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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Sir, — Department of Immigration, sth July, 1927. Herewith I have the honour to submit the annual report upon the immigration which has taken place into New Zealand from the United Kingdom during the year 1926-27. I have, &c., H. D. Thomson, Under-Secretary. The Hon. W. Nosworthy, Minister of Immigration, Wellington.

REPORT. The immigration policy as laid down in 1921 has been carried out practically in its entirety, the only variation being that for the past year it was found necessary to increase the annual quota from 10,000 to 13,500. Strange as it may seem, the reason for this increase in numbers was the same as that which caused the decrease in last year's figures —namely, the congestion brought about by the shipping strike of 1925. This congestion became so great that at the beginning of 1926 there were some four thousand approved migrants awaiting embarkation, and as at that time nominations were being received at the rate of one hundred per week, or, in other words, 13,000 souls per annum, it will be seen how necessary it was for the Government to increase the numbers to the maximum of 13,500 for the year ending the 31st March, 1927, it being considered that this quota could be absorbed without disturbing the economic or industrial conditions of the Dominion. In normal years the allotment of berthingaccommodation by the shipping companies to the New Zealand Government amounts to between eight and nine thousand berths, but as the position at this time had become abnormal it was necessary to arrange for extra steamers to make special trips ; five such trips were made during the year, carrying in all 3,022 migrants. This number in reality practically represents the increase on last year's figures. During the year a new passage-rate agreement was entered into with the Imperial Government, which had the effect from the Ist December, 1926, of still further reducing the fares for assisted migrants from the United Kingdom to New Zealand. The following scale will show the current rates, and also the contributions by the Imperial and the New Zealand Governments : —

Scale of Passage Rates, showing Contributions by Imperial and New Zealand Governments.

The Imperial contribution is made under the Empire Settlement Act, 1922, section 2, subsection (b), and since the placing upon the statute-book of this Act the New Zealand Government lias received in grants £328,810, in loans £11,215 ; whilst the migrants have received in loans £8,987, making in all a total of £340,025. So far as the migrants' loan-money is concerned, it comprises 1,044 individual

I—D. 9,

Imperial New Zealand Government Government Amount Class. Contribution Contribution payable by Total Fare. to each to each Migrant. Migrant. Migrant. I j . ■ f £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Children under three years of age .. j 4 2 6 4 2 6 Free 8 5 0 Children over three years but under twelve 8 5 0 8 5 0 Free 16 10 0 years Women and girls over twelve years but under . 16 10 0 1610 0 Free 33 0 0 forty years of age (including domestics) Boys over twelve years but under nineteen 16 10 0 16 10 0 Free 33 0 0 years of age Single men over nineteen years (including 1100 1100 1100 33 00 farm labourers) Married men and women (including widows 11 0 0 11 0 0 11 0 0 3-3 0 0 and widowers with children)

D. —9


loans, of which number 507 have been fully paid off, 365 are being paid off, .18 have been written off, and instalments outstanding on the remaining 154 have not yet become due. These figures go to show that the Government has availed itself of the provisions of the Empire Settlement Act, and that the result of the repayments of these loans is an indication that these migrants have been satisfactorily absorbed. The number of assisted migrants that arrived in the Dominion during the past year shows an increase of 48 per cent, on the previous year's figures —in fact, the total is the largest since the year 1880 : of this total 37 per cent, were men, 30 per cent, women, and 33 per cent, children, and nearly all have been readily and satisfactorily absorbed. Included in the men's total are 14 per cent, of farmers, farm labourers, and miners, and as these go direct to the farms and the mines for their occupation it will be seen that only 23 per cent, of the total number of migrants come into competition for other occupations in the labour-market —truly a very small percentage ; and, as these were all nominated migrants, positions awaited them upon arrival in practically all cases. It is pleasing to record the manner in which the nominators have carried out their obligations in regard to maintenance and employment for their nominees. In a few cases, where the nominators found themselves unable to carry out their obligations through circumstances over which they had no control, the Department has always come to the rescue, to the satisfaction of the new-comers. Children and Juveniles. —There is no doubt that this class of migration under proper conditions is of immense advantage both to the migrants themselves and to the Dominion. They grow up from tender years accustomed to New Zealand conditions, and if placed upon the land they have not nearly so great an inclination to drift back to the towns as have older immigrants whose habits have been formed by previous environment. On the other hand, the Dominion, by training the children in its schools and placing the youths on the land according to its own conditions, gains citizens of the true New Zealand spirit. During the past five years approximately fifteen thousand migrants under this heading have come to the Dominion. Included in this total are 1,400 juveniles who have been brought out under the following special land schemes, and they are doing exceedingly well: — Public and secondary school boys' scheme .. .. .. .. 630 Salvation Army scheme .. .. .. .. .. .. 403 Flock House boys .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 266 Flock House girls .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 Fellowship of British Empire Exhibition Scholarship at Ruakura State Farm 12 Church of England boys .. .. .. .. .. 53 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1,400 It is indeed pleasing for me to be able to state that five boys under the public and secondary schools scheme have purchased farms of their own, and several parents, together with their families (who were preceded by their sons under this scheme), have taken up permanent residence in the Dominion. Reports from the organizations controlling the other juvenile schemes, as to progress, &c., are entirely satisfactory. Restriction.—ln view of the economic conditions ruling at the commencement of the present year it was necessary for a reconsideration of the volume of immigration, and it was decided that during the forthcoming winter months the number of assisted migrants should be reduced to a minimum. The total number of arrivals in New Zealand from the United Kingdom and Ireland during the year ended 31st March, 1927, was 14,943 (8,457 males and 6,486 females). Out of the total number of persons arriving—namely, 14,943 —11,239 were assisted to New Zealand by the Imperial and New Zealand Governments. The number of assisted immigrants is made up of persons nominated from New Zealand and of persons themselves applying for assisted passages in London. During the year the following steamers brought out assisted immigrants :—

v , Date Number of Assisted Date Number of Assisted of Arrival. Immigrants. ' ' of Arrival. | Immigrants. Corinthic .. 7/4/26 297 Tekoa .. 24/10/26* 1 Suffolk .. 17/4/26* 1 Ruahine .. 31/10/26 257 Remuera .. 19/4/26 338 Port Bowen .. 11/11/26* 1 Ionic .. 7/5/26 370 Taimii .. 14/11/26 299 Hororata .. 17/5/26 595 Jervis Bay .. 23/11/26* 1 Mahana .. 21/5/26 756 Arawa .. 25/11/26 380 Ruapehu .. 25/5/26 237 Medic .. 27/11/26* 1 Arawa .. 4/6/26 173 Mataroa .. 13/12/26 380 Ruahine .. 14/6/26 216 Athenic . . 21/12/26 399 Tainui .. 16/7/26 344 Rotorua . . 24/12/26 200 Athenic .. 2/8/26 371 Corinthic .. 9/1/27 337 Rotorua .. 7/8/26 237 Remuera .. 10/1/27 263 Corinthic .. 24/8/26 363 Pakeha .. 28/1/27 591 Largs Bay .. 24/8/26* 1 Rimutaka .. 2/2/27 226 Rimutaka .. 1/9/26 334 Ionic .. 8/2/27 298 Remuera .. 5/9/26 330 Hororata .. 1/3/27 509 Ionic .. 23/9/26 368 Tamaroa .. 7/3/27 260 Ruapehu .. 5/10/26 224 Ruapehu .. 14/3/27 237 Hororata .. 11/10/26 571 Ruahine . . 19/3/27 93 Oronsay .. 16/10/26* 1 Tamaroa 16/10/26 379 Total .. .. 11,239 I I * Date of sailing.



Nominated and Applied Passengers per each Vessel from the 1st April, 1926, to the 31st March, 1927.

2—D. 9

Nominated. Applied. Totals combined. Vessel. Date of Arrival. ; Men. Women. Children, j Total. Men. Women. Children. Total. Men. Women. Children. Total. I I I 1 ! I I i Corinthie .. .. 7/4/26 73 61 57 191 64 i 37 5 106 137 98 62 297 Suffolk .. .. 17/4/26* 1 .. .. 1 | .. .. 1 .. .. 1 Remuera .. .. 19/4/26 112 105 117 334 111 2 4 113 106 119 338 Ionic .. .. 7/5/26 | 139 87 112 338 j 4 j 28 .. j 32 143 115 112 370 Hororata .. .. 17/5/26 j 209 159 214 582 I 13 .. .. 13 'j 222 159 214 595 Mahana .. .. 21/5/26 215 196 306 717 2 37 .. 39 " 217 233 306 756 Ruapehu .. .. 25/5/26 83 63 84 230 ! 4 1 2 7 :| 87 1 64 86 237 Arawa .. ... 4/6/26 34 39 73 146 27 .. 27 34 66 73 173 Ruahine . . .. 14/6/26 89 57 63 209 7 .. 7 96 57 63 216 Tainui .. .. 16/7/26 95 72 95 262 46 36 .. 82 141 108 95 344 Athenic .. .. 2/8/26 92 81 104 277 72 22 .. 94 164 103 104 371 Rotorua .. .. 7/8/26 66 64 83 213 9 15 .. 24 75 79 1 83 237 Corinthie .. .. 24/8/26 112 74 '117 303 32 28 .. 60 144 102 117 363 Largs Bay .. 24/8/26* .. 1 .. 1 .. .. .. j 1 .. 1 Rimutaka .. 1/9/26 116 72 85 j 273 59 2 .. 61 175 74 85 334 Remuera .. .. 5/9/26 88. 90 135 313 17 .. .. 17 105 90 135 330 Ionic .. .. 23/9/26 106 92 117 315 27 26 .. 53 133 118 117 368 Ruapehu .. .. 5/10/26 65 66 ; 69 200 3 21 .. 24 68 87 69 224 Hororata .. .. j 11/10/26 195 140 221 556 15 .. .. 15 210 140 221 571 Oronsay .. .. j 16/10/26* .. 1 .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 1 Tamaroa .. .. 16/10/26 133 87 113 333 20 26 .. 46 153 113 113 379 Tekoa .. .. 24/10/26* .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. 1 1 .. .. 1 Ruahine .. .. j 31/10/26 78 84 87 249 7 1 .. 8 85 85 87 257 Port Bowen .. J 11/11/26* 1 .. .. 1 .. .. 1 .. .. 1 Tainui .. .. j 14/11/26 113 79 99 291 8 ; .. 8 ; 121 79 99 299 Jervis Bay .. J 23/11/26* 1 .. 1 .. .. .. 1 .. 1 Arawa .. .. 25/11/26 110 113 112 335 14 31 .. 45 124 144 112 380 Medic .. ..J 27/11/26* .. 1 .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 1 Mataroa .. .. j 13/12/26 120 89 111 320 24 36 .. 60 144 125 111 380 Athenic .. .. j 21/12/26 131 125 142 398 1 .. .. 1 132 125 142 399 Rotorua .. .. | 24/12/26 ; 68 61 68 197 2 1 .. 3 70 62 68 200 Corinthie .. .. j 9/1/27 86 94 119 299 9 29 .. 38 95 123 119 337 Remuera . . .. J 10/1/27 86 67 84 237 25 1 .. 26 111 68 84 263 Pakeha .. .. J 28/1/27 215 149 209 573 18 j .. 18 233 149 I 209 591 Rimutaka .. .. 2/2/27 71 63 73 207 18 1 .. 19 89 64 i 73 226 Ionic •• .. J 8/2/27 91 83 71 245 20 33 j 53 111 116 71 298 Hororata .. .. 1/3/27 172 137 168 477 32 .. .. 32 204 137 168 509 Tamaroa .. .. 7/3/27 67 68 72 207 23 30 .. 53 90 98 72 260 Ruapehu .. ., J 14/3/27 60 66 83 209 7 21 28 67 87 83 237 Ruahine . . .. 19/3 /27 35 27 30 92 1 . 1 36 27 30 93 j i Totals •• 1 •• 3,527 2,914 3,693 10,134 605 491 9 1,105 4,132 3,405 3,702 11,239 I I * Sailing- date.

D. -9.

Distribution of Assisted Passengers by Districts.

Farm Labourers per each Vessel showing Nominated and Applied.


District. Men. Women. Children. Total. Auckland .. .. .. .. 1,228 1 1,089 1.335 3,652 Canterbury .. .. .. .. 371 433 389 1,193 Hawke's Bay .. .. . . 166 177 178 521 Marlborough .. .. .. 11 15 13 39 Nelson .. .. .. .. 147 126 155 428 Otago .. .. .. .. 338 327 370 1,035 Southland .. .. .. .. 114 100 147 361 Taranaki .. .. .. .. 145 95 110 350 Wellington .. .. .. .. 1,513 970 885 3,368 West-land .. .. .. .. 99 73 120 292 Totals .. .. .. 4,132 j 3,405 3,702 11,239 I

Nominated. Applied. Total. * r , Date of Vessel " Arrival. S I i 1 g 1 3 « 13 7 i ~ ' ~ ~ r i r Corinthic .. .. 7/4/26 9 .. 9 63 .. 63 j 72 '72 Ionic .. .. 7/5/26 7 .. 7 2 .. 2 j 9 I .. I 9 Hororata .. .. 17/5/26 5 .. 5 2 .. 2 J 7 I .. 7 Mahana .. .. 21/5/26 5 .. 5 1 .. 1 6 6 Ruapehu .. .. 25/5/26 1 .. 1 .. .. .. 1 .. 1 Ruahine .. .. 14/6/26 2 .. 2 7 .. 7 ' 9 j 9 Tainui .. .. 16/7/26 6 .. 6 42 j 2 44 i 48 2 50 Athenic .. .. 2/8/26 5 .. 5 71 1 72 ' 76 1 77 Rotorua .. .. 7/8/26 4 .. 4 9 .. 9 13 .. 13 Corinthic .. .. 24/8/26 3 .. 3 32 1 33 j 35 1 36 Rimutaka .. .. 1/9/26 8 .. 8 58 2 60 | 66 2 68 Remuera .. .. 5/9/26 7 . . 7 15 .. 15 22 .. 22 Ionic .. .. 23/9/26 2 2 27 2 29 j 29 2 31 Ruapehu .. .. 5/10/26 1 .. 1 3 .. 3i4 .. 4 Hororata .. .. 11/10/26 3 .. 3 15 . . 15 18 .. 18 Tamaroa .. .. 16/10/26 1 1 20 1 21 21 1 22 Tekoa .. .. 24/10/26* 1 .. | 1 . . 1 Ruahine .. .. 31/10/26 I 1 7 1 8 8 1 9 PortBowen.. .. 11/11/26* I .. 1 .. .. .. 1 .. | Tainui .. .. 14/11/26 3 .. 3 8 .. 8 11 .. 11 Arawa .. .. 25/11/26 7 .. 7 14 1 15 j 21 1 22 Mataroa .. .. 13/12/26 4 . . 4 24 2 26 28 2 30 Athenic .. .. 21/12/26 3 .. 3 1 .. 114 .. 4 Rotorua .. .. 24/12/26 3 3 2 1 3 5 1 6 Corinthic .. .. 9/1/27 9 .. 9 9 .. 9 Remuera .. .. 10/1/27 .. .. .. 25 J 1 26 | 25 1 26 Pakeha .. .. 28/1/27 .. .. .. 18 [ 18 | 18 .. 18 • Rimutaka .. .. 7/2/27 .. ..... 18 1 1 19 18 1 19 Ionic .. .. 8/2/27 20 3 23 20 3 23 Hororata .. .. 1/3/27 .. .. .. 32 .. 32 32 .. 32 Tamaroa .. .. 7/3/27 .. .. .. 23 3 26 23 3 26 Ruapehu .. .. 14/3/27 7 .. 7 7 .. 7 Ruahine .. .. 19/3/27 .. .. .. 1 .. 1 1 ..1 Totals .. .. .. 91 .. 91 577 , 22 599 668 22 690 * Date of sailing.



Return showing Districts to which Farm Labourers were Booked.

Domestics who arrived per each Vessel and Distribution by Districts, also Nominated and Applied Domestics.

Distribution of Public School Boys by Districts. Auckland .. .. .. 102 Southland .. .. .. 10 Canterbury .. .. .. 11 Taranaki .. .. .. 55 Hawke's Bay .. .. 4 Wellington .. .. 27 Marlborough .. .. 6 Westland .. .. .. 2 Nelson .. .. .. 7 Otago .. .. 11 Total .. .. 235

T33 > lj>;3 > "2'd J Vessel. , at . e I I S« | a o J a f J of Arrival. a § 4» | § [§ -§ o =« j> j> o <1 I O W ! -g O aj H IS IS H . Corinthic .. 7/4/26 17 3 .. j .. .. 8 .. .. 44 .. 72 Ionic .. .. 7/5/26 4 .. 1;.. .. 1 1 .. 2 .. 9 Hororata .. 17/5/26 4 2 .. j 1 .. .. 7 Mahana .. .. 21/5/26 3 .. .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 6 Ruapehu .. 25/5/26 1 .. .. j .. .... .. 1 Ruahine .. .. 14/6/26 1 ] .. .. .. 7 .. 9 Tainui .. .. 16/7/26 5 2 1 ' .. .. 42 .. 50 Athenic .. .. 2/8/26 .. 1 1 .. .. 1 S .. 1 73 .. 77 Rotorua .. .. 7/8/26 2 2 .. ! ! .. .. 9 .. j 13 Corinthic .. 24/8/26 1 .. .. .. .. 2 j .. .. 33 .. 36 Rimutaka .. ! 1/9/26 4 .. .. I .. .. 1 j .. 2 61 .. j 68 Remuera .. 5/9/26 2 3 .. ' .. .. 1 .. 16 .. 22 Ionic .. .. 23/9/26 1 .. .. .. .. 30 .. 31 Ruapehu .. 5/10/26 .. 1 3 .. I 4 Hororata .. 11/10/26 .. .. 1 .. .. 1 1 1 14 .. 18 Tamaroa.. .. 16/10/26 .. 2 2 .. 18 .. 22 Tekoa .. .. 24/10/26* 1 : I Ruahine .. .. 31/10/26 1 .. .. j 8 .. 9 Port Bowen .. ! 11/11/26* 1 .. .. .. j 1 Tainui .. .. 14/11/26 1 1 1 .. .. 8 .. 11 Arawa .. .. 25/11/26 3 2 1 .. .. 1 .. .. 15 .. 22 Mataroa .. .. 13/12/26 3 3 1 j .. .. 23 .. 30 Athenic .. .. 21/12/26 1 1 .. .. 2 .. 4 Rotorua .. .. 24/12/26 1 .. 1 ! .. .. 4 .. 6 Corinthic .. 9/1/27 ! |* .. .. j 9 .. j 9 Remuera.. .. 10/1/27 26 .. 26 Pakeha .. .. 28/1/27 .. .. 18 .. 18 Rimutaka .. ; 2/2/27 19 .. 19 I onic .. .. 8/2/27 23 .. 23 Hororata .. 1/3/27 32 .. 32 Tamaroa.. .. j 7/3/27 26 .. 26 Ruapehu .. 1 14/3/27 7 .. 7 Ruahine .. .. 19/3/27 1 .. [ 1 I I I Totals .. 1 .. 57 24 1 6 1 .. .. 19 4 6 574 .. | 690 * Date of sailing.

j | Ves«e) Date of a x o \ | 3 S | Arrival. j« h S o p . ! J} j g a * . B e S U 3 9 3 >5 l2 ,® « i O I «3 & > o o ft o <1 IS P EH K «j H Corinthic .. 7/4/26 12 7 4 .. 2 4 .. .. 15 .. 44 8 36 44 Ionic .. 7/5/26 10 3 2 1 .. 2 .... 16 .. 34 6 28 34 Mahana .. 21/5/26 6 2 4 .... 3 2 1 24 1 43 j 6 37 43 Arawa .. 4/6/26 13 6 .. 1 .. 3 .. 1 8 1 33 6 27 33 Tainui .. 16/7/26 12 5 1 .. .. 3 .. .. 13 .. 34 1 33 34 Athenic .. 2/8/26 6 6 2 .. 2 5 1 1 11 .. 34 13 21 34 Rotorua .. 7/8/26 4 3 1 .. 2 10 .. 20 5 15 20 Corinthic .. 24/8/26 5 3 1 18 .. 27 .. 27 27 Ionic .. 23/9/26 12 3 3 .. .. 3 .. .. 13 .. 34 10 24 34 Ruapehu .. 5/10/26 8 5 4 .. 12 1 30 9 21 I 30 Tamaroa .. j 16/10/26 12 3 3 2 .. 9 .. 29 4 25 29 Arawa .. ; 25/11/26 6 6 5 1 .. 4 .. 1 16 .. 39 9 30 39 Mataroa .. 13/12/26 10 13 1 .. 2 4 .. 1 12 .. 43 9 34 43 Corinthic .. 9/1/27 8 10 5 .... 5 2 .. 9 .. 39 10 29 39 Ionic .. 8/2/27 12 5 5 .. 2 2 .. 1 13 .. 40 10 30 40 Tamaroa .. 7/3/27 13 2 3 .... 3 1 1 16 1 40 13 27 40 Ruapehu .. 14/3/27 11 2 3 .. .. 1 1 .. 8 .. 26 5 21 26 Totals .. .. 160 84 42 3 8 47 9 9 223 4 589 ' 124 465 589



By Authority : VV. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1927.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given: printing (650 copies), £10.

Occupations as per Individual Boats.

Price 6d .]

I ® i c a • . m <D £ o • O 2 *2 C ! • "2 c3 • <r. % ffl « r 9 ! O ■iS ® • » 3 ! S ' S a 2 § as « - a Si 1 « ® * I V»«M Date of I | § £ a g m 3 _• a « 5" JS& £ a d I ■§= § J g! * « . | fj ■: Arrival. | | §, g, « 8 S S !| | » g . . g f - .2 » 3 2 i S 5 ! d ; §g s . j » °« H cS | = § a!s°i-.§Sg« SEi'Cfl ,■ = i SflS M ?f , I I I I I I I & | lit I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I § I I I I !•! I ! ! I | I 1 f i I!| 111 fSSi 1 I la 1 W-MMBlBBOO S 0 [ H H P=t (S S d. SM H S S ® H Corinthio .. '.. I 7/4/26 1 .. 2 .... 2 49 .. 3 1 79 1 1 ..2 2 1 .. 17 i .. .. 2 1 ..1 1 36 23' 13 .. 1 .. 235 Suffolk .. .. 17/4/26* I ! .., .. .. j .. 1 .. .. I . l Remuera .. .. 19/4/26 1 1 1 1 .... 2 2 6 15 5 7 18 2 1 2 2 8 1 .. 18 .... 4 4 1 8 ] 3 64 41 219 Ionic .. .. 7/5/26 5 2 ..3 ..2 ..4 9 45 1 8 24 8 1 1 ..11 3 .. 9 .. 1 1 2 1 1 ..3 3 1:1 4 .. 53 44 1 12 . 264 Hororata .. .. 17/5/26 2 1 1 1 I 2 3 1 12 7 31 6 10 27 6 3 5 8 22 I ...... 4 .. 43 .. .. 1 2 3 8 ..2 6 104 60 381 Mahana .. 21/5/26 1 3 7 .. .. 2 ..7 4 77 2 23 29 5 3 5 2 19 j ....!.. 4 .. 49 .. 2 4 2 5 6 ..6 1 121 61 450 Ruapehu .. .. ! 25/5/26 ..1 .. ,.| 1 4 .. 4 ! 8 : 15 2 4 6 2 ..1 .. 3 ....!.. 4 .. 20 .. 2 ..1 1 1 .. 2 1 ..I ..I 40 27 151 Arawa .. .. 4/6/26 1 1 37 .. .. 3 .... 1 .. 5 5 .. .. 3 .. ..' 21 12 .. 25 114 Ruahine .. .. i 14/6/26 1 1 2 .. 2 4 I 7 2 8 14 1 1 1 .. 10 ! 1 .. 7 .. 1 1 .. .. j 1 2 .. 1 2 39 24 1 20 153 Tainui .. .. 16/7/26 .. 1 .. 1 3 9 43 1 3 65 ! 1 .... 1 4 1 .. 15 .. 1 I .. 1 113 1 .. 2 1 1 4 4 42 19 21 249 Athenic .. .. 2/8/26 2 2 1 4 43 1 4 91 1 ..2 1 4 4 .. 10 *.. 2 ....!.. 1 1 3 .... 2 1 47 22 20 6 275 Rotorua .. ! 7/8/26 3 1 2 4 27 ..2 17 .... 1 1 2 4 2 1 5 1 ..2 .. 35 33 ! 14 157 Corinthic .. .. : 24/8/26 .... 2 2 ..1 ..1 8 42 6 3 43 .... 1 ..9 1 .. 10 .. .J 2 3 2 2 .. 41 16 31 49 275 Largs Bay .. 24/8/26* 1 1 Rimutaka .. 1/9/26 1 4 1 2 .. 3 ..3 4 15 2 8 77 2 ..1 ..8 2 . . 16 .. 1 I .. .. 1 .. 1 ... 2 3 53 23 17 .. .. 250 Remuera .. .. j 5/9/26 ..2 6 6 13 ..5 26 3 2 ..3 7 2 13 .. 6 2 3 2 i .... .. 7 1 1 3 j .. 59 23 .. .. 195 Ionic .. .. i 23/9/26 1 3 2 .. 2 4 44 3 7 39 2 1 2 .. 8 .... 1 2 .. 14 .... 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 .... 51 36 13 .. .. 253 Ruapehu .. .. 5/10/26 1 1 1 .... 3 .... 3 34 2 4 12 2 11 .... 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 .. 41 29 9 . 164 Hororata .. .. 11/10/26 2 2 1 1 j .. 2 ..2 9 15 2 7 36 4 5 4 5 12 5 .. j 49 8 ..4 4 ..... 2 ..6 4 ..1 ..105 40 .. 27 364 Oronsay .. .. I 16/10/26* I 1 Tamaroa .. .. | 16/10/26 1 2 .... 1 1 .. 5 7 37 2 4 1 29 1 1 3 1 6 .. 1 .. 2 .. ; 8 2 .... 1 ..... 2 .. 8 3 3 3 1 56 28 17 .. 6' 41 283 Tekoa .. ... 24/10/26* ! 1 ! 1 ! .. . X Ruahine .. .. j 31/10/26 3 4 8 16 4 7 14 3 .. 2 .. 4 . . 2 .. I .. 6 5 2 2 1 .... 1 .. 10 4 .... 3 41 18 9 170 Port Bowen .. | 11/11/26* 1 1 Tainui .. .. 14/11/26 1 .... 1 .... 1 3 7 10 4 5 13 4 ..4 ..1 1 .. 18 2 ..1 1 2 3 1 2 2 51 37 9 .. .. .... 22 206 Jervis Bay .. ; 23/11/26* .. 1 ' X Arawa .. .. 25/11/26 1 4 2 1 1 .... 2 10 56 1 3 36 2 .. 3 3 7 . . 1 1 2 .. 14 1 1 .. 2 .. 1 3 1 2 .. . . 2 2 66 37 -'68 Medic .. .. 27/11/26* 1 , : X Mataroa .. .. 13/12/26 .. 1 .... 1 .... 1 6 52 1 7 35 2 1 1 .. 5 .. 1 I .... 1 10 .... 5 .... 2 1 .. 6 2 1 4 .. 44 31 14 30 36 301 Athenic .. .. I 21/12/26 .. 1 .. 1 1 1 1 1 6 18 4 8 15 3 3 3 4 16 ...... 3 .. 22 1 1 4 2 .... 1 1 6 8 2 : 5 1 76 38 ' 257 Rotorua .. .. I 24/12/26 1 1 1 .. 1 3 9 2 6 15 .. 2 1 1 6 6 2 10 .... 1 1 .. 2 .. 1 4 1 1 j 2 I .. 39 13 132 Corinthic .. .. : 9/1/27 3 ....1 ..2 ..2 4 50 2 5 18 2 3 2 1 5 1 ....2 .. 17 .. .. 1 ..1 3 2 2 6 .. 52 18 8 . 12 225 Remuera .. .. 10/1/27 ..1 2 1 4 5 12 1 2 41 1 5 1 . .| 6 1 1 .. 4 .. 1 11 1 1 .. 2 .. .. 1 1 3 1 2 1 .. 43 24 179 Pakeha .. .. i 28/1/27 2 4 .. 3 1 2 .. 7 10 24 2 9 42 2 1 1 5 [11 .. .. i .. 6 2 39 2 2 I 2 | 6 .. 1 3 I 2 6 J 5 I ..I 1 .. 96 52 38 : 389 Rimutaka.. .. I 2/2/27 1 .. 1 3 3 8 .. 7 28 -.1 2 14 ..1 ..3 ..14.. 1 2 ..8:1 .. 43 15 8 153 Ionic .. .. 8/2/27 1 1 6 52 2 2 28 2 2 .. .. 7 .. 1 ... 2 .. 14 1 1 5 2 .... 1 ..4 1 6 1 2 43 ; 21 15 .. 12 235 Hororata .. .. 1/3/27 2 3 ..3 1 .... 4 12 19 2 16 40 4 2 1 2 21 1 '. J 2 .... 24 3 ..1 5 11 : 2 ..12 1 89 50 19 342 Tamaroa .. .. 7/3/27 ..1 ..1 1 1 .. 2 | 2 52 ..4 36 2 ..1 1 1 1 11 2 2 2 3 1 4 1 .. 2 1 34 19 .. .. • 188 Ruapehu .. .. 14/3/27 2 1 1 ..2 8 37 ..5 11 2 ..1 2,1 1 11 .. 2 , 2 .. .... 1 1 2 j 2 .... 2 32 18 8| . 155 Ruahine .. .. 19/3/27 1 1 j .. 4 14; 6 2 .. .. 1 1 1 2 .. i 3 1 j 3j .. .. .. 1 [ 2 3 j .. .. 14 12 .. .. i 63 Totals .. .. 35 42 19 26 12 35 7 94 189{l ,011 '63 2001,01570 39 53 47 [238, 5 10 | 4 |70 7 542j28 [27 52 ! 53 10 13 20 14 12674 41 [61 32 1,77r965|235; _ 52 12~61 36 186.77702 * Date of Sailing.

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Bibliographic details

DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION (ANNUAL REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, D-09

Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, D-09

DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1927 Session I, D-09

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