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EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1928.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

CONTENT S. Page page 1. Report of the Chief Inspector of Secondary 2. Detailed Tables, etc. —continued. Schools .. .. .. .. 2 Secondary Schools—continued. 2. Detailed Tables, etc. 11a. Statement of Affairs and Balance- „ , oil sheet of the Whanganui College Secondary Schools- Boatd o£ Xruatees 5 _ _ « 22 Personnel of Stags of Secondary Schools .. 5 K 1.2. Balance-sheets of Secondary-sohool K 1. Some Particulars relating to Hostels .. .. ..24 Secondary Education, 1927 and K 13. Incidental Expenses of Secondary 1928 .. .. .. ..10 Schools .. .. ..26 K 2. Roll, Average Attendance, Free Pupils Kl4. Lower Departments .. .. 26 of Secondary Schools, and Ages of Pupils .. .. .. ..11 K 3. Years of Attendance of Pupils and Numbers commencing Secondary District High Schools, Secondary Departments— Education .. .. ..12 Average Attendance, Free Pupils, K 4. Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Ages of Pupils, and Numbers of Schools .. .. ..13 Teaohers .. .. ..27 K 5. National Scholarships .. ..13 L 2. Years of Attendance of Pupils and K6. Pupils boarding away from Home .. 14 Numbers commencing Seoondary Education .. .. ..30 K 7. Receipts of Seoondary Schools ..15 T , , _ .. 1j 3. Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary KB. Payments of Secondary Schools .. 17 Departments of District High K9. Income and Expenditure of Hostels .. 19 Schools .. .. .. ..30 K 10. Income and Expenditure of Hostels per Boarder .. .. .. 20 K 11. Balances and other Monetary Assets Registered Private Secondary Schoolsand Liabilities .. .. ..21 Ml. Roll Number and Ages of Pupils .. 31

I—E. 6.



1. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CHIEF INSPECTOR OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Wellington, Ist July, 1929. Sir, — I have the honour to present the report for the year 1928. Early in the year the Inspectorate suffered a loss when Mr. W. T. Poster resigned bis position to become Principal of the Napier Boys' High School. Mr. J. B. Mawson, M.C., M.A., was appointed to fill the vacancy, and took up his duties as Inspector in May. The routine work of inspection, accrediting, examining, and grading, has been carried on very much as in previous years. A considerable portion of the first term was spent in visiting all the district high schools in the Canterbury, Otago, and Southland Education Districts, some twenty-nine in all. As in the previous year, conferences were held with the full staff of local Inspectors on the completion of the visits in their respective districts. These informal conferences are of undoubted value to both groups of Inspectors, and afford opportunity for discussion of not only the difficulties besetting individual schools, but also secondary-school methods in general. On the whole, the work being done in the secondary departments visited was very creditable indeed, due allowance being made for the unfavourable conditions under which much of the teaching is done. The remainder of the first half of the year was devoted in the main to the full inspection of eighteen of the departmental secondary schools. In these visits the practice is for two Inspectors to collaborate, two days as a rule being spent in the smallest schools, and as many as five in schools with seven hundred to nine hundred pupils. Although a' system of biennial inspections has been consistently aimed at for some years past, it has now been found advisable to modify the procedure by subjecting only about 40 per cent, of the schools to complete inspection in each year. This will leave more time for attention to the district high schools, which at present are paid a brief visit only once in three years. Two new secondary schools—Rongotai Boys' College (Wellington) and Avonside Girls' High School (Christchurch) —were opened last year, thus raising the number of departmental secondary schools to forty-three. Their aggregate roll on the Ist March, 1928, was 15,943. The number of registered private secondary schools now stands at forty-three also, four having been recognized in 1928, viz.— Sacred Heart Convent, New Plymouth ; St. Mary's Collegiate School, Christchurch ; Marist Brothers' School, Greymouth; and Craighead School, Timaru. Sixteen of these registered schools were inspected during the year. The number of appeals lodged by teachers against their classification was smaller than usual, and all but one of them were subsequently withdrawn ; in the single case heard the appeal was disallowed. The latter portion of the year was occupied with the customary visit to all the secondary schools in connection with the classification of assistant teachers and the accrediting of candidates for senior free places. The principle introduced in the preceding year of placing more responsibility upon the Principals in determining the fitness of their candidates has again been followed, and where the Inspectors were satisfied that the average standard of the Fourth Form work in the school was sufficiently high very little alteration was made in the list submitted by the Principal. The number of senior free places granted to candidates from departmental secondary schools on the Principals' recommendations has risen considerably in the past two years ; 2,563 were granted in 1926, 2,992 in the following year, and 3,165 in 1928. An additional 125 candidates obtained senior free places by passing the Intermediate Examination in November. There has been an increased demand, for both grades of leaving-certificates ; 778 secondary-school pupils were granted the higher certificate, and 85 the lower, all on recommendation ; included in these numbers are 104 and 3 respectively from registered private schools. The present position in connection with the Department's certificates of secondary instruction is not altogether satisfactory. In the first place, the nomenclature is somewhat misleading. The present lower leaving-certificate is granted to a pupil who has satisfactorily completed at an approved school at least a three-years course of secondary instruction, and. has in general reached a standard of attainment comparable to that required in the University Entrance or Class D Examination. The certificate is intended, in short, to certify that the holder has completed a good average secondary-school course. The value of the certificate to the ex-pupil seeking employment is, however, unmistakably diminished by the title "lower." The average employer, unskilled in the intricacies of educational nomenclature, is apt to stumble at the title, and to set down the holder as an inferior product of the secondary school. The present gradation of titles—" intermediate," " lower," " higher " —is, moreover, in itself open to objection. lam strongly of opinion that a more logical sequence, such as " lower school certificate," "schools leaving-certificate," and "higher leaving-certificate," would be more effective in every way. But there are other issues involved. At the present time our leaving-certificates are too closely associated with the candidate's success in the University Entrance Examination ; the lower certificate can be, and occasionally is, granted to candidates who do not sit either the Entrance or the Class D Examination, but the number of applications from such, candidates is very small indeed. The real explanation of this situation lies in the fact that most employers —not only those in Government and professional offices, but also those in commercial and industrial houses—have come to regard a pass in the Entrance Examination as the only reliable measure of a secondary pupil's attainment, and as a consequence the requirements of that examination dominate the curricula and outlook of our Fifth Forms to such an extent as to make it unusual for any pupil in them to avoid sitting the examination. It is fair to add that in most girls' schools there are considerable groups of girls who are not taking


courses leading to the entrance test, and in several boys' schools many of the agricultural-course pupils are in the same position ; as a rule, however, these pupils do not remain at school long enough to reach the upper Fifth Forms. It follows, then, that the vast majority of candidates for the lower leaving-certificates are also candidates for the Entrance Examination in the same year. What, then, is the remedy ? Should a school leaving-certificate, entirely independent of the Entrance Examination, be instituted to be granted to pupils after completing a three, or possibly a four, years' satisfactory secondary-school course ? If such is instituted, how is the required qualifying standard to be determined ? The obvious alternatives are either by an additional external examination or by an internal examination and the Principal's recommendation. If the latter procedure were adopted the public estimate of the value of the certificate would no doubt be somewhat low for several years, but ultimately the certificate would almost certainly be accepted by employers as a reliable record of the pupil's attainments. The other alternative, an external examination, was recommended by Mr. Tate in his special report in 1925, in these words : " That a system of public examinations, covering different types of school courses of three years' and six years' duration respectively, be established by the University, to supersede the present Matriculation Examination. Alternatively, it is possible for the Education Department to develop and carry out a system of secondary-school examinations and for the University to recognize the certificates issued by the Department, or certain of them, for Matriculation purposes." This is practically the system that now obtains in England and Wales, in Scotland, in Canada, and in several of the Australian States. As a rule the candidate for the certificate has a wide but not unrestricted choice. The Northern Universities Joint Board in England, for example, sets papers in thirty-two subjects, including such as spinning and weaving, mechanical engineering, needlework, cookery, laundry-work, housewifery, and handicraft. Under all the English Examining Boards the candidate who desires to qualify for Matriculation on the results of his certificate examination must obtain " credit," a higher mark than the " pass " required for certificate purposes, in at least five recognized Matriculation subjects. None of the subjects named above, by the way, are recognized for Matriculation purposes. Certificate examinations have evidently in the countries named been established to serve two purposes —first to provide a satisfactory record of school attainment for those pupils, undoubtedly the great majority, who do not intend to enter a University on leaving school, and secondly to avoid inflicting two independent examinations of approximately the same standard, in some subjects at least, upon pupils at the close of their third or fourth school-year. This dual-purpose examination is that recommended by Mr. Tate,- and is undoubtedly preferable to a duplicated examination. On the face of it the system recommended should work well, and should effectually remove the overshadowing tyranny of the University Entrance Examination. In actual practice, however, the certificate examination has not accomplished all that it was expected to do. In England the Board of Education does not impose restrictions on the courses to be followed in secondary schools any more than the Department does in New Zealand, yet in both countries there is constant reference in the public press and at educational conferences to the shortcomings of the existing examination systems, their domination and restriction of the school curricula, and their fettering of the teachers' hands. A leading English educational journal stated quite recently that the controversy regarding examinations began in England with an article in a review in 1888, and it had been going on ever since. In connection with the certificate examinations it went on to state that " University bodies not only control the conditions of entrance to Universities, which of course they have a right to do, but for practical purposes they are controlling the whole conception of a general education, which they have no right to do." Apparently the dual-purpose examination has failed to solve the difficulty in England. lam confident, nevertheless, that the institution of a certificate examination in New Zealand has much to commend it, and steps to consider its practicability should be taken in the near future. The recent acceptance by the University Council of the principle of accrediting for the Entrance Examination will be welcomed by the great majority of educationists in New Zealand. A certain amount of opposition must be expected, especially as the system has by no means won general approval in countries where it has been in operation for several years past. Less opposition has, however, been directed against the principle of the system than against its method of application. In New Zealand it has been obvious for some years that the Entrance Examination has threatened to break down under the sheer weight of the number of candidates. Various proposals for reducing these numbers have been submitted from time to time, but the most effective will undoubtedly be that of a judicious selection of the best candidates by the Principals of the various schools and the submission of the remainder to the external test as heretofore. The application of the system will need to be very carefully devised, and there are undoubtedly minor problems of procedure to be solved. lam confident, however, that a satisfactory working basis will be arrived at and that the new system will be working smoothly in 1930. "We believe," states a Home publication, " that what is needed is a compromise between our rigid system and the rather easy-going reliance on school records that one finds in America." Adequate safeguards for effecting that compromise without lowering in any way the entrance standard must now be provided. As regards the internal development of our schools one is justified in stating that Principals and staffs are in the vase majority of cases willing and anxious to keep in touch with modern movements in education. Conservatism is apparent in a few of the large city schools, to whose credit, however, it must be conceded that they are doing exceptionally good work on their own chosen lines. The movement towards L ' enriched," or broader curricula continues slowly but steadily-; as yet there is no evidence of a desire to-indulge in a wild orgy of vocational courses. Outside the four centres there is practically no school which confines its energies' to teaching the old-fashioned academic or professional course, and even in the large city schools art, manual work, and commercial work, are taught to large numbers of pupils. The scarcity of suitable qualified teachers of some of the special subjects continues to be a real hindrance in some instances, and the lack of suitable accommodation and equipment has




retarded the movement in others. Just one-half of the schools attended by boys taught woodwork in 1928, and about one-fourth of these also taught metalwork. Drawing, usually both instrumental and freehand, is taught in all schools but three. Music or singing has so far been attempted in only a little over one-half of the schools. So far as vocational training is concerned there is no difficulty whatsoever in obtaining sufficient support for commercial courses, especially in the girls' schools. Typewriting and shorthand may have but very little educational value, but as secondary school subjects they have come to stay. Home life or domestic courses have been established in several girls' schools and have also met with satisfactory support. Agriculture, however, continues to present the same perplexing and somewhat discouraging features as it has done for the past ten vears at least. It is well to point out that no effort has been spared by educationists in this country to encourage the study of agriculture and its allied subjects. For a quarter of a century nature-study has occupied a place on the primary-school syllabus ; for a like period agriculture has been one of the subjects prescribed for teachers' certificate examinations; for twenty years it has been recognized as a subject of instruction for free place pupils ; for fourteen years it has been, along with dairy science, a compulsory subject for all boys in secondary departments of district high schools with a roll of less than seventy pupils—the compulsion applying in some cases to localities where the chief or only primary industry is fishing or mining ; and finally, for some twenty years from 40 to 60 per cent, of our boys' secondary schools have provided agricultural courses in their curricula. Some of these courses were planned on generous lines; large experimental areas, much too large in a few instances, were attached to the schools, and in the majority of cases instruction was also given in such vocational subjects as woolclassing, farm carpentry, &c. In 1916, the first year for which the records are readily available, thirteen out of the twenty schools attended by boys taught agriculture, and 48 per cent, of their boys learned the subject. In 1928 sixteen out of twenty-eight such schools provided agricultural courses, but these were followed by only 23 per cent, of the boys on their rolls. It is somewhat disappointing to learn that though the number of schools teaching the subject has increased in the period under review—only five of the boys' or mixed schools outside the four centres do not now teach it—yet the proportion of boys taking the agricultural course has been reduced by more than one half. A few secondary schools have been led to abandon the course through lack of support, in one case after very determined efforts indeed to retain it; one school at least has been deterred from proceeding with a proposed course owing to lack of response from the parents ; a few others are carrying on with but very meagre encouragement. In some instances the mediocre scope of the course or the unsympathetic attitude of the Principal or staff has been a contributing factor to non-success. There are schools, on the other hand, which offer not only dairy science and agriculture, but also woodwork and metalwork as well as wool-classing, herd-testing, and farm accounts, and where the work is undertaken by a specially qualified and competent teacher, and yet the percentage of pupils taking agriculture in these schools is usually under twenty. In two of the schools that have concentrated most on their agricultural courses it was only twelve in the one case and sixteen in the other in 1928. Rangiora, it should be noted, had as high as 26 per cent. After so long a recognition of the undoubted desirability of an agricultural bias in our education, both primary and secondary, and after so much ■ effort on the part of educationists and teachers, it is disconcerting to realize that agricultural courses have not become popular, and that there is no pronounced demand from parents for them. The bearing of the economic situation in this country upon the question of agricultural education has been referred to in previous reports and there is no need to elaborate the point again. Suffice it to say that so long as farm-lands are procurable only at the prevailing high prices the boy whose parents have but moderate means will not contemplate taking up farming ; he is not attracted by the prospect of working as a farm labourer for say fifteen years at least in order to scrape together enough capital to acquire a holding of his own ; the prospects in other vocations appeal to him much more strongly, especially if he has brains. Though the root of the trouble is apparent, the removal of the disturbing factor is beyond the control of educationists ; in the meantime, however, our efforts to encourage increasing numbers of our young people to look towards the land for their life work must continue unabated. The position with regard to the training of secondary-school teachers remains substantially the same. The time will ultimately come when a separate training college for secondary teachers must be established, and along with it a practising secondary school with a specially selected staff. Owing to the peculiar distribution of our population that time is probably many years distant. In the meantime, therefore, the present voluntary co-operation of the city secondary schools should be encouraged in every way. During 1928 nearly twenty training-college students were afforded opportunities of observation and practice in secondary schools and about another twenty in district and junior high schools. As the average number of new entrants into the secondary service (exclusive that is, of the beginners on technical and district high school staffs) has latterly been about sixty-five per annum, it is obvious that wider scope for practice is still a matter of urgency. So far as our own last year's entrants are concerned the situation is not without its redeeming features. Of the forty-two men only three were without either training college or previous teaching experience, and 79 per cent, had actually passed through a training college course. The figures for the women teachers were very similar, but somewhat lower owing to the inclusion of several commercial teachers and physical instructresses. It is to be remembered, too, that though home-science teachers as a rule do not take a training college course, both their diploma and their degree courses at Otago include a period of practice in teaching at a manual centre. It is gratifying to note, in conclusion, the spirit of co-operation that exists between the secondary schools and the Department, and on behalf of my colleagues and. myself, I have to express recognition of the friendly and frank attitude of the Principals towards all members of the Inspectorate. I have, &c., E. J. Park, Chief Inspector of Secondary Schools. The Director of Education.



SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1928.


Grade. ° "B "3 Position Name - u d in >>g &^-2 £ .2 School. s § -s ai- flfi-2 c 8 j- » O q -w Hi <2, Whangarei High School. £ £ Charters, A. B., M.A. .. .. .. Principal 765 60 Smith, H. E. G. . ■ B A Assistant 510 70 Given, W. A., M.A. .. A A ,, 510 40 Dunn, S. B., M.A. .. A B „ j 450 40 Bird, D. D. A., B.A. .. C B „ 420 40 McKenzie, I. F., M.A. B B „ 390 40 Glanville, W. J. .. (J C „ 320 40 Wilson, C. C. . . D D „ 290 40 Britland, J. J. G., B.Sc. C 1) ,, 275 Miller, L. G„ B.A. C 1) „ 275 Aim, E. J. .. D D ,, 260 Cathie, Miss W. A. .. B B ,, 354 Blaikie, Miss R. A. .. D C ,, 252 Carroll, Miss K. A., M.A. C C ,, 264 Bennie, Miss J. F. .. D I) „ 216 Moncrieff, Miss J. 1.., B.A. 1) 1) ,, 204 White, Miss E. M. .. D D ,, 180 ; Auckland Grammar School. Mahon, H. J. D., B.A. .. .. Principal 815 60 Dellow, K. J., M.A. .. A A Assistant 510 70 Jones, C. R., M.A. A A „ 490 40 Harwood, W. G., B.A., A A „ 480 70 M.Sc. Bishop, W. J., M.A. A A ,, 470 40 Docherty, P... B B „ 465 40 Newhook, J. L. I. .. B B ,, 465 40 Drummond, P., B.A. .. A B ,, 465 30 Bennett, J. W. B B „ 465 40 Driver, E. H., M.A. A B ,, 465 40 Nicholson, A. M., M.A., A B „ 420 40 B.Com. Bilkey, E. E., M.A. B B „ 420 40 Asher, J. A., M.A. B B „ 390 40 Learning, J. E., M.A. B B „ 405 40 Stein, P. A. S., B.Sc. B C „ 380 Salt, G. McB. C C „ 380 40 Price, P. M., M.A. C C „ 380 40 Wedding, H. W., M.A. C C „ 350 40 Lee, G. T„ B.A. C C „ 350 Treacher, K.N. .. C C „ 350 40 Vernon, T. R„ B.Sc. C C „ 320 40 Nicholls, C. N„ B.A. C C „ 320 Coop, J., B.A. C C „ 320 40 Leys, W. S. .. C C „ 320 Donnell, A. H, B.A. ..CD „ 275 40 Gillespie, W. B„ B.A. D D „ 275 La Roche, W. E„ B.Sc. D D „ 260 Rauch, P. C... .. D D „ 260 Woolcott, A. D. W. .. D D 260 Mather, G. L. D D „ 245 Ingram, H. O. D D „ 245 Pitcaithly, N. P. .. D D „ 245 Bowden, N. W. D D ,, 230 Sagar, F. W. D D „ 215 Mount Albert Grammar School. Gamble, F. W„ M.A i .. Principal I 815 60 Gatland, A. R„ B.A. .. A A Assistant ; 510 40 Caradus, W., M.Sc. A A „ 510 40 Harvey, J. H„ M.A. A A „ 490 40 Brock, H. F., M.A. .. A B „ 465 40 Coldham, G. S., M.A. A B „ 465 40 Worley, C. P., B.A., B.Sc. B B „ 435 40 Trend all. A. D. B B „ 420 40 Hardy, R. B„ B.Com. C B „ 420 40 Perry, W. C. J. .. B C „ 380 40 Tait, J. M., M.A. B C „ 365 Towers, H. L„ B.Sc. C C „ 365 Calder, H. L„ M.A. B C „ 350 Boulton E., B.A. C C ,, 350 40 Brown, J. G. C C ,, 320 40 Meiklejohn, S. F. D D „ 275 Black, S„ M.A. C D „ 290 Martin, W. R. H„ B.A. D D „ 290 40 Scott, T. .. .. D D „ 260 McLeod, G. G. L„ B.A. D D „ 260 Simmers, A. G., M.A. D D ,, 245

| - - ; Grade. 'S a tc '■d jy j« 2-gS Name ■ P ° 8iti0n I 15 -' t B* " ,me . K a m >.« & S | S School. |S5 |la g 8 §3 o gS'J * j < & Auckland Girls' Grammar School. £ £ Johnston, Miss E. M. .. . . .. Principal 630 Dive, Miss M. A., B.A. A A Assistant 408 Macdonald, Miss F. E., A 4 408 B.A. | Edgerley, Miss iv. V., A A ,396 M.A. Hull, Miss C. L. l'\, M.A, A A „ 372 Heap, Mrs. S. B B ,, 354 TJhlmann, Miss J. L. .. B B „ 354 Ward, Mrs. F.V.J., M.A. A B ,, 354 Arnott, Miss M. E. B B „ 354 Stewart, Miss J. .. j A B „ 342 Haslett, Miss A. I., B.A. j B B ,, 330 Wilson, Miss M. K. .. j B C „ 300 Sheat, Miss L., M.A. ..IB C ,, 300 Virtue, Miss M. E., B.A. C C ,, 288 Smith, Miss B., M.A. B C „ 276 Finlay, Miss C. .. : C C „ 264 Warnook, Miss C.., M.A. C C „ 264 Harris, Miss J. E., B.Sc. ; C I) . ,, 228 in H.Se. Robertson, Miss M. J., D 1) 228 B.A. Forde, Miss L., M.A. .. j D D „ 216 R.yan, Miss M. I) I) „ 216 Ward, Miss G. M. .. D Hi „ 204 Norie, Miss S. M. .. 1) D I 192 Epsom Girls' Grammar School. Morrison, Miss A. C., M.A. .. . . Principal 670 Patterson, Miss F., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Kirkhride, Miss PI., M.A. A A „ 396 Jenkins, Miss R. H., M.A. A A „ 396 Collins, Miss E. C., B.A. A B „ 354 Freeman, Miss M., M.A. A B „ 354 Holmden, Miss D., M.A. A B „ 354 Battersby, Miss B., M.Sc. A B „ 342 McKeage, Miss K., M.A. B B „ 330 Bell, Miss B., M.A. A B „ 330 Barnett, Miss M., B.A... C C „ 300 Hutton, Miss L. G. .. C C „ 300 Rudall, Miss J. C. S., C C „ 300 B.Sc. in H.Sc. Falkner, Miss L. E., B.A. 0 C „ 276 Walker, Mrs. M. H., B.A. C C „ 276 40 Bethell, Miss D. A., M.A. C 0 „ 252 Harris, Miss G. L., M.A. C D ,, 240 Cozens, Miss E. L., B.A. CD ,, 240 !' Latimer, Miss K., B.A. CD ,, 240 Hardcastle, Miss A. M. D D „ 240 Wright, Miss E. I. .. D D ,, 216 ' Ash, Miss C. D D ,, 216 Dunning, Miss M. K., D D 192 B.Sc. I Takapuna Grammar School. Littlejohn, C. M., M.A. .. j .. Principal 670 60 B.Sc. ! Short, A. W., B.A. A A Assistant 489 70 Thompson, J., M.A., A B „ 420 40 L. es L. Cameron, J. L., M.A. A B „ 435 40 McHarg, I. S., B.Ag., C C „ 335 B.Sc. Coulam, A. G. .. D D „ 305 Anderson, K. D. .. D D „ 245 Smallfield, R. .. C D „ 395 Macdonald, Miss M., B.A. B B „ 318 30 Davies, Miss H. P., B.A. B B „ 306 Hunt, Miss W. M. .. C | C „ 276 Adams, Miss O. L. G., C O „ 252 B.Sc. Himmell, Miss M. R., D j D „ 216 B.A. " Wann, Miss E. M. . . D ' D I ,, 180 !


Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1928—continued.


Grade. ® a §;3 vW 3^-5 Position "Jo® Name. M - d in >>$ s O School. |§ fl 2 'S c; "** o c .2 g g a M o o«« H < S Hamilton High School. Wilson, E., M.A. .. .. .. Principal 765 60 Tait, H. D., M.A. .. A A Assistant 500 40 Gudex, M. C., M.A.,M.Sc. A B „ 465 70 Mason, F. E., B.Sc. B B „ 405 40 Senior, S. E., M.A. B B „ 405 40 Nelson, A. P., M.A. B C „ 380 40 Carter, H. G., B.A. C C „ 320 40 Morton, H. P., B.A. C C ,, 320 40 Willmott, R. .. D D „ 245 Griffiths, R. C. D D „ 245 Tizard, Miss A. C., M.A. A A „ 372 30 Hogg, Miss C., M.A. ..A B „ 342 Wvatt. MissG. M. C C ,, 300 White, Miss E. M., M.A. C O „ 252 Bowie, Miss E. S., M.A. D D „ 204 Nicholls, Miss L. M., M.A. D D ,, 204 Thames High School. Hoult, W. H., M.A .. Principal 670 60 Baker, W. H., B.Sc. .. A A Assistant 510 Marshall, H. H., B.A. B B „ 450 40 Watkins, L. A., M.A. B C „ 380 40 Sibley, H. C., M.A. C C „ 335 40 Heward,MissG. H.,M.A. B B „ 354 30 Wilcox, Miss E. M. .. * C D „ 240 Stephens, Miss J. D., B.A. CD ,, 228 Hale, Miss B. L. D D „ 216 Rotokua High Sohool. £ £ Ryder, A. R., M.A .. Principal 595 60 Evans, W. H., B.A. .. C C Assistant 335 40 Webb, R. G. D D „ 245 McHardie, Miss W. E., B B „ 354 21 B.A. Wilson, Miss E.C., M.A. C C „ 264 Simmers, Miss E. A. .. D D „ 204 New Plymouth Boys' High School. Moyes, W. H., M.A., .. I Principal 765 B.Sc. Johnson, A. G., M.Sc. A A Assistant 520 40 Diprose, A. W., M.A. A A „ 500 40 Bottrill, C. G„ M.A. A A „ 470 40 Papps, A. J., B.A. B B „ 465 40 Kerr, E. V., M.A. B B „ 420 40 Connell, J. W. C C „ 380 40 Bertrand, G. E. B C „ 390 40 Leggat, J., M.A. B B ,, 390 40 Wilson, R. C„ M.A., B.Sc. C C „ 350 Eggleton, F. J. D D „ 305 40 Wilkie, W. G. D D „ 305 40 Shrimpton, W. I., M.A. C D ,, 275 Bryant, L. V., M.A. C D „ 260 Glover, P. W. D D „ 245 New Plymouth Gibls' High School. Allan, Miss I). N., M.A. .. .. Principal 530 Maclean, Miss N. I., M.A. A A Assistant 396 McMullan, Miss G., B.A., A A ,, 372 B.Sc. Jackson, Miss B. A., M.A. A B ,, 360 North, Miss E. M. B B ,, 330 Baker, Mrs. H. C. W. .. B B „ 306 Bruce, Miss E. M. B B ,, 306 Johnston, Miss M. G., B C „ 264 M.A. Clark, Miss M. J., M.A. C C „ 252 Fox, Miss C. D., B.A... D D „ 228 Finlayson, Miss A. C. .. D D ,, 216 Downes, Miss A. M. I) D ,, 192 Belcher, Miss I. E. .. D D „ 180

Grade. ! °c |=3 £ g W £ 'o «2 Position * "g u - a * Name. e - in >»S ,g .2 School. g & >h 5 § e o 3 "3 <» SH O 05 'S Pi «o n C M -H aS O p c/3 O Q 5,3 H Wanoanui Girls' College. £ £ Cruickshank, Miss C. M., .. j .. Principal 575 M.A., M.Sc. Currie, Miss J. R., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Blennerhassett, Miss A., A A „ 372 B.A. Rockel, Miss C. C. H., A B „ 354 M.A. Graham, Miss E., M.A. j B I B „ 342 j Blacker, Miss H., B.A. | B ! B „ 318 Treadwell, Miss M. H., C C „ 300 B.A. Oldridge, Miss L. L., M.A. B C „ 288 McLeod, Miss J., B.Sc. C C „ 288 in H.Sc. Mullon, Miss E. C., M.A. 1) I) „ 240 Mitcalfe, Miss M. N., B.A. D D „ 216 McKenzie, Miss M. B., D D ,, 204 B.Sc in H.Sc. Pope, Miss E. M., M.A. D D „ 204 Palmerston Noktii Boys' High School. Murray, J., M.A. .. .. i .. i Principal 720 j .. Colquhoun, J. A., M.Sc. A ! A Assistant 520 70 Anderson, W. P., M.A. A ; A „ 520 j Stevenson, J. J. .. B | B ,, 465 ! 40 Kerr, H. W., M.A. B B „ 450 40 Espiner, E. W., M.A., B B „ 390 B.Com. Dash, J. C C „ 365 40 Cumberworth, R. W., C C „ 380 40 B.A. Werry, E. J., M.A. C C „ 320 Silson, J. H. C C „ 320 40 Patterson, J. M., M.A. U D „ 260 Skoglund, P. 0. D D „ 275 Zohrab, A. C. D D „ 245 Williams, C. J. D D „ 245 I Palmerston North Girls' High School. Rhodes, Mrs. M., M.A. A .. Acting 408 20 Principal Dale, Miss M. P., M.A. B B Assistant 354 Fraser, Miss W. S., B.A. B B „ 354 Simkin, Miss K. L., B.So. C C „ 300 in H.Sc. j McHaffie, Miss C„ M.Sc. C C „ ' 252 Brown, Miss L. D D „ 228 1 Walker, Miss M. I. D D ,, 216 Cunningham, Miss E. .. D D „ 192 Gisborne High School. Poote, P., B.A. .. ! .. .. Principal 815 Wilkes, P. J., M.A. .. | A A Assistant 520 40 Edmondson, P., B.A. B A „ 510 40 Maunder, G. T., M.Sc. B B ,, 465 40 i Dunphy, W. P., B.A. .. | B B j „ 465 40 j Smith, W. M., M.A. B B „ 420 Adams, E. L. C C „ 320 40 j Thomson, L., B.A. D D „ 1 275 I Burns, G., M.A. C D „ 275 40 | Bilham, E. W„ B.A. .. D ( D j „ 260 Langhorne, G. W. D D „ 260 Foote, G. W. D D „ 245 Prestwich, Miss M. B B „ 342 40 Durward, Miss M„ B.A. C C „ 276 Espiner, Miss E. V., M.A. C C „ 288 Stephens, Miss E. E.,M.A. B C „ 276 Mitchell, Miss G., B.A. C C „ 264 Brown, Miss M. L. .. D D „ 240 McCarthy, Miss E. M., CD „ 228 M.Sc. I Ray, Miss M. D D „ 204



Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1928 —continued.

Grade. °a gig & |1| Position 5 « J. a m Name. M - d in >> g 2 o School. ]?.§{* |gfl S 2 §c.o S o ° o «S H B. «s a Napier Boys' High School. £ £ Foster, w. T., M.A Principal 670 B. Litt. West, E. S., M.A. .. A A Assistant 510 70 Alexander, M., B.Sc. A A „ 510 40 Stewart, W. B., B.Sc... C B „ 405 40 Worker, R. V., M.A. B B „ 405 Woodward, M. F., M.A. B B „ 420 40 Bagley, C. J., B.A. B C „ 380 40 Cameron, F. F., M.A. ..IB C „ 380 40 Milburn, R. H. .. C C „ 320 ! Murphy, E. R. .. i C D „ 305 40 Lee, A. F. .. D D „ 260 Ruston, P. .. D D „ 305 40 South, L.J... D D „ 245 Napier Girls' High School. Arthur, Miss D. M., M.A. .. .. Principal 550 MacDiarmid, Miss B. S., A A Assistant 384 ; M.A. McLean, Miss M., B.A. A A „ 384 : .. Gillies, Miss J. 0. B B „ 354 Anderson, Miss A. M. B B „ 354 Vickery, Miss E. E. A., G C „ 300 B.A. Gallagher, Miss E. R., C C „ 264 B.A. McRae, Miss J. E., B.A. C C „ 288 Wrench, Miss E. H. D D „ 240 Goodwin, Miss M. S. .. I) D „ 216 Stenson, Miss E. E. .. I) D „ 204 Hastings High School. Penlington, W. A. G .. Principal | 720 60 Jones, S. I., M.A. .. A A Assistant j 480 60 Aitken, A., B.Sc. .. B B „ I 390 40 Atkinson, T. S. C C ,, 380 40 Haldane, G. R. ..DC „ 320 Partridge, A. H. D C „ 320 40 McDonald, D. J. C • D „ 260 Fulton, B. I... .. D D ,, 245 Steele, Miss M. A., M.A. A A ,, 384 30 Irvine, Miss J., B.A. B B „ 318 Linyard, Mrs. E. A., M.A. C C „ 300 Law, Miss J. D. D D „ 204 McMullen, Miss E. D D ,, 240 Dannevirke High School. Tait, A. G. .. .. .. .. Principal 670 | Heaton, F., M.A., B.Sc. A A I Assistant 490 Hogben, E. N., M.A. A B i „ 390 40 Craven, E. S., M.A. B C „ 365 Seott, T. D. .. D D „ 260 Mahoney, Miss T. C. G., A B „ 354 30 B.A. Bingham, Miss F.D.,M.A. C C „ 288 Wilson, Miss M., M.A. C D „ 228 Wairarapa High School. Uttley, G. H., M.A., D.Sc. .. .. Principal 720 Morice, G. W., M.A., B.Sc A A Assistant 510 40 Slater, H. W„ M.A., B.Sc. A A „ 490 Bee, J. G., M.A. A B „ 465 Bird, J. W„ M.A. A B „ 420 40 Conly, J. IL, M.A. .. C C „ 320 40 La Roche, S. A., B.Sc., CD „ 260 B.Agr. McKinley, A. D. D D „ 245 40 Thomson, W. E., M.A. D D „ 215 Sutherland, Miss 0. R., A B „ 354 30 M.A. Leonard, Miss K., M.A. C C ,, 300 Riach, Miss J., M.A. D D „ 204 Hutt Valley High School. Kidson, H. P., M.A., .. .. Principal 695 60 B.Sc., B. es L. Millard, J. N., B.A. A A Assistant 480 40 M.Sc. McLeod, D„ M.A., B.Sc. A B „ 450 40 McNaught, G. J., M.A. B B „ 405 40 Dyer, H. G„ B.A. C C „ 320 40 McKenzie, D. W. D D „ 215 Woodhouse, Miss H.,M.A. A A „ 372 30 Browne, Miss M. J., B.Sc. B B ,, 306 Price, Mrs. C. M., M.A. B C ! 300 40 Mather, Miss W. M„ B.A. ; B C „ | 300 Cooley, Miss M. E., M.A. CD „ 216 Sheppard, Miss O. M. .. D D „ I 228

Grade. ° c ©pq os Position jS a & Name. fe - d in 2bt fJ'«S % .2 Schoo!. g«x || B o 22 5 sj <♦-. S fl o g s o®o gaS H * a _ Wellington College. £ £ Armour, W. A., M.A., .. .. Principal 815 M.Sc. Tomlinson, H. B., M.A. A A Assistant 520 70 Brodie, T., B.A. A A „ 520 Alexander, W., B.A., A A „ 470 70 LL.B. Lomas, J. S., M.A. A A „ 470 70 Hall, J., B.Sc., B.A. A B „ 465 40 Cuddie, J. R„ M.A. A B „ 465 40 Joplin, F„ B.A., B.Sc. A B „ 465 40 Stevens, W. H„ B.A. B B „ 420 40 Jackson, A., M.A., M.Sc. B B „ 405 40 Thornton, F. E„ M.A. B B „ 390 40 Heron, H. A., M.A. B B I 390 40 Beard, T. E., B.A. C C „ 380 40 Jones, W. V. C C „ I 365 40 Dighton, J. L., B.A. C C „ 1 350 Martin-Smith, P., LL.B., C C „ 350 40 B.A. Balham, W. F. C„ B.A. C C „ 380 40 Turner, M. F„ B.A. C C „ 335 Hislop, T. G„ B.A. C C „ 320 Nelson, T. B. C D „ 275 40 J Eason, W. J. D D „ j 275 j 40 : Russell, L. D D ,, 275 Griffen, J. R. C D „ 260 Sceates, G. J. C D ,, 260 | Mackay, J. D. D D „ 1 245 I .. ! Griffen, A. W., B.A. .. D D , „ j 245 Ramson, F. S. I) D ,, I 230 ! Rongotai Boys' College. Renner, F. M., M.A .. Principal I 670 60 Fathers, H. T. M., B.A. A A ' Assistant 470 B.Sc. Farquhar, A. S., M.A... A B „ 405 40 Kinross, S. M., B.A. .. C , C „ 320 40 Edwards, R. W. C C „ 350 McCaw, J. T. 1) j D „ 290 Tier, J. E. .. .. D D „ 260 Wellington Girls' College. Greig, Miss V., M.A.,M.Sc. j .. .. I Principal 610 j .. | Kershaw, Miss F. E., M.A. A A ( Assistant 408 | Williams, Miss E„ B.A. A A j „ 372 j Coad, Miss N. E., M.A. A B „ 354 j 15 Gibson, Miss G. F., M.A. A B „ 354 Sage, Miss C. M., M.A. A B [ „ 354 15 Cornish, Miss E. J., B B „ 318 B.Sc. in H.Sc. Hursthouse, Mrs R. .. B C „ 300 Heine, Miss C. M., B.A. C C I „ 300 Ward, Miss H. D C „ 276 Oddie, Miss E. M., B.A. C C ,, 300 Johnstone, Miss I). A., B C „ 276 M.A. Gifford, Miss S. M. D„ C D „ 240 B.Sc. in H.Sc. Morrison, Miss M. K., C I) „ 240 M.A. McCrae, Miss M., B.A. C I) 240 Gillies, Miss C. M„ B.A. C D „ 240 Bell, Miss F. A. I., B.A. C D „ 240 Wellington East Girls' College. Batham, Miss A. M., B.A. .. .. | Principal | 550 Collins, Miss R. M., B.A. A A Assistant j 408 30 Hind, Miss E. M., M.A. A , A „ j 384 Marsdon, Miss A. F. .. B B „ , 330 Martin, Miss E., B.A. B B „ | 330 McCartney, Miss D., M.A. A B » I 318 Crawford, Miss E.J., B.A. C C 300 MacKenzie, Miss J., M.A. B C „ 288 Cresswell, Miss M. I., B.A. C C „ 264 | Rhodes, Miss K. F., B.A., C C ,, 252 | B.Sc. Gardner, Miss R.,M.A. C ;C „ j 252 j Black, Miss M. C D „ J 240 ! Ward, Miss R. A., M.A. D D „ 228 I Joiner, Miss D. M. .. D D „ j 216 !


Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1928—continued.


Grade. Q, B 12 & Position SfflM la® Name. a in >■?, 5"" S ® .2 School. Z ~ S "S a ® £3 t- .2 S S S»° o«« H fc <! a Mablboeough High School. £ £ Stewart, J., M.A. .. .. .. Principal 720 Robson, H., M.A. .. A A Assistant 520 40 Brockett, A. E., M.A., B B „ 465 40 B.Com. Bowe, A. L., M.A., LL.B. B B „ 420 40 Purdie, W. C., B.Sc., B C „ 350 B.Ag. Rout, E. B. .. .. D D „ 245 Branch, W. J. D D „ 245 40 Allen, Miss E. M., M.A. A A „ 408 30 Wilson, Miss J. H., M.Sc. BE „ 318 Brand, Miss M. M., M.A. B C „ 288 Newton, Miss E. M., M.A. C C „ 252 Robertson, Miss H. M., C D „ 240 M.A. Nelson College. Broad, C. H., B.A. .. I .. .. Principal 720 I .. McKay, J. G., B.A. .. A A Assistant 520 40 Searle, H. V., M.A., M.Sc. A A „ 490 \ 30 Wat-kin, E. A., M.A. A B ,, 465 40 Kirk, C. G„ B.A., B.Sc. B B ,. 420 40 Johnson, C. W., M.A. B B „ 435 40 Severne, E. H., B.A. C G „ 380 Methven, R. H., M.A. B C ,, 365 40 Gray, A. J„ M.A. B C „ 350 Paterson, J. E. R., M.A. C C „ 320 Simpson, G. D., M.A. C D „ 290 Fowler, R. J. M. .. D D „ 260 Allan, H. E., B.Sc. C 1) „ 275 Sutch, W. B., M.A. D D „ 245 Gibbons, K. .. D 1) ,, i 230 Nelson Gibls' College. Mills, Miss C. B., M.A., .. .. 1 Principal 530 | .. i B.Sc. Edwards, Miss E. K., A A Assistant 372 ! B.A. Isaac, Miss N. G., M.A. A A „ 372 .. I Karsten, Miss R., B.A. B , B ,, 330 Garland, Miss M., M.A. B B „ 318 Davis, Miss G. M., M.A. B B „ 318 Spite, Miss B. H., B.Sc. C C „ 276 Stewart, Miss J. I., B.A. C C .. 264 Sheat, Miss R„ M.A. C C „ 264 Craig, Miss I). . . DC; „ 252 i Cockburn, Miss F. I.,M.A. D D „ 216 Black, Miss E. E., M.A. D D „ 204 Black, Miss J. C. D ! D „ 204 Spargo, Miss G. M., B.A., D D „ 204 B.Sc. Rangioea High School. Strachan, J. E., M.A., .. .. Principal 670 B.Sc. Ferguson, A. J., M.A. .. A A Assistant 520 40 Beattie, G. C., M.Sc. A B „ 465 40 Lockhart, A. L. .. C D ,, 305 40 Hollow, Miss P., M.A... B C „ 300 30 Maurais, Miss T., B.A. C C „ 264 Todd, Miss J. E„ B.Sc. D D „ 204 in H.Sc. Cheistchtjkch Boys' High School. Lancaster, G. J., M.A... .. .. Principal 835 Stewart, W. M., M.A. .. A A I Assistant 510 70 Caddick, A. E., M.A. ..A A j „ 480 70 Rowc, H. V., M.A. A A „ 490 70 Hercus, E. J. D., M.A., A B ,, 465 40 B.Sc. Henderson, H., B.A., A B ,, 450 40 B.Sc. Baverstock, H. S., M.A. B B ,, 435 Quartermain, L. B., M.A. A B ,, 420 Dyer, H. E., B.Sc. B B „ 390 40 Bruce, R.M., B.Sc. B B „ 390 40 Troup, G.S., M.A. C B „ 390 Gouriay, H. W., B.Sc. C C ,, 350 40 Jefcoate, H. O., M.A. C C ,, 350 40

Grade. ° a 13 6' «w a Position "<*5 Name. p in >, r- E?" 3 £ o School. |S s 1 I § S3 h cm -< a Christohtjrch Boys' High School—continued. £ £ Cuming, 8. R., M.A. .. B ; C Assistant 350 Struthers, J.,M.A., B.Sc. C ; 0 „ 320 Rogers, M. N., M. Sc. .. D 1) „ 275 Brassington, W. W.,M.A. 0 D „ 275 40 Skipworth, I. H., B.Sc. C ' C „ 320 Burrows, J. T. D D „ 260 | Ridgen, C. L., M.A. D D „ 260 Moffat, J. P., B.Sc. I) D „ 260 Weeks, P. A. D D „ ' 245 Johnson, A. P. D D „ 245 40 Perry, A. L. M. D B „ 245 Kissell, L. M. D D ,, 245 Christchurch Girls' High: School. Clark, Miss P. M. P., M.A. j .. .. Principal 590 Sims, MissM. E., MA... A A Assistant 408 20 Bone, Miss B. J. A A ,. 372 Young, Mrs. S. G. .. B B „ 330 40 Watson, Miss A. M. .. j C C ,, 300 Hall, Miss E. J., M.A. .. B B 306 Ray, Miss R. F., M.A. B C ,, 300 Fairbairn, MissE., B.A. C C ,, 276 Burns, Miss A. M., M.A. C C 276 Milnes, Miss I. P., M.A. B C „ 276 Hooper. Miss V. L„ M.A. C C „ 264 Hurle, Miss L. A., M.A. C C „ 252 Frengley, Miss M., B.Sc. C C „ 252 in H.Sc. Hal],MissM... ..ID D „ 240 Morroll, MissM. P., M.A. C D „ 240 Sevmour, Miss M. E., : I) B „ 228 M.A. Beggs, Miss P. E., B.Sc. B D ,, 228 ; Bays, Miss K. 1) B ,, 216 j Alexander, Miss M. \ „ / ,, 120 j 1 McDowell, Miss G. Ji " \ „ 120 Avonside Girls' High School. j| Gresson, Miss K. M., M.A. .. .. Principal 470 I Baxter, Miss E. B., M.A. A A Assistant 396 Farnie, Miss D. C. .. A B ,, 354 Wagstaff, Miss N. N. H., B B „ 354 i M..A. McKee, Miss A. J. .. C C ,, 300 | Tilley, Miss H. M. .. C C „ 288 Herrick, Miss M. M., M.A. D D „ 204 Digby, Miss G. D. .. D D „ 240 Ross, Miss J. D D „ 228 Ashbcrton High School. Watters, W. F., B.A I .. Principal 670 Biggar, R. H., M.A. .. A A Assistant 520 40 McGregor, R. M., B.Sc. C C ,, 365 40 Wood, E.J C C „ 320 40 Pigott, Miss E. M., M.A. B B ,, 354 Seyb, P. S., B.A. .. D D „ 305 Phillips, T., B.A. D D „ 275 Mason, Miss R. O. . . D C „ 264 30 Marshall, Miss R., B.Sc. C C „ 252 in H.Sc. Duff, Miss I. H. M. D D „ 204 Timarxt Boys' High School. Thomas, W., M.A. .. .. .. Principal 720 60 Cockroft, E. A., B.A., A A Assistant 520 70 B.Com. Kemshed, D. S., M.A. A A „ 490 40 Sawell, R. G. A., M.A. A 15 „ 465 40 Hind, C. A. S. C B „ 450 40 Moore, N. A., M.A. .. B B ,, 420 Whitehouse, T. K. R., C C , 365 40 M.Sc. McDonald, T. H., M.A. B C „ ! 350 40 McClatchy, H. B„ M.A. B C 320 Rae, A. J. .. .. 1) D „ 275 Ledingham, M. P. C D ,, 260 Wilson, R. G. D D ,, 260 : Mills, S. .. D D „ 245 Murray, L. K. D D 245 : Dixon, J. R... .. D D „ 230



Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1928 —continued.

2—E. 6.

Grade. °a oS B «>H Position £ « p® Same, a - in >»>$ 2 £ .2 School. list* So« o S ga- gp.2 t S 3 MO H tti <H S Timaro Girls' High School. £ £ Barr, Miss J. A., M.A. .. .. .. Principal 550 King, MissE. A., M.A... A A Assistant 408 Ronaldson, Miss M.,B.Sc. A A ,, 384 B.A. Jones, Miss P. J., M.A. B B „ 354 McLean, Miss D. B., M.A. B B „ 330 Stewart, Miss L. F., B.A. C C „ 300 Hawkes, Miss D., B.A... C C „ 252 Marriott, Miss M. E., B. A. C C ,, 288 Baker, Miss M. E., M.A. C D ,, 240 ! Lee, MissE. H. D D ,, 240 Waddell, Miss E. I. D D , 204 McRae, Miss F. M. D D ,, 192 , .. Waitaki Boys' High School. Milner, F., M.A. .. .. .. Principal i 720 McCulloch, M. K., M.A. A A Assistant i 520 40 Chisholm, D. S., M.A. ..A A „ 520 40 Inder, R. H., M.Se. .. B B 465 40 Hargreaves, P. W., B.A. B B „ 450 Uttley, W. M., M.A. A B „ 465 40 Hall, H. T. .. C C | 380 40 Crimp, F. A., B.A. C C „ 380 McDonald, K. C., M.A. C C „ 335 40 Cole, R. T. .. C D ,, 305 Hendra, T. H. D D „ 275 Robins, H. J. .. I) D „ 260 Scott, W. J., M.A. D I) ,,i 245 Waitaki Gikls' High School. Wilson, Miss J. B., M.A. .. Principal 510 Macaulay,MissM. J.,M.A. A A Assistant 408 Hunt, Miss D. C., B.A... C B „ 354 .. Watt, Miss M. S., B.A. B B „ 342 Farnie, Miss W. C. .. B C „ 300 Harvey, Miss E. A., B.A. C C „ 288 King, Miss E. M., M.A. C D ,, 240 Fitzgerald, Miss M. S., D D ,, 216 B.A.. M.Sc. Gibson, Miss J. W. .. D D „ 204 Otago Boys' High School. Morrell, W. J., M.A Principal 860 Campbell, F.H., B.A. .. A A Assistant I 520 40 Williams, J., B.Sc. ..A A „ 520 70 Martyn, W. J., M.A. ..A A „ 520 70 Watt, A., B.A. A A „ 490 Botting, R. W. S„ M.A. A B „ j 465 40 Begg, 0. J., M.A. A B „ 465 70 Mclnnes, M. G., B.A. C B „ 465 Thomson, G. S., B.Sc. C B ,, 450 40 Gillman, A. J., M.A. A B „ 450 40 Watt, M. M„ M.A. B B „ 405 40 Rantin, T. J. L„ M.A. B B „ 405 40 Howard, B. H„ M.A. B C „ 380 Robertson, G. M., M.A. B C ,, 380 40 McNaughton, A. T., M.A. B C „ 365 Salmond, J. D., M.A. B C ,, 350 Bridgman, W. W., M.A. C C „ 335 Glasgow, K. W. R., B.Sc. C C „ 320 40 Crimp, S. R., B.A. C C ,, 335 Cabot, P. S. de Q., M.A. CI) „ 305 Lang, W., M.A. C D j 275 40 Fraser, R., B.A. D B „ 260 Anderson, J. L., B.A. D 1) ,, 245 40 Cox, 0. G., B.A. B D 245 Barclay, N. E. W. D D „ 245 Chisman, A. G. .. D D ,, 245

Grade. ®1H b Position 5 "S a Name - * d in >>& S o School. |S» S -s 3?" o«-2 S o 5® ° o <e 3 EH CM <T) 3 Otago Girls' High School. £ £ King, Miss M. H. M., M.A. .. i .. Principal 630 Campbell, Miss F., B.A. A A Assistant 408 15 Loudon, Miss A. L., M.A. A A „ 408 Kerr, Mrs. B., M.A. A B „ 354 55 Dalrymple, Miss H. K., B B „ 354 - .. B.A. Morton, Miss L. S., B.A. A B ,, 354 Lawson, Miss L. L., M.A. A B „ 330 May, Miss M. W., M.A. A B ,, 306 Aitken, Miss A. M., B.Se. C C „ 300 in H.Sc. Dallaston, Miss L. N., C C ,, 300 B.A. Rosevear, Miss R. A. .. C C „ 252 MacRae, Miss H„ B.A. C C „ 264 Bagley, Miss S. D. .. C C „ 252 Bentliam, Miss E. R., CD „ 240 M.A. Taylor, Miss H. D D „ 228 Morrell, Miss K. A., B.A. D 1) „ 204 McKinnon, Miss J. R., C D „ 240 M.A. | Sutton, Miss P. J. .. D D .. 192 South Otago High School. j Reid, John, B.A .. Principal 620 Scott, W. R., M.A. .. B B Assistant 465 40 Jolly, W. L. D D „ 245 Somerville, Miss A. I., B C ,, 276 M.Sc. Sutherland, Miss I. D., C C „ 252 30 I B.A. i Blaikie, Miss G.B., M.A. I) D „ 204 Gore High School. I Hunter, J., M.A. .. .. .. ] Principal 720 Boyne, J. McC., B.A. .. A A Assistant 510 40 Christie, E. M„ M.Sc. B B „ 390 40 Pyfe, T., B.A. C C „ 320 40 Fowler, M., B.Sc. D D „ 290 40 Dalglish, R. G. . . D D „ 245 Smith, Miss M. L., M.A. B A „ 384 Naylor, Miss R., M.A. B B „ 354 Henderson, Miss H. A., B C „ 300 M.A. Douglas, Miss M. J. H. C C „ 300 Woodhead, Miss M. S., C D „ 240 M.A. Blaikie, Miss H. D D „ 180 Southland Boys' High School. Pearce, T. D., M.A .. Principal 720 60 Dakin, J. P., B.A. .. A A Assistant 520 40 Butchers, A. G., M.A. A A „ 510 40 McGrath, J. S., B.A. B B „ 465 40 Hogg, A. S„ M.Sc. B B „ 420 40 Flannery, J. C B ,, 390 Drees, H, M.A. B C „ 380 40 Deaker, A. J., B.A. B C ,, 365 40 Dunlop, A. R., B.A. D C ,, 320 Harrington, A. G. .. D D „ 230 Robins, A. H. D D „ 230 Braithwaite, J. C. .. D D „ 245 Southland Girls' High School. Samuel, Miss M., M.Sc I Principal 530 Budd, Miss A. M., M.A. A A j Assistant 408 Watt, Miss A., B.A. . . B B „ 354 Earwaker,' Miss E., M.A. A , B „ 330 White, Miss R. A., M.A. B 1 C „ 300 Cumming, Miss C. L.,M.A. B ; C 288 Brown, Miss C. A., B.A. 0 j D ,, 228 Calder, Miss A. M. M. . . D ; D .. j 204 Gonley, Miss M. E. D D ,, 192



Table K1.—Some Particulars relating to Secondary Education for the Years 1927 and 1928

1927. 1928. Secondary schools— Number of Government secondary schools .. .. .. .. 41 43 Number of endowed schools .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 2 Number of boys at Government secondary schools .. .. .. 7,306 7,808 Number of girls at Government secondary schools .. .. .. 6,337 6,654 Number of boys at endowed schools .. .. .. .. .. 547 576 Number of girls at endowed schools .. .. .. . . . . Nil Nil Number of free pupils at Government secondary schools .. .. .. 13,901* 14,931* Number of pupils commencing secondary education .. .. .. 5,582 6,037 Number of pupils leaving school . . . . . . .. .. 4,855 4,995 Secondary departments of district high schools — Number of secondary departments .. .. .. .. .. 79 79 Number of bo3's in attendance .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,719 1,889 Number of girls in attendance .. .. .. .. .. . . 1,724 1,784 Number of free pupils.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,746* 4,033* Number of pupils commencing secondary education .. .. .. 2,095 2,198 Number of pupils leaving school .. .. .. .. .. 1,566 1,596 Expenditure by Government in financial year— Payments to Education Boards for — £ £ District high schools —Secondary teachers' salaries .. .. .. 52,359 58,254 National scholarships .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,280 11,273 Payments to secondary schools and colleges for —. Salaries and incidental expenses .. .. .. .. .. 248;790 267,282 Manual-instruction capitation .. .. .. .. .. 4,414 4,606 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. .. .. .. 2,018 1,750 New buildings, equipment, furniture, and sites .. .. .. 93,878 j 44,382 Maintenance of school buildings .. .. .. .. .. 1,131 1,453 Reserves revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,280 ' 10,556 Conveyance of pupils to secondary and district high schools .. .. 7,887 8,618 Sundry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,570 3,949 * As at 30th June in each year.



Table K2.—Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments).—Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Frè-place Holders.

Number of holders °' aU PupUs on Koli at 30tl > June > 192S - Roll Number, -p i, of Government Free ; ; ; ; — — : — Average 31st December, 1928. xr ™ Places on Roll at r i 9 , n ,, ~ , , School. Attendance, 1st Srch, 30th June, 1928. Yea" 14 to 15 Years. 15 to 16 Years. 16 to 17 Years. 17 ySrs AgeJ ' I °* 1928. I j ' Boys. Girls. Total. Junior. Senior. B. G. £ G B. G. B. G. B. ' G. B. j G. B ! G ; ; ! I 1 II I ' I ill- r i A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. .. 376 209 179 388 430 291 115 6 10 23 43 65 44 70 46 39 27 23 15 226 185 Auckland Grammar School .. 873 868 .. 868 965 581 312 1 24 .. 119 .. 204 .. 214 .. 218 .. 148 .. 927 Mount Albert Grammar School .. 524-5 512 .. 512 568 369 172 6 .. 47 .. 158 .. 200 .. 79 .. 67 557 Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. 571-2 .. 529 529 583 398 153 .. 24 .. 109 .. 172 .. 134 .. 81 .. 41 .. 561 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. 540-4 .. 556 556 604 409 147 .. 21 .. 124 .. 171 .. 142 .. 74 46 578 Takapuna Grammar School .. 313 167 141 308 345 268 55 6 10 28 34 62 50 60 33 18 19 4 4 178 150 Thames High School .. .. 201 97 95 192 218 136 59 2 1 1] 19 33 32 31 25 21 13 6 8 104 98 Hamilton High School .. .. 389 208 182 390 428 267 130 6 3 39 45 61 54 58 48 28 29 26 19 218 198 Rotorua High School ... 118-6 72 64 136 140 122 18 3 1 13 9 23 30 23 18 8 6 5 4 75 68 New Plymouth Boys' High School . 457-2 453 .. 453 522 329 147 20 .. 68 .. 127 .. 141 .. 93 .. 50 499 New Plymouth Girls' High School .. 261 .. 272 272 319 215 82 12 .. 41 .. 100 .. 75 .. 52 24 304 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 280 .. 290 290 308 194 91 9 .. 36 .. 90 .. 80 .. 57 34 306 Palmerstoti North Boys' High School 317 311 .. 311 345 224 101 12 .. 62 92 .. 83 .. 56 .. 30 335 Palmerston North Girls' High School 188-9 .. 190 190 208 155 38 11 .. 37 .. 63 .. 54 .. 21 .. 15 .. 201 Gisborne High School .. .. 436 255 168 423 496 338 110 10 4 47 33 86 56 73 46 35 23 41 15 292 177 Napier Boys' High School .. 264-2 264 .. 264 305 185 84 10 .. 38 61 •. 92 .. 49 .. 36 286 Napier Girls' High School .. 238-9 .. 256 256 267 178 81 7 .. 41 .. 71 .. 75 .. 45 .. 28 .. 267 Hastings High School . • .. 268-4 149 123 272 303 234 58 8 6 40 34 53 32 36 35 23 17 8 I 13 168 137 Dannevirke High School .. .. 189 106 83 189 219 165 42 7 9 28 23 34 24 36 20 9 8 9 9 123 93 Wairarapa High School .. .. 277-1 176 114 290 307 195 98 6 4 24 17 52 32 52 27 38 20 14 16 186 116 Hutt Valley High School .. .. 268-1 142 127 269 292 234 52 10 3 38 34 41 45 45 35 15 12 6 8 155 137 Wellington College .. .. 652 669 .. 669 727 441 248 39 .. 139 .. 190 .. 185 j .. 141 .. 12 706 Rongotai Boys'College .. .. 153 150 .. 150 170 134 24 12 .. 39 .. 39 .. 51 .. 21 .. 8 .. 170 Wellington Girls' College .. .. 404 .. 406 406 421 306 126 .. 28 .. 82 .. 124 .. 108 .. 68 .. ! 37 .. 447 Wellington East Girls'College .. 341 .. 346 346 382 . 276 93 .. 18 .. 100 .. 112 .. 87 .. 40 .. ! 15 .. 372 Marlborough High School .. . 245-7 117 138 255 283 205 61 1 2 29 23 47 38 35 43 12 28 9 9 133 143 Nelson College .. .. . . 328 335 .. 33-5 364 217 110 12 .. 60 84 I 81 73 .. 48 358 Nelson Girls' College .. .. 321-4 .. 334 334 351 215 114 .. 18 .. 58 .. 86 .. 93 .. 51 .. 43 .. 349 Rangiora High School .. .. 128 72 59 131 151 97 36 1 5 n 10 26 ' 15 23 24 8 7 8 5 77 66 Christchurch Boys' High School .. 546 610 . • 610 683 424 205 27 .. 84 .. 180 • • 170 .. 105 .. 73 .. 639 Christ-church Girls' High School .. 423-7 .. 439 439 467 278 162 .. 15 .. 34 .. 117 .. 108 .. 77 .. 52 .. 453 Avonside Girls' High School .. 176 .. 171 171 201 167 22 13 .. 46 .. 66 .. 49 .. 17 191 Ashburton High School .. .. 206-5 118 98 216 229 135 79 1 3 20 13 41 20 27 32 17 18 14 15 120 101 Timaru Boys' High School .. 372 378 .. 378 406 251 121 13 .. 65 71 •• 97 .. 74 .. 73 393 Timaru Girls' High School . . 294 .. 301 301 327 198 109 12 .. 54 .. 81 .. 74 .. 53 43 317 Waitaki Boys' High School .. ! 292 268 .. 268 315 191 85 2 .. 31 98 .. 72 .. 54 .. 37 294 Waitaki Girls' High School .. , 196-3 .. 194 194 216 136 66 3 .. 32 .. 59 .. 53' .. 33 29 209 Otago Boys' High School .. .. 679 656 .. 656 719 454 227 28 ..I 125 .. 218 155 .. 102 .. 74 702 Otago Girls' High School .. .. 416-5 .. 424 424 458 304 130 .. 13 89 .. 142 .. 99 .. 52 .. 44 .. 439 South Otago High School .. .. i 121 71 48 119 134 82 47 1 I 7 5 22 15 13 ! 14 20 10 16 6 78 51 Gore High School -■ 222-8 112 111 223 253 160 78 4 5 23 25 28 28 36 25 21 18 15 16 127 117 Southland Boys' High School .. 271 263 .. 263 281 181 75 15 .. 56 .. 83 •• 61 .. 34 .. 25 274 Southland Girls' High School .. 195 .. 216 216 233 140 89 .. 13 .. 42 .. 62 .. 51 .. 35 ! .. 28 231 Totals .. .. | 14,337-4 7,808 6,654 14,462 15,943 10,479 4,452 291 284 j 1,314 1,342 2,279 2,031 j 2,220 j 1,753 1,411 1,011 885 641 8,400 7,062 B. jEndowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. 268 262 j .. 262 | 274 j .. 3 .. 16 | 52 81 .. 65 .. 53 270 Christ's College .. .. .. 298 2 314 .. 314 315 .. .. 12 .. 28 .. 53 .. 75 .. 85 .. 60 . • 313 Total3 •• •• 566 2 576 .. 576 589 ! 15 .. 44 105 .. 156 .. 150 .. 113 .. 583 Grand totals.. .. 14,903-6 ,8,384 6,654 15,038 16,532 | 10,479 4,452 306 284 1,358 1,342 2,384 2,031 2,376 1,753 1,561 1,011 998 641 8,983 ! 7,062


Table K3. —Classification of Pupils on the Roll of Secondary Schools at the 30th June, 1928, according to Years of Attendance (exclusive of Lower Departments).


! Number of New* —' Entrants in I First Year. Second Year. Third Year. Fourth Year. Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Totals. o 1928 who had not E_, previously School. _ received Seconda ary Education. ;■ ' eS 1 I Boys. Gil ls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. J Girls. Boys, j Girls. ® Boys. Girls. Whangarei High School.. 94 93 58 41 43 26 26 20 5 5 .. 226 185 411 94 90 Auckland G rammar School 328 .. 267 .. 199 .. 105 .. 27 1 927 .. 927 328 Mount Albert Grammar 203 .. 147 .. 110 .. 72 .. 22 .. 3 .. 557 .. 557 215 School Auckland Girls' Grammar .. 215 .. 176 .. 94 55 18 3 561 561 .. 232 School Epsom Girls' Grammar .. 235 .. 108 .. 132 .. 84 .. 19 ! 578 578 .. 251 School Takapuna Grammar 80 75 64 49 31 24 3 2 .. .. 178 150 328 83 80 School Thames High School .. 39 34 28 33 17 16 17 10 3 5 .. 104 98 202 40 37 Hamilton High School .. 85 67 58 66 40 44 ! 20 16 12 4 3 1 218 198 416 85 69 Rotorua High School .. 34 35 26; 21 7 7 7i 5 1 75 68 143, 36 35 New Plymouth Boys' 194 .. 143 .. 89 42 .. 25 61 .. 4991 .. 499' 206 High School New Plymouth Girls' .. 128 .. 1 90 54 .. ! 18 13 1 304 304 .. 131 High School Wanganui Girls' College .. 107 .. i 90 59 38 9 3 306 306 .. 107 Palmerston North Boys' 131; .. 95 .. 57 40 10 2 .. 335 .. 335 131 High School Palmerston North Girls' .. 76 .. 79 .. 22 .. 13 .. 8 .. 3 .. 201 201 .. 83 High School Gisbome High School .. 130 78 70 63 49 15 26 14 15 6 2 1 292 177 469 .131 78 Napier Boys' High School 107 .. 90 47 28 9 5 286 .. 286 107 Napier Girls' High School .. 99 77 45 32 12 2 .. 2671 267 .. 100 Hastings High School .. 77 66 59 40 22 19 9 10 1 lj 1 168 .1371 305 77 66 Danncvirke High School 52 42 37 29 23 13 9 7 2 1 1 123 93 216 52 45 Wairarapa High School 64 44 52 32 39 18 24 14 6 6 II 2 186 116 302 68 43 Hutt Valley High School 61 51 62 56 26 19 3 7 3 3 .. ; 1 155 137 292 60 51 Wellington College .. 233 .. 173 .. 183 .. 76 .. 36 .. 5 .. 706 .. 706 236 Rongotai Boys' College 79 .. 63 .. 28 170 .. 170 70 Wellington Girls' College .. 177 .. 122 .. 75 49 21 3 447 447 .. 141 Wellington East Girls' .. 157 .. 106 ,. 72 30 7 372 372 .. 154 College Marlborough High School 71 48 38 54 17 27 5 11 2 3 .. 133 143 276 71 53 Nelson College .. 126 . . 93 .. 74 .. 38 .. 25 .. 2 .. 358 .. 358 126 Nelson Girls' College .. .. 121 .. 102 .. 54 48 22 2 349 349 .. 121 Rangiora High School .. 39 32 15 17 12 8 9 5 2 4 . . 77 66 143 43 34 Christchurch Boys' High 248 .. 161 .. 132 .. 66 27 5 639 . . 639 238 School Christchurch Girls' High .. 159 . . 120 .. 86 60. 23 5 453 453 .. 159 School Aronside Girls' High .. 106 .. 59 .. 26 .. .. I .. , 191 191 .. 108 School Ashburton High School.. 42 27 35 29 24 27 12 9 6 4 1 5 120 101 221 43 28 Timaru Boys' High School 154 .. 92 72 46 .. 22 7 393 .. 393 165 Timaru Girls' High School .. 114 .. 86 59 36 .. 20 2 317 317 .. 129 Waitaki Boys' High School 110 .. 75 59 31 - - I 11 8 294 .. 294 116 Waitaki Girls' High School . . 85 . 54 33 24 12 1 209 209 .. 88 Otago Boys' High School 226 .. 213 .. 142 .. 98 .. 22 .. 1 .. 702 .. 702 233 Otago Girls' High School .. 148 .. 143 .. 78 49 .. ' 20 1 439 439 .. 150 South Otago High School 31 18 17 16 15 10 7 7 8 78 51 129 31 20 Gore High School .. 41 44 44 27 15 20 .16 11 8 11 3 4 127 117 244 43 45 Southland Boys' High 106 .. 76 57 20 12 3 274 .. 274 106 School Southland Girls' High .. 77 .. 60 .. 42 .. 32 .. 14 .. 6 .. 231 231 .. 75 School Totals .. 3,185 2,7582,351 2,045 1,629 1,224 855 716 321 271 59 48;8, 400 7,062 15,462 3,234 2,803 * Pupils under this heading who were on the roll at 30th June, 1928, are included in the first two columns of this table under the heading "First Year."


Table K4.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Schools, 1928.

Table K5. —Details of National Scholarships held in December, 1928.


Number of Pupils Percentage of Number of Pupils Percentage of taking Subjects. Whole Number. taking Subjects. Whole Number. Subject. Subject. I Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. ; Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. English .. .. .. 8,394 7,061 99*9 100*0 Dairy science .. .. 230 .. 2-7 History .. .. .. 7,729 6,831 92-0 96-7 Biology .. .. .. 77 116 0-9 1-6 Mathematics .. .. 8,095 5,105 96-4 72-3 Workshop theory and practice 156 .. 1-9 French .. .. .. 7,148 6,211 85-1 87-9 Astronomy .. .. 77 66 0-9 0-9 Geography .. .. 5,001 5,074 59-5 71-8 Physiography .. .. 77 66 0-9 0-9 Arithmetic .. .. 3,216 6,589 38-3 93-3 Practical arts .. .. 77 66 0-9 0-9 Drawing .. .. .. 3,879 3,955 46-2 56-0 Heat and light .. .. 126 12 1-5 0-2 Physical science and chemistry 6,933 418 82*5 5-9 Economics .. .. 113 43 1-3 0-6 Domestic and home science .. , .. 6,423 .. 91-0 Wool-classing . . . . 91 . . 1*1 Latin .. .. ., j 3,832 2,388 45-8 33-8 Home nursing .. .. .. 81 .. 1-1 Music and singing .. .. 1,047 4,816 12-5 68-2 Steam .. .. .. 47 . . 0-6 Book-keeping and commercial 2,400 1,954 28-2 27-7 Dietetics .. .. .. .. 41 .. 0-6 work Natural science .. .. I 37 ! .. 0*4 Needlework .. .. .. 3,020 .. 42-7 Motor engineering .. .. -31 .. 0-4 Cookery .. .. .. .. 2,109 .. 29-9 Method of teaching .. .. j .. 26 .. 0-4 Shorthand and typing .. 237 1,691 2-8 23-9 Building construction .. 24 , .. 0-3 Physiology and hygiene .. 156 1,653 1-9 23-4 Mercantile law .. .. 8 .. 0-1 Electricity and magnetism .. 1,224 .. 14-6 .. Bankruptcy .. .. 8 j . . 0-1 Woodwork .. .. 1,092 .. 13*0 .. Electrical engineering .. 6 .. 0-1 Agriculture .. . . 838 .. 10-0 .. Patternmaking . . . . 4 ! * Mechanics .. .. . . 686 8 8*2 0-1 Constitutional history ... 3 , .. * Botany . . . . . . 99 544 1*2 ! 7-7 Jurisprudence . . .. 3 . . * Arts and crafts .. . . 184 266 2-2 3-8 — Metalwork .. .. .. 357 .. 4-3 j .. Total numbers on roll at 8,400 ! 7,062 100*0 100't) J | 30th June I * No significant percentage.

Number held Number held , Number held Number Number Total Number. at Secondary at District I at Technical receiving receiving Schools. High Schools. High Schools. Boarding- Travelling. Education District. allowance allowance ! (included (included in Total in Total Boys. Girls. Totals. Junior. Senior. Junior. Senior Junior. Senior. Number). Number). T T - - ■ | - Auckland .. .. .. 196 94 290 157 79 35 5 13 j 1 49 23 Taranaki .. .. 38 18 56 26 19 1 8 ] 2 15 1 Wanganui .. .. 24 19 43 18 8 7 8 2 9 1 Hawke's Bay .. 32 17 49 28 17 3 1 .. 9 1 Wellington .. .. 51 36 87 55 26 5 I 4 8 Nelson .. .. 29 22 51 27 12 8 1 2 1 18 Canterbury.. .. ..57 56 113 64 29 14 6 28 6 Otago .. .. ..63 37 100 58 25 16 1 j .. .. 11 1 Southland .. .. ..13 5 18 11 5 2 .. j .. .. 5 1 Totals .. .. 503 304 807 444 220 91 7 39 6 148 42


Table K6.—Number of Pupils at 30th June, 1928, boarding away from Home to attend Secondary Schools and Lower Departments thereof.


Secondary Departments. g « Boarding at Total. a'S -§ - Boarding at Establishments Boarding a? o >8 sonooi. School Hostels. approved by privately. ® ■" _ Principal. ! ®, *3..a |i| | | * §,§, Boys. 1 Girls. ! Boys. Girls. Boys. | Girls. Boys, i Girls. ° A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. .. .. : 64 38 .. I .. 15 23 79 61 Auckland Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. 12 .. 50 .. 62 Mount Albert Boys' Grammar School .. . . 40 .. .. .. 37 .. 77 Auckland Girls' Grammar School . . .... .. .. .. .. 33 .. 33 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. .. . . .. . . . . 14 .. 39 .. 53 Takapuna Grammar School .. .. . . .. . . .. .. 10 10 10 10 Thames High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 4 4 4.. Hamilton High School .. .. .. .. .. 24 .. '.. 31 11 31 35 Rotorua High School .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. 3 4 3 4 New Plymouth Boys' High School .. .. 159 .. .. .. 21 .. 180 .. 13 New Plymouth Girls' High School . . .. .. 50 .. .. .. 13 .. 63 1 Wanganui Girls'College .. .. .. .. 96 .. .. .. 13 .. 109 11 Palmerston North Boys' High School .. . . 48 .. .. . . 10 .. 58 Palmerston North Girls' High School . . .. 10 .. .. .. 6 .. 16 Gisborne High School .. .. . . 43 22 .. 12 13 55 35 17 Napier Boys' High School .. .. 51 .. .. .. 1 .. 52 Napier Girls'High School .. .. .. .. 45 .. .. .. 15 .. 60 12 Hastings High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 5 5 5 Dannevirke High School . . .. .. 16 .. .. 4 4 8 20 , 12 Wairarapa High School .. .. . . j 52 .. .. .. 2 10 54 j 10 Hutt Valley High School . . . . .... .. . . .. 1 3 1 3 Wellington College .. . . . . . . 69 .. .. .. 5 .. 74 Rongotai Boys' College Wellington Girls' College .. .. .. .. 30 .. .. .. 9 i 39 Wellington East Girls' College .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 6 .. 6 Marlborough High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 6 5 6 Nelson College .. .. .. . . 128 .. .. .. 8 .. 136 .. 22 Nelson Girls' College .. .. . . . . .. 77 .. .. .. 33 110 14 Rangiora High School .. .. .. .. 11 14 .. .. .. 3 11 17 Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. 48 j .. .. .. 48 i Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. .. .. 47 ! .. .. 29 .. 76 Avonside Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 1 Ashburton High School .. .. .. 9 3.. .. 7 5 16 8.. Timaru Boys' High School . . .. .. 104 .. .. .. .. .. 104 .. 27 Timaru Girls' High School . . . . .. .. 50 .. .. .. 14 .. 64 5 Waitaki Boys' High School . . .. .. 152 .. .. .. 7 .. 159 Waitaki Girls' High School .. .. . . .. 35 .. .. .. 12 .. 47 Otago Boys' High School . . . . . . 43 .. .. .. 25 .. 68 Otago Girls' High School .. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. 27 .. 27 South Otago High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 2 5 2.. Gore High School .. . . . . .. 9 17 .. 4 5 13 22 Southland Boys' High School .. .. .. . . .. 1 .. 29 .. 30 Southland Girls' High School .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 .. 28 Total, A.. .. .. .. 1,046 558, 13 18 301 390 1,360 966 122 l ' B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. .. ..I 229 I .. .. .. 229 I Christ's College .. .. .. .. ! 187 .. .. .. t .. .. 187 | .. Total, B .. .. .. .. 416 .. .. j 416 Grand totals .. .. .. 1,462 558 13 18 301 390 1,776 j 966 I 122



Table K7.—Receipts of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1928.

Endowment Income Account. End °Aroaunt apital Buildings and Sites Account. Lower Department Account. Hostels Account. Board ! Vmm Reserves. Onvpn, Voluntary Balance, Balance, Sales of Balance, " Contribu- Transfers Balance, Balance, „ Advances Transfers 1st Janu- Adminis- , ' 1st Janu- Endow- 1st Janu- tions and from other 1st Janu- Fees. Sundries. 1st Janu- Boaraang to Boarders and *ry, 1928. Vested in tered by ary, 1928. ments. ary, 1928. a „S. , ! Miscel- Accounts. ary,1928. ary, 1928. rees ' refunded. Sundries. Boards. Land laneous. Boards. | A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ ££££ £ £ ££££££ £ £ Whangarei High School .. | .. 259 271 17 840 17 66 66 74 55 .. .. .. 290* 5,024 .. 1 Auckland Grammar School .. 6,481 10,562 1,801 2,069 1,558 555 203 5,562 513 333 .. .. .. 90 2,193 .. 719 Thames High School .. .. .. 840 107 131 .. .. .. .. 35 874 Hamilton High School .. .. 114 258 .. ..' .. 10 56 .. .. .. .. .. 282* 1,439 .. 61 Rotorua High School .. .. 239 .. 74 9 .. .. 307 1,769 71 244 New Plymouth High School .. j .. 1,340 1,231 .. .. .. 82 8,255 215 3,735 8 765 5 1,481 12,801 3,277 145 Wanganui Girls'College .. 1,048 971 288 .. .. .. 10 .. 65 223 412 346 20 957 6,042 2,144 190 Palmerston North High School 31 .. 470 .. .. .. 1,358* 284 47 104 .. .. .. 377 3,140 511 193 Gisborne High School .. .. 3,679 47 568 7 .. 248* .. .. 510 138 398 4 189 4.252 917 Napier High School .. .. .. 574 1,142 .. .. .. .. 220 .. 1,794 673 576 27 3,479 903 97 Hastings High School .. 388 .. 482 .. .. .. 13 313 1,500 Dannevirke High School .. 104 .. 408 .. .. .. .. 55 .. .. .. .. .. 155* 591 .. 153 Wairarapa High School .. 511 .. 272 .. .. .. 1,337* .. 194 89 .. .. .. 155 3,067 226 Hutt Valley High School .. 189 .. .. 339 .. .. 19 350 196 275 .. .. .. .. .. .... Wellington College .. .. 6,545 11,674 1,497 6 5,106 15,827 3,083* 3,796 2,363 5,005 .. .. .. 377 5,875 40 1,121 Marlborough High School .. 560 .. 89 400 .. .. .. 1,006 .. 83 .. .. .. .. .. Nelson College .. .. .. 1,034 403 .. .. .. 1,466 .. .. 1,067 313 1,019 .. 678 14,957 1,639 177 Rangiora High School .. .. 280 .. ■ . .. .. 101 .. .. 407 .. .. .. 307* 907 Christchurch Boys' High School .. 6,614 .. 220 .. .. 619* 339 .. 509 .. .. .. 835* 2,310 Christchurch Girls' High School .. 528 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. 377* 2,332 .. 85 Avonside Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21* 3,917 Akaroa High School .. .. 1,419 276 .. 65 Hokitika High School .. 2,806 .. 164 310 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ashburton High School .. 103 1,156 5 40 30 2.550* 850 .. 1,051 .. .. .. 196 .. .. 100 Timaru High School .. .. .. 2,533 ' .. .. .. 1,689* 115 .. 2,937 .. .. .. 161 Waimate High School .. 4,334 338 • • 180 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... Waitaki High School .. .. .. 1,995 281 206 .. .. 3,132* 5,784 .. 1,584 .. .. .. 1,440 2,133 .. 51 Otago High School .. .. 3,591 4,073 685 244 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. | 905 2,384 300 187 South Otago High School .. .. .. 143 .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 .. .. .. ] .. Gore High School .. .. .. .. .. 153 .. .. 291* 70 .. 61 .. .. .. 232* 1,071 Southland High School .. 668 2,465 201 .. .. .. 583* 2,035 .. 2,257 Totals.. .. .. 29,017 51,305 10,314 4,922 7,551 16,429 12,634* 34,842 5,273 23,726 1,544 3,104 56 8,007 77,095 9,957 ! 3,280 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate Schoolf .. i .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■•. .. .. ., .. .. .... Christ's College .. .. .. .. •• 3,454 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,548 .. 146 Totals.. .. .. .. .. -. 3,454 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,548 .. 146 ___ ' _ ' 1 [ • Account overdrawn. f Receipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet of the school is printed in Table K 11a.


Table K7.—Receipts of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1928—continued.


General Account. Manual and Science Instruction Account. Special Accounts. _______ . _ . Board ' Balance, _J. Voluntary „ . , ; Transfers w G m™t" ' Transfers Balance, Mj , Transfers 1st Janu- Contribu- -p ° Sundries, from other vL SSi,™ Sundries, from other 1st Janu- from other ary, 1928. Teachers' Incidental tions. Accounts. A«»unte. ary, 1928. Iane0us - Accounts. . _ A. Secondary Schools. £ i £ | £ £ £ £ £ ! £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Whangarei High Sohooi .. .. .. 396 10,010 j 1,366 .. .. 58 344 ! 71 .. 193 6 56 2 173 75 Auckland Grammar School .. .. 1,704 34,750 7,598 191 229 990 .. 7,346 774 926 .. .. 5,500 674 Thames High School .. .. .. 486 3,510 (545 .. .. 68 .. 156 60 64 .. .. 54 2 Hamilton High School .. .. .. 777 6,375 1,070 .. .. 211 26 .. 93 97 Rotorua High School .. .. .. 74 2,701 487 .. 35 32 112 845 38 .. .. .. .. 942 239 New Plymouth High School .. .. 68 1 10,480 2,055 .. j 401 63 169 46* 160 .. .. 793 23 300 Wanganui Girls'College .. .. .. 747 3,140 741 48 .. 252 2,064 1,243 71 89 9 Palmerston North High School .. .. 527 8,450 1,383 7 53 164 79 119 5* 135 37 .. 550 25 Gisborne High School .. .. .. 521 6.490 1,239 90 90 248 40 282 167* 79 .. .. 146 54 4 Napier High School .. .. .. 1,846 9,140 1,430 101 370 271 4,947 973 74* 167 Hastings High School ... .. .. 1* 4,120 755 164 152 85 678 459 8* 61 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. 430 ; 3,045 555 6 6 140 6 323 26 28 .. .. 120* 123 Wairarapa High School .. .. .. 480 4,615 763 .. 87 86 9 .. 7* 134 Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. 205 4,430 730 .. 71 50 49 219 64 187 3 .. 10 Wellington College .. .. .. 1,641* 18,946 4,373 26 24 525 412 7,527 195 736 61 .. 438 484 Marlborough High School .. .. .. 460* : 7,815 954 7 7 14 206 716 .. 186 .. 32 .. 10 Nelson College .. .. .. .. 551* I 10,060 1 1,743 119 98 617 634 630 i 327 85 .. .. .. 200 Rangiora High School .. .. •• 100 3,065 378 95 77 | 90 508 7 4S .. . 7 ! Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. 791* 9,850 1,705 .. .. 212 .. 109 87* 140 Christchurch Girls' High School .. 1,594 5,685 1,168 .. •• 120 202 147 135 193 141 Avonside Girls' High School .. •• .. 2,645 500 .. .. 18 83 1,031 .. 33 32 .. Akaroa High School .. .. • • .. .. 1 .. • • .. .. .. .. | . .. .. .. | Hokitika High School .. . ■ Ashburton High School .. .. •• 8 3,575 572 .. 125 68 15 288 72 35 .. .. 36 52 Timaru High School .. .. • • 160* 9,895 1,813 .. 30 375 15 295 70* 167 .. .. 85 3 Waimate High School .. .. - • • ■ • • • • ■ • .. .. .. 309 Waitaki High School .. .. 2,179 12,056 2,118 62 172 424 386 .. 236* 238 Otago High School .. .. •• 2,232 13,520 2,900 62 29 | 299 935 4,495 329 667 .. .. 2,777 155 South Otago High School .. •• •• 235 2,075 335 .. 128 .. 18 4 18* 45 Gore High School .. • •• 771 4,295 630 .. .. 49 63 134 18* 68 6 48 429 60 Southland High School .. •• 1,807 7,460 1,285 .. 83 | 164 71 908 3 .. .. 47 Totals .. •• •• 13,583 222,198 41,191 978 1,866 j 6,031 12,065 28,805 1,499 4.913 295 183 10,707 2,980 618 ■ - B. Endowed Schools. Wauganui Collegiate Schoolf • • ■ • • ■ • • • • ■ • Christ's College .. .. • • • • • • • • • • ■ • .. ! 9,348 2,034 6,993 Totals .. .. .. -■ .. •• -• .. 9,348 2,034 i 6,993 .. .. .. .. I i ' I * Account overdrawn. t Receipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but the Incomc and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet of the school is printed in Table K 11a.



Table K8.—Payments of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1928.

3—E. 6

Endowments Income Account. Capita? W 4ccount Buildings and Sites Account. Lower Department Account. Board. Office Expenditure Transfers Balance P Endow-° f Balance Expenditure on Interest Balance Balance, Salaries on to o lt . t m .; t . oii- n p ' Buildings, Sites, Loans on Loans Teachers' Incidental Miscel- 31st DeExpenses. ST Act. * 1928. | jcember, 1928. £* » su^ y . cembe'r, 1928. Expenses, laneous. c* i I i n ** ie 1 ~ i A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ££££ Whangarei High School .. .. 25 386 191 54* .. 857 892 .. 137 268* Auckland Grammar School .. .. 514 2,120 7.679 10,600 1,632 481 6,115 .. .. 496 Thames High School .. .. 102 275 1,030 330* .. .. 300 565 155 111* Hamilton High School .. .. .. 59 .. 313 .. .. 66 j Rotorua High School .. .. .. j .. 253 69 .. .. 2,354 j .. .. 37 .. .. ..... New Plymouth High School .. j 50 i X 2,022 499 .. .. 11,314 ! 1,012 480 518* .. 511 171 95 Wanganui Girls'College .. .. 55 1 38 1,466 749 .. .. 51 172 75 326 88 2 361 Palmerston North High School .. .. 140 361 .. .. .. 86 j .. 1,008* Gisborne High School .. .. 100 357 767 3,072 .. 7 222 .. 40 .. 332 50 6 153 Napier High School .. .. 14 27 1,674 .. .. .. 230 517 1,268 .. 553 65 34 624 Hastings High School .. .. j .. .. 459 i 412 .. .. 1,848 .. .. 22* Dannevirke High School .. .. .. .. 323 189 .. .. 55 ! Wairarapa High School .. .. .. .. 268 514 .. • .. 428 ... .. 1,482* Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. .. 374 154 .. .. 907 ! .. .. 66* Wellington College .. .. 355 1,171 12,532 5,665 20,920 13 5,134 1,860 3,213 2,127* Marlborough High School .. .. .. .. j 830 i 219 .. .. 1,088 .. .. .. .. .. ; Nelson College .. .. .. 50 12 i 1,374 ! .. .. .. 1,477 .. .. 1,057 882 217 .. 233 Rangiora High School .. .. .. .. ; 280 .. .. .. 127 184 95 101 .. .. .. j •Christchurch Boys' High School .. 209 569 3,411 1 2,645 .. .. 229 .. .. .. .. .. ! Christehurch Girls' High School .. 29 .. 499 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... Avonside Girls' High School.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,883 .. .. 13 Akaroa High School .. .. 5 .. 203+ 1,552 Hokitika High School .. .. 83 .. 2101 2,986 .. -■ .. .. Ashburton High School .. .. 26 .. 1,238 .. .. 70 46 850 155 1,700* Timaru High School .. .. 90 212 2,231 .. .. .. 345 985 297 [ 264* .. j Waimate High School .. .. 61 5 309 4,477 Waitaki High School .. .. 175 60 2,246 .. .. .. 8,597 .. .. 4,361* .. j Otago High School .. .. 228 112 ! 4,613 3,640 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ! .. South Otago High School .. .. .. • • 4 140 .. • • 30 .. Gore High School .. .. .. .. .. 153 .. .. .. 180 .. .. 339* Southland High School .. .. 80 89 3,165 .. .. .. 2,060 1,057 1,200 608* Totals .. .. 2,251 5,633 50,165 37,511 i 22,552 1,428 48,064 7,030 7,212 11,095* 2,093 931 213 1,466 ; I - _ ; B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School? Christ's College .. .. .. 181 267 3,006 .. .. Totals .. .. 181 267 3,006 I : i I * ov cidrawn. t Sundry payments in respect to District High School, Akaroa. % Sundry payments in respect to District High School, Hokitika. § Receipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate fccftool, but the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet of the school is printed in Table K 11a.



Table K8.—Payments of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1928—continued.

Hostels Account. General Account. Special Acc0UI,ts ' Total Sst a i)e e - Teachers' Incidental ofTtmding™ SandTV Tra^ fers Material, futDe' Totai 3UtDe' Payments. cember , a928 . Salaries. Expenses. Rent, and Ac. Payments. ' ' [ I III A. Secondary Schools. £ £ : £ £ £ £ £ j £ £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School .. .. .. .. 4,992 258* 10,005 1,179 71 25 565 | 400 245 10 270 20* Auckland Grammar School .. .. .. 3,018 15* 42,251 7,607 887 223 .. I 1,840 1,512 188 541 5,633 Thames High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,602 366 156 .. .. 640 48 76 2 55 Hamilton High School .. .. .. .. 1,320 102* 6,695 847 .. 178 .. 738 102 87 Rotorua High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,176 429 103 407 .. 171 12 27 1,137 43 New Plymouth High School .. .. ,. 15,871 1,833 10,312 1,789 169 120 500 345 134 20* 1,004 112 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. .. .. 8,614 718 4,098 989 194 1,837 .. 1,115 141 29 Palmerston North High School .. .. .. 4,061 159 8,763 1,160 125 40 .. 694 137 31 25 550 Gisborne High School .. .. .. .. 4,555 802 7,147 992 182 391 24 273 1 90* 178 23 Napier High School .. .. .. .. 7,927 3,130 9,447 1,433 752 i 3,557 1,093 2,796 363 270* Hastings High School .. .. .. . . .. .. 4,631 831 188 843 .. 82* 45 8 .Dannevirke High School .. .. .. .. 586 2 . 3,288 542 219 .. .. 461 31 23 84 j 81* Wairarapa High School .. .. .. .. 3,272 177 4,550 576 .. 185 .. 729 112 15 .. .. Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. . . .. .. 4,662 739 30 138 120 64 165 89 .. 10 Wellington College .. .. .. .. 6,406 1,003 25,988 5,149 962 482 .. 2,389* 548 444 419 503 Marlborough High School.. .. .. .. .. .. 8,040 915 112 191 .. .. 218 .. .. 10 Nelson College .. .. .. .. .. 16,092 1,359 10,617 1,636 453 1,200 .. 558* 245 167 .. 200 Rangiora High School .. .. .. .. 965 365* 3,244 411 108 j 296 127 134 58 10* 7 Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. .. 1,956 481* 9,937 1,460 109 .. .. 422* 132 79* Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. 1,590 450 5,887 764 162 113 1,031 959 197 272 Avonside Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. 2,691 1.002 .. 61 .. 523 68 3* Akaroa High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ] Hokitika High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j Ashburton High School .. .. .. .. 34 263 3,667 571 202 171 102 61* 34 73 44 43 Timaru High School .. .. .. .. 113 48 10,538 1,872 294 195 .. 636* 149 51* 3 85 Waimate High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 258 ... .. 51 Waitaki High School .. .. .. .. 2,297 1.327 12,462 1,588 .. 648 .. 2,697 436 434* Otago High School .. .. .. .. 2,461 1,315 17.314 2.669 858 527 .. 3,103 365 631 130 2,802 South Otago High School .. .. .. .. .. 2,123 252 4 ; 278 30 108 35 7* Gore High School .. .. .. .. 1,153 314* 4,402 771 71 62 .. 735 146 41* 48 441 Southland High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,711 1,122 266 187 47 1,446 189 139* Totals .. .. .. .. 87,283 j 11,051 248,506 39,651 6,677 12,406 3,639 15,823 5,868 ! 1,026 3,892 10,409 B. Endowed Schools. ! Wanganui Collegiate Schoolf .. .. .. | Christ's College .. .. .. .. .. 13,694 j .. | 8,811 3,491 1,605 3,452 1,015 Totals .. .. .. .. 13,694 ' .. 8,811 3,491 1.605 3,452 1,015 .. .. .. .. 1 1 * ! * Account overdrawn. t Receipts and Payments Account not available for Wanganui Collegiate School, but the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet of the school is printed in Table K 11a.



Table K9.—Secondary-schools Hostels for Year 1928.—Income and Expenditure.

Expenditure. Hostel. Income. " ij ~ j i i - j r~~ T : T n.priPrn.1 ' 5li-mpririaifYn ' i Rates, -crofit. IjOSP. ; Expenses. Provisions. by jr eaoherg 1 Wages. Light, &c. Repairs. Intoest* and Expenses. Depreciation. Total. " "1 7 : i : ■ r T 1 : i i i i £ s- d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d £ s d Christchurch Boys' .. ■ 2,596 13 2 84 0 10 689 15 0 268 0 Oj 702 4 7 177 11 5 57 16 0 36 11 8 162 10 6 261 6 5 2,439 16 5 156 16 9 ! ' Christehurch Girls' .. 2,498 19 5 77 10 0 471 0 5 57 0 0 644 0 6 163 4 3 114 4 4 18 14 7 21 19 5 234 18 4 1,802 11 10 696 7 7 Dannevirke Boys' .. 590 10 0 .. 354 13 0 .. 155 1 ' 0 38 4 0 .. 1 4 9 .. 50 5 0 599 7 9 o'j 7 q Gisborne Boys' .. i 2,999 3 10 45 0 0 922 1 4 500 0 0 717 2 9 185 11 10 50 14 5 11 10 1 84 6 0 242 0 0 2,758 5 7 240 i 8 3 Gisborne Girls' .. 1,725 3 9 30 0 0 433 0 0 180 0 0 571 2 6 153 16 5 33 16 1 12 8 3 22 18 4 189 0 0 1,626 1 7 ~99 2 2 Gore High . . .. 1.002 10 0 .. 420 6 6 44 3 4 423 13 4 95 5 10! 115 13 81 43 12 2 17 1 10 256 19 3 1,416 15 11 414 5 11 Hamilton Girls' .. 1,393 7 3 52 2 2 357 "4 8 153 0 0 275 0 9 68 4 3; 26 11 3 249 9 11 19 9 6 30 0 0 1.231 2 6 162 4 9 Mount Albert Grammar 2,474 16 1 84 13 4 617 9 6 157 10 0 458 10 5 195 4 0 38 2 5 33 8 4 254 8 3 163 18 7 2,003 4 10 471 11 3 Napier Boys' .. 3,974 18 11 227 8 2 1,449 7 9 360 0 0 1.024 6 4 294 7 0 .. 8 15 2 420 2 6 520 0 0 4,304 6 11 3*>q"8 0 Napier Girls' .. 3,355 0 2 207, 9 8 922 0 3 150 0 0 895 5 2 238 18 10 .. 103 10 3 172 1 0 345 0 0 3,034 5 2 320 i5 0 Nelson Boys' .. 9,690 16 0 246 13 5 3,757 5 0 .. : 2,110 7 6 596 13 8 299 12 7 350 14 5 89 4 9 873 0 0 8,323 11 4 1 367 4 8 Nelson Girls' .. 5,854 17' 6 246 13 4 2,134 15 8 .. 1,359 17 0 329 4 10, 153 0 6 108 13 10 313 7 8 712 0 0 5,357 12 10 '497 4 8 New Plymouth Boys' 10,710 2 6 232 13 5 3,594 7 5 662 0 0 1,388 6 8 1,492 4 5 128 17 11 111 2 51,081 13 3 835 0 1 9,526 5 7 1 183 16 11 New Plymouth Girls' 3,387 18 6 223 13 4 908 2 5 350 0 0 540 1 10 447 13 3, 97 11 3 137 14 9 577 7 10 527 1 11 3,809 6 7 1 421 "8 1 Otago Boys'.. .. 3,094 10 5 86 13 6 674 11 9 150 0 0 737 16 4 160 9 1 15 4 9 120 9 5 715 3 4 282 12 0 2,943 0 2 151 "io 3 ' Palmerston North Boys' 2,741 14 0 .. 851 18 11 250 0 0 542 12 1 152 19 10 144 5 1 213 4 1 326 9 1 2,481 9 1 260 4 11 Palmerston North Girls' 867 1 8 12 6 2 206 4 0 160 0 0 175 2 6 39 6 5 21 11 11 112 0 9 .. 726 11 9 140 9 11 Rangiora .. .. 974 17 9 30 0 0 359 2 2 .. 368 1 8 86 19 1 16 8 0 1 16 3 23 0 7 82 3 6 967 11 3 7 6 6 Timaru Girls' .. 3,579 17 4 312 17 5 1,019 5 6 360 0 0 810 11 3 232 2 8 .. 48 18 6 20 6 6 285 3 10 3,089 5 8 490 11 8 Wairarapa Boys' .. 3,344 19 0 25 0 0 1,089 17 10 .. 588 2 10 277 6 9 29 2 7 18 2 8 353 2 8 449 2 0 2 829 17 4 515 1 8 Waitaki Girls' .. 2,182 12 11 60 0 0 733 4 8 78 0 0 502 0 6 143 14 4 75 12 5 34 16 0 18 5 0 217 0 10 1,862 13 9 319 19 9 Wanganui Girls' ... 8,491 11 2 203 7 9 3,065 3 0 .. 1,425 13 8 733 11 2 161 10 5 13 6 82,868 15 4 .. 8 471 8 0 20 3 2 Wellington Boys' .. 4,553 16 5 118 3 9 1,334 1 4 330 0 0 1,448 6 6 347 7 6 148 7 9 0 19 0 77 3 6 572 16 11 4 377 6 3 176 10 2 Wellington Girls' .. 1,933 13 0 59 1 5 537 12 4 50 0 0 509 5 9 153 3 8 195 11 5 .. 88 0 1 386 5 1 l'978 19 9 1 45"6 9 Whangarei Boys' .. 3,321 1 1 33 14 0 1,574 4 6 300 0 0 672 10 1 158 12 4 41 0 7 13 11 10 243 10 1 477 16 5 3*514 19 10 " 193 18 9 Whangarei Girls' .. 1,901 10 0 32 7 0 783 19 10 100 0 0 510 19 9 152 12 2 61 0 7 6 3 7 94 14 11 220 4 3 1,962 2 1 .. 60 12 1 All schools .. j 89,242 1 10 2,731 8 829,260 14 9 |4,659 13 419,556 3 3 7,114 8 212,025 15' lljl,810 19 4 ! 8,065 1 118,213 14 583,437 19 9 j 7,277 19 5 j 1,473 17 ~4



Table K10.—Secondary-schools Hostels for Year 1928.—Average Income and Expenditure per Boarder per Week.

. Expenditure. Number of > Hostel. Income. ! | I Profit. Loss. 1928 ' ' : Expenses, j r™™ions. byTiXrs. UKht. Fuel, Ac. Repairs. ,t ' jtgSSu. Depreciation. Total. £ s. d. s. fl. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. | s. d. s. d. £ s. d. s. d. ] s. d. Christchurch Boys' .. 48 10 10 08 56 2 2 58 15 06 0314 21 0 19 7 13 .. Christchurch Girls' .. 47 10508 3 10 06 53 14 0 11 02 02 111 0 14 958 Dannevirke Boys' .. 16 0 14 2 .. 86 .. 39 0 11 .. .. .. 13 0 14 5 .. 03 Gisborne Boys' .. 43 16 10 05 83 46 65 18 05 01 09 22 14822 .. Gisborne Girls' .. 22 1 10 2 06 77 32 10 0 28 07 02 05 34 1 85 19 .. Gore High .. .. 26 0 14 10 .. 63 08 63 1518 0 8 j 0 3 3 10 110 j 6 2 Hamilton Girls' .. 24 124 0 10 59 25 45 11 05 40 04 06 0 19 9 27 .. Mount Albert Grammar 40 13 10 0 10 5 11 16 45 111 04 04 25 17 0 19 347 Boys' Napier Boys' .. .. 51 I 10 0 1 9 10 11 2 9 7 8 2 3 .. 0 1 3 2 3 11 1 12 6 .. 2 6 Napier Girls' .. .. 45 188(19 711 13 78 20 .. 0 11 16 211 15 11 29 Nelson Boys' .. .. 128 1 9 1 1 0 9 11 3 .. 64 19 0 11 10 03 27 1 5 041 Nelson Girls .. .. 77 193 1 3 10 8 .. 69 18 09 06 17 37 16926 New Plymouth Boys' .. 159 15 11 07 88 17 34 38 04 03 28 20 1 3 1 2 10 New Plymouth Girls' .. 50 161 18 74 28 41 35 09 10 45 40 194 .. 33 Otago Boys' .. .. 43 178 09 61 14 67 15 02 11 65 26 164 14 :.. Palmerston North Boys' 48 120 .. 6 10 20 44 13 12 19 27 .. 0 19 11 21 Palmerston North Girls' 10 1 13 4 05 711 62 69 16 0 10 44 .. .. 1 7 11 5 5 .. Rangiora .. .. 25 0 15 006 56 .. 58 14 03 01 04 13 0 14 11 01 Timaru Girls' .. 50 17625 7 10 29 63 19 .. 05 02 22 13939 Wairarapa Boys' .. 52 1 4902 81 .. 44 21 02 02 27 34 10 11 3 10 Waitaki Girls' .. 35 14008 81 0 10 56 17 0 10 05 02 25 10636 Wanganui Girls' .. 96 1 14 0 0 10 12 3 .. 5 9 2 11 0 7 0 1 11 6 .. 1 13 11 0 1 Wellington Boys' .. 69 155 08 75 1 10 81 111 0 10 -- 05 33 145 10 Wellington Girls' .. 30 14909 6 11 08 66 20 26 .. 11 4 11 154 .. 07 Whangarei Boys' .. 64 0 19 11 0 2 9 5 1 10 4 1 0 11 0 3 0 1 1 6 2 10 111 .. 12 Whangarei Girls' .. 38 0 19 304 7 11 10 52 16 07 01 10 23 0 19 10 .. 07 All schools .. 1,336 158 09 85 14 58; 21 07 06 24 24 140 21 05 1 I I Note. This return is based on a fifty-two- week year, whereas the boarders are usually in residence for onlv forty weeks; the average weekly cost of maintaining each boarder, is therefore approximately 25 per cent, greater than the figures shown.


Table K11.—Balances and Assets and Liabilities of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools as at 31st December, 1928.


j Assets. Liabilities. Secondary-school Boards. Balance, 1st January, Balance, ! Bank Balances and Amounts owing to m.x i , T ' rw-v, t • rn * i 31st December, 1928. Investments. Board. Total. j Overdrafts and Loans, j Other Liabilities. Total. A. Secondary Schools. £ s. d. | £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d Whangarei High School .. .. Dr. 817 19 5 !| 924 17 2 1,536 13 1 2,461 10 3 i 2,317 13 4 547 13 2 2.865 6 6 Dr. 403 16 3 Auckland Grammar Schools.. .. Cr. 11,405 13 10 ; 19,823 18 11 1,145 7 4 20,969 6 3 350 0 0 6,827 15 4 7,177 15 4 Or. 13,791 10 11 Thames High School .. .. Dr. 761 2 5 i 329 16 3 2,481 2 2 2,810 18 5 3,046 9 3 60 13 5 3,107 2 8 Dr. '296 4 3 Rotorua High School . . Cr. 223 8 0 303 6 1 9 17 6 313 3 7 .. i 50 8 11 50 8 11 Or. 262 14 8 Hamilton High School .. .. Cr. 825 3 7 1,036 18 8 634 9 0 1,671 7 8 .. 199 10 11 199 10 11 Cr. 1,471 16 9 New Plymouth High Schools .. Dr. 7,887 6 3 2,299 19 6 789 0 4 3,088 19 10 8,794 18 0 676 7 11 9,471 5 11 Dr. 6,382 6 1 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. Or. 3,149 11 9 4,608 5 4 1,354 9 2 5,962 14 6 2,715 17 11 724 0 4 3,439 18 3 Cr. 2,5.22 16 3 Palmerston North High Schools .. Dr. 1,754 18 9 711 19 1 706 7 1 1,418 6 2 3.936 8 5 82 7 5 4,018 15 10 Dr. 2,600 9 8 Gisborne High School .. .. Cr. 1,340 6 5 4,289 2 10 1,225 3 1 5,514 5 11 .. 324 4 10 324 4 10 Cr. 5J90 1 1 Napier High Schools .. .. Dr. 14,458 4 11 7,908 9 1 2,635 7 11 10,543 17 0 j 21,477 12 1 3,388 15 3 24,866 7 4 Dr. 14*322 10 4 Hastings High School .. .. Cr. 251 3 3 415 16 1 435 17 9 851 13 10 j 21 15 0 482 18 11 504 13 11 Cr. 346 19 11 Dannevirke High School .. .. Cr. 640 15 8 594 12 4 72 12 0 667 4 4 .. .. .. Cr. 667 4 4 Wairarapa High School .. .. Cr. 183 5 7 1,480 0 0 464 1 11 1,944 1 11 47 0 5 744 17 10 79i 18 3 Cr. 1,152 3 8 Hutt Valley High School .. .. Cr. 448 6 6 .. 117 17 7 117 17 7 .. 43 19 7 43 19 7 Cr. 73 18 0 Wellington College .. .. Dr. 46,716 2 11 2,608 17 8 2,197 6 11 4,806 4 7 45,919 13 5 260 12 5 46,180 5 10 Dr. 41,374 1 3 Marlborough High School .. .. Cr. 286 15 2 1,029 1 6 169 3 2 1,198 4 8 .. 839 16 11 839 16 11 Or. 358 7 9 Nelson College .. .. .. Dr. 50 9 1 5,408 11 1 3,321 14 9 8,730 5 10 4,520 0 0 3,202 13 10 7,722 13 10 Cr. 1,007 12 0 Rangiora High School .. .. Dr. 1,471 14 10 .. 182 8 0 182 8 0 1,385 17 6 30 9 6 1,416 7 0 Dr. 1,233 19 0 Christchurch Boys' High School .. Dr. 48,221 19 11 .. 754 17 3 754 17 3 47,187 10 0 73 18 2 47,261 8 2 Dr. 46,506 10 11 Christchurch Girls' High School .. Dr. 3,550 18 4 .. 204 11 3 204 11 3 4,500 0 0 132 19 2 4,632 19 2 Dr. 4,428 7 11 Avonside Girls' High School* .. .. .. 178 3 7 178 3 7 490 10 8 9 0 9 499 11 5 Dr. 321 7 10 Akaroa High School .. .. Cr. 1,446 15 1 1,551 19 4 27 14 7 1,579 13 11 .. .. .. Cr. 1,579 13 11 Hokitika High School .. .. Cr. 2,958 0 0 2,986 8 2 162 10 3 3,148 18 5 .. .. .. Cr. 3,148 18 5 Ashburton High School .. .. Dr. 1,087 1 10 1,329 14 3 138 14 3 1,468 8 6 1,700 0 0 142 10 6 1,842 10 6 Dr. 374 2 0 Timaru High School .. .. Dr. 5,728 11 1 85 0 0 1,854 3 2 1,939 3 2 5,082 13 1 148 12 4 5,231 5 5 Dr. 3,292 2 3 Waimate High School .. .. Cr. 4,319 9 1 4,477 4 6 .. 4,477 4 6 .. 20 13 0 20 13 0 Cr. 4,456 11 6 Waitaki High School .. .. Cr. 1,530 6 4 1,399 17 8 1,543 14 1 2,943 11 9 1,470 18 9 1,887 16 11 3,358 15 8 Dr. 415 3 11 Otago High School.. .. .. Cr. 7,577 4 10 11,490 0 9 567 12 0 12,057 12 9 .. 3,238 1 3 3,238 1 3 Cr. 8,819 11 6 South Otago High School .. .. Cr. 282 6 5 "240 0 4 95 18 9 335 19 1 .. 140 12 4 140 12 4 Cr. 195 6 9 Gore High School .. .. .. Cr. 1,264 9 5 622 8 11 222 16 10 845 5 9 .. 76 6 2 76 6 2 Or. 768 19 7 Southland High Schools .. .. Dr. 16,372 11 6 1,006 10 0 1,386 8 10 2,392 18 10 19,250 3 1 281 5 7 19,531 8 8 Dr. 17,138 9 10 Totals •• •• •• Dr. Ill, 105 0 4 78,962 15 6 26,616 3 7 105,578 19 1 174,215 0 11 24,639 2 8 j 198,854 3 7 Dr. 93,275 4 6 ' [ .1 — I I | B. Endowed Schools. | i Wanganui Collegiate School t .. : Dr. 114,809 10 6 . . Christ's College} .. .. * School established in 1928. f Balance-sheet for this school published in Table K 11a, % Return not available.


Table Iv 11a.— Statement of Affairs and Balance-sheet of the Whanoanui College Board of Trustees for the Year ended 31st December, 1928. Wanganui Collegiate School Account. Dr. Gr. £ s. d. To Boarding Account — £ s. d. By Boarding fees .. .. .. 22,742 610 Wages .. .. .. 3,699 17 1 Tuition fees .. .. .. 3,982 10 0 Groceries .. .. .. 1,778 18 6 Sundry school fees .. .. 841 17 6 Dairy .. .. .. .. 1,126 5 9 Music fees .. .. .. 798 0 0 Bread .. .. .. .. 863 5 9 Scholarship income .. .. 558 15 0 Fish .. . , . . . . 164 J 3 School prizes income .. .. 83 16 3 Fruit and vegetables .. .. 486 15 11 Transfer-to General Account .. 57 810 Butcher .. .. .. 1,482 17 4 Fuel and lighting .. .. 1,078 12 0 Laundry .. .. .. 852 17 6 Repairs and replacements .. 567 1 5 Matron's sundries .. .. 144 11 6 11,945 4 0 Less meals, &c., charged for .. 261 5 10 11,683 18 2 Sundry school funds .. .. 839 3 0 Trustees' exhibitions .. .. 306 10 0 Freo places .. .. .. 115 0 0 Scholarships, headmaster's fund .. 275 0 0 Scholarships, endowments .. .. 283 15 0 School prizes .. .. .. 164 3 10 Salaries of masters .. .. 8,494 10 4 Salaries of visiting teachers .. 172 3 0 Allowances .. .. .. 50 0 0 Medical officer .. .. .. 353 17 0 Printing, advertising, telephones, &c. 234 14 6 Insurances .. .. .. 160 10 9 Laboratory expenses .. .. 32 14 8 Repairs and maintenance, buildings 434 0 3 Grounds.. .. .. .. 913 J 11 Entertainments .. .. .. 22 0 4 Sundry school expenses .. .. 69 19 6 Rates .. .. .. .. 459 12 2 Interest .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 £29,064 14 5 £29,064 14 5 St. George's Preparatory School Account. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. ToWages .. .. .. .. 315 16 3 By Fees .. , .. .. .. 2,845 1 0 Fuel and lighting .. .. .. 179 10 5 Less free tuition and modified fees .. 54 14 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 525 4 9 — 2,790 7 0 1,020 11 5 Music fees .. .. .. 84 18 0 Less meals charged for .. 181 11 3 Carpentry fees .. .. .. 21 10 6 839 0 2 2,896 15 6 Salaries .. .. .. .. 1,292 12 8 Transfer to General Account .. 1,295 15 8 Medical officer .. . . . . 29 2 9 Books .. .. . . .. 104 3 7 Printing, advertising, &c. . . .. 251 6 4 Sundries .. . . . ■ . • 186 10 6 Rent .. . . .. . . 68 16 2 Insurance .. .. .. . . 19 14 10 Rates .. . . . . .. 10 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 1,391 4 2 £4,192 11 2 £4,192 11 2 General Trust Account. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. To Interest .. .. ■■ •• 1,916 19 2 By Rents .. .. .. 5,660 17 6 Rates .. .. .. . • 621 1 7 i Boys' extras— Salaries .. .. .. .. 934 0 0 School .. .. .. .. 116 16 5 Surveys .. .. . • . • 36 7 3 St. George's .. .. .. 2. 3 1 Audit fee .. • • • • 23 2 0 Bonuses on endowment policies re new Management sundries .. . . 49 9 4 loan .. .. .. .. 174 2 0 Office rent . . . . . ■ 120 0 0 Office sundries .. .. .. 123 16 11 5,953 19 0 Printing, advertising, &c. .. . . 78 16 10 Transfer to Balance Account .. 930 16 5 Repairs and maintenance, estate .. 92 8 1 Legal expenses .. .. . . 425 17 3 Provident Fund—Contributions . . 568 15 3 Provident Fund—Donations .. 100 0 0 5,090 13 8 School farm .. . . .. 440 17 3 Transfer from College Account .. 57 8 10 Transfer from St. George's School Account .. •• .. 1,295 15 8 £6,884 15 5 £6,884 15 5




Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Balance Account .. .. .. 4,736 3 9 Boys' accounts outstandLess transfer from General Account .. 930 16 5 ing— £ s. d. £ s. d. ■ Collegiate School .. 1,542 17 4 3,805 7 4 St. George's School .. 128 16 6 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 458 15 1 1,671 13 10 Endowments— Rent accounts outstanding .. 1,135 18 8 Scholarships .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 ——— School prizes .. .. .. 511 14 0 2,807 12 6 School funds .. .. .. 1,364 5 2 Collegiate School—Provident Fund .. .. .. 7,406 7 6 Buildings .. .. 81,380 13 5 Mortgages .. .. .. .. 108,950 0 0 Expenditure, 1928 .. 238 6 7 Temporary loans .. .. .. 5,713 2 6 Furniture .. .. 4,475 6 0 Suspense .. .. .. .. 2,086 18 8 Pianos .. .. 952 0 2 £ s. d. 87,046 6 2 Bank of New South Wales 6,063 18 0 St. George's School— Plus unpresented cheques 46 6 11 Buildings .. .. 23,137 5 1 6,110 4 11 Grounds .. .. 2,143 19 8 Furniture .. .. 1,452 2 2 26,733 6 11 Estate buildings .. .. 2,650 0 0 Roads .. .. .. 13,004 111 Section Ib, London Street .. 650 0 0 Grey Street house .. .. 973 4 4 Tayforth land .. .. 2,093 15 8 Steward's stores on hand .. 376 2 8 Boys' extras paid but not charged— Collegiate School .. 1,678 13 8 St. George's School .. 132 13 10 — 1,811 7 6 Sundry debtors.. .. .. 49 8 1 Sinking fund, St. George's School Loan.. .. .. 1,105 19 6 Cash on hand .. .. 105 9 11 £139,406 15 2 £139,406 15 2 I have audited the books and accounts of the Whanganui College Board of Trustees for the year ended 31st December, 1928, and certify that the foregoing statements of account are in accordance therewith, and that in my opinion the above Balance-sheet is properly drawn up so as to show the true position of the Trust as disclosed by the books at 31st December, 1928.— T. Ballingall, F.P.A., N.Z., Auditor. Wanganui, 27th February, 1929. A. (i. Bignell, Chairman. J. P. Wilmamson, Secretary.



Table K12.—Balance-sheets of Secondary-school Hostels as at 31st December, 1928. Liabilities.

Capital. Hostel. "T ~ Loans. ° Reserve' 0 " 0ther LiaWlities - 0ash overdrawn. ! Ac ™ r ™i£ tea Total. ! From other Source8 ' f s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Christchurch Boys' .. .. .. .. 319 11 6 5,767 5 11 6,655 0 0 261 6 5 50 12 2 480 15 1 .. 13,534 11 1 Christehurch Girls' .. .. .. .. 4,766 11 2 2,391 3 0 .. 234 18 4 4,539 13 9 .. 113 0 1 12,045 6 4 Dannevirke Boys'* . . .. •. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. j Gisborne Boys'.. .. .. .. •• 8.403 13 11 .. .. 507 0 0 211 11 10 .. 829 9 7 9,951 15 4 Gisborne Girls' .. .. .. .. .. 5,722 3 2 .. .. 402 0 0 0 13 0 .. .. 6,124 16 2 Gore High .. .. .. .. .. 9,000 0 0 3,348 15 6 1,051 16 0 .. 32 13 1 315 2 3 .. 13,748 6 10 Hamilton Girls' .. .. .. .. .. .. 931 14 3 .. 45 3 2 101 11 5 .. 1,078 8 10 Mount Albert Grammar .. .. •• •• 8,404 6 11 .. 350 0 0 242 5 3 82 18 3 14 11 9 572 4 1 9,666 6 3 Napier Boys' .. .. .. .. .. 32,360 2 2 .. .. 937 18 5 87 3 6 .. 498 7 3 33,883 11 4 Napier Girls' .. .. .. .. .. 7,287 13 1 .. .. 742 4 4 51 16 1 .. 1,395 8 11 1 9,477 2 5 Nelson Boys' .. .. .. .. . . 17,057 13 5+ .. 4,000 0 0 873 0 0 .. .. 5,205 7 11 27,136 1 4 Nelson Girls' .. .. .. .. • • 11,463 19 9f .. 520 0 0 712 0 0 .. 286 17 2 3,935 3 2 | 16,918 0 1 New Plymouth Boys' .. .. .. .. 3,609 7 5 5,191 7 9 .. 1,201 4 10 251 3 7 .. 11,518 12 11 ! 21,77116 6 New Plymouth Girls' .. .. .. •• 14,668 0 0 3,500 0 0 1,050 0 0 691 10 2 54 11 11 586 11 2 3,87S 15 9 i 24,429 9 0 Otago Boys' .. .. .. •• 9,130 0 0 .. .. 1,564 12 9 83 2 5 .. 573 1 3 11,350 16 5 Palmerston North Boys' .. •• •• 11,104 1 9 1,131 13 6 2,600 0 0 145 0 0 31 5 9 -■ 861 8 4 15,873 9 4 Palmerston North Girls' .. •• •• 3,408 0 0 659 6 0 1,050 0 0 .. 5 5 0 286 8 5 188 1 7 5,597 1 0 Rangiora* Timaru Girls' .. .. .. .. .. 5,050 0 0 .. 2,902 5 4 .. 28 8 10 .. 1,405 2 1 9,385 16 3 Wairarapa Boys' .. .. 15,914 18 9 1,000 0 0 .. 449 2 0 134 8 4 .. 620 14 11 18,119 4 0 Waitaki Girls' .. .. .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 5,574 10 9 772 18 4 417 8 8 .. .. 289 2 7 8,554 0 4 Wanganui Girls' .. .. .. .. 4,796 9 0 8,727 11 0 .. .. 515 9 6 .. 3,495 12 10 17,535 2 4 Wellington Boys' .. .. .. .. 8,930 16 If •• 40,419 13 5 .. 42 8 6 .. .. 49,392 18 0 Wellington Girls' .. .. .. .. 6,467 0 lit •• 5,500 0 0 95 5 4 .. 12,062 6 3 Whangarei Boys' .. .. . • .. 9,481 10 1 2,014 0 0 .. 767 19 7 144 3 8 257 13 4 1,553 11 11 14.218 18 7 Whangarei Girls' .. .. .. .. 2,547 6 6 .. 1,436 17 3 320 12 7 118 0 4 .. .. 4,422 16 8 All schools .. .. .. .. 201,393 5 7 39,305 13 5 69,240 4 7 10,470 3 4 6,605 18 0 2,329 10 7 36,933. 5 2 366,278 0 8 * Not available. t Includes capital from other sources.



Table K12.—Balance-sheets of Secondary School Hostels as at 31st December, 1928—continued. Assets.

4 —E. 6.

' 1 i Hostel. Hostel Site. Buildings. Furniture. mSfc 0 '! Boarding Fees other Debtors. ™ 0 Ha'nd S Fund Other Assets. ' Cash. Total. utensils, <fcc. due. on nana. Investment . forward. j I 1 | I I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Christchurch Boys' .. 2,623 8 0 5,823 14 6 519 15 7 294 16 10 36 2 0 .. 33 0 0 .. 65 9 8 .. 4,138 4 6 13,534 11 1 Christehureh Girls' .. 5,440 6 6 5,099 18 10 789 0 4 177 0 9 25 5 0 .. 58 10 4 .. 5 8 1 449 16 6 .. 12,045 6 4 Dannevirke Boys'* .. | .. .. .. .. ... .. j .. .. .. .. j Gisborne Boys' .. .. 500 0 0 6,623 0 0 624 11 6 775 16 0 157 7 6 176 1 5 .. .. 400 0 0 694 18 11 .. 9,951 15 4 Gisborne Girls' .. .. 350 0 0 3,612 0 0 547 11 7 526 7 9 108 12 6 173 10 11 .. .. .. 107 1 5 699 12 0 6,124 16 2 Gore Higb .. .. 2,026 2 6 8,921 10 11 926 1 5 .. 10 10 0 .. 10 0 0 .. 596 17 1 0 17 0 J,256 7 11 13,748 6 10 Hamilton Girls' .. .. .. 50 12 7 321 14 4 .. 51 2 4 5 8 4 .. .. .. .. 649 11 3 1,078 8 10 Mount Albert Grammar .. 5,500 0 0 2,904 6 11 877 1 3 125 15 9 .. .. 16 17 1 j 242 5 3 .. .. i .. 9,666 6 3 Napier Boys' .. .. 476 2 0 28,796 4 9 3,087 15 5 ! .. 182 19 6 .. 13 0 0 1 .. 1,274 9 9 52 19 11 .. 33,883 11 4 Napier Girls' .. ... 1,370 0 0 3,960 18 11 1,956 14 2 j .. 66 0 6 .. 8 0 0, .. 1,434 17 0 680 11 10 .. 9,477 2 5 Nelson Boys' .. .. .. 20,500 0 0 1,416 14 7 ]l,773 16 5 943 1 10 .. .. ! .. 856 5 5 1,646 3 1 .. 27,136 1 4 Nelson Girls' .. .. .. 13,876 4 0 1,578 6 9 870 17 8 489 14 10 .. .. .. 102 16 10 .. .. 16,918 0 1 New Plymouth Boys' .. 347 0 0 14,192 6 7 3,410 16 I 962 6 3 247 II 7 192 11 1 .. .. .. 2,419 4 11 .. 21,771 16 6 New Plymouth Girls' .. 4.203 12 6 17,914 16 6 1,990 1 2 253 11 8 50 10 0 16 17 2 .. .. .. .. .. 24,429 9 0 Otago Boys' .. .. .. 9,130 0 0 352 0 7 342 12 5 38 0 0 146 4 3 13 0 0 1,300 0 0 14 3 6 14 15 8 .. 11,350 16 5 Palmerston North Boys' .. 626 0 0 13,085 0 0 1,195 0 0 119 6 4 189 12 0 185 12 1 18 16 0 .. ! 8 4 8 445 18 3 .. 15,873 9 4 Palmerston North Girls' . 1,000 0 0 3,767 6 0 637 0 0 126 2 0 39 7 6 22 15 6 4 10 0 .. .. .. .. 5,597 1 0 Rangiora* .. .. .. .. • • 1 .. .. • • .. . Timaru Girls' .. .. 628 9 6 6,157 0 0 1,260 0 0 .. 675 10 10 61 12 5 41 15 1 . 5 0 0 556 8 5 .. 9,385 16 3 Wairarapa Boys' .. .. 716 11 0 14,716 12 5 1,431 18 9 .. 93 9 11 .. 11 5 0 .. 1,025 18 6 123 8 5 .. 18,119 4 0 Waitaki Girls' .. .. 1,000 0 0 4.426 2 8 1,501 19 1 186 6 11 88 0 0 .. 25 0 0 . .. 1,326 11 8 .. 8.554 0 4 Wanganui Girls' .. .. 500 0 0 12,380 0 0 2,461 15 11 910 9 1 127 3 4 397 7 2 40 0 0 .. .. 718 6 10 .. 17,535 2 4 Wellington Boys' .. .. 5.000 0 0 40,588 17 9 2,523 17 1 187 5 2 348 2 10 58 11 1 15 0 0 .. 182 6 0 488 18 1 .. 49,392 18 0 Wellington Girls' .. .. 5,000 0 0 5.109 0 8 991 13 3 75 13 3 253 16 8 67 16 3 49 15 10 .. .. 514 10 4 .. 12,062 6 3 Whangarei Boys' .. .. .. 10,854 13 2 1,207 4 7 455 1 11 230 1 8 .. 35 0 0 .. 1,436 17 3 .. .. 14,218 18 7 Whangarci Girls' .. .. .. 3,-361 16 1 498 10 11 459 14 2 32 0 0 .. 20 0 0 .. .. ' .. 50 15 6 4,422 16 8 All schools .. 37,307 12 0 ! 255,852 3 3 32,107 4 4 8,623 0 4 4,484 2 4 1,504 7 8 413 9 4 1,542 5 3 7,408 13 9 10,240 11 3 6,794 11 2 366,278 0 8 | * Not available.

E.~ 6

Table K13. —Incidental Expenses of Secondary Schools, 1928.

Table K14.—Lower Departments of Secondary Schools, 1928.—Average Attendance Roll, Classification, and Staff.


II II -II 8 pg S p| ® School. Total Cost. School. Total Cost. il 5 I si i 3"S s ! 3 £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School.. .. 1,178-60 1-63* Rongotai Boys'College . . .. 515-37 2-05+ Auckland Boys'Grammar School 3.609-53 2-10 Marlborough High School .. 914-94 1-73* Auckland Girls'Grammar School 3.997-26 2-97 Nelson College .. .. 1,026-72 2-82 Thames High School .. .. 366-06 1-68 Nelson Girls'College .. .. 608-84 1-73 Rotorua High School .. .. 428-66 1-58* Rangiora High School . . . . 410-90 2-72 Hamilton High School .. .. 847-28 1-98 Christchurch Boys'High School .. 1,460-32 2-14 New Plymouth Boys'High School 1,121-80 2-15 Christchurch Girls'High School .. 763-76 1-64 New Plymouth Girls'High School 661-86 2-07 Avonside Girls'High School .. 1,002-14 4-99 Wanganui Girls' College .. 989-12 3-21 Ashburton High School .. 570-77 2-49 Palmerston North Boys'High School 654-60 1-90 Timaru Boys' High School .. 1,146-10 2-82 Palmerston North Girls'High School 505-41 2-43 Timaru Girls'High School .. 725-54 2-22 Gisborne High School .. .. 981-90 1-98 Waitaki Boys'High School .. 545-34 1-73 Napier Boys' High School .. 824-07 2-70 Waitaki Girls' High School .. 448-63 2-08 Napier Girls'High School .. 609-05 2-28 Otago Boys'High School .. 1,554-87 2-16 Hastings High School .. .. 830-78 2-74 Otago Girls'High School .. 1,114-15 2-43 Dannevirke High School . . 542-04 2-48 South Otago High School .. 252-14 1-88 Wairarapa High School .. 576-30 1-88 Gore High School .. .. 770-75 3-05 Hutt Valley High School .. 739-17 2-53 Southland Boys'High School .. 615-62 2-19 Wellington College .. .. 2,261-96 3-11 Southland Girls'High School .. 505-91 2-17 Wellington Girls'College .. 1,632-03 3-88 Wellington East Girls'College .. 739-97 1-94 All schools .. .. 39,050-26 2-34 * Includes incidental expenses of junior high school. t Includes incidental expenses of junior department.

• Roll Classification according to Standards of Pupils on Roll o n a Number at 30th June, 1928. ® <g at 31st —| — —j < — "I rt „ . , -"2 K DeC fS"o Class P. 81. 82. S3. 84. S5. S6. Totals. §£§ School. m ber, 1928 I I I |1 . i, i j i j j i | j j | p « r I* "2 ' S B. G. ' B. G. B. G. B. . G. B. G. j B. G. B. G. B. G. 4 M. I P. -»! P3 O H New Plymout-h Boys' High .. j 30-7 36 .... I 5, .. 6 .. 3 .. 9 . 10 .. 33 .. 33 1 .. New Plymouth Girls' High .. 36'0 5! 36 1 4 1 31 2 4 . . 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 8 4 34 38 .. 1 Wanganui Girls' College .. 25-4 .. [ 27 2 .. 1 .. 2 .. 4 .. 8 .. 9 .. 26 26 .. 1 Gisborne High . . .. 24-5 16: 10 2 3 2 2 8 3 7 2 19 10 29 .. 1 Napier Girls'High .. .. , 45-7 . .52 .. 6 .. 1 .. I .. 10 .. 8 .. 8 .. 18 .. 52 52 .. 2 Nelson College .. .. i 42-2 49 7 .. 9 .. 11 .. 19 .. 46 .. 46 1 1 Nelson Girls' College . . 45-8 .. [ 51 2 .. 6 .. 9 .. 14 .. 18 .. 49 49 .. 2 Timaru Boys' High .. 45-5 50 4 .. 3 .. 5 .. 6 .. 13 .. 19 .. 50 .. 50 1 1 Timaru Girls' High.. .. 20-3 .. 22 .. 2 4 .. 5 .. 3 .. 5 .. 3 .. 22 22 .. 1 Totals .. .. 1316-1 156198 1 12 5 6 10 12 20 30 20 31 41 44 5sj 58152193 345 3 10 : J I


DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS. Table L1.—Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders and of Teachers at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1928.


! N o?r e ov?Jnm° P nt rS Ages of Pupils on Boll at 30th June, 1928. If amber of Roll Niimhpr Dpnpmhpr 01 Government ® c Assistants on Average December, Roli Free-places on Roll — ■ ; ; Staff at 31st Name of School. dan!ce[ ' lrtMarch at 3 ®th June, Under 13 Years. 13 to 14 Years, j 14 to 16 Years. 15 to 16 Years. 16 to 17 Years. Over 17 Years. Totals of All Ages. De J™ s ber ' 1928.' — : j : ; 1928. ' r 1 j j j ; : i : Boys. Girls. Total. Junior. Senior. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Bovs. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. M. F. I I ! I j I ! | I j i Auckland Education District. Cambridge .. 90 42 44 86 100 i 80 I 18 4 1 12 12 19 8 8 18 7 6 2 2 -52 47 2 2 Coromanrlel ..14 6 5 11 16 14 3 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 10 7 1.. Dargaville .. 85 42 44 86 90 71 24 3 5 12 7 14 15 12 15 3 7 2 1 46 50 2 2 Helensville - - 67 28 33 61 79 63 12 3 5 8 6 8 9 10 15 3 4 4 1 36 40 1 2 Huntly .. ..32 14 11 25 44 18 18 .. 1 5 2 10 6 7 2 2 2 2 26 13 1 1 Matamata .. 96 43 44 87 122 98 11 2 3 7 11 22 15 20 12 9 4 4 60 49 1 1 Morrinsville 53 28 30 58 58 46 8 2 1 6 10 8 8 7 8 2 2 1 26 29 2 Ngatea .. .. 29 13 14 27 32 27 1 1 3 3 4 8 6 4 1 2 .. 15 17 1 Opotiki .. 49 25 23 48 55 41 13 2 1 3 4 8 7 10 3 7 6 2 1 32 22 2 Otorohanga 29 16 13 29 31 23 7 2 1 3 2 2 5 4 3 3 1 3 2 17 14 1 1 Paeroa .. ..58 35 22 57 63 46 8 .. 2 4 4 9 6 17 7 5 3 3 2 38 24 1 1 Piopio .. .. 35 16 16 32 44 37 3 4 8 3 2 6 4 6 3 2 2 21 19 2 Rawene .. .. 17 11 5 16 21 12 2 .... 1 4 2 1 2 3 2 3 12 6 1.. Taumarunui .. 108 44 43 87 128 96 19 2 7 15 10 20 22 17 8 9 6 1 2 64 55 1 2 Tauranga .. 104 63 46 109 116 81 22 1 1 10 12 20 8 24 10 8 11 2 4 65 46 2 2 TeAroha ..66 30 26 56 76 60 11 .. 1 6 4 15 12 11 11 7 5 1 1 40 34 1 2 TeAwamutu .. 71 39 35 74 81 1 56 22 3 10 6 13 10 13 11 7 3 2 3 45 36 2 I TeKuiti .. 82 44 37 81 96 76 13 3 .. 11 5 17 10 7 10 8 12 6 46 43 1 2 TePuke.. .. 35 16 17 33 39 33 2 1 6 4 6 11 4 4 16 20 1 1 Waihi .. .. 108 64 41 105 122 98 14 4 2 11 9 24 1 1 15 14 4 4 10 6 68 46 3 1 Waiuku .. .. 40 22 12 34 46 40 2 2 5 4 9 3 6 9 4 1 27 16 1 1 Warkworth .. 28 11 16 27 30 26 5 1 4 5 3 9 3 2 3 1 11 20 1 Whakatane .. 48 23 18 41 58 42 8 5 6 7 8 12 4 5 3 3 1 32 22 1 1 Totals .. 1,344 675 595 1,270 1,547 1,184 j 246 36 37 157 130 247 201 220 181 102 88 43 38 805 675 32 23 Taranaki Education District. Manaia .. .. 23 13 13 26 26 17 8 1 1 1 5 1 6 14 1 1 3 17 i 8 1.. Ohura .. .. 27 11 11 22 33 33 1 2 ? t 7 8 5 2 2 3 .. .. .. 17 16 1 1 Opunake .. 36 17 14 31 46 29 4 1 1 3 5 6 4 5 3 5 1 1 1 21 i 15 1 1 — ' I ' — — i j i Totals .. 86 41 38 79 105 79 j 12 \ 2 4 7 : 13 19 10 13 6 12 j 2 2 4 55 | 39 3 2



Table L1.—Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders and of Teachers at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1928—continued.

A ges of Pupils on Roll at 30th June, 192S. , N «™ b « of i> ,i tvt oi Government ° 1 ' Assistants o Average EoU i' 9 || December ' Roll Free-places on Roll — > —: 1 ——— — — — — Staff at 31st Name of School. " ' lS'llareh #t 'm™' Under 13 Years. 13 to 14 Years. 14 to 15 Years. 15 to 16 Years. 16 to 17 Years. Over 17 Years. Totals of All Ages. Ue^® ber ' 1928.' — : 1928. ' j j 1 * Boys. Girls. Total. Junior. Senior. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls, j Boy3. j Girls. Boys, j Girls. Boys. Girls. M. F. Wanganui Education District. Foxton .. .. 44 19 23 42 50 40 7 .. .. 2 6 3 9 11 8 4 2 | ... i 3 20 , 28 2 Hunterville .. 12 4 4 8 16 14 2 .. .. 3 4 4 .. 4 11 .. .. .. 12 5 1 Marton . . 72 j 33 40 73 89 67 11 5 1 9 12 5 15 7 10 5 7 3 .. 34 45 2 1 Ohakune .. 50 | 25 22 ! 47 ' 56 19 5 I 1 3 i 11 11 9 9 2 -4 2 ! 1 1 29 | 26 1 1 Taihape . . .. 51 ] 28 15 j 43 60 49 2 2 1 11 6 9 10 10 5 3 .. j .. j .. 35 22 1 1 Totals .. 229 | 109 104 j 213 j 271 219 , 27 j 8 3 28 39 32 43 41 26 17 11 ! 4 | , 4 | 130 126 6 4 Hawke's Bay Education District. TeKaraka .. 40 23 j 14 37 49 29 12 2 2 ; 5 1 5 6. 9 5 3 1 3 1 27 16 : 1 1 Tolaea Bay .. 27 16 12 28 28 28 j 1 2 .. 4 5 2 3 4 2 3 3 1.. 16 13 1 VVaipawa . .. 60 34 23 57 69 ; 45 | 16 2 4:7 5 8 7 9 8 7 2 6 1 39 27 1 2 Waipukurau .. 63 41 23 64 ! 72 55 : 10 3 4 9 6 11 5 10 7 4 1 6 1 43 24 2 1 Wairoa .. .. 46 19 26 45 57 42 1 6 4 8 5 10 5 7 4 5 2 1 21 30 1 1 Woodville .. 17 8 9 17 18 | 14 3 1 3 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 9 8 1.. Totals .. 253 | 141 107 248 293 213 48 13 19 33 29 32 29 40 j 29 20 8 I 17 4 . 155 118 7 5 ; 1 1 ! , ' Wellington Education District. Carterton .. I 31 16 j 15 [ 31 '35! 31 4 | 5 j 3 2 .. 6 5 4 6 1 1 i 2 18 17.. 2 Eketahuna .. 36 19 14 33 -41 33 6 2 j 2 5 4 4 3 5 3 5 I 2 1 3 22 17 2 Featherston ..45 20 21 41 49 40 9 3 3 8 6 6 8 6 5 2 1 1 1 26 24 1 1 Greytown .. 22 6 j 14 20 I 24 ! 23 1 1 1 2 8 1 4:2 3 .. I 2 | .. .. 6 18 .. 1 Levin .'. .. 85 31 53 84 ; 100 1 69 24 2 6 4 11 16 15 10 13 4 5:3 5 39 55 1 3 Martinborough .. 27 8 16 24 ' 35 22 7 .. .. 3 3 6 4 1 9 1 4 ..!.. 11 20 11 Pahiatua.. .. 30 20 j 10 30 | 34 24 8 .. 6 3 4 3 8 2 3 2 i .. 1 21 11 1 1 Totals .. 276 120 143 263 318 242 59 13 15 30 35 43 42 36 41 j 16 17 5 12 143 162 4 11 1 ! ! I I < I Nelson Education District. Denniston .. 20 10 9 19 24 19 2 1 3 2 6 4 2 1 .. 1 1 12 9 1 .. Granity .. ..44 27 15 42 46 37 11 1 .. 10 6 9 7 4 3 3 4 1 28 20 1 1 Karamea ..18 8 7 15 23 11 9.2 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 2.. 2 8 12 1 Motueka.. ..71 38 31 69 79 62 17 4 1 11 9 8 12 15 7 4 5 3 1 45 35 2 1 Reefton ■ ., ■ .. ! 57 38 24 62 70 45 16 | 2 .. 8 6 12 9 12 2 7 5 41 22 2 1 Takaka .. .. 27 12 12 24 34 24 4 1 2 5 3 4 5 4 2 1 1 15 13 1 Totals .. 237 133 98 231 276 198 59 11 5 39 [ 27 40 39 39 18 16 18 j 4 4 149 111 7 4 ' —



Canterbury Education District. Akaroa .. .. 30 14 13-27 35 26 6 .. 3 2 7 6 4 6 2 I 1 3 19 15 1 1 Christchureh West 244 133 98 ; 231 279 191 65 3 4 44 26 46 32 45 27 16 10 6 7 160 106 4 6 Eairlie .. .. 47 23 25 48 55 40 8 .... 8 5 4 10 7 5 5 4 .. ! 2 24 26 1 1 Geraldine .. 72 34 39 73 92 58 18 1 .. 5 7 16 13 10 18 6 5 1 2 39 ! 45 2 1 Hokitika .. 92 44 46 90 97 82 13 3 .. 11 12 10 13 10 15 8 8 4 4 46 I 52 1 3 Kaikoura .. 17 4 13 17 19 13 4 .. ... 1 3 3 5 .. 2 .. 2 .. 2 4 14 1 Lyttelton .. 46 21 21 42 49 39 12 2 1 4 6 6 5 10 5 3 5 2 2 27 24 2 Methren.. .. 25 8 19 27 32 17 10 3 4 1 3 3 5 2 5 3 9 20 1 Normal .. .. 22 4 18 22 24 18 2 .. .. 2 3 1 10 1 6 4 19 1 Oxford .. .. 25 10 16 26 30 21 4 .. 1 4 4 1 6 1 1 2 2 2 2 10 16 1 Pleasant Point .. 23 15 9 24 26 21 3 1 5 1 4 3 5 5 2 17 9 1.. Southbridge ..34 15 19 34 41 32 6 3 3 6 5 4 3 4 6 1 3 .... 18 20 1 1 Sumner .. .. 31 8 20 28 37 26 1 2 2 7 3 8 4 7 111 1 11 25 2 Temuka .. 67 32 35 67 76 58 10 3 2 4 8 6 9 14 10 6 4 4 3 37 36 1 2 Waimate.. .. 119 59 60 119 137 101 26 2 4 6 13 23 19 19 18 11 8 7 5 68 67 2 2 - I Totals .. 894 424 451 875 1,029 743 I 188 20 17 106 106 135 145 137 136 65 58 30 32 493 494 17 22 ! .1 1 j Otago Education District. Alexandra .. 56 30 26 56 60 46 10 1 4 7 9 13 9 4 6 2,3 3 32 29 1 1 Cromwell 31 14 17 31 35 29 2 1 2 3 4 4 2 4 4 1 3 .. 3 13 18 1 1 Lawrence .. 27 11 14 25 30 25 3 1 1 3 5 6 6 1 3 2 1 13 15 1 Mosgiel .. .. 21 13 7 20 22 20 2 1 7 1 6 2 1 1 2 2 15 8 1.. Normal .. .. 35 19 17 36 39 24 13 ... - 4 4 5 2 2 4 2 6 8 2 21 18 1 1 Owaka .. 21 7 13 20 24 16 6 .. 1 2 2 3 7 2 1 1 1 .. 2 8 14 1 Palmerston 44 18 27 45 53 39 8 1 1 4 5 9 9 3 7 2 4 1 3 20 29 1 1 Port Chalmers ..14 8 5 13 19 14 2 1.. 1 1 5 1 1 2 2 1 1.. 11 5.. 1 Roxburgh .. 33 16 16 32 33 32 2 1.. 5 2 7 4 6 4 1 5 .. 2 20 17 2 Tapanui .. .. 31 18 11 29 34 25 3 2 3 9 '3 5 3 5 1 1 2 22 12 1 1 Tokomairiro ..45 24 19 43 54 34 8 1.. 3 1 9115 4 3 4 3 1 24 21 1 1 Totals .. 358 178 172 350 403 307 59 8 5 38 35 72 60 41 36 23 29 17 21 199 186 11 7 I _ ! _ Southland Education District. Riverton .. 62 ; 30 31 61 76 5.5 11 3 1 9 5 10 15 2 6 5 5 ! 6 1 35 i 33 12 Winton .. .. 48 ; 25 26 51 54 44 8 1 6 5 8 11 6 6 4 3 2 3 27 28 1 1 Wyndham .. 33 13 19 32 43 29 6 1 7 3 4 7 5 3 5 3 17 21 1 1 Totals .. 143 68 76 144 173 128 25 5 1 22 13 22 I 33 I 13 ! 15 9 13 I 8 7 j 79 ! 82 3 4 > _L L_ L_ ! 1 Grand totals .. 3,820 1,889 1,784 3,673 4,415 3,310 723 116 106 460 427 642 1 602 ; 580 488 280 244 130 126 2,208 1,993 90 82


Table L2.—Classification of Pupils on Roll of Secondary Departments of District High Schools at the 30th June, 1928, according to Years of Attendance.

Table L3.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1928.


Number of New* Entrants in 1928 r.'irQt Voar Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth who had not pre - Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. lotais. PraT1 j viously received Education District. m ? i Secondary lotais. Education. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. Auckland .. 430 326 219 187 107 101 37 51 12 10 .. .. 805 675 1,480 469 347 Taranaki .. 24 23 19 10 8 3 4 3 55 39 94 26 32 Wanganui .. 61 80 49 28 16 13 ! 4 4 .. 1 .. .. 130 126 256 79 82 Hawke'sBay .. 74 56 43 42 21 16 12 1 4 2 1 1 155 118 273 76 65 Wellington . . 75 68 34 48 25 28 8 12 1 4 .. 2 143 162 305 79 70 Nelson .. .. 79 52 37 31 26 17 6 11 1 149 1J I 260 85 53 Canterbury .. 242 222 143 166 72 56 29 42 6 8 1 .. 493 494 987 253 231 Otago .. .. 101 73 47 47 28 36 17 18 6 9 .. 3 199 186 385 110 83 Southland .. 36 29 25 31 9 8 6 8 2 4 1 2 79 82 161 38 29 Totals .. 1,122 929 616 590 312 278 jl23 150 32 38 2,208 1,993 |4,201 1,206 992 * Pupils under this heading who were on the roll at 30th June, 1928, are included in the first two columns of this table under the heading "First year."

Number of Pupils taking Percentage of Whole Subjects. ] Number. Subject. Boys. Girls. . Boys. Girls. English .. .. .. .. .. .. | 2,206 j 1,989 99-9 99-8 History and civics .. .. .. .. .. j 2,193 | 1,962 99-3 98-4 Arithmetic .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,166 1,919 98 1 96-3 Chemistry and physics .. .. .. .. 1,818 1,619 82-3 81-2 Geography .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,779 j 1,553 80-6 78-4 Mathematics.. .. .. .. .. .. I 1,868 1,412 84-6 70-8 French .. .. .. .. .. ! 1,709 | 1,500 77-4 75-8 Agriculture .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,818 376 82-3 18-9 Domestic science .. .. .. .. .. 87 1,357 3-9 68-1 Book-keeping and commercial work .. .. .. 573 ; 729 26-0 36-6 Woodwork .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,001 , .. 45-3 Cookery .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 843 .. 42-3 Music and singing .. .. .. .. . . 271 534 12-3 26-8 Shorthand and typewriting .. .. .. .. 284 516 12-9 25-9 Dairy science .. .. .. .. .. 588 J 210 26-6 10-5 Needlework .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 655 .. 32 9 Drawing .. .. .. .. .. .. 258 165 U-7 8 3 Latin .. .. .. .. .. .. 162 132 7-3 6-6 Physiology and hygiene .. .. .. .. 60 184 2'7 9-2 Writing .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 38 3-0 1-9 Botany .. .. .. .. .. .. j 37 | 31 1-7 1-6 Scripture .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 9 0-8 0-5 Economics .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 3 0-5 0'2 Gardening .. .. .. .. .. .. j 12 I .. 0'5 School method .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. 03 Total numbers on rolls at 30th June, 1928 .. I 2,208 1,993 100-0 lOO'O



REGISTERD PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Table M1.—Roll Number and Ages of Pupils at Registered Secondary Schools, 1928.

By Authority: W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.— 192S.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (1,050 copies), £62 10s.

Price 9d.'\

Ages of all Pupils on Roll at 30th June, 1928. Roll Number, 31st December, t, ,, 1928. k 1 I School. Under 13 Years. 13 to 14 Years. 14 to 15 Years. 15 to 16 Years. 16 to 17 Years. Over 17 Years, i Totals, all Ages. - — —- 1928. ' : j , Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Bovs. Girls. „ ~ I I ! I i St. Guthbert's College, Auckland .. . . .. .. 235 235 261 .. 22 .. 37 .. 62 .. 44 .. 47 .. 25 .. 237 Auckland Diocesan High School, Auckland . . . . .. 199 199 204 .. 32 .. 27 .. 40 34 .. 40 .. 28 .. 201 King's College, Auckland .. .. . . .. 227 .. 227 220 4 1.. 18 .. 47 . . 55 1 .. 37 .. 40 .. 201 Sacred Heart College, Auckland .. . . .. 201 .. 201 220 6 .. 27 .. 53 .. 62 .. 35 .. 29 .. 212 St. Mary's Convent High School, Auckland .. .. j 59 59 60 .. 4 .. 10 .. 14 19 .. 11 .. 4 .. 62 Convent of the Sacred Heart, Auckland . . .. .. 35 35 37 .. 1 .. 5 .. 9 .. 8 .. 6 .. 7 .. 36 Wesley Training College, Paerata .. .. .. 51 .. 51 51 1 .. 2 .. 15 .. 20 | 9 .. 4 .. 51 St. Mary's Consent, Hamilton .. .. .. .. 31 31 32 . . 2 .. 3 .. 10 .. 9 .. 6 .. 3 .. 33 Sacred Heart Convent High New Plymouth .. .. 42 42 46 .. .. .. 5 .. 12 .. 16 .. 8 .. 5 .. 46 Wellington Diocesan School for Girls, Marton .. .... 91 91 94 .. 2 .. 6 .. 14 i 24 .. 24 .. 21 .. 91 Sacred Heart Convent High School, Wanganui .. .. .. 68 68 78 1 | 10 .. 20 i .. 17 .. 13 | 11 .. 72 lona" Presbyterian College for Girls, Havelock North .. .. 50 i 50 49 .. 1 .. 3 .. 11 .. 8 .. 10 .. 16 .. 49 Woodford House, Havelock North .. .. .. .. 79 79 79 .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. 11 .. 25 .. 35 .. 79 Te Aute College, Pukehou .. .. . . .. j 86 .. I 86 88 1 .. 2 .. 8 .. 17 .. 20 .. 40 .. 88 Sacred Heart High School, Napier .. .. .. I 39 39 45 .. 4 .. 4 .. 15 .. 12 .. 9 .. .. .. 44 Sacred Heart Convent, Wellington .. .. .. .. 38 38 37 .. 1 7 .. 2 .. 15 .9 .. 4 .. 38 Marsden Collegiate, Wellington .. .. .. .. 184 184 184 .. 11 .. 24 .. 42 .. 35 .. 37 .. 35 .. 184 Sacred Heart College, Lower Hutt .. .. .. .. 34 34 37 .. .. .. 3 .. 8 .. 16 .. 6 .. 3 .. 36 Scots College, Wellington .. .. .. .. 67 .. 67 72 .. .. 1 .. 11 .. 15 .. 18 .. 26 .. 71 Solway Girls'College, Solway.. .. .. .. ... 55 55 58 .. 2 .. 9 .. 16 .. 15 .. 10 .. 6 .. 58 Queen Margaret College, Wellington . . .. .. .. 61 61 61 ■ ■ 7 .. 5 15 .. 18 .. 13 .. 3 .. 61 St. Mary's College, Wellington .. .. .. .. 68 68 71 .. 3 .. 19 .. 16 .. 22 .. 6 .. 4 .. 70 St. Patrick's College, Wellington .. .. .. 180 .. 180 190 4 .. 25 .. 52 \ 42 .. 33 .. 26 .. 182 Wellesley College, Wellington .. .. .. 25 .. 25 24 .. .. 1 .. 6 .. 12 .. 4 .. 1 .. 24 St. Mary's Convent High School, Blenheim .. .. .. 33 33 36 .. 2 .. 6 .. 10 .. 6 j 5 .. 5 j 34 Cathedral Grammar, Christchurch .. .. .. 38 .. 38 40 4 .. 7 .. 17 .. 10 .. 2 .. .. .. 40 Sacred Heart Girls' College, Christchurch .. . - •. 81 81 93 .. 3 .. 14 .. 16 .. 27 .. 18 .. 13 .. 91 St. Andrew's College, Christchurch .. .. . 173 .. 173 176 6 .. 17 .. 38 .. 55 .. 28 .. 32 .. 176 St. Margaret's College, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 96 96 104 .. 1 .. 5 .. 18 .. 29 .. 37 .. 11 .. 101 St. Mary's Collegiate, Christchurch .. .. .. .. 27 27 31 .. .. -. 6 .. 12 .. 9 .. 5 .. 1 .. 33 St. Bede's College, Christchurch .. .. .. 98 .. 98 111 7 .. 16 .. 31 .. 26 .. 12 .. 18 .. 110 Marist Brothers', Greymouth .. .. .. .. 29 .. 29 31 2 .. 3 .. 13 .. 8 .. 4 .. 1 .. 31 St. Mary's High School, Greymouth .. .. • • ■ • 28 28 31 .. 1 ■ • 7 .. 10 .. 6 .. 3 .. 2 .. 29 Convent of the Sacred Heart, Timaru .. .. • - • ■ 1 44 44 45 .. •. • • 6 .. 12 10 .. 11 .. 5 .. 44 Craighead Girls', Timaru .. .. .. .. • • 1 47 47 48 .. 3 5 .. 10 10 .. 12 .. 6 .. 46 St. Kevin's College, Oamaru .. .. .. • - 89 .. 89 84 .. .. 4 .. 27 .. 20 .. 19 . . 19 .. 89 Archerfield, Dunedin .. .. .. .. i 59 59 62 .. 3 .. 5 .. 10 .. 15 .. IS .. 10 .. 61 Christian Brothers' High School, Dunedin .. •• 74 .. 74 82 7 .. 11 .. 15 .. 34 .. 7 .. 3 .. 77 John McGlashan College, Dunedin .. .. •• 63 .. 63 64 2 .. 7 .. 14 .. 16 .. 11 .. 15 .. 65 St. Dominic's College, Dunedin .. 59 59 67 .. 2 .. 7 .. 22 .. 16 .. 12 .. 7 .. 66 St. Hilda's Collegiate, Dunedin .. .. .. •• 59 59 62 .. •• •• 1 .. 5 .. 20 .. 16 .. 16 58 St. Philomena's College, Dunedin .. .. .. • • 32 32 34 4 .. 15 .. 7 .. 4 .. 5 35 Columba College, Dunedin .. .. .. .. -. 96 96 92 15 .. 24 .. 17 .. 26 .. 12 94 '-Totals .. .. .. .. .. 1,401 2,029 3,430 3,591 44 108 141 258 347 478 392 495 239 447 254 303 1,417 2,089

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1928.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1929 Session I, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1928.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1929 Session I, E-06

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1928.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1929 Session I, E-06

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