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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.



TABLE showing Consumption, per Head of Population, of Articles in Common Use.

Adult Male Spirits. Tobacco. Cigars, Cigarettes, and Snuff. Year. Population p I j ; : j T ; 'Maoris).® Gallons. Head. Duty - Per Head. Lb. 1 H^®' d E Duty.f Duty ' Per Head. B p u e t s y ° f Duty. Per Heart. ! I 1 ' J I '; ' j _J M I Gal. | £ £ s. d. lb. £ £ s. d. £ £ s. d. 1904 263,023 647,155 j 2-46 j 16/ 517,724 1 19 4 1 1,955,563 7-43 3/6,1/ 339,571 1 5 10 } 110,617 0 8 5 1905 270,403 j 634,829 ; 2'34 16/ 507,863 1 17 6 2,000,640 7'39 3/6, 1/ 347,837 1 5 8} } 121,438 0 8 11} 1906 295,122 i 692,324 j 2'34 16/ 553,859 1 17 6 2,085,026 7'06 3/6,1/ 362,057 1 4 6} | 139,408 0 9 5} 1907 301,550 I 740,936 j 246 16/ 592,749 1 19 4 2,156,945 7'15 3/6,1/ 375,005 1 4 10} § 159,389 0 10 6J 1908 306,717 I 751,605 I 2-45 16/ 601,284 .1 19 2 2,247,101 7 33 3/6,2/6,1/ 390,590 1 5 5} § 169,027 0 11 o| 1909 317,774 J 719,138 ! 2-26 16/ 575,310 1 16 2 2,278,035 7-17 3/6,2/6,1/ 395,794 1 4 10} § 163,110 0 10 31 1910 323,340 767,620 2'37 16/ 614,096 1 18 0 2,295,777 7'10 3/6, 2/6, 2/, 1/ 401,271 1 4 10 § 176,517 0 10 11 1911 335,853 792,794 236 16/ 634,235 1 17 9 2,303,448 6'86 3/6, 2/6, 2/, 1/ 402,780 1 3 11} § 190,877 0 11 4} 1912 343,905 I 863,797 2-51 16/ 691,037 2 0 2 2,406,097 7-00 3/6, 2/6, 2/, 1/ 420,826 1 4 5} § 216,904 0 12 71 1913 353,396 1 876,751 2-48 16/ 701,401 1 19 8 2,365,844 6 69 3/6, 2/6, 2/, 1/ 413,818 1 3 5 § 229,547 0 13 0 1914 349,591 j 887,116 j 2-53 16/ 709,693 2 0 !J 2,437,035 6'97 3/6, 2/6, 2/, 1/ 425,942 1 4 4J § 247,442 0 14 1} 1915 341,806 I 940,611 ! 2'75 16/, 17/ 760,372 2 4 6 2,430,159 7'11 3/6, 2/6, 2/, 1/ 14 9} § 258,825 0 15 1} 1916 332,759 779,698 1 2-34 17/ 662,743 1 19 10 2,319,852 6'97 3/6, 2/6, 2/, 1/ 403,050 1 4 2} § 263,094 0 15 9} 1917 316,203 ! 759,118 ! 2-40 17/, 18/ 657,464 2 1 7 2,364, 5:. 6 7'48 3/6, 2/6, 2/, 1/ 407,069 1 5 9 || 288,320 0 18 2} 1918 310,103 [ 578,177 ; 1*86 18/ 520,357 1 13 6} 2,387,559 7'70 3/6, 2/6, 2/, 1/ 414,971 1 6 9 jj 370,683 1 3 11 1919 334,024 688,632 2-06 18/ 619,769 1 17 1£ 2 785,116 8 34 3/6, 2/6, 2/, 1/ 492,061 1 9 5} 486,923 1 9 1} 1920 360,697 947,660 263 18/ 852,894 2 7 3| 3,070,930 851 3/6,2/6,2/ 1/ 556,457 1 10 10J 660,004 1 16 7 1921 391,853 j 1,000,875 2-55 * 910,482 2 6 5} 2,678,891 6'84 t 494,394 1 5 2} || 502,456 1 5 7} 1922 386,706 [ 371,857 096 * 643,646 1 13 3} 2,606,469 6'74 t 723,776 1 17 5J |j 532,864 1 7 6} 1923 393,994 j 618,142 - 1-57 * 1,070,219 2 14 4 2,611,049 663 f 735,398 1 17 4 j| 596,701 1 10 34 1924 402,200 ! 641,236 : 1'59 * 1,121,649 | 2 15 9 2,621,157 6'52 { 721,462 1 15 11 I! 663,326 1 12 11} * From 1st January to 3rd November, 1921, 18/; from 4th November, 1921, 36/, 18/ (imported), 36/, 30/, 16/, 4/6, free (excise). + From 1st January to 3rd November, 1921, 3/6, 2/6, 2/, 1/; from 4th November, 1921, 10/, 4/10, 4/8, 2/6. 2/ (imported), 6/3, 2/4, 2/2, 1/ (excise). The 1/ rate is for New-Zealand-manufactured tobacco. The 2/ rate is for tobacco, unmanufactured, entered to be manufactured in any licensed tobacco-factory. The 2/6 rate is for tobacco, manufactured, the produce of British South Africa, up to and including 31st July, 1922. j Cigars and snuff, 7/ and 1/6 per pound; cigarettes, 2/6 and 1/ per pound, and 17/6 per 1,000 of 2£ lb. and under, and 6d. per ounce for weight over 2£ lb. per 1,000. § Cigars and snuff, 7 1 and 1/6 per pound ; cigarettes. 71, 2/6, and 1/ per pound, and 17/6' per 1,000 of 2£lb. and under. (The 1/6, 2/6, and 1/ rates are for New-Zealand-manufactured cigars and cigarettes ) || The rate for cigars and snuff was increased from 7/ to 12/per pound (imported), and from 1/6 to 4/ per pound (excise), from 2nd August, 1917. The rates for imported cigarettes were increased from 17/6 and 7/ to 20/6 and 9/6 from 2nd August, 1917, and from 5th September, 1917, the rates were further increased to 25/6 and 10/6 respectively. The rates for New-Zealand-manufactured cigarettes were increased from 1/ and 2/6 per pound to 4/ and 5/6 per pound from 2nd August, 1917.


H; 9

Femafe 1 Wine ' Ale and Beer. Total Tea. Tear Population j j ; j : j j Year Population : . ffSf- Heart. K D a uTy° f Tie art. Gallons. j ** Duty . ' K^ of ! lJ I I j I ! I i . I I I Gal. [ £ s. d. I I Gal. | £ s. d. [ i lb. s. d. [ £ £ s. d. 1904 598,583 120,120 020 5/, 6/, 9/ 35,018 1 2} : 203,510 0-34 , 2/ 20,351 0 8 1904 900,682 5,225,668f 5'80 0 2 4,838 0 0 1} 1905 615,187 113,185 0 18 5/, 6/, 9/ 33,071 1 0} 218,270 1 0'35 , 2/ 21,827 0 8£ 1905 925,605 5,898,391f 6'37 0 2 534 1906 651,559 128,120 0 19 5/, 6/, 9/ 37,532 1 1J 251,570 0 38 2/ 25,157 0 9| 1906 956,457 6,132,962f 6'41 0 2 548 1907 665,777 146,175 0 22 2/, 5/, 6/, 9/ 42,736 1 3£ 279,108 0'42 2/ 27,911 0 10 1907 977,215 6,771,169f: 6'93 0 2 1 017 1908 : 676,447 149,107 0-22 2/, 5/, 6/, 9/ 42,797 1 3| 271,780 0-40 2/ 27,178 0 9J 1908 1,008,373 6,470,552f i 6-41 /2 & I2i 715 1909 : 702,379 138,699 020 2/, 5/, 6/, 9/ 38,749 1 lj i 252,320 0'36 2/ 25,232 0 8J 1909 1,030,657 : 7,302,310f 7-08 /2 & I2'i 636 1910 715,908 153,435 0-21 2/, 5/, 6/, 9/ 40,887 1 1} 271,594 0'38 2/ 27,159 0 9 1910 1,050,410 i 7,582,530f 7'22 12 & 12% 636 1911 734,236 143,136 0-19 2/, 5/, 6/, 9/ 38,606 1 0J I 273,650 0-37 2/ 27,365 0- 9 1911 1,075,250 ! 8,066,151f 7'50 12 & 12% 703 1912 752,934 153,611 0 20 2/, 5/, 6/, 9/ 41,251 1 1} 1 296,362 0'39 2/ 29,636 0 9J 1912 1,102,471 i 7,680,283f 6-97 12 & I2i 613 1913 774,939 147,131 019 2/, 5/, 6/, 9/ 39,198 1 0} 299,220 0'39 I 2/ 29,922 0 9| | 1913 1,134,506 7,070,430f 6-23 /2 & /28 472 1914 ! 774,837 I 156,509 | 0-20 | 2/, 5/, 6/, 9/ 41,795 1 1 292,850 j 0 38 I 2/ 29,285 0 9 1914 1,140,172 I 9,938,617f 8'72 /2 & /2« | 794 1915 ! 774,918 163,244 0*21 2/, 5/, 6/, 9/ 42,258 1 1 260,050 | 0*34 2/ 26,005 0 8 j| 1915 1,149,254 i 9,148,578f 7*96 12 & I2Z 574 1916 776,932 138,758 0-18 2/, 5/, 6/, 9/ 34,950 0 10J 229,320 0-30 2/ 22,932 0 7 1916 1,148,888 7,977,963t 6-94 I2&l2i 623 1917 758,748 142,858 019 2/, 5/, 6/,9/, 35,812 0 11} 80,630 0-11 : 2/ 8,063 0 2£ 1917 1,148,880 8,763,057f 7 63 /7, /5,/3, 36,651 0 0 7f 15 / i I /2, /2ft 1918 j 757,824 126,122 j 0-17 2/, 5/, 6/, 15/ 31,698 0 10 I 32,370 0 04 , 2/ 3,237 0 1} ji 1918 1,152,798 9,403,207 8-16 /7, /5,/3j 129,145 0 2 0} 1919 I 793,967 ; 174,333 | 022 2/, 5/, 6/, 15/ 38,839 0 llf | 29,975 004 j 2/ 2,997 0 1 ji 1919 1,186,166 8,648,653 7 29 /7,/5, /3 i 116,432 0 111* 1920 j 836,762 | 239,880 | 0'29 2/, 5/, 6/, 15/ 56,080 1 4 ! 55,931 0 07 ! 2/ 5,593 0 1J || 1920 1,229,395 10,127,244 8-24 /7, /5, /3 1 138,829 0 2 3 1921 ! 873,6-55 ! 225,987 | 026 2/, 5/, 6/, 15/ ( 56,023 1 3} j 37,848 004 j 2/ 3,785 (Oil 1921 1,276,652 8,046,779 6-30 17,15, 13 1 107,135 0 18} 1922 j 893,888 i 115,180 ! 0'13 j * ! 23,651 0 6} \ 19,361 0'02 | 2/ 1,936 j 0 0J ;| 1922 1,305,126 9,026,385 6-92 /7,/5,/3 121,406 0 1 10} 1923 913,198 157,774 0-17 * 38,436 0 10 40,080 i 0-04 2/ 4,008 0 1 1923 1,328,193 10,010,217f 7'54 § 53,758 0 0 9i 1924 934,596 194,928 ! [ * 48,935 j 1 I 50,540 : Q-Q5 2/ 5,054 0 1} || 1924 1,352,618 10,829,017t 8-Q1 § ; 4,-543 0 0 0} * Alterations :— In 1907 : Wine, South African (sparkling), 5/; (other kinds) 2/. In 1917: Wine (sparkling), increased from 9/ to 15/. Inl922: South African Isparkling), 9/6 ; (other kinds), 3/6. Australian (sparlilin") 10/' (other kinds), 4/. Other (sparkling), 15/ ; (other kinds), 6/. f Includes all tea free of duty. I The following rates were imposed on tea from '2nd August, 1917: Tea in packages of 5 lb. and over net weight * British 3d per lb.; foreign, 5d. per lb. Tea in packages under 51b., net weight: British, 5d. per lb.; foreign, 7d. per lb. § From 3rd July, 1923, the rates on tea were reduced to : Tea in packages of 5 lb. and over net weialit • British freo foreign, 2d. per lb. Tea in packages under 5 lb. net weight: British, 2d. per lb.; foreign, 4d. per lb ' Total Coffee, Cocoa, and Chicory. Sugar. Ad Valorem Goods. Yfinr ' Population ; ; — — — (including ~ , \ ] _ . Maoris). Lb. Per Head. Duty. Per Head. Lb. i Per Head. Duty r)ut 5'- Per Head. Duty. Per Head. Rates of Duty. 1 I lb. | £ s. d. i | lb. s. d. £ j s. d. £ £ s. d. I Per Gent. 1904 900,682 550,720* 061 /3 6,884 0 1} 94,522,080 I 104-9 0 0£ 196,921 4 4i 1,098 387 1 4 4? Various 1905 925,605 490,960* 0-53 /3 6,137 0 1£ 92,792,640 100 2 0 0i 193,318 4 2 1,097,968 1 3 8A Various. 1906 956,457 494,320* Ool /3 6,179 0 4 101,023,680 105-6 0 Oj 210,466 4 4| 1,210,617 1 5 3 i Various. 1907 977,215 607,650* 0 62 ! /3 7,596 0 if 104,173,440 ' 106-6 £d. & free 217,028f 4 5} 1,317,206 * 1 7 0 Various 1908 j 1,008,373 553,798* 0-55 j/3 and /3f 7,370 0 1J 105,006,496 103-9 Free .. 1 262 656 1 5 Oi I Various 1909 1,030,657 453,690* 0-44 /3 and /3g 6,370 0 1J 118,274,912 114-7 Free .. l'o88'757 1 1 lj Various' 1910 1,050,410 564,302* 0 54 /3 and /3g 7,854 0 1} 113,337,875 107-9 Free .. .. l'226'o73 1 3 4" Various' 1911 1,075,250 556,876* 0-52 /3 and /35 7,793 0 1} 124,122,629 ! 115-4 Free .. .. l'402'799 1 6 1 Various] 1912 1,102,471 I 611,499* 0-55 /3 and /3§ 8,469 0 1} 135,239,888 122-7 Free .. .. l'503 000 1 7 3} Various 1913 1,134,506 J 599,656* 0-53 /3 and /3| j 8,197 0 1§ 138,964,448 122-5 Free .. .. 1 559'647 1 7 6 Various' 1914 1,140,172 [ 556,000* 0-49 /3 and /3f ! 7,641 0 1J 108,447,489 95-1 Free .. .. 1,526'773 1 6 9i Various' 1915 1,149,254 I 775,112* 0-67 /3 and /3g j 10,217 0 2J 143,410,512 124-8 Free .. .. 1,315'611 1 2 lot Various' 1916 1,148,888 | 685,786* 0-60 /3 and /3g i 9,064 0 1|- 127,472,464 110-9 Free .. .. 1,854 262 1 12 3} Various' 1917 1,148,880 | 235,330* 0-20 /3 and /3| 3,263 0 Of 139,298,208 121-2 Free .. .. 1,498 805 1 6 1 Various' 1918 1,152,798 j 557,406* | 0 48 /3 and /3| 8,013 0 l| 108,568,432 | 94-2 Free .. . 1 613' 908 1 8 0 Various' 1919 j 1,186,166 j 992,397* 0'84 /3 and /3| 13,098 0 2g 121,553,600 j 102 5 Free .. .. 2 215' 101 1 17 4} Various' 1920 i 1,229,395 | 1,177,343* 0-96 /3 and /3£ 15,466 0 3 123,792,368 j 100-7 Free .. .. 4,707'450 3 16 7 I Various' HISH 52 I 234 > 5i8 * 0-18 /3,/3f,/5{ 3,327 0 Of 137,027,072 107-3 Free&Jd.§ .. .. 2,944,066 2 6 1J Various.' 1922 1,305,126 527,829* 0-40 /3 and /5J 7,776 0 If 143,768,464 | 110-2 .. .. 2,826,931 2 3 3} I Various loo! 1 501,247* 0-38 /3 aud /5J 7,291 0 1} 142,032,800 ; 106 9 Free, 3,480 0 Of 3,892,624 2 18 7J Various! 1924 I 1,352,618 1 606,709* 0 45 /3 and /5> i 8,331 0 137,371,136 I 101-6 Free, 563 3,962,186 2 18 7 Various. * This does not include raw coffee. t Estimated. { From 4th November, 1921: British, 3d. per lb.; foreign. 5d. per lb. § From 4th November, 1921: British, free; foreign, id.per lb. Note,— Total revenue from Customs 1904, £2,655,167, equal to £2 18s. lljd. per head; 19-24, £7,569,121, equal to £5 lis. lid. per head. Increase per head equal to 89'8 per cent. Total increase equal to 185 per cent.




Geo. Craig, Customs Department, Comptroller of Customs. Wellington, 9th June, 1925.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (495 copies), £6 10s.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinnee, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92S.

Price 3d.]

Male and Female Population over T ntnl Gallons on Excise Duty Year. Fifteen Years which Dutv oa?d 'Per Head. per Duty. Per Head, j (including which Duty paid. Gallon. Maoris). Gallons. s. d. £ s. d. 1904 598,583 7,786,480 13-0 0 3 97,331 3 3 1905 615,187 7,796,160 126 0 3 97,452 3 2 1906 651,559 8,318,880 12-7 0 3 103,986 3 2J 1907 665,777 9,049,567 13-6 0 3 113,120 3 4J 1908 676,447 9,347,567 13-8 0 3 116,845 3 5J 1909 702,379 9,183,920 13-1 0 3 114,799 3 3J 1910 715,908 9,399,440 13-1 0 3 117,493 3 3J 1911 734,236 9,526,960 130 0 3 119,087 3 3 1912 752,934 9,787,102 13-0 0 3 122,339 3 3 1913 774,939 10,001,200 13-0 0 3 125,015 3 2f 1914 774,837 10,356,240 134 0 3 129,453 3 4 1915 774,918 10,605,714 13-7 3d.& 3|d.* 137,225 3 6£ 1916 776,932 11,247,725 14-5 0 3f* 189,671 4 10J 1917 758,748 11,335,845 14-9 See belowf 219,594 5 9J 1918 757,824 10,588,859 14-0 See belowf 261,536 6 11 1919 793,967 13,352,311 17'4 See belowf 337,811 8 6 1920 836,762 15,050,782 18-0 See belowf 363,597 8 8£ 1921 873,655 14,309,263 16-4 See below\ 393,953 9 0£ 1922 893,888 12,504,830 14-0 See below J 604,612 13 6J 1923 913,198 12,954,163 14-2 See below]: 626,020 13 85 1924 934,596 13,514,531 14-5 See below} 651,201 13 llf * 3fd. increasing by and /j.d. per unit of S.G. of the worts. t Minimum rate to 1st August, 1917, was 3jd. per gallon; from '2nd August to 14th September, 4§d. per gallon; from 15th September, 1917, 5|d. per gallon, with a maximum rate of 6d. per gallon. J To 3rd November, 1921, 5|d. per gallon, with a maximum rate of 6d. per gallon ; from 4th November, 1921, minimum rate lljd., increasing by T fyl. for every unit of specific gravity above 1047.

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CONSUMPTION OF ARTICLES IN COMMON USE (TABLE SHOWING RATE OF) PER HEAD OF POPULATION., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1925 Session I, H-09

Word Count

CONSUMPTION OF ARTICLES IN COMMON USE (TABLE SHOWING RATE OF) PER HEAD OF POPULATION. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1925 Session I, H-09

CONSUMPTION OF ARTICLES IN COMMON USE (TABLE SHOWING RATE OF) PER HEAD OF POPULATION. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1925 Session I, H-09

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