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CONTENTS. Page Page Advanoes to Mining Companies .. .. ..2 Mines Department .. .. .. .. 57 Agriculture, Departmenl of .. .. .. * Mining Companies, Advanoes to .. .. ..2 Audit, Department .. .. .. ..2 Mining Districts Land Oooupation-Aooount .. 59 Cheviot Estate Account .. .. .. 3 National Endowment Account .. .. .. 00 Cold-storage Advanoes Aooovint .. .. ..4 National Endowment Trust Aooount .. (il (look Islands Department .. .. ..6 National Provident Fund .. .. .. A Crown Law Office .. .. .. .. li National Provident Fund and Friendly Societies Customs Department .. .. .. ..7 Department .. .. .. .. (>;j Defence Department .. .. .. ..8 Native Department .. .. .. .. 04 Development of Water-power .. .. .. 109 Native Land Settlement Aooount .. .. * Disoharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. * Native Trust Offioe .. .. .. .. 65 Discharged .Soldiers Settlement Depreciation Fund Nauru anil Ocean Islands Account .. .. (Hi Account .. .. .. .. ..12 Naval Defence.. .. .. .. ..67 Education Department .. .. .. ..15 Pensions Department .. .. .. ..68 Education Endowment Deposit Account (Primary).. 13 Police Department .. .. .. .. * Education Endowment Deposit Aooount (Secondary) 14 Post and Telegraph Department .. .. .. * Electoral Department .. .. 20 Printing and Stationery Department .. ..70 External Affairs Department .. .. .. 27 Prisons Department .. .. .. * Eishiug Industry Promotion Account .. ..28 Publio Servioe Commissioner's Office .. ..72 Fruit-preserving Industry Aooount .. ..29 Publio Trust Offioe .. .. .. ..73 Government Accident Insurance Department .. 32 Public Works Department .. .. .. * Government Life Insurance Department .. ..32 Railways .. .. .. .. ..75 Health, Department of .. .. .. .. * Repatriation Department .. .. ..77 Housing Account .. .. .. ..34 Stamp Duties Department .. .. ..79 Hunter Soldiers' Assistance Trust Account .. 37 State Advances Office .. .. .. ..SO Immigration Department .. .. ..38 State Coal-mines .. .. .. ..811 Industries and Commerce Department .. .."' * State Eire Insurance Office .. .. ..91 internal Affairs Department .. .. ..40 State Forest Service .. .. .. ..92 Justice Department .. .. .. .. * Superannuation Funds — Kauri-gum Industry Account .. .. .. 46 Public Servioe .. .. .. 94 Labour Department .. .. .. ..47, Railways .. .. .. .. .'. 95 Land and Deeds Department. .. .. .. 48 Tsaohers .. .. .. . . .. 90 Land and Income Tax Department ... .. 49 Thermal Springs District Act 1910 Account .. 97 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. * Tongariro National Park .. .. ..97 Land for Settlements Account (Discharged Soldiers Treasury Department . . . . .. 98 Settlement Account) .. .. .. .. * Tourist and Health Resorts Department .. .. 99 Lands and Survey Department . . .. .. * Valuation Department . . .. . . .. 103 Legislative Department .. .. ..50 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account 104 Loans to Employers for Workers' Dwellings Account 51 War Expenses Account .. .. .. 105 Marine Department . • .. . . 52 Water-power, Development of .. .. .. 109 Mental Hospitals Department .. .. ..54 Westport Harbour Account .. .. .. 122

* The balance-sheets of the Departments marked with an asterisk will be published in a supplementary paper.

I—B. I [Pt. IV].

B—l [Pt. TV],


ADVANCES TO MINING COMPANIES. (MINES DEPARTMENT.) Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ a. d. Income. £ s. d. To Interest on loan capital .. .. 2,611 5 9 By Interest on advances to companies .. 2,081 610 Balance —Loss for year .. .. 529 18 11 £2,611 5 9 £2,611 5 9 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital—Loans under various Acts .. 55,700 0 0 Advances to mining companies .. 52,431 2 5 Loan from Public Works kund 7,000 0 0 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 9,127 0 2 Sinking Fund .. .. .. 882 3 4 Interest receivable, accrued but not duo 506 13 10 Sundry creditors —Interest due to Treasury 2,053 3 7 Sinking Fund —Investment Account .. 882 3 4 Interest payable, acorued but not due .. 1,105 0 5 Cash in Treasury .. .. .. 2,018 711 Suspense Account .. .. .. 623 19 0 Losses brought forward £1,868 19 9 Loss for year .. 529 18 11 2,39S 18 8 £08,024 12 4 £68,021 12 4 G. Jas. Anderson, Minister of Mines. P. G. Pearce, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. AUDIT DEPARTMENT. Tncoati? and Expenditure Account for the Yeah, ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Salaries .. .. .. .. 31,653 111 By Audit fees .. .. .. 17,526 15 1 Advertising, books, &c. .. .. 37 5 0 Balance carried down .. .. 20,632 4 0 Allowances to Audit Officers, London 96 13 4 Allowances for higher duties .. 10 0 0 Compassionate allowance to Mrs. Ralston .. .. .. 154 0 0 Law-costs .. .. .. 117 12 4 Printing and stationery .. .. 359 14 0 Postages telegrams, &c. .. .. 229 0 8 Rent .. .. .. .. 67 10 0 Telephone services .. .. 88 18 2 Temporary assistance .. . . 1,600 9 4 Travelling-expenses .. . . 3,232 1 4 Contingencies .. .. .. 33 17 0 Removal expenses .. .. 348 15 11 Depreciation .. .. .. 107 9 3 Office fittings and requisites .. 22 9 10 .. £38,158 19 1 £38,158 19 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. 20,632 4 0 By Excess of expenditure over income Interest .. .. .. .. 80 5 2 after charging interest on capital .. 20,712 9 2 £20,712 9 2 £20,712 9 2 Balance-sheet of the Audit Department as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Capital .. .. .. .. 1,783 10 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. Treasury liability .. .. .. 1,569 17 0 Furniture and fittings .. 1,329 7 1 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 057 12 2 Add additions .. 21 14 6 Treasury Adjustment Account... .. 21,010 010 1,351 1 7 Depreciation Reserve.. .. .. 285 19 8 Books and stationery .. 409 3 0 Add additions .. 40 0 0 455 3 0 Mechanical appliances .. 211 7 6 Add additions .. 110 0 212 17 0 Stamps .. .. .. .. 5 110 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 2,227 19 10 Expenses paid in advance .. .. 341 18 3 Excess of expenditure over Income .. 20,712 9 2 £25,307 0 4 £25,307 0 4 G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor.-General.


B.—l [Pt. IV].

CHEVIOT ESTATE ACCOUNT. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Or. £ a. d. Or. £ s. d. To Rents written oil .. .. .. 370 10 0 By Accrued rents .. .. .. 19,310 310 Overstatement in buildings written off 1 0 0 * Accrued rents duo from Territorial Remissions of rent .. .. 0 19 0 revenue .. .. .. 20 5 9 Rebates.. .. .. .. 787 510 Interest on investments .. .. 0,975 15 4 Management expenses of inscribed stock .. .. .. . . 85 17 5 Expenditure under section 300, Land Act, 1908 —Advertising .. .. 0 18 0 Administration expenses .. . . 949 9 5 Interest on inscribed stock. . .. 8,806 3 1 Sinking Fund Reserve Account ... 826 14 5 Not profit for year carried down .. 14,417 1 9 £20,312 4 11 £26,312 I II £ s. (1. £ s. d. To Balance.. .. .. .. 214,259 18 9 By Net profit brought down .. .. 14,417 I 9 Balance from previous years .. 199,842 17 0 £214,259 18 9 £214,259 18 9 Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance at Ist April, 1922 .. .. 173,839 12 10 By Refund of rent .. .. .. 0 6 0 Rents from leases. . .. .. 18,989 8 3 Expenditure under section 300, Land Interest on securities held by Invest- Act, 1908—Printing, &c. . . 018 0 incut Account .. .. .. 6,574 10 4 Expenditure under section 19, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1922 —Administration expenses .. .. 556 7 3 Interest on inscribed stock.. .. 8,800 2 0 Sinking fund .. . . .. 820 14 5 Management charges on stock .. 85 17 5 Balauco at 31st March, 1923— Cash in Public Account .. .. £7,427 5 10 Invest in cut Account .. .. 181,640 0 0 189,007 5 10 £1.99,403 11 5 £1.99,403 II 5 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Inscribed slock under New Zealand Loans Laud .. .. .. .. 396,211 0 0 Act, 1908.. .. .. .. 253,318 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. .. 812 10 Interest due on inscribed stock .. 2,101 17 7 Postponed rents .. .. .. 97 4 0 Appreciation of Assets Reserve Account 124,073 0 0 Sundry debtors for rents.. £6,085 13 4 Sinking Fund Reserve Account .. 1,317 5 0 Less writings oil in SusRents paid in advance .. .. 114 11 7 pense .. .. 377 15 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 401 12 4 0,307 18 4 I Balance of Revenue Account .. .. 214,259 18 9 Sundry debtors for interest on investments 2,048 4 6 Sundry debtors, miscellaneous .. .. 48 14 9 Sinking fund .. .. .. 1,317 5 6 Cash in Public Account .. £7,427 5 10 Investment Account .. 181,640 0 0 189,007 5 10 £595,700 5 9 £595,706 5 9 J. P. Thompson, Under-Secretary for Lands. J. H. O'Donnell, Chief Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that— (1.) No provision has been made for losses in value of land occasioned by floods. (2.) The Revenue Account includes rents payable in advance which do not belong to the period of such account. (3.) The accounts have been compiled from copies of Ohristohuroh journal entries sent to Head Office and Treasury cash figures, and the only assets verified are inscribed stock, accrued interest, sinking fund, and cash balance. J. H. Fowler, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General. Notes. —1. The value of the loss has since been ascertained, and will be provided for in 1923-24 accounts. 2. Rents for one year only have been included in the Revenue Account. They are all payable half-yearly in advance on various due dates, and it has not been the practice to apportion them. J. H. O'Donnell, Chief Accountant, Department of Lands.

13.-- I [Pt. IV].


COLD-STORAGE ADVANCES ACCOUNT. (DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE.) Revenue Account for Seven Months ended 31st October, 1922. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Interest on debentures .. .. .. 2,0.10 5 2 By Interest on loans .. .. .. .. 2,403 9 5 Administration charges .. .. .. 60 I. 9 Interest on investments .. .. .. 712 2 5 Bad debts reserve .. .. .. 7,720 15 2 Balance (loss) .. .. .. .. 7,51.1. 7 9 Sinking Fund Reserve Account .. .. 229 17 6 £10,626 19 7 £10,626 19 7 Balance-sheet as at 31st October, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures.. .. .. .. .. 82,750 0 0 Advances under the Act .. 81,581 8 8 Interest accrued on debentures .. .. 598 4 10 Loss repayments .. .. 3,984 14 0 Sinking Fund Rosorvo Account .. .. 463 14 2 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 60 1 9 77,596 14 8 Less bad debts reserve .. 7,720 15 2 69,875 19 6 Interest accrued on advances and investments .. 1,149 II 0 Interest outstanding on advances .. .. 526 12 4 Treasury Account —Sinking Fund .. .. 233 16 8 Treasury liability .. .. .. .. 565 7 0 Cash in Public Account .. .. -.. 2,245 3 3 Rovenuo Account— Balance, Ist April, 1922 .. 1,764 3 3 Add loss to 31st October, 1922 7,511 7 9 <j,275 II 0 £83,872 0 9 £83,872 0 9 A. It. Stone, For Director-General, Department of Agriculture. I. hereby certify that tlic Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.-— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l ITt. IVI.


COLD-STORAGE ADVANCES ACCOUNT— continued. (STATE ADVANCES OFFICE.) Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ a. d. Assets, £ s. d. Sundry loans .. .. .. .. 82,750 0 0 Investment Account—Principal owing by mortSundry creditors .. .. .. .. 451 3 3 gagors .. .. .. .. .. 7.1,219 SII Interest on loans, accrued bill not duo .. 293 18 5 Sinking Fund investments .. .. .. *027 18 2 Bad debts reserve .. .. .. .. 7,720 15 2 Interest on mortgages —] £ s. d. Overdue .. .. .. 761 0 0 Accrued .. .. .. 885 2 3 1,646 2 3 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 1,880 3 2 Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. 8,860 10 3 Cash in hand and in bank at 31st March, 1923 6,984 I I I £91,218 16 10 £91,218 16 10 * This amount represents capital paid Into the sinking funds under tlic provisions vi the Public Debt Extinction Act, 1910. Profit and Loss Account for the Five Months ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. : Or. £ s. d. To Management Expenses Account .. .. 52 0 0 By Interest Account —Gross profits .. .. 3 0 7 Balance —Loss for the five months .. .. 48 13 5 i l £52 0 0 ! £52 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance as at 31st October, 1922 .. .. 9,275 II 0 By Transfer from Sinking Fund Reserve Account Loss for the five months .. .. .. 48 13 5 Adjusting sinking funds debited to Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. .. 463 14 2 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 8,800 10 3 ' £9,324 4 5 £9,324 4 5 Interest Account for the Five Monihs ended 31st March, 1923. Or. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. £ a. d. To Interest on loans .. .. .. 1,111 2 1 By Interest on mortgages .. 1,012 12 5 Interest on loans, accrued but not due .. 293 18 5 Interest on mortgages, overBalance—Cross profits transferred to Profit and due at 31st Miircb, 1923.. 761 0 0 Loss Account .. .. .. .. 3 6 7 Interest on mortgages, accrued but not due at 31st March, 1923 .. .. .. 885 2 3 2,688 14 8 Loss overdue and accrued at 31st October, 1922 .. 1,281 5 I — 1,407 9 7 Interest on bank balances.. .. .. 0 17 6 £1,408 7 1 £1,408 7 I Management Expenses Account for the Five Months ended 31st March, 1923. Or. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Administration expenses .. .. .. 42 0 0 By Balance transferred to Profit and Loss Account 52 0 0 Audit services .. .. .. 10 0 0 £52 0 0 • £52 0 0 Wm. Waddel, Superintendent. R. Robertson, Accountant. The Audit Office, having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts, and compared them with the relative books, documents, and securities, hereby certifies them to be in accordance therewith.—G. F. C Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. IV].


COOK ISLANDS DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. Income. Or. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Expenditure (nominal aocounts) — By Balance carried down .. .. 20,183 2 4 Salaries .. .. .. ..11,350 7 2 Advertising .. .. .. 39 8 3 Cook and Other Islands Administration expenses .. .. .. 2,313 17 10 Expenses, visit to Rarotonga, W. C. Berridge .. .. .. 50 0 0 Medical services, Niue .. .. 250 0 0 Office fittings and requisites .. 45 3 5 Postages and telegrams .. .. 102 5 9 Rarotonga wireless .. .. 3,000 0 0 Subsidy for service to Niue.. .. 1,150 0 0 Telephone services .. .. 56 12 6 Travelling allowances and expenses .. 31 10 0 Tropical allowances .. .. 1,784 16 2 Contingencies .. .. .. 7 13 Depreciation .. .. .. 2 0 0 £20,183 2 4 £20,183 2 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. 20,183 2 4 By Excess of expenditure over income .. 20,185 8 4 Interest on capital .. .. 2 6 0 £20,185 8 4 £20,185 8 4 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital funds —Liability to Treasury Telephone subscriptions in advance .. 42 9 4 (1/4/22) .. .. .. .'. 51 4 0 Office fittings and requisites .. .. 40 0 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 1,123 8 3 Treasury Liability Account .. .. 861 7 7 Depreciation Reserve.. .. .. 2 0 0 Excess of expenditure over income .. 20,185 8 4 Treasury Adjustment Account.. .. 19,952 13 0 £21,129 5 3 £21,129 5 3 R. M. Porteous, Accountant. J. D. Gray, Secretary. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. CROWN LAW OFFICE. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital Account .. .. .. 2,701 2 3 Office Furniture Aooount .. .. 288 (1 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 50 10 3 Library Account .. .. .. 2,519 3 6 Depreciation reserve .. .. .. 530 410 Expenses paid in advance .. .. 00 16 11 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 5,706 19 8 Excess of expenditure over income .. 6,126 10 I £8,994 17 0 £8,994 17 0 Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Salaries •• .. .. .. 5,637 6 8 By Law-costs.. .. .. .. 288 11 4 Annual certificates .. .. .. 26 1 3 Balance carried down .. .. 0,004 19 1 Law-costs.. .. .. .. 127 19 9 Printing and stationery .. .. 192 0 5 Postage and telegrams .. . ■ 35 6 6 Telephone services ...... 58 3 9 Travelling-expenses .. .. 10 6 0 Annotation of statutes .. .. 29 11 3 Newspapers and other publications .. 8 10 Sundry expenses .. .. .. 16 2 7 Depreciation reserve — £ s. d. Library.. .. 120 12 9 . Furniture .. 21 12 6 142 5 3 £0,283 10 5 £0,283 10 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down ■• ■■ 0,004 19 1 By Excess of expenditure over income .. 0,120 10 1 Interest on capital .. .. .. 121 11 0 £6,126 10 1 £6,126 10 1 E. Y. Red ward, Crown Solicitor. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B,—l [Pt. IV"].


CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Administrative charges— By Customs and excise duties .. .. 0,155,430 0 8 Salaries .. .. 79,911 19 10 ' Beer duty .. .. .. .. 012,506 13 2 Allowances, overtime, and Warehouse license fees .. .. 7,123 6 11 rewards .. .. 2,045 8 8 Brewery supervision fees .. .. 1,269 18 4 Kxpenses of Inquiry Agent, Hop-beer license fees .. .. .. 139 0 0 London .. .. 361 12 1 Customs Agents' license foes .. .. 302 0 0 Establishment of Inquiry Distillation Act license fees .. .. 118 0 0 Agency in America .. 1,05.1 1 4 Tobacco Act license fees .. .. 74 13 3 Printing and stationery .. 1,727 10 3 Customs fines .. .. ■ .. 178 0 0 Payments toother Depart- Sale and disposal of seizures .. .. 73 0 7 ments for services of Immigration Restriction Act— officers .. .. 4,754 16 6 Chinese poll-tax .. .. .. 12,700 0 0 Postage, telegrams, and Other receipts .. .. .. 100 0 0 rent of boxes .. 1,056 1 0 Timber-export duty .. .. .. 35 7 0 Telephone services .. 485 12 1 Miscellaneous revenue .. .. .. 27 11 0 Temporary assistance .. 400 3 9 Travelling expenses and allowances .. .. 1,521 7 0 Rent .. .. .. 5,013 10 0 Miscellaneous expenses of head and local offices .. 1,799 4 6 100,728 7 0 Main Highways Account .. .. 106,355 14 7 Grant to Cook and Niue Islands Governments .. .. .. .. 2,382 5 11 Depreciation Fund .. .. .. 619 7 4 Balance carried down .. .. 6,580,052 2 1 £6,790,137 16 11 £6,790,137 10 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on capital .. .. .. 1,161 7 3 By Balance brought down .. .. 6,580,052 2 1 Kxcess of revenue over expenditure .. 6,578,890 14 10 £0,580,052 2 1 £6,580,052 2 1 Percentage cost of collection = £1 9s. Bd. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liab il ities, A ssets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital funds— Office furniture and fittings .. 6,098 8 3 Balance, Ist April, 1922 .. .. 25,808 2 5 Additions during year .. 43.18 0 Sundry creditors— 6,142 6 3 Outstanding expenses 904 6 11 Mechanical office appliances .. 577 0 0 Fees received in advance .. 6,683 0 0 Additions during year .. 7 3 4 Main Highways Account .. 15,133 0 7 584 3 4 — 22,720 7 6 Buildings .. .. .. .. 11,080 14 2 Deposit Accounts — Reserves .. .. .. .. 8,052 0 0 Immigration Restriction Acts 390 0 0 Sundry debtors — Customs duties .. .. 69,729 18 7 Post and Telegraph Depart70,119 18 7 ment—Customs and beer Depreciation Eund .. .. .. 1,091 18 0 duty on hand, 31st March, Excess of revenue over expenditure.. .. 6,578,890 14 10 1923 .. .. .. 26,032 8 0 Pees paid in advance .. 398 0 0 20,430 S 6 Deposit Accounts— Receiver-General .. 60,885 0 0 Collectors of Customs .. 8,844 18 7 69,729 18 7 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 6,576,611 10 6 £6,698,631 I 4 £6,698,631 1 4 Geo. Craig, Comptroller of Customs. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the accounts include charges for rent and interest for which there is no appropriation by Parliament, and also charges for services rendered to other Departments for the payment of which those Departments possess no parliamentary appropriation.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. IV].


DEFENCE DEPARTMENT. Headquarters General Activities Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. ! Or. To Pay, military, civil, and cost-of-living £ s. d. By Rent of houses and quarters, hire of bonus .. .. .. 35,358 7 0 drill-halls and offices, and intergst £ s. d. Grants for rifle meeting arid purchase on mortgage .. 2,525 19 5 and engraving of medals .. 900 13 4 Refund of unexpended amounts of Medical examination, attendance, and regimental-funds grant from, units 5,049 8 1.1 hospital charges .. .. 111. 15 6 Kit deficiencies .. .. .. 35 410 Advertising, printing, stationery, Profit derived from the sale of horses 14 11 6 postages, repairs, and washing .. 4,555 210 Grazing-rights on rifle ranges .. 425 4 8 Maintenance, repairs, and hire of Timber rights at Waimarino .. 167 16 0 drill-halls, offices and buildings, Sale of canteen rights .. .. 7 7 0 grounds, boat-sheds, and launches 3,688 7 2 Excess of expenditure over income Compensation and special allowances, (carried down).. .. .. 04,090 12 2 guards of honour, and funeral expenses .. .. .. 321 10 7 Cost of upkeep of targets and -rifle ranges .. .. .. 438 13 5 Rations, fuel, light, and water .. 1,773 1 II Courts of Inquiry and rewards to the Police Force .. .. .. 50 0 0 Travelling - expenses, railway and steamer fares, freights, and cartage 8,004 14 0 Horse-hire, maintenance, and veterinary stores .. .. .. 360 7 4 Clothing, stores, and ammunition .. 1,784 10 0 Uniform allowance to officers, noncommissioned officers, and men .. 422 8 0 Use of vessels for Defence purposes 406 10 0 Expenses in connection with wireless sets 43 15 0 Passages and expenses of officers and cadets abroad on duty .. .. 352 15 5 Pay and allowances to officers and cadets abroad on duty .. .. 546 10 7 Contribution towards liability of Imperial Government for pensions of officers and non-commissioned officers while serving in New Zealand 39 2 4 Refunds of Customs duty .. .. 1,030 10 0 Additional allowance to cover expenses of Sergeant Instructor J. F. Walsh from Milton .. _ .. 70 3 Value of binoculars on issue to Lieutenant W. G. Gentry, lost while on active service in India .. . ■ 8 10 8 Contingencies .. .. .. 23 15 0 National Rifle Association. Pay, military, of staff on loan for annual meeting .. ..' 28 9 0 Small-arms ammunition supplied .. 711 1.5 0 Contribution towards railway fares.. 224 3 9 Repairs and upkeep of targets and rifle ranges .. .. .. 155 10 9Miscellaneous charges .. .. 9 5 0 Non-ejfective Services. Rifle olubs— Share of pay of military staffs .. 750 0 0 Railway fares . . .. .. 330 311 Small-arms ammunition issued at less than cost price .. .. 4,655 1.7 5 Cost and upkeep of targets and maintenance of rifle ranges .. 24 6 4 Miscellaneous charges .. .. 43 8 8 Pay of officers, non-commissioned officers, and men on retirement .. 2,103 8 0 Depreciation on— £ s. d. Buildings .. 3.101 7 11 Libraries .. 22 10 2 Wireless sets .. 100 14 10 Furniture .. 360 10 10 — 3,615 9 9 £72,916 4 0 £72,916 4 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. 64,090 12 2 By Excess of expenditure over income Interest on capital one year on after charging interest on capital.. 182,639 10 10 £2,034,420 14s. 7d. at 4J per cent. 118,548 18 S £182,039 10 10 £182,639 10 10


B.—l [Pt. IV].

DEFENCE DEPARTMENT— continued. Territorial Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. To Pay, military, civil, Territorial, and £ s. d. By Hire of drill-halls .. .. 579 2 5 cost-of-living bonus .. .. 55,115 5 0 Grazing-rights on rifle ranges .. 420 12 1 Clothing, stores, and ammunition .. 58,542 0 9 Kit deficiencies and fines .. .. 709 15 2 Medical examination, attendance, and Excess of expenditure over income.. 128,705 8 0 hospital charges .. .. 350 13 2 Grants for rifle shooting .. .. 462 14 0 Advertising, printing, stationery, postages, repairs, and washing .. 1,001 18 1 Maintenance, repairs, and hire of drillhalls, offices and buildings, grounds, boat-sheds, and launches .. 2,410 2 9 ( Compensation and special allowances, guards of honour, and funeral expenses .. .. .. 100 17 5 (lost and upkeep of targets and rifle ranges .. .. .. 208 14 3 Rations, fuel, light, and water .. 1,213 10 3 Regimental -funds grants to and military education of troops .. 1,587 2 11 Courts of Inquiry and rewards to the Police Force .. .. .. 58 15 0 Travelling - expenses, railway and steamer fares, freights, and cartage 5,939 1 9 Horse-hire, maintenance, and veterinary stores .. .. .. 85 8 2 Uniform allowance to officers, noncommissioned officers, and men .. 104 19 8 Hire of vessel towing targets and transporting troops .. .. 105 0 0 Maintenance of wireless sets .. 40 0 0 Rent of offices .. .. .. 515 0 Depreciation on— Drill halls, offices, and £ s. d. quarters .. 1,881 15 5 Furniture .. 159 0 0 Wireless sets . . 82 4 7 2,123 0 0 £130,420 18 2 £130,420 18 2 Cadets Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Or. . £ s. d. To I'ay, military, civil, and cost-of-living By Hire of drill-halls .. .. .. 083 8 5 bonus .'. .. .. .. 49,294 19 9 Grazing-rights on rifle ranges .. 574 14 10 Clothing, stores, and ammunition .. 25,928 9 0 Kit deficiencies and fines .. .. 208 17 2 Grants for rifle shooting .. .. 087 I 0 Excess of expenditure over income .. 88,221 9 9 Medical examination, attendance, and hospital charges .. .. 312 13 8 Advertising, printing, stationery, postages, repairs, and washing .. 1,059 9 5 Maintenance, repairs and hire of drillhalls, offices and buildings, grounds, boat-sheds, and launches.. .. 2,800 II 8 ('ompensation and spocial allowances, guards of honour, and funeral expenses .. .. .. 74 13 10 Cost and upkeep of targets and rifle ranges .. .. .. 243 0 3 Rations, fuel, light, and water .. 818 7 4 Regimental funds grant to and military odueation of troops .. .. 1,338 14 3 Courts of Inquiry and rowards to the Police Force ' .. .. .. 72 0 0 Travelling - expenses, railway and steamer fares, freights, and cartage 4,473 I 3 Horse-hire, maintenance, and veterinary stores ■ ■ • ■ • • 30 0 4 Uniform allowance to officers, noncommissioned officers, and men .. 108 16 9 Depreciation on — Drill-halls, offices,and £ s. d. quarters .. 1,485 15 8 Furniture .. . .. 300 10 0 1,786 5 8 £89,088 10 2 £89,688 10 2

2—B. 1 [Pt. IVI.

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DEFENCE DEPARTMENT— continued. Army Ordnance Stores Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Pay, military, and cost-of-living bonus 24,807 15 8 By Rent of quarters .. .. .. 285 9 1 Medical examination, attendance, and Hire of stores, &c. .. .. 720 5 4 hospital oharges .. .. 50 12 3 Kit deficiencies .. .. . . 510 0 Advertising, printing, stationery, post- Excess of expenditure over income .. 34,547 14 3 ages, repairs, and washing .. 3,059 .15 9 Maintenance, repairs, and hire of offices and buildings .. .. .. 2,109 5 2 Compensations for accident and special allowances .. . . . . 24 6 0 Rations, fuel, light, and water .. 188 0 I Travelling - expenses, railway and steamer fares, freights, and cartage 1,958 13 1. Clothing, stores, and ammunition .. 2,340 16 3 Use of vessels lightering powder, &o. 157 0 0 Uniform allowance to officers, noncommissioned officers, and men .. 211 211 Depreciation on offices and buildings 591 II 6 £35,559 4 8 £35,559 4 8 Aviation. —Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Or. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Pay, military, and cost-of-living bonus 1,039 17 6 By Profit derived from sale of oil, <fee... 4 9 7 Advertising, printing, stationery, and License fees for pilots.. .. ... 7 0 0 postages .. .. .. 35 9 5 Excess of expenditure over income .. 14,168 1 10 Pay, travelling and other expenses of refresher course for pilots .. 3,122 10 0 Travelling - expenses, railway and steamer fares, freights, and cartage 228 9 2 Expenses and upkeep of Government machines .. .. .. 477 16 11 Uniform allowance to officers .. 3 0 0 Rent of landing-grounds .. .. 28 12 0 Subsidies to and free issues of oil and spirit to aviation companies . . 6,911 5 10 Miscellaneous charges .. .. 312 4 9 Depreciation on— £ s. d. Aircraft machines and spares .. .. 1,920 0 10 Buildings .. .. 95 16 7 Furniture .... 4 8 5 2,020 5 10 £14,179 11 5 £14,179 11 5 " Janie Seddon " Launch. —Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. j Or. £ s . d. To Pay, military, cost-of-living bonus, and I By Hire of vessel .. . . .. 883 2 (i overtime .. .. .. 1,493 5 2 I Transport of troops, lightering, and Paint, oil, spares, &c, . . .. 150 12 2 ' towing targets .. .. .. 760 0 0 Fuel and water .. .. .. 356 11 2 Excess of expenditure over income .. 030 14 3 Maintenance, repairs, slip dues, &0. . . 69 13 3 Depreciation on vessel .. . • 203 15 0 £2,273 16 9 £2,273 10 9 " Lady Roberts " Launch. —Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. Cr. £ a. d. To Pay, military, cost-of-living bonus, and £ s. d. By Hire of vessel .. .. .. 273 0 9 overtime . . .. .. 908 3 9 Transport of troops and towing targets 268 10 0 Paint, oil, spares, &c. .. .. 89 7 4 Excess of expenditure over income .. 876 19 I Fuel .. .. .. .. 234 16 0 Maintenance, repairs, wharf dues, &c. 16 18 9 Depreciation on vessel .. .. 169 4 0 £1.418 9 10 £1,418 9 10


B.—l [Pt. IV]

DEFENCE DEPARTMENT— continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d, Capital funds— - Public Works Fund— £ s. d. Liability to Trea- Land and buildings 600,080 15 11 sury, Ist April. £ s. d. Additions .. 2,803 2 2 1922.. .. 2,634,420 14 7 602,889 18 1 Value of gifts from Mortgage on building— Imperial Govern- Invercargill .. 400 0 0 ment .. 34,271 4 8 Less repayment .. 200 0 0 2,668,691 19 3 200 0 0 Treasury Adjustment Account, .. 514,631 16 11 Consolidated Fund— Depreciation Resorvc Account .. 1.6,216 14 1 Armament and small-arms ammuniRents received in advance .. .. 131 1 8 tion (depreciation not disclosed) .. 095,063 12 3 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 10,307 6 4 Ordnance stocks at vocabulary figures 986,096 13 4 Less Stock Suspense Account .. 244 17 4 985,851 16 0 A.S.C. supplies .. .. 40 1 4 Unit equipment and stocks .. .. 486,001 19 7 Less Stock Suspense Account .. 339 9 5 485,662 10 2 Less depreciation and stocks consumed .. 85,362 8 3 400,300 1 11 Stationery and publications .. 1,025 15 6 Libraries .. .. 525 14 9 Additions .. 15 0 0 540 14 9 Defence vessels and stores .. .. 6,454 9 8 Additions .. 270 2 2 6,724 11 10 Aerial machines and spares .. .. 33,763 9 8 Additions .. 8,126 13 4 41,890 3 0 Less depreciation and spares consumed 2,220 15 3 39,663 7 9 Oil and spirits (aircraft.) .. .. 2 0 10 Wireless sets .. .. .. 1,460 0 I Furniture . . .. .. 16,466 4 2 Live-stock—Horses at valuation .. 251 4 0 Sundry debtors .. 1,893 10 2 Rents accrued .. 350 4 3 2,249 14 5 Value unexpired portion railway passes and telephone subscriptions .. 2,444 8 5 Stamps . . .. .. .. 350 16 2 Cash in hands of High Commissioner.. 4,064 0 3 Excess of expenditure over income— Aviation Revenue £ s. d. Account .. 14,108 1 10 Headquarters General Activities Revenue Account .. 182,639 10 10 Territorial Revenue &. Account .. 128,705 8 0 Cadets Revenue Account .. 88,221 9 9 Army Ordnance Stores Revenue Account. .. 34,547 14 3 " Janie Seddon " Revenue Account 030 14 3 " Lady Roberts " Revenue Account 876 19 I 449,789 18 0 £3,209,978 18 3 £3,209,978 18 3 H. M. Griffen, Lieut.-Colonel, Director of Financial Services. Guy C. Felton, Captain, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Accounts and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that— (1.) The accounts include charges against the Department for rent and £166,749 16s. 5d., value of assets taken over from War Expenses Account, for which there is no appropriation by Parliament, and also a charge for rent debited Education Department for which that Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation. (2.) Owing to the absence of any price-vouchers there is no means of verifying the writingdown to the extent of £98,355 155., Ordnance stocks alleged to have been overvalued in 1921. The Defence Department's assurance that no loss to the public has been caused either directly or indirectly owing to the revaluation is recorded.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.— l [Pt. IV].


DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT DEPRECIATION FUND ACCOUNT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Period from Ist April, 1.920, to 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. i Income. £ s. d. 31/3/23. To Excess of income over ex- 1921/22. By Interest on investments .. 1,774 15 4 penditure .. .. 7,597 7 8 1922/23. Interest on investments .. 4,104 1.1 4 1922/23. Accrued interest on investments .. .. 1,058 1 0 £7,597 7 8 £7,597 7 8 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. £ c. d. Capital Account (transferred from Con- £ s. d. Investments .. .. .. 1.50,000 0 0 solidated Fund) .. .. .. 150,000 0 0 Interest accrued on investments .. 1,658 1 0 Income and Expenditure Account (excess Cash in Public Account .. .. 5,939 6 8 pf income over expenditure) .. 7,597 7 8 * £157,597 7 8 £157,597 7 8 R. II Hayes, Accountant to the Treasury. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. IV].


EDUCATION ENDOWMENT DEPOSIT ACCOUNT.—PRIMARY. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. To Loan repayments (section 63, Land £ s. d. £ s. d. Laws Amendment Act, 1913) .. 320.10 0 By Accrued rents, &c. .. .. 108,368 11 11 Administration expenses .. .. 5,154 510 Accrued royalties .. .. 915 2 7 Rents written off Suspense .. 16 !.J 11 Awapuni water-supply .'. .■ 870 II 0 Reserve for rents written off .. 100 0 (I Interest on cash and investments held Royalties written off .. .. 0 3 3 by Public Trustee .. .. J. ,903 0 I Refunds of rent, &o, . . ..- 17 0 0 Costs of surveys .. .. .. 403 19 3 Remissions of rent .. .. 45 3 11 Insurance premiums .. ' .. 27 14 3 Adjustment of rents outstanding previous years .. .. .. 2 15 10 Payinontsfor primary-education purposes .. .. * .. .. 103,292 15 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 2,610 5 10 £112,057 6 1 £112,057 6 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. .. 24,614 5 3 By Balance brought down .. .. 2,010 510 Balance from previous years .. 20,553 14 I Credit on account of previous years .. 1,450 5 4 £24,614 5 3 £24,614 5 3 Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. To Balance in Public Account, Ist April, By Payments for primary-eduoation pur--1922 .. .. .. ".. 3,343 5 2 poses .. .. .. .. 103,292 15 0 Amounts received under Education Administration expenses .. .. 4,942 11 0 Reserves Amondmcnt Act, 1.914— Refunds of revenue .. .. 140 4 3 Rents, &c. .. .. .. 108,375 11 3 Balance in Public Account at 31st Sales .. .. .. .. 758 3 3 March, 1923 .. .. .. 4,101. 8 5 £112,476 19 8 £112,476 19 8 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. •• •• 2,234,346 2 7 Land .. .. .. .. 2,248,792 0 2 Appreciation in land-values .. .. 41,503 15 8 Unpaid purchase-money on buildings Sundry creditors .. .. .. 1,242 0 4 (not yet payable) .. .. 1.017 15 8 Rents paid in advance .. .. 227 .17 4 £ s. d. Balance of Revenue Account .. 24,0.14 5 3 Sundry debtors for rents 24,055 15 4 Less—.Rents written off Suspense, £16 lis. lid. ; reserve for rents written off, £100 .. .. 116 11 11 23,939 3 5 Sundry debtors, for royalties .. 434 3 4 Postponed rent .. .. .. 459 10 0 Sundry debtors (miscellaneous) .. 22 13 0 Sundry debtors, for interest on cash and investments . . .. 107 3 5 Interest accrued due on investments .. 104 0 1 .. 8,902 0 0 Cash held by Publio Trustee.. .. 13,994 9 8 Cash in Public Account .. .. 4,101 8 5 £2,301,934 7 2 £2,301,934 7 2 J. 13. Thompson, Under-Secretary for Lands. J. 11. O'Donnell, Chief Accountant. * I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and. balance-sheet have been duly examined and. compared with the copies of journal entries of the District Land Boards submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. The Revenue Account includes rents due for the period Ist July, 1922, to 30th June, 1923. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. IV].


EDUCATION ENDOWMENT DEPOSIT ACCOUNT. SECONDARY. Revenue Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1923. To Loan repayments under section 03, £ s. d. £ g, d. Band Laws Amendment Act, 1913.. 10 12 4 By Accrued rents .. .. .. 9,935 17 2 Administration expenses .. .. 504 0 5 ' Interest on cash and investments held Costs of surveys .. .. .. 55 14 5 by Public Trustee .. .. 122 12 7 Refunds of revenue .. .. 159 5 7 Rents written off . . . . . . 3 0 8 Reserve for rents written off ~ 25 0 0 Payments to secondary schools .. 9,085 4 1 Balance .. .. .. .. 215 0 3 £10,058 9 9 £10,058 9 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. .. 4,529 410 By Balance brought down .. .. 215 0 3 Balance from previous years .. 4,313 18 7 £4,529 4 10 £4,529 4 10 Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. To Balance in Public Account, Ist April, By Payments to secondary schools .. 9,085 4 1 1922 .. .. .. .. 3,103 011 Administration expenses .. .. 474 12 11 Rents, &c, received under Education Refunds of revenue .. .. 121 17 0 Reserves Amendment Act, 1914 .. 10,132 14 5 Balance in Public Account, 31st March, 1923 .. .. .. 3,014 010 £13,296 1 4 £13,296 1 4 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. t s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. 214,555 0 9 Land .. .. .. .. 210,019 010 Appreciation in land-values .. .. 2,520 17 0 £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 196 12 6 Sundry debtors, for rents .. 1,207 5 4 Rents paid in advance .. .. 0 5 10 Less—Rents written off Royalties paid in advanoe .. .. (I I 0 Suspense, £3 os. Bd. : Balance of Revenue Account .. .. 4,529 410 reserve for rents written off, £25 .. .. 28 0 8 1,179 4 8 Sundry debtors (miscellaneous) .. 17 1.0 11 Cash liold by Public Trustee .. .. 97119 8 Cash in Public Account .. .. 3,614 6 10 £221,802 2 11 £221,802 2 11 J. B. Thompson, Under-Secretary for Lands. J. H. O'Donnell,* Chief Accountant. 1 hereby certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the copies of journal entries of the District Land Boards submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. The Revenue Account includes rent for the period Ist July, 1922, to 30th June, 1923.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [Pt. IV].

EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Summary.

Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Balance brought down .. .. 3,048,254 (i 9 Revenue from primary - education reserves .. .. .. 103,292 15 6 Revenue from national - endowment reserves .. .. .. 57,093 18 9 Balance as per balance-sheet .. 2,887,867 12 6 £3,048,254 6 9 £3,048,254 6 9 Head Office, Administration. • Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. 20,482 0 9 Payment by Teachers' Superannuation Temporary assistance .. .. (>75 12 7 Bund for clerical assistance .. .. 475 0 0 Overtime and meal allowances.. .. 78 11 0 Sale of publications .. .. .. 19 8 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 730 II 9 Transfer to— £ s. d. Office requisites .. .. .. 114 5 8 Elementary education ..12,150 18 3 Telephone services .. .. .. 198 7 7 School Journal and Educa, Advertising, &c. .. .. .. 84 9 0 tion Gazette .. .. 302 0 0 Printing, &c. .. .. .. 840 7 10 Correspondence classes .. 25 0 0 Postage and telegrams .. .. 931 13 2 Secondary education .. 1,984 6 0 Storage and despatch of stationery .. 34 18 10 Higher education .. 410 8 0 Contingencies . . .. .. 2 4 3 Technical education .. 1, 898 4 8 Rent, Government Buildings .. .. 1,510 0 0 Native education .. 929 17 0 Depreciation on furniture, &c. .. 209 8 0 Physical education . . 08 13 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. 157 3 0 Training of teachers .. 045 0 0 Examinations .. .. 2,434 18 11 Grading of teachers .. 083 8 7 Special schools .. 9,976 9 10 Auckland store .. 6 0 0 Wellington store .. 52 0 0 31,579 4 3 £32,055 13 II £32,055 13 11

Expenditure. Income. Balance (Exoess of Expenditure over Income). I Balances brought forward from separate account s for— Elementary education Secondary education Higher education Technical education Training of teachers Native education Physical education Examinations Miscellaneous Special schools ;t s. ll. 2,127,530 9 ii 267,925 8 I 70,705 3 II 102,702 I) 3 159,087 19 7 70,170 ,8 :s 0,787 0 5 9,861 2 (l 78,903' 5 7 177.937 I 10 £ s. cl. 8,275 5 I I 2.8,090 2 7 330 16 4 308 4 3 71 6 1 172 5 5 0,077 3 1 45,244 11) I £ s. cl. 2, I 111,255 3 Id 239,828 5 6 70,428 8 5 102,454 3 0 159,010 13 0 75,704 2 10 0,787 0 5 3,183 18 11 78,903 6 7 132,692 2 9 Balance carried down 89,482 1 9 3,048,254 0 9 3,048,254 8 9 3,137,736 8 6 3,137,730 8 6 ■

B.—l [Pt. IV].


EDUCATION DEPARTMENT— continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923— continued. Elementary Education. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Head Office salaries and administration .. .. 12,150 18 3 Education of Cerman children .. 20 19 0 Public schools— » £ s. d. Recoveries — Teachers'salaries .. 1,518,639 8 3 School buildings—Rents .. .. 585 10 2 Teachers' house allowances 40,205 10 9 Inspection of schools— Teachers' removal, expenses 655 18 10 £ s. d. Fees for special examinations .. 70 10 3 1,559,500 17 10 School,)'ournal and Gazette— £ s. d. Organizing teachers'salaries 0,098 3 0 School Journal sales .. 849 13 8 Travelling-expenses .. 3,528 5 1 Education Gazette sales 10,226 S 7 and advertising .. 187 7 4 Manual instruction— 1,037 1 0 Salaries and capitation .. .. 74,609 12 9 Free kindergartens fees .. .. 10 0 (1 rading of teachers - - Buildings destroyed by fire— Head Office charges .. 083 8 7 Recovery from fire-insur-Travelling-expenses .. 700 0 0 anoe fund, 1922-23 ..5,113 7 9 1,383 8 7 Previous year.. .. 1,434 5 3 School and class libraries .. .. 1,702 0.10 6,547 13 0 Flags for schools .. .. 110 18 10 Less contributions by School 8,275 5 11 Committees .. .. 25 19 0 Balance carried to General Income 84 1.9 4 and Expenditure Account .. 2,1.19,255 3 10 Accidents to school-children .. 110 0 0 Maintenance of school buildings .. .. .. 91,209 10 0 Rent of buildings for school purposes .. .. 8,821 8 1.0 Subsidies on voluntary contributions for upkeep of schools .. .. 4,961 16 3 Allowances to School Committees for upkeep of schools 92,905 18 4 197,898 13 5 , 1,845,570 7 4 Inspection of schools— Inspectors'salaries .. .. 28,039 14 5 Inspectors'travelling-expenses .. 9,814 16 5 Rent of offices for Inspectors .. 113 0 9 Clerical assistance for Inspectors .. 371 0 0 Office requisites for Inspectors .. 125 9 9 Postage and telegrams .. . . 276 0 0 38,740 1 4 Conveyance and board of pupils and instructors .. .. 44,762 14 7 Education Boards —-Grants for general administration .. 37,123 10 0 Correspondenec classes— Salaries .. .. .. 371 11 4 Books, &c. . . .. 57 18 7 Less recoveries from parents, &0. .. .. .. 36 3 7 21 1.5 0 393 6 4 School Journal and Education Gazette — Salaries and Head Office administration .. .. 727 5 0 School Journal — Printing, &c. .. 5,617 1 3 Postage .. .. 1,050 13 11 Miscellaneous expenses 70 10 10 , 8,744 (jo Education Gazelle — Printing .. .. 383 0 0 Postage .. .. 32 15 3 415 15 3 7,887 6 3 Free kindergartens—Grants in aid .. .. .. 2,580 15 5 Rebuilding schools destroyed by lire .. .. .. 5,1.13 7 9 Compassionate allowance to widow of deceased teacher .. 57 7 0 Printing and stationery.. .. .. .. .. 1,550 0 0 Interest on oapital .. .. .. .. .. 131,588 15 6 £2,127,530 9 9 £2,127,530 9 9 ,


B.—l [Pt. IV].

ED COAT lON DE PA RTM ENT— continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923 — continued. Secondary Education. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. High schools — £ s. d. £ s. d. Head Office salaries and administration Fees of paying pupils .. 10,102 17 0 charges .. .. .. .. 1,984 0 0 Income from endowments High schools-- applied to payment of Salaries of teachers .. .. 157,942 15 5 salaries .'. .. 15.589 5 1 Grading of teachers .. .. 39 4 4 —■ 25,752 2 7 Grants to Boards for administration 29,501 17 I Recoveries on account of previous years .. 350 0 0 Grant to Marlborough High School Buildings destroyed by fire—Recovery from Board (under Marlborough High Fire Insurance Fund .. .. .. 1,994 0 0 School Act) .. .. .. 400 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 128 9 3 28,096 2 7 Subsidies on voluntary contributions 230 3 4 Balance carried to General Income and ExAccidents to school-children .. 130 0 0 penditiire Account .. .. .. 239.829 5 0 188,372 9 5 District high schools (secondary department) — Salaries of teachers .. .. .. - 36,435 4 6 Inspection— Salaries of Inspectors .. .. 1,270 8 11 Travelling-expenses .. .. 424 17 5 1,695 6 4 Conveyance of children .. .. .. 8,809 0 5 Manual instruction.. .. .. .. 3,173 2 4 National scholarships .. .. 11,533 12 11 War bursaries .. .. .. 380 0 2 11,913 13 1 Printing and stationery . . .. .. 132 0 0 Rebuilding schools destroyed by lire .. .. 1,994 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. 13,410 0 0 £267,925 8 1 £267,925 8 I Higher Education. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. £ s. d. Otago University—Rent from reserves .. 330 15 4 charges .. .. .. .. 410 8 0 Balance carried to General Income and ExGrants to New Zealand University and penditure Account .. .. 70.428 8 5 to University colleges— For general purposes .. .. 37,097 15 0 Additional for lecturers' (Education) salaries . . .. .. 250 0 0 Otago University College additional for salaries . . .. .. 300 0 0 For Workers' Educational Association lectures .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Subsidies on voluntary contributions for general purposes .. .. 5,101 8 3 45,409 3 3 Scholarships, &c.— University National Scholarships .. 3,211 18 4 National Research Scholarships .. 381 7 9 Sir George Grey Scholarships .. 112 10 0 University bursaries .. .. 10,217 11 11 Educational bursaries . . .. 671 3 0 Agricultural bursaries . . ■ .. 632 0 0 15,220 17 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. 9,712 15 0 £70,705 3 9 £70,705 3 > Technical Education. Expenditure. Income. Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. £ s. d. Training classes for returned £ s. d. £ s. d. charges .. . . ■ ■ • • 1, 898 4 8 soldiers — Technical schools and classes— Received from Defence DepartSalaries of instructors and capitation ment on account of— to technical schools and classes ..119,140 0 2 1922-23 .. .. 130 19 7 Travelling-expenses of instructors .. 772 2 4 Previous year .. .. 21 .12 10 Grants for material used at schools.. 3,388 12 9 152 12 5 Repairs to buildings .. .. 519 12 2 Examination fees .. .. 149 5 0 Rent of buildings for school purposes 1,264 14 3 Sale of examination material .. 0 010 Subsidies on voluntary contributions 155 11 10 for general purposes .. .. 2,012 9 0 Accidents to school-children .. 350 0 9 308 4 3 Grading of instructors .. .. 39 4 4 Balance carried to General Income and Ex127,493 8 3 penditure Account .. .. .. 102,454 5 0 Inspection— Salaries of Superintendent and Inspector .. .. •• 2,057 18 4 Travelling-expenses of Superintendent and Inspector .. .. 610 4 8 Postage and telegrams . . .. 16 12 0 2,684 15 0 Conveyance, &c, of pupils .. •• •• 6,211 15 0 Training classes for returned soldiers . . .. 130 19 7 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. .. 2,598 17 0 Examinations (City and Guilds, London) .. . . 273 3 9 Printing, &c. . . .. ■ • • • • • 187 0 0 Interest on capital .. •• •• •• 21,284 6 0 £162,762 9 3 £162,762 9 3

3_B. 1 [Pt. IV].

B.—l [Pt. IV].


EDUCATION DEPARTMENT— continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923 — continued. Training of Teachers. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. j Income. £ s. d. Head Office salaries and administration charges .. 645 0 0 Training colleges—Rent of buildings 7.1 6 1 Training colleges— Balance carried to General Income and Salaries of staff (half remaining. Expenditure Account .. .. .159,016 1.3 0 half being charged to elementary education) .. .. .. .. 22,939 10 1 Special instructors, &c. .. .. 2,059 0 0 25,598 16 7 Allowance to students, including fees for University classes 124,587 0 11 Science material, &c.. .. .. .. .. 124 9 9 Classes at sub-centres .. .. .. .. 2,362 11 11 Fares of instructors and teachers .. .. .. 2,316 19 5 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. .. 3,453 1 0 £159,087 19 7 £159,087 19 7 Native Education. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Head Offioe salaries and administration charges Tauranga 'Endowment Reserve rents .. 450 0 0 (including salaries of Inspectors) .. .. .. 2,189 17 0 Rent of buildings .. .. .. 17 9 7 Native schools — Sale of goods made by children .. 4 210 Teachers'salaries .. .. .. 53,930 3 11 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 0 13 0 Manual instruction . . .. .. 476 10 0 —• .. .. 1,810 3 9 472 5 5 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 2,482 8 9 Depreciation on buildings .. .. 3,040 0 0 Advertising, &c. .. .. .. 42 10 0 Medical fees, &c. .. .. .. 10 4 6 Compensation to teachers for loss by fire .. 100 0 0 61,892 0 11 Conveyance and board of pupils.. .. .. .. 1,900 3 1 Travelling-expenses of Inspectors and removal expenses of teachers, including depreciation on horse, &o. .. .. 1,491 17 0 Higher education — Scholarships and allowances and expenses .. .. 4,018 1 9 Balance carried to General Income and Interest on capital .. .. .. .. .. 4,684 8 0 Expenditure Account .. .. 75,704 210 £76,176 8 3 £76,176 8 3 Physical Education. Expenditure. £ s, d. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Head Officio salaries and administration charges .. 68 13 0 Balance carried to General Income and Instructors'salaries .. .. .. 3,914 3 4 Expenditure Account. .. .. 6,787 0 5 Travelling-expenses (including depreciation on motor-cycles) .. .. .. .. 2,567 8 3 Rent of offices .. .. .. .. 55 0 (I Postage and telegrams .. . . .. 29 10 0 6,560 1 7 Books and material .. .. .. 74 2 11 Less books sold .. .. .. 8 14 9 65 8 2 Classes, &c., for teachers .. .. .. .. 33 11 8 Interest on capital .. .. . . .. 53 6 0 C 0,787 0 5 £0,787 0 5 Examinations. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Examination fees .. .. .. 5,138 7 5 Head Office salaries and administration charges .. 2,384 18 II Examination fees on account of previous Examiners and Supervisors'fees .. .. 4,020 14 5 years .. .. .. .. 1,538 15 8 Printing, &o. .. .. .. .. 1,750 14 3 Forwarding charges, rents, &o. .. .. 1.342 10 7 6,677 3 1 7,113 19 3 Balance carried to General Income and Postage and telegrams .. .. .. .. .. 341 17 10 Expenditure Account .. .. 3,183 18 11 Depreciation on models.. .. .. .. .. 14 0 0 Interest on capital .. . . .. .. .. 6 (i 0 £9,861 2 0 £9,861 2 0 Miscellaneous. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. Council of Education — £ s. d. £ s. d. Balanco carried to General Income and Head Office charges ... .. .. 50 0 0 Expenditure Account .. .. 78,903 5 7 Expenses to delegates .. .. . . 315 2 5 305 2 5 Expenses re exhibition .. .. .. .. 23 18 0 Contribution to Teachers' Superannuation Fund under Superannuation Act .. 43,000 0 0 Additional appropriation .. .. 25,000 0 0 — 08,000 0 0 Cod and expenses of raising loans .. .. 10,514 5 2 £78,903 5 7 £78,903 5 7


8.--1 [Pt. IV]

EDUCATION DEPARTMENT—continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923 — continued. Special Schools (Summary).

Special Schools---General Administration. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Head Office salaries and administration Transferred to separate accounts for , charges .. .. .. .. 10,034 910 special sohools, &c. .. .. 11,675 15 1.0 Printing and stationery . . .. 454 0 0 Postago and telegrams .. .. 1,165 811 Cost of inquiries .. ... . . 21 17 1 £11,675 15 10 £11,675 15 10 Education of the Blind. Expenditure. . Income. £ s. d. Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. Maintenance fees from parents .. .. 484 0 6 charges .. .', .. 33 0 0 Balance carried to General Special Schools Maintenance of children at Jubilee Institute Income and Expenditure Account .. 248 14 0 for Blind . . . . .. .. 479 14 6 Special instruction ■. .. .. 45 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. 135 0 0 Provision for bad debts .. .. . . 40 0 0 £732 14 0 £732 14 0 Education of the Deaf. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. : Maintenance fees fro m £ s. d. charges .. .. .. .. 351 0 0 parents .. .. 2,434 8 5 School for Deaf, Sumner— Sale of farm-produce .. 48 8 9 Salaries of staff .. .. .. 5,340 3 0 —— 2,482 17 2 Advertising .. . . . . 98 11 1 Balance carried to General Special Schools Maintenance of inmates, &c. .. .. 2,259 1 0 Income and Expenditure Account .. 7,412 5 3 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 479 9 8 Travelling-expenses of children and staff 228 6 8 Depreciation on buildings, &c. .. 345 10 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. 733 1 0 Provision for bad debts .. .. 60 0 0 £9,895 2 5 £9,895 2 5

Expenditure. Income. Balance (Excess of Expenditure over Revenue). I Amounts brought from separate accounts— Education of the blind Education of the deaf Education and training of feeble-minded (nild welfare £ s. d. 732 14 0 9,895 2 5 10,037 0 11 150,029 14 1 £ s. (I. 484 0 (i 2.482 17 2 4.270 15 I 38,007 6 4 £ s. d. 248 14 0 7,412 5 3 1.1,700 11 10 112,022 7 9 £ s. d. Central Store, Wellington .. 1,079 5 3 Branch Store, Auckland .. 102 18 8 1,242 3 11 45,244 19 1 132,092 2 9 132,092 2 9 Balance carried to General Summary .. 177,937 1 10 177,937 1. 10 I

H. ! [Pt. !V|.

EDUCATION DEPARTMENT—continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923— continued. Education and Training of the Feeble-minded.


Expenditure. Income. Balance (Excess of Expenditure over Income). £ s. (I. £ s. d. Head Office salaries and administration 109 0 o charges (not connected with institu - tions) Travelling-expenses of children and 421 11 7 officers £ s. d. Balance Special School for Girls, Richmond— Recovery of amount charged 109 2 0 in excess previous year Balance Special School for Boys Otekaike — Farm - produce (including 1,523 5 4 issues to institution) Basketmakiag sales .. 233 11 6 £ s. d. 530 11 7 531) I I 7 Special School for Girls, Richmond — Head Office salaries and administra- 84 0 o lion Salaries of staff .. .. 1,748 13 I Maintenance of inmates .. .. 1,046 13 8 Depreciation on buildings, Ac. .. 242 0 0 [nterest nn capital .. .. 444 1 o 3,390 0 0 10,081 II) 0 1,750 16 10 3,505 8 0 Balance Special School for Boys, Otekaikc — Head Office salaries and administra- 295 o 0 tion Salaries of staff .. .. 4,339 2 0 Ad vertising .. .. .. 10 2.'! .Maintenance of inmates (including 3,028 14 10 farm-produce used in institution) Repairs to buildings .. .. 85 10 2 Depreciation on buildings, &c. .. 1,023 10 0 Karm expenses .. .. 531 7 9 Basketmaking materials, &e. .. 54 0 4 Interest on capital .. .. 1,868 0 0 .11,841 7 4 Provision for had debts .. .. ... loo 0 0 General— Maintenance fees from parents 2,344 16 3 and others Provision for bad debts 14,011 8 I 2,344 Hi .'! 11.000 11 10 100 0 0 Total rovenue .. 4,270 15 1 Balance carried to Special 11,700 11 10 Schools Income and Expenses Account 11,700 11 10 £16,037 6 11 £16,037 6 11

B, I [Pt. TV].


EDUCATION DEPARTMENT— continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923 — continued. Child, Welfare (Summary).

Child Welfare. Expenditure. Inconie. Boys, Tkaining-farm, Weraroa— £ s. d. Bors' Training-farm, Weraroa— £ s. d. Head Office administration charges .. 258 0 0 Farm-produce (including issue to Weraroa) 2,098 16 0 Salaries of staff .. ..' ■• 3,332 19 I Chaff -outting, hire of farm plant, &c. .. 239 12 5 Maintenance of inmates (including pro- Rent of buildings .. .. . . 40 0 9 duce from farm) .. .. .'. 2,635 10 1 — Special instruction .. .. .. 14 3 6 2,378 9 2 Books, &c. .. .. . . .. 7 7 6 Balance carried to Child Welfare General Wages of inmates .. .. .. 19 9 4 Expenditure and Income Account .. 9,407 4 3 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 147 8 0 Depreciation .. . . • • 853 10 0 Farm expenses .. .. • ■ 571 510 Interest on capital .. .. .. 1,958 5 0 9,797 18 4 Valuation fees . . • • • ■ 5 5 0 Loss on disposal of buildings (in excess of amount provided by depreciation reserve) .. .. ■• •• 1-857 10 I Loss on plant (in excess of amount provided by depreciation reserve) .. 125 0 0 £11,785 13 5 £11,785 13 5 Te Oranoa Home— t s. d. Te Oranga Home— £ s . d. Salary of caretaker and casual assistance 111 15 II Sale of produce, &c... .. .. 75 8 3 Repairs, &c. .. • • • • : '!l 13 10 Rent .. .. .. .. 70 0 0 Rent of land .. ■ • • • 13 18 5 Depreciation on buildings .. .. 229 0 0 145 8 3 Interest on capital . . .. ■ • 696 8 0 Balance carried to Child Welfare General Income and Expenditure Account .. 978 7 11 £1,123 16 2 £1,123 16 2 Caversiiam Industrial School— £ s. d. Oaversiiam industrial School £ g. d. Head Office salaries and administration 38 0 0 Sale of produce .. .. .. 18 11 5 Salaries of staff .. .. ■ • 706 14 8 Balance carried to Child Welfare General Maintenance of inmates .. .. 587 4 8 1 ncome and Expenditure Account .. 1,856 12 8 Books, &c. .. .. •• •• j 0 0 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 36 14 9 Depreciation .. •. • • "1 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. • • 328 10 0 £1.875 4 1 £1.875 4 1

Expenditure. Income. Balance (Excess of Expenditure over Income). .mounts brought from separate accounts— Buys' Training-farm, Weraroa Te Oranga Hume.. Caversham Receiving-home, Auckland Receiving-home, Hamilton Receiving-home, Wanganui Receiving-home, Napier Receiving-home, Wellington Receiving-home, Nelson Receiving-home, Christchurch Probation Home, Auckland Probation Home, Wellington Probation Home, Christohuroh Probation Home, Dunedin Non-institutional Reserve for bad debts £ s. d. 11,785 13 5 1,123 10 2 1,875 4 1 1,311 10 2 783 10 7 774 14 (i 837 2 6 1,418 13 4 442 10 9 1,530 1 5 1,720 2 I 977 0 1 1,277 17 8 775 3 9 113,390 7 7 10,000 0 0 £ s. d. 2,378 !) 2 145 8 3 18 11 5 2 15 9 13 10 0 IS 13 3 I 19 10 4,286 11 7 £ s. d. 9,407 4 3 978 7 11 1,850 12 8 1.311 10 2 783 10 7 774 14 (i 837 2 0 1,418 13 4 442 10 9 1,527 5 8 1.720 2 I 963 16 1 1.259 4 5 773 3 11 109,109 10 o 10,000 0 0 Maintenance fees from parents and others 0,805 1!) 3 31,141 7 1 143,103 14 10 31,141 7 1 143,103 14 10 31,141 7 1 Balance carried to Special Schools General Expenditure and Income Account 38,007 112,022 (i 4 7 9 112,022 7 9 150,029 14 1 150,029 14 1

B.—l [Pt. IV].


EDUCATION DEPARTMENT— continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923— continued. Child Welfare —continued. Expenditure. Income. Caversiiam Industrial School (Factory)— Caversiiam Industrial School (Factory)— Heal Office salaries and administration £ s, d. Balance transferred to Wellington Store £ s. d. charges .. .. .. ~ 15 0 0 Trading Account . . .. .. 005 4 1 Salaries and wages .. . . . . 521 10 0 Lighting, power, &c. .. .. .. 14 3 4 Repairs to building and plant .. .. 7 10 3 Depreciation on building and plant .. 12 0 0 Stationery, forms, &c. .. .. 11 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. 24 0 0 £605 4 1 £005 4 1 Receiving-home, Auckland — Receiving;-home, Auckland — Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. Balance carried to Child Welfare General £ 3. d. charges .. .. .. .. 27 0 0 Income and Expenditure Account .. 1,311 10 2 Salaries of staff .. . . 408 1 8 Wages paid to inmates .. .. 4 17 0 Maintenance of inmates, &.c. .. .. 542 111 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 10 14 1 Depreciation. .. . . .. 90 10 0 Interest on capital . . . . .. 210 5 0 £1,311 10 2 £1,311 10 2 Receiving-home, Hamilton -■ Receiving-home, Hamilton— Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. Balance carried to Child Welfare Genera) £ s. d. charges .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Income and Expenditure Account .. 783 10 7 Salaries of staff . . .. . . 313 8 10 Maintenance of inmates, &c. . . .. 259 14 3 Repairs to buildings .. .. . . 4 0 0, Depreciation .. .. .. 75 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. • 115 J 0 £783 10 7 £783 10 7 Reoeiving-home, Wanganui— Receiving-home, Wanganui— Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. Balance carried to Child Welfare General £ s. d. charges . . .. . . . . 10 0 0 Income and Expenditure Account .. 774 14 6 Salaries of staff .. .. .. 301. 15 0 Maintenance of inmates .. .. 219 13 2 Repairs to buildings .. .. . . 35 13 4 Depreciation .. .. .. 71 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. 180 13 0 £774 14 0 £774 14 6 Receiving-home, Napier- Receiving-home, NaiherHead Office salaries and administration £ s. d. Balance carried to Child Welfare General £ s. d. charges .. .'. .. ■• 19 0 0 Income and Expenditure Account .. 837 2 6 Salaries of staff .. .. .. 308 2 10 Maintenance of inmates .. .. 332 7 I Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 38 5 7 Depreciation . • .. .. 51 0 0 Interest on capital ...... 88 7 0 £837 2 6 £837 2 6 Receiving-home, Wellington— Receiving-home, Wellington— Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. Balance carried to Child Welfare General £ s. d. charges .. .. .. .. 34 0 0 Tncome and Expenditure Account .. 1 ,418 13 4 Salaries of staff .. .. .. 487 11 6 Maintenance of inmates .. .. 673 11 8 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 34 0 2 Depreciation .. .. • ■ 67 0 0 • Interest on capital .. .. .. 122 10 0 £1,418 13 4 £1,418 13 4 Receiving-home, Nelson--- Receiving-home, Nelson— Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. Balance carried to Child Welfare General £ s. d. charges .. .. .. • • 10 0 0 Income and Expenditure Account . . 442 10 9 Salaries of staff .. .. .. 186 7 3 Wages of inmates ... .-' ...'..-;:. 0 10 0 Maintenance of inmates .. .. 138 2 2 Repairs to buildings .. . . .. 26 4 4 Depreciation on building .. .. 29 0 0 Interest on capital .. . . .. 52 7 0 £442 10 9 £442 10 9 Receiving-home, Christchurch— Receiving-home, Christchurch— £ s. d. Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. Sales of produce .. .. .. 215 9 charges .. ■ • ■. • • 35 0 0 Balance carried to Child Welfare General Salaries of staff .. .. •• 440 3 2 Income and Expenditure Account .. 1,527 5 8 Maintenance of inmates .. .. 721 6 0 Repairs to buildings . . .. . . 56 5 9 Valuation fees ■ . .. • • 2 12 0 Depreciation on building .. .. 98 4 0 Interest on capital .. . • •. 176 10 0 £1,530 1 5 £1,530 1 5

8.-rl [Pt. IV].

EDUCATION DEPARTMENT— continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 3Lst March, 1923 — continued. Child, Welfare —continued. Expen dilure. 1 ncome. Probation Home, Auckland— Probation Home, Auckland— Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. Balance carried to Child Welfare General £ s. d. oharges .. .. .. .. 31. 0 0 Income and Expenditure Account .. 1,720 2 .1 Salaries of staff .. .. .. 597 0 1 Maintenance of inmates .. .. 530 13 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 26 15 0 Depreciation on building .. . . 12700 Interest on capital . . .. .. 407 1.4 0 £1,720 2 1 £1,720 2 1 Probation Home, Wellington—• Probation Home, Wellington—■ £ s. d. Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. Rent of garage . . .. .. 13 10 0 charges .. .. .. .. 21 0 0 Balance carried to Child Welfare General Salaries of staff .. .. .. 217 18 4 Income and Expenditure Account .. 963 16 1 Maintenance of pupils .. .. 464 5 3 Wages paid to inmates .. .. 0 19 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 47 13 0 Depreciation on building .. .. 08 0 0 Interest on capital . . .. .. 157 10 0 £977 0 1 £977 0 1 Probation Home, Christchurch— Probation Home, Christchurch — £ s. d. .Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. Sale of produce .. .. .. 5 3 3 charges .. .. .. . . 25 0 0 Rent of buildings .. .. .. 13 10 0 Salaries of staff . . . . .. 351 13 4 Balance carried to Child Welfare General Maintenance of pupils ... .. 510 4 3 Income and Expenditure Account. .. 1,259 4 5 Repairs to buildings .. .. . . 11 5 1 Depreciation on building .. . . 144 15 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. 235 0 0 £1,277 17 8 £1,277 17 8 Probation Home, Dunedin— Probation Home, Dunedin— '£ s. d. Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. Sale of produco .. . . . . 119 10 charges . . .. .. .. 15 0 0 Balance carried to Child Welfare General Salaries of staff .. .. .. 283 18 9 Income and Expenditure Account .. 773 3 11. Maintenance of inmates .. .. 197 15 8 Repairs to buildings .. .. 18 18 4 Medical attendance on officers . . .. 15 19 0 Depreciation on building .. .. 7.1 0 0 Interest on capital .. .; .. 172 12 0 £775 3 9 £775 3 9 N on-institutional —• Non-institutional — Head Office salaries and administration £ s. d. Boys and girls at service, &c-— oharges .. .. .. .. 9,585 15 10 Recoveries for clothing, £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries of district officers .. .. 14,093 210 &c, in previous years. . 3,74.0 19 3 Rent of district offices, office requisites, Earnings forfeited —Inmates &c, including depreciation on. furniture 1,641 15 1 deceased, &c. .. .. 473 0 9 Travelling-expenses of offi- Refund salaries on account cers and children, in- of previous year .. 2 118 eluding depreciation £ s. d. Miramar Home. —.Rent .. 2 0 0 on motor-cars, &c. .. 7,171 10 2 Burnham—Sale of wool .. 67 19 11 Less recoveries from —— ■ —— 4,286 11 7 parents and others .. 339 7 3 Balance carried to Child —— 6,832 2 11 Welfaro General Income Legal expenses .. .. .. 57 15 3 and Expenditure Account .. 109,109 16 0 Boarding out children— Payments to fosterparents .. .. 09,605 10 3 Clothing for children .. 3,727 12 10 Medical and dental services ~ .. 2,829 14 11. Commission to Post Office on payments .. 835 5 6 — 76,998 9 0 Maintenance of children sent to private industrial schools .. .. .. 2,170 .1. 9 Maintenance of children sent to other institutions .. 33 4 3 Miramar Horne —■ Repairs, &c. .. .. 108 9 2 Depreciation .. .. 133 0 0 Interest on capital . . 283 6 0 ,_ 524 15 2 Compassionate allowance, officer retired 50 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. 803 5 0 £113,396 7 7 £113,396 7 7


8.-l [Pt. IV].


EDUCATION DEPARTMENT— continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923 — continued. SPECIAL SCHOOLS STORES. Central Store, Wellington. Trading Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Stock as at Ist April, 1922 .. .. 30,233 1 8 Sales and issues .. .. .. 10,200 2 7 Purchases .. .. .. .. 702 8 3 Transfers to Auckland Store . . .. 748 19 7 Cost of manufacturing at Caversiiam Fac- Stock as at 31st March, 1923 .. .. 27,990 4 I tory .. . . .. .. 005 4 I Balance carried to Profit and I joss Account 1,404 12 0 £38,945 0 0 £38,945 0 6 Prof,l and Loss Account. Dr. £ s. d. [ Or. £ s. d. Head Office salaries and administration j Balance from Trading Account . . .. 1,404 12 6 charges . . .. . . .. 50 0 0 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 603 0 0 Insurance .. .. . . .. 120 5 0 Freights outward .. . , .. 70 0 5 Rent of store building.. .. .. 100 0 0 .Lighting, cleaning, &c. .. . . 40 11 5 Sundries . . .. . . .. 29 13 1.1 Depreciation on fixtures .. .. 910 0 Balance carried down .. . . . . 381 5 9 £1,404 12 0 £1,404 12 0 £ s. d. £ s. dInterest on capital .. .. .. 1,460 11 0 Balance oarried clown .. .. .. 381 5 9 Balance carried to Special Schools General Income and Expenditure Account .. 1,079 5 3 £1,400 11 0 £1,460 11 0 Branch Stores, Auckland. Trading Account for the Year ended 31st, March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Stock as at Ist April, 1922 .. .. 2,301. 8 7 Sales and issues .. .. .. 1,501 18 8 Purchases.. .. .. 3113 11 Stock as at 31st March, 1923 .. .. 1,564 2 9 Transfers from Wellington .. 748 19 7 — 780 13 6 Balance to Profit and Loss Account 43 19 4 £3,126 1 5 £3,126 1 5 Profit and Loss Account. Dr. £ s. cl. Or. £ s. d. Head Office salaries and administration Balance from Trading Account . . . . 43 19 4 charges . . .. .. .. 5 0 0 Balance carried down . . .. .. 73 12 8 Salaries and wages .. . . .. 80 0 0 Rent of store.. . . .. . . 30 0 0 Depreciation "cm fixtures . . .. 212 0 £117 12 0 £11.7 12 0 £ s. cl. Balance brought down .. ' .. 73 12 8 Balance carried to Special Schools General £ s. d. Interest on capital .. .. .. 89 0 0 Income and Expenditure Account .. 162 18 8 £162 18 8 £162 18 8


B.—l [Pt. IV].

EDUCATION DEPARTMENT— continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ S. d. Capital provided by Treasury .. .. 3,356,781 12 3 National Development Account— Education Purposes Loans Ac:- Grants to Education and other Boards for count — £ s. d. sites, buildings, equipment, <fee. .. .. 4,149,217 17 9 Debentures .. .. 1,350,900 0 0 Assets held by the Department— £ s. cl. Inscribed stock .. .. 32,599 13 8 Land .. .. .. 43,99115 10 1,383,499 13 8 Buildings .. .. 209,474 3 10 Reserve for depreciation .. 12,720 2 3 Furniture, fittings, &c. .. 19,403 8 4 Reserve for bad debts .. 10,314 14 4 Farm plant, implements, &c. 4,022 10 9 23,040 10 7 Motor cycles and cars .. 3,736 2 5 Sundry creditors .. .. 58,471 17 10 Typewriters and mechanical Amounts paid to Department appliances .. .. 1,094 0 0 in advance .. .. 0 3 3 Examination models .. 139 10 0 58,478 1 1 Boat .. .. .. 32 0 0 Amounts held in suspense .. .. 27 0 10 Library .. .. .. 229 17 11 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 2,858,305 3 0 School Cadet equipment .. 22 0 0 282,745 15 1 Stocks of material, &c, on hand— School-books, &c. .. 1,356 3 11 General stores .. .. 44,837 15 8 Farm-produce .. .. 2,105 19 4 Live-stock .. .. 2,998 2 6 51,298 1 5 , iindcry debtors— Government Departments .. 2,800 17 7 Other debtors .. .. 62,046 6 7 64,847 4 2 Amounts paid in advance; . . . . .. 444 3 2 Official stamps on hand .. .. .. 80 0 8 Education Purposes Loans Account — Cash in account .. .. .. 243,025 12 8 Balance from Income and Expenditure Account 2,887,807 12 0 £7,080,132 7 5 £7,080,132 7 5 C. E. Crawford, Accountant. A. Bell, Secretary. 4 I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure, Trading, Profit and Loss Accounts, and balance-sheet have, been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the accounts include charges for rent, interest, furniture, and grants to the the Teachers' Superannuation Fund for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation, and that certain amendments, of which the Department has been duly notified, are desirable in future statements. —• G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

4—B. 1 [Pt. IV].

B.—l [Pt. TV],


ELECTORAL DEPARTMENT. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s d. Assets. Fixed capital as at Ist April, 1922 .. 10,356 3 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 2,455 19 10 Office furniture and fittings 10,465 15 9 Depreciation reserve .. .. 1,785 12 0 Less Stock Suspense Treasury Adjustment Account .. 101,000 7 8 Account .. .. 72 15 0 10,393 0 9 Mechanical appliances .. .. 252 15 6 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 6 113 Excess of expenditure over income .. 104,945 15 1 £115,598 2 7 £115,598 2 7 Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Salaries.. .. .. .. 3,671 7 1 By Forfeited deposits, parliamentary Formation of rolls .. .. 1,234 12 10 candidates .. .. .. 240 0 0 General election—Expenses of taking 24,267 16 5 Balance carried down .. .. 103,717 2 9 Genera] election —Preparation of rolls 4.4,139 6 3 Licensing poll .. .. .. 11,858 17 3 Postage.. .. .. .. 11,842 6 8 Printing and stationery .. .. 3,865 10 7 Rent .. .. .. .. 395 0 7 Sundries .. .. .. 2,682 5 1 £103,957 2 9 £103,957 2 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. 103,717 2 9 By Balance carried down .. .. 104,945 15 1 Interest on capital .. .. 466 0 5 Depreciation reserve .. .. 762 11 11 £104,945 15 1 £104,945 15 1 £ s. d. To Balance carried to balance-sheet .. £104,945 15 1 J. Hislop, Chief Electoral Officer. A. W. Pyne, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the accounts include charges for rent, interest, furniture, and salaries for which there are no appropriations by Parliament. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. IV].


EXTERNAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. Income. r. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. w expenditure (nominal accounts)— By Balance carried down .. .. 19,924 6 6 Salaries .. .. .. 2,136 5 6 Advertising .. . . .. 36 19 2 Exponses, upkeep Apia Observatory.. 686 14 1 Grant to Samoan Administration on behalf of — Medical and educational services 13,500 0 0 Wireless services .. .. 2,500 0 0 Office fittings and requisites (including printing and stationery) .. .. 129 I 2 Photographic film, cost of obtaining and printing .. .. .. 67 910 Postages, telegrams, and rent of boxes 260 15 10 Telephone services .... 29 11 6 Travelling allowances and expenses .. 124 17 9 Contingencies .. .. .. 29 5 2 Expenses, Samoan Constabulary .. 410 7 6 Depreciation .. .. .. 12 19 0 £19,924 6 6 £19,924 6 6 £ s. d. I £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. 19,924 6 6 By Excess of expenditure over income .. 19,943 8 4 Interest on capital .. . . 19 110 £19,943 8 4 £19,943 8 4 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. I 'apital funds —Liabihty to Treasury Official stamps .. .. .. 9 13 8 (1/4/22) ... .. .. .. 424 6 0 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 66 3 9 Sundry creditors .. ■■ .. 804 10 9 Telephone subscriptions in advance .. 16 11 9 Depreciation i eserve .. .. .. 23 11 0, Office fittings and requisites £259 010 Treasury Adjustment Account.. .. 19,772 16 3 Add additions .. 8 5 7 267 6 5 Photographic film .. .. .. 300 0 0 Treasury Liability Account .. .. 422 0 1 Excess of expenditure over income .. 19,943 8 4 £21,025 4 0 £21,025 4 0 R. M. Porteous, Accountant. J. D. Gray, Secretary. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. —G. F C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. IVJ.


FISHING INDUSTRY PROMOTION ACCOUNT. (STATE ADVANCES OFFICE.) Statement of Liabilities and Assets as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ 's. d. Sundry loans .. .. .. ..5,57500 Investment Account — Fire Loss Suspense Account .. .. .. 18 110 Principal owing on bills of sale .. .. 3,423 12 3 Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 515 8 Sinking fund investments .. .. .. 217 8 Accrued interest payable .. .. .. 82 18 5 Interest on bills of sale — £ s. d. Sinking fund reserve .. .. .. .. 217 8 Overdue . . .. .. 57 5 3 Accrued .. . . .. 39 2 4 96 7 7 Insurance Premium Account .. .. .. 3 3 3 Realization Account .. .. .. .. 174 14 11 Profit and Loss" Account .. .. .. 220 1 0 Cash in hand and in bank at 31st March, 1923 .. 1,763 16 11 £5,684 13 7 £5,684 13 7 Statement of Profit and Loss Account for the Five Months ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. cl. Cr. £ s. d. To Management Expenses Account .. .. 10 0 0 By Balance .. .. .. .. 37 711 Interest Account .. .. .. 27 7 11 £37 7 11 £37 7 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance as at 31st October, 1922 .. .. 182 13 1 By Balance .. .. .. .. .. 220 I 0 Lo3s for the five months .. .. .. 37 7 11 £220 1 0 £220 1 0 Statement of Interest Account for the Five Months ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on loans .. .. .. 21 1 9 By Interest on bills of salo .. 58 3 1 Interest on loans, accrued but not due .. . . 82 18 5 Interest on bills of sale overdue at 31st Match, 1923 .. .. 57 5 3 Interest on bills of sale accrued at 31st March, 1923 .. .. 39 2 4 154 10 8 Less interest on bills of sale overdue and accrued at 31st October, 1922.. 78 13 5 75 17 3 Interest on bank balances .. .. .. 015 0 Balance transferred to Profit and Loss Account ... 27 7 11 £104 0 2 £104 0 2 Statement op Management Expenses Account for the Five Months ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d To Audit services .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 By Balance transferred to Profit and Loss Account .. 10 0 0 Administration expenses .. .. .. 5 0 0 £10 0 0 £10 0 0 Wm. Waddel, Superintendent. R. Robertson, Accountant. The Audit Office, having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts and compared them with the relative books, documents, and securities, hereby certifies them to be in accordance therewith.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [Pt. IV] •

FRUIT-PRESERVING INDUSTRY ADVANCES ACCOUNT. (DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.) Revenue Account for Period Ist April, 1914, to 31st March, 1922. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Interest on debentures .. .. 13,095 5 9 By Interest on advances .. .. 14,703 8 3 Interest on advances from Consoli- Interest and rent on realization of dated Fund .. .. . . 281 14 4 assets .. .. .. .. 377 0 3 Realization of Assets Expenses Account — Balance—Loss .. .. .. 8,199 0 0 £ s. d. Evaporators Company.. 58 14 2 Nelson District Fruitpackers .. .. 859 15 11 918 10 1 General Expenses Account .. .. 4 119 Administration charges .. .. 734 17 0 Sinking Fund Reserve Account .. 134 10 1 Reserve for bad and doubtful debts .. 2,994 17 4 Reserve for loss on realization .. 5,115 2 8 £23,279 15 0 £23,279 15 0 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Debentures .. .. .. .. 69,610 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. Advances from Consolidated Fund .. 1,589 7 10 Advances under the Act . . 73,850 0 0 Interest accrued —■ £ s. d. Less repayments .. 13,432 3 4 On debentures .. 1,442 9 II ■ On advances from Con- 60,417 10 8 solidated Fund .. 281 14 4 Less reserve for bad and 1,724 4 3 doubtful debts .. 2,994 17 4 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 831 11 4 57,422 19 4 Sinking Fund Reserve Account .. 134 16 1 Realization Account— Land and buildings .. 9,069 13 7 Joint-and-several guarantee .. .. 1,000 0 0 10,069 13 7 Less reserve for loss on realization .. .. 5,115 2 8 4,954 10 11 Interest accrued on advances .. 463 13 6 Sundry debtors— Interest .. .. 934 13 7 Sundries .. .. 551 11 4 1,486 4 11 Treasury Account Sinking Fund .. 134 16 1 Cash in Public Account .. .. 1,228 14 3 Balance from Revenue Account .. 8,199 0 0 £73,889 19 6 £73,889 19 6 A. R. Stone, For Director-General, Department of Agriculture. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. In the opinion of the Audit Office, however, the asset " Joint-and-several guarantee, £1,000.' appears to be of no value, and the reserve should be increased accordingly. — G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. IV].


FRUIT-PRESERVING INDUSTRY ADVANCES ACCOUNT— continued. (DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE)—continued. Revenue Account for Seven Months ended 31st October, 1922. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. cl. To Interest on debentures .. .. .. 1,736 18 6 By Interest on advances .. .. .. 1,751 4 3 Interest on advances from Consolidated Fund.. 41 14 5 Interest and rent on realization of Expenses of realization of assets— £ s. d. assets— £ s. d. Evaporators (of N.Z.) Ltd. .. 47 13 0 Evaporators (of N.Z.) Ltd. ..50 7 0 Nelson District Fruit-packers (Ltd.) 34 4 7 Nelson District Fruit-packers (Ltd.) 35 3 1 New Zealand Cool Stores (Ltd.) ..330 85 10 1 85 0 7 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 1,512 4 0 Administration charges .. .. .. 87 11 3 Sinking Fund reserve .. .. .. 132 10 4 Reserve for bad and doubtful debts .. .. 103 1 6 Reserve for losses on realization .. .. 1,126 18 6 Interest concessions .. .. .. 35 3 3 £3,348 18 4 £3,348 18 4 Balance-sheet as at 31st October, 1922. Liabilities. £ 6. d. [ Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. .. 60,010 0 0 i Advances under the Act.. .. 00,417 16 8 Advances from Consolidated Fund .. .. 1,589 710 Less repayments .. .. 6,054 16 10 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 1,038 17 11 Interest accrued—■ £ b. d. 54,362 19 10 On debentures .. .. 243 10 5 Less reserve for bad and doubtful On advances from Consolidated Fund 323 8 9 debts .. .. .. 3,097 18 10 506 19 2 51,205 1 0 Treasury liability .. .. .. .. 434 18 1 Realization Account — Rent accrued .. .. .. .. 17 12 9 Land and buildings .. .. 9,009 13 7 Sinking Fund Reserve Account .. .. 267 6 5 Taken over since Ist April, 1922 4,038 15 0 13,108 8 7 Joint-and-several guarantee .. 1,000 0 0 14,108 8 7 Less realized, £17 14s. 6d. ; less reserve for losses on realization, £6,242 Is. 2d. .. .. 6,259 15 8 7,848 12 11 Interest accrued on advances .. .. 452 13 10 Sundry debtors— Interest .. .. .. 333 13 7 Sundries .. .. .. 34 17 7 368 11 2 Prepaid insurances .. .. .. 33 19 1 Treasury Account —Sinking Fund .. 134 16 1 Cash in Public Account .. .. .. 3,710 3 7 Revenue Account balance Ist April, 1922 .. .. .. 8,199 0 6 Add loss to 31st October, 1922 .. 1,512 4 0 9,711 4 6 £73,525 2 2 £73,525 2 2 i = i i • f\ut A. R. Stone, For Director-General, Department of Agriculture. I hereby certify that the balance-sheet and Revenue Account have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. In the opinion of the Audit Office, however, the asset " Joint-and-several guarantee, £1,000," appears to be of no value, and the reserve should be increased accordingly. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. IV].


FRUIT-PRESERVING INDUSTRIES ADVANCES ACCOUNT— continued. (STATE ADVANCES OFFICE.) Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Sundry loans— £ s. d. £ s. d. Investment Account—Principal owing by mort- £ s. d. Debentures .. .. .. 09,010 0 0 gagors .. .. .. ..' .. 54,528 10 8 Advances from Consolidated Fund 1,589 710 Realization of Assets Account.. .. .. 13,371 17 8 71,199 710 Sinking Fund investments .. .. .. *361 19 7 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 2,528 6 5 Interest on mortgages— £ s. d. Suspense Account .. .. .. 150 0 0 Overdue .. .. 701 13 0 Interest accrued but not dve — Accrued .. .. 401 5 7 On debentures .. .. 1,469 5 0 1,102 18 7 On advances from Consolidated Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 232 0 0 Fund .. .. .. 353 0 4 Rent accrued .. .. .. .. 28 6 5 1,822 5 4 Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. 9,714 8 1 Reserve for losses on realization and bad debts .. 9,340 0 0 Cash in hand and in bank at 31st March, 1923 .. 5,099 12 7 £85,039 19 7 £85,039 19 7 • This amount represents capital paid into the sinking funds under the provisions of the Publio Debt Extinction Act, 1910. Profit and Loss Account for the Five Months ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Management Expenses Account .. .. 65 0 0 By Balance —-Loss for the five months .. .. 270 10 0 Balance —Interest Account .. .. .. 187 14 0 Expenses of realization of assets .. .. 17 16 0 £270 10 0 £270 10 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance as at 31st October, 1922 .. .. 7,711 4 6 By Transfer from Sinking Fund Reserve Account — Loss for the five months .. .. .. 270 10 0 Adjusting sinking funds debited to Profit and Loss Account .. . . .. 267 0 5 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 9,714 8 I '£9,981 14 6 £9,981 14 6 Interest Account for the Five Months ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on loans accrued but not By Interest on mortgages .. .. 750 0 0 due .. .. .. 1,469 5 0 Interest on mortgages overdue Less accrued at 31st October, 243 10 5 31st March, 1923 .. 701 13 0 1922 1,225 14 7 Interst on mortgages accrued but Interest on advances from Consolidated Fund not due 31st March, 1923 *.. 401 5 7 accrued .. .. .. .. 29 11 7 1,852 18 7 Less interest overdue and accrued at 31st October, 1922 .. 786 7 5 1,066 11 2 Interest on bank balances .. .. 110 Balance transferred to Profit and Loss Account 187 14 0 £1,255 6 2 £1,255 6 2 Management Expenses Account for the Five Months ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Administration expenses .. .. 35 0 0 By Balanco transferred to Profit and Loss Account .. 65 0 0 Audit services .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 £65 0 0 £65 0 0 Wm. Waddel, Superintendent. R. Robertson, Accountant. The Audit Office, having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts and compared them with the relative books, documents, and securities, hereby certifies them to be in accordance therewith. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

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GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Revenue Account of the Accident Branch of the Government Insurance Department for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amount of Acoident Funds, Ist January, Claims .. .. .. .. 20,329 15 5 1922 .. .. .. .. 11,472 7 7 Commission.. .. .. 4,043 4 10 Premiums .. .. £33,982 10 5 Salaries .. .. .. .. 3,870 0 0 Less roinsuranoe pre- Expenses of management .. .. 1,708 4 1 miums .. .. 034 16 2 Amount of Aocident Funds, 31st Decem33,347 14 3 ber, 1922 .. .. .. .. 21,068 15 5 Interest .. .. 7,598 0 1 LeBS land and inoome tax .. .. 1,489 6 10 6,108 13 3 Defalcations recovered .. .. 91 4 8 £51,019 19 9 £51,019 19 9 Balance-sheet of the Accident Branch of the Government Insurance Department on 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ Si t \_ Assets. £ Bl (j. Aocident Funds, as per Revenue Aooount 21,068 15 5 Debentures issued under authority of the Claims admitted (proofs not vet oom- Finanoe Act, 1915 .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 ploted) .. .. ..' .. 12,000 0 0 New Zealand Inscribed Stock — War Commission.. .. .. .. 355 19 7 Loans .. .. .. .. 100,500 0 0 Premium and other deposits .. .. 74 14 5 New Zealand Inscribed Stock .. .. 3,000 0 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 2,466 2 4 Mortgages on property .. .. 40,720 0 0 Officers' Fidelity Fund .. .. 300 0 0 Outstanding interest due but Reserve for unearned premiums .. 14,929 0 0 not overdue .. .. £220 8 9 Investment Fluctuation Reserve .. 3,000 0 0 Interest aoerued but not due 1,596 15 9 Reserve Fund constituted under sec- 1,816 19 0 tion 20 of the Government Aocident Agents' balances .. .. .. 558 18 4 Insurance Act, 1908 .. .. 115,019 19 11 Sundry debtors . .. .. .. 11110 Cash in hand and on ourrent aooount .. , 12,617 2 0 £169,214 11 8 £169,214 11 8 J. H. Richardson, Commissioner. G. A. Kennedy, Acting-Secretary. The Audit Office, having examined the Revenue Account and balance-sheet, and compared them with the relative books, documents, and securities, hereby certifies them to be in accordance therewith.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. Revenue Aooount of the Government Life Insurance Department for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. £ s. A. £ s. d. Amount of funds at Ist January, 1922 5,726,350 7 8 Death claims under polioies, assurance, Renewal premiums — Assurance, an- including bonuß additions .. .. 204,500 19 0 nuity, and endowment .. .. 434,137 4 9 Endowment assurances matured, inNew premiums (including instalments eluding bonus additions .. .. 191,351 0 0 of first year's premiums falling due Endowments matured .. .. 0,780 1 0 in the year) .. .. .. 38,441 11 11 Premiums returned on endowments .. 229 19 0 Single premiums—Assurance and on- Bonusos surrendered for oasli .. 4,000 6 9 dowment .. .. .. 562 4 0 Annuities .. -~ .. .. 21,000 8 8 Consideration for annuities .. .. 10,593 8 6 Surrenders .. .. .. 30,076 3 4 Interest and rent ..£310,190 2 8 Loans released by surrender.. .. 35,298 13 9 Less land and income Commission, new* .. £28,266 310 tax,.£10,689145.0d.; „ renewal 2,899 11 3 property expenses, 31,165 15 1 &0., £4,586 17s. sd. 15,270 11 5 Expenses of management— 294,913 11 3 Salaries— £ s. d. Defalcations recovered .. .. 207 6 6 Head Office .. 23,683 19 8 Branch offices and agents .. .. 12,803 0 4 Extraolerioal assistance 607 16 6 Medical fees and expenses .. .. 5,479 3 6 Travelling-expenses .. 827 13 9 Advertising .. .. 461 3 0 Printing and stationery 1,999 0 8 Rent .. ..4,170 19 9 Postage and telegrams 2,446 2 4 Exchange .. .. 53 1 9 General expenses .. 4,380 12 11 Triennial expenses .. 405 0 0 57,317 14 8 Amount of funds, 31st December, 1922 5,922,824 13 4 £6,505,271 14 7 £6,505,271 14 7 * Including agents' allowances.

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GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT— continued. Balance-sheet of the Government Life Insurance Department on 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Total Assurance, Annuity, and En- Loans on policies .. .. 854,240 2 2 dowment Funds (as per Revenue Government securiAocount) .. .. .. 5,922,824 13 4 tiesClaims admitted, proofs not yet com- Consolidated stock 625,900 0 0 pleted .. .. .. .. 51,342 14 2 Debentures issued Annuities .. .. .. .. 731 12 6 under the au- . Commission .. .. .. 1,385 9 7 thority of the FiMedical fees .. .. .. 471 9 0 nance Act, 1915 40,000 0 0 Premium and other deposits.. .. 6,829 14 9 New Zealand InSundry creditors .. .. .. 2,760 16 7j soribed Stock — Officers' Fidelity Fund .. .. 900 0 0 j War Loans .. 1,157,000 0 0 Investment. Fluctuation Reserve .. 288,772 18 1 New Zealand Inscribed Stock — Finance Aot, 1919 50,000 0 0 New Zealand Inscribed Stook — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loan .. .. 110,000 0 0 1,982,900 0 0 Municipal Corporation debentures .. 141,126 16 3 County securities .. .. .. 5,138 0 0 Harbour Board debentures .. .. 33,800 0 0 Town Board debentures .. .. 29,193 6 1 Road Board debentures .. .. 21,800 0 0 Drainage Board debentures .. .. 1,967 4 4 Landed and house property .. .. 134,089 11 10 Landed and house property (leasehold) 1,612 2 0 Mortgages on property .. .. 2,743,869 15 3 Properties acquired by foreclosure .. 1,193 13 9 Overdue premiums on £ s. d. policies in force .. 8,209 16 5 Outstanding premiums due but not overdue.. 47,870 2 6 56,079 18 11 Overdue interest .. 12,812 1 i Outstanding interest due but not overdue.. 8,944 4 6 Interest aoorued but not due .. .. 75,047 1 5 96,803 7 3 Agents'balances .. .. .. 6,042 16 11 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 4,015 1 9 Cash in hand and on current aocount.. 162,147 11 6 £6,276,019 8 0 £6,276,019 8 0 J. H. Richardson, Commissioner. G. A. Kennedy, Acting-Secretary. The Audit Office, having examined the Revenue Account and balance-sheet, and compared them with the relative books, documents, and securities, hereby certifies them to be in accordance therewith.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

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HOUSING ACCOUNT. (LABOUR DEPARTMENT.) Balance-sheet as at 31st October, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Capital .. .. .. .. .. 808,681 911 Cash at bank— £ s. d. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 16,488 12 8 Public Account .. .. 12,081 16 2 Accrued interest payable .. .. .. 45,853 010 Deposit Account .. .. 2,768 611 Sundry depositors .. .. .. .. 2,31111 1 15,450 3 1. Suspense .. .. .. .. .. 6,122 4 7 Sundry debtors — Unclaimed deposits .. .. .. 378 16 11 Open Account .. .. 4,435 11 7 Insurance reserve .. .. .. .. 2,320 0 1 Coronation Shipping Company 3,587 10 0 State Advances adjustment .. .. .. 0 II 7 Westhaven Limited .. 700 10 0 Reserve for bad debts .. .. .. 524 1 0 8,729 17 7 Reserve for loss on realization .. .. 25,570 6 5 Sundry purchasers — Dwellings .. .. 649,317 15 3 Advances.. .. .. 849 2 0 Vacant sections .. .. 2,856 5 4 653,023 2 7 Instalments in arrears .. 3,589 1 3 Rents in arrears .. .. 218 15 9 Grazing rents in arrears .. 29 11 11 3,837 8 11 Stocks of materials .. .. .. .. 32,363 1 2 Works in progress .. .. .. .. 12,526 19 4 Incompleted contracts .. .. .. 52,857 6 3 Office furniture .. .. 729 15 4 Less —Sales and transfers, £239 ss. 3d. ; depreciation, £220 1.35. Bd. .. .. 459 18 11 269 16 5 Freehold land .. .. .. .. 65, 505 711 Freehold dwellings let or leased . . .. 5,304 2 2 Rates paid in advance .. .. .. 106 11 2 Insurance premiums recoverable .. .. 69 4 1 Insurance premiums paid in advance .. .. 1,771 19 11 Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. 522 17 2 Revenue Account — Balance at 31st March, 1922 18,096 12 3 Add net loss for period .. 37,816 5 1 . 55,912 17 4 £908,250 15 1 £908,250 15 1 Revenue Account for Seven Months ended 31st October, 1922. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Interest payable .. .. .. 25,226 11 1 By Interest receivable .. .. .. 16,444 810 Salaries .. .. .. .. 4,1.41 8 1 Insurance rebates .. .. .. 123 10 4 Office rent .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Administration charges .. .. .. 1,868 7 6 Administration expenses .. .. 1,132 2 7 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. 80 15 5 Commission .. .. .. .. 122 3 3 Special maintenance reserve .. .. 99 15 10 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 222 13 8 Depreciation reserve .. .. .. 1,875 4 8 Sale of dwellings .. .. .. 1,268 10 1 Tenants' maintenance reserve .. .. 179 8 6 Compensation for loss on contracts .. 230 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 37,810 5 I Reserve for bad debts .. .. .. 524 1 0 Reserve for loss on realization .. .. 25,570 0 5 £58,487.10 2 £58,487 16 2 £ s. d. £ s. cl. To Balance .. .. .. .. 37,816 5 1 By Balance, 31st October, 1922 .. .. 55,912 17 4 Balance, 31st March, 1922 .. .. 18,096 12 3 £55,912 17 4 £55,912 17 4 A. Burgess, Accountant, Labour Department. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except— (I) Sundry Depositors' Account does not agree with the balance of Deposit Account; (2) the insurance reserve has not been invested as required by section 3, subsection (6), of the Housing Amendment Act, 1921-22 ; (3) no complete stock-sheets arc available, and no proper record of stocks has been kept; (4) the Land Account does not include all land under the Department's control; (5) the Capital Account is not complete.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

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HOUSING ACCO VlST—continued. (STATE ADVANCES OFFICE.) Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Account .. .. .. .. 808,681 911 Investment Account —Principal Land Sales Account (Corwn lands) .. .. 823 0 0 owing on — '« Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 3,823 18 2 Dwellings purchased .. 661,515 18 6 Accrued interest payable .. .. .. 49,469 310 Sections purchased .. 2,985 410 Insurance Fund .. .. .. 2,652 0 6 Advances .. .. 831 14 2 Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 5,337 19 5 665,332 17 6 Reserve for losses on realization and bad debts .. 20,094 7 5 Completed dwollings .. .. .. 59,914 0 4 Dwellings let .. .. .. .. 5,304 2 2 Uncompleted contracts .. .. .. 14,894 14 1 Freehold land .. .. .. .. 50,817 19 9 Stocks of materials .. .. .. ..25,931 9 1 Realization of Assets Account .. .. 4,294 0 0 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 4,838 19 4 Sinking Fund investment .. .. .. 1,868 15 2 Office Furniture Account .. .. .. 269 12 5 Interest on dwellings and land— Overdue.. .. .. 2,1.11 12 4 Accrued .. .. .. 58 9 1 2,170 1 5 Rent overdue .. .. .. .. 339 3 6 Insurance premiums— Overdue .. .. 224 18 1 Paid in advance .. .. 787 11 1 1,012 9 2 Realization Account .. .. .. 26 13 0 Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. 52,195 10 11 Cash in hand and in bank at 31st March, 1923 .. 1,202 19 5 £896,413 19 3 £896,413 19 3 Profit and Loss Account for the Five Months ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Cr, £ s. d. To Management Expenses Account .. .. 2,298 10 10 By Interost Account—Gross profits .. .. 3,391 110 Balance —-Net profits for the five months .. 1,144 13 6 Profit on sale of dwellings .. .. .. 52 2 6 £3,443 4 4 £3,443 4 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance as at 31st October, 1922 .. .. 55,912 17 4 By Administration charges, expended prior to 31st October, 1922, recovered .. .. 2,572 12 11 Net profits for the five months .. 1, 144 13 6 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 62,195 10 11 £55,912 17 4 £55,912 17 4 =»_== Interest Account for the Five Months ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. I . Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on loans .. .. .. .. 3,076 1 3 By Interest on dwellings and land 15,211 17 8 Interest on amounts temporarily transferred Less interest overdue at 31st from Settlers Branch .. .. .. 35 1 4 October, 1922 .. .. 1,062 5 5 Accrued interest payable .. .. .. 9,819 1 9 14,149 12 3 Balance —Gross profits transferred to Profit and Interest on bank balances .. .. 1 12 6 Loss Account .. .. .. .. 3,391. 110 Interest on dwellings and land— Overdue at 31st March, 1923 2,11112 4 Accrued but not due at 31st March, 1923 .. .. 58 9 I • 2,170 1 5 £16,321 6 2 £16,321 6 2

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HOUSING ACCOUNT— continued. (STATU ADVANCES OFFlCE)— continued. Statement of Management Expenses Account for the Five Months ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s . d. { Or. £ s. d. To Advertising .. .. .. .. 13 0 By Transfer fees .. .. .. .. 34 11 6 Audit services .. .. .. .. 20 10 8 Sundries.. .. .. .. .. 1 2 11 Cartage .. .. .. .. .. 013 3 Balanco transferred to Profit and Loss Account 2,298 10 10 Cleaning, lighting, heating, and messenger services .. .. .. .... 12 0 0 Dwellings maintenance .. .. .. 100 0 10 Expenses of realization of assets .. .. 641 2 (i Fees paid for special services in respect of securities .. .. .. .. 27 10 9 Inspection fees .. .. .. .. 515 6 Labour I icpartment services .. .. 416 13 4 Postages and telegrams .. .. .. (iO 0 0 Post Office services .. .. .. 40 0 0 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 50 0 0 Rates " .. .. .. .. .. 35 3 7 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Salaries and wages.. .. .. .. 910 17 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 2 8 4 £2,334 5 3 £2,334 5 3 Wm. Waddel, Superintendent. R. Robertson, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Profit and Loss Account and balance-sheet have duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except — (1) The insurance reserve has not been invested as required by section 3, subsection (6), Housing Amendment Act, 1921-22 ; (2) no complete stock-sheets arc available, and no proper record of stocks has been kept; (3) the Land Account does not include all land under the Department's control ; (4) the Capital Account is not complete ; (5) securities have not been lodged with custodians as required by section 96 (a), Public Revenues Act, 1910. — G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. These omissions are of long standing. Since the transfer of the Housing Account from the Labour Department to the State Advances Office was effected, steps have been taken to straighten out as expeditiously as possible the several matters to which the Audit Office has referred. When the next balance-sheet of the Housing Account is presented the five items mentioned will be found to have been duly attended to. —Wm. Waddel, Superintendent.

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HUNTER SOLDIERS' ASSISTANCE TRUST ACCOUNT. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Revenue. £ s. d. To Administration expenses .. .. 26 5 3 By Accrued rents, Ist July, .1922, to 30th Remission of rents .. .. .. 16 8 6 June, 1923 .. .. ..812 311 " Thirds," " fourths," and " halves " .. 71 17 8 Balance of revenue .. .. .. 097 12 0 £812 3 11 £812 3 11 Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. To Cash in Public Account, Ist April, 1922 183 8 8 By Administration expenses .. .. 37 0 8 Rents received .. .. .. 1,224 14 9 Cash in Public Account, 31st March, 1923 .. .. .. .. 1,371 2 9 £1,408 3 5 £1,408 3 5 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. ..19,139 10 11 Land endowed by Sir George Hunter ..17,800 0 0 Balance of revenue, 1922-23 .. .. 097 12 0 Sundry debtors for rent .. .. 436 10 8 Postponed rent .. .. .. 229 10 0 Cash in Public Account ... .. 1,371 2 9 £19,837 3 5 £19,837 3 5 J. B. Thompson, Under-Secretary for Lands. J. H. O'Donnell, Chief Accountant. 1 hereby certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the copies of journal entries of the District Land Board, Napier, submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. The Revenue Account includes rents due for the period Ist July, 1922, to 30th June, 1923.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

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IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1922. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Administration charges— By Passage-money.. .. .. .. 64,887 11 11 Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Miscellaneous .. .. .. . . 445 12 3 London .. 5,000 0 0 Excess of expenditure over income .. 130,115 15 4 Now Zealand 3,809 0 9 8,809 0 9 Cost-of-living bonus .. 544 3 6 Office oxponsos— London .. 2,1.83 9 7 New Zealand .. 1,492 3 2 3,675 12 9 Lectures .. .. .. 4 6 0 Accommodation, soldiors' wives 3 13 0 Supervision of domestics .. 4,043 12 3 Posters and pamphlets .. 1,039 910 Rent .. .. .. 550 0 0 . 18,609 18 1 Grants to overseas-settlement immigrants .. 4,872 19 11 Passage-money .. .. .. .. 171,872 9 4 Depreciation .. .. ~ .. 33 12 2 £195,448 19 6 £195,448 19 6 £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 130,115 15 4 By Excess of expenditure over income after £ s. d. Interest .. .. .. .. 39 10 9 charging interest .. .. .. 130,155 12 1 £130,155 12 1 £130,155 12 1 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1922. Liabilities. Assets. Capital liability to Treasury— £ s. d. £ s. d. National development expendi- £ s. d. £ s. d. On account of fixed assets, &c. 913 14 10 ture — On account of national de- immigration expenditure to velopment expenditure .. 2,259,761 4 8 31st March, 1921 .. 2,259,761 4 8 2,200,074 19 0 Add expenditure, 1921-22— Sundry creditors—Outstanding expenses .. 107 18 6 Excess exTreasury Adjustment Account .. .. 289,640 12 4 penditure over £ s. d. income 130,155 12 1 Liability incurred prior to Ist April, 1921 ..156,000 0 0 286,155 12 1 2,545,916 16 9 Offico furniture, fittings, &c. 587 2 8 Less depreciation .. 33 12 2 — 553 10 6 Stocks on hand— Stationery .. .. 85 0 0 Posters and pamphlets .. 125 0 0 210 0 0 Foreign Imprest Account— Advances in hands of High Commissioner .. 3,687 16 8 Official stamps .. .. .. .. 28 8 4 Subscriptions paid in advance .. .. 26 18 1 £2,550,423 10 4 £2,550,423 10 4 H. D. Thomson, Under-Secretary. 1 hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and arc in agreement therewith, except that the balance of immigrants' deposits and the amount of shipping claims outstanding are not included therein. — G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

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IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT— continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Administration expenses— By Imperial Government contributions .. 1,757 15 0 Salaries— Miscellaneous credits .. .. .. 1,016 12 6 New Zea- Cables .. .. .. .. 1,490 4 0 land.. £3,768 2 5 Excess of expenditure over income .. 79,267 17 10 London 6,000 0 0 9,768 2 5 Office expenses— New Zealand .. £1,153 0 7 London .. 859 3 0 2,012 4 1 Supervision of domestics .. 3,892 10 3 Rent .. .. .. 887 10 0 16,560 6 9 Grants to Overseas Settlement Scheme immigrants .. .. .. .. 2,229 11 10 Passage-money paid Account 132,215 3 10 Less passage-money paid by immigrants ' .. 09,640 12 0 62,574 11 10 Remittances Account .. .. .. 0 10 Cables Account .. .. .. 2,136 8 11 Depreciation Itesorve Account .. .. 31 9 0 £83,532 9 4 £83,532 9 4 £ s. cl. To Balance brought down .. .. 79,267 17 10 By Furniture and Fittings Account (profit on £ s. d. Interest .. .. .. .. 35 12 9 ! sale of typewriters) .. .. .. 15 7 0 Miscellaneous credits for expenditure incurred prior to Ist April, 1922.. .. 1,651 15 0 Excess of expenditure over income, after charging interest .. .. .. 77,630 8 7 £79,303 10 7 £79,303 10 7 Receipts and Payment Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts. Payments. To Passage-money— £ s. d. £ s. d. By Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. London .. .. 43,715 0 0 New Zealand .. .. 3,783 0 2 New Zealand.. .. 24,914 0 8 London .. .. 0,000 0 0 Imperial Government .. 1,519 10 0 9,783 0 2 70,148 10 8 Supervision of domestics .. .. 3,871 8 7 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. 060 17 1 Office expenses— Remittances .. .. .. .. 909 0 0 New Zealand .. .. 1,179 11 6 Cables .. .. .. .. 1,461 14 0 London .. .. 1,609 3 6 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 90,61111 0 ■ 2,788 15 0 Remittances .. .. .. .. 859 10 0 Posters and pamphlets .. .. .. 83 0 11 Cables— New Zealand .. .. 1,544 0 0 London .. .. 402 1 0 1,946 1 0 Passage-money— Nominated .. .. 75,971 10 I Applied .. .. 56,190 12 3 Undesirable .. .. 40 0 0 132,202 2 4 Refunds passage-money .. .. 10,020 1 3 Oversoas-settlement-scheme expenses .. 2,231 14 0 £163,791 13 3 £163,791 13 3 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. Capital liability to Treasury on account of fixed £ s. d. National Development Account — £ s. d. assets .. '.. .. .. 791 18 10 Excess expenditure over income, 1922-23 .. 77,636 8 7 Passage-money held on behalf £ s. d. Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 629 0 3 of immigrants .. .. 17,673 0 0 Stocks on hand— £ s. d. Remittances held on behalf of Stationery .. .. 75 0 0 immigrants .. .. 324 10 6 Posters and pamphlets .. 141 II 2 Imperial Government loans .. 574 10 0 Blankets .. .. 4 0 0 18,572 0 6 220 11 2 Sundry creditors (outstanding expenses) .. 930 8 0 Foreign Imprest Account — Depreciation Reserve Account .. .. 109 6 0 Advances in hands of Iligh Commissioner .. 28,438 9 7 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 87,390 9 6 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 812 15 0 Official stamps .. .. .. .. 17 13 9 Payments in ad vance .. .. .. 39 5 6 £107,794 3 10 £107,794 3 10 H. D. Thomson, Under-Secretary. I hereby certify that the statement of receipts and payments, Income and Expenditure Account, and balancesheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. Outstanding Imperial shipping claims have not been included. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

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INTERNAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT. (INCLUDING SUBDIVISIONS 1 TO 10 AND SPECIAL ACTS.) Combined Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. Income. DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES. To Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. By Revenue as under— £ s. d. £ s. d. Head Office .. .. 27,940 8 7 Head Office— Registrar-General . . 9,084 17 0 Kinematograph censorCensus and Statistics .. 14,174 19 6 ship fees .. .. 1,256 14 6 High Commissioner .. 22,783 0 9 Aliens Act .. .. 1,271 10 0 Museum .. .. 2,918 14 2 Passport fees .. .. 1,390 811 Dominion Laboratory .. 0,331 10 4 By-laws Act .. .. 34 13 0 83,233 10 10 Land agents'license fees 7,777 5 8 Commissions of Inquiry .. .. .. 356 4 9 Interest on public money 87 0 5 Fuel .. . . .. . . 99 II 3 Fish-sales .. .. 101 12 3 I.ight, power, and water .. .. .. 534 911 Sales, miscellaneous .. 81 6 7 Printing and stationery— Revenue, miscellaneous 91 7 3 Head Office .. .. 1,869 11 2 Royalty on opossums .. 187 9 1 Registrar-Ceneral .. 1,159 010 12,279 7 8 ('ensus and Statistics .. 4,435 15 2 Registrar-General: Regis7,464 7 2 tration and other fees — Publications .. .. .. .. 1,083 19 1 Registration of births, Renovation of graves .. .. .. 859 9 7 and marriages .. 16,134 16 3 Telephones .. .. .. .. 918 14 1 Friendly Societies Act .. 11 1 0 Travelling-expenses of officers .. .. 1,473 11 1 16,145 17 3 Cleaning offices .. .. .. .. 351 II 9 Census and Statistics — Uniforms and overcoats . . .. .. 56 8 6 Registration of Aliens Act .. .. 00 10 0 Totalizators .. . . . . .. 1,005 4 7 High Commissioner — TurnbuU Library .. .. .. 5,891 15 8 Shipping charges .. .. .. 857 I 9 Payment to Post and Telegraph Department Dominion Laboratory— for services of officers as Registrars of Births 1,454 11 3 Explosive license fees .. 104 3 0 Registration of births, deaths, and marriages 2,848 12 6 Laboratory fees .. 2,348 14 0 Postage— Explosive storage fees .. 1,524 12 o Registrar-General .. 975 0 11 3,977 9 6 Census and Statistics .. 1,221 9 0 High Commissioner .. 2,607 16 3 4,804 6 8 Census, 1921 .. .. .. .. 366 12 4 Collection of statistics .. .. .. 5,629 0 8 Advertising .. .. .. .. 1,685 1 3 Officio requisites .. .. .. .. 2,190 14 4 Rent of offices, High Commissioner .. 5,890 14 5 Refund of income-tax .. .. .. 893 0 7 Expenses of War Section of Museum .. 132 17 10 Sundries — Head Office .. .. 2,489 10 9 Registrar-General .. 320 7 0 Census and Statistics .. 1,310 7 3 High Commissioner .. 2,539 13 I Museum .. .. 1,840 0 2 Dominion Laboratory .. 2,043 15 1 10,555 13 4 By Balance carried down .. .. .. 106,460 3 3 £139,780 9 5 £139,780 9 5 £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 106,460 3 3 Ckniorai. Public Service Administrative Charges. £ s. d. Travelling-expenses of Ministers 4,350 8 11 Salaries .. .. .. 00,94t 12 5 Fuel for Covernment offices. . 1,606 14 I Light, power, and water .. 3,012 9 5 Cleaning offices .. .. 2,380 8 1 Uniforms and overcoats .. 530 9 7 Printing and stationery for Ministers'offices .. 1,250 15 II) Travelling allowances and expenses of Private Secretaries to Ministers .. .. 2,548 6 10 Cost of entertaining visitors.. 1,522 4 3 New Zealand Gazette .. 8,989 1.4 5 Railway Superannuation Fund 100,000 0 0 Sundries ...... 2,047 2 4 £ s. d. . 189,092 0 2 By Balance carried down .. .. .. 295,552 9 5 £295,552 9 5 £295,552 9 5 £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 295,552 9 5 SrF.oiAL Acts. £ s. cl. Salaries .. .. .. 22,485 12 3 New Zealand Institute Act .. 1,000 0 0 Fire Brigades Act .. .. 2,010 19 0 £ s. d. 25,490 11 9 By Balance carried down .. .. .. 321,049 1 2 £321,049 1 2 £321,049 1 2

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DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAlRS— continued. (INCLUDING SUBDIVISIONS 1 TO 10 AND SPECIAL ACTS)— continued. Combined Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923 — continued. Expenditure —continued. £ s. d. Income —continued. Balance brought down .. .. .. 321,049 1 2 Other Charges. £ s. d. Fire Brigades Conference .. 2,105 10 0 Imperial Institute .. .. 1,000 0 0 Compassionate allowances .. 2,493 1.0 0 Relief of refugees in Smyrna .. 1,000 0 0 Cost-of-living bonus to annuitants ... .. ... 42,200 4 10 I Disarmament Conference .. 2,474 17 1 Stranded New-Zealanders .. 75 0 0 Grants .. .. .. 2,008 12 2 Subsidies .. .. .. 800 0 0 Subsidy, Teachers' Superannuation Fund .. .. 25,000 0 0 War trophies .. .. 209 5 0 Subsidy to V.M.C.A. .. .. 42 18 2 Sundries ...... 1,120 11 0 £ s. d. 80,650 8 9 Balance carried down .. .. .. 401,699 911 £401,699 9 11 £401,699 9 11 £ s. d. Balance brought down .. .. .. 401,699 9 11 £ s. d. Rent .. .. .. 1,264 0 0 Registrar-General .. .. 821 0 0 Census and Statistics .. .. 500 0 0 Museum .. .. .. 300 0 0 Dominion Laboratory .. .. 516 0 0 3,401 0 0 Interest on capital— Head Office .. .. 1,171 10 8 Registrar-General .. .. 77 3 3 Census and Statistics .. 346 11 9 High Commissioner .. 463 16 9 Museum .. .. .. 53 19 8 Dominion Laboratory .. 280 18 4 2,394 0 5 Depreciation reserve — Head Office .. .. 1,338 2 10 Registrar-General .. .. 128 13 4 Census and Statistics .. 756 0 1 High Commissioner .. 799 18 3 Museum .. .. .. 141 (i 3 Dominion Laboratory .. 258 7 5. £ s. d. 3,422 8 2 Balance carried down .. .. .. 410,916 18 6 £410,916 18 6 £410,916 18 6 £ s. d. Balance carried to balance-sheet .. .. £410,916 18 0

6—B. 1 [Pt. IV].


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DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAlRS— continued. (INCLUDING SUBDIVISIONS 1 TO 10 AND SPECIAL ACTii)—continued. Combined Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. Fixed capital as at Ist April, 1922 — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Head Office .. .. 77,834 10 8 Land .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Registrar-General .. .. 1,714 14 0 Buildings— Census and Statistics .. 7,702 3 0 Head Office .. .. 1,354 10 7 High Commissioner .. 10,307 10 6 Dominion Laboratory .. 3,814 11 3 Museum .. .. .. 54,021 15 10 5,169 7 10 Dominion Laboratory .. 0,242 8 2 Turnbull Library building .. .. 9,244 0 4 157,823 2 8 Office furniture and fittingsSundry creditors— Head Office .. .. 4,920 4 1.1 Head Offioe .. .. 9,125 0 9 Registrar-General .. .. 1,539 8 1 Registrar-General .. .. 900 9 0 Census and Statistics .. 547 1 0 Census and Statistics .. 083 18 3 High Commissioner .. 0,724 17 2 High Commissioner .. 0,508 210 Museum .. .. .. 014 Hi 0 Museum . . .. .. 281 12 4 Dominion Laboratory .. 388 5 5 Dominion Laboratory .. 5811110 14,740 13 1 18,141 1 0 Mechanical appliances — Depreciation Reserve — Head Office .. .. 2,007 12 5 Head Office .. .. 3,288 6 0 Registrar-General .. .. 179 3 5 Registrar-General .. .. 303 8 2 Census and Statistics .. 7,235 13 0 Census and Statistics .. 901 13 3 High Commissioner .. 1,856 19 2 High Commissioner .. 1,416 8 4 Museum .. .. .. 227 18 0 Museum .. .. .. 359 16 0 Dominion Laboratory .. 30 2 3 Dominion Laboratory .. 696 11 5 12,143 8 3 0,900 3 2 Photographic apparatus— Treasury Adjustment Account— Head Office .. .. 335 18 8 Head Office .. .. 330,548 0 6 Museum .. .. .. 365 10 10 Census and Statistics .. 27,447 1 0 701 9 6 High Commissioner .. 31,542 15 10 Library— Museum .. .. .. 5,093 0 4 Head Office .. .. 339 5 5 Dominion Laboratory .. 4,751 18 9 Census and Statistics .. 45 0 0 High Commissioner .. 1,837 10 0 399,382 10 5 Dominion Laboratory .. 474 5 1 Less Registrar-General .. 475 0 10 2,696 0 0 398,907 15 7 Museum exhibits .. .. .. 53,150 3 7 Tools .. .. .. .. 379 6 4 Launches .. .. .. .. 263 0 9 Traps and horses .. .. .. 61 6 8 Motor vehicles — Head Office .. .. 2,138 16 4 High Commissioner .. 250 0 0 2,388 10 4 Turnbull Library .. .. .. 54,097 12 1 Landing-place at Wingatui .. .. 350 0 0 Laboratory appliances .. .. 1,517 13 6 Explosive appliances .. .. .. 188 0 9 Motor accessories .. .. .. 18 17 3 Loan on mortgage .. .. .. 9,649 111 Sundry debtors— Head Office .. .. 2,158 6 10 Registrar-General .. .. 1 10 0 Census and Statistics .. 220 15 3 High Commissioner .. 150 0 0 Museum .. .. .. 417 6 Dominion Laboratory .. 5 9 7 2,540 19 2 Goods in transit .. .. ... 579 3 4 Imprests outstanding .. .. .. 903 14 3 Expenditure paid in advance — Head Office .. .. 43 7 10 Dominion Laboratory .. 44 14 8 88 2 6 Excess of expenditure over income— Head Office .. .. 331,004 3 3 Registrar-General .. .. 723 9 4 Census and Statistics .. 28,080 6 3 High Commissioner .. 38,996 13 11 Museum .. .. .. 5,392 18 1 Dominion Laboratory .. 5,453 7 8 410,910 18 0 £581,838 2 5 £581,838 2 5 J. Hislop, Under-Secretary. A. W. Pyne, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that —(1) Outstanding fees have not been included ; (2) no provision has been made for the stock of publications held by branches and by the Government Printer ; (3) the accounts include charges against the Department for rent, interest, and furniture for which there is no appropriation by Parliament, and also charges for services rendered and assets transferred to other Departments for the payment of which those Departments possess no parliamentary appropriation. —G, F, C, Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General,


8.-l [Pt. IV].

DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAlRS— continued. Head office (including subdivisions i, 2, 3, 4, 10, and special acts). Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. Income. Departmental Administrative Charges. Revenue as under — £ s. d. £ s. d. £■ s. d. Kinematograph-films censorship fees .. 1,250 14 0 Salaries .. .. 27,940 8 7 Aliens Act .. .. .. 1,27.1 10 0 Commissions of inquiry 356 4 9 Passport fees .. .. .. 1,390 8 11 Light, power, and water 534 9 11 By-laws Act .. .. .. 34 13 0 Fuel .. .. 99 11 3 Land Agents'license fees .. .. 7,777 5 8 Printing and stationery 1,869 11 2 Interest on public money .. .. 87 0 5 Publications .. .. 1,083 19 1 Fish sales .. .. .. .. 10.1 12 3 Renovation of graves .. 859 9 7 . Sales, miscellaneous .. .. 81 0 7 Telephones .. .. 918 14 1 Revenue, miscellaneous .. .. 91 7 3 Travelling - expenses of Royalty on opossums .. .. 187 9 1 officers .. .. 1,473 11 1 Cleaning offices .. 351 11 9 Uniforms and overcoats 56 8 6 Totalizators .. .. 1,005 4 7 Turnbull Library .. 5,891 15 8 Sundries .. .. 2,489 10 9 44,930 10 9 General Public Service Administrative Charges. Salaries .. .. 60,941 12 5 Fuel for Government offices .. .. 1,500 14 1 Light, power, and water 3,012 9 5 Cleaning offices .. 2,380 8 1 Uniforms and overcoats 530 9 7 Printing and stationery for Ministers'offices .. 1,250 15 10 Travelling allowances and oxpenses of Ministers 4,350 8 11 Travelling allowances and expenses of Private Secretaries to Ministers 2,548 0 10 Cost of entertaining visitors .. .. 1,522 4 3 New Zealand Gazette .. 8,989 14 5 Railway Superannuation Fund .. .. 100,000 0 0 Sundries .. .. 2,047 2 4 189,092 6 2 Special Acts. Salaries .. .. 22,485 12 3 New Zealand Institute Act 1,000 0 0 Fire Brigades Act .. 2,010 19 6 25,496 11 9 Other Charges. Fire Brigades Conference 2, 105 10 0 Imperial Institute .. 1,000 0 0 Compassionate allowances 2,493 10 0 Relief of refugees in Smyrna .. .. 1,000 0 0 Cost-of-living bonus to annuitants .. .. 42,260 4 10 Disarmament Conference 2,474 17 1 Stranded New-Zealanders 75 0 0 Grants .. .. 2,008 12 2 Subsidies .. .. 800 0 0 Subsidy, Teachers' Superannuation Fund .. 25,000 0 0 War trophies .. .. 269 5 0 Subsidy to V.M.C.A. .. 42 18 2 Sundries .. .. 1,120 11 6 Balance carried down .. .. 327,890 9 9 80,650 8 9 — £340,169 17 5 £340,169 17 5 —» £ s. d. Balance brought down .. .. 327,890 9 9 Rent .. .. .. .. 1,264 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. ■. 1,171 10 8 £ s. d. Depreciation .. .. .. 1,338 210 Balance carried down .. .. 331,664 3 3 £331,664 3 3 £331,664 3 3 £ s. d. Balance carried to balance-sheet £331,664 3 3

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DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAlRS— continued. SUBDIVISION S.—REGISTRAR-GENERAL. Income and Expenditure Account for tue Year ended 31st March, 1923. | Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. Salaries .. .. .. .. 9,084 17 0 Registration and other fees — £ s. d. Payment to Post and Telegraph Depart- Registration of births, deaths, and marment for services of officers as Registrars 1,454 11 3 riages .. .. .. .. 16,134 16 3 Registration of Births, deaths, and mar- Friendly Societies Act .. .. 11 1 0 riages .. .. .. 2,848 12 6 Postage .. .. .. .. 975 0 11 Printing and stationery .. .. 1,159 010 Sundries .. .. .. .. 320 7 0 Balance carried down .. .. 303 7 3 £16,145 17 3 £16,145 17 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. Rent .. .. .. .. 821 0 0 Balance brought down .. .. 303 7 3 Interest on capital .. .. .. 77 3 3 Balance carried down .. .. 723 9 4 Depreciation .. .. .. 128 13 4 £1,026 16 7 £1,020 10 7 £ s. d. Balance carried to balance-sheet .. £723 9 4 SUBDIVISION 6.—CENSUS AND STATISTICS. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. 14,174 19 6 Registration of Aliens Act .. .. 60 10 0 Census,T922 .. .. .. 366 12 4 Collection of statistics .. .. 5,629 0 8 Postage .. .. .. .. 1,221 9 6 Printing publications .. .. 4,435 15 2 Sundries .. .. .. .. 1,316 7 3 Balance carried down .. .. 27,083 14 5 £27,144 4 5 £27,144 4 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance brought down .. .. 27,083 14 5 Balance carried down .. .. 28,686 6 3 Rent .. .. .. 500 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. 346 11 9 Depreciation .. .. .. 756 0 .1 £28,686 6 3 £28,686 6 3 £ s. d. Balance carried to balance-sheet .. £28,686 6 3 SUBDIVISION 7—HIGH COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. 22,783 0 9 Shipping charges .. .. .. 857 1 9 Advertising .. .. .. .. 1,685 1 3 Office requisites .. .. .. 2,190 14 4 Postage .. .. .. .. 2,607 16 3 Rent of offioes .. .. .. 5,890 14 5 Refund of income-tax .. .. 893 0 7 Sundries .. .. .. .. 2,539 13 1 Balance carried down .. .. 37,732 18 11 £38,590 0 8 £38,590 0 8 ■ " " ' rr— a- ■ ■ i i §~m l\ „ ru £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance brought down .. .. 37,732 18 11 Balance carried down .. .. 38,996 13 11 Interest on capital .. .. .. 463 16 9 Depreciation .. .. .. 799 18 3 £38,996 13 11 £38,996 13 11 £ s. d. Balance oarried to balance-sheet .. £38,996 13 11

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DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAlRS— continued. SUBDIVISION B.—MUSEUM. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. 2,918 14 2 Balance carried down .. .. 4,897 12 2 Expenses of War Section .. ..' 132 17 10 Sundries .. .. .. .. 1,846 0 2 £4,897 12 2 £4,897 12 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance brought down .. .. 4,897 12 2 Balance carried down .. .. 5,392 18 1 Rent .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. 53 19 8 Depreciation .. .. .. 141 6 3 £5,392 18 1 £5,392 18 1 £ s. d. Balance carried to balance-shoet .. £5,392 18 1 SUBDIVISION 9.—DOMINION LABORATORY. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. 6,331104 Explosive license fees.. .. .. 104 3 6 Sundries .. .. .. .. 2,043 15 1 Laboratory fees .. .. .. 2,348 14 0 Explosive storage fees .. .. 1,524 12 0 Balance carried down .. .. 4,398 111 £8,375 11 5 £8,375 11 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance brought down .. .. 4,398 111 Balance carried down .. .. 5,453 7 8 Rent .. .. .. .. 516 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. 280 18 4 Depreciation .. .. .. 258 7 5 £5,453 7 8 £5,453 7 8 £ s. d. Balance carried to balance-shoot .. £5,453 7 8

B.—l [Pt. IV].


KAURI-GUM INDUSTRY ACCOUNT. Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts and Payments. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. To Cash in hand, Ist April, 1922 .. 1,945 6 2 By Wages to workmen, overseers, and Sales of kauri-gum .. .. 32,814 9 9 gum-buyers .. .. .. 2,537 5 9 Miscellaneous receipts and proceeds Plant, machinery, stores, &v. .. 307 0 7 from consignments .. .. 980 2 8 Purchases of kauri-gum .. .. 21,157 711 Freights, &c. .. .. .. 3,471 13 0 General and office expenses, administration, &c. .. .. .. 1,288 7 11 Interest on loan debentures and sinking fund .. .. .. .. 4,835 510 Cash in hand at Treasury, 31st March, 1923 .. .. .. .. 2,088 11 1 £35,745 18 7 £35,745 18 7 Trading Account. '£ s. d. £ s. cl. To Gum on hand, Ist April, 1922 .. 00,270 18 7 By Gum on hand, 31st March, 1923 .. 00,753 9 9 Purchases of gum .. .. .. 20,883 11 9 Sales of gum .. .. .. 32,814 9 9 Wages .. .. .. .. 2,679 0 1 Gum scut on consignment .. .. 11l 17 11 Freights inward .. .. .. 980 18 1 Balance, being gross profit, to Profit and Loss Account .. .. 8,859 8 11 £93,679 17 5 £93,679 17 5 Profit and Loss Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Freights outward .. .. .. 2,657 16 4 By Trading Account .. .. .. 8,859 811 General expenses .. .. .. 130 19 8 Profit from sales of stores, &c. .. 114 2 8 Cables, &c. .. .. .. 77 0 5 Sacks, gum-casss, and consumable stores .. .. .. .. 787 8 2 Fire insurance .. .. .. 210 10 10 Printing and stationery .. .. 37 19 5 Depreciation .. .. .. 09 15 0 Rent .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 481 10 11 Loss on consignments .. .. 242 14 1 Balance carried down .. .. 3,971 4 9 £8,973 11 7 £8,973 11 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance cm Ist April, 1922 .. .. 5,873 4 8 By Balanco brought down .- .. 3,971 4 9 Intorost on debentures .. .. 3,275 0 0 Balance as por balance-sheet .. 5,176 19 11 £9,148 4 8 £9,148 4 8 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Land at faco-works and elsewhere, with Loan Account —Debentures buildings, fences, and improvements .. 5,127 12 6 issued under Kauri - gum Vacuum-tank, fittings and plant, and Industry Act, 1914 .. 75,000 0 0 royalties, short-workings .. .. 2,900 010 Less sinking fund in hands Plant and store: fittings .. .. 251 310 of Treasury .. .. 347 8 0 Tools, Auckland and depots .. .. 44 3 4 74,652 12 0 Live and dead stock .. .. .. 52 14 3 Crown Lands Account .. .. .. 500 0 0 Furniture and office fittings .. .. 107 11 5 Sundry creditor's, for supplies, &o. .. 923 0 2 Sacks, gum-oases, and. consumable stores 364 6 0 Sundry creditors, for gum-purchases .. 509 17 9 Charges paid in advance .. .. 102 11 0 Interest on debentures.. .. .. 1,342 12 3 Gum on hand .. .. .. 60,753 9 9 Gum on consignment .. .. .. 894 15 1 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 64 2 8 Cash on hand .. .. .. 2,088 11 1 Profit and Loss Account .. .. 5,176 19 11 £77,928 8 2 £77,928 8 2 R. P. Greville, Kauri-gum Superintendent. I hereby certify that the balance-sheet and supporting statements have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit and correctly state the position as thereby disclosed ; also that the stocks on hand are as certified by the Kauri-gum Superintendent. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. IV].


LABOUR DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. , Income. £ s. d. To Salaries .. .. .. .. 28,920 7 8 By Penalties imposed for breach of Acts Travelling allowances and expenses.. 4,035 411 administered by the Department .. 1,793 12 6 Overtime and tea-money .. .. 014 0 Sale of literature .. .. .. 333 14 7 Printing and stationery .. .. 2,859 14 3 Factory registration fees .. .. 3,408 6 0 Telephone services .. .. 298 10 5 Rent of house .. .. .. 71 10 0 Postage, telegrams, and rent of letter- Servants' Registry Office registration boxes .. .. .. .. 1,149 18 7 fees .. .. .. .. 37 0 0 Repairs to and rates on dwellinghouse 12 2 10 Weights and measures verification fees 574 4 2 Rent of office accommodation .. 201 14 9 Excess of expenditure over income Depreciation (amount added to reserve) 875 15 2 before charging interest carried down 35,433 7 4 Fees to assessors on Conciliation Councils 901 19 0 Donation to the funds of the North Canterbury Unemployment Committee 10 0 0 Fees to medical referees under the Workers' Compensation Act, 1908.. 4 4 0 Freight, cartage, and transport charges 19 5 11 Law-costs .. .. .. 30 1 7 Sundry office expenses .. .. 71 310 Fuel and lighting services .. .. 190 10 1 Cost of special typewritten reports under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act .. .. .. 42 14 0 Advertising .. .. . . .. 228 1 4 Allowances to police and other officers acting as departmental agents .. 844 9 0 Weights and Measures Act (administration expenses) .. .. .. 86 14 9 Typewriter repairs .. .. 31 13 9 Motor-cycle and bicycle repairs .. 130 510 Commission on sale of literature .. 04 4 8 Reserve for bad debts (addition to) .. 000 0 0 Expenses of witness attending' Court of Arbitration sittings .. .. 82 13 0 Rent restriction valuations .. .. 19 0 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 6 19 £41,711 14 7 £41,711 14 7 To Excess of expenditure over income £ s. d. By Excess of expenditure over income £ s. d. brought down .. .. .. 35,433 7 4 after charging interest .. .. 35,709 2 1 Interest on capital .. .. 275 14 9 £35,709 2 1 £35,709 2 1 Balance-sheet as at 31 st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. Capital Funds —Liability to Treasury on £ s. d. Cash — £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Account .. .. .. 0,127 9 7 In hand .. .. 22 16 4 Sundry creditors — Deposit Accounts .. 178 2 i Factory registration fees £ s. d. In Public Account .. 29 13 0 received in advance .. 726 3 0 230 11 8 Miscellaneous unpaid ac- Official stamps .. ... .. 329 12 1 counts .. .. 1,104 9 2 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 1,608 12 4 Unclaimed wages, &c, held 207 15 5 Official furniture, fittings, and 2,098 7 7 typewriters .. .. 4,089 0 3 Deposits— Additions during year .. 312 5 7 Arrears of wages .. 165 18 4 - Miscellaneous .. 12 4 0 5,001 5 10 178 2 4 Less sales .. .. 10 0 0 Reserve for bad and doubtful debts .. 950 0 0 4,991 5 10 Depreciation Reserve .. .. 1,592 3 7 Motor-cycles and bicycles .. 781 17 6 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 37,806 9 2 Additions during year .. 62 10 0 844 7 6 Less sales .. .. 24 0 0 820 7 6 Departmental libraries .. 1,074 3 4 Additions during year .. 45 16 9 1,120 0 1 Freehold premises .. .. .. 900 0 0 Standard weights and measures .. 2,379 3 3 Printed forms and stationery .. .. 130 0 0 Telephone subscriptions paid in advance and value of unexpired annual railway tickets .. .. .. .'. 533 17 5 Excess of expenditure over income .. 35,709 2 1 £48,752 12 3 £48,752 12 3 F. W. Bowley, Secretary of Labour. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General,

B.—l [Pt. IV].


LAND AND DEEDS DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Draughtsmen's work .. .. 11,528 6 5 By Registration and search fees .. 83,443 18 9 Advertising .. .. .. 931 14 5 Office supplies (including printing and stationery) .. .. .. 1,794 2 3 Travelling-expenses .. .. 535 11 5 Office expenses .. .. .. 28 12 0 Binding .. .. .. .. 298 9 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 30,829 13 0 Postages and telephones .. .. 310 17 6 Fuel and light .. .. .. 242 17 7 freight and. cartage .. . . 17 17 10 Relieving-allowance .. .. 13 2 0 Defalcation .. .. .. 391 6 2 Rent .. .. .. .. 5,449 0 0 Depreciation .. .. .. 678 5 9 Balance carried down .. .. 30,388 1 11 £83,443 18 9 £83,443 18 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on capital, il per cent, of By Balance brought down .. .. 30,388 1 II £8,934 18s. 2d. .. .. .. 402 1 5 Balance, excess income over expenditure .. .. .. .. 29,986 0 6 £30,388 1 11 £30,388 1 11 Balance-sheet as at the 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. j Assets. £ s. d. Capital Account, Ist April, 1922 .. 8,934 18 2 Office furniture and fittings £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 1,47115 8 at Ist April, 1922 .. 7,380 10 2 Depreciation reserve .. .. .. 2,268 1 5 Additions .. .. 179 16 .10 Exoess of income over expenditure .. 29,980 0 0 7,500 7 0 Mechanical appliances at Ist April, 1922 .. 1,087 19 0 Additions .. .. 233 3 2 Transfers .. .. 25 0 0 1,340 2 2 Less disposal .. 5 0 0 1,341 2 2 Library .. .. .. .. 400 9 0 Telephone subscriptions in advance . . 04 19 4 Treasury Adjustment Account .. 33,227 18 3 £42,660 15 9 £42,660 15 9 D. G. Clark, Secretary for Lands and Deeds. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the accounts include charges for rent and interest for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation.—G F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [Pt. IV]

LAND AND INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ending 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Advertising, books, &c. .. .. 482 15.6 By Land-tax Account .. .. .. 1,598,713 1 5 Contingencies .. .. .. 37 12 11 ' Income-tax Account .. .. .. 3,770,898 19 4 Electric light .. .. .. .. 0 7!) Conscience money . . .. .. 25 0 0 Hire of machines .. .. .. 45 10 8 Law-oosts .. .. .'. .. 235 0 7 Office requisites (including printing and stationery).. .. .. .. 2,548 11 11 Overtime and meal allowances .. .. 156 7 4 Payment to Customs Department for services of officers .. .. .. 200 0 0 Payment to Post and Telegraph Department for services of officers .. .. 1,01.7 13 0 Postage and telegrams .. .. .. 3,190 8 1 Repairs and renewals to offioe equipment.. 55 10 3 Rent .. .. .. .. 1,700 10 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 31,235 16 4 Taxation Committee (expenses of) .. 409 15 6 Telephone services .. .. .. 106 16 5 Temporary assistance .. .. .. 707 2 10 Travelling allowances and expenses .. 1,900 17 1 Valuation Department (contribution to) .. 7,231 (i 0 A. C. Nottingham (amount appropriated for credit of Consolidated Fund) .. .. 40 18 1 Interest allowed to taxpayers in pursuance of section 12, Finance Act (No. 2), 1921 1,193 13 0 Depreciation on office furniture, fittings, and library, &c. .. .. .. 435 511 Suspense Account for default assessments 50,000 0 0 Balance carried down .. .. .. 5,272,098 9 1 £5,375,637 0 9 £5,375,637 0 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on capital .. .. .. 178 6 7 By Balance brought down.. .. .. 5,272,098 9 1 Excess of revenue over expenditure .. 5,271,920 2 0 £5,272,098 9 1 £5,272,098 9 1 Percentage cost of collection of revenue = 19s. lid. (excluding Suspense Account). Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. Capital Fund—Liability to Treasury, Ist £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. April, 1922 .. .. .. .. 3,902.17 0 Office furniture and fittings .. 2,551 1 0 Sundry creditors — £ s. d. Additions during yearf .. 709 11 8 Outstanding expensss .. 9,018 15 5 3,260 12 8 Land-tax* .. .. 8,481 3 0 Library .. .. .. 156 17 0 Income-tax* ... .. 157,584 3 2 Additions during year .. 24 10 0 175,084 I 7 181 7 0 Depreciation reserve .. .. .. 805 15 0 Office appliances .. .. 1,254 19 0 Suspense Account for default assessments, &o. .150,000 0 0 Additions during year .. 43 0 0 Excess of revenue over expenditure .. 5,271,920 2 0 1,297 19 0 Forms and stationery .. .. 1,050 0 0 Official stamps .. .. .. 12 5 0 Sundry debtors— Land-tax .. .. 307,950 12 1 Income-tax .. . . 449,214 0 3 817,164 12 4 Stamp Department, in respect of services of Inspectors .. 27 17 8 817,192 10 0 Treasury Adjustment Account .. 4,779,378 1 11 £5,602,372 16 1 £5,602,372 16 1 * Includes amounts paid in advance? and overpayments subject to adjustment. f Includes £Q63 16s. '3d. cent of new registers, tin: estimated life of wliioh is six years. Contingent liability iv respect of bills discounted by Bank of Now Zealand, £32,706 13s. A. E. Fowler, Deputy Commissioner of Taxes. I hereby certify that the Income and. Expenditure Account, and balance-she* , ' ! xan ined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and corr ctly losed thereby, except that the accounts include charges against the Department for renl am in r no appropriation by Parliament. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General

7—B. 1 [Pt. IV].

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LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. a. To Salaries .. .. .. .. 30,380 18 3 By Balance carried down .. .. 117,447 0 0 Printing, stationery, and advertising 17,849 14 0 Postages, telephones, and telegrams .. 1,218 5 10 Lighting, heating, cleaning, &c. .. 3,029 5 9 Maintenance of grounds .. . . 248 0 9 Travelling-expenses .. .. 2,701 3 4 Sundry expenses —Compassionate allowances, &c. .. .. .. 773 18 3 Newspapers, &c. .. . . .. 209 18 6 Payments under Civil List Act, 1920.. 47,074 16 5 Bellamy's— £ s. d. Salaries .. .. 5,384 16 3 Maintenance of staff.. 1,132 8 (i Maintenance of silver, glassware, &c. . . 247 8 11 Laundry .. .. 181 1 2 Charwomen .. 346 0 0 Lighting, heating, &c. 397 0 0 Printing, &c. .. 100 17 1 Depreciation .. 142 11 1 7,938 3 0 Depreciation, Legislative Department 5,902 911 £117,447 0 6 £117,447 0 6 £ s. d. To Balance brought down.. .. 117,447 0 6 £ s. d. Interest on capital — £ s. d. By Excess expenditure over income .. 122,180 12 3 Legislative Department 4,518 13 0 Bellamy's .. .. 214 18 9 4,733 ii » £122,180 12 3 £122,180 12 ."> Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets, Capital Account — £ s. d. £ s. d. Furniture, fittings, &c. — £ s. d. £ s. cl. Legislative Department 100,414 8 10 Legislative Department.. 24,382 3 0 Bellamy's .. .. 4,776 8 7 Bellamy's .. .. 1,900 15 0 105,190 17 5 20,282 18 0 Sundry creditors, out- Mechanical appliances, typestanding expenses .. .. 090 1 1 writers .. .. .. 700 0 0 Depreciation Reservo Silver, glassware, &c. — Account — Legislative Department.. 473 4 7 Legislative Department 10,033 13 0 Bellamy's .. .. 2,875 13 1 Bellamy's .. .. 142 11 1 3,348 17 8 10,170 4 7 General Assembly Library .. .. 77,003 18 7 Treasury Adjustment Account .. 112,008 4 9 Books, efce. (office references) .. .. 4,245 13 0 Stock of books at Printing Office .. 367 13 0 Stationery on hand .. .. . . 277 2 0 Telephone subscriptions in advance .. 198 12 4 Excess expenditure over income .. 122,180 12 3 £234,005 7 10 £234,665 7 10 E. W. Kane, Clerk, House of Representatives. W. Russell, Accountant, House of Representatives. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. IV].


LOANS TO EMPLOYERS FOR WORKERS' DWELLINGS ACCOUNT. (LA BOUR DEPARTMENT.) Balance-sheet as at 31st October, 1922. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Loan Account .. .. .. 3,975 0 0 Cash in Public Account .. .. .. 379 4 7 Interest accrued .. .. .. .. 59 15 9 Investments Account.. .. 3,750 0 0 Less repayment .. .. 165 5 0 3,584 15 0 Interest accrued .. .. .. .. 20 10 11 Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. 6 2 0 Suspense .. .. . . .. .. 39 13 2 Revenue Account .. .. .. .. 410 I £4,034 15 9 £4,034 15 9 Revenue Account for Period 18th December, 1920, to 31st October, 1922. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest payable .. .. .. .. 201 13 9 By Interest receivable .. .. .. .. 296 8 6 Interest accrued .. .. .. ..59 15 9 Interest accruod .. .. .. .. 20 10 11 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 410 1 £321 9 6 £321 9 6 £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. .. .. ' £4 10 1 A. Burgess, Accountant, Labour Department. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. — G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. STATE ADVANCES OFFICE. Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Loan Account .. .. .. .. 3,975 0 0 Investment Account —Principal owing by mortgagors 3,560 0 0 Accruod intorest payable .. .. .. 43 12 3 Sinking Fund investment .. .. .. 19 1 5 Sundry debtors .. .. .. ■• 120 011 Interest on mortgages — £ s. d. Overdue .. .. .. 27 7 7 Accrued .. .. .. 5 4 8 32 12 3 Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. 3 15 3 Cash in Public Account .. .. .. 270 16 5 £4,018 12 3 £4,018 12 3 Profit and Loss Account for the Five Months ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. j Cr. £ s. d. To Net profits for the livo months .. .. .. 01410 ! By Interest Aooount .. .. .. .. 014 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balanco as at 31st October, 1922 .. .. 410 1 By Not profits for the five months .. .. .. 014 10 Balance .. .. •■ ■• .. 3 15 3 £4 10 1 £4 10 1 Interest Account for the Five Months ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Intorest on loans .. .. .. 89 8 9 By Interest on mortgages .. . . 01 18 9 Less accrued at 31st October, 1922 .. 59 15 9 Less accrued at 3.lst Octobor, 1922 .. 20 10 11 29 13 0 41 7 10 Intorest on loans, accrued but not due .. . . 43 12 3 Interest on mortgages, overdue at 31st Balance —Gross profits transferred to Profit and March, 1923 .. .. 27 7 7 Loss Account . . .. .. 014 10 Interest accrued but not due at 31st March, 1923 .. .. ..548 32 12 3 £74 0 1 £74 0 1 Wm. Waddel, Superintendent. R. Robertson, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Profit and Loss Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that securities have not been lodged with custodians as required by section 96 (a), Public Revenues Act, 1910.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. IVI.


MARINE DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. Income. Stock as at Ist April, 1922— £ s. d. £ s. d. Shipping and Soamen Act — £ s. d. £ s. d. Marine stores £15,879 16 6 Engagement and discharge of Less adjust- • seamen .. .. 4,107 15 6 ment .. 2,143 17 2 Surveys of ships .. .. 3,095 9 0 13,735 19 4 Measurement of'ships .. 17 2 10 Charts, saloablo books, and Examinations of masters, forms .. . .. 3,648 14 0 mates, &c. .. .. 395 12 0 17,384 13 4 .. .. 39,088 16 8 Head Office — Fines and forfeitures .. 987 2 6 Salaries and allowances .. 7,692 3 1 Miscellaneous receipts .. 284 15 0 Office expenses .. .. 1,919 19 7 48,576 14 0 9,012 2 8 Harbours ActHarbours— Pilotage and port charges .. 704 14 0 Salaries, wages, and allow- Foreshore rents, royalties, &c. 1,136 14 1 ances.. .. .. 2,612 18 3 1,901 8 7 Goneral maintenance .. 2,213 14 11 Fisheries Act— 4,826 13 2 Profit on oysters, as per sepaLighthouses— rate Profit and Loss AcSalaries, wages, and allow- count attached .. 2,546 9 6 anoes .. .. .. 18,325 18 1 Miscellaneous receipts .. 324 9 6 General maintenance .. 8,21.2 14 7 : 2,870 19 0 Maintenance of automatic Inspection of Machinery Act— lights .. .. 457 6 9 Inspection of boiiors and ma--20,995 19 5 chinery .. .. 17,123 7 0 Meteorological Branch— Examinations of engineSalaries, wages, and allow- . drivers .. .. 618 0 0 ances.. .. .. 1,726 11 0 Miscellaneous receipts .. 312 0 Office and general expenses.. 3,647 8 9 17,744 19 6 5,374 0 3 Tramways Act — Mercantile marine— Examinations of eloctric-tram Salaries and allowances .. 10,477 9 2 drivers .. .. .. .. 49 0 0 Office expenses .. .. 4,673 8 9 Miscellaneous revenue— 15,150 17 11 Sales of obsolete stores .. 1,033 0 2 Inspection of machinery— Sales of charts, books, and Salaries and allowances .. 19,192 17 3 forms .. .. 396 811 Travelling-expenses .. 5,013 11 1 Sales of "New Zealand Office and general exponses.. 2,808 11 8 Nautical Almanac " .. 252 11 0 27,015 0 0 Sales of fishing gear .. 139 1.1 10 Fisheries — Rents .. .. .. 23 14 2 Salaries, wages, and allow- Miscellaneous receipts .. 27 0 9 ances.. .. .. 2,509 14 11 1,872 610 Office and general expenses.. 2,035 8, 3 Stock as at 31st March, 1923 — 4,545 3 2 Marine stores .. 13,957 13 1 Working-expenses of Government steamers .. 19,912 18 11 Charts, saleable books, and Miscellaneous services— forms .. .. 2,588 5 0 Charts, saleable books, and 16,545 18 1 forms .. '.. 283 9 2 Excess oxpondituro over income .. .. 53,456 11 3 Checking passenger traffic .. 374 8 9 Expenses of Thames Harbour Commission .. .. 319 12 8 Preparation of nautical tables 429 14 8 " New Zealand Nautical Almanac" .. .. 430 5 0 Preparation of tide-tables .. 550 0 0 War medals and ribands for mercantile marine .. 112 13 9 Relief of distressed seamen.. 132 0 8 Miscellaneous expenses .. 16 18 0 2,655 3 8 Grants .. .. .. .. ~ 1,010 0 0 Subsidies .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 8,035 4 9 £143,017 17 3 £143,017 17 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance brought down .. .. .. 53,456 11 3 Excess expenditure over income after charging] Interest on capital .. .. .. 15,716 7 3 interest on capital .. .. .. 69,172 18 6 £09,172 18 6 ' £69,172 18 6

B.—l [Pt. IV].


MARINE DEPARTMENT— -continued. Sale of Oysters, 1922 Season. Production Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Wages of overseers and pickers .. .. 2,962 1.9 5 By Balance transferred to Trading Account .. 2,962 19 5 £2,962 19 5 £2,962 19 5 Trading Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Balance transferred from Production Ac- By Sales .. .. .. .. 7,702 9 0 count .. .. .. .. 2,962 19 5 Wages of storemon and labourers .. 450 13 II Freight and cartage .. .. .. 697 10 5 Sacks and stores .. .. .. 142 6 3 Wharfage .. .. .. .. 71 14 1 Maintenance of ketch .. .. .. 377 13 9 Depreciation on ketch.. .. .. 120 16 1 Gross profit transferred to Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. .. 2,872 15 7 £7,702 9 0 £7,702 9 0 Profit and Loss Account. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Salaries .. .. .. .. 215 8 4 By Gross profit transferred from Trading AcRent and electric light .. .. .. 54 0 1 count .. .. .. .. 2,872 15 7 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 33 17 0 Printing and stationery .. ... 19 1 5 Advertising .. .. .. .. 318 9 Net profit transferred to Income and Expenditure Account .. .. .. 2,546 9 6 £2,872 15 7 £2,872 15 7 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. j Assets. £ s. d. Capital funds .. .. .. .. 491,519 15 3 ! Land and buildings .. .. .. 38,957 10 1 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 4,596 17 10 i Lighthouses (including land, towers, buildings, Depreciation Reserve Account .. .. 21,647 12 5 furniture, apparatus, and equipment) .. 251,157 9 7 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 60,036 18 7 Automatic lights .. .. .. .. 21.448 18 0 Buoys, beacons, and moorings .. .. 7,491 0 0 Government steamers .. .. .. 25,147 4 0 Wharves .. ... .. .. 2,354 0 0 Harbour equipment (including boats, flagstaff's, tools, signalling -apparatus, &o.) .. .. 1,009 5 0 Oyster-beds .. .. .. .. 121,604 12 0 Oyster ketch and launches.. .. .. 5,030 18 0 Fish hatcheries and equipment .. .. 1,804 5 9 Horses .. .. .. .. .. 541 0 0 Meteorological instruments and apparatus .. 2,161 1 8 Automatic flashing lamps .. .. .. 343 12 10 Test-pumps and pressure-gauges .. .. 277 15 0 Office furniture and fittings .. .. 4,232 19 7 Mechanical office appliances .. .. 585 10 0 Library.. .. .. .. .. 1,376 1 8 , Marine stores .. .. .. .. 13,957 13 1 Charts, saleable books, and forms .. .. 2,588 5 0 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 5,899 2 10 Excess expenditure over income .. .. 09,172 1.8 6 £577,801 4 1 I £577,801 4 1 J. E. Engel, Accountant. A. D. Park, Secretary. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and. documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the accounts include charges for rent, interest, and services performed by Customs Department for which there is no appropriation by Parliament. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. TV].


MENTAL HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Capital .. .. .. .. 811,627 13 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 11,476 19 0 Land .. .. 164,433 10 0 Depreciation Reserve .. .. 16,784 18 9 Less reserve for loss Treasury Adjustment Account .. 280,642 1111 on sale of land .. 1,062 10 0 103,371 0 0 Buildings.. .. .. .. 489,292 0 0 Development-work.. .. .. 1,963 15 0 Improvements .. .. .. 55,819 5 9 Furniture and fittings .. .. 17,07112 6 Plant and machinery .. .. 105 10 0 Motor vehicles .. .. .. 3,508 0 0 Other vehicles .. . . .. 896 0 0 Loose and artisans'tools .. .. 1,893 13 3 Farm implements .. .. .. 1,997 1 9 Stores and equipment .. .. 63,926 3 6 Live-stock .. .. .. 19,988 13 0 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 1,212 18 4 Expenses paid in advance .. .. 425 3 1 Excess of expenditure over income .. 299, 061 6 8 £1,120,532 2 9 £1,120,532 2 9 General Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1.923. To Institutional accounts —• £ s. d. By Balance (excess of expenditure over £ s. d. Auckland.. .. .. .. 46,557 11 8 income) .. .. .. 299,001. 0 8 Christchurch .. .. .. 54,802 10 3 Dunedin .. .. .. 74,914 5 0 Hokitika .. .. .. 20,700 14 4 10 Nelson .. .. .. .. 21,231 4UO Porirua .. .. .. 55,308 5" 2 Tokanui .. .. .. 23,383 4g7 Rent not apportioned .. .. 184 0 0 Loss on sale of land .. .. 1,002 I.o^o Interest .. .. .. .. 790 19 10 £299,001 0 8 £299,001 6 8 G. C. Holder, For Inspector-General. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Aooount and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that— (1.) No charges have been included for wages of inmates engaged on the farms. (2.) Pending a detailed valuation of the land, buildings, and improvements comprising the farms, the correct charge for intorest and depreciation cannot be ascertained. (3.) The valuations of land, buildings, and improvements are incomplete. (4,) The amount of sundry creditors appears to have been considerably underestimated. (6 ,) The valuations of live-stock have been made by the Head Office, and appear to be on the low side. (6,1 The income from maintenance fees does not represent the earnings- for the year, and the outstandings at the end of the year have not been correctly stated. il.) The accounts include charges against the Department for rent, interest, maintenance of buildings, and land, &c, for which the Mental Hospitals Department possesses no appropriation by Parliament. J. H. Fowler, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General.


8.~ 1 [Pt. IV].

MENTAL HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT—continued. Farm Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923.

I Auckland. Christchurch. Dunedin. Hokltlka. ■Nelson. Porlrua. Tokanui. Total. . Expenditure. Live-stock, lst April, 1922.. Purchase of stock Farm salaries and wages . . Feed Seeds, manures, &c. Implements and harness, repairs, &c, Railages Sundries Repairs to fences, drains, &c. Rents, rates, &c. Harvesting Repairs to farm buildings .. Profit carried down £ s. d. 1,567 14 0 50 5 0 320 0 0 245 15 0 216 3 0 154 16 2 £ s. d. 3,009 0 0 435 7 7 2,107 4 5 309 5 3 202 17 I! 233 5 7 £ s. d. 5,214 8 (1 81 10 11 3,780 0 0 2,311 18 10 385 I 1 2 528 10 8 £ s. d. 374 0 0 47 17 0 421 5 0 159 12 2 113 0 4 45 5 10 £ s. d. 2,319 2 0 94 0 0 1,729 17 11 419 10 11 281 5 II 217 8 9 £ s. d. 3,345 5 0 1,148 0 0 1,035 13 9 282 4 9 173 10 2 £ s. d. 3,837 4 0 310 2 0 951 13 4 21 10 3 1,234 3 4 441 11 1 £ s. d. 20,320 13 0 1,025 8 0 10,458 0 8 4,503 0 2 2,715 12 5 1,794 14 3 5 3 7 47 9 4 187 7 7 180 1 1 1,030 14 9 281 0 4 255 14 0 704 10 10 38 4 5 54 12 1 57 1 2 38 6 id 14 12 7 103 17 9 94 17 10 104 (I 0 379 10 2 1,100 0 8 51.9 13 9 1,091 0 10 449 4 8 3 2 0 10,747 12 1 48 0 10 1 14 2 9 49 16 9 3 2 0 118 1 7 2,717 18 5 3,501 18 11 1,008 15 (I 3,016 3 5 502 16 4 Loss brought down Interest Net profit to Institutional Account 5,331 4 0 12,810 9 5 14,304 1 11 1,250 14 4 5,170 18 2 9,19!) 18 8 7,035 4 8 55,474 11 8 77 14 3 2,040 4 2 180 10 8 3,321 8 3 200 4 0 742 11 0 195 19 4 17 2 10 270 15 4 112 .14 7 158 13 7 2,857 9 10 183 I 4 319 15 0 472 14 8 990 I 3 9,881 8 3 2,717 18 5 3,501 18 11 1,008 15 0 213 2 2 389 9 11 3,010 3 £ 502 10 4 11,350 4 2 Income. Sales of live-stock Poultry and eggs Hides, tallow, wool, &c. Fruit and vegetables Meat Milk and cream Butterfat 710 14 10 201 5 10 8 1 5 1,440 19 2 80 10 2 1,074 18 5 109 3 4 2 19 4 35 2 0 2,703 3 2 778 14 (i 208 14 0 1,780 18 10 78 0 0 2,637 5 1 1,370 4 5 1,120 12 0 247 15 9 2,350 9 5 1,130 15 4 1,690 11 2 1,379 17 4 175 0 10 27 13 0 798 5 3 503 15 2 188 16 11 567 1 0 182 9 2 508 4 0 358 4 7 1,221 4 10 599 10 0 120 1 3 953 18 11 102 0 11 1,005 11 7 1,204 1 8 58 19 8 53 10 0 185 10 7 754 7 11 1,202 .17 2 571 9 0 1,000 1 I] 7,037 13 0 3,405 7 0 905 5 11 8,027 I. 1.1 2,994 18 9 7,797 10 9 4,051 8 10 2 19 4 121 13 .0 728 10 10 141 7 2 39 1 0 19,988 13 0 472 14 8 107 0 2 97 14 0 249 17 0 Honey Prize-money Cereals, seeds, hay, &o. Sundries Grazing Live-stock 31st March, 1923 Loss carried down 1,001 4 0 718 14 10 3,898 19 0 5,073 10 0 343 4 0 19ft 11) -1 137 10 9 1,53ft 15 0 270 15 4 80 11 0 9 10 0 3,830 10 0 3 10 5 39 I 0 3,705 5 0 Profit carried down Net loss to Institutional Account 5,331 4 0 1.2,810 9 5 14,304 1 11 1,250 14 4 5,170 18 2 9,199 18 7,635 4 55,774 11 8 2,717 .18 5 3,501 18 11 1,008 15 0 3,010 3 5 502 10 4 10,747 12 002 12 1 1 213 2 2 389 9 11 2,717 18 5 3,501 18 11 1,008 15 0 213 2 2 389 9 11 3,010 3 5 502 10 4 11,350 4 2

B.—l [Pt. IV].


MENTAL HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT—continued. Institutional Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923.

Auckland. Ohristchuroh. Dunedin. Hokitika. Nelson. Porirua. Tokanui. Total. , Expenditure. Salaries Official Visitors Advertising, books, &c. Maintenance and repairs to buildings Dental services Repairs to fences, drains, &c. Freight, cartage, transport Fuel, light, power, and water Funeral expenses Furniture and fittings Gardens and shrubberies . . Law-costs Laundry Repairs to plant and machinery Nursingstaff engagement, &o. Patients —Recreation, &c, Postages and telegrams Printing and stationery Rations Stores, bedding, and clothing Drugs, wines, spirits, &c. .. Telephone services Travelling allowances and expenses Treatment in general hospital Sundries Farm produce consumed .. Headquarters administration exponses Depreciation Audit fees Bacteriological research Rents and rates Compensation, &c. Medical fees £ s. d. 24,090 0 8 50 8 0 27 3 9 892 19 3 8 0 0 1 15 9 112 10 9 4,104 17 1 126 12 0 10 9 0 19 19 1 1 1 0 437 II 4 58 0 2 300 1.3 11 1,493 18 8 87 3 6 126 10 2 13,040 14 2 0,949 17 0 385 9 8 27 7 5 31 4 7 £ s. d. 28,923 12 8 4 4 0 41 18 1 1,042 18 1 83 0 8 212 13 1 5,201 7 10 120 15 0 152 0 0 2 2 6 745 17 8 402 13 I 386 2 0 1,427 8 10 107 3 9 151 .12 4 12,110 8 1 5,090 0 1 205 9 11 71 0 2 120 1.7 2 £ s. cl. 41,508 14 3 50 8 0 35 0 0 2,720 0 9 50 15 0 20 8 2 1,953 13 2 4,931 17 0 55 0 0 377 19 1 28 II 3 3 14 4 2,002 11 9 512 11 0 839 11 3 3,010 19 0 150 9 5 170 2 9 14,007 12 8 8,134 15 5 406 1 11 81 9 4 249 17 0 £ s. d. 11,541 7 0 14 14 0 3 14 0 1,000 0 3 20 17 0 335 14 2 456 12 1 8 15 0 29 3 7 9 10 11 900 7 0 100 II 7 183 1 9 425 11 7 41 9 0 37 4 3 4,305 4 9 1,049 14 5 75 10 8 11 1 9 139 9 li £ s. d. 9,484 12 5 22 19 0 802 4 0 1 0 0 452 5 1 1,495 12 5 03 0 0 30 12 3 249 11 I 434 15 5 141 11 7 384 15 0 43 5 8 73 15 9 4,725 14 8 2,794 9 0 80 4 0 48 17 2 53 15 0 £ s. d. 35,343 2 0 25 5 0 1,009 11 7 20 10 0 877 14 11 4,180 13 1 50 .15 0 597 0 2 41 9 11 540 8 7 004 17 4 000 0 8 1,703 0 8 150 7 0 122 13 0 14,573 1 7 0,125 1 5 402 11 1 78 12 8 71 7 0 £ s. d. 9,535 2 4 7 7 7 310 2 8 2 16 0 517 18 5 1,363 10 8 47 15 0 33 10 9 lOii'12 5 200 10 0 147 5 9 033 10 9 40 5 3 47 13 11 2,460 7 5 1,084 18 1 52 3 4 £ s. d. 100,480 11 10 119 14 0 103 8 11 8,450 3 1 193 18 8 22 3 11 4,402 15 7 21.800 10 2 472 13 0 1,014 11 10 310 0 8 0 .17 10 4,991 19 10 2,434 4 7 2,603 10 11 9,079 17 0 020 4 7 735 18 2 00,495 3 4 33,034 15 5 1,733 10 7 318 14 0 811 19 11 145 9 2 29 8 0 15 18 6 2,895 8 10 1,407 3 4 23 13. 0 4,870 12 1 1,005 11 1 84 0 0 0 10 0 7,003 10 3 1,443 11 2 48 12 0 505 10 5 315 0 7 17 18 0 0 0 0 1,170 0 9 380 2 5 05 3 0 1 15 0 3,772 9 5 1,458 8 2 3,1.53 10 7 328 9 4 208 15 0 24 10 0 23,377 8 4 0,398 12 1 3,495 7 0 3,721 0 0 8 0 8 1 I 0 758 0 0 3,267 0 0 7 0 8 205 17 10 847 3 2 3,309 12 10 1,925 2 0 10,771 8 10 15 13 4 1 1 0 758 0 0 774 11 0 23 10 6 774'11 0 4 12 6 18 18 0 00,840 11 7 07,784 14 4 94,620 19 1 308,784 1 5 Balance carried down Interest on capital Net; loss from Farm Account 22,430 7 7 23,889 10 10 70,458 4 1 22,759 13 11 42,038 5 8 7,159 10 2 50,723 18 3 7.400 0 3 69,119 5 1 0,537 11 5 18,772 3 4 2,009 11 7 389 9 11 51,844 3 7 0,381 .11 5 i i 1 '271,574 12 8 34,722 0 4 002 12 1 20,019 17 0 407 15 8 213 2 2 20,700 14 10 19,050 19 9 1 4,045 19 10 49,197 15 10 58,183 18 0 7ft,050 10 0 21,231 4 10 58,225 15 0 23,702 19 7 300,899 5 1 Income. M aintenanoe fees Metal, rags, and sacks Board and lodging Offal .. Vehicles Sale of firewood Rents and rates Balance carried down 18,059 12 9 103 14 3 7 1 0 31 17 5 15,950 II 4 24 i ft 116 10 10 916 2 0 47 10 0 23,479 11 3 179 9 5 208 3 1 1,507 5 3 03 10 0 3 15 0 2,082 19 9 28 10 9 297 14 1 4,083 8 9 40 12 8 224 9 10 58 0 0 24,200 0 1 07 0 2 148 3 0 51 0 4 3,394 17 4 57 11 0 30 10 9 92,457 7 3 374 5 3 013 19 4 3,125 0 2 169 0 0 3 15 0 466 1 9 271,574 12 8 42,038 5 8 50,723'18 3 09,119 5 1 20,019 17 0 104 10 3 18,772 3 4 147 10 ft 51,844 3 7 213 15 I 19,050 19 9 Net profit from farm Excess of expenditure over income 00,840 11 7 07,784 14 4 94,620 19 1 22,430 7 7 23,889 10 10 70,458 4 1 22,759 13 11 1368,784 1 5 2,040 4 2 40,557 11 8 3,321 8 3 54,802 10 3 742 11 0 74,914 5 0 20,70014 10 21,231.' 4 10 2,857 9 10 55,368 5 2 319 15 0 23,383 4 7 9,881 8 297,017 16 l< 49,197 15 10 58,183 18 0 75,050 10 0 20,700 14 1.0 121,231 4 10 58,225 15 0 23,702 19 7 300,899 5 1


8.-l [Pt. IV].

MINES DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Advertising .. .. .. 56 14 8 By Gold revenue .. .. .. 13,302 16 5 Assistance to prospecting, eve. .. 3,717 510 Coal rents and royalties .. .. 19,507 4 2 Drills, maintenance of .. . . 655 0 8 Interest on advances .. .. 235 3 5 Depreciation .. .. .. 1,409 8 2 Kales of water, water-races .. 1,710 2 0 Examinations .. .. .. 58 3 5 Timber royalties, water-races .. 185 12 6 Freights and cartage .. .. 50 8 3 Registration and other fees .. 273 11 4 Fuel, light, water, &o. .. .. 02 4 0 Balance .. .. .. 30,038 13 10 Instruments, repairs .. .. 718 II Law-costs .. .. .. 272 I 7 Office requisites .. .. .. 10 i.'l (i Outfit-allowances and field expenses 197 (i 2 Postages, telegrams .. .. 320 010 Printing and stationery . . . . 534 1 4 Rents .. . . .. .. 592 12 8 Compassionate allowances. . . . 8 0 8 Salaries .. . . .. 11,200 511 Schools of Mines. . .. .. 3,479 2 3 Telephones .. .. .. 133 3 5 Travelling-expenses .. .. 1,844 19 10 Wages and other assistance . . 104 3 0 Sundries .. . . .. 613 0 bosses, sums irrecoverable .. 2,059 7 I Gold revenue paid or due to local bodies .. .. .. 13,302 10 5 Roads on goldfields .. .. 9,049 12 0 Coal rents and royalties paid to various local bodies and endowments . . .. .. 15,616 14 S Water-races maintenance .. ~ 341 1.2 11 £65,853 3 8 £65,853 3 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. 30,638 13 10 By Balance .. .. .. 33,133 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. 2,494 6 2 £33,133 0 0 £33,133 0 0 £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. £33,133 0 0 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. Capital —Liability to Treasury, Ist April, £ s. d. Land .. .. .. .. 3,505 0 0 1922 .. .. ' 79,039 8 8 Buildings .. .. .. .. 379 19 6 Treasury Adjustment Account .. 25,867 11 6 £ s. d. Depreciation reserve.. .. .. 6,618 12 10 Furniture and fittings .. 1,309 13 8 Deposits on coal leases, &c. .. .. 2,207 9 5 Less written off Suspense 0 7 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 12,902 17 11 1,309 0 8 Mechanical appliances .. .. 315 6 (i Instruments .. .. .. 561 16 0 Plant and machinery .. 248 19 7 Less written off Suspense 3 8 0 245 11 1 Library, maps, &c. .. .. .. 5,326 8 5 Mineral collections .. .. .. 9,040 2 0 Motor-cars .. .. .. .. 500 16 3 Drills and equipment .. 15,126 16 4 Less written off Suspense 224 5 6 14,902 10 10 Water-races .. .. .. 14,700 0 0 Loans to oil-boring companies, &c. .. 17,747 17 2 Sundry debtors .. 3,193 4 8 Less written off Suspense 89 15 0 3,103 9 8 Interest accrued but not due .. .. 43 6 8 Fees paid in advance .. .. 93 17 6 Stocks and stores on hand .. .. 158 0 8 Buildings, plant, (fee. — Firewood depot .. 1,365 5 11 Less amount written oil Suspense .. 705 5 11 600 0 0 Government Firewood Depot stocks .. 3,277 6 0 Less written off Suspense 3,277 6 0 Suspense Account .. .. .. 521 9 6 Deficiency for year .. .. .. 44,502 10 0 Cash in hands of receivers .. .. 8,412 11 5 £126,636 0 4 £126,636 0 4 0. Jas. Anderson, Minister of Mines. P. G. Pearce, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the expenditure includes charges for interest on capital and rent and rates paid by Public Works Department for which the Mines Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation,—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

8--B. 1 [Pt. IVJ.

B.—l [Pt. IV].


M INES DEPARTMENT— continued. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BRANCH. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Advertising .. .. .. 111 1 By Sale of maps, bulletins .. .. 15 15 8 Depreciation .. .. .. 484 13 4 ' Balance .. .. .. .. 5,877 611 Freight and cartage .. . . 23 3 9 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 28 2 3 Instrument repairs .. .. 1 11 4 Outfit allowances and field expenses .. 524 6 9 Postages, telegrams .. .. 34 1 0 Printing and stationery . . .. 57 7 10 Rents, rates .. ' . . .. 252 5 4 Salaries .. .. .. .. 3,500 6 9 Telephones .. .. .. .. 11 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. . . 427 12 6 Wages, &c. .. .. .. 542 8 11 Sundry expenses .. . . .. 13 3 Losses, sums irrecoverable . • .. 3 8 0 £5,893 2 7 £5,893 2 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. .. 5,877 Oil By Balance .. .. .. .. 0,548 17 11 Interest on capital . • .. .. 671 11 0 £6,548 17 11 £6,548 17 11 £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. ..£6,548 17 11 GOVERNMENT FIREWOOD DEPOT. Trading Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Stocks on hand, Ist April, 1922 .. 6,193 10 9 By Sales of firewood .. .. .. 4,415 1 4 Wages .. .. .. .. 719 0 7 Gross loss carried down .. .. 2,017 18 1 Motor-oils.. .. .. .. 28 10 8 Depreciation of sidings .. .. 91 17 5 £7,032 19 5 j £7,032 19 5 Profit and Loss Account for the Ybae ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. I s. d. To Balance brought clown .. .. 2,017 18 1 By Balance-Net loss . . .. .. 4,820 12 1 Salaries .. . . .. .. 150 0 0 Commission ...... 70 11 9 ' Rent .. .. .. .. 8 8 0 Interest on capital . . .. .. 390 18 4 Repairs and maintenance .. .. 13 210 Telephone .. .. .. 10 17 0 Printing and stationery .. . . 215 0 Insurance .. .. .. 9 16 5 ('artage .. .. . . .. 445 8 3 General expenses ■■ .. .. 5 19 2 Advertising .. .. .. 11 11 0 Depreciation .. .. .. 245 18 10 Bad debt .. .. .. .. 72 1 0 Loss on realization of assets .. 765 5 11 £ s. d. £4,829 12 I -— £4,820 .12 1 £ s. d. r To Balance .. .. .. ... £4,820 12 1 Norn. —The above loss of £4,820 I2s. Id. includes the loss of £3,277 (is. stock shortage which was shown in the Appropriation Act, 1923. The explanation is repeated here : " When wood was all sold out a shortage in stocks was revealed of 1,148J cords. Impossible to account for shortage. Coal Control Department commenced operations .Inly, 1919, and the yard was taken over by Mines Department Ist September, 1921. It was closed down 28th September, 1922. Shortages occurred before Mines Department took over control. The Coal Control offloers are not now in Government servioe." In addition to this the realization of assets resulted in a loss of £705 ss. lid.


B.—i [Pt. IV],

MINING DISTRICTS LAND OCCUPATION ACCOUNT. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £s. cl. Revenue. £ s. d. To Rents written off Suspense (irrecoverable) 010 10 By Accrued rents .. .. .. 1,585 3 9 Adjustments on account of previous years 0 8 0 Balance! oarried down .. .. 1,583 18 5 £1,585 3 9 £.1,585 3 9 To Payments to local bodies under seotion £ s. cl. . £ s. d. 280, Laud Act, 1908 .. .. 73119 2 By Balance brought down .. .. .1,583 18 5 Balance .. .. .. .. 14,237 4 7 Balance from previous years .. 13,385 5 4 £14,969 3 9 £1.4,909 3 9 Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. To Cash on hand at Ist April, 1922 .. 13,940 14 10 By Refunds of revenue .. .. 79 19 3 Roceipts under section 279, Land Act, Payments to local bodies under section 1089.. .. .. .. 1,543 17 8 280, Land Act, 1908 .. .. 770 18 8 Balance as at 31st March, 1923 .. 14,033 14 7 £15,484 12 0 £1.5,484 12 0 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Revenue Account—Balance .. .. 14,237 4 7 Sundry debtors for rents .. 380 13 5 Sundry creditors for payments to local Less rents written off bodies under section 280, Land Act, Suspense .. .. 010 10 1908 .. .. .. .. 731. 19 2 385 10 7 Rents in credit (paid in advance) .. 34 18 5 Miscellaneous sundry debtors .. .. 10 0 Miscellaneous sundry creditors .. 10 15 0 Cash in Public Account .. .. 14,633 14 7 £15,020 17 2 £1.5,020 1.7 2 J. B. Thompson, Under-Secretary for Lands. J. H. O'Donnell, Chief Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the copies of journal entries of the District Land Boards submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, exoejit that the value of the endowment lands is not included in the assets and there is no corresponding capital liability. The Revenue Account includes rents due for the period Ist July, 1922, to 30th June, 1923. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l IPt. IV].


NATIONAL ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT. [Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts. Payments. £ s, d' To Cash in Public Account, £ s. cl. £ s. cl. By Expenditure under section 17, Land Ist April, 1922 .. 25,405 .1 5 Laws Amendment Act, 1912 .. 12,372 18 10 Investment Account, Ist Refunds of revenue .. .. 069 0 2 April, 1922 .. 72,000 0 0 Consolidated Fund—Education and ■ 97,405 1 5 old-age pensions .. .. 95,150 11 3 Rents, dke., from national-endowment Cash in Public Account, £ s. d. lands .. .. .. .. 120,204 10 1 31st March, 1923 .. 29,350 15 I Interest on investments .. .. 1,885 13 10 Investment Account, 31st March, 1923 .. 82,000 0 0 111,356 15 I £219,555 5 4 £219,555 5 4 Revenue Account for the Year ended 3Lst March, 1923. To Loan repayments — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Local Bodies' Loans By Accrued rents, &c. .. .. 137,178 7 8 Act, 1908 .. 5,106 0 9 , Accrued timber royalties .. .. 11,580 9 0 Section 63, Land Laws Accrued coal rents and royalties .. 511 1 2 Amendment Act, Adjustment of rents, &0., with other 1913 .. .. 3,685 19 1 funds .. .. .. .. 30 0 8 —— —— 8,79119 10 Interest on investments .. .. 1,810 6 7 Administration expenses .. 0,998 3 3 " Thirds," " fourths," and " halves " 14,484 13 5 Rents written off Suspense .. 1,054 4 3 Reserve for irrecoverable rents .. 1,500 0 0 Royalties written off .. .. 25, 111 1 9 Remissions of rent .. .. 1,968 18 8 Rebates granted .. .. 2,210 2 5 Refunds of rents .. .. 372 1 7 Refunds of royalties .. .. 22 5 0 Costs of surveys .. .. 2,007 13 0 Adjustment of rents, &c, with other funds .. .. ~ 197 1 3 Balance .. .. .. .. 85,744 0 2 £151,122 5 1 £151,122 5 1 To Contributions for education and old-age £ s. d. £ «. d. i pensions .. .. .". 112,300 18 8 By Balance brought, clow n .. .. 85,744 0 2 Carried forward .. .. .. 70,437 17 7 Balance from previous year .. 97,000 fO I £182,804 10 3 £182,804 10 3 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets, £ ,s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. 5,041,073 8 8 Land .. .. .. .. 5,055,009 10 II Appreciation in land-values .. 16,029 3 8 National Endowment Trust Aooount 2,015 (l 2 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 606 15 4 Unpaid purchase price (not yet payRents paid in advance .. .. 062 7 9 able) of buildings .. .. 201 15 2 Endowments payable for old age Sundry debtors, for sales of land .. 18 1 3 pensions and education purposes .. 1.10,087 12 0 Sundry debtors, for £ s. d. Balance of Revenue Account .. 70,437 17 7 rent .. .. 57,2911.9 5 Less rents written off Suspense, £1,654 4s. 3d. ; reserve for irrecoverable rents, £1,500 .. 3,154 4 3 54,137 15 2 Sundry debtors, for principal instalment on buildings .. .. 23 410 Sundry*debtors, for royalties .. 10,524 3 5 Sundry debtors (miscellaneous) .-. 762 14 3 Postponed rent .. .. .. 4,299 17 2 interest accrued due on investments. . 488 7 7 ('ash in Public Ac- £ s. d. count .. .. 29,350 15 I Investment Account 82,000 0 0 — 111,350 15 1 £5,238,897 5 0 £5,238,897 5 0 J. B. Thompson, Under-Secretary for Lands. J. H. O'Donnell, Chief Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the copies of journal entries of the District Land Boards submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. The Revenue Account includes rent due for the period Ist July, 1922, to 30th June, 1923.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

8.~1 [Pt. IVJ.


NATIONAL ENDOWMENT TRUST ACCOUNT. Statement op Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts. £ S. d. Payments. £ s. d. To Balance at Ist April, 1922 .. .. .87 I 9 By Balanoe at 31st March, 1923 .. 1,399 15 0 Amounts received from sales of land .. 1,312 13 9 £1,399 15 0 £1,399 15 0 Interest on Sales under Section 1.1, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1920, Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balanoe carried down .. . . 101 4 1 By Interest on sales for year 1922-23 .. 101 4 1 £101 4 1 £101 4 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. .. 11l 15 8 By Balance brought down .. .. 101 4 1 Balance from previous years. . .. 10 11 7 £111 15 8 £111 15 8 —isii - ■ .■■■■ i i ;— rr.-st-- it; r~ i Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. cl. Assets, £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. 2,015 0 2 Unpaid purchase-money (not yet payable) 0-10 8 8 Interest under section 11 .. .. 11l 15 8 Sundry debtors for D.P. instalment, sec. 11, Sundry creditors .. .. .. 18 1 3 sales .. .. .. .. Id 4 0 Sundry debtors for interest .. .. 13 10 I Sundry debtors (miscellaneous) . . .. 74 18 7 Cash in Public Account .. .. 1,399 15 0 £2,144 17 1 £2,144 17 1 J. B. Thompson, Under-Secretary for Lands. J. IT. O'Donnell, Chief Accountant. 1 hereby certify that the Interest Account, Statement of Receipts and Payments, and balancesheet have been duly examined and compared with the copies of journal entries of the District Land Boards submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. The Interest Account includes interest due for the period Ist January, 1922, to 31st December. 1922.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B,—l [Pt. IV].


NATIONAL PROVIDENT FUND. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Amount of fund at beginning of year 032,525 0 0 By Maternity claims (section IS) .. 7,272 0 0 Contributions .. .. .. 131,542 7 5 Maternity claims (approved friendly Interest .. .. .. 30,807 9 8 societies) .. .. .. 31,601 0 0 Fines .. .. .. .. 772 11 II Refund of contributions on lapse, Government contribution under Act 33,230 10 5 reduction, and withdrawal (secRefund of maternity claims by the lions 10, 11, 12, and 13) .. 27,875 11 1 State .. .. .. 38,876 0 0 Incapacity allowances (sections 10and Contributions overpaid on exit .. 19 18 10 17), including contributions waived Benefits refunded on exit (excluding on incapacity (£205 Bs. 7d.) .. 1,595 0 5 maternity) .. .. .. 98 19 5 Death: Refund of contributions (sections 14 (5) and 15) .. .. 1,935 9 0 Death : Allowances on account of widows and children (section 14) .. 4,820 7 3 Retirement: Allowances (seotion 12) 5,579 1-1 9 Refund of contributions overpaid on 19 18 10 exit Refund of contributions unclaimed or impounded .. .. 20 13 0 Amount of fund at end of year .. 793,143 17 10 £873,878 18 2 £873,878 18 2 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Fund as per Revenue Aooount .. 793,143 17 10 In hands of Public Trustee— Claims due and in course of payment— Invested .. .. .. 747,175 0 0 Maternity .. .. .. 5,164 6 5 Uninvested .. .. .. 8,910 17 5 Death (section 15) .. .. 500 2 2 Balance with Post Office .. .. 4,90219 3 Death: Allowances (section 14) .. 194 2 0 Balances in transit .. .. .. 0,557 19 10 Allowances (section 12) .. .. 218 17 10 Contributions outstanding or in course of Allowances (section 10) .. .. 83 7 5 transmission*— Refunds in suspense.. .. .. 28,870 010 (a.) Contributions due but not overDeposits on incomplete applications to due .. .. .. 11,410 4 9 join fund .. .. .. 0 9 8' (6.) Contributions overdue .. 3,594 910 Suspense Account .. .. .. 3,097 3 7 ! Government subsidy due under Act* .. 33,236 10 5 One-half contributions of members of Ex- j Refund due in respect of maternity peditionary Forces overpaid by State.. 46 10 5 claims* .. .. .. .. 5,052 0 0 Contributions prepaid .. .. 4,385 3 7 Fines due* .. .. .. 449 6 2 Interest duo* .. .. .. 3,377 10 0 Interest accruod, but not due* .. 11,037 3 7 £830,304 7 9 £836,304 7 9 * Included in Revenue Account. A. T. Tkaversi, Superintendent. 1 hereby certify that the balance-sheet and Revenue Account have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—0. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [Pt. IV].

NATIONAL PROVIDENT AND FRIENDLY SOCIETIES DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Administration charges- £ s. d. £ s. d. By Sundry fees .. .. .. 317 6 Salaries .. .. 10,437 11 4 Sale of office furniture and fittings .. 5 6 0 Audit .. .. 50 0 0 Balanoe carried down.. .. .. 20,379 15 9 Meal allowances and overtime .. 88 0 2 Rent .. .. 1,047 1 10 Commission allowances, &c. .. . 5,173 8 1 Postages, telephones, &c. 790 19 4 Post and Telegraph I Apartment charges 575 1.7 0 Payment to Department of Interna Affairs for charing servioes 34 16 6 Travelling-allowances, &o. 455 11 0 Printing and stationery 576 8 11 Office maintenance .. 64 4 3 Fuel, light, power, and water .. .. 63 4 5 Contingencies .. 33 8 5 »~ 19.390 11 3 Other items — Maternity allowances .. .. 6 0 0 Payments for statistical returns of sickness and mortality .. .. 821 14 0 Depreciation .. .. .. 170 14 6 £20,388 19 9 £20,388 19 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. 20,379 15 9 By Excess of expenditure over income after Intorest on capital .. .. 103 6 5 charging interest.. .. .. 20,483 2 2 £20,483 2 2 £20,483 2 2 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 1,769 1 2 Telephone subscriptions paid in advance 52 17 6 Treasury Adjustment Account., .. 20.077 8 3 Stationery .. .. ... .. 469 19 7 Capital Account .. ' .. 2,187 10 0 £ s. d. Mechanical appliances .. 469 0 0 . Less depreciation .. 46 4 0 422 1.6 0 Furniture and fittings .. 1,218 10 0 Add additions .. .. 3 10 6 1,222 0 6 Less depreciation .. 124 10 6 1,097 10 0 Excess of expenditure over income .. 20,483 2 2 Treasury Liability Aooount .. .. 1,507 14 2 £24,033 19 5 £24,033 19 5 A. T. Traversi, Superintendent. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and. compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.-—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. TVI.


NATIVE DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. Income. To Administration charges— £ s. d. £ s d. By Fees— £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries.. .. .. 23,009 8 11 Native Land Court .. 6,008 17 4 Travelling expenses and allow- Maori Land Board .. 2,051 12 0 ances .. .. 3,049 0 I Native Interpreter's licenses 35 14 0 Special allowances .. 203 12 0 Translation .. .. 98 18 0 Audit fees .. .. 43 13 4 8,855 2 4 Examination of interpreters 2 2 0 Contributions from Maori Land Boards .. 8,833 0 0 Freight and cartage . . 249 19 10 Services for other Departments .. .. 843 13 0 Fuel, light, oleaning, &c. .. 98 7 11 Postage, telegrams, &c. .. 1.071 0 5 Printing and stationery . • 959 0 9 Rent .. .. .. 1,567 0 7 30,863 17 10 Parliamentary grants— Publication of Kahiti .. 1,611 7 I Ohinemuri water-supply .. 75 0 0 Contribution to monument, Keepa te Rangipuawhe (deceased) . . .. 54 7 0 J. H. W. Urn (deceased) — Rxpenses . . .. 9 5 6 Destruction of rabbits on Native land .. .. 6,429 18 1 8,179 17 8 Civil List, Native Purposes— Pensions .. . . 230 0 0 Food and clothing .. 1,684 12 4 Health Department contribution .. .. .. 3,600 0 0 Misoellanceous .. .. 785 19 2 6,300 1.1 6 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 183 11 8 Balance carried clown .. .. .. 20,996 3 4 £45,527 18 8 £45,527 18 8 £ s. d. I To Balance brought down .. .. .. 26,996 3 4' By Excess of expenditure over income after £ s. d. Interest on capital at 41 per cent. .. .. 356 1 0 charging interest .. .. .. 27,352 4 10 £27,352 4 10 £27,352 4 10 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. Capital at Ist April, 1922— £ s. cl. £ s. d. Assets purchased out of Maori Land Free capital (non-interest bearing) 3,533 0 0 Boards' Revenue: — £ s. d. £ s. cl. Liability to Treasury . . .. 7,912 15 10 Land .. .. .. 1,920 0 0 11,445 15 10 Buildings .. .. .. 10,504 10 9 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 30,057 12 8 Furniture and fittings .. 616 14 4 Depreciation Reserve .. .. .. 405 13 2 13,041 1.1 1. Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 978 17 9 Crown lands .. .. .. .. 5,205 0 0 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 2,447 15 10 Stationery .. .. .. . . .. 200 0 0 Sundry debtors— £ s. d. Fees .. .. .. .. 348 6 8 Wanganui Maori Land Board on account of buildings .. .. 543 0 0 891 5 0 Expenditure in advance .. .. .. 163 8 9 Outstanding imprests .. .. .. 120 13 5 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 27,352 4 10 £49,487 19 5 £49,487 19 5 G. P. Shepherd, for Under-Secretary. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the accounts include charges for rent and interest for which there is no appropriation by Parliament, and that the legality of including assets purchased out of Maori Land Boards revenue is open to question. —G. F. 0. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

8.--1 [Pt. IVI.

NATIVE TRUST OFFICE. Balance-sheet as at Slst March, 1923. Amounts held under— £ s. cl. Sundry assets— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. West Coast Settlement Re- Office furniture .. 274 19 0 serves Act, 1892 .. 90,444 16 10 Less depreciation (10 Native Reserves Act, 1882 45,065 911 percent.) .. 28 16 2 Native Land Act, 1909 246 2 10 (PartX) .. .. 164,228 311 Office fittings .. 304 7 7 Miscellaneous funds (including Less depreciation (20 Maori Land Board accounts) 484,294 9 9 percent.) .. 73 10 0 Sundry creditors .. .. 268 7 4 230 17 7 Reserve and Assurance Fund 24,226 13 4 Office instruments and Investmont Fluctuation Fund 2,617 10 6 machinery .. 246 12 6 Less depreciation (15 percent.) .. 41 0 0 205 12 0 Stationery .. .. .. .180 11 4 863 4 3 Stocks, bonds, and debentures— Government securities .. .. 65,000 0 0 Local bodies' securities.. .. 195,290 0 0 260,290 0 0 Mortgages (including special investments) .. .. .. .. 500,470 13 11 Interest due and accrued .. .. 11,095 0 8 Sundry debtors—Native Land Act, .1909 (Part X) .. .. .. 71 0 6 Cash on deposit .. .. 30,000 0 0 Cash on hand and in bank, and Agent's balances .. .. 7,749 12 3 37,749 12 3 £811,145 11 7 £811,145 11 7 The Audit Office, having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts and compared them with the relative books, document!, and securities, heieby certifies them to be in accoidance therewith. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ o. d. To Salaries — By Commission, fees, and charges * 4,244 19 3 Permanent .. 4,670 12 6 Net intorest on investments .. 14,485 2 11 Liability, 31st Mar. 10 4 2 4,680 16 8 Temporary .. 245 16 3 Liability, 31st Mar. 33 15 0 279 11 3 4,960 7 II Additions, improvements, repairs, maintenance, and insurance of plant, &c. — Office furniture .. 0 16 Liability, 31st Mar. 5 2 7 5 4 1 Office instruments and machinery 412 0 Insurance of premises .. 2 118 12 8 3 Audit foos for inspection of accounts .. .. 50 0 0 Overtime and meal allowances .. . . 10 0 2 Postages, telegrams, freight, cartage, and rent of boxeß .. .. .. .. .. 180 3 9 Post and Telegraph. Department— Payment for services .. 39 13 0 Liability, 31st March .. 10 3 0 55 10 6 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 271 4 4 Rent .. .. .. 62 10 0 Liability, 31st March .. 187 10 0 250 0 0 Stores for cleaning, lighting, firing, &c. .. 5 6 2 Telephone charges .. .. .. .. 68 5 9 Travelling-expenses— Removal of officers Officers on duty .. .. 174 0 0 174 6 0 Contingencies .. .. .. .. 53 11 0 Depreciation of offioe furniture, fittings, instruments, and machinery ~ .. .. 143 6 2 Net profit to Appropriation Account .. .. 12,489 6 2 £18,730 2 2 £18,730 2 2 Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Reserve and Assurance Fund .. 11,240 6 2 By Net profit for year ending 31st March, Investment Fluctuation Fund .. 1,249 0 0 1923, transferred .. .. 12,489 6 2 £12,489 6 2 £12,489 6 2

9—B. I [Pt. IV].


B.—l [Pt. IV].


NAURU AND OCEAN ISLANDS ACCOUNT. Trading Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Purchase of phosphate .. .. 78,678 18 5 By Sales of phosphate .. .. 147,567 15 8 Freight .. .. .. 63,045 11 1 Brokerage .. .. .. 422 1 8 Agent's commission .. .. 2,213 9 4 Administration charges .. .. 1,475 13 5 Insuranco .. .. .. 641 5 0 General expenses.. .. .. 550 9 11 Landing charges .. .. 177 16 6 Net profit on Trading Account .. 1,206 13 8 £147,989 17 4 £147,989 17 4 Interest Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Interest on debentures .. .. 30,000 0 0 By Interest —British Phosphate CommisBalance of interest .. .. 4,763 1 8 sion .. .. .. ... .84,041 0 1 Interest on sundry debts .. .. 722 1 7 £34,763 1 8 £34,763 1 8 Capital Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. To Balance at Ist April, 1922 .. .. 26,802 19 7 By British Phosphate Commission, as part Legal expenses .. .. .. 157 0 5 working capital.. .. .. 8,000 0 0 Working capital .. .. .. 16,000 0 0 Balance at 31st March, 1923 .. 34,960 0 0 £42,960 OXO £42,960 0 0 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. Capital—Debentures Ito 12, issued Ist £ s. d. Share (16 per cent.) Nauru and Ocean December, 1920, under the Finance Islands phosphate rights .. .. 565,040 0 0 Act, 1920, maturing Ist December, Sundry debtors— £ s. d. 1925. Interest 5 per cent., payable On account of interest 27,107 15 6 Ist June and Ist December.. .. 600,000 0 0 On account of trading 26,438 3 2 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 3,533 19 5 53,545 18 8 Interest accrued on debentures .. 9,863 0 0 Cash in Public Account .. .. 16,394 10 1 Trading Account balance at £ s. d. Ist April, 1922 ..1,082 0 1 Add net profit for year .. 1,206 13 8 2,888 13 9 Interest Account balance at Ist April, 1922 .. 9,922 12 3 Add accumulation during year.. .. .. 4,763 1 8 14,685 13 11 Sinking Fund Account .. .. 4,009 1. 8 £634,980 8 9 £634,980 8 9 A. R. Stone, for Director-General, Department of Agriculture. I hereby certify that the Capital Receipts and Payments Account, Trading and Interest Account, and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [Pt. IV].

NAVAL DEFENCE. Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. To Imprests outstanding on 31st March, By Full pay, wagos, allowances, extra 1922 .. .. .. 4,736 19 1 pay— Recoveries from the Imperial Govern- Administrative staff .. .. 3,023 13 9 ment and ratings— Officers and ships'companies .. 102,082 810 Coal.. .. .. .. 9,999 15 4 Clothing accountsPay .. .. .. .. 3,018 3 2 Clothing purchases (less repayment Clothing supplied .. .. 341 12 7 issues) .. .. .. 513 12 8 Kit upkeep allowance .. .. 50 0 0 Kit upkeep allowance .. .. 6,793 11 7 Victualling of ratings .. .. 155 7 0 Rebate to officers of duty .. 8 9 1 Rent of office .. .. .. 80 0 0 Purchase of mess traps and implcMiscellaneous credits .. .. 31 14 5 ments . . .. .. 247 18 6 Prize-money recovered .. .. 8,102 16 5 Victualling accounts— Stamps from Controller, London .. 67 0 0 Victualling of personnel.. .. 19,390 15 5 Postal orders received .. .. 408 15 0 Leave allowance .. .. 2,148 9 6 Receipts from New Zealand ratings Medical services— and other sources— Medical stores .. .. .. 196 8 11 Full pay .. .. .. 329 II 7 Medical examination of recruits .. 148 1 0 Clothing purchases .. .. 289 17 8 Medical treatment ashore .. 528 14 3 Kit upkeep allowance .. .. 3 5 0 Dental treatment ashore .. 356 3 6 Purchase of mess-traps .. .. 20 10 7 Repairs, alterations, and docking— Victualling and mess allowance .. 2,777 2 0 H.M.S. " Chatham" .. .. 1,085 2 9 Medical stores .. .. .. 2 0 6 H.M.S. " Philomel" .. .. 411 6 7 Medical examination of recruits .. 2 2 0 Coal and oil fuel— Medical treatment ashore .. 0 6 0 H.M.S. " Chatham" .. .. 20,359 5 1 Repairs to " Philomel".. .. 10 9 0 H.M.S. " Philomel" .. .. 1,990 9 4 Stores, naval .. .. .. 285 15 7 Coal stocks, Auckland and Suva Advertising, &c. .. .. 118 (include direct supply to sloops) 8,247 19 11 Freight, &c. .. .. .. 35 9 9 Stores—Naval, engineers', shipwrights', Fuel and light, Navy Office .. 0 13 &c. .. .. .. 19,330 8 8 Office fittings and stationery .. 8 0 0 Works— Passages, &c. .. .. .. 348 11 4 Building of gun-mounting shed .. 1,271 13 6 Postages, &c. .. .. .. 65 4 10 Completion of emergency sickRemittances of pay .. .. 8,169 12 8 quarters .. .. .. 179 8 0 Purchase of discharge .. .. 46 0 0 Maintenance of dockyard, plant, &c. 177 7 2 Unpaid postage .. .. 4 0 7 Royal Naval Reserve—Medical examiCash in offects.. .. .. 0 5 0 - nation and travelling-expenses 29 8 8 Excess of payments over receipts 248,804 10 7 Miscellaneous effective services— Advertising, books, etc. .. .. 72 13 4 Allowance in lieu of quarters .. 367 8 9 Bonuses to recruiters .. .. 31 0 0 Cleaning Navy Office .. .. 11 13 9 Compensation for injuries on duty (E. S. Cargill) .. .. 55 2 2 Freight, insurance, etc:. . . .. 2,984 3 6 Fuel and light, Navy Office .. 13 910 Gunnery and Torpedo Efficiency Fund . . .. ... 55 710 Interments .. .. .. 18 0 0 Office fittings and stationery .. 434 11 9 Passages, travelling-allowances, etc. 4,225 19 7 Postages, &c. .. .. .. 618 13 3 Rent of Navy Office and storerooms 561 13 4 Telephone services .. .. 112 11 10 Training Service Fund .. .. 70 6 9 Typewriter repairs .. .. 514 1 Non-effective services— Deferred pay (include pensions contributions tj Admiralty) .. 20,109 9 5 National health insuranco to Admiralty .. .. .. 76 71 2 Outstanding claims from Admiralty— British postal orders .. .. 244 7 0 Clothing stores supplied.. .. 3,876 3 9 Coal and oil, "Chatham," on voyage out .. .. .. 1,890 0 0 Implements and mess traps supplied 490 0 5 Freight on stores .. .. 18 9 8 Remittances of pay in England .. 4,528 011 Naval stores supplied .. .. 7,920 13 4 Victualling-stores supplied .. 285 10 11 Contingencies and unforeseen expenditure— Prize-money recoverable from Admiralty .. .. .. 8,110 19 1 Quarantine expenses, " Chatham " 103 10 6 Services by Garden Island .. 14 6 3 Wharfage dues and inspection of ammunition, &c. .. .. 14 1 1 Repairs to " Philomel" at Bombay 37 9 2 Imprests outstanding, 31st March, 1923 42,376 15 6 £288,262 0 7 £288,262 0 7 Reginald Butcher, Naval Secretary. I hereby certify that the Statement of Receipts and Payments has been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly states the position as disclosed thereby.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

8.-i [Pt. IV].


PENSIONS DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. Income, To Pensions — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. War Pensions Act, 1915 1,471,229 12 0 By Credits from National Endowment residue Pensions Act, 1913 ..970,048 0 7 for old-age pensions (Land Act, 1908) .. 33,337 10 3 Miner's Phthisis Act, 1915 33,208 14 8 Credits from gold duty (Miner's Phthisis Civil Service Act, 1908 .. 21,775 2 9 Act, 19.1.5) .. .. .. .. 2,610 18 1 Defence Act, 1909 .. 3,078 511 Treasury (refund of conscience-money) .. 30 0 0 Vote "Pensions (Epi- Excess of expenditure over income .. 2,697,062 7 3 demic)" .. .. 53,198 5 4 Special annuities .. 3,830 7 5 Finance Act, 1919 .. 467 11 6 Judicature Act, 1908 .. 2,444 9 0 Walsh and Others Pensions Act, 1869 .. 45 .10 8 Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Publio Bodies Empowering Act, 1916 .. .. 39 12 7 Schaefor, MoGuire, and Others Pensions Act, # 1872 .. . . 18 6 0 2,565,384 4 5 Administration charges— Salaries and temporary assistance .. .. 29,293 6 9 Contributions to Post Office 16,668 3 0 Travelling-expenses .. 4,922 11 2 Postage, &o. .. .. 3,465 6 4 Rent.. .. .. 2,402 18 0 Printing and stationery 1,871 12 5 Exchange and commission on money-orders .. 467 2 3 Expenses of Pensions Commission.. .. 223 5 2 Telephones .. .. 116 3 3 Light, firing, and water 68 8 1 Contingencies.. .. 64 14 1 Office-cleaning ... 33 13 9 Advertising .. .. 26 7 6 Interpreters' fees .. 010 6 Depreciation .. .. 299 0 0 59,923 2 3 Medical fees .. .. .. 7,384 7 5 Fees for certificate of age .. .. 516 8 Loading on life-insurance premiums .. 229 2 1 —P.M. (lore 42 0 0 Expenses of Imperial detail—P. B. Hill 2 2 9 Grant to recipients of New Zealand Cross 70 0 0 £2,033,040 15 7 £2,633,040 16 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down.. .. .. 2,597,062 7 3 By Balance after charging interest .. .. 2,597,224 8 11 Interest on capital .. .. .. 162 1 8 £2,597,224 8 11 £2,597,224 8 11


B.—l [Pt. IV].

PENSIONS DEPARTMENT— continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Capital .. .. .. .. .. 3,001 18 0 £ s. d. £ s. cl. Reserve for depreciationi .. .. .. 645 7 0 Office furniture and equipment 3,601 11 0 Creditors — Mechanical appliances . . 840 10 0 Advances on account of £ s. d. 4,442 1 6 Union of South Africa .. 108 8 7 Stationery on hand .. .. .. 915 18 0 Sundry .. .. .. 1,222 411 Sundry debtors — 1,390 13 0 Advances on account of CornImprest Accounts — mon wealth .. .. 14,123 18 5 Police pensions .. .. 18 8 4 Advances on account of Defence Act .. . . 16 3 8 Canada .. .. 224 10 5 Sundry .. .. .. 1 13 1 Government Departments 34,362 7 0 30 5 1 • 48,710 15 10 Instalments paid but not cleared by Treasury 242 15 0 Imprest Accounts— Unpaid pensions— High Commissioner .. 9,922 .19 2 Pensions Act, 1913— Old-age pensions .. .. 130 I 8 Old-age .. £2,572 5 3 War pensions .. .. 71 5 0 Widows' .. 810 9 7 Widows' pensions .. 20 0 0 Military .. 211. 10 11 Miners'pensions .. .. 5 8 4 3,594 II 9 10,155 14 2 War Pensions Act, 1915 .. 28,925 3 6 Pensions prepaid— Civil Service Act, 1908 .. 381 7 5 Pensions Act, 1913— Epidemic pensions .. 220 9 9 Old-age .. £47,357 5 0 Defence Act, 1909 .. 192 13 0 Widows' 11,029 11 8 Special annuities .. .. 180 4 0 Military.. - 1,904 1 8 Miner's Phthisis Act, 1915 159 6 4 00,350 18 4 Judicature Act, 1908 .. 11l 3 0 War Pensions Act, 1915 .. 78,113 0 5 Schaefer MxiGuire Act, 1872 0 9 8 Epidemic pensions .. 2,904 11. 7 33,771 8 11 Miner's Phthisis Act, 1915 2,184 8 8 Treasury Adjustment.Account .. .. 2,767,864 19 9 Civil Service Act, 1908 .. 1,792 16 7 Defence Act, 1909 .. 172 10 4 Special annuities .. .. 169 11 11 Judicature Act, 1908 .. 11l 2 2 Finance Act, 1919 .. 27 13 6 Walsh and Others Act, 1869 4 3 4 ■'— 145,890 16 10 Accounts prepaid . . .. .. 213 12 6 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 2,597,224 8 1.1 £2,807,553 7 9 £2,807,553 7 9 G. C. Fache, Commissioner of Pensions. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the accounts include charges for rent, interest, and furniture for which there is no appropriation by Parliament. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Ft. IV].

PRINTING AND STATIONERY DEPARTMENT. Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. To Sundry debtors .. .. .. 220,770 12 0 By Salaries .. ..' .. .. 81,810 5 7 Publications.. .. .. .. 2,331 10 1 Wages .. .. .. .. 26,744 16 2 Publishing .. .. .. .. 1,487 6 9 Overtime .. .. .. .. 520 8 4 Sale of machinery .. .. .. 418 6 2 Cost-of-living bonus .. .. .. 2,487 7 7 Sale of waste products .. .. 245 18 0 Stationery .. .. .. .. 41,819 10 6 Sale of old typewriters .. .. 75 4 0 Stores .. ..• .. .. 5,485 18 I Sundries—- Freight .. .. .. .. 6,078 14 7 Manufacturing Account .. .. 20 11 9 Machinery .. .. .. .. 1,204 16 3 Binding sales .. .. .. 3 9 5 Type and material .. .. .. 115 15 3 Paper sale .. .. .. 3 5 0 Mono extras .. .. .. . . 366 12 5 Stationery sales .. .. .. 2 19 Mono metal .. .. . . .. 162 10 0 Refunds—' Fuel, gas, &c. .. .. .. 2,606 17 11 Overcharge commission, Spicer £ s. d. Water-supply .. .. .. 101 12 0 and Sons shipment " lonic" 1 3 5 Medical services .. .. .. 140 14 6 Productive wages —Printing .. 24 11 11 Office equipment .. ... .. 53 9 10 Productive wages —Binding .. 316 3 Postage and telegrams .. .. 1,568 4 9 Establishment wages—Printing 1 7 10 Telephone Exchange .. .. .. 81 8 9 Suspense Aooount," Wiltshire Refunds .. .. .. .. 26 5 1 insurance 193 1 0 Window-cleaning, etc... .. .. 125 10 1 224 0 5 Repairs and upkeep, motor-van .. 95 13 2 Charwomen, etc. .. ... .. 3,000 7 9 Contingencies .. .. .. 43 7 9 Audit fee .. .. .. 50 0 0 Government Printer .. .. .. 418 10 0 Balance to Treasury Adjustment Account 49,800 17 0 £225,582 5 10 £225,582 5 10 Trading Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. Or. To Paper and materials— £ s. cl. £ s. d. By Sales.— £ s. d. £ c. d Stock at beginning .. 38,107 5 7 Manufacturing .. 159,859 0 5 Add purchases .. .. 20,874 18 6 Stationery and publications .. .. 28,756 12 0 05,042 4 1 188,615 18 5 Less stock on hand, 31st Discounts received .. .. .. 108 17 2 March, 1923.. .. 29,127 6 0 Work in progress .. .. .. 1,943 10 0 35,914 18 1 Stationery— Stock at beginning .. 12,690 8 4 Add purchases .. .. 20,577 11 4 33,207 19 8 Less stock on hand, 31st March, 1923 .. .. 11,395 2 9 21,872 16 11 Salaries and wages (manufacturing) 98,991 1 1 Salaries and wages (Stationery Department) 4,146 12 4 Freight (inward) .. .. .. 4,700 7 11 Lighting (proportion) .. .. 308 14 10 Power .. .. .. .. 1,028 4 7 Fuel 1,039 13 7 Water .. 96 11 0 Balance to Profit and Loss Account.. 22, 503 5 3 £190,608 5 7 £190,668 5 7



B.—l [Pt. IVI.

PRINTING AND STATIONERY DEPARTMENT— continued. Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Office salaries .. .. .. 5,208 4 4 By Balance from Trading Account .. 22,503 5 3 Repairs to buildings and plant .. .. 1,322 0 0 Storing and handling stationery for other Postages and telegrams ■ .. .. 1,473 9 7 Departments .. .. .. 013 9 2 Freight (outward) .. .. .. 895 0 I Commission on sales of publications, etc... 3,201 2 I Insurance .. .. .. .. 202 12 9 Rent receivable .. .. .. 236 0 0 Exchange .. .. .. .. 60 710 Discount allowed .. .. .. 10S 18 8 Telephone rentals .. .. .. 82 7 5 Medical services .. .. .. 120 19 6 Lighting (proportion) .. .. .. 34 0 0 Proportion rent, High Commissioner's Office 150 0 0 Office expenses .. .. .. 272 7 7 Audit fee .. .. .. 50 0 0 Wages, charwomen and messengers .. 2,338 15 1 Printing Public Service Official Circular .. 30 3 4 Bad debts reserve .. .. .. 100 0 0 Depreciation on buildings and plant .. 2,612 15 3 Interest on oapital .. .. .. 10,473 10 0 Balance carried down .. .. .. 1,011 18 1 £26,553 16 6 £26,553 16 6 Treasury Adjustment Account. 1922. 1922. Mar. 31. £ s. d. Mar. 31. £ s. d To Education Department for subscriptions, By Repairs buildings and plant (Public Works) 502 11 6 Public Service Circular .. .. 33 15 0 Interest Account .. .. .. 10,473 10 6 Wages, Stamp Branch, transferred .. 5,055 411 Audit Fee Account. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Cost of printing Kahili, transferred .. 2,191 11 3 Unauthorized Expenditure Account .. 703 6 1 Balance, Receipts and Payments Account 49,806 17 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 45,358 0 1 £57,087 8 2 £57,087 8 2 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d Capital Account .. .. .. 232,745 10 8 Buildings .. .. .. 45.080 0 0 >Sundry creditors .. .. .. 3,705 10 3 Less depreciation .. .. 901 12 0 Wages accrued .. .. .. 448 3 0 44,178 8 0 Bad Debts Reserve Account .. .. 241 3 11 Land .. .. .. .. 00,000 0 0 Balance Profit and Loss Account .. .. 1,011 18 J Printing plant .. .. 1.8,146 0 0 Binding plant .. .. 5,419 12 3 Litho and photo plant .. 2,344 11 10 Engine-room plant .. .. 417 5 9 26,327 9 10 Add purchases .. . . 845 13 2 27,173 3 0 Less sales .. .. 378 0 2 26,794 10 10 Less depreciation .. 1,339 14 9 25,455 2 1 Type .. .. .. 0,848 2 2 'Add purchases .. .. 253 8 4 7,101 10 6 Less sales .. .. 40 0 0 7,001 4 0 Less depredation .. 353 1 3 0,708 3 3 Furniture .. ... . . 362 15 3 Add purchases .. . . 4 8 9 367 4 0 Less depreciation .. 18 7 3 348 16 9 Sundry debtors . . .. . . 15,041 7 0 Treasury Adjustment Account .. 45,358 0 1 Stock on hand .. .. .. 40,522 8 9 £238,212 5 11 £238,212 5 11 H. M. C. Robertson, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Statement of Receipts and Payments, Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account, and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. IV].


PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st Maroh, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Permanent charges .. .. 2,329 10 0 By Balance .. .. .. .. 10.531 1 8 Unauthorized .. .. .. 675 0 0 Appropriations— £ s. d. Salaries .. .. 5,301 19 11 Advertising .. 221 1 8 Appeal Board .. 674 2 3 Examinations .. 272 3 2 Office fittings, &c. .. 229 9 1 Postage and telegrams 114 15 4 Telephones .. 68 11 3 Travelling-expenses 144 3 10 Contingencies .. 31 15 2 7,058 1 8 Rent .. .. .. .. 390 0 0 Depreciation .. .. .. 78 10 0 £10,531 1 8 £10,531 1 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. 10,531. 1 8 By Excess expenditure over income .. 10,601 11 4 Interest on capital (4i per cent, on £1,566 6s. 7d.) .. .. .. 70 9 8 £10,601 11 ' 4 £10,601 11 4 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital Account at Ist April, 1922 .. 1,566 6 7 Office furniture, fittings, £ s. d. Treasury Adjustment Account .. 10,520 3 9 &c. .. .. 1,570 1 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 60 9 4 Less sales .. .. 25 0 0 Depreciation Reserve Account.. .. 157 0 0 1,545 1 0 Stationery .. .. .. .. 50 10 0 Official stamps .. .. ".. 20 19 3 Telephone subscriptions paid in advance 54 15 0 Liability by Treasury at Ist April, 1922 37 3 1 Excess of expenditure over income .. 10,001 11 4 £12,309 19 8 £12,309 19 8 A. C. Turnbull, Secretary, Public Service Commissioner. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [Pt. IVI.

PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE. Balanoe-SHEBT of the Public Trust Office as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amounts held in Common Freohold and loasehold proFund for sundry estates mises and sites .. .. .. 271,792 15 7 and funds .. .. 14,916,227 13 4 Furniture and plantAmounts held for special Furniture and library, &c. 17,920 3 5 investment on behalf of Mechanical appliances .. 5,270 4 9 certain funds, but not yet Motor cars and cycles .. 2,743 13 8 invested .. ".. 34,138 2 0 ■ 25,934 1 10 Amount specially invested Stationery stores, &c. .. .. 6,357 9 1 on bohalf of oertain Stocks, bonds, and debenestates and funds .. 1,843,320 19 1 tures— ■ —16,793,086 14 5 . Government securities .. 838,924 15 4 Sundry creditors .. .. 107,504 7 2 Land Settlemont Finance Reserve for incomo-tax .. 21,030 9 11 Act debentures .. 50,192 0 0 Reserve for interest on Local bodies' debentures 4,175,437 2 2 enemy property moneys 52,790 8 3 —■ —• ■ 5,004,553 17 6 General Legal Expenses Mortgages, &c.— Account .. .. 3,972 10 6 Mortgages .. .. 9,155,210 1 0 Investment Fluctuation Ac- Properties acquired by count .. .. 69,165 3 6 foreclosure, &c. .. 70,655 2 6 — 146,958 12 2 — 9,225,865 3 6 Assurance and Reserve Advances (on overdraft) to Fund .. .. .. 418,637 7 10 estates and accounts .. .. .. 309,727 17 8 Interest and rent accrued due and overdue— Interest accrued up to 31st March, 1923, but not yet due, and interest overdue .. .. 260,619 7 9 Rent accrued and duo .. 459 12 10 261,079 0 7 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 6,728 7 2 Cash and deposits— Cash in hand and on current accounts .. 446,305 16 11 Land and income tax deposits .. .. 1,108 1 5 Cash on doposit in London .. .. 3,000 0 0 Fixed deposits .. 1,013 11 3 — 451,427 9 7 Special investments held on behalf of certain estates and funds— Government securities .. 113,665 0 2 Local bodies'debentures 335,979 0 0 Private debentures .. 2,979 7 0 Mortgages .. .. 1,385,165 8 11 Overdue interest on investments .. .. 5,532 3 0 . 1,843,320 19 1 £17,400,787 1 7 £17,466,787 1 7 J. W. Macdonald, Public Trustee. W. Barr, Chief Accountant. The Audit Office having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts, and compared them with the relative books, documents, and securities, hereby certifies them to be in accordance therewith. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

10— B. I [Pt. IV].

B.—l [Pt. IVJ.


PUBLIC TRUST OFFlCE— continued. Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. To Salaries— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. Permanent .. .. 134,054 0 4 By Commission and charges .. .. .. 96,748 9 5 Temporary .. .. 3,171 1 7 Interest, being surplus from investments .. 147,502 3 4 Unclassified .. .. 500 0 0 Rent .. .. 2.441 13 10 137,725 1 11 Overtime .. .. .. .. 199 2 10 Service charges— Agents'commission .. 4,655 0 9 Services of High Commissioner .. .. 1,050 0 0 Services of Goneral Post Office 848 5 11 6,553 6 S j Audit of books and accounts.. .. 945 0 0 Maintenance of premises and plant— Repairs and insurances, efee. — Offices .. .. 1,341 10 10 Motor cars and cycles .. 1,407 17 2 Office appliances .. 351 15 0 Furniture, &c. .. .. 254 18 0 Insurance premiums on office premises .. 14 2 8 ■ 3,370 4 2 Rent .. .. .. .. 3,072 2 0 General charges— Advertising .. .. 2,985 15 0 Cleaning, lighting, heating, and power .. .. 2,747 1 9 Legal expenses .. .. 223 11 11 Miscellaneous payments .. 780 2 6 Postages and freight .. 3,584 9 3 Stamp duty on receipts and cheques .. .. 341 19 10 Telephone subscriptions .. 779 19 2 Printing, stationery, and requisites .. .. 5,024 16 8 Travelling-expenses .. 3,919 18 5 Rangers' expenses in excess of fees charged .. 344 14 2 Extension of business .. 1,345 3 3 Wages of custodian and staff 4,759 1 5 26,842 13 10 Amounts written off under section 43, Public Trust Office Amendment Act, 1913 .. 100 12 1 Depreciation on office premises, furniture, and plant, &c. .. .. .. .. 8,705 10 0 Retiring allowance : Mr. M. C. Barnett .. 477 15 0 Balance, being net profit for year, transferred to Appropriation Account .. .. 58,700 18 1 £246,692 6 7 £246,692 6 7 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Reserve for income-tax, 1923-24 .. .. 19,500 0 0 By Profit and Loss Account: Balance transferred 58,700 18 1 General Legal Expenses Account .. .. 3,000 0 0 Profit on realization of investments .. 134 4 7 Investment Fluctuation Account .. .. 20,000 0 0 Balance transferred to Assurance and Reserve Fund .. .. .. .. .. 16,335 2 8 • £58,835 2 8 £58,835 2 8

B. —l | Pt. IV



Note. —The capital expenditure from General Government funds and the value of works constructed by provinces and Midland Railway Company arc included at figures furnished by the Publio Works Department. The capital expenditure from Harbour Board funds is compiled from information supplied by the Greymouth and Wostport Harbour Boards. General Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. Stores and materials Capital Account—Balance at credit on hand— £ s. d. £ s. d. thereof .. .. .. 145,111 110 Construction .. 145,111 110 Sundry croditors (including unpaid Working Railways 1,007,588 19 11 wages).. .. .. .. 195,027 2 8 1,152,700 1 9 Collections for refunds to Harbour Sundry debtors .. .. 74,890 15 3 Boards, shipping companies, and Imprests outstanding— other carriers .. .. .. 55,410 19 0 In London .. 33,130 1 9 Treasury Adjustment Account .. 1,289,142 19 8 In the Dominion 79 4 9 33,209 0 0 Cash in hand and freights, &p., outstanding at stations .. > .. 140,100 18 0 Balance of net Revenue Account .. 284,385 1 2 £1,085,292 3 2 £1,685,292 3 2

Expenditure to lilst March, 1022. Expenditure during Total Expenditure to 1822-28. 3ist March, 1923. Dr. To Expenditure— Linos open for traffic Rolling-stock Lake Wakatipu steamer service £ s. d. .. 30.554,098 0 0 .. ! 8,150,000 2 6 43,708 0 0 £ s. d. 455,1300 11 1 919,520 4 4 503 0 11 £ s. d. 31,010,258 11 1 9,075,520 0 10 44,271 6 11 Total capital expenditure To Balance carried down .. .. 38,754,400 2 6 554,090 17 0 1,375,044 2 4 Or. 409,579 1.5 8 40,130,050 4 10 14ft, III 1 1.0 39,309,097 0 0 900,004 0 8 40,275,101 6 8 Amount provided to 31st March, 1922. Amount provided during 1922-2:5. Total Provision to 31st March, 1923. Cr. !y Receipts— From General Government Funds — Public Works Fund and Railway Improvement Accounts Consolidated Fund Harbour Board funds — Wostport Greymouth Works constructed by provinces and Midland Railway Company at valuation £ s. d. 37,141,301 12 2 4,290 7 10 £ s. d. 900,004 0 8 £ s. d. 38,107,425 18 10 4,296 7 10 328,190 0 0 47,508 0 0 1,787,741 0 0 328,190 0 0 47,508 0 0 1,787,741 0 0 31 39,309,097 0 0 19,309,09' 17 0 0 966, 900,004 0 8 ,064 6 8 | . 40,275,161 6 8 ly 'Balance brought down . £145,111 1 10

B.—l [Pt. IV].


NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT RAlLWAYS— continued. Working-expenses and Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. Cr. To working-expenses— £ s. d. By Revenue — £ s, d. Maintenance of way, works, and Passengers, ordinary .. .. 2,216,514 0 10 buildings .. .. .. 1,040,892 2 2 Season tickets .. .. 204,105 9 6 Signal and electrical works .. 67,424 10 1 Parcels, luggage, and mails .. 393,322 6 1 Locomotive power .. .. 2,121,531 11 10 Goods .. .. .. 3,671,008 5 1 Carriage and wagons—Repairs and Miscellaneous (including refreshrenewals .. .. .. 535,621 12 1 ment-room services) .. 119,933 2 8 Traffic expenses .. 1,527,033 5 1 Rents and commission (including Head Office .. .. .. 57,262 7 7 advertising at stations) .. 122,919 2 8 Departmental offices .. .. 138,631 9 3 Lake Wakatipu steamers .. 14,099 1.7 1 Total working-expenses .. 5,502,496 15 2 Balance .. .. 1,225,305 11 8 £6,727,802 6 10 £6,727,802 6 10 Net Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d' To Interest for the year 1922-23 on By Net earnings for the year after cost proportionately to the time payment of working-expenses .. 1,225,305 11 8 during which linos taken over Deficiency for the year .. 284,385 1 2 during the year were revenueearning —- 3J per cent. on £40,258,417.. .. .. 1,509,690 12 10 £1,509,690 12 10 £1,509,690 12 10 L. Hamann, Chief Accountant, N.Z. Railways. I hereby, certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly set out the position as disclosed thereby. The Audit Office is of opinion that — (1.) The rate of interest provided in the net Revenue Account, 3| per cent., is insufficient. (2.) Provision for a Depreciation Reserve Fund should be made. (3.) Credit should be taken for services which are at present gratuitously provided for certain Government Departments. (4.) All moneys raised under Railways Improvement Authorization Act should be included in the accounts, instead of only the amount actually expended. Notes.—The Cape Foulwind Railway, taken over by the Government on the abolition of the Westport Harbour Board, has been vested in the New Zealand Railways and will be included in future balance-sheets. Railway-lines while, under construction are controlled by the Publio Works Department, and all expenditure connected therewith is consequently included in the accounts of that Department. G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—] [Pr. IV

REPATRIATION DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Excess of expenditure over income .. 119,466 6 3 To Sustenance .. .. 20 2 0 Training .. .. 1.1,886 10 2 Transportation .. 714 0 3 Medical foes .. .. 0 10 6 Valuation fees .. 110 Legal fees .. .. 27 19 6 Postages and telegrams 1,664 7 6 Printing and stationery 540 19 5 Salaries and honoraria • • 19,184 3 5 Travelling-expenses .. 201 10 2 General expenses .. 292 18 1 Furnishings .. .. 32 12 6 Advertising .. .. 34 10 9 Rent .. .. 1,606 15 10 Miscellaneous administrative expenses .. 136 7 0 36,351 1 1 Farm expenditure— Tauherenikau .. 4,377 6 2 Moa .... 76 10 1 Avonhead .. .. 109 12 4 4,563 8 7 Interest Account —Net loss as per attached statement .. .. 45,930 7 0 Provision for bad debts .. .. 13,766 12 2 Defalcations —Wellington and Dunedin loans .. .. .. .. 1,846 15 9 Depreciation—Buildings, furniture, and equipment .. .. .. 720 15 9 Losses on realization of assets — £ s. d. Weraroa buildings .. 468 II 5 Furniture and fittings 1., 444 8 0 Technical equipment 1,334 0 6 Tauherenikau buildings and equipment .. 7,219 12 3 Moa buildings, equipment, and stock .. 5,048 5 2 Avonhead equipment 772 8 7 16,287 5 11 £119,460 0 3 £119,466 6 3 Interest Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest charged on capital, 4£ per cent. By Intorest charged on loans .. .. 11,105 18 6 on £1,300,950 4s. 2d. .. .. 58,813 0 0 Interest accrued .. .. .. 1,776 14 6 Net loss to Income and Expenditure Aooount .. .. .. 45,930 7 0 £58,813 0 0 £58,813 0 0 Tauherenikau Farm Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. To Stocks on hand, Ist April, £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1922— By Farm receipts .. .. .. 2,291 19 8 Crops, &c. .. .. 774 14 0 Net loss for year, transferred to Income Live-stock.. .. 1,828 18 0 and Expenditure Account.. .. 4,377 6 2 2,603 13 0 Expenses and purchases — Wages .. .. 2,017 19 5 Live-stock .. .. 85 4 0 Seeds .. .. 30 3 2 Rent .. .. 323 5 0 Repairs and maintenance .. .. 1,361 610 General expenses .. 247 15 5 4,065 12 10 £6,009 5 10 £0,669 5 10


B.—l [Pt. IV]

REPATRIATION DEPARTMENT— continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. • Assets. Capital Account — £ s. d. £ s. d. Loans Investment Account— £ s. d. £ s. d. Advances from War Ex- Principal outstanding .. .. 722,839 19 1 ponsos Account as at Less — 31st March, 1922 .. .1,424,835 18 10 Suspense adjustLess net repayments, ment .. .. 458 (i 1 1922-23 .. .. 117,879 14 8 . Bad debts written 1,306,956 4 2 off, 1922-23 .. 4,355 18 11 Treasury Adjustment Account .. 91,404 211 Loan defalcations, Sundry creditors — Wellington, to be Miscellaneous charges.. 6,131 18 1 written off .. 1,674 15 9 Overpaid loans .. 330 15 4 Bad debts to be 6,468 13 5 written off .. 5,132 0 2 Depreciation reserve — Reserve for bad and Ruakura and Avonhead buildings .. 849 2 7 doubtful debts .. 30,000 0 0 41,021 0 11 681,218 12 2 Interest — Due and payable .. 5,320 1 3 Accrued .. .. 1,770 14 0 7,090 15 9 Less bad debts written off, 1922-23 .. 113 3 8 6,983 12 J Sundry debtors — Tauherenikau .. 577 8 7 Moa .. .. 121 4 1 098 12 8 Loan Account — Sale of Moa assets .. .. 2,500 0 0 Furniture and fittings .. 3,654 3 9 Less writings off in Suspense —Losses on realization .. .. 1,444 8 0 2,209 15 9 Buildings — Ruakura .. .. 7,268 5 4 Avonhead .. .. 3,506 17 0 10,775 2 10 Assets Accounts in Suspense (representing losses on realization of assets, efcc, required to be written off)— Technical equipment 6,044 11 2 Weraroa buildings .. 408 11 5 Avonhead equipment 772 8 7 Moa buildings and equipment .. 5,048 5 2 Tauherenikau buildings and equipment 7,219 12 3 19,553 8 7 Bad debts (loans) .. 5,132 6 2 Defalcations — Wellington— Loans .. .. 1,674 15 9 Rents .. .. 103 12 6 26,464 3 0 Less writings off Suspense Account .. .. 26,464 3 0 Excess of expenditure over income— Balance at Ist April, 1922 .. . . 581,820 1 4 Netexpendituro,l922-23 119,400 0 3 701,292 7 7 £1,405,678 3 I £1,405,678 3 1 J. R. Samson, Director. E. Riddle, Accountant. I hereby certify that the balance-sheet, Income and Expenditure Account, Farm Account, and Interest Account have been' duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the accounts include a charge for interest for which there is no appropriation by Parliament, and also include the value of equipment taken over by the Agriculture Department for the payments of which that Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation; further, that the losses on realization of assets shown in Suspense Account have yet to bo investigated by Audit. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. m


B—l [Pt. IV].


STAMP DUTIES DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. cl. Income. £ s. d. To Salaries .'. .. .. 18,592 0 4 By Adhesive stamps .. .. 72,421 8 2 Relieving and other allowances .. 72 13 7 Duty on instruments .. .. 537,731 8 8 Printing and stationery .. 2,053 Oil Death duties .. .. .. 1,820,685 1 8 Postages and telephone subscriptions J. ,522 18 0 Gift duty .. .. .. 48,550 3 8 Cost printing stamps and amuse- Crown and Native rates. . .. 418 5 5 ments-tax tickets .. .. 542 7 3 Fines and penalties .. .. 2,900 14 5 Fuel, light, and cleaning .. 182 15 0 Impressed Stamps .. .. 122,595 10 9 Office and general expenses .. 271 10 5 Company licenses .. .. 58,209 I 0 Freight and cartage .. .. 109 II 5 Bank composition .. .. 203,989 11 9 Law-costs ..' .. .. 99.11 5 Totalizator-tax .. .. 010,355 10 5 Valuation fees .. .. .. 95 17 0 Amusements-tax .. .. 137,548 7 9 Travelling expenses and allowances 343 10 0 Miscellaneous reoeipts .. .-■ 1,454 5 5 Compassionate allowance to Mrs. P, Corliss.. .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Rent of offices.. .. .. 2,344 0 0 Depreciation .. .. .. 500 3 11 Balance carried down .. .. 3,588,640 19 10 £3,016,931 9 1 £3,616,931 9 1 £ s. d. £ s. cl. To Interest, 41 per cent, of £9,708 18s. 4d. 430 18 0j By Balance brought down .. .. 3,588,040 19 10 Excess of income over expenditure 3,588,204 1 10 £3,588,640 19 10 £3,588,640 19 10 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital at Ist April, 1922 .. .. 9,708 18 4 Cash in hands of reoeivers .-. .. 117 18 6 Sundry depositors. . .. .. 110 5 1 Deposit. Account .. .. .. 116 5 1 Sundry creditors .. .. . . 815 17 5 Office furniture and fitDeath'and Gift Duty Suspense Account 4,371 1 0 tingsat Ist April, 1922 2,446 12 10 Depreciation reserve .. .. 1,730 3 6 Additions .. .. 170 4 (i Excess income over expenditure .. 3,588,204 1 10 — 2,616 17 4 Mechanical appliances at Ist April, 1922 .. 500 0 0 Additions .. .. 119 5 0 619 5 6 Less transfers .. 25 0 0 594 5 6 Library .. .. .. .. 175 0 0 Plant and machinery at Ist April, 1922 .. 6,587 5 0 Additions .. .. 112 17 4 . 0,700 2 4 Stock of paper and stamps on hand.. 10,151 0 3 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 394,687 11 2 Telephone subscriptions paid in advance 102 0 3 Treasury Adjustment Account .. 3,189,085 0 9 £3,001,940 7 2 £3,604,946 7 2 D. G. Clark, Commissioner of Stamp Duties. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the accounts include charges for rent and interest for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation. — G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General,

B.—l [Pt. IV].


STATE ADVANCES OFFICE. ADVANCES TO SETTLERS BRANCH. Statement of Liabilities and Assets as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. cl. Sundry loans .. .. .. .. 9,238,195 15 10 Investment Account—Principal owing by mortTomporary advances from Advances Offico gagors .. .. .. .. .. 0,990,292 5 10 Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. 445,500 0 0 Temporary investments .. .. .. 1,160,000 0 0 Tomporary advances from Public Dobt Sinking Temporary advances to Workers Branch .. 845,000 0 0 Fund Branch .. .. ~ .. 194,000 0 0 Temporary advances to Local Authorities Branch 145,500 0 0 Advances Suspense Account .. .. 17,950 0 0 Sinking Fund investments Firo Loss Suspense Account.. .. .. 1,779 10 5 held by— Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 3,312 511 Advances Offico Sinking £ s. d. Income-tax Suspense Account .. .. 16,033 16 4 Fund Account .. 1,387,119 0 8 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 2,252 19 8 Public Debt Sinking Fund Interest on loans accruod but not due .. 75,055 9 3 Branch .. .. 16,058 3 0 Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. 962,812 8 3 *1,403,177 10 2 Reserve Fund .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 Interest on mortgages— Overdue .. .. 40,737 12 0 Accrued. .. .. 76,803 5 9 117,540 18 3 Interest on temporary investments accrued .. 18,413 8 3 Office Furniture and Equipment Account .. 2,212 12 11 Insurance Premium Account .. .. 479 6 2 Sundry debtors - .. .. .. .. 21 0 0 Realization Account .. .. .. 2,451 7 3 Cash in hand and in bank at 31st March, 1923 290,803 10 10 £10,981,892 5 8 £10,981,892 5 8 • This amount includes the sum of £440,365 Is. lid. capital paid into the sinking funds under the provisions of the State Advances Act. Statement of Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Management Expenses"Account .. .. 19,886 9 0 By Interest Account—Gross profits .. .. 51,579 5 9 Losses on realization of securities and doubtful securities written down .. -. •• 2,321 2 1 Office Furniture and Equipment Account written down .. .. •• •• 116 9 0 Balance—Net profits for the year .. .. 29,255 5 8 £51,579 5 9 £51,579 5 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Loan-flotation charges written down .. 214 0 By Net profits for the year .. .. •• 29,255 5 8 Sinking fund invested in Public Debt Branch 2,860 13 2 Inoomo-tax .. .. •• •• 1,500 0 0 Balanco—Net profits invested in Advancos Offico Sinking Fund Account .. .. 24,89118 6 £29,255"~5~1 £29,255 5 8


B.—l [Pt. IV].

STATE ADVANCES OFFlCll— continued. ADVANCES TO SETTLERS BRANCH— continued. Statement of Interest Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. cl. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on loans .. .. 340,799 14 0 By Interest on mortgages ".. 312,801 10 8 Less accrued at 31st March, Loss overdue and accrued at 1922 .. .. 75,494 7 0 31st March, 1922 .. .. 114,289 19 5 271,305 7 0 198,571 17 3 Interest on loans accrued but not due .. 75,055 9 3 Interest on outstanding payments .. .. 6 13 7 Interest on amounts temporarily transferred Interest on bank balances .. .. .. 113 2 0 from other branches .. .. .. 14,881 2 11 Interest on temporary advances to othor Balance) —Gross profits transferred to Profit branches .. .. .. .. 32,009 4 1 and Loss Account .. .. .. 51,579 5 9 Interest on temporary investments.. .. .. 64,874 3 5 Less accrued at 31st March, 1922 .. .. .. 19,368 2 5 45,506 1 0 Interest on temporary investments accrued at 31st March, 1923 .. .. .. 18,413 8 3 Interest on mortgages — Overdue at 31st March, 1923 40,737 12 6 Accrued but not due at 31st March, 1923 .. .. 76,803 5 9 117,540 18 3 £412,821 4 11 £412,821 4 11 Statement of Management Expenses Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Advertising, newspapers, &c. .. .. 14 13 0 By Consent foes .. .. .. .. 19 2 6 Audit Office services .. .. .. 300 0 0 Cost of preparation of mortgages ... .. 10 18 6 Cleaning, lighting, heating, and mossengcr Production foos .. .. .. .. 507 9 0 services- .. .. .. .. 592 1 10 Reloaso fees .. .. .. .. 238 15 2 Contingencies .. .. .. .. 18 18 3 Balance transferred to Profit and Loss Account 19,880 9 0 Foes paid for special services in respect of securities .. .. .. .. 78 18 9 Management charges on Now Zealand stock and bonds .. ... .. .. 1,044 8 7 Meal allowances when working overtime .. 200 12 6 Postages and telegrams .. .. .. 1,188 3' 0 Post Office services .. .. .. 1,201 8 1 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 711 18 3 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 590 0 0 Salaries .. .. . . .. .. 12,865 110 Solicitors' costs and Court costs .. .. 7 13 5 Telephones .. .. .. .. 32 12 10 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 504 17 5 Typewriters and adding-maehines—Repairs .. 61 0 11 Valuation Department—Agency work .. 650 0 0 £20,662 14 8 £20,662 14 8 Wm. Waddel, Superintendent. R. Robertson, Accountant. The Audit Office, having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts and compared them with the relative books, documents, and securities, hereby certifies them to be in accordance therewith. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

11— B. 1 [Pt. IV].

B.—l [Pt. IV


STATU ADVANCES OFFlCE— continued. ADVANCES TO WORKERS BRANCH. Statement of Liabilities and Assets as at 31 st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Sundry loans .. .. .. .. 2,407,340 11 1 Investment Account —Principal owing by mortTemporary advances from Sottlors Branch .. 845,000 0 0 gagors .. .. .. .. .. 3,253,025 19 1 Interest on loans accrued but not due '.. 25,074 17 5 Sinking Fund investments held by— Advances Suspense Account .. .. 42,805 10 6 Advances Office Sinking Fund * £ s. d. Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 368 12 0 Account .. .. 61,487 19 2 Income-tax Suspense Account .. .. 5,107 7 8 Public Debt Sinking Fund Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 326 4 9 Branch .. .. 6,464 14 7 Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. 49,727 18 0 *67,952 13 9 Reserve Fund .. .. .. .. 8,754 18 6 Interest on mortgagesOverdue .. .. 11,768 13 5 Accrued .. .. 35,975 9 847,744 3 1 Insurance Premium Account .. .. 128 12 0 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 513 1 Loan Charges Account .. .. .. 10,999 17 0 Realization Account .. .. .. 62 3 9 Cash in hand and in bank at 31st March, 1923.. 4,592 18 2 £3,384,511 19 11 £3,384,511 19 11 * This amount includes the sum of £18,224 15s. 9d. capital paid into the sinking funds under the provisions of the State Advances Act. Statement of Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s . d. Cr. £ s. d. To Management Expenses Account .. .. 3,830 19 7 By Intorest Account —Gross profits .. .. 15,559 17 5 Loss on realization of securities and doubtful securities written down .. .. .. 500 13 1 Balance—Not profits for the year .. .. 11,228 4 9 £15,559 17 5 £15,559 17 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Income-tax .. .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 By Net profits for the year .. .. .. 11,228 4 9 Loan-flotation chargos written down .. 500 0 0 Sinking fund invested in Public Debt Branch.. 1,064 0 10 Balance—Net profits transferred to Reserve Fund .. .. .. .. .. 8,164 311 £11,228 4 9 £11,228 4 9 Statement of Interest Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. cl. To Interest on loans .. .. 95,881 8 0 By Intorest on mortgages .. 129,118 0 1 Loss accrued at 31st March, Less interest overduo and 1922 .. .. 25,262 9 9 accrued at 31st March, 1922 41,211 15 9 70,618 18 3 87,900 4 4 Intorest on amounts temporarily transferred Interest on bank balances ... .. .. 19 1.7 0 from Settlors Branch .. .. .. 24,410 11 10 Intorest on mortgages — Interest on loans accrued but not due .. 25,074 17 5 Overdue at 31st March, 1923 11,768 13 5 Balance —Gross profits transferred to Profit Accruod but not due at 31st and Loss Account .. .. .. 1.5,559 17 5 March, 1923 .. .. 35,975 9 8 47,744 3 1 £135,670 4 11 £135,670 4 11 Statement of Management Expenses Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Audit Office services .. .. .. 150 0 0 By Cost of preparation of mortgages .. .. 110 0 0 Cleaning, lighting, heating, and messenger sor- Inspection fees .. .. .. .. 5 5 0 vices .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Production fees .. .. .. .. 298 15 0 Contingencies .. .. .. .. 0 3 5 Release fees .. .. .. .. 90 8 8 Management charges on New Zealand stock and Balance transferred to Profit and Loss Account 3,830 19 7 bonds .. .. .. .. .. 412 2 7 Post Offico services .. .. .. 450 0 0 Postagos and telegrams .. .. .. 148 3 1 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 200 0 0 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 175 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 2,351 0 0 Solicitors' costs .. .. .. .. 5 5 8 Valuation Department—Agency work .. 350 0 0 £4,341 14 9 £4,341 14 9 Wm. Waddel, Superintendent. R. Robertson, Accountant. The Audit Office, having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts and compared them with the relative books, documents, and securities, hereby certifies them to be in accordance therewith. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.—l [Pt. IV].


STATE ADVANCES OFFlOE— continued. ADVANCES TO LOCAL AUTHORITIES BRANCH. Statement of Liabilities and Assets as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Sundry loans .. .. .. .. 2,775,529 9 5 Investment Account—Principal owing by local Loan-moneys—Unexpended balanoes under sco- bodies .. .. .. .. 2,573,971 14 6 tion 72, Looal Bodies' Loans Aot, 1913 .. 3,987 12 10 Sinking Fund investments held Temporary advances from Settlers Branch .. 145,500 0 0 by— £ s. d. Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 22 8 8 Advances Office Sinking Fund Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Aooount .. .. 283,006 12 4 Interest on loans accrued but not due .. 36,385 16 7 Public Debt Sinking Fund Sinking fund .. .. .. .. 72,205 0 8 Branch .. .. 14,762 13 3 *297,829 5 7 Interest on debentures— Overdue.. .. .. 5,421 4 3 Accrued but not due .. 21,015 14 8 20,430 18 11 Interest on temporary investments accrued but not due .. .. .. .. 898 7 3 Loan Charges Account .. .. .. 31,271 14 5 Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. 82,192 6 3 Cash in hand and in bank at 31st March, 1923.. 21,055 1 3 £3,033,055 8 2 £3,033,055 8 2 •This amount includes the sum of £225,024 4s. lid. capital paid into the sinking funds under the provisions of tile State Advances Act. Statement of Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Balance—lnterest Acoount .. .. 3,119 3 4 By Balance—Loss for the year .. .. 4,423 211 Management Expenses Account .. .. 1,303 19 7 £4,423 2 11 £4,423 2 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Bilauce as at 31st March, 1922 .. .. 70,908 3 4 By B.ilancc .. .. .. ..82,192 0 3 Loan-flotation charges written down .. 801 0 0 Loss for the year . ■ .. .. .. 4,423 211 £82,192 6 3 £82,192 6 3 Statement of Interest Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. cl. £ s. d Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on loans .. .. 103,195 12 9 By Interest on debentures .. 103,045 14 2 Less accrued at 3.lst March, Less overdue and accrued at 1922.. .. .. 36,385 0 7 31st March, 1922 .. 30,074 19 7 00,810 0 2 72,970 1.4 7 Interest on amounts temporarily transferred Interest on bank balances .. .. 1.1 15 0 from other branches .. .. .. 12,868 13 8 Interest on temporary investlntcrest on loans accrued but not due .. 36,385 16 7 ments .. .. 21,979 0 9 Less aoorued at 31st March, 1922 .. .. .. 9,351 3 5 12,027 17 4 Interest on temporary investments aoorued but not due at 31st Maroh, 1923 .. .. 898 7 3 Interest on debentures— £ s. d. Overdue at 31st March, 1923 5,421 4 3 Aoorued but not duo at 31st March, 1923 .. .. 21,015 14 8 20,430 18 11 Balance transferred to Profit and Loss Acoount 3,119 3 4 £116,064 16 5 £116,064 16 5 Statement of Manauement Expenses Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d To Audit Offioe services .. 50 0 0 By Balance transferred to Profit ami Loss Acoount 1,303 19 7 Cleaning, lighting, and messenger services, efce. .. 25 0 0 Management oharges, New Zealand stock and bonds .. .. .. .. 305 19 7 Post Offico servioos .. .. .. .. 125 0 0 Postages and telegrams .. .. .. 150 0 0 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 125 0 0 Rout ' .. .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 498 0 0 £1,303 19 7 £1,303 19 7 ansa -iM—■a-nfng-aaaaa s=s-- 77n —..— — -. —■ Wm. Waddel, Superintendent. R. Robertson, Accountant. The Audit Office, having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts and compared them with the relative books, documents, and securities, hereby certifies them to be in accordance therewith. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

8.-~ 1 [Pt. IV].


STATE ADVANCES OFFlOE— continued. PUBLIC DEBT SINKING FUND BRANCH. Statement of Liabilities and Assets as at 31st March, .1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Sinking fund crcatod under the provisions of tho Investment Aooount—Principal Publio Debt Extinction Act, 1910— owing on loans to— £ s. d. £ s. d. Settlers .. .. .. 462,014 311 Total fund as at 31st March, Workers.. .. .. 67,950 4 7 1922.. .. ..2,313,330 7 11 Local bodies .. .. 1,875,096 3 1. Principal received from 2,405,600 11 7 Treasury during the year 216,913 0 0 Temporary advances to Settlers Branch .. 194,000 0 0 Interest earned for the year Insurance Premium Account . . .. 15 2 0 ended 31st Maroh, 1923 103,142 10 7 Interest overduo on loans to— £ s. cl. ■ 2,633,385 18 6 Settlers .. .. .. 1,726 0 10 Advances Suspense Acoount .. .. 17,110 0 0 Workers .. .. .. 49 9 0 Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 800 4 4 Local bodios .. .. 4,911 13 I 6,687 3 5 Interest acoruod on loans to — Settlers .. .. .. 4,773 910 Workers .. .. .. 730 13 8 Local bodies .. .. 19,058 4 5 24,562 7 11 Cash in hand and in bank at 31st March, 1923.. 20,376 17 11 £2,651,302 2 10 £2,651,302 2 10 ■ iiimi ■■! i i r»»initTr—Tiariir.»BaTw-n^i-K=a Statement of Interest Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on investments transferred to Sinking By Interest on loans to — Fund Account .. .. .. 103,142 10 7 Settlers .. .. 12,662 5 6 Workers .. .. 343 7 10 Local bodies .. .. 68,128 2 4 81,133 15 8 Less overdue and accrued at 31st March, 1922 .. 22,704 6 4 58,429 9 4 Interest on bank balances .. .. .. 9 6 0 Interest on moneys temporarily transferred to other branches .. .. .. .. 13,454 4 11 Interest overdue at 31st March, 1923, on loans to— £ s. d. Settlers .. .. 1,726 0 10 Workers .. .. 49 9 6 Looal bodies .. .. 4,911 13 1 — 6,687 3 5 Interest accrued at 31st Maroh, 1923, on loans to — Settlers .. .. 4,773 9 10 Workers .. .. 730 13 8 Looal bodies .. .. 19,058 4 5 — 24,562 7 11 £103,142 10 7 £103,142 10 7 >■ ■ in ■ i ■ ■-—■■vi i ■mi Wm. Waddel, Superintendent. R. Robertson, Accountant. The Audit Office, having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts and compared them with the relative books, documents, and securities, hereby certifies them to be in accordance therewith. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.— I[Pt.lV].


STATE ADVANCES OFFlOE— continued. ADVANCES OFFICE SINKING FUND ACCOUNT. Statement of Liabilities and Assets as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Principal received as at 31st Investment Account: Principal March, 1922, with accu- owing on loans to — Ululated interest from Settlers .. .. .. 805,089 19 2 the— Workers .. .. .. 74,856 1 1 Advances to Settlers Branch 1,019,250 1 9 Local bodies .. .. 325,413 9 5 Advances to Workers Branch 242,645 19 9 1,205,359 9 8 Advances to Local Authori- Temporary advances to Settlers Branch .. 44.5,500 0 0 ties Branch .. .. 222,559 13 10 Insurance Premium Account .. .. 55 16 9 Interest overdue on loans to— 1,484,455 15 4 Settlers .. .. .. 4,338 12 6 Interest earned for the year Workers .. .. .. 190 18 10 ended 31st March, 1923— Local bodies .. .. 1,626 12 8 Advances to Settlors Branch 57,693 19 3 6,150 4 0 Advances to Workers Branch 3,126 1 8 Interest aoorued on loans to — Advances to Local Authori- Settlers .. .. .. 8,448 12 6 ties Branch .. .. 12,045 18 1 Workers .. .. .. 810 11 4 Local bodies .. .. 2,531 10 4 1,557,321 14 4 11,790 14 2 Sinking Fund repaid by Public Realization Account .. .. .. .. 177 16 2 Trustee— Cash in hand and In bank at 81 st Maroh, 1923.. 08,706 16 3 Advaneos to Settlers Branch 302,904 13 9 Advances to Workers Branch 2,715 17 9 Advances to Local Authorities Branch .. .. 48,461 0 5 1,911,403 0 3 Transferred from Reserve Fund — Advances to Settlers Branch 27,378 13 5 Balance net profits transferred from Advances to Sottlers Branch .. .. 24,891 18 0 1,903,073 18 2 Loss redemption of loans —• Advaneos to Settlers Branch, £45,000; advances to Workers Branch, £187,000 232,000 0 0 1,731,073 18 2 Advances Suspenso Account .. .. 5,275 0 0 Fire Loss Susponse Account .. .. 583 4 0 Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 214 14 10 £1,737,740 17 0 £1,737,740 17 0 Statement of Interest Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. I Cr. £ s. d £ s. d. To Interest earned transferred to the Sinking Fund By Interest on loans to — Account on investments of the — Settlers .. .. .. 32,776 16 11 Settlors Branch .. .. .. .. 57,693 19 3 Workers .. .. .. 2,346 9 5 Workers Branch .. .. .. .. 3,126 1 8 Local bodies .. .. 13,389 16 0 Local Authorities Branch .. .. .. 12,045 18 1 48,513 2 10 Less overdue and accrued at 31st March, 1922 ..14,378 0 11 34,135 1 11 Interest on bank balances .. .. .. 8 2 6 Interest on moneys temporarily transferred to Settlers Branch . . .. .. 0,078 0 9 Interest on sinking funds held by Public Trustee .. 30,031 9 4 Less accrued at 31st March, 1922 .. .. .. 15,933 13 8 14,097 15 8 Interest overdue at 31st .March, 1923, on loans to— Settlers .. .. .. 4,338 12 6 Workers .. .. .. 190 18 10 Local bodies .. .. 1,626 12 8 6,156 4 0 interest accrued at 31st March, 1923, on loans to— Settlers .. .. ... 8,448 12 0 Workers .. .. .. 810 11 4 Local bodies .. .. 2,531 10 4 11,790 14 2 £72,865 19 0 £72,865 19 0 Wm. Waddel, Superintendent. R. Robertson, Accountant. The Audit Office, having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts and compared them with the relative books, documents, and securities, hereby certifies them to be in accordance therewith.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-Ceneral.

B.—l [Pt. IV]


NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MINES. Balance-sheet. Statement of Liabilities and Assets as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. cl. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d Loan under Coal-mines Liverpool Colliery and DevelopAct, 1908 .. .. 150,000 0 0 ment Property Account Loan under Coal-mines Balance at 31st March, Act, 1908, and Appro- 1922 .. .. .. 79,102 0 4 priation Act, 1912 .. 25,000 0 0 Additions during the year .. 8,560 3 5 Now Zealand Consolidated Inscribed Stock 52,601 0 7 87,722 3 9 227,001 0 7 Depreciation .. 8,772 4 4 Debenture sinking fund .. 29,532 0 0 78,949 19 5 Accruod intorest .. .. 3,880 1 9 Machinery, plant, ropes, and Sundry creditors— rolling-stock— Liverpool Colliery .. 17,253 11 7 Balance at 31st March, James Colliery .. 1,030 5 3 1922 .. .. 40,030 2 11 Wellington Depot .. 979 710 Additions during the year 2,308 7 3 Christohuroh Depot .. 889 7 0 Wanganui Depot .. 24113 9 42,338 10 2 20,994 5 5 Depreciation .. 4,233 17 0 Provision for audit fees— 38,104 13 2 Liverpool Colliery .. 40 0 8 Buildings at mine— Wellington Depot .. 74 0 0 Balance at 31st March, Christohuroh Depot .. 6 6 8 1922 .. .. 4,410 8 1 Wanganui Depot .. 54 6 8 Less recoveries .. .. 9 2 8 181 0 0 Reserves— 4,401 5 5 General Reserve .. 69,818 4 4 Depreciation .. 440 2 6 Bad-debts Reserve .. 533 2 9 3,961 2 11 70,351 7 1 Cottages at mineStocks Suspense Acoount .. 1,375 2 4 Balance at 31st March, General Profit and Loss 1922 .. .. 5,420 1 5 Aooount— Additions .. .. 2,042 5 8 Net profit for year .. . 5,869 1 2 7,462 7 1 Depreciation .. 746 4 8 6,716 2 5 Coal (cargo afloat) .. 1,005 15 7 Coal (stock on hand at mine and wharf) .. .. 2,566 9 1 Stores (stock on hand) .. 11,305 14 8 1.1,877 19 4 Stock Suspense Acoount .. .. 124 3 6 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 9,595 1 10 152,329 2 7 ■lames Colliery and Development Property Account — Cost at 31st March, 1922 .. 27,578 18 9 Additions during the year .. 7.558 11 4 35,137 10 1 Machinery, plant, ropes, and • rolling-stock— Cost at 31st March, 1922 9,753 4 1 Additions during the year 1,220 310 10,973 7 II Buildings at mine— Cost at 31st March, 1923 .. 477 3 7 Stock on hand .. .. .. 55 611 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 525 15 2 47,169 3 8 Mao Donald Colliery and Development Property Account — Cost at 31st March, 1922 .. 03,149 19 10 Additions during the year .. 2,514 4 3 05,004 4 1 Machinery, plant, and rol-ling-stock— Cost at 31st March, 1922.. 4,201 7 5 Additions during the year 578 0 8 4,839 8 1 Buildings at mine— Cost at 31st Maroh, 1.923 .. 479 17 3 Cottages at mine— Cost at 31st Maroh, 1922 2,270 12 1 Less recoveries during the year .. .. 5 10 10 2,265 1 Plantation at mine— Cost at 31st March, 1922 384 4 9 Expended during the year 157 10 11 541 15 8 73,790 6 4 Carried forward .. .. 359,789 18 4 Carried forward .. .. .. 273,288 12 7


B.—l. [Pt. IV].

NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MINES— continued. Balance-sheet — continued. Liabilities —continued. £ s. d. I Assets —continued. £ s. d. £ s. d Brought forward .. .. 359,789 18 4 | Brought forward .. .. .. 273,288 12 7 Wellington Depot Property Account — Balance at 31st March, 1922 2,100 18 0 Additions during the year .. 40 11 11 2,147 10 5 Depreciation .. 214 15 0 1,932 15 5 Coal (cargo afloat) .. 290 18 3 Stocks on hand .. .. 2,499 1110 Stocks Suspense Account .. 580 4 7 3,370 14 8 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 13,709 14 5 19,013 4 0 Christchurch Depot Property Account — Balance at 31st March, 1922 3,250 19 2 Less sales .. .. 11 18 8 3,239 0 6 Depreciation .. 161 19 0 3,077 1 6 Stocks on hand .. .. 1,990 4 7 Stocks Suspense Account .. 480 3 1 2,470 7 8 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 832 17 1 6,380 6 3 Wanganui Depot Property Account— Balance at 31st March, 1922 1,248 111 Depreciation .. 127 10 2 1,120 II 9 Stocks on hand .. .. 1,089 11 7 Stocks Suspense Account .. 190 11 2 1,280 2 9 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 3,886 5 7 6,287 0 1 Suspense Account .. .. .. .. .. 23 11 2 Sinking Fund Investment Account .. .. .. 24,980 0 0 Invexfmen. Account (ordinary) .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Intorest on investments aoorued .. .. .. 131 10 2 Contracts Deposit Account .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Coal Purchased Suspense Account — Cost value of coal on hand, 31st March, 1923 .. 75 12 10 Cash in hand and in Public Account at 31st March, 1923 19,580 0 9 £359,789 .18 4 £359,789 18 4 G. Jas. Anderson, Minister of Mines. P. G. Pearch, Accountant. I hereby certify that the attached Working and Profit and Loss Accounts of Depots and Colliery, General Profit and Loss Account, Statement of Receipts and Payments, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. Statement of General Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Liverpool Colliery Trade Ex- By Liverpool Colliery Working penses Account ,-, .. 105,084 9 0 Account —Gross profit .. 113,451 3 4 Wellington Depot Trade Ex- Wellington Depot Trading Aopenses Account .. .. 9,181 11 0 count —Gross profit .. 10,929 8 3 Christchurch Depot Trade Ex- Christohuroh Depot Trading penses Account .. .. 5,515 10 7 Account—Gross profit .. 4,468 9 3 Wanganui Depot Trade Ex- Wanganui Depot Trading Acpenses Account .. .. 2,086 7 3 count—Gross profit .. 2,009 13 8 Wellington Depot—Bad debt 33 2 9 Seddonville Colliery—Recoveries 63 9 0 121,901 1 1 Point Elizabeth Colliery—ReBalance—Profit for year carried down .. 10,421 1 2 coveries .. .. 059 9 0 Liverpool Colliery—Rents .. 504 10 11 132,080 9 11 Interest on investments .. .. .. 235 12 4 £132,322 2 3 £132,322 2 3 Sinking Fund Account for redemption of loan £ s. d. £ s. d. capital .. .. .. .. 4,552 0 0 Balance—Profit for year 1922-23 .. .. 10,421 1 2 Balance—Net profit for year .. .. 5,809 .1 2 £10,421 1 2 £10,421 1 2

B.—l [Pt. IV


NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MlNES— continued. Statement of Liverpool Colliery Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. £ s. cl. To Stock on hand at 31st March, By Sales of Liverpool coal .. 180,533 14 11 1922 .. .. .. 3,70115 0 Sales of Dunollie coal .. 1,042 10 5 Coal-winning— Sales of stores .. .. 0,080 15 8 Wages .. .. .. 57,530 9 11 Sales and hire of plant .. 516 12 2 Stores and materials used .. 6,984 11 3 Wages on account .. .. 125 6 7 Railway tickets .. .. 536 13 6 188,298 19 9 Plant sales (at cost) .. 115 2 0 Stock of coal on hand at 3.lst Special trains .. .. 2,158 15 0 March, 1923, at mine and Stores sold (at cost) .. 5,239 10 4 wharf .. .. .. 2,566 9 1 Dunollie coal purchased .. .1,000 7 3 Cargo afloat .. .. 1,005 15 7 Special rate .. .. 1,146 16 4 3,572 4 8 78,420 1 1 Balance —Gross profit .. .. .. 113,451 3 4 £191,871 4 5 £191,871 4 5 Statement of Liverpool Colliery Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. cl. Cr. £ s. d. To Management and office salaries 4,183 10 9 By Gross profit at mine .. .. .. 113,451 3 4 Interest .. .. .. 4,728 2 11 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 504 16 11 Travelling-expenses .. .. 358 5 7 Printing and stationery .. 186 6 4 Repairs and maintenance .. 3,744 0 9 Telegrams and postages .. 197 8 8 Railway haulage .. .. 15,831 4 6 Insurances .. .. .. 431 1 4 Compensation for accidents .. 2,441 14 3 Sick and Accident Fund .. 236 6 0 Cargo adjustments .. .. 135 14 7 General expenses .. .. 389 7 8 Marine freights .. .. 54,553 7 11 Audit fees .. .. .. 35 0 0 Wharfage .. .. .. 3,440 9 9 Depreciation — Mine, buildings, plant, and machinery .. 14,192 8 0 105,084 9 0 Balance—Net profit .. .. .. 8,871 10 9 £113,956 0 3 £113,956 0 3 Wellington Depot Trading Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Stocks on hand at 31st March, By Sales of coal .. .. 128,825 6 4 1922 .. .. .. .. 1,867 5 7 Sales of firewood, coke, &c. .. 3,376 211 Purchases of coal .. .. 116,890 9 3 132,201 9 3 Purchases of firewood, coke, &c. 2,597 15 1 Stocks on hand at 31st March, 119,488 4 4 1923— Cartage to depot .. .. 1,099 13 7 Coal .. .. .. 1,822 0 0 Wharfage.. .. .. 1,536 18 1 Firewood, coke, &c. .. 607 2 4 ■ 2,636 11 8 Coal (cargo afloat) .. .. 290 18 3 Balance—Gross profit .. .. 10,929 8 3 2,720 0 7 £134,921 9 10 £134,921 9 10 Wellington Depot Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Wages .. .. .. 2,076 3 9 By Balance of Trading Account .. .. 10,929 8 3 Salaries .. .. .. 1,470 3 3 Rents .. .. .. 856 0 0 Rates .. .. .. 251 5 8 Interest .. .. .. 71 11 10 Travelling-expenses and allowances .. .. .. 119 4 7 Repairs and maintenance .. 316 15 9 Telegrams and postages .. 29 0 1 Printing and stationery .. 26 2 9 Insurances .. .. .. 19 0 Cartage .. .. .. 3,433 1 6 Sacks .. .. .. 98 7 3 Freights, &c. .. .. 87 16 2 General expenses .. .. 97 11 6 Compensation .. .. 13 2 11 Audit fees .. .. .. 19 0 0 Bad debt .. .. .. 33 2 9 Depreciation .. .. 214 15 0 9,214 13 9 Balance—Net profit .. .. 1,714 14 0 £10,929 8 3 £10,929 8 3


B.—l [Pt. IVI.

NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MlNES— continued. Christchurch Depot Trading Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Stocks on hand at 31st Maroh, By Sales of coal .. .. 29,898 8 5 1922 .. ~ .. .. 2,561 5 5 ' Sales of firewood, coke, &o. .. 1,748 16 2 Purchases of coal .. .. 24,304 18 9 31,047 4 7 Purchases of firewood, coke, &o. 533 9 2 Stocks on hand at 31st Maroh, 1922— 24,838 7 11 Coal .. .. .. 1,87114 7 Haulage to depot .. .. .. 1,707 1 8 Firewood, ooke, &o. .. 50 5 1 Gross profit.. .. .. .. 4,468 9 3 1,927 19 8 £33,575 4 3 £33,575 4 3 Christchurch Depot Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. i Or, £ s. d. To Wages .. .. .. .. 1,917 6 8 By Balance of Trading Acoount .. .. 4,468 9 3 Salaries.. .. .. .. .. 1,014 16 5 Net loss .. .. .. .. 1,047 1 4 Interest.. .. .. .. .. 113 17 11 Repairs and maintenance .. .. .. 62 9 1 Telegrams and postages .. .. . . 30 5 3 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 29 11 6 Insurances .. .. .. .. 10 19 5 Travelling-oxpenses .. .. .. 74 12 9 Cartage .. .. .. .. 1,587 12 8 Freights '.. .. .. .. 103 19 7 General expenses .. .. .. 46 8 3 Audit fees .. .. .. .. 768 Compensation .. .. .. .. 3 6 8 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 161 19 0 Sacks .. .. .. .. .. 28 0 9 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 322 18 0 £5,515 10 7 £5,515 10 7 Wanganui Depot Trading Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Stocks on hand at 31st March, By Sales of coal .. .. 22,198 14 1 1922 .. .. .. .. 2,143 12 6 Sales of firewood, coke, &c, .. 1,010 1 10 Purchases of coal .. .. 19,021 9 6 23,208 15 11 Purchases of firewood, coke, &c. 244 18 5 Stocks on hand at 31st March, 19,866 7 U 1923— Haulage to depot .. .. .. 241 8 1 Coal .. .. .. 881 17 6 Gross profit.. .. .. .. 2,009 13 8 Firewood, coke, &c. .. 170 8 9 1,052 6 3 £24,201 2 2 £24,261 2 2 Wanganui Depot Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Wages .. .. .. .. .. 475 6 2 By Balance of Trading Account .. .. 2,009 13 8 Salaries .. .. .. .. 482 12 0 Net loss .. .. .. .. 76 13 7 Rents .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 41 910 Repairs and maintenance .. .. .. 43 16 0 Tolegrams and postages .. .. .. 41 0 0 Printing and stationery ...... 9 1 9 Travelling-expenses.. .. .. .. 15 13 11 Insuranoe .. .. .. ■ ■ •. 610 8 Cartage .. .. .. .. 517 16 11 Freights, &c. .. .. .. .. 101 11 7 General expenses .. .. .. . . 41 3 4 Audit fees .. - .. .. .. ... 17 10 0 Depreciation .. . . .. .. 127 10 2 Sacks .. .. .. . . .. 12 11 0 Compensation .. .. , . .. 213 11 £2,086 7 3 £2,086 7 3

12— B. 1 [Pt. IV].

B.—l [Pt. IV].


NEW ZEALAND STATE COAL-MlNES—continued. Statement of the Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts. Expenditure. To Cash in hand and in £ s. d. £ s. d. By James Colliery— £ s. d. £ s. d. Public Account at Property and development. 8,095 2 0 31st March, 1922 .. .. 32,970 19 0 Machinery, plant, and rolling-stock - 175 8 6 Proceeds of sale of coal 226,106 3 5 8,270 10 6 Recoveries .. 15,788 4 2 Liverpool Colliery— Kefunds, &c. .. 99 11 1 Property and development .. 6,076 5 3 — 241,993 18 8 Machinery, plant, and rolling-stock 221 17 7 Contract deposit .. 40 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. 1,226 1 i Interest on investments 900 16 5 .Stores and materials .. .. 18,497 1 11 940 16 5 Wages .. .. .. .. 53,859 8 10 Timber .. .. .. . . 230 14 4 Special rate .. .. .. 1,306 19 1 Railway tickets .. .. .. 1,51679 Special trains .. .. .. 1,860 0 0 Refund of revenue .. .. 1 17 5 Wharfage .. .. .. 3,784 0 1 Coal purchased .. .. .. 726 18 7 89,307 11 11 Mac Donald Colliery— Property and development .. 184 2 5 Machinery, plant, and rolling-stock 1,382 3 2 Cottages .. .. .. 8 3 8 Plantation .. .. .. 157 10 11 — 1,732 0 2 Seddonville Colliery Account .. .. 12 4 6 Wellington Depot Account .. .. 26,928 10 4 Christehurch Depot Account.. .. 8,635 14 3 Wanganui Depot Account .. .. 3,248 11 1 Coal purchased on account of depots (Suspense Account) .. .. 3,473 1 5 42,285 17 1 Management and office salaries .. 4,122 9 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 9,251 19 2 Travelling-expenses .. .. 360 18 7 Printing and stationery .. .. 265 4 11 Repairs and maintenance .. .. 2,503 17 0 Railway haulage .. .. .. 14,935 12 11 Marine freights .. .. .. 64,394 6 5 Cargo adjustments .. .. .. 97 4 2 Postages and telegrams .. .. 195 19 9 Insurances .. .. .. 469 5 7 Compensation .. .. .. 2,508 7 4 General expenses .. .. .. 453 10 6 Sinking fund investment .. .. 14,980 0 0 Deposit contract .. .. .. 50 0 0 Refund deposit .. .. . . 35 0 0 Audit fees .. .. .. 93 13 4 114,717 9 2 Cash in hand aud in Public Account at 31st March, 1923.. .. .. .. 19,580 0 9 £275,905 14 I £275,905 14 1 . ... ! =


B.—l [Pt. IV

STATE FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE. Revenue Account of the State Fire Insurance Office for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. £ s. d. £ s. d. Premiums after deduction of reinsurances 142,591 16 8 Losses by flre (after deduction of reinsurOther receipts: Interest, commission, and ances) .. .. .. .. 46,090 15 2 ront .. .. .. .. 13,884 311 Appropriated to reserve for unearned premiums (in addition to £54,571 9s. already reserved) .. .. .. 2,465 5 8 Government taxes .. .. 20,369 9 4 Commission.. .. .. .. 9,767 5 5 Salaries .. .. .. .. 19,659 310 Contributions to Fire Boards under the Fire Brigades Act, 1908 .. .. 3,368 9 7 Expenses of management —• £ s. d. Travelling-expenses .. 1,544 3 3 Printing, stationery, and advertising.. .. 1,761 9 0 Rent .. .. 1,362 18 11 Exchange .. .. 70 10 6 Postages, telegrams, cablegrams, and sundry charges .. 2,672 5 8 ■ 7,411 7 4 Offices premises and equipment written off 941 4 6 Amount of fire-insurance funds at end of year .. .. .. .. 46,402 19 9 £156,476 0 7 £156,476 0 7 Balance-sheet of the State Fire Insurance Office on the 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government war-loan securities .. 138,324 12 0 Capital authorized by the Other Government securities .. .. 55,550 0 0 State Fire Insurance Local-authority securities .. .. 4,800 0 0 Act, 1908 .. .. 100,000 0 0 Fixed deposits and at short call .. 20,000 0 0 Less not raised .. 100,000 0 0 Mortgages on property .. .. 2,628 10 0 Nil. £ s. d. Reserve Fund .. .. ..296,566 13 7 Land and buildings .. 138,465 1111 Investments Fluotuation Reserve Fund.. 10,000 0 0 Less mortgages taken Reserve for unearned premiums .. 57,036 14 8 over on Office prePromiums and other deposits .. .. 906 3 4 mises purchased .. 2,475 0 0 Outstanding fire losses .. .. 2,484 0 0 135,990 1111 Government taxes .. .. .. 20,309 9 4 Office equipment .. .. .. 1,107 8 1 Interest accruod but not due on mortgages 7 9.2 Outstanding premiums .. .. 7,736 3 4 Other amounts owing by the Offioe —• Interest accrued but not due .. .. 2,454 18 10 Reinsurance premiums £ s. d. Ront accrued or due .. .. .. 112 19 10 due .. .. 11,590 2 4 Cash in Bank of New ZeaCommission .. .. 1,580 II 10 land at Wellington, or in £ s. d. Rent .. .. 18 11 4 transit to Wellington .. 77,920 17 7 Printing, stationery, and Imprest Acoount advertising .. 39 7 5 Balances— £ s. d. Postages and sundry Head Office 535 3 I charges .. .. 597 5 3 Auckland .. 139 1 3 13,83118 2 Hamilton.. 10 8 11 Fire - insurance funds, as per Revenue New PlyAccount .. .. .. .. 46,402 19 9 mouth .. 94 1 9 Palmerston North .. 34 6 1 Christchurch 47 9 9 Dunedin .. 29 10 0 Invercargill 89 5 7 979 0 5 78,900 4 0 £447,605 8 0 £447,605 8 0 J. H. Richardson, General Manager. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

8.-l [Pt. IV].


STATE FOREST SERVICE. Income and Expenditure Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. I <lcome. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Salaries .. .. 30,125 8 5 By Timber royalties .. 7,135 5 0 Less charged to nur- Timber sales .. 86,908 5 0 series and planta- Timber trespass .. 1,148 2 9 tions .. .. 8,626 9 8 95,191 12 9 21.498 18 9 Leases, grazing, &c. 4,468 10 8 General management of State forests— Leases, sawmill-sites 126 19 I Communication ex- Leases, industrial .. 336 8 7 penses .. .. 1,313 010 — 4,931 18 4 Fiscal management Permits, grazing .. 57 9 0 expenses .. 208 0 2 Permits, mis c e 1 Forestry and grazing laneous.. .. 6 7 0 reconnaissance and 63 16 0 timber cruising .. 5,304 8 3 License and lease fees and miscelOffice rent, light, &c. 1,895 14 9 laneous .. .. .. 973 10 II Legal expenses .. 38 0 5 Opossum revenue .. .. 1,108 0 0 Temporary assist- Kauri-gum royalties .. .. 65 4 i ance .. .. 833 16 11 Transportation expenses and upkeep of motor-vehicles 820 8 1 Travelling-expenses 1,867 15 2 12,28!. 4 7 Forest-fire prevention— Communication expenses .. .. 470 16 2 Wages .. .. 1,170 4 6 1,641 0 8 Educational— Forest exhibits .. 43 0 11 Photographic records 182 1 1 Preparation of departmental bulletins 99 12 10 Rangers' instructional school .. 25 5 8 350 0 6 I Forest research— Forest ecology .. 301 9 7 Silvicultural management, studies .. 130 11 11 Utilization a n d timber testing .. 679 11 2 1,111 12 8 Afforestation— Forest Regulation studies .. 30 19 0 Preparation of planting plans and forest extensions .. 669 8 2 700 7 2 Grants and subsidies— New Brig h to n Borough Council 54 16 4 Allowance to Mrs. A. D. Macfarlane .. 235 0 0 289 16 4 Depreciation— Field and office equipment, motorvehicles, &c. .. . ■ • • 939 16 4 38,812 17 0 Less cost of administering nationalendowment land .. .. 1,216 12 3 37,596 4 9 Balance carried down .. .. 64,737 17 4 £102,334 2 1 £102,334 2 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on debentures and stock .. 22,427 8 0 By Balance brought down .. .. 64,737 17 4 Charges and expenses for raising loan 4,271 6 2 Interest charged to nurseries and Balance to Reserve Account .. 83,594 12 5 plantations .. .. .. 39,818 7 1 Land rentals charged to nurseries and plantations .. .. .. 1,620 4 0 Interest on stock and investments .. 4,088 0 2 Premium on stock .. .. 28 18 0 £110,293 6 7 £110,293 6 7


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STATE FOREST SERVlCE— continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. Sundry creditors— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. National Endowment Standing forests .. .. .. 33,745,646 0 0 Account .. 21,415 15 7 Forest improvements— On Open Account. .. 4,872 14 0 Demarcation .. 194 0 5 Interest aoorued to Roads and trails .. 166 18 3 3.lst March, 1923 .. 4,545 0 1 Protection improve--30,833 15 8 ments .. .. 35 1 10 Consolidated Fund—Grants made .. 59,250 0 0 390 0 0 Loan Account—Debentures and stock Plantations and nurseries .. .. 951,200 3 11 issued .. .. .. .. 501,171 0 3 Land .. .. .. .. 1,834,002 10 0 Reserve Account—Balance from lncomo Experimental works— and Expenditure Account .. .. 83,594 12 5 Sand dune reclamaForest Capital Account .. .. 36,146,892 2 3 tion .. .. .1,370 5 8 Westland Forest Experimental Station 1,153 7 5 2,523 13 1 Departmental property— Field equipment .. 2,312 10 0 Office equipment .. 2,254 5 0 Motor-vehicles .. 1,188 7 3 Telephone-lines .. 23 910 Fire-fighting equipment .. .. 214 14 10 Photographic equipment .. .. 153 7 6 Reference library .. 517 18 7 Ecology equipment .. 50 4 8 Timber-testing equipment .. .. 51 17 3 Forest atlas .. 497 9 3 7,264 4 2 Sinking Fund—Amounts paid with interest .. .. .. .. 1,340 12 10 Sundry debtors— State forests .. 97,940 8 9 Nurseries and plantations .. .. 197 7 II Interest accrued on Investment Account 1,148 4 3 Accounts paid in advance .. .. 84 9 3 99,370 10 2 Cash— Investments .. 100,843 19 1 In Publio Aooount .. 1.0,532 6 4 Imprests outstanding 2,413 0 8 Treasury Stamp Duties Suspense Account .. .. 208 15 10 179,998 1 11 £36,821,741 16 7 £36,821,741 10 7 Notes, (1.) All lands under the jurisdiction of the State Forest Service have been non inally valued at ss. per acre. (2.) The value of standing indigenous forests has been established by the Director of Forestry. (3.) Plantations have been valued at cost plus compound interest less returns compounded. E. Phillips Turner, Secretary of Forestry. A. W. Gyles, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Ace aunt and balance -sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

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PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION FUND. Revenue Account for the Period Ist January, 1922, to 31st March, 1923.* £ s. d. I Retiring-allowances— £ s. d. Amount of fund at beginning of yoar 1,718,837 311 To members .. .. .. 239,343 4 1 Members' contributions under section To widows and children .. .. 18,189 9 4 29 (ordinary) .. .. .. 200,410 7 5 \ Contributions returned— Transfers from other superannuation Under section 40, Amendment Act funds .. .. .. .. 531 18 8 (left service) .. .. 09,145 8 11 Government subsidy!— £ Under section 42 (death).. .. 10,091 17 10 1922 .. .. .. 80,000 Under section 32 (cc) .. .. 325 9 5 1923 (proportion) .. 21,500 Under section 32 (f) .. .. 1,800 5 8 107,500 0 0 Under section 38 (retirement) .. 1,852 10 1 Interest .. .. .. .. 121,330 8 7 Interest, section 2, Amendment Act .. 852 1 2 Fines, &o. .. .. .. 500 17 10 Contributions to other superannuation Westport Harbour Board Superannua- funds (section 48) .. .. 204 0 7 tion Fund transferred .. .. 2,877 10 7 Kxpcnses— Salaries .. .. ... 3,077 8 3 Office expenses .. .. .. 485 11 11 Public Trustee's charges .. .. 3,035 11 1 Medical fees .. .. .. 80 12 6 Audit fees .. .. .. 50 0 0 Post Office oharges .. .. 50 0 0 Heating and lighting .. .. 19 14 8 Cleaning .. .. .. 107 14 0 Rent .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Messenger service .. .. 75 0 0 Board members' election -expenses.. 12 12 0 Balance as at 31st March, 1923 .. 1,809,027 15 0 £2,217,988 13 0 £2,217,988 13 0 * Financial year altered from 31st December to 31 at March. t Government subsidy payable ia January of each year. Balance-sheet as at 3 Ist March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. Superannuation Fund Amount invested by the Board .. 1,799,041 6 9 Account— £ s. d. £ s. d. Contributions due, in course of transBalance from Re- mission .. .. .. 23,457 16 7 venue Account .. 1,809,027 15 6 Interest duo and accrued .. .. 31,177 18 11 Amount of fees Cost-of-living bonus recoverable (Conremitted, &c. .. 100 0 10 solidatedFund).. .. .. 1,373 3 S 1,869,127 .10 4 Bank Account .. .. .. 94,947 4 10 Retiring and other allowances due, in Balance in hands of Public Trustee .. 11,877 9 7 course of payment— Rates and taxes paid on account of To members .. .. .. 2,480 12 2 mortgagors (recoverable).. 125 8 2 To widows and children .. .. 288 0 0 Refunds of contributions due, in course of payment — Under section 46, Amendment Act (left service) .. .. .. 1,827 12 4 Under sections 42 and 43 (death) .. 640 2 5 Expenses due, in course of payment— Office oxponses .. .. .. 38 10 7 Public Trustee's charges .. .. 779 9 0 Heating and lighting .. .. 013 2 Rent .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Contributions paid in advance or in error 4,152 2 4 Valuation fees due to Valuation Department ... .. . . 515 0 Unclaimed Account (contributions, efee.) 1,855 5 1 Post Office Account .. .. 10,202 3 1 Balance Government subsidy* .. 04,500 0 0 £1,902,000 8 0 £1,902,000 8 (i * The Government subsidy is paid in January of each yoar. Owing to the change in the date of the financial year and to show the true position of the fund it is necessary to include this item as a liability. Subsidiary Account. Cost-ofdiving Bonus paid to Annuitants of the Public Service Superannuation Fund on behalf of the Treasury. £ s. d. £ s. d. To amount disbursed for period Ist Janu- By amount received from Treasury .. 21,402 13 3 ary, 1922, to 31st March, 1923 .. 22,775 16 11 Balance due .. .. .. 1,373 3 8 £22,775 16 11 £22,775 16 11 William M. Wright, Secretary, "R. S. Wogan, Accountant, Public Service Superannuation Board. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

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GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND. Statement of Accounts in accordance with Section 90, Government Railways Act, 1908. Revenue Account for Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d To Retiring-allowances to members .. 143,331 14 4 By/Members' contributions .. .. 120,907 0 4 Allowances to widows and children.. 11,083 1 4 Members'contributions on aooount of Refunds of total contributions .. 19,046 18 5 casual service .. .. .. 1,909 12 9 Refunds of contributions in excess of Fines .. .. .. . . 572 5 0 allowances drawn by deceased Subsidies .. .. .. 75,000 0 0 beneficiaries .. .. .. 690 11 0 Donations .. .. .. 5 0 0 Compensation .. .. .. 1.12 1.4 1 Interest .. .. .. 20,175 2 7 Travelling-expenses of Board members .. .. .. .. 64 12 3 Public Trust Office charges .. 309 17 11 Audit fees . . .. .. 50 0 0 Transfers to other funds .. .. 181 2 3 Rebates of contributions (Section 11 (2), Publio Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1921-22) . . 780 11 9 Balance carried down, being excess of income over expenditure for'year 51,438 2 10 £230,689 6 8 £230,689 6 8 To Rebates of contributions in respect of By Accumulated funds brought forward £ s. d. previous years (Public Expenditure £ s. d. on Ist April, 1922 .. .. 543,531 10 8 Adjustment Act, 1921-22) .. 11,190 19 10 Refunds of contributions, unclaimed, Balance, accumulated funds at 31st written off .. .. .. 314 15 4 March, 1923 .. .. .. 584,219 2 4 Allowances unclaimed, written off .. 13113 4 Balance brought down .. .. 51,438 210 £595,416 2 2 £595,416 2 2 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Accumulated funds as per Revenue In hands of Public Trustee .. .. 529,950 17 5 Account.. .. .. .. 584,219 2 4 Contributions and fines in transit .. 9,981 11 4 Retiring and other allowances due, not Contributions outstanding .. .. 1,025 8 7 paid — Contributions due by members in respect Members .. .. .. 485 8 8 of casual service .. .. .. 5,728 2 8 Widows and children .. .. 75 17 0 Treasury, cost-of-living bonus .. 1,481 6 2 Refunds of contributions .. .. 1,404 1.5 11 Treasury payments in transit .. 50,000 0 0 Transfers to other funds .. .. 4 10 8 Rebates of contributions (Publio Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1921-22) 11,977 11 7 £598,167 6 2 £598,167 6 2 COST-OF-LIVING BONUS ACCOUNT. Disbursements and Recoveries during Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ a. d. To Balance due by Treasury, 31st March, By Cash received from Treasury .. 19,894 17 3 1922 .. .. .. .. 975 5 1 ' Balance due by Treasury, 31st Maroh, Disbursements to annuitants .. 20,400 18 4 1923.. .. .. .. 1,481 6 2 £21,376 3 5 £21,370 3 5 J. G. Coates, Chairman of the Government Railways Superannuation Fund Board. L. Hamann, Chief Accountant, New Zealand Railways. I hereby certify that the statement of receipts and payments, Revenue Account, and balancesheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

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TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. Revenue Account for the Period from Ist January, 1922, to 31st January, 1923. £ s. d. i £ s. d. To Balanoe, 31st December, 1921 .. 681,776 13 8 By Retiring and other allowances .. 100,13110 4 Contributions of mem- £ s. d. Contributions refunded — bers .. .. 104,400 19 10 On voluntary retire- £ s. d. Less rebate under merit .. .. 10,052 15 0 section 11 (2) of On death of member 4,834 1.1 6 the Publio Expen- On lapse of memberditure Adjustment ship .. .. 1,452 18 2 Act, 1921-22 .. 4,209 5 8 On cancellation of —' 100,191 14 2 membership (wrongly Contributions transferred from other admitted) .. 16 12 0 funds.. .. .. .. 117 9 3 10,350 17 2 Government subsidy Contributions transferred to other funds 394 7 4 under the Aot— Interest allowed on amounts wrongly Thirteen months £ s. d. held in fund .. .. .. ,408 at £43,000 per Administration expenses — £ s. d. annum .. 40,583 0 8 Commission, G.P.O. 290 0 0 ' Additional amount Commission, Public voted for 1922.. 25,000 0 0 Trustee .. 1,007 5 2 - 71,583 0 8 Office expenses .. 170 3 6 Intorest — Postage and telegrams 111 3 4 On investments .. 44,847 14 0 Travelling-expenses of On arrears of con- Board members .. 117 2 5 tributions .. 193 3 9 Clerical assistance . . 325 0 0 45,040 17 9 Medical fees .. 36 15 0 Aotuarial investigation .. .. 20 4 7 Audit fees.. .. 50 0 0 2,187 14 6 Balance, 31st January, 1923 ..779,635 5 6 £898,710 1 0 £898,710 1 0 Cost-of-living Bonus Account for the Period ended 31st January, 1923. £.s. d. j £ s. d. To Refund from Consolidated Fund .. 0,070 111: By Balance due from Consolidated Fund at 31st December, 1921 .. .. 29 7 7 Payment of bonus .. .. 6,041 6 6 Balance due to Consolidated Fund .. 5 710 £0,070 1 11 i £6,076 1 11 Balance-sheet as at 31st January, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Fund as per Revenue Account .. 779,635 5 6 Amount held by Publio Retiring and other allowances due and Trustee—• £ s. d. unpaid .. .. •- ■■ 977 17 7 Invested .. ..736,348 711 Refund of contributions due and unpaid 2,772 16 9 Uninvested .. .. 72,939 2 0 Contributions to be transferred to other 809,287 9 11 funds .. .. . • • • 54 16 6 Contributions of members— Rebate of contributions under Section 11 In transit .. .. 3,681 5 3 (2) of the Public Expenditure Adjust- Due and outstanding .. 2,609 6 1 ment Act, 1921-22 .. .. .. 26 15 1 6,290 11 4 Administration expenses unpaid— Interest on investments — Commission, Post and Tele- £ s. d. Duo and outstanding .. 2,532 5 4 graph Department ..90 7 0 Accrued, but not due .. 11,258 8 8 Audit fee .. .. 50 0 0 13,790 14 0 140 7 0 Interest on arrears of contributions due Unclaimed contributions .. .. 1,385 11 0 and outstanding .. .. .. 153 15 2 Amounts overpaid or paid in error into Amounts overpaid— fund .. .. .. •• 16 18 0 Retiring-allowance .. 33 5 0 Department of Internal Affairs— Refund of contributions 0 11 0 On account of cost-of-living bonus .. 5 710 33 16 0 Amount paid in advance — Government subsidy (for period to 31st Deoembor, 1923) .. •• 39,416 13 4 Vouchors issued but unpaid £ s. d. at 31st December, 1923.. 7,296 0 4 Less cash in hands of Post Offico .. .. 2,178 4 0 — 5,117 16 4 £829,556 6 5 £829,556 6 5 C. E. Crawford, Secretary, Teachers' Superannuation Board, Education Department.


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THERMAL SPRINGS DISTRICT ACT 1910 ACCOUNT. Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Receipts. £ s. cl. Payments. £ s. d. To Balance in Public Account, Ist April, By Refunds of revenue .. .. 37 19 0 1922 .. .. .. .. 9,880 19 4 ' Payment to Rotorua Town Board and Reoeipts under Thermal Springs I lis- Borough Council, as per contra .. 2,053 15 1 trict Act, .1910 .. .. .. 90 I 0 Balance in Public Account, 31st March, Reoeipts payable to Rotorua Town 1923 .. .. .. .. 9,933 1 4 Boaid and Borough Council, as per contra .. .. .. 2,053 15 1 £12,024 15 11 £12,024 .15 11 Revenue Account for the Ybae ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Revenue. £ s. d. To Refunds of rent .. .. .. 37 19 6 By Accrued rents .. .. .. 2,155 18 4 Rents payable to Rotorua Town Board and Borough Council .. .. 2,059.18 10 Balance carried down .. .. 58 0 0 £2,155 18 4 £2,155 18 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Adjustments of rents due to Rotorua By Balance brought down .. .. 58 0 0 College Grammar School .. .. 1,227 15 0 Balance from previous years .. 9,921 11 1 Balance .. .. .. .. 8,751 16 1 £9,979 II .1 £9,979 11 1 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. j Assets. £ s. d. Revenue Account—Balance .. .. 8,751 16 1 Sundry debtors for rents .. .. 353 11 9 Sundry creditors —■ Cash in Public Account .. .. 9,933 I 4 Rotorua College Grammar School .. 1,227 15 0 Rotorua Borough Council .. .. 307 2 0 £10,280 .13 1 £10,286 13 1 J. B. Thompson, Under-Secretary for Lands. J. H. O'Donnell, Chief Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Acoount and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the copies of journal entries of the District Land Board, Auckland, submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the value of the endowment lands is not included in the assets and there is no corresponding capital liability. The Revenue Account includes rents due for the period Ist July, 1922, to 30th June, 1923. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. TONGARIRO NATIONAL PARK. Statement of Receipts and Payments for Period Ist January, 1923, to 31st March, 1923. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ ' s. d. To Donation by R. C. Bruce Estate By Postages .. .. . .. 0 16 3 Trustees for road-construction .. 1,000 0 0 Printing and stationery .. .. 0 12 0 Park fees .. .. .. .. 47 10 0 Park equipment .. .. .. 18 17 0 Royalties on firewood .. .. 4 0 0 Horse-feed, shoeing .. .. .. ■ 6 6 1 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 0 9 8 Purchase of horse .. .. .. 14 0 0 Balance as per bank £ s. d. pass-book .. .. 1,045 7 0 Less unpresented cheques .. .. 35 8 7 1,009 18 5 Cash, in hand .. .. 0 10 7 1,010 9 0 £1,051 10 0 £1,051 10 0 J. B. Thompson, Chairman, Tongariro National Park Board. J. H. O'Donnell, Treasurer, Tongariro National Park Board. Examined and found correct. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

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TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Administrative charges— £ s. d. By Unclaimed Moneys Act .. .. 804 0 7 Salaries .. ..21,603 19 10 Inscribed stock fees .. .. 1,199 0 0 Allowances,overtime,efec. 259 6 5 Sale of old typewriters .. .. 32 13 0 Office expenses .. 8 12 3 Balance carried down .. .. 32,062 16 0 Postages, &o. .. 3,295 2 9 Printing and stationery 3,225 8 2 Travelling-expenses .. 54 4 9 Legal expenses .. 212 0 Telegrams beyond Dominion .. .. 2,252 0 9 30,761 7 5 Exchange and commission .. .. 2,860 11 2 Adjustment in Public Account Disbursement Account .. .. .. 30 15 10 Compassionate allowance .. .. 300 0 0 Interest coupons paid by Post Office .. 2 5 0 Rates on Crown and Native lands .. 2 12 0 Depreciation .. .. .. 140 18 2 £34,098 9 7 £34,098 9 7 £ s. d. By Recoveries on account of previous £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. 32,002 10 0 year's expenditure— Interest on capital at 4J per cent. .. 07 5 I Telegrams beyond Dominion .. 44 0 0 Advances made by High Commissioner 00 13 0 Unclaimed moneys .. .. 0 110 Excess of expenditure over income .. 32,024 17 I £32,130 1 1 £32,130 1 1 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital Account .. .. .. 1,935 17 3 Office furniture, fittings and equipment .. 983 610 Sundry departmental creditors .. 14 2 0 Mechanical appliances .. .. 696 14 0 Outstanding expenses .. .. 902 16 6 Library .. .. .. .. 53 9 9 Depreciation Reserve.. .. .. 314 2 6 Stock of stationery .. .. .. 507 5 6 Treasury Adjustment Account.. .. 32,201 9 3 Sundry departmental debtors .. .. 1,032 17 8 Expenses paid in advance .. .. 09 16 8 Excess of expenditure over income .. 32,024 17 1 £35,368 7 6 £35,368 7 6 J. J. Esson, Secretary to the Treasury. R. E. Hayes, Accountant to the Treasury. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

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TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS DEPARTMENT. General Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s, d. i Income. £ g, d. To Working Accounts—Net loss— By Working Accounts—Net profit— Te Aroha .. ... .. 1,949 17 3 Rotorua electric system .. 3,102 5 9 Rotorua baths .. .. .. 7,152 19 1 Rotorua acclimatization .. 383 14 0 Rotorua Sanatorium .. .. 2,351 18 11 Waimangu round trip .. .. 974 211 Rotorua gardens .. .. 2,84.5 14 10 Waitomo Caves hostel and guiding 2,138 13 2 Rotorua water and drainage .. 298 19 11 Miscellaneous receipts — Sale of Lake House, Waikaremoana .. 637 12 0 photographs, &o. .. .. 163 13 11 Hermitage, Mount Cook .. 2,049 0 8 Balance carried down—Excess of Queenstown .. .. .. 573 19 4 expenditure over income .. 26,597 19 8 Te Anau steamer and hotel .. 351 13 1 Glade House and Milford track .. 774 16 11 Miscellaneous reserves .. .. 090 11 3 Passenger booking bureaux .. 785 110 Sydney and Melbourne agencies .. 3,070 17 0 Vancouver, Brisbane, and Adelaide agencies .. .. .. 101 18 1 Head Office — Salaries and wages .. .. 3,977 10 0 Advertising (general) .. .. 740 12 11 Subsidies to— Inland mails .. .. 1,620 0 0 Accommodation-houses .. 87 10 0 Rotorua Borough Council .. 1,332 9 0 Repairs and improvements to roads, tracks, &c. .. .. .. 780 18 9 Travelling-expenses, rent, postages, photographs, freight, &c. .. 1,132 18 2 Depreciation on furniture (Head Office) ...... 41 10 5 £33,360 9 5 £33,360 9 5 £ s. d. £ s# ( j i To Balance.. .. .. .. 26,597 19 8 By Excess of expenditure over income Interest on capital .. .. 16,487 0 3 after charging interest .. .. 43,084 19 11 !*!: 084 19 n £43,084 19 11 Te Aroha.—Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s d To Consumable stores at Ist April, 1922 165 0 0 By Receipts .. .. .. 1 511 \\ (j Salaries and wages .. .. 2,57110 1 Consumable stores at 31stMarch, 1923 ' 102 14 9 Repairs, lighting, printing and station- Net loss to Income and Expenditure cry, cartage, travelling-expenses, &c. 592 3 1 Acoount .. .. .. 1 949 17 3 Depreoiation .. .. .. 235 4 4 £3 5 64 3 6 £3,564 3 6 Rotorua Baths.—Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s d To Consumable stores at Ist April, 1922 196 5 2 By Receipts .. 6 579 14 0 Salaries and wages .. .. 9,787 11 6 Consumable stores at 31st March, 1923 '313 9 0 Purchases . .. 1,507 0 3 Net loss to Income and Expenditure .travelling-expenses, freight, lighting, Account .. 7 in i telephones, &c. .. 1,172 8 0 " " ,IM ' lll ' Depreciation .. .. .. 1,322 11 2 £14,046 2 1 £U,0i7~2~l Rotorua Sanatorium.—Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. [ £ j To Consumable stores at Ist April, 1922 148 19 5 By Pees earned 3 596 4 n Salaries and wages .. .. 2,862 9 0 Miscellaneous receipts .. " ' 155 4 8 Purchases .. .. .. 1,440 15 5 Consumable stores at 31st March, 1923 160 2 1 Lighting, travelling-expenses, printing, Net loss to Income and Expenditure repairs, &c 1,343 17 1 Account .. . 2 35118 11 Depreciation ...... 467 9 8 " ' ""


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TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS DEPARTMENT— continued. Rotorua Gardens.—Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Salaries and wages .. .. 3,200 17 0 By Reoeipts .. .. .. .. 963 12 10 Purchases .. .. .. 200 6 10 Net loss to Income and Expenditure Lighting, repairs, freight, .. 212 18 1 Account .. .. .. 2,845 14 10 Depreciation .. .. .. 183 5 3 £3,809 7 8 £3,809 7 8 Sydney and Melbourne Agencies.—Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ g. d. To Salaries and wages .. .. 1,601 3 0 By Net loss to Income and Expenditure Rents, postages, printing and stationery, Acoount .. .. .. 3,076 17 0 &c. .. .. .. '.. 1,446 16 9 Depreciation .. .. .. 28 17 3 £3,076 17 0 £3,076 17 0 Rotorua Electric System.—Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Salaries and wages .. .. .. 3,340 2 7 By Electric energy supplied .. .. 8,250 11 7 Purchases .. .. .. 685 5 0 Discounts forfeited.. .. .. 67 11 10 Freight, cartage, repairs, printing and Miscellaneous receipts .. .. 168 13 6 stationery, &c. .. .. .. 418 9 8 Depreciation .. .. .. 934 13 11 Net profit to Income and Expenditure Account .. .. .. 3,102 5 9 £8,486 16 11 £8,486 16 11 Rotorua Water and Drainage.—Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Salaries and wages .. .. .. 1,811 8 3 By Water charges .. .. .. 1,942 8 0 Purchases.. .. .. .. 121 4 8 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. 17 5 0 Repairs, freight, printing and sta- Net loss to Income and Expenditure tionery, &c. .. .. .. 188 9 11 Account .. .. .. 298 19 11 Depreciation .. . . .. 137 10 1 £2,258 12 11 £2,258 12 11 Rotorua Acclimatization. —Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Consumable stores at Ist April, 1922 .. 20 10 0 By Sale of licenses .. .. .. 1,405 9 0 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 430 14 0 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. 154 8 0 Purchases .. .. .. 300 0 0 Consumable stores at 31st March, 1923 517 9 Advertising, freight, cartage, repairs, &c. 324 11 5 Depreciation .. .. • ■ 100 5 4 Net profit to Income and Expenditure Account .. .. , .. 383 14 0 £1,565 14 9 £1,565 14 9 " "j—- ' -"-ur-IK.T.-.-TiTi ■— —11— i-i nil ; Waimangu Round Trip.—Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Salaries and wages .. .. .. 1,112 19 3 By Receipts .. .. .. .. 2,694 6 8 Purchases.. .. .- •• 201 17 5 Consumable stores at 31st March, 1923 45 6 0 Freight, cartage, printing, repairs, &c... 204 114 Depreciation .. . ■ ■ • 240 1 9 Net profit to Income and Expenditure Aooount .. .. .. 974 211 £2,739 12 8 £2,739 12 8

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TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS DEPARTMENT— continued. Waitomo Caves Hostel and Guiding.—Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Consumable stores at Ist April, 1922 .. 04 19 2 By Board fees .. ... .. 3,813 19 8 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 1,581 14 11 Caves fees .. .. .. 2,290 8 8 Purchases.. .. .. .. 289 19 1 Miscellaneous reoeipts .. .. 78 16 6 Freight, cartage, repairs, postages, Consumable stores at 31st March, 1923 142 5 2 printing and stationery, &c. .. 1,918 0 9 Depreciation .. .. .. 338 2 11 Net profit to Income and Expenditure Account .. .. .. 2,138 13 2 £0,331 10 0 £0,331 10 0 Lake House, Waikaremoana. —Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Consumable stores at Ist April, 1922 . . 42 9 9 j By Receipts .. .. .. .. 1,295 3 3 Salaries and wagos .. .. .. 487 10 9 ; Consumable stores at 31st March, 1923 88 13 1 Purchases.. .. .. .. 494 14 2 , Net loss to Income and Expenditure Freight, cartage, repairs, travelling-ex- Account .. .. .. 637 12 0 penses, postages, &o. .. .. 721 17 7 Depreciation .. .. .. 274 10 1 £2,021 8 4 £2,021 8 4 Mount Cook Hermitage.—Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Consumable stores at Ist April, 1922 553 4 3 By Receipts .. .. .. .. *062 17 4 Salaries and wages .. .. 816 13 7 Consumable stores at 31st March, 1923 482 611 Purchases .. .. .. 465 17 9 Net loss to Income and Expenditure Freight and cartage, travelling - ex- Account .. .. .. 2,049 0 8 penses, postages, efce. .. " .. 584 0 3 Depreciation .. .. .. 774 9 1 £3,194 4 11 £3,194 4 11 * Hermitage closed from May to 80th September; leased from Ist October, 1022. QUEENSTOWN. —WORKING ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Consumable stores at Ist April, 1922 .. 37 11 3 By Receipts .. .. .. ... 216 18 1 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 058 17 7 Consumable stores at 31st March, 1923 10 8 9 Repairs, postages, freight and cartage, &c. 86 9 6 Net loss to Income and Expenditure Depreciation .. .. .. 18 710 Account .. .. .. .. 673 19 4 £801 6 2 £801 6 2 Te Anau Steamer and Hotel. —Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Salaries and wages . . . . .. 105 3 6 By Receipts .. .. .. .. 126 6 9 Repairs, freight, cartage, fittings, &c. .. 147 15 1 Net loss to Income and Expenditure Depreciation .. .. .. 225 1 3 ' Account .. ... .. .. 351 13 1 £477 19 10 £477 19 10 Glade House and Te Anau - Milford Track. —Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Consumable stores at Ist April, 1922 .. 24116 7 By Receipts .. .. .. .. 1,497 13 0 Wages .. .. .. .. 1,016 11 2 Consumable stores at 31st March, 1923 189 12 4 Purchases .. .. .. 672 3 6 Net loss to Income and Expenditure Repairs, freight and cartage, postages, Account .. .. .. 774 10 fl travelling-expenses .. . . 217 5 4 Depreciation .. .. . . 314 5 8 £2,402 2 3 £2,402 2 3


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TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS DEPARTMENT— continued. Miscellaneous Reserves. —Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Salaries and wages .. .. 1,173 15 0 By Receipts .. .. .. .. 1,403 11 9 Repairs, freight and cartage, &c. .. 289 4 0 Net loss to Income and Expenditure Depreciation .. .. .. 631 4 0 Account .. .. .. 090 11 3 £2,094 3 0 £2,094 3 0 Passenger Booking Bureaux. —Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Ticket stock (at cost) at Ist April, 1922 11117 0 By Commission .. .. .. 3,745 910 Salaries .. .. .. .. 2,898 15 2 Ticket stock (at cost) at 31st March, Printing and stationery, rents, postages, 1923 .. .. .. .. 114 5 0 &c. .. .. .. .. 1,595 14 1 Net loss to Income and Expenditure Depreciation .. .. .. 38 10 5 Account .. .. .. 785 110 £4,644 16 8 £4,644 16 8 »- Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital Account —Liability to Treasury Land .. .. .. 183,929 6 0 at Ist April, 1922 .. .. 407,476 12 9 £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 2,837 12 9 Buildings .. .. 104,163 511 Treasury Adjustment Aooount .. 44,291 0 4 Add additions .. 1,247 810 105,410 14 9 Less depreciation .. 2,853 10 8 102,557 4 1 Water and drainage systems .. .. 57,565 4 7 Add additions .. 240 14 10 57,805 19 5 Plant and machinery .. 23,605 3 1 Add additions .. 3,611 10 11 27,216 14 0 Less depreciation .. 1,014 12 2 26,202 1 10 Furniture and fittings .. 15,359 8 0 Add additions .. 79 13 4 15,439 1 4 Less depreciation .. 645 1 (i 14,793 19 10 Wharves and beacons .. 5,149 11 0 Less depreciation .. 257 9 6 4,892 I 6 Steamers and launches .. 4,743 12 9 Less depreciation .. 484 6 3 4,259 7 6 Bridges .. .. 3,229 1.1 4 Less depreciation .. 161 811 3,068 2 5 Motor-vehicles .. 369 0 0 Less depreciation .. 82 0 0 287 0 0 Linen, cutlery, crockery, tools, guiding equipment &c. .. .. .. 5,296 4 4 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 819 4 0 Telephone-line, Glade House, Milford .. 749 14 7 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 5,580 2 6 Consumable stores .. .. .. 1,058 8 11 Payments in advance .. .. 221 9 0 Excess of expenditure over income .. 43,084 19 11 £454,605 5 10 £454,605 5 10 S. J. Collett, For General Manager. J. Houston, Acting Accountant. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the accounts include charges for rent, interest, and the value of a depot taken over from another Department- for which there is no appropriation by Parliament. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


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VALUATION DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Advertising, books, newspapers, and other Fees charged for valuers' reports, &c. .. 29,735 2 0 publications .. .. .. 49 16 1 Local bodies'contributions accrued .. 7,231 6 0 Assessment Court expenses .. .. 469 13 3 Land-tax contribution accrued.. .. 7,231 6 0 Depreciation on office furniture, fittings, State Advances contribution .. .. 1,000 0 0 and equipment .. .. .. 263 4 2 Balance carried down .. .. 10,803 17 4 Fees to valuers , .. .. .. 7,407 6 6 Freight, cartage, and transport charges .. 49 18 0 Fuel, light, power, and water .. .. 28 1 5 Law-costs .. .. .. .. 101 16 6 Maps, tracings, and schedules of land transactions .. .. .. 102 19 11 Office-cleaning .. .. .. 21 1 2 Office expenses . / .. .. 1,008 10 8 Overtime and meal allowances.. .. 40 14 0 Payment to Post and Telegraph Department .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Postages, telegrams, and rent. £ s. d. of boxes .. .. 941 10 4 Less amount prepaid, carried forward .. 13 10 0 928 0 4 Printing and stationery .. .. . 312 5 2 Rent .. .. .. .. 2,488 5 0 Revision of districts .. .. 577 6 11 Salaries.. .. .. .. 33,156 9 2 £ s. d. Telephone services .. 469 7 8 Less amount carried forward .. .. 145 10 0 323 17 8 Temporary assistance .. .. 2,107 0 0 Transfer and removal expenses of officers 186 5 9 Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. 6,328 8 7 Less unexpired season tickets .. .. 138 12 2 6,189 16 5 Typewriters—Repairs .. .. 28 17 3 £56,001 11 4 £56,001 11 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance brought clown .. .. 10,803 17 4 Balance (excess cjf expenditure over in[nterost .. .. .. .. 704 2 2 come) .. .. .. .. 11,507 19 0 £11,507 19 0 £11,567 19 6 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Account, Ist April, 1922 .. 16,980 4 0 Office furniture, fittings, and Sundry creditors .. .. .. 2,593 11 0 equipment .. .. 3,176 3 1 Depreciation reserve .. .. .. 640 10 1 Less removals .. .. 8 17 0 Treasury Adjustment Account.. .. 30,581 411 3,167 5 7 Add additions .. .. 26 16 6 3,194 2 1 Offioe maps .. ..13,804 0 11 Add additions .. .. 651 19 7 14,456 0 6 Stationery .. .. .. 749 14 9 Sundry debtors— Local bodies' contributions .. .. 10,769 0 9 Land-tax contributions .. 7,231 6 0 Fees outstanding .. 1,425 5 4 Motor-cars (on account).. 1,304 14 11 20,730 7 0 Less bad and doubtful debts reserve .. 200 0 0 20,530 7 0 Telephone subscriptions prepaid .. 145 10 0 Unexpired season tickets .. .. 138 12 2 Post-office boxes prepaid .. .. 13 10 0 Excess of expenditure over income .. 11,567 19 6 £50,795 16 0 £50,795 16 0 F. W. Flanagan, Valuer-General. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and. balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the accounts include charges for rent, interest, and furniture for which there is no appropriation by Parliament, and also charges for services rendered to the Public Works Department for which that Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

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WAIHOU AND OHINEMURI RIVERS IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT. * Income and Expenditure Account from Ist April, 1911, to 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s d. Income. £ s. d. To Interest on first loan of £150,000* .. 51,393 16 6 By Interest earned on loan-money temporarily Sinking fund contributions on first loan invested pending use.. .. .. 13,740 11 2 of £150,000* .. .. .. 2,782 4 6 Contributions from— £ s. d. Expenses of administration .. .. 120 2 3 Gold-mining companies 8,074 16 11 Consolidated Fund .. 8,074 16 11 Gold duty .. .. 24,224 11 0 40,374 4 10 Balance, deficiency carried to balance-sheet 181 7 3 £54,296 3 3 £54,296 3 3 * Interest and sinking fund on loans in excess of £150,000 are provided out of Consolidated Fund, and are not therefore a charge against this account. Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. Debentures issued— £ s. d. £ s. d. Value of works at Waihou and £ s. d. £ s. d. Waihou and Ohinemuri Ohinemuri Rivers at cost to date .. 312,492 13 0 Rivers Improvement Act, Debtors for contributions— 1910 .. .. 150,000 0 0 Consolidated Fund .. .. 1,228 8 11 Waihou and Ohinemuri Gold duty .. .. .. 3,703 3 3 Rivers Improvement Act, Gold-mining companies .. 161 11 0 1910, and Finance Act, 5,093 8 2 1919, sec. 6 .. .. 150,000 0 0 Cash in the Public Account at 31st Waihou and Ohinemuri March, 1923 .. .. 6,629 1 6 Rivers Improvement Act, Imprests outstanding in London 8,514 0 0 1910, and Finance Act, 15,143 1 6 1922, sec. 16 .. .. 26,000 0 0 326,000 0 0 332,728 17 8 Arrears of interest payments 2,745 8 4 Excess of expenditure over income, carried from I nterest accrued .. .. 969 6 3 Income and Expenditure Account .. 181 7 3 Arrears of sinking fund contributions .. .. 376 12 10 4,091 7 5 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 2,818 17 0 £332,910 4 11 £332,910 4 11 J. J. Gibson, Acting Accountant, Public Works Department. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that the rate authorized by section 17 (d), Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, has not been levied. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


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WAR EXPENSES ACCOUNT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d To Advertising, printing and stationery. Office By Equipment Account .. .. .. 130,843 15 9 expenses (New Zealand and abroad) .. 5,525 16 1 Home Defence Account .. .. .. 05 0 0 Cost of services, New Zealand Postal Depart- Horses Account .. .. .. 505 0 0 ment, re payment of warrants .. .. 10 9 0 Military Supplies Purchase Office Account .. (i 0 0 Camps, expenses of .. .. .. 2,904 17 7 Pay and Allowances Account .. .. 10,731 10 8 Clerical assistance, including audit (New Zea- Soldiers Financial Assistance Account .. 425 12 5 land and abroad) .. .. .. 10,630 1 4 Transport of Troops, Freights, Cartage AcCommission of inquiry .. .. .. 170 0 0 count .. .. .. .. 4,420 7 2 Educational and vocational training .. 5,010 17 5 Discounts on loans redeemed .. .. 12.794 19 9 Hospital Ships " Maheno" and " Marama " 29 I I Premiums on stock issued (1921-22) .. 156 13 3 League of Nations-New Zealand proportion Excess of expenditure over income carried of secretariat charges .. .. .. 0.142 10 3 down .. .. .. .. 140,358 3 3 Medals and decorations .. .. .. 3,440 15 3 Medical (treatment of ex-service patients, salaries of doctors, dental treatment, artificiallimb making, &c.) .. .. .. 107.595 4 3 Mechanical transport (Motor-vehicles Account) 22,733 9 1 Postages, telegrams, cables, eve. . . . . 1 ,932 0 2 Preparation of war records and history .. 2,777 0 1 Prisoners of war, repatriation expenses of . . '5011 Rations and forage .. .. .. 22,783 10 10 Superannuation paid by New Zealand (lovernment ort behalf of Civil servants serving with N.Z.E.F. ■ .. .. 5 1.1 7 Travelling allowances and expenses .. 7 18 0 War graves and memorials .. .. 35.210 18 10 War gratuities .. .. .. .. 7,358 15 0 Depreciation on buildings, furniture, Sr,o. (not revalued) .. .. .. .. 485 4 5 Charges and expenses of raising loans .. 11,299 4 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. . . 245 3 10 £300,310 2 3 £300.310 2 3 To Bxoess of expenditure over income brought, £ s. d. By Interest received on invest- £ s. d. £ s. cl. down .. .. .. .. 110,358 3 3 ments for year ended 31st Interest on war loans for £ s. cl. Maroh, 1928 •• •• 123,027 0 0 year ended 31 sf March, Less accrued intorest at 31st '1923 .. .. 4,019,(ill) 0 0 Maroh, 1922, credited last Less aoorued interest at year .. .. .. 34,149 7 10 31st March, 1922, dobited last year .. 1,150,441 2 0 88,877 12 2 Plus accrued interest at 31st 2,869,168 17 0 March, 1923 .. .. 27,500 14 0 Plus accrued interest at 110.144 0 S 31st. March, 1923 .. 1,240,092 0 II Repatriation Department—Proportion of inPlus interest due Iml un- terest on war-loan moneys for year ended paid at 31st March, 1923 129,749 8 0 31st March, 1923 .._ .. .. 58.813 0 0 4,245,010 0 5 Excess of expenditure over income (including Contributions towards Sinking Fund from interest, &o.) .. .. ■• 4,703,500 3 0 Consolidated Fund for year ending 31st March, 1923 .. ..' .. •• 553,455 0 0 £4,938,823 9 8 £4,938,823 9 8 Treasury Adjustment (Consolidated Fund) Account. Dr. Or. 1922-April 1:- 1922—April 1:- £ j>. d. To Aoorued interest on war loans, 31st Maroh, £ 8. d. By Balance .. .. •• •• 18,/19,1- 5 / 1922 (written baok) •• 1,150,441 2 0 Aoorued interest, on investments, 31st 1923—March 31 :— March, 1922 (written back) .. .. 34,14!) 7 10 To Freights earned by transports .. •• 20,015 5 1 1923—March 31 :— Interest (proportion of) Repatriation De- By Contribution to sinking fund .. .. 5<M,400 o o partment 88,813 0 0 Redemption of war loans .. .. 135,080 0 0 Interest received on war loans invest- Interest paid on war loans (twelve months) 4,019,610 0 0 ments (twelve months) .. .. .123,027 0 0 Balance carried down .. •• 22,103,090 510 £23,401,986 13 5 1923—March 31 :— £ s. cl. By Balance brought down •• •• £22,103,690 510

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WAR, EXPENSES ACCOUNT— continued. Treasury Adjustment (Interdepartmental) Account. Dr. Cr. 1922—April 1 :— £ s. d. 1923—March 31 :— £ s. cl. To Balance .. .. .. .. 448,050 I!) 6 By Stationery, &c, transferred from Defence 1923—March 31 :— stocks' .. .. .. .. 110 9 3 To Cost of divisional equipment, &c, transferred Balance carried down .. .. .. 015,555 5 0 to and various services performed on behalf of Defence Headquarters .. .. 100,859 13 7 Furniture transferred to Pensions Department .. .. .. .. 755 1 8 £015,005 14 9 £015,005 14 9 1923—Maroh 31— £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. £015,555 5 0 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1923. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d-War-loan capital (inelud- Cash in Treasury Loans Redemption Account 49,020 0 0 ing securities issued Cash in Public Account .. .. .. 9,719 4 10 to cover expenses of £ s. d. £ s. cl. Imprests -outstanding (New Zealand and raising loans) .. 82,256,004 8 0 London) .. .. .. .. 23,591 0 5 Less loans redeemed .. 1,092,780 0 0 Investment Account (war-loan moneys) .. 2,475,003 010 80,503,884 8 0 Investments on account of sinking fund (see Contributions, &c, re- contra) .. .. .. ..- 4,160,066 9 2 ceived towards war Sundry debtors (for interest only — see funds .. .. 174,148 10 0 footnote) .. ' .. .. .. 27,500 14 0 Less amounts refunded Sundry debtors (interdepartmental only—see and transferred .. 3,274 13 9 footnote) .. .. .. .. 7.705 18 1 170,873 10 9 Ordnance and equipment stocks .. .. 38,978 10 !) Pay-warrants issued .. 19,400 0 0 Divisional equipment stocks .. .. 1,230,803 3 9 Less pay-warrants re- Rations and forage stocks .. .. 1,408 10 9 deemed .. .. 19,30110 0 Medical and surgical stocks .. .. 33,898 11 5 38 10 0 Office furniture and equipment .. .. 7,032 17 0 Remittances received for Motor transport vehicles (including those on transmission to unci loan to other Departments, spares, &o.) .. 5,302 4 I. from soldiers .. 409,082 11 3 Artificial-limb factory (building, machinery, Less ditto paid .. 408,085 4 2 fools, and stocks) .. .. .'. 0,710 2 1 997 7 1 Lands and buildings (camps, hospitals, &c). . 77,971 10 0 Sinking fund (see contra) .. .. 4.100,000 9 2 Repatriation Department—Advances Acoount 1,306,956 4 2 Sundry creditors (for interest only—see Excess of expenditure footnote) .. .. .. .. 1,375,841 811 overincomo— £ s. cl. Sundry creditors (interdepartmental only— Balance 31st Maroh, 1922 94,431,104 II 7 see footnote) .. .. .. 10,992 9 9 For year ending 31st Divisional Equipment Reserve .. .. 381,441 4 0 March, 1923, as per Depreciation Reserve .. .. .. 945 3 5 account .. .. 4,763,566 3 (^ Treasury Consolidated Fund Account, (in- 99,197,070 17 7 (crest, c&o.) .. 22,103,090 5 10 Less recovery from GorLess Treasury Inter- many .. .. 507,000 0 0 departmental Ac- - 98,090,070 17 7 count .. .. 015,555 5 0 21,488,135 0 4 £108,159,215 17 5 £108,159,215 17 5 Sundry creditors (cither than Government £ c. cl. Sundry debtors (other than Government £ s. cl. Departments and interest) estimated .. £779,030 0 0 Departments and interest) estimated .. £654,864 0 0 Notk.—Owing to the. contingent nature of many of the items, the amounts representing outstanding debtors and creditors (other than Government Departments and intorest) have not been included in the above figures, being shown as estimates only. The item "Sundry debtors" consists principally of recoveries expected on final adjustment of transport and other accounts with the Imperial and Australian Governments. The item "Sundry creditors" includes various amounts, totalling some £700,000 liability, which it is anticipated will have to be admitted on final adjustment of transport accounts in London, the balance representing the approximate figure of liability in connection with other matters in New Zealand and abroad at the above date. Ij. C. Feme lE, Officer in Charge, War Expenses Account. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have-been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, except that buildings, furniture, and equipment to the value of £9,651 Bs. 2d. have been transferred to Hospital .Boards and Patriotic Societies without the authority of Parliament. — G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-Genera]. Note.- Application is being made for authority of Parliament to write off value of buildings, furniture, and equipment, amounting to £9,651 B■>. 2d., transferred to Hospital Boards, etc., for the continuation of treatment of invalided soldiers, L, C. ForGii, Officer in Charge, War Expenses Account.


B.—l [Pt. IV

WAR EXPENSES ACCOUNT— continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1922. Expenditure. 1 ncome. To Advertising, printing and stationery, office £ s. d. By Equipment (in credit, owing to sales and £ s. d. expenses (New Zealand and abroad) .. 3,457 3 0 transfers of equipment, &o.) .. .. 192,020 110 Cost of services of Postal Department re pay- Hospital Ship " Marama" —Recoveries, &o. .831 1 1 ment of warrants in New Zealand .. 1,184 2 0 Mechanical transport .. .. .. 12,860 10 0 Camps, expenses of (New Zealand and abroad) 73,810 13 (i Military Supplies Purchase Office.. .. 1,143 0 1 Clerical assistance, including audit (Now Zea- Purchase of Horses Account —Recoveries, &c, 49,469 11 0 land and abroad) .. .. .. 20,151 10 11 Rations .. .. .. .. 5,163 13 1 Commission of enquiry re H. H. Thompson . . 130 8 0 Soldiers' Financial Assistance Board— ReExpenses in connection with riots at Rarotonga 189 li 11 ooveries, etc... .. .. .. 219 0 S Forage (New Zealand and abroad) .. .. 912 4 0 Exoess of expenditure over income carried Grants to regimental funds .. .. 50 0 0 down .. .. .. .. 1,001,700 19 10 Grants (various) and miscellaneous ~ .. 75 9 0 Half cost of expenses of raising and distributing relief funds .. .. .. .. 1,585 10 0 • Hanmer Farm—Expenses, &o. (transferred to Health Department) .. .. .. 171 12 I Compassionate allowances . . . . .. 155 0 0 Homo dofenco (Censors —balance salary) .. 125 0 0 Hospital Ship " Maheno." .. .. .. 05 0 1 League of Nations —New Zealand's proportion of secretariat charges .. .. .. 9,224 1 4 Medals and decorations .. .. .. 48,214 16 5 Medical (expenses, upkeep of hospitals, salaries of administrative officers, dental treatment, artificial-limb making, &o.) .. .. 330,455 3 0 New Zealand Expeditionary Forces—Educational and vocational training (New Zealand and abroad) .. .. .. .. 10,700 10 11 Pay and allowances ... .. .. 47,18.1 10 0 Postages, telegrams, cables, &c. .. .. 7,521 9 9 Preparation of war records and history .. 1,008 0 2 Prisoners of war, repatriation expenses of .. 1,411 7 0 Pukeora Farm Account—Expenses, &c. (transferred to Health Department) .. .. 2,109 0 5 Proportion of damage by New Zealand troops during riots at Ismailia (Egypt) .. 4,048 9 3 Superannuation paid by New Zealand Government on behalf of Civil servants serving with the N.Z. Expeditionary Forces .. .. 978 15 0 Transport, including expenses of repatriation of troops, assisted passages of wives and families, freights, oartage, &c. .. .. 100,755 11 2 Travelling expenses and allowances .. .. 74 10 10 War graves and memorials, including New Zealand's proportion of Imperial War Graves Commission .. .. .. .. 27,071. 18 o War gratuities .. .. .. .. 49,749 1.8 7 Depreciation on divisional equipment, hospital HM and oamp buildings, furniture, &o. .. 139,172 9 9 Loans Flotation Expenses Account —Balanoe of amount now written off .. .. 303,074 18 4 £1,263,482 10 1 £1,203,482 10 1 To Excess of expenditure over income brought £ s. d, i By Interest on investments £ s. d. £ s. d down .. .. .. .. 1,001,766 19 10 for year ended 31st Interest on loan-moneys March, 1922 .. 103,970 -2 8 for year ended 31st £ s. d. Interest on investments Maroh, 1922 ..3,857,374 1 8 accrued at 31st March, Interest accrued cm loan- 1922 ~ .. 34,149 7 It) moneys at 31st March, 138,119 It) (i 1922 .. .. 1,150,441 2 0 Proportion of interest on 5,007,815 4 2 loan-moneys (RopatriaContributions from Con- tion Department)— solidated fund to- To 31st March, 1921 81,556 9 4* wards Sinking Fund— ' To 31st March, 1922 64,117 12 4 Period 1915-21 ..2,317,244 13 9* 145,674 I S Year ended 31st Maroh, - Excess of expenditure over income, in--1922 .. .. 815,380 0 0 eluding interest, &c. .. .. .. 8,943,709 5 7 3,132,030 13 9 Contributions from Consolidated Fund towards National Provident bund and friendly societies to date .. .. *85,350 0 0 £9,227,562 17 9 £9,227,502 17 9 * Omitted in statement for period ended 31st March, 1.921. . Treasury Adjustment Account, 31st March, 1922. Dr. Cr. To Amount outstanding owing by— £ s. cl. £ s. d. Defence Headquarters .. ' .. .. 300,319 211 By Balanoo carried down .. .. .. 448,050 19 0 Public Works Department .. .. 17,050 0 0 Health Department .. .. .. 124,08116 7 £448,050 19 0 £448,050 19 6 £ s. d. To Balance brought clown .. .. .. £448,050 19 (>

B.—l [Ft. IV].

WAR EXPENSES AOOOUNT— continued. Treasury (Consolidated Fund) Account, 31st March, 1922. 1922. £ s. d. 1921. £ s. d. Mar. 31. Mar. 31. To Interest on investments, including accrued 138,119 10 0 Byßalance .. .. .. .. 10,217,709 19 10 Proportion of interest on loans (Ropatria- 1922. tion Department) to 31st March, 1922.. 145,074 I 8 Mar. 31. Balance carried down .. .. .. 18,719,712 5 7 By Interest on loans, including accrued .. 5,007,815 4 2 Contributions to Sinking Fund, 1915-22,. 3,132,630 13 9 Loans redeemed (15.-1, Pt. 1, page 30) .. gf 500,000 0 0 National Provident Fund and friendly socioties .. .. .. .. 85,350 0 0 £19,003,505 17 9 £19,003,505 17 9 £ s. d. By Balance brought down .. .. 18,719,712 5 7 L. 0. FORQIE, Officer in Charge War Expenses. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1922. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. War-loan capital .. 81,550,540 0 0 Cash in Public Account .. .. 85,073 13 6 Less loans redeemed 500,000 0 0 Imprests outstanding— ■ 80,990,510 0 0 New Zealand .. 71,138 13 2 Securities issued to cover expenses of raising London . . . . 56,225 19 3 loans .. .. .. .. 695,289 8 0 127,364 12 5 Contributions, &c, re- Investments Account (War-loan moneys) .. 3,498,000 19 6 ceived towards War Ex- £ s. d. Investments on account of Sinking Fund penses funds. . .. 174,148 10 6 (see contra) .. .. .. .. 3,451,100 19 0 Less amounts re- Sundry debtors (interdepartmental only; see funded and trans- ] footnote;) .. .. .. .. 25,020 11 2 forred .. .. 3,274 13 9 Ordnance and equipment stocks .. .. 57,085 19 7 170,873 10 9 £ s. cl. Pay-warrants issued .. 19,400 0 0 Divisional equipment .. 1,370,449 13 4 Less pay-warrants re- Less depreciation .. 130,702 8 4 deemed.. .. 19,301 10 0 1,233,087 5 0 38 10 0 Forage and rations stocks .. .. 5,942 11 0 Remittances received for Medical and surgical stocks .. .. 44,390 16 6 transmission to and from Offioe furniture and cquipsoldiers .. .. 468,573 11 10 ment .. .. 10,588 1 8 Less remittances paid 467,161 14 3 Less depreciation on 1,411 1.7 7 portion (balance at Sinking Fund (see contra).. .. .. 3,451,106 19 0 valuation) .. 359 19 5 Sundry creditors (interdepartmental only ; see 10,228 2 3 footnote) .. .. .. .. 50,815 10 8 Motor-transport vehioles at valuation (inoludDivisional Equipment Reserve .. .. 393,839 5 0 ing those on loan to other Departments, Treasury (Consolidated spare parts, &c.) .. .. .. 39,937 14 9 Fund) Account — In- £ s. cl. Artificial - limb factory tercst, e&c. .. .. 18,719,712 5 7 (building, .machinery, Less Treasury Inter- tool s, and Btoeks departmental Ac- throughout New Zeacount .. .. 448,050 19 0 Zealand, including voca- £ s. d. 18,271,001 0 1 tional) .. ' .. 11,974 17 0 Less depreciation on building and machinery .. .. 123 19 1 11,850 18 0 Lands and buildings (camps, hospitals, &o.) 85,866 0 0 Less depreciation on buildings .. 1,926 3 0 83,939 17 0 Advances to Repatriation Department .. 1,424,835 18 10 Excess of expenditure over income— £ s. d. Balanoe, 31st March,l92l 85,490,335 9 0 For year ended 31st March, 1922, as per account .. .. 8,943,769 5 7 94,434,104 14 7 Less recovery from Germany for cost of Army of Occupation .. 507,000 0 0 93,927,104 14 7 £104,025,570 13 1 £1.04,025,570 13 1 Sundry creditors (other than Now Zealand £ s. d. Sundry debtors (other than New Zealand £ s. d. Government Departments : estimated) .. 1,451,172 0 0 Government Departments : estimated) .. 672,045 9 9 Note. —Owing to the contingent nature of many of the items, the outstanding liabilities and assets (sundry debtors and creditors) have not been included in the above figures, being shown as estimates only. The item " Sundry debtors " consists principally of recoveries expected on the final adjustment of accounts with the Imperial authorities and shipowners in London. The item " Sundry creditors " includes various amounts, totalling approximately £1,380,000, which it is anticipated will have to be paid on adjustment of transport and other accounts in London, the balance representing the approximate figure of remaining liability in New Zealand and Australia. L. C. Forgie, Officer in Charge War Expenses. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, find correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—C. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l |Pt. IVJ.

DEVELOPMENT OF WATER- POWER. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS AT THE 31st MARCH, 19023. General Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1923, compared with Position at 31st March, 1922.


1921-22. Liabilities. 1922-23. 1921-22. Assets. 1922-23. £ s. d. Aid to Water-power Works and Eletricc £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Lake Coleridge scheme — £ s. d. £ s. d. Supply .Accounts — 814,050 14 1 Assets as per separate balance-sheet .. 906,921 12 2 Debentures issued — Profit and Loss Account —Accumulated 350,000 0 0 .At 4 per cent, interest .. .. 350,000 0 0 29,175 9 5 loss to date .. .. .. 23,875 16 11: 119,000 0 0 At 4J per cent, interest .. .. 119,000 0 0 930,797 9 1 At 5J per cent, interest .. .. 4,000 0 0 S43,226 3 6 Bonds issued (due 1930) at 5 per cent. Lake Waikaremoana scheme — 56,150 0 0 interest .. .. .. .. 56,150 0 0 62,566 4 3 Assets as per separate balance-sheet .. 76,650 17 8 N.Z. Consolidated stock— .. Profit and Loss .Account —Loss to date .. 390 5 0 1,331,360 0 0 At 5 per cent, interest (due 1930) .. 1,331,360 0 0 j— 77,041 2 8 At 5 per cent, (due 1935-45) .. 9,575 11 0 62,566 4 3 At 5 per cent, (due 1935-45) .. 894 2 9 Waikato River schemes — 1,076,938 9 3 At 6 per cent, interest (due 1936-51) .. 1,076,938 9 3 Horahora— 807,703 17 0 At 6 per cent, interest (due 1936-51) .. 807,703 17 0 Assets as per separate £ s. d. 3,755,622 0 0 404,933 0 10 balance-sheet .. 436,755 0 4 3,741,152 6 3 Profit and Loss AcWaihi Gold-mining Company (Limited) — count — AccumuPurchase of Horahora works— Deed of 5,882 15 9 lated loss to date.. 212,500 0 0 securitv at 5 per cent, interest .. .. 212,500 0 0 430,755 0 4 . 410,816 2 7 3,953,052 0 3 3,968,122 0 0 Arapuni— Consolidated Fund — , Headworks and surInterest accrued on loans to 31st March, 13,848 13 9 veys .. .. 17,565 18 10 40,3i6 12 8 192a .. .. .. .. .. 41,363 12 5 500 0 0 Land at Auckland .. 500 0 0 Sundry creditors for interest unolaimed .. .. 70 15 11 •• Houses .. .. 56 11 9 50,000-volt linesAmount set aside as reserve to cover differ- .. Horahora - Arapuni 4,267 0 6 ence between interest payable on loans 110,000- volt lines — raised and interest earned from their .. Hamilton-.4uckland 625 5 3 temporary investment pending use .. .. 36,433 11 .. Arapuni -Te Kuiti 148 6 0 Stocks of material for Lake Coleridge scheme— 46,353 0 0 line to Auckland .. 49,158 1 8 54,536 19 0 Depreciation reserve .. .. .. 61,275 8 7 Interest during con12,148 18 6 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 2,741 7 11 2,706 13 8 struction .. 6,508 2 9 ! 04,016 16 0 i Debtors - 66,085 17 6 03.408 7 5 For rent paid in advance 9 14 2 78,839 0 11 — 515,594 1 3 4,060,664 16 5 Carried forward .. .. ' .. 14,110,006 5 11 1,380,016 17 9| Carried forward .. .. .. 1,523,432 13 0

B.—l [Pt. IV


General Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1923, conmpared with Position at 31st March, 1922—continued.

1921-22. Liabilities. 1922-23. 1921-22. Assets. 1922-23. £ s. d. 4,000,064 16 5 Brought forward Horahora scheme — 10,210 10 7 Depreciation reserve .. 7,411 6 11 Sundry creditors Net profit 17,621 17 6 Arapuni scheme — Sundry creditors Mangahao scheme — 6,635 7 11 Sundry creditors Waikaremoana scheme — 5,014 0 0 Sundry creditors 4,089,936 1 10 | Carried forwaj-d • £ s. d. £ s. d. , £ s. d. 4,110,006 5 11 | 1,380,016 17 9 Brought forward 16,605 7 10 1,028 15 5 Mangahao River scheme — 386 8 0 8,527 11 2 Land and easements .. 18,020 11 3 52,676 0 0 Headworks, dams, tunnels, &c. 39,487 10 8 Roads, trams, &c. 5,098 10 7 Pipe-lines, &c. 12,611 6 1 Buildings • 209 16 6 2,859 15 4 Power plant and machinery 78,301 16 4 Construction plant, tools, &c. .. Transmission-lines .. 28,151 i7 0 Workers'accommodation 12,039 8 10 23,004 4 4 Surveys, engineering, &c. 56,955 14 9 Material on hand 16,929 1 3 Interest during construction 4,146 6 11 324,603 13 6 Sundry debtors 1,544 15 I Other schemes, surveys, &c. — North Island — 376 13 11 Aratiatia (Waikato River) .. 423 9 6 Huka Falls (Waikato River) 2,754 17 3 Hutt River (including dam site) 38 9 0 Makuri River 1,355 4 4 Rotoiti-Kaituna 879 16 8 Tauherenikau River 236 6 8 Wairua River 6,064 17 4 South Island — 803 1 9 Clarence River 5 0 0 Lake Kanieri 749 8 2 Nelson-Marlborough 90 1 0 Timaru-Oamaru 519 12 7 Opihi River 17 7 0 Toaroha River 543 0 5 Teviot River 11 19 0 Upper Taieri River 475 5 8 Lake Hawea 3,220 15 7 | 4,144,422 9 5 1,715.450 19 3_i Carried forward £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,523,432 13 0 12,221 11 0 .. 144,856 10 4 41,375 6 8 36,410 10 1 53,714 17 11 13,968 0 1 91,446 15 2 23,212 4 11 30,088 9 2 33,535 9 3 .. 108,231 11 11 43.000 19 3 1 632,062 5 9 901 12 8 376 13 11 433 9 6 2,750 17 3 38 9 0 1,355 4 4 879 16 8 i 236 6 8 — 6,070 17 4 803 1 9 5 0 0 749 8 2 96 1 0 519 12 7 17 7 0 543 0 5 11 19 0 475 5 8 3 ( 220 15 7 .. 2,165,688_ 4 4


B.—l [Pt. IVj

J. J. Gibs ok, Acting-Accountant, Public Works Department. I hereby certify that the balance-sheet has been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly states the position as disclosed thereby. G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

General Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1923, compared with Position at 31st March, 1922— continued.

I s 6 zzfffin " rem 01 i 986S80?jj e 6 zzffn'tt* " •• •• 1 01 i 986'680't| S 91 iSO'Oil jj aniaqos o() g (j [ Plt'VK I sn-eoj Sutsibi joj sagj'eqo g 9 g^g'tgi — asnodsng — j S 6 ZZf'ftl'f 9 S 8i&'616'£ 110 ZOf'lZ •• •' •' 8S6I Z LI S06'S3 01 w}u.m; i>jaui uo patuooB 9 8 OtO'm't ' 8 8 2L6'068'Sj 01 9 8SL'808'l " •• '• (asu jcj panabai Ajpiniot; o 0 OOt'fOl'S [Itun sputij) ;u noaay jimui is,>au i I 61 999 '99 I S 9 091 '6f I ~ | I 8 QZL'6f '• " '• '• uopuo'-j 9 ot 8SS'09 ui sjaaigo iu.tiniuOAii; > jo spinnj u ] 6 81 SSL •• " •• •• pnepsaz 9 i\ 608'! M9 N sjaoijjo jo spire q nj I f oOI ' 86 *• ** I \\ 8$L'f —J-B8A aqa jo pua dqi ui 80Tn?{«gr II 01 Slt'f ** " *• •* pmpiAipin il 6 fQf'f £we o; aiquaSj'eqo ;ou 9in|ipuadxa [ej9U80 f f 889'691'S " '• •" p-kjauoj g 61 OSf'STi't ! S 6 ZZf'ffl't pJBAUoj Oil 986'680'f P S 3F ; p s 3F 1 P « 3 I P g 5F 1 I ' -p 8 3F | I '8C-S26T -snaggy ZZ-IZ61 CZ~Z7Si sdmtqmq "SS-IS6I I : ! L_ : t

8.-l [Pt. IV].

LAKE COLERIDGE HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY. Profit and Loss Account for Year ended 31st March, 1923, compared with Year ended 31st March, 1922. Gross Revenue Account.


1921-22. 1922-23. 1921-22. 1922-23. To Generating expenses, headworks, and power- £ s. d. I house — 2,971 13 3 Salaries .. 1.016 16 11 Wages 195 10 9 ; Supplies 651 11 0 Transport of stores, &c. Maintenance and repairs — 1,002 10 2 ! Maintenance, Harper diversion .. 49 1 10' Headworks Pipe-lines 49 0 0 Power-house building .. 987 7 10 Power-house machinery .. 256 13 4 Roads and fences .. .. I 120 11 4 ; Staff residences, &c. .. ..I 7,300 16 5 Transmission- line — 518 6 4 Salaries Transport, including upkeep of horses, 593 0 10 ' traps, cars, and cycles 1,897 11 3 Repairs to power- lines 146 10 0 Repairs to roads 3,155 8 5 Substation, Addington — 1,124 9 7 j Salaries .. 679 0 9 Wages 145 12 11 Supplies .. Maintenance and repairs — 185 11 5 Buildings and yards 147 11 8 Machinery 2,282 6 4 — ■ Distribution — 20S 18 10 Salaries .. 12 4 Wages Transport, including upkeep of motor 143 7 1 lorry and ear Maintenance of feeder cables, trans1,686 19 8 former stations, and tools 772 14 4 Maintenance of secondary distribution 244 1 5 Maintenance of and testing meters 289 3 2 Earth-testing £ s. d. 2,437 18 5 851 16 0 142 10 3 614 8 3 568 6 1 159 10 9 69* 12 6 831 2 7 454 16 4 234 5 2 484 19 9 357 12 1 400 12 7 1,127 18 2 519 17 9 106 0 0 335 15 8 74 9 3 211 2 3 147 19 1 1,807 1 5 1,252 7 0 205 9 9 138 5 6 6, 1. 2, i,5 1,1 £ s. d. By Sale of energy — £ s. d. I £ s. d. 52,866 7 0 Wholesale .. .. .. .. 64,893 19 8 1,869 15 11 Retail .. .. .. .. 2,100 11 1 54,736 2 11 10 3 9 Discounts forfeited .. .. .. Rents — 813 17 10 Land and buildings .. .. .. 777 0 10 169 14 0 Electric lines .. .. .. 281 2 1 364 6 4 20 14 4 „ plant .. .. .. 41 16 11 1,004 6 2 Fees for testing and repairing electrical ap746 3 1 pliances .. .... 243 4 5 Stand-by provision : Fees from wholesale 160 0 0 consumers Interest from local bodies in respect of reticulations sold on deferred payment 156 19 4 Earnings motor-vehicles 164 0 10 £ s. d. 66,994 10 9 16 19 7 1,099 19 10 726 15 11 80 0 0 9 6 7 224 17 6 I 7co k a 1 762 5 6 3,346 6 10 '9 ' i \3£j <_' U ! 16,084 18 0 Carried forward .. - 13,533 17 1 13 ► | 533 17 1 56,813 15 3 Carried forward .. .. ..I i 56,813 15 3 69,152 10 2 69,152 10 2 I

LAKE COLERIDGE HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY— continued. Profit and Loss Account for Year ended 31st March, 1923, compared with Year ended 31st March, 1922— continued.

B.—l [Pt. IV].

15— B. 1 [Pt. IV].


"" —— — I II 188*6*3 S 0 806*083 || L II 188*6*3 S 0 806*083 ! 9 Z\ 66S'S " iimoaay uoKX'Budoiddy bso'[ pun itjojj oi aou-Bjrsjf [X 8 86*' I I 61 *IS'S8 " qoiujii isxg pspua JO} 1S9I91UI g I 186*0? L It I88'6* " " " ?nnoooy enn9A»a sbojq tnojj aou'Ejeg Xg g 0 g06'08 0 0 2,08 '6 '' 3[jom pa;a[diuoa uo ranuutt jad "luaa jad g uori'Riaa.idacx oj, o 01 8S*'8 •p -s J _ -p -8 5 -p -s 3 _ ' ' T> -8 3 I •pinoooy 9it uxtii<[ 3 01 SSI'693 8 SI 818*953 Z 01 SSI'693 8 SI 8I8'9S3 L II 188*6* qunoooy anuaiaa oi g 0 806*08 I SI 016 'SS I 81 0iS'6I ■— — — 6 8 0*S'S 9 91 698'* f 01 9 '' sasu9dx9 apuii snoairexxaosjxt f SI SI •■s;qep [I si X S *1 SI9 •" •" •" Sui;s9i irauiogxa g XI *U X z fl '' s'}unooo , e jo uo noissimmoQ 0 6 99 0 I 8£S '' puB \\ f LL& 0 0 99 " " * " S98J iipny 0 0 OS Z SI 68 ■' " ■ ■ 90uumsu; aiij 6 8 81 01 9 90S " •" '• fBd inapiaoy I 91 9SS 8 9 IS '• " 3uis!iJ9Apv 8 SI SS z I ft I ■ ' ■ ' AJ9U0I1B1S puts gmiUIJJ g il SSI g 01 S6 ■ ■ " suoiaduosqns auoifdajax S 5 III S *1 161 " " surejS9[9i pnu g S 8£l 0 01 59 "" " ' sSmpjrnq jo inajj 0 01 S9 0 0 00S "" "" '' inaj-aoijjo 0 0 00S 1 g XII " " ■ ' p 0 *8x Z IX 19 1 " iiain5{joM oi Arid £ep;xoq pun ipig 8 SI *11 I g[ 688' i •' •" •" S9u«itig g I 9Ig'S 89SU9dx9 JUI9U9§ pUB UM1 liailvur [\_' * 8 98s'* 0 S 198" I — 0 S LI '' pgiXddiis jCSj9U9 ioj 'p.i«o;[ f 8 S8S*8 aumiubjx, qojnqoisuqQ oi inauiif-ej 0 0 068' I •• " " " p-™°a 0 0 OSS'X £«Mnreij; qoinqoisuq;) O] luamA^i —uoisiAOjd o j, S 01 S3l*69 " " " pJBMioj iqSnojg g SI 818*95 I LI 885*81 " "" " patuuoj (jqSiiojg 0 81*80*91 •p -8 j p -s 3 "P "a J "P * B 3 P ■« 3 'P ' B 3 •8S-SS6I 'SS-ISfil -85-SS61 ' 'SS-IS6I •panuT^noo —pinoooy ssoj,q

B.—l [Pt. IV


LAKE COLERIDGE HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY— continued. Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.

1921-22. To Balance from previous year's statement .. 1922-23. £ s. d. 29,175 9 5 1921-22. £ s. d. 1,498 8 11 By Balance from Net Revenue Account 29,175 9 5 Balance to balance-sheet —Accumulated loss I 1922-23. £ s. d. 5,299 12 6 23,875 16 11 1922-23. £ s. d. 30,673 IS 4 £30,673 18 4 i £29,175 9 5 I £30,673 18 4 ■ £29,175 9 5 £29,175 9 5 | £30,673 18 4 EPBECIATION R: iserve Account. £ s. d. 427 9 6 54,530 19 0 £54,964 8 6 To Amounts written off — Motor vehicles and tools Transmission-line reconstruction Balance to balance-sheet £ s. d. 4,750 0 0 61,275 8 7 £66,025 8 7 £ s. d. j 44,750 17 9 By Balance from previous year's statement .. 1,790 0 9 Interest at 4 per cent, per annum 8,423 10 0 ! Amount set aside as per Profit and Loss Account .. £ s. d. 54,536 19 0 2,181 9 7 9,307 0 0 \ £54,964 8 6 £54,964 8 6 £66,025 8 7 Xote. The State Supply of Electrioal Energy Act provides for the establishment of a sinking fund of 1 per cent, per annum when profits are available for the purpose) and for the payment of arrears of sinking-fund contributions out of any future profits. The arrears of Sinking fund (at 4 per cent, interest) since commencement of operations in 1915 total £37,765.


B.—l [Pt. IV

LAKE COLERIDGE HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY—continued. Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1923.

1 6 _B. 1 [Pt. IV].

1921-22. Liabilities. 1922-23. 1921-22. Assets. 1922-23. £ s. d. 54,536 19 0 Depreciation Reserve Account Sundry creditors — 3,996 14 1 On open accounts 6,496 15 9 On contracts .. 1,217 2 0 Wages accrued 308 6 8 Payment for current in advance .. 130 0 0 Consumers guarantee deposits 12,148 18 6 Balance carried to general balance-sheet — 843, 226 3 6 Total assets as per contra 66,685 17 6 Less total liabilitiesas above 776,540 6 0 £ s. d. 1,526 2 4 906 9 11 .. 308* 15 8 .. 930,797 9 1 64,016 16 6 £ a. d. £ s. d. Works at Lake Coleridge — £ s. d. £ s. d 61,275 8 7 4,229 16 4 Land, including fencing and planting .. .. 4,229 16 • 5,317 4 6 Coalgate Gorge Road .. .. .. .. 5,317 4 i 7,566 3 8 Service roads .. .. .. .. .. 7,566 3 279 12 8 Service telephones .. .. .. .. 279 12 17,392 17 2 Headworks — 79,558 18 8 Tunnel, including inlet and outlet works 79,868 7 1 64,457 13 2 Pipe-lines.. .. .. .. 68,842 4 6 2,741 7 11 1,996 16 2 Tram-line .. .. .. .. 1,996 16 2 410 17 7 Weir at lake-outlet, gauges, and fencing 3,357 0 5 17,355 2 8 Harper River diversion works .. 21,413 8 11 175,477 17 163,779 8 3 Power-house — 866,780 12 7 24,854 2 6 Buildings, &c. .. .. .. 25,215 17 1 74,555 9 3 Machinery, &e. .. .. .. 100,149 5 9 231 2 1 Office furniture, fittings, &c... .. 231 2 1 —— 125.596 4 1 £ s. d. 61,275 8 7 24,854 2 6 74,555 9 3 231 2 1 IhOjOMO 4 I 99,640 13 10 Accommodation for staff and workmen — 14,298 7 4 Buildings, fencing, &c. .. .. .. 14,560 5 Transmission- line — 4,051 11 8 Land .. .. .. .. 4,051 11 8 85,249 6 6 Power-lines to Christchurch .. .. 176,264 2 1 33,270 18 7 Power. lines to South Canterbury .. 55,299 3 I 2,403 18 2 Telephone -system .. .. .. 2,403 18 2 Linemen's cottages, depots, tools, and 3,118 12 10 equipment .. .. .. ..' 3,165 5 5 6,588 12 4 Alterations to public telegraph-lines .. 6,588 12 4 2,060 8 7 Point Switching Station .. .. 4,017 7 10 251,790 0 136,743 8 8 Addington Substation — 3,483 0 5 Land, including cottages .. .. 3,483 0 5 3,875 6 0 Substation buildings .. .. .. 3,875 6 0 27,954 19 0 Machinery, &c. .. .. .. 28,190 19 2 5,829 10 7 Store buildings and workshops .. .. 5,856 4 3 : 41,405 9 li 41,142 16 0 99,640 13 10 14,298 7 4 843.226 3 6 Carried forward .. 930,797 9 1 ; 472,997 11 3 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 626,222 15 I

B.—l [Pt. IV]


J. H. Fowler, Deputy-Controller and Auditor-General.

LAKE COLERIDGE HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY— continued. Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1923— continued.

puodsauoo oq. ptmoj pn-e putt 'siaqonoA 'sqooq Smjioddns sboima sq} qgiM paiisduioo a [tip uoaq st>q aqj, I 6 I6£'0863F 9 8 933'8f8? I 6 i6i'0S65 9 8 933 ' 8*83 II 91 9I8'83 ! ■' •" " '* " g 6 gil'63'!! V sso'j pire iuo.i ( j raoij o;hii:]km I tl OSO'flS 3 31 I36'906 i 91 f09'£I r at onn'/i •• ( " " • * T>? %no paureo jpo* jo,i f 8 99i'l omauyLi \ " * * '■ ?uai ptre (juajjtio g g I 688 ' 11 —SICKjqap j£ipnng f SI 981 •' " " " aouisApu m oi 81 391 pred aouttinsu; 9.1 y ptre suopjduosqns 9tioqd9[9X I 0 g'60' If " " a'j'ep !)« puBq no'-02J jo 8 61 *A9'83I 0 9 880 ' 0 61 Z09'IA9 01 61 S6A'63 •' " " Suunp f fi ct6'l3 016 369'£3 " " Sutmp pu'E siaAjns i oi 8A8'0S A.ii>uitm( no pu'E siaauiSug; jo satji^pg 6 81 6fA'93 " ' • uoi-jaru-jsuo.) Suuup pire A.n::uiiui[Oj(i 8 81 696 '83 uo sasuadxa juiatiaS put? 'aoijfo 'gimaauiSug; 9 9 '' "" sSnyWB P"* annnun^ —aogjo qo.mqo:jsuqo g g LfZ I 61 811 •' " sjaoiflo (-Boo] pire p.reog a-b.w ui-b.ix i 61 81 1 pu-B pounoQ ifcjiQ qojiiqtxjsijqQ o; sauoqdajax 6 8 63i'l " " 9>[B| aifj o-) s.iuoqdap-) ojiqnj 6 8 63A'I 01 SI L96'II '■ pu«'sjoo^ '-juB[d A A 96A'0I 9 tl 88 "" '" " '" }U9tndinba A 01 101 3 81 9f9'9 "• '• "• -o^'sapjfo puB'samoj 'sjbo o 31 lit '8 8 I 889'9I '■ " ajaiaui pue aoiAjag f g| ffl'9l 3 3 OZf'Zf I 81 896 'At 6 61 60? '93 "" •' " I-BOOI lit 968'03 f 81 8?9'l3 •' •' nop«inojiai pire sajq'eo Xjddng g AI ?30'33 — irepuooag 9 81 186' Ig 9 01 680 '99 — 8 31 9Ig'I sami-qd-Bjgaia} a;iqtid 8 31 919' I 9 f 008 '" '' " pire sjoox 9 f 008 6 6 339 "" " '" siatsajjB-guiiqijSri 6 6 339 3 0 610' I P; 0 B J «(I-<4 B -' OJO H I II Wi'i'S "• f Z\ 919 '8 3 01 918 '01 •" •" luaipnog [ 9 98A'0I 8 6 S68'8I •• 8 9[ 8I9'9I 6 8 SIO'A "• •" 6 8 SIO'A 01 61 688' f " si-BAmreix qo.mqo(}siiqo 9 0 f£8't 0 6 896 '9 "• AlO qojtiqo^suqo— isaiqeo A ddtl S f 6 638 '9 — iCreunij 0 91 333*939 " ** " "* " fjqgnoig g II A66'3Af I 6 A6A'0E6 " " "* ** iqSnoag 9 g 933'8?8 ■p "8 5 "p -b 3 *p *s 3? ! p *9 J - p 's 3 - p - s J *83-3361 -sjassy "33-1361 *83-3361 ; sd m iqvyj *33-1361

B.—l [Pt. IVJ.

WAIKAREMOANA ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY. Profit and Loss Account for Year ended 31st March, 1923.


1921-22. 1922-23. 1921-22. 1922-23. £ s. d. 915 5 0 £915 5 0 £ s. d. To Interest on capital from 1st January, 1923 By Rental oi plant leased to Wairoa Power Board from lst January, 1923 .. .. .. .. .. 525 0 0 Loss on operations .. .. .. .. .. 390 5 0 £915 5 0 % Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1923. 1921-22. Liabilities. 1922-23. 1921-22. Assets. 1922-23. il £ s. d. 57,552 4 3 5,014 0 0 Balance carried to general balance-sheet Sundry creditors £ s. d. 72,894 15 9 4,146 6 11 £ s. d. 32,079 12 3 12,525 5 0 9,544 12 3 5,327 10 0 Access roads and bridges Pipe-lines Power-house building and machinery Compensation for land Headworks Staff cottages Loose plant Telephone-line Survey, engineering, and office expenses Interest during construction £ s. d. 11,920 11 4 18,550 17 3 27,564 5 10 6,334 10 7 227 0 6 1,714 16 10 335 10 0 1,000 0 0 2,780 10 11 5,697 14 5 1,573 19 6 1,515 5 3 Sundry debtors Balance lrom Profit and Loss Account : Loss 76,125 17 8 525 0 0 390 5 0 £62,566 4 3 £77,041 2 8 £62.566 4 3 £77,041 2 8 I

B.—l [Pt. IV


WAIKATO ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY.—HORAHORA SCHEME. Profit and Loss Account for Year ended 31st March, 1923, compared with Year ended 31st March, 1922. Gross Revenue Account.

1921-22. 1922-23. 1921-22. 1922-23. £ s. d. 2,546 2 II 139 19 2 326 19 8 70 14 6 To Generating expenses, headworks, and powerhouse — £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. 2,478 3 3 Wages .. .. .. .. 127 7 4 Supplies .. .. .. .. 324 19 11 Transport .. .. .. 141 19 3 Maintenance and repairs — Headworks and buildings .. 305 12 10 - Power-house machinery .. 375 0 2 Staff village .. .. .. 106 5 8 £ s. d. 3,859 S 5 £ s. d. i 27,105 2 7 271 16 7 27,105 2 7 271 16 7 3y Sales of electrical energy to wholesale conha *aH ie o ' sumers .. .. .. ... 40,467 15 8 j Less discounts and rebates .. .. 86 5 0 I A -10 1 1 A O 40,381 10 8 £ s. d. 40,467 15 8 86 5 0 £ s. d. 288 7 4 282 18 2 79 14 10 26,833 6 0 26,833 6 0 3,734 16 7 83 16 10 216 6 0 348 7 0 83 16 10 216 6 0 348 7 0 Hire of plant .. .. .. .. 37 14 6 Rent of lines .. .. .. .. 461 4 1 Miscellaneous rents . . .. .. 506 17 5 Discounts forfeited .. .. .. 14 16 9 091 1 8 84 9 0 135 4 7 Main transmission-lines (50,000-volt) — Horahora to Waikino — . Wages .. .. .. 628 16 0 Repairs and supplies .. .. 331 18 2 Transport .. .. . . 137 15 10 1,098 10 0 648 9 10 I 1,020 12 9 - 1 i 910 15 3 i 725 8 3 725 8 3 Testing, oil-drying, and repairs for consumers .. .. .. .. .. 368 3 2 Fees for inspection of lines and testing of instruments, &c, .. .. .. .. 48 6 0 __ Horahora to Hamilton — Wages .. .. .. 123 18 9 Repairs and supplies .. .. 120 8 9 Transport .. .. .. 46 2 7 •■ 725 8 3 10K ft ** I 290 10 1 8 2 9 Mystery Creek to Te Awamutu — Wages .. .. .. 60 18 2 Repairs and supplies .. .. | 8 3 5 Transport .. .. .. 21 9 0 60 18 2 8 3 5 21 9 0 i " 8 2 9 90 10 7 ! 561 .5 0 178 17 0 Main substations (50,000-volt)— Waikino — Operating wages (half) .. 503 13 3 Repairs to building, machinery, &c 132 6 1 503 13 3 132 6 1 740 2 6 635 19 4 I I 61 11 8 Hamilton — Operating wages .. .. 151 11 9 Repairs and supplies to building, machinery, &e. .. .. 33 3 1 Maintenance yards, workshops, &e. 89 16 4 Repairs, tools, and instruments .. 45 1 0 " " ■ 61 11 8 Te -Awamutu — Operating wages .. .. 58 9 3 Repairs and supplies to building and machinery .. .. 1 13 11 60 3 2 :19 12 2 60 3 2 i 28,207 4 1 Carried forward .. .. .. 41,818 12 7 5,455 8 9 _ Carried forward 6,354 13 9 6,354 13 9 .

B.—l [Pt. IVJ.

WAIKATO ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY.—HORAHORA SCHEME— continued. Profit and Loss Account for Year ended 31st March, 1923, compared with Year ended 31st March, 1922— continued. Gross Revenue Account — continued.


1921-22. 1922-23. | 1921-22. 1922-23. £ s. d. 5,4,55 8 9 297 10 4 12 0 10 309 11 2 Brought forward Main substations (50,000 volt) — contd. — Distribution substations — Waihi Grand Junction Various £ s. d. 2 12 1 31 1 10 £ s. d. 6,354 13 9 33 13 11 £ s. 28,207 4 d. 1 Brought forward .. £ s. d. £ s. d. 41,818 12 7 • 97 8 7 6 7 10 22 2 10 125 19 3 769 13 2 180 2 2 191 14 10 69 7 2 24 16 11 7 7 0 48 11 9 97 19 3 17 5 1 9 5 8 , Distribution lines, (11,000 volt)— Horahora-Hamilton-Frankton — Wages Repairs and supplies Transport Waikino-Wnihi Management and general — Salaries, and wages .. Accident insurance, sick and holiday pay Travelling-expenses and motor-cars .. Postages, telegrams, and telephone .. Fire insurance .. .. Legal expenses Printing, stationery, and advertising.. Office rent, cleaning, and lighting Experimental testing Miscellaneous expenses 109 16 1 61 9 0 34 18 11 5 11 10 1,497 19 0 339 8 6 430 1 8 103 12 1 26 5 6 1 11 6 74 5 7 179 9 0 56 7 11 15 5 5 211 15 10 9 79A e 9 I 1,406 3 0 8 15 6 j 680 10 7 \ Purchase of current Testing, oil-drying, repairs, &c, for consumers £.,16** U ni 90 4 2 | 2,724 6 2 90 4 2 306 13 11 306 13 11 7,986 8 3 i 9,721 7 9 9,721 7 9 : 20,220 15 10 ' £28,207 4 1 Balance to Net Revenue Account £■ 32,097 4 10 32,097 4 10 241,818 12 7 £41,818 12 7 £41,818 12 7 £28,207 4 1 Net Revenue Account. £ a. d. £ s . d. £ b. d. j To Interest on purchase-money for plant purchased from Waihi 20,220 15 10 By Balance from Gross Revenue Account 13,187 5 0; Gold-mining Company, and on advances from Treasury.. 19,208 7 8J 4,262 3 4 ; Depreciation on completed works (2 per cent.) .. .. 0,236 9 3 I Special depreciation provision to cover cost of replacing tem250 0 0 porary work .. .. .. .. .. 383 4 2 2,521 7 6 Balance to Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. 0,269 3 9 £20,220 15 10 £32,097 4 10 £20,220 15 10 £ s. d. 32,097 4 10 £32,097 4 10 ■

B.—l [Pt. IV].

WAIKATO ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY.—HORAHORA SCHEME— continued. Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.


1921-22. 1922-23. 1921-22. 1922-23. i £ s. d. 8,404 3 3 To Balance from previous year Balance to balance-sheet £ s. d. ! 5,882 15 9 \ 386 8 0 £ a. d. 2,521 7 6 By_Balance from Net Revenue Account 5,882 15 9 Balance to Balance-sheet —Accumulated loss to date £ s. d. 6,269 3 9 £8,404 3 3 \ £6,269 3 9 £8,404 3 3 £8,404 3 3 A. £6,269 3 9 Depreciation Eeserve Account. £ s. d. To Amount written off for temporary works.. .. Amount written off for value of motor-cycle accidentally 180 0 0 destroyed .. .. .. .. .. 10,210 10 7 Balance to balance-sheet £ s. d. 633 4 2 16,605 7 10 ; £ s. d. 5,653 4 9 225 2 6 4,512 3 4 By Balance at close of previous year Interest for year Amount set aside as per Net Revenue Account £ s. d. 10,210 10 7 408 8 0 6,619 13 5 £10,390 10 7 i £17,238 12 0 J £17,238 12 0 £10,390 10 7 £10,390 10 7 j i £17,238 12 0 £17,238 12 0 Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1923. 1921-22. Liabilities. 1922-21. 1921-22. Assets. 1922-23. £ s. d. Electric-supply Account — 393, 194 5 1 Balance carried to general balance-sheet 7,411 6 11 Sundry creditors 10,210 10 7 Depreciation reserve .. Balance from Profit and Loss Appropriation Account — Net profit £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 418,734 9 1 2,168 5 9 1,028 15 5 956 14 9 I 16,605 7 10 9,537 15 5 86,699 10 4 26,682 15 8 28,561 4 1 2,821 16 4 386 8 0 157,428 2 4 Works, &c, at Horahora — £ g. <J. Roads and bridges .. .. .. 2,168 5 9 Land and fencing .. .. .. 950 14 9 Accommodation for staff and workmen .. 10,320 3 7 Headworks .. .. .. .. 88,666 5 1 Generating-station .. .. .. 41,414 9 0 Transformer building and machinery .. 30,894 13 7 Tools and equipment .. .. .. 81 6 5 £ s. d ,501 18 2 _ - I i 44,425 1 6 18,090 10 5 6,826 12 5 4,255 17 5 Transmission-lines (50,000 volts) — Horahora-Waihi .. .. .. 44,573 13 y Horahora-Hamilton .. .. .. 22,122 5 0 Mystery Creek - Te Awamutu .. .. j 7,485 0 0 Waiorongomai- Waihou .. .. 4,524 7 4 Waihou-Hamiiton .. .. .. [ 138 19 2 Linesmen's cottages .. .. .. 857 13 6 410,816 2 7 Carried forward 804 15 9 74,402 17 0 436,755 0 4 231,830 19 10 Carried forward i 79,701 18 9 254,203 16 11

B.—l [Pt. IV].

G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

WAIKATO ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY.—HORAHORA SCHEME— continued. Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1923— continued.


pnodsaiioo 05. punoj pun put; 'SJeqonoA 'sjjooq 8at;iod(Ins snout; a 9q} paitfdmoo U99q ST;q gqj^ t 0 SSi'98*3F L Z 918'OIW f 0 SGL'Mfs' L Z 9IS'0It3 j •• " " •• •• SS6I 6 SI S88'S 'qojiiJ\f 181 g sso[ papqnuinooy —^unoaay uoijBijdojdcIy sso-j pus ?goj,j uiojj 1 f 0 SSi'ggf- 01 9 886 'fOf I il 9Si'S II 8 8II'0[ •" "• " "• aaciBApB 9 61 tOI 01 9t ££ u ? PF *' 01 8 'sarannsid aouBinsm I 8 680 '01 " i»U0twn jo sajro pire jo,j i il IS9'S —sjojqa(j I f 029 '18 "• " • ' ptreq uo |Bi»}Bia jo juranaQ 8 fl 868 'St 01 II 150'S68 i — — I SI £08 ' 8S8 9 91 Zi98'A9 — f SI iOS'IS ■■ ■■ uoiioiuisuoo Snunp 0 8 9I8'6I 9 81 it6'8 "" " " 01 St fSf'9 -uoo uo pui3 sA0Ajns no sioogjo jo saLref-eg I f 999 4 9 "" ** no pn-e 6 61 ffL'9 uo sasuadxa pwauaS pu« *90150 'SmiaomSug; I 9 Off •' •" ' 'annnmij abijfo 01 9 LZf 9 il ilS'f "" " sapjCo pm'sieo 'soijioj 9 g 901 'f 6 61 0tS'8 "• "• puB 8S001 8 II SOi'S I S ISS'S •' '• ' ' Bmqoiva 'saouaptsaj gwjg 9 il U9'S i Z i S98'i "• •" •" •" g el eT g' 9 'Sa;pis-Ai3.«{it3j puB s.ocni'jij pue sSujpijnq saioig I 6 II Si6 ' 8 | ' " " wnifimg ptre'i f z\ 009'8 Z II t68'i ' • (W>A-000'II) suoiwsqns nopnqupia g 61 ii0'9 II I 68i'S8 L SI 09S ' 88 II II fOl " <n out! 'iuBdcaoQ pire-if) 0 91 Sli 8 8 9SS'S58 •• •• " IIS 8i0'g8 —(WOA-000'll) sara[-no;iiiqiJisi(j — ■— — i i 9f8'08 II Z 681 'Ot : 01 01 9S9'9 "• '• " " nol I!m 01 61 *88 'S f H SSf'S " " " mnnreay 0 9 6iS'S L Z fSi'i "• " '• " aonimBH oi 8 fZl'f Z SI SSS'OS •• •• •• " o«P[™M. II il iSS'8I —(JIOA-OOO'OS) urej^ II 91 80S'tSg •• •' •' PJBAVIOJ iqSnojg j oi 61 088'l8g f 0 SSi'98? " " " piBAUOj iqgnojg j L z gig'OIf •p 'S JF 'p s j -p -s 3 'P " s 5 'P ' s 3f | 'P *s 3 "8S-SS6I -oS-1561 '8S-gg6I •sviiiiiqvi 7 2Z-Ig6I

B.—l [Pt. IV].


WESTPORT HARBOUR ACCOUNT. Revenue Account for the Two Years ended 31st March, 1923. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Stock as at Ist April, 1921 .. 11,635 10 1 By Endowment revenue .. .. 30,127 10 1 Salaries.. .. .. .. 1,265 17 3 Special wharfage on coal .. .. 15,182 710 Dredging .. .. .. 31,149 3 8 Port charges .. .. .. 4,917 3 3 Harbour maintenance .. .. 13,936 12 9 Ships'dues .. .. .. 3,370 15 11 Working-expenses of tug .. .. 1,753 3 9 Special coal rate .. .. 5,876 14 7 Accident insurance .. .. 730 0 7 Rent .. .. .. .. 175 19 8 Retiring-allowances .. .. 716 14 4 Hire of dredge .. .. .. 3,326 13 4 Office expenses .. .. .. 515 12 0 .Sale of stores .. .. .. 976 11 2 Grants .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Hire of plant .. .. .. 86 18 0 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 104 1 0 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. 496 13 6 Depreciation .. .. .. 6,030 1 6 .Stock as at 31st March, 1923 .. 8,701 17 2 Interest on loans .. .. 45,354 9 0 Balance carried down .. .. 40,052 1 5 £113,291 5 11 £113,291 5 11 £ s. d. £ s. d To Balance brought down .. .. 40,052 1 5 By Transfer from Reserve Account .. 6,463 19 8 Transfer to sinking fund .. .. 10,099 10 6 Balance.. .. .. .. 43,687 12 3 £50,151 11 11 £50,151 11 11 Special Coal Rate Cash Account for the Two Years ended 31st Maroh, 1923. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Baianco as at Ist April, 1921 .. 33,740 2 6 By Balance .. .. .. .. 44,406 3 3 Interest on investments .. .. 1,945 19 0 Amount collected to 31st March, 1923— Proportion due to £ s. d. Treasury .. ..3,838 15 10 Proportion due to Railway Department 4,851 5 II 8,720 1 9 £44,406 3 3 £44,406 3 3 Balance-sheet as at 31st Marcpi, 1923. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Loan capital .. .. .. 530,495 0 0 Eastern Breakwater .. .. 202,142 0 0 Sinking fund .. .. .. 168,688 18 5 Western Breakwater .. .. 163,545 0 0 Depreciation Reserve Account .. 6,030 1 6 Training-walls .. .. .. 102,998 0 0 Sundry creditors— £ s. d. Limestone-quarry . . .. .. 128 0 0 Accrued interest payable 4,024 12 2 Orowaiti protective works and Buller Special Coal Rate Ac- relief of channel .. .. .. 7,141 0 0 count .. .. 7,406 3 3 Floating basin .. .. .. 73,575 0 0 (In open account ..2,523 4 3 Gridiron .. .. .. .. 2,196 0 0 13,953 19 8 Dredge wharf .. .. .. 2,790 0 0 Treasury Advance Account .. .. 89,445 3 4 Martin's Island .. .. .. 700 0 0 Harbour buildings .. .. .. 4,619 0 0 Dredges, tug " Mana," &o. .. .. 25,361 0 0 Stock and material .. .. .. 8,70.1 17 2 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 2,339 15 1 Sinking fund investments .. .. 165,588 18 5 Balance—Revenue Account .. .. 43,687 12 3 £805,513 2 11 £805,513 2 11 A. D. Park, Secretary. J. E. Engel, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. (Note. —The Cape Foulwind Railway, taken over by the Government on the abolition of the Westport Harbour Board, is rot included in this balance-sheet. It has now been vested in New Zealand Railways, and will be included in the future balance-sheets of that Department.)—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (600 copies), £24f>

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 924.

Price 2s. 3d.

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Bibliographic details

BALANCE-SHEETS AND STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS OF VARIOUS GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1922-23. AUDITED ACCOUNTS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, B-01-part04

Word Count

BALANCE-SHEETS AND STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS OF VARIOUS GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1922-23. AUDITED ACCOUNTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, B-01-part04

BALANCE-SHEETS AND STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS OF VARIOUS GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1922-23. AUDITED ACCOUNTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, B-01-part04

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