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Presented to Parliament pursuant to the provisions of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908.

EEPOET The Board has the honour to submit the following report upon the transactions in connection with the Public Service Superannuation Fund : — The Revenue Account, balance-sheet, and statements regarding membership and retiring and other allowances will be found appended. The Board. —An extraordinary vacancy was created during the year by the retirement of Mr. H. A. R. Huggins as a representative of the contributors belonging to the Post and Telegraph Department. Mr. A. Hazleton, Head Office, Wellington, was elected to fill the vacancy unopposed. Contributors. —The number of new contributors who joined the scheme during the year, and other particulars, are contained in the following table : —

The following table contains particulars of the public servants who were contributing to the fund on 31st March, 1924 (after allowing for deaths, retirements, and withdrawals), grouped according to their respective rates of contribution : —

Retiring and other Allowances. —Pensions for £35,103 Is. per annum were granted during the year as follows : For age or length of service, £32,160 lis. per annum to 127 members (107"male and 20 female members) ; under section 29 of the Amendment Act, 1909, £295 12s.

I—H. 26.

Number. Rate per Cent, of Contribution as provided — by the Act. Ma , e> P e ma le. Total. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. I i 5 830 181 1,011 6 67 19 86 7 51 1.1 62 8 20 6 26 9 4 3 7 10 3 ... 3 Transfers from other 3 3 6 funds £ s. a. 113,103 8 4 17,574 3 4 15,008 6 8 5,453 15 0 1,552 1 8 1,285 0 0 605 5 0 £ s. d. 5,655 3 5 1,054 9 0 1,050 11 8 436 6 0 139 13 9 128 10 0 30 5 3 Totals ... 978 223 1,201 154,582 0 0 154,582 0 0 8,494 19 1

Rate per Cent, of Contribution as provided by the Act. Number. Annual Salary. Total. Annual Contributions. Male. Female. I I 5 6 7 8 9 10 1,804 170 116 82 29 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. 9,268 1,466 1,056 624 305 94 11,072 2,523,993 13 4 1,636 517,737 18 4 1,172 392,796 13 4 706 234,534 7 6 334 116,066 5 0 101 37,238 16 8 126,199 13 8 31,064 5 6 27,495 15 4 18,762 15 0 10,445 19 3 3,723 17 8 Totals 12,813 2,208 15,021 3,822,367 14 2 217,692 6 5



to 2 members ; under section 28 of the Finance Act, 1921, £98 6s. to 1 member; for medical unfitness for duty, £1,084 12s. to 11 members; to widows and children of deceased members, £918 per annum to 51 widows, and £546 per annum to 42 children. Those officers who retired during the year and who possessed compensation rights under the Civil Service Act, 1866, would have been entitled to receive the sum of £33,465 7s. lid., the amount of compensation accrued to the date when they joined the Superannuation Fund had they not become participants in the benefits of the fund. The total amount of such compensation for which the fund became liable since the initiation of the scheme is £501,827. To this amount must be added accretions to the date of retirement, approximately £128,000, for which the Consolidated Fund would otherwise have been liable, and the whole may be fairly set against the total subsidies paid to the fund, amounting to £982,500. It will thus be seen that the average net annual Government contribution to the fund, spread over the sixteen years of its existence, is approximately £21,703. Seventy-two retiring-allowances were discontinued by death, and fifty-eight for other causes —viz., seven widows remarried and fifty-one children reached the age of fourteen. The annual amount payable at the close of the year was £251,894 os. 9d., as shown in the statement attached. Income.— The total income for the year was made up as follows : — £ Members' ordinary contributions ... ... ... ~ 219,525 Transferred from other funds ... ... ... ... ... 93 Contributions from Government ... ... ... ... 136,000 Fines, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 971 Interest ... ... ... ... ... . ... 113,608 Total income for year ... ... ... ...£470,197 Outgo. —The pensions paid during the year to contributors who have retired and to dependants of deceased contributors amounted to £240,640 6s. 2d.—viz., £225,376 3s. 4d. to members, and £15,264 2s. lOd. to widows and children. Refunds of contributions to contributors who have left the service amounted to £44,644 3s. 9d., while the refunds under section 42 to personal representatives of deceased contributors and annuitants amounted to £6,546 lis. 2d. Five contributors who were retired elected to accept a refund of their contributions under section 38, amounting to £1,125 175., in lieu of retiring-allowances. Refunds of contributions under section 32 (cc), owing to the death of contributors while in the Public Service who were entitled to compensation from the Consolidated Fund, amounted to £322 ss. lOd. during the year. Other refunds under section 32 amounted to £596 Is. lid. Interest amounting to £108 18s". Id. was paid to contributors who had been coinpulsority retired for reasons other than misconduct, after twenty years' service. Five contributors were transferred to other funds in accordance with the provisions of section 48 of the Amendment Act of 1908, and their contributions, amounting to £68 os. 6d., were accordingly transferred to such other funds. The salaries of the staff and other office expenses were £2,622 19s. sd. and £704 6s. 7d. respectively. The Public Trustee's commission on interest collected amounted to £2,840 4s. sd. Medical fees for reports under section 36 amounted to £61 19s. The total outgo for the year was £300,281 13s. lOd. Accumulated Funds. —These amounted at the end of the year to £2,039,042 1.95. lid. Balance-sheet. —On the 31st March the total assets of the fund, which include provision for the outstanding accounts, amounted to £2,116,109 12s. 9d. The balance-sheet appended gives full particulars as to the liabilities and assets. Investment of the Fund. —The total investments of the fund at each rate of interest were as follows : — Inscribed stock: — £ £ 5 per cent. ... ... ... ... 50,000 5J per cent. ... ... ... ... 114,000 5j per cent. ... ... ... ... 46,350 6 per cent. ... .. ... ... 40,000 Debenture securities: — 4£ per cent. ... ... ... ... 16,000 5 per cent. ... ... ... ... 41,589 5} per cent. ■ ... ... ... ... 11,423 b\ per cent. ... ... ... ... 4,000 6 per cent. ... ... ... ... 10,500 6| per cent. ... ... ... ... 5,000 338,862 Mortgage securities : — 5 per cent. ... ... ... ... ... 3,700 5* per cent. ... ... ... ... 630,699 5f per cent. .... ... ... ... 257,800 6 per cent. ... ... ... ... ... 458,033 6| per cent. ... ... ... • ... 318,673 _ 1,668,905 Total ... ... ... ... £2,007,767 The rate of interest earned on the mean funds was £5 16s, 3d. per cent., as against £5 6s in 1921,

H.— 26


Progress of the Fund. —The following table illustrates the position of matters in relation to the fund since its inception : —

General. —The sum of £50,000, in addition to the statutory subsidy, was paid to the fund out of the Consolidated Fund during the financial year. This payment will, to some extent, meet the heavy additional liability thrown upon the fund by the recent retirement of many contributors who had not reached the superannuatioti age. An actuarial examination of the fund as at the close of the financial year will be made at an early date. The Actuary's report will disclose the amount of annual subsidy required to meet that portion of the liability falling due for which the Government subsidy is required. R. H. Rhodes, Chairman. PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION FUND. Revenue Account fok the Year ending 3J,st Maboh, 1924. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amount of fund at beginning of year 1,869,127 .10 4 Retiring-allowances— Members'contributions under section To members .. .. .. 225,376 3 4 29 (ordinary) .. .. .. 219,525 5 3 To widows and children .. .. 15,204 210 Transfers from other superannuation Contributions returned— funds .. .. .. •• 93 1 1 Under section 40 (an) (left service).. 44,(144 3 9 Government subsidy .. 80,000 Under section 42 (death) .. 0,540 11 2 Government subsidy (addi- Under section 32 (cc) .. .. 322 510 tional) ••" •■ 50,000 Under section 32 (/) .. .. 590 1 11 130,000 0 0 Under section 38 (retirement) .. 1,125 17 0 Inteiest .. •• ■• •■ 113,007 15 4 Interest, section 2, Amendment Act, 108 18 I Fines, fco. ■■ ■■ ■■ 070 15 9 Contributions to other superannuation funds, section 48 .. .. 68 0 (i Expenses— Salaries .. . . .. 2,622 19 5 Office expenses .. .. . . 277 12 li Public Trustee's charges .. .. 2,840 4 i> Medical fees .. .. .. 01 111 0 Audit fees .. .. .. 50 0 0 Post Office charges .. .. 50 (I 0 Heating and lighting . . . . 28 14 9 Cleaning .. . . .. 100 .1.7 4 Rent .. .. .. .. 120 0 0 Messenger service .. .. 75 0 0 Board members'election expenses 2 2 0 Balance as at 31st March, 1924 .. 2,039,042 19 11 £2,339,324 13 9 £2,339,324 13 9 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1924. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. <1 Superannuation Kund Account— Amount invested by the Board .. 2,007,700 it) 4 Balance from Revenue Account .. 2,039,042 19 II Contributions due, in oourse of transRetiring and otHer allowances due, in mission .. ..' .. 15,387 (i 3 course of payment— Interest due and accrued .. .. 34,040 12 0 To members .. •• •• 2,507 16 0 Cost-of-living bonus recoverable (ConTo widows and ohildren .. .. 154 19 5 solidated Fund).. .. .. 15 3 4 Refunds of contributions due, in course Hank Account .. .. .. 42,401 5 7 of payment Balance in hand of Public Trustee .. 15,761 4 7 Under seotion 46 (aa) (left service).. 1,230 311 Rates and taxes .paid on account of Under sections 42 and 43 (death) .. 834 11 8 mortgagors (recoverable) .. 51 IS 0 Under seotion 32 (cc) .. .. 016 4 Retiring-allowances recoverable (Marine Expenses due, in oourse of payment— ' Department) .. .. .. 85 12 2 Office expenses .. • • • • 15 18 I Public Trustee's charges .. .. 860 0 4 Heating and lighting .. . ■ 10 8 Rent .. .. •• •.. 30 0 0 Contributions paid in advance or in error •• 4.563 13 0 Valuation fees due to Valuation Department . • • ■ • ■ 414 0 Unclaimed Account (contributions, &c.) 1,090 12 4 Post Office Account .. •• 1,260 0 7 Balance, Government subsidy* .. 64,500 0 0 £2,116,109 12 9 £2,110,109 J2 9 * The Government subsidy is paid In January of each year. Owing to the change in the date of the financial year, to show the true position of the fund-it is necessary to state this item as a liability.

Year ended 3 1st Deoember, Year ended 31st March, 1924. 1908. 1912. 1916. 1921. I Total number of contributors Total amount contributed annually ... Interest received ... Number of pensions and allowances payable Annual value of retiring and .other allowances payable Total amount of contributions refunded Expenses of administration Total amount of accumulated fund ... 7,235 £79,831 £1,295 122 10,027 £109,840 £16,257 683 13,313 £141,844 £42,314 1,233 15,782 £248,020 £85,312 1,949 15,021 £217,692 £113,608 2,362 £8,881 £53,385 £88,392 £163,355 £251,894 £484 £890 £71,481 £10,749 £1,144 £423,556 £23,391 £2,318 £896,568 £51,705 £4,615 £1,716,837 £53,303 £6,229 £2,039,043



Subsidiary Account. Cost-of-living Bonus paid to Annuitants of the Public Service Superannuation Fund on behalf of the Treasury. £ s. d. I £ s. d. To Amount disbursed for pericd Ist [ By Amount received from Treasury .. 16,391 9 4 April, 1923, to 3lsf March, 1924 1.6,406 12 8 Balance due .. ... 15 3 4 £16,406 12 8 \ £10.406 12 8 William M. Weight, Secretary, R. S. Wogan, Accountant, Public Service Superannuation Board. Wellington, 13th June, 1924. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state; the position as disclosed thereby. —0. F. ('. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION FUND. Statement of Contributors for the Year ending 31st March, 1924.

Particulars of Contributions discontinued during the Year.

Progress of Contributors since Date of Establishment of the Fund to 31st March, 1924.

Number. P. Total. Annual Salary. Annual Coutributions. M. Contributors at beginning of the year Contributors transferred from Wostpon Harbour Board (1922) New contributors entered during the year Contributors transferred from other funds .. Increase by promotion during the year 12,672 18 2,317 14,989 18 £ s. d. 3,780,965 8 4 4,914 5 0 £ s. d. 217,409 8 7 421 19 5 975 3 220 3 1,195 G 153,976 15 0 605 5 0 139,588 9 2 8,464 13 10 30 5 3 7,369 2 3 Totals 13,668 2,540 16,208 4,080,050 2 6 233,695 4 4 Contributions discontinued during the year .. 855 332 1,187 257,682 8 4 16,002 17 11 Total contributors at end of year 12,813 2,208 15,021 3,822,367 14 2 217,692 6 5

How discontinued. Number - , , Amount Annual Salary. Oon $ffi ons , W«on M. P. Total. Ketnement. Retiringallowanee granted. By death before retiring-allowance entered upon (sees. 42, 43, and 32 (ee)) By retirement before retiring-age (sec. 46) By retirement (sec. 38) By retirement medically unfit (sec. 36) .. By retirement (sec. 29. Amend. Act, 1909) By retirement at retiring-age or for length of servioe (see. 35) By retirement (sec. 52, Finance Act, 1920) By retirement (sec. 28, Finanoe Act, 1921) By transfer to other Funds (sec. 48) By reduotion ] 48 £ s. d. 55 15,962 0 0 981 176,657 0 0 5 1,415 0 0 11 ! 3,750 1 8 2 566 0 0 127 | 55,732 18 4 1 330 0 0 5 | 490 0 0 2,779 8 4 £ s. d. 1,060 17 10 | 9,751 16 7 124 3 0 230 4 1 28 6 0 4,591 15 8 £ s. d 5,939 0 11 322 5 10 44,644 3 9 1,125 17 0 £ s. d. 761 0 0 7 675 5 11 2i 108 306 19 1,084 12 0 295 12 0 32,160 11 0 1 5 26 8 0 24 10 0 164 16 9 68 0 6 98 6 0 Totals 855; 332 1,187 ,257,682 8 4 ;16,002 17 11 52,099 8 0 34,400 1 0

Number. M. F. Total. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. Total entered Total discontinued 24,967 6,074 31,041 12,154 3,866 16,020 £ s. d. 6,670,424 1 8 2,848,056 7 6 £ s. d. 402,059 14 1 184,367 7 8 Total existing at 31st March, 1924 .. 12,813 2,208 15,021 3,822,367 14 2 217,692 6 I


PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION FUND. Statement of Retiring and other Allowances for the Year ending 31st March, 1924.


Number. M. P. 3 . & Section 35 On Attainment of Retiring-age or for Length o Service. Annual Amount. Section 36: Medically unfit. 16: infit. Annual Amount. Section 29, Amend- : ment Act, 1909: Section 52, Section 2ft, Section 42 : Sections 42 (c) and 43 (a): Police injured on Finance Act, 1920. Finance Act, 1921. Widows. Children. Duty. Num- Sum- Num- Num- Number. ber - Annual ber - Annual ber - Annual D ' Annual Annual Amount. Amount. Amount. > Amount. i -j Amount. M. M. ! M. F. M - F - £ Total Retiring and other Allowances. Number. Number. M. M. \ F. 5 Amount. II Retiring and other allowances — Existing at beginning 1010 77 1087 of year Granted during year 107 20 127 at retirement Granted during year after retirement Totals .. [1117 97 1214 Discontinued during 46j 2 48 year ! . Existing at end of year 1071 95 1166 I I I II £ s. d. £ s. d. 189,219 12 0 139 14 153 12,070 8 7 32,160 11 0 11 .. Ill 1,084 12 0 £ s. d. 5 557 8 6 2 295 12 0 2 £ s. d. 262 19 0 48 1 £ b. d. 7,553 5 0 98 6 0 483 17 34 I £ 8,694 252 228 480 306 17 18 35 612 2 5 7 £ 6,240 455 91 £ s. d. 1456 802 2258 224,597 13 1 138 55j 193 34,400 1 0 2 39| 41 1 703 0 0 i 221,380 3 0 150 14 5,759 17 10. 9 1 164 10 13,155 0 7 872 2 6 7 853 0 6 2 262 19 0 49 1 ~; 7,651 11 0 161 13 0 534 18 9,612 324 j 271 251 522 30 23j 53: 6,786 689 1596 896 2492 259,700 14 1 86 44 130, 7,806 13 4 215,620 5 2 141 13 154; 12,282 18 1 7 I 853 0 6 2 262 19 0 : 48 ,7,489 18 0 516 9,288 241 228 469 6,097 1510 852J2362 1 251,894 0 9 II II Particul. RS OF ReTI] IING AND OTHER ALLOWANCES DISCONTINUED DURING THE YEAR. How discontinued — By death By expiry Total .. 46 2 48 46 2 43 i I 5,759 17 10 i 9 1 10 1 161 13 0 11 7 i ! 198 126 2 .. 2 28 23 51 26 663 I 58 14 72: 7,017 13 4 28! 30 58 789 0 0 86 44 130 7,806 13 4 872 2 6 •• 5,759 17 10 9 1 10 872 2 6 1 161 13 0 18 324 30 23 .53 689 Progress op Retirini AND OTHER ALLOWANCES SINCE El 1TABLISHMENT OF THE FUND TO 31sT MARCH, 1924. Total granted .. .. 1513 1091622 268,731 5 8 287 21 308! Total discontinued .. 442 14:456 53,111 0 6 146 8 154! Total existing at 31st 1071 951166 215,620 5 2 141 13 154 March, 1924 23,106 8 7 10 1,190 13 0 2 10,823 10 6 3 337 12 6 12,282 18 1 7 853 0 6 2 262 19 0 262 19 0 49 1 48 7,651 11 0 666 161 13 0 150 7,489 18 01 516 11,988 441 419 860 2,700 200 191 391 9,288 241 228 409 11,180 2302 1215 3517 324,110 17 3 5,083 792 363 1155 72,216 16 6 6,097 1510 852 2362 251,894 0 9 William M. Wright, Secretary. R. S. Wogan, Accountant. Wellington, 13th June, 1924.

H.— 26


PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION FUND. List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service).

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name, Annual Amount. 1151 1570 758 1153 1452 389 626 880 1292 1695 827 1371 1174 122 1453 1799 1055 729 531 1144 830 247 1982 1382 379 1447 1646 1647 1303 1200 1101 390 1157 723 1673 1533 222 774 1613 911 1223 647 1203 1614 999 463 1717 1912 1701 125 1214 1850 962 1828 224 208 1031 1286 497 730 921 1417 Abercrombie, F. J.... Abercrombie, W. A. Absolum, Abraham... Adamson, Stephen ... Adamson, William J. Aickeu, William Airey, Jane Aitken, Thomas Alexander, Alfred ... Alexander, J. Algie, John A. Allen, Bertram B. ... Allen, Marwood Allingham, Robert... Allison, Joseph P. ... Alves, William Ambrose, John A. ... Ammunson, John ... Anderson, Mrs. L. E. Anderson, Robert ... Anderson, Sidney F. Anderson, R. C. Anderson, V. R. Anderson, W. J. Andrews, John Andrews, William A. Anquetil, F. P. L. ... Ansell, C... Ansin, John V. Anson, James O. ... Anthony, Thomas J. Armit, Joseph Ashenden, M. A. ... Ashton, William M. Atkinson, E. A. Atkinson, E. Atkinson, James Atkinson, Reginald... Ayres, Mrs. Annie ... Bagshaw, Robert II. Bailey, William Baker, Frederick ... Baker, Thomas Ballantine, T. A. ... Ballantyne, R. W. 8. Bamford, Edwin Banks, W. A. D. ... Bannister, H. McK. Barber, Mrs. M. A.... Barclay, W. M. de R, Barlow, B. U. Barltrop, George W. Barnard, Frederick H. Barnett, M. C. Barr, James Barron, David Bartle, Miss Janet... Baskiville, W. J. ... Bates, Henry D. ... Batkin, Louis R. ... Baxter, Harrild Baxter, John W. ... £ s. d. 212 0 0 164 19 0 170 4 0 53 16 0 197 14 0 57 10 0 39 11 0 283 7 0 275 0 0 402 10 0 182 3 0 400 0 0 150 19 0 20 8 8 103 4 0 75 7 0 256 13 0 45 15 0 23 7 0 210 7 0 45 1 0 58 6 0 388 18 0 663 11 0 30 9 0 354 0 0 258 10 0 256 10 0 114 2 0 89 10 0 126 13 0 71 19 0 68 18 0 177 16 0 214 13 0 168 13 0 40 18 9 153 2 0 36 10 0 203 12 0 183 7 0 217 4 0 77 16 0 270 15 0 230 0 0 403 3 0 358 7 0 333 7 0 134 9 0 82 8 0 166 2 0 566 13 0 202 4 0 687 9 0 31 12 0 350 0 0 9 8 0 189 2 0 163 7 0 87 0 0 193 17 0 195 11 0 1260 1327 40 1490 1058 273 194 699 1980 1921 1694 1493 852 1883 840 1749 790 521 1600 1454 996 1561 1615 787 948 661 1427 770 539 1248 239 259 610 1649 841 1189 1891 916 191 1017 1956 1766 1767 724 597 1136 1328 1222 1616 1720 1559 1035 635 1088 1070 1060 1768 1111 627 564 1540 Brought forward ... Bayhffe, R. A. Bean, E. R. de L. ... Beasley, Mrs. Kate Beaumont, Norman Bell, Charles Bell, John Bellett, Thomas D. Benner, Albert Bennett, Henry I. ... Bennett, James P.... Bennetts, W. P. ... Bennie, B. Berg, Arnold Bern, William Berridge, William C. Berry, W. Berthelsen, Anders... Beswick, Charlotte M. Beswick, J. G. Beswick, William ... Bethune, Alex. W.... Betty, W. Bevan, P.... Bew, Mrs. Eliza ... Bigg-Wither, P. ... Birch, George A. ... Bird, Edward P. ... Bishop, James Black, Patrick Blackburne, H. S. .. Blackinore, John C. Blake, Francis Blake, John Blaklev, R. Blakley, William J. Bland, Thomas Bleasel, Charles G. Blow, H. J. H. Blundell, Henry Bogue, Daniel Boland, Thomas J.... Bond, Amelia A. ... Bond, S. ... Bonner, Charles Bonner, Thomas W. Booth, John Booth, Robert Bosworth, John T. ... Bott, L. A Bourke, L. W. Bourke, T. Bowden, Charles ... Bowley,Edward 3.... Bowman, Patrick ... Boyce, Mrs. Mary ... Boyden, William ... Brabazon, E. R. Brackenridge, James Brame, John W. Bray, George E. ... Brebner, F. £ s. d, 11,979 7 5 231 17 0 244 16 0 12 9 9 149 12 0 210 0 0 120 9 0 45 4 9 182 11 0 380 18 0 145 15 0 283 2 0 132 7 0 73 7 0 212 18 0 16 13 0 301 9 0 153 8 0 52 16 0 304 11 0 401 17 0 225 3 0 196 5 0 226 14 0 21 5 0 332 4 0 29 9 0 219 19 0 97 8 0 205 1 0 213 11 0 69 14 0 58 13 0 51 4 0 306 10 0 154 14 0 70 11 0 212 18 0 629 9 0 247 1 11 131 18 0 300 0 0 15 7 0 44 10 0 103 5 0 63 7 0 58 10 0 329 15 0 347 4 0 226 13 0 404 10 0 252 7 0 171 15 0 80 15 0 166 1 0 21 0 0 125 10 0 522 4 0 39 5 0 185 11 0 100 16 0 245 15 0 Carried forward ... Carried forward ... I i23,138 19 10 11,979 7 5



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924— continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount, Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. 1213 1901 382 1137 1433 1715 1531 1173 1426 1884 1130 1920 1062 694 1902 1474 1829 1961 1820 732 1221 1345 1250 1172 270 1163 1679 1535 1863 746 1913 391 1815 1885 1650 1346 1930 1078 1816 733 734 1202 1874 1976 1032 1601 1094 1876 522 1826 1011 1769 857 1143 1310 1325 1977 1456 676 465 1617 Brought forward... Breen, Timothy Brennan, John Brennan, John M. ... Bridges, George G. ... Brittain, Francis II. Brodrick, T. N. ... Brook, E.... Brook, Walter Brooker, John Brookes, Wallace ... Brosnan, John A. ... Browett, Luke D. ... Brown, C. T. H. ... Brown, Mrs. E. H. Brown, Henry Brown, Hugh Brown, W.E. Brown, William Brown, W. R. Brown, William W. Browne, Henry H. ... Bryce, Thomas E. ... Buchanan, Edith M. Buckley, Timothy ... Buckeridge, Thomas Buckhurst, W. B. ... Bull, E.N. Burd, T. ... Burgess, Arthur W. Burnes, Alexander P. Burns, Archibald D. Burns, Ellen G. Burns, J. ... Burns, Malcolm N. Burr, E. A. Burton, C. H. Burton, Ernest W. Bussey, Henry Butler, G. H. Buttle, Henry Buttle, Mrs. M. C. ... Cairns, Robert Calder, David McB. Caldwell, L. V. ... Callaghan, William Caiman, Jane Calvert, Arthur Cameron, Miss A. J. Cameron, Archibald Cameron, H. C. Cameron, James Campbell, J. Campbell, Sophia ... Campbell, William... Candy, Thomas Cane, Edward II. ... Canning, William ... Capstick, Richard ... Card, Henry Carkeek, Morgan J. C. Carlaw, J. £ s. d. 23,138 19 10 155 19 0 256 12 0 93 8 0 485 4 0 178 14 0 715 18 0 195 8 0 213 9 0 156 14 0 243 7 0 163 16 0 211 11 0 270 0 0 44 16 0 97 15 0 55 1 0 151 10 0 115 0 0 130 0 0 86 1 0 175 16 0 186 0 0 30 17 0 506 3 0 9 10 0 107 13 0 193 2 0 207 4 0 218 3 0 151 13 0 323 14 0 20 1 0 331 6 0 248 3 0 357 19 0 376 8 0 127 19 0 125 0 J 59 5 0 53 6 0 37 4 0 38 0 0 349 5 0 366 13 0 234 3 0 14 18 0 130 6 0 165 0 0 31 12 0 308 11 0 133 11 0 572 19 0 40 13 0 37 17 0 37 6 0 261 13 0 290 10 0 229 0 0 22 16 0 81 17 0 255 11 0 1935 1008 1366 550 1588 1674 1406 1985 501 1059 1340 1443 1166 1161 598 540 1693 1400 507 1117 1651 918 1541 908 1308 603 1418 1336 989 1692 721 882 137 1012 934 885 1113 70 1949 1538 1882 1457 488 1780 964 1972 1721 671 1038 1846 1652 1672 983 523 1932 1530 1.434 260 711 860 1494 Brought forward ... Carmine, Louis J, ... Carmody, Patrick ... Carnie, Miss M. Carpenter, Robert ... Carr, A. ... Carr, J. F. Carrington, Follett... Carroll, Francis Carroll, Laurence ... Carroll, Laurence ... Carroll, William Cassels, William ... Cascleton, William C, Cavell, A. T. Chandler, William... Chaney, Walter J. ... Chapman, F. W. ... Chappell, Arthur B. Charlton, James M. Chegwidden, William Chisholm, F. J. Chisholm, Walter E. Christie, H. Christophers, Sarah Chittey, Charles E. Claphain, George J. Clare, Joshua G. Claridge, II. J. Clark, Edwin Clarke, A. G. Clarke, John Q. Clarkson, George H. Cleary, M. M. Clemett, Alexander D. Clifton, Edmund Climie, James D. ... Clothier, Arthur Clough, Thomas E. Coffey, Mrs. Mary ... Collins, R.J. Coney, Vernon I. ... Connell, John Cook, George L. Cooke, E. F. W. ... Coombe, Henry G.... Cooper, William Copland, J. I Corbett, Edward J.... Cornwall. Henry G. Costall, J. J. J. ... Coster, W. Coulter, J. Coutts, John Covil, Robert Cowles, Edward P. Cox, C. J. Cox, Michael ■'Craig, William L. ... Crawford, Andrew W. Crawford, Robert ... Creagh, A. T. £ s. d. 34,607 9 10 287 19 0 109 16 0 42 12 0 86 10 0 83 11 0 207 4 0 277 3 0 145 10 0 110 10 0 121 17 0 188 18 0 178 2 0 87 12 0 256 14 0 106 8 0 295 2 0 291 8 0 80 18 0 62 3 0 246 13 0 426 9 0 387 1 0 117 6 0 26 1 0 308 18 0 322 4 0 276 13 0 102 14 0 173 7 0 349 8 0 18 0 0 120 2 0 266 13 4 200 3 0 424 8 0 306 13 0 166 12 0 142 9 3 38 16 0 805 11 0 187 2 0 124 14 0 325 0 0 121 17 0 210 0 0 233 7 0 204 18 0 102 15 0 262 13 0 208 15 0 281 8 0 55 19 0 165 5 0 77 6 0 400 0 0 253 16 0 191 16 0 59 13 3 156 0 0 131 5 0 198 6 0 Carried forward ... 34,607 9 10 Carried forward ... 46,805 3 8



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924— continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

'ension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. 1653 1892 1950 1347 1178 986 1495 1298 283 1484 478 949 1112 1602 256 1024 1737 371 1908 1451 1170 1770 1086 1304 1902 1579 1201 1599 1654 595 1788 812 1485 1619 395 587 594 831 645 1458 1864 994 923 969 1401 1951 1044 1383 1087 1835 1562 1496 83 100 1800 791 1620 1042 753 896 1933 479 809 Brought forward... Crichton, LP. Crocker, John R. ... Crombie, Miss Jessie Crook, George II. T. Crooke, Alfred Cross, Mrs. M. J. .. Crow, J. ... Crow, William Crozier, Alexander... Cruickshank, Alex. ... Cullen, Francis Cullen, John Cullen, Thomas M. Gumming, S. Cunningham, C. A. Cunningham, John... Cunningham, T. Curel, Edwin Curnow, Ada L. Currie, Robert H. ... Curtis, Walter S. ... Dadson, J. W. Dalby, William W. Dall, George B. Dalryinple, Samuel Daly, M. ... Dalziell, Peter Daniel, S. G. Dansey, Ida R. Dansey, Roger D. ... Darrach, D. Davidson, Mrs. M. E. Davies, Mabel M. ... Davis, E. H. Davy, Charley Dawson, Henry W.... Day, George F. Day, Henry A. Dean, John H. Death, Frederick A. De Castro, Arthur ... de Castro, F. K. ... de Castro, W. W. ... de Courcy, John Dell, William Dempsey, Charles ... Dempsey, William H. Dennehy, Miss M. E. de Tourettes, A. H. Devenish, William... Diamond, C. H. Dibble, W. Dick, John Dickson, James Dines, Mrs. M. J. ... Dixon, Charles H. W. Dixon, H. Dobson, John H. ... Dodd, Frederick H. Dommett, W. H. ... Donne, Thomas E. Donovan, Michael ... Donovan, Timothy... £ s. d. 46,805 3 8 289 16 0 318 1 0 141 15 0 245 2 0 117 13 0 41 9 0 253 1 0 431 2 0 104 0 6 317 17 0 124 8 0 468 10 0 400 0 0 344 9 0 102 11 0 68 8 0 124 8 0 58 8 0 62 7 0 81 5 0 250 0 0 174 16 0 78 17 0 541 13 0 240 4 0 64 10 0 190 15 0 334 7 0 134 9 0 212 16 0 11 7 3 33 13 0 66 10 0 305 11 0 68 7 0 204 2 0 172 16 0 14 18 0 200 9 0 124 2 0 262 13 0 368 1 0 308 16 0 101 7 0 60 0 0 201 17 0 210 0 0 86 7 0 194 11 0 309 4 0 190 19 0 81 0 0 20 18 0 125 6 8 88 16 0 247 10 0 288 18 0 12% 7 0 242 13 0 173 7 0 638 10 0 129 12 0 104 18 0 1771 970 502 1448 848 140 1772 1497 704 621 1271 1748 1199 1498 1722 909 L750 1707 1066 1193 963 886 1280 1384 204 1054 1300 1914 1236 1858 1837 1064 1141 1459 912 655 1041 805 1360 1224 1025 842 1460 1499 1866 1242 1655 893 678 1603 1387 1849 1555 1243 1282 292 1065 1500 1604 750 1893 854 1244 Brought forward... Dougan, J. Downey, Mrs. B. ... Drake, Walter C. ... Drinnan, Miss M. G. Driver, Richard Drummond, John ... Duggan, J. Dumbell, J. T. Dumbell, William D. Duncan, George Duncan, James Duncan, R. Dunne, Charles T. ... i Dwyer, J. Eames, A. W. Eberlet.F. F. W. ... Edmonds, A. B. Edmonds, Julia M.. Edser, Henry Egan, Eugene Egginton, Francis ... Ellison, John W. ... Einpson, Charles C. Empson, George A. Erecson, John F. ... Erskine, Alfred Esam, Bernard J. ... Evenden, Thomas A. Ewing, Samuel Eyre, Richard B. D. j Falla, Stephen Farquhar, H. A. R. Farquharson, Thomas j Farr, Everard C. Ferens, William H. Ferguson, Graham... Ferguson, John Field, Henry Findlay, John Firth, Arabella J. ... Fitchett, Frederick... Fitzgibbon, Edward Fleming, C. E. W. .. Florence, R. S. Flynn, Thomas, A.... Folley, William Fookes, H. E. Forbes, James B. ... Ford, George ; Fordham, A. E. Fordham, William A. Foreman. Henry ... Forrest, W. Foster, James H. ... Fowles, Harry O. ... Fraser, Charles Fraser, Simon Frith, J. F. Frederic, R. A. C. ... Fuller, William J. ... Furniss, Walter Fynmore, Charles ... Fyson, Albert J. £ s. 58,887 7 237 9 21 13 210 0 7 6 33 7 186 6 81 9 340 15 253 7 159 19 208 12 463 14 70 3 389 13 316 7 151 13 198 10 59 16 181 16 206 16 202 4 342 4 157 10 317 17 104 0 163 3 155 1 i 168 6 i 31 14 i 333 7 67 2 230 0 179 14 80 8 206 10 37 8 158 12 131 17 354 3 63 4 387 17 135 5 202 16 208 5 195 13 184 17 269 17 64 2 77 11 2-23 7 318 8 195 19 i 311 3 84 12 i 110 2 i 113 15 73 16 i 240 0 < 163 1 118 13 132 17 229 5 95 2 d. 1 0 0 0 0 o l 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Carried forward ... 58,887 7 1 Carried forward ... 70,286 10 2



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924— continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

2—H. 26,

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. 853 1231 1501 227 1461 639 1335 1723 295 1326 1359 1918 1983 1963 1108 1924 475 477 837 1430 1592 793 1435 929 480 553 725 1747 1158 784 199 1155 1542 1991 773 437 1648 1568 1851 1787 1214 1004 1287 737 1462 1915 1348 1218 914 1179 776 1503 1107 1836 1621 1813 1763 1974 1761 1394 1936 1293 1028 Brought forward... Gale, William T. ... Gallagher, Patrick ... Gallop, H. J. H. ... Garvin, Patrick Galwey, Charles E.... Gannaway, Edward (J, Gannaway, F. G. ... Gee, W. ... Geerin, Michael J. ... Gibson, Alfred P. ... Gibson, Dr. G. II. ... Gibson, Matthew F. Gibson, Thomas H. Gibson, William L. Gilbert, Henry E. ... Gilfillan, William A. Gillespie, John Gillies, David W. ... Glasgow, James McC. ; Glen, Robert j Glenister, G. ! Godfrey, Robert II.... Good, John C. j Gordon, Alex. F. ... Gordon, Henry Gordon, William Gordon, William F.... Gore, H. M. Gore, Walter Gossage, Richard I. Gould, Mrs. E. S. ... Grace, Lawrence M. Grant, Mrs. M. E. ... Grant, Peter Greatbatch, John R. Green, Henry Green, J. E. ! Green, S. J. Greenfield, Francis E. Greenland, C. N. ... Grey, Charles Grey, William G. ... Grierson, Ellen M.... Griffith, Thomas Griffiths, Alfred ... Grocott, Henry D. ... Gurr, Ethel M, Guthrie, James Gyton, George S. ... Hackworth, J. B. ... Haddrell, Walter ... Haggett, W. D. .. Hale, Charles Hall, J. W. Hall, J. W. Hall, J. W. Halligan, J. Hammerton, A. H,... Hames, Olive Hancock, Henry A. Hansberry, M. F. ... Hansen, Anders Hanson, John £ s. d. 70,286 10 2 74 0 0 74 7 0 169 14 0 67 6 0 292 2 0 272 8 0 395 5 0 517 18 0 118 18 7 182 19 0 65 19 0 213 7 0 284 0 0 260 4 0 208 17 0 131 11 0 118 3 0 205 0 0 79 4 0 38 11 0 155 9 0 132 1 0 106 16 0 103 5 0 112 8 0 28 9 0 190 0 0 301 13 0 107 15 0 147 14 0 8 8 10 167 9 0 94 13 0 363 5 0 139 18 0 189 12 0 367 0 0 195 5 0 348 18 0 8 15 4 155 3 0 133 6 0 42 5 0 117 11 0 54 19 0 533 7 0 38 4 0 64 8 0 97 8 0 130 10 0 166 12 0 131 7 0 56 4 0 286 0 0 316 13 0 184 11 0 167 14 0 400 0 0 22 16 0 169 12 0 213 7 0 142 14 0 149 0 0 1402 1436 524 1560 17 1605 1575 1758 578 759 1283 1782 534 1656 1100 1289 1590 450 1230 1372 1373 611 1903 1358 1852 1463 1572 472 1030 1906 1180 1464 1764 451 1733 907 888 481 1026 1277 1641 1894 363 466 947 147 1124 1830 376 930 660 1491 196 800 431 1322 957 1944 1409 1706 1606 1537 1992 Brought forward... Hardie, John P. Harding, Alpha B.... Harding, William A. Hardy, Ellen Hargood, Horace II. Harle, G. H. Harper, B. Harrap, J. T. E. ... Harrington, Wm. J. Harris, Harry C. ... Harris, Thomas Hart, G. ... Harvey, James Harwood, P. G. Haselden, William R. Hassell, Dr. G. Hastie, G. Hastie, Thomas Hastie, William Haszard, Henry D. M. Haszard, Sidney F. Hatchard, Henry ... Hawke, George Hawley, F. C. Hawley, William J. Hawthorne, S. P. ... Hazell, E. A. C. A. Hazelwood, Alfred W. Hay, Joseph Hay, Mrs. Mary S. Haylock, Arthur L. Head, Michael Healy, D. W. Heath, Joseph H. R. Hemsley, G. B. Henaghan, Patrick... Hennah, William H. Henry, Richard Herbert, Patrick Herd, John A. Heron, A. Hewitt, A. W. P. ... Heywood, James B. Hickman, Thomas ... Higgins, William H. Hill, George Hill, Horace Hill, J. W. Hill, Silvanus C. Hill, William Hilliard, William ... Hobart, John B. Hodge, John G, Hogg, Robert Holloway, Luke H. Holmes, Robert W. Hooper, John R. Hopkirk, Marion B. Horneman, H. S. ... Houchen, Mary Houston, W. Hovell, Mrs. M. L.... Howard, A. H. S. ... £ s. d. 80,998 4 4 178 18 0 127 2 0 160 11 0 26 0 0 36 5 8 305 11 0 332 12 0 80 6 0 142 12 0 132 19 0 80 18 0 311 7 0 143 3 0 379 13 0 271 14 0 476 3 0 304 5 0 58 7 0 77 9 0 427 16 0 362 15 0 71 15 0 266 14 0 311 5 0 400 0 0 190 7 0 45 11 0 96 13 0 217 4 0 194 15 0 235 0 0 115 17 0 182 16 0 90 6 0 160 1 0 115 3 0 143 9 0 45 15 0 194 0 0 178 5 0 288 18 0 334 8 0 521 13 0 115 12 0 157 2 0 20 10 1 125 0 0 1.32 9 0 159 8 0 38 16 0 115 5 0 69 1 0 57 8 0 29 6 0 183 12 0 703 14 0 207 6 0 101 2 0 211 16 0 156 2 0 256 2 0 39 10 0 300 0 0 Carried forward ... '80,998 4 4 Carried forward ... '92,993 7 1



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924— continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. 1152 940 1622 1398 1817 1128 1206 1253 1942 1589 1432 1209 149 1595 1029 1211 1676 628 1099 1399 1022 1965 1877 878 152 1275 698 "883 1505 1245 82 1785 1644 452 1709 1181 1254 253 303 1607 1873 1859 1623 1597 1624 1506 1437 749 1274 1507 1240 1735 1584 1657 1625 154 1027 1508 255 1509 1726 415 267 Brought forward... Howard, David Howard, Mrs. M. ... Howard, W. R. ... Howie, John Huddleston, J. C. ... Hudson, George V. Hudson, William B. Huggett, Martin ... Huggins, H. A. R. ... Hughes, J. A. B. ... Hughes, John Hume, John E. Humphries, Thomas Hunt, A. H. Hunt, Francis W. ... Hunter, William ... Hutchison, Miss Mary Hyams, Isaac Hutchison, Thomas Hyde, Mrs. L. R. ... Inder, Simeon Ingles, Miss Mary F. Inglis, Miss Helen C. Ingpen, Francis A. B. Ironside, Alexander Ironside, Alex. W. ... Isbister, William ... Israel, Ernest A. ... Ivory, D. E. Jackson, William ... Jacobs, Nathaniel ... James, H. L. James, J. ... Jamieson, Charles ... Jansen, C. W. Jarman, John Jeffrey, Agnes Jeffries, Henry Jeffries, John Jenkins, D. A. Jenkins, Rose Jennings, F. G. Johnson, G. G. Johnson, W. ... Johnston, A. J. W. ... Johnston, J. Johnston, John Johnston, Robert A. Johnston, Robert L. Johnston, S. J. Johnston, Thomas J. Johnston, W. H. O. Johnstone, G. J. A.... Jones, A. W. Jones, Audley M. ... Jones, Edmund Jones, Frederick A. Jones, T. E. ... j Jordan, George ... | Jordan, G. C. B. ... Jordan, J. ... ' Joslin, Daniel Kavanagb, Henry P. £ s. d. 92,993 7 1 3'B?o62 6 0 :W 45 15 0 255 11 0 319 13 0 224 12 0 257 3 0 577 5 0 30 15 0 566 13 0 116 2 0 161 5 0 477 8 0 466 13 4 73 14 0 220 0 0 34 11 0 158 11 0 155 13 0 298 17 0 20 18 0 284 11 0 145 0 0 45 13 0 183 1 0 115 8 10 280 10 0 226 1 0 159 16 0 199 12 0 34 6 0 47 11 7 285 2 0 334 3 0 58 1 0 242 8 0 66 17 0 76 15 0 152 8 11 98 11 0 204 16 0 90 14 0 400 0 0 255 11 0 96 14 0 288 18 0 313 1 0 248 7 0 254 3 0 107 10 0 249 4 0 156 13 0 129 17 0 284 19 0 258 10 0 316 13 0 59 4 5 13 8 0 138 1 0 106 4 0 629 8 0 275 19 0 84 5 0 81 13 4 I 1465 1294 665 1587 789 1853 1573 573 1626 1801 1536 581 666 1392 1543 738 1323 1255 261 1197 965 1019 1159 1309 722 387 978 1374 1234 1421 606 1842 306 1818 1975 455 499 1162 1204 1413 1096 600 1544 1899 559 1510 1355 997 1467 971 952 1092 1986 1386 1438 1256 1802 1728 710 680 383 533 308 Brought forward... Keane, Henry Kearney, David Kelling, Ernest C. ... Kelling, F. K. Kelly, William Kemp, George T. ... Kenealy, Catherine Kennedy, James Kennedy, W. F. ... Kenny, Beatrice M. Kensington, C. S. ... Kepple, William Kerr, Alexander Kerr, George Kerr, James Keys, George A. Kibblewhite, F. W. Kidson, Charles Kidson, Charles B.... Kiely, Nicholas Kiernan, Henry W. Kilfoyle, Thomas ... King, Albert V. King, Francis G. ... King, John M. King, Joshua King, Thomas King, Thomas T. ... Kinniburgh, Jas. W. Kirk, Thomas W. ... Kirker, Thomas Kivell, A. ... Knapp, Charles Knapp, W. A. Knell, Frank Knight, Frederick ... Knowles, William W. Kreeft, Charles V. ... Lamb, John Lambert, B. E. Lambie, Thomas Landers, John Lankshear, J. H. ... Larcombe, Prank ... Law, George Lawlor, D. H. Lay, George Lechner, Richard E. Leckie, Frank M. ... Le Cocq, Thomas W. Ledger, John L. H. Leece, James D. Leighton, Robert H. Lemm, Robert W.... Lepper, John T. Leslie, George Leversedge, W. C. ... Levy, G. ... Levy, Mark J. Lewis, Henry J. Lindesay, Thomas ... Lindsay, J. Lloyd, David £ s. 105,596 1 43 11 163 0 198 5 256 10 127 18 400 0 82112 97 2 304 11 157 19 87 18 112 17 31 5 82 0 234 0 162 18 117 5 169 11 72 5 349 9 159 10 173 7 191 9 60 5 297 13 145 5 190 6 433 7 249 18 328 2 173 7 212 16 104 0 212 4 180 4 101 13 77 9 228 17 15 5 182 18 210 0 57 9 141 3 216 13 60 10 201 8 40 13 195 11 227 16 197 8 < 400 0 i 130 3 i 180 2 i 185 9 I 103 18 I 75 10 I 297 10 ( 340 8 ( 129 7 I 119 11 I 56 17 I 36 5 I 78 0 ■ d, f, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Carried forward ... 105,596 1 6 Carried forward ... 116,246 4 4



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924— continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

'ension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. 1487 1207 1937 640 716 1468 485 1268 1097 1627 905 1608 820 529 700 467 1683 1184 667 1854 1424 1442 925 1015 739 890 740 217 1660 1343 1471 618 862 1804 1122 913 1593 1628 1405 1708 158 1629 1337 863 214 215 1183 1295 1115 1016 1146 1075 1338 1515 1554 1160 959 1931 985 1316 1569 257 877 Brought forward... Lockhead, Thomas... Lockie, James Lodder, Jane Logan, Samuel F. ... Lomas, John Loomes, Charles Lord, John Owen ... Louch, John da V. Loughnan, F, O'B. Lovell, Mark' Lucas, Alfred Lucas, Alfred H. ... Lynch, John Lynch, Robert P, ... Lyons, William Macalister, Robert... Macandrew, A. W.... Macaulay, Samuel U. MacDermott, W. C. Macdonald, Duncan Mackay, Edward ... Mackay, Henry A.... Mackay, John Mackay, Julia Mackay, William J. Mackenzie, James ... Mackley, John C. ... Maclean, Alex. H. ... MacLeod, M. A. McL. Macpherson, Alex. ... Macpherson, John G. Magill, William Maher, Mrs. F. Maher, Michael Mahoney, William J. Mann, Arnold W. ... Mann, Charles B. ... Mansell, Philip D. ... Marciel, James A. H. Marks, Marcus F. .. Marr, Beaton Marriner, Edwin W. Marshall, Charles W. Martin, Edwin Martin, George Martin, Henry Martin, James Martin, James A. ... Martin, Robert L. ... Martin, William Maskew, Thos. A. B. Mason, Mrs. B. M. Mason, George D. ... Mason, H. J, W. ... Mason, William H. Matthews, Newton... Maxwell, Henry May, Joseph G. Mayne, Thomas Meade, Henry J. ... Meade, T. J. Medland, Robert H. Melton, John £ s. d. 116,246 4 4 67 3 0 ■ 128 18 0 89 9 0 161 10 0 217 7 0 136 12 0 29 6 0 278 10 0 111 5 0 206 13 0 100 10 0 305 11 0 132 17 0 257 3 0 130 13 0 64 2 0 231 3 0 234 3 0 167 1 0 300 0 0 220 17 0 49 4 0 265 3 0 27 7 0 92 4 0 519 9 0 45 17 0 178 15 11 127 18 0 138 14 0 113 10 0 136 1 0 80 4 0 66 11 0 192 12 0 274 9 0 476 16 0 222 4 0 213 2 0 536 10 0 53 15 0 240 14 0 153 10 0 109 6 0 101 9 5 110 5 10 148 7 0 142 4 0 215 4 0 164 3 0 211 19 0 47 5 0 95 2 0 194 14 0 55 9 0 212 18 0 141 3 0 212 18 0 112 12 0 238 18 0 188 17 0 106 9 0 206 10 0 1819 359 583 1423 1473 1886 741 1375 1.403 1978 87 399 742 801 88 1923 1238 1740 765 1545 1167 788 1910 1191 202 57 1911 1349 21 1741 1529 1557 1904 81 1513 1928 961 1844 1441 1068 607 1318 1855 538 315 1916 1805 1661 1905 796 1233 1306 1278 1344 554 641 162 1565 1439 1691 1.469 1470 720 Brought forward ... Menzies, Gavin Menzies, George G. Menzies, Walter W. Milburn, Edward M. Millar, Alexander ... Millar, Mary D. ... Millar, Thomas L. ... Millar, Walter C. ... Miller, Nathaniel ... Miller, Walter Mills, Alfred Mills, Ann Mills, Clara Mitchell, Alfred J. ... Mitchell, James Mitchinson, Grace A. Moir, Charles Molloy, Patrick Moloney, Matthew... Monahan, John Moncrieff, Samuel J. Monds, Robert Montgomery, W. B. Moore, Frederick A. Moore, George Moore, John Moore, Thomas C Moore, William E.... Morcom, George Morgan, Alex. J. ... Morgan, Edward ... Morgan, Thomas II. Morland, Matthew... Morrow, Arthur Morris, George P. ... Morris, Richard B. Morris, William H. Morris, William R.... Morrison, Harriet R. Morse, Herbert S. ... Mouat, Barbara J. ... Mountfort, Alfred J. Mountfort, Charles A. Mowbray, Ernest L. Mulholland, Hugh... Mulrine, Margaret ... Mulrooney, W. J. ... Murdoch, A. C. W.... Murphy, Amy Murphy, John Murphy, Michael ... Murray, Henry Murray, John Murray, John Murray, Patrick Murray, Roderick ... Murray, William D. B. Muter, Percy McAlister, Jos. H. ... McAnerin, W. H. ... McAuley, Hugh McCabe, Mary McCallion, Patrick... £ s. d. 127,037 0 6 257 3 0 103 13 0 172 10 0 84 0 0 145 9 0 122 0 0 153 7 0 107 19 0 242 15 0 300 0 0 61 5 4 5 17 0 36 6 0 272 19 0 77 11 7 98 17 0 144 19 0 178 2 0 143 2 0 41 2 0 92 13 0 122 19 0 833 7 0 204 19 0 103 6 10 125 0 0 31 15 0 178 7 0 81 15 7 376 14 0 87 17 0 110 9 0 204 3 0 199 10 9 90 13 0 833 7 0 156 13 0 987 19 0 57 10 0 139 1 0 117 15 0 179 14 0 306 15 0 281 19 0 104 0 6 89 6 0 166 12 0 302 15 0 67 17 0 41 8 0 181 2 0 128 13 0 63 2 0 104 10 0 70 15 0 102 18 0 222 0 8 623 3 0 243 14 0 202 19 0 103 7 0 45 5 0 65 2 0 Carried forward ... '127,037 0 6 Carried forward ... 138,618 8 9



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924 — continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

3 ension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. 1425 1574 1685 1751 1952 1511 1922 1847 444 1110 1512 966 696 993 323 832 1860 797 1639 1658 1440 992 1091 915 910 377 864 1989 1926 1.216 1357 1659 1981 1129 1609 1486 1642 1410 582 1385 1803 869 894 384 856 1053 1475 1134 1534 1757 1050 1610 747 1690 1953 1532 884 1871 865 937 822 879 1422 Brought forward... McCallum, S. W. ... McCarthy, S. McClelland, R. McClure, G. H. M. McCormack, T. J. ... McCrea, H. G. McCullough, W. ... McDiarmid, J. McDonald, Donald... McDonnell, John ... McGhie, G. McGibbon, James ... McGilp, Alexander... McGirr, William P. McGovern, Francis McGrath, James ... McGrath, Joseph A. McGrath, Patrick ... McGuire, J. McGuire, P. D. McHattie, James ..-. Mcll wraith,Isabella C. Mcllwraith, Mary .. Mclntyre, John Mclver, Robert McKay, John M. ... McKay, William ... McKeefrey, Michael McKellar, Henry D. McKenzie, James A. McKinnon, Lachlan McKinnon, W. McLean, Archibald McLennan, Kenneth McLeod, Alexander McLeod, James McMahon, P. T. ... McMannaway, O. T. McNab, Alex. A. ... McNair, L. F. McQuillen, J. McRae, Duncan Nagle, John Nalder, John V. Nancarrow, John H. Nathan, George Nathan, William ... Nash, Ernest H. ... Nation, E. J. Nelson, R. Nelson, William T. Nesbitt, J. E. Nettlefold, William Newman, C. A. Newton, Alex. D. ... Newton, W. R. Ninnis, Fannie Noon, Mary A. Norman, Horatio F. Norris, Arthur S. ... Norton, Charles J. Nugent, John S. O'Brien, Benjamin £ s. 138,618 8 165 0 377 15 258 4 485 4 212 18 295 6 216 13 160 17 22 14 143 15 270 1.7 15 7 115 12 213 7 240 0 39 17 376 2 148 10 206 13 289 17 273 18 60 16 18 3 112 15 120 0 37 15 78 1 252 5 412 19 138 1 83 15 308 6 192 10 15 1 255 11 105 3 212 14 211 5 195 15 117 11 105 7 104 4 9 12 90 8 225 5 45 5 197 8 18 17 74 12 36 0 200 0 201 3 63 8 395 6 88 5 189 6 96 8 109 7 151 14 78 16 240 6 162 12 191 7 d. 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1948 815 1783 420 512 1959 1516 1638 1580 1979 1063 1081 571 1941 1517 565 972 1518 786 779 1043 1001 1148 1210 1319 1887 658 1662 1047 1630 118 1305 697 1045 1188 1591 1299 1519 766 1631 726 855 362 756 1133 1520 1445 1313 1640 1730 1586 1376 802 1395 167 442 833 1013 1127 1428 596 668 1257 I Brought forward... ; O'Brien, James G. V. [ O'Brien, Matthew ... O'Brien, M. T. O'Brien, Patrick F. O'Brien, William W. O'Gonnell, Patrick D. j O'Connor, R. C. O'Donovan, J. Oliver, F. J. O'Malley, Agnes H. O'Neil, Felix T. ... Orcliiston, Joseph ... Orchiston, M. J. ... O'Rourke, Daniel ... O'Rourke, Timothy Osborne, Thomas ... O'Sullivan, James ... ' Oswin, T. E. L. ... Otterson, Henry Owens, John Oxley, Antony W. ... Palliser, CharlesF.W. Parker, Robert G. V. Parrell, George J. ... Pasche, Carl H. E... Patton, William P. Peck, George ... Percy, Richard W. ... Perrin, Frederick ... Perry, George A Perry, John Petersen, Hans C. ... Petersen, Johanne M. Phair, William J. ... Pickett, John J. Pierard, 0. H. Piercy, Edward J. Pinel, O. II. ... Pipe, James S. ... Pirani, A. S. ... Pointon, Thomas R. Poll, Gustav Pollen, Hugh S. ... Pollock, John Pool, William Poole, F. C. Poole, William N. ... j Pope, Thomas ... I Porter, E. II. ... : Porter, R. W. Post, C. F. Potter, James C. ... Potter, Samuel Powell, Charles Poynter, James B. ... Price, James H. ... j Proctor, Alexander... | Prudhoe, Joseph C. Puckey, Alfred F. ... Purcell, Thomas Purdey, George B.... Purdie, David R. ... Purdue, George B.... £ s. 149,149 16 191 0 125 3 94 3 92 19 8 5 234 17 260 17 586 2 183 19 167 0 366 13 600 0 46 3 213 7 193 19 65 3 337 2 302 6 433 7 210 0 246 2 489 16 199 12 148 5 115 7 182 0 93 12 305 6 246 8 222 4 16 11 208 4 38 4 278 1 330 13 292 1 84 19 207 11 89 1 255 11 210 8 173 16 172 15 213 7 145 17 173 18 270 2 167 12 30 14 413 14 270 11 199 17 146 8 115 2 31 13 70 10 44 12 333 7 .174 3 241 15 37 15 176 17 163 7 d, 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Carried forward ... 149,149 16 9 Carried forward ... ] 161,889 10 10 161,889 10 10



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924— continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

'ension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. 1663 613 526 1987 981 1954 1273 920 1960 1476 643 1806 503 1632 1154 1664 1420 1889 1103 474 1611 824 1869 28 1521 1686 1925 1898 1612 458 584 440 1105 1272 169 1867 439 755 1249 1239 1351 171 336 1270 1311 1261 1352 1682 388 98 870 1698 1361 11.75 858 881 1411 1329 547 1546 648 1966 1558 Brought forward... '. Pytt-Jackson, Emma Quinn, James Rabbits, Edward ... Rait, George W. Ralfe, Henry H. G. Ramsay, John ... Rankin, William F.... Rasmussen, John F. Read, Lewis Reaney, Robert H.... Rearden, John W. ... Redican, Michael ... Redgrave, Andrew J. Redmond, G. Redmond, James C. Redmond, J. ... Reeves, Edmund C. Reid, Mrs. Isabella ... Reid, Leonard G. ... Reid, Thomas Reid, Thomas Remer, Alfred E. ... I Rennell, Edith Revell, Frederick W. Reynolds, W. J. Richards, J. H. Richardson, John ... Richardson, J. H. ... Richardson, M. E. ... Richdale, William ... i Riddick, William ... Rides, Charles V. ... Riley, James A. Riordan, Thomas ... Roberts, James M.... Roberts, Kate Roberts, Vernon Robertshaw, F. J. ... Robertson, Donald... Robertson, George E. Robin, Alfred W. ... Robinson, George F. j Roche, Michael ... | Roddick, John ... Rogers, Charles G.... Ronaldson, Thos. S. Rose, John Roseingrave, J. H. ... Rosie, Sinclair B. ... Ross, George ... Ross, Robert G. Rossiter, A. J. Rothwell, Richard ... Row, Arthur S. Rowe, George Rowe, John Rowe, John S. ... Rule, James G. Rushbrook, Charles T. ' Russell, J. A. ... Rutherfurd, Alex. J. Rutter, Joseph S. ... Ryan, Patrick ...'| £ s. a. 161,889 10 10 162 3 0 18 16 0 19 11 0 76 18 0 327 16 0 288 18 0 152 12 0 81 8 0 137 13 0 341 8 0 112 16 0 210 16 0 ; 175 8 0 206 13 0 222 12 0 368 14 0 140 11 0 14 0 0 | 420 0 0 I 133 12 0 255 11 0 144 16 0 64 5 0 41 14 8 171 17 0 257 8 0 154 15 0 833 7 0 105 11 0 95 8 0 78 4 0 46 10 0 55 2 0 142 1 0 1.86 5 4 |J 143 4 0 129 13 0 | 224 3 0 866 13 0 468 11 0 f 425 17 0 218 15 6 87 12 0 142 17 0 173 11 0 596 9 0 66 10 0 125 7 0 79 5 0 24 10 3 141 14 0 181 17 0 52 12 0 311 2 0 69 17 0 40 6 0 87 4 0 307 2 0 178 8 0 305 11 0 257 2 0 275 17 0 251 4 0 1943 973 1731 944 527 585 1742 1120 743 1967 1687 220 575 945 1339 1988 459 803 859 1477 1483 1291 760 1021 659 556 1020 576 1946 1581 1164 1834 1258 1034 426 1085 561 378 669 1743 689 1380 1665 1246 482 1284 829 906 1856 530 892 1734 1556 1478 1938 1479 761 1320 1368 1429 1955 1522 1907 Brought forward... ! Sadd, Robert T. ... Salmon, Joseph W.... Salmon, T. B. Sarjeant, Joseph Scanlen, Winslow ... Scott, Charles Scott, George Scott, James L. Scott, John Scott, William A. ... Scutt, William Seth-Smith, Hugh G. Seward, William H. Seymour, Charles A. Shearman, John Sheehan, B. Sheppard, Robert H. Shine, John H. Shoard, Edward H. Shore, William H. ... Shorland, George K. Short, William S. ... Shrimpton, Sydney M. Siddells, James Silver, Frederick ... Simms, James Simpson, William •]. Sinclair, David Skeet, Harry M. ... Skinner, E. P. Skinner, William H. Slade, James Sleightholme, S. A. Sloane, John A. Smale, Arthur C. Smallbone, G. F. B. Smart, Elijah Smart, William W.... Smith, Amelius M.... Smith, Annie M. Smith, Charles E. O. Smith, Frank H. ... Smith, George E. ... Smith, George G. ... Smith, James Smith, James ... Smith, Peter Smith, Richard T. ... Smith, William B.... Smith, William H.... Smyth, Joseph M. ... Smythe, Edith E. ... Smythe, Emily A. ... Snow, Henry ... Sole, Thomas G. ... Somers, Thomas C. Somerville, G eorgo... Southgate, Edith ... Souter, David Sparrow, Clement ... Spence, Henry R. ... Spicer, John E. D.... Spicer, Maria A. ... £ s. 174,367 4 500 0 219 12 384 17 200 0 32 9 104 7 126 5 159 9 129 8 218 6 291 4 51 13 98 0 200 0 174 12 363 0 90 12 57 13 96 8 308 14 173 5 602 6 36 0 194 17 165 16 40 7 129 17 40 12 500 0 120 6 398 14 43 15 57 18 29 8 34 17 260 2 27 13 127 9 181 9 130 2 69 10 149 1 205 11 161 8 134 3 168 2 34 5 122 7 300 0 124 14 92 14 90 7 95 17 47 4 111 19 145 16 137 10 109 18 255 2 38 16 500 0 165 5 94 15 d. 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Carried forward ... '174,367 4 7 Carried forward ... 184,822 11 0



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924 — continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

'ension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amout. 150 633 689 .262 543 131 023 594 .777 171 .388 364 871 .177 608 .872 .377 333 762 .744 846 .703 804 719 271 .969 .353 778 .688 .970 .247 .667 .971 980 .917 .582 .407 672 .553 542 .878 375 .870 181 468 089 .827 .675 149 110 .919 .668 .290 .489 182 .547 .539 .697 .807 .939 .314 446 .548 Brought forward... Spiers, Thomas G. ... Stace, Albert Stace, Thomas Stagpoole, Martin D. Stanley, Joseph Stanton, Samuel G. Staples, Frank J. ... Stapleton, David H. Stapp, Ernest G. ... Stenning, Albert J.... Stephens, Henry A. Stephens, Thomas T. Stephenson, Henry Stephenson, William Stevens, James H. ... Stephens, Joseph E. Stewart, James W. Stewart, W. F. Y. ... Stokes, Frederick S. Stone, John T. Stott, Louis Stout, Thomas Stowell, David Strauchon, John Strauchon, Thomas H. Stretton, Arthur ... Strude, Henry Strude, Louisa Stuart, Arthur H. ... Sturtevant, G. N. ... Sunley, Ernest Sustins, D. G. F. ... Sutherland, Andrew Swan, W.G. C. M.... Swanson, Walter ... Sykes, Alexander ... Talbot, Alfred J. C. Tansley, Samuel Taylor, Thomas W. Taylor, Frederick T. Taylor, Sarah Taylor, Thomas M.... Taylor, William H. Thom,William Arthur Thomas, Henry Thomas, Rees E. G. Thomas, William A. Thompson, E. D. ... Thompson, James H. Thompson, Samuel... Thompson, T. K. ... Thompson, W. R. ... Thomson, Andrew D. Thomson, John A. ... Thorburn, John Thornton, William... Tigue, Michael Tovey, Arthur O. ... Townshend, E. E. ... Townshend, Henry... Treacy, Denis Tregear, Edward ... Tregonning, W. N. ... £ a. d. 184,822 11 0 221 19 0 238 18 0 202 4 0 214 12 0 102 12 0 217 17 0 204 15 0 182 17 0 414 10 0 36 19 0 85 9 0 154 1 0 87 12 0 206 2 0 283 7 0 348 11 0 88 13 0 213 3 0 255 17 0 179 4 0 159 13 0 94 16 0 22 4 0 516 13 0 55 18 2 104 5 0 68 9 0 18 3 0 290 16 0 333 7 0 208 15 0 289 17 0 209 1 0 124 2 0 170 16 0 216 2 0 419 9 0 131 17 0 286 6 0 76 18 0 94 18 0 227 10 0 125 1 0 98 12 3 87 11 0 366 13 0 70 13 0 206 13 0 24 8 0 248 17 10 326 13 0 256 10 0 666 13 0 220 11 0 25 12 4 132 14 0 49 8 0 379 9 0 152 16 0 209 9 0 168 0 0 306 3 0 298 12 0 1446 1332 644 1909 1523 1307 1480 1880 1524 1481 1396 1525 826 847 616 1488 409 1699 1669 111 1217 967 518 1868 1169 1645 988 460 104 535 427 549 1036 185 1940 1165 1526 1241 1838 1412 744 345 1823 745 818 1279 1527 1746 1812 1259 552 1732 1598 1865 1208 435 1857 356 1528 1634 1778 1196 1315 Brought forward... Treweek, Charles ... Trim, Charles J. H. Trimble, Alfred Tucker, Spencer J. ... Tucker, William C... Tuckey, Francis H. Turner, Charles B.... Turner, H. T. G. ... Turner, M. Tutt, Elisha W. ... Umbers, John C. A. Vaile, John R. Vause, John P. Vear, Edward J. Vickerman, Charles R. Vickers, H. G. Vincent, Richard B. Voyle, Philip J. ... Waddell, William ... Wadie, Henry T. ... Wait, James Waitt, Thomas G. ... Waldegrave, F. G. B. Walker, Frederick J. Walker, Robert T. ... Wallace, Annie Wallace, Mary Walmsley, Edward C. Walsh, David Walters, Stanley A. Walton, John Ward, Frank Ward, Thomas Ward, Thomas L. F. Warner, Horatio A. Warren, Edward F. Waters, John H. ... Waters, William A. Watts, Watts, Robert Weathered, John J. Weatherley, James Weaver, Walter G.... Webb, George Webb, John Webb, Josephine A, Welch, Herbert L. ... Wells, James West, Joseph Westbrooke, Wm. H. Wetherilt, Henry ... Weybourne, Charles Wheeler, William J. White, George White, William Whitehouse, Abel ... Wicksteed, S. T. ... Wild, Frederick A. ... Wilding, Hugh Willcox, W. A. S. ... Williams, Albert V. Williams, Amy G. ... Williams, George A. £ b. d. 197,302 7 7 379 0 0 162 3 0 160 2 0 213 7 0 193 8 0 181 6 0 171 6 0 278 7 0 178 6 0 140 0 0 238 15 0 158 0 0 180 17 0 108 6 0 433 7 0 93 4 0 350 19 0 174 5 0 42 11 0 212 4 6 113 6 0 256 13 0 521 14 0 400 0 0 56 10 0 15 9 0 65 8 0 56 13 0 101 10 7 65 6 0 95 14 0 175 16 0 200 5 0 42 18 7 224 8 0 379 17 0 268 4 0 63 5 0 217 1 0 207 8 0 94 13 0 89 11 6 251 11 0 197 1 0 119 18 0 76 18 0 238 7 0 145 1 0 201 6 0 42 9 0 97 7 0 140 16 0 330 0 0 240 19 0 180 17 0 41 19 0 300 3 0 98 11 0 214 6 0 344 9 0 199 18 0 28 7 0 129 16 0 Carried forward ... 1197,302 7 7 Carried forward ... '208,683 10



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924 — continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

Under Section 36 (Medically Unfit).

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. 1265 537 1549 1973 251 1934 1321 1276 1444 1000 951 1227 1073 586 476 1895 1796 1896 771 1862 Brought forward... Williams, John R. ... Williams, Lyonel C. Williams, Phyllis H. Williams, Stephen ... Williamson, G. M.,.. Williamson, James... Williamson, J. C. ... Wilmot, Ernest H.... Wilson, Caroline Wilson, Edward Wilson, Edward R. Wilson, Frederick A. Wilson, James Wilson, John A. Wilson, Sophia G. ... Wilson, S. N. B. ... Winstanley, J. S. ... Winter, George H. ... Wiren, Isaac E. Withers, Percy G. ... £ s. d. 208,683 10 9 67 10 0 80 7 0 83 11 0 | 98 11 0 25 11 0 220 10 0 476 17 0 I 483 10 0 26 3 0 293 7 0 118 9 0 153 11 0 142 18 0 i 323 18 0 32 10 0 186 14 0 229 8 0 j 176 10 0 154 4 0 j 503 18 0 241 190 63 889 1577 1671 1635 927 1079 411 1636 1637 1324 1397 1119 1014 751 1330 1550 Brought forward... Withers, William ... Wolff, Bernard Wood, Charles Woon, James R. ... Wootton, John W.... Worth, George Worthington, W. J. Wright, Adam Wright, Arthur B. ... Wright, Charles Wyatt, C. A. de K. ... Wyllie, James T. ... Wvlie, Arthur Yates, Alfred W. ... Yates, William C. ... Yeats, Miss M. Yorston, Miss E. ... Youngman, Henry G. Youngman, J. R. ... £ s. d. 212,561 7 9 59 11 0 50 5 5 67 10 0 238 18 0 166 6 0 279 6 0 316 13 0 79 11 0 300 0 0 17 19 0 206 13 0 361 2 0 98 7 0 193 10 0 216 13 0 18 19 0 112 1 0 216 12 0 59 1 0 Total ... 215,620 5 2 Carried forward ... 212,561 7 9

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. 1077 1861 1389 1198 1929 366 447 609 1762 785 939 834 1071 931 275 1551 1455 1010 1431 1888 393 278 505 1263 544 233 1102 1784 1369 1362 1779 Acheson, Robert J Adams, William J.... Allen, James E. Barnett, Eliza O. O. Barrar, Ernest R. ... Barrer, Thomas R.... Berry, Alfred J. Bethune, Arthur A. Beverley, J. Black, James Boardrnan, Mrs. L. Boucher, William A. Boyle, Henry Browne, Albert L. ... Browne, James U.... Budge, A. W. M. ... Butler, William E. Cameron, Marie McN. Campbell, John Chapman, E. A. Childerhouse, John R. Christie, Andrew ... Church, Hubert N.W. Cleary, Winifred R. B. Coffey, Edward Cook, John Cooper, Robert A. ... Gotterell, Ethel Crawford, Alfred J. Crichton, Robert, J. Critchley, Robert ... £ s. d. 156 18 0 114 6 0 236 13 0 52 15 0 14 3 0 92 15 0 154 10 0 112 15 0 45 8 0 104 5 0 21 7 0 109 17 0 121 18 0 70 12 0 49 2 5 19 5 0 191 11 0 15 6 0 113 16 0 19 16 0 75 11 0 54 15 0 167 13 0 61 7 0 125 19 0 90 12 0 12 10 0 30 18 0 107 14 0 69 6 0 169 16 0 735 1450 810 922 998 1957 904 792 96 1121 836 795 901 1132 290 84 663 1116 580 1990 1220 266 209 242 1755 413 1839 712 1007 772 Brought forward... Crow, Robert Cuddie, David Curtis, Henry F. ... Dart, John W. M. ... de Loree, Peter A. ... Dillicar, William H. Donaldson, Eric M. Donovan, Albert J. Dow, David Downard, Edith J. R. Duncan, Samuel ... Eastgate, Henry ... Elliott, Flossie V. ... Fitzgerald, John Franklin, James Gentles, James Girling-Butcher, G. Goodger, D. S. Goodger, Frances ... Gow, William B. ... Graham, L. S. L. L. Greene, Francis Grey, Thomas F. ... Hargood, James D. Herd, T. R. Heron, James Hickey, T. Hill, Thomas Hogan, Kieran J. ... Holland, Miss S. A. £ a. d. 2,613 3 5 134 9 0 255 15 0 55 13 0 75 1 0 16 7 0 52 19 0 85 13 0 12 5 0 74 16 2 29 4 0 37 8 0 64 2 0 4 12 0 65 15 0 71 3 6 83 11 5 67 1 0 123 13 0 35 2 0 364 9 0 73 17 0 49 2 0 157 6 0 65 15 0 77 16 0 118 5 0 143 5 0 25 16 0 27 13 0 30 14 0 Carried forward ... 2,613 3 5 Carried forward ... 5,261 7 6



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924 — continued. Under Section 36 (Medically Unfit) —continued.

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. .. Annual Name ' Amount. 1753 298 754 843 875 1205 93 1881 1341 301 525 1414 1356 1596 307 429 1643 1266 1301 1585 312 .418 1845 1840 1390 313 1492 71 216 1147 1552 1677 579 1945 1381 891 1958 1900 1228 1756 1696 839 331 1048 1378 567 1140 Brought forward... Hoskin, C. C. Howard, Thomas ... Hughes, Thomas W. Hunter, Roger C. ... Innes, David T. C Ivens, Sydney C. ... Jackson, Etheridge... Jackson, W. CM. ...' ! Jeffrey, William H. Joyce, Michael .... Keaney, Patrick Ker, John Kilgour, Denis W. ... Kyne, T. S. Latimer, David Leslie, Alexander ... Lookhart, W. Louisson, John S. ... MacDonald, Donald Mackay, D. M. G. ... Maddern, William ... Madigan, James J.... Malcolm, D. G. ... Mead, C. V. Mead, II. N. Miller, William H.... Mon tgomery, Henry J. Mundy, Edward J..., Murphy, Edward ... Murray, William ... McAllister, A. S. ... McCallum,L.J.A. ... McCulioch, Arthur S. McDougall, John ... McGoldrick, William Mclndoe, Andrew ... Mclntyre, Harry ... McLean, Roderick... McLean, Samuel McTeigue, E. E. ... Naughton, J. D. Nicholls, Charles B. O'Brien, Michael ... Oliver, Frederick ... Orman, John C. Osborn, Charles S. ... Parry, A. £ s. d. 5,261 7 6 12 6 0 54 15 0 115 15 0 68 18 0 213 14 0 57 1 0 123 4 9 105 14 0 16 7 0 68 8 9 36 6 0 86 3 0 9 5 0 34 2 0 105 17 0 110 12 0 68 13 0 178 0 0 205 12 0 37 8 0 63 11 5 65 19 0 9 11 0 76 7 0 19 2 0 49 2 5 105 1 0 55 8 3 60 16 0 68 3 0 27 4 0 49 0 0 34 17 0 65 7 0 161 17 0 52 13 0 56 8 0 81 18 0 87 6 0 25 14 0 149 9 0 70 13 0 86 13 9 131 11 0 31 8 0 34 17 0 12 10 0 1069 950 1194 1288 73 1875 838 1182 650 396 430 1841 338 2 941 1090 1666 1080 77 990 1968 1419 835 1176 1342 1947 1370 1984 1765 1229 1057 492 355 423 1890 954 1964 897 347 566 1334 1312 504 1123 1794 357 £ a. d. Brought forward... 8,701 15 10 Pickford, Henry ... 142 11 0 Pope, Roland H, ... 265 13 0 Power, John ... 77 15 0 Presants, Philip T. ... 15 11 0 Ready, Lizzie ... 28 3 4 Rissman, W. H. ... 17 11 0 Robertson, Thomas R. 15 18 0 Roche, Geoffrey H. 9 16 0 Rossbotham, HenryJ. 42 13 0 Rowe, William ... ! 64 6 0 Rowles, Denis ... i 79 15 0 Rushton, A. E. ... 55 15 0 Ryan, John .... 68 8 9 Samuel, Fredric ... 153 0 0 Shannon, Joseph W. 50 15 0 Sims, Oliver B. ... 3 5 0 Smith, W. C. ... : 190 18 0 Smith, William S. ... 180 9 0 Smyth, James R. ... 119 12 7 Stephenson, C. W. ... ■ 49 3 0 Strachan, James R. 247 10 0 Stockdill, Thomas ... ' 7 7 0 Straubel, Carl B. M. 47 3 0 Sykes, Charles H. ..." 72 19 0 Tatham, Samuel J. 82 2 0 Tiffen, Wm. A. E. ... 15 19 0 Tiplady, Charles B. 19 12 0 Tizard, John M. ... 59 14 0 Townshend, W. M. 1.48 11 0 Trehey, Edmond C. Ill 9 0 Vanderpump, S. N.... i 8 13 0 Wakefield, Horace A. i 79 13 0 Walker, Maxwell ... 93 13 8 Walsh, William J.... ; 184 3 0 Ware, H. G. ... ' 21 16 0 Watson, Edward W. 164 12 0 Whittem, Robert L. 10 18 0 Williams, Stella M.M.! 8 0 0 Williams, Walter ... 87 8 11 Williams, William E. 62 18 0 Wilson, Charles J.... 3 5 0 Winkler, George T. -56 2 0 Winter, Elizabeth ... 23 4 0 Wood, G. E. ... 83 17 0 Wood, S. H. ... 125 4 0 Young, William F.... 124 10 0 Carried forward ... Total ... £12,282 18 1 8,701 15 10 I



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924 — continued. Under Section 28, Finance Act, 1921.

Under Section 29 (Police injured on Duty).

Under Section 52, Finance Act, 1920.

3—H. 26.

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. 1808 1718 1719 1832 1712 1789 1810 1680 1831 1738 1773 1774 1843 1713 1736 1790 1791 1781 1724 1725 1710 1727 1927 1795 1811 Arnold, W. J. Bean, A. E. Benfell, F. Brown, E. N. S. ... Campbell, H. A. Carter, W. H. Case, J. ... Davidson, J. Dent, T.J. Doyle, W. II. Fairley, J. Fulton, J. C. Gibbons, T. F. Groves, C. W. W. ... Headland, C. Heenan, W. J. Henderson, R. T. J. Hinchliffe, W. N. ... Howe, H. Johnston, A. Kewish, W. Q. Laurenson, F. F. ... Luff, II. C. Mainwaring, W. E. Meenan, J. £ s. d. 131 12 0 56 12 0 97 16 0 173 13 0 196 11 0 166 12 0 99 6 0 118 1 0 129 6 0 151 11 0 182 2 0 174 9 0 188 10 0 156 7 0 119 13 0 114 0 0 178 15 0 243 16 0 122 13 0 206 10 0 207 6 0 114 12 0 98 6 0 180 5 0 271 16 0 1775 1824 1825 1729 1814 1702 1678 1714 1739 1821 1704 1792 1776 1705 1711 1822 1793 1684 1754 1745 1681 1760 1752 Brought forward... Middlemiss, W. II. Miles, A. ... Mirfin, C. E. McCosker, T. J. ... McDonald, D. McDonald, T. W. ... McGowan, W. S. W. McKay, H. F. McLeod, H. Palmer T. Porter, F. H. Reed, F. ... Richards, L. L. Rix-Trott, H. Robieson, C. R. C... Rowden, II. W. Slyfield, H. L. Stewart, J. Trowern, T. G. Valentine, H. F. ... Vine, E. A. Wilmot, J.C. Wrigley, T. D. £ s. d. 3,880 0 0 120 2 0 173 14 0 96 19 0 164 14 0 56 2 0 300 0 0 169 7 0 131 12 0 153 7 0 208 8 0 190 10 0 200 15 0 203 2 0 51 17 0 300 0 0 245 3 0 222 3 0 87 8 0 39 18 0 184 3 0 89 1 0 31 11 0 190 2 0 Total £7,489 18 0 Carried forward ... 3,880 i 0 0

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. i 285 958 1879 1897 Dillon, John Driscoll, Edward ... McKay, James McLeod, Donald ... £ s. d. 104 0 6 117 1 0 104 0 0 191 12 0 1797 782 1049 Brought forward... Thomson, J. N. Warner, Sidney H Whiteacre, Edward £ s. 516 13 162 0 90 3 84 4 d. 6 0 0 0 Carried forward ... 516 13 6 Total 853 0 6

Pe ™ on Name. Annual Amount. 1716 Atwell, W. 1364 • Colclough, W. C. S. £ s. 125 10 137 9 d. 0 0 Total £262 19 0 I


List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924— continued. Under Section 42 (Widows and Children).


Pension No. Annual Amount. i Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Name. W. 123 W. 76 W. 579 W. 368 W. 146 W. 659 Abbott, Mrs. A. E., and child ... Adams, Mrs. Eliza J. ... Agar, Mrs. Sarah Agent, Mrs. C. M., and child ... Ahern, Mrs. Charlotte Ainsworth, A. J. M., F. B., A. A., and W. T. (children) Aitken, Hollis S. (child) Alexander, Rita R. and Alice J. (children) Amos, Mrs. A. G., and child ... Anderson, Mrs. A., and child ... Anderson, Mrs. Alice J,, Anderson, Mrs. C. Anderson, Mrs. Ellen Anderson, Mrs. Louisa, and child Andrews, Mrs. M. A. E. Arden, Mrs. Frances S. Arthur, Alice E. (child) Attridge, Mrs. M. Austin, Mrs. Rosina ... Avery, Mrs. A. L. Bacon, A. 0. B., L. B.,andJ. B. (children) Banner, Mrs. E. G. and 2 child- £ 31 18 18 31 18 52 s. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 W. 441 W. 748 W. 595 Brought forward ... Brown, Mrs. R., and child Brown, Mrs. S. A. Browne, C. E. M. and A. M. (children) Bruce, Mrs. I. H, Buckland, Mrs. Ellen Buckley, Mrs. E. A., and 3 child- £ e. d. 1,384 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 26 0 0 W. 266 W. 256 13 26 0 0 0 0 W. 4.02 W. 482 W. 431 18 0 0 18 0 0 57 0 0 W. 292 W. 686 W. 573 W. 68 W. 608 W. 303 W. 343 W.614 W. 407 W. 697 W. 125 W. 350 W. 492 W. 750 W. 621 W. 383 W. 234 W. 351 W. 319 W. 114 W. 145 W. 186 W. 530 W. 742 W. 583 W. 377 W. 699 W. 219 W. 200 W. 301 W. 584 W. 317 W. 370 W. 454 W. 708 W. 620 W. 86 W. 220 ren Barr, Mrs. Jean, and 3 children Barrass, Mrs. Mary A. Barron, Mrs. M. T., and child ... Beasley, Mrs. A. P., and child... Beasley, Mrs. Kate ... Beath, Mrs. P. T. Beattie, Mrs. Hannah Beattie, Mrs. Mary Ann Bedwell, Mrs. Jane Bell, Mrs. E. and child Bellingham, Mrs. Ellen J. Bennett, Mrs. Alice ... Bennett, Mrs. S. Bentley, Mrs. Mary ... Benzoni, Mrs. Amelia Bingham, Mrs. Rachael A. Birchall, Mrs. Kate Bishop, Mrs. R., and child Black, Mrs. Margaret Black, W. M. (child)... Bloxam, Mrs. I. M, and child ... Blundell, Mrs. Annie M. Boulton, K. M. F. (child) Bradshaw, E. W. and R.E. (children) Bray, Mrs. B. Bree, Mrs. G. A., and 2 children Broad, Mrs. J. Broadmore, Mrs. H. M. and 4 children Bronberger, Mrs. F. A. S. Bronte, Mrs. Madeline A. Brook, Mrs. J. M., and 2 child31 31 18 18 18 31 18 18 13 18 18 18 39 44 57 18 31 31 18 18 18 18 18 31 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 31 18 13 31 18 13 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 562 W. 2 W. 504 W. 250 W. 555 W. 464 W. 10 W. 511 W. 578 W. 516 W. 71 W. 282 W. 413 W. 372 W. 556 W. 474 W. 176 W. 129 ren Burch, Mrs. Ada, and child Burgess, Mrs. M. M. ... Burke, Mrs. M. R., and 5 children Burnes, Mrs. F. S. Burns, Mrs A. G., and 2 children Burrows, Hazel W. (child) Butler, Mrs. Mary A. Butler, Mrs. N., and 2 children Butters, Mrs. Florence Bybles, Mrs. Constance Callcott, Mrs. Louisa W. Campbell, Mrs. Harriet A. Campbell, J. A., and M. K. (children) Campbell-Gow, Mrs. F. Carlyon, Mrs. Margaret Carman, Mrs. Annie ... Carmody, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Carmody, I. M. and M. M. (children) Carr, Mrs. A. Carrick, Mrs. Marion... Caverhill, Mrs. A. L. ... Chalmers, G. G. and S. C. (children) Chapman, Helen J. H. (child) ... Chappell, Mrs. E. M. Christie, Mrs. Elizabeth Christie, Mrs. K., and child Churches,, Mrs. Nora T. Clachan, Mrs. M. A. ... Clapcott, Mrs. CO... Claridge, Mrs. E., and 2 children Clark, Mrs. Louisa E. Clark, Mrs. M. Clarke, Mrs. A. M. ... Clarke, Mrs. E. E. M., and child Clarke, Mrs. F. K., and 3 child31 0 0 18 0 0 83 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 13 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 26 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 26 0 0 W. 663 W. 308 W. 107 W. 130 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 26 0 0 W. 480 W. 589 W. 357 W. 593 W. 597 W. 737 W. 419 W. 226 W. 238 W. 711 W. 670 W. 287 W. 263 13 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 57 0 0 W. 194 W. 345 W. 705 W. 654 W. 195 W. 323 W. 489 18 44 18 70 18 18 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 212 W. 332 W. 496 W. 681 W. 285 W.611 W. 523 W. 738 ren Clarke, Mrs. L. M. ... Coffey, Mrs. Maria ... Coleman, Mrs. Elizabeth A. ... Conley, Mrs. E. Connell, C, F. W., and M. F. (children) Connery, Patrick D. (child) Cooper, Mrs. Mary E. Corcoran, Mrs. E. M., and 4 children Craig, Mrs. Alexandrina Craig, Mrs. Thena Crawshaw, Mrs. T. M., and 2 children Crean, Patricia M. (child) Creed, Mrs. Mary A. ... 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 39 0 0 13 0 0 18 0 0 70 0 0 ren 31 18 18 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 325 W. 335 W. 364 18 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 W. 720 W. 724 W. 479 W. 356 Broom, Mrs. D. and child Broughton, Mrs. M. A. Brown, Mrs. Margaret C. Brown, Marie V. (child) W. 494 W. 207 13 0 0 18 0 0 Carried forward ... 1,384 0 0 Carried forward ... 2,740 0 0



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924 — continued. Under Section 42 (Widows and Children) —continued.

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. W. 239 W. 375 Brought forward ... Cribb, Mrs. Nellie Crombie, J. H., R., and A. W. (children) Cross, Alfred J. (child) Crowther, Mrs. Ella ... Cummins, Mrs. Mary E. Dales, Mrs. M., and 2 children Dallinger, Mrs. A., and 2 child- £ s. d. 2,740 0 0 18 0 0 39 0 0 Brought forward ... Flannery, Mrs. Hannah Flower, Mrs. M. L, and child ... Folley, Mrs. E. J., and child ... Ford, Mrs. M. F. Foreman, Mrs. Agnes J. Forrester, Mrs. Alice M. G. Forsyth, Mrs. L. M., and child... Fountain, Mrs. J. M. ... Fowler, Mrs. Annie I. Fowler, F. B., L. A., and I. M. (children) Franklin, Mrs. Eliza ... Fraser, Mrs. A. Fraser, Mrs, M., and 2 children Freeman, Mrs. K., and 4 children Frethey, Mrs. L. E.... Frissell, Mrs. Hester ... Gair, C. W., andG. O. M. (children) Gardner, Mrs. K. M. ... Garlick, Mrs. Ada Geany, Mrs. E. J. George, Mrs. A. Gee, Mrs. Emma L. ... Gibbs, Mrs. M. Gideon, Mrs. C G. ... Gill, Mrs. Martha M. Gillies, Mrs. Edith M. Goddard, W. C, A. I., and J. G. (children) Godfrey, Mrs. Ada W., and 2 children Gollan, Mrs. J. E. M., and child Gollop, Mrs. E., and 4 children Goodman, Mrs. Rose .. Gordine, Mrs. M. J., and 2 child- £ 4,079 18 31 31 18 18 18 31 18 18 39 b. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 619 W. 590 W. 568 W. 588 W. 561 13 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 44 0 0 W. 254 W. 229 W. 483 W. 299 W. 604 W. 554 W. 365 W. 28 W. 273 W. 624 W. 135 W. 600 W. 527 W. 691 W. 463 W. 225 W. 739 W. 605 W. 95 W. 38 W. 203 W. 133 W. 607 W. 698 ren Dandy, R. G. and G. A. (children) Darby, Mrs. Annie Davis, Mrs. Edith Dawson, Mrs J. Dawson, Mrs. M. E., and child ... Dean, Mrs. Elsie M. ... Dee, Mrs. J. Denton, Mrs. Annie L. Devanny, Mrs. Mary ... Devereux, Mrs. Maude P. Dickie, Mrs. Mary E. ... Dickson, Mrs. I. J. B. Dickson, Mrs. R. Dickson, W. D., and 11. C (children) Dinnie, Mrs. F. M. ... Dixon, Mrs. D. E., and child ... Doak, Mrs. Mary E., and child ... Dodd, Mrs. Sarah H. ... Dorgan, Mrs. M. A., and 3 children Douglas, Mrs. Emma M. Downard, Mrs. Agnes, and child Doyle, Marjory M. M. (child) ... Drury, Mrs. Mary Dudding, Mrs. Eva F. Duncan, Mrs. C. V., and 3 child26 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 26 0 0 W. 228 W. 650 W. 233 W. 401 W. 714 W. 293 W. 451 W. 514 W. 246 W. 689 W. 710 W. 205 W. 713 W. 725 W. 75 W. 328 W. 423 18 18 44 70 18 18 26 18 .18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 702 W. 137 W. 486 W. 503 W. 616 18 0 0 31 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 57 0 0 W. 425 W. 295 W. 131 W. 518 W. 525 W. 652 18 0 0 31 0 0 13 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 57 0 0 W. 553 W. 443 W. 466 W. 545 W. 452 44 31 70 18 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 253 W. 587 W. 353 W. 683 W. 746 W. 476 W. 23 W. 695 W. 727 W. 304 W. 177 W. 460 W. 231 W. 671 W. 81 W. 751 W 547 W. 566 W, 700 W. 26 W. 29 W. 732 W. 668 W. 521 W. 499 W. 502 ren Dunham, Mrs. Mary ... Dunkley, Mrs. E. Dunne, Mrs. Isabella E. Durrant, Mrs. M. A., and child Eades, Mrs. Edgecumbe, Marjory K. (child)... Edger, Mrs. Augusta A. Edmonds, Mrs. K. M., and child Edwards, Mrs. E. M. Ellis, Mrs. Elizabeth C Ellis, Mrs. Laura E. .. Ely, Mrs. L. D., and child Emerson, Mrs. L. A., and child Evans, Mrs. A. G. H. Evans, Mrs. E. C. Evans, Mrs. M., and child Evans, Mrs. Mary A. C Eves, Mrs. Eugene M. Faithfull, Mrs. B. V., and child Fannin, Mrs. Georgina R. Featon, Mrs. Sarah A. Fielding, Mrs. E. Findlay, Mrs. E. M. ... Finnerty, Mrs. Annie ... Fitzgerald, Mrs. M., and child ... Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Sarah M. 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 13 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 ! 18 0 0 31 0 0 i 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 W. 154 W. 118 W. 548 W. 362 W. 267 W. 188 W. 237 W. 270 W. 222 W. Ill W. 235 ren Gordon, Mrs. M., and child Gorrie, Mrs. A. M. ... Gourley, E. C, and H. R., (children) Graham, Mrs. I. Graham, Mrs. J. F. ... Grant, Mrs. M. R. ... Grant, Mrs. Margaret T. Gray, Mrs. Douglas ... Gray, Mrs. Elizabeth Gray, Mrs. Mary, and child Greally, Mrs. M. E., and 2 child31 18 26 18 18 18 18 18 18 31 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 740 W. 185 W. 622 W. 551 W. 142 W. 390 ren Green, Mrs. M. A. ... Grimstone, Mrs. M. S., and 2 children Grix, Mrs. Annie J. ... Gwynne, Mrs. Mary, and child Hackett, Mrs. J. A. A. Hall, Mrs. Ann W. E., and 2 children Hall, Basil H. (child) Halligan, Mrs. M., and 4 children Hanlon, Mrs. A. E., and child ... Hardman, Mrs. E., and child ... 18 44 18 31 18 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 438 W. 688 13 70 0 0 0 0 W. 342 W. 512 31 31 0 0 0 0 Carried forward ... '4,079 0 0 Carried forward ... 5,515 0 0



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924— continued. Under Section 42 (Widows and Children) —continued.

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. W. 393 W. 331 W. 394 W. 117 W. 455 Brought forward ... Hare, Mrs. J. M., and 3 children Harper, Mrs. E. R., and 2 children Harrington, Mrs. J. E. Harris, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Harris, Mrs. I. E., and 4 child- £ s. 5,515 0 57 0 44 0 18 0 18 0 70 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Brought forward ... W. 380 Johnson, Mrs. Florence M. W. 744 Johnson, Mrs. L. W.... W. 709 Johnson, Mrs. L. A. C, and child W. 150 Johnson, Mrs. Sarah M. W. 630 Johnston, Mrs. E. W. 344 Johnston, EsmeEileen (child) ... W. 11 Johnstone, Mrs. Mary W. 324 Jones, A. and M. A. (children)... W. 72 Jones, Mrs. Letitia M. W. 538 Just, Mrs. I. P., and 2 children W. 291 Kallender, Mrs. Jenny W. 594 Kavanagh, Mrs. Annie, and 5 children W. 655 Kearney, Mrs. B. M. W. 138 Kemp, Mrs. E. A., and 3 children W. 596 Kenney, Mrs. Evelyn M. W. 384 Kenny, Mrs. J. B. ... W. 576 Key, Mrs. Jeanette ... W. 307 Kibblewhite, Mrs. R. B., and child W. 411 King, Mrs. A. II., and child ... W. 358 King, Mrs. A. L.,and 2 children W. 286 Kissel, D. D. and G. H. (children) W. 327 Knowles, Mrs. E. F. ... W, 421 Lambeth, Mrs. F. D. ... W. 158 Lammas, P. N. (child) W. 549 Lang, Mrs. Mary, and child W. 752 Lawlor, Mrs. K. P ... W. 96 Lawton, Mrs. S. A. ... W. 156 Leeden, Mrs. Elizabeth M. ... W. 715 Le Motte, Mrs. G. H., and 2 children W. 570 Liddell, Mrs. C. A. ... W. 349 Livermore, Mrs. M. ... W. 35 , Livick, Mrs. Louisa ... W. 77 ! Lloyd, Mrs. Kate W. 116 ! Lock, Mrs. Annie F. ... W. 491 Loose, Mrs. H. L., and 2 children W. 428 ' Luke, Mrs. Effie L. ... W. 539 Macdonald, Mrs. Mabel E. W. 430 I Macfarlane, Elsie L. (child) ... W. 672 ' Macfarlane, M. L. (child) W. 148 I Mackenzie, Mrs. Jane W. 381 ' MacLeod, Mary E (child) W. 336 MacLeod, Mrs. Mary J W. 543 MacMorland, Mrs. C. and child W. 243 Macmullen, Mrs. Gertrude H., and 3 children W. 180 Mahoney, Mrs. M., and child ... W. 55 I Maitland, Mrs. Bridget W. 389 Malcolm, Mrs. Eloise ... W. 701 Mangnall, Mrs. E., and 6 children W. 450 Marcussen, Mrs. S.L. T., andchild W. 255 Marr, J. E., and H. 0. (children) W. 546 i Martin, Mrs. Margaret, and child W. 426 Massey, C.W, (child) ... W. 227 Masterson, Mrs. F. A., and 2 children W. 422 Matthews, Mrs. E. M. W. 24 Matthews, Mrs. Grace A. W 410 Medder, Charles A. and C R. (children) £ s. d. 6,977 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 13 0 0 18 0 0 26 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 18 0 0 83 0 0 W. 484 W. 505 W. 498 W. 66 W. 175 W. 623 W. 240 W. 617 W. 558 W. 703 W. 753 W. 459 W. 427 W. 278 W. 717 W. 224 W'. 382 W. 348 W. 3 W. 4 W. 447 W. 434 ren Harris, M. A., J. A., and N. P. (children) Harris, Mrs. Susannah Harrison, G. W. A., C W. W., and E. M. (children) Harriss, Mrs. K. Harvey, Mrs. E. L. ... Hawker, Mrs. Jane ... Hay, Mrs. Sarah W. ... Heidenstrom, Mrs. Mina Herlihy, Mrs. B. M., and child... Herron, Mrs. A. E. .. Hervey, Mrs. E. M. ... Hicks, Mrs. Edna O., and child Hill, Mrs. R. I., and 4 children Hobbs, Mrs. A. K., and child Hollywood, Mrs. A. ... Holz, Mrs. Bertha Honan, Mrs. S., and 2 children Horwood, Mrs. A. L. ... Horwood, Mrs. Florence E. Houchen, Mrs. Mary... Hounsell, Mrs. Cecilia L. Howe, Mrs. I. M. M., and 3 children Hudson, Mrs. P., and 3 childlen Hughes, Mrs. K., and 2 children Hughes, Mrs. S. A., and 2 children Hull, Mrs. Alice E. ... Hull, M. L. (child) ... Hunt, Mrs. A. J., and 2 children Hunt, Mrs. M. Hunter, Mrs. A. K., and 2 child39 0 18 0 39 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 31 0 18 0 18 0 31 0 70 0 31 0 18 0 18 0 44 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 57 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 31 0 0 44 0 0 26 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 13 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 W. 716 W. 439 W. 676 57 0 44 0 44 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 13 0 0 13 0 0 18 0 0 13 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 57 0 0 W. 169 W. 485 W. 722 W. 667 W. 729 18 0 13 0 44 0 18 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 726 W. 574 W. 315 W. 468 W. 352 W. 322 W. 572 W. 326 W. 40 W. 45 W. 453 W. 312 W. 747 W. 458 W. 684 ren Hunter, Mrs. S. Huntington, Mrs. Mary H., and child Hustwick, Mrs. Emma Hyde, Mrs. May A. ... Ibbetson, Mrs. E. C. C Ingle, Mrs. Mary G. ... Irwin, Mrs. Hester A. Izett, Mrs. A. L. Jackson, Mrs. K. W. ... Jackson, Mrs. L. Jacobs, Mrs. CM., and child ... Jacobson, Mrs. Eliza E. James, R. J. (child) ... Jamieson, Mrs. Eliza... Jamieson, M. G. and S. I. (children) Janisch, M. N. J. (child) Jarman, Mrs. N. A. ... Jenkinson, Mrs. M. J. Joblin, Mrs. A., and child 18 0 31 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 31 0 18 0 13 0 18 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 96 0 0 31 0 0 26 0 0 31 0 0 13 0 0 44 0 0 W. 633 W. 126 , W. 665 W. 467 , 13 0 18 0 18 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 26 0 0 Carried forward ... ... I 6,977 0 0 Carried forward ... ... 8 8,442 0 0



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924— continued. Under Section 42 (Widows and Children) —continued.

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Annual Amount. Name.! I W. 385 W. 471 W. 669 W. 284 W. 592 W. 612 W. 157 W. 481 W. 153 W. 245 W. 305 W. 162 Brought forward ... Meddings, Mrs. Jessie... Mee, L., A., and E. H. (children) Meffen, Mrs. M., and 3 children Mellsop, Mrs. F. I., and child ... Midgley, Mrs. Eliza, and child... Millais, Mrs. Jessie A. L. Miller, Mrs. Kate T. ... Minifie, Mrs. Marion ... Montgomery, Mrs. R. L. Mooney, Mrs. F. M., and child Moore, Mrs. D. A., and 2 children Morgan, Mrs. F. M., and 3 children Morice, Mrs. Agnes M. Morris, Mrs. Ethel, and 4 child- £ B. 8,442 0* 18 0 39 0 57 0 31 0 31 "0 18 0 1.8 0 18 0 18 0 31 0 44 0 57 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 415 W. 378 W. 79 W. 687 W. 30 W. 435 Brought forward ... McLuckie, Mrs. Evelyn McMahon, Mrs. Elizabeth McMahon, Mary E. (child) McMillan, J. B. and H. D. (children) MoPhail, Mrs. Mary F McRoberts, Mrs. Annie F., and 3 children McRoberts, Mrs. S. I., and child McTigue, Mrs. J. B. ... McVeigh, John A. (child) Nattrass, Mrs. Marie A. Neale, Mrs. Augusta K. Nettleton, Mrs. Eva, and child... Newton, Mrs. Mary ... Nisbet, Mrs. Jessie J. Noble, Mrs. B. M. ... Noble, M. C (child) ... Norris, Mrs. L. Northcroft, Mrs. M. ... Notley, Mrs. Eliza J. ... Nutting, Mrs. Cecilia... O'Brien, Mrs. Mary ... Odey, Mrs. Zella E. ... O'Donnell, Mrs. Beatrice O'Gorman, Mrs. M.. and child... O'Grady, O. V., P., and N. L. (children) O'Shea, Mrs. M. F., and child ... Pachnatz, Mrs. E. M. T. Packman, Mrs. A. E., and 3 children Page, Mrs. Jessie L. ... Palmer, Mrs. Lucv H. Park, R. C (child) ... Parker, Mrs. A. M. ... Parker, Mrs. M. E. ... Parker, Mrs. Nora A., and 3 children Parlane, Mrs. Jessie .. Parslow, Mrs. L. A., and child... Partridge, Mrs. A.M.E.,and child Pascoe, Mrs. Jane Patrick, Mrs. Margaret Patterson, Mrs. Ethel Patterson, Mrs. Isabella Pearse, H. and I. L. (children) Pearse, Mrs. Kate, and child ... Pettit, Mrs. E. L., and 3 child- £ 9,979 18 18 13 26 18 57 s. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 108 W. 571 W. 432 ren Morrison, Mrs. 0. C, and 2 children Mortimer, Mrs. E. F. ... Morton, Mrs. Leila K., and 2 children Moss, Mrs. Jessie Moynihan, Mrs. K., and child ... Munro, Mrs. Mary Murphy, Mrs. Elizabeth A., and child Murphy, C I., and M. M. (children) Murphy, B. R. (child) Murray, Mrs. E. M., and child... McAlpine, J. L. (child) McCluskey, Mrs. M., and 3 child18 0 70 0 44 0 0 0 0 W. 386 W. 469 W. 187 W. 508 W. 398 W.333 W. 609 W. 223 W. 206 W. 529 W. 735 W. 741 W. 417 W. 199 W. 201 W. 379 W. 221 W. 440 W. 625 31 18 13 18 18 31 18 18 18 13 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 31 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 718 W. 626 18 0 44 0 0 0 W. 62 W. 338 W. 520 W 541 18 0 31 0 18 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 W. 615 26 0 0 W. 540 W. 143 W. 160 W. 436 13 0 31 0 13 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 W. 110 W. 155 W. 745 31 18 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 103 W.230 W. 643 ren McConnachie, Mrs. Elizabeth ... McDonald. Mrs. M., and child ... McDougall, Mrs. M., and 2 child18 0 31 0 44 0 0 0 0 W. 309 W. 149 W. 321 W. 743 W. 124 W. 586 18 18 13 18 18 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 260 W. 719 W. 306 W. 182 W. 120 W. 57 W. 591 W. 644 W. 694 W. 355 W. 644 W. 204 W. 272 W. 311 W. 472 ren McGie, Mrs. Eliza M., and 2 children McGirr, K. C (child) McGoun, Mrs. Alice M., and 2 children McGovern, Mrs. M. ... McGuire, Mrs. Catherine McGuire, Mrs. Mary ... McHutchison, Mrs. Ada Mcintosh, J. R., G. M., H. I., R. J., R. M., V. D., D. R., and G. McC. (children) Mclsaac, Mrs. M. M. McKay, Mrs. Adelaide McKay, Mrs. C McKay, Mrs. E. M., and child... McKee, Mrs. Agnes L. McKee, Mrs. C. U. V. McKenzie, Mrs. Elizabeth. E., and 3 children McKenzie, Mrs. M. A., and child McKittrick, Mrs. F. R. McLardy, Mrs. E., and 2 children McLaughlin, B. A. (child) McLean, Mrs. Sarah A. McLeod, Mrs. Mary C, and 2 children 44 0 13 0 44 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 104 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 31 0 18 0 18 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 563 W. 244 W. 210 W. 37 W. 470 W. 433 W. 506 W. 279 W. 537 W. 473 W. 152 W. 334 W. 488 W. 636 W. 618 W. 242 W. 106 W. 627 W. 168 W. 396 ren Philp, Mrs. Isabella ... Philpotts, Mrs. Anastasia Pike, Mrs. W. M., and, 3 children Poole, Mrs. J. Porch, Mrs. B. M. and 2 children Porteous, Mrs. Catherine Power, Mrs. Eliza Preston, Mrs. M., and 5 children Price, Mrs. Emma M. ... Price, Mrs. Margaret C, and 3 children Price, Mrs. Margaret C, and 3 children Primmer, K. M. F. (child) 18 31 31 18 18 18 18 26 31 57 18 1.8 57 18 44 18 18 83 18 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 113 W. 63 W. 251 W. 399 W. 412 W. 478 31 0 18 0 44 0 13 0 18 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 544 57 0 0 W. 369 13 0 0 Carried forward ... 19,979 0 0 Carried forward ... 11,445 0 0


List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924— continued. Under Section 42 (Widows and Children)— continued.


Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. I „ Pension No. Name. . Amma ' Amount. Brought forward ... Protheroe, Mrs. Kate A. R., and 2 children Purcell, Mrs. A. Purdy, Mrs. Norah A. Pyper, Mrs. A. M., and child ... Quirk, Mrs. A. M. Rae, Mrs. Margaret ... Rae, Mrs.- M. E. Rafter, Mrs. Annie Ramsay, Mrs. Elizabeth Ramsbottom, Mrs. Rachel A. ... Randell, Mrs. Bmeline E. L. ... Rasmussen, Mrs. Jane E.,and child Rasmussen, Mrs. Mary Rathbone, Mrs. Mary I. Rawson, Phyllis N. (child) Reed, A. G. (child) ... Reeve, Mrs. Emma Reeves, Mrs. F. E. ... Reid, Mrs. Catherine M., and 2 children Reid, Mrs. Mary Reid, Mrs. V. M., and 3 children Benton, Mrs. Mary M. Roberts, Mrs. A. M Richards, Mrs. S. E. ... Richardson, Mrs. Augusta M. ... Richardson, 0. L., R. N.,and J. E. (children) Rickard, D. P. C and F. E. C (children) Biddell, Mrs. Annie J., and 2 children Riesop, Mrs. Agnes ... Robertson. Mrs. H. M., and 3 children Robinson, Mrs. A. P. H., and 3 children Robinson, Mrs. Elizabeth M., and child Robinson, Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. Sadie M. Rodgerson, Mrs. L., and 2 children £ s. d. 11,445 0 0 44 0 0 W. 639 W. 731 W. 658 W. 706 W. 215 W. 136 W. 320 W. 651 W. 373 W. 613 W. 567 £ s. d. Brought forward ... ... 12,754 0 0 Sands, Mrs. J., and 2 children ... 44 0 0 Sawers, Mrs. E. ... ... 18 0 0 Scott, H. A. (child) ... ... 13 0 0 Scott, Mrs. I. ... ... 18 0 0 Scott, Mrs. Marv L. ... ... 18 0 0 Seon, Mrs. Elizabeth M. E. ... 18 0 0 Sessions, Mrs. Jane ... ... 18 0 0 Shanks, Mrs. A. B. ... ... 18 0 0 Sheary, Mrs. Marv ... ... 18 0 0 Shirley, Mrs. Jane ... ... 18 0 0 Sinden, Mrs. Elizabeth A., and 2 44 0 0 children Skelley, Mrs. Agnes S., and 2 44 0 0 children Sloan, Mrs. Ellenor, and 2 children 44 0 0 Smart, Mrs. Helen, and child 31 0 0 Smith, Albert A. (child) ... 13 0 0 Smith, Mrs. Jane D. ... ... 18 0 0 Smith, Mrs. Janet ... ... 18 0 0 Smith, Mrs. J. E. L, and 3 57 0 0 children Smith, Mrs. Louise E. ... 18 0 0 Snodgrass, Mrs. Katherine ... 18 0 0 Snodgrass, Mrs. S. E. ... 18 0 0 Southen, Mrs. F. F.,and 2children 44 0 0 Spencer, Mrs. Margaret ... 18 0 0 Stackpoole, Mrs. N. L. ... 18 0 0 Stafford, Mrs. E. ... ... 18 0 0 Stallard, Mrs. Fanny... ... 18 0 0 Steers, Mrs. Mary J., and child 31 0 0 Stewart, Mrs. Margaret ... 18 0 0 Stichbury, Mrs. E. H., and 2 44 0 0 children Stockman, Mrs. Martha A. ... 18 0 0 Stone, Mrs. B. E., and 3 children 57 0 0 Strachan, Mrs. B., and 2 children 44 0 0 Strombom, Mrs. N. ... ... 18 0 0 Stubbs, Mrs. C ... ... 18 0 0 Summers, Mrs. Elizabeth McQ. 18 0 0 Summers, Mrs. J. ... ... 18 0 0 Swennson, Mrs. Clara... ... 18 0 0 Tapp, Mrs. Clara L. ... ... 18 0 0 Tavlor, Mrs. Janet A.... ... 18 0 0 Taylor, Mrs. S. E. ... ... 18 0 0 Tebbutt, M. (child) ... ... 13 0 0 Tennent, Mrs. Ellen ... ... 18 0 0 Tennet, Mrs. C R., and child ... 31 0 0 Thompson, Mrs. Agnes, and 2 44 0 0 children Thomson, Mrs. Amelia A. ... 18 0 0 Thomson, Mrs. C ... ... 18 0 0 Thomson, Mrs. J. ... ... 18 0 0 Thwaites, M. E. (child) ... 13 0 0 Timmins, Mrs. M., and child ... 31 0 0 Toohey, Mrs. Jane ... ... 18 0 0 Townsend, Mrs. Mary ... 18 0 0 Toy, Mrs. E. ... ... 18 0 0 Trent, Mrs. Annie ... ... 18 0 0 Trout, Mrs. Eliza, and child ... 31 0 0 Tuckey, Richard P. (child) ... 13 0 0 Turnbull, Mrs. Alice ... ... 18 0 0 Turner, Mrs. Emma ... ... . 18 0 0 W. 513 W. 728 W. 400 W. 87 W. 101 W. 134 W. 734 W. 330 W. 5 W. 341 W. 542 W. 610 W. 462 W. 602 W. 519 W. 495 W. 51 W. 97 W. 192 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 13 0 0 13 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 W. 395 W. 276 W. 261 W. 507 W. 582 W. 300 W. 656 W. 21 W. 631 W. 354 W. 144 W. 664 W. 42 W. 429 18 0 0 57 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 39 0 0 W. 47 W. 318 W. 749 W. 704 W. 259 W. 531 W. 632 W. 493 W. 603 W. 257 W. 424 W. 510 26 0 0 W. 444 44 0 0 W. 314 W. 756 18 0 0 57 0 0 W. 524 W. 477 W. 637 W. 685 W. 682 W. 6 W. 642 W. 414 W. 420 W. 347 W. 662 W. 416 W. 569 W. 677 W. 391 W. 673 57 0 0 W. 532 31 0 0 W. 641 W. 457 W. 645 18 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 W. 692 W. 634 Rogers, Mrs. B. Roseman, Mrs. Florence M.,and child Ross, Mrs. Annie T. ... Ross, Mrs. Florence L. Rout, Mrs. Catherine... Rule, Mrs. Jessie J. ... Runcie, Mrs. C A. ... Russell, Mrs. M. A. ... Russell, Mrs. Maria ... Rutherford, Mrs. Annie D., and 3 children Rutland, Mrs. Edith P., and 2 children Ryan, Mrs. Elizabeth P., and child Sales, Mrs. G. W., and 2 children Salisbury, Mrs. N., and child ... Sampson, Mrs. Mary J. 18 0 0 31 0 0 W. 275 W. 132 W. 217 W. 288 W. 640 W. 675 W. 236 W. 564 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 57 0 0 W. 606 W. 678 W. 679 W. 232 W. 290 W. 268 W. 409 W. 666 W. 209 W. 161 W. 397 W. 44 W. 487 W. 264 44 0 0 W. 475 W. 581 W. 337 W. 271 31 0 0 44 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 Carried forward ... ... 1 12,754 0 0 Carried forward ... ... 14,106 0 0 14,106 0 0



Price 9d.'\

List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st March, 1924 — continued. Under Section 42 (Widows and Children) —continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, uot given ; printing (1,975 copies), £411.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 924.

Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Pension No. Name. Annual Amount. Brought forward ... Drquhart, Mrs. M. J.... Urwin, Mrs. Susannah, and 5 children Ussher, Mrs. Jane .... Vercoe, P. P. (child/ ... Waddell, Mrs. Elizabeth Wadsworth, Mrs. E. B., and 5 children Wainhouse, Mrs. Annie Walter, Mrs. Caroline J., and child Walton, Mrs. Mary L. Wareham, Mrs. Emily, and child Warne, Mrs. M. A. ... Watts, I. A. and H. W. (children) Weaver, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Webb, Mrs. C. J. Webster, Mrs. Ethel R. E. Webster, Mrs. V. M. ... Welch, Mrs. Isabell ... Welch, Alfreda (child) Whelan, Mrs. M. White, Audrey D. (child) White, Mrs. Rachel, and 2 children Wiekstead, Mrs. Sarah Wilby, Mrs. Mary A. ... Wiles, Owen (child) ... Williams, Mrs. Caroline A. Wilson, Mrs. Annie ... £ a. d. 14,106 0 0 18 0 0 83 0 0 W. 723 Brought forward ... Wilson, T. H. and R. N. (child ren) Wilson, Mrs. E. J., and child ... Wilson, W. G. and J. B. (children) Wilson, Mrs. M. Windsor, Mrs. F. E., and 2 children Winter, Mrs. Caroline B. Winter, Mrs. Marion, and 2 children Winterburn, Mrs. E. G. Withers, Mrs. Isabella Withers, Mrs. M. A. M., and 4 children Wormald, D. M. (child) Wood, Mrs. Catherine A. Woodford, Mrs. M. A., and child Worsfold, Mrs. E. H., and 3 children Worthy, Mrs. E. O., and child... Wright, Mrs. E. D. ... Wright, Mrs. Mabel, and 2 children Wright, Mrs. M. A. ... Wroblenski, Mrs. L. C, and 2 children Wyatt, Mrs. Mary L.... Young, Mrs. Margaret C Younghusband, Mrs. M. E. £ s. d. 14,744 0 0 26 0 0 W. 657 W. 559 W. 283 W. 202 W. 25 W. 638 18 0 0 13 0 0 18 0 0 83 0 0 W. 733 W. 166 31 0 0 26 0 0 W. 648 W. 437 18 0 0 44 0 0 W. 598 W. 536 W. 88 W. 183 W. 100 W. 363 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 26 0 0 W. 522 W. 252 18 0 0 44 0 0 W. 721 W. 265 W 696 18 0 0 18 0 0 70 0 0 W. 247 W. 730 W. 248 W. 649 W. 405 W. 392 W. 690 W. 500 W. 294 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 13 0 0 18 0 0 13 0 0 44 0 0 W. 211 W. 297 W. 680 W. 661 13 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 57 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 W. 115 W. 388 W. 560 W. 241 W. 629 W. 346 W. 461 W. 456 18 0 0 18 0 0 13 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 W. 674 W. 577 18 0 0 44 0 0 W. 78 W. 585 W. 707 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 Carried forward... 14,744 0 0 Total ... 15,385 0 0 We! lington, 13th June, 1924. William M. Wright, Si B. S. Wogan, Accountai acretary. it.

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