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EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1928.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

CONTENTS. I. Detailed Tables page M 1. Students on the Books of University Colleges .. .. .. 2 M 2. Courses taken by Students .. .. .. .. .. 2 M 3. Subjects taken by Students .. .. .. . .. 3 M 4. Scholarships, Bursaries, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 3 M 5. Number of Successful Candidates for Degrees ~ .. .. 4 11. Beports and Accounts of the University of New Zealand and of the Constituent Colleges :— 1. University of New Zealand .. . . .. .. .. .. 5 2. Auckland University College .. .. .. . . .. 11 3. Victoria University College .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 4. Canterbury College .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 5. University of Otago .. .. . . . . .. .. 48

I—E. 7.



Table M 1.—Students on the Books of University Colleges, 1928.

Table M 2.—Courses taken by Students in 1928.


Auckland Victoria no.^nrK,.™ University University Otago University. Totals. College. College. college. M. F. T. M. F. i T. M. F. T. M. F. j T. M. F. T. 1 I i ' ! I i 1 1 I III 1 I. Students attending lectures— Graduates .. .. ! 55 28 83 46 26 72 52 19 71 51 17 68 204 90 294 Undergraduates .. 731 251 982 498 ; 215 713 497 163 660 625 355 980 2,351 9843,335 Non-matriculated 107 76 183 20; 11 31 200 69 269 93 50 143 420 206 626 students Totals .. .. 893 3551,248 564! 252 816 749 25ljl,000i 769 422 1,191 2,9751,2804,255 II. Exempted students not 152 27 179 143 45 188 72 20 92 68 20 88 435 112 547 attending lectures IIT. Grand totals .. .. 1,045 3821,427 707 297 1,004 821 271 1,092 837 4421,279 3,410 1,392 4,802 Totals, 1927 .. 1,025 430|l,455 672 303 975 901 347 1,248, 813 387 1,200 3,411 1,467 4,878 Difference .. ...j 20—48 —281 35| -6 29 —80 -76 -156 24 55 79 -1 -75 -76

Number of Students (including students exempt from attending lectures). Subject. A " CUa co„™. Vet8ity ViCt0r &uS Ver8ity 1 Canterbury College, j Otago University. Totals. j| M. F. T. i M. F. T. 1 M. F. T. j M. j F j T. M. | F. T. Arts .. ..264 253 517 119 183 302 223 163 386 240 230 470 846 8291,675 Science .. .. 86 18 104 100 17 117 94 6 100 48 12 60 328 53 381 Law . . .. 152 5 157 162 3 165 77 4 81 101 .. 101 492 12 504 Commerce .. .. 217 20 237 69 6 75 50 6 56 149 13 162 485 45 530 Music .. .. 6 4 10 .. 1 1 5 3 8 2 27 29 13 35 48 Medicine . . . . 7 7 6 2 8 6 1 7 180 21 201 199 24 223 Dentistry .. .. 3 .. 3 1.. 1 1 1 91 5 96 96 5 101 Engineering .. 21 .. 21 125 . . 125 1 .. 1 147 147 Agriculture .. .. 7 7 2.. 2 12 .. 12 2 2 23 .. 23 Home Science .. .. 2 2.. 2 2 115 115 .. 119 119 Architecture . . . . 54 2 56 54 2 56 Journalism .. .. 13 13 26 6 4 10 12 3 15 31 20 51 Forestry .. .15 1 16 13 1 14 1 1 29 2 31 Massage .. .. j 19 19 .. 19 19 Mining .. ! 22 .. 22 22 22 Diploma of Education.. 6 8 14 6 8 14 Total number taking 824 318 1,142: 492 226 1718 618 187 805 837 442 1,279 2,771 1,173 3,944 definite courses ' 1


Table M 3.—Subjects taken by Students in 1928.

Table M 4.—Scholarships, Bursaries, Exhibitions, and Studentships held at the Constituent Colleges in 1928.


Number of Students (including students exempt from attending lectures). Subject. Auckland University Victoria University Canterbury CoUege .J otago University. ' Totals. M. F. j T. ' M. ! F. T. M. ' F. T. j M. F. T. : M. F. T. English .. .. 151 124 275 30 49 79 85 63 148 ! 94 103 197 360 339 699 Latin .. ..150 56 206; 68 37 105 78 35 113 59 22 81 355 150 505 Greek .. 21 13 34 5 5 10 11 8 19 14 1 15 51 27 78 French .. ..151 128 279 I 35 59 94 96 79 175 ; ; 75 112 187 357 378 735 German . . .. 2 .. 2 i 3 5 8 5 1 6 | 7 3 10 17 9 26 Pure mathematics .. 153 35 188 57 11 68 136 20 1 156 I 57 29 86 403 95 498 Applied mathematics .. 49 II 60 31 5 36 59 4 1 63 22 9 31 161 29 190 Advanced and honours .. .. .. 6 .. 6 6 .. 6 mathematics Education . . 84 81 165 45 51 96 73 83 156 ' 57 77 134 259 292 551 Economics .. .. 170 35 205: 70 46 116 81 27 108 60 52 112 381 160 541 Geography .. . . 51 7 58 ! 1.3 8 21 . . 2 2 64 17 81 History . . . . 164 124 288 ' 65 94 159 95 56 151 55 75 130 379 349 728 Philosophy .. .. 58 12 70 74 78 152 36 17 53 59 24 83 227 131 358 Physics .. .. 95 7 102 48 4 52 85 1 86 96 39 135 324 51 375 Chemistry .. ..86 8 94 85 20 105 114 10 ; 124 \< 124 32 156 409 I 70 479 Botany . . .. 18 25 43 16 13 29 24 19 43 7 10 17 65 67 132 Zoology .. .. 21 5 26 25 17 42 22 2 24 I 67 23 90 135 I 47 182 Geology .. ..35 7 42 | 14 1 15 45 2 47 j| 25 4 29 119 ' 14 133 Law subjects .. .. 152 5 157 160 3 163 111 11 122 ! 101 .. 101 524! 19 543 Commercial subjects .. 141 16 157 74 6 80 153 13 166 368 i 35 403 Music .. .. 18 54 72 .. .. .. 22 33 i 55 | 2 27 29 42 | 114 156 Engineering and mining 125 . . 125 256 .. 256 23 .. 23 404 i .. 404 Dentistry .. .. 3 .. 3 91 5 96 94 I 5 99 Medicine .. .. 7 .. 7 .. [ 180 21 201 187 21 208 Home science .. .. .. 2 2 , .. 115 115 .. j 117 117 Journalism .. .. 14 16 30 4 5 j 9 j 18 21 39 Greek art, &c. .. 10 15 25 7 0 16 17 24 41 Forestry . . 13 1 14 13 1 14 Calculus .. 21 .. 21 .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 ... 21 Italian . . .. 2 10 12 . . . . j 2 10 12 Maori . . . . 1 .. 1 .. .... 1 1 .. 1 Education diploma ! ' . . II 11 22 11 I 11 22 Applied physics j .. 1 .. 1 1 . . 1 Computing methods '.. 6 .. 6 6 .. 6 Psychology for B.Sc .. . . 4 4 1 .. 4 4 Experimental psychology .. .... .. .. .. 2 5 7 | : .. .. .. 2 5 7 History of art .. .. .. 1 5 6 1 5 6 Massage .. .. j| .. .. .. | .. j .. j .. 19 j 19 .. 19 19

Auckland Victoria , U Mleg" y U CoIlege ty Calle «- University. Total ' Scholarships, Ac. college. uoiie e e. M. [ F. T. M. j F. T. M. F. j T. M.. F. T. M. j F. j T. Junior University Scholarship .. 7 2 9 2 .. 2 2 1 3 8 1 9 j lol 4 23 University National Scholarship . . 10 4 14 .. 3 3 12 3 15 13 6 19 35 16 51 Taranaki Scholarships .. 1 13 1 4 1 1 2 4 3 7 Senior University Scholarships .. 314 617 4 1 5 4.. 4 17 3 20 University Bursaries .. . . 207 86 293 153 87 240 156, 65 221 200 107 307 716, 345 1,061 Educational Bursary .. .. 12 9 21 10 7 17 12 6 18 7 3 10 41 i 25 66 Home Science Bursaries .. j 56 56 j 56 56 Other scholarships and exhibitions .. 4.. 4 4 3 7 23 8 31; 31 11 42 Training-college studentships . . 96 84 180 50 82 132 65 ( 33 98 73 84 157! 284 283 567 Totals for 1928 .. .. 339 186 525 225 184 409 254 1 110 364 329 266 595 1,1471 7461,893 Totals for 1927 .. .. 336 217 553 217 184 401 307j 163 470 325 326 651 1,185 8902,075 Difference .. .. 3-31 -28. 8 .. 8 -53 -53-106 4—60 —561 —38-144—182


Table M 5.-Number of Successful Candidates at the Examinations for Degrees in 1928.


(Total number of entrants, 6,204.) Auckland Victoria na«tot.K«mr ! ,u aBn University University Collette Unhera°tv Total - Degrees, Ac. College. College. _ C °" ege ' I I M. | P. T. M. F. T. M. F. T. M. F j T. M. F. T. Doctor of Literature .. .. 1 1 .. 1 1 Doctor of Laws .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 Doctor of Medicine .. | 4 4 ' 4 .. 4 Doctor of Philosophy . .. 2 .. 2 2 .. 2 Honours in Arts .. .. 4 6 10 9 6 15 11 6 17 6 5 11 30 23 53 Masters of Arts . . . . 9 9 18 20 9 29 17 8 25 8 8 lfi 54 34 88 Honours in Science . . ..22 4 61 7 7.. 7 3.. 3 18 3 21 Master of Science . .. 5 3 8 11 1 12 8 8 ' 6 6 30 4 34 Master of Surgery .. 1 .. 1 ' 1 .. 1 Honours in Law .. .. 2.. 2 2.. 2 ! 4.. 4 Master of Law .. .. .. 2.. 2 4.. 4 6.. 6 Master of Commerce .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 Master of Home Science .. 1 1 j 1 1 Honours in Agricultural Science .. 1 .. 1 2 .. 2 ; 3 .. 3 Master of Agricultural Science .. 1.. 1 2.. 2 3.. 3 Bachelor of — Arts .. . . . . 34 21 55 39 32 71 27 15 42 32 18 50 132 86 218 Science .. .. .. 8 3 11 17 8 25 11 1 12 12 2 14 48 14 62 Medicine and Surgery. . 18 1 19 18 1 19 Dental Surgery .. 2 2 4 2 2 4 Laws .. .. 12 .. 12 12 1 13 8 .. 8 8.. 8 40 1 41 Commerce .. .. ..5.. 5 7.. 7 2 1 3 1.. 1 15 1 16 Engineering (Civil) .. .. 8.. 8 .. .. .. 8.. 8 Engineering (Electrical) 6 .. 6 6 .. 6 Engineering (Mechanical) 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 Engineering (Metallurgical) .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 Engineering (Mining) .. . . 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 Science in Home Science .. 5 5 .. 5 5 Agriculture .. .. 2.. 2 1.. 1 3.. 3 Senior University Scholarships ..71 8 31 4 3.. 3 5.. 5 18 2 20 John Tinline Scholarship 1 1 .. 1 1 Totals, 1928 .. .. 94 45 139 131 60 191 115 31 146 110 43 153 450 179 629 Totals, 1927 .. .. 79 46 125 108 47 155 88 32 120 110 41 151 385 166 551 In addition to these successes, 3,560 candidates passed sections of the examinations for degrees or for admission to professions; 170 gained certificates of proficiency. There were 160 candidates for the Entrance Scholarship Examination, 34 gaining scholarships, 77 others passing the examination with credit, and 33 qualifying for matriculation. The number of candidates for the Matriculation Examination was 5,524, of whom 1,824 passed the whole examination and 288 completed partial passes.



11. REPORTS AND ACCOUNTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND AND OF CONSTITUENT COLLEGES. i. REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND, 1928. Visitor.—His Excellency the Governor-General. Chancellor.—John Macmillan Brown, Esq., M.A., LL.D. V ice-Chancellor.—(Vacant.) The Council. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council—T. R. Fleming, M.A., LL.B.; the Hon. J. AHanan, M.L.C.; T. H. Macky ; W. B. Montgomery, C.B.E. Appointed by Councils of Constituent Colleges—H. D. Acland, Esq., B.A. ; F. H. Bakewell, Esq., M.A.; A. E. Flower, Esq., M.A., M.Sc. ; the Hon. Sir George Fowlds, Kt., C.B.E. ; W. J. Morrell, Esq., M.A.; T. K. Sidey, 8.A., LL.B., M.L.C. ; the Right Hon. Sir R. Stout, P.C., K.C.M.G., LL.D., M.L.C. ; A. P. W. Thomas, Esq.. M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S. Appointed by Academic Board—T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc. ; James Hight, M.A., Litt.D., F.R.E.S. ; H. W. Segar, Esq., M.A. Elected by District Courts of Convocation—F. A. de la Mare, Esq., 8.A., LL.B. ; C. M. Gilray, M.C., M.A. ; F. Milner, C.M.G., M.A.; W. Newlands, M.A., B.Sc., M.8., Ch.B., &c.; T. U. Wells, M.A. The Director of Education—T. B. Strong, M.A., B.Sc. Appointed by the Council—The Hon. W. E. Collins, C.M.G., M.8., M.R.C.S. (Eng.). Registrar—E. T. Norris, M.A. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. In compliance with, section 22 of the New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1926, the Council makes the following report to the Hon. the Minister of Education of the proceedings of the University since the date of the last report: — At its annual meeting, held in Dunedin, 23rd January, 1929, the Council made or amended statutes in accordance with the recommendations of the Academic Board, which met on the 31st October, 1928. Among the amendments or enactments were the following : — (1) Provision for holding in each constituent college examinations in all the subjects taught in which exempted students apply to be examined. (2) Provision for the award of not more than three of the twenty University National Scholarships not on the aggregate of marks, but on excellence in one of the following groups : (a) Foreign languages, (b) science and mathematics, (c) English, geography, and history. (3) Modification of the conditions of eligibility for award of a University bursary by requiring the student to enter on a course at a constituent college within two years of gaining the prescribed qualification. (4) The establishment of a second post-graduate scholarship in science, to be awarded annually, and of a travelling scholarship in architecture, to be awarded biennially. (5) Provision for granting the M.D. degree " with distinction in thesis " if the thesis submitted is of exceptional merit and is a notable contribution to knowledge. (6) The establishment of a diploma in surveying. (7) The remodelling of the courses for the degrees of Bachelor and of Doctor of Music, mainly 011 lines suggested by leading authorities in Great Britain. Under the authority given by section 10 (1) (a) and (6) of the New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1928, the Council at its annual meeting appointed a Pro-Chancellor and a Vice-Chancellor. With the prior consent of the Council, as required by section 3 of the same Act, a Chair of Midwifery and Gynaecology has been established in the University of Otago. The University has under consideration : (1) A proposal to allow approved secondary schools of which the Government inspection is quite adequate to send on accredited pupils, who will be admitted to University courses without passing the Entrance Examination ; (2) the conditions under which bursaries are held in the constituent colleges. Both matters have been referred to the Executive Committee for investigation and report to the next meeting of the Council. Finance. —Much to the surprise of members of the Council, the Amendment Act of 1928 withdrew from the University the statutory grant that had been received since its foundation and replaced it by such an annual appropriation as Parliament may be pleased to grant. With the heavier burdens now imposed on the University—some attributable to the recommendations of the Royal Commission— the need is rather of greater financial resources, as indicated also in the report of the Commission. The University has placed the position clearly before the Minister of Education. The Council has also suggested some minor amendments of the Act that appear necessary and advisable. The University notes with satisfaction that the Government has made provision for the better teaching of agriculture in the Dominion by the founding of the Massey Agricultural College and by the strengthening of the Canterbury Agricultural College. The statement of accounts and the annual statistics are appended to this report.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1928. GENERAL ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Balance, Ist January, 1928 — £ s. d. £ s. d. Administration expenses— £ s. d. £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand .. .. 4,069 15 4 Office salaries .. .. 2,949 7 6 Post Office Savings-bank .. 4,829 2 8 Office salaries, English Agency .. 280 0 0 English Agency and in transit .. 2,397 13 5 Auditor .. .. .. 100 0 0 Petty cash in hand .. . . 15 5 11 Rent, lighting, cleaning, &c. . . 704 13 10 11,311 17 4 Rent, English Agency .. .. 45 0 0 Government grants— Senate and Academic Board exStatutory .. .. .. .. 3,845 0 0 penses .. .. .. 941 6 8 National endowment .. .. .. 4,520 13 0 — 5,020 8 0 Admissions ad eundem .. .. .. 71 8 0 Examination expenses — Certificates .. .. .. .. 330 9 0 Medical .. .. .. 1,447 12 2 Medical and dental registration .. .. 215 5 0 November .. .. .. 11,531 12 4 Degree fees — November, English Agency .. 2,079 12 9 B.A. .. .. .. 243 12 0 December .. .. .. 6,384 611 B.Sc. .. .. 61 19 0 Dental .. .. .. 871 6 0 B.E. .. .. 154 7 0 22,314 10 2 B.Agr. . . .. 14 14 0 Scholarships, English Agency . . .. 900 0 0 LL.B. . . . . . . 257 5 0 Prize, English Agency .. .. . . 5 0 0 B.Com. . . . .. 29 8 0 National endowment— M.8., Ch.B. .. .. .. 408 9 0 Auckland .. .. .. 1,130 10 4 B.D.S. .. .. .. 227 17 0 Victoria .. .. .. 1,129 2 0 D.D.S. .. .. .. 10 10 0 Canterbury .. .. .. 1,130 10 4 M.A. .. 270 18 0 Otago * .. .. 1,130 10 4 M.Sc. .. .. 75 12 0 ~ 4,520 13 0 LL.M. . . . . .. 48 6 0 Office furniture .. .. . ■ .. 4 7 8 Ph.D. .. .. . . 52 10 0 Postages, &c. . . .. . ■ 372 5 7 M.D. .. . . .. 31 10 0 Sundries .. .. .. 40 19 3 Diplomas .. . . .. 51 9 0 413 4 10 1,938 6 0 Sundries, English Agency.. .. .. 146 13 5 Examination fees — Printing and stationery .. .. 1,573 11 0 D.Sc. .. , . .. 10 10 0 Printing and stationery, English Litt.D. . . .. . . 21 0 0 Agencv .. .. .. 17 7 .2 LL.D. .. .. .. 5 5 0 ' 1,590 18 9 M.D. . . .. . . 27 6 0 Grant to Ordinary Scholarship Ch.M. .. .. .. 15 15 0 Account .. .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Ph.D. . . . . .. 10 10 0 Refund interest to Ordinal Scholar - M.A. .. .. .. 129 12 0 ship Account .. .. .. .. 396 8 5 M.Sc. .. .. .. 44 17 0 Waitemata Electric-power Board deM.H.Sc. .. . .. 3 3 0 bentures purchased .. .. .. 3,600 0 0 LL.M. . . .. . . 41 4 0 Miscellaneous— M.Com. .. .. 9 14 0 Conferences .. .. .. 62 2 4 B.A. .. .. .. 3,104 12 0 Telephone and private-box rentals 42 15 0 B.Sc. .. .. .. 657 11 0 Expenses Rhodes Scholarship SelecB.E. .. . . . . 842 2 0 tion Committee meeting .. 42 2 7 LL.B. and Law Professional .. 1,659 18 0 Audit fee .. .. .. 38 9 6 B.Com. and Accountancy Profes- Remuneration, extra services . . 32 13 0 sional .. .. 4,132 6 0 Printing, cables, and sundries .. 209 210 Certificate of Proficiency .. 415 9 0 Bank charge .. .. ... 100 Diplomas in Education, Jour- Exchange .. .. . . 17 11 1 nalism, and Social Science .. 205 16 0 — 445 16 4 Mus.Bac. .. .. . . 107 7 0 Balance, 31st December, 1928— M.Agr.Sc. . . . . . . 4 4 0 Bank of New Zealand .. .. 366 15 11 B.Agr. .. .. 132 11 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. 7,247 18 0 B.For.Sc. .. .. •. 108 3 0 English Agency .. •. 423 19 6 Architecture .. .. .. 348 11 0 Petty cash in hand .. .. 10 3 0 M.8., Ch.B. .. .. .. 1,194 2 0 8,048 16 5 B.D.S. and C.O.P. .. . . 629 4 0 Home Science . . . . 145 3 0 D.P.H. . . .. . . 6 6 0 Insurance . . . . .. 244 13 0 Banking . . . . 407 2 0 Matriculation.. .. .. 9,140 12 6 Accountants' Preliminary .. 1,962 12 0 Entrance Scholarships . . .. 217 12 0 Diploma in Fine Arts . . . . 27 6 0 Fees paid in advance . . 14 14 0 26,026 12 6 Less refunds .. . . 48 6 0 — 25,978 6 6 Recount fees .. . . .. .. 186 4 0 Miscellaneous — Cost conducting Taranaki Scholarship Examination .. .. 48 15 11 Sales of calendar .. 145 2 6 Sales of examination papers . . 80 0 4 Centre fees, November . . 15 7 1 Centre fees, December .. . . 16 6 0 Sundries .. .. . . 29 0 5 —— 340 12 3 Refund to petty cash - 0 0 7 Post Office Savings-bank interest to 31st March, 1928 .. .. .. 168 15 4 £48,906 17 0 £48,906 17 0



Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Senate and Academic Board expenses .. .. 941 6 8 Admissions ad eundem .. .. .. 71 8 0 Examination expenses .. .. .. 22,282 17 1 Degree fees .. .. .. .. 1,938 6 0 General printing and stationery .. .. 1,590 18 9 Certificates.. .. .. .. .. 330 9 0 Rent, cleaning, lighting .. .. .. 749 13 10 Examination fees .. .. .. .. 25,963 12 6 Salaries .. .. .. ~ .. 3,329 7 6 Recount fees .. .. .. .. 186 4 0 Transfer of part statutory grant to Ordinary Medical and dental registration fees .. .. 215 5 0 Scholarship Account .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 308 14 8 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 1,005 9 6 Statutory grant .. .. .. .. 3,845 0 0 Depreciation, office furniture.. .. .. 97 6 3 Interest, Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 164 12 5 Balance, excess of income over expenditure .. 1,526 12 0 £33,023 11 7 £33,023 11 7 ORDINARY SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipt..?. £ s. d. £ s. d. i Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d Balance, Ist January, 1928 — Scholarships— Bank of New Zealand .. .. 479 4 8 Junior .. .. .. 1,641 9 9 Post Office Savings-bank .. 1,577 12 6 Senior .. .. .. 1' 331 5 0 — 2,056 17 2 Engineering .. .. .. 75 2 0 Transfer from General Account (part statutory grant) 1,500 0 0 Post-graduate in Arts (by English Mortgage repaid .. .. .. " .. 500 0 0 Agency) .. .. .. 1,100 0 0 Fixed deposit repaid— £ s. d. - : 4 147 16 9 Ordinary Scholarship Account, .. 1,600 0 0 Inscribed stock purchased .. .. .. 17 6 Macmillan Brown Prize .. .. 25 2 10 Stratford debentures purchased .. .. 625 12 6 Bowen Prize .. .. . . 37 9 8 Post Office certificates purchased— £ s. d. Cook Memorial Prize .. 30 7 3 Macmillan Brown Prize .. .. 19 12 10 Habens Prize .. .. 36 3 3 Bowen Prize .. . . .. 119 8 Arnold Atkinson Prize .. .. 28 13 10 Cook Memorial Prize .. .. 14 7 3 Sir Julius von Haast Prize .. 327 9 1 Habens Prize .. .. .. 15 13 3 Haydon Prize .. .. 2 12 11 Arnold Atkinson Prize .. .. 13 13 10 Sir James G. Wilson Prize .. 171 13 5 Sir Julius von Haast Prize .. 38 15 4 William Ledingham Christie Prize 24 8 0 Haydon Prize .. .. .. 2 12 11 2,284 0 3 Sir James G. Wilson Prize .. 171 13 5 Refund from Tinline Account .. .. .. 24 0 0 William Ledingham Christie Prize 24 8 0 Refund from General Account .. .. .. 396 8 5 312 6 6 Interest— Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 0125 Ordinary Scholarship Account .. .. 2,904 0 5 Bank charge .. .. .. .. 010 0 Macmillan Brown Scholarship in Agriculture .. 270 0 0 Refund to Tinline Account .. .. .. 710 0 Macmillan Brown Prize .. . . . . 18 2 5 Prizes— £ s. d. Bowen Prize .. .. . . .. 8 10 7 Bowen .. .. .. 10 0 0 Cook Memorial Prize .. .. .. 7 11 10 Macmillan Brown .. .. 25 0 0 Habens Prize .. .. .. .. 8 4 7 Habens .. .. m .. 5 0 6 Arnold Atkinson Prize .. .. .. 7 6 11 Christie .. .. .. 0 7 6 Sir Julius von Haast Prize .. .. .. 20 9 7 40 8 0 Haydon Prize .. .. .. . . 0 210 Balance, 31st December, 1928— Sir James G. Wilson Prize .. .. .. 9 810 Bank of New Zealand .. .. 14 010 William Ledingham Christie Prize .. . . 616 3 Post Office Savings-bank— Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 425 Ordinary Scholarship Account .. 3,497 13 0 Macmillan Brown Prize .. 5 10 0 Bowen Prize .. .. 26 0 0 Cook Memorial Prize .. .. 16 0 0 Habens Prize .. . . 20 10 0 Arnold Atkinson Prize .. 15 0 0 Sir Julius von Haast Prize .. 288 15 0 3,883 8 10 £10,026 2 6 £10,026 2 6 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Scholarships— Interest on investments .. .. .. 2,995 6 3 Junior .. . . .. 1,641 9 9 Grant from General Account . . .. 1,500 0 0 Senior .. .. 1,331 5 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 012 5 Engineering .. . . .. 75 2 0 Refund from Tinline Account .. .. .. 24 0 0 Post-graduate in Arts .. .. 1,100 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 532 10 2 Post-graduate in Science .. 400 0 0 French Travelling .. .. 200 0 0 Law Travelling .. .. 200 0 0 Medical Travelling .. .. 100 0 0 5,047 16 9 Insurance .. .. .. . . .. 0 12 5 Bank charge.. .. . . .. •. 0 10 0 Refunds to prize accounts . . .. .. 3 9 8 £5,052 8 10 £5,052 8 10


TINLINE SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d Payments. £ s. d. Balance at Ist January, 1928 —Bank of New Zealand 117 6 1 Scholarship .. .. .. .. .. 70 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 124 2 6 Exchange .. ... .. .. .. 020 Deposits repaid .. .. .. .. 734 0 0 Bank charge.. .. .. .. .. 0100 Refund from Ordinary Scholarship Account .. 710 0 Stratford debentures purchased .. .. 336 17 6 Refund to Ordinary Scholarship Account .. 24 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1928— £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand .. .. 41 9 1 Post Office Savings-bank .. 510 0 0 551 9 1 £982 18 7 £982 18 7 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Scholarship .. . . .. . . .. 70 0 0 Interest on investments .. .. .. 128 14 2 Exchange .. .. .. .. .. 020 Bank charge.. .. .. .. .. 0100 Refund interest to Ordinary Scholarship Account.. 24 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 34 2 2 £128 14 2 £128 14 2 UNIVERSITY NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. £ s. d. £ s. d. Grants Education Department .. .. .. 2,030 0 0 Scholarships.. .. .. .. .. 2,030 0 0 Grants General Account .. .. .. 415 0 Exchange .. .. .. .. .. 415 0 £2,034 15 0 £2,034 15 0 • NATIONAL RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS. £ s. d. £ s. d. Grants, Education Department .. .. 50 0 0 Scholarships .. . . . . .. . . 50 0 0 Grants, General Account .. .. .. 0 0 9 Exchange .. .. .. .. .. 009 £50 0 9 £50 0 9 TARANAKI SCHOLARSHIPS. £ s. d. £ s. d. Grants, Public Trustee .. .. .. 420 12 0 Scholarships .. .. . . .. .. 420 0 0 Exchange .. . . . . .. .. 012 0 £420 12 0 £420 12 0 MACMILLAN BROWN SCHOLARSHIP TN AGRICULTURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 4,518 1 4 Balance —Capital, 31st December, 1928 .. 4,786 1 5 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 270 0 1 £4,786 1 5 £4,786 1 5



MACMILLAN BROWN PRIZE. £ s. d. i £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 428 9 9 ! Prize .. .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 21 911 : Balance—Capital, 31st December, 1928 .. 424 19 8 £449 19 8 j £449 19 8 BOWEN PRIZE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1928 .. .. . . 223 0 4 Prize .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 912 4 Balance-—Capital, 31st December, 1928 .. .. 222 12 8 £232 12 8 £232 12 8 COOK MEMORIAL PRIZE. £ s. d. . £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 207 910 j Prize .. .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 8114! Balance —Capital, 31st December, 1928 .. .. 211 1 2 £216 1 2 i £216 1 2 HABENS PRIZE. £ s. d. £ s. ti. Balance, Ist January, 1928 .. . . .. 227 1 4 Prize .. .. .. . . , . 5 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 920 Exchange .. .. .. .. .. 006 Balance—Capital, 3ist December, 1928 .. .. 231 2 10 £236 3 4 £236 3 4 ARNOLD ATKINSON PRIZE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1928 .. .. . . 162 3 6 Balance—Capital, 31st December, 1928 .. .. 169 4 7 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 7 11 £169 4 7 £169 4 7 SIR JULIUS VON HAAST PRIZE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 439 9 4 Balance —Capital, 31st December, 1928 .. .. 459 17 7 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 20 8 3 £459 17 7 £459 17 7 HAYDON PRIZE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 42 12 3 Balance—Capital, 31st December, 1928 .. 42 16 5 Interest .. .. .. .. •• 042 £42 16 5 £42 16 5

2—E. 7.




SIR JAMES G. WILSON PRIZE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 220 7 1 Balance —Capital, 31st December, 1928 .. .. 225 12 1 Interest .. •• •• •• 5 5 0 £225 12 1 £225 12 1 CHRISTIE PRIZE. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1928 .. .. . . 161 0 7 Engraving prize .. .. .. .. 076 Interest .. .. 651 Balance—Capital, 31st December, 1928 .. .. 166 18 2 £167 5 8 £167 5 8 GENERAL BALANCE-SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1928. Liabilities. A ssets. Capital— . £ s. d. £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand— £ s. d. £ s. d. General Account .. .. 17,041 11 7 General Account .. .. 2,039 13 5 Income and expenditure .. 1,526 12 0 Less unpresented cheques .. 1,672 17 6 18,568 3 7 366 15 11 Ordinary Scholarship Account .. 45,430 14 8 Ordinary Scholarship Account .. 31 11 4 Less income and expenditure .. 532 10 2 Less unpresented cheque .. 17 10 6 44,898 4 6 14 0 10 Tinline Scholarship Account .. 2,274 18 10 Tinline Scholarship Account .. .. 41 9 1 Income and expenditure .. 34 2 2 Post Office Savings-bank— 2,309 1 0 General Account .. .. 7,398 18 9 Macmillan Browii Scholarship in Agriculture .. 4,786 1 5 Ordinary Scholarship Account .. 3,497 13 0 Prize accounts— Tinline Scholarship Account .. 512 15 10 Macmillan Brown .. .. .. .. 424 19 8 Macmillan Brown Prize .. 5 10 0 Bowen .. .. .. .. . . 222 12 8 Bowen Prize .. .. .. 26 0 0 Cook Memorial .. .. .. .. 211 1 2 Cook Memorial Prize .. .. 16 0 0 Habens .. .. .. .. .. 231 2 10 Habens Prize .. .. .. 20 10 0 Arnold Atkinson .. .. .. .. 169 4 7 Arnold Atkinson Prize .. .. 15 0 0 Sir Julius von Haast .. .. .. 459 17 7 Sir Julius von Haast Prize .. 288 15 0 Haydon .. .. .. .. .. 42 16 5 11,781 2 7 William Ledingham Christie.. .. .. 166 18 2 Petty cash in hand .. .. .. 10 3 0 Sir James G. Wilson .. .. .. 225 12 1 Cash in hand, English Agent .. .. 423 19 6 General Account fees paid in advance .. .. 14 14 0 Fixed deposits .. .. .. .. 125 0 0 Mortgages .. .. .. .. 15,600 0 0 Municipal debentures .. .. .. 26,744 18 3 New Zealand Government inscribed stock .. .. .. .. 15,257 5 9 Westport-Stockton shares .. .. 50 0 0 Post Office certificates .. .. .. 312 6 6 Sundry debtors (accrued interest) .. .. 1,127 11 7 Office furniture .. .. .. 973 2 11 Less depreciation .. .. 97 6 3 875 16 8 £72,730 9 8 £72,730 9 8



2. AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Visitor.—The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council — The Hon. Sir George Fowlds, Kt. C.B.E. ; J. Marsden Caughey, Esq. ; C. Rhodes, Esq. Appointed by the Professorial Board—Professor H. W. Segar, M.A.; Professor F. P. Worley, M.A., M.Sc., D.Sc., D.1.C., F.C.S. * Elected by members of the Legislature—J. F. Hosking, Esq; G. H. Wilson, Esq.; E. H. Northcroft, Esq., D.S.O . Elected by graduates—H. J. D. Mahon, Esq., B.A. ; Kenneth Mackenzie, Esq., M.D., M.Ch., F.R.C.S. ; Dr. H. Ranston, M.A., Litt.D.; T. U. Wells, Esq., M.A. Appointed by the Auckland City Council—S. I. Crookes, Esq., M.1.E.E., M.N.Z.Soc.C.E. Appointed by the Auckland Education Board—A. Burns, Esq. Registrar.—M. R. -O'Shea, Esq., B.Com. Staff. Professors. —Classics—A. C. Paterson, M.A. English—C. W. Egerton, M.A. Mathematics —H. W. Segar, M.A. Modern Languages—M. Walker, M.A., B.Com. Chemistry —F. P. Worley, M.A., D.Sc., D.1.C., F.C.S. Physics— P. W. Burbidge, M.Sc., B.A. General Biology, Botany, and Zoology—J. C. Sperrin-Johnson, M.A., M.Sc., M.8., 13.Ch., Litt.D. Economics —H. Belshaw, M.A. History—J. P. Grossmann, M.A. Law —R. M. Algie, LL.M. Philosophy—W. Anderson, M.A. Architecture—C. R. Knight, M.A., B.Arch., A.R.1.8.A.. A.N.Z.I.A. Forestry— H. H. Corbin, B.Sc. Education—A. B. Fitt, M.A., Ph.D. Music —W. E. Thomas, Mus.Doc. Engineering—S. E. Lamb, B.Sc., A.R.C.Sc., A.M.1.M.E., M.N.Z.Soc.C.E. Geology—J. A. Bartrum, M.Sc., A.O.S.M. Lecturers, twenty-five ; mechanic, one ; workshop instructor, one. REPORT (ABRIDGED). In pursuance of the provisions of the Auckland University College Act, 1882, the Council has the honour to make the following report for the year 1928 : — Number oj Students.—The number of persons who attended lectures during 1928 was 1,248 (male, 893; female, 355) ; the number of students exempted from attendance at lectures was 179 (male, 152 ; female, 27) ; a total of 1,427 students. Staff. —Professors Egerton and Pitt returned from their sabbatical year. It was decided to appoint assistants to the Professors of Mathematics and Economics, and accordingly Messrs. K. E. Bullen and H. R. Rodwell took up work at the beginning of the year. Mr. W. T. G. Airey was ajtpointed assistant to the Professor of History, to commence duties in 1929. Mr. D. Brown was appointed to succeed Mr. W. A. Macky, who went to England on an 1851 Science Scholarship, in the Physics Department. Massey Agricultural College.—The formal opening of the College took place on the 20th March. Local Government Lectures.—Arrangements were made during the year with the Auckland City Council to institute a series of lectures on municipal and local-body finance by Professor Belshaw. The City Council made a grant of £250 per annum for five years for this purpose. This is the first experiment of its kind in New Zealand. Philson Trust.—The income from the Philson Trust of approximately £2,000 was made available by the trustees. The income will be paid over annually for the purchase of books for the College medical library. Public Lectures. —The Council decided to institute a winter course of approximately nine public lectures by members of the staff. They proved most successful. — Workers' Education Association. —During 1928 there were in the Auckland and Waikato districts forty classes, with a membership of 1,628, and an average attendance of 1,015. The financial position has been slightly improved, but this has been at the cost of severely restricting activities. Thi) third summer school, held at Hunua Palls, drew an average attendance of seventy-three students, and was easily the most successful to date.; Other special features have been the lectures at Mount Eden Prison and Waikeria Borstal ..Institution,.the provision of lectures in nine centres by means of the box scheme, and nine educational talks broadcasted from IYA. There were seven candidates., for the University bursary, and two awards were necessary, as in the former year.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1928. ARTS AND GENERAL. Statement or Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Balance, Ist January, 1928— £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand .. .. 944 14 5 Professors, lecturers, &o. ..24,715 5 4 Post Office Savings-bank .. 2,626 7 0 Less special schools .. .. 5,526 14 8 3,571 1 5 Less Forestry Fund .. .. 502 16 6 19,188 10 8 Less Medical Library Funds .. 310 17 5 Cleaning and caretaking .. 796 12 0 — 813 13 11 Office .. .. .. 1,145 16 8 Library .. .. .. 340 0 0 Government grants— 2,757 7 6 Gardener .. .. .. 273 0 0 Statutory— Auckland University College Act, 21,743 19 4 1882 .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Less refunds .. .. 8 7 4 New Zealand University Amend- 21,735 12 0 ment Act, 1928, April - De- Office expenses .. .. .. .. 7 5 5 cember .. .. .. 6,375 0 0 Property expenses .. .. .. 48 17 1 New Zealand University Act Printing calendars .. .. 134 8 0 (repealed)—January-March 1,650 0 0 Stationery .. .. .. 222 14 10 12,025 0 0 Advertising .. .. .. 53 15 6 National endowment—New Zea- — 410 18 4 land University Amendment Telephones, postages, and exchange 224 0 8 Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. 2,260 6 5 Less refunds .. .. .. 15 6 Salary, Professor of Education— 222 15 2 1927 .. .. .. .. 212 10 0 Insurance .. .. .. 105 3 5 1928 .. .. .. .. 850 0 0 Less refunds .. .. .. 0 7 0 Arts Building—Subsidy on dona- 104 16 5 tions .. .. .. .. 1,606 7 6 Water .. .. .. .. .. 96 16 11 General Endowment Fund— Lighting .. .. .. 440 17 9 Subsidies on donations .. 1,885 14 8 Less refunds .. .. .. 7 2 6 Donations to General Endowment 433 15 3 Fund .. .. .. 405 0 0 Heating .. .. .. .. 149 13 5 2,290 14 8 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 36 14 6 Donations— Material — League of Nations .. .. 5 0 0 Physics .. .. .. 396 4 1 Economic Society .. .. 5 5 0 Chemistry .. .. .. 464 9 1 New Zealand Dental Association 15 0 0 Biology .. .. .. 134 3 7 25 5 0 Geology .. .. .. 35 8 7 University of New Zealand—National Other departments .. .. 119 7 5 endowment revenue .. .. .. 1,129 2 1 Endowment revenue— # 1,149 12 9 Rents from properties— Less refunds .. .. 10 3 0 Current .. .. .. 760 4 3 1,139 9 9 Arrears .. .. .. 162 12 6 Equipment and apparatus — 922 16 9 Physics .. .. . . 182 15 7 Education reserves .. .. .. 609 18 1 Chemistry .. .. . . 53 15 0 Interest from endowment sales Biology .. .. .. 178 10 0 investment — Geology .. .. .. 22 10 0 Auckland City Council deben- 437 10 7 tures (£10,200) .. .. 510 0 0 Arts building .. .. .. .. 156 13 3 Auckland Electric-power Board Arts furniture .. .. .. .. 70 7 9 debentures (£300) .. .. 16 10 0 Science furniture .. .. .. 22 7 6 Fixed deposit (£34 12s. 7d.) .. 015 9 Office equipment .. .. .. 35 1 6 527 5 9 Library — Interest from endowment royalties Books .. .. .. 341 1 10 investment — Less refunds .. .. 0 3 6 Northcote Borough Council (£400) 24 0 0 Waitemata County Council (£100) 6 0 0 340 18 4 Auckland City Council (£200) .. 811 10 Periodicals .. .. .. 260 16 1 38 11 10 Maintenance .. .. .. 140 15 9 Endowment royalties .. .. .. 47 9 9 —- 742 10 2 Student fees — Repairs .. .. .. .. 242 6 5 Lectures — Cleaning material, &c. . . .. .. 100 910 Current .. .. .. 12,683 2 6 Grounds maintenance .. .. .. 70 16 4 Arrears .. .. . . 14 5 0 Duplicating material .. .. .. 109 18 0 1 General expenses .. .. .. 29 15 8 12,697 7 6 Appointments to staff .. .. .. 139 18 7 Less refunds .. .. 100 1 0 Temporary accommodation .. .. 71 10 0 Legal expenses .. . . .. .. 19 12 12,597 6 6 Audit expenses .. .. .. .. 36 0 0 Less special schools .. 1,371 0 0 Commission .. .. .. .. 334 11,226 6 6 Lecturing .. . . .. 5 4 0 College fees .. .. .. 1,293 12 0 Less refunds .. .. .. 2 5 0 Less refunds . . .. 3 3 0 2 19 0 Graduation .. .. .. .. 16 2 1] 1,290 9 0 Bulletins .. .. .. .. 13 7 3 Less special schools .. .. 224 14 0 Clock maintenance .. .. . . 12 10 0 1,065 15 0 Internal-telephones maintenance ~ .. 015 2 Exemption fees .. .. 546 19 0 Investments — Less refunds .. .. 10 10 0 Depreciation and Endowmen Fund 1,700 0 0 536 9 0 Endowment Royalties Fund .. 100 0 0 Laboratory deposits .. .. 58 16 1 General Endowment Fund ~ 1,800 0 0 Less refunds .. .. 15 6 10 — — 3,600 0 0 43 9 3 Temporary Investments, Auckland Fines .. . . . . .. 47 12 6 Savings-bank— Sale of books, &c. .. .. ... 717 6 Endowment Royalties Fund .. 57 12 5 Sale of physics notes .. .. .. 11 5 0 General Endowment Fund .. 490 14 8 Sale of duplicated material .. .. 18 1-1 10 Engineering Building Reserve Fund 66 0 0 Hire of rooms .. .. .. .. 103 11 0 —- 614 7 1 School of Forestry—Duplicating .. .. 10 1 7 Carried forward .. .. 38,373 14 6 Carried forward .. .. 30,934 5 9


Statement of Receipts and Payments—continued. Receipts—continued. Payments—continued. £ s. d. £ s.. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. 38,373 14 6 Brought forward .. .. 30,934 5 9 Interest—• W.E.A. —Share of national endowDepreciation and Endowment ment . . .. .. .. 400 0 0 Fund investment— Contra (Trust Suspense Accounts, &c.) .. 1,136 5 11 Ellerslie Town Board deben- Students' Association fees .. .. 1,220 16 0 tures (£1,000) ... .. 60 0 0 Sir George Grey Scholarship . . .. 50 0 0 Auckland City Council deben- Commerce Scholarships .. . . .. 20 0 0 tures (£2,000) .. .. 71 10 1 Auckland Brick - manufacturers' Mortgages .. .. .. 27 12 8 Scholarship .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Buckland property .. .. 50 0 0 Architectural Prize .. ... .. 5 0 0 War Loan certificates .. 2 16 0 Journalism Prize .. .. .. 11 7 5 211 18 9 John Court Scholarship .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 General Endowment Fund invest- Transfers from special schools— ment— School of Music .. .. 180 9 6 Auckland City Council deben- School of Architecture .. .. 494 13 10 tures (£3,400) .. .. 151 4 10 School of Engineering .. .. 2,223 7 7 Mount Eden Borough Council 2,898 10 11 debentures (£1,300) .. 13 9 4 Balance, 31st December, 1928— Temporary investment, Auck- Bank of New Zealand .. .. 2,162 3 5 land Savings-bank .. 2 16 Post Office Savings-bank .. 2,013 13 4 166 15 8 Revenue Funds investment .. .. 32 89 4,175 169 Engineering Building Reserve Fund .. 66 0 0 £ s. d. Depreciation and Endowment Fund Less School Forestry investment (matured) .. .. .. 5 4 0 Funds .. .. 253 15 5 Contra (Trust Suspense Accounts, &c.) .. 1,136 5 11 Less Medical Library Sir George Grey Scholarship . . .. 50 0 0 Funds .. .. 149 7 10 Commerce Scholarships .. .. .. 20 0 0 403 3 3 Architectural Prize .. .. .. 5 0 0 3,772 13 6 Students' Association fee (collected) .. 1,220 16 0 Journalism Prize .. .. .. 6 7 5 Municipal Administration grant .. 125 0 0 Less expenditure— Library books 39 7 6 Library periodicals 14 0 — 40 11 6 84 8 6 Administration—School of Forestry .. 100 0 0 £41,478 19 6 £41,478 19 6




Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Governments grants— £ s. d. £ s. d. Professors,lecturers, &c. .. 24,700 .18 0 Statutory— Less special schools .. .. 5,520 14 8 Auckland University College Act, 1882 .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 10,180 3 4 New Zealand University AmendCleaning and caretaking .. 796 12 0 ment Act, 1928 —April-De-Office .. .. .. 1,145 16 8 cember .. .. .. 6,375 0 0 Library .. .. .. 340 0 0 New Zealand University AmendGardener .. .. .. 273 0 0 ment Act (repealed)— January — 21,735 12 0 -March .. .. .. 1,650 0 0 Office expenses .. 7 5 5 —— Office duplicating .. .. 87 16 9 12,025 0 0 95 2 2 National Endowment—New ZeaProperty expenses .. .. .. 48 17 1 land University Amendment Printing calendars .. .. 134 8 0 Act, 1914 .. .. .. 2,260 6 5 Stationery .. .. .. 222 14 10 — 14,285 6 5 Advertising .. .. .. 53 15 6 Salary, Professor of Education . . .. 850 0 0 — 410 18 4 University of New Zealand— Telephones, postages, and exchange . . 222 15 2 National-endowment revenue .. 1,129 2 1 Insurance .. ... .. .. 104 16 5 Less share to Workers' EducaWater .. .. .. .. .. 96 16 11 tional Association .. 400 0 0 Lighting .. .. .. .. 433 .15 3 729 2 1 Heating .. .. .. .. 149 13 5 Endowment revenue— Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 36 14 6 Rents from properties .. .. 838 6 9 Material— Education reserves .. .. .. 609 18 1 Physics .. < .. .. 396 4 1 Interest from endowment sales inChemistry .. .. .. 420 19 10 vestment— Biology .. .. .. 134 3 7 Auckland City Council debenGeology . . .. .. 33 8 7 tures (£10,200) .. .. 510 0 0 Other departments .. .. 187 3 9 Auckland Electric-power Board 1,17119 10 (£300) .. .. .. 16 10 0 Library— Fixed deposit (£34 12s. 7d.) .. 1 13 0 Periodicals .. .. .. 260 16 1 528 3 0 Maintenance .. .. .. 146 2 7 Interest from endowment royalties — 406 18 8 investment— Repairs .. .. .. .. 242 6 5 Northcote Borough Council (£400) 24 0 0 Cleaning material, &c. .. .. .. 100 910 Waitemata County Council (£100) 6 0 0 Grounds maintenance .. .. .. 70 16 4 Auckland City Council (£200) .. 811 10 General expenses .. .. . . 30 18 9 38 11 10 Appointments to staff .. .. . . 142 16 6 Donations .. .. .. .. 25 5 0 Temporary accommodation .. .. 71 10 0 Student fees .. .. .. 12,665 11 6 Legal expenses .. .. .. .. 1912 Less special schools .. .. 1,371 0 0 Audit expenses .. .. .. .. 36 0 0 11,294 11 6 Commission .. .. .. .. 3 3 4 College fees .. .. .. 1,297 16 0 Lecturing expenses .. .. .. 219 0 Less special schools .. .. 224 14 0 W.E.A. bursaries .. .. .. 80 5 0 1,073 2 0 Graduation .. .. .. 16 211 Exemption fees .. .. .. 536 9 0 Bulletins . . . . .. .. .13 7 3 Fines .. .. .. .. . . 47 12 6 Clock maintenance .. .. .. 12 10 0 Sale of books .. .. .. .. 7 17 6 Internal-telephones maintenance .. .. 015 2 Hire of rooms .. .. .. .. 103 11 0 Depreciation— Duplicating .. .. .. .. 148 1 9 Arts furniture .. .. 553 17 0 Interest— Students furniture .. .. 201 8 10 Depreciation and Endowment Fund Science building .. .. 623 5 6 investment — Science equipment .. .. 718 16 0 Ellerslie Town Board debentures Science furniture .. .. 57 5 2 (£1,000) .. .. .. 60 0 0 Engineering building .. .. 210 11 0 Auckland City Council debenEngineering equipment.. .. 439 9 11 tures (£2,000) .. .. 71 10 1 Engineering furniture .. .. 11 0 9 Mortgages .. .. .. 27 12 8 Office equipment .. .. 20 6 2 War-loan certificates .. 2 16 0 Grounds equipment .. .. 14 17 0 Rent from Buckland property.. 50 0 0 Library .. .. .. 264 5 7 211 18 9 3,115 2 11 General Endowment Fund investTransfers from special schools— ment— Deficit — Auckland City Council debenSchool of Architecture .. 553 8 0 tures (£3,400) .. .. 151 4 10 School of Music .. .. 197 12 0 Auckland City Council debenSchool of Engineering .. 1,992 4 5 tures (accrued) .. .. 5 10 0 2,743 4 5 Excess of income over expenditure .. 338 2 2 156 14 10 Mount Eden Borough Council debentures (£1,300) .. 13 9 4 Temporary Investment, Auckland Savings-bank .. 2 16 172 5 8 Revenue investments .. .. 32 8 9 Interest, Post Office Savingsbank (accrued) .. .. 45 19 4 78 8 1 Administration (special schools) — School of Engineering .. .. 150 0 0 School of Architecture .. .. 100 0 0 School of Forestry . . .. 100 0 0 School of Music .. . . 25 0 0 375 0 0 £31,953 10 11 £31,953 10 11



Statement op Income and Expenditure—continued. Expenditure—continued. I-movie—continued. £ s. d. Capital purchases, 1928 — down .. .. .. 338 2 2 Arts and General— £ s. d. £ s. d. Deficit for 1928 .. .. .. 1,292 10 0 Science equipment .. .. 437 10 7 Science furniture .. .. 22 7 0 Arts building .. .. .. 156 13 3 Arts furniture .. .. 70 7 9 Office equipment .. .. 35 1 0 Library .. .. .. 340 18 4 1,062 18 11 School of Engineering — Furniture .. .. .. 29 0 0 Equipment .. ... .. 442 12 7 Library .. .. .. 18 15 6 490 8 1 School of Architecture —Library .. 66 6 8 School of Music —Library .. .. 10 18 6 £1,630 12 2 i £1,630 12 2 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Capital Statement. Liabilities. £ s. d. Fixed Assets. Capital balance, 31st December, 1928 .. 251,597 19 1 Buildings and equipment— £ s. d. Arts building .. .. .. .. 130,722 0 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. 10,524 0 0 Students' building .. .. .. 23,450 16 5 Furnishings .. .. .. .. 1,812 19 0 Science building .. .. .. .. 24,307 15 9 Equipment .. .. .. .. 6,469 4 7 Furniture .. .. .. .. 515 6 4 Engineering building .. .. .. 1,473 16 6 Equipment .. .. .. .. 3,955 7 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. 99 5 0 Office equipment .. .. .. 182 16 0 Grounds equipment .. .. .. 103 18 0 Library .. .. .. .. .. 5,060 14 6 Endowment lands .. .. .. .. 12,500 0 0 Properties—Science building site and arts building site .. .. .. .. .. 30,420 0 0 £251,597 19 1 £251,597 19 1 - 1 -



Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928 —continued. Statement No. 2. Liabilities. £ s. d, Assets, Endowment sales .. .. .. .. 10,534 12 7 Endowment sales investment— £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowment royalties .. .. .. 757 12 6 Auckland City Council debentures, General Endowment Fund .. .. .. 4,772 5 11. 5 per cent. .. .. 10,200 0 0 Engineering Building Reserve Fund .. .. 1,301 5 1 Auckland Electric-power Board Depreciation and Endowment Fund .. .. 5,260 0 0 debentures, 5J per cent. .. 300 0 0 Student fees in advance .. .. .. 39 6 0 Fixed deposit, Bank of New ZeaMunicipal administration grant .. .. 84 8 6 land .. .. .. 34 12 7 Auckland Brick-manufacturers' Scholarship .. 100 0 0 10,534 12 7 Journalism prize .. .. .. .. 5 5 0 Endowment royalties investment— £ s. d. Northcote Borough Council deRevenue funds .. .. 3,578 1 2 bentures, 6 per cent. .. 400 0 0 Add excess income over expendi- Waitemata County Council deture .. .. .. 338 2 2 bentures, 6 per cent. .. 100 0 0 3,916 3 4 Auckland City Council debentures, 5 i per cent... .. .. 200 0 0 Temporary investment, Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 57 12 5 757 12 5 General Endowment Fund investment — Auckland City Council debentures, 5J percent... .. .. 3,400 0 0 Mount Eden Borough Council debentures, 5i per cent. .. 1,300 0 0 Temporary investment, Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 72 5 11 4,772 5 11 Engineering Building Fund reserve investment— Auckland City Council debentures, 5J per cent... .. 1,200 0 0 Auckland Savings - bank (temporary) .. .. .. 101 5 1 1,301 5 1 Depreciation and Endowment Fund investment — Mortgage .. .. .. 425 0 0 Auckland City Council debentures, 5J per cent... .. .. 2,000 0 0 EUerslie Town Board debentures, 6 per cent. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Mount Eden Borough debentures, 5J per cent... .. .. 100 0 0 Buckland property .. .. 1,735 0 0 5,260 0 0 Physics notes .. .. .. .. 16 18 5 Debtors — Endowment rent— Accrued .. .. .. 184 2 6 Arrears .. .. .. 45 0 0 229 2 6 Mortgage interest accrued .. .. 6 18 2 Student fees .. .. .. .. 47 7 0 School of Engineering—Test fees due .. .. .. .. 19 16 8 Endowment sales investment—lnterest accrued .. .. 0 17 3 General Endowment Fund investment —Interest accrued .. 5 10 0 Revenue investment—Post Office Savings-bank interest accrued 45 19 4 52 6 7 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. 2,174 1 7 Less unpresented cheques .. 11 18 2 2,162 3 5 Less School of Forestry Funds, £253 15s. 5d., and Medical Library Funds, £149 7s. lOd. 403 3 3 1,759 0 2 j Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. 2,013 13 4 3,772 13 6 £26,770 18 10 j £26,770 18 10



SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil Salary .. .. . .. .. 375 0 0 Student fees .. .. .. .. .. 172 0 0 Library— College fees .. .. .. .. .. 73 10 0 Books .. . . .. 10 18 6 Music examination fees .. .. .. 75 6 3 Maintenance .. .. 3 7 6 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. .. 180 9 6 —— 14 0 0 Music examination expenses .. .. .. 81 19 9 Syllabus .. .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 Lecture requisites .. .. .. .. 1000 £501 5 9 £501 5 9 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. " £ s. d. Salary .. .. .. .. .. 375 0 0 Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil Music examination expenses .. .. .. 81 19 9 Student fees .. .. .. .. .. 172 0 0 Music scholarship .. .. .. .. 3 10 College fees .. .. .. .. .. 73 10 0 Syllabus .. .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 Music examination fees .. .. .. 75 6 3 Library maintenance .. .. .. .. 3 7 6 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. .. 197 12 0 Lecture requisites .. .. .. .. 1000 Share of administration .. .. .. 25 0 0 £518 8 3 £518 8 3 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grant (April-December) .. .. 937 10 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,591 13 4 Student fees .. .. .. .. .. 377 0 0 LibraryCollege fees .. .. .. .. .. 65 2 0 Books .. .. .. .. 66 6 8 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. .. 494 13 10 Periodicals .. .. .. 6 9 1 Maintenance .. .. 25 9 0 98 4 9 Lecture requisites .. .. .. .. 31 5 9 I Syllabus— 1928 .. .. .. .. 46 17 0 1929 .. .. .. .. 49 12 2 96 9 2 Furnishings .. .. .. .. 22 19 0 J Telephone .. .. .. .. 6 4 4 I Appointments to staff .. .. .. 17 19 6 | Sundries .. . . .. .. .. 0 15 0 I Stationery .. . . .. .. 8 15 0 £1,874 5 10 j £1,874 5 10 I ===== Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,591 13 4 Government grant .. .. .. 937 10 0 Lecture requisites—Material .. .. .. 31 5 9 Student fees— Library'— Lectures .. .. .. 377 0 0 Periodicals .. .. .. 6 9 1 College fees .. .. .. 65 2 # Maintenance ...... 25 9 0 * " 442 2 0 31 18 1 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. 553 8 0 Share of administration .. .. .. 100 0 0 Syllabus— 1928 .. .. .. .. 46 17 0 1929 .. .. .. .. 49 12 2 96 9 2 Furnishings .. .. .. . . . . 22 19 0 Telephone .. .. .. .. .. 644 Stationery .. .. .. .. .. 8 15 0 Appointments to staff .. .. .. 17 19 6 Sundries .. .. . . • .. .. 25 15 10 £1,933 0 0 £1,933 0 0

3—E. 7.



SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. Nil Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 2,714 14 8 Capitation from Government — Lecture requisites— 1927 .. .. .. .. 87 10 0 Material .. .. .. 275 11 11 1928 .. .. .. .. 350 0 0 Apparatus .. .. .. 442 12 7 437 10 0 Student fees .. .. .. .. 745 10 0 ■ 718 4 6 College fees .. .. .. .. 78 15 0 Less refunds .. .. .. 2 10 8 Testing fees— 715 13 10 Sundries .. .. .. 297 15 0 Library— State Forest Service .. .. 250 0 0 Books .. .. .. .. 18 15 6 Periodicals .. .. .. 14 10 0 547 15 0 Maintenance .. .. .. 6 16 Less share to staff .. .. 398 9 8 39 7 0 149 5 4 Furniture .. .. .. .. 29 0 0 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. 2,223 7 7 Gas .. .. .. .. .. 17 15 0 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 23 18 3 Power .. .. .. .. .. 35 19 8 Water .. .. .. .. .. 400 Repairs .. .. .. .. .. 26 15 2 Cleaning .. .. .. .. . . 2 18 8 Stationery .. .. .. .. 24 5 8 £3,634 7 11 £3,634 7 11 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 2,714 14 8 Government grant .. .. .. .. Nil Lecture requisites—Material .. .. .. 273 1 3 Capitation from Government .. .. 350 0 0 Library—- Student fees— Periodicals .. .. 14 10 0 Lectures .. .. .. 745 10 0 Maintenance .. .. .. 6 16 College fees .. .. .. 78 15 0 20 11 6 824 5 0 Gas .. .. ..' . . .. 17 15 0 Testing fees .. .. .. 138 15 4 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 23 18 3 Testing fees accrued .. ..19168 Power .. .. .. .. .. 35 19 8 158 12 0 Water .. .. .. .. .. 400 Deficit, transferred to Arts and General .. 1,992 4 5 Repairs .. .. .. .. .. 26 15 2 Cleaning .. .. .. .. .. 2 18 8 Stationery .. .. .. .. 24 5 8 Duplicating .. .. .. .. 31 1 7 Share of administration .. .. .. 150 0 0 £3,325 1 5 £3,325 1 5 SCHOOL OF FORESTRY. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash at Bank of New Zealand, Ist January, 1928 502 16 6 Salaries .. .. .. .. 845 6 8 Annual Government grant .. .. 1,000 0 0 Library— Student fees .. .. .. .. 76 10 0 Books .. .. .. 16 16 2 College fees .. .. .. .. 7 7 0 Periodicals .. .. .. 2 3 0 Maintenance .. .. .. 0 3 0 19 2 2 Lecture requisites .. .. .. 9 9 2 Cottage (Swanson) .. .. 329 11 2 Less refund .. .. .. 20 610 309 4 4 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 22 17 8 Typewriter . . . . .. . . 8 10 0 Telephone .. .. .. .. 6 4 4 Sundries .. .. .. .. 12 3 9 Share of administration .. .. .. 100 0 0 Cash at Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1928 253 15 5 £1,586 13 6 £1,586 13 6


Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. 845 6 8 Government grant .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Library— Student fees — Periodicals .. .. .. 2 3 0 Lectures .. . . . . .. 76 10 0 Maintenance .. .. .. • 0 3 0 College fee .. .. . . 7 7 0 2 6 0 Lecture requisites .. .. .. 17 19 2 Travelling-expenses .. .. . . 22 17 8 Sundries .. .. .. .. 18 8 1 Share of administration .. .. .. 100 0 0 Excess income over expenditure .. .. 76 19 5 £1,083 17 0 £1,083 17 0 Capital purchases— £ s. d. £ s. d. Library books.. .. .. 16 16 2 Balance from Income and Expenditure Account 76 19 5 Cottage (Swanson) .. .. . . 309 4 4 Deficit for year .. .. .. .. 249 1 1 £326 0 6 £326 0 6 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. 943 2 8 Library .. .. • .. .. 86 12 9 Revenue .. .. .. .. 253 15 5 Swanson cottage .. .. .. 637115 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 218 18 6 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. .. 253 15 5 £1,196 18 1 £1,196 18 1 MEDICAL LIBRARY FUNDS. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash at Bank of New Zealand, Ist Salary, Librarian .. .. .. 50 0 0 January, 1928 .. .. .. .. 310 17 5 Library— Donations — Books .. .. .. 102 16 7 Trained Masseurs' Association .. 5 5 0 Periodicals .. . . .. 95 6 0 Philson Trust .. .. 100 0 0 Maintenance .. .. .. 18 12 0 105 5 0 216 14 7 Balance at Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1928 149 710 £416 2 5 £416 2 5 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salary, Librarian .. .. .. 50 0 0 Donations .. .. .. .. 105 5 0 Library— Excess of expenditure over income .. 58 13 0 Periodicals .. .. .. 95 6 0 Maintenance .. .. •. 18 12 0 113 18 0 £163 18 0 £163 18 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance brought down from Income and Expenditure 58 13 0 Deficit, 1928 .. .. .. .. 161 9 7 Capital purchase—Library books .. .. 102 16 7 £161 9 7 £161 9 7 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. 233 14 5 Library .. .. .. .. 233 14 5 Revenue .. .. 149 7 10 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. .. 149 7 10 £383 2 3 £383 2 3




WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Balance Ist January, 1928 — £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand .. .. 264 13 10 Staff .. .. .. .. 857 15 8 Auckland Savings-bank .. 508 15 10 Tutors .. .. .. .. 671 11 9 773 9 8 —— 1,529 7 5 Statutory grant .. .. 750 0 0 Library— National Endowment grant from Auckland University Books .. .. 81 16 8 College .. .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Periodicals .. .. .. 2 2 5 Donations, District Council .. .. .. 363 4 9 83 19 1 Subsidies on donations — £ s. d. Lecture requisites .. .. .. .. 19 0 0 1927 .. .. .. .. 135 0 0 Advertising.. .. .. .. .. 57 6 3 1928 .. .. .. .. 226 3 9 Stationery .. .. .. .. .. 32 11 5 — 361 3 9 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 148 8 9 Interest, Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 10 1 1 Telephones, &c. .. .. .. .. 816 3 j Repairs .. .. .. .. .. 076 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 17 9 0 Heating .. .. .. .. .. 0112 Gas .. .. .. .. .. 0 4 11 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Caretaking .. .. .. .. .. 17 0 0 General expenses .. .. .. .. 1777 Balance— Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1928 .. .. .. .. 238 9 8 Auckland Savings - bank—■ £ s. d. Carnegie Fund 518 16 11 Less refund, Library purchases .. 81 16 8 ——— 437 0 3 675 9 11 £2,657 19 3 £2,657 19 3 Statement of. Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. ■Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,529 7 5 Government grant .. .. .. .. 750 0 0 Library periodicals .. .. .. .. 225 National endowment from Auckland University Lecture requisites .. . . .. 19 0 0 College .. .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Advertising .. .. .. .. .. 57 6 3 Donations from District Council .. .. 363 4 9 Stationery .. .. .. .. 32 11 5 £ s. d. Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 148 8 9 Subsidies on donations .. 226 3 9 Telephones, &c. .. .. .. .. 816 3 Subsidies on donations accrued .. 141 1 0 Repairs .. .. .. .. .. 0*76 367 4 9 Lighting .. .. . . .. 17 9 0 Interest, Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 10 1 1 Heating .. .. .. .. .. 0112 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 62 1 4 Gas .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 4 11 Rent.. . . .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Caretaking .. .. .. .. .. 17 0 0 General expenses .. .. .. .. 1777 Depreciation, library .. .. . . 51 19 3 £1,952 11 11 £1,952 11 11 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Assets. £ s . d. Carnegie Library Fund .. .. 254 711 Library .. .. .. .. .. 467 13 4 Less 1928 library purchases .. .. 81 16 8 Subsidy due .. .. .. .. .. 141 j 0 £ s. d. 172 11 3 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. 238 9 8 Subsidy, Carnegie Library Fund .. 254 7 11 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank 437 0 3 426 19 2 — 675 9 u Accumulated Funds, 31st December, 1928 837 9 9 Less excess expenditure over income .. 62 1 4 775 8 5 Add 1928 library purchases from Carnegie Funds .. .. .. 81 16 8 —— 857 5 1 £1,284 4 3 £1,284 4 3



SIR JOHN LOGAN CAMPBELL ENDOWMENT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 2,629 1 8 New Zealand Insurance Co., for reinvestment .. 2,300 0 0 Interest — £ s. d. Massey Agricultural College .. .. .. 1,222 15 2 New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd. 1,225 12 5 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 237 10 0 Less commission .... 60 16 6 £ s. d. Library .. .. .. 0 15 11 1,164 15 11 Periodicals .. .. .. 10 12 1 Post Office Savings-bank .. 10 11 8 11 8 0 1,175 7 7 Duplicating .. .. .. .. .. 513 10 T. P. and E. . . .. .. .. .. 0 6 5 General expenses .. .. .. .. 0 9 0 Stationery .. .. .. .. .. 040 Cash at Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1928 26 2 10 £3,804 9 3 £3,804 9 3 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. i Income. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 237 10 0 ! Interest— £ s. d. Library periodicals .. .. .. .. 10 12 1 On investments —New Zealand Insurance Co. .. 1,251 16 5 Duplicating .. .. .. .. .. 5 13 10 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. .. 10 11 8 T. P. and E. .. .. .. .. .. 0 6 5 General expenses .. .. .. .. 0 9 0 Stationery .. .. .. .. .. 040 Commission .. .. .. .. .. 60 16 6 Excess income over expenditure .. ~ 946 16 3 £1,262 8 1 £1,262 8 1 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. I Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 1 Mortgage investments .. 19,700 0 0 £ s. d. Mount Eden Borough Council deAccumulated funds .. .. 823 10 8 bentures .. .. .. 300 0 0 Add excess income over ex- 20,000 0 0 penditure, 1928 .. .. 946 16 3 Library .. .. .. .. .. 231 16 8 Interest— 1,770 6 11 Accrued .. .. .. 210 17 3 Less funds transferred to Arrears .. .. .. 78 15 0 Massey Agricultural 289 12 3 College, 1928 .. .. 1,222 15 2 Cash at Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1928 26 2 10 547 11 9 £20,547 11 9 £20,547 11 9 SINCLAIR AND GILLIES SCHOLARSHIP. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance at Auckland Savings-bank, Ist January, 1928 93 2 7 Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Interest — £ s. d. Investment surplus funds—Auckland City Council Soldier Settlement Loan —Government debentures .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 bond .. .. .. .. 510 0 Cash in hand at Auckland Savings-bank, £ s. d. New Zealand inscribed stock .. 49 10 0 31st December, 1928 .. .. 97 2 8 Auckland Electric-power Board de- Less Arts and General Suspense Account 510 0 bentures .. .. .. 33 0 0 91 12 8 Waitemata County Council debentures 192 0 0 Auckland City Council debentures .. II 16 0 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 6 14 1 298 10 1 £391 12 8 £391 12 8



Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Scholarship .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Interest— Excess of income over expenditure .. .. 98 10 1 Soldier Settlement Loan—Government bond .. 5 10 0 New Zealand inscribed stock .. .. .. 49 10 0 Auckland Electric-power Board debentures .. 33 0 0 Auckland City Council debentures .. .. 11 10 0 Waitemata County Council debentures .. .. 192 0 0 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. .. 6 14 1 £298 10 1 £298 10 1 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Arts and General Suspense Account .. 510 0 Investments — £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital funds .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 New Zealand Government inscribed £ s. d. stock, 6 per cent. (£900) .. 829 2 6 Accumulated funds .. .. 2,022 5 1 New Zealand Government bond Add excess of income over expendi- (Soldier Settlement Loan) .. • 100 0 0 ture for period ending 31st De- 929 2 6 cember, 1928 .. .. 98 10 1 Auckland Electric-power Board de- —■ — 2,120 15 2 bentures, 5J per cent. .. 600 0 0 Waitemata County Council debentures, 6 per cent. .. .. 3,200 0 0 Auckland City Council debentures, 5£ per cent. .. .. .. 300 0 0 4,100 0 0 Cash— Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 91 12 8 Arts and General Suspense Account 5 10 0 97 2 8 £5,126 5 2 £5,126 5 2 DUFF US LUBECKI SCHOLARSHIP. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Auckland Savings-bank, Ist January, 1928 .. 818 1 Scholarship .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Interest — £ s. d. Cash at Auckland Savings-bank, 31st December, 1928 36 19 6 Ellerslie Town Board debentures .. 120 0 0 Auckland City Council debentures .. 5 7 5 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 2 14 0 128 1 5 £136 19 6 £136 19 6 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Scholarship .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Interest — £ s. d. Excess of income over expenditure .. .. 28 1 5 Ellerslie Town Board debentures .. .. 120 0 0 Auckland City Council debentures .. .. 5 7 5 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. .. 2 14 0 £128 1 5 £128 1 5 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital Fund .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Ellerslie Town Board debentures, 6 per cent. .. 2,000 0 0 £ s. d. Auckland City Council debentures, 5J per cent. .. 100 0 0 Accumulated funds .. .. .. 108 18 1 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 36 19 6 Add excess of income over expenditure for period ending 31st December, 1928 28 1 5 136 19 6 £2,136 19 6 ' £2,136 19 6



SANDERS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments £ g, d. Balance, Auckland Savings-bank, Ist January, 1928 57 5 9 Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 Interest — £ s. d. Balance at Auckland Savings-bank, 31st December, Waitemata County Council debentures 126 0 0 1928 .. .. .. .. .. 118 (5 10 Auckland City Council debentures .. 5 7 5 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 4 13 8 136 1 1 £193 6 10 £193 6 10 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Scholarship .. .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 136 1 1 Excess income over expenditure .. .. 61 1 1 £136 1 1 £136 1 1 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Funds .. .. .. .. 2,179 5 3 Investments — Accumulated funds .. .. .. 78 0 6 Waitemata County Council debenAdd excess income over expenditure for tures, 6 per cent. .. .. 2,100 0 0 period ending 31st December, 1928 .. 61 1 1 Auckland City Council debentures, 139 1 7 5J per cent. .. .. .. 100 0 0 2,200 0 0 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. .. .. 118 610 £2,318 6 10 £2,318 6 10 SIR JAMES GUNSON SCHOLARSHIP IN AGRICULTURE. Statement oe Eeceipts and Payments. t Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Cash at Auckland Savings-bank, Ist January, 1928 55 8 2 Investment—Mount Eden Borough Council debenture 100 0 0 Interest — £ s. d. Balance at Auckland Savings-bank, 31st December, Waitemata County Council debentures .. 78 0 0 1928 .. .. .. .. .. 122 10 8 Auckland Hospital Board debentures . . 74 15 0 Auckland City Council debentures .. 9 911 Mount Eden Borough Council debentures 19 2 Auckland Savings-bank .. ..385 — 167 2 6 £222 10 8 £222 10 8 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Excess of income over expenditure .. .. 167 2 6 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 167 2 6 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £s. d. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Fund .. .. .. .. 2, 600 0 0 Investments— Accumulated funds .. .. 255 8 2 Waitemata County Council debenAdd excess of income over expenditures, 6 per cent. .. .. 1,300 0 0 ture for period ending 31st De- Auckland Hospital Board debencember, 1928.. .. .. 167 2 6 tures, 5f per cent. .. .. 1,300 0 0 422 10 8 Auckland City Council debentures, 5J per cent. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Mount Eden Borough Council debentures, 5J per cent. .. .. 100 0 0 2,900 0 0 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. .. .122 10 8 £3,022 10 8 £3,022 10 8



LISSIE RATHBONE SCHOLARSHIP. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Auckland Savings-bank, Ist January, 1928 40 18 2 Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Interest — £ s. d. Investment —Auckland City Council debenture .. 100 0 0 Northcote Borough Council debentures 180 0 0 Balance, Auckland Savings-bank, 31st December, Waitemata County Council debentures 30 0 0 1928 .. .. .. .. .. 74 10 4 Auckland City Council debentures .. 19 4 0 Auckland Savings-bank .... 414 2 — 233 18 2 £274 16 4 £274 10 4 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 233 18 2 Excess of income over expenditure .. .. 133 18 2 £233 18 2 £233 18 2 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital Fund .. .. .. .. 3,500 0 0 Investments — Accumulated funds .. .. 340 18 2 Northcote Borough Council debentures, C per Add excess of income over expendi- cent. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 tare for period ending 31st Decern- Waitemata County Council debentures, 6 per ber, 1928 .. .. .. 133 18 2 cent. .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 474 16 4 Auckland City Council debentures, 5| per cent. 400 0 0 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 74 16 4 £3,974 16 4 £3,974 16 4 NEW ZEALAND PERPETUAL FORESTS, LTD., SCHOLARSHIPS. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance at Auckland Savings-bank, Ist January 1928 51 6 5 Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 583 19 0 New Zealand Perpetual Forests, Ltd.' — Advertising .. .. .. .. .. 286 Donation Account — £ s. d. Balance, Auckland Savings-bank, 31st December, 1928 274 9 10 1927 .. .• •. 400 0 0 1928 .. .. .. 400 0 0 — 800 0 0 Interest, Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 910 11 £860 17 4 £860 17 4 JOHN COURT SCHOLARSHIP. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 1,000 0 0 Investment—Hauraki Plains County Council .. 100 0 0 Interest — £ s. d, T. P. and E. .. .. .. .. .. 1 0 6 Hauraki Plains County Council de- Stationery .. .. .. .. .. 8150 bentures .. .. •• 35 16 8 Balance, Auckland Savings-bank, 31st December, 1928 26 1 7 Auckland Savings-bank .. 0 0 5 -! 35 17 1 £1,035 17 1 £1,035 17 1 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. T. P. and E. .. .. . ■ (10 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 35 17 1 Stationery .. .. .. • • J8 15 0 Excess of income over expenditure .. 26 1 7 £35 17 1 £35 17 1 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital Fund .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Investment — Hauraki Plains County Council Accumulated funds —Excess of income over expendi- debentures, 6 per cent. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 ture for period ending 31st December, 1928 .. 26 1 7 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 26 1 7 £1,026 1 7 £1,026 1 7



3. VICTORIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Visitor.—The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. Chairman.—P. Levi, M.A. Appointed by Governor-General in Council—A. R. Atkinson, 8.A., and D. M. Stout, M.D. Elected by Court of Convocation —C. Watson, 8.A.; P. Levi, M.A.; A. Fair, LL.B. ; S. Eichelbaum, M.A., LL.B. Elected by teachers in primary schools—B. A. Parkinson, M.A., and F. H. Bakewell, M.A. Elected by members of Education Boards —S. G. Smith, M.P., and R. McCallum. Appointed by Wellington City Council—M. P. Luckie. Elected by teachers in secondary schools and technical high schools—-J. H. Howell, 8.A., B.Se. Elected by governing bodies of secondary schools—T. Forsyth. Elected by the Professorial Board —J. Rankine Brown, M.A., Hon. LL.D. (St. Andrews), and T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc. Staff. Professors. —Classics—J. Rankine Brown, M.A. (St. Andrews and Oxford), Hon. LL.D. (St. Andrews), F.N.Z.I.A. (Chairman, Professorial Board). English—H. Mackenzie, M.A. (St. Andrews). Modern Languages—E. J. Boyd-Wilson, M.A., B.Sc. (N.Z.), B.A. (Camb.). Philosophy—T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc. (N.Z.), (Dean of Arts Faculty). History— F. P. Wilson, M.A. (N.Z.), F.E.S. Economics—B. E. Murphy, M.A., LL.B., B.Com. (N.Z.), F.E.S., F.S.S. Education —W. H. Gould, M.A. (N.Z.). Mathematics—D. M. Y. Sommerville, M.A., D.Sc. (St. Andrews), F.R.S.E., F.N.Z.lnst. Biology—H. B. Kirk, M.A. (N.Z.), F.N.Z.lnst. Physics—D. C. H. Florance, M.A., M.Sc. (N.Z.). Chemistry—P. W. Robertson, M.A., M.Sc. (N.Z.), M.A. (Oxford), Ph.D. (Leipzig), (Dean of Science Faculty). Geology—C. A. Cotton, D.Sc. (N.Z.), A.0.5.M., F.G.S. Law—J. Adamson, M.A., LL.B. (Edin.), (Dean of Law Faculty). Registrar.—G. G. S. Robison, M.A. (N.Z.). Librarian.—H. G. Miller, M.A. (N.Z.). REPORT (ABRIDGED). Pursuant to section 44 of the Victoria College Act, 1905, the Council presents the following report for the year 1928 : — Students and Glasses.—The number of students attending classes in 1928 was 816, an increase of 7 on the numbers for 1927. University Scholarships. Senior Scholarships were awarded as follows : C. L. Bailey (Education), Moira W. Dennehy (Chemistry), L. V. Bibby (Philosophy), E. 0. C. Hyde (Botany). The Tinline Scholarship was awarded to Dorothy H. Patterson. A Jacob Joseph Scholarship was awarded to E. Beaglehole, M.A., in 1928 ; and in 1929 Jacob Joseph Scholarships were awarded to F. W. G. White, M.Sc., I. J. Cunningham, M.Sc. (honoris causa), W. C. Wylie, LL.M., and A. C. Keys, M.A. National Research Scholarships have been awarded to F. W. G. White to carry out standard frequency measurements, to J. W. Harding to undertake measurements of the dispersion of ultrasonic waves in air, and to G. A. Peddie to undertake investigations of a statistical nature. The Travelling Scholarship in Science was awarded to F. W. G. White, M.Sc., a Travelling Scholarship in Arts was awarded to F. Mackenzie, M.A., and the 1851 Exhibition Scholarship was awarded to R. M. Dolby, M.Sc. A free passage to England was awarded to F. W. G. White, M.Sc. The Sir George Grey Scholarship was divided between Miss Ivy Arthur and Miss Moira Dennehy. The Lissie Rathbone Scholarship was awarded to Miss Elizabeth Huntington. Miss Miriam Herrick, M.Sc., has been awarded a Sarah Anne Rhodes Fellowship. The Sir Robert Stout Scholarship was awarded to A. C. Keys, M.A., and the Lady Stout Bursary to Dorothy R. M. Martyn Roberts. Changes in Staff. —Professor J. M. E. Garrow has resigned his Chair of English and New Zealand Law after seventeen years' service. For the present the Council has decided not to appoint a Professor, but has appointed Mr. H. H. Cornish, M.A., LL.B., to be Senior Lecturer in the Professional Law subjects. Mr. T. P. Cleary, formerly Lecturer in Company Law, has been appointed Lecturer in Conveyancing, and Mr. C. Evans Scott has been appointed additional assistant to Professor Adamson. Mr. A. 15. Cochran, M.A., has been appointed full-time assistant to the Professor of English. It is proposed to appoint in 1930 full-time assistants to the Chairs of Classics and Modern Languages. Miss G. McKay, for many years assistant to Professor Garrow, has retired through ill health, while the appointment of Mr. Cochran necessitated the retirement after many years' service of Mr. H. B. Tomlinson, M.A., part-time assistant to the Professor of English. Library.—The number of books entered as accessions was on 31st December, 1928, 22,098. During the year ending 31st December, 1928, 1,310 books have been added to the library, at a cost of £660. Of that sum £242 were spent on periodicals, plus approximately £20 on year-books, annual reports, digests, &c. This year volumes were received from the Carnegie Trust, from the New Zealand and other Governments, from learned societies, from the Wellington Branch of the League of Nations Union, and from the following private donors : twenty-three from Sir Frederick Chapman, thirteen from Professor Boyd-Wilson, and forty from Mr. W. D. Hunt. Special mention should be made of a gift of 496 volumes, chiefly source books of British colonial history, many of them handsomely bound, which were given by Mr. W. J. McEldowney ; also a large collection of pamphlets, including 1,066 relating to New Zealand (352 of them bound), which were given by Sir Robert Stout. The Rev. B. H. Ward, owing to ill health, resigned his office as College Librarian, and Mr. H. G. Miller, M.A., was apjjointed. The College owes a deep debt to the conscientious and painstaking manner in which for many years Mr. Ward performed his duties, and regrets that he did not long survive to enjoy his retirement. Professor Conway's Lecture.—Advantage was taken of the presence in New Zealand of Professor R. S. Conway, Professor of Latin in the University of Manchester and a former examiner for the University of New Zealand, to ask him to deliver two lectures—one to students on Gardner Hale's

4—E. 7.



" Method of Sight Translation," and the other to the general public on " The Architecture of the Epic." Appointment of Vice-Chancellor. —The Council of the University, having been empowered by the University Amendment Act to appoint a salaried Vice-Chancellor, who should at the same time be a member of the Council, offered the appointment to Professor Hunter. The College has reason to congratulate itself on having on its staff a Professor who was unanimously chosen to hold this important office, and the Council of the University may be congratulated on having secured the services of a man whose past services to the University mark him out as one pre-eminently fitted to fill the new post with efficiency and distinction. Workers' Educational Association Classes. — The annual report of the Workers' Educational Association states : " This year's work has been the most successful yet recorded in the history of the movement in Victoria University District, and the success is mainly due to those responsible for the organizing and to the enthusiasm of tutors and individual students. Our activities have extended in several directions, and the Association can justly claim to have secured a firm footing throughout the greater part of our large area. New branches have been started at Waipawa and Waipukurau, and the New Plymouth and Hawera centres have been actively revived. Much valuable experimental work has been done by the tutor-organizer in forming correspondence and discussion groups in the numerous towns—large and small —in his various districts, and this method of study will enable the Workers' Educational Association to reach the more isolated students and develop real tutorial work." Eleven full courses, three study circles, eleven half courses, and twenty-five short courses have been carried on in this University district. The total average attendance at the above classes was 2,200. William Weir Bequest. —The Council has now approved of the plans for the first portion of the main hostel building. This will comprise the eastern and southern wings, and will provide accommodation for about ninety students. It is intended also to proceed with the building of the block containing the dining-hall and kitchen quarters. It is hoped to call for tenders for these two blocks in a few weeks' time. All the minor bequests have now been paid out of the income of the estate, and the Public Trustee is ready to hand over to the College the money for building purposes, representing half the value of the estate. All going well, the building should be ready for occupation by the beginning of the 1931 session. The Council has to acknowledge the welcome addition of £1,150 to the annual Government grant. This has enabled the Council to make much-needed increases in the salaries of the junior staff generally; and to appoint additional full-time lecturers. Former Students. —Mr. R. Kennedy, M.A., LL.M., has been raised to the Supreme Court Bench. Mr. R. Syme, M.A., has been elected to a Fellowship and tutorship at Trinity College, Oxford. Mr. R. M. Campbell, M.A., LL.B., has been awarded a Fellowship under the Commonwealth Fund of New York. Mr. J. C. Beaglehole, M.A., has graduated Ph.D., London. Father B. J. Ryan, M.A., has been appointed Principal of St. Patrick's College, Wellington. Mr. F. W. G. White, M.Sc., has been awarded the Strathcona Scholarship at Cambridge, open to all students in the British Empire. Publications.—Sommerville, D. M. Y.—(l) "An Analysis of Preferential Voting." Edinburgh. Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 48, pp. 140-60. (2) " Certain Hyperspatial Partitionings connected with Preferential Voting." London. Proc. Math. Soc., Series 2, Vol. 28, pp. 368-82. Pigott, Ellen—" Cauliflory." Trans. N.Z. Inst., Vol. 59, Pt. 2, June, 1928. Richardson, G. M., and Robertson, P. W.—" Cyroscopic Irregularities with Phenols." Jour. Chem. Soc., 1927. Monro, A. D.—" Solubility of Cupric Sulphide." Jour. Chem. Soc., 1928. Hunter, T. A.—(l) " The Psychological Clinic for Children and its Uses." (In " Public Lectures on Social Adjustment," published by the University of Otago.) (2) " Report on the Psychological Clinic for Children at Victoria University College." Aust. Jour, of Psychology and Philosophy, Vol. 6, No. 4. Beaglehole, J. C. —•" Captain Hobson and the New Zealand Company: a Study in Colonial Administration." (Smith College, Northampton, Mass., U.S.A.) Theses, 1928.—F0r Jacob Joseph Scholarship : " The Present Status of Ethics " —E. Beaglehole, M.A. Honours in Arts : " Maori and European : a study in Comparative Ethics " —B. R. Hames, B.A. " The Export Control System in New Zealand " —J. R. Grigg, B.A. " Structural and other Features of Some New Zealand Shade Plants " —Daisy Pillar, B.A. " Effect of Institutional Life on Children " —A. S. Atkins, B.A. " Laughter in Children " —A. E. Campbell, B.A. " Some Points of Difference among Boys in the Higher and Lower Forms of a Secondary School " —P. R. Martin Smith, B.A. " The Development of the Sunday-school Movement in New Zealand " —G. L. Stafford, B.A. " The Gold Rushes on the West Coast " —R. Hogg, B.A. " The Maori and History " —Rita Johnston, B.A. " John Ballance " —J. L. Dighton, B.A. " The Administration of Governor Fitzroy " —A. D. Priestley, B.A. " Dr. William Fitzherbert " —J. Tier, B.A. " The Early History of Timaru " —Catherine Gillies, B.A. " The Settlement of Taranaki to 1843 " —R. A. Robbie, B.A. " Education in New Zealand, 1840 to 1877 " —W. J. Eason, B.A. " The Wellington-Manawatu Railway Company " — G. A. Mills, B.A. Honours in Science: " The Biology of Eucolaspis brunnea Fab." —Averil Lysaght, B.Sc. "Isomerism of Azophenol"—E. E. Chamberlain, B.Sc. "Partition Coefficients"'—W. Cottier, B.Sc. " Composition of New Zealand Beeswax " —I. J. Cunningham, B.Sc. " Conductivity of Phenol Solutions " —R. M. Dolby, B.Sc. " The Properties of Substituted Anilides " —A. K. R. McDowell, B.Sc. " The Oxidation of Manganese Salts " —L. A. Whelan, B.Sc. " The Mercury Acid Double Layer " —J. W. Harding, B.Sc. " Mobilities of Gaseous lons " —G. A. Peddie, B.Sc. " Dispersion of Ultrasonic Waves in Air F. W. G. White, B.Sc.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1928. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 5,284 18 6 Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. 12,525 0 0 Teaching staff.. .. .. 18,286 0 0 National endowment —Government .. .. 2,260 6 5 Caretaking and cleaning .. 715 5 0 Government subsidy—Biology .. .. 25 0 0 Office .. .. .. 1,092 10 0 National endowment—New Zealand University .. 1,129 2 0 Library .. .. .. 853 0 0 Rent, reserves .. .. .. .. 42 5 6 20,946 15 0 Fees .. .. .. .. .. 10,194 9 0 Office expenses .. .. .. .. 72 3 3 Examination fees .. .. .. .. 636 16 6 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 196 10 0 Sale of calendars .. .. .. .. 20 18 9 Advertising .. .. .. .. 35 411 Interest— £ s. d. Telephones .. .. .. .. 66 0 0 Debentures .. .. 187 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 171 3 9 Post Office Savings-bank .. 140 210 Water .. .. .. .. .. 55 11 0 327 210 Light and heat .. .. .. .. 691 010 Interest, T. G. Macarthy Account .. .. 547 10 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 53 19 6 Payment for use of buildings .. .. .. 4 4 0 Apparatus and material — New Zealand Pharmacy Board .. .. 12 15 0 Chemistry .. .. .. 302 7 3 Restitution-money .. .. . . .. 15 0 Physics .. .. .. 454 7 3 Interest, Subsidy Account .. .. .. 015 0 Biology .. .. .. 363 10 5 Fees for nurses .. .. .. .. 214 4 0 Geology .. .. .. 103 10 0 S. A. Rhodes Account .. .. .. 21 16 2 Psychology .. .. .. 42 13 5 Experimental pedagogy .. 2 16 3 33,248 8 8 Greek art .. .. ... 5 5 0 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. .. 50 0 0 Modern languages .. .. 8 6 0 1,282 15 7 Furniture .. .. .. .. 129 18 1 Library .. .. .. .. 660 9 10 Maintenance .. .. .. .. 208 10 5 Grounds .. .. .. .. 305 5 9 Calendars .. .. .. .. 84 19 6 Examination expenses .. .. .. 17 17 4 Contingencies .. .. .. .. 22 810 Students' Hostel .. .. .. 796 18 6 Fees refunded .. .. .. .. 36 14 0 Examination fees refunded .. .. 15 4 6 Tutorial classes— Transfer to W.E.A. tutorial classes 510 18 0 Transfer, national endowment .. 300 0 0 810 18 0 Legal expenses .. .. .. .. 8 18 6 Tutors for nurses' courses .. .. 142 16 0 Unauthorized expenditure— Librarians' Conference .. .. 4 7 2 Conversazione expenses .. 2116 2 26 3 4 26,838 6 5 Balance at Bank of New Zealand— General Account .. .. 1,747 10 9 Less library deposit, £16 16s. ; Macarthy Account, lis. 4d.; Maori Students' Account, £4 Is. 9d.; Research Fellowship, £67 10s. 6d. ; W.E.A. libraries, £1 13s. 7d.; W.E.A. tutorial classes, £242 3s. Id. .. .. 332 16 3 1,414 14 6 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 4,909 12 9 Subsidy Account .. .. 45 15 0 Cash in hand .. .. .. 40 0 0 6,410 2 3 33,248 8 8 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 50 0 0 £33,298 8 8 £33,298 8 8 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. Salaries. £s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. 12,525 0 0 Teaching staff .. .. .. .. 18,286 0 0 National endowment .. .. .. 3,089 8 5 Caretaking and cleaning .. .. .. 715 5 0 Rent, reserves .. .. .. .. 42 5 6 Office .. .. •• •• •• 1,092 10 0 Fees .. .. .. .. .. 10,157 15 0 Library .. .. ■ • • • • • 853 0 0 Examination fees .. .. .. .. 621 12 0 Office expenses .. .. • • • • 61 18 3 Sale of calendars .. .. .. .. 20 18 9 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 200 4 6 Interest — Advertising .. • • • • ■ • 40 13 11 General Account .. .. .. .. 327 2 10 Telephone .. .. • • • • • • 66 0 0 T. G. Macarthy Account .. .. .. 547 10 0 Insurance .. .. •• •• 17139 Payments for use of buildings .. .. 4 4 0 Water .. • • • ■ • • • • 53 2 0 Fees for nurses .. .. .. .. 718 0 Light and heat .. . • ■ • • • 691 0 10 Travelling-expenses .. .. . • .. 53 19 6 Apparatus and material — Chemistry .. • • • ■ • • 274 12 9 Physics .. • • • • • • ■ • 4.14 3 3 Biology .. ■ ■ • • • • • ■ 339 1 8 Geology .. • • • ■ • • • • 184 10 0 Psychology .. • • • • • • 42 13 5 Experimental pedagogy .. .. . • 216 3 Modern languages .. .. . • • • 8 6 0 Maintenance .. . • • • • • 191 18 7 Grounds .. . ■ • • • • • • 305 5 9 Calendars .. .. •. ■ • • • 84 19 6 Examination expenses ...... 17 17 4 Contingencies .. .. • • • • 45 19 6 Legal expenses .. .. . ■ • • 8 18 6 Balance .. .. •• •• 3,231 4 3 £27,407 4 6 £27,407 4 6


Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Assets. S. A. Rhodes Scholarship Fund .. .. 15,200 4 0 Cash at Bank of New Zealand — £ s. d. £ s. d. T. G. Macarthy Fund .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 General funds .. .. .. 1,435 11 8 Jacob Joseph Scholarship Fund .. 4,045 12 1 Trust funds in General Account— Less balance Income and Ex- T. G. Macarthy Account .. 0 11 4 penditure Account .. .. 91 7 3 Library deposits .. .. 16 16 0 3,954 4 10 Maori students .. .. 4 19 Sir Walter Buchanan Fund .. 21,642 18 2 Research Fellowship .. 67 10 6 Lessexpenses, £811 Bs.9d. : trans- W.E.A. tutorial classes .. 221 511 ferred, £825 .. .. 1,636 8 9 W.E.A. libraries .. .. 113 7 20,006 9 5 311 19 1 Dominion Farmers' Scholarship Trust funds in Trust Account— Fund .. .. .. 2,345 0 0 Jacob Joseph Scholarship .. 454 4 10 Plus interest .. .. 115 10 0 Union Prize .. .. .. 7 4 10 • 2,460 10 0 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship .. 191 7 6 Marine Observatory Fund .. 373 18 10 Dominion Farmers' Scholarship 349 13 0 Plus interest .. .. 14 17 9 Sir Robert Stout Scholarship .. 14 7 5 388 16 7 Lady Stout Bursary .. .. 8 5 0 Union Prize Fund .. .. 107 2 4 Eric Palmer Fund .. .. 12 4 3 Plus balance, Income and Ex- W.E.A. libraries .. .. 9 211 penditure Account .. .. 0 2 6 Bruce Dall Prize .. .. 2 14 6 107 4 10 1,049 4 3 Athol Hudson Research Fund .. 95 15 5 Trust funds in Buchanan Account .. 6 9 5 Plus balance, Income and Ex- Cash in hand .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 penditure Account .. .. 3 16 0 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank— — 99 11 5 General funds .. .. .. 4,909 12 9 Bruce Dall Prize Fund .. .. 52 15 6 Trust funds — Less balance, Income and Ex- Dominion Farmers' Account 10 17 0 penditure Account .. . . 0 10 S. A. Rhodes Account .. 738 5 6 — 52 14 6 Athol Hudson Account .. 99 11 5 Tutorial classes .. .. 510 IS 0 Government subsidies .. 45 15 0 Less balance, Income and Ex- Carnegie grant .. .. 116 19 2 penditure Account .. .. 289 12 1 Marine Observatorv .. 388 16 7 221 5 11 " 1,400 4 8 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship Fund 3,177 14 9 Debentures and inscribed stock— Plus balance, Income and Ex- General funds — penditure Account .. .. 13 12 9 School of Economics—Welling3,191 7 6 ton City debentures .. .. 3,400 0 0 Sir Robert Stout Scholarship Fund 400 0 0 S. A. Rhodes Account —WelPlus balance, Income and Ex- lington City debentures, penditure Account .. .. 14 7 5 £6,700; Christchurch City 414 7 5 debentures, £1,021 12s. ; inLady Stout Bursary Fund .. 100 0 0 scribed stock, £6,374 Bs. 6d. 14,096 0 6 Plus balance, Income and Ex- T. G. Macarthy Account—Welpenditure Account .. .. 8 5 0 lington City debentures, 108 5 0 £9,500; inscribed stock, Eric Palmer Memorial Fund .. 200 0 0 £499 Bs. Bd. .. .. 9,999 8 8 Plus balance, Income and Ex- Buchanan Account—Wellington penditure Account .. .. 12 4 3 City debentures .. .. 20,000 0 0 212 4 3 Jacob Joseph Scholarship— Carnegie grant, W.E.A. libraries .. 508 15 10 Wellington City debentures 3,500 0 0 Less balance, Income and Ex- Union Prize—Wellington City penditure Account .. .. 181 0 2 debentures .. .. 100 0 0 — 327 15 8 Dominion Farmers' Scholarship Government subsidies .. .. 70 0 0 —Wellington City debenPlus interest .. .. 0 15 0 tures .. .. .. 2,100 0 0 70 15 0 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship— Maori Students' Fund .. .. .. 4 19 Wellington City debentures 3,000 0 0 Greek art fees .. . . .. 17 19 4 W.E.A. libraries —Wellington Less expenses .. .. 5 5 0 City debentures .. .. 200 0 0 12 14 4 Bruce Dall Prize—lnscribed Research Fellowship .. .. 242 3 8 stock .. .. .. 50 0 0 Less balance, Income and Ex- Eric Palmer Memorial—Welpenditure Account .. .. 174 13 2 lington City debentures, 67 10 6 £100; Christchurch City de- — bentures, £100 .. .. 200 0 0 56,900 2 11 Sir R. Stout Scholarship AcSundry creditors — count—Christchurch City deGeneral Account .. .. 104 7 0 bentures .. .. 400 0 0 Tutorial classes .. .. 20 17 2 Lady Stout Account—Christ125 4 2 church City debentures .. 100 0 0 Library deposits .. .. .. 16 16 0 53,745 9 2 School of Economics Fund .. .. 3,400 0 0 Shares — Accumulated Fund — S. A. Rhodes Account —Paparoa Balance at 31st December, 1927 122,32212 3 Co. .. .. .. .. 440 0 0 Balance, Income and Expendi- Sundry debtors — ture Account .. .. 3,231 4 3 Students' Hostel Account .. 1,811 8 6 , Memorial Window Account .. 68 15 9 125,553 16 6 1,880 4 3 Less depreciation .. .. 2,984 9 4 Buildings and equipment (less de122,569 7 2 preciation) — College buildings .. .. 75,793 17 -8 Library books .. .. 10,007 15 3 Laboratory fittings . . . . 2,009 3 5 Caretaker's cottage .. .. 428 7 0 Apparatus .. .. .. 7,020 19 2 Fencing and grounds .. .. 1,751 6 5 Furniture and fittings .. 5,931 6 1 102,942 15 0 Land (site at Government valuation) .. 11,450 0 0 £183,011 10 3 £183,011 10 3




CARNEGIE FUND FOR WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION LIBRARIES. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 508 15 10 Purchase of books .. .. .. .. 195 18 10 Interest— Balance'— £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. .. .. 9211 Wellington City debentures .. 200 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. .. 4 2 2 Bank of New Zealand— Refund duty .. .. .. .. .. 1 13 7 General Account .. .. 1 13 7 Trust Account .. .. .. 9 2 11 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 116 19 2 327 15 8 £523 14 6 £523 14 6 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Purchase of books .. .. .. .. 195 18 10 Interest— Debentures .. .. .. .. .. 9211 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. .. 4 2 2 Refund duty .. .. .. .. .. 113 7 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 181 0 2 £195 18 10 £195 18 10 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. .. 508 15 10 Cash at Bank of New Zealand— General Account .. .. .. .. 1 13 7 Trust Account .. .. .. .. 9211 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 200 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. .. 116 19 2 Balance of Income and Expenditure Account .. 181 0 2 £508 15 10 £508 15 10 — WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION TUTORIAL CLASSES. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 510 18 0 Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. . . . . 750 0 0 Tutor-organizer .. .. .. 450 0 0 Payments from Workers' Educational Association Director .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 branches and local bodies .. .. .. 532 6 2 Secretary .. .. 100 0 0 Government subsidies .. .. .. 532 17 2 — 650 0 0 Transferred from national-endowment grant—New Class tutors .. .. .. .. 1,17130 Zealand Universities .. .. .. 300 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 207 17 11 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. .. 182 1 6 Rent and sundries .. .. .. .. 172 15 10 Balance in Bank of New Zealand .. .. 242 3 1 £2,626 1 4 £2,626 1 4 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. 750 0 0 Tutor-organizer .. .. .. 450 0 0 Payments, W.E.A. branches and local bodies .. 532 6 2 Director .. .. • • .. 100 0 0 Government subsidies .. .. .. 532 17 2 Secretary .. .. .. 100 0 0 Transferred from national endowment.. .. 300 0 0 650 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 289 12 1 Class tutors .. .. .. •• 1,171 3 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 207 17 11 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. .. 182 1 6 Rent and sundries .. .. .. • • 172 15 10 Lantern and accessories .. .. .. 20 17 2 £2,404 15 5 £2,404 15 5 • ' — i i in. I. -i Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. .4sseis. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. .. 510 18 0 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. 221 511 Balance, Income and Expenditure Account .. 289 12 1 £510 18 0 £510 18 0



S. A. RHODES SCHOLARSHIP. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 14,806 12 4 Expended on fellowship.. .. 134 11 8 Interest— Expended on scholarships .. 250 0 0 War loan .. .. .. .. 368 10 0 384 11 8 Debentures .. .. .. .. 368 10 0 Balance— Post Office Savings-bank .. .. .. 41 3 4 Wellington City debentures .. 6,700 0 0 Inscribed stock .. .. 6,374 8 6 Christchurch City debentures .. 1,021 12 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. 738 5 6 Paparoa shares .. .. 440 0 0 16,274 6 0 Less due to Bank of Zealand General Account .. 95 18 2 Less transferred .. 21 16 2 74 2 0 15,200 4 0 £15,584 15 8 J £15,584 15 8 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Expended on fellowship .. .. .. 134 11 8 Interest— Expended on scholarships .. .. .. 250 0 0 War loan .. .. .. .. .. 368 10 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 393 11 8 Debentures .. .. .. .. .. 368 10 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. .. 41 3 4 £778 3 4 £778 3 4 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 14,806 12 4 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. 738 5 6 Balance, Inoome and Expenditure Account .. 393 11 8 Less due to General Account .. 74 2 0 664 3 6 Inscribed stock .. .. .. .. 6,374 8 6 Debentures— Wellington City .. .. .. .. 6,700 0 0 Christchurch City .. .. .. .. 1,021 12 0 Paparoa shares .. .. .. .. 440 0 0 £15,200 4 0 £15,200 4 0 SIR WALTER BUCHANAN ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 20,041 3 8 Salary, Professor .. .. 395 16 8 Interest on debentures .. .. .. 1,100 0 0 Apparatus .. .. .. 295 10 3 Government grant .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Library .. .. .. 113 14 1 Refund Customs duty .. .. .. 114 6 Bank charges .. .. .. 6 0 0 Interest .. .. .. 0 3 9 Cheque-book .. .. .. 0 4 0 811 8 9 Transferred to Massey College .. .. 825 0 0 Balance Wellington City debentures .. 20,000 0 0 Cash in Bank of New Zealand .. 6 9 5 — 20,006 9 5 £21,642 18 2 £21,642 18 2 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ 8 . <J. Salary, Professor .. .. .. .. 395 16 8 Interest .. .. .. .. • • 1,100 0 0 Apparatus .. .. .. .. .. 295 10 3 Government grant . . .. .. .. 500 0 0 Library .. . ■ . ■ . • . • 113 14 1 Refund .. .. .. .. .. 114 6 Bank charges and sundries .. .. .. 6 7 9 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 34 14 3 Transferred to Massey College .. .. 825 0 0 £1,636 8 9 £1,636 8 9 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s . d Balance at 31st December, 1927 .. .. 20,041 3 8 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. .. 6 9 5 Less balance of Income and Expenditure Account 34 14 3 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 £20,006 9 5 £20,006 9 5



MARINE OBSERVATORY FUND. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 373 18 10 Balance in Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 388 16 7 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 14 17 9 £388 16 7 £388 16 7 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 14 17 9 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 14 17 9 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. .. 373 18 10 Cash in Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 388 16 7 Balance of Income and Expenditure Account .. 14 17 9 £388 16 7 £388 16 7 JACOB JOSEPH SCHOLARSHIPS. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 3,892 17 3 "Expended on scholarships .. .. 90 0 0 Interest— Bank charges .. .. .. 17 3 War loan .. .. .. .. .. 17 14 10 91 7 3 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 135 0 0 Balance— Wellington City debentures .. 3,500 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand —Trust Account .. .. .. 454 4 10 3,954 4 10 £4,045 12 1 £4,045 12 1 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Expended on scholarships .. .. 90 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 152 14 10 Bank charges .. .. .. 17 3 91 7 3 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 617 7 £152 14 10 £152 14 10 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 3,892 17 3 Cash at Bank of New Zealand—Trust Account .. 454 410 Balance, Income and Expenditure Account .. 61 7 7 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 3,500 0 0 £3,954 4 10 £3,954 4 10 DOMINION FARMERS' SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 2,345 0 0 Balance— Interest on debentures .. .. .. 115 10 0 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 2,100 0 0 Bank of New Zealand —Trust Account .. 349 13 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. .. 10 17 0 £2,460 10 0 £2,460 10 0 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. 115 10 0 Interest on debentures .. .. .. 115 10 0 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 2,345 0 0 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. .. 349 13 0 Balance, Income and Expenditure Account .. 115 10 0 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 10 17 0 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 2,100 0 0 £2,460 10 0 £2,460 10 0



LISSIE RATHBONE SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balanoe forward .. .. .. .. 3,177 14 9 Expended on scholarships .. .. 150 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 165 0 0 Bank charges .. .. .. 17 3 151 7 3 Balance — Wellington City debentures .. 3,000 0 0 Cash at Bank of New Zealand— Trust Account .. .. 1917 6 3,191 7 6 £3,342 14 9 £3,342 14 9 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 165 0 0 Bank oharges .. .. .. .. .. 173 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 13 12 9 £165 0 0 £165 0 0 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 3,177 14 9 Cash at Bank of New Zealand—Trust Account 191 7 6 Balanoe, Income and Expenditure Account .. 13 12 9 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 £3,191 7 6 £3,191 7 6 UNION PRIZE FUND ACCOUNT. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. .. 107 2 4 Expended on prize .. .. .. .. 4 7 6 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 410 0 Balance — £ s. d. Wellington City Debentures .. 100 0 0 Cash at Bank of New Zealand—Trust Account .. .. .. 7 4 10 107 4 10 £111 12 4 £111 12 4 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Scholarships .. .. .. .. ..476 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 410 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. ..026 £4 10 0 £4 10 0 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. .. 107 2 4 Cash at Bank of New Zealand—Trust Account .. 7 410 Balance, Income and Expenditure Account .. 0 2 6 Wellington City debentures .. .. . . 100 0 0 £107 4 10 £107 4 10 SIR ROBERT STOUT SCHOLARSHIP. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Expended on scholarship .. .. 20 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 34 10 2 Bank charges .. .. .. 0 2 9 20 2 9 Balance — Christchurch City debentures .. 400 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand .. .. 14 7 5 414 7 5 £434 10 2 £434 10 2


Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. I xpended on scholarship .. .. 20 0 0 Interest on debentures .. .. .. .. 34 10 2 lank charges .. .. 0 2 9 20 2 9 Balance .. ~ .. .. .. 14 7 5 £34 10 2 £34 10 2 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. .. 400 0 0 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. 14 7 5 Balance, Income and Expenditure Account .. 14 7 5 Christchurch City debentures .. .. .. 400 0 0 £414 7 5 £414 7 5 FRESH-WATER FISH FELLOWSHIP. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 242 3 8 Salary of Fellow .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Grant, Acclimatization Society .. .. .. 200 0 0 Travelling-expenses and material .. .. 74 13 2 Balance at Bank of New Zealand .. .. 67 10 6 £442 3 8 £442 3 8 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salary of Fellow .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Grant, Acclimatization Society .. .. .. 200 0 0 Travelling-expenses and material .. . . 74 13 2 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 174 13 2 £374 13 2 £374 13 2 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 242 3 8 Cash in Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. 07 10 6 Balance, Income and Expenditure Account .. 174 13 2 £242 3 8 £242 3 8 T. G. MACARTHY ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Transferred to General Account .. .. 547 10 0 Interest .. .. . . . . .. 547 10 0 Balance— £ s. d. Inscribed stock .. .. 499 8 8 Wellington City debentures .. 9,500 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand General Account .. .. . . 0 114 10,000 0 0 £10,547 10 0 £10,547 10 0 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d I Income. £ s. d. Transferred to General Account .. .. . . 547 10 0 I Interest .. .. .. .. .. 547 10 0 — - —■ I —- Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 10,000 0 0 Inscribed stock .. .. .. .. 499 8 8 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 9,500 0 0 Cash at bank .. .. .. .. 0114 £10,000 0 0 £10,000 0 0

5—E. 7.




SCHOOL OP ECONOMICS FUND. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward ~ .. .. .. 3,400 0 0 Transferred to Genera] Account .. .. 187 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 187 0 0 Balance —Wellington City debentures .. .. 3,400 0 0 £3,587 0 0 £3,587 0 0 Statement of Income and Expendituke. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Transferred to General Account .. .. 187 0 0 ■ Interest .. .. .. .. 187 0 0 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 3,400 0 0 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 3,400 0 0 BRUCE DALL PRIZE. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 52 15 6 Expended on Prize .. ' .. .. .. 215 6 Interest, .. .. .. .. .. 214 6 Balance— £ s. d. Post Office debentures .. .. 50 0 0 Bank of New Zealand—Trust Account 2 14 6 52 14 6 £55 10 0 £55 10 0 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Expended on prize .. .. .. .. 212 6 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 212 6 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. 52 14 6 Cash at Bank of New Zealand —Trust Account .. 214 6 Post Office debentures .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 £52 14 6 £52~14 6 ATHOL HUDSON ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 95 15 5 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 99 11 5 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 3 16 0 £99 11 5 £99 11 5 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 316 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 316 0 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s d Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. .. 95 15 5 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 99 11 5 Balance, Income and Expenditure Account . . 3 16 0 £99 U 5 £99 11 5


MEMORIAL WINDOW FUND. Dr. £ s. d Balance forward . - .. .. .. 68 15 9 LIBRARY DEPOSITS. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward . . .. .. .. 16 16 0 In Bank of New Zealand—General Account .. 16 16 0 MAORI STUDENTS' ACCOUNT. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 4 19 Expended on students . . .. .. .. 95 0 0 Grants, Maori trustees .. .. .. .. 95 0 0 Balance in Bank of New Zealand—General Account 4 19 £99 1 9 £99 1 9 ERIC PALMER MEMOK AL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 100 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 12 4 3 Christchurch City debentures .. .. .. 100 0 0 Balance in Trust Account, Bank of New Zealand .. 12 4 3 £212 4 3 £212 4 3 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 12 4 3 Interest . . . . .. . . . . 12 4 3 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. .. 200 0 0 Wellington City debentures .. .. .. 100 0 0 Balance, Income and Expenditure Account .. 12 4 3 Christchurch City debentures .. .. .. 100 0 0 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. .. . . 124 3 £212 4 3 £212 4 3 CHAIR OF AGRICULTURE, 1928. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 501 14 6 Transferred to Sir Walter Buchanan Trust Account .. 501 14 6 LADY STOUT BURSARY. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 100 0 0 Balance— Interest .. .. .. •• 850 Christchurch City debentures .. .. 100 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. 8 5 0 £108 5 0 £108 5 0 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. . • •• 850 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 850 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. • • ■ • • • • • 100 0 0 Christchurch City debentures .. .. .. 100 0 0 Balance, Income and Expenditure Account .. 8 5 0 Cash .. .. .. .. .. 850 £108 5 0 £108 5 0




4. CANTERBURY COLLEGE. Visitor.—The Hon. the Minister of Education. Board of Governors. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General —Miss E. A. Chaplin, B.A. : John Joseph Dongall ; Right Rev. Dr. Campbell West-Watson. Appointed by members of Parliament —E. J. Howard, Esq., M.P. ; Colonel the Hon. G. J. Smith, Esq., C.8.E., M.L.C., V.D. (Chairman); Hon. Sir R. Heaton. Rhodes, R.C.V.0., K.8.E., M.L.C. Appointed by graduates—W. Brock, Esq., M.A.; Mrs. E. L. Clark, M.A. ; J. R. Montgomery, Esq., M.A. ; A. E. Flower, Esq., M.A., M.Sc. ; J. Guthrie, Ch.B., M.8., F.R.C.S.E. ; A. J. Orchard, Esq., M.8., C.M. Appointed by teachers —C. T. Aschman, Esq.; John Gunn Poison; L. B. Wood, Esq., M.A. Appointed by School Committees—H. D. Acland, Esq., B.A. ; W. A. Banks, Esq.; W. M. Hamilton. Representatives of the Professorial Board—J. Hight, M.A., Litt.l). (Rector), ex officio ; H. G. Denham, M.A., D.Sc. Registrar.—C. C. Kemp, A.R.A.N.Z. Staff. Rector. —Professor J. Hight, M.A., Litt.D. Professors. —Classics—L. G. Pocock, M.A. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy—(Vacant) L. J. Darwin, M.A., Acting-Professor. English Language and Literature, and Director of Studies in Arts—A. Wall, M.A., B.A. French and German —T. G. R. Blunt, M.A. (Oxford). Chemistry—H. G. Denham, M.A., M.Sc., D.Sc., Ph.D. Engineering— (Electrical) P. H. Powell, M.Sc., M.Eng., M.1.E.E., M.A.I.E.E. ; (Civil) (Vacant) G. G. Calvert, Assoc.M.lnst.C.E., Acting-Professor ; (Mechanical) S. Steele, B.Sc. Biology—E. Percival, Esq., B.Sc. History—J. Hight, M.A., Litt.D., F.R.E.S. Physics—C. C. Farr, D.Sc., F.P.S.L., F.N.Z.lnst. Mental and Moral Philosophy—C. F. Salmond, M.A. Education and Director of Extension Work —J. Shelly, M.A. Economics—A. H. Tocker, M.A... Geology, Palaeontology, and Physical Geography—R. Speieht, M.A., M.Sc., F.G.S. Lecturers, seven. EXTRACT FROM THE ANNUAL STATEMENT 0E THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS. Before presenting the report for the year, I would like to express our indebtedness to my predecessor in the chair (Mr. Acland) for the splendid service he rendered during his record term of office. Mr. Acland gave himself unsparingly to the work of the position, and laboured unceasingly in the interests of the College and its allied institutions. Although the Board's appreciation of his work as Chairman has been officially recorded in the minutes, I feel it is only fitting that this report should open with a reference to his long and devoted service. Mr. Acland is fortunately still a member of the Board, and we hope to have his continued advice and assistance in the administration of our business. 1 now have the honour to place before you the fifty-sixth Report of the Chairman of the Board, with attached reports of the Rector, the Deans of Faculties, the Lecturer in charge of the School of Forestry, the Director of the School of Art, the Curator of the Museum, the Librarian of the Public Library, and the Principals of the Girls' and Boys' High Schools, together with the annual statement of accounts affecting all these departments. The report will give you full information on the work of the various departments and the success attained, while the statement of accounts will place you in possession of the financial position of the College and the several institutions controlled by the Board. I regret that it has again been necessary to make concessions to some of our tenants by way of reduction in rent in order to assist them to carry on the properties leased from the College. The present outlook, however, is much brighter, and I am hopeful that the fairly satisfactory prices now ruling for most of our primary products will continue, and that consequently the Board will not need to make any further reductions. In June last the Hon. L. M. Isitt, Lieut.-Colonel John Studholme, and Mr. j. R. Cunningham retired from the Board after some years of valuable service. The Right Rev. Dr. Campbell WestWatson was appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in place of the Hon. Mr. Isitt, the Hon. Sir Heaton Rhodes was elected by the members of Parliament in place of Lieut.-Colonel Studholme, and Mr. J. R. Montgomery was elected by the graduates in place of Mr. J. R. Cunningham. The other members of the Board (Dr. John Guthrie, Mr. L. B. Wood, and Mr. H. D. Acland) whose terms of office had expired were re-elected by their several constituencies. In March the College sustained a great loss by the death of the Registrar, Mr. L. A. Strings, During the nine years Mr. Stringer held the appointment he served the College and its various institutions faithfully and well, and his death was most keenly felt by all connected with the College. Mr. C. C. Kemp, the Board's accountant, was selected out-of ninety-two applicants to fill the position, and in April was appointed Registrar. During the year Mr. J.. C. Adams died. He had been a member of the Board for twenty-one years, and for nine years its Chairman, and seven years Deputy Chairman. During all that period he took the keenest interest in the work of the College, and gave unsparing service.



In February the College sustained the loss by death of Mr. T. W. Rowe, Director of Studies in Law. Mr. Rowe was an early graduate of the College, and for some years a member of the Board of Governors. Consequent on his death the Department of Law was rearranged, and further lecturers appointed, with Mr. A. S. Taylor as Dean of the Faculty. On his return from England Dr. Hight took over the duties of Rector, to which office he had been appointed by the Board. In February Dr. C. C. Farr, Professor of Physics, was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society, and received the congratulations of all connected with the College. In August Mr. A. W. Bickerton, the first Professor appointed to the College, was appointed Emeritus Professor. In making this appointment the Board conferred a well-deserved honour on a distinguished scientist. There have been several changes in the staff during the year. Professor E. Percival, B.Sc. (Leeds), was appointed to the Chair of Biology, consequent on the resignation of Dr. Chilton. Pending the appointment Mr. C. E. Foweraker was acting-professor, and carried on the work of the department during the year. Mr. T. W. Cane was appointed acting-professor, and carried on the work of the Department of English during the absence of Professor Wall, on leave. Miss Candy (History) exchanged for a year with Miss Hawa.rd, Lecturer in History at Bedford College, University of London. Dr. C. E. Beeby was appointed Lecturer in Experimental Education and Experimental Psychology. Professor R. A. Campbell resigned the Chair of Civil Engineering to take up private practice. The Board passed a resolution appreciative of the services rendered by Professor Campbell, and expressed its good wishes for his success in his new sphere. Mr. G. G. Calvert was appointed acting-professor for the year 1929, pending arrangements to fill the Chair. Mr. James Morrison, Lecturer in Accountancy, resigned at the end of the year, and Mr. L. L. Cordery was appointed in his place. Mr. Morrison had been a member of the staff for twenty years, and his services have been highly appreciated by the Board. In March arrangements were made with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research to lease part of the Board's property in Montreal Street as a laboratory for the Wheat Research Institute. On the 22nd March Commemoration Day was observed, the address being given by the Rector, Dr. Hight. On the 13th July the graduates of 1927 were presented to the Chairman of the Board of Governors at a reception in the College hall. Addresses were delivered by the Right Rev. Dr. West-Watson, Bishop of Christchurch, and Mr. L. C. Webb, president of the Students' Association. During the year the College has been favoured with visits from several distinguished visitors, among them being Dr. J. E. Russell, in connection with the Carnegie Corporation ; Professor Osborne, of the University of Manitoba ; Dr. R. S. Conway Hulme, of the University of Manchester ; and Sir E. J. Russell, Director of the Rothamsted Experimental Station, England. It is my pleasing duty to report that during the year the College was the recipient of several much appreciated benefactions. Emeritus Professor W. P. Evans gave £2,000 to found the Nelson Science Scholarship, in memory of his wife and his mother. Mr. S. Hurst Seager, a former member of the Board of Governors, gave a valuable library on architecture, and about 4,000 lantern-slides on architectural subjects. Dr. Charles Chilton gave his unique library of biological books and his collection of crustacea. The College is also indebted to Nurse Maude, Dean Carrington, and Miss Morton Olliver for similar gifts. Last year the Chairman referred to the necessity for the erection of a Students' Union building, and I am glad to report that, largely owing to a grant by the Government of £2,500, this has been rendered feasible. Plans have been approved, and the work put in hand. The building, properly heated, lighted, and furnished, will cost about £8,000, and towards this sum the students have raised nearly £2,500, for which they deserve great praise. Finance. —The gross receipts from all sources were £116,378, including £111,883 from ordinary revenue and £4,495 from Government grants for capital expenditure. The total payments were £95,280, including capital items amounting to £7,114. The gross maintenance receipts of all the institutions under the Board's control were £96,491, and the maintenance payments £85,860. The total amount received from the Government was £46,649. The payments on account of buildings, &c., for the year were —College, £1,568 ; School of Engineering, £28. Salaries (exclusive of hostel wages) amounted to £58,423. College.—The teaching staff for the year consisted of eighty-five persons, of whom fifteen were professors. There was a decrease in the number of students attending lectures as compared with the previous year, the numbers being 1,092, as against 1,248 in 1927 ; non-matriculated students numbering 267, as against 319. Possibly this is to some extent due to the increase in fees made during the year as a result of a conference with the other University colleges. Rolleston House was again fully occupied. With the number of buildings comprising Rolleston House the difficulty of control and discipline is increased, and, while the conduct of the house under the Students' Council has been fairly satisfactory, the matter of the honour of the House and College must be to a large extent in the hands of the individual student. I hope that this aspect will be kept in view by the occupants of the house, and a correspondingly high standard of conduct attained. Helen Connon Hall: This year there were thirty-six students in residence, as against thirty-three last year. During recent years it has been necessary to decline many applications for residence owing to lack of accommodation. The matter is so urgent that the Hostels Committee has been seriously considering recommending the erection of a section of a new hostel in brick to make provision for at least thirty-five or forty more students. I hope this suggestion will materialize during 1929, and a building erected and opened for the reception of students at the beginning of the following year. The value of well-conducted comfortable hostels in connection with college life cannot be overestimated.


School of Forestry.—This School has now been established for four years, and continues to be in a satisfactory position. It has continued its policy of co-operation with the State Forest Service, and the forestry, sawmilling, and general wood-using industries in the South Island. The general equipment has been added to, and the School now possesses full equipment for laboratory and field work, while additional books have been added to the reference library. During the year an Empire Forestry Conference was held in Australia and New Zealand, and Messrs. Foweraker and Hutchinson accompanied the delegates during their tour of the South Island. Two of the delegates visited the School, and afterwards inspected several of the plantations and reserves where forestry operations are being carried on. School of Engineering. —This School continues to do very satisfactory work, and maintains the high standard of past years. During the year 29-3 students attended lectures ; of these 138 were matriculated and 155 evening and extra students. Workers' Educational Association. —The Workers' Educational Association continues to do excellent work, and again gives proof of its usefulness and educational value. There has been an increase in the number of subjects studied, and the number of students has been greater than in any previous year. The box scheme has operated so successfully in Canterbury that Otago and Auckland have adopted the same method, and it seems likely that it will be extended to other districts. The dwellers in the cities and towns of the Dominion are in touch with many educational facilities, and every effort should be made to bring the same advantages as far as possible within the reach of those in country districts. During'the months of December and January the W.E.A. held its summer school at Canterbury College, the Board, after careful consideration, having granted the use of some of the College buildings for this purpose. Arrangements were also made by the Board for the students attending the School to occupy part of Rolleston House, and thus enjoy some of the privileges of University students. The result of this experiment was entirely satisfactory, and the courtesy of the Board appreciated by the students. It is desirable that the W.E.A. movement should be connected as intimately as possible with the College. In reading the history of the College one cannot help being struck with the names of those who were identified with the history both of the Province and the College, and by the far-seeing vision they showed in making provision for the requirements of each. Yet their vision, great as it was, never contemplated the rapid growth that has taken place in all directions. Rolleston, Montgomery, and Bowen are still household names in Canterbury, while among the members of the Board of Governors in the early days are to be found the names of Cowlishaw, Gould, Gresson, Sir John Hall, Bishop Harper, Rhodes, Studholme, Webb, Acland, Grigg, Hannan, Malet, Reeves, Weston, Sir J. Cracroft Wilson. These and many others did excellent work and laid the foundations of our present magnificent home for higher education. The foundations were well laid, but the demands on the College have far surpassed the expectations of the early Governors, and the duty and the privilege of making proper provision for present necessities and future extensions are cast upon their successors. The Board has during recent years made some provision, though very inadequate, for residential houses for the students. We have Helen Connon Hall for the women and Rolleston House for the men, but both are too small; and, while the provision made is, I believe, appreciated, yet there remains much to be done before the students can enjoy the benefits of a residential college with all its charm and its many advantages of social intercourse. I feel convinced that there are many among us who if they made themselves acquainted with the present position and the excellent work the College is doing would avail themselves of the opportunity, either by present benefactions and/or future bequests, to further the interests of higher education and research. 1 suggest the time has arrived when the Board should take measures to place the position fully and clearly before the people of the city and of the University district and secure their co-operation in placing the College in a satisfactory position for doing its highest work both in education and research, and in making due provision for its future development. The outstanding requirements at the present time are — (1) More residential accommodation for students. (2) The provision of a more commodious College library building. The present one is absurdly small and inconvenient for the number of students requiring its use. (3) The provision of suitable playing-fields for the University. Unless land within a reasonable distance is secured in the near future for this purpose the cost is likely to be largely increased owing to the expansion of the city. In addition to these there is the urgent need for — (a) The extension of the Museum building, for reasons already given, (b) The provision of a suitable building for the School of Art so that room may be found for all the students desiring to prosecute their studies. The present building, which is too small and inconvenient in many ways, could be utilized for the School of Music and extra College Lecture Room, and so give relief from the present congestion. The College should further aim at the establishment of a Conservatorium of Music. Our city seems to be the natural home for such an institution, and I hope that some of the music-loving residents of Canterbury will make this possible in the not distant future. I commend these matters to your careful consideration.




STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1928. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Government grants — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Statutory grant .. .. 1,600 0 0 Balance, Ist January, 1928 .. .. 18,149 11 8 Capitation for commerce classes .. 125 0 0 Salaries— Salary, Professor of Education .. 937 10 0 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 18,871 18 4 2,662 10 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 656 7 8 Subsidies on donations .. .. .. >2,000 0 0 Library .. .. .. 288 0 0 Donations .. .. .. .. 165 0 0 Office" .. .. .. 1,994 15 5 University of New Zealand—National- Office-cleaning . . .. 58 16 3 endowment revenue .. .. .. 3,389 8 6 21,869 17 8 Rent of reserves and expenses .. .. 14,473 12 0 Office expenses .. .. .. .. 632 4 7 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 9,559 6 3 Endowment expenses .. .. .. 459 2 5 Students' Association fees.. .. .. 628 12 0 Testing fees .. .. . . .. 61 15 6 Testing fees .. .. .. .. 85 7 6 General expenses— House-rents .. .. .. .. 138 1 8 Printing and stationery . . 494 16 9 Sundries— Advertising .. .. .. 45 4 8 Sales .. .. .. .. 28 14 7 Telephones, postages, &c. .. 100 11 1 Use of rooms .. .. .. 12 15 0 Insurance .. .. .. 87 10 5 Library fines .. .. .. 11 5 1 Rates .. .. .. 66 19 1 Examination entries .. .. 6 6 0 Water .. .. .. 46 9 2 59 0 8 Heating and lighting .. .. 943 11 9 Transfers — Repairs and maintenance of buildAdministration .. .. 1,699 6 8 ings .. .. .. 514 11 4 Medical School Reserves .. 1,678 18 3 Cleaning and caretaking expenses 39 17 0 Museum, Library, and School of Upkeep of grounds .. .. 201 7 5 Technical Science .. .. 18 0 0 Legal expenses .. .. 40 18 8 Wilding Memorial .. .. 22 0 0 Expenses of — 3,418 4 11 Music lectures .. .. 35 19 0 Boarding fees — Cass Station .. .. 4 5 8 Rolleston House .. .. 3,715 19 0 Arthur's Pass cottage .. 21 6 8 Helen Connon Hall .. .. 1,502 9 0 History of art lectures .. 23 2 7 5,218 8 0 Scholarships and prizes .. 267 3 8 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 50 0 0 Rector's petty cash .. .. 310 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 13,867 7 7 Rector's honorarium .. .. 65 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. 75 11 4 Interest .. .. .. 1,173 15 9 Assembly-hall .. .. 11l 14 10 Rent, tennis-courts .. .. 7 10 0 Expenses of appointments .. 0 9 7 Research on fuel coals .. 16 13 4 Expenses, representative at conference in United Kingdom .. 10 2 4 Travelling-expenses, History Lecturer .. .. .. 50 0 0 Expenses, Wilding Memorial Lecturer .. .. .. 25 0 0 4,473 2 1 Material, &c.— Experimental psychology .. 16 4 5 Geology .. .. .. 73 13 8 Chemistry .. .. .. 608 1 5 Physics .. .. .. 472 15 9 Biology .. .. .. 99 10 7 1,270 5 10 Astronomical Observatory expenses .. 54 0 0 Library books .. .. .. .. 470 5 10 Rolleston House— Telephones, &c. .. .. 13 10 0 Salaries and wages .. .. 926 13 7 Provisions .. .. .. 1,416 17 8 Heating and lighting .. .. 273 15 7 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. .. 278 8 0 Insurance .. .. .. 37 14 5 Other expenses .. .. 114 0 2,958 3 3 Furniture .. .. .. .. 73 14 9 Utensils, &c. .. .. .. .. 95 17 11 Helen Connon Hall— Telephone, &c. .. .. 11 15 0 Salaries and wages .. .. 389 18 1 Provisions .. .. .. 312 14 11 Heating and lighting .. .. 82 1 6 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. .. 23 13 10 Insurance .. .. .. 4 19 2 Other expenses .. .. 2 2 0 827 4 6 Furniture .. .. .. .. 29 18 5 Utensils .. .. .. .. 42 12 0 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 94 13 8 Equipment and apparatus— Geology .. . . .. 12 3 7 Chemistry .. .. .. 31 3 6 Physics .. . . .. 124 10 0 Biology . . .. .. 30 2 5 197 19 6 Buildings— Purchase of property, Rolleston Avenue .. .. .. 1,550 0 0 Legal expenses .. .. 17 17 6 1,567 17 6 TransfersWorkers' Educational Association 350 0 0 School of Engineering .. .. 906 10 0 Boys' High School swimming-bath 500 0 0 1,756 10 0 Students' Association fees .. .. 580 2 0 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 50 0 0 £55,714 19 1 £55,714 19 1

E.— 7

Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. Salaries— £ a. d. £ s. d. Government grants— £ s. d. £ s. d. Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 18,871 18 4 Capitation for commerce classes .. 100 0 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 656 7 8 Statutory grant .. .. 1,600 0 0 Office .. .. .. 1,994 15 5 Salary of Professor of Education 850 0 0 Office-cleaning .. .. 58 16 3 2,550 0 0 Library .. .. .. 288 0 0 Donations .. .. .. .. 165 0 0 — 21,869 17 8 University of New Zealand — Office expenses (unauthorized, £2 Is.) .. 622 6 4 National-endowment revenue .. .. 3,389 8 6 Endowment expenses .. .. .. 440 4 6 Rent of reserves .. .. .. 14,804 16 5 General expenses— Students'fees .. .. .. .. 9,563 10 3 Printing and stationery .. 500 0 6 Testing fees .. .. .. .. 30 19 0 Advertising .. .. 45 4 8 House-rents .. .. .. .. 138 1 8 Telephone, postages, &c. .. 100 11 1 Sundries— Insurance .. .. .. 87 10 5 Sales.. .. .. .. 28 14 7 Rates .. .. .. 66 19 1 Use of rooms .. .. .. 12 15 0 Water .. .. .. 46 9 2 Library fines .. .. .. 11 5 1 Heating and lighting .. .. 939 10 3 Examination entries .. .. 6 6 0 Repairs and maintenance of build- 59 0 8 ings .. .. .. 300 12 9 Transfers — Cleaning and caretaking expenses 43 7 5 Administration .. .. 1,699 6 8 Upkeep of grounds .. .. 201 7 5 Medical School Reserves .. 1,873 18 11 Legal expenses .. .. 48 5 8 Museum, Library, and School of Expenses of— Technical Science .. .. 18 0 0 Music lectures .. .. 33 16 6 Wilding Memorial .. .. 22 0 0 Cass Station .. .. 5 4 7 3,613 5 7 Arthur's Pass cottage .. 20 18 4 Rolleston House —Boarding fees .. .. 3,741 16 0 History of art lectures .. 23 2 7 Helen Connon Hall—Boarding fees .. 1,510 17 0 Scholarships and prizes.. .. 273 9 8 Rector's petty cash .. .. 5 10 0 Rector's honorarium .. .. 65 0 0 Sundries (unauthorized, £2 35.) .. 73 6 4 Interest .. .. .. 1,294 13 9 Assembly-hall .. .. 123 2 9 Rent of tennis-courts .. .. 7 10 0 Expenses of appointments .. 193 17 1 Research on fuel coals .. .. 16 13 4 Expenses of representative at conferences in United Kingdom 10 2 4 Travelling - expenses, History Lecturer .. .. .. 50 0 0 Expenses of Wilding Memorial Lecturer .. .. .. 25 0 0 Material, &c.— 4,601 5 8 Experimental psychology .. 16 10 3 Geology .. .. .. 73 13 8 Chemistry .. .. .. 608 16 9 Physics .. .. ... 466 7 3 Biology .. .. .. 104 19 7 1,270 7 6 Astronomical Observatory expenses .. 54 0 0 Library books .. .. .. .. 470 5 10 Transfers — Workers' Educational Association 350 0 0 School of Engineering—General, £826 10s. ; exhibitions, £80 .. 906 10 0 Boys' High School swimming-bath 500 0 0 Students' Union building— 1,756 10 0 Subsidy on donations .. .. .. 316 6 Rents written off .. .. .. 235 0 8 J Rolleston House— Telephone, Sic. .. .. 13 10 0 Salaries and wages .. .. 928 5 8 Provisions .. .. .. 1,418 10 9 Heating and lighting .. .. 273 15 7 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. .. 282 19 9 Insurance .. .. .. 37 14 5 Other expenses .. .. 12 18 6 Furniture and fittings— Renewals .. .. .. 8 5 9 Requisites—Renewals .. .. 39 16 7 Helen Connon Hall— 3,015 17 0 Telephone, &c. .. .. 11 15 0 Salaries and wages .. .. 404 8 1 Provisions .. .. .. 315 16 4 Heating and lighting .. .. 82 19 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. .. 36 11 6 Insurance .. .. .. 4 19 2 Other expenses .. .. 3 4 0 Furniture and fittings— Renewals .. .. .. 9 3 5 Requisites—Renewals .. .. 17 5 6 Buildings reserve—Allocation .. 450 0 0 Depreciation — 1 ,336 2 0 College— Equipment and apparatus 525 2 6 Furniture and fittings .. 248 3 8 Office equipment .. .. 36 0 0 Rolleston House — 809 6 2 Buildings .. .. .. 365 1 9 Furniture .. .. .. 62 2 9 Utensils .. .. .. 33 3 1 Helen Connon Hall — — 460 7 7 Buildings .. .. .. 64 12 0 Furniture .. .. .. 24 1 11 Utensils .. .. .. 9 19 11 98 13 10 Capital—Excess transferred .. .. 2,495 3 10 £39,566 15 1 £39,566 15 1




Balance-sheet. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Capital .. .. ..437,960 13 8 Endowment lands .. .. .. 294,948 0 0 Plus transfer, income and ex- Arthur's Pass — penditure.. .. .. 2,495 310 Site .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 440,455 17 6 Cass—Building .. .. .. 200 0 0 Plus Government subsidies .. 2,150 0 0 College— 442,605 17 6 Site .. .. .. .. 25,160 0 0 Sundry creditors— Buildings .. .. .. .. 106,374 4 9 Students' Association fees .. 48 10 0 Equipment and apparatus .. 5,251 5 5 General expenses .. .. 299 17 9 Less depreciation .. .. 525 2 6 348 7 9 Rents paid in advance .. .. .. 2076 4,726211 Students' Union Building Fund— Plus purchases, 1928 .. 201 10 7 Subsidies .. .. .. .. 1,046 5 7 4,927 13 6 Roileston House— Furniture and fittings .. .. 2,481 16 7 Mortgage .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Less depreciation . . .. 248 3 8 Fees paid in advance .. 60 18 6 Sundry creditors .. .. 22 1 7 2,233 12 11 - 83 0 1 Plus purchases, 1928 .. 70 9 8 Helen Connor) Hall— 2,304 2 7 Buildings reserve .. .. 2,586 15 11 Office equipment .. . . 360 0 0 Fees paid in advance .. 24 4 6 Less depreciation . . .. 36 0 0 Sundry creditors .. .. 34 2 8 2,645 3 1 324 0 0 T. W. Adams School of Forestry— Plus purchases, 1928 .. 25 9 9 Capital .. .. .. 5,614 2 0 349 9 9 Less balance, income and Library books.. .. .. .. 3,350 0 0 expenditure .. .. 116 13 3 Sundry debtors — 5,497 8 9 Government grants .. .. 175 0 0 Students' Loan Fund—Capital .. 786 11 5 Rents .. .. . . 884 11 7 Students' Union Building Fund General expenses .. .. 229 19 3 —Capital .. .. .. 3,586 7 8 Medical School Reserves .. 252 4 4 Bank of New South Wales — 1,541 15 2 General Fund and overdraft .. 13,867 7 7 Roileston House — Less T. W. Adams School of Site .. .. .. 5,505 0 0 Forestry, £1,257 Bs. 9d.; Stu- Plus purchases, 1928 .. 1,270 0 0 dents' Loan Fund, £674 3s. Id.; 6,775 0 0 Students' Union Building Buildings .. .. .. 7,301 16 0 Fund, £1,540 2s. Id. .. 3,471 13 11 Less depreciation .. .. 365 1 9 • 10,395 13 8 6,936 14 3 Plus purchases, 1928 .. 1,297 17 6 8,234 11 9 Furniture .. .. .. 621 7 11 Less depreciation .. . . 62 2 9 559 5 2 Plus purchases, 1928 .. 65 9 0 624 14 2 Utensils .. .. . . 165 15 7 Less depreciation .. .. 33 3 1 132 12 6 Plus purchases, 1928 . . 56 1 4 — 188 13 10 Provisions .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 Sundry debtors—Boarding fees .. 59 12 6 Helen Connon Hall — Site .. .. .. .. 4,800 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. 1,292 0 0 Less depreciation .. .. 64 12 0 1,227 8 0 Furniture .. .. . . 240 18 10 Less depreciation .. . . 24 1 11 216 16 11 Plus purchases, 1928 .. 20 15 0 — 237 11 11 Utensils .. .. . . 39 19 7 Less depreciation .. .. 9 19 11 29 19 8 Plus purchases, 1928 .. 25 6 6 55 6 2 Provisions .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 Sundry debtors —Boarding fees .. 13 5 0 T. W. Adams School of Forestry— Site .. .. .. .. 2,780 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. .. 860 0 0 Investment .. .. .. 600 0 0 Students' Loan Fund—Loans .. .. 112 8 4 Students' Union Building Fund — Investment .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Donations and subsidies .. .. 1,046 5 7 £468,015 3 0 £468,015 3 0

6 —E. 7.



T. W. ADAMS SCHOOL OF FORESTRY BEQUEST. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payment/!. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,374 2 0 Annuity .. .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 159 0 0 General expenses .. .. .. .. 134 4 6 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 108 11 3 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,257 8 9 £1,641 13 3 £1,641 13 3 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Annuity .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Rent .. .. .. .. 159 0 0 General expenses .. .. .. 134 4 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 108 11 3 384 4 6 267 11 3 Capital—Transfer of deficit .. .. .. 116133 £384 4 6 £384 4 6 Capital Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income and expenditure—Transfer deficit .. 116 13 3 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 5,614 2 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 5,497 8 9 £5,614 2 0 J £5,614 2 0 STUDENTS' LOAN FUND. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 668 7 5 Loans .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Repayment of loan and interest .. 20 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 674 3 1 Interest .. <. .. .. 35 15 8 55 15 8 £724 3 1 £724 3 1 Capital Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 786 11 5 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 748 7 5 Interest .. .. .. .. 38 4 0 £786 11 5 £786 11 5 STUDENTS' UNION BUILDING FUND. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. 1,366 11 4 Balance .. .. .. .. 1,540 2 1 Donations .. .. .. .. .. 31 6 6 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 142 4 3 £1,540 2 1 £1,540 2 1 Capital Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 3,586 7 8 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 3,381 10 5 Subsidies .. .. .. 62 13 0 Interest .. .. .. 142 4 3 204 17 3 £3,586 7 8 £3,586 7 8



COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZE ACCOUNTS, Balanace-sheet as at 31st December, 1928.

VU Uliuu -1- ao iYJ. UiO 1 jy£jU£ilUUCiU. JL >J iUKJ . Helen Canterbury Gladys Robert Bell John Connal Charles Cook SirWilliam Joseph Macmillan- ./' 0 " e .^. e Nelson Scholarship. Scholarship. Scholarship. , , f Haydon Brown Macmillan Eathbone | Anthony Science v H Scholarship. Prize. Brown Scholarship. Wilding Scholarships. Prize. Memorial. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Investments.. .. .. .. .. 3,385 0 0:2,155 0 0 1,122 10 0 6,000 0 0 320 0 0 2,130 0 0 250 0 0 3,000 0 0 200 0 0 Cash .. .. .. .. .. 306 18 6 48 7 8 120 12 2 84 6 11 48 14 9 246 15 5 54 11 2 685 2 11 .. I 2,036 16 1 I 3,691 18 6 2,203 7 8 1,243 2 2 6,084 6 11 368 14 9 i 2,376 15 5 304 11 2 3,685 2 11 1 200 0 0 2,036 16 1 Liabilities. Capital .. .. .. .. .. 3,562 8 6 2,190 8 8 1,297 10 10 6,040 9 9 357 12 9 2,350 15 S 277 1 2 3,162 12 1] 200 0 0 2,000 0 0 Transfer —Income and expenditure .. .. 129 10 0 12 19 0 54 8 8 43 17 2 11 2 0 26 0 0 .. 22 10 0 Government subsidy .. .. .. .. .. j .. .. .. .. .. ,. 500 0 0 .. Income and expenditure —Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 10 0 .. .. 36 16 1 3,691 18 6 2,203 7 8 ! 1,243 2 2 6,084 6 11 368 14 9 2,376 15 5 304 11 2 3,685 2 11 ! 200 0 0 i 2,036 16 1 1 ! 1 f - Statement of Income and Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i .. ; .. .. .. 13 15 0 .. 11 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 184 9 0 112 19 0 61 17 6 345 0 0 15 2 0 116 0 0 13 15 0 172 10 0 11 0 0 36 16 1 Capital —Transfer of balance .. .. .. .. .. 54 8 8 184 9 0 112 19 0 ; 116 6 2 i 345 0 0 15 2 0 116 0 0 27 10 0 172 10 0 22 0 0 36 16 1 i ■ l_ Expenditure. Scholarships and prizes .. .. .. 54 19 0 100 0 0 116 6 2 301 2 10 4 0 0 90 0 0 .. 150 0 0 22 0 0 Capital—Transfer of balance .. .. .. 129 10 0 1 12 19 0 .. 43 17 2 11 2 0 26 0 0 .. 22 10 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 10 0 .. .. 36 16 1 _ 1 _ I ! 184 9 0 112 19 0 | 116 6 2 345 0 0 15 2 0 116 0 0 27 10 0 j 172 10 0 j 22 0 0 36 16 1 Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 177 8 6 35 8 8 175 0 10 40 9 9 37 12 9 220 15 5 40 16 2 162 12 11 11 0 0 Gift for endowment of scholarship .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . # # _ 2 000 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 184 9 0 . 112 19 0 61 17 6 345 0 0 15 2 0 I 116 0 0 0 172 io 0 11 0 0 ' 36 16 1 Government subsidy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . _ 500 0 0 361 17 6 148 7 8 236 18 4 385 9 9 52 14 9 ; 336 15 5 54 11 2 835 2 11 22 0 0 2,036 16 1 Payments. Scholarhips and prizes .. .. .. 54 19 0 100 0 0 116 6 2 301 2 10 4 0 0 90 0 0 .. 150 0 0 22 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 306 18 6 48 7 8 120 12 2 84 6 11 48 14 9 | 246 15 5 54 11 2 685 2 11 .. 2,036 16 1 I ; 361 17 6 148 7 8 236 18 4 385 9 9 52 14 9 336 15 5 54 11 2 835 2 11 22 0 0 J 2,036 16 1



SCHOOL OF FORESTRY. Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ! Equipment and apparatus .. . . .. 219 7 6 Capita] .. .. .. .. 325 8 7 j Library books .. .. .. .. 66 12 8 Less transfer, income and expenditure 910 8 Sundry debtors—Government grants .. .. 62 10 0 — 315 17 11 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 20 4 6 Bank of New South Wales —General Fund and overdraft .. .. .. .. .. 12 7 9 £348 10 2 I £348 10 2 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Lecturers, &c. .. .. .. 760 16 7 Government grants .. .. 1,000 0 0 Cleaning .. .. .. 56 6 10 Annual grant .. .. .. 187 10 0 817 3 5 1,187 10 0 Research .. .. .. .. .. 223 7 0 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 169 8 6 General expenses — Testing fees .. .. .. . . 16 0 Equipment . . . . .. 5 4 0 Sundries —Subscriptions to Journal . . .. 15 17 3 Library books .. .. . . 316 5 Capital—Balance transferred .. .. 910 8 Museum .. .. .. 10 18 9 Sundries .. .. .. 63 3 2 Travelling-expenses .. .. 16 611 Car-maintenance .. .. .. 59 18 7 Printing and stationery .. .. 104 011 Administration ...... 40 9 4 Interest .. .. .. .. 14 16 5 —— 318 14 6 Depreciation— Equipment and apparatus .. .. .. 24 7 6 £1,383 12 5 £1,383 12 5 Statement or Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. Government grants — £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 239 5 1 Annual grant .. .. .. 1,250 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 817 3 5 Research grant .. .. .. 312 10 0 Research .. . . .. .. .. 223 7 0 1,562 10 0 Testing fees .. .. .. .. .. 15 10 0 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 169 8 6 General expenses— £ s. d Subscriptions to Journal .. .. .. 15 17 3 Administration .. .. . . 40 9 4 Testing fees .. .. .. .. .. 18 18 0 Interest .. . . .. 14 16 5 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 12 7 9 Library books .. .. .. 37 11 3 Equipment . . .. .. 109 16 5 Museum . . .. .. 10 18 9 Sundries .. .. .. 62 16 8 Travelling-expenses .. . . 16 611 Car-maintenance .. .. .. 60 5 7 Printing and stationery . . .. 130 14 8 — 483 16 0 £1,779 1 6 £1,779 1 6 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. i Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. | £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. 38,711 18 1 i Buildings .. .. .. .. 20,668 6 0 Less transfer, income and expendi- Equipment and apparatus .. 16,148 15 4 ture .. .. .. 605 12 7 Less depreciation .. .. 1,614 17 7 38,106 5 6 14,533 17 9 Plus Government grant.. .. 27 15 0 i Plus purchases, 1928 .. .. 25 14 6 38,134 0 6 i 14,559 12 3 Contingencies Reserve .. .. .. 1,578 1 9 Furniture and fittings .. .. 780 6 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 33 13 11 Less depreciation .. .. 78 0 7 702 5 5 Library books .. .. .. .. 816 1 6 Sundry debtors — Tests .. .. . . 64 18 0 Timber testing . . . . 125 0 0 189 18 0 ! Cash .. .. .. .. .. 2,809 13 0 £39,745 16 2 j £39,745 16 2



Statement or Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. Salaries — £ a. d. £ s. d. Government grants — £ s. d. £ s. d. Professors, lecturers, &c, .. 6,937 0 0 Statutory grant .. .. 3,311 10 0 Cleaning and earetaking .. 99 2 6 Technical instruction . . . . 1,250 0 0 7,036 2 6 Material and apparatus .. 200 0 0 General expenses — 4,761 10 0 Administration .. .. 279 12 8 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 3,147 17 9 Insurance .. .. . . 49 1 4 Testing fees .. .. . . .. 283 9 0 Heating, lighting, and power .. 368 7 6 Sundries— Printing and stationery .. 152 19 1 Fees for certificates of associateAdvertising .. .. .. 31 16 10 ship .. .. .. 3 3 0 Material, &c. .. .. .. 551 9 4 Sales.. .. .. .. 9 10 0 General supplies .. .. 69 2 5 Examination fee .. .. 2 2 0 Sundries .. .. .. 57 2 7 Interest .. .. .. 27 0 6 Repairs to buildings .. .. 116 12 4 41 15 6 Timber-testing .. .. 97 0 1. Timber-testing .. .. .. .. 142 10 0 Testing-expenses .. .. 38 19 3 Transfers — Scholarship and exhibitions .. 150 0 0 College—General, £826 10s. ; exGrant, Engineering Society report 10 0 0 hibitions, £80 . . .. 906 10 0 1,972 3 5 | Museum, Library, and School of Library books .. .. .. .. 55 18 2 Technical Science .. .. 875 0 0 Testing fees written off .. .. .. 7 2 7 1,781 10 0 Depreciation— Capital—Balance transferred .. .. 605 12 7 Equipment and apparatus .. 1,614 17 7 Furniture and fittings .. . . 78 0 7 1,692 18 2 £10,764 4 10 j £10,764 4 10 Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,048 0 5 Professors and lecturers .. 6,725 0 0 Government grants— Cleaning and earetaking .. 99 2 6 Statutory .. .. .. 3,639 7 6 6,824 2 6 Material and apparatus .. .. 200 0 0 Administration expenses .. .. .. 279 12 8 Capitation for technical instruction 1,562 10 0 General expenses — Special apparatus .. .. 27 15 0 Insurance .. .. .. 49 1 4 5,429 12 6 Heating, lighting, and power .. 368 7 6 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 3,147 17 9 Printing and stationery .. 152 19 1 Testing fees .. .. .. . . 230 511 Advertising .. .. .. 31 16 10 Fees for certificates of associateship .. .. 3 3 0 Apparatus for civil engineering and Fees for timber-testing .. . . .. 97 10 0 surveying . . .. .. 104 17 7 Sales .. .. .. .. .. 9 10 0 Apparatus for applied mechanics Examination fee .. . > .. .. 2 2 0 and mechanical engineering .. 271 0 3 Transfers from College— Apparatus, &e., for electrical enGeneral .. .. .. 826 10 0 gineering .. .. .. 167 12 1 Exhibitions .. .. .. 80 0 0 General supplies .. . . 69 2 5 Museum, Library, and School of Repairs to buildings .. .. 116 12 4 Technical Science endowment .. 875 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. 57 2 7 1,781 10 0 Grant—Engineering annual report 10 0 0 Interest — Testing-expenses .. .. 38 19 3 General Account .. 27 0 6 Timber-testing .. .. .. 97 0 1 Contingencies Reserve Account .. 89 5 7 1,534 11 4 116 6 1 Library books .. .. .. .. 55 18 2 Transfers — Salary of assistant fireman . . 157 0 0 Salary of assistant in mathematics 55 0 0 212 0 0 Exhibitions — General .. .. .. 100 0 0 British Thomson-Houston Co. .. 25 0 0 General Electric Co. .. .. 25 0 0 150 0 0 Balance.. .. .. .. .. 2,809 13 0 £11,865 17 8 £11,865 17 8 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d Capital .. .. . . • • 223 16 3 Equipment and apparatus .. .. 88 19 9 Plus transfer, income and expenditure .. 150 13 10 Plus purchases, 1928 .. .. 11 17 4 374 10 1 100 17 1 Government subsidies .. .. .. 254 711 Less depreciation .. .. .. 818 0 628 18 0 ; 91 ly Carnegie grants for books .. •• •• 17487 Library books .. .. .. .. 50 0 Sundry debtors—Government subsidies . . .. 50 2 Cash ' .. .. .. .. .. 611 5 £803 6 7 £803 6 7



Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,025 12 8 Government grant—Annual grant .. .. 750 0 0 General expenses— University of New Zealand—National-endowment Insurance .. .. .. 13 0 grant . . . . . . .. .. 350 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. 101 14 7 Donations .. .. .. .. .. 224 1 8 Incidentals .. .. .. 194 18 2 Subsidies .. .. .. .. .. 209 1 8 Gramophone records .. .. 28 1 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 27 18 II Administration .. .. .. 50 1 0 375 17 9 Depreciation—Equipment and apparatus .. 8 18 0 Capital—Excess transferred .. .. .. 150 13 10 £1,561 2 3 £1,561 2 3 Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 538 15 10 i Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,025 12 8 Government grant . . . . .. . . 750 0 0 General expenses— National-endowment grant —University of New Insurance .. .. .. 13 0 Zealand .. .. .. .. . . 350 0 0 Travelling-expenses . . . . 105 9 7 Donations .. .. .. .. .. 224 1 8 Incidentals .. .. .. 194 18 2 Subsidies .. .. .. . . .. 188 19 2 i Gramophone records .. .. 39 18 4 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 27 18 11 Administration .. .. .. 50 1 0 391 10 1 Library books .. .. .. .. 51 7 10 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 611 5 0 £2,079 15 7 ' £2,079 15 7 MEDICAL SCHOOL RESERVES. Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. .. 30,311 3 0 Endowment lands .. .. .. .. 29,485 0 0 Capital cash .. .. .. .. .. 262 15 2 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. 275 11 3 College—Contribution .. .. .. 252 4 4 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 1,065 11 3 £30,826 2 6 £30,826 2 6 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure £ s. d. Income. £ s. d Endowment expenses .. .. .. .. 41 10 11 Rent of reserves .. .. .. .. 1,859 2 2 Contribution to College towards maintenance of Interest .. .. .. .. .. 56 7 8 Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Biology .. 1,873 18 11 £1,915 9 10 £1,915 9 10 Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Rent of reserves .. .. .. .. 2,177 211 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 497 9 8 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 40 15 11 Endowment expenses .. .. .. .. 41 10 11 Contribution to College towards maintenance of Departments of Chemistry, Physics, and Biology 1,678 18 3 £2,217 18 10 £2,217 18 10



Statement of Cash Balances at 31st December, 1928. Accounts. Accounts. £ s. d. College— £ s. d. College—General .. .. .. .. 13,867 7 7 T. W. Adams School of Forestry .. .. 1,257 8 9 School of Forestry .. .. .. .. 12 7 9 Students' Loan Fund .. .. .. 674 3 1 Boys' High School— Students' Union Building Fund .. .. 1,540 2 1 Secondary school—General .. .. .. 421 13 4 Robert Bell Scholarships . . .. . . 306 18 6 Hostel .. .. . . .. .. 480 15 1 John Connal Scholarships .. .. .. 48 7 8 Manual and science . . .. .. 79 9 1 Charles Cook Scholarship .. .. . . 120 12 2 Avonside Girls' High School— Sir William Hartley Scholarship .. .. 84 6 11 Manual and science .. .. .. 3 18 Joseph Haydon Prize .. .. .. 48 14 9 Public Library .. .. .. .. 290 710 Helen Macmillan Brown Bursaries .. .. 246 15 5 Bank of New South Wales— £ s. d. Canterbury College Macmillan Brown Prize .. 54 11 2 Cr. .. .. .. 31,199 12 7 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship .. .. .. 685 2 11 Less No. 2 Account .. 18,000 0 0 Nelson Science Scholarships .. .. .. 2,036 16 1 School of Engineering .. .. .. 2,809 13 0 13,199 12 7 Workers' Educational Association .. .. 611 5 0 Less outstanding cheques .. 163 14 10 Boys' High School— Endowment income.. .. .. .. 2,645 7 4 13,035 17 9 Sports-ground Improvement Fund .. .. 97 11 8 Plus cash in hand .. .. 200 15 8 Swimming-bath .. .. . . .. 259 8 8 13,236 13 5 Jack Birdling Scholarship .. .. . . 10 12 5 Oliver Garsia Essay Prize .. .. . . 519 1 Thomas Miller Prize .. .. .. 8 14 Bevan Brown Prize .. .. . . 210 0 Christchurch Girls' High School— Secondary school —General .. . . .. 959 5 0 Hostel .. .. . . .. .. 449 16 6 Manual and science .. .. . . 272 3 8 May Campbell Anderson Prize .. . . 14 7 7 Emily S. Foster Prize .. .. . . 19 7 2 Helen Macmillan Brown Prize .. .. 14 11 8 Magazine Fund .. .. .. . . 43 7 2 Avonside Girls' High School— Buildings .. .. ~ .. .. 13 6 10 Secondary school—General .. .. .. 522 18 2 Museum, Library, and School of Technical Science — Endowment .. .. .. .. 1,199 2 11 School of Art— General .. .. .. .. .. 4,200 15 2 Rosa Sawtell Prize .. .. .. .. 10 4 Museum .. .. .. .. .. 7,108 15 7 £28,391 15 9 £28,391 15 9 C. C. Kemp, Registrar. The Audit Office, having examined the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to he audited, hereby certifies the same to be correct.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.



5. UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. Visitor.—His Excellency the Governor-General. Council. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council—Hon. Sir J. Allen, M.A., K.C.8., M.L.C. ; C. R. Ritchie, Esq., J.P.; James Fitzgerald, Esq., 8.A., M.8., &c. Elected by graduates—T. K. Sidey, Esq., 8.A., LL.B., M.P., (Chancellor); C. M. Gilray, M.C., M.A. (Oxon) ; W. M. Macdonald, C.8.E., B.Sc., M.D., &c. ; James Rennie, 8.A,, B.Sc. Elected by the professors—W. B. Benham, Esq., D.Sc., M.A., F.R.S. ; J. K. H. Inglis, M.A., D.Sc., F.I.C. •' Elected to represent Otago Hospital Board—J. W. Dove, Esq.; elected by teachers in primary schools, J. A. Moore, Esq., M.A,, B.Sc.; elected by the Otago Education Board, James Wallace, Esq.; elected by High School Boards, J. C. Stephens, Esq. ; elected by the Southland Education Board, J. C. Thomson, Esq. ; elected by School Committees, L. D. Ritchie, Esq. ; elected by teachers of secondary schools, W. J. Morrell, Esq., M.A., Oxon (ViceChancellor); elected by Dunedin City Council, J. S. Douglas, Esq., J.P. Staff. Professors. —Biology—W. B. Benham, M.A., D.Sc,., F.R.S. English—Herbert Ramsay, M.A. Physiology— J. Malcolm, M.D. Mining—James Park, M.Am.lnst.M.E., &e. Dentistry—R. B. Dodds, D.D.S. Chemistry—j. K. H. Inglis, M.A., D.Sc. Domestic Arts—Ann G. Strong, B.Sc. Physics—R. Jack, M.A., D.Sc. Mental and Moral Philosophy—F. W. Dunlop, M.A., Ph.D. Anatomy—W. P. Gowland, M.D., B.Sc. Pathology—E. F. DAth, M.D. Classics—T. D. Adams, M.A. Modern Languages—G. E. Thompson, M.A., Litt.D. Mathematics—R. J. T. Bell, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E. Geology and Mineralogy —W. N. Benson, D.Sc., F.G.S. Surgery—F. G. Bell, M.D., L.R.C.P., F.R.C.B. Systematic Medicine—D. YV. C. Jones, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. Ophthalmology—Sir H. L. Ferguson, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S.I. History—7. R. Elder, M.A., D.Litt. Clinical Medicine and Therapeutics—F. W. B. Fitchett, M.D.. C.M. Bacteriology and Public Health —C. E. Hercus, M.D., D.P.H., D.5.0., 0.8. E. Economics—A. G. B. Fisher, 8.A., Ph.D. Education—R. Lawson, M.A., Litt.D. Associate Professors. —Dentistry— J. R. Burt; L.D.S., R.C.S. ; G. H. Parkinson, M.S., L.D.S. Also lecturers, demonstrators, and assistants. Registrar.—H. Chapman, Esq., B.A. REPORT (ABRTDOED) OF THE CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OE OTAGO. To His Excellency the Governor-General. In accordance with the provisions of the University of Otago Ordinance, 1869, I have the honour to forward herewith a report on the proceedings of the University of Otago for the vear ended 31st December, 1928. The Council.—During the year two changes have taken place in the personnel of the Council, through the retirement from office of Sir Lindo Ferguson and Mr. J. W. Scurr. Sir Lindo was a member of the Council from 1916, and during his twelve years as Councillor he did very valuable work in the interests of the University. In bidding farewell to him, the Council placed on record its deep appreciation of his tireless efforts for the advancement of the Medical School, particularly his whole-hearted advocacy of the erection of new and adequate buildings. The name of Sir Lindo Ferguson will always be closely linked with the fine building for which he worked so hard. The loss of Mr. S.curr from the Council is also much regretted. He had been the representative of the Hospital Board since 1920, and, during his eight years of membership, had taken a keen interest in the Council's affairs. For a considerable period he held office as Chairman of the Works Committee, in which position his practical knowledge and business acumen made him a most valuable member. To fill the vacancies thus created, Professor J. K. H. Inglis has been appointed by the Professorial Board, and Mr. J. W. Dove by the Hospital Board. Both these gentlemen have already proved their value in the Council's deliberations. Teaching Staff. —One change has taken place in the professoriate, this being occasioned by the resignation of Dr. A. Murray Drennan, Professor of Pathology. Since his appointment, in 1914, the value of Dr. Drennan's work in the development of the Medical School, especially on the laboratory side, can scarcely bo exaggerated. Whilst deeply regretting his loss, the Council congratulates Dr. Drennan on his appointment to the important post of Professor of Pathology at Queen's University, Belfast.



In Dr. Drennan's place, the Council has appointed Dr. E. F. D'Ath, a graduate of the Otago Medical School, who, previous to his appointment here, held the position of Pathologist to the Koyal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney. Changes which have taken place in the staff of lecturers and assistants are referred T;o in the reports of the various Deans. New Buildings.—During the year the Council has been able to commence the erection of substantial additions to the Museum, to house the great mass of ethnological and other material for which at present no accommodation exists. The funds for this purpose have been raised by public subscription, assisted by Government subsidy. It is hoped that when the erection is completed there will be an endowment fund of at least £20,000 to provide for the upkeep of this important branch of the University. To the Museum Extension Committee, and particularly to Mr. Willi Fels for his ungrudging labours and generosity, the Council is under a deep debt of gratitude. Benefactions. —I have pleasure in recording that during the year the Council has received several gifts for which it is most grateful. The more important of these are the Dunedin Savings-bank, £2,000 for Museum extension ; the Dunedin Savings-bank, £1,000 for commerce classes. Mr. John Edmond, £500 to be added to his former gift of £2,500 for a fellowship in chemical research. Mrs. McGill Brown, £500 for a scholarship in commerce. Recent Legislation.—l have to express the Council's appreciation of much of the legislation embodied in the University of New Zealand Amendment Act, 1928, so far as it relates to the University of Otago. The financial position of the University has certainly been much strengthened as a result of this legislation, and the Council has been enabled to provide a well-deserved and much-overdue increase to the salaries of members of the staff. The Mining School is, however, still badly provided for, and the finances of this School are causing the Council much concern. Teaching of Midwifery. —In my last report I referred to the pressing needs of the Department of Midwifery. I am glad to state that the improved financial position of the Medical School will now make it possible for the Council to appoint a professor and otherwise improve the teaching of this important subject. It is felt, however, that the course in midwifery cannot be regarded as entirely satisfactory until a new maternity hospital is erected. This matter is dealt with in some detail in the report of the Dean of the Medical Faculty, and the Council trusts that Government support of this project will be forthcoming.

7—E. 7.


STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1928. ARTS AND GENERAL ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Government grants — £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Under New Zealand University Balance on Ist January, 1928 .. .. 4,276 8 7 Amendment Act, 1919 .. 2,460 0 () Salaries — Under New Zealand University Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 17,552 7 0 Amendment Act, 1928 .. 1,430 0 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 781 14 10 On account of Professor of Educa- Office .. .. .. 1,360 19 5 tion .. .. .. 1,062 10 0 Library .. .. .. 225 0 0 On account of capitatipn on com- _ 19,920 1 3 rnerce classes .. .. 200 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 594 3 10 On account of national-endowment Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. 910 9 revenue under New Zealand Insurance .. .. .. .. 130 11 1 University Amendment Act, Water .. .. .. .. 44 11 0 1919 .. .. .. 2,260 6 5 Power .. .. .. .. .. 50 16 5 On account of special bursaries .. 90 0 0 Lighting .. .. .. .. 11507 On account of Chemistry and Heating .. .. .. .. 475 6 2 Geology extensions .. .. 3,000 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 66 12 6 — 10,502 16 5 MaterialUniversity of New Zealand, from Physics .. .. .. 127 15 7 national-endowment revenue .. .. 829 2 1 Biology .. .. .. 91 9 1 Donations— Chemistry .. .. .. 511 1 5 Otago Presbyterian Church Board 2, SQO 0 0 Botany and general .. .. 6 8 0 Trustees, Executors Co., on account 736 14 1 Music .. .. .. 425 0 0 Equipment and apparatus— — 2,925 0 0 Physics .. .. .. 212 II 3 Rent — Chemistry .. .. .. 25 17 0 Pastoral reserves—Arts allocation 3,148 16 8 Botany and genera! .. .. 53 14 4 Pastoral reserves—Law allocation 83 0 0 292 2 7 Castle Street .. .. .. 445 0 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 90 13 7 Professors' houses .. .. 372 0 0 Library .. .. .. .. .. 273 8 8 King Street property .. .. 41 16 5 Repairs, Marama Hall (to be refunded) .. .. 2 0 6 Education Board .. .. 0 5 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. 1,405 011 —■ 4,090 18 1 Cleaning and caretaking expenses, including upkeep Students'fees .. .. .. .. 11,191 8 1 of grounds .. .. .. .. 71 18 3 Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,562 16 10 Sundry bursaries .. .. .. .. 70 0 0 Sale of oalendars .. .. .. .. 43 1 6 Fees paid to professors, lecturers, and Students' Sale of notes .. .. .. .. .54 6 3 Association .. .. .. .. 1,057 10 11 Beverly Trust Account —Refund of salaries .. 676 16 3 Interest on University debentures .. .. 385 0 0 Hocken Library Account —Transfer for salary (Ac- Students'fees refunded .. .. .. 170 6 9 count No. 22) .. .. .. .. 65 0 0 Bank of New Zealand' —Commission and charges .. 19 19 9 Students' Association —Grant on account of Porter's Extensions, Chemistry and Geology Departments 3,358 2 2 rent .. .. .. .. .. 630 Miscellaneous payments .. .. .. 390 1 6 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 183 16 1 Transfer to Mining School (Account No. 8), debit on Grants from other schools for administration .. 517 0 0 year's workings .. .. .. .. 465 9 6 Transfer, being grant from Downie Stewart Account Transfer to Arts and General Investment Account — (Account No. 39) .. .. .. .. 30 9 0 Premium on debentures (Account No. 2) .. 0 2 0 .. .. .. .. .. 1,874 9 9 £34,553 3 4 £34,553 3 4




Statement of Income and Expenditube. Dr. £ s . d. £ s. cL Gr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1928 .. .. 925 16 9 Government grants — Salaries — Under New Zealand University Professors, lecturers, &e. .. 1.7,552 7 0 Amendment Act, 1919 .. 2,460 0 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 781 14 10 Under New Zealand University Office .. .. .. 1,360 19 5 Amendment Act, 1928 .. 1,430 0 0 Library .. . . .. 225 0 0 On account of Professor of Educa19,920 1 3 tion .. .. .. 850 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 594 3 10 On account of capitation on comInsurance .. .. .. .. 130 11 1 merce classes .. .. 150 0 0 Water .. .. .. .. .. 44 11 0 On account of national-endowment Power .. .. .. .. .. 50 16 5 revenue under New Zealand Lighting .. .. .. .. 11507 University Amendment Act, Heating .. .. .. .. 475 6 2 1919 .. .. .. 2,260 6 5 Materials— 7,150 6 5 Physics .. .. .. 127 15 7 University of New Zealand, for Biology .. .. .. 91 9 1 library .. .. .. 429 2 1 Chemistry .. .. .. 511 1 5 University of New Zealand, for Botany .. .. .. 4 17 7 salary of Professor of Economics.. 400 0 0 General .. .. .. 1 10 5 829 2 1 736 14 1 Donation, Otago Presbyterian Church Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 1,405 011 Board .. .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 Fees paid to professors, lecturers, and Students' Rent of reserves— Association .. .. .. .. 1,057 10 11 Allocation on account of Arts and Students'fees refunded .. .. .. 8 11 0 Science .. .. .. 3,096 12 0 Interest on University debentures .. .. 385 0 0 On account of Law School .. 82 10 0 Bank of New Zealand—Commission .. .. 19 19 9 King Street property .. .. 51 12 5 Cleaning materials, and expenses and upkeep of Education Board .. . . 0 5 0 grounds .. .. .. .. .. 71 18 3 Professors' houses .. .. 371 0 0 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 371 13 2 Castle Street .. .. .. 445 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 66 12 6 4,046 19 5 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. .. 91 0 9 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 11,080 12 7 Rent allowance, A. C. W. Porter ~ .. 16 18 4 Sale of calendars ~ .. .. 43 1 6 Sundry transfers (capital)— Sale of instruments and notes .. .. 54 6 3 Appropriation for equipment— £ s. d. Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 183 16 1 Physics .. .. .. 212 11 3 Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,673 17 7 Chemistry .. .. .. 25 17 0 Grant from Beverly Account for Botany .. .. .. 13 18 8 salaries .. .. .. 676 16 3 General .. .. .. 39 15 8 Grant from Hocken Library for 292 2 7 salaries .. .. .. 65 0 0 Appropriation for library .. .. .. 273 8 8 Grant from Trustees, Executors Co., Appropriation for furniture .. .. .. 90 13 7 for salaries .. .. .. 410168 Appropriation for Chemistry and Geology extensions 358 2 2 1,152 12 11 Transfer of debit balance, Mining School, for . Students' Association for allowance for rent, A. C. W. year ended 31st December, 1928 .. .. 465 9 6 Porter .. .. .. .. .. 6 3 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,298 10 1 Transfer from sundry accounts for administration.. 517 0 0 Transfer from Chemical Apparatus Fund (Acct. No. 60) for purchase of equipment .. .. 27 15 6 £29,265 13 4 £29,265 13 4



Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. Assets. Capital Account — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amount at 31st December, .1927.. 667,265 18 9 Endowment lands .. .. .. 140,564 0 0 Less total donations and sub- University site .. .. .. .. 29,096 4 7 siflies in Capital Account re- University buildings .. . . . • 325,088 5 9 ceived and accrued to 31st Equipment and Museum exhibits .. .. 73,689 11 5 December, 1927 .. .. 68,761 15 5 Laboratory materials .. .. .. 2,944 11 5 —- 598,504 3 4 Furniture .. .. .. .. 3,666 511 Total donations to 31st Do- Office equipment .. .. .. 231 8 8 cember, 1927 .. .. 43,684 12 0 Library (including Hocken Library, £10,000) 19,018 13 11 Donations received in 1928 .. 6,475 13 0 Investments — 50,160 5 0 Debentures and inscribed stock .. 96,919 2 2 Total subsidies to 31st December, Company shares .. .. 2,500 0 0 1927 .. .. .. 25,077 3 5 Deposit with Hallenstein Bros. .. 9,418 18 8 Subsidies received in 1928 .. 5,360 2 2 Fixed deposit, National Bank .. 1,607 18 3 30,437 5 7 Deposits, Dunedin Savings-bank 460 17 2 Government grants received in Fixed deposit, Bank of New Zea--1928 .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 land, and accrued interest thereTransfer from Income and Ex- on .. .. .. 3,867 2 4 penditure Accounts — Investment with Trustees, ExecuMary Glendining .. .. 100 0 0 tors Co., Ltd. .. .. 1,499 9 8 Donald Reid .. .. 402 4 1 116,273 8 3 Sir John Roberts .. .. 10 0 0 Debtors— Dean's Fund .. .. 136 6 6 Assay fees due .. .. 17 10 0 Ralph Barnett .. .. 81 3 1 Chemical-analysis fees due .. 16 16 0 Arts and General .. .. 1,014 7 0 Dental fees due .. .. 50 9 0 Mining School .. .. 109 19 2 £ s. d. Dental School .. .. 166 16 9 Bacteriology fees due 431 I 5 Museum .. .. .. 014 0 Pathology fees due .. 155 18 0 Medical School .. .. 789 0 5 Home Science School .. 656 18 11 586 19 5 Chemistry Apparatus .. 60 17 4 Less reserve ..177 6 3 3,528 7 3 409 13 2 Transfer of special account (Modi- Government grant due .. 112 10 0 cal Graduates' Gift) .. .. 25 0 0 Studholme House Account .. 37 17 8 Interest accrued .. .. 1,806 2 3 685,655 1 2 Training Corps Hall Trust Account 37 3 3 Less depreciation written off.. .. 4,028 610 Rents due — £ s. rl. Otago reserves .. 304 14 7 681,626 14 4 Southland reserves.. 60 1 3 Income and Expenditure Account — Castle Street reserve 7 0 0 Credit balances of accounts — Professors'houses .. 76 0 0 Arts and General School .. 1,298 10 1 King Street property 916 0 Dental School .. .. 732 16 1 457 11 10 Home Science School .. 2,517 2 8 Students'fees due .. .. 51 19 9 Medical School .. .. 1,452 6 9 Dunedin City Corporation grant Dr. Barnett's Gift .. .. 636 10 3 due .. .. .. 200 0 0 Moritzson Gift .. .. 73 1 6 3,197 12 11 Ethnology Gift .. .. 15 8 7 Cash at bank .. .. .. 7,703 5 6 Chemistry Apparatus Fund .. 94 12 I i W.E.A. Account overdrawn .. 53 11 6 Sir John Roberts .. .. 499 7 7 7,756 17 0 Sideygift .. .. .. 106 12 11 » Dental Students' library .. 39 1 11 7,465 11 3 Less Income and Expenditure Accounts —Debit balances— £ s. d. Mining School .. 1,593 7 3 Museum .. 262 17 10 * 1,856 5 1 Sundry creditors— 5,609 6 2 Assay fees due to professor .. 14 18 9 Beverly Trust Account .. 23 10 0 Bursary not paid .. .. 20 0 0 Chemical-analysis fees due to professor .. .. .. 1.1 4 0 Otago Hospital Board —Salaries 472 18 4 Students'fees to be paid out 115 10 0 « Trustees, Executors Co., Ltd. — Debentures .. .. 7,000 0 0 Payments due to professors .. 41 1.9 0 Rent due to Dunedin Atheneeum 29 14 2 Trustees, Executors Co., Ltd. — Payment made in advance .. 30 16 8 7,760 10 11 Balances of special accounts — Cancer Research .. .. 1,620 14 7 Chamber of Commerce .. 10 17 8 Dental School Equipment .. 351 15 3 Ethnology Books Donation .. 14 19 3 Hocken Library .. .. 65 13 0 Hocken Library Books Committee 65 16 2 Honorary Medical Stall .. 764 6 6 Medical School Special Library.. 135 10 9 Parker Grave .. .. 6 9 7 Physiology Research .. .. 32 3 4 Rheumatoid Arthritis Research 203 9 5 Vitamin Research .. .. 7 8 3 Popular Lectures .. .. 55 7 5 Dr. Malcolm's Research .. 0 17 3 Cameron Memorial Fund .. 357 9 8 Home Science Alumnge .. 1,491 1 8 Logan Park .. .. .. 2,71483 Ethnographic Museum Building Fund .. .. •• 18,276 16 4 Infant Welfare Research .. 22 13 0 Pollen Research .. .. 332 11 1 26,530 8 5 £721,526 19 10 £721,526 19 10



ARTS AND GENERAL SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1928— £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31sfc December, 1928— £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. 28,433 0 9 Debentures .. .. .. 36,332 15 3 Cash .. .. .. 275 0 0 Cash .. .. .. 50 0 0 28,708 0 9 36,382 15 3 Donations and bequests— Estate of Sir John Ross .. 100 0 0 Dunedin Sayings-bank .. 1,000 0 0 New Zealand Society of Accountants .. .. .. 50 0 0 1,150 0 0 Government subsidy .. .. .. .. 6,524 12 6 Arts and General Account (Account No. 1), transfer on account premium on debentures .. .. 0 2 0 £36,382 15 3 £36,382 15 3 DENTAL SCHOOL. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Balanco on Ist January, 1928 .. .. 592 4 10 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 3,869 16 2 Government grants — Cleaning and caretaking .. 405 11 3 Under New Zealand University Office .. .. .. 332 0 0 Amendment Act, 1919 .. 635 10 0 4,607 7 5 Under New Zealand University Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 100 15 7 Amendment Act, 1928 .. 648 7 6 Telephones, postages, and exchanges . . .. 23 4 3 For special bursaries .. .. 150 0 0 Insurance . . .. .. .. .. 54 11 1 1,433 17 6 Water .. .. .. .. .. 106 4 0 Rent from reserves .. .. .. 727 6 5 Power . . .. . . . . . 86113 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 1,822 11 10 Lighting .. .. .. 14 17 9 Fees of dental patients .. .. .. 2,608 4 6 Heating . . . . . . . . . . 243 0 2 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. 500 0 0 Material .. . . . . .. . . 806 16 1 Interest .. .. .. .. 0211 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 819 0 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. 3 5 4 Equipment and apparatus . . .. 130 4 3 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 51 10 5 Library .. .. .. .. .. 27 13 6 Transfer from Sidey Gift (Account Repairs and maintenance to buildings . . .. 54 3 8 No. 38) .. .. .. .. 60 0 5 Cleaning material and laundry .. .. .. 201 19 II Payments from special bursaries .. . . 133 3 6 Fees paid to professors and lecturers and Students' Association .. .. .. .. 93 13 6 Payments on account of special lectures .. .. 84 14 8 Fees refunded to students .. .. .. 15 3 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account (Account No. 1) for administration .. .. .. 110 0 0 Miscellaneous .. . . .. .. 104 8 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 791 13 7 £7,799 4 2 £7,799 4 2 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. Salaries .—■ £s. d. £ s. d. £ s . d. £ s . d. Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 3,864 8 8 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 465 2 10 Cleaning and caretaking .. 405 11 3 Government grants— Office .. .. .. 332 0 0 Under New Zealand University 4,601 19 11 Amendment Act, 1919 .. .. 635 10 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 100 15 7 Under New Zealand University Insurance . . • • • • .. ■ ■ 54 II 1 Amendment Act, 1928 .. .. 648 7 6 Water .. .. . . .. •• 106 4 0 1,283 17.6 Power .. .. .. •• 86 11 3 Rent from reserves .. .. .. .. 722 0 0 Lighting . .. .. 14 17 9 Students'fees .. .. .. 1,873 810 Heating .. .. .. .. .. 243 0 2 Fees of dental patients .. .. 2,658 13 6 Material .. .. .. 806 16 1 Grant from Hospital Board . . .. .. 500 0 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 54 3 8 Sale of instruments and notes . . .. .. 3 5 4 Fees paid to professors, lecturers, and Students' Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 8511 Association .. .. .. .. 17882 Interest on investments . . .. .. 0 8 4 Students' fees refunded .. .. .. 6 7 0 Transfer from Sidey Income Account (Account Cleaning materials, expenses, and laundry .. 201 19 11 No. 52) .. .. .. .. .. 60 0 5 Miscellaneous expenses .. . . • . 86110 Telephones, postages, and exchanges . . . . 23 4 3 Sundry transfers to capital — Appropriation for equipment.. .. 130 4 3 Appropriation for furniture -. .. 8 19 0 Appropriation for library . . .. . ■ 27 13 6 Transfers to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. - ■ • ■ • ■ 110 0 0 Balance . . , .. ■. 732 16 1 £7,575 2 8 £7,575 2 8



DENTAL SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. J Payments. £ s. d* Government subsidy on gift of Hecolith apparatus .. 15 0 0 Balance on 31st December, 1928 —Debentures .. 15 0 0 HOME SCIENCE SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 2,045 4 4 Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grants— Professors, lecturers, &e. .. 3,178 13 4 Under New Zealand University Cleaning and caretaking .. 153 12 6 Amendment Act, 1919 .. 1,275 2 0 Office .. .. .. 225 0 0 Under New Zealand University 3,557 5 10 Amendment Act, 1928 .. 793 13 6 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 103 1 9 On account of capitation .. 1,000 0 0 Telephones and postages .. .. .. 151911 On account of home science— Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 1298 Bursary allowances .. .. 2,537 10 0 Insurance, Studholme House (to be refunded) .. 15 6 1 5,606 5 6 Water .. .. .. .. .. 15 15 3 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 2,322 17 0 Power .. .. .. .. .. 46 0 7 Sale of notes .. .. .. .. 10 10 0 Lighting . . .. . . . . . . 20 9 8 Sundry receipts .. .. . . .. 45 10 6 Heating . . .. .. . . . . 139 13 3 Transfer from Studholme House Account—Salaries Coal, Studholme House (to be refunded).. .. 2 8 0 and insurance .. .. .. .. 438 10 9 Travelling-expenses .. .. . . .. 68 3 8 Material .. . . .. . . .. 359 5 11 Furniture . . . . . . 17 0 0 Equipment and apparatus .. . . . . 96 3 10 Library .. .. .. .. . . 35 5 3 Repairs and maintenance of building .. .. 129 17 5 New work—Laundry, dining-room, &c. .. . . 508 9 10 Cleaning-expenses .. . . .. . . 14 15 0 Bursary allowances paid out .. .. . . 2,537 10 0 Pees paid to professors, lecturers, and Students'. Association .. .. .. .. 171 16 3 Refunds to students .. .. .. .. 26 17 6 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. ... 66 2 1 Administration .. .. .. .. 131 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 2,378 1 4 £10,468 18 1 £10,468 18 1 — Statement or Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. .. 2,330 3 8 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 3,178 13 4 Government grants under New Zealand University Cleaning and caretaking .. 153 12 6 Amendment Acts, 1919 and 1928 .. .. 2,931 5 6 Office .. .. .. 225 0 0 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 2,291 5 0 3,557 510 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. .. 10 10 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery . . . . 103 1 9 Sundry receipts .. . . .. .. 45 10 6 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 12 9 8 Grant from Studholme House Account for salaries.. 420 16 8 Water .. .. .. .. .. 15 15 3 Power .. .. .. .. .. 46 0 7 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 20 9 8 Heating .. .. .. .. .. 139 13 3 Material .. .. .. .. .. 359 5 11 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 129 17 5 Pees paid to professors, lecturers, and Students' Association .. .. .. .. 171 16 3 Cleaning materials and expenses and upkeep of grounds .. .. .. .. .. 14 15 0 Miscellaneous expenses .... . . .. 66 2 1 Travelling-expenses of teacher from U.S.A. . . 68 3 8 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. .. 15 19 11 Students' fees written off .. . . .. 3 13 6 Sundry transfers to capital— Appropriation for equipment.. .. .. 96 3 10 Appropriation for furniture .. .. .. 17 0 0 Appropriation for library .. .. .. 35 5 3 Appropriation for improvements in buildings .. 508 9 10 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. .. .. 131 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 2,517 2 8 £8,029 11 4 £8,029 11 4



MEDICAL SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance at Ist January, 1928 .. .. 542 5 II Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 11,892 17 3 Government grants— Cleaning and caretaking .. 708 0 4 Under New Zealand University Office .. . . .. 370 14 9 Amendment Act, 1919 .. 3,509 12 0 Library .. .. .. 150 0 0 Under New Zealand University 13,121 12 4 Amendment Act, 1928 .. 1,867 16 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery 253 8 2 For pathology and bacteriology .. 600 0 0 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. 93 17 0 Pinal grant for new buildings .. 408 11 4 Insurance .. .. .. .. 13167 On account salary—Lees .. 187 10 0 Water .. .. .. .. .. 132 5 2 On account of special bursaries .. 30 0 0 Power .. .. .. .. .. 101 9 1 Sundry grants .. .. 2 5 0 Lighting .. .. .. .. 172 15 6 6,605 14 4 Heating .. .. .. .. 581 14 1 Rent— Material— Pastoral reserves .. .. 1,950 10 0 Anatomy .. .. .. 365 3 10 Department of Scientific Research 26 2 6 Physiology .. .. .. 248 19 2 1,976 12 6 Bacteriology .. .. .. 347 12 11 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 7,403 11 9 Pathology " .. .. .. 266 2.1 Pees for bacteriology reports .. .. 1,332 4 4 General . . .. .. 30 18 10 Pees for pathology reports .. .. 594 13 5 1,258 16 10 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. 1,000 0 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. 43 1 6 Sale of instrument and notes .. .. 17 19 0 Equipment and apparatus— Interest from Investment Account.. 136 1 6 Anatomy .. .. .. 80 15 1 Interest from Glendining Account Physiology .. .. .. 110 6 1 (transferred Account No. 21) .. 800 0 9 Bacteriology . . . . .. 55 16 1 Interest from Ralph Barnett Account Pathology .. . . .. 23 11 0 (transferred Account No. 12) .. 680 13 1 General . . .. .. 55 19 7 1,616 15 4 326 7 10 Grant from Medical School Special Library Account Library .. .. .. .. .. 301 16 1 transferred (Account No. 25) .. .. 8 810 Repairs and maintenance of buildings . . .. 278 14 0 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 34 17 7 Cleaning materials and laundry .. .. 118 2 2 Transfer, Pollen Research Account, for salary of Payments to special bursars .. .. .. 30 0 0 Dr. M. N. Watt (Account No. 35) .. .. 166 13 4 Fees paid to professors, lecturers, and Students' Transfer, Dr. Malcolm's Research Account, for Association .. .. . . 1,084 16 0 salary of Miss Earland (Account No. 42) .. 19 10 0 Payments for special lectures .. . .. 122 17 0 Transfer, Rheumatoid Arthritis Account, for salary Refunds to students .. .. .. . . 7 19 6 of Dr. Cook (Account No. 37) .. .. 191 110 Miscellaneous payments .. .. .. 163 12 0 Transfer, Vitamin Research Account, for salary of Transfer to Arts and General Account for adminisMiss McGeorge (Account No. 40) .. .. 32 10 0 tration (Account No. 1) .. .. .. 251 0 0 Transfer to Honorary Medical Staff Fund (Account No. 24) .. .. .. .. .. 440 Balance .. .. .. .. 2,963 3 4 £21,542 18 2 £21,542 18 2 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grants — £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. 581 6 2 Under New Zealand University Salaries — Amendment Act, 1919 .. 3,509 12 0 Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 11,974 10 3 Under New Zealand University Cleaning and caretaking .. 708 0 4 Amendment Act, 1928 .. 1,867 16 0 Office .. .. .. 370 14 9 Upkeep Bacteriology and PathoLibrary .. .. .. 150 0 0 logy Department .. .. 600 0 0 ——— 13,203 5 4 Sundry grants.. .. .. 189 15 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 253 8 2 6,167 3 0 Insurance .. .. .. 131 6 7 Bent, reserves .. .. .. .. 1,936 10 0 Water .. .. .. .. 132 5 2 Rent, Dr. Carmalt-Jones and DepartPower .. .. .. .. 101 9 l ment of Scientific and Industrial Lighting .. .. .. 172 15 6 Research .. .. .. .. 26 2 6 Heating .. .. .. 581 14 1 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 7,386 10 3 Materials — Fees for bacteriology .. .. .. 1,392 12 3 Anatomy .. .. .. 365 3 10 Fees for pathology .. .. .. 619 12 11 Physiology .. .. .. 248 19 2 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. 1,000 0 0 Bacteriology .. .. .. 347 12 11 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. 17 19 0 Pathology .. .. .. 266 2 I Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 3117 General .. .. .. 30 18 10 Interest — 1.258 16 10 From Medical School Investment Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. 160 19 0 Account .. .. .. 136 13 4 Fees paid to professors, lecturers, and From Mary Glendining Income Students' Association, &c. .. .. 1,188 14 0 Account (No. 58) .. .. 801 8 0 Cleaning materials and expenses and From Ralph Barnett Income Aclaundry and upkeep of grounds .. .. 118 2 2 count (No. 55) .. .. 730 7 11 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 160 9 0 From Library Special Account for Telephone, postages, and exchanges .. 93 17 0 library expenditure .. .. 8 8 10 Government grant not paid on ac- — 1,676 18 1 count of Medical School building— Transfer from rheumatoid-arthritis Written off .. .. .. .. 812 0 grant for salary .. .. .. 191 1 10 Rent account, telephone, not paid by Transfer from Dr. Malcolm's research Health Department—Written off .. 11 17 6 grant for salary .. .. .. 6 10 0 Sundry transfers to capital— Transfer from vitamin research grant Appropriation for equipment— for salary .. .. .. .. 32 10 0 Anatomy .. .. .. 80 15 1 Transfer from Pollen research for Physiology .. .. .. 110 6 1 salary .. .. .. .. 166 13 4 Bacteriology .. .. 55 16 1 Pathology .. .. .. 23 11 0 Medical, general .. .. 55 19 7 326 7 10 Appropriation for furniture .. .. 43 1 6 Appropriation for library .. .. 301 16 1 Appropriation—New works .. .. 117 15 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. 251 0 0 Balance at 31st December, 1928 .. .. 1,452 6 9 £20,651 4 9 £20,651 4 9



MEDICAL SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Balance on Ist January, 1928 — £ s. d. £ a. <1. Debentures .. .. .. .. 2,110 0 0 Balance on 31st December, 1928 —Debentures .. 2,122 2 0 Cash . . .. .. .. 12 2 0 £2,122 2 0 £2,122 2 0 MINING SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. Government grants— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Under New Zealand University Balance on Ist January, 1928 .. .. 1,576 9 0 Amendment Act, 1919 .. .. 319 16 0 Salaries— Under New Zealand University Professors, lecturers, &c. .. 1,540 13 4 Amendment Act, 1928 .. .. 22 13 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. 59 8 4 Grant from Mines Department .. 750 0 0 1,600 1 8 1,092 9 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 30 711 Kent from reserves .. .. .. .. 358 6 0 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. .. 12 8 1 Students' fees .. .. .. .. 195 7 6 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 15 9 2 Assay fees .. .. .. .. .. 117 5 0 Water .. .. .. .. .. 13 14 0 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. .. 4 0 6 Power .. .. .. .. .. 198 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 110 0 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 36 19 11 Transfer from Arts and General Account (Account Heating .. .. .. .. .. 54 9 4 No. 1), being grant in aid of Mining School .. 465 9 6 Material . . .. . . .. .. 99 9 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,574 0 7 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 25 510 Equipment and apparatus .. .. .. 20 18 4 Library .. .. .. .. .. 63 15 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 87 17 2 Cleaning materials .. .. .. .. 1310 Assay fees paid to lecturer .. .. .. 70 2 3 Miscellaneous expenses . . .. .. 28 13 5 Fees paid to lecturers and to Students' Association 44 4 0 Fees refunded to students .. .. .. 0 10 6 Transfer to Arts and General Account (Account No. 1) for administration . . .. .. 25 0 0 £3,808 8 1 £3,808 8 1 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grants under New Zealand University £ s. d. Balance .. .. •• .. 1,593 7 3 Amendment Acts, 1919 and 1928 .. .. 1,092 9 0 Salaries — Rent, reserves .. .. .. .. 355 12 0 Professors and lecturers .. 1,540 13 4 Students'fees .. .. .. .. 195 7 6 Office and cleaning .. .. 59 8 4 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. .. 4 0 6 1,600 1 8 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 110 0 Printing advertising, and stationery .. .. 30 711 Assay fees .. .. .. .. .. 47 8 3 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 15 9 2 Interest on investments .. .. .. 0 0 1 Water .. .. •• .. .. 13 14 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account, being debit Power .. .. .. • • • • 19 8 balance for year ended 31st December, 1928 .. 465 9 6 Lighting .. .. .. .. .. 36 19 11 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,593 7 3 Heating .. .. .. .. . ■ 54 9 4 Material .. .. .. .. .. 99 9 0 Fees paid to professors, lecturers, and Students' Association .. .. .. .. 44 4 0 Refunds to students .. .. .. .. 0 10 6 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 87 17 2 Cleaning materials and expenses .. .. 1 3 10 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 25 6 11 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 3 6 6 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. .. 12 8 1 Sundry transfers to capital— Appropriation for equipment.. .. .. 20 18 4 Appropriation for furniture .. .. .. 25 5 10 Appropriation for library .. .. .. 63 15 0 Transfer to Arts and General Account for administration .. .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 £3,755 4 1 £3,755 4 1


MINING SCHOOL INVESTMENT ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. I Payments. £ s. d. Government subsidy on gifts .. .. .. 015 9 j Balance on 31st December, 1928 —Debentures .. 015 9 MUSEUM. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. j Payments. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. Donation from City Corporation .. .. 200 0 0 ; Balance on Ist January, 1928 .. .. 443 5 9 Rent, Museum Reserve .. .. .. 770 8 10 | Salaries — Sale of post cards .. .. .. .. 96 19 3 Part salary of professor and salary of Balance .. .. .. .. .. 459 7 3 taxidermist .. .. .. 018 15 0 Cleaning and caretaking .. .. 200 0 0 818 15 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 7 5 6 Telephone .. .. .. .. . . 15 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. . . 31 3 6 Water .. .. .. .. . . 13 3 0 Power .. .. .. .. . . 16 12 3 Lighting .. .. .. . . .. 28 7 0 Heating .. .. .. .. .. 64 6 7 Travelling-expenses .. .. . . .. 12 0 0 Material .. .. .. . . .. 17 15 7 Library .. .. .. .. .. 0 14 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 37 6 6 Cleaning-expenses .. .. .. .. 2 19 6 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 18 1 2 £1,526 15 4 £1,526 15 4 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance .. .. - • • ■ ■ • • 246 16 4 Rent, Museum Reserve .. .. .. 770 810 Salaries Grant from City Corporation .. .. .. 200 0 0 Professor .. •• .. 618 15 0 Sale of post-cards .. .. .. .. 96 19 3 Cleaning and caretaking .. .. 200 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 262 17 10 818 15 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. .. 7 5 6 Insurance .. • • • ■ • • • • 31 3 6 Water .. . • • • • • • • 13 3 0 Power .. - • • • • • • ■ 16 12 3 Lighting .. .. • • • • • ■ 28 7 0 Heating .. • • • • • • • • 64 6 7 Material .. .. • • • • • • 17 15 7 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. .. 37 6 6 Cleaning materials and expenses .. .. 2 19 6 Miscellaneous payments .. .. ■ • 18 12 Travelling-expenses .. .. • • • • 12 0 0 Telephones, postages, and exchanges .. -. 15 0 0 Transfer to capital—Appropriation for library .. 0 14 0 £1,330 5 11 £1,330 5 11 STUDHOLME HOUSE ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 496 4 0 Food .. .. .. .. .. 639 310 Boarding fees •• •• 2,219 0 0 Wages .. .. ■ ■ •• •• 333 2 9 Miscellaneous receipts .. •. .. 0 11 Repairs and maintenance of building .. .. 25 10 0 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. 187 5 8 Refund, General Account, II one Science School (Account No. 5) — £ s. d. On account of salaries .. .. 420 16 8 On account of insurance .. .. 15 6 1 On account of water, light and fuel.. 2 8 0 438 10 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 103 18 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 987 14 I £2,715 5 1 £2,715 5 1

B—E. 7.




Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Salaries .. .. .. .. . . 420 16 8 £ s. d. Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 15 6 1 Boarding fees .. .. .. .. 2,219 0 0 Water, light, and fuel .. .. 189 13 8 Miscellaneous receipts ... .. .. Oil Food .. .. . . . . .. 639 3 10 Wages .. .. .. .. .. 333 2 9 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 103 18 0 Repairs .. .. .. .. .. 25 10 0 Balance to capital .. .. .. .. 491 10 1 £2,219 1 1 £2,219 1 1 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital at 31st December, 1927 .. 5,853 110 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 755 0 9 Less depreciation of assets .. 39 14 9 Site.. .. .. .. .. 1,100 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. .. 3,500 0 0 5,813 7 1 Cash .. .. .. .. .. 987 14 1 Add excess of income over expenditure .. .. .. 491 10 1 — 6,304 17 2 Amount owing to General Account .. .. 37 17 8 £6,342 14 10 £6,342 14 10 BEVERLY TRUST ACCOUNT. Statement op Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1928 — £ s. d. Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 120 0 0 Debentures .. .. .. .. 8,315 5 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 676 16 3 Cash .. .. .. . . .. 246 0 1 Rates .. .. .. .. .. 182 6 10 Interest .. .. .. . . . . 479 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 13 6 7 Rates .. .. .. . . 0 116 Repairs .. .. .. .. .. 45 10 3 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 1,237 8 4 Miscellaneous payments .. .. .. 314 0 Commission .. .. .. .. .. 2 16 3 Balance on 31st December, 1928 — £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. 8,3X550 Cash .. .. .. 918 9 9 9,233 14 9 £10,278 4 11 £10,278 4 11 Statement op Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. Commissions, audit fees, and petty expenses to £ s. d. Refund from General Account .. .. .. 23 10 0 agents .. .. .. .. .. 57 I 9 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 479 0 0 Bank commissions and charges .. .. 216 3 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 1,231 10 4 Sundry expenses .. .. .. .. 3 14 0 Repairs .. .. .. .. .. 142 13 3 Insurance .. .. .. .. .. 13 6 7 Rates .. .. .. .. .. 181 5 0 Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. 120 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 676 16 3 Balance to Accumulated Income .. .. 536 7 3 £1,734 0 4 £1,734 0 4 Accumulated Income Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s . d. Appropriation to capital.. .. .. .. 112 14 3 Balance on Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 367 19 7 Balance on 31st December, 1928 .. .. .. 791 12 7 Transfer from Income and Expenditure Account .. 536 7 3 £904 6 10 £904 6 10 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. | Assets. £ s . ( l. Capital Account at 31st December, j Freehold property as per Government valuation .. 12,600 2 11 1927 .. .. .. 20,961 5 6 Debentures and inscribed stock .. .. 8,315 5 0 Transfer from Accumulated Income 112 14 3 Rents accrued .. .. .. .. 52 15 8 21,073 19 9 Interest accrued .. .. .. .. 129 710 Accumulated income . . .. .. . . 791 12 7 Amount owing by General Account .. .. 23 10 0 Trustees, Executors Co.—Amount owing for com- Amount due bv McClymont 011 account of rates .. 0 10 .10 missions, audit fees, and petty expenses .. 77 6 8 Cash .. .. .. .. ~ 918 9 9 Sundry creditors for repairs .. .. .. 97 3 0 £22,040 2 0 £22,040 2 0


TRAINING CORPS HALL TRUST ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1927 .. .. 257 011 Balance in Dunedin Savings-bank .. .. 269 4 2 Interest .. .. .. .. 12 3 3 £269 4 2 £269 4 2 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Repairs to building .. .. .. .. 2 0 6 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 12 11 9 Balance carried to capital .. .. .. 10 11 3 £12 11 9 £12 11 9 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital at 31st December, 1927 .. 231 0 8 Interest accrued .. .. .. .. 9 11 0 Add excess of income over expenditure 10 11 3 Cash in Dunedin Savings-bank .. .. .. 269 4 2 241 11 11 Amount owing to General Account .. .. 37 3 3 £278 15 2 £278 15 2 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. .. 750 0 0 Balance on Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 46 8 9 Government subsidy .. .. .. .. 247 19 2 Salaries of lecturers .. .. .. .. 1,414100 Donations .. .. .. .. .. 248 8 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 106 2 1 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 12 12 10 Library .. .. .. .. .. 45 10 8 University of New Zealand—National-endowment grant .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Balance on 31st December, 1928 .. .. 53 11 6 £1,612 11 6 £1,612 11 6 Workers' Educational Association Investment Account. £ s. d. | £ s. d. Balance, Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 254 710 Balance on 31st December, 1928 .. .. .. 254 710 Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries of lecturers .. .. .. .. 1,414 10 0 Balance on Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 207 16 4 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. 106 2 1 Government grants .. .. .. .. 750 0 0 Library .. .. .. .. .. 45 10 8 Government subsidy .. .. .. .. 248 8 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 201 2 5 Donations .. .. .. .. .. 248 8 0 University of New Zealand-—National-endowment grant .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 12 12 10 £1,767 5 2 £1,767 5 2 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. liabilities. I Assets. £ s. d. i £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. .. 254 7 10 1 Debentures .. .. .. .. .. 254 7 10 Balance of Income Account .. .. .. 201 2 5 Government grants due .. .. .. 248 8 0 Cash in debit .. .. .. .. 53 11 6 Interest accrued .. .. .. .. 6511 £509 1 9 ! £509 1 9 CHEMISTRY APPARATUS FUND. Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Library .. .. .. .. .. 28 10 II Balance on Ist January, 1928 .. .. .. 97 9 8 Transfer, Arts and General Account (No. 44) .. 27 15 6 Eees for year .. .. .. .. .. 180 1 6 Equipment .. .. .. .. .. 5 9 10 Chemical fees payable to professor .. .. 120 1 0 Refund fee .. .. .. . • .. 110 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 94 12 11 £277 11 2 £277 11 2

9—E. 7.



SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZE FUND ACCOUNT. Statement op Receipts and Payments.


Batchelor Dental E!f>spjirrb John Edmond William Emery Balance Total Memorial. ISursary Fund. Scholarship Fellowship. Scholarship. in Bank. Investments. I 'I Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31/12/27 .. .. 128 5 4 1 6 9 1,089 19 3 4,308 17 10 Donation .. .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 500 0 0 Interest .. .. .. 5 9 10 .. 59 3 2 249 17 6 4 17 11 Cash refunded .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 133 15 2 U 6 9 1,149 2 5 5,058 15 4 504 17 11 Payments. Payment of holders .. .. .. .. .. 210 0 0 Advertising .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 0 Expenses .. .. .. .. .. 8 19 9 0 15 0 Bank charge .. .. .. 008 .. 069 18 10 02 11 Balance on 31/12/28— Invested .. .. .. 119 14 6 .. 1,139 6 10 4,914 11 2 500 0 0 .. 6,673 12 6 Cnrrent account .. .. 14 0 0 11 6 9 0 9 1 .. 4 15 0 30 10 10 Current account overdrawn .. .. . . .. 69 9 8 .. 69 9 8 133 15 2 11 6 9 1,149 2 5 5,058 15 4 504 17 11 Dr.38 18 10 6,673 12 6 Girls' Irish I Invercargill Invercargill Fowler Gilray q«y,«ni t,,ww Savings-bank Savings-bank Balance in Total Scholarship. Prize. q Boys' Girls' Bank. Investments, scholarship. | gcholar8h j p . Scholarship. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Forward.. ... .. .. .. .. .. 38 18 10 6,673 12 6 Balance on 31/12/27 .. .. 1,483 2 7 45 16 6 439 19 5 2,077 7 0 2,091 9 8 Interest .. .. .. 81 18 2 2 10 8 25 6 0 115 3 5 116 9 7 Cash refunded .. .. . . .. .. .. 8 15 0 1,565 0 9 48 7 2 465 5 5 2,201 5 5 2,207 19 3 Payments. Payment of holders .. .. 60 00 220 20 00 113150 70 00 Advertising .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 12 6 0 12 6 Bank charge .. .. .. 08 11 003 027 0 12 6 0 12 6 Balance on 31/12/28 —■ Invested .. .. .. 1,490 0 0 46 0 0 440 8 10 2,090 19 0 2,120 0 0 .. 6,187 7 10 Current account .. .. 14 11 10 0 4 11 4 14 0 .. 16 14 3 36 5 0 Current account overdrawn .. .. .. .. 4 13 7 .. 4 13 7 1,565 0 9 48 7 2 465 5 5 2,201 5 5 2,207 19 3 Dr. 7 7 5 12,861 0 4 I Lady King Leask Duffus Lubecki Macandrew Macgregor Balance in Total Scholarship. Memorial. Scholarship. Scholarship. Prize. Bank. Investments. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Forward .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Dr. 7 7 5 12,861 0 4 Balance on 31/12/27 .. 6,070 16 5 70 16 10 3,713 14 1 1,683 17 3 192 0 10 Interest .. .. 308 6 11 3 12 0 197 12 3 91 5 11 10 8 5 6,379 3 4 74 8 10 3,911 6 4 .1,775 3 2 202 9 3 Payments. Payment to holders .. . . 198 1 8 .. 175 0 0 Bank charge .. .. . . 1 16 6 0 0 4 1 2 5 0 10 7 0 1 1 Balance on 31/12/28 —■ Invested .. .. .. 6,170 15 0 60 15 4 3,726 15 7 1,764 10 11 185 1 8 .. 11,90818 6 Current account .. .. 8 10 2 13 13 2 8 8 4 10 1 8 17 6 6 57 19 10 6,379 3 4 74 8 10 3,911 6 4 1,775 3 2 202 9 3 50 12 5 24,76818 10 MaSim M «r m own"" ""•!!* , iJttbone Balance in Total Memorial. Scholarship. Association. Memorial. Scholarship. Bank ' Investments. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Forward.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 12 5 24,76818 10 Balance on 31/12/27 .. .. 1,291 1 3 280 2 10 0 9 7 74 11 4 3,171 13 10 Interest .. .. .. 70 1 9 15 15 2 .. 4 9 8 179 19 8 1,361 3 0 295 18 0 0 9 7 79 1 0 3,351 13 6 Payments. Payment to holders .. .. .. .. .. 200 150 0 0 Bank charge .. .. .. 0 7 11 0 1 6 .. 0 0 5 0 19 0 Balance on 31/12/28 — Invested .. .. .. 1,346 2 0 260 0 0 .. 72 6 1 3,187 10 0 .. 4,865 18 1 Current account .. .. 14 13 1 35 16 6 0 9 7 4 14 6 13 4 6 68 18 2 1,361 3 0 295 18 0 0 9 7 79 1 0 3,351 13 6 119 10 7 29,63416 11


Statement of Receipts and Payments—continued.

Statement of Income and Expenditure.


Richardson Walter Scott Dr. Scott SSh P. Smith Balance in Total Scholarship. Scholarship. Memorial. Scholarship Prize. Bank. Investments. Receipts. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Forward.. .. .. .. I .. .. .. .. 119 10 7 29,63416 ]1 Balance on 31/12/27 .. .. 1,233 11 1 | 591 7 10 113 16 4 5,655 8 6 55 10 7 Interest .. .. .. 65 12 11 j 31 1 8 6 1 0 340 2 10 3 7 0 1,299 4 0 ! 622 9 6 119 17 4 5,995 11 4 58 17 7 Payments. Payment to holders .. .. 30 0 0 15 0 0 .. 270 0 0 Payment for medals .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Bank charge .. .. .. 0 7 6 0 3 7 0 0 7 1 14 2 0 0 3 Balance on 31/12/28 — Invested .. .. .. 1,266 7 4 602 2 4 110 0 0 5,708 2 6 55 0 0 .. 7,741 12 2 Current account .. .. 2 9 2 5 3 7 .. 15 14 8 3 17 4 27 4 9 Current account overdrawn .. .. .. 033 .. .. 033 1,299 4 0 622 9 6 119 17 4 5,995 11 4 58 17 7 146 12 1 37,376 9 1 Ana P. Stout Sir oS,?,t° rt r>,;™ Taieri Ulrich Balance in Total Scholarship. Scholarship btuart ,llz0 - Scholarship. Memorial. Bank. Investments. i Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Forward .. .. .. .. •.. .. .. .. 146 12 1 37,376 9 1 Balance on 31/12/27 .. .. 1,246 0 7 1,236 13 11 175 10 0 629 19 0 113 2 3 Interest .. .. .. 68 8 8 | 67 7 9 9 15 10 32 14 10 6 4 9 1,314 9 3 1 1,304 1 8 185 5 10 662 13 10 119 7 0 Payments. Payment to holders .. .. 50 00 .. 500 20 00 Bank charge .. .. .. 075 077 011 039 007 Balance on 31 /12/28 — Invested .. .. .. [,255 0 0 1,287 0 0 175 6 5 632 17 5 103 18 5 .. 3,454 2 3 Current account .. .. 9 1 10 16 14 1 4 18 4 9 12 8 15 8 0 55 14 11 1,314 9 3 1,304 I 8 185 5 10 662 13 10 119 7 0 202 7 0 40,83011 4 = | | = Waters : Women's George Young Downie 1 alance in Total Memorial. 1 Scholarship, j Scholarship. Stewart. Bank. Investments. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Forward .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 202 7 0 40,830 11 4 Balance on 31/12/27 .. .. .. 19 11 11 866 7 11 2,080 6 10 Transfer from General Account .. .. .. j .. .. 69 11 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 1 0 0 : 47 1 0 127 16 10 .. .. 20 11 11 | 913 8 11 2,208 3 8 69 11 0 Payments. Payment to holders .. .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 100 0 0 Bank charge .. .. .. .. 001 053 0 12 6 Balance on 31/12/28 — Invested .. .. .. .. .. 20 1 0 884 3 4 2,079 0 0 .. .. 2,983 4 4 Current account .. .. .. .. 0 10 10 4 0 4 28 11 2 69 11 0 102 13 4 20 11 11 | 913 8 11 2,208 3 8 69 11 0 1 305 0 4 43,813 15 8 [_ j

Batchelor Memorial. Dunbar Research Scholarship. John Edmond Fellowship. Fowler Scholarship. Dr. Cr. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. I I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Interest receivable .. 5 9 10 .. 59 17 8 .. 259 4 4 .. 82 1 11 To Cash payment to .. .. .. .. 210 0 0 .. 60 0 0 holder To Bank charge .. 008 .. 0 69 .. 1810 .. 0 8 11 To Sundry expenses .. .. .. 8 19 9 .. 2 5 0 To Balance carried to 5 9 2 .. 50 11 2 .. 45 10 0 .. 21 13 0 Accumulated Income 5 9 10 5 9 10 59 17 8 59 17 8 259 4 4 259 4 4 82 1 11 82 1 11



Statement of Income and Expenditure—continued.

fiiimv Pri7f Girls' High School Jubilee Invercargill Savings-bank InvercargiU Savings-bank Scholarship. Boys' Scholarship. Girls' Scholarship. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Interest receivable .. 2 10 8 .. 25 6 0 .. 127 9 3 .. 128 15 0 To Cash payment to 2 2 0 .. 20 0 0 .. 113 15 0 .. 70 0 0 holder To Bank charge .. 003 .. 027 .. 0 12 6 .. 0 12 6 To Sundry expenses .. .. .. .. .. 0 12 6 .. 0 12 6 By Payment refunded .. .. .. .. .. 8 15 0 To Balance carried to 0 8 5 .. 5 3 5 .. 21 4 3 .. 57 10 0 Accumulated Income ____! 2 10 8 2 10 8 1 25 6 0 25 6 0 136 4 3 136 4 3 128 15 0 128 15 0 Leask Memorial. Duffus Lubecki Scholarship. Macandrew Scholarship. Macgregor Prize. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Interest receivable .. 3 12 2 .. 197 12 0 .. 91 10 11 .. 10 8 9 To Cash payment to .. .. 175 0 0 holder To Bank charge ... 0 0 4 .. 1 2 5 .. 0 10 7 .. 0 1 1 To Balance carried to 3 11 10 .. 21 9 7 .. 91 0 4 .. 10 7 8 Accumulated Income 3 12 2 3 12 2_ 197 12 0 197 12 0 91 10 11 91 10 11 10 8 9 10 8 9 Macmillan-Brown Scholarship. Marjorie MacCallum Memorial. Parker Prize. Lissie Rathbone Scholarship. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Interest receivable .. 15 16 1 .. 70 2 11 .. 4 9 8 .. 194 2 6 To Cash payment to .. .. .. .. 2 0 0 .. 150 0 0 holder To Bank charge .. 0 1 6 .. 0 7 11 .. 0 0 5 .. 0 19 0 To Balance carried to 15 14 7 .. 69 15 0 .. 2 9 3 .. 43 3 6 Accumulated Income 15 16 1 15 16 1 70 2 11 70 2 .1.1 4 9 8 4 9 8 194 2 6 194 2 6 Richardson Scholarship. Dr. Scott Memorial. Sir W. Scott Scholarship. j Smeaton Research Scholarship. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Interest receivable .. 64 16 1 .. 6 1 0 .. 30 0 6 .. 342 15 2 To Cash payment to 30 0 0 .. 10 0 0 .. 15 0 0 .. 270 0 0 holder To Bank charge .. 076 .. 007 .. 037 .. 1 14 2 To Balance carried to 34 8 7 .. .. 3 19 7 14 16 11 .. 71 1 0 Accumulated Income 64 16 1 64 16 1 10 0 7 1 10 0 7 30 0 6 30 0 6 I 342 15 2 342 15 2 S. P. Smith Prize. Stuart Prize. Anna P. Stout Scholarship. Sir Robert Stout Scholarship. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Interest receivable .. 3 7 6 .. 9 18 0 .. 68 12 4 .. 67 5 2 To Cash payment to .. .. 5 0 0 .. 50 0 0 holder To Bank charge .. 003 .. 011 .. 075 .. 077 To Balance carried to 3 7 3 .. 4 16 11 .. 18 4 11 .. 66 17 7 Accumulated Income 376 376 9 18 0 9 18 0 68 12 4 68 12 4 67 5 2 67 5 2 Taieri Scholarship. TJlrich Memorial. Women's Scholarship. Guy Young Scholarship. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Interest receivable .. 32 18 5 .. 6 5 4 .. 47 6 9 .. 128 5 5 To Cash payment to 20 0 0 .. .. .. 25 0 0 .. 100 0 0 holder To Bank charge .. 039 .. 007 .. 053 .. 0 12 6 To Balance carried to 12 14 8 .. 6 4 9 .. 22 1 6 .. 27 12 11 Accumulated Income 32 18 5 32 18 5 6 5 4 6 5 4 47 6 9 47 6 9 128 5 5 128 5 5



Statement of Income and Expenditure—continued.

Lady King Scholarship. Waters Memorial- Emery Scholarship. Dr. ' Cr. Dr. | Cr. Dr. (Jr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Interest receivable .. .. .. .. 308 2 11 .. 0 19 10 .. 14 0 2 To Cash payment to holder . . .. .. 198 18 To Bank charge .. .. .. .. 1 16 6 .. 001 .. 02 11 To Balance carried to Accumulated Income .. 108 4 9 .. 0 19 9 .. 13 17 3 308 2 11 308 2 11 0 19 10 0 19 10 14 0 2 14 0 2 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital at 31st December, 1927 .. 41,372 17 0 Debentures .. .. .. .. .. 43,813 15 8 Add capital receipts and transfers 2,522 6 0 Cash .. .. .. .. .. 305 0 4 43,895 3 0 Interest accrued .. .. .. .. 805 4 1 Accumulated income at 31st December, 1927 .. .. .. 1,605 1 3 Less transferred to Capital Account 1,442 15 0 162 6 3 Add excess income over expenditure .. .. .. 866 10 10 1,028 17 1 £44,924 0 1 £44,924 0 1 Sundry Statements op Receipts and Payments. » f -vr 11 . Acct. No. 12 : Acct. No. 13 : Accfc. No. 14 : Acct. No. 15 : Acct. No. 16 : Dr Barnett'a' Barnett Cameron Cancer Chamber of Chemistry ( Accfc. No. 17 : * pjft. Chair of Memorial Research Commerce Apparatus Dean's Fund. Surgery. Fund. Fund. Prize. Fund. ! Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 1/1/28 — Debentures .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 15,405 0 0 .. .. .. .. 2,606 2 4 Cash .. .. .. 543 14 7 106 19 6 309 7 10 1,647 4 0 7 14 7 95 7 8 ; 106 4 1 Government subsidies .. .. • • .. • • • • ■ • • • I Donations .. .. .. • ■ . • 26 3 6 .. 10 10 0 Interest .. .. 108 6 0 756 5 8 21 18 4 .. .. .. 149 7 0 Fees .. .. •. • . . . 177 19 6 j 2,652 0 7 16,268 5 2 357 9 8 1,647 4 0 18 4 7 273 7 2 |2,861 13 5 Payments. Research expenses .. .. .. .. • • • • ■ • ■ • 12 1 6 Apparatus .. .. • • • • . • ■ • • • • • 5 9 10 Fees paid to professors .. .. .. .. ■ • .. .. 121 9 0 Library .. .. .. 67 9 8 .. .. 115 4 .. 28 10 11 Payment on account of prizes .. .. .. . ■ .. 7 6 11 Travelling-expenses, &c. .. .. . • •. •. 24 14 1 Transfer, Medical School Account .. 680 13 1 (No. 6), for salary Interest advanced .. .. • • 1 18 5 .. .. .. .. 1 18 4 Balance on 31/12/28 — Debentures .. .. •• 2,000 0 0 15,511 5 0 .. .. .. .. 2,706 2 4 Cash .. .. .. 584 10 11 74 8 8 26 14 4 1,620 14 7 10 17 8 117 17 5 141 11 3 Dunedin Savings-bank .. .. .. .. 330 15 4 2,652 0_ 7 16,268 5 2 357 9 8 1,647 4 0 18 7 273 7 2 2,861 13 5 Acct. No. 18 : Acc i„nt° a 'l 19 : A ™S,»v° : Acct - No - 21: Acct - No - 22 = AC $ n S. 0 ' 23 : Dental School S ™ s - Books Hocken StaS Equipment. S *£ents Glendining. Library. BootaCom. Receipts. \ Balance on 1/1/28— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures .. ■■ •• 200 0 0 .. 16,973 15 3 Cash .. . . • • ■ • •■ 359 15 3 121 6 1 13 19 3 96 16 10 132 0 1 91 10 4 Government subsidy .. .. • • • • • ■ 109 10 6 1 0 0 Donations .. .. •• •• •• 13 1 6 .. •• 115 4 1] Interest .. .. •• •• •• 1331 .. 900 0 9 84 8 6 Transfer from Hocken Library Account (No. 22) .. .. .. ■ • ■ • 55 0 0 359 15 3 | 457 1 2 14 19 3 17,970 12 10 331 13 6 146 10 4 Payments. Equipment .. .. •• •• 800 Library . . .. •• • ■ • • • • 9 12 3 .. .. . . 74 16 2 Repairs and maintenance .. .. •• •• ! •• •• •• 15 89 618 Transfer, Arts and General Account (No. 1), for .. .. .. .. 65 0 0 salary Transfer, Hocken Library Books Committee (No. 23) .. .. .. •• 55 0 0 Miscellaneous expenses • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 15 6 10 Transfer, Medical School (No. 6), for salary .. .. .. . • 800 0 9 Interest advanced .. .. • • • • • ■ • • • • 118 4 Balance on 31/12/28 — Debentures 404 5 0 .. 17,159 15 4 100 0 0 Cash .. .. •• •• 351 15 3 43 3 II 14 19 3 8 18 5 80 17 11 65 12 6 359 15 3 457 1 2 14 19 3 17,970 12 10 331 13 6 146 10 4



Sundry Statements of Receipts and Payments—continued.

Acct. No. 24: A<^55j5 : Acct - No - 2 « : Acct. No. 27 : Acct. No. 28 : , , w „ 9Q . Acot. No. 30 : — Honorary School Sneoial Moritzson Parker Physiology nnniw Sir John Medical Staff. i™ b V„y Gift. Grave. Research. Donald Reid. Roberts. I Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. dJ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 1/1/28 — Debentures .. .. .. .. .. j 222 6 11 .. .. 7,214 10 0 2,077 2 2 Cash .. .. .. 745 16 0 83 8 6 55 18 0 6 9 7 56 16 5 165 13 8 445 8 2 Transfer from Medical School Account 440 (No. 6) Government subsidy .. .. .. 146 12 5 Donations .. .. .. .. 154 3 0! Interest .. .. .. 0 13 2 2 17 Oj 12 3 0 .. .. 398 13 0 112 17 10 750 13 2 387 0 111 290 7 11 6 9 7 56 16 5 7,778 16 8 2,635 8 2 Payments. Grant for research .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Equipment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 13 1 Interest advanced .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 13 5 Transfer, Medical School Account .. 8810 (No. 6), for library Balance on 31/12/28 — Debentures .. .. 750 0 0 246 12 5 222 6 11 .. .. 7,677 0 3 2,077 2 2 Cash in current account .. 0 13 2 1 17 10 68 1 0 6 9 7 32 3 4 99 3 0 458 6 0 Cash in Savings-bank .. .. .. 130 1 10 750 13 2 387 0 11 290 7 11 6 9 _ 7 56 16 5 7,778 16 8 2,635 8 2 Acct. No. 81: Acct. No. 82 : , t „ „„ . mtooS'anWc Acct No. 35: | Acct. No. 36: Ethnology Home Science Lo 'an Park' MuJfum Pollen Infant Welfare Gift. Alumnas. Lo S an ParK - Bul i™™ nd Research. ' Research. Receipts. Balance on 1/1/28 — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. .. 2,593 19 9 Companies' shares .. .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 Investment with Trustees, Executors Co. .. .. 1,324 9 8 On fixed deposit .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,018 15 0 1,750 0 0 Investment with Hallenstein Bros., Ltd. .. .. .. .. 8,920 4 0 Cash in credit .. .. .. .. 39 17 7 .. 40 15 8 Cash in debit .. .. .. .. .. 880 Government subsidy .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,009 1 8 Donations .. .. .. .. .. .. 107 5 0 750 0 0 11,968 8 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 299 19 6 67 15 0 92 0 10 597 4 8 Government grant .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 500 0 0 50 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. 013 .. 2 10 0 5,433 18 1 1,491 1 8 3,913 3 2 23,235 16 8 500 0 0 50 0 0 Payments. — 1 Material .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 0157 Equipment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 14 4 Transfer, Medical School Account (No. 6), for salary .. .. .. .. 166 13 4 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 500 .. .. .. .. 8 12 8 Purchase exhibits .. .. .. .. 414 12 7 Preparation of ground .. .. .. .. .. 1,200 111 Payment to contractors .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,263 0 0 Payment to architect .. .. .. .. .. .. 834 6 7 Balance on 31/12/28 — Debentures .. .. .. .. 2,593 19 9 .. .. 5,000 0 0 Companies' shares .. .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 Investment with Trustees, Executors Co. .. .. 1,499 9 8 On fixed deposit .. .. .. .. . . .. 1,606 2 1 3,772 10 0 Investment with Hallenstein Bros., Ltd. .. .. .. .. 9,418 18 8 Cash in credit .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,106 10 0 .. 332 11 1 22 13 0 Cash in debit .. .. .. .. 79 14 3 8 8 0 .. 52 18 7 5,433 18 1 1,491 1 8 3,913 3 2 23,235 16 8 500 0 0 50 0 0 A Research^"' Acct No SR ■ Acct - No ' 39 : Acct ' No ' 40 : Acot - No - 41 : Acct - No - 42 : 1 — Rhmmatoid sfdev Gift ' Downie Vitamin Popular Dr. Malcolm's ArtteMs Stewart Gift ' Research. Lectures. Research. Receipts. Balance on 1/1/28 — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Cash .. .. .. 394 4 0 7 15 2 100 0 0 52 18 11 65 10 0 7 7 3 25 0 0 Interest .. .. .. 112 10 0 Door receipts .. .. .. .. • • .. . . 16 1 0 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 073 .. .. 060 .. 13 00 394 11 3 2,120 5 2 100 0 0 53 4 11 81 11 0 20 7 3 25 0 0 Payments. Printing and advertising .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 6 11 Material .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 6 8 Transfer to Arts and General Account .. .. 30 9 0 (No. 1) Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. . . .. . . 10 16 8 Transfer, Scholarship Account .. .. .. 69 11 0 Transfer, Dental School Account .. 60 0 5 (No. 3) Transfer, Medical School Account 191 1 10 .. .. 32 10 0 .. 19 10 0 (No. 6), on account of salary Balance at 31/12/28— Debentures .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Cash .. 203 9 5 60 4 9 .. 7 8 3 55 7 5 0 17 3 25 0 0 394 11 3 2,120 5 2 100 0 0 53 4 11 81 11 0 20 7 3 25 0 0



Sundry Statements of Income and Expenditure.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (900 copies), £96 7s. 6d.

Authority: W. A. G. Skinnek, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 929.

Price la. fld.J

Acct. No. 50 : Acct. No. 51: Acct. No. 52 : Acct. No. 53 : Donald Reid. Sir John Roberts. Sidey Gift. Ethnology Gift. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Balance on 1/1/28 .. .. .. .. 496 8 6 .. 54 8 0 .. 135 0 5 Interest for year.. .. 402 4 1 .. 112 19 1 .. 112 5 4 .. 299 19 0 Refund exchange on draft.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 013 402 4 1 609 7 7 166 13 4 435 ] 2 To Scholarships .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 .. .. .. .. Transferred to Capital Ac- 402 4 1 .. 10 0 0 count Transferred to Dental School .. . . .. .. 60 0 5 Income Account (No. 45) Purchase, ethnographic ma- .. .. .. .. .. .. 419 12 7 terial Balance on 31/12/28 .. .. .. 499 7 7 .. 106 12 11 .. 15 8 7 402 4 I 609 7 7 166 13 4 435 1 2 Acct. No. 54 : Acct. Wo. 55 : Acct. No. 56 : Dr. Barnett's Gilt. Ralph Barnett Chair of Surgery. The Dean's Fund. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Balance on 1/1/28 .. .. .. .. 595 13 11 Interest for year .. .. .. .. .. 108 6 0 .. 811 11 0 .. 148 8 0 703 19 11 811 11 0 148 8 0 \ To Purchase of books .. .. .. 67 9 8 Transferred to Capital Account .. .. • . .. 81 3 1 .. 136 6 6 Transferred to Medical School Income Account .. .. 730 7 11 (No. 47) Payments on account of research .. .. . . .. .. .. 12 1 6 Balance on 31/12/28 .. .. .. 636 10 3 703 19 11 811 11 0 148 8 0 Acct. No. 57 : Acct. No. 58 : Acct. No. 59 : Dental Student's Library. Mary Glendining. Moritzson Gift. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Balance on 1/1/28 .. .. .. .. 32 5 11 .. .. .. 60 18 2 Interest for year .. .. .. .. .. 16 8 3 .. 901 8 0 .. 12 3 4 48 14 2 901 8 0 73 1 6 To Purchase of books .. .. .. 9 12 3 Transferred to Capital Account .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Transferred to Medical School Income Account .. .. 801 8 0 (No. 47) Balance on 31/12/28 .. .. .. 39 1 11 .. .. .. 73 1 6 48 14 2 901 8 0 73 1 6

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1928.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1929 Session I, E-07

Word Count

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1928.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1929 Session I, E-07

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1928.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1929 Session I, E-07

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