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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 10 of the Hauraki Plains Act, 1908.

Sir, — Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 30th June, 1927. I have the honour to present herewith the report of the Chief Drainage Engineer on operations carried out during the past year on the Hauraki Plains in accordance with the provisions of the Hauraki Plains Act, 1908. I have, &c., J. B. Thompson, The Hon. A. D. McLeod, Minister of Lands. Under-Secretary for Lands.

BEPOBT OF CHIEF DRAINAGE ENGINEER. Sir, — I have the honour to present the nineteenth annual report on the reclamation works carried out on the Hauraki Plains during the financial year ended 31st March, 1927. Owing to the increasing number of trading concerns handling the produce of the district, it is becoming more difficult to obtain complete production returns for the reclaimed areas, but the available returns as given below continue to show indications of progress throughout the district. For purposes of comparison the previous year's returns are shown in parenthesis. Three factories manufactured 1,235 (1,081) tons of cheese, and conservative estimates of the other principal items of produce based on the incomplete returns available are —butter, 2,300 (2,042) tons ; hemp, over 1,000 tons ; value of stock sold exceeded £45,000 (£32,730). Freight handled by steamers and scows trading between Auckland and Piako River ports amounted to over 8,000 tons. On the earlier settled portion of the area many of the difficulties which attend land-settlement in swamp country are disappearing. The energies of Government Departments and local bodies are resulting in improved drainage and flood protection, and the extension of good roads, telephone, and electric power throughout the district. The great majority of the settlers are developing their farms into better-paying condition. Still, the fact cannot be too much emphasized that field-drainage within occupied farms will produce a greater increase per acre than any other form of development. The rainfall at Kerepeehi during the period covered by the report was 60-91 in. Rain fell on 184 days. The annual rainfall recorded at Kerepeehi during the past eleven years is shown in the following schedule : —

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Year. | Total Rainfall. Wettest Month, and Fall. Driest Month, and Fall. 1916-17 .. .. .. 55-57 in. Nov., 1916 —6-65 in. Jan., 1917—0-65 in. 1917-18 .. .. .. 4641 in. April, 1917—5-67 in. Dec., 1917—2-18 in. 1918-19 .. .. .. 41-02 in. Oct., 1918—7-47 in. Feb., 1919—1-34 in. 1919-20 .. .. . • 34-85 in. Feb., 1920 —6-10 in. Dec., 1919 —0-89 in. 1920-21 .. .. .. 35-93 in. Sept., 1920—5-10 in. Feb., 1921—0-72 in. 1921-22 .. .. .. 46-34 in. Feb., 1922—6-62 in. Nov, 1921—1-34 in. 1922-23 .. .. .. 33-81 in. Jan, 1923—4-14 in. Mar, 1923—1-72 in. 1923-24 .. .. .. 52-42 in. April, 1923—9-76 in. Nov, 1923—1-81 in. 1924-25 .. .. .. 52-56 in. j April, 1924—8-55 in. Mar, 1925 —1-36 in. 1925-26 .. .. .. 40-29 in. June, 1925 —6-67 in. April, 1925—0-84 in. 1926-27 .. .. .. 60-91 in. May, 1926—8-86 in. April, 1926—1-83 in.



The average yearly rainfall during the past eleven years is 45-55 in. The fall this year was the highest recorded during that period, but there were no excessive storms, and drainage conditions generally have been very satisfactory. Dredges. The principal feature of the year's operations has been the progress made with the riverimprovement works. Three dredges have been engaged on this work, and a total quantity of 116,495 cubic yards has been excavated in channel-enlargement and stop-bank construction on the Piako River. The beneficial effects of this work on the regimen of the stream has been apparent this year, which was characterized by the highest rainfall recorded since the commencement of reclamation operations on the plains. The following table shows the quantities excavated by the dredges for the past seven years, and the average unit cost: — Year. Cubic Yards. Cost per Cubic Yard. 1920-21 .. .. .. ..158,865 7-42 d. 1921-22 .. .. .. ..246,022 7-29 d. 1922-23 .. .. .. .. 440,092 8-20 d. 1923-24 .. .. .. ..508,654 7-27 d. 1924-25 .. .. .. ..822,286 5-86 d. 1925-26 .. .. .. ..856,653 6-32 d. 1926-27 .. .. .. ..647,182 7-42 d. No. 1, Priestman dredge, has been engaged on the Piako River improvement works. The total quantity excavated by this dredge was 36,102 cubic yards, at a cost of 11-07 d. per cubic yard. No. 2, Priestman dredge, has been engaged on the construction of the Maukoro Canal and Railway Canal, in the Waitakaruru District. This dredge has been working two shifts during most of the year, and considering the unstable nature of the country the progress has been good. The output was 72,196 cubic yards, and the cost 6-62 d. per cubic yard. No. 6, Priestman dredge, which was overhauled, including the installation of a new boiler, has been engaged on channel-enlargement in the Piako River. The quantity excavated was 28,549 cubic yards, at a cost of 12-79 d. per cubic yard. Tidal conditions increased the cost. No. 11, Kingston dredge, was also reconditioned, and working on the Piako River and Ngarua Canal has excavated 50,481 cubic yards, at a cost of 10'04d. per cubic yard. Tidal conditions increased the cost. No. 15, Bucyrus drag-line, has been constructing the Awaiti Canal and stop-banks. Some difficulties due to bank caving and prolonged flood conditions have been experienced, but the dredge has been working two shifts almost continuously, and has handled 73,486 cubic yards during the year, at a cost of 10-37 d. per cubic yard. No. 16, Bucyrus drag-line, has been constructing stop-banks on the Piako River, and also the Reservoir Canal, in the Kerepeehi Block. Working two shifts, the output was 107,503 cubic yards, and cost 7-51 d. No. 19, Michigan Walking dipper dredge, which has been excavating drains in the Awaiti district, was shipped to the Waihou River last December, on loan to the Public Works Department. Before removal, the machine excavated 47,203 cubic yards, at unit cost of 5-22 d. No. 20, Rood land dredge, has been constructing a large drain in the Kerepeehi Block, after completing a section of stop-bank on the western side of the Awaiti Canal. The dredge handled 84,612 cubic yards, at a cost of 7-29 d. per cubic yard. No. 24, American steam dipper dredge, after completing the straightening and enlargement of the Waitoa River between its junction with the Piako and the Ohine Stream, is now engaged on the construction of a canal along the southern boundary of the Kerepeehi Block. The year's excavation was 147,050 cubic yards, at a cost of 4-9 d. per cubic yard. Central District. The principal undertakings in the Central district, in addition to dredging, have been the construction of 886 chains of new drains, involving 33,882 cubic yards of excavation, road-formation and metalling, cleaning 1,883 chains of drains, widening and deepening drains 481 chains, and repairing and improving stop-banks. A large road-embankment was constructed at the river end of the Reservoir Canal, and 4,346 cubic yards of clay carted for ballasting roads through peat areas. A large staff is constantly employed coaling dredges, and receiving and distributing stores and material at the Kerepeehi Depot, and on -minor undertakings, including the cutting and hauling of 204 white-pine piles, 909 fascines, and ringbarking and clearing willows on river-bank for a distance of 4 miles 22 chains. Good progress has been made with the road and drainage of the Kerepeehi Block. About 250 chains of stop-banking has been completed to date, and 430 chains of preliminary bank constructed About 250 chains of embankment is still required to completely surround this block, and, owing to the fact that there is 3 ft, to 4 ft. of peat, some sections of the embankment will require to be enlarged as shrinkage occurs.



Waitakaruru-Pipiroa District. In the district 7,945 chains of drains were cleaned, 19,260 cubic yards of material was excavated for the improvement of 910 chains of existing drains, and 3,746 cubic yards for the improvement of 286 chains of stop-bank. Road-formation on the western side of the Maukoto-Waitakaruru Canal is now completed for a distance of 3 miles 60 chains from the Waitakaruru-Pokeno Road, and 2 miles 50 chains of this road was metalled during this year. One new concrete-pipe culvert was installed at Rawerawe, and two small road-bridges erected. Patetonga-Awaiti and Tahuna Districts. In this district the usual maintenance works have been carried out, 6,882 chains of drains having been cleaned ; 410 chains of drains were widened and deepened, necessitating the excavation of 8,842 cubic yards of spoil; 3,748 cubic yards of clay was delivered on the Patetonga Tramway Road. The usual tramway goods service was maintained throughout the year between the wharf on Piako River and the Patetonga Road, a distance of about 3 miles. The freight charges collected for the conveyance of goods on the tramway amounted to £651 14s. During the year Messrs. Murray, Walters, and Sutherland were appointed as a committee to investigate and report on the roading and drainage facilities of the Patetonga Riding of the county, and the difficulties in connection with the settlement of the peat lands in this area. These gentlemen, after going carefully into the various matters in detail, and the individual difficulties of settlers, submitted a comprehensive report, which will be of great assistance in dealing with the problems involved in the development of this district. The work on the main drainage scheme for the Awaiti-Elstow district has been restricted to the operations of one drag-line excavator on the Awaiti Canal and the completion of the drains parallel to the canal stop-banks. Good results have been obtained by the small drains constructed on the location of the Elstow Canal for the purpose of consolidating the swamp, and it should be possible to proceed with the construction of this canal as soon as arrangements are completed with the Elstow Drainage Board. Roads. Road-formation, metalling, and maintenance has occupied some of the construction forces of the Department during the summer months. The total quantity of metal received during the year was 4,334-1 cubic yards, and the following roads were metalled : — Metal. Length completed. Cub. yd. M. eh. Puhanga Canal Road (north end) .. . . .. 234f 0 8 Kaihere Landing Road (westward) . . .. .. 175 0 10 Maukoro Canal Road (west side) .. . . 3,925 2 50 Totals .. .. .. .. 4,3341 268 The following roads were formed : — M. eh. Maukoro Canal Road (west side) .. .. . . . . .. 037 River Road, Kerepeehi No. 2 Block .. .. .. .. .. 070 Reservoir Canal Road, Kerepeehi No. 2 Block .. .. .. .. 040 Reservoir Canal Road, Kerepeehi No. 1 Block .. .. .. .. 050 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. 237 M. ch. Maintenance —Clay roads disked and graded .. .. .. .. 865 Quantity Length of Clay. completed. The following peat roads were ballasted with clay : — Cub. yd. M. ch. Patetonga Tram Road .. .. .. 3, 748 1 30 Torehapeßoad .. .. .. .. .. 2,412 016 Hopai West and Central Roads (completing) .. .. 108 0 1 Pouarua Road .. .. .. .. .. 1,257 018 Kaihere Road (haunching metal) .. .. .. 603 0 30 Puhanga Canal Road (patching, &c.) . . .. .. 74 0 2 Totals 8,202 2 13 Drainage. The object of a large portion of the drainage activities of the past two or three years has been the improvement of the drainage of lands actually occupied and farmed. During this year 38,159 cubic yards of material was excavated for the improvement of 22 miles 40 chains of existing drains. Some 13 miles 49 chains of new drains were constructed, and the total length of drains constructed on the Hauraki Plains to date is 602 miles 11 chains.

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Details of subsidiary drainage construction and maintenance carried out during the year are :— Excavation. Cub. yd. M. oh Drains cleaned .. .. .. .. .. .. 209 0 Drains widened and deepened .. .. .. .. 38,159 22 40 New drains constructed by manual labour .. .. 34,190 11 13 New drains constructed by machinery .. .. .. 48,845 2 36 Stop-bank improvements .. .. .. .. 5,989 3 46 Bridges, Buildings, and other Structures. Three hardwood road-bridges have been constructed, and one concrete culvert. Maintenance and minor repairs have been carried out to wharves and buildings. The total number of wharves at present in use is seventeen, and the buildings connected with the work comprise twenty-one houses and small cottages, fifteen double huts, twenty-six single huts, three workshops, staff quarters, five house-boats, and two offices. Rent received for residences and huts during the year amounted to £461 18s. 3d. Plant and Machinery. There have been no important additions to the plant this year, which comprises ten dredges and excavators, seven launches, steam-tug, two metal-barges, four general-service barges, six tractors, well-equipped machine shops, and large road and general construction outfit. A large amount of necessary repair work has been carried out on the plant at the Kerepeehi Workshops, and much of the floating plant has been docked and repaired. A punt for coal was built on the works. The distribution of stores, fuel, and construction material has kept three launches fully occupied and the various stores busy. Surveys. The surveys, hydraulic and soil investigations of previous years were continued and amplified this year. 136|miles of levels were taken, 14J miles of traverse and 19 square miles of topographical survey completed. Over 300 stream cross-sections were taken, and 265 borings for determining the subsurface conditions in peat land. Seven automatic gauges are in use to record the water-surface fluctuations on the Piako and Waitoa Rivers and Hauraki Gulf. Three of these gauges have been calibrated to give the stream-flow for any water-surface elevation but, owing to changes in the conditions due to dredging, frequent current-meter measurements are necessary to maintain accurate discharge-rating tables. Dailydischarge diagrams for both the Waitoa and Piako Rivers under flood conditions furnish the basis for all investigations and conclusions relating to flood-control problems. Flax Leases. Some nine flax leases are in operation over a total area of 3,095 acres. The annual rental on these leases amounts to £1,375 ss. 6d., whilst the actual revenue received during the year was £1,694 os. 9d. Grazing-areas. The total area leased on a temporary tenancy for grazing is 9,636 acres, divided into fifty holdings. The annual rental amounts to £864 ss. 3d., and the sum of £789 lis. lOd. was received during the period under review. Artesian-water Bores. No artesian wells were put down during the year, but to date 219 bores have been sunk, at a cost of £7,185 6s. Bd. The greater portion of this amount is recoverable from settlers, and interest is charged on outstanding amounts. £236 3s. 7d. was collected during the year, representing principal £182 lis. 9d., and interest £53 lis. lOd. Works Expenditure. The total expenditure was £57,489 7s. 7d., of which £31,781 2s. 6d. was paid from Thames Imprest Account. Day labour amounted to £31,860 10s. lid., and piecework contracts £5,178 2s. 7d. Maintenance Rates. For the 1926-27 rating-year some 547 rate notices were sent out, the maintenance rate struck totalling £7,880 15s. During the year the sum of £5,887 9s. 9d. was collected. Future Proposals. Works now in hand are to be continued during the coming year. These are principally Piako River improvements, flood-prevention, drainage and roading in the Awaiti district and Kerepeehi Block, continuations of the Waitakaruru-Maukoro Canal, and subsidiary drainage and roading on the western side of the Piako River.



General. The field and office staff, with headquarters at Kerepeehi, have been engaged on general supervision of the works, surveys, and the preparation of plans, specifications, contract and wages vouchers, payment of wages, allocation of works expenditure, checking vouchers, keeping store accounts, and general office-work. The Engineer in charge is Mr. E. T. Taylor, M.N.Z.Soc.C.E. I have, &c., R. G. Macmorran, Chief Drainage Engineer. The Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington.

HAURAKI PLAINS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT. Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1927. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. To Cash in Public Account, Ist April, 1926 33,505 17 0 By Drainage-works, stop-banks, clearing Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 40— channels, and other expenditure Temporary transfers from other ac- incidental to conducting drainage counts .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 operations (including metalling and Sales of land .. .. .. 2,294 12 0 formation of roads), material, supRents .. .. .. .. 10,227 4 2 plies, &c. .. .. .. 33,043 211 Interest on sales of land .. .. 106 8 6 Machinery and plant .. .. 682 16 6 Artesian-well boring— £ s. d. Loose tools .. .. .. 50 4 11 Repayment of advances 178 18 7 Material and stores .. .. 3,116 8 5 Interest .. 53 11 10 Fuel .. .. .. .. 5,542 4 6 232 10 5 Compensation for land acquired in eonRates .. .. .. .. 5,208 11 10 nection with drainage-works .. 147 2 0 Tram-freigbts .. .. .. 676 14 11 Maintenance of completed works .. 6,669 10 6 Law-costs .. .. .. 510 6 Management and engineering expenses 2,332 10 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 1,728 0 9 Recoupment of rates to Consolidated Fund .. .. .. .. 4 0 5 Interest paid on temporary transfers from other accounts .. .. 38 7 1 Cash in Public Account, 31st March, 1927 .. .. .. .. 12,359 210 £63,985 10 1 £63,985 10 1 Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1927. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. To Interest on loans under Local Bodies' By Rents .. .. .. .. 11,235 1 1 Loans Act, 1908 .. .. 1,240 0 0 Rates .. .. .. .. 7,880 15 0 Interest on debentures issued under Miscellaneous .. .. .. 653 5 5 Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, Interest on sales, &c. .. .. 298 16 6 1913 .. .. .. .. 28,120 18 4 Net loss carried down .. .. 18,560 810 Interest on expenditure from Public Works Fund .. .. .. 202 16 0 Maintenance of completed works .. 7,736 4 4 Rebate of rent .. .. .. 605 1 0 Rebate of rates .. .. .. 68 4 4 Remissions of rent .. .. 305 2 0 Irrecoverable rates .. .. 120 17 2 Writings off Suspense .. .. 229 3 8 £38,628 6 10 £38,628 6 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Net loss bought down .. .. 18,560 810 By Adjustments on account of previous Balance from previous year .. 35,689 9 3 year's interest overcharged on loans Adjustment on account of previous under Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 8,301 14 2 years interest short-charged on ex- Miscellaneous .. .. .. 48 10 8 penditure from Public Works Fund 1,368 18 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 47,268 11 3 £55,618 16 1 £55,618 16 1



Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1927. Liabilities. Assets. Capital Account— Improved land— Debentures issued — Handed over to Land Board for settle- £ s. d. Local Bodies' Loans £ s. d. £ s. d. ment .. ~ .. .. 329,260 6 5 Act, 1908 .. 31,000 0 0 Less— £ s. d. State-guaranteed Ad- Sales .. .. 77,852 12 5 vances Act, 1909.. 95,000 0 0 Reductions by revaluHanrati Plains ation Board .. 44,020 0 0 Amendment Act, 121,872 12 5 1913 .. .. 574,000 0 0 — — 207,387 14 0 700,000 0 0 Unpaid purchase price of land sold on Temporary transfers deferred payment .. .. .. 1,925 10 0 from other accounts Unimproved lands not yet disposed of .. 44,375 5 1 —Section 40, Public Improvements on adjoining Crown lands 7,710 0 0 .Revenues Act, 1926 10,000 0 0 Permanent reserves .. .. .. 8,851 0 0 Expenditure from Public Works in progress—Expenditure on land Works Fund .. 5,070 0 0 in process of reclamation, including Value of Crown lands formation and metalling of roads .. 388,602 9 3 set apart under the Artesian wells — £ s. d. Act .. .. 45,000 0 0 Crown tenants, Hauraki 760,070 0 0 Plains .. .. 1,281 7 11 Consolidated Fund — Permanent reserves and Interest on debentures Crown lands .. .. 216 10 9 under Local Bodies' 1,497 18 8 Loans Act, 1908 .. 22,083 6 8 Buildings .. .. .. .. 6,854 19 6 Interest on debentures Wharves .. .. .. .. 5,318 0 0 under Hauraki Plains Machinery and plant .. .. .. 61,113 19 2 Amendment Act, 1913 76,239 19 4 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 262 2 0 Interest on expenditure Loose tools .. .. .. .. 431 19 6 out of Public Works Stores and fuel .. .. .. 8,088 17 8 Fund .. .. 3,853 4 0 Sundry debtors for— £ s. d. Rates unpaid, 1917-21 68 11 6 Rents .. .. 4,222 14 1 102,245 1 6 Instalments on principal Interest on debentures, due and unpaid.. 178 15 4 on deferred-payment Interest on debentures, accrued but not sales .. .. 82 18 1 due .. .. .. .. 5,459 13 11 Interest on deferredSundry creditors .. .. .. 4,876 18 7 payment sales .. 69 15 3 Rates, &c., paid in advance .. .. 14 1 Interest on well-boring.. 118 12 3 Rents charged in advance .. .. 2,725 0 0 Tram freights .. 317 9 7 Suspense Account .. .. .. 14 5 0 Rates .. .. 8,648 7 7 Writings-off in Suspense .. .. 292 18 0 Miscellaneous.. .. 3,726 4 10 Reserve Account .. .. .. 5,850 17 4 — 17,186 1 8 Postponed rent .. .. 406 16 6 Writings-off in Suspense .. .. 292 18 0 Revaluation Board determinations — Reduction in value of £ s. d. lands .. .. 44,020 0 0 Rents written off .. 5,940 17 7 Remissions of rent .. 5,761 18 10 55,722 16 5 Interest accrued but not due on sales of land .. .. .. .. 44 0 0 Investments in Public Debt Repayment Account .. .. .. .. 5,850 17 4 Revenue Account —Balance .. .. 47,268 11 3 Cash in hands of Post Office .. .. 103 14 11 Cash in Public Account .. .. 12,359 2 10 £881,714 13 9 £881,714 13 9 J. B. Thompson, Under-Secretary for Lands. J. H. O'Donnell, Controller of Accounts. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. The following comments are appended : (a) The portion of the Revenue Account dealt with by the District Land Office, Auckland, has been accepted from Department statements pending the examination of the Audit Inspector, (b) In the opinion of the Audit Office interest charged on works in progress should be capitalized, (c) A Bad Debts Reserve should be created. (d) Suggestions in reference to the treatment of expenditure on lands already handed over for settlement have been made to the Department.—J. H. Fowleb, Deputy Controller and AuditorGeneral.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (750 copies, including map), £39.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 927.

Price Is. 3d.]


PLAN SHOWING LANDS DEALT WITH Under the Provisions of the Hauraki Plains Act, 1908.

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