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1928. NE W ZK A L AND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. I.—TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. The position of the fund at the 31st January, 1928, and the principal figures concerning the transactions for the year, compared with those for the year ended 31st January, 1927, are given below:— 1926-27. 1927-28. £ £ Balance at credit of fund at end of year .. .. .. .. 1,083,155 1,134,014 Increase over balance at end of previous year .. .. .. 74,332 50,860 Income for the year— Members'contributions .. .. .. .. .. *147,028 *131,872 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 73,420 68,053 Government subsidy .. .. .. .. .. .. 71.428 71,228 Total income .. .. .. .. .. £291,876 £271,153 Expenditure— Retiring and other allowances .. .. .. .. .. 184,707 188,553 Contributions refunded, <fee. .. .. .. .. ... 26,590 26,075 Administration expenses .. .. .. .. .. 3,147 1,820 Bad debts on realization of securities and reserve . . .. 3,100 3,845 Total expenditure .. .. .. .. £217,544 £220,293 Number of contributors at 31st January .. .. .. .. 8,371 8,680 Number of members admitted during period.. .. .. .. 967 841 Number retiring from the fund during period .. .. .. 559 532 Net increase in membership at 31st January.. .. .. .. 408 309 Number of allowances in force at end of period .. .. .. 1,273 1,364 Representing an annual charge of .. .. .. .. .. £174,816 £192,635 Ordinary retiring-allowances .. .. .. .. 768 £132,225 843 £149,554 Retiring-allowances under extended provisions of section 75 of the Act, .. .. .. .. .. 110 £17,923 109 £17,504 Retiring-allowances in medically unfit cases .. .. 125 £16,720 128 £17,205 Allowances to widows .. .. .. .. 183 £5,686 195 £6,058 Allowances to children .. .. .. .. 87 £2,262 89 £2,314 Funds invested at 31st January— £ £ At 4J, per cent, .. .. .. .. .. .. 30,450 30,350 At 5 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,920 12,920 At 54. per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38,260 81,160 At 5§ per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,000 At 6 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 771,613 935,487 At 6$ per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 169,419 73,127 Total .. .. £1,034,662 £1,133,044 Average rate of interest on investment at 31st January .. 5-99 per cent. 5-87 per cent.

* The sum received in contributions was less last year than in the previous year on account of the larger amount paid in that year by way of arrears of contributions on house allowance (section 115 of the Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927).

I—B. 8.

E.~ 8

No. 2.—TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION BOARD. For the Year ended 31 st January, 1928. The Hon. the Minister of Education. Sir,- Wellington, 21st July, 1928. The Board has to submit the following report for the year ended the 31st January, 1928 : — The Board. —The usual quarterly meetings of the Board were held in February, May, August, and November. ' : The following figures show the transactions, &c, of the fund for the year ended 31st January, 1928, as compared with those for previous vea,T : — 1928. 1927. Contributors.on roll at 31st, January .. .. .. 8,680 8,371 Increase over previous year . . .. . . .. 309 408 Retiring and other allowances — Annual rate granted during year .. .. .. £24,597 £24,049 Total annual rate at 31st January .. .. .. £192,634 £178,816 Number granted during year — On retirement .. .. . . . . . . 108 95 To widows .. .. .. .. .. 18 19 To children .. .. .. .. .. 14 11 Number discontinued during year — By death .. " .. .. .. .. 35 36 By other causes . . . . . . .. .. 14 13 Number current at 31st January — Retired members .". .. .. .. 1,080 1,003 Widows and children .. 284 270 1 ncome for year— £ £ Contributions .. .. .. .. .. 131,872 147,028 Government subsidy — Section 112 of Act .. .. .. .. 43,000 43,000 Section 114 of Act .. .. .. .. 3,228 3,428 Additional grant .. .. .. .. 25,000 25,000 Total Government subsidy .. .. .. 71,228 71,428 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. 68,053 73,420 Total income .. .. .. .. .. 271,153 291,876 Expenditure— Retiring and other allowances .. .. .. .. 188,553 184,707 Refund of contributions .. .. .. .. 26,075 26,590 Administration expenses, &c. (including provision for bad debts on investments) .. .. .. .. 5,665 6,247 Total expenditure .. .. .. .. 220,293 217,544 Net revenue for year .. .. .. .. .. 50,860 74,332 Funds invested at 31st January — At \\ per cent. .. .. .. .. .. 30,350 30,350 At 5 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. 12,920 12,920 At 5J per cent. .. .. 81,160 38,260 At 5f per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,000 At 6 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. 935,487 771,613 At 6i per cent. .. .. .. .. .. 73,127 169,419 Total .. .. .. .. 1.133,044 1,034,662 Average rate of interest (per cent.) .. . . . 5-87 5-99 Unclaimed contributions held at 31st January .. .. 1,469 2,346 The decrease in revenue under the headings of " contributions " and " interest " is due to the fact that the 1927 figures include £20,279 contributions and £10,527 interest payable in respect to house allowance received in past years by those members who made the election under section 29 of the Finance Act, 1.925 (now section 115 of the Consolidated Act of 1927) that house allowance should be counted as salary for superannuation purposes, while the figures for the year ended 31st January, 1928, include only £1,725 and £851 under these headings, respectively. Cost-of-living Bonus. —The payment of this bonus has been continued in necessitous cases. Retirement as permanently medically unfit. —By the provisions of section 44 of the Finance Act (No. 2), 1927, the restriction confining the benefits of the provisions of section 77 to those with over fifteen years' service has been withdrawn. Any contributor, irrespective of the length of his service, may now apply for retirement on the ground of permanent medical unfitness. , R. A. Wright, Chairman.




A. Number of Contributors on the 31st January, 1928, arranged according to Percentage of Contribution.

B. Total Number of Contributors who have joined and left the Fund since its Establishment (1st January, 1906, to 31st January, 1928).

C. Table showing Progress of Fund since its Inception (1st January, 1906)


No. 3.—STATEMENTS IN ADDITION TO THOSE PRESCRIBED BY TH] ACT AND REGULATIONS. A. Number of Contributors on the 31st January, 1928, arranged according to Percentage ok Contribution. 5 per 6 per 7 per 8 per 9 per 10 per T , , Cent. Cent. | Cent. Cent, j Cent. Cent. J-Otais. 10 Ce: >er t. M. F. M. F. M: ! F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. ! F. Total M. F. M. Total. Number at 31st January, 1927 2,4444,375 353 343 227 214 126 117 64 47 40 19 3,256 5 115 8,37 New contributors ontorod during 252 494 10 26 6 22 5 8 2 0 3 5 278 561 83 117 8 64 2 47 6 40 3 19 5 3,250 278 5 115 561 8,37.1 839 year Transfers from other funds .. 1 .. 1 2 2 2 2,6971,869 366 369 233 236 :31 125- 66 53 " 43 24 3,536 5,676 9.21 Number left during year .. 64 327 17 43 18 21 16 9 4 7 5 1 124 408 53 53 ' 7 ' 43 5 24 1 3,530 124 5,676 408 9.212 532 Number at 31st .January, 1928 .. 2,6334,542 349 326 215 215 115 116 02 46 38 23 3,412 5,268 8,68 46 38 23 3,412 5,268 8,680 B. Total Number of Contributors who have joined and left the Fund since its Establishment (1st January, 1906, to 31st January, 1928). Number. Annual Raie Annual _* : j.——. ot . Sn.ln.vv ... M. F Total. salary. Contribution. Total. , Annual Raie Annual 0 f Salary. Contribution. £ £ 3,800,958 218,535 _j £ • I £ 15,5.10 Total entered (including net increases in 5,277 10,233 15,510 | 3,800,958 218,535 salary and contributions) Total discontinued ... ... ... 1,865 4,965 6,830 I 1,473,940 91,552 6,830 1,473,940 91,552 Total existing at 31st January, 1928 | 3,412 5,268 8,680 2,327,018 | 126,983 C. Table showing Progress of Fund since its Inckption (1st January, 1906). )6). t% .Year fended 15 J 5 15 |§ 9 £ I'Sj. Slat December, % 5 j | go-; ~ Is sSS """1 S^ s S"3 o^2 £3 1918. 1921. • » »» S3 Sfi H 3 _ jo __ Total number of contributors .. 2,182 4,894 5,872 6,858 7,968 8,377 8,680 Total amount of contributions £32,320 £60,160 £90,391 £101,632 £127,671 £147,028 £131,872£1,539,671 Interest received .. .. £864 £22,666 £35,146 £48,725 £64,844 £73,420 £68,053 £573,61: Subsidy from Government .. ! £5,000 £17,000 £43,000 £63,833 £70,681 £71,428 £71,228 £680,75; Number of allowances payable 84 698 881 1,078 1,197 1,273 1,364 Total amount paid on account of £3,147 £48,354 £74,315 £112,861 £169,258 £184,707 £188,552 £1,388,44! retiring and other allowances Total amount of contributions £260 £13,115 £15,804 £19,189 £20,672 £26,590 £26,070 £247,231 refunded and transferred Accumulated fund .. .. £34,734 £458,056 £681,777 £858,602|£1,008,823 £l,083,155£l,l.34,015 CO £1,539,673 £573,612 £680,753 £1,388,448 £247,235

No. 3.—STATEMENTS IN ADDITION TO THOSE PRESCRIBED BY TH] ACT AND REGULATIONS. A. Number of Contributors on the 31st January, 1928, arranged according to Percentage ok Contribution. 5 per 6 per 7 per 8 per 9 per 10 per T , , Cent. Cent. | Cent. Cent, j Cent. Cent. J-Otais. 10 Ce: >er t. M. F. M. F. M: ! F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. ! F. Total M. F. M. Total. Number at 31st January, 1927 2,4444,375 353 343 227 214 126 117 64 47 40 19 3,256 5 115 8,37 New contributors ontorod during 252 494 10 26 6 22 5 8 2 0 3 5 278 561 83 117 8 64 2 47 6 40 3 19 5 3,250 278 5 115 561 8,37.1 839 year Transfers from other funds .. 1 .. 1 2 2 2 2,6971,869 366 369 233 236 :31 125- 66 53 " 43 24 3,536 5,676 9.21 Number left during year .. 64 327 17 43 18 21 16 9 4 7 5 1 124 408 53 53 ' 7 ' 43 5 24 1 3,530 124 5,676 408 9.212 532 Number at 31st .January, 1928 .. 2,6334,542 349 326 215 215 115 116 02 46 38 23 3,412 5,268 8,68 46 38 23 3,412 5,268 8,680 B. Total Number of Contributors who have joined and left the Fund since its Establishment (1st January, 1906, to 31st January, 1928). Number. Annual Raie Annual _* : j.——. ot . Sn.ln.vv ... M. F Total. salary. Contribution. Total. , Annual Raie Annual 0 f Salary. Contribution. £ £ 3,800,958 218,535 _j £ • I £ 15,5.10 Total entered (including net increases in 5,277 10,233 15,510 | 3,800,958 218,535 salary and contributions) Total discontinued ... ... ... 1,865 4,965 6,830 I 1,473,940 91,552 6,830 1,473,940 91,552 Total existing at 31st January, 1928 | 3,412 5,268 8,680 2,327,018 | 126,983 C. Table showing Progress of Fund since its Inckption (1st January, 1906). )6). t% .Year fended 15 J 5 15 |§ 9 £ I'Sj. Slat December, % 5 j | go-; ~ Is sSS """1 S^ s S"3 o^2 £3 1918. 1921. • » »» S3 Sfi H 3 _ jo __ Total number of contributors .. 2,182 4,894 5,872 6,858 7,968 8,377 8,680 Total amount of contributions £32,320 £60,160 £90,391 £101,632 £127,671 £147,028 £131,872£1,539,671 Interest received .. .. £864 £22,666 £35,146 £48,725 £64,844 £73,420 £68,053 £573,61: Subsidy from Government .. ! £5,000 £17,000 £43,000 £63,833 £70,681 £71,428 £71,228 £680,75; Number of allowances payable 84 698 881 1,078 1,197 1,273 1,364 Total amount paid on account of £3,147 £48,354 £74,315 £112,861 £169,258 £184,707 £188,552 £1,388,44! retiring and other allowances Total amount of contributions £260 £13,115 £15,804 £19,189 £20,672 £26,590 £26,070 £247,231 refunded and transferred Accumulated fund .. .. £34,734 £458,056 £681,777 £858,602|£1,008,823 £l,083,155£l,l.34,015 CO £1,539,673 £573,612 £680,753 £1,388,448 £247,235

No. 3.—STATEMENTS IN ADDITION TO THOSE PRESCRIBED BY TH] ACT AND REGULATIONS. A. Number of Contributors on the 31st January, 1928, arranged according to Percentage ok Contribution. 5 per 6 per 7 per 8 per 9 per 10 per T , , Cent. Cent. | Cent. Cent, j Cent. Cent. J-Otais. 10 Ce: >er t. M. F. M. F. M: ! F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. ! F. Total M. F. M. Total. Number at 31st January, 1927 2,4444,375 353 343 227 214 126 117 64 47 40 19 3,256 5 115 8,37 New contributors ontorod during 252 494 10 26 6 22 5 8 2 0 3 5 278 561 83 117 8 64 2 47 6 40 3 19 5 3,250 278 5 115 561 8,37.1 839 year Transfers from other funds .. 1 .. 1 2 2 2 2,6971,869 366 369 233 236 :31 125- 66 53 " 43 24 3,536 5,676 9.21 Number left during year .. 64 327 17 43 18 21 16 9 4 7 5 1 124 408 53 53 ' 7 ' 43 5 24 1 3,530 124 5,676 408 9.212 532 Number at 31st .January, 1928 .. 2,6334,542 349 326 215 215 115 116 02 46 38 23 3,412 5,268 8,68 46 38 23 3,412 5,268 8,680 B. Total Number of Contributors who have joined and left the Fund since its Establishment (1st January, 1906, to 31st January, 1928). Number. Annual Raie Annual _* : j.——. ot . Sn.ln.vv ... M. F Total. salary. Contribution. Total. , Annual Raie Annual 0 f Salary. Contribution. £ £ 3,800,958 218,535 _j £ • I £ 15,5.10 Total entered (including net increases in 5,277 10,233 15,510 | 3,800,958 218,535 salary and contributions) Total discontinued ... ... ... 1,865 4,965 6,830 I 1,473,940 91,552 6,830 1,473,940 91,552 Total existing at 31st January, 1928 | 3,412 5,268 8,680 2,327,018 | 126,983 C. Table showing Progress of Fund since its Inckption (1st January, 1906). )6). t% .Year fended 15 J 5 15 |§ 9 £ I'Sj. Slat December, % 5 j | go-; ~ Is sSS """1 S^ s S"3 o^2 £3 1918. 1921. • » »» S3 Sfi H 3 _ jo __ Total number of contributors .. 2,182 4,894 5,872 6,858 7,968 8,377 8,680 Total amount of contributions £32,320 £60,160 £90,391 £101,632 £127,671 £147,028 £131,872£1,539,671 Interest received .. .. £864 £22,666 £35,146 £48,725 £64,844 £73,420 £68,053 £573,61: Subsidy from Government .. ! £5,000 £17,000 £43,000 £63,833 £70,681 £71,428 £71,228 £680,75; Number of allowances payable 84 698 881 1,078 1,197 1,273 1,364 Total amount paid on account of £3,147 £48,354 £74,315 £112,861 £169,258 £184,707 £188,552 £1,388,44! retiring and other allowances Total amount of contributions £260 £13,115 £15,804 £19,189 £20,672 £26,590 £26,070 £247,231 refunded and transferred Accumulated fund .. .. £34,734 £458,056 £681,777 £858,602|£1,008,823 £l,083,155£l,l.34,015 CO £1,539,673 £573,612 £680,753 £1,388,448 £247,235




1. (A) REVENUE ACCOUNT for the Yeak ended 31st January, 1928. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance, 31st January, 1927 .. .. 1,083,155 211 By Retiring and other allowContributions of members — £s. d. anees .. .. 187,582 18 0 Ordinary .. .. 129,573 13 10 Arrears — Arrears, under section 115, Under section 115 of the Public Service Superan- Act .. .. 969 13 9 nuation Act, 1927—■ —— 188,552 11 9 From contributors .. 1,415 7 6 Contributions refunded— From annuitants .. 309 14 oOn voluntary retirement 20,860 6 2 131,298 15 4 On death of member .. 3,193 11 9 Additional contribution from Fiji Govern- On lapse of membership 1,685 9 9 ment in respect to teachers in Fiji schools 205 13 4 25,739 7 8 Contributions transferred from other funds 367 510 Contributions transferred to other funds .. 336 3 2 Government subsidy—■ £s. d. Reserve for bad and doubtful debts •• 1,820 14 11 Under the Act, section 112 43,000 0 0 Administration expenses— £s. d. section 114 3,228 1 3 Commission, G.P.O. .. 428 6 6 Additional grant .. 25,000 0 0 Commission, Public Trustee 1,643 13 8 71,228 1 3 Clerical assistance .. 900 0 0 Interest — Postage and telegrams .. 74 10 0 On investments .. .. 65,293 14 7 Offices expenses .. .. 113 9 8 On contributions in arrears Travelling-expenses of Board (1927-28) .. .. 1,908 5 3 members .. .. 108 15 6 On back contributions under • Medical fees .. .. 21 0 0 section 115 of the Act Audit fees .. .. 50 0 0 for past period— 3,339 15 4 From contributors .. 612 16 0 Actuarial examination for From annuitants .. 238 11 0 period 1920-24 .. 254 17 3 — 68,053 6 10 Provision for period 1924-27 250 0 0 -— — 504 17 3 Balance, 31st January, 1928 .. .. 1,134,014 15 5 £1,354,308 5 6 £1,354,308 5 6 COST-OF-LIVING BONUS ACCOUNT FOE THE YEAR ENDED 31st JANUARY, 1928. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Refund from Consolidated Fund .. .. 1,874 34 By Balance due from Consolidated Fund, January, Balance due from Consolidated Fund, 31st Janu- 1927 .. .. .. .. .. 306 0 0 ary, 1928 .. .. .. .. 158 10 4 Payment of bonus .. .. .. 1,726 11 8 £2,032 11 8 | £2,032 11 8 (B) BALANCE-SHEET as at 31st January, 1928. Liabilities. £ s. d. Asset#. £ s. d. Fund as per Revenue Account .. .. 1,134,014 15 5 Amount held by Public Retiring and other allowances due and unpaid 1,877 13 4 Trustee— £s. d. Refund of contributions due and unpaid .. 753 15 2 Invested .. .. 1,133,044 8 9 Administration expenses unpaid — Uninvested .. .. 15,046 4 2 Commission, Post and Telegraph £s. d. 1,148,090 12 11 Department .. .. 135 5 6 Contributions of members — Clerical assistance .. .. 750 00 In transit .. .. 8,310 16 8 Postage and telegrams .. .. 62 10 0 Due and outstanding .. 8,064 17 6 Office expenses, printing, and 16,375 14 2 stationery .. .. .. 44 5 9 Interest on investments — Audit fee .. .. .. 41 13 4 Due and outstanding .. 2,301 19 4 1,033 14 7 Accrued, but not due .. 16,570 18 0 Unclaimed contributions .. .. .. 1,469 6 7 18,872 17 4 Amounts paid into fund in error .... 516 Interest on arrears of contributions due and outGovernment subsidy—Statutory standing (contributors') .. .. .. 904 18 8 grant paid in advance to 31st £s. d. Due by annuitants under section 115 of the December, 1928 .. .. 39,416 13 4 Act (contributions and interest) .. .. 505 0 7 Less portion of additional subsidy Consolidated Fund, on account of cost-of-living (£25,000) voted for year to 31st bonus .. ...... .. 158 10 4 March, 1928, not paid at 31st j Refund of contributions passed in advance .. 45 19 11 January, £9,833 6s. Bd. ; additional subsidy under section 114 of Act, not vet paid, £304 15s. sd. .'. .. 10,138 2 1 29,278 11 3 Rent received from securities leased (in excess of interest yet due by mortgagor) .. .. 78 11 Reserve for commission payable to Public Trustee in respect to interest due or accrued .. 495 12 0 Reserve for commission to Post and Telegraph Department in respect to vouchers issued but unpaid ........ 22 10 0 Reserve for cost of actuarial investigation (now in progress) .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. 1,169,208 89 1 Carried forward .. .. .. 1,184,953 13 11


Liabilities —continued. £ s. d. Assets —continued. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 1,169,208 8 9 Brought forward .. .. .. 1,184,953 13 11 Reserve for loss on realization of securities- £ s. d. Balance at 31st January, 1927 3,017 3 4 Added, .1,927-28 .. .. 1,820 14 11 4,837 18 3 Less loss, 1927-28 (interest) .. 728 11. 0 — 4,109 7 3 Vouchers issued but unpaid at 31st January, 1928 .. .. 13,163 7 7 Less cash in hands of Post Office 1,527 9 8 1.1,635 17 11 £1,184,953 13 11 £1,184,953 13 11 C. E. Crawford, A.1.A.N.Z., Education Department, Secretary, Teachers' Superannuation Board. Wellington, 30th April, 1928. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

2. STATEMENT of CONTRIBUTORS, showing Annual Rates of Salaries and Contributions as at the 31st January, 1928.

3. PARTICULARS of CONTRIBUTIONS discontinued and Allowances granted and Refunds of Contributions made during the Year ended 31st January, 1928.


Number. Annual Rate of Salary. Annual Rate of Contributions. M. F. Total. Contributors at 31st January, 1927 ... New contributors entered during the year ended 31st January, 1928 Transfers from other funds during the 3,256 278 5,115 561 8,371 839 £ 2,251,847 130,870 £ 123,801 6,947 2 2 875 50 year Net increase in salaries and contributions during the year 83,058 4,247 Totals 3,536 5,676 9,212 2,466,650 135,045 Contributions discontinued during the year ended 31st January, 1928, by resignation, &c. Totals at 31st January, 1928 1.24 408 532 139,632 8,062 3,412 5,268 8,680 2,327,018 126,983

Number of Contributors. How discontinued. M. F. $ o EH "3 O Bi Annual Rate at Date of Withdrawal. Benefits. ... Other PavAllowances: , , ■ , i -d i ments (nonAnnual Rate. > , recurring). Salary. Contributions. By death before allowance £ £ £ £ s. d. entered upon — («) Contributions paid to per- 3 4 7 sonal representatives (b) Leaving widow or child. .516 By voluntary retirement . . 57 285 345 By lapsed membership .. 18 52 7C By transfer to other funds . . 4 . . 4 By allowances granted on retirement— (a) Ordinary .. .. 34 63 9 1 ! (b) Medically unfit .. 3 2 E (c) Extended provisions .. 4 2 (. By death of annuitants Additional in respect to in previous years 3 5 57 18 4 4 1 285 52 7 6 342 70 4 1,640 2,618 79,707 12,019 1,075 38,984 1,625 2,560 93 151 4,227 633 54 2,654 96 184 317 851 10 10 1,328 "1.8 4 20,860 6 2 1,741 13 1 336 3 2 34 3 4 63 2 2 97 5 6 579 26 1,012 12 7 0 10 0 128 409 537 Less— Previously written off as lapsed but: Now included above 2 1 c under deaths and transfer to other fund Now found not to have 2 .. 2 lapsed 128 409 537 140,228 8,092 26,131 14 2 320 16 34 8 0 2 2 276 14 21 15 4 Net'totals .. .. 124 408 532 124 408 532 139,632 8,062 26,075 10 10



4. STATEMENT of RETIRING-ALLOWANCES (including Allowances to Widows and Children) for the Year ended 31st January, 1928.

1 . 0 \ !•) Am i Details of Column (2). Total Allowances. Retiring-allowances. Allowances to Particulars. Ordinary (Age or Service). Extended Provisions. Medically unfit. Widows. Children. Number. _. j Number. Number, j Number. Number. 1 J Annual Rate. Annual Rate. — Annual Rate. {Annual Rate. Number. Annual Rate. 7 1 Annual Rate. M. Jb\ £ M. F. | M. F. M. F. M. F. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ g. d. Allowances as at 31st January, 1927 455 818 1,273174,815 12 0 246 522 132,225 8 0 89 21 17,922 12 0 71 54 16,719 9 0 183 5,686 3 0 49 38 2,262 0 0 Increase under section 115 of the 162 18 0 129 17 0 5 18 0 27 3 0 ... ... Act Increase under section 93 (2) of the 12 11 0 12 11 0 ... ... ... ... Act Allowances granted during the year at 47 73 120 23,992 10 0 34 63 21,782 14 0 4 2 1,123 10 0 3 2 769 6 0 1 31 0 0 6 5 286 0 0 retirement or decease of contributors Allowances granted during the year 2 18 20 605 0 0 ••• ... i ... 17 527 0 0 2 1 78 0 0 to widows and children of deceased annuitants Totals... ... ... 504 909 1,413199,588 11 0 280 585 154,150 10 0' 93 23 19,052 0 0 74 56 17,515 18 0 201 6,244 3 0 57 44 2,626 0 0 Allowances discontinued during the 29 20 49 6,953 15 0 12 10 4,596 16 0 7 ... 1,548 7 0 2 ... 310 12 0 6 186 0 0 8 4 312 0 0 year j Allowances existing at end of year ... 475 889 1,364192,634 16 0268 575 149,553 14 0 86 23 17,503 13 0 72 56 17,205 6 0 195 6,058 3 0 49 40 2,314 0 0 Particulars of Allowances discontinued during the Year. How discontinued — By death ... ... ••• 21 14 35 6,579 15 0 12 10 4,596 16 0 7 ... 1,548 7 0 2 ... 310 12 0 4 124 0 0 By expiry ... ... 8 6 14 374 0 0 ... ... ... I 2 62 0 0 8 4 312 0 0 Totals... ... ... 29 20 49 6,953 15 0 12 10 4,596 16 0 7 ... ! 1,548 7 0 2 ... 310 12 0 6 186 0 0 8 4 312 0 0 Progress of Allowances since Establishment of Fund to the 31st January, 1928. Total granted ... ... ... 793 11561,949 236,291 1 0 417 653 174,900 9 0 116 23 22,888 0 0 123 81 25,826 9 0 268 7,606 3 0 137 131 5,070 0 0 Total discontinued ... ... 318 267 585 43,656 5 0149 78 : 25,346 15 0 30 ... 5,384 7 0 51 25 8,621 3 0 73 1,548 0 0 88 91 2,756 0 0 Total existing ... ... 475 8891,364192,634 16 0268 575 149,553 14 0 86 23 17,503 13 0 72 56 17,205 6 0 195 6,058 3 0 49 40 2,314 0 0


5. FURTHER DETAILS OF ALLOWANCES. (a) Allowances discontinued during the Year. (i) Return of Retiring-allowances discontinued during the Year ended 31st January, 1928, and Date from which Allowances became payable to the Widows and Children.

(ii) Return of Widows and Children who during the Year ended 31st January, 1928, ceased to be entitled to Benefits.


Annuitant. How discontinued. Annual Bate of Lapsed Retiringallowance. I Date from which (a) Ke-tiriug-allowanee <iiscontiuued, and (b) Payment of Benefits to Widow and Children began. Itefund of Contributions. Ambrose, Thomas W. Fisher, Esau Goyen, Peter King, Walter, J. .. La Prelle, John J... Mathews, Alfred . . Mathews, Howard Mayne, James B. Millard, Arthur J... Spencer, William E. Strack, Conrad A. Worsley, William H. Beattie, Jane, Mrs. Black, Bertha Campbell, Jane Craig, Sarah M. Haughton, Sophia E. J. Hood, Marion. C. .. Howie, Elizabeth A. Kane, .lane McGee, Helen Townsend, Edith M. Bolton, Edwin C. .. Fowler, Harry de (4. L. Greaves, Joseph .. Laing, Thomas M... Le Cocq, Walter A. McLaren, William Pridham, Ernest .. Downey, Michael*.. Chesney, Andrew* Death . . I .. ! £ s. d. 336 3 0 59 14 0 278 Hi 0 124 4 0 77 I 0 344 17 0 90 7 0 400 9 0 211 3 0 476 13 0 413 7 0 384 7 0 52 0 0 220 2 0 86 17 0 122 13 0 52 0 0 169 12 0 247 5 0 66 17 0 174 3 0 208 6 0 72 3 0 347 I (I 120 11 0 268 9 0 178 12 0 359 16 0 201 15 0 66 15 0 243 17 0 (a) (b) .17/4/27 18/4/27 19/7/27 10/7/27 11/7/27 19/5/27 20/5/27 30/11/27 i 1/12/27 9/12/27 10/12/27 24/4/27 25/4/27 24/12/27 25/12/27 21/11/27 22/11/27 31/5/27 12/10/27 13/10/27 2/10/27 3/10/27 28/8/27 11/6/27 15/6/27 11/4/27 5/2/27 1/8/27 29/9/27 10/10/27 8/10/27 23/6/27 22/7/27 [ 23/7/27 10'2/27 i 11/2/27 11/8/27 I 12/8/27 6/5/27 ! 12/10/27 j 13/10/27 1/6/27 | 2/6/27 12/4/27 ! 13/4/27 5/11/27 6/11/27 ! 3/1/28 4/1/28 ;£ 3. d. 643 19 8 92 6 2 276 6 9 Total 6,455 15 0 * Retired medio; illy unfit for further service.

Name. Widow or Annual Rate of Child. Allowance. Date of Termination Remarks, of Payment of Allowance. Green, Jane M., Mrs. Haslam, Grace, Mrs. Kilburn, Eliza, Mrs. . . Macbeth, Helen G., Mrs. Mcintosh, Emily, Mrs. . . Kendall, Albertina A. I. Anderson, Randall M. . . Bedford, Lloyd G. Bond, William K. Keane, Cuthbert P. McChesney, Robert I. . . Opie, Allan R. Smith, Thomas C. Stewart, Roger C. Faram, Mary Mclntyre, Flora McSporran, Isobel Thompson, Alice A. £ Widow. . 31 „ .. 31 „ .. 31 „ .. 31 „ .. 31 „ .. 31 .. Child . . 26 „ .. 26 „ 26 „ .. 26 „ .. 26 „ .. 26 „ .. 26 „ .. 26 26 ,. .. 26 „ .. 26 „ .. 26 27/1/28 Deceased. 31/5/27 ; Remarried. 20/1/28 Deceased. 24/1/27 ; 13/10/27 2/5/27 ' Remarried. 10 '5/27 Attained age of 14 years. 24/8/26 5/10/27 17/3/27 3/10/27 11/3/27 3/4/26 3/1/28 12/10/27 30/8/26 11/5/27 12/4/27 Total 498

E.— 8


(b) Allowances existing (except where otherwise shown) at the 31st January, 1928. (i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement).

Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. Men. Aitken, James . . . . Teacher, Wanganui Education Board Allan, Orlando* . . . . ,, Taranaki Education Board Alley, Frederick J. . . .. ,, Canterbury Education Board Allnutt, William C. . . ,, Otago Education Board Amos, Edward W. . . .. Caretaker, Canterbury College Anderson, George . . . . Teacher, Canterbury Education Board Anderson, John . . . . ,, ,, Andrew, William J. . . ,, Wanganui Education Board Ansley, Arthur F. . . . . ,, Auckland Education Board Aschman, Christopher T. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Bakewell, Frederick H. F. .. Inspector, Education Department Ballance, Alfred C. .. Teacher, Auckland Education Board. Barrett, Richard J.. . . . ,, Otago Education Board Bean, William D. .. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board Beattie, John . . . . ,, Otago Education Board Beechey, James M. . . ,, Wellington Education Board Bennett, Francis . . . . ,, ,, Binnie, Archibald . . . . ,, North Canterbury .Education Board Bishop, George W. . . .. ,, Canterbury Education Board Bonnin, John L. . . .. ,, Otago Education Board Borthwick, James . . . . ,, ,, Borthwick, James B. . , | ,, Canterbury Education Board Bossence, Charles R. . . Inspector, Education Department Botting, John F. . . . . Teacher, Otago Education Board Bourke, Charles* . . . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Britland, Walter . . . . ,, Wellington Education Board Brock, William .. . . Inspector, Education Department Brook, Julian .. . . Teacher, Auckland Education Board Brown, Daniel C* . . . . ,, ,, Brown, Francis H.* . . ,, ,, .... Browne, William .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Bryant, William H. . . ,, Nelson Education Board Burgoyne, Henry W. .. ,, Native school Bum, David W. M. . . ,, Otago Education Board Burn, Edgar H. .. . . ,, ,, Burns, Andrew . . . . ,, Native school Burton, Alfred F.* .. I ,, Auckland Education Board Campbell, James B. I. . . ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board Chatwin, George W. . . ,, Wellington Education. Board Church, George P. . . . . ,, Auckland Education Board Clark, Ernest A. . . ,, Wanganui Technical School Collins, William . . . . ,, Auckland Education Board . . Connell, Frederick W. . . ,, Wellington Education Board . . Cooper, Arthur . . . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Cowan, Robert .. . . ,, Otago Education Board Cox, James T.* .. . . Inspector, Education Department Cumberworth, Frederick J. . . Teacher, Taranaki. Education Board Cusack, James . . . . ,, Southland Education Board Dale, Joseph . . . . Janitor, Timaru High School. Board Daly, Michael F. .. .. Teacher, Auckland Education Board . . Darton, Henry L. . . . . ,, Otago Education Board Davidson, George .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Davidson, George A. .. ,, Auckland Education Board Davidson, James* . . .. ,, Wellington Education Board Dempsey, Hector . . . . Inspector, Education Department Dempsey, Walter N. . . Teacher, Wellington Education Board Dickinson, James C. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Duggan, Patrick J. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. Earl, Edwin T. Easther, Henry A. . . . . Truant Inspector, Wanganui Education Board Erskine, Albert .. . . Teacher, Wellington Education Board * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928. £ s. 330 1 309 3 342 5 400 0 40 12 270 7 189 13 366 13 209 15 433 7 469 3 1.07 5 425 7 390 11 225 16 186 13 382 19 165 16 386 13 52 0 233 7 289 5 429 3 223 10 389 1.4 276 9 477 8 280 0 336 13 400 14 225 18 278 5 70 14 265 7 192 13 52 0 382 12 52 0 373 7 83 2 333 1 260 0 295 2 238 18 268 2 443 7 231 5 73 16 52 0 93 6 270 13 293 .17 363 3 280 0 245 17 258 6 292 17 94 18 304 16 94 11 246 15


(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

2—E. 8.


I . Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. ! Men —continued. Espiner, George H. Evans, Edward Evison, John C. M. Fairbrother, Thomas F. Famie, Thomas C. Fergus, Robert Field, John L. Fitzgerald, John A... Flamank, Oscar D. Flavell, Dennis R. . . Fleming, James* Fleming, Thomas R. Flux, George Foster, William II. L. G erring, Albert Gibbs, Frederick G. Gillanders, James Gilling, George Glenny, Joseph Golding, Jabez Goldsbury, Alfred Gover, Frederick Graham, James Grant, James Grant, Ritchings* Teccher, Wanganui Education Board Accountant, Canterbury Education Board Teacher, Cook Island ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . „ Southland Education Board ,, Otago Eduoation Board .. ,, ,, ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education. Board Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Wellington Education Board 55 ,7 .... ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Nelson Education Board .. ,, Canterbury Education Board 55 5? .... ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board Supervisor, Manual, and Technical Instruction, Canterbury Eduoation Board Lecturer, Lincoln Agricultural College Teacher, Otago Education Board „ Southland Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Southland Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Native school Inspector, Education Department.. ,, ,, Teacher, Nelson Eduoation Board ,, Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, ,, ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Auckland Education Board Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Native school ,, Marlborough Education Board ,, Native school Janitor, Otago High School Board. Teacher, Canterbury Education Board Inspector, Education Department Principal, Marlborough High School Teacher, Wanganui Education Board Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ... £ s. 305 4 309 17 348 13 376 13 74 0 178 18 52 0 364 9 409 19 344 19 260 0 487 12 243 14 361 8 52 0 250 18 200 11 186 13 52 0 321 13 119 6 52 0 270 15 347 3 369 13 97 1 265 0 324 9 284 13 190 19 393 7 331 10 304 3 81 5 376 13 441 8 435 4 279 9 52 0 214 19 303 14 302 6 304 16 341 13 144 7 379 0 237 19 433 4 52 0 68 8 65 14 52 0 343 1 441 13 476 7 349 16 241 8 400 0 355 0 426 19 263 7 Gray, George Gray, James H. Gray, John Grundy, William T. Guiney, Samuel P. Haiti, James* Hall, Charles Hall, William H. V. Hamilton, Hugh R. W. Hardie, Charles Dovoy Ha.rdie, James W. .. Harkness, George A. Harkness, James H. Hassing, George M. Heward, Humphrey Hewat, Ebenezer C. Hiddleston, Archibald H. Higginson, Frank Hilgendorf, Francis* Hill, Alfred E. Hill, Henry Hill, John D. C. Hill, William W. .. Horan, Thomas Howard, Charles C. Hubbard, Charles C. Hughson, William Hunnibcll, Frederick W. Inglis, Alexander Times, John Irwin, Robert* Isaac, Edmund C. .. Isemonger, Thomas.. Jack, James A. Jackson, William H. Jameson, Frank* * A1 Iowa: mce granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928,



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

■*t n i- ! Annual Rate Name " Occupation. of Allowance. j J Mew—continued. £ s. Johnson, Oscar .. .. Teacher, Taranaki Education Board .. .. 290 11 Joplin, Charles R. .. . . ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 292 12 Just, Emile U. .. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 303 6 Kalaugher, James P. . . Supervisor, Manual and Technical Instruction, A.uck- 500 0 land Education Board Kelk, Henry P. . . . . Teacher, Otago Education Board .. . . .. 240 0 Kennedy, Hans* .. . „ Canterbury Education Board . . . . 300 0 Kerr, Walter .. .. ,, Napier High School .. .. . . 142 11 Knapp, Frederick V. .. ,, Nelson Education Board .. .. 377 19 Laing, Robert M. .. ,, Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. 380 0 Lane, Henry C. .. .. j Secretary, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 344 0 Learmonth, Robert .. Teacher, Southland Education Board .. . . 187 10 Lee, John B. .. .. ,, Native school .. .. .. . . 164 12 Lock, Charles H. W. .. ,, Wanganui Education Board .. .. | 177 19 Low, David W. .. „ ,, .. 400 0 Mabbett, Arthur .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board . . . . 52 0 McCullough, Samuel .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 272 I McDonald, George W. C. .. ; ,, Otago Education Board . . . . 400 0 McElrea, William .. .. „ .. .. 424 5 McGregor, John W. .. 1 ,, Canterbury Education Board . . 410 0 Mcintosh, William N. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. . 294 13 Mackav, William D. .. j ,, Canterbury Education Board .. . . 270 2 Mackie, William W.* .. | ,, Southland Education Board .. . . 377 1 McKillop, David .. .. „ ,, .. . . 313 7 McLauchlan, David L. .. „ ,, .. 31 18 MacLean, Charles .. .. j ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. ' 221 12 McMillan, Hugh* .. .. j ,, Otago Education Board .. . , 330 0 McNicoll, David A. .. | „ „ .. .. 215 17 McPhee, John H. A. .. ,, „ .. . . 1 236 6 Maddison, John .. .. ,, North Canterbury Education Board .. 52 0 Mail, James W. . . ,, Taranaki Education Board . . . . 298 15 Marshall, Angus .. .. j „ Otago Technical School .. .. . . j 573 7 Marshall, John .. .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. . . 339 I Martin, William G. ,, „ .... 384 7 Mason, George H. .. . . Registrar, Canterbury College .. .. . . 400 0 Mathias, Vincent W. .. Inspector of Reserves, Canterbury College ... 97 16 Matthews, Ernest W. D. .. Teacher, Native school .. .. .. .. 52 0 May, William J. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. : 260 0 Mayne, Arthur J. .. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. . . 242 1 Melville, Andrew G. .. Clerk, Otago Education Board . . . . . . 301 10 Menzies, James K... .. Teacher, Otago Education Board.. .. .. .176 10 Merton, Arthur O. .. ,, Christchurch Boys' High School .. 250 16 Metge, Daniel D. .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board 363 18 Milne, James .. .. Inspector, Education Department .. .. 282 16 Mitchell, George W.* . . Teacher, Taranaki Education Board . . . . 270 0 Moores, Peter .. . . ,, Auckland Education Board. .. .. | 52 0 Morton, Albert J. .. . . Inspector, Education Department . . . . 397 4 Midler, Nicolaus L. F. .. Teacher, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 133 19 Mulligan, Thomas .. .. „ North Canterbury Education Board . . 52 0 Murdoch, James . . . . ,, Southland. Education Board . . . . 52 0 Murray, David .. .. ,, Otago Education Board . 198 3 Murray, Henry E. . . . . „ Southland Education Board . . .. 275 8 Murray, James .. .. Janitor, Otago Education Board .. . . 66 2 Murray, James B. .. . . Teacher, Auckland Education Board . . 94 10 Newton, William H .. ,, ,, .. . . 406 13 Orr, James .. .. ,, Southland Education Board .. .. 1 126 12 Overton, William R. .. ,, ,, .. 88 17 Page, Samuel .. .. Lecturer, Canterbury College .. .. .. 205 .17 Park, Samuel .. .. Secretary, Otago Education Boa.rd .. . , 488 18 Parkinson, Henry A. .. Teacher, Wellington Education Board .. ., j 327 5 Paterson, William A. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. 141 13 Payton, Edward W. .. Director, Ela.m School of Art, Auckland .. .. j 247 6 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1028.



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. Men —continued. Percy, David* .. Philips, Henry W. (J. Pilkington, George M.* Pilling, Samuel. E. .. Pinder, Edward Pitcaithly, George Pole, Thomas L. P. Pope, Langley Port, Robert' Rayner, Henry H. Reid, John , Rennick, James W. Ronnie, James Renton, William Roberts, William S. W. Robertson, John A. Rogers, Walter J.* .. Rowley, Francis J. .. Russell, David Rutherford, John R.* Ryder, Robert B. .. Sage, Alfred. J.* Sandford, Frederick W. Sanson, Herbert Schmedes, Cornelius F. Scott, Augustus N. Scott, John L. Sebo, William H. .. Selby, Johnson Short, Arthur Sims, Arthur V.* .. Sinclair, Donald W. E.* Sloane, Wm. Jas. Smeaton, Charles G. Smith, Aaron Y. . . Smith, James W. .. Smith, John A. Sound y, Richard Speight, Hubert* Stansell, William ¥:" Stenhouse, John Stevens, Percy E. Stevenson, Andrew Stewart, John N. .. Stewart, Robert Stout, Thomas Sutherland, James Sutton, Henry Tennant, John S. . . Thomas, Joseph* Thomas, Taliesin Thompson, Richard H. Thomson, Alexander G. Thomson, Hugh F. Tindall, Arthur W. Valentine, James A.* Veysey, John T. Waddell, James N.* Wake, Hugh G.* .. Walker, Joseph W. A.* Walker, William R. C.* Waller, Francis D.* Teacher, Otago Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Otago Education Board :. Principal, Dunedin Training College Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ,, Otago Education Board Clerk, Wellington Education Board Teacher, Native school .. ,, Otago Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Professor, Otago University Teacher, Otago Education Board . . 55 33 .... ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Taranaki Education Board ,, Wellington Education Botird ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board 55 5) ,, Southland Education Board ,, Auckland. Education Board 55 55 ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Native School . . ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . „ Southland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Hawke's Bay Eduoation Board 33 55 ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Auckland Education Board Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Otago Education Board .. ,, Canterbury Education Board )5 55 55 5> ,, Wellington Education Board Professor, Victoria University Teacher, Wellington Education Board ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Native school ,, Southland Education Board ,, Canterbury Eduoation. Board „ Otago Education Board Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Nelson Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Canterbury Education Board >> 5) ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Canterbury Education. Board £ s. 272 19 289 18 287 10 188 10 568 5 475 0 290 19 236 19 266 13 152 4 118 2 282 10 424 18 222 19 95 9 300 0 274 11 471 8 277 13 387 4 441 9 51 6 82 6 259 3 172 8 401 13 233 7 245 5 228 13 107 8 309 13 197 8 251 13 297 19 106 7 360 0 67 16 244 1.2 317 19 31Q 0 251 13 275 0 335 19 402 18 262 5 184 9 400 0 123 12 566 13 389 16 371 2 131 5 286 0 268 10 284 10 476 9 180 0 293 7 400 0 400 19 416 6 443 3 * Allowai nee granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928.


(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.


Name. Occupation. Name. I Annual Rate of Allowance. Men —continued. Ward, Joseph .. .. I Teacher, Marlborough Education Board Watson, Francis E.. . .. „ Wanganui Education Board Watson, Joseph .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Watson, Lancelot ....,, ,, Webb, James C. .. . . „ Wellington Education Board Webber, Alfred S. .. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Webber, Edmund . . . . ,, Southland Education Board West, William D. .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Whetter, Richard G. . . Inspector, Education Department W hi taker, .Joseph R. .. Teacher, Auckland Education Board Whitcombe, Philip S. . . I Secretary, Taranaki Education Board White, David Ti. .. . . Principal, Dunedin Training College Whyte, John .. .. Teacher, Otago Education Board Wicks, William H. .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Williams, Joseph W. .. ,, Native school Williamson, John . . .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board Wilson, Henry B. .. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Winter, Nathaniel A.* . . ,, Auckland Grammar School Board Wood, Ernest A. .. ,, Auckland. Education Board Woodhead, Ambler .. „ Nstive school Worboys, Joseph H. . . ,, Wellington Education Board Wyllie, Alexander I/. .. ■, Inspector, Education Department Young, Henry P. .. .. | Teacher, Southland Education Board £ s. 52 0 .. ! 315 3 .. j 254 9 .. j 323 12 .. ' 305 10 .. i 339 3 266 11 .. i 400 0 420 17 408 18 214 14 350 0 78 12 32 7 161 0 353 7 314 19 81 0 92 8 240 0 335 18 469 3 320 14 Total (268 men) .. 71,948 3 Women. Adams, Florence K. .. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board Ainsworth, Emma F. . . ,, Nelson Education Board Aitchison, Louisa .. .. ,, Otago Education Board Aldworth, Emma M., Mrs. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Alexander, Helen ... .. ,, Otago High School Board Alexander, Rebecca, Mrs. .. ,, Otago Education Board. Allan, Flora M. .. .. Principal, Otago Girls' High School Allan, Mary K. . . .. Teacher, Otago Education Board Alves, Margaret W. .. ; ,, Otago High School Board Anderson, Annie C... . . ,, Otago Education Board Anderson, Barbara C. .. ,, Auckland Education Board Anderson, Caroline V.* . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Anderson, Elizabeth, Mrs. . . ,, Native school Anderson, Helen, Mrs. .. ,, Hawke's Bay Eduoation Board Andrew, Alice M. .. .. ,, Otago Education Board Andrews, Helen B. . . ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board Ansley, Annie .. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board Anstis, Clara, Mrs. .. . . „ Wellington Eduoation Board > Arey, Alice M. .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board Astley, Ellen . . . . „ ,, Astley, Hannah .. .. „ ,, Avison, Martha .. . . ,, Wellington Education Board Baker, Frances E. E.* .. ,, Native school Baker-Gabb, Mary, Mrs. . . ,, Wellington Education Board Balding, Laura, Mrs. . . j ,, ,, Balfour, Margaret A. .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board Banks, Charlotte M. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Bannister, Matilda E. . . ,, Wellington Education Board Barak, Mary C. .. .. ,, Taranaki Education Board Barker, Annie E. .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Barkley, Ethel I. M. M. .. „ Taranaki Education Board Barlow, Margaret, Mrs. :. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board Barnett, Annie H. .. . . ,, „ Barton, Annie, Mrs. .. ,, Auckland Education Board Batchelor, Bessie . . . . ,, Grey Education Board Bates, Agnes J.* .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .127 12 228 17 192 3 105 15 139 14 .. | 38 1.5 .. 281 14 92 1 .. 114 16 100 12 52 0 217 in 52 0 103 13 227 9 82 5 212 10 207 15 218 8 112 12 142 19 .. ; 152 15 .. ' 233 5 104 18 .. I 33 13 .. ! 239 II 165 6 85 4 267 14 131 7 170 19 35 2 212 0 52 0 94 9 209 8 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 192s.


(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement)— continued


Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowanoe. I Women —continued. Bates, Jane, Mrs. Bayley, Jessie J.* Beck, Elizabeth Begg, Jessie I., Mrs. Bell, Matilda Bellamy, Elizabeth W.* Berry, Lavinia, Mrs. Bevin, Elizabeth E. Bird, Florence R. . . Birkett, Emma, Mrs. Birss, Helen L. Black, Flora L., Mrs. Blades, Bithiah Blair, Jessie, Mrs. Blaithwayt, Ellen E. (!.* Blyth, Sarah F. R. Bolton, Pamela E. Bond, Jane A. Bott, Amelia Bourke, Mary Bower, Eva Bower, Jessie Braithwaite, Lilian B. Branting, Ellen T., Mrs. Bridgman, Louise M., Mrs. . . Bright, Aimee D. Bright, Alice M. Broadbent, Mary A. Broderick, Jessie S., Mrs. Brooke, Caroline J., Mrs. Brooks, Edith, Mrs. Brown, Annie L., Mrs. (nee Stanley) Brown, Clara J., Mrs. Brown, Mary E., Mrs. Brown, Mary M. .. Browne, Lilian M. .. Bruce, Sarah C. Buchanan, Margaret Budd, Elizabeth* Budden, Amy H. .. Bull, Effie S. Bullock, Julia W., Mrs. Bunting, Elizabeth Burns, Jessie A. Cairns, Jessie Calder, Elizabeth M.* Callaghan, Margaret M.* Callender, Mary Calvert, Sarah S. .. Cameron, Jessie Cameron, Louisa F. Cameron, Sarah Campbell, Eliza Campbell, Kate, Mrs. Campbell, Mary A. E. Campbell, Verona H. 1). Carnaohan, Blanche E. Carnahan, Jessie McP. Carr, Jane H. W., Mrs. Carrick, Marie, Mrs. Carter, Annie Cato, Eva P. Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland. Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Grammar School Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Native school ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Nelson Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board 55 5) ,, Wellington Education Board Manager, Te Oranga Home, Christchurch Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board. ,, Wellington Education Board 55 55 55 55 ,, Native school Lady Visiting Officer, Eduoation Department Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board £ s. 78 17 240 0 228 10 187 18 229 13 226 9 211 10 162 11 153 1 52 0 129 I 141 1 71 7 79 10 87 7 52 0 227 13 III 14 58 19 153 li 141 2 125 16 174 5 41 14 158 7 83 14 142 4 180 7 54 5 97 4 135 3 152 5 ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Canterbury Eduoation Board 55 55 ,, Otago Eduoation Board . . ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board 55 55 ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Auckland Grammar School ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Southland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Auckland Education Board 55 )) 176 3 119 18 .. j 157 18 153 0 155 2 109 9 168 10 186 16 155 11 52 0 7.1 3 96 1 52 0 200 5 238 13 108 10 66 0 195 0 180 1 215 5 190 10 163 12 159 6 .. I 135 5 238 1 202 6 14 6 52 0 153 9 110 9 * Allowai Hie granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928.


(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.


Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. Women —continu ed. Caughley, Christina J. Chalmer, Clara E. Chaplin, Emily A. Chatwin, Georgina E. Cherrett, Jessie Chevne, Jemima* Child, Alice, Mrs. .. Chipperfield, Emily* Christie, Elizabeth Christie, Jessie C. .. Clark, Catherine E., Mrs. Comer, Edith R.* .. Coneys, Jessie T. .. Connell, Elizabeth, Mrs. Cook, Eleanor N.* .. Cooke, Jean L. Cooper, Edith M. .. Cooper, Emily M. . . Cooper, Isabella 0. Coutts, Miriam H. .. Cowens, Janet, Mrs. Cowles, Sarah A. Cox, Anna Blachford Cradock, Mary A.* Craighead, Ellen C. Crawford, Mary H. Crowley, Johanna* Gumming, Eliza J. .. Dalrymple, Amelia A. Daniels, Caroline Grace Darton, Louisa J., Mrs. Davies, Annie Davis, Amy G. Davis, Elizabeth Davis, Ethel W. B.* Dawson, Ada, Mrs. Dawson, Marion G. F., Mrs. .. Dempsey, Kate Devin, Annie M.* Dewar, Janet Dewhirst, Eliza E., Mrs. Dillon, Frances Lily, Mrs. Douds, Maria Dowling, Mary, Mrs. Drew, Gertrude A. .. Dryburgh, Isabella Dugelby, Ethel G. .. Duncan, Kate Duncan, Mary Dundas, Jessie A. .. Durose, Florence M. Edmiston, Jessie H. Egan, Mary F. Evans, Ada H. Evans, Alice Ewing, Ellen Farnie, Grace M. .. Farquharson, Elizabeth Farroll, Arabella Faubert, Emma L. .. Faulks, Flora Feist, Emma J., Mrs. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Wanganui Girls' College . . ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Nelson Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Native school ,, Canterbury Education Board. ,, Wellington Education Board 55 55 5) 55 ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Taranaki Education Board Manager, Wellington Receiving Home Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board 55 55 55 ») „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board £ s. 125 0 227 7 243 8 123 18 94 17 148 3 116 3 71 10 176 19 123 4 94 12 195 8 83 15 73 9 226 .18 87 10 135 9 128 3 234 9 164 5 84 19 214 14 89 7 230 16 172 19 240 0 192 10 176 4 187 4 107 2 117 17 140 8 118 7 83 16 192 2 23 10 123 17 192 10 37 16 87 8 56 18 57 15 35 11 257 1.9 164 2 159 6 223 11 123 9 156 17 143 15 105 7 164 13 177 14 148 19 52 0 13 0 184 18 140 12 145 6 107 19 70 17 20 1 55 55 ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, South Canterbury Education. Board ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, New Plymouth Girls' High School. . ,, Southland Education Board ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Auckland Eduoation Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board 5 5 5 5 ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Auckland Education Board * Allowai ico granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928.



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Name. Occupation. I Annual Rate of Allowance. Women —continued. Ferguson, Catherine Fielder, Elizabeth M. Flatt, Caroline J. Findlay, Margaret M. Fleming, Janet Fly, Lois M., Mrs. Ford, Margaret Forsyth, Caroline C* Foy, Mary R. Eraser, Jessie A. Eraser, Johanna Eraser, Lucy St. M. Eraser, Mary I. Eraser, Sara Fredric, Isabella IT. French, Agnes S. .. Eyers, Christiana, Mrs. Fyfe, Harriet, Mrs. Galloway, Helen Garth, Isabella 0.* Geddes, Emilie S. .. Geissler, Ida P., Mrs. Gellatly, Margaret N.* Gibson, Elizabeth M. Gilford, Sylvia E.* Gillibrand, Emma Gillibrand, Margaret E. Gillingham, Adelaide A., Mrs. Glanville, Emily H. Glanville, Gertrude M. Gledhill, Eunice A. Gordon, Maria M. .. Gorman, Annie Gower, Nanette, Mrs. Grand, Ellon Gray, Agnes Greaves, Alice* Greenslado, Mary G. Greenstreet, Grace E. Guiney, Margaret A., Mrs. Gunn, Elizabeth M. Gunn, Jean E. Haeusler, Emily M. L., Mrs. .. Haig, Catherine Hall, Alice L. Hall, Annie E. Hall, Mary Hamilton, Martha Hamlin, Alethea S. 0.* Handley, Agnes E. Hannan, Cecelia Hanning, Minnie L. Harband, Beatrice M. Hardie, Margaret I. Hardie, Mary Hardwickc, Eva Harris, Rose M., Mrs. Harrison, Ada .. Harrison, Elizabeth M. Harrison, Jane M., Ms. Harrison, Nellie Haskell, Amy E. .. Teacher, Otago Education Board .. ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board 55 55 ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland. Education Board ,, Thames High School Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Taranaki. Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board Principal, Wanganui Girls' College Teacher, Wellington Education Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, Auckland Eduoation Board 5 5 5 5 ,, Otago Eduoation Board .. ,, Nelson Education Board . . 55 55 • ' ' * ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Native school ,, Otago High School Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Wanganui Girls' College Board ,, Auckland .Education Board 5 5 5 5 ' ' ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board „ Wellington Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Canterbury Education. Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, . Otago Education Board .. ,, Hawke's Bay Eduoation Board ,, Christchurch Girls' High School ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Native school ,, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Southland Eduoation Board „ Auckland Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Southland Education Board £ s. 187 7 246 1.7 232 10 157 15 55 10 82 0 174 4 224 8 62 4 137 3 89 8 147 1 288 19 204 13 41 5 114 0 42 12 15 2 66 3 164 15 25 7 11 10 72 15 1.72 18 206 7 160 0 .1.05 19 169 0 120 0 121 4 207 3 193 12 189 1 52 0 149 12 1.75 6 200 17 68 16 LOO 19 74 1 214 15 177 4 79 9 104 3 181 4 40 9 115 2 174 10 226 16 84 18 131 14 242 4 208 5 94 1 97 8 88 5 71 12 116 8 83 1 165 16 94 5 11.5 14 5) 55 ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Southland. Education Board ,. 5) 55 ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Otago Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, North Canterbury Education Boaid ,, Canterbury Education Board * Allowai ico granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928,



(i) Allowances grunted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

■vr„ m „ ,, ,. ! Annual Rate Narae " | Occupation. ! of Allowance. Women—continued. £ s. Hawkes, Emma .. .. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board . .. 67 15 Hawkins, Elizabeth P. .. ,, Auckland Education Board . - . 144 18 Heckler, Louisa A. .. „ Otago Education Board .. 175 J7 Helyer, Elizabeth .. .. ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 185 15 Henderson, Christina K. .. ,, Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. 123 17 Henderson, Jessie .. .. ,, Otago Education Board . . .. 63 12 Henderson, Margaret, Mrs. .. „ Canterbury Education Board .. .. 74 16 Heney, Annie, Mrs. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 52 0 Hennessy, Ellen M. .. „ Native school .. .. .. .. 27 14 Herbert, Mary E.*.. ., ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 221 10 Hetley, Christina R., Mrs. .. ,, Napier High School .. .. .. 185 2 Hewitt, Florence N.* . . ,, Auckland Education Board . . . . 200 11 Hiatt, Fanny C. .. ,, North Canterbury Education Board .. 66 2 Hodges, Bithia L. C. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. 110 17 Hogg, Susan .. .. ,, Taranaki Education Board .. .. 160 0 Holder, Marion C. .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 142 1.7 Holloway, Annie E. .. ,, .. 181 6 Holloway, Eveline M. . . ,, . . 186 19 Hopcraft, Victoria K.* .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. 176 11 Hope, Agnes, Mrs. .. ,, Native school .. .. .. 31 12 Hornernan, Agnes W., Mrs. ,, Wanganui Education Board . . . . 153 8 Howard, Margaret, Mrs. .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board . .. 144 2 Howes, Edith A. .. . . ,, Southland Education Board .. 100 13 Hughan, Jessie* .. . . ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 108 7 Hughes, Margaret. . . ,, Nelson Education Board .. . . 194 14 Huie, Marjorie S. . . .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. 56 19 Hume, Jane H. . . ,, Auckland Education Board . . . .. 185 18 Hutchens, Emmeline .. ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 122 8 Ingall, Eva K. M. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 182 2 Irvine, Lucy M., Mrs. .. ,, Native school .. .. .. 59 12 Jackson, Rosabell, Mrs. . . ,, Wellington Education Board . . . . 131 2 Jackson, Sarah E. . . . . Manager, Industrial School .. . . . . 178 5 James, Sarah B., Mrs. . . Teacher, Auckland Education Board . . . . 99 19 Jefferies, Laura .. .. „ Wellington Education Board .. .. 160 15 Johnson, Amy F. .. .. ,, Nelson Education Board . . .. 174 2 Johnson, Edith Monica* .. ,, Wellington Education Board . . . . 148 I Johnson, Susan H. .. ,, Native school .. .. . . .. j 52 0 Johnston, Margaret. Mrs. .. .Janitor, Auckland University College .. .. 1 17 16 Johnston. Tristiana E. N. .. 1 Teacher, Wellington Education Board . . .. 123 12 Johnstone, Cecilia .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. 106 7 Jordan, Fanny S. .. ,, Nelson Education Board .. . . 121 17 Joyce, Lucy J. .. „ Southland Education Board . . . . 93 13 Judkins, Anne, Mrs, . . ,, Native school .. .. . . .. 78 15 Kay, Margaret* .. . . ,, Otago Education Board . . . . 184 9 Keany, Annie .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 184 10 Kearon, Annie M. .-. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 91 7 Keesing, Kate .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 86 2 Kells, Isabella P. R. . . ., ,, . . . . 68 11 Keinple, Frances M. .. ,, Grev Education Board .. .. 116 13 Kerr, Catherine A., Mrs. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 168 7 Kidson, Kitty E., Mrs. .. ,, Nelson Education Board . . . - 120 15 Kilner, Elizabeth D. .. ,, Wanganui Education Board .. .. 206 14 King, Anne J. .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board . . .. 230 0 King, Mary .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. .. 166 2 Kirby, Christina E... .. „ Cook Islands Education Board .. ..J 214 8 Kirkpatrick, Louisa J., Mrs. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 65 18 Kitching, Lucy H. .. .. ,, Nelson Education Board .. .. • • 82 13 Kitching, Mary E. .. . . ., ,, .. . . • • 201 10 Knapp, Jessie .. .. Gisborne High School .. .. .. 201 9 Ladbrooke, Charlotte J.* . . ,, Canterbury Education Board . . . . 230 13 Ladley, Blanche A. E. .. ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 138 17 Laird, Emma P. .. .. j ,, Taranaki Education Board .. .. 201 17 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928,


(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

3—E. 8.


Name. Occupation. Women —continued. Landreth, Elizabeth, Mrs. .. Teacher, Otago Education Board Latimer, Ella, Mrs. ;. ,, Auckland Education Board Lawrence, Grace .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Lawrence (nee Hill), Lydia M. ,, Auckland Education Board Lazarus, Frances .. ... ,, Wellington Education Board Leaman, Frances E., Mrs. . . i Caretaker, Christchurch Girls' High School . . Lee, Elizabeth E., Mrs. .. j Teacher, Native school Le Fleming, Lady Jeanette . . i ,, Canterbury Education Board Leighton, Lucy J. .. . . I ,, Wellington Education Board Leighton, Mary J., Mrs. .. ,, ,, Let ham, Sarah W. . . . . ,, ,, Lightband, Sarah J., Mrs. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Lindsay, Jean G., Mrs. .. ,, South Canterbury Education Board Lisle, Marion P, D.* .. ,, Native school Lissaman, Martha H. .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board Litchfield, Mary E., Mrs. .. ,, Auckland Education Board Little, Caroline E. .. . . ,, Otago Education Board. Little, Donella C. '. . .. ,, ,, Little, Dora M. . . . . ,, Otago University Education Board Little, Edith J. E. .. .. „ Otago High School Livingstone, Catherine .. ,, Otago Education Board Lloyd, Kate B. .. . . j ,, Native school Lorimer, Margaret* .. ,, Nelson College Board Louch, Isabella . . .. ,, Auckland Education Board Loudon, Mary .. . . ,, Wanganui Education Board Lovatt, Mary, Mrs. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Lundon, Clara J. .. ,, Native school McCallum, Maria M. . . „ Otago Education Board McCallum, Mary .. . . ,, Southland Education Board McCarthy, Mary A. R. . . „ South Canterbury Education. Board McOarty, Catherine M. . . ,, Taranaki Education Board McDonald, Alison .. .. ,, Wanganui Education Board McDonald, Sarah M. M. .. „ Southland Education Board McDonnell, Bedelia M. . . ,, Wanganui Education Board McEwan, Mary .. . . ,, Otago Education Board McGavin, Jessie, Mrs. .. ,, Native school McGibbon, Helen M. S. . . „ Auckland Education Board McGowan, Mary .. . . ,, Wellington Education Board McGregor, Elizabeth J. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board McGregor, Grace .. .. ,, Otago Education Board McGregor, Lois .. . . ,, Wellington Education Board McGregor, Margaret M. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Mcllroy, Annie L. . . . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Mclnman, Emily M. Mcintosh, Janet .. .. ,, Otago Education Board Mclntyre, Isabella, .. .. ,, South Canterbury Education Board MacKay, Annie I. .. . . ,, Taranaki Education Board Mackay, Christina F. . . ,, South Canterbury Education Board Mackay, Emma A.* .. ,, Wellington Education Board Mackay, Ida 0., Mrs. . . ,, Westland Education Board McKenzie, Christina .. ,, Wellington Education Board McKenzie, Margaret .. „ Otago Education Board Macky, Mary A. F., Mrs. . . „ Auckland Education Board McLandress, Isabel! .. „ Wellington Education Board McLaren, Mary .. .. „ Otago Education Board McLauchlan, Mary .. .. ,, Wellington Education Board McLauchlan, Mary J. R. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board McLauohlin, Marion P. .. ,, Auckland Education Board McLean, Mary .. .. Principal, Wellington Girls' College McLennan, Jane A., Mrs. .. Teacher, Auckland Education Board McLeod, Caroline .. . . ,, Southland Education Board McMillan, Mary S. .. „ Otago Education Board McNaught, Grace C. S. .. „ „ Annual Rate of Allowance. £ s. 192 7 52 0 240 li) 180 15 66 2 .. j 52 0 .. ! 91 9 .. j 240 0 .v. 87 1.6 . . ; 61 4 .. 187 10 .. j 82 19 52 0 . . 15 16 52 0 52 0 146 7 252 9 68 7 95 2 125 1 153 17 355 11 74 3 1.72 11 .. j 50 19 138 14 81 0 222 5 106 I 212 13 158 14 164 6 170 15 110 7 52 0 173 5 181 4 242 I .. ; 73 4 101 9 . . i 38 3 .. 220 13 96 6 80 I 100 8 218 14 52 0 23 8 52 0 108 II 188 19 95 19 118 1 83 5 119 6 220 3 26 13 402 11 59 19 276 9 175 19 188 18 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928.



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Name. Occupation. Annual Rati of Allowanoe Women —continued. McVay, Ella M. .. . . Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. Mahoney, Harriet J., Mrs. . . ,, Native school Manson, Janette C. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Manson, Lydia M., Mrs. . . ,, Nelson Education Board March banks, Davinia V. . . ,, Wellington Education Board Marris, Amelia .. . . ,, Nelson Education Board Martin, Annie .. . . ,, ,, Martin, Gertrude E., Mrs. .. I ,, Taranaki Education Board Martin, Magdalene J. F., Mrs. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board . . Matheson. Fanny C. R. . . j ,, ,, Matthews, Laura .. .. ,, Wellington Education Board Maxwell, Elizabeth L., Mrs. ., Otago Education Board Maxwell, Fanny E. . . j Instructor, Ashburton Technical School Maxwell, Jessie .. .. j Teacher, Otago Education Board Meager, Ellen A. . . . . j ,, Wellington Education Board Mellish, Marion A., Mrs. . . ! ,, Wanganui Education Board Melville, Jessie .. . . ; Instructor, Dunedin Technical School Menzies, Agnes* .. . . j Teacher, Canterbury Education Board Menzies, Annie J. . . . . i ,, ,, Menzies, Catherine . . ,, ,, Menzies, Margaret .. . . ,, North Canterbury Education Board Metherell, Rose M., Mrs. . . ! Millington, Ellen .. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Millington, Emily E.* .. , Wellington Education Board Mills, Jessie G. . . . . ,, Otago Education Board Mills, Mahala C. .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Mills, Mary W. .. . . „ Otago Education Board Milne, Robcrtina M. M., Mrs. „ Wellington Education Board Mitchell, Janet ....,, ,, Moir, Maria .. .. ,, Otago Education Board Moncrieff, Janet .. .. ] ,, Wellington Education Board Moore, Euphemia J.* . . : ,, Nelson Education Board Moore, Mary A. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Morison, Sarah A., Mrs. . . ,, Taranaki Education Board Morrison, Mary J. .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Moss, Elizabeth M., Mrs. . . ,, Taranaki Eduoation Board Munro, Isabella . . . . ,, Wellington Education Board Murdoch, Helen, Mrs. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Murrish, Charlotte ....,, ,, Myers, Phoebe .. . . ,, Wellington Education Board Mynott, Laura E.* . . ,, Taranaki Education Board Naylor, Henriette N.* . . ,, Auckland Education Board Nelson, Jessie R. . . . . ,, Otago Education Board Newbegin, Martha A. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Newman, Margaret S. . . ,, ,, Newton, Edith M. .. Newton, Kate E, .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Nicholson, Maud .. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Nisbet, Janet, Mrs. . . ,, Native school Nixon, Amelia M. . . . . ,. Auckland Education Board Nixon, Elizabeth A. . . ,, „ O'Brien, Lucy M. .. . . ,, Wanganui Education Board Ogg, Elsie, Mrs. .. . . ,, ' Wellington Education Board O'Neill, Annie M. J., Mrs. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Oswin, Mabel E. .. . . ,, Wellington Education Board Owens, Edith .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Page, Margaret .. . . ,, Wellington Education Board Parkinson, Johan J., Mrs. . . ,, Wanganui Education Board Pascoe, Ada .. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Paterson, Jane .. . . ,, Otago Education Board Paterson, Janet .. .. ., ,, Patrick, Hannah* .. .. . ,, ,, £ s. 173 0 51 7 233 0 137 11 94 10 154 14 133 13 204 16 40 0 143 .15 208 12 101 4 50 12 244 10 126 19 87 16 40 16 192 2 287 2 203 0 101 7 52 0 184 10 178 16 57 16 132 15 97 0 31 4 118 10 26 10 157 16 .. I 185 9 .. I 207 17 .. ! 166 17 104 1 . . 82 10 .. 202 11 176 12 62 12 135 7 217 15 69 19 211 17 .. j 176 14 .. j 271 3 205 4 173 0 81 10 45 16 132 14 .. j 97 7 . . ' 278 15 161 9 204 3 198 4 152 10 .. i 114 17 .. ! 149 19 99 14 52 0 224 8 141 5 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement)— continued.

Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. _[ J_ Women —continued. Pavitt, Marie A.* .. Pearson, Agnes A. .. Perrin, Margaret C... T( Si Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ,, South Canterbury Education Board Supervisor for Education of Girls and Infants, Education Department Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board . . .. ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. .. t. ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, ,, .... ,, Canterbury Education Board 55 55 ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Nelson Education Board Manager, Industrial School .. . . Teacher, Otago Eduoation Board .. ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Native school .. ,, Wellington Education Board ,, School for Deaf ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Auckland Education. Board ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board . . ,, Auckland Education Board Clerk, Nelson Education Board .. . . Teacher, Otago Technical School .. ,, Otago Education Board . . . . .. ,, Auckland Education Board . . : ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . . . .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. ,, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Wellington Girls' College Board . . .. ,, Dunedin Technical College Board .. ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board 55 55 ' * * * , ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Nelson Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Nelson College Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, North Canterbury Education Board Visiting Officer, Education Department .. Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Wellington Education Board „ Otago Education Board . . ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board .. . . ,, Otago Education Board 35 55 35 upe tin £ s. 212 19 73 3 221 2 89 8 231 17 195 6 195 13 178 1 52 0 232 1 78 4 142 14 37 6 83 10 113 2 193 3 102 0 98 0 290 .16 180 12 125 17 38 14 206 5 165 5 159 1 224 1 89 7 86 0 1.72 2 52 0 60 7 76 4 135 4 220 19 52 0 117 4 163 6 87 3 58 7 89 4 33 15 164 8 117 9 162 18 96 1 77 7 28 15 52 0 52 0 133 18 54 14 118 6 122 16 177 19 174 9 190 14 74 10 184 15 206 18 211 12 241 5 Phillips, Leonora M. Piggford, Mary H. .. Piggott, Ellen M.* Pilkington, Jane* Pilliet, Francesca A. Plummer, Mary, Mrs. Potter, Ethel M. .. Potts (nee Newnham), Eliza* Potts, Mary J. .. Primrose, Isabella E. C, Mrs... Pritchard, Florence.. Purchas, Adele, Mrs. Purvis, Patience Quinn, Elizabeth C. . ; Quinton, Ellen H. . . Ralston, Jane G. Ralston, Mary Ranwell, Annie P. .. Rayner, Flora, Mrs. Read, Annie E.* Reid, Jane Reid, Wilhelmina R.* Rigby, Eliza A., Mrs. Riley, Emma J. Roberts, Georgina Roberts, Laura A. . . Roberts, Mary A. .. Robertson, Anna . . Robertson, Blanche, Mrs. Robertson, Evelyn M. Robinson, Sarah L... Rooney, Christina, Mrs. Rosie, Wilhelmina J. Ross, Annie M. .. , Rothenberg, Hannah Rowley, Elizabeth Mary Rowlev, Elizabeth Matilda, . . Russell, Isabella, Mrs. Ryall, Jane* Ryan, Arabella C. Ryan, Elizabeth M. Ryder, Maud H. . . Salmond, Jessie Sandford, Eliza, M.A., Mrs. . . Satchell, Edith E, Mrs. Saunders, Ann Savill, Harriet, Mrs. Sayers, Mary A., Mrs. Scale, Charlotte F., Mrs. Scott, Annie Scott, Mary Scott, Mary (ii)* Scott, Marjorie T. . . Shand, Florence J.* . . , Shaw, Minnie Sheard, Fanny* Sheriff, Eliza G. Sherrif, Margaret R. T( M T< CI Tt V T. MO 'eac lam 'eac leri 'eac r isit 'eac an nee granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928. * Allowar .nee i era -, 1928.



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement)— continued.

Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. Women—- contin tied. Shirtcliffe, Clara I. .. .. Teacher, Canterbury Education Board Shrewsbury, Elsie .. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Shroff, Kate S. M.*.. .. Simpson, Euphemia .. „ „ Simpson, Mary J., Mrs. .. ,, ,, Sinclair, Elizabeth ....,, ,, Sinclair, Martha* .. .. ,, Native school Sinclair, Mary A. .. I ,, Wellington Education Board Skoglund, Wilhelmina C. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board Slater, Jemima .. . . ,, Wellington Education Board Slattery, Julia C* .. .. ,, Taranaki Education Board Sloan, Emily* . . , . J ,, Canterbury Education Board Small, Marianne T.* . . ,, Auckland Education Board Smart, Lily M.* . . . . ,, Wellington Education Board Smart, Margaret A. L.* .. ,, Canterbury Education Board Smart, Marion, Mrs. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Smith, Isabel . . . . ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board Smith, Kate E. . . . . ,, Taranaki Education Board Smith, Mabel* .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Smith, Sylvia G. .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board Somervillc, Frances A. .. ,, ,, Sotheran, Jane .. .. ,, Grey Education Board Spence, Annie W. . . .. ,, Canterbury Education Board Spence, Mary L. .. .. ,, North Canterbury Education Board Spurdle, Anna M., Mrs. .. ,, Wanganui Education Board Stanton, Edith M. F. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board Stanton, Elizabeth A. .. ,, Wellington Education Board Steel, Marion D. . . .. ,, Southland Education Board Steele, Elizabeth* .. .. „ Canterbury Education Board Stemson, Jane E., Mrs. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Stephens, Mary M. . . . . ,, North Canterbury Education Board Stevens, Dora S., Mrs. . . ,, Otago Education Board Stevens, Emma M. . . .. ,, ,, Stevenson, Elizabeth M. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board Stewart, Helen T., Mrs. .. ,, South Canterbury Education Board Stewart, Jessie .. . . ,, Industrial school Stoddart, Frances .. . . ,, Nelson Education Board Straohan, Mary A. . . . . ,, Taranaki Education Board Stringer, J. M. G., Mrs. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Stuart-Forbes, Emma L. . . ,, Wellington Education Board Symonds, Mary L., Mrs. .. ,, Auckland Education Board Taylor, Elizabeth .. . . ; ,, Canterbury Education Board Taylor, Mary .. . . ,, North Canterbury Education Board Thomas, Elizabeth A., Mrs. . . ,, Wellington Education Board Thompson, Alicia M. . . „ Otago Education Board Thompson, Ethel .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Thompson, Mary A. E. . . ,, Thorpe, Caroline E., Mrs. . . ,, Wellington Education Board Tidd, Emily E. .. .. „ Auckland Education Board Tills, Ethel E.* Tisdall, Estelle A. .. Tomlinson, Esther A., Mrs. . . ,, ,, Tosswill, Ellen M., Mrs. . . ,, North Canterbury Education Board Townsend, Ethel M. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Tregear, Mary C. .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board Tregoning, Mary .. . . ,, Otago Education Board Truscott, Kate, Mrs. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Tulley, Catherine M. .. „ North Canterbury Education Board Turnbull, Isabella .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. Turner, Emma E. .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Turner, Mary E., Mrs. .. ,, Wellington Education Board Udy, Annie .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board ." I I " i ■ ■ I I I £ s. 183 14 213 6 232 18 224 16 136 14 104 16 61 17 243 18 201 9 171 12 218 12 236 J 172 2 68 10 181 9 110 3 98 2 200 15 229 1 195 13 151 17 76 12 224 9 76 0 39 14 173 7 168 5 146 19 159 1 176 6 82 9 52 0 86 12 96 4 32 6 52 0 52 0 136 14 120 1 • 100 16 59 19 93 11 52 0 157 5 177 4 180 15 97 18 138 15 129 2 169 8 143 14 102 8 98 7 179 1 52 0 78 4 81 15 86 8 89 7 160 8 78 8 84 7 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928.



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement)- continued.

Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. Women —continued. Usher, Agnes Ussher, Martha J. . . Vincent, Louisa Wadsworth, Bertha E. Wagstaff, Jessie W, Mrs. . . Wakelin, Ellen A., Mrs. Walker, Mary M. . . Wallace, Eliza G, .. Wallace, Ellen Ward, Esther Warnock, Sarah M... Warren, Minnon F. J.* Watson, Phoebe ., Watt, Margaret, Mrs. Webb, Frances E., Mrs. Webb, Jane H. (nee Thomson), Mrs. Whibley, Agnes E., Mrs. Whinam, Lois A. P. Wilding, Mary, Mrs. Wilding, Mary Jane Wild man, Eliza J. .. Wilkinson, Caroline M.* Wilkinson, Catherine, Mrs. . . Wilkinson, Isabella A.* Wilkinson, Mary J. Williams, Alice L. . . Williams, Emma G., Mrs.* . . Williams, Kate Williams, Mary Williams, Mary A., Mrs. Willis, Effie, Mrs. Wilson, Elizabeth M. Wilson, Estelle R. .. Wilson, Janet Wilson, Marion K. .. Wilson, Mary R., Mrs. Windust, Patience A., Mrs. . . Woodford, Kate S. Woodward, Laura, Mrs. Wraytt, Christina, Mrs. Wright, Janet S. .. Wright, Lydia York, Mary Teacher, Auckland Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board Cookery Instructress, Wellington Education Board Teacher, Otago Education Board .. ,, Auckland Grammar School Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board £ s. 219 6 109 17 ■ 140 2 129 18 207 4 52 0 69 19 135 5 198 2 238 3 236 5 126 12 313 7 67 11 67 16 226 11 55 55 ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Otago Education Board „ Nelson Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Native school „ Otago Education Board .. ,, Auckland Education Board „ Canterbury Eduoation Board 55 55 „ Wellington Education Board. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, Wellington Technical College ,, Wellington Education Board 52 0 156 1 10 7 121 10 109 1 78 0 85 5 98 0 120 4 80 10 114 9 168 17 104 13 53 9 92 12 162 3 180 6 175 0 189 3 103 5 135 14 73 14 52 0 52 0 45 11 126 8 89 7 55 55 ,, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Southland. Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board 5 5 5 5 ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board 33 55 ,, Wellington Education Board Total (575 women) .. i 77,605 11 * Allowai Grand total (843) 149,553 14 ices granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928.



(ii) Allowances granted to Contributors under extended Provisions of Act.

Name. Occupation. ***** Bate of Allowance. .. Men. £ s. Adams, William . . .. I Teacher, Wanganui Education Board . . .. 195 18 Aldred, Frederick S. . . ,, Otago Education. Board .. .. .. 233 12 Auld, Jas. A. .. . . ,, Taranaki Education Board .. . . 249 6 Blackett, George .. . . ,, Auckland Education Board .. . . 126 12 Boswell, Edward B. B. . . ,, Nelson Education Board .. .. 1.17 19 Bryant, James T. .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. .. 115 17 Bull, John G. H. .. . . ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board . . . . 187 1 Burns, Trevethan .. .. ,, North Canterbury Education Board .. 159 7 Carrington, George W. .. ,, Otago Education Board . . . . . . 141 9 Clark, Charles W. . . .. „ Auckland Education Board .. . . 222 16 Clemance, Philip H. .. ,, Native school .. . . .. . . 78 2 Cron, William .. .. j ,, Wanganui Education Board . . . . 315 3 Darroch, Robert* .. .. ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 316 15 Dinneen,*John . • ■ . , Probation Officer, Education Department . . . . 11.2 10 Bason, Harry A. .. .. Teacher, Taranaki Education Board .. .. 150 12 Edridge, Edward .. .. j ,, Nelson Education Board .. .. 120 16 Ellis, Harold L. .. .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 195 4 English, Henry .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board . . .. 242 3 Evans, Albert II. .. .. ,, Wanganui Education Board .. .. 97 17 Fisher, John .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 150 13 Clifford, Arthur John . . ; Teacher, Nelson Education. Board . . .. I 130 13 Gill, Thomas H. .. .. Inspector of Secondary Schools .. .. .. ! 211 12 Colliding, Richard T. .. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 118 0 Grace, Charles W. .. . . ,, Native school .. .. .. . . 1.62 1.6 Graham, Charles H. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board . . .. 170 19 Gray, John A. .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. 125 19 Green, William .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 117 17 Grierson, James .. . . Inspector, ,, .... 174 5 Grigg, Albert .. .. Teacher, „ .... 33 15 Hamilton, Robt. J. ■■ „ „ .... 255 12 Hankin, Frederick S. M. .. ,, Wanganui Education Board .. .. 142 16 Harbidge, James .. .. ,, North Canterbury Education Board .. 110 17 Harre, John .. . . ,, Wanganui Education Board .. . . 106 4 Hayman, Frederick J. . . ,, Native school . . .. .. . . 156 3 Heine, Augustus .. .. ,, Wellington College .. . . 313 1 Hendry, James .. ... Inspector, Southland Education Board .. .. 308 17 Hicks, Charles . . . . Teacher, Canterbury Education Board . . . . 40 15 Hoddinott, Frederick W. .. ,, Southland Education Board .. .. 117 1 Holmes, Robert B. .. . . ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board . . . . 163 10 Honking, George F. C. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 221 4 Hughes, Thomas . . .. Inspector, North Canterbury Education Board .. 228 1.7 Humphreys, Joseph W. .. Teacher, Marlborough Education Board .. .. 110 18 limes, Joseph L. .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 224 8 Jackson, Joseph .. .. ,, Wellington Education Board. .. . . 234 11 Kelly, John T. . . .. „ Otago Education Board .. .. . . 138 4 Kennedy, William A. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board .. . . 266 13 Kidd, William W. .. .. Secretary, Auckland Grammar School Board .. 117 10 Kime, Percy .. .. Teacher, Wanganui Education Board .. . . 276 6 Landells, Robert .. .. ,, Taranaki Education Board .. . . 12 10 . Law, Henry .. .. ,, Native school .. .. .. . . 103 10 Lawrence, Basil K. S. .. ,. Christchurch Boys' High School . . . . 212 11 Le Cocq, Walter A.*t .. „ Auckland Education Board .. .. [178 12] Lee, Clement W. .. .. ,, Wellington Education Board . . . . 147 7 Lewins, William* .. .. „ Auckland Education Board ... .. 164 6 Lindsay, Alexander .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. . . 178 13 Macandrew, Colin . . .. Secretary, Otago High School Board .. .. 82 5 MoCosh, Samuel D... .. Teacher, Wanganui Education. Board .. .. 143 5 McDougall, Archibald W. .. Architect, Wellington Education Board .. .. 250 0 McFarlane, Henry .. .-. Teacher, ,, .. 89 9 McNeil, Duncan .. .. ,, Southland Education Board .. .. 384 2 Menzies, Peter .. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 184 17 Monteath, Thomas .. .. ,, Southland Education Board .. .. 110 13 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928. t Deceased before 31st January, 1928. Amount not included in total.


(ii) Allowances granted to Contributors under extended Provisions of Act —continued.


Name. Occupation. Annual Kate I of Allowance, Men —continued. £ i> Morgan, Richard .. .. Teacher, Taranaki Education Board . . . . 62 1 Neil), John . . . . Secretary, Southland Education Board . . . . 310 2 Ness, Philip J. .. .. „ ' Otago High School Board .. .. 175 10 Neve, Frederick .. .. Teacher, Seddon Memorial Technical College, Auckland 260 1 Officer, John .. ,, Southland Education Board .. .. j 116 15 Peart, Frederick B.. . .. ,, Nelson Education Board .. 134 8 Reid. George B. .. .. „ Auckland Education Board .. .. 102 11 Rust, Alexander M. . . „ „ .... 284 2 Scott, Robert . . Professor, Canterbury College . . . . ... 300 0 Simmers, George A. Teacher, Dannevirke High School Board .. .. 210 9 Smith, Edward .. ., ,, Southland Education Board .. .. 206 IS Smith, William B. .. . . ,, Taranaki Education Board . . . . j 224 7 Sturrock, David A. .. Inspector, Education Department .. .. 271 IS Sutherland, Frederick R. H. ,, Southland Education Board .. .. 148 18 Thomas, Algernon P. W. .. Professor, Auckland University College .. .. 189 6 Turkington, Samuel .. ; Teacher, Taranaki Education Board .. .. 110 0 Twose, Richard J. H. .. | ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 207 12 Walters, Edward H* . . „ Auckland Education Board .. .. 196 19 Warburton, Abel . . „ „ .. . . 70 0 Watson, Clement . . . . ,, Wellington Education Board . . . . 259 8 Watson, John .. .. ,, North Canterbury Education Board .. 132 11 Wells, Thomas U. .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 300 5 Wild, Herbert A. .. .. ,, Southland Education Board .. .. 88 IH Williamson, Alexander W. . . ,, Wellington Education Board . . 127 4 Williamson, John .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. .. 107 I Total (86 men) . . . . .. 14,969 7 Women. Ainsworth, Lilian .. .. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 10.1 18 Allen, Blanch I. .. . . ,, Nelson Education Board .. .. 55 3 Baker, Henrietta A.* . . „ Native school . . . . . . . . 68 4 Boyd, Margaret, Mrs. .. ! Matron. Hostel, Wanganui Girls'College .. .. 46 13 Coleman, Annie E., Mrs. .. Teacher, Nelson Education Board . . .. .. 32 1 I Downes, Louisa A. N. .. ,, Otago High School .. .. .. i 183 14 Gamage, Jessie, Mrs. .. ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 104 16 Gregg (nee Boyd), Annie* .. ,, Southland Education Board .. .. 198 14 Hanna, Sarah F., Mrs. . . ,, Wanganui Education Board . . . . 93 12 Hansen, Mary .. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 66 14 Hutton, Nellie L. I). . . Instructress, Dunedin Technical School . . . . 77 13 Laird, Ann .. .. Teacher, Nelson Education Board .. .. 88 6 Marryatt, Florence M. . . ,, Wellington Education Board . . 151 7 Mulcock (nee Cole), Amy Jane. ,, Canterbury Eduoation Board .. 128 10 Mrs. Pettit, Barbara M., Mrs. . . „ Nelson Education Board . . . . 75 3 Picken, Winifred . . . . ,, Auckland Grammar School . . . . 309 7 Stancombe, Mary, Mrs. .. i ,, Southland Education Board . . . . i 74 18 Talbot, Clara A. .. ..; „ Wellington Education Board .. ..' 30 19 Watt, Barbara M. . . . . j Lady Principal, Timaru Girls' High School . . .. I 302 15 White, Janet A. .. .. i Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. j 119 15 Whitelaw, Henty M., Mrs. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. . . Ill 4 Williams, Mary A. G., Mrs. .. | „ Native school . . . . . . . . I 32 8 Wilson, Hilda K., Mrs. . . j ., Auckland Education Board .. 80 2 i Total (23 women) .. .. 2,534 6 Grand total (109) .. .. .. 17,503 13 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928.


(ìii) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty.


Name. Occupation. Annual Rati! of Allowance Men. Allan, John M. .. Teacher, Otago Education Board .. .. Archey, Thomas .. .. Manager, Special School, Otekaike .. Baragwanath, John .. Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board .. j Bishoprick, Charles . . „ Auckland Education Board .. Browne, Montague H. . . Inspector, Technical Education, Education Department ! Bussed, Henry .. . . Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board .. ' Carnachan, William H. N. Accountant, Auckland Education Board .. .. j Carse, Harry . . . . Teacher, ,, .. Charles, Robert . . . . ,, North Canterbury Education Board Cooper, Charles .. . . „ Auckland Education Board Dalby, John S. .. .. „ North Canterbury Education Board Darby, Edward. J. .. . . „ Auckland Education Board Dean, James .. . . ,, ,, .. .. ! Draffin, William H. . . „ „ .... Elmsley, Frederick .. . . ,, ,, Everton, Frederick C. . . ,, ,, .... Ewart, Edmund 0... ,, Hawke's Bay Eduoation Board Feist, Adolph M. . . „ Wellington Education Board Ferguson, Daniel .. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board . . Foley, Hugh M. . . . . ,, Auckland Education Board Gapper, Bernard R.* . . ,, Nelson Education Board. .. Goodall, Alexander . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Goodeve, Henry E. .. ,, South Canterbury Education Board Gow, James G. .. . . Inspector, Education Department Graham, Walter B. . . Teacher, Otago Education Board Grant, Henry A. .. . . ,, North Canterbury Education Board Gray, Joseph H. .. . . ,, Wanganui Education Board Gregory, Frederick W.* .. ,, Wellington Education Board Hall, William A. .. ,, Nelson Education Board Harrison, Thomas .. , ,, Otago Education Board Harrison, Thomas C. . . ,, ,, .. .. Harvey, George .. . . ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board Hockin, Harry .. .. ,, Auckland. Education Board Honore, Jacob .. . . ,, Wanganui Education Board . . Kennedy, John S. .. . . ! ,, Canterbury Education Board .. Kirby, Alban M. .. .. ,, Otago Education Board Kirkpatriok, William D. .. ,, Canterbury Education 'Board .. Kysh, Frederick W. .. ,, Auckland Education Board Lea, Albert G. .. . . ,, Southland Education Board Lisle, Frank* .. . . ,, Native school Lorking, Walter H... . . ,, Auckland Education Board Lowe, Francis E. .. . . ,, ,, McGallan, Thomas G. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Marr, Thomas M. .. . . ,, North Canterbury Education Board. Mason, Herbert .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board. May, Thomas L. .. .. „ ,, Marshall, Patrick .. . . Principal, Wanganui College Meiklejohn, James T. . . Teacher, Auckland Education Board Merrie, Thomas .. .. ,, Wanganui Education Board Meyenberg, Arthur M. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Miller, James . . . . ,, Hawke's Bay Eduoation Board . . . . \ Moodie, Bedford P.. . . . ,, Canterbury Education Board . . . . ! Moor, William J. .. . . ,, Auckland Education Board Morland, Charles J. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board Nisbot, Robert J. .. .. „ Native school Ormiston, Edward. N. ,, Auckland Education Board Perry, Arthur M. . . . . ,, ,, Petrie, George .. . . ,, North Canterbury Education Board Pilkington, John J.. . ... ' ,, Wellington Education Board Pope, Robert James . . ,, ,, .... Reid, Robert Thomas . . ,, Auckland Education Board Rice, John H. . . .. ., Taranaki Education Board £ s. 197 13 232 19 52 0 285 10 267 7 52 0 253 7 87 9 51 9 114 5 52 0 106 2 314 4 153 13 113 6 144 15 180 9 98 2 262 4 99 1 204 9 154 14 1.22 .1.2 341 19 327 1 140 0 271 18 194 8 208 14 149 11 52 0 350 18 210 2 115 9 144 13 ' 129 11 152 15 152 8 201 0 103 6 52 0 166 16 228 18 52 0 85 4 130 3 300 0 198 2 120 7 96 10 134 17 137 I. 236 10 153 19 155 4 197 19 144 18 159 3 126 2 277 11 191 6 104 2 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928.


(iii) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty —continued.

4—E. 8.


Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. Men —continued. Seay, Wm. N. Shepard, Henry Simmers, James M.. . Smith, Edward Walton, William Waygood, James E. White, George H. . . Wilkinson, Henry R. Williams, Henry Wilson, Tom Teacher, Canterbury Eduoation Board ,, Southland Education Board Principal, Dannevirke High School Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Christchurch Boys' High School . . ,, Auckland Education Board ,, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board £ s. 326 14 164 2 427 13 52 0 249 7 124 9 129 12 148 5 192 2 193 0 Women. Alexander, Anne E. Alexander, Elizabeth M. Atkinson, Mary E. .. Auld, Mabel, Mrs. Austin, Christina, Mrs. Baker, Sybil E. Barker, Meta Beckingsale, Lucy Bing, Louisa E. Black, Hilda Bland, Eliza J., Mrs. Brigden, Sarah E., Mrs. Chapman, Lucy Charles, Mary Jane Cromb, Grace C, Mrs. Cullen, Gladys* Dempsey, Hectorine E. Ecclesheld, Isabel Evans, Fanny Findlay, Sylvia Gilbert, Elizabeth A. J., Mrs. Grant, Elsie D. Gray, Catherine Hill, Charlotte J. .. Hughes, Alice M. .. Hunt, Ellen N. I. M., Mrs. . . Joyce, Blanche Kean, Euphemia R. Kelly, Elizabeth Lavery, Mary S. Lea, Mary E. Levert, Minnie L. .. Lilley, Helen McEachen, Marie A. Mcintosh, Emily M. McKay, Elizabeth Meek, Ada M. Morrison, Catherine A. Paul, Susan B. Peat, Janet H., Mrs. Pope, Josephine M. J.* Ray, Josephine Reed, Amelia D. .. Riordan, Annie W. Robertson, Isabella M. Scott, Elizabeth A. Smith, Esther E., Mrs. Steven, Martha Total (72 men) 12.300 19 Teacher, Canterbury Education Board Nelson Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Grey Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Wanganui Girls' College Board ,, Christchurch Girls' High School . . ,, Nelson Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Otago High School Board ,, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Wellington Girls' College Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Canterbury Education. Board 55 J» ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board 55 55 „ Southland Education Board ,, Native school ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Nelson Girls' College Principal, New Plymouth High School Teacher, Otago Education Board .. ,, Southland Education. Board. ,, Nelson Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Wellington Education. Board ,, Nelson Education Board ,, Otago Education Board " | • • • • ! ■ ■ i 114 7 70 0 82 10 109 5 77 0 78 1 85 1 83 15 118 19 40 17 65 15 52 0 78 15 39 1.8 60 10 124 15 55 14 63 12 109 5 52 19 39 15 85 19 67 4 52 0 162 14 78 2 85 16 38 5 86 6 27 3 52 0 56 17 112 8 1.36 15 188 18 52 0 114 5 81 6 52 0 52 0 142 8 52 0 94 18 90 15 154 9 67 12 124 0 i 108 7 * Allowai tee granted during the year ended 31st January, 192S.



(iii) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty —continued.

(iv) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants.

Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. Women —con tinned. Stewart, Mary A. . . Sweetman, Isabella, Mrs. Thomson, Ellen Thomson, Mary M., Mrs. Todd, Eliza T. Waugh, Agnes, Mrs. Webber, Jane Young, Alice, Mrs. .. Teacher, Auckland Education Board ,, Grey Eduoation Board ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board. ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Native school £ s. 90 10 36 7 72 17 184 10 102 5 186 10 142 13 69 15 Total (56 women) 4,904 7 * Allowai Grand, total (128) 17,205 6 uce granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928.

Widows. Occupation of Deceased Contributors. Annual Rate of Allowance. Ambrose, Mary S., Mrs.* .. Teacher, Otago, Education Board . . Adamson, Margaret, Mrs. . . ,, ,, Anderson, Helen, Mrs. .. ,, Wellington Education Board Appleby, Hannah, Mrs. . . ,, Otago Education Board Bannerman, Marg., Mrs. .. „ ,, Barnett, Laura, Mrs. .. ,, ,, Barrowclough, Hannah, Mrs. ,, Wellington Education Board Bedford, Ellen, Mrs. . . Professor, Otago University Bedford, Fanny E., Mrs. . . Teacher, Auckland Education Board Bell, Yetti, M., Mrs. . . Professor, Otago University Bennett, Mary R., Mrs. .. Teacher, Otago Education Board Berry, Alice M., Mrs. .. ,, North Canterbury Education Board Best, Beatrice E., Mrs. .. ,, Wellington Education Board Bevan-Brown, Annie, Mrs. .. ,, Canterbury College Board Blair, Mary J., Mrs. .. ,, Otago Education Board Bolton, Florence H., Mrs.* .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board Bonthron Kathleen F. R., Mrs. ,, Auckland Eduoation Board Booth, Lucy W., Mrs. Bowler, Alice, Mrs. . . „ Wellington Education Board Bramley. Charlotte, Mrs. . . ,, North Canterbury Education Board Brenmer, Isabella, S., Mrs. .. ,, Otago Education Board Brennard, Eleanor W., Mrs. . . ,, Auckland Grammar School Board .. Broderick, Jessie, Mrs. .. ,, Native school Broughton, Esther, Mrs. Brown, Iris M. I. V., Mrs. . . Instructor, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. Brownlce, Lilian G, Mrs. .. Teacher, Marlborough Education Board Bullock, Julia W., Mrs. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board Barnard, Alice, Mrs. . . ,, Otago Eduoation Board Burns, Ruby M., Mrs. .. Inspector, Education. Department Bush, Margaret R., Mrs. .. Teacher, Native school Butcher, Elizabeth M., M''s. .. ,, Taranaki Education Board Campbell, Catherine, Mrs. . . „ ,, Campbell, Jane E., Mrs. .. ,, Auckland Education Board Carson, Annie E., Mrs. .. Clerk, Wanganui Education Board Carter, Caroline J., Mrs. .. Inspector, Education Department Chesney, Jane B., Mrs. '. . Teacher, Otago Education Board Clark, Kate, Mrs. . . .. „ ,, Closs, Jane, Mrs. . . .. ,, ,, £ s. 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 /31 0 \ 5 4 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 3! 0 31 0 31 0 J * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928.


E— 8

(iv) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants —continued.

Widows. Occupation of .Deceased Contributor. Annual Rate of Allowance. Cooper, Eliza C, Mrs. Cronin, Mary J., Mrs. Curry, Mabel, Mrs. Dickie, Clara E., Mrs. Downey, Julia, Mrs.* Edwards, Winifred, Mrs. Evans, Margaret A. T„ Mrs. Fannin, Martha, Mrs. Ferguson, Henrietta, Mrs. Fowler, Jane M., Mrs.* Freeman, Mary A., Mrs. French, Annie M., Mrs. Gates, Clara, Mrs. Geissler, Ida P., Mrs. Gilbert, Annie, Mrs. Gillman, Emma,, Mrs. Glanville, Theresa, Mrs. Gloy, Margaret, Mrs. Goulding, Vera F., Mrs. Gow, Annie, Mrs. Goyen, Emilie H., Mrs.* Grant, Annie E., Mrs. Greenwood, Margaret, Mrs. .. Gubb, Laura J., Mrs. Hames, Sarah, Mrs. Hanna, Henrietta, Mrs. Harding, Agnes R., Mrs. Hardy, Katherine M., Mrs. .. Hart, Sara, Mrs. Hawkes, Christina J., Mrs. .. Henderson, Gertrude M., Mrs. Hogben, Emily F., Mrs. Hoggans, Jean M., Mrs.* Hogwood, Mary E. A., Mrs. .. Howell, Annie M., Mrs. Hyde, Mildred W. K., Mrs. . . Jackson, Muriel D., Mrs. J cilery, Annie, Mrs. Jenkins, Juliet R., Mrs. Johnston, Margaret, Mrs. Jones, Jane H., Mrs. Judkins, Anne, Mrs. Kane, Elizabeth F, Mrs.* . . Kerr, Catherine S., Mrs. Kerr, Elizabeth, Mrs. Koller, Frances H., Mrs. La Prelle, Ellen, Mrs.* Law, Ruby Clare, Mrs. Lea, Mary R., Mrs. Le Cocq, Mary F., Mrs.* Look, Bertha R., Mrs. Lucas, Gertrude F., Mrs. Lupton, Harriet G., Mrs. Lynam, Ellen, Mrs. Lyon, Lillian C, Mrs. Lyttle, Catherine R., Mrs. Maber, Grace M., Mrs. Macan, Agnes, Mrs. Macandrew, Elizabeth., Mrs. . . McChesney, Ethel M., Mrs. . . McClelland, Elizabeth J., Mrs. McClure, Agnes, Mrs. Janitor, Otago University Teacher, Auckland Education Board ,, Wanganui Eduoation Board ,, Canterbury Education Board. ,, Native school ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Otago Education Board Principal, Nelson Boys' College Teacher, Wellington. Education Board Caretaker, Canterbury College Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ,, Native school ,, Auckland Education Board ,, North Canterbury Education. Board £ 31 31 31 31 31. 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 3.1 31 31. 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 3L 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31. 31 s. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 55 ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Marlborough High School Board ,, Taranaki Education Board Inspector, Otago Education Board Teacher, Taranaki Education Board ,, Native school .. ,, Nelson Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board Physical Instructor, Otago Education Board Teacher, Wellington Education Board 55 55 ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Canterbury Eduoation Board ,, Taranaki Education Board Director of Education Teacher, Otago Education Board .. ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board Visiting Officer, Education Department Teacher, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Wellington Education Board Caretaker, Auckland University College Teacher, Auckland Education Board ,, Native school ,, Auckland Education Board ,, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Auckland Education Board 55 }, » ,, Southland Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board Principal, Whangarei High School Janitor, Napier High School Teacher, Native school . . ... ,, Southland Education Board ,, Hawke's Bay Eduoation Board ,, Southland Education Board 55 55 ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board uce granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928. * Allowai



(iv) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants —continued.

Widows. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. Annual Rate of Allowance. MoCullough, Kate, Mrs. McDonald, Christina J., Mrs. McGavin, Jesse, Mrs. Mclntyre, Isabella, Mrs. McKinnon, Grace, Mrs. Macky, Ethel J., Mrs. Macky, Isabella M., Mrs. McLaren, Isabella, Mrs.* Malcolm, Elizabeth, Mrs. McMillan, Evelyn E., Mrs. . . McSporran, Jessie G., Mrs. . . Marsden, Vera, Mrs. Marshall, Louisa J., Mrs. Mason, Margaret 11. P., Mrs. Mathews, Laura J., Mrs.* Matthews, Ada C, Mrs.* Mayne, Ada, Mrs* Mayo, Eliza Florence, Mrs. . . Mehaffy, Beatrice E., Mrs. . . Mehaffey, Violet A., Mrs. Menzies, Grace, Mrs. Menzies, Jessie A., Mrs. Millar, Elizabeth, Mrs. Millard, Agnes U., Mrs.* Miller, Ellen M., Mrs. Miller, Margaret A., Mrs. Moore, Margaret R., Mrs. Morgan, Gertrude, Mrs. M/irrow, Mary S., Mrs. Mossman, Leila E., Mrs. Mounsey, A. B., Mrs. Murphy, Annie, Mrs. Murray, Sarah L. . . O'Connor, Jean T., Mrs. Ogg, Elsie, Mrs. Opie, Bertha E., Mrs. Osborn, Ethel, Mrs. Patrick, Margaret S. E., Mrs. Petrie, Mary, Mrs. Phillipps, Amy, Mrs. Pole, Alice, Mrs. Potts, Rosamond, Mrs. Pridham, Mary R., Mrs.* Pryde, Maria E., Mrs. Quartermain, Annie R., Mrs. Rice, Emily, Mrs. Robbie, Edith E., Mrs. Rockel, Annie L., Mrs. Schmidt, Catherine, Mrs. Selby, Emma, Mrs. Shand, Annie, Mrs. Sinclair, E. M. G, Mrs. Small, Elizabeth, Mrs. Smith, Elizabeth, Mrs. Smith, Harriet, Mrs. Smith, Jemima B., Mrs. Somerville, Fannie, Mrs. Stevens, Dora S., Mrs. Stewart, Frances, Mrs. Stewart, Julia, Mrs. Stout, Margaret, Mrs. Strack, Clara E., Mrs.* Teacher, Otago High School Board ,, Otago Eduoation Board . . ,, Native school ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Southland High School Board ,, Auckland Education Board Accountant, Auckland Education Board Teacher, Otago Education Board 55 55 .... ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Canterbury Eduoation Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Otago Education. Board . . ,, Wanganui Education Board Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Nelson Education Board ,, Southland Education Board 55 55 ,, Otago Education Board ,', South Canterbury Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Southland Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Nelson College . . ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board ,, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Otago Education Board Inspector, Auckland Education Board Teacher, Wellington Education. Board ,, North. Canterbury Education Board ,, Taranaki Eduoation Board ,, Now Plymouth High School Board Secretary, Otago Education Board Teacher, Canterbury Education Board Secretary, Auckland Education Board Teacher, Wanganui Education Board £ 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 3.1 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 s. 0 0 0 t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 55 Architect, North Canterbury Education Board Teacher, Southland Education Board Professor, Otago University Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board Inspector, Wellington Education Board Teacher, Otago Education Board „ Auckland. Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, North Canterbury Education Board Inspector, Auckland Education Board Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ,, Taranaki Education Board * Allowai ice granted during the year ended 3ist January, 1928.



(iv) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants —continued.

(v) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants.

Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. Talbot, Olivia, A., Mrs. Taylor, Daisy K., Mrs. Tegner, Clara, Mrs. Templer, Amelia A. M. A., Mrs. Thomas, Mary C, Mrs. Thomas, Mary E., Mrs. Thompson, Annie E., Mrs. Tobin, Laura, Mrs. Tomlinson, Alice E., Mrs. Trevithick, Annie L., Mrs. Turner, Ann, Mrs. Turner, Gertrude K., Mrs. Tyrer, Maria J., Mrs. Vereker-Bindon, Lila, Mrs. . . Vos, Lavinia, Mrs. Wade, Mary, Mrs. Walker. Ann E., Mrs. Walsh, Ada F., Mrs. Watt, Elizabeth, Mrs. Welsh, Constance E. A., Mrs. White, Rebecca, Mrs. Wilding, Mary, Mrs. Wilson, Emma F., Mrs. Winchester, Winifred, Mrs. . . Winfield, Elizabeth E., Mrs. . . Withell, Sarah, Mrs. Wood, Jessie, Mrs. Woodham, Louisa, Mrs. Worsley, Emily M., Mrs.* .. Worsley, Martha, Mrs. Yeats, Jane R., Mrs. Young, Annie L., Mrs. Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Taranaki. Education Board Janitor, Otago University Teacher, Taranaki Eduoation Board ,, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Native school ,, Canterbury Eduoation Board ,, Auckland Grammar School Board ,, Otago Education Board . . ,, Auckland Grammar School Board ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board Assistant Inspector of Industrial Schools Teacher, Auckland. Education Board 55 55 ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Native school ,, Canterbury Board ,, Taranaki Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board 55 55 55 55 „ Auckland Education Board '5 33 * • ,, Wellington Education Board ,, Southland Eduoation Board ,, Otago Education Board £ s. 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 o 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31. 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 ("31 0 \ 7 19 Young, Mary A., Mrs. * Allow; Total (195) .. 6,058 3 .nee granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928.

Name. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. Annual Rate of Allowance. Boys. Teacher, Otago Education Board . . ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board ,, Otago Education Board . Professor, Otago University £ 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Adamson, Ross Algie, Donald C. Anderson, Lloyd G. Appleby, Graham B. Bedford, John D. . . Bell, Arthur E. Bell, James G. Burnett, John W. . . Burnett, William A. Burnett, Wilson A. Bush, Allan J. S. Bush, Leonard J. S. Curry, Roy G. Foster, Cyril W. . . Foster, Jack A. Foster, Robert I). .. 55 55 ' ' ■ ■ 5) 5 5 Teacher, Auckland Education Board 5) 55 ,, Native school 55 55 ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Canterbury Education Board 55 55 >> >>


(v) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants —continued.


Name. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. Annual Rate of Allowance. Boys —continued. £ Gibson, Sydney W. .. Teacher, Taranaki Education Board .. .. 26 Gilbert, Daniel J. .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 26 Gubb, Athol L. .. . . ,, Nelson Education Board .. .. 26 Henderson, Cedrio L. .. : „ Taranaki Education Board .. .. 26 Henderson, Douglas V. .. \ ,, ,, .. .. 26 Henderson, Ian M. .. .. ,, ,, .. .. 26 Hoggans, Robert D. . . ■ „ Otago Eduoation Board .. .. .. 26 Hoggans, Alexander IS. . . ; ,, ,, .. .. 26 Keane, Verdun J. . . .. j ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 26 Le Cocq, Alfred .. .. ,, Auckland Eduoation Board .. .. 26 Lucas, Herbert K. . . .. „ Canterbury Education Board .. .. 26 Mclntyre, Alastair II. . . „ „ .. .. 26 McLennan, Ian . . . . ,, Hawkes' Bay Education Board . . . . ! 26 McMillan, Bryan I). .. I ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 26 McSporran, Ian G. . . .. | ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 26 McSporran, Robert G. . . ! „ „ . . . . i 26 Massey, Claremont W. .. j ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. I 26 Nicolson, John . . .. Inspector, Education. Department . . . . 26 Opie, Brian C. .. .. Director, Palmerston North Technical School .. ! 26 Opie, Charles M. . . ' • ■ Teacher, Canterbury Education Board . . .. 26 Opie, Harold J. . . .. i Director, Palmerston North Technical School . . 26 Pratt, Walter J. .. .. Teacher, Auckland Eduoation Board .. .. 26 Pratt, Wm. T. A. .. „ „ .... 26 Rapson, Harold J. . . .. ,, ,. . . . . 26 Rendell, Keith 0. . . • • „ „ • ■ • • 26 Rendell, Griffen M. • ■ „ „ .... 26 Robertson, Douglas B. . . ,, Wanganui Technical School . . . . 26 Skelton, Anthony W.* .. ,, Taranaki Education Board . . .. I 26 Stout, Francis W. M. . . ,, Canterbury Education Board . . .. 26 Thomas, Norman II. .. ,, Native school. . . .. .. . . 26 Thompson, Garnett G. .. ,, ,, . . . . .. .. 26 Wade, Robert H. .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. .. 26 Wilding, Leslie*! .. .. „ Native School .. .. .. 26 Total (49 boys) .. .. j 1,274 .... Girls. Adamson, Jeannie . . .. Teacher, Otago Education Board .. .. . . 26 Baillie, Annie S. . . .. Instructor, Southland Technical School . . . . 26 Beattie, Margaret G. .. Teacher, Wellington Education Board .. .. 26 Bedford, Margaret II. .. Professor, Otago University . . .. .. 26 Bell, Kathleen H. . . .. „ „ . . . . .. 26 Best, Nola .. .. Teacher, Wellington Education Board .. .. 26 Brennard, Gwendolyn M. . . ,, Auckland Grammar Schoo . . . . 26 Brown, Jean V. .. .. , Nelson Eduoation Board .. .. 26 Buchler, Mildred J.. . .. ,, Otago Education Board .. . . .. 26 Buchler, Edna M. . . .. „ „ .. .. .. 26 Burns, Marie K. . . .. Inspector, Education Department .. .. 26 Bush, Barbara J. S. .. Teacher. Native school .. . . . . .. 26 Carson, Joyce B. . . .. Clerk, Wanganui Education Board. .. .. 26 Clark, Agnes M. H. .. Teacher, Southland Education Board .. .. 26 Curry, Joan . . .. ,, Wanganui Education Board . . . . 26 Foster, Hazel M. .. .. „ Canterbury Education Board . . . 26 Foster, Joyce M. . . .. ,, „ .. . . 26 Gibson, Erina E. J. .. ,, Taranaki Education Board .. .. 26 Goulding, Jeanne H. .. ,, Marlborough High School Board .. .. 26 Gubb, Joyce K. . . .. ,, Nelson Education Board . . . . 26 Gubb, Marion S. .. .. ,, ,, .. .. 26 Gubb, Winifred L. .. „ „ .. .. 26 Hoggans, Jean B. .. .. ,, Otago Eduoation Board .. .. .. 26 Keane, Patricia M. .. .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 26 Kelly, Mairin M. .. .. „ Eduoation Department .. .. .. 26 Le Cocq, Edith M. .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 26 I * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1928. f From 14/2/22.



(v) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants —continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (970 copies), £52.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92B.

Price 9d,

Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. Girls —continued. McClure, Moira N., McKenzie, Margaret E. Moore, Margaret I. . . Morrow, Mary Tait Opie, Florence L. . . Opie, Betty W. Opie, Margaret 0. V. Pratt, Elizabeth Rohan, Marjorie D. Small, Aimee M. Small, Valmai Smith, Elizabeth B. Stewart Alwyn E. Talbot, Mary L. .. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Nelson College .. ,, Canterbury Education Board £ 26 55 55 ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Auckland Grammar School ,, Taranaki Education Board 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 ,, Otago Education Board . . Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Canterbury Education Board Total (40 girls) 1,040 Grand total (89) 2,314

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EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, E-08

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EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, E-08

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, E-08

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