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Presented to the House of Representatives pursuant to the Legislature Act, 1908.

REPORT OF THE NORTH ISLAND AND SOUTH ISLAND REPRESENTATION COMMISSIONS SITTING AS A JOINT COMMISSION. To His Excellency General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet; General on the Retired List and in the Reserve of Officers of His Majesty's Army ; Doctor of Laws ; Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; Companion of the Distinguished Service Order ; Member of the Royal Victorian Order ; Governor-General, and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies. May it please Your Excellency,— We, the undersigned, constituted by virtue of the provisions of the Legislature Act, 1908, Commissioners for the North Island and for the South Island, were called together by Your Excellency and sat as a joint Commission on the 2nd day of May, 1927, for the purpose of dividing the Dominion of New Zealand into electoral districts for the apportionment of the representation of the people of the said Dominion, and for this purpose proceeded to ascertain the " quota." The Commission now respectfully submits for Your Excellency's consideration the results of its proceedings. The report of the Statistician showing the total population of the Dominion was received and read by the Commission. From the said report it was ascertained that the total population of the Dominion on the night of the census amounted to 1,344,469 (exclusive of the Maoris and the inhabitants of the Kermadec Islands), distributed as follows : The population in sixty-four cities and boroughs of over two thousand inhabitants, including those on shipboard, amounted to 727,125, and the urban population within five miles limit of the Chief Post-offices of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin Cities, exclusive of the population in cities and boroughs of over two thousand inhabitants within that limit, amounted to 39,433, making a total urban population of 766,558, leaving a rural population of 577,911. Having added 28 per cent, to the latter figures, the total nominal population of the Dominion amounted to 1,506,284. This divided by 76, the total number of members, fixed the quota at 19,820. It was further ascertained that the total actual population of the North Island amounted to 831,813, equivalent to a nominal population of 929,388. Likewise, it was ascertained that the total actual population of the South Island, including Stewart and the Chatham Islands, was 512,656, equivalent to a nominal population of 576,896. A consideration of these figures showed that the number of members to which the North Island was entitled was represented by the figures 46'89, and the South Island 29-11. As the fractional part in the first case was greater than that in the second, the number of members for the North Island was fixed at 47, and that of the South Island at 29. This result increased the number of members for the North Island by one, and reduced that of the South Island by a corresponding number. The Joint Commission, having fulfilled the functions devolving upon it in terms of the above Act, resolved itself into the separate Commissions, which respectively proceeded to apportion and define the electoral districts for each Island. Given under our hands and seals, this sixth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven. W. T. Neill, Chairman. R. S. Galbraith. James Trounson. K. M. Graham. John Strauchon. W. D. Armit. Harry Quane. W. Stewart. Harman Reeves. W. T. Morpeth.

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NORTH ISLAND REPRESENTATION COMMISSION. REPORT. To His Excellency General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet; General on the Retired List and in the Reserve of Officers of His Majesty's Army ; Doctor of Laws ; Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; Companion of the Distinguished Service Order ; Member of the Royal Victorian Order ; Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies. May it please Your Excellency,— We, the undersigned members of the North Island Representation Commission, have the honour to report that, as directed by Your Excellency on the 2nd day of April, 1927, we commenced our sittings on the 2nd day of May, 1927, for the purpose of dividing the North Island into electoral districts. The boundaries having been provisionally determined, maps were prepared showing the same, and descriptions were published in the New Zealand Gazette, notice being given at the same time therein that objections would be received up to noon on the 27th day of June, 1927. thirtythree objections and petitions were received, out of which ten were in connection with one electoral district, four to another district, leaving twenty-one separate petitions ; the whole of these were duly considered by the Commission, and dealt with in the manner set forth in the Schedule herewith. This Commission now submits for Your Excellency's consideration a map showing the boundaries of the electorates as finally fixed, with a schedule showing the actual and nominal populations of each electorate, which agree with the figures set forth in the report by the Joint Commission, and also descriptions of the said boundaries. One new urban electorate has been created, which was provisionally gazetted as " Auckland South," but after consideration of the objections received it was decided to rename the new district " Eden," and consequently the electoral district provisionally named " Eden " has been designated " Auckland Suburbs," it being considered a more suitable name for that district. With regard to the Ohinemuri Electoral District, it was found impossible to retain it as a separate district owing to the unequal increase of the density of population, and a provisional district was gazetted and given the name of " Mercer," which was subsequently changed to that of " Hauraki " on account of objections received to the proposed name. The alterations to the electoral-district boundaries as provisionally gazetted may appear to be in some cases rather extensive, but these were entirely due to complying with the objections and petitions received that the Commission were of opinion should be acceded to. As directed by the provisions of section 41 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, the Commission has declared that the Auckland East, Auckland West, and Auckland Central Electorates shall constitute the Auckland Licensing District, and that the Wellington North and Wellington Central Electorates shall constitute the Wellington Licensing District. Given under our hands and seals, this seventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven. W. T. Neill, Chairman. K. M. Graham. James Trounson. W. D. Armit. John Strauchon.



No. Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. Name and_ Address of decision of Commission. 1 Eden .. .. Objecting to the Borough of Birkenhead Town Clerk, Borough Unable to comply. being included in the Eden Electoral of Birkenhead District, and suggesting that the four North Shore boroughs should be kept in one electorate 2 Eden .. .. Submitting reasons why the provisional H. G. R. Mason, M.P., Complied with as boundaries of the Eden Electoral District House of Repre- regards boundshould remain as gazetted, and that the sentatives aries. name " Eden " should be retained 3 Auckland South . . Suggesting that the name " Auckland Town Clerk, Borough Complied with. South " should be altered to " Eden," of Mount Eden and giving reasons in support 4 Auckland South .. Suggesting that the name " Auckland Registrar of Electors, Complied with. South " be altered to " Eden " and that Auckland Eden be renamed, giving reasons in support 5 Auckland East and Suggesting that the boundary between Registrar of Electors, Complied with. Parnell Auckland East and Parnell be continued Auckland along Manukau Road instead of including Lots 21 to 24 in Auckland East 6 Auckland East and Petition from residents to include Lots 23 J. M. Carpenter and Complied with. Parnell and 24, Borough of Newmarket, in the twenty-two others Parnell Electoral District




No. ; .Electoral District. i Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. Name ol Decision of Commission. 7 Tauranga .. Suggesting that Waikino and Karangahake Registrar of Electors, Complied with. should be included in the Thames Elec- Ohinemuri toral District 8 Tauranga .. Suggesting that Waihi Beach, Waihi Riding, Town Clerk, Borough Complied with Waikino, and Karangahake should be of Waihi except change included in the Thames Electoral Dis- of name of trict; that the vicinity of Pipiroa, " Thames" to Ngatea, &c., should be included in the " Hauraki." Mercer Electoral District; that the name " Thames" should be changed to " Hauraki " 9 Tauranga .. Objecting to the inclusion of the Waihi, Thomas J, Hicks and C o m p 1 i e d with Waikino, and Karangahake Ridings of 105 others, Waihi except change Ohinemuri County being included in the Riding of name of Tauranga Electoral District, and suggest- " Thames " to ing that the Thames Electoral District " Hauraki." be named " Hauraki " 10 Tauranga .. Objecting to the inclusion of the Waihi, A. R. Aitken and 129 Complied with Waikino, and Karangahake Ridings of others, Karangahake except change Ohinemuri County being included in the Riding of name of Tauranga Electoral District, and suggest- " Thames " to ing that the Thames Electoral District " Hauraki." be named " Hauraki " 11 Tauranga .. Objecting to the inclusion of the Waihi, Henry R. Bunting and Complied with Waikino, and Karangahake Ridings -of 185 others, Waikino except change Ohinemuri County being included in the Riding of name of Tauranga Electoral District, and suggest- " Thames " to ing that the Thames Electoral District " Hauraki." be named " Hauraki " 12 Tauranga .. Objecting to the inclusion of Waihi, Wai- County Clerk, Ohine- Complied with kino, and Karangahake Ridings of Ohine- muri County Coun- except change muri County being included in the cil ofnameof Tauranga Electoral District, and suggest- " Thames " to ing that the Thames Electoral District " Hauraki." be named " Hauraki " 13 Tauranga .. Forwarding resolutions carried at a oonfer- R. W. Evans, County Complied with ence of representatives of the Ohinemuri Clerk and Clerk of except change County Council and Borough Councils of the Conference of name of Waihi and Paeroa expressing disapproval " Thames " to of the Waihi, Waikino, and Karangahake " Hauraki " Ridings of Ohinemuri County being included in the Tauranga Electorate, and suggesting that the Thames Electoral District be named " Hauraki " 14 Tauranga .. Supporting resolutions carried by the repre- County Clerk, Hau- Partly complied sentatives of the Ohinemuri County Coun- raki Plains County with. cil and Borough Councils of Waihi and Council Paeroa, and suggesting that the whole of the Hauraki Plains County be included in the Thames Electoral District 15 Tauranga .. Supporting resolutions carried by the repre- Town Clerk, Paeroa Complied with. sentatives of the Ohinemuri County Coun- Borough Council cil and Borough Councils of Waihi and Paeroa, also suggesting that a further portion of Hauraki Plains County could be included in the Mercer Electoral District 16 Thames .. .. Forwarding resolutions carried at a confer- His Worship the Complied with as ence between the Hauraki Plains, Thames, Mayor. Borough of far as practicand Coromandel County Councils, Thames Thames able. Borough Council, and Thames Chamber of Commerce, supporting the proposed boundaries of the Thames Electoral District, and suggesting that the Waikino and Karangahake Townships be included, providing such inclusion would not exclude any portion of the Hauraki Plains County. Is also of opinion that the name " Thames " should be retained 17 Mercer . . . . Strongly protesting against the name Town Clerk, Borough Complied with. " Mercer " Electoral District, and suggest- of Otahuhu ing " Hauraki" Electoral District as more suitable 18 Mercer .. . . Protesting against the name " Mercer," and Town Clerk, Papatoe- Complied with. suggesting the name " Hauraki " as being toe neutral 19 Franklin .. .. Suggesting that a portion of the Manakau Returning Officer, Impracticable to Peninsula be included in the Manakau Franklin alter the boundElectoral District aries to include the area referred to. 20 Franklin . . .. Objecting to the Tuakau Town District Acting Town Clerk, Complied with. being included in the Franklin Electorate Tuakau Town Board and asking to be retained in the Raglan Electoral District

B.— 40.



Bay of Islands. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally' by the sea from the North Cape to the Ngunguru River; thence towards the south generally by the said Ngunguru River and a public road intersecting the Kopipi, Tutaenui, and Te Toiroa Blocks of Blocks IV and 111, Whangarei Survey District, to the northern boundary of the said..Block IV; thence by the northern boundaries of the aforesaid Block IV, Blocks TIT, 11,. and I of the said. Whangarei Survey District, to the north-easterh boundary of the south-eastern portion of Section 50, Hikurangi Parish: thence in a south-easterly direction by the said north-eastern boundary of the southeastern portion of the said Section 50 and the north-eastern boundary of the north-eastern portion of Section 67 of the said Hikurangi Parish to the Maihorahia Stream; thence by that stream to its .confluence with the Mangahahuru River, at the north-eastern boundary of Section 38 of the said Block V, Purua Survey District; thence by the said Mangahahuru River to its confluence with the Wairoa River on the north-eastern boundary of the ICopuniaho Block in Block IV of the said Purua Survey District; thence in ,a southrwesterly direction by the said Wairoa River to .its confluence "with the Mangakahia River; thence towards the west generally by the said Mangakahia River to the south-eastern corner of Section 8, Block XV, Mangakahia Survey District; thence by the north-eastern bbundary of the Maungaru Block to and along the road forming the south-western boundaries of

Sections 11, 2, and 1, Block XV, Mangakahia Survey District; thence by the road forming the south-western boundaries of Sections 11 and 10, Block X, of the said Mangakahia Survey District; thence by the southern boundaries of Sections 9 and Ba'of the said Block X of the said Mangakahia SurveyDistrict to the' north-eastern boundary of Section 13, Te Karaka Block; thence along the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 13, the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 12, the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 10, the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 25 and 24, all of the said Te Karaka Block, to the north-western boundary of the aforesaid Te Karaka Block ; thence in a south-westerly direction by the said north-western boundary to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 10, Block XII, Tutamoe Survey District; thence by a right line to and along the said northern boundary of the said Section 10, the northern boundary of Section 14, the northern and western boundaries of Section 9, all of Block XII, Tutamoe Survey District; thence along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, Block XI, Tutamoe Survey District, to and across the Opouteke River and Road, to and along the- eastern boundaries of Blocks X, VI, and II of the said Tutamoe Survey District, to the Mangakahia Kiver; thence by that river to and along the northern boundary of Block I of the aforesaid Tutamoe Survey District, to and along the northern and western boundaries of Block IV, Waipoua Survey District, to and along the western boundary of Block VIII of the said Waipoua Survey District


No. Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. | Nam e and_Addiess ol Decision 0 f Commission. 21 Waikato .. ■. Petition to include portion of the Ruakura W. R. J. Franklin Complied with. Riding of Waikato County in the Hamil- and eleven others ton Electoral District 22 Raglan .. .. Suggesting that the Leamington Town Dis- Town Clerk, Learning- Partly complied trict and Pukekura Riding of Waipa ton Town Board with. County be included in the Waikato Electoral District, and that the northern portion of that district be included in the Raglan Electoral District 23 Waitomo . . Objecting to the inclusion of Te Awamutu James Oliphant, bar- Unable to comply. Borough, Kihikihi Town District, and rister and solicitor, southern portion of Waipa County in the Te Awamutu Waitomo Electoral District, and suggesting their inclusion in the Raglan Electoral District 24 Egmont and Stratford Protesting against portions of Omata and E. Baker, chairman Unable to comply. Mangorei Ridings of Taranaki County Hurworth Branch of being included in the Egmont and Strat- the Farmers' Union ford Electoral Districts 25 Egmont .. .. Forwarding resolution passed by the Strat- County Clerk, Strat- Unable to comply. ford County Council protesting against ford County Council I the exclusion of the West Riding from the Stratford Electoral District 26 Egmont .. .. Forwarding resolution oarried at a public H. J. Marchant, Car- Unable to comply. meeting protesting against . the West diff, Stratford Riding of Stratford County being included in the Egmont Electoral District 27 Egmont .. .. Objecting to the exclusion of the West W. Power, secretary Unable to comply. Riding of Stratford County from the Stratford Chamber Stratford Electoral District of Commerce 28 Egmont .. .. Forwarding petition from 187 residents of H. J. Marchant, Car- Unable to comply. the West Riding of Stratford County to diff, Stratford be included in the Stratford Electoral District 29 Egmont .. .. Strongly supporting the objection by the A. J. Blair, secretary Unable to comply. electors cf the West Riding of Stratford Stratford Progress County to their inclusion in the Egmont League Electoral District 30 Patea .. .. Forwarding two petitions from fifty resi- Hon. 0. Hawken, Complied with. dents and electors of the Eltham Riding Minister of Agriculof Eltham County to be included in the ture, Wellington Egmont Electoral District 31 i Wanganui .. Forwarding opinion that Wanganui City Secretary Wangamii Unable to comply. should be entitled to two members of Chamber of ComParliament and the boundaries amended merce accordingly 32 Masterton .. Forwarding petition from electors of the Hon. A. D. McLeod, Acceded to. Te Whiti Riding of Masterton County Minister of Lands, to be included in the Wairarapa Electoral Wellington District 33 Wellington North .. Suggesting that the boundary between Registrar of Electors, Unable to comply. Wellington North and Wellington Central Wellington Electoral Districts be continued along Vivian Street to Willis Street

to the Waipoua River; thence by that river to the sea ; and bounded towards the south-west, and north by the sea to the North Cape, the place of commencement: including all adjacent islands. Marsden. This district is bounded towards the north-west and north generally by the Bay of Islands Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the confluence of the Mangakahia and Wairoa Rivers to the sea at the mouth of the Ngunguru River; and bounded towards the north-east generally by the sea to the mouth of the Weiti River; bounded towards the south generally by the said Weiti River to the south-eastern corner of Section 253, Pukeatua Parish ; thence by the northeastern boundary of the said Section 253, to and along the road forming the north-western boundary of the aforesaid Section 253, the northern boundaries of Sections 252 and 251, the northern and north-western boundaries of Section 250, the north-western boundary of Section 249, to the junction of roads on the north-western boundary of the said Section 249; thence by the road forming the northern boundary of Section 94, the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 93 and 92, the northern and north-western boundary of Section 91, to the junction of roads on the north-western boundary of the said Section 91 ; thence by the road forming the northern boundary of Section 89, the north-western boundaries of Sections 88, 320 a, 87, the northern boundaries of Sections 86 and 85, the northern boundary generally of Section 84 to the north-western corner of the said Section 84, thence by the north-western boundary of the aforesaid Section 84, all of the said Pukeatua Parish, to the Kaukapakapa River ; thence by that river to the south-eastern corner of Section 64, Kaukapakapa Parish ; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 64, the south-eastern boundary of Section 62, to the road forming the south-western and western boundaries of Sections 63, 58, 57, and 52, the road forming the northern boundary of the said Section 52, and the northwestern boundary of Section 29, all of the said Kaukapakapa Parish, to the Waitoki Stream ; thence by that stream to the road at the easternmost corner of Section 170 of Makarau Parish ; thence by that road to the junction of roads on the northern boundary of the said Section 170, and by the road forming the northern boundary of the aforesaid Section 170, the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 168, 166, 102, 103, 180, 90, 70, 69, 67, 65, 33, 31, the southern, western, and north-western boundaries of Section 30, all of Makarau Parish, to the Makarau -River, and by that river to its confluence with the Rauhori Stream, forming the south - eastern boundary of Komokoriki Parish ; thence by the said south-eastern boundary of the said Komokoriki Parish to its junction with the Ahuroa Parish ; thence by the south-western boundary of the said Ahuroa Parish to the north-western corner of the south-western portion of Section 31, Ahuroa Parish ; thence by the north-western boundaries of Sections 31 and 32 and their production to and along the road forming the southwestern and north-western boundary of Section 30, to and along the road forming the western boundary of Section 87, to and along the road forming the northern boundaries of the said Section 87, Sections 83 and 84, to the junction of roads on the south-western boundary of Section 17 ; thence by a road to the westernmost corner of the said Section 17 ; thence by the north-western boundary of the aforesaid Section 17 to and along the road forming the western boundaries of Sections 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 55, all of Ahuroa Parish, to the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 13, Kourawhero Parish ; thence by that road and the southwestern and north-western boundaries of the said Section 13 to the south-eastern corner of the north-eastern portion of Section 53 ; thence by the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 53, 54, and 45, all of Kourawhero Parish, to the Onehunga Stream ; thence by that stream to the Pikoko Stream ; thenpe by that stream to the Kaitoto Stream ; thence by that stream to the Hoteo River, and by that river to the north-eastern corner of Section 111, Tauhoa Parish ; thence by the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 111 to.the North Auckland Railway line; thence by the said railway-line to the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 26, Block XVI, Otamatea Survey District; thence by that road to the main Port Albert-Warkworth Road; thence in a southerly, direction by that road to and along the road running in a north-westerly direction through Section 9of the said block and survey district; thence by the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 127, 128, Qruawharo . Parish, to the junction of roads at the northwestern corner of Section 126 of the said Oruawharo Parish ; thence by a right line due north to the Whakapirau River; thence by that river to the Mainene River ; thence by that river to the Topuni River, and by that river to the crossing of the Great North Road; thence by that road to the southeastern boundary of Section 147, Wairau Parish ; thence by

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the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 147 to the Kaiwaka River; thence by that river to the Wairau River ; thence by that river to the Waikorere Stream, and by that stream to and along the north-eastern boundary of the Okahurewa Block to the south-eastern boundary of Wairau Parish ; thence by the south-eastern, south-western, and north-western boundaries of the said Wairau Parish to and along the eastern boundary of Mareretu Parish, to and along the south-western boundary of Raranga Parish to and along the south-western and north-western boundaries of Maungakaramea Parish to the Waotama River ; thence by that river to the Tangihua River ; thence by that river to the Wairoa River; thence by that river to its confluence with the Mangakahia River, the place of commencement: including Mokohinou, Kawau, Motuketekete, Moharekareka, Motuhora, Tiritiri, and adjacent islands. Kaipaba. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Bay of Islands Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the mouth of the Waipoua River to the confluence of the Wairoa and Mangakahia Rivers, and by the Marsden Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the said confluence to the sea at the mouth of the Weiti River; thence bounded towards the east generally by the sea to the road on the southern boundary of Lot 1 of Section 189, Takapuna Parish ; thence bounded towards the south generally by the said road to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 265, 258, and 259 of the said Takapuna Parish to the junction of roads on the north-eastern boundary of Section 433 of Paremoremo Parish ; thence by the road forming the eastern boundary of the said Section 433, the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 437 and 436, and south-eastern boundaries of Sections 169 and 171 to the north-western corner of Section 173, all of the said Paremoremo Parish ; thence by the south-western boundary of the said Section 173, south-eastern boundary of Section 172, all of the aforesaid Paremoremo Parish, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 200, Takapuna Parish, to and along the road forming the north-western boundaries of Sections 232, 117, 118, and 119, all of the said Takapuna Parish, to the junction of roads on the north-eastern boundary of Section 176 of the aforesaid Takapuna Parish ; thence by the road forming the south-western boundaries of Sections 204 and 205 of the before-mentioned Takapuna Parish, to and along the road forming the south-western boundaries of Sections 139 and 138 of Paremoremo Parish to the junction of roads on the south-eastern boundary of Section 147 of the said Paremoremo Parish ; thence by the road forming the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 147, south-eastern, southern, and north-western boundaries of Section 148, intersecting Section 149 and forming south-western boundary of Section 150 of the aforesaid Paremoremo Parish to Lucas Creek ; thence by the said Lucas Creek to the Waitemata Harbour ; thence by the .said Waitemata Harbour to and along Brigham's Creek to the north-eastern corner of Section 1, Waipareira Parish ; thence by the northern boundary of the said Section 1 to the abandoned railway-line, and by the said railway-line to its junction with the North Auckland Railway-line ; thence by that railway-line to its intersection with the south-eastern boundary of Lot 9 of the Taupaki East Block ; thence by the road forming the south-eastern boundary of the said Lot 9 to and along the road forming the eastern boundaries of Lots 18, 19, 26, 27, and 28, the eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Lot 29, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of the said Lot 29, Lots 31, 32, and 33, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Lot 46, the eastern boundary of Lot 21, all of Taupaki East and West Blocks, to the northern boundary of the Waitakerei Parish; thence by the northern boundary of the said Waitakerei Parish, forming the northern boundaries of Sections 11, 12, 14, 22, and 21, all of the aforesaid Waitakerei Parish, to the Mokoroa Stream ; thence by that stream to the southeastern corner of Section 15s, Motutara Settlement; thence by the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of the said Section 15s to and along the road forming the eastern boundary of Section 16s of the said Motutara Settlement to and along the northern boundary of the said Section 16s to the sea ; thence bounded towards the south-west by the sea to the mouth of the Waipoua River, the place of commencement : including Kohutango and adjacent islands. Waitemata. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Kaipara Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Waitemata Harbour at the mouth of Lucas Creek to the sea at the southern boundary of Lot 1 of Section 189, Takapuna Parish ; thence bounded towards the north-east generally by the sea and Rangitoto Channel from the southern boundary of the said Lot Ito the North Head; thence



bounded towards the south and south-west generally by the northern shores of the said Waitemata Harbour from the said North Head to Little Shoal Bay ; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the said Little Shoal Bay to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 58, Takapuna Parish, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 57, to and along the road to the south-western comer of Section 4; thence by the western boundaries of Sections 4, 5, and 6, to and along the road forming the northern boundary of Section 3, all of the said Takapuna Parish, to and along the Great North Road, to and along the south eastern boundary of Allotment 3 of Section 121, to and along the south-eastern, southern, and western boundaries of Allotment 4, southern boundaries of Allotments 31, 30, 29, 28, and 27, the northern boundaries of Allotments 8, 10, and 11, all of the said Section 121, to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 127, to and along the south-western boundary of the said Section 127, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 126, all of the aforesaid Takapuna Parish, to and along the road at the head of Kaipatiki Creek ; thence by that creek to Hellyer's Creek, and by that creek to the Waitemata Harbour, and by the said harbour to the mouth of Lucas Creek, the place of commencement. Auckland Suburbs. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Kaipara Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the northern boundary of Section 16s, Motutara Settlement, to the Waitemata Harbour at the mouth of Lucas Creek ; thence bounded towards the north-east generally by the Waitemata Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the said Lucas Creek to the Waitemata Harbour at Little Shoal Bay ; thence bounded towards the west generally by a right line across the said Waitemata Harbour from the said Little Shoal Bay to Point Chevalier; thence by the shores of the said Waitemata Harbour to the mouth of Oakley Creek, and by that creek to its intersection with the Great North Road ; thence by that road to and along Gladstone Road to the south-eastern corner of Section 338, Parish of Titirangi (part Avondale Mental Hospital Endowment) ; thence by the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 33 to Oakley Creek ; thence by that creek to Richardson Road at the north-eastern corner of Section 94 of the said Parish of Titirangi; thence by the said Richardson Road to and along the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of Section 67, to and along Boundary Road forming the southeastern boundaries of Sections 78 and 77, to and along White Swan Road, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Section 75, all of the aforesaid Parish of Titirangi, to Manukau Harbour ; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the said Manukau Harbour from the south-eastern corner of the said Section 75 to Paratutai; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the sea to the northern boundary of Section 16s, Motutara Settlement, the place of commencement : including all wharves and extensions seaward. Auckland West. This district is bounded towards the north-west and northeast generally by the southern shores of Waitemata Harbour from the southern side of Cox's Bay to a point in line with the middle of Daldy Street; thence bounded towards the southeast generally by a right line to and along the middle of the said Daldy Street to the southern side of Fanshawe Street; thence by a right line across Victoria Park to Patterson Street at the western side of the right-of-way leading into the said Victoria Park ; thence by the said Patterson Street to and along Franklin Road, to and along Napier Street, to and along Hepburn Street, to and along Williamson Avenue to its junction with Rose Road; thence bounded towards the south and southwest generally by the said Rose Road to and along Chamberlain Street, to and along Richmond Road to its intersection with Cox's Creek; thence by the southern shores of the said Cox's Creek and Cox's Bay to Waitemata Harbour, the place of commencement: including all wharves and extensions seaward. This district includes Great Barrier island County, Little Barrier, Rangiahua, and adjacent islands. Auckland Central. This district is bounded towards the west generally by the Auckland West Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of Rose Road and Williamson Avenue to the Waitemata Harbour at a point in line with the middle of Daldy Street; thence bounded towards the north generally by the said Waitemata Harbour to a point in line with the middle of Queen Street; thence bounded towards the east generally by that street to and along Karangahape Road, to and along Symonds Street, to and along Mount Eden Road, to and along the south-eastern side of Shaddock Street and its production to a point in line with the middle of Ngahura

Street; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by a right lino to and along the middle of the said Ngahura Street; to and along the New North Road to a point in line with the north-eastern side of Alexander Street; thence by a right line to and along the north-eastern side of the said Alexander Street, to and along Niger Street, to and along the north-western boundaries of Allotments 9, 8, 7, and 4 of Section 5, Suburbs of Auckland, to and along the northeastern boundary of Allotment 13 of Section 7 of the said Suburbs of Auckland, to and along the Great North Road, to and along Pollen Street, to and along Williamson Avenue to its junction with Rose Road, the place of commencement: including all wharves and extensions seaward. Grey Lynn. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Auckland West and Auckland Central Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the Waitemata Harbour at the southern side of Cox's Bay to the New North Road at a point in line with the north-eastern side of Alexander Street; thence bounded towards the south generally by the said New North Road from the said point in line with the north-eastern side of Alexander Street to and along the Western Springs Road, to and along School Road, to and along the northern boundary of Section 7, Suburbs of Auckland, to and along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 40 and 38 of Section 5 of the said Suburbs of Auckland, to and along the Western Springs Road, to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 173 of Section 10; thence by the southwestern boundary of the said Allotment 173, south-western boundary of Allotment 175, south-eastern and southern boundaries of Allotment 174, all of Section 10 of the aforesaid Suburbs of Auckland, to and along the Meola Stream, to and along the eastern boundaries of Sections 29 and 35, Parish of Titirangi, to and along the southern boundary of the said Section 35, to Gladstone Road ; thence bounded towards the west generally by the Auckland Suburbs Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the said Gladstone Road at the south-western corner of the aforesaid Section 35 to the southern side of the Waitemata Harbour at Point Chevalier; thence by the said harbour to the southern side of Cox's Bay, the place of commencement. Auckland East. This district is bounded towards the west generally by the Auckland West Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the railway-line at a point in line with the south-eastern side of Shaddock Street to the Waitemata Harbour at a point in line with the middle of Queen Street; thence bounded towards the north generally by the shores of the said Waitemata Harbour to the eastern side of Judge's Bay at Resolution Point; thence bounded towards the east generally by a right line from the said Resolution Point to and along St. Stephen's Avenue, to and along Manukau Road to its junction with Owen's Road; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the said Owen's Road from its junction with Manukau Road to the south-eastern corner of Allotment 57 of original Section 6, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence by the southern and western boundaries of the said Allotment 57 to the Mount Eden Recreation Reserve; thence by the southern and eastern boundaries of the said reserve, to and along Clive Road, to and along Mount Eden Road to its intersection with the railway-line ; thence by the said railwayline to a point in line with the south-eastern side of Shaddock Street, the place of commencement: including all wharves and extensions seaward. This district also includes Rakino, Motutapu, Rangitoto, Mohikarewa, Motuihi, Waiheke, Pahiki, Rotoroa, Pakatoa, Ponui, Brown's, and adjacent islands. Eden. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Grey Lynn, Auckland Central, and Auckland East Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the junction of Western Springs Road with the New North Road to the junction of Owen's Road with the Manukau Road ; thence bounded towards the east by the Manukau Road from its junction with Owen's Road to its junction with Arcadia Road ; thence bounded towards the south generally by the said Arcadia Road from its junction with the Manukau Road, to and along The Drive, to and along Merivale Avenue, to and along Balmoral Road, to and along St. Luke's Road to its junction with Gordon Road; thence bounded towards the west generally by the said Gordon Road from its junction with the said St. Luke's Road, to and along Bournmouth Road, to and along Aroha Avenue, to and along Leslie Avenue, to and along Argyle Road, to and along the New North Road to its junction with Western Springs Road, the place of commencement.


Parnell. This district is bounded towards the west generally by the Eden and Auckland East Electoral Districts hereinbefore described, from the junction of Green Lane with Manukau Road to the Waitemata Harbour at the eastern side of Judge's Bay at Resolution Point; thence bounded towards the north generally by the shores of the said Waitemata Harbour to West Tamaki Head; thence bounded towards the east generally by the Tamaki River from the said West Tamaki Head to the south-eastern corner of Allotment 39, Waitemata Parish ; thence bounded towards the south generally by the southern boundary of the said Allotment 39, southern boundary of Allotment 44, south-eastern and south-western boundaries of Allotment 50, and south-eastern boundary of Allotment 49, all of the said Parish of Waitemata, to and along College Road, to and along the south-western boundary of Allotment 26a, to and along the northern boundary of Allotment part 26, all of the aforesaid Parish of Waitemata, to and along the southern boundaries of Allotments 34 and 25 of Original Section 12, Suburbs of Auckland; thence by the production of the western boundary of the said Allotment 25 to and along Mapua Road, to and along the Ladies' Mile, to and along Bella Street, to and along Morrin Street, to and along Walpole Street, to and along the Panmure Road, to and along the Great South Road, to and along Green Lane to its junction with Manukau Road, the place of commencement. Roskill. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Auckland Suburbs, Grey Lynn, and Eden Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from Oakley Creek at the south-west corner of Section 33, Parish of Titirangi (part Avondale Mental Hospital Endowment), to the junction of Arcadia Road with the Manukau Road ; thence bounded towards the east generally by the said Manukau Road from Arcadia Road to the south-eastern corner of Allotment 35 of Original Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence by the southern boundary of the said Allotment 35, to and along The Drive, to and along Selwyn Road, to and along St. Andrew's Road, to and along Mount Albert Road, to and along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 3 and 2 of Section 13, Suburbs of Auckland, to Puhea Creek, and by that Creek to Manukau Harbour; thence bounded towards the south generally by the shores of the said harbour, from the mouth of Puhea Creek to the Auckland Suburbs Electoral District at the south-eastern corner of Section 75, Parish of Titirangi; thence bounded towards the west generally by the Auckland Suburbs Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the south-eastern corner of the said Section 75 to Oakley Creek at the south-western corner of Section 33 of the said Titirangi Parish (part Avondale Mental Hospital Endowment), the place of commencement. Manukau. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Parnell Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of Green Lane with Manukau Road to the Tamaki River at the south-eastern corner of Allotment 39, Parish of Waitemata ; thence bounded towards the east generally by the said Tamaki River to the mouth of Otahuhu Creek ; thence bounded towards the south generally by the said Otahuhu Creek to and along Portage Road to Manukau Harbour, and by the shores of the said Manukau Harbour to Puhea Creek ; thence bounded towards the west generally by the Roskill and Eden Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the said Puhea Creek to the junction of Green Lane with Manukau Road, the place of commencement. Franklin. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the southern shores of Manukau Harbour from the sea to the Puhinui Stream ; thence by that stream to and along Brown's Road to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Lot 50 of subdivision of Clendon's Grant as shown on D.P. 4436 l ; thence by the production of the said boundary to its intersection with the northern boundary of part Lot 4 of the said Clendon's Grant, being portion of Dreadon's property as shown on Deeds record 20/406 ; thence in an easterly direction along the northern boundary of the said part Lot 4 to its north-eastern corner ; thence by a right line across the North Island Main Trunk Railway, and through part Lot 4, Clendon's Grant, being portion of Brown's property shown on Deeds record 17a/407, to the north-eastern corner of part Lot 5, Clendon's Grant, as shown on Deeds record R 185/508 ; thence along the northern boundary of the said part Lot 5 to its northernmost corner; thence in a south-easterly direction along the eastern boundary of that lot to the north-west corner of Price's subdivision of Clendon's Grant; thence in an easterly direction along the northern boundary of the said


Price's subdivision and that boundary produced for a distance of 1600 links ; thence along a line parallel to the eastern boundary of Lot 3 of a subdivision of Clendon's Grant, as shown on D.P. No. 9996, for a distance of 2300 links ; thence by a right line parallel to Oram's Road to the eastern boundary of Lot 3 aforesaid ; thence along the eastern boundary of that lot to the westernmost corner of the subdivision of Clendon's Grant as shown on D.P. 6888 ; thence along the north-western boundary of that subdivision to its intersection with a richt line produced from the northernmost corner of 8, Clendon's Grant parallel to the eastern boundary of the aforesaid subdivision shown on the said plan D.P. 6888, and along the said right line to the northernmost corner of the said Subdivision 18 ; thence along the north-western boundary of Subdivision 19 of the said grant to the westernmost corner of Subdivision 20 of Clendon's Grant, and along the southwestern boundary of that subdivision to the ManurewaPapakura Valley Road, by a right line across the said road; thence in a north-easterly direction along the northern boundary of Lot 1 of Allotment 13, Papakura Parish, as shown on D.P. 4199, to its north-eastern corner; thence in a southeasterly direction along the north-east boundary of the said Lot 1 to its easternmost corner, and that boundary produced through Lots 4 and 5, as shown on D.P. 4199 aforesaid, to the Papakura Stream, and by the said stream to its intersection with the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 22, Papakura Parish ; thence bounded towards the east generally by the said road forming the north-eastern boundaries of Allotments 22, 28, 35, and 42, all of the said Papakura Parish, to the northern boundary of the Papakura Town District at a point 800 links distant from the old Wairoa Road ; thence towards the north-east by a line parallel to and 800 links distant from the said Old Wairoa Road to a point in line with the production of the north-eastern boundary of Lot 2, subdivision of Allotment 27, Hunua Parish, and distant 632 4 links from the north-western corner of the said Allotment 27, as shown on D.P. 1157 a ; thence by a right line to and along the north-eastern boundary of the said Lot 2 and its production to the north-western boundary of Lot 15, subdivision of Section 1, Parish of Opaheke ; thence by the north-western boundary of the said Lot 15 and the north-western boundary of Lot 16 to its north-eastern corner ; thence by the south-eastern boundaries of Allotments 28, 29, and 30, south-western boundaries of Allotments 228,33, 34, and 171, all of the said Hunua Parish, to and along a road forming the south-eastern boundary of the said Allotment 171, to and along the south-western boundary of Allotment 170, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 168 to and along the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 179, to and along northern and eastern boundaries of Allotment 9, to and along the northern and eastern boundaries of Allotment 13, to and along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 39 and 67, all of the said Hunua Parish, to and along the Tipakuro Stream, to and along the Maungawheau Stream, to and along the road forming the western boundary-lines of Allotments 96, 126, 203, 205 (E.R.), 209, and 90, Opaheke Parish, to and along the southern boundary of said Allotment 90, to and along the road forming the western boundary-lines of Allotments 133 and 135, and south-western boundaries of said Allotment 135 and Allotment 136 of the said Opaheke Parish, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 135, Mangatawhiri Parish, to its southernmost corner; thence by a right line to the easternmost corner of Allotment 238; thence by the northern, north-western, and western boundary-lines of Allotment 239, to and along the north-western boundary of Allotment 240, to and along the north-eastern and western boundaries of Allotment 227, to and along the northern boundary of Allotment 104, to and along the eastern and northern boundaries of Allotment 171, to and along the road forming the north-western boundary of the said Allotment 171 and western boundary of Allotment 169, to and along the northern boundary of Allotment 168, to and along the northeastern and north-western boundaries of Allotment 156, to and along the road forming the north-eastern and northwestern boundaries of Allotment 147 and north-western boundary of Allotment 146, to and along the south-western boundary of the said Allotment 146, to and along the northwestern boundaries of Allotments 21 and 11, to and along the north-western boundaries of Allotments 22, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, and 41, to and along the south-western boundary of said Allotment 41 and south-western boundary of Allotment 40, all of the said Mangatawhiri Parish, to and along the road forming the northern boundaries of Allotments 22, 76, 77, 78, and 79, Tuakau Parish, to and along the western boundary of Allotment 79a and its production to and along the southwestern boundary of Allotment 62, to and along a subdivision of Allotments 44, 60, and 41, all of the said Tuakau Parish, as shown on Land Transfer plan 3990 a, to and along the road forming the western boundary of the said Allotment 41, to and along the southern boundary of Allotment 34, Pukekohe



Parish, to and along the Whahapipi Stream to the Waikato River ; thence bounded towards the south generally by the said Waikato River to the sea ; thence bounded towards the west by the sea to the Manukau Harbour, the place of commencement. Raglan. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Franklin Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Waikato River to the northernmost corner of Allotment 42, Mangatawhiri Parish; thence bounded towards the north-east generally by the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 42, to and along the Razorback to Whangarata Road, to and along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Allotment 48 of the said Mangatawhiri Parish, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 47, to and along the Whangarata to Pokeno Road, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 10, to and along the road forming south-western boundary of Allotment 12, to and along the western and southern boundaries of Allotment 69, to and along the road forming the northern boundary of Allotment 59, north-western and western boundaries of Allotment 60, and western boundaries of Allotments 61 and 64, all of the aforesaid Mangatawhiri Parish, to and along the Waikato River, to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Allotments 14b, 14, and 13, Taupiri Parish, to and along the eastern boundaries of the said Allotment 13, Allotments 10, 8, and 2, to an along the northern and eastern boundaries of Allotment 50, to and along the western shores of Lake Hakanoa, to and along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, and 59, to and along the northern boundary of Allotment 60, all of the said Taupiri Parish, to and along the Waikato River to a point in line with the southern boundary of Suburban Section North 93, Town of Newcastle ; thence by a right line to and along the southern boundary of said Section 93, to and along a road forming eastern boundary of Section 92, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 96 and its production through Section 97, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 102, to and along the Main Trunk Railway line, to and along the south-western boundaries of Sections 151, 158, 177, 184, and 193, to and along the north-western boundaries of Sections 201, 202, and 203, to and along a road forming south-western boundary of Section 190, to and along the north-western boundaries of Sections 213 and 222, all of Suburban North, Town of Newcastle, and the production of the north-western boundary of the said Section 222 to and along the Waikato River, to and along the south-eastern boundary of the Horotiu Parish to the road forming the eastern boundary of Allotment 91 of the said parish ; thence by that road and the road fronting Allotments 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 112, 111, 109, 110, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, and 96, all of Pukete Parish, to and along the south-western boundaries of Allotments 19 and 18, Te Rapa Parish, to and along the south-western boundary of Allotment 364 of said Te Rapa Parish, and the production of that boundary to the Main Trunk Railway line ; thence by the said railway-line to and along the road forming the south-western boundary of Allotment 362, to and along the road forming the southeastern boundary of the said Allotment 362, south-eastern boundary of Allotment 361, to and along the stream forming the southern boundaries of Allotments 170, 171, and 173, all of the aforesaid Te Rapa Parish, to its confluence with the Mystery Stream ; thence by that stream to its confluence with the Waikato River; thence by that river to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 20b and 21a, northeastern and south-eastern boundaries of Section 21, and southeastern boundaries of Sections 24 and 26, all of Pukekura Parish, to and along the western and southern boundaries of Lot A, and southern boundaries of Lots A 1, A 2, A 3, B 2, B 1, B, and C 5 of Sections 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, and 170 of the said Pukekura Parish, to and along the western, southern and eastern boundaries of the north-western portion of Section 171, to and along the eastern boundary of the northwestern portion of Section 151, to and along the northwestern boundaries of Sections 126, 125, 124, 124 a, 122, 121, and 120, all of the aforesaid Pukekura Parish, to and along the Waikato River to the north-eastern corner of Section 227, Pukekura Parish; thence south-westerly along the southeastern boundary of the said Section 227 and south-eastern boundaries of Sections 185, 186, 187, and 226, all of the said Pukekura Parish to Trig. 52 (Pukekura) ; thence southeasterly along the north-eastern boundaries of Pukekura 18b lc, 18b Ib, 18b la, and 18b 2 Blocks ; thence southwesterly along the south-eastern boundary of the said 18b 2 Block; thence south-easterly along the north-eastern boundaries of Pukekura 17 and 15 Blocks, to and along the western boundary of Maungatautari No. 3a 5a 2, to and along the northern, eastern, and southern boundaries of No. 3a 5a 1, to and along the south-eastern and southwestern boundaries of No. 4h 8, to and along the south-eastern boundary of No. 4h, all of the said Maungatautari Block, to

the Mangahoe Stream ; thence bounded towards the south generally by that stream to and along the Mangapiko Stream, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 317, Mangapiko Parish, to and along Alexander Street, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Allotments 242 and 243 of the said Mangapiko Parish, to and along the Frontier Road, to and along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Allotment 227, south-eastern boundaries of Allotments 226, 225, 224, 223, and 222, all of the aforesaid Mangapiko Parish, to and along the Puniu River to and along the Waipa River, to and along the Manganika Stream ; thence along that stream to its intersection on the southern boundary of Lot 329, Parish of Pirongia ; thence along the southern boundaries of Lots 329, 306, and 365, all of the Parish of Pirongia, to the intersection of the eastern boundary of Section 2, Block 111, Pirongia Survey District; thence along the eastern boundaries of Sections 2 and 4, thence westerly along the southern boundaries of Sections 4 and 1, all of Block 111, Pirongia Survey District, to the intersection of the eastern boundary of Section 5, Block VII, of the said survey district; thence along the eastern boundary of that section to its southern boundary ; thence along the southern boundaries of Section 5 and 4, Block VII, of the aforesaid survey district; thence northerly along the western boundaries of the said Section 4 and Native reserve to the southern boundary of education reserve ; thence along the south-western boundary of the said education reserve to its north-western boundary; thence along that boundary and the north-western boundary of Manganika B No. 2 Section 2 Block to Trig. 1922 ; thence along the southwestern boundaries of Lot 358, across a road, and along the south-western boundary of Lot 352, both of Parish of Pirongia, to the intersection of the south-eastern boundary of the proposed water-catchment area ; thence south-westerly along the southern boundary of that area to its intersection with the eastern boundary of Section 5, Block 1, Pirongia Survey District; thence along the eastern and northern boundaries of that section to its intersection with the Otungaoko Road, across that road and following that road to the southern boundary of Section 7 ; thence along the southern boundaries of the said Section 7 and Section 4, all of Block IV, Kawhia North Survey District, to a road ; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of that road to a point opposite to the southern boundary of Section 8, Block XV, Karioi Survey District; thence across that road and along the southern boundaries of the said Section 8 and of Section 7, Block XV, Karioi Survey District, and of Section 18, Block XIV, of the aforesaid survey district, across a road, and generally along the southern boundaries of Sections 19 and 16, Block XIV, Karioi Survey District, to the intersection with the eastern boundary of Moerangi No. 3b Block ; thence northerly along the said eastern boundary to the intersection of a road ; thence south-westerly along that road to the Aotea Harbour, along the northern boundaries generally of that harbour to the sea ; thence bounded towards the west generally by the sea to the mouth of the Waikato River, the place of commencement. Haijrakt. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the shores of the Manukau Harbour and the Manukau Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Puhunui Stream to the mouth of the Tamaki River ; thence bounded towards the north-east generally by the shores of the Tamaki Strait and the Firth of Thames to the mouth of the Piako River; thence by that river to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Section 14, Block IX, Waihou Survey District; thence by a right line to and along the southeastern boundary of the said Section 14, south-eastern boundaries of Sections 15, 16, 17, 6, 5, and 4 of the said Block IX, Sections 18 and 19, Block XII, Piako Survey District, southeastern and south-western boundaries of Section 20 of the said Block XII, to and along the south-eastern boundary of the Ngarua 1b 3b Block, to and across the Waitakaruru-Morrins-ville Road, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 11, 10, and 9 of the aforesaid Block XII, to and along the south-western boundary of the said Section 9, southwestern boundary of Section 8, and south-eastern boundaries of Sections 4 and 3, all of the said Block XII, Piako Survey District, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Section 5 (forest reserve), Block XI, Piako Survey District, to and along the eastern boundaries of Sections 502 and 501, Blocks XI and XV, Pikao Survey District, to and along the northern boundary of Section 454, Huntly Parish, to and along the north-western boundaries of Sections 453, 452, 451, 450, 449, 448, and 472, all of the said Huntly Parish, and western boundary of the said Section 472, to and along the stream forming the southern boundary of Subdivision 6 of Run 279, to and along the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 268, Whangamarino Parish, to and along the north-eastern and northern boundaries of Run 441, to and along the northern boundary of Section 212 of the said Whangamarino Parish to the Waikare Lake; thence


by a right line to the mouth of the Onetea Stream, and by that stream to its confluence with the Waikato River; thence bounded towards the west generally by the Raglan and Franklin Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the said confluence to the mouth of the Puhinui Stream, the place of commencement: including Pukitutu (or Week's) Island. Thames. This district is bounded towards the west, north, and east generally by the sea from the mouth of the Piako River to Wailii Beach at the south-eastern corner of part of Waihi No. 5 Block, as shown on Survey Office Plan 20870; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the southern and western boundaries of the said part Waihi No. 5 Block to a point in line with the mouth of the Waihi River and Te Aroha Mountain ; thence by that line to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the forest reserve in Block X, Aroha Survey District; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the eastern and northern boundaries of the said forest reserve to and along tho eastern boundary of H.P.L. 163 of the said Block X, to and along the eastern boundaries of H.P.L. 158 and H.P.L. 194, Block VI, to and along the eastern boundaries of Sections 24 and 23, Block V, eastern boundary of Section 17, Block I, north-eastern and western boundaries of Section 16, north-eastern and north-western boundaries of H.P.L. 169, all of said Block I of the said Aroha Survey District, to and along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Pukemokemoke Block, to and along the northern boundaries of Mangamutu Nos. 2 and 1 Blocks, to and along the Waihou River to the southernmost corner of the Ngahinapouri C Block ; thence by the road forming the southern boundary of the said Block C and intersecting Block B of the said Ngahinapouri Block, to and along the eastern, northeastern, and north-western boundaries of Section 9, Block XII, Waihou Survey District, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 2 of the Ahipukahu No. 2 Block, to and along the southern boundary of Section 6, Block XI, of the said Waihou Survey District, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 12 and 34, north-western boundaries of Sections 25, 26, 27, and 28, and north-western and southwestern boundaries of Section 29, all of the said Block XI, to and along the north-western boundaries of Lots 1 and 2, Te Awaiti Ij, 2b 3 Block, to and along the southern boundaries of Blocks XI and X of the said Waihou Survey District, to and along the Piako River to its mouth, the place of commencement : including Cuvier, Great Mercury, Whanganui, Slipper, and adjacent islands. Hamilton. This district is bounded towards the south-east, southwest, and north-west generally by the Raglan Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Waikato River at its confluence with the Mystery Stream to the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Lot 76, Freshfield Estate, as shown on D.P. 7516 ; thence by the road forming the southeastern boundary of the said Lot 76 and southern boundaries of Lots 75a, 74, 73, 72, and 71, eastern boundary of the said Lot 71, and south-eastern boundaries of Lots 62, 20, and 5, south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Lot 131, all of the said Freshfield Estate, south-eastern boundaries of Lots 8, 177, 178, and 179 as shown on D.P. 5005 a ; thence by the road forming the southern boundaries of Lots 163 and 164, south-western boundaries of Lots 160 and 159, all of Komakarau Parish, the south-western boundaries of Lots 857 and 220 as shown on D.P. 4829 a, the south-western boundary of Lot 221 as shown on D.P. 5789 a ; thence by the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of Lots 8, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 as shown on D.P. 4020 a ; thence by the road as shown on D.P. 4717 a to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Lots l, 6, 2, 3, and 4 as shown on D.P. 454 a, to and along the eastern boundary of Lot Part 2 as shown on D.P. 4488 a, to and along the road intersecting Lot Part 2b, to and along the road forming the eastern boundary of Lot 3 as shown on D.P. 7126, to and along the road forming the south-western boundaries of Lot North Part 22 as shown on D.P. 5379 a, and Lots 1, 2, and 3 as shown on D.P. 9969, to and across the Hamilton-Morrinsville Railway line, to and along the road forming the south-western boundaries of Lots 13 and 11 as shown on D.P. 7346, to and along the south-western boundaries of Lots 10 and 4, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Lots 3 and 2, all as shown on the said D.P. 7346, to and along the road forming the southeastern boundaries of Lots 2 and 1 as shown on D.P. 6926, to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 16 and 17 as shown on D.P. 6753, to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 11 and 12 as shown on D.P. 6612, to and along the Hamilton-Cambridge Railway line to its intersection with the Tamahere Stream ; thence by that stream to its confluence with the Waikato River, and by that river to its confluence with the Mystory Stream, the place of commencement.

2—H. 45.


Waikato. This district is bounded towards the north and east generally by the Hauraki and Thames Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the confluence of the Waikato River with the Onetea Stream to the Waihou River at a point in line with the northern boundary of the Mangamutu No. 1 Block; thence by the said Waihou River to and along the north-western and south-western boundaries of Lot 5 of Section 12, Block IX, Aroha Survey District, to and along the southern boundary of Section 5, the eastern boundary of Section 6, northern boundary of Section 9, and north-eastern boundaries of Sections 82, 81, 80, 79, 78, 77, and 76, all of the aforesaid block and survey district, and their production to the railway-line, across the said railway-line, to and along the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Section 67, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 66 and 65, all of Block IX, Aroha Survey District, to and along Stanley Road, to and along the road forming the north-western boundary of Section 13 of tho said block and survey district, to and along the Waihou River to a point in line with the road forming the northern boundary of Section E22, Block 11, Wairere Survey District; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by a right line to and along the road forming the northern boundary of the said Section E22 and Sections W22 21, 20, 19, and 18, all of the said Block I, Wairere Survey District; thence by the road forming the northern boundaries of Sections 4, 3, 2, and 1, Block I, Wairere Survey District, to and along the road forming the north-western boundary of the Orongomairoa Block, to and along the road on the northern boundary of Block VIII, Maungakawa Survey District, to and along the northern boundary of the land on Land Transfer plan 3961 a, to and along the north-western boundary of Section 8a of the said block and survey district to the Waitoa River; thence by that river to and along the road intersecting Section 12 of the said Block VIII, Maungakawa Survey District, to and along the road forming northern boundaries of Lots ss, 4s, 3s, and 2s, Pakarau Settlement, northern and western boundaries of Lot Is, and north-western boundaries of Lots 245, 25,265, and 275, all of the said Pakarau Settlement, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Te Au-o-Waikato No. 9b No. 2 Section 2, Block, to and along the Paiakonui River, to and along the eastern and southern boundaries of Kiwitahi No. 1a Block, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 8, Block XV, Maungakawa Survey District, to and along the northern and eastern boundaries of Kiwitahi Id Block, eastern boundaries of Kiwitahi 1e and If Blocks, eastern boundary of Te Konehu Block, eastern and southern boundaries of Tawawhakapuoro Block, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Maungakawa and Maunganui Blocks (Sanatorium Reserve), to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 287, part 336, 15, 9, and 8, Hautapu Parish, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of the said Section 8 and Sections 7, 12, 265, and 264, all of the said Hautapu Parish, to the Waikato River; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the Raglan and Hamilton Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the Waikato River at a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 264 to the confluence of the Waikato River with the Onetea Stream, the place of commencement. Taueanga. This district is bounded towards the south-west and northwest generally by the Waikato and Thames Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the intersection of the Piranui Stream with the road forming the north-western boundary of the Orongomairoa Block, Block I, Wairere Survey District, to Wailii Beach at the south-eastern corner of part of Waihi No. 5 Block as shown on Survey Office Plan 20870; thence bounded towards the north-east generally by the sea to the mouth of the Whakatane River ; thence by the said Whakatane River to and along tho road forming the northern boundary of Section la, Block IX, Whakatane Survey District, to and along the western and southern boundaries of Section 4, to and along the southern and eastern boundaries of Section 352, the eastern boundaries of Sections 360 and 361, and Small Grazing-runs 4 and 3, all of Blocks V and IX of the said Whakatane Survey District, to and along the Nukuhou-Maraetotara Road (Whaka-tane-Opotiki Main Road), intersecting small Grazing-run No. 6 of the said survey district, to and along the Nukuhou (Waimana-Ohiwa) Road ; thence by that road to the confiscation line ; thence easterly along parts of the northern boundaries of Waimana No. 1e Block and Section 21, Block IV, Waimana Survey District; thence by the southeastern boundaries of the said Section 21 and Waimana No. lc and Id Blocks to Paitaua; thence bounded towards the southwest generally by the south-western boundary of the said Waimana No. Id Block, and southern boundaries of Waimana lo 2 and lc 5 Blocks and their production to the eastern boundary of Block VI, Waimana Survey District; thence by the eastern boundaries of the said Block VI and Block II



of the said Waimana Survey District to the confiscation boundary-line, and by that line over Mount Edgecumbe to the south-western corner of Matata Parish ; thence by the western boundary of the said Matata Parish to and along the More Stream, to and along the southern boundary of Section 2, Block VII, Rotoma Survey District, and southern boundary of Section 10, Block VI, of the said survey district, to and along the southern boundary and road forming part of the south-western boundary of Section 9 intersecting the western portion of the said Section 9 and forming the southwestern boundary of Section 6, all of the aforesaid Block VI, to and along the road forming the southern boundary of Run No. 14 of Blocks V and VI, to and along the road forming the north-western boundary of the scenic reserve of the said Blocks V and VI, all of the said Rotoma Survey District, to and along the north-eastern boundaries of the Matawhaura, Te Arataukaniki, and Takerau Blocks, to and along the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 4 and la, Block IV, Rotoiti Survey District, to and along the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 6 and 4, Block XVT, Maketu Survey District, and intersecting Run No. 4, to a point due east of Otane-Wainuku Trig. Station ; thence by a right line to the said Otane-Wainuku Trig. Station ; thence by a right line running due west from the aforesaid trig, station to a point in line with a right line between Puwhenua and Te Weraiti Trig. Stations ; thence by a right line from that point to the said Te Weraiti Trig. Station ; thence by a right line to trig, station Waianuanu ; thence by the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of the Okauia No. 1 Block (A Portion) to and along the Wairere Stream, to and along the Waihou River to a point in line with the north-western boundary of Section 27a, Block X, Wairere Survey District; thence to and along the north-western boundary of the said Section 27a and northwestern boundaries of Section 27 and Lot 24a, Teranga-o-Moana Block; thence by the western boundary of that block and southern boundaries of the Aratiatia and Taramorahi No. 1 Blocks to and along the north-eastern boundary of the Matamata North Block, to and along the south-eastern north-eastern, and north-western boundaries of the Hungahunga No. 3 Block, to and along the western boundaries of Sections 9, 8, 7, and part 6, Hungahunga No. 1 Block, as shown on D.P. 2841, to and along the northern boundary of the said part Section 6, to and along the Piranui Stream to its intersection with the road forming the north-western boundary of the Orongomairoa Block, the place of commencement : including White, Motiti, and adjacent islands. Rotortja. This district is bounded towards the west and north generally by the Raglan, Waikato, and Tauranga Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the north-eastern corner of Maungatautari 3a 5a 1 Block to the Waimana River at its intersection with the south-western boundary of Waimana No. 1b Block ; thence bounded towards the east generally by the said Waimana River to its source ; thence by the summit of the range to Maungapohatu Trig. Station; thence by a right line to Puketapu Trig. Station; thence bounded towards the south generally by a right line from the said Puketapu Trig. Station to the most northerly point of the Waikaremoana Lake; thence by a right line to the junction of the Rangitikei River with the main road from Napier to Lake Taupo ; thence by a right line to the Taharua River at its intersection with the south-eastern boundary of the Tauhara South A Block; thence by the said Taharua River to and along the 39th parallel to and along the eastern boundary of Block X, Maungaku Survey District, to and along the Mangaharakeke-iti Stream, to and along the Kuratau River to Lake Taupo ; thence by the western shores of the said lake to the mouth of the Waihora Stream; thence by a right line to the source of the Ongaruhe River near Pareora Trig. Station ; thence by a right line in the direction of the summit of Rangitoto Mountain to its intersection with the Waipapa River ; thence bounded towards the west generally by the said Waipapa River to its confluence with the Waikato River, and by that river to a point opposite the north-western corner of Section 9, Block XII, Maungatautari Survey District; thence by a right line to Trig. Station Maungatautari ; thence by a right line to the north-eastern corner of Maungatautari No. 3a 5a 1 Block, the place of commencement. Bay of Plenty. This district is bounded towards the north-west, northeast, and south-east generally by the sea from the mouth of the Whakatane River to the mouth of the Hamanatua Stream in Block VIII, Turanganui Survey District; thence bounded towards the south generally by the said Hamanatua Stream to and along the road forming the eastern and southern boundaries of Section 3 and southern boundary of Section 2, Blocks 111 and IV, of the said Turanganui Survey District

to the Waimata River; thence by that river to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Section 17, Block 111, of the said survey district; thence to and by the southwestern boundaries of the said Section 17, and Section 16, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections 15 and 13, Block 111, of the aforesaid Turanganui Survey District, to and along the south-eastern and northeastern boundaries of the Whataupoko 4 Block to and along the north-eastern boundary of Whataupoko 5 Block to the Matokitokai Road; thence by that road, to a point bearing 37° 58' from the junction of Lytton and Ormond Roads ; thence by a right line to the said junction of Lytton and Ormond Roads; thence by lytton Road to and along the northern boundaries of Allotments 33 and 32, Halstead, to and along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 31 and 10, Halstead, to the Taruheru River; thence by that river to the north-eastern corner of the cemetery south of Allotment 20, Halstead ; thence by the eastern boundary of the said cemetery to and along the road forming the northern boundaries of Matawhero 5 or B Block and Ma.tawhero 1 Block to the Waipoua River; thence by that river to its confluence with the Maraetahi River ; thence by that river to the southeastern corner of Section 94, Block VII, Patutahi Survey District; thence by the southern boundaries of the said Section 94 and Section 97 to and along the eastern, northern, and western boundaries of Section 100, Blocks VII and XI, of the said Patutahi Survey District to the Waimata Stream ; thence by that stream to and along the north-western boundary of the Waimata Native Reserve to Parikanapa Trig. Station ; thence by the southern boundary of the said Waimata Native Reserve to and along the south-eastern boundary of Section 1, Block XIV, and south-eastern boundary of Section 1, Block XIII, of the aforesaid Patutahi Survey District, to and along the southern boundary of Whakaongaonga 1 Block to and along the southern boundary of Small Grazing-run 79a to the Mangarangiora Stream ; thence by that stream to the south-eastern corner of Lot 1 of Mangapoike 2a 3 Block ; thence by the south-eastern boundary of the said Lot 1 to the south-eastern corner of Lot 5 of the said Mangapoike 2a 3 Block ; thence by the eastern and northern boundaries of the said Lot 5, the north-western boundary of Lot 4, to and along the western boundary of the said Lot 1 of the said Mangapoike 2a 3 Block to the Hangaroa River; thence by that river to and along the southern and western boundaries of Tauwharetoi 3a Block, to and along the eastern and northern boundaries of the Tauwharetoi 4b Block, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 5, Block IX, Hangaroa Survey District, to and along the south-western and western boundaries of Section 2 of the said block and survey district, to and along Bushy-knoll Road, to and along the Gisborne-Waikaremoana Road, to and along the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 1 (forest reserve), Block VIII, Tuahu Survey District, to and along the northern boundary of Small Grazing-run 84 to the Ruakituri River ; thence by that river to its intersection with a right line from the Mangapohatu Trig. Station to the Puketapu Trig. Station ; thence by a right line to the said Mangapohatu Trig. Station; thence bounded towards the west generally by the Rotorua and Tauranga Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the sea at the mouth of the Whakatane River, the place of commencement: including Motuhora (or Whale Island). Gisborne. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Bay of Plenty Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the south-western corner of Lot 1 of the Mangapoike 2a 3 Block to the sea at the mouth of Hamanatua Stream in Block VIII, Turanganui Survey District; thence bounded towards the east and south generally by the ocean to the mouth of the Wairoa River; thence bounded towards the north-west generally by that river to and along the stream forming the western boundaries of Sections 847 and 845, Wairoa Borough, to the southernmost corner of Section 42 ; thence by the eastern boundaries of Sections 17, 14, and 1, Block V, Clyde Survey District, and the production of the eastern boundary of the last-mentioned section to the said Wairoa River ; thence by that river to its confluence with the Kauhauroa Stream; thence by that stream and its production to the eastern boundary of Section 31a, Block X, Opoiti Survey District; thence by the eastern boundary of the said Section 31a to the Makaretu Stream ; thence by that stream to its confluence with the Mangapoike River, and by that river to its intersection with the north-eastern boundary of Wairoa County at a point on a right line from the sea at Haukeke to the confluence of the Ruakituri and Wairoa Rivers; thence by that right line to the south-eastern boundary of Mangapoike 2a 3 Block : thence by the southeastern boundary of the last-mentioned block, to the southwestern corner of Lot 1 of the said block, the place of commeneement: including Portland Island.



Hawke's Bay. This district is bounded towards the north and east generally by the Rotorua, Bay of Plenty, and Gisborne Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the intersection of the Taharua River with the 39th parallel to the sea at the mouth of the Wairoa River ; thence bounded towards the south-east by the sea to the Western Spit at the northern boundary of the Heretaunga Survey District; thence by the northern boundary of the said survey district across the Western Spit to the western shores of the Ahuriri Harbour ; thence by the western shores of the said harbour and passing to the west of Park's Island, to and along the western boundaries of Sections 94 and 41, Puketapu, Block IV, Heretaunga Survey District, to and along the Wharerangi Road, to and along Church Road, and forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 43 and 60 of the said Puketapu District, Block VII, Heretaunga Survey District, to and along the southern boundary of the said Section 60, to and along the eastern boundary of Blocks XXVII and XXVIII of Puketapu District' aforesaid; thence by the eastern boundaries of Sections 56 and 2 of the aforesaid Puketapu District and the said Block VII Heretaunga Survey District, to the Tutaekuri River ; thence across the said river to and along the road forming the western boundary of the Waiohiki 1 E Id, and lo 1 Blocks, and the north-western boundaries of the Waiohiki 2 and the Korokipo Blocks, to and along the eastern boundary of the Waipiropiro 6b Block to the Ngaruroro River; thence by that river to and along the south-western boundary of the Ohika-Karewa Block to the confluence of the old Ngaruroro Stream and the Ngaruroro River ; thence by the old Ngaruroro Stream to and along the road forming the north-eastern boundaiy of Section 13, Block 111, Mata Survey District; thence by the road forming the southern boundary of the said Section 13 to the Te Aute Road ; thence by that road to the PakipakiStortford Lodge, Road ; thence bounded towards the southwest generally by that road to the Hastings-Maraekakaho Road, and by that road to and along the north-eastern boundary of Lot 1, Ngatarawa 4 Block to the MaraekakahoNapier Road ; thence by that road to and along the northeastern boundary of Lot 1, Ngatarawa 1 Block, and its production to the Ngaruroro River ; thence by that river to its intersection with a right line between Trig. Station 65a and Trig. Station 26 (Tawheke Tewhango) ; thence by a right line eastward to the said Trig. Station 65a ; thence by a right line through Trig. Station 68a to the Mohaka River ; thence by that river to its confluence with the Taharua River; thence by that river to its intersection with the 39th parallel, the place of commencement. Napier. This district is bounded towards the north and west generally by the Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea a!, the Western Spit at the northern boundary of the Heretaunga Survey District to the confluence of the old Ngaruroro Stream and the Ngaruroro River; thence bounded towards the south by the said Ngaruroro River to the sea at the mouth of the aforesaid liver; thence bounded towards the east by the sea to the Western Spit, the place of commencement. Waipawa. This district is bounded towards the north and north-east generally by the Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Ngaruroro River at its intersection with a right line between Trig. Station 65a and Trig. Station 26 (Tawheke Tewhango) to the mouth of the Ngaruroro River ; thence towards the south-east by the sea to the mouth of the Porangahau River ; thence bounded towards the southwest generally by the right bank of the said Porangahau River to a point in line with the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section 25, Block XII, Porangahau Survey District; thence by a right line to and along the said road, and the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 8, 62, 63, and 64, and the north-eastern boundary of Section 65, to and along the north-western boundaries of the said Section 65 and 61, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 11, all of Block XII of the said Porangahau Survey District, to and along the south-eastern and southwestern boundaries of Section 7, Block VIII, of the said survey district, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Section 3, the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of Section 4, and the south-eastern boundary of Section 80, all of Block VII of the aforesaid Porangahau Survey District, to the Porangahau River: thence by that river to its confluence with the Mangaorapa Stream; thence by that stream to its confluence with the Tangaruhe Stream; thence by that stream to its intersection with the southeastern boundary of Section 3, Block VIII, Mangatoro Survey District; thence by the south-eastern and north-

eastern boundaries of the said Section 3 to the southernmost corner of Mangangarara 3 Block; thence by a right line to Trig. Station 27, Block IV, of the said Mangatoro Survey District; thence by a right line to the south-western corner of Block 77 in Block 111 of the said Mangatoro Survey District; thence by the south-western boundary of the said Block 77 to the confluence of the Mangapuaka Stream with the Whangai Stream ; thence by the said Whangai Stream to and along the eastern boundary of Section 14, Block XV, Takapau Survey District, to and along the stream forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 13 and 17 of the said block and survey district, to and along the Whatatuna Stream, to and along the southern boundary of Block 83, to and along the Mangapurakau Stream, to and along the Waikopiro Stream, to and along the Manawatu River, to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 3, 2, and 1, Block VI, Takapau Survey District, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Section 8, to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Section 7 and 2, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 87a, 87, 86a, 86, 85b, 84, and 154, to and along the southwestern boundaries of the said Section 154, Sections 153, 152, 151, south-eastern boundaries of Sections 9a, 10a, and 13a, to and along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Section 125, all of Block V, Takapau Survey District, to and along the Mangatewainui River; thence by that river to its intersection with the main Napier-Woodviile Road ; thence by that road to its intersection with the Mangatewai-iti River ; thence by that river to the south-western boundary of the Te Ohu Block, Block V, Norsewood Survey District; thence by the south-western boundary of the said block to the summit of the Ruahine Range ; thence bounded towards the west generally by the said Ruahine Range to a point in line with a right line from the junction of the Makororo River with the north branch of the Waipawa River and Trig. Station 30b (Aorangi); thence by a right line to the said Trig. Station 30b (Aorangi); thence by a right line from the aforesaid Trig. Station 30b (Aorangi) towards Trig. Station 32 (Papakai) to its intersection with the Rangitikei River ; thence by the said Rangitikei River to its intersection with a right line from Trig. Station 27 (Motumatai) to Trig. Station 26 (Tawheke Tewhango) ; thence by a right line to the said Trig. Station 26 (Tawheke Tewhango); thence by a right line towards Trig. Station 65a to the Ngaruroro River; the place of commencement. Pahiatua. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Waipawa Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Ruahine Range at the south-western corner of the Te Ohu Block in Block V, Norsewood Survey District, to the sea at the mouth of the Porangahau River ; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the sea to the mouth of the Waimata River ; thence bounded towards the south generally by the north-eastern boundary of the Waimata South and Mount Cerberus Survey Districts from the mouth of the said Waimata River to the north-eastern corner of Section 43, Block XII, of the said Mount Cerberus Survey District; thence in a southerly direction by the stock-road along the summit of the Puketoi Range to its intersection with the Makuri-Aohanga Road ; thence by that road to the westernmost corner of Section 18, Block XIV, Makuri Survey District; thence by the Aohanga Road and its production past the westernmost corner of Suburban Section 147 to the Makuri River ; thence by that river to its confluence with the Tiraumea River, and by that river to and along the northern boundary of Section 2, Block VIII, of the said Makuri Survey District, to and along the northern, north-western, and south-western boundaries of Section 1, to and along the western boundary of Section 3, all of the said block and survey district, to the Tiraumea River ; thence by that river to its confluence with the Mangaone River ; thence by that river to and along the road forming the northeastern boundaries of Sections 4 and 2 of Block XVI, and Section 29 of Block XII, Mangahao Survey District, to and along the Mangaramarama South Road, to and along Rock Road, to and along Makakahai Road, to and along Bridge Road to the Wellington-Woodville Railway line ; thence by that railway-line to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 43 and 40, Block X, of the aforesaid Mangahao Survey District to the Mangahao River ; thence by that river to and along the north-eastern boundary of Sections 8 of the said Block X to Komiskis Road ; thence by that road to Omata Road ; thence by that road to Tainui Valley Road ; thence by that road to the south-eastern boundary of the Growth and Preservation of Timber Reserve ; thence by a right line bearing north 45° west to the summit of the Tararua Range; thence bounded towards the north-west by the summit of the said Tararua Range to the Manawatu Gorge, and thence by the summit of the Ruahine Range to the south-western corner of the Te Ohu Block, in Block V, Norsewood Survey District, the place of commencement.



Mastektos. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Pahiatua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Tararua Range to the sea at the mouth of the Waimata River, thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the sea to the mouth of the Mataikona River, and by that river to and along the Pakowai Stream, to and along the northern boundary of Section 819, Block XIII, Aohanga Survey District, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 18, the eastern, northern, and western boundaries of Section 21, the western boundary of the said Section 18, all of Block XII, Puketoi Survey District, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 3 and 2, the northern and western boundaries of Section 1, the western boundary of Section 7, all of Block XVI of the said survey district, to and along the north-western and western boundaries of Section 822, Blocks XV and XVI of the aforesaid survey district, to and along the northern and eastern boundaries of Section 159, Block 111, Mangapakeha Survey District, to and along the Eketa-huna-Tinui Road, to and along the Makirikiri Valley Road, to and along the Te Oreore-Bideford Road to its intersection with the Mangatokitoki Stream, thence by that stream to and along the eastern and southern boundaries of the Kai-o-te Atua No. 3 Block as shown on Land Transfer plan B. 307, to and along the Mangaranga Huakina Stream, to and along the south-western boundary of the Taumataria Block, to and along the Masterton-Taueru Road, to and along the Whangaehu River to the confluence with the Ruamahanga River, and by that river to its confluence with the Waingawa River; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the said Waingawa River to its source; thence due west to the summit of the Tararua Range ; thence bounded towards the north-west generally by the summit of the said Tararua Range to the southern boundary of the Pahiatua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, the place of commencement. Waibakapa. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Masterton Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from a point due west of the source of the Waingawa River at the summit of the Tararua Range to the sea at the mouth of the Mataikona River ; thence bounded towards the southeast by the sea to Cape Palliser ; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the sea to Cape Turakirae ; thence bounded towards the west generally by the summit of the said Tararua Range to the north-eastern boundary of the Wellington Waterworks Reserve ; thence by that boundary to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 97 and 27, Block VIII, Rimutaka Survey District, the northeastern boundary of Section 26, Block V, the north-eastern and north-western boundary of Section 25, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 28, all of the said Block V, Rimutaka Survey District, to Whiteman's Valley Road; thence by that road to No. 1 Line ; thence by that line to the south-western boundary of the Upper Hutt Borough, at the north-western corner of Section 192 of the aforesaid block and survey district; thence by the boundaries of the land shown on plan A 2236, to and along the Main Hutt Road, to and along the western boundary of the land shown on conveyance 54243, D.R. 91/953, to and along the Hutt River, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 121, Hutt District, to and along the Akatarawa-Waikanae Road, to and along the north-western boundary of Section 407, Block 11, Akatarawa Survey District, to and along the northeastern boundaries of the said Section 407 and Sections 404 and 403 of the said block and survey district, to and along the northern and eastern boundaries of Section 5, Block 111, to and along the southern boundary of Section 6, to Renata Trig. Station ; thence by the eastern boundaries of Sections 12, 11, and 10 to the north-eastern corner of the said Section 10, all of the said Block 111, Akatarawa Survey District; thence by a right line to Mount Hector Trig. Station, on the summit of the Tararua Range ; thence along the said summit to a point due west of the Waingawa River, the place of commencement. Waitomo. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Raglan, Waikato, and Rotorua Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the mouth of the Aotea Harbour to the source of the Ongaruhe River near Pureora Trig. Station; thence bounded towards the south generally by the said Ongaruhe River to the eastern boundary of Section 77e 3a, Block XII, Tangitu Survey District; thence by that boundary to and along the Service Road, to and along Ohura Road, to and along Upper Ohura Road, to and along the southern boundary of Block I of the said Tangitu Survey District, to and along the eastern, southern, and western boundaries of Block IV, Aria Survey District, to and along the north-western boundaries of Blocks VIII and VII,

to and along the south-eastern and western boundaries of Section 9, to and along the southern boundary of Section 6, all of Block VI, all of the said Aria Survey District, to and along the Waitewhena Road, to and along the southern and south-western boundaries of Section 8, southern boundary of Section 3, southern and western boundaries of Section 2, all of Block V of the aforesaid Aria Survey District, to and along the south-eastern boundary of the Umukaimata No. 5b Block, Section 2, to and along the Paraheka Stream, to and along the Mokau River to the sea at the mouth of the said Mokau River; thence bounded towards the west generally by the sea to the mouth of the Aotea Harbour, the place of commencement. Waimarino. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Waitomo and Rotorua Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the Mokau River at the western boundary of the Mokau-Mohakatino No. Iti Block to the intersection of the Taharua River with the 39th parallel; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the intersection of the Ngaruroro River with a right line between Trig. Station 65a and Trig. Station 26 (Tawheke Tewhango); thence by the Waipawa Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the intersection of the Rangitikei River with the MoawhangoNapier Road : thence bounded towards the south generally by the said Moawhango-Napier Road to a point due east of Trig. Station 16 (Kauaekeke) ; thence by a right line to the said Trig. Station 16 ; thence by a right line in direction of Trig. Station 32 (Papakai) to its intersection with the Hunterville-Moawhango Road ; thence by that road to the Hunterville-Tokaanu Road; thence by that road to the north-western corner of Section 9, Block V, Ohinewairua Survey District; thence by a right line .due west to the Main Trunk Railway-line; thence in a northerly direction by that railway-line to its intersection with the northern boundary of the Raketapauma No. ll Block ; thence westerly along that boundary, and the northern boundaries of the Raketapauma No. Ig, 1a No. 2, 1a No. 1, and 3a No. 2 Blocks to the Turakina River ; thence by that river to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 4, Block 11, Maungakaretu Survey District; thence to and along the northern boundary of the said Section 4, northern boundaries of Sections 3, 2, and 1, Block 11, the northern boundaries of Sections 4, 3, 2, and 1, all of Block I of the said Maungakaretu Survey District, to and across the Owhakura Road, to and along the northern boundary of Section 5, Block I, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 7, 6, 8, and 1, all of Block IV of the aforesaid Maungakaretu Survey District, to and along the Wangaehu River, to and along the Waokaramu Stream, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Ohotu 6a No. 1b Block, to and along the Karokio Stream, to and along the western boundary of Ohotu No. 6b Block, to the north-eastern corner of Lot 2 as shown on D.P. 4978 ; thence by the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of the said Lot 2, and the north-western and south-western boundaries of Lot 1 of the said D.P. 4978, to and along the Auraki Stream, to and along the Mangawhero River, to and along the south-western boundary of Ohotu No. 9 Block, to and along the southern boundary of Section 1, Block IX, Ngamatea Survey District, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 1, Block Nil, Tauakira Survey District, to and along the Matahiwi-Ohotu Road, to and along the western and northern boundaries of Section 3, Block VIII, of the said Tauakira Survey District, to and along the Mangaetoroa Stream, to and along the southern boundary of the Mairehau No. 2 Block, to and along the south-eastern boundary of the Morikau No. 1 Block, to and along the Matihope Stream, to and along the Mangoihe Stream, to and along the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 17, Block XV, Rarete Survey District, to and along the Matauriki Stream, to and along the northern boundary of Section 11, Block XI, of the said Rarete Survey District, to and along the northern and western boundaries of the Otaranoho Block, to and along the north-western boundary of the Ohoutahi Block to the Wanganui River ; thence bounded towards the west generally by that river to its confluence with the Ohura River, and by that river to its intersection with the 39th parallel; thence by the said 39th parallel to and along the Tangarakau Stream to its confluence with the Mangapapa Stream ; thence by a right line to Trig. Station Mangapapa ; thence by the north-eastern boundary of Section 1. Block 111, north-eastern boundary of Section 17, Block 11, all of Pouatu Survey District, to and along the eastern boundaries of Sections 7 and 9, Block XIV, Waru Survey District, to and along the Mount Damper Road, to and along the northern boundaries of Blocks XV and XVI of the said Waru Survey District, to and along the Waitaanga Stream, to and along the Kotare Road, to and along the south-western boundary



of Section 1, the south-western and north-western boundaries of Section 3, western boundary of Section 5, south-western and northern boundary of Section 6, all of Blocks VI and VII of the aforesaid Warn Survey District, to and along the Mohakatino Road, to and along the stream intersecting the Mohakatino-Parinihi No. Id East Block to its confluence with the Mohakatino Stream; thence by that stream to Trig. Station Tawhitiraupeka ; thence by the north-eastern boundary of the Mokau-Mohakatino No. 1j Block, and eastern boundary of the Mokau-Mohakatino I o Block, to the Mokau River at the western boundary of the Mokau-Mohakatino In Block, the place of commencement. Stratford . This district is bounded towards the north and east generally by the Waitomo and Waimarino Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the mouth of the Mokau River to the confluence of the Tangarakau Stream with the Wanganui River; thence by a right line to the trig, station on Mount Humphries ; thence by the summit of the main range over Te Mapou Trig. Station to the southern boundary of Block VIII, Taurakawa Survey District; thence bounded towards the south generally by part of the southern boundary of the said Block VIII, the southern boundaries of Blocks VII, VI, and V of the said Taurakawa Survey District, to and along the Koane Road, to and along the Moeawatea Road, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 3, 4, and 1, Block VIII, Omona Survey District, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 21, 4, and 1, Block VII, to and along the western boundaries of Sections 11 and 14, of Block VII aforesaid, to and along the southern boundary of Section 8, Block 11, all of the aforesaid Omona Survey District, to the westernmost corner of Subsection 1 of Subdivision 1 of the Matemateonga Block ; thence by the south-eastern boundaries of Subsections 1 and 6 of Subdivision 1 aforesaid, and the eastern and southern boundaries of Subsection 7 to the Patea River; thence by that river to the south-eastern corner of Block VIII, Ngaire Survey District; thence by the southern boundary of the said Block VIII to Trig. Station B (Pahui); thence by a right line to the south-eastern corner of Section 48, Block VI, of the said Ngaire Survey District; thence by the southern boundary of Block VI of the aforesaid survey district to and along Einnerty Road, to and along the western and northern boundaries of Section 79, to and along the western boundary of Section 21, to and along the western and northern boundaries of Section 6, northern boundary of Section 7, western and northern boundary of Section 12, northern boundary of Section 14, all of Block V, Ngaire Survey District, southern and eastern boundaries of Section 15, to and along Brookes Road, to and along Brecken Road, to and along the northern boundary of Section 79a, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 16a, all of Block 1, Ngaire Survej' District, to and along Opunake Road, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 64a, of the said Block 1, Ngaire Survey District, to and along the Patea River to its source ; thence by a right line to Mount Egmont; thence bounded towards the west generally by a right line from the said Mount Egmont to the source of the Kaiouai Stream ; thence by a right line to the source of the Mangorei Stream, and by that stream to its confluence with the Waiwakaiho Stream, and by that stream to and along the north-western and eastern boundaries of Original Section 48 of Hua and Waiwakaiho Hundred, to and along the southern boundary of Section 44 of the said hundred, to and along Egmont Road, to and along the northern boundary of Section 46 of the aforesaid hundred, to and along the northern boundary of Section 28, the northern and eastern boundaries of Section 33, and northern boundary of Section 42, all of Tarurutangi District, to and along King Road, to and along the southern and eastern boundaries of Section 48, to and along the northern boundary of Section 53 of the said Tarurutangi District, to and along Hursthouse Road, to and along the northern boundary of Section 54 of the aforesaid Tarurutangi District (Block XI, Paritutu Survey District), to and along the southern boundary of Section 199, to and along the western boundary of Section 99, the western and northern boundaries of Section 98, Huirangi District (Block XI, Paritutu Survey District), to and along Wortley Road, to and along the northern and eastern boundaries of Section 111, to and along the southern boundary of Section 121 of the said Huirangi District, to and along Richmond Road, to and along the northern and eastern boundaries of Section 129, and eastern boundaries of Sections 130, 131, 132, and 133, to and along the southern boundary of Section 134, the southern and eastern boundaries of Section 148, eastern boundaries of Sections 147, 146, 145, and 144, to and along the northern boundary of Section 151, to and along the western and southern boundaries of Section 162, and western boundary of Section 163, to and along Roddy Road and by the western boundary of Section 167, all of Huirangi District, to and along the Mangapoto Stream, to

and along the Manganui Stream, to and along the Waitara River, to a point opposite the angle in Manukorihi Road on the western side of Section 24, Waitara East Districtthence by a right line to and along the said road, to and along the northern boundary of the said Section 24, to and along Joll Street, to and along the western and southern boundaries of Section 26, to and across Princess Street, to and along the southern, and eastern boundaries of Section 27, to and along the western and northern boundaries of Section 23 of the said Waitara East District, to and along Elliot Street, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 7, southern and western boundaries of Section 5, southern and western boundaries of Section 2, southern and western boundaries of Section 1, all of the aforesaid Waitara East District, to and along Howard Street, to and along the Waitara River to the sea ; thence by the sea to the mouth of the Mokau River, the place of commencement. New Plymouth. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the sea from the mouth of the Waioratoki Stream to the mouth of the Waitara River ; thence bounded towards the east and south generally by the Stratford Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the confluence of the Mangorei and Waiwakaiho Streams; thence by the said Mangorei Stream and southern boundary of Section part 772, Block IX, Paritutu Survey District, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 524, 523, 522, 521, 520, 519 a, 518, 517, 516, 515, 514, and 513, all of the said Block IX, Paritutu Survey District, to and along the north-eastern and northwestern boundaries of Section 53, Block VIII, of the said Paritutu Survey District, to and along the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 67, 67a, 67b, 64, and northern boundary of Section 77, to and along the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 63, 70, 61, 34, and intersecting Section 21, all of the said Block VIII of the aforesaid Paritutu Survey District, to and along Omata Road, to and along the Waioratoki Stream to its mouth, the place of commencement. Egmont. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the New Plymouth and Stratford Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the mouth of the Waioratohi Stream to the southern boundary of Block VI, Ngaire Survey District, at the north-eastern corner of Section 19, Block X, of the said survey district; thence bounded towards the east generally by the eastern boundary of the said Section 19, eastern and southern boundaries of Section 20, eastern boundaries of Sections 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32, all of the said Block X, to and along the southern boundaries of Sections 33 and 34, to and along the western boundary of Section 45, all of the aforesaid Block X, Ngaire Survey District, to and along the Mangawhero Road, to and along Mountain Road to its intersection with the Mangawhero Stream ; thence by that stream to its confluence with the Waingongoro River ; thence by that river to and along the Onewhaia Road, to and along the railway-line, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 10, Block I, Hawera Survey District, to and along Ketemarae Road, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 564 of the said block and survey district, to and along Ngarongo Road, to and along Ohangai Road, to and along Ketemarae Road, to and along South Road, to and along Ohawe Road, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Section 2 (education reserve), Block VIII, Waimate Survey District, to the sea ; thence bounded towards the south and south-west generally by the sea to the mouth of the Waioratoki Stream, the place of commencement. Patea. This district is bounded towards the west generally by the Egmont Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the south-eastern corner of Section 2 (education reserve), Block VIII, Waimate Survey District, to the northeastern corner of Section 19, Block X, Ngaire Survey District; thence bounded towards the north generally by the Stratford Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the confluence of the Tarangarakau Stream with the Wanganui River; thence bounded towards the north and north-east generally by the said Wanganui River to a point in line with the western boundary of Section 31, Block 111, Westmere Survey District ; thence by a right line to and along the western boundary of the said Section 31, to and along the southern boundaries of Sections 50, 51, 52, 53, and 54, of the said Block 111, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Section 248, to and along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Sections 25a, 228, 33, and 42, Block 111, Westmere Survey District, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Original Section 18, Block V, Westmere Survey District, to and along



the north-eastern boundaries of Lots 43, 42, and 25, the northeastern and north-western boundaries of Lot 24 (as shown on D.P. 258) to Virginia Road; thence by that road to and along the old road (as shown on D.P. 259), to and along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Original Section 15 of the said Block V, Westmere Survey District, to and along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Lot 2 (as shown on D.P. 768) to Peake Road; thence by that road, to and along the north-eastern boundaries generally of Lot 1 (of the said D.P. 768), to and along the northwestern boundary of Lot 3 (as shown on D.P. 2276), to and along the north-western and south-western boundaries of Lot 5 (of the said D.P. 2276) to the Town Belt Road ; thence by that road to and along Carlton Avenue, to and along Fitzherbert Avenue, to and along Fox Road, to and along Brougham Street, to and along Wilberforce Street, to and along Mosstown Road, to and along the northern boundary of the former Wanganui Borough boundary (as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 29, Ist May, 1924, page 1069) to the sea at the production of the north-western boundary of Lot 2 (as shown on D.P. 2794); thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the sea to the south-eastern corner of Section 2 (education reserve), Block VIII, Waimate Survey District, the place of commencement. Wanganui. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Patea Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the production of the north-western boundary of Lot 2 (as shown on D.P. 2794) to the Wanganui River at a point in line with the western boundary of Section 31, Block 111, Westmere Survey District; thence bounded towards the south-east by the said Wanganui River to the sea; thence bounded towards the south-west by the sea to the production of the said north-western boundary of Lot 2 (as shown on D.P. 2794), the place of commencement. Rangitikei. This district is bounded towards the west and north generally by the Wanganui, Patea, and Waimarino Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the mouth of the Wanganui River to the Hunterville-Moawhango Road at a point intersecting a right line between Trig. Station 16 (Kauaekieke) and Trig. Station 32 (Papakai); thence bounded towards the south-east generally by a right line to the said Trig. Station 32 (Papakai); thence by the northern boundary of Section 6, Block XV, Ohinewairua Survey District, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 47 and 46, Block XIV, to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 8 and 11, Block X, to and along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 58, Block XIV, to and along the north-western boundary of Section 59, Block XIV, all of the said Ohinewairua Survey District, to and along the Hautapu River, to and along the north-western boundary of Section 14b of the aforesaid Block XIV, to and along the Main Trunk Railway-line, to and along the northern boundary of Section 2, Block VI, Hautapu Survey District, and its production to the Rangitikei River; thence by that river to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Section 34, Rakautoru Village Settlement: thence by a right line to and along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of the said Section 34, to and along the road forming the northeastern boundary of Section 26, of the said Rakautoru Village Settlement to Terrace Road; thence by that road to and along the southern boundary of Section 35, Block X, Hautapu Survey District, to the Marton-Tokaanu Road ; thence by that road to its junction with the Makohine Valley Road ; thence by that road to its junction with the Makohine-Manga-weka Road, and by that road to and along the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 29 and 30, Block VIII, Tiriraukawa Survey District, to and along the north-eastern, south-eastern, and south-western boundaries of Section 6, and south-western boundary of Section 3, Block IX, of the said Hautapu Survey District, and Block XII of the said Tiriraukawa Survey District, to the Murimotu Road; thence by that road to and along the south-western boundary of Section 5, Block XI, of the said Tiriraukawa Survey District, to and along the southern and western boundaries of Run 33, Blocks X and XI, of the aforesaid Tiriraukawa Survey District, to the Mangapapa Stream ; thence by that stream to its confluence with the Turakina River; thence by that river to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 1 of Pukeroa Township ; thence by a right line to and along the northern boundary of the said Section 1, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 7, Block XII, to the north-western boundary of Section 4, Block VIII, to and along

the north-western boundary of the said Section 4, the northwestern boundary of Section 3a, Block XII, the northern and western boundaries of Section 2a of the said Block XII of the aforesaid Mangawhero Survey District, to and along the western boundary of Maungakaretu 4b No. 3 Block, to and along the northern and north-eastern boundaries of the Ohaumako Block to the Turakina River ; thence by that river to and along the western and south-eastern boundaries of Section 96, Block XVI, Mangawhero Survey District, to and along the south-western boundaries of Sections 100 and 99, Block I, Ongo Survey District, to and along the road forming the southern boundary of the said Section 99, to and along the western boundaiies of Sections 63 and 62 of the said Block I, to and along the road forming the southern boundary of the said Section 62, to and along the western boundary of Section 56, Block I, and Section 57, Block V, of the aforesaid Ongo Survey District to the Mount Curl line ; thence by the said line to and along the north-western boundaries of Section 17 and Section 127 (Native reserve), Block XII of the aforesaid Ongo Survey District, to and along the south-western boundaries of Taraketi Nos. 1 and 2 Blocks, to the Rangitikei River; thence by that river to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section Va, Block VII, Rangitoto Survey District; thence bounded towards the south generally by a right line to and along the northern boundary generally of the said Section Va, to Cliff Road ; thence by that road to and along the Crofton Cross and Makirikiri Roads, to and along Williamson Road, to and along the Great North-western Trunk Road, to and along the western boundary of Section 37, Block V, of the said Rangitoto Survey District, to and along the north-western boundary of Section NCVIII, Block V, of the aforesaid Rangitoto Survey District, to and along the north-western boundary of Section CXV, Block IV, Koitiata Survey District, to and along the north-eastern, south-eastern, and southwestern boundaries of Section CLXVIII, to and along the north-western boundaries of Section CLXX, all of Block IV of the said Koitiata Survey District, to and along the northwestern boundary of Run 19, to the sea; thence bounded towards the south-west by the sea to the mouth of the Wanganui River, the place of commencement. Oroua. This district is bounded towards the west and north generally by the Rangitikei Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Rangitikei River at a point in line with the northern boundary of Section Va, Block VII, Rangitoto Survey District, to the Rangitikei River at its intersection with the Moa-whango-Napier Road ; thence bounded towards the southeast generally by the Waipawa and Pahiatua Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the Palmerston-Pahiatua Road, at the summit of the Tararua Range ; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the said PalmerstonPahiatua Road to and along the north-western boundary of Section 301, Block XVI, Mangahao Survey District, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 236, Block XII of the said Mangahao Survey District to Fitzherbert Road; thence by a right line being the production of the southwestern boundary of the said Section 236 to the Manawatu River ; thence by that river to Tematai Road ; thence by that road to and along Robert's Line, to and along the BunnythorpeKairanga Line, to the New Plymouth Railway-line; thence by that railway-line to South Street of Feilding Borough ; thence by that street to and along Awahuri Road, to and along Haggitt Street, to and along Windsor Terrace, to and along Glasgow Terrace, to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Lot 1 (as shown on D.P. 2289); thence by a right line to and along the eastern and north-eastern boundary of the said Lot 1, the north-eastern boundaries of Lots 2 and 3, and the eastern and northern boundary of Lot 4 (all as shown on the said D.P. 2289), to and along the eastern boundary of Lot 6 (as shown on D.P. 999) to Ranfurly Road; thence by that road to and along the western boundary of Allotment 26a, and part of the western boundary of Allotment 26 (83-6 links) ; thence by lines bearing 314° 12', distance 112 links, bearing 351° 40', distance 292-8 links, to a point on the southern boundary of Allotment 24, distance 201-6 links, from the north-western corner of the said Allotment 26 ; thence by a right line to and along the western boundary of Allotment 23 (all as shown on the said D.P. 999) to the Feilding-Sandon Road; thence by that road to its intersection with a right line parallel to and distant 1000 links from the western side of West Street: thence by that line to Highfield Road; thence by that road to and along the southern boundary of Allotment 23 of Section 131 (as shown on D.P. 1235), to and along the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 128, Block XIII, Oroua Survey District, to and along the northern boundary of Sections 127 and 123, to and along the eastern, northern, and western boundaries of Section 122, to and along


the northern boundary of Section 117, all of the said Block XIII of the said Oroua Survey District, to and along the road forming the northern and western boundaries of Section 116, Block IX of the said Oroua Survey District to the Mangaone Stream ; thence by that stream to and along the northern boundaries of Section 112, Block IX of the aforesaid Oroua Survey District, Sections 111, 101, and 99, Block XII, Rangitoto Survey District, to and along the road forming the western boundary of the said Section 99 to the westernmost corner of the said Section 99 ; thence by a right line being the production of the south-western boundary of the aforesaid Section 99 to the Rangitikei River, thence by that river to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section Va, Block VII, Rangitoto Survey District, the place of commencement. Palmerston. This district is bounded towards the north-east by the Oroua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of the Bunnythorpe-Kairangi Line with Robert's Line to the Palmerston-Pahiatua Road, at the north-western corner of Section 301, Block XVI, Mangahao Survey District; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the said Palmerston-Pahiatua Road, to and along Fitzherbert Road East, to and along Manawatu Bridge Road, to and along Eitzherbert Road West, to and along the western boundary of Section 96, Block 11, Arawaru Survey District, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 97, 98, and 100 of the said block and survey district to Millrick's Line ; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the said Millrick's Line, to and along the Manawatu River, to and along Karere Road to Kairanga No. I Line ; thence bounded towards the north-west generally by the said Kairangi No. 1 Line, to and along the Longburn-Campbelltown Road, to and along the Bunnythorpe-Kairanga Line to its junction with Robert's Line, the place of commencement. Manawatu. This district is bounded towards the north and north-east generally by the Rangitikei, Oroua, and Palmerston Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the northwestern boundary of Run 19, Block V, Koitiata Survey District, to the Palmerston -Pahiatua Road at the summit of the Tararua Range ; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the Pahiatua and Masterton Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the said Palmerston-Pahiatua Road to the south-western boundary of Section 3, Block IV, Waiopehu Survey District, on the summit of the said Tararua Range ; thence bounded towards the south generally by the south-western and western boundary of the said Section 3, to and along the south-western boundaries of Sections 12, 13, and 20, Block XV, Mount Robinson Survey District, to and along the road forming the western boundaries of the said Sections 20 and 13, Section 10, the north-eastern boundary of Section 14, and eastern boundary of Section 7, all of the said Block XV, to and along the southern boundaries of Sections 4, 3, 2, and 1, of the aforesaid Block XV, and Section 3, Block X, all of the aforesaid Mount Robinson Survey District, to the Main Trunk Railway line ; thence by the said railway-line to the northern boundary of the Borough of Levin at the Kawiu Road; thence in an easterly direction by that road to and along Bartholomew Road ; thence by a right line being the production of the north-western side of that road to the south-western boundary of Subdivision 10, Horowhenua Block ; thence by the south-western boundary of the said Subdivision 10 and its production to the Horowhenua Beach Road; thence by that road to the sea; thence bounded towards the west by the sea to the north-western boundary of Run 19, Block V, Koitiata Survey District, the place of commencement. Otaxi. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Manawatu Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the Horowhenua Beach Road to the south-western boundary of Section 3, Block IV, Waiopehu Survey District, on the summit of the Tararua Range; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the Masterton and Wairarapa Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the sea at Cape Turakirae; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the sea and eastern shores of Port Nicholson to and along the northern boundary of Section 48, Block IV, Pencarcow Survey District, to and along the western boundary of; Section 47, to and along the southern and eastern boundaries of Section 46, to and along the eastern boundaries of


Sections 44, 42, and 40, to and along the western boundaries of Sections 46, 45, and 44, all of Block I of the said Pencarrow Survey District, to and along the western boundaries of Sections 43, 42, and 41, Block XVI, Belmont Survey District, to and along the northern boundary of Section 25, to and along the eastern and northern boundary of Section 23, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 21, all of the said Block XVI, Belmont Survey District, to and along the western boundaries of Sections 16 and 21, Block XIV, to an along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 225, and northern boundary of southern portion of Section 34, Hutt Registration District, to and along the Back Waiwetu Road, to and along the southern and western boundaries of Section 33, to and along the western Boundary of Section 36, to and along the western and northern boundaries of Section 39 to Naenae Road; thence by the western and northern boundaries of Lot 5, D.P. 332, being part Section 47, to and along the eastern boundary of Lot 8 as shown on D.P. 1500, to and along Park Avenue, to and along the western and northern boundaries of Lot 3 and northern boundaries of Lots 2 and 1 of the said D.P. 1500, to and along the northern boundaries of Lots 43 and 42, western and northern boundaries of Lot 35, northern boundaries of Lots 34 and 33, northern and north-western boundaries of Lot 32, and northern boundary of Lot 1, all as shown on D.P. 624, being part of Section 47 of the said Hutt Registration District, to and across the Main Hutt Road, to and along the northern and north-western boundaries of Section 46 to the northernmost corner of Section 38 ; thence by a right line to the Western Hutt Road at the easternmost corner of Lot I as shown on D.P. 761 ; thence by the south-eastern boundaries of Original Sections 186 and 115, to and along the southeastern boundary of part Subdivision 10, Maungaraki Native Reserve, to and along the northern boundary of Original Section 79, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Original Section 78, all of the aforesaid Hutt Registration District, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Original Section 19, Harbour District, to and along the western shores of Port Nicholson to a point in line with the junction of the Main Hutt Road with Rangiora Avenue ; thence by a right line to and along the said Rangiora Avenue, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Lot 20, part Section 5, Block XI, Belmont Survey District, to and along Amritsar Street, to and along Jubilee Road, to and along Nicholson Road, to and along the Main Trunk Railway line to a point in line with Chelmsford Street, Ngaio ; thence by a right line to and along Chelmsford Street to and along the north-eastern side of Karamu Street, and that line produced to the northernmost corner of Section 7, Kaiwarra, along the north-western and south-western boundaries of the said Section 7 to the northernmost corner of subdivision 1 of the Otari Native Reserve, along the north-western boundaries of Subdivisions Nos. I, 11, 111, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII, Otari Reserve, and the south-western boundary of the last-mentioned subdivision and its prolongation to the right bank of the Kaiwarra Stream, and along the right bank of that stream to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of the Otari Native Reserve ; thence to and along that boundary and south-westerly along the north-western boundaries of Sections 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, and 42, Karori Registration District, to the eastern side of the Makara Road; thence southerly along that side of the said road and the eastern boundary of that part of Section 42 shown on Plan A/1773 to the northern side of the Allington Road; thence south-westerly along that side of the said road to a point in line with the eastern boundary of an area of 14 acres 1 rood 32-7 perches shown on Plan A 2539; thence to and along the eastern and south-eastern boundaries of that area, along the north-eastern boundary of Section 53, Karori Registration District; thence along the north-western, south-western, and south-eastern boundaries of Section 54, Karori Registration District, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 45 of the said district ; thence along the southern boundaries of that section and Section 47 of the said district, and along the eastern boundaries of the said Section 47 and Section 46, along the southeastern boundaries of Sections 55 and 38 of the said Karori Registration District to part 2 of Section 2, Upper Kaiwarra Registration District; thence south-easterly along the southwestern boundary of the said part 2 of Section 2 to the western boundary of the Waterworks Reserve ; thence along the western boundary of that reserve to the northern boundary of Section 69, Block X, Port Nicholson Survey District; thence along the northern boundaries of Sections 69 and 70, the eastern boundaries of Sections 70 and 38, Block X aforesaid, the eastern boundary of Section 37, Block XIII, and its production to the sea ; thence bounded towards the southwest and north-west generally by the sea to the Horowhenua Beach Road, the place of commencement : including Kapiti and Mana Islands.



Hutt. This district is bounded towards the north-west, east, and south generally by the Otaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Port Nicholson at a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Original Section 19, Harbour District, to tho eastern shore of the said Port Nicholson at a point in line with the northern boundary of Section 48, Block IV, Pencarrow Survey District; thence bounded towards the north-east and north generally by the northeastern and northern shores of the aforesaid Port Nicholson to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Original Section 19, Harbour District, the place of commencement: including Somes Island. Wellington Suburbs. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Otaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the western shores of Port Nicholson at a point in line with the junction of the Main Hutt Road with Rangiora Avenue to the eastern boundary of Section 38, Block X, Port Nicholson Survey District, at the north-western corner of Section 27, Block XIII, Port Nicholson Survey District; thence bounded towards the south by the northern boundary of the said Section 27 to Ohiro Road ; thence bounded towards the east generally by the said Ohiro Road to the north-western corner of Lot 3 (part of original sectioa) ; thence by a right line to the north-western corner of Section 592; thence by the western and northern boundaries of the Wellington Town Belt, to and along the western boundary of the Municipal Golf Links, to and along the western boundary of the said Wellington Town Belt and its production to Brooklyn Road ; thence by the said Brooklyn Road to and along Ohiro Road, to and along the northern boundary of Tanera Crescent, to and along the northern boundaries of Lots 16 and 37, to and along the eastern boundary of Lot 22, to and along Mortimer Terrace, to and along Epuni Street, to and along Aro Street, to and along Devon Street, to and along the southern boundary of Lot 1, to and along the western boundary of Section part 15b (part of Gaol Reserve) to the southern boundary of the Wellington Town Belt; thence by the southern and south-eastern boundaries of the said Wellington Town Belt to and along McKenzie Terrace, to and across Mount Street, to and along the south-eastern boundary of the aforesaid Wellington Town Belt, to and along the northwestern boundary of Section 456, to and along Everton Terrace, to and along Talavera Terrace, to and along Wesley Road, to and along the northern boundary of the Botanical Gardens, to and along Tinakori Road, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 11, Orangi - Kaupapa Block, to and along the north-western boundary of Lot 1, part Section 12, of the said block, to and along the western, north-western, and northern boundaries of the Wellington Town Belt to the southern end of Moorhouse Street, Wadestown ; thence by the Pakuao Stream, crossing Grosvenor Road and Frandi Street, to and along the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of Section 660, to and across the Main Hutt Road, and by the Thorndon Esplanade and its production to Port Nicholson at the outer breastwork of the reclamation now in course of construction ; thence by the western shores of the said Port Nicholson to a point in line with junction of the Main Hutt Road with Rangiora Avenue, the place of commencement: including all wharves and extensions seaward. Wellington North. This district is bounded towards the west and north generally by the Wellington Suburbs Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Brooklyn Road at the production of the western boundary of the Wellington Town Belt to Port Nicholson at the outer breastwork of the reclamation now in course of construction, at a point in line with the production of the Thorndon Esplanade ; thence bounded towards the east generally by the western shores of the said Port Nicholson and Lambton Harbour to the junction of Taranaki Street with the Taranaki Street wharf ; thence by the said Taranaki Street to and along Vivian Street, to and along Binham Street, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 117, to and along Willis Street, to and along Nairn Street, to and along the southeastern boundary of Section 55 and its production to Brooklyn

Road; thence by that road to a point in line with the production of the western boundary of the Wellington Town Belt, the place of commencement: including all wharves and extensions seaward. Wellington Central. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Wellington North Electoral District hereinbefore described, from Brooklyn Road at a point in line with the western boundary of the Wellington Town Belt to the junction of Taranaki Street with the Taranaki Street Wharf; thence bounded towards the north generally by the southern shores of Lambton Harbour to the eastern boundary of the Wellington Town Belt at Oriental Parade by Lindum Terrace; thence bounded towards the east generally by the eastern boundary of the said Wellington Town Belt to a point in line with the centre of Mein Street; thence bounded towards the south generally by a right line to and along the said Mein Street to and along Coromandel Street to its junction with the south-eastern corner of Government House grounds; thence by the southern boundary of the said Government House grounds to and along Hospital Road, to and along Adelaide Road, to and along John Street, to and along Tasman Street to a point in line with the middle of Finlay Terrace ; thence by a right line to and along the said Finlay Terrace, to and along Wallace Street, to and along Rolleston Street, to and along the south-western and north-western boundaries of Section 685 to the westernmost corner of Section 686, and by the production of the south-western boundary of the said Section 686, to and along Bell Road to its junction with the Wellington Town Belt at Heaton Terrace; thence by the western boundary of the said Wellington Town Belt and its production to the Brooklyn Road, the place of commencement : including all wharves and extensions seaward. Wellington South. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Wellington Central Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Wellington Town Belt at the junction of Bell Road with Heaton Terrace to the eastern boundary of the said Wellington Town Belt at a point in line with the centre of Mein Street; thence bounded towards the east generally by the eastern boundary of the Wellington Town Belt, to and along Manchester Street, to and along the eastern and southern boundaries of the said Wellington Town Belt, to and along Haughton Bay Road, to and along Melrose Road, to and along Highgate Road, to and along Buckley Road, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Lot 1 as shown on D.P. 785 and the production of the said northeastern boundary of the said Lot 1 across Queen's Drive to the sea at Haughton Bay; thence bounded towards the south generally by the sea to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Section 37, Block XIII, Port Nicholson Survey District; thence bounded towards the west generally by the Otaki and Wellington Suburbs Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the sea as a point in line with the eastern boundary of the said Section 37, Block XIII, Port Nicholson Survey District, to the western boundary of the Wellington Town Belt at the junction of Bell Road with Heaton Terrace, the place of commencement: including all wharves and extensions seaward. Wellington East. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the shores of Lambton Harbour and Evans Bay from the junction of the eastern boundary of the Wellington Town Belt with Oriental Parade by Lindum Terrace to Point Halswell ; thence bounded towards the east generally by the western shores of Port Nicholson from the said Point Halswell to Point Dorset; thence bounded towards the south generally by the sea from the said Point Dorset to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Lot 1 as shown on D.P. 785 at Haughton Bay ; thence bounded towards the west generally by the Wellington South and Wellington Central Electoral Districts hereinbefore described from a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of the said Lot 1 D.P. 785 at Haughton Bay to the junction of the eastern boundary of the Wellington Town Belt with Oriental Bay by Lindum Terrace, the place of commencement: including all wharves and extensions seaward.


H .—45

POPULATION. Table showing the Actual and Nominal Populations of the Electoral Districts in the North Island. (Quota, 19,820.)

3—H. 45.


! Actual Population. No. Name of District. m ~ Actual Total. p^ 0I ? l f Members. | Rura] . Population. 1 Bay of Islands <■ .. .. 1 .. 16,169 16,169 20,696 2 Marsden .. .. .. 1 6,257 10,946 17,203 20,268 3 Kaipara .. .. .. 1 .. 15,911 15,911 20,366 4 Waitemata .. .. .. 1 19,073 563 19,636 19,794 5 Auckland Suburbs .. .. 1 8,711 8,619 17,330 19,743 6 Auckland West .. .. 1 19,291 273 19,564 19,640 7 Auckland Central .. .. 1 19,572 .. 19,572 19,572 8 Grey Lynn .. .. .. 1 19,620 .. 19,620 19,620 9 Auckland East .. .. 1 18,856 583 19,439 19,602 10 Eden .. .. .. 1 19,877 .. 19,877 19,877 11 Parnell .. .. .. 1 18,487 1,220 19,707 20,049 12 Roskil] .. .. .. 1 18,902 648 19,550 19,731 13 Manukau 1 17,199 2,195 19,394 20,009 14 Franklin .. .. .. 1 2,307 13,179 15,486 19,176 15 Raglan .. .. .. 1 .. 14,614 14,614 18,706 16 Hauraki 1 4,093 12,371 16,464 19,928 17 Thames .. .. .. 1 8,360 9,889 18,249 21,018 18 Hamilton 1 13,980 4,563 18,543 19,821 19 Waikato .. .. .. 1 2,019 12,970 14,989 18,621 20 Tauranga .. .. .. 1 4,812 10,930 15,742 18,802 21 Rotorua .. .. .. 1 4,097 12,954 17,051 20,678 22 Bay of Plenty .. .. 1 .. 14,983 14,983 19,178 23 Gisborne .. ■ .. 1 15,120 3,175 18,295 19,184 24 Hawke'sBay .. .. 1 10,089 7,735 17,824 19,990 25 Napier .. .. .. 1 15,034 3,678 18,712 19,742 26 Waipawa .. .. .. 1 .. 14,834 14,834 18,987 27 Pahiatua 1 4,243 11,570 15,813 19,053 28 Masterton .. .. .. 1 8,128 8,230 16,358 18,662 29 Wairarapa 1 2,839 13,705 16,544 20,381 30 Waitomo .. .. .. 1 2,325 14,244 16,569 20,557 31 Waimarino 1 2,281 14,485 16,766 20,822 32 Stratford 1 3,339 12,421 15,760 19,238 33 New Plymouth .. .. 1 14,097 5,216 19,313 20,773 34 Egmont .. .. .. 1 2,039 13,581 15,620 19,423 35 Patea 1 4,501 12,764 17,265 20,839 36 Wanganui .. .. .. 1 19,339 .. 19,339 19,339 37 Rangitikei .. .. .. 1 9,565 7,424 16,989 19,068 38 Palmerston .. .. .. 1 18,101 2,282 20,383 21,022 39 Manawatu .. .. .. 1 2,361 13,079 15,440 19,102 40 Oroua .: .. .. 1 4,257 11,405 15,662 18,855 41 Otaki .. .. .. 1 3,224 12,595 15,819 19,346 42 Hutt .. .. .. 1 17,072 2,481 19,553 20,24-8 43 Wellington Suburbs .. .. 1 19,991 .. 19,991 19,991 44 Wellington North .. .. 1 20,026 .. 20,026 20,026 45 Wellington Central 1 19,914 .. 19,914 19,914 46 Wellington East .. 1 19,983 .. 19,983 19,983 47 Wellington South .. .. 1 19,948 .. 19,948 19,948 Totals .. ; 47 483,329 348,484 831,813 929,388 l_


■ SOUTH ISLAND REPRESENTATION COMMISSION. REPORT. To His Excellency General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet; General on tie Retired List and in the Reserve of Officers of His Majesty's Army ; Doctor of Laws ; Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ; Companion of the Distinguished Service Order ; Member of the Royal Victorian Order ; Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies. May it please Your Excellency,— We, the members of the South Island Representation Commission appointed by Your Excellency on the 7th day of April, 1927, have the honour to report that we commenced our sittings on the 2nd day of May last, for the purpose of dividing the South Island into electoral districts. Notice of the boundaries as provisionally fixed by us under the authority of our Commission was duly published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 23rd day of May, 1927, and on the 29th day of June, 1927, the Commission again met, and the objections, petitions, and suggestions that were received were duly considered and dealt with by your Commissioners in the manner set forth in the attached schedule. In accordance with the provisions of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, the Commission has declared that the Christchurch Licensing District shall comprise the Christchurch North, Christchurch East, and Christchurch South Electoral Districts, and that the Dunedin Licensing District shall comprise the Dunedin North, Dunedin West, and Dunedin Central Electoral Districts. With regard to the objections and petitions received in connection with the elimination of the Ashburfcon Electoral District, it was found, after mature deliberation, that it was impracticable to give effect to the suggested alteration of boundaries, and it was unanimously decided to adhere t.o the boundaries as provisionally gazetted, but to alter the name of the proposed Ellesmere Electorate to that of "" Mid-Canterbury." Representations having been made that " Central Otago " would be a more suitable name for the proposed electorate comprising a large portion of the former Wakatipu Electoral District, it was decided to adopt the name of " Central Otago " instead of " Otago Central " as provisionally gazetted. Your Commissioners subsequently finally approved and confirmed the boundaries of the electoral districts, and now respectfully submit for Your Excellency's consideration the names and descriptions of the same, together with a map showing the actual and nominal populations respectively, agreeing with the totals as allotted by the Joint Commission. Given under our hands and seals, this first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven. R. S. Galbeaith. Habey Quane. W. Stewart. Habman Reeves. W. T. Morpeth.





No. | Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. ! Name Address of Decision of Commission. 1 Nelson .. .. | Objecting to inclusion of Moutere Hills in Hon. secretary Mapua Unable to comply. the Motueka Electoral District Fruitgrowers' Association 2 Nelson .. .. j Objecting to the inclusion of Redwood's Secretary Redwood's Unable to comply. Valley district in the Motueka Electoral Valley Fruitgrowers' District Association, Ltd. 3 Nelson .. .. 1 Objecting to the exclusion of the area west Secretary Nelson Pro- Unable to comply. of the Waimea River from the Nelson vincial Chamber of Electoral District Commerce 4 Nelson .. .. Suggesting that the proposed boundary be Secretary Upper Mou- Unable to comply. moved westward so as to include the tere Road Board Upper Moutere Road District 5 j Nelson .. .. Protesting against the Mapua, Mahana,Ruby Secretary Nelson Ex- Unable to comply. | Bay, and Redwood's Valley being ex- port Fruitgrowers' eluded from the Nelson Electoral District Association, Ltd. -6 Nelson .. .. Protesting against Bronte, Mahana, Mapua, Secretary Hills Fruit- Unable to comply. Ruby Bay, Tasman, and Mariri orchard growers' Union lands being excluded from the Nelson Electoral District 7 Wairau .. .. Forwarding petition from forty-four resid- W. J. Girling, M.P., Unable to comply. ents of Kenepuru requesting to be placed Blenheim in Wairau Electoral District instead of the Nelson Electoral District 8 Wairau .. .. Protesting against Rai Valley and Canvas- Hon. secretary Pelorus Unable to comply. town districts being excluded from the Sounds and District Wairau Electoral District Farmers' Union 9 Wairau .. .. Suggesting that the Pelorus Sounds should Hon. secretary Pelorus Unable to comply. be included in the Wairau Electoral Sounds and District District Farmers' Union 10 i Wairau .. .. Forwarding resolution by Marlborough W. .J. Girling, M.P., Unable to comply. County Council protesting against a por- Blenheim tion of the Pelorus Riding of Marlborough County being excluded from Wairau Electoral District 11 i Wairau .. .. Forwarding petition from 359 residents of W. J. Girling, M.P., Unable to comply. Rai Valley requesting that the district be Blenheim retained in the Wairau Electoral District 12 Hurunui .. .. Objecting to inclusion of Kaikoura County Chairman Kaikoura Unable to comply. in Wairau Electoral District County Council 13 Hurunui .. .. Petition from electors in Kaikoura County James Boyd and 358 Unable to comply. asking that they may be retained in the others Hurunui Electoral District 14 j Christchurch North Forwarding protest on behalf of electors H. Holland, M.P., Acceded to. residing between Armagh and Kilmore Christchurch Streets against exclusion from Christchurch North Electoral District 15 ; Avon .. .. j Forwarding resolution of electors against E. A. M. Leaver, J.P., Acceded to. j inclusion of northern portion of New New Brighton ! Brighton Borough in the Kaiapoi Electoral I District 16 Avon .. .. Protesting against inclusion of northern ! Town Clerk, New Acceded to. portion of New Brighton Borough in the I Brighton Borough Kaiapoi Electoral District 17 Avon .. .. Protesting against inclusion of northern Secretary New Brigh- Acceded to. portion of New Brighton Borough in the ton School ComKaiapoi Electoral District mittee 18 ; Avon .. .. j Suggesting an amendment to proposed Town Clerk, New Acceded to. boundary between Avon and Kaiapoi Brighton Borough Electoral Districts 19 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of name Town Clerk, Leeston Name of " Mid- | of proposed electorate to that of "Ash- Town Board Canterbury" | burton " adopted as better describing the electoral district. 20 Ellesmere .. i Objections to the elimination of the Ash- Mayor of Ashburton Impracticable t o burt- n Electoral District and Chairman Ash- amend boundi burton County aries. Council 21 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of Engineer - Secretary, Impracticable t o electoral boundaries and elimination of Ashburton Electric- amend boundAshburton Electoral District power Board aries. 22 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- Secretary Ashburton Impracticable t o toral boundaries and elimination of Hospital Board amend boundAshburton Electoral District I aries. .23 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- Secretary Ashburton j Impracticable t o toral boundaries and elimination of Chamber of Com- amend boundAshburton Electoral District merce aries. 24 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- Secretary Ashburton Impracticable to toral boundaries and elimination of Agricultural and) amend boundAsh burton Electoral District Pastoral Association aries. 25 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- Provincial Secretary, Impracticable to toral boundaries and elimination of .N.S. Farmers' Union amend boundj Ashburton Electoral District (A Mid-Canterbury aries. Provincial District) 26 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- j Secretary Women's impracticable to toral boundaries and elimination of ! Temperance Union amend bound- | Ashburton Electoral District j aries. 27 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- Clerk Tinwald Town I Impracticable t o toral boundaries and elimination of Board amend boundAshburton Electoral District i aries.

H— 45



No. Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or | N an if of i D ecision of Commissions 28 Ellesmere . . Protesting against proposed change of elec- Clerk Long Beach Impracticable t o toral boundaries and elimination of Town Board amend boundAshburton Electoral District aries, 20 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- Clerk Mount Hall Road Impracticable to toral boundaries and elimination of Board amend boundAshburton Electoral District aries. 30 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- Clerk Mount Somers Impracticable t o toral boundaries and elimination of Road Board amend boimdAshburton Electoral District aries. 31 j Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- Chairman Anama Road Impracticable to toral boundaries and elimination of Board amen d boundAshburton Electoral District aries. 32 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- Chairman Coldstream Impracticable t o toral boundaries and elimination of Road Board amend boundAsliburton Electoral District. aries. 33 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- Clerk Upper Ashbur- Impracticable t o toral boundaries and elimination of ton Road Board amend bound- . Ashburton Electoral District aries. 34 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- Clerk Wakanui Road Impracticable to toral boundaries and elimination of Board amend boundAshburton Electoral District aries. 35 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- President Mayfield Impracticable to toral boundaries and elimination of Agricultural and amend boundAshburton Electoral District Pastoral Associa- aries. tion 36 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed, change of elec- President and Secre- Impracticable t o toral boundaries and elimination of tary Ashburton No- amend boundAshburton Electoral District license Council aries. 37 Ellesmere .. Protesting against proposed change of elec- County Clerk, Ash- Impracticable t o toral boundaries and elimination of burton County amend boundAshburton Electoral District Council aries. 38 Ellesmere .. Suggesting that the name of " Ellesmere" President Ellesmere Name of " Midshould be retained Agricultural and Canterbury" Pastoral Association adopted as better describing the electoral district. 39 Ellesmere .. Suggesting that the name of " Ellesmere " County Clerk, Elles- Name of " Midshould be retained mere County Council Canterbury" adopted as better describing the electoral district. 40 Ellesmere .. Suggesting that the name of " Ellesmere" Chairman Ellesmere Name of " Midshould be retained County Council Canterbury" adopted as better describing the electoral district. 41 Ellesmere .. Protesting against agitation to have the Chairman Ellesmere Name of " Midname of " Ellesmere" changed to " Ash- County Council Canterbury" burton " adopted as better 1 describing the electoral district. 42 Ellesmere .. Protesting against agitation to have the Engineer - Secretary, Name of " Midname of " Ellesmere" changed to " Ash- Ellesmere Electric- Canterbury" burton" power Board adopted as better describing the electoral district. 43 Ellesmere .. Forwarding resolutions passed by Selwyn County Clerk, Elles- Name of " Midand Ellesmere County Councils urging mere County Council Canterbury" that the name "Ellesmere" should be adopted as better adhered to describing the electoral district. 44 Ellesmere .. Petition from electors resident in portion of John Cunningham and Name of " MidEllesmere County bounded by the Selwyn 121 others Canterbury" River, Lake Ellesmere, Hanmer Road, adopted as better and Brookside Burnham Road, against describing the inclusion in the Riccarton Electoral electoral district. District 45 Ellesmere .. Protesting against the name of " Ellesmere " Acting - Chairman New electorate, being changed to " Ashburton " Soutlibridge Town Board 46 Temuka .. .. Objecting to the inclusion of the southern County Clerk, Gerald- ! Unable to comply. half of Ashburton County in the Temuka ine County Council Electoral District 47 Temuka .. .. Objecting to the Mac-Kenzie County being F. G. Saville and fifty- Unable to comply.. excluded from the proposed Temuka eight others Electoral District 48 Temuka .. .. Protesting against inclusion of major portion R. G. Cleland and Acceded to. of Levels County in Waitaki Electoral eighty-nine others District, and suggesting that the Pareora River should be the boundary between the electorates 49 Otago Central .. Suggesting that the proposed name of Rev. Alexander Don, Name of " Central' " Otago Central " should be changed to Ophir Otago " adopted. " Central Otago " 50 Clutha .. .. Petition to restore Clinton Riding and Clin- A. T. Harris and 243 Acceded to. ton Town District to Clutha Electoral others District 51 Clutha .. Objections to exclusion of Clinton Riding County Clerk, Clutha Acceded to. and Clinton Town District from Clutha County Council Electoral District



Westland. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the sea from the mouth of the Awarua River at Big Bay to the mouth of the Grey River ; thence bounded towards the north generally by the said river to and along the A-K Line Road, to and along the southern boundaries of Coal-mining Leases 711 and 712 and their production to the Arnold River ; thence by that river to and along the Grey and Upper Grey Rivers to the north-eastern corner of Run No. 624, Slock 111, Pohaturoha Survey District; thence by a right line to Mount Haast on the summit of the Victoria Range; thence by the summit of the southern watershed of the Maruia River to the summit of the Spenser Mountains ; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the summit of the said Spenser Mountains and the south-eastern boundary of the Westland Land District to Mount Aspiring ; thence bounded towards the south by a right line from the said Mount Aspiring to the mouth of the Awarua River at Big Bay, the place of commencement. Bullee. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the sea from the mouth of the Grey River to the mouth of the Mokihinui River, and by that river to its source on the summit of Lyell Range ; thence bounded towards the east generally by the said Lyell Range to the north-eastern corner of Inangahua County in Block X, Maruia Survey District; thence by a right line to the confluence of the Inangahua and Buller Rivers ; thenee in a south-westerly direction by the summit of a leading ridge to Mount Faraday ; thence by a right line to the summit of the watershed between the Little Grey and Inangahua Rivers at its intersection with a right line from the said Mount Faraday to the confluence of the Waitohu and Inangahua Rivers ; thence by the summit of the said watershed to the tunnel near Trig. X on the Grey-mouth-Reefton Railway; thence by a right line to the westernmost corner of Section 185, Block XIII, Reef ton Survey District; thence by the south-western and southeastern boundaries of the said Section 185 to its easternmost corner ; thence by a right line to the Inangahua River at the south-eastern corner of Section 195, Block XIV, Reefton Survey District; thence by the said river to its source on the summit of the Victoria Range; thence bounded by the Westland Electoral District boundary, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the said Victoria Range to the mouth of the Grey River, the place of commencement. Motueka. This district is bounded toward the west, north-west, and north-east generally by the sea from the mouth of the Mokohinui River to the mouth of the Waimea River; thence bounded towards the east generally by the said Waimea River, to and along the Wai-iti River to the westernmost corner of part lof Section 161, Waimea West; thence by the south-western boundary of Section 165, Waimea West, south-western and north-western boundaries of Section 162, Waimea West, to and along the south-western and northwestern boundaries of Section 16, Square 2, to and along the south-western and north-western boundaries of Section 12 of the said Square 2, to and along Dron's Road, to and along the north-nestern boundary of Section 186, Square 2, to and along the southern boundary of Section 2, Block VIII, Wai-iti Survey District, to and along the eastern and southern boundaries of Section 10 and southern boundary of Section 8, of the said Block VIII, to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 27 and 28, Block VII, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Section 29, eastern boundary of Section 6 (F.R.), north-eastern boundary of Section 213, south-eastern and southern boundaries of Section 8, eastern boundaries of Sections 9 and 16, all of the said Block VII, to and along the eastern and southern boundaries of Section 34, Block XI, southern boundary of Section 33, south-eastern boundary of Section 17, eastern boundaries of Sections 10 and 8, to and along the Stanleybrook-Wakefield Road, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 34 (F.R.),

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Block X, to and along the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 2 and 1 of the said Block X, and northeastern boundary of Section 1, Block XI, to and along Trass's Valley Road, to and along the road forming the south-western boundary of Section 154, Block XV, of the said Wai-iti Survey District, to and along the Wai-iti River to its intersection with the Nelson-Tadmor Railway-line; thence by the said railway-line, to and along the road intersecting Original Sections 85 and 79 and forming the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 79a and 2 of 2, to and along Church Valley Road, to and along the road passing through Wairoa Gorge, to and along Pig Valley Road, to and along the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section 16, Block XIII, Waimea Survey District, to and along the Wairoa River, to and along the Roding River, to and along the River Lee to the north-western corner of Section 9, Block XIV, Waimea Survey District; thence by the north-western and northeastern boundaries of the said Section 9, south-western and eastern boundaries of Section 12 of the said Block XIV, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Sections 5 and 4, Block XV, south-eastern and eastern boundaries of Section 30, and north-western boundary of Section 37 to the westernmost corner of Section 6, all of the aforesaid Block XV of the aforesaid Waimea Survey District; thence by a right line due east to the Pelorus River at the southern boundary of Square 18 ; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the said Pelorus River to its source near Red Hills ; thence to and along the summit of the range and the summit of the St. Arnaud Range, and the summit of the Spenser Mountains, to the summit of the southern watershed of the Maruia River; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the Westland and Buller Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the said watershed of the Maruia River to the mouth of the Mokohinui River, the place of commencement. Nelson. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the sea from the mouth of the Waimea River to Francis Head ; thence bounded towards the north-east generally by the sea to the northernmost corner of Section 4, Block IV, Gore Survey District, at Allen Strait; thence by a right line to the north-western corner of Section 1 of the said Block IV ; thence by the western boundary of the said Section 1 and south-western boundary of Section 6 of the aforesaid Block IV, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 4, Block 111, to and along the south-western and southern boundaries of Section 53, Block VIII, to and along the western boundary of Section 50 (Landless Natives' Reserve), to and along the eastern boundary of the reserve for the growth and preservation of timber, to the northern boundary of Section 54, Block VII, Gore Survey District; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the northern boundary of the said Section 54 to its north-western corner ; thence by the Summit of the Watershed to the southeastern corner of Section 15, Block 11, of the said Gore Survey District; thence by the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 15 and south-eastern boundary of Section 2 of the said Block 11, to and along the summit of the range to Kenepuru Sound at Koutawai; thence by the said Kenepuru Sound and Pelorus Sound to the mouth of the Pelorus River ; thence by that river to the north-eastern corner of Section 2, Block XI, Wakamarina Survey District; thence by the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of the said Section 2, to and along the Summit of the main range, passing over Trig. Stations Takorika, A, V, S.T. 1, Mount Sunday, Mount Baldy, Fishtail, Mount Richmond, to the summit of the range, being the northern watershed of the Wairau River, at Old Man ; tb?nce by the summit of the said range to Slaty Peak at the source of the Pelorus River; thence by the said river to the southern boundary of the Stoke Road District at the southern boundary of Square 18 ; thence bounded towards the south and west generally by the Motueka Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the sea at the mouth of the Waimea River, the place of commencement: including D'Urville, Stephen, Rangitoto, Trio, Maud, Forsyth, Chetwode, Rabbit, Saxton's, Oyster, Pepin, Fifeshire, and adjacent islands.



Wairatj. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Nelson Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the range being the northern watershed of the Wairau River at Old Man to the sea at Francis Head ; thence bounded towards the north-east, and south-east generally by the sea to the mouth of the Conway River; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by that river to its source at Palmer's Saddle, and thence by a right line to Mount Ross, and thence by a right line due west to the Clarence River and by that river to the Acheron River, and by that river to and along the Guide River to its source at Barefell Pass ; thence by a right line to Trig. Station Top No. 2 (near Tophouse) ; thence bounded towards the northwest generally by the summit of the range to Old Man, the place of commencement: including Motuanaru, Long, Blnemin, Arapawa, The Brothers, and adjacent islands. Huktjnui. Thia district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Wairau Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Trig. Station Top No. 2 (near Tophouse) at the summit of the range to the sea at the mouth of the Conway River; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the sea to the mouth of the Waimakariri River ; thence north-westerly generally by that river to a point in line with the production of the easternmost boundary of the Borough of Kaiapoi, as described in New Zealand Gazette, 1894, page 407 ; thence northerly to and along the last-named boundary; thence westerly, northerly, again westerly, and southerly along the northern, western, and again northern and western boundaries respectively of the aforesaid Borough of Kaiapoi to the North Branch, Waimakariri River; thence westerly by that river to a point in line with the production of the centre of the Main Drain and Road Reserve; thence to and along the sa d Main Drain and Road Reserve and the Oxford and Kaiapo Road to and along the road running along the southern side of the Oxford-Rangiora Railway line to the south-western corner of Rural Section 3811 ; thence southerly along the production of the western boundary of said Rural Section 3811 to a point in line with the production of the western boundary of aforesaid Rural Section 3811 to a point in line with the production of the northern side of Boundary Road ; thence westerly along a right line to and thence along the said northern side of Boundary Road to the eastern boundary of Rural Section 4286 ; thence southerly along the last-named boundary to the centre of the road forming the southern boundary of said Rural Section 4286, and running through Education Reserve 927 ; thence westerly along the last-named road to the centre of the road fronting said Reserve 927 and Rural Sections 12693, 12704, 12757, 12896, and 18124 ; thence north-westerly along that road to and along the road fronting Rural Sections 13958, 14593, 16546, and 5896 to the Oxford and Rangiora Railway line; thence by that railway-line to its intersection with a point in line with Boundary Road in Block VI, Mairaki Survey District; thence by a right line to and along the south-eastern boundary of Rural Section 23243, to and along the southeastern boundary of the said Rural Section 23243, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Rural Sections 19574 and 23164 and their production to the Eyre River; thence westerly by that river to the Sheffield and Oxford Railway line; thence by that railway-line to its intersection with the Waimakariri River; thence by that river to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Rural Section 18421, Block 11, Hawkin's Survey District; thence by a right line to and along the south-eastern boundary of the said Rural Section 18421, and south-eastern boundaries of Rural Sections 18640, 26161, 19529, 19530, 14156, 14261, and 4023 to the Auchenflower and Kimberley Road ; thence by a right line to the junction of roads at the northern corner of Reserve No. 1524 ; thence by the road forming the north-western boundary of the said reserve and Rural Sections 30995, 15620, 25555, 5093, 32747, 32092, 32093, 32094, Reserve No. 1522, Rural Sections 32239, 24282, and 24284 to the Wakaepa River; thence by that river to its confluence with Boundary Creek; thence north-westerly by a right line to the southernmost end of Lake Lyndon ; thence north-westerly by a right line to Red Hill; thence by the summit of the High Snowy Range to Trig. Station 5, Block IV, Harper Survey District; thence by a right line to Mount Misery ; thence by the summit of the Black Range through Mount Greenlaw to its intersection with the northern boundary of Block VIII, Davie Survey District; thence by a right line to the summit of the Southern Alps at the westernmost corner of Block I of the said Davie Survey District; thence bounded towards the north-west generally by the Westland and Motueka Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the said westernmost corner of Block I of the aforesaid Davie Survey District to Trig. Station Top No. 2 (near Tophouse), the place of commencement.

Kaiapoi. This district is bounded towards tho north-west and north generally by the Hurunui Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Wakaepa River at the road forming the north-western boundary of Rural Section 24284 to the sea at the mouth of the Waimakariri River; thencc bounded towards the east by the sea to the northern boundary of the Borough of New Brighton at a point in line with Beach Road ; thence bounded towards the south generally by a right line to and along the said Beach Road, to and along Racecourse Road, to and along North Avon Road, to and along New Brighton Road, to and along the Avon River to a point in line with North Avon Road ; thence by a right lino to and along the said North Avon Road, to and "along Chrystal Street, to and along Randall Street, to and along Stapleton Road, to and along Dudley Street, to and along Hills Road, to and along Warrington Street, to and along Forfar Street, to and along Westminster Street, to and along Thames Street, to and along Innes Road, to and along Philpotts Road, to and along Macfadden's Road, to and along Rutland Road, to and along the south-western boundary of Rural Section 1048, to and along the Papanui Drain, to and along the Main North Road, to and along Langdon's Road, to and along the railwayline, to and along Harewood Road, to and along Matson's Road, to and along the pouth -eastern and south-western boundaries of Rural Section 323, to and along the southwestern boundary of Rural Section 330 to its south-western corner; thence by a right line to the junction of the Wairarapa and Woolridge Roads ; thence by the said Wairarapa Road, to and along Russley Road, to and along Yaldhurst Road, to and along Racecourse Road, to and along the northeastern and north-western boundaries of Rural Section 1136, to and along Buchanan's Road, to and along the western boundary of Rural Section 2113, to and along Factory Road, to and along the western boundary of Rural Section 1686, to and along the Great South Road, to and along the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Rural Section 1676, to and along Springs Road, to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Rural Sections 2564 and 2625, to and along Shand's Road, to and along Selwyn Road, to and along Weedon and Springs Road, to and along the Great South Road, to and along the Main Trunk Railway line to its intersection with the Selwyn River ; thence by that river and the Wakaepa River to a point in line with the road forming the north-western boundary of Rural Section 24824, the place of commencement. Christchuech North. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Kaiapoi Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the intersection of the railway-line with Harewood Road to the junction of Dudley Street with Hill's Road ; thence bounded towards the east by the said Hill's Road, to and along North Avon Road, to and along Perth Street, to and along London Street, to and along Fitzgerald Avenue and its production to the River Avon ; thence'bounded towards the south generally by the said River Avon to a point opposite the middle of Salisbury Street; thence by a right line to and along the said Salisbury Street, to and along Colombo Street, to and along Kilmore Street, to and along Durham Street, to and along Armagh Street and its production to the River Avon ; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the said river to a point in line with Rossall Street; thence by a right line to and along the said Rossall Street, to and along Fulton Avenue and its production to the Wairarapa Stream ; thence by that stream to and along the north-eastern boundary of Rural Section 242, to and along Norman's Road, to and along Papanui Road, to and along Harewood Road to its intersection with the railway-line the place of commencement. Christchuroh East. This district is bounded towards the west and north generally by the Christchurch North Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the intersection of Kilmore and Colombo Streets to the River Avon at a point in line with the middle of Fitzgerald Avenue ; thence bounded towards the east generally by the said River Avon to a point in line with the middle of the said Fitzgerald Avenue ; thence by the said avenue, to and along St. Asaph Street East, to and along Phillips Street, to and along the Ferry Road, to and along Ensor s Road to the Heathcote River ; thence by that river to a point opposite the watercourse from Hills Road near Heathcote Street; thence to and by the said watercourse to Hills Road ; thence bounded towards the south generally by the said Hills Road, to and along St. Martin's Road to and along Burnbrae Street to the Heathcote River at the Tennyson Street Bridge ; thence by that river to the Colombo Street Bridge; thence bounded towards the west generally by the said Colombo Street, to and along Tennyson


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Street, to and along Longfellow Street, to and along Southhampton Street, to and along Montrose Street, to and along King Street, to and along the aforesaid Colombo Street to its intersection with Kilmore Street, the place of commencement. Christchurch South. This district is bounded towards the north and east generally by the Christchurch North and Christchurch East Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the River Avon at the southern end of Rossall Street to the Heathcote River at the Colombo Street Bridge ; thence bounded towards the south-east and south-west by the said Heathcote River to its intersection with the Lower Lincoln Road ; thence bounded towards the north-west by that road to and along the north-western boundary of Rural Section 128 to its intersection with the Dunedin-Christchurch Railway-line; thence by the said railway-line to a point in line with the middle of Bean's Avenue ; thence by a right line to and along the said avenue and its production to the River Avon, and by that river to a point in line with the southern end of Rossall Street, the place of commencement. Avon. The district is bounded towards the north generally by the Kaiapoi Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of Dudley Street with Hills Road to the sea at a point in line with Beach Road on the northern boundary of New Brighton Borough ; thence bounded towards the northeast by the sea to the estuary of the Heathcote and Avon Rivers ; thence bounded towards the south-west and southeast generally by the said estuary to the south-western side of the Canal Reserve ; thence by the south-western side of the said Canal Reserve, to and along Alwyn's Road, to and along Ferry Road to the eastern boundary of the Christchurch East Electoral District, hereinbefore described, at the junction of Eerry Road and Ensor's Road; thence bounded towards the south and west by the said Christchurch East Electoral District and Christchurch North Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the junction of Dudley Street and Hills Road, the place of commencement. Riccarton. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Kaiapoi Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the intersection of the Main Trunk Railway-line with the Selwyn River to the intersection of the ChristchurchHurunui Railway-line with Harewood Road ; thence bounded towards the east generally by the Christchurch North and Christchurch South Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the said intersection of the railway-line with Harewood Road to the Heathcote River at a point opposite the northeastern corner of Rural Section 383 ; thence by a right line to and along the road intersecting the said Rural Section 383 from its north-eastern corner, to and along the road forming the north-eastern and western boundaries of Rural Section 1325 and western boundaries of Rural Sections 3504, 2063, 31362, 31363, and 2231, intersecting Rural Sections 10210 and 493, and forming south-western boundary of Section (part) 452, Block 111, Halswell Survey District, to and along the summit of the Port Hills to a point in line with Trig. Station L and Mount Herbert; thence by a right line through the said Trig. Station L 1 and the said Mount Herbert; thence by a right line from the aforesaid Mount Herbert to Herbert Peak, and that line produced to Mount Herbert Peak Road; thence by that road to and along Purau or Summit Road, to and along Summit Road, to and along the Purau Road, to and along the north-western boundaries of Rural Sections 25399, 35374, 17758, and 18831, to and along the Little RiverPigeon Bay Road, to and along Harman's Track, to and along the western boundary of Reserve 1259, Block XIV, Pigeon Bay Survey District, to and along the Akaroa - Little River Road to Barry's Pass ; thenee by the summit of the mam range over Wooded Peak, French Hill, Wainui Peak, Kitson's Pole, Saddle Hill, and Carew's Peak to Mount Bossu ; thenee by a right line from the said Mount Bossu to the westernmost corner of Rural Section 4547, Block XI, Akaroa Survey District ; thence by the south-western boundary of the said Rural Section 4547 to and along the road forming the southeastern boundaries of Rural Sections 22842 and 22755, to and along the south-eastern boundary of the said Rural Section 22755, to and along the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Rural Section 22707, all of the said Block XI, Akaroa Survey District and the production of the southeastern boundary of the said Rural Section 22707 to the sea ; thence bounded towards the south-east by the sea to the outlet of Lake Ellesmere ; thence bounded towards the southwest generally by the western shores of the said Lake Ellesmere

to and along Hanmer Road, to and along Brookside and Irwell Road, to and along Brookside and Burnham Road, to and along the Selwyn River to its intersection with the Main Trunk Railway-line, the place of commencement. Lyttelton. This district is bounded towards the south-west, west, and north-west generally by the Riccarton, Christchurch South, Christchurch East, and Avon Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the sea at a point in line with the southeastern boundary of Rural Section 22707, Block XI, Akaroa Survey District, to the sea at the estuary of the Heathcote and Avon Rivers ; thence bounded towards the north-east and south generally by the sea to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Rural Section 22707, the place of commencement: including all wharves and extensions seaward. This district also includes the Chatham Islands. Mid-Canterbury. This district is bounded towards the north and north-east generally by the Hurunui, Kaiapoi, and Riccarton Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Southern Alps at the westernmost corner of Block I, Davie Survey District, to the sea at the outlet of Lake Ellesmere; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the sea to the mouth of the Ashburton River; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by that river and the north branch of the said river to the southernmost corner of Run 119 a ; thence by the south-western boundary of the said Run 119 a, and the southern boundary of Run 119 to its southernmost corner; thence by a right line, due west to the River Swin ; thence by that river to a point in line with the southern portion of the south-western boundary of Run 118 ; thence by a right line to the River Smite at the southernmost corner of the said Run 118 ; thence by that river and the Lake Stream to the Rakaia River; thence by that river to its source on the summit of the Southern Alps near Whitcombe Pass ; thence bounded towards the north-west by the summit of the said Southern Alps to the westernmost corner of Block I, Davie Survey District, the place of commencement. Timaru. This district is bounded towards the south-west by the Pareora River from the sea at the mouth of the said river to the bridge crossing the aforesaid river at the north-western boundary of Section 16029, Block 111, Otaio Survey District; thence bounded towards the west generally by the road forming the north-western boundary of the said Section 16029, and the road intersecting Educational Reserve 1203, to and along the road forming the north-western boundaries of Sections 15613, 14438, 16758, and 10570, Blocks 111 and IV, of the said Otaio Survey District, to and along the road forming the northern boundary of Section 16364 to Brigg's Road ; thence by that road to and along Coonor Road, to and along the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section 15928 of the said Block IV, Otaio Survey District, to and along the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 14376, 15803, 15897, and 15699, to and along the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 15497, 11524, 13606, 14773, and 17625, to and along Brockley Road, to and along the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section 15930, intersecting Section 10547, and forming the northeastern boundaries of Sections 23953 and 15761, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections 117, 115 and 114, Rosewill Settlement, to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 111 and 112, southeastern boundary of Section 113, intersecting the said Section 113, and forming the eastern boundary of Section 110, all of the said Rosewill Settlement, to and along the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 19510, 18976, 15876, and 33002, Blocks XI, VII, and VIII, Pareora Survey District, intersecting Papaka Settlement, and forming part of the western and northern boundaries of the said Papaka Settlement and forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 13516, intersecting Section 12875, and forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 13744, 12242, and 15425 of the said Block VIII of the said Paerora Survey District to the Timaru-Fairlie Railway line ; thence by that railway-line to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section B 1580, and south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 10453, Block IV, Pareora Survey District, and the production of the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 10453 to the right bank of the Opihi River ; thence by a right line to the middle of the said river ; thence bounded towards the north by the aforesaid river to the sea at Umukaha mouth; thence bounded towards the south-east by the sea to the mouth of the Pareora River, the place of commencement.



Tbmtjka. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Mid-Canterbury Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the source of the Rakaia River on the summit of the Southern Alps near Whitcombe Pass to the sea at the mouth of the Ashburton River; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the sea and the Timaru Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the said Ashburton River to the Pareora River at the bridge crossing the said river at the north-western boundary of Section 16029, Block 111, Otaio Survey District; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the aforesaid Pareora River to its intersection by a road fronting Section 81, Rosewill Settlement ; thence north-westerly along that road to the Cave Railway-station; thence across the Railway Reserve to and along the Tengawai River, to and along the western boundary of Section 27, Albury Settlement, to and along the western and north-western boundaries of Section 22 of the said settlement, to and along the western boundaries of Sections 28941 and 27460, Block XII, Tengawai Survey District, to and along the Opihi River to its confluence with the Opuha River ; thence by that river to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Rural Sections 36094 and 36093 ; thence to and along that boundary, and the north-western boundary of Section 7a, Four Peaks Settlement, the western boundaries of Section 26, Tripp Settlement, to the Mowbray River; thence by that river to the Orari River; thence by that river to its confluence with the Phantom River; thence by that river to and along the southern boundary of Run 241 to Forest Creek; thence by that creek to its source on Two Thumb Range; thence by the summit of that range over Mount Hope and The Thumbs to the Summit of the Southern Alps at McClure Peak ; thence bounded towards the northwest by the Westland Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the source of the Rakaia River near Whitcombe Pass, the place of commencement. OAM ABU. This district is bounded towards the north by the Waitaki River from a point in line with the western boundary of Block I, Awamoko Survey District, to the sea at the mouth of the Waitaki River; thence bounded towards the southeast by the sea to the mouth of the Waikouaiti River ; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by that river to the bridge on the Main North Road crossing the said river; thence by the said Main North Road to and along the southern boundaries of Sections 39, 58, and 40, Block 11, Waikouaiti Survey District, to and along the road intersecting the Commonage Reserve and Section 7, Block VIII, of the said Waikouaiti Survey District to the southern boundary of the aforesaid Block VIII, by the southern boundary of the said Block VIII and the southern boundary of Block VII, Waikouaiti Survey District aforesaid, to and along the eastern, southern, and western boundaries of Block VII, Silver Peak Survey District, to and along the southern and western boundaries of Block IX of the said Silver Peak Survey District, to and along the road forming the southern boundary of Section 5, Block VIII, of the aforesaid Silver Peak Survey District, to and along the western boundary of the said Section 5, to and along the western boundaries of Small Grazing-run 171b and Pastoral Leases 171g and 171 c to the Hummock; thence by a right line to the south-eastern corner of Section 15, Block VII, Strath Taieri Survey District; thence by the eastern boundary of the said Block VII, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 19, 18, and 8, Block VI, Bridle Survey District, to and along the northwestern boundary of P.R. 1, Block V, north-western boundary of S.G.R. 12In, and north-western and northern boundaries of Section 1210, all of the said Block V, and Blocks II and 111 of the said Bridle Survey District, to and along the Waikouaiti River, to and along the eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Section S.G.R. 6, Block VIII, Dunback Survey District, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 5, and south-eastern boundary of Section 4, south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 3, north-eastern boundaries of Sections 2 and 1, all of Block XI of the said Dunback Survey District, to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 8 and 7, Block VI of the aforesaid Dunback Survey District, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 2, Block VI, Waihemo Survey District, to and along Deepdell Creek, to and along Shag River, to the road crossing the said river and forming the northern boundary of Section 10, Block VI, Highlay Survey District, the north-western boundary of Section 15, Block VIII, Waihemo Survey District, western and northern boundaries of Section 10, north-western boundaries of Sections 9 and 4, all of the said Block VIIT, Waihemo Survey District, to and along the south-western and northern boundaries of Run 255, to and along the south-western boundaries of Runs 217 c, 217 a, and 217 to Kakanui

Peak; thence bounded towards tlie north-west generally by the northern boundary of the said Run 217, to and along the South Branch of the Kakanui River, to and along the western boundaries of Blocks X, VII, and VI, Awamoko Survey District, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Lots 10, 9, 8, 7, and 1 (as shown on D.P. No. 797) and southern boundaries of Sections 36, 35, 34, and 33, Block VI aforesaid, to and along the closed road forming the southern and eastern boundaries of Section 32 of Block VI aforesaid, to and along the road intersecting Sections 4 and 6, Block V, of the said Awamoko Survey District, to and along the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 7a and 6a, Plunket Settlement, to and along the road forming the south-western boundary of Section 13a and south-western boundary of 14a, to and along the road intersecting the said Section 14a and Section 15a, all of the said Plunket Settlement, to and along the western boundaries of Blocks IV and I, Awamoko Survey District aforesaid, and their production to the Waitaki River, the place of commencement. Waitaki. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Temuka and Timaru Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Southern Alps at McClure Peak to the sea at the mouth of the Pareora River; thence again towards the north-east generally by the sea to the mouth of the Waitaki River ; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the Oamaru Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the said Waitaki River to Kakanui Peak ; thence along the summit of the Kakanui Mountains and through the Manuwhenua Pass to Kyeburn Hill; thence along the summit of the range to Mount Ida ; thence along the summit of the Hawkdun Range to a point due east of Mount St. Bathan's ; thence by a right line due west to the said Mount St. Bathan's ; thence along the summit of the St. Bathan's and Wether Ranges to Lindis Pass, through the said pass to Longslip Peak ; thence along the summit of the range, passing through Mount Martha, Mount Gladwish, and Mount Huxley, to Mount Strauchon ; thence bounded towards the north-west generally by the Westland Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the said Mount Strauchon to Mount McClure, the place of commencement. Dunedin North. This district is bounded on the north by the southern boundaries of Blocks 111 and XII, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District, from Swampy Hill to the northeastern corner of Section 72, Block VIII, of the said North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District; thence bounded towards the north-east generally by the eastern boundary of the said Section 72, and eastern boundaries of Section 55 and 54, and north-eastern and south-eastern boundary of Section 52 and south-eastern boundary of Section 51, to and along the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Section 62, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 48, all of the said Block VIII, to and along the southwestern boundary of Section 42, Block VII, to and by a closed road (now Section 369b) to a point in line with the southwestern boundary of Section 85, North-east Valley Survey District; thence by a right line to and along the southwestern boundary of the said Section 85, to and along the road forming the north-western boundary of Section 84 of the said North east Valley Survey District; thence by a right line to and along the north-western boundary of the said Section 84 to the main road from Dunedin to Port Chalmers ; thence by that road to and along the road forming the south-western boundary of Section 15, Sawyer's Bay Survey District, and its production to the Otago Harbour; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the said Otago Harbour to a point in line with the middle of Frederick Street; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by a right line in the direction of the middle of Frederick Street to the railwayline ; thence by the said railway-line to a point in line with Albany Street; thence by a right line to and along the said Albany Street, to and along Queen Street, to and along Pitt Street, to and along Royal Terrace, to and along Argyle Street and its production to the western side of the Town Belt; thence by the western side of the said Town Belt to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 7, Block I, Upper Kaikorai Survey District, to and along the District Road, to and along the Waikari Road, and by that road to and along the north-western boundary of Section 19, Block 111, of the said Upper Kaikorai Survey District, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 103, Waikari Survey District, across Helensburn Road, and along the north-eastern boundary of Original Section 10, to and along the northeastern boundary of Original Section 51, all of the said Waikari Survey District, to the south-eastern boundary of Section 59, Block V, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District; thence


bounded towards tho west generally by the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 59, the south-eastern boundaries of Section 4 of 40, 3 of 40, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 2 of 40, the north-eastern boundaries of Section 2 of 38 and 61, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Section 4 of 49, 3 of 49, 2 of 50, 51, 1 of 52 and 53, eastern boundaries of Sections 54 and 55, southeastern boundary of Section 9, and eastern boundaries of Sections 10, 11, and 3, all of the said Block V, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to Swampy Hill, the place of commencement. Dunedin West. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Dunedin North Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the northernmost corner of Original Section 51, Waikari Survey District to Forth Street at its intersection with Albany Street; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the said Forth Street to and along Frederick Street and its production to the north-western boundary of the Railway Reserve, and by that reserve to a point in line with the middle of High Street; thence bounded towards the south generally by the said High Street, to and along Dowling Street, to and along Canongate Street, to and across Arthur Street to the south-eastern corner of Section 13; thence by the southern boundaries of Sections 13 and 24 to Adam Street, across Adam Street to the south-eastern corner of Section 25; thence by the southern boundary of Section 25, and western boundaries of the said Section 25, Sections 26, 27, and 28, the southern boundaries of Sections 31 to 39, and the south-western boundary of the said Section 39, to the southern end of York Place ; thence by a right line to the north-western boundary of the Town Belt at the south-eastern corner of Section 28, Bellvue ; thence by the said north-western boundary of the said Town Belt to Hawthorn Avenue ; thence by the said Hawthorn Avenue to the District Road, and by that road to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, to and along the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of Block IX, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Original Section 18, Lower Kaikorai Survey District, to and along the Kaikorai Stream, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Original Section 19 of the said Lower Kaikorai Survey District, to and along the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 1 of 49 and north-eastern boundary of Section 2 of 49, Block VI, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to and along the eastern boundaries of Sections 68 and 57, to and along the road forming the northern boundaries of Sections 57, 56, 55, and 54, Block VI aforesaid: thence towards the north-west generally by the road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, and 162, and north-eastern boundaries of Sections 49, 48, and 47, all of Waikari Survey District, to and along the southern and northeastern boundaries of Section 50, southern boundary of Section 34, and southern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 32, to and along the Main North Taieri Road, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 31, all of the said Waikari Survey District, to and along the southern boundaries of Sections 1 of 32, 57, and 56, the southern and south-eastern boundaries of Section 59, all of Block V, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to the northernmost corner of Original Section 51 of the aforesaid Waikari Survey District, the place of commencement. Dunedin Central. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Dunedin West and Dunedin North Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the south-eastern corner of Block IX, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to Otago Harbour at a point in line with the middle of Frederick Street; thence by the shores of the said Otago Harbour to the north-western corner of Section 13, Upper Harbour East Survey District; thence bounded towards the east generally by the northern and eastern boundaries of the said Section 13, the eastern boundary of Section 14, to and along the northern, eastern, and southern boundaries of Section 69, Block 11, Otago Peninsula Survey District, to and along the road forming the western boundaries of Sections 65, 66, and 67, to and along the southern boundaries of the said Sections 67 and 66, southern boundary of Section 65b, south-western boundary of Section 63, south-western and southern boundaries of Section 62, all of the said Block 11, to and along the southwestern boundary of Section 52, Block 111, of the said Otago Peninsula Survey District, to the sea; thence bounded towards the south generally by the sea to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Section 27, Tahuna Park ; thence by a right line to and along the eastern boundary of tho said Section 27, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Original Section 7, Block VII, Otago Peninsula Survey District, to and


along Bowen Street, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Original Section 79, to and along the road forming the north-western boundaries of the said Original Section 79 and Original Section 80, to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Original Sections 70 and 69, all of the said Block VII of the said Otago Peninsula Survey District, to and along Anderson's Bay Road, to and along Melbourne Street, to and along King Edward Street, to and along the main railway-line, to and along the Main South Road, to and along Caversham Valley Road, to the south-eastern corner of Section 33, Block VI, Town Survey District; thence bounded towards the west generally by the eastern boundary of the said Section 33, to and along Nicholas Street, to and along Lucan Street, to and along Clyde Street, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 49 of the said Town Survey District, to and along the District Road to the south-eastern corner of Block IX, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, the place of commencement. Dunedin South. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the road forming the northern boundary of Block VI, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, from the north-western corner of Section 1 of 1, to and along the road forming the eastern boundary of Block IV of the said survey district; thence by that road to the south-western corner of Section 31, Block V, of the aforesaid survey district; thence by the southern boundary of the said Section 31, and southern boundaries of Sections 2 of 32 and 1 of 33 of the said Block V to the Dunedin West Electoral District, hereinbefore described, at the northeastern corner of Section 31, Waikari Survey District; thence bounded towards the north-east generally by the said Dunedin West Electoral District and Dunedin Central Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the north-eastern corner of the said Section 31, Waikari Survey District, to the sea at a point in line with the eastern boundary of Section 27, Tahuna Park; thence bounded towards the south generally by the sea to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Section 32, Ocean Beach Survey District; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by a right line to and along the road forming the south-western boundaries of Sections 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, and 24 of the said Ocean Beach Survey District, to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 77, 102k, and 78, to and along Costorphine Road, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 103k, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Original Section I, Block XV, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey Distx-ict, to the road intersecting the said Original Section 1 (as shown on D.P. No. 431); thence by that road to and along the Main South Road, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 45, Block VI, Town District, to and along the Lower Kaikorai Road, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 33, Lower Kaikorai District, to and along the southwestern and south-eastern boundaries of Section 45, Block VI, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Section 44, south-eastern, southern, and western boundaries of Section 61 of the said Block VI, to and along Duke Street, to and along the southern boundary of Section 41 of the aforesaid Block VI, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to and along Gordon Street, to and along Edward Street, to and along the eastern boundaries of Allotments 43, 41, 40, 39, and 38, Township of Plevna, to and along the northern boundaries of the said Allotment 38, Allotments 37, 36, 20, 19, and 1, of the said Plevna Township, to and along Torquay Road, to and along the northern boundaries of Allotments 31, 32, 44, and 45, Abbotshill Extension, to the north-western corner of the said Allotment 45 ; thence by a right line in the direction of the northernmost corner of Allotment 1 to its intersection with the north-western boundary of Allotment 45; thence by the north-western boundaries of the said Allotment 45 and Allotments 16 and 15, to and along the North Taieri Road, to and along the north-western boundaries of Allotments I and 3, all of the Abbotsford Extension, to and along the railway-line and tunnel, to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 13 and 12, Block VII, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, and intersecting Section 15, Block VI, of the said survey distict, to and along the northern boundary of the said Section 15, to and along the road forming the south western and north-western boundaries of Section 16 and north western boundary of Section 17, to and along the northeastern boundary of Section 7, to and along the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of Section 2 of 1, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 1 of 1, all of the said Block VI, to its north-western corner, the place of commencement. Chalmers. This district is bounded towards the west and north generally by the Central Otago and Oamaru Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the north-western corner of



Section 10, Block IX, Tuapeka Survey District, to the sea at the mouth of the Waikouaiti River ; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the sea to the mouth of the Taieri River ; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the said Taieri River, to and along the stream lying to the south of Sections 31, 30, and 19, Block VI, Maungatua Survey District, and south-west of Sections 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 11, and 10 of the said block and survey district, to the Waipori Lake ; thence by the southern and southeastern shores of the said Lake Waipori to and along the Waipc ri River, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Run 51a, to and along the summit of the range over Trig. Stations G, .T, and K, to and along the southern boundary of the said Run 51a, to and along the southern boundary of Section 2, Block VIII, Tuapeka East Survey District, to and along Bungtown Creek, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 11 and 10, Block IX, of the said Tuapeka East Survey District, to the north-western corner of the said Section 10, the place of commencement: excluding the Dunedin North, Dunedin South, Dunedin West, and Dunedin Central Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described. Centbal Otago. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Westland, Waitaki, and Oamaru Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Awarua River at Big Bay to the south-western corner of Block VII, Silver Peak Survey District; thence by a right line in the direction of Silver Peak to its intersection with Christmas Creek : thence bounded towards the south generally by the said Christmas Creek to and along the Taieri River, to and along the southern boundary of Block XI, Mount Hyde Survey District, to and along Lee Stream to its source at the summit of the Lammerlaw Range ; thence by the track on the summit of the said range, to and along Deep Creek, to and along Waipori River, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Run No. 6, Blocks XV and XVI, Tuapeka East Survey District, to and along the road forming the north-western boundary of Section 1, Block XII, Tuapeka East Survey District, to and along the eastern boundary of Block XIII, eastern and southern boundaries of Block X, to and along the road forming the western boundary of Section 53, Block V, to and along the western boundary of Section 88 of the said Block V of the said Tuapeka East Survey District, to and along the Main Interior Road, to and along Lanark Street, to and along Reid Street, to and along Gabriel Street, to and along the road forming the northwestern boundary of Section 35, Block 1, to and along the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 34, 29, and 14, to and along the south-eastern boundary of Section 13, all of the said Block I of the aforesaid Tuapeka East Survey District, to and along Hastings Street, to and along the Main Interior Road, to and along Bowler's Creek to the road forming the eastern boundary of Section 34, Block 111, Tuapeka West Survey District; thence in a southerly direction by the road fronting the said Section 34 and Sections 30, 31, 20, 21, and 22 to the junction of roads at the easternmost corner of the said Section 22 of the said Block 111, Tuapeka West Survey District; thence in a westerly direction by the road fronting Sections 15, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 1, Blocks VI and V, and fronting Sections 34, 35, 1, 10, 22, 2, and 32, to the eastern boundary of Section 35 (Quarry Reserve), Block IV; thence by the eastern and northern boundary of the said Section 35, and northern boundary of Section 31 to the Clutha River ; thence by that river to the southernmost corner of Block I, Crookston Survey District; thence by the southern boundaries of the said Block I and Block XVI to and along the western and north-western boundaries of Block XIX, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 5 and 3, Block XI, to and along the southern boundary of Section 2 of the said Block XI, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of the said Section 2 of the aforesaid Block XI to Trig. Station T ; thence by the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 1 and 12, Block 111, to and along the road forming the north-eastern and northern boundaries of Sections 31 and northern boundary of Section 32 of the said Block 111, to and along the northern boundary of Section 37 of the aforesaid Block 111, all of the aforesaid Crookston Survey District, to and along the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 20, northern boundaries of Sections 9, 11, 12, 29, and 13, Block IV, Greenvale Survey District, to and along the northern boundary of Section 2, Block V, to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 7, southeastern boundary of Section 6, and western boundary of Section 2(5, all of the said Block V, to and along the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 15 and 16, Block 11, and intersecting part of the said Section 16, and intersecting Sections 17, 18, and 19, to and along the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section 35, all of the said Block 11, and all of the said Greenvale Survey District, to the

easternmost corner of the said Section 35 ; thence by a right line due south to the Pomahaka River, to and along the Leithen Burn and to and along the road forming the northeastern boundary of Run 1750 and north-eastern boundary of Clutha County, to and along the road forming the northeastern boundary of Run 175b and eastern boundary of Southland County, to and along the summit of the Umbrella Mountains to a point in line with East Dome, on the Garvie Mountains, and the north-east corner of Block XIV, Waikaia Survey District; thence by a right line to the said north-east corner of Block XIV ; thence by a right line to the said East Dome ; thence by a right line due west to the Mataura River ; thence by that river to its source near Eyre Peak ; thence by a right line to the said Eyre Peak ; thence by a right line to Jane Peak ; thence by a right line to Hummock Peak ; thence by the summit of the watershed by Mount Lookup and the Thomson Range to Round Peaks ; thence by a right line to Mouat Peak ; thence by a right line to Mount Eglinton ; thence along the summit of the Earl Mountains to a point in line with the Castle Mountain and Cloudy Pass ; thence by a right line over the said Castle Mountain to the said Cloudy Pass at Bligh Sound ; thence by the said Bligh Sound to the sea ; thence bounded towards the north-west by the sea to the mouth of the Awarua River at Big Bay, the place of commencement. Clutha. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Central Otago and Chalmers Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the eastern boundary of Block XI, Crookston Survey District, at the south-eastern corner of Section 5, to the sea at the mouth of the Taieri River ; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the sea to the mouth of the Tahakopa River, thence bounded towards the west generally by the said Tahakopa River to its confluence with Mary Burn ; thence by a right line to the summit of the watershed at Bleak Hill in Block VI, Makoreta Survey District; thence by the summit of the said watershed over Chimney to Catlin's Cove, Block 11, Rimu Survey District; thence by a right line in the direction of the source of the Waipahi River till it meets the south-western boundary-line of Run 258 ; thence by the south-western boundary-line of the said Run 258 to the Wyndham or Makoreta River ; thence by that river to a point in line with the south-western boundary-line of Section 5, Block VII, Slopedown Survey District; thence by a right line to and along the southwestern boundary-line of the said Section 5, and its production to the south-eastern boundary of Run 251 in the said Block VII; thence by the south-eastern and eastern boundaries of the said Run 251, to and along the south-eastern and eastern boundaries of Section 2, Block VI, of the said Slopedown Survey District, to and along the road forming the southern and western boundaries of Section 15, Block 1, to and along the road forming the western boundaries of Sections 14, 7, and 6 of the said Block I, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections 6 and 4, Block 11, to and along the road forming the eastern boundary of Section I. of the aforesaid Block 11, all of the aforesaid Slopedown Survey District, to the Main South Road, by that road to and along the road forming the eastern boundary of Section 23, Block Xll, Waipahi Survey District, to and along the eastern boundry of Section 24 of the said Block XII, Waipahi Survey District, to the Waipahi River ; thence by that river to and along the road forming the northern boundaries of Lots 2 and 3, Waipahi Estate, to and along the western and northern boundaries of Section 6, Block VI, Waipahi Survey District, to and along the railway-line, to and along the Waipahi River to its confluence with the Pomahaka River ; thence by that river to its confluence with the Rankleburn; thence by the said Rankleburn to its source ; thence by a right line to the south-eastern corner of Block X, Crookston Survey District; thence by the eastern boundaries of Blocks X and XI of the said Crookston Survey District to the south-eastern corner of Section 5 of the said Block XI of the aforesaid Crookston Survey District, the place of commencement. Mataura. This district is bounded towards the east generally by the Clutha Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the eastern boundary of Block XI, Crookston Survey District, at the south-eastern corner of Section 5, to the sea at the mouth of the Tahakopa River; thence bounded towards the south and south-west generally by the sea to a point in line with the middle of the Mataura River; thence bounded towards the west generally by the said Mataura River to its intersection with the Seaward Bush Railway line ; thence by that railway-line to its intersection with Gorge Road ; thence by that road to its intersection with the Main Trunk Railway line ; thence by that railway-line to its intersection with the


eastern boundary of Mabel Hundred ; thence by the eastern boundary of the said Mabel Hundred, and eastern boundary of Forest Hill Hundred, to its north-eastern corner ; thence bounded towards the north generally by the northern boundary of Waimumu Hundred, to and along the road intersecting Sections 4 and 5 of the said Waimumu Hundred, to and along the road intersecting Section 493, Block 69, Hokonui Survey District, to and along the road forming the northern boundary of Sections 492, 491, 490, 489, 488, 282, 122, and 456, to and along the road forming the north-western boundaries of Allotments 4 and 5 of Section 135, to and along the road forming the northern boundaries of Allotments 5 and 6 of Section 306, all of Blocks 69 and 70 of the said Hokonui Survey District, to the Mataura River ; thence by that river to its confluence with the Okapua Creek; thence by that creek to its intersection with the road forming the southeastern boundary of Section 15, Block VI, Chatton Survey District; thence by the road forming the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 15, and southern boundaries of Sections 25, 14, 17, and 18 of the said Block VI, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections 12, 13, and 14, Block V, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections 6, 5, 4, 3, and 1, Block 111, to the Waikaka Stream ; thence by that stream to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections 4, 3, and 2 of 2, Block VIII, all of-the said Chatton Survey District, to and along the eastern boundary of the aforesaid Chatton Survey District to the Leithen Burn; thence bounded towards the north generally by the Central Otago Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the eastern boundary of Block XI, Crookston Survey District, at the south-eastern corner of Section 5, the place of commencement. Wallace. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Central Otago Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea at Bligh Sound to the Okapua Creek at its intersection with the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 15, Block VI, Chatton Survey District; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the Mataura Electoral District from the said Okapua Creek to the northeastern corner of Forest H ill Hundred ; thence by the northern boundary of the said Forest Hill Hundred to and along the western boundary of Section 253, Block 64, Hokonui Survey District, to and along the western and northern boundaries of Section 267, Block 47, of the said Hokonui Survey District, to and along the Otameta Stream, to and along the eastern and northern boundaries of Section 798, Block 46 (Small Grazing-run No. 21); to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Section 797 and 796, Blocks 37 and 36, to the southeastern corner of Section 795, Block 35 ; thence by a right line to and along the road intersecting Sections 656 and 427, and forming south-eastern boundary of Section 336, intersecting Section 335, and intersecting said Section 336, Sections 711 and 426, forming north-western boundaries of Sections 549, 655, all of Block 34, north-western boundary of Section 342, northern boundary of Section 363, and northeastern boundary of Section 341, all of Blocks 43 and 33, all of the aforesaid Hokonui Survey District, to and across the Invercargill--Kingston Railway line, to and- along the road intersecting Section 136 a, of the said Block 33, to its intersection with the. Oreti River; thence by the said Oreti River to the south-western corner of Section 45, Block 37 ; thence by the western boundary of the said Section 45, northern and western boundaries of Section 4, north-western boundary of Section 3, and northern boundary of Section 124, all of the aforesaid Block 37 of the aforesaid Hokonui Survey District, to and along the southern boundary of Run 149, to and


along the eastern boundaries of Sections 245, 244, and 243, Block 35, and eastern boundaries of Sections 242, 241, 240, 239, and 238, Block 39, all of Hokonui Survey District, to and along the northern boundary of Oreti Hundred to the junction of roads at the north-eastern corner of Section 2, Mayfield Estate ; thence bounded towards the east by the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of the said' Section 2, Sections 4, 6, and 8 of the said Mayfield Estate, to and along the closed road intersecting Section 10 of the aforesaid Mayfield Estate, to and along the north-western and western boundaries of Section 11 of the aforesaid Mayfield Estate, to and along the road forming the western boundary of the southern portion of Section 62, Oreti Hundred, to and along the southern boundaries of Sections 51 and 61, to and along the road forming the western boundaries of Sections 44, 43, 80, 89, 90, 91, and 94, to and along the road forming the northern and western boundary of Section 183, to and along the road forming the western boundary of Section 182, to and along the southern boundaries of Sections 69 and 25, all of the said Oreti Hundred, to the Waimatuku Stream ; thence by that stream to the sea ; thence bounded towards the south and north-west generally by the sea to Bligh Sound, the place of commencement: including Centre, Pig, Resolution, and adjacent islands. Invercargill. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Waihopai River from the New River Estuary to Mill Road ; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by that road to and along Main East Road, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 11, Block I, Invercargill Hundred, to and along Tweed Street East, to and along Conyer's Street, to and along Calypso Road, to and along Tramway Road, to and along Boundary Road to the road at the south-eastern corner of Section 44, Block 111, Township of Seaward Bush; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the road forming the southern boundaries of the said Section 44 and Sections 45, 46, and 47 of the said Block 111, to and along Lyons Street, to and along Ferguson Street, to and along Richards Street, to and along Bain Street, to and along the north-western boundary of Section 46, Block XIX, Invercargill Hundred, to and along Bluff Road, to and along Dalrymple Road, to and along the New River Estuary, to and along the road and tramway across the said estuary, to and along the western and northern shores of the aforesaid estuary to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Section 34, Block XV, Invercargill Hundred ; thence by a right line to and along the eastern boundary of the said Section 34 to a public road intersecting Section 10 of the said Block XV ; thence by that road to and along the western and southern boundaries of Section 29, and road on the western boundary of Section 32, all of the aforesaid Block XV ; thence by the production of the said road to the New River Estuary, and by the said estuary to the Waihopai River, the place of commencement. Award a. This district is bounded towards the west, north, and east generally by the Wallace and Mataura Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the mouth of the Waimatuku Stream to the sea at the mouth of the Mataura River; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the sea to the mouth of the Waimatuku Stream, the place of commencement: exclusive of the Invercargill Electoral District, hereinbefore described, and including Stewart Island, Ruapuki Island, Dog Island, and all adjacent islands.



POPULATION. Table showing the Actual and Nominal Populations of the Electoral Districts in the South Island. (Quota, 19,820.)

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (850 copies, including maps), £105.

Authority: W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1927.

Price, 3s.]


I Actual Population. 1 No. Name of District. mw? Actual Total, Members. Urban _ Rural . , ! Population. 1 Nelson .. .. .. 1 10,292 6,913 17,205 19,141 2 Motueka .. .. .. 1 .. 14,646 14,646 18,747 3 Buller .. .. .. 1 3,911 11,497 15,408 18,627 4 Westland .. .. .. 1 8,006 8,395 16,401 18,752 5 Wairau .. .. .. 1 4,970 12,012 16,982 20,345 6 Hurunui .. .. .. 1 , 2,085 14,783 16,868 21,007 7 Kaiapoi .. .. .. 1 7,404 10,099 17,499 20,331 8 Christchurch North .. .. 1 j 20,070 .. 20,070 20,070 9 Christchurcli East .. .. 1 I 19,930 .. 19,930 19,930 10 Christchurch South .. .. 1 19,880 .. 19,880 19,880 11 Avon .. .. .. 1 20,030 .. 20,030 20,030 12 Riccarton .. .. .. 1 13,333 5,247 18,580 20,049 13 Lyttelton .. .. .. 1 16,230 3,092 19,322 20,188 14 Mid-Canterbury .. .. 1 5,076 12,427 17,503 20,983 15 Timaru .. .. .. 1 15.200 3,815 19,015 20,083 16 Temuka .. .. .. 1 .. 16,040 16,040 20,531 17 Oamaru .. .. .. 1 7,035 10,205 17,240 20,097 18 Waitaki .. .. .. 1 2,196 12,849 15,045 18,643 19 Dunedin North .. .. 1 19,682 188 19,870 19,923 20 Dunedin West .. .. 1 19,943 .. 19,943 19,943 21 Dunedin Central .. .. 1 19,643 55 19,698 19,713 22 Dunedin South .. .. 1 19,752 .. 19,752 19,752 23 Chalmers .. .. .. 1 5,211 11,224 16,435 19,578 24 Central Otago .. .. 1 j .. 16,025 16,025 20,512 25 Clutha .. .. .. 1 1 .. 15,844 15,844 20,280 26 Mataura .. .. .. 1 I 3,914 12,002 15,916 19,277 27 Awarua .. .. .. 1 .. 15,372 15,372 19,676 28 Invercargill .. .. .. 1 19,436 359 19,795 19,895 29 Wallace .. .. .. 1 .. 16,338 16,338 20,913 Totals .. .. 29 283,229 229,427 512,656 576,896 ___J I I





NEW ZEALAND. Map of the NORTH ISLAND, showing the Boundaries of the ELECTORAL DISTRICTS as defined by the NORTH ISLAND REPRESENTATION COMMISSION, July, 1927.

NEW ZEALAND. Map of the SOUTH ISLAND, showing the Boundaries of the ELECTORAL DISTRICTS as defined by the SOUTH ISLAND REPRESENTATION COMMISSION, July, 1927.

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REPRESENTATION COMMISSIONS' REPORT., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, H-45

Word Count

REPRESENTATION COMMISSIONS' REPORT. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, H-45

REPRESENTATION COMMISSIONS' REPORT. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, H-45

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