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1927. NE W ZE A L AND.

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1926.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

CONTENTS. I. Detailed Tables Page Ml. Students on the Books of University Colleges .. .. .. 2 M 2. Courses taken by Students .. .. .. .. .. .. ..2 M 3. Subjects taken by Students.. .. .. .. .. .. ..3 M 4. Scholarships, Bursaries, &o. .. .. .. .. .. 3 M 5. Summary of Accounts of University Colleges .. .. .. 4 M(i. Number of Successful Candidates for Degrees .. .. .. ..5 11. Reports of the University of New Zealand and of Affiliated Institutions 1. University of New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. .. ..6 2. Auckland University College .. .. .. .. .. .. ..9 3. Victoria University College .. .. .. .. .. .. ..19 4. Canterbury College .. . . .. .. .. .. .. ..24 5. University of Otago .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..33 6. Canterbury Agricultural College .. .. .. .. .. .. 42

I—E. 7.




Table M1. —Students on the Books of University Colleges, 1926.

Table M2.-Courses taken by Students.

Auckland Victoria j p . , University University ! nnnLw 7 ! Otago University.! Totals. College. College. [ college. M. | 1". T. M. F. i T. M. J F. T. M. F. ' T. j M. j F. T. T. Students attending lectures— Graduates .. .. 49 28 77 28' 28 56 54; 20j 74 38 17 55' 169 93 262 Undergraduates .. 612, 224 836 435 211 646 547 194 741 620 292 912! 2,214 9213,135 Non-matriculated students 125 71 196 26 17 43 233 82 315 108 28 136 492 198 690 Totals .. .. 786:3231,109 489 256 : 745 834, 2961,130 766 3371,103 2,8751,2124,087 II. Exempt students not at- 128 j 33 161 141 44 185 75 24 99 99 22 121 443 123 566 tending lectures 1IT. Grand totals .. .. 914: 3561,270 630 300 930 909 3201,229 865 359 1,22413,3181,335 4.653 Totals, 1925 .. 868j 3141,182 704 2981-002 845 2541,099 813 3461,15913,230:1 212 4,442 1 : ' I Difference .. .. 46 42 88 —74: 2 : —72 : 64, 66 130 52 13 65| 88' 12sj 211 I I I ■ I ■ |

Number of Students. Auckland Universitv! Victoria University ,, . . ,, TT . m Subject. College. ' College. ' Canterbury College. Otago University. Totals. J M - i *. T. | M. I P. j T. j M. j P. j T. J M. I F T. H, I J, I T. . , p- . | ' ' n Arts .. .. 225 220 445 158 200 358 234 ! 168 402 211 171 382 . 828 759 1,587 Science .. .. 67 16 83 ! 77 18 95 79 1 5 84 44 8 52 267 47 314 Law . . .. 159 4 163 162 6 168 ! 80 3 83 78 .. 78 479 13 492 Commerce .. .. 131 9 140 32 3 35 38 7 45 123 7 130 324 26 350 Music .. .. 1 3 4 2 3 5 1 3 4 4 ~0 13 Medicine .. .. 4 4 3 2 5 1 4 1 5 176 39 215 187 42 229 Dentistry .. .. 6 1 7 j 2 .. 2 103 4 107 111 5 116 Engineering .. .. 61 . . 61 19 .. 19 122 .. 122 202 .. 202 Agriculture .. .. 7 .. 7 6 .. 6 j 1 .. 1 4 .. 4 IS .. 18 Home science 1 1 .. 105 105 .. 106 106 Architecture .. .. 31 .. 31 3] 3] Journalism .. .. 15 1 16 1 .. 1 1 16 I 17 Mining .. 26 .. 26 : 26 .. 26 i-val number taking 707 254 961 458 229 687 562 188 750 766 337 1,103 [ 2,493-1,008:3,501 definite courses III

E.— 7.

Table M3.-Subjects taken by Students.

Table M4. —Scholarships, Bursaries, Exhibitions, and Studentships held at the Affiliated Institutions in 1926.


Number of Students. Subject. j. jj Canterbury College. Otago University. || Totals. M - ' J 1 . I T. M. | F. T. I M. F. J T. M. j P. I T. M. F. I T. English .. .. j 93 | 119 212 05 84 149 89 9J 180 95 77 172 342 371 713 Latin .. .. 87 47 j 134 68 35 103 56 23 J 79 45 23 68 256 128 384 Greek .. .. 6 1 10 i 16 5 2 7 10 12 22 13 20 33 34 44 78 French .. . . 1 112 | 80 : 192 31 65 96 1 69 80 149 43 72 115 255 297 552 German . . .. ! .. j .. 3 2 5 14 3 17 17 5 22 Pure mathematics .. ! 86 j 31 ! 117 95 27 122 j 167 6 173 | 52 22 74 400 86 486 Applied mathematics .. 47 [ 14 61 33 5 38 j 72 1 73 I 21 5 26 173 25 198 Education .. .. 81 94 j 175 65 84 149 100 84 I 184 j 83 72 155 329 334 663 Economics .. .. 124 34 ; 158 60 20 80 i 90 12 102 I 83 12 95 357 78 435 Geography .. .. 14 4-18 11 8 19 1 .. .. 25 12 37 History . . .. 106 79 185 44 67 111 j! 99 94 1 193 ! 78 57 135 327 297 624 Philosophy .. .. 46 10 I 56 73 55 128 || 54 30 84 59 14 73 232 109 341 Physics .. .. 77 15 ! 92 38 5 43 j| 78 4 82 69 56 125 262 80 342 Chemistry .. ..75 8 83 71 15 86 109 15 : 124 84 33 117 339 71 410 Botany . . . . 13 19 32 13 12 25 '! 27 12 | 39 3 6 9 56 49 105 Zoology . . .. 14 6 ! 20 16 9 25 i 21 6 27 48 11 59 99 32 131 Geology .. - - 33 j 6 39 14 .. 14 48 .. | 48 j 24 4 28 119 10 129 Law subjects .. .. j 159 4 [ 163 j 170 ! 3 j 173 [ 108 4 112 ! 78 .. 78 515 11 526 Commercial subjects . . 131 9 140 J 38 i 2 40 61 16 j 77 123 7 130 353 34 387 Music .. .. j 1 I 51 52 | . 18 59 77 3 4 7 22 114 136 Engineering and mining 105 .. j 105 .. I .. .. { 125 1 I 126 26 ! .. 26 256 1 257 Dentistry .. .. | 6 1 j 7 .. j .. | 3 .. 3 103 4 107 112 5 ! 117 Medicine .. . . 4 .. j 4 .. j .. .. j 176 39 215 j 180 39 219 Home science .. .. .. j .. i 105 105 j .. 105 105 Journalism .. .. 17 6 23 5 5 10 22 11 33 Hebrew .. .. 5 .. 5 .. j .... .. .. j 5 .. 5 Social science .. .. .... ....!.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Greek art, &c. .. .. 3 j 12 15 ! j 3 12 15 Forestry .. .. 6 .. I 6 .. I .. .. j 6 .. j 6 [ .. j .. .. [ 12 . . 12 Architecture . . .. 46 1 4 50 .... .. 1 ! 46 4 50 Political science .. 8 3 ! 11 j 8 3 11 ' I i l_ I J I II I • l__

Auckland Victoria i « . , I University University Canterbury Otago Total. Scholarships, &c. College/ | University. M. ! F. ; T. I M. I F. { T. j M. j F. T. j M. i F. J T. j Al. F. T. , 1 I I ' I I 1 I I I I I I I | I || I j I Junior University Scholarship .. 3 1 4 5 2j 7} 6 .. 6 9 1 10 23 4 27 University National Scholarship .. 6 3 9 5 3 8 9 3 12 17 3 2(1 37 12 4!) Taranaki Scholarships .. 3 3 3 .. 3:! 2 3| 5! 5 (i 11 Senior University Scholarships .. 4 2 ti 4.., 4 2 1 3 1.. I II 3 II University Bursaries .. 158 74 232 128 73' 201 151 69 2201 172 74 2461 609 290 899 Educational Bursary .. .. 11 1 12 8 9! 17 7 7 14: 1 3 4! 27 20 47 Home Science Bursaries .. i 62 62 .. 62 62 Other scholarships and exhibitions .. 3 .. 3 3 1 4 30 2 32 26 5 31 62 8 70 Training-college studentships .. 83 69 152 61 72 ! 133 86 52 138 89 59 148; 319 252 571 Totals for 1926 .. ..268 150 418 214 163 377! 294 134 428 317 210 527 4,093 657 1,750 Totals for 1925 .. ..248 152 400 239 155 394 265 137 402 300 172 472 1,052 6161,668 Difference .. .. 20 —2 18 —25 8 -17 29 —3 26 17 38 551 41 41 82 I I



Table M5.-Summary of Accounts. Receipts (exclusive of Special Trusts) for the Year 1926.

A. From the Government. a From Local Sources. j 1 j j I - B. Grants . University College. Statutory Grants Grants for Grants for Scholarship from University Rents from Grand Totals and Income from Buildings Material a„»*ddta« and Bursary Total from , T ° f , Endowments, Donations Total (A. B, and C). National Endow- and and iaies. Payments, and Government. New Zealand. an( l j Fees. and from Local ments. Fittings. Apparatus. Miscellaneous. Interest. Miscellaneous. Sources. £ £ £ £ £ £ ££££££ Auckland .. 14,658 13,081 250 1,206 3,3S3 32,578 1,053 2,002 8,236 3,816 14,054 47,685 Victoria .. .. 14,308 .. .. 717 3,815 18,840 1,053 941 3,710 1,756 6,407 26,300 Canterbury .. .. 7,02(9 .. 1,962 100 3,870 12,952 1,053 16,145 8,598 6,105 30,848 44,853 Otago .. 10,308 70,094 .. 2,714 9,6S0 92,796 1,053 10,762 23,484 17,764 52,010 145,859 : — ! Totals .. 46,294 83,175 2,212 4,737 20,748 157,166 4,212 29,850 44,028 29,441 103,319 264,697 Payments (exclusive of Special Trusts) for the Tear 1926. University College Administration Salaries Sites, Buildings, Equipment and JEateriai and i Kxpenditure on i T * , r .. university uonege. Auumuswaraon. salaries. Apparatus. Renewals. Endowments. Interest. Libraries. Scholarships. Miscellaneous. Totals. £ £ ;£ £ £ ££££ £ £ Auckland.. .. . 1,918 22,935 36,623 1,360 822 26 .. 759 46 3,702 68,191 Victoria . - .. 2,314 19,022 502 1,001 1,317 .. ,. 644 3 303 28 103 Canterbury . 4,326 24,903 14,934 5,051 446 762 999 1,003 455 5,433 58,312 Otago .. 4.452 40,257 70,867 6,530 3,044 .. 403 878 319 9,855 136,605 Totale .. 13,010 107,117 122,926 13,942 5,629 788 1,402 3,284 820 22,293 291,211



M6.-Number of Successful Candidates at the Examinations for Degrees in 1926.

(Total number of entrants, 6,593.) University oSS y Canterbury | Otago ] ~ Degrees, Ac. CoUege/ Co.IegJ C M. F. T. M. P. T. M. F. T. M. j F. T. M. ; F. T. Doctor of Science .. 1 .. l 1 .. j Doctor of Medicine .. 1 .. 1 i 2 Doctor of Philosophy .. .. 1 1 1 1 2.. 2 Doctor of Music . . .. 1 . . 1 1 ,. I Honours in Arts .. 7 11 18 7 7 14 9 6 15 8 5 13 31 29 60 Master of Arts.. .. .. 9 13 22 10 12 22 13 11 24 12 7 19 44 43 87 Honours in Science .. 1 1 3 1 4 31 4 2.. 2 92 11 Master of Science .. ..2.. 2 61 7 51 6 2.. 2 15 2 17 Honours in Law . . . . 3 3 1 I 1 1 5 5 Master of Law.. . . . . 5 5 3 3 1 1 9 .. 9 Honours in Commerce . . . . 1 . . 1 1 ., I Master of Commerce .. .. 1 .. 1 1 . 1 Bachelor of— Arts .. .. .. 32 19 51 23 21 44 24 16 40 18 20 38 1 97 76 173 Science .. .. .. ! 9 4 13 9 2 11 11 .. 11 9 2 11 | 38 8 46 Medicine and Surgery .. 27 7 34 I 27 7 34 Dental Surgery *.. ]3 .. 13 1 13 .. 13 Laws .. .. .. 13 13 9 1 10 3 .. 3 1 .. 1 26 1 27 Commerce .. . . ..2,1 3 6 1 7 1.. 11.. 1 10 2 12 Engineering (Civil) .. .. .. j . . .. 9 j 9 ,. _ 9 j 9 Engineering (Electrical) .. ..I 9 ! .. 9 9 .. 9 Engineering (Mining) .. .. 1 .. j 1 .. 1 Science in Home Science ! • ■ I 3 3 .. 3 3 Agriculture .. .. .. .. j .. ..'41.. 4 .. .. 4-.. 4 Senior University Scholarships . . 1 I 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 5 1 6 11 i 3 14 John Tinline Scholarship .. . . [ Totals, 1926 .. .. 88 48 136 80 47 127 97 36 133 100 45 145 365 176 541 Totals, 1925 .. .. I 88 | 42 130 93 44 137 74 37 111 110 43 153 365 166 531 In addition to these successes, 2,964 candidates passed sections of the examinations for degrees or for admission to professions ; 168 gained certificates of proficiency. There were 18! candidates for the Entrance Scholarship Examination, 34 gaining scholarships, 96 other's passing the examination with credit, and 47 qualifying for matriculation. The number of candidates for the Matriculation Examination was 5,592, of whom 1,381 passed the whole examination and 824 completed partial passes.



Li. REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND AND OF AFFILIATED INSTITUTIONS. x. REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND, 1926. Visitor.—His Excellency the Governor-General. Chancellor.—John Macmillan Brown, Esq., M.A., LL.D. Vice-Chancellor.—John Rankine Brown, Esq., M.A. The Senate. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council —W. J. Anderson, Esq., M.A., LL.D. ; John Caughley, Esq., M.A. ; the Hon. W. E. Collins, C.M.G., M.8., M.R.C.B. (Eng.); the Hon. J. A. Hanan, M.L.C. Appointed by governing bodies of affiliated institutions —H. D. Acland, Esq.. B.A. : F. H. Bakewell, Esq.. M.A.; Sir Henry L. Ferguson, C.M.G.. Kt., M.A., M.D., &c. ; A. E. Flower, Esq, M.A., M.Sc. ; the Hon. G. Fowlds, C.B.E. : W. J. Morrell, Esq., M.A. ; the Right Hon. Sir R. Stout. P.C., K.C.M.G., LL.D., M.L.C. ; A. P. W. Thomas, Esq., M.A F.R.S. Appointed by Professorial Boards—J. R. Brown, Esq., M.A. ; J. K. H. Inglis, Esq.,M.A„ B.Sc. (N.Z.), D.Sc. (Edin.), F. 1.0.; H. W. Segar, Esq., M.A. ; A. Wall, Esq., M.A. Elected by District Courts of Convocation—R. M. Algie. Esq., LL.M.; J. M. Brown, Esq., M.A., LL.D. ; F. A. de la Mare, Esq., 8.A., LL.B.; J. Hight, Esq., Litt.D., F.R.E.S.; T. A. Hunter, Esq., M.A., M.Sc. : T. K. Sidey, 8.A.. LL.B., M.P. ; J. C. Sperrin-Johnson, Esq., M.A., M.Sc., B.Ch., Litt.D. ; G. E. Thompson, Esq., Litt.D. (N.Z.). Registrar—E. T. Noiris, Esq., M.A.

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SENATE. In compliance with section 22 of the New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1926, the Council makes the following report to the Minister of Education of the proceedings of the University since the date of the last report. The Council, whose members were appointed or elected pursuant to the provisions of the above Act, met in Auckland on the 16th February, 1927. At that meeting Professor J. Macmillan Brown was elected Chancellor, and the Hon. W. E. Collins was co-opted as a member of the Council, but the appointment of Vice-Chancellor and Principal was not made, legal advice being received that the Council could not pay a salary to one of its own members. The vacancy caused by the election of a member of the Council as Chancellor has since been filled. At this meeting also statutes were amended or enacted in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Studies, providing, amongst other things, for a Bachelor of Science degree analogous to the nine-unit degree in Arts ; a new degree—viz., Master of Agricultural Science ; and a course for a diploma in Fine Arts. The statutes will be shortly submitted to the Governor-General in Council for approval. The Council is considerably hindered in its operations this year through the non-appointment of a Principal and of its Vice-Chancellor, who is in terms of the Act to be chairman of the University Entrance Board, and has already requested that legislation be promoted as early as possible in the session of 1927, so as to remove any disabilities in the way of conveying recommendations of the Royal Commission on University Education.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1926. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. j . Payments. Bank of New Zealand — j £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, j Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 20,000 0 0 1925— £ s. d. £ s. d. Petty cash .. .. .. .. 375 0 0 General Account .. 154 12 2 English Agent imprest.. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Ordinary Scholarship Ac- Salaries .. .. .. .. 2,880 12 8 count .. .. 237 <5 9 ; Bent .. .. .. .. 400 19 6 University National Printing and stationery .. . . 1,154 15 7 Scholarships .. 55 12 4 Senate expenses .. .. .. 1,204 14 1 Tinline Scholarship Ac- Miscellaneous.. .. .. .. 733 13 1 count .. .: 90 7 7 Examinations — £ s. d. 537 ]8 10 Medical .. .. 1,524 16 10 Admissions ad eundem .. .. 54 12 0 Special . . . . 423 3 3 Certificates .. .. .. 335 3 0 November .. .. 9,342 13 0 Medical registration .. . . 141 15 0 December .. .. 5,941 13 8 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 664 12 5 Dental .. .. 718 17 0 Statutory grant .. .. .. 3,845 0 0 17,951 3 9 Degree fees — £ s. d. National endowment .. .. .. 4,216 9 0 B.A. . . .. .. 194 5 0 Prizes . . .. . . .. 35 0 0 8.5 c... .. .. 47 5 0 Transfer to Ordinary Scholarship Account 1,000 0 0 B.E. .. .. .. 102 18 0 Wellington City loan .. .. .. 600 0 0 B.Agr. .. .. 29 8 0 Scholarships .. .. .. .. 1,012 10 0 LL.B. .. .. 213 3 0 Inscribed stock .. .. .. 500 0 0 B.Com. .. .. 30 9 0 Scholarships—Ordinary Scholarship .. 3,501 9 10 M.B. and Ch.B. .. 865 4 0 Miscellaneous —Ordinary Scholarship . . 012 6 B.D.S. .. .. 202 13 0 Loan to Tinline Account .. .. 17 10 6 Mus.B. .. .. 7 7 0 Travelling and post-graduate Scholarships 500 0 0 M.A. .. .. .. 255 3 0 National Scholarships .. .. .. 3,377 13 9 Litt.D. . . .. 6 6 0 Wellington Trust and Loan deposit .. 150 0 0 M.Sc... .. .. 64 1 0 Miscellaneous —Tinline .. .. 0 12 0 LL.M. . . .. 109 4 0 Scholarships—Tinline .. .. .. 70 0 0 M.D. .. .. .. 31 10 0 Bank of New Zealand Ordinary Scholarship Diplomas .. .. 48 6 0 Account —Balance .. .. .. 500 6 0 2,207 2 0 Bank of New Zealand Tinline Account— Examination fees— Balance .. .. .. .. 28 6 6 Banking .. . . 356 4 0 B.A. .. .. .. 2,683 17 0 8.5 c... .. . . 501 7 0 Home Science . . .. 102 18 0 B.Agr. .. .. 76 13 0 LL.B. and Law Prof, .. 1,797 19 0 B.Com. and Acet. Prof. 3,647 5 0 M.B. and Ch.B. .. 1,293 8 0 B.D.S. and C.O.P. .. 495 17 0 Mus.B. . . . . 47 5 0 M.A. . . . . .. 134 6 0 B.E. .. .. .. 713 9 0 Litt.D. .. .. 5 5 0 D.Sc... .. .. 10 10 0 LL.M. 44 2 0 Diplomas .. . . 207 7 0 M.D. .. . . 35 14 0 Matriculation . . . . 10,696 0 0 Entrance Scholarships .. 235 4 0 Certificates of Proficiency 358 5 0 Insurance .. .. 74 11 0 D.P.H. .. .. 27 6 0 Ch.M. . . .. 17 17 0 D.D.S. . . .. 16 16 0 Bac.Med. Science .. 5 5 0 Ph.D. .. .. 52 10 0 M.Se... .. .. 24 8 0 M.Com. . . .. 9 14 0 Forestry .. .. 31 10 0 Architecture . . .. 249 18 0 23,952 10 0 Less refunds .. 70 7 0 23,882 3 0 National endowment .. .. .. 4,216 9 0 Suspense .. .. . . .. 43 9 1 Mortgage repaid .. .. .. 500 0 0 Interest .. .. .. 2,571 4 9 Exchange .. . . .. .. 17 4 Transfer General to Ordinary Scholarship Account .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 I Grants, University National Scholarship .. 3,322 1 5 Interest, Tinline Account .. .. 135 13 0 Loan from petty cash .. .. .. 5 7 5 Loan from Ordinary Scholarship Account.. 17 10 6 . Bank of New Zealand balance overdraft .. 2,330 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank General Account 16,750 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank Ordinary Scholarship Account .. .. .. 710 0 0 £63,271 8 9 i £63,271 8 9



Balance-sheet, 31st December, 1926, Capital. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. General Account .. 12,766 11 10 Bank of New Zealand Ordinary Scholarship Ac- (Ordinary Scholarship count .. .. 45,526 8 3 Account) .. .. 509 2 0 Macmillan-Brown Scholar- Less unpresented cheques 8 16 0 ship in Agriculture .. 2,198 14 7 500 6 0 Tinline Scholarship .. 2,094 6 9 Bank of New Zealand (UniPrize Accounts— versify National ScholarBowen .. .. 183 9 6 ship Account) .. 69 16 8 Macmillan-Brown .. 372 9 3 Less unpresented cheques 69 16 8 Cook .. .. .. 175 15 10 Habens .. .. 187 9 4 Bank of New Zealand (Tinvon Haast .. .. 383 19 2 line Account) .. 45 17 0 Arnold Atkinson .. 131 2 5 Less unpresented cheques 17 10 6 Haydon .. .. 47 7 4 — 28 6 6 Christie . . .. 129 1 2 Post Office Savings-bank Sir J. G. Wilson .. 176 0 3 (General Account) .. 8,946 17 3 64,372 15 8 Accrued interest .. 143 II 7 Interest accrued undivided .. 194 8 5 — 9,090 8 10 Suspense Account .. 43 9 1 Post Office Savings-hank (Ordinary ScholarBank of New Zealand .. 1,454 16 3 ship Account) .. .. .. 71 10 6 Add unpresented cheques 875 3 9 Cash in hand .. .. . . 21 6 0 2,330 0 0 Cash in hand (English Agent) .. .. 4,853 0 1 Due to petty cash .. 5 7 5 Fixed deposits .. ~ 3, 753 0 3 Due to Ordinary Scholarship Mortgages .. .. .. .. 20,250 0 0 Account .. .. 17 10 6 Municipal debentures .. .. .. 13,182 8 3 22 17 11 War-loan certificates .. .. .. 262 8 0 New Zealand Government inscribed stock 14,249 8 3 Shares .. .. ~ .. 50 0 0 Sundry debtors . . .. . . 151 3 5 Office furniture . . .. . • 500 5 0 £66,963 11 1 £66,963 11 I E. T. Nokkis, Registrar. Tlie Audit Office, having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies the same to be correct subject to the following exceptions : (1) The payment of the travelling-expenses of a member of the Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee is without authority of law ; (2) the bank overdraft* is without statutory authority.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

* Immediately adjusted by transfer from Post Office Savings-bank of £2,300.



2. AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Visitor.—The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council—Hon. George Fowlds, C.8.E.; J. Marsden Caughey, Esq.; C. Rhodes, Esq. Appointed by the Professorial Board—Professor H. W. Segar, M.A. ; Professor F. P. Worlev MA MSc D.Sc., D.1.C., F.C.S. Elected by members of the Legislature—J. F. Hosking, Esq. ; G. H. Wilson, Esq. ; E. H. Northcroft, Esq. Elected by graduates—H. J. D. Mahon, Esq., 8.A.; Kenneth Mackenzie, Esq., M.D., M.Ch PRCS ■ Dr H Ranston, M.A., Litt.D. ; T. U. Wells, Esq., M.A. Appointed by the Auckland City Council—S. I. Crookes, Esq., M.1.E.E., M.N.Z.Soc.C.E. Appointed by the Auckland Education Board—Archibald Burns, Esa. Registrar.—M. R. O'Shea, Esq., B.Com. Staff. Professors. —Classics—A. C. Paterson, M.A. English—C. W. Egerton, M.A. Mathematics—H. W. Segar MA Modern Languages—M. Walker, M.A., B.Com. Chemistry—F. P. Worley, M.A., D.Sc., D.1.C., F.C.S. Physics— P. W. Burbidge, M.Sc., B.A. General Biology, Botany, and Zoology—J. C. Sperrin-Johnson, M.A., M.Sc., M.8., B.Ch. Litt.D. History and Economics—J. P. Grossmann, M.A. Law—R. M. Algie, LL.M. Philosophy—W Anderson M A Architecture—C. R Knight, M.A., B.Arch., A.R.T.8.A., A.N.Z.I.A. Agriculture—W. Riddet, B.Sc. Forest™—H H. Corbm, B.Sc. Education—A. B. Fitt, M.A., Ph.D. Music—W. E. Thomas, Mus.Doc. Lecturers, seven. Assistant lecturers, thirteen. Demonstrators, six. REPORT (ABRIDGED). In pursuance of the provisions of the Auckland University College Act, 1882, the Council has the honour to make the following report for the vear 1926 Number of Students.—The number of persons who attended lectures during 1926 was 1,109 (male 786, female 323) ; the number of students exempted from attendance at lectures was 16] (male 128, female 33) ; a total of 1,270, being an increase of practically 100 students for the year. Staff-—During 1926 it was decided that the Chairs of History and Economics for so long carried on by Professor Grossmann should be separated, Professor Grossmann retaining the Chair of History and Professor Belshaw, M.A., Ph.D., being appointed to the Chair of Economics. Mr. E. M. Blaiklock, M.A., replaced Mr. J. Mackintosh, M.A., as Assistant Lecturer in Classics. Professor Sperrin-Johnson (Biology) and Mr. S. E. Lamb (Engineering) were absent during the year on sabbatical leave. Their itinerary is a very full one. No lectures were delivered in the School of Agriculture, but after a conference with delegates from Victoria University College it was agreed that forces should be joined and one strong school established midway between the two colleges. After thoroughly investigating various suggested sites, a very central position was fixed on at Palmerston North. The Palmerston Borough Council have offered to buy an adjoining property and to present it to the College, provided that a full College of Agriculture is established on the site. One .of the most memorable events in the history of the College took place when His Excellency the Governor-General opened the new Arts Building and Students' Union Block on Friday, 12th March, 1926. After being so inadequately housed for so long, there is no doubt that a new era has opened for the College. There has been a marked and growing interest in the College by the citizens, and this has been evidenced particularly in connection with the library, many valuable gifts of books having been donated during the year. Worlcers' Educational Association.—The year witnessed a continuance of W.E.A. activities. The number of classes in the city has been reduced in order to make possible the further extension of work in South Auckland district. The number of city classes is seventeen, with an estimated attendance of 870. On the whole the enrolments per class in the city have increased : the standard of work in certain classes has definitely improved, while thought is being given to various problems of the movement. The practice of visiting factories and warehouses in order to keep the movement in touch with the people has been continued, as also have the activities of the Social Club, which is a splendid medium for keeping the association linked together. The Carnegie Institute has recently donated a sum of 5,000 dollars to the funds of the New Zealand movement, part of which will be "allocated to the Auckland centre. The general industrial and commercial depression has reacted upon the amount of money received in the form of donations, and this to some degree is embarrassing the activities of the movement. In spite of this fact the movement is now proceeding more smoothly, as its organizational problems have been more overcome.

2—E. 7.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1926. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. Payments. £s. d. £ s. d. Arts building— £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Bank of New Zea- Progress - payments and land, as at Ist January, architectural fees .. 14,778 13 2 1926 .. .. .. .. 22,188 3 11 Heating contract .. 1,706 16 3 Government, grants — Lighting contract .. 995 18 7 Statutory— Furniture .. .. 9,339 18 6 New Zealand University 26,821 6 6 Amendment Act, Students building— 1914 .. .. 7,500 0 0 Progress - payments and Less Public Expendi- architectural fees .. 5,464 11 8 ture Adjustment Lighting contract . . 318 0 6 Act, 1921-22 .. 900 0 0 Furnishings .. .. 2,127 14 11 7,910 7 1 6,600 0 0 Grounds— Auckland University Col- Lay-out .. .. 1,888 5 2 lege Act, 1882 .. 4,000 0 0 Less refunds .. 81 16 11 National endowment— X > 806 8 3 New Zealand University Grounds equipment .. .. 131 18 9 Amendment Act,1914 2,108 4 6 Library .. .. 480 11 6 12,708 4 6 Library periodicals .. 168 19 4 Capitation (engineering) .. .. 350 0 0 Salary, Professor of Educa- 649 10 10 tion . . . . . . . . 850 0 0 Less refunds .. .. 9 7 9 School of Forestry .. 750 0 0 640 3 1 Forestry initial equipment 250 10 3 Science building .. . . 81 0 9 — 1,000 10 3 Science building extension 5 810 Arts building .. .. 6,546 19 9 Science furniture .. 38 7 6 Arts furniture .. .. 5,720 0 0 124 17 1 Science extension .. 814 8 6 Engineering building—re - 13,081 8 3 serve investment .. .. 1,200 0 0 University of New Zealand— Lecture requisites .. 1,256 15 10 National - endowment Less refunds .. 38 11 2 grant .. .. 1,053 2 5 Less Workers' Educa- 1,218 4 8 tional Association Engineering (special) .. 793 3 7 share .. .. 350 0 0 —I 2,011 8 3 703 2 5 Salaries .. .. 24,072 18 2 Endowment royalty (Hoi- Less forestry (£750), reland) .. .. .. 50 0 0 fund (£7 145.) .. 757 14 0 Endowment revenue— 23 315 4 2 Education reserves .. .. 558 011 Printing, advertising, and Rents from properties— stationery .. .. 417 2 0 Current .. .. 629 12 8 Less refund .. .. 15 0 Arrears .. .. 58 7 3 415 17 0 687 19 11 Cleaning lighting, and heatInterest from endowment ing .. .. 909 17 9 sales investment— Less refund .. . . 111 10 Auckland City Council 908 511 (£10,200) .. .. 510 0 0 Water and electric power . . .. 168 19 3 Auckland Electric-power Insurances .. .. .. 82 14 10 Board (£300) .. 16 10 0 Office expenses .. .. .. 27 8 7 Fixed deposit (£34125. 7d.) 111 6 Annual examination expenses .. 161 0 9 528 1 6 Music examination expenses . . 74 17 3 Interest from endowment Repairs .. . . 132 0 3 royalty investment— Travelling-expenses .. .. 62 8 7 Northeote Borough Expenses of appointments .. 62 16 4 Council (£400) .. 2] 14 0 Telephones, postages, and exWaitemata County changes .. .. 210 12 9 Council (£100) .. 6 0 0 Less refunds .. . . 12 0 27 14 0 209 10 9 Depreciation and Endow- j Premiums .. .. 62 2 6 ment Fund interest— [ Less refunds .. .. 12 3 4 Ellerslie Town Board 49 19 2 (£1,000) .. . . 60 0 0 | Temporary accommodation Auckland City Council i expenses . . .. .. 55 4 0 (£400) .. .. 16 0 0 j School of Forestry .. 620 10 5 Mortgages current .. 124 14 6 School of Forestry salarv . . 750 0 0 200 14 6 ' 1.370 10 5 Donations — Library maintenance .. .. 119 0 10 New Zealand Society of Grounds maintenance .. . . 2 13 3 Accountants .. 100 0 0 Removal expenses .. .. 67 19 8 New Zealand Institute of Property expenses .. .. 25 14 3 Architects .. .. 665 0 0 Testing fees— British Medical Associa- Sundries .. .. 173 7 8 tion and Clinical Society 305 0 0 S.F.S. .. .. 200 0 0 Sundries .. .. 104 14 0 373 7 8 1,174 14 0 Duplicating .. .. .. 87 13 9 Auckland brick-manufae- Audit fees .. .. .. 34 13 0 turers .. .. .. 125 0 0 Commission .. .. .. 512 4 Sinclair bequest .. .. 50 7 1 General expenses .. .. 28 3 1 Subsidies— General expenses, new buildNew Zealand Society of ing .. ~ 47 1 0 Accountants .. 100 0 0 Less refund .. .. 017 6 Chamber of Commerce, 46 3 6 1915-25 .. .. 140 0 0 Graduation .. . . .. 15 12 6 Warehousemen' Associa- Court of Convocation extion, 1915—25 .. 170 0 0 penses .. .. 20 7 9 Apparatus and books .. 331 0 0 Less refund .. . . 15 15 0 British Medical Associa- 4 12 9 tion and Clinical Society 145 0 0 School of Music .. .. .. 2117 9 Sundries .. ~ 45 10 0 British Medical Association .. 74 12 7 —— 931 10 0 Student Association ~ .. 807 0 0



Receipts and Payments Account—continued. Receipts—continued. Payments—continued. Building Fund— £ 8. d. £ s. d. National Research Scholar- £s. d. Donations .. .. 2,646 10 6 ship .. .. .. .. 5 11 3 Subsidies .. .. 420 8 10 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. 50 0 0 3,066 19 4 Commerce Scholarship .. .. 40 0 0 Student fees .. .. 9,953 3 0 Rathbone Suspense .. .. 0 14 0 Less refunds .. .. 78 19 0 Balances, 31st December, 9,874 4 0 1926— £ s. d. College fees .. .. 1,322 0 0 Bank of New Zealand .. 2,193 2 6 Less refunds .. .. 6 6 0 Post Office Savings-bank 1 0 0 1,315 14 0 2,194 2 6 Student Association .. .. 807 0 0 Laboratory deposits .. 54 3 3 Less refunds .... 15 5 10 38 17 5 Annual examination entrance fees .. .. 372 0 0 Less refunds .. .. 12 1 6 359 18 6 Music examination entrance fees .. .. 95 15 0 Less refunds .. .. 0 10 6 95 4 6 Sale of books, calendars, &c. .. 14 16 6 Fines .. .. .. 43 18 1 Less refunds .. . . 0 3 0 43 15 1 Testing-fees— Sundries .. .. 260 1 6 S.F.S. .. .. 250..0 0 510 1 6 Sale of physics notes .. .. 12 5 0 Duplicating .. .. .. 30 8 7 Sale of office equipment .. .. 15 0 0 Commerce Scholarship .. .. 40 0 0 National Research Scholarship .. .. .. . . 5 11 3 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. 50 0 0 Rathbone Suspense .. .. 3 4 0 Administration special schools . . 250 0 0 £71,748 10 11 £71,748 10 11



Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. Income. Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. General .. .. .. 24,065 4 2 Government grants— Less Forestry .. 750 0 0 Statutory grantsLess grant, Professor of New Zealand University Education .. 850 0 0 Amendment Act, 1,600 0 0 1914 .. .. 7,500 0 0 ——-——. Less Public Expendi--22,465 4 2 ture Adjustment Premiums .. .. .. 49 19 2 Act.jl92l-.22 .. 900 0 0 Advertising .. .. 22 11 0 —-—■———• Printing .. .. 182 19 5 6,600 0 0 Stationery .. .. 210 6 7 Auckland University Col-J 415 17 0 lege Act, 1882 .. 4,000 0 0 Cleaning (material) .. .. 127 2 6 National endowment— Lighting . .. .. 499 2 2 New Zealand Univer.Heating .. .. 282 1 3 sity Amendment Act, Power .. .. .. 32 2 3 1914 .. .. 2,108 4 6 Water .. .. v. 136 17 0 12,708 4 6 950 2 8 Capitation .. . . .. 350 0 0 Insurances .. .. .. 82 14 10 University of New Zealand—• Lecture requisites— National - endowment Accountancy .. .. 6 17 7 grant .. .. 1,053 2 5 Geology .. .. 19 5 8 Less W.E.A. share .. 350 0 0 Law .. .. .. 1 17 9 — — 703 2 5 Education .. .. 6 18 9 Endowments — Classics .. .. 10 1 0 Education reserves .. .. 558 0 11 Mathematics .. .. 0 6 2 Rents from properties .. .. 907 7 2 Philosophy .. .. 119 0 Sales investment interestModern languages .. 6 0 0 Auckland City Council History and economics .. 14 0 (£10,200) .. .. 510 0 0 54 9 11 Auckland Electric-power Grants— Board (£300) .. 16 10 0 Architecture .. .. 87 17 11 Fixed deposit (£34125. 7d.) 1 11 6 Biology .. .. 52 0 4 528 1 6 Chemistry .. .. 357 19 10 Royalties investment inEngineering .. . . 67 12 6 terest— Special engineering .. 31 9 1 Northcote Borough Council Physics .. .. 68 11 0 (£400) .. .. 21 14 0 665 10 8 Waitemata County Council Appointments to staff .. 62 16 4 (£100) .. .. 6 0 0 Temporary accommodation .. 55 4 0 -— 27 14 0 Audit expenses .. .. .. 34 13 0 Depreciation and EndowGraduation .. .. .. 15 12 6 ment Fund interest— Commission .. .. .. 512 4 Ellerslie Town Board General expenses .. 28 3 1 (£1,000) .. .. 60 0 0 General expenses, new build- Auckland City Counoil ings .. .. .. 46 3 6 (£400) .. .. 16 0 0 — 74 6 7 Mortgages .. .. 229 2 8 Grounds maintenance .. .. 2 13 3 305 2 8 Library maintenance .. 122 10 4 Donations— Library periodicals .. 159 11 7 New Zealand Society of —-—— 282 1 11 Accountants .. 100 0 0 Court of Convocation expenses .. 4 12 9 New Zealand Institute of Office expenses .. .. .. 27 8 7 Architects .. .. 665 0 0 Property expenses .. .. 25 14 3 Sundries .. .. 104 14 0 Repairs.. .. .. .. 132 0 3 Sinclair bequest .. 50 7 1 Removal expenses .. .. 67 19 8 920 1 1 Telegrams, postage, and exchange .. 209 10 9 Subsidies— Travelling-expenses .. .. 62 8 7 New Zealand Society of School of Music .. .. 21 17 9 j Accountants .. 100 0 0 Music Scholarship .. 2 110 I Chamber of Commerce, 24 8 9 1915-25 .. .. 140 0 0 W.E.A. bursaries .. .. 43 3 0 Warehouseman's AssociDepreciation— ation, 1915-25 .. 170 0 0 Science-equipment (10 per Apparatus and books .. 331 0 0 cent.) .. .. 795 17 3 Sundries .. .. 45 10 0 Engineering equipment (10 786 10 0 percent.) .. .. 459 9 9 Student fees .. .. 9,916 19 0 Engineering building (12J College fees .. .. 1,31918 0 percent.) .. .. 275 0 0 11,236 17 0 Library (10 per cent.) .. 442 7 0 Annual examination enScience furniture (7J per trance fees .. .. 364 2 6 cent.) .. .. 42 1 0 Less expenses .. .. 184 7 4 Engineering furniture (7-J 7 — 179 15 2 per cent.) .. .. 7 2 6 Music examination entrance Office equipment (5 per j fees .. .. 95 4 6 cent.) .. .. 4 5 0 Less expenses .. .. 74 17 3 Student furnishings .. 52 2 4 20 7 3 2,078 410 Sale of books and calendars .. 14 16 6 Balance .. .. .. 1,711 4 1 Fines .. .. .. 43 15 1 ———— Testing fees—£29,730 16 4 Sundries .. .. 86 13 10 — S.F.S. .. .. 50 0 0 1926 capital purchases— £ s. d. 136 13 10 Library .. .. .. .. 480 11 6 Duplicating .. .. 142 1 0 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 1,297 11 10 Less expenses .. .. 87 13 9 Grounds equipment .. .. .. 131 18 9 54 7 3 Science building .. .. .. 86 9 7 Administration, speoial schools .. 250 0 0 Science furniture .. .. .. 38 7 6 Arts furniture .. .. .. 47 1 11 £29,730 16 4 £ s. d. Balance, Income and Expenditure Account 1,711 4 1 Deficit .. .. .. .. 370 17 0 £2,082 1 1 £2,082 1 1



Balance-sheet. Capital Statement as at 31st December, 1926. Liabilities. £ s. d. , Fixed Assets. Capital balance, 31st December, 1926 .. 251,526 16 4 Building and equipment— £ s. d. £ s. d. New Arts building .. 109,994 14 0 1926 additions .. 19,287 16 3 — 129,282 10 3 Furniture .. .. 1,648 19 0 1926 additions .. 9,339 18 6 — — 10,988 17 6 Students'building .. 17,452 7 5 1926 additions .. 5,782 12 2 — — 23,234 19 7 Furnishings.. .. 2,127 14 11 Less depreciation .. 52 2 4 2,075 12 7 Grounds equipment .. .. 131 18 9 Science building .. 24,844 11 8 1926 additions .. 86 9 7 24,931 1 3 Science equipment .. 7,559 0 0 1926 additions .. 469 12 4 8,028 12 4 Less depreciation 795 17 3 7,232 15 1 Science furniture .. 522 7 0 1926 additions .. 38 7 6 560 14 6 Less depreciation 42 1 0 518 13 6 Engineering building .. 2,200 0 0 Less depreciation .. 275 0 0 1,925 0 0 Engineering equipment 3,767 0 0 1926 additions .. 827 19 6 4,594 19 6 Less depreciation 459 9 9 4,135 9 9 Engineering furniture 95 0 0 Less depreciation .. 7 2 6 87 17 6 Office equipment .. 100 1 1 Less sale duplicator (£l5), less depreciation (£4 55.) .. 19 5 0 80 16 1 Library .. .. 3,943 0 0 1926 additions .. 480 11 6 4,423 11 6 Less depreciation 442 7 0 — — 3,981 4 6 Endowment lands .. .. 12,500 0 0 Properties— Science building site ... 5,920 0 0 Arts building site .. 24,500 0 0 30,420 0 0 £251,526 16 4 £251,526 16 4



Balance-sheet—continued. Statement No. 2. Liabilities. £ s. d. ,4sseis. Endowment sales .. .. .. 10,534 12 7 Endowment Sales investEndowment royalties .. .. 630 12 4 ment— Engineering Building Reserve .. .. 1,200 0 0 Auckland City Council £ s. d. £ s. d. Depreciation and Endowment Fund in- debentures .. .. 10,200 0 0 vestment .. .. .. .. 4,930 4 0 Auckland Electric-power" Annual examination fees in advance .. 111 6 Board debentures .. 300 0 0 Students' fees in advance .. .. 9 0 0 Fixed deposit .. .. 34 12 7 Auckland Brick-manufacturer's prize .. 125 0 0 10 534 12 7 School of Forestry funds .. .. 339 0 3 Endowment Royalty invest - British Medical Association funds .. 375 7 5 ment — Revenue balance, 31st December, 1926 .. 1,738 7 9 Northcote Borough Council debentures .. 400 0 0 Waitemata County Council debentures .. 100 0 0 500 0 0 Engineering Building Reserve investment— Auckland City Council .. .. 1,200 0 0 Depreciation and Endowment Fund investment— Mortgages .. .. 3,525 0 0 Auckland City Council I debentures .. .. 400 0 0 War-loan certificates .. 5 4 0 Ellerslie Town Board debentures .. .. 1,000 0 0 — 4,930 4 0 .Physics notes in stock .. .. 34 13 8 Law notes in stock .. .. 13 10 0 Debtors— Rent— Accrued .. .. 159 2 6 Arrears .. .. 130 7 5 289 9 11 | Mortgages— Accrued .. .. 32 18 2 Arrears .. .. 146 5 0 ! 179 3 2 Student fees—Arrears .. .. 8 0 0 Cash in Bank of New Zealand .. .. 2,222 5 2 Less unpresented cheques 29 2 8 2,193 2 6 Post Office Savings-bank .. 10 0 2,194 2 6 £19,883 15 10 £797883 15 10 LOGAN CAMPBELL ENDOWMENT. Receipts and Payments Account. Rsc€iVjpts. Pa/yTYbS/fvts Cash at Post Office Savings-bank, Ist £ s. d. £ s d £ « d January, 1926 .. .. .. 443 19 5 Salaries .. .. .. .. 906 5 0 Interest— £ s. d. Library .. .. .. 14 14 9 New Zealand Insurance Co. 1,298 4 8 Library periodicals .. .. 25 15 1 Less commission .. 64 17 11 ______ : 40 9 10 1,233 6 9 Furnishings.. .. .. 29 10 9 Post Office Savings-bank 13 10 9 70 0 7 , 1,246 17 6 Administration expenses .. 150 0 0 Donations— Travelling-expenses .. .. 249 14 2 Stonex Bros. .. .. 22 0 Stationery .. .. .. 119 0 Auckland Milk Co. .. 22 0 Telegrams, postage, and exchange 10 9 Amburys Ltd. .. 22 0 General expenses .. .. 519 9 6 6 0 Lecturing expenses .. .. 15 6 409 19 2 Cash, Post Office Savings-bank, 31st December, 1926 .. 304 12 2 Cash in hand .. .. 6 6 0 — 310 18 2 £1 < 697 2 11 £1,697 2 11



Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Salaries .. .. .. .. 906 5 0 £ s. d. f s. d. Library periodicals .. .. .. 25 15 1 Interest on investments ..1,336 2 8 Administration expenses .. .. .. 150 0 0 Interest on Post Office Savings-Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 249 14 2 bank .. .. .. 13 10 9 Commission—New Zealand Insurance Co. .. 64 17 11 — 1,349 13 5 Stationery .. .. .. .. 119 0 DonationsTelegrams, postage, and exchange.. .. 10 9 Stonex Bros. .. .. 2 2 0 General expenses .. .. . . 5 19 9 Auckland Milk Co. .. 2 2 0 Lecturing expenses .. .. .. 15 6 Amburys Ltd. .. .. 2 2 0 Furnishings .. .. .. .. 29 10 9 — 6 6 0 Excess expenditure over income .. 80 8 6 £1,436 7 11 £1,436 7 II Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1926. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital . . .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 Mortgage investments .. .. 20,000 0 0 Accumulated funds .. 903 3 11 Library .. .. .. .. 114 14 9 Less expenditure over in- Interestcome for period ending Accrued .. .. 205 7 6 31st December, 1926 .. 80 8 6 Arrears .. .. 191 15 0 — 822 15 5 397 2 6 Cash, Post Office Savings-bank 304 12 2 Cash in hand .. .. 6 6 0 310 18 2 £20,822 15 5 £20,822 15 5 SINCLAIR AND GILLIES SCHOLARSHIP. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. ' Payments. Cash, Auckland Savings-bank, £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ist January, 1926 .. .. 77 0 8 Scholarships.. .. .. 200 0 0 Cash in hand, Ist January, 1926 45 0 0 Expenses .. .. .. 2 2 6 122 0 8 202 2 6 Interest— Cash at Auckland Savings-bank, New Zealand inscribed stock 49 10 0 31st December, 1926 .. 202 9 3 Soldier Settlement Loan de- Cash in hand, 31st December, bentures .. .. 5 10 0 1926 .. .. .. 6 0 0 Auckland Electric-power Board , 208 9 3 debentures ... .. 33 0 0 Waitemata County Council debentures .. .. 192 0 0 Auckland Savings-bank .. 8 11 1 -———— 288 11 1 £410 11 9 j £410 11 9 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Scholarships .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Interest— £ s. d. Expenses .. .. .. .. 2 2 6 New Zealand inscribed stock .. .. 49 10 0 Excess income over expenditure .. .. 81 8 7 Soldier Settlement Loan debentures .. 5 10 0 Auckland Electric-power Board debentures 33 0 0 Waitemata County Council debentures .. 192 0 0 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 3 111 £283 11 1 £283 11 I



Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1926. Liabilities. , Assets. „ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Fund .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 -per-cent. inscribed stock Accumulated income as at (£900) .. .. .. 829 2 6 Ist January, 1926 .. 1,856 3 2 New Zealand Government -Plus excess income over ex- bonds (Soldier Settlement penditure for period ending Loan) .. .. .. 100 0 0 31st December, 1926 .. 81 8 7 929 2 6 1,937 11 9 Auckland Electric-power Board debentures .. .. 600 0 0 Waitemata County Council debentures .. .. 3,200 0 0 3,800 0 0 Cash at Auckland Savingsbank .. .. . . 202 9 3 Cash in hand .. 6 0 0 208 9 3 £4,937 11 9 £4,937 11 9 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. ; Payments. Cash at Post Office Savings-bank, Ist £ s. d. Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. January, 1926 .. .. .. 487 5 8 Staff .. .. .. 900 0 0 Grant from Auckland University College Lecturing .. .. 1,189 0 6 Council .. .. .. .. 350 0 0 2,089 0 6 Statutory grant .. .. .. 750 0 0 Library .. .. .. 102 1 9 Do lations .. .. .. .. 527 16 1 Travelling-expenses .. .. 75 9 5 Subsidies .. .. .. 311 18 9 Stationery .. .. 7 3 0 Intjrest, Post Offioe Savings-bank .. 910 0 Duplicating .. .. 4 5 0 Office expenses .. .. 2 7 6 Printing .. .. .. 2 16 0 Telegrams, postage, and exchange .. .. .. 0 12 8 Repairs .. .. .. 018 9 General expenses .. .. 1 18 7 20 1 6 Cash, Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1926 .. .. .. .. 149 17 4 £2,436 10 6 £2,436 10 6 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Salaries .. .. .. .. 2,089 0 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. Travelling-expenses .. .. . . 75 9 5 Statutory grant .. .. 750 0 0 Stationery .. .. .. .. 7 3 0 Grant from Auckland College Duplicating .. . . .. .. 4 5 0 Council .. .. .. 350 0 0 Office expenses .. .. .. 2 7 6 1 JOO 0 0 Printing .. .. .. .. 216 0 Donations .. .. .. 527 16 1 Telegrams, postage, and exchange .. 012 8 Subsidies received and due .. 527 16 1 Repairs .. .. .. .. 0 18 9 1,055 12 2 General expenses .. .. .. 118 7 Interest, Post Office Savings-bank .. 910 0 Excess expenditure over income .. .. 19 9 3 £2,184 11 5 £2,184 11 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance carried down .. .. .. 19 9 3 Deficit .. .. .. .. 121 11 0 Library purchases, 1926 .. . . 102 1 9 £121 11 0 £121 11 0 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1926. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Accumulated funds, Ist January, 1926 .. 780 18 3 Library .. .. ... 292 12 7 Less excess expenditure over income, 1926 19 9 3 Additions, 1926 .. .. 102 1 9 394 14 4 Furniture .. .. .. .. 10 0 Subsidy due .. .. .. 215 17 Cash, Bank of New Zealand .. .. 149 17 £761 9 0 £761 9



SIR J. GUNSON SCHOLARSHIP FOR AGRICULTURE. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Subsidy on capital donation .. .. 1,300 0 0 Investment—Auckland Hospital Board de- £.s. d. Interest— bentures .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 Waitemata County Council debentures .. 74 9 7 General expenses .. .. .. 014 0 Auckland Hospital Board debentures .. 27 2 9 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank, £ s. d. 31st December, 1926 .. 34 15 7 Cash in hand .. .. 66 2 9 100 18 4 £1,401 12 4 £1,401 12 4 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. j Income. Set of books .. .. .. .. 014 0 Interest— £ s. d. Excess income over expenditure .. .. 100 18 4 Waitemata County Council debentures .. 74 9 4 Auckland Hospital Board debentures .. 27 2 9 £101 12 4 £101 12 4 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1926. Liabilities. £ s. d. I Assets. Capital Fund .. .. .. .. 2,600 0 0 j Waitemata County Council debentures, 6 per £ s. d. Excess income over expenditure for period j cent. .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 ending 31st December, 1926 .. .. 100 18 4 j Auckland Hospital Board debentures, 5| per | cent. .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 Cash in Auckland Savings-bank, £ s. d. 31st December, 1926 .. 34 15 7 Cash in hand, 31st December, 1926 66 2 9 100 18 4 £2,700 18 4 £2,700 18 4 SANDERS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. J. H. Gunson .. .. .. .. 2,179 5 3 Investment— £ s . <|, Interest—Waitemata County Council de- Waitemata County Council debentures .. 2,100 0 0 bentures .. .. .. .. 26 12 0 Auckland Savings-bank (Capital Account) 79 5 3 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank (Revenue Account), 31st December, 1926 .. 26 12 0 £2,205 17 3 £2,205 17 3 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Excess income over expenditure .. .. 26 12 0 Interest, Waitemata County Council de- £ s. d. bentures .. .. .. .. 26 12 0 £26 12 0 £26 12 0 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1926. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Capital Fund .. .. .. .. 2,179 5 3 Investment —• Excess income over expenditure, period Waitemata County Council debentures, £ s. d. ending 31st December, 1926 .. .. 26 12 0 6 per cent. .. .. .. 2,100 0 0 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 79 5 3 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 26 12 0 £2,205 17 3 £2,205 17 3

3—E. 7.



LISSIE RATHBONE SCHOLARSHIP. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. Interest— £ s. d. Stationery .. .. .. .. 0140 Northeote Borough Council debentures .. 150 0 0 Exchange on gift .. .. .. 210 0 Waitemata County Council debentures .. 27 211 Cash, Auckland Savings-bank, £ s. d. Bank .. .. .. .. 0 4 6 31st December, 1926 .. 162 3 5 Cash in hand .. .. 12 0 0 174 3 5 £177 7 5 £177 7 5 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Stationery .. .. .. .. 014 0 Interest— £ s . d. Exchanges .. .. .. .. 210 0 Northeote Borough Council debentures .. 150 0 0 Excess income over expenditure, period Waitemata County Council debentures . . 27 211 ending 31st December, 1926 .. .. 174 3 5 Bank .. .. .. .. 0 4 6 £177 7 5 £177 7 5 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1926. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Capital Fund .. .. .. 3,500 0 0 Northeote Borough Council debentures, £ s. d. Excess income over expenditure, period 6 per cent. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 ending 31st December, 1926 .. .. 174 3 5 Waitemata County Council debentures, 6 per cent. .. £ s. d. 500 0 0 Cash Auckland Savings-bank 162 3 5 Cash in hand .. .. 12 0 0 174 3 5 £3,674 3 5 £3,674 3 5 DTJFFUS LUBECKI SCHOLARSHIP. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. Payments. £ g. d. Cash at Auckland Savings-bank, Ist January, £ s. d. Scholarship .. .. .. ~ 100 0 0 1926 .. .. .. .. .. 61 17 10 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank, 31st DecemInterest— ber, 1926 .. .. .. .. 84 14 3 Ellerslie Town Board deben- £ s. d. tures .. .. .. 120 0 0 Auckland Savings-bank .. 2 16 5 122 16 5 £184 14 3 | £184 14 3 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Scholarship .. .. .. . . 100 0 0 Interest— £ s . d. Excess income over expenditure .. .. 22 16 5 Ellerslie Town Board debentures .. 120 0 0 Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 2 16 5 £122 16 5 £122 10 g Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1926. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s . d. Capital Fund .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Ellerslie Town Board debentures, 6 per cent. 2,000 0 0 Accumulated funds, Ist January, 1926 .. 61 17 10 Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 84 14 3 Excess income over expenditure for period ending 31st December, 1926 .. .. 22 16 5 £2,084 14 3 £2,084 14 3 SMITH-WYLIE SCHOLARSHIP. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Smitb-Wylie and Co., Ltd. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Scholarships .. .. .. .. 280 0 0 Advertising .. .. .. .. 12 19 9 Stationery .. .. ~ .. 0 9 6 Balance—Auckland Savings-bank .. 106 10 9 £ 400 0 0 £400 0 0



3. VICTORIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Visitor.—The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. Chairman.—R. McCallum. Vice-Chairman.—P. Levi, M.A. Appointed by Governor-General in Council—A. R. Atkinson, 8.A.; D. M. Stout, M.D. Elected by Court of Convocation —C. Watson, B.A. ; P. Levi, M.A.; A. Pair, LL.B. ; S. Eichelbaum, M.A., LL.B. Elected by teachers in primary schools—H. A. Parkinson, M.A.; P. H. Babewell, M.A. Elected by members of Education Boards—P. J. H. White ; R. McCallum. Appointed by Wellington City Council—M. P. Luckie. Elected by teachers in secondary schools and technical high schools—J. H. Howell, 8.A., B.Sc. Elected by governing bodies of secondary schools —T. Forsyth. Elected by the Professorial Board —F. P. Wilson, M. A., F.E.S.; T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc. Staff. Professors. —Classics—J. Rankine Brown, M.A. (Dean of Arts Faculty). English—H. Mackenzie, M.A. Modern Languages—E. J. Boyd-Wilson, M.A. Philosophy—T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc. History—F. P. Wilson, M.A., F.E.S. (Chairman). Economics—B. E. Murphy, M.A., LL.B., B.Com. Education—W. H. Gould (acting Professor from May). Mathematics—D. M. Y. Sommerville, M.A., D.So., F.R.S.E., F.N.Z.I. Biology—H. B. Kirk, M.A., F.N.Z.I. Physics—l). C. H. Florance, M.A., M.Sc. Chemistry—P. W. Robertson, M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Dean of Science Faculty). Geology—C. A. Cotton, D.Sc., A.0.5.M., F.G.S. Law —J. Adamson, M.A., LL.B. (Dean of Law Faculty); J. M. E. Garrow, 8.A., LL.B. Agriculture—G. S. Peren, B.S. Registrar.—G. G. S. Robison, M.A. Librarian.—B. H. Ward, B.A. REPORT (ABRIDGED). Pursuant to section 44 of the Victoria College Act, 1905, the Council presents the following report for the year 1926 : - The number of students attending classes in 1926 was 745. This number represents a drop of sixty-one as compared with the number for 1925. This is the first time that the College has failed to maintain its numbers since the war. The rather serious diminution may be accounted for by the following factors, which are placed in the order of importance : The new policy of the Department with regard to Training College students, whereby a considerable number of students from the middle district, who would ordinarily have come to Wellington and have attended this University college, were diverted to other centres. The Council is of opinion that this cause alone is enough to account for the decrease. Other factors are the falling-away in the number of new law students as a consequence of the new regulations for the LL.B. degree, and to some extent the falling-away in the number of science students owing to the inauguration of a scheme for day teaching in science. The last factor has operated .chiefly in the subject of physics, and is probably due to a merely temporary dislocation caused by the change-over to daytime teaching, which it is thought will disappear when students have become accustomed to the changed conditions. Changes in Staff. —Dr. J. Sword, of the Glasgow University, has been assistant and demonstrator in the Chemistry Department. He exchanged with Mr. A. D. Monro, who is returning this year. Miss Eileen Duggan, M.A., was appointed assistant to the Professor of History. Day Teaching in Science.—The year 1926 marked a very important epoch in the history of our college—the first determined effort to break away from the dominating influence of evening lectures. The change to day teaching in science may have caused a decrease in the number of students attending certain classes, but this year the attendance appears to be normal again. It has been a comparatively simple matter instituting day teaching : the difficult task is to convert a part-time student into a full-time student. Many of our science students are following full-time occupations, and are only able to attend day classes on the understanding that they must put in the corresponding amount of overtime. In the case of science subjects which have advanced with such rapid strides in recent years it is essential, if a student is to have anything but a smattering, that he should devote his full time to their theoretical and practical study; and from a cultural point of view it is highly desirable that a student should have time for general reading and reflection. It is to be hoped that a greater proportion of students will come not merely for the sake of a bread-and-butter degree, but with a desire to understand more fully the laws of nature and to take part in extending the boundaries of human knowledge. Library.—There have been 978 accessions during the year, at a cost of £613 13s. Id. Of these twenty-two were Carnegie publications, nine were from New Zealand and other Governments, ten were from universities and learned societies, five were from the Public Library, 329 were from Sir Robert Stout, and twenty-three from other private donors, including eight from Mr. J. O'Shea and six from Professor Garrow.



Salaries of.Staff. —During the year an effort was made to improve the salaries and organization of the staffs of the University colleges, as recommended by the Commission. The need for improvement here is urgent, and it is to be hoped that an early attempt will be made to bring a better system into being. University Hostel.—lt is very gratifying to be able to report that on account of the munificent gift of the late Mr. William Weir, steps are being taken for the erection of a hostel. Progress will, however, be slow owing to the fact that the money will not be available for about three years. The Council has been fortunate in securing, after long negotiations, a splendid hostel-site from, the Wellington Hospital Board. It is about a quarter of a mile from the College, and adjoins Kelburn Park and the Kelburn tram. It is planted with many fine trees, and commands a magnificent view of the harbour. It is hoped to build thereon a building which will be in every way a -worthy memorial of the munificence of the late Mr. William Weir. Bequests and Donations.—By the will of the late Mr. William Weir the bulk of his estate was left in trust for the purpose of providing a men's hostel for students of the College. The Public Trustee estimates that the value of the bequest is between £60,000 and £70,000. According to the terms of the will one-half of the capital fund is to be expended on the purchase of land and erecting and equipping a building, the balance is to be funded and the income applied for the upkeep of the hostel and generally for College purposes. This very valuable bequest will soon provide a hostel for men which has been so urgently required for the College. In commemoration of his golden wedding (1876-1926) the Right Hon. Sir Robert Stout. K.C.M.G., P.C., has given £200 to found a scholarship to be awarded to the student who shall be adjudged by the Professorial Board to be the best student who has completed a pass degree in the previous academic year. In commemoration of her golden wedding (1876-1926) Lady Stout has given £50 to found a bursary to be awarded to the woman undergraduate who is most outstanding m (1) qualities of leadership, (2) debating-powers, (3) moral force of character, (4) fondness for and success in outdoor sports, (5) literary and scholastic attainment. School of Agriculture.—During the course of the year under review there have been several very important developments. Following on the decisions of Auckland University College and this College to pool their staffs and finances in order to establish one strong School of Agriculture, a site for the new institution was selected at Palmerston North. This work was carried out in conjunction with the senior officers of the Departments of Education, Lands, and Agriculture. The Government, having approved of the selection, purchased the site. Later in the year legislation was passed constituting the new institution under the title of " The New Zealand College of Agriculture," and with a Council composed of representatives of Auckland University College, this University College, and of the Goverment. It is sincerely to be hoped that the new College will be in a position to accept students for the academic year of 1928, as the improved facilities will be of inestimable value to the two schools concerned, and, generally, to agricultural education in New Zealand. Workers' Educational Association.—During the year the work of the W.E.A. was carried on successfully. The statistics show that there were thirty-two classes in this University district, in which 1,996 students were enrolled. On these 1,707 were " effective," and 1,433 of them attended not less than 50 per cent, of the lectures of the classes of which they were members. Former Students.—Miss H. G. Heine has been awarded the Ph.D. degree in economics at Berlin University. J. G. Myers, M.Sc., Ph.D., holder of the 1851 Research Scholarship for 1924, after leaving the Bussey Institute, Harvard University, spent some time in entomological work in the United States and other parts of America and then went to England. He has received an appointment in the Imperial Bureau of Entomology, and has recently visited Australia in connection with his duties. Miss Airini Pope, M.Sc., has completed a very valuable and comprehensive report on the culinary and dietary arrangements in the hospitals of New Zealand. She has also been appointed to the staff of the Home Science Faculty, Otago University. Dr. H. L. Richardson has been appointed research assistant to the Chief Chemist at Rothamstead. T. Rigg, M.Sc., Chemist to the Cawthron Institute, has been appointed a member of the Advisory Board to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. H. Vickerman, M.Sc., D.5.0., has been appointed a member of the Advisory Board to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Publications.—D. M. Y. Sommerville : " Peaucellier's Cell and other Linkages in Noneuclidean Geometry." Edinburgh. Proc. Math. Soc., Yol. 44, pp. 26-31 (1926). " The Development of the Ideas of Space and Time." Presidential address, Section A. Australasian Assoc. Adv. Sci. Rep., Vol. 17, pp. 140-154 (1926). " Homogeneity applied to Angles." Math. Gaz., Vol. 13, pp. 281-283 (1927). (With L. Shotlander:) " Some Approximate Circle Squarings." Mat. Gaz., Vol. 13, pp. 250-251 (1926).



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOE THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1926! Receipts and Payments Accounts. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. Salaries— £ s d Balance forward .. .. .. 6,943 6 6 Staff and caretakers .. .. 18,347 19 11 Rent reserves .. .. .. 108 12 4 Office .. .. .. .. 977 0 0 Sale calendars .. .. .. 23 16 5 Librarian and assistants .. .. 673 18 9 Interest .. .. .. .. 285 0 8 Apparatus— Government grant .. .. .. 11,450 0 0 Psychology .. .. .. 136 12 3 Students' Association grant .. .. 30 0 0 Geology .. .. . . .. 17 6 Fees •• •• 7,524 19 0 Chemistry .. .. .. .. 294 8 5 Payments for use of buildings . . .. 6.1 5 0 Physics .. .. .. .. 264 3 5 Examination fees .. .. .. 540 4 6 Biology .. .. .. " 18162 National Endowment— Printing and stationery .. .. 189 2 11 Government .. .. .. 2,108 4 6 Library books .. .. .. 643 13 1 New Zealand University .. .. 1,053 2 4 Legal expenses .. .. .. 13 13 0 0 onvocation grant, New Zealand University 15 15 0 Calendars .. .. .. .. 80 5 0 Interest, T. G. Macartby Account .. 547 10 0 Lighting .. .. .. .. 388 17 I Workers' Educational Association classes — Ground .. .. .. .. 501 19 6 Government grant .. .. .. 750 0 0 Examination expenses .. .. 133 2 6 Subsidies .. .. .. .. 541 16 0 Advertising .. .. .. .. 45 10 6 Grants, local bodies .. .. .. 541 16 0 Heating .. .. .. .. 258 14 9 Grant, Pharmacy Board .. .. 6 5 0 Water .. .. .. .. 34 13 0 Restitution-money .. .. ~ 218 6 Insurance .. .. .. .. 178 6 9 Refunded from Chair of Agriculture Ac- Contingencies .. .. .. 67 16 6 count .. . . .. .. 503 5 9 Examination bonus—Caretakers .. 24 0 0 Government subsidy—Library .. .. 175 0 0 Office expenses .. .. .. 155 19 0 Fees for Greek art classes .. ~ 30 15 0 I Furniture, and fittings .. .. .. 122 12 6 Maintenance .. .. .. .. 1,316 16 9 Students' Hostel Account .. .. 312 10 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 116 17 6 Convocation .. .. .. 15 15 0 Chair of Agriculture—Expenses .. 504 1 3 Fees refunded .. .. .. 32 II 0 Workers' Educational Association pay- ! ments .. .. .. .. 2,087 16 5 i Balance at Bank of New £ s. d. Zealand .. .. 2,477 12 1 Less unpresented cheque, £5; library deposits, £16 16s. ; S. A. Rhodes Account, 3s. 9d.; T. G. Macarthy Account, lis. 4d.; Bruce Dall Acoount, £2 Iss. 6d.; Maori Students Account, £23 45.; Marine Obseri vatory Account, £1 Is.; Research Fellowship, £400 .. .. 449 11 7 2,028 0 6 Post Office Savings-bank ..3,114 1 7 5,142 2 1 £33,243 12 6 £33,243 12 6 Jacob Joseph Scholarship Fund. Dr - £ 8- d. Or. £ s. d. £ S. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 3,815 6 0 Expended on scholarships .. 120 0 0 Interest —■ Bank commission .. 0 5 0 War loan .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Debenture .. .. 016 6 City debentures .. .. .. 135 0 0 121 1 6 Balance— Wellington City debentures 3,000 0 0 War loan .. .. 500 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand Trust Account .. 354 4 6 — 3,854 4 6 £3,975 6 0 £3,975 6 0 Library Deposits. Dr. £ S. d. Or. £ s , J. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 16 16 0 In Bank of New Zealand—Current Account .. 16 16 0

E. —7


Sir Walter Buchanan Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. Balance forward .. .. .. 20,015 16 4 Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. Government grant .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Professor .. .. 900 0 0 Interest .. .. .. 1,100 0 0 Assistants .. .. 375 0 0 Refund .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 1,275 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. 149 18 0 Library .. .. .. 66 16 5 * Refund to General Account ]50 0 8 Bank commission .. 0 10 0 Debenture commission .. 5 10 0 Petty expenses .. .. 2 110 374 16 11 Balance— Wellington City debentures 20,000 0 0 Mr. Buchanan Account, Bank of New Zealand .. 966 9 5 20,966 9 5 £22,616 6 4 £22,616 6 4 Agricultural Scholarships Account. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 2,147 16 8 Debenture commission .. 0 10 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 115 10 0 Scholarship payment .. 33 6 8 33 16 8 Balance— Wellington City debentures 2,100 0 0 Bank of New Zealand—Trust Account .. 118 13 0 Post Office Savings-bank.. 10 17 0 2,229 10 0 £2,263 6 8 £2,263 6 8 Marine Observatory Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. Balance forward .. .. .. 235 4 10 Balance— £ s. d. Subscriptions .. .. .. 25 12 9 Post Office Savings-bank .. ... 360 1 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 6 14 5 Bank of New Zealand—Current Account 110 Government subsidy .. .. .. 93 10 6 £361 2 6 £361 2 6 S. A. Rhodes Account. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 13,877 3 7 Expended on fellowship .. 400 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 774 8 2 Expended on scholarships .. 431 15 7 831 15 7 Balance— City debentures.. .. 6,700 0 0 Inscribed stock .. 6,374 8 6 Post Office Savings-bank.. 745 3 11 Bank of New Zealand— Current Account .. 0 3 9 13,819 16 2 £14,651 11 9 £14,651 11 9 T. G. Macarthy Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. Balance forward .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Transferred to General Ac- £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest .. .. .. .. 547 10 0 count .. .. .. .. 547 10 0 Balance— Inscribed stock . . 499 8 8 Wellington City debentures 9,500 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand — Current Account .. 0 11 4 10,000 0 0 £10,547 10 0 £10,547 10 0 School of Economics Fund. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s . d. Balance forward .. .. .. 3,400 0 0 Transferred to interest.. .. .. 187 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 187 0 0 Balance—Wellington City debentures .. 3,400 0 0 £3,587 0 0 £3,587 0 0 Athol Hudson Fund. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. 88 11 5 Balanoe—Post Office Savings-bank .. 92 110 Interest .. .. .. .. 3 10 5 £92 1 10 £92 1 10


Bruce Dall Prize. Dr • £ s. d. Or. Balance forward .. .. .. 50 3 0 Balance— £ s , <j. Interest .. .. .. .. 212 6 Post Office bond .. .. .. 50 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand—Current Account 215 6 £52 15 6 . £52 15 6 Memorial Window Fund. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s d Balance forward .. .. .. 95 14 3 Balance—Post Office Savings-bank .. 99 10 3 Interest .. .. .. .. 3 16 0 3 £99 10 3 Union Prize. , Dr ' £ s - d - Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 106 18 10 Expended on prizes .. .. 811 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 410 0 Bank commission .. .. 0 5 0 8 16 6 Balance— Wellington City debentures .. 100 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand—Trust Account .. .. .. 2 12 4 102 12 4 £in 8 10 £111 8 10 Lissie Rathbone Scholarships. Dr. £ s. d. ' Or. £ s. d. £ s. d Balance forward .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 ; Scholarships payment .. 50 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 165 0 0 Debenture commission .. 018 0 i : 50 18 0 Balance— Wellington City debentures 3,000 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand— Trust Account.. .. 114 2 0 3,114 2 0 £3,165 0 0 £3,165 0 0 Maori Students' Fund. Dr. £ s. d. Or. Balance forward .. .. ..1180 Expended on board and books and travelling- £ s. d. Grants Maori Trustees .. .. .. 100 0 0 expenses .. .. .. .. 88 4 0 Balance in Bank of New Zealand—Current Account .. .. .. 23 4 0 £ln 8 0 £111 8 0 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1926. Liabilities. Assets. Scholarships and trust funds— Cash in Bank of New S. A. Rhodes Scholarship £ s. d. £ s. d. Zealand— £ s . d. £ sd. Fund .. .. 14,259 16 2 General funds .. .. 1,814 3 9 T. G. Macarthy Fund .. 10,000 0 0 Trust funds .. .. 2,214 9 7 Jacob Joseph Scholarship 4,028 13 4 .Fund .. .. 3,500 0 0 Cash at Post Office SavingsSir Walter Buchanan Fund 20,000 0 0 bank— Agricultural Scholarship 2,110 17 0 General funds .. .. 3,114 1 7 Marine Observatory Fund 361 2 6 Trust funds .. .. 1,307 14 6 Union Prize Fund .. 100 0 0 — 4,421 16 1 Athol Hudson Research Debentures and inscribed Fund .. .. 92 1 10 stock— Memorial Window Fund 99 10 3 General funds .. .. 3,400 0 0 Bruce Dall Prize .. 50 0 0 Trust funds .. .. 52,263 17 2 Tutorial classes .. 183 1 9 — 55,663 17 2 Lissie Rathbone Scholar- Sundry debtors— ship .. .. 3,000 0 0 Chair of Agriculture Ac53,756 9 6 count .. .. 19 0 Income accounts in credit— Students Hostel Account 312 10 0 Union Prize Fund .. 2 12 4 313 19 0 Jacob Joseph Scholarship Buildings and equipment Fund .. .. 354 4 6 (less depreciation)— Bruce Dall Prize .. 2 15 6 College buildings .. 79,730 11 4 Sir Walter Buchanan Fund 966 9 5 Library books .. 9,711 4 5 Agricultural Scholarship 118 13 0 Laboratory fittings .. 2,009 3 5 Maori Students' Fund .. 23 4 0 Caretaker's cottage .. 474 12 7 Lissie Rathbone Scholar- Apparatus .. .. 7,385 12 6 ship .. .. 114 2 0 Fencing and grounds .. 1,751 6 5 Greek art deposits .. 30 15 0 Furniture and fittings .. 6,408 *7 11 1,612 15 9 107,470 18 7 Library deposits .. .. .. 16 16 0 Land (site at Government valuation) .. 11,450 0 0 School of Economic Fund .. 3,400 0 0 Research Fellowship ■ • ■ • 400 0 0 Accumulated Fund .. .. 124,163 2 11 £183,349 4 2 £183,349 4 2




4. CANTERBURY COLLEGE. Visitor.—The Hon. the Minister of Education. Board of Governors. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General—Miss E. A. Chaplin, E.A. ; John Joseph Dougall ■ L M lsitt, Esq., M.L.C. Appointed by members of Parliament—E. J. Howard, Esq., M.P. ; Colonel the Hon. G. J. .Smith, Esq., C.B.E. M.L.C., T.D. ; Lieut.-Colonel John Studholme, C.8.E., D.5.0., M.A. Appointed by graduates—W. Brock, Esq., Mi. ; Mrs. E. L. Clark, M.A. ; J. R. Cunningham, Esq., LL B • A. E. Flower, Esq., M.A., M.Sc.; J. Guthrie, Ch.B., M.8., F.A.C.S.E.; A. J. Orchard, Esq., 8t.8., C.M. Appointed by teachers—C. T. Aschman, Esq.; John Gunn Poison; L. B. Wood, Esq., M.A. Appointed by School Committees—ll. D. Acland, Esq., B.A. (Chairman); W. A. Banks, Esq. ; W. M. Hamilton. Representatives of the Professorial Board—C. Chilton, Esq., M.A., D.Sc. (Rector), ex officio ; H. G. Penham M A D.Sc. Registrar.—L. A. Stringer, Esq. Staff. Rector. —Professor Chas. Chilton, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D. Professors. —Classics—H. D. Broadhead, M.A., Litt.D. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy—C. E. Weatherburn, M.A., D.Sc. English Language and Literature, and Director of Studies in Arts—A. Wall, M.A., B.A. French and' German—T. G. R. Blunt, M.A. (Oxford). Chemistry—H. G. Denham, M.A., M.Sc., D.Sc., Ph.D. Engineering— (Electrical) P. H. Powell, M.Sc., M.Eng., M.1.E.E., M.A.LE.E. ; (Civil) R. A. Campbell, ii.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E. • (Mechanical) S. Steele, B.Sc. Biology and Director of Studies in Science—C. Chilton, M.A., D.Sc., M.8., C.M., &'c! History and Director of Studies in Commerce—J. Hight, M.A., Litt.D., F.R.E.S. Physics—C. C. Farr, D.Sc.,' F.P.S.L., F.N.Z.lnst. Mental and Moral Philosophy—C. F. Salmond, M.A. Education and Director of Extension Work —J. Shelley, M.A. Economics —A. H. Tocker, M.A. Geology, Palaeontology and Physical Geographv— R. Speight, M.A., M.Sc., F.G.S. Lecturers, seven. EXTRACT FROM THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS. I HAVE now to place before you the fifty-fourth report of the Chairman of the Board. The year 1926 has been one of considerable anxiety to the Board in view of the fact that the country has been faced with falling prices for its primary products, for, as you know, a very large portion of our revenue is derived from rents of rural land. During the year the Board acquired the land known as " Llanmaes," thus completing the College block, and we now have a sufficient area of land for building extensions for some years to come. I think that possibly a portion of the house on this property can be so used as to act as quarters for the Students' Union until funds allow a more suitable building to be erected. It is to be regretted that when the College was first established a very much larger area of land was not acquired, even if it had then been a little farther from the centre of the city. I do not anticipate any great developments in the near future, as I feel that it is the duty of the Board to consolidate and develop the more recent activities it has undertaken. I would remind members that the debit balance upon the College Buildings and Sites Account is greater than last year, having increased from £13,666 to £19,516, and the policy of the Board should be to extinguish this debit balance as soon as possible, as the interest upon it will remain a continuous drain upon our finances. I would, however, again urge the desirability of the acquisition of suitable playing-fields for the University in the neighbourhood of the city before vacant spaces are subdivided and built upon. Proposal to establish a " Canterbury College Fund."—Since its foundation in 1873, graduates of Canterbury College have risen to distinction in many parts of the world, and the education imparted by the College has excited a steady and growing influence for the public good of New Zealand. All Canterbury men and women, and Canterbury College graduates in particular, should do their utmost to ensure the distinguished position the College holds in regard to education in the Dominion and not take it for granted that some invisible force, without self-denial or effort on their part, will carry on the splendid. University College given to them by the wise pioneers of this province. Leadership is expensive, and if the College is to continue to maintain a position in the forefront of higher education in New Zealand and continue its traditions of teaching, it must be in a position to command in the future, as it has in the past, the right type of men for its teaching staff, and it must have the means to adequately reward their services. Modern university education becomes more and more costly, and lam appalled at the many new calls made upon the College each succeeding year. The State is faced with continuous and increasing demands for all branches of education, and the taxpayer is



beginning —in fact, has already begun—to call a halt. We are therefore faced with the problem of finding ways and means, not only for immediate needs, but also for future expansion and research, and a continuous and increasing revenue must be provided unless Canterbury College is to cease to progress, which, as every one knows, is the beginning of atrophy. It is with a view to helping to provide an increasing permanent income that I offer the suggestion to establish a fund to be called " The Canterbury College Fund." This is not a proposal to raise a definite sum for a definite purpose ; it is intended to be a perpetual source of revenue to help the general fund of the College, and the considerations governing its establishment and administration should be : —(1) The College requires a constantly increasing income for current support, improvement, and extension, to enable it to hold a position in the vanguard of university education. (2) Amongst the Canterbury people, and particularly the alumni of the College, there are many who, through their sense of loyalty and obligation, will welcome a well-ordered scheme whereby tliey may contribute annually—or once, or often—to the College an amount to be fixed by each individual contributor for himself. The sum may be small, moderate, or large, the " widow's mite " being as acceptable as the millionaire's donation ; it is intended that each contribution should have such relation to the contributor's means as he or she may fix. (3) The moneys annually given to the fund should be paid into the College Account without restriction as to their use, and with entire freedom on the part of the Board of Governors to use the fund as it may determine. The essence of the scheme lies in the fact that it shall exist in perpetuity. The fund is intended to operate, not for this year or next year, but for all time, and to receive annually whatever its graduates or others may care to give. The idea of unrestricted funds precludes the suggestion of fixed amount. The first consideration is that all who can shall give something. No sum is too small. The responsibility for giving is divided amongst many, and if large numbers contribute, the aggregate sum contributed will be satisfactory. If we ask ourselves, " How important a place in my life were my three or four years at College ? " we are astonished how big they loom up in proportion to the following ten or twenty years. This fund will enable all to contribute to that debt which most graduates must feel they owe to the College, and many who in the past have wished to help the College in some way but have been deterred on account of the smallness of the amount they could afford to give, will, under this scheme, be able to do so. There can be no doubt as to the urgent need for unrestricted funds. The College has received gifts in the past, and the curious thing about these gifts is that in many cases they have tended to impoverish the College. Such gifts are not made without limitations as to their use. Usually the donor very naturally desires to set up something separate and visible which may be seen of men in years to come and bear his name, or that of his wife or other relative. If the gift has been for scholarships i£ has involved the expenditure of College funds to find lecturers or buildings, or perhaps further assistance for the scholars. The effect of such gifts is to increase the load without adding to the power. No one can say for what purpose the annual income of the fund will be used in twenty years. Money is necessary to increase the remuneration of the teaching staff. The first essential of the College is to maintain the quality of the teaching, and to this end the Board must be in a position to retain the services of men of the highest calibre without embarrassment as to cost. The College must also carry higher education beyond the walls of the College buildings, and this cannot be done without money. Further, in addition to its work as the disseminator of knowledge, the University should be the source of knowledge, and research is expensive.

4—E. 7.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1926. Genebal Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1926. Liabilities. Assets. Capital Account— £ s. d. Endowments— College .. .. .. .. 273,926 12 10 College— £ £ s. d. Boys' High School .. .. .. 102,868 1 4 Classical School .. .. 189,498 Girls' High School .. .. .. 12,576 8 6 Chemistry and Physios .. 10,070 Medical School reserves .. .. 29,792 0 2 Superior Education .. 95,380 Museum, Library, and School of Tech- — _ 294 ,948 0 0 nical Science endowment .. .. 121,735 0 10 Boys' High School .. .. 146,512 General— Less mortgaged .. .. 38,000 Student Loan Fund .. .. 630 8 8 108,512 0 0 Students' Union Building Fund .. 1,164 9 0 Girls' High School .. .. .. 11 '535 0 0 T. W. Adams School of Forestry Be- Medical School reserves .. .. 29,485 0 0 quest Account .. .. .. 1,354 14 6 Museum, Library, and School of TechSchool of Engineering and Technical nical Science Endowment .. .. 114,525 0 0 Science Maintenance Account .. 63 17 11 General— School of Engineering Replacement and Workers' Educational Association AcContingencies Sinking Fund .. 1,404 5 4 count .. .. .. .. 130 5 4 School of Art Maintenance Account .. 38 19 3 School of Engineering Special Apparatus School of Art Buildings Sinking Fund 3,147 11 7 Account .. .. ~ 70 12 4 Museum Maintenance Account .. 813 3 Public Library Buildings Account .. 1,617 17 11 Museum Buildings Sinking Fund .. 4,624 10 6 Investments in debentures and stockMuseum Collections Sinking Fund .. 432 7 2 General .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Museum Guide-book Sinking Fund .. 266 2 6 Memorial prizes .. .. .. 1,195 0 0 Public Library Maintenance Account 92 2 4 Scholarship funds .. .. 18'042 10 0 Public Library Postle Bequest Capital Postle bequest .. .. .. 1.700 0 0 Account .. .. .. 1,700 0 0 Joseph Haydon Prize Fund .. .. 350 10 9 Charles Cook Memorial Scholarship Fund .. .. .. .. 1,235 13 4 Robert Bell Scholarship Fund .. 3,517 19 6 Helen Macmillan Brown Bursaries Fund 2,294 15 5 John Connal Scholarship Fund .. 2,160 16 4 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship Fund .. 3,090 211 Gladys and Anthony Wilding Memorial Fund .. .. .. .. 219 15 6 Canterbury College Macmillan Brown Prize Fund .. .. .. 277 1 2 Sir William Hartley Scholarship Fund.. 5,995 13 10 Thomas Miller Prize Fund .. .. 101 0 3 Oliver Garsia Essay Prize Fund .. 29 5 1 Jack Birdling Scholarship Fund .. 218 4 6 Emily S. Foster Memorial Fund .. 78 12 3 Helen Macmillan Brown Memorial Fund 99 5 4 May Campbell Anderson Memorial Prize 108 12 9 Fund Rosa Sawtell Prize Fund .. .. 100 0 4 Boys' High School Sports Ground Im provement Fund .. .. ~ 159 14 5 Bank of New South Wales — £ s. d. No. 2 Account .. Dr. 18,000 0 0 No. 1 Account .. Cr. 6,129 5 I 11,870 14 11 Plus outstanding cheques 27 1 4 11,897 16 3 £587,761 5 7 £587,761 5 7 College Balance-sheet as at 31st Deoembeb, 1926. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Maintenance Account .. .. 2,981 15 8 Endowments, as per Government valua- £ s. d. Buildings and Sites Account .. 19,516 10 6 tion .. .. .. .. 294,948 0 0 Capital Account— Helen Connon Hall Buildings Sinking Balance at 31st Decern- £ s. d. Fund .. 1 476 19 0 ber, 1925 .. .. 282,332 1 10 Less excess of payments over receipts— Maintenance Account, 1925, £2,611 13s. lid.; Buildings and Sites Account, 1925, £5,850 10s. 7d. 8,462 4 6 273,869 17 4 Plus interest on sinking fund, 1925 .. 56 15 6 273,926 12 10 £296,424 19 0 £296,424 19 0



Medical School Keserves Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1926. Liabilities. \ Assets. Capital Account— £ s. d. I Endowments as per Government valua- £ s. d. Balance at 31st December, 1925 .. 28,926 2 1 j tion .. .. .. .. 29,485 0 0 Excess of receipts over payments, ! Revenue Account .. .. .. 44 5 0 Revenue Account, 1926 .. .. 865 18 1 j Capital Cash Account .. .. 262 15 2 £29,792 0 2 £29,792 0 2 Museum, Library, and School of Technical Science Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1926. Liabilities. Assets. Capital Account— £ s. d. Endowments as per Government valua- £ s. d. Balance at 31st December, 1925 .. 122,217 15 11 tion .. ~ .. .. 114,525 0 (5 Less excess of payments over receipts, Revenue Account .. ... .. 115 711 Revenue Account, 1926 .. 482 15 1 Capital Cash Account .. .. 7,094 12 11 £121,735 0 10 £121,735 0 10 Statement of Balances as at 31st December, 1926. Accounts. £ s. d. Accounts. £ s. d. College Maintenance Account .. .. 2,981 15 8 Helen Connon Hall Buildings Sinking Fund 1,476 19 0 College Buildings and Sites Account .. 19,516 10 6 Student Loan Fund .. .. .. 630 8 8 Workers' Educational Association Account 130 5 4 Students' Union Building Fund .. 1,164 9 0 Boys' High School Hostel Account .. 889 18 6 T. VV. Adams School of Forestry Bequest Boys' High School Manual and Science Account .. .. .. .. 1,354 14 6 Classes Account . . . . .. 265 I 0 Boys' High School Public Service SuperBoys' High School Buildings and Sites annuation Board Loan Account .. 12,000 0 0 Account .. .. .. .. 10,980 15 4 Boys' High School National Insurance Co. Boys' High School Buildings and Sites Loan Account . . .. .. 13,000 0 0 (Riccarton) Account .. .. 31,508 310 Boys' High School Public Trust Office Girls' High School Hostel Account .. 851 0 9 Loan Account .. .. .. 13,000 0 0 Girls' High School Manual and Science Boys' High School Sports Ground ImClasses Account .. .. .. 54 2 9 provement Fund .. .. .. 159 14 5 School of Engineering Special Apparatus Girls' High School Maintenance Account 1,873 5 8 Account .. .. .. .. 70 12 4 Girls' High School Buildings and Sites Public Library Buildings Account .. 1,617 17 11 Account .. .. .. .. 32 5 0 Debentures— Girls' High School Preparatory DepartGeneral .. .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 ment Account .. .. .. 41 1 4 Joseph Haydon Prize Fund .. .. 220 0 0 Medical School Reserves Revenue Account 44 5 0 Charles Cook Memorial Scholarship Medical School Reserves Capital Cash Fund .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Account .. .. . . .. 262 15 2 Robert Bell Scholarship Fund .. 190 0 0 Museum, Library, and School of TechJohn Connal Scholarship Fund .. 90 0 0 nical Science Endowment Revenue AcCanterbury College Macmillan. Brown count .. .. .. .. 115 7 11 Prize Fund .. .. .. 250 0 0 Museum, Library, and School of Technical Gladys and Anthony Wilding Memorial Science Capital Cash Account .. 7,094 12 11 Fund .. .. . . .. 200 0 0 School of Engineering and Technical Lissie Rathbone Scholarship Fund .. 3,000 0 0 Science Maintenance Account .. 63 17 11 Sir William Hartley Scholarship Fund.. 6,000 0 0 School of Engineering Replacement and Thomas Miller Prize Fund .. .. 100 0 0 Contingencies Sinking Fund .. 1,404 5 4 Oliver Garsia Essay Prize Fund .. 25 0 0 School of Art Maintenance Account .. 38 19 3 Jack Birdling Scholarship Fund .. 200 0 0 School of Art Buildings Sinking Fund .. 3,147 11 7 Foster and Brown Memorial Fund .. 150 0 0 Museum Maintenance Account.. .. 813 3 Postle Bequest Account .. .. 1,700 0 0 Museum Buildings Sinking Fund .. 4,624 10 6 New Zealand inscribed stock— Museum Collections Sinking Fund .. 432 7 2 Joseph Haydon Prize Fund .. . . 100 0 0 Museum Guide-book Sinking Fund .. 266 2 6 Charles Cook Memorial Scholarship Public Library Maintenance Account .. 92 2 4 Fund ... .. .. .. 1,097100 Public Library Postle Bequest Capital Robert Bell Scholarship Fund .. 3,195 0 0 Account .. .. .. .. 1,700 0 0 Helen Macmillan Brown Bursaries Fund 2,130 0 0 Joseph Haydon Prize Fund .. .. 350 10 9 John Connal Scholarship Fund .. 2,065 0 0 Charles Cook Memorial Scholarship Fund 1,235 13 4 May Campbell Anderson Memorial Prize Robert Bell Scholarship Fund .. .. 3,517 19 6 Fund .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Helen Macmillan Brown Bursaries Fund.. 2,294 15 5 Rosa Sawtell Prize Fund .. .. 100 0 0 John Connal Scholarship Fund .. 2,160 16 4 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship Fund .. 3,090 2 11 Gladys and Anthony Wilding Memorial Fund .. .. .. .. 219 15 6 Canterbury College Macmillan Brown Prize Fund .. .. .. 277 1 2 Sir William Hartley Scholarship Fund .. 5,995 13 10 Thomas Miller Prize Fund .. .. 101 0 3 Oliver Garsia Essay Prize Fund .. 29 5 1 Jack Birdling Scholarship Fund .. 218 4 6 Emily S. Foster Memorial Fund .. 78 12 3 Helen Macmillan Brown Memorial Fund.. 99 5 4 May Campbell Anderson Memorial Prize Fund .. .. .. .. 108 12 9 Rosa Sawtell Prize Fund .. .. 100 0 4 Bank of New South Wales — £ s. d. No. 2 Account .. Dr. 18,000 0 0 No. 1 Account .. Or. 6,129 5 1 11,870 14 11 Plus outstanding cheques 27 1 4 — — 11,897 16 3 £95,803 13 11 £95,803 13 11



College Maintenance Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. .. 79 18 3 Salaries .. .. .. .. 22,173 11 4 Rent of reserves— General expenses— Classical .. .. .. .. 8,1115 10 Insurance .. .. .. 90 16 1 Town . . . . .. .. 440 0 0 Rates .. .. .. .. 79 6 2 Pastoral .. .. .. .. 5,010 0 0 Water-supply .. .. .. 28 14 0 Goal-mining lease .. .. .. 250 0 0 Advertising .. .. . . 34 9 1 Township site .. .. .. 15 0 0 Printing, stationery, and stamps .. 698 5 6 Coldstream Reserve — Repairs . . . . . . .. 276 12 8 Chemical Laboratory .. .. 308 13 3 Furniture and fittings . . .. 448 0 11 Physical Laboratory .. .. 308 13 3 Washing and cleaning .. . . 105 16 8 Students'fees .. .. .. 6,862 12 6 Grounds .. .. .. .. 222 7 4 Examination fees . . .. .. 119 14 0 Heating and lighting .. .. 952 7 6 Examination fees, pharmacy students .. 1 15 0 Legal expenses .. .. .. 13 12 0 Share of testing fees .. .. .. 47 11 0 Expenses of— Eee for report .. .. 012 0 Music lectures .. .. .. 53 14 8 House-rents .. .. .. 65 0 0 Students' Club .. .. .. 78 1 11 Rent of cottage, Arthur's Pass.. .. 10 0 Inspection of reserves .. .. 652 13 4 Rent of room, Philosophical Institute .. 6 0 0 1 Endowments .. .. .. 238 1 8 Sales .. .. .. .. 31 11 2 | Election of Governors .. .. 18 1 0 Grant from New Zealand Society of Ac- j Travelling-expenses of members of countants .. .. .. 100 0 0 j Board .. .. .. 13 6 0 Grant from Canterbury Chamber of Com- Experimental Education Department 132 0 1 merce .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Assembly hall .. .. .. 13 1 0 Donation from Drama Society .. 60 0 0 Forestry Department .. .. 401 14 11 Donation from Canterbury Progress League 17 8 0 Economic survey of Canterbury .. 203 7 1 Grant under section 32 (b) of New Zealand Highways research .. .. 17 8 0 University Amendment Act, 1914— Popular lectures .. .. .. 13 18 10 National endowment .. .. 1,053 2 5 Arthur's Pass cottage .. .. 112 2 9 Fines—Library .. .. .. 2 2 3 Auditing .. . . .. 70 4 0 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 50 0 0 Grants in aid of necessitous students 29 17 0 Government grants— Class prizes .. .. .. 114 9 10 Statutory grant . . .. .. 1,600 0 0 Prizes for first-class honours .. 20 4 7 Salary of Professor of Education . . 850 0 0 Royal Holloway Scholarship .. 85 18 0 Capitation for commerce classes .. 100 0 0 Passage of Hartley Scholar .. 75 0 0 Research work .. . . .. 250 0 0 Rector's petty cash .. . . 3 0 0 School of Forestry .. . . .. 500 0 0 Refunds— Subsidy on contribution from New Subscription to College history . . 0 10 0 Zealand Society of Accountants .. 100 0 0 Insurance to tenant of Reserve 678 a 50 0 0 Boarding fees— Women Graduates' Association .. 20 0 0 Rolleston House .. .. .. 3,530 5 1 Wall-maps and lantern-slides .. 14 710 Helen Connon Hall .. .. 1,440 8 5 Rent of tennis-courts .. .. 7 10 0 Contributions— Travelling-expenses of relieving assistFrom various Departments towards— ant .. . . .. .. 50 0 0 Cost of inspection of reserves .. 478 5 5 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. 50 0 0 Cost of administration .. .. 1,682 0 11 Sundries .. .. .. 254 15 11 Cost of heating .. . . .. 241 15 1 College Library— From School of Engineering towards — Departmental Fund . . . . 482 2 5 Instruction in mathematics .. 55 0 0 Special fund .. .. .. 93 18 I Salary of fireman .. .. 72 12 6 Binding .. .. . . .. 33 1 6 Ground rent .. .. .. 60 0 0 Librarian's fund .. .. .. 3 11 8 From Museum Library and School of New Zealand books . . .. 19 5 0 Technical Science endowment to- Completing defective sets of journals 2 15 5 wards College library .. .. 18 0 0 Interest— Balance, 31st December .. .. 2,981 15 8 Maintenance Account .. .. 76 15 1 Buildings and Sites Account.. .. 907 4 7 Geology lectures — Apparatus .. .. .. 58 9 10 Field-work .. .. .. 10 18 10 Astronomical Observatory— Honorarium .. .. .. 50 0 0 General expenses .. .. .. 4 0 0 Chemical Laboratory— Mechanic .. .. .. . . 56 5 0 Insurance.. .. .. .. 13 15 8 Heating and electrical power .. 45 10 3 Chemicals and apparatus .. . . 361 9 3 Research apparatus .. .. 74 2 2 Sundries .. .. .. . . 30 1 1 Alterations and fittings .. .. 90 12 0 Physical Laboratory— Mechanic .. .. .. .. 167 14 6 Insurance .. .. .. . . 5 15 4 • Heating and electrical power . . 32 2 9 Apparatus .. .. . . 490 16 8 Sundries . . . . .. . . 56 0 6 Biological Laboratory—Mechanic .. . . .. . . 48 17 6 Insurance .. .. .. 6 6 7 Heating and electrical power . . 16 6 1 Laboratory specimens and expenses .. 56 8 7 Apparatus .. . . . . 32 4 10 Sundries .. . . .. . . 12 3 0 Subsidy to Riccarton Bush trustees .. 25 0 0 Furniture and fittings .. .. 44 7 6 Carried forward .. .. 37,002 2 0 Carried forward .. .. 31,325 9 4



College Maintenance Account—continued. Receipts—continued. I Payments—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. 37,002 2 0 . Brought forward .. .. 31,325 9 4 | ; Rolleston House — Administration expenses .. .. 27 11 8 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 881 3 6 Provisions .. .. .. 1,430 19 11 Heating and lighting .. .. 263 10 5 Repairs and maintenance of buildings.. 239 13 7 Insurance .. .. .. 34 9 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 12 3 4 Furniture .. .. . . 32 15 6 Renewals of furniture .. .. 17 15 6 Household requisites .. . . 1117 Renewals of household requisites .. 46 19 3 Helen Connon Hall— Administration expenses .. .. 11 14 0 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 447 4- 3 Provisions .. .. .. 344 19 7 Heating and lighting .. .. 74 3 6 Repairs and maintenance of buildings 31 6 5 Insurance .. .. .. 4 17 10 Other expenses .. .. .. 10 0 10 Furniture .. .. .. 24 13 1 Renewals of furniture .. .. 16 3 II Household requisites .. .. 4 110 Renewals of household requisites .. 11 15 0 Allocation to Buildings Sinking Fund.. 450 0 0 Contributions to— School of Engineering .. .. 906 10 0 Workers' Educational Association .. 350 0 0 £37,002 2 0 £37,002 2 0 College Buildings and Sites Account. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. Grant from national endowment under Balance, Ist January.. .. .. 13,665 19 11 section 32 (a), New Zealand University Heating installation — Amendment Act, 1914 .. .. 2,108 4 6 Final payment to contractor .. 458 15 8 School of Engineering Buildings Account Sundry fittings .. . . .. 73 19 1 —Share of cost of installation of heating Cost of cottage and sections at Arthur's system .. .. .. .. 2,515 0 0 Pass .. .. .. .. 203 5 9 School of Art Buildings Account —Share of Valuation fee . . . . .. 5 5 0 cost of installation of heating system . . 1,345 0 0 Cost of property at corner of Montreal and College Maintenance Account —Transfer Hereford Streets .. .. .. 6,500 0 0 of interest .. .. .. 907 4 7 Additions to office — Balance, 31st December .. .. 19,516 10 6 Progress-payment .. .. .. 356 0 0 Architect's commission .. .. 69 6 0 Old Boys' High School building— Cost of conversion and linoleum .. 3,827 3 7 Electrical installation .. .. 325 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 907 4 7 £26,391 19 7 £26,391 19 7 Helen Connon Hall Buildings Sinking Fund. Dr. £ S. d. Gr. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 970 3 6 Balance, Ist December .. .. 1,476 19 0 College Maintenance Account —Allocation for 1926 .. .. .. .. 450 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 56 15 6 £1,476 19 0 £1,476 19 0 T. W. Adams School of Forestry Bequest Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 1,338 14 2 Annuity to Mrs. Adams .. .. 250 0 0 Interest on loan .. .. .. 36 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 413 9 Rents .. .. 159 0 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 1,354 14 6 Interest .. .• ■ • • • 75 14 1 £1,609 8 3 £1,609 8 3 Workers' Educational Association Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 92 16 5 Salaries .. .. .. .. 1,365 8 2 Government grant .. .. .. 750 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 1711 Government subsidies .. .. 295 17 9 Boobs .. .. .. .. 46 11 5 College Maintenance Account .. .. 350 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 124 3 5 Voluntary contributions .. .. 64 I 0 Incidental expenses .. .. . . 43 1 9 Interest .. .. . . .. 3 911 Gramophone records .. .. .. 47 0 3 Balance, 31st December .. .. 130 5 4 Balopticon .. .. .. .. 58 17 6 £1,686 10 5 £1,686 10 5



Medical School Reserves Revenue Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Kent of reserves .. .. .. J, 388 4 9 Balance, Ist January .. .. 821 13 1 Cost of inspection of reserves .. .. 64 15 0 Expenses of endowments .. .. 446 10 7 Sundries .. .. .. .. 1 12 9 Interest— £ s. d. Revenue Account .. Dr. 24 15 11 Capital Cash Account Or. 15 7 7 9 8 4 Balance, 31st December .. .. 44 5 0 £1,388 4 9 £1,388 4 9 Medical Schools Reserves Capital Cash Account. Dr. £ s. d. C'r. £ s . d Balance, Ist January .. .. 262 15 2 Revenue Account—Transfer of interest .. 15 7 7 Interest .. .. .. .. 15 7 7 Balance, 31st December .. .. 262 15 2 £278 2 9 £278 2 9 Museum, Library, and School of Technical Science Endowment Revenue Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 598 3 0 Contributions— Bent of reserves .. .. .. 4,026 9 6 School of Engineering .. .. 875 0 0 Interest— School of Art . .. .. 322 0 0 Capital Cash Account .. .. 415 1 8 School of Art Buildings Sinking Fund 250 0 0 Revenue Account .. .. .. 41 6 3 Museum .. .. .. .. 2,750 0 0 Public Library .. .. .. 320 0 0 Public Library Buildings Account .. 250 0 0 College library .. .. .. 18 0 0 Towards inspection of reserves .. 142 10 6 Expenses of endowments .. .. 14 12 3 Extermination of brier .. .. 21 0 9 Sundries .. .. .. .. 2 9 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 115 7 11 £5,081 0 5 £5,081 0 5 Museum, Library, and School op Technical Science Capital Cash Account. Dr. £ s. d. C'r. £ s . d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 7,094 12 11 Revenue Account—Transfer of interest .. 415 1 8 Interest .. .. .. .. 415 1 8 Balance, 31st December .. .. 7,094 12 11 £7,509 14 7 £7,509 14 7 School op Engineering and Technical Science Maintenance Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 165 14 9 Salaries .. .. .. .. 6,984 511 Students'fees .. .. .. 2,284 11 6 General expenses— Testing fees .. .. .. 141 11 6 Insurance .. .. .. 59 10 1 Fees for certificate of associateship .. 5 5 0 Heating, lighting, and power .. 342 8 4 Sales .. .. .. 110 Printing and stationery .. .. 75 1 6 Grant for timber-testing .. .. 250 0 0 Advertising .. .. .. 24 13 3 Government grants— Laboratory stores — Statutory grant .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Mechanical .. .. .. 30 1 5 Statutory grant specialization .. 1,311 10 0 Electrical .. .. .. 13 J5 2 Material and apparatus .. .. 300 0 0 Apparatus for civil engineering and Capitation for technical instruction .. 1,250 0 0 surveying .. .. .. 113 15 11 Contributions— Experimental work apparatus—Applied From Museum, Library, and School of mechanics and mechanical engineering 85 9 11 Technical Science Endowment .. 875 0 0 Hydraulics .. .. . . *171 l() 2 From Superior Education Reserves .. 906 10 0 Electrical engineering .. .. 35 0 8 Upkeep of plant—Repairs to machinery 71 7 0 General supplies .. .. .. 17 IS 4 Library books .. .. .. 41 13 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. 4 19 6 Furniture .. .. ~ 131 7 0 Timber-testing .. .. .. 93 7 2 Sundries .. .. .. .. 77 19 0 Contributions— Administration expenses .. .. 310 19 9 Towards salary of assistant in mathematics .. .. .. .. 55 0 0 Towards salary of assistant fireman .. 72 12 6 College for ground-rent .. .. 60 0 0 Towards publication of Engineering Society's report .. .. .. 10 0 0 Interest — £ s. d. Buildings Account .. 3 5 2 Special Apparatus Account 22 15 4 26 0 6 Maintenance Account Or. 119 2 14 11 4 Exhibitions .. .. .. ~. 80 0 0 General Electric Co. Scholarship .. 24 18 11 British Thomson Houston Co. Scholarship .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Allocation — Replacement and contingencies, sinking fund .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Balance, 31st. December .. .. 63 17 11 £9,491 3 9 £9,491 3 9



School of Engineering Special Apparatus Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. , Payment ori account of Government grants 1,662 4 7 Balance, Ist January .. .. 50 13 4 Maintenance Account—Transfer of interest 22 15 4 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 1,682 3 7 Balance, 31st December .. .. 70 12 4 Interest ... .. .. .. 22 15 4 £1,755 12 3 £1,755 12 3 School of Engineering Replacement and Contingencies Sinking Fund. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 6,334 15 1 Buildings Account—Transfer to cover cost Interest .. .. .. .. 370 12 8 of— Maintenance Account—Allocation .. 400 0 0 Heating-system .. .. .. 2,515 0 0 Battery-house .. .. .. 79 9 0 Conversion of Old Boys' High School building—Linoleum and electrical installation .. .. .. 3,106 13 5 Balance, 31st December .. .. 1,404 5 4 £7,105 7 9 £7,105 7 9 • School of Engineering Buildings Account. . Dr. £ S. d. Cr. £ s. d. Maintenance Account —Transfer of interest 3 5 2 Final payment and commission on batteryReplacement and Contingencies Sinking house .. .. .. .. 79 9 0 Fund —Transfer to cover cost of— College Buildings and Sites Account— Battery-house .. .. .. 79 9 0 Share of cost of heating-system .. 2,515 0 0 Heating-system .. .. .. 2,515 0 0 Old Boys' High School building— Conversion of Old Boys' High School— Cost of conversion and linoleum .. 2,911 13 5 Linoleum and electrical installation.. 3,106 13 5 Electrical installation .. .. 195 n 0 Interest . . .. .. .. 3 5 2 £5,704 7 7 . £5,704 7 7 Joseph Haydon Prize Fund (Canterbury College). Dr. £ s . d. Or. £ s . d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 339 8 9 Prize .. .. .. .. 4 0 0 Interest .. .. .. ~ 15 2 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 350 10 9 £354 10 9 £354 10 9 Charles Cook Memorial Scholarship Fund (Canterbury College). Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s . d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 1,176 19 10 Advertising .. .. .. .. 3 4 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 61 17 6 Balance, 31st December .. .. 1,235 13 4 £1,238 17 4 £1,238 17 4 Robert Bell Scholarship Fund (Canterbury College). Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ 3 . d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 3,506 14 6 Advertising .. .. .. ~ 3 4 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 184 9 0 Scholarships and grants .. .. 170 0 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 3,517 19 6 £3,691 3 6 £3,691 3 6 Helen Macmillan Brown Bursaries Fund (Canterbury College). Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s . d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 2,211 19 5 Advertising.. ' .. .. .. 3 4 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 116 0 0 Bursary .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 2,294 15 5 £2,327 19 5 £2,327 19 5



John Connal Scholarship Fund (Canterbury College). Dr. £ s. d. Or. .. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 2,164 10 8 Scholarships.. .. .. .. 116 13 4 Interest .. .. .. .. .112 19 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 2,160 16 4 £2,277 9 8 £2,277 9 8 Canterbury College Macmillan Brown Prize Fund. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 263 6 2 Balance, 31st December .. .. 277 1 2 Interest .. .. .. .. 13 15 0 £277 1 2 £277 1 2 Gladys and Anthony Wilding Memorial Fund (Canterbury College). Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 211 0 0 Advertising .. .. .. .. 2 4 6 Interest .. . . . . . . 110 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 219 15 6 £222 0 0 £222 0 0 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship Fund (Canterbury College). Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 3,026 410 Advertising .. .. .. .. 112 11 Interest .. .. .. .. 115 11 0 Scholarship .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Balance, 31st December .. . . 3,090 211 £3,141 15 10 £3,141 15 10 Sir William Hartley Scholarship Fund (Canterbury College). Dr. £ s. d. | Cr. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 3,000 0 0 Scholarship .. .. .. . . 149 12 8 Government subsidy .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 5,995 13 10 Interest . . .. .. .. 145 6 6 £6,145 6 6 £6,145 6 6 ===— Student Loan Fund (Canterbury College). Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 100 0 0 Loan to student .. .. .. 80 0 0 Donations .. . . .. .. 581 0 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 630 8 8 Interest .. . . .. .. 29 8 8 £710 8 8 £710 8 8 Students' Union Building Fund (Canterbury College). Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Contribution from Students' Association.. 1,143 8 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 1,164 9 0 Interest .. .. .. . . 21 1 0 £1,164 9 0 £1,164 9 0



5- UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. Visitor.—His Excellency the Governor-General. Council. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council—Hon. Sir J. Allen, M.A., K.C.8., M.L.C.; C. R. Ritchie, Esq., J.P.; James Fitzgerald, Esq., 8.A., M.8., &c. Elected by graduates—T. K. Sidey, Esq., 8.A., LL.B., M.P. (Chancellor); C. M. Gilray, M.C., M.A. (Oxon.): W. M. Macdonald, C.8.E., B.Sc., M.D., &c. ; James Rennie, 8.A., B.Sc. Elected by the professors—W. B. Benham, Esq., D.Sc., M.A., F.R.S. : Sir Henry L. Ferguson, CM G M \ M.D., &c. * ' Elected to represent Otago Hospital Board, J. W. Seurr, Esq. ; elected by teachers in primary schools, J. A. Moore, Esq., M.A., B.Sc. ; elected by the Otago Education Board, James Wallace, Esq. ; elected by High School Boards, J. C. Stephens, Esq.; elected by the Southland Education Board, J. C. Thomson, Esq. ; elected by School Committees, L. D. Ritchie, Esq. ; elected by teachers of secondary schools, W. J. .Worrell, Esq., M.A., Oxon. (Vice-Chancellor) ; elected by Dunedin City Council, J. S. Douglas, Esq., J.P. Staff. Professors— Biology—W. B. Benham, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. English—Herbert Ramsay, M.A. Physiology— J. Malcolm, M.D. Mining—James Park, M.Am.lnst.M.E., &c. Dentistry—H. P. Pickerill, M.D., M.D.S., &c. Chemistry—J. K. H. Tnglis, M.A., D.Sc. Domestic Arts—Ann G. Strong, B.Se. Physics—R. Jack, M.A., D.Sc. Mental and Moral Philosophy—F. W. Dunlop, M.A., Ph.D. Anatomy—W." P. Gowland, M.D., B.Sc. Pathology—A, M. Drennan, M.8., Ch.B. Classics—T. D. Adams, M.A. Modern Languages—G. E. Thompson, M.A. Mathematics— R. J. T. Bell, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E. Geology and Mineralogy—W. N. Benson, D.Sc., F.G.S. Surgery—F. G. Bell, M.D., L.R.C.P., F.R.C.S. Systematic Medicine—D. W. 0. Jones, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. Ophthalmology—Sir H. L. Ferguson, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S.I. History—J. R. Elder, M.A., D.Litt. Clinical, Medicine and Therapeutics—F. W. B. Fitchett, M.IX, C.M. Bacteriology and Public Health—C. E. Hercus, M.D., D.P.H., D.S.O ~ 0.8. E. Economics— A. G. B. Fisher, 8.A., Ph.D. Education—R. Lawson, M.A., Litt.D. Associate Professors.—Anatomy—J. Carney, M.D. Dentistry—J. R. Burt, L.D.S., R.C.S. ; R. B. Dodds, D.D.S. : G. H. Parkinson, M.S., L.D.S. Also lecturers, demonstrators, and assistants. Registrar.—H. Chapman, Esq., B.A. REPORT (ABRIDGED) OF THE CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. To His Excellency the Governok-General. In accordance with the provisions of the University of Otago Ordinance, 1869, I have the honour to forward herewith a report of the proceedings of the University of Otago for the year ended 31st December, 1926. Teaching Staff. —I regret to record the fact that during the year the professoriate lost through death two valued members: Daniel Black Waters, Professor of Metallurgy and Assaying, and Raynor Colin Bell, Professor of Clinical Dentistry. A further loss to the teaching staff was caused by the resignation of Mr. Hinton, Beverly Lecturer in Physics, whom the Council was glad to congratulate on his appointment as Professor of Physics at Colombo. To till the vacancies thus created, and also to provide for the growth of the University, a number of new appointments have been necessary. In the Dental School Dr. R. B. Dodds has been appointed Associate Professor of Dentistry, whilst Messrs. J. R. Burt, L.D.S., and G. H. Parkinson, M.S., L.D.S., formerly part-time lecturers, have also been appointed full-time Associate Professors. The vacancy in the Mining School has been filled by the appointment of Mr. Herbert Black as Lecturer in Metallurgy and Assaying. Mr. Black is a graduate of the Otago School of mines, and previous to his appointment here held the position of Director of the School of Mines at Zeehan. In the Law School Mr. C. J. L. White has been appointed Lecturer in Evidence, in place of Mr. H. S. Adams (resigned) ; Mr. P. S. Anderson Lecturer in Property I, in place of Mr. F. B. Adams (resigned) ; and two additional lecturers have been appointed —viz., Mr. R. L. Fairmaid, Lecturer in Conveyancing, and Mr. A. N. Haggitt, Lecturer in Roman Law. To replace Mr. Hinton the Council has appointed to the Physics Lectureship a distinguished graduate of Melbourne, Dr. C. M. Focken ; and to the Lectureship in Geology, Mr. F. J. Turner, M.Sc., F.G.S., of the Auckland University College. A further appointment which should be noted is that of Miss G. L. 0. Jeffreys, 8.A., as librarian, in place of Miss F. C. Mowat, who resigned. New Buildings. —I have pleasure in recording the fact that during the past year the new Dental School was completed, and that it was formally opened by the Hon. the Minister of Education on the 11th June. The new building is well planned, and is proving of enormous advantage in the working of the Dental Department of the University. The new Medical buildings are also well in hand, and will be opened early in 1927. Benefactions. —I have pleasure in recording the fact that during the year the Council received several generous benefactions, of which the following are the most important: Mrs. M. J. and Miss Massey, £1,000 (cancer research) ; T. K. Sidey, Esq., £1,000 (dental School) ; Dunedin Savings-bank, £1,000 (Museum extension) ; anonymous, £1,000 (Lectureship in Physics) ; Home Science Alumnee, Association, £1,120 3s. sd. (extension hostel accommodation) ; Dunedin City Council, £450 (Museum) ; Mrs. J. Dunbar (bequest), £945 15s. 7d. (medical research). To these benefactors the Council expresses its warmest thanks. Finance.—l regret to point out that in order to provide for the essential needs of the University the Council has been faced with very largely increased expenditure. The Council sincerely trusts that the Government will very shortly see that the University finances are put on a satisfactory basis.

5—E. 7,



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1920. Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1926. Liabilities. Assets. Capital Account— £ s. d. £ s d Sales of property .. .. .. 3,812 5 9 Debentures and inscribed stock .. 77,723 15 0 Dunedin Savings-bank .. .. 6,500 0 0 Deposit with Hallenstein Bros. .. .. 8,463 16 5 Glendining gift .. .. .. 16,975 10 1 Companies' shares .. .. ■■ 2,500 0 0 Wolff Harris Endowment .. .. 2,100 0 0 Investment per Trustees Executors Co., Benmore Exchange .. .. .. 255 0 0 Ltd. .. .. .. .. 1,094 5 9 Subscribed fund .. .. .. 2,249 0 0 Fixed deposit with National Bank, Dunedin Lothian bequest .. .. .. 600 0 0 North .. .. .. .. 2,750 0 0 Moritzson gift .. .. .. 222 611 Deposit with Dunedin Savings-bank .. 206 8 0 Donald Reid trust .. .. .. 7,021 2 0 Sundry debtors— Ethnology gift .. .. .. 5,093 19 9 Assay fees due .. .. .. 6 18 0 Sir John Robert's gift .. .. 2,070 0 0 Fees due for chemical analyses .. 58 13 0 Dr. Barnett's gift .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Fees due for bacteriological reports .. 1,101 17 6 The Dean's fund .. .. .. 2,609 010 Government grants due .. .. 572 19 2 Mrs. Oliver's bequest .. .. 2,506 17 0 ( Studholme House Account .. .. 468 10 4 General .. .. .. .. 9,510 0 0 Poppy Day Fund .. .. .. 20 0 0 Ralph Barnett .. .. .. 15,406 14 3 Memorial Walk Committee .. .. 70 10 8 Mr. Sidey's gift .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Students'fees due .. .. .. 43 18 6 Lady Truby King's scholarship .. 3,000 0 0 Fees due for pathological reports .. 302 18 10 Anonymous gift on account of Physics Rents due— Lectureship .. .. 1,000 0 0 Otago runs .. .. .. 602 7 0 Ethnology Museum Building Account .. 8,463 16 5 Southland runs .. .. .. 14 12 6 Cameron Memorial Fund .. .. 209 11 0 Castle Street .. .. .. 20 0 0 Home science alumnae gift .. .. 1,111 15 5 Professors'houses .. .. .. 110 0 0 Logan Park playing-fields .. .. 2,750 0 0 Income on account of gift for Physics Medical Graduates Association, Account Lectureship .. .. * 13 4 8 Medical Hostel .. .. .. 25 0 0 Medical School contract .. .. 556 0 5 Unexpended balances of special Accounts— Dental School contract .. .. 105 6 0 Chamber of Commerce .. .. 11 14 7 Workers' Educational Association Account 0 0 1 Chemistry Apparatus Fund .. .. 106 7 6 Arts and General Account .. .. 6,418 6 6 Dental Students' Library Fund 167 8 1 1 Bank of New Zealand—Credit balance .. 1,506 16 7 Ethnology books donation .. . . 14 19 3 Flocken Library Account .. .. 260 9 3 ! Hoeken Library Books Committee 56 15 5 j Home Science School Account .. 2,343 1 9 Honorary medical staff, Dunedin Hospital 745 16 0 Ethnology Income Account .. . . 51 9 0 Medical School Special Library Fund .. 81 11 6 Dental School Fittings Account .. 1,372 4 8 Trustees Executors Co., Ltd., on account of Music Lectureship .. .. 41 13 4 Professor Parker's grave .. .. 6 9 7 Phys ology Research Account .. 56 16 5 j Research Fund, per Professor Malcolm 4 6 8 j Account for rheumatoid arthritis .. 343 911 [ Cancer Research Account .. .. 1,162 4 3 Hon. Downie Stewart Scholarship Account .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Income Accounts in credit— Moritzson gift .. .. .. 43 15 0 Dr. Barnett's Account .. .. 495 7 1 Sir John Roberts's Account .. .. 441 14 7 Sideygift .. .. .. ... 9 15 0 Reserve for bad and doubtful debts (Clinical Laboratories) .. .. 177 6 3 Sundry creditors — Fees to be refunded to students .. 33 13 0 Fees due to professors and lecturers .. 85 17 5 Beverly Trust Account .. .. 25 0 0 £104,731 4 11 £104,731 4 11



Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. Donations and contributions— £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 681 211 Cameron Memorial Fund .. .. 209 11 0 Salaries (less superannuation contributions) 42,783 711 Mrs. and Miss Massey (cancer research) 998 15 0 Superannuation contributions .. .. 2,033 19 5 Donations and contributions for W.E.A. 297 6 8 Students' fees paid to Teachers and Donations for dental equipment .. 837 3 6 Students' Association .. .. 2,797 0 4 Honorary medical staff .. .. 45 0 0 Fees refunded to students .. . . 210 12 9 Presbyterian Church Board .. .. 2,500 0 0 Equipment .. .. .. .. 2,857 5 4 Mr. T. K. Sidey, for Dental School .. 1,000 0 0 Material .. .. .. .. 3,044 7 7 Donations on account dental students' Library .. . . .. .. 965 5 8 library .. .. .. .. 154 16 6 Contracts and other new works— Dunedin Savings-bank, for Museum ex- Medical School building .. .. 51,247 19 5 tension.. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Dental School building .. .. 16,942 18 3 Donations on account of Medical School Equipment, new Dental School .. 3,672 11 1 library .. .. .. .. 35 15 6 Leith wall .. .. .. 938 18 2 Anonymous, for Physics Lectureship .. 1,000 0 0 Painting new Medical School .. 273 0 0 Home Science Alumnae, for new hostel.. 1,120 3 5 Sundry new works . . .. .. 642 19 4 New Zealand Society of Accountants .. 100 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 1,167 9 2 Dunedin City Corporation, for Museum 450 0 0 Repairs .. .. .. " .. 735 1 2 Trustees, Executors, and Agency Co., Water, light, and fuel .. .. 1,814 0 6 Ltd., on account of Lectureship in Insurance .. .. . . .. 383 4 1 Music .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Law-costs .. .. . . . . 160 15 9 Students' Association, for playing-fields 2,750 0 0 Miscellaneous— Memorial Walk Committee and Poppy Assay fees paid out .. .. 71 13 3 Day Fund .. .. .. 129 17 11 Bank charges .. .. .. 19 9 3 Plunket Society, for scholarship .. 3,000 0 0 Chamber of Commerce prizes .. 8 8 0 Otago Hospital Board .. .. 1,400 0 0 Purchases for Chemistry Apparatus Sundries .. .. .. .. 113 5 0 Fund . . .. .. .. 38 9 6 Rents — Payment on account of Court of ConOtago runs .. .. .. 5,350 16 0 vocation .. .. .. 15 15 0 Southland runs .. .. .. 1,228 18 10 Special Government bursaries and Castle Street houses .. .. 437 10 0 scholarships paid .. . . 333 9 7 Otago Education Board . . .. 0 10 0 Purchases from Ethnology Fund .. 255 9 10 Professors' houses .. .. .. 317 19 0 Scholarship from Sir John Roberts's King Street property .. .. 96 14 10 Fund .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Fees— Interest on University debentures .. 402 10 0 Archerfield students .. .. 27 6 0 Payment on account of Redroofs Students'fees .. .. .: 19,537 0 1 Hospital .. .. .. 43 I 0 Assay fees .. .. .. 134 19 6 Expenses (apart from salaries) for cancer Fees for chemical analysis .. .. 68 4 0 and rheumatoid researches . . 140 6 2 Dental patients'fees .. .. 2,937 16 10 Expenses (apart from salaries) for Fees for bacteriology reports .. 980 18 0 W.E.A. .. .. .. 182 13 7 Fees for pathology reports .. .. 447 11 4 Sundry expenses, including telephones, Government grants— postages, petty cash allowances, Under New Zealand University Amend- laundry, &c. .. .. .. 2,127 12 5 ment Act, 1919 .. .. .. 8,200 0 0 Transfers— On account of Professor Education . . 850 0 0 Glendining Account . . .. 100 0 0 On account of Medical School building.. 50,691 19 0 Donald Reid Account .. .. 345 15 3 On account of Dental School building Ralph Barnett Account .. .. 80 1 6 fittings and equipment .. .. 20,265 2 3 Sir John Roberts Account .. .. 10 0 0 From national endowment under New The Dean's Fund .. .. . . 113 6 10 Zealand University Amendment Act, Ethnographic Museum Buildings Ac--1919 .. .. .. .. 2,108 4 6 count .. .. .. ~ 1,000 0 0 Annual grant, Mining School .. 750 0 0 Sidey Account .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 On account of Home Science capitation 1, 000 0 0 Lady Truby King Scholarship Account 3,000 0 0 On account of Commerce capitation .. 200 0 0 Anonymous gift, on account of Lecturer On account of special bursaries and in Physics .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 scholarships .. .. .. 340 0 0 Logan Park Playing-fields Account .. 2,750 0 0 , On account of Bacteriology, Pathology, Home Science Alumnae Account .. 1,120 3 5 and Public Analyst .. .. 650 0 0 Cameron Memorial Fund .. .. 209 11 0 On account of Workers' Educational Association .. .. .. 936 14 6 On account of salary, Home Science Lecturer (two years) .. .. 900 0 0 On account of Leith wall .. .. 719 11 1 On account of research, rheumatoid arthritis .. .. .. 700 0 0 On account of cancer research .. 700 0 0 On account of salaries, three professors in Medical School, Ist January, 1925, to 30th April, 1926 .. .. 400 0 0 | Sundry grants and subsidies .. 306 10 7 Interest on investments .. .. 4,262 17 1 I Refunds — Professor Hinton, portion salary .. 91 13 4 Beverly Trust, for payment of salaries (transfer) .. .. .. 600 0 0 Studholme House, on account for salaries and insurance (transfer) .. 370 3 5 Miscellaneous — Calendar sales .. .. .. 23 17 6 University of New Zealand, on account 4 of Court of Convocation .. .. 15 15 0 Sale of tickets for music lectures .. 26 11 0 Payment from Mr. J. Renfrew White, on account of rheumatoid arthritis .. 49 10 4 Payment from Dr. Malcolm, on account of research worker .. .. 32 15 0 Sale of instruments and notes .. i 2 12 6 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 228 911 University of New Zealand, on account of national endowment .. .. 1,053 2 4 Hocken Library income .. .. 84 8 6 Balance .. .. .. .. 2,221 17 8 £147,819 14 5 £147,819 14 5

JE. -7


Mrs. Lothian's Account. Dr. £ g. d. | Cr. £ s d Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. (500 00 | Balance on 31st December, 1926 (debentures) 600 0 0 Land Sales Investment Account. Dr. £ a. d. Cr. £ s j Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 4,067 5 9 1 Balance on 31st December, 1926 (debentures) 4,067 5 9 Mary Glendining Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 16,875 10 1 : Balance on 31st December, 1926— £ s d Transfer from General Account .. 100 0 0 1 Debentures .. .. .. 16 868 13 3* . ! Cash .. .. .. . . '106 16 10 £16,975 10 1 | £16,975 10 1 Moritzson Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 222 611 Balance on 31st December, 1926 (debentures) 222 611 Donald Reid Bequest. Dr. £ S. d. Cr. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 6,675 6 9 Balance on 31st Decembor, 1926 — £ 8 . d. Transfer from General Account .. 345 15 3 Debentures .. .. .. 6,674 10 0 Cash .. .. .. .. '346 12 0 £7,021 2 0 £7,021 2 0 Ralph Barnett Chair of Surgery Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 15,326 12 9 Balance on 31st December, 1926— £ s. d. Transfer from General Account .. 80 1 6 Debentures .. .. .. 15,325 0 0 Cash .. .. .. .. 81 14 3 £15,406 14 3 £15,406 14 3 Sir John Roberts Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 2,060 0 0 Balance on 31st December, 1926— £ s. d. Transfer from General Account .. 10 0 0 Debentures .. .. .. 2,040 0 0 Cash .. .. .. .. 30 o 0 £2,070 0 0 £2,070 0 0 Ethnology Gift Account. Dr. £ s. d. | Cr. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 5,093 19 9 Balance on 31st December, 1926 (prefer- £ s. d. ence shares and debentures) .. 5,093 19 9 Dr. Barnett's Gift. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s . d . Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 2,000 0 0 Balance on 31st December, 1926 (debentures) 2,000 0 0 The Dean's Fund. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 2,495 14 0 Balance on 31st December, 1926— £ s. d. Transfers from General Account .. 113 6 10 Debentures .. .. .. 2 466 2 4 Cash .. .. .. .. 142 18 6 £2,609 0 10 £2,609 0 10 i Mrs. Oliver's Bequest. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s . d. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 2,506 17 0 Balance on 31st December, 1926(debentures) 2.506 17 0 General Purposes Investment Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. ■ . £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 9,510 0 0 Balance on 31st December, 1926 (debentures) 9,510 0 0



Ethnographic Museum Building Fund Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s . d. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 7,364 13 3 Purchase of show-cases .. .. 293 8 9 Transfer from General Account, being gift Balance on 31st December, 1926, being from Dunedin Savings-bank .. 1,000 0 0 investment with Hallenstein Bros., Ltd. 8,463 16 5 Interest accrued .. .. .. 392 11 11 £8,757 5 2 £8,757 5 2 University Endowment Fund. Dr. £ 9. d. Cr. £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 2,249 0 0 j Balance on 31st December, 1926 (debentures) 2,249 0 0 Sidey Gift. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Transfer from General Account being gift Balance on 31st December, 1926 (debentures) 1,000 0 0 from T. K. Sidey, Esq., M.P. .. 1,000 0 0 Lady Truby King Scholarship. Dr. £ S. d. Cr. £ s . d. Transfer from General Account, being gift Balance on 31st December, 1926 (cash) .. 3,000 0 0 from Plunket Society .. .. 3,000 0 0 Anonymous Gift on Account of Lecturer in Physics. Dr. | Cr. £ s . d. Transfer from General Account, being £ s. d. Balance on 31st December,l926 (debentures) 1,000 0 0 gift from anonymous donor .. .. 1,000 0 0 Logan Park Playing-fields. Dr. I Cr. Transfer from General Account, being £ s. d. I Balance on 31st December, 1926, 'on fixed gift from Students' Association . 2,750 0 0 deposit with National Bank, Dunedin £ s . d. North .. .. .. .. 2,750 0 0 Home Science Alumnae Association Gift on Account of New Hostel. Dr. Cr. £ s j Transfer from General Account, being £ s. d. Costs of preparation of deed, &c. ..' 8 8 0 gift from Alumnae Association .. 1,120 3 5 Balance on 31st December, 1926 — Investment with Trustees £ s. d. Executors Co., Ltd. .. 1,094 5 9 Cash .. .. .. 17 9 8 j : 1,111 15 5 £1.120 a 5 : £1,120 3 5 Cameron Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. Transfer from General Account (public £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1926— subscriptions) .. .. .. 209 11 0 Deposit with Dunedin Savings- £ s. d. £ s. d. bank .. .. .. 206 8 0 Cash in current account .. 3 3 0 209 11 0 £20!) 11 0 £209 11 0 Wolff Harris Endowment Account. Dr. £ s. d. : Cr. £ S- d. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 2,100 0 0 Balance on 31st December, 1926 (debentures) 2,100 0 (i Debenture Account under Dunedin Savings-bank Profit Act 1878 Amendment Act, 1902. -Dr\ £ s. d. | Cr. £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 6,500 0 0 J Balance on 31st December, 1926 (debentures) 6,500 0 0



Arts and General Account. Or. £ s. d. | Gr. £ g. d. Balance on Ist January, 1926 .. .. 2,002 1 9 ! Calendar sales .. .. .. 23 17 6 Equipment for — i Donations .. .. .. .. 160 0 0 Physics . . .. .. .. 343 89 j Government grants .. .. 6,455 14 7 Chemistry .. ... .. .. 140 1 9 [ Interest on investments .. .. 1,36814 8 Biology .. .. .. .. 12 7 4 Presbyterian Church Board .. .. 2,500 0 0 General . . .. .. .. 158 14 0 Music lectures .. .. .. 26 11 0 Material for— Rents—• Physics .. .. .. .. 10 7 8 Castle Street .. .. .. 427 0 0 Chemistry .. .. .. .. 149 18 7 Education Board .. .. .. 0 5 0 Biology .. .. . . .. 48 15 6 Professors' houses .. .. .. 352 0 0 Library .. .. .. .. 351 2 6 Otago runs .. .. .. 4,869 14 1 New works . . . . . . 58 16 6 Southland runs .. . . .. 1,134 2 6 Memorial Walk—Wages .. .. 15 0 0 Proportion rates of late Dr. Bell's house.. 12 9 0 Leith wall .. .. . . . . 938 18 2 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. 59 15 6 Pence, Union Street . . .. .. 100 0 0 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 176 6 7 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 606 19 11 University of New Zealand (portion of Repairs .. .. .. . . 192 18 0 national endowment) .. .. 353 2 4 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. 394 17 2 Credit balance, Sir Ernest Rutherford's Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 568 7 1 reception .. .. .. .. 1611 Insurance .. .. .. .. 96 810 Students'fees .; .. .. 8,781 6 6 Law-costs .. .. .. .. 160 15 9 Timber licenses .. .. .. 64 11 6 Bank charges... .. .. . . 19 9 3 Salary of J. W. Hinton refunded .. 91 13 4 Interest on University debentures .. 402 10 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 6,418 6 6 Rent written off on account of Dr. Bell's house .. .. .. .. 44 o 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 16,005 17 11 Students' Association—Adjustment fees .. 6 16 6 Fees paid to professors and lecturers .. 1,487 8 6 Students' fees written off .. .. 3 10 0 Debit balance— Dental School .. .. .. 1,704 125 Medical School .. .. .. 5,572 8 3 Mining School .. .. .. 1,544 16 2 Museum .. .. .. .. 135 9 3 £33,276 17 6 £33,276 17 6 Medical School Account. •Or. £ s. d. Or. £ s . d. Redroofs Hospital .. .. .. 43 1 0 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. 900 0 0 Otago Hospital Board, for electro-cardio- Government grants .. .. .. 3,139 17 0 graph .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 I Donations .. .. .. .. 45 0 0 Women's Section, New Zealand and South ; Bacteriology fees .. .. .. 1,242 17 7 Seas Exhibition—Show-case .. .. 25 0 0 j Pathology fees .. .. . . 352 18 10 Equipment— Sale of instruments and notes .. . . 19 2 6 Anatomy .. .. .. .. 121 0 1 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 22 12 6 Bacteriology .. .. .. 478 011 Income from Ralph Barnett gift .. 720 13 9 Pathology .. .. .. .. 269 19 2 Income from Wolff Harris gift .. .. 135 5 0 Physiology .. .. .. 254 12 8 Income from Mary Glendining gift .. 783 11 10 General .. .. .. .. 21 710 Hospital fee overpaid in 1926 to honorary Material— . medical staff .. .. .. 4 4 0 Anatomy .. .. .. .. 240 18 7 I Students'fees .. .. .. 6,237 9 9 Bacteriology .. .. .. 624 3 1 Library Special Account—Contribution to Pathology ~ .. .. . . 306 19 8 library expenditure .. .. .. 91 8 5 Physiology .. .. .. 136 16 1 Balance transferred to Arts and General Library .. .. .. .. 354 19 7 Account .. .. .. .. 5,572 8 3 New works .. .. .. .. 28 16 2 New works contracts .. .. .. 292 15 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 187 5 1 Repairs .. .. .. .. 184 0 2 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. 733 3 0 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 522 4 7 Insurance .. .. .. .. 88 3 6 Pees paid to professors and lecturers .. 1,065 8 11 Salaries .. .. .. .. 13,138 14 4 £19,267 9 5 j £19.267 9 5 ——===== I ■ Mining School Account. Df• £a. d. Cr. £ 8 . d. Equipment .. .. .. .. 95 15 4 Assays .. .. .. .. 74 15 3 Material .. .. .. .. 45 1 1 Government grants .. .. 1,069 16 0 Library .. .. .. .. 73 1 7 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. 218 0 New works .. .. .. .. 10 4 9 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 18 2 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 83 9 9 Students' fees .. .. .. 484 17 6 Repairs .. .. .. .. 49 18 3 Balance to Arts and General Account .. 1,544 16 2 Water, light, and fuel .. .. . . 75 9 6 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 69 9 11 Insurance .. .. .. .. 16 13 4 Salaries .. .. .. .. 2,601 8 7 Fees paid to professors and lecturers . . 57 19 0 £3,178 11 1 £3,178 11 1


Dental School Account. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. Equipment .. .. .. .. 140 14 2 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. 500 0 0 Material .. .. . . 1,323 7 3 Government grant .. .. .. 635 10 0 Library .. .. .. .. 12 3 5 Dental patients'foes .. .. .. 2,931 11 10 New works .. .. .. .. 28 14 6 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. 016 6 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 134 7 7 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 2 115 Repairs .. .. .. .. 45 10 3 Students'fees .. .. .. 1,831 16 10 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. 330 6 6 Transfer to Arts and General Account .. 1,704 12 5 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 403 1 8 • insurance .. .. .. .. 87 2 11 Payments to professors and lecturers .. 76 14 6 Salaries .. .. .. .. 4,996 7 9 Levelling ground at Dental School . . 28 8 6 £7,606 19 0 £7,606 19 0 Home Science School Account. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. Equipment .. .. .. 343 9 2 Balance on 31st December, 1926 .. 2,182 8 9 Material .. .. .. .. 140 18 11 Government grants .. .. .. 2,801 17 0 Library .. .. .. .. 35 17 4 Donations .. .. .. .. 115 0 New works .. .. .. .. 91 4 6 Sundry receipts .. . . .. 9 5 3 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 100 17 8 Students' fees .. . . .. 2,057 9 9 Repairs .. .. .. .. 167 6 1 Water, light, and fuel . . .. .. 169 10 5 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 279 12 7 Insurance .. .. .. .. 11 5 4 Fees due to professors and lecturers 27 9 6 Salaries .. .. .. .. 3,204 13 9 Refund due to home-science student .. 1116 One-third cost of dishwasher .. .. 35 17 3 Salary of lecturer charged in error to Workers' Educational Association Account .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 2,343 1 9 £7,052 15 9 £7.052 15 9 Museum Account. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. Equipment .. .. .. .. 45 7 11 Contribution from City Corporation .. 450 0 0 Material .. .. .. .. 1712 Rent—Museum Reserve .. .. 768 5 0 Library .. .. .. .. 0 8 0 Balance to Arts and General Account .. 135 9 3 New works .. .. .. .. 15 14 1 Repairs to roof .. .. . . 54 5 3 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 14 16 10 Repairs .. .. .. .. 95 8 5 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. 110 13 11 Miscellaneous expenses .. . . 57 10 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 33 6 8 Salaries .. .. .. .. 809 2 0 Fijian Commissioner for Fishes .. .. 100 0 0 £1,353 14 3 £1,353 14 3 Workers' Educational Association Account. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1926 .. .. 48 19 11 Part salary incorrectly debited, 1925 .. 100 0 0 Library .. .. .. .. 1189 Government grants .. .. .. 1,047 6 8 Expenses, including travelling .. .. 184 11 7 University of New Zealand .. .. 300 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 1,511 1 2 Donations .. .. .. .. 297 6 8 Credit from Charles Haines Advertising . Agency .. .. .. .. 118 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 0 0 1 £1,746 11 5 £1,746 11 5




BEVERLEY TRUST ACCOUNT. Receipts and Payments Account. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s . d. Balance in bank 31st December, 1925 .. 555 15 5 Scholarships .. .. . . .. 150 0 0 Interest on investments .. .. 394 2 3 Bank charge .. .. .. .. 010 0 Income from Trustees Co. .. .. 421 13 0 Transfer to General Account for salaries .. 600 0 0 Purchase of debentures .. .. 250 13 7 Balance as per pass-book .. . . 370 7 1 £1,371 10 8 £1,371 10 8 Memorandum.—The sum of £25 is owing to the Beverley Trust Account by the General Account. Investment Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s . d. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 6,605 0 0 Balance on 31st December, 1926, deDebentures purchased bentures .. .. .. .. 7,605 0 0 From fund in hands of University .. 250 13 7 From funds in hands of Trustees Executors, Ltd., representing sale of Elder Street lease, £613 15s. 6d. ; and 10 per cent, gross revenue for year ended 3rd September, 1925, £135 10s. lid. .. .. .. 749 6 5 £7,605 0 0 £7,605 0 0

University of Otago Scholarship and Prize Fund Account.

Richardson ! Walter Scott ' Taieri Macandrew Women's Qf . „ . Cash in Scholarship. Scholarship. Scholarship. Scholarship. Scholarship. btu!lr '' ™ ze ' Bank. * I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31/12/25 .. j 1,167 12 8 554 11 6 607 19 2 1,552 17 8 828 2 8 161 1 6 Interest ' .. .. 1 62 19 10 28 8 0 31 0 0 81 19 11 44 2 6 9 14 3 1,230 12 6 582 19 6 638 19 2 1,634 17 7 872 5 2 170 15 9 Payment to holders .. 30 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 Bank charge .. .. 01 10 00 10 0 0 11 025 014 004 Balance on 31/12/26 — Invested .. 1,176 7 4 536 2 4 592 17 5 1,524 10 11 804 3 4 160 6 5 Current account .. 24 3 4 36 16 4 26 0 10 75 4 3 43 0 6 5 9 0 210 14 3 1,230 12 6 582 19 6 638 19 2 1,634 17 7 872 5 2 I 170 15 9 210 14 3 Ulrich Parker Macgregor Leask ' Batchelor S. P. Smith Cash in Memorial. Memorial. Prize. Memorial, i Memorial. Prize. Bank. (Forward) £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31/12/25 .. 110 18 11 70 14 8 178 18 6 64 18 11 126 12 3 49 18 11 210 14 3 Interest .. .. 616 3 18 2 90 10 308 5 92 2 15 8 117 0 5 74 12 10 187 19 4 67 19 7 132 15 52 14 7 Payment for medals .. .. .. .. .. 9 14 Payment to holders .. 4 18 0 200 Bank charge .. .. 002 001 003 001 002 001 Balance on 31/12/26 — Invested .. .. 103 18 5 62 6 1 165 1 8 50 15 4 119 14 6 45 0 0 Current account .. 8 3 10 10 6 8 22 17 5 17 4 2 3 5 5 7 14 6 69 12 0 117 0 5 74 12 10 187 19 4 67 19 7 132 1 5 52 14 7 280 6 3 L Dental ; John Edmond Anna P. Stout Sir Robert Stout Macmillan cash in Bursary Fund. Fellowship. Scholarship. Scholarship. Sch B ™™,p. Ban*. (Forward) £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31/12/25 .. 21 6 9 4,236 17 9 5,663 11 4 1,168 16 11 1,117 4 5 269 15 8 280 6 3 Interest .. .. .. 244 19 11 323 10 7 62 11 11 59 13 8 15 3 8 21 6 9 4,481 17 8 5,987 1 11 1,231 8 10 1,176 18 1 284 19 4 Payment to holders .. .. 210 0 0 330 0 0 .. .. 20 0 0 Bank charge .. .. 068 0 9 8 019 02 0 006 !! Balance on 31/12/26 — Invested .. .. 4,234 11 2 5,578 2 6 1,165 0 0 1,070 0 0 250 0 0 Current account .. 21 6 9 36 19 10 78 9 9 66 7 1 106 16 1 14 18 10 324 18 4 21 6 9 4,481 17 8 5,987 1 11 1,231 8 10 1,176 18 1 284 19 4 605 4 7 I



University of Otago Scholarship and Prize Fund Account—continued.

STUDHOLME HOUSE ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. I Payments. £ s. d Boarding fees .. .. .. 2,427 10 6 Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. 11l 7 6 Bent for Alumnae Association .. .. 130 0 0 Food .. .. .. .. 666 18 8 Refund, Alumnae Association Account, Light and fuel .. .. .. 187 18 9 additional insurance .. .. 20 3 5 Wages .. .. .. .. 323 18 1 Miscellaneous.. .. .. .. 10 0 4 Repairs .. .. .. .. 85 19 5 Furnishings .. .. .. .. 17 13 3 Refund to General Account for salaries, Miss Brown and Miss Pithie .. .. 350 0 0 Miscellaneous, including rates, telephones, laundry, &c. .. .. .. 161 3 1 Balance on 31st December, £ s. d. 1926, as per pass-book .. 688 11 6 Less cheques outstanding .. 5 16 0 682 15 6 £2,587 14 3 j £2,587 14 3 ' i i Memorandum.—The sum of £468 10s. 4d. is owing by Studholme House Account to the Genera] Account. TRAINING CORPS HALL TRUST ACCOUNT. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance on 31st December, 1925 .. .. 234 7 7 Balance in Dunedin Savings-bank .. 245 9 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 1115 £245 9 0 £245 9 0

6—E. 7.

Gilray Prize. MactMlum ,, Scot ' , D S ff , ua ; Lu ' ) ? ckl George Young j Medical I Cash in Memorial. Memorial, j Scholarship. Scholarship. Association. Bank. I I (Forward) T , , £ s. d. £ s. d. | £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31/12/25 .. 47 2 3 1,164 1 7 I 107 18 1 2,149 10 2 2,076 2 0 0 4 8 605 4 7 Government subsidy .. .. .. j .. 1,600 0 0 Interest .. .. 2 10 2 62 15 1 ' 5 9 0 120 13 2 127 4 6 49 12 5 1,226 16 8 j 113 7 1 3,870 3 4 2,203 6 6 0 4 8 : Payment to holders .. 440 .. .. 175 0 0 150 0 0 Bank charge .. .. 001 019 002 035 0 3 6 Balance on 31/12/26 — Invested .. .. 46 0 0 1,156 2 0 100 0 0 3,641 15 7 2,050 0 0 Current account .. .. 70 12 11 13 6 11 53 4 4 3 3 0 0 4 8 140 11 10 745 16 5 Income account over- 0118 .. .. .. .. .. 0118 drawn ! 49 12 5 1,226 16 8 113 7 I 3,870 3 4 2,203 6 6 -0 4 8 745 4 9 School Jubilee L ' ssie Eat M>one Fowler j Dunbar Research Cash in Scholarship? Scholarship. | Scholarship. | Scholarship. Bank. (Forward) £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Bequest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1>019 6 ]0 745 4 9 Balance on 31/12/25 .. 429 12 5 2,997 10 0 2,031 15 7 726 1 11 Government subsidy .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Interest .. '.. .. 25 4 0 152 15 7 114 2 7 39 i8 10 23 0 11 454 16 5 3,150 5 7 4,145 18 2 766 0 9 1,042 7 9 Payment to holders.. .. 20 0 0 50 0 0 70 0 0 Bank charge .. .. 00 10 04 10 0 43 014 009 Law-costs .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. 10 14 0 Balance on 31/12/26 — Invested .. .. 440 8 10 2,997 0 0 4,000 0 0 700 0 0 1,019 6 10 Current account .. .. .. 102 10 9 75 13 11 65 19 5 12 6 2 256 10 3 1,001 15 0 Income account overdrawn.. 5133 .. .. .. .. 5133 454 16 5 3,150 5 7 4,145 18 2 766 0 9 1,042 7 9 996 1 9



No. 6. CANTERBURY AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, LINCOLN. Visitor.—His Excellency the Governor-General. Board of Governors. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General—Dr. Chas. Chilton, M.A., D.Sc., M.8., C.M. Appointed by members of the Legislature—H. A. Knight, Esq. (Chairman); Hon. D. Bnddo, M.P.; R. W. Lochhead, Esq. Elected by governing bodies of agricultural and pastoral associations—John Deans, Esq ; John Studholme, Eso.: N. M. Orbell, Esq. Staff. Director.—R. E, Alexander, A.R.C.Sc.I. Lecturers. —Biology—Dr. F. W. Hilgendorf, M.A.D.Sc., F.N.Z.lnst. Chemistry—M. J. Scott, 8.A., B.Sc. Veterinary Science — Colonel J. H. Stafford, M.R.C.V.S., D.S.O. Applied Mathematics —J. W. Calder, B.Agr., B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering—R. A. Fougere. Farm Overseer.—Gs H. Tobeck. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR, I have the honour, by direction of the Board of Governors, in pursuance of the Canterbury College and Canterbury Agricultural College Act, 1898, to submit the following report of the work of the institution for the year ending 31st December, 1926. The accommodation provided was taxed to its fullest capacity. In all fifty-two students were enrolled : of these four were holders of bursaries under the Education Department, and one was holder of a Kitchener Scholarship. Six students sat for various subjects set by the New Zealand University for the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture : of these three sat for the final examinations and completed their course, and three sat for intermediate subjects. The work of the students both in class and on the farm has been satisfactory, and competition for prizes and scholarships offered by the Board of Governors has been very keen. Twenty-four students left the College at the end of the year : of these three had been in residence one year, five two years, and sixteen completed the full course ; of the latter ten satisfied the examiners and were awarded the diploma of the College. We are indebted to a number of commercial firms and farmers for allowing students to go over various manufacturing concerns and farms ; these facilities are most useful from an educational point of view, and are highly appreciated by the staff and students. We are also indebted to a number of friends for prizes and trophies to be awarded students : these are also highly appreciated as they stimulate wholesome competition. Arrangements were made at the beginning of the year to give the Director leave to visit Great Britain and Europe to inquire into agricultural education and research. Dr. Hilgendorf carried out the duties of Director in the latter's absence. Mr. J. W. Calder, Lecturer on Applied Mathematics, was confirmed in a permanent appointment to assist Dr. Hilgendorf in his plant-breeding work. The plant-breeding work is still being carried on with the assistance of the Department of Agriculture. In addition to the pure strains of wheat and oats put on the market, some very promising crosses of wheat are now in an advanced stage of trial, and if satisfactory should be available for distribution in about two years' time. A further development of the plant-breeding scheme is now in progress ; with extra assistance offered by the Agriculture Department, selections of the best grasses have been made. This branch promises to be a most valuable addition to our research work. The manurial trials on wheat have been continued under the supervision of Mr. Scott, and continue to give results which will be of great value when correlated with similar trials carried out on other areas. A number of grazing trials to test the expediency of top-dressing pastures were started in the early spring, and were made possible by a grant from the Agriculture Department. During the winter the Board of Governors asked Mr. Scott to initiate and supervise pig-feeding experiments both on and off the College farm, the object being to determine whether bacon and pork could be produced on a paying basis, and the cheapest and most efficient foods and manner of feeding to attain this object. So far the results are encouraging, and the work will be continued and extended. The Wheat Producers Board, which had been dealing with wheat-prices for a number of years, and which ceased to act two years ago, found itself with a surplus of £1,190 16s. 6d. which it could not distribute. It therefore decided to present the balance to the College for the purchase of a seed cleaning and dressing plant, and shed to contain the plant. This plant and building have been erected, and the action of the wheat-growers has been of very great advantage to our plant-breeding work. The best thanks of the Board of Governors are offered to the Canterbury and Otago wheat-growers for their gift. The College and farm buildings have been kept in a good state of repair. As previously pointed out, new laboratories are urgently needed, and the renewal of the farm buildings is also necessary. The farm has been maintained in its high state of fertility, and continues to give high yields of grain in spite of continual croppings. The crop returns and stock-sales give clear indications of the



efficiency of the management. The farm stock has also been maintained at its former high standard, the proof of this so far as the stud stock is concerned being the most gratifying result obtained by sending a small consignment of stock to the last Royal Show at Auckland, when ten entries succeeded in carrying off eight championships, in addition to class and special prizes. The Board of Governors is pleased to be able to state that more interest is being taken in the College work each year. The attendance at the annual gathering last December was by far the largest that has been at these gatherings, and not only was the attendance gratifying, but the genuine interest taken in the College work by those attending was most encouraging. There is no question nowadays of the farmers' appreciation of education and research work into his problems. R. E. Alexander, Director. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1926. Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance brought forward from 1925 .. 2,472 17 11 Books for students .. .. .. 84 9 6 Books for students (sales) .. .. 44 2 6 Buildings, repairs, and maintenance .. 235 14 10 College contingencies .. .. .. 284 0 3 College contingencies .. .. .. 1,183 510 Students'fees .. .. .. 2,262 0 0 College insurances .. .. .. 78 17 11 Insurance commissions .. .. 22 12 6 Laboratories .. .. .. .. 230 4 1 Interest on Deposit Account .. .. 40 0 0 Library .. .. .. . . 40 14 11 Interest on Capital Account .. .. 684 8 3 Orchard and grounds .. .. . . 198 16 6 Interest on Post Office Savings-bank Ac- Premiums on endowment, policies .. 179 6 6 count .. .. .. .. 112 0 Permanent improvements .. .. 1,191 13 9 Laboratory and veterinary fees . . 129 2 6 Prizes and certificates .. .. .. 914 6 Refund premiums on endowment insurance 93 12 8 Printing and advertising .. .. 18 910 Prizes and Certificates Account .. 24 0 0 Rates .. .. ... .. 215 15 8 Rents of reserves .. .. .. 3,544 14 2 Staff salaries .. .. .. .. 3,000 8 2 Stationery sales .. .. .. 13 10 6 Students'maintenance .. .. 3,848 13 4 Wheat Board Account (seed-cleaning) .. 1,190 16 6 Stationery .. .. .. .. 97 9 4 Grants from New Zealand Government .. 1,700 0 0 Students'travelling-expenses .. .. 89 14 3 Grants from New Zealand Government on Board travelling-expenses .. .. 129 16 2 Bursar's Account .. . . .. 40 0 0 Wheat Board Account (seed-cleaner) . . 389 0 0 Farm contingencies—Refunds .. .. 103 10 5 Donations to Churches .. .. 10 0 0 Wool, skins, and fat .. .. .. 900 7 6 Farm contingencies .. .. .. 1,889 15 7 Dairy-produce .. .. .. 261 10 3 Grain .. .. .. .. 518 13 0 Wheat .. .. .. .. 1,939 4 0 Farm insurances .. .. .. 43 12 7 Other grain .. .. .. .. 986 0 9 Farm implements .. .. . . 767 2 6 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 6,152 15 6 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 1,047 18 9 Saddlery—-Refunds .. .. .. 516 0 Manures .. .. .. .. 356 5 4 Farm trades .. .. .. .. 392 1 2 Seeds .. .. .. .. 195 19 11 Farm wages—Refunds.. .. .. 28 0 7 Saddlery .. .. .. . . 90 7 6 Farm trades .. .. .. . . 682 15 3 Farm wages .. .. .. .. 2,145 19 10 Workshops .. .. .. .. 286 11 11 Balance .. .. .. .. 4,059 8 10 £23,316 16 I £23,316 16 1 Investment Account. £ s. d. [ £ s. d. Balance brought forward from 1925 .. 11,500 0 0 I Balance in Mortgage of Freehold Account 11,500 0 0 Bank Reconciliation. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash in bank, 31st December, 1926 .. .. .. .. 2,066 7 4 Less outstanding cheques, 31st December, 1926 .. .. 48 15 0 2,017 12 4 In Post Office Savings-bank .. . . .. .. .. .. 41 16 6 On deposit with Permanent Investment and Loan Co. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 £4,059 8 10 Examined and found correct, subject to the exception that the deposit of College funds with the Permanent Investment and Loan Co. is without statutory authority.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation not given ; printing (925 copies), £02 15s.

By Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 927.

Price 2.9.]

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1926.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, E-07

Word Count

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1926.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, E-07

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1926.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, E-07

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