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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 13 of the Swamp Drainage Act, 1915.

Sir, — Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, Ist July, 1930. In pursuance of section 13 of the Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, I have the honour to forward the report of the Chief Drainage Engineer covering operations on lands proclaimed under the Swamp Drainage Act and amendments. Illustrative plans are also attached. I have, &c, J. B. Thompson, The Hon. E. A. Ransom, Minister of Lands. Under-Secretary for Lands.

REPORT BY CHIEF DRAINAGE ENGINEER. Sir — I have the honour to submit my annual report on the areas proclaimed under the Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, and amendments. Kaitaia Drainage Area (61,430 Acres), Mangonui County. The principal works carried out in this area during the year have been : (a) Excavation of Whangatane spillway and erection of bridges over same ; (6) shaping stop-banks ; (c) installation of flood-gates ; (d) maintenance of drains and other works. Classification and Rating. —Under the provisions of section 3 of the Swamp Drainage Amendment Act, 1928, the county portion of the district was reclassified in the autumn of 1929. The classifiers were Mr. H. B. Matthews, of Kaitaia, settlers' nominee, and Mr. A. C. Sutherland, of Whakatane. Some forty-three appeals were received against the classification, and these appeals were heard at a special sitting of the Magistrate's Court in Kaitaia. No very drastic alterations were made in the classification, and the following schedule shows the final classification, together with areas and valuations in the different rateable classes : — . Valuation Acres'. (Unimproved). A class .. .. .. .. .. 10,925 28,460 B class .. .. .. .. .. 7,978 62,447 C class .. .. .. .. .. 7,612 36,825 The above procedure having been completed, rates for the year 1929-30 were struck late in the year on both the county and town portions of the area. Both areas are liable for maintenance as well as capital rates, and for the past year a subsidy of £1 for £1 was provided for maintenance. The capital rate for the county portion was struck on a sum of £55,000, a subsidy of £1 for £1 having been granted so as to provide for interest on the balance of the present loading of £110,000 on this portion of the area. The capital rate for the town was struck as a flat rate on the present loading of £15,000.

I—C. 4.



Immediately prior to the striking of the rates a departmental Committee, consisting of Messrs. Sutherland, Blackburn, and. Macmorran, was set up to investigate and report on the loading that the district, both county and town subdivisions, could carry. According to the Act, the loading on the county portion is £110,000, and on the town £15,000. The Committee heard evidence from all those who came forward, both in public and in private, after which various portions of the area were inspected. The recommendations of this Committee were duly forwarded and are now under consideration. Rainfall, &e. —Rainfall and river-gauge readings have been recorded daily at Kaitaia, and schedule and graphs are enclosed giving particulars of data obtained. Rainfall was well distributed throughout the year, and except on one occasion, in February, 1930, no intensive flooding occurred in the area. Following 4-15 in. of rainfall for the period of twenty-four hours ending 9 a.m. on 14th February, the Kaitaia River overflowed its banks above the township, and in consequence a large area of country was, inundated. Flood-levels, however, were several feet lower than previously recorded, and for the remainder of the year no flood of any consequence occurred. The following table gives details of rainfall for the past twelve years : —

Awanui River. —The only work done was the poisoning and removing of young willows. No dredging has been done in the lower Awanui. River since November, 1927, but sand has now accumulated to such an extent that difficulty is being experienced in navigating the channel. Arrangements have been made to dredge the channel again, and the work of scooping back spoil to provide a bench on the banks for dredged spoil has been commenced. As soon as this has been completed a Priestman dredge will commence removing sand from the river-bed. Whangatane Spillway. —Two drag-lines have been employed on the enlargement of this channel to 60 ft. bottom at the lower end and 50 ft. bottom from the point where a steeper grade has been adopted. A distance of 3 miles 54-09 chains has been covered by the two machines, with a total of 221,500 cubic yards of spoil removed. Dredger No. 27, Marion steam drag-line, was engaged in widening original channel from 20 ft. to 50 ft. bottom, part of the work being done from west bank and part from east bank. Two shifts were worked, and 126,920 cubic yards of spoil removed from 189-65 chains of channel. Some difficulty has been experienced in maintaining this machine in continuous operation, as a certain number of breakages are inevitable and cannot be expeditiously replaced owing to distance from a foundry or machine-shop capable of handling repair jobs of any size. Dredger No. 18, Monighan oil-driven drag-line, was engaged in widening the channel at lower end from 40 ft. to 60 ft. bottom, working one shift only. This machine lost very little time waiting repairs, and was more easily maintained in operation. Some 94,580 cubic yards of spoil was removed from 104-44 chains of the spillway, and 21 chains of small channel for the Oinu Stream. Approximately two months' work for both machines remains to complete excavation of this channel to Donald's Road, 10 chains from the intake. This portion of the channel, already excavated through sound clay country, is of sufficient width and depth to carry the full amount of water which can be discharged through the temporary regulating-weir erected at the intake. Bridges. —Seven pile bridges were erected over the Whangatane spillway, six of these, ranging in length from 95 ft. to 110 ft., were to connect severances of properties, and one, of 120 ft., to provide crossing at Quarry Road. In all cases existing bridges had to be removed and piles drawn so that permanent structures could bo erected on the .same site. Two temporary pile bridges, one of 90 ft. and one of 60 ft. length, were erected at road-crossings, with short deviation of roads to carry traffic during erection of road-bridge. Two sill bridges were erected over drains to connect properties severed. Bridging of the Whangatane spillway has been completed, with the exception of the bridge at Donald's Road, now under construction. School Cut. —Surveys have been made and plans drawn for this work, which includes 20 chains of excavation and erection of bridge at Church Road. It is anticipated that excavation will be commenced in July. Drains. —The principal work in connection with drains has been maintenance. Most of the cleaning was done in the autumn, and some drains were cleaned again in early spring. In order to maintain efficiency of drains it is desirable to adopt the practice of spring as well as autumn cleaning, and this practice should be applied to a considerable mileage of the outlets in operation. Heavy

Year. Y(«ir Wettest Month and Rainfall. Driest Month and Rainfall. Inches. I Inches. Inches. 1918-19 .. 47-30 Oct., 1918 .. .. 9-06 Aug., 1918 .. 1-39 1919-20 .. 31-71 July, 1919 .. .. 7-37 Dec.. 1919 .. 0-62 1920-21 t . 53-11 May and Aug., 1920 (each) .. 8-02 Mar., 1921 .. 1-13 1921-22 .. 49-42 Mar., 1922 .. .. 5-84 Jan., 1922 .. 2-24 1922-23 .. 44-81 Oct., 1922 .. .. 7-46 Jan, 1923 .. 2-02 1923-24 .. 49-23 Oct, 1923 .. .. 7-92 Dec, 1923 .. 1-38 1924-25 .. 48-89 May, 1924 .. .. 10-34 Mar, 1925 .. 0-51 1925-26 .. 57-90 May, 1925 .. .. 10-43 Feb, 1926 .. 0-88 1926-27 .. 64-91 Oct, 1926 .. .. 9-62 Dec, 1926 .. 1-51 1927-28 .. 55-97 July, 1927 .. .. 11-35 Jan, 1928 .. 0-22 1928-29 .. 58-21 June, 1928 .. .. 9-13 Feb, 1929 .. 0-28 1929-30 .. 51-11 May, 1929 .. .. 6-30 Mar, 1930 .. 0-98






increases in costs would be entailed, however, and, should settlers have to provide the funds for maintenance, it appears doubtful whether the comparative luxury of cleaning twice a year as against cleaning once each year can be afforded at present. Prices recently tendered for autumn cleaning on certain drains are not appreciably less than was previously paid. The work is lightened by spring cleaning, but it appears prices submitted by public tender are not proportionately reduced. 36 miles 65 chains of drain was cleaned in the late autumn of 1929, of which 7 miles 5 chains was cleaned again in the spring of 1930. Some 2 miles 40 chains of drain in the Tangonge basin was cleaned during the dry summer months, and the autumn cleaning for this season had been completed on 5 miles by the end of the period under review. 5 miles 12 chains of drain was widened and deepened, and 50 chains of new drain dug. Stop-banks. —The maintenance of 13 miles of stop-bank and drain was carried out, and 35 floodgate outlets kept in operation. 140 chains of bank thrown up by drag-line was hand-shaped and kikuyu-grass planted over a stretch of 80 chains. A 20-chain deviation of bank was constructed at Unahi to avoid encroachment, and 10 chains of new bank thrown up connecting Whangatane spillway bank and Kareponia Creek. Five flood-gate outlets and two open culverts were placed in position. Summary of Work done. —Hereunder is a summary of the principal work carried out during the year : Drains cleaned, 39 miles 25 chains ; drains widened and deepened, 5 miles 12 chains ; new drains constructed, 60 chains. Stop-banks constructed, 30 chains ; stop-banks raised and strengthened, 1 mile 60 chains ; stop-banks maintained, 13 miles. Dredge cuts enlarged —20 ft. bottom to 50 ft. bottom, 2 miles 30 chains ; 40 ft. bottom to 60 ft. bottom, 1 mile 24 chains. Levels taken, 8 miles. Traverses run, 2 miles. Flood-gates built, 5. Pile bridges erected, 7 (1, 120 ft. ; 1, 95 ft. ; 3, 100 ft. ; 2, 110 ft.). Sill bridges erected, 2, 14 ft. Spoil excavated by dredges, 221,500 cubic yards. Proposals for ensuing Year. —Excavation and bridging of the Whangatane spillway will be completed early in the year, and drag-lines employed on School Cut and enlargement of Kaitaia River from spillway intake up-stream. Twenty chains of stop-banking are still required along the Kareponia Creek, which will be enlarged in order to provide spoil for the above purpose. Ten flood-gates remain to be installed on the Whangatane spillway, and the filling of " munga " crossings, construction of drain behind bank to take surface water into the main channel, and certain work at the intake will complete work on this channel as planned. Work remaining for completion of the scheme as contemplated are the removal of willows from Kaitaia River, and improvement and extension of existing drains and stop-banks. Works Expenditure. —The sum of £16,139 17s. Bd. was expended during the year, of which day labour absorbed £9,080 12s. 3d. Some thirteen piecework contracts were let, entailing an expenditure of £1,263 15s. 2d. Hlkurangi Drainage Area (50,000 Acres), Whangarei County. Rainfall. —Almost continuous rainfall was experienced during the first nine months of the year, with two periods of heavy precipitation —viz., April and May. In April 7-98 in. of rain was recorded at Ruatangata, with 2-35 in. on the sth April, 1929 ; whilst in May rain fell on twenty-three days for a total of 15-66 in. with a maximum of 4-32 in. on the 11th May, 1929. The total fall at Ruatangata for the year was 62-74 in., spread over 172 days. In the upper reaches of the Wairaa catchment the rainfall for the year exceeded 80 in. A graph is attached showing rainfall and run-off data for the year. Floods. —Fairly serious flooding of the main swamp area occurred following the heavy rainfalls of April and May, particularly during the latter month, when a maximum flood-height of 34 ft. was experienced at the Jordan Bridge, Wairua River. Data. —Data for precipitation at various stations, gauging of run-off, water stage heights, &c, has been collected consistently throughout the year and graphically recorded herein. Construction Work. —Construction work on the Wairua River and subsidiary channels with excavators, and hand-dug drain-outlets where desirable, have been carried on as expeditiously as general working-conditions allowed. Excavator Work. Wairua River. — Main Diversions. —These were practically completed last year, and the only work done this year was the construction of a ford-crossing for a settler (Mr. Worsnop) at the lower end of G-H diversion. A big slip at the mouth of D-E diversion still remains, but it now seems hardly necessary to remove same. Main Diversion Spillways. —Work proceeded throughout the year on the long D-B spillway, which has been constructed on a bottom width of 35 ft., at a grade-level of 7-00 ft. This is now completed except for a 50 ft. length of soft country in which the shovel could not work, and some large stone that could not be placed in the dump-trucks for removal. This spillway should be completed before the winter. A total of 21,088 cubic yards of rock was excavated at a total cost of £8,715 2s. lid., or at the rate of Bs. 3 - 2 d. per cubic yard. River Bars. —Improvement to the river at 1 m. 14 ch. was carried out by the removal of stone by the drag-line and the cost of shifting 1,100 cubic yards was at the rate of 3s. 7-7 d. per cubic yard. River-improvement. —From 6 m. 40 ch. to 4 m. 50 ch. the river has been improved by the removal of timber, rock, and silt bars, the work proceeding continuously down-stream. Neglecting the timber removed, a total yardage of 38,500 cubic yards —of which 7,500 cubic yards would be rubble and rock —has been shifted at a total cost of £1,925 lis. 2d., or at a rate of Is. per cubic yard. On the left bank, from 9 m. 50 ch. to 10 m. 25 ch., the work of removing timber, battering back of bank, to at least a 2-to-l batter, and easing bad bends was carried out with the drag-line. The actual yardage of spoil moved was 10,000 cubic yards, at a total cost of £366 19s. 6d., making the cost of excavation at the rate of 7-65 d. per cubic yard.



Wairua River Catchment Area Rain falls and Discharges 1929-30



Wairua River Water Stages and Discharges 1929-30



Up-river Diversion. —No. 9 : This was satisfactorily constructed by drag-line through the latter part of the year. The finished job has a top width of 110 ft., with batters down to a grade of 13-00 ft. The spoil excavated was 40,297 cubic yards, at a total cost of £1,338 ss. 2d., being at the rate of Bd. per cubic yard. No. 8 : Hand draining has been carried out on this diversion in order to consolidate the country for drag-line work through the coming year. No. 10 : Active machine excavation was commenced early in September on this diversion. After one month's work, the batter collapsed badly owing to a thick seam of peat being experienced, and made further work with the drag-line impossible for the time being. Before abandonment 10,535 cubic yards had been moved, at a total cost of £440 18s., or at a rate of lOd. per cubic yard. To facilitate early construction of the diversion by No. 26 dipper —to be assisted later by the drag-line— hand draining for consolidation purposes has been carried out at the site. No. 13 : Active construction of this diversion has been in hand since late in December, and to date 24,200 cubic yards have been moved, at a total cost of £882 18s. 4d., making the rate 8-Bd. per cubic yard. This diversion is being made of the same general dimensions as the completed No. 9. Mangahahuru Stream Diversion. —The construction of this diversion from 2 m. 25 ch. to 3 m. 47 ch., at which point the previously dug Ngararatunua Canal is reached, has been satisfactorily completed. Through the lower 57 chains this cut is enlarged to 60 ft. by 45 ft. by 13 ft., and the dipper easily coped with the increased size by using a small punt for the support of one spud. On this work 125,822 cubic yards was excavated, at a total cost of £2,952 Bs. 10d., or at the rate of 5-65 d. per cubic yard. Mangawhero Stream Improvement. —Through the later part of last year a new diversion was made up to the Im. 41 ch. mark, and joins with the Mangahahuru work at 2m. 12 ch. Through the earlier part of this year the drag-line carried out the work of short diversions of 30 ft. by 10 ft. by 10 ft., and general stream-improvement up to the om. 0 ch. mark in the Hikurangi Township. The yardage moved was 31,850 cubic yards, at a total cost of £957 16s. lid., making the rate 7-25 d. per cubic yard. Okarika Diversion. —Before the commencement of the winter floods this diversion work was extended a few chains above the Otakairangi Road (0 m. 75 ch.), the spoil moved being 6,000 cubic yards, at a total cost of £299 45., or at the rate of Is. per cubic yard. Handwork. Okarika Valley Drainage. —Early in the year a contract for the construction of the hand drain (averaging 8 ft. by 5 ft. by 5 ft.) was completed from the 3m. 0 ch. to the 3m. 50 ch. mark. During the latter part of this year the drain from 1 m. 0 ch. to 1 m. 60 ch. was enlarged to conform to the general dimensions of 13 ft. by 10 ft. by 6 ft., and is now practically down to the underlying clay. Work is in hand for an outfall drain generally, 12 ft. by 7 ft. by 5 ft. 6 in., from 0 m. 50 ch. of the Okarika diversion line, through the low-lying clay country of Sections 7, 12, and 11. Some 37 chains of this was completed at end of period under review. Outlet through Sections 10, 9, and 5, Block XV, Hukerenui Survey District. —Work is in hand for an outfall drain generally, 13 ft. by 8 ft. by 5 ft. 6 in., from peg 0 m. 20 ch. on the No. 10 diversion line through the low-lying clay country of Sections 10, 9, and 5, Block XV, Hukerenui Survey District. Some 32 chains has been completed to date. Riponui Outlet. —Work has been completed for an outfall drain generally, 9 ft. by 6 ft. by 5 ft., through Sections 4, 21, and 22, Block XI, Hukerenui Survey District. This is new work, and of a total length of 1 mile 62 chains. In order to give the best results from this work the creek through Sections 14 and 13, at the lower end, is at present being improved over its length of 50 chains. Otonga Outlet. —By the middle of the year a contract for the construction of the main outfall drain from om. 40 ch. to 2m. 40 ch. was completed. The roadside-drain from om. 0 ch. to om. 40 ch. has since been regraded and enlarged, and advantage taken of the derived fall up to the 1 m. 30 ch. mark. From the latter mark up to 2 m. 40 ch. general widening and improvement has been carried out, and from 2 m. 40 ch. to 3 m. 27 ch. new work has been completed, bringing the outlet up to the main road. The construction of the branch drain from Im. 30 ch. to 2m. 40 ch. (on the south-east boundary of Section 94) is well in hand, the 2 m. 15 ch. mark having been reached to date. Bridges. Mangahahuru Diversion. —An access bridge, with rolled-steel joists on concrete piles and headstocks with a span of 48 ft., has been erected to serve Mr. Mcßeth's severance in Section M. 79. Reconstruction of the road-bridge at 2 m. 22 ch. has been carried out in conjunction with the Whangarei County Council on a pound-for-pound basis. Mangawhero Diversion. —An access bridge, 40 ft. span, with rolled-steel joists on concrete piles (cast in position) and headstocks, has been erected to serve Mr. Hales's severance in Section W. 78. Okarika Diversion. —At the Otakairangi Road crossing (0 m. 75 ch.) a road-bridge of three timber spans has been constructed with an easily removable central span to facilitate passage of dredges. Summary of Work performed. —The following is a schedule of some of the work carried out during the past year : Stream-cleaning, 70 chains ; drains widened and deepened, 3 miles 60 chains ; drains constructed, 8 miles 00 chains ; stop-banks constructed, 20 chains ; dredge cuts constructed, 3 miles 9 chains ; dredge cuts cleaned, 2 miles 40 chains ; levels taken, 34 miles 70 chains ; traverses run, 38 miles 50 chains ; pile bridges erected, 213 lineal feet; spoil excavated by dredges, 309,392 cubic yards ; rock excavated, 29,688 cubic yards.



Excavator Programme for coming Year. Wairua River. — Main Diversion Spillways. —Early in the year No. 14 Bucyrus will complete the long D-B spillway. River Improvement: Lewis's-Purua Bridge. —The Priestman will continue to work steadily downstream to the Purua Bridge. Later in the coming year No. 14 Bucyrus will be available to commence at the 6'm. 0 ch. mark and work down-stream on battering the bank, general widening, and easing of bad bends. These two machines should have this stretch of the river in good order by the end of the year. River Bars. —Early in May, provided the river is low enough, No. 13 Bucyrus will attempt to grapple with the shallow at the lower end of No. 8 diversion. This shallow was dredged by the Priestman some eighteen months ago but " came up " again from the bottom. Up-river Diversions. —No. 7 : No. 13 Bucyrus will concentrate on this in the near future, and should be able to finish early next summer. No. 8 : No. 13 Bucyrus should be excavating at this point by next December. No. 10 : No. 26 dipper dredge will be moved from the mouth of the Ngararatunua Canal, through the Jordan Bridge, to the site of this diversion as soon as there is sufficient water to float her. In the winter months this machine should be able to make this work conform to a grade of 15-00 ft. with a top width of some 90 ft. No. 12 Bucyrus should be available towards the end of the year to complete the dipper's work to general river-diversion dimensions of 110 ft., top width, with flat batters. No. 13 : Construction work is well in hand by No. 12 drag-line, and should be completed sometime about June, 1930. No. 16 : Construction work by No. 12 drag-line should be in hand at this point next July, and the work should be completed in November. The machine will then return to No. 10. Mangahahuru-Ngararatunua Junction. —No. 13 drag-line will spend a few days early in the coming year in making a good job of this actual junction of the two diversion channels. Handwork Programme for coming Year. Relief Work. —Of the hand draining-work carried out to date, except for the original Otonga work from 0 m. 40 ch. to 2 m. 40 ch., and the Okarika work from 1 m. 0 ch. to 3 m. 50 ch., all has been done by relief workers. At present these relief workers are still engaged on Riponui outlet (which will be completed shortly), Otonga branch drain (also to be completed shortly), outlet through Sections 7, 12, and 11 (Okarika), and outlet through Sections 10, 9, and 5 (from No. 10 diversion). If the weather holds good enough an attempt to complete the two latter jobs will be made. Other Works, &c. Survey Work. —Engineering surveys : An engineering survey, with frequent peat soundings, has been made of the Ngararatunua arm of the swamp. A comprehensive survey has been made of the Waiotu Stream and adjoining swamp areas. Levels, cross-sections, &c, have been taken as necessary for fields of relief work. Early in the coming year a complete survey will be made of the Whakapara arm. Land surveys : Through the latter part of the year a complete land survey was made of the properties affected by the Mangahahuru Stream improvement work. Relief Work. —Since October last an average number of some seventy-five men have been employed in this area on relief works. The work done has been almost wholly hand draining and fair results have been obtained for the money expended. The work as far as possible was carried out on the co-operative contract system. Wairua River Improvement. —The final dimensions of the river-improvement work are still under review. Following the test stretch done late in the year with the drag-line, it would appear that, through the swamp area, it is possible to work economically to 120 ft. width at a stage of 26-00 ft., keeping to batters no steeper than 1-|- to 1 down to an excavation grade of about 12-00 ft., and then aim for improvement below the swamp area to give uniformity of flood flow down to diversion No. Ib, where work should be constructed to 120 ft. width at a stage of 20-00 ft. with batters no steeper than 1-| to 1 down to an excavation grade of about 11-00 ft. This enlargement of the channel would not eliminate flooding, but would reduce the height and period of same. Main Camp Site. —For some considerable time now the workshop, stores, and office have been located at Ruatangata West. This location was governed by the continuous rockwork being done in that locality. The rockwork will be finally completed in the early future, so arrangements have been proceeding steadily through the past few months to make the central organization at a new camp-site on the Jordan Road fronting Section 2, Block IV, Purua Survey District. Works Expenditure. The expenditure recorded for the year totalled £29,551 2s. 5d., of which £15,916 14s. 9d. was paid in wages and thirty-two piecework and co-operative contracts let, totalling £4,193 16s. 7d. Waihi Drainage Area (20,000 Acres), Tauranga County. During the first half of the year, apart from the dredging of the Kaikokopu Stream, commenced in the previous year, work in this area consisted entirely of maintenance and minor improvements of existing works. During the latter half of the year, however, a considerable length of very desirable drain improvement and construction work was put in hand, local and outside relief workers being employed.



Dredger No. 27, Marion, widening Whangatane Spillway prom 20 ft. to 50 ft. Bottom.

Dredger No. 18, Monighan, widening Whangatane Spillway.

[Face p. 8.



No. 9 River Diversion.

Mangahahuru Diversion. (2 m. 25 ch. down-stream.)



Owing to the exceptionally heavy timber encountered, the dredging of the Kaikokopu and Mangatoetoe Streams proved a very difficult piece of work. This was completed during the period, and immediate relief given to the area of waterlogged country adjoining. Maintenance dredging was continued northwards in the Kaikokopu Canal to remove the pumice accumulated since the last dredging. Classification and Rating. —Under section 3 of the Swamp Drainage Amendment Act, 1928, it was necessary to classify the lands in this district into four classes, of which one class was non-rateable. Two classifiers were appointed for this purpose —namely, Mr. G. H. Mends, of Paengaroa, the settlers' nominee, and Mr. A. C. Sutherland, of Whakatane, by the Crown. The settlers had the right of appeal, and thirteen objections were received. These objections were heard before a Magistrate, and in eight cases the classification was sustained, whilst in five cases in the upper Kaikokopu the classification of the flat land was altered from B to C. The following schedule shows the final classified areas and valuations for same in the three wards into which the district has been divided :—

Of the three above wards, the Pukehina and Kaikokopu Wards are liable for rates on account of capital expenditure, the amounts chargeable to each being £5,000 and £7,500 respectively, and rates were struck for 1929-30 to produce interest and sinking fund on the above amounts. In addition, rates for maintenance were struck over the whole area. Dredges. —Monighan No. 17 was employed continuously throughout the period, and completed a total length of 132 chains of new canal, 38 chains of this being redredged to remove pumice, deposit. A total of 110,698 cubic yards of spoil was moved on this section. In addition, a length of 78 chains of maintenance dredging was completed, the spoil removed on this section totalling 37,180 cubic yards. Maintenance. —All hand drains were cleaned during the year, and repairs were carried out to stop-banks and flood-gates as required. A Calco flap was fitted to concrete flood-gate to replace one broken, and one new Calco flood-gate was erected. The length of hand drains cleaned during the year was 50 miles 70 chains. Relief Works. —Relief workers were employed on drain construction and deepening work in the flax-lease area between the Wharere and Pongakawa, and on widening and deepening drains in the Waewaetutuki Block. A length of new drain and reconstruction of a private drain was commenced to give relief to the area adjoining the upper Kaikokopu. During the period a total of 244 chains of new drain was constructed, and 794 chains of old drain widened and deepened, the spoil removed totalling 26,050 cubic yards. Where possible this work was done by co-operative contract. Flax-culture. —Although an improvement on past years is noticeable in the growth of flax on the Crown lease eastwards of the Wharere Canal and the leaf has generally a healthier appearance, the quantity of millable flax obtained has been considerably below expectations. The lack of ample freeboard and the slow rate of drainage in the partly consolidated areas make the provision and maintenance of adequate internal drainage an expensive matter, though absolutely essential to the promotion of a quick and healthy growth of flax. A certain amount of drainage has been done during the year by the lessees and also by the Department, but it will be some time before the full benefit of this accrues. In the meantime it is essential that these drains be maintained to their full efficiency. Very little progress has been made during the year by the lessee of the small flax leases westwards of the Wharere Canal. Surveys. —Twelve miles of levels were run in connection with drain contracts and the new drains in the flax leases laid out on the ground. Future Work. —Completion of Kaikokopu and Wharere Canal dredging, and the maintenance and minor improvement of existing works. Expenditure. —The expenditure for the year was £5,434 13s. 5d., of which day labour absorbed £1,838 9s. 3d. and thirty-seven piecework or co-operative contracts accounted for £1,644 16s. lid. Poukawa Drainage Area (13,567 Acres), Hawke's Bay County. As stated in last annual report, the present scheme of works provides for the lowering of Lake Poukawa by some 6 ft., leaving the subsidiary drainage to the landowners concerned. Dredging operations on the main outlet channel from Lake Poukawa were commenced early in. April by No. 5 Priestman dredge.

2—C. 4.

n , » Valuation Class. Area. /TT . 1X (Unimproved). Acres. £ Pukehina Ward .. .. A 2,187 4,990 C 163 770 B 1,371 5,617 Central Ward .. .. A 3,494 22,575 B 74 850 Kaikokopu Ward .. .. A 3,314 25,142 B 325 2,264 C 263 1,847 D 7,832 40,370



Good progress was made, and by the end of December some 1 mile 43 chains of the main outlet had been excavated, of which 115 chains was constructed to a completed size of 30 ft. by 9 ft., and the remaining 8 chains to 30 ft. by 5 ft. This excavation entailed the shifting of 79,141 cubic yards of spoil, which varied from very hard boulder formation to soft peat. In January, 1930, this machine commenced the work of dredging a channel 30 ft. wide and 7 ft. deep from the southern end of Lake Poukawa through Crown land. This channel will provide for the drainage of the Crown land, as well as being the outlet for the Waipapa Stream. To the end of the period under review some 47 chains had been completed, mostly through peaty soil, with 22,949 cubic yards excavated. During the Christmas vacation the dredge was given a general overhaul and several essential parts replaced. The continuation of the main outlet channel from where No. 5 Priestman left off is in country unsuitable for a floating plant of this nature, so arrangements were made with Dredgers Ltd., Wellington, to carry out this work with a drag-line. This work was commenced in January, 1930, and at the end of the period 17 chains had been completed, entailing the excavation of 5,337 cubic yards. In order to obviate undue flooding of the lower country when the lake outlet is completed it was necessary to construct a hardwood sluice-gate for the purpose of controlling the flow from the lake. For coaling and transport purposes an 18 ft. launch with 4 h.p. Standard engine was purchased during the year. Other minor works comprised building one dinghy, and painting office and cookhouse. The expenditure for the year totalled £3,109 10s. 3d. Owing to location of these works, arrangements were made with the District Lands Office, Napier, for ordering supplies, arranging for machinery repairs, &c, and I wish to accord my appreciation of the many services rendered in this connection by Mr. J. W. Harvey, Chief Clerk of that office. I have, &c, R. G. Macmorran, Chief Drainage Engineer. The Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington.

SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT. Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1930. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance —Cash in Public Account, Ist April, By Kaitaia Drainage District— 1929 .. .. .. .. .. 8,672 7 8 Drainage-works, &c. .. 11,454 18 2 Debentures issued under Swamp £ s. d. Management and engineering Land Drainage Act, 1915, expenses .. .. 1,225 16 3 and Appropriation Act, 1918, 12,680 14 5 section 46 .. .. 41,000 Waihi Drainage DistrictInscribed Stock issued under Drainage-works, &c. .. 4,012 14 10 Swamp Land Drainage Act, Management and engineering 1915, and Appropriation Act, expenses .. .. 233 12 10 1918, section 46 .. .. 12,000 0 0 4,246 7 8 53,000 0 0 Poukawa Drainage District— Temporary transfers from other accounts under Drainage-works, &c. .. 1,788 4 4 section 40, Public Revenues Act, 1926 .. 31,000 0 0 Management and engineering Subsidies from Consolidated Fund — expenses .. .. 320 16 0 Maintenance rates— £ s. d. 2,109 0 4 Waihi drainage area .. 884 18 3 Hikurangi Drainage District— Kaitaia drainage area .. 1,000 0 0 Drainage-works, &c. .. 21,716 8 7 Special rates—Kaitaia drain- Management and engineering age area .. .. 3,025 0 0 expenses .. .. 1,523 7 4 4,909 18 3 23,239 15 11 Rents from letting national-endowment lands -Fuel and stores .. .. .. .. 11,232 1 2 in Waihi drainage area.. .. .. 878 7 6 Plant and machinery, &c. .. .. .. 1,110 18 4 Special rate for interest and Refund of special rates for sinking fund— £ s. d. interest and sinking fund — £ s. d. Kaitaia drainage area .. 492 18 3 Kaitaia drainage area .. 0 4 5 Waihi drainage area .. 4 2 5 Refund of general rates for 497 0 8 maintenance—Kaitaia drainGeneral rate for administration age area .. .. .. 0 11 and maintenance — 0 5 6 Kaitaia drainage area .. 138 12 6 Management charges on consoliWaihi drainage area .. 27 11 10 dated stock .. .. 22 16 10 166 4 4 Stamp duty on transfers, consoliRents .. .. .. .. .. 102 13 3 dated stock .. .. 10 17 6 Plant-hire .. .. .. .. 875 5 0 Charges and expenses of raising Interest on mortgage .. .. .. 6 11 6 loans .. .. .. 22 10 0 Repayment in reduction of mortgage .. 110 0 0 56 4 4 Interest on investments .. .. . . 110 0 4 Temporary transfers from other accounts Credits in reduction of expenditure on works, repaid .. .. .. .. 41,000 0 0 &c. .. .. .. .. .. 1,025 18 9 Balance, 31st March, 1930— £ s. d. Miscellaneous ;,.r .. .. .. 1,328 10 11 Cash .. .. .. 6,990 5 9 Imprests outstanding in Dominion .. 17 4 9 7,007 10 6 £102,682 18: 2 . £102,682 18 2



SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT— continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1930. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Debentures issued under Swamp Land Drainage Kaitaia Drainage District— £ s. d. £ s. d. Act, 1915.. .. .. .. .. 624,000 0 0 Allocated cost of works on which Consolidated Fund— rates are levied — Loans redeemed under Public £ s. d. Rural subdivision .. .. 110,000 0 0 Debt Repayment Act, 1925 .. 5,000 0 0 Town subdivision .. .. 15,000 0 0 Interest on debentures paid but 125,000 0 0 not recouped .. .. 73,377 6 8 Excess cost of works not recoverAccumulated interest on amount able .. .. .. 78,038 14 11 expended out of Public Works Interest Account — Proportion Fund .. .. .. 2,948 17 8 chargeable to district .. 73,656 16 2 Interest on temporary transfers 151,695 11 1 from other accounts - .. 2,083 17 6 Waihi Drainage District — 83,410 1 10 Allocated cost of works on which Public Works Fund —Land Improvement vote .. 4,563 19 7 rates are levied — Reserve funds — Pukehina subdivision .. 5,000 0 0 Kaitaia Drainage District— Central subdivision .. 50,000 0 0 Repayment of capital costs, £ s. d. Kaikokopa subdivision .. 7,500 0 0 rural subdivision .. .. 550 0 0 62,500 0 0 Repayment of capital costs, Excess cost of works not recovertown subdivision .. .. 75 0 0 able .. .. .. 21,490 18 1 Maintenance costs .. .. 349 2 8 Interest Account — Proportion 974 2 8 chargeable to district .. 29,436 17 4 Waihi Drainage District — 50,927 15 5 Repayment of capital costs, Poukawa Drainage District — Pukehina subdivision .. 25 0 0 Drainage-works .. .. 8,304 10 2 Repayment of capital costs, Interest Account — Proportion Kaikokopu subdivision .. 37 10 0 chargeable to district .. 2,550 10 2 62 10 0 10,855 0 4 Sundry creditors— Hikurangi Drainage District — Interest on debentures .. 218 4 5 Drainage-works .. .. 193,377 4 10 Departmental .. .. 230 1 10 Interest Account — Proportion Miscellaneous .. .. 6,242 5 1 chargeable to district .. 51,384 14 1 6,690 11 4 244,761 18 11 Interest on debentures accrued but not due .. 9,162 6 8 Mangawai Drainage District — Rents charged in advance .. .. .. 385 12 10 Drainage-works .. .. 1,877 15 9 Special Rate Account —Capital—Pukehina sub- Interest Account — Proportion division, Waihi Drainage District .. . . 99 2 0 chargeable to district .. 706 4 9 Suspense Account .." .. .. .. 063 2,584 0 6 Payments in advance —Sundry debtors —Rents .. 0 0 4 Harihari Drainage District— Drainage-works .. .. 4,354 15 1 Interest Account — Proportion chargeable to district .. 1,339 o 8 5,694 0 9 Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 2,630 9 9 Wharves .. . . ..■ .. .. 80 16 9 Plant and machinery .. .. .. 46,096 3 5 Loose tools .. . . .. . . . . 731 5 1 Live-stock .. . . . . .. . . 28 3 8 Fuel, &e. .. .. .. .. .. 2,149 9 4 Stores on hand .. .. .. .. 6,809 18 6 Sundry debtors for rates — Kaitaia Drainage District — £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. 3,338 5 0 Maintenance .. .. 860 15 8 4,199 0 8 Waihi Drainage District — Capital .. .. .. 779 1 5 Maintenance .. .. 1,657 13 10 2,436 15 3 Sundry debtors — Rent under section 4 (5), Swamp Drainage Amendment Act, 1926 .. .. .. 1,072 4 4 Hut—rents .. .. 9 13 2 Advance on mortgage .. 50 0 0 Interest on mortgage .. 0 12 5 Departmental .. . , 143 19 3 Miscellaneous .. .. 138 11 7 1,415 0 9 Special Rate Account —Capital— Kaitaia Drainage District — Rural subdivision .. .. 0 13 8 Town subdivision .. .. 5 9 4 Waihi Drainage District —Kaikokopu subdivision .. 0 16 6 6 19 6 Waihi Drainage District— Maintenance of completed works (recoverable by rates) .. .. .. .. 439 10 8 Revenue Account —Central subdivision .. 1,276 19 5 Cash — £ s. d. In Public Account .. .. 7,007 10 6 In transit from Post Office .. 22 3 3 7,029 13 9 £729,348 13 6 j £729,348 13 6 J. B. Thompson, Under-Secretary for Lands. J. H. O'Donnell, Controller of Accounts. I hereby certify that the Statement of Receipts and Payments and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—J. H. Fowler, Deputy-Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing 675 copies (including maps, graphs, and illustrations), £85.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l93o.

Price 2s. 6d.]


PLAN OF Waihi Drainage Dist.

C.~ 4.




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Bibliographic details

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SWAMP DRAINAGE. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1930, TOGETHER WITH STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1930 Session I, C-04

Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SWAMP DRAINAGE. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1930, TOGETHER WITH STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1930 Session I, C-04

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY. SWAMP DRAINAGE. REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1930, TOGETHER WITH STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1930 Session I, C-04

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