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Session 11. 1923. NEW ZEALAND.

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1922.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

CONTENTS. 1. Extract from the Forty-sixth Annual Report of 4. Statements of Accounts of Governing Bodies the Minister of Eduoation. (E.-l).. .. 2 of Secondary Schools :— 2. Report of the Inspectors of Secondary Schools .. 12 Whftngare i High School Board .. .. 28 Auckland Grammar Sohools Board .. <. 29 3. Detailed Tables, etc : — Thameß High School Board .. .. 30 Secondary Schools,— Hamilton High School Board .. 30 Personnel of Staffs of Secondary Sohools .. 13 New Plymouth High Sohools Board .. 31 Kl. Roll and Average Attendance of Wanganui Girls' College Board ~ 33 K2.Yerof d a„ S da„°ce 3 of Pupils" \\ II Piston North High School Board .. 34 K3. Staffs of Secondary Sohools, and Gisborne High School Board .. ..36 Teachers' Salaries .. .. .. 17 Napier High Schools Board .. .. 37 K3a. Incidental Expenses of Secondary Dannevirke High School Board .. .. 38 Schools .. .. .. ..18 Wellington College and Girls' High School K4. Holders of Scholarships and Free Places 18 Board .. .. .. .. ..39 K5. National Scholarships .. ..19 Marlborough High School Board .. .. 40 K6. Pupils boarding away from Home .. 19 Nelson College Board .. .. .40 K7. Receipts of Seoondary Schools .. 20 Greymouth High School Board .. 42 KB. Payments of Secondary Schools .. 21 Hokitika High Sohool Board .. 42 K9. Balances and othor Monetary Assots and Rangiora High Sohool Board 42 Liabilities .. .. .. 22 Christ's College Grammar School Board !! 42 KlO. Income and Expenditure of Secondary- Canterbury College Board— _.. * ah ° o } ?; ostel f s „ •• •• " „!! Christchuroh Boys' High School .. ..43 Kll. D.stribution of Reserves Revenue .. 23 Chrietchurch Girls' High Sohool .. 44 Kl2. Lower Departments .. ..24 Ashburton High School Board .. .. 45 District High Schools, — Timaru High Sohools Board .. ..46 LI. School Attendance at Secondary Depart- Waimate High School Board .. .. 47 ments of District High Sohools .. 24 Waitaki High Schools Board .. .. 47 L 2. Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Otago High Schools Board .. .. .48 Departments of District High Schools 24 Gore High School Board .. .. .. 49 L 3. Staff, Classification, &c, in Detail .. 25 Southland High Schools Board .. ..50

I—B. 6.



1. EXTRACT FROM THE FORTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. Number of Schools. (Table Kl.) Schools affording education of a secondary nature are established in every centre of any importance in the Dominion, and are at present of the following types : Secondary schools, technical high schools, district high schools, private secondary schools, and Maori secondary schools. The majority of the district high schools are in the country centres, the secondary schools and technical high schools being in the larger towns and cities. There were thirty-six secondary schools in operation, including fourteen separate schools for boys, thirteen for girls, and nine for boys and girls. Two of the boys' schools, although endowed with public property, do not come directly under the control of the Government. The remaining secondary schools are managed by separate Boards in accordance with special Acts constituting them, and the provisions of the Education Act and regulations thereunder. There were sixty-one secondary departments of district high schools, thirteen technical high schools, ten Maori secondary schools, and twenty-seven registered private secondary schools, making a total of 147 schools providing secondary education. Number of Pupils receiving Secondary Education. The total number of pupils attending the thirty-six secondary schools mentioned above at the end of 1921 and 1922 respectively was : — r- 1921. , , 1922. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Roll (exclusive of lower departments).. 5,583 4,447 10,030 5,971 4,765 10,736 - The roll number was 706, or 7 per cent, greater than in the previous year. In the last ten years the roll number of secondary schools has nearly doubled itself. The roll number on the Ist March, which is regarded as the highest roll number during the year, was 11,593. The following are some of the figures in connection with the roll and attendance of schools in which secondary education is given : — (a.) Secondary Schools (Christ's College and Wanganui Collegiate Schools included). Roll number at end of 1922 .. .. ... .. .. .. 10,736 Roll number, Ist March, 1922 .. .. .. .. ..11,593 Average attendance for the year 1922. . .. .. .. .. 10,697 Number of new entrants, 1922 .. .. .. .. .. 4,870 f Number of first-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,185 ! Number of second-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. 3,080 I Number of third-year pupils.. .. .... '.". ".. .. 1,939 Number of fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-year pupils .. .. .. 1,532 ("Number of pupils at end of year under thirteen years of age .. .. 104 [ Number of pupils at end of year between thirteen and fourteen years of age 913 <j Number of pupils at end of year between fourteen and fifteen years of age 2,568 j Number of pupils at end of year between fifteen and sixteen years of age .. 3,139 of pupils at end of year over sixteen years of age i'".. .. 4,012



(b.) Secondary Departments of District High Schools. Number on roll at end of 1922 .. .. .. .. .. 2,606 Mean of average weekly roll—Boys, 1,437 ; girls, 1,466 : total .. .. 2,903 Average attendance .. .. .. ... .. .. 2,682 Number of new entrants from public primary schools .. .. .. 1,709 f Number of first-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,421 ■i Number of second-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. 767 of third-year pupils.. .. .. .. .. .. 418 f Number of pupils at end of year under thirteen years of ago .. .. 19 | Number of pupils at end of year between thirteen and fourteen years of age 296 < Number of pupils at end of year between fourteen and fifteen years of age 818 I Number of pupils at end of year between fifteen and sixteen years of age .. 819 [_ Number of pupils at end of year over sixteen years of age .. .. 654 (c.) Technical High Schools. Number on roll at end of 1922—80y5, 2,334 ; girls, 1,808 : total .. 4,202 f Number under thirteen years of age .. .. .. .. .. 148 ! Number between thirteen and fourteen years of age .. .. .. 896 1 Number between fourteen and fifteen years of age .. .. .. 1,360 over fifteen years of age .. .. .. .. .. 1,798 (d.) Registered Private Secondary Schools. Number on roll at end of 1922—80y5, 756 ; girls, 1,242 : total .. .. 1,998 Average attendance, 1922 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,889 f Number under thirteen years of age .. .. .. .. .. 24 | Number between thirteen and fourteen years of age .. .. .. 130 ■I Number between fourteen and fifteen years of age .. .. .. 381 I Number between fifteen and sixteen years of age .. .. .. 501 over sixteen years of age .. .. .. .. .. 962 Number of teachers —Male, 41 ; female, 82 : total .. .. .. 123 (c.) Secondary Schools for Maoris. Number on roll at end of 1922 .. ..' .. .. .. 413 Average attendance, 1922 .. .. .. .. .. .. 392 The total number of children therefore receiving secondary education in 1922 was 20,252, being 2,118 more than in 1921. Of the 12,274 children who left the primary schools in 1921 having passed 86, 4,087 entered secondary schools In 1922, 1,709 the secondary departments of district high schools, and 1,941 technica high schools, hence a total of 7,737, or 63 per cent., of the children mentioned entered upon a course of secondary education. The number represents 47 per cent, of the total number of pupils leaving the primary schools in 1921, of whom nearly onequarter had not passed S6. In addition to the pupils mentioned as having proceeded to a secondary course of education, 2,116 entered technical schools or classes, of which number 1,371 had passed S6 and 365 had not. Length of Stay and Age of Pupils. The following table gives some indication of the length of time pupils are remaining at secondary schools of various types : — Secondary District Technical Schools. nigh High Boys. Girls. Schools. Schools. (a.) Percentage leaving at end of first year or during second year 22-8 23-6 37-7 29-5 (b.) Percentage leaving at end of second year or during third year 19-4 24-3 26-7 40-0 (c.) Percentage leaving at end of third year or during fourth year 26-6 25-5 35-6 18-3 (d.) Percentage leaving at end of fourth year or during fifth year 18-1 17-3 .. 10-0 (c.) Percentage leaving at end of fifth year or during sixth year.. 9-9 7-3 .. 2-2 (/.) Percentage remaining at end of sixth year .. .. 3-2 2-0 In the case of secondary schools the proportion of pupils leaving at the end of the first year shows a regrettable increase, which can be accounted for only by the financial depression of 1922. The proportion leaving at the end of the second year was smaller than in the previous year, so that taking the two years together the results are approximately the same. As has been frequently pointed out, however,



one year spent at a secondary school, where a new course of work is being entered upon,Sjis practically useless, and represents little more than a waste of time and money. A still higher proportion, 37-7 per cent., remain only one year in the secondary departments of district high schools, but as the course of work taken there is often more in the nature of a coping-stone to the primary course the matter is not quite so serious. The case of technical high schools, where 29-5 per cent, of the pupils leave at the end of the first year, calls for serious consideration. The whole matter is dominated by the age at which pupils begin their secondary course, which in New Zealand averages fourteen years, and is considered to be two years too old. Post-primary Education. An experiment is at present being carried out with a view to finding a remedy for the unsatisfactory condition mentioned in the previous paragraph. A junior high school has been established in Auckland which children enter after passing S4 and at which they may remain for four years. The regulations provide for threefifths of the course of work entered upon to be common to all the pupils and to include such subjects as English, arithmetic, geography, history and civics, general science, and drawing and practical geometry, the remaining two-fifths having an academic commercial, industrial (including domestic), agricultural, or art bias, according to the special aptitude of the individual. Over six hundred pupils are attending this junior high school, and, although it is too early to report definitely upon the success of the scheme, reports to hand go to prove that the experiment will be a successful one. When the system is extended, 'junior high schools will probably in some cases be attached to primary schools and in others to secondary schools. In the meantime, wide inquiries are being made as to the success of the various adaptations of the junior high school in other countries.



Curriculum of Secondary Schools and District High Schools. Although the curriculum of secondary schools is not specifically defined by departmental regulations, the definition of subjects of instruction to be taught to free-place holders and the prescribed syllabuses of the various public examinations to a large extent control the character of the courses of work undertaken. Instruction must be provided for junior-free-place holders in English, history and civics, arithmetic, mathematics, a branch of science, and in two additional subiects which may be one or two foreign languages, science subjects, or some such subject as commercial work, woodwork, drawing, &c. The study of home science for every girl holding a junior free place. The Department's Inspectors of Secondary Schools visit all secondary schools inspecting the work, conferring with the teachers on teaching matters, and discussing with the Principals details of organization and method. Written and oral tests are also given to second-year pupils in English, arithmetic, and usually in other subjects up to the standard of the Intermediate Examination, and Principals' recommendations for the award of senior free places and of the various leaving certificates are dealt with. Besides an academic course, secondary schools now generally provide shorter complete courses for pupils not intending to go on to the University or to enter a profession, in addition to courses with a commercial, agricultural, or a domestic bias. 57 per cent, of the boys and 30 per cent, of the girls now take Latin, while over 80 per cent, of the pupils learn French. Commercial subjects were taken in 1922 by one thousand seven hundred boys and one thousand girls, agriculture by over five hundred boys, and dairy science by two hundred boys. In the district high schools the courses are still more of a nature directly bearing upon the vocations shortly to be followed by the pupils, many of the schools providing a full rural course of instruction. The result is that such a subject as Latin is taken by only 25 per cent, of the pupils, while agricultural science is taken by 71 per cent, of the boys and 23 per cent, of the girls, woodwork and metalwork by 62 per cent, of the boys, and needlework and cookery by 64 per cent, of the girls. Some pupils in these schools prefer to take the ordinary academic course, with the result that the burden laid upon the teachers, who number only one or two in most of the schools, is very great. The Dalton plan is being practised successfully in a number of these schools, and Inspectors report that in spite of frequent changes in the staff and often insufficient and improvised accommodation the standard of work is gradually rising. At present an investigation is being made by the Department into the whole question of the secondary-school curriculum. The Department has recently issued a draft list of text-books approved for use in secondary schools, district high schools, and the general courses in technical high schools. In compiling the list the|Department was influenced by the cost of the books, their suitability for various grades and types of pupils, the present very general use of certain books, and the various methods of teaching employed. Length of the School Year. An investigation made into the number of holidays given in secondary and technical high schools during the year revealed considerable variation in the practice of the different schools. The longest school year was one of 392 half-days, and the shortest one of 351 half-days, or 35 school weeks. A working-year of this length is considered much too short, and the opinion is expressed that 390 half-days, or 38 full school weeks, is the minimum length of school year desirable in schools of this type. It is proposed to take steps in the direction of securing some measure of uniformity in this respect. Destination of Pupils leaving the Secondary Schools. From returns received concerning pupils leaving the secondary schools at the end of 1922, it appears that 6 per cent, of the number went on to the University, 15 per cent, entered the teaching profession, and 10 per cent, entered other schools or classes for clerical training. Farming was taken up by 23 per cent, of the boys



and home duties by 37 per cent, of the girls. Other avocations entered upon were : Government offices, 7 per cent, of the boys ; clerical work in insurance offices, agencies, &c, 13 per cent, (boys and girls) ; engineering and allied trades, 4 per cent, (boys); other trades, 4 per cent, of the boys ; and such professions as surveying, law, architecture, &c, by 6 per cent of the boys ; warehouses and shops each 2 per cent, of the boys. From similar returns supplied by technical high schools rather contrasting figures are obtained. In this case only 1 per cent, went on to the University, 3 per cent, took up teaching, and 5 per cent, went on to other schools or classes. On the other hand, 15 per cent, of the boys took up engineering and allied trades, 10 per cent, took up other trades, 11 per cent, went into shops, and 3 per cent, into factories. Farming was taken up by 13 per cent, of the boys and home duties by 43 per cent, of the girls. Commercial work was followed by 13 per cent, of the boys and 25 per cent, of the girls, and professions such as surveying, law, &c, were entered upon by 2 per cent, of the boys. Hostels for Pupils of Secondary Schools. (Table K6.) The advantages of having hostels attached to the secondary schools for the accommodation of country pupils are fully realized, and financial assistance is being given as far as possible by the Government for the erection of hostel buildings. Owing to the financial position all that is desired has not yet been accomplished, and a few large schools are still without hostels, while at other schools the hostels are too small. In nearly every instance the hostels are now controlled by the Boards of Governors, and from the balance-sheets to band of eighteen such hostels it appears that twelve made a profit and six a loss on the year's working. The profits ranged in individual cases from 2 per cent to 23 per cent, of the income, and the losses from 1 per cent, to 41 per cent., the average profit on all hostels being 5 per cent, of the income. In the few cases where heavy losses were made there was some fault in the administration, which is being pointed out to the controlling Board with a view to having it remedied. The hostels vary greatly in size, the smallest accommodating only ten pupils and the largest 145 (excluding Christ's College, Christchurch, and Wanganui Collegiate School, which between them accommodate 335 boys). At the hostels attached to the public secondary schools a total of 838 boys and 354 girls of the secondary departments were accommodated and 180. lower-department pupils. In addition to these numbers, 57 pupils were boarding at establishments approved by the Principals, and 633 were boarding privately. For these last-named, and also for the large number of country children prevented from attending school owing to the boarding difficulty, or forced to make long railway journeys daily, accommodation where there is dependable supervision and desirable environment should be provided as circumstances permit. Free Secondary Education. (Table K4.) Free secondary education is provided on an extensive scale, junior and senior free places being tenable at secondary schools, district high schools, technical high schools, and other technical schools. Generally speaking, junior free places are tenable for two years, with a possible extension in certain cases to three years. In the case of their being held at district high schools they are tenable for three years. The means of qualification are — (1.) For entrance to secondary schools—(a) Special examination for Junior National Scholarships, (6) the certificate of proficiency. (2.) For entrance to technical high schools and district high schools the means of qualification named in (1), or the certificate of competency in S6, with a special endorsement of merit in handwork or in elementary science, which for the purposes of these schools is deemed to be equivalent to a certificate of proficiency.



A recent amendment in the regulations provides for the award of free places in any type of secondary school to specially recommended proficiency-certificate holders over the prescribed age of fifteen years. It is agreed that such pupils should as a rule take up a somewhat practical course of instruction, and that they should preferably enter a technical or a technical high school. Children who have been retarded owing to their living in the country or other external circumstances, and those who, although not bright in literary work, show sufficient merit in other subjects to warrant a continued education, are thus provided for. Senior free places are tenable at secondary schools, district high schools, and technical high schools up to the age of nineteen, and at technical classes other than technical high schools for three or in some cases four years. The means of qualification for senior free places are the Intermediate or other equivalent examinations, or the recommendation of the Principal or Director of the school or classes attended based on the school records and examination results, or the recommendation of an Inspector of Secondary Schools, or, in the case of district high schools, of the senior Inspector of the district, or in part on such a recommendation and in part on the results of a special examination. Recommendation is the qualification now frequently offered, the number receiving senior free places in this manner in 1922 being 2,609, representing nearly three-fifths of the total number of senior free places gained. As a result of the free-place system 16,025 children were receiving free secondary education in 1922, an increase of 2,203 over the number for the previous year. Of this total, 9,446 were in secondary schools, 2,492 in district high schools, 3,978 in technical high schools, and 108 in Maori secondary schools. The number represents 94 per cent, of the pupils of all Government schools affording secondary education. The following table gives details of the free places held in 1921 and 1922 :— Free Places in December, 1921 and 1922. , 1921.— , , 1922. , (i.) Secondary schools — Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total, (a.) Junior free pupils ~ 2,713 2,941 5,654 3,472 3,222 6,694 (6.) Senior free pupils ~ 1,723 1,163 2,886 1,536 1,216 2,752 Totals .. .. 4,436 4,104 8,540 5,008 4,438 9,446 (ii.) District high schools — (a.) Junior free pupils .. 841 870 1,711 1,033 1,063 2,096 (b.) Senior free pupils ~ 145 173 318 181 215 396 Totals .. .. 986 1,043 2,029 1,214 1,278 2,492 (iii.) Maori secondary schools .. 50 62 112 52 56 108 (iv.) Technical high schools— («.) Junior free pupils .. 1,445 1,202 2,647 1,881 1,461 3,342 (b.) Senior free pupils .. 232 261 493 337 300 637 Totals .. •.. 1,677 1,463 3,140 2,218 1,761 3,979 Grand totals .. .. 7,149 6,672 13,821 8,492 7,533 16,025 Scholarships held at Secondary Schools and District High Schools. (Tables K4 and 8L5.) National Scholarships. Junior and Senior National Scholarships are awarded by the Government on the results of annual examinations, the junior examination being of a standard somewhat higher than that of the certificate of proficiency, and the candidates being not over fourteen years of age ; and the senior examination being of a standard comparable with the standard of the Public Service Entrance Examination, the candidates being not over sixteen years of age. Scholarships are awarded to all candidates reaching a certain standard, the standard of award being determined so as approximately to provide one scholarship (junior or senior) for every 500 children in attendance at all public schools ; the Junior and Senior Scholarships



awarded are in the proportion of nine to five, so that there is one Junior Scholarship among approximately every 750 pupils in attendance at the schools, or among every fifty-five S6 pupils. The standard of qualification fixed for the examinations of 1922 was 63f per cent, for Junior Scholarships and 64| for Senior Scholarships.' In order to give better opportunities to country pupils, who are considerably handicapped in preparing for these examinations, the regulations were amended in 1922 to provide for the award of not less than twenty-five junior scholarships to qualifying candidates from schools not higher than Grade Hla (eighty pupils). In order to assist them to qualify, compensating marks may be allotted to candidates from such small schools : 10 per cent, of the marks actually assigned to pupils from the smallest schools (one to twenty pupils) and 5 per cent, to pupils of Grade II schools (twenty-one to thirty-five pupils). The results of the examination were as follows : 231 candidates qualified for Junior National Scholarships, of which number twenty-five were from schools with not more than eighty pupils and fifty-seven were pupils of secondary schools. The number of candidates qualifying for Senior National Scholarships was 130. Of those who took the alternative programme, provided specially to meet the needs of scholars following a rural or domestic course, none were successful. Junior and Senior National Scholarships are tenable at secondary schools and district high schools, each for three years, provided that the total tenure of the two scholarships in the case of one person must not exceed five years. The holder receives £5 per annum if a junior scholar, or £10 per annum if a senior scholar, with a further sum of £35 per annum in each case if obliged to live away from home. A revision of the scholarship systemSfwith a view to expending the money involved more profitably is at present under consideration. The figures below indicate the number and the value of scholarships current in December, 1922. The number of scholarship-holders is, of course, included in the number of free-place holders shown in the preceding section. Number of scholarship-holders— 1922 - Boys .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 441 Girls .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 280 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 721 Number receiving boarding-allowance (included in the above total) .. 175 Number receiving travelling-allowance (similarly included) .. .. 45 Number held at public secondary schools . . .. .. .. 584 Number held at other registered secondary schools .. .. .. 15 Number held at district high schools .. .. .. .. 69 Number hold at technical high schools .. .. .. .. 53 Total annual rate of payment .. .. .. .. . . £10,885 Private Scholarships. Private scholarships are derived from funds provided at certain schools by private donors, by bequest or otherwise. The number of foundation and private scholarships in the last term of 1922 was 200. Of the holders 101 were also Government free pupils under the regulations. War Bursaries for Soldiers' Dependants. Regulations provide for the award of bursaries to dependants of killed or disabled members of the New Zealand* Expcditionary|Force.% To qualify for a war bursary a child must be eligible for — (a.) Free education at technical classes ; or (b.) A free place at a secondary school, district high school, or technical high school; or' (c.) A University or educational bursary at a University college. A bursary entitles the holder to an allowance, in addition to free tuition, of £l 10s. or £3 per annum in the case of those qualified under (a), £5 for those under (h), or £10 for those under (c). Lodging-allowance is also paid to bursars who are obliged to live away from, home to attend school, at the rate of £15 per annum under (a) and £30 under (b) and (c) ; travelling-allowances varying from £5 to £10 per annum are also made when travelling is necessary. During 1922 the number of bursaries held at secondary schools was forty, the expenditure thereon being £377.



Secondary-school Certificates. Three classes of certificates may be issued to free-place holders taking a secondary course of instruction. The intermediate certificate may be granted to junior-free-place holders who have satisfactorily completed under certain conditions a two-years course at a secondary school, district high school, or technical high school, and who in general are qualified in attainment to receive a senior free place. The lower leaving certificate may be issued to pupils who have satisfactorily completed a three-years course of secondary instruction, including not less than one year of a senior course in which the standard of work is sufficiently advanced in character to meet the requirements of the examination for a teacher's certificate of Class D, or of the Matriculation Examination. Likewise the higher leaving certificate may be granted to pupils having satisfactorily completed at least a fouryears course of secondary instruction and having satisfied the requirements of the lower leaving certificate, and, in addition, having completed to good advantage and under certain conditions a further secondary course of not less than one year. The following are the numbers of certificates awarded in 1912 (the year of their institution), in 1921, and in 1922: 1912. 1921. 1922. Higher leaving certificates awarded . . .. .. 64 305 439 Lower leaving certificates awarded .. .. .. 32 255 240 Applications for certificates declined .. .. ..20 80 102 Total number of applications .. .. 116 640 781 Staffs of Secondary Schools. (Table K3.) The number of full-time teachers on the staffs of secondary schools at the end of 1922 was 442, as compared with 405 in the previous year. This numbei includes 21 male and 13 female principals and 214 male and 194 female assistants. In addition a number of part-time teachers were employed. The staffing of schools now being controlled by regulation, the average number of pupils to each assistant teacher in the various schools is fairly uniform, and, taking the highest roll during the year of all schools, works out at twenty-seven pupils per assistant teacher. Of the total number of assistants 19 per cent, are classified in the highest grade (Grade A), 23 per cent, in Grade B, 29 per cent, in Grade C, and 31 per cent, in Grade D. The difficulty of obtaining suitable teachers to fill positions in secondary schools has somewhat diminished so far as schools situated in the cities are concerned ; there still remains, however, an inclination on the part of the teachers to avoid the country schools, which are experiencing serious difficulties in obtaining sufficiently qualified teachers. It has not yet been possible to carry into effect the Department's plans for the training of secondary-school teachers. The establishment of a Chair of Education at each of the University colleges will, however, result in many prospective secondary-school teachers including this subject in their University course, and thus equipping themselves more effectively for their proposed vocation. Good work continues to be done among the junior teachers in many of the larger secondary schools, where the heads of departments assist them in arranging schemes of work and generally in improving their methods of teaching. The head teacher of a district high school controls the secondary department and takes some part in the instruction, receiving on that account an addition to his ordinary salary of from £30 to £50 according to the number of pupils in the secondary department. Special assistants are also employed for the secondary departments ;in 1922 there were 117 such assistants—47 men and 70 women. In these schools, especially the more remote ones, considerable difficulty is experienced in obtaining the services of fully qualified assistants. Even with the assistance in some cases of itinerant instructors the task of covering the wide curriculum of the district high school is no small one to be undertaken by one or two assistants. In addition, the prospects of promotion are not so good as in the ordinary secondary schools, so that, as at present constituted, district high schools do not offer positions of the most tempting nature to teachers qualified in secondary work.

2—E. 6.


Salaries of Secondary-school Teachers. The Dominion scale of salaries of secondary-school teachers, which came into force in 1920 and was subsequently amended by the provisions of the Public Expenditure Adjustment Act, 1921-22, briefly is as follows : Principals —Men, £570 to £860 ; women, £415 to £645. Assistants—Men, £183 to £520 ; women, £158 to £390. In addition a married Principal receives house allowance of £60 if a residence is not provided, a head of a department may receive £30, and a married assistant receives £40 per annum. The salaries of Principals are graded according to the size of the school, and the salaries of assistants according to the classification of the position held. The total rate of salaries, including those of part-time teachers, as payable in December, 1922, was £155,581, or £14 2s. per head of the highest roll number. In the individual schools the cost per head of salaries ranges as follows: Boys' schools, £14 6s. to £18 2s. ; mixed schools, £12 6s. to £16 10s. ; girls' schools, £11 Bs. to £14 16s. The following figures indicate the average rates of salary prevailing at threeyearly intervals since the year 1916 :— Average Salaries of Full-time Teachers in Secondary Schools, , 1916. j ,— 1919. , , !922. , Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. £ £ £ £££ £££ Principals' .. .. 593 431 539 647 509 596 703 529 636 Assistants .. .. 266 186 228 332 252 290 359 267 315 The value of residences, and board and residence, and of house allowance when payable, is excluded from the above figures. Of 214 male assistants the salaries of nineteen were over £500, of fifty-six between £400 and £501, of sixty-nine between £300 and £401, and of seventy below £301. Of 194 female assistants the salaries of nineteen were over £350, of thirty-eight between £300 and £351, of fifty-five between £250 and £301, and of eighty-two under £251. In considering these figures it should be borne in mind that nearly one-third of the teachers are classified in the lowest grade, and that many have had no training in teaching and no teaching experience whatever. In the secondary departments of district high schools salaries are paid in accordance with a general scale. The average salaries paid to secondary assistants in 1922 were as follows : Male assistants, £302 ; female assistants, £289 ; all assistants, £294. The total annual rate of salaries paid to teachers of district high schools, including the special payments to head teachers, was £35,566, which is equivalent to £13 10s. per head of the average weekly roll number. Lower Departments of Secondary Schools. (Table Kll.) Lower departments for pupils who have not passed S6 may be held in connection with secondary schools, provided that no part of the cost of instruction or of the maintenance of the department is met out of income from the endowments of the school or from Government grants. Twelve secondary schools (including Christ's College, Christchurch) have lower departments attached to them, two such departments having been closed in 1922. The total number of pupils in 1922 was 590, as compared with 774 in 1921. The roll number included 344 boys and 246 girls, and the total number of teachers was twenty-three (eight males and fifteen females). A large number of the pupils board at the school hostels, indicating that these departments are used by the children of country residents able to afford to send their children away from home to attend school. The tuition fees charged average £11 per annum and the boarding fees £50. "Finance. (Tables K7--K9.) The income of secondary schools is derived from the following sources : — (i.) Bents from special reserves allocated to them by statute :' (ii.) Statutory grant given in lieu of special reserves (in one case) : (iii.) Interest upon moneys derived from the sale of reserves and invested in accordance with the Education Reserves Act:



(iv.) Income from the secondary-school reserves controlled by the Land Boards divided among the secondary schools in the several land districts in proportion to the number of pupils in average attendance (lower departments excluded) : (v.) Government payments — (a) For teachers' salaries and incidental expenses ; (6) subsidies on voluntary contributions ; (a) capitation for manual-instruction classes : (vi.) Special Government grants for buildings and apparatus : (vii.) Tuition fees of pupils : (viii.) Boarding fees of pupils : (ix.) Miscellaneous sources, such as interest on moneys, donations, and income from special endowments (for scholarships, prizes, &c), rent of premises, &c. The revenue derived from sources (i) to (iv) is the income from endowments, the " net annual income derived from endowments" being this sum less the expenditure incurred in connection with the endowments and school property and upon building purposes approved by the Minister. The " net annual income " and receipts from tuition fees are deducted from the amount payable to the High School Board by the Department for salaries. The following is a summary of the receipts and payments of all operative secondary schools : — Summary of the Statements or Receipts and Payments for the Year 1922 furnished by the Governing Bodies of Public Operative Secondary Schools. Receipts. Pay meiiU. Endowments — £ £ Sales .. .. .. .. .. 451 Endowments (including proportion of office oxLands vested in High Sohool Boards .. 4(i,84:i penses) .. .. .. .. 0,812 Secondary-education reserves .. .. 10,413 ; Teachers'salaries and allowances .. .. 150,705 Interest on moneys invested .. .. 075 I Incidental expenses of secondary departmentsGovernment grants— Office expenses and salaries (exoluding endow ■ Grants for buildings, sites, rent, apparatus, dents) .. .. .. .. 5,016 &c., and subsidies .. .. .. 42,489 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 3,090 For salaries .. .. .. .. 123,859 Cleaning, heating, lighting, and care of sohoolFor incidental expenses •• .. .. 27,353 grounds .. .. .. .. 12,778 Tuition fees .. .. .. .. 10,278 ; Material, examinations, prizes, games, and Lower Department Account .. .. 0,309 ! other incidentals .. .. .. 4,043 Hostels Account .. .. .. .. 03,442 Maintenance of buildings, rates, and taxes .. 0,809 Loans, interest, &c, .. .. .. 8,316 Sites, buildings, furniture, and apparatus .. 01,099 Technical Classes Account .. .. .. 4,770 Lower Department Acoount .. .. 7,134 Voluntary contributions, income from property Hostels Account .. .. .. .. 00,571 not reservos, refunds, and sundries .. 8,904 Loans repaid, and interest .. .. .. 7,070 Technical Classes Account .. .. .. 5,237 Scholarships, manual instruction, advances to pupils, and miscellaneous .. .. 8,594 £349,221 £345,624 The total amount expended was £79,500 less than in the previous year, the reduction being principally in the item, " Sites, new buildings, furniture, and apparatus." The expenditure of £61,000 on new buildings, &c, included, among other items, part of the cost of a new boys' school at Auckland, of rebuilding the boys' school at Oamaru, of a new site at Whangarei, of additions to the buildings at Hamilton and New Plymouth, and of a hostel at («orc. The Government's contribution towards the expenditure was £46,000. The cost of maintenance, including salaries and incidental expenses, was practically the same as in the previous year. The Department pays the Boards the cost of salaries (less net income from endowments), and also a grant of £2-5 per pupil to cover the cost of incidental expenses. The cost of incidentals ranged in the various schools from £1-6 to £4-6, the average cost being £2-25. The total net income from endowments, being the sum the Boards contributed towards the cost of salaries, was £.17,000. As stated above, the majority of the hostels are being managed without any financial loss, and when certain changes are made in the administration of one or two of them it should be unnecessary for any of them to lose money on the year's working. Several secondary-school Boards have raised loans on the security of their income from endowments with which to carry out their building operations, the loans being repaid gradually from the said income. The total indebtedness of all Boards on this account is about £75,000, the value of their property, of course, far exceeding this amount.



The following payments were made by the Department on account of secondary education during the year ending 31st March, 1923 : — Payments to Education Boards for — £ District high, schools : Secondary teachers —Salaries .. .. 36,311 National Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,082 Payments to secondary schools and colleges for— Salaries and incidental expenses .. .. .. .. 159,013 Manual-instruction capitation .. .. .. .. .. 2,649 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. * .. .. .. 408 New buildings, equipment, furniture, sites, &c. —Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. .. .. ..44,480 Rebuilding high school destroyed by fire .. .. .. 1,994 From reserves revenue in accordance with Education Reserves Amendment Act, 1.914 .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,085 Conveyance of pupils to secondary and district high schools . . . . 6,789 Marlborough High Sohool : Statutory payment . . . . ... 400 Inspectors'salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,270 Inspectors' travelling-expenses . . . . .. . . .. 426 Total .. '... .'.' .. .. .. £272,907

2. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INSPECTORS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Wellington, 9th June, 1923. bIE> Work of ran Yeae. In the earlier portion of the year practically all the secondary schools of the South Island, together with the "Wellington Girls' College, were inspected, from three to live days being spent in each school. Detailed reports upon the organization, the methods of teaching, and the standard of work attained were forwarded, as hitherto, to the Principals and Boards of Governors concerned, and in many cases these matters were also discussed in conferences with the staffs or sections of staffs. Several registered private secondary schools in Dunedin and Christchurch were also visited and reported upon, and certain private schools in Dunedin, Invercargill, Timaru, Christchurch, and Wellington were visited in connection with their applications to be registered as secondary schools. In the latter part of the year Ashburton and Marlborough High Schools were inspected, and all secondary schools in both Islands were visited in connection with the award of senior free places and leaving certificates on Principals' recommendations ; twelve registered private schools were also visited in connection with recommendations for higher leaving certificates only. Candidates for senior free places were in practically every case given written tests in English and arithmetic, and brief written or oral tests were frequently given in French, mathematics, and science. As a result of our investigations free places were awarded in accordance with clause 7 (c) to over 2,200 candidates. Some 390 higher and 210 lower leaving certificates were also issued on the Inspectors' recommendation. Since the introduction of the grading system much of the time during each visit to a school must necessarily be devoted to a close observation of individual teachers at work. The knowledge obtained by this means and also as the result of careful and prolonged consultation with the Principal enables the- Inspectors to arrive at a reliably accurate estimate of the teacher's efficiency in practically every instance. It is upon these estimates that the revision of the classification list in December is based. The sittings of the Appeal Board took up less of the Inspectors' time than in the preceding year. It was found unnecessary for the Board to sit either in Dunedin or in Christchurch ; six appeals were heard in Wellington and five in Auckland. Only seventeen teachers out of a total of over four hundred appealed against their classification ; four of these appeals were subsequently withdrawn, two were allowed by consent, three were allowed by the Appeal Board, and the remaining eight were unsuccessful, The above figures appear to justify a belief that there is general satisfaction with the grading system, and that on the whole it is being applied equitably and reasonably. A few anomalies still persist, but in process of time these will naturally disappear. Staffing. The comments in our last report on the inability of many schools, especially those in remote or small towns, to secure suitable teachers apply with equal force to the staffing conditions that obtained during the past year. There was still the same marked disinclination on the part of teachers to leave schools in the large towns in order to take up positions of a higher grade and salary in the smaller centres. The payment of reasonable transfer expenses would no doubt induce several married men to take up these new positions, but it would not serve to overcome the present marked reluctance of the unmarried men and the women teachers to do so. The regulations bearing upon the classification of secondary-school teachers were amended early in December. The most important effect of the amendments was to reduce materially the length of service required by teachers to qualify for the various grades, and as a consequence the last annual classification list contained a larger number than usual of promotions of teachers to the higher grades. An examination of the list as published in December shows that there were at that time thirty-three A grade teachers, thirty-four B grade teachers, and forty-four C grade, teachers waiting to obtain positions of a higher grade than those they held. In order that vacancies may be filled by the appointment of sufficiently qualified teachers it is highly desirable that there should bo such a " waiting list "of some considerable magnitude. It is to be hoped, therefore, that during the present year the smaller schools will be more successful in securing teachers than in the. past.



There are, however, other factors which contribute to the creation of the present staffing difficulties. In the first place the attendance at secondary schools has been increasing rapidly of late years. The total March roll number of the departmental secondary schools in 1920 was 8,526 ; this had risen to 10,189 in 1921 and to 11,068 in 1922, an increase of very nearly 30 per cent, in two years. The supply of teachers has manifestly failed to keep pace with this phenomenal rate of expansion. Again, it must be remembered that the technical high schools and the rapidly increasing number of district high schools are strong competitors for the services of the graduate teacher ; the salaries obtaining in these schools are in the main as attractive as those paid to the secondary teachers, and in the junior positions they are often somewhat higher. The Dalton Plan. In several schools a portion of the work has been carried on during the year on the lines of the Dalton plan. It is difficult so far to decide whether the system would prove a success if universally adopted, as the experiments were conducted as a rule with one or at most several classes in a school, and without full library and laboratory equipment. The experiments have, however, proved interesting and instructive as revealing the weaknesses as well as the strength of the plan. It is quite possible that some of its features might be used with advantage as a means of encouraging individual effort. The effect of its general adoption upon the organization of a school can only be determined after several years' trial. Heads of Departments. Four of the large schools have availed themselves of the regulations providing for the appointment of heads of departments. These have fully justified their selection by invaluable work done in connection with the organization of the work in their special subjects, and in the instruction and supervision of the less experienced teachers. This system is not only of great assistance to the Principal of a large school, but provides a means of training teachers who come direct from the University without lirovious training. Geneeal. There are clear indications that the average efficiency of the teaching is improving in the secondary schools. Teachers as a rule are interested in recent educational developments, and there appears to be a genuine desire to depart from stereotyped, mechanical methods in favour of those which are more closely related to the life of the community. Probably the best work is done outside the class-room in fostering a healthy interest in school games, physical drill, and the various hobbies that provide occupation for leisure hours. Class singing has received increased attention, and community singing has been very successfully introduced into several boys' schools ; the singing of patriotic songs has done much to encourage and foster a spirit of loyalty. The effect upon character produced by several years spent in a good secondary school is incalculable, and there can be no doubt that the boys and girls who pass the adolescent period in a healthy atmosphere of this kind, both physical and moral, must leave it better fitted to do their duty as citizens, whatever calling they may follow. J. Drummond, I, . „ i a i i F T Parr f Inspectors of secondary Schools. The Director of Education, Wellington.

3. DETAILED TABLES, ETC. PERSONNEL OF FULL-TIME STAFFS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1922. Whanqarei High School. —Messrs. R. Lupton ;H. E. G. Smith; VV. A. Given, M.A. ; H. E. Quinn, M.A. ; I). W. Fell, M.A. ; D. A. B. Bird, M.A. ; Miss E. Haseldon, M.A. ; Mrs. E. Hollway, B.A. ; Miss V. Clarke-Walker, B.A. ; Miss W. E. Lamb. Auckland Grammar School— Messrs. J. W. Tibbs, M.A. ; H. J. D. M. Mahon, B.A. ; A. R. Ryder, M.A. ; W. T. Foster, M.A., B.Litt. ; P. A. Docherty ; K. T. Bellow, M.A. ; J. L. E. Newhook ; W. J. Bishop, M.A. ; P. Drummond, B.A. ; A. W. Short, B.A. ; C. R. Jones, M.A. ; J. A. Asher, B.A. ; N. A. Winter, B.A. ;P. A. S. Stein, B.Se. ;H. C. Bourne, M.A. ; J. W. Bennett: E. E. Bilkey, B.A. ; ,1. E. Learning. B.A. ;R. W. E. B. Harman, B.Se. ; P. D. Veale, M.Sc. j E. N. Hogben; T. R. Vernon; I']. H. Driver; B.A. ; A. M. Nicholson, B.A. ; J. Leggatt, B.A. ; E. A. Boxall, B.A. ; J. F. Simpson; H. W. Wedding, B.A. ; F. C. Rauch ; C. W. Johnson. Auckland Oirls' Grammar Scltool—Misses W. Pickon, M.A. ; M. A. Dive, B.A. ; l<\ Maodonald, B.A. ; Mrs. S. Heap; Misses J. Ulilmann , K. V. Edgerly, M.A. ; I. Robertson, M..A. ; H. Woodhouse, M.A. ; B. S. Macdiarmid, M.A. ; C. L. F. Hull, M.A. ; B. A. Jackson, B.A. ; G. MoMullan, 8.A., B.Se; A. 1. Haslett, B.A. ; D. E. Horton, M.A. ; M. Maodonald, B.A. : E. MoMullan j K. M. Dickinson, M.A. : J. H. Wilson, B.Se. ; C. Finlay. Mount Albert Grammar School. —Messrs. F. W. Gamble, M.A. ;A. R. Gatland, B.A. ; tl. F. Brook, M.A. ; •W. Caradus, M.Sc. ; G. S. Coldham, M.A. ; J. H. Harvoy, M.A. ; C. P. Worley, B.A. ; A. D. Trendall ; R. 0. Buchanan, M.A. ; W. C. J. Perry, M.A. ; R. B. Hardy ; H. L. Towers. Epsom Girls' Grammar School. —Misses A. C. Morrison, M.A. ;P. 1. Patterson, M.A. ; E. Campbell, M.A. ; S. Kirkbride, M.A. ; M. E. Freeman, M.A. ; L. Forbes, Dip.Litt. ; I). Holmden, M.A. ; M. C. Terry, M.Sc. ; M. Barnett, B.A. ; B. Battersby, M.Sc. ; B. Brendel, M.A. ; J. C. S. Rudall, B.H.Sc. ; C. Dwvcr, B.A. ; L. G. Hutton ; E. Macdiarmid ; A. M. L. Robb. Thames High School— Messrs. W. 11. Hoult. M.A. ; H. H. Marshall, B.A. ;H. W. James, 8.A.; Misses G. H. Howard, M.A. ; E. M. Wilcox ; E. K. Gallagher, B.A.




Hamilton High School— Messrs. E. Wilson, M.A. : W. Eraser, M.A. ; 11. I). Tait, B.A. ; M. ('. Gudex, M.A.. M.Sc; V. E. Mason, B.Se; A. I. Nelson, M.A. ; S. E. Senior, ALA.; G. I. Saunders, M.A. ; R. H, Methven, B.A. ; Misses 1). N. Allan, M.A. ; (!. B. Harrison, B.A. ; R. E. Rowlandson, B.A. : G. M. Wyatt ; W. J. Barriball, B.A. New Plymouth Boys' High School— Messrs. VV. H. Moyes, M.A., B.So. ; R. 11. Rookel, M.A. ; A. G. Johnson, M.So. ; C. G. Bottrili, M.A. ; A. W. Diprose, M.A. ; A. J. Papps ; J. W. Council: G. P. Bertrand; F. G. Eggleton ; R. 0. b. Marks, M.A. ; W. G. Wilkie. New Plymouth Girls' High School— Misses E. M. Mcintosh, M.A.. B.Se. ; N. 1. Maclean, M.A. ; P. M. E. Clark, M.A. ; A. C. Tizard, M.A. ; L. L. B. Sheat, M.A. ; M. M. Brand, M.A. Wam/auui Collegiate School. —Rev. 0. P. Pierce, M.A. ; Messrs. J. Allon, M.A. ; J. E. Bannister, M.A. ; G. F. McGrath, M.A. ; F. H. Latham, M.A. ; C. H. Campbell; R. A. W. Sutherland, M.Sc; R. G. C. McNab, M.A. ; Rev. H. W. Austin, M.A. ; Messrs. F. P. Miles, M.A. ; J. It. Sutoliffe, B.Se; F. L. Peck. Wanganui Girls' College. —Misses C. M. Cruickshank, M.A. ; iS. E. Gifford, M.A. ; J. R. Carrie, M.A. ; A. Blennerhassett, B.A. ; C. C. H. Rookell, M.A. ; M. A. Piggott, M.A. ; M. H. Treadwell, B.A. ; L. L. Oldridge, M.A. ; E. A. Harvey, B.A. ; C. Landreth, B.Se. in H.Sc. Palmerston North Boys' High School —Messrs. J. Murray, M.A. ; J. A. Colquhoun, M.Sc. ; W. P. Anderson, MA. ; G. G. Hanoox, M.A., B.Se: J. J. Stevenson; J. G. Castle, M.A. ; 11. J. Thompson, M.A.. LL.B. ; 11. W. Kerr; G. A. Hansard; E. VV. Espiner, M.A. ; R. T. Cole, M.A. Palmerston North Girts' High Sohool— Misses C. B. Mills, M.A., B.Se; P. J. W. Hodges, M.A. ; Mrs. M. Rhodes, M.A. ; Misses W. S. Praser, B.A. , E. Billens, B.A. ; EL Hodge, M.A. ; K. L. Simkin, B.Se in ll.Se; M. E. Marriott, B.A. ; L, P. Stewart, B.A. Napier Boys' High School— Messrs. VV. A. Armour, M.A., M.Sc. ; N. R. Jaoobsen, M.So. ; W. Kerr, M.A. ; H. 11. Ward, B.A. ;E. S. West, M.A. ;C. H. E. Straok; C. J Baglcy ;P. Martin-Smith; LL.B.; R, 11. Milburn ; M. F. Woodward. Napier Girls' High School.—Misses V. M, Greig, M.A., B.Se; C. It. Kirk, B.A. ; J. 0. Gillies; A. M. Anderson ; M. L. Smith ; C. Gumming, M.A. ; V. A. McKenzie. Gisborne High School. —Messrs. P. Foote, 8.A., B.Se ; P. J. Wilkes, M.A. ; P. E. Edmondson, B.A. ; G. T. Maunder, M.Sc; W. P. Dunphy, 8.A., B.Se; C. M. Taylor; A. (!. Contain ; S. R. Crimp; Misses J. Knapp, B.A. ; J. Stewart, M.A. ; M. Brosnan, M.A. ; M. Durward, B.A. ; M. M. Prostwick. Dannevirke High School. —Messrs. J. M. Simmers. M..A. ; H. Drees, M.A. ; P. Heaton, M.A., B.Se; Misses B. Bell, M.A. ; F. Bingham, M.A. Wellington College.— Messrs. T. It. Crosswoll, M.A. ; A. C. Gifford, M.A. ; T. Brodie, B.A. ; P. M. Bonner, M.A.; H. 'I. B. Tomlinson, M.A. ; VV. Alexander; J. S. Lomas, B.A. ; J. Hall, B.Se ; G. W. Morioe, M.A. ; J. N. Millard, B.A. ; A. E. Caddiok, M.A. ; H. T. M. Fathers, B.A. , E; J. I). Herous, M.A,; W. P. C. Balaam; J. R. Ouddie, M.A. ; F. Joplin, B.A. ; W. 11. Stevens. B.A. ; T. E. Board, B.A. ; A. S. Farquhar, M.A. ; VV. V. Jones; P. E. Thornton; A. Jackson, B.A. ; I. Ruston; C. MoNaught, B.A. ; G. Troup, M..A. ; VV. G. Harwood, 8.A., B.Se ;J. L. Dighton. . Wellington Girls' College.— -Misses M. J. Mao Lean, M.A. ; A. M. Batharn, B.A. ; E. A. Newman, M.A. ; E. M. Rainforth. B.A. ; P. P. Kershaw, M.A. ; P. Williams. B.A. ; It. Collins, B.A. ; Mrs. C. E. Wood, M.A. ; Misses 0. Haddrell, M.A. ; N. P. (load, M.A. ; E. M. Lynch, M.A. ; G. P. Gibson, M.A. ; P. J. Cornish, B.Se ; A. P. Marsdon ; E. Martin, B.A. ; E. Maekay ; '('. M. Heine, B.A. ; M. B. Turner, B.A. ; Mrs. R.; Misses H. Blacker, B.A. ; C. Tschoromissinoff; G. P. Marshall. B.Se. in H.Sc. ; A. Cocker, M.A. ; D. McCartney, M.A. ; D. Johnston. B.A. : J. I. Stewart, B.A. ; J. MacKenzie. M.A. ; A. Sewell, B.A. Marlborough High School—Messrs. J. Stewart, M.A. ; H. Robson, M.A. ; S. I. Jones, M.A. ; C. J. It. Price, M.A. ; Misses E. M. Allen, M.A. ; E. M. Piggott, M.A. ; M. P. Virtue, B.A. ; It. M. limes, M.A. Nelson Boys' College.—Messrs. C. H. Broad, B.A. ; J. G. MaoKav, B.A. ; E. Caradus, B.Se. ; H. V. Senile, 8.A.. M.Sc; E. A. Watkin, M.A. ; T. J. Morrow, M.A. ; A. L. Rowe, LL.B. ; K. R. J. Saxon, B.A. ; E. H. Severne, B.A. ; V. P. Kerr ; H. P. Isaacs, M.A. ; J. W. Peart, B.A. Nelson Girls' College.— Misses M. Lorimer, M.A. ; M. McEachcn. M.A. ; A. Eastwood, M.A. ; N. (f. Isaac, M.A. ; L. G. Hale, M.A. ; M. K. Wilson, M.A. ; R. Ray. M.A. ; R. Karstcn, B.A. ; C. Robinson, M.A. ; J. MeLeod. Rangiora High School. —Messrs. J. P. Straohan, M.A., B.Se ; A. J. Ferguson, M.A. ; G. G. Boattio, M.Sc. ; A. L. Lockhart; Misses G. M. D. Turner, M.A. ;P. L. Jull; M. F. Garrett. Christchurch Boys' High School. —-Messrs. G. J. Lancaster, M.A. ; R. M. Laing, M.A., B.Se ; R. J. Thompson. B.A. ; VV.' M. Stewart, M.A. ; J. R. Montgomery, M.A. ; 11. I. Kidson. M.A., B.Se; A. Merton ; H. V. Rowe, M.A. ; R. de B. Adamson, B.Se. ; J. 11. P. Schroder, M.A. ; L. J. O'Connell, B.A. ; R. de R. Worker, B.A. ; H. S. Baverstock, M.A. ;A. A. MeLachlan, B.A. ; A. F. McArthur; L. B. Quartormain, M.A. ; H. E. Dyer, M.Sc. ; H. W. Gourlay ; A. G. Thompson. Christchurch Girls' High School. —Misses .M. V. Gibson, M.A. ; K. M. Gressoii, M.A. ; G. Grccnstrcet. B.A. ; P. B. Baxter, M.A. ; M. E. Sims, M.A. ; A. J. McKee ;D. Bone; P. R. Edwards, B.A. ; A. I. Wilson, M.A. ; M. McLean, B.A. ; N. Wagstaff, M.A. ; C. M. Parrow, M.A. ; H. P. Bullard ; M. Hall; A. G. S. Merton, B.A. ; Mrs. S. G. Youns; Misses P. J. Hall, M.A. ;E. Fairbairn, B.A. ; A. M. Watson. ; H. Smith ; J. Berkeley ; A. M. Burns, M.A. ; P. H. Metcalfe. B.Se ; K. Edwards. Christ's College.— Messrs. P. C. Crosse, M..A. ; A. E. Flower, M.A.. M.Sc. ; P. G. Hogg, M.A. ; J. Montcath, B.A. ; P. Jenkins, B.A. ; P. Baines, B.A. ;H. Hudson, B.A. ;J. P. 1). White. 8.A., B.Se; It. H. (). Davis; R. H. Evans ; M. A. H. Pell, B.A. ;J. G. Donniston, M.A. ;S. Parr, M.A. ;H. E, Solomon ; G. Straok, M.A. Ashburton High School— Messrs. W. F. Waters, B.A. ; R. H. Biggar, M.A. ; R. M. McGregor, B.Se ; H. McD. Scott; Misses M. F. Arnott, B.A. ; M. B. Pinlay, B.Se; A. G. Davy, M.A. ; I). W. M. Bowie. M.A. Timaru Boys' High School— Messrs" W. Thomas, M.A. ; A. G. Tait. B.A. ; P. A. Cookroft, B.A. ; 0. Malthus, M.A. ;D. S. Komshod, M.A. ; C. A. S. Hind; R. G. A. Sawell, M.A. ; W. W. Horwell; N. A. Moore ; J. D. Sahnond, M.A. ; K. R. Whitohouso, M.Sc.


Timaru Girls' High School— Misses B. M. Watt, M.A. ; E. A. King, M.A. ; M. Ronaldson, B.A. ; M. S. Watt, B.A. ; M. W. Watson, B.A. ; D. G Hardcastle, M.A. ; V. B. Dobie, B.A. Waitaki Hoys' High School—Messrs. F. Milner. M.A. ; M. B. MeCulloeh. M.A. ; D. S. Chisholm, MA • C. M. Littlejohn. M.A., B.Se; W. M. Uttley. M.A. ; 11. T. Hall; P. W. Hargreaves; F. A. Crimp, B.A. ; ('. Zimmerman : .1. Dash ; I l '. V. Cameron, M.A. Waitaki Girls' High School. Misses J. B. Wilson, M.A. ;M. J. Maeaulay, M.A. ;P. P A Vickory BA • I). C, Hunt, B.A. ; P. L. Howard, B.Se in H.Sc; M. Allan; M. P. N. Rogers. Otago Boys' High School. Messrs. VV. J. Moral], M.A. ; P. 11. Campbell, M.A. ;J. Williams. B.Se ■ W J Marlyn. M.A. ; J. Reid, B.A. ; A. Watt, M.A. : 11. VV. Slater, M.A.. B.Se. ; R. VV. S. Botting, B.A. ; (). J. Hogg, M.A. ; M. G. Mclnnes. B.A. ; G. S. Thomson, 8.50.; G. M. Robertson, B.A. : A. J. Gillman B.A. ; .VI. M. Watt: A. C. Aitken. M.A. : B. 11. Howard. M.A. :T. .1. L Rantin, MA \ D VV Faiean M.A. : A. T, MeNaughton. M.A. ; W. VV. Bridgman. B.A. ; K. VV. It. Glasgow. Otago OirW High School- Misses M. H, M. King. M.A. ;P. Campbell, M.A.; M. N. Gellatly, M.A.; L. A. N. Downes, 8.A.; Mrs. B. Kerr, M.A. : Misses 11. K. Dalrymple, 8.A.; L. S. Morton, B.A. ;P. J. Jones, MA.; A. L. Loudon. M.A. ; A. M. Aitken, B.Se. in H.Sc; P. M. Bruce. B.A. ;L. L Lawson B.A ■ L. N. Dallaston, 8.A.; P M. Oddie; I). B. Maclean. M.A. ; R, A. Rosevear; M. VV May' HA - I). Hayes. Gore High School. Messrs. J. Hunter, M.A. ; .1. Boyne, M.A. ;8. B. Dunn, B.A. ;E. M. Christie, M.Sc; ('. Edgar, M.A.; Misses L. 11. Fyfe, M.A.; R, Naylor, 8.A..; 11. A. Henderson, M.A. ;R. J. H. Douglas! Southland Boys' High School. Messrs. T. I). Pearco, M.A. ; J. P. DaJrin, B.A. ; J. S. Me(!rath. B.A. ; M. Alexander, M.Sc; J. G. Anderson, M.Sc: J. B. Mawson, M.A. ; J. R. Maekay; J. Plannerv"; ,L L! Cameron ; R. Lockhart. Southland QirW High School—Misses A. Dronnan, M.A. ; M. Samuel, M.Sc. ; A. M. Budd, M.A. • A. Watt M.A. ; Mrs. P. Boxall ; Misses S. Burt, M.A. ;M. A. Steele. M.A. ; R. A. While. M.A.-. M. C. Mullav. B.A • I). Lambeth, M.So.; 10. Earwaker, M.A. ; M. 0. Vickory ;P. Service.

TABLE K1.—Average Attendance and Roll (classified according to Ages) of Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments) as in December, 1922.


Timaru Girls' High School— Misses B. M. Watt, M.A. ; E. A. King, M.A. ; M. Ronaldson, B.A. ; M. S. Watt, B.A. ; M. W. Watson, B.A. ; D. C. Hardeastle, M.A. ; V. P.. Dobie, B.A. Waitaki Hoys' High School— Messrs. F. Milner. M.A. ; M. B. McCulloch. M.A. ; D. S. Chisholm, M.A. ; C. .M. Littlejolm. M.A., B.Sc; W. M. Uttley, M.A..- II. T. Hall: I'. W. Bargreaves ; F. A. Crimp, B.A. ; C. Zimmerman ; J. Dash ; P. V. Cameron, M.A. Waitaki Girls' High School. Misses .1. B. Wilson, M.A. : M. .1. Maeaulay, M.A. ; E. E. A. Viokery, B.A. ; I). C. Hunt, B.A. ; P. L. Howard. B.Sc. in II. So.; M. Allan; M. I''. N. Rogers. Otago Hoys' High School.— Messrs. \V. ,1. Morrell, M.A.; V. II. Campbell, M.A. ; .1. Williams. B.Sc.; W -I Martyn. M.A. ; .1. lb-id. B.A. ; A. Watt. M.A. : II. W. Slater, M.A., B.Sc. ; R. W. S. Botting, B.A. ; O. .1. Begg, M.A. ; M. G. Molnnes, B.A. ; G. S. Thomson, B.Sc.; G. M. Robertson, B.A.; A. .1 Gilhnan B.A. ; M. M. Watt: A. C. Aitken. M.A. : B. II. Howard. M.A. : T. .1. L Rantin, B.A. ■ I) W Paigan M.A. ; A. T, McNaughton, M.A. ; W. W. Bridgman, B.A. ; K. W. R, Glasgow Otago Girls' High School Misses M. II. M. King, M.A. ; P. Campbell, M.A. ; M. N. Gellatly, M.A. ; L, A. N. Downes, B.A. ; Mrs. B. Kerr, M.A. : Misses II. K. Dalrymple, B.A. : I,. S. Morton. B.A. ; P. .1. Jones, M.A.; A. L. London. M.A.-. A. M. Aitken, B.Sc. in ll'.Sc. : E. M. Bruce. B.A. ; L. L. Lawson, B.A ■ L. N. Dallaflton, B.A. ; E. M. Oddie; I). B. Maclean. M.A. ; R. A. Rosevear; M. W. May, B.A. • I). Mayes. Gore High School. —Messrs. .1. Hunter, M.A. ; .1. Boyne, M.A. j S. B. Dunn, B.A. ; E. M. Christie. M.Se; C. Edgar, M.A. ; Misses I.. II. Fyfe, M.A. : I!.. Naylor. B.A. ; 11. A. Henderson. M.A. ; R, ,1. II. Douglas! Southland Hoys' High School Messrs. T. 1>. Pearce, M.A. ; .1. P. Dakin, B.A. ; ,1. S. McCrath, B.A. ; M. Alexander, M.Se; .1. G. Anderson, M.Se.: J. B. Mawson, M.A. ; ,1. B. Mackay; J. Flannerv; 3. l'. Cameron ; R, Lockhart. Southland QirW High School, —Misses A. Drennan, M.A. ; M. Samuel, M.Se. ; A. M. Budd, M.A. • A. Watt M.A. ; Mrs. E. Boxall ; Misses S. Burt, M.A. ; M. A. Steele. M.A. ; R. A. While. M.A. ; M. C. Mullav, B.A • I). Lambeth, M.Se; 10. Earwaker, M.A. ; M. 0. Viokery; E. Service. TABLE Kl.—Average Attendance and Roll (classified according to Ages) of Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments) as in Decemher, 1922. • — — w . . «; o = GO rt fcT t," •-< OT . 1 !?) L JjS 13 to 14 14 to 15 tStolfi 16 to 17 Over 17 Total, all - .„ , S !«• ' |g «£ YrarH - Y ™ rs - YeMS ' Yoars - y ™ rs - Ages. " «l £co P » l« %" S B. G. B. G. B. G. B. < u. li. I G. B. G. 1!. G. fc-" a®* O ■fci y t r.Q O CO US 13 to 14 B. G. B. G. I lit Yei ;o 15 Irs. 1., I Yei 0 l(t irs. Hi to reai 17 rs. Ovei Yen rl7 U-8. f Total, all Ages. B. G. 1). li. B. G. B. G. It. G. A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School .. .. 211 217 236.. ..11 4 22i 25 28 31 34 25 18 19 113 104 Auckland Boys' Grammar School 801 822 S49 7.. 76 .. 160 .. 241 .. 19(1 ..148 . 822 Mount Albert Boys'Grammar School 257 273 291 1 .. 27 . . 72 .. 09 .. 77 . . 27 ! 273 Auckland Girls'Grammar Sohool .. 435 445 480 32 .. 99 .. 147 .. i()(> ,, 07 445 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. 361 376 390.. 2 .. 33 .. 87 .. 124 .. 00 .. 64 376 Thames High School .. .. loo 152 105.... 3 7 27 19 23 23 14 10 12 8 79 73 Hamilton High Sohool .. .. 338 328 375.. 8 15 18 45 28 03 29 39 32 33 18 195 133 Now Plymouth Boys' High School 277 271 295.... 17 .. 55 .. 77 .. »8J .. 54 .. 271 New Plymouth Girls' High School 148 151 158.. 3 .. 15 .. 38 .. 46 ' 24 25 [hi Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 213 219 229.. 2 .. 14 .. 55 .. 58 '.'. 52 .. 38 .. 219 Palmerston North Boys'High Sohool 253 252 269 1 .. 19 .. 60 .. 04 .. 56 .. 52 252 Palmerston North Girls'High School 172 170 176.. 1 .. 9 .. 58 . . 42 39 .. 2i ., 17() Gisborne High School .. .. 320 316 343 1 .. 10 1 44 38 47 54 50 33 30 8 ] 82 134 Napier Boys'High School .. 211 208 231 2 .. 24 .. 51 .. 54 .. 36 .. 4] .. 208 Napier Gills' High School .. 140 156 KM 14 .. 35 .. 4] .. 35 ,, ;)] jfin Danncvirke High School.. .. 124 119 138.... 5 3 18 23 20 21 9884 60 59 Wellington Boys'College .. 730 721 705 12.. 80 .. 154 .. 200 .. 177 .. 92 .. 721 Wellington Girls'College .. 097 700 755.. 7 .. 00 .. 187 .. "199 .. 145 ..102 706 Marlborough High School .. 170 185 192 1 .. 2 6 31 19 28 35 10 20 13 14 9| ()| Nelson Boys' College .. •■ 271 270 291 2 . . 22 .. 54 .. 102 .. 47i 49 ->7(i Nelson Girls'College .. .. 217 219 245.. 2 .. 12 .. 50 .. 70 .. 51 ' -'(4 .ij,, Christehurch Boys' High School .. 499 494 541 2 .. 42 .. 116 .. 128 .. 117 .. 89 .. 494 Christehurch Girls' High' School .. 185 495 53].. 5 ..54 .. 114 .. 137 .. 121 .. 64 495 Rangiora High School .. .. 139 137 159 I.. 8 4 10 15 28 22 13 13 8 9 74 63 Ashburton High School .. .. 155 161 177.... 4 10 14 24 28 20 16 13 10 22 72 89 Timaru Boys' IIigh School .. 230 234 252 1.. 15 .. 56 .. 65 .. 56 .. 4] 234 Timaru Girls'High School .. 150 141 159 10 .. 33 .. 36 '33 29 141 Waitaki Boys' High School .. 208 252 271 1.. 5 .. 41 . . 07 .. 74 04 252 Waitaki Girls' High School .. 139 138 153 6 .. 37 .. 42 . . I 29 . . 24 " 138 Otago Boys' High School .. 541 538 583 6.. 37 .. 128 .. 167 .. 120, .. 74 538 Otago Girls' Higfi School -• 421 430 452.. 1 .. 34 .. 121 .. 130 ..72 72 430 Gore High School .. .. 186 188 205.. 1 II 9 20 31 31 23 14 17 23 8 '<)<) 89 Southland Boys' High School .. 244 238 248 1 . . 23 .. 70 .. 50 .. 41 .. 47 o-'ts Southland Girls' High School . . 269 281 294 .. 1 .. 27 .. 80 .. j 90 .. 48 35 ' 981 A. Sea dnry Si an ■hoot lis. 31 217 236 822 S49 273 291 i 445 486 376 390 ) 152 165 1 328 375 271 295 i 151 158 1 219 229 I 252 209 : 170 170 I 310 343 208 231 i 156 KM 119 I3S I 721 765 700 755 I 185 192 270 291 219 245 l 494 541 495 53] i 137 159 161 177 i 234 252 141 159 I 252 271 i 138 153 538 583 430 452 188 205 238 248 281 294 7 1 1 1 2 12 . .. 11 7 . . 76 I .. 27 ft . 2 .. . . . 3 . 8 15 . .. 17 . 3 .. . 2 .. I . . 19 . 1 .. I .. 10 > . . 24 . .. 5 > . . SO 2 8 3 2 1 7 lit) 6 4 32 33 ! 7 8 15 14 9 1 14 3 t 221 . 160 72 I .. ) .. 7 27 ■i 45 iiii r 1 .. 60 ) .. I 44 51 I .. I 18 154 Si 25 99 87 19 i 28 38 1)0 I 58 38 35 I 23 187 19 5 28 31 34 26 241 .. 190 .. 69 . . 77 . . 9 .. 147 .. 100 7 .. 124 .. 00 9 23 23 14 16 8 63 29 39 32 77 .. 68j .. 8 . . 46 .. [ 24 5 .. 58 .. J 52 04 .. 56 . . 3 . , 42 . . 39 3 47 54 50 33 51 .. 36 .. ") .. 4] .. i 35 ( 20 21 9 8 206 .. 177 .. 7 .. 199! .. 148 ) 28 35 16 20 102 .. I 47 .. ) .. 70 .. ' 51 128 .. 1)7 .. I .. 137 .. 121 ") 28 22 13i 13 I 28 20 10 13 65 . . 56 . . ! . . 36 .. : 33 07 .. 74 .. f .. 42 . . I 29 107 .. 126 .. 130 .. 72 31 23 14 17 50 -. 41 .. » .. | 90 . . 48 18 148 27 12 33 54 52 30 41 8 92 21 8 31 4 102 II 19 07 64 8 18 25 38 9 113 104 . 822 .. . 273 . . 7 .. 445 t .. 370 i 79 73 i 195 133 . 271 .. > .. 151 3 .. 219 . 252 . . 1 .. 170 I 182 134 208 . . 150 I 00 59 721 .. ! .. 700 91 94 270 . . 219 494 . . 495 I 74 03 : 72 89 234 .. I .. 141 252 . . 138 538 .. 430 99 89 238 .. 281 1 2 . 7 .. I .. 2 ! .. 22 n ) i 31 54 13 49 2 2 12 50 34 2 .. ! .. 42 54 4 10 110 89 I 5 .. .. 8 .. 4 .. 15 5 114 15 24 64 1 9 i 22 1 . . 1 10 ) 14 56 8 10 4] I i .! 5 10 33 29 i 6 ) 41 64 6 i .. 37 > 128 37 24 74 I . . 1 II .. 23 1 1 34 9 I 20 70 121 31 72 8 1 ' 23 8 47 .. I 27 80 35 1 .. ! .. 35 Totals .. .. .. 10,244 10,309 I 1,068 39 33 450 388 1,254 1,210 1,592 1 ,420 1,270 992 933 716 5,544 4,765 10,309 11,068 39 I 33 456: 33 388 :1,254? 1,210 1 _ i 11,5921 ,4201,270 992! ! 933 716 716 5,544 4,765 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. 183 177 191 6.. 26 .. 43 .. 52 .. 27 23 177 Christ's College, Christehurch .. 270 250 334 20.. 43 .. 55 .. 75 .. 37 [ ' 14 ' ] 050 Totals .. .. .. 453 427 525 32.. 69 .. 98 .. 127 .. 64 .. 37 T7 427 Grand totals .. .. 10,097 10,736 11,593 71 33 525 388 1,352 1,2161,7191,420 1,334 992 970 710 5 97] 4~705 . __. ' " B. Eno wed Sch hoid. 52 .. 27 .. 75 .. 37 .. 127 .. 64 .. 1,7191,4201,334 992 9 don 23 .. 14 .. 37 .. 970 716 177 .. OftA 177 191 250 334: 427 525: 10,730 11,593' 6 26 32 .. 26 . . 43 .. 69 33 525:; 43 55 98 177 250 250 . . 427 427 .. 71 388 1,352 1 1,216 992 5,971 5,971 4,765


Table K2.-Classification of Pupils on the Roll of Secondary Schools at the end of the Year 1922, according to Years of Attendance (exclusive of Lower Departments).

From these figures the following lesults relating to the length of time pupils remain at the seoondary sohools are obtained :— Boys. Girls. Percentage leaving at the end of the (list year or during the second year .. 22-8 23-6 second ,, third ,. .. 19-4 24-3 third „ fourth „ .. 26-6 25-5 fourth „ fifth „ .. 18-1 17-3 fifth „ sixth , „ .. 9-9 7-3 sixth „ seventh „ .. 3-2 24) 100-0 100-0 The average length of stay of the boys is 2-87 yoars, and the girls 2-70 years.


Boys. Girls. First Year. Girls. Boys. Girls. Hoys. Girls. Second Year.l Third Year, Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. '. Fourth Year. Boys. Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Totals. pa . _ I! u o Boys. Girls. ctH nuys. Girls, f Boys. Girls. Whangarei High Schools 53 Auckland Bovs' Grammar 350 School Mount Albert Boys' Gram- 120 mar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School Epsom Girls' Grammar School Thames High Sohool .. 35 Hamilton High School .. 86 Now Plymouth Boys' H igh 106 School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College.. Palmerston North Boys' 105 High School Palmerston North (Jirls' High School Gisborne High School . . 78 Napier Boys' High School 84 Napier Girls' High School Dannevirke High School 27 Wellington Boys' College 234 Wellington Girls' College Marlborough High Sohool 44 Nelson Boys'College .. 112 Nelson Girls' College Christohurch Boys' High 165 School Chiistchuich Girls' High School Rangiora High .School .. 32 Ashburton High School . . '29 Timaru Boys' High School 89 Timaru. Girls' High Sohool Waitaki Bovs' High School 77 Waitaki Girls' High Sohool Otago Boys' High School 219 Otago Girls' High School Gore High School .. 42 Southland Boys' IT i g h 88 School Southland Girls' High School Totals .. ..2,190 53 411 359 . . A. Secondary Si •ichools. 2 113 104 217 822 . . 822 1 40 40 28 9 25 ! .. 218 .. 201 .. 40 40 218 ) 8 9 40 . . ■> 4 126 . . i .. 85 .. 48 .. 85 14 273 .. 273 202 202 .. 118 .. 69 ) '. . 42 13 1 445 445 151 15.1 .. 108 .. 68 i .. 43 4 2 376 376 35 31 86 59 106 .. > 31 16 28 18 9 i 59 47 35 35 28 i . . 67 . . 49 .. 16 47 67 ) 9 5 ( 14 10 !) 14 37 1 13 1 13 12 1 79 195 27! 79 73 152 195 133 328 271 . . 271 37 .. I .£■ 12 62 62 .. 53 .. II 14 7 .. 7 1 151 151 88 .. 60 . . 47 i .. 67 .. 47 .. 67 ' . . 15 25 i .. 0 .. 3 .. 5 6 3 252 219 219 252 .. 252 25 .. 3 3 75 .. 56 . . 26 i . . 10 i .. 3 .. 3 170 170 I 72 57 42 23 15 49 .. 42 . . 58 .. 40 .. 37 40 18 12 5 3 259 .. 129 . . 253 .. 221 .. 110 41 25 32 II II : .. 62 .. 50 .. 89 . . 66 .. 34 . .. 146 .. 91 57 49 i 18 2 18 20 4 2 2 10 .. 3 K 4 4 10 2 1 182 208 182 134 310 208 . . 208 156 156 60 59 119 721 .. 721 706 706 91 94 185 276 .. 276 219 219 494 .. 494 18 259 20 .. ' . . 15 ; 8 3 8 81 ■ . . 5 . . 10 2 2 16 5 1 1 60 721 2 .. 16 .. 2 28 2 11 25 62 81 .. 83 9 8 9 29 28 16 2 2 19 91 270 2 2 29 .. 12 19 .. 4 19 10 2 146 fif* :i9 59 I 6 25 . . 8 25 494 174 . . 162 .. 89 50 20 .. 20 495 405 21 22 27 14 8 33 13 29 20 13 55 . . 44 . . II .. 54 .. 23 79 .. 48 .. 62 . . 34 .. 24 147 .. Ill 183 .. 127 .. 66 43 23 26 18 12 65 .. 41 22 13 55 4 4 5 11 4 5 30 2 2 .. 2 5 2 5 14 2 3 1 74 72 234 74 63 137 72 89 161 234 .. 234 141 141 252 .. 252 138 138 538 .. 538 430 430 99 89 188 238 .. 238 5 3 .. 14 .. 2 79 30 . . 18 32 4 .. 15 .. 1 14 1 K 15 4 1 252 32 .. 14 15 1 fl 4 147 49 4 . . i n 12 538 49 .. 43 8 7 OPT 12 .. 12 7 9 1 2 23 65 8 25 9 . . 7 1 1 14 .. 5 7 14 99 238 25 .. 14 119 .. 76 .. 47 32 7 .. 281 281 1,937 1,500 1,434,1,054 778 524 450 183 139 33 183 27 5,544. 1,544 4,70510300 B. Endowed: Scl :hools. 20 . . 3 37 . . 14 57 .. 17 240 139 50 177 .. 177 250 .. 250 Wanganui Collegiate School :!2 Christ's College, Ohiist- 2(' church Totals . . . . 58 (Irand totals .. 2,248 .. I 43 .. 52 43 55 86 .. 107 .. 1,937 1,6461,434 ',161 778 27 .. 75 . . 102 .. 626 450 20 37 57 240 177 250 427 27 5,971 427 . . 427 i,971 4,765 10736 4,765



TABLE K3.—Staffs and Salaries of Staffs of Secondary Schools as in December, 1922 (Lower Departments excluded).

3—E. 6.

School. ] i Number, 1/3/1922. Roll Number, L/3/1922, > Number of Full-time Assistant Teachers. g i* 'B 9 Under £250. £251-£300. ' £301-£350. Salaries of Full-time Assistants. t £351-£100. £401-£450. £»51-£500. Over £500. _=« FH^ 0 1 a 0--.S "o <r . CC a> a 5 a o 3 3 a i a a a o o o a d 3 a fF 5 a o - 5 .1 ° s „ Si 5 ID ' pt1 eS 1-1 1 2 6 5 2 6 3 2 2 3 5 1 3 2 2 *2 2 1 1 6 10 2 2 3 2 10 2 2 3 1 2 3 5 7 1 1 1 5 i! 1 2 2 1 i i 5 2 3 1 2 6 4 3 1 2 3 2 1 8 1 3 6 1 2 5 2 2 1 i i 2 i i i 3 1 1 4 i i 3 9 i 2 2 1 i i 1 4 1 i i i i 2 1 2 1 ; 2 1 "2 '3 ■2 1 1 1 i 3 2 I 1 2 4 2 i i 1 6 i 3 1 1 2 i 1 2 \ 3 i i i i 2 2 i i "2 3 i II Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School Mount Albert Bays' Grammar School Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. Thames High School Hamilton High School.. New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girls' High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Gisborne High School Dannevirke High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College Marlborough High School Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Rangiora High School Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Waitaki Giris' High School Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Gore High School Southland Boys' High School .. Southland Girls', High School .. I 236 849 486 291 390 165 375 295 158 229 269 176 231 164 343 138 765 755 192 291 245 541 531 159 177 252 159 271 153 5S3 452 205 248 294 5 29 ii 2 8 10 .. 10 9 7 3 27 4 is 14 4 7 5 9 *7 6 5 2 28 4 £ 670 960 590 730 550 620 825 720 455 575 670 475 670 475 720 620 860 635 620 670 495 765 610 670 670 670 495 ' 475 455 815 575 670 670 495 2 5 2 1 2 1 2 i 6 J 1 9 2 i 1 3 "2 '2 1 7 £ £ 3,438 1 14-6 11,016 12-9 6,032 12-4 4,702 16-2 4,710 12-1 2,037 12-3 5,507 14-7 4,793 16-2 1,800 11-4 3,229 14-1 4,559 17-0 2,518 14-3 3,450 14-9 2,255 13-7 4,596 13-4 2,130 15-4 11,611 15-2 8,800 11-7 3,100 16-1 4,835 16-6 3,149 12-8 7,718 14-3 6,227 : 11-7 2,616 165 2,535 : 14.3 . 4,565 18-1 2,357 14-8 4,377 16-2 2,186 14-3 8.431 14-5 5,665 12-5 2,988 14-6 4,217 17-0 3.432 11-7 3 11 2 4 3 1 9 io 3 3 10 21 3 4 ■■ •• io 6 6 i i '3 1 3 4 1 ii 4 9 1.7 4 11 '4 Totals 11,068 214 194 21,640 38 S2 I 32 25 3S 44 19 26 j 55 | 30 19 155,581 14II


TABLE K3a.—Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments, 1922. Secondary-school Boards.

TABLE K4. —Number of Pupils holding Free Places and Scholarships in Secondary Schools during the Last Term, 1922.


Tota 1C ost. « Total Cost. Cost per Head. Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' Grammar School .. Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth (Jills' High School.. Wangamii Girls' College .. Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girls' High School Napier Boys' Hish School Napier Girls' High School Gisborne High School Pannevirke High Sohool.. Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College Marlborough High School Nelson Boys' College £ 579-81 2,688-57 1,860-42 516-51 855-34 789-58 310-92 1,058-12 eee'-eo 444-52 415-15 422-17 546-40 271-65 1,465-02 1,455-65 429-46 797-82 £ 246 3-38 2-12 313 2-28 2 '68 1-97 4-62 2-44 2-53 1-80 2-57 1-60 1-97 1-92 1-93 2-24 2-74 Nelson Girls' College Ran.'-'iora High School Christchurch Boys' High School .. Ohristchuroh Girls' High School .. Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High School OtagO Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Gore High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School All schools £ 549-31 334-00 1.508-(>f> 1,146-94 302-97 572-98 377-10 718-05 290-77 1,104-65 985-90 482-12 . 500-80 500-80 £ 2-24 2-40 2-79 212 1-71 2-27 2-37 2-65 1-90 1-89 2-18 2-35 2-02 1-70 Total .. 24,908-75 2-41

Number of Holders of Government Free Places. Nati< Hcholarshi] (inclu in Colu: lonalip .Holders udcd imn 4). eat) m i=1 if i2 M 3 ML "sis ■S§W.3 School. (1) Junior. Senior. Total. Junior. Senior. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) A. Seem idary Scfo ools. Whangarei High School Auckland Boys , Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School VLount Albert I3oys' Grammar School Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. rhamos High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' Collego Palmerston North Boys' High School .. Palmerston North Girls' High School .. Dannevirke High School Napier Boya' High School Napier Girls' High School Liisborne High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College VTarlborough High School Nelson Boys' College Nolson Girls' College Rangiora High School Jhristchurch Boys' High School 3hristchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School r maru Boys' High School riinaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School .. Waitaki Girls' High School 3tago Boys' High School Jtago Girls' High School joro High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School .. 144 530 325 196 227 108 215 141 106 133 152 120 93 128 90 215 479 479 131 141 143 91 312 320 97 127 91 122 91 354 299 132 154 202 58 229 102 43 119 37 85 85 32 52 65 33 23 56 46 52 196 191 40 83 54 37 170 145 52 73 43 72 38 142 116 47 67 69 202 759 427 239 34G 145 300 220 138 185 217 153 110 184 142 267 675 670 171 224 197 128 482 465 149 200 134 194 129 490 415 179 221 271 5 44 22 14 10 5 10 10 4 9 8 9 r> 9 6 5 33 22 3 4 8 4 13 12 5 17 3 9 S 27 ■J I 5 15 10 5 22 9 0 2 8 8 4 1 4 3 4 7 17 16 3 7 6 8 2 1 6 1 2 1 17 5 1 i 3 1 8 10 2 9 9 5 2 3 10 8 2 :s 6 3 "s 4 11 9 1 2 3 ii 4 SVanganui Collogiate School Christ's College Grammar School B. Mi domed Sα hools. 1 is 63 Totals 6,694 2,752 9,440 392 193 it!) 101


TABLE K5.—Details of National Scholarships held in 1922.

TABLE K6.—Pupils boarding away from Home to attend Secondary Schools and Lower Departments thereof, 1922.


Numbi Total Number. at Secc Schc Education District. Boys. Girls, J™*"or held mdary jols. Number held at District High Schools Number held at Technical High Schools. Numbe] Private tered Se Schi ■ held at Regiscondary >ols. Number receiving Boardingallowance (included in Total Number). Number receiving Travellingallowance (included in Total Number). Senior. Junior. Senior. Junior. Senior. Junior. Senior. Luckland .. 119 72 191 110 ?aranaki .. 31 13 44 14 Vanganui .. 31 24 55 26 lawke's Bay .. 30 15 45 26 Wellington .. 59 42 101 58 kelson.. .. U 15 29 12 Canterbury .. 72 36 108 54 )tago .. ..61 48 109 62 Southland .. 24 15 39 30 72 13 24 15 42 15 36 48 15 191 44 55 45 101 29 108 109 39 110 14 26 26 58 12 54 62 30 52 12 8 11 86 13 29 25 6 16 7 12 9 2 1 8 1 41 18 18 15 9 13 29 20 12 18 I 2 2 6 4 4 17 13 6 9 i i 'i 17 1 5 i 1 2 3 3 2 *2 6 1 Totals .. 441 280 721 392 441 280 721 392 192 82 32 21 12 3 175 45

School. Boarding at Boarding at Establishments School Hostels. approved by Principal. Secondary Departments. Boarding privately. Total. = 1 IS 3*1 OPMOQ Hi Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. A. Secondary School Is. Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School Mount Albert Boys' Grammar School Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. Hamilton High School Thames High School New Plymouth Boys' High School Now Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girla' High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College Dannevirkc High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Gisborne High School Marlborough High School Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School .. Christchurch Girls' High School .. Ashburton High School Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High School Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Gore High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School 43 12 !! us !! 46 64 41 !'. 58 .. 26 10 46 26 4! 20 .'. 113 '.'. 5li 11 8 28 33 10 17 101 25 141 21 50 4 5 20 1 5 68 13 34 8 19 10 ' 6 1 8 3 11 23 40 J9 13 7 9 9 29 21 Q 6 9 2 48 68 13 34 8 145 60 "n 16 47 40 3 124 23 45 39 25 7 55 73 29 47 9 32 30 2 28 4 9 14 15 21 i 70 9 17 13 2 10 13 47 6 26 8 65 25 3 3 'is 101 26 12 37 30 10 H is i 35 21 43 15 71 43 15 15 12 12 12 27 "e 39 45 Total, A .. 838 354 19 38 265 368 1,122 760 180 B. Endowed School* it, 0 Wanganui Collegiate School Christ's College Grammar School Total, B .. Grand totals 155 J80 335 .. 1,173 354 155 180 335 9 19 38 265 368 1,457 760 189



TABLE K7.—Receipts of Operative Secondary Schools for the Year 1922.

Secondary-school Boards. I Sales. Income from Reserves vested in Board. From Endowments. Income from Seeondaryeducatioh Reserves. Grants for Buildings, Sites, Rents, Government Tnfoi-pst Apparatus, Receipts Inteiest. &(J _ and f Manual Salaries. Instruction Subsidies. From the Government. Government Receipts for Incidental Expenses. Tuition Fees. Hostels Account. Loans raised and Interest on Investments. Voluntary Contributions, Technical Lower Income from Classes Departments Property from Account. Account. Reserves, Refunds, and Sundries. Totals. Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar Schools Thames High School Hamilton High School .. New Plymouth High Schools Wanganui Girls' College.. Palmerston Xorth High Schools .. Napier High Schools Gkborne High School Dannevirke High School Wellington Colleges Marl bo rough High School Nelson Colleges Rangiora High School .. (Jbristchurch Boys' High School .. Christchurch Girls' High School .. Ashburton High School Waitaki High Schools Tiniaru High Schools Otago High Schools Gore High School Southland High Schools £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.| 213 18 8 239 17 6i 150 0 0 8,241 12 7 2,183 0 0! 1,151 8 4 131 12 6' 52 0 0 487 18 II , 978 12 4 1,156 17 7 951 11 3 334 12 5 530 17 11 331 7 6 1,264 1 10 4,635 18 4 260 10 2 369 3 1 260 16 8! 9,358 18 5 2,037 15 11 400 0 0 88 11 2 1,064 10 0 366 6 1 300 0 0 I 6,619 16 10! 679 16 8 40 0 0 897 7 0 2,097 13 9 238 14 11 3.21817 3 3,362 16 2 482 0 6 94 2 7 2,192 19 7 241 12 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. i 5,000 0 0 117 16 0)16,723 9 3 5,483 17 9 200 0 0 799 0 0 54 0 0 107 13 0 37 18 8 23 18 8 79 11 2 3,925 7 10 34 13 3 86 18 4 370 5 11 2,561 19 0 126 17 1 202 15 6 12 1 6 166 7 10 64 5 4 2,453 0 0 237 15 5 748 11 0 3,347 9 9 197 10 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,795 16 8 587 10 0 21,563 2 4 4,945 0 0 2,523 14 3! 412 10 0 5,102 14 5' 937 10 0 5,610 10 7 1,110 0 0 2,429 9 11 581 5 0 5,820 11 0 1,107 10 0 5,420 16 5 987 10 0 1,734 12 6 862 10 0 2,044 2 4 345 0 0 14,442 11 8 3,778 10 3 2,665 6 4 480 0 0 6,366 4 5! 1,297 10 9 2,886 14 4 341 13 4 1,673 10 9 1.345 0 0 6,085 13 8 1,325 0 0 2,562 2 4 442 10 0 5,585 10 4! 1,045 0 0 6,535 17 Hi 1,027 10 0 13,328 0 0| 2,555 0 0 3,068 4 71 509 10 0 3,613 17 6| 1,330 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 203 0 0 1,986 10 6 1,601 15 0 79 0 0 389 15 0 642 9 10 657 10 312,667 3 3 338 0 0 6,894 14 8 542 0 0 2,470 19 11 420 17 4 6,649 14 3 547 10 0 4,987 18 5 61 0 0 1,043 5 1 6,454 8 3134 11 6! 955 9 2 11,079 0 2 164 10 0 1,400 0 0 334 10 0i 1,455 13 0 298 10 0 1,654 1 3 85 5 0 1.235 14 3 783 2 6| 1,134 13 4 518 1 61 690 5 0 2,728 4 2 98 10 6 296 8 0| £ s. d. 1 2,000 0 0 98 10 0 •• •■ £ s. d. 4,659 9 3 £ s. d. •■ •■ 1,248 2 4 525 8 5 1,242 13 0 604 10 0j £ s. d. 45 3 0 196 1 11 49 3 5 204 14 0 1,596 6 7 418 19 11 2,915 18 11 58 10 0 21 0 0 64 15 0 5 14 5 250 18 6! 230 3 4 118 7 6 270 13 4 68 2 10 701 8 6 889 10 4 766 14 1 161 18 7 59 15 2 £ s. d. 13,071 16 4 55,525 15 2 4,494 7 0 13,145 9 4 23,833 10 4 13,749 18 3 16,349 14 0 19,394 12 3 13,729 18 1 2,864 4 1 41,446 0 3 3,80S 16 8 22,936 18 4 7,925 0 0 12,058 11 8 10,791 9 8 5,395 6 9 14,427 14 8 13.423 5 9 24,661 10 11 8,350 5 0 7.932 3 11 ■■ ! 40 0 0 1,099 15 0; 182 1 0 34 15 5 ■• 264 10 0; 388 11 4 995 13 4 '" 1 ,000 0 0 70 9 0j .. .. Totals 450 16 8 46,843 7 3 10,413 13 5 674 14 10 42.4S8 14 2J 123,859 4 3 ! 27,335 9 4 i 10,242 15 1063,441 5 3 4,769 IS 3| 349,316 8 5 3,315 6 5 6,369 3 5 9,093 19 4 j I



TABLE K8.—Payments of Operative Secondary Schools for the Year 1922.

Incidental Expenses of Incidental Expenses of iecondary Depai rtments - Capital " Maintenance Expenditure Material, of s °° Examinations, Buildings, FsnilrtinU PH 7PS "Rftfc*>=i rjuilaings, Gam"s, e and "a"' 6 ' Apparatus. Hostels Account. Loans repaid, and Interest. ■tnients. _ . . Manual Instruction, Advances to Pupils, and Miscellaneous. Secondary-school Boards. Teachers' Expenditure Salaries Allowances, Office dKSSS Endowments. Secondary Expenses Stationery, Departments. ; and Salaries. Aav^ sil]g Cleaning, Heating and Lighting, and Care of Schoolgrounds. Teehnica Classes Account. Lower Departments Account. Totals. £ B. d. £ s. d. Whangarei High School .. I 107 15 0 3,449 16 1 Auckland Grammar Schools .. 3,459 1 10 : 26,269 0 3 Thames High School.. .. | 101 1* 0 2,589 2 6 Hamilton High School .. ! .. I 5,601 12 9 New Plymouth High Schools .. 59 13 9 6,542 17 6 Wanganui Girls' College .. 80 0 0 3,233 10 4 Palmerston North High Schools 45 0 0 6,930 8 9 Napier High Schools .. .. 115 18 8 6,202 3 5 Gisborne High School .. 38 6 8 4,660 0 6 Dannevirke High School .. .. 2,113 5 4 Wellington Colleges .. .. 1,167 18 7 20,782 12 2 Marlborough High School .. .. 2,829 14 10 Nelson Colleges .. .. 159 13 1 7,744 8 8 Rangiora High School .. 20 0 0 2,886 0 0 Christchurch Boys' High School 510 8 8 7,647 8 7 Christ church Girls' High School 29 2 0 6,305 0 7 Ashburton High School .. 22 9 0 2,674 0 6 Waitaki High Schools .. 129 17 5 6,485 7 10 Timaru High Schools.. .. 173 7 2 6,851 2 8 Otago High Schools .. .. 242 15 5 14,055 4 2 Gore High School .. .. .. 3,052 17 4 Southland High School .. 348 15 3 7,799 8 2 £ s. d. 167 16 9 649 9 7 101 14 0 172 14 10 219 0 5 279 13 8 146 3 2 222 3 5 136 6 9 37 10 10 252 14 8 115 17 8 491 0 5 75 0 0 421 11 4 375 13 10 43 18 2 229 7 2 157 18 4 418 19 6 104 8 8 200 14 6 £ s. d. 94 0 0 353 17 0 28 0 3 76 19 4 148 13 7 194 10 7 137 15 7 101 2 1 63 16 3 49 10 4 452 12 5 48 10 3 251 12 1 69 0 0 167 9 10 142 13 6 55 7 7 141 5 0 100 10 2 361 6 4 27 0 5 29 18 9 £ s. d. 86 2 1 2,696 19 10 297 17 3 358 11 7 633 5 8 537 19 2 618 11 10 415 11 1 312 6 11 86 5 3 1,700 6 9 195 19 4 563 19 4 120 0 0 490 3 5 475 5 0 192 16 6 619 7 7 551 4 9 1,122 1 1 265 13 6 437 15 9 £ s. d. 231 17 5 818 13 5 88 18 8 247 1 2 99 10 7 45 19 0 198 11 10 177 12 1 33 18 0 98 6 6 514 19 10 69 2 0 40 10 11 70 0 0 429 9 4 153 6 7 10 17 3 18 15 9 89 3 8 188 4 2 84 19 2 333 3 6 £ s. d. 164 8 6 552 16 7 42 14 5 12 12 3 305 12 5 240 5 9 289 1 5 915 9 6 115 4 2 247 14 5 1,115 5 0 131 12 7 534 4 2 40 0 0 237 19 5 136 2 3 119 3 3 751 18 3 233 8 10 375 13 0 44 14 9 263 7 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. i £ s. d. 7,230 0 6 1,834 2 6: 22,092 16 .. 62 15 9 177 4 10 .. I 847 8 10 5,587 3 8 812 0 8 1,156 15 9 11,983 5 1 600 10 0 21 12 6 5,465 0 7 212 2 4 1,609 15 8 2,118 8 1 I 503 11 1 6,422 7 10 9 0 0 4,717 17 11 977 15 0 125 0 0 .. 14 0 0 3,806 16 5 5,997 18 10 385 0 0 165 17 4 2,141 10 2 10,782 7 10 120 0 0 2,500 0 0 1,400 0 0! 26 16 0 1,856 12 0 11,765 18 S 161 5 6 1,671 14 3 337 8 6 7 2 3 1,317 5 3 657 14 6 5,676 19 6 1,114 9 8 1,251 16 0 .. 1.334 1 2 1,364 1 4 ! 3,077 2 6 354 18 6 5,484 13 0 I £ s. d. •■ ■' •• 5,196 13 1 :: £ s. d. 1,226 3 10 540 12 6 I,847'i3 8 389 2 3 411 11 2 £ s. d. 29 6 0 237 10 5 29 14 9 41 0 0 692 18 5 1,144 12 2 114 16 1 3,267 3 5 152 13 8 60 11 9 405 15 11 32 0 3 608 11 10 100 0 0 263 16 9 193 17 2 242 2 2 54 2 6 146 2 2 641 15 9 22 15 2 113 6 7 £ s. d, 13,395 4 1C 57,192 6 2 4,304 9 6 12,909 16 3 23,668 7 C 11,995 18 7 17,405 5 6 20,190 16 3 11,606 8 1 2,832 4 £ 36,993 11 8 3,588 14 3 24,411 8 4 7.320 0 0 14 C 10,237 12 4 5,380 0 £ 15,526 2 0 12,036 1 S 22,202 1 8 9,087 2 C 9,526 10 5 40 0 0 973 9 10 '.'. ] 256 3 2 37 4 3 304 11 4 1,147 6 6 ■■ .. ■ ■ Totals .. .. 6,811 16 6 1156,705 2 11 6,811 16 6 156,705 2 11 '5,015 17 8 3,095 11 4 12,778 3 8 J4,043 0 10 6,S69 8 10 60,570 13 0 7,669 13 3 5,236 13 1 8,594 12 11 345,627 15 61,099 3 0 7,133 18 6



TABLE K9.—Balances and Assets and Liabilities of Operative Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1922.

Secondary-school Boards. Assets. liabilities. Balance, 31st December, 1922. 1922. Overdrafts and Loans. Other Liabilities. Bank Balances and Investments. Amounts owing to Board. Total. Total. Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar Schools .. Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth High Schools Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High Schools Napier High Schools Gisborne High School Dannevirke High School Wellington Colleges Marlborougb High School Nelsin Colleges Rangiora High School • C'hristchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School Timaru High Schools Waitaki High Schools Otago High Schools Gore High School Southland High Schools £ s. d. Dr. 2,122 10 0 Or. 8,572 19 3 Dr. 6,220 7 1 Cr. 380 0 10 Dr. 10,631 4 2 Cr. 2,534 19 6 Dr. 1,926 14 0 Cr. 3,726 0 3 Dr. 6,471 3 5 Dr. 220 10 9 Dr. 9,696 10 11 Dr. 289 1 3 Dr. 8,088 17 0 Dr. 1,831 4 3 Dr. 28,210 8 11 Dr. 6,725 0 a Dr. 5,876 7 2 Dr. 10,119 6 1 Cr. 497 2 1 Dr. 5.866 7 4 Cr. 324 3 9 Cr. 9,108 7 0 £ s. d. 5,065 2 9 394 12 4 445 13 0 1,089 2 10 4,104 12 4 550 0 0 5,794 19 9 1,705 10 3 400 0 0 605 9 1 5,345 1 10 £ s. d. 646 18 3 3,178 10 2 878 10 0 382 16 8 860 1 3 2,822 17 6 1.456 17 11 1,204 19 3 629 12 1 203 3 8 14,316 7 6 82 3 0 2,147 1 0 * £ s. d. 646 18 3 8,243 12 11 1,273 2 4 828 9 8 1.949 4 1 6,927 9 10 2,006 17 11 6,999 19 0 2,335 2 4 203 3 8 14,716 7 6 687 12 1 7,492 2 10 £ B. d. 618 5 2 3,759 5 5 6,571 11 3 10,280 15 6 3,856 19 7 3,428 1 7 6,855 15 0 109 6 1 1,389 0 1 £ s. d. 28 4 11 536 13 1 155 13 11 89 12 1 928 7 8 496 18 9 254 0 10 1,092 8 11 402 1 2 75 0 0 7,090 0 0 700 0 0 100 0 0 £ . s. d. 646 10 1 4,295 18 6 6,727 5 2 89 12 1 11,209 3 2 4,353 18 4 3,682 2 5 1,092 8 11 7,257 16 2 184 6 1 8,479 0 1 700 0 0 14.796 13 8 * £ s. d. Cr. 0 8 2 Cr. 3,947 14 5 Dr. 5,454 2 10 Cr. 738 17 7 Dr. 9.259 19 1 Cr. 2.573 11 6 Dr. 1,675 4 6 Cr. 5.907 10 1 Dr. 4,922 13 10 Cr. 18 17 7 Or. 6,237 7 5 Dr. 12 7 11 Dr. 7,304 10 10 14,696 13 8 * lie io 5 359 1 5 1,978 1 11 410 4 2 398 3 3 6,547 0 8 1,976 2 6 232 5 6 542 17 7 768 0 1 926 8 10 910 15 9 81 9 11 3,262 2 2 1,976 2 6 232 5 6 659 8 0 1.127 1 6 2,904 10 9 1.320 19 11 479 13 2 9.809 2 10 28,392 13 7 6,590 8 8 5,750 0 0 9,409 11 10 1.300 0 0 3,684 1 4 48 16 5 45 13 9 231 0 11 126 3 3 783 17 4 499 16 10 116 11 0 19 5 8 28.441 10 0 6,636 2 5 5,981 0 11 9,535 15 1 2,083 17 4 4,183 18 2 116 11 0 82 3 4 Dr. 26,465 7 6 Dr. 6,403 16 11 Dr. 5,321 12 11 Dr. 8,408 13 7 Cr. 820 13 5 Dr. 2,862 18 3 Cr. 363 2 2 Cr. 9,726 19 6 62 17 8 Totals Dr. 79,152 0 1 28,762 5 4 34,247 18 5 63,010 3 9 106,692 8 9 13,801 0 10 120,493 9 7 Dr. 57,483 5 10 •Figures not available.



TABLE K10. —Income and Expenditure of Secondary-school Hostels for the Year 1922.

TABLE K11. —Showing Distribution by the Government of Reserves Revenue to Secondary Schools for the Year ending 31st December, 1922.

Pr< iflt. Loss. Hostel. Income. Expenditure. Percentage of Income. Amount. Percentage of Income. Amount. Whangaroi Boys' Hamilton Oirla' New Plymouth Boys' .. Now Plymouth Girls' .. Palmerston North Boys' Napier Boys' Napier Girls' Gisbonie Boys' Gisborne Girls' Nelson Boys' Nelson Girls' Ohristchurch Boys' (Jhristehurch Girls' Timaru Girls' Waitaki Girls' Otago Boys' £ 1,999 658 7,521 2,368 2,204 3,817 2, 680 2,819 1,448 6,163 4,164 1,475 1,719 1,760 1,179 2,882 £ 1,966 796 6,360 2, 107 2,103 ;j,278 2,704 2,012 1,590 5,950 3,535 2,071) 1 ,808 1,680 908 2,710 £ 38 £ 2 £ £ 138 21 1,152 201 161 530 15 9 7 14 24 1 207 7 142 io 207 629 4 15 598 149 ii 8 86 271 166 5 23 6 The. total income was £44,922 >f £2,601, or 6 per cent, of tho im The avcrago cost of provisions :ases tho poreontage expenditure c and the total expenditure £ )42,321, leaving a profit ove: r the sixteen lostols named some. i was 30 per cont. of the total in staff wages is considered t< . expenditure, and of staff wo o bo too high, and on provis igos 27 per coi dons too low. it. In several

Provincial District. Revenue received. Distribution of Revenue. Secondary Schools receiving Payments. I Amount paid | to each School. Auckland £ s. d. 2,058 15 5 Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' and Girls' Grammar Schools .. Thames High Sohool Hamilton High Sohool Gisborne High School New Plymouth High Schools Wellington Colleges Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High Schools Napier High Schools Dannevirke High School Nelson Colleges Marlborough High Sohool Greymouth High School Hokitika High School Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools Waitaki High Schools Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools Gore High School £ s. d. 154 8 3 1,340 4 11 107 1 4 247 1 1 209 19 10 1,111 14 9 1,852 6 1 293 16 11 477 10 3 1,315 9 3 379 14 4 283 1.3 3 84 8 0 92 6 3 65 14 6 488 17 7 240 14 0 242 16 5 97 7 1 Taranaki Wellington .. 1,111 14 9 2,623 13 3 Hawke's Bay.. 1,695 3 7 Nelson Marlborough .. Westland 283 13 3 84 8 0 158 0 9 Otago 1,069 15 1 Total 9,085 4 1 9,085 4 1 Total


TABLE K12.—Lower Departments of Secondary Schools, 1922.— Average Attendance, Roll, Classification, and Staff.

Table L1. —School Attendance at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1922.

TABLE L2.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1922.


School. a Boll 2 oi Number 5)8 1922. $_ 8 3 C'lassMcal Class P. 81. 82. B. G. B. G. B. G. tion according to Standards. S3. S4. S5. 86. Totals. B. G. B. G. B. 0. B. G. B. G. I ill III 1 M. ] g New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Gisborne High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Christchuroli Girls' High School Timaru Boys' High School Waitaki Boys' High School 70 39 34 42 39 57 3.5 62 22 68 30 76 27 44 4.0 42 32 17 62 4 1 3 o '2 3 7 10 2 I, 5 4 6 12 *2 10 8 i2 5 ii 13 10 4 k> 12 8 3 16 28 15 25 18 13 12 14 19 76 27 II 40 42 32 17 62 76 42 :',•> 41 41 62 40 68 25 75 32 1 ] 1 2 2 2 2 68 25 9 13 4 16 2 1C 19 68 25 2 1 3 75 32 4 7 4 io io 8 20 15 20 75 32 1 Totals 498 294 246 4 12 3 24 19 26J [ 28 50 57 57 121 93 294 246 540 6 14 46 Christ's College, Christchurch .. 1 [ : 50 1 48 50 10 18 21 50 2 Grand totals 54(i 344 4 12 3 19 36 28 46 78 121 93 344 J590 8 15 24i 25 68 57 246

Hduoatlon District. "o fa Loll Nm Lber at 31et Di jccmbcr. Mean oi Boll oJ Average Tour Qi Weekly larters. Mean of ance oi Average j ' Four Qui ittcndirtcrs. 1 I 8 I™ i 11 : la p la § g it I* § a I* H r-t Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Auckland .. 17 Wanganui .. 5 Hawke's Bay .. 4 Wellington .. 9 Nelson .. .. 3 Canterbury .. 14 Otago .. .. 8 662 128 162 506 81 716 351 1 4 3 5 2 :i l 79 16 19 62 10 79 31 192 39 43 172 24 287 I I I 234 37 48 164 34 195 107 156 32 49 103 11 202 101 366 62 95 280 84 380 170 365 65 86 255 90 398 207 781 127 181 535 174 778 377 337 56 87 266 79 354 158 331 58 81 240 83 362 190 668 114 168 506 162 716 348 Totals for 1922.. 61 2,600 19 296 818 819 654 1,437 1,466 2,903 1,337 1,345 2,682 Totals for 1921.. 57 57 2,176 26 282 637 712 519 1,275 1,35S 2,633 1,189 1,251 2,440 Difference .. 4 430 -7 14 181 107 135 162 108 270 148 94 242

Number oJ Pupils taking Subjects. Percentage oi Whole Number. Subject. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. English and arithmetic Geography, history, and civics .. Latin French Mathematics Surveying and mensuration Chemistry and physics Botany Agricultural science Dairy-work Hygione Domestic science Needlework and cookery Woodwork and metalwork Laundry-work Book-keeping and commercial work Shorthand and typewriting Drawing 1,291 1,291 387 953 1,23.'! 17 964 188 913 439 123 1,337 1,337 306 1,000 1,290 766 134 308 285 284 554 859 1000 J 00-0 29-9 73-8 95-5 1-3 74-7 14-6 70-7 34-0 95 loo-o 100 0 22-8 85-2 96-9 57-3 100 230 21-3 21-2 41-4 64-2 805 G2-4 145 34 140 90 199 105 102 11*2 2-6 11-3 7-1 14-9 7-8 7-6 Total number of pupils 1,291 1,337 100-0 100 0



TABLE L3.-Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1922.

4—E. 6.

Note.—In the column for " Position Secondary Department, and " R " Rcliovinj iceount of the charge of the secondary depai Two normal schools, although not dis regulations for training colleges. on Staff," (5), " H " means Head of a School, " D " As g Assistant. In the case of the head teacher the addition rtment only is shown, itrict high schools, have secondary departments in accord: isistant in the to salary on [inco with the Staff. School. Average Attendance, 1922. Academic Status and Classification. Position on Staff. Annual Hate of Salary or Allowance at End of Year. Name of Teacher. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Auckland — Aratapu Cambridge Coromandel Dargaville.. Kaitaia Matamata. . Opotiki Paeroa R.awone Rotorua Taumaruuui 24 42 18 25 18 39 20 48 25 50 Cfaappell, William Smith, William G. S. Jones, Griffith R. Meredith, Charles tie Lambert, Ethel G. Harbor, George Smith, Roy V. Davidson, George A... Hill, William H. Scott, Charles E. Trusoott, Reginald J. Moore-Jones, Herbert J. VVatkius, Leslie A. . . Hammond, Gladys M. Wilson, Henry B. Grossman, Mabel B. .. Taylor, George H. Wilks, Frank Button, Winifred E. .. Day, Frederick 0. Pot.nelly, William E. Lewins, William McHardie, Winifred E. Hill, Alice .. Menzies, Isobel J. Boden, William J. .. Norman, Norah P. Wallace, Albort G. C. Walker, William 11. 0. Gavey, Annie L. White, Fergus G. Burton-, AH red F. May, Coeil G. Walker, Spenoerley .. Crabbe, Norman J. .. Hately, Janet P. Oarnaehan, Robert .. Wilton, Elizabeth T. Ross, Nellie Dodd, Arthur J. A. .. Gibson, Henry T. Sims, Charles F, Morrison, Margaret A. Cutforth, Leslie R. .. Adams, Olga L. G. .. Snell, Edgar F. Howes, Bernard H. .. Willocks, Ada M. JR.. . B.A., B B C c c 0 B I) Lie. C 0 I) M.A , A B.A., B C B C B.A., I? 6 B B.Sc, B B.A., B 1! B M.A., A J5 B.A., B 0 B C H. D. II. D. I). II. J). II. 1). H. D. H. l>. i). H. D. If. I). D. II. D. ir. i). B. O. H. D. l>. H. D. l>. H. I). II. K. D. IT. l>. 1). l>. If. l>. I). I). D. H. l>. ■ D. £ s. d. 30 0 0 313 0 0 30 0 0 375 0 0 253 0 0 30 0 0 253 0 0 30 0 0 315 0 0 30 0 0 243 0 0 30 0 0 355 0 0 253 0 0 30 0 (I 283 0 0 30 0 0 343 0 0 233 0 0 30 0 0 283 0 0 30 0 0 333 0 0 270 0 0 243 0 0 30 0 0 283 0 0 243 0 0 30 0 0 343 0 0 2(53 0 0 30 0 0 255 0 0 30 0 0 305 0 0 283 0 0 30 0 0 333 0 0 283 0 0 203 0 0 50 0 0 293 0 0 243 0 0 233 0 0 173 0 0 30 0 0 355 0 0 283 0 0 43 Tauranga .. 45 Te Aroha .. 21 Te Awamutu To Kuiti .. 45 64 15 1! 15 C B.A., B B.A., B C 0 B.O.E., B B 0 Waihi 99 Whakatano 0 0 B 37 Wanganui—■ Bull's 14 Lewie, Percy G. Olemanoe, Herbert J. Ironmonger, Kdwin Ti. MoNiven, Jessie T. E. Bates, Fredoric A. Hall, Percy H Lehndorf, Chloe R. .. Blytli, Thomas A. .. Jamieson, Catherine Hird, William E. Yates, Otho H. E. M.A., A C I) B M.A., A I) B.A., B D B.A., B M.A., B B H. 1). H. D. H. 1). j>. H. I). H. D. 30 0 0 293 0 0 30 0 0 253 0 0 30 0 0 365 0 0 293 0 0 30 0 0 303 0 0 30 0 0 285 0 0 Hunterville 14 Marton 47 Ohakunc .. 16 Taihapo 22 Hawke's Bay— Waipawa .. 58 dimming, Clyde A. .. Lookhart, John A. Irvine-Smith, Fannv L. Ourd, Frank B. Grace, Eleanor A. Roy, Rubina A. Rokson, John T. Glover, Harold E. .. Miller, Jack I). Hewlett, Henry C. .. Oliver, Selina R. Merriok, Francis S. .. B.A., B B B.A., A B 0 B.A., A 0 I) II. 1). D. H. l>. 1). H, l>. R. 1!. ' I). IX 30 0 0 293 0 0 313 0 0 SO 0 0 333 0 0 253 0 0 30 0 0 265 0 0 275 0 0 30 0 0 303 0 0 335 0 0 Waipukurau 38 Wai roa 34 Woodvillo 37 B.A., A B.A., A C



TABLE L3.-Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1922 — continued.

Staff. School. Average Attendance, 1922. Name of Teacher. (3) Academic Status Position and on Classification. Staff. (4) (5) Salary or Allowance at End o£ Year. (1) (2) (6) Wellington — Carte rton .. Eketahuna Greytow n .. Hutt Levin Marti nborough 02 53 25 45 02 34 Edie, John H. Colquhoim, Mary H... Blyth, Doris Tyler, Mara L. Lynskcy, James H. .. Lazarus, Francos Hind, Helen M. Nightingale, Henry .. Mather, Winifred M... Tamblyn, Joseph Sinclair, Mary A. Mackay, Sophia A. F, G. McKonzie, Isabella M. Foss, Reginald J. Marsh, John Armstrong, Beryl G.. . M ilnes, Ruby 0. Wilson, Henry L. Dale, Margaret J. Hunt, Winifred Jackson, William H.. . Bee, John G. Brown, Alexander M. Sutherland, Olive R... Duley, Edith L. Olson, Claude H. Ghatwin, George W. .. Edmed, Mildred C. .. Jimkor, Dorothy F. K. Bodinglield, Douglas S. McLeod, David Park, Jean Williams, Kate B B B 0 B.A., B C B.A., B M.A., A B.A., B M.A., B B.A., B C C B I! B.A., B B B M.A., B B T> M.A., A B.A., B B.A., A D B 0 C B.A., B B.A., B M.A., B.Sc, B 0 II. I). IX R. H. I). I). H. r>. H. 1). T). R. H. n. i). D. H. I). I). H. D. D. D. D. D. H. D. D. H. I). D. Part time D. £ s. d. 30 0 0 333 0 0 243 0 0 155 0 0 30 0 0 343 0 0 203 0 0 30 0 0 203 0 0 30 0 0 373 0 0 293 0 0 155 0 0 30 0 0 345 0 0 273 0 0 215 0 0 30 0 0 333 0 0 253 0 0 50 0 0 393 0 0 333 0 0 303 0 0 213 0 0 203 0 0 30 0 0 313 0 0 283 0 0 30 0 0 305 0 0 293 0 0 75 0 0 Mosterton 136 Paliiatua 37 Potone 54 Nelson — Motuoka Douglas, Arthur Dunn, Annie Hall, Walter J. Werry, Alfred E. Hopkirk, Susan M. .. McBoth, Helen A. .. Hiddleston, John F. C. Bruce, Violet M. 0 B.A., B G C B.A., B D 0 B.Sc, B H. I). D, H, I). l>. H. r>. 30 0 0 313 0 0 243 0 0 30 0 0 333 0 0 253 0 0 30 0 0 273 0 0 35 Reef ton 85 Takaka Lower 13 Canterbury— Akaroa 21 Hall, Charles Farnie, Violet C. Waller, Francis D. Allard, Charles W. Barrell, Arthur F. .. Mayno, Arthur J. Finlayson, Annie C. .. Reece, Marion Gumming, Samuel R. Marriott, Gladys E. .. Tait, John M. ' McKenzie, Gordon M. Wilson, James R. Denny, Lawrence, R. R. Piper, Frank Farnie, Dorothy C. .. Farnie, Winifred Allison, Herbert H. .. Scott, Walter R. Fowler, Martin Robinson, Stella J. .. Aitken, Tsobel M. Irvine, Thomas Niven, James Mayne, Helga M. Warner, Frederick S. H. Reynolds, Mary C. .. Walker, Joseph W. A. Moylo, Mary A. Aschmann, Christopher Irwin, James Osborn, Mabel E. Donne, Archibald H. Gimn, Hellen C. W. .. 0 M.A., A B.A., B B M.A., A M.A., B M.A., A B.A., B C B.A., B B C B A D M.A., B H. D. H. D. D. D. D. 1). K, D. I). I). H. I). H. 1). I). H. D. R. D. R. H. D. t>. H. T>. H. T>. H. D. D. H. r>. 30 0 0 333 0 0 50 0 0 455 0 0 425 0 0 343 0 0 343 0 0 303 0 0 233 0 0 303 0 0 213 0 0 223 0 0 30 0 0 283 0 0 30 0 0 343 0 0 213 0 0 50 0 0 375 0 0 193 0 0 238 0 0 125 0 0 50 0 0 353 0 0 273 0 0 30 0 0 293 0 0 30 0 0 333 0 0 Ghiistohuroh West .. 214 Fairlio 24 Goraldine .. 40 Greymouth 111 C B.A., A Hokitika Kaikoura Town 58 10 22 M.A., A B M.A., A M.A., M.Sc, A C C M.A., B C B.A., B C M.A., A B.A., B C B.A., B Lyttolton Normal 43 475 0 0 323 0 0 30 0 0 273 0 0 Oxford East 18



TABLE L3.-Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1922 — continued.

School. (1) Average Attondmce, 1922. Staff. Academic Status and Classiii cation. Position on Staff. Salary or Allowance at End of Year. Annual Bate of Name of Teacher. (2) (3) (*) (5) (6) Cant e rbury — cont iwued. Pleasant Point Soutbbridge 24 19 Garton, Wilfred W. .. Struthera, Susan B. .. Hutton, James Wills, Kathleen P. .. Smart, John T. Mills, Mary McM. .. Craven, Edward S. .. McLeod, John Laing, Thomas M. M. Olliver, Margaret F. L. Borrie, Margaret A. .. M.A., A JB M.A., B B.A., B C M.A., Lie. B B B.A., B M.A., M.Sc, A B.A., B.Sc, B H. D. H. D. R.H. D. D. H. D. D. D. £ s. d. 30 0 0 313 0 0 30 0 0 30.'! 0 0 Temuka 38 283 0 0 243 0 0 50 0 0 393 0 0 313 0 0 263 0 0 Waimato .. 77 Otago— Alexandra.. Percy, Orrina Holmes, Mary Stokes, Gertrudo M. E. Tumor, George A. Paterson, Janet Tumor, Alalcolm F. .. Anderson, Renata V. Harrison, Wilkinson L. Matheson, Norman M. Blyth, Douglas R. .. Moir, John H. Bressoy, Florence F... Kenyon, Helon M. .. Goldsmith, Alice E. .. Chesnoy, Andrew Tyrrell, Norman M. .. Rodger, William Burn, David W. M. .. Booth, Goorgo F. Sinclair, Agnes Robertson, Mary I. M. A. Mackio, William W. .. Buchan, James W. .. Bowie, John Yardley, Mary H. Searle, Irena E. R.H. I). D. H. D. D. D. H. D. IX H. D. D. I). H. D. II. D. H. D. D. H. D. H. D. R. 313 0 0 253 0 0 50 0 0 363 0 0 253 0 0 243 0 0 30 0 0 293 0 0 243 0 0 Balclutha Lawrence Normal 44 68 37 52 19 B B C M.A., B B C M.A., A C C B.A., B M.A., A B.A., B D D B.A., A B M.A., B B.A., B C C c M.A., A B.A., B M.A., A 383 0 0 313 0 0 233 0 0 30 0 0 243 0 0 30 0 0 385 0 0 30 0 0 333 0 0 243 0 0 30 0 0 263 0 0 30 0 0 283 0 0 155 0 0 Owaka Palmorston 23 Port Chalmers 29 Tapanui 23 Tokomairiro 49 £36,876 0 0



4. STATEMENTS OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS, AND OF AMOUNTS DUE TO BOARDS AND LIABILITIES, OF GOVERNING BODIES OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. WHANGAEBI HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 64 9 0 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 37 10 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 18 17 0 Board .. .. .. .. 213 18 8 Valuation fee, insurance, rates, and Revenue from secondary-education re- clearing endowment . . .. 116 10 0 serves .. .. .. .. 239 17 6 Transfers to— Interest on moneys derived from endow- New Building Account— ments .. .. .. .. 453 16 2 Law-costs .. .. .. 77 12 6 Fencing school-site, &c .. .. 152 8 0 General Account— Repairs to buildings .. .. 90 0 6 Road outlet to school-site . . 9 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 16 1 2 . £518 5 2 £518 5 2 Buildings and Sites Capital Account:— Buildings and Sites Capital Account:— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 75 10 0 New buildings, additions, <fee... .. 7,000 0 0 Government grant for purchase of site Law-costs .. .. .. .. 77 12 0 for boys' school .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Fencing and clearing .. .. 152 8 0 Loans raised for buildings and sites .. 2,000 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 75 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Account .. 230 0 6 £7,305 10 6 £7,305 10 6 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding fees .. .. -. 1,965 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 374 17 9 Hostel games and .sports subscriptions.. 21 10 6 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 52 7 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 ' .. 222 9 9 Provisions.. .. .. .. 1,055 15 9 Fuel, light, &c .. .. .. 120 310 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 456 13 0 Furniture, utensils, &c .. .. 96 3 7 Insurance, rates, interest, &c... .. 24 14 0 Other oxpenscs .. .. .. 2 1.6 4 Sports and games .. .. .. 19 8 6 £2,209 0 3 £2,209 0 3 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 2 2 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 2 2 0 £2 2 0 £2 2 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— COUNT :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 234 10 11 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,449 16 1 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 579 16 3 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,795 16 8 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 22 0 0 Government payment for incidental ex- Maintenance of buildings .. .. 90 0 0 pensos .. .. .. .. 587 10 0 Interest on overdraft incurred on this School foes.. .. .. .. 203 0 0 account .. .. .. .. 0 6 0 Printing and advertising hostel .. 18 13 0 Refund of school fees .. .. 7 0 0 Kerr's scholarship .. . . .. 25 0 0 Transfer, boarding fees to Hostels AcSale of furniture .. .. .. 1 10 0 count .. .. .. .. 163 4 0 Transfers from Endowments Account .. 90 0 6 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 355 15 9 £4,312 2 10 £4,312 2 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. j Amounts due to Board. £ g. d. Mostels Account — Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 112 3 6 Heating and lighting .. .. 0 7 9 Hostels Account—Boarding fees .. 17 12 0 Groceries .. .. . - • • 010 9 Secondary General Account— Meat .. -- •- -- 0 17 6 Fees ' .. .. .. .. 35 10 0 Fruit and vegetables .. .. 012 0 Salaries due from Department .. 325 4 9 Water-supply .. .. .. 4 4 2 Balance, current account .. .. 152 8 0 Printing and advertising .. .. 4 7 0 Cash on hand .. .. .. 4 0 0 Secondary General Account— Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 2 0 0 Printing and advertising .. .. 10 0 Repairs to school-ground .. .. 14 6 1 Overdraft at bank .. .. •• 618 5 2 £646 10 11 £646 18 3



AUCKLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 663 17 2 Board .. .. .. .. 8,241 12 7 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 125 16 11 Revenue from secondary-education re- Travelling-expenses of Board members.. 5 0 0 serves .. .. .. .. 2,183 0 0 Repairs .. .. .. .. 1,005 6 9 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Insurance .. .. .. .. 159 16 10 ments .. .. .. .. 117 16 0 Rates .. .. .. .. 779 8 0 Auckland University College (refund) .. 40 8 0 Interest on mortgages .. .. 00 0 0 Legal expenses .. .. .. 59 10 2 Recoverable expenditure .. .. 40 0 8 Transfers to other accounts — General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 552 10 7 Buildings and Sites Account .. 6,530 1.0 2 £10,582 9 3 £10,582 9 3 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 6,168 15 0 Investment of moneys received from Moneys derived from sale of endowments 150 0 0 maturity of debentures .. .. 5,000 0 0 Loan-moneys repaid.. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 6,318 15 0 £11,318 15 0 £11,318 15 0 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Government grants for new buildings, &c.— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 4,325 16 2 Mount Albert Sohool .. .. 16,000 0 0 New buildings, grounds, furniture, apEpsom additions .. . . .. 300 0 0 ratus, &c. (Mount Albert, £21,948 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- 10s. sd. ; Mount Eden, £18 Bs. 9d. ; count .. .. .. .. 6,530 10 2 Epsom, £96 17s. Bd. ; Howe Street, Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 3,650 3 3 £27 18s. Bd.) .. .. .. 22,092 1 6 Interest on loans for overdraft .. 62 15 9 £26,480 13 5 £26,480 13 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,934 9 0 Government payment for salaries of Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 21,563 2 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 26,269 0 3 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 4,945 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 4,518 19 10 Government capitation for manual and Material for manual and science instrucscicncc instruction .. .. 423 9 3 tion .. .. .. .. 237 10 5 School fees .. .. .. 1,001 15 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 240 3 8 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Insurance .. ..' .. .. 306 12 11 count .. .. .. .. 552 10 7 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 557 14 11 £31,578 7 1 £31,578 7 1 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 339 10 9 Rents accrued and not paid .. .. 1,065 1 2 Principal of loans .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Sundry .. .. .. .. 019 4 Contractors' deposits .. .. .. 50 0 0 Government grants— Various trust accounts.. .. .. 147 2 4 Mount Albert School .. .. 1,300 0 0 Overdraft and unpresonted cheques .. 2,759 5 5 Science and manual.. .. .. 457 5 0 Epsom School .. .. .. 100 0 0 Secondary General Account— Fees ' .. .. .. .. 120 10 0 Salaries due from Department .. 132 12,10 E. Hooten's Trust Account .. .. 2 1 10 Cash on hand .. .. .. 65 2 9 £4,295 18 6 £8,243 12 11


THAMES HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 75 0 0 Board . . . . .. .. 778 0 3 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 10 4 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Travelling-expenses of Board members.. 16 10 0 serves .. .. .. .. 131 12 6 Interest, power-station purchase .. 180 0 0 Goldfields revenue .. .. .. 42 7 0 Transfer to General Account .. .. 844 13 8 Rent, cottage .. .. .. 34 0 0 For salaries, &o. .. .. .. 156 13 2 Auckland education reserves .. .. 54 5 1 Royalty on metal .. . . .. 155 2 6 Rent, power-station .. .. 87 13 6 £1,283 0 10 £1,283 0 10 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,478 3 8 Grounds improvement .. .. 177 410 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Principal of loans repaid .. .. 415 13 7 count .. .. .. .. 844 13 8 Interest on loans for buildings .. 251 15 3 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,478 3 8 £2,322 17 4 £2,322 17 4 Adams Memorial Trust Account :— Adams Memorial Trust Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 53 15 9 Payments .. .. .. .. 312 8 Interest .. .. ... .. 2 2 2 Balance, 31st December, 1922, Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 52 5 3 £55 17 11 £55 1.7 11 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count : — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,325 14 1 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,523 14 3 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,589 2 6 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. •. 516 10 2 penses .. .. .. .. 412 10 0 Maintenance (including material) of School fees.. .. .. .. 79 0 0 classes for manual instruction .. 16 12 3 Loan repaid .. .. .. 30 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. ..1771 Interest on loan .. .. .. 512 6 Interest on overdraft .. .. 25 7 4 Interest refunded .. .. .. 160 9 5 Conveyance of scholars from distance .. 13 2 6 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 156 13 2 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,135 16 7 £4,503 15 11 £4,503 15 11 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. A/mounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sites unpaid, purchase - money, Borough Rents .. .. .. .. 833 18 0 Council .. .. '.. .. 2,000 0 0 Lower-department fees .. .. 44 12 0 Principal of loans, Government insurance 4,541 11 3 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 52 5 3 Interest on loans, Borough Council .. 30 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 342 7 I Secondary General Account .. .. 103 8 8 Adams' Memorial Trust Account .. 52 5 3 £6,727 5 2 £1,273 2 4 HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account t — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vostod in Transfer to Genoral Account, for repairs Board .. .. .. .. 52 0 0 to buildings .. .. .. 72 6 5 Revenue from secondary-education re- For salaries, &c .. .. .. 467 12 6 serves .. .. .. .. 487 18 11 £539 18 11 £539 18 11 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Government grants— Extensions, school building .. .. 4,999 6 10 Extensions, sohool building .. 4,999 6 10 Playing-fields .. .. .. 50 14 10 Furniture and apparatus .. .. 435 7 6 Desks, tables, chairs, and furniture .. 112 2 6 Transfer from General Account .. 152 9 4 Drainage .. .. .. .. 51 0 0 Piano .. .. .. .- 20 0 0 Benches, water-service, electric installation .. .. . - .. 30 14 6 Science apparatus .. .. .. 323 5 0 £5,587 3 8 £5,587 3 8



HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD— continued. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922— continued. Receipts —continuod. Payments— continued. Hostels Account:— £ s. d. Hostels Account: — £ s. d. Boarding fees .. .. .. 641 19 10 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 254 13 <i Discount (refund) .. .. .. 010 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 44 11 6 Transfers from General Account .. 169 10 10 Fuel, light, &o. .. .. .. 17 0 0 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 184 15 0 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 242 13 4 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 18 10 0 Rent .. .. .. .. 27 19 10 f Sundry expenses .. .. .. 21 17 6 £812 0 8 £812 0 8 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count :— Balanco, 31st Docember, 1921 .. 231 18 6 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,601 12 9 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 855 6 11 teachers.. .. .. .. 5,102 14 5 War bursaries .. .. .. 37 10 0 Government paymont for incidental Rates and taxos .. .. .. 12 12 3 expenses .. .. .. 937 10 0 Choquo returned and robanked .. 310 0 Government capitation for classes for Transfer to Hostel Account .. .. 169 10 10 manual instruction .. .. 99 13 5 Buildings and sites .. .. .. 152 9 4 Voluntary contributions for genoral pur- Refund .. .. .. .. 0 2 2 posos (not new buildings) .. .. 1 15 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 445 13 0 Sohool fees .. .. .. 389 15 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 0 5 6 Cost -of - living bonus recovered from teachers .. .. .. .. 0113 War bursaries, £18 15s. ; refund salaries, £27 16s. Bd. .. .. .. 46 11 8 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 467 12 6 £7,278 7 3 £7,278 7 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. cl. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Hostels Account .. .. .. 17 8 6 Boarding fees due .. .. ... 79 0 0 Secondary Genoral Account—Duo to De- Secondary-school fees due .. .. 55 6 8 partment, salaries, &c. .. .. 72 3 7 Salaries due from Department .. .. 242 5 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 6 5 0 Balanco, current account .. .. 445 13 0 £89 12 1 £828 9 8 NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses, office Board .. .. .. .. 978 12 4 furniture.. .. .. .. 57 11 9 Revenue from secondary-education re- Law oxponses .. .. .. 2 2 0 serves .. .. .. .. 1,156 17 7 Transfers to — New Building Account (school furniture) 73 8 0 General Account — Repairs to building .. .. 126 3 3 Salaries, &c. .. .. .. 1,569 5 4 Boys' laboratory, £45 ss. ; girls' laboratory, £9 2s. 6d. .. .. 54 7 6 Rates, taxes, and insurances .. 128 3 3 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 124 8 10 £2,135 9 11 £2,135 9 11 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Situs Capital Account :— Government grants— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 637 6 5 Boys' school—Asphalting, £100; found- New buildings, additions, furniture, apations, £100 .. .. .. 200 0 0 paratus, AcVoluntary contributions for new build- Asphalting .. .. .. 250 0 0 ings, &c ... .. .. 147 2 5 Foundation .. .. .. 100 0 0 Transfors from — Gully improvement .. .. 26 0 0 Endowments Income Account (school Boys' sick-room .. .. .. 124 810 furniture) .. .. .. 73 8 0 Sohool furniture .. .. .. 73 8 0 Hostol Account for boys' sick-room .. 124 8 10 War memorial gateway .. .. 147 2 5 Hostol Account for girls' boarding .. 143 6 9 Girls' boarding .. .. .. 143 6 9 Balanco, 31st Docember, 1922 .. 1,584 7 5 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 170 11 0 Interest on loans for buildings .. 600 10 0 £2,272 13 5 £2,272 13 5




NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD— continued. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922 — continued. Receipts —continued. Payments continued. Lower Department Account :—• £ s. d. Lower Department Account :— £ s. 4 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 420 19 3 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 1,008 0 0 School feos .. .. .. 1,248 2 4 Incidental expensos .. .. .. 218 3 10 Balanco, 31st December, 1921 .. 442 17 9 £1,669 17 £1,669 1 7 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balanco, 31st Decembor, 1921 .. 306 16 7 Proportion of office expenses . .. 57 11 9 Boarding feos .. .. .. 9,878 8 11 Provisions.. .. .. .. 3,440 17 9 Refunds of advances to boardors .. 2,487 6 11 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 650 8 2 Sales, farm stock .. .. .. 9 3 0 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 100 0 0 Refunds of tradesmen's accounts .. 282 11 1 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 2,243 210 Grazing rent .. .. .. 5 8 4 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 528 5 9 Donation for organ .. .. .. 4 5 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. 282 11 10 Insurance, rates, interest, &c. .. 782 16 8 Advances to boardors .. .. 2,019 0 11 Proportion salaries —Music-master. £250; Secretary, £214 10s. sd. .. .. 464 10 5 Ropaymont of principal of loans .. 413 19 0 Othor expenses — Farm expenditure.. .. .. 677 0 0 Tradosmon .. .. .. 313 0 3 Transfers to Building Account— Towards sickroom, £124 Bs. lOd. ; secondary department for laboratories, £67 lis. 3d. .. .. 192 0 1 Towards girls' boarding .. .. 143 0 9 Balance, 31st Docember, 1922 .. 655 7 11 £12,973 19 10 £12,973 19 10 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count :— Government payment for salaries of Toaehers' salaries and allowances .. 6,542 17 6 toachors .. .. .. .. 5,610 10 7 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,1.00 10 3 Government payment for incidental Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 45 0 0 oxpenses .. .. .. 1,110 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 126 3 3 School foes .. .. .. 657 10 3 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 179 9 2 War bursaries .. .. .. 45 0 0 Capitation overpaid, doduction from Contractors' deposits .. .. 6 0 0 grants .. .. .. .. 636 18 5 Memorial, interest .. .. .. 6 11 7 Contractors'deposits .. .. 8 0 0 Transfers from Endowments Incomo Ac- Laboratories —boys', £105 175.; girls', count— £16 Is. 9d. .. .. .. 121 18 9 Salaries .. .. .. .. 1,569 5 4 Special prizes .. .. .. 3 0 0 Boys' laboratory, £45 55.; girls' Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,375 4 7 laboratory, £9 2s. 6d. .. .. 54 7 6 Rates, taxes, and insurances .. 128 3 3 Repairs and maintenance .. .. 126 3 3 Hostels Account .. .. .. 192 0 1 £10,139 1 11 £10,139 1 11 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Ronts paid in advance .. .. 156 3 11 Rents .. .. .. .. 14119 Public Trustee (loan) .. .. .. 9,995 15 6 Secondary-reserves ronts .. .. 105 210 Interest on loans .. .. .. 275 0 0 Lower-department feos .. .. 24 0 0 Sundry creditors, Boys' School .. .. 185 15 1 Boarding fees .. .. .. 113 7 11 Sundry creditors, Girls' School .. .. 33 17 1 Advances to boarders .. .. .. 270 19 8 Strandon shelters .. .. .. 277 8 7 Fees .. .. .. .. 25 9 6 Bequests .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 Salaries due from Government .. .. 173 19 7 Contractors' deposits .. .. .. 10 0 0 Investments .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 889 2 10 £11,009 0 2 £1,949 4 1



WANGANUI GIRLS' COLLEGE BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 2,041 0 8 Proportion of offico salarios .. .. 25 0 0 Current incomo from reserves vested in Proportion of office exponses .. .. 15 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 951 11 3 Miscellaneous and additional office salaries Revenue from secondary-education re- and exponses, 1920-21 .. .. 40 0 0 serves .. .. .. .. 334 12 5 j Transfers to— New Building Account .. .. 225 4 10 General Account — For repairs to buildings .. .. 119 1 4 For rates and firo insurance .. 76 14 2 Balance net income from endowments, 1920 .. .. .. 331 2 4 For salaries, &c .. .. 1,129 12 9 Balanco, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,365 8 11 £3,327 4 4 £3,327 4 4 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Interest (Alexander boquost, part) .. 60 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 935 010 Rent (new site) .. .. .. 8 10 0 Furniture for school (blackboards) .. 21 12 6 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Interest on loans for new site .. 212 2 4 count .. .. .. .. 225 410 Balanco, 31st December, 1922 .. 875 0 10 £1,168 15 8 £1,168 15 8 Lower Department Account: — Lower Department Account: — Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 21.4 11 4 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 381 13 4 School feos .. .. .. 497 0 11 ■ Incidental exponses .. .. .. 158 19 2 Stationery foos .. .. .. 28 7 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 310 0 4 Transfer from Secondary Department General Account Incidental expenses (balance apportionments, 1920-21) .. .. .. 110 13 1 | £850 12 10 £850 12 10 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 3,462 15 6 Proportion of office oxpensos .. .. 76 12 6 Boarding fees .. .. .. 4,615 0 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 1,775 4 4 Rofunds of advances to boardors .. 2,129 8 3 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 429 14 8 Proceeds from sale of books, &c, to Wages of matron and staff .. .. 1,112 18 9 boarders .; .. .. 50 8 9 Furniture, utensils, &c .. .. 123 19 4 Sundry refunds .. .. .. 9 4 4 Repairs to buildings .. .. 309 15 11 Sale of hostol furniture .. .. 80 15 10 Insurance, rates, interest, &c .. 34 8 6 Insurance feos, boarders'effects .. 9 17 6 Advances to boardors .. .. 1,251 0 2 Bent, temporary premises .. .. 104 0 0 Hostel expenses, advances .. .. 30 0 0 Books. £49 10s. lid. ; stationery and advertising, £2 lis. Bd. .. .. 52 2 7 Insurance, boarders' effects .. .. 915 2 Sundry refunds .. .. .. 95 8 8 Balanco, 31st December, 1922 .. 4,892 9 7 £10,357 10 2 £10,357 10 2 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : — Government paymont for salarios of Balance, 31st Decomber, 1921 .. 3,972 14 0 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,429 9 11 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,043 3 8 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,058 2 5 penses .. .. .. .. 581 5 0 Maintenance classes for manual instrucVoluntary contributions for school prizes 67 10 1 tion .. .. .. .. 106 13 9 Refund from pupils, &c. .. .. 3 4 2 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 119 1 4 School fees .. .. .. 338 0 0 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 76 14 2 Sundry fees, music, &c .. .. 1,479 11 10 Music department .. .. .. 893 18 1 Rents of Assembly Hall, &c .. .. 4 10 0 Part-time teachers .. .. .. 190 6 8 Miscellaneous ... .. .. 186 Refund fees and pew ronts .. .. 77 19 4 Interest (Alexander bequest, part) .. 30 0 0 Maintenance of equipment .. .. 44 10 3 Contractors' doposits .. .. 40 2 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 7 12 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- School prizes .. .. .. 58 19 10 count — Transfor to Lower Department Account, For repairs, rates, and insurance .. 195 15 6 for incidental expenses .. .. 110 13 1 For teachers'salarios .. .. 1,129 1.2 9 Additional office salaries and exponses.. 40 0 0 Balance net income from endowments, 1920 331 2 4 Balance, 31st Docember, 1922 .. 3,088 5 8 £9,759 17 9 £9,759 17 9

5—E. 6.



WANGANUI GIRLS' COLLEGE BOARD— continued. Statement of Amounts due to the Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. /[mounts due to Board. Buildings and Sites Account — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account — Rents £s. d. Sundry accounts unpaid .. .. 39 13 1 outstanding .. .. .. 24 8 3 Balance duo on new site .. .. 3,856 19 7 Buildings and Sites Account —Rents (reInterest on loans .. .. .. 70 0 0 serves vested in Board) .. .. 383 4 5 Hostels Account — Interest accrued and not paid .. .. 12 10 0 Sundry accounts unpaid .. .. 173 9 4 Lower-department school fees .. .. 43 6 9 Boarders'oxpenses .. .. .. 37 11 0 Hostels Account— Secondary Genoral Account — Boarding fees .. .. .. 167 0 2 Due to Department, salaries, &c .. 91 14 10 Advances to boarders .. .. 971 17 11 Sundry accounts unpaid .. .. 84 8 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 6 1.7 4 Sundry refund due by Board .. .. 0 2 6 General Account — Secondary-tuition fees .. .. 74 12 0 Fees (sundry) .. .. . . 591 19 8 Government capitation .. .. 74 12 0 Rents (Assembly Hall and baths) .. 4 5 0 Subsidy on bequest .. .. .. 500 0 0 Investments .. .. 1,500 0 0 Interest accrued .. .. .. 25 0 0 Balanco, current account .. .. 2,604 12 4 £4,353 18 4 £6,927 9 10

PALMERSTON NORTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 160 0 10 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 30 0 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Proportion of office expenes .. .. 1.5 0 0 serves (administered by Land Boards) 530 17 11 Transfers to — General Account— For repairs to buildings .. .. 210 16 0 For insuranco .. .. .. 78 5 5 For salaries, &c. .. .. 160 14 10 • Interest, Hostels Account .. 138 0 0 Now Buildings Account, for levelling Girls' High School grounds and fencing Boys' High School .. .. 50 2 0 Balanoe, 31st December, 1922 .. 8 0 6 £690 18 9 £690 18 9 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Government grants for — Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 605 8 11 Hostel, Boys' High School .. .. 400 1 9 Hostel, Boys' High School .. .. 776 7 6 Memorial library, Boys' High School 227 17 6 Memorial Library Account, Boys' High Scienco apparatus, Boys' High School 24 19 9 School .. .. .. .. 477 6 9 Voluntary contributions for new build- Buildings and furniture, Girls' High ings, &c—Memorial library .. 359 5 6 School .. .. .. .. 243 12 11 Transfer from Hostels Account .. 200 0 0 Apparatus and furniture, Boys' High Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 942 18 1 School .. .. .. .. 52 0 6 £2,155 2 7 £2,155 2 7 Hostels Account : — Hostels Account : — Boarding foes .. .. .- 2,054 17 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 263 17 7 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 416 2 11 Provisions .. .. .. .. 771 16 8 Transfers on loan from Endowments Fuel, light, &c .. .. .. 141 7 3 Income Account .. .. .. 138 0 0 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 486 5 0 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 65 19 5 Insurance, rates, interest, &c.. .. 48 9 9 Advances to boarders .. .. 450 13 8 Interest on Loans Purchase Account .. 138 0 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 15 16 4 Transfer to Buildings (Hostel) Account 200 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 26 14 3 £2,608 19 11 £2,608 19 11 Technical Instruction Account : — Technical Instruction Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 242 8 0 Total paymonts .. .. .. 5,196 13 1 Total receipts .. .. .. 4,659 9 3 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 294 15 10 £5,196 13 1 £5,196 13 1



PALMERSTON NORTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD— continued. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922 — continued. Receipts —continued. Payments —continued. Secondary Department General Ac- £ s. d. Secondary Department General Ac- £ s. d. count : — count :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 394 7 7 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 6,830 8 9 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,101 2 5 teachers.. .. .. .. 5,820 II 0 Maintenance (including material) of Government payment for incidental ox- classes for manual instruction .. 89 13 1 pauses •• ■■ .. .. 1,107 10 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 210 16 0 Government capitation for classes I'm- Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 78 5 5 manual instruction .. .. 101 2 0 Interest on overdraft incurred on this School fees.. .. .. . . 542 0 0 account .. .. .. .. 25 3 0 Voluntary contributions for general Fencing, Boys' High School .. .. 37 2 0 purposes .. .. .. 21 7 6 Levelling ground, oiris' High School .. 23 0 0 Government grant, class material, Girls' Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 74 17 7 High School .. .. .. 23 17 6 Returned Soldiers' Association subsidy.. 10 0 0 Oollingwood Scholarship .. .. 6 6 0 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 43 8 5 Transfers from Endowments Account— Repairs, £210 165.; insurance, £78 ss. sd. 289 1 5 Salaries .. .. .. .. 160 14 10 Fencing, Boys' Hieh School, £27 25.; levelling, Girls' High School, £23 .. 60 2 0 £8,570 8 3 £8,570 8 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d Amounts due to Board. Hostels Account .. .. .. 82 11 3 Government grants — £ s. d. Memorial library .. .. .. 40 16 0 Technical School class-room .. .. 20 3 0 Technical School class-room .. .. 40 6 0 Memorial library .. .. .. 22 2 6 Sites, unpaid purchase-money .. .. 2,300 0 0 Library Account, from Old Boys' AssoSundry creditors .. .. .. 34 11 6 ciation .. .. .. .. 28 10 0 Secondary General Account— Hostels Account— Sundry accounts .. .. .. 49 16 1 Boarding feos .. .. .. 123 18 0 Overdraft at bank .. .. .. 1,128 1 7 Advances to boarders .. .. 119 15 10 Technical Instruction Account .. .. 407 0 0 Secondary General Account — Fees " .. .. .. 12 0 0 Salaries due from Department .. 560 6 8 Reserves revenue .. .. .. 39 13 5 Manual and science capitation .. J23 2 6 Investments .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Fixed deposit.. .. .. .. 150 0 0 £3,682 2 5 £2,006 17 11



GISBORNE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments, ENDOWMENTS Income Account:— £ g. d. Endowments Income Account: — £ a. d Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses and salaries 38 6 8 Board .. .. .. .. 4,635 18 4 1 Transfers to — Revenue from secondary-education re- General Account, for repairs to buildsorves .. .. .. .. 260 10 2 j ings and salaries .. .. 2,455 IS 6 Buildings and Sites —Instalments and interest, £977 15s. ; balance from last yoar, £169 13s. lOd. . . .. 1,147 8 10 Balance, 31st Doeembor, 1922 .. 1,254 14 6 £4,896 8 6 £4,896 8 6 Buildings and Sites Capital Account:— j Buildings and Sites Capital Account:— Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 109 .'! 10 count .. .. .. .. 1,147 810 Tennis-courts .. .. .. 9 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 9 0 0 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 556 15 0 Interest on loans for buildings .. 421 0 0 £1,156 8 9 £1,156 8 9 Lowur Department Account:— Lower Department Account:— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 750 .11 5 Teachors' salarios and allowances .. 305 0 0 Sohool fees.. .. .. .. 004 10 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 09 14 3 Maintenance of buildings and furniture 5 5 10 Rates, insurance, &c .. .. 9 2 2 Balance, 31st Decomber, 1922 .. 906 2 2 £1,355 4 5 £1,355 4 5 Hostels Account:— Hostkls Account:— Boarding fees .. .. ..-1,171 3 9 Balance, 31st Docember, 1921 .. 989 7 6 Receipts from other souvees .. .. 811 11 8 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 38 6 11 Refund of wages, Girls' hostel .. 2 0 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 1,472 12 4 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 719 7 0 Fuel, light, &c .. .. .. 380 10 1 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 200 0 0 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 1,181 11 9 Furniture, utensils, &c (painting hostel. £60) .. .. .. .. 191 13 2 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 146 1.0 1 Insurance, rates, interest, &0.. . .. 146 16 9 Advances to boarders .. . . 891 2 9 Other expensos . . .. .. 68 14 1 Balance, 31st Docember, 1922 .. 4,717.17 11 £5,707 5 5 £5,707 5 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Dkpartment General Account:—- count: — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 9 12 10 teachers .. .. .. .. 1,731 12 6 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 4,660 0 6 Government payment for incidental ox- Incidental exponses .. .. .. 546 7 11 ponses .. .. .. .. 862 10 0 Maintenance (including material) of Government capitation for classes for olasses for manual instruction .. 127 15 8 manual instruction .. .. 37 18 8 Maintenance of buildings and furniture 42 6 7 School fees.. .. .. .. 547 10 0 Rates and taxes (rates, £26 16s. Id. ; Education Board, Napier—Refund .. 15 0 0 insurance, buildings, £25 lis. 7d. ; other Interest on war bond .. .. 210 0 insurance, £20 9s. lid.) .. .. 72 17 7 Lovy, scienoo classes .. .. 41 0 0 Interest on overdraft incurred on this Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- account .. .. .. .. 19 18 6 count .. .. .. .. 2,455 18 6 Rhinosmith prize .. .. .. 419 6 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 213 0 7 £5,696 19 8 £5,696 19 8 Statement of Amounts due to Board ami of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Rent in advaneo .. .. .. 17 10 0 Rents (endowments and reserves) .. 128 0 0 Sites, unpaid purchase-money .. .. 1,200 0 0 Rent, Section 170, grazing .. .. II 10 9 Government Life Insurance Department .. 1,905 15 0 Capitation, scionce and handwork .. 46 0 0 Private loan .. .. .. -. 3,750 o 0 Lower-department fees due .. .. 1.7 10 0 Hostels Account — Boarding fees duo .. .. .. 265 10 0 Mr. Foote (rectory) .. .. .. 200 0 0 - Advances to boarders .. .. .. 104 4 3 Current accounts .. .. .. 100 4 8 Secondary-school fees .. .. .. 28 0 0 Credits, boarding foes .. .. 10 0 Salarios duo from Department .. .. 28 4 7 Credits, incidental expenses, boarders .. 012 0 Balance, current account .. .. 1,705 10 3 Incidental expenses, boarders.. .. 1 17 1 Bill of contract . . .. .. 69 0 0 Secondary-school Account — Current accounts .. .. .. • • 9 0 5 Rent of office.. .. .. .. 2 17 0 £7,257 16 2 £2,288 16 4



NAPIER HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. i Payments. Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries . . .. 7 4 0 Board .. .. - - - - 331 7 6 Proportion of office expenses .. . . 2 8 7 Revonuo from secondary-education re- Legal expenses, £29 ss. sd. ; fencing, servos .. .. .. .. 1,264 110 £56 13s. KM. ; rates, £9 12s. 4d. ; Interest from moneys derived from on- poisoning, £6; valuation fees, £4 14s. Od. 100 (i 1 dowmonts . . .. .. 54 0 0 Transfers to— Genoral Account — For repairs to buildings .. .. 903 5 5 For salaries .. .. .. 416 0 4 Buildings and Sites Account .. 214 4 IJ £1,649 9 4 £1,649 9 4 Buildings and Sites Capital Account: — Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Transfers from — Rents of school-site .. .. .. 197 7 4 Endowments Account .. .. 214 411 ! Additions, alterations, &c. — Secondary Department General Ac- School .. .. .. .. 16 0 0 count .. .. .. .. 289 6 2 I Hostel .. .. .. .. 102 13 6 Furniture, equipment—School .. 123 16 7 Miscellaneous expenditure on new site, rates, clearing, survey, &c... .. 63 13 8 £503 11 1 £503 11 1 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 716 8 6 ' Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 897 11 8 School fees .. .. .. 1,240 3 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 228 17 0 Refund, superannuation .. .. 2 10 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 11 5 0 Transfers on deposit.. .. .. 700 0 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 10 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 11.1 7 10 £1,959 I 6 £1,959 1 6 Hostels Account:— Hostels Account:-— Boarding fees .. .. .. 5,860 14 6 ' Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 23 5 I Refund of advances to boarders .. 761 11 1 , Proportion of office expenses .. .. 321 11 11 Refunds .. .. .. .. 23 8 8 Provisions.. .. .. .. 2,374 13 2 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 417 610 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 1,514 13 7 Furniture, utensils, &c .. .. 91 18 7 Repairs to buildings . . .. .. 134 0 1 Advances to boarders .. .. 858 11 3 Janitor's wages, cleaning, &c. .. 131 18 1 Insurance .. .. .. .. 81 1 8 Transfers on deposit.. .. .. 400 0 0 Other expenses . . . . .. 96 12 8 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 204 1 4 £6,649 14 3 £6,649 14 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : — Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 438 2 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 6,202 3 5 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 916 8 8 teachers .. .. .. .. 5,420 16 5 Maintenance of classos for manual inGovemment payment for incidental ox- struction.. .. .. .. 175 6 8 penses .. .. .. •• 987 10 0 Transfers on deposit.. .. .. 1,502 18 0 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of buildings .. .. 903 5 5 manual instruction .. .. 107 13 0 Water .. .. .. .. 12 4 1 School fees .. .. .. 420 17 4 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 121 7 1 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Magazine, £99 10s. 9d. ; contractors' poses (not new buildings) .. .. 88 16 0 deposits, £50 ... .. .. 149 10 9 Rents of rosorves .. .. .. 1,082 10 0 Stationery, games, &c. .. .. 1,318 011 Fees, stationery, games, &c .. .. 1,537 15 7 Transfers to Buildings and Sites Account 289 6 2 Interest .. .. .. .. 516 8 Balance, 31st December, 1922 » .. 19 12 7 Sales of badges .. .. .. 24 18 0 Donations .. .. .. .. 69 2 4 Sundry recoipts .. .. .. 27 0 4 Contractors' deposits .. .. 50 0 0 Superannuation .. .. .. 30 0 0 Transfers from Endowments Account— For maintenance, &c. .. .. 903 5 5 Salaries.. .. .. .. 416 0 4 £11,610 3 9 £11,610 3 9

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NAPIER HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD—continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. j Amounts due to Board,. £ s. d. Hostel Account—Sundry creditors .. 5 1 1 Rents accrued . . .. .. 247 19 8 Reserves revenue available for salarios, 1923 416 0 4 Interest accrued .. .. .. 71 4 3 Miscellaneous fees, &c... .. .. 234 15 8 Miscellaneous.. .. .. .. 52 16 8 Boys'lmprovements Account .. .. 257 12 2 Girls' Magazine Account .. .. 18 17 6 Girls' Voluntary Contributions Account .. 165 2 6 Rents .. .. .. .. 12 10 0 Sundry creditors —Schools .. .. 13 17 2 Lower-department fees .. .. 33 6 8 Boarding fees .. .. ■ ■ 208 12 3 Advances to boarders .. .. .. 169 15 1 Secondary General Account— Fees ' .. .. .. .- 20 2 8 Salaries due from Department .. 255 010 Material, manual classes .. .. 114 13 8 j Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 1,302 18 0 Investments .. .. .. ..2,85700 Fixed deposits .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 Cash on hand .. .. .. 335 1 9 £1,092 8 11 £6,999 19 0

DANNEVIRKE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to— serves .. .. .. .. 369 3 1 New Building Account .. . . 182 2 5 General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 187 0 8 £369 3 1 £369 3 1 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Transfer from Endowments Account .. 182 2 5 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 57 2 5 Balance, 31st December, 1922 • .. 14 0 0 Part purchase-money on King Street property .. .. .. .. 125 0 0 Interest on loan for buildings and site .. 14 0 0 £196 2 5 £196 2 5 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :• — Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1 15 0 Balanco, 31st December, 1922 .. 1 15 0 £1 15 0 £1 15 0 Secondary! Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Government payment for salarios of Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 133 18 4 teachers .. .. .. 1,885 7 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,113 5 4 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 271 12 11 penses .. .. .. 345 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 208 9 8 Government capitation for classes for Interest on overdraft incurred on this manual instruction .. .. 23 18 8 account .. .. .. .. 9 19 School fees .. .. .. 61 0• 0 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 39 4 9 Rent of King Street property .. 21 0 0 Telephone (rectory) .. .. .. 310 0 Architect's fees .. 48 0 0 Architect's fees .. .. .. 48 0 0 Balance, salaries and incidentals for 1921 158 15 0 Transfers from endowments .. .. 187 0 8 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 97 1 1 £2,827 2 9 £2,827 2 9 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Unpaid purchase-money for sites, &c. .. 75 0 0 Capitation, science, and handwork .. 31 7 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 109 6 1 Salaries due from Government .. .. 171 16 8 £184 6 1 £203 3 8



WELLINGTON COLLEGE AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. j Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 208 14 7 Board .. .. .. .. 9,358 18 5 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 44 0 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Repairs, insurance, rates, &o. . . 915 4 0 serves .. .. .. .. 2,037 15 11 Transfers to General Account — Interest on moneys dorived from ondow- For repairs to buildings .. .. 1,115 5 0 ments .. .. .. .. 79 11 2 For salaries, &c .. .. .. 5,300 15 6 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 3,892 6 5 £11,476 5 6 £11,476 5 6 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account :— Moneys derived from sale of endowments 260 16 8 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 260 16 8 £260 16 8 £260 16 8 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :---- Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Additional accommodation, Girls' College 1,123 I 10 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 698 16 6 New Girls' College site .. .. 2,064 3 6 Fence, Brook Street property .. 8 10 3 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 187 13 0 Additional accommodation, Wellington Desks .. .. .. .. 132 0 0 Girls' College .. .. .. 1,123 I 10 Sale of bricks .. .. ... 7 0 0 Path, Girls' College .. .. .. 12 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,376 14 7 Sampson's property .. .. .. 20 18 11 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 578 1 11 New Girls' College site .. .. 2,064 3 6 Interest on loans for buildings .. 385 0 6 £4,890 12 11 £4,890 12 11 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,784 8 3 Balanco, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,372 17 1 Rent of buildings .. .. .. 411 11 2 £1,784 8 3 £1,784 8 3 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding fees .. .. .. 5,147 0 9 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 2,06115 8 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,307 7 (i Salaries and wages .. .. 1, 490 4 1 Balanco, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,605 6 3 Furniture, utensils, &o. .. .. 384 9 0 Insurance, rates, &c .. .. 21 16 1 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 300 0 0 Provisions .. .. .. 1,956 7 3 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 440 15 6 Repairs to buildings, £69 14s. Ud.; furniture, £15 os. lid. .. .. 84 15 10 Grounds .. .. .. .. 53 14 6 Printing and stationery .. .. 411 5 Advances to boarders .. .. 1,171 16 8 Other expensos .. .. .. 80 3 9 Feed .. .. .. .. 29 4 3 £8,059 14 6 £8,059 14 6 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,307 19 3 teachers... .. .. .. 14,442 11 8 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 20,782 12 2 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,920 13 8 penses .. .. .. .. 3,778 10 3 Maintenance (including material) of Government capitation for classes for classes for manual instruction .. 88 10 6 manual instruction .. .. 360 19 6 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 1,115 5 0 School fees .. .. .. 1,043 5 1 Interest on overdraft .. .. 212 10 3 War bursaries .. .. .. 43 15 0 Grant to library .. .. .. 46 10 2 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Shorthand fees .. .. .. 12 0 0 poses .. .. .. .. 10 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 46 5 0 Shorthand fees .. .. .. 13 0 0 Government grant for Sydney Street Schoolroom .. .. .. 57 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 0,416 0 5 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 375 14 I £26,532 6 0 £26,532 6 0 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. [Figures not available.]



MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. ■ Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfer to General Account, for repairs serves .. .. .. .. 88 11 2 to buildings .. .. .. 488 11 2 Statutory grant in lieu of endowments.. 400 0 0 £488 11 2 £488 11 2 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1922 ~ 165 17 4 Extension of latrines .. .. 96 12 0 New furniture .. .. .. 09 5 4 £165 17 4 £165 17 4 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Balance, 31st Decembor, 1921 (including Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,829 14 10 Post Office Savings-bank) .. .. 158 5 8 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 429 9 3 Government payment for salaries of Maintenance (including material) of teachers .. .. .. .. 2,665 6 4 classes for manual instruction .. 4 8 3 Government payment for incidental ex- Maintenance of buildings .. .. 103 7 5 ponses .. .. .. .. 480 0 0 Rates, taxes, and insuranco .. .. 28 5 2 Government capitation for olasses for Interest on overdraft .. .. 0 11 0 manual instruction .. .. 34 13 3 Building contractor's deposit .. .. 27 1 0 School fees.. .. .. .. 134 11 6 Transfer to new buildings .. .. 165 17 4 Interest on Post Office Savings-bank Ac- Balance, 31st December. 1922 .. 405 9 1 count .. .. .. .. 014 5 Interest on Young Scholarship bequest 5 0 0 Building contractor's deposit .. .. 27 1 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 488 11 2 £3,994 3 4 £3,994 3 4 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Nosworthy bequest for Wrigley Scholarship 500 0 0 Technical Instruction Account .. .. 36 11 0 Young Scholarship bequest .. .. 200 0 0 Salaries due from Government .. .. 45 12 0 Investments (Young bequest) .. .. 200 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 386 6 2 Cash in Post Office Savings-bank .. 19 211 £700 0 0 £687 12 1 NELSON COLLEGE BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of offico salaries .. .. 41 1 0 Board .. .. •• •• 1,064 10 0 Proportion of offico expenses .. .. 93 14 3 Revenue from secondary-education re- Proportion of travelling - expenses of serves .. .. • • • • 366 6 1 Board members .. .. .. 10 0 0 Law-costs, £1 Is.; rates, £13 16s. lOd. 14 1.7 10 Transfers to —■ New Building Account .. .. 443 11 2 General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .>.. .. 475 110 Genoral Hostels Account .. .. 120 0 0 Secondary department .. .. 232 10 0 £1,430 16 1 £1,430 16 1


NELSON COLLEGE BOARD— continued. Genexkai, Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922 — continued. Receipts —•continued. Payments —continued. Endowments Capital Account : — £ s, d. Endowments Capital Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 2,173 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 2,260 8 4 Interest .. .. .. ... 86 18 4 £2,260 8 4 £2,260 8 4 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Transfer from Endowment Income Ac- Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 324 6 7 count .. .. •• .. 443 11 2 Purchase of sites (schools and hostel) .. 1,730 0 0 Secondary Department General Account 2,038 7 8 Furniture .. .. .. .. 308 7 8 Sanitary block .. .. .. 103 2 6 Balance, 3.lst December, 1922 .. 16 2 1 £2,481 18 10 £2,481 18 10 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 45 17 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances •• 715 0 0 School fees .. •■ •• 1,099 15 o Incidental expenses .. .. .. 258 910 Balance, 31st December, 1922 . . 172 2 8 £1,145 12 6 £1,145 12 0 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account -.— Boarding fees .. .. •- 9,968 (i 2 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 280 16 4 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,113 7 3 Provisions .. .. .. .. 4,767 1 7 Refund .. .. .. - - 0 6 9 Fuel, light, &c. . . . . .. 718 1 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Wages of mat run and staff .. .. 2,390 10 6 count . . • • • • • • 120 0 0 Furniture, utensils, &c . . .. 783 3 8 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 475 1 10 Insurance, rates, &c . . . . 79 16 6 Advances to boarders .. .. 1,291 2 5 Interest on loans for furniture, &o, .. 232 lo 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 45 0 4 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 135 16 o £11,199 0 2 £11,199 0 2 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — . count: — Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 404 2 8 Teaohers' salaries and allowances .. 7,744 8 8 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses . . .. .. 1,347 2 9 teachers .. •• •• •• 6,366 4 5 Material for classes for manual and Government payment for incidental ex- soienoe instruction .. .. 443 () 7 penses .. •• •• •■ 1,297 10 9 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 155 11 3 Government capitation for manual and Maintenance of buildings . . . . 475 1 10 science instruction .. .. 135 15 3 Rates, taxes, and insurance ■■ .. 59 2 4 School foos.. -- •- •• 955 9 2 Cadets .. .. .. .. 10 0 o Grant for material for classes, manual Interest, mortgage •. . . .. 120 0 0 instruction .. - - • ■ 167 15 8 Transfer to Buildings and Sites Capital Desks .- •- •• •■ 66 15 0 Account.. .. .. .. 2,038 7 8 Interest . . .. - • • • 220 18 6 Ghaytor Scholarship. . .. •• 20 0 0 Grant for cadets .. .. • • 10 0 0 Transfers from Endowment Income Account — For repairs - - • ■ - - 475 1 10 Interest 232 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,980 12 7 £12,392 15 1 £12,392 15 1 niithijiral of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due lo Board. £ s. d. Sites, unpaid purchase-money .. .. 3,770 0 0 Rents accrued .. .. .. 537 7 4 Library Account .. .. •• 2,260 8 4 interest accrued .. .. .. 12 2 6 Principal of loans .. .. .. 4,000 00 j Lower-department fees .. .. 51 0 0 Governors' fees .. - - ■ ■ 100 0 0 Boarding fees .. . . .. 831 4 2 Scholarship Endowment Account .. 2,875 0 0 Advances to boarders .. .. .. 614 12 0 Bank-overdraft •■ •• •■ 1,791 5 4 Secondary fees .. .. .. 100 15 0 Investments .. .. . . .. 2,950 0 0 Fixed deposits .. .. .. 2,200 8 4 Cash, Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 134 13 6 £14,796 13 8 £7,492 2 10

6—E. 6.




HOKITIKA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. [High School not in operation.] General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 3 Ist December, 1922. Receipts. > Payments. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. j Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,710 3 2 i Proportion of office salaries .. .. 25 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses . . . . 3 15 6 Board . . . . . . .. 160 7 0 j Subsidy to Education Board . . .. 50 0 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to General Account — serves .. . . . . . . 204 110 Repairs to Government House .. 33 0 0 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Rates and insurance . . .. 30 5 8 ments .. .. . . . . 69 2 0 Balance, 31st December, .1922 . . 2,004 13 4 £2,203 14 6 £2,203 14 6 r ' — ; ' n -=== GREYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. [Not in operation ; returns not available.] RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL .BOARD. [Returns not available] CHRIST'S COLLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. I Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 8 15 0 j Proportion of office salaries and office Current income from reserves vested in expenses.. .. .. .. 137 4 0 Board .. ■• ■• •■ 3,029 83 ! General estate expenses .. .. 183 19 2 Sundry creditors . . .. .. 7 10 0 Transfers to — Reserves Fund .. .. .. 200 0 0 School Account .. .. .. 2,524 10 1 £3,045 13 3 £3,045 13 3 Hostels Account :— ■ Hostels Account:— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 310 15 1 j Proportion of offioe expenses -. .. 267 5 6 Boarding fees .. .. .. 11,407 3 0 i Provisions.. .. .. .. 4,303 2 9 fuel, light, &C. .. . . . . 667 13 6 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 2,401 12 5 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. . . 720 0 2 Laundry, dining-room .. .. 24 15 11 Water ' .. .. .. .. 22 10 0 Telephones.. .. .. .. 47 11 0 Isolation ward .. . . . . 43 19 7 Transfer to School General Account .. 3,100 17 7 Other expenses .. .. .. 58 3 2 £11,717 18 1 £11,717 18 I Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count : — Balance, 31st December, 1921 . . 131 19 6 i Teachers' salaries and allowances . . 8,084 7 3 School fees.. .. .. .. 8,765 14 10 j Incidental expenses . . .. .. 2,080 16 0 Interest and rents .. .. .. 36 0 6 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 1,170 0 0 Subscription to Games Fund . ... 508 5 9 Maintenance of buildings • ■ • . 525 7 8 Scholarship trust funds .. .. 1,170 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 179 I 9 Balanco, disbursements .. .. 211 3 5 Rent .. .. .. .. 1,001 16 5 Sundry accounts .. .. .. 266 18 10 Board's contributions to pensions .. 395 3 9 Transfers from — Removal of library and master's house, Boarding Account. . .. .. 3,100 17 7 and reinstatement of both .. .. 1,243 4 9 Sundry estate accounts .. .. 2,724 10 I Material for classes for manual and science instruction . . .. 20 3 3 Transfers to — Chapel Account . . .. .. 52 7 7 Buildings Account .. .. 2,103 2 1 £16,915 It) 6 £16,9.15 10 6



CHRISTCHURCH BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1.922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. ENDOWMENTS Income Account : — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses, Board .. .. .. .. 6,619 16 10 and proportion of travelling-expenses Interest on moneys derived from on- of Board members .. .. 228 4 2 dowments .. .. .. 126 17 I Expenses connected with endowments, £59 7s. 7d.; share of cost of inspection of reserves, £222 16s. lid. .. £282 4 6 Transfers to other accounts — New Buildings Account .. .. 2,764 19 11 Genoral Account — For repairs to buildings .. .. 237 19 5 For salaries .. .. .. 3,220 5 11 For approved technical apparatus.. 13 0 0 £6,746 13 11 £6,746 13 11 BUILDINGS AND SITES CAPITAL ACCOUNT :— BUILDINGS AND SITES CAPITAL ACCOUNT :— ? Rent (Opawa School site) .. .. 117 3 9 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 9,182 8 5 Interest on Buildings Sinking Fund .. 64 17 3 Purchase of site (legal expenses) .. 26 16 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Interest on loans for buildings and sites 1,765 18 8 count (part purchase-money, Riecartonsite) .. .. .'. .. 999 1 3 Interest .. .. .. .. 1,765 18 8 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 8,028 2 2 £1.0,975 3 1 £10,975 3 1 Hostels Account: — £ s. d. Hostels Account: — Boarding fees .. .. .. 1,446 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 963 12 5 Sales of vegetables .. .. .. 9 3 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 88 13 8 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,364 11 5 Provisions.. .. .. .. 606 10 11 Fuel, light, &c .. . . .. 174 14 7 Salaries and wages .. .. . • 723 7 11 Furniture, utensils, &c. . . .. 33 14 4 Repairs to buildings.. .. •• 129 17 5 Insurance, rates, &c .. .. 22 19 11 Interest .." .. .. .. 00 15 5 Other expenses .. . . •. 917 10 £2,820 4 5 £2,820 4 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Balanoe, 31st December, 1921 .. 2,522 9 7 Poachers'salaries and allowances .. 7,647 8 7 Government payment for salaries of Incidental exponses .. •■ •■ 1,508 13 11 teachers .. .. .. .. 1,673 10 9 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment capitation for classes for struction.. .. .. .. 263 16 9 manual instruction .. .. 162 15 6 Maintenance of buildings •■ ■■ 135 12 11 Government payment for incidental ex- Insurance . . .. .. .. 23 6 6 penses .. .. .. .. 1,345 0 0 Rent of additional playground .. 79 0 0 Sohoolfees.. .. .. 324 10 0 Government payment for technical apparatus .. . . .. .. 40 0 0 Sale of material (technical olass) .. 26 15 6 Ricearton site—Adjustment of stock, sale of potatoes, &c .. .. 91 12 0 Transfers from Endowments Income Aeoount— For approved technical apparatus .. 13 0 0 For maintenance of buildings .. 237 19 5 For salaries .. .. .. 3,220 5 11 £9,657 18 8 £9,657 18 8 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. '//labilities. I Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sites: Unpaid purchase-money, Ricearton £ s. d. Rents .. .. .. .. 1,607 19 4 site .. .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Boarding fees.. .. .. .. 19 0 0 Principal of loans. National Insurance Com- Technical capitation .. .. .. 134 12 5 pany .. .. .. .. 13,000 0 0 Secondary-school fees .. .. .. 16 0 0 Hostels Account —Sundry creditors .. 48 16 5 Salaries due from Department .. .. 198 10 9 Bank overdraft . .' .. .. 9,392 13 7 £28,441 10 0 £1,976 2 6

7—E. 6.


CHRISTCHURCH GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses, Board .. .. .. .. 679 16 8 and proportion of travelling-expenses Revenue from secondary-education re- of Board members .. .. 13 0 3 serves .. .. .. .. 12 1 6 Share of cost of inspection of reserves .. 16 I 9 Transfers to other accounts — New Buildings Account .. .. 492 3 11 General Account — For repairs to buildings .. .. 136 2 3 For approved technical apparatus. . 34 10 0 £691 18 2 £691 18 2 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— House-rent (Avonside Bite) . . .. 98 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 . . 245 12 11. Transfers from Endowments Income Ac- Purchase of sites (legal expenses) .. 74 9 6 count: Part repayment, State advance, Erection of pent roof at hostel .. 26 19 0 £19 10s. ; balance of cost of structural Additional hot-water service at hostel .. 59 17 0 alterations to hostol, £31 17s. 7d.; part Principal of loans repaid .. .. 19 10 0 purchase.-money for hostel, £36 Is. lOd. 492 3 11 Interest on loans for buildings and sites 317 18 6 Erection of pent roof and hot-water service at hostel .. .. .. 86 16 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 317 18 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 154 3 0 £744 0 11 £744 6 11 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 14 3 6 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 200 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 204 10 0 Incidental expenses .. . . . . 56 3 2 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 22 10 4 £278 13 6 £278 13 6 Hostels Account :—- Hostels Account :— Boarding fees .. .. .. 1,026 1 3 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,994 18 0 Piano-practice fees .. .. .. 28 0 0 Proportion of office expenses •• .. 91 2 2 Balanco, 31st December, 1922 .. 2,012 11 0 Provisions.. .. .. .. 517 15 11 Fuel, light, &o. .. .. .. 147 7 2 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 592 19 4 Furniture, utensils, &.e. .. .. 57 7 9 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 38 0 9 Insurance, rates, rent, &C. .. .. 48 8 9 Interest .. .. .. .. 115 18 2 Other exponses .. .. .. 40 0 9 Salaries of teachers for supervision .. 22 7 0 £3,666 12 3 £3,666 12 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 212 5 5 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 6,305 0 7 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,146 IS 11 teachers .. .. .. .. 6,085 13 8 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment capitation for classes for struotion.. .. .. \ .. 193 17 2 manual instruction .. . . 160 7 1.0 Maintenance of buildings (alterations and Government payment for incidental repairs) .. .. .. .. lit) 13 0 expenses .. .. .. .. 1,325 0 0 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 25 9 3 School fees.. .. .. .. 298 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 683 19 0 Proceeds from cookery class .. .. 165 3 4 Proceeds from swimming class .. 7 10 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 34 15 5 Transfers from Endowments Income Account — Maintenance of buildings .. .. 136 2 3 Approved technical apparatus .. 34 10 0 £8,465 17 11 £8,465 17 11 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Buildings and sites, hostel .. .. 4,500 0 0 Boarding fees.. .. .. .. 65 0 0 Principal of loans, State advance .. 630 4 0 Technical capitation .. .. .. 164 19 8 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 45 13 9 Salaries from Department .. .. 2 510 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 1,400 4 8 £6,636 2 5 £232 5 6



ASHBURTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. ENDOWMENTS Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 344 18 1 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 20 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of rates .. .. .. 7 8 4 Board . . . . . . .. 897 7 0 Interest on overdraft .. . . 407 14 6 Transfer to General Account on account Legal expenses . . .. . . 2 9 0 of 1921 . . .. .. .. 295 19 2 Repayment of overdraft .. . . 250 0 0 Rates, reserves, from Treasury .. 7 8 4 Transfers to — General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 168 0 7 New Buildings Account .. .. 472 16 8 Balance, 31st December, 1922 . . 217 3 6 £1,545 12 7 £1,545 12 7 ENDOWMENTS Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account :— Moneys derived from sale of endowments 40 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 40 0 0 £40 0 0 £40 0 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 6,742 17 2 count on account of 1921. .. .. 472 16 8 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 7 2 3 In reduction of overdraft .. .. 250 0 0 Balance, 31st Docember, 1922 .. 6,027 2 9 £6,749 19 5 £6,749 19 5 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 09 13 9 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 41 8 2 Balance, 31st December, 1.922 .. 818 8 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 36 0 0 Transfer to refund, fees overpaid .. 14 3 £78 12 5 £78 12 5 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 36 8 11 Proportion of office expenses . . .. 20 0 0 Boarding fees .. .. .. 1,234 7 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 531 19 6 Refunds . . .. . . .. 16 9 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 147 6 8 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 45 2 1 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 474 5 2 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 128 7 5 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 15 0 6 £1,317 5 3 £1,317 5 3 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 56 7 6 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 56 7 6 £56 7 6 £56 7 6 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Balance, 31st December, 1921. .. 358 5 7 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,674 0 6 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses . . .. .. 302 19 6 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,562 2 4 Maintenance (including material) of Government capitation for classes for classes for manual instruction .. 7 2 2 manual instruction .. .. 64 5 4 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 35 0 t) Government payment for incidental ex- Maintenance of buildings . . .. 60 19 5 penses .. .. .. .. 442 10 0 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 58 310 School fees .. . . .. 85 5 0 Repayments to Treasury on account of Bursaries .. .. ' .. .. 64 0 4 Urquhart case .. " .. .. 200 0 0 Voluntary contributions for prizes .. 4 2 6 Transfer to Endowment Income Account Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- on account of f921 .. .. 295 19 2 count on account of 1921 . . .. 168 0 7 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 114 7 1 £3,748 11 8 £3,748 11 8 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £, s. d. Hostels Account—Wages and sundry ac- Rents .. .. .. .. 297 3 0 counts .. .. .. .. 31 011 Lower-department fees .. .. 5 19 Urquhart case . . . . . . 200 0 0 Hostels Account — Bank overdraft .. .. .. 5,750 0 0 Boarding fees .. .. .. 139 0 0 Manual capitation .. .. .. 66 0 3 Secondary-school fees . . .. .. 28 0 0 Salaries due from Department .. .. 7 12 7 Balance, current account .. .. 90 14 7 Cash on hand .. .. .. 19 15 10 £5,981 0 11 £659 8 0




TIMARU HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. j Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. . . 60 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 3,218 17 3 Proportion of office exponses .. .. 33 0 0 Proportion of travelling - expenses of Board members .. .. .. 1.4 18 5 Costs, £4 ss. 3d. ; steward of reserves, £50; sundries, £11 3s. 6d. ,',. .. 65 8 9 Transfers to'— New Buildings Account .. .. 1,963 0 2 General Account, for rates and insurance .. .. .. . . 233 810 £3,218 17 3 £3,218 17 3 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government subsidies on voluntary con- Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,537 2 7 tributions for baths .. .. 180 0 0 Apparatus . . . . .. .. 44 4 0 Voluntary contributions for new build- Swimming-baths .. . . .. 622 17 0 ings, 40. (baths) . . .. . . 472 17 0 Alterations, cottage . . . . .. 145 10 0 Transfers from — Covered-way, rectory .. . . 50 0 0 Endowments Income Account .. 1,963 0 2 Extension, heating-system .. .. 69 10 0 General Account—lnstalment for rec- Drainage .. .. . . .. 48 3 6 tory buildings .. .. .. 416 13 4 Architect's fees .. .. . . 15 13 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,120 9 3 Asphalting .. .... .. 12116 5 Desks, &c. .. .. .. .. 134 2 1 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 728 15 10 Interest on loans for buildings .. 605 5 4 £4,122 19 9 £4,122 19 9 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, Ist January, 1922 . . .. 130 2 0 Salaries .. .. . . . . 093 15 0 Tuition fees .. . . . . 945 13 4 Cleaning . . .. . . . . 25 0 0 Amount paid on account of rectory Printing and stationery .. . . 15 18 6 additions .. .. .'. 50 0 0 Prizes .. .. .. ... 6 12 6 Balance, bank overdraft .. .. 21 11 2 Repairs .. .. .. .. 119 6 Insurance .. .. .. . . 1 14 8 Bank charge . . . . . . 0 10 0 Furniture .. .. . . .. 710 0 Fencing .. .. . . . . 21 10 0 Rectory additions .. .. . . 228 18 0 Fuel, 40.. - . .. . . . . 4 12 11 Instalment on buildings .. . . 106 15 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 32 9 11 £1,147 6 6 £1,147 6 6 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, .1921 .. 357 6 6 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 6,851 2 8 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 898.16 11 teachers .. .. .. .. 6,535 17 11 Maintenance of classes for manual i.nGovernment payment for incidental ex- struction.. .. .. .. 94 17 8 penses .. .. .. .. 1,027 10 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 104 17 8 Government capitation for classes for Rates and taxes .. . . .. 128 11 2 manual instruction .. .. 87 15 5 Prizes • . . . . . . 51 4 6 School fees.. .. .. .. 518 I 6 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 630 9 7 Transfer from Endowments Account for rates and insurance ... ... 233 8 1.0 £8,760 0 2 £8,760 0 2 Statement of Amounts due lo Board and. of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Principal of loans, Government Life Insur- Bents accrued . . .. .. 334 12 0 anee Department .. .. .. 9,409 II 10 Technical Instruction Account .. .. 90 1 9 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 132 19 11 General Account— Bank overdraft .. .. .. 21112 Secondary-school fees .. . . 53 11 2 Lower-department fees .. .. 117 10 0 Salaries due from Department .. .. 289 15 2 Balance, current account .. .. 344 11 5 Cash on hand .. .. . . 14 10 0 £9,564 2 11 £1,244 11 6


E.-~ 6

WAIMATE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 3,396 12 3 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 30 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Petty cash, £1 ; audit, £1 Is. ; bank Board .. .. . . .. 356 13 0 charges, 10s. ; legal, £2 2s. ; stationery, Interest on moneys derived from endow- £1 os. lOd. ; rent, £16 ss. ; insurance, inents .. .. .. .. 181 13 5 £2 12s. 6d. .. .. .. 24 11 4 Refund of insurance.. .. .. 16 0 Proportion of travelling-expenses of Board members .. .. .. 6 5 0 Purchase freehold at Waihaorunga .. 28 10 0 Subsidy, Technical Classes Association, £10; wool class for High School pupils, £4 10s. .. .. .. 14 It) 0 Transfer to General Account .. .. 409 5 5 New building, for repairs to freehold .. 9 3 6 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 3,413 19 5 £3,936 4 8 £3,936 4 8 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count :— Scholarships .. .. .. 5 0 0 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 180 16 S Transfer from Endowments Income Scholarships and bursaries .. . . 183 1.0 0 Account . . .. .. . . 409 5 5 Prizes .. .. .. .. 1740 Examination expenses, £15 18s. ; sports requisites, £10 lis. .. .. 26 9 0 Books, 4c. .. .. .. 6 5 9 £414 5 5 £414 5 5 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due lo Board, £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 31 17 6 War loan .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Investments, mortgages .. .. 2.625 0 0 Post Offico Savings-bank .. .. 199 18 5 Balance, current account .. .. 89 1 0 £37 17 6 i £3,413 19 5 — -, —11 WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 187 4 9 Proportion of offico salaries . . ... 70 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Itangor—Salary .. . . . . 20 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 2,097 13 9 , Law-costs .. .. .. .. 17 18 6 Revenue from secondary-education re- Architect's fees .. .. .. 3 14 9 serves .. .. .. .. 238 14 11 Proportion of travelling-expenses of Transfer from Hostels Account .. 96 0 3 Board members .. .. .. 18 4 2 Transfers to— Buildings and Sites Account .. 1,393 18 3 General Account .. .. . . 751 18 3 Hostels Account —Loans for furniture 343 19 9 £2,619 13 8 £2,619 13 8 Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Buildings and Sites Capital Account :■■— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 981 0 9 Office typewriter .. . . . . 34 0 0 Reinstatement, Boys' School .. .. 2,003 0 0 Lawn-mower .. .. .. 6 3 3 Laboratory equipment .. . . 450 0 0 Furniture, Girls' School . . .. 27 17 6 Interest on deposit (insurance money, &c.) 11l 5 0 Reinstatement, Boys' School .. .. 2,379 12 ti Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Fittings .. .. .. .. 1,765 15 7 count .. .. .. .. 1,393 18 3 Water-mains .. .. .. 97 12 4 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 737 15 6 Laboratory equipment, Boys' School .. 565 17 9 Coal-shed' .. .. .. .. 29 11 4 Electric lighting, £334 ss. 3d. ; mains, £150 \ . .. .. .. 484 5 3 Deposit on purchase .. . . 150 0 0 Architect's fees . . . . .. 14 1 3 Woodwork tools and benches.. .. 122 2 9 £5,676 19 6 £5,676 19 6 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 342 0 8 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 225 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 322 10 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 79 11 4 Proportion of boarding profits .. 66 I 4 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 426 0 8 £730 12 0 £730 12 0



WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOLS BOAißD— continued. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, .I.922— continued. Receipts —continued Payments —continued. Hostels Account :— £ s. d. Hostels Account :— £ s. d. Boarding fees .. .. .. 1,134 13 4 Balanco, 31st December, 1921 .. 23 14 8 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Proportion of office expenses .. .. 25 0 0 count .. .. .. .. 343 19 9 Provisions-- .. •- .. 322 6 11 Fuel, light, &c. .. . . .. 58 4 3 Wages . . .. .. .. 316 13 4 Furniture, utensils, &c. . . .. 343 19 9 Repairs to buildings . . . . 10 0 6 Insurance, rates, 40... .. .. 22 6 9 Other expenses . . .. .. 15 18 2 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 96 0 3 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 244 8 6 £1,478 13 1 £1,478 13 1 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 939 17 9 Teachers' salaries and allowances . . 6,485 7 10 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses . . . . .. 1,008 15 6 teachers .. .. .. .. 5,585 10 4 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernnient payment for incidental ex- struction.. .. .. .. 54 2 0 penses .. .. .. .. 1,045 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 751 18 3 School fees .. .. .. 783 2 6 Transfer to Lower Department Account 66 1 4 Proportion of boarding profits .. 656 4 10 Balance, 31st December, 1.922 .. 1,395 8 3 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 751 18 3 £9,761 13 8 £9,761 13 8 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due lo Board. £ s. d. Buildings and Sites Account—Sundry Rents .. .. . . .. 234 18 5 oreditors . . .. .. .. 14 0 0 Boarding fees .. . . .. 64 12 3 Girls'Hostel —Building and site.. .. 1,300 0 0 Secondary-school fees .. .. .. 13 3 0 Incidentals overpaid .. . . . . 5 0 0 Salaries due from Department . . . . 179 10 0 Sundry oreditors .. .. .. 114 17 4 Manual and science capitation .. 156 0 8 Prize funds .. . . .. .. 650 0 0 Share of boarding profits . ■ . . 278 4 6 Prize-fund debentures .. . . .. 650 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 1,328 1 11 £2,083 17 4 £2,904 10 9 OTAGO HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 140 0 0 Board .. .. .. •• 3,362 16 2 Proportion of offico expenses .. .. 47 4 9 Revenue from secondary-education re- Valuations, 4c. . . .. .. 49 2 2 serves .. .. .. .. 482 0 0 Refund .. .. .. .. 6 8 6 Transfers to — New Buildings Account .. .. 3,193 4 5 General Account — For repairs to buildings .. .. . . 375 13 0 Hostels Account—For repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 33 310 £3,844 16 8 £3,844 16 8 Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Rebuilding at Otago Boys' High School Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 5,920 18 10 rectory .. .. ■■ -• "40 10 0 Additions, Girls' School .. .. 214 13 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Rebuilding at Boys' High School rectory 1,044 12 8 count .. .. .. .. 3,193 4 5 Interest on loans for buildings .. 354 18 6 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 3,701 811 £7,535 3 4 £7,535 3 4 Hostels Account :--- Hostels Account : — Boarding fees .. .. .. 2,473 5 11 Proportion of office expenses .. 87 4 3 Refunds of advances to boarders . . 245 19 9 Provisions .. .. .. .. 71.5 17 3 Fees for use of piano .. .. 818 6 Fuel, light, 40. .. .. .. 147 10 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Salarios of teachers for supervision .. 150 0 0 count .. .. .. • ■ 33 310 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 682 4 6 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 315 14 6 Furniture, utensils, 4c .. .. 648 19 1 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 33 3 10 Insurance, rates, and rent .. .. 121 6 8 Advances to boarders .. .. 347 5 4 Interest on loans for furniture, 4c .. 2 4 9 Other exponses .. .. .. 141 6 6 £3,077 2 6 £3,077 2 6



OTAGO HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD— continued. General Statement of Accounts for thk Ykar ended 3Lst December, 1922 — continued. Receipts —continued. Payments —ci intinued. Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— £ s. d. count :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st Docember, 1921 .. 177 16 6 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 14,055 4 2 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,090 11 1 teachers .. .. .. .. 13,328 0 0 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment payment for incidental ex- struction.. .. .. .. 429 18 (i pensos .. .. .. .. 2,555 0 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 145 10 0 School fees .. .. .. 090 5 0 Maintenance of buildings . . .. 375 13 0 Proceeds, entertainment .. .. 142 10 0 Tennis-courts —Girls' School .. .. 104 15 4 Government grant for soienee material. . 73 0 0 Donation, Kindergarten Association .. 5 5 0 Government grant for cookery equipment 35 I 0 Typewriting and singing classes ... 61 2 3 Donations for prizes .. .. 43 8 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 733 10 3 War bursaries .. .. .. 145 10 0 Typewriting, singing, cookery, and stationery charges .. .. .. 425 13 10 Donation (French Club) for lighting .. 10 0 Dalrymplo and G. H. Stewart prizes .. 812 3 Transfer from Endowments income Account .. . . .. .. 375 13 0 £18,001 9 7 £18,001 9 7 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due lo Board. £ s. d. Legal contracts .. .. .. 19 8 6 Rents .. .. .. .. 169 4 3 Hostels Account —Miscellaneous . . 61 3 1 Seoondary rents for Docember quarter .. 98 12 5 Salaries due to teachers . . .. 810 8 Hostels Account — War bursaries duo . . . . .. 37 12 6 Boarding fees . . .. .. 17 10 0 Miscellaneous accounts .. . . 363 6 1 Advances to boarders . . .. 102 12 7 Fulton Scholarship Fund .. .. 916 t) Salaries due from Government .. .. 214 3 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 3,684 I 4 War bursaries due from Government .. 37 12 6 Manual and training capitation .. .. 271 1 0 Balance, current account .. .. 410 4 2 £4 183 18 2 £1,320 19 II GORE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Revenue from secondary - education re- Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 5 11 5 serves .. .. .. .. 94 2 7 Insurance on school building and furniture .. . . . . .. 8 10 0 Transfers to Genoral Account— New Building Account .. .. 43 16 5 For repairs to buildings .. .. 36 4 9 £94 2 7 £94 2 7 Agricultural Endowment Account :— Agricultural Endowment Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 38 15 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 . . 103 15 (I Moneys derived from rental endowments 65 0 0 £103 15 0 £103 15 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Btj ildinos and Sites Capital Account :— - Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,008 II .1 Drainage and sewerage .. .. 5,484 13 0 Government grants for new building .. 3,315 0 0 Debenture Loan and Education Purposes Loans Act .-.' .. .. 1,000 0 0 Refunds, sale of timber, 4c. .. .. 37 3 7 Transfer, Endowments Income Account 43 16 5 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 80 1 11 £5,484 13 0 £5,484 13 0 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 38 19 5 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 5 8 9 Total receipts ' .. .. .. 70 9 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 103 19 8 £109 8 5 £109 8 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 43 1 0 teachers .. .. .. .. 3,068 4 7 Teachers' salarios and allowances .. 3,052 17 4 Government capitation for classes for Incidental expenses .. .. .. 482 1 9 manual instruction .. .. 24 16 2 Maintenance of classes for manual inSchoolfees.. .. .. .. 98 10 6 struction.. .. .. .. 22 15 2 Refunds .. .. .. .. 45 15 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 36 4 9 Refund, lighting, 4c. .. . . 17 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 170 10 6 Government grant for maintenance of cupboard .. .. .. 7 10 0 Government payment for incidental expenses .. .. .. .. 509 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Revenue Account . . .. .. .. 30 4 9 £3,807 11 0 £3,807 11 0



GORE HIGH SOHOOL BOARD -continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ a. d. Advertising and printing .. .. 31 13 5 Technical Instruction Account .. .. 30 8 3 Fuel .. .. .. .. 410 0 Secondary General Account— Repairs .. .. .. .. 8 3 3 Salaries duo from Department .. 40 1 8 Painting windows, 4c, school .. .. 18 0 0 Fees for technical classes .. .. 10 0 Government audit .. .. .. 5 8 0 Balance, current account .. .. 398 3 3 Rent .. .. . . .. 310 0 Hostel Buildings Account— Hostel water-supply. . .. .. 5 0 0 Insurance, hostel buildings .. .. 910 8 Secondary General Account — Sanitary .. .. . . .. 2 2 6 Freights .. .. .. .. 18 7 Unpresented cheques .. .. 26 18 7 £116 11 0 £479 13 2 SOUTHLAND HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1922. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Inoom.e Account: —■ £ s. d, Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 7,730 1 9 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 00 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 30 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 2,192 19 7 inspection, legal expenses, and improveRevenue from secondary-education re- ments . . .. .. . . 258 15 3 serves .. .. .. .. 241 12 11 Transfers to General Account— Interest on moneys derived from endow- For repairs to buildings .. . . 219 10 8 ments .. .. .. .. 197 10 9 For rates and rents .. .. 76 12 3 For salaries .. .. .. 1,958 810 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 7,758 18 0 £10,362 5 0 £10,362 5 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : — Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 348 7 9 Teachers'salarios and allowances .. 7,799 8 2 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,001 12 6 teachers .. .. .. .. 3,613 17 6 Material for classes for manual and Government payment for incidental ex- science instruction .. .. 68 14 11 penses .. .. .. .. 1,330 0 0 Rents, school-sites .. .. .. 32 15 0 School fees.. .. .. .. 296 8 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 219 10 8 Invercargill Technical School—Propor- Rates and taxes .. .. .. 43 17 3 tion Physical Instructor's salary .. 42 0 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 11 16 8 War bursary . . .. .. 11 13 4 Refunds (lighting, 40.) .. .. 6I 10 Transfers from Endowments Income Account — For repairs to buildings .. .. 21.9 10 8 For rates and rents .. .. 76 12 3 For salaries .. .. .. 1,958 8 10 Balance, 31st December, 1922 .. 1,274 15 0 £9,177 15 2 £9,177 15 2 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due lo Board. Sundry creditors . ■ .. . - 19 5 8 Endowments Income Account —Collected £ s. d. Bank overdraft .. .. .. 62 17 8 by Lands Department .. . . 48 19 9 Rents accrued .. .. 1,193 4 10 Interest accrued but not due .. .. 265 0 0 Salaries due from Government .. 1,562 1 9 Incidentals .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 Manual and science capitation .. .. 172 15 10 Eixed deposit.. .. .. .. 0,528 16 6 Cash on hand.. .. .. .. 18 4 2 £82 3 4 £9,809 2 10

Approximate Coat of Paper. —


i, not given ; printing (975 copies), £72.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 923.

Price Is. 3d.]

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1922.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1923 Session I-II, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1922.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1923 Session I-II, E-06

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1922.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1923 Session I-II, E-06

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