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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to the Friendly Societies Act, 1909, Section 9, and the Trade-unions Act, 1908, Section 16.

The Registrar of Friendly Societies to the Hon. the Minister. Sir, — Wellington, Ist July, 1930. I have the honour to submit the annual report of this Office for the year ended 31st December, 1929, in accordance with the provisions of the Friendly Societies Act, 1909, section 9, and the Tradeunions Act, 1908, section 16. I, have, &c., R. Witheford, Registrar of Friendly Societies.

REPORT. General. The membership of friendly societies shows an increase of 4,226 during the year, equal of 4.19 per cent., the number of members at the 31st December being 105,154. Total accumulated funds of societies increased from £3,728,087 to £3,927,433, an increase of £199,346, and the average capital per member from £36 18s. 9d. to £37 7s. Net interest credited to the Sick and Funeral Funds during the year amounted to £183,027, equal to a rate of £5 14s. lid. per cent., as compared with £5 13s. 2d. per cent, during 1928. The average contributions and interest per member credited to the Sick and Funeral Funds rose from £3 lis. sd. to £3 12s. 4d., and the cost of sickness and funeral benefits from £1 12s. 9d. to £1 13s. 10d.. while the net gain in these funds for the year amounted to £1 4s. per member. The number of members who died during the year was 868, equal to 8-39 per thousand members at risk, as against 756 and 7-56 respectively during 1928. Legislation. The Finance Act, 1929, contains the following provisions relative to the funds of friendly societies :— Section 42 : " (1) Where a friendly society or branch registered under the Friendly Societies Act, 1909, has more than one benefit fund, it may, if the rules of the society so provide and with the consent of the Actuary and the Registrar, transfer from any benefit fund which has been reported to possess a surplus at the last actuarial valuation so much thereof as can be safely used to any benefit fund or benefit funds of such society or branch reported at the last actuarial valuation to be deficient; and if in the opinion of the Registrar the circumstances in any case are exceptional, it may with the like consents appropriate so much of the surplus of any benefit fund as can be safely used for any of the purposes mentioned in subsection one of section forty-one of the Friendly Societies Act, 1909, notwithstanding that the society or branch may not possess a. surplus when all its funds are taken into account.

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" (2) A branch of any friendly society may in accordance with the provisions of the last preceding subsection, with the necessary modifications, transfer so much of any surplus of a branch fund as can be safely used to any deficient fund of the society of which it is a branch." Section 51 of the same Act validated payments made from the funds of friendly societies or branches thereof to public funds established for the relief of distress or hardship due to the earthquakes which occurred in New Zealand in the month of June, 1929, provided such payments were not made out of a benefit fund. Registrations. There were registered during the past year eighteen new branches, as follows: —M.U.1.0.0.F. : Progress Lodge (North Canterbury District) and Geraldine Lodge (South Canterbury District). 1.0.0. F. : Rangi Rebekah Lodge, Otahuhu Lodge, Lily of Devonport Rebekah Lodge, Iti Rebekah Lodge, Kupe Lodge, Kotiro Rebekah Lodge, Ngati Awa Lodge, Alpine Rebekah Lodge, Haeremai Lodge, and Mangaroa Lodge. A.O.F. : Court Star of Swanson (Auckland District). U.A.O.D. : Turanga Lodge and Waverley Lodge (Grand. Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand). 1.0. R. : Morrinsville Tent (New Zealand District). G.U.0.0.F. : fillerslie United Branch and Pride of the Valley Branch. There were also five isolated friendly societies registered. The following registrations were cancelled by request: M.U.1.0.0.F.: Star of Edendale Lodge (Southland District). 1.0.0. F. : Kaeo Lodge, Rua Tamaki Lodge, and Hui Mai Rebekah Lodge. A.O.F. : Court Pride of Waikato (Auckland District). H.A.C.B.S. : St. Columbkille's Branch (Denniston) and St. Joseph's Branch (Port Chalmers). I.F.S. : The Auckland Hospital Patients' Benevolent Fund. The following amalgamation was registered : —1.0.R. : Hope of South Invercargill Tent with Murihiku Tent (New Zealand Central District). The following change of name was approved:—l.F.S. : " The Auckland City Tramways Club " to " The Auckland Transport Club." The position of the orders in respect of registration is shown by the following summary as at the beginning and end of 1929 : —

A complete list of societies and branches on the register as at the end of ]929 is given in Appendix i. Rtjles. The rules of seventy-four societies and branches were amended during 1929. Complete Amendments of Rules registered. Complete amendments for the following were registered during the year, viz. : — M.U.1.0.0.F. —Motueka District; and Roxburgh Lodge (Otago District). A.O.F. —Court Captain Cook (Hawke's Bay District); and Court Victoria (Canterbury United District). U.A.O.D. —Grand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand. 0.5.T. —National Division of New Zealand. 1.E.8. —Brunner Miners' Sick Fund ; and the Auckland Transport Club. W.M.C. —The Palmerston North Cosmopolitan Club ; and Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts. S.A.S. —Hawke's Bay United Friendly Societies' Dispensary.

Ill Registrations Registrations Name of Order. at 1st Janu- Established. Closed. f at 31st Deary, 1929. j cember, 1929. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows .. 246 2 I 247 Independent Order of Odd Fellows .. .. .. 196 10 3 203 National Independent Order of Oddfellows .. .. 3 .. .. 3 British United Order of Oddfellows .. .. .. 1 .. .. 1 Ancient Order of Foresters . . .. .. .. 166 1 1 166 Ancient Order of Shepherds .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. 1 United Ancient Order of Druids .. .. .. .. 144 2 .. 146 Independent Order of Rechabites .. .. .. 68 1 1 68 Order of Sons of Temperance .. .. .. .. 10 .. .. 10 Sons and Daughters of Temperance .. . . . . 1 .. .. 1 Hibernian-Australasian Catholic Benefit Society .. .. 71 .. 2 69 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia .. 15 .. .. 15 Grand United Order of Oddfellows .. .. .. 11 2 .. 13 Isolated friendly societies .. .. .. .. 61 5 1 65 Working-men's clubs .. .. .. .. .. 16 .. .. 16 International Order of Good Templars .. . . . . 11. .. .. 11 Specially authorized societies .. .. .. .. 16 .. .. 16 Totals .. .. .. .. 1,037 23 9 1,051 I

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Partial Amendments oj Rules registered. Partial amendments for. the following were registered during the year, .viz. :• — M.U.1.0.0.F. —Wellington District; Combination Lodge, Masterton Lodge, Greytown Lodge, Petone Lodge, Rose of Sharon Lodge, Britannia Lodge, Antipodean Lodge, Rose of the Valley Lodge, Newtown Lodge, Sister Wallis Lodge, and Kilbirnie Lodge (Wellington .District) ; Ashley District; Nelson District; Abbotsford Lodge (2), Olive Lodge, Hastings Lodge, Tavistock Lodge, Woodville Lodge, Napier Lodge, Ruahine Lodge, and Te Reinga Lodge (Hawke's Bay District) ; Good Intent Lodge (Auckland District) ; Excelsior Lodge, Waitara Lodge, Union Lodge, Egmont Lodge, Manaia Lodge, Eltham Lodge, and Stratford Lodge (Taranaki District) ; Manawatu Lodge, and Hautapu Lodge (Wanganui District) ; Renwick Lodge (Marlborough District) ; North Canterbury District ; Good Intent Lodge, Perseverance Lodge, and Hand and Heart Lodge (Lyttelton District) ; and South Canterbury District. A.O.F. —Court Aorere (Nelson District) ; Court Star of Belfast, and Court Star of Canterbury (Canterbury United District) ; South Canterbury District ; Court Southern Cross (South Canterbury District); and United Otago District. AO.S. —Sanctuary Sir George Grey. CJ.A.O.D.—Grand Lodge of Canterbury, New Zealand; and Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland, New Zealand. P.A.F.S.A. —Grand Council of New Zealand. G.U.O.O.F.—The Grand United Order of Oddfellows, Friendly Society of New Zealand. I.F.S. —Christchurch United Friendly Societies' Dispensary ; The Wanganui United Friendly Societies' Dispensary ; Hastings District United Friendly Societies' Association (2) ; Hikurangi and Wilson's Collieries Medical Society ; Public Works Medical Association ; Auckland City Council Employees Voluntary Sick and Accident Society; City of Waikato Benefit Society; The Wellington Municipal Employees' Sick Benefit and Death Levy Society ; and Paparoa Miners' Medical Club. W.M.C. —Auckland Working-men's Club and Mechanics' Institute. S.A.S. —Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Club ; and Wellington United Friendly Societies' Dispensary. Annual Returns op Receipts and Expenditure, etc. The Friendly Societies Act requires these returns to reach me on or before the 31st March in each year. The number outstanding at that date in the respective societies was as follows :— Annual Returns outstanding at 31st March, 1930. Central Name of Society. Bodies. Branches. M.U.1.0.0.F .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1 2 1.0.0. F. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 9 A.O.F. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 8 U.A.O.D. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 7 1.0. R. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 5 H.A.C.B.S. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 26 P.A.F.S.A. .. .. .. .. .. .... I G.U.0.0.F. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 1 1.F.5., &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 33 3 92 95 Statistics of Membership and Funds. The following table shows the membership of 900 lodges* of the Dominion for the year 1929 : — Number of members, Ist January .. .. .. .. .. 100,928 Number admitted by— Initiation, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 10,556 Clearance .. .. .. .. .. . . 1,332 11,888 112,816 Number who died .. .. .. .. .. 868 Number who left by — Clearance . . .. .. .. .. . . 1,394 Arrears, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,400 7,662 Number of members, 31st December .. .. .. 105,154 The above figures show an increase in membership equal to 4T9 per cent., as compared with 2-72 per cent, for 1928. * The word "lodge" when applied to all societies is to be understood as embracing the synonymous terms " court," " tent," &c., as used in the various orders.



The total funds of the societies and branches as at the 31st December, 1929, amounted to £3,927,433, made up as follows : Sick and Funeral Funds (inclusive of amounts transferred to special funds out of surplus), £3,640,611; Medical and Management Funds, goods, &c., £286,822. Dividing the total funds by the number of members at the end of the year it is found the average capital per member is now £37 7s. Taking the several years 1920-1929, the number of lodges whose returns were tabulated, the number of members, total funds, and average capital per member at the end of each year were as under :—

These sums are, of course, held against the societies' liabilities under their sickness and funeral insurances, and the actuarial reports issued from time to time indicate how far they are sufficient or otherwise. The above figures include the latest statistics received from lodges. The following statement shows.the disposal of the total funds (including those of the central bodies) as at the 31st December, 1929 :—

The next table shows the number of members of friendly societies, the amount of their accumulated capital, and the average capital per member in each of the Australian States according to the latest received statistics, and in the Dominion of New Zealand as at the 31st December, 1928, arranged in order of membership : —

Sickness. The number of members sick during J 929 was 21,015, equal to 22-3 per 100 members at risk. The sickness experienced during 1929 was 212,263 weeks, equal to 10 weeks 1 day per sick member, and 2 weeks 2 days for each member at risk.

NUm t^d 0dgeS j of Members. Total Funds. Average Capital. I ■ J I ■ £ £ s. d. 1920 .. .. .. 732 74,210 2,321,176 31 5 7 1921 .. .. .. 731 77,814 2,445,843 31 8 8 1922 .. .. .. 746 80,777 2.593,692 32 2 2 1923 .. .. .. 774 84,228 2,747,952 32 12 0 1924 .. .. .. 782 87,433 2,955,340 33 16 0 1925 .. .. .. 817 ; 91,353 3,136,237 34 6 7 1926 .. .. .. 843 94,467 3,337,683 35 6 8 1927 .. .. .. 864 98,251 3,526,717 35 17 11 1928 .. .. .. 885 I 100,928 3,728,087 36 18 9 1929 .. .. .. 900 105,154 3,927,433 37 7 0

Funds. Assets. £ £ Sick and .Funeral Funds .. .. .. 3,337,656 Investments at interest .. .. .. 3,338,984 Surplus Appropriation Funds, &c... .. 302,955 Value of land and buildings .. .. 430,579 Management Funds, goods, &c. .. .. 175,281 Casli not bearing interest .. .. 107,005 Widow and Orphans' Funds .. .. 27,940 Value of goods .. .. .. .. 23,669 Distress, Benevolent Funds, &c. .. .. 83,601 Other assets .. .. .. .. 21,791 Owing by Management Funds .. .. 5,405 Total .. .. .. .. £3,927,433 Total .. .. .. .. £3,927,433

I Number Number Amount Capital State or Dominion. Date of Return. of of of per Lodges. Members. Funds. Member. £ £ s. d. New South Wales .. .. .. 30th June, 1928 .. 2,433 242,199 3,657,274 15 2 0 Victoria .. .. .. .. „ „ 1.481 161,850 4,758,383 29 8 0 New Zealand .. .. .. 31st Dec., „ .. 885 100,928 3,728,087 36 18 9 South Australia .. .. .. „ 1927 .. 684 78,422 2,144,921 27 7 0 Queensland .. .. .. 30th June, „ .. 572 66,642 1.481,736 22 4 8 Tasmania.. .. .. .. 31st Dec., „ .. 191 25,076 377,258 15 0 11 Western Australia .. .. .. 30th June, 1928 .. I 341 23,509 423,322 18 0 2

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Mortality. A statement of the average mortality experienced during the years 1925-29 is given below, but it takes no account of age incidence : —

Sick and Funeral J Funds. The contributions and entrance fees paid to Sick and Funeral Funds in 1929 amounted to £189,883. Divided by the mean number of members the average for 1929 was £1 16s. 10d., the same as in 1928. The interest and rent received by the lodges and central bodies amounted to £183,027 in 1.929, equal to £1 15s. 6d. per member, as against £1 14s. 6d. for 1928. The amount of sickness benefit paid was £136,693 in 1929, equal to £6 10s. Id. per member sick, and £1 6s. 6d. per member, as against £6 13s. 4d. and £1 ss. lid. respectively for 1928. Viewing the amount paid in relation to the weeks of sickness, the average benefit per week is found to be 12s. lid. in 1929, as against 13s. Id. for 1928. The funeral benefit paid amounted to £37,757 in 1929, equal to 7s. 4d. per member, as compared with 6s. lOd. for 1928. The total worth of the Sick and Funeral Funds of 900 lodges at the beginning of 1929 was £3,214,131, and at the end of the year £3,337,656. The balance of gain for the year was £123,525, or £1 4s. per member, in 1929, as compared with £177,461, or £1 15s. Bd., in 1928. Investment of Funds. The net income from investments credited to the Sick and Funeral Funds for 1929 amounted to £183,027, the average rate being £5 14s. lid. per cent., as against £5 13s. 2d. in 1928. Table showing the Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Funds op 900 Lodges as at the Ist January, 1929, and 31st December, 1929, inclusive of Accumulations held by Central Bodies, also Amount and Average Rate of Interest earned.

Trade-unions. Three partial amendments of rules were registered during the year for the New Zealand Locomotive Engineers, Firemen, and Cleaners' Association. There were twenty-five unions on the register at the end of the year.

Members. Wives. Year. Number who died, j Number who died, i 1025 .. .. .. .. 648 7-22 328 3-66 1926 .. .. .. .. 748 8-02 323 3-46 1927 . . .. .. . . 776 7-98 320 3-29 1928 .. .. .. .. 756 7-56 341 3-41 1929 .. .. .. .. 868 j 8-39 363 3-51 , V ' ; -:V . . I I

Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Funds as at the Name of Sooietv Amount Average Rate JNarne 01 society. of Interest. per Cent. January 1,1929. December 31,1929. £ £ £ £ M.U.I.O.O.F. .. .. .. .. 1,146,462 1,153,054 62,632 5-60 LO.O.F. .. .. .. .. .. 260,001 281,596 15,402 5-85 N.I.O.O.F. .. .. .. .. 5,991 6,009 259 4.41 B.U.O.O.F. .. .. .. .. 5,836 6,076 370 6-41 A.O.F. .. .. .. .. .. 685,395 711,048 36,728 5-40 A.O.S. .. .. .. .. .. 1,429 1,454 97 6-96 U.A.O.D. .. .. .. .. 735,058 782,105 45,995 6-25 1.0.R. .. .. .. .. .. 156,009 165,046 8,749 5-60 O.S.T. .. .. .. .. .. 24,682 25,918 1,435 5-84 S.'D.T. .. .. .. .. .. 11,479 11,893 693 6.11 H.A.C.B.S. .. .. .. .. 87,886 93,978 5,235 5-93 P.A.F.S.A. .. .. .. .. 41,863 43,639 2,474 5-96 G.U.O.O.F. .. .. .. .. 1,685 2,263 68 3-51 Other societies .. .. .. .. 50,355 53,577 2,890 5-72 Totals .. .. .. 3,214,131 3,337,656 183,027 5-75


APPENDIX I. List of Registebed Societies, with theik Registered Branches, as at thk 31st Decembeb, 1929. I. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows. Keg.No. Reg. No. 312. New Zealand Branch, Wellington. (5.) 44. Waitoa Lodge, Waitoa. (1.) Wellington District—Wellington. 47. Remuera Lodge, Remuera, Auckland. 1. Combination Lodge, Johnsonville. 48. Calliope Lodge, Devonport. 2. Masterton Lodge, Masterton. 49. Hearts of Oak Lodge, Taumarunui. 3. Heart of Oak Lodge, Carterton. 50. Manurewa Lodge, Manurewa. 4. Greytown Lodge, Greytown. 51. Tuakau Lodge, Tuakau. 5. Unity Lodge, Feathers ton. 52. Papakura Lodge, Papakura. 8. Petone Lodge, Petone. 53. Pupuke Lodge, Takapuna. 10. Rose of Sharon Lodge, Upper Hufct. 54. Drury Lodge, Drury. 11. Britannia Lodge, Wellington. 55. Tauranga Lodge, Tauranga. 12. Antipodean Lodge, Wellington. 56. Birkenhead Lodge, Birkenhead, Auckland. 13. Eketahuna Lodge, Eketahuna. 57. Lynndale Lodge, New Lynn. 14. Martinborough Lodge, Martinborough. 58. Richmond Lodge, Grey Lynn, Auckland. 15. Rose of the Valley Lodge, Lower Hutt. 59. Pokeno Lodge, Pokeno. 16. Mangatainoka Lodge, Mangatainoka. 60. Papatoetoe Lodge, Papatoetoe. 17. Newtown Lodge, Newtown. 61. Owhango Lodge, Owhango. 18. Victoria Diamond Lodge, Levin. 62. Patetere Lodge, Tirau. 19. Sister Waliis Lodge, Wellington. 63. Chevalier Lodge, Point Chevalier, Auckland. 20. Kilbirnie Lodge, Kilbirnie. 64. St. Heliers Lodge, St. Heliers Bay, Auckland 65. Netherton Lodge, Netherton. (2.) Ashley District—Rangiora. 66. Maungatapere Lodge, Maungatapere. 1. Leithfield Lodge, Leithfield. 67. Dargaville Lodge, Dargaville. 2. Oust Lodge, Cust. 68. Kereone Lodge, Kereone, via Morrinsville. 3. Woodend Lodge, Woodend. 69. Otorohanga Lodge, Otorohanga. 4. Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka. 70. Kerepeehi Lodge, Kerepeehi. 5. Oxford Lodge, Oxford. 71. Ranfurly Lodge, Epsom, Auckland. 6. Amberley Lodge, Amberley. 72. Mount Albert Lodge, Mount Albert, Auckland. 8. Waikari Lodge, Waikari. 73. Waiuku Lodge, Waiuku. 9. Rangiora Lodge, Rangiora. 10. Nil Desperandum Lodge, East Oxford. (6.) Ashburton District—Ashburton. 12. Waiau Lodge, Waiau. 1, Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 13. Omihi Lodge, Omihi. 2. Pioneer Lodge, Staveley. 3. Waterton Lodge, Waterfcon. (3.) Nelson District—Nelson. 5. Tinwald Lodge, Tinwald. 1. Howard Lodge, Nelson. 6. Methven Lodge, Methven. 2. General Cameron Lodge, Brightwater. 7. Mayfield Lodge, Mayfield. 4. Mansion of Peace Lodge, Wakefield. 8. Hinds Lodge, Hinds. 5. Travellers' Rest Lodge, Richmond. 9. Rakaia Lodge, Rakaia. 6. Nelson Lodge, Nelson. 7. Mataki Lodge, Murchison. (7.) Motueka District—Motueka. 8. Palmyra Lodge, Tadmor. 1. Motueka Lodge, Motueka. 2. Good Intention Lodge, Riwaka. (4.) Hawke's Bay District—Napier. 3. Takaka Lodge, Takaka. 1. Meeanee Lodge, Taradale. 4. South Star Lodge, Dovedale. 2. Abbotsford Lodge, Waipawa. 3. Clive Lodge, Clive. 1 (8.) Taranalci District—New Plymouth. 4. Hastings Lodge, Hastings. 1. Excelsior Lodge, New Plymouth. 6. Tavistock Lodge, Waipukurau. 2. Waitara Lodge, Waitara. 7. Woodville Lodge, Woodville. 3. Union Lodge, Hawera. 8. Napier Lodge, Napier. 4. Egmont Lodge, New Plymouth. 9. Forest Home Lodge, Ormondville. 5. Manaia Lodge, Manaia. 10. Dannevirke Lodge, Dannevirke. 6. Eltham Lodge, Eltham. 12. Ruahine Lodge, Tikokino. 7. Midhirst Lodge, Midhirst. 13. Te Reinga Lodge, Wairoa. 8. Stratford Lodge, Stratford. 14. Takapau Lodge, Takapau, Hawke's Bay. 9. Toko Lodge, Toko. 11. Kaponga Lodge, Kaponga. (5.) Auckland District—Auckland. 1. Howick Lodge, Howick. (10.) Wanganui District—Wanganui. 3. Good Intent Lodge, Auckland. 1. Manawatu Lodge, Palmerston North. 4. Thames Lodge, Thames. 2. Manchester Lodge, Feilding. 5. Gisborne Lodge, Gisborne. 4. Apiti Lodge, Apiti. 6. Whangarei Lodge, Whangarei. 5. Rangitikei Lodge, Mangaweka. 7. Franklin Lodge, Otahuhu. 6. Hautapu Lodge, Taihape. 9. Parnell Lodge, Parnell, Auckland. 9. Wanganui Lodge, Wanganui. 14. Warkworth Pioneer Lodge, Warkworth. 11. Foxton Lodge, Foxton. 16. Duke of Cambridge Lodge, Cambridge. 12. Kimbolton Lodge, Kimbolton. 17. Hauraki Lodge, Coromandel. 13. Ohakune Lodge, Ohakune. 18. Hokianga Lodge, Rawene, Hokianga. 14. Raetihi Lodge, Raetihi. 19. Karangahake Lodge, Karangahako. 15. Marton Lodge, Marton. 20. Waihi Lodge, Waihi. 16. Bulls Lodge, Sanson. 21. Jubilee Lodge, Paeroa. 17. Rangiwahia Lodge, Rangiwahia. 22. Manukau Lodge, Onehunga. 23. Rotorua Lodge, Rotorua. (11.) North Canterbury District—Christchurch. 24. Waitekauri and Golden Cross Lodge, Wai- 1. Volunteer Lodge, Sydenham. kino. 2. Perseverance Lodge, Woolston. 25. Waipu Lodge, Waipu. 4. Benevolent Lodge, Christchurch. 27. Hot Springs Lodge, Te Aroha. 8. Kaiapoi Lodge, Kaiapoi. 28. Te Awamutu Lodge, Te Awamutu. 9. Phillipstown Lodge, Linwood. 29. Hamilton Lodge, Hamilton. 10. Leeston Lodge, Leeston. 30. Hikurangi Lodge, Hikurangi. 11. Papanui Lodge, St. Albans, Christohuroh. 31. Hand of Friendship Lodge, Huntly. 12. Coleridge Lodge, Glentunnel. 32. Pukekohe Lodge, Pukekohe. 14. Addington Lodge, Addington. 33. Matamata Lodge, Matamata. 16. Malvern Lodge, Sheffield. 34. Te Kuiti Lodge, Te Kuiti. 20. City of Christchurch Lodge, Christchurch. 35. Morrinsville Lodge, Morrinsville. 21. Heart of Oak Lodge, Kaikoura. 36. Ngaruawahia Lodge, Ngaruawahia. 22. Riccarton Lodge, Papanui. 37. Mamaku Lodge, Mamaku. 23. Jubilee Lodge, Prebbleton. 41. Dominion Lodge, Mount Eden. 24. Sister Pearce Lodge, Christchurch. 42. Selwyn Lodge, Putaruru. 27. Progress Lodge, North Richmond, Christ 43. Ponsonby Lodge, Ponsonby, Auckland. church.




List op Registered Societies, etc. —continued. I. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows —continued. Reg. No. Keg. No. (12.) Marlborough District—Blenheim. 23. 11. Dalton Lodge, Balclutha. 1. Marlborough Lodge, Blenheim. 13. Cromwell Lodge, Cromwell. 2. Benwick Lodge, Rcnwicktown. 14. Hand and Heart Lodge, Dunedin. 15. Oamaru Lodge, Oamaru. (13.) United Westland District —Westport. 16. Band of Friendship Lodge, Uakanui 1. Reefton Lodge, Reefton. 17. Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge, Lawrence. 2. Westport Lodge, Westport. 20. Mosgiel Lodge, Mosgiel. * 3. Charleston Lodge, Charleston. 21. Mount Wendon Lodge, Waikaia. 5. Denniston Lodge, Denniston. 22. Caversham Lodge, Caversham. 6. Blackball Lodge, Blackball. 23 Valley Lodge, Dunedin. 7. Ngakawau Lodge, Granity. 24. Naseby Lodge, Naseby. 9. Albert Lodge, Kumara. 25. Ngapara Lodge, Ngapara. 10. Waimea Lodge, Stafford. 26. Dunback Lodge, Dunback. 11. Greymouth Lodge, Greymouth. 27. Pride of Kaitangata Lodge, Kaitangata. 28. Milton Lodge, Milton. 5. Lyttelton District—Lyttelton. 29. United Brothers Lodge, Cambrian. 2. Hand of Friendship Lodge, Okain's Bay. 30. Waikaka Lodge, Waikaka. 4. Good Intent Lodge, Akaroa. 31. Middlemarch Lodge, Middlemaroh. 5. Perseverance Lodge, Barry's Bay. 32. Centenary Lodge, South Dunedin. 6. City of Norwich Lodge, Lyttelton. 33. Maniototo Lodge, Ranfurly. 7. Hand and Heart Lodge, Pigeon Bay. 34. Vincent Lodge, Ophir. 10. Wairewa Lodge, Little River. 35. Queen of Otago Lodge, Kaitangata. 11. Kaia Toa Lodge, Lyttelton. 36. Victoria Lodge, Milton. 37. Princess Mary Lodge, Caversham. 315. South Canterbury District—Timaru. 1. Timaru Lodge, Timaru. 64. Southland District—lnvercargill. 3. Heart of Friendship Lodge, Waimate. 1. Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge, Inver 4. Makikihi Lodge, Makikihi. cargill. 5. Morven Lodge, Morven. 2. St. George Lodge, Invercargill. 6. Geraldine Lodge, Geraldine. 3. Lumsden Lodge, Lumsden. 4. Winton Lodge, Winton. 23. Otago District —Dunedin. 5. United Gore Lodge, Gore. 1. Outram Lodge, Outram. 6. Awarua Lodge, Bluff. 2. Albion Lodge, Dunedin. 8. Riversdale Lodge, Riversdale. 3. Alexandra Lodge, Port Molyneux. 9. Mataura Falls Lodge, Mataura. 4. Prince of Wales Lodge, Port Chalmers. 10. Star of the West Lodge, Orepuki. 5. Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui. 11. Star of Nightcaps Lodge, Nightcaps. 6. Roxburgh Lodge, Roxburgh, 12. Hearts of Oak Lodge, Invercargill. 7. Prince Alfred Lodge, Waikouaiti. 13. Balfour Lodge, Balfour. 8. Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 14. Otautau Lodge, Otautau. 10. Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston South. 17. Dipton Lodge, Dipton. 11. Independent Order of Odd Fellows of New Zealand. L 46. Grand Lodge of New Zealand—Dunedin. 146. 73. Clevedon Lodge, Clevedon. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 74. Star of Papakaio Lodge, Papakaio. 2. Star of Canterbury Lodge, Timaru. 75. Excelsior Lodge, Pukekohe. 4. Alexandrovna Lodge, Temuka. 76. Star of Kaikolie Lodge, Kaikohe. 5. Unity Lodge, South Dunedin. 77. Royal Pukerau Lodge, Pukerau. 8. Southern Cross Lodge, Wellington. 78. Star of Hokianga Lodge, Kohukohu. 12. Alfred Lodge, Oamaru. 79. Star of Avondale Lodge, Avondale. 15. Pioneer of Southland Lodge, Invercargill. 80. Star of Waikato Lodge, Frankton. 16. Leith Lodge, Dunedin. 81. Ruth Rebekah Lodge, Dunedin. 17. Star of Auckland Lodge, Auckland. 82. Moana Rebekah Lodge, Riverton. 19. Victoria Lodge, Geraldine. 83. Miriam Rebekah Lodge, South Dunedin. 20. Templeton Lodge, Templeton. 84. Golden Link Rebekah Lodge, Linwood. 21. Alma Lodge, Wyndliam. 85. Lily of Sydenham Rebekah Lodge, Sydenham 22. Ridgely Lodge, Christchurch. 87. Te Ara Rebekah Lodge, Otautau. 23. Wallace Lodge, Riverton. 88. Takiara Rebekah Lodge, Invercargill. 25. Gladstone Lodge, Fairlie Creek. 89. Rakaia Lodge, Rakaia. 26. Mataura Lodge, Mataura. 90. St. Kilda Lodge, Dunedin. 27. Kawakawa Lodge, Kawakawa. 91. Maori Hill Lodge, Maori Hill. 28. Orient Lodge, Palmerston North. 92. Star of Papakura Lodge, Papakura. 31. Washington Lodge, Addington. 93 Loyal Waimate Lodge, Waimate 32. Linden Lodge, Kaikorai. 94. Pride of Taumarunui Lodge, Taumarunui. 37. Popotunoa Lodge, Clinton. 96. Karamu Lodge, Hastings. 39. Hope of Maheno Lodge, Maheno. 98. Pyramid Lodge, Wanganui. 44. Waiareka Lodge, Enfield. 99. Marama Lodge, Morton Mains. 46. Rangitikei Lodge, Bulls. 100. Star of Whangarei Lodge, Wbangarei. 47. Star of Eden Lodge, Ponsonby. 101. Chertsey Lodge, Cbertsey. 49. Northern Wairoa Lodge, Te Kopuru. 102. Kia Ora Lodge, Dannevirke. 50. Myrtle Rebekah Lodge, Auckland. 103. Star of Bluff Lodge, Bluff. 51. Aparima Lodge, Otautau. 104. Arawa Lodge, Cambridge. 52. Linda Rebekah Lodge, Roslyn. 105. Star of Waikiwi Lodge, Waikiwi. 54. Wynyard Lodge, Auokland. 106. Epsom Lodge, Epsom. 55. Opotiki Lodge, Opotiki. 107. Awarua Lodge, Taihape. 56. Naomi Rebekah Lodge, Christchurch. 108. Hokonui Lodge, Gore. 57. Star of Waiuku Lodge, Waiuku. 109. Kiwitea Lodge, Feilding. 58. Owaka Lodge, Owaka. 110. Tois Tois Lodge, Waimahaka. 59. Star of Gisborne Lodge, Gisborne. 111. Waipoua Lodge, Masterton. 60. Tengawai Lodge, Albury. 112. Lily of Eden Rebekah Lodge, Ponsonby. 61. Star of Napier Lodge, Napier. 113. Paritutu Lodge, New Plymouth. 62. Hereweka Lodge, Portobello. 114. Oreti Lodge, Makarewa. 63. Star of Linwood Lodge, Linwood. 115. Clutha Lodge, Balclutha. 64. Royal Oak Lodge, Drummond. 116. Star of Egmont Lodge, Eltham. 65. Awhina Lodge, Mamaku. 117. Aroha Lodge, South Invercargill. 66. Hakatere Lodge, Asbburton. 118. Star of Ellerslie Lodge, Ellerslie. 67. Star of Sydenham Lodge, Sydenham. 119. Kennington Lodge, Kennington. 68. Waiau Lodge, Tuatapere. 120. Pouatu Lodge, Whangamomona. 69. Star of St. Albans Lodge, St. Albans. 121. Star of Melrose Lodge, Devonport. 70. Aroatea Lodge, Birkenhead. 122. Cleveland Lodge, Brooklyn. 71. Wairoa Lodge, Wairoa. 123. Star of Opawa Lodge, Linwood, Christ--72. Zealandia Lodge, Wellington. church.



List of Registered Societies, etc. —continued. 11. Independent Order of Odd Fellows of New Zealand—continued. Reg. No. Reg. No. 146. Grand Lodge of New Zealand—Dunedin—contd. 146. 181. Wakatipu Lodge, Queenstown. 124. Victoria Rebekah Lodge, Wellington. 182. Onslow Lodge, Khandallah. 125. Huia Lodge, Hawera. 183. O-Kiwi-Iti Rebekah Lodge, Eastbourne, Wel--126. Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, Timaru. lington. 127. Star of Opunake Lodge, Opunake. 184. Star of Petone Eebekah Lodge, Petone. 129. Taneatua Lodge, Taneatua. 185. Star of Carterton Lodge, Carterton. 130. Lily of Clutha Eebekah Lodge, Balclutha. 186. Huangarua Lodge, Martinborough. 131. Eose of Clinton Eebekah Lodge, Clinton. 187. Whanganui Rebekah Lodge, Wanganui. 132. Centenary Lodge, Whakatane. 188. Blenheim Lodge, Blenheim. 133. Alberta Lodge, Morningside, Auckland. 189. Queen Charlotte Lodge, Picton. 134. Geyser Lodge, Eotorua. 190. Warepa Lodge, Warepa. 135. Mizpah Kebekah Lodge, Mt. Eden, Auck- 191, Tasman Lodge, Nelson. land. 192. Levin Lodge, Levin. 137. Bethesda Eebekah Lodge, Pukekohe. 193. Otaki Lodge, Otaki. 138. Okaiawa Lodge, Okaiawa. 194. Mount Arthur Lodge, Motueka. 139. Esther Eebekah Lodge, Brooklyn, Wellington. 195. Star of Eangiora Lodge, Eangiora. 140. Koa Eebekah Lodge, Kaitaia. 196. Waiwhetu Lodge, Trentham. 141. Wildey Lodge, Island Bay, Wellington. 197. Hylton Lodge, Aramoho. 143. Star of Ngongotaha Lodge, Ngongotaha, 198. Eahiri Eebekah Lodge, Miramar, Wellington. 144. Broadwood Lodge, Broadwood. 199. Waimakariri Lodge, Kaiapoi. 145. Northern Star Lodge, Kaitaia. 200. Welcome Eebekah Lodge, Nelson. 146. Olive Rebekah Lodge, Owaka. 201. Edith Cavell Rebekah Lodge, Eakaia. 147. Star of Hikurangi Lodge, Hikurangi. 202. Vincent Lodge, Alexandra. 148. Kowhat Eebekah Lodge, Feilding. ! 203. Kopane Lodge, Eongotea. 149. Raehael Eebekah Lodge, Gore. 204. Loloma Eebekah Lodge, Dargaville. 150. Tahakopa Lodge, Tahakopa. ! 205. Brighter Greymouth Lodge, Greymouth. 151. Waimamaku Valley Lodge, Waimamaku. 206. Eangatoto Lodge, Takapau. 152. Eoseneath Rebekah Lodge, Bulls. 208. Kiwi Rebekah Lodge, Hawera. 153. Lily of Franklin Rebekah Lodge, Waiuku. 209. Tutanekai Rebekah Lodge, Helensville. 154. Pearl of Mataura Rebekah Lodge, Mataura. ; 210. Ngatoa Eebekah Lodge, Hikurangi. 155. Hinemoa Lodge, Helensville. 211. Tui Rebekah Lodge, Taihape. 156. Triumph Lodge, Stratford. 212. Lily of the Valley Rebekah Lodge, Trentham. 157. Wakanui Lodge, Wakanui. 213. Harmony Eebekah Lodge, Birkenhead. 158. Mangapapa Lodge, Mangapapa, Gisborne. 214. Ngatitoa Lodge, Porirua. 159. Star of Henderson Lodge, Henderson. 215. Arlington Rebekah Lodge, Waipukurau. 160. Muritai Lodge, Eastbourne. 216. Golden West Eebekah Lodge, Greymouth. 161. Eata Rebekah Lodge, Kennington. j 217. Hauraki Lodge, Takapuna. 162. Tokomaru Bay Lodge, Tokomaru Bay. ! 218. Star of Hobsonville Lodge, Hobsonville. 164. Eose ofWellington Eebekah Lodge, Wellington. | 219. Eawhiti Lodge, Point Chevalier, Auckland. 165. Pride of Dargaville Lodge, Dargaville. 220. Pukekura Eebekah Lodge, New Plymouth. 166. Elm Eebekah Lodge, Papakura. j 221. Eose of Kawarau Rebekah Lodge, Cromwell. 167. Kahuranaki Rebekah Lodge, Hastings. 222. Gisborne Rebekah Lodge, Gisborne. 168. Heretaunga Lodge, Petone. 223. Haeata Rebekah Lodge, Point Chevalier, 169. Southern Star Lodge, Tokanui. Auckland. 170. Daphne Rebekah Lodge, Ashburton. 224. Westmere Lodge, Grey Lynn, Auckland. 171. Tokomairiro Lodge, Milton. 225. Eangi Eebekah Lodge, Eotorua. 172. Laurel Rebekah Lodge, Avondale, Auckland. 226. Otahuhu Lodge, Otaliuhu. 173. Hinekoa Rebekah Lodge, Palmerston North. 227. Lily of Devonport Rebekah Lodge, Devonport. 174. Waipukurau Lodge, Waipukurau. 228. Iti Eebekah Lodge, Otaki. 175. Aloha Rebekah Lodge, Whangarei. 229. Kupe Lodge, Lyall Bay, Wellington. 176. Kawarau Lodge, Cromwell. 230. Kotiro Eebekah Lodge, Aramoho. 177. Star of Glen Ora Lodge, Glen EdeD. 231. Ngati Awa Lodge, Moera, Lower Hutt. 178. Friendship Eebekah Lodge, Henderson. 232. Alpine Eebekah Lodge, North Wairoa. 179. Maraenui Lodge, Miramar, Wellington. 233. Haeremai Lodge, Kumeu. 180. Bellevue Lodge, Lower Hutt. 234. Mangaroa Lodge, Ohura. 111. National Independent Order of Oddfellows. 160. Auckland Provincial District —Auckland. | 160. 2. United Brothers Lodge, Auckland. 1. Auckland Pioneer Lodge, Auckland. IV. British United Order of Oddfellows. Reg. No. 311. Aorangi Lodge, Wellington. V. Ancient Order of Foresters. 356. The Ancient Order of Foresters of New Zealand (2.) 15. Court Queen of the North, Maungaturoto. Friendly Society —Auckland. 18. „ Maid Marion, Auckland. (1.) Hawhe's Bay District—Napier. 3;®' * Waihi. i i j 1. Court Sir Charles Napier, Napier. 23. , Birkenhead, Birkenhead. 2. „ Captain Cook, Napier. 24. , Pride of Awanui, Awanui. 3. „ Sir Henry Havelock, Havelock North. 26. „ Taumarunm Taumarunui. 4. „ Robin Hood, Port Ahuriri. 27. . Edith Cavell, Onehunga. 5. „ Euahine, Waipukurau. ,2' " ™ w''! m ar S a i 6. . Lord Clyde, Wairoa. f: - p uke, T«^ke7. „ Heretaunga, Hastings. 34. . Takapuna, Takapuna. 8. „ Little John, Waipawa. jj'' " Anzac, Te Kuiti. 9. , Ormond, Makotuku. 36. „ Pride of Henderson, Henderson. 10. . EisingSun, Dannevirke. • Victory Whangarei 11. ~ Waitangi, Clive. f- « Pnde of Ellershe, Ellerslie. 12. „ Eedclyffe, Taradale. 39. „ Aroha, Te Aroha. 14. „ Viking, Norsewood. " Balmoral Mount Eden, Auckland. 16. . Pride of Dannevirke, Dannevirke. » P"de of New Lynn, New Lynn 42. „ Pride of Kaukapakapa, Kaukapakapa. (2.) Auckland District-Auckland. j f/ » Pride °!j Papatoetoe, Papatoetoe. 3. Court Zealandia, Auckland. ! f- " Concord, Hamilton. 4. „ Eobin Hood, Panmure. f5. „ Hinemoa, Takapuna, 5. . Nil Desperandum, Auckland. f- " Te-Ra, Pomt Chevalier. 6. „ Eoyal Oak, Tauranga. f7. » Hikurangi, Hikurangi. 7. „ Pride of Onehunga; Onehunga. 48 ' " Star o£ Sanson, Swanson. 8. „ Pride of the North, Grahamstown. 9. „ Star of the South, Otahuhu. 216. Taranaki District—New Plymouth. 10. „ Pride of Newmarket, Auckland. 1. Court Taranaki, New Plymouth. . 11. „ Northern Wairoa, Dargaville. 2. „ Inglewood Forest, Inglewood. 13. „ Star of Helensville, Helensville. 3. „ Ealeigh, Waitara. 14. „ Victoria, Devonport. 4. „ Egmont, Hawera.



List op Registered Societies, etc.—continued. V. Ancient Order of Foresters —continued. Keg. No. Reg. No. 216. Taranaki District—New Plymouth—continued. 28. 9. Court Ashburton, Ashburton. 5. Court Patea, Patea. 10. „ Star of Dunsandel, Dunsandel. 6. „ Stratford, Stratford. 11. „ Star of Belfast, Belfast. 7. „ Pride of New Plymouth, New Plymouth. 13. „ Queen of Canterbury, Christchurch. 8. „ Opunake, New Plymouth. 14. „ Victoria, Kaiapoi. 9. „ Waireka, New Plymouth. 15. „ Star of Canterbury, Christchurch. 11. „ Pride of Eltham, Eltham. 16. „ Pride of Rangiora, Rangiora. 17. „ Star of Rakaia, Rakaia. 144. Wellington District —Wellington. 18. „ Queen of the Isles, Lyttelton. 1. Court Robin Hood, Wellington. 20. „ Star of Greendale, Greendale. 2. „ Sir George Bowen, Wellington. 5. „ Manawatu, Palmerston North. c.nnterhnrv District—Timaru 6. , Loyal Feilding, Feilding. 152. bouth Canterbury District JL'maru. 7. . William Gladstone, Gisborne. £• Court Southern Cross, Timaru. 8 Pioneer Tinui % " Pr °g ress . St - Andrew s. 8. „ l loneer, iinui. g fw ;h Morven. 9. „ Roderick Dliu, Wanganui. . " ™ ,-n -j • 11. , Loyal Enterprise, Masterton. • Foresters Pride, Wa.mate. 12. „ Marquis of Normanby, Carterton. 13. „ Little John, Marton. 10. United Otago District —Dunedin. 14. „ Wairarapa, Greytown. 3. Court Pride of Oamaru, Oamaru. 16. „ Woodvilte, Woodville. 5. „ Robin Hood, Port Chalmers. 17. „ Loyal Halcombe, Halcombe. 7. „ Roxburgh, Roxburgh. 18. „ Pohangina, Ashhurst. 8. „ St. Andrews, Caversham. 19. „ Epuni, Petone. 11. „ Pride of Alexandra, Alexandra. 20. „ Pahiatua, Pahiatua. 12. „ Bruce, Milton. 21. „ Kopuaranga, Mauriceville West. 14. „ Excelsior, Mornington. 22. „ Hunterville, Hunterville. 15. „ Pride of the Leith, Dunedin. 23. „ Sir William Jervois, Newtown. 17. „ Star of the South, Invercargill. 24. „ Pride of Levin, Levin. 18. , Star of the Dunstan, Clyde. 25. „ Bloomfield, Lower Hutt. 19. „ Little John, Roslyn. 27. „ Makakahi, Eketahuna. 20. „ Royal Oak, Wyndham. 28. „ Lady Glasgow, Wellington. 21. „ Southern Star, Bluff. 29. „ Primrose, Petone. 22. „ Woodland's Pride, Dunedin. 35. „ Pongaroa, Pongaroa. 23. „ Queen of the South, Invercargill. 37. „ Loyal Northland, Northland. 24. „ Star of the Forest, Woodlands. 38. „ Sir George Grey, Wellington. 25. „ Marion, Mosgiel. 40. „ Rangataua, Rangataua. 26. „ Victoria, Oamaru. 41. „ Hinemoa, Palmerston North. 28. „ Pride of Waitaki, Kurow. 42. „ Julius, Waikanae. 29. „ Pride of Green Island, Green Island. 30. „ King Edward's Pride, South Dunedin. 4. Nelson District—Nelson. 31. „ Star of Heriot, Heriot. 1. Court Pride of the Forest, Wakapuaka, 32. „ Molyneux, Balclutha. 2. „ Concord, Greymouth. 33. „ Southern, Invercargill. 3. „ Sherwood Forest, Stoke. 34. „ Pride of Edendale, Edendale South. 4. „ Robin Hood, Nelson. 35/ „ Queen of the Molyneux, Balclutha. 5. „ Aorere, Collingwood. 36. „ Queen of Green Island, Green Island. 6. „ Inangahua, Reefton. 37. „ Pride of Clutha Valley, Clydevale. 7. „ Unity, Havelock. 38. „ Pride of Gore, Gore. 8. „ Perseverance, Motueka. 10. „ Royal Oak, Westport. Courts out of District. 340. Court City of Auckland, Auckland. 28. Canterbury United District —Christchurch. 342. „ Pride of Parnell, Thames. 1. Court Pride of Courtenay, Kirwee. 344. „ Pride of Dunedin, Dunedin. 2. „ Thistle of the Forest, Sydenham. 350. „ Enterprise, Dunedin. 4. „ Woodford, Kaiapoi. 367. „ Blenheim, Blenheim. 8. „ Papanui, Papanui. 375. » Clarendon, Picton. VI. Ancient Order of Shepherds. Heg. No. 11. Sanctuary Sir George Grey—Wellington. VII. United Ancient Order of Druids. 296. Grand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand— 296. 36. Star of Newmarket Lodge, Auckland. Wellington. 37. Whangarei Lodge, Whangarei. 1. Oroua Lodge, Palmerston North. 39. Seddon Lodge, Runanga. 3. Horowhenua Lodge, Levin. 40. Trafalgar Lodge, Wakefield. 4. Otaki Lodge, Otaki. 41. Shedwood Lodge, Tapawera. 5. Stonehenge Lodge, Masterton. 42. Star of New Zealand Lodge, Lower Hutt. 6. Bishop Lodge, Wanganui. 43. Reefton Lodge, Reefton. 7. Turanganui Lodge, Gisborne. 44. Eden Lodge, Auckland. 8. Auckland Lodge, Auckland. 45. Millerton Lodge, Millerton. 9. Pacific Lodge, Wellington. 46. Buller Lodge, Westport. 10. Blenheim Mistletoe Lodge, Blenheim. 47. Devonport Lodge, Devonport. 11. Totara Lodge, Carterton. 48. Star of Te Aroha Lodge, Te Aroba. 12. Star of Egmont Lodge, Patea. 49. Waitemata Lodge, Auckland. 13. Morgan Lodge, Marton. 50. Takaka Lodge, Takaka. 14. Holly Lodge, Johnsonville. 51. Fern Loaf Lodge, Greytown North. 15. Hawera Lodge, Hawera. 52. Makino Lodge, Feilding. 16. Star of Paeroa Lodge, Paeroa. 54. Stratford Lodge, Stratford. 18. Moturoa Lodge, New Plymouth. 55. Pride of Brooklyn Lodge, Brooklyn. 19. Poneke Lodge, Petone. 56. Blackball Lodge, Blackball. 20. Ponsonby Lodge, Auckland. 57. Naumai Lodge, Motueka. 21. Pride of Waihi Lodge, Waihi. 59. Island Bay Lodge, Wellington. 22. Victoria Lodge, Waikino. 60. Denniston Lodge, Denniston. 24. Pahiatua Lodge, Pahiatua. 61. Aramoho Lodge, Aramoho. 25. Coronation Lodge, Wellington. 62. Grey Lynn Lodge, Auckland. 27. Ruahine Lodge, Dannevirke. 64. Pride of Hamilton Lodge, Hamilton. 28. Shannon Lodge, Shannon. 65. Eureka Lodge, Hastings. 29. Eltham Lodge, Eltham. 66. Melrose Lodge, Lyall Bay, Wellington. 30. Mungaroa Lodge, Upper Hutt. 67. Bruuner Lodge, Brunnerton. 31. Inglewood Lodge, Inglewood. 69. Albion Lodge, Napier. 32. Myrtle Lodge, Eketahuna. 70. Karamea Lodge, Karamea. 33. Exoelsior Lodge, Wellington. 71. Dominion Lodge, Thames. 34. Maitai Lodge, Nelson. 72. Pride of the West Lodge, Kumarg 35. Star of the West Lodge, Greymouth 73. Manawatu Lodge, Foxton.

2—H. 1.


List of Registered Societies, etc. —continued. YII. United Ancient Order of Druids —continued. Beg. No. Reg. No. 296. Grand Lodge of the North, Island of New Zealand — 281. 11. Timaru Lodge, Timaru. Wellington—continued. 12. Ivy of Linwood Lodge, Christchurch. 74. Clifton Lodge, Waitara. 13. Trafalgar Lodge, Kaiapoi. 77. Wairoa Lodge, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. 14. Star of Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 78. Mackay Lodge, Taihape. 15. Oak of Sydenham Lodge, Christchurch. 79. Light of Manukau Lodge, Onehunga. 16. Old Oak Lodge, Southbridge. 81. Roskill Lodge, Auckland. 17. Ellesmere Lodge, Doyleston. 82. Northern Oak Lodge, Dargaville. 18. Olive Branch Lodge, Hornby. 83. Rotorua Lodge, Rotorua. 20. Lily of Richmond Lodge, Riohmond, Christ--84. Star of Alb9rtland Lodge, Port Albert. church. 85. Pride of Te Kuiti Lodge, Te Kuiti. 21. Ivy Lodge, Waimate. 86. Pride of Te Awamutu Lodge, Te Awamutu. 22. Success of Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 87. Royal Oak Lodge, Northcote. 23. Bud of Hope Lodge, Rangiora. 88. Star of Piako Lodge, Morrinsville. 24. Queen of the Oak Lodge, Christohurch. 89. Ruataniwha Lodge, Waipawa. 25. Lily of Temuka Lodge, Temuka. 90. Murchison Lodge, Murchison. 92. Westland Lodge, Hokitika. 298. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland, Neiv 93. Collingwood Lodge, Collingwood. Zealand —Dunedin. 94. Lind Lodge, Tokomaru. 1. Otago Lodge, Dunedin. 95. Ngahoa Lodge, Taumarunui. 2. Enterprise Lodge, South Dunedin. 96. Pride of Newcastle Lodge, Ngaruawahia. 3. Royal Oak Lodge, Caversham. 97. Star of Huntly Lodge, Huntly. 4. Acorn Lodge, Invercargill. 98. Star of Otahuhu Lodge, Otahuhu. 5. Linden Lodge, Roslyn. 99. Miro Lodge, Raetihi. 6. West Harbour Lodge, Ravensbourne, Dunedin. 100. Pride of Mata Mata Lodge, Matamata. 7. Endeavour Lodge, Oamaru. 101. Mewburn Lodge, Karori, Wellington. 8. Good Intent Lodge, Mosgiel. 102. Whareroa Lodge, Parap&raumu. 9. Rose of Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston S. 103. Kia Ora Lodge, Pukekohe. 10. Gore Lodge, Gore. 104. Kiwi Lodge, Tuakau. 12. Lily of tho Valley Lodge, Dunedin. 105. Acorn Lodge, Palmerston North. 13. St. Patrick's Lodge, Waikouaiti. 106. Gonville Lodge, Wanganui. 14. Pride of Mornington Lodge, Mornington. 107. Pride of Moera Lodge, Lower Hutt. 15. Star of Tuapeka Lodge, Lawrence. 108. Turanga Lodge, Otorohanga. 16. Star of Duntroon Lodge, Duntroon. 109. Waverley Lodge, Waverley. 17. Ivanhoe Lodge, Dunedin. 18. Bay Lodge, Dunedin. 281. Grand Lodge of Canterbury, New Zealand—Christ- 19. Hampden Lodge, Hampden. church. 20. Alexandra Lodge, Alexandra South. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Christchurch. 22. Oak of Waikiwi Lodge, Waikiwi, Invercargill. 2. Hope of St. Albans Lodge, St. Albans. 23. Star of Thornbury Lodge, Thornbury. 3. Mistletoe Lodge, Christchurch. 24. All Nations Lodge, Port Chalmers. 4. Ethelbert Lodge, Springston. 25. Mistletoe Lodge, Green Island. 6. Star of Anglesea Lodge, Lincoln. 26. Pride of Mataura Lodge, Mataura. 7. Perseverance Lodge, Christchurch. 8. Hope of Amberley Lodge, Amberley. 301. Lady Ranfurly Lodge —Wellington. 9. Anchor Lodge, Christchurch. VIII. Independent Order of Rechabites. 190. New Zealand District —Auckland. 110. 28. Hope of Johnsonville Tent, Wellington. 1. Hope of Auckland Tent, Auckland. 30. Star of Wakefield Tent, Wakefield. 3. Northern Star Tent, Aratapu. 38. Onward Tent, Palmerston North. 4. Star of Hauraki Tent, Thames. 40. Gisborne Tent, Gisborne. 6. Gordon Tent, Onehunga. 41. Pride of Egmont Tent, Hawera. 11. Advance Tent, Waihi. 43. Brightwater Tent, Brightwater. 12. Mahurangi Homeguard Tent, Arch Hill, 45. Wai Aroha Tent, Stratford. Auckland. 46. Moa Tent, Inglewood. 13. Hope of Eden Tent, Auckland. 47. New Century Tent, Levin. 16. Rosebud Tent, Huntly. 50. Star of Petone Tent, Petone. 17. Hope of Hamilton Tent, Hamilton. 52. Hope of Wanganui Tent, Wanganui. 18. Star of Cambridge Tent, Cambridge. 53. Ashburton Tent, Ashburton. 19. Hope of Devonport Tent, Devonport. 54. Kia Ora Tent, Hastings (H. 8.). 21. J. G. Carr Memorial Tent, Auokland. 55. Hope of Addington Tent, Sydenham, Christ--22. Waitemata Tent, Northcote, Auckland. churoh. 25. Hope of Franklin Tent, Mt. Albert, Auckland. 57. Ark of Refuge Tent, St. Albans, Christchurch. 26. Hope of Lvnndale Tent, New Lynn. 58. Prid6 of Te-au-nui Tent, Gore. 27. Hope of Otahuhu Tent, Otahuhu. 60. Hope of the Bluff Tent, Bluff. 28. Hikurangi Mountain Tent, Hikurangi. 61. Sobriety Tent, North-east Valley, Dunedin. 29. Mount Albert Tent, Mt. Albert, Auckland. 62. Enterprise Tent, Linwood. 30. Morrinsville Tent, Morrinsville. 63. Triumph Tent, Timaru. 64, Port Chalmers Tent, Port Chalmers. 110. New Zealand Central District—Wellington. 67. Progress Tent, Lower Hutt. 2. Murihiku Tent, Invercargill. 69. Philipson Tent, Spreydon, Christchurch. 4. Hope of Woodville Tent, Woodville. 70. Kilbirnie Tent, Kilbirnie, Wellington. 5. Hope of Wellington Tent, Wellington. 71. Star of the South Tent, Kensington, Dunedin. 6. Hope of Dunedin Tent, Dunedin. 72. Star of Woolston Tent, Woolston, Cbrist7. Pride of Christchurch Tent, Christchuroh. church. 8. Perseverance Tent, Wellington. 74. Alpha Tent, Granity. 9. Bud of Promise Tent, Nelson. 76. Hope of Riohmond Tent, Christchuroh. 10. Unity Tent, New Plymouth. 78. Riccarton Tent, Riccarton. 11. Hope of Ormondville Tent, Ormondville. 80. Kiwi Tent, Motueka. 12. Masterton Tent, Masterton. 82. Harmony Tent, Ohai, Southland. 15. Hope of Napier Tent, Napier. 83. Star of Now Brighton Tent, New Brighton. 19. Excelsior Tent, Wellington. 21. Bon Accord Tent, Blenheim. 98. Star of Hope Tent—Hokitika. 26. Hope of Carterton Tent, Carterton.




List of Registered Societies, etc. —continued. IX. Order of Sons of temperance. Keg. No. Reg. No. 170. National Division of New Zealand—Sydenham. 170. 9. Advance Division, Wellington. 2. Helpmate Division, Ashburton. 10. Sunbeam Division, Wanganui. 4. Resolution Division, Rangiora. 11. Hope of Sydenham Division, Sydenham. 6. Excelsior Division, Spreydon. 15. Perseverance Division, Christchurch, 7. Elim Division, St. Albans. 16. Progress Division, Kaiapoi. X. Sons and Daughters of Temperance. Reg. No. 118. Antidote Division —Dunedin. XI. Hibernian-Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. 198. New Zealand District —Auckland. 198. 53. Sacred Heart Branch, Petone. 2. St. John's Branch, Leeston. 56. St. Mary's „ Port Chalmers. 3. St. Patrick's „ Christchurch. 57. St. Mary's „ Wanganui. 6. St. Patrick's „ Springston. 58. St. Andrew's „ Weraroa. 8. St. Mary's „ Timaru. 59. St. Stanislaus „ Inglewood. 10. St. Joseph's „ New Plymouth. 60. St. John's „ Eltham. 11. St. Patrick's „ Wellington. 62. St. Brendan's „ Otahuhu. 12. Auckland „ Auckland. 63. St. Mary's „ Mosgifl. 14. St. Patrick's „ Blenheim. 64. St. Mary's „ Nelson. 15. Grahamstown „ Grahamstown, Thames. 65. Sc. Joseph's „ Temuka. 17. St. Joseph's „ Hastings. 66. St. Columbkille's Branch, Woodville. 18. St. Joseph's Dunedin. 68. St. Mary's Branch, Christchurch. 21. St. Patrick's „ Greymouth. 69. St. Mary's „ Te Awamutu. 22. Onehunga „ Onehunga. 71. Robert Emmett „ Hokitika. 25. St. Michael's „ Masterton. 74. St. Patrick's „ Darfield. 26. St. Patrick's „ Oamaru. 75. St. Brigid's „ Pahiatua. 27. St. John's „ Napier. 76. St. Patrick's „ South Dunedin. 28. Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Branch, Milton. 79. St. Matthew's „ Christchurch. 29. St. Patrick's Branch, Waimate. 80. Sacred Heart Branch, Mangawhare, Dargasille 31. St. Canice's Branch, Westport. 82. St. Mary's Branoh, Hamilton. 32. St. Patrick's „ Gisborne. 83. The Sacred Heart Branch, Addington, Christ--33. St. Patrick's „ Palmerston North. church. 34. St. Patrick's „ Reefton. 84. St. Joseph's Branch, Dannevirke. 35. SanctaMaria „ Auckland. 8-5. St. Benedict's Branch, Newton, Auckland. 36. St. Mary's „ Wellington. 86. St. Joseph's Branch, Grey Lynn, Auckland. 37. St. Aloysius „ Wellington South. 87. St. Francis Xavier's Branch, Whangarei. 38. St. Joseph's „ Waihi. 88. Immaculate Conception Branch, Stratford. 40. St. Patrick's „ Ashburton. 89. St. Francis de Sales Branch, Island Bay, 42. Sts. Peter and Paul's Branch, Lower Hutt. Wellington. 43. St. Ita's Branoh, Hawera. 90. St. Leo's Branch, Devonport, Auckland. 44. St. Mary's Branch, Taihape. 92. St. Dominic's Branch, Dunedin. 45. St. Patrick's Branch, Manaia. 94. St. Lawrence's Branch, Mataura. 47. St. Mary's Branch, Invercargill. 95. St. Columba's Branch, Frankton Junction. 48. Sts. Peter and Paul's Branch, West Gore. 96. The Good Shepherd Branch, Mt. Eden, Auck--50. St. Mary's Branch, Geraldine. land. 51. Sacred Heart Branch, Wellington. 97. St. Anthony's Branch, Huntly. XII. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. 197. Grand Council of New Zealand—Dunedin. 197. 12. Valley True Blue Lodge, Dunedin. 1. Prince of Wales Lodge, Thames. 14. Star of Oamaru „ Oamaru. 3. Loyal Excelsior „ Dunedin. 18. St. Albans „ Onehunga. 4. Wickliffe „ Napier. 19. Queen's Own „ Christchurch. 5. John Knox „ Wellington. 21. Star of Southland „ Inveroargill. 6. Alexandra „ Mt. Eden, Auckland. 22. Light of Winton „ Winton. 9. Triumph „ Dunedin. 23. Gilchrist „ Wanganui East. 11. Star of Hastings „ Hastings. XIII. Grand United Order of Oddfellows. 373. The Grand United Order of Oddfellows, Friendly 373. 7. Star of Lower Hutt Branch, Lower Hutt. Society of New Zealand—Wellington. 8. Loyal Central Branch, Wellington. 1. Newtown Alpha Branch, Wellington. 9, Star of Newtown Branch, Wellington. 2. Miramar Branch, Wellington. 10. Ellerslie United Branch, Ellerslie, Auckland. 3. Petone Pioneer Branch, Petone. 11. Pride of the Valley Branoh, Petone. 4. Ponsonby United Branch, Auokland. (A.) Auckland District—Auckland. 5. Grafton United Branch, Auckland. (B.) Wellington District—Wellington.



List of Registered Societies, etc. —continued. XIV. Isolated Friendly Societies. Reg. No. Reg. Wo. 24. Widow and Orphans' Society, Wellington District, 359. Hastings District United Friendly Societies AsM.U.l.O.O.F.—Wellington. sociation—Hastings. 183. Brunner Miners' Sick Fund—Brutmerton. 361. The Milton United Friendly Sooieties Dispensary— 277. Denniston Collieries Medical and Accident Belief Milton. Association—Denniston. 363. The Petone United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 279. United Fire-brigades' Accident Assurance Society Petone. of New Zealand—Auckland. 364. The Palmerston United Friendly Societies' Dis--293. Blackball Colliery Accident Belief Fund Society— pensary —Palmerston, Otago. Blackball. 365. The Swankers'Club —Wanganui. 306. The Huntly Collieries Medical and Accident Belief 366. The Bluff United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— Association—Huntly. Blufl. 307. Millerton Colliery Medical and Accident Belief 368. The Wyndham United Friendly Societies' DispenAssociation—Millerton. sary—Wyndham. 310. Kaitangata and District Miners' Benefit Society 369. The Hamilton United Friendly Societies' Dispen—Kaitangata. sary—Hamilton. 313. Auckland United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 370. Blackball Medical Club —Blackball. Auckland. 371. Marlborough United Friendly Societies' Dispensary 316. Auckland United Friendly Societies' Medical Insti- —Blenheim. tute—Auckland. 372. The Canterbury (N.Z.) Seed Company, Limited, 319. Christchurch United Friendly Societies' Dispen- Employees' Sick and Benefit Friendly Society— sary—Christchurch. Christchurch. 822. The Auckland Transport Club — Auckland. 374. The Buller United Friendly Societies'Dispensary— 323. Point Elizabeth Accident Belief Fund—Runanga. Westport. 327. Nightcaps Wairio and Oliai Collieries Medical Sick 376. The South Canterbury United Friendly Societies' and Accident Belief Association—Nightcaps. Council —Timaru. 328. Stock'on Colliery Medical and Accident Belief 377. The Waiuta Miners' Medical Association —Waiuta. Association—Ngakawau. 378. The Devonport United Friendly Societies' Dis--330. Eden Temperance Benefit Friendly Societv—Parnell. pensary—Devonport, Auckland. 331. Wellington &orporation Tramways and Electrio 379. Hikurangi and Wilson's Collieries Medical Society— Lighting Friendly Society Newtown,Wellington. Hikurangi. 333. Inangahua Miners' Accident Belief Association— 380. The Manawatu United Friendly Societies' Hospital Beefton. Association—Palmerston North. 334. Waihi Workers' Accident Belief Association —Waihi. 381. The Ashburton United Friendly Societies' Dis--335. Grey Valley Coal-miners' Medical Fund Sooiety— pensary—Ashburton. Brunnerton. .382. The Wellington Friendly Societies' Jubilee Com--336. The North Otago United Friendly Societies' Dis- memoration Fund—Wellington. pensary—Oamaru. 383. The Taumarunui United Friendly Societies' Dis--337. Hawera United Friendly Societies' Dispensary—• pensary—Taumarunui. Hawera. 384. Public Works Medioal Association—Tangarakau. 338. Otago Daily Times Mutual Provident Society— 385. Karamea Medical Association—Karamea. Dunedin. 386. Okaihau Bailway Construction Workers Medioal 341. The Wanganui United Friendly Societies' Dis- Association—Okaihau, Bay of Islands. pensary—Wanganui. 387. The Dannevirke United Friendly Societies' Dis--345. The Palmerston North United Friendly Societies' pensary—Dannevirke. Dispensary—Palmerston North. 388. The Port Chalmers United Friendly Societies' Dis--346. The Ashburton United Friendly Societies' Associa- pensary - Port Chalmers. tion—Ashburton. 390. Auckland City Council Employees Voluntary Sick 348. The Syrian Benevolent Society—Wellington. and Accident Society—Auckland. 349. The Fountain of Friendship Lodge, Friendly So- 391. Taranaki Hospital District Friendly Societies' ciety—Auckland. Association -New Plymouth. 351. Te Akatea Miners and Settlers' Medical Associa- 392. Nelson United Friendly Societies' Dispensary — tion —Glen Massey. Nelson. 352. Pukemiro Medical Society—Pukemiro. 393. Denniston Collieries Sick Bennfit Fund—Denniston. 353. Hawke's Bay United Friendly Societies' Council— 394. City of Waikato Benefit Society—Hamilton. Napier. 395. The Wellington Municipal Employees' Sick Benefit 357. The Masterton United Friendly Societies' Dis- and Death Levy Society—Wellington. pensary—Masterton. 396. Paparoa Miners' Medical Club —Boa, ma Blackball. 358. The Wellington United Friendly Societies' Medical Institute—Wellington. X¥. Juvenile Friendly Societies. 288. Court Pride of the Forest, A.O.F. —Dunedin. 329. Juvenile Council, A.O.F. —Dunedin. 290. Court Pride of Invercargill, A.O.F. — Invercar- 1. Court Pride of the Port, Port Chalmers. gill. 354. Court Hope of Green Island, A.O.F.—Green Island. 303. Kaiapoi Lodge, M.U.1.0.0.F. —Kaiapoi, 389. Hastings Juvenile Lodge, M.U.l.O.O.F.—Hastings. 314. Court Pride of Napier, A.O.F. —Napier. XVI. Working-men's Clubs. 151. Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary 267. The Palmerston North Cosmopolitan Club— Institute—Wellington. Palmerston North. 162. Christchurch Working-men's Club and Mutual 271. Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts—AshSchool of Arts—Christchurch. burton. 186. South Wairarapa Working-men's Club—Greytown. 272. Blenheim Working-men's Club —Blenheim. 202. Club Garibaldi—Wellington. 305. Oxford Working-men's Club—East Oxford. 215. Auckland Working-men's Club and Mechanics' 309. Cosmopolitan Club—Napier. Institute—Auckland. 317. City Working-men's Club —Wellington. 231. Kaiapoi Working-men's Club —Kaiapoi. 318. North Island Brass Bands' Association of New Zea--238. Petone Working-men's Club and Literary Insti- land—Wellington. tute—Petone. 326. South Island Bands' Association of New Zealand— 264. Bichmond Working-men's Club and Mutual School Christchurch. of Arts—Biohmond, Christchurch.



List of Registered Societies, etc. —continued. XVII. Specially Authorized Societies. Reg. No. Reg. No. 169. Grand Lodge of New Zealand of the International j 248. Timaru United Friendly Societies' Dispensary — Order of Good Templars—Wellington. Timaru. 1. Pioneer of Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. '251. New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association — 4. Hope of Christchurch Lodge, Christchurch. Ghristchurch. 6. Pioneer Lodge, Wellington. 255. Temple of Peace Lodge, 1.0.G.T. —Kaiwarra. 9. Loyal Nelson Lodge, Nelson. 257. Opotiki Gospel Temperance and Mutual Improve--13. Good Intent Lodge, Rangiora. ment Society—Opotiki. 18. Star of the East Lodge, Ashburton. 263. Stanmore Brass Band—Richmond (Christchurch). 89. Akaroa Hope Lodge, Akaroa. 275. Linwood Co-operative Money Club—Christchurch. 93. Welcome Retreat Lodge, Geraldino. 276. Waimate Silver Band—Waimate. 104. Lily of the Valley Lodge, North Dunedin. 283. Hawke's Bay United Friendly Societies' Dispensary 112. Life Boat Lodge, Timaru. —Napier. 223. Invercargill United Friendly Societies' Dispensary ; 284. Christchurch and St. Albans Co-operative Money —In vercargill. Club —Christc hurch. 229. Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Club 294. Wellington United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— —Sydenham. Wellington. 241. New Zealand Friendly Societies' Mutual Fidelity 332. New Brighton Cooperative Money Club—New Guarantee Association—Wellington. Brighton. 242. The Dunedin United Friendly Societies' Dispensary i 339. Hawke's Bay A.O.F. Small-savings Society— — Dunedin. ! Napier.



APPENDIX 11. Registered Tbade-unions, as at the 31st Decembeb, 1929. Beg. No. Beg. No. 1. Christchurch Operative Bootmakers' Society, Christ- 46. West Coast Workers' Trade-union, Otira. ohurch. 50. The Whangarei Coal-miners' Trade-union, Whangarei. 3. New Zealand Union of the Federated Stewards' and 54. The Lyttelton Stevedores' Trade-union, Lyttelton. Cooks' Union of Australasia, Port Chalmers. 56. The Wellington Waterside Workers' Union, Welling 5. Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society, Welling- ton. ton. 58. The Hikurangi Coal-miners' Trade-union of Workers 8. Grey Valley Coal-miners' Association, Taylorville. Hikurangi. 9. New Zealand Federated Boot Trade Union, Auckland. 59. Taratahi Meat-works Employees' Union, Masterton. 15. New Zealand Federated Wharf Carters', Express- (51. The Tiinaru Waterside Workers' Union, Timaru. men's, and Storemen's Union, Dunedin. 68. The Auckland Waterside Trade-union of Workers, 16. Southland Trades and Labour Union, Invercargill. Auckland. 18. Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants of New 69. The Point Elizabeth State Miners' Trade - union Zealand, Wellington. Runanga. 36. New Zealand Boot-manufacturers' Association, Dun- 70. The Westport Waterside Workers' Union, Westport. edin. 75. The New Zealand Workers' Union, Wellington. 40. Hawke's Bay Operative Bootmakers' Union, Napier. 76. The Northern Fishermen's Union, Auckland. 41. Wellington Eight Hour Federated Union, Wellington. 79. Wellington Municipal Employees' Trade-union, 44. New Zealand Locomotive Engineers, Firemen, and Wellington. Cleaners' Association, Wellington.

APPENDIX 111. Forms which may he obtained fbee on Application to the Registbab of Friendly Societies. Form of application to register a society under the Friendly Societies Act. Form of notice of establishment of a branch and application for registry. Form of notice of establishment of branch of registered society. Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (branches). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (branches). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (societies). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (branches). Form of application for registry of a special resolution for amalgamation of societies. Form of declaration to acoompany application for registry of a special resolution. Form of notice of appointment of trustees (societies). Form of notice of appointment of trustees (branches). Form of notice of change of registered office of society. Form of notice of change of registered office of branch. Form of return to District Land Registrar.




A List of Public Auditors of Friendly Societies.

(Published for the information of Societies.) Name. Place. Name. Place. Algie, R. F. .. .. .. Waimate. Jennings. E. B. .. .. .. Palmerston North. Anderson, A. M. .. .. Wellington. Jordan, N. V. R. .. .. Timaru. Angus, J. M. .. .. .. Hastings. Keating, M. .. .. .. Greymouth. Austin, F. 0. .. .. .. Lower Hutt. Kellow, E. W. A. .. .. Wellington. Bamfleld, F. W... .. •• Dunedin. Kember, 0. G. .. .. .. Wellington. Barnett, J. H. .. .. .. Wellington. Lawton, F. I I . .. .. .. Gisborne. Bedding, T. M. J. .. .. Eketahuna. Litchfield, F. C. .. .. .. Palmerston North. Bellringer, N. B.< .. .. New Plymouth. Low, A. I). .. .. .. Masterton. Bolton, H. .. .. .. Wellington. Mackley, C. .. .. .. Auckland. Borne, C. E. .. .. .. Invercargill. Maxton, M. .. .. .. Greytown. Brett, R. A. E. .. .. .. Auckland. Meltzer, I. .. .. .. Auckland. Brown, D. .. .. .. Petone. Menzies, D. R. .. .. .. Wellington. Buddie, J. H. .. .. Rotorua. Messenger, W. B. .. .. Inglewood. Bull, H. .. .. .. Napier. Morrison, L. A. .. .. .. Christchurch. Burdekin, H. B... .. .. Wellington. Morrison, W. F. .. .. Wellington. Burgess, J. .. .. .. Christchurch. Neale, J. B. .. .. .. Christchurch. Bush, E. G. .. .. .. Wellington. Nicholls, T. C. H. .. .. Inglewood. Carlaw, J. .. .. .. Auckland. Nielsen, N. I. .. .. .. Palmerston North. Cork, G. G. .. .. .. Auckland. Nielson, S. E. .. .. New Plymouth. Cox, C. T. .. .. .. Wellington. Patterson, J. G. .. .. Dunedin. Davidson, G. .. .. Dunedin. Perry, W. .. .. .. Auckland. Davis, R. .. .. .. Palmerston North. Petheriek, A. J. .. ' .. Wellington. Dempsy, 0. E. .. .. .. Palmerston North. Pickford, A. M. .. .. .. Birkenhead, AuckDillon, G. W. .. .. New Plymouth. land. Dobson, W. .. .. .. Dannevirke. Piesse, A. A. B. .. .. .. Auckland. Duff, V. .. .. .. New Plymouth. Pike, A. L. .. .. .. Auckland. Ellis, R. .. .. .. New Plymouth. Pinker, E. G. .. .. .. Auckland. Esam, I. B. D. .. .. .. Auckland. Reid, W. E. C. .. .. .. Dunedin. Feist, F. E. .. .. .. Wellington. Reynolds, T. G. .. .. Hamilton. Finlayson, R. M. .. .. Wanganui. Robertson, A. .. .. .. Nelson. Fleming, G. .. .. .. Otahuhu. Ross, R. C. .. .. .. Wellington. Fraser, A. .. .. .. Foxton. Sandtmann, J. W. .. .. Napier. Gentles, J. A. .. .. Auckland. Seaman, A. M. .. .. .. Auckland. Grater, C. .. .. .. Dunedin. Smart, L. H. .. .. .. Carterton. Gray, A. L. .. .. .. Christchurch. Smeaton, J. W. .. .. .. Dunedin. Griffin, J. L. .. .. .. Wellington. Smith, W. A. .. .. .. Christchurch. Grocott, H. .. .. .. Oamaru. Stephens, G. .. .. .. Hastings. Gunn, F. L. .. .. .. Whangarei. Stichbury, C. P. .. .. Auckland. Hall, R. H. D. .. .. .. Wellington. Suisted, C. H. .. .. .. Hawera. Hall, W. G. F. .. .. .. Wanganui. Sutherland, R. F. .. .. Christchurch. Hanson, T. H. .. .. .. Auckland. Talbot, W. G. .. .. Wellington. Harding, J. W. J. .. .. Hawera. Taylor, G. G. .. .. .. Pahiatua. Harker, H. L. .. .. Wairoa. Thomson, E. H. .. .. Nelson. Harper, C. B. .. .. Waibi. Tosswill, R. T. .. .. .. Christchurch. Harvey, E.J... .. .. Blenheim. Tunbridge, A. J. .. .. New Plymouth. Harvey, H. P. .. .. .. Dunedin. Walton, 0. .. .. .. Eketahuna. Haworth, A. .. .. .. Wanganui. Wanden, R. .. .. .. Blenheim. Heath, J. .. .. .. Nelson. Watters, F. R. .. . . .. Cambridge. Hobbs, S. M. .. .. .. Wellington. Whitton, T. E. . . .. .. Auckland. Hunt, E. W. .. .. .. Wellington. Wild, J. H. .. .. .. Wellington. Hutchison, G. W. .. .. Auckland. Wilkins, M. L. .. .. .. Auckland. Ivory, H. .. .. .. Wellington. Wilson, C. D. .. .. Napier. Jackson, C. A. .. .. .. Auckland. Wise, F. H. .. .. .. Wellington. James, G. D. .. .. .. Wellington. Young, W. A. .. .. Dunedin.

H. —l


Summary of Valuations completed during the Year 1920.


fN.B. —These figures refer to Sick and Funeral Funds only, and do not include Management and other Funds.] I Interest. Liabilities. Assets. go a ; ; _0 | 3 ;.o . ja Present Value of °° S, A sg °ag 3 o w £ a ® ® O® °? ® -3 Name of Society or District Location. « & 2§ £ a ■ ■ ! a ° a| ~3 s.S a- a §S£ 3 „ g and Branch. © § a- s ~ o o fc S ® - 2* ® o 5 ° c- i -p , , ?• ri ." ** '-> © Total > r-Hcsco p _ H >532 >> o a .. r-j ®-3 Sickness Funeral bution to o iUl,cU a c a a a * «e ® . ® S I *3 3 og Lia- Lia- Society - § g 1.2 1 g g a5 S as bilities. bilities. Funeral «c-g g a!§ S|S£§ S§|S "3 a £ §S-2 i s f i r Fund - $** s £ »* s r 8a i i i I fs* ! : ; I '• : I A.O.P. £ s. d. % % £ £ £ £ I £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ! s. d. Wellington District, as at 31st December, 1926— Funeral Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5-84 4 .. 86,442 .. .. ' 86,442 27,346 .. 34,951 62,297 .. 24,145 District members .. .. .. j .. .. 3 6 10 0 4-94 4 149 84 23 16 ! 272 191 84 76 I 351 79 Court Sir George Grey .. .. Wellington 1862 287 545 2 8 5-83 4 13,380 7,404 2,421 1,661 24,866 23,625 7,404 7,599 : 38,628 13,762 „ Robin Hood .. .. .. „ 1865 221 420 15 4 6-71 4 9,770 5,521 1,906 1,313 18,510 6,403 5,521 5,986 17,910 .. 600 19 1 „ Little John .. .. .. ; Marton .. 1866 184 356 2 0 5-85 4 7,387 4,018 1,730 1,192 : 14,327 3,257 4,018 5,621 ! 12,896 .. 1,431 17 3 „ Roderick Dhu .. .. Wanganui.. 1867 339 653 13 8 5-70 4 14,046 7,613 3,153 2.181 26,993 7,761 7.613 10,030 I 25,404 .. 1,589 18 4 „ Sir George Bowen .. .. Wellington 1868 324 630 1 0 6-62 4 14,211 8,235 2,792 1,910 27,148 15,990 8,235 8,945 33,170 6,022 ,, Wairarapa .. .. .. ! Greytown 1870 46 84 14 4 6-39 4 2,040 1,165 383 266 3,854 2,022 1,165 | 1,168 4,355 501 ,, Loyal Enterprise .. .. Masterton 1871 213 412 12 0 16-49 4 8,951 5,033 1,850 1,274 17,108 1,401 5,033 i 6,051 > 12,485 .. 4,623 12 4 ,, Manawatu .. .. .. PalmerstonN. 1875 219 430 1 8 5-64 4 8,608 4,606 2,132 1,476 16,822 3,953 4,606 6,929 j 15,488 .. 1,334 17 10 „ Marquis of Normanby .. .. Carterton.. 1876 114 212 15 4 5-93 4 5,161 2,953 947 655 9,716 3,428 2,953 2,880 : 9.261 .. 455 18 8 ,, Loyal Feilding .. .. Feilding .. 1876 117 234 0 0 5-45 4 4,551 2,476 1,140 786 8,953 2,809 2,476 3,745 77 ,, William Gladstone .. .. Gisborne .. 1877 172 344 1 4 6-15 4 7,205 3,908 1,573 1,090 13,776 7,231 3,908 5,241 16,380 2,604 „ Pioneer .. .. .. Te Nui .. 1877 74 135 17 0 5-63 4 2,887 1,589 698 487 1 5,661 4,338 1,589 2,113 8,040 2,379 „ Loyal Halcombe .. .. HaJcombe.. 1884 41; 78 0 0 5-85 4 1,618 839 400 279 3,136 978 839 1,268 3,085 .. 51 19 7 „ Woodville .. .. .. Woodville .. 1884: 108 200 13 0 5-52 4 4,144 2,129 911 630 7,814 3,823 2,129- 3.162 9,114 1,300 „ Pohangina .. .. .. Ashhurst .. 1885 I 32 63 14 0 7-16 4 1,270 688 310 215 2,483 745 688 1,026 j 2,459 .. 24 19 9 „ Epuni .. .. .. Petone .. 1886 406 758 2 4 6-52 4 16,329 8,686 3,911 2,701 31.627 13,084 8,686 11,974 33,744 2,117 „ Pahiatua .. .. .. ; Pahiatua .. 1886 119 229 17 8 5-53 4 5,468 . 2,994 997 695 10,154 7,722 , 2,994 3,206 I 13.922 3,768 „ Kopuaranga .. .. .. Mauriceville 1887 48 87 15 0 5-41 4 2,041 1,123 435 300 3.899 2,615 ; 1,123 1 288 I 5,026 1,127 W. " „ Hunterville .. .. .. ! Hunterville 1888 25 46 7 4 4-71 4 1,172 637 205 143 2,157 479 637 625 1,741 .. 416 14 6 „ Sir William Jervois .. .. Newtown.. 1889 221 441 11 4 5-50 4 9,083 4,880 2,074 1,437 17,474 2,612 4,880 6,763 14,255 .. 3,219 14 11 „ Pride of Levin .. .. Levin .. 1891 69 138 13 4 5-18 4 2,833 1,520 645 448 5,446 921 1,520 2.126 4,567 .. ! 879 15 6 „ Bloomfield .. .. .. Hutt .. 1891 41 76 7 0 4-08 4 1,569 799 388 269 3,025 832 799 1,228 2,859 .. 166 18 6 „ Lady Glasgow.. .. .. Wellington 1894 82 74 10 8 5-33 4 1,704 392 142 99 2,337 1,602 392 1,272 3,266 929 „ Primrose .. .. .. Petone .. 1894 40 33 13 10 4-70 4 712 141 78 54 985 529 141 655 1,325 340 „ Makakahi .. .. .. Eketahuna 1895 113 216 13 4 5-59. 4 4,606 2,408 1,083 751 8,848 3,370 2,408 3,407 9,185 337 „ Pongaroa .. .. .. Pongaroa .. 1900 82 165 6 4 5-33 4 2,847 1,424 869 606 5,746 756 1,424 2,925 5,105 .. 641 17 0 ,, Loyal Northland .. .. Northland.. 1907 125 251 6 8 5-86 4 4,735 j 2,428 1,281 880 9,324 3,048 2,428 4,173 9,649 325 „ Rangataua .. .. .. Rangataua 1911 13 25 15 8 3-92 4 483 243 133 93 952 150 243 433 826 .. 126 16 5 „ Hinemoa .. .. .. PalmerstonN. 1922 31 34 9 8 2-11 4 601 110 60 42 1 813 68 110 660 838 25 i

H.- 1.

3—H. 1


Coart Julius .. .. .. .. Waikanae 1923 31 63 12 4 0-74 4 904 396 281 196 1,777 52 396 1,178 1,626 .. 151 [ 17 10 Aggregate results .. .. .. .. 3,940 7,452 15 10 6-06 .. 160,465 | 86,442 34,951 24,145 306,003 125,795 86,442 113,753 325,990 35,692 15,705 j .. Net surplus .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 987 CourtCityof Auckland, as at 31st December, Auckland.. 1863 281 397 5 6 5-43 4 12,453 : 3,349 .. .. 15,802 15.362 .. 4,992 20 354 4 552 . j 1927 Court Pride of Parnell, as at 31st December, Thames .. 1864 78 144 14 4 6-50 4 4,850 1,029 .. 5 879 6 038 2 019 8 057 9 178 1927 ' j " ' " ' ' Court Pride of Dunedin, as at 31st December, Dunedin .. 1862 315 504 6 4 6-14 4 13,098 ! 3,282 .. .. 16,380 12,400 .. 7 546 19 946 3 566 1927 i Court Blenheim, as at 31st December, 1926 Blenheim .. 1869 155 288 12 6 5-67 4 7,610 j 3,856 .. .. j 11,466 10,888 .. 4,143 15,031 3,565 .. ! Court Clarendon, as at 31st December, 1926 Picton .. 1874 109 162 5 8 5-88 4 4,693 | 3,458 .. j .. ! 8.151 9,242 .. 2,134 11 376 3 225 I : j 1 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey, as at 31st De- Wellington 1865 40 44 8 0 5-54 4 1,363 283 .. .. 1,646 1,455 .. 481 1 936 290 cember, 1926 U.A.O.D. | ' | Grand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand, as at 31st December, 1926 — Sick and Funeral Fund .. .. .. .. 13,859 25.693 12 5 5-77 4 606.303 126,060 .. .. 1732,363 350,108 .. 426.460 776,568 44 205 Insurance Fund No. 1 .. .. .. .. 13,275 16,519 3 9 6-34 4 .. 459,198 .. .. ! 459,198 73,824 .. 273,693 '347,517 .. 111,681 15 2 Insurance Fund No. 2 .. .. .. .. 584 749 10 9 6-86 4 .. 16,067 .. j 16,067 2,895 .. j 13,697 i 16,592 525 Net deficiency .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. __ _ .. .. .. .. 66,951 P.A.F.S.A. As at 33st December, 1926. Funeral Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6-21 | 4 .. 12,713 .. .. 12,713 15.737 .. 218 15,955 3,242 Special Funeral Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5-68 j 4 .. 8,332* .. | .. j 8,332 685 | .. 5,754 6,439 .. 1,893 15 5 Prince of Wales Lodge .. .. Thames .. 1873 20 35 8 6 8-84 4 983 423 6 .. ! 1 412 456 423 284 1 163 249 15 0 Queen's Own „ .. .. Christchurch 1874 139 244 12 4 7-32 4 6,162 2,203 35 .. 8 400 1 213 2,203 3 369 6*785 1 615 14 9 Loyal Excelsior „ .. .. Dunedin .. 1876 135 222 I 8 5-77 4 5,351 1,814 31 .. 7 196 2 125 1,814 3*531 7'470 274 Wicklifie „ .. .. Napier .. 1877 13 23 3 8 6-15 4 692 ,271 3 .. 966 905 271 194 1*370 404 John Knox „ .. .. Wellington 1879 39 67 7 8 5-93 4 1,931 i 680 12 .. 2,623 1,682 680 808 3',170 547 Alexandra ,, .. .. Auckland.. 1879 63 103 13 6 6-31 4 3,108 i 1,075 ; 11 .. 4,194 2,783 1.075 1,302 966 Triumph „ .. .. Dunedin .. 1883 152 265 4 0 6-27 : 4 6,373 2,123 42 .. 8,538 3,513 2a23 3,963 9,599 1.061 Valley True Blue „ .. .. „ .. 1883 193 342 13 2 6-52 ! 4 6,547 2,014 51 .. 8,612 2,383 2,014 6,069 10 466 1^854 Star of Hastings „ .. .. Hastings .. 1883 33 59 18 2 5-11 4 1.450 466 .. .. 1,916 1,249 466 859 2,574 658 Star of Oamaru „ .. .. Oamaru .. 1886 78 127 1 6 5-31 4 3,459 i 1,213 ! 18 .. 4,690 3,575 1,213 1,795 6 583 1,893 St. Albans „ .. .. Auckland .. 1896 20 34 11 2 5-81 4 926 ; 287 .. .. 1 213 1 539 287 483 2 ,309 1 096 Star of Southland „ .. .. Invercargill 1914 14 23 10 2 3-87 4 473 144 9 .. 626 * 130 144 426 '700 74 !. Aggregate results .. .. .. .. 899 1,549 5 6 6-08 .. 37,455 12,713 218 .. 50,386 21,553 12,713 23,083 57,349 8,827! 1,864 Net surplus .. .. .. •• .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 8.312 j The Canterbury (N.Z.) Seed Co., Ltd., Christchurch 1922 ! 26 132 3 4 4-95 4 2,085 .. .. .. 2.085 213 i .. 1,905 ! 2.118 33 Employees' Sick and Benefit Friendly Society, as at 31st December, 1926 1 * Includes £859 reserve for possible secessions.


TABLE I.—Number of Benefit Members and Amounts of Benefit and other Funds, as at the 31st December, 1929, of all Friendly Societies and Branches according to the Latest Statistics received.


j loSSm' ( Surplus Sick and j Management or Deficiency xi Dv„««v, Place of fH-5 a n®aj'~' rp„4.„i ™ +-U Funeral Fund, ! and per Member in Name of Society and Branch. Establishment, gd 2 f'Sfl J Total^orth - including J other Funds, Benefit Funds a Surplus. Goods, &c. at Last w I Valuation. M.U.I.O.O.E. £ £ j £ £ N.Z. Branch, Central Body .. Wellington.. 1902 .. 131,160 130,724 436 + r02f Auckland District— Central Body .. .. Auckland .. .. .. 151,372 143,089 8,283 Good Intent Lodge .. ,, .. 1850 756 8,264 5,030 3,234 Parnell „ .. Parnell .. 1859 262 3,637 938 2,699 Thame? „ .. Thames .. 1866 446 473 3 470 Duke of Cambridge „ .. Cambridge .. 1867 179 633 317 316 Gisborne „ .. Gisborne .. 1874 398 5,197 3,823 1,374 Howick „ .. Howick .. 1876 102 154 23 131 Whangarei „ .. Whangarei .. 1881 100 1,580 1,488 92 Franklin „ .. Otahuhu .. 1881 302 208 .. 208 Warkworth Pioneer „ .. Warkworth.. 1884 98 349 .. 349 Hauraki „ .. Coromandel 1895 80 905 519 386 Hokianga „ .. Hokianga .. 1896 76 397 59 338 Karangahake „ .. Karangahake 1897 53 145 77 68 Waihi „ .. Waihi .. 1897 93 170 60 110 Jubilee „ .. Paeroa .. 1897 128 398 189 209 Manukau ,, .. Onehunga .. 1898 145 912 591 321 Rotorua „ .. Rotorua .. 1898 140 610 31.7 293 Waitekauri and Golden Cross Waikino .. 1899 150 127 .. 127 Lodge Waipu Lodge .. Waipu .. 1900 66 204 135 69 Hot Springs ,, Te Aroha .. 1900 126 254 2 252 Te Awamutu „ .. Te Awamutu 1903 172 734 .. 734 Hamilton „ .. Hamilton .. 1903 254 610 74 536 Hikurangi „ .. Hikurangi .. 1904 64 199 26 173 Hand of Friendship „ .. Huntly .. 1906 176 77 28 49 Pukekohe „ .. Pukekohe .. 1907 204 215 10 205 Matamata „ .. Matamata .. 1907 134 314 112 202 Te Kuiti „ .. Te Kuiti .. 1907 131 261 92 169 Ngaruawahia „ .. Ngaruawahia 1908 94 115 27 88 Mamaku „ .. Mamaku .. 1908 42 64 46 18 Morrinsville „ .. Morrinsville 1908 83 293 91 202 Dominion „ .. Mount Eden 1909 156 176 60 116 Hearts of Oak ,, .. Taumarunui 1909 83 64 11 53 Selwyn „ .. Putaruru .. 1911 46 86 25 61 Ponsonby „ .. Ponsonby .. 1911 220 249 4 245 Waitoa „ .. Waitoa .. 1912 115 204 139 65 Remuera ,, • .. Remuera .. 1912 202 175 25 150 Calliope „ .. Devonport .. 1912 78 204 33 171 Drury „ .. Drury .. 1921 50 84 18 66 Manurewa „ .. Manurewa .. 1921 112 162 22 140 Tuakau ,, .. Tuakau .. 1922 182 325 45 280 Papakura „ .. Papakura .. 1922 58 123 .. 123 Pupuke „ .. Takapuna .. 1922 101 77 .. 77 Tauranga „ .. Tauranga .. 1922 59 265 44 221 Birkenhead „ .. Birkenhead.. 1923 61 115 29 86 Lynndale „ .. New Lynn .. 1924 83 78 31 47 Richmond „ .. Grey Lynn .. 1924 80 112 13 99 Pokeno ,, .. Pokeno .. 1924 59 59 14 45 Papatoetoe „ .. Papatoetoe 1924 127 78 5 73 Owhango „ .. Owhango .. 1924 18 42 14 28 Patetere „ .. Tirau ' .. 1924 46 104 31 73 Chevalier „ .. Pt. Chevalier 1924 55 128 53 75 Netherton „ .. Netherton .. 1925 71 109 .. 109 St. Heliers „ .. St. Heliers 1925 57 59 16 43 Bay Maungatapere .. Maungatapere 1926 52 93 .. 93 Dargaville „ .. Dargaville .. 1926 21 18 .. 18 Kereone ,, .. Kereone .. 1926 34 59 18 41 Kerepeehi „ .. Kerepeehi .. 1927 72 110 12 98 Otorohanga ,, .. Otorohanga 1928 62 95 5 90 Ranfurly „ .. Epsom .. 1928 17 17 2 15 Mount Albert „ .. Mount Albert 1928 63 111 16 95 Waiuku „ .. Waiuku . . 1928 66 46 12 34 Total .. .. .. .. 7,560 182,498 157,863 24,635 + 0-09* Hawhe's Bay District— Central Body .. .. Napier .. .. .. 1,612 .. 1,612 * Napier Lodge.. .. „ .. 1856 838 26,369 24,344 2,025 + 8-05 Meeanee „ .. .. Taradale .. 1871 76 1,593 1,551 42 + 0-45 Abbotsford „ .. .. Waipawa .. 1873 310 15,828 15.429 399 +14-33 Clive „ .. .. Clive .. 1876 28 1,588 1,572 16 +29-05 * Sick Fund only. f Society Funeral Fund only.


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds—continued.


js o«»o; Surplus o.2-p fHco§ Sick and Management or Deficiency Name of Society and Branch. T , . 'i' °' f 3 JJ; Total Worth. Funeral Fund, and per Member in J Establishment. gap 33.130 including other Funds, Benefit Funds m 3S u p Surplus. Goods, &c. at Last H SsSIs j Valuation. M.U.I. O.O.F.—continued. Hawke's Bay District—continued. £ £ £ £ Hastings Lodge.. .. Hastings .. 1878 513 14,587 14,207 380 + 7-83 Tavistock „ .. .. Waipukurau 1879 174 4,359 4,102 257 + 5-03 Woodville „ .. .. Woodviile .. 1880 103 3,054 2,995 59 +10-53 Ruahine „ .. .. Tikokino .. 1885 128 5,236 5,031 205 +12-33 Forest Home ,, .. .. Ormondville 1887 96 2,785 2,778 7 +10-20 Dannevirke „ .. .. Dannevirke 1888 486 10,290 9,944 346 + 3-72 TeReinga „ .. .. Wairoa .. 1908 44 1,415 1,392 23 +18-53 Takapau „ .. .. Takapau .. 1926 40 233 179 54 Total .. .. .. .. 2,836 88,949 83,524 5,425 + 8-13* Taranaki District — Central Bodv .. .. New Plymouth .. 2 543 492 51 +159-00 Egmont Lodge" .. .. „ 1857 233 11,458 11,221 237 + 14-84 Excelsior „ .. .. „ 1865 242 10,428 10,428 .. + 8-69 Waitara „ .. .. Waitara .. 1876 63 6,061 5,875 186 + 18-37 Union ,, .. .. Hawera .. 1881 143 8,216 7,950 266 + 16-98 Manaia „ .. .. Manaia .. 1887 148 8,748 7,935 813 + 18-57 Eltham „ .. .. Eltham .. 1889 160 4,842 4.432 410 + 10-34 Midhirst „ .. .. Midhirst .. 1893 72 1,870 1,720 150 - 3-05 Stratford „ .. .. Stratford .. 1900 110 3,489 3,484 5 + 20-62 Toko „ .. .. Toko .. 1901 55 800 800 .. + 13-18 Kaponga ,, .. .. Kaponga .. 1903 155 3,199 2,955 244 + 6-33 Total .. .. .. .. 1,383 59,654 57,292 2,362 + 12-94* Wanganui District — Central Body .. .. Wanganui .. .. .. 213 42 171 * Wanganui Lodge.. .. „ .. 1858 480 28,365 24,678 3,687 +10-66 Manawatu „ .. .. PalmerstonN. 1881 296 11,360 10,579 781 +10-57 Manchester ,, .. Feilding .. 1883 91 5,308 5,252 56 +13-68 Apiti „ ... .. Apiti .. 1894 80 3,244 3,230 14 +13-88 Rangitikei „ .. .. Ma.ngaweka 1895 66 4,483 4,090 393 +21-89 Hautapu ,, .. Taihape .. 1897 163 1,806 1,759 47 + 8-36 Eoxton „ .. .. Foxton .. 1906 52 1,313 1,304 9 + 3-00 Kimbolton ,, .. Kimbolton .. 1906 31 588 577 11 + 9-12 Ohakune ,. .. Ohakune .. 1907 60 1,441 1,391 50 + 9-24 Raetihi „ . .. Raetihi .. 1915 84 1,611 1,304 307 + 4-54 Marton „ .. . . Marton .. 1924 104 409 319 90 + 0-45 Bulls „ .. . . Sanson .. 1926 21 63 33 30 Rangiwahia „ .. . . Rangiwahia 1927 33 97 84 13 Total .. .. .. .. 1,561 60,301 54,642 5,659 +10-18* Wellington District— Central Body .. .. Wellington.. .. 10 1,095 438 657 * Britannia Lodge .. „ .. 1843 779 62,527 58,632 3,895 +41-10 Antipodean %'■ .. „ .. 1847 535 50,102 46,515 3,587 +38-26 Rose of the Vallev ., .. Lower Hutt 1849 172 6,961 6,584 377 +10 71 Rose of Sharon ., .. Upper Hutt 1857 71 4,223 3,930 293 +14-08 T T nity „ .. Featherston 1872 87 5,430 4,740 690 +15-54 Combination „ .. Johnsonville 1876 83 2,919 2,713 206 + 7-80 Heart of Oak „ .. Carterton .. 1877 179 6,590 6,326 264 + 9-68 Masterton „ .. Masterton .. 1877 243 7,630 6,930 700 + 6-83 Greytown „ .. Grevtown .. 1879 138 7,282 6,158 1,124 +13-75 Petone „ .. Petone .. 1882 200 6,971 6,400 571 + 8-66 Eketahuna .. .. Eketahuna .. 1887 170 5,503 5,038 465 + 2-90 Martinborough „ .. Martinborough 1892 75 3,551 2,881 670 +12-15 Mangatainoka ,, .. Mangatainoka 1894 86 1,917 1,767 150 + 5-63 Sister Wallis ,. .. Wellington.. 1895 111 1,571 1,456 115 + 4-15 Newtown „ .. Newtown .. 1897 127 4,731 4,124 607 + 7-97 Victoria Diamond „ .. Levin .. 1897 49 1,361 1,183 178 +25-32 Kilbirnie „ .. Kilbirnie .. 1907 68 1,767 1,680 87 + 7-63 Total .. .. .. .. 3,183 182,131 167,495 14,636 +21-12* Marlborough District — Central Body .. .. Blenheim .. .. .. 4,169 2 4,167 * Marlborough Lodge .. ,, .. 1860 198 10,350 10,188 162 +20-97 Renwick „ .. Renwicktown 1867 49 2,970 2,688 282 +16-74 Total .. .. .. .. 247 17,489 12,878 4,611 +19-94* * Sick Fund only.


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds —continued.


A vSSoi Surplus o!2 • U cdcoc£ Sick and Management or Deficiency Place of 1 ft© 1-1 m i *\i7 1.1 Funeral Fund, and per Member in Name of Society and Branch. Establishment, u* § J Total Worth. including other Funds, Benefit Funds pHwtf S3.ll® Surplus. Goods, &c. at Last H t ?®cefl Valuation. _ _ _ M.U.I. 0.0.F.—continued. Nelson District —continued. £ £ £ £ Central Body .. .. Nelson .. .. •• 46,714 80,293 16,421 Nelson Lodge .. ,, .. 1842 279 1,502 .. 1,502 Travellers' Rest ,, .. Richmond .. 1847 72 393 393 Howard „ .. Nelson .. 1847 247 6,073 5,056 1,017 Mansion of Peace „ .. Wakefield .. 1859 137 3,335 2,960 375 General Cameron „ .. Brightwater 1865 44 943 938 5 Mataki „ .. Murchison .. 1903 103 222 179 43 Palmyra „• .. Tadmor .. 1907 8 92 66 26 Total .. .. ., .. 890 59,274 39,885 19,389 +4-47* Motueka District — Central Body .. .. Motueka .. .. .. 10,072 37 10,035 Motueka Lodge .. ,, .. 1850 216 5,022 5,022 .. 1*48 Good Intention „ .. Riwaka .. 1860 50 4,522 4,487 35 +35-29 Takaka „ .. Takaka .. 1863 97 4,182 4,179 3 + 0-68 South Star „ .. Dovedale .. 1880 36 2,231 2,223 8 +10-56 Total .. .. .. .. 399 26,029 15,948 10,081 + 7-09* United Westland District— Central Body .. .. Westport 20,033 20,033 Westport Lodge .. .. ,, .. 1867 152 1,531 1,531 Charleston .. .. Charleston.. 1867 25 860 844 16 Waimea „ .. .. Stafford .. 1867 4 ] .. 1 Grevmouth „ .. .. Greymouth.. 1867 144 2,740 2,730 10 Albert ,. .. .. Kumara .. 1870 28 72 20 52 Ree'ton „ .. .. Reefton .. 1872 105 145 145 Denniston ., .. .. Denniston .. 1886 17 Blackball .. .. Blackball .. 1898 110 62 62 Ngakawau „ .. .. Granity .. 1907 17 40 39 1 Total .. .. .. .. 602 25,484 25,404 80 +1-56* Ashley District — Central Body .. .. Rangiora .. .. .. 38,622 38,306 316 Rari'nora .. ,, .. 1860 448 4,648 4,003 645 117 Nil Desperandum „ .. East Oxford 1868 176 1,284 1,064 220 + 4-49 Leithfield ,, .. Leithfield .. 1873 105 1,993 1,643 350 + 4-70 Cast „ .. Cust .. 1874 73 834 834 .. + 1-23 Woodend „ .. Woodend .. 1874 111 579 493 86 + 4-69 Oxford „ .. Oxford .. ! 1876 124 221 55 166 -15-43 Ohoka ,. .. Ohoka .. 1876 95 204 204 .. - 3-17 Amberley ,, .. Amberley .. ! 1876 155 1,932 1,833 99 + 3-77 Waikari ,, .. Waikari .. 1880 85 663 661 2 + 12-07 Waiau „ .. Waiau .. 1909 55 529 197 332 + 3-47 Oraihi „ •• Omihi .. 1926 50 95 74 21 Total .. .. .. .. 1,477 51, 49,367 2,237 + 1-27* North Canterbury District — Central Body .. .. Christchurch .. 5 11,039 10,730 309 City of Christchurch Lodge .. „ 1853 604 27,095 24,256 2,839 + 6-11 Kaiapoi „ .. Kaiapoi .. 1858 164 7,043 6,703 340 +14-71 Volunteer ,. .. Sydenham .. 1866 320 8,114 7,420 694 j - 1-96 Benevolent ., .. Christchurch 1866 141 7,844 6,267 1,577 + 8-11 Perseverance ,, .. Woolston .. 1872 123 4,818 4,603 215 4-19 Malvern „ .. Sheffield .. 1877 112 3,147 2,934 213 + 3-90 Phillipstown ,, .. Linwood .. 1879 126 2,011 1,879 132 | 4-76 Leeston „ .. Leeston .. 1880 110 3,214 3,034 J 80 I + 0-26 Papanui ., .. Christchurch 1880 178 5,053 4,572 481 + 1-55 Addington „ .. Addington .. 1882 212 5,203 4,843 360 + 1-57 Coleridge „ .. Glentunnel.. 1883 125 3,428 3,114 314 - 3-33 Heart of Oak ., .. Kaikoura .. 1885 139 3,681 3,017 664 j + 5-50 Riccarton „ .. Riccarton .. 1886 170 4.008 3,390 618 + 2-58 Jubilee „ .. Prebbleton .. 1887 76 2,020 1,921 99 + 5-83 Sister Pearce ,, .. Christchurch 1896 109 1,100 959 141 — 1-07 Progress „ .. N. Richmond 1929 17 25 12 13 j Total .. .. .. .. 2,731 98,843 89,654 ! 9,189 ' +2-84* A shb u rton District — Central Body .. .. Ashburton .. .. .. 18,834 17,041 1,793 Ashburton Lodge .. .. ,, .. 1873 439 4,000 3,829 171 Waterton ,, .. .. Waterton .. | 1881 .106 2,048 1,981 67 * Sick Fund only.


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds —continued.


,q o «§ • Surplus o m . Sick and Management or Deficiency Nflm« of Sooifttv and Branch Place of *3 a ©g Total Worth Funeral Fund, and per Member in JSame 01 bociety ana Biancn. Establishment. © •%£ iota. worm. including other Funds, Benefit Funds Surplus. Goods, &c. at Last H Valuation, M.U.I.O.O.F—continued. Ashburton District—continued £ £ £ £ Pioneer Lodge .. .. Staveley .. 1881 100 2,068 1,723 345 Tinwald „ .. .. Tinwald .. 1882 128 2,277 1,861 416 Methven „ .. .. Methyen .. 1900 178 1,424 1,266 158 Mayfield „ .. .. Mayfield .. 1901 104 966 680 286 Hinds „ .. .. Hinds .. 1910 72 196 43 153 Rakaia ,, .. .. Rakaia .. 1911 26 21 .. 21 Total .. .. .. .. 1,153 31,834 28,424 3,410 + 2-13* Total N.Z. Branch .. .. .. 124,022 1,015,250 913,100 102,150 + 7-46 j_ Districts separately REGISTERED, Lyttelton District— Central Body .. .. Lyttelton .. .. .. 2,689 2,630 59 City of Norwich Lodge .. ,, .. 1850 404 17,249 16,457 792 + 8-98 Good Intent ,, .. Akaroa .. 1860 01 2,870 2,840 30 -f-12-56 Hand of Friendship „ .. Okain's Bay 1875 67 1,883 1,841 42 -j- 7-91 Hand and Heart „ .. Pigeon Bay 1876 47 3,176 3,045 131 -j- 28-75 Perseverance „ .. Barry's Bay 1881 84 2*,502 2,444 58 -j- 10-86 Wairewa „ .. Little River 1897 81 1,948 1,937 11 + 5'00 Ivaia Toa ,, . . Lyttelton .. 1925 55 205 147 58 Total .. .. .. .. 829 32,522 31,341 1,181 +10-38 South Canterbury District— Central Body .. .. Timaru .. .. 3 5,012 4,959 53 Timaru ' Lodge .. „ .. 1864 551 16,367 15,970 397 + 7-00 Heart of Friendship „ .. Waimate .. 1871 168 4,269 4,115 154 -j- 5-94 Makikihi „ .. Makikihi .. 1907 43 1,033 1,002 31 +17-88 Morven ,, . . Morven .. 1912 35 334 305 29 + 1-13 Geraldine ,, . . Geraldine .. 1929 27 30 17 13 Total .. .. .. .. 827 27,045 26,368 677 + 6-84* Otago District— Central Body .. .. Dunedin 20,183 9,574 10,609 Hand and Heart Lodge .. „ .. 1848 722 59,998 53,852 6,146 +24-69 Dunedin „ .. „ .. 1862 487 39,432 37,249 2,183 +29-24 Dalton „ .. Balclutha .. 1864 310 15,479 15,392 87 +11-20 Prince of Wales .. Port Chalmers 1864 307 11,741 11,006 735 + 7-76 Albion „ Dunedin .. 1864 459 24,539 23,716 823 +10-54 Oamaru .. Oamaru .. 1864 332 12,426 12,181 245 + 8-86 Tuapeka Pioneer ,, .. Lawrence .. 1865 13.1 9,323 8,981 342 + 9-41 Prince Alfred „ .. Waikouaiti 1866 80 5,400 5,045 355 +23 86 Naseby „ .. Nasebv .. 1868 ! 134 3,158 3,002 156 -19-32 Alexandra ,, . . Pt. Molyneux 1869 134 5,615 5,462 153 + 7-98 Roxburgh Roxburgh .. 1869 119 2,173 1,861 312 -11-80 Tapanui .. .. Tapanui .. 1869 22! 12,511 12,417 94 +13-98 Palmerston .. Palmerston S. 1870 142 6,383 5,713 670 + 6-28 Cromwell „ .. Cromwell .. 1870 133 10,940 9,891 1,049 +65-84 Mount Wendon ,, .. Waikaia .. 1871 82 2,182 2,177 5 —13-92 Band of Friendship ,, .. Kakanui .. 1872 86 1,931 1,789 142 — 6-49 Outram .. Outram .. 1875 110 7,228 6,849 379 +31-77 Mosgiel .. Mosgiel .. 1879 316 16,152 15,572 580 + 9-17 Caversham ,, .. Caversham.. 1881 389 20,338 18,345 1,993 +10 40 Valley „ .. Dunedin .. 1881 251 11,874 11,070 804 + 9-96 Ngapara ,, .. Ngapara .. 1891 62 1,736 1,650 86 + 9-65 Dunback „ .. Dunback .. 1892 82 2,698 2,545 153 - 6-46 Pride of Kaitangata ,, .. Kaitangata 1892 260 10,145 9,760 385 + 0-67 United Brothers ,, .. Cambrian .. 1897 50 1,723 1,629 94 — 3-91 Milton „ .. Milton .. 1897 380 11,898 11,768 130 + 2-86 Waikaka „ .. Waikaka .. 1899 37 1,627 1,608 19 + 6-92 Middlemarch „ .. Middlemarch 1906 80 2,191 2,148 43 — 1-67 Maniototo „ .. Ranfurly .. 1910 80 1,898 3,846 ' 52 + 5-61 Centenary ,, .. South Dunedin 1911 117 2,359 2,322 37 + 0-67 Vincent „ .. Ophir .. 1911 49 565 498 69 + 3-89 Queen of Otago „ .. Kaitangata 1921 51 360 332 28 Victoria „ .. Milton .. 1925 67 202 171 31 Princess Mary „ .. Caversham.. 1925 77 .178 136 42 Total .. ,. .. .. 6,337 336,586 307,555 29,031 +11-93 Southland District— Central Body .. .. Invercargill .. .. 973 363 610 Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle „ 1860 358 22,909 22,531 378 +11-20 Lodge St. George Lodge .. „ .. j 1868 425 19,550 19,404 146 - 1-65 * Sick Fund only.


TABLE I.— Membership and Funds—continued.


j o S-Jo; , Surplus £5ocS Sick and ! Management or Deficiency . , T1 , Place of 3 ©o©— m n t a i w n vi-u Funeral Fund, ! and per Member in Name of Society and Branch. Establishment. gaS-S-g-aJ Total Worth. including other Funds, Benefit Funds £ tc s 5 sj 2 ,£ Surplus. Goods, &c. at Last ® Valuation. M.U.I.O.O.F.—continued. Southland District —contimied. £ £ £ £ Winton Lodge .. Winton .. 1874 128 3,080 2,969 111 - 7-91 United Gore ., Gore .. 1878 165 9,890 9,813 77 + 7-88 Lumsden „ .. Lumsden .. .1882 136 2,823 2,729 94 -18-79 Awarua „ . . Bluff .. 1883 112 4,962 4,897 65 - 1-40 Riversdale „ Riversdale.. 1889 26 645 639 6 -21-88 Star of the West ,, . ■ Orepuki .. 1899 89 964 963 1 — 3-62 Mataura Falls ,, •• Mataura .. 1900 124 1,777 1,415 362 —17-18 Star of Nightcaps „ .. Nightcaps .. 1900 51 701 395 306 -17-31 Hearts of Oak „ . . Invercargill 1904 74 845 825 20 + 3-76 Balfour „ ■ • Balfour .. 1907 30 465 395 70 -16-23 Otautau „ • ■ Otautau .. 1913 33 684 658 26 — 5-94 Dipton „ - • Dipton .. 1914 42 814 744 70 - 0-50 Total .. .. .. -• 1,793 71,082 68,740 2,342 - 2-36 Total of Order .. .. .. 33,808 1,482,485 1,347,104 135,381 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand— Central Body .. .. Dunedin .. .. 2 297,406 292,569 4,837 Pioneer Lodge .. „ .. 1862 202 340 99 241 Leith „ •• ,, •• 1867 155 1,461 758 703 Alfred ,, •• Oamaru .. 1869 247 1,482 725 757 Star of Canterbury ,, .. Timaru .. 1869 173 302 28 274 Rangitikei ,> ■ • Bulls .. 1873 43 316 207 109 Alexandrovna ,, • • Temuka .. 1874 114 291 .. 291 XJnitv >> SouthDunedin 1875 378 1,519 108 1,411 Victoria ,, •• Geraldine .. 1875 168 972 358 614 Linden „ ■■ Kaikorai .. 1875 152 521 20 501 Southern Cross .. Wellington 1877 383 1,955 658 1,297 Pioneer of Southland ,, .. Invercargill.. 1878 271 1,237 932 305 Star of Auckland „ .. Auckland .. 1878 273 2,799 340 2,459 Washington ,, •• Addington .. 1878 740 1,941 132 1,809 Templeton ,, • - Templeton . . 1881 61 338 265 73 Alma » Wyndham .. 1882 66 278 244 34 Wallace ,, •• Riverton .. 1882 64 78 .. 78 Ridgely „ •• Christchurch 1882 377 1,308 125 1,183 Kawakawa ,, . • Kawakawa 1883 31 279 .. 279 Gladstone ,, • * Fairlie Creek 1883 72 306 236 /0 .. Mataura ,, ■ • Mataura .. 1883 60 607 594 13 .. Aparima ,, * - Otautau .. 1883 54 169 100 69 . . Orient >> •• PalmerstonN. 1885 114 345 .. 345 Popetunoa ,, • • Clinton .. 1889 51 174 . . 174 HopeofMaheno „ .. Maheno .. 1889 90 237 147 90 Waiareka „ •• Enfield .. 1891 109 160 10 150 Star of Eden ,, .. Ponsonby .. 1894 300 1,240 51 1,189 Ruth Rebekah ,, .. Dunedin .. 1895 26 108 .. 108 Star of Waiuku ,, . . Waiuku .. 1895 151 470 .. 470 Linda Rebekah ,, . . Roslyn .. 1895 31 176 3 173 Northern Wairoa ,, . . Te Kopuru 1896 128 312 76 236 Myrtle Rebekah ,, .. Auckland .. 1896 40 119 4 115 Miriam Rebekah ,, . . South Dunedin 1898 73 43 4 39 Naomi Rebekah ,, Christchurch 1899 145 137 8 129 Wynvard „ ... Auckland .. 1899 290 534 126 408 Opotiki ,, • • Opotiki .. 1899 74 919 153 766 Owaka „ Owaka .. 1899 170 561 154 407 Hereweka „ •• Portobello .. 1901 52 27 20 7 Star of Gisborne ,, .. Gisborne .. 1901 257 309 33 276 Star of Avondale ,, • ■ Avondale .. 1903 139 849 55 794 Star of Napier ,, .. Napier .. 1904 102 64 8 56 Royal Oak ,, Drummond.. 1904 34 214 .. 214 Awhina ,, * - Mamaku .. 1904 40 163 107 56 .. Takiara Rebekah .. Invercargill.. 1904 43 33 25 8 Star of Linwood ,, . . Linwood .. 1906 356 980 107 873 Hakatere ,, •• Ashburton .. 1906 215 602 86 516 Aroatea ,, .. Birkenhead.. 1907 160 166 45 121 Royal Pukerau ,, . . Pukerau .. 1907 26 178 7 171 Excelsior ,, .. Pukekohe .. 1907 79 457 5 452 Waiau ,, .. Tuatapere .. 1907 43 159 20 139 Clevedon ,, • . Clevedon .. 1907 63 127 25 102 Star of Sydenham ,, .. Sydenham .. 1907 141 677 21 656 Star of Papakaio ,, . . Papakaio .. 1907 43 130 3 127 Star of Kaikohe . . Kaikohe .. 1907 17 123 .. 123 Star of Hokianga ,, .. Kohukohu .. 1907 9 179 53 126 Zealandia „ .. Wellington 1908 151 172 .. 172 Star of St. Albans ,, .. St. Albans .. 1908 88 60 59 1 Epsom ,, .. Epsom .. 1908 104 161 1 160 Golden Link Rebekah ,, .. Linwood .. 1908 49 68 1 67 Te Ara Rebekah ,, .. Otautau .. 1908 20 14 14 Moana Rebekah ,, .. Riverton .. 1908 5 11 .. 11 Loyal Waimate ,, .. Waimate .. 1908 58 14 7 7 Star of Waikato ,, .. Frankton .. 1909 83 112 .. | 112 Lily of Sydenham Rebekah Sydenham .. 1909 35 33 j 33 Lodge I



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds—continued.

Ao 3-gflf t Surplus ow+2 . Sick and Management or Deficiency M, m0n fan«i D.. n «.v, Place of n'3§ mntoi w«vn, Funeral Fund, and per Member in Name of Society and Bianch. Establishment, r Total Worth. including other Funds, Benefit Funds aS 4 "® Surplus. Goods, &c. at Last a Valuation. , — • i 1.0.O.F, —continued. Grand Lodge of New Zealand —otd. £ £ £ £ Pride of Taumarunui Lodge .. Taumarunui 1909 88 66 .. 66 Rakaia ,, .. Rakaia .. 1909 36 677 .. 677 Maori Hill „ .. Maori Hill .. 1909 33 56 .. 56 Awarua ,■ .. Taihape .. 1909 77 95 32 63 i Star of Papakura . : .. Papakura .. 1910 48 72 .. 72 | St. Kilda „ .. Dunedin .. 1910 47 84 32 52 I Karamu „ .. Hastings .. 1910 215 251 33 218 | Star of Whangarei ,, .. Whangarei .. 1910 139 497 13 484 Chertsey ,, .. Chertsey .. 1910 22 227 65 162 Lily of Eden Rebekah ,, .. Ponsonby .. 1910 25 22 .. 22 j Marama ,, .. Morton Mains 1911 38 78 43 35 .. Kia Ora .. Oannevirke.. 1911 70 201 .. 201 Pyramid ,, .. Wanganui .. 1911 95 55 17 38 Star of Waikiwi „ .. Waikiwi .. 1911 142 224 .. 224 Star of Bluff ,, .. Bluff .. 1911 89 77 .. 77 Arawa ,, .. Cambridge .. 1912 80 43 .. 43 Tois Tois ,, .. Waimahaka 1912 29 37 .. 37 Waipoua . .. Masterton .. 1912 36 21 9 12 Hokonui ,, .. Gore .. 1912 35 94 39 55 Kiwitea ,, .. Eeilding .. 1912 64 86 17 69 Star of Bllerslie ,, .. Ellerslie 1912 59 47 43 4 Star of Melrose ,, .. Devonport .. 1912 104 16 .. 16 Aroha ,, .. S. Invereargill 1913 77 113 .. 113 Star of Egmont ., .. Eltham .. 1913 18 22 8 14 Huia „ .. Hawera .. 1913 81 38 .. 38 Cleveland ,, Brooklyn .. 1913 79 94 .. 94 Pouatu ,, .. Whangamo- 1913 33 149 30 119 mona Oreti Makarewa .. 1913 27 94 42 52 Clutha „ .. Balclutha .. 1913 95 35 14 21 Paritutu ', .. New Plymouth 1913 70 111 21 90 Kennington .. .. Kennington 1913 71 29 .. 29 Star of Opawa ,, .. Christehureh 1914 129 1,022 22 1,000 Victoria Rebekah ,, .. Wellington 1914 33 51 .. 51 Star of Opunake ,, .. Opunake .. 1915 65 224 93 131 Taneatua ,, . . Taneatua .. 1916 36 305 3 302 Lily of Clutha Rebekah ,, .. Balclutha .. 1917 4 23 .. 23 Mizpah Rebekah „ .. Auckland .. 1918 47 64 10 54 Rose of Clinton Rebekah,, .. Clinton .. 1919 .. 15 2 13 Centenary ' „ Whakatane.. 1919 22 181 55 126 Alberta „ .. Morningside 1920 72 124 i 6 118 Geyser „ .. Rotorua .. 1920 23 106 1 42 64 Okaiawa ,, .. Okaiawa .. 1920 33 63 .. 63 Rata Rebekah „ .. Kennington 1920 1 26 .. j 26 Star of Ngongotaha ,, .. Ngongotaha 1920 20 34 7 27 Triumph „ .. Stratford .. 1920 53 64 13 51 Olive Rebekah ,, .. Owaka .. 1920 1 32 2 30 Bethesda Rebekah „ .. Pukekohe .. 1921 1 15 .. 15 Tahakopa „ .. Tahakopa .. 1921 64 130 .. 130 Kowhai Rebekah „ . . Eeilding .. 1921 7 5 .. 5 Roseneath Rebekah ,, .. Bulls .. 1921 .. 28 .. -8 Wairoa ,, .. Wairoa .. 1922 91 91 .. 91 Esther Rebekah ,, .. Brooklyn .. 1922 1 19 1 18 Koa Rebekah „ .. Kaitaia .. 1922 2 30 .. 30 Wildey „ . . Island Bay 1922 97 64 .. 64 Broadwood ., .. Broadwood 1922 8 213 .. 213 Northern Star ,, .. Kaitaia .. 1922 21 92 79 13 Star of Hikurangi „ .. Hikurangi .. 1922 29 63 6 57 Waimamaku Valley ,, .. Waimamaku 1922 19 46 .. 46 Pearl of Mataura Rebekah Lodge Mataura .. 1922 5 23 1 2^ Lily of Eranklin Rebekah Lodge Waiuku .. 1922 26 108 .. 108 Hinemoa Lodge .. Helensville .. 1923 72 132 8 124 Wakanui „ .. Wakanui .. 1923 23 75 7 68 Mangapapa „ .. Mangapapa.. 1923 83 95 1 94 Tengawai. „ .. Albury .. 1923 21 35 - 23 Star of Henderson „ .. Henderson .. 1923 51 98 16 82 Muritai ,, .. Eastbourne.. 1923 22 43 30 13 Edith Cavell Rebekah ,, .. Rakaia .. 1923 3 20 1 19 Tokomaru Bay ,, . . Tokomaru Bay 1923 27 37 .. 37 Elm Rebekah ,, .. Papakura .. 1923 11 26 .. 26 Daphne Rebekah „ . . Ashburton .. 1923 58 119 15 104 Rose of Wellington Rebekah Wellington .. 1924 12 21 .. 21 Lodge Pride of Dargaville Lodge .. Dargaville .. 1924 66 98 .. _ 98 Kahuranaki Rebekah „ .. Hastings .. 1924 19 101 3 98 Heretaunga ,, .. Petone .. 1924 96 46 .. 46 Laurel Rebekah ,, .. Avondale .. 1924 4 66 Aloha Rebekah „ .. Whangarei.. 1924 3 95 1 94 Waipukurau ,. .. Waipukurau .1924 67 129 •. 129 Hinekoa Rebekah „ .. Palmerston N. 1924 1 17 .. 17 Tokomairiro „ .. Milton .. 1924 31 40 35 o Southern Star „ .. Tokanui .. 1924 37 42 .. 42 Kawarau „ •• Cromwell .. 1924 26 118 24 94 Star of Glen Ora „ .. Glen Eden .. 1924 50 23 .. ] ® Wakatipu „ .. Queenstown 1924 41 34 12 | of Friendship Rebekah „ .. Henderson .. 1925 7 31. .. 31

H. -1.

TABLE I.—Membership and Funds—continued.


xj i Surplus o2 • Sick and Management or Deficiency Name of Society and Branch. «. S3 g B®2 rt . Total Worth. Funeral Fund, and per Member In Establishment. a S 3 q-w d including other Funds, Beneht Funds tMcc" Surplus. Goods, &c. abLast H Valuation. 1.0.0.P. —continued. Grand Lodge of New Zealand —otd. £ £ £ £ Maraenui Lodge .. Miramar .. 1925 79 171 .. 171 Bellevue „ .. Lower Hutt 1925 76 74 .. 74 Onslow „ .. Khandallah 1925 29 23 .. 23 O-Kiwi-Iti Rebekah „ .. Eastbourne.. 1925 1 14 .. 14 Star of Petone Rebekah „ .. Petone .. i 1925 8 6 6 Star of Carterton „ .. Carterton .. j 1925 31 88 12 76 Huangarua „ .. Martinborough 1925 15 24 3 21 Whanganui Rebekah „ .. Wanganui .. 1925 7 8 .. 8 Blenheim „ .. Blenheim .. 1925 67 64 .. 64 Queen Charlotte „ .. Pioton .. i 1925 20 26 11 15 Warepa „ .. Warepa .. j 1925 37 36 13 23 ! Otaki „ .. Otaki .. 1925 44 138 4 134 Mount Arthur „ .. Motueka .. 1 1925 63 107 .. 107 Tasman „ .. Nelson .. I 1925 84 158 41 117 Levin „ .. Levin .. ' 1925 27 48 31 17 Tui Rebekah „ .. Taihape .. | 1925 10 13 .. 13 Star of Rangiora „ . . Rangiora .. | 1926 31 72 34 38 Hylton „ .. Aramoho .. 1926 35 33 .. 33 Waiwhetu „ .. Trentham .. 1926 21 12 .. 12 Rahiri Rebekah „ .. Miramar .. 1926 7 56 .. 56 Welcome Rebekah „ .. Nelson .. 1926 7 41 .. 41 Waimakariri „ .. Kaiapoi .. 1926 29 Vincent „ .. Alexandra .. 1926 30 - 101 50 51 Loloma Rebekah „ .. Dargaville .. J 1926 6 61 .. 61 Kopane „ .. Rongotea .. 1926 35 35 .. 35 Brighter Greymonth „ .. Greymouth 1926 56 125 15 110 Rangatoto „ .. Takapau .. | 1926 17 10 .. 10 Kiwi Rebekah „ .. Hawera .. 1926 18 52 4 48 Tutanekai Rebekah „ .. Helensville .. 1926 10 45 3 42 Ngatoa'Rebekah „ .. Hikurangi .. 1926 1 19 .. 19 Hauraki „ .. Takapuna .. 1926 Lily of the Valley Rebekah Trentham .. 1927 3 49 .. 49 Lodge Harmony Rebekah Lodge .. Birkenhead.. 1927 12 54 6 48 Ngatitoa „ .. Porirua .. 1927 23 28 .. 28 Arlington Rebekah „ .. Waipukurau 1927 24 8 6 2 • Golden West Rebekah „ .. Greymonth 1927 8 74 3 71 Star of Hobsonville ,, .. Hobsonville 1927 28 33 .. 33 Rawhiti ,, . . Pt. Chevalier 1927 39 53 27 26 Pukekura Rebekah „ .. N. Plymouth 1927 13 35 2 33 Rose of Kawarau Rebekah Cromwell .. 1928 8 27 5 22 Lodge Gisborne Rebekah Lodge .. Gisborne .. 1928 17 40 4 36 Haeata Rebekah „ .. Pt. Chevalier 1928 2 10 .. 10 Westmere „ .. Grey Lynn .. 1928 24 41 19 22 Rangi Rebekah „ .. Rotorua .. 1928 .. 16 . . 16 Otahuhu ,, .. Otahuhu .. 1928 43 58 20 38 Lily of Devonport Rebekah Devonport .. 1928 13 8 .. 8 Lodge Iti Rebekah Lodge .. Otaki .. 1928 2 2 1 1 Kupe „ .. Lyall Bay .. 1929 14 8 I 7 Kotiro Rebekah „ .. Aramoho .. 1929 4 2 .. 2 Ngati Awa „ .. Moera .! 1929 10 1 .. 1 Alpine Rebekah ,, .. N. Wairoa .. 1929 7 83 1 82 Haeremai ,, .. Kumeu .. .1929 29 89 44 45 Mangaroa „ .. Ohura .. 1929 24 57 .. 57 Total of Order .. .. .. 13,401 338,471 301,262 37,209 +3-93 N.T.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District— Central Body .. .. Auckland .. .. .. 5,637 5,567 70 * Auckland Pioneer Lodge .. „ .. 1878 88 303 .. 303 —21-40 United Brothers „ .. „ .. 1879 168 599 442 157 —14-93 Total of Order .. .. .. 256 6,539 6,009 530 -17-19* B.U.O.O.P. Aorangi Lodge .. .. Wellington 1884 92 6,330 6,108 222 + 8-72 A.O.P. A.O.F. of N.Z. .. .. Auckland ...... 42 .. 42 Auckland District — Central Body .. .. Auckland .. .. .. 87,495 86,349 1,146 Court Zealandia .. .. „ .. 1873 125 174 61 113 „ Pride of Onehunga .. Onehunga .. 1875 297 1,387 25 1,362 „ Pride of the North .. Grahamstown 1875 68 101 40 61 „ Robin Hood .. .. Panmure .. 1876 12 46 1 45 'Sick I-'urnl only.


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds —continued.

4—H. 1.


CO i A o 05 Sot Surplus o.2-« >■< ®5Sot Sick and Management or Deficiency Nimn nf Snripk anfl Rvsnpli Place of >3S9 £ S ®"" Tnrti Wni-th Funeral Fund, and per Member in Name oi Societj and Blanch. Establishment. . g-§ £ f-gj : Total Worth. including : other Funds, Benefit Funds ! Ehm " Surplus. G-oods, &c. [ at Last H j Valuation. A.O.F.—continued. Auckland District—continued. £ £ £ £ Court Northern Wairoa .. Dargaville .. 1877 76 90 14 76 „ I'ride of Newmarket .. Auckland .. 1879 134 1,043 19 1,024 „ Nil Desperandum .. „ .. 1880 378 201 19 182 ,, Royal Oak .. .. Tauranga .. 1880 68 206 25 181 „ Star of the South .. Otahuhu .. 1881 100 244 15 229 „ Star of Helensville .. Helensville .. 1883 92 352 27 325 „ Victoria .. .. Devonport .. 1885 225 1,548 20 1,528 ,, Queen of the North .. Maungaturoto 1886 35 185 12 173 ,, Maid Marion .. .. Auckland .. 1894 96 315 4 311 „ Waihi .. .. Waihi .. 1895 184 1,038 16 1,022 „ Birkenhead .. .. Birkenhead.. 1900 121 175 45 130 „ Pride of Awanui .. Awanui .. 1904 19 33 29 4 „ Taumarunui .. .. Taumarunui 1907 80 52 18 34 ,, Edith Cavell .. .. Onehunga .. 1909 50 36 27 9 ,, Unity .. .. Paparoa .. 191] 50 47 35 12 „ Te Puke .. .. Te Puke .. 1912 71 112 6 106 ,, Takapuna .. .. Takapuna .. 1914 65 1,203 33 1,170 „ Anzao .. Te Kuiti. .. 1919 39 21 21 ,, Pride of Henderson .. Henderson.. 1919 73 245 30 215 „ Victory .. .. Whangarei .. 1919 93 135 5 130 „ Pride of Ellerslie .. Ellerslie .. 1920 59 36 3 33 ,, Aroha .. Te Aroha .. 1921 23 17 15 2 „ Balmoral .. . . Auckland .. 1924 84 69 42 27 „ Pride of New Lynn .. New Lynn .. 1924 37 20 19 1 „ Pride of Kaukapakapa Kaukapakapa 1926 25 113 5 108 „ Pride of Papatoetoe .. Papatoetoe 1927 30 16 10 6 „ Concord .. .. Hamilton .. 1927 73 95 43 52 ,, Hinemoa .. .. Takapuna .. 1927 6 10 2 8 „ Te-Ra .. .. Pt. Chevalier 1927 21 15 .. 15 „ Hikurangi .. .. Hikurangi . . 1928 15 9 2 7 „ Star of Swanson .. Swanson .. 1929 28 41 .. 41 Total .. .. .. .. 2,952 96,925 87,037 9,888 +6-19 Hawke'3 Bay District— Central Body .. .. Napier .. .. .. 48,546 48,199 347 Court Sir Charles Napier .. „ .. 1872 208 4,667 4,666 1 „ Lord Clyde .. .. Wairoa .. 1873 82 353 148 205 „ Captain Cook . . Napier .. 1875 100 739 617 122 „ Sir Henry Havelock .. Havelock N. 1875 64 88 .. 88 „ Robin Hood .. .. Port Ahuriri 1878 55 157 69 88 „ Ruahine .. .. Waipukurau 1879 167 883 846 37 ,, Heretaunga .. .. Hastings .. 1882 92 197 45 152 „ Little John .. .. Waipawa .. 1883 33 872 862 10 „ Waitangi .. .. j Clive .. 1884 19 16 16 I „ Rising Sun .. .. Dannevirke 1885 106 929 752 177 ,, Ormond .. .. j Makotuku .. 1885 40 68 24 44 „ Redclyffe .. .. Taradale .. 1886 22 270 211 59 „ Viking .. .. Norsewood 1894 13 5 .. 5 „ Pride of Dannevirke .. Dannevirke 1927 39 27 20 7 Total .. .. j .. .. 1,040 57,817 56,475 1,342 +11-93 Taranaki District— Central Body .. .. N. Plymouth .. .. 2,538 1,524 1,014 Court Taranaki .. .. „ 1864 158 9,890 9,768 122 +23-77 „ Waireka .. .. „ 1866 752 23,989 23,189 800 + 9-40 „ Patea .. ..I Patea .. 1867 71 2,676 2,668 8 + 0-22 „ Inglewood Forest .. Inglewood .. 1876 310 10,763 10,373 390 + 9-40 „ Raleigh .. .. Waitara .. 1883 205 3,348 3,326 22 - 1-46 „ Opunake .. .. Opunake .. 1883 5 566 566 1 .. +43-43 „ Egmont .. .. Hawera .. 1884 87 5,676 5,512 164 +35-42 „ Stratford .. .. Stratford .. 1887 254 4,145 4,098 47 + 1-83 ,, Pride of New Plymouth j N.Plymouth 1893 156 2,201 2,201 .. + 2-36 „ Pride of Eltham .. Eltham .. 1908 59 898 898 .. + 8-37 Total .. .. .. .. 2,057 66,690 64,123 2,567 + 8-44 Wellington District — Central Body .. .. Wellington.. .. 1 33,124 32,939 185 +26-33 Court Sir George Grey .. „ .. 1862 268 26,247 25,802 445 +47-95 „ Robin Hood.. .. „ .. 1865 217 7,755 7,298 457 - 2-71 „ Little John .. .. Marton .. 1866 184 3,639 3,489 150 - 7-78 „ Roderick Dhu .. Wanganui .. 1867 336 8,018 7,872 146 - 4-69


TABLE I. —Membership and Funds—continued.


• i Surplus •ga .• Sick and Management or Deficiency Name of Society and Branch. 'Establishment ■ Total Worth. * 'Y^ludFng" 1 ' 'Benefit Funds ~ s - G00 " vS. A.O.F.—continued. Wellington District —-continued. £ £ £ £ Court Sir George Bowen .. Wellington.. 1868 291 19,383 18,364 1,019 „ Wairarapa .. .. Greytown .. 1870 39 2,391 2,315 76 -"H - 10-89 „ Loyal Enterprise .. Masterton .. 1871 190 2,085 1,929 156 -21-70 „ Manawatu .. .. Palmerston N. 1875 229 5,920 4,515 1,405 — 6-09 ,, Marquis of Nonnanby Carterton .. 1876 109 4,044 3,778 266 3*99 „ Loyal Feilding ' .. * Feilding .. 1876 93 3,314 3,246 68 . + 0-66 „ William Gladstone .. Gisborne .. 1877 190 9,956 9,712 244 +15-14 ,, Pioneer . . .. Tinui .. 1877 74 5,162 5,094 68 +32-15 ,, Loyal Haloombe .. Halcombe .. 1884 44 1,088 1,063 25 - 1-24 „ Woodville .. .. Woodville .. 1884 110 '5,161 4,661 500 +12-04 ,, Pohangina .. .. Ashhurst. .. 1885 36 888 824 64 — 0-/5 „ Epuni .. .. Petone .. 1886 406 16,907 15,845 1,062 + 5-21 „ .. .. Pahiatua .. 1886 108 9,532 ! 9,060 472 +31-66 ,, Kopuaranga .. .. Mauriceville 1887 57 3,861 3,814 47 +23-48 West ,, Hunterville .. .. Hunterville.. 1888 24 576 576 .. I —16-64 „ Sir William Jervois .. Newtown .. 1889 214 3,715 3,293 422 —14-57 „ Pride of Levin .. Levin .. 1891 59 940 860 80 -12-74 „ Bloomfield .. .. Lower Hutt 1891 41 1,041 912 129 - 4-05 „ Lady Glasgow .. Wellington.. 1894 82 1,962 1,933 29 +11-33 „ Primrose .. .. Petone .. 1894 48 713 633 80 + 8-50 „ Makakahi .. .. Eketahuna .. 1895 116 4,057 3,890 167 + 2-98 ,, Pongaroa .. .. Pongaroa .. 1900 79 775 720 55 7-82 „ Loyal Northland .. Northland .. 1907 121 3,897 3,723 174 + 2-60 „ Rangataua .. .. Rangataua .. 1911 11 237 199 38 — 9-69 ,, Hinemoa .. .. Palmerston N. 1922 46 293 118 175 + 0-81 „ Julius .. .. Waikanae . . 1923 34 124 117 7 - 4-87 Total .. .. .. .. 3,857 186,805 178,594 8,211 + 5-07 j— — Nelson District— Central Body .. .. Nelson .. .. .. 2,054 1,885 169 Court Robin Hood .. .. „ .. 1862 228 16,711 16,615 96 +18-32 „ Perseverance .. Motueka .. 1863 26 958 929 29 —12*61 „ Pride of the Forest .. Wakapuaka 1864 77 4,410 3,688 722 — 7-86 „ Concord .. .. Grey mouth 1867 126 788 690 98 —23-19 „ Unity .. .. Havelock .. 1871 35 2,500 2,500 .. - 3-50 ,, Sherwood Forest .. Stoke .. 1872 74 4,081 4,001 80 +11-34 „ Aorere .. .. Collingwood 1873 91 7,642 7,642 .. +17-72 „ Royal Oak .. .. Westport .. 1875 53 3,546 3,384 162 + 6-46 ,, Inangahua .. .. Reefton .. 1878 16 2,022 2,003 19 +47-65 Total .. .. .. .. 726 44,712 43,337 1,375 + 5-86 Canterbury United District — Central Body .. .. Christchurch .. .. 17,025 17,023 2 Court Star of Canterbury .. „ 1852 360 19,281 18,149 1,132 +21-41 „ Queen of the Isles .. Lyttelton .. 1859 114 2,405 2,013 392 + 9-32 ,, Pride of Courtenay .. Kirwee .. 1876 92 4,753 4,565 188 +17-78 „ Thistle of the Forest .. Sydenham.. 1879 163 7,800 7,554 246 + 9-84 „ Woodford .. .. Kaiapoi .. 1880 226 10,437 10,160 277 + 9-97 „ Papanui .. .. Papanui .. 1881 203 2,526 2,356 170 + 0-73 „ Star of Dunsandel .. Dunsandel .. 1888 100 3,333 3,225 108 +12-33 „ Star of Belfast .. Belfast .. 1888 110 2,650 2,619 31 + 6-80 „ Ashburton .. .. Ashburton.. 1889 214 7,667 7,495 172 + 6-91 ,, Queen of Canterbury .. Christchurch 1895 50 907 899 8 + 4-26 „ Victoria .. .. Kaiapoi .. 1895 53 315 297 18 + 2-81 „ Pride of Rangiora .. Rangiora .. 1902 55 286 256 30 — 3-20 „ Star of Rakaia .. Rakaia .. 1909 56 937 9.17 . 20 + 5-77 „ Star of Greendale .. Greendale .. 1914 69 347 274 73 + 0-27 Total •• •• •• 1.865 80,669 77,802 2,867 +10-09* South Canterbury District — Central Body .. .. Timaru .. .. .. 917 724 193 Court Southern Cross .. ,, .. 1865 472 24,336 24,162 i74 + 8-30 ,, Foresters'Pride .. Waimate .. 1875 134 8,311 8,250 61 +14-13 ,, Progress .. .. St. Andrew's 1883 44 1,270 1,210 60 —10-57 „ Star of Waihao . . Morven . . 1904 58 956 894 62 - 9-62 Total .. .. .. .. 708 35,790 35,240 | 550 + 6-73 United Otago District — Central Body .. .. Lunedin .. .. 2 128,271 126,048 2,223 Court Robin Hood .. .. Port Chalmers 1864 317 388 .. 388 „ Pride of the Leith .. Dnnedin .. 1864 900 1,644 1,270 374 ,, Bruce .. .. Milton . . 1865 185 98 .. 98 „ Star of the Dunstan .. Clyde . . 1866 85 569 483 86 „ Pride of Oarnaru .. Oamaru .. 1868 293 1,590 1,292 298 ,, Pride of Alexandra .. Alexandra .. 1869 137 1,007 969 38 „ Roxburgh .. .. Roxburgh .. 1873 120 126 17 109 „ Star of the South .. Invercargill 1874 442 485 .. 485 * Sick Fund only.


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds—continued.


J, 'gS-go; Surplus u Sick and Management or Deficiency vt #0-4- t> Place of mqC riw«i Funeral Fund, and per Member in Name of Society and Branch. Bstab li s hment. gS §■§•§,§ J! Totai Worth - including other Funds, Benefit Funds [xra s S3 43 ® Surplus. Goods, &c. at Last ® Valuation. A.O.F.—continued. Otago United District —continued. £ £ £ £ Court St. Andrews .. Caversham .. 1875 229 423 3 420 „ Excelsior .. .. Mornington 1877 320 1,927 1,763 164 ,, Little John . . .. Roslyn .. 1888 249 821 818 3 ,, Royal Oak .. . . Wyndham .. 1890 101 70 34 36 ,, Southern Star . . Bluff .. 1890 64 142 2 140 ,, Victoria .. .. Oamaru .. 1894 51 132 119 13 ,, Woodland's Pride . . Dunedin .. 1895 302 488 45 443 ,, Queen of the South . . Invercargill.. 1896 140 189 168 21 ,, Star of the Forest . . Woodlands 1896 64 440 340 100 ,, Marion .. . . Mosgiel .. 1898 61 249 164 85 ,, Pride of Waitaki . . Kurow .. 1904 53 41 28 13 „ King Edward's Pride .. South Dunedin 1907 240 186 37 149 ,, Pride of Green Island .. Green Island 1907 215 244 56 188 ,, Star of Heriot . . Heriot .. 1909 78 177 54 123 ,, Southern .. . . Invercargill.. 1911 151 103 50 53 ,, Molyneux .. .. Balclutha .. 1912 103 136 33 103 ,, Pride of Edendale . . Edendale S. 1913 17 49 49 ,, Queen of the Molyneux Balclutha .. 1917 41 57 57 ,, Queen of Green Island. . Green Island 1918 59 49 8 41 ,, Pride of Clutha Valley.. Clydevale .. 1919 103 126 120 6 ,, Pride of Gore .. Gore .. 1922 105 98 38 60 Total .. .. .. .. 5,227 140,325 134,065 6,260 +4-99 f !finffq nut r\T I )i QfwiS'f Court Pride of Dunedin .. Dunedin .. 1862 317 18,243 17,157 1,086 +11-32 ,, City of Auckland .. Auckland .. 1863 290 16,479 16,465 14 +16-20 ,, Enterprise .. Dunedin .. 1863 412 21,906 20,829 1,077 +10-69 ,, Pride of Parnell .. Thames .. 1864 80 6,286 6,145 141 +27-92 ,, Blenheim .. .. Blenheim .. 1869 153 14,992 14,924 68 +23-00 ,, Clarendon .. .. Picton .. 1874 89 10,260 10,183 77 +29-59 Total .. .. .. .. 1,341 88,166 85,703 2,463 Total of Order .. .. .. 19,773 797,941 762,376 35,565 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. Wellington.. 1865 39 1,472 1,454 18 +7-25 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island of N.Z. — Central Body .. .. Wellington .. .. 548,038 546,870 1,168 Excelsior Lodge.. ,, .. 1879 593 1,500 246 1,254 Stonehenge ,, .. Masterton .. 1880 236 429 91 338 Star of New Zealand ,, .. Lower Hutt 1880 148 284 72 212 Star of the West ,, .. Greymouth 1881 423 1,197 46 1,151 Auckland „ .. Auckland .. 1882 277 1,134 147 987 Albion „ .. Napier . . 1882 467 643 198 445 Totara ,, .. Carterton .. 1883 294 368 .. 368 Oroua ,, .. PalmerstonN. 1883 412 426 142 284 Bishop ,, .. Wanganui .. 1883 521 1,051 36 1,015 Brunner ,, .. Brunnerton 1883 95 195 34 161 Blenheim Mistletoe ,, .. Blenheim .. 1884 125 287 110 177 Turanganui ,, .. Gisborne .. 1884 412 2,465 126 2,339 Pacific „ .. Wellington.. 1886 640 1,706 392 1,314 Poneke ., .. Petone .. 1886 313 541 160 381 Ponsonby ,, .. Auckland .. 1887 728 6,019 363 5,656 Star of Egmont ,, .. Patea .. 1891 124 1,080 128 952 Maitai „ .. Nelson .. 1892 330 1,160 177 983 Morgan „ .. Marton .. 1893 158 194 7 187 Collingwood ,, .. Collingwood 1893 34 57 14 43 Horowhenua ,, .. Levin .. 1895 118 205 17 188 Otaki „ .. Otaki .. 1895 151 336 39 297 Hawera ,, .. Hawera .. 1895 393 926 262 664 Holly ,, .. Johnsonville 1895 126 556 101 455 Takaka ,, .. Takaka .. 1895 74 79 46 33 Moturoa ,, .. New Plymouth 1896 402 867 182 685 Star of Paeroa ,, .. Paeroa .. 1896 143 599 73 526 Pride of Waihi „ .. Waihi .. 1897 183 269 33 236 Reefton „ .. Reefton .. 1897 124 193 34 159 Victoria ,, .. Waikino .. 1899 61 96 43 53 Star of Newmarket ,, .. Auckland .. 1900 205 348 84 264 Pahiatua ,, .. Pahiatua .. 1902 62 71 .. 71 Coronation „ .. Wellington .. 1902 227 498 191 307 Ruahine ,, .. Dannevirke 1903 177 418 221 197 Shannon .. .. Shannon .. 1903 57 167 24 143 Eltham ,, .. Eltham .. 1903 65 201 74 127 Mungaroa ,, .. Upper Hutt 1903 81 799 43 756 Inglewood ,, .. Inglewood .. 1903 116 421 95 326 Myrtle ,, .. Eketahuna 1904 41 98 37 61 Devonport ,, .. Devonport .. 1904 200 413 131 282 Star of Te Aroha ,, .. Te Aroha .. 1904 84 159 69 90


TABLE I.— Membership and Funds —continued.


i . Surplus q 2 * Sick and Management or Deficiency XT * • 4. r, ,, Place of S rr rt f 0 i wnv+i, Funeral Fund, and per Member iu Name of Society and Branch. Establishment. $ a £ S'S.fl J including other Funds, Benefit Funds Emm" 1 Surplus. Goods, &c. at Last H Valuation. U.A.O.D.—continued. Grand Lodge of the North Island of N.Z. —continued £ £ £ £ Trafalgar Lodge .. Wakefield .. 1905 54 76 7 61) Whangarei ,, .. Whangarei .. 1905 123 214 95 119 Seddon ,, .. Runanga .. 1905 142 245 50 195 Waitemata ,, . . Auckland .. 1905 168 236 48 188 Buller ,, .. Westport .. 1905 103 361 48 313 Shedwood ,, . . Tapawera .. 1905 51 451 .. 451 Eden ,, .. Auckland .. 1905 122 94 70 24 Millerton ,, .. Millerton .. 1905 95 40 2 38 Makino „ .. Feilding .. 1906 147 161 53 108 Fern Leaf ,, .. Greytown N. 1906 44 153 27 126 Stratford „ . . Stratford .. 1906 120 317 150 167 Pride of Brooklyn „ .. Wellington 1906 90 135 78 57 i Blackball ' „ Blackball .. 1906 85 98 35 63 Nanmai „ . . Motueka .. 1906 68 53 20 33 | Pride of Hamilton „ .. Hamilton . . 1906 173 88 53 35 | Island Bay „ .. Wellington 1906 94 178 81 97 Dermiston „ .. Denniston .. 1906 78 117 62 55 Pride of the West ,, .. Kumara .. 1906 35 160 13 147 Aramoho „ .. Aramoho .. 1907 212 1,001 163 838 Grey Lynn .. Auckland .. 1907 169 250 20 230 Eureka „ Hastings . . 1907 162 499 1 60 439 Melrose „ .. Lyall Bay .. 1907 159 255 I 110 145 1 Clifton „ .. Waitara" .. 1908 92 112 86 26 Karamea ,, . . Karamea .. 1908 27 99 22 77 Dominion ,, .. Thames .. 1908 132 261 50 211 Manawatu „ .. Foxton . . 1908 55 82 44 38 Wairoa „ .. Wairoa, H.B. 1908 154 260 41 219 Mackav ,, .. Taihape .. 1908 94 220 90 130 Roskill „ .. Auckland .. 1909 201 178 111 67 Light of Manukau ,, .. Onehunga .. 1909 297 425 ! 207 ! 218 Northern Oak „ .. Dargaville .. 1910 129 261 i 101 160 Rotorua ,, . . Rotorua . . 1910 74 141 45 96 Star of Albertland „ .. Port Albert 1910 50 345 17 328 Pride of Te Kuiti „ .. Te Kuiti .. 1910 98 200 44 156 Royal Oak „ .. Northcote .. 191.0 59 101 35 66 Pride of Te Awamutu „ .. Te Awamutu 1911 68 49 22 27 Star of Piako „ .. Morrinsville 1911 63 57 30 27 Murchison ,, .. Murchison .. 1911 49 108 26 82 Ruataniwha „ .. Waipawa .. 1911 87 152 80 72 j Westland „ .. Hokitika .. 1911 151 507 92 415 i Lind ,, .. Tokomaru . . 1913 27 123 28 95 Ngahoa „ .. Taumarunui 1919 146 195 I 53 142 Pride of Newcastle „ .. Ngaruawahia 1920 43 54 15 39 Star of Huntly „ .. Huntly .. 1920 164 91 .. !)I Star of Otahuhu „ .. Otahuhu .. 1922 108 191 51 140 Miro „ .. Raetihi .. 1922 152 1,184 21 1,163 Pride of Mata Mata „ .. Matamata .. 1922 56 139 36 103 Mewburn „ .. Karori .. 1923 61 123 78 45 Whareroa „ .. Paraparaumu 1923 32 133' 30 103 KiaOra „ .. Pukekohe .. 1925 31 21 5 16 Kiwi „ . . Tuakau . . 1926 .. 38 14 24 Acorn ,, .. PalmerstonN. 1927 73 112 64 48 Gonville „ .. Wanganui .. 1927 42 26 9 17 Pride of Moera „ .. Lower Hutt 1928 29 60 24 36 Turanga „ .. Otorohanga 1928 61 107 37 70 Waverley ,, .. Waverley .. 1929 37 93 39 54 Total .. .. .. 14,856 587,923 554,050 33,873 — 4-83 Grand Lodge, of Canterbury, N.Z. — Central Body .. Christchurch .. .. 47,454 46,971 483 Pioneer Lodge .. ,, 1875 314 9,519 9,037 482 + 9-45 Hope of St. Albans „ .. St. Albans .. 1879 195 5,179 4,827 352 + 7-99 Mistletoe .. Christchurch 1879 368 8,223 7,959 264 + 1-40 Oak of Sydenham „ „ 1879 274 7,245 7,009 236 + 6-49 Ethelbert „ .. Springston .. 1880 70 1.756 1,724 32 — 4-56 Star of Anglesea „ .. Lincoln .. 1880 92 2,480 2,443 37 +10-40 Perseverance „ .. Christchurch 1880 133 3,046 2,941 105 — 3-73 Hope of Amberley „ .. Amberley .. 1880 70 1,251 1,225 26 — 2-55 Anchor „ .. Christchurch 1880 275 3,887 3,415 472 — 6-21 Bud of Hope .. Rangiora .. 1880 97 2,204 2,087 117 + 2-25 Timaru „ .. Timaru .. 1882 461 10,663 10,308 355 + 6-29 Trafalgar „ .. Kaiapoi .. 1882 214 2,626 2,461 165 — 2-25 Star of Ashburton ., .. Ashburton .. 1883 253 5,413 5,389 24 - 0-15 Old Oak „ .. Southbridge 1883 102 1,235 1,185 50 + 3-33 Ivy of Linwood „ .. Christchurch 1888 493 5,716 5,311 405 - 1-48 Ellesmere „ .. Dovleston .. 1895 102 1,208 1,037 171 + 3-33 Olive Branch „ .. Hornby .. 1897 105 844 805 39 — 5-71 Lily of Richmond „ .. Richmond .. 1902 255 2,959 t 2,687 272 + 0-42 Ivy „ .. Waimate .. 1903 113 I 1,855 i 1,826 29 + 2-09


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds—continued.


' fes-gffl Surplus sh Sick and Management or Deficiency , Place of i,5a o®'® 1 "' t„»„i Funeral Fund, and per Member "in Name of Society and Branch. Establishment. S Isa-O ■" Woith. including other Funds, Benefit Funds fx to a Surplus. Goods, &c. at Last H jv.g csQ Valuation. U.A.O.D. —continued. Grand Lodge of Canterbury, N.Z. —continued. £ £ £ £ Success of Ashburton Lodge .. Ashburton .. ; 1904 45 162 154 8 — 4-55 Queen of the Oak „ .. Christchurch ! .1908 129 962 891 71 + 2-00 Lily of Temuka ., .. Temuka .. 1922 72 316 278 38 — 0*56 Total .. .. .. .. 4,232 126,203 121,970 4,233 + 1-56 Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland, N.Z. - Central Body .. .. Dunedin .. .. .. 126,903 126,697 206 Otago Lodge.. „ .. 1880 307 1,087 15 1,072 Enterprise „ .. South Dunedin ] 880 293 250 25 225 Ivanhoe ,, .. Dunedin .. 1880 364 588 33 555 Royal Oak „ .. Caversham 1881 217 178 25 153 Acorn .. 1 nvercargill. . 1881 419 569 32 537 Linden „ . . Roslyn .. 1883 192 244 20 224 West Harbour „ . . Ravensbourne 1883 135 81 10 71 All Nations „ . . Port Chalmers 1883 179 75 12 63 Endeavour ,, .. Oamaru .. I 1884 290 562 144 418 | Good Intent „ .. Mosgiel .. ! 1885 166 146 1 145 Rose of Palmerston „ .. Palmerston S. 1886 123 j 86 10 76 Gore „ Gore .. 1889 195 ' 153 15 138 Lily of the Valley „ .. Dunedin .. j 1898 139 274 15 259 St. Patrick's ,, .. Waikouaiti 1899 72 30 14 16 ' Pride of Morniugton „ .. Mornington.. 1900 127 123 10 113 Star of Tuapeka „ .. Lawrence .. 1902 60 .110 16 94 Star of Duntroon ,, .. Duntroon .. 1904 62 76 5 71 Bay „ .. Dunedin .. 1905 91 118 18 100 Hampden ,, .. Hampden .. 1905 100 84 10 74 Alexandra ,, .. Alexandra S. 1909 32 72 8 64 Oak of Waikiwi „ .. Waikiwi .. 1911 78 91 56 35 Star of Thornbury „ .. Thornbury .. 1911 86 240 11 229 Mistletoe ,, .. Green Island 1923 67 36 10 26 Pride of Mataura „ .. Mataura .. 1926 53 92 10 82 Total .. .. .. .. 3,847 132,268 127,222 5,046 -0-80 Total of Order .. .. ..22,935 846,394 803,242 43,152 I.O.R. New Zealand District— Central Body .. Auckland . . .. 2 52,305 49,643 2,662 Hope of Auckland Tent .. ,, . . 1863 255 306 60 246 Star of Hauraki „ .. Thames .. 1870 28 288 286 2 Northern Star ,, .. Aratapu 1881 19 21 7 14 Gordon „ .. Onehunga. . . 1885 112 189 107 82 . . Advance ,, .. Waihi .. 1899 21 124 37 87 Waitemata ,, .. Northcote .. 1900 41 122 88 34 Mahurangi Homeguard „ .. Auckland . . 1902 14 36 12 24 Star of Cambridge „ .. Cambridge . . 1904 45 40 27 13 Hope of Hamilton „ .. Hamilton .. 1907 71 142 65 77 Hope of Eden ,, .. Auckland .. 1908 223 310 168 142 Rosebud „ .. Huntly .. 1908 .107 85 65 20 Hope of Devonport „ .. Devonport .. 1910 103 83 22 61 .T. G. Carr Memorial „ .. 1 Auckland .. 1912 54 23 10 13 Hope of Franklin „ .. Pukekohe .. 1922 5 22 6 16 Hope of Lynndale ,, .. New Lynn .. 1925 42 40 .. 40 Hope of Otahuhu „ .. Otahuhu .. 1925 49 55 35 20 Hikurangi Mountain „ .. ! Hikurangi .. 1925 29 13 5 8 Mount Albert „ .. j Mount Albert 1928 33 52 25 27 Morrinsville „ .. ] Morrinsville 1929 15 29 6 23 Total .. .. .. .. 1,268 54,285 50,674 3,611 +14-95 New Zealand Central District — Central Body .. Wellington .. .. 13 85,600 84,403 1,197 — 1-41* Hope of Wellington Tent .. ,, .. 1866 195 2,248 1,556 692 Hope of Napier ,, .. Napier .. 1870 46 25 24 1 Bon Accord „ .. Blenheim . . 1871 60 130 109 21 * Perseverance ,, .. Wellington .. 1872 61 1,133 1,040 93 +12-50 Bud of Promise „ .. Nelson .. 1874 120 4,733 4,394 339 +14-68 Unity „ .. N. Plymouth 1875 187 594 435 159 * Excelsior „ .. Wellington .. 1875 93 103 12 91 * Hope of Dunedin ,, .. Dunedin .. 1876 253 9,256 8,686 570 +13-54 Pride of Christchurch ,, .. Christchurch 1877 523 6,549 6,302 247 Murihiku „ .. Invercargill.. 1877 203 7,294 7,187 107 * Hope of Ormondville „ .. Ormondville 1878 11 34 2 32 Hope of Woodville „ .. Woodville .. 1878 65 202 189 13 * Tents comprising Central Sick Fund.


TABLE I.— Membership and Funds—continued.


a I 1 Surplus Sick and Management or Deficiency Name of Societv and Branch Place of Wfl Total Worth Funeral Fund, and per Member in or bociety ana Brancn. Establishment, gd S •SUJi 6 total woitn. including other Funds, Benefit Funds ?■» S8*,! ; Surplus. Goods, &c. | at Last H Sqgtf j ! | Valuation. . _ I.O.R. —continued. New Zealand Central District—ctd. £ £ £ I £ Masterton Tent .. Masterton .. 1881 55 41 34 71* Hope of Carterton „ .. Carterton .. 1883 32 35 8 27 * Star of Wakefield ,, .. Wakefield .. 1883 37 1,161 1,161 Hope of Johnsonville „ .. Johnsonville 1884 j 21 20 18 2 * Onward „ .. PalmerstonN. 1891 80 79 8 71 * Gisborne ,, . . Gisborne .. 1892 43 90 .. 90 * Pride of Egrnont „ . . Hawera .. 1893 26 131 15 116 * Brightwater „ .. Brightwater 1894 24 44 12 32 * Wai Aroha ,, .. Stratford .. 1898 27 20 5 15 * Moa „ .. Inglewood .. 1899 32 14 5 9 * New Century „ Levin .. 1901 17 7 .. 7 * Star of Petone ,, .. Petone .. 1904 67 73 10 63 ' * Hope of Wanganui ,, . . Wanganui .. 1906 71 61 5 56 * Kia Ora „ .. Hastings .. 1907 52 25 5 20 * Ashburton „ . . Ashburton .. 1907 46 2 j 2 * Triumph „ .. Timaru .. 1909 39 34 j 5 29 * Pride of Te-au-nui „ .. Gore . . 1909 25 Hope of the Bluff „ .. Bluff . . 1909 7 22 5 17 * Port Chalmers „ . . Port Chalmers 1909 23 29 29 . . * Ark of Refuge ,, . . St. Albans .. 1909 82 76 10 66 Hope of Addington „ .. Sydenham .. 1909 50 43 34 9 * Enterprise ,, . . Linwood .. 1909 113 205 12 193 * Sobriety „ . . N.E. Valley 1910 110 55 55 * Progress ,, .. Lower Hutt 1910 38 147 78 69 * Philipson „ .. Spreydon .. 1911 228 68 1 67 * Kilbirnie „ . . Kilbirnie . - 1911 ; 42 35 6 29 I * Star of the South „ .. Kensington.. 1911 ! 150 35 6 29 * Star of Woolston ,, .. Woolston .. i 1911 90 57 6 51 Alpha .. Granity .. 1913 82 288 .. 288 * Hope of Richmond „ . . Christchureh 1914 103 47 16 31 * Riecarton ,, .. Riccarton .. 1915 69 87 54 33 * Kiwi „ . . Motueka .. 1919 20 10 5 5 * Harmony „ .. Ohai. .. 1926 19 4 4 Star of New Brighton „ .. New Brighton 1927 15 39 32 7 Total .. .. .. .. 3,765 120,985 115,928 5,057 -0-06f Total of Order .. .. j .. 5,033 175,270 166,602 8,668 O.S.T. National Division of New Zealand— Central Body .. .. Sydenham .. .. .. 25,998 25,876 122 Perseverance Division .. Christchurch 1872 103 928 28 900 Progress ,, .. Kaiapoi .. 1872 62 1,086 1,086 Resolution „ .. Rangiora .. 1873 37 278 .. 278 Excelsior „ .. Spreydon .. 1885 67 142 7 135 Elim „ .. St. Albans .. 1885 58 151 .. 151 Helpmate ,, .. Ashburton .. 1886 21 21 4 17 Advance „ .. Wellington . . 1887 28 62 .. 62 Sunbeam ,, .. Wanganui . . 1888 50 20 3 17 Hope of Sydenham „ .. Sydenham .. 1889 80 178 . . 178 Total of Order .. .. .. 506 28,864 27,004 1,860 +6-85 S.D.T. Antidote Division .. .. Dunedin .. 1871 155 12,744 11,996 748 +15-29 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District— Central Body .. .. Auckland .. .. 18 66,191 63,524 2,667 Grahamstown Branch .. Grahamstown 1870 15 47 30 17 St. Patrick's ■„ .. Greymouth 1870 127 202 39 163 St. Joseph's „ .. Dunedin .. 1873 307 6,148 5,323 825 Auckland „ .. Auckland .. 1873 241 7,678 6,759 919 St. Patrick's „ .. Christchurch 1873 387 6,370 5,685 685 St. Patrick's „ .. Wellington .. 1874 163 504 80 424 Onehunga „ .. Onehunga .. 1874 45 115 83 32 St. John's „ .. Napier .. 1874 70 575 263 312 St. Joseph's ,, .. New Plymouth 1876 60 63 16 47 St. Patrick's „ .. Blenheim .. 1876 78 525 54 471 St. John's „ .. Leeston .. 1882 36 815 725 90 St. Patrick's „ .. Lincoln .. 1882 29 781 734 47 St. Mary's „ .. Timaru .. 1882 151 2,056 1,905 151 St. Joseph's „ .. Hastings . . 1885 79 527 133 394 St. Michael's „ .. Masterton . . 1886 37 87 62 25 Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Milton .. 1891 36 171 112 59 Branch St. Patrick's Branch .. Oamaru .. 1891 74 2,050 1,859 191 Sancta Maria „ . . Auckland .. 1895 23 523 464 59 St. Patrick's „ .. Waimate .. 1901 24 166 117 49 * Tents comprising Central Sick Fund, t Sick Fund only.


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds —continued.


•gg-So; Surplus i "8-a • u«jS § Sick and Management or Deficiency nf a™,,vtv »nrl Branch Place of u S a S § „ w Total Worth Funeral Fund, and per Member in Same ot Society ana. iirancn. Establishment. gag a a-= • Worth. including other Funds, Benefit Funds m H 3 g 8 Surplus. Goods, &c. at Last ® caP Valuation. H.A.O.B.S.—continued. NeufZealand District —continued. £ £ £ £ St. Canice's Branch .. Westport .. 1901 61 568 539 29 , St. Patrick's „ .. Gisborne .. 1903 43 259 119 140 St. Patrick's „ Palmerston N. 1903 33 78 63 15 St. Patrick's „ .. Reefton . . 1903 10 254 242 12 St. Mary's .. Wellington .. 1904 61 60 15 45 St. Aloysius „ .. Wellingtons. 1904 83 215 47 168 St. Patrick's ,, .. Ashburton .. 1904 65 1,443 1,394 49 St. Joseph's ,, .. Waihi .. 1904 9 113 30 83 Sts. Peter and Paul's ,, .. Lower Hutt 1905 49 1 50 23 27 St. Ita's „ ■. Hawera .. 1906 41 751 661 90 St. Mary's „ .. Taihape .. 1906 19 196 9 187 St. Patrick's ,, .. Manaia .. 1906 78 694 536 158 St. Mary's ,, .. Invercargill 1907 115 266 26 240 Sts. Peter and Paul's ,, .. Gore .. 1908 55 j 251 99 152 St. Mary's „ . . Geraldine .. 1909 15 80 69 11 Sacred Heart „ .. Wellington.. 1910 40 159 71 88 Sacred Heart „ .. Petone .. 1910 74 217 57 160 St. Mary's „ .. Port Chalmers 1910 27 .j 20 8 12 St. Mary's „ .. Wanganui .. 1911 119 431 216 215 St. Andrew's „ .. Levin .. 1911 15 j 96 48 48 St. Stanislaus „ .. Inglewood . . 1911 35 95 38 57 St. John's „ .. Eltham .. 1912 15 J 70 66 4 St. Brendan's ,, .. Otahuhu .. 1913 35 '67 40 27 Robert Emmett ,, .. Hokitika .. 1913 29 [ 259 221 38 St. Mary's „ .. Mosgiel .. 1913 12 ; 83 29 54 St. Mary's „ .. Nelson .. 1913 19 91 90 1 St. Joseph's „ .. Temuka .. 1913 37 14 11 3 St. Columbkille's „ .. Woodville .. 1913 30 134 JO 124 St. Mary's ,, .. Christchurch 1914 113 329 58 271 St. Mary's „ Te Awamutu 1914 22 55 10 45 St. Patrick's ,, .. Darfield .. 1914 15 100 77 23 St. Brigid's ,, .. Pahiatua .. 1914 11 I 135 44 91 St. Patrick's ,, .. South Dunedin 1914 83 I 310 282 28 Sacred Heart „ .. Dargaville .. 1915 20 j 70 . . 70 St. Matthew's „ .. Christchurch 1916 81 665 626 39 St. Mary's ,, .. Hamilton .. 1920 16 124 105 19 Sacred Heart „ .. Addington .. 1921 40 192 97 95 St. Joseph's „ .. Dannevirke 1921 19 75 10 65 St. Benedict's ,, .. Newton .. 1921 14 102 75 27 St. Joseph's „ .. Grey Lynn .. 1921 21 117 55 62 St. Francis de Sales „ .. Island Bay 1922 19 103 18 85 Immaculate Conception „ .. Stratford .. 1923 50 154 37 117 St. Francis Xavier's „ .. Whangarei .. 1923 9 114 79 35 St. Leo's „ .. Devonport .. 1923 16 93 54 39 St. Dominic's „ .. Dunedin .. 1924 30 63 19 44 St. Lawrence's .. Mataura .. 1925 22 52 19 33 St. Columba's „ .. Frankton Jun. 1926 18 52 25 27 Good Shepherd „ . . Mount Eden 1926 27 96 53 43 St. Anthony's „ .. Huntly .. 1927 .. 35 11 24 Total of Order .. .. .. 3,870 105,644 94,498 11,146 + 2-01 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand— Central Body .. .. Bunedin .. .. .. 19,185 18,603 582 Prince of Wales Lodge . . Thames . . 1873 18 333 330 3 Queen's Own ,, .. Christchurch 1874 135 1,388 1,362 26 11-62 Loyal Excelsior ,, .. Dunedin .. 1876 134 2,833 2,709 124 + 2-03 Wi'cldiffe ., .. Napier .. 1877 11 960 959 1 +31-08 John Knox „ .. Wellington.. 1879 40 1,873 1,830 43 +14-03 Alexandra „ .. Mount Eden 1879 58 3,369 3,202 167 +15-33 Triumph „ .. Dunedin .. 1883 138 4,225 4,147 78 + 6-98 Valley True Blue „ .. „ 1883 202 3,061 2,856 205 + 9-61 Star of Hastings „ .. Hastings .. 1883 43 1,503 1,473 30 +19-94 Star of Oamaru „ .. Oamaru .. 1886 70 4,201 4,106 95 +24-27 St. Albans „ .. Onehunga .. 1896 20 1,943 1,911 32 +54-80 Star of Southland „ .. Tnvercargill 1914 37 203 186 17 + 5-29 Light of Winton ,, .. Winton .. 1926 13 25 5 20 Gilchrist „ .. Wanganui E. 1927 24 113 113 Total of Order .. .. .. 943 45,215 43,792 1,423 + 7-75* * Sick Fund only.


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds —continued.


■ lo^ 43 ®' Surplus *g w .. L«hn Sick and Management or Deficiency \r nmn Place of n a I o o th Funeral Fund, and per Member in Name of Society and Branch. Establishment. g«S Sa-c • Worth. including other Funds, Benefit Funds £ « 5 Surplus. Goods, &c. at Last | Valuation. G.U.O.O.F. OF NEW ZEALAND. £ £ £ £ Central Body .. .. Wellington 1,785 1,785 .. j Auckland District .. .. Auckland .. 1925 .. 1 .. 1 Wellington ,, .. .. Wellington .. 1925 .. 4 .. 4 j Newtown Alpha Branch .. 1 „ .. 1922 103 87 70 17 Miramar „ .. „ .. 1922 85 , 84 44 40 Petone Pioneer „ . . Petone .. 1922 93 i 90 28 j 62 Ponsonby United ,, . . Auckland .. 1923 64 I 51 32 19 Grafton United „ .. ,, .. 1923 10 65 36 29 Star of Lower Hutt „ .. Lower Hutt 1924 59 106 75 31 Loyal Central „ .. Wellington .. 1925 128 182 102 80 Star of Newtown „ .. „ .. 1926 27 11 11 Ellerslie United ,, . . Ellerslie .. 1928 19 67 67 Pride of the Valley „ .. Petone .. 1929 18 20 13 7 Total of Order .. .. .. 606 2,553 2,263 290 | -0-74 Other Societies Fountain of Friendship Lodge .. Auckland .. 1844 575 64,250 55,411 j 8,839 j +31-75 Eden Temperance Benefit F.S. Parnell .. 1874 20 4,911 4,911 ; .. I -j-87-62 Auckland Transport Club .. Auckland .. 1905 964 2,548 1,218 1 1,330 -19-03 Wellington Corporation Tramways Wellington.. 1909 348 3,899 3,864 35 + 0-43 and Electric Lighting F.S. Canterbury (N.Z.) Seed Co., Ltd., Christchurch 1922 ! 27 j 465 379 86 + 1-27 Employees' S. and B.F.S. Auckland City Council Employees Auckland .. 1927 141 340 241 99 Voluntary Sick and Accident Society City of Waikato Benefit Society Hamilton .. 1928 39 : 39 24 15 Wellington Municipal Employees' Wellington.. 1929 1,623 1 1,059 853 206 Sick Benefit and Death Levy Society Total .. .. .. .. 3,737 77,511 66,901 1 10,610 Grand total .. .. .. 105154 3,927,433 3,640,611 286,822



TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Sickness, and Mortality for the Year 1929.

5—H. 1

Number of Members. Sickness experienced. CO : : i ! : I : CD ! I .> Admitted by Left by o|> ! . ! . I s Name of Society and Branch. ; ( . "| * I i I '§ £ At End Sick §.gc - Total Total '?r£i of during Tnt-nl First Second After Twelve ©.g '111 SI § TOtaL n tl rl Arrears, «£ Year. Yea? 8 ! T ° ta1 ' Six Months. Six Months. Months. P.f riWfl Death. Clearance. >• pq 0 tp ■zvs &c - $ & ■a a $ ; a i * Ofl ; I __J I ; I : I M.TJ.I.O.O.F. i New Zealand Branch. Weeks. Weeks. Weeks. Weeks. Auckland District .. .. .. 985 .167 1,152 49 179 492 720 7,128 7,560 1,831 15,056 8,453 985 5,618 24 Hawke's Bay District .. .. 260 6 266 18 16 166 200 2,770 2,836 524 5,173 2,607 424 2,142 8 Taranaki District .. .. .. 155 2 157 12 1 72 85 1,311 1,383 237 2,314 1,248 165 901 2 Waneanui District .. .. .. 187 6 193 12 7 102 121 1,489 1,561 354 2,757, 1,633 233 891 4 Wellington District .. .. .. 251 13 264 37 11 144 192 3,111 3,183 578 6,868 2,980 622 ' 3,266 12 Marlborough District .. .. .. 22 .. 22 I 3 .. 8 11 236 247 i 56 '28 387 21 j 320 Nelson District .. .. .. 55 1 56 12 39 51 885 890' 230 3,714 1,223 353 2,138 6 Motueka District .. .. .. 26 26 3 4 7 380 399 97 1,703 441 138 i 1,124 1 United Westland District .. .. 65 1 66 7 3 72 82 618 602 177 1,987 830 9/ 1,060 3 Ashley District . 105 105 22 3 16 41 1,413 1,477 301 3.832 1,562 209 , 2,061 i 7 North Canterbury District .. .. 213 15 228 32 16 88 136, 2,639 2,731 519 6,010 2,657 504; 2,849 5 Ashburton District .. .. 87 87 3 4 40 47 j 1,113 1,153 217 1,644 1,000 109 ; 535 I 2 Total, New Zealand Branch .. 2,411 211 2,622' 210 240 1,243 1,693 j 23,093 24,022 5,121 51,786 j 25,021 3,860 22,905 74 Districts separately registered. Byttelton District .. .. . 74 74 5 8 13 768 829 172 1,843 679 169 995 5 South Canterbury District .. ' 96 2 98 7 30 37 766 827 148 1,302 690 45 567 3 Otago District ' .. 363 33 396 66 52 297 415 6,356 6,337 1,113 13.287 5,587 986 6,714 18 Southland District .. .. .. 90 5 95 21 9 52 82 1,780 1,793 354 9,442 6,836 413 2,193 5 Total, separately registered .. 623 40 663 99 61 387 547 9,670 9,786 1,787 25,874 13,792 1,613 10,469 31 Total of Order • .. .. 3,034 251 3,285 309 30.1 1,630 2,240 32,763 33,808 6,908 77,660 38,813 5,473 33,374 105 I.O.O.F. Independent Order of Odd Fellows of 1,377 348 1,725 58 380 1,169 1,607 13,283 13,401 2,456 19,049 11,969 ! 1,641 5,439 37 New Zealand 1 i — ! , N.I.O.O.F. j | Auckland Provincial District .. .. j 6 .. 6 8 .. 15 23 j 273 256 67 665 348 I 118 199 4 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge .. .. .. i •• .. 4 .. 4 8 j 100 92 26 235 | 146 10 79 1


TABLE II.—Numerical Progress. Sickness, and Mortality for the Year 1929—continued.


Number of Members. Sickness experienced. — —— _— — tn Admitted by 1 Left by &D —— —I I . fl Name of Society and Branch. , '3 53 © s M . ' rr n i. n i I t + i -S © AtJind ~ 1( ? k First Second After Twelve ©o •2-Sg ggg Total. Total. of during Total. six Months. Six Months. Months. A3 I«§ ! Ill Death. Clearance. Year ' Year ' | all 5 « & ■ A.O.F. Weeks. Weeks. Weeks. Weeks. Auckland District .. .. .. 329 53 382 22 42 199 263 2,833 2,952 596 5,337 2,880 542 1,915 10 Hawke's Bay District .. .. 94 4 98 15 8 58 81 1,023 1,040 216 2,820 1,292 218 1,310 3 Taranaki District .. .. 183 183 18 1 91 110 1,984 2,057 409 4,120 2,300 420 1,400 8 Wellington District .. .. .. 192 8 200 62 11 131 204 3,861 3,857 861 11,178 4,491 831 5,856 22 Nelson District .. .. .. 18 18 19 19 38 746 726 204 3,097 1,069 312 1,716 5 Canterbury United District .. .. 154 0 160 13 4 56 73 1,778 1,865 350 4,414 2,104 444 1,866 6 South Canterbury District .. .. 38 1 39 4 18 22 691 708 106 1,576 573 142 861 3 United Otago District.. .. .. 457 28 485 35 22 298 355 5,097 5,227 869 9,711 3,937 869 4,905 21 Courts out of District .. .. 71 .. 71 17 1 33 51 1,321 1,341 275 5,167 1,523 389 3,255 8 Total of Order .. .. 1,536 100 1,636 205 89 903 1,197 19,334 19,773 3,886 47,420 20,169 4,167 23,084 86 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. .. 1 1 1 .. 1 39 39 17 493 57 64 372 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of North Island of New 1,100 409 1,509 99 393 746 1,238 14,585 14,856 3,268 25,573 14,838 2,261 8,474 54 Zealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury, New Zealand : 443 8 451 51 19 125 195 3,976 4,232 812 7,721 3,826 673 3,222 15 Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland, New j 168 25 193 36 25 126 187 3,841 3,847 719 8,025 3,597 1,005 3,423 21 Zealand : . Total of Order .. .. 1,711 442 2,153 186 437 997 1,620 22,402 22,935 4,799 41,319 22,261 3,939 15,119 90 I.O.R. New Zealand District .. .. 141 37 178 8 24 59 91 1,181 1,268 305 2,242 ! 1,187 175 880 2 New Zealand Central District .. .. 335 53 388 20 61 151 232 3,609 3,765 659 6,412 3,260 632 2,520 10 Total of Order .. .. 476 90 566 28 85 210 323 1 4,790 5,033 964 8,654 | 4,447 807 I 3,400 12 o.s.t. ; National Division of New Zealand ..17 4 21 3 3 10 16 501 506 91 1,322 530 125 667 2 ' | S. AND D.T. Antidote Division .. .. .. 1 1 1.. 1 2 156 155 34 766 206 123 437 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District .. .. 353 73 426 43 75 234 352 3,796 3,870 710 6,839 3,297 1 459 3,083 10 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand ..61 6 67 16 6 34 56 932 943 196 3,360 1,021 205 2,134 4 G.U.O.O.F. New Zealand .. .. .. 175 18 193 1 18 100 119 532 606 187 619 539 44 36 Other Societies .. .. .. 1,808 .. 1,808 5 j 93 98 2,027 3,737 674 3,862 2,299 198 1,365 12 Grand total ■■ ■■ 1 10,556 1,332 ; 11,888 1 868 i 1,394 5,400 7,662 100,928 105,154 j 21,015 212,263 106,102 17.373 88,788 i 363



TABLE III.—Sick and Funeral Funds.—Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1929.

Receipts. Expenditure. jjj § . % r I o . d §» <§■ ® I I ; .2 r. £ 2 no 00 43 ® 2 2° 3 o *3 £ 00 S cr Name of Society and Branch. 1 ■£ > © ® ffl pq fc-g © -g'C "tgj "So S >>- Jrs o^fe- 0 3 ? o ?—< 8-8 # £§ -2®S •H°fl © g 53§ Jf 3 0=3 5fl rS H Q, S - -fc'S© S £ °© sg £ o® J x §-£ 8 S ■§ ©a # § fe n aS S x ° W I™ | § ° ■ « o " Q ° d s m_ * I" M.U.I.O.O.F. £' £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ N.Z. Branch, Central Body .. .. I 7,457 .. .. 293 7,457 293 127,577 Auckland District .. .. 14,913; 6,564 4,390 3,808 11,724 1,486 5,971 .. 29,675 19,181 144,774 Hawke's Bay District.. .. 5,167 3,172 270 679 3,350 340 1.136 10,108 9,288 14,934 59,824 Taranaki District .. .. 2,476, 2,860 360 544 1.702 360 514 6,611 6,240 9,187 45,205 Wanganui District .. .. 2,859, 2,49] 250 2,117 2,197, 240 601 5,041 7,717 8,079 44.103 Wellington District .. .. 5,312 7.349 875 22.639 4,568 : 855 1,245 50,610 36,175 57,278 128,272 Marlborough District .. .. 361 527 20 179 508 20 96 504 1,087 1,128 10,864 Nelson District .. 1,540! 1,867 486 146 2,190 418 369 1,654 4,039 4,631 30,472 Motueka District .. .. 640j 660 78 117 961 84 155 213 1,495 1,413 15,778 United Westland District .. 1,046 826 327 5,192 1,284 : 156 15 55 7,391 1,510 20.564 Ashley District .. .. 2,426 2,408 848 30 2,263 700 908 3,296 5,712 7,167 39,140 North Canterbury District .. 4,850 3,526 930 849 3,541 900 1,202 8,898 10,155 14,541 63,781 Ashburton District .. .. 2,019 883 140 612 1,135 110 802 118 3,654 2,165 17,575 Total, N.Z. Branch .. 43,609j 40,590 8,974 36,912 35,423! 5,669 13,014| 87,401 130,085141,507 747,929 Districts separately regis- I TERED. Lyttelton District .. .. 1,424 1,522 190 175 1,134 190 370 1,350 3,311 3,044 27,581 South Canterbury District .. 1,282 1,135 210 194 847 200 387 .. 2,821 1,434 23,470 Otago District .. .. 10,359 16,268 1,940 253 9,232 1,960 1,539 817 28,820 13,548 290,101 Southland District .. .. 2,817 3,117 650 46 2,987 650 515 1,390 6,630 5,542 63,973 Total separately registered 15,882 22,042 2,990 668 14,200 3,000 2,811 3,557 41,582 23,568 405,125 Total of Order .. 59,491 62,632 11,964 37,580 49,623 8,669 15,825 90,958 171,667165,0751,153,054 I.O.O.F. New Zealand .. .. 22,624 15,402 13,917 6,485 13,924 2,000 20,818 91 58,428 36,833 281,596 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District .. 463 259 1,005 559 472 232 1,564 .. 2,286 2,268 6,009 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge .. .. 123 370 .. .. 169 84 .. .. 493 253 6,076 A.O.F. Auckland District .. .. 4,738 2,225 830 497 3,575 530 1,280 .. 8,290 5,385 83,433 Hawke's Bay District.. .. 1,669 2,507 1,040 .. 2,039 459 188 898 5,216 3,584 48,667 Taranaki District .. .. 2,736 3,527 540 .. 2,553 525 537 24 6,803 3,639 60,694 Wellington District .. .. 6,726 10,890 2,905 40 6,030 2,886 2,198 1,637 20,561 12,751 176,246 Nelson District .. .. 1,140 2,087 560 2 1,792 560 369 1,451 3,789 4,172 41,956 Canterbury United District .. 2,958 3,432 490 146 2,642 390 578 4,065 7,026 7.675 63,594 South Canterbury District .. 897 1,415 252 325 861 80 567 .. 2,889 1,508 35,240 United Otago District .. 6,546 6,598 4,974 108 5,045 1,155 5,159 .. 18,226 11,359 127,068 Courts out of District.. .. 1,964 4,047 .. 2 2,557 530 .. .. 6,013 3,087 74,150 Total of Order .. .. 29,374 36,728 11,591 1,120 27,094 7,115 10,876 8,075 78,813 53,160 711,048 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. 40 97 .. .. 112 .. .. .. 137 112 1,454 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of North Island 42,873 32,692 13,201 10,383 18,574 12,410 25,075 .. 99,149 56,059 553,018 of New Zealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury, N.Z. 6,243 6,415 1,390 110 4,881 1,420 1,226 10,082 14,158 17,609 101,865 Grand Lodge of Otago and 8,202 6,888 3,226 408 4,901 2,832 3,581 2 18,724 11,316 127,222 Southland, N.Z. Total of Order .. 57,318 45,995 17,817 10,901 28,356 16,662 29,882 10,084 132,031 84,984 782,105 I.O.R. Now Zealand District .. 1,949 2,782 252 .. 1,536 286 90 241 4,983 2,153 50,674 New Zealand Central District .. 4,608 5,967 1,910 802 4,123 569 2,388 .. 13,287 7,080 114,372 Total of Order .. 6,557 8,749 2,162 802 5,659 855 2,478 241 18,270 9,233 165,046 O.S.T. National Division of New Zealand 608 1,435 218 2 712 90 157 68 2,263 1,027 25,918 S. AND D.T. Antidote Division .. .. 175 693 .. .. 409 45 .. .. 868 454 11,893 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District .. 5,869 5,235 980 834 4,121 930 1,775 .. 12,918 6,826 93,978 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand.. 1,807 2,474 825 38 1,678 825 45J 414 5,144 3,368 43,639 G.U.O.O.F. New Zealand .. .. 1,519 68 61 402 989 21 462 .. 2,050 1,472 2,263 OTHER. Societies .. 3,915 2,890 .. 21 3,375 229 .. .. 6,826 3,604j 53,577 Grand total .. .. 189,883183,027 60,540 58,744 136,693 37,757 84,288109,931 492,194368,6693,337,656

ll.— 1.

TABLE IV.—Medical and Management Expenses Funds. —Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1929.


Receipts. Expenditure. 2 2j §J R ■ ce 4= q . n3 © • ft Is 2 . a 03 ft Name of Society and .2 a £ § - i£ S £ m © -Sts 3 '© © ce d Branch. -g % © 2-g |a S g< *>$ ftn-5 M 5 ,3 *£ "rS § .2 S © © T3 S 03 * So S°g © © £ g S ■£ s o ij ® © S-gJ 8« o| || s | g,| £®eq os •S - °0 ' S a a M 5 3 * 3 I J-g 8 ° "* H l » g M.U.I.O.O.F. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ N.Z. Branch, Central Bodv .. 14 .. .. .. .. 14 14 14 250 Auckland District " .. 19,097 874 583 12,865 4,380 : 1,651 178 20,554 19,074 16,531 Hawke's Bav District .. 7,785 88 1,992 6,015 2,214 677 505 9,865 9,411 3,644 Taranaki District .. 4,142 4 425 3,117 873 371 76 4,571 4,437 794 Wanganui District .. 3,815 162 147 2,726 965 279 50 4,124 4,020 4,355 Wellington District .. 6,462 | 84 4,055 4,838 1,941 528 1,160 10,601 8,467 7,339 Marlborough District .. 613 i .. 167 523 139 37 8 '780 707 148 Nelson District .. .. 1,484, 17 88 1,011 411 155 10 J,589 1,587 594 Motueka District .. .. 623 .. 4 393 163 85 5 627 646 55 United Westland District .. 1,106 2 37 702 325 126 7 1,145 1,160 70 Ashley District .. .. 2,491 7 94 1,841 498, 152 I 2,592 2,492 1,264 North Canterbury District .. 6,841 267 589 4,970 1.373 1 499 115 7,697 6,957 6,068 Ashburton District ... 2,483 131 7 1,965 438: 105 100 I 2,621 2,608 1,199 Total N.Z. Branch .. 56,942 1,650 8,188 40,966 13,720 j 4,665 2,229 66,780 61,580 j 42,311 Districts separately REGISTERED. Lyttelton District .. 1,138 8 291 718 512 129 43 j 1,437 1,402 739 South Canterbury District .. 1,613 1 217 1,300 475 39 38 ! 1,831 1,852. 290 Otago District .. .. 11,483 777 55 1 7,884 3,324 , .. 620 112,315 11,828 12,78] Southland District .. 2,972 21 51 2,003 722 264 57 3,044 3,046 787 Total separately regis- 17,206 807 614 j 11,905 5,033 432 758 18,627 18,128 14,597 tered : 1 — Total of Order .. 74,148 2,457 8,802 ! 52,871 18,753 5,097 2,987 85,407 79,708 56,908 I.O.O.F. New Zealand .. .. 31,484 416 561 21,257 7,524 2,418 1,192 32,461 32,391 13,656 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District 523 31 3 386 162 25 32 557 605 201 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge .. .. 193 .. 4 98 82 .. .. 197 .180 36 A.O.F. New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 2 9 Auckland District .. 7,600 61 138 5,485 1,522 442 72 7.799 7,521 2,717 Hawke's Bay District .. 3,644 5 285 2,698 877 470 25 3,934 4,070 ' 147 Taranaki District .. 4,431 18 152 3,225 857 306 38 4,601 4,426 744 Wellington District .. 8,236 15 117 5,658- 2,074 478 .. 8,368 8,210 1.726 Nelson District .. .. 1,511 11 103 1,123 459 85 11 1,625 1,678 686 Canterbury United District 4,491 103 1,061 3,311 835 286 38 5,655 4,470 1,720 South Canterbury District 1,437 2 115 1,104 349 54 .. 1,554 1,507 413 United Otago District .. 8,522 210 271 6,097 2,094 472 435 9,003 9,098 3,075 Courts out of District .. 2,432 112 277 2,023 798 .. .. 2,821 2.821 1,397 Total of Order .. 42,304 537 2,519 30,724 9,865 2,593 621 45,360 43,803 12,634 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey.. 14 .. 3 .. 17 .. .. 17 17 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of North j 36,555 394 401 24,78] 8,756 1,642 2,090 37,350 37,269 19,843 Island of New Zealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury, 10,940 60 120 7,588 2,189 867 29 11,120 10,673 2,776 New Zealand Grand Lodge of Otago and 7,352 182 50 5,092 1,849 510 .. 7,584 7,451 3,126 Southland, New Zealand — 1 Total of Order .. 54,847 636 571 37,461 12,794 3,019 2,119 56,054 55,393 25,745 I.O.R. New Zealand District .. 2,562 77 32 1,704 459 252 317 2,671 2,732 1,586 New Zealand Central District 6,974 93 62 4,521 1,619 810 179 7,129 7,129 2,365 Total of Order .. 9,536 170 94 6,225 2,078 1,062 496 9,800 9,861 3,951 O.S.T. National Division of New 981 23 3 690 197 89 57 1,007 1,033 1,458 Zealand — — S. and D.T. Antidote Division .. 192 39 36 140 80 .. .. 267 220 737 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District .. 8,509 205 333 6,166 1,981 601 162 9,047 8,910 4,432 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 1,918 42 14 1,255 583 234 91 1,974 2,163 593 G.U.O.O.F. ~ p New Zealand .. .. 1,013 .. 30 316 316 256 91 1,043 979 ' 279 OTHER Societies .. 5,710 638 16 4,972 1,551 .. 424 6,364 6,947 9,265 Grand total .. .. 231,372 5,194 12,989 162,561 55,983 15,394 8,272 249,555 242,210 129,895



TABLE V. —Disposition of Funds as at the 31st December, 1929.

| Value of Investments Value of Cash Goods, Other Name of Society and Branch. Total. at Land and not bearing Furniture, Assets. Interest. Buildings. Interest. and Regalia. M.U.I.0.0.F. £ £ £ £ - £ £ New Zealand Branch, Central Body ' .. 131,160 118,769 11,915 476 Auckland District .. .. .. 182,498 89,981 83,522 5,772 1,520 1,703 Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. 88,949 75,801 8,644 3,832 80 592 Taranaki District .. .. .. 59,654 55,110 3,102 659 10 773 Wanganui District .. .. .. 60,301 44,907 13,590 1,025 419 360 Wellington District .. .. .. 182,131 157,002 21,597 2,585 367 580 Marlborough District .. .. .. 17,489 16,761 160 324 151 93 Nelson District .. .. .. 59,274 56,121 1,690 1,198 .. 265 Motueka District .. .. .. 26,029 21,844 2,151 1,514 47 473 United Westland District .. .. 25,484 21,130 2,865 1,272 2 215 Ashley District .. .. .. 51,604 j 48,919 j 1,178 | 1,156 167 184 North Canterbury District .. .. 98,843 ! 86,417 8,881 ! 2,768 339 > 438 Ashburton District .. .. .. 31,834 29,908 70 1,656 91 106 Total —New Zealand Branch .. 1,015,250 822,670 159,365 24,237 3,196 5,782 Districts separately registered. Lyttelton District .. .. .. 32,522 28,495 2,150 1,673 37 167 South Canterbury District .. .. 27,045 25,926 733 314 .. 72 Otago District .. .. .. .. 336,586 316,948 9,712 6,421 851 2,654 Southland District .. .. .. 71,082 68,147 813 715 297 1,110 Total separately registered .. 467,235 439,516 13,408 9,123 1,185 4,003 Total of Order .. .. .. 1,482,485 1,262,186 172,773 33,360 4,381 9,785 I.O.O.F. New Zealand .. .. .. .. 338,471 306,414 12,671 10,560 4,608 4,218 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District .. .. 6,539 6,277 .. 115 138 9 B.U.O.O.F. AorangiLodge .. .. .. .. 6,330 4,801 1,220 209 100 A.O.F. New Zealand .. .. .. .. 42 42 .. •. Auokland District .. .. .. 96,925 23,632 68,676 1,017 3,203 397 Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. 57,817 39,046 15,975 389 1,029 1,378 Taranaki District .. .. .. 66,690 62,554 2,368 1,074 139 555 Wellington District .. .. .. 186,805 153,134! 24,761 6,059 1,659 1,192 Nelson District .. .. .. 44,712 39,964 2,132 2,377 178 61 Canterbury United District .. .. 80,669 75,422 1,943 2,576 547 181 South Canterbury District .. .. 35,790 29,084 4,851 1,549 238 68 United Otago District .. .. .. 140,325 132,695 339 5,537 297 1,457 Courts out of District .. .. .. 88,166 84,560 1,919 933 135 619 Total of Order .. .. 797,941 640,133 122,964 21,511 7,425 5,908 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. .. 1,472 1,449 .. 13 10 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of North Island of New Zealand 587,923 505,994 55,510 21,133 2,418 2,868 Grand Lodge of Canterbury, New Zealand .. 126,203 120,744 1,257 3,193 708 301 Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland, New 132,268 125,471 2,466 3,673 428 230 Zealand Total of Order .. .. 846,394 | 752,209 59,233 | 27,999 3,554 3,399 I.O.R. New Zealand District .. .. .. 54,285 53,350 .. j 875 .. 60 New Zealand Central District .. .. 120,985 105,937 9,182 j 4,790 17 1,059 Total of Order .. .. 175,270 159,287 9,182 5,665 17 1,119 O.S.T. National Division of New Zealand .. 28,864- 26,963 750 785 299 67 S. AND D.T. Antidote Division .. .. .. 12,744 12,599 .. 32 .. 113 H A C B S New Zealand District .. .. .. 105,644 97,833 1,394 3,780 1,252 1,385 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand .. .. 45,215 43,105 50 1,441 330 289 G.U.O.O.F. New Zealand 2,553 1,045 .. 854 3 651 OTHER Societies .. .. .. 77,511 24,683 50,342 681 1,552 253 Grand total .. .. 3,927,433 3,338,984 430,579 107,005 23,669 27,196



TABLE VI.—Investments at Interest as at the 31st December, 1929.

Deposited with , j : i Mortgages Govern- | other Name of Society and Branch. j Total. Post Freehold ! Municipal cents' Savings- Banks. Property. | Debenbank. tures - M.U.I.O.O.F. £ £ £ £ £ £ New Zealand Branch, Central Body .. .. .. 118,769 2,520 .. 112,849 2,000 1,400 Auckland District .. .. .. .. .. 89,981 1,559 1,377 85,945 1,100 Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. .. 75,801 597 .. 72,409 1,890 905 Taranaki District .. .. .. .. .. 55,110 1,214 513 38,234 12,510 2,639 Wanganui District .. .. .. .. 44,907 1,382 .. 35,836 7,089 600 Wellington District .. .. .. .. 157,002 5,065 .. 147,719 800 3,418 Marlborough District .. .. .. .. 16,761 692 .. 15,569 500 Nelson District .. .. • .. .. 56,121 2,743 .. 35,478 15,040 2,860 Motueka District .. .. .. .. .. I 21,844 179 .. 13,415 4,700 3,550 United"Westland District .. .. .. .. 21,130 3,231 .. 15,849 1,750 300 Ashley District .. .. .. .. .. 48,919 3,247 100 44,172 1,400 North Canterbury District .. .. .. .. 86,417 3,217 .. j 77,937 4,350 913 Ashburton District.. .. .. .. ..! 29,908 3,878 .. j 19,930 1,400 4,700 Total—New Zealand Branch .. .. ! 822,670 29,524 1,900 715,342 54,529 21,285 Districts separately registered. Lyttelton District .. .. .. .. .. 28,495 521 .. 26,974 250 750 South Canterbury District .. .. .. .. 25,926 1,146 .. 23,330 150 1,300 Otag» District .. .. .. .. .. 316,948 1,978 258 j 295,065 19,134 513 Southland District .. .. .. .. 68,147 2,422 2,762 J 26,636 35,527 800 Total separately registered .. .. 439,516 6,067 3,020 372,005 55,061 3,363 Total of Order .. .. .. 1,262,186 35,591 5,010 1,087,347 109,590 24,648 ' I.O.O.F. New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. 306,414 3,574 2,661 296,215 2,151 1,813 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District .. .. .. 6,277 1,101 648 3,898 500 130 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge .. .. .. .. .. 4,801 1 .. 4,800 A.O.F. New Zealand .. .. .. .. . . 42 .. .. 42 Auckland District .. .. .. .. .. 23,632 25 599 22,508 .. 500 Hawke's Bay District . . .. .. .. 39,046 445 .. 38,502 . . 99 Taranaki District .. .. .. .. .. 62,554 4,003 353 56,848 1,250 100 Wellington District .. .. .. .. 153,134 3,282 .. 146,860 2,143 849 Nelson District .. .. .. .. .. 39,964 987 300 9,175 26,449 3,053 Canterbury United District .. .. .. .. 75,422 2,613 .. 63,449 8,390 970 South Canterbury District .. .. .. .. 29,084 414 .. 21,023 5,431 2,216 United Otago District .. .. .. .. i 132,695 96 753 128,410 3,080 356 Courts out of District .. .. 84,560 3,834 24 70,737 9,800 165 i—'— : Total of Order .. .. .. 640,133 15,699 2,029 557,554 56,543 8,308 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. .. .. .. 1,449 349 .. 1,100 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of North Island of New Zealand .. 505,994 5,498 1,499 489,542 8,150 1,305 Grand Lodge of Canterbury, New Zealand .. .. 120,744 3,270 59 113,069 3,450 896 Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland, New Zealand .. 125,471 3,941 1,136 112,085 7,905 404 Total of Order .. .. .. 752,209 12,709 2,694 714,696 19,505 2,605 I.O.R. New Zealand District .. .. .. .. 53,350 133 1,516 50,121 1,580 New Zealand Central District .. .. .. 105,937 1,044 192 102,090 2,000 611 Total of Order .. .. .. 159,287 1,177 1,708 152,211 3,580 611 O.S.T. National Division of New Zealand .. .. .. 26,963 413 600 25,440 400 110 S. AND D.T. Antidote Division .. .. .. .. .. 12,599 256 46 11,560 700 37 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District .. .. .. .. 97,833 2,946 2,837 88,222 2,589 1,239 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand .. .. .. 43,105 1,224 1,211 36,632 3,852 186 G.U.O.O.F. New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. 1,045 42 1 1,002 OTHER Societies .. .. .. .. .. 24,683 520 1,077 22,171 349 566 Grand total .. .. .. .. 3,338,984 75,602 20,522 3,002,848 199,759 40,253




Number o! Amount ol Number" lXame of Societ y- Plaoe of Establishment. eata^ed . Members at ot i ear. ccmberjl9 29. Isolated Friendly Societies. £ 24 Widow and Orphans' Society, Wellington Dis- Wellington .. 1849 83 ! 3,018 trict, M.U.I.O.O.F. 338 Otago Daily Times Mutual Provident Society .. Dunedin.. .. 1880 94 3,914 183 Brunner Miners' Sick Fund .. .. .. Brunnerton .. 1881 400 348 335 Grey Valley Coal-miners'Medical Fund Society „ .. 1881 450 911 310 Katangata and District Miners' Benefit Society Kaitangata .. 1887 262 881 277 Denniston Collieries Medical and Accident Relief Denniston .. 1891 460 1,300 Association 279 United Fire-brigades'Accident Assurance Society Auckland .. 1891 1,787 2,418 of New Zealand 293 Blackball Colliery Accident Relief Fund Society Blackball .. 1894 266 236 307 Millerton Colliery Medical and Accident Relief Millerton .. 1899 .. 876 Association 306 Huntly Collieries' Medical and Accident Relief Huntly .. .. 1900 300 2,694 Association 313 Auckland U.F.S. Dispensary.. .. .. Auckland .. 1903 5,266 5,829 316 Auckland U.F.S. Medical Institute .. .. „ .. 1903 2,483 141 319 Christchurch U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Christchurch .. 1904 9,220 5,686 323 Point Elizabeth Accident Relief Fund .. Runanga .. 1904 .. 66 327 Nightcaps, Wairio, and Ohai Collieries' Medical, Nightcaps .. 1909 396 1,638 Sick, and Accident Relief Association 328 Stockton Colliery Medical and Accident Relief Ngakawau .. 1909 320 2,271 Association 333 Inangahua Miners'Accident Relief Association.. Reefton .. .. 1911 278 112 336 North Otago U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Oamaru .. .. 1911 1,789 6,588 337 Hawera U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Hawera .. .. 1912 .. 1,000 341 Wanganui U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Wanganui .. 1913 1,793 4,474 345 Palmerston North U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Palmerston North .. 1914 1,286 10,568 346 Ashburton U.F.S. Association .. .. Ashburton .. 1914 .. 63 348 Syrian Benevolent Society .. .. .. Wellington .. 1915 .. 168 351 Te Akatea Miners' and Settlers' Medical Associa- Glen Massey .. 1915 121 297 tion 353 Hawke's Bay U.F.S. Council .. .. Napier .. .. 1916 2,586 1 352 Pukemiro Medical Society .. .. .. Pukemiro .. 1916 400 879 357 Masterton U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Masterton .. j 1916 715 2,381 358 Wellington U.F.S. Medical Institute .. .. Wellington .. 1917 3,280 4,003 361 Milton U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Milton .. .. 1918 .. 1,711 359 Hastings District U.F.S. Association .. .. Hastings .. 1917 .. 2,221 363 Petone U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Petone .. .. 1920 1,114 8,071 364 Palmerston U.F.S. Dispensary . . .. Palmerston South .. 1920 275 959 365 Swankers' Club .. .. .. .. Wanganui .. 1920 579 61 366 Bluff U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Bluff .. .. 1920 189 722 368 Wyndham U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Wyndham .. 1920 .. 1,854 369 Hamilton U.F.S. Dispensary.. .. .. Hamilton .. 1921 .. 2,005 371 Marlborough U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Blenheim .. 1921 649 3,310 370 Blackball Medical Club .." .. .. Blackball .. 1921 263 158 374 Buller U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Westport .. 1922 265 1,386 376 South Canterbury U.F.S. Council .. .. Timaru .. .. 1922 1,012 212 377 Waiuta Miners' Medical Association . . .. Waiuta .. .. .1923 201 137 378 Devonport U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Devonport .. 1924 651 515 379 Hikurangi and Wilson's Collieries Medical Society Hikurangi .. 1924 464 370 380 Manawatu U.F.S. Hospital Association .. Palmerston North .. 1925 800 219 381 Ashburton U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Ashburton .. 1925 1,727 3,740 382 Wellington F.S. Jubilee Commemoration Fund. . Wellington .. 1926 .. 2,147 383 Taumarunui U.F.S. Dispensary .. . . Taumarunui .. 1926 333 872 384 Public Works Medical Association . . . . Tangarakau .. 1926 473 658 385 Karamea Medical Association .. .. Karamea.. .. 1926 .. 158 386 Okaihau Railway Construction Workers Medical Okaihau .. .. 1926 226 540 Association 387 Dannevirke U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Dannevirke .. 1927 744 831 388 Port Chalmers U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Port Chalmers .. J 1927 746 1,707 391 Taranaki Hospital District F.S. Association .. New Plymouth .. 1928 .. 74 392 Nelson U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Nelson .. .. 1928 1,147 782 396 Paparoa Miners' Medical Club .. .. Roa .. .. 1929 .. 76 Total .. .. .. .. .. ■ •• J •• 98,257 | ! Juvenile Friendly Societies. 288 Court Pride of the Forest, A.O.F. .. .. Dunedin .. 1893 25 79 290 Court Pride of Invereargill, A.O.F. .. .. Invercargill .. 1894 49 207 329 Juvenile Council, Otago, A.O.F. .. .. Dunedin .. .. 1895 714 67 303 Itaiapoi Lodge, M.U.I.O.O.F. .. .. Kaiapoi .. .. j 1897 21 160 314 Court Pride of Napier, A.O.F. .. .. Napier .. .. j 1903 24 917 329(1) Court Pride of the Port, A.O.F. .. .. Port Chalmers .. j 1904 62 172 354 Court Hope of Green Island, A.O.F. .. .. Green Island .. ! 1915 55 38 389 Hastings Juvenile Lodge, M.U.I.O.O.F. .. Hastings .. 1926 79 77 Total .. .. •• •• •• 1,717 Working-men's Clots. 151 Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary Wellington .. 1877 1,681 19,356 Institute 309 Cosmopolitan Club .. .. .. .. Napier .. .. 1877 891 8,834 186 South Wairarapa Working-men*s Club .. Greytown .. 1878 394 2,775 215 Auckland Working-men's Club and Mechanics' Auckland .. 1879 1,027 19,285 Institute 162 Christchurch Working-men's Club and Mutual Christchurch .. 1880 1,028 18,532 School of Arts



TABLE VII—continued.

EXPLANATORY NOTE OF TERMS USED IN REPORT. A.O.F. .. .. .. .. Ancient Order of Foresters. A.O.S. .. .. .. .. Ancient Order of Shepherds. 8.U.0.0.F. .. .. .. British United Order of Oddfellows. G.U.0.0.F. .. .. .. Grand United Order of Oddfellows. H.A.C.B.S. .. .. • • Hibernian-Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. I.F.S. .. .. .. .. Isolated Friendly Society. 1.0. G.T. .. .. .. .. International Order of Good Templars. 1.0.0. F. .. .. .. .. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 1.0. R. .. .. .. .. Independent Order of Rechabites. M.U.1.0.0.F. .. . . .. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows. N.1.0.0.F. .. .. .. National Independent Order of Oddfellows. O.S.T. .. .. . . .. Order of Sons of Temperance. P.A.F.S.A. .. .. .. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. S.A.S. .. .. .. .. Specially authorized society. S.D.T. .. .. .. .. Sons and Daughters of Temperance. U.A.O.D. .. .. .. United Ancient Order of Druids. W.M.C. .. .. .. .. Working-men's Club.

TABLE OF CONTENTS. I'AGE Report by the Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year ended 31st December, 1929 .. .. .. 1 Appendix I.—List of Registered Societies, with their Registered Branches, as at 31st December, 1929 .. .. 6 Appendix ll.—Registered Trade-unions as at 31st December, 1929 .. .. .. .. .. 14 Appendix 111. —Forms which may be obtained free on Application to the Registrar of Friendly Societies .. 14 Appendix IV.—A List of Public Auditors of Friendly Societies .. .. .. .. .. 15 Appendix V.—Summary of Valuations completed during the Year 1929 .. .. .. .. ..16 Table I.—Membership and Funds of Friendly Societies and Branches as at 31st December, 1929 .. 18 Table II. —Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness for the Year 1929 .. .. .. .. 33 Table 111. —Sick and Funeral Funds : Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1929 .. .. .. 35 Table IV. —Medical and Management Funds : Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1929 .. .. 36 Table V. —Disposition of Funds as at 31st December, 1929 .. .. .. .. .. 37 Table Vl.—lnvestments at Interest as at 31st December, 1929 .. .. .. .. .. 38 Table VII. —Membership and Funds as at 31st December, 1929— Isolated Friendly Societies .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 39 Juvenile Friendly Societies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 Working-men's Clubs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 Specially Authorized Societies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 Explanatory Note of Terms used in Report .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 40

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (760 copies), £80.

By Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington. —1930.

Price is.]

Number of i Amount °' Number. Name o( Society. ! Place of Establishment. e8t JS ed . Members at I ot Year. cember; l929 Wobking-men's Clubs—continued. £ 202 Club Garibaldi .. .. .. .. Wellington .. 1882 187 813 231 Kaiapoi Working-men's Club .. .. Kaiapoi .. .. 1885 1,022 6,769 271 Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts .. Ashburton .. 1886 598 6,522 238 Petone Working-men's Club and Literary Institute Petone .. .. 1886 811 13,792 305 Oxford Working-men's Club .. .. East Oxford .. 1887 316 2,927 272 Blenheim Working-men's Club . . .. Blenheim .. 1888 566 6,484 264 Richmond Working-men's Club and Mutual Richmond, Christ- 1889 414: 6,637 School of Arts church 267 Palmerston North Cosmopolitan Club .. Palmerston North 1899 1,088 10,328 318 North Island Brass Bands' Association of New Wellington .. 1902 27 165 Zealand 326 South Island Bands' Association of New Zealand Christchurch .. 1908 32 101 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 123,320 Specially Authorized Societies. 223 Invercargill U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Inveroargill .. 1884 .. 13,429 229 Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Sydenham .. 1885 1,880 113,073 Club 251 New Zealand Foresters'Guarantee Association Christchurch .. 1886 .. 2,834 242 Dunedin U.F.S. Dispensary .. Dunedin .. .. 1887 9,249 17,600 248 Timaru U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. .. Timaru .. .. 1887 .. 4,892 257 Opotiki Gospel Temperance and Mutual Improve- Opotiki .. .. 1888 .. 595 ment Society 241 New Zealand Friendly Societies' Mutual Fidelity Wellington .. 1887 .. 6,308 Guarantee Association 275 Linwood Co-operative Money Club .. .. Christchurch .. 1889 301 10,803 276 Waimate Silver Band .. .. .. Waimate .. 1892 . . 707 283 Hawke's Bay U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Napier .. .. 1892 1,566 2,897 284 Christchurch and St. Albans Co-operative M oney Christchurch . . 1892 1,484 93,271 Club 294 Wellington U.F.S. Dispensary .. .. Wellington .. 1901 5,654 7,829 332 New Brighton Co-operative Money Club .. New Brighton .. 1911 79 2,607 339 Hawke's Bay A.O.F. Small Savings Society .. Napier .. .. ! 1913 .. 2,241 Total .. .. .. .. .. •• 279,086

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