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EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1925.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


Page Page 1. Report of the Inspeotors of Secondary Schools .. '2 3. Statements of Accounts of Governing Bodies of Secondary Schools:— 2. Detailed Tables, etc. :— Whangarei High School Board .. 21 Auckland Grammar Sohools Board .22 Secondary Schools, — Thames High Sohool Board .. .. 23 r. , ,m , , 0 , qui a Hamilton High School Board .. .. 24 Personnel of Staffs of Secondary Sohools .. 5 New Plymouth High Schools Board.. .. 25 Kl. Roll and Average Attendants of Wanganui Collegiate School Board .. .. 26 Secondary Sohools .. .. 9 Wanganui Girls' College Board .. 27 K2. Years of Attendance of Pupils .. 10 Palmerston North High School Board .. 28 K3. Incidental Expenses of Secondary Gisborne High School Board .. .. 29 Schools .. .. .. .. 11 Napier High Schools Board .. .. 30 K4. Holders of Scholarships and Free Places 11 !! !! 31 K5. National Scholarships .. .. 12 Wellington College and Girls' High School K6. Pupils boarding away from Home .. 12 Board .. .. .. .. 33 K7. Receipts of Secondary Schools .. 13 Marlborough High Sohool Board .. ..34 KB. Payments of Secondary Schools .. 14 Nelson College Board .. .. .. 35 K9. Balances and other Monetary Assets and Hokitika High School Board .. .. 40 Liabilities .. .. .. 15 Rangiora High Sohool Board .. .. 36 KlO. Distribution of Reserves Revenue .. 16 Canterbury College Board— vii t™ i« Christohuroh Boys' High Sohool .. ..38 Kll. Lower Departments .. ..16 Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. 39 Christ's College Grammar School Board .. 37 District High Schools, Ashburton High School Board .. 41 LI. School Attendanoe at Seoondary Depart- Timaru High Sohools Board .. .. 42 ments of District High Sohools ..17 Waimate High Schoo l Board .. ..40 L 2. Subjects taken by Pupils in. Secondary JSftSMSSW. t, r , m ! Gore High School Board 45 L 3. Staff, Classification, &c., in Detail .. 18 Southland High Schools Board .. ..46

I—E. 6.


1. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INSPECTORS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Sir, —• Wellington, 7th June, 1926. We have the honour to present our report for the year 1925. Unfortunately, the outstanding feature of the year has been the dislocation caused by the severe epidemic of infantile paralysis that affected the whole Dominion in the summer and early autumn. The reopening of the schools after the summer vacation was necessarily delayed for a period of over two months. By reducing the number and the length of the vacations the majority of schools were able to retain a session of thirtythree to thirty-five weeks. It was realized before the end of February that the reopening would be fairly late in the year, and several schools had even at that early date inaugurated a scheme of instruction through the post; others joined in later at the request of the Department, and by the middle of March practically all schools were engaged in some form of assignment work for the benefit of their pupils. In many instances the newspaper-proprietors generously assisted the schools by publishing assignments in the local Press, and the Postal authorities also made concessions. The response of the pupils was in most centres very gratifying. In not a few instances teachers found that they were being overwhelmed with piles of written work sent in for correction and comment, and many found that they were being called upon to work far longer hours than during the ordinary school session. Several Principals have spoken- to us in glowing terms of the zeai and industry displayed by members of their staffs in this pre-sessional work. Unfortunately, certain subjects, especially in first-year forms, had necessarily to be left untouched, but it is undeniable that in those schools where a serious effort had been made the middle and upper forms were able to settle down to advanced work much more effectively than in those where the pupils had not been kept in touch with their subjects. There is no doubt, too, that most of the staffs concerned gained valuable knowledge of the real difficulties that confront the pupil in the various subjects. They benefited much, moreover, from the staff discussions on methods of teaching and other topics that were held in most schools. We wish to place on record our appreciation of the energy and vigour displayed by the Principals and staffs in meeting a very difficult situation. The work of the Inspectors was naturally hampered by the dislocation referred to above. It had been hoped to complete during the year the triennial round of full inspections, but this was, unfortunately, found to be impossible. Time, however, was found for a detailed inspection of Nelson College, Nelson Girls' College, Timaru Boys', Timaru Girls', Gore, Southland Boys', Southland Girls', Otago Boys', and Otago Girls' High Schools. Visits were also paid to the Waitaki Junior High Schools. Several private schools were visited in connection with applications for registration as private secondary schools. The sittings of the Appeal Board were attended in April. The Board sat in Auckland, Wellington, and Dunedin ; eleven teachers appealed against their classification ; one appeal was allowed by consent and one by the Appeal Board, seven were disallowed, and two were withdrawn. Each of the thirty-six secondary schools was visited during the latter half of the year, although in most cases the visits were somewhat curtailed. Recommendations for senior free places and " higher " leaving-certificates were dealt with on very much the same lines as those described in previous reports, except that in this instance only a few written tests were set to the candidates. This departure from the usual procedure was not regarded as an altogether desirable innovation, but the retardation due to the epidemic and the limited time available left scarcely any other course open. It was assumed that the relative standard of proficiency obtaining in each school was equivalent to that which had been discovered by more exhaustive tests in the two preceding years, and a careful scrutiny was made of the candidates' class records and their showing in school examinations in order to determine which of them were the most deserving of inclusion in the group to be accepted from the school in question. It may be added that a scrutiny of the results obtained by the rejected candidates in the subsequent Intermediate Examination proves that a just estimate of the standard had been made in the case of nearly every school; in the few schools excepted the estimate had apparently erred on the side of leniency. As a result of the Inspectors' recommendations senior free places were awarded in accordance with clause 7 (c) to 2,563 candidates ; another 135 were successful in obtaining them by passing the Intermediate Examination in November. Some 615 " higher " and 102 " lower " leaving-certificates were also issued oh the Inspectors' recommendations. Objections to the grading and staffing systems have now become much less frequent. The existing cpmplaints fall for the most part under two heads—the complaints of assistants that the staffing schedule does not provide for a sufficiently high proportion of A and B grade positions, and those of Boards in the smaller towns that they cannot get properly qualified teachers to fill such positions. The contradictory nature of these complaints is obvious, but not inexplicable. So long as the present reluctance of teachers to take up work outside the large centres exists the overstaffing of city schools with higher-grade teachers and the corresponding understaffing of the remoter schools must continue. It must be admitted that it is no light undertaking for the married male teacher to



move to another centre in order to obtain promotion, as the expenses of his transfer will, as a rale, swallow up several years' increase in salary. Strangely enough, however, the remote schools find it much more difficult to obtain women teachers than to obtain men. It is obvious that the high cost of transfer expenses cannot be the determining factor in the case of the women, yet the fact remains that not even A grade salaries with an additional emolument for work as first woman assistant in a mixed school will, as a rule, tempt teachers away from the cities. The list of approved text-books continues to serve a useful purpose. In several instances publishers have agreed to reduce the price of a book in order to secure its retention on the list, and publishing firms, both Home and local, have displayed enterprise in revising old publications or in issuing new ones in an endeavour to have them retained or placed on the list. Several schools persist in using a few of the antiquated text-books of the last century. This tendency is probably more marked in the large boys' schools than elsewhere —and a few adhere to expensive books which might well be replaced by others of equal work and less cost. The special training of teachers for secondary-school work presents the same difficulties as it did when we discussed the situation in our, report of two years ago. It is gratifying to note, however, that there is evidence of a desire for closer co-operation between the Principals of the training colleges and the Heads of the larger city schools. The utilization of a large secondary school as a practising field for specially selected training-college students under the supervision of the Principals and capable Heads of Departments has produced very satisfactory results indeed during the past three or four years at Wellington College, and latterly a few other schools have been led to make experiments along the same lines. It is, however, unfortunate that except in the case of two large boys' schools the Heads of Departments cannot possibly be given sufficient free time to undertake supervision of the nature indicated. Should the practice of sending training-college students to selected schools become the recognized procedure, it would appear that some special staffing-allowance would need to be made for the schools so utilized. That our young secondary teachers are not as entirely lacking in training as some critics loudly proclaim is evident from the fact that 65 per cent, of the men and 40 per cent, of the women entering the secondary service last year had passed through a trainingcollege course. It must be admitted, however, that very few of these trained teachers know anything about methods of teaching secondary-school subjects, and it is just here where the weakness of the present system, or lack of system, becomes apparent. A practicable remedy, however, is not easy to formulate in a country such as ours with its widely scattered University and training colleges. The Dalton plan appears to have been definitely abandoned, and it is no longer a recognized feature of the organization of any of our schools. Sporadic experiments conducted along these lines by a few enthusiasts are still to be met with, especially in the teaching of history, a subject which lends itself admirably to the application of the plan. We fear, however, that the term " assignments " has become anathema to many teachers after their trying experience during the epidemic period, and there is certainly no widespread desire to repeat or extend Dalton experiments. It is well to point out here that our schools are, unfortunately, not as well equipped with libraries as they should be, and consequently the " laboratory " work which features so largely in the Dalton and similar plans is cramped for want of suitable material. The question of assistance for school libraries is one that will need to be faced in the near future. Both Mr. Tate's Commission on post-primary education arid the University Commission naturally evoked considerable interest in our schools, and many Principals and several assistants were given opportunities to voice their opinions on various aspects of secondary education. It is not proposed to discuss here the comments on our secondary system expressed in Mr. Tate's admirable report or the recommendations affecting the relationship of the schools to the University that were made by the Commission. Quite apart from the great value of their decisions and recommendations, the advent of the two Commissions has in itself been productive of much good in arousing among our teachers a spirit of inquiry into the aims and the efficiency of our existing system of education. Among other things, it has made us realize a little more clearly than before how much the Matriculation Examination has dominated our secondary-school courses in the past. It is very much to be regretted that Mr. Tate was unable, owing to the epidemic, to see any of our secondary schools at work. As in previous reports, we have again refrained from discussing in detail the teaching methods employed in the various schools, or their curricula, organization, or administration. These matters have been dealt with, often at great length, in the various inspection reports. In regard to curricula, however, it is interesting to note that the agriculture course, though not yet by any means popular, has held its ground in the past two years ; in several schools it has made some slight headway towards obtaining a reasonable measure of support. There is no doubt that the gradual return of more prosperous times for the farming community during 1923 and 1924 has helped considerably to swell the ranks of our agricultural pupils. When times are hard on the farm the farmer's son either does not enter the secondary school at all, or, if he does, he is naturally anxious to adopt any vocation but farming. If given a choice he will follow the educational course that leads him to other vocations in which there appear, perhaps quite erroneously, to be prospects of earning a competency with much less drudgery. Regarding the quality of the teaching in general, we feel that there has been great improvement in several subjects during recent years. Perhaps the advance has been most marked in the teaching of English. The old formal treatment of the subject has given place with most teachers to a more enlightened endeavour to cultivate the pupil's interest in literature, to teach him to write good English by the constant study and imitation of the very best models, and to encourage him to speak clearly and well by means of class discussions and debates. The study of grammar which formerly occupied so much of the time devoted to English has now been put in a subordinate position. The results are seen in the excellence of some of the composition work (prose and verse), particularly of



the imaginative type, and in the greater joy that teacher and pupil alike gain from the English lesson. This newer type of teaching calls for higher qualities of taste and scholarship than did the old, but the reward is rich for those who possess these qualities. The success that has attended the introduction of phonetics in the early stages of the teaching of French has created an interest in the science generally. Teachers of English are looking to it to help them to correct faulty speech in the mother-tongue. Great interest was shown in the proposed vacation school ill French and English phonetics and speech-training which had been planned for May, 1926. The secondary schools are now paying more attention to music than in past years. In most cases the services of a visiting teacher have to be engaged, but some of the best work in music has been accomplished in schools which are fortunate in having on their own staffs one or more capable musicians. The advent of the high-class gramophone, it may be added, has done much to make the teaching of musical appreciation possible even where there are 110 experts available. We conclude by remarking that in spite of a trying year all ranks of the service have shown a buoyant spirit in the problems that affect their schools. They feel that the next few years will be ones of great interest and development, and that change is necessary and inevitable in many features of the work and organization of their schools, and they are eager to throw their weight into any reforms that are brought about as a result of the recent Commissions' reports. We have, &c., E. J. Pare, \ H P Kidson i I lls P ec t° rs secondary bchools. The Director of Education.




SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1925.


Grade. °s |j§ C 03 K 5 •—< c«"^ Position ij| a < a m \ Name. „• a in fci £'~S 5 .2 School. gSsS S$o ** 3 T o; t; « $ 1 §*o g§s ! El j Pi < 7Whanoabbi High School. £ £ Charters, A. B., M.A .. Principal 095 60 Smith, H. E. G. .. B A Assistant 520 41) Given, W. A., M.A. A A „ 520 40 Dunn, S. B., M.A. B B „ 445 40 Bird, D. D. A., B.A. C C „ 360 40 Wilson, 0. C. D D „ 285 40 McKenzie, I. F., M.A... C C ,, 320 Glanville, W. J. .. I) D „ 245 Britland, J. J. G., B.Sc. D I) ,, 230 Haselden, Miss E., M.A. A B ,, 384 Hollway, Mrs. E., B.A. B B ,, 370 40 Clarke-Walker, Miss V., C C „ 276 B.A. Lamb, Miss W. E. .. D I) „ 240 Holmes, Miss C., M.A. D D „ 192 Auckland Grammar School. Drummond, J., M.A. .. .. .. Principal 860 | 60 Mahon, H. J. 1)., B.A. A A Assistant 520 j 40 Ryder, A. R., M.A. A A „ 510 I 40 Foster, W. T., M.A., A A „ 480 j 40 B.Litt. Dellow, K. J., M.A. A A ,, 480 40 Docherty, P. A. B B „ 465 40 Newhook, J. L. I. .. B B „ 450 40 Bishop, W. J., M.A. A B „ 450 Drummond, P., B.A. A B „ 435 Short, A. W., B.A. B B „ 420 40 Jones, C. R., M.A. A B „ 420 40 Bennett, J. W. .. B B ! ,, 420 | 40 Driver, E. H., M.A. B B ,, 420 | 40 Asher, J. A., M.A. B C „ 380 | 40 Winter, N. A., B.A. B C » 380 40 Taylor, C. C C „ j 380 40 Learning, J. E., B.A. C C >> 365 I 40 Bilkey, E. E., M.A. B C „ 365 40 Stein, P. A. S., B.Sc. C C „ 350 I Hogben, E. N„ B.A. C C „ ! 350 40 Nicholson, A. M., M.A. B C ,, 350 40 Harman, Dr. R. W. C D ,, j 305 40 Wedding, H. W., M.A. C D | 260 40 Fernie, W. G. V., B.A. D D „ 260 | Lee, G. T. .. C D „ 245 I Treacher, K. N. D D „ ' 245 I 40 Nicholls, C. N., B.A. D D „ 245 | Macky, W. A., B.Sc. D D „ i 230 Coop, J. D D „ 245 | Rauch, F. C... D D „ I 215 i Mount Albert Grammar School. Gamble, F. W., M.A .. i Principal 740 60 Gatland, A. R., B.A. .. A A j Assistant 480 40 Caradus, W., M.Sc. .. A A j ,, 480 40 Brock, H. F., M.A. A B „ 465 40 Coldham, G. S., M.A. .. A B | ,, 465 40 Harvey, J. H., M.A. .. A I! „ 435 40 Worley, C. P., B.A. B B „ 390 40 Trendall, A. D. C C „ 365 40 Hardy, R. B. C C I „ 335 40 Tait, J. M., M.A. .. C C | • „ 320 Calder, H. L., M.A. C D ! „ 275 . . Towers, H. L. D C j ,, 320 Gray, A. J., M.A. C D ,, 260 Blaiklock, E. M., B.A. D D | „ 245 Black, S. D D „ 245 Meiklejohn, S. F., M.A. D D j „ 230 Auckland Girls' Grammar School. Picken, Miss W., M.A. .. | .. Principal | 630 Dive, Miss M. A., B.A. A 1 A Assistant j 408 Macdonald, Miss F. E., A A „ I 408 B.A.

Grade. °o ? oH -2-c.rt -- . +5 ""J -j Position £ =c ceo Name. ,.• d in |2bo &~S 2 .2 School. S <e >h « § a c Si 2*rt ° C ° g g gees F -« a Auckland Girls' Grammar School—continued. £ £ Heap, Mrs. S. .. B B Assistant i 354 Uhlmann, Miss J. L. B B „ 354 Edgerley, Miss K. V., A A „ 372 M.A. Woodhouse, Miss H.,M.A. A B j „ 354 MacDiarmid, Miss B. S., A B : „ 342 M.A. Sheat, Miss L., M.A. .. B C i ,, 264 Hull, Miss C. L. F., M.A. A B | 318 Haslett, Miss A. I., B.A. B C j ,, 300 MacDonald, Miss M.,B.A. B C ,, 276 McMullan, Miss E. .. D D ,, 240 Virtue, Miss M. E., B.A. C C „ 252 Wilson, Miss J. H., M.Se. B C ,, 252 Finlay, Miss C. D I) „ 240 Smith, Miss B., M.A. .. C D i „ 240 Warnock, Miss G., M.A. I) I) ,, 216 Thorp, Miss G. D D „ 216 Harris, Miss J. E., B.Sc. D D „ 204 in H. Sc. Epsom Girls' Grammar School. Morrison, Miss A. C., M.A. .. .. Principal 610 -Patterson, Miss F., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Kirkbride, Miss H., M.A. A A ,, 360 Freeman, Miss M., M.A. A B „ 354 Collins, Miss E. C. . . A B „ 354 Jenkins, Miss R. H., M.A. B B „ 360 Barnett, Miss M., B.A. C C ,, 288 Holmden, Miss I)., M.A. B B „ 318 McKeage, Miss K., M.A. B C „ 276 Bell, Miss B., M.A. B C „ 288 Battersby, Miss B., M.Sc. B B „ 306 Lewis-Davies, Miss M. C B „ 306 Hutton, Miss G. L. .. C C ,, 264 Rudall, Miss J. C. S., C C ,, 264 B.Sc. in H.Sc. MacDiarmid, Miss E. .. D D „ 240 Falkner, Miss L. E., B.A. CD ,, 240 Walker, Mrs. M. H., B.A. CD „ 240 40 Harris, Miss G. L., M.A. D D ,, 228 Potter, Miss J., M.A. D D „ 192 Hamilton High School. Wilson, E., M.A. .. .. .. Principal 765 60 Tait, H. D., M.A. .. A A Assistant 470 40 Gudex, M. C., M.A.,M.Sc. A B „ 465 40 Tuck, F. L. N. .. B B „ 465 40 Mason, F. E., B.Sc. C B „ 405 40 Senior, S. E., M.A. B C ,, 350 40 Nelson, A. P., M.A. C C „ 335 Leys, W. C. S., M.A. D D „ 260 Farquharson, Miss M. G., A A „ 372 M.A. Mahony, Miss C. G., B.A. B B „ 354 Wyatt, Miss G. M. .. C C „ 300 Watson, Miss M.W., B.A. C C „ 300 Johnston, Miss M. G., D D „ 216 M.A. Storry, Miss J., B.A. D D „ 204 Brash, Miss P. A., B.Sc. D D „ 204 in H.Sc. Thames High School. Hoult, W. H., M.A .. Principal 670 60 Baker, W. H., B.Sc. .. A A Assistant 480 40 Marshall, H. H., B.A. C B „ 405 40 Watkin, S. L. A., M.A. C C „ 350 40 Heward, Miss G. H., M.A. B B „ 342 30 Wilcox, Miss E. M. .. C D „ 240 Hogg, A. S., M.Sc, D C „ 320 Milne, Miss A. M., B.A. 0 D „ 240 Joyce, Miss K. H., B.A. D D ,, 204


Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1925—continued.


T) J- Jr ti Grade. ° fc - a> H -S Po3ition J « t,' <i a ® Uame. „• a in _ »■ g t"~ ° | o school. ||x 1 S I g«"S gg§ H 0< <i a New Plymouth Boys' High School. £ £ Moyes, W. H., M.A., .. .. Principal 740 50 B.Sc. Johnson, A. G., M.Sc. A A Assistant 490 40 Bottrill, C. G., M.A. A B „ 465 40 Diprose, A. W., M.A. A A ,, 470 40 Papps, A. J., B.A. B B ,, 435 40 Connell, J. W. C C „ 380 40 Bertrand, G. F. 0 C ,, 350 40 Kerr, V. E., M.A. B C ,, 350 40 Leggat, J., M.A. B C ,, 335 Eggleton, F. J. . . I) 1) ,, 305 40 Wilkie, W. G. D D „ 275 40 Dyer, H. G. .. D I) „ 260 40 Wilson, R. C., M.A., B.Sc. D D ,, 275 McDonald, T. M., M.A. D D ,, 260 Earl, J., M.A. . . D D ' „ 230 New Plymouth Girls' High School. Allan, Miss D. N., M.A. .. . . Principal 470 50 Maclean, Miss N. I., M.A. A A Assistant 372 Tizard, Miss A. C., M.A. A B „ Smith, Miss J. M„ B.A. .. C „ 276 McMullan, Miss G., B.A., A B „ 318 B.Sc. Valentine, Miss H. M., G D „ 22 8 M.A. Stewart, K. M., M.A. B G ,, 300 Hurle, L. A., M.A. D D ,, 204 Michael, Miss M. A., B.Sc. D D „ 102 in H.Sc. Wanganui Girls' College. Cruickshank, Miss C. M., .. .. Principal 575 M.A., M.Sc. Gifford, Miss S. E., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Currie, Miss J. R., M.A. A A ,, 372 Blennerhassett, Miss A., A B • „ 354 B.A. Rockel, Miss C. C. H., A B ,, 318 M.A. Graham, Miss E., M.A. B B ,, 306 Treadwell, Miss M. H., C C ,, 288 B.A. Oldridge, Miss L. L., M.A. C C ,, 252 Hunt, Miss W., B.A. C D „ 240 McLeod, Miss J., B.Sc. C C „ 252 in H.Sc. Gifford, Miss M., B.Sc. D j D „ 192 in H.Sc. Hope, Miss D. D | D „ 204 Palmerston North Boys' High School. Murray, J., M.A. .. .. .. Principal 720 Colquhoun, J.A., M.Sc. A A Assistant 550 Anderson, W. P., M.A. A A „ 490 Stevenson, J. J. .. B B ,, 435 40 Thompson, H. J., M.A., B B „ 420 40 LL.B., B.Com. Kerr, H. W., M.A. B B „ 405 40 Espiner, E. W., M.A. C C „ 350 Dash, J. C C „ 320 40 Cumberworth, R. W., DC ,, 335 B.A. Skoglund, P. 0. .. D D ,, 230 Silson, J. H. D D „ 230 Werry, E. J., M.A. D D „ 245 Mayne, R. J., B.A. D D „ 230 Palmerstok North Girls' High School. Mills, Miss C. B., M.A., .. .. Principal 510 B.Sc. Hodges, Miss F. J., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Dale, Miss M. F. B B „ 354 Stott, Miss E. M., B.A. B B ,, 354 Simkin, Miss K. L., B.Sc. C C ,, 276 * (H.Sc.) Crawford, Miss E. J., B.A. C C ,, 264 McHaffie, Miss C., M.Sc. D D „ 204 Black, Miss M. A., B.A. D D , „ 204 Brown, Miss L. .. D'| D | „ 192 .. !

Grade. = a j 3 & «S £ -C =3 Position «§ ce M * a cg Kame - Si a in 2>.g &~5 2 o School. gSsS I 1 |9S . H j j I Gisborne High School. £ £ Foote, F., B.A. .. i .. .. Principal 765 Wilkes, F. J., M.A. .. A A Assistant 510 40 Edmondson, P., B.A. .. j B A „ 480 40 Maunder, G. T., M.Sc... B B „ 450 40 Dunphy, W. P., B.A., B B „ | 420 40 B.Sc. Scott, W. R., M.A. B B » 420 40 Saunders, G., M.A. C C ,, j 335 Smith, W. M„ M.A. C C „ } 350 Coulam, A. .. 1) C ,, i 350 Adams, E. L. D D „ ■ 260 Aitken, D. F., M.A. D I) ,, I 230 Eanghorne, G. W. .. D D » ! 215 I Stewart, Miss J., M.A. A B 1 „ 330 40 Prestwich, Miss M. .. B B ,, I 306 Eurward, Miss M„ B.A. C C „ 252 Espiner, Miss E. V., M.A. C C ,, 252 Stephens, Miss E. E.,M.A. C 1) „ 228 Mitchell, Miss G., B.A. D D ,, 216 ! Napier Boys' High School. Armour, W. A., M.A., .. .. Principal 720 M.Sc. West, E. S., M.A. .. A A Assistant 480 40 Alexander, M., B.Sc. A A „ 480 40 Harwood, W. G., B.A., A B „ 435 40 M.Sc. Ward, H. H., B.A. B B „ 450 40 Slater, H. W., M.A., B.Sc. A B „ 450 Strack, C. H. E., B.A... C C „ 380 40 Bagley, C. J. C C ,, 365 40 Woodward, M. F., M.A. B C ,, 350 40 | Haldane, G. R. D D ,, 215 Milburn, R. H. D D ,, 260 Murphy, E. R. D D ,, 245 Whitehead, H. G., B.A. D D „ 230 40 Napiek Giels' High School. Greig, Miss V. M., M.A., .. .. Principal 510 M.Sc. Arthur, Miss D. M., M.A. A A Assistant 372 Gillies, Miss J. 0. B B ,, 342 Anderson, Miss A. M. .. B B „ 330 Smith, Miss M. L., M.A. B C „ 300 Vickery, Miss E. E. A., C C „ 300 B.A.. Macdonald, Miss M. E., D D ,, 216 M., M.Sc. Davies, Miss H. P., B.A. C C „ 264 Oswin, Miss K. F., M.A. D D „ 216 Thornton, Miss C. .. D D ,, 180 Dannevikke High School. Tait, A. G. .. .. .. .. Principal 570 Heaton, F.. M.A., B.Sc. A B Assistant 465 Craven, E. S., M.A. C C „ 320 Bingham, MissF.D., M.A. C C ,, 252 30 Johnson, L. .. .. D D „ 250 Wilson, Miss M., M.A. D D ,, 192 Waikarapa High School. Uttley, G. H., M.A., D.Sc. .. I Principal 670 Morice, G. W., M.A., B.Sc A A Assistant 480 40 Bee, J. G., M.A. A B „ 465 Sutherland, Miss 0. R., A B „ 354 . 30 M.A. Bird, J. W., M.A. A C „ 380 McClure, C., B.A. B C „ 380 40 Leonard, Miss K., M.A. C C ,, 280 McHarg, I. S., B.Agr., D U ., 260 B.Sc. Thomson, H. R., M.A. D D „ 260 Bethell, Miss D. A., M.A. D D „ 204 * Wellington College. Cresswell, T. R., M.A [ .. I Principal 860 Gifford, A. C., M.A. .. A A Assistant 520 70 Renner, F. M., M.A. A j A „ 520 70 Tomlinson, H. B., M.A. A I A ,, 490 40 Brodie, T., B.A. A 1 A „ 520


Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1925—continued.


T3 ' .J, k! Grade. °g ® W s Position 4 J Is a w Name. d in >■§ &~o Jjj .2 School. a £ >* *•» $ S =: '• o 1=3 h * < a Wellington College—continued. £ £ Alexander, W., B.A., A I B I Assistant | 465 40 LL.B. Lomas, J. S., M.A. A B „ 465 40 Hall, J., B.Sc., BA. A ; B „ I 465 40 Millard, J.N.,B.A.,M.Sc. A t B „ | 450 40 Caddiek, A. E., M.A. A B ,. 435 40 Fathers, H. T. M„ B.A., A B „ 435 B.Sc. Cuddie, J. R., M.A. A B „ 420 40 Joplin, P., B.A., B.Sc. A B „ 420 40 Balham, W. F. C., B.A. C C „ 380 40 Farquhar, A..S., M.A... B C ,, 380 40 Beard, T. E„ B.A. C C „ 365 40 Thornton, F. E„ M.A... C C „ 350 40 Perry, W. J., M.A. C C „ 350 40 Jackson, A., M.A., M.Sc. C C „ 350 40 McNaught, G., M.A. C C „ 350 Stevens, W. H., B.A. .. B C ,, 365 40 Jones, W. V. C C „ 320 40 Dighton, J. L., B.A. C D „ 290 McCaw, J. T. D I) „ 245 Leadbetter, M., B.A. D i) ,, 245 Peryman, H. L. E., B.A. D D ,, 230 Martin-Smith, P., LL.B., CD „ 260 B.A. Turner, M. F., B.A. C D „ 305 Heron, H. A., M.A. C D „ 290 40 Simpson, J. A. G., B.A. CD „ 275 Hislop, T. G. D I D „ 230 Kalaugher, W. G., B.A. D ; D ,, 215 Wellington Girls' High School. McLean, Miss M., M.A. .. .. Principal 670 Newman, Miss E.A., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Rainforth, Miss E. M., A A ,, 408 B.A. Kershaw, Miss F. E., A A ,, 408 M.A. Williams, Miss E., B.A. A B „ 354 Wood, Mrs. C. E., M.A. A B „ 354 Coad, Miss N. E., M.A. A B ,, 354 Gibson, Miss G. F., M.A. A B „ 342 Jackson, Miss B., B.A. B B ,, 318 Sage, Miss C. M., M.A. A B ,, 354 Martin, Miss E., B.A. B C ,, 300 Mackay, Miss E. B C „ 300 Hursthouse, Mrs. Rhoda C C ,, 340 Blacker, Miss H., B.A. B C ,, 288 Cornish, Miss E. J., B C ,, 300 B.Sc. in H.Sc. Tscheremissinoff, Miss C., CD ,, 240 B.A. Cocker, Miss A., M.A... B C ,, 264 Jakins, Miss A. M., B.A. D D ,, 228 Gifford, Miss D., B.Sc. D D ,, 216 in H.Sc. Ward, Miss H. D D „ 240 Clark, Miss M„ M.A. D D „ 204 Ross, Miss J. D D ,, 192 Wellington East Girls' College. Batham, Miss A. M., B.A. i .. .. Principal 470 Collins, Miss R. M., B.A. j A A Assistant 372 Hind, Miss E. M., M.A. A B „ 354 North, Miss E. N., B.A. j B B ,, 306 Marsdon, Miss A. F. .. B C ,, 252 McCartney, Miss D., M.A.j B C ,, 252 MacKenzie, Miss J., M.A. | C C ,, 252 Cresswell, Miss M. I., B.A.j CD „ 240 Rhodes, Miss K., B.A., j D D ,, 228 B.Sc. Gardner, Miss R., M.A. D D „ 204 Marlborough High School. Stewart, J., M.A .. Principal 720 Robson, H., M.A. .. A A Assistant 490 40 Brockett, A. E., M.A., A B „ 465 40 B.Com. Jones, S. I., M.A. A B „ 435 40 Kirk, C. G., B.Sc., B.A. C C „ 350 40 Purdie, W. C., B.Sc., C D ,, 290 B.Ag. Allen, Miss E. M„ M.A. A A „ 384 Robertson, Miss H. M., D D „ 228 M.A.

• Grade - "si 111 +> "3 "e3 Position IZ ss Name. • „• a in S&S &«-S J8 2 School. J» B 2 S §«>"£o.2 2 3 a®° §«« EH P-l <1 g j ' ' Mablbobough High School—continued. £ £ Bishop, Miss M. D. .. D I C [ Assistant 252 j Brand, Miss M. M.. M.A. C j C „ 252 j Newton, Miss E. M., M.A. D j D „ 204 I Nelson Boys' College. Broad, C. H., B.A .. Principal 720 Caradus, E., B.Sc. .. A A Assistant 500 40 McKay, J. G., B.A. A A „ 500 40 Searle, H. V., M.A., M.Sc. A B „ 450 Watkin, E. A., M.A. A B „ 435 40 Rowe, A. L., M.A., LL.B. B C „ 380 40 Johnson, C. W., B.A-. D B „ 390 Severne, E. H„ B.A. C C „ 365 Adam, T. S., M.A. D D „ 215 Methven, R. H„ M.A... C C „ 320 Boulton, E., B.A. C D „ 245 Paterson, J. E. R., M.A. D D „ 245 Simpson, G. D., M.A. D D „ 245 Nelson Gibls' College. Lorimer, Miss M., M.A. .. .. Principal 530 Rhodes, Mrs. M., M.A. A A Assistant 372 Eastwood, Miss A., M.A. A A „ 372 Isaac, Miss N. G., M.A. A B „ 354 Robertson, Miss M. I. C C „ 252 B.Sc. Karsten, Miss R„ B.A. C C „ 264 Peck, E. M„ M.A. C D „ 228 Bremner, Miss V. .. D D ,, 228 McGregor, M., M.A. .. D D ,, 204 Sheat, Miss R., M.A. D D „ 192 McQueen, Miss M. E., D D ,, 204 B.A. Rangioea High School. Strachan, J. E., M.A., .. .. Principal 670 B.Sc. Ferguson, A. J., M.A... A A Assistant 490 40 Beattie, G. C., M.Sc. A B „ 420 40 Jull, Miss P. L. C C „ 276 30 Hollow, Miss P., M.A... C C „ 276 Loekhart, A. L. D D ,, 305 40 Maurais, Miss T., B.A. 1) I) ,, 204 Christ church Boys' High School. Lancaster, G. J., M.A. .. I .. Principal 815 Stewart, W. M., M.A. .. A A Assistant 480 60 Montgomery, J. R., M.A. B B „ 465 40 Schroder, J. H. E., M.A. A A „ 470 Rowe, H. V., M.A. .. A B „ 420 70 Hercus, E. J. D., M.A., A B 420 40 B.Sc. Henderson, H., B.A., B B ,, 405 40 B.Sc. Baverstock, H. S., M.A. B B ,, 390 Quartermain, L. B., M.A. B C ,, 350 Pressing, J. L. .. C C ,, 365 Dyer, H. E., M.Sc. C C „ 320 40 Gourlay, H. W. .. 1) D „ 305 40 Jefcoate, H. 0„ M.A. C D „ 260 40 Rogers, N. M., M.A,. .. D D ,, 245 Struthers, J., M.A. D D ,, 245 Bruce, R. M., B.Sc. C C „ 365 40 Cuming, S. K., B.A. X) D ,, 290 Rodwell, H. R. .. ■ D D „ 260 40 Brassington, W. W., B.A. I) D ,, 230 Skipworth, I. H. .. ! D I) „ 215 Cheistchubch Girls' High School. Gibson, Miss M. V., M.A Principal 630 Gresson, Miss K.M., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Stewart, Miss D. M., B.A. A B ,, 330 Wagstaff, Miss N., M.A. B B ,, 330 McKee, Miss A. J. C C „ 300 Young, Mrs. S. G. .. C C ,, 179 Metcalf, Miss F., B.Sc. in D I) ,, H.Sc. Watson, Miss A. M. C C ,, 276 Favry, Miss M. L. .. C C ,, 264 Hall, Miss M. D D „ 240 Hall, Miss E. J., M.A... D D „ 264 Fairbairn, Miss E., B.A. C C ,, 252 Burns, Miss A. M., M.A. C D ,, 228 Milnes, Miss I. F. I. F., CD ,, 228 M.A.


Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1925—continued.


Grade. °.® §§5? i 4>fn 2,13 £ Position "? c ' Name. „• a 'in ! _ fc? §"" S £ .2 School. g«S* "ga •— • ("■ C S S 1 0®= osS H Sh I < g CHitisTonuKCii'Girls' Hioh t School —continued. ; £ £ Hooper, Miss V. L., M. A. D D Assistant 216 Hardie, Miss E. M., M.A. D D „ 204 Frengley, Miss M., B.Sc. D D „ 216 in H.Se. Morrell, Miss M. P., M.A. D D „ 216 Miles, Miss Z., B.Sc. in D D ,, 216 H.Sc. Seymour, Miss M. E., D I) „ 192 I .. . M.A. Bays, Miss K. D T) ,, 1!)2 Ashburton High School. Watters, W. F., B.A. .. .. .. Principal 670 Biggar, R. H., M.A. .. A A Assistant 490 40 Piggott, Miss E.M.,M.A. B B „ 330 30 McGregor, R. M., B.Sc. C C „ 320 Scott, H. M., M.A. D D „ 260 Wood, E. J. .. .. D D ,, 245 Morrison, Miss M. K., I) I) „ 216 M.A. Marshall, Miss R., B.Sc. I) I) ,, 204 in H.Sc. Porter, Miss H. N., M.A. C C „ 252 Timaru Boys' High School. Thomas, W., M.A. .. .. .. Principal 720 Cockroft, E. A., B.A., A A Assistant 490 40 B.Com. Kemshed, D. S., M.A... A B „ 420 40 Sawell, R. A. G., M.A. B B ,, 420 40 Hind, C. A. S. C B „ 405 40. Moore, N. A., M.A. B C „ 350 Adamson, R., B.Sc. B C „ 380 Gillies, 0. L., B.Ag. C C „ 335 Whitehouse, T. K. R., C C „ 320 M.Sc. McDonald, T. H., M.A. 0 D „ 275 40 Horwell, W. W. C 1) „ 305 40 Craven, E. S., M.A. C C Kelly, D. T. .. „ 245 McClatchy, H. B., M.A. f) ]) ,, 275 Titheridge, L. E. .. .. .. „ 200 Timaru Girls' High School. Barr, Miss J. A., M.A. A A Principal 490 King, Miss E. A., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Ronaldson, Miss M.,B.Sc., A B ,, 354 B.A. McLean, Miss D. B., M.A. B C ,, 264 Baker, Miss M. E., M.A. D D „ 216 Stewart, Miss L.F., B.A. C C „ 264 Hawkes, Miss D., B.A. D D „ 216 Oldridge, Miss D.M., M.A. I) D : „ 216 Marriott, Miss M. E., B.A. C C j ,, 252 Cunningham, Miss J. B., 1) D | ,, 204 M.A. Waitaki Boys' High School. Milner, F., M.A. .. .. .. Rector.. 720 50 McCulloch, M. K, M.A. A A Assistant 520 40 Chisholm, I). S., M.A.. A A ,, 500 40 Littlejohn C. M., M.A., A B ,, 465 40 B.Sc. Uttley, W. M., M.A. A B „ 465 40 Hargreaves, P. W., B.A. B B „ 405 Hall, H. T. .. C C „ 365 40 Crimp, F. A., B.A. C C „ 365 Cameron, F. F., M.A. CI) „ 305 40 Kinross, S. M. D C „ 260 40 Conly, J. H„ M.A. D I) „ 245 Blacismore, B. B. D !) „ 230 . Waitaki Girls' High School. Wilson, Miss J. B., M.A. ! .. Principal j 510 40 Macaulay, Miss M. J.,M.A. A A Assistant 384 McLean, Miss M., B.A. j A B „ 342 ; Hunt, Miss D. C., B.A. C B ,, 318 Watt, M. S., B.A. .. | B C „ 300 ! Hayes, M. .. ! . .. ,, 325 Leech, Miss M. E. . . ' D D ,, 192 Sumpter, Mrs. M., B.Sc. I) D „ 240 in H.Sc. Otago Boys' High School. Morrell, W. J., M.A. .. 1 .. .. j Principal | 860 j Campbell, F. H., B.A. A A J Assistant { 520 j 40 Williams, J., B.Sc. .. A I A | „ J 520 j 40 Martyn, W. J., M.A. .. [ A [ A „ 510 ' 40 Watt, A., B.A. .. ! A ! A „ 1 470 ' ..

I «« T3 • • s* Grade. oa g,g& _ojH — Position i§ U j < p $ Name - C a in "bg &«S JJ -2 School. gS* 2 $c C 7Z « rt <— 4> CJ O 8 3 §"» § §G ! f- < I Otaoo Boys' High School —continued. f*« ».£i £ Botting, R. W. S., M.A. [ A B Assistant 435 40 Begg, 0. J., M.A. A B „ 435 40 Molnnes, M. G., B.A. C B „ 420 Thomson, G. S., B.Sc. C B „ 405 40 Robertson, G. M., M.A. I B C „ 365 Gillman, A. J., M.A. .. B B „ 405 40 Watt, M. M., B.A. .. C C „ 350 40 Worker, R. V. DeR., B.A.[ B C „ 350 Howard, B. H., M.A. 0 C „ 350 Rantin, T. J. L., M.A. C C „ 335 40 McNaughton, A.T.,M.A. C C ,, 320 Salmond, J. D., M.A. .. D D „ 290 Cabot, P. S. Del., B.A. D D „ 275 Crimp, S. R. .. j D D j „ 260 Souter, R. W., M.A. .. j D D „ 245 Bridgman, W. W., M.A. D D „ 245 Kinnear, J. E., M.A. .. | D D „ 230 Glasgow, K. W. R. .. | D I) ,, 230 Lalng, W., M.A. .. D D „ 230 Otago Girls' High School. King,MissM. H. M.,M.A. .. .. Principal 630 Campbell, Miss F., M.A. A I A Assistant 408 Gellatly, Miss M. N., M.A. A j A „ 408 Loudon, Miss A. L., M.A. A I A „ 384 Kerr, Mrs. B., M.A. A | B „ 354 Dalrymple, Miss H. K., B j B „ 354 B.A. Jones, Miss P. J., M.A. B j B ,, 342 Aitken, Miss A. M., B.Sc. C B „ 330 in H.Sc. Lawson, Miss L.L., M.A. B C „ 288 Morton, Miss L. S., B.A. B B „ 342 Dallaston, Miss L. N., C C „ 276 B.A. Clement, Miss B., M.A. B C „ 276 Oddie, Miss E. M., B.A. C C „ 264 Rosevear, Miss R. A. .. C D „ 240 May, Miss M. W., M.A. B C „ 252 Bagley, Miss S. D. .. I) I) „ 240 Turnbull, Miss M. R., I) 1) „ ! 216 B.Sc. MacRae, Miss H., M.A. D j D „ j 228 Bentham, E. R., M.A. D i D „ 228 . . Goee High School. Hunter, J., M.A. .. .. .. Principal 695 Boyne, J. McC., B.A. .. A A Assistant 480 40 Christie, E. M., M.Sc. C B „ 405 40 Fyfe, T. D I) „ 245 40 Fowler, M., B.Sc. .. 1) D ,, 245 40 j Fyfe, Miss L. H., M.A. A A „ 372 Naylox-, Miss R., B.A. C B „ 318 Henderson, Miss H. A., C C „ 264 M.A. I Douglas, Miss M. J. H. C C „ 300 Woodhead, Miss M. S., D D ,, 216 M.A. Price, C. J. R., M.A. BIB „ 390 Southland Boys' High School. | Pearce, T. D., M.A. .. j .. .. j Principal 720 j Dakin, J. P., B.A. .. ' A A ! Assistant 500 40 Butchers, A. G., M.A. j A A „ 480 40 McGrath, J. S., B.A. ,. B B „ 465 40 Anderson, J. G., M.Sc., A B „ 420 40 B.A. | Drees, H., M.A. .. j B C „ 350 | Cameron, J. L., M.A. .. [ B B „ 390 40 McDonald, K. C., M.A. D D „ 245 Deaker, A. J., B.A. C C „ 320 40 McFarlane, A., M.A. .. D D „ 230 Southland Girls' High School. Johnston, Miss E. M., .. .. Principal 530 M.A. Samuel, Miss M., M.Sc. A A Assistant 372 Budd, Miss A. M., M.A. A A „ 396 Watt, Miss A., B.A. B B „ 354 Burt, Miss S., M.A. B B „ 354 Steele, Miss M. A., M.A. AC „ 318 White, Miss R. A., M.A. B C „ 288 Earwaker, Miss E., M.A. B C „ 264 Spite, Miss B. H., B.Sc. D D „ 204 Cumming, Miss C. L., M.A. B C „ 252 Harrop, Miss I. M. D D ,, 204 ' Brown, Miss C. A., B.A. D D „ 192


Table K1.—Average Attendance and Roll (classified according to Ages) of Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments) as in December, 1925.

2- K. (5,


9 a w j «2 i fef . ** 90 a Log 5 . Sg 13 to 14 14 to 15 15 to 10 16 to 17 Over 17 Totals, all ■8 §> 9a Si Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Ages. School. , 5 ; || | 1" I" .. ! I « * I " S B.G. B. j Q. | B. G. B. | G. B. | G. B. j G. B. j G. A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. 312 315 3391 1 .. 11 17 43 35 44 43 36 24 331 28 168 147 Auckland Boys'Grammar School 798 793 860 5 .. 67 . . 157 .. 240 .. 183 .. 141 .. 793 .. Mount Albert Boys' Grammar 382 395 416 6 .. 35 .. 97 .. 112 .. 80 .. 65 ... 395 School Auckland Girls' Grammar School 474 475 519 .. 8 .. 32 .. 124 .. 128 .. 99 .. I 84 .. 475 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. 470 494 512 .. 4 .. 54 .. 121 .. 147 .. 100 .. J 68 .. 494 Thames High School .. .. 184 176 202 1 1 13 11 28 14 33 26 13 15 8 13 96 80 Hamilton High School .. .. 361 366 399 3 1 13 11 47 39 59 50 57 31 35 20 214 152 New Plymouth Boys'High School 309 310 337 2 .. 28 .. 64 .. 81 .. 64 .. 71 .. 310 New Plymouth Girls' High School 164 172 175 .. 4 .. 25 .. 51 .. 42 .. 40 .. 10 .. 172 Wanganui Girls'College .. 267 278 281 .. 1 . . 16 .. 67 .. 74 .. 60 .. 60 .. 278 Palmerston North Boys' High 290 285 307 3 .. 24 .. 69 .. 70 .. 58 .. 61 .. 285 School Palmerston North Girls' High 184 190 193 11 .. 48 .. 64 .. 42 .. 25 .. 190 School Gisborne High School .. .. 420 423 453.. 1 10 13 56 34 78 51 55 58 38 29 237 186 Napier Boys' High School .. 274 282 302 1 .. 18 .. 66 .. 78 .. 66 .. 53 .. 282 Napier Girls' High School .. 221 227 233 .. 1 .. 17 .. 60 .. 65 .. 51 .. 33 .. 227 Dannevirke High School .. 102 105 128.. 2 8 7 12 11 17 22 9 5 5 7 51 54 Wairarapa High School .. 228 233 239 1 1 8 9 24 21 32 22 35 28 30 22 130 103 Wellington Boys'College .. 797 807 83810.. 79 .. 194 .. 248 .. 161 .. 1.15 .. 807 .. Wellington Girls' College .. 491 502 531 .. 5 .. 66 .. 97 .. 142 .. 89 .. 103 .. 502 Wellington East Girls' College .. 224 223 247 .. 6 .. 32 .. 73 . . 64 .. 35 .. 13 .. 223 Marlborough High School .. | 244 252 266 .. 1 4 8 29 32 35 33 26 33 25 26 119 133 Nelson Boys' College .. .. 288 290 315 8 .. 31 .. 64 .. 71 . . 70 .. 46! .. 290 Nelson Girls' College .. .. I 248 262 263 .. 2 .. 31 .. 51 .. 61 .. 52 .. ! 55 .. 252 Rangiora High School .. .. 136 136 150.. ..3 7 13 21 18 19 23 12 6| 14 63 73 Christchuroh Boys' High School 468 498 554 4.. 44 .. 122 .. 149 .. 113 .. 66' .. 498 Christchurch Girls' High School .. 516 529 560.. 3 .. 50 .. 114 .. 165 .. 116 .. 81 .. 529 Ashburton High School .. 192 200 213 2 .. 6 8 26 20 38 23 23 27 12j 15 107 93 Timaru Boys' High School .. 307 304 335 4 .. 23 .. 64 .. 78 .. 74 .. 61 .. 304 Timaru Girls' High School .. I 219 227 236 19 .. 61 .. 63 .. 41 .. 43 .. 227 Waitaki Boys' High School .. 262 254 .266 .... 15 .. 48 .. 66 .. 58 .. 67! . . 254 Waitaki Girls' High School . . 172 175 185 6 .. 44 .. 54 . . 30 .. I 41 .. 175 Otago Boys'High School .. 595 599 646 12.. 68 .. 144 .. 161 .. 108 .. 106 .. 599 .. Otago Girls' High School .. 447 462 476 .. 27 .. 99 . . 115 .. 105 .. 70 .. 46 .. 462 Gore High School .. .. 229 224 254 3 1 15 10 25 25 27 32 18 19 24 25 112 112 Southland Boys'High School .. 245 235 259 1 .. 31 .. 59 .. 64 .. 53 . . 27 .. 235 .. Southland Girls'High School .. 269 272 292 .. 4 .. 23 .. 68 .. 71 .. 49 .. 57 .. 272 Totals .. .. 11,789 11,960 12,781 67 73 554 582 1,451 1,346 1,799 1,566 1,383 1,126 1,095 918 6,349 5,611 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School . .. 253 247 256 1 .. 6 .. 51 .. 64 .. 54 .. 71 .. 247 Christ's College .. .. .. 307 305 20 .. 40 .. 43 .. 82 .. 66 .. 56 .. 307 Totals .. .. 253 554 561 21.. 46 .. 94 ..146 .. 120 .. 127 .. 554 .. Grand totals .. .. 12,042 12,514 13,342 88 73 600 582 1,545 1,346 1,945 1,566 1,503 1,126 1,222 918 6,903 5,611


Table K2.—Classification of Pupils on the Roll of Secondary Schools at the end of the Year 1925, according to Years of Attendance (exclusive of Lower Departments).


First Year. Second Year. Third Year. Fourth Year. Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Totals. r^. School. i 7 P += o Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. | Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls.| Boys. Girls.I Boys. | Girls. Boys. Girls. I | | - I Whangarei High School .. .80 60 37 41 31 28 16 13 4 5 .. .. 168 147 315 Auckland Boys' Grammar 280 .. 230 .. 170 .. 96 .. 17 793 .. 793 School Mount Albert Boys'Gram- 140 .. 135 65 40 14 1 395 .. 395 mar School Auckland Girls' Grammar .. 185 .. 122 .. 102 .. 53 .. 12 .. 1 .. 475 475 School Epsom Girls' Grammar .. 201 .. 146 .. 93 .. 42 .. 12 494 494 School Thames High School .. 37 30 37 26 14 15 8 8 .. 1 .. . . 96 80 176 Hamilton High School .. 66 54 68 58 34 21 38 19 8 214 152 366 New Plymouth Boys'High 108 .. 104 .. 49 28 16 5 310 .. 310 School New Plymouth Girls' High .. 69 55 30| 15 3 172 172 School Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 106 .. 84 40 32 13 3 278 278 Palmerston North Boys' 101 .. 74 .. 58 .. 38 .. 13 .. 1 ... 285 .. 285 High School Palmerston North Girls' .. 74 58 32 20 5 1 190 190 High School Gisborne High School .. 99 65 71 53 40 46 16 16 10 6 1 .. 237 186 423 Napier Boys' High School 112 .. 69 56 32 12 1 282 .. 282 Napier Girls' High School .. 101 .. 61 .. 35 .. 23 .. 6 .. 1 .. 227 227 Dannevirke High School 20 31 15 15 12 4 4 4 51 54 105 Wairarapa High School .. 45 33 29 24 30 32 16 11 10 3 .. .. 130 103 233 Wellington Boys' College 270 .. 256 .. 146 .. 90! 42 3 807 .. 807 Wellington Girls' College .. 148 .. 120 .. 105 .. 87 .. 42 502 502 Wellington East Giris' .. 118 .. 68 .. 32 .. 5 223 223 College Marlborough High School 48 51 33 38 22 24 8 17 7 3 1 .. 119 133 252 Nelson Boys' College .. 103 .. 79 .. 57 .. 34 .. 12 .. 5 .. 290 .. 290 Nelson Girls'College .. .. 94 70 37 37 11 3 252 252 Rangiora High School .. 21 38 21 17 13 9 3: 4 4 5 1 .. 63 73 136 Christchurch Boys' High 187 .. 142 .. 95 49 .. 23 2 498 .. 498 School Christchurch Girls' High .. 198| .. 109 .. 107 .. 62 .. 51 .. 2 .. 529 529 School Ashburton High School .. 45 35 30 22 21 13 lOj 17 1 3 .. 3 107 93 200 Timaru Boys' High School 103{ .. 82 .. 65 34 19 1 304 .. 304 Timaru Girls'High School .. 88 .. 61.. 44 .. | 21 .. 12 .. 1 .. 227 227 Waitaki Boys' High School 90l 67 .. 44 .. 28' 20 .. 5 .. 254 .. 254 Waitaki Girls' High School .. I 66 54 28 17 9 1 175 175 Otago Boys' High School 220! .. 168 .. 112 .. 74 .. 24 .. 1 .. 599 .. 599 Otago Girls'High School .. 170 .. 135 .. 56 .. 73 .. 26 .. 2 .. 462 462 Gore High School .. 49 31 23 39 18 17 16j 20 6 4 .. 1 112 112 224 Southland Boys' High 84 .. 62 .. 61 .. 17 .. 11 235 .. 235 School Southland Girls' High .. 84 75 50 32 28 3 272 272 School [ Totals .. .. 2,308'2,1301,8324,55l|l,2131,000] 695 1 648| 273 26o! 28 22 6,3495,611 11960 I III I I I I I

E. —6-

TABLE K3.—Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments, 1925, Secondary-school Boards.

Table K4.—Number of Pupils holding Free Places and Scholarships in Secondary Schools during the Last Term, 1925.


-tf £ »o § ! Total Cost. gjfc •§"S 8« 2 _ a £ £ Whangarei High School .. .. 503'06 1-48 Auckland Boys' Grammar School .. 2,753-43 2 16 Auckland Girls' Grammar School . . 2,537-74 2'46 Thames High School .. ., 481-51 2-28 Hamilton High School .. .. 980-01 2-46 New Plymouth Boys'High School .. 819-96 2-43 New Plymouth Girls' High School .. 423-23 2-42 Wanganui Girls' College .. . . 783-06 2-78 Palmerston North Boys'High School 814-52 2-65 Palmerston North Girls'High School 527-28 2-73 Napier Boys' High School .. 480-98 1-59 Napier Girls' High School .. 466-42 2-00 Gisborne High School .. .. 794-93 1-75 Dannevirke High School.. .. 355-82 2-78 Wairarapa High School .. .. 389-36 1 63 Wellington Boys' College .. 1,930-02 2-30 Wellington Girls'College.. .. 1,426-80 2-69 Wellington East Girls' College .. 616'85 2-41

■s OJ ** » 1 & s 1 Total Cost. gfc-g'S ft— « H «| I s "o 3 I £ £ Marlborough High School .. j 534-40 2-01 Nelson Boys' College .. .. 1,049-63 3-33 Nelson Girls' College .. .. 601-92 2-29 Rangiora High School .. .. 595-53 3-97 Christehurch Boys' High School . . 897-19 1-62 Christchurch Girls' High School .. 1,189-15 2-12 Ashburton High School . . .. 443-42 2-08 Timaru Boys' High School .. 859-36 2-56 Timaru Girls' High School .. 493-63 2-09 Waitaki Boys'High School .. 561-76 2-11 Waitaki Girls' High School .. 442-22 2-39 Otago Boys' High School .. 1,339-08 2-07 Otago Girls'High School.. .. 1,153-18 2-21 Gore High School .. .. 676-20 2-66 Southland Boys' High School .. 398-83 1-54 Southland Girls' High School .. 634-09 2-17 26,934-57 2-11

NationalNumber of Holders of Government scholarship Holders Free Places. (included School. in Column 4). Junior. Senior. Total. Junior. Senior. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Whangarei High School .. .. .. .. . . ! 216 90 306 4 1 Auckland Boys' Grammar School . . . . .. . . 490 265 761 55 28 Mount Albert Boys' Grammar School .. . . .. . . j 282 102 384 23 3 Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. .. .. .. j 326 137 463 17 12 Epsom Girls' Grammar School . . .. . . .. ! 360 120 480 28 6 Thames High School .. .. .. .. .. 129 40 169 j 6 1 Hamilton High School . . . . . . . . . . j 247 107 354 12 8 New Plymouth Boys' High School .. .. .. .. 197 79 276 , 9 5 New Plymouth Girls'High School .. .. .. .. 115 38 153 I 9 Wanganui Girls' College . . . . . . . . . . 165 89 254 5 9 Palmerston North Boys' High School .. .. .. .. 174 92 266 6 4 Palmerston North Girls' High School .. . . . . . . 134 51 185 4 3 Napier Boys' High School .. .. .. .. . . 177 93 270 14 6 Napier Girls' High School .. . . . . . . . . 159 54 213 9 3 Gisborne High School .. .. .. .. .. 280 112 392 9 2 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. .. .. 80 24 104 7 1 Wairarapa High School .. . . . . . . . . 128 91 219 9 3 Wellington Boys' College .. . . .. .. . . 528 252 780 33 24 Wellington Girls' College .. .. . . . . .. 289 203 492 19 17 Wellington East Girls' College .. .. . . .. 207 38 245 8 Marlborough High School .. . . . . .. .. 91 149 I 240 1 2 Nelson Boys' College .. . . . . . . . . I 171 80 251 j 6 6 Nelson Girls' College .. . . . . . . . . 155 77 232 j 12 8 Rangiora High School .. .. . . . . .. 97 36 133 j 1 1 Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. .. .. j 198 337 j 535 | 15 8 Christchurch Girls' High School . . .. .. .. | 345 161 506 12 7 Ashburton High School .. . . . . .. .. 132 59 191 6 4 Timaru Boys' High School .. . . . . . . . . 198 75 273 15 11 Timaru Girls' High School . . . . . . .. .. 152 57 209 10 3 Waitaki Boys' High School .. .. . . . . . . 143 85 228 8 7 Waitaki Girls' High School .. . . . . .. .. 123 45 j 168 5 Otago Boys' High School .. .. .. . . .. j 386 190 I 576 29 13 Otago Girls' High School .. . . . . .. .. 147 309 456 17 3 Gore High School .. .. .. .. .. .. | 142 72 214 2 1 Southland Boys' High School .. .. .. .. 142 82 224 13 5 Southland Girls' High School .. .. .. . . 168 94 262 2 1 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 7,479 3,985 11,464 440 228


Table K5.—Details of National Scholarships held in December, 1925.

Table K6. —Average Number of Pupils boarding away from Home to attend Secondary Schools and Lower Departments thereof, 1925.


Number held Number held i Number held Number Number Total Number. at Secondary at District at Technical receiving ; receiving _. .. . , . Schools. High Schools High Schools. Boarding- TravellingLducation District. allowance ; allowance 1 (included | (included | in Total in Total Boys. , Girls. Totals. Junior. Senior. Junior. Senior. Junior. Senior. Number).- Number). Auckland .. .. .. 163 101 264 145 59 41 1 17 1 56 34 Taranaki .. .. 19 14 33 19 5 .. .. 7 2 15 Wanganui .. .. 17 22 39 14 16 1 3 5 11 1 Hawke's Bay .. 34 25 59 39 12 5 2 1 18 1 Wellington .. .. 71 50 121 69 46 5 .. 1 .. 15 8 Nelson .. .. 14 21 35 18 14 1 1 1 11 Canterbury .. .. 70 50 120 59 36 18 5 2 30 9 Otago .. .. ..61 33 94 59 22 12 1 .. .. 11 3 Southland .. .. 20 6 26 17 7 1 ,. 1 .. 4 Totals .. ..469 322 791 439 217 84 3 37 11 171 56

Secondary Departments. a * a 60 . I SflB Boarding at Total. a . . Boarding at Establishments Boarding §> o " acn001. School Hostels. approved by privately. -oxjM Principal. ! ! i ®'S2 i i i i i i Boys. Girls. | Boys. [ Girls. 1 Boys. Girls, j Boys. Girls. ° l I I 1 I | ! " A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. .. .. 75 .. .. .. 3 37 78 37 Auckland Boys' Grammar School .. .. .. .. 97 .. .. .. 97 Mount Albert Boys' Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 .. 27 Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 .. 51 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 .. 31 .. 59 Thames High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 7 4 7.. Hamilton High School .. .. .. .. .. 21 .. .. 25 11 25 32 New Plymouth Boys' High School .. .. 136 .. .. .. 17 .. 153 .. 24 New Plymouth Girls' High School .. .. .. 48 .. .. .. 9 .. 57 4 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. .. .. 92 .. .. .. 10 .. 102 10 Palmerston North Boys' High School .. .. 37 .. .. .. 18 .. 55 Palmerston North Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 ,. 19 Gisborne High School .. .. .. .. 59 28 .. 10 12 69 40 24 Napier Boys' High School .. .. .. 60 .. .. .. .. .. 60 Napier Girls' High School .. .. .. .. 56 .. .. .. 6 .. 62 14 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 13 5 13 Wairarapa High School .. .. .. 24 .. .. 7 17 31 17 Wellington Boys' College .. .. .. 86 .. 4 .» .. .. 90 Wellington Girls' College .. .. .. .. 39 .. .. .. 9 .. 48 Wellington East Girls' College .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 .. 10 Marlborough High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 13 5 13 Nelson Boys'College .. .. .. .. 133 .. .. .. 8 .. 141 .. 17 Nelson Girls' College .. .. .. .. .. 58 .. .. .. 21 .. 79 Rangiora High School .. .. .. .. 11 10 .. .. .. 3 11 13 Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. .. 39 .. .. .. 13 .. 52 Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. .. .. 35 .. .. .. 26 .. 61 Ashburton High School .. .. .. 10 .. .. 7 9 17 9 Timaru Boys'High School .. .. .. 106 .. .. .. 7 .. 113 .. 20 Timaru Girls' High School .. .. .. .. 34 .. .. .. 13 47 6 Waitaki Boys' High School .. .. .. 145 .. .. .. 5 .. 150 Waitaki Girls' High School .. .. .. .. 31 .. .. .. 9 .. 40 Otago Boys' High School .. .. .. 55 .. .. .. 30 .. 85 Otago Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 .. 42 Gore High School .. .. .. .. 15 8 .. 5 4 20 12 Southland Boys' High School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 .. 28 Southland Girls'High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 .. 40 .. 51 Total, A .. .. .. .. 191 460 101 39 224 422 1,316 921 119 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. .. .. 222 .. .. .. .. | . 222 i .. j Christ's College Grammar School .. .. 181 .. .. .. .. .. 181 .. ' Total, B .. .. .. .. 403 403 .. | .. Grand totals .. .. .. 594 460 101 39 224 422 1,719 I 921 i .. I


TABLE K7.—Receipts of Operative Secondary Schools for the Year 1925.


From Endowments. From the Government. r _ onfo f _,. Voluntary Buildings Loans Contributions. Secondary-school BoardB. 'bEESST Angus' For For Tuition Fees. iS" Departments Totals. veTedfn S£' Apparatus. Incidenta, A™"* Invest, Account . Reserves Board. Reserves. Manual Expenses. ments. Refunds and Instruction ouna es. Subsidies. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.l £ s. d. £ s. d. Whangarei High School.. .. 2,357 5 0 .. 353 18 9 44 3 10 619 14 5! 4,804 14 Ol 847 10 0 83 0 0 3,510 13 0 .. .. I 100 16 6 12,721 15 6 Auckland Grammar Schools .. 25 0 0 10,171 1 6 903 14 11 752 4 010,389 0 9| 24,167 6 9 5,637 10 0 671 11 6 .. .. .. I 48 19 0 52,766 8 5 Thames High School .. .. .. 780 18 9 48 0 8 285 16 7 208 3 0| 3,387 17 5! 505 0 0 71 3 0 .. .. .. .. 5,286 19 5 Hamilton High School .. .. .. 138 2 6 181 14 0 .. 166 14 llj 6,096 1 7 997 10 0 161 12 0 955 2 6 .. .. 40 1 9 8,736 19 3 New Plymouth High Schools .. .. 957 6 9 1,039 4 3 .. 675 16 2 1 7,722 10 llj 1,255 0 0 526 0 0j.l3,021 17 4 .. 1,209 12 2 59 12 2 26,466 19 9 Wanganui Girls'College.. .. .. 1,067 16 6 250 7 2 .. 140 19 0 3,357 14 9i 673 15 0 208 18 4| 7,431 7 9 .. 524 19 11 2,257 2 3 15,913 0 8 Palmerston North High Schools .. .. 480 12 5 .. .. 2,690 15 1 7,670 9 9 1,249 19 10 254 6 0 2,028 14 9 .. .. 76 0 4 14,450 18 2 Napier High Schools .. .. 1,900 0 0 485 10 0 1,541 1 9 123 19 1 15,794 8 8 7,947 14 5 1,340 0 0 265 18 4; 7,451 13 7 4,650 0 0 500 18 9 4,932 0 4 46,933 4 11 Gisborne High School .. .. .. 3,342 18 3 100 15 0 .. 57 13 0 4,515 18 5 1,130 0 0 306 19 10 4,932 5 2 .. 364 9 7 529 0 0 15,279 19 3 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. .. 437 3 9 25 1 5[ 2,002 10 8 322 10 0 65 17 9 .. .. .. .. 2,853 3 7 Wairarapa High School.. .. .. .. 235 12 0 .. 7,000 10 11; 3,756 8 4 622 10 0 132 0 0 2,294 10 2 .. .. 8 13 7 14,050 5 0 Wellington Colleges .. .. 1,216 11 6 8,790 9 11 1,491 16 8 215 14 1015,399 10 3| 14,777 11 3 4,022 10 0 .. 6,135 5 3 3,506 0 0 .. 475 13 7 56,031 3 3 Marlborough High School .. .. 400 0 0 89 7 0 .. 150 0 111 3,952 19 10 665 0 0 100 6 0 .. .. .. 37 10 0 5,395 3 9 Nelson Colleges .. .. 101 8 9 1,089 18 0 444 10 7 .. 319 2 4! 8,342 3 10 1,397 10 0 700 8 813,030 2 1 .. 950 0 0 982 0 3 27,357 4 6 Rangiora High School .. .. .. 279 19 0 .. .. 1,753 3 T 2,819 18 4 445 6 8 25 3 0 951 16 1 1,850 0 0 .. 177 18 1 8,303 4 9 Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. 7,550 15 6 .. 84 5 6 5,631 16 2 6,106 13 10 1,355 0 0 185 16 0 1,714 13 913,000 0 0 .. 145 10 4 35,774 11 1 Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. 618 18 9 .. 7 14 2 176 1 3 6,613 4 10 1,375 0 0 191 0 0 1,632 6 11 .. .. 538 1 1 11,152 7 0 Ashburton High School .. .. 1,396 16 10 .. 2 8 0 1,621 10 6 3,050 11 5 512 10 0 83 16 0 61 13 7 .. .. 57 6 1 6,786 12 5 Timaru High Schools .. .. .. 2,882 4 5.. .. 1,753 12 8 7,898 16 11 1,425 0 0 470 10 0 ! .. .. .. 75 0 0 14,505 4 0 Waitaki High Schools .. .. .. 1,973 16 11 230 3 6 .. 12,212 12 8 9,892 3 9 1,541 10 0 535 19 0 1,974 15 0 .. .. 564 11 5 28,925 12 3 Otago High Schools .. .. .. 3,383 16 2 560 12 9 .. 343 17 2 15,637 15 5 2,760 0 0 293 0 6| 2,798 3 5 .. .. 788 1 4 26,565 6 9 Gore High School .. .. .. .. .. 141 1 11 303 17 6 4,320 3 4' 630 0 0 77 0 0; 938 0 9 .. .. 55 5 0 6,465 8 6 Southland High Schools.. .. .. 1,987 13 3 292 12 1 .. 1,034 8 3 7,102 10 Oj 1,377 10 0 217 8 6 1 .. 6,000 0 0 .. 61 8 10 18,073 10 11 Totals .. .. 5,600 5 3 47,778 15 5 7,763 11 12,094 11 878,468 10 7165,943 19 9 32,088 1 6 5,627 14 570,863 1 129,006 0 0 3,550 0 5 12,010 11 11460,795 3 1


TABLE K8.—Payments of Operative Secondary Schools for the Year 1925.


Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments. Capital Teachers' ,, . . Expenditure T Manual Salaries . Maintenance * Instruction, Expenditure Cleaning, Material, of TTnctoi - Loans repaid, Lower Advances Secondary-school Boards. on Allows neeR Offiop Printing, Heating, Examinations, Buildings, Buildings Aomnnt and Departments to Totals. Endowments. Exposes Stationery, Lighting, Prizes, Kates, iSrSre, A ° C ° Unt - I"*""'- Account. Pupils, Departments. and Salaries. , , o„ a r u A t Games, and and Taxes. and and Advertismg. Care of other AnmMtna Miscellaneous. Grounds. Incidentals. Apparatus. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Whangarei High School .. 53 0 8 5,162 16 6 182 15 1 87 14 4 183 10 7 49 1 2 9 3 3 557 13 5 3,241 11 7 120 0 0 .. 396 9 3 10,043 15 10 Auckland Grammar Schools .. 1,873 10 8 31,915 10 6 819 9 1 612 7 5 2,950 12 1 908 14 11 767 11 3 11,939 19 5 .. 4 10 0 .. 917 0 2 52,709 5 6 Thames High School .. .. 185 10 1 3,460 7 6 126 0 8 7 3 0 259 17 3 68 16 2 107 4 1 286 17 10 .. 667 8 10 .. 32 18 4 5,202 3 9 Hamilton High School .. 88 11 4 6,196 12 11 140 0 0 51 0 11 378 11 2 410 8 1 88 19 4 281 1 10 1,274 9 6 .. .. 23 14 5 8,933 9 6 New Plymouth High Schools .. 51 0 0 8,758 8 6 236 17 10 141 18 10 743 11 3 120 15 10 528 17 8 656 4 4 12,352 16 11 1,491 0 0 1,154 6 5 204 4 8 26,440 2 3 Wanganui Girls' College .. 40 0 0 3,746 6 9 211 6 2 163 18 0 361 12 9 46 4 3 133 5 1 504 5 0 7,499 13 10 850 14 4 539 8 2 2,071 11 2 16,168 5 6 Palmerston North High Schools .. 8,106 19 11 189 1 7 163 4 11 727 18 11 261 10 7 522 1 8 2,728 4 10 1,909 7 4 781 13 0 .. 468 15 1 15,858 17 10 Napier High Schools .. .. 24 16 0 8,668 13 7 336 15 10 85 14 10 457 6 11 67 10 5 557 10 8 26,551 1 7 6,056 5 1 842 2 2 612 0 3 3,719 8 8 47,979 6 0 Gisborne High School .. 83 8 0 6,494 8 5 168 12 9 85 18 0 401 5 0 139 2 11 387 13 9 83 11 0 4,937 5 8 .. 377 6 3 576 19 7 13,735 11 4 Dannevirke High School .. .. 2,169 13 7 112 2 1 40 0 2 82 1 5 121 12 9 82 4 1 .. .. .. .. 322 4 9 2,929 18 10 Wairarapa High School .. 10 0 0 3,894 18 6 93 2 6 24 16 6 j 229 1 1 42 7 1 .. 6,915 4 1 2,495 7 6 j .. .. 147 11 1 13,852 8 4 Wellington Colleges .. .. 575 7 7 24,703 2 10 4,368 5 10 462 10 8 2,101 15 10 1,041 1 2 1,972 8 8 19,481 16 1 5,735 2 1 2,971 9 3 .. 366 11 6 63,779 11 6 Marlborough High School .. .. 4,271 17 7 145 12 9 39 15 6 294 14 6 54 15 2 124 11 8 .. .. .. .. 171 15 9 5 103 2 11 Nelson Colleges .. .. 76 18 10 9,148 0 2 594 12 11 212 12 9 805 5 9 38 19 6 405 17 5 1,585 13 2 111,619 9 7 1,499 14 8 1,042 13 11 1,517 8 3 28,547 6 11 Rangiora High School .. .. 2,891 70 * * * * 43 10 0 1,397 8 0 j 962 16 0 1,948 17 3 .. 507 2 2 7,751 0 5 Christchurch Boys' High School 721 15 9 8,152 8 7 287 13 2 110 14 2 373 16 5 125 0 0 224 15 1 14,044 13 0 1,504 1 8 2,294 18 11 .. 171 13 1 28,011 9 10 Christchurch Girls' High School 29 1 10 6,733 16 11 297 2 0 111 10 0 615 13 7 164 17 5 484 15 10 74 14 6 1,136 6 2 318 16 5 .. 180 1 7 10,146 16 3 Ashburton High School .. 33 6 6 3,135 2 1 64 13 7 61 17 11 226 5 7 90 11 5 139 13 10 1,944 8 0 21 5 4 .. .. .. 5,717 4 3 Timaru High Schools .. 240 3 1 8,752 3 0 144 9 5 148 9 0 788 16 0 271 6 6 218 9 5 1,734 17 10 .. 1,359 2 8 .. 834 1 7 14,491 18 6 Waitaki High Schools .. 276 12 6 10,520 6 1 267 11 11 117 15 6 528 14 0 89 18 3 545 18 11 11,345 8 5 I 1,815 7 5 47 16 5 28 15 0 1,408 12 6 26,992 16 11 Otago High Schools .. .. 366 2 3 15,993 8 7 624 4 5 259 1 10 1,326 14 4 182 4 9 424 7 10 102 6 3 2,484 8 1 .. .. 1,031 13 0 22,794 11 4 Gore High School .. .. .. 4,457 6 8 126 4 6 57 2 11 369 7 7 123 9 1 40 19 4 190 8 0 1,051 1 7 .. .. 123 15 4 6,539 15 0 Southland High Schools .. 283 15 0 9,260 19 10 226 13 10 127 8 1 445 12 8 233 3 7 201 17 8 6,893 5 2 .. .. .. 167 0 4 17,839 16 2 Totals .. .. 5,013 0 1 196,594 16 0 9,763 7 11 3,172 15 3 14,652 4 8 4,651 11 0 8,011 16 6 109,299 1 9 66,096 15 4 15,198 3 11 3,754 10 0 15,360 12 3 451,568 14 8 * Returns not available.


TABLE K9.—Balances and Assets and Liabilities of Operative Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1925.


. - Assets. Liabilities. m j.,.. ji nnw . Ac i Balance, 1st, January, li - Balance, secondary-school Boards. 1925 I ' 31st December, 1925 Bank Balances and Amounts owing to Total. Overdrafts and Loans. Other Liabilities. Total. Investments. Board. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ] £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Whangarei High School .. .. Dr. 2,024 3 3 74 12 11 690 7 11 765 0 10 | ! 2,028 18 3 244 19 3 2,273 17 6 Dr. 1,508 16 8 Auckland Grammar Schools .. .. 1 Cr. 17,201 6 7 13,379 7 2 5,056 15 0 18,436 2 2 | .. 60 10 7 60 10 7 Or. 18,375 11 1 Thames High School .. Dr. 4,309 3 11 225 17 6 1,175 19 8 1,401 17 2 |j 3,158 15 3 2,075 16 3 5,234 11 6 Dr. 3,832 14 4 Hamilton High School .. .. Cr. 990 5 8 822 17 3 574 6 4 1,397 3 7 .. 62 5 5 62 5 5 Cr. 1,334 18 2 New Plymouth High Schools .. Dr. 9,536 9 10 66 8 9 1,516 7 0 1,582 15 9 10,619 18 0 1,362 5 3 11,982 3 3 Dr. 10,399 7 6 Wanganui Girls'College .. .. Cr. 1,789 16 2 3,599 4 5 3,024 5 5 6,623 9 10 568 16. 4 3,790 16 11 4,359 13 3 Cr. 2,263 16 1 Palmerston North High Schools .. j Dr. 1,657 9 8 .. 1,603 9 1 1,603 9 1 1,012 12 10 3,709 5 4 4,721 18 2 Dr. 3,118 9 1 Napier High Schools .. Or. 343 16 0 .. 5,660 4 10 5,660 4 10 10,052 2 6 4,930 2 8 14,982 5 2 Dr. 9,322 0 4 Gisborne High School .. Dr. 3,384 1 9 692 9 5 1,559 15 7 2,252 5 0 j 3,941 15 0 430 0 6 4,371 15 6 Dr. 2,119 10 6 Dannevirke High School .. Cr. 430 8 11 214 19 5 146 17 6 361 16 11 .. .. .. Or. 361 16 ll Wairarapa High School .. ..Or. 9 17 1 .. 1,024 0 0 1,024 0 0 38 11 5 582 5 0 620 16 5 Or. 403 3 Wellington Colleges .. .. Dr. 47,249 16 6 .. 14,956 16 2 14,956 16 2 11,477 18 4 46,205 7 6 57,683 5 10 Dr. 42,726 9 8 Marlborough High School .. .. Cr. 854 0 5 378 2 4 815 19 0 1,194 1 4 .. 807 13 0 807 13 0 Cr. 386 8 4 Nelson Colleges .. .. .. Dr. 4,177 19 3 2,863 5 3 5,279 5 8 8,142 10 11 4,000 0 0 5,745 0 0 9,745 0 0 Dr. 1,602 9 1 Rangiora High School .. .. Dr. 1,783 3 6 .. 178 9 3 178 9 3 253 5 8 1,775 12 6 2,028 18 2 Dr. 1,850 8 H Christchurch Boys' High School .. Dr. 40,283 13 10 , 5,846 8 3 9,022 6 7 14,868 14 10 38,000 0 0 21,687 10 0 59,687 10 0 Dr. 44,818 15 2 Christchurch Girls' High School .. Dr. 5,813 16 3 91 11 10 235 4 7 326 16 5 565 10 8 4,522 6 10 5,087 17 6 Dr. 4,761 1 1 Ashburton High School .. .. Dr. 4,681 16 9 1,056 8 9 561 4 11 1,617 13 8 3,850 0 0 360 0 0 4,210 0 0 Dr. 2,592 6 4 Waitaki High Schools .. Cr. 684 1 5 .. 4,112 14 2 I 4,112 14 2 255 17 6 • 2,425 0 0 2,680 17 6 Cr. 1,431 16 8 Timaru High Schools .. .. Dr. 8,097 2 8 730 10 9 1,720 17 7 2,451 8 4 6,991 5 2 1,175 18 3 8,167 3 5 Dr. 5,715 15 1 Otago High Schools .. .. Dr. 2,459 8 5 6,395 19 10 1,026 16 6 i 7,422 16 4 2,696 19 1 3,275 2 1 5,972 1 2 Cr. 1,450 15 2 Gore High School .. .. .. Cr. 688 10 8 703 15 4 538 6 0 1,242 1 4 .. 289 3 3 289 3 3 Cr. 952 18 1 Southland High Schools .. .. Not available .. 2,789 14 6 2,789 14 6 20,029 4 3 317 6 9 20,346 11 0 Dr. 17,556 16 6 Totals .. .. Dr. 112,466 2 8 37,141 19 2 63,270 3 3 100,412 2 5 119,541 10 3 105,834 7 4 225,375 17 7 124,963 15 2


Table K10. —Showing Distribution by the Government of Secondary Education Reserves Revenue for the Year ended 31st December, 1925.

Table K11.—Lower Departments of Secondary Schools, 1925. —Average Attendance, Roll, Classification, and Staff.


Provincial District. ( Secondary Schools. I Amount. Total. | £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland .. .. .. Whangarei High School .. .. .. 78 6 10 Auckland Boys' and Girls' Grammar Schools 567 15 1 Thames High School .. .. .. 55 6 1 Hamilton High School .. .. .. 105 19 4 Gisborne High School .. .. .. 114 5 10 Rotorua (trust account .. .. .. 640 8 0 1,562 1 2 Taranaki .. .. .. ; New Plymouth High Schools .. ■ .. 1,166 11 2 1,166 11 2 Wellington .. .. .. Wanganui Girls' College .. .. .. 281 2 5 Palmerston North High Schools .. .. 532 4 7 i Wellington Colleges .. .. .. 1,307 15 5 Wairarapa High School .. . . .. 383 8 1 — 2,504 10 6 Hawke's Bay .. .. . . Napier High Schools . . .. .. 1,509 19 11 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. j 425 17 11 j 1,935 17 10 Nelson .. .. .. I Nelson Colleges .. .. .. .. 426 6 1 | 426 6 1 Marlborough .. .. .. Marlborough High School .. .. .. i 89 7 0 : i 89 7 0 Westland .. .. .. .. 16 2 6 — 16 2 6 Otago .. .. .. Otago Boys'and Girls'High Schools .. j 594 11 4 Waitaki High Schools .. .. .. 243 16 7 Southland Boys'and Girls'High Schools .. j 314 4 8 Gore High School .. .. .. I 151 5 1 j 1,303 17 8 Total .. .. ] .. 9,004 13 11

■tj | £ o |j Classification according to Standards. 2 ~ <d Number, I —r - , ( "5 „ . , 1925 - Class P. SI. S2. 1 S3. | S4. ! So. S6. Totals. aj>§ School. t | [ | | Sa H || "z | . ; r i i r" j i j ~r~\ t ■= "T g * i £ j S B. G. : B. j G. 1 B. G. B. i G. B. j G. B. 1 G. j B. G. B. G. -§ M. > F. < « I o I r | | I [ j j h New Plymouth Boys'High .. 53 57 1 2 .. 5 .. 7: .. 8 .. 15 .. I 20] .. I 57j .. 17 1 1 New Plymouth Girls'High .. 34-7 . . 37 .. .. .. 3 .. 2 .. I 2 .. 10 .. 9 .. 11 .. 37 37 .. 1 Wanganui Girls' College .. 40-8 .. 42 ...... 1 .. 1 .. 5 .. 3 .. 18 .. 14 . . 42 42 .. 2 Napier Girls'High .. .. 50-8 .. 55 .. 6 .. 2 .. 5 .. 5 .. 12 .. 14 .. 11 .. 55 55 .. 2 Gisborne High .. .. 25-3 19 10 .. 3 1 4 1 3 1 9 7 19 10 29 .. 1 Nelson CoUege .. .. 30-9 33 2 .. 3 .. 11 .. 17 .. 33 .. 33 1 .. Timaru Boys' High .. .. 60-7 63 .. 3 .. 3 .. 10 .. 8 .. 15 .. 12 .. 12 .. 63 .. 63 1 2 Timaru Girls' High .. .. 21-8 .. 23 .. 2 .. 1 .. 3 .. 4 .. 3 .. 4 .. 6 .. 23 23 .. 1 Totals .. .. 318-0 172 167 3 8 5 7 15 11 20' 17 30 29 41 46 58 1 49172167i339 3 10 _ l_ I j_ ;

E.— 6.

DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS. Table L1.—School Attendance at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1925.

Table L2.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1925.

3—E. 6.


•g I Roll Number and Ages at 31st December. ! Mean of Average Weekly" Mean of Average Attend- © * Roll of Four Quarters. auce of Four Quarters. Education District. -g § j So | j Under 10 1fl 141c i* i« Over * ; T ° tal ' YIL YcaL Years Years B °y s - "«?»• Glrto. Total. Auckland .. 25 1,046 20 117 298 305 306 547 571 1,118 508 528 1,036 Taranaki 2 30 1 2 13 11 3 18 20 38 16 18 34 Wanganui 5 133 1 21 42 34 35 72 73 145 68 67 135 Hawke's Bay .. 5 220 2 24 65 62 67 121 121 242 113 114 227 Wellington .. 10 369 6 56 111 105 91 183 209 392 170 197 367 Nelson .. 5 171 5 31 33 59 43 88 96 184 84 88 172 Canterbury .. 15 691 4 65 202 217 203 370 394 764 344 362 706 Otago .. 11 395 3 33 111 115 133 205 ! 235 440 197 220 417 Southland .. 2 81 12 34 24 11 35 ; 47 82 33 44 77 Totals for 1925 80 3,136 42 361 909 932 892 1,639 1,766 3,405 1,533 1.638 3,171 I j __ ' Totals for 1924 73 2,900 33 296 850 882 839 1,569 1,704 3,273 1,457 1,563 3,020 ! Difference .. 7 236 9 65 59 50 53 70 62 132 .76 75 151

Number of Pupils taking Percentage of Whole Subjects. Number. Subject. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. J ! | 1 ; English and arithmetic .. .. .. .. 1,502 1,648 100-0 100-0 Geography, history, and civics .. .. .. .. 1,502 1,648 100-0 100-0 Latin .. .. .. .. .. .. 226 181 15-5 . 11-0 French .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,203 1,283 80-1 77-8 Mathematics .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,255 1,267 83-6 76-9 Chemistry and physics .. .. .. .. .. 1,078 957 71-7 58-7 Botany .. .. .. .. .. .. 217 198 14-4 12-0 Agricultural science .. .. .. .. .. 1,041 445 69-3 27-0 Dairy-work .. .. .. .. .. .. 456 453 30-6 27-5 Hygiene .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 266 32-0 16 1 Domestic science .. .. .. .. ,. .. 622 .. 37-4 Needlework and cookery .. .. .. .. .. 797 .. 48-4 Woodwork and metalwork .. .. .. .. 682 .. 45-4 Bookkeeping and commercial work .. .. .. 205 299 13-6 18-1 Shorthand and typewriting .. .. .. .. 75 173 * 5-0 10-5 Drawing .. .. .. .. .. .. 90 123 6-0 7-5 Total number of pupils .. .. .. 1,502 1,648 100-0 100-0


Table L3.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1925.


Note.—In the column for " Position on Staff," (5), " H " means Head of a School, " D " Assistant in the Secondary Department, and " R " Relieving Assistant. In the case of the head teacher the addition to salary on account of the charge of the secondary department only is shown Two normal schools, although not district high schools, have secondary departments in accordance with the regulations for training colleges. iss! iSsSl ance, 1925. tlon - Staff. Allowanceat itnu (1) (2) J (3) («) I (5) (#) I I Auckland— £ Aratapu .. .. .. 42 Blakey, Frank E. .. B H. 60 Smith, William G. S. .. .. A D. 420 Fricker, Kenneth H. .. .. A D. 228 Cambridge .. .. 48 Prichard, Herbert D. .. .. B H. 60 Meredith, Charles .. .. C D. 420 Wilton, Elizabeth L. .. .. B D. 285 Coromandel .. .. 18 Robertshaw, Allan K. B H. 30 Dargaville.. .. .. 32 Davidson, George A. .. D H. 45 I Callaway, Ronald P. .. .. B D. 385 [ Davies, Charles M. K. .. .. B D. 250 Helensville .. .. 41 j Hill, Arthur J. .. .. .. C H. 45 I Raines, Victor R. .. .. B D 325 { Hoyle, Millicent H. .. .. B D. 255 Huntly .. .. .. 31 j Edgerley, William W. .. C H. 30 Bell, Eric W. .. .. C D. 310 j Peglar, Elizabeth E. F. .. B D. 265 Matamata .. .. 25 McMurtrie, Alexander F. .. .. A H. Cross, Alexander J. .. .. C D. 350 White, Fergus G. .. .. B D. 360 Morrinsville .. 21 Campbell, Donald R. F. .. C H. 45 O'Connor, Cornelius F. .. , , B D... 335 Nga;tea .. .. .. 16 Crabbe, Norman J. .. B H. 30 Henderson, Daphne O. .. B D. 265 Opotiki .. .. .. 36 Burton, Percy R. .. C H. 60 Gaulton, Harvey E. .. .. B D. 325 Elliott, Elfreda L. .. B D. 245 Otorohanga .. .. 31 Skinner, Percy E. .. C H. 45 Smith, Lincoln J.. R. .. .. B D. 385 White, Frederick J. B. .. B D. 240 Paeroa .. .. .. 48 Taylor, George H... .. .. C H. 60 Preston, Edgar G. .. B D. 320 Taylor, Hazel E. .. B D. 255 Piopio .. .. .. 35 Webster, Robert S. .. C H. 45 McKenzie, James I. S. . . .. D D. 385 Grist, Thomas P. .. .. D R„ (i),) 240 Rawene .. .. .. 27 Ross, Angus A. .. .. .. B H. 45 Young, William D. .. .. B D. 350 Rotorua .. .. ., 79 Lewins, William .. .. B H. 70 McHardie, Winifred E. .. B D, 375 Menzies, Isobel J. .. .. B D. 290 Smith, Roy V. .. .. .. B d! 350 Taumarunui .. .. 61 Lynskey, James H. .. B H. 70 Thomas, William (ii) .. .. A D. 385 Hill, William H. .. .. .. Lie. d! 330 Wallace, Kathleen K. .. B D. 240 Tauranga .. .. 73 Walker, William R. C. .. .. B H. 60 Gavey, Annie L. .. .. .. C D. 365 Blyth, Doris .. .. B D. 280 Wayte, Thos. E. .. .. .. B D. 250 Te Aroha ,, .. .. 33 Burton, Alfred F. .. .. C H. 60 Adams, Cecil E. .. .. ., B D. 320 Wright, Grace E. M. .. .. B d' 255 McCaskill, Isobel M. (Mrs.) .. B R (D ) 200 TeAwamutu .. .. 44 Roberts, John F... .. .. B *H. 60 Lehndorf, Chloe R. .. .. B D, 330 Anshutz, Richard P. .. .. B D . 270 Te Kuiti .. 4. .. 56 Carnachan, Robert .. B h] 70 Donnelly, William E. .. .. B d! 350 Sibley, Henry C. .. .. .. j A I)' 270 Carroll, Kathleen A. .. .. I A I) 265 Te Puke .. .. 35 Bell, Alexander (ii) .. .. { C H. 60 Audley, Ernest H. .. .. I C D. 385 Kennedy, Kathleen .. .. ! C D 285 Waihi .. .. .. 108 Smith, William (iii) .. .. I B - H. 50 Roberts, Margaret A. .. ., B D. 330 Adams, Olga L. G. .. .. B d! 2 9 3 Sims, Charles F. .. .. .. B d! 425 Grigg, Ellen L. .. ,. .. C d! 215 Waiuku .. ,. .. 39 Harris, Richard J. .. .. C H. 45 Noble, Charles A. .. .. B D. 325 Lawes, Lilian M. .. .. .. B d! 245 Warkworth ., .. 21 Green, Bertram M. .. .. C H. 45 Carter, Harry G. ., ,, ,. C D. 375


Table L3.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1925—continued.


Average CIa8 , iflca . Position °' School. Attend- Nam, of Teacher. tion AllowancJat End ance, 1925. Staff. 0 f Year. (1) (2) (8) (4) (5) _08) Auckland (continued) — | j £ Whakatane .. .. 42 j Wilkinson, Henry F. .. .. B [ H. 60 Ward, Frances V. J. (Mrs.) .. A j D. 330 Willocks, Ada M. R. ' .. .. B D. 340 Taranaki— Manaia .. .. .. 15 Nairn, James .. .. C H. 30 Allan, Hector F. .. .. .. B D. 240 Opunake .. .. .. 21 Burgess, William H. .. C H. 30 Walden, Eric M. .. .. .. C D. 240 Wanganui— Hunterville .. .. 18 Ironmonger, Edwin L. .. D H. 45 Lane, Leonara B. .. B D. 295 Marton .. .. .. 59 Wilson, Henry h. .... B H. 70 Hall, Percy H. .. .. .. C D. 420 Roy, Rubina A. .. .... A D. 290 Hackell, Charlotte M. .. .. B D. 235 Ohakune .. .. .. 12 Blyth, Thomas A. .. D H. 30 | Couper, Ellen G. .. .. .. B I). 245 Patea .. .. .. 12 Matthews, James .. .. C H. 30 j Patterson, James M. .. .. A I D. 250 Taihape .. .. .. 34 Hird, William E. .. .. B H. 60 Yates, Otho H. E. .. .. A | D. 385 Bruce, Helen M. .. .. .. B D. 245 Hawke's Bay— Te Karaka .. .. 50 Hill, John H. .. .. .. B H. 30 ! Lockhart, Ronald G. .. .. A D. 375 Minnis, Helen F. .. .. .. C I). 255 Waipawa .. .. .. 64 Cumming, Clyde A. . . B H. 50 Lockhart, John A. .. .. B | D. 400 Aplin, Grace M. .. .. .. B D. 255 j Atkinson, George.. .. .. B D. 270 Waipukurau .. .. 43 | Curd, Frank B. .. .. .. B H. 60 j Kirby, Harold A. S. M. .. .. B D. 325 Hale, Lily G. .. B D. 285 Wairoa .. .. .. 32 Robson, John T. .. .. C H. 60 Dorrington, Hector G. .. B D. 310 Hind, Helen M. . . .. . . B D. 320 Woodville .. .. 39 | Hewlett, Henry C. .. ..AH. 60 j Oliver, Selina R. .. .. .. A D. 355 j Merrick, Francis S. .. .. B D. 380 Wellington — Carterton .. .. .. 37 j Edie, John K. .. .. B j H. 60 Brown, Alexandra M. .. .. B j D. 365 Olson, Claude H. .. .. B | D. 280 Eketahuna .. .. 29 Kiblewhite, Bruce M. >. .. A i H. 60 j Mackle, Mary C. (Mrs.) .. .. B D. 340 j Wilson, Constance M. .. .. B | D. 275 Featherston .. .. 24 j Combs, Frank L... .. .. A H. 60 | Patterson, Airini .. .. .. B j D. 305 | Denbam, Fanny R. (Mrs.).. .. B j D. 340 Levin .. .. .. 91 Foss, Reginald J. .. B H. 80 Marsh, John .. .. .. B D. 430 Milnes, Ruby O. .. .. .. B D. 305 Brown, Doris P. .. B D. 255 Caughley, Frank G. .. .. B D. 240 Martinborough .. .. 31 Lewis, Percy G. .. .. .. A H. 45 Daniell, Myra D. .. .. .. B D. 305 Pahiatua .. .. .. 44 Chatwin, George W. .. C H, 60 Edmed, Mildred C. .. C D. 355 Junker, Fritzena E. D. .. B D. 340 Petone .. .. .. 49 Bedingfield, Douglas S. .. B j H. 70 McLeod, David .. ., .. B D. 430 Park, Jean C. .. <. C D. 340 Loftus, Mabel U. .... B D. 245 Williams, Kate ... . ... .. .. D. 75 Hartley, Annie (Mrs.) .. .. .. D. 75 Nelson — Granity .. .. .. 25 Lorking, Ernest S. C H. 45 Doel, Ormonde .. .. .. B D. 300 Karamea .. .. .. 21 Burke, Richard J.J. ' : .f. .. C H. 45 Fowler, Ronald J. M. .. .. C D. 300 Motueka . . .. .. 64 Banner, Oscar A. .. C H. 60 Cutforth, Leslie R. .. C D. 385 Grigg, John R. .. .. .. B D. 250 Duncan, Thelma .. .. .. .. R. (D.) 120 Reefton .. .. .. 45 Werry, Alfred E. .. .. .. C H. 60 Hopkirk, Susan M. .. .. B D. 365 Saunders, Ada A. .. B D. 265 Takaka .. .. .. 15 Hiddleston, John F. C. .. C H. 30 Eason, William J. E. .. .. B D. 260


Table L3.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1925—continued.


| Average Position 1 Annual Bate 01 School. | Attend- Name of Teacher. Clawiflca- Salary or Lance, 1925. tIon - staff Allowance at End of Year. U) I W (3) (4) (5) I (6) Canterbury— £ Akaroa .. .. .. 31 Hall, Charles .. .. .. C j H. 45 Arnold, Clarence B. .. .. B J). 390 Moffat, William .. .. .. B ] R. (D.) 180 Christchurch .. .. 216 Waller, Francis D. .. B j H. 80 Allard, Charles W. .. .. B | D. 495 Edgar, Cuthbert .. .. .. A D. 320 Thompson, Albert . . .. B D. 370 Finlayson, Annie C. .. .. A 1). 365 Mayne, Helga M... .. .. C 1). 310 Marriott, Gladys E. .. .. B D. 310 Best, Isabel W. .. .. .. A P. 320 Wise, Herbert P. .. A D. 280 Fairlie .. .. .. 26 Wilson, James R. .. B H. 45 Rainey, Robert J. .. .. C D. 430 Geraldine .. .. .. 51 Piper, Frank .. .. .. D I H. 60 Farnie, Dorothy C. .... B I). 375 de Lambert, Ethel G. .. .. C D. 310 Hokitika . . .. .. 56 Partrige, Ernest .. A H. 70 Niven, James .. .. .. A D. 380 Lynn, Delight M. .. .. B | D. 255 Penlington, Dorothy M. .. .. B | D. 225 Kaikoura Town .. .. 9 Warner, Frederick S. H. .. .. C ! H. 30 Hardcastle, Aroha M. .. .. .. j R. (D.) 200 Lyttelton .. .. .. 28 Walker, Joseph W. A. .... C ! H. 60 Moyle, May A. .. .. .. B | D. 355 Methven .... .. 33 Kennedy, Alexander S. .. B H. 60 Rigden, Cuthbert L. . . .. B D. 240 Duff, Annie P. .. .. .. .. R. (D.) 190 Oxford .. .. .. 17 Denne, Archibald H. .. .. C H. 30 Somerset, Hugh C. D. .. .. 1 .. D. 270 Pleasant Point .. . . 24 Wilkins, Thomas C. J. .. [ B H. 45 Wilkins, Nellie (Mrs.) .. .. j .. R. (D.) 270 Southbridge .. .. 16 Eggleton, William C. D H\ 45 Mason, Reweti O. .. B D. 285 Sumner .. .. .. 28 Allen, George F. (ii) .... C H. 45 Reese, Marion (ii) . . .. B D. 335 Temuka .. .. .. I 43 Malcolm, Robert A. .. .. B. H. 60 Cartwright, William J. .. B D. 415 Mansell, Joan .. .. .. C D. 280 Waimate .. .. .. 97 Peglar, Leonard F. .. .. B H. 80 Laing, Thomas M. M. .. . . B D 393 Olliver, Margaret F. L. .. B D. 365 Borrie, Margaret A. .. .. B D. 300 King, Geoffrey J. . . B D. 320 Otago— Alexandra.. .. .. 41 Mechaelis, William R. .. B H. 60 Thomas, John L... .. .. A D. 310 Stenhouse, Janet E. .. .. B D. 245 Balclutha .. .. .. Ill Hunter, Robert R. .. B H. 80 Paterson, Janet .. .. .. B' D; 375 Hill, Clement A. .. .. .. B D 360 Somerville, Airini I. .. .. A D. 235 Sutherland, Isabel D. .. .. B D. 235 Cromwell .. .. .. 13 Luke, Gabriel M. .. .. C H. 30 Fleming, Thomas B. .. .. C D. 240 Lawrence .. .. .. 22 Marshall, Hugh .. .. C H. 45 Hunter, William .. .... C D. 310 Palmerston .. .. 38 Ironside, John .. .. .. C H. 60 Matheson, Norman M. .. .. B D. 410 Beattie, Ethelwyn J. .. C D 330 Port Chalmers .. .. 29 Booth, George F. .. B H. 30 Sinclair, Agnes .. .. .. C D. 365 Tapanui .. .. .. 23 Burns, William G. .. .. C H. 45 Buchan, James W. A. .. A D. 340 Tokomairiro .. .. 48 Menzies, George G. .. B H. 60 Irvine, Jessie .. .. .. .. D. 315 McKinnon, Jeanie R. .. .. A D. 255 Southland— Riverton .. .. .. 50 Wilson, Robert .. .. C H. 60 Leete, Herbert T. .. B D. 325 Todd, Louisa W. .. .. .. D. 200 Wyndham .. .. 28 Golding, Jabez .. .. D H. 45 O'SulIivan, Leo S. .. .. B D. 360


3. STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS OF GOVERNING BODIES OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. WHANGAREI HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. \ Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 35 18 2 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 20 0 0 Revenue from secondary-education reserves 363 18 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 33 0 8 Interest on moneys derived from endow- j Transfer to General Account for repairs to ments .. .. .. .. 44 310 j buildings .. .. .. .. 186 17 2 New Building Account —General Account for salaries .. .. .. 158 4 9 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. .. 35 18 2 £434 0 9 £434 o 9 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account Moneys derived from sale of endowments 2,357 5 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. .. 2,357 5 0 £2,357 5 0 £2,357 5 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Building and Sites Capital Account :— Government grants for new buildings, New buildings, additions, furniture, apsites, &c. — paratus, &c.— Furniture .. .. .. 118 12 7 Clearing and draining .. .. 24 14 0 Hostel buildings .. .. .. 371 16 7 Road outlet .. .. .. 9 0 0 Transfer from Endowment Income Ac- Fencing .. .. .. . . 4 10 9 count .. .. .. .. 158 4 9 Furniture .. .. .. 147 12 1 Transfer from General Account —Furniture 28 19 6 Hostel buildings .. .. .. 371 ] y 7 Interest on loans for new school-site .. 120 0 0 £677 13 5 £677 13 5 Hostels Account Hostels Account :— • Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 216 0 3 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 95 7 2 Boarding fees .. .. .. 3,167 18 6 Provisions .. .. .. .. 1,418 4 9 Sports subscriptions .. .. 54 17 9 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. . . 211 19 9 Refund printing, &c. .. .. .. 42 4 3 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 602 311 Housemasters' allowances .. .. 240 0 0 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 240 0 0 Miscellaneous .. . • • ■ 5 12 6 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 266 17 5 Repairs to buildings and grounds .. 140 6 10 Insurance, rates, and water-supply .. 18 11 0 Printing and advertising .. .. 15 19 4 Refund of sports fees .. .. 56 15 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. 36 0 1 Laundry .. .. .. .. 102 9 0 Telephone .. .. .. .. 16 16 7 Balance, 31st December, 1925... .. 485 1 8 £3,726 13 3 £3,726 13 3 .Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count:— Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 12 18 6 teachers .. .. .. .. 4,804 14 0 Teachers'salaries and allowancss . .. 5,162 16 6 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 503 1 2 penses .. .. .. .. 847 10 0 Material for manual and science instruction 40 17 4 Government capitation for manual and Interest on overdraft incurred on this science instruction .. .. .. 129 5 3 account .. .. .. .. 1 12 6 School fees .. .. .. .. 83 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 250 8 1 Refund, timber .. .. .. 5 18 4 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 7 10 9 Rent .. .. .. .. 35 10 0 Typewriter, £22 10s., and flagstaff, £29 Refund, printing, &c... .. .. 56 15 8 Bs. 6d. .. .. .... .. 51186 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 2 12 6 Library .. .. .. .. 17 15 4 Transfer from Endowment Income Ac- Rent .. .. .. .. 35 10 0 count — Transfer to Buildings Account—Furniture 28 19 6 Salaries .. .. .. .. 35 18 2 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. .. 74 12 11 Repairs, &c. .. .. . * 186 17 2 £6,188 1 1 £6,188 1 1 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due. to Board. £ g. d. Principal of loans —Public Trust .. .. 2,000 0 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 79 18 9 Hostels Account—Sundry creditors .. 84 10 0 Grants due from Government on account Secondary General Account—-Sundry credi- of works done—Education reserves rent tors .. • ■ • • • • 10 9 3 accrued but not paid .. .. .. 27 19 6 Bank overdraft —rUnpresented cheque .. 28 18 3 Hostels Account—Boarding fees .. .. 88 8 0 Other liabilities—Road outlet .. .. 150 0 0 Secondary General Account—Fees, 1925 .. 9 0 0 Balance current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 559 14 7 £2,273 17 6 £765 0 10



AUCKLAND SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :• — £ s. |d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 6,297 15 8 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 378 18 4 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 120 7 4 Board—Rents .. .. .. 10,171 1 6 Repairs .. .. .. .. 407 4 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Insurance .. . . .. .. 144 7 2 serves .. .. .. .. 903 14 11 Rates .. .. .. .. 773 18 4 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Legal expenses .. .. . . 14 5 6 ments .. .. .. .. 752 4 0 Surveys .. .. .. .. 26 18 6 Thornton and McCraith (royalty on tim- Travelling expenses .. . . .. 7 116 ber as per journal entry) .. .. 25 0 0 Transfers to other accounts — General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 1,047 511 ] General Account, for salaries .. 7,044 15 9 New Buildings Account .. .. 985 3 0 j Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 7,199 0 9 £18,149 16 1 J £18,149 16 1 Endowments Capital Account :— j Endowments Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. £9,057 15 0 j Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. £9,057 15 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — j Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 436 17 11 j New buildings, grounds, furniture, apGovernment grants for new buildings, &c. I paratus, &c. (Mount Albert, £5,883 —Mount Albert School .. .. 5,200 0 0 ; 19s. 7d.; Auckland Grammar, £1,166 Takapuna site .. .. .. 4,525 0 0 j 18s. 6d ; Girls' Grammar, £21 Is. 7d.; Government subsidies on voluntary con- j Mount Eden, £102 17s. Id.) .. 7,174 16 9 tributions .. .. .. 380 2 9 j Rifle-racks .. .. .. 4 10 0 Voluntary contributions for new build- j Takapuna site and cottage .. .. 4,765 2 8 ings .. .. .. .. 80 0 0 Transfer from. Endowment Income Account .. .. .. .. 985 3 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 337 5 9 £11,944 9 5 £11,944 9 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count :— Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 1,105 510 Government payment for salaries of Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 24,167 6 9 teachers .. .. .. .. 31,915 10 6 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 5,637 10 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 5,291 3 6 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 203 18 0 j Material for manual and science instrucSchoolfees .. .. .. 671 11 6 j tion .. .. .. .. 254 17 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 16 50 j Maintenance of buildings .. .. 767 11 5 Crane and gas-fittings . . .. 32 14 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 279 14 6 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Unauthorized expenditure .. .. 2 2 0 count .. .. .. .. 8,092 1 8 War bursaries .. .. . . 15 0 0 Mount Albert Library Account .. 151 9 6 Apparatus, Science and Manual .. 213 17 2 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 1,035 7 2 £39,926 12 9 £39,926 12 9 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. _d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 34 5 7 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 571 3 6 Contractors'deposits .. .... 25 0 0 Royalty accrued and not paid .. .. 56 0 6 War bursaries .. .. .. 15 0 Secondary General Account— Salaries due from Department .. 207 12 5 Fees .. .. .. .. 7 6 0 Science and manual .. .. .. 614 2 7 investments .. .. .. .. 11,569 10 0 Deposits .. .. .. .. 3,600 10 0 Balance, current account .. .. 1,809 17 2 £60 10 7 £18,436 2 2



THAMES HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts fob the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 80 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 780 18 9 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 25 6 5 Revenue from secondary-education reserves 48 0 8 Rates, advertising, and law-costs .. 80 3 8 Goldfields revenue .. .. .. 31 2 6 Transfer, New Building Account .. 828 18 3 Auckland education endowment .. 37 13 4 Transfer to General Account, for repairs .. 132 17 8 Royalty on metal .. .. .. 217 0 9 Thames Rent Account .. .. 32 10 0 £1,147 6 0 £1,147 6 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant for fittings .. .. 49 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 19 0 3 Government subsidies on voluntary con- Grounds improvement .. .. 12 7 10 tributions .. .. .. .. 43 10 0 Interest, power-station property purchase 120 0 0 Voluntary contributions, war memorial .. 43 10 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. 49 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account 828 18 3 j School flagpole .. .. .. 18 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1927 .. .. 7 18 8 i School war memorial .. .. ~ 87 0 0 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 484 13 5 Interest on loans for buildings .. ™ .. 182 15 5 £973 6 11 | £973 6 11 Adams Memorial Trust Account :— Adams Memorial Trust Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 53 0 8 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. .. 55 3 1 Interest .. .. .. .. 2 2 5 £55 3 1 £55 3 1 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 127 12 1 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,460 7 6 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 461 17 1 teachers .. .. .. .. 3,387 17 5 Maintenance (including material) of Government payment for incidental ex- classes for manual instruction .. 7 4 9 penses .. .. .. .. 505 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 107 4 1 Government capitation for manual and j Insurance, fire and accident .. .. 25 13 7 science instruction .. . . 49 2 6 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 233 16 2 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 7 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 71 3 0 j Voluntary contributions for general purposes .. .. .. .. 15 10 6 Transfer from Endowments Income Account—Repairs .. .. 132 17 8 £4,296 3 2 j £4,296 3 2 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sites, Borough Council .. .. 2,000 0 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. 1,026 16 10 Principal of loans, Government Insurance 3,158 15 3 Drainage contributions .. ~ 47 0 0 Adams Memorial Trust Account .. 55 3 1 Secondary General Account— Sundry creditors . . .. .. 20 13 2 Pees .. .. .. .. 18 0 0 Salaries due from Department .. 28 19 9 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 55 3 1 Balance current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. * .. .. 225 17 6 £5,234 11 6 £1,401 17 2



HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d Current income from reserves vested in Miscellaneous rates and insurance .. 88 11 4 Board .. .. .. .. 138 2 6 Transfer to General Account .. .. 231 5 2 Revenue from secondary-education reserves .. .. ~ .. 181 14 0 £319 16 fi £319 16 6 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Drainage, Hamilton East site .. .. 75 0 0 Chairs and duplicator .. .. 98 0 0 Transfer from General Account .. 206 110 Science apparatus .. .. .. 158 14 4 Lantern .. .. .. .. 24 7 6 £281 1 10 £281 1 10 Hostels Account :— Hostels account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 329 6 0 Proportion of office expenses .. 47 7 0 Boarding fees .. .. .. 868 0 6 Provisions .. .. .. .. 297 15 4 Sale of furniture .. .. .. 12 0 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. ~ 50 13 2 Board, teachers .. .. .. 86 0 0 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 86 0 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 236 2 10 Repairs to buildings .. .. 253 13 8 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 50 1 6 Sundry expenses .. .. .. 252 16 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 9 19 0 £1,284 8 6 £1,284 8 6 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 690 9 2 Teachers' salaries and allowances 6,196 12 11 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. 980 0 2 teachers .. .. .. .. 6,096 1 7 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 88 19 4 Government payment for incidental ex- Refunds, &c. .. .. .. 23 14 5 penses .. .. .. .. 997 10 0 Transfer to Buildings and Sites Account 206 1 10 Government capitation for classes for Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 813 5 11 manual instruction .. .. 91 14 11 Voluntary contributions for general purposes .. .. .. 27 10 0 School fees .. .. .. 161 12 0 Sports Fund, War bursary, &c. .. 12 11 9 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 231 5 2 £8,308 14 7 £8,308 14 7 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account—Rates, Hamil- £ s. d. Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 51 3 8 ton East .. .. .. 15 15 6 Buildings and Sites Account— Hostels Account —Sundry Accounts .. 15 4 8 Science apparatus .. .. .. 149 0 0 Secondary General Account —Sundries .. 31 5 1 Lantern grant .. .. .. 24 7 6 Chairs grant .. .. .. 93 0 0 Hostels Account—Boarding fees .. 83 10 0 Secondary General Account —- Fees .. .. .. .. 20 12 0 Sa aries, &c. .. .. .. 124 15 6 Subsidy on voluntary contributions .. 27 10 0 Balance current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 822 17 3 Cash on hand .. .. .. 0 7 8 £62 5 5 £1,397 3 7



NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. j Payments. Endowments Income Account :—• £ s. d. j Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 229 16 5 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 50 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Law expenses .. .. 10 0 Board .. .. .. .. 957 6 9 Transfers to— Revenue from secondary-education re- New Building Account .. ... 1,491 0 0 serves .. .. .. .. 1,039 4 3 General Account— Repairs to buildings .. .. 351 12 0 Salaries, &c. .. .. .. 229 16 5 Rates and taxes .. .. 102 19 0 £2,226 7 5 £2,226 7 5 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Government grants— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 627 5 2 Science appliances, £39 os. 4d. ; New buildings, additions, furniture, apArmoury, £50 .. .. .. 89 0 4 paratus, &c. Baths, £150; Music room, £250 .. 400 0 0 Armoury, Baths, Hospital .. .. 127 19 7 Transfers from Endowments Income Shelter, Strandon .. .. 93 1 9 Account—- School furniture .. .. .. 59 19 8 Interest and principal .. .. 1,491 0 0 Music-room .. .. .. 375 3 3 Voluntary contributions for new build- Principal of loans repaid .. .. 857 7 6 ings, &c. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Interest on loans for buildings .. 633 12 6 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 744 9 2 £2,774 9 6 £2,774 9 6 Lowek Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— School fees .. .. .. 900 16 9 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 66 5 5 Donations .. .. .. .. 242 10 0 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 914 3 4 Refund by girls' boarding .. . . 66 5 5 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 227 9 7 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 361 3 9 Maintenance of buildings .. . . 12 13 6 Transfer to New Building Account .. 350 4 1 £1,570 15 11 £1,570 15 11 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 ... 2,288 17 6 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 158 19 8 Boarding fees .. .. .. 9,888 10 9 Provisions .. .. .. .. 3,580 6 5 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 3,099 12 10 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 668 19 11 Sales, farm stock .. .. .. 32 17 1 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 1,026 19 2 Grazing-rents —Strandon .. .. 016 8 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 2,082 13 8 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 655 18 3 Repairs to buildings .. .. 321 4 8 Insurance, rates, interest, &c. .. 373 4 8 Advances to boarders, and refunds .. 2,816 18 6 Farm expenditure .. .. .. 531 12 3 Library payments .. .. 22 1 7 Other expenses .. .. .. 113 18 2 Transfer to girls' preparatory .. 66 5 5 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 2,891 12 6 £15,310 14 10 £15,310 14 10 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Balance, 31st December, 1924.. .. 334 13 8 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,758 8 6 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. 1,243 3 9 teachers .. .. .. .. 7,722 1011 Material for classes for manual and Government payment for incidental science instruction .. .. 136 15 10 expenses .. .. 1,255 0 0 Prizes .. .. . . .. 42 10 10 Government capitation for manual and Maintenance of buildings .. .. 351 12 0 science instruction .. .. 136 15 10 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 177 5 8 Refunds .. .. .. .. 29 2 5 Interest on overdraft . . .. 316 3 School fees .. ■ . .. 526 0 0 Girls' sports, &c. .. .. .. 19 15 6 Donations —Prizes .. .. .. 7 12 0 Prizes, contractor's deposit, &c. .. 2 0 0 Contractors' deposits .. .. 2 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. . . .. 3 2 6 Accident insurance .. .. .. 7 8 9 Girls' sports donations .. .. 10 0 0 Refund travelling-expenses .; .. 3 9 0 Transfers from Endowments Income Account — Salaries .. .. . ■ ■ • 229 16 5 Rents, rates, and repairs .. . . 102 19 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 351 12 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 19 10 10 £10,738 10 10 £10,738 10 10 " ===» I

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NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD—continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Rents paid in advance .. .. 163 18 0 Rents accrued and not paid ... .. 266 10 11 Principal of loans .. .. .. 10,619 18 0 Hostels AccountInterest on loans . . .. .. 592 10 0 Boarding fees .. .. .. 321 9 9 Hostels Account— Advances to boarders .. .. 500 18 10 Sundry rents accrued .. .. 73 8 4 Secondary Genera! AccountBoys' boarding .. .. .. 351 15 6 Fees .. .. .. .. 10 6 0 Girls' boarding .. .. .. 47 3 11 Salaries due from Department .. 327 1 6 Secondary Department Account — .. Trust Accounts .. .. .. 90 0 0 Sundry accounts —Boys' .. .. 10 17 1 Balance, current account .. .. 66 8 9 Sundry accounts —Girls' .. .. 15 14 11 Other liabilities — Sundry farm accounts .. .. 6 17 6 Contractors' deposits .. .. 10 0 0 Trust Accounts—Bequests .. .. 90 0 0 £11,982 3 3 £1,582 15 9 WANGANUI COLLEGIATE SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement! or Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. I Liabilities. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. I Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in : Proportion of office salaries .. .. 231 4 4 Board .. .. .. .. 5,424 10 5 | Proportion of office expenses .. 117 3 0 Mr. Eric Riddiford, to endow scholarship 1,000 0 0 i Miscellaneous expenditure on endowments 11 5 6 Provident Fund deposit .. .. 656 14 1 Rates, interest, and insurance .. 1,355 010 Sundries .. .. .. ... 781 98 j Provident Fund .. .. .. 243 10 7 Sundry school funds .. .. 177 16 0 ! Repayment sundry school funds .. 850 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. 112 3 2 Refund temporary loans .. .. 21 19 5 Legal expenses .. .. .. 335 8 3 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 4,762 15 1 £8,040 10 2 £8,040 10 2 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding and luncheon fees .. 21,234 410 j Proportion of office expenses .. 450 0 0 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 4,762 8 3 Provisions .. .. .. 4,738 18 6 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. 674 0 6 Salaries of teachers, for supervision .. 1,000 0 0 Salary of Medical Officer .. .. 348 1 6 Wages of Matron and staff .. 3,332 211 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 826 9 9 Repairs to buildings .. .. 403 18 11 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 3,500 0 0 Advances to boarders .. .. 4,663 6 3 Other expenses .. .. .. 285 4 4 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 4,979 9 9 £25,996 13 1 £25,996 13 1 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count :— School fees .. .. .. 5,259 10 6 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 6,177 5 8 Refunds from pupils, &c. .. .. 733 2 7 Incidental expenses .. .. 2,299 2 3 Scholarship and prize funds .. 634 17 3 Material for classes for manual and Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 5,270 19 4 science instruction .. .. 37 2 6 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 1,001 16 8 Books, &c., for sale to pupils .. 733 2 7 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 150 0 0 Rates, interest, and insurance .. 1,500 0 0 £11,898 9 8 £11,898 9 8 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Principal of loans—Mortgages .. 86,500 0 0 Endowments Income Account—Rent .. 817 6 2 Interest on loans—lnterest accrued .. 1,414 15 2 Accounts outstanding .. .. 1,636 2 7 Hostels Account —Household accounts 298 8 0 Hostels Account—Provident Fund .. .. .. 3,468 17 2 Advances to boarders paid but not charged 1,271 19 9 Scholarship funds .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Steward's stores in hand .. .. 402 8 2 Sundry school funds .. .. 797 18 5 Estate buildings .. .. .. 4,100 0 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 355 11 7 Sundries .. .. .. .. 11 13 0 Temporary loans .. .. .. 4,576 16 11 School-farm .. .. .. 750 0 0 Overdraft at bank, plus unpresented cheques 5,563 9 0 Tayforth land .. .. .. 2,093 15 8 Cash on hand .. .. .. 4 14 0 £105,975 16 3 £11,087 19 7




WANGANUI GIRLS' COLLEGE BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December. 1924 . . 958 2 3 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 25 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 15 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 1,067 16 6 Transfers to— Revenue from secondary-education re- New Building Account .. .. 1,337 1 4 serves .. .. .. ■ • 250 7 2 General Account— Transfer from Secondary Department For repairs to buildings .. .. 143 5 1 General Account (Amount charged in For salaries, &c. .. .. 422 6 8 error, 1924) .. .. .. 4 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 338 2 10 £2,280 15 11 £2,280 15 11 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 86 8 2 New buildings, additions, and furniture 17 18 0 Interest (Alexander bequest) .. .. 60 0 0 New site improvements .. .. 469 7 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- New furniture— count .. .. .. .. 1,337 1 4 Sewing-machines, £11; forms and stools, £6 .. .. .. 17 0 0 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 600 0 0 Interest on loans for new site .. 250 14 4 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 128 10 2 £1,483 9 6 £1,483 9 6 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 375 12 10 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 419 3 4 School fees .. • • •. 492 9 3 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 120 4 10 Stationery fees .. .. .. 32 8 2 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 361 4 7 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 0 2 6 £900 12 9 . £900 12 9 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 2,141 15 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 172 5 3 Boarding fees .. .. .. 5,298 7 6 Provisions .. .. .. .. 2,282 16 8 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,910 2 1 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 714 14 11 Insurance of boarders'effects •• 12 17 6 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 1,171 16 2 Books, &c., sold .. .. .. 94 17 7 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 413 13 3 Sundries .. .. • • •. 14 15 8 Repairs to buildings .. .. 135 0 5 Interest on Post Office Savings-bank Insurance, rates, interest, &c. .. 41 5 2 deposit .. .. .. .. 100 7 5 Advances to boarders .. .. 1,826 13 1 Books, &c. .. .. .. 132 7 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 140 0 0 Wanganui East garden and expenses .. 231 5 11 Prizes .. .. .. . . 76 9 10 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 91 6 2 House expenses advances .. .. 70 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 2,073 8 11 £9,573 2 9 £9,573 2 9 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account count: — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 276 5 4 teachers.. .. .. .. 3,357 14 9 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,746 6 9 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 783 1 2 penses .. .. .. .. 673 15 0 Maintenance classes for manual instrucGovernment capitation for manual and tion .. .. .. .. 173 0 3 science instruction .. .. 80 19 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 90 14 0 School fees .. .. .. 208 18 4 Rates and insurance.. .. .. 42 11 1 Refunds from pupils .. .. 2,168 13 4 Music department .. .. .. 1,254 14 11 Miscellaneous sundry sales and refunds 18 6 8 Part-time teachers .. .. .. 264 7 1 Interest (Alexander bequest, part) .. 30 0 0 Pew rents, &c. .. .. .. 269 0 4 Sales—Cookery material .. .. 40 2 3 Prizes .. .. .. .. 21 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Miscellaneous .. .. .. 89 7 9 count — Transfer to Endowments Income Account 4 10 0 For repairs to buildings .. .. 143 5 1 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 129 1 7 Salaries .. .. .. .. 422 6 8 £7,144 I 1 £7,144 11 StatemenUof Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. Amounts elm to Board. £ s. d« Building and Sites Account—Balance due £ s. d. Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 69 18 5 on new pavilion .. .. .. 71 13 1 Rents (reserves vested in Board) .. 266 19 0 Sites unpaid purchase-money —Balance due Buildings and Sites Account— on new site .. .. .. 3,256 19 7 Alterations and additions _ 46 9 0 Interest on loans .. .. .. 80 8 0 Interest accrued and not paid .. 25 0 0 Hostels Account— Advanced on mortgage .. .. 1,000 0 0 Advances by parents .. .. 46 7 6 Subsidy due .. .. .. 500 0 0 Sundry accounts unpaid .. .. 285 911 Lower Department Account— .. Boarders' expenses accounts unpaid .. 815 11 Fees .. .. .. .. 916 9 Secondary General Account — Sundry Stationery fees .. .. .. 10 0 accounts unpaid .. .. .. 41 211 Hostels Account— Overdraft at bank .. .. .. 568 16 4 Boarding fees .. .. .. 57 0 2 Advances to boarders .. .. 315 10 10 Sundry refunds .. .. .. 13 3 Secondary General AccountFees .. .. .. .. 14 7 4 Salaries due from Department .. 27 1 3 Manual classes capitation .. .. 77 17 9 Sundry fees .. .. .. 24 11 8 Interest accrued and not paid .. .. 512 10 0 Interest, Post Office Savings-bank deposit 75 0 0 Deposit, Post Office Savings-bank .. 3,599 4 5 £4,359 13 3 £6,623 9 10

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PALMERSTON NORTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. . . 230 12 5 Transfers to — Current income from reserves vested in General Account, for repairs to build - Board .. .. .. .. 480 12 5 ings .. .. .. .. 430 2 11 General Account, for salaries .. 230 12 5 Girls' High School grounds .. .. 50 9 6 £711 4 10 £711 4 10 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant.for furniture, sites, &c. 2,458 17 6 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 700 1 5 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 969 8 9 Girls' High School —Grant for roof .. 158 7 0 Buildings and furniture, Girls' High School 24 10 6 Buildings, Boys' High School . . 295 7 4 Purchase Girls' School Hostel .. 2,250 0 0 £3,428 6 3 £3,428 6 3 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding fees .. .. .. 1,742 19 4 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 0 8 0 Refund of advances to boarders .. 285 15 5 Provisions .. .. .. .. 571 7 0 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 115 18 9 Wages of Matron and staff .. . . 611 11 6 Repairs to buildings .. . . 32 7 6 Insurance, rates, interest, &c. .. 85 17 7 Advances to boarders . . . . 307 18 11 Interest on loans .. . . . . 162 0 0 Other expenses .. .. . . 22 6 1 £2,028 14 9 £2,028 14 9 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : — Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 473 8 6 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 8,106 19 11 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. 1,341 16 0 teachers .. .. .. .. 7,670 9 9 Maintenance (including material) of Government payment for incidental ex- classes for manual instruction .. 271 11 6 penses .. .. .. .. 1,249 19 10 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 16 0 0 Government grant for maintenance of Maintenance of buildings .. . . 478 7 6 buildings .. .. .. 149 4 7 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 43 14 2 Subsidies on voluntary contributions . . 33 0 0 Library books .. .. .. 43 13 0 Voluntary contributions for general Transfer to Architect's Account .. 50 0 0 purposes .. .. .. 49 13 0 Returned soldiers' labour .. .. 37 1 1 School fees .. .. .. 254 6 0 Girls' grounds . . .. .. 50 9 6 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 27 13 3 Balance. 31st December, 1925 .. 227 14 2 Scholarships .. .. .. 116 0 Returned Soldiers' Association .. 37 1 1 Transfers from Endowments Account — Maintenance and insurance .. 430 2 11 Salaries .. .. .. .. 230 12 5 Girls' Ground Account .. .. 50 9 6 £10,667 6 10 £10,667 6 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sites, unpaid purchase-money .. .. 3,550 0 0 Buildings and Sites Account— Principal of loans —Hostel furnishing . . 700 0 0 Memorial library .. .. . . 22 2 6 Hostels Account —Sundry creditors . . 56 8 4 Roof of Girls' High School . . .. 158 7 0 Secondary General Account —Sundry credi- Hostels Account— tors .. • . .. .. 83 3 6 Boarding fees .. .. . . 158 16 4 Technical Account —Sundry creditors .. 19 13 6 Advances to boarders .. .. 155 10 3 Overdraft at bank, plus unpresented cheques 312 12 10 Secondary General Account— Fees .. .. .. . . 41 15 0 Salaries due from Department . . 59 6 4 Reserves revenue, December quarter .. 80 15 4 Manual capitation .. .. .. 138 12 6 Trust Account— Balsillie Scholarship Fund .. . . 400 0 0 Manson Bequest .. .. .. 125 0 0 Technical Account— Student-teacher capitation .. . . 62 0 0 Material and equipment . . . . 179 19 1 Grant equipment .. . . . . 214 9 £4,721 18 2 £1,603 9 1


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GISBORNE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. £ s. d. | Payments. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — j Endowments Income Account :— Current income from reserves vested in j Proportion of office salaries and expenses 75 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 3,342 18 3 Legal charges .. .. .. 8 8 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- j Transfer to— serves .. .. .. .. 100 15 0 General Account— For salaries .. .. ..2,112 12j[6 Buildings and Sites Account— . pi Interest and instalments .. 781 13 0 Authorized works and new furniture 78 6 0 New Building Account .. .. 387 13 9 £3,443 13 3 £3,443 13 3 Buildings and Sites Capital Account Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Survey fees, school-site .. .. 5 5 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 666 13 4 Transfers from Endowments Income Ac- New furniture .. .. . . 78 6 0 count — Principal of loans repaid .. .. 508 12 6 Authorized works and furniture .. 78 6 0 Interest on loans for buildings .. 273 0 6 Interest, &c. .. .. .. 781 13 0 Survey fees, school-site .. .. 5 5 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 . . 666 13 4 £1,531 17 4 £1,531 17 4 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 750 2 3 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 314 11 8 School fees .. .. .. 343 5 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 56 8 8 Post Office Savings-bank—lnterest on Rates, insurance, &c. .. .. 6 5 11 deposit .. .. .. .. 21 4 7 Board's donation, memorial baths for water tests .. .. .. 93 18 9 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 643 6 10 £1,114 11 10 £1,114 11 10 Hostels Account :— I Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 . . 290 12 4 j Proportion of office expenses .. .. 55 0 0 Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 3,971 6 3 Provisions .. .. .. ... 1,323 14 3 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 953 9 5 Fuel, light, &e. .. .. .. 340 1 2 Proceeds sale of old furniture .. 7 9 6 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 200 0 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 1,214 9 6 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. . . 176 13 4 Repairs to buildings .. .. 203 4 0 Insurance, rates, &e. .. .. 53 14 9 Advances to boarders .. .. 1,191 12 11 Other expenses .. . . .. 178 15 9 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 285 11 10 £5,222 17 6 £5,222 17 6 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— j count :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 199 6 9 i Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 6,494 8 5 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 794 18 8 teachers .. .. .. .. 4,515 18 5 Material for classes for manual and science Government payment for incidental ex- instruction .. .. .. 33 14 8 penses .. .. .. 1,130 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 322 711 Government capitation for manual and Rates and taxes .. .. .. 65 5 10 science instruction .. . . 52 8 0 Other insurance .. .. .. 20 4 6 School fees .. . . . . 306 19 10 School-library purchases . . .. 4 0 5 Voluntary contributions, school library 10 0 0 Memorial baths—Disbursements . . 519 0 0 Memorial baths receipts .. .. 519 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 979 18 10 Transfer from Endowments Income Account — For salaries .. .. .. 2,112 12 6 Maintenance, rates, &c. .. .. 387 13 9 £9,233 19 3 £9,233 19 3 — | Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account— Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 134 310 Legal costs .. .. .. 4 4-6 Compensation-money unpaid .. .. 614 4 Maintenance .. .. .. 11 18 4 Lower-department fees .. .. 24 0 0 Principal of loans .. .. .. 3,941 15 0 Hostels Account — Hostels Account — Boarding fees .. .. .. 208 9 4 Girls' sundries .. . . .. 40 8 6 Advances to boarders .. .. 491 18 5 Boys' sundries .. . . .. 268 10 11 Secondary General Account — Secondary General Account— Fees .. .. .. .. 0130 Current accounts .. .. .. 54 13 0 Salaries due from Department .. 16 17 11 Rhinesmith Prize Trust Account .. 50 5 3 Science classes .. .. .. 66 18 9 School-library subsidy .. . . 10 0 0 Investments —Rhinesmith prize.. .. 50 0 0 Balance, current account, lower department, Post Office Savings-bank .. 550 0 0 Balance current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 692 9 5 £4,371 15 6 £2,252 5 0


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NAPIER HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. . . 7 8 8 Board .. .. .. .. 485 10 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 413 10 Revenue from secondary-education re- Legal expenses and commission .. 12 13 6 serves .. .. .. .. 1,541 1 9 Transfer to General Account— Interest on moneys derived from endow- For repairs to buildings .. .. 557 10 8 ments .. .. .. .. 123 19 1 For salaries .. .. .. 67 7 3 For rent, improvements, &c. .. 884 10 1 Buildings and Sites Account .. 616 6 10 £2,150 10 10 £2,150 10 10 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account : — Loan-moneys repaid.. .. .. £1,900 0 0 Transfers to Building Account .. £1,900 0 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :• — Government grant for portable addition Balance, 31st December, 1924 . . 4,395 6 7 to Girls' High School .. .. 214 0 8 New Boys' High School buildings .. 26,458 12 5 Government grant for new Boys' High Additions, Girls' High School.. .. 90 0 5 School building . . .. .. 14, 500 0 0 Furniture and equipment, schools .. 2 8 9 Loans raised for buildings .. .. 4,650 0 0 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 538 11 6 Transfers from — Interest on loans for buildings .. 303 10 8 General Account .. .. .. 228 4 1 Endowments Capital Account .. 1,900 0 0 Endowments Income Account .. 616 6 10 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 9,679 18 9 £31,788 10 4 £31,788 10 4 Lower Department Account Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 160 9 11 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 531 6 8 School fees .. .. .. 476 3 9 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 69 3 5 Interest on depositb .. .. .. 24 15 0 School Journals .. .. . . 3 13 8 Investments .. .. . . 0 15 0 Prizes .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. 2 16 Balance, 31st December, 1925 ... 49 8 5 £661 8 8 £661 8 8 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 733 7 4 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 396 6 10 Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 6,407 13 5 Provisions .. .. .. .. 1,922 5 8 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,018 8 2 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 294 10 8 Interest on deposits .. .. .. 25 12 0 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 25 0 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 1,710 14 1 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 240 8 10 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 64 19 7 Insurance rates, &c. .. .. 180 10 7 Advances to boarders .. .. 964 4 3 Caretaking and cleaning .. .. 140 7 3 Investments .. .. .. 5 17 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 1110 4 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 2,128 15 10 £8,185 0 11 £8,185 0 11 Secondary Department General Ac- j Secondary Department General Account : — count Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,404 0 8 | Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,668 13 7 Government payment for salaries of | Incidental expenses .. . . .. 947 8 0 teachers .. .. .. .. 7,947 14 8 Material for classes for manual and Government payment for incidental ex- \ science instruction .. .. 160 4 0 penses .. .. .. .. 1,340 0 0 j Voluntary Contributions Account .. 617 9 7 Government grant for balopticon .. 11 00 j Maintenance of buildings .. .. 557 10 8 Subsidies on voluntary contributions for New Boys' School site, rates, and imgeneral purposes .. .. .. 13 0 0 provements .. .. .. 270 2 5 Voluntary contributions for general pur- 1 Interest on deposit reinvested .. 27 2 7 poses .. .. .. 1, 056 8 0 ! Contractors' deposit and prizes .. 108 15 2 School fees.. .. .. .. 265 18 4 Stationery, games, and miscellaneous Rents of reserves—not endowments .. 1,071 0 0 fees .. .. .. .. 1,367 8 6 Investments —Cash deposits matured .. 2,040 0 0 Improvements and plant .. .. 944 11 4 Magazine and prizes.. .. .. 43 15 6 Badges, private endowments, and sundry Contractors' deposits and badges .. 55 3 0 payments .. .. .. 223 15 1 Stationery, games, and miscellaneous fees 1,713 10 6 Transfer to Buildings and Sites Capital Sundry receipts .. .. .. 8 114 Account — Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- | Furniture .. .. .. 228 4 1 count — Rent, &c. .. .. .. 80 8 6 Repairs .. .. .. .. 557 10 8 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 4,277 16 3 Salaries .. .. .. .. 67 7 3 New boys' site . . .. .. 884 10 1 £18,479 9 9 £18,479 9 9



NAPIER HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD—continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account— £ s. d. Hostels Account —Creditors for provisions 90 7 1 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 269 11 1 Secondary General Account— i Interest accrued and not paid .. 157 11 0 No. 1 Loan .. .. .. 4,650 0 0 j Government grant for manual classes .. 34 2 0 Reserves revenue available for teachers' j Old Boys' Association, for prizes .. 210 0 salaries, 1926 .. .. .. 67 7 3 Rent of private Reserves Account .. 8 0 0 Boys' Voluntary Contributions Account 2,569 4 8 J Lower Department Account—Pees .. 28 3 4 Girls' Voluntary Contributions Account 1,542 14 0 j Hostels Account— Stationery, games, and miscellaneous I Boarding fees .. .. .. 75 11 3 fees .. .. .. .. 548 14 3 ! Advances to boarders .. .. 156 2 8 Interest on overdraft accrued.. . . 411 6 Interest on deposits accrued .. . . 4 8 3 Debenture interest accrued .. .. 66 17 0 j Secondary General Account— Girls' magazines .. .. .. 40 6 11 Fees .. .. .. .. 11 16 3 Schools current account overdrawn .. 5,402 2 6 j Salaries due from Department .. 46 5 10 Interest on deposits accrued .. .. 25 18 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. ... 872 17 5 Debenture Redemption Fund Investment 538 11 6 Fixed deposits .. .. 1,300 0 0 | Balance current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 2,128 15 10 £14,982 5 2 I £5,660 4 10

DANNEVIRKE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to— serves .. .. .. .. 437 3 9 General Account .. .. .. 437 3 9 £437 3 9 £437 3 9 Technical Instruction Account : — J Technical Instruction Account :— Capitation, &c. .. . . .. 77 35 j Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 61 3 7 Pees .. .. .. .. 28 0 0 Transfer to—Salary, £113 Bs.; material, Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. .. 86 14 5 £17 6s. 3d. .. .. . . 130 14 3 £191 17 10 £191 17 10 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 400 6 2 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 2,169 13 7 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. 355 16 5 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,002 10 8 Material for classes for manual and Government payment for incidental ex- science instruction .. .. 17 3 penses .. . . .. .. 322 10 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 58 15 11 Government capitation for classes for Rates and taxes .. .. .. 23 8 2 manual instruction .. .. 25 1 5 Hostel outfit .. .. .. 231 14 0 School fees .. .. .. 65 17 9 Electric light .. .. ~ 89 3 6 Transfers from endowments income .. 2,853 3 7 Improvements to King Street property 21 17 1 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 301 13 10 £3,253 9 9 £3,253 9 9 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Nil. Salaries due from Department .. .. 61 17 6 Subsidy .. .. .. .. 85 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 214 19 5 £361 16 11


E. —6

WAIRARAPA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. £ s. d. ! Payments. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 247 13 4 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 10 0 0 Revenue from secondary education re- Transfer to General Account— serves .. .. .. .. 235 12 0 For repairs to buildings .. .. 22 17 9 For salaries, &c. .. .. .. 23 14 1 Repayment to Department on account groundsman's cottage .. .. 247 13 4 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. .. 179 0 2 £483 5 4 £483 5 4 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant for boys'hoste! build- Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 429 11 7 ing .. .. .. .. 6,297 18 9 Boys' hostel building .. .. 6,320 12 1 Government subsidies on voluntary con- Grounds improvement .. .. 449 2 8 tributions .. .. . . 233 0 0 Curtains for sohool class-rooms .. 145 9 4 Voluntary contributions for new buildings, &c. .. .. .. 190 0 0 Curtains for school class-rooms .. 145 9 4 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 478 7 7 £7,344 15 8 £7,344 15 8 Hostels Account :—- Hostels Account :— Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 1,450 18 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 . . 56 19 0 Boarders' deposits—Petty expenses .. 143 12 2 Proportion of office expenses .. 25 0 0 Furnishing .. .. .. 700 0 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 440 13 9 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 257 16 4 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 161 10 5 Wages of Matron and staff . . .. 385 5 8 Furniture, utensils, &e. .. .. 1,314 12 10 Repairs to buildings . . .. 0 15 6 Insurance, rates, &c. .. :. 14 5 0 Advances to boarders .. 117 4 11 Other expenses .. .. . . 35 19 5 £2,552 6 6 £2,552 6 6 Secondary Depabtment General Ac- Secondary Department General Account count :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 296 14 4 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 3,894 18 6 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. 389 7 2 teachers .. . . .. 3,756 8 4 Material for classcs for manual and science Government payment for incidental ex- instruction .. .. .. 50 10 7 penses .. .. .. . . 622 10 0 ; Ploughing, threshing, seeds, &e., agriGovernment capitation for manual and cultural plots .. .. .. 24 8 10 science instruction .. .. 54 18 10 Library books .. .. .. 67 11 8 Subsidies on voluntary contributions for Charles E. Daniell prize .. .. 5 0 0 general purposes .. .. .. 40 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 518 12 4 Voluntary contributions for general purposes .. .. .. 39 4 0 School fees .. .. .. 132 0 0 Wheat and straw sold from Agricultural plots .. .. .. .. 8 13 7 £4,950 9 1 £4,950 9 1 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. j Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Buildings and Sites Account—Shelter-shed 500 0 0 ! Grants due from Government on account Hostels Account — of shelter-shed .. .. .. 250 0 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 35 3 7 Hostels Account—Balance trust lands, Firing and lighting .. .. . . 7 19 9 trust grant .. .. .. 300 0 0 Boarders' deposits .. .. .. 26 7 3 Secondary General Account—Salaries due Other liabilities — from Department .. .. .. 68 10 0 Monthly accounts—School .. .. 8 2 5 Other assets— Monthly accounts—Grounds .. .. 4 12 0 Trust lands, trust grant .. .. 80 0 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 38 11 5 Parents' Grounds Improvement Committee to wages (groundsman) .. 325 10 0 £620 16 5 £1,024 0 0



WELLINGTON COLLEGE AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement op Accounts fob the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :—• £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 877 16 0 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 251 13 4 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 114 16 7 Board .. .. .. .. 8,790 911 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 208 17 8 Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to Secondary Department serves .. .. .. .. 1,491168 General Account — Interest on moneys derived from endow- For repairs to buildings .. .. 1,735 2 9 ments .. .. .. .. 215 14 10 For salaries .. .. .. 7,791 12 9 New Building Account .. .. 1,273 14 4 £11,375 17 5 £11,375 17 5 Endowments Capital Account : — Endowments Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,746 19 4 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 2,963 10 10 Moneys derived from sale of endowments 1,216 11 6 £2,963 10 10 £2,963 10 10 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,218 10 1 Wellington College pavilion .. .. 2,280 7 0 Government grants for new buildings, Observatory, Wellington College .. 698 0 0 sites, &c. .. .. .. 13,716 7 4 Furniture, Wellington East Girls' College 1,222 0 9 Voluntary contributions for new build- Furniture and apparatus .. .. 712 0 6 ings .. .. .. 1,193 18 2 Spectrospect .. .. .. 78 0 0 Government subsidies on voluntary con- Wellington East Girls' College building 11,150 0 0 tributions .. .. .. 209 0 0 Buildings, Wellington College.. .. 2 12 6 Loans raised for buildings .. .. 3,506 0 0 Wellington College Hostel buildings .. 3,338 15 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Principal of loans repaid .. .. 2,971 9 3 count .. .. .. .. 1,273 14 4 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 1,335 15 5 £22,453 5 4 £22,453 5 4 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : — Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 2,209 8 9 Teachers'salaries .. .. .. 24,703 2 10 Government payment for teachers' sal- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 3,973 13 6 aries .. .. .. .. 14,777 11 3 Material for manual and science instrucGovernment payment for incidental ex- tion .. .. .. .. 260 2 6 penses .. .. .. .. 4,022 10 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 8 15 0 Government capitation for manual and Buildings—Miscellaneous expenses .. 1,735 2 9 technical instruction ~. .. 242 14 9 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. . . 237 5 11 Voluntary contributions, library, Girls' Library .. .. .. .. 78 18 5 College .. .. .. .. 18 15 0 Shorthand fees .. .. .. 12 5 10 Government subsidy, voluntary contri- Interest on overdraft .. .. 6 9 6 butions, library, Girls' College .. 18 15 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 276 7 4 War bursaries .. .. .. 8 15 0 Shorthand fees .. .. .. 20 16 8 School fees .. .. .. 444 1 11 Piano fees .. .. .. .. 2 0 0 Transfers from Endowments Income Account — Repairs to buildings .. .. 1,735 2 9 Salaries .. .. .. .. 7,791 12 9 £31,292 3 10 £31,292 3 10 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 1,796 17 11 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,796 17 11 £1,796 17 11 : £1,796 17 11 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account : — Board fees and lunch fees .. .. 5,881 1 3 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,235 3 6 Refunds of advances .. . . 138 19 8 Proportion, office expenses .. .. 206 6 1 Rent of garage .. .. .. 20 5 0 Provisions .. .. .. 2,128 4 6 Tennis-court, Girls' College Hostel .. 78 17 8 Fuel, light, &c. .. ■ • • ■ 642 6 7 Dairy herd, Wellington College Hostel .. 50 0 Wages, Matron and staff .. •• 1,851 10 11 Piano fees .. .. .. .. 11 1 8 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 529 4 8 [St Balance. 31st December, 1925 .. 835 0 4 Repairs to buildings .. . ■ 34 0 3 Repairs to furniture .. .. 39 17 9 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 19 18 7 Grounds .. .. .. • • 37 12 6 Advances to boarders .. .. 89 7 9 Printing and stationery .. .. 110 1 Advertising .. .. • • 5 3 6 Feed, &c., for herd .. .. •• 29 7 11 Library, Girls' College Hostel.. .. 4 5 8 Buildings .. .. • • ■ • 10 15 6 Fence, tennis-court, Girls' College Hostel 5 19 1 General expenses .. .. • • 79 9 9 " Refund to contributories, Girls' College Hostel Fair .. . • • • 20 1 0 £6,970 5 7 £6,970 5 7

s—B. 6.



WELLINGTON COLLEGE AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL BOARD—continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. Endowments Income Account —Rents in £ s. d. Endowments Income Account— £ s. d. advance .. .. .. .. 189 16 3 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 1,036 311 Principal of loans, Wellington College Interest .. .. .. .. 24 8 8 Hostel buildings .. .. .. 10,500 0 0 Endowment capital sales .. .. 2,312 1 1 Hostels Account— Grant from Government for new Girls' Advance .. .. .. .. 219 7 College .. .. .. .. 1,300 1 3 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 618 3 8 Wellington College" Observatory .. 47 0 0 Secondary General Account— Furniture, Wellington East Girls' College 97 5 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 393 5 6 Hostels Account— Carpentry Fees .. .. .. 0 7 6 Boarding fees .. .. .. 653 17 7 Drawing Fees .. .. .. 0 15 0 Advances to boarders .. .. 92 0 8 Overdraft at bank, less unpresented Piano fees .. .. .. 10 0 cheques .. .. .. .. 977 18 4 Secondary General Account— Fees .. .. .. .. 9 10 0 Salaries due from Department .. 733 13 8 Investments .. .. .. 8,399 11 6 Cash on hand.. .. .. . . 250 2 10 £12,683 5 10 £14,956 16 2

MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement op Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfer to General Account, for repairs £ s. d. serves .. .. .. .. 89 7 0 to buildings .. .. .. 489 7 0 Statutory grant in lieu of endowments.. 400 0 0 £489 7 0 £489 7. 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— New temporary class-rooms and fittings 69 8 8 Transfer to General Account .. .. 69 8 8 £69 8 8 £69 8 8 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account count: — Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 85 11 6 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 4,271 17 7 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 534 711 teachers .. .. .. .. 3,952 19 10 Maintenance (including material) of Government payment for incidental ex- classes for manual instruction .. 40 2 5 penses .. .. .. .. 665 0 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 31 13 4 Government. capitation for classes for Maintenance of buildings .. .. 94 1 4 manual instruction .. .. 80 12 3 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 30 10 4 School fees .. .. .. 100 6 0 Borough Council debenture (Young Interest on scholarship investments . . 37 10 0 Scholarship) .. .. .. 100 0 0 Transfers from— Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 378 2 4 Endowments Income Account .. 489 7 0 Buildings and Sites Account .. 69 8 8 £5,480 15 3 £5,480 15 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. Other liabilities—Sundry tradesmen .. 713 0 Secondary General Account— £ s. d. Nosworthy Bequest (Wrigley Scholarship) 500 0 0 Fees .. .. .. .. 10 6 0 Alex. Young Bequest (Scholarship) .. 300 0 0 Salaries due from Department .. 5 13 0 Inscribed stock (Nosworthy Bequest) .. 500 0 0 War bonds and debenture (Young Scholarship Bequest) .. .. 300 0 0 Balance, current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 378 2 4 £807 13 0 . £1,194 1 4



NELSON COLLEGE BOARD. General Statement of Accounts fob the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. • Payments. Endowments Income Account— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 41 1 0 Board .. .. .. .. 1,089 18 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 26 17 7 Revenue from secondary-education re- Kates .. .. .. .. 9 0 3 serves .. .. .. .. 444 10 7 Transfers to— General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 730 4 0 Hostels Account .. .. .. 520 19 0 Secondary General Account .. 206 6 9 £1,534 8 7 £1,534 8 7 Library Capital Account :— Library Capital Account :— Money derived from sale of endowments 101 8 9 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 62 1 2 Transfer to General Account, Secondary Investment of moneys received from sales 85 18 6 Department .. .. .. 46 10 ] 1 £147 19 8 £147 19 8 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 497 13 10 Purchase of Waimea Iload property .. 1,499 14 8 Transfer from Hostels Account .. 1,499 14 8 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 497 13 10 £1,997 8 6 £1,997 8 6 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 285 19 6 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 795 16 8 School fees .. .. .. 950 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 246 17 3 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 193 5 7 £1,235 19 6 £1,235 19 6 Hostels Account Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 324 6 5 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 145 1 4 Boarding fees .. .. .. 11,455 9 11 Provisions .. .. .. .. 4,271 10 6 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,574 12 2 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 799 11 8 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 2,598 7 8 count .. .. .. .. 520 19 0 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 989 16 7 Repairs to buildings .. .. 405 17 4 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 107 13 10 Advances to boarders .. .. 1,624 19 1 Interest on loans for furniture, &c. .. 206 6 9 Other expenses .. .. .. 470 4 10 Transfer to Buildings and Sites Account 1,499 14 8 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 756 3 3 £13,875 7 6 £13,875 7 6 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 453 19 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 8,342 3 10 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 9,148 0 2 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,651 10 11 penses .. .. .. .. 1,397 10 0 Material for classes for manual and Government capitation for manual and science instruction .. .. 173 19 5 science instruction .. .. 176 5 10 Scholarship and bursaries .. .. 223 10 0 School fees .. .. .. 700 8 8 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 405 17 5 Interest .. •. • • • • 177 5 0 Interest, mortgage .. .. .. 206 6 9 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 36 0 0 Sundry expenses .. .. .. 914 12 1 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Transfer to Library Account .. .. 46 10 11 poses .. .. .. .. 283 2 4 Chaytor Scholarship .. .. 20 0 0 Government subsidy, grounds .. 500 0 0 Electric light .. .. .. 250 0 0 Refund, Tates .. .. .. 5 13 3 Sale of scrap iron .. .. .. 112 0 Cottage ........ 27 10 0 ■ Transfers from Endowments Income Account — Sanitary block .. .. .. 324 6 7 For repairs .. .. .. 405 17 5 Interest, mortgage .. .. 206 6 9 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 369 5 4 £13,223 7 0 £13,223 7 0


E. —6

NELSON COLLEGE BOARD —continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. j Amounts due to Board. £ s. d Sites—Unpaid purchase-money, Fairfield 2,770 0 0 [ Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 544 3 4 Principal of loans .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 : Buildings and Sites Account—Grants due Scholarship Endowment Account .. 2,875 0 0 \ from Government on account of works Other liabilities .. .. .. 100 00 j done .. .. .. 1,555 9 5 Lower-department fees .. .. 42 0 0 Hostels Account—Boarding fees .. .. 922 6 5 Advances to boarders .. .. 749 8 1 Secondary General Account— Fees .. .. .. 93 7 4 Salaries due from Department .. 178 6 6 Interest accrued .. .. .. 29 12 6 Inscribed stock .. .. 1,000 0 0 Investments .. .. .. .. 1,950 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 913 5 3 Cash, Post-office Savings-bank .. .. 164 12 1 £9,745 0 0 £8,142 10 11 RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Yeab ended 31st Decembee, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1924 . . 29 17 10 Transfers to— Current income from reserves vested in New Building Account .. .. 218 17 8 Board .. .. .. .. 279 19 0 General Account— For repairs to buildings .. .. 45 4 9 For salaries, &c. .. .. 29 17 10 Solicitor's costs .. .. 13 11 9 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 2 5 0 £309 16 10 £309 16 10 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant for new buildings .. 1,443 10 0 Drainage, &c., and new class-room .. 1,200 0 0 Loan raised for buildings .. .. 1,850 0 0 Girls' Hostel repairs .. .. 171 10 0 Transfers from — Filling and grading .. .. .. 6 8 0 Endowments Income Account .. 19 10 0 Electric light for science-room .. 19 10 0 Repayment of loan to bank .. 199 7 6 i Principal of loans repaid .. 1,889 9 3 Interest on loans for buildings .. 59 8 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 166 2 3 £3,512 7 6 £3,512 7 6 Hostels Account :— I Hostels Account : — Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 951 2 7 Balance, Slst December, 1924 .. 363 16 9 Refund .. .. .. .. 0 13 6 Provisions .. .. .. .. 482 13 2 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 374 16 8 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 80 18 11 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 349 10 9 j Repairs to buildings .. .. 21 8 8 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 5 0 10 Other expenses .. .. .. 23 3 8 '£1,326 12 9 £1,326 12 9 Secondary Department General Ac- .Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 130 10 10 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,891 7 0 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 595 10 7 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,819 18 4 Material for manual and science instrucGovernment payment for incidental ex- tion .. .. .. .. 43 12 1 penses .. .. .. . . 445 6 8 Repairs to Master's house .. .. 43 10 0 Government capitation for manual and Agriculture—Farm, &c. .. .. 337 5 3 science instruction .. .. 74 19 10 Gramophone, stove, &c. .. .. 79 10 0 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 88 1 0 Hobbies .. .. .. .. 31 8 4 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Solicitor's costs on loan .. .. 13 11 9 poses .. .. .. .. 146 12 9 Rates and taxes .. .. ~ 1 14 9 School fees .. .. .. 25 3 0 Agriculture—Donations, &c .. .. 170 8 1 Superannuation .. .. .. 7 10 0 Transfers from Endowments Income Account— Salaries .. .. .. .. 29 17 10 . Buildings repairs ~ .. .. 45 4 9 Solicitor's costs .. .. .. 13 11 9 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 40 4 11 £4,037 9 9 £4,037 9 9



RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD—continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Hostels Account .. .. .. 1,710 0 6 Secondary General Account— Sites-improvement .. .. .. 65 12 0 Fees .. .. .. .. 148 2 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 253 5 8 Account owing for produce .. .. 17 1 1 Cash on hand .. .. .. 13 6 2 £2,028 18 2 £178 9 3

CHRIST'S COLLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Interest on moneys derived from endow- Proportion of office salaries .. .. 162 17 0 ments .. .. .. .. 3,216. 7 8 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 287 2 4 Transfer to General Account .. .. 2,566 8 4 For repairs to buildings, and salaries —■ Town Reserve Account .. .. 100 0 0 County Reserve Account .. .. 100 0 0 £3,216 7 8 £3,216 7 8 Hostels Account :— Hostel? Account :— Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 12,043 17 9 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 268 0 0 Balance on disbursements .. .. 399 6 6 Provisions .. .. .. .. 4,932 13 2 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 746 3 1 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 2,759 1 5 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 371 17 7 Laundry for dining-room .. .. 36 12 0 Telephones.. .. .. .. 77 6 10 Hospital .. .. .. .. 305 17 5 Other expenses .. .. .. 82 11 7 Transfer to School General Account .. 2,863 1 2 £12,443 4 3 £12,443 4 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count : — Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 86 19 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,800 2 II School fees.. .. .. .. 8,473 7 4 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,450 15 3 Games subscriptions.. .. . . 458 0 0 Material for classes for manual and Sundry payments .. . . .. 10 0 science instruction .. .. 18 6 0 Scholarships .. .. .. 1,287 10 0 Scholarships and bursaries ■ .. .. 1,287 10 0 Transfers from— Maintenance of buildings .. .. 1,301 7 5 Boarding Account .. .. 2,863 1 2 Rates .. .. .. .. 41 9 10 Sundry Estates Account .. .. 3,186 11 4 Interest on overdraft incurred on this account .. .. .. .. 760 2 6 Insurance .. .. .. .. 225 8 7 Rent .. .. .. .. 198 10 0 Board's contribution to Pension Fund.. 499 14 11 Transfer to Building Account.. .. 773 1 9 £16,356 9 2 £16,356 9 2



CHRISTCHURCH BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts fob the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses 234 1 8 Board .. .. .. .. 7,550 15 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 487 14 1 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Transfers to— ments .. .. .. .. 84 5 6 New Building Account .. .. 5,357 4 4 General Account— For repairs to buildings .. .. 331 5 1 For salaries, &e. .. .. 1,224 15 10 £7,635 1 0 £7,635 1 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant for new school, Ric- Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 699 9 4 carton .. .. .. .. 5,484 11 3 Progress-payments for new school .. 12,003 0 0 Loan raised for buildings .. .. 13,000 0 0 Salary of clerk of works .. .. 364 0 0 Transfer from Endowment Income Ac- Architect's commission and expenses .. 552 10 0 (jount .. .. .. .. 5,357 4 4 Heating-system .. .. .. 982 0 0 Electrical installation .. .. 140 0 0 Legal expenses .. .. .. 3 3 0 Interest on loans for buildings and sites.. 2,294 18 11 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 6,802 14 4 £23,841 15 7 £23,841 15 7 Hostels Account: — Hostels Account:— Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 1,714 13 9 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,011 17 7 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 801 5 6 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 89 10 1 Provisions .. .. .. .. 531 14 11 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 121 10 7 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 579 16 7 Furniture, utensils, &e. .. .. 44 14 5 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 57 17 9 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 20 18 7 Interest, &c. .. .. .. 54 14 3 Other expenses .. .. .. 3 4 6 £2,515 19 3 £2,515 19 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 205 6 1 teachers .. .. .. .. 6,106 13 10 | Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,152 8 7 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 897 3 9 penses .. .. .. •• 1,355 0 0 Material for manual and science instrucGovernment capitation for manual and tion .. .. .. .. 65 3 1 science instruction .. .. 147 4 11 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 203 15 3 School fees .. .. .. 185 16 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 20 19 10 Government grant for apparatus .. 14 3 7 Rent of playgrounds .. .. 106 10 0 Agistment of stock, &c. .. .. 72 10 0 Proceeds from woodwork classes .. 58 16 9 Transfers from Endowments Income Account— Maintenance of buildings .. .. 331 5 1 Salaries .. .. .. 1,224 15 10 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 155 0 7 £9,651 6 7 £9,651 6 7 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. Buildings and Sites Account— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account — £ s. d. New school, Riccarton .. .. 12,500 0 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 390 8 3 Sites—Unpaid purchase-money .. .. 9,187 10 0 Expenses due by tenant .. .. 13 17 9 Principal of loans 1 .. .. 38,000 0 0 Grant due from Government for new school, Riccarton .. .. .. .. 8,463 0 0 Secondary General Account— Salaries due from Department .. 110 1 Capitation for technical classes .. 138 17 6 Fees .. .. .. .. 5 3 0 Balance, current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 5,846 8 3 £59,687 10 0 £14,868 14 10



CHRISTCHURCH GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses 18 f5 1 Board .. .. .. .. 618 18 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 10 6 9 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Transfers to— ments .. .. .. .. 714 2 New Buildings Account .. .. 314 18 4 General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 282 12 9 £626 12 11 £626 12 11 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 76 12 4 Blackboards for portable buildings .. 618 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 2 0 3 Science equipment—Avonside .. 11 13 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Refund to Department .. .. 56 3 2 count .. .. .. .. 314 18 4 Principal of loans repaid—Avonside School site .. . . .. 22 12 8 Interest on loans for buildings .. 296 3 9 £393 10 11 £393 10 11 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— School fees .. .. .. 41 1 4 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 41 1 4 £41 14 £41 1 4 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account : — Boarding fees .. .. .. 1,513 19 9 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,826 14 9 Piano-practice fees .. .. . . 23 10 0 Proportion of office expenses .. . . 64 9 10 Government grant for alterations .. 94 17 2 Provisions .. .. .. .. 274 12 11 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 1,330 14 0 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 71 13 3 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 10 5 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 553 13 5 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 27 13 8 Repairs to buildings .. .. 11 15 10 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 13 2 11 Interest .. .. .. .. 97 2 3 Other expenses . . .. 1117 1 £2,963 0 11 £2,963 0 11 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :—■ count :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 795 2 2 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 6,733 16 11 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. 1,189 3 0 teachers .. .. .. 6,613 4 10 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment capitation for classes for struction.. .. .. .. 180 1 7 manual instruction .. .. 174 1 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 454 4 6 Government payment for incidental Insurance .. .. .. .. 30 11 4 expenses .. .. .. 1,375 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 1,381 4 6 School fees .. .. .. 191 0 0 Proceeds from cookery class .. .. 130 5 10 Proceeds from swimming-class .. 8 0 9 Interest .. .. .. .. 73 0 4 Grant from Government for science apparatus .. .. .. .. 25 16 7 Government grant for heating-system .. 300 17 7 Transfers from Endowments Income Account—Maintenance of buildings .. 282 12 9 £9,969 1 10 £9,969 1 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board, and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sites—Unpaid purchase-money, hostels .. 4,500 0 0 Secondary General Account— Principal of loans, State advance .. 565 10 8 Fees .. .. .. .. 5 3 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 22 6 10 Salaries due from Department . . 13 16 1 Capitation for technical classes . . 193 18 8 Grant for apparatus .. .. 21 16 10 Hostels Account —Piano-practicing fee .. 0 10 0 Balance, current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 91 11 10 £5,087 17 6 £326 16 5


E.— 6

WAIMATE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 3,631 17 5 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 26 8 7 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 12 4 10 Board .. .. .. .. 344 14 0 Travelling-expenses of Board members.. 15 7 9 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Technical Classes Association — ments .. .. .. .. 148 13 6 Wool-class fees, High School pupils .. 41 11 9 Refund on insurance premium .. 0 4 0 General Account .. .. .. 355 5 1 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 3,674 10 11 £4,125 8 11 £4,125 8 11 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 205 0 0 count .. .. .. .. 355 5 1 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 96 17 6 Prizes, &c. .. .. .. .. 17 14 3 Examination fees .. .. .. 15 13 4 Donations .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 £355 5 1 £355 5 1 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account .. .. 14 0 0 Interst and insurance premium .. .. 42 0 0 Deposits Post Office Savings-bank .. 530 2 8 Balance current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. . . .. 19 8 3 Investments— War loan .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Mortgage .. .. .. 2,625 0 0 £14 0 0 £3,716 10 11

HOKITIKA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Liabilities. Endowment Income Account :— £ s. .d. Endowment Income Account £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 2,150 15 0 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 31 5 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 4 13 6 Board .. .. .. .. 205 13 4 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 82 13 11 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Transfer to General Account— ments .. .. .. .. 96 3 6 For repairs to buildings ~ .. 5 8 6 Rates and insurance .. .. 44 17 9 Special grant, Hokitika District High School .. .. .. 25 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 2,264 13 2 £2,458 11 10 £2,458 11 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. ■ I Amounts due to Board. Nil. I Nil.



ASHBURTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 30 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 1,396 16 10 Valuation reserves .. .. .. 3 6 6 Interest on moneys derived from en- Transfers to Building and Sites Account 1,365 18 4 dowments .. .. .. 2 8 0 £1,399 4 10 £1,399 4 10 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 40 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. .. 40 0 0 £40 0 0 £40 0 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Cloak-room additions .. e. 400 0 0 Balance, 31st- December, 1924 .. 5,034 12 7 Amount repaid, No. 2 Bank Account 1,150 0 0 Architect's fees .. .. .. 80 5 0 Transfer from Endowment Income Ac- Cloak-room .. .. .. 420 6 0 count .. .. .. .. 1,365 18 4 Repayment of overdraft .. .. 1,150 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 4,063 2 3 Bank interest .. .. 293 17 0 £6,979 0 7 £6,979 0 7 Technical Instruction Account:— Technical Instruction Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 56 7 6 Amount transferred, Secondary Department, General Account .. ~ .. 56 7 6 £56 7 6 £56 7 6 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 43 13 2 Repairs to buildings .. 21 5 4 Rent of Hostel .. .. 44 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 84 1 5 Rent of furniture .. .. 16 9 7 Refunds of repairs and maintenance .. 14 0 £105 6 9 £105 6 9 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :—- Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 88 0 0 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 3,135 2 1 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. 443 8 6 teachers .. .. .. .. 3,050 11 5 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 87 10 4 Government payment for incidental ex- Water rates and insurance .. .. 52 3 6 penses .. .. .. .. 512 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 145 9 7 Government capitation for material for classes for manual and science instruction .. .. .. .. 71 10 6 School fees .. .. .. 83 16 0 Refund—Telephones .. .. 0 18 7 Transfer from Technical Instruction Account .. .. ~ .. 56 7 6 £3,863 14 0 £3,863 14 0 Special Trust Accounts :— Special Trust Accounts :— Balance, 31st December, 1924] .. 30 15 6 Payments—Scholarships bank chargesj .. 40 10 0 Receipts—lnterest on war bonds and Balance, 31st December, 1925 ~ 41 0 6 debentures .. .. .. 50 15 0 £81 10 6 I £81 10 6 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts dm to Board. £ s. d. Building and Sites Account—Architects' Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 34 13 0 fees and cloak-room .. .. 360 0 0 Grants due from Government—Cloak-room 340 0 0 Overdraft at bank, plus unpresented Hostels Account—Rent of hostel .. 13 0 0 cheques .. .. .. .. 3,850 0 0 Secondary General Account—Fees .. .. .. .. 20 12 0 Salaries due from Department .. 44 15 5 Capitation .. .. .. .. 67 4 0 Other assets—Bank Scholarship Account 41 0 6 Investments .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Balance current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 56 8 9 £4,210 0 0 i £1,617 13 8

6—E. 6.



TIMARU HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. , Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 70 0 0 Board .. .. .. ..2,88245 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 36 610 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 133 16 3 Transfers to —• New Buildings Account .. .. 2,423 11 11 General Account— For rates and insurance .. .. 218 9 5 £2,882 4 5 £2,882 4 5 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant for furniture .. 191 13 0 Memorial Hall .. .. .. 1,221 15 9 Government subsidies on voluntary con- I Instalment on open-air dormitory .. 323 14 1 tributions for memorial hall .. 250 0 0 | Principal of loans repaid .. .. 846 18 4 Voluntary contributions for new build- Interest on loans for buildings .. 512 4 4 ings, &c. .. .. .. 722 16 1 Desks, tables, and cupboards .. 189 8 0 Rent paid for Rectory buildings, 1924-25 961 13 4 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 1,212 11 5 Transfers from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 2,423 1111 £4,549 14 4 j £4,306 11 11* Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count:— Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1 6 8 teachers .. .. .. .. 7,898 16 11 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,752 3 0 Government payment for incidental ex- j Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,352 19 11 penses .. .. .. .. 1,425 0 0 | Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment capitation for classes for j struction.. .. .. .. 123 9 3 manual instruction .. .. 117 6 7 i Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 76 0 0 Subsidy on voluntary contributions .. 231 0 0 j Maintenance of buildings .. .. 115 1 4 Voluntary contributions for general pur- j Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 103 8 1 poses .. .. .. .. 240 17 0 j Tennis-courts, libraries, &c. .. .. 483 16 4 School fees .. .. .. 470 10 0 Grounds .. .. .. .. 151 16 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 75 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account, for rates and insurance .. 218 9 5 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 482 0 8 £11,159 0 7 £11,159 0 7 Special Trust Account :— Special Trust Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 85 0 0 Payments—Prize Fund .. .. 3 9 10 Interest .. .. .. .. 3 910 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 85 0 0 £88 9 10 £88 9 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board, and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Government Life Insurance Department .. 6,991 5 2 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 644 711 Hostels Account— Lower Department Account—Fees .. 136 6 8 Due to General Account—Furniture .. 1,000 0 0 Hostels Account— Sundry creditors .. .. .. 13 9 7 Boarding fees .. .. .. 307 11 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 85 14 2 Advances to boarders .. .. 28 7 1 Lower Department Account—Sundry credi- Secondary General Account— .. tors .. .. .. .. 76 14 6 Fees .. .. .. .. 52 10 0 Salaries due from Department .. 327 5 3 Manual instruction grant .. .. 139 9 8 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 85 0 0 Balance current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 730 10 9 £8,167 3 5 £2,451 8 4 * Incomplete. WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 137 10 0 Board .. .. .. .. 1,973 16 11 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 5 0 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Miscellaneous—lnterest overdraft .. 3 3 0 serves .. .. . . .. 230 3 6 Fencing, repairs, and renewals .. 130 19 6 Transfer from Hostels Account .. 181 13 10 Transfer to General Account—For repairs to buildings .. .. .. 545 18 11 Hostels Account .. .. .. 410110 Building and Sites Account .. .. 1,152 11 10 £2,385 14 3 £2,385 14 3



WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD —continued. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1925 —continued. Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— £ s. d. I Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— £ s. d. Government grant for Girls' School— ! Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,450 6 3 Additions .. .. .. 3,329 10 8 | Girls' School—Additions, fittings, furniGovernment grant for Boys' School .. 6,017 1 0 j ture, &e. .. .. .. 1,570 10 2 Government subsidies on voluntary con- j Boys' School—Class-rooms, alterations, tributions .. .. .. 1,088 17 (S : desks, lighting, &c. .. .. 6,539 18 9 Voluntary contributions for new build- Boys'School—Additional land, &c. .. 3,234 19 6 ings .. .. .. .. 1,053 11 0 Girls' School—Atkinson property, inTransfer from Secondary Department terest, &c. .. . . .. 47 16 5 General Account .. .. .. 15 15 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. ... .. .. 1,152 11 10 J Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 185 18 1 j £12,843 11 1 : £12,843 11 1 Lower Department Account :— I Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 406 19 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 18 15 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 10 0 0 Transfer to Secondary Department, General Account .. .. .. 378 4 6 £406 19 6 | £406 19 6 | I——1 —— Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 711 10 5 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 30 0 0 Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 1,974 15 0 j Provisions .. .. .. .. 601 1 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 94 11 0 count .. .. .. .. 410 11 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. . . 494 1 0 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 345 13 9 Repairs to buildings .. .. 143 2 0 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 24 2 11 Improvements (septic tank, &c.) 64 17 3 I Other expenses .. .. .. 17 18 2 Transfer to Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 181 13 10 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 1,099 15 2 £3,096 16 5 £3,096 16 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — | count :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 427 6 2 j Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 10,520 6 1 Government payment for salaries of j Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,561 14 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 9,892 3 9 | Material for classes for manual and Government payment for incidental ex- j science instruction .. .. 395 3 2 penses .. .. .. .. 1,541 10 0 I Prize funds .. .. .. 42 6 6 Government grant for conveyance of Maintenance of buildings .. .. 545 18 11 pupils .. .. .. .. 550 0 0 Conveyance of pupils .. .. 601 15 0 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Maids' quarters —Furniture, &c. .. 348 8 10 poses .. .. .. .. 88 16 6 Girls' School —Basketball and tennisSubsidies on voluntary contributions for courts, flagpole, kc. .. .. 21 0 0 general purposes .. .. .. 84 10 0 Transfer to Buildings and Sites Account 15 15 0 School fees .. .. .. 535 19 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 556 12 5 Prize funds .. .. .. 42 6 6 Share of boarding fees, less repairs, boarding establishment .. .. 347 4 11 Government grant for St. Paul's Hall . . 175 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account—Repairs and maintenance .. 545 18 11 Lower Department Account .. .. 378 4 6 £14,609 0 3 £14,609 0 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. Buildings and Sites Account—Girls' High £ s. d. Endowments Income Account— £ s. d. School .. .. .. .. 1,600 0 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 240 0 0 Secondary General Account—Sundry credi- Revenue from Government reserves .. 37 2 9 tors .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 Buildings and Sites Account— Prize funds .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 Hall of Memories—Subsidy .. .. 525 0 0 Conveyance of pupils .. .. .. 50 0 0 Electric lights— Boys' workshop .. 27 10 0 Overdraft at bank .. .. .. 255 17 6 Middle School —Out-offices, &c. .. 31 13 8 Middle School—Gas-stove .. .. 10 7 6 Hostels Account—Boarding fees .. 13 5 0 Secondary General Account— Fees .. .. .. .. 10 6 0 Salaries due from Department .. 100 16 4 Share of boarding fees .. .. 464 9 0 Conveyance pupils—Department .. 50 0 0 Prize funds investments .. .. 700 0 0 Cash in Post Office Savings-bank .. 1,726 7 0 Other assets— Capitation due, manual and science .. 1711111 Rent due (gymnasium) " .. .. 4 5 0 £2,680 17 6 £4,112 14 2

7—E. 6.



OTAGO HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement op Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 155 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 3,383 16 2 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 116 6 6 Revenue from secondary-education re- Miscellaneous .. .. .. 94 15 9 serves .. .. .. .. 560 12 9 Transfers to— New Buildings Account .. .. 3,173 14 3 General Account, for repairs to buildings—for salaries, &c. .. .. 381 2 5 Hostel Account — For " Methven Copper" .. .. .. 23 10 0 £3,944 8 11 £3,944 8 11 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 5,578 9 10 count .. .. .. .. 3,173 14 3 Interest in overdraft, Bank of New ZeaBalance, 31st December, 1925 .. 2,507 1 10 land .. .. .. .. 102 6 3 £5,680 16 1 £5,680 16 1 Hostels Account :— Hostel Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 205 1 2 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 69 11 1 Boarding fees .. .. .. 2,520 5 0 Provisions .. .. ... .. 742 5 7 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 252 8 6 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 165 5 8 Tennis fees, piano, and medicine charges 19 1 6 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 119 10 0 Proceeds sale, fruit, and vegetables .. 5 9 5 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 716 18 10 Boarders'payments, &c., repairs, &c. .. 0 19 0 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 76 9 4 Transfer from Endowment Income Ac- Repairs to buildings .. .. 55 10 10 count .. .. .. .. 23 10 0 Insurance, rates, and rent .. .. 119 12 6 Advances to boarders .. .. 301 17 7 Other expenses .. .. .. 117 6 8 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 542 6 6 £3,026 14 7 i £3,026 14 7 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — COUNT: — Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 2,851 7 3 J Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 15,993 8 7 Government payment for salaries of [ Incidental expenses .. .. 2,392 5 4 teachers .. .. .. 15,637 15 5 j Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment payment for incidental ex- struction.. .. .. 333 1 7 penses .. .. .. .. 2,760 0 0 : Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 116 15 0 Government capitation for manual and Maintenance of buildings .. .. 424 7 10 science instruction .. .. 306 17 3 Piano, Girls' High School .. .. 280 0 0 Subsidy on voluntary contributions .. 22 12 9 Grant, New Zealand and South Seas Voluntary contributions for general pur- ] Exhibition .. .. .. 100 0 0 poses .. .. .. .. 14 7 2 | Sports material, ex locally raised funds 3 5 5 School fees .. .. .. 293 0 6 j School prizes, ex locally raised funds .. 83 4 2 Proceeds, entertainment .. .. 115 11 0 Library books, ex locally raised funds and Miscellaneous — Typewriting, cookery, subsidy .. .. .. .. 8 7 4 singing, &c. .. .. 439 11 8 Swimming classes .. .. .. 29 7 3 Proceeds sale office furniture .. .. 12 6 6 j Typewriting and singing classes .. 70 17 3 War bursaries .. .. .. 81 0 0 Grant, Ramblers' Club, Girls High Government grant for science apparatus 128 0 0 School .. .. .. .. 4 0 0 Dalrymple and G. H. Stewart prizes .. 1112 2 Refund tuition fees .. .. .. 2 15 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 3,213 9 4 count .. .. .. .. 381 2 5 £23,055 4 1 £23,055 4 1 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account —Rent paid Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 204 4 11 in advance .. .. .. 12 6 Hostels Account — Buildings and Sites Account —Girls' High Boarding fees .. .. .. 23 0 0 School basement rooms .. .. 22 10 0 Advances to boarders .. .. 187 12 8 Hostels Account —Sundry creditors .. 90 9 9 Secondary General Account— Secondary General Account—Sundry credi- Fees .. .. .. .. 5 3 0 tors .. .. .. .. 488 4 6 Salaries .. .. .. .. 77 18 1 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 2,696 19 1 Manual and sciencc capitation .. 309 7 0 Trust funds .. .. .. .. 2,669 17 7 Investments .. .. .. .. 2,450 0 0 Sundry creditors . . .. .. 217 9 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 150 7 0 Dunedin Savings-bank.. .. .. 69 3 10 Balance, current account, less unpresented cheques, No. 1 Account .. 3,945 13 1 Cash on hand, Trust Account .. .. 0 6 9 £5,972 1 2 £7,422 16 4


E. — 6

GORE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts fob the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Interest on moneys derived from endow- Transfer to General Account— ments .. .. .. .. 141 111 For repairs to buildings .. .. 88 12 0 For salaries, &c... .. .. 52 911 £141 1 11 £141 1 11 Agricultural Endowment Account : — Agricultural Endowment Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 233 15 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 298 15 0 Money derived from rental endowments 65 0 0 £298 15 0 £298 15 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 84 18 4 Alterations, science-room and shelter-shed 150 0 0 Additions, science-room and shelter-sheds 150 0 0 School furniture .. .. .. 14 8 0 Tennis-courts at Hostel .. .. 14 10 0 School ashpit .. .. .. 1110 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 44 10 4 £234 18 4 £234 18 4 Hostels Account :— I Hostels Account : — Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 869 1 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 254 16 3 Grass, <fcc., sold, Hostel grounds .. 15 19 2 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 9 9 9 Donations .. .. .. .. 50 16 0 j Provisions .. .. .. .. 321 410 Sale of water-pipes .. .. .. 2 4 7 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 84 17 1 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 367 17 1 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 44 6 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 399 17 6 Furniture, utensils, <Stc. .. .. 104 17 4 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 19 4 6 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 29 10 4 Other expenses .. .. . . 1 17 6 Repairs, &c. .. .. .. 35 16 9 £1,305 17 10 £1,305 17 10 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count : — Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 580 18 4 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 4,457 6 8 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 676 4 1 teachers.. .. .. .. 4,320 3 4, Maintenance of classes for manual instrucGovernment capitation for classes for tion .. .. .. .. 112 4 9 manual instruction . . .. 54 15 10 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 40 19 4 Government payment for incidental ex- Insurance—School buildings .. .. 1110 7 penses .. .. .. .. 630 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 571 8 8 School fees .. .. .. 77 0 0 Refunds from pupils, &c. .. .. 49 5 0 Rent of rooms and refunds of light .. 6 0 0 Transfer from Endowment Revenue Account .. .. .. .. 52 9 11 £5,869 14 1 £5,869 14 1 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Buildings and Sites Account — Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 32 10 0 Home-science-room alterations and shel- Buildings and Sites Account—Home-science ter-sheds.. .. .. .. 233 14 9 room and shelter-sheds .. .. 233 14 9 Hostels Account—Provisions .. .. 20 19 0 Hostels Account —Boarding fees .. 20 14 0 Other liabilities— Secondary General Account— Advertising and printing .. .. 21 3 3 Fees, paying pupils .. .. .. 7 0 0 Freights and Sanitary Accounts .. 3 16 3 Capitation, manual and science classes.. 72 0 0 Electric bells for school .. .. 9 10 0 Salaries due from Department .. 50 3 4 Other assets—Evening technical-class fees 121 18 11 Balance, current account .. . . 703 15 4 £289 3 3 £1,242 1 4



SOUTHLAND HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1925. Receipts. I Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses and salaries 130 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 1,987 13 3 Inspection, legal expenses, and improveRevenue from secondary-education re- ments .. .. .. .. 153 15 0 serves .. .. .. .. 292 12 1 Hates, &c. .. .. .. .. 41 10 8 Transfer from General Account for new i Interest on loan from Public Trustee .. 1,061 8 6 Boys' School .. .. 1, 923 0 8 Transfers to General Account— For repairs to buildings .. .. 160 7 0 For salaries .. .. .. 1,923 0 8 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 733 4 2 £4,203 6 0 £4,203 6 0 Buildings and Sites (Capital Account) :— Building and Sites Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 423 5 8 Board's contribution towards cost Boys' Loans raised for Buildings, new Boys' High School .. .. .. 6,763 18 9 High School .. .. .. 786 15 6 Addition, Girls' High School .. .. 129 6 5 Alterations, Rectors' Residence .. 158 1 1 Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 474 17 1 Loans raised for buildings .. .. 6,000 0 0 £7,368 2 3 £7,368 2 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,720 14 1 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 9,260 19 10 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,032 18 2 teachers .. .. .. 7,102 10 0 Material for classes for manual and Government payment for incidental ex- science instruction .. .. 150 0 10 penses .. .. .. .. 1,377 10 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 160 7 0 Voluntary contributions for general Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 10 0 0 purposes .. .. .. 56 14 4 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 41 10 8 School fees .. .. .. 217 8 6 Library subsidy .. .. .. 411 6 Prize Fund donation .. . . 10 3 0 Overpayment to Southland Education Exchanges, &c. .. . . . . 2 3 4 Board . . .. .. .. 12 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 39 2 6 Photograph, Boys' School . . .. 16 0 Scholarships .. .. .. 10 0 0 Transfer to Endowment Income AsSubsidies on voluntary contributions .. 32 17 4 count .. .. .. .. 1,923 0 8 Transfers from Endowments Income Ac- Balance, 31st December, 1925 .. 108 4 9 count— For repairs to buildings .. .. 201 17 8 For salaries .. .. .. 1,923 0 8 £13,694 1 5 £13,694 1 5 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1925. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. Endowment Income Account — Sundry £s. d. Endowments Income Account— .. £ s. d. creditors .. .. .. .. 8 6 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 975 5 6 Buildings and Sites Account—Additions Reserves vested in Land Boards .. 47 17 2 to buildings .. .. .. 110 0 9 Buildings and Sites Account— Principal of Loans—Public Trustee for Additions, Girls' School .. .. 1,545 5 2 Boys' School .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 Asphalting, &c., Boys' School .. 50 9 2 Interest on Loans —Public Trustee .. 200 0 0 Furniture and fittings, Boys' School .. 94 5 0 Other liabilities —Sundry creditors .. 28 4 3 Secondary General Account— Fees .. .. .. .. 8 3 0 Salaries due from Department .. 68 9 6 £20,346 II 0 I £2,789 14 6

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (1,050 copies), £110.

By Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 926.

Price Is.]


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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1925.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1926 Session I, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1925.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1926 Session I, E-06

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1925.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1926 Session I, E-06

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