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E. —6


EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1926.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

CONTENTS. Page Page 1. Report of the Chief Inspeotor of Secondary 2. Detailed Tables, etc.—continued. Schools .. .. .. .. ..2 . Secondary Schools—continued. KB. Income and Expenditure of Hostels .. 17 2. Detailed lablbs, etc.. K 9. Income and Expenditure of Hostels per Secondary Schools, — Boarder .. .. .. .. 18 n i .oi a t a jo 1.. =• K 10. Balances and other Monetary Assets Personnel of Staffs of Secondary Schools .. 5 an( j Li a bj[j|;j es 19 Kl. Roll, Average Attendance and Free Kll. Lower Departments " 20 Pupils of Secondary Schools .. 10 K2. Years of Attendance of Pupils .. 11 K3. Incidental Expenses of Secondary District High Schools,— Schools .. .. .. 11 LI. School Attendance at Secondary DepartK4. National Scholarships .. ..12 ments of District High Schools .. 20 K5. Pupils boarding away from Home .. 12 L 2. Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary K6. Receipts of Secondary Schools .. 13 Departments of District High Schools 20 K7. Payments of Secondary Schools ..15 L 3. Staff, Classification, &c., in Detail .. 21

I.— E. 6.



1. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CHIEF INSPECTOR OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Sir, — Wellington, 6th June, 1927. I have the honour to present the report for the year 1926. The past year has witnessed considerable changes in the personnel of the staff of the inspectorate. Mr. H. P. Kidson resigned his position in January in order to take up his duties as Principal of the newly established Hutt Valley High School. Two months later Miss J. I. Hetherington, M.A., and Mr. W. T. Foster, M.A., B.Litt., joined the staff, and were followed in April by Mr. E. Caradus, B.Sc. An increase in the numerical strength of the inspectorate had undoubtedly been desirable for some time if effective supervision of secondary education were to be maintained and adequate assistance rendered to ; he teachers. Since 1918, when an additional Inspector was first, appointed to assist Mr. T. R. Cresswell, the number of secondary schools had risen by the end of 1926 from thirty-two to thirty-nine, and the number of secondary pupils from 7,018 to 12,558 —an increase of very nearly 79 per cent. In the same period the number of registered private secondary schools had practically doubled itself, rising from seventeen to thirty-two. In the past few years it has been found impossible to devote adequate attention to the private schools, but with the enlargement of the inspectorial staff there is now a reasonable prospect of overtaking some of the arrears in this branch of the work. In the earlier portion of the year full inspection visits were paid to eighteen of the departmental recondary school-: —twelve in the North and six in the South Island—and also to Kowhai Junior High School. At various times during the year opportunity was also taken to inspect nine of the private registered secondary schools. The desirability of effecting a closer co-operation in the inspection of primary and secondary schools, and between the two branches of the inspectorate, has been recognized for some considerable time, but the meagre strength of the secondary staff had definitely precluded the possibility of any effective scheme being put into operation. The recent doubling of the staff has, however, enabled some progress to be made, and during the past year the secondary departments of some thirty-five district high schools, chiefly in the Education Districts of Otago, Canterbury, Wellington, Wanganui, and Hawke's Bay, were inspected, and reports on them forwarded to the Senior Inspectors of the districts concerned. The primary Inspectors are still responsible for the control of these departments and for the grading of the teachers employed in them, but it is felt that the secondary Inspectors, with their naturally wider knowledge of the teaching of secondary-school subjects, will be in a position to render valuable assistance to district-high-school teachers by bringing them into touch with the best methods employed in our secondary schools. A closer correlation not only in methods and text-books, but also in curricula and in aims and ideals, is extremely desirable, and efforts are being steadily directed towards obtaining it. The sittings of the Classification Appeal Board were attended in April. The Board met as in the preceding year, in Wellington, Auckland, and Dunedin. The number of appeals (six) was even smaller than in previous years ; one appeal was allowed by the Board, two were disallowed, and two were withdrawn. The latter portion of the year was chiefly occupied with visits to each of the thirty-nine secondary schools for the purposes of inquiring into the recommendations of candidates for senior free places and for leaving-certificates. In more than half of the schools the classification of assistant teachers is also dependent upon observations made during these visits. So far as the selection of recommended candidates was concerned, the usual procedure, as described in previous reports, was reverted to, its intermission in 1925 being regarded as a temporary expedient only. The written tests have been more extensively employed during the past year than on any previous occasion. As a result of the Inspectors' recommendations senior free places were awarded in accordance with clause 7 (c) to 2,563 candidates from the departmental secondary schools ; another 157 were subsequently successful in obtaining them by passing the Intermediate Examination in November. The number of " higher " leaving-certificates awarded has latterly shown a tendency to increase at a remarkable rate ; last year no fewer than 789 were obtained by recommendation from secondary schools, 76 of these coming from registered private schools. Some 110 " lower " leaving-certificates were also issued. Little comment need be made on staffing problems and changes in the personnel of the staffs in the various schools during the past year. Boards of Governors in the smaller towns are now apparently experiencing much less difficulty in obtaining teachers for the lower grades than they formerly did. There is still, however, a distinct reluctance among women teachers to apply for A or B grade positions in schools outside the four centres ; even when an additional emolument for the position of first woman assistant in a mixed school is offered, Boards still find that no applications may be forthcoming and that the vacancies must be readvertised. The supply of young teachers with satisfactory qualifications is now much more equal to the demand than it was even a few years ago. It is satisfactory to note that the proportion of teachers entering the secondary service after completing a course at a training college is increasing year by year. In 1923, for example, only 49 per cent, of the entrants had been trained ; last year the percentage had risen to 67 (74 for men and 58 for women), whilst another 14 per cent, had had previous teaching



experience. This steady increase in the number of trained entrants is very gratifying, but it is. to be regretted that a considerable number of prospective secondary teachers do not consider it worth their while to spend even one year at a training college. The arrangement referred to in last year's report, whereby a few selected training-college students are given an opportunity for observational and practice work in the larger secondary schools, continues to operate quite satisfactorily at Wellington College and also at the Christchurch Girls' and the Otago Boys' High Schools. A somewhat disquieting feature in connection with the academic equipment of secondary-school teachers is the apparently unabated desire of students to obtain honours in such comparatively unsuitable subjects as economics, political science, and philosophy. Too many teachers have also graduated with honours in history in recent years. Students who propose to take up work in secondary schools would do well to realize that in the vast majority of cases A grade positions will naturally fall to those teachers who possess good qualifications in languages, in science, or in mathematics. The attention of young or prospective teachers is also drawn to another point. In the course of the next few years it is highly probable that the competition for junior positions will become much keener than it is at present. It is almost certain also that art, music, commercial subjects, and handwork, which have hitherto been regarded as " extras," and placed in the hands of part-time instructors, will form a much more important part of the curricula in our secondary schools; it is fairly obvious, therefore, that the applicant with special qualifications in one or other of these subjects in addition to his ordinary academic preparation will the more readily secure what appointments are offering. It is abundantly evident that the employment of part-time teachers has already reached its limits in many cases, and no extension of it can reasonably be expected. Where facilities are available for acquiring experience or training in one of the above-named special subjects young teachers are therefore advised to make full use of them. So far as ttie curricula of secondary schools are concerned, it is obvious that Principals and staffs are not altogether satisfied with the present position. The more progressive schools would, if it were reasonably practicable, willingly enlarge their programmes by including adequate instruction in subjects more adapted to the non-academic type of pupil. Woodwork and metalwork, and even drawing, have hitherto received but scant attention in our schools ; facilities and equipment have not, as a rule, been available in the past, nor has it been easy to secure adequately qualified part-time teachers of these subjects. Where junior high schools have been attached to senior schools the position has happily been relieved by the provision of workshops and full-time and special teachers in art, domestic crafts, metalwork, and woodwork. At least one other boys' school has made an independent move and has planned to include both metalwork and woodwork in its programme for 1927. Increasing attention is being paid, especially in the girls' schools, to speech-training and elocution. English phonetics have in the past been left too often to the third year of the secondary-school course, and then been treated merely as a subject for examination. At the request of the Inspector an attempt at scientific sound-study is now being made in most schools at the beginning of the course, and good results should follow. In this connection it is gratifying to note the marked interest displayed by teachers in the " vacation school " on phonetics and sound-study held in May of last year. The " school " was distinctly successful, and great credit is due to Miss. D. M. Stewart, Mademoiselle Favry, and all others responsible for its conduct and organization. The study of civics has shown some improvement in method, and the subject is now being treated on lines that are a little more practical. Up-to-date information on the part of the teacher is still sometimes lacking, a defect which a study of the daily paper and such publications as Current History, the Round Table, the local Year-book, and the leaflet on current events, would easily remove. Regarding the wider study of history as a whole, the results in most of our secondary schools are as yet somewhat disappointing. Too much attention is often paid to fact and incident —the mere framework —■ and too little to the picturesque and human element. Teachers are inclined to think too much of the neat arrangement of information for reproduction in examinations, and not enough of rousing intelligent curiosity and thoughtful judgment in their pupils. The Department has placed history among the compulsory subjects for its examinations with a view to ensuring time for a fruitful study of the subject and the creation of a lasting interest in it. It would be a matter for regret if mistaken aims in teaching were to produce a contrary effect —the stifling and the deadening of interest. References to the cramping effect of the Matriculation Examination upon secondary-school curricula have been repeated so often as to become wearisome. It is obviously unfair to lay the whole blame upon the University, which is undoubtedly entitled to demand a reasonable standard of education and attainment from entrants upon degree courses. It is the abuse of the Matriculation Examination by pupils and their parents, by the business community, and even by the schools themselves, and not its legitimate use as a means of entrance to University courses, that has led to its present unduly prominent position and its consequent execration by many educationists. The establishment of an alternative school leaving-certificate would no doubt offer some relief from the present unsatisfactory position, and in this connection assistance and guidance are confidently expected from the operations of the new University Entrance Board shortly to be established under the University Act, 1926. The duties of the Board, to quote the Act, " Shall be to consider the curricula and courses of study at secondary and technical high schools in relation to the educational and other requirements for matriculation at any constituent college ; it may also consider such other matters in relation to secondary education as may from time to time be referred to it by the Minister of Education or by the University Council." It is still somewhat too early to dogmatize on the ultimate possibilities of the junior school. It is abundantly clear, however, that the better classification made possible by the new system will enable the brighter pupils to make considerable progress in their secondary subjects without detriment to the work usually covered in Standards V and VI of the primary schools. Except in isolated cases,



however, they will not save a whole year, as is claimed by the most ardent supporters of the junior school. From careful observation of the progress being made in the schools visited the Inspectors have arrived at the conclusion that the better half of the pupils may reasonably be expected to cover in their two years' junior course the equivalent of one year's secondary work in French and in algebra, and possibly in science ; the progress made in geometry is small, whilst Latin is seldom attempted in the junior courses. The value of the junior school for exploratory or diagnostic purposes has been evident from the outset, but its ultimate or maximum effect upon the standard of our secondary education cannot be determined with any degree of certainty until practically all pupils entering the senior schools have previously passed through a junior course. In the meantime a thorough grounding in the essentials of secondary subjects rather than a feverish attempt to save a year for every pupil should be the aim of all teachers engaged in this most interesting extension of secondary education. All things considered, the secondary departments of our district high schools make quite a creditable showing. It is easy for the carping critic to find defects in the system. The courses of study are narrow and too slavishly modelled upon examination requirements, the text-books and methods are in many cases old-fashioned, and little attention is paid to the aesthetic side of education ; yet when the many difficulties that beset the teachers in these departments are considered, their inexperience, the difficult conditions under which they work as compared with teachers in the secondary schools proper, the multiplicity of subjects they are required to teach, the frequency of changes in the personnel of the staffs —when all this is realized it must freely be admitted that the district high schools are doing zealous and valuable work in the field of post-primary education. Many instances could be quoted of teachers who, in spite of adverse conditions, are showing almost a missionary zeal in their unselfish devotion to duty. It is hardly necessary to repeat that whilst a few of our secondary schools are still somewhat conservative in their outlook and in their organization, yet in the great majority of cases not only Principals, but assistants of all grades, have continued to show a commendable spirit of inquiry and receptivity with regard to modern developments in education. In conclusion, I desire to express my thanks to my colleagues for their loyal co-operation and for the undoubted zeal and enthusiasm they have displayed in performing the many duties allotted to them. I have, &c., E. J. Pare, Chief Inspector of Secondary Schools. The Director of Education.




SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1926.

Grade. 0, B j Position 3 a M - Ja ® i Name. u e in >. o -2 jS O School. i«i* s ®8 2 p si =<-1 d .2 g g a® 0 o«« H Oh «t S Whangarei High School. £ £ Charters, A. B., M.A .. Principal 720 60 Smith, H. E. G. .. B A Assistant 490 40 Given, W. A., M.A. A A „ 490 40 Dunn, S. B., M.A. B B „ 420 40 Bird, D. D. A., B.A. C B „ 390 40 Wilson, C. 0. D D „ 260 40 McKenzie, I. F., M.A... C C „ 335 Glanville, W. J. .. D D ,, 260 Britland, J. J. G„ B.Sc. D D „ 230 Nelson, T. B. i. D I) „ 245 Miller, L. G., B.A. D D „ 245 McDonald, ,T. D. D D „ 230 Aim, E. J. .. D D „ 230 Haselden, Miss E., M.A. A B ,, 384 Hollway, Mrs. E., B.A. B B ,, 342 40 Clarke-Walker, Miss V., B C „ 288 B.A. Lamb, Miss W. E. .. D D „ 240 Holmes, Miss C., M.A. D D „ 204 Auckland Grammar School. Drummond, J., M.A .. Principal I 860 60 Mahon, H. J. D„ B.A. A A Assistant I 520 70 Ryder, A. R., M.A. A A „ 520 70 Dellow, K. J., M.A. A A „ ! 490 45 Jones, C. R., M.A. A A „ j 470 40 Docherty, P. B B „ I 465 40 Newhook, J. L. I. .. B B „ 465 40 Bishop, W. J., M.A. A B „ 465 40 Drummond, P., B.A. A B „ j 450 Short, A. W., B.A. A B „ ! 435 40 Bennett, J. W. B B „ ! 435 40 Driver, E. H., M.A. B B „ 435 40 Nicholson, A. M., M.A. B B ,, 390 40 Bilkey, E. E„ M.A. B B „ 390 40 Asher, J. A., M.A. B C ,, 380 40 Winter, N. A., B.A. B C „ 380 40 Learning, J. E., M.A. B C ,, 380 40 Stein, P. A. S., B.Sc. C C „ 365 Hogben, E. N., M.A. B C „ 365 40 Price, E. M., M.A. C C „ 350 40 Wedding, H. W., M.A. C C „ 320 40 Lee, G. T. .. C C „ 320 Noble, C. A., M.A. D C „ 320 Treacher, K. N. C C „ 320 40 Vernon, T. R. D D „ 305 Eernie, W. G. V., M.A. C D „ 275 Nicholls, C. N., B.A. D D „ 260 Coop, J. D D ,, 260 West, A. W. H., B.A. . . D D „ 260 La Roche, W. E., B.Sc. D D „ 245 Rauch, F. C... . • D D „ 230 La Roche, S. A., B.Sc. D D ,, 230 ; Bullen, K„ B.A. D D „ 215 Bowden, N. W. D D „ 1 200 Mount Albert Grammar School. Gamble, E. W., M.A .. Principal 765 60 Gatland, A. R., B.A. .. A A Assistant 490 40 Caradus, W., M.Sc. A A ,, 490 40 Harvey, J. H., M.A. A A „ 470 40 Brock, H. F., M.A. A B „ 465 40 Coldham, G. S., M.A. A B „ 465 40 Worley, C. P., B.A., B.Sc. B B ,, 405 40 Trendall, A. D. C B „ 390 40 Hardy, R. B., B.Com. C B „ 390 40 Xait, J. M., M.A. B C „ 335 Towers, H. L., B.Sc. C C ,, 335 Calder, H. L., M.A. C C „ 320 Blaiklock, E. M., M.A. DC „ 320 Black, S„ B.A. D D „ 260 Martin, W. R. H., B.A. D D ,, 260 Meiklejohn, S. E., M.A. D D „ 245 Scott, T. D D „ 230 Robins, E. D., B.Sc. .. D D ,, 245

Grade. ° s £ Position |-g • Name. d in «f -o jS o School. §§>4 3 | a S « gg's Sgo H CL| i S Auckland Girls' Grammar School. £ £ Johnston, Miss E. M. .. .. Principal 590 Dive, Miss M. A., B.A. A A Assistant 408 Macdonald, Miss F. E., A A „ 408 B.A. Edgerley, Miss K. V., A A „ 384 M.A. Heap, Mrs. S. B B „ 354 Uhlmann, Miss J. L. . . B B ,, 354 I Woodhouse, Miss H.,M.A. A B „ 354 Haslett, Miss A. I., B.A. B B „ 306 Duff, Miss E. M„ M.A. B C „ 300 MacDonald, Miss M.,B.A. B C „ 288 Sheat, Miss L., M.A. B C „ 276 Virtue, Miss M. E., B.A. C C „ 264 Wilson, Miss J. H., M.Sc. B C „ 276 Smith, Miss B., M.A. C C „ 252 Finlay, Miss C. C D „ 240 Warnock, Miss G., M.A. D D „ 228 Thorp, Miss M. J., B.A. D D „ 228 Harris, Miss J. E., B.Sc. D D „ 204 in H. So. Forde, Miss L., M.A. D D „ 192 Epsom Girls' Grammar School. Morrison, Miss A. C., M.A. .. .. Principal 630 Patterson, Miss E., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Kirkbride, Miss H., M.A. A A „ 372 Collins, Miss E. C., B.A. A A ,, 360 Jenkins, Miss R. li., M.A. A A „ 372 Preeman, Miss M., M.A. A B „ 354 Holmden, Miss D., M.A. B B „ 330 McKeage, Miss K., M.A. B B ,, 306 Bell, Miss B„ M.A. B B „ 306 Battersby, Miss B., M.Sc. B B ,, 318 Barnett, Miss M., B.A. C C „ 300 Hutton, Miss L. G. .. C C „ 276 Rudall, Miss J. C. S., C C „ 276 B.Sc. in H.Sc. Palkner, Miss L. E., B.A. CO „ 252 Walker, Mrs. M. H., B.A. C C „ 252 40 MacDiarmid, Miss E. .. C f) ,, 240 Harris, Miss G. L., M.A. CD „ 240 Potter, Miss M. J., B.A. D D „ 204 Cozens, Miss E. L., B.A. D D ,, 228 Latimer, Miss K., B.A. D D „ 216 j Merritt, Miss K., M.A. D D „ 192 Dunning, Miss M. K. .. D D „ 168 Hamilton High School. Wilson, E., M.A. .. ; .. .. Principal 765 60 Tait, H. D., M.A. .. I A A Assistant 480 40 Gudex, M. C., M.A.,M.Sc.| A B „ 465 70 Tuck, F. L. N., B.A.,B.Sc. B B ,, 465 40 Mason, F. E., B.Sc. .. ! C B „ 420 40 Senior, S. E., M.A. ..IB C ,, 365 40 Nelson, A. P., M.A. . . ! B C „ 350 40 Carter, H. G., B.A. D D „ 305 40 Morton, H. F., B.A. D D „ 275 40 Leys, W. C. S., M.A. D D „ 275 Wyatt, Miss G. M. .. C C „ 300 Watson, Miss M.W., B.A. C C „ 300 Storry, Miss J., B.A. D D „ 216 Brash, Miss P. A., B.Sc. D D ,, 216 in H.Sc. Thames High School. Hoult, W. H., M.A .. Principal 670 60 Baker, W. H., B.Sc. .. A A Assistant 490 40 Marshall, H. H., B.A. B B „ 420 40 Watkins, L. A., M.A. C C „ 365 40 Sibley, H. C„ M.A. D C „ 320 Heward, Miss G. H,, M.A. B B ,, 354 30 Wilcox, Miss E. M. C D ,, 240 Stephens, Miss J. D., B.A. D D „ 216 Wilson, Miss N. G., M.A. * D D ,, 204


Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1926—continued.


Grade. t . £W Position A . 'J a to Name. d in >>$ h'I! S £ .2 School. 'isiS ||ci rrt "7? O <♦"< S -2 g g fl=»° 0«« H CM <13 New Plymouth Boys' High School. £ £ Moyes, W. H., M.A., .. .. Principal 765 B.Sc. Johnson, A. G., M.Sc. A A Assistant 500 40 Diprose, A. W., M.A. A A ,, 480 40 Bottrili, C. G., M.A. A B „ 465 70 Papps, A. .J., B.A. B B „ 450 40 Kerr, E. V., M.A. B B ,, 390 40 Connell, J. W. C C ,, 380 40 Bertrand, G. P. . . B C „ 365 40 Leggat, J., M.A. B C ,, 350 Wilson, R. C., M.A., B.Sc. CO ,, 320 Eggleton, P. J. .. 1) 1) „ 305 40 Wilkie, W. G. .. D D ,, 290 40 Dyer, H. G. .. .. D D „ 275 40 Earl, J., M.A. . . D I) „ 245 Shrimpton, W. I., M.A. I) 1) „ 245 New Plymouth Giels' High School. Allan, Miss D. N., M.A. .. .. Principal 490 Maclean, Miss N. I., M.A. A A Assistant 384 Tizard, Miss A. C., M.A. A R „ 330 McMullan, Miss G., B.A., A B ,, 330 B.Sc. Smith, Miss J. M., B.A. C C ,, 288 Stewart, K. M., M.A. B G ,, 300 Hurle, L. A., M.A. D D „ 216 Johnston, Miss M. G..M. A. CD ,, 228 Fox, Miss C. I)., B.A. I) D „ 204 Wangafui Gikls' College. Cruickshank, Miss C. M., .. .. Principal 575 M.A., M.Sc. Gilford, Miss S. E., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Currie, Miss J. R., M.A. A A ,, 384 Blennerhassett, Miss A., A B ,, 354 B.A. Rockel, Miss C. C. H., A B „ 330 M.A. Graham, Miss E., M.A. B B ,, 318 Treadwell, Miss M. H., C C „ 300 B.A. Oldridge, Miss L.L., M.A. C C „ 264 McLeod, Miss J., B.Sc. C C ,, 264 in H.Sc. Gifford, Miss M„ B.Sc. D 1") „ 204 in H.Sc. Hope, Miss D. D D „ 216 Pope, Miss E. M., M.A. D D ,, 180 Palmerston North Boys' High School. Murray, J., M.A. .. .. . . Principal 720 Colquhoun, J.A., M.Sc. A A Assistant 520 70 Anderson, W. P., M.A. A A ,, 500 Stevenson, J.J. .. B B ,, 450 40 Thompson, H. J., M.A., A B ,, 450 40 LL.M., B.Com. Kerr, H. W., M.A. B B „ 420 40 Espiner, E. W., M.A. B C „ 365 Dash, J. C C „ 335 40 Cumberworth, P.. W., DC „ 350 40 B.A. Werry, E. J., M.A. C D „ 260 Patterson, J. M., M.A. D D ,, 260 Skoglund, P. O. D D „ 245 Silson, J. H. D D „ 245 Palmerston North Girls' High School. Mills, Miss C. B., M.A., .. .. Principal 510 B.Sc. Hodges, Miss P. J., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Dale, Miss M. E., M.A. B B „ 354 Stott, Miss E. M., B.A. B B „ 354 Simkin, Miss K. L., B.Sc. C C ,, 288 in H.Sc. Crawford, Miss E. J., B.A. C C „ 276 McHaffie, Miss C., M.Sc. D D „ 216 Brown, Miss L. D D „ 204

Grade. ° s 12 6" Position J-g . • Name - S3 3 o , in , -&# j§ .2 School. gjx 3 g g o> o i pa o o EH P-i | a Gisborne High School. £ £ Foote, F., B.A. .. .. .. Principal 790 Wilkes, F. J., M.A. A A Assistant 520 70 Edmondson, P., B.A. .. B A „ 490 40 Maunder, G. T., M.So... B B „ 465 40 Dunphy, W. P., B.A. B B ,, 435 40 Scott, W. JR., M.A. B B „ 435 40 Saunders, G. F., M.A. C C „ 350 Smith, W. M., M.A. B B .. 390 Coulam, A. G. .. D C ,, 365 Adams, E. L. D 1) ,, 275 Burns, G., M.A. I) D „ 245 Langhorne, G. W. .. D I) „ 230 Stewart, Miss D. M,, B.A. A A „ 360 40 Prestwich, Miss M. .. B B ,, 318 Durward, Miss M., B.A. C C „ 264 Espiner, Miss E. V., M.A. C C „ 264 Stephens, Miss E. E.,M.A. C C ,, 252 Mitchell, Miss G., B.A. C I > 228 McCarthy, Miss E. M., I) I) „ 204 M.Sc. Napier Boys' High School. Armour, W. A., M.A., .. .. Principal 720 M.Sc. West, E. S., M.A. . . A A Assistant 490 70 Alexander, M., B.Sc. A A „ 490 40 Harwood, W. G., B.A., A B „ 435 40 M.Sc. Worker, R. V., M.A. B B „ 390 Woodward, M. F., M.A. B B „ 390 40 Strack, C. H. E., B.A... C C „ 380 40 Bagley, C. J. C C „ 380 40 Cameron, F. F., M.A. C C „ 350 40 Haldane, G. R. .. D B ,, 230 Milburn, II. H. D D .. 275 Murphy, E. R. D D ,, 275 Russell, L. I) D ,, 245 Napier Girls' High School. Arthur, Miss D. M., M.A. .. .. Principal 510 MacDiarmid, Miss B. S., A A Assistant 360 M.A. McLean, Miss M., B.A. A A „ 360 Gillies, Miss J. 0. . . B B „ 354 Anderson, Miss A. M. .. B B ,, 342 Vickery, Miss E. E. A., C C „ 300 B.A. Davies, Miss H. P., B.A. C C ,, 276 Stevenson, Miss M. B... D D „ 192 Riach, Miss J., M.A. D D „ 180 Bell, Miss F. A., B.A. D D „ 216 Jones, Miss I). D D „ 180 Hastings High School. Penlington, W. A. G .. Principal 670 60 Jones, S. I., M.A. .. A A Assistant 470 40 Steele, Miss M. A., M.A. A A ,, 360 Atkinson, T. S. C C „ 380 40 Ellicott, K. W. H. .. D D „ 245 Thompson, V. A. D., C C „ 370 40 B.Com. Bevhi, R. H., B.Ag. D C „ 320 40 Irvine, Miss J., B.A. B C „ 300 Law, Miss J. D. . . D D „ 180 Gallagher, Miss E. R., C D ,, 228 B.A. McMullen, Miss E. .. D D „ 240 Dannevirke High School. Tait, A. G. .. .. .. I .. Principal '620 Heaton, F., M.A., B.Sc. A ' A Assistant 470 Malioney, Miss T. C. G., B B „ 354 30 B.A. Craven, E. S., M.A. C C „ 335 Bingham, Miss F. D., M.A. C C ,, 264 Johnson, L., B.A. C I) ,, 260 Wilson, Miss M., M.A. D D „ 204



Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1926—continued.

Grade. °a is & £« pi Position . oa2 Name. M - d in QZS 2 .2 School. «5 «$ g o o 2 3a«§flS S S B' 10 !«'■» h o< <i a Wairabapa High School. £ £ Uttley, G. H., M.A., D.Sc. .. .. Principal 670 Morice, G. W., M.A., B.So A A Assistant 490 40 Slater, H. W., M.A., B.Sc. A A „ 470 Bee, J. G., M.A. A B ,, 465 Sutherland, Miss 0. R., A B ,, 354 30 M.A. Bird, J. W., M.A. A B „ 390 MoClure, C., B.A. B C 380 40 Leonard, Miss K., M.A. CO ,, 285 McHarg, I. S., B.Ag., C D 275 B.Sc. Thomson, H. R., M.A. C C „ 320 Bethell, MissD. A., M.A. D D ,, 216 McKinley, A. D. D D „ 215 Htjtt Valley High School. Kidson, H. V., M.A., .. .. [ Principal 620 60 B.Sc., B. es L. McLeod, D., M.A., B.Sc. . B B Assistant 420 40 McNaught, G. J., M.A. B C „ ' 365 40 Shotlander, L., B.A. D D „ 245 Browne, Miss M. J., B.Sc. C C ,, 288 Mather, Miss W.M., B.A.| C C „ 288 Oswin, Miss F. K., M.A. D D „ 228 Wellington College. Cresswell, T. R.. M.A .. Principal 860 Gifford, A. C., M.A. .. A A Assistant 520 70 Renner, F. M., M.A. .. A A „ 520 70 Tomlinson, H. B., M.A. A A ,, .500 70 Brodie, T., B.A. A A „ 480 40 Alexander, W., B.A., A B „ 465 40 LL.B. Lomas, J. S., M.A. A B ,, 465 40 Hall, J., B.Sc., B.A. A B „ 465 40 Millard, J. N., B.A., M.Sc. A B ,, 465 40 Caddick, A. E., M.A. A B ,, 450 40 Fathers, H. T. M., B.A., A B „ 450 B.Sc. Cuddie, J. R., M.A. A B „ 435 40 Joplin, F., B.A., B.Sc. A B ,, 435 40 Stevens, W. H., B.A. .. B B ,, 390 40 Farquhar, A. S., M.A... B C „ 380 40 Beard, T. E„ B.A. C . C „ 380 40 Thornton, F. E., M.A... B C ,, 365 40 Perry, W. C. J., M.A. B C „ 365 40 Jackson, A.. M.A., M.Sc. B C „ 365 40 Jones, W. V. C C „ 335 40 Heron, H. A., M.A. C C ,, 320 40 Dighton, J. L., B.A. C G ,, 320 Martin-Smith, P., LL.B., C C ,, 320 B.A. McCaw, J. T. .. D D „ 260 Turner, M. F., B.A. C D „ 305 Hislop, T. G., B.A. D D „ 245 Kalaugher, W. G., M.A. D D „ 230 Caughley, F. G., B.A. D D „ 245 Eason, W. J. I) I) ,, 245 Griffen, J. R. D D ,, 230 Harris, C. T.. . .. D D „ 230 Sceates, G. J. D D ,, | 230 Mackay, J. D. D D „ ! 215 Griffen, A. W., B.A. D D „ I 215 Wellington Gibls' High School. Greig, Miss V., M.A.,M.Sc. .. .. Principal 590 Newman, Miss E.A., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Rainforth, Miss F. M., A A „ 408 B.A. Kershaw, Miss F. E., A A ,, 408 M.A. Williams, Miss E., B.A. A B ,, 354 Wood, Mrs. C. E., M.A. A B „ 354 Coad, Miss N. E., M.A. A B ,, 354 30 Gibson, Miss G. F., M.A. A B „ 354 Jackson, Miss B., M.A. AC ,, 330 Sage, Miss C. M., M.A. A B 354 30 Blacker, Miss H„ B.A. B C 300 .. |

Grade. °a ig b •« Position 3 tS . ■ fl« Name - >J B in fcg &~S | | School. | |a S '§ B®0 gs? h &< <i a Wellington Gikls' High School—continued £ £ Cornish, Miss E. .T., B C Assistant 300 B.Sc. in H.So. Heine, Miss E. M., B.A. G C „ 300 Ward, Miss H. ..DC ,, 252 Tscheremissinoff, Miss C., C D ,, 240 B.A. Gilford, Miss S. M. D., D D „ 228 B.Sc. in H.So. Clark, Miss M., M.A. D D 216 Ross, Miss J. I) I) 204 MeCrae, Miss M., B.A. D D „ 228 Johnstone, Miss D. A., C C „ 252 M.A. Garwood, Miss E. M. .. I) I) „ 168 Wellington East Girls' College. Batham, Miss A.M., B.A. .. .. Principal 510 Collins, Miss R. M., B.A. A A Assistant 384 30 Hind, Miss E. M., M.A. A A „ 360 North, Miss E. N., B.A. B B „ 318 Marsdon, Miss A. F. . . B B ,, 306 Martin, Miss E., B.A. B B „ 306 Jull, Miss P. C C „ 288 McCartney, Miss I)., M.A. B C ,, 264 MacKenzie, Miss J., M.A. B C ,," . 264 Cresswell, Miss M. I., B.A. CD ,, 240 Rhodes,Miss K. P., B.A;, D D ,, 240 B.Sc. Gardner, Miss R., M.A. D D „ 216 Black, Miss M. D D ,, 216 j Maklbokough High School. Stewart, J., M.A .. Principal 720 Robson, H., M.A. .. A A Assistant 500 40 Brockett, A. E., M.A., B B „ 465 40 B.Com. Rowe, A. L., M.A., LL.B. B B ,-, 430 Pradie, W. C., B.Sc., C C ., 320 B.Ag. Aitken, A., B.Sc. C C „ 320 40 Sheat, W., B.A., LL.B. D D „ 215 Allen, Miss E. M., M.A. A A „ 396 Robertson, Miss H. M., D D „ 240 M.A. Bishop, Miss M. D. C G „ 264 Brand, Miss M. M., M.A. C C ,, 264 Newton, Miss E. M., M.A. D D „ 216 Nelson Boys' College. Broad, C. H., B.A. .. .. . . Principal 720 McKay, J. G., B.A. .. A A Assistant 510 40 Searle, H. V., M.A., M.Sc. A A „ 470 30 Watkin, E. A., M.A. A B „ 450 40 Kirk, C. G., B.A., B.Sc. C B „ 390 40 Johnson, C. W., M.A. C B ,, 405 Severne, E. H., B.A. C C „ 380 Gray, A. J., M.A. C C „ 320 Methven, R. H„ M.A... C C „ 335 40 Boulton, E., B.A. C C „ 320 Paterson, J. E. R., M.A. C D „ 260 Simpson, G. D., M.A, D D „ 260. Fowler, R. J. M. .. D D ,, 230 Allan, H. F., B.Sc. D D „ 245 I Nelson Gikls' College. Lorimer, Miss M., M.A. • • • • Principal 550 Rhodes, Mrs. M., M.A. i A A Assistant 384 Eastwood, Miss A., M.A. A A „ 384 Isaac, Miss N. G., M.A. A B ,, 354 Karsten, Miss R., B.A. B B ,, 306 Garland, Miss M., M.A. B B ,, 306 Robertson, Miss M. I. C C ,, 264 B.Sc. McGregor, M., M.A. D D ,. 216 Sheat, Miss R„ M.A. D D „ 204 Cockburn,Miss F.T., M.A. D D ' „ 192 .. Stewart, Miss J., B.A... Cj D „ 240 Black, Miss J. D D „ 180



Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1926—continued.

* ' " , , . Grade. ° a gig & Position 3ts 2.0 <» Name. M - a in >>2 h' J* .2 School. g cj o +Z flti.2 <a m g co o S ce a) O R H CM <j Rangioba High School. £ £ Straehan, J. E., M.A., .. .. Principal 670 B.Sc. Ferguson, A. J., M.A... A A Assistant 500 40 Beattie, G. C., M.Sc. A B „ 435 40 Hollow, Miss P., M.A... C C „ 288 30 Lockhart, A. L. .. C .1) ,, 305 40 McKenzie, W. H. P., B.A. D D „ 260 40 Maurais, Miss T., B.A. CD „ 216 Christohukoh Boys' High School. Lancaster, G. J., M.A. .. .. Principal j 815 Stewart, W. M., M.A. .. A A Assistant j 490 70 Schroder, J. H. E., M.A. A A ,, 480 30 Hercus, E. J. D., M.A., A B „ 435 40 B.Sc. Rowe, H. V., M.A. A A „ 510 30 Montgomery, J. R., M.A. B B „ 465 40 Henderson, H., B.A., A B ,, 420 40 B.Sc. Baverstock, H. S., M.A. B B ,, 405 Quartermain, L. B., M.A. B B ,, 390 Prussing, J. LB.A. C C ,, 380 Dyer, H. E., B.Sc. C C ,, 335 40 Gourlay, H. W. C C „ 320 40 Jefcoate, H. ()., M.A. C C „ 320 40 Rogers, M. N., M.Sc. D D „ 260 Struthers, J., M.A., B.Sc. CD „ 260 Bruce, R. M., B.Sc. C C ,, 380 40 Cuming, S. R., M.A. C C „ 320 Rodwell, H. R., B.A. C D „ 275 40 Brassington, W. W., M.A. D D ,, 245 Skipworth, I. H. D D „ 230 Burrows, J. T. D D „ 230 Ridgen, C. L., M.A. D D „ 245 Chbistchubch Giels' High School. Gibson, Miss M. V., M.A. .. .. Principal j 630 Gresson, Miss K. M., M.A. A A Assistant 1 408 30 Sims, Miss M. E., M.A. A A „ 396 Bone, Miss D. J. A A ,, 360 Wagstaff, Miss N., M.A. B B „ ! 342 Hogg, Miss C., M.A. B B „ j 318 Clark, Miss P. M. P., A B „ 330 M.A. Young, Mrs. S. G. .. (Half- time) „ i 185 Tilley, Miss H. M. .. C C „ 264 McKee, Miss A. J. .. C C „ 300 Watson, Miss A. M. . . C C „ 288 Favry, Miss M. L. C C „ 276 Hall, Miss E. J., M.A... (Half-time) „ 138 Fairbairn, Miss E., B.A. C C „ 264 Burns, Miss A. M., M.A. C C „ 252 Milnes, Miss I. F., M.A. C C „ 252 Hall, Miss M. D D ,, 240 : Hooper, Miss V. L., M.A. CD >> 228 Hardie, Miss E. M., M.A. 1) D „ ' 216 Frengley, Miss M., B.Se. D D „ 228 in H.Sc. Morrell, Miss M. P., M.A. D D ,, 228 Miles, Miss Z., B.Sc. in D D ,, j 228 H.Sc. Seymour, Miss M. E., D D ,, 204 M.A. Bays, Miss K. D D ,, j 192 Berkley, Miss J. S. \ n / » 120 Gibb, Miss A. J " I .. ! 120 Ashbubton High School. Watters, W. F., B.A .. Principal 670 Biggar, R. H., M.A. .. A A Assistant 500 40 Piggott, Miss E.M.,M.A. B B „ 372 McGregor, R. M., B.Sc. C C „ 335 Scott, H. M., M.A. .. C D „ 320 Wood, E. J. .. .. D D „ 260 ! Seyb, P. S., B.A. D D „ 275 1 .. Kalaugher, N. ..DC „ 252 Morrison, Miss M. IC., D D „ 228 M.A. Marshall, Miss R., B.Sc. D D ,, 216 in H.Sc. | i'

Grade. ° fl o§ & ® W a -25 Position 3 a m Name. M - d in >>§ 1 I Schoo! - w Hi © o pjC00 0 c3'+J H CM <1 S Timaru Boys' High School. £ £ | Thomas, W., M.A .. Principal 720 Cockroft., E. A., B.A., A A Assistant 500 70 B.Com. Kemshed, D. S., M.A... A A „ 470 40 Sawell, B. G. A., M.A. B B „ 435 40 Hind, C. A. S. C B „ 420 40 Moore, N. A., M.A. B B „ 390 Gillies, C. L., B.Ag. C C „ 350 Whitehouse, T. K. R., C C „ 335 M.Sc. McDonald, T. H., M.A. C C „ 320 40 Horwell, W. W., B.A... C C „ 320 40 McClatchy, H. B., M.A. C D „ 290 Crawford, W., M.A. C D „ 305 40 Ledingham, M. J. D D ,, 230 Mills, S. .. D D „ 215 Timaru Girls' High School. Barr, Miss J. A., M.A. .. .. Principal 510 King, Miss E. A., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Ronaldson, Miss M.,B.Sc., A A ,, 360 B.A. McLean, Miss D.B., M.A. B B „ 306 Baker, Miss M. E., M.A. D D „ 228 Stewart, Miss L. F., B.A. C C „ 276 Hawkes, Miss I)., B.A. CD „ 228 Oldridge, Miss D.M., M.A. D D „ 228 Marriott, Miss M.E., B.A. C C „ 264 Cunningham, Miss J. B., D D ,, 216 M.A. Lee, Miss E. H. D D „ 216 Waitaki Boys' High School. Milner, P., M.A. .. .. I .. Rector.. 720 50 McCulloch, M. K., M.A. A A Assistant 520 40 Chisholm, D. S., M.A... A A „ 510 40 Littlejohn C. M., M.A., A B „ 465 40 B.Sc. Uttley, W. M., M.A. A B „ 465 40 Hall, H. T. .. C C „ 380 40 Crimp, P. A., B.A. C B „ 390 I Kinross, S. M. D C „ 320 40 Conly, J. H., M.A. D D „ 260 Robins, H. J. D D ,, 230 Shaw, J. T. .. .. D D „ 200 Waitaki Girls' High School. Wilson, Miss J. B., M.A. .. .. Principal , 510 | 40 Macaulay, Miss M.J.,M.A. A A Assistant ! 396 Hunt, Miss D. C., B.A. C B „ 330 Watt, M. S., B.A. .. B B „ 318 Yardley, Miss M.H., M.A. C C „ j 276 ■ .. Harvey, Miss E. A., B.A. C C „ j 264 King, Miss E. M., M.A. CD „ 228 Searle, Miss M. D D „ 228 Adams, Miss O. L. G., CD „ 228 j B.Sc. Otago Boys' High School. Morrell, W. J., M.A Principal 860 Campbell, P. IL, B.A. A A Assistant 520 40 Williams, J., B.Sc. A A „ 520 40 Martyn, W. J., M.A. A A „ 520 40 Watt, A., B.A. A B „ 465 Botting, R. W. S., M.A. A B „ 450 40 Begg, O. J., M.A. A B „ 450 40 Mclnnes, M. G., B.A. C B „ 435 Thomson, G. S., B.Sc. C B „ 420 40 Thompson, J., M.A. B B „ 390 40 Gillman, A. J., M.A. .. B B „ 420 40 Robertson, G. M., M.A. B C „ 380 Watt, M. M., B.A. C C „ 365 40 Howard, B. H., M.A. B C ,, 365 Rantin, T. J. L., M.A. B C „ 350 40 McNaughton, A.T.,M.A. C C „ 335 | Salmond, J. D., M.A. C C ,, 320 Bridgman, W. W., M.A. C C „ 320 Cabot, P. S. de Q., B.A. D D „ 290 1 Crimp, S. R., B.A. C D „ 275



Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1926—continued.

2 —B. 6.

Grade. ° fl jj <y 3 -§l2i2 -w" 3^13 Position S "S m *5 03 Name. d in >>«» 2 .2 School. "S J g a | S g«C gal g g gcoo 3«« H cn < Otago Boys' High School —continued. £ £ Kinnear, J. E., M.A. .. I) I D Assistant j 245 I Glasgow, K. W. R., B.Sc. D j D „ 245 I Lang, W., M.A. .. D j D „ 245 j Fraser, R., B.A. .. DID „ 230 | .. Anderson, J. L., B.A. D 1 D „ 230 I 40 Otago Girls' High School. King,MissM. H. M..M.A. ( .. .. Principal 630 Campbell, MissP., B.A. j A A Assistant 408 Gellatly, Miss M. N., M.A. | A A „ 408 Loudon, Miss A. L., M.A. A l> ,, 354 Kerr, Mrs. B., M.A. A B ,, 354 Dalrymple, Miss H. K., B B ,, 354 B.A. Morton, Miss L. S., B.A. B B „ 354 Jones, Miss P. J., M.A. B B „ 354 Aitken, Miss A. M., B.Sc. C C ,, 300 in H.Sc. Lawson, Miss L. L., M.A. A ] C ,, 300 Dallaston, Miss L. N., C I C „ 288 B.A. Clement, Miss B., M.A. B C ,, 288 May, Miss M. W., M.A. B C „ 264 Rosevear, Miss R. A. .. C D ,, 240 Bagley, Miss S. D. .. C D „ 240 MacRae. Miss H., B.A. C D „ 240 Bentham, Miss E. R., D D „ 240 M.A. Himmell, Miss M., B.A. DDI „ 192 South Otago High School. Reid, John, B.A. .. .. .. Principal 570 ; 60 Adamson, R. de B., B.Sc. B B Assistant 390 McDonald, T. M., M.A. DC „ 320 Somerville, Miss A. I., Cj C „ 252 M.Sc. Sutherland, Miss I. D., CD „ 240 30 B.A. Blaikie, Miss G.B., M.A. D D „ 180

Grade. »s S3 £• °1sPosifcion 3 ts h - "® fl w Name. 0 - in ' ' i»S &""S £ .2 School. 5$ a 7? 43 S —< r C) 3 % a«' S Sg.s O) O g^OpoS-tJ H D-i -A S Gore High School. £ £ Hunter, J., M.A. .. .. .. Principal 720 Boyne, J. McC., B.A. . . A A Assistant 490 40 Christie, E. M., M.Sc. .. C B „ 420 40 Price, C. J. R., M.A., B B „ 405 B.Com. Eyfe, T. D D „ 260 40 Fowler, M., B.Sc. D D „ | 260 40 I Smith, Miss L. M., MA. B A „ 360 Naylor, Miss R., M.A. B B j 330 Henderson, Miss H. A., C C „ j 276 M.A. Douglas, Miss M. J. H. C C „ ' 300 Woodhead, Miss M. S., D D ,, j 228 M.A. Southland Boys' High School. Pearce, T. I)., M.A. . . .. .. Principal 720 60 Dakin, J. P., B.A. A A Assistant 510 40 Butchers, A. G., M.A. A A „ 490 40 McGratli, J. S., B.A. B B „ 465 40 Cameron, J. L., M.A. B B ,, 405 40 Hogg, A. S., M.Sc. C B „ 390 Flannery, J. .. C C „ 365 Drees, H., M.A. B C „ 365 Deaker, A. J., B.A. C C „ 335 40 McDonald, K. C., M.A. CD „ 260 40 McParlane, A., M.A. D D „ 245 Southland Gikls' High School. Samuel, Miss M., M.Sc. .. .. Principal 510 Budd, Miss A. M., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Watt, Miss A., B.A. .. B B „ 354 Burt, Miss S., M.A. B B ,, 354 ! |! White, Miss R. A., M.A. B C „ 300 ! Earwaker, Miss E., M.A. B B ,, 306 ij Spite, Miss B. H., B.Sc. DC „ 252 || Cumming, Miss C.L.,M.A. B C „ 264 ! Brown, Miss C. A., B.A. D D „ 204 |j Michael, Miss M. A., D ! D „ 204 | B.Sc. in H.Sc. I Galloway, Miss D. M., D D ,, 204 M.A.

E. —6.

Table K1.—Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments)—Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders.


S fl 4 of Ages of all Pupils on Roll at 31st December, 1926. th tn . Government j g » Free Places on fl co E-oll at o„ hnn) I u'-g "1 3 l S „Vi e qpfi m * 13 to 14 14 to 15 15 to 10 16 to 17 Over 17 Totals, all h 4g j§2 o per, Years. : Years. Years. Years. Years. Ages, -p a -Q £ r* < |h- i D g g Kg | | g |8 -g-H g I B.l G. B. I G. B. G. B. I G. B. G. B. ! G. B. G. M M i-j M j | A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei H.S. .. 374-7 370 412 258 100- 1 2 19 11 51 40 58: 46! 40 33i 42 27 211 159 Auckland Gram. S. .. 890 866 946 539 29812 .. 76 .. 209 .. 207 .. j 198 .. ! 164 .. 866 .. Mount Albert Gram. S. .. 478 471 509 321 131 7 .. 56 .. 123 .. 127 1 .. j 77 .. j 81 .. 471 Auckland Girls'Gram. S. 510-8 511 549 361 142 .. 3 .. 44 .. 133 .. 157 ! .. 99 .. 75 .. 511 Epsom Girls' Gram. S. .. 533 546 605 395 136 .. 5 .. 68 .. 133 ... 171 .. 97 .. 72 .. 546 Thames H.S. . . .. 195 186 214 131 53 .... 8 10 34 24 29! 22 21 19 12 7 104 82 Hamilton H.S. .. 359 359 399 220! 124 .. 2 16 12 38 45 54! 42 42 36 53 19 203 156 New Plymouth Boys'H.S. 311-9 324- 361 205 91 2 .. 26 .. 80 .. 94| .. 60 .. 62 .. 324 .. New Plymouth Girls' H.S. 192-2 193 208 128 52 .. 4 .. 27 .. 60 .. 50 .. 31 .. 21 .. 193 Wanganui Girls' Coll. . . 296 298 320 179 91 .. 1 .. 23 .. 62 .. ! 96 .. 59 .. 57 .. 298 Palmerston N. Boys' H.S. 283 277 307 172 81 4 .. 24 .. 58 .. 821 .. 55 .. 54 .. 277 .. Palmerston N. Girls' H.S. 167-5 175 189 113 54 .. 2 .. 12 .. 40 .. 52 .. 42 .. 27 .. 175 Gisborne H.S. .. .. 436 425 486 282 123 2 .. 16 8 57 55 73! 49 51 42 44 28 243 182 Napier Boys'H.S. .. 283-1 275 309 172 89 4 .. 11 .. 57 .. 76 .. 67 .. 60 .. 275 .. Napier Girls' H.S. .. 230-9 248 255 165 68 15 .. 60 .. 89 .. 48! .. 36 .. 248 Hastings H.S. .. .. 218 203 253 149 45 1 1 13 7 26 28 34 29 16 20| 16 12 106 97 Dannevirke H.S. . . 138 140 151 109 24 .. .. 9 7 25 21 10 17 19 18 6 8 69 71 Wairarapa H.S. .. 255 269 284 159 102 10 11 • 36 27 35! 28 33 21 35 33 149 120 Hutt Valley H.S. .. 152-7 146 164 127 16 .... 7 18 23 46 12 21 5 7 2 5 49 97 Wellington Coll. .. 817 832 902 518 27912 .. 97 .. 188 .. 237 .. 183 .. 115 .. 832 .. Wellington Girls'Coll. .. 491-7 500 549 325 160.. 13 ..54 .. 125 .. 119 .. 107 .. 82 .. 500 Wellington East Girls' Coll. 284-2 287 320 224 57 .. 9 .. 47 .. 87 .. 78 .. 51 .. 15 .. 287 Marlborough H.S. .. 240 241 283 165 58 1 .. 3 8 26 35 28 44 28 34 15 19 101 140 Nelson Coll. .. .. 296-9 304 341 179 86 3 .. 38 .. 65 .. 90 .. 56 .. 52 .. 304 .. Nelson Girls' Coll. .. 260-4 274 284 164 95 .. 2 .. 25 .. 66 .. 68 .. 54 .. 59 .. 274 Rangiora H.S... .. 153 152 183 106 41 1 1 2 7 17 25 22 23 13 15 10 16 65 87 Christehurch Boys' H.S. 523 542 624 371 157 9 .. 55 .. 150 .. 133 .. 114 .. 81 .. 542 .. Christchurch Girls'H.S. 541-3 557 608 350 183.. 6 .. 84 .. j 156 .. 124 .. 88 .. 99 .. 557 Ashburton H.S. .. 207-7 215 239 143 63 1 .. 14 lOj 26 24 34 23 28 14 17 24 120 95 Timaru Boys'H.S. .. 290-8 318 352 187 117 2 .. 19 .. 72 .. 85 .. 82 .. 58 .. 318 .. Timaru Girls' H.S. .. 246 256 268 1 153 91 22 .. I 61 .. 65 .. 53 .. 55 . . 256 Waitaki Boys'H.S. .. 298 268 309! 169 83 1 .. 25 .. 53 .. 60 .. 53 .. 76 .. 268 .. Waitaki Girls'H.S. .. 177 180 194; 123 49.. 1 . . 14 .. 36 .. 53 .. 39 .. 37 .. 180 Otago Boys H.S. .. 631 606 680 395 191 10 .. 68 .. 159 .. 148 .. 116 .. 105 .. 606 .. Otago Girls' H.S. .. 433 448 472 303 137 .. 51 .. 97 . . 125 .. 78 .. 51 .. 46 .. 448 South Otago H.S. .. 120 126 138 92 34 4 3 14 10 25 17 17 10 5 12 2 7 67 59 Gore H.S. .. .. 225-7 225 251 145 75 .. .. 10 13 39| 33 22 27 21 19 22 19 114 111 Southland Boys'H.S. .. 263 242 277 147 84 5 .. 27 .. 52 .. 68 .. 45 .. 45 .. 242 .. Southland Girls'H.S. .. 260 260 299 170 84.. 1 .. 21 .. 74 .. 75 ... 49; .. [ 40 .. 260 Totals .. .. 13,064-5 13,115 14,494|8,6143,94482*107663685 1,689ll,638 1,835 1,656 1,428 l,15sil,2291945 6,9266,189 I ■ I |_ I I ; I . B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Coll. S. .. 249 242 257 .. .. I 1 .. 11 . .1 26 .. ] 78 .. I 63: .. 63 .. 242 .. Christ's Coll .. .. 282-7 294 309 .. .. j 7 .. 16 ..I 46 .. j 47 .. | 71J .. 107 .. 294 .. Totals .. .. 531-7 536 566 8 ..j 27 .. 72 .. j 125 .. | 134j .. 170 .. 536 .. Grand totals .. 13,596-2 13,651 15,060 8,614 3,94490!107 690 685 1,761 1,638 1,960 1,656jl,562 1,158 1.399 945 7,462 6,189 I.I I 1 I I I


Table K2.—Classification of Pupils on the Roll of Secondary Schools at the end of the Year to Years of Attendance (exclusive of Lower Departments).

Table K3.—Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments, 1926.


First Year. Second Year. Third Year. Fourth Year. Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Totals. School. Boys. Girls. Boys. GirJs. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girla. Boys. Girls. Boys, j Girls. Boys. Girls. && Whangarei High School .. 96 58 58 49 27 27 22 21 8 3 1 211 159 370 Auckland Boys' Grammar 320 .. 240 .. 203 .. 87 .. 12 .. 4 866 Sfifi School Mount Albert Boys' 173 .. 140 .. 94 45 16 3 471 .. 471 Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar .. 204 .. 150 .. 80 60 15 2 511 511 School Epsom Girls' Grammar .. 243 .. 150 .. 88 52 11 2 546 <Un School Hamilton High School .. 71 70 50 44 55 28 22 11 5 3 .. 203 156 359 Thames High School .. 39 34 24 26 29 14 9 6 3 2 .. 1.04 82 186 New Plymouth Boys' 123 . . 91 59 33 14 4 324 324 High School New Plymouth Girls' .. 86 50 39 14 3 1 193 iqs High School Wanganui Girls' College .. 135 .. 59 55 31 13 5 298 298 Palmerston North Boys' 97 84 46 39 11 277 277 High School Palmerston North Girls' .. 58 54 30 23 9 1 175 175 High School Gisborne High School .. 92 76 75 45 43 33 25 21 5] 7 3 243 182 425 Napier Boys' High School 85 93 48 34 12 3 275 .. 275 Napier Girls'High School .. 85 83 40 26 1! 3 248 248 Hastings High School .. 63 52 19 20 12 15 11 8 1 2 .. 106 97 203 Dannevirke High School 37 29 17 27 7 9 7 4 1 2 .... 69 71 140 Wairarapa High School .. 51 40 40 30 22 17 25 28 8 5 3 149 120 269 Hutt Va'ley High School 36 68 6 19 5 5 2 5 .. .. ., 49 97 146 Wellington College .. 283 .. 263 .. 148 .. 94 40 4 832 .. 832 Wellington Girls' College .. 181 .. 127 .. 93 59 34 6 500 500 Wellington East Girls' Col- .. 129 .. 90 47 20 1 287 287 lege Marlborough High School 42 65] 29 40 18 19 9 13 2 3 1 101 140 241 Nelson College .. .. 115 77 60 35 14 3 304 .. 304 Nekon Girls' College .. .. 94 78 .. 49 27 24 2 274 274 Rangiora High School .. 29 44 17 20 10 14 6 6 2 2 1 1 65 87 152 Christchurch Boys' High 220 .. 148 .. 84 66 18 6 542 . . 542 School Christchurch Girls' High .. 212 .. 149 .. 85 52 50 9 557 557 School Ashburton High School .. 49 34 34 28 21 12 11 7 4 10 1 4 120 95 215 Timaru Boys'High School 110 .. 79 56 48 18 7 318 .. 318 Timaru Girls'High School j 86 77 35 41 13 4 256 256 Waitaki Boys' High School 104 .. 63 44 34 14 9 268 .. 268 Waitaki Girls' High School . . 70 51 30 18 7 4 180 180 Otago Boys' High School 221 .. 173 .. 100 .. 83 26 3 606 .. 606 Otago Girls' High School . . 16.1 .. 138 .. 79 42 25 3 448 448 South Otago High School 27 21 12 12 23 12 5 12 2 .. 67 59 126 Gore High School .. 42 45| 35 20 16 22 13 11 8 11 .. 2 114 ill 225 Southland Boys' High 82 .. 63 .. 42 .. 42 .. 11 .. 2 .. 242 .. 242 School Southland Girls' High .. 89 74 45 36 llj 5 260 260 School Totals .. .. 2,6072,4691,9301,7101,2721,022 807 654 2531 279t 57 556,9266,18913115 : 1 I - I

if ft ® I + 3 ** CD 3| § I ! 3,2 g j | * I j h School. Total Cost. ®«-g o School. Total Cost. o & o 88 £ S« 5 : g(§ S °o fl I o"g a £ £ £ j £ Whangarei High School .. .. 991-68* 1-37 Marlborough High School .. 636-54 2-25 Auckland Boys'Grammar School 3,134-13 2-15 ! Nelson College .. .. 1,072-56 3-15 Auckland Girls'Grammar School 2,737-5 2-37 : Nelson Girls' College .. .. 562-85 ! 1-98 Thames High School .. .. 382-08 1-79 Rangiora High School .. .. 585-07 3-20 Hamilton High School .. .. 1,206-35 3-02 Chrigtchurch Boys' High School 1,206-86 1-93 New Plymouth Boys'High School 842-16 2-33 < Chrigtchurch Girls' High School.. 1,178-74 1-94 New Plymouth Girls' High School 375-15 1-8 Ashburton High School .. 479-85 2-01 Wanganui Girls' College . • 840-03 2-63 j Timaru Boys' High School .. 889-98 2-53 Palmerston North Boys'High School 836-89 2-73 Timaru Girls' High School .. 611-85 2-28 Palmerston North Girls'High School 536-37 2-84 Waitaki Boys' High School .. 560-29 1-81 Gisborne High School . . .. 984-26 2-03 I Waitaki Girls' High School .. 400-16 2-06 Napier Boys' High School .. 723-57 2-34 Otago Boys' High School .. 1,630-57 2-40 Napier Girls' High School .. 508-97 2-00 Otago Girls' High School .. 1,231-21 2-61 Hastings High School .. .. 493-64 1-95 j South Otago High School .. 257-98 1-87 Dannevirke High School .. 363-77 2-41 I Gore High School .. .. 588-07 2-34 Wairarapa High School .. 403-69 1-42 Southland Boys' High School .. 545-03 1-97 Hutt Valley High School .. 380-83 2-32 Southland Girls' High School .. 570-07 1-91 Wellington College .. .. 2,015-5 2-23 Wellington Girls' College .. 1,394-75 2-54 jWellington Bast Girls' College .. 543-59 1-70 32,702-59 2-21 * Includes incidental expenses of junior higli school.


Table K4. —Details of National Scholarships held in December, 1926.

Table K5. —Average Number of Pupils boarding away from Home to attend Secondary Schools and Lower Departments thereof, 1926.


Number held Number held ! Number held Number Number Total Number. at Secondary at District j at Technical receiving receiving _ . Schools. High Schools. High Schools. Boarding- TravellingEducation District. j allowance allowance 1 _ (included (included in Total in Total Boys. Girls. Totals. Junior. Senior. Junior. Senior. Junior. Senior. Number). Number). [ j Auckland .. .. .. 162 105 267 166 57 27 1 13 3 51 33 Taranaki .. .. 26 15 41 20 9 .. .. 10 2 j 15 Wanganui .. .. 15 23 38 16 12 2 .. 5 3 8 1 Hawke's Bay .. 35 29 64 41 17 4 1 1 13 1 Wellington .. . . 61 41 102 55 40 6 1 12 6 Nelson .. .. 20 24 44 21 14 3 3 2 1 12 ..5 Canterbury .. .. 69 58 127 57 39 20 2 6 3 35 8 Otago .. .. 68 29 97 62 28 5 2 . . .. 12 4 Southland .. .. 18 5 23 15 7 .. 1 . . . . 7 Totals .. .. 474 329 803 453 223 67 10 38 12 165 53

Secondary Departments. c « S fc® . 55® Boarding at Total. eS'S-S « h - Boarding at Establishments Boarding g* g o scn001. School Hostels. approved by privately. "d-oH Principal. L™ o ! I I I *5*,^ Boys. ! Girls, j Boys. | Girls. Boys. | Girls. Boys. Girls. A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. .. .. | 87 1 | 11 50 98 50 Auckland Boys' Grammar School . . .. j .. . . 70 I 10 j 80 Mount Albert Boys' Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. j 44 • • j 44 Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. . . .. . . .. j 41 . . 41 ! Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. .. . . j 14 . . 16 | 38 .. 68 j Thames High School .. .. .. .... . . .. 1 4 4 4 4 I Hamilton High School . . .. .. .. .. 21 .. . . 40 10 40 31 | New Plymouth Boys' High School .. . . 146 . . . . ! 16 . . 162 j 22 New Plymouth Girls' High School .. . . .. 65 .. .. . . 10 . . 75 4 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. .. .. 97 16 .. 113 I 21 Palmerston North Boys' High School . . .. 37 .. .. ! .. j 10 .. 47 .. j Palmerston North Girls' High School .. . . . . 16 .. .. .. 5 .. 21 Gisborne High School . . .. .. .. 60 30 2 5 8 6 70 41 25 Napier Boys' High School .. .. . . 61 .. ! . . .. 61 Napier Girls' High School .. .. .. .. 52 .. .. .. 13 .. 65 9 Hastings High School . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . 6 8 6 8 Dannevirke High School .. . . .. 9 I .. ! 4 9 13 9 Wairarapa High School .. .. .. 28 .. .. .. 11 18 39 18 Hutt Valley High School Wellington College .. .. .. .. 85 .. .. .. 11 .. 96 Wellington Girls' College .. .. .. .. 37 .. . . .. 9 .. 46 Wellington East Girls' College .. .. .. .. .. .. V. : 7 .. 7 Marlborough High School .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 1 4 21 4 21 Nelson College .. . . .. .. 138 .. . . .. 7 .. 145 .. 16 Nelson Girls' College .. .. .. . . .. 65 17 82 21 Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. 58 .. .. .. 8 .. 66 Christchurch Girls' High School . . .. .. . . 39 .. .. .. .. .. 39 Ashburton High School .. .. .. 9 .. .. 8 13 17 13 Timaru Boys' High School .. .. .. 110 . . 1 . . 2 .. 113 . . 23 Timaru Girls' High School .. .. .. .. 49 .. .. .. 19 .. 68 6 Waitaki Boys' High School .. .. .. 160 .... .. 6 . . 166 Waitaki Girls' High School . . .. .. .. 34 .. .. . . 14 j .. 48 Otago Boys' High School .. .. .. 47 .. 1 .. 21 .. 69 Otago Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 .. 25 South Otago High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 2 6 2 Gore High School . . .. .. .. 20 6 .. 5 5 25 11 Southland Boys' High School .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 33 .. 36 Southland Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 .. 43 .. 50 . . Total, A .. .. .. .. 1,055 525 77 28 275 403 11,407 956 147 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. .. .. 223 .. .. .. .. .. 223 Christ's College Grammar School .. .. 170 . . . . . . .. .. I 170 Total, B .. .. . . . . 393 | 393 .. I ... Grand totals .. .. . . 1,448 j 525 77 28 275 403 1,800 956 147

E.— 6


Table K6.—Receipts of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1926.

Endowment Income Account. End °Account a Pital Buildings and Sites Account. Lower Department Account. Hostels Account. -d • .j I From Reserves. p Voluntary i5oara - Balance, T nwt Balance, Sales of Balance, n "'J Contribu- Transfers Balance, Balance, Advances Transfers 1st Janu- Adminis- 1st Janu- Endow- 1st Janu- tions and from other 1st Jan a- Pees. Sundries. 1st Janu- -p. ° to Boards and ary, 1926. Vested in tered by ' ary, 1926. ments. ary, 1926. ~ Miscel- Accounts. ary,1926. ary, 1926. " refunded. Sundries. Boards. Land " laneous. Boards. ~~ " ~ , I • I ~ I " ~ ' ~ ' | " ~ | A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ £ £ £:£ £ £ £ £ ££ £ £ £ j £ Whangarei High School .. .. . . 324 59 2,357 .. .. 1,979 j 15 393 .. .. 485 3,774 1 336 Auckland Grammar School .. 7,199 10,657 1,409 737 9,058 .. 337* 17,049 ! .. 8,342 .. j .. .. .. .. .. 114 Thames High School .. .. .. 1,028 90 140 .. .. 3* 250 j . . 916 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Hamilton High School .. .. 50 242 I .. .. .. 559 .. .. j .. 10 1,062 | .. I .. New Plymouth High School .. .. 1,312 1,125 .. ! .. .. 783* 2,827 7,764 3,221 367* I 1,123 885 2,859 13,391 I 4,030 98 Wanganui Girls'College .. 338 952 284 j .. .. 129 .. 60 1,616 361 617 37 2,073 6,790 j 2,328 189 Palmerston North High School .. .. .. 512 .. 969* 1,390 .. 20 .. .. .. 119 2,743 j 387 462 Gisborne High School ..I 750 3,429 200 .. ] 7 667* .. 3,750 1,328 643 504 25 286 4,757 1,312 10 Napier High School , .. , .. j .. 380 1,410 | .. .. 9,680* 15,080 20,441 2,776 49 618 35 2,129 j 8,019 1,211 252 Hastings High Schoolf .. .. .. 314 .. j .. , .. .. 200 .. .. .. .. Dannevirke High School .. .. .. 305 } .. .. .. ! .. 45 .. .. .. .. 347 Wairarapa High School .. 179 .. 248 .. j .. 478* 602 541 223 .. .. ..I 258* 1,780 .. 438 Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. 54 390 !.. .. .. 474 50 95 .. .. Wellington Colleges .. .. .. 9,099 1,623 4,444 J .. .. 1,330* 5,134 260 4,444 1,797* .. .. j 892* 7,148 ; 168 324 Marlborough High School .. .. .. 89 400 j .. .. .. 2,255 .. .. .. .. .. I • • I Nelson College .. .. .. 1,043 398 .. j .. .. 498 1,798 .. 733 193 1,131 .. J 756 13,069 ; 1,819 342 Rangiora High School.. .. 2 280 .. .. .. I .. 166 962 .. I 248 .. .. .. I 365* 1,205 Christchurch Boys' High School} .. 6,636 .. 7 j .. 6,803 11,854 .. 4,018 .. .. j 801* 2,795 i Christchurch Girls' High School} .. 547 .. 3 1.. .. .. .. 32 320 41 .. .. 1,331* , 1,834 j 43 Akaroa High School .. .. 2,530 276 46 .. .. , .. 23 .. .. .. 1,210* Hokitika High School .. 2,148 140 542 112 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■■ I . - ! Ashburton High School .. .. 931 .. j 3 40 .. 4,063* 1,235 391 1,097 .. j 84 .. .. 61 Timaru High School .. .. .. 2,637 .. i .. .. .. 1,213 654 445 1,851 .. .. j .. .. j I Waimate High School .. 3,675 345 .. j 238 .. .. .. .. .. ... .. j • .. j Waitaki High School .. .. .. 2,148 249 193 .. .. 186* 2,073 2,106 1,879 .. .. i .. 1,100 1,909 .. 115 Otago High School .. .. .. 3,496 598 35 .. .. 2,507* 721 .. 3,059 .. .. j .. 542 2,350 | 407 96 South Otago High School .. .. .. 12 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. Gore High School .. .. 89 .. 134 .. .. .. 45 239 .. .. .. .. ! .. 368* 999 .. 85 Southland High School .. .. 1,847 299 20 .. .. 475 2,545 .. 8 .. | .. ' Totals.. .. .. 16,910 47,233 10,507 6,781 11,455 7 11,651* 69,880 35,855 36,632 877* ! 3,993 | 982 5,218 73,972 11,663 2,965 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui School .. .. 5,165 .. 1,538 .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. 22,072 4,612 Christ's College .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. | .. 12,507 Totals.. •• •• •• 5,165 .. 5,010 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34,579 4,612 * Account overdrawn, f Hastings High School was established on the 1st May, 1926, and the figures shown above for the school are for the period from the date of establishment to the end of the year J Canterbury College Board.



Table K6.—Receipts of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools for the Year 1926—continued.

General Account. Manual and Science Instruction Account. Special Accounts. _ , From Government. j Roland ftnwrn Board - Balance, Voluntary Sohno i j Transfers men? .Transfers Balance, | Misrpl . Transfers 1st Janu- Contribu- -SJi ! Sundries, from other a , v Captation Sundries, from other 1st Janu- | from other ary, 1926. Teachers' Incidental g ubsi ,j; es tions - Accounts. and Grant" Accounts, ary, 1926. neous. Accounts. A. Secondary Schools. £££££££££££££££ Whangarei High School " .. .. .. 75 8,775 1,350 48 55 139 54 120 .. 76 35 93 .. 60 200 Auckland Grammar School.. .. .. 1,035 25,930 6,435 206 245 832 26 7,913 .. 614 .. .. 5,327 460 Thames High School .. .. .. 229 3,440 535 5 .. 54 .. 158 .. 112 .. .. 55 2 .. Hamilton High School .. .. .. 813 6,140 998 28 .. .164 28 424 .. 107 New Plymouth High School .. .. 59 8,814 1,398 10 92 583 55 371 .. 123 .. .. 90 4 Wanganui Girls'College .. .. .. 129 3,600 774 .. .. 313 2,455 447 .. 166 14 Palmerston North High School .. .. 228 7,820 1,250 30 100 316 124 300 .. 139 .. .. 550 25 Gisborne High School .. .. .. 230 5,705 1,208 10 .. 255 .. 2,306 .. 67 .. 160 .. 993 Napier High School .. .. .. 4,278 8,720 1,413 395 401 265 5,936 1,170 .. 158 Hastings High Schoolf .. .. .. 441 2,226 420 .. 30 41 252 209 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. 302 2,233 378 85 4 46 3 234 23 .. 87* 127 Wairarapa High School .. .. .. 498 4,638 710 .. i 81 63 .. 21 76 .. .. .. .. .. Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. .. 2,257 410 13 17 j 48 24 4 .. 43 Wellington Colleges .. .. .. 348 21,450 4,375 35 79 557 59 5,869 20* 416 .. .. 3,077 486 Marlborough High School .. .. .. 378 i 4,085 708 .. ] 177 159 1,873 .. 90 16 Nelson College .. .. .. .. 369* j 8,765 1,525 59 183 ! 719 . 182 653 .. 177 Rangiora High School .. .. .. 40* I 3,360 468 114 124 78 223 34 i 133 .. .. 7 Christchurch Bovs' High SchoolJ .. .. 155* 7.460 1,568 .. .. 185 139 1,148 ..I Christchureh Girls' High Schoolf .. .. 1,381 7,255 1,510 25 204 369 187 ..183 Akaroa High School . . . . .. .. .. .. .. •. .. .. 323 j ! Hokitika High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■. 3 9 105 • • .... Ashburton High School .. .. .. 145 3,450 580 .. •• 90 .. .. .. 131 .. .. 41 50 Timaru High School .. .. .. 482* 8,963 1,553 .. 57 361 5 1,022 .. 139 .. .. 85 3 Waimate High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 238 .. .... Waitaki High School . .. .. 557 11,205 1,553 75 170 679 1,445 434 .. 182 Otago High School .. .. .. 3,213 16,460 2,835 .. 12 281 764 399 .. 619 .. 203 2,670 200 South Otago High School .. .. .. .. 1,775 309 .. 21 25 12 Gore High School. . .. .. .. 571 4,360 630 35 .. 79 190 .. .. 253 .. .. 294 88 Southland High School .. .. .. 841 8,720 1,438 87 168 201 10 389 .. 150 . .. .. 65 Totals.. .. .. .. 14,705 197,606 36,331 1,260 1,737 6,772 12,599 26,342 1 1 4,177 65 456 12,109 2,563 200 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. .. j .. .. .. •• i •• 5,192 1,220 .. .. .. .. •• ! Christ's College .. .. .. .. j .. .. .. j •• 9,023 7,473 .. .. .. .. I Totals.. .. .. .. j .. .. .. .. •• 14,215 8,693 .. j j I i j I l l * Account overdrawn, f Hastings High School was established on the 1st May, 1926, and the figures shown above for the school are for the period from th? date of establishment to the end of the year. % Canterbury College Board.


Table K7.—Payments of Secondary-school Boards, and Endowed Schools for the Year, 1926.


Endowments Income Account. Buildings and Sites Account. Lower Department Account. Board. Office Expenditure Transfers Balance P ° f ! Expediture on Interest Balance Balance, Salaries o'n to ?i 5°®' -""J®? I Buildings Loans on Loans J; 5. ®' Teachers' Incidental Miscell- 31st Decand Endow- other , | l „ and repaid. and „„i„„ , Salaries. Expenses, aneous. ember, Expenses. ments. Accounts. ember - li)26 ' Tr ™^ rs , j ember ' 1926 ' Sites. sundry. ember ' 1926 ' 1926. A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ j £ £ £!££££ Whangarei High School .. .. 20 52 311 .. .. 2,357 2,266 j .. 120 Auckland Grammar School .. .. 533 1,668 9,297 8,504 9,058 .. 24,573 i .. .. 480 ! Thames High School .. .. 103 69 1,071 15 .. •• I 450 ' 510 203 | .. ! Hamilton High School .. .. .. 92 163 37 .. .. 323 j .. 236 i New Plymouth High School .. 50 153 2,212 23 .. .. I 11,193 ! 906 585 | 345 | 818 298 464 61 Wanganui Girls'College .. .. 50 .. 764 760 .. .. | 1,601 .. 222 | 19* ; 438 133 2 441 Palmerston North High School .. .. 21 483 9 .. •• ! 1,807 j .. .. I 1,066* Gisborne High School .. .. 75 11 3,793 500 .. 7 I 221 4,692 165 ! 667* 325 79 7 762 Napier High School .. .. 13 .. 1,777 .. ! .. .. 30,600 ! 389 768 j 3,140* | 542 64 37 59 Hastings High Schoolf .. . . .. .. 209 105 .. .. 218 ; .. .. 18* Dazmevirke High School .. .. .. .. 280 .25 .. .. 45 .. .... Wairarapa High School .. .. 10 .. 219 198 .. .. 1,916 i .. .. 1,028* I Hutt Valley High School .. .. 5 .. 99 339 .. .. 470 .. .. 149 ! Wellington College .. .. 282 246 10,313 4,326 .. .. 5,102 I .. 3,322 84 ; .. .. .. 1,798* Marlborough High School .. .. .. .. 489 .. .. .. 925 j .. .. 1,329 j Nelson College .. .. .. 50 9 1,381 .. .. .. 2,145 j .. 884 ; 765 252 .. 308 Rangiora High School .. .. .. 282 .. .. .. 1,074 i 137 112 54 1 Christchurch Boys' High SchoolJ .. 259 1,218 5,166 .. .. .. 24,134 ! .. 3,029 ' 4,489* j Christchurch Girls' High SchoolJ .. 22 21 507 .. .. .. .. 24 296 j 32 .. .. 41 Akaroa High School .. .. .. .. 323 2,529 .. .. .. ! .. .. j 23 Hokitika High School .. .. 25 7 105 2,804 .. .. .. i .. .. .. ! .. .. .. Ashburton High School .. .. 30 8 896 .. .. 40 638 j 750 250 2,979* ! Timaru High School .. .. 94 165 2,378 ., .. •• I 4,899 ! 890 455 2,082* j Waimate High School .. .. 25 31 238 3,963 .. .. i .. I .. .. Waitaki High School .. . . 143 27 2,420 .. .. .. ! 6,693 ; .. .. 820* | Otago High School .. .. 238 56 3,527 309 .. .. ! 1,292 ! .. .. 19* I South Otago High School .. .. .. .. 12 .. .. .. ! .. ! .. .. ! Gore High School .. .. „ j . .. 104 119 .. 259 .. 25 1 Southland High School .. .. 75 j 1,240 239 j 612 .. .. 2,699 .. .. j 330 j Totals .. .. .. 2,102 ] 5,094 49,058 ! 25,177 | 9,058 2,404 : 125,243 8,298 9,763 | 12,592* | 2,888 826 510 126* ' ! I B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. 311 119 4,638§ ! 1,635 .. •• •• •• •• -- Christ's College .. .. .. 181 492 2,798 | .. .. ..I .. .. "I ' ! " " Totals .. .. .. 492 I 611 7,436 ! 1,635 .. ..I .. .. .. I | I I * Account overdrawn. t Hastings High School was established on. the 1st May, 1926, and the figures shown above for the school are for the period from the date of establishment to the end of the year. J Canterbury College Board. § Includes also miscellaneous expenses.



Table K7.—Payments of Secondary-school Boards, and Endowed Schools for the Year, 1926—continued.

, Manual and Science Special Trust Hostels Account. General Account. Instruction Accounc. Account. _ . _ - | | - Board. „ Maintenance j Transfers T>oior>«« , Total 31st Dec- Teachers' Incidental of Buildings, glmdry to Silt Dec- Material, [ 31 J J e ®'. Total slat De& Payments. Salaries. Expenses. Sent, and I &c - emSr,M26. '<*• emb&MM. A. Secondary Schools. £ £ £ £ £ £j£|£ £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School .. .. .. ! 4,269 327 8,895 992 120 135 ; 495 j 20* 204 .. 259 1 Auckland Grammar School .. .. .. j 114 .. 34,764 5,872 448 489 | 322 1 730 756 142* 343 5,445 Thames High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,508 382 130 28 3 | 370 94 18 2 56 Hamilton High School .. .. .. .. 1,122 50* 6,414 1,206 148 33 .. 792 83 25 New Plymouth High School .. .. j 17,261 3,116 9,240 1,217 421 153 .. 351 148 25* 4 90 Wanganui Girls'College .. .. .. .. 10,991 389 3,983 840 163 1,898 •• 833 105 75 Palmerston North High School .. .. .. 3,669 44 8,240 1,373 300 235 .. i 19 155 17* 25 550 Gisborne High School .. .. .. ..I 5,620 745 7,286 984 333 327 1 400 ; 382 213 14 703 290 Napier High School .. .. .. .. 9,230 2,380 8,945 1,233 963 5,988 I 3,265 2,184 198 40* Hastings High Schoolf .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,342 494 6 578 .. 199 33 33* Dannevirke High School .. .. .. .. 421 74* 2,412 364 211 24 ] .. 275 16 8 104 64* Wairarapa High School .. .. .. .. 1,857 103 4,578 404 .. 134 j 872 90 7 Hutt Valley High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,317 381 4 23 ' 48 23 20 Wellington" College .. .. .. .. 6,976 228* 25,138 3,954 526 377 .. 2,776 491 95* 3,147 417 Marlborough High School.. .. .. .. .. .. 4,623 637 150 68 .. 1,902 52 54 Nelson College .. .. .. .. .. 14,287 1,701 9,544 1,635 443 1,142 i 73 1,121* 172 5 Rangiora High School .. .. .. .. 1,108 268* 3,406 585 69 .357 .. 57* 41 92 7 Christchurch Boys' High .. .. .. 2,884 890* 8,950 1,207 153 34 .. .. 265 265* Christchurch Girls' High SchoolJ .. .. .. 1,397 851* 7,454 1,179 275 151 j .. 1,873 237 54* Akaroa High School .. .. .. .. .. 1,210* .. .. .. 323 j Hokitika High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 117 .. .. j .. .. .. .. Ashburton High School .. .. .. .. 11 135 3,489 480 61 35 201 .. .. 131 54 36 Timaru High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,019 1,502 1,022 206 .. 270* 73 67 3 85 Waimate High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 .. .. 138 i Waitaki High School .. .. .. .. 1,958 1,166 11,810 1,543 434 642 ! 8 1,680 181 1 Otago High School .. .. .. .. 2,731 664 16,732 2,862 399 467 I 203 3,302 158 664 124 2,745 South Otago High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,799 258 .. 19 ! .. 67 Gore High School .. .. .. .. 971 254* 4,382 588 .. 109 ; 786 254 .. .. 382 Southland High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,833 1,115 175 190 8 1,532 300 151* 65 Totals .. .. .. .. ..I 86,877 6,945 218,203 33,287 6,954 14,420 4,978 19,505 1 4,342 359 4,833 10,040 B. Endowned Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. .. .. 21,813 4,872 6,840 2,675 1,619 1,546 .. 6,269* i Christ's College .. .. .. .. .. j 12,507 .. 8,652 2,661 1,073 2,949 1,161 .. .. j Totals .. .. .. .. .. 34,320 4,872 15,492 5,336 2,692 4,495 1,161 6,269* ! * Account overdrawn. t Hastings High School was established on the 1st May, 1926, and the figures shown above? or the school are for the period from the date of establishment to the end of the year. J Canterbury College Board.



Table K8.—Secondary-schools Hostes for Year 1926.—Income and Expenditure.

3—E. 6.

j Expenditure. Hostel. Income. j j j I | Rates : j j Profit. Loss. j Expenses. Provisions. b S yTe™ers. **■ J Light, &c. Repairs. Interest/and B^^ es . Depreciation, j Total. ! £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Christchurch Boys' .. i 3,151 6 9 ' 80 3 2 ! 1,039 2 7 268 0 0 707 6 5 235 13 9 275 7 0 60 1 2 181 10 5 234 14 5 3,081 18 11 69 7 10 Christchurch Girls' .. i 1,932 17 8 ! 78 3 0 414 7 2 57 0 0 460 10 5 84 16 7 8 18 2 74 17 4 213 18 10 230 3 0 1,622 14 6 310 3 2 Dannevirke Boys' .. 378 0 0 .. 255 0 1 .. I 110 12 6 45 8 2 .. .. .. 33 0 0 444 0 9 .. 66 0 9 Gisborne Boys' .. I 3,279 14 1 j 132 3 2 1,072 8 1 5f» 0 0 682 11 1 201 11 7 257 11 2 24 2 4 | 32 9 10 267 0 0 3,169 17 3 109 16 10 Gisborne Girls' .. j 1,926 12 9 I 94 3 7 569 13 1 180 0 0 655 3 10 172 11 4 24 18 4 29 1 10 .. 222 0 0 1,947 12 0 .. 20 19 3 Gore High .. .. | 1,045 1 11 .. ' 345 17 9 100 4 0 357 8 0 73 9 4 24 3 0 40 6 5 1 58 6 8 294 18 5 j 1,294 13 7 .. 249 11 8 Hamilton Girls' .. 1,093 19 2 ! 64 0 3 330 16 1 85 0 0 254 8 0 63 2 4 83 15 10 275 18 1 .. .. ! 1,157 0 7 .. 63 1 5 Napier Boys' .. i 5,012 8 3 ! 232 9 11 1,606 19 6 350 0 0 964 8 7 259 16 0 36 16 2 136 2 4 | 350 3 6 534 0 0 4,470 16 0 541 12 3 Napier Girls' .. 3,644 19 2 j 207 6 4 909 4 11 ; 150 0 0 887 9 9 175 12 9 80 1 5 161 1 3 ! 166 3 3 345 0 0 3,081 19 8 562 19 6 Nelson Boys' .. \ 7,966 1 8 123 14 6 3,561 13 2 .. 1,957 15 11 523 13 0 223 13 8 195 10 0 .. 702 19 1 ! 7,288 19 4 677 2 4 Nelson Girls' .. j 5,103 1 5 ! 123 14 6 j 2,065 19 6 .. 1,013 14 11 308 6 5 219 0 6 114 10 0 j .. 550 19 10 i 4,396 5 8 706 15 9 New Plymouth Boys' j 10,300 4 7 j 55 4 6 3.439 19 2 i 797 2 4 1,669 12 6 590 6 2 294 13 10 143 9 7 j 210 3 8 731 0 8 | 7,931 12 5 2,368 12 2 New Plymouth Girls' : 3,545 13 11 ! 30 14 0 912 17 4 | 510 16 0 521 14 0 219 2 1 87 18 0 352 4 8 138 12 6 194 18 10 j 2,968 17 5 576 16 6 Otago Boys' .. ] 2.647 6 0 i 83 13 0 I 790 2 1 ! 350 0 0 769 0 8 217 11 2 85 6 10 119 13 1 134 3 10 273 0 0 2,822 10 8 .. 175 4 8 Palmerston North Boys' 2,402 12 0 : .. 715 10 5 ! 400 0 0 529 2 10 134 18 2 57 12 5 225 17 10 31 16 5 136 0 0 2,230 18 1 171 13 11 Palmerston North Girls' ' 787 13 11 .. 244 6 4 100 0 0 184 2 10 45 17 2 25 5 0 120 0 6 ! 41 1 1 .. | 760 12 11 27 1 0 Rangiora* .. .. 1 . . Timaru Girls' .. I 3,078 17 8 I 204 18 8 943 17 11 360 0 0 680 11 3 195 16 4 .. 62 2 10 I 4 7 9 268 3 4 2,719 18 1 358 19 7 Wairarapa Boys' .. 1,806 34 2 j 23 15 2 640 14 0 | .. 481 12 9 200 3 7 9 14 10 13 15 5 : 56 17 10 491 17 5 j 1,918 11 0 .. Ill 16 10 Waitaki Girls' .. ; 2,019 4, 8 j 30 0 0 825 13 6 j 78 0 0 521 6 6 110 19 8 21 10 0 24 3 7 30 14 9 199 17 0 | 1,842 5 0 176 19 8 Wanganui Girls'*... 1 .. I .. j .. j .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .: Wellington Boys' .. ! 5,467 10 0 360 7 9 1,718 18 7 ! 416 0 0 1,258 16 1 457 6 5 443 15 0 5 2 3 i 29 10 9 441 2 10 | 5,130 19 7 336 10 5 Wellington Girls' .. ! 2,179 4 1 i 88 5 5 612 19 10 j 78 0 0 612 10 11 156 17 10 228 14 11 19 5 0 : 30 0 8 391 10 10 j 2.217 15 5 .. 38 11 4 Whangarei Boys' .. 4,409 13 8 I 230 4 0 1,924 12 0 | 250 0 0 719 2 4 238 11 10 116 4 1 92 5 2 176 8 3 204 11 3 | 3,951 18 11 457 14 9 ■___ ; ' • i ; J * Returns not available.



Table K9.—Secondary-schools Hostels for Year 1926.—Average Income and Expenditure per Boarder per Week.

Expenditure. | Average I I Hostel. 1 Number of Income. i 1 , Profit Loss. BOarderS - | j E«s. ! ! ESSIES. wages. Light,Fuel, to, Bepairs. J Expose, , Depreciation. Total. . | I I I J ' I ! j v £ s. d. s. d. s. d. • s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. £ s. d. s. d. s. d. Christchurch Boys' 58 10 11 06 6 11 1 10 48 17 1 10 05 12 17 106 05 Christchurch Girls' .. ! 38 0 19 6 0 10 4 2 07 48 0 10 01 09 22 24 0 16 5 31 Dannevirke Boys' ..! 9 0 15 9 .. 10 8 .. 47 111 .. .. .. 14 0 18 6 .. 29 Gisborne Boys' .. .. j 79 0 16 0 08 5 3 25 34 10 13 01 02 13 0 15 5 07 Gisborne Girls' .. .. I 37 100 10 5 11 1 10 6 10 19 03 04 .. 24 103 .. 03 Gore High .. .. j 26 0 15 6 .. 53 16 55 11 04 07 0 10 42 0 19 2 .. 38 Hamilton Girls'.. ... I '21 103 12 62 17 49 12 16 51 .. .. 115 .. 12 Napier Boys' .. 76 1 5 4 1 2 81 1 10 4 10 1 4 0 2 0 8 1 10 2 8 1 2 7 2 9 Napier Girls' .. .. 61 130 14 59 0 11 57 12 06 10 10 22 0 19 5 3 7 Nelson Boys' .. 154 0 19 10 0 4 8 10 .. 4 10 1 4 0 7 0 6 .. 1 9 0 18 2 1 8 Nelson Girls' .. .. 86 130 07 93 .. 47 15 10 0 6 .. 26 0 19 10 32 New Plymouth Boys' ..168 13601 7 10 1 10 40 12 08 04 06 18 0 18 1 55 New Plymouth Girls' .. ! 69 0 19 8 02 51 2 10 2 11 12 06 20 09 11 0 16 6 32 Otago Boys' .. .. ! 47 118 08 66 2 11 63 19 08 10 11 23 131 .. 15 Palmerston North Boys' .. 37 150 .. 75 42 56 1 5 07 24 04 15 132 1 10 Palmerston North Girls' .. j 16 0 18 11 .. 5 11 2 4 4 3 1 2 0 7 2 11 1 1 .. 0 18 3 0 8 Rangiora* .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Timaru Girls' .. .. 55 115 15 67 26 49 14 .. 05 .. Ill 0 18 11 26 Wairarapa Boys' .. | 28 151 04 8 11 .. 68 29 02 02 09 6 10 167 .. 16 Waitaki Girls' .. .. 34 126 04 94 0 10 58 13 03 03 04 23 106 20 Wanganui Girls'* .. j 118 Wellington Boys' ..(85 148 17 7 9 1 11 59 21 20 .. 02 20 133 15 Wellington Girls' 37 128,0 11 65 0 10 64 1 8 24 02 04 41 131 .. 05 Whangarei Boys' .. I 87 0 19 6 ! 1 0 86 11 33 11 06 05 09 0 11 0 17 6 20 * Beturns not available. Note. —This return is based on a fifty-two-week year, whereas the boarders are usually in residence for only forty weeks ; the average weekly cost of maintaining each boarder is, therefore, approximately 25 per cent, greater than the figures showTl.


Table K10.—Balances and Assets and Liabilities of Secondary-school Boards and Endowed Schools as at 31st December, 1926.


Assets. Liabilities. Secondary-school Boards. Balance 1st January, j , j 3i at Decemte 1926 Ba Inrestmente aDd 8 4 ° ! Total - j Overdrafts and Loans. Other Liabilities. Total. j i j A. Secondary Schools. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d Whangarei High School .. .. Dr. 1,508 16 8 2,664 13 10 , 869 1 10 3,533 15 8 2,000 0 0 314 10 1 2,314 10 1 j Cr. 1,219 5 7 Auckland Grammar School .. .. Cr. 18,375 11 7 I 11,914 13 11 i 1,519 6 9 13,434 0 8 Nil 214 0 1 214 0 1 j Cr. 13,220 0 7 Thames High School .. .. Dr. 3,832 14 4 j 457 18 5 I 2,469 18 10 2,927 17 3 2,648 10 8 1,626 11 4 4,275 2 0 I Dr. 1,347 4 9 Hamilton High School .. .. Cr. 1,334 18 2 779 7 0 377 14 11 1,157 1 11 Nil 49 4 5 49 4 5 Cr. 1,107 17 6 New Plymouth High School.. .. Dr. 10,399 7 6 I 4,546 2 4 | 764 4 10 5,310 7 2 9,713 18 0 902 18 9 10.616 16 9 | Dr. 5,306 9 7 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. Cr. 2,263 16 7 J 2,659 18 5 j 3,101 15 7 5,761 14 0 3,379 5 9 463 17 11 3,843 3 8 j Cr. 1,918 10 4 Palmerston North High School .. Dr. 3,118 9 1 I Nil j 1,252 14 7 | 1,252 14 7 | 5,461 7 5 56 19 7 5,518 7 0 I Dr. 4,265 12 5 Gisbome High School .. .. ' Dr. 2,119 10 6 ! 2,082 16 8 | 1,549 11 3 | 3,632 7 11 3,000 0 0 704 18 10 3,704 18 10 ; Dr. 72 10 11 Napier High School .. .. \ Dr. 9,322 0 4 j 5,757 7 1 j 1,461 15 3 7,219 2 4 j 20,286 1 3 3,048 19 11 23,335 1 2 A Dr. 16,115 18 10 Hastings High School .. .. * ! 253 14 1 ! 183 1 6 436 15 7 Nil 113 1 3 113 1 3 Cr. 323 14 4 Dannevirke High School .. .. Cr. 361 16 11 169 14 6 151 7 10 321 2 4 | Nil Nil Nil j Cr. 321 2 4 Wairarapa High School .. .. Cr. 403 3 7 152 13 11 346 10 4 499 4 3 | Nil 194 5 6 194 5 6 j Cr. 304 18 9 Hutt Valley High School .. * ggg g g 200 11 0 755 17 9 I Nil 397 13 9 397 13 9 t Cr. 358 4 0 Wellington College .. .. .. Dr. 42,683 5 2 I 4,849 5 7 3,261 8 1 8,110 13 8 I 55,500 0 0 524 13 8 56,024 13 8 i Dr. 47,914 0 0 Marlborough High School .. .. ' Cr. 386 8 4 1,901 10 3 830 6 0 2,731 16 3 | Nil 2,686 2 5 2,686 2 5 j Cr. 45 13 10 Nelson College .. .. .. i Dr. 1,602 9 1 4,726 4 7 3,601 0 9 8,327 5 4 6,770 0 0 2,975 0 0 9,745 0 0 Dr. 1,417 14 8 Rangiora High School .. .. \ Dr. 1,850 8 11 Nil 245 12 5 245 12 5 1,753 0 1 202 17 0 1,955 17 1 J Dr. 1,710 4 8 Christchurch Boys' High School t ..! Dr. 44,818 15 2 ! Nil 3,874 19 11 j 3,874 19 11 52,831 8 8 80 4 11 52,911 13 7 Dr. 49,036 13 8 Christchurch Girls' High School t •• Dr. 4,761 1 1 , 1,041 8 6 339 16 0 1,381 4 6 5,041 15 4 64 4 2 5,105 19 6 [ Dr. 3,724 15 0 Akaroa High School .. .. t \ 1,342 9 6 27 14 7 1,370 4 1 Nil Nil Nil Cr. 1,370 4 1 Hokitika High School .. • • I Cr. 2,147 1 1 1 j 2,804 6 5 I Nil ] 2,804 6 5 Nil Nil Nil I Cr. 2,804 6 5 Ashburton High School .. .. Dr. 2,592 6 4 1 Nil I 364 3 2 | 364 3 2- | 3,100 0 0 619 0 0 3,719 0 0 | Dr. 3,354 16 10 Timaru High School .. .. Dr. 5,715 15 I 85 0 0 ! 1,166 18 2 ! , 1,251 18 2 i 8,393 9 9 210 16 6 8,604 6 3 j Dr. 7,352 8 1 Waimate High School .. .. Cr. 3,702 10 11 3,962 15 10 Nil ! 3,962 15 10 j Nil 13 15 9 13 15 9 Cr. 3,949 0 1 Waitaki High School .. .. Cr. 1,431 16 8 ! 2,726 2 7 1,011 18 0 ! 3,738 0 7 I 350 0 0 750 0 0 1,100 0 0 Cr. 2,638 0 7 Otago High School .. .. Cr. 1,450 15 2 I 7,726 4 10 534 15 1 8,260 19 11 j 60 9 10 3,327 0 1 3,387 9 11 Cr. 4,873 10 0 South Otago High School .. .. * 1 67 8 2 8 19 10 76 8 0 Nil 76 8 0 76 8 0 Nil Gore High School .. .. .. Cr. 952 18 1 1,038 15 0 290 10 11 1,329 5 11 ! Nil 94 12 2 94 12 2 Cr. 1,234 13 9 Southland High School .. .. Dr. 17,556 16 6 j 2,323 0 8 1,251 19 11 3,575 0 7 | 20,000 0 0 489 4 11 20,489 4 11 Dr. 16,914 4- 4 Totals .. .. .. Dr. 119,070 8 8 : 66,588 18 10 31,057 17 4 97,646 16 2 j 200,289 .6 9 20,201 1 0 220,490 7 9 Dr. 122,844 11 7 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. .. Cr. 2,263 16 7 ! Nil 5,654 1 5 5,654 1 5 95,566 16 8 10,847 6 1 106,414 2 9 Dr. 100,760 1 4 Christ's College f ...... .. j Totals .. .. .. Cr. 2,263 16 7 i .. 5,654 1 5 5,654 1 5 j 95,566 16 8 10,847 6 1 106,414 2 9 Dr. 100,760 1 4 * School established in 1926. | Canterbury College Board. J Not available.


Table K11.-Lower Departments of Secondary Schools, 1926.—Average Attendance Roll, Classification, and Staff.

DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS. Table L1. —School Attendance at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1926.

Table L2.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1926.


~ xj „ „ Classification according to Standards. h c Roll ° S 2 .g o Number, . , ~ , " ; 1 *2 g 20 , , 1926 - Class P. 81. | 82. j S3. S-t. i S5. j 86. Totals. sgo School. _ 1 111 111 15 |o ' i I " I i~ « 2 ° 00 I ® "3 £ * £ H B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. -g M. F. <1 ft S H j I * New Plymouth Boys' High .. 43 45 j . .! .. 3 .. 3 .. 10 .. 7 .. 20 .. 45 .. 45 2 .. New Plymouth Girls' High .. 55 11 54 6 7! 3 2 1 7 .. 3 1 7 .. 13 .. 15 11 54 65 .. 2 Wanganui Girls' College .. 47-25 ..53 2 .. 2 .. 2 .. 11 .. 5 .. 31 .. 53 53 .. 2 GisborneHigh .. .. 34-26 22 17 1 4 3 3 11 5 7 5 22 17 39 .. 1 Napier Girls' High .. .. 55-3 .. 61 .. 5 . . 4 .. 5 12 .. 19 . . 16 .. 61 61 .. 2 Nelson College .. .. 29-6 33 3 .. 6 . . 4 .. 20 .. 33 . . 33 1 .. Nelson Girls'College .. 68-1 ..76 6 .. 8 .. 17 .. 17 .. 28 .. 76 76 .. 2 Timara Boys' High .. 56-2 62 .. 2 .. 2 .. 5 .. 11 .. 9 .. 15 .. 18 .. 62 .. 62 1 2 Timaru Girls' High .. 22-7 . . 26 .. 1 .. 2 .. 1 .. 4 .. 7 .. 5 .. 6 .. 26 26 .. 1 Totals .. .. 411-41 173 287 8 13 5 10 9 21 18 21 29 57 39 64 65101 173 287 460 4 12

Roll Nnmhpr and Aw at, Dppemhpr Mean of Avera S e Weekly Mean of Average Attend<3 ±1011 jnumber and A,es at dist uecemoer. llol] Qf Four QuarterSi ance of Four Q uar t ers . Education District. -gi go Under 1- u ik i« Over Total 13-U 14-15 1.5-16 Boy3 . Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. ; I I ; 1 - I I Auckland .. 25 1,098 10 135 301 363 289 553 640 1,193 513 587 1,100 Taranaki ..2 44 0 4 15 13 12 30 20 50 28 18 46 Wanganui .. 5 173 6 32 57 46 32 85 86 171 78 79 157 Hawke's Bay .. 5 201 4 22 48 65 62 118 115 233 108 108 216 Wellington .. 7 270 18 33 90 74 55 172 151 323 163 136 299 Nelson .. 5 201 5 30 61 36 69 120 106 226 111 97 208 Canterbury .. 15 760 8 79 227 244 202 405 429 834 372 390 762 Otago .. 11 317 1 30 97 89 100 163 182 I 345 150 169 319 Southland ..2 98 5 10 32 27 24 49 55 j 104 45 51 96 Totals for 1926 77 3,162 57 375 928 957 845 1,695 1,784 i 3,479 1,568 1,635 3,203 Totals for 1925 80 3,136 42 361 909 932 892 1,639 1,766 3,405 1,533 1,638 3,171 Difference .. -3 26 15 14 19 25 -47 56 18 74 35 j -3 32

Number of Pupils taking Percentage of Whole Subjects. Number. Subject. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. English .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,516 1,646 100-0 100-0 Arithmetic ./ .. .. .. .. .. 1,516 1,646 lOO'O lOO'O Geography, history, and civics .. .. .. .. 1,513 1,630 99-8 99-0 Latin .. .. .. .. .. .. 174 130 11-5 7-9 French .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,172 1,271 77-3 77-2 Mathematics .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,359 1,387 89-6 84-3 Chemistry and physics .. .. .. .. .. 1,132 1,067 74-7 64-8 Botany .. .. .. .. .. .. 110 112 7-2 6-8 Agricultural science .. .. .. .. .. 1,002 407 66-1 24-7 Domestic science .. .. .. .. .. 87 900 5 - 7 54-7 Needlework and cookery .. .. .. .. .. 882 .. 53-6 Woodwork and metalwork .. .. .. .. 789 .. 52-0 Bookkeeping and commercial work .. .. .. 280 303 18-5 18-4 Shorthand and typewriting .. .. .. .. 79 183 5-2 11-1 Drawing .. .. .. .. .. .. 76 80 5-0 4-9 Music.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 45 0*7 2-7 Scripture .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 13 1-6 0*8 Zoology .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 3 0-6 0-2 Physiology .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 17 0-2 10 Dairy science . . .. .. .. .. .. 531 478 35-0 . 29-0 Hygiene .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 210 4-4 12-7 Writing .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 22 1-6 1-3 Total number of pupils .. .. .. 1,516 1,646 100-0 100.0



Table L3 and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1926.

Note. —In the column for "Position on Staff," (4), "H." means Head of a School, "D." Assistant in the Secondary Department, and "R." Relieving Assistant. In the case of the head teacher the addition to salary on account of the charge of the secondary department only is shown. Two normal schools, although not district high schools, have secondary departments in accordance with the regulations for training colleges. Avera « e 1 Position ! Classifies A " Sali^OT Sch001 ' Name of Teacher. on Cl ™ ° t r End ance, laze. scan. | of Year (1) (2) (3) i (4) I (5) (6) Auckland— Aratapu .. .. .. 32 Blakey, Frank E. .. H. B 60 Hodges, James A. . . . D. D 370 Frioker, Kenneth H. .. . ■ I). B 250 Cambridge .. .. 55 Prichard, Herbert J). .. .. i H. B 60 Meredith, Charles .. .. i D. C 430 Wilton, Elizabeth I. .. .. I). B 295 Coromandel .. .. 15 Robertshaw, Allan K. H. B 30 Wilcox, Russell A. .. .. D. C 240 Dargaville.. .. .. 43 Reynolds, Arthur E. .. .. H. B 60 Smith, William G. S. .. .. D. A 420 Davies, Charles M. K. .. .. J). B 250 Helensville .. .. 48 Hill, Arthur J. .. .. H. C 60 Raines, Victor R. .. .. E. B 340 Hoyle, Millicent H. .. .. E. B 265 Huntly .. .. .. 46 Edgerley, William W. .. H. C 60 Bell, Eric W. .. E. C 375 Burns, Caroline S. .. .. D. B 255 Matamata .. .. 41 Wells, John F. .. .. .. H. B Cross, Alexander J. .. .. E. C 365 Morrins ville .. .. 27 Campbell, Donald R. F. .. H. D 45 O'Connor, Cornelius F. . . D. B 350 Ngatea .. .. .. 17 Crabbe, Norman J. .. H. B 30 Gillespie, William B. .. .. D. B 250 Opotiki .. .. .. 43 Burton, Percy R. .. H. C 60 Cook, Varner J. .. .. .. D. B 300 Elliott, Elfreda L. .. D. B 265 Otorohanga .. .. 33 Skinner, Percy F. , .. H. C 45 Smith, Lincoln J. R. .. .. D. B 400 Whyte, Frederick J. B. .. D. B 260 Paeroa .. .. .. 41 Taylor, George H. .. H. C 60 Preston, Edgar G. .. .. D. B 345 Taylor, Hazel E. .. D. B 275 Piopio .. .. .. 26 Webster, Robert S. .. H. C 60 Blackburn, Harold .. ■. D. B 300 Hempleman, Frank W. .. R. .. 180 Rawene .. .. .. 23 Ross, Angus A. .. .. .. II. B 45 Young, William D. .. .. D. Lie. 365 Rotorua .. .. .. 62 Lewins, William .. H. B 70 McHardie, Winifred E. .. D. B 375 Graham, James W. W. .. R. C 200 Menzies, Isobel J. .. .. D. B 205 Taumarunui .. .. 72 Lynskey, James H. .. H. B 70 Thomas, William (ii) .. . • D. A 400 Hill, William H. .. .. .. D. .. 330 Wallace, Kathleen K. D. B 250 Tauranga .. .. .. 67 Walker, William R. C. .. .. H. B 50 Gavey, Annie L. .. .. .. D. C 365 Blyth, Doris .. .. .. D. B 305 Wayte, Thomas E. .. .. D. B 270 Te Aroha .. .. .. 46 Burton, Alfred F. .. H. C 60 Adams, Cecil E. .. .. .. D. B 345 Wright, Grace E. M. .. . . D. B 265 Te Awamutu .. .. 45 Roberts, John F... .. .. H. B 60 Lehndorf, Chloe R. .. .. D. B 355 Brewer, Arthur F. .. .. D. B 250 Te Kuiti .. .. .. 52 Smith, William (iii) .. H. B 60 Donnelly, William E. .. .. D. B 350 Smith, Doris M. .. . . .. R. .. 180 Te Puke .. .. .. 40 Bell, Alexander (ii) .. .. H. B 60 Audley, Ernest H. .. .. D. C 400 Kennedy, Kathleen .. .. D. C 285 Waihi .. .. • • 123 Morris, William C. .. H. C 80 Sims, Charles F. .. .. .. D. B 425 Robertson, Miriam J. .. . ■ R. B 210 McKenzie, James I. S. .. . ■ D. D 360 Slaney, Ernest S. .. • ■ D. B 250 Waiuku .. .. ■ ■ 35 Harris, Richard J. .. H. C 60 Mayne, Richard J. R. .. .. D. B 310 Lawes, Lilian M. .. D. B 265 Warkworth .. .. 28 Green, Bertram M. .. H. C 45 Hunt, Winifred M. .. D. B 315 Whakatane .. .. 44 Wilkinson, Henry F. H. B 60 Ward, Frances V. J. (Mrs.) .. D. A 355 Russell, William G. .. .. D. C 250


Table L3.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1926—continued.


! Average Position niH ° f School. ; n A " e n n 4 Name of Teacher. on End ance, 1926. btaft. 0 £ year (1) (2) I (3) ! (4) (5) (8) Taranaki— Manaia .. .. .. 16 Nairn, James .. .. H. C 30 Johnstone, Mary B. .. .. I>. B 235 Opunake .. .. .. 31 Burgess, William H. .. H. C 45 Whitehead, Harold G. .. .. D. .. 350 Wanganui— Foxton .. .. .. 35 Mason, Francis A. . . .. H. C 60 Price, Margaret C. (Mrs.) .. .. D. .. 335 Burdes, Newrick . . .. .. D. C 310 Hunterville .. .. 15 Ironmonger, Edwin L. H. D 45 Lane, Leonora B. .. D. B 310 Marton .. .. .. 62 Wilson, Henry L. .. H. B 70 Hall, Percy H. .. .. .. D. C 430 Holgerson, Inger .. .. D. B 255 Brace, Helen M. .. .. .. D. B 255 Ohakune .. .. .. 14 Blyth, Thomas A. .. H. D 30 Hind, Helen M. .. .. .. D. B 320 Taihape .. .. .. 24 Hird, William E. .. H. B 60 Kelly, Daniel T. .. .. .. D. B 310 Hawke's Bay— Te Karaka .. .. 46 Watson, Bobert G. S. .. H. B 60 Couch, George B. .. D. B 385 Horton, Dorothy E. .. .. D. A 330 Waipawa .. .. .. 57 Hill, John H. .. H. B 70 Lockhart, John A. .. .. D. B 410 Aplin, Grace M. .. .. .. D. B 275 McGregor, Jessie A. .. .. R. .. 150 Waipukurau .. .. 39 Curd, Frank B. .. .. .. H. B 60 Kirby, Harold A. S. M. .. D. B 400 Hale, Lily G. .. .. D. B 295 Wairoa .. .. .. 42 Robson, John T. .. .. II. C 60 Dorrington, Hector G. .. D. B 310 Hackell, Charlotte M. .. .. D. B 255 Woodville.. .. .. 35 Hewlett, Henry C. .. H. A 60 Oliver, Selina R. .. D. A 355 Merrick, Francis S. .. .. D. B 380 Wellington— Carterton .. .. .. 34 Edie, John K. .. .. H. B 60 Brown, Alexandra M. .. .. D. B 365 Olson, Claude H. .. D. B 295 Eketahuna.. .. .. 40 Kibblewhite, Bruce M. .. .. H. A 60 Machle, Mary C. (Mrs.) .. .. D. B 355 Wilson, Constance M. .. .. D. B 290 Featherston .. .. 35 Combs, Frank L. .. H. A 60 Patterson, Airini .. .. D. B 320 McDonald, Eileen A. .. .. D. B 255 Greytown .. .. 23 Nightingale, Henry J. H. A 45 Thomas, Edgar G. R. .. .. D. B 370 Levin .. .. .. 90 Foss, Reginald J. .. H. B 80 Marsh, John .. .. .. D. B 430 Milnes, Ruby O. .. .. .. D. B 320 Scarrow, Gertrude V. .. .. D. B 225 Cook, Marjorie A. .. .. D. .. 180 Martinborough .. .. 34 Hickson, Walter .. .. H. C 60 Daniell, Myra D. .. D. B 330 Haigh, Henry J. .. .. .. D. B 240 Pahiatua .. .. .. 49 O'Connor, Maurice J. .. .. H. B 60 Edmed, Mildred C. .. .. D. C 365 Junker, Fritzena E. D. .. D. B 340 Nelson— Granity .. .. .. 32 Lorking, Ernest S. .. .. H. C 45 Doel, Ormonde .. .. ! .. D. B 375 Smith, Marion E. .. .. D. B 235 Karamea .. .. .. 21 Burke, Richard J. J. .. H. C 45 Hill, George .. .. .. D. B 310 Motueka .. .. .. 91 Banner, Oscar A. .. H. C 70 Cutforth, Leslie R. .. .. D. C 400 Beck, Wilfred D. .. D. B 360 Henderson, Frances M. .. D. B 225 Dobson, Kathleen M. .. .. R. B 160 Reefton .. .. .. 56 Werry, Alfred E. .. H. C 60 Hopkirk, Susan M. .. .. D. B 365 Saunders, Ada A. .. D. B 280 Takaka Lower .. .. 13 Parkinson, Arnold E. H. .. .. H. B 30 Hendrie, Kathleen E. J. .. .. D. B 245


Table L3.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1926—continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (1,050 copies), £42 15s.

By Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 927,

Price Od.]


Average Position claaBifloa ' An galarv a or ° f Name of Teacher. on ' tl(m Allowance at End, otau. j Year (1) (2) (8) (4) (6). 1 (6) Canterbury— Akaroa .. .. .. 36 Arnold, Cuthbert I 1 . .. ,, | H. B 60 Arnold, Clarence B. .. .. ! D. B 405 Couper, Ellen 6. ,. D. B 266 Christchurch West .. .. 217 Waller, Francis D. .. ,, H. B 80 Allard, Charles W. .. .. D. B 495 Edgar, Cuthbert .. .. .. D. A 385 Thompson, Albert . , .. D. B 395 Finlayson, Annie C. .. .. 1). A 375 Mayne, Helga M.. . .. .. D. C 320 Marriott, Gladys E. .. .. D. B 320 Best, Isabel W. .. .. . . D. A 320 Hale, Barbara L... .. .. (R.) B 140 Wise, Herbert P. .. D. A 295 Fairle .. .. ., 34 Wilson, James R. .. .. | H. B 45 Rainey, Robert J. , , ..ID. C 430 Logan, Rebecca A. .. .. ! D. B 245 Geraldine .. .. .. 61 Piper, Frank .. .. H. D. 60 Farnie, Dorothy C. .. .. D. B 375 Scott, Thomas D. .. .. D. B 240 Kilsby, Alfred S. .. D. B 250 Hokitika .. .. .. 55 Partridge, Ernest .. H. A 70 Niven, James .. .. .. D. A 380 Lynn, Delight M. . . D. B 265 Kaikoura Town .. .. 12 Warner, Frederick S. H. .. .. H. C 30 Patterson, Grace M. . . .. D. B 255 Lyttelton .. .. .. 31 Walker, Joseph W. A. .. H. C 60 Moyle, Mary A. .. .. .. D. B 365 Methven .. .. .. 36 Kennedy, Alexander S. .. .. H. B 60 Campbell, Percy E. .. .. D. A 320 Duff, Annie P. .. .. D. C 255 Normal .. .. 30 Colee, Walter C. .. .. .. H. A Barrel!, Arthur F. .. D. A 470 Osborn, Mabel E. .. .. D. B 350 Oxford .. .. .. 25 Denne, Archibald H. H. C 30 Somerset, Hugh C. D. .. . . D. .. 280 Pleasant Point .. .. 19 Wilkins, Thomas J. C. .. H. B 45 Wilkins, Nellie (Mrs.) .. .. D. A 280 Southbridge .. .. 26 Eggleton, William C. H. D 45 Mason, Reweti 0. ... .. D. B 310 Sumner .. .. .. 35 Allen, George F. (ii) .. .. H. C '45 Reese, Marion .. .. .. D. B 350 Suckling, Gertrude A. .. .. , D. B 285 Temuka .. .. .. 50 Malcolm, Robert A. .. H. B 60 Cartwright, William J. .. D. B 430 Grigg, Ellen L. .. .. D. C 255 Waimate .. .. .. 97 Peglar, Leonard F. .. H. B 80 Ensor, Leonard C. F. .. .. D. A 320 Olliver, Margaret F. L. .. D. A 365 Grant, Raymond E. .. .. R. D 140 Borrie, Margaret A. .. .*. D. B 300 Otago— Alexandra.. .. .. 42 Mechaelis, William R. .. H. B 60 Thomas, John L... .. .. D. A 325 Stenhouse, Janet E. .. .. D. B 265 Cromwell .. .. .. 25 Luke, Gabriel M. .. .. H. C 30 Fleming, Thomas B. .. .. D. C 250 Lawrence .. .. .. 15 Marshall, Hugh .. .. .. j H. C 45 Pettitt, Edward R. .. .. j D. j B 240 Mosgiel .. .. .. 27 Martin, William .. .. .. I H. j B 45 Colquhoun, Mary H. .. .. i D. 1 B 355 Normal .. .. .. 40 Moir, John H. .. .. H. B Hubbard, Tvon B. .. .. j D. B 395 Kenyon, Helen M. .. .. D. ' B 350 Owaka .. .. .. 18 Stevens, Herbert M. .. .. H. B 30 Cohen, George C. E. . . .. D. | B 240 Palmerston .. .. 37 Ironside, John .. . . .. H. C 60 Matheson, Norman M. .. D. B 410 Macdonald, Hectorina J. .. .. D. B j 245 Port Chalmers .. .. 25 Booth, George F. .. .. j H. B 30 Sinclair, Agnes .. . . .. 1). ! C 365 Roxburgh .. .. 19 Parr, Cuthbert .. .. .. , H. j A 30 Webster, Adam H. H. .. .. D. j B 240 Tapanui .. .. .. 31 Stewart, John N. .. .. ! R. j C Buchan, James W. A. .. .. ; D. i A 350 Tokomairiro .. .. 42 Menzies, George G. .. .. j H. B I 60 Buchan, James J. . . ,. J D. | B 300 McKinnon, Jeanie R. . .. ' D. | A J 265 Southland— Riverton .. .. .. 58 Wilson, Robert N. . H. C j 60 Leete, Herbert T. .. . . I D. B j 340 Todd, Louisa W. .. .. D. . . : 210 Carter, Olive J. .. . . R. 1 B 200 Wyndham .. .. 38 Rowe, Alfred 0. .. , . il. B ! 45 O'Sullivan, Leo S. . . . . D. B | " 375 ■ White, Violet A. .. . . .. I D. B 255

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1926.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1926.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, E-06

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1926.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, E-06

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