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EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-8, 1924.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Comm.and of His Excellency.

No. I.—EXTRACT FROM THE FORTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. Teachers' Superannuation Fund. The position of the fund at the 31st January, 1925, and the principal figures concerning the transactions for the year, compared with those for the thirteen months ended?3lst January, 1924, are given below: — 1923-24. 1924-25. £ £ Balance at credit of fund at end of year .. .. .. .. 858,662 942,755 Increase over balance at end of previous year .. .. .. .. 79,027 84,093 Income for the year — Members'contributions .. .. .. .. .. 101,632 111,025 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48,725 53,689 Government subsidy .. .. .. .. .. 63,833 68,000 Total income .. .. .. .. .. £214,190 £232,714 Expenditure — Retiring and other allowances .. .. .. .. .. 112,861 126,232 Contributions refunded, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 19,189 19,462 Administration expenses .. .. .. .. .. 3,113 2,927 Total expenditure .. .. .. .. .. £135,163 £148,621 Number of contributors at 31st January .. .. .. .. 6,858 7,443 Number of members admitted and reinstated during period .. .. 1,029 1,044 Number retiring from the fund during period . . .. .. .. 467 459 Net increase in membership at 31st January .. .. .. .. 562 585 Number of allowances in force at end of period . . .. . . 1,078 1,153 Representing an annual charge of .. .. .. .. .. £118,562 £132,687 Ordinary retiring-allowances .. .. .. .. 620 £87,477 667 £98,499 Retiring-allowances under extended provisions of section 12 of the Act.. .. .. .. .. .. 99 £14,544 107 £16,152 Retiring-allowances in medically unfit cases .. .. 11l £12,544 119 £13,818 Allowances to widows .. .. .. .. .. 152 £2,749 165 £2,983 Allowances to children .. .. .. .. .. 96 £1,248 95 £1,235 Funds invested at 31st January — £ £ At 4J per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38,250 38,150 At 5 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,004 12,920 At 5J per cent. .. .. .. .. .. 38, 360 38,260 At 5£ per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 146,192 137,002 At 5J per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 80,825 80,795 At 6 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 219,400 376,531 At 6J per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. 277,306 216,706 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. £813,337 £900,364 Average rate of interest on investments at 31st January .. 5'93 per cent. 5-93 per cent.

I—E. 8.


Approval was given for the continuance of the cost-of-living bonus to widows and children, and, in cases of special hardship, to other annuitants, for the year Ist April, 1924, to 31st March, 1925, the rate being widows, £13 per annum; children, £13 per annum; other annuitants, sufficient to bring the allowance up to £100 per annum, but with a maximum bonus of £26. Approval has also been given for the continuance of the bonus at the same rate up to the 31st March, 1926. This bonus is not a charge on the Superannuation Fund, but is provided for out of the Consolidated Fund. Under the provisions of section 36 of the Finance Act of last session, contributors and annuitants who, on the coming into force of the present Superannuation Act, had elected to remain under the provisions of the original superannuation scheme were given an opportunity of revoking such election and so coming under the provisions of the more liberal Act of 1908. All of such annuitants (forty-eight in number) who would be beneficially affected by the change have revoked the election, and of thirty-three contributors under the old Act thirty-two have, up to the present date, also revoked the election.

No. 2.—SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION BOARD For the Year ended 31st January, 1925. The Hon. the Minister of Education. Sir, — Wellington, 30th April, 1925. The Board has to submit the following report for the year ended the 31st January, 1925 The Board.- -The usual quarterly meetings of the Board were held in February, May, August, and November. Contributors. —The number of contributors increased from 6,858 at 31st January, 1924, to 7,443 at the end of January, 1925, an increase of 585. The number of male contributors increased from 2,644 at 31st January, 1924, to 2,874 at the end of January, 1925. Table A shows the contributors arranged according to percentage of contribution, together with the number admitted and left during the year. Retiring and other Allowances. —Allowances amounting to £18,490 12s. were granted during the period, compared with £20,933 13s. in 1923-24. The total annual rate of all allowances payable at the end of January, 1925, was £132,687 2s. Thirty-one allowances were discontinued by death, and fifteen from other causes —viz., remarriage of widows, and children attaining the age of fourteen years. Twenty widows and twelve children were granted allowances, compared with sixteen and nine respectively in 1923-24. Income. —The total income for the period was £232,714, made up as follows : — £ Contributions .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 111,025 Government subsidy (£43,000 per annum under the Act, with an additional grant of £25,000) .. .. .. .. .. .. 68,000 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53,689 Total for period .. .. .. .. .. £232,714 Expenditure. —The allowances paid to contributors who have retired and to dependants ol deceased contributors and annuitants amounted to £126,232, an increase of £13,371 over the amount for 1923-24, Refunds of contributions on voluntary retirement from the Education service amounted to £14,271, a decrease of £489 compared with 1923-24. The refunds payable on the death of contributors and annuitants amounted to £3,578, an increase of £451. Administration Expenses. —These amounted to £2,927. Included in this sum is an item of £900 charged by the Education Department for clerical assistance. No part of the salary of the Secretary to the Board is, however, included in the item, the whole of his salary, in terms of the Act, being a charge on the Consolidated Fund.




Net Revenue. —The total for the period was £84,093, compared with £79,027 in 1923-24. Government Subsidy.—The statutory Government subsidy of £43,000 for 1925 was received during January, 1925, and was augmented by an additional grant of £25,000. The total subsidies paid by the Government since the inception of the fund for the period up to the 31st January, 1925, amount to £467,4J 6. Investment of the Fund.-—The arrangement with the Public Trustee for the investment of the fund was continued during the period. The total investments at the different rates of interest on the 31st January, 1925, were : At 4|- per cent., £38,150 ; at 5 per cent., £12,920 ; at 5£ per cent., £38,260 ; at 5J per cent., £137,002 ; at 5f per cent., £80,795 ; at 6 per cent., £376,531 ; at 6| per cent., £216,706. Average rate of interest, 5-93 per cent. Unclaimed Contributions.—The amount unclaimed at the 31st January last was £1,573. Approval was given for the continuance of the cost-of-living bonus to widows and children, and, in cases of special hardship, to other annuitants, for the year Ist April, 1924, to 31st March, 1925, the rate being—widows, £13 per annum ; children, £13 per annum ; other annuitants sufficient to bring the allowance up to £100 per annum, but with a maximum bonus of £26. Approval has also been given for the continuance of the bonus up to 31st March, 1926. This bonus is not a charge on the Superannuation Fund, but is provided for out of the Consolidated Fund. Under the provisions of section 36 of the Finance Act of last session, contributors and annuitants who on the coming into force of the present Superannuation Act had elected to remain under the provisions of the original superannuation scheme were given an opportunity of revoking such election and so coming under the provisions of the more liberal Act of 1908. All of such annuitants (fortyeight. in number) who would be beneficially affected by the change have revoked the election, and of thirty-three contributors under the old Act thirty-two have, up to the present date, also revoked the election. I have, &c., C. J. Parr, Chairman.


A. (i.) Number of Contributors on the 31st January, 1925, arranged according to Percentage of Contribution.

(ii.) Number of Contributors under Part IX, Education Act, 1908 (included in above Figures).

5 per 6 per 7 per 8 per i 9 per 10 per T , , Cent. Cent. Cent. ! Cent. ! Cent. Cent. M. P. I M. F. M. : F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. | F. j Total. Numbers at 31st January, 1924 1,798 3,465 324 339 248 232 172 113 73 49 29 1 10 2,644 4,214 6,858 New contributors entered during 297 613 24 39 10 26 4 9 4 6 6 ; 4 345 697 1,042 Membership reinstated ... I 1 .. 1 Transfers from other funds .. 1 J . . 1 2,096 4,078 348 378 258 258 ml 122 77 55 35 20 2,991 4,911 7,90? Numbers left during year .. 51 277 7 24 20 21 20 8 16 11 3 1 117 342 459 Numbers at 31st January, 1925 .. |2, 04.5 3,801 341 354 238 237 157j 114 01 44 32 19 2,874 4,569 7,443

Numbers at 31st January, 1924 .. 3 5 5 5| 9 4 4 .. 2. 3 3 .. | 20 17 43 Numbers left during year .. .. 1 1 .. 1 1 I . • 1 2 i 2 6 4 10 Transferred to Public Service 3 J 3 3 4 1 2 3 .. 1 I I .. 16 10 25 Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1008 . . j Numbers at 31st January, 1925 .. . . 1 I 1 I 4 1 .. 5 3 8 I It - 1 II. I . , - ]


B. Total Number of Contributors who have joined and left the Fund since its Establishment (1st January, 1906, to 31st January, 1925).

C. Table showing Progress of Fund since its Inception (1st January, 1906).

No. 4.— ACCOUNTS AND STATEMENTS AS PRESCRIBED BY REGULATIONS, IN TERMS OE SECTION 87 OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE CLASSIFICATION AND SUPERANNUATION AMENDMENT ACT, 1908. 1. (A.) REVENUE ACCOUNT foe the Year ended 31st January, 1925. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance, 31st January, 1924 .. 858,661 18 10 By Retiring and other allowances .. 126,232 8 4 Contributions of members .. .. 110,861 13 2 Contributions refunded — Additional contribution from Fiji Go- On voluntary retire- £ s. d. vernment .. .. .. 163 11 9 ment .. .. 14,270 14 7 Contributions transferred from other On death of member 3,577 12 4 funds .. .. .. .. .. On lapse of memberGovernment subsidy— £ s. d. ship .. .. 1,520 010 Under the Act .. 43,000 0 0 19,368 7 9 Additional grant .. 25,000 0 0 Contributions transferred to other funds 92 19 6 68,000 0 0 Administration expenses— £ s. d Interest — Commission, G.P.O. 345 1 6 On investments .. 53,338 4 10 Commission, Public On contributions in Trustee.. .. 1,333 7 10 arrears .. 350 13 11 Office expenses .. 89 3 6 53,688 18 9 Postage and telegrams .. .. 67 11 3 Travelling - expenses of Board members 105 9 11 Clerical assistance .. 900 0 0 Medical fees .. 36 3 0 Audit fees .. 50 0 0 2,926 17 0 Balance, 31st January, 1925 .. 942,755 9 11 £1,091,376 2 6 £1,091,376 2 6 COST-OF-LIVING BONUS ACCOUNT FOE, THE YEAR ENDED 31ST JANUARY, 1925. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Refund from Consolidated Fund .. 6,113 0 3 By Balance due from Consolidated Fund, Balance due from Consolidated Fund, January, 1924 .. .. .. 1,260 17 10 31st January, 1925 .. .. 331 18 11 Payment of bonus .. .. 5,184 1 4 £6,444 19 2 £6,444 19 2


Number. Aimual Bate _ Annual 0 £ M. F. Total. Salary. Contribution. £ I £ Total entered (including net increases in 4,392 8,339 12,731 3,051,628 178,650 salary and contributions) Total discontinued ... ... ... 1,518 3,770 5,288 1,083,833; 69,165 Total existing at 31st January, 1925 2,874 4,569 7,443 1,967,795 j 109,485

Year ended Year endoii 3l8t Decemb «'> Year ended Year ended Total to 31st March, - 31st January, 31st January, 31st< January, 1907. lgl5 191g lg21 1924. 1925. 192o. . ; ' I ' _ Total number of contributors .. 2,182 4,444 4,894 5,872 6,858 7.443 Total amount of contributions .. £32,320 £52,716 £60,160 £96,391 £101,632 £111,025 £1.133,102 Interest received .. .. £864 £13,603 £22,666 £35.146 £48,725 £53,689 £367,295 Subsidy from Government .. £5,000 £17,000 £17,000 £43,000 £63,833 £68,000 £467,416 Number of allowances payable .. 84 555 698 881 1,078 1.153 Total amount paid on account of £3,147 £37,376 £48,354 £74,315 £112,861 £126,232 £845,931 retiring and other allowances Total amount of contributions re- £260 £7,921 £13,115 £15,804 £19,189 £19,462 £173,897 funded and transferred Accumulated fund .. .. £34,734 £340,582 £458,056 £681,777 £858,662 £942,755



(B.) BALANCE-SHEET as at 31st January, 1925. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d Fund as per Revenue Account .. 942,755 911 Amount held by Public Retiring and other allowances due and Trustee— £ s. d. unpaid .. .. .. .. 1,268 0 9 Invested .. .. 900,364 110 Refund of contributions due and unpaid 1,893 3 5 Uninvested .. .. 47,491 14 9 Administration expenses unpaid— 1 947,855 16 7 Commission, Post and Tele- £ s. d. Contributions of members — graph Department .. 122 0 0 In transit .. .. 6,207 7 1 Clerical assistance .. 750 0 0 Due and outstanding .. 3,560 9 3 Postage and telegrams .. 53 11 3 — 9,767 16 4 Office expenses, printing, Interest on investments— and stationery .. 20 2 6 Due and outstanding .. 2,788 19 6 Medical fees .. .. 11 11 0 Accrued, but not due 13,8J4 1 0 Audit fee .. .. 41 13 4 16,603 0 6 998 18 1 Interest on arrears of contributions due Reserve for commission payable to Public and outstanding .. .. .. 174 4 4 Trustee in respect to interest due or Consolidated Fund, on account of cost-of-accrued .. . . .. .. 415 0 0 living bonus .. .. .. 331 18 11 Unclaimed contributions .. .. 1,573 0 5 Amounts overpaid— Amounts held pending legislation . . 339 15 10 Refund of contributions .. .. 3 0 0 Amounts overpaid or paid into fund in error .. .. .. .. 3 2 8 Government subsidy—Sta- £ s. d. tutory grant paid in advance to 31st December, 1925 .. .. 39,416 13 4 Less portion of additional subsidy (£25,000) voted for year to 31st March, 1925, not paid at 31st January .. .. 20,833 6 8 18,583 6 8 Vouchers issued but unpaid at 31st January, 1925 .. 9,064 2 6 Less cash in hands of Post Office .. .. 2,158 3 7 — 6,905 18 11 £974,735 16 8 £974,735 16 8 C. E. Crawford, A.T.A.N.Z., Education Department, Secretary, Teachers' Superannuation Board. Wellington, 30th April, 1925. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.-—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

2. STATEMENT of CONTRIBUTORS, showing Annual Rates of Salaries and Contributions as at the 31st January, 1925.

Number. I Annual Bate ol Annual Rate of jj | 51 Total Salary. ; Contributions. £ £ Contributors at 31st January, 1924 ... 2,644 4,214 6,858 1,774,070 100,091 New contributors entered during the 345 697 1,042 165,224 8,965 year ended 31st January, 1925 Membership reinstated ... ... 1 ... 1 185 15 Transfers from other funds during the 1 ... 1 80 4 year Net increase in salaries and contributions ... ... ... 142,812 7,803'] i £| during the year Totals ... ... ... 2,991 4,911 7,902 2,082,371 116,378 Contributions discontinued during the 117 342 459 114,576 6,893 year ended 31st January, 1925, by resignation, &c. «■ Totals at 31st January, 1925 2,874 4,569 7,443 1,967,795 109,485



3. PARTICULARS of CONTRIBUTIONS discontinued and Allowances granted and Refunds of Contributions made during the Year ended 31st January, 1925.

Number of Annual Rate at Date of u fif Contributors. Withdrawal. cne s * How discontinued. „ . _ aii , . . Other Pay - I M. P. .g Salary. Contributions men^s (uonEH ' recurring). I ' ~ j By death before allowance ' 1 £ j £ I £ s. d. £ s. d. entered upon — (a.) Contributions paid to per- 5 5 10 2,899 171 .. 1,391 1 1 sonal representatives (b.) Leaving widow or child. . 7 ! 1 8 2,914 185 ! 202 0 0 1,192 17 9 By voluntary retirement .. | 41 i .40 ,281 60,434 3,252 .. 14,270 14 7 By lapsed membership .. j 14 52 : 66 12,414 621 .. 1,520 0 10 By transfer to other funds .. 2 3 5 777 39 By allowances granted on retirement— (a.) Ordinary .. .. 27 31 58 23,671 1.800 113,268 18 0 (6.) Medically unfit .. 7 3 10 3,681 242 2,518 5 0 (c.) Extended provisions .. 10 4 14 4,991 370 1.772 6 0 (d.) Part IX, Education Act, 1908: Ordinary .. 4 3 7 2,795 213 415 3 0 By death of annuitants j .. ,, .. 301 0 0 1,105 17 6 117 342 459 114,576 6,893 18,477 12 019,480 11 9 Adjustments in respect to death prior to 1st February, 1924. Deduct refund of contri- .. .. .. 112 4 0 butions not made Add allowance to addi- .. .. 13 0 0 tional child granted •Totals .. .. 117 342 1459 114,576 6,893 18,490 12 ojl9,368 7 9


4. STATEMENT of RETIRING-ALLOWANCES (including Allowances to Widows and Children) for the Year ended 31st January, 1925.


(■*■•) Details of Column (2). Total Allowances. Retiring-allowances. j Allowances to Particulars. Ordinary (Age or Service). ; Extended Provisions. Medically unfit. Widows. Children. Number. ; _. Number. Number. Number. Number. — -Sf Annual Rate. Annual Rate. Annual Rate. Annual Rate. Number. Annual Rate. Annual Rate. M. !•'. £ M F. M | F. M. F. : M. F. £ s. d. £ s. d.j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Allowances as at 31st January, 1924 395 683 1,078118,440 19 0197 423 87,426 16 0 84 14 14,267 0 0 63 49 12,750 0 0 152 2,749 3 0 51 45 1,248 0 0 Allowances granted during the year at 54 49 103 18,176 12 0 30 33 13,684 1 0 ; 10 4 2,518 5 0 7 5 1,772 6 0 4 72 0 0 7 3 130 0 0 retirement or decease of contributors Allowances granted during the year 2 16 18 314 0 0 ... ... ... 16 288 0 0 2 ... 26 0 0 to widows and children of deceased annuitants ! Totals... ... ... 451 748 1,199136,931 11 0227 456 101,110 17 0 94 18 16,785 5 0 70 54 .14,522 6 0 172 3,109 3 0 60 48 1,404 0 0 Allowances discontinued during the 28 18 46 4,244 9 0 10 6 2,611 9 0 5 ... 633 14 0 5 ... 704 6 0 7 126 0 0 8 5 169 0 0 year £ Allowances existing at end of year ... 423 730 1,153132,687 2 0217 450 98,499 8 0 89 18 16,151 11 0 65 54 13,818 0 0 ' 165 2,983 3 0 52 43 1,235 0 0 Particulars of Allowances discontinued during the Year. How discontinued — By death ... ... ... 20 11 31 4,039 9 0 10 6 2,611 9 0 5 ... 633 14 0 5 ... 704 6 0 .5 90 0 0 By expiry ... ... ... 8 7 15 205 0 0 ... ... ... 2 36 0 0 8 5 169 0 0 Totals... ... ... 28 18 46 4,244 9 0 10 6 J 2,611 9 0 5 ... 633 14 0 5 ... 704 6 0 7 126 0 0 ' 8 5 169 0 0 Progress of Allowances since Establishment of Fund to the 31st January, 1925. Total granted ... ... ... 663 934 1,597160,550 8 0331 504 113,958 0 0107 18 19,175 11 0 107 74 20,385 14 0 218 3,937 3 0 118 120 3 094 0 0 Total discontinued ... ...240 204 444 27,863 6 0114 54 ' 15,458 12 0 18 ... 3,024 0 0 42 20 6,567 14 0 53 954 0 0 66 : 77 0 0 Total existing 423 730 1,153132,687 2 0 217 450 98,499 8 0 89 18 16,151 11 0 65 54 13,818 0 0 165 2,983 3 0 ~52~~43~ 1,235 0 0

E —8


5. FURTHER DETAILS OF ALLOWANCES. (a.) Allowances discontinued during the Year. (i.) Return of Retiring-allowances discontinued during the Year ended 31st January, 1925, and Date from which Allowances became payable to the Widows and Children.

(ii.) Return of Widows and Children who during the Year ended 31st January, 1925, ceased to be entitled to Benefits.

Act under which Allowance granted. D^ e . which ( i? } Re ~ * , , E, Education Act, How dis Annual Rate tiring-allowance discon- Refund of 1908* A SuAnnuitant. continued. | of Lapsed Retiring- tinued, and (b) Payment Con- peranWtion allowance. of Benefits to Widow tributions. Amendment Act and Children began. 190 8* U Superannuation Amendment Act, I 1012. £ s. d. («.) (b.) £ s. d. Bannerman, Edward .. Death .. 52 .0 0 17/7/24 18/7/24 .. E Cronin, Bartholomew .. „ .. 180 5 0 31/10/23 1/11/23 .. A Eudey, Walter .. .. „ .. 358 14 0 26/6/24 ' 299 10 3 A Jones, Thomas A. .. . . „ .. 52 0 0 5/6/24 6/6/24 .. E Kilburn, Joseph .. .. „ .. 52 0 0 3/2/24 4/2/24 .. E Mossman, Edwin .. . . „ . . 160 11 0 24/8/24 25/8/24 .. A Porrit, Thomas, Rev. .. „ .. 52 0 0 3/12/24 .. .. E Stott, Alexander .. . „ .. 93 11 0 15/11/24 .. .. A Tibbs, James W. .. .. „ .. 618 1 0 17/2/24 .. 806 7 4 A Wilson, Joseph H. .. .. „ .. 294 9 0 16/2/24 17/2/24 .. A Brown, Jessie C. .. . . „ .. 108 6 0 4/6/24 . . .. A Fowler, Jane B. .. .. ,, .. 94 5 0 21/12/24 .. .. A Fowler, Lillian E. .. „ .. 104 4 0 4/1/25 .. .. A Goulding, Jane E. .. .. „ .. 52 0 0 12/11/24 .. .. E Menzies, Jean B. .. .. „ .. 147 14 0 11/6/24 .. .. A Ormandy, Dora B. .. .. „ .. 191 9 0 12/6/24 .. .. A Booth, Frederick .. . . „ .. 106 5 0 30/3/24 31/3/24 .. A Gates, Thomas A. .. .. „ .. 147 16 0 24/6/24 25/6/24 .. A Hanna, John .. .. „ .. 165 4 0 17/6/24 18/6/24 .. A Tomlinson, Thomas E. .. „ .. 68 7 0 28/2/24 29/2/24 .. A Young, Andrew .. „ .. 146 2 0 7/4/24 8/4/24 .. A Clark, George B.* .. .. „ .. 122 13 0 14/11/24 15/11/24 .. ! A Dickie, William* .. . . „ .. 128 15 0 30/6/24 1/7/24 .. : A Hames, Luther* .. .. „ .. 122 11 0 17/2/24 18/2/24 .. A Lyman, Joseph* . . .. „ .. 109 19 0 24/3/24 25/3/24 .. A Stout, William A.* .. .. „ .. 220 8 0 13/8/24 14/8/24 .. A Totals .. .. .. 3,949 9 0 .. .. 1,105 17 6 * Retired medically unfit for further service.

Date of „ Widow or Annual Rate of Termination n. m .„ k , JName ' Child. Allowance. of Payment of Kemarks. Allowance. £ Allard, Annie E., Mrs. .. .. Widow.. 18 _ 21/3/24 Deceased. Baillie, Annie W., Mrs. .. „ 18 j 5/6/24 Remarried. Bannerman, Janet, Mrs. . . ,, . . 18 20/7/24 Deceased. Comerford, Sarah J., Mrs. .. ,, 18 5/8/24 „ Lee, Rosina E., Mrs. .. .. ,, J 8 7/4/23 ,, Lindsay, Lillias, Mrs. .. . . ,, 18 5/7/24 ,, Small, Susan, Mrs. .. .. ,, 18 31/8/24 Remarried. Burns, Hector.. .. .. Child .. 13 15/10/24 Attained age of 14 years. Dale, John H.. . .. .. ,, .. 13 30/5/24 ,, McKenzie, David .. . . „ .. 13 23/2/24 Opie, Dudley I. .. ,, .. 13 12/7/24 ,, Phillips, Edgar C. .. .. „ .. 13 4/2/24 Robertson, Noel A. .. .. ,, .. 13 29/12/24 ,, Turner, Eric H. K. .. .. „ .. 13 27/10/24 ,, Williamson, Ronald .. .. ,, .. 13 7/12/24 ,, McChesney, Millicent E. 13 12/9/24 ,, McSporran, Stella 0. .. .,, .. 13 16/4/24 ,, Peacock, Winsome F. .. .. ,, .. 13 10/7/24 ,, Pratt, Clarice A. .. .. ,, .. 13 4/12/24 ,, Thomas, Elsie E. .. .. „ .. 13 25/3/24 Total .. . . . . ; 295



(b.) Allowances existing (except where otherwise shown) at the 31st January, 1925. (i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement).

2—E. 8.

Act under which Allowance granted. nt™„ Annual Rate of E,Education Act,1908; N ame, Occupation. Allowance A - Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men. £ s. Aitken, James ... ... Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... 296 9 A Alley, Frederick J. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 304 2 A Allnutt, William C. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 360 0 j A Ambrose, Thomas W, ... „ „ ... ... 298 11 A Amos, Edward W. ... Caretaker, Canterbury College ... ... ... 40 12 U Anderson, John ... ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 170 12 A Andrew, William J.* ... Wanganui Education Board ... ... 326 13 A Ansley, Arthur P.* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 187 10 A Bakewell, Frederick H. P.* Inspector, Education Department ... ... 469 3 A Ballance, Alfred C. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 96 5 A Barrett, Richard J.* ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 385 7 A Bean, William D. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 352 4 A Beattie, John ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 225 16 A Bennett, Francis ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 344 4 A Bevan-Brown, Charles E. ... „ Canterbury College Board ... ... 498 0 A Beechey, James M. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 166 13 A Binnie, Archibald ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 103 9 E Bonnin, John L. ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Borthwick, James B. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 255 11 A Bossence, Charles B. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 429 3 A Botting, John F. ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board... ... ... 201 13 A Broderick, Henry W. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 157 .1 A Brook, Julian ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 253 7 A Brown, Charles C. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 E Brown, William* ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 92 4 E Bryant, William H. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 251 19 A Bullock, Samuel ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Burgoyne, Henry W. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 E Burn, David W. M.* ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 265 7 A Burns, Andrew ... ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 E Campbell, James B. I. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Campbell, Robert ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 227 0 A Carter, Charles M. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 286 3 A Church, George P. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 83 2 A Clark, Ernest A. ... „ Wanganui Technical School ... ... 333 1 A Connell, Frederick W. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... .. 295 2 A Cooper, Arthur ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 218 18 A Cowan, Robert ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 244 1 A Cowles, Edward ... ... Nelson Education Board ... ... 135 3 A Culverhouse, George ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 124 6 A Cumberworth, Frederick J. „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 58 6 E Cusack, James ... .. „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Dale, Joseph ... ... Janitor, Timaru High School Board ... ... 52 0 E Daly, Michael F. ... ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 81 7 A Davidson, George ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 262 19 A Dempsey, Hector ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 245 17 A Dempsey, Walter N. ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 229 2 A Dickinson, James C. ... „ Auckland Education Board .. ... 262 13 A Duggan, Patrick J. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 59 10 E Earl, Edwin T. ... ... „ „ ... ... 27117 A Easther, Henry A. ... Truant Inspector, Wanganui Education Board ... 94 11 A Erskine, Albert ... ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 246 15 A Espiner, George H. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 271 17 A Evans, Edward ... ... Accountant, Canterbury Education Board... ... 309 17 A Fairbrother, Thomas F. ... Teacher, Wanganui Education Board .. ... 338 3 A Farnie, Thomas C.* ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 74 0 A Fergus, Robert ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 159 7 A Field, John L. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Fisher, Esau ... ... „ „ ... ... 52 0 E Flamank, Oscar D. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 369 19 A Flavell, Dennis R. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 307 11 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925,



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Aot under whioh Allowance granted. KT „„„ rv„„„ Annual Rate of B, Education Aot, 1908; Name - Occupation. Allowance. A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908 ; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men —continued. £ s . Flux, George ... ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 217 1 A Gerring, Albert ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Gibbs, Frederick G.*t ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... [158 18] E Gillanders, James .. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 200 11 A Gilling, George ... ... „ „ ... ... 166 13 A Glenny, Joseph ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Goldsburv, Alfred ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 107 1 A Gover, Frederick ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Goyen, Peter ... ... Inspector, Otago Education Board ... ... 278 16 A Grant, James ... ... Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 347 3 A Gray, George ... ... Lecturer, Lincoln Agricultural College ... ... 97 1 U Gray, John* ... ... Teacher, Southland Education Board ... ... 285 16 A Grundy, William T. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 253 16 A Guiney, Samuel P. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 163 1 A Hall, William H. V.* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 270 17 A Hamilton, Hugh E. W. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 73 6 A Hardie, Charles Dovev ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 376 13 A Harkness, George A. ... „ „ ... ... ... 435 4 A Harkness, James H.* ... Teacher, Nelson Education Board ... ... 279 9 A Hart, Edwin T. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 232 10 A Hassing, George M. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Heward, Humphrey ... „ Auckland Education Board . . ... 188 4 A Hewat, Ebenezer C. ... „ Southland Education Board ... 271 13 A Higginson, Frank... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 271 17 A Hill, Alfred E. ... ... „ „ ... ... 127 14 A Hill, Henry ... ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 379 0 A Hill, John D. C. ... ... Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 208 16 A Horan, Thomas ... ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 E Howard, Charles C. ... „ Marlborough Education Board ... ... 68 8 E Hubbard, Charles C. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 65 14 A Hughson, William ... Janitor, Otago High School Board ... ... 52 0 E Hunnibell, Frederick W. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 305 17 A Hyde, Edward G. ... Visiting Officer, Education Department ... ... 139 8 A Ingpen, Edward L. ... Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Innes, John ... ... Principal, Marlborough High School ... ... 476 7 A Isaac, Edmund C. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 241 8 A Isemonger, Thomas* ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 360 0 AJack, James A.* ... ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 315 0 A Jackson, William H. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 387 11 A Joplin, Charles E. ... „ „ ... ... 261 16 A Just, Emile U. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... .. 271 3 A Kalaugher, James P.* ... Supervisor Manual and Technical Instruction, Auck- 500 0 A land Education Board Kerr, Walter ... ... Teacher, Napier High School ... ... ... 93 10 E King, Walter J. ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 124 4 A Knapp, Frederick Y. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 339 16 A Laing, Eobert M.* ... „ Christchurch Boys' High School ... ... 380 0 A Lane, Henry C.*... ... Secretary, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 344 0 A La Prelle, John J. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Learmonth, Eobert ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 169 11 A Lee, John B. ... ... „ Native school ... ... ... 164 12 A Lock, Charles H. W. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... 156 11 A Lothian, John, Eev. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Low, David W.* ... ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 360 0 A Lupton, Boger* ... ... Principal, Whangarei High School ... ... 151 18 E Mabbett, Arthur ... ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E McCullough, Samuel ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 245 8 A McDonald, George W. C.*... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 360 0 A McElrea, William ... „ „ ... ... 385 19 A McGregor, John W. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 370 0 A Mcintosh, William N. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 264 13 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925 f Retirement under section 235 of Education Act, 1908. Payment of allowance commences on 1st February, 1927. The amount is not included in the total.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. TsJ'avnn r\ Annual Rate of E,Education Act, 1908; JName. Occupation. Allowance Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. I Men—continued. J £ s . Mackay, William D. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 244 0 A MacLean, Charles ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 199 19 A McNicoll, David A. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 188 10 A McPhee, John H. A. ... „ „ ... ... 236 6 A Maddison, John ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Malcolm, James P. F. ... „ ■ Otago Education Board ... ... 261 13 A Marshall, John ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 299 1 A Mason, George H. ... Registrar, Canterbury College ... ... ... 400 0 A Mathews, Alfred ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 305 19 A Mathias, Vincent W. ... Inspector of Reserves, Canterbury College... .. 97 16 A Matthews, Ernest W. D. ... Teacher, Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 E Matthews, Howard ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 61 19 E May, William J. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 233 7 A Mayne, James B. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 400 9 A Menzies, James K. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 156 10 A Merton, Arthur O.* ... „ Christchurcli Boys' High School... ... 249 19 A Metge, Daniel D. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 328 7 A Millard, Arthur J. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 190 0 A Milne, James ... ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 282 16 A Moores, Peter ... ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Morton, Albert J. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 397 4 A Mulhern, John ... ... Teacher, Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 E Miiller, Nicolaus L. F. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 121 4 A Mulligan, Thomas ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Murdoch, James ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Murphy, William J. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 73 8 A Murray, David ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 172 11 A Murray, James B. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 84 10 A Newton, William H.* ... „ „ .. ... 366 13 A Orr, James ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 126 12 A Overton, William R. ... „ „ ... ... 52 0 E Page, Samuel ... ... Lecturer, Canterbury College ... ... ... 205 17 U Parkinson, Henry A. ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 293 18 A Paterson, William A. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 125 10 A Payton, Edward W.* ... Director, Elam School of Art, Auckland ... ... '247 6 A Pilling, Samuel E. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 168 10 A Pinder, Edward ... ... Principal, Dunedin Training College ... ... 568 5 A Pope, Langley ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board . ... 207 10 A Port, Robert* ... ... Clerk, Wellington Education Board. ... ... 266 13 A Pryde, Patrick G. ... Secretary, Otago Education Board ... ... 277 1 A Reid, John ... ... Teacher, „ ... ... 103 15 A Rennie, James ... ... „ „ ... ... 384 18 A Renton, William ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 198 10 A Roberts, William S. W. ... Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 95 9 U Robertson, James ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 79 14 A Rowley, Francis J. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 431 8 A Sandford, Frederick W. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Sanson, Herbert ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 229 6 A Schmedes, Cornelius F. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 156 2 A Schmidt, Peter E. ... Architect, North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Scott, Augustus N.* ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 361 13 A Scott, John L. ... .... „ „ ... ... 205 13 A Sebo, William H. ... ... j „ Southland Education Board ... ... 245 5 A Selby, Johnson ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 206 2 | A Short, Arthur ... ... i „ „ ... ... 96 13 A Sloane, Wm. Jas.... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 226 4 A Smeaton, Charles G. . . „ Otago Education Board ... ... 297 19 A Smith, Aaron Y. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 106 7 A Smith, James ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 114 4 A Smith, James W.* ... „ „ ... ... 360 0 A Smith, John A. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 63 7 E Soundy, Richard ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 215 4 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rate of E, Education Act, 1908; Name. Occupation. A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men—continued. £ s. Stenhouse, John ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 230 2 A Stevens, Percy B. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 241 13 A Stevenson, Andrew ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 307 10 A Stewart, John N. ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 362 18 A Stout, Thomas ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 164 9 A Strack, Conrad A.* ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 373 7 A Sutton, Henry* ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 64 18 E Thomas, Taliesin... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 331 10 A Thompson, Richard H.* ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... H6 5 A Thomson, Alexander G. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 252 13 A Tindall, Arthur W. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 254 11 A Yeysey, John T. . . ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 180 0 A Ward, Joseph . ... „ Marlborough Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Watson, Francis E. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 281 16 A Watson, Joseph ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 230 0 A Watson, Lancelot ... „ „ ... ... 291 18 A Webber, Alfred S. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 305 13 A Webber, Edmund ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 236 7 A Whetter, Richard C. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 420 17 A Whitcombe, Philip S. ... Secretary, Taranaki Education Board ... ... 244 14 A White, David R. ... ... Principal, Dunedin Training College ... ... 350 0 A Whittaker, Joseph R.* ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 368 18 A Whyte, John ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 55 2 E Wicks, William H. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 32 7 A Williams, Joseph W. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 161 0 A Wilson, Henry B. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 278 9 A Withell, Charles W. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 217 16 A Wood, Ernest A. . . „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 92 8 A Woodhead, Ambler !|: ... „ Native school ... ... ... 213 7 A Worboys, Joseph H. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 299 2 A Worsley, William H. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 345 14 A Wyllie, Alexander L.* ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 469 3 A Yeats, Duncan M. ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 213 19 A Young, Henry, Rev. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 E Young, Henry P. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 287 14 A Total (217 men) ... ... 46,561 14 Women. Adams, Florence K. ... Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 127 12 A Aitchison, Louisa ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 181 12 A Aldworth, Emma M., Mrs. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 96 19 A Alexander, Helen... ... „ Otago High School Board ... ... 139 14 A Alexander, Rebecca, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 38 15 A Allan, Flora M. ... ... Principal, Otago Girls'High School ... ... 281 14 A Allan, Mary K. ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 92 1 A Alves, Margaret W. ... „ Otago High School Board ... ... 114 16 A Anderson, Annie C. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 100 12 A Anderson, Barbara C. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Anderson, Elizabeth, Mrs.... „ Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 E Anderson, Helen, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 103 13 A Andrews, Helen B. ... „ „ ... ... 52 0 E Ansley, Annie ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 212 10 A Anstis, Clara ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 207 15 A Astley, Ellen ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 112 .12 A Astley, Hannah ... ... „ „ ... ... 133 19 A Avison, Martha ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 152 15 A Baker-Gabb, Mary, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 104 18 A Balding, Laura, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 30 6 A Balfour, Margaret A. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 216 4 A Banks, Charlotte M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 156 14 A Bannister, Matilda E. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 85 4 A Barker, Annie E. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 131 7 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rate o{ E, Education Act,1908; Name. Occupation. Allowance A > Superannuation Amend m e n t Act, 1906; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women —continued. £ s. Barkley, Ethel I. M. M.* ... Teacher, Taranaki Education Board ... ... 170 19 A Barlow, Margaret, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 35 2 A Barton, Annie, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Batchelor, Bessie... ... „ Grey Education Board ... ... 94 9 A Beattie, Jane, Mrs. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 E Begg, Jessie I., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 181 19 A Bevin, Elizabeth E.f ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 153 4 A Birkett, Emma, Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Birss, Heleu L. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 129 1 A Black, Elora L., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 125 15 A Blades, Bithiah ... ... „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 71 7 A Blair, Jessie, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... .. 79 10 A Blytb, Sarah E. R. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Bolton, Pamela E. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 205 13 A Bond, Jane A. ... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... Ill 14 A Bott, Amelia ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... .. 58 19 A Bower, Jessie ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 125 16 A Braitbwaite, Lilian B. .. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 61 0 E Branting, Ellen T., Mrs. ... Manager, Te Oranga Home, Christchurch... ... 41 14 A Bridgman, Louise M., Mrs. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board . . ... 158 7 A Bright, Aimee D. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 74 13 A Bright, Alice M. ... ... „ „ ... ... 142 4 A Broadbent, Mary A. ... „ „ ... ... 180 7 A Broderick, Jessie S., Mrs. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 54 5 A Brooke, Caroline J., Mrs. ... Lady Visiting Officer, Education Department ... 97 4 A Brooks, Edith, Mrs. ... Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 119 19 A Brown, Annie L., Mrs. (nee „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 136 3 A Stanley) Brown, Clara J., Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 153 1 A Brown, Mary E., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 119 18 A Brown, Mary M. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 157 18 A Browne, Lilian M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... 148 17 A Bruce, Sarah C. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 155 2 A Buchanan, Margaret ... „ „ ... ... 109 9 A Budden, Amy H.* ... „ „ ... ... 182 0 A Bull, Effie S. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 155 11 A Bullock, Julia W., Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Bunting, Elizabeth ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 71 3 A Burns, Jessie A. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 96 1 A Cairns, Jessie ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Callender, Mary ... ... „ „ ... ... 108 10 A Calvert, Sarah S. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 61 14 A Cameron, Jessie*... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 175 0 A Cameron, Louisa F.* ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 180 1 A Campbell, Jane ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 86 17 A Campbell, Kate, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 158 7 A Campbell, Mary A. E. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 141 11 A Campbell, Verona H. D. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 124 12 A Carnahan, Jessie McP. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 182 14 A Carr, Jane H. W., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 11 13 E Carrick, Marie, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Carter, Annie ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 133 9 A Cato, Eva P. ... ... „ „ ... ... 110 9 A Caughley, Christina J. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 110 17 A Chaplin, Emily A. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 238 16 A Chatwin, Georgina E. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 123 18 A Cherrett, Jessie ... ... „ Wanganui Girls' College ... ... 86 7 A Child, Alice, Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 116 3 A Christie, Jessie C. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 116 15 A Coneys, Jessie T.... ... | Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Cooke, Jean L. ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 87 10 A Cooper, Edith M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... 121 17 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. XT Annual Bate of Education Act, 1908; Name. Occupation. -u A, Sunerannnation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women—continued. £ s. Cooper, Emily M. ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 128 3 A Coutts, Miriam H. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 164 5 A Cowens, Janet, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 74 15 A Cowles, Sarah A. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 193 15 A Cox, Anna Blachford ... Manager, Wellington Receiving Home ... ... 73 2 A Craig, Sarah M. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 109 2 A Craighead, Ellen C. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 172 19 A Crawford, Mary H. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 240 0 A Cumming, Eliza J. ... „ „ ... ... 157 9 A Daniels, Caroline Grace ... „ Auckland Education Board ... .. 107 2 A Darton, Louisa J., Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 117 17 A Davies, Annie ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 140 8 A Davis, Amy G. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 118 7 A Davis, Elizabeth ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 75 15 A Dawson, Ada, Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 23 10 A Dawson, Marion G. F., Mrs. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 123 17 A Dewar, Janet ... ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 78 11 A Dewhirst, Eliza E., Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 56 18 A Dillon, Frances Lily, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Douds, Maria ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 35 11 F A Dowling, Mary, Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 231 4 A Drew, Gertrude A. ... „ New Plymouth Girls' High School ... 164 2 A Dryburgh, Isabella ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 159 6 A Duncan, Kate ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 108 11 A Duncan, Mary ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 156 17 A Dundas, Ethel I. M. M. :;: ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 143 15 A Durose, Florence M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 105 7 A Edmiston, Jessie H. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 144 13 A Egan, Mary F. ... ... „ „ ... ... 177 14 A Evans, Ada H. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 148 19 A Evans, Alice ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Ewing, Ellen ... ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 13 0 A Farquharson, Elizabeth ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 133 2 A Farrell, Arabella ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 145 6 A Faubert, Emma L. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 53 9 E Faulks, Flora ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 70 17 A Feist, Emma J., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 20 1 A Ferguson, Catherine ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 187 7 A Fielder, Elizabeth M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 222 7 A Fleming, Janet ... . „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Fly, Lois M., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Ford, Margaret ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 151 18 A Foy, Mary B. ... ... „ Thames High School Board ... ... 52 0 E Fraser, Jessie A. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 121 4 A Fraser, Johanna ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 80 5 A Fraser, Lucy St. M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 147 1 A Fraser, Mary I. ... ... Principal, Wanganui Girls'College ... ... 267 3 A Fraser, Sara ... .. Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 204 13 A Fredric, Isabella U. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 41 5 A French, Agnes S.... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 114 0 A Fyers, Christiana, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 42 12 A Fyfe, Harriet, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 15 2 A Galloway, Helen ... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 66 3 A Gard'ner, Elizabeth A., Mrs. Matron, Christchurch Technical College Board ... 87 15 A Geddes, Emilie S. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 25 7 A Geissler, Ida P., Mrs. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 11 10 A Gibson, Elizabeth M.* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 172 18 A Gillanders, Eliza M., Mrs.... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 66 15 A Gillibrand, Emma* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... .. 160 0 A Gillibrand, Margaret E. ... „ „ ... ... 105 19 A Gillingham, Adelaide A., Mrs. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 169 0 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. ~ Annual Rate of E > Education Act, 1908; Name. Occupation. Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women—continued. £ s. Glanville, Emily H. Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 120 0 A Glanville, Gertrude M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 121 4 A Gledhill, Eunice A. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 186 19 A Goss, Esther M., Mrs.* .. „ „ ... ... 84 2 A Gower, Nanette, Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Grand, Ellen ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 140 16 A Grant, Catherine D. ... „ New Plymouth High School ... ... 112 2 A Gray, Agnes ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 158 2 A Greenslade, Mary G. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 68 16 A Greenstreet, Grace E.* ... „ Christchurch Girls' High School ... 100 4 A Guiney, Margaret A., Mrs. „ Canterbury Education Boat'd ... ... 68 14 A Gunn, Jean B.* ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 167 17 A Haeusler, Emily M. L., Mrs. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Haig, Catherine ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 104 3 A Hall, Alice L. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 181 4 A Hall, Annie E. ... ... „ Native school ... ... ... 35 2 A Hall, Mary ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 115 2 A Hamilton, Martha ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 153 9 A Hanning, Minnie L. ... „ „ ... ... 218 3 A Harband, Beatrice M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 178 19 A Hardie, Margaret I. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Hardie, Mary ... ... „ „ ... ... 97 8 A Hardwicke, Eva ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 56 17 E Harrison, Ada ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Harrison, Elizabeth M. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 83 1 A Harrison, Jane M., Mrs.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 165 16 A Harrison, Nellie ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 94 5 A Harrold, Dorothy S., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 132 5 A Haskell, Amy E. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 115 14 A Haughton, Sophia E. J., Mrs. „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Hawkes, Emma*... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 60 16 A Hawkins, Elizabeth P. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 144 18 A Heckler, Louisa A. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 166 7 A Helyer, Elizabeth ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 157 19 A Henderson, Christina K. ... „ Christchurch Girls' High School... ... 123 17 A Henderson, Jessie ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 63 12 A Henderson, Margaret, Mrs. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Heney, Annie, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... ! 52 0 E Hennessy, Ellen M. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... j 27 14 A Hetley, Christina R., Mrs.... „ Napier High School ... ... ... j 185 2 A Hiatt, Panny C. ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 66 2 A Hill, Lydia M. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 180 15 A Hodges, Bithia L. C.* ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Hogg, Susan ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 160 0 A Holder, Marion C.* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 142 17 A Holloway, Annie E. ... „ „ ... ... 181 6 A Holloway, Eveline M. ... „ „ ... ... 186 49 A Hood, Marion C. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 151 1 A Hope, Agnes, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 31 12 A Howard, Margaret, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... j 144 2 A Howes, Edith A. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... j 100 13 A Howie, Elizabeth A., Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ...I 222 12 A Hughes, Margaret ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 194 14 A Huie, Marjorie S. ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 56 19 A Hume, Jane H.* ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 185 18 A Hutchens, Emmeline ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 108 15 A Irvine, Lucy M., Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 E Jackson, Rosabell, Mrs. ... ,, Wellington Education Board ... ... 131 2 A Jackson, Sarah E. ... Manager, Industrial School ... ... ... 120 15 A James, Sarah B., Mrs. .. Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 99 19 A Johnson, Amy F. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 174 2 A Johnson, Susan H. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 E * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925,



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. ,, r\ l' Annual Rate of E, Education Act, 1908 Name. Occupation. Allowance. A « Superannuation Amendment Act; 1908; U, Superannuation Amend aient Act, 1912. Women—continued. £ s. Johnson, Margaret, Mrs. ... Janitor, Auckland University College ... ... 17 16 U Johnston, Tristiana E. N. ... Teacher, Wellington Education Boar ... ... 109 10 A Johnstone, Cecilia ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 97 8 A Jordan, Fanny S. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 121 17 A Jordan, Mary E., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 108 1 A Joyce, Lucy J. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 93 13 A Judkins, Anne, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 70 2 A Kane, Jane ••• ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 66 17 A Keany, Annie ... ... „ „ ... 184 10 A Keesing, Kate ... ... „ „ ... ... 86 2 A Kells, Isabella F. R. ... „ „ ... ... 62 13 A Kemple, Frances M. ... „ Grey Education Board... ... ... 103 13 A King, Anne J. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 230 0 . A King, Mary ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 166 2 A Kirkpatrick, Louisa J., Mrs. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 65 18 A Kitching, Lucy H. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 82 13 A Kitching, Mary E. ... „ „ ... ... 201 10 A Kitchingman, Eliza ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Knapp, Jessie ... ... „ Gisborne High School ... ... ... 201 9 A Laird, Emma P. ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 181 14 A Landreth, Elizabeth, Mrs. „ Otago Education Board ... ... 164 3 A Latimer, Ella, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Lawson, Mary K. ... „ Wellington Technical School ... ... 100 0 A Lazarus, Frances* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 66 2 A Leaman, Frances E., Mrs. ... Caretaker, Christchurch Girls' High School ... 52 0 E Lee, Elizabeth E., Mrs. ... Teacher, Native school ... ... ... ... 91 9 A Le Fleming, Lady Jeanette* Canterbury Education Board ... ... 240 0 A Leighton, Lucy J. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 87 16 A Leighton, Mary J., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 52 0 E Letham, Sarah W. ... „ „ .. ... 168 8 A Lightband, Sarah J., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 82 19 A Lindsay, Jean G., Mrs. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Lissaman, Martha H. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Litchfield, Mary E., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Little, Caroline E. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 146 7 A Little, Edith J. E. ... „ Otago High School ... ... ... 95 2 A Livingstone, Catherine ... „ Otago Education Board... . ... 125 1 A Lloyd, Kate B. ... ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 64 16 E Louch, Isabella* ... ... „ Auckland Education Boaad ... ... 74 3 A Loudon, Mary ... ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 172 11 A Lovatt, Mary, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 50 19 A McCallum, Maria M, ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 81 0 A McCallum, Mary ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 200 11 A McCarthy, Mary A. R. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 93 10 A McCarty, Catherine M.* ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 191 11 A McDonald, Alison ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 158 14 A Macdonald, Isabella ' ... „ „ ... ... 94 19 A McDonald, Sarah M. M. .... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 164 6 A McDonnell, Bedelia M. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 167 6 A McEwan, Mary ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... 110 7 A McGavin, Jessie, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 E McGee, Helen ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 174 3 A McGibbon, Helen M. S , „ ... ... 173 5 A McGregor, Grace ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 52 0 E McGregor, Lois ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 104 9 A McGregor, Margaret M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 38 3 A Mcllroy, Annie L. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 202 4 A Mcintosh, Janet ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 80 1 A Mclntyre, Isabella ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 90 8 A MacKay, Annie I.* ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 196 5 A Mackav, Christina F. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Mackay, Ida O., Mrs. ... „ Westland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925,



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

3 —E. 8.

Act under which Allowance granted. XT „ Annual Rate of E, Education Act, 1908; Name. Occupation. Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. " i ~ Women —continued. £ s. McKenzie, Christina ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 108 11 A McKenzie, Margaret ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 177 12 A Macky, Mary A. P., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 95 19 A McLandress, Isabella ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 118 1 A McLaren, Mary ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 83 5 A McLauchlan, Mary ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 104 12 A McLauchlin, Marion E.* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 26 13 A McLeod, Caroline ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 276 9 A McMillan, Mary S. ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 175 19 A McNaught, Grace C. S. ... „ „ ... ... ... 188 18 A McNeill, Elizabeth A. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 146 13 A Mahoney, Harriet J., Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 51 7 A Manson, Janette* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 206 12 A Manson, Lydia M., Mrs. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 137 .11 A Marchbanks, Davinia Y. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 94 10 A Marris, Amelia ... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 154 14 A Martin, Annie ... ... „ „ ... ... 133 13 A Matheson, Fanny C. R. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 143 15 A Matthews, Laura... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 208 12 A Maxwell, Elizabeth L., Mrs. „ Otago Education Board ... ... 101 4 A Maxwell, Jessie ... ... „ „ ... ... 238 8 A Meager, Ellen A. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 126 19 A Mellish, Marion A., Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... | 87 16 A Menzies, Annie J. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 245 3 A Menzies, Margaret ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 101 7 A Metherell, Rose M., Mrs. ... „ | ... 52 0 E Millington, Ellen... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 184 10 A Mills, Jessie G. ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 57 16 A Mills, Mahala C. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 125 5 A Mills, Mary W. ... ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 97 0 A Milne,Robertina M.M., Mrs. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 28 12 A Mitchell, Janet ... ... „ „ ... ... 118 10 A Moir, Marie* ... ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 25 3 A Morrison, Mary J. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... ! 104 1 A Morrison, Sarah A., Mrs.*... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 166 17 A Moss, Elizabeth M., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 82 10 A Munro, Isabella ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 202 11 A Murdoch, Helen, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Bo a; ... ... 176 12 A Murray, Hannah B. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 140 19 A Murrish, Charlotte ... „ Auckland Education Board .... ... 62 12 A Myers, Phoebe ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 59 19 E Newbegin, Martha A. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 176 14 A Newman, Margaret S. ... „ „ ... ... 271 3 A Newton, Kate E.... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 167 10 A Nicholson, Maud ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 81 10 A Nixon, Amelia M. ... „ „ ... ... 132 14 A Nixon, Elizabeth A. ... „ „ ... ... 88 1 A O'Brien, Lucy M. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 243 18 A Ogg, Elsie, Mrs. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board .. ... 161 9 A O'Neill, Annie M. J., Mrs.... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 184 10 A Owens, Edith ... ... „ „ ... ... 136 1 A Page, Margaret ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 101 6 A Parkinson, Johan J., Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 63 1 E Pascoe, Ada ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 87 19 A Paterson, Jane ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Pearson, Agnes A. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 73 3 A Perrin, Margaret C. ... Supervisor for Education of Girls and Infants, Educa- 221 2 A tion Department Phillips, Leonora M. ... Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board ... 89 8 A Pilliet, Erancesca A.* ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 178 1 A Plummer, Mary, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Potts, Mary J. ... .. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 127 1 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under whiob Allowance granted. ,, « ,. Annual Rate of E,Education Act, J908; ISame. Occupation. Aii m ,m ri n 0 A, Superannuation Allowance. Amend merit Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women —continued. £ s. Primrose, Isabella E. C., Mrs. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 37 6 A Pritchard, Florence ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 82 14 A Purchas, Adele, Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 109 15 A Quinn, Elizabeth C. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 90 17 A Quinton, Ellen H. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 98 0 A Balston, Mary ... ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 180 12 A Ran well, Annie P. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 125 17 A Eeid, Jane ... ... „ School for Deaf ... ... ... . 155 1 A Eiley, Emma J. ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Roberts, Georgina ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 86 0 A Roberts, Laura A. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 1.72 2 A Roberts, Mary A. ... Clerk, Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 52 0 E Robertson, Blanche, Mrs. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 76 4 A Robertson, Evelyn M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 135 4 A Robinson, Sarab L. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 187 12 A Rooney, Christina, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 52 0 E Rosie, Wilhelmina J. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 117 4 A Ross, Annie M. ... ... Otago Education Board ... ... ... 154 10 A Rothenberg, Hannah ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 87 3 A Rowley, Elizabeth Mary ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 58 7 A Rowley, Elizabeth Matilda „ Wellington Girls' College Board ... ... 89 4 A Russell, Isabella, Mrs. . . „ Dunedin Technical College Board ... 33 15 A Ryan, Arabella C. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 103 12 A Ryan, Elizabeth M.* ... „ „ ... ... 141 18 A Ryder, Maud H. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 96 1 A Sahnond, Jessie .. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 77 7 A Sandford, Eliza, M.A., Mrs. „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 24 18 A Satchell, Edith E., Mrs. ... „ Nelson College Board ... ... ... 52 0 E Saunders, Ann ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Savill, Harriet, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 117 11 A Savers, Mary A., Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Scale, Charlotte F., Mrs. ... Visiting Officer, Education Department ... ... 118 6 A Scott, Annie ... ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 122 16 A Scott, Mary ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 168 12 A Sheriff, Eliza G. ... ... „ „ ... ... 210 1 A Shirtcliffe, Clara I. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 183 14 A Shrewsbury, Elsie ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 213 6 A Simpson, Euphemia ... „ „ ... ... 224 16 A Simpson, Mary J., Mrs.* ... „ „ ... ... 54 3 E Sinclair, Elizabeth ... „ „ ... ... 92 15 A Sinclair, Mary A.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 226 10 A Skoglund, Wilhelmina C.* ... „ Canterbury Eduation Board ... ... 201 9 A Slater, Jemima ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 161 5 A Smart, Marion, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 97 8 A Smith, Isabel ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 88 2 A Smith, Sarah E. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 194 3 A Smith, Sylvia G.* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 195 13 A Somerville, Frances A. ... „ „ ... ... 151 17 A Sotheran, Jane ... ... „ Grey Education Board ... ... 76 12 A Spence, Annie W. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 224 9 A Spence, Mary L. ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 76 0 A Spurdle, Anna M., Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 39 14 A Stanton, Elizabeth A.f ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 168 5 A Steel, Marion D. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 129 10 A Stemson, Jane E., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 165 6 A Stephens, Mary M. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 82 9 A Stevens, Dora S., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Stevens, Emma M. ... „ „ ... ... 86 12 A Stevenson, Elizabeth M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 83 18 A Stewart, Helen T., Mrs. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 16 15 E Stewart, Jessie ... ... „ Industrial school ... ... ... 52 0 E Stoddart, Frances ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 52 0 E I I * Allowance granted during the year ended January, 1925.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (Ordinary Retirement) —continued.

Act under whioli Allowance granted, „ _ Annual Rate of E, Education Act, 1906 Name. Occupation. Allowance. Superannuation Amciadmcnt Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. — - Women —continued. £ s. Strachan, Mary A. ... Teacher, Taranaki Education Board ... ... 120 8 A Stringer, J. M. G., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 116 4 A Stuart-Forbes, Emma L. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 100 16 ! A Symonds, Mary L., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 12 ! A Taylor, Elizabeth ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 93 11 A Taylor, Mary ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Thomas, Elizabeth A., Mrs. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 143 9 A Thompson, Alicia M. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 177 4 A Thompson, Ethel ... „ Canterbury Education Board .. ... 175 13 A Thompson, Mary A. E. ... „ „ ... ... 97 18 A Thomson, Annie ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 95 17 A Tidd, Emily E. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 129 2 A Tisdall, Estelle A. ... „ „ ... ... 52 17 E Tomlinson, Esther A., Mrs. „ „ ... ... 92 5 A Tosswill, Ellen M., Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 88 6 A Townsend, Edith M. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 183 17 A Townsend, Ethel M. ... „ „ ... ... 153 13 A Tregear, Mary C. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Tregoning, Mary ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 78 4 A Truscott, Kate, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 81 15 A Tulley, Catherine M. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 86 8 A Turn bull, Isabella ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 89 7 A Ussher, Martha J. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 99 5 A Vincent, Louisa ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 121 9 A Wagstaff, Jessie W., Mrs.... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 201 10 A Wakelin, Ellen A., Mrs. ... Cookery Instructress, Wellington Education Board ... 52 0 E Walker, Mary M. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 69 19 A Wallace, Eliza G. ... „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 135 5 A Wallace, Ellen ... ... Wellington Education Board ... ... 198 2 A Ward, Esther ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 238 3 A Watson, Phoebe ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... 1 ... 273 7 A Watt, Margaret, Mrs. .. „ Otago Education Board ... ... 67 11 A Webb, Frances E., Mrs. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 67 16 A Whibley, Agnes E., Mrs. .. „ Wellington Education Board .. ... 52 0 E Whinam, Lois A. P. ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 146 1 A Wilding, Mary, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 10 7 A Wilding, Mary Jane ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 120 4 A Wildman, Eliza J. ... „ Auckland Education Board .. ... 109 1 A Wilkinson, Catherine, Mrs. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 76 2 A Wilkinson, Mary J. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 112 19 A Williams, Alice L. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 80 10 A Williams, Kate ... ... „ Wellington Technical College ... ... 168 17 A Williams, Mary ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 104 13 A Williams, Mary A., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 53 9 A Willis, Effie, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 92 12 A Wilson, Elizabeth M.* ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 162 3 A Wilson, Estelle R. .. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 180 6 A Wilson, Janet ... ... „ „ ... ... 166 0 A Wilson, Marion K. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 189 3 A Wilson, Mary R., Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 92 8 A Wimperis, Frances M. ... „ Otago Girls' High School ... ... 52 0 E Windust, Patience A., Mrs. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 127 19 A Woodford, Kate S. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 73 14 A Woodward, Laura, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Wraytt, Christina, Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Wright, Lydia ... ... Auckland Education Board ... ... 126 8 A York, Mary ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 89 7 A Total (450 women) ... ... 51,937 14 Grand total (667) ... ..J 98,499 8 I ! * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925.



(ii.) Allowances granted to Contributors under extended Provisions of Act.

Act under which Allowance granted.. xt *.• Annual Rate of E, Education Act, 1908; ■^ ame * Occupation. Allnwnnop A » Superannuation iinowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men. £ s. Adams. William .. .. Teacher, Wanganui Education Board .. .. 178 6 A Aldred, Frederick S. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. .. 204 5 A Anderson, Andrew.. .. „ Wellington Education Board .. .. 118 1 A Auld, Jas. A. .. .. „ Taranaki Education Board .. .. 224 10 A Blackett, George .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 112 1 A Bolton, Edwin C. .. .. „ Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 72 3 A Boswell, Edwin B. B. .. ,, Nelson Education Board .. .. .. 117 19 A Bryant, James T. .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. .. 115 17 A Bull, John G. H. .. .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 164 16 A Burns, Trevethan .. .. „ North Canterbury Education Board .. 140 2 A Carrington, George W. .. „ Otago Education Board .. .. .. 125 18 A Clark, Charles W.* .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 197 7 A Clemance, Philip H. .. „ Native school .. .. .. .. 78 2 A Collins, William* .. .. „ Auckland Education Board .. .. 217 11 A Dinneen, John .. .. Probation Officer, Education Department .. .. 91 13 A Eason, Harry A. .. .. Teacher, Taranaki Education Board .. .. 136 0 A Edridge, Edward .. .. ,, Nelson Education Board.. .. .. 106 18 A Ellis, Harold L. .. .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 176 9 A English, Henry .. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 217 8 A Evans, Albert H. .. .. ,, Wanganui Education Board .. .. 97 17 A Fisher, John .. .. „ Auckland Education Board .. .. 131 16 A Fowler, Harry de G. L. .. Principal, Nelson Boys' College .. .. .. 322 1 A GiSord, Arthur John .. Teacher, Nelson Education Board .. .. 130 13 A Gill, Thomas H. .. Inspector of Secondary Schools .. .. .. 211 12 A Goulding, Richard T. .. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 118 0 A Grace, Charles W. .. „ Native school .. .. .. .. 148 0 A Gray, John A. .. .. „ Otago Education Board .. .. .. Ill 14 A Greaves, Joseph .. .. „ South Canterbury Education Board .. 106 0 A Green, William .. .. „ Auckland Education Board .. .. 104 19 A Grierson, James .. .. Inspector, ,, .. .. 174 5 A Grigg, Albert .. .. Teacher, „ * .. .. 30 2 A Hamilton, Robt. J. „ „ .... 226 12 A Hankin, Frederick S. M. .. „ Wanganui Education Board .. .. 127 3 A Harbidge, James .. .. ,, North Canterbury Education Board .. 98 18 A Harre, John .. .. ,, Wanganui Education Board .. .. 106 4 A Hayman, Frederick J. .. „ Native school .. .. .. 156 3 A Heine, Augustus .. .. ,, Wellington College .. .. .. 313 1 A Hendry, James .. .. Inspector, Southland Education Board .. .. 308 17 A Hicks, Charles .. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 36 8 A Hoddinott, Frederick W. .. Teacher, Southland Education Board .. .. 104 7 A Holmes, Robert B. .. „ Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 144 0 A Hosking. George F. C.* .. ., Auckland Education Board .. .. 195 17 A Hughes, Thomas .. .. Inspector, North Canterbury Education Board .. 214 1 A Humphreys, Joseph W. .. Teacher, Marlborough Education Board .. .. 98 2 A Innes, Joseph L. .. .. „ Auckland Education Board .. .. 200 0 A Kelly, John T. .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. .. 122 16 A Kennedy, William A.* .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 264 12 A Kidd, William W. .. .. Secretary, Auckland Grammar School Board .. 117 10 A Kime, Percy .. .. Teacher, Wanganui Education Board .. .. 252 10 A Law, Henry .. .. ,, Native school .. .. .. .. 92 11 A Lawrence, Basil K. S. .. „ Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. 212 11 A Lee, Clement W. .. .. ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 129 5 A Lindsay, Alexander .. „ Canterbury Education Board .. .. 159 16 A Macandrew, Colin .. .. Secretary, Otago High School Board .. .. 82 5 A McCosh, Samuel D.* .. Teacher, Wanganui Education Board .. .. 128 11 A McFarlane, Henry.. .. Wellington Education Board .. .. 79 18 A McLaren, William .. .. ,. Otago Education Board .. .. .. 305 2 A McNeil, Duncan .. .. ,, Southland Education Board .. .. 346 8 A Metizies, John .. .. „ South Canterbury Education Board ,. 107 10 A Menzies, Peter .. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 170 6 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925.



(ii). Allowances granted to Contributors under extended Provisions of Act —continued.

4—E. 8.

Act under which Allowance granted, innnnl TJn+A E, Education Act, 1908; Name. Occupation. A11 A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men —continued. £ 8 . Millar, William .. .. Teacher, Southland Education Board .. .. 104 17 A Monteath, Thomas „ „ .... 99 6 A Morgan, Richard .. .. ,, Taranaki Education Board .. .. 62 1 A Munroe, Donald* .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. .. .. 155 15 A Neill, John .. .. Secretary, Southland Education Board .. .. 310 2 A Ness, Philip J. .. .. „ Otago High School Board .. .. 175 10 A Neve, Frederick * .. .. Teacher, Seddon Memorial Technical College, Auckland 260 1 A Officer, John .. .. „ Southland Education Board .. .. 116 15 A Peart, Frederick B. .. ,, Nelson Education Board .. .. .. 134 8 A Petrie, Donald .. .. Inspector, Auckland Education Board .. .. 325 17 A Pridham, Ernest .. .. Teacher, New Plymouth High School Board .. 201 15 A Reid, George B. .. .. „ Auckland Education Board .. .. 102 11 A Rust, Alexander M.* .... .. .. .. 251 16 A Scott, Robert J. . . Professor, Canterbury College .. .. .. 300 0 U Simmers, George A. .. Teacher, Dannevirke High School Board .. .. 210 9 A Smith, Edward* .. .. ,, Southland Education Board .. .. 169 19 A Smith, William B.* .. ., Taranaki Educat on Board .. .. 200 10 A Sturrock, David A. .. Inspector, Education Department .. .. . . 271 18 A Sutherland, Frederick R. H. „ Southland Education Board .. .. 134 10 A Thomas, Algernon P. W. .. Professor, Auckland University College .. .. 189 6 U, A Turkington, Samuel .. Teacher, Taranaki Education Board .. .. 98 4 A Twose, Richard J. H. .. ,, Canterbury Education Board . . .. 181 0 A Wai;burton, Abel .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. . . 70 0 A Watson, Clement .. .. ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 229 18 A Watson, John .. .. ,, North Canterbury Education Board .. 118 19 A Wells, Thomas U. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. . . 273 16 A Wild, Herbert A. .. .. „ Southland Education Board .. .. 80 10 A Williamson, Alexander W. .. „ Wellington Education Board .. .. 127 4 A Williamson, John .. .. ,, Otago Education Board .. . . .. 94 14 A Total (89 men) .. .. .. 14,435 0 Women. Ainsworth, Lilian .. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 91 8 A Allen, Blanch I.* .. .. ,, Nelson Educational Board .. .. 49 5 A Boyd, Margaret, Mrs.* .. Matron, Hostel, Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 46 13 A Cole, Amy Jane, Mrs. . . Teacher, Canterbury Education Board .. .. 128 10 A Coleman, Annie E., Mrs. .. „ Nelson Education Board .. .. .. 31 0 A Downes, Louisa A. N. .. ,, Otago High School .. .. .. 172 2 A Gamage, Jessie, Mrs. .. ,, Wellington Education Board .. .'. j 104 .16 A Hanna, Sarah F., Mrs. .. , Wanganui Education Board .. .. 93 12 A Hutton, Nellie L. D.* .. Instructress, Dunedin Technical School .. .. 77 13 A Laird, Ann .. .. Teacher, Nelson Education Board .. .. .. 88 6 A Marryatt, Florence M. .. ,, Wellington Education Board .. .. 127 8 A Pettit, Barbara M., Mrs. .. „ Nelson Education Board .. .. .. 66 15 A Stancombe, Mary, Mrs. .. „ Southland Education Board .. .. 67 0 A Talbot, Clara A. .. „ Wellington Education Board .. .. 30 19 A Watt, Barbara M.* .. Lady Principal, Timaru Girls' High School' .. .. 302 15 A White, Janet A .. .. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. .. 105 13 A Whitelaw, Henty M., Mrs. .. ,, Auckland Education Board .. .. 100 8 A Williams, Mary A. G., Mrs. .. „ Native school .. .. .. .. 32 8 A Total (18 women) .. .. .. 1,716 11 Grand total (107) .. .. .. 16,151 11 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925.



(iii.) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty.

Act under which Allowance granted. „ „ Annual Rate of B, Education Act, 1908; JName. Occupation. A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U. Superannuation Amendment Act, 3908. Men. £ s. Allan, John M.* ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... ... 170 2 A Arehey, Thomas ... Manager, Special School, Otekaike ... 193 14 A Baragwanath, John ... Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Barrowclough, Alfred E. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 18 E Bishoprick, Charles* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 254 9 A Browne, Montague H. ... Inspector, Technical Education, Education Department 267 7 A Bussell, Henry... ... Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Carse, Harry ... , „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 77 9 A Charles, Robert ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 48 8 A Chesney, Andrew* ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 229 9 A Cooper, Charles ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 114 5 A Dalby, John S. ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Darby, Edward J. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 106 2 A Dean, James ... ... „ . „ ... ... 277 19 A Downey, Michael ... „ Native school ... ... . . ... 52 0 E Draffin, William H. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 135 2 A Elmsly, Frederick ... „ „ ... ... 113 6 A Everton, Frederick C. ... „ „ . ... 127 12 A Feist, Adolph M. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 98 2 A Foley, Hugh M.* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... 99 1 A Goodall, Alexander ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 138 1 A Goodeve, Henry E. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 110 3 A Gow, James G. . . Inspector, Education Department ... ... .. 341 19 A Graham, Walter B. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... .. 275 19 A Grant, Henry A. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 124 10 A Gray, Joseph H. ... j „ Wanganui Education Board ... .. 244 15 A Hall, William A. , „ Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 189 6 A Harrison, Thomas* ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 134 16 A Harrison, Thomas C. ... „ „ ... . 52 0 E Hockin, Harry ... | „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 186 17 A Honore, Jacob ... I „ Wanganui Education Board ... 115 9 A Kennedy, John S. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 144 13 A Kerr, Charles K. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 97 15 A Kysh, Frederick W. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 134 17 A Lea, Albert G.* ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 179 17 A Lorking, Walter H. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Lowe, Francis E. ... „ „ ... ... 145 9 A McGallan, Thomas G. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 228 18 A Marr, Thomas M. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Mason, Herbert ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 75 3 A May, Thomas L. ... „ „ ... ... 116 6 A Marshall, Patrick ... Principal, Wanganui College ... ... ... 300 0 Q Meiklejohn, James T. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 179 3 A Merrie, Thomas ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 120 7 A Meyenberg, Arthur M. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... .. 86 1 A Miller, James ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 118 19 A Morland, Charles J. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... 148 15 A Ormiston, Edward N. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 178 6 A Perry, Arthur M. ... j „ „ ... ... 128 7 A Petrie, George ... .. ; „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 139 11 A Pilkiugton, John J. .. i Wellington Education Board ... ... Ill 17 A Quartermain, George ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 123 1 A Beid, Robert Thomas* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 191 6 A Rice, John H. ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 92 2 A Seay, Wm. N. ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 280 1 A Shepard, Henry ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 164 2 A Smith, Edward ... North Canterbury Education Board 52 0 E Tyrer, Florence A. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 370 5 A Walters, Ernest J. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 170 1 A Walton, William ... „ Christchurch Boys' High School ... ... 249 7 A Waygood, James E. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 109 17 A White, George H. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 129 12 A Wilkinson, Henry R. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 132 1 A Williams, Henry ... „ „ ... ... 192 2 A Wilson, Tom ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 168 8 A Total (65 men) ... ... ... 9,649 9 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, .1925,



iii.) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty—continued.

Act under which Allowance granted AT „ Annual Rate of Name. Occupation. ii, n „ Bn . fl A ' Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. —— : Women. £ s. Alexander, Anne E. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board .. ... 104 6 A Alexander, Elizabeth M. „ Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 70 0 A Auld, Mabel, Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... 105 10 A Austin, Christina, Mrs. ... „ Grey Education Board ... ... ... 77 0 A Baker, Sybil E. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 78 1 A Barker, Meta ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 85 1 A Beckingsale, Lucy ... „ Wanganui Girls' College Board ... ... 79 10 A Bing, Louisa E.* ... „ Christchurch Girls' High School ... ... 118 19 A Black, Hilda ... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 40 17 E Bland, Eliza J., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Boulcott, Henrietta ... „ „ ... ... 52 0 E Brigden, Sarah E., Mrs. ... '„ Otago High School Board ... ... 52 0 E Chapman, Lucy ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 E Charles, Mary Jane ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... i 39 18 A Cromb, Grace C., Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... ! 60 10 A Dempsey, Hectorine E. ... „ „ ... ... 55 14 A Dow, Annie C. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 120 4 A Ecclesfield, Isabel ... „ Wellington Girls' College Board ... ... 63 12 A Evans, Fanny ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 109 5 A Eindlay, Sylvia ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 49 10 A Gilbert, Elizabeth A. J., „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 35 14 A Mrs. Grant, Elsie D.... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 85 19 A Gray, Catherine* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 67 4 A Hill, Charlotte J. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Hunt, Ellen N.I. M., Mrs. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 78 2 A Joyce, Blanche ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 85 16 A Kean, Euphemia R. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 38 5 A Kelly, Elizabeth ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 86 6 A Lavery, MaryS. „ „ ... ... 27 3 A Lea, Mary E. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Levert, Minnie L. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 56 17 A Lilley, Helen ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 101 4 A McEachen, Marie A. ... „ Nelson Girls' College ... ... ... 71 8 E McKay, Elizabeth ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 52 0 E Meek, Ada M. ... ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 102 0 A Morrison, Catherine A. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 52 0 E Paul, Susan B— ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 52 0 E Peat, Janet H., Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Bay, Josephine ... „ Auckland Education Board 52 0 E Reed, Amelia D. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... . 94 18 A Riordan, Annie W. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... .. 90 15 A Robertson, Isabella M. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 154 9 A Scott, Elizabeth A. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... 67 12 A Scott, Margaret C. ... „ „ ... ... 122 4 A Smith, Esther E., Mrs. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 124 0 A Steven, Martha ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 108 7 A Stewart, Agnes G. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 92 0 A Stewart, Mary A.* ... „ „ ... ... 90 10 A Sweetman, Isabella, Mrs. „ Grey Education Board ... ... ... 36 7 A Thompson, Mary M., Mrs. * „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 165 5 A Thomson, Ellen ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 72 17 A Todd, Eliza T. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 E Waugh, Agnes, Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 161 17 A Young, Alice, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 69 15 A Total (54 women) ... ... 4,168 11 Grand total (119) ... ... 13,818 0 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January 1925.



(iv.) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants.

Act under whioh Allowance granted. Annual Rafo nf E, Education Act, 1908; Widows. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. A » Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. £ s. Adamson, Margaret, Mrs.* Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Algie, Alice V. E., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Appleby, Hannah, Mrs. ... Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Bannerman, Janet, Mrs.*!... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... [18 0] E Bannerman, Marg., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Barnett, Laura, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 18 0 A Bedford, Ellen, Mrs. ... Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 18 0 U , Bedford, Fanny E., Mrs. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Bennett, Mary R., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... E Berry, Alice M., Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 0 E Blair, Catherine, Mrs. ... Secretary, Nelson College Board... ... ... 18 0 E Blair, Mary J., Mrs. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Booth, Lucy W., Mrs. * ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Bowler, Alice, Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Bramley, Charlotte, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 0 E Bremner, Isabella S., Mrs. „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Brennard, Eleanor W., Mrs. „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 18 0 A Broughton, Esther, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 18 0 E Brown, Iris M. 1. V., Mrs. Instructor, Hawke's Bay Education Board ... 18 0 A Brownlee, Lilian G., Mrs. ... Teacher, Marlborough Education Board ... ... ! 18 0 A Burnard, Alice, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Burns, Ruby M., Mrs. ... Inspector, Education Department ... .,.j 18 0 A Bash, Margaret R., Mrs. ... Teacher, Native school ... ... ... 18 0 A Butcher, Elizabeth M., Mrs. „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Campbell, Catherine, Mrs „ „ ... ... 18 0 A Carson, Annie E., Mrs. ... Clerk, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Clark, Kate, Mrs.* ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Closs, Jane, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 18 0 E Cooper, Eliza C., Mrs. ... Janitor, Otago University ... ... ... 18 0 A Cronin, Mary J., Mrs.* ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Curry, Mabel, Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Dickie, Clara E., Mrs.* ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Dunbar, Jane A., Mrs. ... Lecturer, Otago University ... ... ... 18 0 Q Duncan, Jane, Mrs. . Teacher, Southland Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Evans, Margaret A. T., Mrs. „ Taranaki Education Board ... 18 0 A Fannin, Martha, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Ferguson, Henrietta, Mrs. „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 18 0 E Freeman, Mary A., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 18 0 A French, Annie M., Mrs. ... Caretaker, Canterbury College ... ... ... 18 0 E Gates, Clara, Mrs.* ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Geissler, Ida P., Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 18 0 A Gilbert, Annie, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18' 0 A Gillman, Emma, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 0 E Glanville, Theresa, Mrs. ... „ „ ... 18 0 A Gloy, Margaret, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Gouldmg, Vera F., Mrs. ... „ Marlborough High School Board ... 18 0 A Gow, Annie, Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Grant, Annie E., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 18 0 E Green, Jane M., Mrs. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Greenwood, Margaret, Mrs. „ Native school ... ... ... ... 18 0 E Gubb, Laura J., Mrs. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Hames, Sarah, Mrs.* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Hanna, Henrietta, Mrs.* ... Physical Instructor, Otago Education Board ... 18 0 A Harding, Agnes R., Mrs. ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Hardy, Katherine M., Mrs. „ „ ... ... 18 0 E Haslam, Grace, Mrs. ... Professor, Canterbury College ... ... ... 18 0 U Hawkes, Christina J., Mrs. Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Healey, Constance E., Mrs. Instructor, Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Henderson, Gertrude M., Mrs. Teacher, Taranaki Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Hogben, Emily F., Mrs. ... Director of Education ... ... ... ... 18 0 A I * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925. f Allowance ceased before 31st January, 1925. The amount is not included in the total.



(iv.) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants—continued.

Aot under whioh Allowance granted. Annual T?nfn nf E, Education Act, 1908; Widows. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. £ s. Hogwood, Mary E. A., Mrs. Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Jefferson, Fanny, Mrs. .. „ Otago University ... ... ... 18 0 D Jeffery, Annie, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Jenkins, Juliet R., Mrs. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Johnston, Margaret, Mrs. ... Caretaker, Auckland University College ... ... 18 0 A Jones, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Jones, Jane H., Mrs.* ... „ „ ... ... 18 0 E Judkins, Anne, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 18 0 A Kerr, Catherine S., Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 0 E Kilburn, Eliza, Mrs.* ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Roller, Frances H. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Ladley, Ada, Mrs. ... „ Marlborough Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Law, Christina, Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... i 18 0 j E Law, Buby Clare, Mrs.* -. „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 180 A Lea, Mary R., Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 18 0 j A Look, Bertha B., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Lucas, Gertrude F., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Lynam, Ellen, Mrs.* ... Janitor, Napier High School ... ... ... 18 0 A Lyon, Lillian C., Mrs. ... Teacher, Native school... ... ... ... 18 0 E Lyttle, Catherine R., Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Maber, Grace M., Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Macan, Agnes, Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Macandrew, Elizabeth, Mrs. 1 „ „ ... ... 18 0 A Macbeth, Helen G., Mrs. ... ] Clerk, North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 0 E McChesney, Ethel M., Mrs. j Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A McClelland, Elizabeth J., „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 j E Mrs. McClure, Agnes, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 18 0 A McCullough, Kate, Mrs. ... „ Otago High School Board ... ... 18 0 ! A McDonald, Christina J., Mrs. „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A McGavin, Jesse, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 18 0 E Mcintosh, Emily, Mrs. ... i „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Mclntyre, Isabella, Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board . . ... 18 0 A McKinnon, Grace, Mrs. ... „ Southland High School Board ... ... 18 0 E Macky, Ethel J., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Macky, Isabella M., Mrs. ... j Accountant, „ ... ... 18 0 A McMillan, Evelyn E., Mrs. I Teacher, „ ... ... 18 0 A McSporran, Jessie G., Mrs. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Marsden, Vera, Mrs. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Marshall, Louisa J., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Mason, Margaret H. R., Mrs. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Mayo, Eliza Florence, Mrs. „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Mehaffy, BeatriceE., Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Mehaffey, Violet A., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 18 0 A Menzies, Grace, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Miller, Ellen M., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Miller, Margaret A., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 18 0 E Moore, Margaret R., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 18 0 A Moore, Phoebe J., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Morgan, Gertrude, Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Morrow, Mary S., Mrs. ... „ Nelson College ... ... ... 18 0 A Mossman, Leila E., Mrs.* .. „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Mounsey, A. B., Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Murray, Sarah L. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Nicholls, Rose A. M., Mrs. „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 0 E O'Connor, Jean T., Mrs. ... „ „ 18 0 A Opie, Bertha E., Mrs. ... „ „ 18 0 A Osborn, Ethel, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 0 A Patrick, Margaret S. E., Mrs. „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Phillipps, Amy, Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Pole, Alice, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 0 E * Allowanoe granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925.


(iv.) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants —continued.


Act under which Allowance granted. Annual R.ite of Education Act, 1908 ; Widows. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. A11 c * A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. £ s. Potts, Rosamond, Mrs. ... Teacher, Taranaki Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Pratt, Caroline L., Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Rendell, Albertina A. I. ... „ „ ... ... ; 18 0 A Rice, Emily, Mrs. ... Secretary, „ ... 18 0 A Robbie, Edith E., Mrs. ... Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Rockel, Annie L., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 18 0 A Selby, Emma, Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Shand, Annie, Mrs. ... Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 18 0 U Sinclair, E. M. G., Mrs. ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Small, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Smith, Alma W., Mrs.* ... „ „ ... ... 18 0 A Smith, Hariet, Mrs. ... Inspector, Wellington Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Smith, Jemima B., Mrs.* ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Somerville, Fannie, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Stevens, Dora S., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Stewart, Frances, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 0 A Stewart, Julia, Mrs. ... Inspector, Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Stout, Margaret, Mrs.* ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Talbot, Olivia A., Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 18 0 A Taylor, Daisy K., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Tegner, Clara, Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 18 0 E Templer, Amelia A.M. A., Mrs. „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Thomas, Mary C., Mrs. ... Janitor, Otago University ... ... ... 18 0 A Thomas, Mary E., Mrs. .. Teacher, Taranaki Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Thompson, Annie E., Mrs. „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 0 A Thompson, Fanny E., Mrs. „ Native school ... ... ... 18 0 A Tobin, Laura, Mrs. .. „ „ ... ... ... ... 18 0 E Tomlinson, Alice E., Mrs.* ., Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Trevithick, Annie L., Mrs.... „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 18 0 A Turner, Ann, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Turner, Gertrude K., Mrs. „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 18 0 A Vereker-Bindon, Lila, Mrs. „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Yos, Lavinia, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Wade, Mary, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 18 0 A Walker, Ann E., Mrs. ... Assistant Inspector of Industrial Schools ... ... 18 0 A Watt, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 E White, Rebecca, Mrs. ... | „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Wilding, Mary, Mrs. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 18 0 E Wilson, Emma F., Mrs.* ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Winchester, Winifred, Mrs. „ „ ... ... 18 0 A Winfield, Elizabeth E., Mrs. „ Taranaki Education Board ... 18 0 A Wood, Jessie, Mrs. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Woodham, Louisa, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 18 0 A Worsley, Martha, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Young, Annie L., Mrs.* ... ,, Southland Education Board ... ... 18 0 A Young, Mary A., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... { 7 19} ® Total (165) ... ... ... 2,983 3 •Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925.



(v.) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants.

Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rn hn nf B » Education Act, 1908; Name. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. A, Superannuation * Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. f Boys. £ Adamson, Boss* ... ... Teacher, Otago Education Board... ... ... 13 A Algie, Donald C. ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 A Appleby, Graham B. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 13 E Bedford, Lloyd G. ... Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 13 I] Bedford, John D. ... „ „ ... ... ... 13 U Bird, Eric J. ... ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 E Burns, Boss S. . . ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 13 A Bush, Allan J. S. ... Teacher, Native school ... ... ... ... 13 A Bush, Leonard J, S. ... „ „ ... ... ... ... 13 A Clark, John K. H. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 13 E Gurry, Boy G. ... ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 13 A Gibson, Sydney W. .... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 13 A Gilbert, Daniel J. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 A Goulding, Mervin B. ... „ Marlborough High School Board... ... 13 A Gubb, Athol L. ... ... 1 „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 13 A Gubb, Lawrence F. ... | „ „ ... ... j 13 A Henderson, Cedric L. ... | „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 13 A Henderson, Douglas Y. ... 1 „ „ ... ... 13 A Henderson, Jas. M. ... „ „ ... ... i 13 A Jackson, Bohan ... ... j „ Cliristchurch Boys'High School ... 13 A Keane, Cuthbert P. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board . . .. 13 A Keane, Verdun J. „ „ ... ... 13 A Kelly, Felix P. ... ... ! „ Education Department ... ... ... 13 A Lucas, Herbert 5- ••• Canterbury Education Board ... ... 13 A McChesney, Bobert I. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 A Mclntyre, Alastair H. ... 1 „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... I 13 1 A McLennan, Ian ... ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 13 A McMillan, Bryan D. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 A McSporran, Ian G.+ ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ...I 13 A McSporran, Bobert G. ... „ „ ... ... 13 A Malcolm, Bobert J. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 13 A Massey, Claremont W. ... „ „ ... ... 13 A Opie, Allan B.* ... ... Director, Palmerston North Technical School ... 13 A Opie, Brian C.* ... ... „ „ ... 13 A Opie, Charles M. ... ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 13 A Opie, Dudley I.*J ... Director, Palmerston North Technical School ... [13] A Opie, Harold J.* „ „ ... 13 A Patrick, David M. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 13 A Pratt, Seddon E. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 A Pratt, Walter J ... „ „ ... ... 13 A Pratt, Wm. T. A. ... „ „ ... ... 13 A Bendell, Keith 0. ... „ „ ... ... 13 A Bendell, Griffen M. ... „ .. ... 13 A Bobertson, Douglas B. ... „ Wanganui Technical School ... ... 13 A Smith, Thomas C.* ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 13 A Stewart, Bodger C. ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 13 A Stout, Donald A. * ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 13 A Stout, Francis W. M.* ... „ „ ... 13 A Taylor, David M. ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 13 A Taylor, Alexander E. ... „ „ .. ... 13 A Thomas, Norman H. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 13 A Thompson, Garnett G. ... „ „ ... ... ... ... 13 A Wade, Bobert H. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 13 A Total (52 boys) ... ... 676 Girls. Adamson, Jeannie* ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... .. 13 A Baillie, Annie S. ... ... Instructor, Southland Technical School ... ... 13 A Bedford, Margaret H. ... Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 13 U Brennard, Gwendolyn M. ... Teacher, Auckland Grammar School ... ... 13 A Brown, Jean Y. ... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 13 A Burns, Marie K. ... ... Inspector, Education Department ... ... 13 A Burnside, Helen M. ... „ „ ... ... | 13 A * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925. f Granted during 1923-24. J Allowance ceased before 31st January, 1925. Amount is not included in total.



(v.) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants—continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (975 copies), £50 15s.

Authority ; W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92s.

Price 9d,]

Act under which Allowance granted. -Rotonf E, Education Act, 1908; Name. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. .,, A' Su P Grannua t ion Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908: U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Girls—continued. £ Bush, Barbara J. S. ... Teacher, Native school ... ... ... 13 A Carson, Joyce E. ... Clerk, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 13 A Clark, Agnes M. H. ... Teacher, Southland Education Board ... ... 13 E Curry, Joan ... ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 13 A Gibson, Erina E. J. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 13 A Gilbert, Kathleen A. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 A Goulding, Jeanne H. ... „ Marlborough High School Board ... 13 A Graham, Winifred M.* ... „ Native school ... ... ... .. 13 A Gubb, Joyce K. ... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 13 A Gubb, Marion S. ... „ „ ..... 13 A Gubb, Winifred L. ... „ „ ... ... 13 A Keane, Patricia M. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 13 A Kelly, Mairin M. ... ... „ Education Department , ... ... : 13 A McChesney, Stella D. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 A McClure, MoiraN.,w<5eBarry „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 13 A Mclntyre, Flora ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 13 A McKenzie, Marcia M. ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 13 A McKenzie, Margaret E. ... „ „ ... ... 13 A McSporran, Isobel ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 13 A Mehaffey, Mary E. M. ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... 13 A Moore, Margaret I. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... .. 13 A Morrow, Mary Tait ... „ Nelson College ... ... ... 13 A Opie, Florence L. ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 13 A Opie, Betty W. ... ... „ „ ... ... 13 A Opie, Margaret 0. Y. ... „ „ ... ... 13 A Osborn, Mavis E ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 13 A Paul, Ruth ... ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 13 A Phillipps, Sylvia S. ... , Wellington Education Board ... ... 13 A Pratt, Elizabeth ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 A Rockel, Iris M. ... ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 13 A Rohan, Marjorie D. ... „ Auckland Grammar School ... ... 13 A Small, Aimee M. ... .. „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 13 A Small, Valmai ... ... „ „ ... ... 13 A Smith, Elizabeth B.* ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 13 Stewart, Alwyn E. Inspector, Education Department ... ... 13 A Talbot, Mary L. ... ... Teacher, Canterbury Education Board ... ... 13 A Total (43 girls)... ... ... 559 Grand total (95) ... ... 1,235 * Allowance granted during the year ended 31st January, 1925.

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-8, 1924.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1925 Session I, E-08

Word Count

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-8, 1924.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1925 Session I, E-08

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-8, 1924.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1925 Session I, E-08

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