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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the, House of Representatives. Thursday, the 14th Day of July, 1927. Ordered, " That all petitions not finally dealt with during the session of 1926 be again referred to the same Committees as they were referred to during the said session."—(Right Hon. Mr. CoatEs.) Ordered, " That a Select Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all petitions from A to L that may be referred to it by the Petitions Classification Committee ; to classify and prepare abstracts of such petitions in such form and manner as shall appear to it best suited to convey to this House all requisite information respecting their contents, and to report the same from time to time to this House, and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereon to this House ; also to have power to call for persons and papers; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Bitchener, Mr. Burnett, Mr. Eliott, Mr. Eraser, Mr. Harris, Mr. McKeen, Mr. Smith, Mr. Sykes, Mr. Veitch, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Wright.) Friday, the 30tii Day of September. 1927. Ordered, " That the petition of F. T. Knight and others be referred direct to the Public Petitions A to L Committee."—(Mr. Lysnar.) Tuesday, the 11th Day or October, 1927. Ordered, " That the petition of S. M. Barclay be referred direct to the Public Petitions A to L Committee."— (Mr. Horn.) Wednesday, the 19th Day of October, 1927. Ordered, " That the petition of W. Burgess be referred direct to the Public Petitions A to L Committee."—(Mr. Nash.) Tuesday, the 25th Day of October, 1927. Ordered, " That the petition of Susan Giles be referred direct to the Public Petitions A to L Committee."—(Mr. J. S. Dickson.) Friday, the 18th Day of November, 1927. Ordered, " That the petition of J. Aggers and others be referred direct to the Public Petitions A to L Committee." —(Mr. H. G. R. Mason.) Tuesday, the 22nd Day of November, 1927. Ordered, " That the petition of D. K. Hannon be referred direct to the Public Petitions A to L Committee."— (Mr. Linklater.) Wednesday, the 23rd Day of November, 1927. Ordered, " That the petition of M. J. Coyle and others be referred direct to the Public Petitions A to L Com. mittee."—(Mr. H, G. R. Mason.)



REPORTS. No. 252/25. —Petition of Iris Frances Humphreys, of Auckland. Praying for remission of arrears of land-tax. I am directed, to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make. 31st August, 1927.

No. 285/26. —Petition of George Edmund Blee, of Auckland, and 139 Others ; and No. 7, Petition of A. J. Guy, of Auckland, and Another. Praying that the allowance granted by friendly societies to soldier members be not taken into account when the Government is granting economic pensions. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 31st August, 1927.

No. 3.—Petition of Alice Beatrice King, of Auckland. Praying for remission of remainder of sentence inflicted upon F. E. P. Shortland. I am directed to report that, as the petitioner has not exhausted her legal remedies, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 31st August, 1927.

No. 14. —Petition of William Henry Fitzpatrick, of New Plymouth. Praying for payment of a sum of interest awarded on a claim. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 31st August, 1927.


I I I No. Petitioner, Ac. Page, i I ! I 338 Aggers, J., and others .. .. 7 184 Aitken, James .. .. .. 4 j 110 Akel, Joseph . . .. . • 3 23 Anderson, W. E., and 140 others .. 4 254 Andrew, Norman Coad .. .. 6 302 Barclay, S. M. .. .. • • 5 20 Barrett, Henry .. .. .. 7 285/26 Blee, George E., and 139 others .. 2 33 Bradley, Peter .. .. .. 3 41 Buckler, Henry Laity .. .. 3 308 Burgess, William .. .. .. 6 253 Chulav, Joseph .. .. .. 7 15 Clark, Mary E. (Miss) .. .. 3 28 Clark. Jane Sarah (Mrs.) .. .. 4 42 Clarke, Robert John .. .. 4 (34 Coles, Albert . . .. .. 4 341 Coyle, Michael J., and others .. 7 144 Crook, Catherine Jane (Mrs.) .. 4 . 4 Cullen, Frederick Aloysius .. .. 3 235 Dowse, Gladys M. (Mrs.) . . .. 5 189 Duncan, Thomas Charles .. .. 5 47 Easton, William Thomas . . .. 3 44 Edmonds, James George .. .. 3 321 Egan, James .. .. .. 7 229 | Elder, John .. . . .. 7 137 ■ Feisst, R. H., and 30 others .. .. 4 j Final report .. .. .. 8 14 Fitzpatrick, William Henry .. .. 2

I An. Petitioner, Ac. Page. 119 Forrest, William .. .. 5 38 Fowler, James .. .. .. 3 37 Fowler, Mary Ann (Mrs.) .. .. 3 315 Fryday, Nicholas Benjamin .. .. 6 310 Fryday, N. B., and 46 others .. 6 289 Gallagher, S. H., and another .. 6 313 Giles, Susan (Mrs.) .. .. .. 6 35 Gillespie, William Henry . . .. 3 329 Glyde, Muriel Lavington (Miss) .. 6 311 Greenhead, Charles Henry .. . . 6 7 Guy, A. J., and another .. .. 2 340 Hannan, Daniel K. .. .. .. 7 242 Hart, Lawrence Broughton .. .. 5 45 Hawk, George Horace .. .. 4 295 Hogg, Charles Henry .. .. 5 06 Holmes, David Ferris .. •. 4 225 Holmes, Richard .. .. .. 4 252/25 Humphreys, Iris Frances (Mrs.) .. 2 187 Kilburn, H., and 2,000 others .. 5 3 King, Alice Beatrice (Mrs.) .. .. 2 285 Kingsbeer, J., and another .. .. 5 287 Knight, F. T., and 668 others .. 6 59 Lake, Frederick James . . .. 5 8 Litt, Joseph .. .. .. 3 328 Litt, Joseph .. .. .. 6 139 Poison, Florence, and 37 others .. 5 Special report re Chairman .. .. 7 Special report re Clerk .. . . 7


No. 15.—Petition of Mary E. Clark, of Wanganui. Praying for an inquiry into the cause of her sister's death. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 31st August, 1927.

No. 110.—Petition of J. Akel, of Wellington. Praying for inquiry into the alleged wrongful loss of his business. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 31st August, 1927.

No. 33.—Petition of Peter Bradley, of Auckland. Praying for a compassionate allowance in order that he may undergo further surgical treatment. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 31st August, 1927.

No. 35. —Petition of William Henry Gillespie, of Oxford. Praying for refund of stamp duty paid on an option to purchase, and not exercised. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 31st August, 1927.

No. 4.—Petition of Frederick Aloysius Cullen, of Christchurch. Praying for increased superannuation allowance. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, with the recommendation that the sum of £41, being superannuation contributions paid on a higher rate of salary, be refunded. 16th September, 1927.

No. B.—Petition of Joseph Litt, of Christchurch. Praying for an allowance owing to illness contracted whilst a member of the Police Force. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 16th September, 1927.

No. 37. —Petition of Mary Ann Fowler, of Auckland, and No. 38, Petition of James Fowler, of Auckland. Praying for redress for the alleged wrongful imprisonment of Mary Ann Fowler. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 16th September, 1927.

No. 41. —Petition of Henry Laity Buckler, of Auckland. Praying for a compassionate allowance in lieu of a pension. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that the petition should bo referred to the Government for favourable consideration, and that provision should be made for payment of a pension to the guardians on behalf of the children, at the same rate as would have been payable had a widow's pension been in force at the time of the mother's death. 16th September, 1927.

No. 44. —Petition of James George Edmonds, of Auckland. Praying for a revaluation of his property, or the removal of a stable from his boundary. L am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 16th September, 1927.

No. 47. —Petition of William Thomas Easton, of Dunedin. Praying that the Police Department make restitution of £9 10a. 4d. which was stolen from his house. 1 am directed to report that the Committee ha? no recommendation to make. 16th September, 1927.



No. 28. —Petition of Jane Sarah Clark, of Petone. Praying for a compassionate allowance owing to the loss of her husband by drowning in the Hutt River. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 21st September, 1927.

No. 184. —Petition of James Aitken, of Wanganui. Praying for inquiry into an alleged complaint against certain police officials. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that an opportunity be afforded in Wanganui for the petitioner to substantiate, if possible, the statements contained in his petition. 21st September, 1927.

No. 225.—Petition of Richard Holmes, of Auckland. Praying for refund of stamp duty on an uncompleted land transaction. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 21st September, 1927.

No. 42. —Petition of Robert John Clarke, of Wellington. Praying for a compassionate grant from the funds of the State Accident Insurance Office. I am. directed to report that the Committee recommends that a magisterial inquiry be held to determine —(1) Whether there was an accident as alleged ; (2) if so, whether and to what extent the alleged accident contributed to petitioner's disability ; (3) what compassionate allowance, if any, would be reasonable in the circumstances. 21st September, 1927.

No. 45.—Petition of George Horace Hawk, of Onehunga. Praying for a compassionate allowance for services rendered as a Civil servant. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 21st September, 1927.

No. 66.—Petition of David Ferris Holmes, of Auckland. Praying for refund of stamp duty paid in 1920 on a transfer and mortgage, and not completed. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 21st September, 1927.

No. 23. —Petition of W. E. Anderson, of Auckland, and 140 Others. Praying for changing the incidence of motor-taxation by the imposition of a petrol-tax. I am directed to report that as a matter of policy is involved the Committee are of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 27th September, 1927.

No. 144-. —Petition of Catherine Jane Crook, of Napier. Praying for a compassionate allowance in respect of the death of her husband. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petitions hould be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 27th September, 1927.

No. 64. —Petition of Albert Coles, of Johnsonvilie. Praying for relief in respect of railway superannuation. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th September, 1927.

No. 137.—Petition of K. H. Feisst and 30 Others. Praying that, in the best interests of the primary industries, the Summer Time Bill be not passed into law. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 17th October, 1927.



No. 139. —Petition of Florence Polson and 37 Others. Protesting against the hardships that country women and children will suffer through the passing of the Summer Time Bill, and that it be not passed into law. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 17th October, 1927.

No. 187. —Petition of Herbert Kilburn, of Auckland, and 2,000 Others. Praying that his son be placed on probation instead of imprisonment. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 17th October, 1927.

No. 189. —Petition of Thomas Charles Duncan, of Auckland. Praying that he be found suitable employment on account of hardship. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to to the Government for favourable consideration. 17th October, 1927.

No. 119.—Petition of William Forrest, of Auckland. Praying for compensation for loss incurred on the Okahukura Tunnel contract. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th October, 1927.

No. 285.—Petition of Jonas Kingsbeer, of Linton, and Another. Praying for refund of land-tax paid in error. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 18th October, 1927.

No. 242. —Petition of Lawrence Broughton Hart, of New Plymouth. Praying for a refund of £42 stamp duty paid by him. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 19th October, 1927.

No. 59. —Petition of Frederick James Lake, of Auckland. Praying for compensation for loss of business through the passing of the Motor-vehicles Act, 1924. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. Ist November, 1927.

No. 235.—Petition of Gladys Martha Dowse, of Wellington. Praying for legislation to enable her to have her child restored to her. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. Ist November, 1927.

No. 295. —Petition of Charles Henry Hogg, of Wanga'nui. Praying for compensation and reinstatement in the service of the Post and Telegraph Department. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Ist November, 1927.

No. 302.—Petition of S. M. Barclay, of Hawea Flat, Central Otago. Praying for refund of stamp duty paid on option to purchase which was not completed. f am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Ist November, 1927.



No. 289.—Petition of S. H. Gallagher, of Auckland, and Another. Praying for compensation for loss incurred owing to the purchase of their omnibus service by the Auckland City Council. [ am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petitioners have suffered serious hardship as the result of the operations of the Motor-omnibus Traffic Act, and recommends. the Government to institute an inquiry into the subject-matter of the petition. 4th November, 1927.

No. 287. —Petition of F. T. Knight, of Gisborne, and 668 Others. Praying that a Commission be appointed to thoroughly investigate the past and present expenditure on the Gisborne Harbour-works. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration, with the recommendation that a Commission of Inquiry be held into the harbour-works already carried out by the Board, with a view to deciding whether or not further expenditure is justified. 14th November, 1927.

No. 310. —Petition of N. B. Fryday, of Ngaere, and Others. Praying that the administration of the Taranaki Electric-power Board be inquired into, and that the Electric-power Boards Act, 1925, be amended. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th November, 1927.

No. 315. —Petition of N. B. Fryday, of Ngaere. Praying that a Royal Commission award of 1902 be paid. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 14th November, 1927.

No. 313. —Petition of Susan Giles, of Auckland. Praying for a compassionate allowance for services rendered by her late husband as a Conciliation Commissioner. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th November, 1927.

No. 308. —Petition of William Burgess, of Palmerston North. Praying for a compassionate allowance owing to inability to earn a livelihood. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 14th November, 1927.

No. 329.—Petition of Muriel Lavington Glyde, of Wellington. Praying for inquiry into and amendment of the Law Practitioners Act. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 24th November, 1927.

No. 311. —Petition of Charles Henry Greenhead, of Waiuku. Praying that a recommendation of the Public Petitions A to L Committee of the year 1923 be given effect to. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 24tli November, 1927.

No. 328. —Petition of Joseph Litt, of Christchurch. Praying for compensation for alleged injuries received whilst a member of the Police Force. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 25th November, 1927.

No. 254. —Petition of Norman Coad Andrew, of Wellington. Praying for payment by the Post and Telegraph Department of 5 per cent, of his salary, and yearly increases, which were not paid on account of his being on active service. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration and inquiry. 29th November, 1927.



No. 338.—Petition of James Aggers, of Auckland, and Others. Praying for amendment of the Motor Omnibus Traffic Act. I am directed to report that, in view of the fact that the operations of the Motor Omnibus Traffic Act are under consideration by the Government, the Committee recommends that the petition be held over until next session. 29th November, 1927.

No. 341.—Petition of Michael John Coyle, of Auckland, and 2 Others. Praying for remission of stamp and gift duty. I am directed to report that it is the opinion of the Committee that if satisfactory provision is made enabling the public to have undisputed access to the property for the purpose of a sports-ground, the petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 29th November, 1927.

No. 340. —Petition of Daniel K. Hannan, of Manakau. Praying for refund of stamp duty paid on agreement for sale and purchase. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th November, 1927.

No. 321.—Petition of James Egan, of Auckland. Praying for a compassionate allowance, as, owing to blindness, he is unable to support his children. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th November, 1927.

No. 253. —Petition of Joseph Chulav, of Matakana. Praying for an annual grant owing to inability to work, due to an alleged accident whilst employed by the Public Works Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make, 29th November, 1927.

No. 229. —Petition of John Elder, of Kaikoura. Praying that his name be removed from the criminal record. I am directed, to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th November, 1927.

No. 20. —Petition of Henry Barrett, of Koromatua. Praying that the sum of £32 6s. paid by him for land-tax for the year 1926-27 be refunded. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. (Debate on motion, "That report do lie on table," interrupted by 5.30 p.m. adjournment. Report laid on table, sth December, 1927.) 15th September, 1927.

Special Report. This Committee desires to place on record its appreciation of the valuable services rendered by its Chairman, Mr. John Bitchener, whose ability, courtesy, and tact have contributed largely to the smooth and successful working of the Committee. It was resolved that this resolution be recorded in the minutes of the Committee and reported to the House. A. Harris, 29th November, 1927. Member of the Committee.

Special Report. This Committee desires to express its appreciation of the capability and efficient service performed by the Clerk, Mr. H. J. M. Boyton, in all branches of his work throughout the session, and it is the wish of the Committee that this resolution shall be recorded in the minutes and reported to the House, 29th November, 1927,



Final Report. I am directed to report that the Public Petitions A to L Committee, consisting of ten members, held seventeen meetings during the session, with an average attendance of seven members. Fifty-four petitions were referred, to the Committee, and were dealt with as follows :— Referred to the Government for favourable consideration .. .. 9 Referred to the Government for consideration .. .. .. 7 Referred to the Government for consideration and inquiry .. .. 5 Petitions on which the Committee made no recommendation .. .. 31 52 Held over until next session .. .. .. .. .. 2 54 29th November, 1927. J. Bitchener, Chairman.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (475 copies,), £8 10s.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinnek, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 927,

Price 6d.]


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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC PETITIONS A TO L COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. BITCHENER, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, I-01

Word Count

PUBLIC PETITIONS A TO L COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. BITCHENER, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, I-01

PUBLIC PETITIONS A TO L COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. BITCHENER, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, I-01

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