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EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1923.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

CONTENTS. Page Page 1. Report of the Inspeotors of Secondary Schools .. 2 3. Statements op Accounts of Governing Bodies of Secondary Schools:— 2. Detailed Tables, etc. :— Whangarei High School Board .. .. 20 c , oii Auckland Grammar Sohools Board .. .. 21 Secondary Schools,- Thames High School Board .. ..22 Personnel of Staffs of Secondary Sohools .. 4 Hamilton High School Board .. .. 23 XI. Roll and Average Attendance of New Plymouth High Sohools Board.. .. 23 Secondary Schools .. .. 8 j Wanganui Girls' College Board .. .. 25 K2. Years of Attendance of Pupils .. 9 Palmerston North High School Board .. 26 K3. Incidental Expenses of Secondary S l^. 0 Board " " H Sohools 10 I Napier High Schools Board .. .. 28 ... „,, , -,'', , .'.' --3!' r,, '" -„ I Dannevirke High School Board .. ..29 K4. Holders of Scholarships and Free Places 10 j Wairarapa High School Board .. ..30 K5. National Scholarships .. .. 11 Wellington College and Girls' High School K6. Pupils boarding away from Home .. 11 Board 31 K7. Receipts of Secondary Sohools .. 12 Marlborough High Sohool Board '.'. 1! 32 KB. Payments of Secondary Schools .. 13 Nelson College Board .. .. .. 33 K9. Balances and other Monetary Assets and Greymouth High School Board .. 34 Liabilities .. .. .. 14 Rangiora High School Board .. ..34 KlO. Inoome and Expenditure of Seoondary- Canterbury College Boardschool Hostels .. .. .. 15 i Ch-istchu-oh Boys' High School .. .. 35 Kll. Distribution of Reserves Revenue .. 15 Christehuroh Girls' High Sohool .'. .. 36 Kl2. Lower Departments .. .. 16 Christ's College Grammar Sohool Board .. 37 Ashburton High School Board .. .. 37 District High Schools,— Timaru High Sohools Board .. .. 39 LI. School Attendance at Secondary Depart- Waimate High School Board .. .. 40 ments of District High Sohools .. 16 Waitaki High Schools Board .. .. 40 L 2. Subjeots taken by Pupils in Secondary Otago High Sohools Board .. .. .41 Departments of Distriot High Sohools 16 Gore High Sohool Board .. .. .. 42 L 3. Staff, Classification, &c, in Detail .. 17 Southland High Sohools Board .. .. 43

I—E. 6.



1. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INSPECTORS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Sir,— Wellington, 7th June, 1924. We have the honour to present our report on secondary education for the year 1923. In January Mr. J. Drummond, M.A., who had acted as Chief Inspector for a period of two years, left the Department in order to take up his duties as Principal of the Auckland Grammar School. For the following six months the whole of the work was undertaken by one Inspector only, as Mr. H. P. Kidson, M.A., B.Sc, was unable to commence duty until the middle of July. As a consequence less ground than usual was covered in the inspection visits made in the earlier portion of the year. It was found possible, however, to inspect the schools at Gisborne, Napier, Dannevirke, Wanganui, Hamilton, Thames, Epsom, Mount Albert, and Whangarei, as well as several private schools. Visits in connection with the award of senior free places must, of course, continue to be paid to every school throughout the Dominion during the latter part of the year. The procedure followed in past years in dealing with the candidates recommended has in the main been adhered to ; it has been described in previous reports and needs no further explanation here. As a result of the Inspectors' investigations, senior free places were awarded, in accordance with clause 7 (o) to over 2,340 candidates. Some 370 higher and 170 lower leaving-certificates were also issued on the Inspectors' recommendations. The sittings of the Appeal Board took up even less of the Inspectors' time than in the preceding years. The Board sat in Auckland and in Wellington only ; three appeals were heard in the former place and five in the latter. Out of a total of over four hundred teachers only twenty-five appealed against their classification ; fourteen of these appeals were subsequently withdrawn, three were allowed by consent, two were allowed by the Appeal Board, and the remaining six were unsuccessful. On the whole, teachers appear to be satisfied with the application of the grading scheme. Probably the satisfaction would be still more marked, in so far as the younger teachers are concerned, if some of the inevitable anomalies associated with the introduction of the scheme did not appear to make their own classification somewhat unfair by comparison. Such anomalies, however, will naturally disappear as the older teachers drop out of the profession. By direction of the Hon. Minister, steps were taken early in the year to reduce the variety and number of text-books used in the secondary schools of the Dominion. A sufficiently comprehensive list of approved books was accordingly drawn up and was gazetted in May ; it is to become fully operative in 1925. In compiling the list it has been found advisable to retain for the present several mediocre but widely used books, and, on the other hand, to exclude some excellent ones by reason of their high cost. Several old-fashioned and comparatively poor books have been banished, and at the same time those introduced by the more progressive teachers have not been neglected. The list, though meeting with considerable criticism on minor points, has on the whole been well received ; it should ultimately not only reduce the expense to pupils moving from school to school, but also materially improve the quality of the text-books used in the schools. In the last report reference was made to the difficulty experienced by remote schools in obtaining teachers. Unfortunately, there has been but very little improvement in the situation, and the difficulty has continued to be a very real one throughout the past year. Some Boards were compelled to advertise several times before receiving applications from even partially qualified teachers to fill vacancies on their staffs, and at least one school was forced to continue throughout the year with an incomplete staff. The intellectual and other advantages that the large centres offer evidently appeal more to teachers than the opportunities for more rapid promotion that are now undoubtedly offered in the schools in the smaller centres ; as a consequence the congestion of higher-grade teachers in the large schools is becoming more and more pronounced. There appears to be no direct remedy for this under the present system, but in time, no doubt, the " waiting-list " in the higher grades in city schools will become so large that teachers will be induced to accept higher salaries in less attractive centres in preference to waiting for several years for promotion in their own schools. The latest classification list shows that forty-one A grade, twenty-three B grade, and forty C grade teachers were in December last waiting to obtain positions of a higher grade than those they held. Of these exactly one-half were on the staffs of the ten city schools, and the remainder were distributed among the twenty-five schools in smaller towns. On the other hand, seventeen teachers held positions of a grade above their own, and the majority of these were in the smaller schools. We would again point out that the steady increase in the number of pupils in secondary schools calls for a still greater supply of young teachers who are willing to take up secondary-school work in preference to primary or technical work. Young people leaving the secondary schools with a view to entering the teaching profession prefer as a rule the shorter and easier instructional course that is required to enable them to obtain quite satisfactory posts as primary teachers. Most of them cannot afford to spend four years at the University preparing themselves for positions in secondary schools, for which the remuneration is not appreciably higher than that obtainable elsewhere after a much shorter period of preparation. Apparently the training colleges afford only meagre opportunities for practice in secondary-school • teaching even to those students who have definitely expressed their intention to take up secondary work. The remedy is not easy to discover, but an aid to the solution of the difficulty evidently lies in the judicious use of the secondary schools in training-college centres as practising sohools for such students. Much will naturally depend upon the degree of correlation that can be devised by the Principals of the training colleges and the schools ; but a considerable amount of good work has


already been accomplished in a North Island boys' school and in one southern girls' school. A limited number of selected students have been associated with the staffs of these schools and placed, as a rule, under the direct supervision of skilled heads of departments. The success of the scheme is evident from the expressions of appreciation received from the students. An alternative solution lies in the establishment of a training college for secondary-school teachers ; but with our scattered population and widely distributed University colleges this at present appears to bo far from practicable. In the meantime, therefore, it appears highly desirable that a scheme similar to the one described above should be adopted in each of the large centres. The lack of training among secondary-school teachers has become almost a byword. An analysis of the latest classification shows that the percentage of assistants who have passed through a trainingcollege course is 476 (men 46-6, women 49-5) ; if, in addition, there are included the teachers who have spent two or more years as pupil-teachers the percentage rises to 52-2 (men 52-5, women 51.*2). Of the seventy-one entrants to the ranks of the secondary teachers last year thirty-five held a trainingcollege certificate. These figures are still far from satisfactory, but they are very much higher than comments in certain quarters have led one to expect. We feel confident that the proportion of trained secondary teachers will steadily rise. An increasingly large number of senior pupils have approached us during our visits for information regarding the possibility of utilizing University bursaries whilst preparing themselves at training colleges for secondary-school work ; this in itself is a reassuring feature. There is an increasing tendency to take advantage of the regulations providing for the appointment of heads of departments ; as many as seven schools (five boys', one girls', and one mixed) had the system in operation last year, compared with four in the preceding one. Nine schools, however, which were entitled to appoint such heads did not avail themselves of the opportunity ; in most of them it was found impossible to give any member of the staff sufficient free time to enable him to carry out the duties prescribed by the regulations. Where heads of departments have been appointed, and more especially in the boys' schools, much excellent work has been accomplished by them in training young and inexperienced teachers and in improving the general standard of the work done in their own subjects. It need hardly be pointed out, however, that the success of the system depends to a very large extent indeed upon the personality of the individuals appointed as heads ; instances have not been found wanting where a lack of sympathy and tact has undoubtedly created friction and bitterness among members of a staff. Experiments with the Dalton plan, usually on a small scale, were persevered with in several schools, both departmental and private, during the past year. In one large boys' school the plan, after being in operation in the higher forms for nearly a year, was definitely abandoned at the close of the first term ; other schools were also led to give up the scheme for various reasons, such as the lack of enthusiasm among some of the class-teachers, the deficiency in library and " laboratory " equipment, or the apathy of the pupils themselves. One girls' school, however, continued with the plan throughout the year, and apparently with quite satisfactory results in most subjects. It would appear that our schools must wait until their library equipment is on a much more generous scale than at present if experiments with the plan are to meet with a convincing measure of success. In the meantime we feel certain that the experiments already made have not been fruitless, and that some of the spirit underlying the plan will survive in the schools that have given it a trial. We do not propose to discuss in this report either the curricula or the teaching methods followed in the various schools, as these have been frequently and adequately dealt with in inspection reports. In connection with the former topic, however, we must draw attention to the continued unpopularity of the agricultural course in our schools. In several instances not only have special laboratories been erected and equipped for the teaching of dairy science and agriculture, but specially trained instructors have also been appointed as teachers. It is very disappointing to these men and to the school authorities to find the percentage of agricultural pupils dwindling year by year. It is more than probable that the pronounced agricultural depression has been a very large contributing factor in late years to the unsatisfactory situation described above. Whether it is the only one remains to be seen in the current year, now that much better prospects appear to be in view for the farming community. One marked result of the grading scheme has been to induce a f_i:;_y large number of teachers to sit for higher degrees than those they possessed when they entered the profession. In our opinion, however, it is to be very much regretted that so many of these have elected to take honours in economics, philosophy, or history —subjects which as a rule do not fit a teacher to take any advanced class in a secondary school. There is, and always will be, a demand for teachers with special qualifications in languages, in mathematics, or in the sciences, and it is a pity that so many young teachers are neglecting these subjects for those which, from the point of view of the secondary school at least, are much less important. There is a strong feeling in some quarters that the academic qualifications for the A grade should be so amended as to restrict them to honours in specified subjects such as science, languages, or mathematics. There is, in our opinion, very much to be said in support of such a proposal. The tone of the secondary schools continues to be excellent; discipline, as a rule, appears to be easily maintained without any show of force. Teachers continue to show undoubted interest in their work, and in general are eager to discuss educational methods or reforms and to adopt those that appeal to them. It is only natural that some of them have yet much to learn before they are highly efficient, but the zeal and the industry displayed by the vast majority of them and their loyalty to the best traditions of the service are deserving of high praise. We have, &c, The Director of Education. H. P. Ki^oN,) InB P^ tors of Secondary Schools.





SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1923.

Grade. °« 5.2 3-l'o-.ition 5 « k" ift™ Name, tl c nt >. £ yS 2 .2 School. s=n 25„ S S a mo §°S h &, -it a Whangarei High School. £ £ Lupton, R. .. .. .. .. Principal 670 00 Smith, H. E. G. .. B A Assistant 400 40 Given, W. A., M.A. A A ,. 415 40 Quinn, H. E„ M.A. .. B B „ 373 Bird, D. A., B.A. ' .. D D „ 228 Wilson, C. C. .. D D „ 215 40 McKenzie, I. E, M.A... D D „ 228 Haselden, Miss E., M.A. B B „ 353 Ilollway, Mrs. E., B.A. B B „ 205 40 Clarke-Walker, Miss V., C C „ 243 B.A. Lamb, Miss W. .. 1) D „ 208 McLean, Miss E. A., B.A. 1) D „ 198 Auckland Grammar School. Drummond, J. .. .. .. Principal 810 60 Mahon, H. J. D., B.A... A A Assistant 540 40 Ryder, A. II., M.A. .. A A „ 520 40 Foster, W. T., M.A., A A „ 490 40 B.Litt. Dcllow, K. J., M.A. A A „ 400 40 Docherty, P. A. .. B B „ 445 40 Ncwhook, J. L. I. .. B B „ 415 40 Bishop, W. J., M.A. .. B B „ 413 Drummond, P., B.A. .. B B „ 398 Short, A. W., B.A. .. B B „ 385 40 Jones, C. R., M.A. .. B B ,. 385 40 Bennett, J. \V. .. B B „ 385 40 Driver, E. H., B.A. .. C B „ 385 40 Asher, J. A., B.A. C C ,. 300 40 Winter, N. A., B.A. .. C C „ 300 40 Taylor, C. .. .. C 0 „ 345 40 Learning, J. E., B.A. .. C C „ 330 40 Bilkey, E. E., B.A. .. C C „ 330 40 Stein, P. A. S., B.Se. .. C C „ 313 Vealc, P. O., M.Sc. 0 C „ 313 Hogbcn, E. N. .. C G „ 315 40 Nicholson, A. M., B.A. C C „ 315 40 Vernon, T. R. .. D D „ 288 Leggat, J., B.A. .. C I) „ 243 Wedding, H. W., B.A. D I) „ 228 Johnson, C. W. .. D D „ 228 Lee, G. T. .. .. D D ,. 228 Treacher, K. N. .. D 1) „ 215 Firth, R. W. .. I) D .. 213 Simpson, J. E. .. 1) I) „ 183 Rauch, F. C... .. D D „ 183 Mount Albert Grammar School. Gamble, E. W., M.A Principal 095 00 Gatland, A. It., B.A. .. A A Assistant 400 40 Caradus, W., M.Sc. .. B A „ 400 40 Brock, H. E., M.A. .. A B „ 430 40 Coldham, G. S., M.A. .. B B ., 430 40 Harvey, J. H„ M.A. .. A B „ 400 40 Worley, C. P., B.A. .. C C „ 360 40 Trendall, A. D. .. C C „ 330 40 Buchanan, II. 0., M.A. G C ,. 313 Perry, W. C. J., M.A. .. G C ., 313 Fell, D. W., M.A. .. D D „ 273 Hardy, R. B. .. G D „ 258 Calder, H. L. .. D D „ 243 Towers, H. L. .. D D ., 213 Auckland Girls' Grammar School. Picken, Miss W., M.A. .. .. Principal 610 Dive, Miss M. A., B.A. A A Assistant 390 Macdonald, Miss P. E., A A „ 370 B.A.

Grade. Name. a c at 9 H I a O O * Position A « u "- G™ u , in , -- s is?- 3 bc.hool. %«>* 3&a "■ a Auckland Girls' Grammar S< SCHOOI iCHOOL j— continued. £ £ j— continue) Heap, Mrs. S. .. B Uhlmann. Miss J. L. .. B Edgerley, Miss K. V., A M.A. Robertson, Miss I., M.A. B Woodhouse, Miss H..M.A. B MacDiarmid, Miss B. S., B M.A. McMullan.MissG., B.A., B B.Sc. Hull, Miss G. L. F., M.A. A Haslett, Miss A. 1., B.A. B MacDonald, Miss M., B.A. G McMullan, Miss E. .. 1) Virtue, Miss M. K., B.A. G Wilson, MissJ.H., M.Sc. G Finlay, Miss G. .. 1) Smith, Miss B„ M.A. .. I) Warnock, Miss G., B.A. 1) B i B B B I B B B B B C G G G I) I) D I) D D Assistant x x Assistant 343 333 333 323 313 303 273 273 263 243 238 238 208 208 208 198 £ £ 343 333 333 B B B 323 313 303 G 273 C G G I) I) J) I) D D 273 263 243 238 238 208 208 208 198 Kpsom Girls' Gju rRAMMAJ AMMAH R School. r School. 570 390 370 343 313 303 293 263 203 243 253 243 238 Morrison, Miss A. G., M.A. .. Patterson, Miss F., M.A. A Campbell, Miss E., M.A. j A Kirkbride, Miss IL, M.A. A Freeman, Miss M., M.A. A Forbes, Miss L. .. C Terry, Miss M. C, M.Sc. B Barnett, Miss M., B.A. C Holmden, Miss D., M.A. B McKeage, Miss K., M.A. : C Battersby, Miss B. . . B Hutton, Miss Ci. L. .. G Rudall, Miss J. G. S., G B.Sc. (H.Sc.) MacDiarmid, Miss E. .. D Falkner, Miss L. E. .. D Walker, Mrs. M. H. .. I) Collins, Miss E. G. .. A A A B B B B G G G C C D A A B B B B G C C C C D I) D 1) D Principal 570 Assistant 390 370 343 | 313 1 303 : 293 263 203 243 253 243 238 228 208 208 238 Principal Assistant ,, I) .1) 1) D 228 208 208 238 ,, >> Hamilton Hk llGH Sc GH SC] !HOOL. !HOOL. 705 60 540 415 40 415 40 345 40 315 40 303 258 213 360 283 Wilson, E., M.A. Fraser, W., M.A. .. A 'fait, H. D., B.A. .. A Gudex, M. C, M.A. .. A | Mason, F. E„ B.Sc. .. C Senior, S. E., M.A. .. G i Nelson, A. P., M.A. .. C Saunders, G. F., M.A... C Simpson, G. D., B.A. .. D Allan, Miss D. N., M.A. A Rowlandson, Miss R. E., G B.A. Wyatt, Mies G. M. .. C Bishop, Miss M. D. .. D Johnston, Miss M. G. .. D Chadwick, Miss I. .. D A B B G C I) D D A G A B B (' C I) D D A G C D D B Principal 705 60 Assistant 540 415 40 415 40 345 40 315 40 303 258 213 360 283 283 .. 218 188 198 Principal Assistant C D D B ,, 283 218 188 198 Thames Hioi [oh Sen H SCH< IOOL. I00L. 620 60 460 40 345 40 315 40 333 238 188 [ES H Hoult, W. H., M.A I Baker, W. H., B.Sc. .. A Marshall, H. H., B.A. C James, W. H., B.A. .. G Reward, Miss G. H., M.A B Wilcox, Miss E. M. .. C Gallagher, Miss E. R., D B.A. A C C B C D A C G B D D A C G B D D Principal 620 60 AEsistant 400 40 „ 345 40 315 40 333 238 188 Principal At si.slant ,,



Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1923 — continued.

Jtfame. On ide. | "55 o Ph o a oH Position ,3 = c in ™- C $ School. 2^r^ SI'S £•3 C' .' a 03 C o <D rj g O t«-P IS New Plymouth 3oys' iys' High School. c IL. Moyes, W. H., M.A., B.Sc. Rockel, R. H., M.A. .. A Johnson, A. G., M.Sc... A Bottrill, G. G., M..A. .. A Diprose, A. W., M.A. .. A Papps, A. J., B.A. .. B Gonnell, J. W. . . C Bertrand, G. .. C Kerr, V. E., B.A. . . 0 Eggleton, F. J. .. I) Wilkic, N. G. .. 1) McDonald, T. M., M.A. 1) Fowler, M., B.Sc. .. D Principal 720 720 £ 50 A A B B B C G G D D D D A Assistant 510 A „ 470 B „ 430 i> a fin B „ 400 B „ 400 C „ 375 G „ 315 510 170 430 400 400 375 315 313 305 245 228 228 40 1(1 10 10 40 II) 10 G „ 313 D „ 305 T\ OAK 40 40 D „ 245 I \ oou D „ 228 D „ 228 New Plymouth ' JlELS' crls' High School. or.. Mcintosh, Miss E. M., ! .. M.A., B. So. Maclean, Miss N. [., M.A. A Tizard, Miss A. C, M.A. A Smith, Miss J. M., B.A. C Sheat, Miss L. L.. M.A. G Valentine, Miss H. M. I) M.A. Urquhart, Miss F. M Principal I 475 I 475 50 G C 1) D Assistant 313 G „ 253 C „ 243 1\ O'lO 313 253 243 238 198 1) „ 238 D „ 198 A A „ 400 400 Wanganui i jtlRLS' irls' College. 575 Gruickshank, Miss G. M., M.A., M.Sc. Gifford, Miss S.E., M.A. A Curric, Miss J. R., M..A. A Blennerhassett, Miss A., A B.A. Rockel, Miss G. C. JL, B M.A. Pigott, Miss M. A., M.A. B Treadwell, Miss M. H., G B.A. Oldridge, Miss L. L., M.A. D Harvey, Miss E. A., B.A. C McLeod, Miss J., B.Se. D (H.Sc.) A B B C c G Principal 575 A Assistant 380 B „ 343 B „ 343 C „ 283 C „ 243 380 343 343 283 243 253 G „ 253 I) I) D I) „ 218 It O'JC 218 238 198 I) „ 238 I) „ 198 Palmerston Norti Boys' High School. Murray, J., M.A Colquhoun, J. A., M.Sc. A Anderson, W. P., M.A. A Hancox, G. G., M.A., B B.Sc. Stevenson, J. J. .. B Thompson, H. J., M.A., B LL.B. Kerr, H. W.. M.A. .. G Espinor, E. W., M.A. .. G Cole, R. T., M.A. .. D Cumberworth, R. W., D B.A. Skoglund, P. 0. .. D Silson, J.H. .. .. D Principal 695 A Assistant 520 A „ 470 B „ 400 10 40 B ' „ 400 B „ 385 10 10 G „ 345 G „ 313 D „ 258 D „ 213 10 D „ 198 I) „ 198 Palmerston Norti Girls' High School. Mills, Miss G. B., M.A., B.Se. ] lodges, Miss F. J., M.A. A Rhodes, Mrs. M., M.A. .. B Eraser, Miss W. S„ B.A. B Simkin, Miss K. L., B.Sc. C (H.Sc.) Danioll, Miss M. D. .. C Marriott, Miss M. E., B.A. D Stubbs, Miss E. .. i Principal 495 A Assistant ! 370 B „ | 343 B „ 303 C „ 243 I) „ : 238 I) „ 198 C „ 243

tode - 3 Jit Position 2. « J fl^ Name. fe - a in "xg b«5 2 .2 School. gain SSg H __ « |_ Gisborne High School. £ £ Foote, P., B.A. Principal 720 Wilkes, F. J., M.A. .. A A Assistant 490 40 Edmondson, P., B.A. .. B A „ 460 40 Maunder, G. T., M.Sc.. B B „ 415 40 Dunphy, W. P., B.A., B B „ 385 40 B.Sc. Scott, W. R... .. B B „ 385 40 Coulam, A. .. ..1) C „ 313 Crimp, S. R. .. D D „ 228 Stewart, Miss J., M.A. B B „ 293 Prostwich, Miss M. .. G C „ 273 Duiward, Miss M., B.A. D D „ 208 Espiner, Miss E. V., M.A. D D „ 208 Harris, Miss G. .. D D „ 198 Mitchell, Miss G. .. D I) „ 188 Napier Boys' High School. Armour, W. A., M.A., .. .. Principal 670 M.Sc. West, E. S., M.A. .. A A Assistant 460 40 Alexander, M., B.Sc. A A „ 460 40 Harwood, W. G., B.A., B B „ 430 40 M.Sc. Ward, H. H., B.A. .. B B „ 415 40 Straek, G. H. E., B.A... G C „ 360 40 Bagley, C. J. .. G G „ 330 40 Woodward, M. F. . . B G ., 315 40 Haldane, G. R. I) D „ 183 Milburn, R. H. .. D D „ 228 Richdalc, L. E. .. D D „ 198 Napier Girls' High School. Greig, Miss V. M., M.A., .. .. i Principal 495 M.Sc. Beggs, Miss P. E., B.Sc. 1) A Assistant 200 Gillies, Miss J. O. .. B B „ 303 Anderson, Miss A. M. .. B B „ 293 Smith, Miss M. L. .. C C „ 273 Bate, Miss R. ..DC „ 235 Gumming, Miss G. L., j D D „ 208 M.A. Dan-Nevirke High School. Simmers, J. M., M.A. .. j .. .. | Principal 620 Heaton, P., M.A., B.Sc. | A B I Assistant 458 Drees, H., M.A. .. 0 C „ 313 Hogg, Miss C., M.A. .. ! C C „ 303 Bingham, Miss F.D..M.A. D D ,. 228 Doull, Miss M. J., M.A. I D | D | „ 198 Wairarapa High School. 60 40 Uttley, G. H., M.A., D.Sc Principal 620 00 Moriee, G. W., M.A. .. A A Assistant 460 40 Bee, J. G., M.A. .. B B „ 458 Sutherland, Miss 0. R., B B „ 353 M.A. Bird, J. W., M.A. .. C C „ 358 McClure, G, B.A. .. C C „ 345 40 Leonard, Miss K., M.A. C C „ 280 McHarg, I. S., B.Agr... D D „ 250 Brown, J. G., M.A. .. i D D ,. i 213 Thomson, H. R. .. I D D „ | 228 40 Wellington College. 10 40 40 Cresswcll, T. R., M.A Principal 800 Gifford, A. C, M.A. .. A A Assistant 530 40 Renner, P. M., M.A. A A „ 530 40 Tomlinson, H. B., M.A. A A „ 500 40 Brodie, T., B.A. .. A A „ 500 Alexander, W., B.A. .. A B „ 460 40 Lomas, J. S., B.A. .. A B „ 445 40 Hall, J., B.Sc. .. A B „ 445 40 Millard, J. N., B.A. .. A B „ 415 40 Gaddick, A. E., M.A. .. B B „ 398 Fathers, H. T. M., B.A. B B „ 398 Cuddie, J. R., M.A. .. B B „ 380 40 10 40 40 10 io


Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1923— continued.


Grade. °a E-oC" Position At r « Name. j a in bl 6 5 2 I School. = *> 581 1 cS- Sa§ Wellington College— continued. £ £ Joplin, P., B.A. .. B B Assistant 385 40 Balham, W. F. C. .. C C „ 360 40 Farquhar, A. S., M.A... B C „ 360 40 Beard, T. E., B.A. .. G C „ 330 Id Thornton, P. E., B.A... (! C „ 315 40 Jackson, A., B.A. .. C C „ 313 McNanght, G., B.A. .. G C „ 313 Stevens, W. H., B.A. .. B C ., 328 Jones, W. V. .. C D „ 305 40 Dighton, J. L. ..I) I) „ 258 Troup, G., M.A. .. C I) ,, 243 McCaw, J. T. .. I) I) „ 213 Lead better, M. D I) „ 213 Peryman, H. L. E. .. D I) „ 198 Martin-Smith, P., LX.B. D I) » 228 Turner, M. P., B.A. .. D I) „ j 288 Heron, H. A., B.A. .. D I) „ j 273 Simpson, J. A. G. .. D I) „ | 258 Wellington Girls' High School. McLean, Miss M., M.A Principal 045 Batham, Miss A. M., B.A. A A Assistant 390 Newman, Miss E.A., M.A. A A „ 380 Rainforth, Miss E. M., A A „ 400 B.A. Kershaw, Miss F.E., M.A. A A ,, 370 Williams, Miss E., B.A. B B „ 343 Hind, Miss E. M., M.A. A B „ 343 Wood, Mrs., M.A. .. A B „ 343 Goad, Miss N. E., M.A. A B „ 328 Gibson, Miss G.F., M.A. A B „ 303 Kennedy, Miss J., M.A. B B „ 313 Eastgatc, Miss C. A. .. B B „ 323 Sage, Miss CM., M.A... B B „ 343 Marsdon, Miss A. F. .. C C ,. 283 Martin, Miss E. . . C C „ 283 Mackay, Miss E. B C ,. 203 Heine,'Miss C. M., B.A. C C „ 263 Hursthouse, Mrs. .. G C „ 265 10 Blacker, Miss H., B.A. C C „ 253 Reith, Miss L. .. B C „ 283 Hogg, Mrs. K. L. .. B C „ 273 Tsoheremissinoff, Miss C I) „ 238 G, B.A. Marshall, Miss E. F., C I) „ 228 B.Sc. in H.Sc. Cooker, Miss A., M.A. .. C I) ,. 228 McCartney, Miss D., M.A. G I) „ 228 Johnstone, Miss D., B.A. C I) „ 218 McKenzic, Miss J., M.A. C I) „ 218 Sewcll, Miss E. A., M.A. C I) „ 208 Jakins, Miss A. M., B.A. D I) „ 198 Wilson, Miss E., M.A... I) D / „ 208 40 Marlborough High School. Stewart, J., M.A Principal 670 Robson, H., M.A. .. A A Assistant 470 40 Jones, S. I., M.A. .. B B „ 400 40 Price, C. J. R., M.A. . . C C „ 328 Kirk, C. G., B.Sc. .. D C „ 313 Purdie, W. C, B.Sc, D I) .. 258 B.Ag. Allen, Miss E. M., M.A. B A „ 350 Pigott, Miss E.M., M.A. B B „ 293 Robertson, Miss H. M., D D „ 208 M.A. Rogers, Miss M. P. N., D D ,. 198 B.Sc. Brand, Miss M. M., M.A. I) 1) „ 198 40 40 Nelson Boys' College. Broad, C. H., B.A. .. I .. .. Principal 695 Caradus, E., B.Se. .. ! A A Assistant 510 40 McKay, J. G., B.A. .. i A A „ 480 40 Searle, H. V., B.A. .. A B „ 413 Watkin, E. A., M.A. ..A B „ 398 Morrow, T. J., M.A., B B „ 400 40 F.R.E.S. Rowe, S. L., LL.B. .. C 0 ,, 345 40

Grade. I Position m Name. j a in '■% % 3 School. laiM I ' 'I §« = HP* < ?ti I.' •2-ci2 3 £ = £ c -2 gStS Nelson Boys' Colleok— continued. £ Saxon, K. R. J., B.A. .. B C Assistant 365 Soverne, E. H., B.A. .. C C ,. 328 Isaac, H. P., M.A. .. I) D „ 273 Peart, J. N., B.A. .. I) D „ 228 Evans, R. II. .. I) I) „ 288 Boulton, E., B.A. .. I) I) „ 213 £ 40 Nelson Girls' College. I jo rimer, Miss M., M.A. .. .. Principal 495 MoEaohen, Miss M., M.A. A A Assistant 380 Eastwood, Miss A., M.A. A B ,, 333 Isaac, Miss N. G., M.A. B B ,, 323 Halo, Miss L.G., B.A... C C ., 283 Wilson, Miss M.K., M.A. C C „ 273 Ray, Miss R., M.A. .. B C ,, 263 Karsten, Miss R., B.A. I) I) „ 238 Robinson, MissC, M.A. I) 1) „ 218 Bremncr, Miss V. .. D D „ 198 Bentham, Miss E. R., I) D „ 198 M.A. Longton, Mrs. (!. V. .. B B „ 343 Rangiora High School. Strachan, J. E., M.A., .. .. Principal 670 B.Sc. Ferguson, A. J., M.A... j A A Assistant 470 Beattie, G. G, M.Sc. .. C B „ 385 Hollow, Miss P., M.A... I) C „ 273 Lockhart, A... .. ! I) D „ 290 Garrett, Miss M. •.. . , D D „ 238 Jul], Miss P. I, i D D „ 243 40 40 40 Christchurch Boys' High School. 00 Lancaster, G. J., M.A. ... .. Principal 815 Laing, R. M., M.A., B.Sc. A A Assistant 550 Stewart, W. M., M.A. .. A A „ 490 Thompson, R. J., B.A. A A „ 460 Montgomery, J. It., M.A. B B „ 130 Schroder, J. H. E„ M.A. B B „ 383 Rowe, H. V., M.A. .. B B „. 385 Hereus, E. J. 1)., M.A., B B ., 385 B.Sc. Henderson, H., B.A., B B „ 383 B.Sc. Merton, A. . . .. C G „ 375 Baversiock, H. S., M.A. C C „ 313 Quartermain, LB, M.A., G C „ 313 Prussing, J. L. 0 C „ 328 Dyer, H. E., M.Sc. D D „ 260 Gourlay, H. W. '•;. I) D „ 275 Tait, J. M., B.A. ..1) I) ., 258 Jefcoate, H. O., M.A. .. I) I) „ 230 Rogers, N. M. ..I) D „ 228 Murray, F. B. .. I) D ., 213 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Chiustchurou Girls' High School. Gibson, Miss M. V., M.A Principal 610 Gresson, Miss K.M., M.A. A A Assistant 390 Baxter, Miss E. B., M.A. A A „ 360 Sims, Miss M. E„ M.A. A A „ 350 Greenstreet, Miss G. E„ B B „ 333 B.A. Bone, Miss D. J. .. A B „ 313 Wilson, Miss A. I., M.A. B B „ 313 Wagstaff, Miss N., M.A. B B „ 293 Farrow, Miss G. M„ M.A. B B „ 293 McKee, Miss A. J. .. C C „ 283 Merton, Miss A. G. S., C C ,, 253 B.A. Young, Mrs. S. G. .. C C „ 245 Metealf, Miss P., B.Sc... I) D „ 218 Watson, Miss A. M. .. C C „ 243 Edwards, Miss K. P.,B.A. C G ,. 263 Hall, Miss M. .. D D „ 218 Hall, Miss E. J., M.A... 1) I) „ 208 Fairbairn, Miss E., B.A. D D „ 198 Burns, Miss A.M., M.A. D D „- 198 Gifford, Miss S. M. D., D J) „ 188 B.Sc. 40


Staffs of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1923 -continued.


Grade ° a £"3 Position -^c^ Name. C a '« _£'l S" S 1 J School. g|>. ||a I 1 f« §S-B h ft< <i a Waitaki Boys' High School. £ £ Milner, P„ M.A Rector 475 McCulloch, M. K„ M.A. A A Assistant 500 40 Chisholm, D. S., M.A. A A „ 480 40 Littlejohn, C. M., M.A., A B „ 445 40 B.Sc Uttlcy, W. M., M.A. .. A B „ 430 40 Hargreaves, P. W., B.A. B B „ 383 Hall, H. T. .. ..I) G „ 333 Crimp, F. A., B.A. .. C C „ 328 Cameron, F. P., M.A. .. C C „ 313 Zimmermann, G, B.A. G D „ 303 Dash, J. .. .. C D „ 305 40 Saxton, I). F. .. D D „ 228 Waitaki Girls' High School. Wilson, Miss J. B., M.A Principal '475 Macaulav,MissM.J.,M.A. B A Assistant i 350 McLean,'Miss M., B.A. B B „ I 303 Vickery, Miss E. A., B.A. C C „ , 283 Hunt, Miss D. C, B.A. C C „ 283 Allan, Miss M. . . C I) „ 238 Finlay, Miss M.B., B.Sc 1) D „ 208 (M.Sc) Ashihirton High School. Wattors, W. P., B.A Principal ,i 070 Biggar, R. IL, M.A. .. A A Assistant: 470 40 Amott.MissM. P., B.A. B B „ 363 McGregor, R. M., B.Sc I) I) „ 243 Scott, H. M., M.A. ..I) D „ 228 Davy, Miss A. G., M.A. I) I) „ 208 Bowie, Miss D., M.A. .. 1) D „ 188 Harrop, Miss I. M. .. D D „ 200 40 Timaru Boys' High School. 40 10 Thomas, W., M.A .. Principal 670 Tait, A. G„ B.A. .. A A Assistant 480 40 Cockroft, E. A., B.A., A A „ 470 40 B.Com. Kemshed, D. S., M.A... B B „ 383 Sawell, R. A. G., M.A. B B „ 385 40 Hind, C. A. S. .. C C „ 375 40 Moore, N. A., B.A. .. C C „ 313 Adamson, R., B.Sc .. G G „ 343 Gillies, C. L., B.Ag. ..1) D „ 273 Whitehouso, T. K. ll., I) D „ 258 M.A. McDonald, T. H. ..1) D „ 245 40 Methven, R. H., M.A... I) D ,,243 40 40 40 Timaru Girls' High School. Watt, Miss B. M., M.A. A A Principal 495 King, Miss E. A., M.A. A A Assistant 380 Ronaldson, Miss M., B.Sc. B B „ 343 Watt, Miss M. S., B.A. B B „ 293 .. Watson, Miss M. W., B.A. C C „ 273 Hai-dcastle, Miss 1). C, C C „ 243 M.A. Stewart, Miss L. P., B.A. I) D „ 228 Hawke,MissD.;B.A. ., I) 1) „ 188 Otago Boys' High School. Morrell, W. J., M.A Principal 815 Campbell, F. H„ M.A. A A Assistant 520 40 Williams, J., B.Sc. .. A A „ 500 40 Martyn, W. J., M.A. ..A A „ 490 40 Watt, A., M.A. .. A B ., 458 Slater, H.W..M.A., B.Sc. A B „• 413 Botting, R. W.S..M.A. B B „ 400 40 Begg, O. J., M.A. .. B B „ 400 40 Mclnnes, M. G., B.A. .. C B „ 383 Thomson, G. S., B.Sc... C B ,, 385 40 Robertson, G. M., M.A. C C „ 328 Gillman, A. J., M.A. .. C 0 „ 330 40 Watt, M. M., M'.C. ..I) G „ 313 Worker, R.V. DeR., B.A. C C „ 313 Howard, B. H., M.A. .. C C „ 313 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

Grade. 'S| ||| ■** +j "3 w rt Position $ « m "t a w Name. „• a' in _£-3 'it'ZS 2 .2 School. 2« tx »ga g g S wo §«■" ha, <i a Otago Boys' High School — continued. £ £ Rantin, T. J. L., M.A. C C Assistant 315 40 McNaughton, A. T., M.A. D I) ., 243 Bridgman, W. W., M.A. I) I) „ 213 Glasgow, K. W. R, ..I) D ,. 198 Taylor, G. L., B.A. . . I) I) „ 198 Sinclair, R, S. M. .. I) D „ 183 Waymouth, S. F. N. .. D D „ 213 Otago Girls' High School. King, Miss M.H.M., M.A Principal 595 Campbell, Miss F., M.A. A A Assistant 390 Gellatly, Miss M.N..M.A., A A „ 380 Loudon, Miss A. L„ M.A. A A „ 350 Kerr, Mrs. B., M.A. . . B B „ 333 Dalrymple, Miss H. K., B B „ 313 B.A. Jones, Miss P. J., M.A. B B „ 303 Aitken, Miss A.M., B.Sc C B „ 293 in H.Sc Lawson, Miss L. L., B.A. C B „ 293 Kennedy, Miss E. M., C C „ 273 LL.A. Bell, Miss B. M., M.A. B C „ 253 Dallaston, Miss L. N., B. A. C C „ 243 Clement, Miss B., M.A. C C „ 243 Maclean, Miss D.B., M.A C C „ 243 Oddie, Miss E. M., B.A. C D „ 228 Rosevear, Miss R. A., I) D „ 218 Dip. in H.Sc. May, Miss M. W., M.A. C I) ,. 208 Baglev, Miss S. D., B.Sc D I) „ 208 (H.Sc) McQueen, Miss M. E., 1) D „ 173 B.A. Gore High School. Hunter, J., M.A Principal 670 Boyne, J. M:cC, M.A. . . C B Assistant 400 40 Dunn, S. B., B.A. . . C G „ 330 40 Christie, E. M., M.A.. I) I) „ 273 P.C.S. Edgar, C, M.A. . . D D „ 258 Fyi'e, T. .. .. D I) „ 215 40 Fyfe, Miss L. H., M.A., A B ,. 333 L.T.C.L., L.A.B. Naylor, Miss R„ B.A. C C „ 263 Henderson, Miss II. A., I) D „ 208 M.A. Douglas, Miss It. J. H. C C „ 273 670 400 330 273 258 215 333 10 40 40 263 208 273 Southland Boys' High School. Pearee, T. D., M.A Principal 670 Dakin, J. P., B.A. . . A A Assistant 480 40 Butchers, A. G., M.A.. . A A „ 440 40 McGrath, J. S., B.A. . . B B „ 460 40 Anderson, J. G., M.Sc. B B „ 385 40 Mawson J. B., M.A. .. B B ., 385 40 Mackay, Miss J. It. '.'. C C „ 283 Flannery, J. .. I) C „ 313 Cameron, J. L., M.A. .. C G ,, 315 40 Boxall, E. A., B.A. .. D D „ 260 40 Dcaker, A. J., B.A. . . D D „ 243 670 480 440 460 385 385 283 313 315 260 243 40 40 40 40 40 10 40 Southland Girls' High School. 515 343 360 313 293 313 203 253 253 228 188 188 173 Drennan, Miss A., M.A Principal 515 Samuel, Miss G., M.Sc B A Assistant 343 Budd, Miss A. M., M.A. A A „ 360 Watt, Miss A., B.A. .. A B „ 313 Boxall, Mrs. E. M., M.A. B B „ 293 Burt, Miss S„ M.A. .. B B ,. 313 Steele, Miss M. A., B.A. B C „ 203 White, Miss R. A., M.A. B C „ 253 Mullay, Miss M. C, B.A. C C „ 253 Earwaker, Miss E., M.A. D D ,, 228 Vickery, Miss M. O. .. D D „ 188 1 Thomson, Miss K. . . 1) 1) „ 188 Spite, Miss B. H. . . D D „ 173



TABLE K1.—Average Attendance and Roll (classified according to Ages) of Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments) as in December, 1923.

School. I •a a a B > 5f M - -2 331 3 CM a> ,© - to $2, o 5 ■3 s 13 to 14 I U to 16 Years. Years. , U to 16 I 15 to 16 16 to 17 Over 17 Total, all Years. Years. Years. Years. Ages. B. G. B. I G. B. G. B. G. B. G. I ! Total, all Ages. bJg. B. G. B. G. a. a. Schi \ools. seolary i\ 9 , 48 . 19 Whangarei High School .. .. 252 264 286 Auckland Boys' Grammar School .. 795 750 849 Mount Albert Boys'Grammar School 3)1 317 346 Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. j 478 487 528 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. I 398 406 438 Thames High School .. ..I 168 163 168 Hamilton High Sohool . . .. 324 338 383 New Plymouth Boys' High School 284 282 316 New Plymouth Girls' High School 154 157 . 173 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 224 232 251 Palmerston North Boys' High School 283 284 320 Palmerston North Girls'High School 179 186 197 Gisborne High School .. .. 365 373 394 Napier Boys' High School . . 232 240 264 Napior Girls' High Sohool .. 160 166 184 Dannevirke High School.. .. 115 116 140 Wairarapa High .School . . . . 221 221 233 Wellington Boys' College . . 713 720 797 Wellington Girls' High School .. 708 734 782 Marlborough High School . . 227 231 258 Nelson Boys'College .. .. 284 286 319 Nelson Girls'College .. .. 208 219 227 Rangiora High School .. .. 139 138 162 Christchurch Boys' High School . . 495 482 561 Christchurch Girls' High School . . 480 497 529 Ashburton High School .. . . 174 186 187 Timaru Boys' High School .. 255 266 282 Timaru Girls'High School .. 174 191 186 Waitaki Boys' High School .. 265 254 276 Waitaki Girls'High School 145 146 162 Otago Boys' High School . . 561 532 625 Otago Girls'High School .. 432 438 480 Gore High School .. .. 211 220 232 Southland Boys' High School . . 277 263 290 Southland Girls' High School .. 273 281 308 16 1 2 1 5 2 1 1 15 2 3 1 3 1 I I .. ) .. 8 , 13 . 15 ! .. 19 I .. 15 12 8 7 86 ) 10 i .. i .. . 33 . 27 S 8 I 11 7 12 I .. 26 i 6 9 ! 6 5 60 5 5 41 35 39i 47 19 23 22 17 130 134 . 225 .. 226 1 .. 142 .. 100 .. 766 .. 79 .. 103 .. 65 .. 51 .. 317 .. i .. 121 .. ! 147 .. 119 .. 65 .. 487 7 .. 100 .. 127 .. 87 .. 62 . . 40<> i 15 23 31 21 22 15 8 11 85 78 I 46 38 53 46 34 28 46 21 194 144 60 .. 87 .. 66 .. 53 .. 282 .. I .. 55 .. 47 .. 35 .. 13 .. 157 > .. 48 .. 84 .. 43 .. 4 .. 232 66 .. 78 67 .. 54 .. 284 .. i .. 43 .. 59 .. 26 .. 29 . . 186 i 39 43 61 62 42 53 37 19 189 184 59 .. 71 .. 68 .. 38 .. 240 .. » .. 42 .. 39 .. 43 .. 32 .. 166 i 12 10 15 18 16 14 10 5 62 53 > 36 26 49 33 21 23 12 8 126 95 185 .. 214 .. 135 . . 85 .. 720 .. ) .. 198 .. 214 .. 145 .. 105 .. 731 I 23 33 35 41 21 30 18 15 106 125 70 .. 78 .. 60 .. 53 .. 286 .. I .. 40 .. 65 .. 50 .. 43 .. 219 23 20 21 20 14 17 4 8 69 69 115 .. 136 .. 88 .. 99 .. 482 .. ! .. 146 .. I 141 .. 88 .. 91 .. 497 I 25 25 22 31 16 16 12 20 86 100 63 .. 77 .. 56 .. 55 .. 266 .. I .. 52 .. 53 .. 30 .. 38 .. 191 42 .. 69 .. 64 .. 63 .. 254 .. 1 .. 29 .. 43 .. 33 .. 31 .. 146 139 .. 162 .. 103 .. 78 .. 532 .. 154 .. 80 .. -6 .. 43 .. 438 : 36 21 32 33 22 21 18 17 115 105 79 .. 66 .. 37 .. 48 .. 263 .. 69 .. 70 .. 70 .. 42 .. 281 i 5 12 1 8 20 i 7 40 1 .. 20 4 4 1 .. 32 9 i ii 15 3 1.3 18 io i 49 1 2 18 1 6 31 t 97 12 3 27 Totals .. .. .. 10,964 11,07112,1131 (il 49 459 i 454 1 1,4781,3701,715 1,621 1,1671,054 964 779 5,844 5,227 B. d Si chools. Sndowet Wanganui Collegiate School . . 195 192 194; Christ's College, Christchurch . . 367 356 3591 Totals .. .. . 662 548 4531 Grandtotals .. . 11,51611,61912,566! i 6 I 28 34 1.. I 27 ..! 25 49511 50 .. I 46' .. 38 .. I 25 .. 192 .. 62 .. 60 .. j 66 .. I 115 .. 356 .. 112 .. 106 .. 104 .. 140 .. 548 .. |l ,590 1,370 1,821 1,52111,271 1,054 1,104(779 6,392 5,227 95 454'


Table K2.—Classification of Pupils on the Roll of Secondary Schools at the end of the Year 1923, according to Years of Attendance (exclusive of Lower Departments).

From these figures the following results relating to the length of time pupils remain at (he secondary schools are ohtained :— Boys. Girls. Percentage leaving at the end of the first year or during the second year .. 19-7 19-6 second „ third „ .. 27-2 33-1 third „ fourth „ .. 19-8 13-4 fourth „ fifth „ .. 22-0 23-6 fifth „ sixth „ .. 6-7 B'9 „ sixth „ seventh „ .. 4-0 l - 4 1000 1000 The average length of stay of the boys is 2-85 years, and the girls 2-76 years.

2—E. 6.


School. First Year. Secom Yoar. Third Year. Fourth Year. Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Totals. ro . an* H O Boys. Girls. aEH Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. . Girls. (. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. A. Second dory Si Schools. Whangarei High Schools 61 Auckland Boys' Grammar 280 School Mount Albert Boys' Gram- 122 mar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School Epsom Girls' Grammar School Thames High School .. 31 Hamilton High School .. 64 New Plymouth Boys' High 101 School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College.. Palmerston North Boys' 110 High School Palmerston North Girls' High School Gisborne High School .. 68 Napier Boys' High School 115 Napior Girls' High School Dannevirke High School 30 Wairarapa High School .. 55 Wellington Boys' College 299 Wellington Girls' High School Marlborough High School 47 Nelson Boys' College .. .92 Nelson Girls'College Rangiora High School .. 36 Christchurch Boys' High 167 School Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School .. 42 Timaru Boys' High School 109 Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Bovs' High School 83 Waitaki Girls' High School Otago Boys' High School 205 Otago Girls' High School Gore High School .. 53 Southland Boys' High 110 School Southland Girls' High School Totals .. .. 2,280! 61 280 1 68 i 38 275 i 38 22 5 .. 130 I 10 • 7 10 51 .. 2| 20 2 130 756 0 134 11 264 756 ) .. ) .. 6 .. 122 j 101 1 .. 69 ) .. 24 .. 1 317 7 .. 317 215 152 72 ! .. 38 (I 1 .. 1 487 7 487 11 . . 170 ) .. 113 .. 75 i .. 34 I 14 406 3 406 1 34 1 01 I 27 68 87 1 19 16 i 44 31 1 .. 51 i 20 23 ) 11 4 1 21 11 24 .. I .. I 9 18 1 5 1 1 85 I .. 194 I .. 282 i 78 I 144 5 163 1 338 282 .. I .. > 73 I .. 49 .. 23 1 .. 9 ) .. 3 157 r 157 83 89 72 ) .. 47 42 ! .. 28 31 i .. 6 5 1 2 .. 1 .. 284 2 232 I 232 284 I .. r .. 31 .. I .. 84 56 .. 31 11 .. 4 186 i 186 I 90 i 61 53 59 41 I .. 43 47 .. 17 8 25 23 ! .. 135 221 .. 27 15 6 15 23 i 4 4 2 "% 189 ! .. 240 I 184 : 373 240 i 166 I 115 i 221 720 : 734 63 i 25 . 48 I .. 23 I 9 1 14 23 .. I .. 25 l 5 2 10 4 8 I 166 ! 53 i 95 14 37 193 5 10 85 I 4 4 1 1 2 62 126 ! .. 720 I 258 121 85 .. 102 6 '28 4 .. 4 l .. 734 59 25 97 ( 34 19 1 .. 45 72 .. i 12 6 88 ' 22 9 7 9 33 5 14 3 I 5 106 I .. 286 i 125 i 231 280 219 138 482 79 32 37 18 33 .. 16 6 5 6 64 .. 2 25 io 2 5 219 69 i9 129 I) 5 .. 69 482 64 .. 176 147 .. 85 70 17 2 .. 2 497 497 37 20 74 26 6 44 45 .. 58 39 .. 90 145 .. 36 12 43 17 15 15 15 25 2 10 4 1 4 1 86 266 - 100 i 186 266 191 254 146 532 438 220 263 82 34 25 .. 16 31 13 U iw 68 23 31 .. 18 1 254 2 .. 532 3 .. 1 115 263 'oo 60 io 4 U& 167 60 .. 34 9 10 35 .. 19 o 153 36 35 64 84 20 5 7 1 4 438 105 92 8(1 .. 52 33 14 1 .. 281 281 2,078 1 I .74 1 I 1,557 1,027 888 594 508 167 174 35 22 5,844.1 5,227 1 11071 Wanganui Collegiate School 68 Christ's College, Christ- 105 church Totals .. .. 173 Grand totals .. 2,453 i B. Endow wed Sch 'hools. 192 .. 356 .. 548 22 6,3921; 39 66 105 46 59 105 1,557 1,132 27 .. 53 .. 80 .. 674 508 9 38 47 3 35 38 192 356 548 2,078 1,846 888 214 174 73 5,227 11619


TABLE K3. —Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments, 1923. Secondary-school Boards.

TABLE K4.—Number of Pupils holding Free Places and Scholarships in Secondary Schools during the Last Term, 1923.


Total Cost. Cost per Unit of Roll Number, 1/3/24. Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' Grammar School .. Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. Thames High School .. .. Hamilton High School New Plymouth Boys' High Sohool New Plymouth Girls' High School.. Wanganui Girls'College .. Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girls' High School Napier Boys' High Sohool Napier Girls' High School Gisborne H igh School Dannevirke High Sohool.. Wairarapa High School Wellington Boys'College Wellington ({iris' College Marlborough High School £ 456-89 2,728-67 2,197-25 325-77 950-34 712-91 354-68 808-59 702-89 419-42 407-2 388-44 629-32 251-54 638-97 1,744-94 1,575-37 478-88 £ 1-60 2-28 2-27 1-94 2-48 2-26 2 05 3-22 2-20 2-13 1-60 2-11 1-60 1-80 2-74 2-19 2-01 1-86

Cost per Unit 'total Cost, of Itoll Number, 1/3/24. Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School .. Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High School Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Goro High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School £ £ 962-85 3-02 003-00 2-65 442-03 2-73 933-26 1-70 1,155-54 2-18 47054 2-52 782-71 2-78 518-29 2-79 022-47 2-20 422-96 2-61 1,175-27 1-88 930-34 1-94 546-21 2-35 350-41 1-21 382-99 1-24 All schools 26,070-99 2-15

Number of Holders of Governmen Free Places. — 1 Nationalscholarship Holders (tncluded In Column 4). a-a to a 2 ° " hh a a>_ 0 "" r-,T3 r§£ W -" o- fr.2 2 * ° S 9 SAhSB ■a v Sr3 o ■rinfUSO a-r-tj S- a rC 01 to M •ZiM.S School. - Junior. Senior. Total. Junior. Senior. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) («) (7) (8) A. Seco; mdary 8a tools. Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' Grammar School Mount Albert Boys' Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School Epsom Girls' Grammar School Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girls' High School Napier Boys' High Sohool Napier Girls' High School Gisborne High School .. ... Dannevirke High School Wairarapa High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' High School .. Marlborough High School Nelson Boys' Collego Nelson Girls' Collego Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High School Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Gore High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School 201 503 214 367 279 115 237 176 123 152 185 131 160 109 256 85 166 273 497 161 172 146 94 291 317 119 162 122 116 91 366 296 154 171 182 j 50 204 72 105 100 45 88 76 30 67 76 44 68 47 76 28 46 428 232 54 83 02 38 162 165 56 77 64 91 43 142 128 59 83 91 251 707 286 472 385 160 325 252 153 219 261 175 228 156 332 113 212 701 729 215 255 208 132 453 482 175 239 186 207 137 508 424 213 254 273 6 56 20 17 8 8 11 9 4 9 8 8 12 8 8 9 4 31 17 4 ' 3 8 3 12 11 10 14 6 8 5 25 18 3 17 9 2 18 2 II 8 4 8 4 1 3 4 2 2 1 3 3 2 23 13 3 8 3 13 2 6 2 ■i 4 I 1 1 12 4 9 3 3 7 11 10 1 i 2 5 8 2 14 *4 "i 13 6 3 3 4 ii 5 *2 I B. En ndowed Sc hools. I I 18 40 Wanganui Collegiate School Christ's Collego Grammar School Totals .. .. .. 7,192 3,286 10,478 409 190 114 92 . I


TABLE K5.—Details of National Scholarships held in 1923.

TABLE K6.—Pupils boarding away from Home to attend Secondary Schools and Lower Departments thereof, 1923.


Kducation District. Numb Total Number. at Sect Sen. Boys. Girls. Totals. Junior. i . , or held 3-ndary sols. Number held at District High Schools, Numbi at Tec High 6 —i er hold 3hnical Schools. Number receiving Boardingallowance (included in Total Number). Number | receiving 'Travellingallowance (included in Total Number). Senior. Junior. Senior. Junior. Senior. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Hawke's Bay Wellington Nelson.. Canterbury Otago Southland .. 134 79 213 126 ..21 7 28 13 23 24 47 25 ..33 22 55 37 67 35 102 56 14 11 25 11 71 38 109 56 56 40 96 56 ..25 16 40 29 63 5 9 ■ 9 41 11 29 23 10 23 2 7 4 1 15 8 2 II 7 7 2 1 3 4 47 12 15 12 10 10 23 17 10 24 1 1 2 16 2 5 7 3 2 1 I 8 2 Totals .. .. 444 271 715 409 444 271 715 409 190 60 16 32 156 54

Sohool. Secondary Departments. St 8 Ml . a w> . r- - a a to 332 Boarding at Total. g-gS Boarding at lOstablisliments Boarding g-go School Hostels. approved by privately. -oxiW Principal. u w-^ is 3 -S •ding itely. St 332 all £ °rH -a jcm IS3-S orHcn s: s-s Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. °^ m Girls. A. Si Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' Grammar School Mount Albert Boys'Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School Epsom Girls' Grammar School Thames High School Hamilton High School .. New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girls' High Sohool Gisborne High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Dannevirke High School Wairarapa High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' High School Marlborough High School Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High Sohool Waitaki Girls' High School Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Gore High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School CO .. .. 5 34 i5 34 50 10 60 .. 15 15 41 .. 41 20 .. 23 .. 43 6 5 6 5 .. .. - 15 .. .. 21 4 21 19 122 122 34 31 10 41 3 66 8 .. 74 13 44 20 .. 64 21 .. 21 41 20 1 8 13 49 34 15 62 2 54 13 27 5 .. 32 20 8 .. 2 5 8 13 10 20 17 20 17 68 3 .. 12 73 23 .. 28 .. 51 4 6 4 6 108 .. .. 12 120 11 47 23 .. 70 12 13 8 .. .. 1 .. 14 8 .. 30 13 .. 43 89 21 .. 60 1 7 11 .. .. 4 14 11 25 105 2 .. 107 .. 21 30 1 .. 19 .. 50 139 10 149 24 30 15 .. 46 51 15 .. 66 60 .. 60 12 13 .. .. 5 5 17 18 .. 3 .. 30 33 6 .. 40 46 Total, A .. 840 337 56 53 220 420 11,116 ' 810 167 B. E, Endowed Schools, • Wanganui Collegiate School Christ's Collego Grammar School 163 163 .. 180 180 343 343 ~7. ~ 1,183 337 56 53 220 420 1,459 810 167 I I Total, B .. Grand totals .. 1



TABLE K7.—Receipts of Operative Secondary Schools for the Year 1923.

Secondary-school Boards. Sales. i : Grants for Buildings, Income from Income from Sites. Rents, Reserves Secondary- Apparatus, vested in education " lB e '• &c, and Board. Reserves. Manual Instructiou Subsidies. From Endowments. From the Government. For Salaries. For I Tuition Fees. Incidental ! Expenses. Hostels Account. Voluntary Loans Contributions, raised and Lower Income from Interest on Departments Property from Invest- Account. Keserves, ments. Refunds, and Sundries. Total s. * £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.l £ s. d. Whangarei High School .. I .. 309 18 4 125 18 2j .. 278 17 0 Auckland Grammar Schools .. 2.710 0 0 9,889 6 5 1,176 6 11 316 9 4 1.857 5 0, Thames High School .. .. j .. 850 10 0 58 5 9; .. 47 1 0; Hamilton High School .. .. .. 52 0 0 195 17 IL .. 303 16 5: New Plymouth Hish Schools .. .. 913 10 4 1.097 18 7 .. 415 0 4Wanganui Girls' College.. .. .. 1,184 1 9. 207 4 6: .. 2,139 4 0 Palmerston North High Schools .. ,. .. 403 7 4 .. 205 12 6 Napier High Schools .. .. -.. 419 12 6 1,29110 7 230 2 9 117 11 8 Gisborne High School .. .-. - .. 4.000 10 8 135 14 6! .. 66 6 0 Dannevirke High Sohool .. .. .. 440 10 2| .. 31 7 0 Wairarapa High School .. .. .. .. 194 12 2 .. 15,917 5 5 Wellington College and Girls' High 1.113 10 9 8,469 12 7 1.378 11 5 355 19 0! 1,228 16 1 School Marlborough High School .. .. 400 0 0 91 0 1 .. 1,977 16 2 Nelson Colleges .. .. .. 1,171 18 0 284 1 8 .. ; 1,060 9 6 Rangiora High School .. .. .. 279 19 0 .. .. 725 19 4 Christchurch Boys' High School .. 228 13 1 7,532 14 111 139 14 7 171 8 4 2,490 9 7 Christchurch Girls' High School .. .. 625 8 8 .. 4 14 1 414 19 8 Ashburton High School .. .. .. 1,134 17 0 7 11 .. 566 0 3 Timaru High School .. .. .. 3,163 12 1L .. .. 1.218 1 9 Waitaki High Schools .. ... .. 2,122 2 l! 218 5 4 .. 395 6 11 Otago High Schools .. .. I .. 3,334 11 T 499 4 6 .. 418 12 6 Gore High School .. .. .. .. 129 13 6| .. 919 16 8; Southland High School .. .. j .. 1,928 5 9 262 12 llj 391 5 7 218 5 3! £ s. d. 4,102 13 3 20,794 4 1 2.213 2 3 5.423 17 7 6,709 19 7 2.125 15 4 7,618 1 9 6,287 19 2 2,291 11 5 2,256 19 9 2.964 3 10 13,107 9 10 £ s. d. 715 0 0 5,320 0 0 315 0 0 956 13 4 1,182 11 8 593 15 0 1,287 10 0 1,097 10 0 985 0 0 350 0 0 082 10 0 3,902 10 0 637 10 0 1,314 3 4 150 0 0 1,385 0 0 1,322 10 0 467 10 0 1,165 0 0 1,062 10 0 2,720 0 0 580 0 0, 1,532 10 0 £ s. d. 199 5 0 1,192 0 0 69 2 0 159 9 0 450 4 3 204 12 0 397 0 0 272 9 8 531 0 0 21 0 0 105 10 0 432 18 9 108 10 0 717 IS 0 151 1 0 370 10 0 188 15 0 90 0 0 406 13 9 569 0 0; 504 12 6 70 0 0: 189 10 0! £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,382 7 10 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 38 3 0 183 9 3 104 5 5 59 4 1 35 19 1 1,915 12 3 62 17 2 6,416 10 10 37 18 11 1 11 0 683 1 0 49 5 0 £ s. d. 8.152 3 1 43.439 1 0 3.657 6 5 8,064 17 9 27,655 13 11 15,606 3 0 13,021 12 2 24,231 12 11 13,587 10 2 3.101 7 11 20.547 2 5 51.708 0 8 •- • ' 913 19 5 12.700 7 7 3,000 0 0: 6,675 8 2 3.647 3 5 7,099 4 3 5,156 18 8 1.150 2 6 560 10 0 999 1 6 382 10 0 .. j 6,369 7 3115,300 0 0 3.269 3 0 8,209 14 2 2,213 14 3 4.434 16 1 0.238 14 10 2,577 15 3 6,558 11 9 6,692 2 9 14,443 8 6 3,249 8 1 8,066 18 10 12,042 1 11 1,343 12 3 1,371 5 0 1,704 6 3 ! 659 19 91 l,08i 15 0 79 1 & 204 5 8 685 11 0 141 12 3 219 4 2 309 1 9 27 17 6 1,405 10 9 629 11 8 109 15 6 26 12 31 0,623 0 9 26,086 7 3 5.549 16 10 18.266 3 10 10,718 12 8 5.812 5 1 12,539 17 8 14.314 10 10 25,499 13 4 7.061 12 1 13,616 0 7 1,616 10 0: i 2,949 12 1 2,002 18 4 1,000 0 0 233 3 0 -- ! , Totals .. .. 4,052 3 1047.782 12 6 8,337 11 81,469 19 133,014 0 6j 47,782 12 6| 8,337 11 8*1,469 19 1 33,014 0 6j 141,850 5 4; |29,724 13 4! 7,461 0 11 '68,635 2 219,300 0 0 I I 4,407 2 Ol 13,426 1 0379,460 12 4



TABLE K8.—Payments of Operative Secondary Schools for the Year 1923.

Secondary-school Boards. Expenditure on Endowments. Teachers' Salaries and Allowances, Secondary Departments. lUtilUCU LtXl HJA[JCUatJB Ul Office Printing, Expenses Stationery, and Salaries. , » a °? . Advertising. Incidental Expenses of ■ecoiidary Departments. Cleaning, Heating, Lighting, and Care of Grounds. Material, Examinations, Prizes, Games, and other Incidentals. Maintenance of Buildings, Rates, and Taxes. Capital Expenditure on Sites, Buildings, Furniture, and Apparatus. Loans repaid, Lower Account and Departments Account. . interest. Account. Manual Instruction, Advances to Pupils, and Miscellaneous. Totals. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Whangarei High School .. I 336 18 9 3.961 4 9 149 10 0 80 2 9 Auckland Grammar Schools .. ! 2,496 18 2 28,445 14 5 556 19 6 454 0 7 Thames High School .. .. i 124 15 8 2,659 4 5 110 12 11 3 6 0 Hamilton High Schools .. .. 5,510 5 11 170 16 2 56 10 1 New Plymouth High Schools .. 87 2 6 7,506 3 4 242 2 4 105 14 9 Wanganui Girls' College .. 41 0 0 3,042 9 4 252 16 0 162 0 6 Palmerston North High Schools .. 7,525 1 8 175 3 1 142 0 6 Napier High Schools .. .. 38 3 3 6,759 1 2 290 19 11 90 12 3 Gisborne High School.. .. 145 12 6 5,215 19 6 120 14 1 46 13 6 Dannevirke High School ..J .. 2.107 18 7 53 6 6 18 18 9 Wairarapa High School ... .. 3,095 15 6 183 16 11 ; 67 18 4 Wellington College and Girls' Highi 38( j 3 5 21,507 7 10 359 17 5 416 13 7 School Marlborough High School .. .. 3,642 13 6 119 15 7 29 7 3 Nelson Colleges .. .. 74 18 10 8,743 5 3 762 8 11 ; 200 18 3 Rangiora High School .. .. 2,662 8 8 83 14 9 82 2 8 Christchurch Boys' High School : 420 6 11 7,973 11 6 175 8 4 , 165 16 9 Christchurch Girls' High School 34 1 3 6,406 6 1 302 6 3 \ 144 18 8 Ashburton High School .. 671 1 7 2,637 18 6 73 17 2 88 0 7 Timaru High School .. .. 199 10 1 7,211 5 7 143 6 2 j 165 13 8 Waitaki High Schools.. .. 145 6 7 7,099 5 9 231 14 9 ; 167 14 4 Otago High Schools .. .. 242 0 1 14,690 18 5 477 5 1 I 334 1 6 Gore High School .. .. .. 3,299 3 4 133 6 11 j 69 13 9 Southland High School .. 239 0 3 8.695 19 8 111 0 7 127 9 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 76 18. 7 150 6 7 .. 2.580 11 10 1,334 6 6 740 15 8 145 17 9 65 18 8 106 7 5 452 2 2 270 18 5 344 6 7 583 3 9 136 10 11 357 6 10 348 9 1 45 6 2 816 1 9 631 0 8 174 2 1 194 4 3 357 8 9 56 12 11 1 847 14 2 374 15 3 87 3 6 157 6 1 92 12 0 86 4 6 303 0 7 190 11 1 i 196 13 0 23 19 7 1,964 18 6 ] 578 16 9 274 9 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 226 0 0 2,279 14 9 3,182 4 1 .. 1,021 15 6 159 14 5 .. 667 8 10 302 1 7 835 1 1 3.271 4 4 12,813 17 3 1,338 0 0 1,331 13 6 937 5 2 6,195 0 6 250 14 4 i 562 3 5 391 8 10 3,516 19 7 3,923 1 10 6,599 11 4 .. 1,059 8 10 1,775 6 7 4,830 18 2 977 15 0 ! 468 1 1 75 0 0 .. 1 12 0 16,892 4 6 16,014 12 4 I 5,933 11 0 1,438 5 5 45 7 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 108 15 7 7,369 11 9 129 0 1 40.942 6 4 7 9 1 4.050 15 2 35 3 10 7,977 5 10 201 6 3 27,974 5 9 1,836 3 0 14,489 9 3 197 12 1 12,947 12 9 4,750 2 0 24,772 10 5 73 14 7 14,273 19 10 2,738 12 11 292 12 6 ! 20,943 11 5 577 4 3 49,697 7 9 263 17 11 65 16 10 107 0 11 602 9 10 .3 278 3 0 207 13 1 68 10 1 74 3 10 397 4 1 194 16 1 130 19 0 515 6 6 192 10 4 168 5 9 221 18 6 86 14 6 133 7 8 612 13 7 379 6 6 547 13 9 604 3 1 41 16 5 644 4 4 1,133 8 1 160 17 7 709 14 10 246-1 7 97 1 11 302 13 8 385 15 0 109 2 8 ! 125 18 2 1,928 5 8 .. 0 11 9 472 5 0 10,280 6 1 .. 1,044 10 3 752 12 10 1,474 6 9 4,817 1 0 1,370 8 0 1,887 11 11 I 1,573 19 3 325 12 3 1 254 9 9 500 0 0 716 2 4 4,393 2 1 .. 1,311 7 8 1 2.535 8 2 1,544 0 2 .. 231 5 1 6,123 17 10 2.590 16 7 275 1 6 390 5 8 1,940 12 11 4,169 16 11 .. 5 6 0 283 17 1 ! 6,441 6 6 709 0 4 ( 23,168 5 9 651 16 1 I 6,057 8 9 195 7 7 17,728 11 2 688 10 3 I 10,606 6 4 235 13 7 5,364 14 5 134 12 7 , 15,098 11 8 289 18 10 13,534 17 6 669 19 2 27,408 0 8 39 9 1 6,518 8 10 230 10 10 14,199 19 10 Totals .. .. 5,882 19 10 170,399 2 8 5,280 19 4 3,220 8 9 170,399 2 8 5,280 19 4 3,220 8 9 12,989 0 8 4,579 12 11 J7.387 17 7 73.232 18 10 84,495 5 9 9,501 2 2 J4,996 19 5 12,337 18 8 374,304 6 I ■ I 1 1



TABLE K9.—Balances and Assets and Liabilities of Operative Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1923.

Secondary- sehool Boards. Balance, 1st Januar 1923. I Assets. Liabilities. Balance, 31st December, 1923. Bank Balances and Amounts owing to Investments. Board. Total. Overdrafts and Loans. \ Other Liabilities. Total. £ s. d. Whangarei High School .. .. I Cr. 0 8 2 Auckland Grammar Schools .. Cr. 3,947 14 5 Thames High School .. .. Dr. 5,454 2 10 Hamilton High School .. .. Cr. 738 17 7 New Plymouth High Schools .. Dr. 9,259 19 1 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. Or. 2,573 11 6 Palmerston North High Schools .. Dr. 1,675 4 6 Napier High Schools .. .. Cr. 5,907 10 1 Gisborne High School .. ..Dr. 4,922 13 10 Dannevirke High School .. .. I Cr. 18 17 7 Wairarapa High School .. Wellington College and Girls' High School Cr. 6.237 7 5 Marlborough High School .. .. Dr. 12 7 11 Nelson Colleges .. .. ■ .. I Dr. 7,304 10 10 Rangiora High School .. .. Dr. 1,831 4 3 Christchurch Bovs' High School ' .. Dr. 26,465 7 6 Christchurch Girls' High School .. Dr. 6,403 16 11 Ashburton High School .. ... \ Dr. 5,321 12 11 Waitaki High Schools .. .. Dr. 8.408 13 7 Timaru High Schools .. .. Or. 820 13 5 Otago High Schools .. .. Dr. 2,802 18 3 Gore High School .. .. Cr. 363 2 2 Southland High School .. .. Cr. 9,726 19 6 £ s. d. 293 15 0 5,163 18 0 54 7 9 533 4 11 545 11 0 3,812 4 1 459 11 6 583 9 1 1,071 10 7 253 8 11 177 6 2 1,057 13 8 787 3 4 2,495 15 11 323 4 0 2,107 15 3 48 12 11 863 15 5 2,200 11 0 £ s. d. 115 5 0 9,717 15 3 1,468 14 8 315 0 10 1.128 19 9 2,945 14 2 806 12 3 9.116 17 4 1,111 2 7 205 0 0 228 14 4 8.816 14 3 111 15 5 3.971 11 9 309 13 6 3,821 17 8 210 0 1 388 10 6 1,632 9 8 635 18 3 699 9 4 164 6 0 5,248 18 3 I £ s. d. 409 0 0 14,881 13 3 1,523 2 5 848 5 9 1,674 10 9 6,757 18 3 1,266 3 9 9,700 0 5 2.182 13 2 458 8 11 406 0 6 9,873 7 11 898 18 9 6,467 7 8 309 13 6 3,821 17 8 210 0 1 711 14 6 3,740 4 11 684 11 2 699 9 4 1,028 1 5 7,449 9 3 £ s. d. ; 2,017 1 1 4,155 5 0 12.288 15 6 3,856 19 7 102 4 9 789 10 10 5,058 15 0 15,300 0 0 4.000 0 0 106 9 9 21,855 0 11 1,689 12 4 5,500 0 0 9,460 10 8 5,192 0 6 1,000 0 0 £ s. d. 257 13 3 1,111 8 9 2,241 3 3 1,205 15 6 1,858 4 5 2,382 10 0 3,356 7 9 383 13 0 341 12 7 6,544 0 3 720 0 0 9,925 3 10 1,903 1 9 9,430 13 4 4,541 11 3 51 7 6 1,592 17 8 56 5 2 408 18 9 388 13 9 4.042 4 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,274 14 4 Dr. 1,865 14 4 1,111 8 9 Cr. 13.770 4 6 6,396 8 3 Dr. 4,873 5 K Cr. 848 5 S 13,494 11 0 Dr. 11,820 0 3 5,715 4 0 Cr. 1,042 14 3 2,484 14 9 Dr. 1,218 11 C 4,145 18 7 Cr. 5,554 7 IC 5,442 8 0 Dr. 3,259 14 IC Cr. 458 8 11 341 12 7 Cr. 64 7 11 21,844 0 3 Dr. 11,970 12 4 720 0 0 Or. 178 18 8 13,925 3 10 Dr. 7,457 16 2 2,009 11 6 Dr. 1,099 18 C 31,285 14 3 Dr. 27,463 16 7 6,231 3 7 Dr. 6,021 3 6 5,551 7 6 Dr. 4.839 13 C 1,592 17 8 Cr. 2,147 7 3 9,516 15 10 Dr. 8,832 4 8 5,600 19 3 Dr. 4,901 9 11 388 13 9 Cr. 639 7 8 5,042 4 9 Cr. 2,407 4 C Totals .. .. ! Dr. 49,587 10 7 22,032 18 6 59,124 0 9 I 59,124 0 9 81,156 19 3 81,156 19 3 92,372 5 11 92,372 5 11 52,743 6 6 52,743 6 6 j 145,115 12 5 145,115 12 5 Dr. 63,958 13 2 Dr. 63,958 13 2 II I


TABLE K10. —Income and Expenditure of Secondary-school Hostels for the Year 1923.

TABLE K11.—Showing. Distribution by the Government of Secondary Education Reserves Revenue for the Year ended 31st December, 1923.


I'r. .lit. Loss. Hostel. Income. Expenditure. ; Percentage of Income. Percentage ol Income. Amount. Amount. I Whangarei Boys' Hamilton Girls' New Plymouth Boys' .. New Plymouth Girls' . . Palmerston North Boys' Napier Boys' Napier Girls' Gisborne Boys' Gisborne Girls' Wellington Boys' Wellington Girls' Nolson Boys' Nelson Girls' Christchurch Boys' Christehuroh Girls' Timaru Girls* Waitaki Girls' Otago Boys' £ 2,579 942 7,725 1,833 3,785 3,862 2,768 2,833 1,530 3,441 2,078 6,974 3,765 1,363 1,659 1,669 1,801 3,190 £ 2,618 910 6,970 2,040 3,517 3,564 2,713 2,485 1,635 2,927 2,122 5,577 3,240 1,564 1,804 1,658 1,614 2,910 £ 32 755 268 298 55 348 514 1,397 525 ii 187 280 £ £ 39 £ 2 3 10 207 ii 7 8 2 12 ios i.5 44 2 20 14 201 145 ii 9 1 10 9 The total income was £53,79' C3.929, or 6 per cent, of the incom 7, and the total oxpenditu te. •o £49,868, lei zving a profit over the eigh een hostels of

Provincial District. Secondary Schools. Amount. Total. Auckland Whangarei High Sohool Auokland Boys' and Girls' Grammar Schools .. Thames High Sohool Hamilton High Sohool Gisborne High School Rotorua (trust aocounk) £ S. d. 75 17 0 667 6 8 68 2 7 121 6 11 115 4 0 640 8 8 £ s. d. Taranaki 1,678 5 10 New Plymouth High Schools 1,130 17 3 1,130 17 8 Wellington Wellington Colleges Palmerston North High Schools Wanganui Girls' College Wairarapa 1,507 12 5 225 1 0 447 14 2 239 11 5 Hawke's Bay.. 2,419 19 0 Napier High Sohools Dannevirke High Sohool 1,496 12 3 520 8 1 Nelson 2,017 0 4 Nelson Colleges 377 18 7 Marlborough 377 18 7 Marlborough High Sohool 91 0 1 91 0 1 Westland Greymouth High Sohool Hokitika High School 101 19 1 53 4 6 155 3 7 Otago Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools Waitaki High Schools Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools Gore High School .. 491 13 1 208 5 8 262 4 4 95 3 2 1,057 6 3 Total 8,927 10 11


TABLE K12.—Lower Departments of Secondary Schools, 1923. —Average Attendance, Roll, Classification, and Staff.

DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS. Table L1.—School Attendance at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1923.

TABLE L2.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1923.


School. i 2d HHCH as" ?" Roll Number, !923- Olai j i „ m as Classification according to Stanc is P. 81. 82. S3. 84. Si G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. lards. 5. 88. I Totals. G. B. G. B. G. US 3,° 0 M. F. New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Gisborne High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Christchurch Girls' High School Timaru Boys' High School Waitaki Boys' High School 67 37 36 27 32 57 32 62 23 66 23 76J .. . .! 38 .. 39 16 12 36 .. .. 61 33 .. ..71 ..I 22 72 .. 24 .. i 5 i 6 6 3 4 ■■ 4 13 7 5 5 n .. . . 8 .. 10 2 '.'. .. 9 6 .. .-. 16 .. 3 8 .. 6 .. 33 46 18 3 11 10 7 2 io is 15 23 15 16 10 19 16 36 76 38 39 12 61 76 ; 38 i 39 : 28 86 61 33 71 22 72 24 1 i 2 2 2 o 3 2 3 16 i2 19 8 12 18 11 33 71 22 1 2 0 7 io 9 3 23 14 72 24 1 3 9 1 1 Totals.. 162 257 213 6 1 13 6 19 (I 30 33 56 62 LOO 89 257 243 500 7 14 J

Education District. h 2 fij H rj I" Roll Total. Number and Ages at 31st December. °J j.^™^,. Under ,,,, ,, ,, u ,. Over 10 13-14 14-1(1 15-16 ,1, ,,„.,„ nt i. ?IL. *«■»• Years. Years. **■■ «*■ ; Weekly uarters. Total. Mean of anceoi Average Pour Qi Attendlarters. Total. Hoys. Girls. " Auckland Wanganui Hawke's Bay Wellington Nelson Canterbury Otago Southland 22 6 5 9 3 13 9 1 874 108 214 409 100 045 369 39 I 17 106 238 301 212 : 470 502 3 20 63 47 29 80 97 2 18 70 58 00 120 113 (i 61 139 114 89 219 245 12 22 35 31 55 50 4 48 184 222 187 373 353 2 44 92 112 119 183 221 1 5 14 11 8 15 26 17 3 2 (i 972 177 239 464 105 720 404 41 429 71 118 205 51 339 1.70 13 452 87 106 226 46 318 203 24 8S1 158 224 431 117 657 373 37 4 2 1 Totals for 1923.. 68 2,818 35 35 320 822 900 741 .1,521 1,607 3,128 1,390 1,462 2,858 Totals for 1922.. 61 2,006 I!) 19 290 818 819 054 1,437 1,406 2,903 1,337 1,345 2,082 I )i (Terence (increase) 7 212 16 24 4 81 87 84 I 141 16 225 59 117 176

Number of Pupils taking Subjects. I'ercentagi Num B of Whole iber. Subject. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. English and arithmetic .. .. .. .... Geography, history, and civics .. Latin .. .. .. ... ... French Mathematics .. ... .. ... Chemistry and physics Botany Agricultural science .. Dairy-work Hygiene .. .. .. .. .. Domestic science .. Needlework and cookery Woodwork and metalwork Laundry-work .. Book-keeping and commercial work Shorthand and typewriting Drawing 1,334 1,486 1,334 1,480 186 .150 1,058 1,102 1,241 .1,320 800 840 130 188 883 411 461 341 84 297 361 948 764 95 163 262 67 154 • 189 201 100-0 100-0 13-9 79-3 93-0 00-4 10-2 00-2 33-5 0-3 100-0 100-0 101 78-2 89-2 56-5 12-0 27-6 23-0 20-0 24-3 63-8 57-3 12-2 5-0 141 6-4 18-3 10-3 13-5 Total number of pupils 1,334 1,480 100-0 100-0


TABLE L3.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1923.

3—B. 6.


Note. —In the column for " Position Secondary Department, and "R" Reliovin account of the charge of the secondary depa Two normal schools, although not dis regulations for training colleges. on Staff," (5), " H " means Head oi ig Assistant. In the case of the head jtment only is shown, strict high schools, have secondary de; : a School, " D " Assistant in the teacher the addition to salary on partments in accordance with the Average School. Attendance, 1923. Name of Teacher. PnolHnr. Annual Rate of Otertolfloa- iosltion Salary or tion. -l?i Allowance at End of Year. id L < 2 .) (3) ■ (*) (S) (6) Auckland- ■ Aratapu 29 Blakey, Prank K. Smith, William G. S. Jones, Griffith ll. Meredith, Charles dc Lambert, Ethel G. I'helan, Richard J. Barber, George . . Bell, Eric W. Davidson, George A. Callaway, Ronaid P. Scott, Charles E. Blyth, Doris Moore-Jones, Herbert J. Watkins, Leslie A. Hill, William H. .. Campbell, Donald R. F. O'Connor, Cornelius F. Crabbe, Norman J. Kidd, Henry L. . . Burton, Percy R. Crossman, Mabel R. Davis, Edna M. .. Taylor, George II. Wi'lks, Prank Sutton, Winifred E. Laing, Archibald M. McKenzie, James I. S. Day, Frederick C. Donnelly, William E. Lewins, William McHardie, Winifred E. Menzies, Isabel J. Boden, William J. Norman, Norah P. Bell, Elizabeth V. Walker, William R. C. Gavey, Annie L. .. Smith, Roy V. .. Burton, Alfred F. Walker, Spencerley Lehndorf, Chloc R. Ansehutz, Richard P. Carnachan, Robert White, Fergus G. Sibley, Henry 0. Bethell, Doris A. Bishopriok, Charles Audley, Ernest H. Fowler, Ella M. . . Smith, William Sims, Charles F. .. Morrison, Margaret A. Adams, Olga L. G. Elliott, Samuel D. Green, Bertram M. Baxter, Charlotte A. Wilkinson, Henry F. Ward, Frances V. J. (Mrs.) Willocks, Ada M. R. B B C C C H. D. H. D. I). R.D. II. I). II. I>. H. I). H. I). I). II. I). II. R.D. II. I). 1). II. D. I). H. I). H. I). H. I). I). II. 1). D. H. 1). I). H. H. D. I). H. I). I). I). 11. I). I). H. I). 1). I). I). H. I). H. D. I). £ a. d. 30 0 0 365 0 o 30 0 0 375 0 0 273 0 0 203 0 0 30 0 0 213 0 0 30 0 0 325 0 0 30 0 0 253 0 0 30 0 0 305 0 0 295 0 0 30 0 0 283 0 0 30 0 0 203 0 0 30 0 0 293 0 0 243 0 0 30 0 0 343 0 0 273 0 0 30 0 0 335 0 0 30 0 0 293 0 0 30 0 0 343 0 0 253 0 0 30 0 0 283 0 0 243 0 0 30 0 0 343 0 0 305 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 303 0 0 243 0 0 50 0 0 313 0 0 243 0 0 173 0 0 30 0 0 293 0 0 273 0 0 50 t) 0 343 0 0 283 0 0 213 0 0 173 0 0 30 0 0 213 0 0 30 0 0 293 0 0 293 0 0 Cambridge 51 Coromandel 23 (' Dargaville.. 29 D C V li I) A Lie. (' B B B (' B C C B B C I) c B B B B B A B B C B C B B B C B B Kaitaia 17 Matamata 43 Mori-insville 22 Ngatea 12 Opotiki 43 Paeroa 51 Piopio 24 Rawene 23 Rotorua .. 53 Taumarunui 54 Tauranga .. 55 Te Aroha .. Te Awamutu 20 50 Te Kuiti .. 70 Te Puke .. 30 C c B B B B Waihi 122 Warkworth c 19 Whakatane 40 B A B Wanganui— Bull's 11 Lewis, Percy G. .. Williams, Aile (Mrs.) Ironmonger, Edwin L. McNiven, Jessie I.E. Bates, Frederick A. Hall, Percy H. .. Roy, Rubina A. .. Hackell, Charlotte M. Blyth, Thomas A. Stephens, Emily E. Matthews, James Roberts, Charlotte E. Herd, William E. Yates, Otho M>. 10. A B I) B A D A B I) A D II. R.D. H. 1). H. I). I). D. H. I). H. I). II. D. Hunterville Marton Ohakune .. 18 07 19 30 0 0 213 0 0 30 0 0 293 0 0 30 0 0 375 0 0 263 0 0 205 0 0 30 0 0 243 0 0 30 0 0 213 0 0 30 0 0 325 0 0 Patea 17 Taihape .. 24 B A


TABLE L3-Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1923 — continued.


School. Average Attendance, 192S Name of Teacher. Classification. Position An " u 7 1 Ilate of on Salary or „ fa „ Allowance at End of Year. _(S) ((i) £ s. d. ii. 30 0 0 I). 303 0 0 K.I). 350 (I 0 I). 203 0 0 H. 30 0 0 I). 333 0 0 1>. 243 0 0 H. 30 0 0 I). 283 0 0 I). 273 0 0 H. 30 0 0 I). 313 II (I l>. 335 0 0 (II (2) (3) (4) Hawke's Bay— Waipa wt. .. 70 Gumming, Clyde A. Lockart, John A.. . 1 >ent, Marion McRae, Janet E. Curd, Frank B. . . Graoe, Eleanor A. Wimsctt, Arthur R. (). Robson, John T. Biokerton, William A. Hind, Helen M. .. Hewlett, Henry C. Oliver, Serbia R. Merrick, Francis S. '.'. I i B B B B c c C A B A A c Waipukurau 39 Wairoa 35 Woodville 11 Wellington— Carterton 49 Edie, John K. . . Col(|uhoun, Mary 11. < llson, Claude H. Lynskey, James H. Lazarus, Prances Wilson, Constance M. Combs, Prank L. Brown, Alexandra M. IVnham, Fanny K. (Mrs.) .. Nightingale, Henry J. Mather, Winifred M. Tamblyn, Joseph Sinclair, Mary A... McKay, Sophia A. F. ('. Browne, Maude .1. Koss. Reginald J. Marsh, John Armstrong, Beryl G. Milnes, Ruby ()'. Aplin, Grace M. .. Wilson, Henry L. Dale, Margaret J. Chatwin, George W. Edmed, Mildred C. Junker, Dorothy F, E. Bedinglield, Douglas S. McLeod, David Park, Jean G. Loftus, Mabel L'. .. Williams, Kate Gilford, Grace E,. . B B B li c B A l; B A B li B (' li B li B li li B li C (' li li B C li H. 50 0 0 l>. 333 0 0 I). 213 0 0 II. 30 0 0 D. 343 0 0 D. 243 0 0 II. 30 0 0 D. 343 0 0 D. 303 0 0 II. 30 0 0 I). 293 0 0 H. 30 0 0 I). 373 0 0 I). 293 0 0 1). 203 0 0 II. 50 0 0 I). 305 0 0 I). 283 0 0 l>. 215 0 0 I). 213 0 0 H. 30 0 0 D. 343 0 0 H. 30 0 0 D. 333 0 0 D. 293 0 0 II. 30 0 0 D. 375 0 0 D. 303 0 0 D. 225 0 0 II. 75 0 0 l>. 75 0 0 Kkctahuna 46 Featherston 27 Greytown 22 Hutt 67 Levin .. 91 Martinborough 2, Pahiatua 49 Petone 75 Nelson— Motueka 37 Banner, Oscar A. Cutforth, Leslie R. Hall, Walter J. . . Werry, Alfred E. Hopkirk, Susan M. Saunders, Ada A. Hiddleston, John F. ('. Bruce. Violet M. .. Barclay, Margaret :: | c c c c B c B G H. 30 0 0 I). 325 0 0 I). 253 0 0 H. :i() o () D. 333 0 0 D. 213 0 0 H. 30 0 0 I). 273 0 0 R.I). 233 0 0 Keefton .. 47 Takaka Lower II Canterbury— Akaroa 15 Christchurch West . . Fairlie 211 28 Hall, Charles Donnelly, Thos. li. .1. Waller, Francis D. Allard. Charles W. Barrel 1 , Arthur F. Mayne, Arthur ,1. Kinlayson, Annie ('. Broadhead, Ellen Reese, Marion Marriott, Gladys E. ('uniing, Samuel R. McKen/.ic, Gordon M. Wilson, James R. Wills, Kathleen P. Piper, Frank Farnie, Dorothy C. Farnie, Winifred C. Irvine, Thomas Niven, James Mayne, Helga M... Parham, Bayard Aitken, lsoh'el .M. Warner, Fred S. H. Holmes. Catherine 0. •■ i i C li B li A B A C li B li C li B I) B A A A C li (' H. 30 0 0 R.I). 1S5 (I 0 H. 50 0 0 D. 405 0 0 I). 435 0 (I I). 343 0 0 D. 343 0 0 B.D. 165 0 0 D. 313 0 0 I). 303 0 0 I) 243 0 0 l>. 233 0 0 H. 30 0 0 D. 323 0 0 H. 30 0 0 D. 343 0 0 D. 253 0 0 H. 50 0 0 I). 353 0 0 D. 283 0 0 li.D. 165 0 0 203 0 0 H. 30 0 0 D. 213 0 0 Goraldine 54 Hokitika 63 Kaikoura 20



TABLE L3.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1923 — continued.

School. Average Attendance, 1923. Name of Teacher. <£) Classifi cation. (4) Position on Staff. Annual Rate ol Salary or Allowance at End of Year. (6) (D (2) (S) (anterbury— continued. Lyttelton 36 Walker, Joseph W. A. Moyle, Mary A. .. Gunn, Hellen ('. W. Asehman, Christopher T. .. Irwin. James W. Osborn, Mabel E. Denne, Archibald H. Somerset, H ugh C. D. Eggleton, William C, Kirby, Harold A. Malcolm, Robert A. Arnold, Clarence B. Mansell, Joan McLcod, John Laing, Thomas Olliver, Margaret L, Borrie, Margaret A. c B B 0 A B C .; I) B B . . B C B B A B H. D. 1). H. D. I). H. R.D. H. I). II. I). I). H. I). !>. I). £ s. d. 30 0 0 333 0 0 283 0 0 Normal 36 475 0 0 323 0 0 30 0 0 203 0 0 30 0 0 243 0 0 30 0 0 365 0 0 243 0 0 50 0 0 393 0 0 313 0 0 253 0 0 Oxford Easl 14 Southbridge 22 Temuka 45 Waimate . . 82 OtagoAlexandra. , 57 Meohaelis, William R. Holmes, Mary Stokes, Gertrude M. E. Hunter, Robert R. Paterson, Janet Woodhead, Mona Somei-ville, Airini 1. Darton, Henry L. Matheson, Norman M. Blyth, Douglas R. Moir, John H. Bressey, Florence F. Kenyon, Helen M. Goldsmith, Alice E. Chesnoy, Andrew McLean, Sheila L, Rodger, William Burn, David W. M. Searle, Irena E. Booth, George F. Sinclair, Agnes Burns, William G. Buchan, James W. A. Bowie, John Yardley, Mary H. Robertson, Mary i. M. A. . . B B B B B 1) c c B A B I) 1) B B B li C c A B A c II. D. I). H. I). R.D. 1). R.H. I). I). H. D. I). D. H. R.D. H, I). I). H. 1). H. D. H. I). I). 30 0 0 323 0 0 263 0 0 50 0 0 303 0 0 185 0 0 173 0 0 Balclutha . ■ 85 Lawrence 29 345 0 0 253 0 0 Normal 52 393 0 0 323 0 0 243 0 0 30 0 0 145 0 0 30 0 0 385 0 0 243 0 0 30 0 0 333 0 0 30 0 0 293 0 0 30 0 0 283 0 0 253 0 0 Owaka 20 Palmerston 40 Port Chalmers 23 Tapanui 26 Tokomairiro 46 Southland — Riverton 37 Rae, Duncan M. Mclntyre, Robert A. M. . Templeton, Mary F. A C H. D. D. 30 0 (I 295 0 0 243 0 0 £38,797 0 0


3. STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS OF GOVERNING BODIES OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. WHANGAREI HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 3 Ist December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. . . 16 I 2 Proportion of oilice salaries .. .. 20 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Valuation fees . . .. . . 6 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 309 18 4 Advertising .. .. .. .. 1 10 0 Revenue from secondary-education reserves 125 18 2 Preparing plans .. .. .. 10 10 0 Interest on loan .. . . . . 120 0 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 4 9 0 Road outlet to school-site .. .. 9 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 16 13 11 Rates . , . . . . 50 10 0 Clearing and fencing new school-site . . 97 19 4 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 114 18 11 £451 17 8 £451 17 8 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account i— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 75 10 0 Additions to hostel .. .. .. 226 0 0 Government grant for addition to hostel .. 220 0 0. Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 75 10 0 £301 10 0 . £301 10 0 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :— By transfer from General Account .. 2 2 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 2 2 0 £2 2 0 £2 2 0 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding fees .. .. ..2,355 2 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 222 9 9 Sports subscriptions .. .. .. 26 15 6' Proportion of office expenses .. .. 86 12 11 Sale of old material .. .. .. 0 10 4 Provisions . . .. .. ..1,1211910 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 119 16 8 Fuel, light, &o. .. .. .. 162 3 2 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 531 5 I Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 265 9 6 Water-supply .. .. . . 15 3 4 Insurance, rates &c. .. .. .. 14 1.1 0 Printing, &o. .. .. .. 2!) 5 5 Refund of boarding fees .. . . 10 .13 4 Refund of sports fees .. .. .. 26 15 6 Other expenses .. .. .. 15 15 8 £2,502 4 6 £2,502 4 6 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 355 15 9 teachers .. .. .. .. 4,102 13 3 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,961 4 9 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 456 17 11 , penses .. .. .. .. 715 0 0 Material for manual and science instruction 44 14 7 Government capitation for manual and Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 22 0 0 science instruction .. .. .. 52 17 6 Interest on overdraft incurred on this School fees .. .. .. 199 5 0 account .. .. .. .. 24 11 0 Kerr Scholarship .. .. .. 25 0 0 Refund of school fees. . .. .. 17 10 0 Sale of material .. .. . . 13 3 0 Transfer, Technical Instruction Account 2 2 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 . . .. 223 2 9 £5,107 18 9 £5,107 18 9 Statement of Amounts due lo Board and, of Liabilities as at 31st December, .1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due lo Board. £ s. d. Purchase road-outlet, new site .. .. 150 0 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 59 5 0 Principal of loans .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Hostels Account—Boarding fees .. .. 34 0 0 Hostels Account—Groceries, &o. .. .. 31 0 0 Secondary General Account—Fees .. 22 10 0 Secondary General Account — Balance, current account .. .. 293 15 0 Travelling-oxpenses .. .. .. 10 6 Rates .. .. . . .. 48 16 6 Prizes .. .. .. .. 15 16 3 Stationery .. . . .. .. 110 0 Bank overdraft . . .. .. 17 1 1 £2,271 14 4 £409 0 0




AUCKLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments IncomeJAccount : — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested In Proportion of office salaries .. .. 51.0 19 I Board .. .. .. .. 9,889 6 6 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 441 4 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Repairs .. . . .. .. 575 13 8 serves .. .. .. .. 1,176 011 Insurance .. .. .. .. 126 12 4 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Rates .. . . .. .. 722 5 3 ments .. .. .. .. 310 9 4 Interest on mortgages .. .. 55 0 0 Legal expenses .. .. .. 55 510 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 9 17 6 t Transfers to other accountsGeneral Account, for repairs to buildings .. . . .. .. 740 15 8 Buildings and Sites Account .. 8,144 8 10 £11,382 2 8 £11,382 2 8 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 6,318 15 0 Purchase of other lands .. .. 1,395 0 (I Moneys derived from sale of endowments 2,710 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923.. .. 7,033 15 0 £9,028 15 0 £9,028 15 0 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Government grants for new buildings, &o. — Balance, 31st December, 1922 . . .. 3,650 3 0 Mount Albert School .. .. 1,300 0 0 New buildings, grounds, furniture, apEpsom additions .. .. .. 100 0 0 paratus, &o. (Mount Albert, £1,381 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- 12s. 6d. ; Mount Eden, £51 7s. 6d. ; count .. .. .. .. 8,144 8 10 Epsom, £211 19s. Od. ; Howe Street, £142 ss. Id.) .. .. .. 1,787 4 1 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 1,000 0 0 Interest on loans for buildings .. .. 21 15 6 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. ..3,085 6 0 £9,544 8 10 £9,544 8 10 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : — Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 20,794 4 1 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 557 14 11 Incidental oxpenses .. .. .. 5,320 0 0 Government payment for salaries of Government capitation for manual and teachers .. .. .. .. 28,445 14 5 science instruction .. .. 457 5 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 4,925 18 5 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Material for manual and science ins true - poses .. .. .. .. 183 9 3 tion .. .. .. .. 129 0 1 School fees.. .. .. .. 1,192 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 414 18 3 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Insurance .. .. .. .. 325 17 5 count .. .. .. .. 740 15 8 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 6,111 9 6 £34,799 3 6 £34,799 3 6 Statement of Amounts due lo Board oral of Liabilities as (tl 31st December. 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ ». d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 549 2 3 Rents accrued and not paid . . .. 419 13 (i Contractors' deposits ... .. .. 65 0 0 Grants due from Government— War bursaries .. .. .. 2 10 0 Science and manual . . .. .. 506 0 6 Various trust accounts.. .. .. 491 0 6 War bursaries .. .. .. 2 10 0 .. .. .. 310 0 Subsidy .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Secondary General Account — Fees ' .. .. .. .. 2 0 0 Salaries due from Department .. 8,737 11 3 Investments .. .. .. .. 4,935 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 228 18 0 £1,111 8 9 £14,881 13 3



THAMES HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year rinded 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Board 621 2 4 Proportion of office salaries .. 75 0 0 Revenue from secondary-education reserves 58 5 9 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 512 10 Goldfields revenue .. .. 62 3 6 Travelling-expenses, improvements, &c. .. 44 210 Auckland education reserves .. .. 32 17 8 Transfer, New Building Account .. .. 677 12 8 Royalty on metal . . . . 88 5 9 Transfer to General Account, for repairs .. 100 7 5 Thames Rent Account .. .. .. 46 0 9 £908 15 9 £908 15 9 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 342 7 I Grounds improvement .. .. 24 12 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account 677 12 8 Interest, power-station property purchase.. 90 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 253 5 8 Purchase of desks .. .. . . 45 2 5 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 437 7 11 Interest on loans for buildings .. .. 230 0 11 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 192 16 (i £1,019 19 9 • £1,019 .1.9 9 Adams Memorial Trust Account :— Adams Memorial Trust Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. ..52 5 3 Balance, 31st December, 1923, Post Office Interest .. .. .. ..220 Savings-bank .. .. 54 7 9 £54 7 9 £54 7 9 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— . count :— Government payment for salaries of Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 2,659 4 5 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,213 2 3 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 325 15 4 Government payment for incidental ex- Maintenance (including material) of penses . . .. .. . . 3.15 0 0 | classes for manual instruction . . 7 9 1 Government capitation for manual and Maintenance of buildings .. .. 95 3 0 science instruction .. .. 47 I 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 1145 School fees.. . . . . . . 69 2 0 Voluntary contributions for general purposes .. . . .. . . 55 6 11 Refund of amount expended on conveyance of scholars, 1921 .. .. 48 10 6 Law-costs paid .. .. .. 0 8 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account Repairs .. .. 100 7 5 £3,098 16 3 [ £3,098 16 3 Statement of Amounts due lo Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sites, Borough Council .. .. 2,000 0 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 1,063 411 Principal of loans, Government Insurance 4,104 3 4 Drainage contributions .. .. 47 0 0 Interest on loans, Borough Council . . 30 0 0 Secondary General Account — Secondary General Account —Sundry ao- Fees .. . . .. . . 14 0 0 counts . . .. . . . . 66 15 6 Salaries due from Department .. 194 9 9 Adams Memorial Trust Account . . 54 7 9 Incidentals.. .. .. .. 105 0 0 Voluntary Contributions Account—Amount Subsidy on voluntary contributions due by owing for piano purchase . , .. 90 0 0 Department, .. .. .. 45 0 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 51 1 8 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 54 7 9 £6,396 8 3 £1,523 2 5 ; ,:--.■; -„i. — ; * ' n.—TB an--'i - r~l



HAMILTON UlCl! SCHOOL BOAED. General Statement of Accounts foe tih-: Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. ' Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Transfer to General Account, for repairs to Board .. .. .. .. 52 0 0 I buildings, &o, .. .. .. 247 2 5 Revenue from secondary-education reserves 195 17 11 Transfer to Buildings and Sites Capital , Account .. .. .. .. 015 1) £247 17 11 £247 17 11 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Architect's fees, proposed new hostel .. 200 0 0 Architect's fees and expenses .. .. 220 0 0 Transfer from General Account .. ..101 6 1 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 82 1 7 Endowments Income Account .. .. 0 15 6 £302 1 7 £302 1 7 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding fees .. .. .. .. 903 10 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 26 0 0 Refunds .. . . .. .. 10 9 5 Provisions .. .. .. .. 297 12 0 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 59 17 9 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 199 1 9 Repairs to buildings . . .. .. 20 8 9 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 23 16 5 Sundry expenses .. . . .. 234 4 5 Balance .. .. .. .. 78 18 4 £913 19 5 £913 19 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 445 13 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,510 511 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 950 6 10 teachers .. .. .. .. 5,423 17 7 War bursaries .. .. ~ 7 10 0 Government payment for incidental ex- Maintenance of buildings .. . . 331 19 6 penses .. .. .. •• 956 13 4 Donation, piano fund, &'o, .. .. 14 10 0 Government capitation for classes for Rates and taxes .. .. .. 12 7 1 manual instruction.. .. .. 103 16 5 Refund of fees, &c. .. .. .. 13 3 4 Sohool fees .. .. .. . . 159 9 0 Transfer to Buildings and Sites Account 101 6 1 Prize Fund, £11 lis.; donation, Piano Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 454 6 7 Fund, £10 10s. .. . . .. 22 1 0 War bursaries, £13 15s. ; refund salaries, £13 3s. 4d. .. .. .. 26 18 4 Refunds .. .. .. .. 10 4 9 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. 247 2 5 £7,395 15 10 £7,395 15 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board ami of Liabilities as al 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. £ a. d. Mil. Hostols Account —Boarding fees . . .. 39 10 0 Secondary General Account — Fees ' .. .. 32 11 0 Salaries, &c... .. .. .. 152 1 I Incidentals .. .. .. .. 01 o 8 Balance due for maintenance of buildings 90 2 I Balance, current account , . . . 533 4 11 £848 5 9 NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement op Accounts for the Yeab ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account ; — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 435 5 4 Proportion of office expenses . . .. 50 () o Current income from reserves vested in Law expenses .. . . .. 37 2 6 Board .. .. .. .. 913 10 4 Transfers to— Revenue from secondary-education re- General Account— serves .. .. .. .. 1,097 18 7 Repairs to building .. .. 192 7 8 Salaries, &c. .. .. .. 435 5 4 Laboratories . . .. .. 62 12 9 Rates, rent, and insurances .. 164 19 2 Prizes .. .. .. .. 43 5 0 Buildings and Sites Account — School furniture .. .. 123 1 4 Principal and interest repaid .. 1,338 0 0 £2,446 14 3 £2,440 14 3



NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD- continued. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923— continued. Receipts. Payments. Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Builijings and Sites Capital Account :— £ s. d. Government grants— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 823 10 (i Furniture .. .. .. 186 11 0 Purchase of school furniture .. .. 186 11 0 Repairs .. .. .. .. 114 10 0 New buildings, additions, furniture, apLoans raised for buildings .. .. 3,000 0 0 paratus, &c. — Transfers from Endowments Income Building laundry .. .. .. 1,441 2 0 Account— Building class-rooms .. .. 1,389 4 0 School furniture .. .. .. 123 1 4 Repairs, Strandon .. .. 114 10 0 Interest and principal .. .. 1,338 0 0 School furniture .. .. .. 133 15 7 Balance. 31st December, 1923 .. 070 12 6 Office furniture .. .. .. 6 10 Principal of loans repaid . . .. 707 0 0 Interest on loans for buildings .. 631 0 0 £5,432 14 10 • £5,432 14 10 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 440 5 2 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 1,020 0 0 Sohool fees .. .. .. 1,150 2 6 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 251 (i 3 Prizes .. '.. .. .. 7 8 3 Rent of buildings . . .. . . 50 0 0 Rates, insurance, &c. .. .. 2 19 0 Transfer to Preparatory Building Account, 100 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 158 14 2 £1,590 7 8 £1,590 7 8 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account ;— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 837 2 10 Proportion of office expenses . . .. 79 3 0 Boarding fees .. .. .. 9,102 2 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 3,415 14 8 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 2,281 11 6 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 825 14 7 Sales, farm stock .. .. ... 22 4 0 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 583 17 4 Refunds of tradesmen's accounts .. 28 0 4 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 2,231 16 8 Grazing lent .. .. .. 17 10 8 Furniture, utensils, &c. ... .. 476 10 1 Refunds .. .. .. .. 52 13 1 Repairs to buildings .. .. .182 13 0 Insurance, rates, interest, &0... .. 501 18 6 Advances to boarders, and refunds .. 2,176 16 10 Other expenses .. .. .. 313 12 0 Farm expenditure .. .. .. 692 9 1 Tradesmen .. .. . . 17 9 3 Girls' shelter .. .. .. 120 1 9 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 723 13 2 £12,341 10 5 £12,341 10 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : — Government payment for salaries of Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 7,506 3 4 teachers.. .. .. .. 6,709 19 7 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,067 11 9 Government payment for incidental Material for classes for manual and expenses .. .. .. 1,182 11 8 science instruction .. .. 117 15 7 Government capitation for manual and Scholarships and bursaries .. . . 17 10 0 science instruction .. .. 113 19 4 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 192 7 8 School fees .. .. .. 450 4 3 Rates and taxes .. . . .. 104 19 2 War bursaries .. .. .. 17 10 0 Memorial prizes .. .. .. 3 11 7 Girls'school concert .. .. 15 0 0 Gully improvements.. .. .. 19 3 7 Memorial, interest .. . . .. 3 9 1 Prizes .. .. . . .. 43 5 0 Transfers from Endowments Income Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 258 16 2 Account— Salaries .. .. .. .. 435 5 4 Laboratories and classes .. .. 62 12 9 Rents, rates, and insurances .. 164 19 2 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 192 7 8 Prizes .. .. .. .. 43 5 6 £9,391 4 4 £9,391 4 4 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. I Amounts due, lo Board. £ s. d. Rents paid in advance .. .. 156 13 11 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 280 10 11 Principal of loans .. .. .. 12,288 15 6 Interest accrued and not paid .. .. 138 1 6 Interest on loans .. .. .. 301 10 0 Lower-department fees .. .. 40 0 0 Hostels Account — Hostels Account — Sundry creditors .. .. .. 387 3 1 Boarding fees .. .. ... 149 18 2 Strandon shelters .. .. .. 275 8 6 Advances to boarders .. .. 388 10 4 Bequests .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 j Secondary General Account — Contractors' deposits .. .. .. 10 0 0 Fees ' .. .. .. .. 38 10 0 Salaries due from Department .. 91 14 0 Incidentals . . .. .. 18 4 Investments .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 470 11 0 £13,494 11 0 | £1,674 10 9


WANGANUI GIRLS' COLLEGE BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December., 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,365 8 11 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 25 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 15 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 1,184 1 9 Miscellaneous travelling-expenses .. 100 Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to — serves . . .. .. .. 207 4 0 New Building Account .. . . 771 7 4 General Account— For repairs to buildings .. .. 875 1 3 For salaries .. .. .. 825 3 4 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 244 3 3 £2,750 15 2 £2,756 15 2 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant for alterations and Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 875 0 10 additions .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 j New buildings, additions, and furniture 937 5 2 Interest (Alexander bequest) .. .. 60 0 0 Interest on loans for new site .. 250 14 4 Rent (new site) .. .. .. 5 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 777 7 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 771 7 4 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 4 0 0 £2,840 7 4 £2,840 7 4 Lower Department Account:— Lower Department Account: — Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 310 0 4 ! Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 398 6 8 School fees .. .. .. 530 15 0 j Incidental expenses .. .. .. 154 16 9 Stationery fees .. .. .. 29 15 0 Rates, insurance, refunds, &c. .. 9 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 ... 308 6 11 £870 10 4 £870 10 4 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 4,892 9 7 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 165 8 9 Boarding fees .. .. ..4,920 15 0 Provisions.. .. .. .. 1,987 11 7 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,058 12 5 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 4ISI 8 11 Insurance of boarders'effects .. 10 12 6 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 1,169 17 4 Books, &c., sold .. .. .. 70 12 7 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 168 18 9 Sundries .. .. .. .. 8 15 8 Repairs to buildings .. .. 520 0 9 Insurance, rates, interest, &c. .. 31 3 6 Ad vances to boarders . . .. 1,35219 4 Books, &o. .. .. .. 88 2 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 243 9 7 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 5,372 17 3 £11,567 17 9 £11.567 17 9 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 3,088 5 8 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,125 15 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,042 9 4 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 808 11 9 penses .. .. .. . . 593 15 0 Maintenance classes for manual ins t rueGovernment capitation for manual and tion .. .. .. .. 155 9 9 technical instruction .. .. 74 4 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 777 14 8 School fees .. .. .. 204 12 0 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 38 7 1. Refunds from pupils .. .. 8 0 0 Music department . . .. .. 953 1 1 Music department .. .. .. 1,319 2 9 Part-time teachers .. .. .. 220 11 8 Sundry fees .'. .. ■■ 497 13 0 Pew rents, &c. .. .. .. 261 3 1 Miscellaneous and prizes .. .. 60 10 0 Maintenance of equipment .. .. 27 15 2 Interest (Alexander bequest, part) .. 30 0 0 Miscellaneous and prizes .. .. 218 2 3 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Transfer to Contractors' Deposit Account 40 2 0 count — For repairs to buildings .. .. 875 1 3 For teachers' salaries .. .. 825 3 4 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 3,017 10 4 £9,631 13 0 £9,631 13 6 Contractors' Deposit Account :— i Contractors' Deposit Account :— Transfer from Secondary Department Refunds contractors' deposits .. .. 58 16 0 General Account .. .. .. 40 2 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 127 0 0 Contractors'deposits .. .. .. 145 14 0 £185 10 0 £185 10 0

4—E. 6.




WANGANUI GIRLS' COLLEGE BOARD— continued. Statement, of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Building and Sites Account,— Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 42 4 9 Government grant .. .. .. 1,592 710 Rents (reserves vested in Board) .. 266 19 0 Principal of loans .. .. .. 3,856 19 7 Buildings and Sites Account— Interest on loans .. .. .. 83 11 4 Rents due, new site .. .. .. 3 110 Hostels Account— Interest accrued and not paid . . 25 0 0 Advances by parents .. .." 44 18 0 Advanced on mortgage .. .. 1,000 0 0 Sundry accounts unpaid .. .. 50 4 10 Subsidy due .. .. .. 500 0 0 Secondary General Account— Lower Department Account — Refund fee .. .. .. 0 2 6 Fees .. .. .. .. 9 15 11 Sundry accounts unpaid .. .. 86 19 11 Stationery fees .. .. .. 0 15 0 Hostels Account — Boarding fees .. .. . . 34 16 2 Advances to boarders .. .. 121 0 7 Outstanding boarders' expenses .. 175 0 0 Secondary Genera! Account — Fees '.. .. .. .. 800 Salaries due from Department .. 27 2 7 Incidentals due from Department, .. 710 0 Manual classes capitation .. .. 77 3 0 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 34 5 8 Interest accrued and not paid .. 12 10 0 Advanced on mortgage in anticipation of subsidy .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Outstanding fees .. .. .. 100 0 0 Balance, Post Office Savings-bank .. 3,182 4 1 £5,715 4 0 £6,757 18 3 PALMERSTON NORTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account : — Revenue from secondary-education re- £ s. d. Transfers to,— £ s, d. serves (administered by Land Boards) 403 7 4 General Account, for repairs to buildings, and insurance .. .. 194 4 3 Hostels Account, for interest .. 138 0 0 Buildings and Sites Account, for hostel grounds .. .. .. 59 15 4 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 11 7 9 £403 7 4 £403 7 4 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant for furniture .. 82 10 0 lis lance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 889 17 7 Voluntary contributions for new build- Hostel, Boys' High School .. .. 151 18 6 ings, &c. —Memorial library .. .. 28 10 0 Memorial Library Account, Boys' High Transfer from Endowment Account .. 59 15 4 School .. .. .. .. 28 10 0 General Account .. .. .. 165 3 8 Buildings and furniture, (Jills' High School 100 4 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 945 1 5 Apparatus and furniture, Boys' High School 51 0 0 Grounds, hostel .. .. .. 59 15 4 £1,281 6 5 £1,281 0 5 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 20 14 3 Provisions .. .. .. 937 10 4 Boarding fees .. .. .. 2,246 10 0 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 246 11 3 Refund of advances to boarders .. 448 10 11 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 034 11 8 Refund .. .. .. .. 2 2 0 Furniture, utensils, &o. . . . . 971 2 1 Government loan, furnishing .. .. 300 0 0 Repairs to buildings .. . . .. 48 17 8 Loans .. .. .. .. 050 0 0 Insurance, rates, interest, &c. .. .. 31 7 0 Transfers on loan from Endowments In- Advances to boarders. . .. .. 475 15 9 come Account .. .. .. 138 0 0 Interest on loans .. .. . . 151 14 7 Other expenses .. .. . . 19 8 9 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 294 18 1 £3,811 17 8 £3,811 17 8 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count : — Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. . .. 29 17 7 Teaohers' salaries and allowances .. 7,525 1 8 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,122 6 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 7,618 1 9 Maintenance (including material) of classes Government payment for incidental ex- for manual instruction . . .. 155 15 1 penses .. .. .. .. 1,287 10 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 113 13 0 Government capitation for classes for Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 80 10 9 manual instruction.. .. .. 123 2 0 Interest on overdraft incurred on this School fees .. .. .. 397 0 0 account .. .. .. .. 35 17 0 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 34 1 2 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 6 0 0 Transfers from Endowments Account — Transfer to Buildings Account. . .. 165 3 8 Repairs and insurance .. ... 194 4 3 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 479 9 3 £9,683 17 3 £9,083 17 3 gri-~r-' in c ■- . . ii... M.. —i—


PALMERSTON NORTH HIGH SOHOOL BOARD—continued. Statement of Amounts due lo Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due lo Board. Hostel-site .. .. .. .. 2,300 0 0 Buildings and Sites Account—Memorial £ s. d. Hostels Account—Sundry creditors .. 38 9 0 library .. .. .. .. 22 2 6 Secondary General Account—Sundry creditors 44 I 0 Hostels Account— Unprcsonted cheques .. .. .. 102 4 9 Boarding fees .. .. .. 184 5 0 Advances to boarders.. .. .. 147 0 8 Secondary General Account— Fees . . .. . . . , 24 0 0 Salaries due from Department . . .. 55 3 0 Reserves revenue, Deoember quarter .. 84 0 3 Manual capitation . . . . . . 134 0 4 Accrued interest . . .. .. 000 Investments .. .. .. .. 400 0 (I Fixed deposits.. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 59 11 6 £2,484 14 9 £1,266 3 9 GISBORNE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. 1 'aymenls. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 1,254 3 1 Proportion of offico salaries and expenses 75 0 0 Current income from resorvos vested in Additional allowance, 1922 .. .. 30 13 4 Board .. .. .. .. 3,521 0 7 Legal charges, valuation, and auctioneerAmount received under Thomson's lease 500 0 0 ing fees .. .. .. .. 33 19 2 Revenue from secondary education re- Transfer to —■ serves .. .. .. .. 115 4 7 General Account — For repairs to buildings .. .. 157 0 1 For salaries .. .. .. 2,175 8 1 Buildings and Sites Account— Adjustment, 1922 .. .. 1,209 0 0 Interest and instalments .. . . 977 15 0 Authorized works and new furniture 575 0 7 Hostel Account —Authority for painting 150 0 0 £5,390 8 3 £5,390 8 3 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Transfers from Endowments Income Ac- Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 9 0 0 count — Purchase of sites adjustment, 1922 .. 1,200 0 0 Adjustment Account, 1922 .. .. 1,209 0 0 Authorized work and architect's fees .. 508 1 1 Authorized works and furniture .. 575 0 7 New furniture .. .. .. 67 5 6 Interest, &o. .. .. .. 977 15 0 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 977 15 0 £2,762 1 7 £2,762 1 7 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 966 2 2 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 314 3 4 School fees .. .. ■ • •. 382 10 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 54 14 9 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 93 3 11 Rates, insurance, &c... .. .. 5 19 1 Balance, 31st Docember, 1923 .. .. 880 11 1 £1,348 12 2 £1,348 12 2 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 4,232 9 6 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 740 10 6 Refunds of advances to boardors .-. 918 13 9 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 40 19 11 Refunds .. .. •• ■• 5155 Provisions .. .. .. .. 1,388 8 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 353 14 5 count—Painting girls' hostel .. 150 0 0 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 200 0 0 Balance, 31st Decomber, 1923 .. .. 264 10 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 1,206 5 9 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 176 13 6 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 250 4 7 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. .. 105 8 3 Advances to boarders.. .. .. 1,034 1 8 Other expenses .. .. .. 75 1 9 £5,571 8 8 £5,571 8 8 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. ~ 234 10 3 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,215 19 6 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 629 6 4 teachers .. .. •■ ..2,291115 Material for classes for manual and science Government payment for incidental ex- instruction .. .. .. 6 0 3 penses .. •. • • ■ • 985 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 96 18 7 Government capitation for manual and Rates and insurance .. .. .. 60 7 6 science instruction .. .. .. 46 6 0 Other insurance .. .. .. 17 110 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 20 0 0 Account paid in error.. .. .. 0 6 0 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Refund of donation to memorial baths .. 50 0 0 poses * .. .. • • . • 20 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 402 14 3 School fees .. .. .. .. 531 0 0 Labour on grounds .. .. . • 1 15 6 Adjustments, 1922 .. .. .. 16 3 5 Transfer from Endowments Income Account— For salaries .. •• •• 2,175 8 1 Maintenance, buildings .. .. 157 0 1 £0,479 0 9 £0,479 0 9



GISBORNE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD— continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. A mounts due lo Board, £ s. d. Endowments Income Account .. .. 317 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 69 12 9 Principal of loans .. .. .. 5,058 15 0 Lower-department fees .. .. .. 7 0 0 llnslels Account — Hostels Account Mr. Footo .. .. .. 200 0 0 Boarding fees .. . . .. 273 15 6 Miss Stewart —Imprest .. .. 31 11 0 Advances to boarders.. .. .. 591 3 8 Current accounts .. .. ;. 101 9 4 Secondary General Account — Secondary General Account— Fees .. .. .. .. 8 10 0 Fees overpaid .. .. .. 7 0 0 Salaries due from Department .. .. 70 7 3 Current accounts .. .. . . 34 2 9 Science classes .. .. .. 63 18 9 Rhinesmith Prize Trust Account.. .. 2 15 3 Secondary-education reserves, December Office rent .. .. .. .. 217 2 quarter .. .. .. .. 26 14 8 Investments .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 966 3 1 Cash on hand .. .. .. .. 55 7 6 £5,442 8 0 £2,182 13 2 NAPIER HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account ;— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 10 18 3 Board .. . . .. .. 419 12 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 5 6 9 Revenue from secondary-education re- Legal expenses .. .. .. 10 0 serves .. .. .. .. 1,291 10 7 Valuation fees .. .. .. 20 18 3 Interest from moneys derived from en- Transfers to — dowments .. .. .. 230 2 9 . General Account — For repairs to buildings .. .. 847 14 2 Buildings and Sites Account .. 1,055 8 5 £1,941 5 10 £1,941 5 10 ,11r—''i , — , i r 1 Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Transfers from— Rents of school-site .. .. .. 211 12 0 Hostels Account .. .. .. 120 5 2 Additions, alterations, &c.— Endowments Income Account .. 1,055 8 5 School .. .. •. .. 318 17 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Hostel .. .. .. ~ 150 14 0 count .. .. .. .. 2,747 8 3 Furniture, equipment—School .. 308 9 6 Fencing and improving new school-site 2,933 9 4 £3,923 1 10 £3,923 1 10 Lower Department Account : —■ Lower Department Account :■ — Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 11l 7 10 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 827 1 1 School fees .. .. .. 973 11 0 incidental expenses .. .. .. 198 3 2 Interest on deposit .. .. .. 25 10 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 4 18 6 Scliool Journals, £9 os. 5d.; prizes, £18 15s. 2d. .. .. .. .. 27 15 7 Investments .. .. .. ] 10 6 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 51 0 6 £1,110 9 4 £1,110 9 4 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 204 1 4 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 388 19 7 Boarding fees .. .. .. 0,184 14 1 Provisions .. .. .. .. 2,157 18 6 Refund of advances to boarders .. 893 10 1 Fuel, light. &.c. .. .. .. 410 11 4 Sales of stationery .. .. .. 716 8 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 10 0 0 Interest on fixed deposit .. .. 11 1 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 1,573 10 7 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 1 10 5 Furniture, utensils, Ac. .. .. 150 310 Repairs to buildings .. ~ 143 13 11 I nsurance, rates, &c. .. .. 09 8 0 Advances to boarders .. .. 934 14 2 Caretaking, cleaning, &o. .. .. 133 9 8 Investments .. .. .. 503 1 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 118 0 3 Transfer to Buildings Capital Account 120 5 2 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 583 9 1 £7,303 5 7 £7,303 5 7




NAPIER HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD continued. General Statement ok Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923 — continued. Receipts. Payments. Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— £ s. d. count : — £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 19 12 7 Teachers salaries and allowances .. 6,759 1 2 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 795 13 10 teachers .. .. .. .. 6,287 19 2 Maintenance of classes for manual in(lnvernment payment for incidental ex- struction.. .. .. .. 42 12 10 penses .. .. .. .. 1,097 10 0 Voluntary Contributions Account .. 228 10 9 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of buildings .. . . 847 14 2 manual instruction .. .. 114 13 8 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 215 17 2 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 2 18 0 Contractors'deposits .. .. 45 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 272 9 8 Stationery, games, and miscellaneous fees 1,527 17 8 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Investments, cash deposits .. .. 2,550 14 5 poses (not new buildings) .. .. 851 7 5 ■ Girls' magazine, £67 2s. 6d. ; prizes, Rents of reserves .. .. .. 1,077 0 0 £72 os. Bd. .. .. .. 139 3 2 Fees, stationery, games, &c. .. .. 1,730 18 11 Transfers to Buildings and Sites Account 2,747 8 3 Interest on deposits, £30 7s. 3d. ; miscellaneous, £78 6s. 6d. .. .. 114 13 9 Sales of badges .. .. .. 16 14 0 Donations .. .. .. .. 45 16 .9 Fixed deposit matured .. .. 500 0 0 Contractors' deposits .. .. 80 0 0 Voluntary contributions for new buildings 2,000 0 0 Transfers from Endowments Account .. 847 14 2 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 840 11 4 £15,899 19 5 £15,899 19 5 Statement of Amounts due lo Board and of Liabilities us at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. I Amounts due to Board, £ s. d. Hostels Account —Sundry creditors .. 29 910 I Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 403 1 4 Voluntary contributions .. .. 3,030 8 1 I Interest accrued and not paid .. .. 81 4 3 Music fees, stationery, and games .. 261 910 Miscellaneous.. .. .. .. (il 14 6 Contractors' deposits .. .. .. 35 0 0 Lower department fees .. .. 42 6 0 Schools current account overdrawn .. 789 10 10 Hostels Account — Boarding fees .. .. .. 112 10 1 Advances to boarders .. .. 218 10 1 Interest on deposit accrued .. .. 17 10 0 Secondary General Account — Fees .. .. .. .. 910 0 Salaries due from Department . . 32 3 4 Material, manual classes .. .. 123 3 4 Investments on mortgage .. .. 2,857 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 1,858 3 11 Fixed deposits .. .. .. 3,300 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 583 9 1 £4,145 18 7 £9,700 6 5 DANNEVIRKE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— Revenue from secondary-education re- , Transfers to— £ s. d. serves .. .. .. .. 440 10 2 Building and sites.. .. .. 89 0 0 General Account .. .. .. 351 10 2 £440 10 2 £440 10 2 Buildings and Sites Capital Account: — Buildings anii Spies Capital Account :— Transfer from Endowments Account .. 89 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 14 0 0 Final payment on King Street property 75 0 0 £89 0 0 £89 0 0 Technical Instruction Account : — ; Technical Instruction Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1 15 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1 15 0 £1 15 0 £1 15 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count : — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 97 1 1 teachers .. .. .. .. 1,982 14 2 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 2,107 18 7 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. . . .. 251 1 9 penses .. .. .. .. 350 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 201 811 Government capitation for classes for Interest on overdraft, incurred on this manual instruction .. .. 31 7 0 account .. .. .. .. 1 12 0 School fees .. .. .. 21 0 (I Rates and taxes .. .. .. 41 11 8 Refund of account .. .. .. 1 11 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 251 13 11 Balance, salaries and incidentals .. 274 5 7 Transfers from endowments income .. 351 10 2 £3,012 7 11 £3,012 7 11


DANNEV1RKE HIGH SCHOOL B0ARJ3— continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Nil. Subsidy .. .. .. .. 85 0 0 Refund —Expenses incurred .. .. 120 0 0 Balance, current account .. '.. 253 8 11 £458 8 11 WAIRARAPA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st Decrmber, 1923. lieceijits. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Hevonue from secondary-education re- Transfer to General Account .. .. 2,'i 19 7 serves .. .. .. .. 194 12 2 Balance, .'Jlst Decembor, 1923 .. .. 170 12 7 £194 12 2 £194 12 2 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Situs Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 485 13 3 , New building, fence, and gates .. 12,700 7 7 Government grants for new buildings, Heating contract. .. .. .. 675 0 0 heating, shelter-sheds and fence, &c. .. 15,501 9 1 Furniture .. .. .. .. 1,492 18 7 Government subsidies on voluntary con- Drain .. .. .. .. 388 14 2 tributions .. .. .. 345 10 7 , Ground improvements .. .. 1,302 3 8 Voluntary contributions for new buildings 500 0 0 ! Advertising sale of debentures, &c. .. 30 2 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 59 11 7 Additions to school buildings .. 242 18 0 £10,892 4 6 £10,892 4 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :—. count : — Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 34 5 6 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,095 15 (i Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 038 19. 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,904 3 10 Books, &c, for sale to pupils .. .. 39 0 0 Government payment for incidental ex- Science apparatus and expenses .. 74 (i 0 penses .. .. .. .. 082 10 0 j Books for library .. .. .. 89 5 0 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Piano cover and wheels .. .. 89 15 0 poses .. .. .. .. 140 0 0 Insurance of buildings .. .. 23 19 7 School fees.. .. .. .. 105 10 0 Balance, 31st Decomber, 1923 .. 12 8 9 Refunds from pupils, &o, .. .. 27 0 0 Rent of grounds .. .. .. 15 15 0 Government payment for science apparatus .. .. .. .. 70 5 9 Transfer from endowment income for insurance premium .. .. 23 19 7 £4,003 15 8 £4,063 15 8 ; , * ! ■ - ■ Statement of Amounts due to Board- and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Endowments Income Account .. .. 170 12 7 Crants due from Government .. .. 102 18 0 Secondary General Account —Incidentals .. 100 0 0 Subsidy on ground improvements .. 88 10 7 Contractors' Deposits Trust Account .. 05 0 0 Seoondary General Aooount —Salaries due from Outstanding accounts .. .. .. 6 0 0 Department .. .. . . . . 20 1 8 Savings-bank .. . . .. ..1137 Balance, current account .. .. . . 177 0 2 £341 12 7 £400 0 0




WELLINGTON COLLEGE AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d, Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 307 17 2 Board .. .. .. .. 8,409 12 7 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 49 710 Revenue from secondary-education re- Repairs, insurance, rates, &c.. .. 228 18 5 serves .. .. .. .. 1,378 11 5 Transfers to — Interest on moneys derived from endow- General Account— ments .. .. .. .. 355 19 0 For repairs to buildings, &c. .. 590 10 4 For salaries, &o. .. .. 4,587 18 7 Hostels Account .. .. .. 50 0 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account.. 4,389 4 8 £10,204 3 0 £10,204 3 0 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account : — Moneys derived from sale of endowments 1,113 10 9 Transfer to Buildings Account .. .. 1,113 10 9 £1,113 10 9 £1,113 10 9 iII-ri ■ i i i Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 4,064 2 9 Hostels .. .. .. .. 15,317 9 9 Wellington College pavilion .. .. 500 0 0 Concrete floor, baths, Boys' College .. 23 0 0 Voluntary contributions for new build- Tennis-courts .. .. .. 233 11 9 ings, &c. .. .. .. 101 6 4 Sampson's property .. .. .. 8 16 Tennis-courts .. .. .. 222 15 3 Apparatus and furniture .. .. 418 14 4 Loans raised for buildings .. .. 15,300 0 0 Tank and coal-shed, Girls' College .. 13 15 0 Transfer Endowments Capital Account 1,113 10 9 Principal of loans repaid ~ .. 1,000 0 0 Transfer Endowments Income Account 4,389 4 8 Interest on loans for buildings .. 370 2 8 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 8,300 4 9 £25,690 19 9 £25,690 19 9 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,793 14 11 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,748 7 5 Maintenance of buildings, Sydney Street house .. .. .. .. 45 7 6 £1,793 14 11 £1,793 14 11 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding fees .. .. .. 4,996 9 5 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,600 16 3 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,358 10 4 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 1,744 7 5 Sales, &o, .. .. .. .. 14 7 0 Furniture, utensils, he, .. .. 233 3 2 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 17 18 8 count .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 85 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,121 0 0 Provisions.. .. .. .. 1,743 (ill Fuel, light, &o. .. . . .. 504 13 (i Repairs to buildings. . .. .. 104 13 5 Repairs to furniture.. ~ .. 20 5 4 Grounds, Girls' College . . .. 49 2 9 Advances to boarders .. .. 1,353 16 7 Other expenses .. .. .. 77 3 3 £7,540 7 3 | £7,540 7 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Ac- " count :— count :— Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,68] 18 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 13,107 9 10 J Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 21,507 7 10 Government payment, for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 3,320 0 3 penses .. .. .. .. 3,902 10 0 Maintenance (including material) of Government capitation for classes for classes for manual instruction . . 200 8 9 manual instruction .. .. 404 14 6 I Books, &c. .. .. .. .. 300 0 7 School fees.. .. .. .. 432 18 9 j Maintenance of buildings .. .. 274 9 9 War bursaries .. .. .. 20 5 0 j Interest on overdraft .. .. OS 2 9 Shorthand fees .. .. .. 23 0 0 Grant to library .. .. .. 30 13 11 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Shorthand fees .. .. .. 8 10 0 count .. .. .. .. 5,178 14 11 War bursaries .. .. .-. 21 5 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 4,333 16 2 Camera Club-Rent .. .. .. 10 0 0 £27,409 9 2 j £27,409 9 2



WELLINGTON COLLEGE AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL BOARD— continued.. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Inabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Principal of loans, Public Trust.. .. 15,300 0 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 1,103 11 9 Hostel Account : — Endowments, capital sales .. .. 5,339 3 9 Mortgage, Girls' College Hostel .. 5,500 0 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 5 0 0 Outstanding accounts .. .. 115 9 4 Hostels Account— Secondary General Account—Outstanding Boarding fees .. .. .. 507 9 0 accounts .. .. .. .. 278 10 11 Advances to boarders .. .. 605 0 3 Wellington College Pavilion Fund .. 050 0 0 Secondary General Account — Fees ' .. .. .. .. 130 0 2 Salaries due from Department .. 552 7 2 Incidentals.. .. .. .. 1 13 4 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 101 6 4 Capitation, Wellington College .. 158 16 0 Grant for capitation, manual and science, Girls' College .. .. .. 251 0 0 Fixed deposits .. .. .. 650 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 257 13 0 Cash on hand.. .. .. .. 150 0 0 £21,844 0 3 ' £9,873 7 11 MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfer to General Account, for salaries 491 0 1 serves .. .. .. .. 91 0 1 Statutory grant in lieu of endowments .. 400 0 0 £491 0 1 £491 0 1 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— ! Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— New class-room .. .. .. 504 12 2 , New class-room .. .. .. 498 12 2 Desks, £124 13s. ; ladies'room, £200 .. 324 13 0 Fifty new desks .. .. .. 118 15 0 New temporary class-rooms and fittings 1,000 0 0 ] Lady teachers'room .. .. .. 230 8 9 Transfer from General Account .. 99 0 6 j New temporary class-rooms and fittings, &c... .. .. .. .. 1,018 14 6 New building, from ordinary revenue .. 61 15 3 £1,928 5 8 £1,928 5 8 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 405 9 1 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,642 13 6 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 478 17 7 teachers .. .. ~ •• 3,269 3 0 Maintenance (including material) of classes Government payment for incidental ex- for manual instruction .. .. 123 17 1 penses .. .. .. ■• 637 10 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 75 5 0 Government capitation for classes for Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 31 15 11 manual instruction.. .. .. 36 11 0 Interest on overdraft and bank fee .. 0 11 9 Subsidies on voluntary contribution .. 47 2 6 Building contractor's deposit .. .. 48 0 0 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Piano .. .. .. .. 11200 poses .. .. .. ■• 64 17 0 Transfer to New Buildings Aooount .. 99 0 6 School fees .. .. .. 168 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 . . .. 587 3 4 Interest on post-office savings-bank .. 110 Interest on Young Scholarship bequest .. 10 0 0 Building contractor's deposit .. .. 08 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account 491 0 1 £5,199 4 8 ' £5,199 4 8 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due lo Board. £ s. d. Nosworthy bequest. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Secondary General Account—Salaries due Young bequest, .. .. .. 200 0 0 from Department .. .. .. 14 511 Buildings and Sites Account —Builders' de- Capitation for manual and technical classes 97 9 6 posits .. .. .. ••20 0 0 Investments .. .. .. 200 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 587 3 4 £720 0 0 £898 18 9



NELSON COLLEGE BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account -. — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. ~ 41 1 0 Board .. .. .. .. 1,171 18 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 17 9 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Rates .. .. .. .. 16 810 serves .. .. .. .. 284 1 8 Transfers to — New Buildings Account .. .. 637 17 10 General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. 278 3 0 Hostels Account .. .. .. 232 10 0 Secondary General Account, .. .. 232 10 0 £1,455 19 8 £1,455 19 8 Library Capital Account :— Library Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. ..2,260 8 4 Transfer to Buildings Account .. ..2,370 18 S Interest .. .. .. .. 19 15 6 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 809 5 7 Government subsidy .. .. .. 900 0 0 £3,180 3 10 £3,180 3 10 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Transfers from— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 1,875 1 9 Endowments Income Account .. 637 17 10 Sanitary conveniences .. .. 472 5 0 Secondary Department General Account 1,730 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 20 11 1 £2,367 17 10 £2,307 17 10 Lower Department Account : — Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 172 2 8 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 755 0 0 School fees .. .. .. .. 1,081 15 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 289 10 3 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 209 7 5 £1,253 17 8 £1,253 17 8 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 46 7 3 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 134 10 9 Boarding fees .. .. ..10,590 5 1 Provisions .. .. .. ~ 4,419 9 3 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,451 16 10 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 734 4 2 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 2,402 14 6 count .. .. .. 232 10 0 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 532 711 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 278 3 0 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 09 3 0 Advances to boarders .. .. 1,463 3 0 Interest on loans for furniture, &c. .. 232 10 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 14 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 2,040 13 1 £12,320 19 2 £12,320 19 2 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : —■ count :— Government payment for salaries of Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 8,743 5 3 teachers .. .. .. .. 8,209 14 2 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,505 17 0 Government payment for incidental ex- Material for classes for manual and penses .. .. .. .. 1,314 3 4 science instruction .. .. 167 8 1 Government capitation for manual and Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 269 2 3 science instruction .. •.. 160 9 6 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 278 3 0 School fees.. .. .. .. 717 18 0 Wireless sets .. .. .. 40 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 164 10 2 Interest, mortgage .. .. .. 232 10 0 Chaytor Scholarship.. .. .. 20 0 0 Transfer to Buildings and Sites Capital Transfers from Endowment Income Ac- Account.. .. .. .. 1,730 0 0 count— For repairs .. .. .. 278 3 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 232 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,928 17 5 £13,026 5 7 £13,026 5 7 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Inabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sites, unpaid purchase-money .. .. 3,770 0 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 501 17 4 Principal of loans .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Interest accrued and not paid .. .. 27 12 6 Other liabilities .. .. .. 5,655 310 Lower-department fees .. .. 16 0 0 Hostels Account— Boarding fees .. .. .. 1,025 2 11 Advances to boarders .. .. 625 18 2 Secondary General Account — Fees ' .. .. .. .. 56 14 0 Salaries duo from Department .. 113 3 0 Inscribed stock .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Investments .. .. .. .. 1,950 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 545 15 11 Cash on hand.. .. .. .. 605 3 10 £13,925 3 10 £6,467 7 8

5—E. 6.



GREYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st Decembor, 1922 .. 1,936 5 8 Bank charges .. .. .. 0 10 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 2,127 5 3 serves .. .. .. .. 101 19 1 Interest, Borough Council debentures .. 34 15 0 Interest, soldiers-settlement loan .. 55 15 6 £2,127 15 3 £2,127 15 3 RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 82 610 Transfers toCurrent income from reserves vested in New Building Account .. .. 112 12 10 Board .. .. .. .. 279 19 0 General Account — For repairs to buildings .. .. 66 15 0 For salaries, &c. .. .. 14 0 0 Hostel Account —Interest on loan for buildings .. .. .. 85 13 5 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 83 4 7 £362 5 10 £362 5 10 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Heating .. .. .. .. 594 0 0 Heating .. .. .. .. 541 10 0 Drainage .. .. .. .. 46 0 0 Drainage .. .. .. .. 46 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account 112 12 10 Drainage, tank-stand, &c. .. .. 27 8 7 Desks .. .. .. .. 137 14 3 £752 12 10 £752 12 10 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— £ s. d. Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 1,343 12 3 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 5 3 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Provisions .. .. .. .. 555 19 7 count, for interest on loans .. .. 85 13 5 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 97 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 50 4 1 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 413 14 3 Furniture, utensils, &o. .. .. 200 0 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 106 12 9 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. .. 15 0 9 Interest on loans for furniture and buildings .. .. .. .. 85 13 5 £1,479 9 9 £1,479 9 9 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 333 010 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,662 8 8 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 442 0 7 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,213 14 3 Material for manual and science instrueGovernment payment for incidental ex- tion .. .. .. .. 144 1 8 penses .. .. .. 150 0 0 Books .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Government capitation for manual and Maintenance of buildings .. .. 66 15 0 science instruction .. .. .. 71 19 4 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 7 810 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 14 0 0 Honours board .. .. .. 19 0 0 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Agriculture—Farm, &o. .. .. 461 14 5 poses .. .. .. .. 33 4 3 Repairs to tennis-court .. .. 7 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 151 1 0 Gramophone .. ... .. 10 0 0 Agriculture—Donations, &c. .. .. 652 6 9 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 80 15 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 130 7 9 £3,830 9 2 £3,830 9 2 Technical Accounts :— Technical Accounts :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 614 10 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 614 10 £6 14 10 £0 14 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Building society .. .. .. 500 0 0 Grants due from Government— Building Girls' Hostel .. .. .. 900 0 0 Lighting .. .. .. .. 42 10 0 Interest on loans .. .. .. 38 15 0 Levelling .. .. .. ... 62 19 0 Hostels Account — Hostels Account—Boarding fees .. .. 11l 5 0 New Zealand Farmers' Association .. 146 11 5 Secondary General Account— Furniture Account .. .. .. 270 16 0 Fees ' .. .. .. .. 73 3 0 Secondary General Account .. .. 46 19 4 Salaries .. .. .. .. 279 510 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 106 9 9 Incidentals .. .. .. 210 0 0 Sales from farm-produce .. .. 19 16 0 £2,009 11 6 • £798 19 4 |~,,I I » , I, J



CHRISTCHURCH BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vestedjin Proportion of office salaries and expenses 228 19 10 Board .. .. .. .. 7,532 14 11 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 191 7 1 Interest on moneys derived from en- Transfers to— dowments .. .. .. 169 17 2 New Buildings Account .. .. 4,929 7 5 Rent (Opawa School site) .. .. 139 14 7 General Account— For repairs to buildings .. .. 229 19 0 For salaries .. .. .. 2,262 13 4 £7,842 6 8 £7,842 6 8 Endowments Capital Account: — Moneys derived from sale of endowments 228 13 1 Endowments Capital Account : — Interest .. .. .. .. 1112 Transfers to Buildings Account .. 230 4 3 . * £230 4 3 £230 4 3 Buildings and Sites] Capital Account :—■ Buildings amd Sites Capital Account :— New school (Riccarton) .. .. 2,356 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 8,028 2 2 Interest on Buildings Sinking Fund ... 69 0 3 Riccarton site .. .. .. 4,817 1 0 Transfers from— Interest on loans for buildings and sites 1,887 11 11 Endowments Income Account .. 4,929 7 5 Secondary Department General Account 500 0 0 Endowments Capital Account .. 230 4 3 Balanoe, 31st December, 1923 .. 6,648 3 2 £14,732 15 1 ■-——— £14,732 15 1 Hostels Account :— Boarding fees .. .. .. 1,371 5 0 Hostels Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,363 14 5 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,364 11 5 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 67 8 10 Provisions .. .. .. .. 495 19 9 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 110 11 7 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 549 10 3 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 28 8 9 Repairs to buildings .. .. 11 19 10 Insurance, rates, &o. .. .. 21 12 4 Interest .. ~ .. .. 77 16 7 Other expenses .. .. .. 7 0 1 £2,734 19 5 £2,734 19 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Government payment for salaries of Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 7,973 11 6 teachers .. .. .. .. 4,434 16 1 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 933 5 3 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of classes for manual inmanual instruction .. .. 134 9 7 struction.. .. .. .. 96 7 7 Government payment for incidental ex- Maintenance of buildings .. .. 107 12 6 penses .. .. .. .. 1,385 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. , .. 23 6 6 School fees .. .. .. 370 10 0 Rent of playground .. .. .. 99 0 0 Sale of material (technical class) .. 14 9 6 Transfer to buildings and sites .. 500 0 0 Riccarton site —Adjustment of stock, sale of potatoes, &c. .. .. 58 2 6 Transfers from Endowments Income Account— For maintenance of buildings .. 229 19 0 For salaries .. .. .. 2,262 13 4 £9,733 3 4 £9,733 3 4 Statement of Amounts due lo Board and of Liabilities as at 31sl December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. New school, Riccarton .. .. 3,400 0 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 1,267 14 4 Riccarton site —Unpaid purchase-monoy 6,000 0 0 New school, Riccarton .. .. 1,700 0 0 Principal of loans, National Insurance Hostels Account —Boarding fees .. 110 0 Company .. .. .. .. 13,000 0 0 ; Secondary General Account— Hostels Account —Sundry creditors .. 30 13 4 Salaries due from Department . . 058 10 3 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 8,855 011 Capitation for technical instruction . . 104 1 4 Grant for technical apparatus .. 20 11 9 £31,285 14 3 £3,821 17 8



CHRISTCHURCH GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :—■ £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses 23 9 6 Board .. .. .. .. 527 11 2 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 10 II 9 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Transfers to— ments .. .. .. .. 414 1 New Buildings Account .. .. 329 18 3 General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 108 5 9 £532 5 3 £532 5 3 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— House-rent (Avonside site) .. .. 97 17 6 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 154 3 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Principal of loans repaid .. .. 20 10 0 count .. .. .. .. 329 18 3 Interest on loans for buildings and sites 305 2 3 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 51 19 6 £479 15 3 £479 15 3 Lower Department Account : — Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 22 10 4 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 200 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 268 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 54 9 9 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 36 0 7 £290 10 4 £290 10 4 Hostels Account:— Hostels Account:— Boarding fees .. .. .. 1,671 1 3 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 2,012 11 0 Piano-practice fees .. .. .. 30 0 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 77 19 2 Grazing .. .. .. .. 3 5 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 459 13 8 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,882 4 0 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 191 14 5 Salarios of teaehors for supervision .. 19 10 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 642 7 10 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 25 17 11 Repairs to buildings .. .. 25 I 3 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 16 3 1 Interest .. .. .. .. 106 11 4 Other exponses .. .. .. 9 0 7 £3,586 10 3 £3,586 10 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :—, count :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 683 19 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 6,406 6 1 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. 1,155 1 9 teachers .. .. .. .. 6,238 14 10 Maintenance of classes for manual inGo vernment capitation for classes for struction .. .. .. 18253 manual instruction .. .. 164 19 8 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 143 13 0 Government payment for incidental Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 24 12 9 expenses .. .. .. 1,322 10 0 Extension of lunch-room .. .. 606 5 0 School fees .. .. .. 188 15 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 818 4 7 Proceeds from cookery class .. .. 166 6 0 Proceeds from swimming class .. 21 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 31 17 8 Government grant for extension of lunchroom .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Transfers from Endowments Income Account—Maintenance of buildings 168 5 9 £9,236 8 5 £9,236 8 5 Statement of Amounts due lo Board and of Liabilities us at 31sl December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. j Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Buildings and sites—Hostel .. .. 4,500 0 0 j Hostels Account—Boarding fees .. 19 10 0 Principal of loans, State advance .. 609 14 0 Capitation for technical instruction .. 169 2 2 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 33 8 4 Grant for apparatus .. .. .. 21 711 Due to Department —Salaries .. .. 8 2 11 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 1,079 18 4 £6,231 3 7 £210 0 1



CHRIST'S COLLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 7 10 0 Board .. .. .. .. 2,898 6 5 Proportion of office salaries and office expenses .. .. .. 132 8 6 General estate expenses .. .. 210 6 9 Transfers to— Reserves Fund .. .. .. 200 0 0 School Account .. .. .. 2,348 1 2 2,898 6 5 £2,898 0 5 :—■ Hostels Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 322 0 4 Proportion of office oxpenses .. .. 324 2 5 Boarding fees .. .. .. 12,212 11 4 Provisions .. .. .. .. 5,016 5 4 Balance, Investment Account .. 428 2 9 Fuel, light, &c. .. ~ .. 089 9 7 Salaries and wages .. .. 2,570 II 8 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 523 8 2 Laundry, dining-room .. .. 26 19 7 Water .. .. .. .. 5 12 0 Telephones .. .. .. 01 15 8 Hospital .. .. .. .. 153 Xi 4 Other expenses .. .. .. 02 19 7 Transfer to School General Account .. 3,527 14 1 £12,962 14 5 £12,962 14 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 124 12 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,395 5 11 School fees .. .. .. 10,418 17 6 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,531 14 7 Sundry payments .. .. .. 12 15 3 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 910 0 0 Scholarship trust funds .. .. 910 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 903 0 2 Sale of furniture .. .. .. 309 17 2 Insurance .. .. .. .. 227 13 3 Transfers from — Rent .. .. .. .. 904 11 0 Boarding Account .. .. 3,527 14 1 Board's contributions to pensions .. 456 19 11 Sundry estate acoounts .. .. 2,348 1 2 Transfers to Buildings Account .. 3,321 19 11. £17,701 17 0 £17,701 17 0 ASHBURTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 217 3 6 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 30 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of rates .. .. .. 7 11 Board .. .. .. .. 1,134 17 0 Interest on overdraft .. .. 369 8 6 Rents from Treasury .. .. .. 7 11 Legal expenses .. .. .. 314 12 0 Repayment of overdraft .. .. 250 0 0 Transfers to— General Account .. .. .. 119 3 3 Building and Sites Capital Account .. 98 0 3 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 470 10 (i £1,359 1 7 £1,359 1 7 ■ Enbowments Capital Account : — Endowments Capital Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 40 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 40 0 0 £40 0 0 £40 0 0



ASHBURTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD—continued. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923 — continued. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Buildings and Sites Capital Account): — Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Amountjrepaid account Union Bank .. 250 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 0,027 2 9 Library grant from Department, £250 ; Payment on account Memorial Library .. 500 0 0 donation, old pupils, £250 .. .. 500 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 98 0 3 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 5,679 2 6 £6,527 2 9 £6,627 2 9 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Foes .. .. .. .. 118 9 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 818 8 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 6 19 11 £8 18 8 £8 18 8 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding fees —■ Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 45 2 1 Boys, 1922 . . .. .. 16 9 7 Proportion'of office expenses .. . . 30 0 0 Girls, 1923 .. .. .. 643 1 6 Provisions .. .. .. .. 237 5 2 Refunds .. .. .. .. 0 8 8 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 56 4 5 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 101 4 8 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 239 18 8 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 26 4 3 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 126 9 10 £761 4 5 £761 4 6 Technical Instruction Account :— . Technical Instruction Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 ... .. 56 7 6 Balanoe, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 56 7 6 £56 7 6 £56 7 6 Secondary Department. General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 114 7 1 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,637 18 6 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 470 10 9 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,577 15 3 Maintenance (including material) of classes Government payment for incidental ox- for manual instruction .. .. 12 17 11 penses .. .. .. .. 467 10 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 23 6 8 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of buildings .. .. 70 15 7 manual instruction.. .. .. 66 0 3 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 62 12 1 Refund of salary .. .. .. 16 13 4 Repayments to Department on account School fees .. .. .. .. MOO of Urquhart case .. .. .. 150 0 0 Sale of apparatus .. .. .. 0 9 0 Desks, &o. .. .. .. .. 49 9 0 Refund of insurance .. .. .. 10 4 9 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 16 7 1 Bursaries .. .. .. .. 23 0 8 Rent, tennis-courts .. .. .. 8 8 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 119 3 3 | £3,493 17 7 £3,493 17 7 Special Trust Account : — j Special Trust Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 19 15 10 Payments — Scholarships, £40 ; bank Receipts .. .. .. .. 47 15 0 charges, 10s. .. .. .. 40 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 27 0 0 £67 10 10 £67 10 10 Statement of Amounts due lo Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Due to Department for salaries .. .. 17 6 Rents'accruedjind not paid .. .. 284 13 0 Urquhart ease .. .. .. 50 0 0 Hostels Account—Boarding fees .. .. 7 7 8 Bank overdraft .. ... .. 5,500 0 0 Secondary General Account— Fees ' .. .. .. .. 32 0 0 Capitation .. .. .. .. 64 9 0 Balance, current account .. .. 323 4 10 £5,551 7 6 £711 14 6



TIMARU HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s, d. Endowments Income Account — £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 849 I 1 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 70 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 19 2 7 Board .. .. .. .. 2,865 6 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 110 7 6 Girls' Hostel, on account of amount ad- Transfers to— vanced .. .. .. .. 298 6 2 New Buildings Account .. .. 2,756 16 1 General Account, for rates and insurance 547 13 9 General Account, for salaries, &,e. .. 508 14 1 £4,012 14 0 £4,012 14 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government subsidies on voluntary con- Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,120 9 3 tributions for memorial hall .. 1,000 0 0 Swimming-baths .. .. .. 118 0 0 Voluntary contributions for new build- Additions, Boys' School .. .. 2,286 10 1 ings, &c. (baths) .. .. .. 118 0 0 Memorial Library .. .. .. 1,675 0 0 Rent paid for Rectory buildings .. 431 6 8 Linoleum .. .. .. .. 43 3 6 Memorial Hall Fund Committee .. 1,000 0 0 Cupboards.. .. .. .. 22 10 0 Transfers from — Chairs .. . . .. .. 12 9 0 Endowments Income Account .. 2,756 16 1 Asphalting.. .. .. .. 20 0 0 General Account .. .. .. 1,146 15 7 Desks .. .. .. .. 200 2 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 372 0 8 Blackboards .. .. .. 15 7 6 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 765 19 2 Interest on loans for buildings .. 545 8 6 6,824 19 0 £6,824 19 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 630 9 7 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 7,211 5 7 payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. .1,300 19 11 teachers .. .. .. .. 6,558 11 9 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment payment for incidental ex- struction.. .. .. .. 124 12 7 penses .. .. .. .. 1,165 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 424 14 3 Government capitation for classes for Rates and taxes .. .. .. 122 19 (i manual instruction .. .. 90 1 9 War bursaries .. .. .. 10 0 0 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Transfer to Buildings Account .. 1,146 15 7 poses .. .. .. .. 27 17 6 School fees.. .. .. .. 406 13 9 War bursaries .. .. .. 10 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account, for rates and insurance .. 547 13 9 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 390 5 3 £10,341 7 5 £10,341 7 5 Special Trust Account :— Special Trust Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 60 0 0 Prizes .. .. .. .. 2 11 3 Interest .. .. .. .. 211 3 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 85 0 0 Lillico Prize Fund .. .. .. 25 0 0 • £87 11 3 £87 11 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Government Life Insurance Department .. 8,643 11 10 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 356 18 5 Secondary incidentals .. .. .. 210 0 Secondary General Account — Sundry creditors .. .. .. 53 15 2 Fees ' .. .. .. .. 46 0 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 816 18 10 Salaries due from Department .. 32 18 4 Grants for science apparatus . . .. 93 0 0 Manual instruction grant .. .. 107 1 6 Cash on hand .. .. .. 48 12 0 £9,516 15 10 £684 11 2



WAIMATE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 3,413 19 5 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 30 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Petty cash, £1 ; audit, £1 Is. ; bank Board .. .. .. .. 359 9 3 charges, 10s. ; stationery, £3 7s. 3d.; Interest on moneys derived from endow- rent, £16 55.; insuranoe, £2 12s. 6d.; ments .. .. .. .. 182 19 2 gas, 13s. 6d. .. .. .. 45 ,9 3 Refund of insurance.. .. .. 16 0 Proportion of travelling - expenses of Board members .. .. .. 5 12 6 Transfer to General Account, for salaries 381 19 11 Technical Classes Association — Subsidy .. .. .. .. 15 0 0 Wool-class fees, High School pupils .. 11 5 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 3,488 7 2 £3,957 13 10 £3,957 13 10 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 203 6 8 count .. .. .. .. 381 19 11 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 125 0 0 Prizes, £12 14s. 3d. ; examination fees, £7 7s. ; examination expenses, £2 lis. 6d. ; sports requisites, £17 ; subsidy, heating fund, £10 .. .. 49 12 9 Books, ko. .. .. .. .. 4 0 6 £381 19 11 £381 19 11 WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses 90 9 3 Board .. .. .. .. 2,122 2 1 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 54 17 4 Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to— serves .. .. .. .. 218 5 4 Buildings and Sites Account .. 1,330 18 10 Transfer from Hostels Account .. 131 2 0 General Account .. .. .. 644 4 4 Hostels Account—Loans for furniture 350 19 8 £2,471 9 5 £2,471 9 5 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :—• Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Additions, Girls' School .. .. 200 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 359 1 2 Transfers from— Additions, Girls' School .. .. 425 15 11 Endowments Income Account .. 1,330 18 10 Furniture, Girls' School .. .. 76 0 1 Secondary Department General Account 200 0 0 Additional building, Girls' Hostel .. 1,300 3 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,163 10 6 Maids' quarters, Boys' School .. 200 0 0 Hall of Memories, Boys' School .. 349 6 9 Equipment, Boys' School .. .. 96 7 10 Blackboards, £8; stove, £5 2s. 6d. ; balance reinstatement, £14 12s. Id. . . 27 14 7 £2,894 » 4 £2,894 9 4 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 81st December, 1922 .. 426 0 8 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 169 3 4 School fees .. .. .. 233 3 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 62 1 9 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 427 18 7 £659 3 8 £05!) 3 8 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 244 8 6 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 25 0 0 Boarding fees .. .. .. 1,616 10 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 472 II 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 78 5 9 count .. .. .. .. 350 19 8 Wages .. .. .. .. 420 8 9 Furniture, utensils, efce. .. .. 350 19 8 Repairs to buildings .. .. 65 1 7 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. " 30 4 7 New paths (improvements) .. .. 54 6 11 Other expenses .. .. .. 41 I 7 Transfer to Endowments Income Account '.. .. .. .. 131 2 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 536 16 0 £2,211 18 2 £2,211 18 2



WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD— continued. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923 — continued. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,010 13 11 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 7,099 5 9 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,045 8 7 teachers .. .. .. .. 6,692 2 9 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment payment for incidental ex- struotion.. .. .. .. 204 16 8 penses .. .. .. .. 1,062 10 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 644 4 4 Government capitation for manual and Miscellaneous .. .. .. 85 2 2 science instruction .. .. 155 0 11 Transfer to Buildings and Sites Aooount 200 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 509 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 2,300 II 2 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 40 0 0 Voluntary contributions for general purposes .. .. . . .. 1., 100 0 0 Proportion of boarding profits . . 220 8 7 Miscellaneous .. .. . . 85 2 2 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. . . .. 644 4 4 £11,585 8 8 £11,585 8 8 Statement of Amounts due lo Board and of Liabilities as at 31 si December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Buildings and Sites Account— Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 249 0 8 Girls' School, additions .. .. 347 0 0 Girls' School, additions .. .. 180 0 0 Hall of Memories .. .. .. 23 0 0 Hostels Account —Boarding fees .. 08 0 0 Hostels Account—Sundry creditors .. 414 2 Secondary General Account— Secondary General Account— Fees .. .. .. .. 8 0 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 85 3 (i Salaries duo from Department .. 21 13 0 Buildings .. .. .. .. 433 0 (I Manual and science capitation .. 151 1 8 Prize funds .. .. .. .., 700 0 0 Share of boarding fees .. .. 254 14 4 Prize funds investments .. .. 700 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 1,107 15 3 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 1,000 0 0 £1,592 17 8 £3,740 4 11 OTAGO HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account:—, £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 150 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 3,334 11 7 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 57 0 9 Revenue from secondary-education re- Valuations, &c. .. .. .. 34 13 4 serves .. .. .. ■. 499 4 6 Transfers to — New Buildings Account .. .. 2,842 9 2 General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. . . 709 14 10 Hostels Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 39 12 0 £3,833 10 1 £3,833 16 1 Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 3,701 8 II count .. .. •• •• 2,842 9 2 Purchase of sites .. .. .. 2,549 13 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 7,257 19 1 Alterations at Boys' High School rectory 3,572 19 4 Stamp duty on overdraft, Bank of New Zealand .. . . .. .. 15 0 Interest on loans for buildings .. 275 1 0 £10,100 8 3 £10,100 8 3 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding fees .. .. .. 2,600 17 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 315 14 6 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 327 15 1 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 70 11 0 Fees for use of piano .. .. 12 0 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 768 15 5 Tennis fees .. .. .. 4 14 0 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 139 15 10 Commercial Union Assurance Company Salaries of teaohers for supervision .. 150 0 0 —Compensation .. .. .. 415 0 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 708 18 2 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 100 15 3, count .. .. .. .. 39 12 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. 44 7 0 Insurance, rates, and rent .. .. 118 13 0 Advances to boarders .. .. 355 15 0 Interest on loans for furniture, &c. . . 2 5 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 130 19 11 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 82 13 0 £2,989 4 1 £2.989 4 1

6—B. 6.



OTAGO HIGH: SCHOOLS BOARD—continued. General Statement of Accounts pou the Year ended 31st December, 1923 — continued. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, .1922 .. 733 10 3 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 14,090 18 5 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,105 12 3 teachers .. .. .. .. 14,443 8 (i Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment payment for incidental ex- struction.. .. .. .. 190 7 3 penses .. .. .. .. 2,720 0 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 143 7 6 Government capitation for manual and Maintenance of buildings .. .. 709 14 10 science instruction .. .. 271 1 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 330 4 5 School fees .. .. .. 504 12 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,983 5 7 Proceeds, entertainment .. .. 165 12 7 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 434 19 8 Donations for prizes .. .. 317 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 143 7 0 Grant for plan proposed (new school site) 4 4 0 Donation for school games .. .. 5 5 0 Dalrymple and G. H Stewart prizes .. 11 9 I Refunds . . .. .". .. 8 8 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 709 14 10 £20,159 10 3 £20,159 10 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 3J si December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Hostels Account .. .. .. 52 15 3 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 253 14 8 Secondary General Account— Hostels Account — Due to Department— Boarding fees .. .. .. 5 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 13 19 9 Advances to boarders .. .. 129 5 0 Incidentals .. .. .. 259 13 11 Manual and science capitation .. .. 270 0 8 Teachers' salaries .. .. .. 013 7 Grant for war bursaries .. .. 35 2 6 War bursaries .. .. .. 35 2 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 40 13 9 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 5,192 0 0 £5,000 19 3 £099 9 4 GORE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Hostel Grounds-improvement Account .. 97 3 0 servos .. .. .. • ■ 97 3 0 £97 3 0 £97 3 6 Agricultural Endowment Account : — Agricultural Endowment Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 103 15 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 130 5 0 Moneys derived from rental endowments 32 10 0 £136 5 0 £136 5 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Hostels Grounds-improvement Account .. 504 14 2 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 80 I 11 Debenture loan .. .. .. 51 16 0 Hostels, ground-improvement .. .. 390 5 8 Transfer from Endowments Income Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 183 0 1 Account .. .. .. •• 97 3 6 . £653 13 8 £653 13 8 , - r—i —r i —i Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Proportion of office expenses .. .. 25 0 0 Boarding and luncheon fees .. .. 931 17 3 Provisions . . .. .. .. 375 12 8 Teachers (house) .. .. .. 120 0 0 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 97 18 1 Government grants for furnishing hostel 698 4 0 Salaries of teachers for supervision ~r .. 50 0 0 Furniture, loan from General Account .. 48 18 1 Wages of Matron and staff .. .. 300 6 3 Donations, memorial gates, hostel .. 203 19 0 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 747 2 1 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 0 17 6 Teachers (house) .. .. .. 120 0 0 Advertising and printing .. .. 5 3 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 813 10 Memorial gates, hostel .. .. 203 19 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 62 5 5 £2,002 18 4 £2,002 18 4



GORE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD— confirmed. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923 — continued. Receibts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. .Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. .. 170 10 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,299 3 4 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 540 4 2 teachers .. .. .. .. 3,249 8 1 Maintenance of classes for manual instrucGovernment capitation for classes for tion .. .. .. .. 5 15 0 manual instruction.. .. .. 30 3 3 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 302 13 8 Government payment for incidental ex- Library .. .. .. .. 33 14 1 penses . . .. .. 580 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. .. 355 10 4 School fees A .. .. .. 70 0 0 Voluntary contributions for general purposes . . .. .. .. 45 4 6 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 45 4 6 Refunds .. .. .. .. 50 15 0 Refund, lighting, &c. .. .. .. 13 16 0 Government grant for maintenance of buildings . . .. . . 128 9 3 Government grants for new desks, &o. .. 159 9 6 £4,543 0 7 £4,543 0 7 Statement of Amounts due lo Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. ! Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Hostel Account— J Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 32 10 0 Furnishings, hostel .. .. .. 234 7 8 ! Hostels Account— Boarding fees .. ... 0 9 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 38 9 9 Secondary General Account— Secondary General Account—lnsurance, Salaries due from Department .. .. 19 19 10 school-buildings and furniture .. .. 8 16 4 Incidentals, technical classes .. .. 12 3 6 Other liabilities .. .. .. 107 0 0 Salaries, technical classes .. .. 33 16 0 Other assets .. .. .. .. 65 7 8 Balance!, current account .. .. 863 15 5 £388 13 9 £1,028 1 5 SOUTHLAND HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st Dece.mmer, 1923. Receipts, Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 7,758 18 0 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 60 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 30 0 0 Board .. .. .. 1,928 5 9 Inspection, legal expenses, and improveRevenue from secondary-education re- ments .. .. .. .. 149 0 3 serves .. .. .. .. 262 12 11 Transfer to New Building Account .. 4,000 0 0 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Transfers to General Account:— ments .. .. .. .. 391 5 7 For repairs to buildings .. .. 92 8 9 For salaries .. .. .. 1,987 5 1 Rent, school-sites .. .. .. 50 1 8 Rates, &c. .. .. .. 33 9 5 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 3,938 17 1 £10,341 2 3 £10,341 2 3 Buildings and Sites (Capital Account) :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Loans raised for buildings, new Boys' Legal expenses, cost raising loan, new High School .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Boys' High School .. .. 911 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Alterations, Rector's residence, Boys' count ... .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 High School .. .. .. 158 111 Education Department —• Contribution towards cost new Boys' High School.. 4,000 0 0 Addition, Girls' High School .. 2 4 0 Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 830 3 1 £5,000 0 0 £5,000 0 0



SOUTHLAND HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD— continued. General Statement op Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1923 — continued. Receipts. Payments. Secondary Department General Ac- £ s. d. Secondary Department General Ac- £ s, d count :— count :—■ Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1922 . 1,274 15 0 teachers .. .. .. .. 8,066 18 10 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,695 19 8 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental, expenses .. .. .. 733 8 0 penses •.. .. .. .. 1,532 10 0 | Material for classes for manual and Government capitation for manual and science instruction . . . . 121 15 1 science instruction .. .. 172 15 10 Rents, school-sites .. .. .. 50 1 8 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 22 2 9 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 92 8 9 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Rates and insurance.. .. .. 33 9 5 poses .. .. .. .. 22 2 9 Scholarships and bursaries .'. .. 23 0 S School fees.. .. .. .. 189 10 0 Interest on overdraft .. .. 5 6 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 23 0 8 J School library (subsidy) .. .. 35 7 5 Prize Fund donation .. .. 4 9 0 I. Balance, 31st December, 1923 .. 1,131 3 7 Transfers from Endowments Income Account— For repairs to buildings .. .. 92 8 9 For rates and rents .. .. 33 9 5 For salaries .. .. ..1,987 5 1 Rent of school-sites .. .. 50 1 8 £12,197 1 3 £12,197 1 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Balance contribution towards cost of new Rents collected by Lands Department .. 48 11 2 Boys' High School .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 1,115 10 5 Principal of loans, Public Trust Office ... 1,000 0 0 Grants due from Government .. .. 109 16 11 Interest on loans .. .. .. 716 2 Science material, capitation .. .. 150 2 0 Due to Department—Salaries .. .. 215 0 Contributions prize fund .. .. 11 10 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 31 13 7 Fixed deposits .. .. .. 3,753 7 9 Balance, current account .. .. 2,200 I! 0 £5,042 4 9 £7,449 9 3

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not ; printing (090 copies), £80,

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1923.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1923.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, E-06

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1923.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, E-06

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