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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. I.—TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. The position of the fund at the 31st January, 1927, and the principal figures concerning the transactions for the year, compared with those for the year ended 31st January, 1926, are given below:— 1925-26. 1926-27. £ £ Balance at credit of fund at end of year .. .. .. .. 1,008,823 1,083,155 Increase over balance at end of previous year .. .. .. 66,068 74,332 Income for the year —• Members'contributions .. .. .. .. .. *127,671 *147,028 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 64,844 73,420 Government subsidy .. .. .. .. .. 70,681 71,428 Total income .. .. .. .. .. £263,196 £291,876 Expenditure—• Retiring and other allowances .. .. .. .. *169,258 *184,707 Contributions refunded, &e. .. .. .. .. .. 20,672 26,590 Administration expenses .. .. .. .. .. 3,144 3,147 Bad debts on realization of securities and reserve .. .. 4,055 3,100 Total expenditure .. .. .. .. £197,129 £217,544 Number of contributors at 31st January .. .. .. .. 7,968 8,376 Number of members admitted and reinstated during period .. .. 976 967 Number retiring from the fund during period .. .. .. 451 559 Net increase in membership at 31st January .. .. .. 525 408 Number of allowances in force at end of period .. .. .. 1,197 1,273 Representing an annual charge of .. .. .. .. £152,422 £174,816 Ordinary retiring-allowances .. .. .. .. 705 £112,014 768 £132,225 Retiring-allowances under extended provisions of section 12 of the Act .. .. .. .. .. 109 £16,772 110 £17,923 Retiring-allowances in medically unfit cases .. .. 126 £16,086 125 £16,720 Allowances to widows .. .. .. .. 171 £5,314 183 £5,686 Allowances to children .. .. .. .-. 86 £2,236 87 £2,262 Funds invested at 31st, January — £ £ At 4J per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38,050 30,450 At 5 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,948 12,920 At 5J per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38,260 38,260 At 5|- per cent. .. .. .. .. .. . . 23,100 At 5f per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 74,765 12,000 At 6 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 607,734 771,613 At 6| per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 179,586 169,419 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. £974,443 £1,034,662 Average rate of interest on investment at 31st January .. 5-96 per cent. 5-99 per cent. * Includes arrears under section 29 of Finance Act, 1925, and under section 30, Finance Act, 1926.

I—E.1 —E. 8.



No. 2.—TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION BOARD Foe the Year ended 31st January, 1927. The Hon. the Minister of Education. Sir, — Wellington, 21st July, 1927. The Board has to submit the following report for the year ended the 31st January, 1927 : — The Board. —The usual quarterly meetings of the Board were held in February, May, August, and November. Contributors.—The number of contributors increased from 7,968 at 31st January, 1926, to 8,376 at the end of January, 1927, an increase of 408. Table A shows the contributors arranged according to percentage of contribution, together with the number admitted and left during the year. Retiring and other Allowances.—Allowances amounting to £24,049 12s. were granted during the period, compared with £13,403 16s. in 1925-26. The total annual rate of all allowances payable at the end of January, 1927, was £174,815 12s. Thirty-six allowances were discontinued by death, and thirteen from other causes—viz., remarriage of widows, and children attaining the age of fourteen years. Nineteen widows and eleven children were granted allowances, compared with thirteen and five respectively in 1925-26. Income.—The total income for the period was £291,876, made up as follows : — £ Contributions .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 147,028 Government subsidy (£43,000 per annum under the Act, with an additional grant of £25,000, Finance Act, 1925, £3,428) .. .. .. 71,428 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 73,420 Total for period .. .. .. .. .. .. £291,876 Expenditure.—The allowances paid to contributors who have retired and to dependants of deceased contributors and annuitants amounted to £184,707, an increase of £15,449 over the amount for 1925-26. Refunds of contributions on voluntary retirement from the Education service amounted to £19,710, an increase of £3,568 compared with 1925-26. The refunds payable on the death of contributors and annuitants amounted to £3,947, an increase of £1,956. Administration Expenses.—These amounted to £3,147. Included in this sum is an item of £900 charged by the Education Department for clerical assistance. No part of the salary of the Secretary to the Board is, however, included in the item, the whole of his salary, in terms of the Act, being a charge on the Consolidated Fund. Net Revenue.—The total for the period was £74,332, compared with £66,068 in 1925-26. Government Subsidy.—The statutory annual Government subsidy of £43,000 was augmented by an additional grant of £25,000, and by £3,4-28 under Finance Act, 1925. The total subsidies paid by the Government since the inception of the fund to the 31st January, 1927, amount to £609,525. Investment of the Fund.—The arrangement with the Public Trustee for the investment of the fund was continued during the period. The total investments at the different rates of interest on the 31st January, 1927, were : At 4J per cent., £30,450 ; at 5 per cent., £12,920 ; at 5J per cent., £38,260 ; at 5| per cent., £12,000 ; at 6 per cent., £771,613 ; at 6-| per cent., £169,419. Average rate of interest, 5'99 per cent. Unclaimed Contributions. —The amount unclaimed at the 31st January last was £2,346. The cost-of-living bonus to retired teachers has been continued in necessitous cases. Under the provisions of section 29 of the Finance Act, 1925, the value of a residence or board and quarters provided, or an allowance paid in lieu thereof, is now to be taken into account for the purpose of computing contributions and retiring-allowance. The new provision applies automatically to all who join the fund on or after the Ist October, 1925, but does not apply to those already on the fund unless they definitely elected that it should so apply. Upon election back contributions with interest became payable on any house allowance, &c., received in the past period of membership. In the case of annuitants making the election the allowance is recomputed as from the date of retirement, and it can be readily understood that in many cases the arrears of allowance due to such annuitants would largely exceed the arrears of contributions and interest due by them. Under the 1925 Act the time allowed for the making of the election closed on the 31st March, 1926, but under section 32 of the Finance Act, 1926, the time was extended until 31st March, 1927. In all, 1,124 contributors and 374 annuitants have made the election, the increase in retiring allowance in respect of the latter being at the rate of £7,750 per annum. Under the provisions of section 38 of the Finance Act, 1926, the Board can now allow contributors who served with the Forces in the Great War to count service prior to the date on which membership commenced. A considerable number of " soldier teachers " have taken advantage of this provision, paying into the fund the equivalent of contributions for the additional period of service admitted, with interest thereon. I have, &c., R. A. Wright, Chairman.




A. Number of Contributors on the 31st January, 1927, arranged according to Percentage of Contribution.

B. Total Number of Contributors who have joined and left the Fund since its Establishment (1st January, 1906, to 31st January, 1927).

C. Table showing Progress of Fund since its Inception (1st January, 1906).

5 per 6 per 7 per 8 per i 9 per 10 per , r , , Cent. Cent, Cent. Cent, i Cent. Cent. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ' M. F. Total. I I ' I Numbers at 31st January, 1926 2,2474,115 348 357 238 237 155 114 58 44 36 19 3,082 4,886 7,968 New contributors entered during 273 589 16 25 7 15 5 10 10 5 8 1 319 645 964 year Membership reinstated .. .. Transfers from other funds .. 21 1 3 .. 3 2,5224,704 364 382 246 252 ! 160 124 68 49 44 20 3,404 5,531 8.935 Number left during year .. 63 341 10 41 16 35; 32 9 6 3 2 1 129 430 559 Numbers at 31st January, 1927 .. 2,459 ! 4,363 354 341 230 217! 128 115 62 46 42 19 3,275 5,101 8,376 I I I i

Number. Annual Rate Annual q£ M. F. Total. Salary. Contribution. £ £ Total entered (including net increases in 5,016 9,658 L4,674 3,586,155 207,291 salary and contributions) Total discontinued ... ... ... 1,741 4,557 6,298 1,334,308 83,490 Total existing at 31st January, 1927 3,275 5,101 8,376 2,251,847 123,801

]§•§ Year ended ' i £ £ «? S o£ 31st December, gg„- : 13® ggt-' fgt-' Sgg §§« °§£ ®§g »g=s «§£ s*; 3 i "" a2 s s2S aS s g^s £3 1918. 1921. | a® >2® H » f"" >*5 ><5 **5 g Total number of contributors .. 2,182 4,894 5,872 6,858 7,443 7,968 8,377 Total amount of contributions £32,320 £60,160 £96,391 £101,632 £111,025 £127,671 £147,028 El,407,801 Interest received .. .. £864 £22,666 £35,146 £48,725 £53,689 £64,844 £73,420 £505,559 Subsidy from Government .. £5,000 £17,000 £43,000 £63,833 £68,000 £70,681 £71,428 £609,525 Number of allowances payable 84 698 881 1,07.8 1,153 1,197 1,273 Total amount paid on account of £3,147 £48,354 £74,315 £112,861 £126,232 £169,258 £184,707 Jl, 199,896 retiring and other allowances Total amount of contributions £260 £13,115 £15,804 £19,189 £19,462 £20,672 £26,590 £221,159 refunded and transferred Accumulated fund .. .. £34,734 £458,056 £681,777 £858,662 £942,755 £1,008,823 £1,083,155



No. 4.—ACCOUNTS AND STATEMENTS AS PRESCRIBED BY REGULATIONS, IN TERMS OF SECTION 37 OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE CLASSIFICATION AND SUPERANNUATION AMENDMENT ACT, 1908. 1. (A) REVENUE ACCOUNT foe the Year ended 31st January, 1927. £ 3. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance, 31st January, 1926 .. .. 1,008,823 3 5 By Retiring [and other allowContributions of members — £ s. d. ances .. .. 167,090 11 4 Ordinary .. .. 126,107 12 7 Arrears— Arrears, under section 29, Under section 29, Finance Finance Act, 1925— Act, 1925 .. .. 15,254 4 8 From contributors .. 14,387 4 6 Under section 30, Finance From annuitants .. 5,891 8 0 Act, 1926 .. .. 2,362 710 146,386 5 1 184,707 3 10 Contributions refunded— Additional contribution from Fiji Govern- On voluntary retirement 19,709 11 9 ment in respect to teachers in Fiji schools 213 15 3 On death of member .. 3,946 18 6 Contributions transferred from other funds 427 17 5 On lapse of membership 2,200 16 11 Government subsidy— £ s. d. 25,857 7 2 Under the Act .. .. 43,000 0 0 Contributions transferred to other funds .. 732 17 0 Additional grant .. 25,000 0 0 Reserve for bad and doubtful debts .. 3,100 0 0 Section 27, Finance Act, Administration expenses— £ s. d. 1925 .. .. 3,427 17 1 Commission, G.P.O. 386 17 0 71,427 17 1 Commission, Public Trustee 1,513 11 0 Interest — Clerical assistance .. .. 900 0 0 On investments .. .. 61,478 11 9 Postage and telegrams .. 71 6 9 On contributions in arrears Office expenses .. .. 86 17 3 (1926-27) .. .. ] ,414J11 3 Travelling-expenses of Board On back contributions under members .. .. 113 8 11 section 29, Finance Act, Medical fees .. .. 24 13 6 1925, for past period— Audit fees .. .. 50 0 0 From contributors .. 6,223 16 0 3,146 14 5 From annuitants .. 4,303 8 1 73,420 7 1 Balance, 31st January, 1927 .. .. 1,083,155 2 11 £1,300,699 5 4 £1,300,699 5 4 , , ... __ COST-OF-LIVING BONUS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st JANUARY, 1927. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Refund from Consolidated Fund .. .. 1,891 8 4 By Balance due from Consolidated Fund, January, Balance due from Consolidated Fund, 31st Janu- 1926 .. .. .. .. .. 354 6 2 ary, 1927 .. .. .. .. 306 0 0 Payment of bonus .. .. .. .. 1,843 2 2 [£2,197 8 4 £2,197 8 4 (B) BALANCE-SHEET as at 31st January, 1927. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Fund as per Revenue Account .. .. 1,083,155 211 Amount held by Public Retiring and other allowances due and unpaid .. 2,296 2 0 Trustee — £ s. d. Refund of contributions due and unpaid .. 1,053 14 5 Invested .. .. 1,034,662 5 3 Administration expenses unpaid— Uninvested .. .. 44,262 8 2 Commission, Post and Telegraph £ s. d. — 1,078,924 13 5 Department .. 12 6 6 Contributions of members— Clerical assistance .. .. 750 0 0 In transit .. .. 6,426 14 6 Postage and telegrams .. .. 63 0 0 Due and outstanding .. 13,311 17 6 Office expenses, printing, and 19,738 12 0 stationery .. .. 16 0 0 Interest on investments— Audit fee .. .. .. 41 13 4 Due and outstanding .. 3,446 18 4 882 19 10 Accrued, but not due .. 15,851 3 4 Reserve for commission payable to Public 19,298 1 8 Trustee in respect to interest due or accrued.. 482 9 0 Interest on arrears of contributions due and outUnclaimed contributions .. .. .. 2,345 17 9 standing (contributors') .. .. .. 1,662 13 0 Amounts overpaid or paid into fund in error .. 282 2 2 Consolidated Fund, on account of cost-of-living Reserve for loss on realization of bonus .. . . .. .. .. 306 0 0 securities. £s. d. Amounts overpaid— Balance at 31st January, 1926 .. 3,700 0 0 Refund of contributions .. .. .. 10 0 Added, 1926-27 .. .. 3,100 0 0 Due by annuitants under section 29 of Finance — Act, 1925 (contributions and interest) .. 1,217 6 3 6,800 0 0 Less loss, 1926 -27 (principal, £2,860 9s. lOd.; interest, £922 6s. lOd.) .. .. 3,782 16 8 3,017 3 4 Rent received from securities leased (in excess of interest yet due by mortgagor) .. .. 35 10 2 Carried forward .. .. ..£1,093,551 1 7 Carried forward .. £1,121,186 4 8



(B) BALANCE-SHEET as at 31st January, 1927—continued. Liabilities—continued. £ s. d. Assets—continued. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 1,093,551 1 7 Brought forward .. .. .. 1,121,186 4 8 Government subsidy—Statutory grant paid in advance to 31st £ s. d. December, 1927 ..39,416 13 4 Less portion of additional subsidy (£25,000) voted for year to 31st March, 1926, not paid at 31st January, £20,833 6s. Bd. ; additional subsidy under section 27 of Finance Act, 1925, not yet paid, £600 17s. 9d. .. 21,434 4 5 17,982 8 11 Vouchers issued but unpaid at 31st January, 1927 .. ..12,373 8 3 Less cash in hands of Post Office 2,720 14 1 9,652 14 2 £1,121,186 4 8 £1,121,186 4 8 C. E. Crawford, A.1.A.N.Z., Education Department, Secretary, Teachers' Superannuation Board. Wellington, 30th April, 1927. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

2. STATEMENT of CONTRIBUTORS, showing Annual Rates of Salaries and Contributions as at the 31st January, 1927.

3. PARTICULARS of CONTRIBUTIONS discontinued and Allowances granted and Refunds of Contributions made during the Year ended 31st January, 1927.

Number. j Annual Bate of j Annual Rate of M F Total Salary. j Contributions. £ £ Contributors at 31st January, 1926 ... 3,082 4,886 7,968 2,105,451 116,405 New contributors entered during the 319 645 964 160,243 8,679 year ended 31st January, 1927 Membership reinstated ... Transfers from other funds during the 3 ... 3 720 42 year Net increase in salaries and contributions ... ... ... 129,074 7,009 during the year Totals ... ... ... 3,404 5,531 8,935 2,395,488 132,135 Contributions discontinued during the 129 430 559 143,641 8,334 year ended 31st January, 1927, by resignation, &c. Totals at 31st January, 1927 3,275 5,101 8,376 2,251,847 123,801

Number of Annual Rate at Date of -r Contributors. Withdrawal. enents. How discontinued. _• A11 Other PayM. p. | Salary. Contribution,, CTlTte. ments (nonEH recurring). By death before allowance £ £ £ s. d. £ a. d. entered upon— (a.) Contributions paid to per- 3 7 10 2,430 139 .. 1,001 18 7 sonal representatives (6.) Leaving widow or child.. 10 2 12 5,305 357 446 0 0 2,233 16 6 By voluntary retirement .. 61 301 362 80,174 4,216 .. 19,709 11 9 By lapsed membership .. 14 64 78 14,362 747 .. 2,200 1611 By transfer to other funds 1 1 2 930 55 .. 732 17 0 By allowances granted on retirement— (a.) Ordinary .. .. 29 51 80 34,190 2,412 20,090 12 0 (b.) Medically unfit .. 6 3 9 3,320 196 1,535 11 0 (c.) Extended provisions 5 1 6 2,930 212 1,548 9 0 By death of annuitants .. .. 403 0 0 709 9 1 Additional in respect to death .. .. 26 00 1144 in previous year Totals .. ..129 430 559 143,641 8,334 24,049 12 026,590 4 2

E.— 8.

4. STATEMENT of RETIRING-ALLOWANCES (including Allowances to Widows and Children) for the Year ended 31st January, 1927.


~ (3.) (1.) (2.) Details of Column (2). Total Allowances. Retiring-allowances. Allowances to Particulars. Ordinary (Age or Service). Extended Provisions. Medically unfit. Widows. Children. Number, j . Number. Number. Number. Number. : S Annual Rate. Annual Rate. Annual Rate. Annual Rate. Number. Annual Rate. ; Annual Rate. M. JB\ £ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. £ s d £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Allowances as at 31st January, 1926 434 763 1,197152,421 14 0224 481 112,013 12 0 89 20 16,772 9 0 71 55 16,085 10 0 171 5,314 3 0 50 36 2,236 0 0 Increase under section 29, Finance I 2,913 13 0 2,155 0 0 327 5 0 431 8 0 ... ... Act, 1925 Increase under section 30, Finance 711 4 0 422 7 0 I 94 1 0 194 16 0 ... ... Act, 1926 Transfer under section 30, Finance ... 2 ... ±40 19 OCr.2 ... Cr. 440 19 0 ... ... ... Act, 1926 Allowances granted during the year at 47 65 112 23,646 12 0 29 51 20,090 12 0 5 1 1,548 9 0 6 3 1,535 11 0 6 186 0 0 7 4 i 286 0 0 retirement or decease of contributors Allowances granted during the year ... 13 13 403 0 0 ... ... ... 13 403 0 0 to widows and children of deceased annuitants Totals... ... ... 481 841 l,322;180,096 3 0255 532 135,122 10 0 92 21 18,301 5 0 i 77 58 18,247 5 0 190 5,903 3 0 57 40 2,522 0 0 Allowances discontinued during the 26 23 49 5,280 11 0 9 10 2,897 2 0 3 ... 378 13 0 6 4 1,527 16 0 7 217 0 0 8 2 260 0 0 year Allowances existing at end of year ... 455 818 1,273174,815 12 0246 522 132,225 8 0 89 21 17,922 12 0 I 71 54 16,719 9 0 183 5,686 3 0 49 38 2,262 0 0 Particulars of Allowances discontinued during the Year. , ' I ~ How discontinued — By death ... ... ... 18 18 36 4,927 11 0 9 10 2,897 2 0 3 ... 378 13 0 6 4 1,527 16 0 4 124 0 0 By expiry ... ... ... 8 5 13 353 0 0 ... ... ... 3 93 0 0 8 2 260 0 0 Totals... ... ... 26 23 49 5,280 11 o| 9 10 | 2,897 2 0 3 ... 378 13 0 6 4 1,527 16 o| 7 217 0 0 8 2 j 260 0 0 ':■ Progress of Allowances since Establishment of Fund to the 31st January, 1927. Total granted ... ... ... 744 10651,809211,518 2 0383 590 152,975 7 0 112 21 21,758 12 0 120 79 |25,030 0 0 250 7,048 3 0 129 125 4 706 0 0 Total discontinued ... ... 289 247 536 36,702 10 0137 68 i 20,749 19 0 23j ... j 3,836 0 0 49 25 8,310 11 0 67 1,362 0 0 80 i 87 2 444 0 0 Total existing ... ... 455 8181,273174,815 12 0246 522 132,225 8 0 89' 21 17,922 12 0 71 54 16,719 9 0 183 5,686 3 0 49 38 2,262 0 0 I , ;


5. FURTHER DETAILS OF ALLOWANCES. (a) Allowances discontinued during the Year. (i) Return of Retiring-allowances discontinued during the Year ended 31st, January, 1927, and Date from which Allowances became payable to the Widows and Children.

(ii) Return of Widows and Children who during the Year ended 31st January, 1927, ceased to be entitled to Benefits.


Act under which Allowance granted. D J* e . fr01 ?? whioh <«> Ee " „ . , . E, Education Act, How dis Annual Kate tiring-allowance discon- Refund of 1908* A Su Annuitant. continued, of Lapsed Retiring- tinned, and (b) Payment Con- peran'nuition allowance. of Benefits to Widow tributiona. Amendment Act and Children began. 1 908* U S«porannuatl on Amendment Act, ! 1912. £ s. d. (a) (b) £ s. d. Bevan-Brown, Charles B. .. Death .. 498 0 0 14/6/26 15/6/26 .. A Broderick, Henry W. .. „ .. 157 1 0 16/11/26 17/11/26 .. A Bullock, Samuel .. .. „ .. 52 0 0 17/5/26 18/5/26 . . E Carter Charles M. .. .. „ .. 318 12 0 9/11/26 10/11/26 .. A Ingpen, Edward L. .. .. „ .. 52 0 0 21/7/26 .. .. E Robertson, James .. .. „ .. 79 14 0 11/10/26 .. .. A Smith, James .. .. „ .. 128 6 0 17/9/26 18/9/26 .. A Withell, Charles W. .. „ .. 242 0 0 13/10/26 14/10/26 .. A Yeats, Duncan M. .. .. „ .. 213 19 0 17/6/26 18/6/26 .. A Gardiner, Elizabeth A., Mrs. .. „ .. 87 15 0 5/6/26 .. .. A Gillanders, Eliza M., Mrs. .. „ .. 66 15 0 8/1/27 .. .. A Goss, Esther M., Mrs. .. „ .. 84 2 0 11/5/26 .. 161 6 9 A Grant, Catherine D. .. „ .. 112 2 0 22/5/26 .. .. A Harrold, Dorothy S., Mrs. .. „ .. 132 5 0 10/9/26 .. .. A Macdonald, Isabella .. „ .. 94 19 0 2/6/26 .. .. A McNeill, Elizabeth A. .. „ .. 146 13 0 16/3/26 .. .. A Murray, Hannah B. .. „ .. 140 19 0 8/10/26 .. .. A Smith, Sarah E. .. „ .. 194 3 0 8/5/26 .. . . A Thomson, Annie .. .. „ .. 95 17 0 2/5/26 .. .. A Anderson, Andrew .. .. „ .. 118 1 0 11/7/26 12/7/26 .. A Millar, William .. 104 17 0 6/8/26 7/8/26 .. A Munroe, Donald .. .. „ .. 155 15 0 5/1/27 .. .. A Barrowclough, Alfred E.* .. „ .. Ill 10 0 8/3/26 9/3/26 .. A Howard, William J.* .. „ .. 242 0 0 12/11/26 .. 352 18 3 A Kerr, Charles K.* .. .. „ .. 97 15 0 7/3/26 8/3/26 .. A Ogg, James* .. .. „ .. 98 10 0 1/6/26 2/6/26 .. A Tyrer, Florence A.* .. „ . . 370 5 0 25/5/26 26/6/26 .. A Walters, Ernest J.* .. „ .. 170 1. 0 8/4/26 .. ,. A Boulcott, Henrietta* .. ,, .. 52 0 0 13/1/27 .. .. E Dow, Annie C.* .. .. „ .. 120 4 0 17/7/26 .'. .. A Piercy, Florence M.* .. „ .. 143 7 0 25/7/26 . . 195 4 1 A Scott, Margaret C.* . . .. „ .. 122 4 0 17/5/26 .. .. A Totals .. .. 4,803 11 0 .. .. 709 9 1 * Retired medically unfit for further service.

Date of „ Widow or Annual Rate of Termination R , JName ' Child. Allowance. of Payment of KemarKs. Allowance. ' £ Algie, Alice V.E., Mrs. .. .. Widow.. 3.1 17/11/26 Remarried. Blair, Catherine, Mrs. . . . . ,, 31 25/6/26 Deceased. Law, Christina, Mrs. . . . . ,, 31 j 25/4/26 „ Moore, Phoebe, J., Mrs. . . ,, .. 31 3/5/26 ,, Pratt, Caroline L., Mrs. .. ,, 31 8/3/26 ,, Smith, Alma W., Mrs. . . . . ,, 31 5/6/26 Remarried. Thompson, Fanny E., Mrs. .. - •,, .. 31 7/7/26 ,, Bird, Eric J. . . .. . . Child .. 26 25/3/25 Attained age of 14 years. Burns, Ross S. .. .. ,, 26 3/1/27 ,, Gubb, Lawrence F. .. .. ,, .. 26 1/6/26 „ Howell, Charles R. .. „ .. 26 1/10/26 ,, Patrick, David M. .. .. ,, 26 20/7/26 ,, Pratt, Seddon E. . . .. ,, .. 26 18/4/26 ,, Taylor, David M. . . 26 28/8/26 Taylor, Alexander E. .. . . ,, 26 28/8/26 ,, Gilbert, Kathleen A. .. „ 26 3/12/26 ,, Phillipps, Sylvia S. .. .. ,, 26 21/2/26 ,, Total 477



(b) Allowances existing (except where otherwise shown) at the 31st January, 1926. (i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement).

Act under which Allowance granted. KT ~ Annual Rate of E, Education Act,1906; Name. Occupation. Allowanoe A ' Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men. £ 8 ' Aitken, James ... ... Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... 330 1 A Alley, Frederick J. ... j „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 342 5 A Allnutt, William C. ... : „ Otago Education Board ... ... 400 0 A Ambrose, Thomas W. ... „ „ ... ... 336 3 A Amos, Edward W. ... Caretaker, Canterbury College ... ... ... 40 12 U Anderson, George ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 270 7 A Anderson, John ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 189 13 A Andrew, William J. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 366 13 A Ansley, Arthur F. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 209 15 A Aschman, Christopher T. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 433 7 A Bakewell, Frederick H. F. Inspector, Education Department ... ... 469 3 A Ballance, Alfred C. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 107 5 A Barrett, Richard J. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 425 7 A Bean, William D. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 390 11 A Beattie, John ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 225 16 A Beechey, James M. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 186 13 A Bennett, Francis ... „ „ ... ... 382 19 A Binnie, Archibald ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 165 16 A Bishop, George W.* ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 386 13 A Bonnin, John L. ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Borthwick, James ... „ „ ... ... 233 7 A Borthwick, James B. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 289 5 A Bossence, Charles R. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 429 3 A Botting, John F. ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board... ... ... 223 10 A Britland, Walter ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 276 9 A Brock, William ... ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 477 8 A Brook, Julian ... ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 280 0 A Browne, William ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 225 18 A Bryant, William H. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 278 5 A Burgoyne, Henry W. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 63 0 A Burn, David W. M. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 265 7 A Burn, Edgar H. ... ... „ „ ... ... 192 13 A Burns, Andrew ... ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 E Campbell, James B. I. ... ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Chatwin, George W.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 373 7 A Church, George P. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 83 2 A Clark, Ernest A. ... „ Wanganui Technical School ... ... 333 1 A Collins, Williamt ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 260 0 A Connell, Frederick W. ... ,, Wellington Education Board ... .. 295 2 A Cooper, Arthur ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 238 18 A Cowan, Robert ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 268 2 A Cumberworth, Frederick J. „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 231 5 A Cusack, James ... .. „ Southland Education Board ... ... 73 16 A Dale, Joseph ... ... Janitor, Timaru High School Board ... ... 52 0 E Daly, Michael F. ... ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... . . 93 6 A Darton, Henry L.* ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 270 13 A Davidson, George ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 293 17 A Davidson, George A.* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 363 3 A Dempsey, Hector ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 245 17 A Dempsey, Walter N. ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 258 6 A Dickinson, James C. ... „ Auckland Education Board .. .... 292 17 A Duggan, Patrick J. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 85 14 A Earl, Edwin T. ... ... „ „ ... ... 304 16 A Eastjier, Henry A. ... Truant Inspector, Wanganui Education Board ... 94 11 A Erskine, Albert ... ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 246 15 A Espiner, George H. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 305 4 A Evans, Edward ... ... Accountant, Canterbury Education Board... ... 309 17 A Evison, John C. M. ... Teacher, Cook Island ... ... ... ... 315 6 A Fairbrother, Thomas F. ... „ Wanganui Education Board .. .. 376 13 A Farnie, Thomas C. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 74 0 A Fergus, Robert ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 178 18 A * Allowanoe granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927. t Transferred from " Extended Provisions."



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

2 E. 8.

j Act under whioh Allowance granted. „ Annual Eate of B, Education Act, 1908; Name - Occupation. Allowance. A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908 ; U, Superannuation Amendment ] Act, 1912. Men—continued. £ s . Field, John L. ... ... Teacher, Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Fisher, Esau ... ... „ „ ... ... 59 14 A Fitzgerald, John A.* ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 364 9 A Flamank, Oscar D. ... „ „ ... ... 409 19 A Flavell, Dennis R. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 344 19 A Fleming, Thomas R.* ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 487 12 A Flux, George ... ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 243 14 A Foster, William H. L. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 361 8 A Gerring, Albert ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Gibbs, Frederick G. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 250 18 A Gillanders, James .. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 200 11 A Gilling, George ... ... „ „ ... ... 186 13 A Glenny, Joseph ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Golding, Jabez* .. ... „ Southland Education Board .. ... 321 13 A Goldsburv, Alfred . ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 119 6 A Gover, Frederick ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Goyen, Peter ... ... Inspector, Otago Education Board ... ... 278 16 A Graham, James* ... ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 270 15 A Grant, James ... ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 347 3 A Gray, George ... ... Lecturer, Lincoln Agricultural College ... ... 97 1 U Gray, James H. ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 265 0 A Gray, John ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 324 9 A Grundy, William T. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 284 13 A Guiney, Samuel P. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 190 19 A Hall, Charles* ... ... „ ' „ ... ... 331 10 A Hall, William H. V. ,... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 304 3 A Hamilton, Hugh R. W. ... „ Native school... .... ... ... 81 5 A Hardie, Charles Dovey ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 376 13 A Hardie, James W.* ... „ „ ... ... 441 8 A Harkness, George A. ... ,, „ ... ... 435 4 A Harkness, James H. ... Teacher, Nelson Education Board ... ... 279 9 A Hassing, George M. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Heward, Humphrey ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 214 19 A Hewat, Ebenezer C. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 303 14 A Hiddleston, Archibald 11.. „ „ ... ... 302 6 A Higginson, Frank... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 304 16 A Hill, Alfred E. ... ... „ „ ... ... 144 7 A Hill, Henry ... ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 379 0 A Hill, John D. C. ... ... Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 237 19 A Hill, William W.* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 433 4 A Horati, Thomas ... ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 E Howard, Charles C. ... „ Marlborough Education Board ... ... 68 8 E Hubbard, Charles C. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 65 14 A Hughson, William ... Janitor, Otago High School Board ... ... 52 0 E Hunnibell, Frederick W. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 343 1 A Inglis, Alexander* ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 441 13 A Innes, John ... ... Principal, Marlborough High School ... ... 476 7 A Isaac, Edmund C. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 241 8 A Isemonger, Thomas ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 400 0 A Jack, James A. ... ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 355 0 A Jackson, William H. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 426 19 A Johnson, Oscar* ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 290 11 A Joplin, Charles R. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 292 12 A Just, Emile U. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 303 6 A Kalaugher, James P. ... Supervisor Manual and Technical Instruction, Auck- 500 0 A land Education Board Kelk, Henry P.* ... - ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 240 0 A Kerr, Walter ... ... „ Napier High School ... ... ... 142 11 A King, Walter J. ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 124 4 A Knapp, Frederick Y. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 377 19 A Laing, Robert M. ... „ Christchurch Boys'High School ... ... 380 0 A Lane, Henry C. ... ... Secretary, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 344 0 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927.



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. vr ftWA Annual Bate of E,Education Act, 1908; Name. Occupation. Allowance A ' Superannuation Amend m e n t Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men—continued. £ s. i La Prelle, John J. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 77 1 j A Learmonth, Robert ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 187 10 j A Lee, John B. ... ... „ Native school ... ... ... 164 32 ! A Lock, Charles H. W. ... „ Wanganui Education Board .. ... 177 19 A Low, David W. ... ... „ „ ... ... 400 0 1 A Mabbett, Arthur ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E McCullough, Samuel ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 272 1 A McDonald, George W. C. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 400 0 A McElrea, William ... „ „ ... ... 424 5 A McGregor, John W. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 400 0 A Mcintosh, William N. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 294 13 A Mackay, William D. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 270 2 A McKillop, David ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 313 7 A McLauchlan, David L.* ... „ „ ... ... 31 18 A MacLean, Charles ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 221 12 A McNicoll, David A. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 215 17 A McPhee, John H. A. ... „ „ ... ... 236 6 A Maddison, John ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Mail, James W.* ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 298 15 | A Marshall, Angus*... ... „ Otago Technical School... ... ... 573 7 A Marshall, John ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 339 1 A Martin, William G.* ... „ „ ... ... 384 7 A Mason, George H. ... Registrar, Canterbury College ... ... ... 400 0 A Mathews, Alfred ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 344 17 A Mathias, Vincent W. ... Inspector of Reserves, Canterbury College... ... 97 16 A Matthews, Ernest W. D. ... Teacher, Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 E Matthews, Howard ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 90 7 A May, William J. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 260 0 A Mayne, Arthur J. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 242 1 A Mayne, James B. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 400 9 A Melville, Andrew G. ... Clerk, Otago Education Board ... ... ... 301 10 A Menzies, James K. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 176 10 A Merton, Arthur O. ... „ Ohristchurch Boys' High School... ... 250 16 A Metge, Daniel D. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 363 18 A Millard, Arthur J. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 211 3 A Milne, James ... ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 282 16 A Moores, Peter ... ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Morton, Albert J. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 397 4 A Miiller, Nicolaus L. P. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 133 19 A Mulligan, Thomas ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Murdoch, James ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Murray, David ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 198 3 A Murray, Henry E.f ... Teacher, Southland Education Board ... ... 275 8 A Murray, James* ... ... Janitor, Otago Education Board .. ... ... 66 2 A Murray, James B. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 84 10 A Newton, William H. ... „ „ .. ... 406 13 A Orr, James ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 126 12 A Overton, William R. ... „ „ ... ... 88 .17 A Page, Samuel ... ... Lecturer, Canterbury College ... ... ... 205 17 U Park, Samuel* ... ... Secretary, Otago Education Board ... ... 488 18 A Parkinson, Henry A. ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 327 5 A Paterson, William A. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 141 13 A Payton, Edward W. ... Director, Elam School of Art, Auckland ... ... 247 6 A Philips, Henry W. C. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 289 18 A Pilling, Samuel E. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 188 10 A Pitider, Edward ... ... Principal, Dunedin Training College ... ... 568 5 A Pitcaithiy, Geoige* ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 475 0 A Pole, Thomas L. P.* ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 290 19 A Pope, Langley ... ... „ Otago Education Board ., ... 236 19 A Port, Robert ... ... Clerk, Wellington Education Board ... ... 266 13 A Ravner, Henry H. ... Teacher, Native school ... ... ... 152 4 A Reid, John ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 118 2 A Rennick, James W. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 282 10 A * AUowanc i granted during the ;,ear ended disc January, 1937- f Transferred from " Extended Provisions,"



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under whioh Allowance granted. , T .. Annual Rate of E,Education Act, 1908; Name. Oooupalion. Allnwnnnn A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men—continued. £ s. Rennie, James ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 424 18 A Eenton, William ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 222 19 A Roberts, William S. W. ... Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 95 9 XJ Robertson, John A. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 300 0 A Rowley, Francis J. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 471 8 A Russell, David* ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 277 13 A Ryder, Robert B.* ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 441 9 A Sandford, Frederick W. ... Teacher, Taranaki Education Board ... ... 82 6 A Sanson, Herbert ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 259 3 A Schmedes, Cornelius F. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 172 8 A Scott, Augustus N. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 401 13 A Scott, John L „ „ 233 7 A Sebo, William H. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 245 5 A Selby, Johnson ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 228 13 A Short, Arthur ... ... „ „ ... ... 107 8 A Sloane, Wm. Jas.... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 251 13 A Smeaton, Charles G. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 297 19 A Smith, Aaron Y. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 106 7 A Smith, James W. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 360 0 A Smith, John A. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 67 16 A Soundy, Richard ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 244 12 A Spencer, William E.* ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 476 13 A Stenhouse, John ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 251 13 A Stevens, Percy E. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... .. 275 0 A Stevenson, Andrew ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 335 19 A Stewart, John N. ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 402 18 A Stewart, Robert ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 262 5 A Stout, Thomas ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 184 9 A Strack, Conrad A. .. „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 413 7 A Sutherland, James* ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 400 0 A Sutton, Henry ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 123 12 A Tennant, John S.* ... Professor, Victoria University- ... ... ... 566 13 A Thomas, Taliesin... ... Teacher, Taranaki Education Board ... ... 371 2 A Thompson, Richard H. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 131 5 A Thomson, Alexander G. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 286 0 A Thomson, Hugh F. ... „ Canterbury Education Board .;. ... 268 10 A Tindall, Arthur W. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 284 10 A Yeysey, John T. . . ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 180 0 A Ward, Joseph . ... „ Marlborough Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Watson, Francis E. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 315 3 A Watson, Joseph ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 254 9 A Watson, Lancelot ... „ „ ... ... 323 12 A Webb, James C. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 305 10 A Webber, Alfred S. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 339 3 A Webber, Edmund ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 266 11 A West, William D.* ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... *•• 400 0 A Whetter, Richard G. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 420 17 A Whitaker, Joseph R. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 408 18 A Whitcombe, Philip S. ... Secretary, Taranaki Education Board ... ... 244 14 A White, David R. ... ... Principal, Dunedin Training College ... ... 350 0 A Whyte, John ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 78 12 A Wicks, William H. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 32 7 A Williams, Joseph W. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 161 0 A Williamson, John ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 353 7 A Wilson, Henry B. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 314 19 A Wood, Ernest A. . . „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 92 8 A Woodhead, Ambler ... „ Native school ... ... ... 240 0 A Worboys, Joseph H. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 335 18 A Worsley, William H. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 384 7 A Wyllie, Alexander L. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 469 3 A Young, Henry P. ... Teacher, Southland Education Board ... ... 320 14 A Total (246 men) ... ... 63,968 9 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927.



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under whioh Allowance granted. tvt ,. Annual Rate o£ R, Education Act,1908; Name. Occupation. Allowance. Superannuation Amend m e 111 Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women. £ s. Adams, Florence K. ... Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 127 12 A Ainsworth, Emma F,* ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 228 17 A Aitchison, Louisa ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 192 3 A Aldworth, Emma M., Mrs. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 105 15 A Alexander, Helen... ... „ Otago High School Board ... ... 139 14 A Alexander, Bebecca, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 38 15 A Allan, Elora M. ... ... Principal, Otago Girls' High School ... ... 281 14 A Allan, Mary K. ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 92 1 A Alves, Margaret W. ... „ Otago High School Board ... ... 114 16 A Anderson, Annie C. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 100 12 A Anderson, Barbara C. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Anderson, Elizabeth, Mrs.... i „ Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 E Anderson, Helen, Mrs. ... i „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 103 13 A Andrew, Alice M.... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 227 9 A Andrews, Helen B. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 82 5 A Ansley, Annie ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 212 10 A Anstis, Clara, Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 207 15 A Arey, Alice M.* ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 218 8 A Astley, Ellen ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 112 12 A Astley, Hannah ... ... „ „ ... ... 142 19 A Avison, Martha ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 152 15 A Baker-Gabb, Mary, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 104 18 A Balding, Laura, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 33 13 A Balfour, Margaret A. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 239 11 A Banks, Charlotte M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 165 6 A Bannister, Matilda E. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 85 4 A Barak, Mary C.* ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 267 14 A Barker, Annie E. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 131 7 A Barkley, Ethel I. M. M. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 170 19 A Barlow, Margaret, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 35 2 A Barnett, Annie H. * ... „ „ ... ... 212 0 A Barton, Annie, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Batchelor, Bessie... ... „ Grey Education Board ... .. 94 9 A Bates, Jane, Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 78 17 A Beattie, Jane, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... 52 0 E Beck, Elizabeth ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 228 10 A Begg, Jessie I., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 187 18 A Bell, Matilda* ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board .. ... 229 13 A Berry, Lavinia, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 211 10 A Bevin, Elizabeth E. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 162 11 A Bird, Florence R.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... .. 153 1 A Birkett, Emma, Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Birss, Helen L. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 129 1 A Black, Bertha* ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 220 2 A Black, Flora L., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 125 15 A Blades, Bithiah ... ... „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 71 7 A Blair, Jessie, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 79 10 A Blyth, Sarah F. B. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Bolton, Pamela E. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 227 13 A Bond, Jane A. ... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... Ill 14 A Bott, Amelia ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... .. 58 19 A Bourke, Mary* ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 153 6 A Bower, Eva* ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 141 2 A Bower, Jessie ... ... „ „ ... ... 125 16 A Braitbwaite, Lilian B. .. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 174 5 A Branting, Ellen T., Mrs. ... Manager, Te Oranga Home, Christchurch... ... 41 14 A Bridgman, Louise M., Mrs. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board . . ... 158 7 A Bright, Aimee D. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 83 14 A Bright, Alice M. ... ... „ „ ... ... 142 4 A Broadbent, Mary A. ... „ „ ... ... 180 7 A Broderick, Jessie S., Mrs. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 54 5 A Brooke, Caroline J., Mrs. ... Lady Visiting Officer, Education Department ... 97 4 A Brooks, Edith, Mrs. ... Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 135 3 A Brown, Annie L., Mrs. (nee „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 152 5 A Stanley) | * Allowance granted during the year ended 31at January, 1927.



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. XT ~ Annual Bate of E > Education Act, 1908; Name. Occupation. Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women—continued. £ s. Brown, Clara J., Mrs. ... Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 176 3 A Brown, Mary E., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 119 18 A Brown, Mary M. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 157 18 A Browne, Lilian M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 153 0 A Bruce, Sarah C. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 155 2 A Buchanan, Margaret ... „ „ ... ... 109 9 A Budden, Amy H ... „ „ ... ... 186 16 A Bull, Effie S. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 155 11 A Bullock, Julia W., Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Bunting, Elizabeth ... s Wellington Education Board ... ... 71 3 A Burns, Jessie A. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 96 1 A Cairns, Jessie ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Callender, Mary ... ... „ „ ... ... 108 10 A Calvert, Sarah S. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 66 0 A Cameron, Jessie ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 195 0 A Cameron, Louisa P. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 180 1 A Cameron, Sarah*... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 194 5 A Campbell, Eliza ... ... „ Auckland Grammar School ... ... 190 10 A Campbell, Jane ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 86 17 A Campbell, Kate, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 163 12 A Campbell, Mary A. E. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 159 6 A Campbell, Verona H. D. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 135 5 A Carnachan, Blanche E.* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 238 1 A Carnahan, Jessie McP. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 202 6 A Carr, Jane H. W., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 11 6 A Carrick, Marie, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Carter, Annie ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 153 9 A Cato, Eva P. ... ... „ „ ... ... 110 9 A Caughley, Christina J. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 125 0 A Chalmer, Clara E. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 227 10 A Chaplin, Emily A. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 243 8 A Chatwin, Georgina E. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 123 18 A Cherrett, Jessie ... ... „ Wanganui Girls' College ... ... 94 17 A Child, Alice, Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 116 3 A Christie, Elizabeth* ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 176 19 A Christie, Jessie C. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 123 4 A Clark, Catherine E., Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 94 12 A Coneys, Jessie T.... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 83 15 A Connell Elizabeth, Mrs.* ... „ „ ... ... 73 9 A Cooke, Jean L. ... ... „ Otago Education Board .. ... 87 10 A Cooper, Edith M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... .. 135 9 A Cooper, Emily M. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 128 3 A Cooper, Isabella O.* ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 234 9 A Coutts, Miriam H. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 164 5 A Cowens, Janet, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 84 19 A Cowles, Sarah A. ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 214 14 A Cox, Anna Blachford ... Manager, Wellington Receiving Home ... ... 89 7 A Craig, Sarah M. ... ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 122 13 A Craighead, Ellen C. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 172 19 A Crawford, Mary H. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 240 0 A Cumming, Eliza J. ... „ „ ... ... 176 4 A Dairymple, Amelia A.* ... „ Wellington Education Board .. ... 187 4 A Daniels, Caroline Grace ... „ Auckland Education Board ... .. | 107 2 A Darton, Louisa J., Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... ■ 117 17 A Davies, Annie ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 140 8 A Davis, Amy G. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 118 7 A Davis, Elizabeth ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 83 16 A Dawson, Ada, Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 23 10 A Dawson, Marion G. F., Mrs. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 123 17 A Dempsey, Kate *... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 192 10 A Dewar, Janet ... ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 87 8 A Dewhirst, Eliza E., Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 56 18 A Dillon, Frances Lily, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 55 8 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927.



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rate of E > Education Act, 1908; JName. Occupation. A1 i , A, Superannuation 1 Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women—continued. £ s. Douds, Maria ... ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 35 11 A Dowling, Mary, Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 257 19 A Drew, Gertrude A. ... „ New Plymouth Girls' High School ... 164 2 A Dryburgh, Isabella ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 159 6 A Dugelby, Ethel G.* ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 223 11 A Duncan, Kate ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 123 9 A Duncan, Mary ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 156 17 A Dundas, Jessie A. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 143 15 A Durose, Florence M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 105 7 A Edmiston, Jessie H. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 164 13 A Egan, Mary F. ... ... „ „ ... ... 177 14 A Evans, Ada H. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 148 19 A Evans, Alice ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Ewing, Ellen ... ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 13 0 A Farnie, Grace M.* ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 184 18 A Farquharson, Elizabeth ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 140 12 A Farrell, Arabella ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 145 6 A Faubert, Emma L. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 107 19 A Faulks, Flora ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 70 17 A Feist, Emma J., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 20 1 A Ferguson, Catherine ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 187 7 A Fielder, Elizabeth M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 246 17 A Flah, Caroline J.* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 232 10 A Findlay, Margeret M.* ... „ „ ... ... 157 15 A Fleming, Janet ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 55 10 A Fly, Lois M., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 82 0 A Ford, Margaret ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 174 4 A Foy, Mary R. ... ... „ Thames High School Board ... ... 62 4 A Fraser, Jessie A. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 137 3 A Fraser, Johanna ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 89 8 A Fraser, Lucy St. M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 147 1 A Fraser, Mary I. ... ... Principal, Wanganui Girls'College ... ... 288 19 A Fraser, Sara ... .. Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 204 13 A Fredric, Isabella U. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 41 5 A French, Agnes S.... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 114 0 A Fyers, Christiana, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 42 12 A Fyfe, Harriet, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 15 2 A Galloway, Helen ... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 66 3 A Geddes, Emilie S. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 25 7 A Geissler, Ida P., Mrs. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 11 10 A Gibson, Elizabeth M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 172 18 A Gillibrand, Emma ... „ Auckland Education Board ... .. 160 0 A Gillibrand, Margaret E. ... „ „ ... ... 105 19 A Gillingham, Adelaide A., Mrs. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 169 0 A Glanville, Emily H. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 120 0 A Glanville, Gertrude M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 121 4 A Gledhill, Eunice A. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 207 3 A Gordon Maria M. * ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 193 12 A Gorman, Annie ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 189 1 A Gower, Nanette, Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Grand, Ellen ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 149 12 A Gray, Agnes ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 175 6 A Greenslade, Mary G. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 68 16 A Greenstreet, Grace E. ... „ Christchurch Girls' High School ... 100 19 , A Guiney, Margaret A., Mrs. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 74 1 A Gunn, Elizabeth M.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 214 15 ! A Gunn, Jean E. ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 177 4 A Haeusler, Emily M. L., Mrs. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 79 9 A Haig, Catherine ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 104 3 A Hall, Alice L. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 181 4 A Hall, Annie E. ... ... „ Native school ... ... ... 40 9 A Hall, Mary ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 115 2 A Hamilton, Martha ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 174 10 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927.



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —Continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. _ T r\ i.- Annual Rate of E, Education Act,1908; Name. Occupation. Allowance. A, Superannuation Amendment Act; 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women—continued. £• s. Handley, Agnes E.* ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 84 18 A Hannan, Cecelia* ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 131 ]4 A Hanning, Minnie L. ... „ „ ... ... 242 4 A Harband, Beatrice M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 208 5 A Hardie, Margaret I. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 94 1 A Hardie, Mary ... ... „ „ ... ... 97 8 A Hardwieke, Eva ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 88 5 A Harris, Eose M., Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 71 12 A Harrison, Ada ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 116 8 A Harrison, Elizabeth M. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 83 1 A Harrison, Jane M., Mrs." ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 165 16 A Harrison, Nellie ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 94 5 A Haskell, Amy E. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 115 14 A Haughton, Sophia E. .T., Mrs. „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Hawkes, Emma ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 67 15 A Hawkins, Elizabeth F. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 144 18 A Heckler, Louisa A. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 175 17 A Helyer, Elizabeth ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 185 15 A Henderson, Christina K. ... „ Christchurch Girls' High School... ... 123 17 A Henderson, Jessie ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 63 12 A Henderson, Margaret, Mrs. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 74 16 A Heney, Annie, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Hennessy, Ellen M. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 27 14 A Hetley, Christina R., Mrs.... „ Napier High School ... ... ... 185 2 A Hiatt, Fanny C. ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 66 2 A Hodges, Bithia L. C. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 110 17 A Hogg, Susan ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 160 0 A Holder, Marion C. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 142 17 A Holloway, Annie E. ... „ „ ... ... 181 6 A Holloway, Eveline M. ... „ „ ... ... 186 19 A Hood, Marion C. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 169 12 A Hope, Agnes, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 31 12 A Horneman, Agnes W., Mrs. „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 153 8 A Howard, Margaret, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 144 2 A Howes, Edith A. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 100 13 A Howie, Elizabeth A., Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... 247 5 A Hughes, Margaret ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 1 194 14 A Huie, Marjorie S. ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 56 19 A Hume, Jane H. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 185 18 A Hutchens, Emmeline ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 122 8 A Ingall, Eva K. M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... 182 2 A Irvine, Lucy M., Mrs. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 59 12 A Jackson, Rosabell, Mrs. ... ,, Wellington Education Board ... ... 131 2 A Jackson, Sarah E. ... Manager, Industrial School ... ... ... 178 5 A James, Sarah B., Mrs. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 99 19 A Jefferies, Laura* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 160 15 A Johnson, Amy F. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 174 2 A Johnson, Susan H. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 E Johnston, Margaret, Mrs. ... Janitor, Auckland University College ... ... 17 16 U Johnston, Tristiana E. N. ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 123 12 A Johnstone, Cecilia ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 106 7 A Jordan, Fanny S. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 121 17 A Joyce, Lucy J. ... ... „ Southland Education Board. ... ... 93 13 A Judkins, Anne, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 78 15 A Kane, Jane ••• ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 66 17 A Keany, Annie ... ... „ „ ... 184 10 A Kearon, Annie M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 91 7 A Keesing, Kate ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 86 2 A Kells, Isabella F. B. ... „ „ ... ... 62 13 A Kemple, Frances M. ... „ Grey Education Board ... ... ... 116 13 A Kerr, Catherine A., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 168 7 A Kidson, Kitty E., Mrs.* ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 120 15 A Kilner, Elizabeth D. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 206 14 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927.



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. AT ,. Annual Rate of Education Act, 1908; Name. Occupation. aha™««»a a > Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women—continued. £ s. King, Anne J. ... ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 230 0 A King, Mary ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 166 2 A Kirby, Christina E. ... „ Cook Islands Education Board ... ... 214 8 A Kirkpatrick, Louisa J., Mrs. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 65 18 A Kitching, Lucy H. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 82 13 A Kitching, Mary E. ... ,, „ ... ... 201 10 A Knapp, Jessie ... ... „ Gisborne High School ... ... ... 201 9 A Ladley, Blanche A. E.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 138 17 A Laird, Emma P. ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 201 17 A Landreth, Elizabeth, Mrs. „ Otago Education Board ... ... 192 7 A Latimer, Ella, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Lawrence, Grace . . „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 240 19 A Lawrence (nee Hill), Lydia M. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 180 15 A Lazarus, Frances ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 66 2 A Leaman, Frances E., Mrs. ... Caretaker, Christchurch Girls' High School ... 52 0 E Lee, Elizabeth E., Mrs. ... Teacher, Native school ... ... ... ... 91 9 A Le Fleming, Lady Jeanette „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 240 0 A Leighton, Lucy J. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 87 16 A Leighton, Mary J., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 61 4 A Letham, Sarah W. ... „ „ .. ... 187 10 A Lightband, Sarah J., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 82 19 A Lindsay, Jean G., Mrs. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Lissaman, Martha H. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Litchfield, Mary E., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Little, Caroline E. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 146 7 A Little, Donella C.* ... „ „ ... ... 252 9 A Little, Dora M. ... ... „ Otago University Education Board ... 68 7 A Little, Edith J. E. ... „ Otago High School ... ... ... 95 2 A Livingstone, Catherine ... „ Otago Education Board... .. ... 125 1 A Lloyd, Kate B. ... ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 153 17 A Louch, Isabella ... ... „ Auckland Education Boaad ... ... 74 3 A Loudon, Mary ... ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 172 11 A Lovatt, Mary, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 50 19 A Lundon, Clara J. ... „ Native School... ... ... ... 138 14 A McCallum, Maria M, ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 81 0 A McCallum, Mary ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 222 5 A McCarthy, Mary A. R. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 106 1 A McCarty, Catherine M. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 212 13 A McDonald, Alison ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 158 14 A McDonald, Sarah M. M. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 164 6 A McDonnell, Bedelia M. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 170 15 A McEwan, Mary ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 110 7 A McGavin, Jessie, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 E McGee, Helen ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 174 3 A McGibbon, Helen M. S. ... „ „ ... ... 173 5 A McGowan, Mary* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 181 4 A McGregor, Elizabeth J.* ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 242 1 A McGregor, Grace ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 73 4 A McGregor, Lois ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 104 9 A McGregor, Margaret M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 38 3 A Mcllroy, Annie L. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 220 13 A Mclnman, Emily M. ... „ „ ... ... 96 6 A Mcintosh, Janet ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 80 1 A Mclntyre, Isabella ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 100 8 A MacKay, Annie I ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 218 14 A Mackay, Christina F. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Mackay, Ida O., Mrs. ... „ Westland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E McKenzie, Christina ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 108 11 A McKenzie, Margaret ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 188 19 A Macky, Mary A. F., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 95 19 A McLandress, Isabell ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 118 1 A McLaren, Mary ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 83 5 A McLauchlan, Mary ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 119 6 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927.



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

3 —E. 8.

Act under whioh Allowance granted. - N3ovv 0 Annual Rate of E,Education Act,J90S; Name. Occupation. aiIawohoq A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women—continued. £ s. McLauchlan, Mary J. R.' |! ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 220 3 A McLauchlin, Marion F. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 26 13 A McLean, Mary* ... ... Principal, Wellington Girls' College ... . . 402 11 A McLennan, Jane A., Mrs. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 59 19 A McLeod, Caroline ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 276 9 A McMillan, Mary 8. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 175 19 A McNaught, Grace C. S. ..: „ „ ... ... ... 188 18 A McVay, Ella M.*... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 173 0 A Mahoney, Harriet J., Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 51 7 A Manson, Janette C. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 233 0 A Manson, Lydia M., Mrs. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 137 11 A ! Marchbanks, Davinia V. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 94 10 A Marris, Amelia ... .. „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 154 14 : A Martin, Annie ... ... „ „ ... ... 133 13 A Martin, Gertrude E., Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 204 16 A Martin, Magdalene J. F., „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 40 0 A Mrs. Matheson, Fanny C. R. ... „ „ ... ... 143 15 A Matthews, Laura... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 208 12 A Maxwell, Elizabeth L., Mrs. „ Otago Education Board ... ... 101 4 , A Maxwell, Fanny E. ... Instructor, Ashburton Technical School ... ... 50 12 A Maxwell, Jessie ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board... ... ... 244 10 A Meager, Ellen A. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 126 19 A Mellish, Marion A., Mrs. ... • „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 87 16 A Melville, Jessie ... ... Instructor, Dunedin Technical School ... ... 40 16 A Menzies, Annie J. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 287 2 A Menzies, Catherine „ „ ... ... 203 0 A Menzies, Margaret ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 101 7 A Metherell, Rose M., Mrs. ... „ „ ... 52 0 E Millington, Ellen... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 184 10 A Mills, Jessie G. ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 57 16 A Mills, Mahala C. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 132 15 A Mills, Mary W. ... ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 97 0 A Milne, Bobertina M. M., Mrs. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 4 A Mitchell, Janet ... ... „ „ ... ... 118 10 A Moir, Maria ... ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 26 10 A Moncrieff, Janet ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 157 16 A Moore, Mary A. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 207 17 A Morison, Sarah A., Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 166 17 A Morrison, Mary J. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 104 1 A Moss, Elizabeth M., Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 82 10 A Munro, Isabella ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 202 11 A Murdoch, Helen, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 176 12 A Murrish, Charlotte ... „ „ ... ... 62 12 A Myers, Phoebe ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 135 7 A Nelson, Jessie B.* ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 211 17 A Newbegin, Martha A. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 176 14 A Newman, Margaret S. ... „ „ ... ... 271 3 A Newton, Edith M.* ... „ „ ... ... 205 4 A Newton, Kate E.... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 173 0 A Nicholson, Maud ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 81 10 A Nisbet, Janet, Mrs.* ... „ Native school ... ... ... .. 45 16 A Nixon, Amelia M. ... Auckland Education Board ... ... 132 14 A Nixon, Elizabeth A. ... „ „ ... ... 97 7 A O'Brien, Lucy M. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 278 15 A Ogg, Elsie, Mrs. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board .. ... 161 9 A O'Neill, Annie M. J., Mrs ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 204 3 A Oswin, Mabel E.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 198 4 A Owens, Edith ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 152 10 A Page, Margaret ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 101 6 A Parkinson, Johan J., Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board .. ... 149 19 E Pascoe, Ada ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 99 14 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927,



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rate of E, Education Act, 1908 ; Name, Occupation. 4 n. wflrwifl A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women—continued. £ sPaterson, Jane ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Paterson, Janet* ... „ „ ••• ... 224 8 A Pearson, Agnes A. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 73 3 A Perrin, Margaret C. ... Supervisor for Education of Girls and Infants, Educa- 221 2 A tion Department Phillips, Leonora M. ... Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board ... 89 8 A Piggford Mary H.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 231 17 A Pilliet, Francesca A. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 178 1 A Plummer, Mary, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Potter, Ethel M.* ... „ „ . ... 232 1 A Potts, Mary J. ... .. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 142 14 A Primrose, IsabellaE. C., Mrs. „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 37 6 A Pritchard, Florence ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 83 10 A Purchas, Adele, Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 113 2 A Purvis, Patience*... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 193 3 A Quinn, Elizabeth C. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 102 0 A Quinton, Ellen H. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 98 0 A Ralston, Jane G.* ... Manager, Industrial School ... ... 290 16 A Ralston, Mary ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board... ... ... 180 12 A Ranwell, Annie P. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 125 17 A Rayner, Flora, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... 38 14 A Beid, Jane ... ... „ School for Deaf ... ... ... 165 5 A Rigby, Eliza A., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 224 1 A Riley, Emma J. ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 89 7 A Roberts, Georgina ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 86 0 A Roberts, Laura A. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 172 2 A Roberts, Mary A. ... Clerk, Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 52 0 E Robertson, Anna* ... Teacher, Otago Technical School ... ... 60 7 A Robertson, Blanche, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 76 4 A Robertson, Evelyn M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 135 4 A Robinson, Sarah L. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 220 19 A Rooney, Christina, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 52 0 E Rosie, Wilhelmina J. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 117 4 A Ross, Annie M. ... ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 163 6 A Rothenberg, Hannah .. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 87 3 A Rowley, Elizabeth Mary ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 58 7 A Rowley, Elizabeth Matilda „ Wellington Girls' College Board ... ... 89 4 A Russell, Isabella, Mrs. . . „ Dunedin Technical College Board ... 33 15 A Ryan, Arabella C. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 117 9 A Ryan, Elizabeth M. ... „ „ ... ... 162 18 A Ryder, Maud H. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 96 1 A Salinond, Jessie .. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 77 7 A Sandford, Eliza, M.A., Mrs. „ Wanganui Education Board ... 24 18 A Satchell, Edith E., Mrs. ... „ Nelson College Board ... ... ... 52 0 E Saunders, Ann ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Savill, Harriet, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 133 18 A Sayers, Mary A., Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 54 14 A Scale, Charlotte F., Mrs. ... Visiting Officer, Education Department ... ... 118 6 A Scott, Annie ... ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 122 16 A Scott, Mary ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 177 19 A Scott, Marjorie T.* ... „ „ ... ... 190 14 A Shaw, Minnie ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 184 15 A Sheriff, Eliza G. ... .. „ Otago Education Board ... ... 211 12 A Sherrif, Margaret R,* ... „ „ ... ... 241 5 A Shirtcliffe, Clara I. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 183 14 A Shrewsbury, Elsie ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 213 6 A Simpson, Eupheniia ... „ „ ... ... 224 16 A Simpson, Mary J., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 136 14 A Sinclair, Elizabeth ... „ „ ... ... 104 16 A Sinclair, Mary A. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 243 18 A Skoglund, WilhelminaC. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 201 9 A Slater, Jemima ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 161 5 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January. 1927.



(i) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Aot under which Allowance granted. Annual Rato nf B > Education Act, 1908! Name " Occupation. Allowance. 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women—continued. £ s. Smart, Marion, Mrs. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 110 3 A Smith, Isabel ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 98 2 A Smith, Kate E. ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 200 15 A Smith, Sylvia G. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 195 13 A Somerville, Prances A. ... „ „ ... ... 151 17 A Sotheran, Jane ... ... „ Grey Education Board ... ... 76 12 A Spence, Annie W. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 224 9 A Spence, Mary L. ... .. „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 76 0 A Spurdle, Anna M., Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 39 14 A Stanton, Edith M. P.* ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 173 7 A Stanton, Elizabeth A. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 168 5 A Steel, Marion D. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 146 19 A Scemson, Jane E., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 176 6 A Stephens, Mary M. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 82 9 A Stevens, Dora S., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Stevens, Emma M. ... „ „ ... ... 86 12 A Stevenson, Elizabeth M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 96 4 A Stewart, Helen T., Mrs. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 32 6 A Stewart, Jessie ... ... „ Industrial school ... ... ... 52 0 E Stoddart, Frances ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Strachan, Mary A. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 136 14 A Stringer, J. M. G., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 120 1 A Stuart-Porbes, Emma L. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 100 16 A Symonds, Mary L., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 59 19 A Taylor, Elizabeth ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 93 11 A Taylor, Mary ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Thomas, Elizabeth A., Mrs. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 157 5 A Thompson, Alicia M. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 177 4 A Thompson,Ethel ... „ Canterbury Education Board .. ... 180 15 A Thompson, Mary A. E. ... „ „ ... ... 97 18 A Thorpe, Caroline E., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... . 138 15 A Tidd, Emily E. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 129 2 A Tisdall, Estelle A. ... „ „ 143 14 E Tomlinson, Esther A., Mrs. „ „ ... ... 102 8 A Tosswill, Ellen M., Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 98 7 A Townsend, Edith M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 208 6 A Townsend, Ethel M. ... „ „ ... ... 179 1 A Tregear, Mary C. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Tregoning, Mary... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 78 4 A Truscott, Kate, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 81 15 A Tulley, Catherine M. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 86 8 A Turnbull, Isabella ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 89 7 A Turner, Emma E. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 160 8 A Turner, Mary E., Mrs.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 78 8 A Udy, Annie* ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 84 7 A Usher, Agnes* ... ... „ „ ... ... 219 6 A Ussher, Martha J. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 109 17 A Vincent, Louisa ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 140 2 A Wads worth, Bertha E. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 129 18 A Wagstaff, Jessie W., Mrs.... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 207 4 A Wakelin, Ellen A., Mrs. ... Cookery Instructress, Wellington Education Board ... 52 0 E Walker, Mary M. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 69 19 A Wallace, Eliza G. ... „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 135 5 A Wallace, Ellen ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 198 2 A Ward, Esther ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 238 3 A Warnock, Sarah M.* „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 236 5 A Watson, Phoebe ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 313 7 A Watt, Margaret, Mrs. .. „ Otago Education Board ... ... 67 11 A Webb, Frances E., Mrs. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 67 16 A Webb, Jane H. (nee Thomson), „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 226 11 A Mrs. Whibley, Agnes E., Mrs. .. „ Wellington Education Board .. ... 52 0 E Whinam, Lois A. P. ... j „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 156 1 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 3l3t January, 1927.



(i. Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

(ii) Allowances granted to Contributors under extended Provisions of Act.

Act under whicn Allowance granted, innnol Po+a nf E, Education Act, 1908 Name. Occupation. A ' Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannu- * ation Amendment Act, 1912. Women—continued. £ a. Wilding, Mary, Mrs. ... Teacher, Native school ... ... ... ... 10 7 A Wilding, Mary Jane ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 121 10 A Wildman, Eliza J. ... „ Auckland Education Board .. ... 109 1 A Wilkinson, Catherine, Mrs. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 85 5 A Wilkinson, Mary J. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 120 4 A Williams, Alice L. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 80 10 A Williams, Kate ... ... „ Wellington Technical College ... ... 168 17 A Williams, Mary ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 104 13 A Williams, Mary A., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 53 9 A Willis, Effie, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 92 12 A Wilson, Elizabeth M. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 162 3 A Wilson, Estelle B. .. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 180 6 A Wilson, Janet ... ... „ „ ... ... 175 0 A Wilson, Marion K. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 189 3 A Wilson, Mary B., Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 103 5 A Windust, Patience A., Mrs. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 135 11 A Woodford, Kate S. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 73 14 A Woodward, Laura, Mrs. .. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Wraytt, Christina, Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Wright, Janet S.® : f ■ ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 45 11 A Wright, Lydia ... ... „ „ ... ... 126 8 A York, Mary ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 89 7 A Total (522 women) ... ... 68,256 19 Grand total (768) ... ... 132,225 8 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927.

I Act under which i Allowance granted. Annual Rate of E.Education Act, 1908: Name Uccupation. A M nmn „ nn A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, - j 19Q8,; TJ, Suporan nuation Amendment J Act, 1912. Men. £ s. Adams ; William .. .. Teacher, Wanganui Education Board .. .. 195 18 A Aldred, Frederick S. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. .. 233 12 A Auld, Jas. A. .. .. ,j Taranaki Education Board .. .. 249 6 A Blackett, George .. .. „ Auckland Education Board .. .. 126 12 A Bolton, Edwin C. .. .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 72 3 A Boswell, Edward B. B. .. „ Nelson Education Board .. .. . . 117 19 A Bryant, James T. .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. .. 115 17 A Bull, John G. H. .. .. „ Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 187 1 A Burns, Trevethan .. .. ,, North Canterbury Education Board .. 159 7 A Camngton, George W. .. „ Otago Education Board .. .. .. 141 9 A Clark, Charles W. • • ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 222 16 A Clemance, Philip H. ... „ Native school .. .. .. .. 78 2 A Cron, William* .. .. ,, Wanganui Education Board. .. .. 315 3 A Dinneen, John .. .. Probation Officer, Education Department .. .. 112 10 A Eason, Harry A. .. .. Teacher, Taranaki Education Board .. .. 150 12 A Edridge, Edward .. „ Nelson Education Board.. .. .. 120 16 A Ellis, Harold L. .. .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 195 4 A English, Henry .. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 242 3 A Evans, Albert 1 H. .. „ Wanganui Education. Board .. .. 97 17 A Fisher, John .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 150 13 A Fowler, Harry de G. L. .. Principal, Nelson Bays' College .. .. .. 347 1 A. Gifiord, Arthur John .. Teacher, Nelson Education Board .. .. 130 13 A Gill, Thomas H. .. .. Inspector of Secondary Schools .. .. .. 211 12 A Goulding, Richard T. ., Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 118 0 A Grace, Charles W. .. .. „ Native school .. .. .. .. 162 16 A Graham, Charles H.* .. „ Canterbury Education Board .. .. 170 19 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927



(ii) Allowances granted to Contributors under extended Provisions of Act —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. „ ,. Annual Rate of E, Education Act, 1 JOS; Name. Occupation. „„ A, Superannuation r Allowance. Amendment Act, 1008; U, Superant nuation AmendmenAct, 1912. Men —continued. £ s Gray, John A. .. .. Teacher, Otago Education Board .. .. .. 125 19 A G-reaves, Joseph .. .. ,, South Canterbury Education Board .. 120 11 A Green, William .. .. i ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 117 17 A Grierson, James .. .. j Inspector, ,, .. .. 174 5 A Grigg, Albert .. .. Teacher, „ .. .. 33 15 A Hamilton, Robt. J. „ „ .... 255 12 A Hankin, Frederick S. M. . . „ Wanganui Education Board .. .. 142 16 A Earbidge, James .. .. ,, North Canterbury Education Board .. 110 17 A Harre, John .. . . „ Wanganui Education Board .. .. 106 4 A Hayman, Frederick J. . . ,, Native school .. . . . . 156 3 A Heine, Augustus .. .. ,, Wellington College .. .. .. j 313 1 A Hendry, James .. .. Inspector, Southland Education Board .. .. 308 17 A Hicks, Charles .. . . Teacher, Canterbury Education Board .. . . 40 15 A Hoddinott, Frederick W. ,, Southland Education Board . . .. 117 1 A Holmes, Robert B. .. „ Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 163 10 A Hosking. George F. C. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 221 4 A Hughes, Thomas .. .. Inspector, North Canterbury Education Board .. 228 17 A Humphreys, Joseph W. .. Teacher, Marlborough Education Board .. .. 110 18 A Innes, Joseph L. . . .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 224 8 A Jackson, Joseph* .. .. ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 234 11 A Kelly, John T. .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. .. 138 4 A Kennedy, Wi Jiam A. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 266 13 A Kidd, William W. .. .. Secretary, Auckland Grammar School Board .. 117 10 A Kime, Percy .. .. Teacher, Wanganui Education Board .. .. 276 6 A Laing, Thomas M.* .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 268 9 A Landells, Robert .. .. „ Taranaki Education Board .. .. 12 10 A Law, Henry .. .. ,, Native school .. .. .. .. 103 10 A Lawrence, Basil K. S. .. ,, Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. 212 11 A Lee, Clement W. .. .. ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 147 7 A Lindsay, Alexander . . ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 178 13 A Macandrew, Colin .. .. Secretary, Otago High School Board .. .. 82 5 A McCosh, Samuel D. .. Teacher, Watiga lui Education Bond .. .. 143 5 A McDougall, Archibald W.* .. Architect, Wellington Education Board .. . . 250 0 A McFarlane, Henry .. .. Teacher, ,, .. .. 89 9 A McLaren, William .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. .. 359 16 A McNeil, Duncan .. .. ,, Southland Education Board .. .. 384 2 A Menzies, Peter .. .. „ Canterbury Education Board .. .. 184 17 A Monteath, Thomas .. ,, Southland Education Board .. .. 110 13 A Morgan, Richard .. .. „ Taranaki Education Board .. .. 62 1 A Neill, John .. .. Secretary, Southland Education Board . .. .. 310 2 A Ness, Philip J. .. .. ,, Otago High School Board .. .. 175 10 A Neve, Frederick .. .. Teacher, Seddon Memorial Technical College, Auckland 260 1 A Officer, John .. .. ,, Southland Education Board .. .. 116 15 A Peart, Frederick B. .. „ Nelson Education Board .. .. .. 134 8 A Pridham, Ernest .. .. ,, New Plymouth High School Board .. 201 15 A Reid, George B. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 102 11 A Rust, Alexander M. .. ,. ,, .. .. 284 2 A Scott, Robert J. .. Professor, Canterbury College .. .. .. 300 0 U Simmers, George A. .. Teacher, Dannevirke High School Board .. .. 210 9 A Smith, Edward .. .. ,, Southland Education Board .. . . 206 18 A Smith, William B. - .. ,, Taranaki Education Board .. .. 224 7 A Sturrock, David A. .. Inspector, Education Department .. .. .. 271 18 A Sutherland, Frederick R. H. ,, Southland Education Board .. . . 148 18 A Thomas, Algernon P. W. .. Professor, Auckland University College .. .. 189 6 [J, A Turkington, Samuel .. Teacher, Taranaki Education Board .. .. 110 0 A Twose, Richard J. H. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. 207 12 A Warburton, Abel .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 70 0 A Watson, Clement .. .. ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 259 8 A Watson, John .. .. „ North Canterbury Education Board .. 132 11 A Wells, Thomas U. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 300 5 A Wild, Herbert A. .. .. „ Southland Education Board .. .. 88 18 A Williamson, Alexander W. .. „ Wellington Education Board .. .. 127 4 A Williamson, John .. .. „ Otago Education Board .. .. .. 107 1 A Total (89 men) .. .. .. 15,661 2 ■ * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927.



(ii) Allowances granted to Contributors under extended Provisions of Act —continued.

(iii) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty.

Act under which Allowance granted. -jlj n .. Annual Rate of E '? du^ fl A 'VS Name. Occupation. A] . ronnnA A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women. £ a. Ainsworth, Lilian .. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 101 18 A Allen, Blanch I. .. „ Nelson Education Board .. .. 49 5 A Boyd, Margaret, Mrs. .. Matron, Hostel, Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 46 13 A Coleman, Annie E., Mrs. .. Teacher, Nelson Education Board .. .. .. 32 11 A Downes, Louisa A. N. .. „ Otago High School .. .. .. 183 14 A Gamage, Jessie, Mrs. .. ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 104 16 A Hanna, Sarah F., Mrs. .. „ Wanganui Education Board .. .. 93 12 A Hansen, Mary .. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 66 14 A Hutton, Nellie L. D. .. Instructress, Dunedin Technical School .. .. 77 13 A Laird, Ann .. .. Teacher, Nelson Education Board .. .. .. 88 6 A Marryatt, Florence M. .. „ Wellington Education Board .. .. 151 7 A Mulcock (nee Cole), Amy Jane, ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 128 10 A Mrs. Pettit, Barbara M., Mrs. .. „ Nelson Education Board .. .. .. 75 3 A Picken, Winifred*.. .. ,, Auckland Grammar School .. .. 309 7 A Stancombe, Mary, Mrs. .. „ Southland Education Board .. . 74 18 A Talbot, Clara A. .. „ Wellington Education Board .. 30 19 A Watt, Barbara M. .. .. Lady Principal, Timaru Girls' High School .. -302 15 A White, Janet A .. .. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. . 119 15 A Whitelaw, Henty M., Mrs. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. Ill 4 A Williams, Mary A. G., Mrs. .. „ Native school .. .. .. .. 32 8 A Wilson, Hilda K., Mrs. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 80 2 A Total (21 women) .. .. .. 2,261 10 Grand total (110) 17,922 12 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927.

Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rate of E, Education Act,1908; JName. Occupation. ah A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908. Men. £ s. Allan, John M. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... ... 197 13 A Archev, Thomas ... Manager, Special School, Otekaike ... ... 232 19 A Baragwanath, John ... Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Bishoprick, Charles ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 285 10 A Browne, Montague H. ... Inspector, Technical Education, Education Department 267 7 A Bussell, Henry... ... Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Carnachan, William H. N.* Accountant, Auckland Education Board ... ... 253 7 A Carse, Harry ... ... Teacher, „ ... ... 87 9 A Charles, Robert ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 51 9 A Chesney, Andrew ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 243 17 A Cooper, Charles ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 114 5 A Dalby, John S. ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Darby, Edward J. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 106 2 A Dean, James ... ... „ „ ... ... 314 4 A Downey, Michael ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 66 15 E Draffin, William H. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 153 13 A Elmsly, Frederick ... „ „ ... ... 113 6 A Everton, Frederick C. ... „ „ ... ... 144 15 A Ewart, Edmund O.* ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 180 9 A Feist, Adolph M. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 98 2 A Ferguson, Daniel ... . „ Canterbury Education Board ... .. 262 4 A Foley, Hugh M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... .. 99 1 A Goodall, Alexander ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 154 14 A Goodeve, Henry E. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 122 12 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927.



(iii) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty—continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. _ Annual Rate of Education Act, 1908; JName. Occupation. A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 190S; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Mew—continued. £ s. Gow, James G. Inspector, Education Department ... ... .. 341 19 A Graham, Walter B. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... ... 327 1 A Grant, Henry A. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 140 0 A Gray, Joseph H. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 244 15 A Hall, William A. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 208 14 A Harrison, Thomas ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 149 11 A Harrison, Thomas C. ... „ „ ... 52 0 E Harvey, George ... „ Hawkes Bay Education Board ... . . 350 18 A Hockin, Harry ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 210 2 A Honore, Jacob ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 115 9 A Howard, William J *t ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... [242 0] A Kennedy, John S. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 144 13 A Kirby, Alban M. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 129 11 A Kirkpatrick, William D.* „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 152 15 A Kysh, Frederick W. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 152 8 A Lea, Albert G. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 201 0 A Lor king, Walter H. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Lowe, Francis E. ... „ „ ... ... 166 16 A McGallan, Thomas G. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 228 18 A Marr, Thomas M. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Mason, Herbert ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 85 4 A May, Thomas L. ... „ „ ... ... 130 3 A Marshall, Patrick ... Principal, Wanganui College ... ... ... 300 0 (J Meiklejoim, James T. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 198 2 A Merrie, Thomas ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 120 7 A Meyenberg, Arthur M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 96 10 A Miller, James ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 134 17 A Moodie, Bedford P.* ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 137 1 A Moor, William J. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 236 10 A Morland, Charles J. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 153 19 A Nisbet, Robert J.* ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 155 4 A Ormiston, Edward N. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 197 19 A Perry, Arthur M. ... „ „ ... ... 144 18 A Petrie, George ... .. „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 159 3 A Pilkington, John J. .. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 126 2 A Pope, Robert James ... „ „ ... ... 277 11 A Reid, Robert Thomas ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 191 6 A Rice, John H. ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 104 2 A Seay, Wm. N. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... 326 14 A Shepard, Henry ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 164 2 A Simmers, James M. ... Principal, Dannevirke High School ... ... 427 13 A Smith, Edward ... Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Walton, William ... „ Christchurch Boys' High School ... ... 249 7 A Waygood, James E. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 124 9 A White, George H. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 129 12 A Wilkinson, Henry R. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 148 5 A Williams, Henry ... „ „ ... ... 192 2 A Wilson, Tom ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 193 0 A Total (71 men)... ... ... 12,082 5 Women. Alexander, Anne E. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 114 7 A Alexander, Elizabeth M. „ Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 700 A Atkinson, Mary E.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 82 10 A Auld, Mabel, Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... 109 5 A Austin, Christina, Mrs. ... „ Grey Education Board ... ... ... 77 0 A Baker, Sybil E. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 78 1 A Barker, Meta ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 85 1 A Beckingsale, Lucy ... „ Wanganui Girls' College Board ... ... 83 15 A Bing, Louisa E. ... „ Christchurch Girls'High School ... ... 118 19 - A Black, Hilda ... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 40 17 E Bland, Eliza J., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 65 15 A Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927. f Deceased before 31st January, 1927. Amount not included in total.



(iii) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty—continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. -*t „ r\ Annual Rate of E, Education Act, 1908 Name. Occupation. Allows-nop A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women —continued. £ s. Brigden, Sarah E., Mrs. ... Teacher, Otago High School Board ... ... 52 0 E Chapman, Lucy ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 78 15 A Charles, Mary Jane ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 39 18 A Cromb, Grace C., Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 60 10 A Dempsev, Hectorine E. ... „ „ ... ... 55 14 A Ecclesfield, Isabel ... „ Wellington Girls' College Board ... ... 63 12 A Evans, Fanny- ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 109 5 A Fmdlay, Sylvia ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 19 A Gilbert, Elizabeth A. J., „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 39 15 A Mrs. Grant, Elsie D.... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 85 19 A Gray, Catherine ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 67 4 A Hill, Charlotte J. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Hughes, Alice M. ... „ „ ... ... 162 14 A Hunt, Ellen N.I. M., Mrs. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 78 2 A Joyce, Blanche ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 85 16 A Kean, Euphemia R. .. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 38 5 A Kelly, Elizabeth ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 86 6 A Lavery, Mary S. ... „ „ ... ... 27 3 A Lea, Mary E. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Levert, Minnie L. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 56 17 A Lilley, Helen ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 112 8 A McEachen, Marie A. ... „ Nelson Girls'College ... ... ... 136 15 A Mcintosh, Emily M.* ... Principal, New Plymouth High School ... ... 188 18 A McKay, Elizabeth ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... ... 52 0 E Meek, Ada M. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 114 5 A Morrison, Catherine A. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 81 6 A Paul, Susan B ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 52 0 E Peat, Janet H., Mrs. „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Piercy, Florence M.*t ... „ „ ... ... [143 7] A Ray, Josephine ... „ Auckland Education Board .. .. 52 0 E Beed, Amelia D. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 94 18 A Riordan, Annie W. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 90 15 A Robertson, Isabella M. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 154 9 A Scott, Elizabeth A. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... 67 12 A Smith, Esther E., Mrs. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 124 0 A Steven, Martha ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 108 7 A Stewart, Mary A. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 90 10 A Sweetman, Isabella, Mrs. „ Grey Education Board ... ... ... 36 7 A Thomson, Ellen ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 72 17 A Thomson, Mary M., Mrs. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 184 10 A Todd, Eliza T. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 102 5 A Waugh, Agnes, Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 186 10 A Webber, Jane ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 142 13 A Young, Alice, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 69 15 A Total (54 women) ... ... 4,637 4 Grand total (125) ... ... 16,719 9 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927. f Allowance ceased before 31st January, 1927, and is not includedin t >tal.



(iv) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants.

4—E. 8.

Act under which Allowance granted. vTt. j _ ,. , _ _ _ Annual Raf.A nf s -Education Act, 1908; Widows. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. * if A . Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. £ s. Adamson, Margaret, Mrs. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Anderson, Helen, Mrs.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Appleby, Hannah, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Bannerman, Marg., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 31 0 E Barnett, Laura, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 31 0 A Barrowclough, Hannah, „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Mrs.* Bedford, Ellen, Mrs. ... Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 31 0 U Bedford, Fanny E., Mrs. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Bell, Yetti, M., Mrs.* ... Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 31 0 U Bennett, Mary B., Mrs. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... j 3 g E Berry, Alice M., Mrs. ... i „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 31 0 E Best, Beatrice, E., Mrs.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Bevan-Brown, Annie, Mrs.* : „ Canterbury College Board ... ... 31 0 A Blair, Mary J., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Bonthron, Kathleen F. B., j „ Auckland Education Board ... 31 0 A Mrs. Booth, Lucy W., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 31 0 A Bowler, Alice, Mrs. . ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Bramley, Charlotte, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 31 0 E Bremner, Isabella S., Mrs. „ Otago Education Board • ... ... 31 0 A Brennard, Eleanor W., Mrs. ! „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 31 0 A Broderick, Jessie, Mrs.* ... j „ Native school ... ... ... ... 31 0 A Broughton, Esther, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... .... ... ... 31 0 E Brown, Iris M. I, V., Mrs. Instructor, Ilawke's Bay Education Board ... 31 0 A Brownlee, Lilian G., Mrs. ... Teacher, Marlborough Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Bullock, Julia, W., Mrs.* ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Burnard, Alice, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Burns, Buby M., Mrs. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 31 0 A Bush, Margaret B., Mrs. ... Teacher, Native school ... ... ... ... 31 0 A Butcher, Elizabeth M., Mrs. „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Campbell, Catherine, Mrs.... „ „ ... ... 31 0 A Campbell, Jane E., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... . . 31 0 A Carson, Annie E., Mrs. ... Clerk, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Carter, Caroline J., Mrs.* ... Inspector, Education Department .. ... 31 0 A Clark, Kate, Mrs. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Closs, Jane, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 31 0 E Cooper, Eliza C., Mrs. ... j Janitor, Otago University ... ... ... 31 0 A Cronin, Mary J., Mrs. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Curry, Mabel, Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Dickie, Clara E., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Edwards, Winifred, Mrs.*... „ Wanganui Education Board ... 31 0 A Evans, Margaret A. T., Mrs. „ Taranaki Education Board ... 31 0 A Fannin, Martha, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Ferguson, Henrietta, Mrs. „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 31 0 E Freeman, Mary A., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A French, Annie M., Mrs. ... j Caretaker, Canterbury College ... ... ... 31 0 E Gates, Clara, Mrs. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Geissler, Ida P., Mrs. ...I „ Native school ... ... ... ... 31 0 A Gilbert, Annie, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Gillman, Emma, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board .. 31 0 E Glanville, Theresa, Mrs. ... „ „ ... 31 0 A Gloy, Margaret, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Goulding, Vera F., Mrs. ... „ Marlborough High School Board ... 31 0 A Gow, Annie, Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Grant, Annie E., Mrs. ... „ „ • ... 31 0 E Green, Jane M., Mrs. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... 31 0 A Greenwood, Margaret, Mrs. „ Native school ... ... ... ... 3 L 0 E Gubb, Laura J., Mrs. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Hames, Sarah, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Hanna, Henrietta, Mrs. ... Physical Instructor, Otago Education Board ... 31 0 j A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31?t January, 1927.



(iv) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rate of Education Act, 1908; Widows. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. a 11 A > Superannuation 1 Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908: U, Superannuation Amendment, Act, 1912. £ s. Harding, Agnes B., Mrs. ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Hardy, Katherine M., Mrs. „ „ ... ... 31 0 E Hart, Sara, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Haslam, Grace, Mrs. ... Professor, Canterbury College ... ... ... 31 0 U Hawkes, Christina J., Mrs. Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Henderson,Gertrude M., Mrs. „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Hogben, Emily F., Mrs. ... Director of Education ... ... ... ... 31 0 A Hogwood, Mary E. A., Mrs. Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Howell, Annie M., Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Hyde, Mildred W. K., Mrs. Visiting Officer, Education Department . ... 31 0 A Jackson, Muriel D., Mrs.*... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Jeffery, Annie, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Jenkins, Juliet R., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Johnston, Margaret, Mrs. ... Caretaker, Auckland University College ... ... 31 0 A Jones, Jane H., Mrs. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Judkins, Anne, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 31 0 A Kerr, Catherine S., Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 31 0 E Kerr, Elizabeth, Mrs.* ... „ Otago Education Board .. ... 31 0 A Kilburn, Eliza, Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Koller, Frances H. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Law, Buby Clare, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 31 0 A Lea, Mary B., Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Look, Bertha B., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... 31 0 E Lucas, Gertrude P., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Lupton, Harriet G., Mrs. ... Principal, Whangarei High School ... ... 31 0 A Lynam, Ellen, Mrs. ... Janitor, Napier High School ... ... ... 31 0 A Lyon, Lillian C., Mrs. ... Teacher, Native school ... ... ... ... 31 0 E Lyttle, Catherine B., Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Maber, Grace M., Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... . . 31 0 E Macan, Agnes, Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Macandrew, Elizabeth, Mrs. „ „ ... ... 31 0 A Macbeth, Helen G., Mrs. ... Clerk, North Canterbury Education Board ... 31 0 E McChesney, Ethel M., Mrs. Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A McClelland, Elizabeth J., „ Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Mrs. McClure, Agnes, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 31 0 A McCullough, Kate, Mrs. ... „ Otago High School Board ... ... ! 31 0 A McDonald, Christina J., Mrs. „ Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A McGavin, Jesse, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 31 0 E Mcintosh, Emily, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Mclntyre, Isabella, Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board . . ... 31 0 A McKinnon, Grace, Mrs. ... „ Southland High School Board ... ... 31 0 E Macky, Ethel J., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Macky, Isabella M., Mrs. ... Accountant, „ ... ... 31 0 A Malcolm, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A McMillan, Evelyn E., Mrs. „ ' Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A McSporran, Jessie G., Mrs. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Marsden, Vera, Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Marshall, Louisa J., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Mason, Margaret H. R., Mrs. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Mayo, Eliza Florence, Mrs. „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Mehaffy, Beatrice E., Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Mehaffey, Violet A., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 31 0 A Menzies, Grace, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Menzies, Jessie A., Mrs. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 31 0 A Millar, Elizabeth, Mrs.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Miller, Ellen M., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Miller, Margaret A., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 31 0 E Moore, Margaret B., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 31 0 A Morgan, Gertrude, Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Morrow, Mary S., Mrs. ... „ Nelson College ... ... ... 310 A Mossman, Leila E., Mrs. .. „ Wanganui Education Board ... 31 0 A Mounsey, A. B., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Murphy, Annie, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 31 0 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927.



(iv) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants —continued.

5—E. 8.

Act under which Allowance granted. n f t\ j n a -u 4. Annual Rate of E, Education Act, 1908; Widows. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. AlWun™ A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. __ __ £ s. Murray, Sarah L. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 3l 0 A O'Connor, Jean T., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 3l 0 A Ogg, Elsie, Mrs.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 3l 0 A Opie, Bertha E., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Osborn, Ethel, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 31 0 A Patrick, Margaret S. E., Mrs. „ Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Petrie, Mary, Mrs. ... Inspector, Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Phillipps, Amy, Mrs. ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Pole, Alice, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 31 0 E Potts, Rosamond, Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Pryde, Maria E., Mrs. ... Secretary, Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Quartermain,AnnieE.,Mrs. Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Bendell, Albertina A. I. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Eice, Emily, Mrs. ... Secretary, „ ... .. 31 0 A Robbie, Edith E., Mrs. ... Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Rockel, Annie L., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 31 0 A Schmidt, Catherine, Mrs. ... Architect, North Canterbury Education Board ... 31 0 E Selby, Emma, Mrs. ... Teacher, Southland Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Shand, Annie, Mrs. ... Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 31 0 U Sinclair, E. M. G., Mrs. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Small, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Smith, Elizabeth, Mrs. * ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Smith, Harriet, Mrs. ... Inspector, Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Smith, Jemima B., Mrs. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Somerville, Eannie, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Stevens, Dora S., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Stewart, Frances, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 31 0 A Stewart, Julia, Mrs. ... Inspector, Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Stout, Margaret, Mrs. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Talbot, Olivia A., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 31 0 A Taylor, Daisy K., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Tegner, Clara, Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 31 0 E Templer, Amelia A.M. A., Mrs: „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Thomas, Mary C., Mrs. ... Janitor, Otago University ... ... ... 31 0 A Thomas, Mary E., Mrs. .. Teacher, Taranaki Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Thompson, Annie E., Mrs. „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 31 0 A Tobin, Laura, Mrs. .. „ Native school ... ... ... ... 31 0 E Tomlinson, Alice E., Mrs. ... ., Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Trevithick, Annie L., Mrs „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 31 0 A Turner, Ann, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Turner, Gertrude K., Mrs. . j „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 31 0 A Tyrer, Maria J., Mrs. * ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Vereker-Bindon, Lila, Mrs. „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Vos, Lavinia, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Wade, Mary, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 31 0 A Walker, Ann E., Mrs. ... Assistant Inspector of Industrial Schools ... ... 31 0 A Walsh, Ada E., Mrs.* ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Watt, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 31 0 E Welsh, ConstanceE. A., Mrs.* „ „ ... 31 0 A White, Eebecca, Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Wilding, Mary, Mrs. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 31 0 E Wilson, Emma E., Mrs. ... Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Winchester, Winifred, Mrs. ,, „ ... ... 31 0 A Winfield,ElizabethE., Mrs. „ Taranaki Education Board ... 31 0 A Withell, Sarah, Mrs. * ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Wood, Jessie, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 31 0 A Woodham, Louisa, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 31 0 A Worsley, Martha, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Yeats, Jane E., Mrs. * „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Young, Annie L., Mrs. ... ,, Southland Education Board ... ... 31 0 A Young, Mary A., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board { 7 19} ® Total (183) ... ... "... 5,686 3 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1927.


(v) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants.


Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rate of E > Education Act,1908; Name. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. ' Allnwnnrp Superannuation r Allowance. Amendment Act 1908; U, Superannuatiou Amendment Act, 1912. Boys. I £ Adamson, Ross ... ... Teacher, Ofcago Education Board... ... ... | 26 A Algie, Donald C. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 26 A Anderson, Lloyd Gr. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 26 A Anderson, Kendall M. ... „ „ ... ... ! 26 A Appleby, Graham B. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 26 E Bedford, Lloyd G. ... Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 26 U Bedford, John D. ... „ „ ... .. ... 26 U Bell, Arthur E. ... „ ... ... ... 26 U Bell, James G. ... ... „ „ ... ... ... 26 U Bond, William K. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 26 A Burnett, John W. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 26 A Burnett, William A. ... „ „ ... ... 26 A Burnett, Wilson A. ... „ „ ... ... ... 26 A Bush, Allan J. S. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 26 A Bush, Leonard J. S. ... „ „ ... ... ... ... 26 A Curry, Roy G. ... ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 26 A Gibson, Sydney W. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 26 A Gilbert, Daniel J. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 26 A Gubb, Athol L. ... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 26 A Henderson, Cedric L. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 26 A Henderson, Douglas V. ... „ „ ... ... 26 A Henderson, Ian M. ... „ „ ... ... 26 A Keane, Cuthbert P. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 26 A Keane, Yerdun J. ... „ „ ... ... 26 A Lucas, Herbert K. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 26 A McChesney, Robert I. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... 26 A Mclntyre, Alastair H. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 26 A McLennan, Ian ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 26 A McMillan, Bryan D. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 26 A McSporran, Ian G. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 26 A McSporran, Robert G. ... „ „ ... ... 26 A Massey, Claremont W. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 26 A Nicolson, John ... ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 26 A Opie, Allan R. ... ... Director, Palmerston North Technical School ... 26 A Opie, Brian C. ... „ „ ... 26 A Opie, Charles M. ... ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 26 A Opie, Harold J. ... ... Director, Palmerston North Technical School ... 26 A Pratt, Walter J.... ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 26 A Pratt, Wm. T. A. ... „ „ ... ... 26 A Rapson, Harold J. .. „ „ ... ... 26 A Rendell, Keith 0. ... „ 26 A Rendell, Griffen M. ... „ „ ... ... 26 A Robertson, Douglas B. ... | „ Wanganui Technical School ... ... 26 A Smith, Thomas C. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 26 A Stewart, Rodger C. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 26 A Stout, Francis W. M. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 26 A Thomas, Norman H. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 26 A Thompson, Garnett G. ... „ „ ... ... ... ... 26 A Wade, Robert H. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 26 A Total (49 boys) ... ... 1,274 Girls. ; Adamson, Jeannie .. ' Teacher, Otago Education Board ... .. 26 A Baillie, Annie S. ... ... Instructor, Southland Technical School ... ... 26 A Beattie, Margaret G. ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 26 A Bedford, Margaret H. ... Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 26 U Bell, Kathleen H. ... „ „ ... ... ... 26 U Best, Nola ... ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 26 A Brennard, Gwendolyn M. ... „ Auckland Grammar School ... ... 26 A Brown, Jean V. ... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 26 A Burns, Marie K. ... ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 26 A Bush, Barbara J. S. ... Teacher, Native school ... ... ... 26 A Carson, Joyce R. ... Clerk, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 26 A J . .



(v) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants —continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (945 copies), £30 I -s. (id.

Authority: W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.— 19'27.

Price 'Jd.\

Act under which Allowance granted. Annual "Rnfp nf B ' Education Act, 1908; Name. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. x ii, 4' Su P® ranni } a^ io f 1 r Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908: U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Girls—continued. £ Clark, Agnes M. H. ... Teacher, Southland Education Board ... ... 26 B Curry, Joan ... ... j „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 26 A Faram, Mary ... ... : ., Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 26 A Gibson, Erina E. J. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 26 A Goulding, Jeanne H. ... „ Marlborough High School Board ... 26 A Gubb, Joyce K. ... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 26 A Gubb, Marion S. ... „ „ ... .. 26 A Gubb, Winifred L. ... „ „ ... ... 26 A Keane, Patricia M. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 26 A Kelly, Mairin M. ... ... „ Education Department ... ... 26 A McClure, MoiraN., wee Barry j „ Hawke's Bay Education Board .. ... 26 A Mclntyre, Flora ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 26 A McKenzie, Margaret E. ... i „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 26 A McSporran, Isobel ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 26 A Moore, Margaret I. ... • „ Auckland Education Board ... .. 26 A Morrow, Mary Tait ... „ Nelson College ... ... ... 26 A Opie, Florence L. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 26 A Opie, Betty W. ... ... „ „ ... ... 26 A Opie, Margaret 0. V. ... „ „ ... ... 26 A Pratt, Elizabeth ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 26 A Rohan, Marjorie D. ... „ Auckland Grammar School ... ... 26 A Small, Aimee M. ... .. „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 26 A Small, Valmai ... ... „ „ ... ... 26 A Smith, Elizabeth B. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 26 A Stewart, Alwyn E. Inspector, Education Department ... ... 26 A Talbot, Mary L. ... ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 26 A Thompson, Alice A. ... „ Christchurch Boys'High School ... 26 A Total (38 girls)... ... ... 988 Grand total (86) ... ... 2,262

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EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, E-08

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EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, E-08

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, E-08

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