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EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1925.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

CONTENTS. I. Detailed Tables Page Ml. Students on the Books of University Colleges .. .. .. ..2 M 2. Courses taken by Students .. .. .. .. .. .. ..2 M 3. Subjects taken by Students.. .. .. .. .. .. ..3 M 4. Scholarships, Bursaries, &c. .. .. .. .. 3 M 5. Summary of Aocounts of University Colleges .. .. .. 4 MO. Number of Successful Candidates for Degrees ... .. .. ..5 11. Reports of the University of New Zealand and of Affiliated Institutions : — 1. University of New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 2. Auckland University College .. .. .. .. .. .. ..9 3. Victoria University College .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 4. Canterbury College .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..22 5. University of Otago .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 6. Canterbury Agricultural College .. .. .. .. .. .. 35

I—E. 7.


I. DETAILED TABLES. Table M1. —Students on the Books of University Colleges, 1925.

Table M2.—Courses taken by Students.


Auckland Victoria flant-flrhnrv University University rv.iWp Otago University. Totals. College. College. i Allege. ill I I M. | F. T. M. j F. | T. ! M. F. T. j M. : F. T. M. | F. T. L__i_j I 1 ! 1 1 I I I. Students attending lectures— Graduates .. .. 46 17 63 41 28 69! 38 24 62! 41 26 . 67 166! 95 261 Undergraduates .. 564 217 781 480 207 687! 492 154 646, 626 268 894 2,162 846 3,008 Non-matriculated students 121 55 176 37 13 50! 261 58 319 97 38 135 516 164 680 Totals .. .. 731 2891,020 558 248 806 791 2361,027 764 332 1,096 2,8441,105 3,949 II. Exempt students not at- 137 25 162 146 50 196, 54 18 72 49 14 63! 386 107 493 tending lectures III. Grand totals .. .. 868 3141,182 704 2981,002 845 2541,099 813 346 1,159 3,2301,212 4,442 Totals, 1924.. .. 813 2901,103 678 311 989 764 2601,024 816 3041,120 3,071 1,1654,236 " —— —— —— j I 1 - " - " Difference .. .. 55 24 79 26 -13 13 81 -6 75l -3 42 39 159! 47 206 I I 1 I I

Number of Students. Subject. AUCUa Soll?ge. Ver8ity Canterbury College. Otago University. Totals. M. F. T. M. J. T. M. F. T. M. F T. M. F. | T. I ■ I j 1 j I [ , [ J | Arts.. .. ..207 195 402 160 [ 190 350 240 150 390 182 179 361 789 714 1,503 Science .. .. 82 21 103 100 19 119 73 4 77 41 8 49 296 52 348 Law.. .. ..165 1 166 194 j 5 199 79 1 80 74 2 76 512 9 521 Commerce .. ..116 7 123 31 1 32 38 4 42 107 9 116 292 21 '313 Music .. 3 1 4 .. I 1 1 4 2 6 10 2 12 17 6 23 Medicine .. .. 6 6 5 : 2 7 4 4 219 48 267 234 50 284 Dentistry .. .. 6 .. 6 104 9 113 110 9 119 Engineering .. .. 77 .. 77 10 .. 10 108 .. 108 1 .. 1 196 .. 196 Agriculture .. .. 5 .. 5 8 ; .. 8 4 .. 4 2 .. 2 19 .. 19 Home science .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. 75 75 .. 75 75 Architecture .. .. 20 1 21 2 .. 2 24 .. 24 46 1 47 Journalism .. .. 6 2 8 1.. 1 3 5 8 .. .. .. 10 7 17 Total number taking 693 228 921 511 218 729 553 166 719 764 332 1,096 2,521 944 3,465 definite courses


Table M3.—Subjects taken by Students.

Table M4.—Scholarships, Bursaries, Exhibitions, and Studentships held at the Affiliated Institutions in 1925.


Number of Students. Subject. A "ckJand^ University Victoria University | Cantel . bury CoUeKe. Otago University. : Totals. I M. F. T. M. F. T. i M. F. I T. M. F. I T. ;i M. F. I T. L I ! i I II. ! I English .. .. 87 I 115 202 73 87 160 77 78 | 155 ! 95 I 79 i 174 I 332 359 i 091 Latin.. .. .. 96 ! 37 123 87 35 122 73 22 95 41 27 68 j 297 121 ! 408 Greek . . .. 5 1 10 15 6 .. ! 6 13 9 22 19 13 32 43 32 i 75 French .. .. 101 96 j 197 25 | 64 89 87 63 I 150 41 62 j 103 I 254 285 ! 539 German .. .. .. j 3 3 4 1 5 | 3 2 I 5 5 J 6 ( 12 7 19 Pure mathematics .. 118 29 147 51 | 16 67 jj 173 10 I 183 51 16 j 67 393 71 464 Applied mathematics .. 50 6 56 58 j 8 66 65 - .. 65 13 2 I 15 186 16 202 Education .. . . 91 81 172 60 j 66 126 j 121 74 195 91 70 I 161 363 291 654 Economics .. 99 22 121 66 27 93 j 88 10 98 49 16 I 65 302 75 377 Geography .. .. 15 4 19 10 J 8 18 .. .. I .. .. | .. 25 12 37 History .. .. 81 81 162 61 | 81 142 i 118 ; 78 196 82 73 1 155 342 313 655 Philosophy . . .. 42 10 52 68 | 40 108 ' 57 j 32 89 35 19 j 54 ! 202 101 303 Physics .. .. 75 9 84 62 | 7 69 79 12 81 74 44 118 j 290 62 352 Chemistry .. .. 90 9 99 65 ! 15 80 j 122 j 13 135 89 25 I 114 j 366 62 428 Botany . . 25 25 50 18 21 39 J 20 9 29 3 5 I 8 66 60 126 Zoology .. .. 7 6 13 21 7 28 Ij 17 5 22 42 14 | 56 ! 87 32 119 Geology . . .. 27 4 j 31 13 3 16 }| 39 .. 39 22 3 J 25 101 10 111 Law subjects .. . 165 1 J 166 178 j 4 182 ij 84 1 ' 85 74 2 76 501 8 509 Commercial subjects .. 116 7 ! 123 j 27 3 30 11 38 4 1 42 107 9 116 | 288 23 311 Music .. .. 8 42 I 50 .. j .. .. | 21 43 64 10 2 j 12 j 39 87 126 Engineering and mining 101 .. 101 .. j .. .. 249 j .. j 249 25 .. 25 I 375 .. 375 Dentistry .. .. 6 .. 6 .. .. .. 104 9 113 j 110 9 j 119 Medicine .. .. 6 .. 6 .. ! 219 48 j 267 225 48 273 Home science .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 j 75 .. 75 75 Journalism . . .. 10 2 12 .. .. .. 6 2 8 .. .... 16 4 20 Hebrew .. .. 4 .. 4 .. .. .. 4 .. 4 Social science .. .. 3 .. 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 3 Greek art, &c. .. 3 12 15 .. .. .. 3 12 15 Forestry .. .. 2 .. 2 j .. .. j .. 2 .. 2

Auckland Victoria U^Ue^ y U &Zf y University. TotiJ - Scholarships, &c. oouege. College. M. F. i T. M. j F. T. M. j F. T. M. | F. T. M. F. T. Junior University Scholarship .. 5.. 5 51 6 527 720 22 5 27 University National Scholarship .. 8 7 15 3 4 7 7 3 10 18 3 21 36 17 53 Taranaki Scholarhips .. 1 3 4 2.. 2 2 2 4 5 5 10 Senior University Scholarships .. 5 1 6 2.. 2 2.. 213.. 3 12 1 13 University Bursaries .. .. 133 75 208 124 66 190 142 61 203 156 47 203 555 249 804 Educational Bursary .. .. 19 11 30 13 13 26 3 18 21 1 3 4 36 45 81 Home Science Bursaries .. 39 39 .. 39 39 Other scholarships and exhibitions .. 3 .. 3 6 .. 6 24 4 28 22 8 30 55 12 67 Training-college studentships .. 75 58 133 85 68 153 80 49 129 91 68 159 331 243 574 Totals for 1925 .. ..248 152 400 239 155 394 265 137 402 300 172 472 1,052 616 1,668 Totals for 1924 .. .. 240 131 371 222 170 392 256 95 351 279 184 463 997 580 1,577 Difference.. .. .. 8 21 29 17—15 2 9 42 51 21 12 9 55 36 91


Table M5.— Summary of Accounts. Receipts (exclusive of Special Trusts) for the Year 1925

Payments (exclusive of Special Trusts) for the Year 1925.


A. From the Government. C. From Local Sources. . — — [3 Grants ' j University College. Statutory Grants Grants for Grants for Scholarship from University Rents from j ; nnnatinna Total Grand Totals and Income from Buildings Material Subsidies and Bursary Total from , Endowments, p , from Local ' ' National Endow- and and Subsidies. Paymente> and Government. New Zealand. and , Fees. J^. nd fr S™ al ments. Fittings. Apparatus. j Miscellaneous. Interest. j Miscellaneous, j sources. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Auckland .. .. 12,683 34,683 .. 2,472 5,542 55,380 1,042 3,155 5,918 2,138 11,211 67,633 Victoria .. .. 14,284 .. .. 387 4,075 18,746 1,041 1,065 4,011 1,677 6,753 26,540 Canterbury .. .. 3,684 .. .. 110 2,603 6,397 1,041 15,054 6,692 7,383 29,129 36,567 Otago .. .. 10,284 37,925 2,219 8,339 8,951 67,718 1,041 14,420 22,441 12,538 49,399 118,158 Totals .. 40,935 72,608 2,219 11,308 21,171 148,241 4,165 33,694 39,062 23,736 96,492 248,898

University College. Administration. Salaries. 9ites > | Eqmpmentand Expenditure on Interest Liberies. Scholarships. Miscellaneous. Totals. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Auckland.. .. .. .. 2,153 19,763 49,283 761 1,013 72 I 592 24 1,167 74,828 Victoria .. .. .. .. 2,389 18,773 41 652 177 .. .. 478 .. 2,519 25,029 Canterbury .. .. .. 2.630 17,603 10,190 2,292 513 ' 567 • 732 819 ! 366 5,160 40,872 I Otago .. .. .. 5,208 39,415 40,449 4,951 3,451 | 2,630 460 1,222 1,193 5,227 104,206 Totals .. .. 12.380 95,554 99,963 8,656 5,154 J 3,269 1,192 3,111 1,583 14,073 244,935


M6.—Number of Successful Candidates at the Examinations for Degrees in 1925.

In addition to these successes, 2,733 candidates passed sections of the examinations for degrees or for admission to professions ; 171 gained certificates of proficiency. There were 149 candidates for the Entrance Scholarship Examination, 32 gaining scholarships, 81 others passing the examination with credit, and 31 qualifying for matriculation. The number of candidates for the Matriculation Examination was 5,338, of whom 1,238 passed the whole examination, 743 completed partial passes, and 1,096 gained partial passes.


(Total number of entrants, 5,972.) I uSroSty University "^CoKe" 7 Un?va§ltv Total - Degrees, <fcc. CoUegJ College. 7 "-"rM. F. T. M. ! F. T. M. , F. T. M. 1 F. T. M. F. T. Doctor of Literature .. .. .... Doctor of Science .. i Doctor of Medicine .. j .. 3 1 4 3 1 4 Doctor of Dental Surgery .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 Doctor of Philosophy .. Honours in Arts .. ..5 3 8 8 5 13 4 7 11 6 2 8 23 17 40 Master of Arts.. .. ..11 6 17 13 9 22 j 8 7 15 6 7 13 38 29 67 Honours in Science .. .. 3 3 6 6 j 4 4 13 13 Master of Science .. .. 3 .. 3 7 .. 7 j 1 .. 1 5 .. 5 16 .. 16 Honours in Law .. .. 5.. 5 3.. 3 | 1 .. 1 1 1 10.. 10 Master of Law.. .. .. 8.. 8 5.. 5 1.. 1 2.. 2 16.. 16 Honours in Commerce .. .. 1 1 1 1 2.. 2 Master of Commerce .. .. 1 1 1 1 2.. 2 Bachelor of— Arts .. .. .. 27 30 57 19 27 46 25 20 45 16 21 37 87 98 185 Science .. .. .. 10 1 11 11 3 14 8 2 10 5 1 6 34 7 41 Medicine and Surgery 45 5 50 45 5 50 Dental Surgery .. 7 1 8 7 1 8 Laws .. .. .. 5 5 14 .. 14 5 .. 5 6 .. 6 30 .. 30 Commerce .. .. .. 4.. 4 2.. 2 1 1 1 1 8.. 8 Engineering (Civil) .. 9.. 9 9.. 9 Engineering (Electrical) 6 .. 6 6 .. 6 Science in Home Science j 4 4 .. 4 4 Agriculture .. .. 3 3 1 1 4.. 4 Senior University Scholarships ..5 2 7 3.. 31 1 2 1 ) 2 10 4 14 John Tinline Scholarship 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 Totals, 1925 .. .. 88 42 130 93 44 137 74 37 111 110 43 153 365 166 531 Totals, 1924 .. .. 93 30 123 74 45 119 68 26 94 116 27 143 351 128 479



1. REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND, 1925. Visitor. —His Excellency the Governor-General. Chancellor.—John Macmillan Brown, Esq., M.A., LL.D. Vice-Chancellor,—John Rankine Brown, Esq., M.A. The Senate. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council —W. J. Anderson, Esq., M.A., LL.D. ; John Caughley, Esq., M.A. ; the Hon. W. E. Collins, C.M.G., M.8., M.R.C.S. (Eng.); the Hon. J. A. Hanan, M.L.C. Appointed by governing bodies of affiliated institutions —H. D. Acland, Esq., B.A. ; F. B. Bakewell, Esq., M.A. ; Sir Henry L. Ferguson, C.M.G., Kt., M.A., M.D., &c. ; A. E. Flower, Esq., M.A., M.Sc. ; the Hon. G. Fowlds, C.B.E. ; VV. J. Morrell, Esq., M.A. ; The Right Hon. Sir R. Stout, P.C., K.C.M.G., LL.D., M.L.C.; A. P. W. Thomas, Esq., M.A., F.R.S. Appointed by Professorial Boards —J. R. Brown, Esq., M.A.; J. K. H. Inglis, Esq., M.A., B.Sc. (N.Z.), D.Sc. (Edin.), E.I.C. ; H. W. Segar, Esq., M.A. ; A. Wall, Esq., M.A. Elected by District Courts of Convocation—R. M. Algie, Esq., LL.M. ;J. M. Brown, Esq., M.A., LL.D. ;F.A. de la Mare, Esq., 8.A., LL.B. ; J. Hight, Esq., Litt.D., F.R.E.S. ; T. A. Hunter, Esq., M.A., M.Sc. ; T. K. Side}', 8.A., LL.B., M.P. ; J. C. Sperrin-Johnson, Esq., M.A., M.Sc., B.Ch., Litt.D. ; G. E. Thompson, Esq., M.A. Begiatrar—E. T. Norris, Esq., M.A.

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SENATE. In compliance with section. 31 of the New Zealand University Act the Senate makes the following report to His Excellency the Governor-General of the proceedings of the University since the date of the last report: — Pursuant to the provisions of the above Act the Senate met in Dunedin in annual session on the 17th February, 1926, and at that session prepared certain amendments to the statutes and enacted new statutes. The latter provided for new courses in respect of the following degrees : Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Agricultural Science, Bachelor of Architectural Science, Bachelor of Forestry Science, Bachelor of Medical Sciences, and Master of Home Science. The second annual meeting, instituted last year, was held in Wellington on the 25th May, 1926, when the statutes were finally adopted, and these will be duly submitted to the Governor-General in Council for approval. This meeting established a third Post-graduate Scholarship in Arts. The moneys to be administered by the University under section 32 (b) of the New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1914, were distributed as follows: One-fourth to each affiliated institution as follows :— (1.) To Auckland University College, the sum of £300 for carrying on the work of the Workers' Educational Association and for University extension classes, and the balance for the College library, the science laboratories, and the School of Architecture. (2.) To Victoria University College, the sum of £300 for carrying on the work of the Workers' Educational Association and for University extension classes, and the balance for the School of Economics. (3.) To Canterbury College, the sum of £350 for carrying on the work of the Workers' Educational Association and for University extension classes, and the balance for the College library and Students' Hostel. (4.) To the University of Otago, the sum of £300 for carrying on the work of the Workers' Educational Association and for University extension classes, and the balance for the Chair of Economics and for the library. In exercise of its statutory functions, the Board of Studies met in Dunedin on the 19th November, 1925, and its recommendations were dealt with by the Senate at its annual session. The accounts of the University are appended to this report.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1925. Accounts. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance—All accounts, 1924 .. .. 55,525 9 0 General Account— Statutory grant .. .. .. 3,845 0 0 Examinations— £ s. d. £ s. d. Degree fees — £ s. d. Special .. .. 421 10 6 B.A. .. .. 149 2 0 Medical .. .. 1,805 2 2 B.Sc. .. .. 44 2 0 November .. 7,841 0 1 B.E. .. .. 88 4 0 December .. 5,630 7 3 B.Agr. .. .. 29 8 0 Dental .. .. 736 8 2 LL.B. .. .. 279 6 0 16,434 8 2 B.Com. and M.Com... 32 11 0 English agency .. .. .. 3,196 16 7 M.B. and Ch.B. .. 995 8 0 Transfers, Ordinary Scholarship Account 2,950 0 0 B.D.S. and D.D.S. .. 164 17 0 New Zealand Government inscribed stock 4,000 0 0 Mus.B. .. .. 7 7 0 Taumarunui loan .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 M.A. .. .. 257 5 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 2,919 3 0 Litt.D. and Ph.D. .. 26 5 0 Rent and lighting .. .. .. 460 3 0 M.Sc. .. .. 35 14 0 » Printing and stationery .. .. 1,042 3 10 LL.M. .. .. 85 1 0 Senate expenses .. .. .. 991 0 1 M.D. .. .. 94 10 0 National endowment .. .. 4,167 4 6 D.Sc. .. .. 15 15 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 1,025 811 Diplomas .. . 34 13 0 Ordinary Scholarship Account— 2,339 8 0 Transfer to General Account .. .. 350 0 0 Examination fees — Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 1,000 0 0 Banking .. .. 334 8 0 Scholarships .. .. .. 2,853 17 7 B.A. .. .. 2,648 9 0 Interest refund .. .. .. 9 18 0 B.Sc. and Home Science 598 14 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. 012 9 B.Agr. .. .. 86 12 6 University National Scholarship Account 3,227 9 3 LL.B. and Law Prof. 1,972 10 0 Tinline Scholarship Account .. .. 60 11 9 B.Com. and Accountancy 3,389 14 0 Prize accounts — M.B. and Ch.B. .. 1,912 6 0 Macmillan Brown .. .. .. 5 0 0 B.D.S. .. .. 437 6 6 Atkinson Memorial .. .. .. 10 0 0 Mus.B. .. 54 17 0 Haydon .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 M.A. .. .. 117 6 0 Assets (31/12/25) as per balance-sheet .. 61,884 5 1 B.E. .. .. 597 19 0 Litt.D. .. .. 5 5 0 M.Sc. .. .. 24 3 0 LL.M. .. .. 52 15 0 Diplomas .. .. 198 8 0 M.D. .. .. 88 4 0 Matriculation .. 10,278 12 0 Entrance Scholarships 165 18 0 Certificates.. .. 392 18 0 Insurance .. .. 113 8 0 23,469 13 0 Less refund .. .. 70 7 0 23,399 6 0 Transfer, Ordinary Scholarship Account .. 350 0 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 120 0 0 Recounts .. .. .. .. 245 0 0 Insurance examinations .. .. 113 8 0 Examination fees —D.P.H. .. .. 12 12 0 „ B.Sc. Forestry .. 7 7 0 „ B.Sc. Architecture" 10 10 0 Registration Ph. D. .. .. ~ 11 11 0 j Admissions ad eundem .. .. 44 2 0 Certificates .. .. . . .. 322 11 0 Medical registration .. . . .. 170 2 0 Scholarship matriculating .. .. 8 8 0 Refund —Atkinson Prize Account . . 10 0 6 National endowment .. .. .. 4,167 4 6 Miscellaneous.. .. .. .. 499 17 6 Ordinary Scholarship Account—Transfers from General Account .. .. 10,850 0 0 Interest .. .. .. 1,848 2 0 University National Scholarships .. 3,277 0 7 Macmillan Brown donation and interest .. 2,084 2 2 Tinline Scholarship Account .. .. 100 12 0 Prize accounts — Bowen .. .. .. .. 8 15 0 ■ Macmillan Brown .. .. .. 17 19 0 Cook .. .. .. .. 7 19 0 Habens .. .. .. .. 8 9 0 Von Haast .. .. .. .. 17 16 0 Atkinson Memorial .. .. . . 6 7 0 Christie .. .. . . . . 5 17 0 Wilson .. .. . . .. 8 3 0 Interest, undivided .. .. .. 150 4 3 £109,593 2 6 £109,593 2 6



Balance-sheet, 31st December, 1925. Capital. £ s. d. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d, £ s. d. General Account .. 10,358 611 Bank of New Zealand Ordinary Scholarship Ac- (General Account) .. 1,041 5 2 count .. .. 45,44.5 4 3 Less unpresented cheques 886 13 0 Macmillan Brown Scholar- 154 12 2 ship in Agriculture .. 2,084 2 2 I Bank of New Zealand Tinline Scholarship .. 2,052 1 6 j Scholarship Account . . 262 6 9 Prize accounts— Less unpresented cheques 25 0 0 Bowen .. .. 183 8 2 | 237 6 9 Macmillan Brown . . 372 0 1 ! Bank of New Zealand (UniCook .. .. 166 12 2 | versity National ScholarHabens .. .. 177 13 7 j ship Account) .. 148 18 4 Von Haast .. .. 363 18 9 Less unpresented cheques 93 6 0 Arnold Atkinson . . 133 15 6 55 12 4 Haydon .. .. 47 7 4 j Bank of New Zealand (TinChristie .. .. 122 7 0 | line Account) .. .. .. 90 7 7 Sir J. G. Wilson .. 171 11 1 University National Scholar- 537 18 10 ships .. .. 55 12 4 Post Office Savings-bank 61,734 010 (General Account) .. 5,545 18 10 Suspense Account—lnterest accrued, un- Accrued interest .. 129 6 1 divided .. .. .. .. 150 4 3 5,675 4 11 Post Office Savings-bank (Ordinary Scholarship Account) .. .. .. 738 1 8 Cash in hand .. .. .. 11 17 0 Cash in hand —English Agent .. .. 4,476 11 10 Fixed deposits .. .. .. 2,959 3 2 Mortgages .. .. .. .. 20,750 0 0 Municipal debentures .. .. .. 12,582 8 3 War-loan certificates .. .. .. 262 8 0 New Zealand Government inscribed stock 13,749 8 3 Shares .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 91 3 2 £61,884 5 1 £61,884 5 1 E. T. Norris, Registrar.



2. AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Visitor.—The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council—Hon. George Fowlds, C.B.E. ; J. Marsden Caughey, Esq. ; C. Rhodes, Esq. Appointed bv the Professorial Board—-Professor H. W. Segar, M.A. ; Professor F. P. Worley, M.A., M.Sc. (N.Z.), D.Sc. (Lond.), D.1.C., F.C.S. Elected by members of the Legislature—J. F. Hosking, Esq. ; G. H. Wilson, Esq. ; E. H. Northcroft, Esq. Elected by graduates—Dr. H. Ranston, M.A., Litt.D. ; T. U. Wells, Esq., M.A. ; H. ,T. D. Mahon, Esq., B.A. ; Kenneth Mackenzie, Esq., M.D., M.Ch., F.R.C.S. Appointed by the Auckland City Council—S. I. Crookes, Esq., M.1.E.E., M.N.Z.Soc.C.E. Appointed by the Auckland Education Board—Archibald Burns, Esq. Registrar.—M. R. O'Shea, B.Com. .Staff. Professors. —Classics —A. C. Paterson, M.A. English—C. W. Egerton, M.A. Mathematics—H. W. Segar, M.A. Modern Languages—M. Walker, M.A., B.Com. Chemistry—F. P. Worley, M.A., D.Sc., D.1.C., F.C.S. Physics-— P. W. Burbidge, M.Sc., B.A. General Biology, Botany, and Zoology—J. Sperrin-Johnson, M.A., M.Sc., M.8., B.Ch,, Litt.D. History and Economics —J. P. Grossmann, M.A. Law—R. M. Algie, LL.M. Philosophy—W. Anderson, M.A. Music—W. E. Thomas, Mus.Doc. Education—A. B. Fitt, M.A., Ph.D. Architecture—C. R. Knight, M.A.. B.Arch., A.R.1.8.A. Agriculture—W. Riddet, B.Sc. Forestry—H. H. Corbin, B.Sc. Lecturers, thirteen. Assistant lecturers, eight. Demonstrators, six. REPORT (ABRIDGED). In pursuance of the provisions of the Auckland University College Act, 1882, the Council has the honour to make the following report for the year 1925 : — Number of Students. —The number of persons who attended lectures in this College in 1925 was 1,020. Staff. —During 1925 the teaching staff of the College was increased by the appointment of three new professors : Professor C. R. Knight, Architecture ; Professor H. H. Corbin, Forestry; and Professor W. Riddet, Agriculture. The appointment of a full-time Professor of Architecture has resulted in a remarkable increase in the number of students attending the school, not the least satisfactory part of the increase being the number of full-time students. It is evident that the school is filling a long-felt need. Professor Corbin arrived in October, and spent the remainder of the year in becoming acquainted with forestry conditions in New Zealand. Professor Riddet also arrived in October, and has spent much time touring the country districts and getting in touch with the farmers. Owing to changes in the regulations for the dental course adopted by the Senate, the subject of dental mechanics can now be taken in Auckland, and Mr. F. W. Craddock has been appointed lecturer in this subject. In regard to the course in medicine, regulations were drafted which permitted the final year being taken at, amongst other centres, Auckland, and arrangements are in train in this regard. Benefactions. —Messrs. Smith, Wylie, and Co. generously donated the sum of £2,000, spread over five years, to provide entrance scholarships in forestry. This handsome donation has enabled a number of students to embark upon the course for the degree in forestry, and is a most important factor in the success, already achieved, in the initiation of the school. The Sir James Gunson Scholarship in Agriculture.—During the year a large number of publicspirited citizens of Auckland decided to mark their appreciation of the services rendered by the retiring Mayor, Sir James Gunson, and Lady Gunson, and with this end in view a presentation was made to them. A portion of the amount collected (£1,300) was generously handed over to the College Council by Sir James . Gunson for the purpose of the establishment of the Sir James Gunson Scholarship in Agriculture. As a result of this munificent gift the Council was enabled to establish a post-graduate scholarship for research in agriculture or dairy science. Workers' Educational Association. —The year 1925 witnessed an extension of the movement. Twenty-eight classes were held, one of which was discontinued owing to insufficient attendance. The number of students was 1,648, of whom 1,289 were effective. The average attendance per week numbered 980. In addition, there were held seven six-lecture courses, the enrolments of which were approximately 620. The financial situation was made satisfactory in consequence of a financial campaign and more generous responses from the District and Borough Councils. Two week-end camps were held during the year, attended by thirty and sixty people respectively. During the year Mr. N. M. Richmond, 8.A., ex Rhodes scholar, was appointed as full-time tutor, and confined his tutorial activities mainly to the country. The College Council has continued to grant bursaries to Workers' Educational Association students. The bursars have continued to show exceptionally good records. Other activities of the association included a number of wireless lectures, installation of a separate telephone, formation of a Field Club, the purchase of a balopticon, and the holding of a dramatic-recital concert. It has been decided to stiffen up the standard of work, so that it is likely that the year 1926 will witness somewhat of a decline in numbers. The movement is entering into the years of continuous work after the initial period of renewed enthusiasm.

2—E. 7.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1925. Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government statutory £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. 21,378 11 2 ' grants — Less forestry (£2lO ss. 6d.) New Zealand University and grant to Professor Amendment Act, 1914 7,500 0 0 of Education (£850) .. 1,060 5 6 Less Public Expenses 20,318 5 8 Adjustment Act, Premiums .. .. .. 57 6 9 1921-22 .. 900 0 0 Advertising .. .. 37 1 9 Printing .. ..224 130 ! 6,600 0 0 Stationery .. .. 150 18 6 j Auckland University Col412 13 3 lege Act, 1882 ' .. 4,000 0 0 Cleaning-material .. .. 58 11 3 National endowment — Lighting .. .. 268 8 3 New Zealand University Heating .. .. 241 17 9 Amendment Act, 1914 2,083 12 4 Power .. .. .. 100 9 11 — 12,683 12 4 Water .. .. .. 72 11 0 Capitation .. .. .. 350 0 0 683 6 11 j New Zealand UniversityInsurances .. .. .. 124 13 4 | Natio na 1 - endowment Lecture requisites— j grant .. .. 1,042 2 8 Law .. .. .. 9 9 11 | Less grant to Workers' Classics .. .. 27 17 4 Educational AssociaEducation .. .. 0 10 5 tion .. .. 375 0 0 Architecture .. .. 12 0 5 —— 667 2 8 History and economics .. 0 4 11 Endowments— English .. .. 16 2 Education reserves .. .. 557 19 11 Accountancy .. .. 27 16 6 Rents from properties .. 748 3 4 Geology .. .. 180 4 3 J Less credit of arrears .. 25 0 0 Biology .... 273 111 j 723 3 4 Chemistry .. .. 199 19 2 ' Sales investment interest— Physics .. .. 196 2 9 | Auckland City Council Engineering .. .. 84 10 5 j (£10,200) .. .. 510 0 0 Auckland Electric-power 1,013 4 2 Board (£300) .. 16 10 0 Less refund, classics .. 19 18 8 Fixed deposit .. .. 1 11 6 993 5 6 —— 528 1 6 Appointments to staff — Advertising, Depreciation and Endow-travelling-expenses, &c. .. .. 248 2 4 ment Fund interest— Engineering building reserve .. .. 1,200 0 0 Ellerslie Town Board Arts accommodation expenses .. .. 33 2 0 (£1,000) .. .. 31 12 6 Audit expenses .. .. .. 25 4 0 Auckland City Council Exercise-book expenses .. .. 20 0 0 (£400) .. .. 16 0 0 Exhibition grant .. .. .. 50 0 0 Grant research .. .. 40 0 0 47 12 6 Graduation expenses .. .. .. 14 15 0 Mortgages .. .. 229 2 8 General expenses .. .. .. 20 2 8 276 15 2 Commission expenses .. .. .. 819 5 Donations — Lecturing .. .. .. .. 109 16 0 New Zealand Society of Library maintenance .. .. .. 79 17 4 Accountants .. 100 0 0 Library—Periodicals .. .. .. 145 6 3 New Zealand Institute of Music Scholarship .. .. .. 2 110 Architects .. .. 300 0 0 Workers' Educational Association bursaries 21 2 0 — 400 0 0 Office expenses .. .. .. 18 4 0 Subsidies — Property expenses .. .. .. 72 1 8 New Zealand Society of Repairs .. .. .. .. 193 5 0 Accountants .. 100 0 0 Removal expenses .. .. .. 9 13 6 New Zealand Institute of Telegrams, postage, and exchange .. 172 19 11 Architects .. .. 300 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 914 7 400 0 0 Depreciation— £ s. d. Student fees .. .. 9,004 14 0 Science equipment .. 817 17 6 College fees .. .. 1,235 17 0 Engineering equipment .. 372 13 5 -— 10,240 11 0 Engineering building .. 314 5 9 Annual examination enLibrary .. .. 438 3 6 trance fees . . .. 368 1 0 Science furniture.. .. 74 12 3 Less expenses .. .. 217 14 11 Engineering furniture .. 13 12 4 150 6 1 Arts accommodation furni- Music examination entrance ture .. .. .. 64 9 5 fees .. .. 82 15 0 Office equipment.. .. 100 0 0 Less expenses .. .. 43 12 6 2,195 14 2 39 2 6 Sale of books and calendars .. 45 17 3 27,338 13 6 Fines .. .. .. .. 44 7 0 Excess income over expendi- Testing fees .. .. .. 86 5 6 ture ~ .. .. .. 39 12 10 Repayment of unauthorized expenditure .. .. .. 50 17 3 Duplicating .. .. 197 9 6 Less expenses .. .. 63 4 8 — 134 4 10 £27,378 6 4 £27,378 6 4



Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. Payments. Balance, Ist January, 1925— £ s. d. £ s. d. Arts building— £ s . d. £ s. d. General .. .. 4,123 7 0 Progress - payments and Imprest .. .. 30 0 0 architectural fees ..31,917 6 9 Fixed deposit .. .. 27,000 0 0 Lighting contract—Arts 1,290 0 0 • 31,153 7 0 Furniture contract .. 1,648 19 0 Government statutory grants— oi a Q New Zealand University A ' Act, 1914.. .. 7,500 0 0 students Building— Legs Public Expendi- Progress - payment and ture Adjustment Act, architectural fees .. 8,534 16 11 1921-22 .. 900 0 0 Lighting contract .. 300 0 0 6,600 0 0 n , "— 8 ' 834 16 11 Auckland University Col- Grounds .. .. .. 690 3 11 lege Act, 1882 .. 4,000 0 0 Science building extension.. .. 4,832 11 8 National endowment, New ™j ence , furniture.. .. .. 23 0 6 Zealand University ofhee furniture and equipAmendment Act, 1914 2,083 12 4 . ™ ent ' • • •• 43 12 6 g Qgg j2 4 Arts accommodation furniture .. 311 5 Capitation .. .. .. 350 0 0 LibrarySalary, Professor of Educa- rfooks .. .. 482 0 4 tion .. 850 0 0 Periodicals .. .. 145 6 3 School of Forestry .. 1,000 0 0 1,850 0 0 T * j 627 6 7 Art building .. ..31,186 8 9 Less refunds .. 202 1 5 Arts furniture .. .. 280 0 0 5 2 Science extension .. 3,216 16 6 Endowment royalty invest34,683 5 3 ment .. .. .. 500 0 0 University of New Zealand— Depreciation and Endow-National-endowment grant 1,042 2 8 ment Fund investment .. .. 1,000 0 0 Less grant to Workers' Lecture requisites— Educational Associa- Apparatus .. .. 761 7 2 tion .. .. 375 0 0 Materials, &c. .. .. 820 13 3 667 2 8 Library .. .. 10 15 3 Endowment revenue— Education reserves .. .. 557 19 11 1,592 15 10 Royalties .. .. .. 254 11 2 Less refunds.. .. 20 8 8 Rents from properties— 1,572 7 2 Current .. .. 707 14 8 Salaries.. .. .. 21,378 11 2 Arrears .. .. 216 12 8 Less forestry salary .. 210 5 6 924 7 4 —— — 21,168 5 8 In advance .. .. .. 813 3 Printing, advertising, and Interest from endowment stationery .. .. .. 412 13 3 sales investment— Cleaning, lighting, and heating .. 568 17 3 Auckland City Council Water and electric power .. .. 173 0 11 (£10,200) .. .. 510 0 0 Insurances .. .. .. 124 13 4 Auckland Electric - Office expenses .. .. .. 18 4*o power Board (£300) 16 10 0 Annual examination expenses .. 193 0 4 Fixed deposit Music examination expenses .. 43 12 6 (£34 12s. 7d.)— Repairs.. .. .. 193 11 0 Arrears .. ... 015 9 Less refunds .. .. 0 6 0 Current .. .. 1 11 6 193 5 0 528 17 3 Travelling-expenses .. .. 914 7 Depreciation and Endow- Expenses of appointment .. .. 248 2 4 ment Fund interest— Telephones, postage, and exEllerslie Town Board change .. .. 175 8 0 (£1,000) .. . ... 31 12 6 Less refunds .. .. 2 8 1 Auckland City Council 172 19 11 (£400) .. .. 16 0 0 Premiums .. .. 68 18 4 47 12 6 Less refunds .. .. 12 11 7 Mortgages—Current .. 154 7 8 57 6 9 Arrears .. 55 13 2 Arts accommodation expenses .. 33 2 0 — 210 010 School of Forestry— Donations— Salary .. .. 210 5 6 New Zealand Society of Travelling-expenses .. 50 0 0 Accountants .. 100 0 0 ; Appointment expenses .. 23 19 3 New Zealand Institute of j 284 4 9 Architects .. .. 300 0 0 j Grant to Exhibition .. .. 50 0 0 400 0 0 Grant to research .. .. 40 0 0 Subsidies— Library maintenance .. .. 67 16 6 New Zealand Society Property expenses .. .. 72 1 8 Accountants' donation, Testing fees .. .. .. 270 17 4 1924 .. .. 100 0 0 Duplicating and practical New; Zealand Society work .. .. .. .. 63 4 8 Accountants' donation, General expenses.. .. .. 20 2 8 1925 .. .. 100 0 0 Audit fees .. .. .. 25 4 0 New Zealand Institute of Commission .. .. .. 8 19 5 Architects' donation, 1925 300 0 0 Graduation expenses .. .. 14 15 0 500 0 0 Lecturing-expenses .. 11l 13 6 .Building Fund—-- Less collections .. 1 17 6 Donations .. .. 211 19 6 109 16 0 Subsidies _ .. 2,071 19 6. . Removal expenses .. .. 9 13 6 Interest on fixed-deposi4- 1,070 0 0 Exercise-book expenses .. .. 20 0 0 3,353 19 0 Chamber of Commerce Student fees .. .. 9,U8 17 ~0 . Scholarship .. .. 30 0 0 Less refunds .. .. 132,8 0. Sir George Grey Scholarship 50 0 0 , — 8,986 9 0 — 80 0 0 College fees .. .. .1,242 3 0 Rathbone Scholarship suspense .. 210 0 Less refunds n . . 9 9 0 National Research Scholarship .. 17 12 3 : —: 1„232 14.. 0 Balance, Bank of New Zealand, as at 31st Laboratory deposits .. 56 0 3 December, 1925 .. .. 22,188 3 11 Less refunds .. .. 20 13 2 r- — 35 7 1 Carried forward .. .. 98,427 18 7 I Carried forward .. 99,543 14 6



Receipts and Payments Account continued. Receipts—continued. Payments—continued. £ s. d. £ s . d. Brought forward .. 98,427 18 7 Brought forward .. 99,543 14 6 Annual examination entrance £ s. d. fees .. .. 366 9 6 Less refunds .. .. 110 3(35 8 6 Music examination entrance fees .. .. .. .. 82 15 0 Sale of books, calendars, &c. .. 45 17 3 Fines .. .. .. 44 17 6 Less refunds .. .. 0 10 6 44 7 0 Testing fees .. .. .. 357 2 10 Sale of physics notes .. .. 9 15 0 Duplicating .. .. .. 62 0 10 Chamber of Commerce Scholarship .. .. 30 0 0 Sir George Grey Scholarship 50 0 0 80 0 0 National Research Scholarship .. .. .. .. 17 12 3 Refund of unauthorized expenditure .. .. .. 50 17 3 £99,543 14 6 £99,543 14 0 Balance-sheet. No. 1. —Capital Statement. Liabilities £ s. d. I Fixed Assets. Capital balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 263,858 02 | Building and equipment— £ s. d. £ s. d. New Arts building .. 74,393 17 7 1925 additions .. 33,207 6 9 107,601 4 4 Furniture .. .. .. 1,684 19 0 | Students'building .. 8,617 10 6 1925 additions .. 8,834 16 11 17,452 7 5 j Retaining-wall, boundary - fence, &e. .. .. .. 1,703 5 9 Grounds .. .. .. 690 3 11 Science building .. 20,012 0 0 1925 additions .. 4,832 11 8 24,844 11 8 Science equipment .. 8,173 17 7 1925 additions .. 202 19 11 8,376 17 6 Less depreciation .. 817 17 6 7,559 0 0 Engineering building .. 2,514 5 9 Less depreciation .. 314 5 9 ■ — 2,200 0 0 Engineering equipment 3,724 17 8 1925 additions .. 414 15 9 4,139 13 5 Less depreciation .. 372 13 5 3,767 0 0 Furniture— Science building furniture 573 18 9 1925 additions .. 23 0 6 596 19 3 Less depreciation .. 74 12 3 522 7 0 Engineering furniture .. 108 12 4 Less depreciation .. 13 12 4 — 95 0 0 Arts accommodation furniture.. .. 60 18 0 1925 additions .. 3 115 64 9 5 Less depreciation .. 64 9 5 Office equipment .. 156 8 7 1925 additions .. 43 12 6 200 1 1 Less depreciation .. 100 0 0 — 100 1 1 Library .. .. 4,090 9 2 1925 additions .. 390 14 4 4,481 3 6 Less refund architecture (£100) and depreciation (£438 3s. 6d.) .. 538 3 6 3,943 0 0 Endowment lands .. .. 61,311 0 0 Properties— Science building site .. 5,920 0 0 Arts building site .. 24,500 0 0 30,420 0 0 £263,858 0 2 £263,858 0 2



Statement No. 2. Liabilities. Fixed Assets. £ s. d. Endowment Sales InvestEndowment sales .. .. .. 10,534 12 7 ment — £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowment royalty .. .. .. 580 12 4 Auckland City Council Endowment sinking fund .. .. 4,930 4 0 debentures .. 10,200 0 0 Engineering building reserve .. .. 1,200 0 0 Auckland Electrio-power Forestry funds .. .. .. 715 8 6 Board debentures .. 300 0 0 Annual examination fees in advance .. 515 6 Fixed deposit .. 34 12 7 Rents in advance .. .. .. 8 13 3 10,534 12 7 Students' fees in advance .. .. 11 10 0 Endowment Royalty InNew Building Fund .. .. .. 11,907 11 7 vestment— Revenue balance as at 31st £ s. d. Northcote Borough December, 1925 .. 8,411 7 10 Council debentures .. 400 0 0 Plus excess income over Waitemata County » expenditure .. 39 12 10 Council debentures .. 100 0 0 —— 8,451 0 8 500 0 0 Depreciation and Endowment Fund investment— Mortgages .. .. 3,525 0 0 Auckland City Council debentures .. 400 0 0 War-loan certificates .. 5 4 0 Ellerslie Town Board debentures .. 1,000 0 0 -—— 4,930 4 0 Physics notes in stock .. .. 13 12 0 Law notes in stock .. .. 13 10 0 DebtorsRent aocrued— Cooper .. .. 12 6 2 Yates .. .. 8 2 6 Rent arrears— Starr .. .. 38 7 3 Clinch .. .. 20 0 0 78 15 11 Mortgage interest — Accrued—Johnson .. 26 0 0 Arrears—-Ward .. 48 15 0 74 15 0 Students' fees—Arrears .. 9 5 0 Rathbone suspense .. .. 210 0 Cash, Bank of New Zealand, 31st December, 1925 .. .. 22,339 0 0 Less unpresented cheques 150 16 1 22,188 3 11 £38,345 8 5 £38,345 8 5 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. Payments. Cash at Post Office Savings- £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries (1924, £37 10s.; 1925, £ s. d. £ s. d. bank, Ist January, 1925 .. .. 33 17 9 £1,835 2s. 7d.) .. .. 1,872 12 7 National-endowment grant .. 350 0 0 Library .. .. .. 106 2 0 Statutory grant, (1924, £500; General expenses .. .. 1 10 0 1925, £750) .. .. 1,250 0 0 Furniture .. .. 10 0 Donations.. .. .. 517 0 0 Stationery .. .. 818 1 Subsidies .. .. .. 390 0 6 Office expenses .. .. 12 17 0 Auckland University College Travelling-expenses .. 36 7 4 Council grant to library .. 25 0 0 Telegrams, postage, and ex2,532 0 6 change .. .. .. 0 9 11 Interest Post Office Savings- Appointments to Staff .. 46 17 2 bank .. .. .. .. 8 1 6 2,086 14 1 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank, 31st December, 1925 .. .. .. 487 5 8 £2,573 19 9 £2,573 19 9 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Statutory grant .. .. 750 0 0 Mander .. .. .. 450 0 0 National endowment .. .. 350 0 0 Richmond .. .. 400 0 0 Grant to library (Auckland UniTutors .. .. .. 985 2 7 versity College) .. .. 25 0 0 1,835 2 7 1,125 0 0 General expenses .. .. 1 10 0 Donations .. .. .. 517 0 0 Stationery .. .. .. 818 1 Subsidies .. ~ .. 390 0 0 Office expenses .. . . 12 17 0 907 0 6 Travelling-expenses .. .. 36 7 4 Interest, Post Office Savings-bank .. 8 16 Telegrams, postage, and exchange 0 9 11 Appointments to staff .. 46 17 2 106 19 6 Excess of income over expenditure .. 97 19 11 £2,040 2 0 £2,040 2 0



Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Accumulated funds, Ist January, Library .. .. .. . . 292 12 7 1925 .. .. .. 682 18 4 Furniture .. .. .. .. 100 Plus excess income over ex- Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. . . 487 5 8 penditure, 1925 .. .. 97 19 11 780 18 3 £780 18 3 £780 18 3 SINCLAIR AND GILLIES SCHOLARSHIPS. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. Payments. Cash in Auckland Savings-bank, £ s. d. £ s. d. Waitemata County Council de- £ s. d. £ s. d. Ist January, 1925 .. .. .. 292 9 0 bentures .. .. .. .. 3,200 0 0 Interest—• Scholarships.. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Mortgages.. .. .. 132 14 0 Cash in Auckland Savings-bank, Auckland Savings-bank .. 817 8 31st December, 1925 .. 77 0 8 New Zealand inscribed stock 49 10 0 Cash in hand, 31st December, Soldier Settlement Loan de- 1925 .. .. .. 45 0 0 bentures .. .. 5 10 0 122 0 8 Auckland Electric - power Board debentures .. 33 0 0 229 11 8 Repayment of mortgage—Gleeson .. 3,000 0 0 £3,522 0 8 £3,522 0 8 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. | Income. Scholarships .. .. .. .. 200 00 j Interest — £ s. d. £ s. d. Excess income over expenditure .. .. 68 3 5 Mortgages.. .. .. 126 5 9 Inscribed stock—Soldier Settlement Loan debentures .. 55 0 0 Auckland Electric -power Board debentures .. 33 0 0 Waitemata County Council debentures .. .. 45 0 0 259 5 9 Auckland Savings-bank .. 3 17 8 Auckland Savings-bank accrued .. .. .. 5 0 0 ' 8 17 8 £268 3 5 . £268 3 5 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. j Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. J £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Fund . . .. .. 3,000 00 J SJ-per-cent. stock (£900) .. 829 2 6 Accumulated Income, 3 Ist j New Zealand Government December, 1925 j bonds (Soldier Settlement (£1,867 95.); less amount Loan) .. .. .. 100 0 0 written back on New —— 929 2 6 Zealand Government bond Auckland Electric - power (£1) .. .. .. 1,866 9 0 Board debentures, 5J per Plus excess income over ex- ! cent. .. .. .. 600 0 0 penditure, 31st December, j Waitemata County Council de--1925 . ; .. 68 3 5 ! bentures, 6 per cent. .. 3,200 0 0 1,934 12 5 3,800 0 0 Interest accrued— ■ H Soldier Settlement Loan— I New Zealand inscribed stock .. .. 25 4 3 Auckland Electric - power Board debentures .. 8 5 0 j Waitemata County Council debenture .. 45 0 0 Bank interest . . .. 5 0 07. .'"v: . S3 3 .. Cash in Auckland Savings-bank 77 0 8 •- Cash in hand .. .. 45 0 0 " V• • 122 0 8 £4,934 12 5 £4,934 12 5



SINCLAIR BEQUEST. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Cash at Auckland Savings-bank, Ist January, Cash at Auckland Savings-bank, 31st Decem--1925 .. .. .. .. .. 45 13 3 ber, 1925 .. .. .. .. 47 13 9 Interest •*.. .. ....206 £47 13 9 £47 13 9 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Accumulated income, Ist January, Cash at Auckland Savings-bank .. .. 47 13 9 1925 ... .. .. 45 13 3 Plus excess income over expenditure, 1925.. .. .. 2 0 6 47 13 9 £47 13 9 £47 13 9 LOGAN CAMPBELL ENDOWMENT. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. j Payments. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. Logan Campbell trustees .. .. 20,000 0 0 New Zealand Insurance ComInterest — pany .. .. .. 20,000 V 0 Fixed deposit .. .. .. 175 0 0 Salary .. .. .. 198 7 9 New Zealand Insurance Company .. 797 7 6 Expenses appointments .. 215 19 5 Post Office Savings-bank .. . ... 011 8 Library .. .. .. 100 0 0 ~ Travelling-expenses .. 12 6 4 Telegrams, postage, and exchange .. .. 14 9 Stationery .. ~ 0 14 0 ■, General expenses .. .. 076 — 528 19 9 •• -• •■ • • •. Cash at Post Office Savings-bank, 31st December, 1925 .. .. .. 443 19 5 £20,972 19 2 £20,972 19 2 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salary .. .. .. .. 198 7 9 Interest— Commission .. .. .. 41 19 5 On investments .. 1,198 11 5 Expenses of appointment .. .. 215 19 5 Fixed deposit .. .. 175 0 0 General expenses .. .. 0 7 6 Post Office Savings-bank 0 11 8 Travelling-expenses .. 12 6 4 1,374 3 1 Telegrams, postage, and exchange .. .. 14 9 Stationery .. .. 0 14 0 14 12 7 470 19 2 " Exeess-of income over expenditure, 1925 903 3 11 £1,374 3 1 £1,374 3 1 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 Mortgages .. .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 Accumulated funds—Excess income over Library .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 expenditure, 1925 .. .. .. 903 3 11 Interest accrued .. .. .. 359 4 6 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. 443 19 5 £20,903 3 11 £20,903 3 11



SCIENCE RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP. Receipts and Payments Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. io Cash in bank, Ist January, 1925 .. 52 6 8 By Scholarship .. .. .. 75 0 0 Interest, Ellerslie Town Board debentures 82 13 4 Cash in bank, 31st December, 1925 .. 61 17 10 Bank interest .. .. .. 1 17 10 £136 17 10 £136 17 10 Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. Income. , £ s. d. Interest— .. £ s. d. £ s. d. Scholarship .. .. ~ .. 75 0 0 Ellerslie Town Board debentures 82 13 4 Excess income over expenditure .. .. 911 2 Bank .. .. .. 117 10 84 11 2 £84 11 2 £84 11 2 Balance-sheet. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital .. .. 2,000 0 0 6-per-cent. Ellerslie Town Board debentures 2,000 0 0 Accumulated funds .. .. 52 6 8 Cash at Auckland Savings-tank .. .. 61 17 10 Plus excess income over expenditure, 1925 .. .. 9 11 2 61 17 10 £2,061 17 10 £2,061 17 10 OUNSON SCHOLARSHIP OF AGRICULTURE. Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 i 6-per-cent. Waitemata County Council deben- ! tures .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 LI SSI E RATH BONE SCHOLARSHIP. Balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. 3,500 0 0 Northcote Borough Council debentures .. 3,000 0 0 Waitemata County Council debentures .. 500 0 0 £3,500 0 0 £3,500 0 0 M. R. O'Shea, Registrar.



3. VICTORIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Visitor. —The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. Chairman.—R. McCallum. Vice-Chairman.—P. Levi, M.A. Appointed by Governor-General in Council—A. R. Atkinson, B.A. ; I). M. Stout, M.D. Elected by Court of Convocation —C. Watson, B.A. ; P. Levi, M.A. ; A. Fair, LL.B. ; S. Eichelbaum, M.A., LL.B. Elected by teachers in primary schools —H. A. Parkinson, M.A. ; F. H. Bakewell, M.A. Elected by members of Education Boards —P. J. H. White ; R. McCallum. Appointed by Wellington City Council—M. F. Luckie. Elected by teachers in secondary schools and technical high schools —J. H. Howell, 8.A., B.Sc. Elected by governing bodies of secondary schools—T. Forsyth. Elected by the Professorial Board—F. P. Wilson, M.A., F.E.S. ; T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc. Staff. Professors. —Classics —-J. Rankine Brown, M.A. English—H. Mackenzie, M.A. Modern Languages—E. J. BoydWilson, M.A. Philosophy—T. A. Hunter, M.A., M.Sc. History—F. P. Wilson, M.A., F.E.S. (Chairman). Economics —B. E. Murphy, M.A., LL.B., B.Com. Education —J. S. Tennant, M.A., B.Sc. (Dean of Arts Faculty). Mathematics —D. M. Y. Sommervilie, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.N.Z.I. Biology—H. B. Kirk, M.A., F.N.Z.I. Physics—D. C. H. Florance, M.A., M.Sc. Chemistry—P. W. Robertson, M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Dean of Science Faculty). Geology— C. A. Cotton, D.Sc., A.0.5.M., F.G.S. Law—-J. Adamson, M.A., LL.B. (Dean of the Faculty of Law). J. M. E. Garrow, 8.A., LL.B. Agriculture—G. S. Peren, B.Sc. Registrar.—G. G. W. Robison, M.A. Librarian.—B. H. Ward, B.A. — REPORT (ABRIDGED). Pursuant to section 44 of the Victoria College Act, 1905, the Council presents the following report for the year 1925 : — The number of students attending lectures in 1925 was 806, practically the same number as for the previous year. Day Teaching in Science.—As indicated in last year's report, the question of day teaching in Science has been kept in view, with the result that in 1926 lectures and experimental work in Pure Science will be taken between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. It is hoped that in the course of a year or two it will be found possible to begin a similar change in Arts. Sir Ernest Rutherford's Visit. —During the year the College was visited by Sir Ernest Rutherford, 0.M., P.R.S., Cavendish Professor of Physics, Cambridge. He gave an informal talk to students at the College, outlining the history of the Cavendish Laboratory, also giving an account of the most important investigations which were being carried out by the workers in his laboratory, and indicating future developments in physical science. This talk was most stimulating and instructive. We were most fortunate in having the opportunity of hearing the most distinguished physicist in the British Empire. Under the auspices of the College he delivered a public lecture at the Town Hall, on " Atoms and their Structure," before a very large audience. The most novel feature of this lecture was a film illustrating the " Brownian movement." An evening reception for Sir Ernest and Lady Rutherford was held in the College library, and was attended by Their Excellencies the Governor-General and Lady Alice Fergusson, together with an assembly of representative citizens. Short addresses were given by His Excellency and by Sir Ernest Rutherford. Dr. Lotsy's Lectures.- By arrangement Dr. Lotsy, of Haarlem University, gave a course of three lectures at the College in April, 1925. The lectures dealt with the view which Dr. Lotsy's name is especially associated, the view that evolution has proceeded in virtue of variation produced by hybridization, not by environmental conditions. The titles of the lectures were as follows : (1) A Review of the Attempts to Explain Evolution ; (2) Modern Attempts to explain the Existence of Variability; (3) The Role of Hybridization in Evolution. These lectures have been published by Canterbury College. The attendance at all the lectures was decidedly good, and the audiences were very attentive. Very considerable interest was aroused among students, and the way to researches of considerable importance has become clear as a result of Dr. Lotsy's visit. University Commission. —For the past fifteen years both the Council and the Professorial Board of this University College have been urging that a Commission should inquire into University institutions and methods in New Zealand. During 1925 a Commission (Sir H. R. Reichel and Mr. F. Tate) visited all University centres in this country, hearing evidence and examining witnesses. The result of the inquiry was a report that completely justified the attitude of this College towards University reform. It is expected that this year there will be brought into Parliament a University Bill to give effect to the decisions of the Commission. Agriculture. —Courses in Agriculture as a subject for the degrees of 8.A., B.Sc., and B.Agr. were offered for the first time since the establishment of the College. Professor Peren, who was appointed to the Buchanan Chair of Agriculture, was assisted in this work by Messrs. R. Waters, Plant Pathologist; D. Miller, Entomologist; and G. H. Cunningham, Mycologist, of the Biological

3—E. 7.



Laboratory of the Department of Agriculture. Twelve students entered the course, and of these, five who had already taken their first year commenced the study of Agriculture as an advanced subject. Facilities for teaching this subject to a university standard being totally inadequate, the work for the session was confined to. those phases which could best be studied under existing conditions in the hope that better facilities, including a farm, would be available for the following academic year. In January, 1926, a joint committee composed of delegates from Auckland University College and Victoria University College unanimously decided to recommend the two Colleges to combine for the purpose of establishing one strong Agricultural College for the North Island in the Palmerston North - Marton area. To this the Colleges agreed. A joint deputation waited on the Prime Minister and requested financial assistance for the project. The Prime Minister expressed great pleasure at the two Colleges agreeing to sink local differences and combining for the general good. University Hostels. —The Board would again stress the urgent need for the provision of hostels for University students. It feels that not until the majority of students is provided for in such institutions is there any possibility of realizing anything approximating to what is usually called the university spirit. Lack of such hostels means that students are mere scattered units, instead of members of a corporate body, and the cultivation of a proper spirit and ideals is impossible in the comparatively few hours in which the students are in contact with their fellows. Further, many students are at present living under conditions which militate against effective university work, and the provision of hostels would enable these to get the maximum benefit from their course here. Workers' Educational Association. —During the year the work of the Workers' Educational Association was carried on successfully. The statistics show that there were twenty-five classes in this University district, in which 1,124 students were enrolled. Of these, 991 were "effective," and 773 of them attended not less than 50 per cent, of the lectures of the classes of which they were members. Towards the end of the year Mr. W. A. Sheat, 8.A., LL.B., resigned, and Mr. A. C. T. Brotherton, M.A. (Edin.), was appointed in his place. At the same time the method of working this district was altered, Mr. Mander being transferred to the Hawke's Bay-Wairarapa subdistrict, and Mr. Brotherton being given charge of the Taranaki-Palmerston area. Provision has also been made for working the district on the other side of the Strait, and it is expected that in 1926 some classes will be held in all provinces of this wide University district. The reports of the tutors show that good work is being done, but that until more funds are available, so that classes can be reduced in size, the standard which is being attained in many of the tutorial classes in England cannot be expected. Nevertheless useful tutorial work is being done by tutors working with groups or individuals. Sarah Anne Rhodes Fellowship.—The first Fellow was appointed in August, 1925—namely, Miss Eleanor A. Pope, M.Sc., M.A. After spending three years studying in England and America as the holder of a Sarah Anne Rhodes Scholarship Miss Pope returned to New Zealand. The Council has awarded her the Fellowship, and by arrangement with the Health Department and Hospital Boards she is now engaged in touring New Zealand hospitals in order to prepare a report on the culinary and dietary arrangements. Miss Vera B. Reader, M.Sc., who was awarded a Sarah Anne Rhodes Scholarship in 1922, has been studying under Professor Drummond at University College, London. He has spoken in terms of high praise of her research work on " Biochemical Aspects of Metalbolism of Micro-organism." She has now gone to Oxford, where she has been given the use of one of the new Rockefeller laboratories for the prosecution of her research. Miss Miriam Herrick, M.Sc., is still pursuing a course in home science at the University of Otago, where her professors are very satisfied with the work she is doing. Travelling Scholarships.—The following scholarships have been awarded to students of the College : Philosophy—R. F. Fortune, M.A. (awarded free passage). History —J. C. Beaglehole, M.A. (awarded free passage). French—Una Castle, M.A. Law— J. 0. J. Malfroy, LL.M. Bequests.—During the year the College has benefited by a generous bequest by the late Lissie Rathbone, of Hawke's Bay, who bequeathed a capital sum of £3,000, the interest on which is to provide scholarships for the students securing highest marks in the Entrance Scholarship Examination in history and English. Former Students. —Mr. Gordon S. Troup, M.A., holder of a University French Travelling Scholarship for 1924, is attached to the University of Poitiers (France), where he has completed half of the sections for Licence es Lettres. Mr. H. Espiner, M.A., is at work in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, having completed his license at Poitiers. He is bringing out an edition of the sixteenth-century antiquarian Claude Fauche't, and writing a thesis on Fauchet's life and works for presentation to the Sorbonne for the Doctorate. Mr. J. S. Yeates, M.Sc., Ph.D., holder of the University Post-graduate Scholarship in Science, began his work at Trinity College, Cambridge, late in 1925. He was awarded a research scholarship in Science at Cambridge. Very satisfactory reports as to his progress are received. Mr. J. G-. Myers, M.Sc., holder of the 1851 Exhibition Scholarship, is now completing his second year at the Bussey Institute, Harvard University, where he has been working especially at applied Entomology. The New Zealand Agricultural Department arranged for him to visit Europe last year as a delegate to the International Entomological Congress, and the authorities of the Bussey Institute sent him as a member of an entomological expedition to Cuba. Mr. D. Jenness, M.A., has been appointed Chairman of the Department of Ethnology in the Dominion of Canada. Mr. H. L. Richardson, M.Sc., holder of the Imperial College Scholarship, is presenting this year his thesis for the degree of Ph.D.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1925. Receipts and Payments Accounts. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s.- d. Balance brought forward .. .. 5,434 2 5 Salaries—Staff and caretakers .. .. 18,123 9 8 Rent, reserves .. .. .. 205 16 6 Office salaries.. .. .. .. 977 0 0 Sale of calendars .. .. .. 22 19 6 Librarian and assistant .. .. 650 0 0 Government grant .. .. .. 11,450 0 0 Printing and stationery .. .. 221 9 2 Interest .. .. .. .. 311 8 0 Library books .. .. .. 478 910 Grant to Students' Association .. .. 30 0 0 Legal expenses .. .. .. 53 4 6 Fees.. .. .. .. .. 8,085 14 6 Calendars .. .. .. .. 104 5 0 Payments for use of buildings .. .. 10 0 0 Lighting .. .. .. .. 382 2 2 Examination fees .. .. .. 577 19 6 Grounds .. .. .. .. 28 12 3 National-endowment grant— Sundries — Government .. .. .. 2,083 12 4 Psychology.. .. .. .. 65 17 7 New Zealand University .. .. 1,040 16 6 Geology .. .. .. .. 5 110 Convocation grant .. .. .. 15 15 0 Chemistry .. .. .. .. 176 13 10 Interest, T. G. Macarthy Account .. 547 10 0 Physics .. .. .. .. 194 3 2 Workers' Educational Association classes— Biology .. .. .. .. 98 8 5 Government grant .. .. .. 750 0 0 Examination expenses .. .. 132 16 2 Government subsidies . . .. 373 0 0 Advertising .. .. . .. 43 19 3 Grants, local bodies .. .. .. 463 0 0 Convocation .. .. .. .. 15 15 0 Grants—Pharmacy Board .. .. 14 0 0 Heating .. .. .. .. 290 11 2 Restitution-money .. .. . . 10 18 6 Water .. .. .. .. 45 6 0 Government subsidy, Biology Department 14 2 6 Insurance .. .. .. .. 174 16 7 Receipts, Rutherford lecture .. .. 86 19 10 Reception and lecture—Sir E. Rutherford 123 15 I Refund—Chair of Agriculture Account .. 445 0 2 Contingencies.. .. .. .. 76 9 0 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 50 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. ... .. 68 5 4 Memorial brasses .. .. .. 6 10 0 Examination bonuses .. .. .. 28 0 0 Greek culture class .. .. .. 19 19 2 Computing class .. .. .. 20 5 7 Office expenses .. .. .. 174 0 11 Maintenance .. .. .. . . 176 14 8 Tutorial classes .. .. .. 1,751 9 4 Fees refunded .. .. .. 54 0 0 College buildings .. .. . . 12 4 0 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 11l 15 7 Expenses—Chair of Agriculture Account 143 18 6 £ s. d. Balance at Bank New Zealand 2,456 4 3 Less—Library deposits, £16 16s. ; S. A. Rhodes Account, 4d. ; T. G. Macarthy Account, lis. 4d. ; Bruce Dail Account, 3s. ; Maori Students Account, £11 Bs. .. .. 28 18 8 2,427 5 '7 Post Office Savings-bank .. 4,516 0 11 6,943 6 6 31,972 15 3 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 50 0 0 £32,022 15 3 £32,022 15 3 S. A. Rhodes Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 13,684 15 11 Expended on scholarships 458 0 0 Interest .. ■. •. • • 783 14 4 Expended on Fellowship 133 6 8 591 6 8 Balance— Wellington City debentures .. 6,700 0 0 Inscribed stock .. 6,374 8 6 Post Office Savings-bank 802 14 9 In Bank of New Zealand —Current Account .. 0 0 4 13,877 3 7' £14,468 10 3 £14,468 10 3 T. 6. Macarthy Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Transferred to General AoInterest .. . ■ • • • • 547 10 0 count .. .. .. 547 10 0 Balance— Inscribed stock .. 499 8 8 Wellington City debentures .. .. 9,500 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand —.Current Account .. 0 114 10,000 0 0 £10,547 10 0 | £10,547 10 0



School of Economics Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 3,400 0 0 Transferred to interest.. .. .. 187 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 187 0 0 Balance—Wellington City debentures .. 3,400 0 0 £3,587 0 0 £3,587 0 0 Athol Hudson Fund. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 85 3 5 Balance—Post OASce Savings-bank.. .. 88 11 5 Interest .. .. .. .. 3 8 0 £88 11 5 £88 11 5 Bkuce Dall Peize. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 52 17 8 Expended on prizes .. .. .. 5 7 2 Interest .. .. .. .. 2 12 6 Balance — Post Office Bond .. .. 50 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand—Current Account .. .. 0 3 0 50 3 0 £55 10 2 £55 10 2 Memorial Window Fund. £ S. d. . £ S. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 87 1 9 | Balance—Post Office Savings-bank .. 95 14 3 Interest.. .. .. . . 8 12 6 j £95 14 3 [ £95 14 3 Union Peize Fund. £ s. d. | £s. d. £s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 106 17 10 j Expended on prizes .. .. 4 4 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 410 0 j Bank commission .. .. 0 5 0 4 9 0 Balance— Wellington City debenture .. 100 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand— Trust Account .. .. 6 18 0 106 18 10 £111 7 10 | £111 7 10 Jacob Joseph Scholarship Fund. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 3,746 17 9 Expended on scholarships.. 90 0 0 Interest— Bank commission .. 0 5 0 War loan .. .. .. 25 0 0 Debenture commission .. 16 9 Debentures .. .. 135 0 0 91 11 9 Balance — War loan .. .. 500 0 0 Wellington City debentures .. .. 3,000 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand— Trust Account .. 315 6 0 3,815 6 0 £3,906 17 9 £3,906 17 9 Library Deposits. £ S. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. .. 16 16 0 In Bank of New Zealand—Current Account . . 16 16 0 Sir Walter Buchanan Scholarship. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 20,154 2 11 | Salaries— Government grant .. .. .. 500 0 0 ! Professor „. .. 900 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 1,100 0 0 1 Assistants .. .. 300 0 0 1,200 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. 87 6 5 Refunded to General Account .. .. 445 0 2 Bank commission .. 0 10 0 Debenture commission .. 5 10 0 538 6 7 Balance— Wellington City debentures .. .. 20,000 0 0 In Bank of New Zealand— Buchanan Account .. 15 16 4 20,015 16 4 £21,754 2 11 £21,754 2 11



Agricultural Scholarship Account. £ s. d. [ £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 2,113 0 2 j Expended on scholarship .. .. 66 13 4 Interest .. .. .. .. 101 9 10 Balance — Wellington City debentures .. .. 2,100 0 0 In Bank of New ZealandTrust Account .. 36 19 8 In Post Office Savingsbank—General Account 10 17 0 2,147 16 8 £2,214 10 0 £2,214 10 0 Marine Observatory Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance forward .. .. .. 93 10 6 Expenses .. .. .. .. 18 10 0 Subscriptions .. .. .. . . 103 1 0 Balance, Post Office Savings-bank .. 235 410 Government subsidy .. .. .. 55 14 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 1 8 10 £253 14 10 £253 14 10 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship. £ s. d. £ s. d. Grant —Lissie Rathbone trustees .. 3,000 0 0 Balance, Wellington City debentures .. 3,000 0 0 Maori Students Fund. £ s. d. j £ s. d. Grant—Public Trustee .. .. .. 33 18 0 Boarding-allowance .. .. .. 22 10 0 j Balance in Bank of New Zealand—General Account .. .. .. ..1180 £33 18 0 j £33 18 0 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. Assets. Scholarships and trust £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash at Bank of New Zea- £ s. d. £ s. d. funds— land— S. A. Rhodes Scholarship General funds .. 2,456 4 3 Fund .. .. 13,877 3 7 Trust funds .. .. 375 0 10 T. G. Macarthy Fund .. 10,000 0 0 2,831 5 1 Jacob Joseph Scholar- Cash at Post Office Savingsship Fund .. .. 3,500 0 0 bank— • Sir Walter Buchanan General funds .. 4,516 011 Fund .. .. 20,000 0 0 Trust funds .. .. 1,233 2 3 Agricultural Scholarship 5,749 3 2 Fund .. .. 2,110 17 0 Debentures and inscribed Marine Observatory Fund 235 4 10 stock— Union Prize Fund .. 100. 0 0 General funds .. 3,400 0 0 Athol Hudson Research Trust funds .. .. 51,823 17 2 Fund .. .. 88 11 5 55,223 17 2 Memorial Window Fund 95 14 3 Sundry debtors —Chair of Bruce Dall Prize .. 50 0 0 Agriculture Account .. .. 0 13 6 Tutorial Classes Fund .. 137 6 2 Buildings and equipment Lissie Rathbone Scholar- (at book values) — ship Fund .. .. 3,000 0 0 College buildings .. 81,774 18 10 53,194 17 3 Library books .. 9,753 13 8 Income accounts in credit — Laboratory fittings .. 2,009 3 5 Union Prize Fund .. 618 10 Caretaker's cottage .. 499 11 8 Jacob Joseph Scholar- Apparatus .. .. 7,575 0 0 ship Fund .. .. 315 6 0 Fencing and grounds .. 1,751 6 5 Bruce Dall Prize .. 0 3 0 Furniture and fittings .. 6,623 1 0 Sir Walter Buchanan Trust 15 16 4 109,986 15 0 Agricultural Scholarship Fund .. .. 36 19 8 Maori Students Fund .. 11 8 0 386 11 10 Library deposits . . .. .. 16 16 0 School of Economics Fund .. 3,400 0 0 Accumulated Fund .. .. 116,793 8 10 £173,791 13 11 £173,791 13 11 G. G. S. Robison, Registrar.



4. CANTERBURY COLLEGE. Visitor.—The Hon. the Minister of Education. Board of Governors. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General—Miss E. A. Chaplin, B.A. ; A. T. Donnelly, Esq. ; L. M. Isitt, Esq., M.L.C. Appointed by members of Parliament —E. J. Howard, Esq., M.P. ; Colonel the Hon. G. J. Smith, Esq., C.8.E., M.L.C., T.I). ; Lieut.-Colonel John Studholme, C.8.E., D.5.0., M.A. Appointed by graduates—W. Brock, Esq., M.A. ; Mrs. E. L. Clark, M.A. ; J. R. Cunningham, Esq., LL.B. ; A. E. Flower, Esq., M.A., M.Sc. ; J. Guthrie, Ch.B., M.8., F.A.C.S.E. ; A. J. Orchard, Esq., M.8., C.M. Appointed by teachers—C. T. Aschman, Esq, ; C. D. Hardie, Esq., B.A. ; L. B. Wood, Esq., M.A. Appointed by School Committees—H. D. Acland, Esq., B.A. (Chairman); W. A. Banks, Esq. ; J. Deans, Esq. Representatives of the Professorial Board —C. Chilton, Esq., M.A., D.Sc. (Rector), ex officio; J. Hight, Esq., M.A., Litt.D. Registrar:—L. A. Stringer, Esq. Staff. . Rector.—Professor Chas. Chilton, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D. Professors —-Classics —H. Stewart, C.M.G., M.A. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy—C. E. Weatherburn, M.A., D.Sc. English Language and Literature, and Director of Studies in Arts—A. Wall, M.A., B.A. French and German—T. G. R. Blunt, M.A. (Oxford). Chemistry—H. G. Denham, M.A., M.Sc., D.Sc., Ph.D. Engineering— (Electrical) P. H. Powell, M.Sc., M.Eng., M.LE.E., M.A.1.E.E.; (Civil) R. A. Campbell, B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E. ; (Mechanical) S. Steele, B.Sc. Biology and Director of Studies in Science—C. Chilton, M.A., D.Sc., M.8., C.M., &c. History and Director of Studies in Commerce —J. Hight, M.A., Litt.D., F.R.E.S. Physics—C. C. Farr, D.Sc., F.P.S.L., F.N.Z.lnst. Mental and Moral Philosophy—-C. F. Salmond, M.A. Education and Director of Extension Work—J. Shelley, M.A. Economics—J. B. Condliffe, M.A. Geology, Palseontologv and Physical Geography— R. Speight, M.A., M.Sc., F.G.S. Lecturers, seven. EXTRACT FROM THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS. It is my privilege to place before you the fifty-third annual report of the Chairman of the Board. Although nothing spectacular occurred in connection with the numerous institutions under our control during the year 1925, yet that year has been one of very considerable development. Our finances are in a satisfactory position, but the expenditure we had to meet during the year in connection with new buildings and equipment was very considerable, and during this present year I believe it will be heavier still. It is my earnest desire that the Board will pursue in the future the policy that it has followed for many years past in regard to its financial operations, and continue to set aside portions of its revenue from year to year for additions to buildings, sinking funds, and the like. The effect of this policy has been very marked during the last two or three years, as the Board has been able in consequence to carry out several new projects and improvements without financial embarrassment. In last year's report I referred to the fact that the Government had appointed a Commission to inquire into and report upon University matters. Evidence was taken in the four centres by the Commission, and its report has been before the Senate and the Board. Notwithstanding the report, my personal opinion is still the same —namely, that the establishment of Canterbury College as the University of Canterbury should be our ideal and ultimate aim. In many respects the report is open to serious criticism as it concerns Canterbury, and especially in regard to its recommendation that the School of Forestry should be at Auckland only. This, to my mind, shows a lack of knowledge of what a forestry school teaches and the necessity of its being closely associated with and attached to an efficient and fully equipped school of engineering. It would appear that the Commission considered the only outlet for trained foresters to be the State Forest Service, and if this is correct it has disregarded the demand for trained men from milling companies for logging engineers, from timber-supply depots for experts, from afforestation companies for nursery foremen and plantation experts, from forest-product companies for experts in wood distillery, pulping, and a host of other industries connected with the wood industry. Whilst admitting that the recommendations regarding the evening-lecture system and exempted students may be sound in theory, I cannot but feel that the modern university must cater for all sorts and conditions of men, and therefore I hesitate to put any difficulties or obstacles in the face of " stragglers " who have to earn their own living whilst endeavouring to acquire a higher education. I cannot but remember how many of our leading citizens, especially in the law and medicine, have started behind scratch. Neither can I concur in the conclusions of the Commission as to the constitution of College Councils in regard to special interests being represented. In my opinion this is the very thing that we do not want. Our members should not be delegates, and the experience of American universities does not support this view of the Commission. I quoted to the Commission the opinion of President Eliot, of Harvard University, in his book on university government, and I feel that it will not be out of place to again quote what he says : " The kind of men needed in the governing Board of a university is the highly-educated, public-spirited business or professional man who takes a strong



interest in educational and social problems, and believes in the higher education as the source of enlightenment and progress for all stages of education and for all the industrial and social interests of the .community. He should also be a man who has been successful in his own calling and commands the confidence of all who know him. The faculty he will most need is good judgment, for he will often be called upon to decide on matters which lie beyond the scope of his own experience, and about which he must, therefore, get his facts through others, and his opinions through a process of comparison and judicious sifting." To my mind, the description given by President Eliot applies very generally to the type of man who has sat upon our Board of Governors for the last twenty years, and here I speak from personal observation —I have no desire to flatter the members, but lam satisfied that any change cannot better the personnel of the Board as it has existed for many years. During the year Mrs. J. P. Gabbatt made a gift of £3,000 to the College to found a scholarship in memory of her father, Sir William Hartley, to enable one of our women graduates to hold a scholarship at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, or London, or, in special cases, at any other European university. The Rathbone trustees gave the sum of £3,000 to establish a Lissie Rathbone Entrance Scholarship in English and History. A grant of £100 has been made by the Canterbury Chamber of Commerce to the Board to enable bulletins in connection with financial and other problems to be issued by the Department of Economics. These bulletins have already received very considerable attention from the commercial and financial interests in the community. Certain practising engineers have been added to the Faculty of Engineering, and it is hoped that their experience will be of benefit to the College and the community. The School of Forestry has undertaken an economic timber survey of Canterbury for the State Forest Service. Workers' Educational Association. —This useful association has enabled large numbers of adults to obtain some of the benefits of higher education and culture, and the findings of the University Commission on the Workers' Educational Association were as follows :— "1. Extra mural work should be definitely accepted as an essential part of the normal work of the University. " 2. A special staff should be appointed to conduct such extension work as that for the Workers' Educational Association. The qualifications required should be those prescribed for other University teaching appointments. " 3. The system of appointing a staff to work half time in the University college and half time in the extra-mural classes should be tried. "4. Tutorial classes under the Workers' Educational Association schemes should not be established unless there is a guarantee that the classes can be worked on tutorial lines, essays being regularly written by each member, and members guaranteeing to attend for & continuous course of sufficient duration to enable work of University standard to be accomplished. "5. We strongly urge upon the consideration of the University and the Government the importance of extending the extra-mural activities of the University. It is not overstating the case to predict that in the near future adult education may become the most productive field of national education. Any system which will give opportunities to mature men and women to engage in the continuous and disinterested study of some subject, and thus develop throughout the land a body of clear-thinking students, interested in literary and historic or economic and social subjects, must have far-reaching effects for good on the social, intellectual, and even political life of the community." During the year there were in the Canterbury District 22 classes, 908 enrolled students, 701 effective students, with an average attendance of 509. In the Dominion there were 105 classes with 4,635 enrolled students, 3,676 effective students, and an average attendance of 2,735. Twenty-two classes studied history, 17 economics, 11 psychology, 20 literature and drama, 6 public speaking, 5 health, and others music, botany, logic, biology, &c. When one views the past there has always been one thing that has impressed, one more than anything else, and that is the neglect of our predecessors to acquire, sufficient areas of land for the various institutions under the Board. I have endeavoured to remedy this so far as I have been able whilst I have been Chairman. During the last ten years the area of land under the Board for University purposes has increased from about 2 acres to approximately 8 acres. I am of opinion that immediate steps should be taken to acquire an area of land in the suburbs, not less than 25 acres in extent, and 50 acres if possible, as a site for recreation-grounds and outdoor exercises. The demand in the community for outdoor exercises is increasing year by year, and before land gets too dear the University should acquire a suitable area for the purposes I have mentioned. The same lack of land has occurred in England, and steps are being taken there to overcome the neglect of the past. I believe that £10,000 invested in a suitable area to-day would probably be a vastly more advantageous thing to the College students of the future than several times that amount spent in buildings to-day. The College requires without delay buildings for a Students' Union, but these can be erected at any time when funds are available. A suitable area of land ought to be acquired now or in the near future. I have at different times summarized what I believed to be the direction of the Board's policy in the past, and the greater part of the policy proposed has been carried out. I now urge the Board to consider the question of acquiring land to enable the body of the student to be developed and improved as well as his mind.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1925. College Maintenance Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Rent of reserves— Salaries .. .. .. .. 20,944 16 10 Classical .. .. .. 8,955 1 3 General expenses — Town .. .. .. .. 440 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 82 10 6 Pastoral .. .. .. .. 5,010 0 0 Rates .. .. .. .. 78 13 5 Coal-mining lease .. .. .. 250 0 0 Water-supply .. .. .. 26 12 0 Township-site .. .. .. 90 0 0 Advertising .. .. .. 25 12 3 Coldstream Reserve— Printing, stationery, and stamps .. 696 16 9 Chemical laboratory .. .. 154 6 8 Repairs .. .. .. .. 4211811 Physical laboratory .. .. 154 6 7 Furniture and fittings .. .. 158 17 3 Students'fees .. .. .. 7,048 7 0 Washing and cleaning .. .. 40 16 7 Examination fees .. .. .. 105 10 6 Grounds .. .. .. .. 129 12 10 Fees for popular lectures .. .. 4 6 3 Heating and lighting .. .. 363 17 2 Examination fees —Pharmacy students .. 5 10 0 Expenses of— Share of testing fees .. .. .. 18 18 0 Music lectures .. .. .. 43 3 6 House-rent .. .. .. .. 70 0 0 Students' Club .. .. .. 70 15 3 Rent of room (Philosophical Institute) .. 6 0 0 Botanical station .. .. .. 1 15 0 Sales .. .. .. .. 9 2 3 Inspection of reserves .. .. 210 3 3 Grant from New Zealand Society of Endowments .. .. .. 273 18 2 Accountants .. .. .. 100 0 0 Election of Governors .. .. 12 12 5 Grant from Canterbury Chamber of Com- Travelling-expenses, members of Board 29 11 6 meroe .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Reception of graduates .. .. 3 12 6 Grant under section 32 (A) of New Zealand Jubilee history .. .. .. 315 0 University Amendment Act, 1914 — Forestry Department .. .. 564 9 1 National endowment .. .. 1,040 16 5 Experimental Education Department 79 13 2 Fines—Library .. .. .. 119 Popular lectures .. .. .. 132 3 8 Grant from Women Graduates' Association 20 0 0 Economic survey of Canterbury .. 22 1 9 Insurance for dwelling on Reserve 678 a, Auditing .. .. .. .. 71120 destroyed by fire .. .. .. 100 0 0 Class prizes .. .. .. 119 15 11 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 50 0 0 Prizes for first-class honours .. .. 26 5 0 Government grants — Rector's petty cash .. .. .. 3 10 0 Statutory grant .. .. .. 1,600 0 0 Grant towards expenses of research course Towards salary of Professor of Education 850 0 0 at Cambridge .. .. .. 49 17 8 Capitation for commerce classes .. 100 0 0 Piano .. .. . . .. 85 19 6 Research work .. .. .. 187 10 0 Gramophone and records .. .. 77 14 9 School of Forestry .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Wall-maps and lantern-slides: Economic Subsidy (£1 for £1) on contribution from History .. .. .. .. 9 8 6 Canterbury Chamber of Commerce .. 100 0 0 Grant towards expenses of representative Subsidy (£1 for £1) on donations to at Honolulu Conference .. .. 25 0 0 College library .. .. .. 10 10 0 Grant to Education Court, New Zealand Boarding fees — and South Seas Exhibition .. 25 0 0 Rolleston House .. .. .. 3,617 9 5 Rent of tennis-courts .. .. 7 10 0 Helen Connon Hall .. .. .. 1,386 16 3 Progress-payment of insurance to tenant Contributions — of Reserve 678 a .. .. .. 50 0 0 From various departments toward— Sundries .. .. .. .. 185 4 5 Cost of inspection of reserves .. 267 10 8 College library— Cost of administration .. .. 1,499 13 6 Departmental Fund .. .. .. 276 10 2 From School of Engineering toward in- Special Fund .. .. .. 115 2 4 struction in mathematics .. .. 55 0 0 Binding .. .. .. .. 20 10 5 From Boys' High School, for rent of Librarian's Fund .. .. .. 30 8 6 playground and tennis-court .. 80 0 0 Library on anthropology . . .. 31 16 5 From Medical School reserves toward Interest — maintenance of— Buildings and Sites Account .. .. 744 8 8 Biology Department .. .. 700 0 0 College Maintenance Account.. .. Cr. 12 14 4 Chemistry Department .. .. 600 0 0 Geology lectures— Physics .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 41 9 7 From Museum, library, and School of Field-work .. .. .. 23 1 6 Technical Science Endowment toward Arrangements for lectures .. .. 3 0 0 College library .. .. .. 18 0 0 Astronomical observatory— Honorarium .. .. .. 50 0 0 General expenses .. .. .. 8 7 9 Chemical laboratoryWages of mechanic .. .. .. 48 3 8 Insurance .. .. .. .. 1148 Heating and electrical power .. .. 77 2 7 Chemicals and apparatus .. .. 396 14 8 Research apparatus .. .. .. 76 3 6 Sundries .. .. .. .. 43 9 7 Physical laboratory— Wages of mechanic .. .. .. 200 15 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 4 18 8 Heating and electrical power .. .. 51 16 10 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 185 13 3 Sundries .. .. .. .. 45 6 9 Biological laboratory— Wages of mechanic .. .. .. 28 15 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 7 2 10 Heating and electrical power .. .. 7119 8 Laboratory specimens and expenses .. 66 11 7 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 26 1 0 Sundries .. . . .. .. 23 12 0 Subsidy to Riccarton Bush trustees .. 25 0 0 Carried forward .. 36,305 16 6 Carried forward .. .. 27,877 8 9



College Maintenance Account—continued. Receipts—continued. ; Payments—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. 36,305 16 6 Brought forward .. .. .. 27,877 8 9 Rolleston House— Administration expenses .. .. 17 110 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 923 0 4 Provisions .. .. .. .. 1,556 17 11 Heating and lighting .. .. 473 0 6 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. 57 11 2 Insurance .. .. .. .. 33 17 9 Other expenses .. .. .. 4 7 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. 35 17 6 Renewals of furniture .. .. 64 5 1 Household requisites .. .. 3 18 6 Renewals of household requisites .. 43 9 10 Helen Connon Hall— Administration expenses .. .. 10 19 4 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 413411 I Provisions .. .. .. .. 358 0 8 Heating and lighting .. .. 72 2 0 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. 173 19 9 Insurance .. .. .. .. 4 16 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. 26 19 0 Renewals of furniture .. .. 21 10 9 Household requisites .. .. 2 15 Renewals of household requisites .. 4 9 1 Allocation to buildings sinking fund .. 300 0 0 Contributions— To School of Engineering— For General .. .. .. 826 10 0 For exhibitions .. .. .. 120 0 0 To Workers' Educational Association .. 350 0 0 Sir George Grey Scholarship .. .. 50 0 0 Buildings and Sites Account—Allocation for 1925 .. .. .. .. 2,400 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 79 18 3 I £36,305 16 6 | £36,305 16 6 College Buildings (Additions) Special Loan Account. January 30. £ s. d. £ 8 , d. College Buildings and Sites Account— Balance, Ist January .. .. 7,413 19 11 Transfer of balance.. .. .. 7,413 19 11 £7,413 19 11 £7,413 19 11 College Heating, Lighting, and Power Installation Account. January 30. £ s. d. £ s. d. College Buildings and Sites Account — Balance, Ist January.. .. .. 809 6 1 Transfer of balance .. .. .. 809 6 1 £809 6 1 £809 6 1 College Buildings and Sites Account. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. Grant from national endowment under Balance, Ist January .. .. 758 15 0 section 32 (a) of the "New Zealand Uni- College Buildings (Additions) Special Loan versity Amendment Act, 1914 .. 2,083 12 4 Account—Transfer of balance .. 7,413 19 11 College Maintenance Account— College Heating, Lighting, and Power InTransfer of interest .. .. 744 8 8 stallation Account—Transfer of balance 809 6 1 Allocation for 1925.. .. .. 2,400 0 0 Heating installationBalance, 31st December .. .. 13,665 19 11 Progress-payments .. .. 8,749 11 6 Professional fees .. .. .. 350 0 0 Advertising ~ .. .. 3 3 4 Alterations to electric installation .. 35 19 2 Fuel for test .. .. .. 27 5 9 Legal expenses .. .. .. 1116 ! Interest .. .. .. . . 744 8 8 £18,894 0 11 £18,894 0 11 T. W. Adams School of Forestry Bequest Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. dBalance, Ist January .. .. .. 1,325 10 11 Annuity to Mrs. Adams .. .. 250 0 0 Interest on loan .. .. .. 36 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 4 16 5 Rents .. .. .. .. 159 0 0 Work at plantations .. ■ .. 012 2 Interest .. .. .. .. 73 11 10 J Balance, 31st December .. ... 1,338 14 2 £1,594 2 9 I £1,594 2 9

4—E. 7.



Workers' Educational Association Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Government grant .. 1,250 0 0 Balance, Ist January .. .. .. 594 4 4 Government subsidies .. .. .. 88 15 9 Salaries .. .. .. 1,105 17 2 College Maintenance Account .. .. 350 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 14 4 Voluntary contributions . . . . 265 0 3 Books .. .. .. .. 63 12 5 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 54 2 2 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 118 9 Grant to summer school .. .. 26 10 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 4 0 5 j Balance, 31st December .. .. 92 16 5 £1,953 16 0 £1,953 16 0 1 | r -T| r Medical School Reserves Revenue Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. .. 411 I Contributions— Rent of reserves .. .. 1,056 2 2 Towards maintenance of— Balance, 31st December .. 821 13 1 Department of Biology .. .. 700 0 0_ Department of Chemistry .. .. 600 0 0 Department of Physics .. .. 500 0 0 Towards inspection of reserves .. 37 3 1 Expenses of endowments .. .. 25 8 0 Sundries .. . . . . .. 0 17 6 Interest — Revenue Account .. . . .. Dr. 34 0 0 Capital Cash Account .. .. Or. 15 2 3 £1,882 6 4 £1,882 6 4 Medical School Reserves Capital Cash Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. . . . 262 15 2 Revenue Account—Transfer of interest .. 15 2 3 Interest .. . . . . .. 15 2 3 Balance, 31st December .. .. 262 15 2 £277 17 5 _ £277 17 5 School of Engineering and Technical Science Maintenance Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Balance, Ist January . . .. .. 415 14 3 £ s. d. Students'fees .. .. .. 2,215 7 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 6,666 0 4 Testing fees . . .. .. . . 181 10 0 General expenses— Fees for certificate of associateship . . 4 4 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 47 4 1 Sales .. .. . . .. 0 18 0 Heating, lighting, and power .. .. 238 18 0 Grant for timber-testing .. .. 137 10 0 Printing and stationery .. .. 114 11 5 Government grants— Advertising .. .. .. 22 12 3 Statutory grant .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Laboratory stores— Statutory grant, specialization .. 1,311 10 0 Mechanical .. .. .. 23 16 1 Material and apparatus .. . . 300 00 j Electrical .. .. .. 1986 Capitation for technical instruction .. 1,250 0 0 j Apparatus for civil engineering and surContributions — | veying .. .. .. .. 203 1 7 From Museum, Library, and School of I Experimental work apparatus— Technical Science Endowment .. 875 0 0 ; Applied mechanics and mechanical From Superior Education j engineering .. .. .. 65 11 1 Reserves— £ s. d. j Hydraulics .. .. .. 240 14 9 For general .. .. 826 10 0 Electrical engineering .. .. 32 19 7 For exhibitions .. 120 0 0 Upkeep of plant—Repairs to machinery 49 19 9 946 10 0 General supplies .. .. .. 20 17 4 Library books .. .. .. 67 5 6 Furniture and fittings .. .. 58 10 11 Repairs to building .. .. .. 19 8 7 Timber-testing .. .. .. 1118 3 Sundries .. .. .. .. 77 13 0 Contributions— Administration expenses .. .. 274 10 1 Towards salary of assistant in mathematics .. .. .. 55 0 0 Boys' High School, for ground-rent .. 60 0 0 Towards publication of Engineering Society's report .. .. .. 10 0 0 ; Interest— Buildings Account, £5 os. 6d.; £ s. d. Special Apparatus Account, £79 14s. 7d. .. .. 84 15 1 Maintenance Account Or. 40 7 7 44 7 6 Exhibitions .. .. .. .. 120 0 0 General Electric Company Scholarship .. 49 18 11 Allocations— Building Account .. .. .. 278110 Replacement and contingencies sinking fund .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 165 14 9 £9.638 3 3 £9,638 3 1



School of Engineering Special Apparatus Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Payments on account of Government grant 3,996 8 6 Balance, Ist January .. .. .. 912 13 6 Maintenance Account—Transfer of interest 79 14 7 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 3,134 8 4 Balance, 31st December .. .. 50 13 4 Interest .. .. .. .. 79 14 7 £4,126 16 5 £4,126 16 5 Joseph Ha yd on Prize Fund (Canterbury College). £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. .. 328 6 9 Prize .. .. .. .. 4 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 15 2 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 339 8 9 £343 8 9 £343 8 9 Charles Cook Memorial Scholarship Fund (Canterbury College). £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. 1,143 6 4 Advertising .. .. .. .. 3 4 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 61 17 6 Scholarship .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 1,176 19 10 £1,205 3 10 £1,205 3 10 Robert Bell Scholarship Fund (Canterbury College). £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. .. 3,465 9 6 Advertising .. .. .. .. 3 4 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 184 9 0 Scholarship and grant .. .. .. 140 0 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 3,506 14 6 £3,649 18 6 £3,649 18 6 Helen Macmillan Brown Bursaries (Canterbury College). £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. .. 2,159 3 5 Advertising .. .. .. .. 3 4 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 116 0 0 Bursaries .. .. .. .. 60 0 0. Balance, 31st December .. .. 2,211 19 5 £2,275 3 5 £2,275 3 5 John Connal Scholarship Fund (Canterbury College). £ s. d. ! . £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. .. 2,192 1 3 j Scholarships .. .. .. .. 130 0 0 Interest .. .. .. •• 102 9 5 j Balance, 31st December .. .. 2,164 10 8 £2,294 10 8 : £2,294 10 8 Canterbury College Macmillan Brown Prize Fund. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. ■. 269 11 2 Prize .. .. ~ .. 20 0 0 Interest .. .. . • • • 13 15 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 263 6 2 £283 6 2 £283 6 2 Gladys and Anthony Wilding Memorial Fund (Canterbury College). £ s. d. j £ s. d. Balance, Ist January .. .. .. 200 0 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 211 0 0 Interest .. .. .. •• 1100 £211 0 0 £211 0 0 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship Fund (Canterbury College). £ s. d. £ g. d. Legacy for establishment of scholarships in Exchange . . .. .. .. 210 0 English and history .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Balance, 31st December .. .. 3,026 410 Interest .. .. .. • • 28 14 10 £3,028 14 10 £3,028 14 10 Sir William Hartley Scholarship Fund (Canterbury College). £ s. d. I £ s. d. Donation to provide English or European Balance, 31st December .. .. 3,000 0 0 University training for women graduates of Canterbury College .. .. 3,000 0 0 £3,000 0 0 | £3,000 0 0



Student Loan Fund (Canterbury College). £ s. d. £ s. d. Donation for establishing loan fund to Balance, 31st December .. .. 100 0 0 assist promising students with College course .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 I £100 0 0 | £100 0 0 General Balance-sheet at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. Assett*. Capital Account— £ s. d. Endowments— £ s. d. College .. .. .. .. 282,332 110 College- - £ Boys' High School .. .. 114,358 8 3 Classical School .. .. 189,498 Girls' High School .. . .. 11,626 11 10 Chemistry and physics .. 10,070 Medical School reserves .. 28,926 2 1 Superior education .. 95,380 Museum, Library, and School of Tech- ——— 294,948 0 0 nical Science endowment .. .. 122,217 15 11 Boys' High School .. .. 146,512 General— Less mortgage .. .. 38,000 T. W. Adams School of Forestry Be- | — 108,512 0 0 quest Account .. •.. .. 1,338 14 2 Girls' High School .. .. .. 11,535 0 0 Workers' Educational Association Ac- j Medical School reserves .. .. 29,485 0 0 count .. .. .. .. 92 16 5 | Museum, Library, and School of TechSchool of Engineering and Technical nical Science endowment .. .. 114,525 0 0 Science Maintenance Account .. 165 14 9 ] General— School of Engineering Replacement and ' School of Engineering Special Apparatus Contingencies Sinking Fund .. 6,334 15 1 Account .. .. .. 50 13 4 School of Art Maintenance Account .. 21 8 10 Museum Maintenance Account .. 332 0 11 School of Art Buildings Account .. 3,582 19 3 j Public Library Buildings Account .. 2,217 17 11 Museum Buildings Sinking Fund .. 4,368 18 3 J Investments in debentures and stock— Museum Collections Sinking Fund .. 349 7 6 j General.. .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Museum Guide-book Sinking Fund .. 251 810 Memorial prizes .. .. .. 1,045 0 0 Public Library Maintenance Account 357 5 5 \ Scholarship funds .. .. 8,992 10 0 Public Library Postle Bequest Capital ! Postle bequest .. .. .. 1,700 0 0 Account .. .. .. 1,700 '0 0 Bank of New South Wales— £ s. d. Joseph Haydon Prize Fund .. .. 339 89 j No. 1 Account ..Cr. 33,522 16 3 Charles Cook Memorial Scholarship No. 2 Account ..Dr. 18,000 0 0 Fund .. .. .. .. 1,176 19 10 | 'Robert Bell Scholarship Fund .. 3,506 146! 15,522163 Helen Macmillan Brown Bursaries .. 2,211 19 5 Less outstanding cheques 712 0 John Connal Scholarship Fund .. 2,164 10 8 ——• 15,515 4 3 Gladys and Anthony Wilding Memorial Fund .. .. .. .. 211 0 0 Canterbury College Macmillan Brown Prize Fund .. .. .. 263 6 2 Lissie Rathbone Scholarship Fund .. 3,026 410 Sir William Hartley Scholarship Fund 3,000 0 0 Student Loan Fund .. .. 100 0 0 Thomas Miller Prize Fund .. .. 101 19 4 Oliver Garsia Essay Prize Fund .. 28 18 7 Jack Birdling Scholarship Fund .. 210 10 5 j Emily S. Foster Memorial Fund .. 78 0 6 Helen Macmillan Brown Memorial Fund 102 13 3 May Campbell Anderson Memorial Prize Fund .. .. .. .. 107 1 5 Rosa Sawtell Prize Fund .. .. 104 10 4 Contractor's Deposit Account .. 100 0 0 £594,858 6 5 £594,858 6 5

Educational Assets under the Control of the Board.

L. A. Stringer, Registrar. C. C. Kemp, Accountant.


Government I Valuation . at since ! Total. Remarks. SlstMarch, Gov s e °™ ent Valuation. £ £ £ College (including School of Engineering) 117,555 20,554 138,109 Boys'High School .. .. .. 52,780 34,920 87,700 Girls'High School .. .. .. 27,865 .. 27,865 Subject to first mortgage of £5,065 10s. 8d. School of Art .. .. .. 10,680 .. 10,680 Museum .. .. .. .. 11,125 .. 11,125 Public Library .. .. .. 18,200 .. 18,200 £238,205 £55,474 £293,679


5. UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. Visitor. —His Excellency the Governor-General. Council. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General in Council—Hon. Sir J. Allen, M.A., K.C.8.; G. R. Ritchie, Esq., J.P. ; James Fitzgerald, Esq., 8.A., M.8., &c. Elected by graduates—T. K. Sidey, Esq., 8.A., LL.B., M.P. (Chancellor); C. M. Gilray, M.C., M.A. (Oxon.): W. M. Macdonald, C.8.E., B.Sc., M.D., &c. ; James Rennie, 8.A., B.Sc. Elected by the professors—W. B. Benham, Esq., D.Sc., M.A., F.R.S. ; Sir Henry L. Ferguson C.M.G M A M.D., &o. Elected to represent Otago Hospital Board, J. W. Scurr, Esq.; elected by teachers in primary schools, J. A. Moore, Esq., M.A., B.Sc.; elected by the Otago Education Board, James Wallace, Esq.; elected by High School Boards, J. C. Stephens, Esq. ; elected by the Southland Education Board, J. C. Thomson, Esq. ; elected by School Committees, L. D. Ritchie, Esq. ; elected by teachers of secondary schools, W. J. Morrell, Esq., M.A., Oxon. (Vice-chancellor) ; elected by Dunedin City Council, J. S. Douglas, Esq., J.P. Staff. Professors. —Biology —W. B. Benham, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. English—Herbert Ramsay, M.A. Physiology— J. Malcolm, M.D. Mining—James Park, M.Am.lnst.M.E., &c. Dentistry—H. P. Pickerill, M.D., M.D.S., &c. Clinical Dentistry—R. C. Bell, B.D.S. Metallurgy and Assaying—D. B. Waters, A.O.S.M. Chemistry—-J. K. H. Inglis, M.A., D.Sc. Domestic Arts—Ann G. Strong, B.Sc. Physics—R. Jack, M.A., D.Sc. Mental and Moral Philosophy— F. W. Dunlop, M.A., Ph.D. Anatomy—W. P. Gowland, M.D., B.Sc. Pathology—A. M. Drennan, M.8., Ch.B. Classics—T. D. Adams, M.A. Modern Languages—G. E. Thompson, M.A. Mathematics—R. J. T. Bell, M.A.', D.Sc., F.R.S.E. Geology and Mineralogy—W. N. Benson, D.Sc., F.G.S. Surgery—F. G. Bell, M.D., L.R.C.P., F.R.C.s! Systematic Medicine—D. W. C. Jones, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. Ophthalmology—Sir H. L. Ferguson, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S.I. History—J. R. Elder, M.A., D.Litt. Clinical Medicine and Therapeutics—F. W. B. Fitchett, M.D., C.M. Bacteriology and Public Health—C. E. Hercus, M.D., D.P.H., D.5.0., 0.8. E. Economics—A. G. B. Fisher, B.A. Ph.D. Education —R. Lawson, M.A., Litt.D. Also lecturers, demonstrators, and assistants. Registrar.—H. Chapman, Esq., B.A. REPORT (ABRIDGED) OF THE CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL. In accordance with the provisions of the University of Otago Ordinance, 1869, I have the honour to forward herewith a report on the proceedings of the University of Otago for the vear ended 31st December, 1925. University Council. —I regret it is necessary to open my report by referring to the death of our former Chancellor, the Reverend Dr. Cameron, who died on the 19th May, 1925. Dr. Cameron graduated B.A. from our University in 1880, and subsequently continued his studies in the University of Edinburgh and in Germany. In 1894 he was elected a member of the University Council as representative of the graduates ; in 1910 he was appointed Vice-Chancellor, and from 1912 to the time of his death he held the office of Chancellor. It is impossible to exaggerate the value of Dr. Cameron's services to the University during this long period, or to express in words the respect and affection with which he was regarded by the Councillors, professors, and students. The Council hopes to erect a worthy monument to his memory. To fill the vacancy thus created the Council did me the honour of appointing me Chancellor, whilst Mr. W. J. Morrell, M.A., was appointed Vice-Chancellor. The vacancy on the Council was filled by the election of Mr. C. M. Gilray, M.A., a former Rhodes scholar, as representative of the graduates. During the year the Council has received some generous benefactions. I desire specially to mention the following : £3,000 for scholarships from the trustees of the late Lissie Rathbone ; £2,000 for scholarships from the Invercargill Savings-bank ; £1,000 for cancer research from Mrs. M. Judith Massey and her daughter ; £750 for dental equipment from the Dunedin Savings-bank ; £700 for scholarships from Miss L. E. Fowler. It is most gratifying to the Council to note that the activities of the University are being recognized in this practical manner. New Buildings. —In the Chancellor's report for the year 1924 reference was made to the erection of the new Medical and Dental Schools. Although building operations have been continued through the year, progress has been much slower than was anticipated. The Dental School should, however, be ready by the middle of 1926, and the new Medical School building for the commencement of classes in 1927. T. K. Sidey, Chancellor.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1925. Statement of Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Donations and contributions— Balance on 31st December, 1924 .. 169 12 2 Donations for Workers' Educational Salaries (less superannuation deductions) 40,453 1 3 Association .. .. .. 278 17 9 Superannuation deductions .. .. 1,971 7 1 Sir H. L. Eerguson, for library .. 118 4 0 Students'fees to professors .. .. 2,549 15 5 Dunedin Savings-bank Account—Dental Refunds to students .. . . .. 297 14 3 equipment .. .. .. 750 0 0 Equipment .. .. .. .. 2,728 6 6 Presbyterian Church Board .. .. 2,500 0 0 Material .. .. .. .. 2,653 2 6 New Zealand Society of Accountants .. 100 0 0 Library .. .. .. .. 1221112 Otago Hospital Board .. .. 1,300 0 0 Contracts and other new works'— Dunedin City Corporation .. .. 200 0 0 Medical School .. .. .. 28,671 6 5 Honorary medical staff—-Sundry dona- Dental School .. .. .. 9,351 8 6 tions .. .. .. .. 116 0 0 Dental School equipment .. .. 2,223 1 3 Sundry donations .. .. .. 88 0 0 Leith wall .. .. .. 1,010 9 0 Rents—- Tennis-courts .. .. .. 450 0 0 Otago runs .. .. .. 6,281 17 3 Lighting professors'houses .. .. 179 7 6 Southland runs .. .. .. 1,193 5 4 Sundry new works . . .. . . 415 7 1 Castle Street .. .. .. 337 14 3 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 1,125 10 7 Education Board .. .. .. 0 5 0 Repairs .. .. .. .. 370 18 4 Professors'houses .. .. .. 311 4 2 Water, light, and fuel .. .. 1,621 9 2 Caretaker, Medical School .. .. 7 118 Insurance .. .. .. .. 6714 King Street property .. .. 99 8 5 Law-costs .. .. .. .. 92 2 0 Eees—• Miscellaneous— Students'fees .. .. .. 19,314 18 3 Assay fees paid to Professor Waters .. 54 1 3 Assay fees .. .. .. 96 0 6 Dental bursaries .. .. .. 231 11 0 Eees for chemical analyses .. .. 51 9 0 Chamber of Commerce prizes .. 9 9 0 Dental patients'fees .. .. 2,629 11 10 Chemical analyses fees paid out .. 25 14 6 Fees for bacteriology reports .. 618 13 11 Payment to Sir George Grey scholar .. 50 0 0 Eees for pathology reports .. .. 412 14 7 Payment to Home Science bursar's Government grants— travelling-expenses .. .. 6 15 0 Under New Zealand University Amend- Purchases for ethnology .. .. 274 16 6 ment Act, 1919 .. .. .. 8,200 0 0 Research grant from Dean's Eund .. 25 3 0 Professor of Education .. .. 850 0 0 Interest payments .. .. .. 459 13 1 Soldiers' fees .. .. .. 150 0 0 Redroofs Hospital .. .. .. 50 8 0 Medical School building .. .. 27,726 16 6 Expenses, Sir E. Rutherford's visit .. 95 16 10 Dental School building .. .. 9,256 18 6 Travelling-expenses, Workers' EducaDental School equipment .. .. 2,219 0 0 tional Association tutors .. .. 81 12 5 From national endowments under New Expenses connected with appointment Zealand University Amendment Act, of Professors of Economics and 1919 .. .. .. .. 2,083 12 4 Surgery .. .. .. 396 10 11 Annual grant, Mining School .. 750 0 0 Contribution to New Zealand Institute 50 0 0 Home Science capitation .. .. 1,000 0 0 Contribution to Education Court at Commerce capitation .. .. 200 0 0 Exhibition .. .. .. 100 0 0 Speoial bursaries .. .. .. 350 0 0 Boarding-allowance to Dr. Storms and Bacteriology, pathology, and Public Miss McGill .. .. .. 135 0 0 Analyst to 31st March, 1926 .. 1,300 0 0 Telephone rentals .. .. .. 123 0 0 Workers' Educational Association to Commission on interest coupons .. 16 16 6 31st March, 1926 .. .. 1,250 0 0 Sundry payments, including postages, Home Science salaries .. .. 378 13 6 petty cash, allowances, laundry, &c. 1,495 19 7 Purchase, right-of-way in King Street .. 940 16 5 Transfers— Leith wall .. .. .. 1,010 811 Scholarship Account (Fowler gift) .. 700 0 0 Subsidy on Dr. Barnett's donation .. 7,285 0 0 Scholarship Account (subsidy on Girls' Research, rheumatoid arthritis .. 300 0 0 High School Jubilee gift) .. .. 220 4 5 Sundry subsidies on voluntary contribu- Donald Reid Account .. .. 332 6 2 tions .. .. .. .. 1,054 611 Dean's Fund Account .. .. 103 8 4 Sundry grants .. .. .. 57 17 3 Land Sales Account .. .. 1,800 0 0 Interest on investments .. .. 3,831 13 4 Ralph Barnett Account .. .. 7,326 12 9 Miscellaneous— Mary Glendining Account .. .. 100 0 0 Stock-exchange debentures matured .. 1,800 0 0 Sir J. Roberts Account .. .. 10 0 0 Calendar sales .. .. .. 19 6 University of New Zealand Court of Convocation .. .. .. 18 10 0 Receipts from music lectures .. 93 14 6 Receipts from Sir E. Rutherford's lecture 107 10 9 Sale of instruments and notes 70 16 9 University of New Zealand national endowment .. .. .. 1,040 16 5 University of New Zealand, for use of rooms, &c. .. .. .. 51 13 7 Proceeds of advertisements in calendar 28 0 0 Sale of spoil .. .. .. 265 6 0 Students' Association for cleaning .. 15 15 0 Sale of generator .. .. .. 25 0 0 Hocken Library income .. .. 84 8 6 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 117 3 1 Transfers— From Beverly Trust Acoount, for salaries .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 From Studholme House Account, for insurance .. .. •. 12 10 7 From Mahemo and Marama Hall Account .. .. .. 82 13 7 Balance .. .. .. .. 681 2 11 £111,897 10 9 £111,897 10 9



0 Arts and General Account. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1925 .. .. 1,288 911 Government grants .. .. .. 6,654 1 3 Equipment for— Sale of calendars .. .. .. 19 6 Physics .. .. .. .. 291 15 4 Presbyterian Church Board .. .. 2,500 0 0 Chemistry.. .. .. .. 168 14 11 Popular lectures (music) .. .. 93 14 6 Biology .. .. .. .. 24 12 9 Donations .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 General .. .. .. .. 124 9 7 Interest on investments .. .. 1,351 12 7 Material— Rents— Physics .. .. .. .. 16 3 6 Castle Street .. .. .. 354 4 3 Chemistry.. .. .. .. 9215 Education Board .. .. .. 0 5 0 Biology .. .. .. .. 56 5 4 Professors' houses .. .. .. 321 4 2 Library .. .. .. .. 308 19 1 Southland runs .. .. .. 1,11616 3 New works .. .. .. .. 470 211 Otago runs .. .. .. 5,370 16 7 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 633 6 3 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. 40 0 0 Repairs .. .. .. .. 136 8 0 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 149 13 11 Water, light, and fuel .. .. 483 10 2 University of New Zealand .. .. 340 16 5 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 795 12 6 Students'fees .. .. .. 7,914 10 9 Insurance .. .. .. .. 23 1 1 Timber licenses .. .. 48 11 7 Law-costs .. .. .. .. 92 2 0 Students' Association fee overpaid .. 2 2 0 Bank charges .. .. .. 16 16 6 Insurance loss paid .. .. .. 231 11 10 Salaries .. .. .. .. 16,027 17 1 Balance .. .. .. .. 2,002 1 9 Interest on University debentures . . 402 10 0 New works—Contracts .. .. 1,222 11 4 Students' fees short-banked .. .. 0 0 6 Fees to professors and lecturers .. 1,424 2 6 Debit balance — Dental School .. .. .. 935 0 1 Medical School .. .. .. 1,588 2 3 Mining School .. .. .. 1,765 5 4 Museum .. .. .. .. 210 12 0 £28,593 12 4 £28,593 12 4 Dental School Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Equipment .. .. .. .. 88 0 11 Grant from Hospital Board .. .. 500 0 0 Material .. .. .. .. 1,424 19 8 Government grants .. .. .. 635 10 0 Library .. .. .. .. 17 3 6 Dental patients'fees .. .. .. 2,629 11 10 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 93 0 2 Sales of instruments and notes .. .. 3 2 9 Repairs .. .. .. .. 45 410 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 109 19 2 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. 225 11 5 Students'fees .. .. .. 1,783 8 0 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 312 19 10 Transfer to Arts and General Account .. 935 0 1 Insurance .. .. .. .. 71411 Payments to professors and lecturers .. 48 10 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 4,333 6 7 £6,596 11 10 £6,596 11 10 Mining School Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Equipment .. .. .. .. 169 13 7 Government grants .. .. .. 1,069 16 0 Material .. .. .. .. 40 10 1 Assay fees .. .. .. .. 48 0 3 Library .. .. .. .. 52 14 4 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 25 0 0 New works .. .. .. .. 978 Students' fees .. .. .. 445 1 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 22 4 6 Transfer to Arts and General Account .. 1,765 5 4 Repairs .. .. .. .. 35 7 9 Water, light, and fuel .. .. .. 71 12 1 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 18 9 1 Insurance .. .. .. .. 0 6 8 Salaries .. .. .. .. 2,887 17 10 Fees paid to professors .. .. 44 19 0 £3,353 2 7 £3,353 2 7



Medical School Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ g. d. Redroofs Hospital .. .. .. 50 8 0 Grants from Hospital Board .. .. 800 0 0 Purchase of books from Philadelphia .. 319 4 2 Government grants .. .. .. 4,664 18 3 Equipment— Donations . . . . . . . . 184 4 0 Anatomy .. .. .. . . 129 1 4 Bacteriology fees .. .. .. 991 6 3 Bacteriology .. .. .. 425 2 1 Pathology fees .. .. .. 569 17 9 Pathology '.. .. .. 337 6 6 Sundry receipts . . .. 183 9 6 Physiology .. .. .. 228 4 0 Rent' — General .. .. .. .. 49 5 0 Caretaker, Medical School .. , . 6 10 0 Material— King Street property .. . . 96 12 2 Anatomy .. .. .. ~ 220 15 2 Sale of instruments and notes .. .. 27 14 0 Bacteriology . . .. .. 259 3 6 Income from Wolff Harris gift .. 135 5 0 Pathology.. .. .. .. 292 410 Income from Mary Glendining gift .. 779 1 4 Physiology .. .. .. 106 15 9 Income from Ralph Barnett gift .. 374 14 11 Library .. .. .. .. 372 410 Student's fees .. .. .. 7,533 10 3 New works .. .. .. .. 14 16 1 Balance transferred to Arts and General Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 195 2 4 Account .. .. .. .. 1,588 2 3 Repairs .. .. .. . . 88 18 7 Water, light, and fuel .. .. 593 4 0 Miscellaneous expenses . ; . . 683 3 2 Insurance .. .. .. .. 16 13 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 12,561 17 9 Fees paid to professors and lecturers . . 32 11 0 New works —Contracts .. .. 96 3 9 Fees paid to professors .. .. 829 7 4 Transfer to Library Medical School Special Account .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Law-costs re Medical School contract .. 313 6 £17,935 5 8 £17,935 5 8 Home Science School Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Equipment .. .. .. .. 487 4 9 Balance on 31st January, 1925 .. .. 2,553 1 7 Material .. .. .. .. 105 7 8 Government grants .. .. .. 2,677 5 6 Library .. .. .. .. 70 12 3 Donations .. .. .. .. 23 10 0 New works .. . . .. . . 69 10 6 Sundry receipts . . .. . . 114 7 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 110 811 Students'fees .. .. .. 1,419 19 6 Repairs . . . . .. . • 40 17 2 Water, light, and fuel . . .. .. 149 8 1 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 298 8 0 Insurance . . .. • . •. 3 6 7 Salaries .. .. .. .. 3,037 18 2 Fees paid to professors and lecturers .. 27 6 0 New works —Contracts . . .. 92 14 4 | Balance .. .. .. 2,182 8 9 { £6,675 11 2 j £6,675 11 2 Museum Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Equipment .. .. .. .. 97 4 0 Sale, old building .. .. .. 11l 8 6 Material .. .. .. .. 38 15 7 Government grants .. .. .. 10 0 0 New works .. .. .. .. 0 5 0 Donations .. .. .. .. 210 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 68 13 5 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 115 0 Repairs .. .. .. .. 19 12 0 Rent, Museum Reserve .. .. 768 5 0 Water, light, and fuel .. . . .. 98 3 5 Transfer to Arts and General Account .. 210 12 0 Miscellaneous expenses . . .. 103 16 0 Insurance . . .. .. .. 5 19 1 Salaries .. .. .. .. 800 0 0 New works-—Contracts .. .. 79 12 0 £1,312 0 6 £1,312 0 6 Workers' Educational Association Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Balance on Ist January, 1925 .. .. 46 411 Donations .. .. .. .. 278 17 9 Library .. . . .. .. 25 7 1 Government grants .. . r .. 750 0 0 Expenses, including travelling-expenses .. 81 12 5 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 221 15 3 Salaries .. .. .. 1,446 8 6 University of New Zealand .. .. 300 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 48 19 11 £1,599 12 11 £1,599 12 11



University of Otago Scholarship and Prize Fund Account.

5—E. 7.


Bichardson } Walter Scott T „:. ri Tr „, t Macandrew Women's I Tr „.» Cash in Trust. J Trust. lalen lrust ' Trust. Trust, stuart Trust - Bank. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31/12/24 .. 1,147 1 6 541 2 1 600 13 3 1,473 12 2 811 13 4 157 8 2 Interest .. .. 50 11 8 23 9 8 27 6 2 79 6 1 41 9 8 8 13 5 1,197 13 2 564 11 9 627 19 5 1,552 18 3 853 3 0 166 1 7 Payment to holder .. 30 00 10 00 20 00 .. 25 00 5 0 0 Bank charge .. .. 006 003 003 007 004 001 Balance on 31/12/25 — Invested .. .. 1,176 7 4 536 2 4 592 17 5 1,464 10 11 804 3 4 160 6 5 Current account .. .. 18 9 2 15 1 9 88 6 9 23 19 4 0 15 1 146 12 1 1,206 7 10 Income Account over- 8 14 8 .. .. .. .. .. 8 14 8 drawn 1,197 13 2 564 11 9 627 19 5 j 1,552 18 3 853 3 0 166 1 7 I 137 17 5 Ulrich Trust. | Parker Trust, \ Leask Trust. B^| or S " ,th | C *^ n . I [ _J j I '__J ' £ s. d. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31/12/24 .. 105 0 6 66 18 8 1 169 16 6 61 18 3 121 3 1 1 47 10 3 137 17 5 Interest .. .. 5 18 5 3 16 0 921 308 592: 288 110 18 11 70 14 8 | 178 18 7 1 64 18 11 126 12 3 j 49 18 11 137 17 5 Payment to holders .. .. Bank charge .. .. .. .. 001 Balance, 31/12/25 — Invested .. .. 103 18 5 62 6 1 165 1 8 50 15 4 119 14 6 45 0 0 Current account .. 7 0 6 8 8 7 13 16 10 14 3 7 6 17 9 4 18 11 55 6 2 110 18 11 70 14 8 178 18 7 64 18 11 126 12 3 49 18 11 193 3 7 Bursary Fund I .John Edmond j Anna P. Stout Sir Robert Stout I Cash in (Dental). J Fellowship. I Sc Scholarship. Scholarship. | Bank. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31/12/24 .. 41 6 9 5,205 15 2 5,547 13 1 1,108 5 3 1,132 11 2 254 12 1 193 3 7 Interest .. .. .. 241 4 3 326 0 6 60 12 1 59 13 8 15 3 8 41 6 9 4,446 19 5 5,873 13 7 1,168 17 4 1,192 4 10 269 15 9 193 3 7 Payment to holders .. 20 0 0 210 0 0 210 0 0 .. 75 0 0 Bank charge .. .. 018 023 005 005 001 Balance, 31/12/25 — Invested .. .. .. 4,173 18 0 5,536 2 6 1,105 0 0 1,070 0 0 250 0 .0 Current account .. 21 6 9 62 19 9 127 8 10 63 16 11 47 4 5 19 15 8 342 12 4 41 6 9 4,446 19 5 5,873 13 7 1,168 17 4 1,192 4 10 269 15 9 535 15 11 ! a I MacOailinn | | A ffi a^ Ce Young Medical j Cash in J Prize. Memorial. Memorial. ; Scholarship. Association. Bank. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance on 31/12/24 .. j 44 12 1 1,112 1 11 102 9 1 2,0-19 19 6 2,052 5 3 0 4 8 535 14 11 Interest .. .. j 2 10 2 61 18 8 5 9 0 99 11 6 123 17 7 47 2 3 1,174 0 7 107 18 1 2,149 11 0 2,176 2 10 0 4 8 535 14 11 Payment to holder .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Purchase of medals .. .. 9 18 7 Bank charge .. .. .. 005 .. 00 10 00 10 Balance, 31/12/25 — Invested .. .. 46 0 0 1,106 2 0 J 100 0 0 2,041 15 7 2,050 0 0 Current account .. 1 2 3 57 19 7 7 18 1 107 14 7 26 2 0 0 4 8 201 1 2 47 2 3 1,174 0 7 107 18 1 2,149 11 0 2,176 2 10 0 4 8 736 17 1


University of Otago Scholarship and Prize Fund Account —continued.

Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital Accounts— Debentures and inscribed stock .. 75,223 15 0 Sales of property .. .. .. 3,812 5 9 Companies'shares .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 Dunedin Savings-bank .. .. 6,500 0 0 Deposit with Hallenstein Bros. (Limited) 7,364 13 3 Glendining gift .. .. .. 16,875 10 1 Sundry debtors— Wolff Harris endowment .. .. 2,100 0 0 Bacteriology fees due .. .. 698 13 0 Benmore exchange .. .. 255 0 0 Students' Association overpaid .. 2 2 0 Subscribed fund .. .. .. 2,249 0 0 Pathology fees due .. .. 358 7 0 Lothian bequest .. .. .. 600 0 0 Government grants due .. .. 3,039 16 9 Moritzson gift .. .. .. 222 6 11 Home Science Hostel .. .. 438 3 4 Donald Reid trust .. .. .. 6,675 6 9 Students'fees due .. .. .. 50 0 0 Ethnology gift .. .. .. 5,093 19 9 Timber royalties unpaid .. .. 30 410 Sir John Roberts'gift .. .. 2,060 0 0 Workers' Educational Association AcDr. Barnett's gift .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 count overdrawn.. .. .. 48 19 11 The Dean's Fund .. .. .. 2,495 14 0 Rents due— Mrs. Oliver's bequest .. .. 2,506 17 0 Otago runs .. .. .. 315 311 .. .. .. .. 9,510 0 0 Southland runs .. .. .. 14 12 6 Ralph Barnett .. .. .. 15,326 12 9 Castle Street .. .. .. 30 10 0 Ethnology Museum Building Account 7,364 13 3 Education Board .. .. .. 0 5 0 Unexpended balance of special accounts— Professors' houses .. .. .. 107 10 0 Chamber of Commerce .. .. 9 12 7 King Street property .. .. 96 14 10 Chemistry Apparatus Fund .. .. 24 13 4 Arts and General Account —Debit balance 2,002 1 9 Dental School Equipment Account .. 1,495 18 9 Ethnology books donation .. .. 20 15 7 Geology Gift Account .. .. 50 0 0 Ethnology Income Account .. .. 6 19 4 Hocken Library Account .. .. 295 0 0 Hocken Library Books Committee .. 120 17 11 Honorary medical staff, Dunedin Hospital 850 0 0 Medical School Library Special Account 111 8 11 Professor Parker's grave .. .. 10 19 7 Physiology Research Account .. 56 16 5 Rheumatoid arthritis research .. 106 1 10 Sir Ernest Rutherford Account .. 11 13 11 Hon. Downie Stewart Scholarship Account .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Home Science School Account .. 2,182 8 9 Income Accounts in credit— Moritzson gift .. .. .. 36 12 0 Dr. Barnett's Account .. .. 435 19 3 Sir John Roberts' Account .. .. 440 16 11 Sundry creditors — Fees due to professors and lecturers .. 167 17 4 Assay fees to Professor Waters .. 4 11 0 Fees to be refunded to students .. 12 18 6 Bank of New Zealand debit balance .. 122 4 11 £92,321 13 1 £92,321 13 1 Note. —The University owes £7,000 on account of debenture debt.


; O.S' Jubilee Lissie Bat " bo » e ' SZlL Fowler | Cash in Scholarship? Scholarship. Scholarship. ! Bank. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. Balance on 31/12/24 .. .. 220 4 5 [ .. .. .. 736 17 1 Transfer from General Account .. .. : .. .. 70 0 0 Donations or bequests .. .. .. 2,997 10 0 2,000 0 0 Government subsidy .. .. .. j Transferred from General Account .. 220 4 5! Interest.. .. .. .. 9 3 9 | .. 31 16 5 26 1 11 449 12 7 2,997 10 0 | 2,031 16 5 j 726 1 11 736 17 1 Payment to holder .. 20 0 0 .. .. Bank charge .. .. .. 0 0 2 .. 0 0 10 .. j Balance, 31/12/25 — Invested ' .. .. .. 440 8 10 2,997 10 0 2,000 0 0 700 0 0 Current Account .. .. .. .. 31 15 7 26 1 11 57 17 6 460 9 0 794 14 7 Income Account overdrawn .. 10 16 5 .. .. .. 10 16 5 449 12 7 2,997 10 0 2,031 16 5 726 1 11 783 18 2


6. CANTERBURY AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE (LINCOLN). Visitor.-—His Excellency the Governor-General. Board of Governors. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor-General—Dr. C. Chilton. Elected by members of the Legislature—H. A. Knight, Esq. (Chairman); Hon. 1). Buddo, M.P. ; R. W. Lock head, Esq. Elected by governing bodies of Agricultural and Pastoral Associations—John Deans, Esq. ; John Studholme Esq. ; N. M. Orbell, Esq. Staff. Director.—R. E. Alexander, A.R.C.Sc.I. Lecturer in Biology.—F. W. Hilgendorf, M.A., D.Sc., F.N.Z.lnst. Lecturer on Chemistry.—M. J. Scott, 8.A., B.Sc. , Lecturer on Veterinary Science.—J. H. Stafford, M.R.0.V.5., D.S.O. Lecturer on Applied Mathematics, Sc.—J. W. Calder, B.Ag., B.Sc. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR, I have the honour, by direction of the Board of Governors, in pursuance of the Canterbury College and Canterbury Agricultural College Act, 1898, to submit the following report of the work of the institution for the year ending 31st December, 1925 : Fifty-two students were enrolled in 1925, the number in residence being up to the limit of accommodation. Of those enrolled six were holders of bursaries under the Education Department. Twelve students sat for various subjects set by the New Zealand University for the Bachelor of Agriculture degree or the certificate in Agriculture. Three students completed their degree course at the College, and should obtain their degree, and this brings the total number who have obtained the degree from the College to about twenty-five. Nineteen students left at the end of the year, of whom one had completed one year of instruction, three two years, and the remaining fifteen the whole course ; of these fifteen all satisfied the examiners and were awarded the diploma of the College. Applications for entrance to the College are still somewhat in excess of the accommodation provided, indicating that there is a strong demand for higher agricultural education. During the year two Commissions on higher agricultural education visited the College, and took -evidence from members of the Board and staff. The first consisted of the members of the Board of Agriculture, and the second of Sir Harry Reichel and Mr. Frank Tate. The claims of the College to financial assistance to enable it to extend its laboratories, teaching equipment, and experimental work were reiterated, and it was shown that the continued neglect of these claims was having a grave effect on the higher agricultural education of the Dominion. The plant-breeding work under the supervision of Dr. Hilgendorf and subsidized by the Government is still being carried on and extended. During the year we were able to place on the market new strains of Dun and Danish oats, and these, though not so widely used as the College strain of Algerians, have already won the appreciation of farmers. The arrangements for supplying all demands for seed of our pure strains of wheat and oats were successfully carried out, and we attained our aim of unrestricted and economical distribution of the seed whose production had caused so much effort. The work of selection of grasses has been proceeded with in the hope of ultimately securing financial assistance to bring it to fruition, and representations as to the importance of this work were made to the Board of Agriculture when it visited the College. Mr. Scott, Lecturer on Chemistry, has repeated and increased his field manurial experiments. These promise to be most interesting and valuable, and all experimental work has an important influence on the teaching of the College and instruction of the students. The College and farm buildings have been kept in a good state of repair ; all possible improvements and additions have been made during the year. As has been repeatedly pointed out, new laboratories and farm buildings are urgently needed. The farm and its surroundings have been properly cared for, and the high fertility maintained. The College yields still maintain an average of 50 per cent, above those of the rest of the Dominion. The live-stock have also been maintained at a high level. College sheep sent to the Royal Show at Palmerston North obtaining twenty-one prizes, including three championships and two reserve championships. The usual visits, organized and occasional, of farmers to the College have been maintained, as has also the instructional correspondence, and the lectures by members of the staff to meetings of farmers in various districts of Canterbury. As in former years, we are indebted to a number of friends who have presented us with trophies for special prizes, which are appreciated both by staff and students. We are also indebted to those friends who have allowed our students to visit and inspect their works, manufactories, grounds, or stock.



STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1925. Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. ci. Balance brought forward, 31st December, Live-stock .. .. .. .. 1,539 7 8 1924 .. .. .. .. 279 3 10 Manures .. .. .. .. 429 12 3 Transferred from investment account .. 161 16 2 Seeds .. .. . . .. 203 18 10 Sheep .. .. .. .. 4,588 3 9 Farm contingencies .. .. .. 668 17 1 Cattle .. .. .. .. 389 12 5 Implements .. .. .. .. 233 11 8 Pigs .. .. .. .. 358 16 9 Saddlery .. .. .. .. 79 5 7 Wool, skins, and fat .. .. .. 903 13 10 Workshops . . .. .. .. 317 710 Dairy-produce .. .. .. 37 6 1 Orchards and grounds .. .. .. 177 12 O Wheat .. .. .. .. 2,999 0 3 Farm wages .. .. .. .. 2,023 13 1 Other grain .. .. .. 1,332 14 5 Staff salaries .. .. .. 2,837 3 6 Farm trades .. .. .. .. 300 16 4 Students'maintenance.. .. .. 2,928 14 2 Farm contingencies ■ .. .. 76 0 0 College contingencies .. .. .. 1,055 4 6 College contingencies .. .. .. 632 4 9 Buildings .. .. .. .. 416 16 6 Rents .. .. .. .. 3,651 4 2 Laboratories .. .. .. .. 206 19 11 Interest in investments .. .. 584 2 2 Library .. .. .. .. 51 8 3 Interest on Post Office Savings-bank Ac- Stationer}-, telephone, &e. .. .. 139 8 1 count .. .. . . .. 1 10 5 Students' books .. .. .. 63 13 9 Students'fees .. .. .. 2,898 3 4 Printing and advertising .. .. 31 711 Students' books .. . . .. 33 12 9 Board expenses .. .. . . 69 4 9 Students' stationery .. .. .. 16 17 5 Students' fees refunded .. .. 80 8 0' Laboratories and veterinary fees .. 85 7 3 Students' travelling-expenses .. .. 20 0 0 Students' maintenance-—Refunds .. 8 7 0 College insurances .. .. .. 158 7 6 Saddlery fees .. . . .. 5 8 0 Benefit Fund Premiums Account .. 134 0 4 Benefit Fund premiums—Refunds . 93 17 8 Prizes and certificates .. .. .. 48 4 3 College insurance—Rebates .. .. 21 18 6 Farm fuel .. .. .. .. 37 13 11 Memorial Hall—Old Boys' Association Grain .. .. .. .. 1,465 1 3 donation .. .. .. .. 65 0 0 Memorial Hall .. .. .. 346 2 4 Prizes and certificates .. .. .. 8 2 0 Rates .. .. .. .. 215 15 8 Farm fuel .. .. .. .. 8 0 0 Exhibition expenses .. .. .. 65 0 0 Defalcations by M. Banks written off .. 270 13 3 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. .. 2,472 17 11 £19,540 19 3 £19,540 19 3 | , r Bank Reconciliation. By Cash in bank on 31st £ s. d. December, 1925 .. 2,583 13 8 Less outstanding cheques on 31st December, 1925 .. .. 151 0 3 2,432 13 5 Cash in Post Office Savings-bank on 31st December, 1925 .. .. 40 4 6 £2,472 17 11 Investment Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance, Ist January, 1925 .. .. 11,661 16 2 By Transfer to General Account .. 161 16 2 Balance in Mortgage Account .. 11,500 0 0 £11,661 16 2 . £11,661 16 2 R. E. Alexander, Director. Examined and found correct, subject to the exception that the deposit during the year of College funds with the New Zealand Refrigerating Company is contrary to law. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation not given ; printing (925 copies), £75.

Authority: W. A. G. Skinnek, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 926,

Price f)d.]


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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1925.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1926 Session I, E-07

Word Count

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1925.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1926 Session I, E-07

EDUCATION: HIGHER EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-7, 1925.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1926 Session I, E-07

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