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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OP REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Thursday, the 4th Day of August, 1927. Ordered, " That the petition of F. L. Combs and another be referred direct to the Education Committee.-—(Mr. Atmore.) Wednesday, the 17th Day of August, 1927. Ordered, "That Standing Order No. 219 be suspended, and that a Select Committee be appointed, consisting of eleven members, to consider all matters relating to school-teachers, education, and public instruction generally, publicschool training of teachers, higher education, technical education, manual instruction, and such other matters affecting education as may be referred to it; to have power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum ; the Committee to consist of Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Atmore, Mr. Bellringer, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Eraser, Mr. H. Holland, Mr. Hudson, Mr. W. Jones, Mr. Potter, Mr. Sidey, and the mover." —(Hon. Mr. Wright.) Wednesday, the 21st Day of September, 1927. Ordered, " That the petition of the Right Rev. H. W. Cleary be referred direct to the Education Committee." (Mr. Atmore.) Tuesday, the Bth Day of November, 1927. Ordered, " That the Child Welfare Amendment Bill be referred to the Education Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Wright.) Friday, the 11th Day of November, 1927. Ordered, " That the Education Amendment Bill be referred to the Education Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Wright.) Thursday, the 17th Day of November, 1927. Ordered, "'That the petition of J. R. Wilson be referred direct to the Education Committee."—(Mr. McCombs.)



REPORTS. Extract prom Minutes of Meeting held on 31st August, 1927. Resolved, That this Committee tenders to Mr. 11. T. Armstrong, M.P., its deep sympathy at the loss which he and his family have sustained by the sad death by accident of his late son, Val Armstrong. R. P. Hudson, Chairman. 2nd September, 1927.

No. 6. —Petition of Maria Douds, of Dunsandel. Praying that her previous service may be allowed to count as a contributor to the Teachers' Superannuation Fund. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 16th September, 1927.

No. 34. —Petition of William Stirling, of Blackball. Praying that broken service be counted for superannuation purposes under the Teachers' Superannuation Fund. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th September, 1927.


No. j Petitioner, Ac. „ Page. 63 | Aldis, M., and 16 others .. .. 3 231 ; Anderson, Mary A. .. .. .. 3 102 Arvidson, K. 0., and 32 others .. 4 179 ; Barker, A. W., and 307 others .. 3 188 Barlow, Margaret .. .. .. 3 181 I Berry, 0. V., and 3 others .. .. 3 174 j Caughley, J. .. . . 4 j Child Welfare Amendment Bill .. 4 95 Clareburt, A. J., and 58 others .. 4 93 Clark, M. B., and 9 others . . . . 4 76 Clarke, E. G., and 7 others . . .. 4 266 Cleary, Right Rev. H. W. . . .. 4 135 j Combs, F. L., and another .. .. 4 131 Connolly, G., and 193 others .. 4 72 | Cowan, A. M. .. . . .. 3 146 Be la Mare, F. A., and 45 others .. 4 78 | Dibble, M., and 95 others .. .. 4 6 j Douds, Maria .. .. .. 2 Education Amendment Bill .. . . 4 Final Report .. . . .. 5 86 Poster, N. M., and 54 others .. . . 4 99 Fowlds, G., and 6 others .. .. 4 180 I Gamble, V. J., and 10 others.. .. 3 J 101 ! Gravenor, P. A., and another .. 4 88 | Hamilton, T. D., and 7 others .. 4 147 | Harvey, L. R., and 64 others .. 4 90 Hinder, A., and 22 others .. .. 4 | 183 Hounsell, Mary B., and another .. 4 j 89 Huckisson, W., -and. 65 others .. 4 299 Hunter-Brown, E. J., and 1,611 others 5 87 Hutchinson, F. J., and 9 others .. 4 98 j Hutchinson, F. J., and 21 others .. 4 65 j Ingley, Mary .. .. .. 3

No. Petitioner, <&c. j Page. 84 Jones, G. T., and 17 others .. .. 4 103 Kay, T., and 2 others .. .. 4 96 Keating, M. M., and .14 others .. 4 73 Lancaster, T. L., and 14 others .. 4 105 Lediard, E., and 34 others .. .. 4 74 Lewis, Wm., and 10 others .. .. 4 82 MoBrine, 0., and 22 others .. .. 4 85 McDonnell, A. F., and 13 others .. 4 83 McLean, C. D. .. .. .. 4 77 Martin, R. ,1., and 36 others .. .. 4 79 Mason, T., and 32 others .. .. 4 94 Pearce, F. .T., and 61 others . . .. 3 11 i Perrett, J. W., and J 36 others .. 4 91 Petty, W. L., and 16 others .. .. 4 81 j Pocock, J. J., and 6 others .. .. 4 92 Rait, M. A., and 38 others . . .. 4 100 Ramsey, L., and 54 others .. .. 4 Religious Exercises in Schools Bill .. 3 182 J Rochfort, H., and 3 others .. .. 4 80 Rosser, A., and 7 others .. .. 4 173 Salt, J. R., and 18 others . . .. 4 138 Sharp, F. L. .. .. . . 4 108 ! Sloan, Caroline .. .. .. 3 239 j Smith, W. C. .. .. .. I 4 : Special report, re. Chairman .. .. 5 : Special report, death of V. Armstrong.. 2 ! Special report, re proceedings open to press 3 104 1 Stead, J. B. R., and 6 others.... 4 97 Stevenson, G., and 4 others .. .. 4 34 Stirling, William .. .. .. 2 75 Tackaberry, F. J., and 16 others ... 3 12 Toi, Tai P., and 81 others .. . . "3 337 I Wilson, ,J. R. .. .. .. I 4


No. 180, Petition of Victor J. Gamble and 10 Others, of Ouruhia; No. 181, Petition of 0. V. Berry and 3 Others, of Spreydon ; No. 182, Petition of Henry Rochfort and 3 Others, of Christchurch ; No. 183, Petition of Mary B. Hounsell and Another. Praying that early service should be allowed and calculated for their claim on the Teachers' Superannuation Fund. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 16th September, 1927.

Religious Exercises in Schools Bill : Special Report. I am directed to report that the Committee lias resolved that its proceedings during the taking of evidence on petitions relating to the Religious Exercises in Schools Bill be open to accredited representatives of the press. 21st September, 1927.

No. 108. —Petition of Caroline Sloan, of Papanui School. Praying that her back service be counted for teachers' superannuation purposes. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 21st September, 1927. *

No. 11, Petition of J. W. Perrett and 136 Others, and No. 12, Petition of Tai P. Toi and 81 Others, all of Kawakawa, Bay of Islands. Praying that school-children be exempted from compulsory medical examination. I am directed to report that the Education Committee recommends that these petitions be referred to the Health Committee. 17th October, 1927.

No. 65. —Petition of Mary Ingley, of Halswell School. Praying that her back service be counted for teachers' superannuation purposes. I am directed to report that the committee has no recommendation to make. 17th October, 1927.

No. 72. —Petition of A. M. Cowan, of Kumeu, Auckland. Praying for an allowance, by way of a pension or otherwise, on account of services rendered as a school-teacher at Nine. I. am directed to report that the committee has no recommendation to make. 17th October, 1927.

No. 188. —Petition of Margaret Barlow, of Gisborne. Praying that her broken service be allowed to count for superannuation purposes under the Teachers' Superannuation Fund. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 17th October, 1927.

No. 231. —Petition of Mary A. Anderson, of Gore. Praying that her broken service be counted for superannuation purposes under the Teachers' Superannuation Fund. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 17th October, 1927.

No. 63. —Petition of M. Aldis and 16 others, oi Auckland. Praying for an inquiry into the administration of the Jubilee Institute for the Blind. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 25th October, 1927.

No. 179. —Petition of A. W. Barker and 307 Others, of Kaikoura. Praying for the erection of a building for the secondary classes of the Kaikoura District High School. I am directed to report that, the subject being one of policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 26th October, 1927.



No. 239.—Petition of William C. Smith, of Tauranga. Praying for an increased pension or other relief for services rendered as a public servant. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 9th November, 1927.

Child Welfare Amendment Bill. I have the honour to report that the Committee has carefully considered the above Bill, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed, with the amendments shown on the copy of the Bill attached hereto. 10th November, 1927.

Education Amendment Bill. I have the honour to report that the Committee has carefully considered the above Bill, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed, with the amendments shown on the copy of the Bill attached hereto. 25t|) November, 1927.

No. 337.—Petition of J. R. Wilson, of Fairlie. Praying for a refund by the Education Department of full legal expenses incurred owing to a scholar at his school meeting with an accident. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 29th November, 1927.

No. 73. —Petition of T. L. Lancaster and 14 Others, of Auckland (and 40 similar Petitions, as per Schedule attached). Praying that no alteration be made in the secular status of State-owned schools. I am directed to report that the Committee has heard evidence on the subject-matter of these petitions, and is of opinion that the New Zealand State system of free, secular, and compulsory education (under which our children have received incalculable benefits, and under which, after fifty years' experience, our people —the immense majority of whom have passed through our schools—compare most favourably morally, socially, and religiously with the people of any other part of the world) should be maintained. Further, that the Committee is fully alive to the value of biblical and religious instruction, and is of the opinion that full opportunity should be given for the adoption of a voluntary system, such as that known as the Nelson system, in which the teaching is imparted outside the school hours, under which the State exercises no authority in religious matters, and under which there is no compulsion or violation of conscience. sth December, 1927.

Schedule. No. 74.— W. Lewins and 10 others. No. 94. —F. J. Pearce and 61 others. No. 75.— F. J. Tackaberry and 16 other ■. No. 95.—A. J. C'areburt and 58 others. No. 76.— K. ft. Clarke and 7 others. No. 96.—M. M. Keating and 14 others. No. 77. —R. J. Martin and 36 others. No. 97.—ft. Stevenson and 4 others. No. 78. —M. Dibble and 95 others. No. 98. —F. J. Hutchinson and 21 others. No. 79.— T. Mason and 32 others. No. 99. —G. Fowlds and 6 others. No. 80.—A. Rosser and 7 others. No. 100.—L. Ramsey and 54 others. No. 81. —G. J. Poeook and 6 others. * No. 101.—P. A. Gravenor and another. No. 82.—0. Mcßrine and 22 others. No. 102. —K. 0. Arvidson and 32 others. No. 83. —C. I). McLean. No. 103. —T. Kay and 2 others. No. 84. —G. T. Jones and 7 others. No. 104. —J. B. R. Stead and 6 others. No. 85. —A. F. McDonnell and 13 other?. No. 105. —E. Lediard and 34 others. No. 86. —N. M. Foster and 54 others. No. 131. —G. Connelly and 193 others. No. 87. —F. J. Hutchinson and 9 others. No. 135.— F. L. Combs and another. No. 88.— T. D. Hamilton and 7 others. No. 138.— F. L. Sharp. No. 89. —W. Huckisson and 65 others. No. 146.— F. A. de la Mare and 45 others. No. 90. —A. Hinder and 22 others. No. 147.—L. R. Harvey and 64 others. No. 91. —W. L. Petty and 16 others. , No. 173. —J. R. Salt and 18 others. No. 92. —M. A. Rait and 38 others. No. 174.— J. Caughley. No. 93. —M. B. Clark and 9 others. No. 266. —Right Rev. H. W. Cleary.



No. 299. —Petition of E. J. Hunt eh-Brown, of Nelson, and 1,611 Others. Praying that the Religious Exercises in Schools Bill be passed into law. I am directed to report that the Committee has heard evidence on the subject-matter of this petition, and is of opinion that the New Zealand State system of free, secular, and compulsory education (under which our children have received incalculable benefits, and under which, after fifty years' experience, our people—the immense majority of whom have passed through our schools—compare most favourably morally, socially, and religiously with the people of any other part of the world) should be maintained. Further, that the Committee is fully alive to the value of biblical and religious instruction, and is of the opinion that full opportunity should be given for the adoption of a voluntary system, such as that known as the Nelson system, in which the teaching is imparted outside the school hours, under which the State exercises no authority in religious matters, and under which there is no compulsion or violation of conscience. sth December, 1927.

Special Report. I have the honour to report that the Education Committee desires to record its hearty appreciation of the able and tactful manner in which the Chairman, Mr. Hudson, has controlled the business of the Committee during the session. It further desires that this resolution shall be recorded on the minutes of the Committee and reported to the House. T. K. Sidey, 29th November, 1927. Member of the Committee.

Final Report. I have the honour to report that the Education Committee, consisting of eleven members, has held twenty-three meetings during the session, with an average attendance of seven members. The Child Welfare Amendment Bill and the Education Amendment Bill were fully considered by the Committee and duly reported to the House. Fifty-nine petitions, the majority of them dealing with the question of Bible in schools were also considered and reported on. R. P. Hudson, Chairman. 29th November, 1927.

Approximate Cost of Paper. Preparation, not given ; printing (475 copies), £6.

By Authority: W. A. G. Skinner. Government Printer, Wellington.-■ 1227

Price 6d,


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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. HUDSON, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, I-08

Word Count

EDUCATION COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. HUDSON, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, I-08

EDUCATION COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. HUDSON, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, I-08

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