. 1/3/35 4£ 5,700 5 700 1/4/36 ō" " is'800 1/3/34 51 22,950 .. .. 22 950 \a , , ,, , '• " 1/3/36 5J 25,600 .. .. 25'600 Advances to Workers Branch .. .. .. 1/7/31 4J 5,000 .. 5,000 " •• •• •• 1/9/31 4i 5,000 .. ō'000 » ■■ ■■ 1/1/35 4J 3,750 .. .. 3.750 » •• •• 1/12/35 44 8,000 .. .. 8 000 1/2/36 4J 1,700 5,000 \ „ „ 1/2/36 4i .. 5,000 / '• 11 > 700 1/12/31 5 40,000 .. 40,000 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. | 1,495,570 462,240 I 377,290 1,490,520


Public Securities held by the Post Office —continued.


a mnntrf held , Amount held Particulars of Security. Amount neia Parc hased or gold rene wed, as at - : ī ,, s rrh ■ V/"" 1 , or redeemed. 31st March, Maturity Rate oi 31s 1Si ' m Renewal. 1982. Nature of Security. j Date. Interest. ' SECURITIES HELD IN* RESPECT OF POST OFFICE INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES (NEW ISSUE) -continued. Brought forward | •• % j 1,490,520 State Advance Act, 1913 continued. 40,870 j Advances to Workers Branch .. •• •• ' ri0 i 65,330 l/o/oi O 00,30V •• in nnn .... 1/7/32 5 10,000 .. •• 10'W 1/9/32 5 27,230 •• •• 27,23° 1/1/36 5 19,400 .. 19,400 .. j 1/2/36 5 11,250 80,870 .. 92,120 " 1/2/37 5 •• 1.8,800 •• 18,800 " 15/2/32 5J 30,000 .. 30,000 .. , .. 15/8/33 5i 225,320 .. •• 22o,320 .. .. ! 1/2/34 5i | 27,200 .. •• 27,200 ; 1/12/34 5* j 31,400 .. •• f I 1/4/35 51 . 15,000 •• >00 1/7/35 5J j 28,100 .. -8.100 1/9/35 5{ 70,000 .. •• ™,000 " .. .. 1/2/37 5i. j •• 30,000 •• 12 750 Swamp Drainage" Act, 1915, and Appropriation Act, 1918, 1/7/36 5J j ■ - 12 ' 7 ' )0 H__ sec. 46 I 2,006,670 604,660 467,560 2,143,770 SECURITIES HELD IN RESPECT OF DEPRECIATION AND OTHER RESERVE FUNDS. Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. •• y I ,/i/oo 4 197000 1. 197,000 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, | 1/2/33 ' 1927 (No. 2), sec. 4 40,410 •• 40 ' 410 Ditto .. •• •• •• 1/11/50 41 100 000 .. 50,000 50,000 Finance Act, 1909 .. .. •• •• •• (/a/qa 4! 100 000 .. •• 100,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. •• •• iJik\ 41 ' 50 000 •• 50,000 Main Highways Act, 1922 1/6/5 ** 0Q 00Q ' g 0 , 0 00 J , 4 " " " 1/4/49 4 2 100,000 .. 100,000 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. •• •• hVW 100.000 .. 100,000 " *' 1 r 300 • ■ 300 New Zealand Inscribed Stock, 1917 .. •• A inn nnn . • 100,000 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Public Works Fund-, 1/5/50 4J 100.000 .. J ■■ General Purposes Account) 60 000 60,000 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Ordinary Revenue Account 1/11/50 4* t>U,UUU Miscellaneous) . , A1 on nnn I .. 90,000 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914, and 1,9/33 4 S , • • Finance Act, 1926, sec. 3 ,/io/n a 8 nnn i •• 8,000 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1/12/51 4 8,00U , 1924, sec. 5 State Advances Act, 1913 — . A1 40 000 .. 40,000 Advances to Settlers Branch .. •• •• x/6/31 4-| 40,000 ..' 40,000 • ■ >, • • ■' * .. 11 iaq 000 i • • 100,000 Advances to Workers Branch V|A t 100 ',000 , 300,000 .. 400,000 '• 1/11/50 4j 50,000 .. •• »,000 1/6/51 4* 100,000! .. •• 100,000 " t, " " ' l/fl/fvl 4" 200 000 .. 1 200.000 Local Authorities Branch .. .. •• •• 1/6/61 , 20 000 .. 20,000 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, and Appropriation Act, 1918, 1/5/50 4 •n 8 ® 0 ' 46 .. 1/5/3-1 4 20,000 •• 20,000 .. Ditto .. •• •• •• *: i /0/00 a ah nnn .. o0,000 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, 1/2/33 4 - and Finance Act, 1926, see. 7 1,665,410 510,300 520,000 1,655,710 SUMMARY OF SECURITIES HELD BY POST OFFICE. Securities held in New Zealand on account of Savings-bank 1 Various Var. 44.102,492 6,401,850 10,865,306 39,639,036 Local-body securities held in New Zealand on account of „ „ 518,600 72,200 102,500 488,300 Savings-bank funds < j 437 248 826,946 501,455 . 3,762,739 Securities held in London on account of Savings-bank funds ,, ,, ' — , -— 7 —-— 48,058,340 7,300,996 11,469,261 43,890,075 Securities held in New Zealand on account of Post Office Various Var. 43,630 1,960 investment certificates (old issue) 2 006 670 604 660 467,560 2,143,770 Securities held in New Zealand on account of Post Office ,, „ '' ' . investment certificates (new issue) kiq 300 520,000 1,655,710 Depreciation and other reserve funds .. • • • • »» 99 ' ' ' 51,774,050 8,417,916 12,478,631 47,713,335 /



2—B. 10.


Particulars of Security. Amount held p n _.i, aaB(1 " Amount held .as at i,R,,ed Sold . renewed, as at Maturity Bate of 31st March, . 5"" " , or redeemed. 31st March, Nature of Security. Date Interest 1931 ' Renewal. 1932> ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT. Held in London. % £ £ £ £ British Conversion Loan Stock .. .-. .. 1944-64 5 .. 50,830 24,798 (a)26,032 Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3f .. 390,000 390,000 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/51 3J .. 600,000 600,000 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919, sec. 4 1/9/51 4 .. 100 100 (Land for Settlements) Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/50 4 .. 12,200 12,200 .... 1/12/51 4 .. 95,100 95,100 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/1/34 4 .. 403,835 393,800 10,035 1/4/49 4 .. 924,000 862,000 62,000 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (General Purposes Account) 1/8/50 4 .. 10,000 10,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Local Authorities Branch) .. 1/6/51 4 .. 200,000 .. 200,000 Finance Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. 1/11/50 4-Jr .. 50,000 50,000 Fishing Industry Promotion Act, 1919.. .. .. 1/12/33 4j .. 50 50 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts. 1903, 1905, 1/1/34 4J .. 1,700 1,700 1907, and 1910 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/1/34 4J .. 6,000 6,000 1./2/34 4| .. 85,000 85,000 1/3/34 4J .. 94,800 94,800 Mining Amendment Act, 1913, and Amendment Act, 1919 1/5/50 4J .. 325 325 New Zealand Loans, 1908 (Ordinary Revenue Account — 1/11/50 4i- .. 60,000 .. 60,000 Miscellaneous) 1 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 4/2/32 5 .. 1,220 1,220 Finance Act, 1921-22, sec. 26 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/34 5 .. 2,590 2,590 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/8/33 5J .. 300 200 100 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917—State Advances 1/2/36 5J .. 1,000 1,000 Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) Samoan Securities. Advances to Samoa in terms of Finance Act, 1926, sec. 4* .. Various 5J .. 19,000 19,000 3,008,050 2,649,883 (6)358,167 NAURU AND OCEAN ISLANDS ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3f .. 15,000 15,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/1/34 4J 50 .. .. 50 : j 50 |/ 15,000 15,000 50 DEPOSITS ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 .. 1/1/49 4 4,000 .. .. 4,000 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919, sec. 4 1/9/51 4 .. 400 .. 400 (Land for Settlements) [ Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 1/2/50 4 .. 1,220 .. 1,220 .... 1/12/50 4 .. 28,800 28,800 1/12/51 4 92,700 .. 92,700 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/1/34 4 .. 72,615 .. 72,615 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 and 1/2/34 4 9,870 .. .. 9,870 1910 (Workers Branch) Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902 .. 1/12/32 4J 300 .. .. 300+ Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 .. 1/1/34 4J .. 600 .. 600 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. .. .. 1/5/50 lb 8,800 .. 8,800 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919, sec. 4 1/9/31 4| 300 . . 300 (Land for Settlements) Finance Act, 1915, sec. 105 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/51 4£ 290 .. .. 290 Fishing Industry Promotion Act, 1919.. .. .. 1/12/33 4J 1,600 50 .. 1,650 Government Railways Act, 1908, and Finance Act, 1909 .. 1/2/34 4f 1,000 .. .. 1,000 Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. 1/8/33 4|- 6,500 4,500 6,900 4,100 1/8/50 ±i 6,000 .. v. 6,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/2/34 4| 6,100 .. 6,100 Mining Amendment Act, 1913, and Amendment Act, 1919 1/5/31 4i 1,425 .. 1,425 1/5/50 4| .. 1,750 .. 1,750 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 1/4/34 41 59,000 .. 31,000 28,000 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and 1/12/51 44 8,000 .. 8,000 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 16 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch).. 1/5/50 4-J 15,000 .. 15,000 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, and Appropriation Act, 1918, 1/5/50 4\ 18,000 .. 8,000 10,000 sec. 46 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, 1/8/50 4| 12,575 5,500 .. 18,075 and Finance Act, 1919, sec. 6 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. I 251,460 115,435 i 207,025 i 159,870 (a) Cost price, £26,243. (Ō) Cost price, £358,378. * No actual securities are held in respect of these advances, repayment being secured hy the terms of sec, 33 of the Samoa Act, 1921. t Nelson llifle Prize Fund Investments (£1,000) not shown in Investment Account.


Public Securities held by the Treasury—continued.


Particulars of Security. Amount held ™ Amount held , as at Sold, renewed, as at ! • Matnritv Hate nf 31st March, . tj." or redeemed. 31st March, Nature of Security. j Data. Interest 19S1 - Renewal. lg32 _ — — • — 1 : : DEPOSITS ACCOUNT—continued. % £ [ £ £ £ Brought forward .. .. .. .. .". 251,460 115,435 207,025 159,870 Held in New Zealand—continued. New Zealand Government Securities —continued. Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/7/35 5 .. 36,800 36,800 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Nauru and Ocean Islands) .. 1/12/51 5 2,750 .. 2,750 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 4/2/32 5 .. 1,220 1,220 Finance Act, 1921-22, sec. 26 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/34 5 15,000 6,590 .. 21,590 Fishing Industry Promotion Act, 1919.. .. .. 1/12/33 5 270 .. .. 270 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 .. 15/8/33 5J 500 .. .. 500 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907 .. 15/8/33 5J 5,100 .. .. 5,100 New- Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 .. 1/9/41 5J 80 .. .. (a)80 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) 1/2/36 5 J 1,650 .. .. 1,650 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) .. 15/2/37 5 J 500 .. .. 500* 277,310 160,045 247,795 189,560 Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 41 (Treasury Bills) .. 31/3/32 3f .. 8,000 8,000 31/3/32 4 .. 48,800 48,800 277,310 216,845 304,595 189,560 Fixed Deposit Receipts. Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. .. 2/8/31 2$ .. 350,000 350,000 Held in London. New Zealand Consolidated Stock .. .. .. 1/4/45 3 200 .. .. 200* 277,510 566,845 654,595 (6)189,760 PUBLIC WORKS FUND.—GENERAL PURPOSES ACCOUNT. . /y ' " 'I ~ HMK& v Held in London. ! British Conversion Loan Stock .. .. .. j 1944-64 5 .. 24,798 .. (c)24,798 Held in. New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. ., 1/1/49 3J .. 100,000 .. » 100,000 .. | 1/9/51 3J .. 125,000 .. 125,000 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3| .. 695,000 695,000 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 31 (Discharged Soldiers I 1/3/51 3§ .. 125,000 125,000 Settlement) Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. i 1/12/51 3f .. 450,000 450,000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1921 .. 1/2/50 4 .. 300 .. 300 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 .. i 1/1/34 4 1,190 .. .. 1,190 .. 1/1/49 4 .. 264 .. 264 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 .. 1/4/49 4 .. 50,000 50,000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 .. 1/1/49 4 .. 22,026 .. 22,026 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1921 .. 1/12/51 4 330 .. 330 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907 .. j 1/1/49 4 .. 22,454 .. 22,454 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1/1/49 4 .. 15,000 .. 15,000 1927 (No. 2), sec. 4 Finance Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. 1/11/50 4 .. 100,000 100,000 Finance Act, 1915, sec. 105 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/51 4 .. 100,000 100,000 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 4 .. 78,750 78,750 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 31 (Discharged Soldiers 1/3/51 4 .. 75,000 75,000 Settlement) Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/51 4 339,000 150,000 489,000 .... 1/1/49 4 .. 2,000 .. 2,000 Government Railways Act, 1908, and Railways Improve- 1/1/49 4 .. 17,954 .. 17,954 ment Authorization Acts, 1904 and 1907 Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. 1/4/49 4 .. 800 .. 800 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/1/49 4 .. 58,956 50,000 8,956 1/1/34 4 .. 500.000 431,500 68,500 1/2/50 4 .. 100,000 100,000 1/3/32 4 .. 741,066 741,066 1/3/51 4 .. 231,000 196,479 34,521 1/4/49 4 .. 200,000 100,000 100,000 Maori Land Settlement Act Amendment Act, 1907 .. 1/2/50 4 .. 50,000 50,000 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (General Purposes Account) 1/2/50 4 .. 300 .. 300 Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. 1/8/33 4£ 1,000 11,900 4,500 8,400 Housing Act, 1919, sec. 30 .. .. .. .. 1/7/49 4| 7,270 7,270 7,270 7,270 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/1/34 4$ .. 117,275 117,275 1/2/34 4} .. 50,000 50,000 1/3/34 4£ .. 84,800 84,800 „ „ .. .. .. 1/4/33 4£ .. 30,000 30,000 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Finance Act, 1915, sec. 105 (Public Works) .. .. 15/12/40 4-J 5,000 .. .. («Z)5,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Local Authorities Branch) .. 1/6/51 4J 10,000 .. 10,000 Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. 15/7/35 5 .. 107,330 107,330 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Nauru and Ocean Islands) .. 1/12/51 5 135,440 .. 134,700 740 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 499,230 | 4,444,243 4,378,000 565,473 (a) Cost price £78 8s. (b) Cost price, £189,758 8s. <c) Cost price, £25,000. (d) Cost price, £4,800. * Nelson Itifle Prize Fund Investments (£1,000) not shown in Investment Accounts.


Public Securities held by the Treasury—continued.


Particulars of Security. Amount held p 1ir r>hn<?Pfi nr Amount held 1 as at Sold > renewed, as at ,, , T, , , 31st March. . £ " " ol or redeemed. 31st March, • T , »r, Maturity Rate of i<*qi in Renewal. iqq<> Nature of Security. Date / Iuterest . 1931. M32. PUBLIC WORKS FUND.—GENERAL PURPOSES ACCOUNT—continued. 0/ o £ £ £ £ Brought forward .. .. .. .. . • 499,230 4,444,243 4,378,000 565,473 Held in New Zealand—continued. ' New Zealand Government Securities—continued. Finance Act, 1921-22, sec. 26 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/34 5 1,590 .. 1,590 Finance Act, 1925, sec. 4 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/34 5 7,000 .. 7,000 Main Highways Act, 1922 .. .. .. .. 1/5/34 5 .. 3,600 .. 3,600 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Ordinary Revenue Account 1/5/34 5 .. 900 .. 900 —Miscellaneous) New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (General Purposes Account) 1/5/34 5 .. 7,750 .. 7,750 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/8/33 5] . . 200 .. 200 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — State Advances Act, 1913 (Settlers Branch) .. .. 1/2/36 5J .. 1,000 .. 1,000 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (General Purposes Account) 1/5/34 5| .- 7,600 .. 7,600 507,820 4,465,293 4,386,590 586,523 Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 41 (Treasury Bills) .. 31/3/32 3| .. 1,435,000 1,435,000 23/8/31 4 .. 250,000 250,000 31/3/32 4 .. 1,400,000 1,400,000 Transfers to other accounts within the Public Account .. 4 .. 31,000 .. 31,000 under sec. 40 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926* Samoan Securities. Advances to Samoa in terms of Finance Act, 1926, sec. 4f Various 5] .. 19,000 .. 19,000 507,820 7,600,293 7,471,590 (a)636,523 PUBLIC WORKS FUND.—ELECTRIC SUPPLY ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. 1/10/47 3i .. 50,000 50,000 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3f .. 300,000 300,000 Finance Act, 1924, sec. 2 (Public Works) .. .. 1/7/49 4 8,320 .. 8,320 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. •• 1/1/34 4 .. 60,000 60,000 1/2/34 4J .. 10,000 10,000 Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 41 (Treasury bills) .. 31/3/32 3f .. 50,000 50,000 31/3/32 4 .. 300,000 300,000 8,320 770,000 778,320 ! , =^-11*1—1 PUBLIC WORKS FUND.—ELECTRIC SUPPLY SINKING FUND ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919, sec. 4 .. 1/9/51 4 .. 100 100 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses) .. 1/7/49 4 5,000 .. . . 5,000 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. .. .. 1/5/50 1,200 2,650 3,850 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919, sec. 4 .. 1/9/31 4J 100 .. 100 Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 .. .. . . .. 1/8/33 4J 300 .. .. 300 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/1/49 4| 300 .. .. 300 Mining Amendment Act, 1913, and Amendment Act, 1919 1/5/31 4| 200 . . 200 1/5/50 4i .. 300 300 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, and 1/8/50 4j 2,000 .. .. 2,000 Finance Act, 1919, sec. 6 Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/7/35 5 .. 25,850 25,850 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Nauru and Ocean Islands) .. 1/12/51 5 15,310 25,850 13,000 28,160 Finance Act, 1925, sec. 4 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/34 5 9,000 .. 9,000 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/8/33 5J .. 1,050 .. 1,050 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Electric-power Works) .. 15/8/33 5J 5,400 .. .. 5,400 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. .. 15/8/33 5|- 1,600 .. .. 1,600 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) 1/2/36 5J .. 17,550 .. 17,550 40,410 73,350 52,100 61,660 BANK OF NEW ZEALAND SHARES ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. Bank of New Zealand Shares. Preference A shares — 500,000 £1 .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 500,000 .. .. 500,000 Preference B shares — 625,000 £1 .. •• ■■ •• •• 625,000 .. .. (6)625,000 750,000 £1 .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 750,000 .. .. 750,000 234,375 £1 C long-term mortgage shares .. .. .. ■ • 234,375 .. .. 234,375 2,109,375 .. .. (c)2,109,375 (a) Cost price, .£636,525. (b) Cost price, £375,000. (c) Cost price, £1,859,375. * No actual securities are held in respect of these transfers, repayment being secured solely by the terms of sec. 40 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926. t No actual securities are held in respect of these advances, repayment being secured by the terms of sec. 33 of the Samoa Act, 1921.

B —10.

Public Securities held by the Treasury—continued.


Particulars of Security. Amount held „„ Amount held : as at sold, renewed, as at Matnritv i> a ,,i 31st March . ■,, i or redeemed. 31st March, Nature of Security. Date Interest 1931 ' Renewal. lg32 _ DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. % £ £ £ £ Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3j .. 46,200 46,200 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/51 4 42,800 .. 42,800 Education Purposes Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. 1/2/50 4 .. 17,041 .. 17,041 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/2/50 4 .. 9,857 .. 9,857 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 1/4/49 4 .. 50,000 50,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/2/34 4J .. 25,000 25,000 1/4/33 4J .. 150,000 150,000 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 1/4/34 4J .. 50,000 50,000 Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/7/35 5 .. 105,060 105,060 Finance Act, 1921-22, sec. 26 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/34 5 5,060 .. 5,060 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/8/33 5J 1,150 .. 1,050 100 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1924, sec. 16 .. 15/8/33 5J 600 .. .. 600 Finance Act, 1918, sec. 10 .. .. .. .. 15/8/33 5| .. 50,000 .. 50,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) 15/8/33 5J .. 7,000 5,000 2,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) 1/2/36 5J 2,500 .. .. 2,500 52,110 510,158 480,170 82,098 Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 41 (Treasury bills) .. 31/3/32 3f .. 200,000 200,000 31/3/32 4 .. 130,000 130,000 52,110 840,158 810,170 82,098 Post Office investment certificates .. .. .. Various Var. (a)48 .. 48 52,158 840,158 810,218 82,098 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT LOANS ACT 1920 DEPRECIATION FUND ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3J .. 15,000 15,000 Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 .. .. .. 1/2/34 4 .. 100,000 100,000 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919, sec. 4 1/9/51 4 .. .100 100 (Land for Settlements) Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/50 4 41,000 .. 41,000 .... 1/12/51 4 25,000 20,100 45,100 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV .. .. .. 1/7/49 4 5,000 .. 5,000 Finance Act, 1924, sec. 2 (Public Works) .. .. 1/7/49 4 .. 8,320 8,320 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —General Purposes Account 1/8/50 4 .. 10,000 10,000 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 . . . . .. 1/5/50 4J 10,000 .. 10,000 Fishing Industry Promotion Act, 1919 .. .. 1/12/33 4J 50 .. 50 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1903, 1905, 1/1/34 4J 1,700 .. 1,700 1907, and i910 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/1/34 4£ 25,850» 100,000 125,850 1/1/49 4J 3,200 .. 3,200 1/3/34 4| .. 94,800 94,800 Mining Amendment Act, 1913, and Amendment Act, 1919 1/5/31 4J 425 .. 425 1/5/50 4J . . 425 425 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 1/4/34 4|- .. 20,000 20,000 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and 1/12/51 4J 5,000 .. 5,000 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 16 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch).. 1/6/51 4J 20,000 .. 20,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) 1/5/50 4£ 60,000 .. 60,000 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, 1/8/50 4| 5,500 .. 5,500 and Finance Act, 1919, sec. 6 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1/2/33 5 600 .. 600 1927 (No. 2), sec. 4 Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/7/35 5 .. 273,920 273,920 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 5/1/32 5 2,000 .. 2,000 .... 4/2/32 5 1,220 .. 1,220 .... 5/10/31 5 2,400 .. 2,400 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Nauru and Ocean Islands) .. 1/12/51 5 87,000 .. 87,000 Finance Act, 1921-22, sec. 26 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/34 5 53,000 .. 53,000 Finance Act, 1925, sec. 4 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/34 5 4,000 .. 4,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. ., .. 1/6/35 5 12,380 .. 12,380 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —General Purposes Account 1/8/31 5 10,000 .. 10,000 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/8/33 5J 300 .. 300 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 —State Advances 1/2/36 5| .. 1,000 1,000 Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 41 (Treasury bills) .. 31/3/32 3f .. 325,000 325,000 375,625 968,665 1,344,290 Samoan Securities. Advances to Samoa under Finance Act, 1920, sec. 4 .. Various 5J 19,000 .. 19,000 394,625 968,665 1,363,290 Held in London. British Conversion Loan Stock .. .. ".. 1944-64 5 50,830 .. 50,830 445,455 968,665 1,414,120 Transfers to other accounts within the Public Account .. 4 .. 25,000 25,000 under sec. 40, Public Revenues Act, 1926* 445,455 993,665 1,439,120 (a) Cost price, £30 17s. * No actual securities are held in respect of these transfers, repayment being secured solely by the terms of sec. 40 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926.


Public Securities held by the Treasury—continued.


Particulars of Security. Amount held Amount held as at famed Sold > renewed, as at Nature of Security. | | ""Jg* in icnewa,. or redeemed. SlstMarch, GENERAL PURPOSES RELIEF ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. % £ £ £ £ New Zealand, Government Securities. Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), see. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3f .. 21,000 21,000 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. 1/10/49 4 .. 150 .. 150 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1/1/49 4 .. 4,100 .. 4,100 1927 (No. 2), sec. 4 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/51 4 500 .. 500 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917—State Advances 15/8/33 5J .. 5,000 .. 5,000 Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 41 (Treasury bills) .. 31/3/32 3f .. 10,000 10,000 500 40,250 31,500 9,250 HUNTER SOLDIERS ASSISTANCE TRUST ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), section 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3| .. 7,000 7,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/1/34 4 .. 6,185 .. 6,185 1/1/34 4\ 500 .. 500 1/1/49 4\ 3,150 .. 3,150 Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/7/35 5 .. 2,750 2,750 3,650 15,935 13,400 6,185 Transfer to other accounts within the Public Account .. 4 .. 1,000 1,000 under section 40, Public Revenues Act, 1926* 3,650 16,935 14,400 6,185 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/9/51 2 .. 25,000 25,000 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3f .. 155,000 155,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/9/51 3f .. 25,000 25,000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 .. 1/1/34 4 .. 200,000 200,000 Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 .. .. .. 1/2/34 4 .. 100,000 100,000 Finance Act, 1915, sec. 105 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/51 4 10,000 .. 10,000 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 4 .. 75,000 75,000 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/51 4 .. 100,000 100,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/3/32 4 .. 50,000 50,000 1/3/51 4 .. 10,180 .. 10,180 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch).. 1/6/51 4 92,540 .. 92,540 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 .. .. .. 1/2/34 4 66,150 .. 60,900 5,250 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 .. 1/1/34 4£ 600 .. 600 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 .. 1/1/34 4| 600 .. 600 - Fishing Industry Promotion Act, 1919 .. .. 1/12/33 4} 1,035 .. .. 1,035 Housing Act, 1919, sec. 30 .. .. .. .. 1/7/49 4\ 3,250 .. 3,250 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/1/49 4| 6,100 .. 6,100 1/1/34 4} 1,500 100,000 101,500 30/9/33 4i 400 1 .. 400 1/3/34 4i .. 50,000 50,000 Mining Amendment Act, 1913, and Amendment Act, 1919 1/5/31 4J 3,440 .. 3,440 1/5/50 4J .. 3,440 .. 3,440 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 1/4/34 4\ 7,000 .. 5,000 2,000 Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/7/35 5 .. 53,290 53,290 Finance Act, 1921-22, sec. 26 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/34 5 17,350 .. 17,350 Finance Act, 1925, see. 4 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/34 5 j 2,000 .. 2,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) 1/2/50 5 23,340 .. 23,340 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/8/33 5| 1,550 .. .. 1,550 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/3/32 5| 13,000 .. 13,000 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) 15/2/32 5| 4,200 .. 4,200 15/8/33 5i 2,400 .. .. 2,400 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) 1/2/36 5J 23,050 3,000 17,550 8,500 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) 1/2/36 5J 1,350 .. .. 1,350 280,855 949,910 1,195,060 35,705 Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 41 (Treasury bills) .. 31/3/32 3f .. 230,000 230,000 280,855 1,179,910 1,425,060 35,705 Samoan Securities. Advances to Samoa in terms of Finance Act, 1926, sec. 4f Various 5J 22,200 .. .. 22,200 303,055 1,179,910 1,425,060 57,905 * No actual securities are held in respect of these transfers, repayment being secured by the terms of sec. 40 of the Public Act, 1926. f No actual securities are held in respect of these advances, repayment being secured by the terms of sec. 33, Samoa Act, 1921.


Public Securities held by the Treasury—continued.


Particulars of Security. Amount, held purchased or c w ,, Amount held _ as at Sold > renewed, as at , r . . . 31st March, or redeemed. 31st March, „ ., Maturity Bate of ' in Renewal. 1s q 3 Nature of Security. Date. Interest. 19 " 4 LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. % £ £ Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. • ■ 1/9/51 2 .. 100,000 |2?>?°2 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/51 3f .. 100,000 100,000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907 .. 1/2/33 4 50,000 .. 50,000 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919, sec. 4 1/9/51 4 .. 150 (Land for Settlements) _ Finance Act, 1915, sec. 105 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/51 4 .. 10 2'222 100,000 .. Finance Act, 1916, sec. 35 1/12/51 4 ■■ 8,000 .. 8,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. 1/1/34 4 .. 100,000 .. 100,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch). . 1/6/51 4 100,000 .. 100,000 .. War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 1/2/34 4 .. 25,000 25,000 Discharged Soldiers Settlements Loans Act, 1919, sec. 4 1/9/31 150 .. 1^>0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. 1/1/49 4£ 50,000 .. 50,000 .. Finance Act, 1915, sec. 105 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/51 4J 20,650 .. 20,tm Government Railways Amendment Act, 1910 .. .. 1/1/34 4J 1,160 .. Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 1/8/33 .41 200 .. . . 200 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/3/34 4| .. 100,000 22'!-!!!!! State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) 1/5/50 4J 25,000 .. J-5,000 Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. • .. 15/7/35 5 .. 7o,000 75,000 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) 15/8/33 5J 800 .. «00 Finance Act, 1916, sec. 35 1/9/37 5J .. 10 000 .. 10,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) 1/2/36 5J 1,000 .. State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) 1/2/36 5J 1,000 .. 1,000 249,960 618,150 700,150 167,960 Transfer to other accounts, within the Public Account .. .. 50,000 50,000 under sec. 40, Public Revenues Act, 1926* 249,960 668,150 750,150 167,960 MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT.—REVENUE FUND. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3f .. 200,000 200,000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 .. 1/1/34 4 .. J22'222 iSS'SSS Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. •• 1/1/34 4 .. 150,000 J52'222 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch).. 1/6/51 4 100,000 .. 100,000 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909-10 1/2/34 4J 5,000 .. 5;000 (Workers Branch) Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/7/35 5 .. 15,000 lo,000 Finance Act, 1925, sec. 4 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/34 5 10,000 .. 10,000 .. 115,000 465,000 580,000 Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 41 (Treasury bills) .. 31/3/32 3f .. 50,000 50,000 115,000 515,000 630,000 MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT.—CONSTRUCTION FUND. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand, Government Securities. I Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3f .. 250,000 250,000, Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 .. 1/1/34 4 .. 50,000 50,000 | 300,000 | 300,000' - NATIVE LAND SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. \ Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3f .. '22'222 i 2!!'22! Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 .. 1/1/34 4 .. 50,000 | 50,000 ! .. 150,000 i 150,000 ====, 1 j , , , RATI .WAYS IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION ACT 1914 ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. Finance Act, 1915, sec. 105 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/51 4 100,000 100 , 000 100,000 .. 100,000 RESERVE FUND ACCOUNT. Held in London. Various Securities. . British Conversion Loan Stock 1944-64 5 1,283,385 501,455 1,600,000 (a) 284,840 Egyptian Guaranteed Bonds .. .. .. •• 1929-47 3 59,000 .. cc'o2? India Stock On or after 2* 65,341 .. 65,341 5/10/26 On or after 3 357,766 .. 357,766 5/10/48 On or after 31 153,010 .. 114,839 (b) 38,171 5/1/31 Transvaal Stock 1923-53 3 230,000 230,000 | 2,148,502 501,455 2,326,946 (c) 323,011 — (a) Cost price, £290,893. (i>) Cost price, £36,809. (c) Cost price, £327,702. * No actual securities are held in respect of these transfers, repayment being secured by the terms of see. 40 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926.


Public Securities held by the Treasury—continued.


Particulars of Security. Amount, held Puichased or Amount held - , as at issued Sold, renewed, as at Nature of Security. purity Rateof March, in aenewal . or redeemed. 31st March, STATE COAL-MINES ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. I New Zealand Government Securities. % £ £ £ £ Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2) sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3f .. 4,000 4,000 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses) .. 1/7/49 4 .. 5,000 .. 5,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/1/34 4 .. 4,000 4,000 . Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. 1/8/33 4J 39,000 ..' 5'000 34,000 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 1/4/34 4|- .. 5,000 5,000 Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/7/35 5 .. 5,000 5^000 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Nauru and Ocean Islands) .. 1/12/51 5 300 5,000 5,000 300 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— State Advances Act, 1313 (Advances to Workers Branch) 15/8/33 5J .. 5,000 5,000 39,300 33,000 33,000 39,300 STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/3/32 4 .. 50,000 50,000 Public Revenues Act, 1926, sec. 41 (Treasury bills) .. j 31/3/32 3f .. 100,000 100^000 | 150,000 150,000 SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. I | New Zealand Government Securities. Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/50 3f .. j 10,000 10,000 | 10,000 10,000 j - * ~ =| = — PUBLIC ACCOUNT CASH BALANCE INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. Fixed Deposit Receipts. Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. .. 18/5/31 3J 250,000 .. 250,000 6/6/31 3J 300,000 .. 300,000 •• 23/6/31 3} 200,000 .. 200,000 1/7/31 2f 200,000 .. 200,000 .. 16/7/31 3| 200,000 .. 200,000 23/7/31 2f 200,000 .. 200,000 1/8/31 3J 200,000 .. 200,000 1/8/31 2f 100,000 .. 100,000 17/8/31 2f 200,000 .. 200,000 24/8/31 2§ 200,000 .. 200,000 1/9/31 3J .. 250,000 250,000 7/9/31 3| .. 200,000 200,000 1/10/31 2f .. 200,000 200,000 •• 23/10/31 2f .. 200,000 200,000 1/11/31 3J .. 200,000 200,000 •• 16/11/31 2f .. 100,000 100,000 j 2,050,000 1,150,000 3,200,000 New Zealand Government Securities. Advances to Public Trustee under sec. 6 of the Finance 1/7/31 5 200,000 .. 200 000 Act, 1930 (No. 2)* Ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. 30/9/31 5 .. 200,000 200,000 • • 31/12/31 5| .. 96,500 96,500 Advance to Native Trustee under sec. 6 of the Finance 20/5/31 5f 25,000 .. 25 000 Act, 1930 (No. 2)* Ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. 30/6/31 5f 25,000 .. 25,000 31/7/31 5f .. 25,000 25,000 31/8/31 5| .. 25,000 25,000 30/9/31 5f 50.000 .. 50,000 30/9/31 5f .. 25,000 25,000 30/9/31 5f .. 25,000 25,000 31/3/32 5f- .. 100,000 100,000 •• •• 30/9/32 5f .. 92,000 .. 92,000 2,350,000 1,738,500 3,996,500 92,000 Rural Intermediate Credit Board Securities. Rural Intermediate Credit Act, 1927, sec. 20 .. .. 15/5/33 5| .. 10,000 2,500 7,500 2,350,000 1,748,500 3,999,000 99,500 Held in London. Fixed Deposit Receipts. Alexander Discount Co. .. .. .. .. 11/5/31 2| .. 20,000 20,000 7/7/31 2 .. 50,000 50,000 29/7/31 2 .. 60,000 60,000 30/7/31 2J .. 250,000 250,000 27/8/31 3i .. 500,000 500,000 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 2,350,000 2,628,500 4,879,000 1 99,500 * No actual securities are held, repayment being secured solely by the terms of the Act.


Public Securities held by the Treasury—continued.


Particulars of Security. "a?* 3 Par . cha8e , d °r Soldj renewed , —— Maturity Hate of" 31s ™' in Renewal. or redeemed. 31st Mgch, Nature of Security. Date _ Interest. PUBLIC ACCOUNT CASH BALANCE INVESTMENT ACCOUNT —continued. Brought forward % - [ 2,350,000 2,628,500 4,879,000 99,500 Held in Loudon —continued. Fixed Deposit Receipts—continued. Barclay's Bank, Ltd. .. 29/7/31 2 - .. 170,000 170,000 .. .. 30/7/31 21 .. 600,000 600,000 30/7/31 21 .. 165,000 165,000 27/8/31 3-i .. 300,000 300,000 . .. 29/8/31 31 •• 120,000 120,000 7/10/31 5 .. 25,000 25,000 " '. 15/10/31 5 .. 40,000 40,000 .. 22/10/31 5 .. 30,000 30,000 30/10/31 5 .. 145,000 145,000 11/11/31 5 . • 25,000 25,000 '' '' ,, 11/11/31 5 .. 30,000 30,000 Bank of New Zealand " 30/4/32 i\ .. ®,534 .. 458,334 Lloyds Bank, Ltd 30/6/31 1 .. 800,000 800,000 ....... 29/12/31 5 .. 275,000 275,000 .! .. 30/12/31 5 .. 1,075,000 1,075,000 .. 31/12/31 5 .. 500,000 500,000 29/1/32 5i .. 250,000 250,000 29/2/32 5| .. 150,000 150,000 29/2/32 4§ .. 20,000 20,000 " . .. .. .. .. 29/2/32 4f .. 350,000 350,000 .! .. 1/3/32 44 .. 400,000 400,000 11/3/32 4 .. 25,000 25,000 '! .. 18/3/32 4 .. 35,000 35,000 23/3/32 4 .. 25,000 25,000 31/3/32 4 .. 100,000 100,000 .. 29/4/32 4£ .. 130,000 .. 130,000 29/4/32 4J .. 156,000 .. 156,000 Midland Bank, Ltd... .. .. •• 19/2/32 4j .. ,?'?? 1/3/32 41 .. 180,000 180,000 ;; ;; .. .. 30/3/32 41 .. 100,000 100,000 30/3/32 4J .. ' 100,000 100,000 31/3/32 4i .. 150,000 150,000 .. .. 31/3/32 2f .. ' 40,000 40,000 31/3/32 4 .. 20,000 20,000 29/4/32 41 .. 130,000 .. 130,000 29/4/32 41 .. 256,000 .. 256,000 13/6/32 34 •• 200,000 .. 200,000 18/6/32 3J .. ; 800,000 .. 800,000 Vj .. .. .. 18/6/32 2£ .. 390,000 .. 390,000 National Bank of New Zealand, Ltd. .. .. .. 1/3/32 4J .. 200,000 200,000 1/3/32 4i .. 100,000 100,000 8/4/32 21 .. 20,000 .. 20,000 " .. .. .. 19/4/32 4 .. 50,000 . . 50,000 29/4/32 41 .. 100,000 .. 100,000 13/5/32 4 .. 50,000 .. 50,000 " .. .. .. 6/5/32 2J .. 20,000 1 .. 20,000 20/5/32 2J .. 20,000 .. 20,000 27/5/32 2| .. 25,000 .. 25,000 " .. .. .. 18/6/32 2£ .. 250,000 .. 250,000 18/6/32 2£ .. 50,000 .. 50,000 National Discount Co. .. .. .. .. 12/6/31 2 .. 110,000 110,000 29/7/31 2 .. 20,000 20,000 7/1/32 5§ .. 75,000 75,000 14/1/32 54 .. 200,000 200,000 21/1/32 5 .. 30,000 30,000 29/1/32 5 .. 25,000 25,000 27/2/32 5f .. 250,000 250,000 Union Discount Co. .. .. .. .. 27/4/31 2J .. 20,000 20,000 29/6/31 1 .■ 400,000 400,000 .. ! 29/7/31 2 .. 25,000 25,000 5/8/31 4 .. 25,000 25,000 12/8/31 4 .. 75,000 75,000 27/8/31 4 .. 50,000 50,000 „ . . .. .. .. 30/10/31 5J .. 130,000 130,000 .. 11/11/31 5J .. 25,000 25,000 .. 18/11/31 5| .. 30,000 30,000 .. 25/11/31 5§ ■■ 25,000 25,000 . . 30/11/31 5| • • 40,000 40,000 .. 30/11/31 5J .. 70,000 70,000 .. 30/11/31 5 ... 40,000 40,000 1/12/31 5 .. 150,000 150,000 1/12/31 5£ .. 25,000 25,000 .. 12/12/31 5 .. 80,000 80,000 .. 12/12/31 5 :. 45,000 45,000 29/1/32 5f- .. 250,000 250,000 i .. .. .. .. 12/2732 5| ■ ■ 50,000 50,000 15/2/32 5" 15,000 15,000 27/2/32 54 .. 550,000 550,000 29/2/32 5£ •• 150,000 150,000 .. I 1/3/32 4f .. 15,000 15,000 2,350,000 15,298,834 14,444,000 3,204,834


Public Securities held by the Treasury—continued.

3 —B. 10.


Particulars of Security. Amount held Amount held : as at S Sold, renewed, as at Maturitv Hate of 31st March, , , or redeemed. 31st March, Nature of Security. Date Interest 1931 - renewal. ]032^ WORKING RAILWAYS ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. Netv Zealand Government Securities. % £ £ £ £ Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 31 (Discharged Soldiers 1/3/51 3| .. 100,000 .. • 100,000 Settlement) Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907 .. 1/2/33 4 . . 50,000 .. 50,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/1/34 4 .. 100,000 50,000 50,000 1/2/50 4 .. 100,000 .. 100,000 1/4/49 4 .. 250,000 .. 250,000 Finance Act, 1909 (Public Works) .. .. .. 1/11/50 4J .. 50,000 .. 50,000 650,000 50,000 600,000 Public Revenues Act, 1926. sec. 41 (Treasury bills) .. 31/3/32 3J .. 200,000 200,000 31/3/32 4 .. 100,000 100,000 950,000 350,000 600,000 Sick Benefit Fund (Amount invested with Pxiblic Trustee) .. .. 9,185 4,995 .. 14,180 9,185 954,995 350,000 614,180 SECURITIES NOT INCLUDED IN INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS.—MISCELLANEOUS. Held in New Zealand. Local Authorities Securities. Hutt Road Act, 1915 — Boroughs— Eastbourne .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 300 .. .. 300 Lower Hutt .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 8,400 .. .. 8,400 Miramar .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 150 .. .. 150 Onslow .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 3,600 .. .. 3,600 Petone .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 10,800 .. .. 10,800 City of Wellington .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 22,800 .. .. 22,800 Counties—■ Hutt .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 4,800 .. .. 4,800 Makara .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 7,200 .. .. 7,200 Town Boards — Johnsonville .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 1,200 .. .. 1,200 Upper Hutt .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 750 .. .. 750 60,000 .. .. 60,000 Other Securities. Kaikoura County Council debentures .. .. .. Various 6 1,225 .. 175 1,050 Foxton Borough Council debentures .. .. .. ,, 6 650 .. 100 550 Mortgages .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 958 .. 37 921 Fixed-deposit receipts .. .. .. .. 2/4/31 4 100 .. 100 3/4/31 4| 100 .. 100 10/4/31 4 100 .. 100 23/4/31 4 100 .. 100 27/4/31 4| 650 .. 650 30/4/31 4J 100 .. 100 8/5/31 4J 200 . . 200 10/5/31 4 500 .. 500 17/5/31 4 200 .. 200 24/5/31 4 250 .. 250 25/5/31 4i 100 .. 100 31/5/31 4 100 .. 100 22/7/31 41 208 .. 208 26/7/31 4-i 20 .. 20 27/7/31 4i 175 .. 175 28/7/31 4J 75 75 29/7/31 4j- 30 .. 30 1/8/31 4i 35 .. 35 9/8/31 4| 405 .. 405 8/8/31 4J 10 .. 10 14/8/31 4! 10 .. 10 15/8/31 4-i 10 .. 10 16/8/31 4£ 40 .. 40 28/8/31 4J 130 .. 130 6/9/31 4} 375 .. 375 16/9/31 4£ 25 25 18/9/31 4 100 .. 100 30/9/31 3J .. 741 741 9/10/31 4 150 .. 150 .. 18/10/31 4 100 .. 100 „ .. .. .. .. 9/11/31 34 .. 422 422 .. 13/11/31 4 .. 500 500 .. 14/11/31 4 .. 200 200 .. 15/11/31 4J 200 .. 200 Carried forward .. .. .. .. ' .. 67,431 1,863 6,773 62,521


Public Securities held by the Treasury—continued.


Particulars oi Security. Amount held purchased or . , Amount held . L as at Sold, renewed, as at *r * I>„t f 31st March, or redeemed. 31st March, , T , » ~ Maturity Rate of 1ftQ i m Kenewai. iaoo Nature of Security. Date / Interest . 1931. INSECURITIES NOT INCLUDED IN INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS.—MISCELLANEOUS—continued. % £ £ £ £ Brought forward .. .. .. .. 67,431 1,863 6.773 62,521 Held in New Zealand—continued. Other Securities—continued. Fixed-deposit receipts .. .. .. .. 10/12/31 4J 100 .. 100 .. 23/12/31 4i 140 .. 140 .. 29/12/31 4i 15 .. 15 .. 30/12/31 4| 100 .. 100 .. 31/12/31 3i .. 692 692 .. 31/12/31 3f " 50 50 9/1/32 3* 30 30 18/1/32 31 .. 100 100 ), .. .. .. .. 18/1/32 4J 500 .. 500 .. 1/2/32 4J 20 .. 20 1/2/32 5 1,565 .. 1,565 .. .. .. .. 2/2/32 4J 10 .. 10 3/2/32 5 35 35 4/2/32 5 30 30 5/2/32 5 70 .. 70 6/2/32 5 10 10 7/2/32 5 250 .. 250 9/2/32 4J 25 25 14/2/32 5 250 .. 250 15/2/32 4| 35 .. 35 15/2/32 5 630 .. 630 17/2/32 5 135 .. 135 18/2/32 4J- 500 .. 500 18/2/32 5 100 .. 100 24/2/32 5 30 .. 30 26/2/32 5 250 .. 250 27/2/32 5 100 .. 100 .. .. .. 29/2/32 4i 100 .. 100 2/3/32 4J ■ 250 .. 250 4/3/32 5 100 .. 100 6/3/32 5 25 .. 25 13/3/32 5 10 10 18/3/32 4 .. 100 100 5/4/32 5 35 .. 35 8/4/32 5 15 .. 15 11/4/32 3| .. 200 .. 200 22/5/32 5 15 .. 15 18/6/32 3| .. 10 .. 10 31/3/32 3J .. 51 51 17/5/32 3f .. 100 .. 100 .. 28/7/32 3f .. 123 .. 123 25/6/32 4 .. 35 .. 35 .. .. 6/7/32 4| .. 250 .. 250 22/7/32 4J • .. 217 .. 217 27/7/32 4 .. 25 25 29/7/32 4{- .. 10 10 .. .. .. 3/8/32 4 .. 50 50 ,. .. .. .. .. 4/8/32 - 4 .. 50 .. 50 .. „ .. .. .. .. 6/8/32 4 40 40 .... .. .. 7/8/32 4 .. 50 50 8/8/32 4 .. 10 10 ., .. .. .. .. 9/8/32 3J .. 426 .. 426 14/8/32 4 . 10 10 28/8/32 4 .. 130 .. 130 31/8/32 3|- .. 5 5 7/9/32 4 .. 10 10 .. 11/10/32 3| .. 225 .. 225 5/11/32 5 20 .. 20 1/12/32 4 .. 5 5 18/1/33 4 .. 500 .. 500 .... .. .. 4/2/33 5 5 .. 5 18/2/33 4 .. 500 .. 500 2/3/33 4 .. 250 .. 250 28/3/33 5 5 .. 5 22/6/33 5 5 5 27/6/33 5 .. 15 15 27/6/33 5 .. 5 5 7/7/33 5 .. 5 5 8/7/33 5 .. 15 .. 15 21/7/33 4 .. 100 .. 100 28/7/33 5 .. 5 5 4/8/33 4i .. 5 5 .. .. .. . . 4/8/33 4J. .. 5 ..- 5 „ .. .. .. .. 18/8/33 45- I .. 15 .. 15 28/8/33 4* ! .. 15 .. 15 17/9/33 44 j 5 5 26/9/33 4-3- .. 10 .. 10 7/12/33 4J ... 10 .. 10 9/2/34 4| .. 50 50 Receiver-General, Post Office Savings-bank . . .. . . 4 1,024 .. 1,024 73,935 6,382 14,205 66,112




Amount held as at 31st Amount held Purchased or a n i f i rPT1 p W p f i Amount held March, 1932. Name of Investment Account. at 31st March, issued in redeemed ' 31st March, 1931. Renewal. * -932. In New lnTo ndnn Zealand. ln London - £ £ £ £ £ £ Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. .. 3,008,050 2,649,883 (a)358,167 332,135 26,032 Nauru and Ocean Island Account .. .. .. 50 15,000 15,000 50 50 Deposits Account .. .. .. .. 277,510 566,845 654,595 (6)189,760 189,560 200 Public Works Fund —- General Purposes Account .. .. .. 507,820 7,600,293 7,471,590 (c)636,523 611,725 24,798 Electric-supply Account .. .. .. 8,320 770,000 778,320 Electric-supply Sinking Fund Account .. .. 40,410 73,350 52,100 61,660 61,660 Bank of New Zealand Shares Account .. .. 2,109,375 .. .. (<2)2,109,375 2,109,375 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. 52,158 840,158 810,218 82,098 82,098 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act 1920 —De- 445,455 993,665 1,439,120 preciation Fund Account General Purposes Relief Account .. .. .. 500 40,250 31,500 9,250 9,250 Hunter Soldiers Assistance Trust Account .. .. 3,650 16,935 14,400 6,185 6,185 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. 303,055 1,179,910 1,425,060 57,905 57,905 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. 249,960 668,150 750,150 167,960 167,960 Main Highwavs Account — Revenue Fund .. .. -• • • 115,000 515,000 630,000 Construction Fund .. .. .. .. • • 300,000 300,000 .. Native Land Settlement Account .. .. .. 150,000 .150,000 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account 100,000 .. 100,000 .. .. Reserve Fund Account .. .. .. .. 2,148,502 501,455 2,326,946 (e)323,011 .. 323,011 State Coal-mines Account.. .. .. .. 39,300 33,000 33,000 39,300 39,300 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. 150,000 150,000 Swamp Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. 10,000 10,000 .. .. •• Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account .. 2,350,000 15,298,834 14,444,000 3,204,834 99,500 3,10o,334 Working Railways Account .. .. .. 9,185 954,995 350,000 614,180 614,180 8,760,250 33,685,890 34,585,882 7,860,258 4,380,883 3,479,375 Miscellaneous securities —not included in investment 73,935 6,382 14,205 66,112 66,112 accounts 8,834,185 33,692,272 34,600,087 7,926,370 4,446,995 3,479,375 (a) Cost price, £358,378. (6) Cost price, £189,758 8s. (c) Cost price, £636,525. (<!). Cost price, £1,859,875. («) Cost price, £327,702.




Particulars of Security. Amount held Pnrohaqprl nr Amount held ______ as at i.offp?. Sold, renewed, as at -o . 31st March. • ior redeemed. 31st March, „ , . a . ., Maturity Hate of 1oqi ' in Renewal. 1Q „ 9 » Nature of Security. Date. Interest. 193L 1932 * Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. % £ £ £ £ Finance Act, 1915,sec. 105 .. .. .. .. 15/12/40 4£ 40,000 .. .. 40,000 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1921 .. 13/8/33 5£ 150,000 .. . • 150,000 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 .. 15/1/33 5| 110,000 .. .. 110,000 Finance Act, 1916, sec. 35 .. .. .. .. 1/2/36 5J 40,000 .. .. 40,000 1/8/31 6 55,000 .. 55,000 .. 1/9/37 5 .. 55,000 .. 55,000 .. 15/11/38 4J 200,000 .. .. 200.000 Finance Act, 1918, sec. 10 .. .. .. 15/8/33 5J- 50,000 .. •• 50,000 20/4/39 i] 232,670 .. .. 232.670 .. 15/11/38 4i 290,000 .. .. 290,000 Finance Act, 1919, sec. 5 .. .. .. 15/2/37 5£ 50,000 .. .. 50,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) 1/2/36 5| 35,000 .. .. 35,000 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Public Works Fund— 15/2/37 5| 25,000 .. .. 25,000 General Purposes Account) War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 .. .. .. 15/11/38 4', 293,790 .. 2,000 291,790 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/9/51 3§ .. 40,000 25,000 15,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 (Treasury Bill) .. 14/3/33 4 .. 25,000 .. 25,000 Rural Advances Bonds. Rural Advances Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. 15/9/47 5 90,000 .. •• 90,000 Local Authorities Securities. BOEOUGHS. Birkenhead 31/7/51 5 2,855 .. ., 2,855 Cambridge 1/6/62 6 5,000 .. .. 5,000* 1/12/62 6 33,000 .. .. 33.000* Feilding .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/7/36 6 7,200 .. .. 7,200f Geraldine .. .. .. •• .. .. 1/4/33 4J 2,000 .. .. 2,000 Bastings .. .. 1/8/37 4J 20,000 .. .. 20,000 Hawera .. .. 10/2/45 5i 1,911 .. 93 1,818 Kaiapoi 27/1/42 4| 3.500 .. .. 3,500 Lower Hutt .. 1/6/31 4£ 9,500 .. 9,500 1/6/52 6 .. 7.250 88 7,162 Mount Eden .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/52 5£ 8,354 .. 219 8,135 Opotiki .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/43 6 2,564 .. 151 2,413 Parnell .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/8/32 6 6,936 7 .. 6,943 Petone .. .. .. .. .. .. 21/2/48 4f 6,000 .. .. 6,000 21/2/41 5J 1,500 .. .. 1,500 Pukekohe .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/6/49 6 4,336 .. 133 4,203 1/1/58 5| 5,352 .. 90 5,262 1/10/58 6 4,573 .. 65 4,508 Queenstown .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/34 5 1,300 .. 1,300 1/11/61 6 3,799 .. 44 3,755 Stratford .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/12/66 6 10,957 .. 90 10,867 Sydenham .. .. .. .. .. 25/9/35 5 25,000 .. .. 25,000 faihape .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/32 4J 6,000 .. 2,800 3,200 Tauranga .. .. .. .. -. .. 8/9/45 6 5,316 .. 239 5,077 1/6/60 6 .. 720 .. 720 Thames .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/59 6 4,573 .. 65 4,508 Upper Hutt .. .. .. .. .. 1/6/49 6 9,855 .. 302 9,553 1/6/64 6 5,773 .. 56 5,717 Whakatane .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/38 6 5,300 .. .. 5,300 Waipukurau .. .. .. .. .. 1/8/62 6 2,500 .. •• 2,500* CITIES. Nelson .. .. .. .. .. .. 21/3/33 4J 15,000 .. .. 15,000 Wellington.. .. .. .. .. .. 31/12/32 4J 8,400 .. .. 8,400 .. 20/12/39 5J 38,000 .. .. 38,000 COUNTIES. Dannevirke .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/38 6 12,000 .. .. 12,000* Egmont .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/12/63 6 1,000 .. .. 1,000* Featherston .. .. .. .. .. 31/7/51 5 1,969 .. .. 1,969 Hutt .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/7/63 6 43,431 .. 454 42,977 Horowhenua .. .. .. .. .. 1/9/62 6 18,000 .. .. 18,000* Inglewood .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/43 6 1,539 .. 91 1,448 Mangonui .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/7/59 6 4,144 .. 57 4,087 Opotiki .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/43 6 4,396 .. 259 4,137 Pahiatua .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/55 6 .. 2,900 29 2,871 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 2,014,293 130,877 96,825 2,048,345 * A sinking-fund policy for repayment of the loan at maturity is in existence. t sinking-fund polioy for repayment of part of the loan at matxirity is in existence.


Securities held by the New Zealand Government Insurance Office —continued.


Particulars of Security. Amount held p lir r.hnar.ri nr Amount held as at iSSprf Sold < renewed, as at Maturity llate of 31st March, j n Renewal or redeemed. 31st March, Nature of Security. Date Interest. 193 L 1932. - - j % £ £ £ £ Brought forward .. .. .. .. ° 2,014,293 130,877 96,825 2,048,345 Held in New Zealand —continued. Local Authorities Securities —continued. counties —continued. Pahiatua .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/12/54 6 600 6 594 Rangitikei .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/51 6 2,500 .. 554 1.946 Stratford .. .. .. .. .. .. 31/3/51 6 2,100 .. 28 2,072 Tauranga .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/8/45 6 3,334 4,400 347 7,387 Waiapu .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/7/51 6 .. 1,500 20 1,480 Waipa .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/8/50 6 4,638 .. 131 4,507 1/8/51 6 470 6 464 Waipawa .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/6/62 6 10,000 .. .. 10,000* Wairarapa South .. .. .. .. .. 31/7/51 5 1,969 .. .. 1,969 Waitomo .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/12/60 6 3,800 .. .. 3,800 TOWN BOARDS. Ellerslie .. .. .. .. .. .. 31/10/33 5 1,000 .. .. 1,000 1/6/34 5 14,500 .. .. 14,500 Havelock 1/11/43 6 I 2,410 .. 127 2,283 Kaponga .. .. .. .. .. .. 20/6/61 6 944 .. 11 933 Manaia .. .. .. .. .. .. 15/8/31 5J 1,500 .. 1,500 Mangaweka .. .. .. .. .. 1/8/54 5 2,250 .. .. 2,250 Ngaruawahia .. .. .. .. .. 1/12/52 5j : 2,750 .. .. 2,750 Papakura .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/12/56 5J 2,000 .. .. 2,000 Tuakau .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/58 5J 669 .. 11 658 Waverley .. .. .. .. .. .. 25/4/47 5 750 .. .. 750 ROAD BOARDS. Mangere .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/50 5 15,000 .. .. 15,000 1/6/51 5| 3,500 .. .. 3,500 30/6/54 5J 3,300 .. .. 3,300 HARBOUR BOARDS. Wellington.. .. .. .. .. .. 28/8/46 4J 26,800 .. 600 26,200 • DRAINAGE BOARDS. Buckley .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/39 5 600 .. .. 600 Taieri .. .. .. .. .. .. 31/7/51 5 1,144 34 1,110 ELEOTRIC-POWER BOARDS. Central Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. 31/3/61 6 46,938 .. 584 46,354 1/3/62 6 37,991 .. 440 37,551 Horowhenua .. .. .. .. .. 31/8/61 6 37,774 .. 454 37,320 31/5/62 6 38,202 .. 428 37,774 31/8/62 6 20,000 .. .. 20,000* 28/2/67 6 9,941 5,000 123 14,818 Hutt Valley .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/62 6 18,996 .. 221 18,775 ,, .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/62 6 28,652 .. 321 28,331 1/7/62 6 50,000 .. .. 50,000* 1/11/62 6 4,000 .. .. 4,000* 1/2/63 6 20,000 .. .. 20.000* Otago Central .. .. .. 1/12/62 6 10,000 .. .. 10,000* South Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. 15/9/54 6 9,813 .. 198 9,615 15/9/55 6 3,500 .. 65 3,435 Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. .. 28/9/60 6 46,651 .. 602 46,049 1/10/61 6 47,489 .. 551 46,938 1/10/62 6 35,000 .. .. 35,000* Tararua .. .. .. .. .. .. 31/3/57 6 25,000 .. .. 25,000 1/2/59 6 15,000 .. .. 15,000 Wairarapa .. .. .. .. .. 30/4/61 6 96,589 .. 1,160 95,429 1/8/62 6 10,000 .. .. 10,000* .. 31/12/61 6 15,197 .. 177 15,020 Wairoa .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/9/61 6 4,722 .. 57 4,665 1/12/62 6 15,000 .. .. 15,000* Wanganui-Rangitikei .. .. .. .. 1/5/61 6 47,218 .. 567 46,651 1/1/62 6 23,745 .. 276 23,469 Amount held on fixed deposit, Bank of New Zealand .. ' 30/12/32 4 .. 20,000 .. 20,000 Miscellaneous Securities. Landed and house property (freehold) .. .. Various Var. 141,243 .. 16,495 124,748 Landed and house property (leasehold) .. .. ,, ,, 1,775 63 .. 1,838 Properties acquired on default by mortgagors .. .. ,, ,, 4,993 6,618 .. 11,611 Mortgages.. .. .. .. .. .. „ „ 3,749,752 151,161 137,489 3,763,424 Securities held in London. New Zealand 3-per-cent. Consolidated Stock inscribed at 1/4/45 3 625,900 .. .. 625,900 Bank of England 7,362,832 320,689 260,408 7,423,113 * A sinking-fund policy for repayment of the loan at maturity is in existence.




Particulars of Security. Amount held Pnr « hfl o Ar i nr Amount held ■ J as at Sold, renewed, as at T} n 31st March, • , or redeemed. 31st March. , T , . c Maturity Rate of inQ i in Renewal. 10Q o ' Nature of Security. Date / ln t er e8t. 1931 " 1932 ' Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. % £ £ £ £ Finance Act, 1915, sec. 105 .. .. .. 15/12/40 4J 10,000 .. .. 10,000 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 .. .. .. 15/11/38 4-J 44,500 .. .. 44,500 Finance Act, 1918, see. 10 .. .. .. .. 20/4/39 11 40,000 .. .. 40,000 Finance Act, 1919, sec. 5 .. .. .. •• 15/8/33 5-| 3,000 .. .. 3,000 Finance Act, 1916, sec. 35 .. .. .. .. 1/8/31 6 6,000 .. 6,000 1/9/37 5i 5,000 .. .. 5,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) 15/8/33 5J 25,000 .. .. 25,000 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Public Works Fund — 15/2/37 5j 5,000 .. .. 5,000 General Purposes Account) New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Ordinary Revenue Ac- 1/9/37 5J 5,000 .. .. 5,000 count—Miscellaneous) Ditto 15/2/37 5| 5,000 .. .. 5,000 Main Highways Act, 1922 .. .. .. ■■ 15/2/37 5J 5,000 .. .. 5,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/9/37 5J 5,000 .. .. 5,000 1/9/37 5 .. 15,000 .. 15,000 Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. 1/9/37 5 .. 6,000 .. 6,000 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, 15/2/37 5| 10,000 .. .. 10,000 and Finance Act, 1924, sec. 6 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and 1/3/33 5J 5,000 .. .. 5,000 Amendments Rural Advances Bonds. Rural Advances Act, 1926 .. .. .. •• 15/9/47 5 5,000 .. .. 5,000 15/9/38 5 10,000 .. .. 10,000 Local Authority Securities. Masterton Borough Council .. .. .. .. 1/4/45 6 9,000 .. .. 9,000 „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/46 6 900 .. .. 900 Wellington Hospital Board .. .. .. .. 14/3/35 5|- 5,000 .. .. 5,000 Petonē Borough Council .. .. .. -. 1/8/32 6 13,000 .. .. 13,000 .. 29/11/53 5J 5,434 .. 122 5,312 Featherston County Council .. .. -. ■■ 1/2/46 6 10,000 .. .. 10,000 1/8/47 6 1,200 .. .. 1,200 1/7/54 5i 800 .. .. 800 Carterton Borough Council .. .. .. .. 1/8/60 6 2,052 .. 26 2,026 Onehunga Borough Council .. .. .. .. 1/8/61 6 28,331 .. 341 27,990 Pukekohe Borough Council .. .. .. .. 1/7/61 6 4,722 .. 57 4,665 Papakura Town Board .. .. .. .. 1/3/60 6 4,636 .. 62 4,574 Eastbourne Borough Council.. .. .. .. 14/1/47 6 8,000 .. .. 8,000 Masterton County Council .. .. .. .. 1/5/46 6 .. 550 11 539 1/5/51 6 300 4 296 Pahiatua Borough Council .. .. .. .. 1/2/57 5| .. 900 .. 900 281,575 22,750 6,623 297,702 Property under agreement for sale and purchase .. Various 5 3,980 .. .. 3,980 285,555 22,750 6,623 301,682 r , ■ M—Tl' =->■ . T = — ■ ■' =■■* *-~=




Particulars of Security. Amount held nr Amount held _ as at Sold, renewed, as at „ , , 31st March, . i?, or redeemed. 31st March, „ . 0 ,, Maturity Rate of inQ1 ' In Renewal. 1nQ o Nature of Security. Date / interest. 1931 ' 1932 ' Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. % £ £ £ £ Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, 15/2/37 5J 25,000 .. .. 25,000 and Finance Act, 1924, sec. 6 Treasury Bill 25/5/32 4 .. 35,000 25,000 10,000 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 .. .. .. 15/11/38 4} 83,410 .. .. 83,410 Finance Act, 1916, sec. 35 .. .. .. .. 15/11/38 4| ' 3,840 .. .. 3,840 Finance Act, 1918, sec. 10 .. .. .. .. 20/4/39 4J 11,100 .. .. 11,100 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 .. 15/1/33 5J 15,000 .. .. 15,000 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Electric-power Works) .. 1/2/36 5| 15,000 .. .. 15,000 State Advances Act, 1913 — j Advances to Settlers Branch .. .. .. 1/2/36 5|- 20,000 .. .. 20,000 15/8/33 5£ 10,000 .. .. 10,000 15/2/37 5J 10,000 .. .. 10,000 Advances to Workers Branch .. .. .. 15/8/33 5J 55,000 .. .. 55,000 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. .. 15/8/33 o| 10,000 .. .. 10,000 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Electric-power Works) .. 15/8/33 5J !0,000 .. .. 10,000 Forests Act, 1921-22 .. .. .. .. 15/8/33 5J 5,000 .. .. 5,000 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Ordinary Revenue Ac- 15/2/37 5} 25,000 .. .. 25,000 count—Miscellaneous) New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Public Works Fund— 15/2/37 5f 10,000 .. .. 10,000 General Purposes Account) Ditto 15/2/37 5J 20,000 .. 20,000 Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1926 .. 15/2/37 5J 5,000 .. .. 5,000 Finance Act, 1924, sec. 2 .. .. .. .. 15/2/37 5J 10,000 .. .. 10,000 Finance Act, 1918, sec. 10 .. .. .. .. 15/2/37 5J 17,000 .. .. 17,000 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Ordinary Revenue Ac- 1/9/37 5| 5,000 .. .. 5,000 count —Miscellaneous) Finance Act, 1916, sec. 35 .. .. .. .. 1/9/37 5J 51,800 .. .. 51,800 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/9/37 5J 5,000 .. •• 5,000 1/9/37 5 .. 5,000 .. 5,000 Rural Advances Bonds. Rural Advances Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. 15/9/47 5 15,000 .. .. 15,000 Local Authority Securities. Thames Borough Council .. .. .. .. 1/3/41 5J 1,800 .. •• 1,800 Waipukurau Borough Council .. .. .. 1/2/37 6 2,150 .. .. 2,150 Wellington Harbour Board .. .. .. .. 28/2/40 5f 7,000 .. 7,000 Auckland Hospital Board .. .. .. .. 1/10/31 6J 500 .. 500 1/3/35 5| 1,000 .. .. 1,000 1/8/35 5J 8,500 .. .. 8,500 Marton Borough Council .. .. .. .. 1/8/32 6 10,000 .. 10,000 Christchurch City Council .. .. .. .. 1/3/56 5J 15,000 .. •• 15,000 Levin Borough Council .. .. .. .. 15/2/46 6 900 .. .. 900 Featherston County Council .. .. .. .. 1/2/46 6 2,000 .. •• 2,000 Franklin County Council .. .. .. .. 24/12/54 5J 5,000 .. .. 5,000 Halswell County Council .. 13/12/55 5J 5,000 .. .. 5,000 Wanganui City Council .. .. .. .. 1/9/54 5J 9,100 .. .. 9,100 Petone and Lower Hutt Gas-lighting Board .. .. 1/11/52 5J 20,641 .. .. 20,641 Petone Borough Council .. .. .. .. 2/3/53 5f .19,343 .. 469 18,874 1/10/53 51 19,787 .. 445 19,342 Eyre County Council .. .. .. .. 1/9/54 5J 1,400 .. .. 1,400 Rotorua Borough Council .. .. .. .. 1/3/47 5J .. 6,700 .. 6,700 Other Securities. Debentures under Masterton Trust Land Trust Empowering 31/3/39 5-J 5,500 .. •• 5,500 Act, 1905, and Amendment Act, 1906 Debentures under Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909 — Glencairn 29/11/33 5 700 .. .. 700 Matamau .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/34 5 11,450 .. .. 11,450 Blairgowrie .. .. .. .. .. 30/6/34 5 10,000 .. •• 10,000 Lake Alice .. .. .. .. .. 27/4/35 5 6,000 .. .. 6,000 Eiffelton.. .. .. .. .. .. 15/6/35 5 10,000 .. .. 10,000 Clarkin 19/3/36 5 8,000 .. .. 8,000 Rural Intermediate Credit Act, 1927 .. .. .. 1/9/33 5i 20,000 .. .. 20,000 Fixed deposits (Bank of New Zealand) .. .. 7/8/31 4} 5,000 .. 5,000 .... 30/10/31 4i 10,000 .. 10,000 .... 12/12/31 4-1 10,000 .. 10,000 .... 6/1/32 4} 10,000 .. 10,000 .... 31/7/32 41 .. 5,000 .. 5,000 .... 3/9/32 4 .. 10,000 .. 10,000 .... 30/10/32 4 .. 10,000 .. 10,000 .... 11/11/32 4 .. 5,000 .. 5,000 .... 12/12/32 4 .. 10,000 .. 10,000 .... 6/1/33 4 .. 10,000 .. 10,000 672,921 96,700 61,414 708,207 Land and house property .. .. .. .. .. .. 204,671 848 14,103 191,416 877,592 97,548 75,517 899,623






PaītiCU ' arS ° f SeCUr ' ty ' I A ™ eW Purchased or Sold, | Amount held qi o+ Marnii issued in renewed, or ow'Lr u Nature of Security. j M ™ Bjtod Renewal. redeemed. , 3l8t »' Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. % £ £ £ £ Urewera Lands Act, 1921-22, sec. 10 .. .. .. 1/10/32 5 29,323 .. .. 29,323 Local Authorities Securities. BOROUGHS. Hamilton .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/47 4J 5,200 .. 5,100 100 Patea .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/11/48 4| 5,000 .. i .. 5,000 Waipawa .. .. .. .. ... .. 1/7/42 5 8,100 .. | 2,600 5,500 COUNTIES. Hawera .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/7/41 5 3,000 .. ] 3,000 Flat Mortgages. Mortgages .. .. .. .. .. .. Various Var. 560,381 .. 16,432 543,949 Mortgages (special investments) .. .. .. ,, „ 12,996 .. 300 12,696 Properties acquired .. .. . .. .. ,, ,, 4,210 7,107 .. 11,317 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. 628,210 7,107 27,432 607,885

Particulars of Security. Amount held p„ r „ l , c ,„ 0 j „ r Amount held _1 : as at laarfprt Sola - renewed, as at Matnritv 31st March, , , or redeemed. 31st March, Nature of Security. Date. Interest. 1931 ' Renewal. lgs2 "77 " " " ~~ ; r ~ 7 TT ; State Coal-mines Account. % £ £ £ £ Mortgages, housing loans to State coal-miners .. .. Various 5£ 9,261 309 311 9,259 Agreements to purchase cottages by State coal-miners .. „ 6 267 .. 119 148 Chattels securities for the sale of plant to co-operative ,, 6 820 .. 360 460 parties Minino Advances Account. Mortgages to mining companies .. ,. .. ,, 5J, 6 36,460 910 .. 37,370 Mines Department. Blenheim Oil - well Reclamation Co., Ltd. — Deed of .. 6 250 .. 250 Covenant Westland Power Board—Agreement to purchase Waimea- 31/7/52 5J 5,590 .. 5,590 Kumara Water-races North Cape Coal Co., Ltd., and Messrs. Hall and party — .. 5 1,465 . - 1,465* Deed of covenant 54,113 1,219 | 2,255 I 53,077 ♦Amount written off under Appropriation Act, 1931. f

Securities held as at 31st March, 1932. Securities. ~ ty 11 Amount. Ph ,H Department oe Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity. % £ Mount Cook Motor Co. —Deed of security .. .. .. .. 15,035 Rotorua Golf Club —Deed of mortgage .. .. .. .. 3,500 Internal Aitairs Department. YtM.C.A., Wellington .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,899 Railways Department. Mortgages under Government Railways Amendment Act, Various Var. 5,786 1927 (sec. 15), and Government Railways Amendment Act, 1928 (sec. 8) Pensions Department. Deed of assignment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 327 Memorandum of mortgage .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,100



4 —B. 10.


Particulars of Security. Amount held ... Amount held as at f ™„®r Sold, renewed, as at . t Maturity Rate of «1st March, in Benewal . or redeemed. 31st March, Nature ot Security. Date / Interest . 1931. 1!U2. Advances to Settlers Branch. % £ £ £ £ Mortgages of property .. .. .. .. Various 5* 4,564,336 27,340 323,439 4,268,237 5J* 42,296 12,075 1,199 53.172 6* 6,004,307 78.860 219,489 5,863,678 6 J* 1,428,364 57,445 35,870 1,449.939 6J* 6,037,299 289,050 118,580 6,207,769 Bills of sale .. .. .. .. .. „ 7* 27,502 9,475 4,103 32,874 18,104,104 474,245 702,680 17,875,669 Rural Advances Branch. Mortgages of property .. .. .. .. Various 6* .. 4,615 9 4,606 „ .. .. .. .. „ 6J* 4,404,337 249,635 75,961 4,578,011 4,404,337 254,250 75,970 4,582,617 Advances to Workers Branch. Mortgages of property .. .. .. .. Various 5* 5,602,135 25,085 284,118 5,343,102 „ .. .. .. .. „ 5J* 54,585 20,290 2,611 72 264 6* 19,387 14,855 4,518 29,724 61:* 9,600,850 190,975 148,327 9,643,498 15,276,957 251,205 439,574 15,088,588 Advances to Local Authorities Branch. Debentures issued by local bodies .. .. .. Various 3J 937,022 .. 41,856 895,166 3f 59,575 .. 714 58,861 3J 85,893 .. 3,125 82,768 4 .. 122,700 .. 122,700 ....... 4£ 1,416,602 .. 31,791 1,384,811 .. „ 5J 29,410 .. 368 29,042 ........ 6 66,775 1,400 1,167 67,008 ....... .. 1,200 .. 1,200 2,595,277 125,300 79,021 2,641,556 Public Debt Sinking Fund Branch. Mortgages of property .. .. .. .. * Various 5* 627,431 .. 34,330 593,101 6* 133,591 .. 6,557 127,034 6|* 291,349 1.975 797 292,527 64* 185,566 4,770 3,048 187,288 Debentures issued by local bodies .. .. .. .. 4| 68,567 .. 2,448 66,119 .. 4J 1,928,435 .. 39,655 1,888,780 .. 5-i 1,418 .. 19 1,399 6 5,855 .. 61 5,794 3,242,212 6,745 86,915 I 3,162,042 Advances Office Sinking Fund Account. Mortgages of property .. .. .. .. Various 5* 829,428 1,420 48,390 782,458 6* 5,902 .. 69 5,833 6J* 65,683 700 1,046 65,337 6J* 92,379 19,845 3,280 108,944 Debentures issued by local bodies .. .. .. ,, 4| 382.862 .. 7,926 374,936 „ .. .. .. ,, 5| 2,369 | .. 31 2.338 .. 6 1,067 I .. 11 1,056 I 1,379,690 | 21,965 60,753 1.340,902 Miscellaneous Business Branch. Housing. Agreements for sale and purchase .. .. .. Various 5f 325,200 j 30,488 61,144 294,544 .. 5 1,080 | .. 39 1,041 .. 6 1,866 j 3,655 3,676 1,845 Mortgages of property .. .. .. .. ,, 5 2,378 I .. 232 2,146 330,524 i 34,143 65,091 299,576 Fishing Industry Promotion. Bills of sale .. .. .. .. . . Various 5 679 .. 146 533 Cold Storage. Advances. Mortgages of property .. .. .. .. Various 5 7,260 [ .. 508 6,752 6J 5,330 1 .. 297 5,033 6 7,500 | .. .. 7,500 20,090 j 805 19,285 Carried forward .. .. .. .. j 45,353,870 I 1,167,853 | 1,510.955 45,010,768 * Reducible by \ per cent, if paid within fourteen days of due date. t Reducible by h per cent, if paid within seven days of due date. X Reducible 1 per cent, if paid within one month of due date.


Public Securities held by the State Advances Office —continued.


Particulars of Security. Amount held Purchased or « , -3 Amount held as at Sold, renewed. as at 31st March, • or redeemed. 31st March, ~ Maturity Rate of in oi in Renewal. 1Q oo Nature of Security. Date / mterest. 1931 ' 193i £ £ £ £ Brought forward .. .. .. % 45,353,870 1,167,853 1,510,955 45,010,768 Fruit-preserving Industry. Mortgages of property .. .. •• Various 5 1,840 .. .. 1,840 .. .. .. ., 5|* 12,403 .. 560 11,843 .. I 6f 4,500 .. 180 4,320 6if 1,650 .. .. 1,650 !. .. .. .. „ 7{ 10,561 .. 319 10,242 30,954 .. 1,059 29,895 Repatriation. Bills of sale and undertakings to repay.. .. .. Various 5 227,454 .. 15,302 212,152 Grand total .. .. .. .. 45,612,278 1,167,853 1,527,316 45,252,815 I ■- i' : * Reducible by J per cent, if paid within one month of due date. t Reducible by 1 per cent, if paid within one month of due date. t Reducible by 2 per cent.i f paid within fourteen days of due date.


Public Securities held by the State Advances Office —continued. Detailed Statement showing Particulars of Debentures issued by Local Bodies (included in the foregoing Tables).


I W) .9 d I 2 • Local Authorities' j ° m m Securities. i2 ot § 5 Boroughs. £ Akaroa .. .. 1,920 Ashburton .. .. 31,049 Balclutha .. .. 7,409 Birkenhead .. .. 33,410 Blenheim .. . . 33,547 New Brighton .. 12,341 Brunner .. .. 649 Cambridge .. .. 4,534 Carterton .. .. 678 Cromwell .. .. 2,175 Dannevirke .. .. 8,819 Dargaville .. .. 45,650 Devonport .. .. 16,271 Eketahuna .. .. 15,272 Eltham .. .. 17,388 Featherston .. .. 262 Feilding .. .. 30,074 Foxton .. .. 32,690 Gisborne .. .. 25,031 Gore .. .. 12,248 Green Island .. 1,403 Greymouth .. .. 14,350 Greytown .. .. 29,029 Hamilton .. .. 30,392 Hastings .. .. 102,231 Hawera .. .. 29,743 Hokitika .. .. 5,679 Inglewood .. .. 382 Kaiapoi .. .. 5,091 Kaitangata .. .. 612 Levin .. .. -13,450 Lower Hutt .. .. 10,146 Lyttelton .. .. 8,563 Marton .. .. 28,248 Masterton .. .. 22,439 Mataura .. .. 22,880 Milton .. .. 18,943 Morrinsvilie .. .. 14,433 Mount Albert .. 56,598 Mount Eden .. 36,182 Napier .. .. 12,424 Newmarket .. .. 26,722 New Plymouth .. 22,687 Ngaruawahia .. 18,183 Northcote .. .. 11,551 Oamaru .. .. 3,770 Ohakune .. .. 3,877 Onehunga .. .. 45,084 Otahuhu .. .. 15,028 Otaki .. .. 13,202 Paeroa .. .. 24,226 Pahiatua .. .. 1,739 One Tree Hill .. 13,458 Patea .. .. 26,580 Petone .. .. 4,153 Pioton .. .. 17,754 Port Chalmers .. 820 Pukekohe .. .. 12,213 Queenstown .. . . 724 Raetihi .. . . 3,406 Rangiora .. .. 1,515 Riccarton .. . . 1,082 Richmond .. .. 2,922 Roxburgh .. .. 348 Shannon .. .. 14,721 Stratford .. .. 26,775 Sumner .. .. 30,361 Taihape .. .. 33,377 Takapuna .. .. 4,163 Taumarunui .. 40,088 Tauranga .. .. 15,673 Te Aroha .. .. 6,439 Te Awamutu .. 58,955 Te Kuiti .. .. 19,047 Temuka .. .. 12,365 Thames .. .. 15,261 Timaru .. .. 76,306 Upper Hutt .. .. 711 Waimate .. .. 23,618

I M) & ,c ! • Local Authorities' £ 173 m £0 Securities. a cS «2 J ■' I " Boroughs—continued. £ . Waipukurau .. 44,119 Wairoa .. .. 6,039 Waitara .. .. 10,757 Waipawa .. .. 11,041 Westport .. .. 27,167 Whakatane .. .. 27,238 Whangarei .. .. 82,172 Winton .. .. 2,592 Woodville .. .. 9,266 Cities. Auckland .. .. 138,600 Christchurch.. .. 53,922 Dunedin .. .. 4,551 Wanganui .. .. 23,816 Wellington .. .. 59,730 Invercargill .. .. 4,731 Palmerston North .. 38,999 Counties. Akaroa .. .. 806 Akitio .. .. 24,689 Amnri .. .. 343 Ashburton .. .. 4,551 Ashley .. .. 3,316 Awatere .. . . 7,366 Bruce .. .. 11,959 Castlepoint .. .. 14,737 Cheviot .. .. 1,040 Clifton .. .. 18,774 Clutha .. .. 12,919 Collingwoocl .. . . 3,861 Cook .. .. 61,994 Dannevirke .. .. 19,102 Egmont .. .. 20,900 Eketahuna .. .. 10,167 Eltham .. .. 59,145 Eyre .. .. 1,917 Eeatherston .. .. 38,199 Franklin .. .. 41,827 Geraldine .. .. 1,395 Grey .. .. 1,663 Hauraki Plains .. 27,025 Hawera .. .. 5,614 Heathcote .. .. 32,938 Hobson .. .. 43,619 Hokianga .. .. 35,748 Horowhenua.. . . 23,499 Hutt .. .. 12,454 Inangahua .. . . 724 Inglewood .. . . 30,849 Kaikoura .. .. 1,145 Kairanga .. .. 47,693 Kaitieke .. .. 36,465 Kawhia .. .. 27,009 Kiwi tea . . . . 6,569 Levels .. .. 9,914 Mackenzie .. .. 2,768 Makara .. .. 2,298 Manawatu .. . . 9,645 Mangonui . . . . 14,392 Manukau .. .. 45,764 Marlborough.. . . 6,955 Masterton .. . . 23,225 Matakaoa .. .. 1,999 Matamata . . .. 34,012 Mauriceville .. .. 636 Ohinemuri .. .. 5,134 Ohura .. .. 36,318 Opotiki .. .. 25,485 Oroua .. .. 6,343 Otamatea .. .. 45,409 Pahiatua .. .. 7,587 Patangata .. .. 36,686 Patea .. .. 13,217 Peninsula .. .. 514 Piako .. .. 63,143 Pohangina .. .. 8,861 Rangiora .. .. 3,238

" I 6» .3 .a £ . Local Authorities' 2 m £q Securities. 2 jg o> g WpH TO 03 1-1 i W M Counties —continued. £ Raglan .. .. 46,739 Rangitikei .. .. 62,896 Rodney .. .. 23,227 Rotorua .. .. 4,587 Southland .. .. 6,250 Stratford .. .. 25,193 Taieri .. .. 152 Taranaki .. .. 23,460 Taumarunui .. 9,012 Tauranga .. .. .28,615 Thames .. .. 12,989 Uawa .. .. 34,224 Vincent .. .. 16,883 Waiapu .. .. 64,695 Waihemo .. .. 155 Waikohu .. .. 40,939 Waikato .. .. 78,346 Waimarino .. .. 17,970 Waimea .. .. 7,970 Waimairi .. .. 11,096 Waima,te West .. 43,585 Waimate .. .. 10,689 Waipa .. .. 59,698 Waipukurau .. 2,904 Wairoa .. .. 56,798 Waipara .. .. 13,041 Waipawa .. .. 15,056 Wairarapa South . . 9,483 Waitaki .. .. 8,724 Waitemata .. .. 66,647 Waitomo .. .. 78,895 Waitotara .. .. 27,445 Wanganui .. .. 143,597 Weber .. .. 16,831 Whakatane .. .. 7,105 Whangamomona .. 23,062 Whangarei .. .. 40,612 Whangaroa .. .. ' 9,633 Woodville .. .. 12,432 Otorohanga .. .. 29,022 Harbour Boards. Havelock .. .. 445 Hokitika .. .. 15,175 Motueka .. .. 16,688 Timaru .. .. 7,837 Wairoa .. .. 87,227 Irrigation Board. Oaonui .. .. 2,166 Land-drainage Boards. Akaaka .. .. 4,343 Christchurch. . .. 118 Elstow .. .. 17,078 Eltham ■ .. .. 3,029 Eureka .. .. 1,939 Eencourt .. .. 1,785 Freshfield .. .. 2,017 Hillside .. .. 1,118 Hunga Hunga .. 22,352 Hauraki .. .. 8,604 Hautapu .. .. 311 Hautapu South .. 361 Judea .. .. 2,592 Kawa .. .. 12,893 Kirikiriroa .. .. 1,557 Lower Mangapiko .. 3,080 Makarua .. .. 2,684 Manawatu .. .. 181 Mangahoe .. .. 1,766 Mangawera .. .. 3,636 Moutoa .. .. 375 Otaua .. .. 1,346 Raupo .. .. 10,582 Rotomanuka .. 1,048 Tauhei .. .. 2,733 TeRapa .. .. 2,262


Public Securities held by the State Advances Office—continued. Detailed Statement showing Particulars of Debentures issued by Local Bodies (included in the foregoing Tables)—continued.


5c I .a * s . Local Authorities' Securities. g § ® T? 1—1 M TO Land-drainage Boards—continued. £ Te Puke .. . • 3,724 Tua Tua Moana .. 2,772 Tumu Kaituma .. 5,805 Uapoto .. .. 1,385 Upper Mangapiko .. 2,993 Wainono .. . • 1,415 Waiotahi .. .. 1,028 Waipa _ .. .. 4,403 W'aitoa .. .. 19,069 Wakapuaka .. .. 439 Whakaki .. .. 1,733 Woodlands .. .. 7,406 Rivee Trusts or Boards. Geraldine .. .. 607 Otanomomo .. 529 Otautau .. .. 1,148 Taieri .. .. 31,494 Waimatuku .. .. 4,610 Hospital Board. Buller .. .. 11,403

! bC , I ' 1 Local Authorities' | 2 03 Securities. : § _«S 03 a i-o ! PQ 60 Road Boards. | £ Akaroa and Wainui .. 4,145 Kowai .. .. I 1,650 Ostend .. .. ! 3,184 Mount Roskill .. ! 7,336 Mount Wellington .. 477 Arapiu .. .. 97 Panmure Township .. 671 Town Boards or Districts. Ellerslie .. .. 440 Glen Eden .. .. 5,126 Havelock .. .. 434 Helensville .. .. 13,612 Henderson .. .. 4,588 Hikurangi .. .. 3,799 Ilunterville .. .. 75 Huntly .. .. 3,021 Johnsonville .. 14,380 Kaikohe .. .. 2,645 Kaponga .. .. 8,026 Kawakawa .. .. 7,998 Kawhia .. .. 341 Leamington .. .. 261 Manaia .. .. 23,646

i bC ■ Local Authorities' £ 5 co Securities. 5 B-P" eō 03 ■1 S Town Boards or Distriots—continued. £ Mangaweka .. .. 5,651 Manunni .. .. 2,907 Martinborough . . 273 Manurewa .. .. 15,335 Matamata .. .. 22,855 Onerahi . . .. 5,557 Opunake .. .. 871 Otantau .. .. 678 Otorohanga .. .. 13,094 Papakura . . .. 36,214 Pleasant Point .. 336 Raglan .. ... 4,452 Rangataua .. .. 1,448 Tahunanui .. .. 389 Taradale .. .. 8,857 TePuke .. .. I 8,532 Tuakau .. .. J,719 Waiuku .. .. 1,480 Warkworth .. .. 4,366 Water-supply Board. Waimakariri-Ashley .. 1,306 Grand total .. £4,858,079




Particulars of Security. Amount held ū n . 0 i, aon j Amount held : as at Sff Sold, renewed, as at Nature of Security. . | M « Eenewal. or redeemed. 31st March, Held in New Zealand. % £ £ £ £ Mortgages.. .. .. .. .. .. Various Var. 18 „953,488 529,912 631,810 18,851,590 Local authority securities .. .. .. .. „ 4 954 46 .. 1,000 4| 140,150 .. 100 140,050 4f 5,900 .. .. 5,900 5 318,817 3,600 500 321,917 . . | „ 5J 3,201,220 788 18,103 3,183,905 .. I 5f .. 7,000 .. 7,000 .. j „ 5i 530,001 8,687 94 538,594 .... .. .. „ 5| 55,338 .. .. 55,338 .. I „ 6 5,267,536 22,581 163,551 5,126,566 .. j 128,600 500 6,250 122,850 New Zealand Government Securities. Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 .. ; 15/1/33 5J 2,000 .. .. 2,000 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/8/33 5|- | 55,000 i .. .. 55,000 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 10, and Discharged Soldiers Settle- j 7/4/31 5 30 . . 30 ment Act, 1920 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 15/8/33 5,} 100,000 .. .. 100,000 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920, sec. 4 15/1/33 54 34,400 .. .. 34,400 Finance Act, 1915, sec. 105 .. . . .. j 1/9/41 5J 200 .. .. 200 Finance Act, 1916, sec. 35 .. .. .. .. 1/8/31 6 200 .. 200 Finance Act, 1918, sec. 10 .. .. .. .. 15/8/33 5J 50,000 .. j 50,000 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Electric-power Works) .. 1/2/36 5| 50,000 .. i .. 50,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, and Finance Act, 1915, 1/9/41 5} 22,950 .. ! .. 22,950 sec. 106 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1/9/41 5} 50,000 .. .. 50,000 1910, and Finance Act, 1915, sec. 106 I War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 (War Expenses) .. 15/11/38 4| 25,000 , .. | .. 25,000 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 .. .. .. 15/8/33 5$ 70,200 ; .. j .. 70,200 War Expenses .. .. .. .. .. 1/9/41 5£ 730,460 .. .. 730,460 1/9/41 5 150 .. | .. 150 State Advances Act, 1913 (Workers) .. .. 1/2/36 5J 118,100 .. : .. 118,100 .... 15/8/33 5J 654,900! .. ; 7,000 647,900 ■State Advances Act, 1913 (Settlers) .. .. .. 1/2/36 5f 144,100 j .. 78,240 65,860 Forests Act, 1921-22 .. .. .. .. 15/8/33 5J 34,500 .. .. 34,500 Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1926, sec. 6 .. 15/8/33 5J 48,600 .. .. 48,600 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. .. 15/8/33 5J 86,000 .. .. 86,000 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 15/8/33 5J 70,000 .. .. 70,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Settlers) .. .. .. 15/2/37 5| 330,890 .. 20,390 310,500 Finance Act, 1921, sec. 10 .. .. .. .. 15/2/32 5J 100 .. 100 Government Railways Amendment Act, 1910 .. 1/9/41 5J 500 .. .. 500 Main Highways Act, 1922 .. .. .. .. 15/2/37 5J 110,000 .. 37,460 72,540 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Public Works Fund — 15/2/37 5J 774,600 .. .. 774,600 General Purposes Account) New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Ordinary Revenue 15/2/37 5J 188,000 .. .. 188,000 Account—Miscellan eous) State Advances Act, 1913 (Workers) .. .. 15/2/32 5J 350 .. 350 .... 15/2/37 5J 20,000 .. .. 20,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Settlers) .. .. .. 15/2/37 5| 10,000 .. .. 10,000 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 15/2/32 5| 1,370 .. 1,370 Post Office Investment Certificates — Finance Act, 1920 .. .. .. .. 7/4/31 5J 10 .. 10 Finance Act, 1916, sec. 35 .. .. .. .. 1/9/37 5|- 224,850 .. 10,000 214,850 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. 1/9/37 5J 45,700 63,150 .. 108,850 State Advances Act, 1913 (Settlers) . . .. .. 1/9/37 5J 44,400 30,350 .. 74,750 State Advances Act, 1913 (Workers) .. .. 1/9/37 5J 30,400 .. .. 30,400 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/9/37 | 5J 42,350 .. .. 42,350 Finance Act, 1915., sec. 105 (Public Works) .. .. 1/9/37 5J 16,350 .. .. 16,350 Finance Act, 1929, sec. 2 (Public Works) .. .. 1/9/37 5J 12,000 .. .. 12,000 Main Highways Act, 1922 .. .. .. .. 1/9/37 5| .. 48,600 .. 48,600 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/9/37 5 .. 257,720 .. 257,720 Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), 1/9/37 5J .. 6,100 .. 6,100 sec. 5 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 .. 1/9/37 5J .. 10,000 .. 10,000 Rural Advances Bonds. Rural Advances Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. 15/9/47 5 2,128,950 22,400 .. 2,151,350 Rural Intermediate Credit Bonds. Rural Intermediate Credit Act, 1927 .. .. .. 1/4/34 5J 4,800 .. .. 4,800 1/7/35 5| 76,400 .. .. 76,400 1/10/35 5J 19,850 22,800 .. 42,650 Miscellaneous Securities. Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909 (Debentures) — Clifton Grove .. .. .. .. .. 1/10/33 5 3,000 .. .. 3,000 Lansdowne .. .. .. .. .. 25/11/33 5 2,000 .. .. 2,000 Moana Vale .. .. .. .. .. 9/12/33 5 7,000 .. .. 7,000 Nikau Grange .. .. .. .. .. 1/9/31 5 1,500 .. 1,500 Owersby.. .. .. .. .. .. 11/12/33 ! 5 11,500 .. .. 11,500 Paparamu .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/36 1 5 7,500 .. .. 7,500 Quiltowen .. ,. .. .. .. 6/12/33 5 7,500 .. ! .. 7,500 Woodside .. .. .. .. .. 11/11/33 5' 2,000 .. .. 2,000 t Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. | .. 35,072,664 1,034,234 j 1,027,058 35,079,840


Public Securities held by the Public Trust Office—continued.


Particulars of Security. Amount held pnrrhaspd or ! , Amount held __ as at iooSpH Sold, renewed, as at ———™ ,, -4 o + f 31st March, . , or redeemed. 31st March, Nature of Security. | ~y m lienewa!. 1932. Held in New Zealand —continued. % £ £ £ £ Brought forward .. .. .. .. •• ■■ 35,072,664 1,034,234 1,027,058 35,079,840 Miscellaneous Securities —continued. Property acquired by foreclosure .. .. .. .. 144,115 46,096 2,156 188,055 Advances to protect security .. .. .. .. •. 33,048 6,577 4,069 35,556 Promissory notes and loans .. .. .. .. .. •• 447 .. '' loo Aoi ttl Leasehold and freehold property and balance purchase- .. .. 490,121 6,031 11,482 484,670 money on premises sold 1 Fixed deposit receipts .. .. .. 1/5/32 5 1,000 .. .. 1,000 3/5/32 5 400 .. .. 400 Held in London. Temporary Investments in London. Union Discount Co. .. .. .. •• 8/4/31 2 2,000 .. 2,000 30/4/31 2 2,000 .. 2,000 At call 2 3,000 .. 3,000 31/7/31 2J .. 1,000 1,000 13/8/31 3| .. 1,000 1,000 3/9/31 34 -.. 1,000 1,000 21/9/31 5 .. 2,000 2,000 1/10/31 5 .. 2,000 2,000 .. 15/10/31 4 .. 1,000 1,000 31/10/31 5 .. 2,000 2,000 ...... 27/10/31 4 .. 2,000 2,000 .. 31/10/31 4 .. 2,000 2,000 7/1/32 5 .. 2.000 2,000 25/2/32 5J .. 2,000 2,000 29/2/32 5i .. 3,000 3,000 29/2/32 5 .. 1,000 1,000 Totals 35,748,795 1,114,938 1,073,765 35,789,968


Public Securities held by the Public Trust Office —continued. Statement of Public Securities held by the Public Trustee in the Dominion of New Zealand as at 31st March, 1932. Mortgages. Common Fund of the Public Trust Office — £ £ Flat mortgages .. .. .. .. .. •• •• ■■ •• 8,874,837 Instalment mortgages.. .. .. .. .. .. -• •• •• 5,077,216 Special investments outside the Common Fund—Temporary allocations . . . . . . . - 1,500 Public Service Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. ■■ .. 1,539,472 Teachers' Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 879,198 Railway Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 864,476 National Provident Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• ■■ 1,386,916 Laud Settlement Finance Act Associations .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 227,975 18,851,590 Local Authority Securities. Common Fund of the Public Trust Office .. .. .. .. .. . . •. .. 7,855,271 Special Investments outside the Common Fund— £ Agencies .. .. .. .. . ■ .. •. • • • • • • 525, 300 Estate— Permanent .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37,150 Temporary .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 16,604 579,054 Public Service Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 570,101 Teachers' Superannuation Fund . . .. .. .. • • .. .. ■ • • • 88, 980 Railway Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 215,415 National Provident Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • ■ • • • • 194,300 9,503,121 Government Securities. Common Fund of the Public Trust Office .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,096,810 Special investments outside the Common Fund : Estate —Permanent .. .. .. .. .. 20,620 Public Service Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 544, 350 Teachers' Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 108,800 Railway Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 313,700 National Provident Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• ■■ 1,325,150 ; 4,409,430 Rural Advances Act, 1926. Public Service Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 249,900 Teachers' Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■■ 142,900 Railway Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 70,900 National Provident Fund . . .. .. .. . . . ■ .. .. .. .. 368,900 Public Debt Redemption Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,318,750 2,151,350 Rural Intermediate Credit Act, 1927. Common Fund of the Public Trust Office .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 94,850 Public Service Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29,000 123,850 Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909. Common Fund of the Public Trust Office .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38,500 Public Service Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 — 40,500 Properties acquired by Foreclosure. Common Fund of the Public Trust Office .. .. .. .. .. .. •• .. 174,852 Public Service Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. •. 9,657 Teachers' Superannuation Fund . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,546 188,055 Advances to protect Securities. Common Fund of the Public Trust Office -. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35,525 National Provident Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 35,555 Promissory Notes and Loans. Public Service Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 397 National Provident Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 — 447 Property. Titles to freehold and leasehold property and balance purchase-money of premises sold .. .. .. .. 484,670 Fixed-deposit Receipts. Common Fund of the Public Trust Office .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,400 £35,789,968





(Included in the foregoing return.) Balance I Balance Balance Local Authorities' owing at ; Local Authorities' owing at Local Authorities' „,°™r g a l Securities 31st March | Securities. ; 81st March, Securities. 31st March, 1932. ij I 1932. 1932. Boroughs. £ City Councils. £ County Councils —ctd. £ Aka.roa .. •• 5,195 Auckland .. 141,600 Waipa .. .. .. 52,240 Alexandra .. •• 1,500 Christchurch .. .. 4,800 Waipara .. .. 5,800 Balclutha .. .. 5,750 Dunedin .. 20,000 Waipawa .. .. 13,000 Cambridge .. •• 5,325 Invercargill .. .. 23,600 Wairarapa South .. 6,350 Carterton .. ■■ 24,700 Nelson .. .. 18,000 Wairewa .. .. 8,000 Dannevirke •• 50,795 Palmerston North .. j 388,525 Wairoa .. 42,800 Dargaville Borough and 17,850 Wanganui .. . • ] 82,841 Waitaki .. .. 2,000 Hobson County Council Wellington .. .. 300,500 Waitemata .. .. 25,000 Dargaville .. 74,345 Waitomo .. .. 68,930 Devonport .. •• 147,450 County Councils. Waitotara .. .. 9,320 Eketahuna .. •• 9,220 Akitio .. .. .. 8,790 Wanganui .. .. 4.000 Eltham .. .. 28,892 Amuri 3,500 Weber .. .. 5,575 Featherston . . • • 6,700 Ashburton .. .. 4,000 Whakatane .. .. 89,378 Feilding .. .. 45,565 Awatere .. 12,300 Whangamomona .. 2,500 Foxton .. ■■ 2,400 Bay of Islands .. .. 78,000 Whangarei .. .. 8,350 Gisborne .. •• 72,507 Castlepoint .. .. 5,500 Whangaroa .. .. 8,650 Q ore .. .. .. 20,000 Clifton .. .. 14,250 Woodville .. .. 5,685 Greymoiith .. 1,700 Collingwood .. .. 7,980 I Grevtown .. •• 14,360 Cook .. .. .. 5,100 Drainage Boards. Hamilton .. •• 92,650 Dannevirke .. .. 6,175 Akaaka .. .. 700 Hastings .. •• 112,115 Egmont, .. .. 64,525 Buckley .. .. 4,950 Hawera .. ■ 3,500 Eketahuna .. .. 22,765 Christchurch .. .. 40,000 Hokitika .. 3,500 Eltham .. 9,395 Freshfield .. .. 1,200 Inglewood .. ■■ 6,850 Featherston .. • • 35,800 Hillside .. .. 5,500 Kaiapoi 12.000 Franklin .. .. 80,970 Kirikiriroa .. .. 300 Levin -• 7,700 Hauraki Plains .. .. 18,250 Lower Mangapiko .. 3,750 Lower Hutt . . .. 114,750 Hawera .. .. 68,300 Manawatu .. .. 5,480 Martinborough .. .. 20,000 Heathcote .. .. 9,000 Ngaroto .. .. 2,000 Marton •• 6,200 Hobson .. .. 46,750 Raupo .. .. 6,500 Masterton .. •• 122,733 Hokianga .. .. 68,880 Sluggish River .. .. 1,000 Mataura •• •• 5,425 Horowhenua .. .. 25,300 Te .. .. 620 Morrinsville •• 67,000 Hutt .. .. .. 7,775 Waiatarua .. .. 8,500 Motueka •• 19,000 Inglewood .. .. 29,685 Woodlands .. .. 1,500 Mount Albert .. ■■ 6,270 Kaikoura .. .. 10,275 Mount Eden . 10,000 Kairanga .. .. 25,230 Electric-power Boards. Napier .. ■■ 90.188 Kaitieke .. .. 9,300 Ashburton .. .. 400 New Brighton .. .. 435 Kawhia .. .. j 8,150 Auckland .. .. 12,500 New Lynn .. 100,480 Kiwitea .. .. 17,725 Banks Peninsula .. 65,000 New Plymouth ■ • 2 -500 Mackenzie .. .. 2,560 Bay of Plenty .. .. 100,000 No-aruawaliia .. ■■ 14,450 Makara .. - . 17,250 Cambridge .. .. 50,000 Northcote .. •• 7,000 Manawatu .. .. 31,950 Cambridge .District .. 7,000 Oamaru 151,500 Mangonui .. .. 64,830 Central .. .. 77,200 Ōhakune .. .. 17,826 Manukau .. .. 55,975 Central Hawke's Bay .. 13,500 Onehun<?a . •• 7,500 Marlborough .. .. 33,891 Dannevirke .. .. 55,800 One T-ee Hill .. . . 35,000 Masterton .. .. 28,450 Franklin .. .. 75,000 Opotiki •• 28,035 .Matakaoa .. .. 3,000 Horowhenua .. .. 10,000 ntnhuliu .. .. 18,600 Matamata .. .. 109,500 Manawatu-Oroua .. 6,400 Otaki .. •• 28,200 Mauriceville .. .. 1,850 North Canterbury .. 21,000 p aeroa " .. .. 23,900 Murchison .. ..I 17,600 Opunake .. .. 84,700 Pnhi«t,iifi .. .. 15,495 Ohinemuri .. .. 6,040 Otago Central .. .. 53,342 p at ea .. .. 9,700 Ohura .. .. .. 17,860 Southland .. .. 149,000 Petone " ■■ •• 2,350 Opotiki County Council and 5,000 South Taranaki .. .. 140,000 Pinton .. 6,600 Whakatane Borough Springs-Ellesmere .. 68,331 Pukekohe .. 50,340 Council Taranaki .. .. 310,000 Queenstown .. .. 8,200 Opotiki .. .. 25,555 Tararua ,. .. 15,000 Rnetfbi •• 43,862 Oroua .. •• •• 10,700 Tauranga .. .. 106,500 Ranpiora .. .. 6,600 Otamatea •• 20,850 Te Awamutu .. .. 82,000 Richmond • • 3,000 Otorohanga .. .. 12,670 Thames Valley .. .. 200,000 Rotorua .. .. 30,000 Oxford.. .. .. 4,850 Wairarapa .. .. 26,550 Shannon .. 1,165 Pahiatua .. .. 1.7,270 Wairoa .. .. 20,000 Stratford .. 105,116 Patangata .. .. 84,210 Waitemata .. .. 24,000 Sumner •• 5,600 Peninsula .. .. 600 Wanganui-Rangitikei .. 50,000 Taihape " 68,850 Piako 144,170 Takapuna .. • . 89,050 Pohangina .. .. 5,47o Taumarunui .. .. 4,575 Raglan .. .. 6,775 Fire Boards. Tanranca •• 103,940 Rangitikei. . . .. 117,810 Hamilton .. .. 5,300 Te Aroha .. .. 20,500 Rodney .. .. 7,640 Palmerston North .. : 1,600 Te Awamutu .. •• 5,282 Rotorua .. .. 10,600 T „ Xniti .. 23,430 Stewart Island .. .. 1,200 Boards. Thames .. .. 136,360 Stratford .. . . 77,800 Bay of Islands .. ... 46,600 Timiru • •• 11,900 Takaka .. .. 5,000 Foxton .. .. .16,000 rimer Hutt •• 26,775 Taranaki .. .. 54,655 Mokau .. .. 1,000 Waimate .. .. 7,000 Tauranga .. .. 16,670 Nelson .. 103,000 Wninawa . 5,200 Thames .. .. 56,470 New Plymouth .. .. 60,000 Waipukurau .. 14,600 Uawa 109,535 Patea 8,600 Wairoa ■ 17,600 Vincent .. .. 3,926 Tauranga .. .. 32,900 Waitara • 14,100 Waiapu .. .. 36,700 Tokomaru .. .. 24,000 Whakatane " .. 50,450 Waikato .. .. j 34,250 Wanganui .. .. 150,000 Whangarei .. .. 58,680 Waikohu .. •• 3,600 Wellington .. .. 50,000 Win ton 2,300 Waimarino . . 18,540 Whakatane .. .. 88,800 Woodville .. •• 1,225 Waimea .. ... 11.450 Whangarei .. .. 20,000

B. —10.

Public Securities held by the Public Trust Office—continued. DETAILED STATEMENT SHOWING PARTICULARS OF DEBENTURES ISSUED BY LOCAL BODIES—continued.

s—B. 10.


(Included in the foregoing return.) Balance Balance ! Balance Local Authorities' owing at Local Authorities' owing at Local Authorities' owing at Securities 31st March, Securities. 31st. March, Securities. 31st March, 1932. 1932. 1932. Hospital Boards. £ River Boards. £ Town Boards —continued. £ Auckland .. .. 2,900 Elephant Hill .. .. 1,550 Hunterville .. .. 5,500 Bay of Plenty .. .. 5,500 Hawke's Bay .. .. 25,995 Huntly .. .. 8,575 Grey .. .. .. 25,000 Hutt .. ... .. 14,000 Johnsonville .. .. 4,660 Hokianga .. .. 21,500 Kahutara .. .. 8,000 Kamo .. .. .. 2,940 Nelson" .. .. 27,000 Manga wara .. .. 13,850 Kaponga .. .. 11,500 North Canterbury .. 9,400 Matau .. .. .. 2,200 Leamington .. .. 3,495 Opotiki .. .. 2,700 Opio .. .. .. 400 Manaia .. .. 1,000 Palmerston North .. 35,500 Otaki .. .. .. 1,575 Mangaweka .. .. .1,800 South Canterbury .. 11,000 Otanamomo River and 1,100 Manunui .. .. 2,750 Stratford .. .. 13,200 Drainage Board Matamata .. .. 31,500 Taumarunui .. .. 49,500 Tokomairiro .. .. 2,750 Mercer .. .. 500 Tauranga .. .. 12,500 Waikiwi .. .. 7,500 Onerabi .. .. 660 Waikato .. .. 6,000 Waimatuku .. .. 4,000 Opunake .. .. 3,350 Wanganui .. .. 26,500 Wairau .. .. 2,350 Papakura .. .. 15,500 Wellington .. .. 161,000 Papatoetoe .. .. 10,500 Westland .. .. 8,000 Road Boards. Raglan .. .. 6,420 Whangarei .. .. 13,500 Inchclutha Road, River, 1,100 Southbridge .. .. 3,600 Whangaroa .. .. 1,300 and Drainage Board Takaka .. .. 600 Mount Roskill .. .. 65,000 Taradale .. .. 5,000 Mount Wellington .. 62,600 Te Puke .. .. 10,560 Pigeon Bay .. .. 2,500 Tuakau .. .. 12,000 Rabbit-proof Fencing ° ' Waiuku .. .. 17 000 Boards. Town Boards. Warkworth .. .. 200 Ma™ _ 500 Bulls 600 •• •• Ellerslie .. .. 16,825 VVaotu .. .. «suu Qj en g ( j en _ _ _ j X00 Water-supply Board. Havelock North.. .. 21,930 Waimakariri-Ashley .. 8,765 Helensville .. .. 2,500 Railway Boards. j Henderson .. .. 6,050 £9,503,120 Ohai .. .. .. 50,000 Hikurangi .. .. 7,700 —




The custodians in London hold bonds and debentures to the nominal value of £54,000 and New Zealand Inscribed Stock to the nominal value of £42,400 on behalf of the Public Trustee. Mortgages and bills of sale securing advances made under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Acts, 1915-22, are held in the District Land Offices. G. F. 0. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (442 copies), £62.

By Authority : W. A. G. Skinnek, Government Printer, Wellington. —1932.

Price is.]


Particulars of Security. Amount held Amount held : as at i,„S Sou, renewed, as at Maturitv Hate of 31st March, . S"" , or redeemed. 31st March, Nature of Security. Date Interest. 1931 ' Renewal. 1932> i ' j " New Zealand Government Securities. % £ £ £ £ New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919, sec. 4 1/9/32 5J- 40,050 .. .. 40,050 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 .. 15/1/33 5£ 6,850 .. .. 6,850 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Electric-power Works) .. 1/2/36 ō| 2,250 .. .. 2,250 „ .. 15/8/33 5J 4,700 .. .. 4,700 Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1924, sec. 16 .. 15/8/33 5J 9,300 .. .. 9,300 Main Highways Act, 1922 .. .. .. .. 15/8/33 5J 13,950 .. .. 13,950 State Advances Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers Branch .. .. .. 1/2/36 5J 38,200 .. .. 38,200 15/2/37 5} 6,700 .. .. 6,700 Advances to Workers Branch .. .. .. 1/2/36 51 15,000 .. .. 15,000 15/8/33 5J 26,700 .. .. 26,700 15/2/32 5£ 7,950 .. 7,950 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 15/2/32 5J 9,150 .. 9,150 Finance Act, 1921, sec. 10 (Public Works) .. .. 15/2/32 5£ 4,500 .. 4,500 Westport Harbour Act, 1920, Westport Harbour Board Act, 1/1/49 4 10,500 .. 10,500 1884, and Loan Acts, 1896, 1897, 1900 Local Authorities Securities. Oxford County Council .. .. .. .. 1/12/40 5£ 2,200 .. .. 2,200 Waverley Town Board .. .. .. .. 1/4/55 5 13,420 .. .. 13,420 1/10/56 5 4,780 .. .. 4,780 Patea Borough .. .. .. .. .. 1/9/53 1} 5,000 .. .. 5,000 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. 221,200 .. 21,600 199,600

Amount held P , lrr . ha , prt or SnM Amount held Held in I Maturity Bate of as at issued hi renewed or as at ! Date. ! Interest. 31st March, % £ £ ! £ £ Post Office .. .. .. .. Dominion Various Various 48,336,802 7,590,970 i 11,977,176 43,950,596 .. London ,, „ 3,437,248 826,946 501,455 3,762,739 Government Accident Insurance .. .. Dominion ,, ,, 285,555 22,750 6,623 301,682 State Fire Insurance „ 877,592 97,548 75,517 899,623 Treasury .. .. .. .. „ ,, 6,634,653 19,564,855 21,752,513 4,446,995 ' .. .. .. .. London „ ,, 2,199,532 14,127,417 12,847,574 3,479,375 Government Insurance .. .. .. Dominion ,, ,, 6,736,932 320,689 260,408 6,797,213 .. London ,, „ 625,900 .. .. 625,900 Mines .. .. .. .. .. Dominion ,, 54,113 1,219 2,255 53,077 State Advances .. .. .. .. „ „ „ 45,612,278 1,167,853 1,527,316 45,252.815 Native Trust „ „ „ 628,210 7,107: 27,432 607,885 Public Trust .. .. .. .. ,, ,, „ 35,741,795 1,092,938 1,044,765 35,789,968 .. London „ „ 7,000 22,000 29,000 Public Trust (Westport Harbour Sinking Fund) Dominion „ „ 221,200 .. 21,600 199,600 Miscellaneous „ „ j „ 52,877 3,000 22,230 33,647 Totals .. .. .. .. .. ! 151,451,687 44,845,292 i 50,095,864 146,201,115

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