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EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1924.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

CONTENTS. Page Page 1. Report of the Inspeotors of Secondary Schools .. 2 3. Statements op Accounts of Govebnino Bodies op Secondary Schools:— Whangarei High Sohool Board .. .. 20 „ _ m Auckland Grammar Sohools Board .. >. 21 2. Detailed Tables, etc. . Thames High School Board .. ..22 Secondary Schools,— Hamilton High School Board .. .. 23 New Plymouth High Sohools Board .. .. 24 Personnel of Staffs of Secondary Schools .. 4 Wanganui Collegiate School Board .. .. 25 Kl. Roll and Average Attendance of WaDganui Girls' College Board .. .. 26 Secondary Schools .. .. 8 Palmerston North High School Board .. 27 K2. Years of Attendance of Pupils .. 9 Gisborne High School Board .. .. 28 01 ,» aesftsfssana- - ■:.« bonools " Dannevirke High School Board .. ..31 K4. Holders of Scholarships and Free Places 10 Wellington College and Girls' High School K5. National Scholarships .. ..11 Board .. .. .. .. ..32 K6. Pupils boarding away from Home .. 11 Marlborough High School Board .. .. 33 K7. Receipts of Secondary Schools .. 12 Nelson College Board .. .. .. 34 KB. Payments of Secondary Schools .. 13 Greyrrioutli : High School Board .. .. 35 T rrj iv, iv/T 4. Ai. j Hokitika High School Board .. o5 K9. Balances and other Monetary Assets and Rangiora High School Board .. ..36 ■R-1A rv > " B " " ,i Canterbury College BoardKlO. Distribution of Reserves Revenue .. 15 Christohuroh Boys' High School .. .. 37 Kll. Lower Departments .. ..15 Christchurch Girls' High Sohool .. ..38 Christ's College Grammar School Board .. 39 Akaroa High School Board .. .. 39 District High SchoolsAshburton High Sohool Board .. ..40 Timaru High Schools Board .. .. 41 LI. Sohool Attendance at Secondary Depart- Waimate High School Board .. .. 42 ments of District High Sohools .. 16 Waitaki High Schoolß Board .. .. 42 L 2. Subjeots taken by Pupils in Secondary Otago High Schools Board .. .. . 44 Departments of Distriot High Schools 16 Gore High School Board .. .. .. 45 L 3. Staff, Classification, &0., in Detail .. 17 Southland High Sohools Board .. ..46

I—E. 6.



1. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INSPECTORS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Sir, —• Wellington, 16th May, 1925. We have the honour to present our report for the year 1924. In the early portion of the year inspection visits were paid to Palmerston North Boys', Palmerston North Girls', New Plymouth Boys', New Plymouth Girls', Auckland Grammar, Auckland Girls' Grammar, Wellington College, Wellington Girls' College, and Wairarapa and Marlborough High Schools. Three of these schools have staffs of twenty-nine or thirty teachers each, and a full week is barely adequate for a thorough inspection of such large institutions. In addition a few registered private schools were inspected, chiefly in Auckland, but it has been found impossible to inspect as many of these as had been hoped. The sittings of the Appeal Board were also attended in March. The Board again sat, as last year, in Wellington and Auckland only ; two appeals were heard in the former place and only one in the latter. Eleven teachers in all appealed against their classification ; one appeal was allowed by consent, one was allowed by the Appeal Board, two were disallowed, and the remaining seven were withdrawn. As the number of assistant teachers graded was just under 450, it is evident that there is no great measure of dissatisfaction with the application of the grading scheme. In the latter part of the year the whole of the thirty-five secondary schools were visited in connection with the accrediting for senior free places and leaving-certificates. In the case of the majority of these schools this visit gave the Inspectors their only opportunity of observing the teachers at work and so forming the estimate of their efficiency which later was to serve as the basis of the annual classification. Were it not for the ready and impartial assistance given by the Principals in assessing the relative efficiencies of members of their staffs it would be almost impossible to undertake the grading with such meagre time available. In connection with the free places, recommendations have been dealt with on the lines described in former reports. As a result of the Inspectors' investigations senior free places were awarded in accordance with clause 7 (c) to 2,900 candidates ; the total number of candidates eligible for recommendation was 3,658, the number recommended by Principals being, of course, considerably smaller. Some 485 higher and sixty-six lower leaving-certificates were also issued on the Inspectors' recommendations. In connection with the secondary-school certificates issued by the Department there is a feeling that the present system of nomenclature is not altogether satisfactory. It is confusing and misleading to parents and the general public, inasmuch as the " intermediate " certificate suggests a standard between those required for the " lower " and " higher " leaving-certificates ; the " lower " certificate is accordingly regarded with little favour and its value misinterpreted by the public. We would suggest the following as a better gradation of titles : " Junior secondary," " senior secondary," and " higher secondary " certificates ; or, alternatively, " junior leaving," " senior leaving," and " higher leaving." As in the past, some of the more remote schools have continued to experience difficulty in obtaining teachers to fill vacancies on their staffs. One girls' school, for example, advertised three times for an A grade assistant, and ultimately appointed a B grade teacher to the position. It may be added that the position is more acute in respect to appointments in the higher grades. There is evidence that the supply of young qualified teachers is becoming less unequal to the demand, and consequently very few schools have had difficulty in making suitable appointments to D grade positions. As is to be expected, the " waiting-list" of teachers in the higher grades continues to increase steadily; the latest classification list shows that fifty-four A, thirty-three B, and forty-one C grade teachers were in December last holding positions of a lower grade than their own —the corresponding numbers in the preceding year being forty-one, twenty-three, and forty. It is significant that 55 per cent, of the teachers on this list were employed in the ten city schools, but that, on the other hand, out of the twenty teachers who had succeeded in obtaining positions in a grade higher than their own, only four were to be found in these schools. These figures simply emphasize the fact that opportunities for promotion continue to be more numerous in the smaller centres. The list of approved text-books has continued to exert a wholesome influence on the choice of books and to restrict that tendency towards a too lavish expenditure which has hitherto been apparent in a few schools. Considerable amendments to the list were made early in the year and it is probable that in the coming year a revised and somewhat less extensive list will be issued. It may be added that in several schools permission has been given to try out a new book on a restricted scale. The Dalton plan met with even less encouragement than in the preceding year: the few experiments remaining at the close of 1923 disappeared from the programmes of all schools in 1924. It is to be observed, however, that a few teachers continue to use a modified form of the plan with individual classes, especially in such subjects as mathematics and history.



The value of music in education is now becoming more fully recognized. It is maintained that, apart from the stimulating effect it has upon the pupils, it makes probably a more direct emotional and aesthetic appeal than literature. Though singing is a definite part of the time-table of nearly all of our girls' schools, and community singing, bands, and orchestras are important features of many other schools, it is felt that music does not receive the attention it deserves. Now that first-class gramophones can be obtained through the Department at a very reasonable price, it is hoped that soon a short course in musical appreciation will have a definite place in the curricula of our schools. Already a few of them are doing excellent work in this direction. An experiment of great interest was carried out by the Department at the beginning of the year. A Terman group test was applied to all pupils who were then entering upon a post-primary course in high schools, technical high schools, and district high schools. This was done mainly for the purpose of familiarizing those connected with secondary education with tests of educable capacity. With few exceptions the experiment was conducted with great willingness and interest by our teachers. In conjunction with the usual entrance tests it formed a useful basis of classification of the first-year pupils. Owing to its wide application some interesting correlations with other examinations, some interesting comparisons between different types of schools, and some indication of the calibre of the pupils taking the various courses were obtained. Many of these results have been published in the Education Gazette. The tone of the schools and the zeal the teachers show for the welfare of their pupils in the class-room and without continue to be excellent. We have, &c., H P /* !- ns P ec ' : ' or3 Secondary Schools. The Director of Education.




SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1924.

X3. ■ J .J, Sal «-< 'O 4 b! Grade. . ° n S 53 Grade. ° *3 5 'o »- ' — "S-S "S +3 II! — +-> +J Position u a ' Position if « a^> Name. ! a in ><$ m' h ° I Name. a in ! £ .2 School. «j J* ' ■ -2 ® a J= -2 School. g ce jx «§ g c I 1 i §1- §§■= f « §«£ s S.I I i S a®° §§s g g a«o {' H ,Ph • <5 g I . H PH < g Whang arei High School. „ „ Auckland Girls' Grammar School—continued. £ £ £ £ Charters, A. B., M.A: .. .. .. Principal 670 60 Heap, Mrs. S. B B Assistant 354 Smith, H. E. G. .. B A Assistant 470 40 Uhlmann, Miss J. L. B B „ 354 Given, W. A., M.A. ..A A „ 470 40 Edgerley, Miss K. V., A B „ 360 Quinn, H. E., M.A. B B „ 390 M.A. Bird, D. A., B.A. D D 245 45 Woodhouse, Miss H.,M.A. B B „ 342 Wilson, C. C. D D „ 230 40 MacDiarmid, Miss B. S., B B „ 330 MoKenzie, I. E., M.A... I) D 245 .. M.A. Glanville, J. W. U D „ 230 Sheat, L., M.A. C C „ 252 Haselden, Miss E„ M.A. B B „ 354 30 Marshall, E. P. S., B.Sc. C C „ 252 Hollway, Mrs. E., B.A. B B „ 3X8 40 in H.Sc. Clarke-Walker, Miss V., C C „ 264 .. Hull, Miss C. L. E., M.A. A C „ 306 B.A. Haslett, Miss A. I., B.A. B C „ 288 Lamb, Miss W. D D „ 228 MaoDonald, Miss M., B.A. C C „ 264 McLean, Miss A. I., B.A. D I) „ 216 .. McMullan, Miss E. ... D I) „ 240 Virtue, Miss M. E., B.A. CD „ 240 Auckland Grammar School. Wilson, Miss J. H„ M.Sc. CD „ 252 Drummond, J., M.A . • Principal 835 60 Einlay, Miss C. D D „ 228 Mahon, H. J. D., B.A... A A Assistant 520 70 Smith, Miss B., M.A. .. D D „ 228 Ryder, A. R., M.A. A A „ 500 70 Warnock, Miss G., B.A. D D „ 204 Eoster, W. T., M.A., A A „ 470 70 B.Litt. Epsom Girls' Grammar School. Dellow, K. J., M.A. A A „ 470 40 . , Docherty, P. A. B B „ 465 40 Morrison, Miss A. C., M.A Principal 590 Newhook J. L. I. B B 435 40 Patterson, Miss IT., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Bishop, W. j., M.A. B B " 435 Campbell, Miss E., M.A. A A „ 380 Drummond, P., B.A. B B „ 420 Kirkbride, Miss H., M.A. A B „ 345 Short, A. W., B.A. B B „ 405 40 Ereeman, Miss M„ M.A. A B „ 342 Jones, C. R., M.A. B B 405 40 Jenkins, R. H. .. B B ., 345 Bennett, J. W. B B „ 405 40 Barnett, Miss M., B.A. C C „ 288 Driver, E. H., M.A. C B „ 405 40 Holmden, Miss D„ M.A. B C „ 306 Asher, J. A., M.A. C C „ 380 40 McKeage, Miss K., M.A. C C „ 264 Winter, N. A., B.A. C C ., 380 40 Battersby, Miss B. . . B C 276 .. Taylor, C. .. C C „ 380 40 Hutton, Miss G. L. .. C C „ 252 Learning, J. E., B.A. C C „ 350 40 Rudall, Miss J. C. S„ C D 252 Bilkey, E. E„ M.A. C C „ 350 40 „ T> Stein, P. A. S., B.Sc. .. C C „ 335 .. MacDiarmid, Miss E. .. D D „ 240 .. Veale, P. 0., M.Sc. C C „ 335 .. Ealknerlliss L E B.A. D D ., 228 Hogben, E. N. C C „ 335 40 W alker, Mrs. M. H. D D „ 228 40 Nicholson, A. M„ M.A. C C „ 335 40 5 ar ™> °' L '' ,"5 5 " 216 .. Vernon, T. R. D D „ 305 Mueller, Miss H., M.A. D D „ 210 Wedding, H. W., M.A. D D „ 245 Johnson, C. W.» M.A. .. D D „ 245 .. Hamilton High School. Lee, G. T. D D „ 230 Wilson, E„ M.A Principal 765 60 Treacher,.K.N. D D „ 230 40 p ra ser, W., M.A. ..A A Assistant 435 40 Nicholls, C. N. D D „ 230 .. Tait, H. D„ B.A. ..A B „ 435 40 Macky, W. A., B.Sc. D : " .. Gu dex, M. G, M.A. A B „ 435 40 Simpson, J. E., B.Sc. .. D .» " Mason, E. E., B.Sc. C C „ 390 40 Raucll > 0 D D » 200 .. genior) g> E > M A _ .. c c „ 335 40 Mount Albert Grammar School. Nelson, A. P., M.A. C D „ 320 « ,, . r ,_. . . . A Leys, W. C. S., M.A. D D ,, 245 £™ ble > W., M.A. .. . Principal 720 60 Simpson, G. D„ B.A. 1) D „ 230 .. Gatland, A. R., B.A. ..A A Assistant 470 40 Allan, Miss D. N„ M.A. A A „ 384 10 Caradus, W., M.Sc. B A „ 470 40 Mahony, Miss C. G. .. B B „ 354 .. Brock, H E. M A A B „ 450 40 Wyatt, Miss G. M. C C „ 300 . Coldham, G. S., M.A. .. B B „ 450 40 Watson, Miss M. C C „ 300 Harvey, J. H„ M.A. .. A B „ 420 40 Johnston, Miss M. G. .. D D 204 .. Worley, C. P., BA. C C „ 375 40 Storry, Miss J., B.A. D D .. 204 0., M.a'. ' § g Z jg " .. D D „ 204 .. Hardy, R. B. C C ., 320 40 Eell, D. W., M.A. D D „ 290 Thames High School. Calder, H. L., M.A. D D . 260 Hoult, W. H„ M.A Principal 645 60 Towers, H. L. D D „ 230 Baker, W. H., B.Sc. . . A A Assistant 470 40 Gray, A. J., M.A. D D „ 245 Marshall, H. H„ B.A. C C „ 390 40 Lochore, R. A., B.A. D D „ 215 James, W T . H., B.A. C C , 335 40 , _. , „ „ Heward, Miss G. H., M.A. B B .. 330 30 Auckland Girls Grammar School. Wilcox, Miss E. M. C D 240 .. Picken, Miss W., M.A. .. .. Principal 610 .. Gallagher, Miss E. R., D D , 200 Dive, Miss M. A., B.A. A A Assistant 408 .. B.A. Macdonald, Miss P. E., A A „ 396 .. Watkin, L. A. C C „ 350 40 B.A. ! Milne, Miss A. M. D D „ 228


Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1924—continued.


Grade. ° r\ S i Grade. ° r. 5 -3 V Position p "■ s m ! Position m pj <® Nome. c- a in "fc# &"2 Same. c in 2b8 6f»5 - .2 School. ra «efx o - S .2 i School. «j =s!w « g fl "3 £ gsC Sc§ c s ( gaC ®§5 $ o c®° §§S g § ! § M ° g«® H P* I < H . P« I "S S I ''... New Plymouth Boys' High School Gisborne High School. £ £ v - ! £ £ Moyes, W. H„ M.A., .. .. Principal 720 .. Foote, F., B.A. .. .. .. Principal 745 B.Se. Wilkes, F. J., M.A. .. A A Assistant 500 40 Johnson, A. G., M.Sc... A A Assistant 480 40 Edmondson, P., B.A. .. B A 480 40 Bottrill, G. G„ M.A. ..A B „ 4S0 40 Maunder, G. T., M.Sc... B B „ 435 40 Diprose, A. W., M.A. A B „ 420 40 Dunphy, W. P., B.A., B B „ 405 40 Papps, A. J., B.A. B B ,, 420 40 B.Se. Pearson, G. M. .. B B 385 40 Scott, W. R... B B „ 405 40 Connell, J. W. C C 380 40 Saunders, G., M.A. C 0 „ 320 Bertrand, G. C C , 335 40 Smith, W. M., M.A. G C „ 335 Kerr, V. B., B.A. C C „ 335 40 Coulam, A. .. .. D C „ 335 .. Leggat, J., M.A. .. C C ,, 320 .. Adams, E. L. .. D D „ 245 Eggleton, F. J. .. D D 305 40 Stewart, Miss J., M.A. B B 318 30 Wilkie, N. G. !) D 260 40 Prestwieh, Miss M. C C „ 300 Dyer, H. G. .. .. D D „ 245 40 Durward, Miss M., B.A. D D 228 Wilson, R. 0. .. D D „ 260 .. Espiner, Miss E. V., M.A. D D „ 228 McDonald, T. M. .. D D „ 245 .. Stephens, Miss E. E.,M.A. D D „ 216 Mitchell, Miss G. .. D D 204 New Plymouth Giels' High School. Napier Boys' High School. Kershaw, Miss F. E .. Acting- 470 .. Armour, W. A., M.A., .. .. Principal 720 Principal M.Sc. Maclean, Miss N. J.., M.A. A .. Assistant 360 .. West, E. S., M.A. .. A A Assistant 470 40 Tizard, Miss A. C., M.A. AG ,, 306 .. Alexander, M. ? B.Se. A A „ 470 40 Smith, Miss J. M., B.A. 0 C „ 264 .. Harwood, W. G., B.A., B B „ 430 40 McMullan, Miss G. .. A B „ 306 . . M.Se. Valentine, Miss H. M., G D 216 Ward, H. H., B.A. B B „ 435 40 M.A. Straek, C. H. E., B.A... C G „ 380 40 Stewart, K. M. C C „ 288 Bagley, C. J. C C „ 350 40 Hurle, L. A,, M.A. D D „ 192 Woodward, M. F., M.A. B C „ 335 40 Haldane, G. R. .. D D „ 200 Milburn, R. H. D D „ 245 Wanganui Giels' College. Hogg, A. !>. .. .. D D „ 275 Oruickshank, Miss C. M., .. .. Principal 575 .. „ , TT „ MA M So Napiek Girls High School. Gifford, Miss S. E., M.A. A A Assistant 408 .. Greig, Miss V. M., M.A., .. .. Principal 510 Currie, Miss J. R., M.A. A B „ 360 . . M.Sc. Blennerhassett, Miss A., A B ,, 354 .. Arthur, Miss D. M. .. C A Assistant 360 B.A. Gillies, Miss J, 0. .. B B „ 330 Rockel, Miss C. C. H., B C „ 306 .. Anderson, Miss A. M. .. B B „ 318 M.A. Smith, Miss M. L., M.A. C C „ 300 Pigott, Miss M. A., M.A. B C „ 264 .. Macdonald, Miss M. E. D C „ 252 Graham, Miss E., M.A. B C „ 276 M. Treadwell, Miss M. H., C C „ 276 .. Davies, Miss H. P., M.Sc. D D „ 240 B.A. Oswin, Miss K. F., M.A. D D „ 204 Oldridge, Miss L. L., M.A. D D „ 240 Harvey, Miss E. A., B.A. CD „ 240 .. Dannevirke High School. McLeod, Miss J „ B.Se. D D ,, 216 Simmers, J. M:, M.A. .. .. .. Principal 620 (H.Sc.) i Heaton, F., M.A., B.Se. , A B Assistant 465 Drees, H., M.A. .. C j C „ 335 Palmerston North Boys' High School. Hogg, Miss C., M.A. .. C j C „ 300 30 Murray, J., M.A Principal 720 .. Bingham Miss F. D.,M.A; D D „ 240 .. Colquhoun, J. A., M.Sc. A A Assistant 600 70 Johnson, L. .. D D „ 250 Anderson, W. P., M.A. A A „ 480 .. TTI ,, Stevenson, J. J. .. B B „ 420 40 Wairarapa High School. Thompson, H. J., M.A., B B ,, 405 40 Uttley, G. H., M.A., D.Sc. .. .. Prinoipal 645 60 LL.B. Morice, G. W., M.A. .. A A Assistant 470 40 Kerr, H. W., M.A. C C ,. 390 40 Bee, J. G., M.A. B B „ 465 Inman, R. T. ... C C „ 315 40 Sutherland, Miss O. R., B B „ 354 30 Espiner, E. W., M.A. .. C C ,, 335 .. M.A. Cumberworth, R. W., ; D C „ 320 .. Bird, J. W., M.A. .. C i 0 „ 380 ... B.A. McClure, C., B.A. .. C C „ 365 40 Skoglund, P. ;0. .. i D D ,, 215 .. Leonard, Miss K., M.A. C O „ 280 Silson, J. H. .. .. D i) 215 .. McHarg, I. S., B.Agr... D D „ 250 Werry, E. J., M.A. .. D I) „ 230 .. Brown, J. G., M.A. D D „ 230 Mayne, R. J... .. D D „ 216 .. Thomson, H. R. .. D D „ 245 Wellington College. Palmerston North Girls' High School. Cresswell, T. R„ M.A Principal 860 .. Mills, Miss C. B., M.A., .. .. Principal 510 .. Gifford, A. C., M.A. .. A A Assistant 510 40 B.Sp. Renner, F. M., M.A. A A „ 510 40 Hodges, Miss F. J., M.A. A A Assistant 396 . . Tomlinson, H. B., M.A. A A „ 480 40 Livingstone, Miss T. .. B B „ 335 . . Brodie, T., B.A. A A „ , 510 Fraser, Miss W. S., B.A. B B ,, 330 . . Alexander, W., B.A. ... A B ,, 465 40 Simkin, Miss K. L., B.Se. C C „ 264 . Lomas, J. S., B.A. A B „ 465 40 (H.So.) Hall, J„ B.Se. A B „ 465 40 Crawford, Miss E.J., B.A. 0 C „ 252 Millard, J. N., B.A. A B „ 435 40 Daniell, ;Miss M. D. .. C D „ 240 .. Caddick, A. E., M.A. .. B B „ 420 40 Hunt, Miss W. M., B.A. C D „ 240 .. Fathers, H. T. M., B.A. B B „ 420 McHaffie, Miss C., M.Sc. D D 1 „ 192 .. Cuddie, j. R., M.A. .. B B „ 405 40


Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1924-continued.


Gradfe - 111 lis Grad<! - ll 111 I -»■» - +* +> z* 5,3 Position \ 2 a # m Position f| as c a & Name. c d in 9, Name. M * d in ShS _g .2 School. I IsJifH S .2 School. *,§>< c o ;£ I 2 oj<„ 5 2 o cS E ° i=3 ° £ I S 1 ® O S SlS 03 M 5 CO O cS tj3 «JO fl w O«®+» ®0 H o HP4 I <5 S H P4 Wellington College—continued. £ £ Nelson Boys' College—continued. £ £ Joplin, F., B.A. .. B B Assistant 405 40 Saxon, K. R. J., B.A. .. B C Assistant 390 40 Balham, W. F. C. .. C C „ 380 40 Severne, E. H„ B.A. C C „ 350 Farquhar, A. S., M.A... B C „ 380 40 Adam, T. S., M.A. D D „ 215 Beard, T. E., B.A. C C „ 350 40 Methven, R. H., M.A. D D „ 260 Thornton, F. E., B.A... C C „ 335 40 Evans, R. H. .. D I) „ 320 Perry, W. «T. . . .. C C „ 335 40 Boulton, E„ B.A. D I) „ 230 Jackson, A., B.A. C C „ 335 Paterson, J. E. R., M.A. D D i 230 McNaught, G., B.A. C C ,-, 335 Stevens, W. H., B.A. B C „ 350 40 Nelson Gikls' College. Jones, W. V. ..CD „ 305 40 , Dighton J 1 D D 275 .. Lorimer, Miss M., M.A. .. .. Prmcipal 510 McCaw J T D D " 230 .. Rhodes, Mrs. M. .. A A Assistant 360 Leadbetter, M„ B.A. !! D I) 230 " Eastwood, Miss .£ B „ 360 Peryman, H. L. E., B.A. D D „ 215 Isaac, Miss N. G., M.A. B B „ 354 .. Martin-Smith, P., LL.B. 0 I) „ 245 gale, Miss.L G B.A.. . C 0 „ 285 .. Turner, M. F., B.A. D D „ 290 Wilson, Miss M. K„ M.A. C C „ 300 Heron, H. A., M.A. D D „ 275 Ray, Miss R., M.A. .. B C „ 295 Simpson, J. A. G. D D „ 260 Karsten, Miss R., B.A. D D „ 252 Peck, E. M., M.A. D D „ 216 Bremner, Miss V. .. D 1) „ 216 Wellington Girls' High School. McGregor, M., M.A. D D „ 192 McLean, Miss M., M.A. .. .. Principal 670 Batham, Miss A.M., B.A. A A Assistant 408 .. Rangiop.a High School. Newman, Miss E.A., M.A. A A „ 408 Straehan, J. E„ M.A., .. .. Principal 670 Rainforth, Miss E. M., A A „ 396 .. B.Sc. B.A. Ferguson, A. J., M.A... A A Assistant 480 40 Collins, Miss R. M., B.A „ 360 Beattie, G. C„ M.Sc. C B „ 405 40 Williams, Miss E„ B.A. B B „ 354 Hollow, Miss P., M.A. D C „ 264 Hind, Miss E. M„ M.A. A B „ 354 Lockhart, A... D D „ 305 40 Wood, Mrs., M.A. A B „ 354 Coad, Miss N. E., M.A. A B „ 342 30 Gibson, Miss G. F„ M.A. A B „ 330 Chbistohubch Boys High School. Jackson, Miss B., B.A. A B „ 306 .. Lancaster, G. J., M.A. .. .. Principal 815 Sage, Miss C. M„ M.A. B B „ 354 Laing, R. M„ M.A., B.Sc. A A Assistant 520 30 Marsdon, Miss A. F. .. C C „ 300 Stewart, W. M., M.A. A A „ 470 40 Martin, Miss E., B.A. C C „ 300 Thompson, R. J., B.A. A A „ 470 40 Mackay, Miss E. B C ,, 288 .. Montgomery, J. R., M.A. B B ,, 450 40 Heine, Miss C. M„ B.A. C C „ 306 Schroder, J. H. E., M.A. B B „ 405 Hursthouse, Mrs. C C „ 288 40 Rowe, H. V., M.A. B B „ 405 40 Blacker, Miss H., B.A. C C „ 276 Hercus, E. J. D„ M.A., A B „ 405 40 Cornish, Miss E. J., AC „ 300 .. B.Sc. B.Sc. in H.Sc. Henderson, H., B.A., B B ,, 390 Tscheremissinoff, Miss CD „ 240 .. B.Sc. C., B.A. Merton, A. .. C C ,, 380 40 Cocker, Miss A., M.A. ... CD „ 252 Baverstock, H. S., M.A. B C „ 336 McCartney, Miss D., M.A. CD „ 240 .. Quartermain, L. B., M.A., C C ,, 335 Johnstone, Miss D., B.A. CD ,, 230 .. Prussing, J. L. .. C C ,, 350 . • McKenzie, Miss J., M.A. CD „ 240 Dyer, H. E., M.Sc. D D „ 275 40 Sewell, Miss E. A., M.A. CD „ 220 Gourlay, H. W. D D „ 290 40 Jakins, Miss A. M., B.A. D D „ 216 •. Tait, J. M., B.A. C C „ 320 Wilson, Miss E„ M.A. D D „ 228 Jefcoate, H. O., M.A. D D „ 245 40 Gifford, Miss D., B.Sc. .. D „ 204 .. Rogers, N. M., M.A. .. D D „ 230 in H.Sc. Struthers, J., M.A. D D ,, 230 North, Miss E. N D „ 240 Bruce, R. M., B.Sc. C C „ 350 40 Mablbokough High School. Chbistohubch Girls' High School. Stewart, J., M.A Principal 695 .. Gibson, Miss M. V., M.A Prmcipal 630 Robson, H., M.A. .. A A Assistant 480 40 Gresson, Miss K.M., M.A. A A Assistant 408 Jones, S. I., M.A. B B „ 420 40 Baxter, Miss E. B., M.A. A A „ 384 Price, C. J. R., M.A. C C „ 350 Simgj Miss M. E„ M.A. A A „ 372 Kirk, C. G., B.Sc. D C „ 335 .. Greenstreet, Miss G. E., B B ,, 345 Purdie, W. C., B.Sc., D D „ 275 B .A. B.Ag. Bone, Miss D. J. A B „ 342 20 Allen, Miss E. M„ M.A. B A „ 372 Stewart, Miss D. M„ B.A. B B „ 330 Robertson, Miss H. M., D D „ 216 Wagstafi, Miss N., M.A. B B „ 318 M.A. McKee, Miss A. J. .. C C „ 300 Bishop, Miss M. D. .. D C „ 252 Young, Mrs. S. G. .. C C „ 306 40 Rogers, Miss M. P. N., D D „ 252 Metcalf, Miss F., B.Sc... D D „ 245 B.Sc. Watson, Miss A. M. C C „ 264 Brand, Miss M. M., M.A. D D „ 216 Edwards, Miss K. P.,B.A. C C „ 275 Hall, Miss M. 1) D „ 240 Hall, Miss E. J., M.A. D D „ 252 Nelson Boys College. Fairbairn, Miss E., B.A. D D „ 216 Broad, C. H„ B.A Principal 720 .. Burns, Miss A. M., M.A. D D „ 216 Caradus, E., B.Sc. .. A A Assistant 490 70 Milnes, Miss F. D D „ 2X6 McKay, J. G., B.A. A A „ 490 40 Hooper, Miss V.L., M.A. D D „ 204 Searle, H. Y„ B.A. A B „ 435 Hardie, Miss E. M., M.A. D D „ 192 Watkin, E. A., M.A. ..A B „ 420 40 Frengley, Miss M-, B.Sc. D D „ 192 Rowe, S. L., LL.B. C C „ 365 40 in H.Sc.


Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1924 —continued.


arade - I« Ill Grade ' «« ll| ~~ Position £ Is a ® Position H a co Name. •* d in „ >.g £~o Name. fe - a in Z>'$ 2 .2 School. J: •§ School. -2 g c 1 1 N« lis i 1 1 l-o §s^ HPH < & \ H PH Waitaki Boys' High School. £ £ Otago Boys' High School—continued. Milner, F., M.A. Rector 720 .. • . f ~ McCulloch, M. K., M.A. A A Assistant 570 40 Gjasgw.K. W. R. .. 1> D Assistant 215 Chisholm, D..S., M.A... A A „ 490 40 Taylor, G. L., B.A. .. D D „ 215 .. Littlejohn, C. M„ M.A., A B „ 465 40 a . bot > £■ ■ £• • • £ " " f t ° g c Crimp, g. R. .. .. D L) ,, 245 Uttley, W. M., M.A. A B „ 450 40 Souter, R. W., M.A. D I) „ 230 Hargreaves, P. W„ B.A. B B „ 405 ?, 1 l ™ ea i' J ; V, o LA- "5 !! " !f ! " Hall, H. T. .. D C „ 350 40 Allen > K - A -> B,Sc - D 13 " 200 I .. Crimp, F. A., B.A. C G ,. 350 Cameron, F. P., M.A. C C „ 335 40 Otago Girls' High School. Zimmermann, G, B.A. C D „ 305 . . King, Miss M. H. M„ M.A Principal 630 Dash, J. .. ..0 u „ 305 40 Campbell,MissF.,M.A. A A Assistant 408 Gellatlv, Miss M.N..M.A. A A „ 408 Waitaki Girls High School. Loudon, Miss A. L„ M.A. A A „ 372 Wilson, Miss J. B., M.A. .. j .. Principal 510 . . Kerr, Mrs. B., M.A. B B ,, 354 Macaulay, Miss M.J., M.A. B A Assistant 372 .. Dalrymple, Miss H. K., B B 342 McLean,' Miss M., B.A. B B „ 330 B.A. Viokery, Miss E. A., B.A. C C ,, 300 .. Jones, Miss P. J., M.A. B B ,, 330 Hunt, Miss D. C., B.A. C C ., 306 .. Aitken, Miss A. M., B.Sc. C B ., 318 Allan, Miss M. ..CD „ 245 in H.Sc. Fin!ay, Miss M. B., B'Sc. D D ,, 220 .. Lawson, Miss L. L., B.A. C B ,, 276 (M.Sc.) Morton, Miss L. S., B.A. B B „ 330 Bentham, Miss E. R. .. D D .. 210 .. Bell, Miss B. M„ M.A. BO „ 276 Dallaston, Miss L. N., C C ,, 264 Ashbitrton High School. B.A. Watters, W. F„ B.A Principal 670 .. n S " '' Biggar, R. H„ M.A. ..A A .Assistant 480 40 Oddie, Miss E. M., B.A. C D „ 262 .. Piggott, Miss E. M., M.A. B B I ,. 318 30 Rosevear, Miss R. A., D D „ 240 McGregor, R. M„ B.Sc. D D „ 260 D i p m . Scott, H. M„ M.A. D D • „ 245 .. May, MA. C D .. 228 .. Wood, E. J. .. .. D D ! „ 230 .. M®?' ¥ 1SS " Davy, Miss A. 6., M.A. D I) ,, 220 .. (11.fee.) Morrison, Miss M. K., D D 204 .. Turnbull, Miss M. R„ D D „ 204 MA 1 B - gc - Marshall, Miss R. D D „ 192 .. MacRae, Miss H. D D „ 216 .. Timaru Boys' High School. Goee High Sch001 " Thomas, W„ M.A Principal 695 .. Hunter, J., M.A Principal 670 Tait, A. G., B.A. .. A A Assistant 490 70 Boyne, J. McC., M.A. .. C B Assistant 470 40 Cockroft, E. A., B.A., A A „ 480 40 Dunn, S. B., B.A. C C „ 390 40 B Com. Christie, E. M., M. A.. D D ,, 390 40 Kemshed, D. S., M.A... B B .. 405 40 E.C.S. Sawell, R. A. G., M.A. B B „ 405 40 Ed«ar, C., M.A. D D „ 320 Hind, C. A. S. C C .. 390 40 Fyfe, T. .. D D „ 230 .. Moore, N. A., B.A. C C 335 Fowler, M., B.Sc. D D „ 230 40 Adamson, R„ B.Sc. C C 365 Fyfe, Miss L. H., M.A., A B 360 Gillies, C. L., B.Ag. D D ., 320 L.T.C.L., L.A.B. j Whitehouse, T. K. R„ D D 275 Nay lor, Miss K., B.A. C C „ 306 M.A. Henderson, Miss H. A., D D 252 McDonald, T. H. D D 260 40 M.A. Horwell, W. .. D D 305 40 Douglas, Miss R. J. H. C C „ 300 Craven, E. S., M.A. D D „ 260 Woodhead, Miss M. S., D D „ 204 M.A. Timaru Girls' High School. Barr, Miss J. A., M.A. A A Principal 470 . . Southland Boys' High School. King, Miss E. A., M.A. A A Assistant 408 .. Pearce, T. D„ M.A ?. Principal 695 Ronaldson, Miss M., B.Sc. B B „ 354 Dakin, J. P., B.A. ..A A Assistant 490 30 McLean, Miss D. B. C C „ 252 Butchers, A. G., M.A... A A „ 470 40 Hardcastle, Miss D. C., C C ,. 306 McGrath, J. S., B.A. B B 465 40 M - A - Anderson, J. G., M.Sc. B B „ 405 40 Stewart, Miss L.F., B.A. D D „ 252 . . Mawson, J. B„ M.A. B B „ 390 40 Hawke, Miss D., B.A. .. D D „ 204 Mackay, Miss J. R. C C „ 300 Oldridge, MissD.M., M.A. D D „ 204 Flannery, J. .. D C 335 Marriott, Miss M. E., B.A. D D „ 216 Cameron, J. L., M.A. .. C C 320 40 n , Tr McDonald, K. C., M.A. D D „ 228 .. Otago Boys' High School. Deaker, A. J., B.A. D D „ 260 .. Morrell, W. J., M.A .. Principal 835 .. McFarlane, A., M.A. D D „ 215 Campbell, F. H., M.A. A A Assistant 520 40 Williams, J., B.Sc. ..A A ,, 510 40 Southland Girls' High School. Martyn, W. J., M.A. A A „ 500 40 Watt, A., M.A. A B „ 465 .. Johnston, Miss E, M., . . .. Principal 510 Botti'ng, R. W. S., M.A. B B „ 420 40 M.A. Begg, O. J., M.A. B B ,, 420 .. Samuel, Miss G., M.Sc. B A Assistant 360 Mcln'nes, M. G., B.A. C B „ 405 .. Budd, Miss A. M., M.A. A A ., 384 Thomson, G. S., B.Sc. C B „ 390 40 Burt, Miss S„ M.A. B B „ 342 Robertson, G. M„ M.A. C C „ 350 Steele, Miss M. A., B.A. B C 306 Gillman, A. J., M.A. C C „ 350 40 White, Miss R. A., M.A. B C „ 306 Watt, M. M„ M.C. D C „ 335 40 Mullay, Miss M. C., B.A. C C „ 276 Worker, R. V. DeR., B.A. C C „ 335 Earwaker, Miss E„ M.A. D D „ 252 Howard, B. H., M.A. C C „ 335 Vickery, Miss M. 0. .. D D „ 204 Rantin, T. J. L., M.A. C C „ 320 40 Thomson, Miss K. .. D D „ 204 McNaughton, A. T., M.A. D D „ 260 .. Spite, Miss B. H. D D „ 192 Bridgman, W. W., M.A. D D „ 230 .. Cumming, Miss C. L., M.A. C C „ 252



Table K1.—Average Attendance and Roll (classified according to Ages) of Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments) as in December, 1924.

<u a « *3 5tT . fn 1-1 oa* M . S& 13 to 14 14 to 15 15 to 16 16 to 17 Over 17 Totals, all J2 S>s Sm Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Ages. School. 5 |S D "3 "3 — ; —, 1 I « si : I " B. G. B. G. B. G. B. j G. B. G. B. G. B. G. j ■< ' ; - . I .. A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. 272 275 308.. 1 11 12 26 32 51 38 31 39 19 15 138 137 Auckland Boys' Grammar School 780 765 850 6 .. 40 .. 172 .. 238 .. 169 .. 140 .. 765 .. Mount Albert Boys' Grammar 343 347 378 2 .. 27 .. 65 .. 99 .. 88 .. 66 .. 347 .. School Auckland Girls' Grammar School 428 436 482 .. 1 .. 32 .. 94 .. 140 .. 109 .. 60 .. 436 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. 422 438 475 .. 2 .. 37 .. 97 .. 145 .. 82 .. 75 .. 438 Thames High School .. .. 193 188 218 1 .. 15 6 31 26 19 27 22 18 12 11 100 88 Hamilton High School .. .. 368 381 412 1.. 24 15 38 33 75 48 49 43 35 20 222 159 New'Plymouth Boys' High School 322 311 364 3 .. 18 .. 74 .. 81 .. 80 .. 55 .. 311 .. New Plymouth Girls' High School 170 169 194 .. 1 .. 20 .. 34 .. 59 .. 31 .. 24 .. 169 Girls' College .. 250 258 275 .. 1 ... 19 .. 52 ., 70 ... 71 .. 45 .. 258 Palmerston North Boys' High 287 284 315 2 .. 27 .. 53 .. 76 .. 66 .. 60 .. 284 .. School Palmerston North Girls' High 188 186 212 .. 1 .. 14 .. 52 .. 53 .. 43 .. 23 .. 186 School Gisborne High School .. .. 398 401 433 1 1 13 9 55 35 63 60 44 48 36 36 212 189 Napier Boys' High School .. 246 246 278 .... 13 .. 51 .. 78 .. 62 .. 42 .. 246 Napier Girls' High School .. 184 192 209 .. 1 .. 8 .. 47 .. 64 .. 32 .. 40 .. 192 Dannevirke High School .. 121 123 147 .. 1 4 2 16 21 22 16 12 11 10 8 64 59 Wairarapa High School .. 231 225 248 1 4 9 2 20 18 37 36 42 21 22 13 131 94 Wellington Boys' College .. 743 754 81115 .. 92 .. 183 .. 189 .. 188 .. 87 .. 754 .. Wellington Girls'College .. 728 727 799 .. 9 .. 73 .. 171 .. 210 .. 159 ..105 .. 727 Marlborough High School .. 229 231 258 1 2 2 8 28 22 30 38 32 27 15 26 108 123 Nelson Boys'College .. .. 273 278 309 7 .. 28 .. 48 .. 94 ..- ! 56 .. 45 .. 278 .. Nelson Girls'College .. .. 235 247 256 .. 3 .. 14 .. 51 .. 76 .. 56 .. 47 .. 247 Bangiora High School .. .. 136 135 158 .... 4 6 26 17 23 16 12 15 5 11 70 65 Christchurch Boys'High School .. 493 484 576 1.. 43 .. 118 .. 158 .. 87 .. 77 .. 484 Christchurch Girls' High School .. 479 486 521 .. 2 .. 42 .. 126 .. 161 .. 87 .. 68 .. 486 Ash burton High School .. 184 191 200 ... 3 10 4 30 20 33 33 16 12 13 17 102 89 Timaru Boys' High School .. 303 300 321 .... 15 .. 62 .. 96 .. 67 .. 60 .. 300 Timaru Girls' High School .. 215 210 221 .. 1 .. 17 ' <. 57 .. 55 .. 45 .. 35 .. 210 Waitaki Boys' High School .. 259 244 268 . 14 .. 49 .. 58 .. 51 .. 72 .. 244 .. Waitaki Girls'High School .. 163 163 180 7 .. 46 .. 50 .. 29 .. 31 .. 163 Otago Boys'High School .. 563 553 622-2.. 53 .. 145 .. 153 126 .. 74 .. 553 .. Otago Girls'High School .. 465 476 507 .. 6 .. 57 .. 119 .. 114 .. 104 .. 76 .. 476 Gore High School .. .. 263 256 285 3 .. 9 10 26 35 33 32! 29 27 29 23 129 127 Southland Boys' High School .. 278 253 297 4 .. 26 .. 68 .. 67 .. 1 50 .. 38 253j .. Southland Girls' High School .. 265 272 301 .. 5 .. 40 .. 65 .. 54 .. 48 .. 60 ,. j 272 Totals .. .. 11,21511,48512,68850454974541,3841,2701,7731,5951,3791,1571,012 869|6,095|5, 390 •JB. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. 215 217 214 2 .. 12 .. 33 .. 53 .. 58 .. 59 .. 217; .. Christ's College, Christchurch .. 312 308 318 29.. 32 .. 75 .. 72 .. 54 .. 46 .. 308j .. Totals .. .. 527 525 532 31.. 44 .. 108 .. 125 .. 112 .. 105 .. 525 .. Grand totals .. .. 1 11,74212,010 13,220 81 45 5414541,492 1,270 1,8981,595 1,4911,157 1,117 869 6,6?0 5,390



Table K2. —Classification of Pupils on the Roll of Secondary Schools at the end of the Year 1924, according to Years of Attendance (exclusive of Lower Departments).

2 —E. (3.

First Tear. Second Year. Third Year. Fourth Year. Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Totals. 13 . SehooJ. go Boys. Girls. Boys. G-irls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Whangarei High School 56 56 49 48 23 25 7 7 3 1 .. .. 138 137 275 Auckland Boys'Grammar 267 .. 238 .. 140 .. 90 .. 30 765 .. 765 School W Mount Albert Boys' 122 .. 101 .. • 72 .. 41 .. 10 .. 1 .. 347 .. 347 Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar .. 154 .. 155 .. 84 36 5 2 436 436 School Epsom Girls' Grammar .. 173 .. 130 .. 78 .. 47 .. 8 .. 2 .. 438 438 School Thames High School .. 47 37 26 29 18 13 7 9 2 100 88 188 Hamilton High School .. 90 74 54 46 56 28 20 11 2 222 159 381 New Plymouth Boys' 131 .. 75 .. 62 .. 28 .. 11 .. 4 .. 311 .. 311 High School New Plymouth Girls' .. 77 .. 47 .. 31 .. 9 .. 4 .. 1 .. 169 169 High School Wanganui Girls' College .. 99 .. 68 .. 58 .. 24 .. 8 .. 1 .. 258 258 Palmerston North Boys' 95 93 55 33 8| .. .. 284 .. 284 High School Palmerston North Girls' .. 75 .. 58 .. 33 .. 16 .. 4 186 186 High School Gisborne High School .. 98 72 63 68 29 33 18 13 4 ! 3 .. .. 212 189 401 Napier Boys' High School 89 .. 71 .. 49 .. 25 .. Ill .. 1 .. 246 .. 246 Napier Girls' High School .. 82 .. 50 .. 33 .. 14 .. 9 .. 4 .. 192 192 Dannevirke High School 21 31 25 15 9 9 5 3 3 ! 1 1 .. 64 59 123 Wairarapa High School 39 30 42 41 26 14 23 9 1 131 94 225 Wellington Boys' School 302 .. 221 .. 109 .. 102 .. 19' .. 1 .. 754 .. 754 Wellington Girls' College .. 244 .. 213 .. 148 .. 94 .. 25 .. 3 .. 727 727 Marlborough High School 48 41 28 42 12 26 15 11 4: 3 1 .. 108 123 231 Nelson Boys' College .. 91 .. 78 .. 64 .. 23 .. 18;.. 4 .. 278 .. 278 Nelson Girls' College .. .. 94 66 54 24 8 1 247 247 Rangiora High School .. 34 27 21 20 8 6 6 11 1 1 .. .. 70 65 135 Christchurch Boys' High 182 .. 141 .. 76 .. 54 .. 25 .. 6 .. 484 .. 484 School Christchurch Girls' High .. 183 .. 127 .. 91 .. 67 .. 16 .. 2 .. 486 486 School Ashburton High School 44 33 34 24 11 14 5 17 8 .. .. 1 102 89 191 Timaru Boys' High School 110 .. 86 .. 63 .. 28 .. 13 ! 300 .. 300 Timaru Girls'High School .. 76 .. 69 .. 31 .. 24 .. i 7 .. 3 .. 210 210 Waitaki Boys'High School 83 .. 57 .. 34 .. 47 .. 18 .. 5 .. 244 .. 244 Waitaki Girls'High School .. 69 .. 44 .. 24 .. 20 .. | 6 163 163 Otago Boys' High School 212 .. 165 .. 99 61 16 .. .. .. 553 .. 553 Otago Girls'High School 188 .. 112 .. 98 .. 66 .. i 11 .. 1.. 476 476 Gore High School .. 50 52 36 31 24 28 12 10 4 6 3 .. 129 127 256 Southland Boys' High 79 .. 84 .. 38. 29 .. 21 f .. 2 253 .. 253 School | Southland Girls' High 89 .. 75 .. ! 50 .. 42 .. j 14 .. 2 .. 272 272 School Totals .. .. 2,2902,0561,7881,57sjl,07711, 009 679 584 232j 140 29 23 6,095 5,39511,485


TABLE K3.—Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments, 1924, Secondary-school Boards.

Table K4.—Number of Pupils holding Free Places and Scholarships in Secondary Schools during the Last Term, 1924.


— Total Cost. — | Total Cost. £ £ £ £ Whangarei High School .. .. 678-85 2-20 Nelson Boys' College .. .. 765-28 2-48 Auckland Boys' Grammar School .. 2,537-91 2-07 Nelson Girls' College .. .. 570-30 2-23 Auckland Girls' Grammar School . - 2,544*56 2'76 Bangiora High School . . .. 513-13 3-25 Thames High School .. .. 446-08 2-05 Christchurch Boys' High School .. 901-58 1-72 Hamilton High School .. .. 888-81 2-16 Christchurch Girls' High School .. 1,159-61 2-22 New Plymouth Boys'High School .. 796-04 2-19 Ashburton High School .. .. 429-88 2-15 New Plymouth Girls'High School .. 413-9 2-13 Timaru Boys'High School .. 729-20 2-27 Wanganui Girls'College .. .. 725-5 2-56 Timaru Girls'High School .. 377-84 1-71 Palmerston North Boys' High School 644-9 2-05 Waitaki Boys' High School .. 654-39 2-44 Pa-lmerston North Girls'High School 421-23 1-98 Waitaki Girls'High School .. 437-00 2-43 Napier Boys'High School .. 449-54 1-61 Otago Boys'High School .. 1,304-97 2-10 Napier Girls'High School .. 413-16 1-97 Otago Girls' High School.. .. 937-19 1-85 Gisborne High School .. .. 830-4 1-91 Gore High School .. .. 529-40 1-86 Dannevirke High School.. .. 283-86 1-93 Southland Boys'High School .. 320-46 1-08 Wairarapa High School .. .. 370-08 1 49 Southland Girls'High School .. 378-70 1-26 Wellington Boys' College .. 1,745'9 2\15 Wellington Girls'College.. .. 1,554-41 1-95 • 26,354-79 2-08 Marlborough High School .. 510-67 1-98

.NationalNumber of Holders of Government scholarship Holders Free Places. (included School. in Column 4). Junior, j Senior. Total. Junior. Senior. ' (1) (2) 1 (3) (4) (5) (6) Whangarei High School .. .. .. .. .. 207 61 268 5 1 Auckland Boys' Grammar School .. .. .. .. 498 243 741 48 25 Mount Albert Boys' Grammar School .. .. .. 221 104 325 25 Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. .. .. .. 311 107 418 20 6 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. .. .. .. 305 120 425 17 5 Thames High School .. .. .. .. .. 137 41 178 7 2 Hamilton High School .. .. .. .. .. 256 109 365 13 10 New Plymouth Boys' High School .. .. .. .. 189 89 278 9 6 New Plymouth Girls' High School .. .. .. .. 116 38 154 6 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. . - .. .. 184 78 262 6 7 Palmerston North Boys' High School .. .. .. 179 83 262 8 2 Palmerston North Girls' High School .. .. .. 121 52 173 4 2 Napier Boys' High School .. .. .. .. .. 158 74 232 9 6 Napier Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. 129 48 i 177 8 1 Gisborne High School .. .. .. .. .. 274 84 358 11 3 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. .. .. 88 27 | 115. 7 3 Wairarapa High School .. .. .. .. .. 150 62 212 7 4 Wellington Boys' College .. .. .. .. .. 447 271 718 34 ! 22 Wellington Girls' College .. .. .. .. .. 477 236 713 21 13 Marlborough High School .. .. .. .. .. 156 62 218 2 ! 2 Nelson Boys' College .. .. .. .. .. 159 87 246 5 ! 6 Nelson Girls' College .. .. .. .. .. 151 78 229 13 5 Rangiora High School .. .. .. .. .. 92 30 122 2 Christ-church Boys' High School .. .. .. .. 317 152 469 15 7 Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. .. .. 318 154 472 16 5 Ashburton High School .. .. .. .. .. 129 53 182 8 2 Timaru Boys' High School .. .. .. .. .. 175 88 263 14 12 Timaru Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. 141 57 198 10 ; 2 Waitaki Boys' High School.. .. .. .. .. 130 86 216 7 7 Waitaki Girls' High School.. .. .. .. .. 110 46 156 2 ; Otago Boys' High School .. .. .. .. .. 374 160 534 28 : 13 Otago Girls' High School .. .. .. .. .. 302 160 462 22 4 Gore High School .. .. .. .. .. .. 170 80 250 4 j 6 Southland Boys' High School .. .. .. .. 158 82 240 18 j 1 Southland Girls' High School .. .. .. .. 167 86 253 6 ! 1 Totals .. .. .. .. 7,496 3,388 10,884 437 IK 193


Table K5. —Details of National Scholarships held in December, 1924.

Table K6.—Average Number of Pupils boarding away from Home to attend Secondary Schools And Lower Departments thereof, 1924.


Number held Number held i Number held umber Number Total Number. at Secondary at District I at Technical receiving receiving Schools. High Schools. , High Schools. Boarding- TravellingEducation District. - allowance allowance (included (included j in Total in Total Boys. Girls. Totals. Junior. Senior. Junior. Senior.' Junior, j Senior. Number). Number). Auckland .. .. .. 141 88 229 135 51 25 4 8 1 56 28 Taranaki .. .. ..19 7 26 15 6 .. .. 4 1 10 Wanganui .. .. 22 19 41 18 11 1 .. 5 6 12 Hawke's Bay .. 35 24 59 35 13 4 2 5 13 1 Wellington .. .. .. 69 42 111 64 41 4 1 1 11 14 Nelson .. .. 14 19 33 18 11 2 2 .. .. 14 Canterbury .. .. 65 44 109 65 28 13 2 1 20 5 Otago .. .. 62 39 101 59 24 12 4 2 11 1 Southland .. .. ..24 13 37 28 8 1 11 Totals .. .. 451 295 746 437 193 67 13 27 9 158 49

Secondary Departments. g 05 a fc® . : s fl « Boarding at Total. j Boarding at Establishments Boarding co5 bcnool. j School Hostels. approved by privately. Principal. ® "o i ®*&2 I I | | Boys, j Girls, j Boys. Girls, j Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. .. .. 53 .. .. .. 8 36 61 36 Auckland Boys' Grammar School .. .. .. • • • • • • 96 .. 96 Mount Albert Boys' Grammar School .. .. .. • • • • • • 17 .. 17 Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. . . • • • • • • • • • • 42 .. 42 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. .. . . • • • • • • 27 .. 38 .. 65 Thames High School .. .. .. • • • • • • • • • • 3 10 3 10 Hamilton High School . . .. .. • • • • 19 .. .. 30 11 30 30 New Plymouth Boys' High School .. .. 151 .. .. .. 11 .. 162 .. 37 New Plymouth Girls' High School .. .. .. 46 .. .. .. 6 .. 52 5 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. • • • • 83 .. 13 .. .. .. 96 16 Palmerston North Boys' High School .. .. 35 .. .. .. 22 .. 57 Palmerston North Girls' High School .. .. .. .. •. •. • • 16 .. 16 Gisborne High School .. .. .. .. 48 26 1 5 16 53 43 9 Napier Boys' High School .. .. .. 51 .. .. .. 1 .. 52 .. 11 Napier Girls' High School .. . . .. • • 48 .. .. .. 7 .. 55 15 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. 5.. .. .. 2 7 7 7.. Wairarapa High School .. . . • • • • • • • • • • 21 8 21 8 Wellington Boys' College .. .. . • 65 .. 2 .. 15 .. 82 Wellington Girls' High School .. .. .. • • 35 .. .. .. 23 .. 58 Marlborough High School .. .. .... .. .. .. 3 6 3 6.. Nelson Boys' College .. .. • • • • 119 • • 1 • • 8 .. 128 .. 17 Nelson Girls' College .. .. .. .... 48 19 67 14 Rangiora High School .. .. .. 14 8 .. .. 1 14 9 Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. 43 .. .. .. 10 .. 53 Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. . • 29 .. .. .. 23 .. 52 Ashburton High School .. .. • • 9 .. .. .. 6 14 15 14 Timaru Boys' High School .. .. • . HO .. .. .. 3 .. 113 .. 12 Girls' High School .. .. • • • • 28 .. .. .. 15 .. 43 Waitaki Boys' High School .. .. .. 140 .. .. .. 8 .. 148 .. 24 Waitaki Girls' High School .. . . . • • • 27 .. .. .. lo .. 40 Otago Boys' High School .. .. • • 51 .. .. .. 19 .. 70 Otago Girls' High School .. .. • • • • • • • • 6 .. 36 .. 42 Gore High School Southland Boys' High School .. .. .. • • • • 2 .. 28 .. 30 Southland Girls' High School .. .. . • • • • • • • 5 .. 50 .. 5 Total, A .. .. 775 370 4 79 316 397 1,095 846 162 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate .. .. • • • • 185 .. .. .. .. .. 185 .. , Christ's College .. ... • • • • 175 j | * * ! * * ! Total, B .. .. .. 360 360 .. i .. Grand totals 1,135 370 4 79 316 397 1,455 846 162



TABLE K7.—Receipts of Operative Secondary Schools for the Year 1924.

From Endowments. From the Government. LoaDS Comritatfons, Secondary-school Boards. 'seZtoT For or Tuition Pees. H°stels Departments P?op£tyf?£n Totals. sales - vested !" eZcfS Iuterest - ' Salaries. Incidental Invest- Acconnt. Reserves Board. Reserves. Manual Expenses. ments. Refunds, and Instruction Subsidies. i | £ s. d. £ s. d. | £ s. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.' £ s. d.l £ s. d. £ s. d. £ fs. d. £ s. d. Whangarei High School . , .. 305 13 8! 133 16 5 .. 86 0 0 4,373 17 11 770 0 0 132 0 0 2,651 17 9| .. .. 33 * 1 " 0 8,466 6 7 Auckland Grammar Schools .. 6,359 0 010,093 14 9j 1,081 14 7 521 15 10 1,699 13 9 31,427 15 2 5,392 10 0 1,034 10 0! .. ! .. .. 475 2 9 58,085 16 10 Thames High School .. .. . . 929 2 0 57 5 1 .. 195 15 6; 3,329 16 8 647 10 0 122 10 0; .. ! .. .. 2 10 0 5,284 9 3 Hamilton High School .. .. .. 78 0 0 181 0 7 .. 637 19 5 5,730 9 6 1,035 16 8 174 10 10 1,234 8 Oi .. .. 120 5 0 9,192 10 0 New Plymouth High Schools .. .. 1,143 14 11 1,232 13 2 .. 979 10 8 8,045 19 10 1,360 0 0 575 15 014,804 12 Oi .. 1,147 0 0 99 14 3 29,388 19 10 Wanganui Girls'College.. .. .. 1,067 16 6 269 2 8 .. 2,832 3 0 3,486 2 5 871 5 0 175 15 0 7,587 18 3 .. 590 15 5 2,148 1 5 18,828 19 8 Palmerston North High Schools .. .. .. 551 10 7 .. 194 0 4 7,449 14 9 1,317 10 360 10 0 1 2,234 10 11! .. 77 9 5 12,185 6 0 Napier High Schools .. .. 900 0 0 450 10 0 1,846 1 1 175 5 5 7,475 7 11 7,282 10 3 1,215 0 0 310 18 «! 8,485 12 6! .. 1,058 19 6 5,059 8 9 34,019 11 11 Gisborne High School .. .. .. 3,390 12 2 122 7 4 .. 394 16 8 3,001 0 0 1,087 10 0 428 9 2 5,386 12 1 .. 197 5 0 42 7 0 14,050 19 5 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. 502 7 1 .. 21 13 0 2,223 14 6 367 10 0 94 10 0! .. .. .. 7 3 0 3,216 17 7 Wairarapa High School .. .. 295 10 11 0 9 7 .. 14,248 5 8 3,472 1 8 525 0 0 157 2 0! 2 2 1 .. .. 141 18 0 18,842 9 11 Wellington College and Girls' High 1,748 19 4 8,944 8 9 1,724 13 11 270 11 846,324 15 10 15,345 0 0 3,951 13 4 448 5 9: 6,553 11 6| .. ' | .. 156 4 8 85,466 4 9 School Marlborough High School . . .. 400 0 o| 89 11 8 .. 902 19 6 3,364 8 3 642 10 0 127 0 0. .. .. I .. 30 5 0 5,556 14F5 Nelson Colleges .. .. | 634 8 3 1,136 2 0 383 12 5 .. 1,105 13 6 7,839 17 4 1,362 10 0 758 16 0'l2,337 0 .. 1,142 15 0 795 14 1 27,496 8""*11 Rangiora High School .. .. j .. 279 19 6 j .. j .. 171 17 0 584 3 4 72 13 0 109 18 0; 1,165 11 Ol .. .. 268 1 7 2,652 3 5 Christchurch Boys' High School .. j .. 7,971 13 9 .. J 129 8 5 7,592 18 8 6,221 1 4 1,380 0 0 369 10 0! 2,055 4 6: 12,000 0 0 .. 78 1 9 37,797 18 5 Christchurch Girls' High School | .. 635 1 1 j .. .. 2.270 9 4 6,335 10 4 1,295 0 0 150 5 Oj 1,532 0 6! 177 5 0 395 14 2 12,791 5 5 Ashburton High School .. .. 1,122 7 0 .. .. 1,380 15 10 2,779 11 7 500 0 0 113 10 0! 45 18 1 .. .. 124 6 2 6,066 8 8 Timaru High Schools .. .. .. 2,575 12 5 .. .. 1,287 1 6 7,477 1 9 1,347 10 0 561 10 0; .. .. .. 1,395 15 9 14,644 11 5 Waitaki High Schools .. .. .. 2,085 9 5 210 12 0 .. 8,213 2 9 7,008 3 11 1,095 0 0 406 0 0| 1,593 13 8! .. 248 10 0 1,523 0 5 22,383 12 2 Otago High Schools .. .. .. 3,349 12 7 505 16 11 .. 700 2 10 14,589 9 2 2,777 10 0 426 15 0 2,843 15 11 .. .. j 569 1 3 25,762 3 8 Gore High School .. .. .. 97 10 Oj HI 18 4 .. 352 0 2 4,093 18 0 720 0 0 78 10 0 1,307 1 0! .. .. 76 17 0 6,837 14 6 Southland High Schools.. .. .. 2,145 14 6 j 240 13 8 157 10 0 1,394 1 3 6,191 18 5 1,492 10 0 279 15 4 .. 13,000 0 0 .. 54 7 4 24,956 10 6 Totals .. .. 9,640 7 748,498 5 9| 9,045 7 1 1,254 11 4100,441 4 1161,633 6 131,026 8 0 7,396 3 771,801 10 l!25,000 0 0 4,562 9 11 13,674 9 9483,974 3 3


E. —6

TABLE K8.—Payments of Operative Secondary Schools for the Year 1924.

Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments. Pq .. ol Oapiuai Manual trie's 1 Maintenance Expenditure Instruction, Expenditure r. Cleaning, Material, of Hrmtpls" Loans repaid, Lower Advances Secondarj'-school Boards. on Aii/MMwnaa nmn* Printing, Heating, Examinations, Buildings, «- and Departments to Totals. -«aay jfe. -HB» Departments. ana Salaries. AdvertiBing , Care of other Miscellaneous. Grounds. Incidentals. apparatus. F r,'tttA !> » a ** $ : | 1 I £ s. d. f |g s. d. £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s, d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Whangarei High School .. 86 11 0 4,485 19 8 212 12 11 : 125 18 5 104 4 7 236 1 2 73 19 3 .. 2,600 18 7 75 10 0 .. 429 6 1 1 8,431 1 8 Auckland Grammar Schools .. 2,211 6 2 29,808 13 11 775 8 8 545 18 0 2,738 3 10 1,022 19 0 567 15 5 j 2,391 2 7 .. I .. .. 815-5-5 40,876 13 0 Thames High School .. .. 263 3 11 3,262 1 7 123 11 5 9 1 2 254 2 6 59 6 6 75 8 5 272 3 0 .. 667 8 10 .. 138 8 3 ! 5,124 15 7 Hamilton High School .. 7 13 10 5,941 11 2 135 6 0 58 9 11 457 4 10 237 15 5 258 16 8 398 1 3 967 14 0 .. .. 197 19 10 I 8,660 12 11 New Plymouth High Schools .. 51 11 6 8,579 2 4 293 8 2 j 121 11 7 693 16 9 101 1 8 410 2 7 590 19 1 13,812 19 6 11,491 0 0 1,371 6 8 253 12 11 i 27,770 12 9 Wanganui Girls' College .. 40 0 0 3,370 3 6 160 18 6 180 5 3 296 6 8 88 0 0 188 6 11 4,523 17 9 7,599 0 6 250 14 4 523 9 6 2,011 7 11 19,232 10 10 Palmerston North High Schools .. 7,832 7 8 176 8 11 ; 128 3 11 584 16 1 176 13 7 171 8 2 88 7 6 2,667 17 0 .. .. 196 5 4 12,022 8 2 Napier High Schools .. .. 64 7 5 7,673 5 2 280 6 5 88 8 0 423 3 0 70 16 8 1,274 13 6 14,361 7 11 7,714 13 0 .. 1,034 12 0 2,925 5 3 j 35,910 18 4 Gisborne High School.. .. 93 15 6 5,751 12 7 247 15 S 88 11 7 364 8 2 129 12 9 390 8 8 1,032 2 0 4,831 9 9 920 11 6 327 13 10 118 4 9 1 14,296 6 9 Dannevirke High School .. 2,225 1 8 86 19 8 26 9 0 78 7 3 92 0 10 236 2 5 .. .. .. .. 323 3 6 I 3,068 5 4 Wairarapa High School .. 12 0 0 3,823 14 4 88 9 1 20 4 6 212 1 0 49 7 2 .. 14,447 10 4 59 1 1 .. .. 159 8 1 j 18,871 15 7 Wellington College and Girls' High 328 3 3 22,684 3 6 393 19 6 441 10 1 1,880 3 9 584 12 11 .. 47,827 5 4 6,667 15 0 1,118 4 6 .. 1,494 1 0 83,419 18 10 School Marlborough High School .. .. 3,851 13 9 120 6 4 29 11 6 290 16 1 69 19 6 200 13 8 853 9 4 .. .. .. 641 16 1 6,058 6 3 Nelson Colleges .. .. 74 0 2 8,762 0 11 654 17 9 141 15 0 476 0 2 62 18 10 366 16 2 1,930 17 3 11,105 5 6 .. 1,066 2 11 1,908 19 9 26,549 14 5 Rangiora High School .. .. 2,616 19 11 82 9 10 65 13 8 252 4 8 112 14 4 .. .. 1,476 1 4 .. .. 1,106 0 11 5,712 4 8 Christchurch Boys' High School 712 1 9 8,207 5 3 261 8 0 160 13 8 413 11 3 155 18 7 118 6 1 16,696 14 3 1,703 7 8 -2,095 18 1 .. 334 6 11 30.S59 11 6 Christchurch Girls' High School 27 0 3 6,594 0 3 355 7 10 110 3 1 571 3 4 122 18 1 467 6 11 2,025 5 6 1,476 11 3 318 14 3 172 4 3 388 10 3 12,629 5 3 Ashburton High School .. 503 6 6 2,864 7 2 70 14 2 60 1 6 240 7 6 58 14 6 512 3 8 2,252 16 0 27 10 1 .. .. 50 0 0 6,640 1 1 Timaru High Schools .. .. 180 12 7 8,024 7 7 110 12 3 95 8 3 708 5 8 192 14 7 531 8 9 4,041 19 9 .. 1,358 5 2 .. 235 5 2 15,478 19 9 Waitaki High Schools.. .. 152 11 7 7,403 9 11 295 6 6 90 3 7 614 18 0 90 19 11 242 17 8 13,257 17 1 1,431 19 2 .. 269 9 1 547 5 1 24,396 17 7 Otago High Schools .. .. 296 2 11 15,049 15 4 474 4 2 344 9 2 1,236 7 4 187 2 3 852 13 3 794 4 1 2,720 17 9 .. .. 1,135 18 4 23,091 14 7 Gore High School .. .. .. 4,142 8 2 105 15 10 : 31 19 9 264 6 7 127 5 10 53 9 7 447 3 2 1,557 14 7 .. .. 96 15 2 6,826 18 8 Southland High Schools .. 500 0 9 8,791 6 7 42 5 10 j 160 8 9 371 3 4 125 5 5 59 10 2 18,323 18 11 .. j .. .. 277 8 8 ! 28,651 8 5 Totals .. .. | 5,604 9 1 181,745 11 11 |5,548 13 5 |3,124 19 4 13,526 3 4 4,154 19 6 7,052 7 11 J 146,557 2 1-68,420 15 9 8,296 6 8 4,764 18 3 :15,784 14 8 1464,581 1 11



TABLE K9.—Balances and Assets and Liabilities of Operative Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1924.

Assets. Liabilities, Secondary-school Boards. Balance,^ January, ; , , , -• <4 . ; X gj 3 i a t December 1924 Ba Inrestments™ 11 8 TotaL Overdrafts and Loans. Other Liabilities. Total. 1 ! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Whangarei High School .. .. Dr. 1,865 14 4 22 19 8 190 7 7 213 7 3 2,000 0 0 237 10 6 2,237 10 6 Dr. 2,024 3 3 Auckland Grammar Schools .. .. Or. 13,770 4 6 16,972 14 5 565 6 1 17,538 0 6 .. 336 13 11 336 13 11 Gr. 17,201 6 7 Thames High School .. .. Dr. 4,873 5 10 108 11 10 1,339 9 9 1,448 1 7 i 5,643 8 8 113 16 10 5,757 5 6 Dr. 4,309 3 11 Hamilton High School .. .. Or. 848 5 9 1,019 15 2 374 2 11 1,393 18 1 .. 403 12 5 403 12 5 Gr. 990 5 8 New Plymouth High Schools .. Dr. 11,820 0 3 2,077 15 5 948 19 9 3,026 15 2 j 11,475 5 6 1,087 19 6 12,563 5 0 Dr. 9,536 9 10 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. Gr. 1,042 14 3 3,298 17 0 2,828 13 8 6,127 10 8 \ 3,870 3 8 467 10 10 4,337 14 6 Gr. 1,789 16 2 Palmers ton North High Schools .. Dr. 1,218 11 0 .. 1,596 19 4 1,596 19 4 3,000 0 0 254 9 0 3,254 9 0 Dr. 1,657 9 8 Napier High Schools .. .. Gr. 5,554 7 10 6,869 10 2 825 3 7 7,694 13 9 2,830 16 0 4,520 1 9 7,350 17 9 Gr. 343 16 0 Gisborne High School .. .. Dr. 3,259 14 10 750 0 0 735 6 9 1,485 6 9 4,574 4 3 295 4 3 4,869 8 6 Dr. 3,384 1 9 Dannevirko High School .. Gr. 458 8 11 339 2 7 91 6 4 430 8 11 .. .. .. Gr. 430 8 11 Wairarapa High School .. .. Gr. 64 7 11 62 17 1 406 19 2 469 16 3 .. 459 19 2 459 19 2 Or. 9 17 1 Wellington College .. .. Dr. 11,970 12 4 3,020 12 11 5,727 9 7 8,748 2 6 46,494 0 0 9,503 19 0 55,997 19 0 Dr. 47,249 16 6 Marlborough High School .. .. Gr. 178 18 9 796 2 4 69 8 8 865 11 0 .. 11 10 7 11 10 7 Gr. 854 0 5 Nelson Colleges .. .. Dr. 7,457 16 2 3,541 19 3 2,775 1 6 6,317 0 9 7,520 0 0 2,975 0 0 10,975 0 0 \ Dr. 4,177 19 3 Rangiora High School .. .. ft. 1,699 18 0 .. 213 16 6 213 16 6 1,605 10 4 391 9 8 1,997 0 0 Dr. 1,783 3 6 Christchurch Boys' High School .. Dr. 27,463 16 7 .. 5,859 13 9 5,859 13 9 46,104 3 0 39 4 7 46,143 7 7 ! Dr. 40,283 13 10 Christchurch Girls' High School .. Dr. 6,021 3 6 .. 290 13 11 290 13 11 6,002 2 3 102 7 11 6,104 10 2 Dr. 5,813 16 3 Ashburton High School .. .. Dr. 4,839 13 0 .. 398 8 3 398 8 3 5,000 0 0 80 5 0 5,080 5 0 Dr. 4,681 16 9 Waitaki High Schools .. .. Gr. 2,147 7 3 2,303 0 0 2,709 11 4 5,012 11 4 1.507 10 2 2,820 19 9 4 328 9 11 Gr. 684 1 5 Timaru High Schools .. .. Dr. 8,832 4 8 .. 1,157 5 9 1,157 5 9 8,082 12 7 1,171 15 10 9,254 8 5 Dr. 8,097 2 8 Otago High Schools .. .. Dr. 4,901 9 11 5,845 10 3 709 19 2 6,555 9 5 5,721 6 10 3,293 11 0 9,014 17 10 Dr. 2,459 8 5 Gore High School .. .. Gr. 639 7 8 693 11 2 95 9 3 789 0 5 . . 100 9 9 100 9 9 Gr. 688 10 8 Southland High Schools .. Gr. 2,407 4 6 Totals (excluding Southland) Dr. 63,958 13 2 47,722 19 3 29,909 12 7 77,632 11 10 161,431 3 3 28,667 11 3 190,098 14 6 j 112,466 2 8

E. —6.

Table K10. —Showing Distribution by the Government of Secondary Education Reserves Revenue for the Year ended 31st December, 1924.

Table K11.—Lower Departments of Secondary Schools, 1924. —Average Attendance, Roll, Classification, and Staff.


Provincial District. Secondary Schools. Amount. ! Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland .. .. .. Whangarei High School .. .. .. 85 8 3 Auckland Boys' and Girls' Grammar Schools.. 667 13 3 Thames High School .. .. .. 56 4 11 Hamilton High School .. .. .. 109 7 4 Gisborne High School .. .. .. 122 18 1 Rotorua (trust account) .. .. .. 640 8 0 1,681 19 10 Taranaki .. .. .. New Plymouth High Schools .. .. 1,166 5 2 1,166 5 2 Wellington .. .. .. Wellington Colleges .. .. .. 1,690 19 10 Palmerston North High Schools .. .. 548 5 8 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. .. 266 1 1 Wairarapa .. .. .. .. 262 18 10 2,768 5 5 Hawke's Bay.. .. .. Napier High Schools .. . . .. 1,513 2 8 Dannevirke High School .. .. .. 444 7 5 1,957 10 1 Nelson .. .. .. Nelson Colleges .. .. .. .. 390 14 3 390 14 3 Marlborough .. .. .. Marlborough High School .. .. .. 89 11 8 89 11 8 Westland .. .. .. .. 430 19 4 430 19 4 Otago .. .. .. Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools .. 471 8 5 Waitaki High Schools .. .. .. 195 10 3 Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools .. 143 6 2 Gore High School .. .. .. 182 4 4 992 9 2 Total .... .. .. £9,477 14 11

x> „ Classification according to Standards. 2 a Roll ° S 2" -Sjtj Number, og a . . 1924, Class P. SI. S2. S3. S4. S5. S6. Totals. £*§« School. ° Q) <£ - ! is » • I - I s I 3 B. ; G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. ' B. G. ■§ M. F. <1 m b | h New Plymouth Boys' High .. 66-2 75 5 .. 6 1 .. 7 .. 17 .. 17 .. 23 .. 75 .. 75 1 2 New Plymouth Girls'High .. 31-9, .. 37 .. 6 .. 5 .. 10 .. 16 .. 37 37 .. 2 Wanganui Girls'College .. 40-0 .. 43 4 10 .. 11 .. 18 .. 43 43 .. 2 Napier Boys'High .. .. 22-1! .. 24 .. .. 1 .. 1 .. 4 .. 6 .. 1 .. 11 .. 24 .. 24 1 .. Napier Girls'High .. .. 58-0 .. 64 .. 4 .. 3 .. 8 .. 6 .. 11 .. 11 .. 22 .. 65 65 .. 2 Gisborne High .. .. 13-G 8 6 3 3 5 3 8 6 14 1.. Kelson College .. .. 37-7 43 5 .. 9 .. 7 .. 22 .. 43 .. 43 1 1 Nelson Girls'College .. 61-1 .. 71 8 .. 7 .. 18 .. 15 .. 23 .. 71 71 .. 2 Christchurch Girls' High .. 15-0 ..17 3 .. 7 .. 7 .. 17 17 .. 1 Timaru Boys'High ... 60-7 64 .. 6 .. 5; .. 9 .. 12 .. 11 .. 9 .. 12 .. 64 .. 64 .. 3 Waitaki Boys' High.. .. 22-5 26 ij .. . ,| .. 4 .. 3 .. 10 .. 8 .. 26 .. 26 1 .. Totals .. .. 428-8|216 262 6 4 12! 3 16 ! 20 32 19 46 47 47 57 81 89 240 239 479 5 15 . I I ;


DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS. Table L1.—School Attendance at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1924.

Table L2. —Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1924.


•H Roll Wnmhpr nnrt a™. at •iicf Dpppmhpr Mean of Average Weekly Mean of Average AttendJioll JNumber and Ages at 31st December. Eoll of Four Quarters. ance of Four Quarters. O O Education District. o i 1° Under 10-1,1 1lt ik ik i« Over I® Total. ! Years Y ™ s < 3Ws TotaI - B °y s - Girls - Total " I I' ' | | L Auckland .. 25 963 19 97 264 304 279 534 560 1,094 491 508 999 Wanganui .. 6 150 .. 15 48 50 37 88 93 181 80 86 166 Hawke's Bav .. 5 207 16 59 67 65 126 110 236 118 102 220 Wellington .. 10 392 7 60 135 116 74 205 235 440 193 218 411 Nelson.. 3 115 3 6 33 34 39 60 62 122 56 56 112 Canterbury .. 13 651 1 59 187 206 198 349 395 744 322 360 682 Otago .. .. 9 361 1 32 103 90 135 183 212 395 175 198 373 Southland ..2 61 2 11 21 15 12 24 37 61 22 35 57 Totals for 1924 73 2,900 33 296 850 882 839 1,569 1,704 3,273 1,457 1,563 3,020 Totals for 1923 68 2,818 35 320 822 j 900 741 1,521 1,607 3,128 j 1,396 1,462 2,858 Difference .. 5 82 — 2 - 24 1 28 ; - 18 98 48 97 145 61 101 i 162 I I . I

I I Number of Pupils taking Percentage of Whole Subjects. Number. Subject. Boys. | Girls. Boys. Girls. English and arithmetic .. .. .. .. 1,417 1,560 100-0 100-0 Geography, history, and civics .. .. .. .. 1,417 1,560 100*0 100-0 Latin .. .. .. .. .. .. 216 200 15-2 12-8 French .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,101 1,231 77-7 78-9 Mathematics .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,321 1,392 92-9 89-2 Chemistry and physics.. .. .. .. .. 934 762 66-0 48-8 Botany .. .. .. .. .. .. 185 158 13-1 10-1 Agricultural science .. .. .. .. .. 963 375 68-0 24-0 Dairy-work .. .. .. .. .. .. 404 295 28-5 18-1 Hygiene .. .. .. .. .. 8 249 0-1 16-0 Domestic science .. .. .. .. .. .. 473 .. 30-3 Needlework and cookery .. .. .. .. .. 836 .. 53-1 Woodwork and metalwork .. .. .. .. 806 .. 56-8 Book-keeping and commercial work .. .. .. 220 283 15-5 18-1 Shorthand and typewriting .. .. .. .. 73 213 5-1 11-1 Drawing .. .. .. .. .. 73 91 5-1 8-8 Total number of pupils .. .. .. 1,417 1,560 100-0 100-0



Table L3.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1924.

3 —E, 6,

Note. —In the column for " Position on Staff," (5), " H " means Head of a School, " D " Assistant in the Secondary Department, and " R " Relieving Assistant. In the case of the head teacher the addition to salary on account of the charge of the secondary department only is shown. Two normal schools, although not district high schools, have secondary departments in accordance with the regulations for training colleges. Avera S e i Classifies Position °' School. Attend. Name of Teacher. C ™> on Ano ®Sa°t B nd ance, iv&'i. ouaii. Year W_ (2) (3) i (4) _ (5) (C) , Auckland— £ s. d. Aratapu .. .. .. 43 Blakey, Frank E. .. .. B H. 45 0 0 Smith, William G. ,8. .. . . A I). 395 0 0 Fniker, Kenneth H. .. .. .. D. 228 0 0 Cambridge .. .. 37 Jones, Griffith R. .. C H. 60 0 0 Meredith, Charles .. .. 0 D. 405 0 0 de Lambert, Ethel G. .. .. C D. 295 0 0 Coromandel .. .. 17 Robertshaw, Allan K, .. B H. 30 0 0 Bell, Eric W. .. .. C D. 240 0 0 Dargaville.. .. .. 27 Davidson, George A .. .. D H. 45 0 0 Callaway, Ronald P. .. .. C I ). 360 0 0 Helensville .. .. 22 Hill, Arthur J. .. .. .. C H. 45 0 0 Raines, Victor R. .. .. B D. 300 0 0 Huntly .. .. .. 18 Edgerley, William W. .. C H. 30 0 0 Peglar, Elizabeth E. F. .. .. .. I). 235 0 0 Matamata.. .. .. 45 Moore-Jones, Herbert J. .. .. D H. 60 0 0 Cross, Alexander J. M. .. C D. 350 0 0 Hill, William H. .. . . .. Lie. D. 315 0 0 Morrinsville .. .. 21 Campbell, Donald R. F. .. I C H. 45 0 0 O'Connor, Cornelius F. .. j B D. 310 0 0 Ngatea .. .. .. 11 Crabbe, Norman J. . . .. | B H. 30 0 0 Henderson, Daphne O. . . B D. 245 0 0 Opotiki .. . . .. 36 Burton, Percy R... .. .. C H. 60 0 0 Gaulton, Harvey E. .. .. Lie. D. 300 0 0 Davis, Edna G. .. .. .. B D. 255 0 0 Otorohanga .. .. 28 Skinner, Percy F. .. ., C H. 60 0 0 Smith, Lincoln J. R. .. .. B D. 360 0 0 Patterson, Airini.. .. .. B D. 255 0 0 Paeroa .. .. .. 44 Taylor, George H. .. .. C H. 60 0 0 Wilks, Frank .. .. .. B D. 365 0 0 Sutton, Winifred E. .. B D. 305 0 0 Piopio .. .. .. 23 Webster, Robert S. .... C H. 45 0 0 McKenzie, James I. S. .. .. D D. 370 0 0 Rawene .. . . .. 26 Day, Frederick C. .. .. B H. 45 0 0 Donnelly, William E. .. .. B D. 325 0 0 Rotorua .. .. .. 66 Lewins, William .. .. .. B H. 60 0 0 McHardie, Winifred E. .. . . B D. 351) 0 0 Menzies, Isobel J. .. .. B D. 265 0 0 Smith, Ray V. .. .. .. B D. 335 0 0 Taumarunui .. .. 71 Lynskey, James H. .. .. B H. 60 0 0 Thomas, William (ii) .. .. A D. 310 0 0 Bell, Elizabeth V. .. .. B D. 255 0 0 Taylor, Hazel E. .. .. .. B D. 225 0 0 Tauranga .. .. .. 65 Walker, William R. 0. • • B H. 60 0 0 Gavey, Annie L, .. .. .. C D. 350 0 0 Blyth, Doris .. .. .. B D. 265 0 0 Barr, Samuel D. .. .. .. D D. 270 0 0 Te Aroha .. .. .. 34 Burton, Alfred F. .. .. C H. 30 0 0 Adams, Cecil E. .. .. . . B D. 260 0 0 Wright, Grace E. M. .. .. C D. 245 0 0 Te Awamutu .. .. 47 Roberts, John F... .. .. B H. 60 0 0 Lehndorf, Chloe R. .. .. B D. 320 0 0 Dorrington, Hector G. .. B R. 185 0 0 Te Kuiti .. .. .. 64 Carnachan, Robert .. .. C H. 70 0 0 White, Fergus G... .. .. B D. 335 0 0 Sibley, Henry 0. .. .. .. A D. 260 0 0 Bethell, Doris A. .. .. .. .. D. 183 0 0 Te Puke ,. .. .. 48 Bell, Alexander (ii) .. .. C H. 60 0 0 Audley, Ernest H. .. .. 0 D. 320 0 0 Fowler, Ella M. .. .. .. B D. 300 0 0 Waihi . . .. .. 123 Smith, William (iii) .. .. B H. 50 0 0 Sims, Charles F. .. .. .. B D. 410 0 0 Roberts, Margaret A. (Mrs.) .. B D. 310 0 0 Adams, Olga L. G. .. .. •• ,D. 213 0 0 Grigg, Ellen L. .. .. .. D D. 215 0 0 Waiuku .. .. .. 21 Harris, Richard J. .. .. C H. 45 0 0 Noble, Charles A. .. .. B D. 310 0 0 Warkworth .. .. 26 Green, Bertram M. .. .. C H. 30 0 0 Carroll, Kathleen A. .. .. B D. 245 0 0 Whakatane .. .. 42 Wilkinson, Henry F. .. .. B H. 60 0 0 Ward, Frances V. J. (Mrs.) .. A D. 320 0 0 1 Willocks, Ada M, R. ,, ., B D, 315 0 0



Table L3.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1924 —continued.

Avpraffp i PnalHnn ! Annual Rate of School. Attend- Name of Teacher. C,a^^f ca ' on AHowanrJfl^Fr.H ance, 1924. tlon - ! Staff. | ™ Yea r (1) I (2) (8) «) I (5) 1 (6) Wanganui— £ s. d. Bull's .. .. .. 12 Cron, William .. .. .. C H. 30 0 0 MatHew, Kathleen A. .. .. B IX 255 0 0 Hunterville .. .. 22 Ironmonger, Edwin L. .. I) H. 30 0 0 Lane, Leonora B... .. .. B D. 245 0 0 Marton .. .. .. 71 Wilson, Henry I... .. .. B H. 70 0 0 Hall, Percy H. .. .. 0 D, 405 0 0 Roy, Rubina A. .. .. .. A D. 275 0 0 Hackell, Charlotte M. .. .. B D. 215 0 0 Ohakune .. .. . . 14 Blyth, Thomas A. .. .. D H. 30 0 0 Couper, Ellen G. .. . . .. .. D. 220 0 0 Patea .. .. .. 14 Matthews, James .. .. C H. 30 0 0 Patterson, James McG. . . .. A D. 250 0 0 Taihape .. .. .. 33 Hird, William E... .. .. B H. 45 0 0 Yates, Otho H. E. .. .. A D. 360 0 0 Thorpe, Mary J. . . . . .. B D. 245 0 0 Hawke's Bay — Te Karaka .. . . 40 Hill, John H. . . . . B H. 50 0 0 Lockhart, Ronald G. .. .. A D. 310 0 0 Minnis, Hellen F... .. .. C D. 245 0 0 Waipawa .. .. .. 77 Cumming, Clyde A. ., .. B H. 50 0 0 Lockhart, John A. .. . . B I). 375 0 0 Penlington, Dorothy M. .. B R.D. 193 0 0 Wimsett, Arthur R. 0. .. C D. 260 0 0 Waipukurau .. ■. 31 Curd, Erank B. .. . . . . B H, 600 0 0 Chadwick, Isobel L. .. .. RD .. 193 0 0 Grace, Eleanor A. .. .. C D. 340 0 0 Wairoa .. .. .. 32 Robson, John T. .. .. .. C H. 60 0 0 i Hall, Walter James .. .. B D. 310 0 0 j Hind, Helen M. .. . . .. B I). 305 0 0 Woodville .. .. 42 Hewlett, Henry C. .. .. A H. 60 0 0 Oliver, Selina R. .. .. .. A D. 340 0 0 Merrick, Francis S. .. .. C D. 380 0 0 Wellington —■ Carterton .. .. .. 39 Edie, John K. . .. B H. 60 0 0 Colquhoun, Mary H. . . .. B L>. 340 0 0 Olson, Claude H... .. .. B D. 260 0 0 Eketahuna .. .. i 39 Stephens, Ethel I. (Relieving) .. I ) R. Mackle, Mary C. (Mrs.) .. .. B D. 320 0 0 Wilson, Constance M. .. .. B I). 265 0 0 Featherston .. .. j 32 Combs, Erank L... .. .. A H. 45 0 0 Brown, Alexandra M. .. B D. 350 0 0 Denham, Fanny R. (Mrs.).. .. B D. 325 0 0 Greytown .. .. .. j 24 Nightingale, Henry J. .. A H. 45 0 0 Mather, Winifred M. .. .. B D. 310 0 0 Hutt .. .. .. i 54 Tamblyn, Joseph.. .. .. B H. 70 0 0 Dickinson, William E. .. B D. 430 0 0 McKay, Sophia A. F. C. .. .. j 0 D. 325 0 0 Browne, Maude J. .. .. B D. 225 0 0 Levin .. .. .. 101 Foss, Reginald J. .. .. B H. 80 0 0 Marsh, John .. .. .. B D. 405 0 0 Armstrong, Beryl G. .. .. B D. 310 0 0 Milnes, Ruby 0. .. .. .. B D. 225 0 0 Aplin, Grace M. .. .. .. B D. 225 0 0 Martinborough .. .. 22 Lewis, Percy G. .. .. .. A H. 45 0 0 Dale, Margaret J. .. .. B D. 350 0 0 Pahiatua .. .. . . 52 Chatwin, George W. .. .. j C H. 30 0 0 Edmed, Mildred C. .. .. C D. 340 0 0 Junker, Dorothy F. E. .. B D. 325 0 0 Petone .. .. .. 67 Bedingfield, Douglas S. .. B H. 70 0 0 McLeod, David .. .. ..IB D. 405 0 0 Park, Jean G. .. .. C D. 325 0 0 Loftus, Mabel U... . . .. B D. 235 0 0 Williams, Kate .. .. .... D. 75 0 0 Featonby, Dorothy .. .. .. D. 75 0 0 Nelson — Motueka .. .. .. 56 Banner, Oscar A... .. .. C H. 60 0 0 Cutforth, Leslie R. .. .. C D. 360 0 0 Grigg, John R. .. .. .. C D. 240 0 0 Reefton .. .. .. 43 Werry, Alfred E... .. .. C H. 60 0 0 Hopkirk, Susan M. .. .. B D. 340 0 0 Saunders, Ada A. .. .. .. D. 255 0 0 Takaka Lower .. .. 15 Hiddleston, John F. C. .. C H 30 0 0 Eason, William J. E. .. .. B D. 240 0 0 Canterbury—• Akaroa ., ., ,. 25 j Hall, Charles .. .. C H. 30 0 0 ! Arnold, Clarence B. ,, ., | B D. 370 0 0



Table L3.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1924—continued.

Average Classiflca- Position AB Satervor °' School. Attend- Name of Teacher. tio" ™ AllowanceVt End ance, 1924. j Staff. | o( Year (J) 1 (2) . (3) I («) (6) I (6) Canterbury—continued. £ s. d. Christchurch West .. .. 235 Waller, Francis D. .. .. B H. 80 0 0 Allard, Charles W. .. .. B I). 485 0 0 May no, Arthur J. .. .. B D. 365 0 0 Thompson, Albert .. .. B D. 320 0 0 Finlayson, Annie C. .. .. A I). 350 0 0 Reese, Marion .. .. •. B 1). 320 0 0 Marriott, Gladys E. .. .. B D. 310 0 0 Cuming, Samuel R. • • • • B D. 250 0 0 McKenzie, Gordon M. .. B D. 250 0 0 Tabraham, Minnie (Mrs.) .. .. .. R. 180 0 0 Fairlie .. •. .. 28 Wilson, James R. .. .. i B H. 45 0 0 Worden, Evangeline .. .. ! •. R.D. 185 0 0 Geraldine .. .. .. 59 Piper, Frank .. .. D H. 60 0 0 Farnie, Dorothy C. .. .. | B I). 350 0 0 Faraie, Winifred C. .. .. ■ A D. 285 0 0 llokitika .. .. .. 67 Irvine, Thomas .. .. .. ! A H. 70 0 0 Niven, James .. .. .. I A D. 380 0 0 Mayne, Helga M... .. .. C D. 295 0 0 Aitken, Isobel M. .. .. B D. 215 0 0 Kaikoura Town .. .. 13 Warner, Frederick S. H. .. .. C H. 30 0 0 Holmes, Catherine 0. .. .. .. IX 223 0 0 Lyttelton .. .. .. 20 Walker, Joseph W. A. .. C H. 60 0 0 Moyle, Mary A. .. .. ■. B D. 340 0 0 Gunn, Hellen C. W. .. .. B R.D. 293 0 0 Normal .. .. ■. 44 Aschman, Christopher T. .. .. C H. Barrell, Arthur F. .. .. A N.I). 445 0 0 Osborn, Mabel E. .. .. B N.D. 350 0 0 Oxford East .. .. 7 Denne, Archibald H. .. .. C H. 30 0 0 Somerset, Hugh C. D. .. .. ■. D. 240 0 0 Pleasant Point .. .. 27 Wilkins, Thomas J. C. .. .. B H. 45 0 0 Kelly, Daniel T. .. .. .. B D. 300 0 0 Southbridge .. .. 28 Eggleton, William C. .. .. D A. 45 0 0 Kirby, Harold A. S. M. .. .. B D. 310 0 0 Temuka .. .. .. 32 Malcolm, Robert A. .. .. B H. 60 0 0 Cartwright, William J. .. B D. 340 0 0 Mansell, Joan .. .. .. C D. 265 0 0 Waimate •. •. • • 91 Pegler, Leonard F. .. .. B H. 70 0 0 Laing, Thomas M. M. .. .. B D. 393 0 0 Olliver, Margaret F. L. .. A D. 350 0 0 Borrie, Margaret A. .. .. B D. 285 0 0 Otago— Alexandra.. .. •. ! 50 Mechaelis, William R. .. B H. 60 0 0 Holmes, Mary .. •. •. B D. 330 0 0 Stokes, Gertrude M. E. .. B D. 290 0 0 Balclutha .. .. .. 105 Hunter, Robert R. .. .. B H. 70 0 0 Paterson, Janet .. .. ■. B D. 375 0 0 Hill, Clement A. .. .. .. B D. 300 0 0 Somerville, Airini I. .. .. A D. 225 0 0 Sutherland, Isabel D. .. .. B D. 215 0 0 Normal .. .. .. 48 Moir, John H. .. .. B H. Woods, Alexander J. .. .. ND A. 420 0 0 Kenyon, Helen M. .. .. ND B. 350 0 0 Goldsmith, Alice E. .. .. ND D. 270 0 0 Owaka .. .. .. 15 Stevens, Herbert M. .. .. B H. 30 0 0 Macgregor, George A. .. B D. 240 0 0 Palmerston .. .. 42 Rodger, William .... .. B H. 60 0 0 Matheson, Norman McD. .. .. B D. 395 0 0 Searle, Irena E. .. .. .. B D. 255 0 0 Port Chalmers .. .. 28 Booth, George F... .. .. B H. 45 0 0 Sinclair, Agnes .. •. •. C D. 350 0 0 Tapanui .. .. .. 19 Burns, William G. .. • ■ 0 H. 45 0 0 Buehan, James W. A. .. A D. 325 0 0 Tokomairiro .. .. 43 Menzies, George G. .. .. B H. 60 0 0 Yardley, Mary H. .. .. A D. 310 0 0 Robertson, Mary I. M. A. .. .. C D. 265 0 0 Southland —■ % Riverton .. .. •. 46 Wilson, Robert N. .. .. C II. 60 0 0 Leete, Herbert T. .. .. B D. 310 0 0 Templeton, Mary F. .. .. C D. 265 0 0 Wvndham.. 21 Golding, Jabez .. .. .. D H. 45 0 0 Roberts, Charlotte E. .. .. B D. 300 0 0



3. STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS OF GOVERNING BODIES OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS, WHANG AH HI HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. Gkxkk.u, Statement of Accounts foe the Yeas, ended 31st December, i924> Receipts. Payments, £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account Endowments Income Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 114 18 11 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 12 10 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 6 8 8 Board .. .. .. .. 305 13 6 Ranger .. .. .. ~ 5 0 0 Revenue from secondary-education reserves 133 16 5 Insurance .. .. .. .. 11 11 10 Rates .. .. .. .. 51 0 6 Transfer to General Account for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 317 0 9 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 150 17 1 £554 8 10 £554 8 10 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 75 10 0 Interest on loans for school-site .. 75 10 0 £75 10 0 £75 10 0 Hostels Account Hostels Account :— Boarding fees .. .. .. 2,529 15 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 119 16 8 Sports subscriptions .. .. .. 30 9 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 62 5 11 Discounts .. .. .. .. 1 13 9 Provisions .. .. .. .. 1,228 12 3 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 158 17 6 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 179 0 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 542 1 5 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. . . 221 11 5 Repairs to buildings, and grounds .. 220 5 2 Insurance, rates, and water-supply .. 20 9 10 Printing and advertising .. . . 50 14 10 Refund of boarding fees .. ... 100 Refund of sports fees .. .. 31 10 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. 18 14 10 Laundry .. .. .. .. 24 12 11 £2,720 15 3 £2,720 15 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— | count : — Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 2,232 2 9 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 4,485 19 8 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 678 17 1 teachers .. .. .. .. 4,373 17 11 Material for manual and science instruction 151 18 1 Government payment for incidental ex- Scholarships and bursaries . . .. 25 0 0 penses .. .. .. .. 770 0 0 Interest on overdraft incurred on this Government capitation for manual and account .. .. .. . . 5 6 6 science instruction .. .. .. 66 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 25 2 9 School fees .. .. .. .. 132 0 0 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 48 16 6 Kerr Scholarship .. .. .. 25 0 0 Road outlet to school .. . . 9 0 0 Sale of material .. .. .. 1 10 0 Fencing, clearing, draining, &c. .. 189 11 6 Contribution, school prizes and badges .. 6 11 0 Refund of school fees .. .. 4 0 0 Transfer from Endowment Income Ac- Interest on loan .. .. .. 44 10 0 count .. .. .. .. 317 0 9 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 247 0 4 £5,915 2 5 £5,915 2 5 Statement of Amounts clue to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Hostels Account—Sundry creditors .. 50 14 2 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 52 6 8 Secondary General Account —Sundry crcdi- Hostels Account—Boarding fees .. .. 72 0 0 tors .. .. .. .. 5 410 Secondary General Account —Capitation, Bank overdraft —Unpresented cheques .. 31 11 6 manual and science classes .. .. 66 011 Other liabilities— Cash on hand .. .. .. .. 22 19 8 Public Trustee .. .. ..2,000 0 0 Road outlet .. .. .. 150 0 0 £2,237 10 6 £213 7 3



AUCKLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account :— Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 37110 0 Board —Rents .. .. .. 10,093 14 9 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 143 1 2 Revenue from secondary-education re- Repairs .. .. .. .. 678 19 9 serves .. .. .. .. 1,081 14 7 Insurance .. .. .. .. 134 16 5 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Rates .. .. .. .. 073 15 10 ments .. . . .. .. 521 15 10 Legal expenses .. .. .. 79 13 4 Transferred from Buildings and Sites Valuation, &c. .. .. .. 129 9 8 Capital Account .. .. 3,000 0 0 Transfers to other accounts — General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 827 14 0 General Account, for salaries .. 3,747 0 1 New Buildings Account .. .. 1,613 9 3 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 6,297 15 8 £14,697 5 2 £14,697 5 2 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 7,633 15 0 Investment of moneys .. .. 4,935 0 0 Compensation for leases .. .. 1,424 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 9,057 15 0 Loan-moneys repaid.. .. .. 4,935 0 0 £13,992 15 0 £13,992 15 0 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 3,085 6 0 New buildings, grounds, furniture, apGovernment grants for new buildings, &c. paratus, &c. (Mount Albert, £1,345 —Mount Albert School .. .. 400 0 0 7s. Id. ; Mount Eden, £738 16s. 4d. ; Government subsidies on voluntary con- Epsom, £260 4s. 4d. ; Howe Street, tributions .. .. .. 254 2 6 £46 14s. lOd.) .. .. .. 2,391 2 7 Voluntary contributions for new build- Transfer of amount transferred in error, ings .. .. .. .. 475 2 9 1923 .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Transfer from New Buildings Account.. 1,613 9 3 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 436 17 11 £5,828 0 6 £5,828 0 6 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : —- Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 31,427 15 2 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 6,111 9 6 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 5,392 100 Government payment for salaries of Government capitation for manual and teachers .. .. .. .. 29,808 13 11 science instruction .. .. 1,045 11 3 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 5,082 9 6 School fees .. .. .. 1,034 10 0 Material for manual and science instruc- . War bursaries .. .. .. 15 19 1 tion .. .. .. .. 536 14 3 Transfer from Endowments Income Ae- Maintenance of buildings .. .. 567 15 5 count .. .. .. .. 4,574 14 1 Insurance .. .. .. .. 259 18 7 Unauthorized expenditure .. .. 213 6 War bursaries .. .. .. 15 19 1 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,105 5 10 £43,490 19 7 £43,490 19 7 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 257 18 11 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 378 9 2 Contractors' deposits .. .. .. 75 0 0 Secondary General Account — War bursaries .. .. .. 3 15 0 Salaries due from Department .. 183 1 11 War bursaries .. .. .. 3 15 0 Investments .. .. .. ..11, 569 10 0 Deposits .. .. .. .. 3,600 10 0 Balance, current account .. 1,802 14 5 £336 13 11 £17,538 0 6

E. —6


THAMES HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts tor the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account :— Current income from reserves vested in Board 649 9 9 Proportion of office salaries .. 80 0 0 Revenue from secondary-education reserves 57 5 1 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 24 17 4 Gold fields revenue .. .. 30 1 9 Improvements to property, survey. &c. .. 158 6 7 Auckland education endowment .. 33 3 9 Transfer, New .Building Account .. .. 622 15 1 Royalty on metal .. .. .. 183 16 9 Transfer to General Account, for repairs .. 100 8 1 Thames Rent Account .. .. .. 32 10 0 £986 7 1 £986 7 1 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 192 16 6 Grounds improvement . . 13 12 0 Government grant for desks .. .. 105 0 0 Interest, power-station property purchase.. 150 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account 622 15 1 Purchase of desks .. .. .. 108 11 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 19 0 3 Principal of loans repaid . . . . 460 14 8 Interest on loans for buildings .. . . 206 14 2 £939 11 10 £939 II 10 Adams Memorial Trust Account :— Adams Memorial Trust Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 64 7 9 Payments —Prizes . . .. .. 310 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 2211 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 53 0 8 £56 10 8 £56 10 8 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 243 18 2 teachers .. .. .. .. 3,329 16 8 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,262 1 7 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 446 I 7 penses .. .. .. .. 647 10 0 Maintenance (including material) of Government capitation for manual and classes for manual instruction .. 13 5 9 science instruction .. . . 45 15 6 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 75 8 7 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 45 0 0 Insurance, fire and accident .. .. 24 19 6 School fees .. .. .. 122 10 0 Purchase of piano, Voluntary ContribuVoluntary contributions for general pur- tions Account .. .. .. 90 8 0 poses .. .. .. .. 210 0 Drill instructor .. .. .. 915 0 • Transfer from Endowments Income Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 127 12 1 Account—Repairs .. . . 100 8 1 £4,293 10 3 £4,293 10 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amomits due to Board. £ s. d. Sites, Borough Council .. .. 2,000 0 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 1,194 9 5 Principal of loans, Government Insurance 3,643 8 8 Drainage contributions .. .. 47 0 0 Secondary General Account —Incidentals 60 16 2 Secondary General Account— Adams Memorial Trust Account .. 53 0 8 Fees .. .. .. .. 18 0 0 Salaries due from Department .. 7 14 8 Incidentals .. .. .. 19 5 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 53 0 8 Balance current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 108 11 10 £5,757 5 6 £1,448 1 7



HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement op Accounts for the Year ended -31st December, 1924. Receipts. \ Payments. £j s. d. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :—■ Endowments Income Account :— Current income from reserves vested in Miscellaneous rates and insurance .. 7 13 10 Board .. .. .. .. 78 0 0 Insurance on buildings, &c. .. .. 45 0 8 Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfer to General Account .. .. 206 0 1 serves .. .. .. .. 181 0 7 £259 0 7 £259 0 7 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :—■ Buildings and Sites Capital Account :—- Improvements, Hamilton East site .. 200 0 0 Clearing Hamilton East site .. .. 222 1 3 Desks, science apparatus .. .. 176 0 0 Desks .. .. .. .. 126 0 0 Transfer from General Account .. 22 1 3 Science apparatus .. .. .. 50 0 0 £398 1 3 £398 1 3 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 62 12 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 46 5 4 Boarding fees .. .. .. 976 9 0 Provisions .. .. . . .. 272 5 5 Refunds .. .. .. .. 10 19 0 Euel, light, &c. .. .. .. 36 7 4 Government grant for rent .. .. 247 0 0 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 119 0 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 197 17 6 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 22 19 1 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 19 13 7 Sundry expenses .. .. .. 19 5 9 Rent .. .. .. .. 234 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 329 6 0 £1,297 0 0 £1,297 0 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :—• count :—- Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 470 12 11 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,941 11 2 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 888 16 2 teachers .. .. .. .. 5,730 9 6 War bursaries .. .. .. 12 10 0 Government payment for incidental ex- Maintenance of buildings .. .. 258 16 8 penses .. .. .. .. 1,035 16 8 Library, &c. .. .. .. 185 910 Government capitation for classes for Transfer to Buildings and Sites Account 22 1 3 manual instruction .. .. 123 0 5 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 690 9 2 Government grant for maintenance of buildings.. .. .. .. 90 2 1 Subsidy on voluntary contributions .. 48 16 9 Voluntary contributions for general purposes .. .. .. 48 16 9 School fees .. .. .. 174 10 10 Prize Fund, donation, art classes .. 43 0 0 War bursaries .. ~ .. 7 10 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 20 18 3 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 206 0 1 £7,999 14 3 £7,999 14 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts\due to Board. £ s. d. Hostels Account —■ Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 41 0 3 Painting and repairs contract .. 247 0 0 Buildings andJSites Account— Sundry Accounts .. .. .. 31. 18 1 Playing-fields drainage .. .. 25 0 0 Secondary General Account—Sundries .. 42 4 4 Hamilton East section .. .. 27 1 3 Trust Accounts —-Donations unexpended 43 0 0 Hostels Account —Boarding fees .. 62 0 0 Library Fund .. .. .. 39 10 0 Secondary General Account —• Pees .. .. .. .. 46 1 0 Salaries, &e. .. .. .. 135 5 10 War bursaries .. .. .. 5 0 0 Cash sent to 'London for casts .. .. 32 14 7 £403 12 5 £374 2 11



NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments, £ s. d. * £ s. d. Endowments Income Aooount :— Endowments Income Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 82 6 4 Proportion of office salaries . . . . 50 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Law expenses . . . . . . 1116 Board .. .. .. .. 1,143 14 11 Transfers to — Revenue from secondary-education re- New Building Account .. 1,681 9 2 serves .. .. .. .. 1,232 13 2 General Account— Repairs to building .. .. 253 11 3 Salaries, &c. .. .. .. 32 113 Rates and taxes .. . . 144 14 10 Hostel Account, for alterations to spouting .. . . .. 65 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 229 16 5 £2,458 14 5 £2,458 14 5 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grants— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 653 17 3 Repairs, &c. .. .. .. 756 14 3 New buildings, additions, furniture, apHeating, &c. .. .. .. 112 12 0 paratus, &c. — Transfers from Endowments Income Gully improvement .. .. 154 17 5 Account— Shelter, Strandon .. . . 113 1 9 School furniture .. .. .. 190 9 2 School furniture . . .. . . 190 9 2 Interest and principal .. .. 1,491 0 0 Music-room .. .. .. 132 10 9 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 627 5 2 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 811 10 0 Interest on loans for buildings .. 679 10 0 Transfer to Hostel Account—Repairs . . 442 4 3 £3,178 0 7 £3,178 0 7 Lowek Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 158 1 3 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 1,020 0 0 School fees .. .. 1,147 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. . . 246 1 7 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 66 5 5 Maintenance of buildings .. . . 10 9 Transfer to New Building Account .. 104 4 4 £1,371 6 8 £1,371 6 8 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 790 0 9 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 133 11 5 Boarding fees .. .. .. 11,351 8 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 4,027 13 7 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 3,263 0 0 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 699 3 9 Sales, farm stock . . . . .. 34 4 0 Salaries of teachers for supervision . . 591 1 9 Refunds, stationery, &c. .. .. 156 0 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 2 ,442 14 9 Transfer from Endowment Income Ac- Furniture, utensils, &c. .. . . 777 13 1 count —Repairs .. .. .. 65 0 0 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 681 2 10 Transfer from Building and Sites Capital Insurance, rates, interest, &c... .. 535 19 6 Account .. .. .. .. 442 4 3 Advances to boarders, and refunds . . 3,080 3 9 Farm expenditure .. .. . . 542 14 10 Printing, &c. . . .. . . 279 3 5 Sports and refunds . . . . . . 21 16 10 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 2,288 17 6 £16,101 17 0 £16,101 17 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 164 16 10 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,579 2 4 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,209 18 2 teachers .. .. .. 8,045 19 10 Material for classes for manual and Government payment for incidental science instruction .. .. 90 9 1 expenses .. .. 1,360 0 0 Refund tuition fees .. . . . . 12 5 0 Government capitation for manual and Maintenance of buildings . . .. 265 7 9 science instruction .. .. 95 6 5 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 144 14 10 Subsidy on voluntary contributions .. 15 0 0 Interest on overdraft .. .. 2 10 School fees . . .. .. 575 15 0 Girls' library . . .. .. 30 0 0 Donations —Prizes .. .. .. 22 16 0 Prizes, contractor's deposit, &c. .. 118 17 10 Contractors'deposits .. .. 2 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 334 13 8 Fire claim .. .. .. .. 11 16 6 Examination fees .. .. .. 63 1 9 Transfers from Endowments Income Account—• Salaries . . .. .. .. 32 11 3 Rents, rates, and repairs .. .. 398 6 1 £10,787 9 8 £10,787 9 8



NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD—continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st. December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Rents paid in advance .. .. 83 5 2 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 153 9 2 Principal of loans .. .. ..11.477 5 6 Lower-department fees .. .. 29 0 0 Interest on loans .. .. .. 278 10 0 Hostels Account —■ Lower Department Account .. .. 66 5 5 Boarding fees .. .. .. 129 1 0 Hostels Account — Advances to boarders .. .. 499 17 10 Advances .. .. .. .. 101911 Secondary Genera] AccountBoys' boarding .. .. .. 261 8 11 Fees .. .. .. .. 7 13 0 Girls'boarding .. .. .. 81 14 11 Salaries due from Department .. 54,18 9 Secondary Department Account— Trust Accounts .. .. .. 75 0 0 Sundry accounts —Boys' .. .. 118 19 4 Balance, current account .. .. 2,077 15 5 Sundry accounts—Girls' .. .. 2 16 11 Bequests .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 Other liabilities — Sundry farm accounts .. .. 3 17 2 Contractors' deposits .. .. 10 0 0 Strandon shelters .. .. .. 93 1 9 £12,563 5 0 £3,026 15 2 WANGANUI COLLEGIATE SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement op Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :—- Endowments Income Account :— Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 200 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 4,570 111 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 78 7 3 Mr. Eric Riddiford—-to endow scholarship 1,000 0 0 Miscellaneous expenditure on endowments 192 19 7 School-farm .. .. .. 17 15 9 Rates, interest, and insurance •• 1,231 7 0 Temporary loans .. .. .. 1,849 2 6 Installation electric lighting .. 213 5 6 Provident Fund deposit .. .. 665 12 9 Provident Fund .. .. . . 224 5 2 Sundries .. .. .. .. 12 510 Repayment sundry school funds .. 192 9 4 Sundries .. .. .. .. 338 14 7 Purchase tenant's interest in Section Ib, London Street .. .. .. 650 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 4,793 10 4 £8,114 18 9 £8,114 18 9 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 15,666 11 9 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 400 0 0 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 3,697 9 0 Provisions .. .. .. 4,396 14 4 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 749 12 4 Salaries of teachers, for supervision .. 906 0 0 Salary of Medical Officer .. .. 139 0 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 3,710 15 4 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. ■. 679 19 2 Repairs to buildings .. . . 400 0 0 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 3,500 0 0 Advances to boarders .. .. 3,899 15 6 Balance, 31st December, 1923 . . 582 4 1 £19,364 0 9 £19,364 0 9 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count : — School fees .. .. .. 3,445 0 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,674 6 10 Refunds from pupils, &c. .. .. 800 4 7 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,603 16 11 Scholarship and prize funds .. .. 330 14 7 Material for classes for manual and Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 6,805 1 6 science instruction .. .. 43 17 6 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 255 0 0 Books, &c., for sale to pupils .. .. 800 4 7 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 158 14 10 Rates, interest, and insurance • • 1,500 0 0 Purchase of pianos .. .. .. 345 0 0 £11,381 0 8 £11,381 0 8 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Principal of loans—Mortgages .. .. 87,350 0 0 Endowments Income Account —-Rent .. 759 18 7 Interest on loans —Interest accrued .. 1,461 12 8 Accounts outstanding .. .. .. 2,088 11 1 Hostels Account — Hostels Account — Household accounts .. .. 408 6 8 Advances to boarders paid but not charged 1,285 9 1 Sundries .. .. .. . . 50 0 0 Steward's stores in hand .. .. 306 17 0 Provident Fund .. .. .. 2,812 3 1 Secondary General Account — Scholarship funds .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Estate buildings .. .. .. 4,100 0 0 Sundry school funds.. .. .. 620 2 5 Sundries .. .. .. 336 12 0 Sundry creditors .. .. . . 156 6 3 School-farm .. .. .. 750 0 0 Temporary loans .. .. .. 4,598 16 4 Tayforth land .. .. .. 2,093 15 8 Overdraft at bank, plus unpresented cheques 10,059 12 7 Cash on hand .. .. .. 29 12 1 £109,517 0 0 £11,750 15 6 —| 1 ~

4 —E. 6.



WANGANUI GIRLS' COLLEGE BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Yeae ended 31st Decembee, 1924. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account :—- Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 244 3 3 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 25 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 15 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 1,067 16 6 Transfers to— Revenue from secondary-education re- New Building Account .. .. 394 13 3 serves .. .. .. .. 269 2 8 General Account—Eor repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 188 611 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 958 2 3 £1,581 2 5 £1,581 2 5 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 777 7 0 New buildings, additions, and furniture 4,370 18 10 Government grant for alterations and New site improvements .. .. 11l 3 11 additions .. .. .. 2,750 0 0 New furniture— Interest (Alexander bequest) .. .. 60 0 0 Sewing-machines .. .. .. 33 0 0 Rent (new site) .. .. .. 5 0 0 Maps and table .. .. .. 815 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Interest on loans for new site .. .. 250 14 4 count .. .. .. .. 394 13 3 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 86 8 2 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 4 0 0 Hostel Account .. .. .. 870 0 0 £4,861 0 3 £4,861 0 3 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— . Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 308 6 11 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 409 3 4 School fees .. .. .. 538 11 8 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 111162 Stationery fees .. .. .. 30 15 0 Rates, insurance, refunds, &c. .. 2 10 0 Transfer from Secondary Department— Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 375 12 10 General Account .. .. .. 21 8 9 £899 2 4 £899 2 4 Hostels Account —- Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 5,372 17 3 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 140 8 10 Boarding fees .. .. .. 5,612 19 6 Provisions .. .. .. .. 2,490 4 0 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,764 3 10 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 621 15 6 Insurance of boarders'effects.. .. 12 12 6 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 1,247 13 2 Books, &c., sold .. . . .. 95 16 11 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 528 3 7 Sundries .. .. .. .. 17 910 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 191 7 3 Donations towards prizes .. .. 14 11 7 Insurance, rates, interest, &c. .. 32 17 7 Interest on Post Office Savings-bank Advances to boarders .. .. 1,813 3 3 deposit .. .. .. .. 70 4 1 Books, &c. . . .. .. 113 19 2 Other expenses .. .. .. 130 0 0 Wanganui East garden and expenses .. 161 14 4 Prizes .. .. .. .. 34 10 1 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 93 3 9 Transfer to new buildings and sites .. 870 0 0 Secondary Department General Account 2,350 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 2,141 15 0 £12,960 15 6 £12,960 15 6 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count : — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 3,017 10 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 3,486 2 5 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,370 3 6 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 725 10 5 penses .. .. .. .. 671 5 0 Maintenance classes for manual instrucCovernment capitation for manual and tion .. .. .. .. 151 18 9 science instruction .. .. 77 3 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 148 11 6 School fees .. .. .. 175 15 0 Rates and insurance.. .. .. 39 15 5 Refunds from pupils.. .. .. 2,034 0 7 Music department .. .. .. 1,308 6 9 Miscellaneous sundry sales and refunds.. 24 0 10 Part-time teachers .. .. .. 245 17 10 Interest. (Alexander bequest, part) .. 30 0 0 Pew rents, &c. .. .. .. 238 12 6 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Prizes .. .. .. .. 18 0 0 count— Miscellaneous .. .. .. 48 12 1 For repairs to buildings .. .. 188 611 Hostels Account .. . . .. 2,350 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 276 5 4 £9,312 19 1 £9,312 19 1 Contractors' Deposit Account :— Contractors' Deposit Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 127 0 0 Refunds contractors' deposits .. 127 0 0 £127 0 0 £127 0 0

E.— 6


WANGANUI GIRLS' COLLEGE BOARD—continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ a. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. (!• Sites unpaid purchase-money—Balance due Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 39 3 2 on new site .. .. .. 3,856 If) 7 Rents (reserves vested in Board) .. 266 19 0 Interest on loans .. .. .. 82 8 6 Buildings and Sites Account — Hostels Account— Alterations and additions .. .. 28110 Advances by parents .. .. 23 5 2 Interest accrued and not paid .. 25 0 0 Sundry accounts unpaid .. .. 312 6 6 Advanced on mortgage .. .. 1,000 0 0 Secondary General Account— Subsidy due .. .. .. 500 0 0 Due to Department—lncidentals .. 210 0 Lower Department Account — Refund fee .. .. .. 0 2 6 Fees .. .. .. .. 14 9 3 Sundry accounts unpaid .. .. 46 18 2 Stationery fees .. .. .. 15 0 Overdraft at bank .. .. .. 13 4 1 Hostels Account — Boarding fees .. .. .. 32 6 2 Advances to boarders .. .. 282 1 6 Sundry refunds .. .. .. 1 15 6 Secondary General Account— Fees .. .. .. .. 110 Salaries due from Department .. 2 115 Manual classes capitation .. .. 80 19 0 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 38 9 2 Swimming-baths—Rent due .. .. 1 12 6 Interest accrued and not paid .. 12 10 0 Advanced on mortgage in anticipation of subsidy .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Deposit, Post Office Savings-bank .. 3,298 17 0 £4,337 14 6 £6,127 10 8 PALMERSTON NORTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement op Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924-. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :—• Endowments Income Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 11 7 9 Transfers to —- Revenue from secondary-education re- General Account, for repairs to buildserves (administered by Land Boards) 551 10 7 ings .. .. .. .. 171 8 2 General Account, for salaries .. 117 9 Hostels Account, for interest .. 138 0 0 New Building Account .. .. 22 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 220 2 5 £562 18 4 £562 18 4 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :—- Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Government grant for furniture .. 60 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 945 1 5 Transfer from Endowment Account .. 22 0 0 Buildings and furniture, Girls' High School 59 2 0 General Account .. .. .. 251 7 6 Buildings, Boys' High School .. .. 7 5 6 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 700 1 5 Fire-escapes, hostel .. .. .. 22 0 0 £1,033 8 11 £1,033 8 11 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account : —- Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 294 18 1 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 892 18 0 Boarding fees .. .. .. 1,893 0 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 224 15 9 Refund of advances to boarders .. 341 10 11 Wages of Matron and stafE .. .. 656 6 1 Transfers on loan from Endowments In- Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 37 12 8 come Account .. .. •. 138 0 0 Insurance, rates, interest, &c. .. .. 59 8 9 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 0 8 0 Advances to boarders .. .. 327 7 0 Interest on loans .. .. .. 170 3 9 Repayment of principal of loans .. 250 0 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 49 5 0 £2,667 17 0 £2,667 17 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account count : — Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 479 9 3 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 7,832 7 8 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,066 2 6 teachers .. .. .. .. 7,449 14 9 Maintenance (including material) of classes Government payment for incidental ex- for manual instruction .. .. 175 4 7 penses .. .. .. .. 1,317 10 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 6 0 0 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of buildings .. .. 133 2 4 manual instruction .. .. 134 0 4 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 38 510 Voluntary contributions for general Interest on overdraft incurred on this purposes .. .. .. •. 34 0 0 account .. .. .. .. I 18 6 School fees .. .. • ■ • ■ 360 10 0 Library books .. .. .. 13 2 3 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 32 3 5 Transfer to Buildings Account .. 251 7 6 Scholarships.. .. .. .. 11 6 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 483 18 6 Transfers from Endowments Account —• Maintenance and insurance .. .. 171 8 2 Salaries .. .. .. .. 117 9 £10,001 9 8 £10,001 9 8

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PALMERSTON NORTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD—continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ g. d. Hostel-site .. .. .. .. 2,300 0 0 Buildings and Sites Account —Memorial Principal of loans—Hostel furnishing .. 700 0 0 library .. .. .. .. 22 2 6 Hostels Account—Sundry creditors .. 64 210 Hostels Account— Secondary General Account —Sundry credi- Boarding fees .. .. .. 201 11 6 tors .. .. .. .. 83 12 1 Advances to boarders.. .. .. 132 16 9 Technical Account —Sundry creditors .. 106 14 1 Secondary General Account —- Fees .. .. .. .. 51 10 0 Salaries due from Department .. 42 11 11 Reserves revenue, December quarter .. 80 ] 5 4 Subsidy, voluntary contributions .. 33 0 0 Manual capitation .. .. .. 149 4 7 Trust Account— Balsillie Scholarship Fund .. .. 400 0 0 Manson Bequest .. .. .. 150 0 0 Technical Account — Student-teacher capitation .. .. 26 5 0 Material and equipment .. .. 182 1 9 Grant equipment .. .. .. 125 0 0 £3,254 9 0 £1,596 19 4 GISBORNE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement op Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. £ s - d. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account : — Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses 75 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 3,390 12 2 Legal charges .. .. .. 18 15 6 Revenue from secondary - education re- Transfer to — serves .. .. .. .. 122 7 4 General Account— For repairs to buildings .. .. 390 8 8 For salaries .. .. .. 1,876 110 Buildings and Sites Account— Interest and instalments .. 920 11 6 Authorized works and new furniture 232 2 0 £3,512 19 6 £3,512 19 6 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— One-third cost Finn's section .. 333 6 8 Purchase of sites-section from Finn .. 1,000 0 0 Transfers from Endowments Income Ac- School additions and new works .. 196 15 0 count— New furniture .. .. .. 35 7 0 Authorized works and furniture .. 232 2 0 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 618 7 6 Interest, &c. .. .. .. 920 11 6 Interest on loans for buildings .. 302 4 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 666 13 4 £2,152 13 6 £2,152 13 6 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :—- Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 880 11 1 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 223 13 8 School fees .. .. .. 197 5 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 28 14 6 Rates, insurance, &c. .. .. 5 5 8 Board's donation, memorial baths for water tests .. .. .. 70 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 750 2 3 £1,077 16 1 £1,077 16 I Hostels Account : —■ Hostels Account :— Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 4,023 0 8 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 264 10 0 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,363 11 5 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 55 0 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 1 393 7 4 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. ' 306 2 6 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 200 0 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 1,217 8 0 Furniture, utensils, &e. .. .. 23911 5 Repairs to buildings .. .. 200 14 2 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 58 2 5 Advances to boarders .. .. 1 060 10 9 Other expenses .. .. .. jqo 13 2 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 290 12 4 £5,386 12 1 £5,386 12 1 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : —• Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 402 14 3 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,751 12 7 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 830 8 2 teachers.. .. .. ■■ 3,001 0 0 Material for classes for manual and science Government payment for incidental ex- instruction .. .. ~ 99 16 1 penses .. .. .. •• 1,087 10 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 306 15 9 Government capitation for manual and Rates and insurance.. .. .. 83 12 11 science instruction .. .. 61 10 0 Other insurance .. .. .. 18 8 8 School fees .. •• •• 428 9 2 _ Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 199 (j 9 Proceeds sale office furniture.. .. 42 7 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account — For salaries .. .. 1,876 1 10 Maintenance, buildings .. .. 390 8 8 £7,290 0 11 £7,290 0 11


GISBORNE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD—continued* Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account — Bents accrued and not paid .. .. 65 10 9 Valuation fee .. .. .. 7 7 0 Lower-department fees .. .. 10 0 Maintenance .. .. .. 0 2 6 Hostels Account— Principal of loans .. .. .. 4,450 7 6 Boarding fees .. .. .. 140 5 1 Hostels Account— Advances to boarders .. .. 254 0 4 Girls' sundries .. .. .. 614 3 Secondary General Account —• Boys'sundries .. .. .. 213 3 3 Fees .... ... .. .. 26 0 10 Secondary General Account— Salaries due from Department .. 196 1 9 Current accounts .. .. .. 15 2 0 Science classes .. .. .. 52 8 0 Rhinesmith Prize Trust Account .. 52 15 3 Investments —Rhinesmith prize .. 50 0 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 123 16 9 Balance, current account, lower department, Post Office Savings-bank .. 700 0 0 £4,869 8 6 £1,485 6 9 NAPIER HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement op Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. £ s.fd. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — Endowments Income Account :— Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 10 17 4 Board .. .. .. .. 450 10 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 6 9 5 Revenue from secondary-education re- Legal expenses and commission :. 47 0 8 serves .. .. .. 1,646 1 1 Transfer to General Account— Interest on moneys derived from endow- Per repairs to buildings .. .. 604 2 0 ments .. .. .. .. 175 5 5 Eor salaries .. .. .. 485 3 5 For rent, improvements, &c. .. 632 10 2 Buildings and Sites Account .. 485 13 6 £2,271 16 6 £2,271 16 6 Endowments Capital Account :—• Endowments Capital Account :— Loan-moneys repaid.. .. .. 900 0 0 Transfers to Building Account .. 900 0 0 £900 0 0 £900 0 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant for portable addition New Boys' High School buildings .. 12,595 4 10 to Girls' High School .. .. 504 0 0 Additions, Girls' High School.. .. 982 5 3 Government grant for new Boys' High Additions, Girls' Hostel .. .. 244 12 9 School building .. .. .. 6,710 0 0 New art-room, girls'.. .. .. 37 i 6 7 Voluntary contribution for new art-room 100 0 0 Furniture and equipment, schools .. 167 18 6 Transfers from— General Account .. .. .. 750 8 6 Endowments Capital Account .. 900 0 0 Endowments Income Account .. 485 13 6 Hostels Account (Girls') .. .. 244 12 9 Hostels Account (Girls' advance only) 271 6 7 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 4,395 6 7 £14,361 7 11 £14,361 7 II Lowee, Depabtment Account :— Lowee Depaetment Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 51 0 6 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 800 8 4 School fees .. .. .. 930 17 9 Incidental expenses .. .. . . 154 12 2 Interest on deposits .. .. .. 28 1 9 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 60 4 0 Withdrawals from Post Office Savings- Legal expenses, &o. .. .. .. 5 16 1 bank .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Investments .. .. .. 4 19 Transfer from Hostels Account .. 85 1 11 Prizes .. .. .. .. 9 9 8 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 160 9 11 £1,195 1 11 £1,195 1 11 Hostels Account : — Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 583 9 1 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 396 17 1 Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 6,747 11 5 Provisions .. .. .. .. 2,506 17 6 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,286 17 1 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 322 19 5 Post Office Savings-bank withdrawals .. 400 0 0 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 5 0 0 Interest on deposits .. .. 31 4 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 1,717 15 2 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 503 11 1 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 550 8 0 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 130 5 1 Advances to boarders .. .. 1,259 11 9 Caretaking and cleaning .. .. 149 17 3 Investments .. .. .. 15 4 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 156 6 8 Transfer to Junior Department .. 85 1 11 Transfer to Buildings Account .. 515 19 4 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 733 7 4 £9,049 1 7 £9,049 1 7




NAPIER HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD —continued. Secondary Department General Ac- £ s. d. Secondary Department General Ac- £ s. d. count :— count :— Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 840 11 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 7,262 103 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 7,673 5 2 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 862 14 1 penses .. .. .. .. 1,215 0 0 Material for classes for manual and Government capitation for material for science instruction .. .. 410 10 7 classes for manual and science instruc- Voluntary Contributions Account .. 485 10 6 tion .. .. .. .. 259 7 5 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 604 2 0 Government grant for equipment and New Boys' School site, rates, and imapparatus, science classes .. 166 710 provements .. .. .. 670 11 6 Subsidies on voluntary contributions for Interest on deposit reinvested .. 76 13 2 general purposes .. .. .. 2 0 0 Girls'magazine and prizes .. .. 139 11 1 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Contractors'deposit and school libraries 75 14 1 poses .. .. .. .. 1,012 7 8 Stationery, games, and miscellaneous School fees .. 310 16 6 fees .. .. .. .. 1,638 6 8 Rents of reserves—not endowments .. 1,073 0 0 Teachers' travelling-expenses and misInvestments —Cash deposits matured .. 575 0 0 cellaneous .. .. .. 98 19 2 Magazine and prizes.. .. .. 1118 2 Transfer to Buildings Account — Contractors' deposits and balopticon .. 41 0 0 Furniture .. .. .. 36 10 0 Stationery, games, and miscellaneous fees 1,933 14 11 New Boys' High School, roading, &c... 713 18 6 Interest on deposits and miscellaneous.. 46 10 2 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,404 0 8 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 1,721 15 7 £15,730 18 6 £15,730 18 6 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. Secondary General Account— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account— £ s. d. Reserves revenue available for teachers' Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 255 2 11 salaries, 1925 .. .. .. 485 3 5 Interest accrued and not paid .. 58 14 3 Boys' Voluntary Contributions Account 2,161 15 2 Buildings and Sites Account — Girls' Voluntary Contributions Account 1,502 5 3 Stationery, games, and miscellaneous Stationery, games, and miscellaneous fees .. .. .. .. 36 1 3 fees .. .. .. . . 365 17 6 Girls' Magazine Account .. . . 9 0 0 Interest on overdraft accrued.. .. 5 0 5 Rent of private Reserves Account .. 8 0 0 Schools'current account overdrawn .. 2,830 16 0 Lower Department Account—Fees .. 29 4 4 Hostels Account— Boarding fees .. .. .. 80 10 0 Advances to boarders .. .. 196 9 1 Interest on deposits accrued .. .. 9 7 9 Secondary General Account — Fees .. .. .. .. 23 4 0 Salaries due from Department .. 65 1 1 Due from Department for special scholarship .. .. .. .. 7 10 0 Interest on deposits accrued .. .. 46 18 11 Investment on mortgage .. .. 1,957 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 839 2 10 Fixed deposits .. .. 3, 340 0 0 Balance current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 733 7 4 £7,350 17 9 £7,694 13 9 — i —i-i-WAIRARAPA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account :— Balance 31st December, 1923 .. 170 12 7 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 10 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 2 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 269 3 1 Transfer to General Account— Revenue from secondary education re- For repairs to buildings .. .. 36 7 2 serves .. .. .. .. 0 9 7 For salaries, &e. .. .. .. 170 12 7 Grant for buildings maintenance .. 26 7 10 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 247 13 4 £466 13 1 £466 13 1 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant for new wing (school, Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 59 11 7 electric light, copper, ridging, furniture) 4,180 1 5 New wing (school) .. .. .. 3,603 4 3 Government grant for boys' hostel build- Electric light installation .. .. 97 9 11 ing .. .. .. .. 9,317 0 0 Copper, ridging, and furniture .. 354 4 7 Government subsidies on voluntary con- Boys'hostel building .. .. 9,381 0 4 tributions .. .. .. 469 8 11 Grounds improvement .. .. 478 15 9 Voluntary contributions for new build- Four asphalt tennis-courts .. .. 310 15 6 ings, &c. .. .. .. 11100 Fordson tractor .. .. .. 222 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 429 11 7 £14,507 1 11 £14,507 1 11



WAIRARAPA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD—continued. Hostels Account :— £ s. d. Hostels Account: — £ s. d. Refund building contractors on account Provisions .. .. .. .. 4179 telephone .. .. .. 2 2 1 Insurance, rates, &o. .. .. 3 7 7 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 56 19 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 50 16 0 £59 11 £59 1 1 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 12 8 9 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,823 14 4 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 370 1 9 teachers .. .. .. 3,472 1 8 Material for classes for manual and science Government payment for incidental ex- instruction .. .. .. 70 1 9 penses .. .. .. .. 525 0 0 Ploughing, threshing, seeds, &c., agriculGovernment capitation for manual and tural plots .. .. .. 31 12 7 science instruction .. . . 106 8 6 Library books .. .. .. 52 17 7 Government grant for maintenance of Lecture expenses .. .. .. 416 2 buildings .. .. .. 88 3 6 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 296 14 4 Subsidies on voluntary contributions for general purposes .. .. .. 87 3 6 School fees .. .. . . 157 2 0 Wheat and straw sold from agricultural plots .. .. .. .. 22 17 6 Lecture .. .. .. .. 8 0 6 Transfer from Endowment Income Account .. .. .. .. 170 12 7 £4,649 18 6 £4,649 18 6 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account .. .. 247 13 4 Grants due from Government on account Insurance premiums .. .. .. 13 19 4 of schoolroom curtains .. .. 145 9 4 Buildings and Sites Account— Secondary General Account— School-room curtains .. .. 145 9 4 Salaries due from Department .. 49 19 10 Repairs, building .. .. .. 7 10 Balance library subsidy .. .. 40 0 0 Hostels Account— Other assets— Advertising .. . . .. 1 10 0 Trust lands, trust grant .. .. 80 0 0 Postages, &c. .. .. .. 3 14 8 Parents' Grounds Improvement ComTrust Accounts—Contractor's deposits .. 5 0 0 mittee to wages groundsman .. 91 10 0 Other liabilities— Balance current account, less unpresented Salary, Secretary .. .. .. 25 0 0 cheques .. .. .. .. 62 17 1 Monthly accounts .. .. .. 10 11 6 £459 19 2 £469 16 3 DANNEVIRKE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement op Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account :— Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to— serves .. .. .. .. 502 7 .1 General Account .. .. .. 502 7 1 £502 7 1 £502 7 1 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1 15 0 Transfer to material .. .. 82 4 10 Pupils' fees .. .. .. 110 0 Sale of lead .. .. .. 8 6 3 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 61 3 7 £82 4 10 £82 4 10 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account — count :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 251 13 11 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,225 1 8 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 283 17 9 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,223 14 6 Material for classes for manual and Government payment for incidental ex- science instruction .. .. 125 18 0 penses .. .. .. ... 367 10 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 186 1 8 Government capitation for classes for Rates and taxes .. .. .. 50 0 9 manual instruction .. .. 21 13 0 Desks .. .. .. .. 116 12 5 School fees .. .. .. .. 94 10 0 Lining of woodwork-room .. .. 65 0 0 Refund from Hawke's Bay Education Water-supply .. .. .. 15 13 1 Board .. .. .. .. 2 5 6 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 400 6 2 Customs refund .. .. .. 4 17 6 Transfers from endowments income .. 502 7 1 £3,468 11 6 £3,468 11 6 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Nil. Salaries due from Department .. .. 6 6 4 Subsidy .. .. .. .. 85 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 339 2 7 £430 8 11

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WELLINGTON COLLEGE AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement op Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowment Income Account :— Endowment Income Account :— Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 263 6 3 Board .. .. .. .. 8,944 8 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 64 17 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to Secondary Department serves .. .. .. .. 1,724 13 11 General Account .. .. .. 9,733 15 1 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 877 16 0 ments .. . . .. .. 270 11 8 £10,939 14 4 £10,939 14 4 Endowments Capital Account Endowments Capital Account :— Moneys derived from sale of endowments 1,740 19 4 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,746 19 4 £1,746 19 4 £1,746 19 4 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 4,306 4 9 Pavilion, Wellington College .. .. 76 17 0 New Hostel buildings, Wellington College 31,194 0 0 Pavilion, Girls' College .. .. 241 16 8 New buildings, Girls' College .. .. 14,400 0 0 Samson's property, Girls' College .. 110 Voluntary contributions for new build- Tennis-court, Girls' College .. .. 210 14 6 ings .. .. .. .. 120 0 0 Tennis-court, Girls' College Hostel .. 38 10 6 Government subsidies on voluntary con- Gramophone, Girls' College .. . . 17 10 8 tribution.. .. .. .. 101 6 4 Headmaster's house .. .. 168 4 3 Interest on money for Wellington College Furnishing cafeteria .. .. 80 8 3 pavilion .. .. .. .. 42 8 10 New Hostel buildings, Wellington College 31,686 1 0 New buildings, Girls' College .. .. 14,571 18 8 Furniture and apparatus .. .. 732 16 0 Fencing observatory, Wellington College 1 6 10 Interest on loans for buildings— Girls' College Hostel .. .. 330 0 0 Wellington College Hostel .. .. 1113 Wellington College .. .. 786 13 3 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,218 10 1 £50,163 19 11 £50,163 19 11 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Government payment for teachers' sal- Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 333 16 2 aries .. .. .. .. 15,345 0 0 Library fund .. .. .. 34 12 0 Government payment for incidental ex- Library fund, Wellington College .. 45 11 10 penses .. .. .. .. 3,951 13 4 Teachers'salaries .. .. .. 22,684 3 6 Government capitation manual and Incidental expenses . . .. 3,300 6 3 technical instruction .. .. 571 4 8 Material for manual and science instrucVolimtary contributions, library, Girls' tion— College .. .. .. .. 4 16 0 Girls' College .. .. .. 71 19 2 Government subsidy, voluntary contri- Wellington College .. .. 67 11 0 butions, library, Girls' College .. 4 16 0 War bursaries .. . . .. 10 0 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 5 0 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. 950 7 11 Shorthand fees .. .. .. 10 10 0 Buildings, miscellaneous expenses .. 274 6 9 Voluntary contributions for balopticon, Repairs to furniture and apparatus .. 116 011 Wellington College .. .. 110 0 Interest on overdraft .. .. 3 15 3 Subsidy on voluntary contributions for Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 2,209 8 9 balopticon, Wellington College .. 110 0 Mary Izard prize .. .. .. 2 2 0 Carpentry fees .. .. .. 10 0 School fees .. .. .. 448 5 9 Piano fees .. .. .. .. 1 16 8 Transfer from Endowment Income Account— Repairs to buildings .. .. 920 7 11 Repairs to furniture and apparatus .. 116 0 11 Insurance, &c. .. .. .. 274 6 9 Instalment electric light .. .. 30 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 8,392 19 6 £30,101 19 6 £30,101 19 6 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :—■ Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,796 17 11 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,793 14 11 Maintenance, Sydney Street house .. 3 3 0 £1,796 17 11 £1,796 17 11 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Board fees and lunch fees .. .. 5,757 11 7 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,121 0 0 Refunds of advances .. .. 736 13 11 Proportion office expenses .. .. 37 0 0 Rent of garage .. .. .. 16 17 6 Proportion office salaries .. .. 150 0 0 Contributions Girls' College Hostel piano 2 7 6 Provisions .. .. .. .. 2,254 7 4 Contributions Girls' College Hostel fair .. 20 1 0 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 655 12 10 Library, Girls' College Hostel—Donation Wages, Matron and staff .. .. 1,651 4 2 and subsidy .. .. .. 20 0 0 Furniture, &c. .. .. 1,107 12 2 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,235 3 6 Utensils, &c. .. .. .. 52 18 11 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 79 16 8 Repairs to furniture .. .. .. 47 5 0 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 192 3 6 Grounds .. .. .. .. 32 4 7 Advances to boarders .. .. 350 13 6 Printing and stationery .. .. 3 114 Advertising .. .. .. 6 3 6 Feed, &c., for herd .. .. .. 31 9 4 Library, Girls' College Hostel .. 15 12 2 £7,788 15 0 | £7,788 15JO


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WELLINGTON COLLEGE AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL BOARD—continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account—Rents in Endowments Income Account— advance .. .. .. .. 83 3 4 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 645 2 4 Principal of loans, Wellington College Rents accrued—Secondary reserves .. 249 4 7 Hostel buildings .. .. .. 46,494 0 0 Endowment capital sales .. .. 3,567 3 7 Hostels Account— Grant from Government for new Girls' Mortgage, Girls' College Hostel .. 5,500 0 0 College .. .. .. .. 171 18 8 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 140 3 0 Hostels Account— Secondary General Account— Boarding fees .. .. .. 577 8 4 Due to Department—Salaries .. 910 13 2 Advances to boarders .. .. 137 16 1 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 2,828 13 0 Secondary General Account— Prizes .. .. .. .. 41 6 6 Fees .. .. .. .. 113 II 3 Incidentals .. .. .. 22 10 0 Grant for manual and technical instruction .. .. .. .. 242 14 9 Balance current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 2,770 12 11 Cash on hand .. .. .. 250 0 0 £55,997 19 0 £8,748 2 6 MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfer to General Account, for repairs to serves .. .. .. .. 89 11 8 buildings .. .. .. .. 489 11 8 Statutory grant in lieu of endowments .. 400 0 0 £489 11 8 £489 11 8 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— New temporary class-rooms and fittings 710 0 0 New temporary class-rooms and fittings, Transfer from General Account .. 143 9 4 &c. .. .. .. .. 7(jl 7 2 New vent-sashes, &c., authorized by Department .. .. .. .. 92 2 2 £853 9 4 £853 9 4 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :—- count :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 587 3 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,851 13 9 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 510 13 5 teachers .. .. .. .. 3,364 8 3 Maintenance (including material) of classes Government payment for incidental ex- for manual instruction .. .. 83 11 9 penses .. .. .. .. 642 10 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 25 0 0 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of buildings .. .. 166 8 8 manual instruction.. .. .. 192 19 6 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 34 5 0 School fees .. .. .. .. 127 0 0 Interest on overdraft and bank fee .. 2 13 6 Interest on scholarship investments .. 28 15 0 Building contractor's deposit .. .. 20 0 0 Sale of trees .. .. .. .. 1 10 0 Government bonds purchased for Wngley Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Scholarship .. .. .. 510 10 10 countj .. .. ~ .. 489 11 8 Transfer to New Buildings Account .. 143 9 4 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 85 11 6 £5,433 17 9 £5,433 17 9 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Secondary General Account: Due to De- Buildings and Sites Account —Balance on partment—Salaries .. .. .. 5 17 0 portable classrooms .. .. .. 69 8 8 Sundry tradesmen .. .. .. 513 7 Wrigley and Young Scholarship funds invested in Government bonds .. .. 710 10 10 Balance, current account .. .. 85 11 6 £11 10 7 £865 11 0

5—E. 6.



NELSON COLLEGE BOARD. General Statement op Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 41 1 0 Board .. .. .. 1,136 2 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 18 10 0 Revenue from secondarv-education re- Audit, rates, and valuation .. .. 14 9 2 serves .. .. " .. .. 383 12 5 Transfers to— New Buildings Account .. .. 638 18 1 General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 341 16 2 Hostels Account .. .. .. 232 10 0 Secondary General Account .. 232 10 0 £1,519 14 5 £1,519 14 5 Library Capital Account :— Library Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 809 5 7 Transfer to Buildings Account .. 1,505 15 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 34 8 3 Government subsidy .. .. 600 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 62 1 2 £1,505 15 0 £1,505 15 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Government grant for Waimea Road Purchase of Waimea Road property .. 750 0 0 property .. .. .. 750 0 0 Sanitary conveniences .. .. 80 16 0 Government grant for cubicles, Fairfield 100 0 0 Class-rooms .. .. .. 78 19 6 Transfers from — Office furniture .. .. .. 21 1 9 Endowments Income Account .. 638 18 1 Payment on account, Fairfield . . 1,000 0 0 Secondary Department General Account 1,000 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 578 11 11 £2,509 9 2 - £2,509 9 2 Lower Department Account : — . Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 209 7 5 Lower Department Account :— School fees.. .. .. .. 1,142 15 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 811 2 3 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 255 0 8 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 285 19 6 £1,352 2 5 ■ £1,352 2 5 Hostels Account :— • ■ ■. Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 2,040 13 1 Hostels Account:— Boarding fees .. .. .. 10,878 4 1 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 153 0 3 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,458 16 3 Provisions .. .. .. .. 4,681 5 9 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 754 17 9 count .. .. .. .. 232 10 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 2,762 14 8 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 570 6 8 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 341 16 2 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 65 0 0 Advances to boarders .. .. 1,531 19 3 Interest on loans for furniture, &c. .. 232 10 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 1115 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 3,504 17 11 £14,610 3 5 £14,610 3 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,928 17 5 teachers.. .. .. .. 7,839 17 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,762 011 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,335 11 9 penses .. .. .. .. 1,362 10 0 Material for classes for manual and Government capitation for manual and science instruction .. .. 143 8 9 science instruction .. . . 165 13 6 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 192 18 6 School tees.. .. .. .. 758 16 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 341 16 2 Interest .. .. .. .. 179 5 0 Rates and taxes . . .. .. 25 0 0 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 90 0 0 Interest, mortgage .. .. .. 232 10 0 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Electric-light installation .. .. 868 6 4 poses .. .. .. .. 504 17 1 Gramophone, tennis-courts and grounds 306 5 0 Chaytor Scholarship.. .. .. 20 0 0 Lawn-mower, desks, lockers, &c. .. 165 11 2 Grant, cupboards and desks .. .. 91 12 0 Transfer to Buildings and Sites Capital Transfers from Endowment Income Ac- Account .. .. .. s. 1,000 0 0 count — For repairs .. .. .. 341 16 2 Interest, mortgage . . .. 232 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 3,715 8 11 £15,302 6 0 £15,302 6 0



NELSON COLLEGE BOARD —continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. ! Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sites, unpaid purchase-money .. .. 3,520 0 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 500 13 4 Principal of loans .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Building and Sites Account — Scholarship Endowment Account .. 2,875 0 0 Boys' College playing-ground contract .. 180 0 0 Other liabilities .. .. .. 100 0 0 Lower-department fees .. .. 71 2 0 Hostels Account — Boarding fees .. .. .. 1,071 0 2 Advances to boarders .. .. 699 1 2 Secondary General Account— Fees .. .. .. .. 89 9 0 Salaries due from Department . . 136 3 4 Interest accrued .. .. .. 27 12 6 Inscribed stock .. .. 1,000 0 0 Investments .. .. .. 1,950 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 427 7 2 Cash, Post-office Savings-bank .. .. 164 12 1 £10,495 0 0 £6,317 0 9 GREYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts fob the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. General Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 2,127 5 3 For salaries, &c. .. .. .. 85 8 4 Interest, Borough Council debentures .. 34 15 0 Bank charge, 10s. ; cheque-book, 4s. .. 014 0 Interest, soldiers-settlement loan .. 54 14 6 Typewriting balance-sheets .. .. 110 Interest, inscribed stock .. .. 23 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 2,417 17 2 Deposit, National Bank, matured, and interest .. .. .. .. 265 5 9 £2,505 0 6 £2,505 0 6 HOKITIKA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Liabilities. Endowment Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowment Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 2,022 410 Proportion of office salaries ~ .. 18 15 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 1 12 6 Board .. .. .. .. 144 5 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 6 0 8 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Interest, &c. .. .. .. 10 19 3 ments .. .. .. .. 100 5 0 Canterbury Education Board .. .. 122 12 5 Land taken by railway .. .. 50 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 2,156 15 0 £2,316 14 10 £2,316 14 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Overdraft at bank, plus unpresented cheques 39 12 10 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 90 12 6 Savings-bank .. .. .. .. 805 15 4 War bonds .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Fixed deposits .. .. .. 900 0 0 £39 12 10 £2,196 7 10



RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account Endowments Income Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 83 4 7 Transfers to— Current income from reserves vested in New Building Account .. .. 224 19 3 Board .. .. .. .. 279 19 6 Hostel Account — Interest on loan for buildings .. 127 18 8 For insurance .. .. .. 8 3 8 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 2 2 9 £363 4 1 £363 4 1 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 1,165 11 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 50 4 1 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 360 14 5 Provisions .. .. .. .. 979 5 9 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 87 17 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 340 16 10 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 37 2 1 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. .. 5 3 3 Cartage, sanitation, and telephone .. 25 17 5 £1,526 5 5 £1,526 5 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account J count :— Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 130 7 9 teachers .. .. .. ... 2,815 7 3 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,616 19 11 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. . . 513 2 6 penses .. .. .. .. 584 3 4 Material for manual and science instrucGovernment capitation for manual and tion .. .. .. .. 32 6 1 science instruction .. .. .. 72 13 0 Microscope and gramophone .. .. 109 3 3 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 171 17 0 Cartage and telescope .. .. 60 6 9 School fees .. .. .. .. 109180 Interest on overdraft incurred on this Agriculture—Donations, &c. .. .. 214 17 7 account and bank charges .. .. 12 5 6 Donations to phonograph, gate, and Agriculture—Farm, &c. .. .. 314 3 7 science .. .. .. .. 24 10 0 Refund fees, Library Account and pump.. 64 13 3 Donations to library fund and prize fund.. 25 12 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 168 11 7 Sale of windmill and sundries .. .. 3 2 0 £4,022 0 2 £4,022 0 2 Technical Accounts :— Technical Accounts Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 6 14 10 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 6 14 10 £6 14 10 £6 14 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Principal of loans —Boys'and Girls' Hostel 1,400 0 0 Hostels Account—Boarding fees .. .. 139 17 6 Hostels Account-—Furnishing Account .. 310 1 3 Secondary General Account— Secondary General Account—New Zealand Fees .. .. .. .. 54 0 0 Farmers' General Account .. .. 818 5 Account owing for produce .. .. 19 19 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 205 10 4 £1,997 0 0 £213 16 6 i



CHRISTCHURCH BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowment Income Account :— Endowment Income Account Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses 253 2 9 Board .. .. .. 7,971 13 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 458 19 0 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Transfers to — ments .. .. .. .. 129 8 5 New Building jAccount .. .. 5,295 710 General Account— For repairs to buildings .. .. 237 6 1 For salaries, &c, .. .. 1,856 6 6 £8,101 2 2 £8,101 2 2 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant for new school, Ric- Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 6,648 3 2 carton .. .. .. .. 7,406 11 4 Progress-payments for new school .. 14,450 0 0 Interest on Buildings and Sites Loan Salary of clerk of works .. .. 392 0 0 sinking fund .. .. .. 39 6 0 Architect's commission and expenses ~ 1,267 2 6 Loan raised for buildings .. .. 12,000 0 0 Heating-system .. .. .. 25 0 9 Transfer from Endowment Income Ac- 15 per cent, deposit on purchase of site count .. .. .. .. 5,295 710 at Shirley .. .. .. 562 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 699 9 4 Interest on loans for buildings and sites.. 2,095 18 1 £25.440 14 6 —— — £25,440 14 6 Hostels Account :— Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 2,051 4 6 Hostels Account :— Sale of oats .. .. .. 4 0 0 Balance, 31st December,|l923 .. 1,363 14 5 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,011 17 7 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 67 8 11 Provisions .. .. .. .. 597 3 9 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 149 6 9 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 582 12 0 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 35 17 9 Repairs to buildings.. ~ .. 179 2 3 Insurance, rates, &e. .. .. 19 5 10 Interest, &c. .. .. .. 66 17 11 Other expenses .. .. .. 5 12 6 £3,067 2 1 £3,067 2 1 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 843 3 4 teachers .. .. .. 6,221 1 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,207 5 3 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 991 11 6 penses .. .. .. 1,380 0 0 Material for manual and science instrueGovernment capitation for manual and tion .. .. .. .. 215 6 11 science instruction .. .. 147 1 4 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 98 9 7 School fees .. .. .. 369 10 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 19 16 6 Government grant for apparatus .. 20 11 9 Rent of playgrounds .. .. 119 0 0 Agistment of stock, &c. .. .. 57 10 0 Transfers from Endowment Income Account— Maintenance of buildings .. .. 237 6 1 Salaries .. .. .. 1,856 6 6 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 205 6 1 £10,494 13 1 £10,494 13 1 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at ,31st December, 1924. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. Buildings and Sites Account— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account— £ s. d. New school, Riccarton .. .. 10,000 0 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 621 0 8 Sites, unpaid purchase-money .. .. 9,187 10 0 Expenses due by tenant .. .. 15 7 0 Principal of loans .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 Grant due from Government for new school, Hostels Account —Sundry creditors .. 39 4 7 Riccarton .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Overdraft at bank, plus unpresented Hostels Account —Boarding fees .. 18 0 0 cheques .. .. .. .. 1,916 13 0 Secondary General Account — Salaries due from Department .. 12 10 0 Capitation for technical classes .. 147 4 11 Grant for apparatus .. .. 14 3 7 Woodwork classes .. .. 31 6 9 £46,143 7 7 £5,859 13 9



CHRISTCHURCH GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts fob the Year ended 31st December., 1924. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account :— Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses 17 9 0 Board .. .. .. .. 635 1 1 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 911 3 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Transfers to — ments .. .. .. .. 319 3 New Buildings Account .. .. 370 13 9 General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 241 6 4 £639 0 4 £639 0 4 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Portable building at Avonside .. 2,100 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 51 19 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 11710 Portable building at Avonside .. 2,025 5 6 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Principal of loans repaid .. .. 21 10 8 count .. .. .. .. :,70 13 9 Interest on loans for buildings and sites 297 3 7 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 76 12 4 £2,472 11 7 £2,472 11 7 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 36 0 7 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 133 0 8 School fees .. .. .. 177 5 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 37 10 7 Transfer to prizes .. .. .. 17 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 41 1 4 £213 5 7 £213 5 7 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account : — Boarding fees .. .. .. 1,490 8 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,882 4 0 Piano-practice fees .. .. .. 31 10 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 77 5 0 Grazing .. .. .. .. 10 2 6 Provisions .. .. .. .. 331 16 9 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,826 14 9 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 88 17 9 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 17 7 6 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 608 310 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 6 8 2 Repairs to buildings .. .. 210 0 8 Insurance, rates, &c. .. . . 12 4 8 Interest .. .. .. .. 116 10 5 Other expenses .. .. .. 7 16 6 £3,358 15 3 £3,358 15 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 818 4 7 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 6,594 0 3 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. 1,159 12 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 6,335 10 4 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment capitation for classes for struction.. .. .. .. 388 10 3 manual instruction .. .. 168 11 6 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 446 15 6 Government payment for incidental Insurance .. .. .. .. 20 11 5 expenses .. .. .. 1,295 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 795 2 2 School fees .. .. .. 150 5 0 Proceeds from cookery class .. .. 161 8 10 Proceeds from swimming class .. 19 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 58 10 4 Transfers from Endowments Income Account —Maintenance of buildings .. 241 6 4 Grant from Government for science apparatus .. .. .. .. 156 15 0 £9,404 11 11 £9,404 11 11 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Principal of loans, State advance .. 588 3 4 Endowments Income Account —Rents acSundry creditors .. .. .. 27 13 5 erued and not paid .. .. .. 4 10 1 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 913 18 11 Secondary General Account — Buildings and Sites Account — Fees .. .. .. .. 4 0 0 Department over-payment for portable Salaries due from Department .. 89 7 0 building .. .. .. .. 74 14 6 Capitation for technical classes .. 174 0 8 Sites, unpaid purchase-money, hostels .. 4,500 0 0 Grant for apparatus .. .. 18 16 2 £6,104 10 2 £290 13 11



CHRIST'S COLLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement op Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. I Liabilities. Endowments Income Accotjnt :— £ s. d. ! Endowments Incomb Account :— £ s. d. Interest on moneys derived from endow- Proportion of office salaries .. .. 150 8 0 mente .. .. .. .. 2,910 4 2 ; Miscellaneous .. .. .. 399 8 1 Transfer to General Account .. .. 2,160 8 1 Eor repairs to buildings and salaries— Town Reserve Account .. .. 100 0 0 County Reserve Account .. .. 100 0 0 £2,910 4 2 | £2,910 4 2 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account:— Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 12,235 11 10 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 296 10 0 Balance on disbursements .. .. 242 1 9 Provisions .. .. .. .. 4,622 14 7 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 619 4 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 2,670 18 11 Furniture, utensils, &c, .. .. 290 15 2 Laundry for dining-room .. .. 36 8 2 Wati '.. .. .. .. 980 Telephones .. .. .. 70 3 6 Hospital .. .. .. .. 157 7 6 Other expenses .. .. .. 32 13 9 Transfer to School General Account .. 3,671 10 0 £12,477 13 7 £12,477 13 7 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 67 16 7 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 9,003 7 0 School fees .. .. .. 8,645 16 5 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,376 7 2 Games subscriptions.. .. .. 496 5 0 Material for classes for manual and Sundry payments .. .. .. 310 0 science instruction .. .. 78 11 8 Scholarships .. .. .. 1,068 16 8 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 1,068 16 8 Transfer to— Maintenance of buildings .. .. 921 10 11 Boarding Account .. .. 3,671 10 0 Rates .. .. .. .. 72 16 6 Sundry Estates Account .. .. 2,460 8 1 Interest on overdraft incurred on this account .. .. .. .. 582 0 10 Insurance .. .. .. .. 201 17 6 Rent .. .. .. .. 166 0 0 Board's contribution to Pension Fund.. 507 13 0 Transfer to Building Account.. .. 1,435 1 6 £16,414 2 9 £16,414 2 9 AKAIM)A HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Liabilities. Endowment Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowment Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,978 4 3 Subsidy, Education Board .. .. 50 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Transfer to General Account—School Board .. .. .. .. 271 13 10 medals and badges .. .. 713 6 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 2,214 14 7 ments .. .. .. .. 22 10 0 £2,272 8 1 £2,272 8 1 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Voluntary contributions for new build- Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 23 0 2 ings, &c. .. .. .. 23 0 2 £23 0 2 £23 0 2 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Sale of furniture .. .. .. 109 19 6 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,180 8 3 Sale of garden-produce .. .. 4 0 0 Garden .. .. .. .. 10 5 6 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,136 0 9 Painting .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Legal expenses .. .. .. 6 10 6 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 2 2 0 Printing and advertising .. .. 17 0 Bank fee .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 Audit .. .. .. .. 17 0 Transfer to rent of hostel—Final payment .. .. .. .. 37 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 69 12 0 £1,250 0 3 £1,250 0 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. ; Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Nil. j Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 27 14 7 Fixed deposits .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Balance current account less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. 87 16 0 Cash on hand, Post Office Savings-bank .. 13 18 0 £1,129 8 7

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ASHBURTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 470 16 6 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 30 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Inspection expenses .. .. .. 2 10 0 Board .. .. .. 1,122 7 0 Miscellaneous transfers .. .. 470 16 6 Transfers to— General Account .. . . 257 10 0 New Building Account .. .. 832 7 0 £1,593 3 6 £1,593 3 6 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 40 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 40 0 0 £40 0 0 £40 0 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Transfer from endowments income .. 148 12 1 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 5,679 2 6 Government grant for memorial library.. 380 0 0 Purchase of sites (schools) .. .. 595 2 2 Government grant for new grounds .. 500 0 0 Memorial library .. .. .. 816 610 Amount repaid, No. 2 Bank Account, School table .. .. .. 9 0 0 from Endowment Income Account .. 500 0 0 Repayment of overdraft .. .. 500 0 0 Voluntary contributions for library .. 436 610 Bank interest .. .. .. 332 7 0 Voluntary contributions for new grounds 100 0 0 Transfer from Endowment Income Account .. .. .. .. 832 7 0 £7,931 18 6 £7,931 18 6 Lower Department Account Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 56 7 6 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 56 7 6 £56 7 6 £56 7 6 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Rent of Hostel .. .. .. 29 8 6 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 101 4 8 Rent of furniture .. .. .. 16 9 7 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 27 10 1 Transfer from Endowment Account .. 126 910 Blance, 31st December, 1924 .. .. 43 13 2 £172 7 11 £172 7 11 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 16 7 1 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,864 7 2 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 429 17 8 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,779 11 7 Repairs and alterations .. .. 443 10 10 Government payment for incidental ex- Water rates and insurance .. .. |68 12 10 penses .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Amount transferred from Lower DepartGovernment capitation for material for ment .. .. .. .. 61911 classes for manual and science instruc- Repayment to Department, Urquhart tion .. .. .. .. 64 9 0 case .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 113100 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 88 0 0 Refund of salaries, &c. .. .. 16 13 4 Refund of repairs and maintenance .. 6 112 Amount transferred from Endowment count —Repairs and maintenance .. 118 Transfer from Endowment Income Account .. .. .. . • 10 0 £3,951 8 5 £3,951 8 5 Special Trust Accounts Special Trust Accounts :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 27 0 10 Payments — Scholarships prizes, and Receipts .. .. .. .. 49 10 0 bank charges .. .. .. 45 15 4 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 30 15 6 £76 10 10 £76 10 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Building and Sites Account —Architects' Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 284 13 0 fees .. .. .. .. 80 5 0 Secondary General Account — Overdraft at bank, plus unpresented Eees .. .. .. .. 28 0 0 cheques .. . . .. .. 5,000 0 0 Salaries due from Department .. 14 4 9 Capitation .. .. .. .. 71 10 6 £5,080 5 0 £398 8 3

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TIMARU HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ a. d. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account Current income from reserves vested in Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 725 1 10 Board .. .. .. .. 2,575 12 5 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 70 0 0 Transfer from General Account—Election Proportion of office expenses .. .. 30 12 4 expenses, 1923 .. .. .. 7!) 2 3 Miscellaneous .. . . .. 80 0 3 Transfers to— New Buildings Account .. .. 682 11 1 General Account — For rates and insurance .. .. 531 8 9 Eor salaries, &c. .. .. 26 6 4 For salaries, 1923 .. .. 508 14 1 £2,654 14 8 £2,654 14 8 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 782 13 0 Purchase of sites, Hassell Street .. 756 19 6 Government subsidies on voluntary con- Memorial Hall .. .. .. 1,508 13 3 tributions for memorial hall .. 750 0 0 Forms and teachers' desks .. . . 155 15 0 Voluntary contributions for new build- Chairs, lookers, carpet, blinds, &c. .. 66 16 10 ings, &c. .. .. 1,183 13 3 Desks .. .. .. . . 195 10 0 Transfers from Endowments Income Ac- Principal of loans repaid .. .. 805 8 4 count .. .. .. .. 682 11 1 Interest on loans for buildings .. 552 16 10 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 243 2 5 £4,041 19 9 £4,041 19 9 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account count :— Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 825 17 1 teachers .. .. .. 7,477 1 9 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,024 7 7 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. 1,107 0 9 penses .. .. .. .. 1,347 10 0 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment capitation for classes for struction.. .. .. .. 175 5 2 manual instruction .. .. 107 1 6 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 20 0 0 Subsidy on voluntary contributions .. 30 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 327 9 2 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 203 19 7 poses .. .. .. .. 192 2 6 Tennis-courts .. .. .. 40 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 561 10 0 Transfer to Endowments Income Account 79 2 3 War bursaries .. .. .. 20 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account, for rates and insurance .. 531 8 9 Transfer from Endowments Income Account, for salaries .. .. 26 6 4 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1 6 8 £10,803 1 7 £10,803 1 7 Special Trust Account :— Special Trust Account Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 85 0 0 Payments—Prize Fund .. .. 3 2 8 Interest .. .. .. .. 3 2 8 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 85 0 0 £88 2 8 £88 2 S Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Government Life Insurance Department .. 7,838 3 6 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 668 19 2 Hostels Account— Hostels Account — Due to General Account —Furniture .. 1,000 0 0 Boarding fees .. .. .. 201 3 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 101 0 0 Advances to boarders .. .. 29 19 2 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 70 15 10 Secondary General Account— Bank overdraft .. .. .. 244 9 1 Fees .. .. .. .. 26 10 0 Salaries due from Department .. 20 7 10 Grants for science apparatus .. .. 93 0 0 Manual instruction grant .. .. 117 6 7 Cash on hand .. .. £9,254 8 5 £1,157 5 9

G E. (5.




W AIM ATE HTGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement op Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. i Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 3,488 7 2 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 30 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in I Petty cash, £1 ; audit, £1 Is.; bank Board .. .. .. .. 358 17 2 charges, 10s. ; rent, £16 55.; insurInterest on moneys derived from endow- ance, £2 12s. 6d. ; gas, 17s. 6d. ; ments .. .. .. .. 183 5 7 inspection and valuations, £10 10s. .. 32 16 0 Refund on insurance premium .. 16 0 Proportion of travelling - expenses of Board members .. .. .. 3 2 6 Transfer to General Account, for repairs 3 18 0 Technical Classes Association— Wool-class fees, High School pupils .. 8 18 9 General Account .. .. .. 321 3 3 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 3,631 17 5 £4,031 15 11 £4,031 15 11 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :—• count :— Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 195 16 8 count .. .. .. .. 321 3 3 1 Scholarships and bursares .. .. 85 0 0 Books, &c. .. .. .. 2 17 10 Prizes .. .. .. .. 17 0 3 Examination fees .. .. .. 17 17 0 Examination advertisements .. .. 2 116 £321 3 3 | £321 3 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. Endowments Income Account .. .. 110 9 Investments— £ s. d. War loan .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 On mortgage .. .. 2,625 0 0 Deposits Post Office Savings-bank .. 416 3 2 Balance current account, less unpresented cheques .. .. . .. 90 14 3 £1 10 9 £3,631 17 5 WAITAKI HTGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement op Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 100 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 2,085 9 5 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 12 4 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Miscellaneous —Interest overdraft .. 19 0 serves .. .. .. .. 210 12 0 Auctioneer, law-costs, advertising, &c. 38 18 7 Transfer from Hostels Account .. 147 2 5 Transfer to General Account—For repairs to buildings .. .. .. 242 17 8 Hostels Account .. .. . . 160 2 4 Building and Sites Account .. .. 1,887 12 3 £2,443 3 10 £2,443 3 10 Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Government grant for Girls' School — Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,163 10 0 Additions .. .. .. 4,105 10 0 Purchase of sites (schools and hostels).. 161 3 0 Government grant for Girls' School — Girls' School —Additions, fittings, furniAdditions overpaid .. .. 1,860 0 0 ture, &c. .. .. .. 5,511 4 3 Government grant for Boys' School — Girls' Hostel —Improvements .. 206 2 0 Maids'quarters .. .. .. 360 0 0 Girls'School —Refund amount overpaid 1,860 0 0 Government subsidies on voluntary con- Boys' School — tributions .. .. .. 1,070 6 4 Hall of Memories .. .. 2,471 3 1 Voluntary contributions for new build- Maids'quarters .. .. .. 3,047 12 9 ings .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Junior High School class-rooms .. 0 12 0 Transfer from Secondary Department General Account .. .. .. 2,68712 9 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 1,887 12 3 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,450 6 3 £14,421 7 7 £14,421 7 7



WAITAKJ HIGH SCHOOL BOARD—continued. General Statement op Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924 —continued. Lower Department Account £ s. d. ! Lower Department Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 427 18 7 ' Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 213 17 10 School fees .. .. .. 248 10 0 : Incidental expenses .. .. .. 55 11 3 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 406 19 6 £676 8 7 £676 8 7 — —i ■ Hostels Account :— 1 Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 536 16 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 25 0 (I Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 1,593 13 8 Provisions .. .. .. .. 500 15 11 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 84 17 0 count .. .. .. .. 160 2 4 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 441 2 0 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 160 2 4 Repairs to buildings .. .. 164 2 0 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 23 3 1 j Other expenses .. . . .. 32 16 10 Transfer to Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 147 2 5 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 711 10 5 £2,290 12 0 1 £2,290 12 0 Secondary Department General Ac- i Secondary Department General Account : — count : — Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 2,306 11 2 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 7,403 9 11 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,091 8 0 teachers .. .. .. 7,008 3 11 Material for classes for manual and Government payment for incidental ex- science instruction .. .. 98 0 1 penses .. .. .. 1,095 0 0 Prize funds .. .. .. 42 6 6 Government capitation for material for Maintenance of buildings .. .. 242 17 8 classes for manual and science instruc- ! St. Paul's Hall —Special expenditure . . 175 0 0 tion .. .. .. .. 306 6 5 Girls' School —Basketball and tennis Voluntary contributions for general pur- j courts, flagpole, &c. .. ■ ■ 231 18 6 poses .. .. .. .. 165 0 0 Transfer to Buildings and Sites Account 2,687 12 9 Subsidies on voluntary contributions for j Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 427 6 2 general purposes .. .. .. 511 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 406 0 0 Prize funds . . .. .. 42 6 6 Share of boarding fees, less repairs, boarding establishment .. .. 316 13 11 Transfer from Endowments Income Account—Repairs and maintenance .. 242 I7£S £12,399 19 7 £12,399 19 7 Statement of Amounts due lo Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. Endowments Income Account —Law-costs 1 11 6 Endowments Income Account — £ s. d. Buildings and Sites Account —Girls' High Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 200 0 0 School ■ • • ■ .. 1,600 0 0 Revenue from Government reserves .. 23 9 8 Secondary General Account —Sundry credi- Buildings and Sites Account — tors .. .. .. .. 519 8 3 Girls'School —Additions and alterations 1,573 5 2 Prize funds .. .. . . .. 700 0 0 Hall of Memories —Subsidy .. .. 313 17 6 Overdraft at bank .. .. .. 1,507 10 2 Girls' School- — .. .. .. 84 10 0 Fittings .. .. .. .. 30 10 0 St. Paul's Hall 175 0 0 Hostels Account —Boarding fees .. 20 0 0 Secondary General Account — Fees .. .. .. 12 0 0 Salaries due from Department .. 6 19 0 Share of boarding fees .. .. 270 0 0 Prize funds investments .. .. 700 0 0 Cash in Post Office Savings-bank .. 1,603 0 0 £4,328 9 11 £5,012 11 4

7—E. 6.

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OTAGO HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement op Accounts fob the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — Endowments Income Account :— Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 150 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 3,329 7 7 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 53 4 1 Revenue from secondary-education re- Miscellaneous .. .. .. 92 18 10 serves .. .. .. .. 505 16 11 Transfers to— Valuation for improvements .. .. 20 5 0 New Buildings Account .. .. 2,473 13 4 General Account, for repairs to buildings and electrical installation, Boys' School.. .. .. .. 852 13 3 £3,855 9 6 £3,855 9 6 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 7,257 19 1 count .. .. .. .. 2,473 13 4 Alterations at Boys' High School rectory 513 3 7 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 5,578 910 Interest on overdraft, Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. .. 281 0 6 £8,052 3 2 £8,052 3 2 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 82 13 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 72 1 1 Boarding fees .. .. .. 2,501 5 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 887 17 10 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 323 8 5 Euel, light, &c. .. .. .. 151 10 2 Tennis fees, piano, and medicine charges 17 12 6 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 150 0 0 Refund .. .. .. .. 10 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 677 510 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 96 15 2 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 42 10 3 Insurance, rates, and rent .. .. 117 19 3 Advances to boarders . . .. 323 14 0 Interest on loans for furniture, &c. .. 0 4 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 201 0 2 Balance, 31st 1924 .. 205 1 2 £2,925 18 11 £2,925 18 11 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General AcCount :— count :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,983 5 7 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 15,049 15 4 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,242 2 11 teachers .. .. .. .. 14,589 9 2 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment payment for incidental ex- struction.. .. .. .. 137 13 8 penses .. .. .. .. 2,777 10 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 143 17 6 Government capitation for manual and Maintenance of buildings . . .. 852 13 3 science instruction .. .. 276 6 8 Electric installation—Boys'School .. 233 0 0 Subsidy on voluntary contributions .. 49 18 8 Architects' fees .. .. .. 194 5 0 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Sports material, ex locally raised funds .. 4 4 0 poses .. .. .. .. 18 6 1 School prizes, ex locally raised funds .. 117 13 8 School fees .. .. .. 426 15 0 Library books, ex locally raised funds and Proceeds, entertainment .. .. 64 2 3 subsidy .. .. .. .. 102 10 4 Miscellaneous — Typewriting, cookery, Swimming classes .. .. . . 51 10 0 singing, &c. .. .. .. 471 11 0 Typewriting and singing classes .. 117 19 2 Rebate Account —Cheques, Bank of New Football coach .. .. .. 21 0 0 Zealand .. .. .. .. 18 0 Refund tuition fees .. .. .. 7 0 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 179 12 6 Expenses, Professor Adams's visit .. 5 5 0 Government grant for architects'fees .. 194 5 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 2,851 7 3 Dalrymple and G. H. Stewart prizes .. 119 6 Refund teacher's salary .. .. 2 4 5 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 1,085 13 3 £22,131 17 1 £22,131 17 1 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account— Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 192 6 5 Ranger's expenses .. .. .. 310 2 Interest accrued and not paid .. .. 110 Legal expenses .. .. .. 9 9 0 Hostels Account— Buildings and Sites Account—Bank of New Boarding fees .. .. .. 62 10 0 Zealand .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 Advances to boarders .. .. 129 11 1 Hostels Account— Secondary General Account — For provisions .. .. .. 30 1 8 Fees .. .. .. .. 8 0 0 For miscellaneous accounts .. .. 23 2 9 Salaries .. .. .. .. 9 13 5 For 1925 fees paid in advance .. 15 0 0 Manual and science capitation .. 306 17 3 Secondary General Account — Investments .. .. ■• .. 2,450 0 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 35 15 0 Post, Office Savings-bank .. .. 146 4 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 490 7 7 | Dunedin Savings-bank.. .. .. 471 7 8 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 5,721 6 10 I Balance, current account, less unpreTrust funds .. .. .. .. 2,646 4 10 sented cheques, No. 1 Account .. 3,199 5 5 Cash on hand, Trust Account . . .. 2 2 5 £9,014 17 10 , £6,555 9 5



GORE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Yeab ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfer to Hostel Grounds Improvement serves .. .. .. .. 11l 18 4 Account.. .. .. .. 11l 18 4 £111 18 4 £111 18 4 Agricultural Endowment Account :— Agricultural Endowment Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 136 5 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 233 15 0 Money derived from rental endowments 97 10 0 £233 15 0 £233 15 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 190 17 2 Alterations science-room .. .. 75 8 6 New desks .. .. .. .. 110 5 0 Partition technical class room .. 37 12 6 Additions science room .. .. 75 8 6 Asphalting around school buildings .. 54 16 4 Partition, technical class room .. 37 12 6 New desks .. .. .. 110 5 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Tennis-courts at hostel .. .. 160 11 2 Account.. .. .. .. 11l 18 4 Eences and gates, Hostel .. .. 8 9 8 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 84 18 4 £532 1 6 £532 1 6 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 1,290 19 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 4 2 8 Grass, &c., sold, Hostel grounds .. 16 2 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 410 19 4 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 254 16 3 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 72 16 5 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 57 5 5 Wages of Matron and staff .. . . 467 5 5 Furniture, utensils, &c. . . . . 402 8 9 Repairs to buildings .. . . 14 16 8 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 15 19 1 Advertising .. . . . . 0 15 0 Ground improvements .. .. 67 8 6 Water-supply .. .. .. 29 0 0 Laundry .. .. .. . . 13 0 0 Telephone .. .. . . . . 6 0 0 £1,561 17 3 £1,561 17 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account— count :— Balance 31st December, 1923 .. 305 0 1 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 4,142 8 2 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. . . 529 8 0 teachers.. .. .. .. 4,093 18 0 Maintenance of classes for manual instrucGovernment capitation for classes foi tion .. .. . . .. 64 8 2 manual instruction .. .. 39 17 8 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 53 9 7 Government payment for incidental ex- Cupboards .. .. .. .. 10 7 0 penses .. .. .. .. 720 0 0 Gymnasium fund .. .. .. 22 0 0 Government grant for maintenance of Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 580 18 4 buildings .. .. .. 88 16 8 School fees .. .. .. 78 10 0 Refunds from pupils, &c. .. 65 0 0 Rent of rooms and refunds of light .. 11 17 0 £5,402 19 3 £5,402 19 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st. December, 1924. Liabilities. j Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Hostels Account — £ s. d. Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 12 17 6 Provisions .. .. .. .. 13 18 0 Secondary General Account — Borough water-supply .. .. 110 0 Fees, paying pupils .. .. .. 2 0 0 Top-dressing tennis-courts .. .. 14 10 0 Capitation, manual and science classes.. 54 15 10 Lawn-mower for Hostel .. .. 6 10 0 Capitation, evening technical classes .. 24 5 11 Secondary General Account— Other assets —Evening technical-class fees 1 10 0 Due to Department—Salaries .. 10 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 693 11 2 Books for library .. .. .. 5 8 0 Typewriter repairs .. .. .. 8 17 0 Other liabilities — Advertising and printing .. .. 20 2 0 Secretary, postage .. .. .. 3 7 8 Science material .. .. .. 5 9 1 Freights .. .. . . .. 18 0 £100 9 9 £789 0 5



SOUTHLAND HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement or Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1924. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 4,021 15 7 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 30 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Interest on new Boys' School Loan .. 371 611 Board .. .. .. .. 2,145 14 6 Inspection, legal expenses, and improveRevenue from secondary-education re- ments .. .. .. .. 98 13 10 serves .. .. .. .. 240 13 8 Transfer to New Building Account .. 4,000 0 0 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Transfers to General Account — ments .. .. .. ... 157 10 0 For repairs to buildings .. .. 59 10 2 Transfer from Secondary Department For salaries .. .. .. 2,250 2 8 General Account .. .. .. 305 511 Rent, school-sites .. .. .. 28 15 0 Rates, &c. .. .. .. 32 11 1 £6,870 19 8 £6,870 19 8 Buildings and Sites (Capital Account): — Building and Sites Capital Account : —■ Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 747 4 7 Board's contribution towards cost Boys' Loans raised for buildings, new Boys' High School .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 High School .. .. .. 13,000 0 0 Education Department — Contribution Government grant for additions to towards cost new Boys' High School .. 12,000 0 0 Girls' School .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Addition, Girls' High School .. .. 2,323 18 11 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Balance, 31st December, 1924.. .. 423 5 8 count .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 £18,747 4 7 | £18,747 4 7 Secondary Department General Ac- j Secondary Department General Account :— | count : — Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,131 3 7 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,791 6 7 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 699 3 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 6,191 18 5 Material for classes for manual and Government payment for incidental ex- science instruction .. .. 172 16 8 penses .. .. . . 1,492 10 0 I Maintenance of buildings .. .. 59 10 2 Government capitation for manual and Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 11 13 4 science instruction .. .. 394 1 3 Subsidy for pictures .. .. 70 14 8 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Prizes .. .. .. .. 20 12 9 poses .. .. .. .. 32 17 4 Foundation - stone, new Boys' High School fees .. .. .. 279 15 4 School .. .. .. .. 1 11 3 War bursaries .. .. .. 8 15 0 Transfer to Endowment Income AcPrize Fund donation .. .. 110 0 count .. .. .. .. 305 5 11 Refund legal expenses .. .. 1 15 0 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 1,720 14 1 Transfers from Endowments Income Account— For repairs to buildings .. .. 59 10 2 For salaries .. .. .. 2,250 2 8 Balance, 31st December, 1924 .. 10,722 5 2 £11,853 8 9 £11,853 8 9

Approximate Cost of Paper.-—Preparatiuu, liot given; (priutiug 1,025 copies), £78.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92s.

iViec Ys.]

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1924.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1925 Session I, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1924.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1925 Session I, E-06

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1924.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1925 Session I, E-06

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