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E.~ 6


EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1927.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

C () N T E NTS. Tage Page 1. Report of the Chief Inspeotor of Secondary 2. Detailed Tables, etc.— continued. Schools .. .. .. .. ..2 Secondary Schools —oontmued. 2. Detailed Tables, etc. :— K8 - Pa yments of Seoondary Sohools .. 16 Secondary Schools,- K9 ' I™>me and Expenditure of Hostels .. 18 Personnel of Staffs of Secondary Sohools .. i X 10. and Expenditure of Hortela per Kl. Some particulars relating to Secondary X v Balanoea and other ' Moneta i Education, 1926 and 1927 .. .. 9 and Liabilities .. .. ..20 K2. Roll Average Attendance, Free Pupils Kl2. Lower Departments .. ..21 of Secondary Schools, and Ages of r Pupils .. .. .. ..10 K3. Years of Attendance of Pupils and District High Schools, Secondary Departments— Numbers commencing Secondary Education .. .. 11 1. R°H> Average Attendance, Erea Pupils, T , , ' ~ . , ~ , „ , and Ages of Pupils .. ..21 K4. Incidental Expenses of Seoondary ° Schools .. 12 Li 2. Years of Attendance of Pupils and „. ~ ~ . « ',' . i ! -„ Numbers commencing Sooondary K5. National Scholarships .. ..12 Education 22 K6. Pupils boarding away from Home .. 13 L 3 Sub] - eots uken by Pupils in aeootldary K7. Receipts of Secondary Schools .. 14 Departments of District High Schools 22

I—E. 6.



1. ANNUAL EEPOET OF THE CHIEF INSPECTOR OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Sir,— Wellington, 14th June, 1928. I have the honour to present the report for the year 1927. So far as inspection work is concerned, this has proceeded on much the same linos as hitherto. Advantage was taken, however, of a complete and unchanged inspectorate to attempt to convert the previous triennial round of full inspections into a biennial one by visiting in the earlier half of the year as many as nineteen of the secondary schools, ten in the North and nine in the South Island. All but four of the forty-one secondary schools have now heen fully inspected within the past two years. At various times during the year opportunity was also taken to inspect thirteen of the private registered secondary schools. The number of these schools has grown considerably in the past few years—from nineteen in 1920 to thirty-nine in 1927 —and several of them have developed into comparatively large schools of from 200 to 300 pupils. It is obvious that more time will need to be set aside in. the future for supervising the work in the private schools. Many of them arc doing quite good work on their own chosen lines, but others, owing chiefly to cramped conditions and meagre roll numbers, are doing little more than just struggling along, and are providing a narrow and mediocre type of education. Reference was made in the last report to the initiation of a system whereby the secondary school Inspectors have been enabled to visit the secondary departments of district high schools. It was felt that by this means a closer correlation between the two types of post-primary sohools might be obtained and that the district-high-school teacher might be brought into closer touch with secondary-school methods and aims. The benefits derived from the system in its first year of operation were undoubtedly such as to justify its continuance. During the past year its application has been somewhat improved by visiting the whole, or nearly all, of the district high schools in one education district at a time, in this way a more accurate estimate has been obtained of the methods followed in a district than by visiting odd schools when opportunity served. The majority of the district high schools in the Auckland, Taranaki, and Nelson Districts, some twenty-three in all, were thus visited during the first half of the year and round-table conferences subsequently held with district Inspectors. The discussions at these conferences were found most helpful to both groups of Inspectors, and there is every reason to continue with the procedure in the future. In this connection 1 should like to express my appreciation of the willing co-operation of the district Inspectors in the various centres. The sittings of the Classification Appeal Board were attended in April. The Board met in Wellington and Dunedin only. Of the nine appeals lodged, three were disallowed by the Board and six were withdrawn. The attendance of one or more of the Inspectors was also required at Appeal Courts sitting in Wellington, Gisborne, and Invercargill. These Courts are specially constituted for the purpose of hearing appeals by teachers against dismissal or reduction in grade of position by the employing Boards. It is noteworthy that these three appeals were the first of this nature to be lodged by secondary-school teachers since 1918. The latter portion of the year was, as usual, devoted almost entirely to investigating the standard of candidates recommended for senior free places and for leaving-certificates, and to the classification of assistant teachers. For those purposes each of the forty-one departmental schools was visited between July and November. The practice hitherto followed of setting a number of simple written tests to the free-place candidates was abandoned last year in all but a few instances and the Principals' recommendations were accepted, as a rule, without any appreciable amendment when once, the Inspectors were satisfied that the general standard of the Fourth Form work was adequately satisfactory. In other words, the accrediting system has been applied more unreservedly than in the past. Whether the larger measure of freedom and responsibility accorded to Principals will make any appreciable difference in the proportion of candidates obtaining senior free places by recommendation remains to be seen when the new procedure has been given a few years' trial. The number of senior free places obtained on recommendation by candidates from departmental secondary schools was 2,992 in 1927, as compared with 2,563 in 1926. The total number of candidates eligible for recommendation rose at the same time from 4,140 to 4,397. In the past the Department has been faced annually with the inconvenience and the cost of examining large numbers —some hundreds in the aggregate—of weak candidates for senior free places who had not the remotest chance of passing the Intermediate Examination. With a view to reducing the number of such obviously useless entries an entrance fee of 10s, was instituted last year and is now required from all candidates who fail to obtain their Principal's recommendation. The same fee, it may be added, is paid by candidates in the Intermediate Examination who are not using it for the purpose of obtaining senior free places — i.e., by candidates from, private secondary schools. It is interesting to note that though the number of candidates from departmental schools who actually sat the examination fell from 1,010 in 1926 to 736 in 1927, yet the number who wore successful in obtaining senior free places by passing the examination fell from 157 to 140 only. It is obvious, therefore, that the imposition of the entrance fee has accomplished what it was hoped to do without inflicting hardship upon the mass of candidates. The abnormal rate of increase in the number of awards of higher leaving-certificates, referred to in the last report, has not been maintained ; only 648 were issued to secondary-school pupils at the close of the year, 69 of them going to pupils from registered private schools, whereas the corresponding


numbers in 1926 were 713 and 76. The number of lower leaving-certificates issued also fell from 110 to 54. Considering the little real use to which the lower certificates can at present be put, the latter set of figures is not at all surprising. The situation with regard to staffing problems has been easier than for many years past. The improvement is due partly to the steady increase in the number of young teachers offering for secondary work, and partly to the comparatively small increase in the roll numbers of secondary schools in 1927— a reflex, no doubt, of the financial depression in. several districts. Whilst the aggregate roll number of secondary pupils increased by approximately 1,700 in 1926, it rose only by 450 in 1927. In several schools, as a matter of fact, the roll actually fell, and it became necessary in a few instances to dispense with the services of a teacher. It was only natural that in these somewhat abnormal circumstances even the remote schools were able to fill vacancies satisfactorily. Though a majority of the teachers entering the Service last year had passed through a training college, there is undoubtedly still much room for improvement so far as the technical equipment of our young entrants is concerned. Nearly 20 per cent, of them have had no previous training or classroom experience whatsoever. It is gratifying to note, however, that an increasing number of secondary schools have afforded opportunities to senior training-college students for observation, and practice. From personal observation one can testify to the excellent work being accomplished in some of the schools under this system, and it is confidently expected that its utility will ensure its continuance until a more comprehensive scheme for the training of secondary-school teachers is evolved. The position with regard to school curricula remains much as formerly. Apart from those schools to which junior high schools are attached, only a few have had an opportunity within the past year of broadening their curricula in the direction of giving more prominence to the manual arts and crafts on the one hand, and to the more assthetic but less utilitarian subjects on the other. It is not to be inferred that Principals or Boards are, as a rule, reluctant to organize courses on the lines suggested ; but, the need for comparatively costly equipment and the difficulty of obtaining properly qualified instructors who are capable of assisting with the ordinary secondary subjects present very real obstacles. It may be noted, however, that, out of the twenty-seven boys' or mixed secondary schools, seventeen of them were last year teaching woodwork and eight of them metalwork also. In some of these it must be admitted that only a limited amount was taught. So far as the aesthetic side; is concerned, more definite, though slow, progress has been made, especially in the girls' schools ; the subject of drawing, for example, is now being given greater prominence on the time-table in many schools. Five boys' schools, three mixed, and one girls' school now have full-time art teachers on their staffs, whilst in two other instances two schools share full-time teachers between them. At least two other girls' schools were to appoint full-time art and handcraft specialists at the commencement of 1928. So far as the actual teaching of the usual class-room subjects is concerned, it may confidently be claimed that our secondary-school teachers continue to improve both in equipment and technique. In French, for example, it is now quite exceptional to find a novice who has not been trained in pronunciation, and who has not some idea at least of beginning the subject on modern lines. Some teachers, however, do not yet realize the necessity of thorough and accurate knowledge being acquired by the pupils in the early stages, and there is still a certain proportion of pupils who appear to be gaining no fresh ground in their second year. With regard to a certain number of these a grave question arises as to their aptitude for any foreign language. Though the percentage of pupils learning Latin and French has continued to fall slowly but steadily in the past few years—by 5 per cent, in the case of Latin and by 3 per cent, in the case of French in eight years —yet there is undoubted need for some system of testing out and discovering those who will never make anything of such studies. In connection with French also it may be pointed out that our present system of postponing the commencement of post-primary studies to a comparatively late age places our pupils at a certain disadvantage with regard to text-books. Almost all those written on the most modern lines are designed for pupils beginning the language between eight and ten years of age, and consequently appear childish to our secondary pupils of thirteen or fourteen. This is admittedly a minor point, but to the less-skilled teachers at least the assistance of a suitable text-book is a matter of considerable importance. Continued attention is being given in all secondary schools to the teaching of English literature, and the old-fashioned formal study of a poem or play has almost entirely disappeared. Need, however, still exists for development of expression on the part of the pupils, and especially in oral expression ; in connected and reasoned speech ; in expressive and interpretative reading ; and, on occasions, in drama. In the more formal aspects of English there is a general recognition among secondary teachers that the grammar taught should be of the universal kind underlying the expression of thought in all language, and not the collection of elaborate definitions and logical puzzles so dear to the old pedantic type of teacher. The " Memorandum on the Teaching of English," recently republished by the Cambridge University Press, has been welcomed by many of our teachers as an inspiriting commendation of the methods they themselves have been following more or less closely in the past few years. To those teachers who are unacquainted with the booklet its perusal is unreservedly recommended. It is not proposed to discuss in detail the standard of teaching in each of the subjects, nor the efficacy or suitability of the methods employed in the various schools. Suffice it to say that the Inspectors have again found, as in the past, that both Principals and assistants are, in the vast majority of cases, alive to modern tendencies and anxious to investigate the possibilities of better methods and better programmes. In conclusion, 1 have again to express my appreciation of the loyal and zealous co-operation of my colleagues. I have, &c, E. J. Parr, Chief Inspector of Secondary Schools. The Director of Education.




SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1927.


Name. Grade. _i a 01 O ■S 2 8 S °« il_? Position S a c "_! c in >. d C __ School. -Sx-% S%a a a - a a.2 _» o o *-" Name. I |H V J_ o 01 0 Grade. > j 5 1 d o gg '% Si _i_ Position in School. 3 a m .a =1.1 §-!_.• la* >>S £'7-8 S_Sf- 2$ a a rt ,-. ri c .2 3 -- O o & h Whang iab.ui H So 1HOOL. AUCKLAND GlELS' GbAMMAR SCHOOL. £ 740 500 500 435 105 350 275 275 200 260 245 354 276 £ 60 70 40 40 40 40 40 40 __ £ £ 610 408 408 £ Charters, A. B., M.A. .. Smith, H. E. G. Given, W. A., M.A. .. Dunn, S. B., M.A. Bird, D. D. A., B.A. .. McKenzio, 1. F., M.A... Wilson, CO Glanville, W. J. Britland, J. J. G., B.Sc-. Miller, L. G., B.A. Aim, E. J. .. Haselden, Miss E., M.A. Marshall, Miss E. F. S., B.Sc. in H.Sc. Carroll, Miss IS. A., M.A. McLean, Miss M. H., M.A. Moncrier_,Miss.J.L.,B.A. B A A C C 1) c I) 1) D A C A A B B 0 s D D D B C Principal Assistant " ,, 30 Johnston, Miss E. M | .. Principal 610 Dive, Miss M. A., B.A. A A Assistant 408 Macdonald, Miss E. E., A A „ 408 B.A. Edgerlev, Miss K. V., A A „ 396 M.A." Heap, Mrs. S. .. B B „ 354 Uhlmann, Miss J. L. .. B B „ 354 Ward, Mrs. F. V. J., M.A. A B „ 354 Hull, Miss C.L.F..M..A. A B „ 342 .. "Haslet., Miss A. I., B.A. B B „ 318 Wilson, Miss M. K. .. C C „ 300 Sheat, Mis3 L., M.A. .. B C „ 288 Virtue, Miss M. E., B.A. 0 C „ 276 Smith, Miss B., M.A. C C „ 264 Finlay, Miss 0. .. C C „ 252 Warnock, Miss 0., M.A. C C „ 252 Thorp, Miss M. J., B.A. D-D „ 240 Harris, Miss J. E., B.Sc. D D „ 216 in H.Sc. Robertson, Miss M. J., D D „ 216 B.A. Fordc, Miss L., M.A. .. D D „ 204 Ryan, Miss M. .. D D „ 204 396 354 354 354 342 318 300 288 276 264 252 252 240 216 0 1) D C D 1) 252 204 192 Auckx. .and Gr -AMMAB i School. 860 520 500 480 470 60 40 40 40 40 Drummond, J., M.A. .. Mahon, H. J. D., B.A. Dellow, K. J., M.A. .. Jones, C. R., M.A. Harwood, W. G., B.A., M.Sc. Docherty, P.. . Newhoo'k, J. L. I. Bishop, W. J., M.A. .. Drummond, P., B.A. .. Bennett, J. W. Driver, E. H., M.A. .. Nicholson, A. M., M.A., B.Com. Bilkey, E. I.., M.A. .. Ashcr, J. A., M.A. Learning, J. E., M.A. .. Stein, P. A. S., B.Sc. .. Hogben, E. N., M.A. .. Price, F. M., M.A. Wedding, H. W., M.A. Lee, G. T., B.A. Noble, C. A., M.A. Treacher, K.N. Fernie, W. G. V., M.A. Vernon, T. R., B.Sc. .. Nicbolls, C. N., B.A. .. Coop, J., B.A. West, A. W. H., M.A... Donncll, A. IL, B.A. .. Gillespie, W. B., B.A. LaRoche, W. E., B.Sc. Ranch, F. C... La Roche, S. A., B.Sc, B.Agr. Billion, K., B.A. Bowdcn, N. W. A A A A B Ii A A B B B B B B C B C C c 0 c c c c c I) I) D D D D A A A A B B B B B B B B C B C C c c c c c c D D D D I) D D D D Principal Assistant 465 465 465 465 450 450 405 405 390 390 380 3S0 365 335 335 .'135 335 320 305 275 275 275 260 260 245 245 245 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Epsom Girls' Gbammab School. Morrison, Miss A. C, M.A. .. .. Principal 650 I .. Patterson, Miss F., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Kirkhride, Miss IL, M.A. A A „ 384 Jenkins, Miss R. H., M.A. A A „ 384 Collins, Miss E. O, B.A. A B „ 354 Freeman, Miss M., M.A. A B „ 354 Holmden, Miss D., M.A. B B „ 342 MeKeage, Miss K., M.A. B B „ 318 Bell, Miss B., M.A. . . B B „ 318 Battersby, Miss B., M.Sc. B B „ 330 j .. Barnett, MissM., B.A... C C „ 300 | .. Hutton, Miss L. G. .. C C ,, 288 Rudall, Miss J. C. S„ C C „ 288 j B.Sc. in H.Sc. Falkner, Miss L.E., B.A. C C „ 264 I .. Walker, Mrs. M.H., B.A. C C „ 264 I 40 MacDiarmid, Miss E. C C „ 252 .. Harris, Miss G. L., M.A. C D „ 240 ! .. Cozens, Miss E. L., B.A. D D „ 228 I Latimer, Miss K., B.A. 1) 1) „ 228 I Merritt, Miss K., M.A. 1) D „ 240 j Dunning, Miss M. K., D D „ 180 B.Sc. Wright, Miss E. I. .. D D „ 204 | .. 216 204 204 650 408 384 384 354 354 342 318 318 330 300 288 288 40 40 40 40 264 264 252 240 228 228 240 180 40 40 „ 204 D D D D 230 215 Takapuna Gbammab School. 620 Mount Ali Gamble, F. W., M.A. .. Gatlaiul, A. R., B.A. .. Caradus, W., M.Sc. .. Harvey, J. H., M.A. .. Brock, H. F., M.A. .. Coldham, G. S., M.A. . . Worley,C.P.,B.A.,B.Sc. Trcndall, A. D. Hardy, R. B., B.Com. Walters, B. T., B.A. .. Tait, J. M., M.A. Towers, H. L., B.Sc. .. Caldor, H. L., M.A. .. Marks, R. O. O, B.A. Black, S., M.A. Martin, W. 1... H., B.A. Scott, T. McLeod, G. G. L., B.A. Simmers, A. G., M.A. liHRT G: A A A A A B B C C B 0 c c D D D D D EAMMAI A A A B B B B B C C c c c D D D D D b School. Principal Assistant 790 500 500 480 465 465 420 405 405 380 350 350 335 335 275 275 245 245 245 (Id 40 io 40 40 4(1 40 40 40 40 Littlcjohn, C. M., M.A Principal 620 60 B.Sc. Short, A. W., B.A. . . A A Assistant 470 40 Thompson, J., M.A., B B „ 405 40 L. 6s L. Macdonald, Miss M., B.A. B B „ 306 30 McHarg, I. 8., B.Ag., C C „ 320 B.Sc. Davies, Miss H. P., B.A. B C „ 288 Coulam, A. G. .. D D „ 305 Adams, Miss 0. L. G., CD ,, 240 B.Sc. Himmell, Miss M. R., D D „ 204 B.A. 470 405 306 320 ()() 40 Mi 30 288 305 240 204 Rotobua High School. 40 Rydor, A. R., M.A Principal 570 60 McHardie, Miss W. E., B B Assistant 354 21 B.A. Wilson, Miss E.C., M.A. C C „ 252 Evans, W. H., B.A. .. C ' C „ 320 40

E. 6


Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1927 — continued.

Name. Grade. s I s 1 H ft. •_H g*« Position __«_,- . a » in _ j-.« C"~ ° School. S»a g « f. a fl .2 5, B Name. Q-ra 1 as 5 H Ie. a o 'J3 o Ph Position in School. 111? hi U* !!. _? i * Z s ll* ih g fi o 5 rt '*3 Ha: MILTON Hjgil School. Palmerston N [OBTH 1 Ioys' High Sohoo: L. Wilson, E., M.A. Tait, H. D., M.A. Gudex.M. C.,M.A.,M.Se. Mason, F. E., B.Sc. Senior, S. E., M.A. .. ' Nelson, A. P., M.A. .. Carter, H.G., B.A. Morton, H. P., B.A. . . lizard, Miss A. O, M.A. Hogg, Miss O, M.A. .. Wyatt. MissO. M. .. j Leys, W. C. S., M.A. Bowie, Miss, M.A. Nic-liolls, Miss L.M., M.A. White, Miss E. M., M.A. Principal Assistant £ 765 490 465 435 390 365 305 290 360 330 300 290 192 192 180 £ 60 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Murray, J., M.A. ■ Colquhoun, J. A., M.Sc. Anderson, W. P., M.A. Stevenson, J. J. Thompson, H. J., M.A., LL.M., B.Com. Korr, H. W., M.A. Espiner, E. W., M.A., B.Com. Dash, J. Cumberworth, R. W., B.A. Werry, E. J., M.A. .. Patterson, J. M., M.A. Skoglund, P. 0. Silson, J. H. 1 Principal A I Assistant A B B £ 720 520 510 465 450 £ 70 40 4(J £ A A C B B C C A A C c D D D A B B B C D I) A B C D D D I) A A B A B B B C C c 435 380 4(J 70 40 40 40 0 C 350 365 40 40 40 40 ,, c D D I) D D D D i 275 260 260 260 40 40 TllAM LKS HlC in Schc OOL. 670 500 435 380 32(1 354 240 216 216 60 40 io 40 Hoult, W. H., M.A. .. Baker, W. H., B.Sc. .. Marshall, H.H., B.A. .. Watkins,L.A.,M.A. .. Sibley, H. C, M.A. Howard, Miss G. H..M.A. Wilcox-, Miss E. M. Stephens, Miss J. D., B.A. Wilson, Miss N. G., M.A. A B B D B 0 c D A B 0 c B D I) I) Principal Assistant Palmebston N fOBTH ( (iKLs' High Schoo PL. 30 Hodges, Miss F. J., M.A. Rhodes, Mrs. M„ M.A. Dale, Miss M. J., M.A. Fraser, Miss W. S., B.A. Simkin, Miss K. L., B.Sc. in H.Sc. Mcllaffie, Miss O, M.So. Brown, Miss L. Cunningham, Miss E. . . i A B B C Principal | A Assistant B B C I 470 396 354 342 300 228 216 192 C D D D D D New Plymoi (TTH Bo iys' Hll on School. 765 Moyes, W. H., M.A., | B.Sc. Johnson, A. G., M.Sc. Diproso, A. W., M.A. .. Bottrill, C. G„ M.A. .. Papps, A. ,L, B.A. Kerr, E. V., M.A. Council, J. W. Bertrand, G. F. Leggat, J., M.A. Wilson, R.O.M.A., B.Sc. Eggleton, F. J. Wilkie, W. G. Dyer, H. G., B.A. Slirimpton, W. L, M.A. Bryant, L. V., M.A. .. Principal GlSBl OBNE 1 ligh School. 815 520 500 465 450 450 405 260 260 260 245 330 276 276 264 252 216 40 40 40 40 4(1 4C 40 A A A B B C B B C D D d D D A A B B B C 0 c c D D D 1) D Assistant " 510 490 465 465 405 380 380 365 335 305 305 290 26(1 245 40 40 70 Hi 40 40 40 40 40 Hi 40 Foote, F., B.A. Wilkes, F. J., M.A. .. Edmondson, P., B.A. .. Maunder, G. 'P., M.Sc. Dunphy, W. P., B.A. Scott, W. R., M.A. .. Smith, W. M., M.A. . . Bilham, E. W., B.A. .. Thomson, L., B.A. Burns, G., M.A. Langhorne, G. W. Prostwich, Miss M. Durward, Miss M., B.A. Espiner, Miss E. V., M.A. Stephens, Miss E. E..M.A. Mitchell, Miss G., B.A. McCarthy, Miss E. M., M.Sc. A B B B B B I) D D D B C c c c D Principal A Assistant A B B B B D D D D B C C c c D 40 40 Hi 40 40 40 1(1 New Plymoi JTH Gil ils' Hi (on School. 510 396 360 Allan, Miss D. N., M.A. Maclean, Miss N. I., M.A. McMullan, Miss G., B.A., B.Sc. Jackson, Miss B. A., M.A. Stewart, Miss K. M., M.A. Johnston, Miss M. G., M.A. Hurle, Miss L. A., M.A. Fox, MissO D., B.A... Michael, Miss M. A., B.Sc. in H.So. Finlayson, Miss A. C. A A B B C A A B B C Principal Assistant 342 306 252 NAPIER Armour, W. A., M.A. M.Sc. West, E. S., M.A. Alexander, M., B.Sc. .. Stewart, W. B.. B.Sc... Worker, R. V, M.A. .. Woodward, M. F., M.A. Strack, C. E. E., B.A. Bngloy, C. J., B.A. .. Cameron, F. F., M.A. .. Haldano, G. R. Milburn, R. H. Murphy, E. R. Claridge, J. ___., B.Agr. i Boys' A A C B B c 0 c D D i C ! D High School. Principal A Assistant A B B B C C c D D D D 720 500 500 390 390 405 380 380 365 245 290 290 230 40 40 Hi C D D D I. I) ,, 228 216 216 40 40 40 40 D D 204 Wangai *ui Gib tLS' CO! LLEGE. 575 40 Ci'uiekshanl., Miss C. M., M.A., M.Sc. Currio, Miss J. R., M.A. Blennerhassott, Miss A., B.A. Rookel, Miss C. C. H., M.A. Graham, Miss ]_., M.A. Blacker, Miss H., B.A. Treadwcll, Miss M. 11., B.A. Oldridge, Miss L. L., M.A. McLeod, Miss J., B.Sc. in H.Sc. Million, Miss E. O, M.A. Mitcalfe, Miss M. N„ B.A. McKenzie, Miss M. B., B.Sc in H.So. Pope, Miss E. M., M.A. A A A B B C A A B B B C Principal Assistant 396 360 342 330 306 300 Napiee ( Arthur, Miss D. M., M.A. MaoDiarniid, Miss B. S., M.A. McLean, Miss M., B.A. Gillies, Miss J. 0. Anderson, Miss A. M. Vickcry, Miss E. E. A., B.A. Gallagher, Miss E. R., B.A. McRae, Miss J. E., B.A. Riach, Miss J., M.A. .. Boll, Miss F. A., B.A. .. Wrench, Miss E. H. .. Girls' A A B B C High School. Principal , A Assistant A B B C 530 372 372 354 354 300 C c C c 276 276 C c 252 D D D D D D 228 204 192 C D C D c D D' D 276 192 228 240 D D ,, 192



Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1927— continued.

Name. tirade, °fl |3 & _,__ _2t. _j _. w 3 d !_ Position S •§ _. "_ a cd d 'I bi G" r S _S ° School. jS? $%a 1 ! g|<H cfl.g h bh -.a Name. H Grado. fl o c_ Cm °a lib __H __!..-! Position 3 _. _,- J a« in m £,« £'"~3 School. "3 S S g a |I"s §S§ •9 a Hastings II: iqh School. Wellingtc :in Col] .lege— continued. Penlington, W. A. G. .. i Jones, S. L, M.A. .. j A Steele, Miss M. A., M.A. | A Atkinson, T. S. .. | C Thomson, V. A. D., 1 C B.Com. Bovin, R. H., B.Ag. .. D Irvine, Miss J., B.A. .. B Linyard, Mrs. E. A., M.A. C Law, Miss J. D. .. D McMullen, Miss E. D McDonald, D. J. .. I D Principal A Assistant A 0 C £ 695 470 372 380 370 £ 60 40 30 40 40 Balham, W. F. C, B.A. Turner, M. F., B.A. .. McCaw, J. T. Adams, E. L. Nelson, T. B. Hislop, T. G., B.A. .. Eason, W. J. Griffon, J. R. Scoates, G. J. Mackay, J. D. Griffen, A. W., B.A. .. Ramson, F. S. C C D C D C D D D D D D £ £ C Assistant > 380 40 C „ 320 D „ 275 D „ 290 D „ 260 D „ 260 D „ 260 D „ 245 D „ 245 D „ 230 D „ 230 D | „ 215 c B 0 D D D 335 306 300 192 240 245 40 Dannevirke 1 Iran School. 645 480 354 Welling -TON Gl iels' College. Tait, A. G. .. Heaton, F., M.A., B.Sc. A Mahoney, Miss T. C. G., B B-A. 1 Principal A Assistant B 0 o D D 30 Greig, Miss V., M.A.,M.Sc. Kershaw, Miss F. E., M.A. Williams, Miss E., B.A. Coad, Miss N.E., M.A. Gibson, Miss G. F., M.A. Sage, Miss C. M., M.A. Hursthouso, Miss R. .. Cornish, Miss E. J., B.Sc. in H.So. Heine, Miss C. M., B.A. Ward, Miss H. Oddil, Miss E. M., B.A. Johnstone, Miss D. A., M.A. Gifford, Miss S. M. D., B.Sc. in H.Sc. Clark, Miss M., M.A. .. Morrison, Miss M. K., M.A. McCrae, Miss M., B.A. Gillies, Miss C. M., B.A. A A A A A C B Principal 610 A „ 408 A „ 360 B „ 354 15 B „ ! 354 B „ ! 354 15 C „ 300 B Assistant 306 Cravon, E. S., M.A. .. ! C Bingham, Miss F. D.,M.A.| C Wilson, Miss M., M.A... I D Russell, L. .. ..Id 350 276 216 260 Wairaeapa H [igh School. 695 500 480 465 354 C - C „ 300 C „ 264 C „ 288 C „ 264 TJttley, G. H., M.A., D.Sc. .. Morice, G. W., M.A., B.Sc A Slater, H. W., M.A., B.Sc. A Bee, J. G., M.A. .. A Sutherland, Miss 0. R. A M.A. Bird, J. W., M.A. .. A McClure, O, B.A. .. B Leonard, Miss K., M.A. C Thomson, H. R., M.A. B Botholl, Miss D. A., M.A. C McKinley, A. D. .. D Vealo, R. J. .. .. D Principal A Assistant A B B 40 30 c D „ 240 B C c c D D D 405 380 300 335 228 230 230 40 40 0 D D „ I 228 D „ 240 D I) D „ 240 D „ 228 io Wellingtoi n East Girls' College. Hutt Valley 1 Kidson, H. V., M.A., B.Sc, B. es L. Millard, J. N„ B.A. A M.Sc. McLeod, D., M.A., B.Sc. B McNaught, G. J., M.A. B McKenzie, D. W. .. D Woodhouse, Miss H.,M.A. A Browne, Miss M. J., B.Sc. C Price, Mrs. C. M., M.A. B Mathor, Miss W. M., B.A. C Oswin, Miss F. K., M.A. C Cooley, Miss M. E., M.A. D lion School. j Principal A Assistant B B D A o o D D 670 470 435 390 200 360 300 300 300 240 204 60 40 40 40 Batham, Miss A. M., B.A. Collins, Miss R. M., B.A. Hind, Miss E. M., M.A. Marsdon, Miss A. F. Martin, Miss E., B.A. .. McCartney, Miss IX, M.A. Jull, Miss P.. MacKenzie, Miss J., M.A. Cresswoll, Miss M. I., B.A. Rhodes, Miss K. F„ B.A. B.Sc. Gardner, Miss R., M.A. Black, Miss M. Ward, Miss R. A., M.A. .. ) A A B ' B B C B C c Principal 530 A Assistant 396 30 A „ 372 B „ 318 B „ 318 B „ 306 C „ 300 C „ 276 C „ 252 D „ 240 30 40 c D D D „ 228 D „ 228 D I „ 216 .. Marlboi ROUGH '. High School. Wellingto. t College. 860 520 520 510 520 465 Stewart, J. M.A. Robson, H., M.A. Brockett, A. E., M.A., B.Com. Rowe, A. L„ M.A., LL.B. Purdie, W. C, B.Sc, B.Ag. Aitken, A., B.Sc. Sheat, W., B.A., LL.B. Allen, Miss E. M., M.A. Wilson, Miss J. H., M.Sc. Brand, Miss M. M., M.A. Robertson, Miss H. M., M.A. Newton, Miss E. M., M.A. A B Principal 720 A Assistant 510 40 B „ 465 40 Cresswell, T. R., M.A. Gifford, A. O, M.A. .. A Rcnner, P. M., M.A. .. A Tomlinson, H. B., M.A. A Brodie, T., B.A. .. A Aloxander, W., B.A., A LL.B. Lomas, J. S., M.A. .. A Hall, J., B.Sc, B.A. .. A Fathers, H. T. M., B.A., A B.Sc. Cuddie, J. R., M.A. .. A Joplin, F., B.A., B.Sc. A Stevens, W. IL, B.A. .. B Jackson, A., M.A., M.Sc B Farquhar, A. S., M.A... B Beard, T. E., B.A. .. C Thornton, E. E., M.A. B Jones, W. V. .. C Horon, H. A., M.A. .. B Dighton, J. L., B.A. .. C Martin-Smith, P., LL.B., C B.A. Principal A Assistant A A A B EQE. Principal Assistant 70 70 70 B B B „ 405 40 C „ 335 40 B D A B B C C „ 320 40 D „ 215 .. A „ 408 30 B „ 306 C „ 276 D „ 240 B B B 465 465 465 40 40 B B B B B 0 c o c c c 450 450 405 390 390 380 380 350 335 335 335 40 40 4(1 40 40 40 40 40 40 Nelso Broad, C. H„ B.A. .. McKay, J. G., B.A. .. Searle, H. V, M.A., M.Sc. Watkin, E. A., M.A. .. Kirk, C. G., B.A., B.Sc. Johnson, C. W„ M.A. Severne, E. H., B.A. .. C in Boys D „ 228 s' College. Principal 720 A Assistant 520 40 A „ 480 30 B „ 465 40 B „ 405 40 B „ 420 40 C „ 380 A A A B B C 40



Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1927 — continued.

Grade. t_ d 1 3 c. <_ _• O H CM ° « II _r Position 'n _,_._! 5"„S School. « a;* V u fl g J « a fl .2 *. FH Grade. ■si =3 °>s Name. Name. I 01 H a" o 1 C4 Position in School. o_ <3 _, § _2V-i H C. _- gcD o £-<_. _? o __ &"^ fl «.2 o « h 3 Nelson Bo )Ys' Coi lleoe— continued. £ £ 335 350 40 335 (on leave) 275 275 245 260 Christohuroh Girls' High School— conti, med. £ 300 288 276 264 264 252 240 228 240 £ Gray, A. J., M.A. Methven, R. H., M.A. Boulton, E., B.A. Paterson, J. E. R., M.A. Simpson, G. D., M.A. .. Fowler, R. J. M. Allan, H. P., B.Sc. .. Nelso: C B C C c D D >n Girl C Assistant 0 c D D D D ,s' College. £ 335 350 335 275 275 245 260 Watson, Miss A. M. .. C C I Assistant Hall, Miss E. J., M.A. .. B C Fairbairn, Miss E., B.A. C C „ Burns, Miss A.M., M.A. C C „ Milnes, Miss T.F., M.A. C C Hooper, Miss V.L., M.A. C C Hall, MissM... .. D I) Hardie, Miss E. M., M.A. C D Frengley, Miss M., B.Sc. CD in H.Sc. Morrell, MissM. P., M.A. D D Seymour, Miss M. E., D D „ M.A. Bays, Miss K. D D Digby, Miss G. D. '] f „ Gibb, Miss A. I D J Alexander, Miss M. ( " j ,, McDowell, Miss G. J I „ Herriok, Miss M.M., M.A. D I D 240 216 Mills. Miss C. B., M.A., B.Sc. Edwards, Miss E. K. B.A. Isaac, Miss N. G., M.A. Karsten, Miss R., B.A. Garland, Miss M., M.A. Davis, Miss G. M., M.A. Stewart, Miss J. I., B.A. McGregor, Miss M., M.A. Sheat, Miss R., M.A. .. Cockburn, Miss F. I.,M.A. Black, Miss E. E., M.A. Black, Miss J. C. Spargo, Miss G. M., B.A., B.Sc Principal I 510 510 A A B B B C D D D D D D A Assistant A B B B C o c D D D D 360 360 318 306 306 252 252 252 204 192 192 192 360 360 318 306 306 252 252 252 204 192 192 192 204 120 120 120 120 192 Ashburton High School. Watters, W. F., B.A j .. Principal Biggar, R. H., M.A. .. A A Assistant Piggott, Miss E.M.,M.A. B B McGregor, R. M., B.Sc C C Phillips,T., B.A. .. D D Wood, E.J. .. .. C D Seyb,P.S.,B.A. .. D D Mason, Miss R. 0. D C Marshall, Miss IL, B.Sc, C D in H.Sc Duff, Miss I. H. M. . . D ' D 670 510 354 350 260 275 290 252 228 40 30 40 40 Ranoh [OBA Hi igh School. Strachan, J. E., M.A. B.Sc Ferguson, A. J., M.A. Beattie, G. O, M.Sc .. Hollow, Miss P., M.A... Maurais, Miss T., B.A. Lockhart, A. L. Todd, Miss J. E., B.Sc. in H.Sc. A A C c c D Principal A Assistant B C C D D 670 510 450 300 252 305 192 40 40' 30 Timabu Boys' High School. Thomas, W., M.A. .. | .. .. Principal Cockroft, E. A., B.A., A A Assistant B.Com. Komshcd, D. S„ M.A. .. A A Sawell, R. G. A., M.A. B B Hind, C.A. S. .. C B Moore, N. A., M.A. .. B B McCaskill, L. W., B.Agr. C C Whitohousc, T. K. R., C C M.Sc McDonald, T. H., M.A. B C Horwell.W. W.,M.A. .. C C McClatchy, H. B., M.A. ! C D Rae, A.J... .. j D D Ledingham, M. F. .. | D D ,, Mills, S. .. ..ID D 192 720 510 40 40 480 450 435 405 350 350 40 40 40 40 40 I ClIBISTOIIUE( CH Bov fs' High School. Lancaster, G. J., M.A... Stewart, W. M., M.A. .. Caddick,A.E.,M.A. .. Rowe, H. V., M.A. .. Hercus, E. J. D., M.A., B.Sc. Montgomery, J. R., M.A. Henderson, H., B.A., B.Sc Baverstock, H. S., M.A. Quartermarn, L. B., M.A. Dyer, H. E., B.Sc Gourlay, H. W., B. Sc Jefeoate, H. O..M.A. .. Bruce, R. M., B.Sc. .. Cuming, S. B., M.A. .. Rodweil.H. R.,M.A. .. Rogers, M.N., M.Sc .. A A A A B A B A B C c B C c D | Principal A Assistant A A B B B B B C C c c c 0 D 815 500 470 480 450 465 435 420 405 350 335 335 380 335 320 275 70 70 70 40 40 40 Timaeu Girls' High School. Barr, Miss J. A., M.A .. Principal King, Miss E. A., M.A.. . A A Assistant Ronaldson, MissM.,B.Sc A A ,, B.A. McLean, Miss D.B., M.A. B B Stewart, Miss L.F., B.A. C C Hawkcs, Miss D., B.A... CD Marriott, MissM. E., B.A. C C Baker, Miss M. E., M.A. CD Oldridgc, Miss D.M.,M.A. 1) D Cunningham, Miss J. B. C D ,, M.A. Lee, Miss E.H. .. D D Waddell, Miss E.I. .. D D 335 335 305 230 245 230 530 408 372 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 (on leave) 318 288 240 276 240 240 228 Struthers,J.,M.A.,B.Sc. Troup, G. S., M.A. Brassington, W. W..M.A. Skipworth, I. H., B.Sc. Burrows, J. T. Ridgen.C. L.,M.A. .. Sinclair, H. I., B.A. .. Moffat, J. F., B.Sc .. C c D C D D D D D c D D D D D I) 275 350 260 245 245 245 245 245 228 192 Waitaki Boys' High School. £ 720 520 520 450 435 465 380 380 320 290 275 245 230 £ 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 CuEISTCHUBCI Gibson, Miss M. V., M.A. Gresson, Miss K. M„ M.A. Sims, Miss M. E., M.A... Bone, Miss D. J. Wagstaff, Miss N., M.A. Clark, Miss P.M. P., M.A. Young, Mrs. S. G. Tilley, Miss H. M. McKee, Miss A. J. .. II GlELE A A A B A (HalfC C _' High School. Principal A Assistant A A B B time) ,, c c 630 408 408 360 354 342 185 276 300 30 Milner, F., M.A. .. . . .. Rector McCulloch, M. K„ M.A. A A Assistant Chisholm, D. S„ M.A. ..A A Inder, R. IL, M.Sc. B B Hargreaves, P. W., B.A. B B Uttley, W. M., M.A. .. A B Hall, H. T. .. .. C 0 Crimp, F. A., B.A. .. 0 C McDonald, K. O, M.A. C C Kinross, S. M., B.A. C D Conlv, J. H., M.A. .. C D Robms, H. J. .. D D Scott, W. J., M.A. .. D D 30


Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1927 — continued.


Name. 03 hi On Ie. fl o !E5 o Eh Position in School. °a lit S'g Jj ill* lis § 9 ■« a fl .2 Sec o .„+, 3, a Name. Grade. _j a I I Position in School. »w £■%!% ha 2j? sSfh 3 £ a fl _r o. y o § m 'S S 3 ° fl CD O <__)_. «! FH Waitaki Giei ,s' High School. Otago Girls' High : School — continued. Wilson, Miss J. B., M.A. Maeaulay, MissM. J.,M.A. Hunt, Miss D. C, B.A... Watt, Miss M. S., B.A. Yardley, Miss M. H., M.A. Harvev, Miss E. A., B.A. King, Miss E. M., M.A. Searle, Miss M. Fitzgorald, Miss M. S., B.A.. M.Sc. Principal A A Assistant C B B B B C C C C I) D D D I) 510 408 342 330 288 276 240 240 204 Taylor, Miss H. .. 1) Morrell, Miss K. A., B.A. D McKinnon, Miss J. R., C M.A. £ £ D i Assistant 216 1) „ 192 1) „ I 240 South Otago '. High School. Otago Bi 3Y"s' High School. Reid, John, B.A. Gault, J. II., B.Sc .. D Somervillo, Miss A. I., C M.Sc. Sutherland, Miss I. D., C B.A. Blaikio, Miss G.B., M.A. I) Principal 595 D Assistant 250 C „ 264 D „ 240 30 D „ 192 Morrell, W. J., M.A. .. Campbell, F. H., B.A. .. Williams, J., B.Sc. Martyn, W. J., M.A. .. Watt, A., B.A. Botting, R. W. S., M.A. Begg, O. ,L, M.A. Melnnes, M. G., B.A. .. Thomson, G. S., B.Sc. Gillman, A. J., M.A. .. Watt, M. M., M.A. .. Howard, B. IL, M.A. .. Rantin, T. J. L., M.A. Robertson, G. M., M.A. McNaughton, A. T., M.A. Salmond, J. D., M.A. .. Bridgman, W. W., M.A. Glasgow, K. W. R., B.Sc. Kinnear, J. E., M.A. .. Crimp, S. R., B.A. Cabot, P. S. de Q., M.A. Lang, W., M.A. Eraser, R., B.A. Anderson, J. L., B.A. Brotherton, A. T. O, M.A. Cox, 0. G., B.A. Principal A A Assistant A A A A A A A B A B C B C B B B B B B C B B B C C C C C C C C C CD C 0 C D D D D D I) D 1) D 860 520 520 520 480 465 465 450 435 435 390 380 390 380 350 335 320 320 260 320 305 260 245 230 215 40 70 70 40 60 40 40 40 40 40 Goee High Hunter, J., M.A Boyne, J. McC, B.A. .. A Price, C. J. R., M.A., B B.Com. Christie, E. M., M.Sc. B Fyfe, T., B.A. .. C Fowler, M., B.Sc. .. D Smith, Miss M. L., M.A. B. Naylor, Miss R., M.A. B Henderson, Miss H. A., B M.A. Douglas, Miss M. J. H. C Woodhead, Miss M. S., D M.A. Anderson, C. M:. .. D i School. Principal 720 A Assistant 500 40 B „ 420 C „ 380 40 D „ 275 40 D „ 275 40 - A „ 372 B „ 342 C „ 288 40 40 40 40 C „ 300 D „ 240 D „ 216 40 ■ i' Hiqii School. Southland Boys Otago G D D Iibls' High School. 230 630 408 396 354 354 40 40 Pearce, T. D., M.A Dakin, J. P., B.A. .. A Butchers, A. G., M.A. A McGrath, J. S., B.A. .. B Cameron, J. L., M.A. .. B Hogg, A. S., M.Sc. .. C Flannery, J. C Drees, H„ M.A. .. B Doaker, A. J., B.A. .. C MoFarlane, A., M.A. .. D Dunlop, A. R., B.A. .. D Principal 720 60 A Assistant 520 40 A „ 500 40 B „ 465 40 B „ 420 40 B „ 405 40 C „ 380 C „ 380 C „ 350 40 D „ 260 D I „ 245 (id III 40 40 4(1 4(1 King, Miss M.H.M.,M.A. Campbell, Miss F., B.A. Loudon, Miss A. L., M.A. Kerr, Mrs. B., M.A. .. Dalrymple, Miss H. K., B.A. Morton, Miss L. S., B.A. Jones, Miss P. J., M.A. Lawson, Miss L. L., M.A. Aitkon, Miss A.M., B.Sc. •in H.So. Dallaston, Miss L. N., B.A. May, Miss M. W., M.A. Rosevear, Miss R. A. . . MacRac, Miss H., B.A. Bagley, Miss S. D. Bentliam, Miss E. R., M.A. Principal A A Assistant A A A B B B 40 B B B B A B C C 354 354 318 300 Southland Girls i' High School. C C B C c c c c C D C D 300 276 252 252 240 240 Samuel, Miss M., M.Sc. Budd, Miss A. M., M.A. A Watt, Miss A., B.A. .. B Burt, Miss S„ M.A. .. B Earwakor, Miss E., M.A. A White, Miss R. A. M.A. B Spite, Miss B. H., B.Sc. C Gumming, Miss C. L..M.A. B Brown, Miss C. A., B.A. D Galloway, Miss D. M., D M.A. Gonley, Miss M. E. .. 1) Principal 530 A Assistant 408 B „ 354 B „ 354 B „ 318 C „ 300 C „ 264 C „ 276 1) „ 216 1) „ 216 D „ 180



Table K1. —Some Particulars relating to Secondary Education for the Years 1926 and 1927.

2—E. 6.

1926. 102/. Secondary schools — Number of Government secondary schools Number of endowed schools Number of boys at Government secondary schools Number of girls at Government secondary schools Number of boys at endowed schools Number of girls at endowed schools Number of free pupils at Government secondary schools Number of pupils commencing secondary education Number of pupils leaving school Secondary departments of district high schools— Number of secondary departments Number of boys in attendance Number of girls in attendance Number of free pupils Number of pupils commencing secondary education Number of pupils leaving school Expenditure by Government in financial year — Payments to Education Boards for— District high schools —Secondary teachers' salaries National scholarships Payments to secondary schools and colleges for — Salaries and incidental expenses Manual-instruction capitation Subsidies on voluntary contributions New buildings, equipment, furniture, and sites Maintenance of school buildings Reserves revenue Conveyance of pupils to secondary and district high schools Sundry 39 2 6,926 6,189 536 Nil f12,558 # 41 2 7,306 (1,337 547 Nil 113,901 5,582 4,855 * 77 1,516 1,646 t3,023 79 1,719 1,724 ■|-3,746 2,095 1,566 * £ 49,980 1.1,837 £ 52,359 11,280 242,450 4,280 7,311 129,925 1,231 9,451. 5,773 4,054 248,790 4,414 2,018 93,878 1,131 8,280 7,887 3,743 * Figures not available. t The large increase in these figures between the two yeai enumeration of free pupils was made at the end of the year, whereas in 1927 the enumeration wa the number of pupils enrolled is larger than is the case later in the year. :s is due to the fai is made at the :J0tli it that in 1026 the June, a time when


Table K 2.—Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments)— Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders.


School. Roll Xumber, B ,, Average 31st December, 1927. v .™i_.t Attendance, i^_?__5fi . n.,- 1st March. 1J "'- 1927. Boys. , Girls, j Total. Number of holders of Government Free — — mh'june^- 1 Und « 1310 " doth June, 192.. 13 Years. Years. i _ Junior. Senior. B. (J. b. G. ■ Ages oi all J 14 to 15 Years. IS. G. Ages of all Pupils on Boll at 30th June, 1927. Pupils on Roll at 3' 15 to 16 Years. B. G. 30th June, 1927. 16 to 17 Years. B - | G - Over 17 Years. 11. G Totals, all Ages. B. G. n. I eB. G. _____ A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. • .. 380 218 , 173 391 Auckland Grammar School .. 877 874 | .. 874 Mount Albert Grammar School .. 438 467 ! .. 467 Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. 516 .. j 526 526 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. 516-5 .. 539 539 Takapuna Grammar School .. 206 114 98 212 Thames High School .. .. 207 109 92 i 201 Hamilton High School .. .. 366 196 175 371 Rotorua High School .. .. 87 49 I 46 95 New Plymouth Bovs' High School .. 395-5 395 .. 395 New Plymouth Girls' High School .. 290 .. 288 j 288 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 288 .. 292 292 Palmerston North Bovs' High School 280 274 j .. 274 Palmerston North Girls' High School 174-7 .. 179 179 Gisborne High School .. .. 390 229 162 ! 391 Napier Bovs' High School .. 278-1 281 .. 281 Napier Girls' High School .. 230-2 .. 246 246 Hastings Hiah School .. .. 214 136 100 236 Dannevirke High School .. .. 160-5 92' 71 163 Wairarapa High School .. .. 261 165 110' 275 Hutt Valley High School .. .. 245-7 112 118! 230 Wellington College .. .. 812 816 816 Wellington Girls' College .. .. 389 .. 394 394 Wellington East Girls' College .. 318-8 .. 326 326 Marlborough High School .. .. 237-3 92 144 236 Nelson College .. .. .. 326 304 304 Nelson Girls' College .. .. 273 .. 288 288 Rangiora High School .. .. 126 61 63 124 ' Christchurch Boys' High School .. 454 553 .. 553 Christchurch Girls' High School .. 534-5 .. 552 552 Ashburton High School .. .. 215 115 108 223 Timaru Boys' High School .. 312-8 318 .. 318 Timaru Girls' High School .. 258 .. 266 266 Waitaki Bovs' High School .. 286 272 .. 272 Waitaki Girls' High School .. 169-5 .. 170 170 Otago Boys' High School .. .. 644 633 .. 633 Otago Girls' High School .. .. 427 .. 435 435 ' South Otago High School .. .. 116 68 49 117 Gore High School .. .. 235-3 128 102 230 Southland Boys' High School .. 247 235 .. 235 Southland Gills' Hieh School .. 219 .. 225 225 380 218 877 874 | 438 467 516 516-5 206 114 207 109 366 196 87 49 ! 395-5 395 290 288 280 274 174-7 390 229 278-1 281 230-2 214 136 160-5 92 I 261 165 245-7 112 812 816 389 318-8 237-3 92 326 304 273 126 61 454 553 534-5 215 115 312-8 318 258 286 272 169-5 644 633 427 116 68 235-3 128 247 235 219 173 526 539 98 92 175 46 288 ! 292 179 162 246 100 71 110 118 394 326 144 63 552 ins 266 17(1 435 49 102 225 391 874 467 526 539 212 201 371 95 395 288 292 274 179 391 281 246 236 163 275 230 816 394 326 236 304 288 124 553 552 223 318 266 272 170 633 435 117 230 235 225 440 ! 954 495 555 582 218 227 405 89 452 338 320 310 202 138 312 267 251 187 291 270 895 446 352 278 ; 342 302 152 607 587 249 337 285 301 190 703 465 127 266 259 247 440 I 954 495 555 582 218 227 405 89 452 338 320 310 202 138 312 267 251 187 291 270 895 446 352 278 ; 342 302 152 607 587 249 337 285 301 190 703 465 127 266 259 247 29( 55 31, 381 41 211 13! 26; 6' 26( 24: 19: 181 141 29: 18: 161 19i 13: 16: 241 531 2926( 19! 20181 9' 38" 39( 14! 19. 17; 18: 11! 45( 30.' 8. 16, 16! 13. 296 551 315 383 411 210 139 265 67 266 243 193 180 140 293 183 169 190 138 169 240 535 294 266 193 204 189 93 387 396 149 190 173 182 119 450 305 84 168 169 137 )6 114 3 I _ il 349 27 j .. .5 155 10 ! .. .3 157 .. ic 11 144 .. J [0 9 2 _ !9 65 2 _ 15 121 .. .7 19 2 1 56 99 13 13 70 .-'. . >3 98 .. ( SO 108 16 W 48 11 .3 112 .. S -3 115 i 4 .. 59 80 : .. 4 )0 44 4 j £ .8 30 ! 2 i e >9 ! 88 . -8 . 10 26 18 If 15 255 60 )4 112 .. 14 56 77 .. ie (3 57 2 3 ■4 95 18 i9 98 .. oc 13 42 1 2 17 174 13 i 16 158 .. 16 « 77 4 | -2 10 109 1 .. '3 95 .. g 12 82 4 '■ .. 9 59 .. 6 .0 206 21 .. 15 _____ .. 22 14 40 2 1 18 76 6 ! 1 i9 77 .4 i .. 17 95 .. 10 114 3 I 8 349 27 I .. 155 10 157 .. 15 144 .. 3 9 2 2 65 2 5 121 .. 19 2 1 99 13 70 .-'. 7 98 .. 6 108 16 48 .. ll 112 .. -. 115 4 80 i .. 4 44 , 4 j 5 30 ! 2 i 6 88 .8 1 7 26 18 10 255 60 .. 112 .. 14 77 .. 16 57 2 3 95 IS .. 98 .. 20 42 1 2 174 13 158 .. 16 77 4 | 2 109 1 .. 95 .. 3 82 4 ; .. 59 .. 6 206 21 .. ! 142 .. , 22 40 2 ll 76 6 i l| 95 .. 10 31 29 143 ..I 45 .. 105 51 27 29 17 20 18 23 12 10 48 .. 50 46 50 .. 36 22 11 45 .. 38 28 13 15 11 21 20 29 38 171 .. 68 77 17 23 46 .. I 50 10 15 79 .. ! 96 20 15 18 44 53 21 146 ..I 101; 12 10 20 18 40 .. 38 79 | 257 i 146 52 37 I 51 j 19 ' 121 i 65 59 67 36 33 50 45 237 30 97 20 170 32 73 61 201 20 43 63 58 54 235 | 138 I 162 158 40 29 27 33 47 61 12 j 7 120 100 82 I 80 64 45 i 75 79 69 42 39 25 I 28 27 42 54 25 210 127 131 43 32 62 S3 22 14 .155 171 35 32 83 .4 | 77 51 ; .. .. | 144 127 j 12 ! 22 35 ! 35 64 63 42 | 134 156 26 23 58 10 96 79 44 i 58 61 17 18 24 31 117 79 49 71 16 153 31 54 92 12 32 50 40 152 99 9 17 40 4 78 48 41 68 19 18 34 10 133 17 62 14 100 26 66 54 105 14 21 49 22 95 115 15 36 7 43 65 25 30 53 18 13 21 8 57 35 23 40 14 73 18 36 30 56 12 14 32 26 26 233 124 .. 938 49 .. 487 40 86 .. .. 1 119 10 5 116 41 24 211 6 i 4 50 47 .. 427 .. ! 27 .. j 33 40 .. 299 .. 12. .. 49 | 28 ! 246 44 I .. | 307 ..33 .. 11 9 ! 137 4 1 I 100 13 14 168 1 1 128 70 .. 881 38 11 11 14 109 47 .. 332 .. 34 .. 8 6 i 67 65 .. 582 .. I 64 13 14 127 87 .. 328 ..39 37 .. 286 .. 18 , .. 65 I .. 682 .. 55 4 ; 3 74 16 ! 16 141 35 .. 255 44 185 551 569 105 95 188 44 323 311 192 174 258 104 74 113 142 421 349 155 298 75 573 115 278 180 453 50 116 237 : I _ . , Totals .. .. 13,401-4 7,306 6,337 ; 13,643 ! 1< 13,401-4 7,306 6,337 j 13,643 ! 14,993 I 9.724 I 4,177 247 14,993 : 9,72. — I ■! 4 I 4,177 247 208 20811,1831,106 2,164 ■ 1,986 1,975 | 1,715 1,338 1,013 923 700 7,830 6,728 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. 251 1 246 .. 246 Christ's College .. ... .. 306-6 301 .. 301 Totals .. .. 557-6 547 .. 547 Grand totals .. .. 13,9590 7,853 6,337 14,190 1. 557-6 547 .147 256 309 565 5,558 565 9,724 1 .. 8 .. i 9 4 4,177 256 208 | 9 43 18 25 43 59 I 67 126 126 65 78 143 143 ! 60 56 116 47 .. 250 77 ! .. 311 124 .. 561 116 15,558 9,724 4,177 256 208 1,226 2,290 1,986 2,118 1,715 1,454 1,013 1,047 700 |8,391 6,728


Table K3. —Classification of Pupils on the Roll of Secondary Schools at the 30th June, 1927, according to Years of Attendance (exclusive of Lower Departments).


First Year. School. Boys. Girls. Second Year. Third Year Kourth Year. Fifth Year. Sixth Year. ; Tot ails. 1 0 Number Flntrai 1927 who previ received ary Ed. 1 of New ; nta in had not lously Kocondication. Hoys. Girls. •a 9 _. a Hoys. Girls. Boys. Hovs. Girls. Hoys. Girls. Boys J Girls. Boys \ Girls. Boys. Girls. 1 ! Whangarei High School.. 90 79 Auckland Boys' Grammar 308 School Mount Albert Boys' 160 Grammar School Auckland Girls'Grammar .. 212 School Epsom Girls' Grammar .. 205 School Takapuna Gram m a r 70 65 School Thames High School .. 39 42 Hamilton High School .. i 72 75 Rotorua High School .. 30 22 New Plymouth Boys' 175 High School New Plymouth Girls' .. 128 High School Wanganui Girls' College .. Ill Palmerston North Boys' 104 High School Palmerston North Girls' .. 96 High School Gisborne High School .. 89 76 Napier Boys' High School 112 Napier Girls' High School .. 101 Hastings High School .. 67 48 Dannevirke High School 44 36 Wairarapa High School.. 55! 36 Hutt Valley High School 82 73 Wellington College .. 277! Wellington Girls' College .. 138 Wellington East Girls' Col- .. 143 lege Marlborough High School 51 63 Nelson College •■ 113 Nelson Girls College .. .. Ill Rangiora High School .. 28 27 Christohuroh Boys' High 191 School Christchurch Girls' High .. 219 School Ashburton High School.. 39 43 Timaru Boys' High School 102 Timaru Girls' High School .. 98 Waitaki Boys' High School 99 .. Waitaki Girls'High School .. 61 Otago Boys' High School 246 Otago Girls' High School .. 171 South Otago High School 22 17 Gore High School .. 57 34 Southland Boys' High 90 .. School Southland Girls' High .. 67 School 80 288 45 36 176 29 19 115 22 1 7 43 10 1 1 .. 1 8 233 938 185 418 938 94 323 83 8 .. 141 112 56 16 2 .. 2 487 487 158 167 96 55 18 3 551 551 214 197 95 54 18 569 569 213 44 35 5 1,9 105 221 70 65 34 65 7 128 26 63 11 22 34 (i 70 I!) 25 9 18 35 7 36 7 21 2 3 5 I 4 116 211| 50, 427 95 188 44 21 I 399 94 427 40 77 27 180 43 79 22 is 3 3 .. 115 45 2!) 5 323 323 133 " j 79 94 64 54 32 30 18 17 2 5 311 311 299 106 113 299 44 25 23 3 I 192 192 101 71 73 47 66 35 22 36 50 _39 1I8 1 43 68 ■ . . 13 : 12 i 34 1 8 180 1 22 28' 36 IS I 15 17 11 "'i 246 307 174 420 307 258 241 174 281 270 SSI 421 3491 88 115 76 44 35 53 35 290 49 13 11 20 1.2 10! 6! 18 3 96 1 27 5 5 12 6 3 3 8 13 3 9 I 2 137 100 168 128 • SSI 258 104 74 113 142 67 46 58 84 326 105 50 36 37 76 31 .7 5 " 7 ! 421 349 I3S 148 75 52 44 31 8 •• ! 33 96 52 '83 21 ; 1.6 60 9 99 21 5 41 13 4 19 6 3 109 332 155 264 332; 298' 142; 582; 54 113 66 'is 208 56! 11 8 lid 28 8 .2 I 8 1 67 582 298 75 29 184 III 29 4 23 1 172 I l' 'l 92 55 28 7 573 573; 219 42 66 1 32' •79 '..7 125 17 40 1 :' 26 I 88 1 .. 43 137 19 1 28 38 19 11 39 12 !» 27 7 6: 2 127 328 115 242 328: 278; ■ 286| ISO 6821 453, 124 257 2551 39 103 43 50 38 30 21 20 12 I 286 278 ii. 98 73 i 17 2 180 68 37 70 26 5 682 257 198 43 3 13 453 50 11(1 170 17 35 28 34 77 80 11 16 4 141 32 6, 17 34 2 111 3 74 141 255 22 61 87 i •• 2 I 67 47 32 21 3 237 237 69 Totals .. 2,812 2,597 2,340 2,061 1,446 1,096 645 341 ! 282 54 47 7,830 6,728 14,558 i 2,925 I 2,657 837 i_ * Pupils under this heading who were on the r< )ll at 31 )tli June 10, 1927, , are of course inchidci d in the ) first t\ wo culm mns of this tat lie unili' _r the he. oding." _'ii rat Year." I'u


Table K4.—Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments, 1927.

Table K5. —Details of National Scholarships held in December, 1927.


School. Total Cost. £ Whangarei High School .. 1,408-91 Auckland Boys' Grammcr School 3,287-8 Auckland Girls' Grammcr School 2,978-5 Thames High School .. '.. 361-5 Rotorua High School .. .. 348-55 Hamilton High School .. .. ! 1,102-05 New Plymouth Boys'High School 1,391-02 New Plymouth Girls' High School 616-05 Wanganui Girls' College .. 823-69 Palmerston North Boys' High School 699-23 Palmerston North. Girls' High School 424-18 Gisborne High School .. . . : 999-94 Napier Boys' High School . . , 790-4 Napier Girls' High School .. i 545-81 Hastings High School .. ..I 718-11 Dannevirke High School . . | 432-27 Wairarapa High School .. 647-64 Hutt Valley High School .. 699-99 Wellington College .. .. 1,677-65 Wellington Girls' College .. 1,331-24 p| s j 6. j_ >£< B«-8 a >*s M _. I Hi s 53 s £ 1-81* 2-1 2-4 1-59 1-68* 2-72 3-08 1-82 2-57 2-26 2-1 2-28 2-53 2-04 2-86 2-31 2-23 2-59 1-87 2-98 "Si tT || g r—' p r-i School. Total Coat. g£ *g| £ £ Wellington East Girls' College . . 622-5 1-77 Marlborough High School ,.. 927-1 1-67* Nelson College .. . . 879-53 2-57 Nelson Girls' College .. .. 627-59 2-08 Rangiora High School .. .. 385-37 2-54 Christchurch Boys'High School .. 1,256'4 2-07 Christchurch Girls'High School .. 1,649-69 2-81 Ashburton High School .. 492-28 , 1-98 Timaru Boys' High School .. I 812-22 2-41 Timaru Girls' High School .. ! 747-09 2-62 Waitaki Bovs' High School .. 637-57 2-12 Waitaki Girls' High School .. 424-57 2-23 Otago Boys' High School .. 1,534-64 ' 2-18 Otago Girls' High School .. 1,378-67 2-96 South Otago High School .. 248-83 .1-96 Gore High School .. .. 646-71 2-43 Southland Boys' High School .. j 549-39 2-12 Southland Girls' High School .. j 460-9 1-86 Total .. .. .. 35,565-98 | 2-26 * Includes inc ■identa! expei inses of junior high school.

Education District. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Hawke's Bay Wellington Nelson Canterbury Otago Southland Total Number. Boys. Girls. Totals. 198 .100 298 30 .18 48 18 18 36 35 24 59 60 40 100 22 21 43 70 52 122 70 32 102 13 4 17 Numbi at Secc Sohc Junior. 172 22 17 42 55 21. 68 61 10 _r held indary )ols. Senior. 76 11 9 11 42 12 35 31 7 Numb. at D High ! Junior. 34 1 4 4 3 7 10 10 >er held district Schools . Senior. 2 Number held at Technical High Schools. Junior. Senior. .14 IT .14 .. 4 ' 2 1 i i 5 I 3 Number ! Number receiving receiving Boarding- Travellingallowance allowance (included (included in Total in Total Number). Number). 49 27 17 1 10 1 10 1 11 10 12 31 8 9 1 2 Totals 516 309 ! 825 309 j 825 516 468 234 73 39 (i 151 49


Table K6.—Number of Pupils at 30th June, 1927, boarding away from Home to attend Secondary Schools and Lower Departments thereof.


School. Secondary Departments. g « a M • Boarding at I Total. tf.S Boarding at Establishments | Boarding J.* School Hostels. approved by , privately. i3__tri Principal. -..2 "5 ?'____ ! *£" Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. ! Boys, j Girls. Boys. ; Girls. =*<" " A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' Grammar School Mount Albert Boys' Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School l.psom Girls' Grammar School Takapuna Grammar School Thames High School Hamilton High School .. Boforua High School New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girls' High School Gisborne High School .. Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Hastings High School Dannevirke High School Wairarapa High School Hutt Valley High School Wellington College Wellington Girls' College Wellington Hast Girls' College Marlborough High School Nelson College Nelson Girls' College Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School .. Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High School Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School South Otago High School Gore High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School Total, A .. 12 28 6 .. 14 I 23 | 92 51 30 ! .. 27 .. 57 24 24 34 .. 34 .. ! .. .. .. 23 .. 36 .. 59 .. I 3 (i 3 6 . . .. 9 3 9 3 . . I .. 19 . . . . 24 5 24 24 2 2 2 2 .. 159 IS .. 177 .. 17 59 14 .. 73 (i 105 14 119 20 ..34 11 .. 45 .... 11 1 .. 4 .. 16 28 17 .. II 13 39 30 22 57 1 .. 58 44 11 I .. 55 9 9 8 | 9 I 6 13 .. 2 3 4 I 16 : 6 44 12 16 | 56 - 16 i ! •• i •- 71 6 .. 77 30 10 .. 40 5 .. 5 4 20 4 20 119 9 ..128 .. 13 72 18 .. 90 13 8 12 5 8 17 39 10 .. 49 40 ' 29 .. 69 7 7 .. .. ' 8 6 15 13 86 3 89 24 46 XI I 57 5 160 9 .. 169 32 14 .. 46 44 24 .. 68 .. .. 24 .. 24 2 5 2 5 22 12 .. 5 5 27 17 I .. 20 .. 21 4 . . 24 . . 28 987 534 37 30 244 368 1,268 932 129 .30 17 (i 20 22 !) 13 13 24 5 B. Endowed Schwls. Wanganui Collegiate School Christ's College Grammar School 219 .. 1 219 194 194 Total, B .. Grand totals 413 413 .. 1,400 534 37 30 244 368 11,681 932 I 129

8 , .—.6


Table K 7.—Receipts of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1927.

Endowment Income Accoui it. Endowment Capital Account. Buildings and Sites Account. Lower Department Account. Hostels Account. Board. From Reserves. Balance, , 1st Janu- Adminisary, 1927. Vested in tered by Boards. Land Boards. Interest, __c. Balance, Sales of 1st Janu- Endowary, 1927. ments. Or.vt.rn Voluntary I Balance, ____S.?.r,l__ Contribu- I Transfers I Balance, 1st Janu- mem ;ixram_s agBS and i from other lst Jaim _ ary, 1927. Subs idl e s Miseel- , Accounts. ! ary,1927. laneons. I | Fees. Balance, «_,_..__ ' Advances Transfers Sundries. 1st Jinu- ±s< S'_ lmg to Boarders and ary, 1927. le '- refunded. Sundries. A. Secondary Schools. £ £ Whangarei High School .. .. 261 Auckland Grammar School .. 8,504 j 10,566 Thames High School .. .. 15 I 1,282 Hamilton High School .. 37 39 Rotorua High School .. .. .. 966 New Plymouth High School .. 23 ! 1,270 Wanganui Girls' College .. 760 I 1,136 Palmerston North High School 9 Gisborne High School .. 500 2,899 Napier High School .. .. .. 427 Hastings High School .. 105 Dannevirke High School .. 25 Wairarapa High School .. j 230 Hutt Valley High School .. ! 339 Wellington College .. .. | .. 11,555 Marlborough High School .. 339 Nelson College .. .. 1 .. 1,117 Rangiora High School.. .. I .. 280 Christchurch Boys' High School .. 6,174 Christchurch Girls' High School .. 528 Akaroa High School .. .. 2,699 304 Hokitika High School .. 2,802 Ashburton High School .. .. 1,287 Timaru High School .. .. .. 2,584 Waimate High School.. .. 3,963 345 Waitaki High School .. .. j .. 1,937 Otago High School .. .. 309 3,998 South Otago High School Gore High School .. .. 366 65 Southland High School .. 612 1,861 £ £ 46 45 301 410 152 46 4 1,136 331 449 1,044 300 509 359 ! 287 I 192 55 1,723 40 87 i 400 394 251 23 46 97 253 :: .. 3 210 269 ! 201 569 l 44 65 118 | 278 £ 2.357 2,308 7 4,326 £ 780 £ £ £ £ £ 216 : .. 1,517 480 25,594 497 ; 1,823 1,187 166 50 .. 345 16,282 j 1,665 i 4,338 , 61 19* 46 60 805 441 1,066* 101 93 170 I 667* 360 .. 3,310 762 3.140* 1,469 2,467 3,285 59 18* 346 83 .. 64 1,028* .. 176 | 194 149 275 56 33 ■■ .. 84 8,688 i 4,890 I 1,610 1.361 | 1,011 .. 100 884 588 .. 2,444 ! 308 101 85 ' 226 i 382 4,489* 3,393 .. I 5,003 32 6,614 4 358 ; 41 23 £ 992 500 488 630 991 £ £ £ £ £ 327 5,340 .. 17 48* 863 ; 40 135 ! 3,100 13,133 3,422 975 29 389 6.671 2,214 191 44 2,581 ! 488 143 19 745 3.500 757 24 2,380 '. 7,337 1,050 8 74* I 490 103 2,586 I 210 6 1,797 228* 5,891 64 470 1,701 I 13,563 1,749 218 268* 995 .. 19 890* 2,263 I 851* ; 1,969 .. 52 1,379* 40 2,979* 121 550 1,305 j 2,082* 113 : 100 2,022 135 .. .. 103 820* 4,572 '. 2,058 • 1,440 19* 2,296 .. 1.706 104 .. 59 .. 39 260 150 ! 330 1,591 .. 1.200 .. ! 1,166 j 2,071 664 1 2,291 311 132 I 269* 1,255 ■ Totals .. .. j 21,637 50,881 50,881 8,300 2,437 8,300 2,437 ' 9,038 780 12,499* j 74,374 13,042 i 34,355 '1,672 3,601 2,004 6,747 72,799 10,305 2,334 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. .. 5,667 Christ's College 10,898f 3,429 | ; 22,866 13,831 4,243 i 1 Totals .. .. .. 5.667 5,667 14,327 14,327 I 36,697 4,243 I * Account overdrawn. t Includes receip pts for General Trust Account.



Table K 7.—-Receipts of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1927— continued.

General Account. Manual and Science Instruction Account. Special Accounts. Board. Balance, 1st January, 1927. Teachers' j ■—■■-- From Government. Balance, . Voluntary lst Janu- , Contribuarv, 1927. Teachers' Incidental j „, ,,, ; tions. Salaries. Expenses, j Subsidies. From Government. n uovernmem. Incidental \ ,, '_ V c roluntary tions. School Fees. School Transfer- ' i-1.2. Sundries. , from other " 1 K - Accounts. Transfer- 1 ' i ? 1 Transfers Balance. Sundries. . from other ls '„r. nu " n _.Sf,5L,„ Sundries, from other 1st JanuAccounts. fi& Ac «™ te ">■ 1927 - Balance, 1st January, , t Government g Capitation T sundries, frt A rransfel -om oth Account as tier : ts i Balance. 1st Janu- i. ary, 1927. Miscel- : 1'ransfers i„„ T i'rouc other laneous - Accounts. Miscel- ! Xransfc l ifj_ T i'roui oth laneous - Account ary, i._i. _._a______ Salaries. lllOIUen.Hl ; ;, Expenses. Subsidies. UUUB. , Accounts. 1927. ai ind Grants. _r la.uiii: _-._,, 1MI. A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar School Thames High School Hamilton High School Kotorua High School New Plymough High School Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High School Gisborne High School Napier High School Hastings High School Dannevirke High School Wairarapa High School Hutt Valley High School Wellington College Marlborough High School Nelson College Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Akaroa High School Hokitika High School Ashburton High School Timaru High School Waimate High School Waitaki High School Otago High School South Otago High School Gore High School Southland High School £ £ 20* 9,664 730 29,680 .. j 370 3,475 790 6,365 1,880 367 8,990 833 3.949 19 8,440 382 7,175 2,184 8,930 199 3,960 275 2,795 841 4,390 48 3,630 2,776 16,650 76 6,780 1,121* 9.U0 55* 3,553 7,990 i 1,873 7.150 3.425 270* 9,150 1,680 11,400 3,302 16,460 168 1,848 905 4,350 1,532 8,255 £ 1,438 6,948 569 1,013 362 1,398 776 ! 1,280 1.096 i.455 623 468 725 638 4.180 976 1,565 380 1,518 1,465 630 1,550 1,518 2.875 375 658 1,265 £ 69 12 19 10 36 81 73 10 265 189 6 64 150 119 £ 50 67 30 48 19 10 883 131 80 186 41 17 125 143 ! 82 i 66 iio 343 18 : 50 33 £ £ £ 134 8 444 964 191 9,081 62 2 79 136 20 149 35 517 674 507 173 777 239 2.139 293 212 76 268 195 ; .. 173 208 3,803 906 95 134 331 14 17 215 261 21 47 35 343 531 684 3,123 141 157 231 669 486 2,230 63 161 34 224 6 97 203 413 161 274 : 279 132 22 203 245 225 399 124 : 524 1,081 750 335 I 1,180 866 4 19 61 109 149 120 154 44 762 £ 142* 18 25* 75 17* 14 40* 33* 20 95* 38 5 43 265* 54* 131 67 664 2* 151* £ 311 1,505 63 100 258 90 141 75 403 52 27 79 325 559 119 427 65 281 222 153 106 77 300 £ 9 2 11 20 2 ' 112 191 3 £ £ 1 5,445 56 90 550 290 64* 87 7 36 85 2,745 £ £ 359 438 2 4 10 25 331 1,124 14 50 153 545 Totals .. 17,884 ! 209,444 ; 37,744 ] 37,744 1,112 : 1,112 2.532 2,532 ( 6,443 6,443 11,763 23,447 11,763 23,447 267 267 5,738 5,738 350 350 T 9,328 ' : 9,328 1,934 I 1,124 1,934 i 1,124 ; : l_ B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School Christ's College .. j 4,379 9,229 4,379 1,255 9,229 1,728 ! 7,465 1 1,255 1,728 7,465 I ; : - - , j 1— Totals .. I 15 13,608 3,608 2,983 7,465 2,983 7,465 ■ * .. I mnts overdrawn.



Table K8.—Payments of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1927.

I „__, ~ i I Office Salaries and Expenses. Endowment!. In Expenditure on Endowments. Endowments Income Account. acome Account. Cap"c£_it. Bat Tra - eK .» P " n S°'i » SEEM Acquit, -Si«.| 31 jeei^ D ll27. and EndowmentCapital Account. Buildings and Sites Account. ildlngs and Loans repaid. d Sites Account. Lower Department Account. Interest Balance Balance, on Loans ai<!t De Teachers' Incidental' iliscel- 31st Deand ' ,-amh/. i o". - Salaries. ; Expenses.! laneous. cember, sundry. LemDer > i9 -'- 192 7. Lower Department Account. Board. A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar School .. Thames High School Hamilton High School Rotorua High School New Plymouth High School Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High School Gisborne High School Napier High School Hastings High School Dannevirke High School Wairarapa High School Hutt Valley High School Wellington College Marlborough High School Nelson College Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Akaroa High School Hokitika. High School Ashburton High School Timaru High School Waimate High School Waitaki High School Otago High School South Otago High School Gore High School Southland High School £ 25 536 102 54 50 55 75 13 272 50 250 22 25 30 87 50 143 239 | 80 £ 216 1,859 80 73 112 25 246 91 1,767 9 1,075 10 42 29 216 9 74 63 41 i £ 110 10,904 1,266 54 674 2,266 1,098 426 3,078 1,667 226 280 7 376 4,732 266 1.451 280 5,101 519 274 279 1.129 2.281 124 2,190 1,028 61 120 1,962 £ 6,481 239 1,048 31 388 ; 104 511 204 6,545 560 2,775 2,806 103 4,334 | 3,591 4 429 668 £ 1,517 £ 840 2,308 5,106 40 I " £ 1,344 28,192 459 121 20,935 77 556 115 2,402 316 147 675 492 15,025 2,472 2.450 447 1,453 6,671 811 456 10.008 3,983 163 890 2,504 £ 537 | 958 599 100 3,000 489 142 25 550 936 350 £ 323 181 95 655 206 137 1,190 3 3,330 103 3,073 333 187 449 23 1,200 £ 66 203 82 10 1,358* 248* 13 20 3,083* 1,466 101 619* 21* 23 2,550* 1,689* 3,132* 441* 583* £ 840 449 370 555 775 I £ 3i3 106 86 63 2.1 — £ £ 27 8 3 412 674 138 30 66 1,797 3i3 41 Totals 2,164 2,164 6,037 6,037 I 44,229 44,229 30,821 30,821 1,517 1,517 8,301 8,301 103,164 103,164 7,686 7,686 11,498 11,498 13,077* I 13,077* ! 2,989 ; 2,989 779 779 " _ 734 2,775 734 2,775 B. Endowed Schooh. Wanganui Collegiate School Christ's College 364 183 18.509t 416 2,830 2,308* 2,308* 1 i ,— Totals 547 547 18,925 18,925 2.830 2.830 2,308* 2,308* — ~ * Accounts overdrawn. t Includes also miscellaneous expenditure from General Trust Account.



3—E. 6

Table K8.—Payments of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1927— continued.

Hostels Account. General Account. Manual and Science Instruction Account. Special Accounts. Board. Total Balance, Payments. J^^Su. Teachers' Salaries. Maintenance Incidental of Buildings, Expenses. Rent, and Kates. Sundry. Transfers Balance, Material Balance, J°L 31st De- ihitenal, 3l8t De . aS__.s. <*«*><*, 1927. iC ' cember,1927. Total Payments. Balance, 31st Dejcember, 1927. A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar School Thames High School Hamilton High School Rotorua High School New Plymouth High School Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High School Gisborne High School Napier High School Hastings High School Dannevirke High School Wairarapa High School Hutt Valley High School Wellington College Marlborough High School.. Nelson College Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Akaroa High School Hokitika High School Ashburton High School Timaru High School Waimate High School Waitaki High School Otago High School South Otago High School Gore High School Southland High School £ 5,974 l,i37 19,149 8,508 2,879 4,812 9,131 '571 2,749 5,816 £ 290* '282* 1,481 957 377 189 1,643 155* 155 380 678 307* 835* 377* 1,379* £ 9,672 38,894 3,554 6,476 2,451 9,784 4,302 8,500 7,030 9,276 4,130 2,755 4,884 3,993 24,516 7,309 9,925 3,461 9,361 7,300 £ 1,409 6,266 362 1,102 349 2,008 824 1,123 1,000 1,336 718 432 648 700 3,641 927 1,507 385 1,256 1,650 £ 118 577 155 114 189 304 79 115 106 767 82 168 18 1,083 238 387 118 97 565 "86 260 '751 544 136 162 188 £ 79 271 3 177 77 2,326 69 46 5,747 579 ; 305 ! 107 i 463 258 2,006 267 222 274 232 36 230 59 854 601 19 173 241 £ 338 2,105 il5 55 136 248 1,622 59 £ 396 1,704 486 777 381 68 747 527 521 862* 1* 430 480 189 1,645* 460* 551* 100 791* 1,594 8 160* 2J79 2,232 235 897 1,807 £ 320 589 21 . 7 280 104 128 256 456 28 9 94 284 381 208 105 60 103 224 "205 289 343 335 18 97 146 £ '774 60 93 "46* 71 5* 167* 74* 8* 26 7* 64 195 50* 327 48 87* 135 "73* 70* 236* 329 18* 18* 3 £ 357 383 4 4 10 25 1,599 70 £ 2 5,500 54 90 550 146 120* "87 16,553 1,053 2,208 1,547 7 42 i96 ; 1,440 905 218* 47 3,542 9,520 65 11,898 17,125 1,824 4,561 8,917 492 1,559 51 3 *36 85 1°797 2,492 1,678 2,913 249 647 1,010 i22 "40 505 1^204 Totals 87,622 4,558 235,072 15,721 4,678 | 235,072 36,191 7,407 11,288 5,090 1,266 2,755 9,632 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School Christ's College 20,381 14,071 6,728 240* 7,766 8,575 2,691 2,779 1,143 1,273 1,657 3,066 529 7,622* 2,200 Totals 34,452 6,488 16,341 5,470 2,416 4,723 529 5,422* I * Account overdrawn.



Table K9.—Secondary-schools Hostels for Year 1927.— Income and Expenditure.

Hostel. Income. General Expenses. Provisions. Supervision i by Teachers, j Wages. Expenditm Light, cvc. Expenditure. ire. Bepairs. Rates, Other 31 " 1 depreciation. Total. Profit. Loss. £ s. d. £ s. i Christchurch Boys' .. 2,460 3 11 123 8 Christ-church Girls' .. 2,078 4 0 86 6 Dannevirke Boys' .. 611 0 0 Gisborne Boys' .. 2,658 10 0 45 0 Gisborne Girls' .. 1,419 15 0 30 0 Gore High .. .. 1,301 12 0 7 6 Hamilton Girls' .. 1,043 10 9 57 1 Mount Albert Grammar 1,563 13 11 10 0 Napier Boys' .. 4,792 15 8 191 15 Napier Girls' .. 3,095 2 11 199 16 Nelson Boys' .. 8,164 15 2 240 2 Nelson Girls' .. 5,246 9 2 240 2 New Plymouth Boys' 9,940 19 11 38 19 New Plymouth Girls' 3,610 13 2 38 19 Otago Boys' .. 2,594 15 8 82 18 Palmerston North Boys' 2,029 7 0 Palmerston North Girls' 772 1 9 Rangiora .. .. 1,013 18 9 30 0 Timaru Girls' .. 3,119 16 2 262 14 Wairarapa Boys' .. 2,830 16 0 42 4 j Waitaki Girls' .. 2,220 0 6 30 0 Wanganui Girls' .. 6,865 19 6 193 1 Wellington Boys' .. 4,363 13 0 181 6 Wellington Girls' .. 2,001 16 11 88 17 Whangarei Boys' .. 4,193 2 0 42 2 Whangarei Girls' .. 1,614 19 8 29 18 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 123 8 8 726 6 4 268 0 0 651 3 6 189 2 9 86 6 1 395 10 10 57 0 0 482 19 2 75 0 4 383 19 3 I .. 110 0 0 51 18 1 45 0 0 809 5 6 500 0 0 665 3 2 194 7 2 30 0 0 400 8 0 180 0 0! 575 7 6 146 1 2 7 6 3 458 14 1 47 10 0 431 15 0 98 13 9 57 1 2 306 7 8 153 0 0 272 2 0 59 8 8 10 0 0 426 15 4 120 0 0 378 7 1 104 7 3, 191 15 7 1,496 18 1 385 0 0 1,053 12 0 270 16 10 199 16 2 762 10 1 150 0 0 857 9 10 183 10 11 240 2 6 3,456 4 9 .. 1,831 3 9 543 8 0 240 2 6 2,039 11 10 | .. 1,193 17 7 324 2 8 38 19 7 3,840 13 9 744 13 4 1,911 11 6 729 19 6; 38 19 7 885 5 11 557 17 10 639 7 7 224 14 7 82 18 6 665 17 4 350 0 0 745 2 7 192 8 9 600 15 2 250 0 0 477 16 3 118 7 11 214 2 8 100 0 0 249 7 0 31 5 0 30 0 0! 423 8 11 .. 439 14 0 78 10 9 262 14 6' 1,030 11 4 360 0 0 696 4 4 213 17 9 42 4 11 809 17 3 .. 528 12 242 8 2 30 0 0 791 3 11 78 0 0 516 3 6 119 1 1 193 1 0 2,933 2 11 .. 1,384 7 6 828 3 7 181 6 2 1,367 2 10 416 0 0 1,287 19 3 413 9 3 88 17 2 460 14 5 78 0 0 464 10 8 127 14 4 42 2 7 1,728 16 5 300 0 0 719 17 11 147 0 7 29 18 4 634 14 1 100 0 0 455 0 0 119 7 5 d, £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ' £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. 8 726 6 4 268 0 0 651 3 6 189 2 9 76 16 8 46 1 5 260 3 10 281 4 10 2,622 8 0 .. 162 4 1 395 10 10 57 0 0 482 19 2 75 0 4 169 1 4 30 19 2 141 9 8 228 5 11 1,666 12 6 411 11 6 383 19 3 I .. 110 0 0 51 18 1 .. .. .. 33 0 0 578 17 4 32 2 8 0 809 5 6 500 0 0 665 3 2 194 7 2 166 0 4 10 18 9 104 5 4 265 0 0 2,760 0 3 .. 101 10 0 400 8 0 180 0 O! 575 7 6 146 1 2 13 18 6 12 10 8 21 16 2 213 0 0 1,593 2 0' .. 173 7 3 458 14 1 47 10 0 431 15 0 98 13 9 58 19 0 33 12 1 13 4 0 297 15 4 1,447 9 6 .. 145 17 2 306 7 8 153 0 0 272 2 0 59 8 8 21 13 2 249 14 1 12 6 8 30 0 0 1,161 13 5 .. 118 2 0 426 15 4 120 0 0 378 7 1 104 7 3. 28 8 2 20 14 10 291 13! 83 7 2 1,463 11 100 12 10 7 1,496 18 1 385 0 0 1,053 12 0 270 16 10 .. 11 9 3 473 15 9 518 0 0 4,401 7 6 391 8 2 2 762 10 1 150 0 0 857 9 10 183 10 11 .. 104 2 10 139 2 0 345 0 0 2,741 11 10 353 11 1 6 3,456 4 9 .. 1,831 3 9 543 8 0 279 10 8 332 5 9 99 14 6 385 16 10 7,168 6 9 996 8 5 6 2,039 11 10 .. 1,193 17 7 324 2 8 107 17 10 144 19 11; 106 13 8 274 9 5 4,431 15 5 814 13 9 7 3,840 13 9 744 13 4 1,911 11 6 729 19 6! 86 19 5 139 15 Oi 267 14 2 749 13 1 8,509 19 4 1,431 0 7 7 885 5 11 557 17 10 639 7 7 224 14 7 39 5 3 471 16 0 169 5 9 164 8 3 3,191 0 9 419 12 5 6 665 17 4 350 0 0 745 2 7 192 8 9 63 16 8 119 19 0 122 1 7 254 18 0 2,597 2 5 .. 2 6 600 15 2 250 0 0 477 16 3 118 7 11 38 9 3 220 8 3 17 0 8 145 0 0 1.867 17 6 161 9 6 214 2 8 100 0 0 249 7 0 31 5 0 3 19 2 118 8 8 34 9 1 .. 751 11 7 20 10 2 0! 423 8 11 .. 439 14 0 78 10 9 32 0 8 0 12 3 48 10 6 104 5 3 1,157 2 4 .. 143 3 6j 1,030 11 4 360 0 0 696 4 4 213 17 9 .. 56 6 5 13 13 9 256 5 7 2,889 13 8 230 2 6 11 809 17 3 .. 528 12 242 8 2 19 14 7 16 19 10 240 11 9 516 6 9 2,416 4 5 414 11 7 0 791 3 11 78 0 0 516 3 6 119 1 1 89 19 3 32 4 11 212 19 8 200 7 10 2,070 0 2 150 0 4 0 2,933 2 11 .. 1,384 7 6 828 3 7 184 0 1 14 9 11 564 17 10 833 7 6 6,935 10 4 .. 69 10 2 1,367 2 10 416 0 0 1,287 19 3 413 9 3 184 1 1 .. 78 4 9 576 3 0 4,504 6 4 .. 140 13 2 460 14 5 78 0 0 464 10 8 127 14 4 43 12 10 .. 32 16 6 381 16 5 1,678 2 4 323 14 7 7 1,728 16 5 300 0 0 719 17 11 147 0 7 75 15 1 .. 394 19 11 290 3 2 3,698 15 8 494 6 4 4 634 14 1 100 0 0 455 0 0 119 7 5 39 5 6 2 6 2 124 3 3 100 8 4 1,605 3 1 | 9 16 7 I . £ s. d. 76 16 8 169 1 4 166"o 4 13 18 6 58 19 0 21 13 2 28 8 2 279'l0 8 107 17 10 86 19 5 39 5 3, 63 16 8 38 9 3 3 19 2 32 0 8 19 14 7 89 19 3 184 0 1 184 1 1 43 12 10 75 15 1 39 5 6| £ s. d. £ s. d.! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 46 15 260 3 10 281 4 10 2,622 8 0 .. 162 4 1 30 19 2 141 9 8 228 5 11 1,666 12 6 411 11 6 33 0 0 578 17 4 32 2 8 10 18 9 104 5 4, 265 0 0 2,760 0 3 .. 101 10 3 12 10 8 21 16 2 213 0 0 1,593 2 0 .. 173 7 0 33 12 1 13 4 0 297 15 4 1,447 9 6 .. 145 17 6 249 14 1 12 6 8 ! 30 0 0 1,161 13 5 .. 118 2 8 20 14 10 291 13 83 7 2 1,463 1 1 100 12 10 11 9 3 473 15 9 518 0 0 4,401 7 6 391 8 2 104 2 10 139 2 0 345 0 0 2,741 11 10 353 11 1 332 5 9 99 14 6 385 16 10 7,168 6 9 996 8 5 144 19 11 106 13 8 274 9 5 4,431 15 5 814 13 9 139 15 Oi 267 14 2 749 13 1 8,509 19 4 1,431 0 7 471 16 0 169 5 9 164 8 3 3,191 0 9 419 12 5 119 19 0 122 1 7 254 18 0 2,597 2 5 .. 2 6 9 220 8 3 17 0 8 145 0 0 1.867 17 6 161 9 6 118 8 8 34 9 1 .. 751 11 7 20 10 2 0 12 3 48 10 6 104 5 3 1,157 2 4 .. 143 3 7 56 6 5 13 13 9 256 5 7 2,889 13 8 230 2 6 16 19 10 240 11 9 516 6 9 2,416 4 5 414 11 7 32 4 11 212 19 8 200 7 10 2,070 0 2 150 0 4 14 9 11 564 17 10 833 7 6 6,935 10 4 .. 69 10 10 78 4 9 576 3 0 4,504 6 4 .. 140 13 4 32 16 6 381 16 5 1,678 2 4 323 14 7 394 19 11 290 3 2 3,698 15 8 494 6 4 2 6 2 124 3 3 100 8 4 1,605 3 1 9 16 7 AU schools .. 81,607 12 6 2,292 1 328,048 18 8 5,195 1 219,018 3 10 5,827 6 31,823 4 62,190 15 23,985 2 07,528 2 875,908 15 6 j 6,755 13 0 1,056 16



Table K10.—Secondary-schools Hostels for Year 1927.— Average Income and Expenditure per Boarder per Week.

4—E. 6.

Hostel. Number of Boarders at 30th June, 1927. Income. General Expenses. Provisions Supervision pro.i.ions. by Teacl . ers Wages. Expenditu Light.Fuel, Ac. Expenditure. ure. Repairs. Depreciation. Total. Profit Loss. Rates, Interest, and Rent. £ s. d. 1 4 3 1 0 0 0 18 1 1 2 3 1 6 0 0 14 9 1 1 1 1 5 1 i s. d. 2 7 1 4 0 10 0 5 0 2 0 3 4 8 ■ Christchurch Boys' Christchurch Girls' Dannevirke Boys' Gisborne Boys' Gisborne Girls' Gore High Hamilton Girls' Mount Albert Grammar Boys' Napier Boys' Napier Girls' Nelson Boys' Nelson Girls' New Plymouth Boys' .. New Plymouth Girls' . . Otago Boys' Palmerston North Boys' Palmerston North Girls' Rangiora Timaru Girls' Wairarapa Boys' Waitaki Girls' Wanganui Girls' Wellington Boys' Wellington Girls' Whangarei Boys' Whangarei Girls' 39 40 13 46 21 34 19 24 s. d. 1 3 0 10 0 5 0 7 0 1 1 2 0 2 s. d. 7 2 3 10 11 4 6 9 7 4 5 3 6 2 6 10 s. d. 2 8 0 7 4 2 3 4 0 6 3 1 1 11 s. d. 6 5 4 8 3 3 5 7 10 6 4 11 5 7 6 1 s. d. 1 10 0 9 1 6 1 8 2 8 1 1 1 2 1 8 s. d. 0 9 1 7 1 4 0 3 0 8 0 5 0 5 s. d. 0 5 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 5 5 1 0 4 s. d. 2 9 2 2 1 0 2 3 3 10 3 4 0 7 1 4 £ s. d. 1 5 10 0 16 1 0 17 1 1 3 1 1 9 2 0 16 5 1 3 6 1 3 5 s. d. 3 11 1 0 1 8 s. d. 1 7 0 10 3 2 1 8' 2 5 57 53 132 85 176 65 44 34 11 20 51 44 36 125 71 30 76 30 1 12 4 1 2 6 1 3 9 1 3 9 1 1 9 1 1 5 1 2 8 1 2 11 17 0 0 19 6 1 3 6 1 4 9 1 3 8 1 1 1 1 3 8 15 8 1 1 3 1 0 8 1 4 1 6 0 8 1 1 0 1 0 3 0 9 0 7 2 0 0 5 0 4 0 7 1 0 1 2 0 3 0 5 10 1 5 6 10 1 9 3 8 5 5 3 5 10 6 9 7 6 8 3 7 9 7 1 8 5 9 0 7 5 5 11 8 9 8 2 2 7 1 1 1 7 3 4 3 1 2 10 3 6 2 9 0 10 2 3 1 0 1 6 1 3 7 1 6 3 5 4 5 5 4 2 3 9 6 6 5 5 8 8 8 5 5 3 4 7 5 6 4 3 7 0 5 11 3 8 5 10 1 10 1 4 1 7 1 6 1 7 1 4 1 8 1 4 1 1 1 6 1 7 2 1 1 3 2 6 2 3 1 7 0 9 1 6 0 10 0 6 0 2 0 3 0 7 0 5 0 2 0 7 0 1 0 9 1 0 0 7 0 4 2 9 1 0 2 6 4 2 3 2 1 0 0 3 0 6 0 7 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 2 0 11 0 1 2 1 2 3 1 9 0 5 0 5 1 11 1 7 3 6 2 6 1 1 1 3 1 8 1 0 2 2 1 8 2 0 1 11 4 6 2 2 2 7 3 1 4 11 1 6 1 4 1 9 8 0 19 11 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 18 7 0 18 11 1 2 8 1 1 1 16 3! 123| 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 4 5 1 1 6 0 18 9 1 0 7 ; 2 8 2 7 2 11 3 8 3 2 2 6 1 10 0 9 19 3 8 1 7 4 2 2 6 0 1 2 9 0 2 1 0 0 7 1 0 0 7 0 5 0 6 0 5 0 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 9 All schools 1,376 1 2 10 7 10 1 5 0 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 11 0 4 0 8 5 4 1 8 0 7 Note. —This return is based on a fifty-two-week year, whereas the boarders are usually in residence for only forty weeks; the average weekly cost of maintaining each boarder, is therefore approximately 25 per cent, greater than the figures shown.


Table K11.—Balances and Assets and Liabilities of Secondary- school Boards and Endowed Schools as at 31st December, 1927.


Secondary-school Boards. 1927. Bank Balances and Investments. Assets. Liabilities. Balance, 31st December, 1927. Amounts owing to Board. Total. I Overdrafts and Loans. Other Liabilities. Total. A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar School .. Thames High School Rotorua High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth High School Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High School Gisborne High School Napier High School Hastings High School Dannevirke High School Wairarapa High School Hutt Valley High School .. Wellington College Marlborough High School .. Nelson College Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High Schoolf Christchurch Girls' High Schoolt Akaroa High School Hokitika High School Ashburton High School Timaru High School Waimate High School Waitaki High School Otago High School South Otago High School .. Gore High School Southland High School £ s. d. Or. 1,219 5 7 Cr. 13,220 0 7 Dr. 1,347 4 9 '.'. Or. 1,107 17 6 Dr. 5,306 9 7 Cr. 1,918 10 4 Dr. 4,265 12 5 Dr. 72 10 11 Dr. 16,115 18 10 Cr. 323 14 4 Cr. 321 2 4 Cr. 304 18 9 Cr. 358 4 0 Dr. 47,914 0 0 Cr. 45 13 10 Dr. 1,417 14 8 Dr. 1,710 4 8 Dr. 49.036 13 8 .. j Dr. 3,724 15 0 Cr. 1,370 4 1 Cr. 2,804 6 5 Dr. 3,354 16 10 Dr. 7,352 8 1 Or. 3,949 0 1 Cr. 2,638 0 7 Or. 4,873 10 0 Nil Cr. 1,234 13 9 .. | Dr. 16,914 4 4 . £ s. d. 1,304 11 8 16,254 13 7 600 3 10 398 2 1 598 12 6 2,386 3 6 4,855 9 7 1,847 16 6 635 8 8 7,852 4 8 391 12 1 284 16 1 511 15 0 477 5 9 7,246 15 0 899 13 1 5,182 8 3 Nil Nil 1,372 U 10 1,442 6 7 2,810 11 11 1,273 2 10 85 0 0 4.333 18 8 5S9 17 0 9,833 17 2 217 13 9 1,186 11 5 1,895 19 7 £ s. d. 774 2 7 1,590 2 9 2,325 18 2 108 8 5 324 3 1 1,155 0 9 1,342 11 3 1,241 15 2 1,554 10 7 3,605 19 1 358 5 8 355 19 7 491 9 10 190 8 6 2,202 6 10 187 2 1 2,762 2 8 248 3 0 1,344 1 10 260 6 8 27 14 7 178 12 9 212 9 4 1,403 17 5 Nil 2,159 13 1 923 3 5 64 12 8 577 9 5 2,057 6 1 £ s. d. 2,078 14 3 17,844 16 4 2,926 2 0 506 10 6 922 15 7 3,541 4 3 6,198 0 10 3,089 11 8 2,189 19 3 11,458 3 9 749 17 9 640 15 8 1,003 4 10 667 14 3 9,449 1 10 1,086 15 2 7,944 10 11 248 3 0 1,344 1 10 1,633 1 6 1,470 1 2 2,989 4 8 1,485 12 2 1,488 17 5 4,333 18 8 2,749 10 1 10,757 0 7 282 6 5 1,764 0 10 3,953 5 8 £ s. d. 2,350 9 1 Nil 3,611 13 6 Nil Nil 11,018 8 0 2,713 19 2 4,753 6 5 Nil 22,401 6 1 Nil Nil 209 14 9 Nil 55,500 0 0 Nil 5.020 0 0 1,490 4 8 49,519 18 5 5,016 16 0 23 6 1 5 0 0 2,550 0 0 6,922 10 10 Nil 339 3 9 Nil Nil Nil 20,000 0 0 £ s. d. 546 4 7 6,439 2 6 75 10 11 283 2 6 97 12 0 410 2 6 334 9 11 91 4 0 849 12 10 3,515 2 7 498 14 6 Nil 610 4 6 219 7 9 665 4 9 800 0 0 2,975 0 0 229 13 2 46 3 4 167 3 10 Nil 26 4 8 22 14 0 294 17 8 14 9 7 880 0 0 3,179 15 0 Nil 499 11 5 685 17 2 £ s. d £ s. d. 2,896 13 8 Dr. 817 19 5 6,439 2 6 Cr. 11,405 13 10 3,687 4 5 Dr. 761 2 5 283 2 6 Cr. 223 8 0 97 12 0 Cr. 825 3 7 ll,428 10 6 Dr. 7,887 6 3 3,048 9 1 Cr. 3,149 11 9 4,844 10 5 Dr. 1,754 18 9 849 12 10 Or. 1,340 6 5 25,916 8 8 Dr. 14,458 4 11 498 14 6 Cr. 251 3 3 Nil Cr. 640 15 8 819 19 3 Cr. 183 5 7 219 7 9 Cr. 448 6 6 56,165 4 9 j Dr. 46,716 2 11 800 0 0 Cr. 286 15 2 7,995 0 0 Dr. 50 9 1 1,719 17 10 Dr. 1,471 14 10 49,566 19 Dr. 48,221 19 11 5,183 19 10 Dr. 3,550 18 4 23 6 1 Cr. 1,446 15 1 31 4 8 Cr. 2,958 0 0 2,572 14 0 Dr. 1,087 1 10 7,217 8 6 Dr. 5,728 11 J. 14 9 7 Cr. 4,319 9 1 1,219 3 9 Cr. 1,530 6 4 3,179 15 9 Cr. 7,577 4 10 Nil Cr. 282 6 5 499 11 5 Cr. 1,264 9 5 20.685 17 2 Dr. 16,732 11 6 Totals .. Dr. 122,844 11 7 76,769 5 7 76,769 5 7 30,028 17 3 106,798 2 10 193,445 16 9 24,457 6 5 217,903 3 2 Dr. 111,105 0 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School Christ's Colleger .. Dr. 100,760 1 4 Nil Nil 5,770 7 3 107,472 16 5 13,107 1 4 120,579 17 9 Dr. 114,809 10 5,770 7 3 — Totals .. Ih. 100,760 1 4 Nil Nil 5,770 7 3 5,770 7 3 107,472 16 5 13,107 1 4 120,579 17 9 Dr. 114,809 10 6 |l * School established in 1927. t Canterbury College Board. % Return not available.

E.— 6.

Table K12. — Lower Departments of Secondary Schools, 1927. —Average Attendance Roll, Classification, and Staff.

DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS. Table L1. —Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1927.


* Ron fl Number __£ at 31st -*!g> Decern* - 1 ber, 1927 _> _T _c _. So fl _9 _? _s S SB -, WO class iification accoi ■dim it 3C ? to Stanc Ith June, liirii: mil;; sof Pupils on Roll I § School. Ola: is P. S: I. 82. G. B. G. J3. SG. B. t. 15. 36. G. B." G. 1 Totals. B. G. Ii. O. B. B. a. B. f/. 3 o EH M. F. New Plymouth Boys' High .. New Plymouth Girls' High .. Wanganui Girls' College Gisborne High Napier Girls' High Nelson College Nelson Girls' College Timaru Boys' High Timaru Girls' High 34-00 47-00 37-00 31-40 49-90 33-09 53-40 53-60 21-10 39 8 26 49 42 12 55 3 '7 5 ! 3 2 4 4 4 1 3 1 8 2 1 '2 9 3 4 5 5 3 3 5 2 6 9 1 *8 9 9 13 2 14 16 i.3 13 14 15 4 18 39 .. 8 49 .. 37 26 12 .. 60 36 .. 49 37 12 60 39 57 37 38 60 36 60 57 26 2 i 2 2 2 2 38 6 8 8 9 _8 18 60 2 1 1 60 3 i 7 0 13 _2 22 .. 60 67 .. on i 56 '2 3 2 3 *5 8 26 26 3 .. 26 Totals 360-49 167 15 10 6 22 29 28 39 61 64 77 166 244 244 410 4 12 244 3 8 17 31

Education District. I II i v, __3 w Boll Number, 31st December, 1927. +5 en hi CM If <i M _ «$ r Number of Holders of Government Free-places on Boll at 30th June, 1927. Under 13 Years. 13 to 14, 14 ti Years. Ye* Ages oi rup: )15 uro. ils on 15 t! Yei > 16 irs. Loll al 30th June, Mil Yi ;o 17 iars. 1927. Over 17 Years. Totals of All Ages. B. G. •a -a F, _> F. CE B. G. B. G. B. .'otal. G. B. G. B. G. I B ' G. B. (I. Auckland faranaki iVanganui Hawke's Bay iVellington STelson Canterbury Dtago Southland 24 3 5 6 7 5 15 11 3 1,130 75 189 228 274 226 844 338 147 567 52 108 119 135 121 397 155 65 574 31 80 117 141 97 429 175 80 1,141 83 18_ 236 276 218 826 33C 14S 1,395 9£ 22C 276 326 267 973 374 17C 1,008 78 171 186 192 187 758 273 136 253 15 31 63 112 58 127 79 19 17 2 11 7 17 13 13 4 4 21 3 4 12 14 10 19 6 5 108 13 24 20 27 24 88 35 18 119 9 20 27 29 25 92 41 19 223 22 52 37 54 50 135 53 23 203 9 36 36 52 27 169 52 26 181 14 23 35 41 30 137 51 14 179 6 20 31 31 23 108 42 20 80 7 13 21 13 17 59 20 9 84 5 10 17 19 13 58 35 12 48 1 2 11 6 7 23 12 2 47 5 657 59 125 134 158 141 455 175 70 653 37 90 135 152 107 467 191 92 12 7 9 21 15 10 Totals for 1927 1,719 1,724 2,989 88 94 357 381 i i 610 i 253 112 126 1,974 : 79 3,451 3,443 4,091 :757 Mil ! 526 .00 242 1,924 I


Table L2.—Classification of Pupils on Roll of Secondary Departments of District High Schools at the 30th June, 1927, according to Years of Attendance.

Table L3.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1927.

Approximate Cost of Paper. — Preparation, not given; printing (1 050 copies), £47 10s.

By Authority : W. A. G. Skinnee, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92B.

Price 9d.]


First 'ear. Sec Yi lond Tl ear. Yi ilril jar. Fourth Year. Fifth Sixth Year. Year. Totals. Number Entrants who had viously Secor Educi of New* sin 1927 . not prereceivcd idary ation. Education District. Grand Totals. B. G. I a. B, (I. B. G. B. G. Ii. G. B. G. B. G. B. .uekland Vanganui lawke's Bay Vellington Jelson .. Janterbury . tago louthland 349 40 76 69 76 70 221 72 40 31 Hi 21 51 77 72 52 245 83 44 184 12 39 40 50 39 131 57 17 196 5 25 36 44 29 133 58 20 81 6 6 18 19 20 73 27 10 99 9 10 14 21 17 57 26 13 38 1 4 7 12 8 23 15 I 35 I 2 3 7 10 8 25 16 10 I 5 1 4 6 4 2 17 1 1 4 ' 1 5 6 5 i 657 59 125 134 158 141 455 175 70 653 37 90 135 152 107 467 191 92 1,310 96 215 269 310 248 922 366 162 382 45 73 77 78 84 230 74 40 345 23 49 78 77 53 252 87 48 i o 2 Totals 1,013 951 569 546 260 266 109 116 22 40 i 5 1,974 1,924 3,898 1,083 1,012 * Pupils under this heading ;he heading "First Year." l the firs! . two cot umns of ' this ta le under 'ho wi ire on the n ill at 10th Ji une, 1: 127, are of course Lnclui led i

Subject. Number of 1 Subj Boys. ?upils taking lects. Percentagi Num e of Whole iber. Girls. Boys. Girls. inglish Arithmetic Geography, history, and civics .. _atin French Vlathomatics .hemistry and physios 3otany Agricultural science Domestic science Needlework and cookery Voodwork and metalwork 3ook-keeping and commercial work >horthand and typewriting Drawing Vlusic Scripture Jardening .. .. .. Dairy science iygione tVriting 1,793 1,780 1,765 172 1,490 1,638 1,524 90 1,355 128 1,824 1,812 1,806 123 1,410 1,468 1,464 97 404 1,034 1,083 100-00 99-3 98-4 9-6 83-1 91-4 85-0 5-0 75-6 7-1 100-0 99-3 99-0 6-7 77-3 80-5 80-3 5-3 22-1 56-7 59-4 961 466 181 107 92 23 22 307 62 48 505 230 130 247 16 53-6 26-0 10-0 6-0 . 5-1 1-3 1-2 17-1 3-5 2-7 27-7 12-6 7-1 13-5 0-9 200 196 63 11 -0 10-7 3-5 Total number of pupils 1,793 1,824 100-0 100-0

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1927.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1927.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, E-06

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1927.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, E-06

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