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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly to Section 101, Subsection (2), of the Public Revenues Act, 1910.

Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924 as provided by Section 101, Subsection (2), of the Public Revenues Act, 1910.

I—B. 10.

Securities Rate of Interest. Due Dato of The Post Securities. Office. The Government Insurance Office. The Public 'Crust Office. The State Advances Office. The Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Funds. The State Fire Insurance. The Treasury. The Native Trust Office. ■a . ill Ngg I* O A New Zealand Government, securities -under the — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement. Act, 1890 Ditto, 1900 Pet Cent. £ 1/8/26 175,000 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ," 1901 " 1902 ", . 1903 " 1905 "„ 1900 " 1907 4 41 H 4 4i *h 4* 4J 4 4i 4 H H 4 4 4i 4i 4 31 4i 41 4 4i H 4J H 4-1 4 4 4 1/5/24 .1,000 1/5/20 90,300 1/1/26 32,900 1/12/28 71,600 1/12/24 14,900 1/12/27 128,000 1/2/25 | 1/1/26 181,825 1/2/26 25,100 1/1/29 170,100 1/1/26 1/1/31 , 10,000 1/1/20 5,000 1/1/29 600,000 1/1/29 76,500 1/7/27 1/1/29 200,000 1/4/26 50,000 1/1/25 49,000 31/3/25 31/3/25 50,000 15/4/25 186,600 1/11/24 525,000 1/5/25 1,100,000 1/11/25 ! 220,000 31/12/25 59,900 1/5/20 500,000 1/11/27 45,100 1/12/29 645,500 1/12/29 150,000 1/5/24 75,000 12,500 "300 700 137,700 500 '600 1,340 000 000 " 1908 „ 1911 50,000 J» )» ',', 1912 „ 1914 ',', 1921 180^330 ,1 it Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 Ditto ,1 • • Appropriation Aot, 1912 .. Ditto, 1918 (see. 33) Coal-mines Act, 1908 4 4£ 4i H 4 4 4 4 1/11/24 50,000 1/5/25 34,000 1/11/25 30,000 1/5/20 55,000 1/5/29 205,000 1/11/24 10,000 1/3/29 75,000 1/4/24 110,000 1/4/20 30,000 1/4/28 5,000 20,000 11 • • 10,000 11 • •


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.


Securities. Rate of Interest. Due Date of Securities. The Post Om.ce. The Government Insurance Office. The ComThe The State "$$$$ Public Trust Advances » lc Office. Office. Sinkil „, Funds. The State Fire insurance. The The a i SI 3 A New Zealand Government, securities under the —ctd. Coal-mines Act, 1908, and Appropriation Act, 1912 Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 Per Cent. 4 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 1/4/24 £ 25,000 £ £ ' 4.14 4.1 4 4 J 15/4/25 31/12/24 1/1/20 1/2/29 1/2/25 13,000 283,500 105,000 194,200 .'. 17,500 84,500 ii Defence and other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 Ditto 15,000 44 44 44 44 1/3/25 15/4/25 1/7/29 1/3/20 75,000 8,100 20,000 1,900 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, and Finance Act, 1917 (sec. 82) Ditto .. Discharged Soldiers Settlement Acts, 1915, and Amendment Act, 1916 Ditto .. Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919 (see. 4), (Lands for Settlement) Ditto .. 44 4 41 1/3/29 1/3/29 1/3/20 170,000 210,000 10,000 20,000 4.1 4 1/3/29 1/3/25 04,000 250,000 44 44 5 44 4 5 1/3/25 3/3/20 1/3/20 1/9/27 1/9/27 2,135,000 160,000 150,000 95,000 20,050 5,000 50,000 14.000 .. ' Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 Ditto .. 103,000 41,550 5* 4* 5J 5| 4 1/3/20 8/8/26 .15/1/33 1/7/24 278,500 250,000 20 20 3,900' District Railway Purchasing Act, 1885, Extension and Amendment Act, 1886 Education Purposes Loan Act, 1919 Ditto 40,000 3,900 4i 1/1/26 330,000 Pinance Act, 1909 .. Pinance Act, 1915 (sec. 105) (see. 105) (seo. 105) Finance Act, 1910 (sec. 35) (sec. 35) „ (sec. 35) „ (sec. 49) „ (sec. 50) (see. 50) Pinance Act, 1910 (sec. 50), and Pinance Act, 1920 (seo. 10) Pinance Act, 1917 (sec. 77) (sec. 77) Pinance Act, 1918 (see. 10) 5 4 4* H 4£ 4J 4± 4.1 4l 4! 4* 44 4.1 44 1/1/20 1/1/29 1/1/29 1/8/25 15/12/25 15/12/30 15/12/40 .1/9/30 19/8/41 1/9/11 1/8/28 1/8/28 1/2/29 1/8/28 00,000 30,000 150,000 40,901 550,055 500 55,000 251,890 28,000 i,ooo 50,000 3,800 100 14,000 30,800 3,800 6i 930 100 900,000 44,000 1,000 14,000 I 50,000 5,000 .. 35^000 *» tt >r »t 44 4 4| 4* 44 4i H u 4A44 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4i 1/8/30 1/8/30 16/4/24 15/5/24 21/6/24 7/7/24 7/8/24 1/9/24 6/9/24 10/10/24 5/11/24 15/11/24 4/12/24 19/12/24 9/1/25 .15/1/25 0/2/25 1/3/25 0/3/25 7/4/20 5/9/20 31/8/27 350,000 375,000 7.000 70,900 23,000 17,000 17,300 33,350 9,300 442,000 >» *t 11 »» J) »» >t It It tt 11 tt 20,000 it " ii a 05,750 9,300 19,000 12,000 ii ti >> it i > it 2,500 33,350 3,500 50 50 >■> it t> ii ii tt tt tt 40 21 40 21 240 t< tt 240 • j


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc.- continued.


Securities. Kate of Interest. Due Date of Securities. The Po it Omoe. The Com-1 Tlie mi c. i. mlssloners ,,,, . ,, The The State .. i,,.,,,:,. The (,0 f v !'" 1 '. Public Trust Advances 0 ' n ,' "' State lire SoffleeJ 0ffi - U,Hce - Stating I"™*"Funds. I The Tho Treasury Knlivi ' Tn,sl ■ Ki ~ 8 * New Zealand Government, securities under the —etd. Finance Aot, 1918 (see. 10) Per Cent. 44 44 4* 4| 44 44 44 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ tt tt 1/9/27 22/12/27 8/4/28 10/4/28 1/6/28 7/4/31 8/4/25 00 27 10 120 >i tt it tt 1,800,000 140,350 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV Ditto .. 7.000 30 tt 44 4* 44 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4.1 4i 44 44 44 44 4 20/4/25 15/5/25 20/5/25 23/0/25 10/7/25 21/8/25 1/9/25 14/9/25 5/10/25 20/10/25 15/11/25 1/3/20 20/4/26 15/5/26 25/5/20 31/10/20 17/11/20 20/4/39 1/2/29 12,040 60,700 5,300 3,300 3,400 3,000 33,350 1,200 3,800 18,350 00,700 33,000 18,270 00,700 2,200 20,500 00,700 .. !! 2,100 Pinance Act, 1918 (No. 2), (sec. 29) Ditto (sec. 29) „ (sec. 29) „ (sec. 30) .. „ (sec. 30) .. ,. (sec. 30) .. ., (sec. 32) .. „ (sec. 32) . . „ (seo. 32) . . ,. (sec. 32) .. „ (sec. 32) .. „ (sec. 32) .. Pinance Act, 1919 (sec. 5).. Pinance Act, 1920 (sec. 15), (Public Works) Ditto 710,000 4 44 4.1 4.1 4 4 44 44 M. 4 44 44 44 1/2/25 1/2/25 1/3/25 1/3/28 1/3/29 1/2/25 1/2/25 1/8/25 1/8/26 l/8'28 1/8/28 1/2/25 1/12/25 1,240,000 550,000 50,000 29.500 20,000 10,000 40,000 20,000 40,000 3,(00 150, Oi.O 1,113,000 3,250 30,000 10,000 27,000 5 4 5 44 4 5 4.1 1/12/25 1/12/30 1/12/25 1/12/26 1/9/31 1/4/29 1/12/25 349,240 37,000 250,000 87,000 63,000 500,760 ii ,, (Nauru and Ocean Is.) Pinance Act, 1921 (sec. 10) 100,000 250,000 ii >i Pinance Act, 1921-22 (sec. 26) Pishing Industry Promotion Act, 1919 Ditto .. 520 95,000 2,775 Forests Act, 1921-22 Fruit - preserving Industry Act, 1913 Ditto Fruit - preserving Industry Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1917 (sec. 80) Ditto .. 5 44 44 44 1/12/25 1/12/28 1/8/28 1/4/26 270 2,010 10,000 6,500 44 4 1/4/29 1/4/24 10,800 5,450 '.'. '.'. '.'. '500 5,500 44 44 44 4 1/3/25 1/4/25 1/4/29 28/11/24 18,400 11,000 0,000 5,400 ,, .. .. ii General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 Ditto .. '.'. , '.'. .'. 9,700 15,000 5 44 4J 15/10/25 15/10/28 1/6/25 5,200 105,000 800 Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 Ditto .. „ .. (Workers) Government Railways Act, 1908, and Finance Act, 1909 Ditto The Government Railways Act, 1908 44 4 41 1/3/26 1/0/25 30/0/25 100,000 25,000 50,000 , 1/2/29 1/8/25 5,500 2,000 1,000 4444


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc.— continued.


Securities. Rllt " Till.. Date The of uueuate Tlie Post Governln - Securities Office. mcnt Insurterest. Securities. an(;e offloe The ! The State Public Trust Advances Office. Office. The Com-1 inissioners I my,. 0 Stature Sinking insurance. Funds. The The Treasurv Nllti ™ Trust .Treasury. omue. 1 si a a »■ o " A New Zealand Government, securities under the —ctd. Government Railways Act, 1908, and Railways Improvement Authorization Acts, 1904 and 1907 Ditto .. Per Cent. 44 1/2/25 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 19,300 30/0/25 1/1/29 30/6/29 1/1/25 f 44 u 44 4 140,000 31,300 1,000 5,000 „ Government Railways Amendment Act, 1910 Ditto .. 4^600 980 4 4.1 4 44 44 4 1/2/25 1/3/25 1/1/29 1/1/29 1/2/29 1/2/25 8,200 6,390 51,400 30,350 50,350 6,000 3.000 1460 Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913 Ditto .. 5,000 ',', 1913-14 .'. Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913, and Appropriation Act, 1918 (see. 43) Ditto .. 4 4 •14 4* 1/8/28 1/2/31 1/8/28 1/2/25 10,000 4,000 19,000 20,000 ii •• 4 44 4 44 44 1/2/25 1/8/25 1/8/28 1/8/28 1/8/25 20,000 14,000 10,000 6,000 10,000 Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913, and Appropriation Act, 1919 (sec. 18) Ditto 10 1 000 44 44 44 44 1/2/26 1/2/26 1/8/28 1/8/28 20,000 15,000 5,000 83,500 Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1920 (sec. 16) Hauraki Plains Araendmont Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1921-2 (sec. 23) Ditto .. 10,000 0,500 5 1/8/28 20,000 44 4 44 1/8/28 1/2/31 1/8/28 7,000 3,000 20,000 Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1922 (sec. 17) Ditto .. Hauraki Plains Amendment Aot, 1913, and Pinance Aot, 1923 (sec. 4) Housing Act, 1919 (sec. 30) Ditto (sec. 30) .. „ (sec. 30) .. „ (sec. 40) Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts. 1903, 1905, and 1907 Ditto, 1903, 1905,1907, 1910 4 44 44 44 44 4 44 1/2/31 1/8/30 1/7/25 1/7/20 1/7/30 1/1/26 1/5/25 10,000 90,000 90,000 25,000 3,150 127,000 2,400 90,000 10 ', 000 30,000 175,000 "825 44 44 44 4 1/1/29 1/2/29 1/5/29 1/5/24 42,590 100,000 2,000 4,000 5,200 11,700 12,590 ,1 ii ii ii ii ii ii ,1 ii ii Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1910 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 Ditto Irrigation and Water-supply Act, 191.3 Ditto .. 44 44 4 15/4/25 1/2/25 1/10/24 20,900 2,100 4,900 35,000 5,100 44 44 44 4 1Z3/25 1/10/25 1/10/29 1/5/24 24,900 30,000 6,000 5,000 Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914 Ditto .. Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914,and Appro - priation Act, 1918 (sec. 45) Land for Settlements Act, 1908 Ditto .. 4 44 lc 44 1/11/24 1/11/25 1/5/26 1/11/26 9,000 18.000 15,000 2,000 5,000 5^500 14^500 4 1/2/25 177,215 350 44 1/2/25 1/3/25 42,800 10,000 10,900 1,375 „ ..



Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. —continued.

I I The Com-1 Ra f tc Duo Date ,,,, t • Govern The The State The The Thc Securities. I . of A Hoe ment Insur V " blic Trust AdviU100S Debts stntc Flrc Treasury N ' aMve Tru8t N 18 terest. Socut'tte-- °' BCe - lance OffleeJ ««<»• 0fflce ' Sinking 1 »«•»»<»• Funds. New Zealand Government, Per securities under the —ctd. Cent £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ££ Land for Settlements Act, 4 = 1/8/25 73,700 .. .. .. 5,300 .. 500 1908 —continued. Ditto .. .. .. 44 1/1/26 138,335 .. .. .. 11,500 .. 15,050 j 4| 1/2/26 8,270 .. .. .. .. .. • 6,100 j 4£ 1/4/26 62,000 .. .. .. .. .. 11,300 „ .. ..4 1/5/26 29,500 .. .. .. 9,500 .. 6,100 | „ .. .-4 30/9/28 400 .. .. .. .. .. 400 ! „ .. .-4 1/1/29 312,275 .. .. .. .. .. 145,950 I 4 1/1/29 67,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. j „ .. ..44 1/2/29 135,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. i Lands Improvement and 44 1/2/25 .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 59,000 Native Lands Acquisition Act, 1894 Ditto .. .. ... 44 30/9/25 341,000 Land Laws Amendment Act, 4 1/4/24 518,000 1913 Ditto .. .. .. 4J 1/1/25 3,600 „ .. ..4 1/1/25 14,200 „ .. ..4J 1/2/25 32,200 „ .. ... .. 4 1/2/25 90,800 .. .. .. 9,800 .. .. .. 18,450 „ .. .. 4J 31/3/25 10,000 .. .. .. „ .. 4J 1/4/25 15,000 ..44 1/8/25 17,500 „ .. .. ..44 1/10/25 45,000 „ .. ..44 1/2/26 4,500 44 31/3/26 10,000 ..44 1/4/26 .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,100 „ .. .. ..44 22/7/26 8,000 .. .. .. .. .. .. ! „ .. ..44 1/12/27 100,000 „ .. ..4| 1/4/28 180,000 „ .. .. .. 4| 1/3/29 244,800 Land Laws Amendment Act, 4 1/4/24 480,000 .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 1913, and the Appropriation Act, 1918 (sec. 42) Ditto .. .. .. 4 1/4/25 50,000 .. .. .. .. .. 20,000 .. .. 4| 1/4/25 10,000 .. .. .. .. ! „ .. ..44 1/1/29 5,000 .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 4| 1/2/25 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 30,000 1908 Ditto .. .. .. 44 1/3/25 250,000 .. .. • ..44 1/1/26 785,000 ..44 1/3/26 370,000 „ .. ..44 1/3/28 466,000 .. .. .. .. j Local Bodies' Loans Act, 4 1/9/24 231,500 .. .. .. 3,000 ... .. .. 15,800 1908, and Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, I 1886 Maori Land Settlement Act, 4 1/2/25 .. .. .. .. .. " •' ■ " 1905 Ditto 44 1/3/25 .. .. .. .. 1,200 .. ..44 1/1/26 145,000 ..44 1/1/29 34,175 Maori Land Settlement 44 1/1/26 50,000 Amendment Act, 1907 Mining Amendment Act, 1913 4 1/5/24 7,000 44 1/5/25 4,500 .. .. .. .. Mining Amendment Act, 44 1/5/25 10,000 1913, and Amendment Act, 1919 Ditto .. .. .. 44 1/5/26 .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,000 ..4 1/5/28 | .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 4J 1/5/28 I 1,000 .. .. .. j .. .. 7,200 Native Land Amendment 4 1/4/24 373,500 .. .. .. .. .. 25,000* Act, 1913 Ditto 4 1/4/25 75,000 .. ... .. .. .. „ .. ..44 1/4/25 300,000 .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 ,.4| 1/10/25 275,000 .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 „ .. ..5 1/10/25 .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 „ .. ..44 1/4/26 281,500 .. .. .. .. .. 70,000 „ .. ..44 1/4/28 50,000 .. .. .. .. •• i „ .. ..44 1/4/29 355,000 .. .. .. .. .. 120,000 ., .. ..4 1/4/30 7,400 Native Land Purchase Act, 44 31/10/27 125,000 .. .. .. .. 1892 New Zealand Consols Act, 34 1/2/25 340 .. .. .. .. 3,000 ! 1908 Ditto .. .. .. 4 1/2/25. 17,000f .. 8,678 .. 13,500 4,000 * Nelson Rifle Prize Fund. t Purchased for £15,400.



Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.

Securities. Bate of Interest. Due Date of Securities. The Post Govern- i „,., ,■.;;„ f Office. mcntlnsur- Pub he I rust ance Office. I 0mce - The Com-1 'S The State M&* The T „ . The l^g Advances ° D '^ IC . State Fire Tr '' ur v Native Trust £§ o Sinking I"""** lrtaSUry - Office. *§| Funds, j £ New Zealand Government, securities under the —ctd. New Zealand Inseri bed Stock Act, 1917— Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 Ditto, 1921 Per Cent. 54 31/12/30 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 00,850 £ £ 5 1 5 54 1/2/28 1/7/28 1/2/27 150,000 24,170 100,000 ,1 1, Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919 (seo. 4) Ditto, .1920 Education Purposes Loan Act, 1919 Ditto Electric-power Works Loan Aot, 1919 Finance Act, 1915 (see. 105) 54 15/1/33 1/2/27 16,600 110,000 40,150 0,850 15,000 9,400 100,000 51 5 1/2/28 15/7/30 772,260 55,000 5,000 10,000 5.1 °i 6 0 15/12/30 1/9/41 1/8/20 1/8/31 1/2/28 55,500 164,610 900 65,200 50,000 18,050 15,000 Finance Act, 1910 (sec. 35) 50,000 01,000 50,000 Pinance Act, 1918 (No. 1), (see. 10) Ditto Finance Act, 1919 (sec. 5) 5 • r vi 5 54 1/1/29 1/8/27 15/7/30 1/2/31 3,000 50.000 6,000 350,000 40,000 2,050 45,000 14,150 Land for Settlements Act, 1908 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 Ditto R a i Iways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914 S w a m p Drainage Act, .1915, and Appropriation Aot, 1918 (sec. 46) War Purposes Loa.n Act, 1917 War Expenses 44 Si 5 1/4/26 1/2/28 15/7/30 100,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 44 1/5/29 1,000 54 1/2/27 2,680 5 5 44 44 61 15/11/27 1/7/28 .15/11/38 20/4/39 1/9/41 300 550 1,900 54,350 1,240 55,890 200,000 189,500 80»,170 274,000 08,080 4,400 629,850 791300 8,900 50,000 New Zealand State-guaran-teed Advances Act, 1909— Advances to Settlers Branch Ditto Advances to Workers Branoh Ditto Guaranteed Mining Advances Branch Land for Settlements Branch Ditto Local Authorities Branch 84 3| 34 1/10/48 1/4/49 1/10/48 100,000 37,000 325,000 3| 3.f 1/4/49 1/4/49 100,000 5,000 3J 1/10/48 25,000 11 11 3| 44 34 34 34 34 3.1 3| 4 44 1/4/49 1/4/28 1/4/47 1/10/47 1/4/48 1/10/48 1/4/49 1/4/49 1/4/49 1/4/28 410,000 48,000 400,000 475,000 212.000 400,000 275,000 90,000 9,000 80,000 60,000 11 11 11 Native Land Settlement Branch Ditto.. 11 • • ■ • • • 34 3| 4 1/10/47 1/10/48 1/4/49 1/4/49 20,000 361,000 54,500 30,000 11 • • 11 • ■ ■ • New Zealand State-guaran-teed Advances Acts, 1909-10— Advances to S 0 111 e r s Branch Ditto.. 1/8/24 4,109 44 44 44 ■Ii 23/10/27 1/12/28 1/2/29 750,000 205,000 2,094 », ,, . • . •



Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.

Securities. R n a f te Duo Date In of terest. Securities. The The Post ! GovernOffice. ment Insurance Office. The Public Trust Office. The State Advances Office. The Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Funds. c The .... The Iff State Fire Treasury Native Trust £ || Insurance. lri^sur y- office. »§§ fe New Zealand Government, securities under the —ctd. New Zealand State-guaran-teed Advances Act, 19119—10— continued. Advances to W orkers llranch Ditto.. Land for Settlements Branch Ditto.. Per Cent. 44 1/8/24 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 77,041 £ £ 44 4 1/2/29 1/4/24 406 22,500 205,000 ,, . . . . 11 • • ■ • • • tt 11 .. 4 44 1.1 4 44 44 4 44 4 1/5/24 1/8/24 I/2/25 1/3/25 31/10/27 1/1/29 1/1/29 1/4/29 1/4/24 45,300 6!ooo 741,066 21,572 106,700 60 11 ■ • 11 • • ■ • • • Native Land Settlement Branch Ditto.. Post and Telegraph Aot, 1908 Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (War Expenses) Ditto .. 219,865 147,100 50,000 3| 44 44 1/4/49 1/7/25 1/2/20 30,000 200,000 I.700,000 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914 Ditto .. 44 44 4 1/5/26 1/2/29 1 /2/25 390,000 3,750 25,000 30,000 44 4| 44 5 44 4.1 4 44 1/2/25 1/8/25 1/2/20 1/2/20 1/8/28 1/2/29 1/2/29 1/3/25 30,000 110,000 265,000 30,000 83,000 70,000 47,000 3,000 9,200 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Appropriation Act, 1918 (see. 44) Ditto .. Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Amendment Act, 1914 Ditto .. 4 4 1/3/25 1/9/24 10,000 7,000 5^000 11 11 4 44 44 4 44 44 1/3/25 1/9/25 I/3/20 1/3/29 1/3/29 1/3/25 19,000 17,000 2,000 00,000 15,000 2,000 10,000 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913 and Appropriation Act, 1919 (sec. 19) Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1917 (see. 81) Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1920 (sec. 16) Ditto .. 44 1/3/29 25,000 •• 5 1/12/25 10,000 ,, . • . . Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act and ' Finance Act, 1921-22, (Section 23) Ditto .. 44 44 44 1/12/25 1/12/26 1/3/25 20,000 2,900 20,000 50,000 4 4 44 4 1/12/27 1/3/29 1/12/29 1/3/29 35,000 24,000 10,000 50,000 20,000 11 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and the Finance Aot, 1923 Ditto .. 4 44 1/12/29 1/12/29 2,000 10,900 11 State Advances Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers Branch Ditto.. Advances to Workers Branch Ditto.. Local Authorities Branch 4 4 1/0/24 1/6/29 1/6/24 573,200 550,000 50,000 750,000 44 4 1/6/29 1/6/24 200,000 1,300.000 • t


Return of the Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.


Securities. R * f te Due Date jterest. Securities. The Post ' Office. The The mSur. ™llo Trust ance Office. OI,i "' The State Advances Office. The Com-! »£!*«• StatXe Sinking l -"™ lce - Funds. The Tt,e Treasury Natlv( ' ' rr " 91 .Treasury. offl( , 0 a . lag te ° 1 la New Zealand Government, securities under the —ctd. Swamp Drainage Act, 1915 Per Cent. 4 44 44 4 £ 15,000 11,000 20,000 15,000 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ii ii ii ii Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, and Appropriation Act, 1918 (sec. 46) Ditto .. 1/5/24 1/5/20 1/5/29 1/5/24 ti • ■ a • • ' * a • • * • 4 44 44 5 44 44 4 6 4 1/5/25 1/5/25 1/5/20 1/5/26 1/5/28 1/5/29 1/5/29 1/5/29 1/8/24 10,000 20,000 120,000 5,000 5,000 48,000 5,000 20,000 ,, 20,000 ii . . . . . . ,, • . . . Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 Ditto .. 44 44 44 30^000 1/8/25 1/8/28 1/8/25 20,000 100,000 ,, • . . . . . Waihou and Ohinomuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, and Finance Act, 1919 (sec. 6) Ditto .. 2,600 11,500 44 4 44 1/2/26 1/8/30 1/2/30 10,000 50,000 76,000 ,, Waihou and Ohinomuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, and Finance Act, 1922 (sec. 16) Ditto .. War - loan Certificate No. 14849 War-loan Certificates War Purposes Loan Aot, 1917 4 1/2/30 20/9/24 35,000 80 51,000 Var. 5 4 44 44 Various 15/11/27 1/2/29 15/11/38 1/3/26 100 250,000 1,900 1^500 2,966 17,400 ioo .Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908 Westport Harbour Act, 1920, and Appropriation Act, 1919 (sec. 32) Westport Harbour Act, 1920— Wostport Harbour' Board Act, 1884, and Loan Acts, 1896, 1897, and 1900 54 1/2/25 500,000 30,495 1/1/49 489,500 10,500* Local Authorities' Securities. Boroughs. Akaroa .. 6 0 5 1/4/33 1/9/42 1/9/49 1,190 900 800 ,, . . . . Arrowtown Ashburton Avondale Balclutha 5 122 1,963 18/3/26 I 34,161 30,577 ,, • • • • 6 5 5i 1/12/42 1/9/49 1/11/60 1/1/57 1,000 2,600 500 1,000 ,, ■ • * ■ 2,855 9^217 ,i Birkenhead 5 31/7/51 ii • • •■ Blenheim 41^378 39,396 ii • ■ • • Brunner Cambridge Carterton 64 1/3/57 50^000 734 3,922 6 5i °i 6 1/9/42 1/9/52 1/6/55 1/8/00 300 15,000 1,200 2,200 ,, 831 2,531 Cromwell Dannevirke 44 6 6 44 5J 44 1/11/26 1/11/31 1/5/32 1/1/33 1/7/51 1/6/52 7,500 4,675 1,400 6,000 4,300 11,000 ii • • ii • • • • ,, . . . . ,i • • ii • • • • v 4,290 16,600 * The araoun' t of this sicuri Ity is £H,00i I, of which £51 10 belongs to ;hc Post Oil ice.


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 3lst March, 1924, etc. — continued.

2—B. 10,


Securities. y »»J* The Post I Gojgnj. Ip abl^rust Set teVest. Securities. °»- ,»»'» °«<* i : , L : The Commissioners of Publlo Debts Sinking Funds. The State Fire Insurance. m, The ~V T3 isi 05 n d III *8< A Local Securities —continued. Boroughs— continued. Dargaville Per Cent. 6 6 6 6 6 0 Si el 6i «f 54 54 5| 6 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ j* it ' • tt '' it '' 1/6/32 1/7/32 1/8/32 1/8/33 1/7/42 1/9/42 1/11/46 1/4/53 16/7/53 1/12/56 1/8/57 1/9/57 1/12/57 1/2/60 50 13,750 9,145 600 8,500 3,000 362 8,000 450 1,000 100 2,000 5,838 1,000 >» * * ■ * t* ' • ti '' >> • * 54,241 Dargaville Borough Council and Hobson County Counoil Ditto Devonport si 1/1/66 17,000 6 44 Si 1/4/59 31/3/37 8/5/53 860 100 12,000 a '' 20,189 300 tt • * * * Eastbourne (Hutt Road Act, 1915) Eketahuna 4' 1/4/66 6 0 5 5 1/11/37 1/8/42 1/10/42 1/4/43 3,650 2,740 2,300 530 tt »j 14^955 tt * • Eltham >t ' • * * it '' 6" 6 44 5i Si 5i Si 1/8/32 1/10/32 1/2/41 1/11/51 6/7/52 1/8/55 1/1/57 1,000 2,400 6,000 1,500 6,592 8,000 4,000 tt '' tt ' m ' ' tt '' 2i,295 Feathers ton tt '' si 5 Si 21/9/48 1/2/49 1/12/49 2,000 200 200 tt 1^930 tt •' tt '' Foilding »» • * tt tt 5' 64 6 6 5 5 Si Si Si Si 1/7/50 1/3/32 1/9/42 1/9/43 1/5/50 31/5/51 1/1/53 20/4/54 1/7/55 1/7/57 500 5,000 330 330 10,000 1,000 tt it ' * ») • ■ 4,000 7,000 700 14,000 tt '' i* • ■ 34,819 »» * * Eoxton 4f 1/6/32 2^400 30,522 tt Frankton 5 5 44 Si 5i 1/3/50 1/7/50 1/4/33 1/1/45 1/1/46 750 2,000 tt * * Geraidine Gisborne 2J000 35,500 27,000 tt * • 28,805 »» ■ * Gore it * • 6 5i 5i 6f 1/3/32 15/7/39 1/1/45 1/6/46 2,000 20,000 12,000 1,200 tt m * * * tt • * • • •• * * • ■ Greymouth Greytown 13,802 18,831 6' 5 5i 1/8/42 1/4/47 1/11/56 7,420 2,000 2,840 tt • • 34^675 »> * ■ Hamilton 6 6 44 44 44 Si 1/6/32 1/7/32 1/8/36 1/2/47 1/10/47 1/1/55 44,000 5,600 tt 3^000 13,600 5,200 tt ' * tt i'ooo 10,000 10,000 tt * * * ■ tt ' * 43,405 i * tt • •



Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.

Securities. of uni. oate The poA : t .£, Securities. Office. I 1 Govern The ' The State "".'S, I Public Trust : A[|v;inces *«na™*l Office. Office. ,nee Ornee. I The Commissioners of Public DeMs Sinking Funds. The .,., State Fire Insurance. lr '- JS "ry. •a 'The hi Native Trust £ « o Office. 5 v y A ■ Local Authorities* Securities —continued. Boroughs— continued. Hastings Per Cent. 44 5 5i Si 5i 64 5i £ £ £ £ £ 20,000 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ a '' tt • • • ■ tt ■ * 1/8/37 1/4/50 1/10/51 1/5/53 1/10/56 1/9/57 1/5/58 20,000 6,630 11,925 13,600 6,630 11,925 13,600 5,000 1,360 8,800 tt * * • * 5,000 »* • • 1,360 tt * • 8,800 128,080 2,700 tt * * • • Hawera 5i 10/2/30 2,700 33,771 tt ' • Hokitika 5 1/3/50 3,500 tt * * • ■ Inglewood 5 6 3,500 3,553 1/2/38 1/12/42 3,850 3,850 3,000 a * * * • Invercargill Kaiapoi 3,000 10,888 5,347 44 44 Si 10/8/33 27/1/42 1/12/55 3,000 3,500 3^500 3,000 tt * ' • * * • f» • * ■ • • ■ 4,500 989 707 8,453 o kaa 4,500 it * • * • * * Kaitangata Levin a • • • • • • Lower Hutt (Hutt Road Act, 1915) Lower Hutt 44 4 l/li/34 1/4/66 8,500 8,500 8,400 tt • • ti44 6 5 64 Si 1/6/31 1/8/42 1/7/49 1/11/52 1/12/55 9,500 8,000 3,000 9,500 8,000 3,000 10,703 lt * * • ■ 10,703 "350 \\ it- .'. 12,835 11 • • • • Lyttelton 5 1/6/27 3,000 6 6 5 Si 3,000 10,474 10,000 3.100 1,500 *t • • Marton ■■ • ■ ■ • . • »» * • • • • • 1/8/32 1/9/32 1/10/34 1/12/56 10,000 3,100 1,500 i]eoo \\ tt • • • • • • 28.665 tt • • Masterton >> • • * • 6 44 Si Si 6 .1/3/44 30/6/45 1/11/52 1/1/57 1/8/57 2,500 3,750 32,000 2,500 3,750 32,000 27,000 3,200 it • • »i .. < . 27,000 it * • • * a * • • • Mataura si 5 3,200 26,175 1/6/30 1/5/50 1,100 1,100 700 tt • • • • Milton Miramar (Hutt Road Act, 1915) Morrinsville 700 12,374 21,777 4 1/4/66 '.'. "l50 6 1/4/58 4,500 11,412 4,500 f» • • • * Motueka a • • ■ • Si Si Si Si Si 1/11/52 1/11/56 1/1/57 1/3/52 26/3/54 5,000 10,000 4,000 5,000 10,000 4.000 5,700 570 »» • • ■ • Mount Albert 5,700 it • • • • 570 65,318 44,790 a nr\a Mount Eden 54 6 5 Si 5 6i 64 5i Si 1/1/52 1/7/32 30/6/44 30/6/44 1/2/50 1/9/51 1/2/52 22/1/55 1/11/56 a • • • * Napier 596 29,000 14,500 36,500 1,200 423 9,596 29,000 tt * • * • • • 14,500 it * * ■ * • * 36,500 it ' * • • • • 1,200 ,, • • . . • * 423 l' t 025 V. ,, • * • • * • 7,300 it • • ■ • • • 7,300 " tt ■ * * • • • tt • » • • • • New Brighton '.'. .'.' 1M93 11,384 5 l/i2/49 435 Newmarkot New Plymouth Ngaruawahia Northcote 435 33,962 24,375 16,763 O AAA si 1/7/53 2,000 a * • • * Oamaru Si 2,000 8,206 IT'J OAA l/i/30 173,800 4,226 173,800 It t » 1 •


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.


Securities. Hate or Interest. Duo Date ot Securities. The Post Tlio The State i Office ' mi°tTnsur- Pttb »|£ raS6 Advances | anceOlliee.. 0fflce - 0fflce - I The CorhmissioniTs T . „ of Public <■,,,.„;„„ Deists State Fire Stoking Iusur»fl«» Funds. ,. The Treasury. The Native Trust Office. o — B« n Local Authorities' Securities —continued. Boroughs— continued. Ohakune Per Cent. 5 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 1/8/53 £ 17,826 3,898 56,795 Onehunga Onslow (Hutt Koad Act, 1915) Opotiki.. 4 1/4/66 3,000 6 5 5i 54 1/1/43 1/9/50 1/5/52 1/5/57 3,400 18,000 1,800 535 ,, * • . . . ■ Otahuhu Otaki .. 6 6 1/2/33 1/9/42 9,000 2,500 18,095 14,843 »» • • • • • • Paeroa .. si 2/4/54 650 Pahiatua 6,000 2,800 27^413 si 6 31/3/40 1/8/42 it • • • * 929 tt • * Palmerston North t? • * it ' * tt )» • ■ tt * • tt * ' It * ' 6J 6 6 6 6 6 Si Si 5i 5i Si 5i Si 5i 5i 5i 54 1/4/32 1/7/32 1/8/32 1/11/32 1/11/43 1/2/44 20/8/52 30/10/52 18/11/52 1/1/53 1/2/54 1/4/54 9/4/54 ■ 1/9/55 1/12/56 1/2/57 1/6/57 4,000 23,000 2,000 4,000 15,000 16,000 85,000 24,000 3,000 18,000 10,200 31,350 2,400 3,300 25,500 24,475 20,000 »i • ■ tt • ' »> • • »» ■ • tt • • 39!050 J» Parnell Patea .. 6 6 44 5 44 1/8/32 1/8/42 1/11/48 1/3/50 1/9/53 6^889 7,200 5^000 tt * * * • * * 500 tt • • • • * • 31,113 5,000 Petone (Hutt Road Act, 1915) Petone 4 6 54 44 64 1/4/66 1/8/32 21/2/41 21/2/48 1/11/52 10,800 1,500 6,000 15,350 tt • • ' * ' ' 9,'009 5,027 19,009 998 it • • • * ■ • tt • • ' • Picton Port Chalmers Pukekohe 6 6 64 6 6 6 1/8/32 1/9/42 1/1/58 1/10/58 1/4/00 1/10/60 10,000 8,000 tt ' • ' • ,, • ■ • • 5,800 4,939 5,000 5,000 10,000 a • • • * ,, . . > . 15,516 tt • • ■ • Queenstown 5 6 1/4/34 1/7/43 1,300 2^035 tt • * • • 970 Raetihi .. 64 1/7/32 50 2,955 >t * • * * Rangiora 6 44 5i 1/6/43 1/3/27 1/4/55 3,000 2,240 5,500 6,400 a * • • Riccarton Richmond 1,990 1,407 807 ;i ■ • • * 5i Si 1/5/56 1/4/57 2,500 500 It Roxburgh Shannon Stratford 6 6 6 6 Si Si 1/8/32 1/4/33 1/12/33 1/8/42 1/10/52 30/3/57 10,000 6,700 1,500 8,750 16,000 21,000 406 8,309 »» • * • • *t • * • • 28,'o38 a ' • * •


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.


Securities. Itate of interest. Due Date of Securities. The Post Oliice. ThcOomThe »,,,„ T u. „..,,.„ missioners ance Office. oflloe - umce ' Sinking Funds. The State Fire insurance. The The Treasury Nativc Tru3 ' irtasury. omco _ a Jib A Local Authorities' Securities —continued. Boroughs— continued. Sumner.. Per Cent. 5 Si 1/9/49 1/5/52 £ £ £ 2,600 £ £ £ £ £ 3,000 £ „ ,, . . . . . . Sydenham Taihape 25,000 0,000 20,577 ,, • • 5 44 0 6 6 6 64 5i 25/9/35 1/2/32 1/4/32 1/7/32 1/10/43 1/12/43 1/8/40 1/10/55 1,000 25,700 1,250 5,000 1,000 17,000 ,, . . • . Takapuna 30,910 4,780 0 . 1/3/58 3,280 Taumarunui 0 0 0 64 5 Si 2,000 550 5,000 12,500 29,500 2,150 48,907 ,, ■ * . * Tauranga 1/4/33 1/10/59 1/5/00 1/4/32 1/7/50 1/2/52 ,, .• .. ., • • 19,483 „ •. „ .. * * ii i, • • ■ ■ Te Aroha si Si 6 5 6 5 1/6/53 1/2/57 1/8/58 1/1/25 1/7/32 1/4/33 1,550 4,000 20,000 3,000 10^000 ii 7,000 5,500 i, * * • * Te Awamutu To Kuiti 7,082 08,796 ,i Si 64 Si 5i 5 1/8/51 1/4/53 19/3/54 1/10/54 1/10/54 2,000 3,000 3,530 1,300 13,000 ,, .. .. i, * * ■ • ,, • • ii • ■ * • Temuka Thames.. 24,152 11,140 ti ' • * • 54 6 5 5 SiSi Si 1/3/41 1/4/43 1/0/49 1/0/50 1/0/52 1/7/55 1/11/50 12,900 14,000 1,400 5,500 2,000 14,000 1,800 ,, . . . . . . ,, . • . . 4,939 17,227 ,, . • . . . . Timaru 6 4 5 1/1/59 30/0/47 30/6/49 4,000 5,400 ii 100,514 Wailii .. Waimate Waipawa 51 1/12/52 12,000 27,547 5 1/7/42 7,500 5 13',227 1,800 ii • ■ • • ,, . . . . Waipukurau 6 0 5 5} Si 5i 1/7/32 1/3/32 1/8/50 1/11/51 1/4/54 24/9/54 13,500 9,000 2,000 45J23 ii • • Wairoa ,, • • • ■ • • 4,000 ii • • 400 1,500 7.000 500 7,913 Waitara 5 5 1/3 '49 1/11/49 1,800 14,000 2,300 1,000 10,000 7,000 14,403 Wanganui ii ■ • • • ,, . . . . ,, ,, 5 0 5 0 0 5.! 6i 0 5f 51 5i c i 1/1/31 1/3/32 1/7/32 1/11/32 1/11/36 1/10/39 1/10/40 1/1/43 1/6/15 1/9/54 1/4/57 1/0/57 15I000 5,000 ii 400 1.9,387 ii 9,100 •i 51000 4,000 ii 96,764 ii ....


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.


Securities. Rate of Interest. Due Date The po5t Securities. 0mce - The The rnenTSr. ™'™' ance Office.: 0fflce ' The State Advances Office. The Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Funds. The T . The State Fire; T '',, rv Native Trust Insurance. ir<.«ury- , 0fflo(J a ~ "> c •a Ijocal Authorities' Securities —continued. Boroughs— continued. Westport. Whakatane Per Cent. £ £ £ £ 34,423 £. £ £ £ i 6 5 H 5i 5i 5i Si 54 1/3/38 1/4/50 1/8/54 1/4/55 1/1/56 1/2/57 1/7/57 1/8/57 5,300 1,078 10,000 1,000 1,100 24,000 2,500 500 11 • • • • ., 11 • • • • ,. ,, »• 500 250 1,800 2,550 2,850 230 2,500 2,500 13,000 5,600 12,000 3,450 4,200 29,819 ,, . . . . ,, .. Whangarei ,, . . . . ,, . . . . ,, • • • ■ 51 0 0 0 0 0 Si 5} Si 0 0 5 5} 1/11/57 1/0/58 1/5/32 1/7/32 1/8/32 1/9/32 1/2/39 1/3/39 1/4/39 1/8/42 1/9/42 1/10/47 1/7/51 ,, . . . . ,, . . . . 11 ,, . . . . ,, Winton ll575 90,949 5 Si 1/7/50 25/5/52 1,775 2,908 Woodvillc 4J 0 1/3/32 1/9/42 500 530 ,, .. 10',458 Cities. 103,074 52,192 Auckland Christchurch Dunedin Nelson 0 0 0 1! 5! 4 1/1/25 1/5/32 1/3/33 21/3/33 1/12/30 31/7/31 000 8,000 10,000 15,000 Wellington 100,000 10,000 ,, 41 4" 4 8,400 73,570 ,, ,, Wellington (Hutt Road Act, 1915) 31/12/32 30/0/33 1/4/00 25,000 807 22,800 Counties. 1/3/49 900 ijoi3 Akaroa 44 Akitio .. 6 1/9/42 2,840 Amuri Ashley .. Awakino 28,391 427 4,184 ,, k 5i 51 Si Si si 54 51 5* 64 51 5i 15/2/52 1/5/53 19/2/55 20/10/55 1/11/55 9/11/50 1/5/57 1/7/57 1/8/57 1/7/32 1/3/51 1/4/52 5,300 710 2,950 330 450 2,000 1,000 45 500 2,000 1,300 400 ,, . . • . Awatere ,, • • 11 57,000 5,181 Bay of Islands Brnce .. CastlepoiRt Cheviot Clifton .. si 1/8/55 11,747 10,381 1,176 6" 1/9/32 4,000 Clutha .. Collingwood 161814 13.008 6 Si Si 1/8/32 1/5/52 17/8/54 6,000 1,800 180 2,224 11 • • • •

B.—lo. .

Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.


Securities. I U^ c Due Date ' In of tercst. Securities. The Post O.lice. Thl ' The Govern- p bU( , t ment ()ffl ance OJioe,! The State Advances Office. The Commissioners. „,, °y-: u H i0 StateFire Sinking Jasnranee. Funds. The - Treasury. T3 The |.§f Native Trust si g g Office. u o 9 fc Local Authorities' Securities —continued. Counties — continued. Cook .. Per Cent. 04 Si 5] £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 1/7/32 1Z9/55 1/3/56 50 700 4,000 It • • ■ • * • Dannevirke Egmont 06,483 15,487 5 51 51 1/6/50 1/10/50 1/4/52 1,000 2,000 1,525 Eketahuna 20,813 8,002 tt 0 6 l/i6/43 1/7/60 4,515 1,000 Rlfcham 07,023 a ■ • Eyre Featherston ii ,, - • ■ ■ ,, 6 Si 5 51 0 5 5 5 54 51 51 51 51 51 1/10/43 1/12/50 1/8/25 1/7/41 1/11/42 1/7/49 1/0/50 31/7/51 1/8/51 1/7/52 2/2/51 1/2/50 1/11/50 1/9/57 395 3,000 300 0,000 900 200 1,000 i a<;a 1,969 1,909 100 2,500 0,500 050 8,500 200 , . . .. 500 44,509 Franklin 5 51 51 51 51 sisi °i 6 6 1/7/53 24/12/54 22/1/55 1/4/56 1/1/57 1/2/57 1/4/57 1/0/57 1/3/60 1/4/60 27,000 0,000 3,000 500 18,000 750 300 2,000 5J000 >i Geraldino Grey Halswell Hauraki Plains Hawora.. 43,515 2,492 2,284 5J 13/12/55 5, 000 '.'. oi,5oo 29,002 41 5 51 15/5/38 1/7/41 1/2/50 '.'. 6,800 3,000 61454 ,, . . . . Hawke's Bay Heathoote 01 5 31/12/25 1/2/32 1/4/50 600 850 0,000 600 32,572 ,, * • • • Hobson.. 6 51 51 51 51 5-1 51 0 0 0 1/1/43 1/3/53 29/12/53 1/10/54 29/1/55 20/2/55 1/1/56 1/8/58 1/10/58 1/6/60 '.'. 5,000 2,500 5,500 600 250 2^500 1,500 5,000 3,000 1,800 i, • • Hokianga 46,020 34,122 51 Si 31 5 5 1/6/56 1/3/57 1/4/57 1/2/50 1/4/50 1,030 0,700 22,000 500 2,800 Horowhenua ,, • • • • 251408 11,579 Hutt .. Hutt (Hutt Road Act, 1915) Inangahua Inglewood 4 1/4/00 4,800 i,814 14,023 I! 0 6 6 1 /I/43 1/9/43 1/9/48 1/10/48 2,043 435 8,000 1,200 21043 i,


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.


Securities. Rate of Interest. Due Date of Securities. The Post Office. The Government Insurance Office. The Public Trust Office. The State Advances Office. The Com-1 missioners Tt T . °Debtf ?taW Tr ™« Nativ^Trust Sinking Insurance. lrca8l "y- Qmoe , Funds. ■a Jig A Local A ulhorities' Securities —continued. Counties — continued. Kaikoura Per Cent. 64 51 0 0 6 51 51 51 6 £ £ £ £ Kairanga 1/7/32 1Z8/45 1/8/42 1/9/43 1/11/43 1/11/51 1/2/55 1/2/56 1/7/58 £ 3,000 2,400 7,050 1,330 1,100 5.500 2,300 2,400 650 £ £ £ £. 11 11 • ■ 5 51 Si 51 6 3,500 350 45,393 11 Kaitieke 11 * ■ * • 1/2/50 1/7/51 1/12/52 350 1, • • ■ * 37,484 11 • • • • Kawhia.. 1/12/51 1/10/56 850 i» 600 25,734 11 - • Kiwitea.. 61 51 1/8/30 1/7/56 10,000 5,500 1, ,, . . . . . . Kowai Levels Mackenzie 7,725 2,181 11,562 1, • • • • 5 5 51 si 6 1/9/25 1/6/20 1/8/57 1/8/57 1/1/59 1,200 120 2,000 6,000 800 ,, . * • . ,, .. Makara.. 6 4 3l000 2,842 ,, .. Makara (Hutt Road Aot, 191.5) Manakau 1/2/44 1/4/06 7,200 0 0 6 6 1/8/42 1/8/57 1/10/57 1/4/60 1,000 2,250 7,000 2,750 1, * • • • Manawatu 5 51 51 Si 6 6 6 61972 Mangonui 1/7/60 1/7/50 1/3/57 1/3/50 1/8/42 1/4/58 1/7/59 1,500 450 30,000 30,000 8,830 2,000 12,000 41464 11 ,1 • • Manukau Mastcrton 161702 47,554 51 51 51 1/7/24 28/2/54 1/7/57 4,000 1,100 2,500 ,, . . . • „ Matakaoa Matamata 241110 1,193 ,, • • 6' 5 5.1 5 1/1/36 1/10/49 1/6/51 1/2/53 12,000 12,000 1,200 2,000 1, Mauriceville Murchison 31,828 645 5 5 51 6 1/1/49 1/3/50 1/7/57 1/7/32 1,500 900 12,000 4,200 Ohinemuri Ohura 6i 6 6 1/7/42 1/8/43 1/4/60 6,473 1,800 2,000 5,200 11 • • • • • • 11 Opotiki.. 6' 5 Si Si 54 6 1/1/43 1/10/49 1/12/53 1/2/54 1/5/57 1/8/57 5', 838 26,733 ii * • 4,000 3,000 400 4,000 2,455 Opotiki and Whakatane .. Oroua .. 51 1/12/53 2,000 3,500 27,689 1, Otamatea 51 Si si3/il'./52 1/12/55 1,800 4,500 61796 ,1 • • * • ,1 * • • • si i/ii/56 10,000 39,923 ,, IT


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.


Securities. Hate of Interest. Due Date of Securities. The Post Office. The Government Insurance Office. The Public Trust Office. The State Advances Office. The Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Funds. The State Fire insurance. The The Treasury. "Trus, a ■§■§1 © ° A Local Authorities' Securities —continued. Counties -continued. Otorohanga Per Cent. £ £ £ £ 28,033 £ £ £ Oxford .. 5.1: Si 61 51 61 1/12/53 1/2/56 1/2/58 1/12/40 1/7/57 2.450 1,200 1,000 2,200 l'ahiatua 4,850 9,148 1, • • • • Patangata 6 1/9/42 665 25,045 ,, 6 0 0 51 Si 51 0 1/7/32 1/8/42 1/3/43 1/10/55 1/1/57 1/12/57 1/5/60 15,000 12,650 8,600 25,000 1,200 900 10,000 11 ■ • Patca Piako 0 Si 51 Si 51 111924 11 • ■ 1/1/43 1/11/50 1/10/54 1/1/56 1/4/56 0,000 7,000 600 19,000 7,000 70,615 0 0 6 6 1/10/57 1/8/58 1/12/59 1/9/42 18,000 12,000 1,400 1,200 11 * • • • Poh angina 7,639 Raglan .. 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 51 51 54 1/9/32 1/4/43 1/1/49 1/10/49 1/12/49 1/7/50 1/3/51 1/5/51 1/4/50 1/7/57 4,500 4,000 7,000 1,750 700 4,500 875 3,500 21,000 12,000 ,, . • 53,829 11 • • Rangiora 0 6 0 Si 5.1 6J 1/4/58 1/3/60 1/4/32 1/5/55 9/11/56 9/1/58 1,200 20,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 500 11 Rangitikei .. • 1,705 61,235 ,« . • 11 0 6 6 6 6 1/7/32 1/4/43 1/7/43 1/12/43 1/10/50 1/10/57 1,000 7,200 10,000 5,000 35,000 20,000 11 • • • • 11 • • Rodney.. Rotorua Southland Stratford 23,656 198 6,279 6i Si 1/4/32 1/11/56 6,140 20,000 11 ■ • 11 • • • Taieri Takaka Taranaki 21,006 199 81 5i 51 1/1/42 1/10/39 1/4/57 40,500 2,000 ilooo Tauranga 26,039 27,748 11 Thames.. 6 0 5.1: 1/7/00 1/5/3230/9/53 2,000 6,000 11,000 6,667 ,, .. 51 5! ■ r 'l 51 0 0 1/10/55 1/12/55 1/1/50 1/5/50 1/8/42 1/9/42 2,500 500 520 15,000 12,000 "400 Uawa 5J, 5i 33,760 6,100 1/9/53 1/4/57 30,000


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.

3—B. 10.


Securities. E '' f te Due Date In of tercst. Securities. the T , The Post Govern. Pnhr ,„ , Vint Office. mentlnsur- ,;„i, IUSt ancc Office. Umte - The State Advances Office. The Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Funds. The T1 The State Fire ,,,.,' "° Native Trusl insurance. ma9ur y Office. T3 Sn'e S o a A Local Authorities' Securities —continued!'. Counties — continued. Vincent.. Waiapu.. Per Cent. £ £ £ £ £ £ 14,851 £ £ £ £ 5 64 41 51 0 1/11/49 1/11/50 1/10/51 1/11/53 1/11/57 2,700 4,000 20,000 7,500 6,500 Waihemo Waikato 5 1/2/49 1/2/50 07,900 202 2,500 41,083 46,117 12,513 Waikohu Waimairi Waimarino 0 5 5 51 Si Si Si Si 1/12/42 1/9/49 1/1/50 1/11/52 1/3/53 1/1/54 1/4/55 20/9/50 300 350 300 200 1,140 250 3,000 8,000 ,, Waimate Waimate West . . Waimea 20,902 3,450 49,850 0 51 1/7/32 1/2/55 11,300 150 8,192 Waipa .. 5 51 51 Si 51 54 6 1/0/50 1/9/54 2/0/55 9/12/55 1/2/57 1/7/57 1/3/58 2,450 4,000 400 16,000 1,500 5,000 7,000 ,, . . . • 58,182 0 1/6/60 2,800 9,761 Waipara .. ■ -. Waipa wa 5i 15/12/56 1,800 17,907 BJ 1/0/57 5,000 3.570 Waipukurau vVairarapa South.. 0 5 1/3/43 31/7/51 .1 150 1,909 1,969 10,470 ,, Wairewa Wairoa 0 51 5.1 Si Si 6} sisi 1/8/42 1/2/52 1/3/53 23/8/54 10/12/54 1/5/55 13/11/55 1/3/57 2,800 7,500 10,000 1,600 2.200 1,200 1,000 4,000 66,257 Waitaki 61 1/3/57 11 .1 2I0OO 9,841 78,973 Waitemata Waitomo 6 5 51 51 51 5.1 51: Si 51 51 51 51 Si 51 51 51 1/4/43 1/11/49 1/3/52 1/8/52 1/11/52 1/1/53 1/5/53 • 1/0/53 1/12/53 15/12/53 12/8/54 1/2/50 1/8/50 1/9/50 1/2/57 1/7/57 150 1,250 .. .. 125 3,500 10,000 3,000 3.500 3,950 4,500 10,450 4,000 6,500 2,250 3,545 9,955 2,190 ,, ■ • 831792 Waitotara 0 1/8/42 8,570 25,509 Wanganui 5 1/5/50 2,000 23,812 10,203 Weber . . 6' 1/9/42 11 11 4,175 • 1



Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.

Securities. %*• Duo Date In of terest. Securities. The Po it Office. The Th nice Office. um06. The ComThe State "tfft5fi» The Advances °,,„ '!''" State Fire 0mce - Sinking |l'wurance. Funds. The Treasury. The Native Trusl Office. a Bn-c ■ 111 I J _ Local Authorities' Securities —continued. ('o u n it ks — conld. Whakatane Per Cent. 6 5 51 51 51 5.1 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ „ ,, 1/12/37 1/4/50 1/4/52 1/11/53 1/5/50 1/4/57 £ £ 3,900 1,603 107 7,500 29,000 4,035 1 15,000 1, ■ ■ Whangamomona Whangarei Whangaroa 4,656 17,127 39,438 ■• 6 6 1/9/32 1/9/12 2,815 285 it 8,505 Woodville 6 1/9/42 005 11,261 Drainaoe Boards. Aka Aka 1/10/59 1/7/54 1/5/39 700 480 3,081 1, ■ ■ * * Aorangi .. ... Buckley Christohuroh TCllesmere Land Elstow Eltham Eureka Kencourt Freshfleld Hauraki Hautapu Hillside.. 6 5 5 000 4 14/10/52 2,850 155 12,249 3,502 2,285 2,183 2,364 9,441 365 si 5 30/11/53 1/12/53 500 5,000 Hungahunga Huntress Creek Judea .. Kawa Kirikirima 1,498 21,030 1,187 400 14.397 1.792 . . Lower Mangapiko 5 s.l 6 1/3/50 1/12/55 1/2/58 300 2,500 250 Makerua Mangahoe Mangawara Moutoa Nelson City Otane .. Raupo .. 676 3,491 1,983 4,254 485 44 1/12/25 1.1090 383 6 1/2/43 2,500 Rotomanuka Sluggish River Taieri Tauhei .. To Puke Land To Rapa 12,278 1,294 si 5 1/7/52 31/7/51 11:134 1,000 3,562 3,881 2,871 5 1/1/50 '' 120 ,, Tuatua (Moana) .. Tumu-Kaittma .. Uapoto Upper Mangapiko Wainono Waipa Wairau Maori Waitama 3,053 0,801 1,681 3,514 1.909 4.897 51 51 Si 1/11/52 1/1/53 1/7/56 850 5,000 3,500 Waitoa Wakapuaka Whakaki Woodlands 20,645 494 1,900 5 1/9/53 1,500 8,542 Electric-power Boards. Banks Peninsula 64 61 6 6 6 5' 1/5/57 1/8/57 1/1/58 1/4/58 1/9/42 1/3/57 10,000 15,000 20,000 17,000 7,000 50,000 Cambridge ,. 1,


B.— LO

Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. —continued.

The Com- 1 c! Dae Date Th . Pnil . almm The The Stat.. "fjK?! The Th The 1.9 J Securities. of Office mcnt limr PubUo Trusfc Advances Debts ' I stato pire Treasurv Nattve Tn,8t "88 tereat. Securities. °« oe - Office. Office. Insurance. Trca8ur y Office. Funds. | £ Local Authorities' Securities —continued. Electric-power Boards — p er continued. Cent. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ££ Central .. .. 0 1/7/32 .. .. 14,000 .. .. Si 1/7/57 .. .. 60,000 Opnnake .. .. 6A 1/6/32 .. .. 24,000 6| 1/7/32 .. .. 10,250 Springs, Ellesmere .. 6 1/7/32 .. .. 15,000 5£ 1/11/57 .. .. 20,000 5f 1/2/58 .. .. 5,000 Taranaki .. .. 6 28/9/60 .. 50,000 ..6 1/10/60 .. 100,000 Te Awamutu .. .. 6 1/8/42 .. .. 18,COO .. ..6 1/12/43 .. .. 4,000 5± 1/2/57 .. .. 25,000 54 1/12/57 . . .. 15,000 5J 1/1/58 .. .. 8,000 ..6 1/5/58 .. .. 10,000 Thames Valley .. .. 5J 1/12/56 .. .. 50,000 5J 1/4/57 .. .. 50,000 Wairarapa .. .. 6 1/7/32 .. .. 20,000 6 30/4/61 .. 30,000 Wairoa . . . . 6 1 /10/57 . . .. 30,000 6 1/8/58 .. .. 10,000 Fire Boards. Hamilton .. .. 5J 1/12/51 .. 1,000 5j 1/1/53 .. .. 4,300 Palmerston North .. 5j 1/2/52 .. .. 1,600 Harbour Boards. Auckland .. . • 5J 10/7/37 500 Buller .. .. .. .. 9,930 Bay of Islands .. . . 6 1/8/42 . . . . 25,000 ..6 J/10/42 .. .. 5,000 Foxton .. .. 51 1/6/54 .. .. 3,000 . . .. . . . . 8,000 Greymouth . . . ■ 4 14/7/52 260,000 Harbours Act, 1908, and 5f 1/4/31 .. .. .. .. ... 27,000 Grey H a r b o u r Board Amendment Aot, 1920 Havelock .. . • .. .. • ■ • ■ . • 582 . . Hokitika .. .... . . . . . . .. 19,933 Mokau .. •• 5 1/3/50 .. .. 1,000 Motueka .. •• .. •• 19,514 Nelson.. .. 5J 1/10/55 .. .. 103,000 New Plymouth .. .. 5} 1/8/49 .. .. 60,000 Patca .. .. .. 4i 8/2/46 21,870 .. .. ... „ .. .. 4| 8/2/49 5,000 „ ..6" 30/9/50 .. .. 8,600 „ .. .. 4J 8/2/53 8,130 .. .. Tauranga .. • 6 1/4/58 .. .. 7,310 Thames.. .. . . 4 1/4/38 10,000 Timaru ■ . • •. .. • • •. .. 8,847 Wairoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 104,422 Wanganui .. .. 5] 5/1/50 .. .. 150,000 Wellington .. .. 51 28/2/40 .. .. 50,000 5£ 28/2/40 .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 ..4" 28/8/46 45,000 4} 28/8/46 25,400 32,500 Whakatane 1 .. . . 6 1/4/32 .. .. 3,550 5} 1/5/52 .. .. 36,000 51 27/4/54 .. .. 35,000 ..5f 1/6/55 .. .. 3,600 ..5| 1/2/56 .. .. 3,500 61 1/11/56 .. .. 6,500 6 1/10/57 650 Whangarei .. .. 5| 1/5/57 .. 20,000 Hospital Boards. Auckland .. .. 6| 1/10/31 .. .. .. .. .. 500 Bay of Plenty .. .. 6 1/4/43 .. .. 5,000 Palmerston North .. (JJ 1/4/43 .. .. 3,000 South Canterbury . • 6 1/8/44 ; . .. 11,000 Stratford .. . . 6 1/1/44 .. .. 5,500 Taumarunui .. .. 6 1/10/59 .. .. 28,323 Tauranga •• •• 6 1/6/43 .. .. 12,500 Waikato .. ■■ 0 1/9/44 .. .. 6,000 Wanganui • ■ • 6| 1/9/43 . . . . 18.000 Westland . . ■ • 6 1/4/44 . . .. 7,000 Whangarei .. 6 1/7/43 .. .. 3,564 0 1/4/44 .. .. 16



Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held In the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. —continued.

The Cora-1 -I 3 . R * U ' Due Date Thn Pn , t ' r JJoL The ' The State ' The Th,- ' The § Securities. , of Arfw mm*S!ir Public Trust Advances D 0 ht* State Fire Trpaqiirv i Native Trust £ i g terest. ""»• SSSfSSE: <>««• 0ffl - I™' Irea9Ury ' Office. "|J i j | | Funds. J . | | % Local Authorities' Securities —continued. p el . Irrigation Board. cent £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ : £ Oaonui .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 2,435 .. .. .. .. •• Rabbit Boards. Maru Rabbit-proof Fencing (i 1/6/43 .. .. 250 District Waotu Rabbit-proof Penc- 0 l/'J/43 .. .. 300 | •. .. .. .. .. ing District Railway Board. Ohai .. .. .. 6 1/7/32 .. .. 20,000 5J 1/5/55 .. .. 30,000 Rivbr Boards. Hawke's Bav .. •• 0 1/9/42 .. .. ti,395 „ .. .. 5J 1/11/56 •• .. 8,000 Hutt .. •• 5| 14/2/53 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 ..5I 1/10/56 .. .. 9,000 .. Kakepuku • • .... .. .. .. .. 6,296 Ma tail 5|- 1/5/57 .. ... 2,000 „ .. .. 6 1/4/58 i 200 Opio 5 1/6/50 .. . . 400 Otaki .. •• 6 1/12/59 .. .. 1,500 Otanomomo .. ' .. .. .. • • • • ■. 637 Otautau .. .... .. .. .. .. 1,468 Spring Creek .. .. Si 1/6/54 .. . . 1,000 . . Taieri River Trust .. .. .. .. .. .. 34,986 Tokarnariro .. .. 5} 1/7/57 .. .. 2,500 ..6 1/8/58 .. .. 250 Tuamarina .. .. 5 1/8/50 .. .. 500 Waikiwi .. ■■ 5J 1/7/57 .. .. 5,000 Road Boards. Akaroa and Wainui .. .. .. ■■ .. .. 1,989 Avondale .. .. 5J 1/4/53 .. .. 1,000 Huntly •• •• •• 9,651 Inoh-Clutha .. .. 5 1/12/49 .. .. 1.000 5 1/8/50 .. .. 100 Kirikiriroa . . .. 5 1/9/53 . . .. 1,000 ..5 1/10/53 .. .. 1,500 Mangaorongo .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 2,662 Mangere .. •• 5 1/3/50 .. 15,000 5£ 1/6/51 .. 3,500 " .. .. Hi 30/6/54 .. 3,300 Mount Roskill .. .. •• 8,826 5J 1/2/56 .. .. 18,000 ..6 1/10/59 .. .. 4,000 ..6 1/6/60 .. .. 15,000 Mount Wellington .. .. .. .. ■. .. 577 Omakn 5J 1/8/52 .. .. 666 „ .. .. ..5J 1/3/57 .. .. 1,850 5} 1/12/57 .. .. 1,000 „ .. .. .. .. ■■ •• •• 3,394 One Tree Ilill .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 17,053 Orapui .. •• .... .. .. .. .. 109 Panmure Township .. .. .. • • • • • • 806 Pelorus .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 2,662 6 1/9/42 .. .. 2,600 .. 5J 1/5/57 .. .. 1,140 Pictoti .. .. •• •• •• 459 .. .. i. „ .. ..5 1/10/50 .. j .. 2,100 Portobc.llo .. • • • • • • • • ! • • • • 021 Spring Creek .. • • 6 1/4/43 •. 600 ..5 1/5/50 .. .. 3,500 5J 1/6/53 .. .. 770 ;; •• •• •• •• •• •• •• m Tamahere ■ • • - 6 1/2/43 .. .. 5,000 .. .. ..6 1/2/44 .. .. 5,000 5]- 1/12/51 .. .. 6.000 .... .. .. .. .. 17,719 Tama'ki West .. .. I 6i 1/5/32 .. .. 900 ..5 1/6/49 .. .. 10,000 5] 1/6/51 .. .. 1,000 51 1/12/56 .. .. 9,000 .. .. .. 3,509 Upper Moutere .. .. .. • • • • • • • • 250 .. .. .. .. ., Wairau .. .. •• 5J 1/12/30 .. .. 2,270 , .. .. .. 5J 10/1/54 .. .. 500 6 1/5/58 .. .. 2,515 .. .. .. 1,974 Whangamarino .. • • • • • • • • • • • • 12,185 .. .. ., ,, , t


Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.


Securities. The Com-1 ? c Du - ftte r 0 e «r L& "ft*- sr~ Tr^ry te'rest. Se ™ titl( ' s - KofflS 0fflC<: - Offl0 * SWtoS , "'«■»"«■ T ""* ' 0ffi - Funds. a III A Local Authorities' Securities —continued. Town Boards. Cent. £ ££ £ £ £ £ £ 5 31/12/34 .. .. 000 36,251 Per Cent. 5 £ £ £ Bull's .. Cnstleclifl Kllerslie.. 5 5 31/12/34 31/10/33 1/0/34 1.000 14,500 5 31/10/33 .. 1.000 Frankton (lien Eden 44 0 0 5 1/0/34 .. 14,500 532 44 1/8/48 .. .. 7,500 6 1/3/43 .. .. 1,000 0 1/8/43 .. .. 100 33,997 5 1/7/29 .. .. 1,700 733 1/8/48 1/3/43 1/8/43 Gonyillo 5 1/7/29 Havelock 0 5 J 0 0 3,116 llaveloek North 6 1/11/43 .. 3,116 51 1/3/36 .. .. 12,000 6' 1/10/30 .. .. 7,940 6 1/10/42 .. .. 1,990 11,617 5 1/9/50 .. .. 700 5 1/8/53 .. .. 7,000 4,489 5 1/2/30 .. .. 5,000 i/ii/43 1/3/30 1/10/30 1/10/42 Helens ville llikurangi 5 5 1/9/50 1/8/53 ,, Eunterville 5 5 5 5 1/8/30 .. 3,000 5 1/8/31 .. .. 500 1/2/30 1/8/30 1/8/31 3,000 Huntly Si 51 Si 90 5i 1/12/51 .. .. 0,000 5-i 1/8/52 .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 2,000 51 1/9/53 .. .. 575 .: .. .. .. .. 4,027 4 1/4/66 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,200 1/12/51 1/8/52 1/9/53 Johnsonville (Hutt Boad Act, 1915) Johnsonville 4 1/4/66 ,, 5 Si 5 5 5i 5 1/1/23 .. .. 84 51 30/11/27 .. .. 2,748 5 30/11/27 .. .. 1,000 5 1/8/48 .. .. 800 54 1/12/51 .. .. 2,000 18,273 2,972 6 1/0/32 .. .. 2,700 6 1/11/43 .. .. 1,520 51 15/1/48 .. .. 5,000 51 20/3/53 .. .. 500 .. .. .. .. .. • ...''.. 0,513 6,944 404 j- t /1 n iAf\ Clttr\ 1/1/23 30/11/27 30/11/27 1/8/48 1/12/51 ,, ,, .. Kaikohe Kamo Kaponga 6 6 5i 51 1/0/32 1/11/43 15/1/48 20/3/53 Kawakawa Kauhia.. Leamington 5' 5 1/12/49 1/12/51 250 660 5 1/12/49 .. .. 250 ,, 5 1/12/51 .. .. 660 349 Manaia .. Si 01 15/8/31 .. 1,500 21,479 7,460 m 1 yui /in linn 15/8/31 1,500 Mangapapa .Mangaweka 5 5 5 1/12/49 1/1/53 1/8/54 900 900 5 1/12/49 .. .. 900 5 1/1/53 .. .. 900 2,250 5 1/8/54 .. 2,250 7,625 w - 1 J1 A IA A »» ftAA 2.500 250 Manunui 5 5 5 1/12/49 .. .. 2.500 r I /I 1 IV1\ OftA 1/12/49 1/11/50 Manurewa Martinborough .. 5 1/11/50 .. .. 250 3,228 13,731 if 5 5 61 .is 1 /1 /kq 'i r.oo 4J 1/1/53 .. .. 3,000 5 1/1/53 .'. .. 350 r~ 1 lit irn A rtAA 1/1/53 1/1/53 1/8/53 1/12/54 3,500 350 4,500 450 ,, .. 5 1/8/53 .. .. 4,500 fiis-in/f-J A ft A 51 1/12/54 .. .. 450 1,306 rr 1 1 m /zn -y aaa 3,000 300 20,000 Matamata si 6 54 61 1/2/57 .. .. 3,000 6 1/3/58 .. .. 300 1/2/57 1/3/58 1/6/57 51 1/6/57 .. .. 20,000 22,629 1- 1 /t\ /sn rtAA Mercer .. Morrinsville ,» ... New Byun 5 5 51 0 0 0 5 5 51 Si Si 5 1/9/52 .. .. 500 p 1/1 lftf\ ti AAA 5 1/1/50 .. .. 0,000 .. .. 51 1/11/50 .. .. 45,000 ,. ■ /i\ 1 a c\ urtrt 0 1/9/42 .. .. 855 0 1/3/58 .. .. 17,275 1/9/52 1/1/50 1/11/56 1/9/42 1/3/58 1/5/59 1/3/49 1/12/49 1/2/52 1/12/52 1/10/51 500 0,000 45,000 855 17,275 1,550 3,500 350 1,000 Ngaruawuhia 0 1/5/59 .. .. 1,550 t- 1 /« /Jrt •> rtAA 5 1/3/49 .. .. 3,500 f 1 it n i a i\ OKA 5 1/12/49 .. .. 350 a- 1 'i /e\ /era 1 m\i\ 51 1/2/52 .. .. 1,000 .. .. .. ... 2,750 Onerahi 51 1/12/52 .. 2,750 660 5J 1/10/51 .. .. 000 .. .. .. I 1,119 .. .. l .. 1 ,,



Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. —continued.

j I I . The Com- j "H Securities. "f. f"**" ™ e / c ° 8t LraTSr. l'ub™Trust Idvancls j Statolire ' Tr ™« Nal.ive'Trust If | ' tercet. Scouritles - uu™e OffieeJ <>mee. | Office. | Insurance.) TreMur >- . Office. I • | -•> x, I Fantla. J g Local Authorities' Securities —continued. p er Town Boards—conlivued. Cent. £ £ £ £ ££ £ £ £ Opunake .. 5 1 /3/30 .. .. 000 •• 5 1/7/34 .. .. 60 .. .. .. .! !! " •••• • • • • .. .. 983 Otane .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,173 Otautau .. .... . . .. . . ., 919 Otorohanga .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,626 Papakura .. .. 5J 1/12/56 .. 2,000 • ■ •. .. 41,079 „ •• ..6 1/3/60 .. 4,980 .. .. .. .. .. .. Pleasant Point .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 417 Raetihi .. .. 5£ 1/3/52 .. j .. 30,000 „ •• •• 5{ 2/5/53 .. .. 900 „ 5J 1/3/54 .. .. 2,100 „ •• 5J 1/6/56 .. .. 1,000 „ 5J 1/11/56 .. .. 3,500 „ 6 1/11/57 .. .. 350 Raglan.. .. .. 5 1/8/52 .. .. 500 „ ■ ■ • • 6 1/5/60 . . 500 » • • .... .. . . .. .. 459 .. .. . . Rangataua .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. 1,914 Rongotea .. .. 5 1/9/34 .. 700 Taradale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,538 .. .. .. To Puke .. .... .. .. .. .. 9,181 6 1/8/42 .. .. 1,300 5j 1/1/57 .. i .. 9,000 .. .. .. .. I! Tuakau.. .. .. 5£ 9/5/53 .. j .. 2,000 „ •• Si 13/4/54 .. .. 2,000 .. .. .. " „ •• •• 5,| 13/11/54 .. .. 5,000 » •• •• •• 5J 1/7/57 .. .. 3,000 „ •• 5* 1/1/58 .. 733 » •• •• •• j •• 1,190 .. .. .. " Upper Hutt (Hutt Road 4 1/4/66 .. .. .. . 750 Act, 1915) " ! Upper Hutt .. .. 5£ 1/7/51 .. .. 350 ••5 1/1/52 .. .. 1,100 ••5 1/8/53 .. .. 11,000 • •5 1/3/54 .. .. 1,100 .. .. .. 477 .. .. .. ;; " VVaipukurau .. .. 5 1/1/55 .. .. 250 .. .. .. .. ;J0U VVaiuku.. .. •• 5J .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,000 !! » •• •• •• •• .. .. 1,671 YVarkworth .. .. 5 1/4/50 .. .. 200 • • •• •• .. .. .. 5,215 .. !! !! '' Waverley .. .. 5 25/4/47 .. 750 ••5 1/4/55 .. .. .. .. 13,420 ;; ■■5 1/10/50 .. .. .. .. 4,780 ..I Water-supply Boarp. Waimakariri-Ashley .. 41 1/9/30 .. .. 13,000 • ■ .. .. .. .. 1,474 .! !! Miscellaneous Securities. Bank of New Zealand Act, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,250,01X1* 1920, preference " A " and " B " shares Land Settlement Finance 5 6/12/23 .. .. 7,500 Act, 1909 Ditto .. .. .. 5 1/9/31 .. .. 1,500 5 1/11/32 .. .. 3,506 5 1/10/32 .. .. 3,000 5 11/11/33 .. .. 8,000 „ 5 29/11/33 .. .. .. .. .. 700 .. !' ..5 11/12/33 .. .. 14,492 .. .. -.5 1/3/34 .. .. .. .. .. 11,850 .. " -.5 30/6/34 .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 G 27/4/35 .. .. .. .. .. 8,000 „ • • 5 15/6/35 .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 „ ■■ ..5 1/2/36 .. .. 7,700 „ ..5 19/3/36 .. .. 500 .. .. 8,000 9,500 Fixed-deposit receipts .. 7/8/24 .. .. .. .. 20 000 .. 3f- 20/9/24 .. .. .. .. .. ;}] 8 ■ • -u 1/1/26 .. .. .. . . .. .. 500 •• h i8/i/26 .. .. .. .. .. 500 Westenra coal lease fixed 4 8/3/25 .. .. .. .. .. .. I (jos deposit * Nominal value "A" shares, £500,000; nominal value " B " shares, £1,000,000.



Return of all Public Securities belonging to the Offices undernamed held in the Dominion as on the 31st March, 1924, etc. — continued.

Securities held in London as at 31st March, 1924.

I Rate Securities. i j° f _ terest. Duo Date of Securities. The Post Govern The ! The State Office menUnsur- *"»2*H A *%™ BS ance Office. 0fflce ' 0fflce - 1 I The Commissioners of Publlo Debts Sinking , Kunds. | The State Fire Insurance. The The Treasury. Nat 0^™ st ! i* ° r*5 I i i Miscellaneous Securities p er —continued. Cent. Landed and house property Ditto, freehold .. ,, leasehold „ freehold arid leasehold Mortgages Ditto, Ad anees Ofliec —■ Sinking Fund Branch Advances to (Settlers Branch Advances to Workers Branch Public Debt Sinking Fund Branch Miscellaneous Business Branch — Housing Branch Cold-storage advances Prait-prescrving industry Pishing industry pro- 5 motion—bills of sale Housing Branch —agreements for sale and purchase Property acquired by foreclosure £ £ £ £ 134,090 1,579 338,837 2,705,977 13,347,097 1,258,325 9,501,194 4,591,490 542,230 £ I £ 173,741 120 £ £ 1,407 484,200 £ 3,594 48,838 52,198 2,825 5 089,023 0,403 72,290 Total held in the Dominion 44,172,682 |4,867,83l |20,180,044 121,812,933 400,050 393,717 7,805,800 794,490 425,585 Grand total £100 919,138 — ± —

Securities. a t The Post Office. The ' The Treasury, ot Date of «°™rn*»~«t Maturlt y- Nominal Cost Insurance Nominal Cost Mrem - Value. Price. Office. Value. Price. i New Zealand Consols Account Nominal Value Cost Price. British war-loan stock Canadian stock Cape of Good Hope consolidated stock Egyptian guaranteed bonds Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 Government Advances to Settlers Extension Act, 1901 India stock Per ! Cent. £ £ £ £ £ 5 1929-47 421,053 400,000 .. 50,789* 48,250 5 „ .. .. .. 1,283,158f 1,219,000 21 1/10/47 12,007 10,133 3 1/7/3S 5,000 4,800 34 1/7/29-49 200 180 3 .. .. .. .. 59,000f 50,303 4 1/1/29 12,900 12,904 4J 5/0/25 80,000 80,000 £ £ New Zealand consolidated inscribed stock.. 2.1, On or after 109 52 .. 05,340+ 31,740 5/10/20 3 5/1/31 12 10 .. 357,766+ 201,500 3 5/10/48 41 36 84 5/1/31 217 214 .. 153,010+ 147,547 3| 1/1/40 018,000 018,000 3 1/4/45 2,260,496 2,244,583 025,900 2001 34 1/1/39 12,000 11,760 4 1/4/24 1,773 1,861 3 1929-49 1.2,380 10,709 3 .. .. .. .. 230,000+ 212,005 50,400 50,400 South Australian stock ,, . . . . . . Victorian stock Transvaal stock Totals 3,436,848 3,395,308 025,900 2,199,263 1,976,411 50,400 50,400 » D.S.S. Loans Act, 1920, Dei In addition to the above the Custodians hold di Zealand Belief Fund and the British Distress Fund, i ireoiatlon Fund Account. t Reserve Fund securities. t Nelson Rifle Prize ebentures to the nominal value of £41,000 on behalf of the Public Trustee, £7,000 British And German nickel coin to the nominal value of i ; 95. in Fund Accoi es to the noini man nickel coi Kund. War Loan on iiehnlf of New



Other Securities held by the Public Trust Office as at 31st March, 1924. £ Auckland Savings Bank .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 174 Whitcombe and Tombs shares .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -1,305 Bank of New Zealand • .. .. .. .. .. .. ' .. 403 £4,942 Other Securities held by the Treasury as at 31st March, 1924. £ Deed of agreement for purchase of Horahora Eleotrio-power Works by the Government .. 212,500 Hansford and Mills Construction Company (Limited), (Kairurn Marble Company (Limited) ) mortgage deeds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,185 Memo, of agreement for advances in anticipation of loan, Southland Electric Power Board 0 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 154,000 Femgrove Sawmilling Co., instriinient by way of security, 5 per cent. .. .. .. 500 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..£373,185

Other Securities.

Mortgages and bills of sale securing advances made under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Acts, 1915-22, and under the Repatriation Act, 1918, are held in the District Offices. The total of the Public Trust Offloe securities includes £2,007,707 in respect to the Public Service Superannuation Fund, £807,797 in respect to the Teachers' Superannuation Fund, £901,445 in resfiect to National Provident Fund, and £50,000 in respect to Railway Superannuation Fund. G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (475 copies), £02.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 924.

Price 9d.]

Rate of interest. Due Date of Security Amount. Defence Department — Lease securing payment for Drill-hall, Invorcargill Per Cent. £ 200 Internal Affairs Department — Y.M.C.A., Wellington 9,149 Land and Income Tax Department —■ Southland Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited) — 400 £5 preference shares Debenture .. Deed of mortgage between Samuel Turner, Samuel Turner (Limited), and His Majesty the King 7 5 2,330 3,495 6,798 Tourist Department — Mount Cook Motor Company (Limited), deed of loan 3,000 Total .. £24.972

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PUBLIC SECURITIES HELD IN THE DOMINION OR ELSEWHERE AS ON 31st MARCH, 1924., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, B-10

Word Count

PUBLIC SECURITIES HELD IN THE DOMINION OR ELSEWHERE AS ON 31st MARCH, 1924. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, B-10

PUBLIC SECURITIES HELD IN THE DOMINION OR ELSEWHERE AS ON 31st MARCH, 1924. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, B-10

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