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Laid before Parliament in pursuance of Section 91 of the Government Railways Act, 1908.

In accordance with section 91 of the Government Railways Act, 1908, the Board has the honour to transmit, for the information of Parliament, its balance-sheet, which shows the transactions in the Government Railways Superannuation Fund for the year ended 31st March, 1925. The superannuation allowances actually paid during the year amounted to £181,460 13s. 2d., representing grants Co 1,395 members of the Railway service who have either voluntarily resigned or been retired as medically unfit. Allowances amounting to £14,444 7s. 4d. were paid in respect to 444 widows and 576 children, dependants of deceased members of the service who had not retired on superannuation at the time of their death. Payments amounting to £854 4s. 4d. were made to the legal representatives of the deceased members under section 86, subsection (c), of the Act. A sum of £24,971 9s. 7d., representing contributions of members of the service who retired or whose services were otherwise dispensed with during the year, was refunded to the members concerned in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and contributions transferred to the Public Service Superannuation Fund amounted to £50 12s. lOd.; travelling-expenses of members of the Board amounted to £49 6s. lid.; fines remitted to members, £4 10s.; Audit Office charges, £50; and charges paid to Public Trust Office, £524 ss. Id. The balance to the credit of the accumulated fund on the 31st March, 1925, was £734,112 Bs. lid., an increase of £62,285 2s. sd. The gross income for the year was £287,144 os. Bd. The income from contributions of members of the fund amounted to £144,767 9s. Bd., or £60,811 Is. Id. less than the actual annual liability on 31st March. Investment of the Fund. —Prior to Ist April, 1924, the moneys belonging to the fund formed part of the Common Fund of the Public Trust Department, and the interest thereon was computed on the daily credit balance at the rate of 5 per cent. As provided in Gazette No. 29, of Ist May, 1924, the total amount standing to the credit of the fund as at Ist April, 1924, was invested by the Public Trustee. Particulars of securities now held and the amounts at the different ra.tes of interest are as follows „ t"> i t Amount. Security. Rate per Cent. £ s <3 £ ad Flat mortgages ... ... ... ... 5i 107,750 0 0 5f 24,425 19 11 6 229,465 0 0 6i 1,940 0 0 363,580 19 11 Local bodies' debentures ... ... ... 4i 7,000 0 0 4f 400 0 0 5 17,535 0 0 5J 109,045 0 0 5£ 30,120 0 0 6" 31,415 0 0 195,515 0 0 Government securities ... ... ... 5 50,000 0 0 5} 43,000 0 0 93,000 0 0 Loans repaid during March and held for investment as from Ist April, 1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 965 0 0 £65J,060 19 11 Average rate of interest on securities held at 31st March, 1925 = 5'59 per cent.

I—D. 5.



The following show the balances brought forward at the end of each year, and also the annual value of the allowances actually granted by the Board in each year:— Balanoe forward. Allowanoe granted. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1903 ... ... ... ... 7,056 11 9 1904 ... ... ... ... 40,357 17 3 12,010 14 8 1905 ... ... ... ... 68,670 7 8 8,519 7 8 1906 ... ... ... ... 90,984 11 10 6,348 13 7 1907 ... ... ... ... 110,736 12 3 4,398 14 11 1908 ... ... ... ... 126,642 18 11 7,332 7 11 1909 ... ... ... .. 157,151 14 9 6,359 11 0 1910 ... ... ... ... 173,876 1 8 11,828 0 6 1911 ... ... ... ... 207,242 711 8,064 11 5 1912 ... ... ... ... 233,457 8 6 7,065 16 4 1913 ... ... ... ... 264,455 5 4 8,568 6 6 1914 ... ... ... ... 295,469 11 6 9,865 17 8 1915 ... ... ... ... 346,155 18 2 11,871 14 3 1916 ... ... ... ... 362,810 4 2 9,662 2 5 1917 ... ... ... ... 377,585 2 1 11,733 11 11 1918 ... ... ... ... 373,097 12 7 8,386 4 0 1919 ... ... ... ... 363,804 4 4 9,252 17 8 1920 ... ... ... ... 408,232 10 8 20,341 7 3 1921 ... ... ... ... 464,490 17 0 20,346 8 9 1922 ... ... ... ... 543,531 10 8 23,050 2 0 1923 ... ... ... ... 584,219 2 4 22,791 1 0 1924 ... ... ... ... 671,827 6 6 21,272 4 0 • 1925 ... ... ... ... 734,112 811 36,409 14 0 285,479 9 5 Less members died, &e. ... ... ... ... 79,900 18 8 Annual liability at 31st March, 1925 ... ... ... £205,578 10 9 The amounts shown in the lists attached to the balance-sheets are those actually disbursed during the year, and do not represent the total annual allowances granted by the Board to the 31st March, 1925, which were, — Life allowances on account of voluntary retirements (1,727 £ s. d. persons) 220,981 17 2 Life allowances on account of retirements as " medically unfit" (448 persons) ... ... ... ... ... 37,492 12 3 Allowances to 630 widows and 1,205 children ... ... 27,005 0 0 Total annual allowances granted ... ...£285,479 9 5 Since the inauguration of the fund 825 beneficiaries have, however, died, and 17 members who had been placed on the fund as "medically unfit" resumed duty. The fund was relieved of an annual liability of £67,291 18s. Bd. in respect to these 842 members ; 678 children have reached the age of fourteen years, 15 children have died, 137 widows remarried,.63 widows died; lessening the liability of the fund by an additional £12,609 per annum. There were 2,275 persons actually on the fund at the 31st March, 1925, involving an annual liability of £205,578 10s. 9d. J. G. Coates, Chairman of the Government Eailways Superannuation Fund Board.



GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND. Statement op Accounts in accordance with Section 90, Government Railways Act, 1908. Revenue Account for Year ended 31st March, 1925. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Retiring-allowances to members .. 181,603 11 0 By Members'contributions .. .. 139,332 13 9 Allowances to widows and children . . 14,487 10 4 Members' contributions on account of Refunds of total contributions .. 25,739 18 4 casual service .. .. .. 5,434 15 11 Refunds of contributions in excess of Pines .. .. . . . . 425 15 0 allowances drawn by deceased bene- Subsidies .. .. 105,000 0 0 ficiaries .. .. .. 737 12 11 Donations .. .. .. 10 0 0 Travelling-expenses of Board members 49 6 11 Interest .. .. .. .. 30,940 16 0 Public Trust Office charges .. 664 6 3 Audit fees .. .. .. 50 0 0 Transfers to other funds .. .. 50 14 6 Salaries .. .. .. .. 1,310 9 0 Postages .. .. . . 109 3 4 Printing, stationery .. .. 56 5 8 Balance carried down, being excess of income over expenditure for year .. 62,285 2 5 £287,144 0 8 £287,144 0 8 To Balance accumulated funds at 31st By Accumulated funds brought forward March, 1925 .. .. ..734,112 811 " on Ist April, 1924 .. ..671,827 6 6 Balance brought down .. 62,285 2 5 £734,112 8 11 £734,112 8 11 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1925. Li'ibilities. £ s. d. Asset*. £ s. d. Accumulated funds as per Revenue Investment Account .. .. 656,060 19 11 Account .. .. .. 734,112 811 Current Account .. .. .. 40,685 6 5 Retiring and other allowances due, not Contributions and fines in transit .. 12,168 10 0 paid— Contributions outstanding .. .. 2,239 2 6 Members .. .. .. 692 010 Contributions due by members in respect Widows and children .. .. 161 17 11 of casual service .. .. .. 8,651 1 0 Refunds of contributions .. .. 1,728 15 7 Allowances recoverable .. .. 52 0 0 Transfers to other funds .. .. 413 1 Treasury, cost-of-living bonus .. .. 1,447 12 10 Interest paid in advance .. .. 53 2 6 Interest outstanding .. .. .. 6,763 610 Commission due to Public Trustee .. 140 1 2 Interest accrued but not due .. .. 8,822 10 1 Sundry Dr. (insurance premium) .. 2 10 5 £736,893 0 0 £736,893 0 0 COST OP LIVING BONUS ACCOUNT. Disbursements and Recoveries during Year ended 31st March, 1925. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance due by Treasury, 31st March, By Cash received from Treasury . . 18,204 3 9 1924 .. .. .. 1,473 12 7 Balance due by Treasury, 31st March, Disbursements to annuitants 18,178 4 0 1925 .. .. .. .. 1,447 12 10 £19,651 16 7 ' £19,651 16 7 J. G. Coates, Chairman of tie Government Railways H. Valentine, Superannuation Fund Board. Acting Chief Accountant. I hereby certify that the statement of receipts and payments, Revenue Account, and balancesheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements of the Government Railways Superannuation Fund for the Year ended 31st March, 1925, under Section 90 of the Government Railways Act, 1908. Receipts. Dr. £ a. d. Balance in hands of Publio Trustee on 31st March, 1925 .. .. .. .. .. 654,546 10 11 Contributions by staS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 139,240 16 9 Fines .. .. .. .. .. •• .. •• .. •• 402 15 0 Payment from Consolidated Fund in terms of seotion 19 of the Publio Servioe Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 Payment from Working Railways Department .. .. .. .. .. .. 80,000 0 0 Donation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . • .. .. 10 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21,408 1 7 Amount of cost-of-living bonus received from Treasury for disbursement to annuitants of Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,204 3 9 £938,812 8 0



Government Railways Superannuation Fund.—Disbursements. Gr. Gr. (Continued.) Or. (Continued.) Life allowances paid to—■ £ s. d. Life allowances paid to— £] s. d. Life allowances paid to — £ s. d. Hodges, E. 52 3 0 Cussen, M. .. 56 7 0 Scott, F. .. 83 0 0 Cunningham, H. .. 34 14 0 Sinclair, J. .. .. 76 14 0 Miller, G. .. .. 52 10 0 Wilcock, G. .. .. 83 10 0 Groves, R. .. .. 51 0 0 McDowell, W. J. .. 77 0 0 Railton, G. 60 5 0 Brough, J. . . 73 1 0 Dowland, E. W. •. 97 7 0 Horsnell, S. .. .. 75 13 0 Hancock, H. J. .. 55 9 0 Carmichael, T. H. .. 70 14. 0 Carter, L. .. .. 51 2 0 Stephenson, C. .. 52 0 0 Black, J. .. .. 65 2 0 Bennett, R. .. .. 58 8 0 Thomson, M. G. .. 84 6 0 Hulbert, A. .. 87 4 0 Wakeling, J. .. 56 7 0 McFarlane, D. .. 33 3 0 Cameron, J. A. .. 21 17 0 Horsnell, H. .. .. 34 14 0 Curson, H. .. .. 86 2 0 Russell, G. . . .. 96 3 0 Anderson, C. .. .. 43 16 0 Lyons, J. .. .. 58 10 0 Brown, T. V. .. 48 17 0 Hardy, J. .. .. 60 5 0 Climpson, W... .. 71 15 0 Thomas, M. .. .. 92 17 0 Webster, C. A. .. 58 12 0 Eraser, A. .. 69 7 0 Meek, J. . . .. 55 3 0 Hope, W. .. .. 58 9 0 Brooker, T. W. .. 29 15 0 Puttick, ,1. P. .. 82 7 0 Paice, G. .. .. 60 10 0 Wood, G. . . .. 43 7 0 Banks, E. .. .. 79 1 0 Redpath, J. .. .. 67 16 0 Ailken, W. . . .. 62 17 0 Chisholm, W. . . 71 S 0 . Wishartj A.. .. .. 80 13 0 Wilson, J. .. .. 68 9 0 Brakenridge, G. T. .. 71 9 0 Barr, WLi .. .. 79 8 0 Bagley, T. .. 56 7 0 Elliot, R. J. .. .. 67 12 0 Tonkin, J. .. .. 60 10 0 Bealel W. .. .. 61 1 0 Cronin, M. .. . 69 1 0 Mcllroy, R. .. .. 80 17 0 Shadwell, E. .. 69 7 0 Watson, 1). .. 87 13 0 Sweet, G. .. . 49 6 0 Dallard, G. .. .. 69 7 0 Davies, J. . . .. 83 7 0 Olsen, T. .. .. 47 9 0 Richardson, R. . . 66 18 0 Morton, A. . . . - 96 14 0 Johnson, C. W. . . 48 0 0 Pepper, W. .. . . 58 10 0 Mortimer, T. . . 76 7 0 Wyatt, J. .. .. 42 0 0 McKearney, D. . . 56 7 0 Tohill, >T. . . . . 82 9 ft Dewe, E. .. . . 54 16 0 Richardson, G. .. 68 2 0 Muroh, W. .. .. 60 6 0 Poster, C. .. .. 60 1 0 Rultitude, W. B. .. 54 13 0 Holmes, C. E. .. 66 8 0 Gordon, J. .. 54 18 0 Pickering, G... .. 73 3 0 White, L. .. ..78 11 0 Verey, W. A... .. 65 4 0 Reynolds, J. .. ..77 0 0 Britten, A. E. .. 52 5 0 Fee, E. .. .. 43 16 0 Longman, E. .. .. 19 17 0 Blee, J. .. .. 77 15 0 Smeal, W. .. .. 66 18 0 Peters, W. . . . . 54 0 0 Shardlow, J. R. .. 75 19 0 Moore, G. .. .. 81 0 0 Cartwright, J. .. 69 3 0 Spooner, F. .. .. 78 14 0 Mitchell, A. ... .. 68 9 0 Craig, J. .. .. 95 8 0 Mann, A. .. .. 90 4 0 Tull, B. .. .. 58 8 0 Davis, E. .. .. 63 2 0 Addison, T. .. .. 87 12 0 Mills, C. .. .. 43 16 0 Angus, W. C... .. 60 5 0 Jones, R. .. .. 72 5 0 Staunton, J. .. 40 3 0 Berrett, T. .. 82 5 ft McLean, R. .. 61 5 0 Newlands, J. ~ .. 87 13 0 Sings, W. . . .. 71 0 0 Hobbs, J. .. 70 15 0 Thompson, W. .. 27 8 0 Williams, W. H. .. 7116 ft Chegwin, J. H. B. .. 79 5 0 Liddell, G. .. .. 60 5 0 Wilson, J. C. .. .. 86 2 0 Dalton, J. H. .. 19 6 0 Walton, J. .. 56 12 0 Murphy, J. 69 3 0 Buchanan, J. H. .. 45 10 0 Round, E. .. .. 69 8 0 Swann, R. .. .. 95 7 0 Lisk, D. .. .. 67 9 0 Hart, A. .. .. 60 10 0 Foster, R. . . .. 64 18 0 Duffy, C. J. .. .. 90 12 0 Wylie, X. B. . . . . 63 0 0 Kavanagh, E. .. 67 9 0 Elliot, T. .. .. 78 11 0 Bryant, E. .. .. 52 19 0 Tomlin, E. .. 60 3 0 McNeely, J. .. .. 51 9 0 Kulsch, C. A... .. 81 S 0 Matheson, J. .. .. 42 18 0 McNeil, J. .. .. 61 0 0 Lobb, J. H. .. .. 49 6 0 Nelson, G. .. .. 58 19 ft Hopkins, W. .. 89 4 0 Hislop, J. .. .. 63 0 ft Walker, G. .. .. 56 5 0 Orbell, J. .. .. 90 18 0 Stephens, W. H. .. 75 13 0 Aplio, R. .. 43 1 ft Edwards, I). .. 77 10 0 Cameron, J. .. .. 56 12 0 Cairns, A. E. .. .. 83 16 ft Anderson, F... .. 16 4 0 Millar, R. .. .. 73 19 0 Burton, H. .. .. 76.11 0 Grenfell, H. .. .. 82 19 0 Symons, J. .. "66 16 0 Hinde, F. .. 75 3 0 Owen, E. E. 62 1 0 Luke, R. H. .. .. 56 7 ft Curtis, J. .. .. 97 11 0 Moore, J. .. .. 62 2 0 Barnett, J. .. .. 60 1 ft Thompson, R. .. 70 17 0 Veint, J. . . .. 85 17 0 Barber, A. . . .. 37 16 8 Gray, R, .. . . 35 11 0 Taylor, P. .. .. 77 3 0 Laws, T. .. .. 63 9 0 Irvine, L. . . .. 90 0 0 Wannicott, G. .. 55 17 0 Hollinger, T. .. .. 45 13 0 Hall, T. .. .. 86 18 ft Hocking, W. G. S. .. 11 14 ft Qauley, M. .. ..36 10 ft Baxter, J. .. 69 1 0 Walker, H. T. B. .. 318 0 Cory, M. .. .. 75 13 0 Exton, F. .. .. 97 5 0 Colechin, C. E. .. 56 2 0 Butler, J. .. .. 79 16 ft Dougall, P. .. .. 6ft 0 0 Crawford, R... .. 73 12 0 Serpless, J. .. .. 64 14 ft McKittrick, P.. .. 71 14 ft Burrows, G. D. .. 98 9 ft Noble, F. .. .. 90 8 ft Curtis, S. .. ..81 15 ft Grainger, W. H. .. 52 15 ft Williamson, A. .. 42 4 ft Smart, G. A. .. .. 97 ft 0 Merry, T. R. .. 94 18 0 Semple, W. .. .. 45 18 ft Byrnes, W. .. .. 73 11 ft Johnson, M. .. .. 63 9 0 Humdell. H. .. .. 62 12 ft Carey, T. .. .. 56 7 ft Pollock, J. .. .. 75 7 ft Bowler, P. .. .. 54 3 ft Gosden, G. .. .. 83 1(5 ft Hely, J. L. H. .. 33 1 ft Kendall, W. .. .. 52 3 0 Skinner, D. .. 61 8 0 Pope, P. J. .. .. 66 2 ft Irwin, J. .. 6ft 5 0 Duncan, A. .. 70 2 0 Molloy, P. H. 67 4 0 Forman, J. .. .. 71 10 0 Ritchie, T. .. . . 93 18 0 O'Connor, D. .. 94 8 0 Finlayson, P... .. 65 0 0 Wallace, J. .. . . 58 10 0 Walsh, F. .. .. 93 18 0 Silvester, A. .. .. 75 17 0 Maddock, J. .. 66 15 0 Mcßride, W. F. 19 15 ft Kennedy, R... .. 93 18 0 Mullen, R: .. .. 90 11 0 Hyde, F. C. .. .. 20 17 0 Howe, G. .. 82 7 0 Morrinson, W. 77 17 0 Holland, G. P. .. 88 16 ft Tulloch, J. .. ... 82 3 0 Blackwood, J. .. 83 4 0 Daly, B. . . . . 97 10 0 Curtin, D. . . 62 17 0 Blewett, W. .. 82 13 ft Reidy, T. .. ..'Bl 6 0 Carrington, C. J. 63 0 0 Steven, M. P. .. 63 2 0 McNeil, F. 68 13 ft Gronwall, H. E. .. 42 3 0 Parker, F. .. .. 65 8 ft Fray, J. L. H. .. 16 15 0 Beaglev, J. .. .. 62 12 0 Garland, T 85 1 0 Grey, A. .. ..98ft Auld, E. .. 39 0 0 Power, P. . . 68 7 0 Collingwood, W. F. .. 86 1 0 Revell, J. K. .. .. 6ft 5 0 Butcher, E. .. .. 87 16 ft Keating, R. H. .. 34 9 0 Rodgers, J. .. 86 2 0 Mikkelson, W. . . 92 4 0 McNamara, P. .. 53 0 0 Turnbull, E. .. .. 54 3 0 Pearse, H. .. . . 92 13 0 Peyman, J. . . .. 90 2 0 Miller, J. .. .. 75 17 0 Thomson. W. B. ~ 69 1 ft Ferriday, J. M. .. 48 19 0 Bowyer, J. 11. .. 78 5 0 Smith, W. .. 93 7 0 Burns, D. G. .. 92 7 0 Grover, E. .. 73 13 ft Gillies, S. .. .. 69 14 0 Ramsay, J. W. .. 77 12 0 Green, G. .. 51 3 0 McKechnie, J. 88 3 0 Probert, H. S. .. 34 19 0 Sherwood, S. .. .. 64 9 0 Wheeler, F. H. .. 52 9 0 Lucas, J. .. .. 45 13 0 Harrison, J. .. .. 62 12 ft Morrison, 11. .. .. 48 17 ft Haines, C. W. .. 109 18 0 Brown, W. .. 68 2 0 Rattley, G. .. .. 67 12 0 Bandeen, J. .. .. 67 16 0 Brown, A, . . 88 18 ft Keeley, 0. .. 89 17 0 Millar, 0. .. 40 3 0 Hynes, T. .. ..86 13 ft Craies, W. D. .. 90 3 ft Rouse, P. .. .. 68 2 0



Government Railways Superannuation Fund.—Disbursements—continued. CV. (Continued.) Gr. (Continued.) Cr. (Continued.) Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. Life allowances paid to — £ s. d. Life allowances paid to — £ s. d. Wells, H. .. .. 48 0 0 Jelfs, VV. .. .. 107 12 0 Finnerty, R. .. .. 78 4 0 Tindale, E. .. .. 77 0 0 Moore, S. M. .. 66 13 0 Fraser, J. .. .. 115 14 0 Crawley, W... .. 87 15 0 Jenkins, T. .. .. 84 15 0 Sherwood, C. W. .. 97 16 0 Hill, T. .. .. 38 7 0 McKinnon, J. .. 58 14_.0 Steel, G. .. .. 71 2 0 Petrie, J. .. 95 8 0 Slight, J. .. .. 107 Dougherty, D. .. 66 8 0 Logan, W. .. .. 74 7 0 Seguin, W. .. .. 29 4 0 Milton, W. .. .. 67 2 0 Kelliher, C. .. .. 51 2 0 Grant, A. .. .. 408 7 0 Williams, A. .. .. 100 18 0 Leathwick, B. T. .. 108 10 0 Keenan, J. .. .. 21 13 0 Carr, W. .. .. 79 11 0 Boyle, J. .. .. 36 10 0 Slade, T. .. .. 49 17 0 Mechaelis, R... .. 98 11 0 Matheson, J. .. 52 6 0 Olver, W. .. .. 58 10 0 McLean, W. F. .. 78 14 0 Voyce, H. .. .. 51 2 0 Brass, J. .. .. 117 8 0 Wellings, G. .. .. 180 0 0 Ronan, W. .. .. 42 0 0 Weir, R. .. .. 104 7 0 Black, G. R. .. .. 133 2 0 Lawrell, H. W. .. 94 10 0 Brown, T. .. .. 63 0 0 Peryer, M. .. .. 127 8 0 Dowrick, W. .. 56 7 0 Ames, W. .. .. 110 17 0 Campbell, A. .. 63 8 0 Russell, J. .. 38 7 0 Hunt, T. .. 64 6 0 Taylor, D. .. .. 32 4 0 Martin, T. . . .. 73 I 0 Perry, W. .. .. 42 5 0 Connolly, J. .. .. 79 7 0 Stewart, J. . . .. 95 0 0 Burbery, C. .. .. 56 7 0 Cole, E. M. . . .. 234 1 0 Marcus, C. A. .. 172 10 0 Bass, W. .. .. 175 0 0 McKillop, D... ..153 7 0 Matthewson, J. .. 155 0 0 Gichard, W. .. .. 69 6 0 Head, L. .. . . 80 8 0 Mitchell, C. F. ~ 36 10 0 Hutohins, T. 63 8 0 Quigley, N. 85 5' 0 Adams, JH. . . 49 6 0 Pickard, T. . . 60 13 0 Tullock, H. .. 99 3 0 Peterkin, T. A. .. 175 15 0 Rosoman, G... 54 3 0 Coffey, J. .. 61 18 0 Esther, R. T. .. 30 0 0 Owen,.). .. . . 128 7 0 Rickards, W. .. 72 6 0 Bailey, I. .. .. 51 3 0 Moekett, S. .. .. 73 13 0 Mooney, W. .. .. 84 15 0 Power s T. .. .. 36 10 0 Williams, I). .. 49 6 0 Pooley, J. .. .. 84 15 0 Cleverley, C. .. .. 82 4 0 Berry, F. G. .. 114 2 0 Kelly, G. .. .. 64 19 0 White, G. .. .. 45 0 0 Pascoe, H. .. .. 65 15 0 Finlay, D. .. .. 85 12 0 Tank, R. .. .. 49 6 0 Barr, M. .. .. 97 15 0 Vercoe, B. .. .. 76 8 0 Smith, J. .. .. 190 0 0 Salisbury, J. .. 108 0 0 Tregear, J. H. .. 115 14 0 Milroy, J. .. .. 54 16 0 Curtis, S. .. . . 29 15 0 Thomas, J. H. .. 83 19 0 Such, W. P. .. 80 17 0 Smith, J. H. .. 132 0 0 Soulsbv, R. .. .. 110 19 0 Fitzhenry, W. . . 54 16 0 Westbury, G. .. 69 7 0 Hardwick, J .P. .. 136 15 0 Eadie, J. .. .. 97 1 0 Thomson, D. ..114 2 0 Long, J. G. .. 70 6 0 Robertson, A. .. 60 13 0 Black, G. .. .. 110 17 0 Neels, S. .T. .. .. 72 12 0 Undrill, T. .. 45 18 0 Vasta, C. .. .. 114 2 0 Appleby, L. .. 73 6 0 Dellow, W. S. .. 68 2 0 Payton, R. .. .. 45 18 0 Tully, M. C. .. .. 147 3 0 Fowke, T. M. .. 104 7 0 Keat, L. 1. .. .. li 4 2 0 Wallace, 1). .. .. 90 7 0 Hodge, W. .. .. 82 3 0 Bogle, J. K. .. 124 13 0 Hill, C. F. .. .. 156 19 0 Hansen, C. .. .. 51 3 0 Maxwell, R. .. .. 130 16 0 Gomer, T. C. .. .. 106 10 0 Osborn, J. .. .. 51 3 0 Heald, C. A. . . 153 0 0 Mackenzie, A. .. 253 7 0 Staunton, T. .. .. 56 12 0 Hughes, S. .. .. 100 8 0 Devery, K. 70 18 0 Thomas, J. .. .. 106 8 0 Hayward, J. .. 100 8 0 Smith, H. C. .. .. 236 13 0 Yardley, T. G. .. 88 19 0 Mahon, H. .. .. 32 17 0 Rolfe, W. F. .. .. 236 13 0 McKellar, A. .. 83 7 0 Turner, E. .. 77 9 0 Panting, J. .. 78 1 0 McNeil, W. P. .. 113 13 0 Durry, G. R. .. 110 17 0 Donovan, H. J. .. 94 6 0 Leamv, J. .. ... 21 18 0 Kane, A. .. .. 119 11 0 Randle, R. .. 98 10 0 Burgess, J. .. . . 37 11 0 Derry, C. J. .. .. 79 9 0 Bartlett, A. T. .. 127 14 0 Daffy, A. .. .. 109 11 0 McLennan, J. .. 127 10 0 Gray, J. .. .. 184 7 0 Shardlow, 8... .. 29 15 0 White, J. .. .. 61 1 0 Forrester, J. .. .. 91 4 0 Sweetman, F. .. 46 11 0 Amundsen, A. ..76 13 0 Cummings, H. .. 144 16 0 Crisp, J. .. .. 130 0 0 Bowes, W. F. .. 99 0 0 Shaw, R. .. .. 152 14 0 McKelvie, S. 75 2 0 Dray, A. M. .. 93 2 0 Frame, A. .. ..11150 Stewart, J. .. .. 100 3 0 Woodham, H. .. 117 8 0 Brown, R. .. 94 15 0 Lowe, F. C. .. .. 65 15 0 Batchelor, W. H. .. 109 1 0 Mill, D. . . .. 64 11 0 Shaw, F. .. .. 66 16 0 Breeze, T. .. .. 97 II 0 Harrington, M. J. .. 37 14 0 McWilliams, A. .. 170 0 0 Ames, H. .. 71 15 0 McLaren, P. .. .. 107 10 0 Sinclair, A. .. .. 102 0 0 Donaldson, A. .. 110 10 0 Caldow, R. .. .. 100 2 0 Piper, J. W. .. 236 13 0 Owen, W. J. .. 236 13 0 Reid, J. .. .. 98 13 0 Snaddon, A. .. .. 72 0 0 Woreley, C. .. .. 180 0 0 Jack, J. R. .. .. 103 6 0 Jones, H. J. .. 91 13 0 Barnett, R. .. .. 84 5 0 Makin, W. .. .. 119 0 0 Wright, J. .. .. 62 12 0 Ennis, J. .. .. 80 7 0 Miller, W. .. .. 77 9 0 O'Donnell, J. .. .. 43 16 0 Conway, J. .. .. 100 8 0 Ronayne, T. .. .. 803 19 0 Garrard, G. .. ..66 16 0 Eades, J. .. .. 83 0 0 Vass, J. .. 67 16 0 Power, W. E. .. 60 0 0 Hardcastle, G. .. 51 0 0 Day, P. .. . . 96 19 0 Dennis, T. .. 107 12 0 Reeves, C. A. .. .. 128 0 0 Dempsey, J. .. .. 93 11 0 Robertson, J. F. .. 148 15 0 Harvey, J. .. .. 87 0 0 Cronin, M. .. . . 93 18 0 Nieol, J. .. .. 99 0 0 Norman, H. .. .. 104 0 0 Fisher, W. B. .. 144 15 0 Kerr, J. .. .. 126 3 0 Livingstone, J. 43 16 0 Stringer, F. .. 93 6 0 Crombie, W. .. .. 171 12 0 McGowan, J. .. .. 98 17 0 Lysaght, E. .. .. 137 13 0 Newman, W. .. 67 3 0 Allan, A. .. .. 180 1 0 Duncan, P. A. .. 236 13 0 Drennan, J. .. .. 104 7 0 Gilby, J. E. .. .. 112 14 0 Tyack, J. .. .. 104 2 0 Foster, C. H. .. 99 0 0 Condell, W. .. .. 60 6 0 Alecock, J. C. .. 75 IS 0 Crutch, C. .. ..160 -0 0 Marshall, C. .. .. 127 1 0 Pigott, W. H. .. 133 17 6 Bartlett, G. .. .. 83 4 0 Milroy, T. .. .. 129 7 0 Jones, J. W. .. .. 145 8 0 Solomon, W. .. 45 18 0 Twomey, P. .. .. 25 9 0 Collins, R. .. .. 112 10 0 Hallberg, H. 52 0 0 Hardy, A. .. .. 129 5 0 Patterson, A... .. 101 15 0 Mathie, A. .. .. 56 7 0 Henlev, J. . . . . 126 7 0 Southwood, H. .. 62 5 0 McLean, J. .. . . 123 5 0 Dunnill, J. .. .. 66 13 0 McKay, D. .. .. 217 4 0 Barbor, H. W. .. 91 13 0 Bowles, J. W. . . 137 0 0 Woodhouse, J. H. .. 170 16 0 White, J. .. .. 93 7 0 Hall, W. J. .. . . 112 6 0 Simpson, W. .. .. 50 13 0 Styles, A. .. .. 49 17 0 Stephenson, R. 84 13 0 Low, C. .. .. 106 15 0 Day, J. .. .. 165 0 0 Petherick, G. .. 69 11 0 Firth, B. . . .. 131 6 0 Griffith, J. .. .. 71 10 0 McKay, H. .. .. 128 17 0 Pollock, A. .. .. 165 13 0 Williams, A. .. 130 0 0 Day, H. J. .. .. 139 9 0 Derbidge, A. .. .. 104 7 0 Cameron, S. .. .. 71 10 0 Steffensen, M. 99 6 0 Kelly, D. G. .. .. 52 15 0 Hyndman, A. 56 7 0 Hutton, T. 80 0 0 Paull, J. .. .. 102 7 0 Flynn, G. G. .. 110 17 0 Maugham, T... .. 72 9 0 Ryan, J. .. .. 103 14 0 Campbell, C. 25 11 0 Dinan, B. .. 52 0 0 Lucas, G. .. ..83 4 0



Government Railways Superannuation Fund. —Disbursements —continued. Cr. (Continued.) Cr (Continued.) Cr. (Continued.) Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. Life allowances paid to — £ s. d. Glendinning, G. .. 104 14 0 Thomas, J. 71 lb 0 Whitcombe, 8. F. .. 500 0 0 Coard, J. . . .. 123 10 0 Sellars, C. A. .. 183 7 0 Sherwin, J. H. .. 162 3 0 Robertson, W. .. 57 6 0 Murray, T. .. 76 7 0 Jory, G. .. .. 172 3 0 Smith, J. .. .. 210 0 0 George, W. G. .. 42 9 2 Addison, I). W. .. 89 16 0 Wood, W. A... .. 175 2 0 Hodges, W. .. .. 122 7 0 Newton, J. .. .. 138 10 0 Prankerd, J. S. .. 108 1 0 Smith, A. G. .. .. 109 11 0 Barker, H. .. .. 176 11 0 Wilson, E. G. ..210 0 0 Donaldson, W. .. 124 5 0 Pearse, W. .. .. 149 1 0 Freeman, G. .. .. 125 4 0 O'Connor, D. .. 49 6 0 Lee, G. H. .. .. 104 1 0 Dennis, H. E. .. 77 6 0 Leadbeater, J. .. 105 10 0 Hood, D. .. .. 120 11 0 Knighton, R... .. 83 5 0 Pattle, T. .. .. 173 7 0 Downey, M. .. .. 134 5 0 Hepburn, G. .. .. 113 11 0 Reed, J. W. .. .. 183 7 0 Watson, A. .. .. 240 0 0 Hennessy, J. .. .. 76 14 0 Jolly, W. S. .. .. 40 1 0 Hehir, J. .. .. 104 10 0 Jones, W. H... .. 89 17 0 King, G. W. .. .. 48 15 0 Wilson, E. .. .. 146 1 0 Hewitt, J. .. 58 13 0 Denneliy, W. .. 104 12 0 Williams, W. .. . . 301 1 0 Cockroft, A. . . .. 140 17 0 Lawson, P. 86 17 0 Flaws, T. . . .. 177 7 0 Dixon, T. F. W. .. 62 16 0 Thode, A. E. F. .. 118 19 0 Masters, H. .. .. 113 11 0 Gordon, R. .. 91 15 0 Mulhane, W. .. 48 10 0 Sargeant, J. .. .. 172 3 0 Pye-Smith, R. .. 165 7 0 Sargison, H. .. . . 91 12 0 Sinclair, W. . . .. 125 4 0 Erlandsson, P. . . 112 17 0 Smith, E. M. .. 41 10 0 Huse, C. H. F. . . 110 0 0 Wills, J. . . . . 131 10 0 Kilmister, R. . . 102 1 0 Pearce, H. .. 213 7 0 Blanc, D. .. . . 64 9 0 Adams, E. .. . . 140 17 0 Bell, P. .. .. 153 19 0 Thomas, W. .. .. 51 17 0 Home, E. B. .. 110 11 0 Davidson, T.. . ..203 7 0 Gibson, R. 5... . . 104 10 0 Pepperill, F. E. .. 75 16 0 Warren, J. . . 173 3 0 Fitzgerald, A. J. .. 58 2 0 Savage, R. .. 84 13 0 Watkins, A. G. ... 168 14 0 Griffiths, G. .. .. 139 3 0 Ferrall, E. T... .. 511 0 Broad, T. .. .. 187 16 0 Stubbs, F. .. 79 9 0 Neville, M. W. .. 49 7 0 Martelli, H. .. . . 130 8 0 Meachen, T. .. .. 236 13 0 Munro, G. . . .. 90 16 0 Jackson, H. H. .. 733 7 0 Couch, P. .. .. 198 1 0 Lambert, A. H. G. .. 42 6 0 Hunter, W. .. .. 313 7 0 King, W. G. .. .. 156 1 0 Callick, W. 93 18 0 Hyland, W. .. .. 156 10 0 Kennedy, A. .. .. 190 8 0 Leyland, W. .. .. 57 18 0 Treweek, F. .. .. 226 11 0 Kyle, J. .. .. 84 3 0 Johnston, R. . . . 168 10 0 Webb, W. .. . . 177 7 0 Burrows, S. .. 58 8 0 Patterson, J. .. .. 140 17 0 Harrison, R. .. . . 128 17 0 Stemp, H. H. .. 87 7 0 Cockroft. A. . . .. 140 17 0 Arthur, T. M. .. 203 7 0 King, J. .. 89 19 0 Schofield, R. J. W. .. 210 0 0 Bennett, H. .. .. 203 7 0 Smart, J. W. .. 132 16 0 Peck, J. W. .. .. 103 10 0 Kerr, W. .. .. 276 13 0 Hope, R. .. .. 161 15 0 Bourke, J. .. .. 114 15 0 Hoddinott, H. J. .. 172 3 0 Gordon, A. .. 103 12 0 Rowe, M. C. .. .. 316 13 0 Banks, A. .. .. 164 10 0 Burnett, J. .. .. 666 13 0 Cooper, J. .. .. 124 11 0 Brebner, T. W. .. 400 0 0 Benney, M. .. .. 162 5 0 Brown, P. W. A. ..138 4 0 Hickey, J. .. .. 112 0 0 Rice, M. .. 74 18 0 Armstrong, J. E. .. 297 8 0 Jolly, C. .. .. 108 6 0 Brooker, J. G. .. 140 17 0 Wheatley, R... .. 66 6 0 Parker, T. .. ..11511 0 Gaze, R. .. . . 80 14 0 Martin, J. .. .. 107 10 0 Aitken, W. .. .. 203 7 0 Rollo, C. .. .. 140 17 0 Haskins, E. L. W. .. 283 7 0 Forrest, J. H. .. 24 10 0 Hosie, J. .. .. 119 0 0 White, W. .. 62 6 0 Cummings, P. .. 125 19 0 Smith, P. C. .. .. 195 9 0 Turner, D. 5... .. 92 13 0 Livingstone, J. .. 136 9 0 Collins, E. E... ..11l 1 0 Turner, G. A. ..186 3 0 David, S. .. .. 164 5 0 Farrant, R. .. .. 116 18 0 Hutchins, F. .. .. 108 3 0 Hall, J. .. .. 203 7 0 Hudson, A. .. 60 15 0 O'Keefe, J. .. 67 10 0 Peach, C. .. .. 276 13 0 Hunter, W. . . .. 140 17 0 Robson, M. .. 91 6 0 Pope, F. J. . . 172 3 0 Kay, W. .. 88 8 0 O'Leary, D. .. .. 163 7 0 Fitzgerald, W. J. .. 52 6 0 White, A. J. .. .. 106 15 0 Bowman, J. . . .. 148 2 0 Batt, A. J. .. .. 118 10 0 Mackay, J. R. . . 49 11 0 Cadman, W. H. .. 64 3 0 Hotere, J. .. 16 14 0 Smith, W. .. 73 4 0 Solan, J. H. .. .. 29 0 0 Button, A. S. .. 223 18 0 McEwan, S. .. .. 140 17 0 Armstrong, J. .. 138 14 0 Guthrie, M. .. .. 240 0 0 Cribb, A. .. 79 18 0 McLeman, H. 69 2 0 Mander, J. .. .. 162 19 0 McDonald, A. F. .. 83 17 0 Kydd, W. .. .. 194 11 0 Hewetson, R. W. .. 7 0 0 Carbrey, M. .. 72 19 0 Scully, M. .. .. 102 18 0 Munro, D. .. .. 346 13 0 Graham, A. .. .. 130 1 0 Sanford, C. .. .. 95 7 0 Hall, T. L. .. .. 220 7 0 Leddy, J. .. 81 15 0 Hislop, J. .. .. 130 13 0 Medhurst, A. H. .. 75 16 0 Stancombe, D. 93 2 0 Kelly, W. H. 89 0 0 Toogood, R. E. .. 197 9 0 Johnson, A. . . .. 104 1 0 Arnold, F. W. . . 225 14 0 Crisp, T. . . 90 18 0 Payne, H. .. 80 10 0 Lipscombe, J. .. 86 6 0 Walker, A. T. .. 81 11 0 Travers, H. .. .. 139 0 0 Hosie, D. .. .. 144 7 0 Stringer, W. J. .. 178 13 0 Kugener, P. .. . . 100 9 0 James, H. W. .. 120 0 0 Jones, D. .. . . 129 15 0 Tichener, H. F. .. 46 15 0 Wroath, W. H. .. 154 16 0 Shelley, J. .. 107 6 0 Gibb, W. .. .. 162 11 0 Field, F. .. .. 110 14 0 Ballantine, J. .. 126 6 0 Quested, J. .. 94 3 0 Parnell, W. .. ..11l 4 0 Taylor, A. P. .. 235 16 0 O'Meara, J. .. .. 76 9 0 McMillan, T. .. .. 67 3 0 Shepherd, S. S. .. 126 17 0 Lewis, J. .. .. 90 5 0 Hartle, W. G. . . 127 8 0 Vowless, G. .. 79 11 0 Pee, J. .. .. 117 5 0 Roberts, J. .. .. 166 2 0 Dobbie, E. .. .. 316 13 0 Taylor, E. M. .. 105 9 0 Middlebrook, J. T. .. 128 17 0 Kelly, J. . . .. 102 4 0 Farr, J. .. .. 103 18 0 Crawford, R. .. .. 146 7 0 Butland, J. .. .. 119 9 0 Davey, R. .. 87 11 0 Moir, D. J. . . 172 3 0 Montgomery, J. . . 136 18 0 Freed, E. H. .. .. 115 15 0 Davison, J. W. .. 107 16 0 Barker, W. J. .. 213 7 0 Davey, E. . . .. 206 18 0 Farr, E. L. . . .. 146 13 0 Stewart, W. .. . . 203 7 0 Hawkins, J. O. .. 119 3 0 Arrowsmith, W. .. 11l 17 0 Pepperell, L. P. .. 313 7 0 Bennett, J. .. . . 196 18 0 Howard, S. .. .. 108 3 0 Bennett, W. .. 94 18 0 Ewbank, J. .. 56 12 0 Brownlee, G. .. .. 350 0 0 Curtis, W. E... . . 79 8 0 Growden, H. H. .. 105 13 0 Currie, J. .. .. 187 11 0 Barclay, G. .. .. 316 13 0 Muirhead, J. . . .. 84 19 0 Vause, J. .. 98 10 0 Beardsmore, G. A. .. 23 0 0 Stevens, J. .. .. 130 19 0 Keegan, M. .. .. 172 3 0 Jaggar, A. N... .. 19 13 0 King, E. .. .. 107 5 0 Robertson, J. .. 172 3 0 Scott, J. C. .. .. 110 9 0 Martin, F. J. .. 117 2 0 Gardiner, M. .. .. 160 4 0 Watson, G. H. .. 126 16 0 Nichols, J. W. .. 250 3 0 Meekin, R. .. 156 10 0 O'Neill, P. .. 147 16 0 Ingpen, E. E. .. 163 7 0 Luzmoor, E. .. .. 114 9 0 Lees, A. .. .. 192 1 0 Nuttall, W. .. .. 95 12 0 Vercoe, J. .. 95 5 0 Pritchard, M. .. 173 11 0 Hicks, W. P. .. .. 301 13 0 Ramsay, R. . . .. 172 3 0 McCalman, T. M. . . 190 8 0 Hodge, S. . . .. 90 15 0 Stewart, G. .. .. 123 15 0 Fisher. D. .. .. 156 7 0 Thomas, J. .. . . 103 2 0 Bailey, A. .. .. 77 10 0 Cole, W. M. .. .. 215 18 0



Government Railways Superannuation Fund. —Disbursements —continued. Cr. (Continued.) I Cr. (Continued.) Cr. (Continued.) Life allowances paid to — £ s. d. Life allowances paid to — £ s. d. Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. Sweeney, J. .. .. 119 6 0 Wilson, J. .. .. 170 6 0 Sargent, G. .. .. 205 13 0 Wilson, D. .. 181 9 0 Henderson, T. .. 153 12 0 Thomson, E. J. .. 28 13 0 McManus, J. .. .. 94 16 0 Scott, W. .. .. 333 7 0 Dickinson, T. .. 196 14 0 Hewitt, W. A. .. 147 11 0 Yule, A. A. .. .. 27 10 0 Simmons, C. E. .. 226 3 0 Ball, G. A. .. .. 118 8 0 Wright, H. J. .. 148 12 0 Rodgers, J. P. .. 206 17 0 Greig, J. F. .. .. 173 12 0 Wilson, T. H. .. 218 8 0 Young, J. .. .. 433 7 0 Mills, M. .. .. 122 7 0 Jones, J. H. .. .. 216 2 0 Sharkey, A. P. .. 158 10 0 Stephens, R. .. .. 145 7 0 Duncan, A. .. .. 500 0 0 Price, T. .. .. 118 2 0 Molloy, P. .. .. 156 10 0 Gibson, J. .. .. 110 4 0 McCarthy, J. F. .. 341 7 0 Hodge, A. .. .. 212 3 0 Pelling, T. L... .. 12119 0 Turner, I. W. ..322 12 0 McMaster, G. H. . . 316 13 0 Muir, J. W. . . .. 176 19 0 Parrish, W. H. F. .. 106 14 0 Johnson, A. V. .. 124 9 0 Cameron, G. D. .. 236 13 0 Clifford, P. .. 154 13 0 Giles, W. H. F. .. 138 19 0 lies, C. H. .. .. 273 7 0 Veale, F. S. .. . . 210 16 0 Bean, P. E. .. .. 366 13 0 Brennan, M. .. .. 90 15 0 O'Loughlen, A. H. .. 447 18 0 Penny, R. .. .. 206 1 0 Henderson, J. T. .. 295 12 0 Edwards, W. .. 113 18 0 Street, T. .. .. 199 15 0 Flynn, P. .. .. 91 2 0 Robson, J. G. .. 201 0 0 Horan, O. .. .. 187 4 0 Riddock, J. W. .. 264 10 0 Finlay, J. .. .. 120 15 0 Miles, R. .. .. 182 12 0 Smith, R. W. .. 192 17 0 Alexander, J. .. 218 8 0 Kimber, F. . . .. 190 8 0 Grosvenor, B. .. 161 13 0 Egan, E. .. . . 300 0 0 Duncan, W. M. .. 224 14 0 Rees, C. W. .. . . 168 12 0 Smith, W. T. . . 213 12 0 Christopher,S. .. 144 11 0 Norie, G. H. .. .. 269 5 0 Cameron, W. J. .. 205 13 0 Pedlar, G. .. .. 295 7 0 Cunningham, T. R. .. 156 7 0 Johnson, E. .. .. 243 7 0 Paull, A. .. .. 156 10 0 Gordon, J. .. .. 116 11 0 Cox, G. S. .. .. 176 19 0 Murton, J. H. .. 113 11 0 Barrow, J. .. .. 130 12 0 Hore, J. .. 61 13 0 Smith, J. .. .. 207 14 0 Ruscoe, H. L. .. 77 17 0 Flyger, N. C. .. 49 2 0 Levey, J, J. .. .. 156 10 0 Jefferies, J. .. .. 130 16 0 Dickinson, W. .. 151 3 0 Cowie, J. P. .. .. 109 18 0 MoMeekin, J... ..127 16 0 Sullivan, P. .. .. 126 2 0 Shardlow, W. .. 11 8 0 Long, W. .. .. 108 6 0 Foreman, J. .. .. 243 7 0 Wilson, R. .. 128 5 0 Round, D. J. .. 266 13 0 Crawley, W. C. .. 189 14 0 McSwan, A. M. .. 239 3 0 McKeown, P. .. 155 5 0 Hall, J. .. .. 156 4 0 Mansell, A. J. .. 156 10 0 Sherlock, A. .. .. 187 15 0 Small, M. .. .. 156 4 0 Boswell, J. R. .. 310 0 0 Huckstep, H. J. .. 108 10 0 Aitken, W. .. 133 9 0 Campbell, A. A. .. 273 7 0 Williamson, J. M. ..12150 Day, C. F. .. .. 346 13 0 Manners, T. .. .. 137 11 0 Dawson, E. A. .. 342 16 0 Neale, W. H. .. 183 6 0 Yemm, G. .. .. 208 13 0 Brooks, T. E. .. 119 17 0 Rudman, A. 11. .. 310 0 0 Burtenshaw, W. .. 199 4 0 Jane, P. H. .. .. 203 6 0 Kane, J. .. .. 366 13 0 Tate, W. A. .. . . 120 11 0 Simpson, R. .. .. 245 12 0 Croft, W. .. .. 273 7 0 Sanders, S. .. .. 264 1.6 0 Trautvetter, A. .. 90 6 0 Harris, H. .. .. 136 16 0 Beaton, J. .. .. 150 2 0 Beck, T. F. .. .. 209 I 0 Boden, B. .. .. 205 13 0 Neazor, W. .. .. 161 14 0 Dunwoodie, R. .. 148 1 0 Shields, W. .. .. 261 13 0 Cook, W. .. .. 192 17 0 Emery, C.J. ..117 4 0 Arkley, T. .. .. 138 10 0 McLaren, D. .. .. 182 12 0 Annear, J. H. .. 122 1 0 Collins, J. G. .. 124 12 0 Brown, J. .. .. 259 3 0 O'Keeffe, E. J. H. . . 236 13 0 Halley, W. H. .. 124 14 0 Roulston, N. .. 239 14 0 Bargh, C. T. .. .. 259 17 0 Valentine, J. .. .. 224 18 0 Scott, G. .. .. 24 0 0 Wood, A. W.J. .. 132 10 0 Tapp, J. M. P. .. 93 15 0 Kelly, D. T. . . .. 206 13 0 Calogaras, N. .. 96 5 0 Wakefield, T. H. .. 615 0 Curtis, S. P. .. .. 310 0 0 Walters, J. G. C. .. 17 12 0 Robertson, A. J. .. 273 7 0 Davis, T. S. .. .. 159 7 0 Melton, W. .. .. 51 9 0 Bennett, G. W. .. 268 0 0 Veitch, S. .. . • 150 18 0 Chaplin, H. .. .. 167 7 0 Bingham, F. J. .. 188 19 0 Logie, J. .. .. 204 5 0 Clark, J. W. .. .. 150 10 0 Diggin, M. .. .. 125 10 0 Graham, W. .. .. 147 8 0 Brooks, H. G. . . 366 13 0 White, A. G. F. .. 147 8 0 Graham, J. .. 10 13 0 Couper, T. .. .. 346 13 0 Nelson, H. F. .. 218 8 0 Higgins, P. .. .. 105 17 0 Stevens, M. B. .. 213 12 0 Hanning, J. .. .. 273 7 0 Johnston, J. W. .. 169 6 0 Brennan, J. .. .. 147 12 0 Conaghan, S. .. 160 4 0 Arthur, A. M. .. 310 0 0 Kennedy, A. .. .. 11.1 19 0 Dennehy, M. .. .. 151 2 0 Merron, T. .. .. 140 0 0 ©aw, A. .. .. 201 10 0 Cameron, J. H. .. 333 7 0 Butcher, D. .. .. 136 0 0 Prescott, T. .. ..188 2 0 Lee, C. G. .. .. 224 15 0 Absolum, W. . . 137 12 0 Cairns, T. .. .. 333 7 0 Banks, H. .. .. 230 16 0 Billingham, J. L. .. 215 11 0 Knowles, T. .. .. 158 10 0 Grant, J. R. .. .. 176 19 0 Geogheghan, P. .. 36 11 0 Guthrie, T. .. .. 186 12 0 Scott, D. .. .. 108 17 0 Blackburn, A. H. .. 366 13 0 Bowles, G. .. 366 13 0 Lewis, T. .. .. 156 10 0 Flower, W. C. . . 234 14 0 Eccles, R. .. .. 218 8 0 O'Leary, C. .. .. 234 3 0 Stewart, W. . . . • 104 5 0 Dickson, A. F. . . 65 14 0 Fleming, R. J. H. .. 206 13 0 Stemp, G. .. .. 199 5 0 Hanson, W. P. .. 31 8 0 Nicolson, R. H. .. 246 13 0 Mearns, W. R. G. .. 230 6 0 Robertson, H. M. .. 168 16 0 Stanley, G. . . 160 15 0 De Thierry, G. H. .. 184 5 0 Kay. D. .. .. 137 4 0 Matheson, J. .. .. 176 19 0 Davis, H. .. .. 273 7 0 McCaffry, J. .. .. 153 19 0 Kelly, E. S. . . .. 259 13 0 English, R. S. •. 140 3 0 Ibbertson, J. .. .. 171 15 0 Macandrew, H. .. 600 0 0 Buckley, G. L. .. 94 14 0 Hobbs, H. .. . . 218 8 0 Connal, R. J... .. 236 13 0 Smith, G. T. .. .. 178 6 0 Duke, G. .. .. 117 5 0 TTnsworth, F... .. 268 15 0 O'Connor, J. J. .. 417 0 Cawley, W. .. .. 213 12 0 Brownell, T. J. .. 346 13 0 Mcintosh, D. T. .. 493 9 0 Collins, A. E... . . 189 14 0. Pearson, J. .. . 213 12 0 Rose, A. •. • • 145 16 0 Round, W. .. 167 7 0 Sword, W. .. . . 433 7 0 Campbell, J. B. ..273 7 0 Clark, Mrs. M. .. 43 5 0 Gillies, H. .. .. 117 0 0 Eager, T. .. ■ • 209 10 0 Hargreaves, T. W. .. 243 7 0 Bell, H. R. .. .. 233 17 0 Smith, J. .. . • 152 17 0 Mather, W. J. .. 121 0 0 Turner, W. .. .. 167 7 0 Marsh, R. .. .. 142 6 0 Duston, H. .. .. 108 10 0 Stringleman, W. J. .. 466 13 0 Falla, G. .. .. 366 13 0 Laury, J. .. .. 183 6 0 Hanna, R. .. .. 155 15 0 Neilson, E. .. .. 283 7 0 Brown, A. .. .. 169 3 0 Hill, E. .. .. 147 7 0 Olds, J. •• . . 150 7 0 Cassey, W. .. .. 158 5 0 Sainsbury, H. .. JO3 13 0 Hay, J. •• 209 15 0 Batie, J. W. .. .. 260 11 0 Thompson, R. S. .. 189 14 0 Garth, F. .. .. 115 13 0 Green, B. .. .. 269 4 0 McLean, J. M. 46 8 0 Boyle, H. .. .. 122 9 0 O'Neill, P. .. . . 110 7 0 Harper, J. W. . . 60 1 0 Smith, G. C. .. .. 310 0 0 Edwards, C. G. . . 103 14 0 Waite, J. R. .. .. 73 13 0 Burgess, W. .. .. 10T 4 0 Cook, A. W. J. .. 333 7 0 Williams, C. F. T. .. 43 12 0 Fitzpatriok, T. .. 159 1 0 Patterson, R. J. . . 109 10 0 Payne, P. L. .. . . 380 0 0 McGee, S. .. •. 132 11 0 Peters, J. D. .. .. 224 15 0 Brodie, J. .. 80 19 0 Homann, J. F. A. .. 133 40 ' Monds, J. ~ .. 150 12 0 Clarkson, W, ~ ~ 236 13 0

D._ 5


Government Railways Superannuation Fund. —Disbursements —continued. Or. (Continued. ) I Or. (( ■ o/Uih iiml. ) I Gr. (Continued.) Ijife allowances paid to— £ o. d. Life allowances paid to £ a. d. Life allowances paid to — £ s. d. TTalloran, M. .. .. 218 12 0 Reid, J. .. .. 20/3 13 0 Bel worthy, 0. 170 17 0 Reed, J. .. ..101 2 0 Garter, J. E. .. ..273 7 0 Taylor. A. R, ..222 18 5 Bull, R. .. .. 124 12 0 Streeter, F. H. ..148 17 0 Low, D. .. .. 170 910 Hadfield, J. T. .. 212 14 0 Firth, J. .. .. 310 0 0 Morgan, J. L. .. 283 4 1 Brown, G. L. .. 152 11 0 Kyle, J. .. .. 109 7 0 Feasey, A. B. .. 228 18 o Wren, V. .. .. 60 17 0 Pyle, 0. G. .. 86 6 0 Cleine, W. C. .. 64 2 8 Vaughan, P. J. .. 47 8 0 Gray, R. D. .. .. 131 11 0 Johnson, H. .. .. 84 13 10 MeCurdy, D. .. .. 206 19 0 Sheridan, J. .. .. 123 0 0 Mackie, J. .. .. 206 1 2 Hunter, J. .. 109 17 0 Herlund, G. .. .. 333 7 0 Papesch, N. .. 93 18 1 Alsop, A. .. .. 187 13 0 Moriarty, J. .. .. 107 11 0 Couper, J. .. 142 10 0 Richards, T. J. .. 74 18 0 Bourke, E. .. .. 230 13 0 Green, M. G. 90 0 2 Creedon, P. .. .. 120 4 0 Todd, H. W. .. 227 12 0 Huston, T. C. . . 169 17 2 Pollock, T. .. 65 8 0 Pimlev. J. .. .. 114 3 0 Stevenson, L. .. 100 I 6 Sellars, S. .. .. 266 13 0 Coxon, G. A. .. 218 8 0 Angus, M. .. .. 241 12 3 Da vies, C. J. .. .. 251 4 0 Kirton, A. W. .. 309 2 2 Morse, A. .. .. 92 19 6 Naughton. O. E. .. 310 13 0 T. .. .. 278 8 0 Meaney, J. .. .. 87 8 2 Ashby, T. .. .. 266 13 0 Kenyon, J. R, 915 0 Carroll, J. E. .. 120 18 0 Miller, W. .. .. 112 6 0 McCarthy, J. J. .. 159 13 0 Rodgerson, J. . . 158 4 1 Bathgate, C. .. .. 327 15 0 Sage, J. A. .. .. 121 19 0 Caldow, R. T. ..116 7 2 Hampton, R... .. 223 0 0 Chapman, A. .. 160 13 0 Morgon, A. .. .. 11l 13 4 Greenwood, J. .. 167 7 0 Andrews, J. .. .. 128 17 0 Crisp, J. D. .. .. 93 11 6 Brislane, J. .. ..266 13 0 Smyth, W. J. ..213 12 0 Pyne, W. .. .. 97 1 4 Wells, WE. A. .. 145 9 0 McGarry, D. .. ..147 16 0 Hampton, W. J. •• 84 6 9 Latimer, J. .. ..182 18 0 Melville, W. J. .. 65 10 0 Craig, A. .. ..52 18 3 Reddington, M. .. 190 17 0 Williams, T. J. .. 25 1 0 Dobson, G. .. .. 69 16 3 Huddlestone, R. J. .. 137 11 0 Kiely, W. .. .. 115 7 0 Day, J. L. .. .. 201 5 0 Vernazoni, F. .. 254 9 0 Davison, J. A. .. 144 2 0 Segetin, L. O. R, .. 7 4 0 Wisnesky. A. .. 138 9 0 Fleming, E. J. .. 333 7 0 Cornwall, G. .. .. 56 6 9 Mooney, G. .. ..240 13 0 McGonagle, I). L. .. 4113 1 Duncan, R. .. .. 68 12 0 Silverwood, A. H. .. 148 2 0 Gallon, R. .. ..181 311 Tull, D. .. ..119 15 10 Foweraker, T. A. .. 366 13 0 Harvey, W. J. P. .. 137 8 6 Carroll, H. A. .. 114 0 0 Kirk, W. E. . . . . 192 17 0 Mac Donald, J. .. 944 19 6 Parsons, G. A. .. 160 17 9 Monro, A. M. H. .. 273 7 0 Barnett., J. S. .. 243 7 0 Vincent, E. F. .. 83 14 6 Smith, S. V. .. .. 184 17 0 Johnston, C. W. .. 168 3 0 Warren. A. .. .. 63 3 4 Mooney, H. F. .. 213 7 0 Carew, E. E. .. 202 3 0 Fraser, J. .. .. 173 18 6 Haydon, R. A. .. 234 17 0 Aekins, R. .. .. 433 7 0 Woodbury, J. W. .. 168 9 4 Young, N. .. .. 112 13 0 Richardson, G. E. .. 533 7 0 Robertson, G. .. 54 2 1 Forbes, J. G. .. ..243 1] 0 Bevin, J. .. .. 533 7 0 Clark, R. H. .. 95 8 1 Robinson, J. .. 75 12 0 Buxton, 11. .. .. 833 7 0 Loe, R. J. .. .. 126 8 3 Greig, W. .. .. 196 0 0 Williams, W. P. ..510 0 0 Russell, C. .. .. 83 11 3 Stone, J. .. .. 216 10 0 Mitchell, J. B. ..418 3 3 Hannifin, J. . . .. 36 15 7 Mcßeath, J. .. .. 243 7 0 Mac Lean, F. W. .. 795 13 0 Batten, C. .. .. 119 411 Kelliher, T. .. .. 77 16 0 Morgan, A. W. .. 466 13 0 Archibald, H. .. 91 18 8 Bowles, W. . . .. 533 7 0 Young, J. .. .. 438 7 0 Pimm, W. 74 1 7 Besant, J. .. ..352 11 0 Isaacs, R. M. ..409 18 0 Sawtell, S. T. .. 2618 6 Burrell, H. E. .. 273 7 0 Davidson, J. F. .. 99 18 3 Hutchings, A. W. .. 180 11 3 Harrison, S. .. .. 306 12 0 Carroll, .T. .. .. 133 7 0 Bakewell, T. H. F. .. 51 16 4 Leighton, W. H. ..148 9 0 Conn, C. .. .. 289 17 9 Head, H. W. .. 47 1110 Ibbertson, J. .. ..143 9 0 Purdom, R. .. .. 189 2 0 Felton, T. L. .. 106 12 9 McKnight, J... .. 105 19 0 Mclntyre, R. .. 99 16 7 Farr, W. E. .. 64 2 0 G'Keefie, T. . . 66 18 0 Daniell, H. .. 239 5 10 Stewart, J. F. 0] 3 1 Spencer, W. .. .. 248 10 0 Faris, I. .. .. 490 3 4 Low, J. .. ..75 10 1 Shardlow, W. 11. . . 183 9 0 Koch, A. C. .. .. 533 7 0 Auger, F. .. .. 41 17 0 Hood, J. .. .. 120 8 0 Love, W. .. .. 134 10 0 Hicks, J. H. 39 4 0 Dunn, A. .. .. 206 13 0 Samuel, W. .. .. 46 17 9 Hawkins, J. .. .. 28 5 10 Hutchins, G. W. .. 199 12 0 Anderson, W. C. 34 9 2 Aisher, J. .. 30 3 3 Reidy, J. J. .. .. 156 4 0 Nicholson, E. 11. .. 300 12 0 Winton, J. W. 31 2 8 Winton, J. S. .. 266 13 0 Ennis, A. T. .. .. 515 3 3 Craig, J. .. 23 4 8 Molloy, A. J. .. 113 11 0 Mundy, J. .. .. 139 311 McCarthy, D. 16 4 8 Brennen, J. F. .. 98 6 0 Gilman, J. .. 121 1 3 McKillop, F. A. .. 41 19 10 Belworthy, A. J. .. 129 16 0 Townson, G. E. ..237 19 7 McEwan, J. .. .. 36 9 4 Robieson, G. A. C. .. 433 7 0 Fitzsimons, J. .. 171 310 Morrissey, J. 14 0 5 Wellington, F. .. 159 0 0 Jenkins, C. .. .. 152 10 2 Dowling, M. J. 17 7 1 McWhinnev, J. W. .. 201 1 0 Smith, H. .. .. 164 0 9 McGrath, M. 19 15 7 Smith, C. S. .. .. 273 7 0 Pearson, G. A. .. 393 5 5 Bice, J. . . .. 8 4 0 Laurie, F. A. .. 315 7 0 Titchener, F. 11. .. 205 10 0 Spindeler, W. F. .. 110 7 9 Galvin, P. .. .. 107 1 0 Whitham, J. .. .. 183 19 11 Gillon, E. E. ..187 111 Dooley, E. J... .. 50 7 0 Huckstep, A. C. .. 134 13 7 Ridler, W. S. .. 94 7 2 Nelson, J. T. .. 84 6 0 Rodie, J. A. . . .. 258 6 8 Duff, J. O. .. .. 01 0 3 Cooper, F. L. J. .. 8 8 0 Jury, R. L. .. . . 108 9 5 Simons, R. 11. .. 39 5 8 Hogan, D. .. .. 148 11 0 Mercer, H. .. 248 1] 7 Cloherty, P. .. .. 819 10 Kavanagh, B. .. 333 7 0 Boyle, J. .. .. 170 4 8 Firth, R. .. .. 13 15 6 Stowell, H. R. .. 40 3 0 Hamilton, S. .. 273 3 4 Jones, W. .. .. 21 10 1 Bell, T. J. .. .. 300 0 0 Rhodes, J. A. .. 166 13 4 Hogan, M. . . .. 516 7 Wilkie. J. C. .. .. II 9 0 McCartney, G. ..473 3 4 Smith, J. C. .. .. 419 0 O'Donnell, T. .. 93 13 0 Pearson, L. R, .. 17 10 6 Hislop, J. . . .. 4 8 2 Hardwick, F. F. .. 213 7 0 Murtagh, C. J. .. 63 15 1 Marshall, W. H. .. 313 6 Holder, H. F. .. 273 7 0 Parson, F. J. .. 262 10 0 Mooney, J. .. .. 2 4 5 Hutchison, J. S. .. 345 1 0 Moosman, A. ..151 810 Campbell, G. .. 42 0 0 Woodhouse, G. .. 128 6 0 Johnston, J. .. .. 198 11 1 Gulliver, W. J. .. 83 0 0 Lynch, T. W. . 273 7 0 Tracy, J. .. .. 231 12 10 Stewart, R. W. .. 82 3 0 Waller, A. C. . . 146 12 0 Faris, G. P. .. . . 268 1 9 Stephens, W. B. .. 6] 11 0 McKenzie, A. R. W. .. 140 9 0 Weir, J. J. .. .. 238 7 7 Couch, R. .. .. 68 5 0 Pengelly, R. .. .. 160 5 0 Veal, W. J. .. .. 159 13 6 Clark, T. F. .. .. 79 14 0 White, WJ. .. 273 7 0 Quin, J. T. .. .. 202 8 5 Affleck, K. ,T. .. 23 19 0 Kearnev, R. .. .. 273 7 0 Hunt, A. H. .. ..200 10 2 Smith, W. .. .. 261 13 0 Barrett, J. G. .. 187 8 0 McNeely, J. .. .. 319 3 6 Thacker, H. .. .. 88 0 0 Rowe, H. .. .. 171 7 0 Fyfe, W. .. .. 184 6 6 Lloyd, J. .. .. 43 16 0



Government Railways Superannuation Fund. —Disbursements —continued. Cr. (Continued.) Cr. (Continued.) Cr. (Continued.) Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. Life allowances paid to — £ s. d. Life allowances paid to — £ s. d. Treasure, R. R. .. 113 17 0 Henderson, W. M. 17 9 8 Sullivan, D. .. .. 59 10 10 Byron, H. .. .. 54 5 0 Long, J. . . 45 9 9 Millar, A. .. .. 106 17- (i Booth, J. .. .. 98 8 0 Miller, R. .. .. 35 211 Caudwell, H. K. .. 110:^9 Batten, W. .. .. 126 2 0 Dawes, F. J. .. 32 7 8 Kerrigan, M. .. 125 7; 3 Burge, J. R. .. 113 18 0 Mackie, T. 16 8 11 Dawson, F. S. .. 188 18 10 Underwood, T. .. 155 7 0 Johnson, H. R. .. 122 18 1 Hannigan, P. .. 10 17 6 Waite, T. W. .. 311 12 0 Stewart, J. .. .. 74 310 Hyslop, R. .. .. 136 12 0 Williamson, A. .. 82 5 0 Brittenden, E. .. 98 3 5 Fyfe, A. .. .. 93 18 0 Evans, S. P. .. 281 1 3 Cole, A. .. . . 0 8 2 Williams, H. .. 479 9 2 Davies, J. H. .. 145 17 5 181,505 19' 0 Sharp, R. .. .. 27 710 Woledge, H. E. . . 56 18 8 Dunbar, J. .. .. 46 19 0 Kelleher, C. .. .. 15 0 0 Parris, H. .. .. 51 3 0 Bevege, H. G. .. 47 15 7 Roberts, W. .. 37 15 5 Burnett, K. . . 71 010 Less repayments to fund— Ellis, J. A. .. .. 27 2 4 Fletcher, H. .. .. 52 19 4 £ s. d. Hoskin, J. 14 1 7 Hogg, S. .. 15 17 7 Potter, T. .. 2 5 5 Burgess, T. .. .. 8 119 Barnett, W. .. 62 8 4 Gree nwo o d McCormack, Mrs. A. .. 30 2 7 Leyland, T. B. .. 85 4 2 R. W. .. 0 3 1 Gunner, J. .. 416 6 Hislop, A. . . 5 6 7 Pope, F. J. 2 7 5 Horgan, J. .. 14 0 3 Hayward, A... .. 615 8 Coniand, G. 211 5 Gordine, A. .. .. 31 1 8 Cross, W. .. . . 12 011 Mason, W... 910 0 Draper, G. D. .. 311 7 O'Hara, J. . . 60 8 4 Newlands, W. 311 7 How, C. .. .. 31 2 0 Messenger, T. A. .. 83 2 5 Chattaway, Beamish, C. .. .. 52 3 4 Williams, H. M. .. 166 8 2 R. H. .. 1 011 Loan, J. .. .. 1 14 8 Calcutt, J. A. .. '116 14 8 Johnston, G. 1 18 8 Atyeo, A. .. .. 40 5 0 Smith, G. H. .. 61 7 9 O'Brien, S. 0 5 4 Gibson, G. .. 50 410 Foster, J. .. .15 13 3 Milne, W. .. 1 6 5 Schneider, F. 34 17 5 Lav, J. C. . . 317 5 Trevalla, J. 20 5 7 Hull, H. .. .. 27 13 10 Lindsay, J. . . .. 143 16 1 45 510 Illingworth, G. .. 66 510 Melrose, D. .. . . 211 2 2 Fanning, S. .. . . 41 5 0 Bowie, D. .. .. 44 13 7 £181,460 13 2 Reeve, A. J. .. 20 15 10 Caddie, D. .. .. 63 9 3 — Cr. Cr. (Continued.) Allowances paid to widows and orphans for Allowances paid to widows and orphans for the period 30th March, 1924, to 28th the period 30th March, 1924, to 28th March, 1925 (fifty-two weeks)— £ s. d. March, 1925 (fifty-two weeks)—continued. £ s. d. Lewis, A. E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Dolan, M. .. . . .. ..17192 Johnson, 1. M... .. .. 17 19 2 Evans, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Long, M. .. .. .. . . 17 19 2 Turner, B. C. .. .. .. . . 17 19 2 McDowell, R. A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Andrews, M. L. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Buchanan, M. G. .. .. 15 3 10 Andrews, S. A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Murphy, M. A. .. . . . . 17 19 2 Smith, M. . . . . .. .. 17 19 2 Lawson, M. . . . . .. 17 19 2 Martin, G. .. .. .. . . 17 19 2 Martin, A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Durrant, E. A. .. . . . . nl9 2 Johnston, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Greig, S. E. .. .. .. . . 17 19 2 Nelson, M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Heycock, C. G. H. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Meredith, A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Armstrong, M... .. .. . . 17 19 2 Haynes, S. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Lewton, J. E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Fleming, W. A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Carter, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Orr, J. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Faulkner, M. T. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Wheeler, 0. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Schrader, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Dowland, A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Sammons, C. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Pedlow, R. .. .. . . 17 19 2 Winter, A. H. S. .. .. . . 17 19 2 Dunn, A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Robb, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Walton, E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 McNeil, C. .. . . .. .. 17 19 2 McPherson, M. .. .. 17 19 2 Campbell, E. J. .. .. . . 17 19 2 Meadowcroft, E. .. .. 17 19 2 Thomson, A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Stewart, E. M. .. .. 17 19 2 Hanlon, M. E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Muir, R. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Courtney, G. A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Beaton, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Cairns, R. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Chalmers, A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Walker, E. .. .. .. ..17192 McChesney, C. .. .. 17 19 2 Keleher, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Colthorpe, E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Shaw, M. J. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Jones, A. B. .. .. 17 19 2 Edge, J. S. .. .. .. . . 17 19 2 Froggatt, L. A. .. .. ..17192 McGregor, E. .. .. .. ..17192 Layton, E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Clark, K. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Hastings, A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Guy, A. F. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Bryant, H. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Allan, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Brown, H. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Sole, O. E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Holland, A. .. .. 17 19 2 Wakefield, S. E. M. .. .. 17 19 2 Maher, M. L. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Edwards, G. A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Lawson, E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Morrell, A. A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Cole, M. A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Archer, L. E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Alexander, H. E. .. .. 17 19 2 Rooks, A. .. .. .. ..17192 Jonas, M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Pringle, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Seaman, C. M. .. .. 17 19 2 Palmer, A. . .. .. .. 17 19 2 Hood, A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Flint, M. A., and child .. .. . 18 11 4 Shannon, A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Giles, A. M. G. .. .. .. 9 9 7 Sullivan, M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Millward, A. M. 0. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Yates, M. .. .. .. ..17192 Curtin, A. .. .. .. ..17 19 2 Moore, M. A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Sherriff, B. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Syms, E. M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Branford, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 O'Reilly, E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Maclennan, J. J. .. .. .. 17 19 2 MaeOurdy, C. E. .. .. 17 19 2 Clark, C. E. .. .. . .. 17 19 2:

2—D. 5.



Government Railways Superannuation Fund. —Disbursements —continued. Cr. (Continued.) Cr. (Continued.) Allowances paid to widows and orphans for Allowances paid to widows and orphans for the period 30th March, 1924, to 28th the period 30th March, 1924, to 2Sth March, 1925 (fift.y-tw~o weeks) —continued. £ s. d. March, 1925 (fifty-two weeks) —continued. £ s. d. Mitchell, M. A. .. .. .. 1? 19 2 Frater, E. C„ and child .. .. 30 19 2 Dawson, M. M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Stansell, I. E. .. .. .. .. 24 17 5 Woolcoek, N. .. .. .. ..17192 Corbett, J., and two children .. .. 33 2 0 Child of the late W. Carradus .. .. 13 0 0 Beekman, W. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Hanley, K. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Children (three) of the late A. Simmons .. 27 17 2 Hislop, M. L. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Manning, M., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 McDonnell, E. McA. .. .. 17 19 2 Johnson, E. F., and child .. 30 19 2 Nolan, A. J. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Sargeant, M. .. .. .. 16 7 7 Osborn, M. A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Barltrop, A. M., and child .. .. 28 7 9 Steedman, E. M., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Child'of the late G. G. Gilbert .. 13 0 0 Jackson, 1.. A... .. .. .. 17 19 2 Maggin, N., and child .. .. .. 30 19 2 Simpson, E. M. M. .. .. 17 19 2 Bowling, A. M., and child . . .. 30 19 2 Taylor, SS. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Child of the late E. R. Rowland .. .. 13 0 0 Butts, E. A. J. .. .. 17 19 2 Children (two) of the late R. E. Stancombe 26 0 0 Ross, E. M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Wade, C., and two children .. .. 37 3 4 McMillan, E. A., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Child of the late T. Baton .. 13 0 0 Hazelhurst, E. E. .. .. 17 19 2 Webb., E., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Stenson, E. M... .. .. ..17192 Glastonbury, M. A., and two children .. 43 19 2 Wood, F. J. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Boss, M. I. E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 King, H. T. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Horn, H, and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Child of the late R. H. Adair .. 13 0 0 Stevens, C., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Sudden, E. A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Children (three) of the late A. Green .. 34 15 0 Johnsen, M., and child .. .. .. 30 19 2 Auld, V. M., and three children .. .. 53 19 2 Child of the late R. Roseman .. .. 13 0 0 Children (four) of the late W. N. Bell . . 43 210 Bennett, A. E. .. .. 17 19 2 Children (two) of the late J. Murphy .. 26 0 0 Campbell, M. F. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Dawson, C. G„ and child ..' .. 30 19 2 Children (two) of the late G. N. Bradbury.. 26 0 0 Murphy, E., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Braun, 8., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Children (three) of the late J. J. F. Gardiner 33 16 5 Rodgers, C. G., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Morey, I. L. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Neil, L. E., and child .. .. .. 28 3 5 Child of the late F. L. Burvis .. 13 0 0 Hobbs, A. E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Child of the late H. Haira .. 12 0 0 Hill, M. E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Kealy, B. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Simpson, E. A., and child .. 30 19 2 Wear, A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Jackson, E. M., and child .. .. 19 2 0 Children (three) of the late A. T. Benfell .. 30 6 5 Spencer, C. E. R., and two children .. 43 19 2 Taylor, W. E., and three children .. 49 9 2 Caldwell, M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Bateman, L. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Attrill, M. J. .. .. .. .. 8 5 6 Hunter, B. E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Everett, M. A... .. .. 17 19 2 Stuart, E. D., and child .. 28 2 9 Garner, E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Smith, F. E., and two children .. 43 19 2 Quinn, B. ~ .. .. 17 19 2 Child of the late J. J. McNamara .. 13 0 0 Barlow, M. S., and child .. 24 7 9 Fahy, G. M., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Bollock, 1., and child .. .. .. 30 19 2 Children (two) of the late R. R. Bittaway .. 26 0 0 Children (two) of the late D. B. L. Donovan 26 0 0 Graham, I. M., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Cuckow, S., and three children .. 56 19 2 Bankhurst, L., and two children .. 43 19 2 D.ilziel. B. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Begg, A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Carroll, J. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Leopold, S. A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Simonsen, M. F. .. .. 17 19 2 Child of the late L. F. Hunter .. 13 0 0 Children (two) of the late A. Moyes .. 26 0 0 Garaway, A., and four children .. .. 65 17 8 Dreaver, M., and two children .. 43 14 2 Jordan, M., and four children .. .. 63 2 0 Children (two) of the late T. Loades .. 26 0 0 Wellings, J., and two children .. .. 32 6 4 Dillicar, M. J. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Devereux, M. M., and child .. 30 19 2 ■Sullivan, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 McKee, G. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Dugdale, M. C. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Harris, C. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Armstrong, M. M., and child .. 19 5 7 Heard, A. S. S. .. .. 17 19 2 King, H. .. .. .. ..17192 Denyer, A., and three children .. .. 56 19 2 Child of the late E. Sherwood .. 13 0 0 Raines, E., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 King, H. D. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Kennedy, M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 O'Shea, E. .. .. .. 13 16 2 Sangster, M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Child of the late M. M. S. Thomas .. 13 0 0 Children (four) of the late P. J. Wild .. 52 0 0 Da vies, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Harrap, M. C. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Thwaites, A. G„ and child .. .. 30 19 2 Lundy, C. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Hulbert, F. S. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Close, M. G. .. .. .. ..10 19 10 Nash, M. ■■ •• 17 19 2 Lendrum, M., and three children.. .. 56 19 2 Child of the late A. J. Henderson .. 13 0 0 Syder, B. M., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Bullock, H. .. .. 17 19 2 Barclay, E. F. .. .. 17 19 2 Rae, E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Sandys, A., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Goodman, A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Riordan, C. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Glasson, N. .. .. .. 17 19 2 McMillan, D. A., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Cannon, F. B. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Morgan, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Aldridge, A. V., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Gordon, E., and three children .. .. 56 19 2 Greatbatch, E. E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Flood, M., and child .. .. .. 23 18 5 Clay, AM. .. . . .. 17 19 2 Davie, S. E., and two children .. 43 19 2 Blance, A. M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 McPherson, E., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Stark, J., and child .. .. .. 30 19 2 Carr, M., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Jordan, E. H. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Wakelin, M. A., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Gordon, A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Hoskin, E. M., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Donald, 1., and three children .. .. 56 19 2 McKay, C. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Hastings, H. M., and two children .. 38 2 9 Sowerby, A. M., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Child of the late G. S. Davis .. .. 13 0 0 Clutterbuck, 1., and child .. .. 23 4 2 Child of the late J. Mitchell .. ..13 0 0 Bobb, A. M. .. .. 17 19 2 Mulcahy, M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Bock, I. J., and child .. .. .. 30 19 2 Curran, E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Farnsworth, E., and child .. .. 29 8 5 Cortissos, M., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Meiklejohn, C. F., and four children .. 65 0 6 Paterson, C. R. .. .. .17 19 2 Moses, M. A., and four children .. .. 69 19 2 Christophers, M. L. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Hancock, L. M., and five children .. 82 19 2



Government Railways Superannuation Fund. —Disbursements—continued. Cr. (Continued. J Cr. (Continued.) Allowances paid to widows and orphans for Allowances paid to widows and orphans for the period 30th March, 1924, to 28th the period 30th March, 1924, to 28th March, 1925 (fifty-two weeks) —continued. £|s. d. March, 1925 (fifty-two weeks) —continued. £ s. d. Child of the late C. T. Lansdown.. .. 13 0 0 Ward, A., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Brown, C. S., and two children .. 36 13 5 Smith, S. M. .. .. 17 19 2 Reid, E. A., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Lowen, I. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Wilson, A. E., and four children .. .. 69 19 2 Keown, A., and two children .. .. 32 15 7 Cameron, J. L., and two children .. 38 12 9 King, H. M., and three children .. .. 56 19 2 Lambert, E. A., and two children .. 33 16 4 Campbell, A. M. .. .. 17 19 2 Children (two) of the late C. W. Homer .. 26 0 0 Child of the late W. E. Leeson .. .. 13 0 0 Eitzpatrick, I. M., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Wilson, L., and child .. .. .. 20 14 2 Lowe, M. H., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Gavin, A. G., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Arnold, J. R., and three children .. 51 0 7 Morris, I. R., and child .. 30 19 2 Roger, 8., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Kelly, F. V., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Child of the late S. L. Mann .. .. 13 0 0 George,. W., and three children .. .. 56 19 2 Kelly, H. K., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Warnock, E. E., and three children .. 56 19 2 Children (two) of the late J. T. Marshall .. 26 0 0 Morton, V. M., and child .. 30 19 2 Fraser, H., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Naish, H. A., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Crisp, E. L., and three children .. .. 56 19 2 Tubb, M., and two children .. .. 33 11 8 Moyle, M., and four children .. .. 69 19 2 Radford, A. E. .. .. 17 19 2 Black, B. C., and five children .. 82 19 2 Patterson, J. M., and five children .. 82 19 2 Ivory, A. E., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Godfrey, E. J., and four children .. 69 19 2 ■Children (four) of the late L. J. Mcllvride.. 52 0 0 Flyger, M. J. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Children (three) of the late E. J. Murphy .. 39 0 0 O'Connor, H. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Children (two) of the late T. Guthrie .. 26 0 0 Child of the late J. Sharp .. 13 0 0 Child of the late J. Hare .. 13 0 0 Ewert, I. E., and two children .. 43 19 2 Bright, M. De Ville .. .. .. 17 19 2 McGregor, B. A., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Walford, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Heard, E., and child .. .. .. 30 19 2 Chapman, 1). A. .. .. 17 19 2 Fearnley, J., and two children .. .. 41 411 Fenby, M. V. C., and two children .. 39 5 6 Cuddy, E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Lapslie, C. H., and three children .. 56 19 2 Barnes, M. A. N., and two children . . 43 19 2 Child of the late J. R. Chisholm .. 13 0 0 Harris, K. S., and four children .. 67 9 2 Robinson, K., and three children .. 56 19 2 Children (two) of the late R. A. Pettigrew.. 19 4 3 Children (two) of the late H. Baker .. 15 15 9 Auckett, A. E., and five children.. .. 73 7 0 Naughton, M. E. 8., and child .. 30 19 2 Robertson, J. A. .. .. 17 19 2 Woodward, M., and three children .. 56 19 2 Duncan, M. E. .. .. 17 19 2 Child of the late G. J. Fenton .. 13 0 0 Douglass, E. S., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Child of the late W. R. Newton .. 13 0 0 Melton, M. S., and three children .. 46 0 7 Pascoe, D. E., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Broome, L. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Wilson, A. E., and two children .. .. 39 3 4 Wright, R. M., and three children .. 56 19 2 Dyer, M. 0., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Payne, E., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Cleghorn, T., and six children .. 95 19 2 Downing, A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Children (four) of the late H. M. Haywood 44 4 3 Children (three) of the late L. Mussen .. 39 0 0 Voltz, R. E. .. .. 17 19 2 Symister, A. E. .. .. 17 19 2 Craies, M. F., and five children .. .. 71 1 4 Simpson, D. J. S., and three children .. 56 19 2 Darney, E. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Children (two) of the late J. Russell .. 26 0 0 Lawton, D., and child . . .. 30 19 2 Bickerton, E. M., and two children .. 43 19 2 Cannell, B. M. P. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Jull, J. A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 . Johnston, V. M., and two children .. 43 19 2 Fowler, M. M., and three children .. 56 19 2 Lightfoot, F. E. J., and three children .. 56 19 2 Wallace, E. F., and two children .. 43 19 2 Dukes, A., and three children .. 45 13 5 Derbidge, M. M. L., and two children .. 33 6 4 Nuttall, M. M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Jacobs, 8., and two children .. .. 41 7 0 Edwards, A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 McDonald, M., and three children .. 56 19 2 Thomson, M. M. .. .. 17 19 2 Cassells, M. J., and two children .. 43 19 2 Hamilton, M. A. .. .. 17 19 2 Paterson, J. N., and four children .. 69 19 2 Kerr, M, C., and child .. .. .. 30 19 2 Brown, C„ and two children .. .. 38 411 Pascoe, S. J., and three children .. .. 56 19 2 Lomas, S. E„ and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Page, J. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Marks, M. M., and two children .. . . 43 19 2 Villars, E. E., and child .. .. 22 14 11 MoCutcheon, E., and two children .. 43 19 2 Sollitt, A., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Guy, M. A. R. .. .. 17 19 2 Everett, A. E., and one child .. 30 19 2 Souness, M. E., and two children .. 40 16 4 Child of the late P. F. J. Merrill .. 13 0 0 Wright, A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Johnson, M. C., and two children .. 43 19 2 Sansbury, A. L., and child .. .. 30 19 2 McCarthy, D. M., and two children .. 43 19 2 Brook, P. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Child of the late W. Nickle .. .. 8 5 9 Hay, M., and child . . .. .. 30 19 2 Child of the late S. N. Sims .. 13 0 0 Children (two) of the late S. W. W. Bennett 26 0 0 Tait, L., and three children .. 56 19 2 Heslin, F. C., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Child of the late L. Murphy .. 13 0 0 Pringle, R. M., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Child of the late F. Garty .. 13 0 0 O'Grady, L., and three children .. .. 56 19 2 Trotman, A., and child .. .. .. 30 19 2 Watson, M., and five children .. .. 82 19 2 Hartland, K. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 McMillan, J., and six children .. .. 95 19 2 Rollings, M. L. .. .. ..17192 McLeod, E. 0., and two children.. .. 37 210 Cox, A., and child .. .. .. 30 19 2 Children (three) of the late J. Flannagan .. 39 0 0 Children (five) of the late T. Holt .. 65 0 0 Johnson, M. J., and four children .. 67 1 4 Child of the late A. J. Weldon .. 13 0 0 Anderson, C. R. E., and two children .. 43 19 2 Children (two) of the late A. J. Weldon .. 26 0 0 Good, I. B. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Smith, 1., and four children .. .. 69 19 2 Thorn, L. P. P. .. .. ..17192 Townsend, M. A. A. .. .. 17 19 2 Westcott, G., and two children .. .. 39 0 6 Jackson, M. F., and two children.. .. 43 19 2 Timmo, M., and four children .. .. 69 19 2 Dalley, C. M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Sara, M. A. R., and two children.. .. 43 19 2 Turner, F. I. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Child of the late J. Cunningham .. 13 0 0 Winstanley, A., and two children .. 38 14 11 Agnew, V. E., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Galloway, A. S., and two children .. 43 19 2 Healy, A., and two children .. .. 43 0 7 McGovern, I. R. .. .. 17 19 2 Gedve, S. R., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Brock, H. C., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Elkis, E. A., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Mahoney, M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Sinclair, A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Welsh, E. J. L., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Children (two) of the late A. Green .. 26 0 0 Taylor, C. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Wood, F. .. .. .. ..17192


Government Railways Superannuation Fund.—Disbursements—continued. Cr. (Continued.) Or. (Continued.) Allowances paid to widows and orphans for Allowances paid to widows and orphans for the period 30th March, 1924, to 28th the period 30th March, 1924, to 28th March, 1925 (fifty-two weeks)—continued. £ s. d. March, 1925 (fifty-two weeks)-—continued. £ s. d, Bonniface, A. E., and four children ... 69 19 2 Child of the late H. Croskery .. .. 6 710 Ward, A. E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Macfarlane, W. G. M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Newland, I. L., and three children 56 19 2 Courtney, E., and child .. .. 13 17 9 McDonald, G. M., and child .. .. 30 19 2 Phillips, 8., and two children .. .. 26 511 Harvey, E. A., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Gabbott, J., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 14,468 16 11 Bowater, E., and three children .. .. 52 1 11 Wright, A. 8., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Less repayments to funds— £ s. d. Olsen, B. L., and two children .. .. 43 19 2 Erancis, H. .. .. 24 0 0 Borlase, A., and four children .. .. 64 14 2 Humphrey, H. M. J. .. 0 0 9 Martini, G. E., and two children . . .. 52 2 9 Boyd, H. C. L. .. 0 810 Brown, J., and two children .. 43 19 2 24 9 7 Child of the late F. Graham .. .. 13 0 0 Cole, E. A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 2 £14,444 7 4 Hill, M. G. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Redditt, M., and three children .. .. 56 19 2 Payment made to legal representatives of Peapells, M. E., and child .. .. 30 19 2 the undernamed deceased beneficiaries Knox, A. E., and three children .. .. 56 19 2 under the provisions of section 86 (c) Jory, E., and three children .. .. 56 19 2 of the Government Railways Act, 1908, Kirk, H. M., and five children .. .. 82 19 2 viz. :— Monkman, M. A. .. .. .. 17 19 2 Late A. E. Coomber — £ s. d. £ s. d. MarJow, R. M., and child .. 30 19 2 Contributions .. .. 150 1 3 Children (two) of the late E. J. Evans .. 26 0 0 Less superannuation allow - Parkes, E. M. .. .. .. 17 19 2 ance paid .. .. 79 0 9 Gain, I. M., and two children .. .. 43 5 7 71 0 J Davis, W. A., and two children .. .. 35 19 11 Late G. McDonald — O' Callaghan, E. K., and child .. 15 3 4 Contributions .. .. 191 4 8 Wisdom, J. A., and two children .. 43 14 11 Less superannuation allowDingwall, B. M., and two children .. 43 19 2 ance paid .. .. 80 15 0 Goldsmith, D., and five children .. .. 82 19 2 110 9 6 Butts, M. E., and child .. .. 24 911 Late P. Hannigan— McFarlane, J. C., and three children .. 56 19 2 Contributions .. .. 193 19 i Bell, M'. M'., and three children .. 56 19 2 Less superannuation allowGillies, E., and four children .. 69 19 2 a,nce paid .. .. 35 15 8. Baynton, A. A. .. .. .. 47 12 9 158 3 5 Anderson, J. C., and child .. .. 13 2 11 Late H. K. Caudwell — Smart, D. N. E., and three children .. 56 19 2 Contributions .. .. 18 510 Donaldson, C. J. A. .. .. 18 10 0 Less superannuation allowChild of the late C. J. Lennon .. 13 16 1 ance paid .. .. 615 11 Byrnes, R., and two children .. .. 34 10 0 11 911 Williams, E, and two children .. .. 37 0 3 Late H. Thomas— Noble, M. A. E. .. .. .. 19 8 9 Contributions .. .. 152 3 2 Bennett, E. E., and four children .. 65 18 2 Less superannuation allowGaw, E., and two children .. .. 37 11 3 ance paid .. - .. 35 11 9 McAnnally, J. .. .. .. 16 13 1 116 11 5Hadfield, A. M. G., and three children .. 49 5 7 Late R. Hyslop — Auton, M. M*. .. .. .. .. 15 12 7 Contributions .. .. 290 15 2 Gordon, E. M. .. .. .. ..13106 Less superannuation allow - Gleeson, M. C., and four children 57 5 7 ance paid .. .. 152 0 5 Gifford, J., and three children .. .. 31 15 6 138 14 9 : Harrison, M. E., and three children .. 35 19 9 Late J. Parry— Donovan, I. M., and child .. .. 18 4 3 Contributions .. .. 247 14 10 Sinclair, C., and child .. .. 15 16 9 Less superannuation allowFitzgerald, H. .. .. .. 6184 ance paid .. . . Nil. Jessup, E. K., and child .. .. .. 9 2 8 247 14 10 House, M. A. V., and three children .. 11 3 5 Investments (Public Trustee) .. ..656,060 19 11 Morton, L. E., and child .. .. 11 16 2 Travelling-expenses of members of Board Smith, H. A. .. .. .. ..-3 9 0 attending quarterly meetings .. 49 6 11 Wishart, M. .. .. .. 1 15 11 Fines remitted and refunded .. .. 4 10 0 Macfarlane, W. .. .. .. 13 7 Paid to annuitants on account of Treasury Port, Br. V., and three children .. .. 5 5 8 by way of cost-of-living bonus .. 18,178 4 0 Mancey, M., and four children .. .. 4 0 9 Public Trust commission .. .. 524 5 1 Steel, H. M., and child .. .. .. 115 9 Insurance premium .. .. .. 210 5 Thessman, J. .. .. .. .. 6 8 1 Audit Office charges .. . . .. 50 0 0 Louden, E. S. .. .. .. .. 4 6 8 Contributions refunded to members who Child of the late J. Ryan .. .. 3 6 5 have left the service .. .. 24,971 9 7 Child of the late A. T. Hasselburg .. 4 7 2 Contributions transferred to other funds .. 50 12 10 Child of the late E. R. Dinnison .. .. 5 19 3 Salaries .. .. .. .. 1,310 9 0 Child of the late J. E. Mayall .. .. 017 10 Postages .. .. .. .. 109 3 4 Child of the late A. Minifie .. .. 414 3 Printing and stationery .. .. 56 5 8 Child of the late A. ,T. Hunter .. .. 311 5 Balance of receipts over disbursements .. 40,685 6 5 Child of the late D. J. Gordon .. .. 5 8 7 Child of the late A. Gibson .. .. 0 5 0 £938,812 8 0 Sanderson, A. L. .. .. .. 1 0 10 — ■ - " J. G. COATES, Chairman of the Government Railways Superannuation Fund Board. H. Valentine, Acting Chief Accountant, New Zealand Railways.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (1,475 copies), £22 10s.

By Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92s.

Price Gd. ]


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GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND. REPORT OF BOARD., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1925 Session I, D-05

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GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND. REPORT OF BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1925 Session I, D-05

GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND. REPORT OF BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1925 Session I, D-05

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