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1922. NE W Z E ALAND.

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1921.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

CONTBN T S. Pago Page 1. Extract from the Forty-fifth Annual Report of 1. Statements of Accounts of Governing Bodies tho Minister of Education. (E.-l) .. ..2 of Secondary Schools: — Whangarei High School Board .. .. 27 2. Report of the Inspectors of Secondary Schools .. 11 Auckland Grammar Schools Board .. .28 „ _ m Thames High Schcol Board .. ..29 3. Detailed Tables etc. :- Hamilton High School Board .. .. 29 Secondary Schools,- New Plymouth High Schools Board .. .. 30 Personnel of Staffs of Secondary Schools 13 Wanganui Girls' College Board .. ..32 IU Rol, Average Attendance of Secondary Wanganui Collegiate School Board .. .. 33 Schools ■• •• •• •■ 15 Palmorston North High School Board .. 34 K2. Years of Attendance of Pupils .. 16 Gisborne High School Board .. .. 35 K3. Staffs of Secondary Schools, and Napier High Schools Board .. ..36 ™ Teachers Salaries .. .. .. 17 Dannevirke High School Board .. ..37 K3A. Incidental Expenses of Secondary Wellington College and Girls' High School Schools .. .. .. ..18 Board 38 K4. Holders of Scholarships and Free Places 18 Marlborough High School Board '.'. '.'. 39 K5. National Scholarships .. 19 Nelson College Board 39 K6. Pupils boarding away from Homo .. 19 Greymouth High School Board .. .. 41 K7. Receipts of Secondary Schools .. 20 Hokitika High School Board .. ..41 KB. Payments of Secondary Schools .. 21 Rangiora High School Board .. ..41 K9. Balances and other Monelary Assets and Christ , s Co] , ege Grammar School Board _ 42 tt,« n- . ' ! el t-o " -o " " oo Canterbury College Board— KlO. Distribution of Reserves Revenue .. 23 Christchurch Boys' High School .. .. 43 £"• Lower-Departments .. 23 Ohristohuroh Girls' High Sohool .. ..44 Kl2. List of Secondary Schools incorporated Akaroa High gchool B()ard 45 or endowed .. .. ..24 Ashburton High School Board .. ..45 District High Schools, — Timaru High Schools Board .. 46 Ll. School Attendance at Secondary Depart- Waimate High School Board .. ..47 merits of District High Schools .. 24 Waitaki High Schools Board .. ..48 L 2. Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Otago High Schools Board .. .. .49 Departments of District High Schools 24 Gore High School Board .. .. 50 L 3. Staff, Classification, &c, in Detail .. 24 Southland High Schools Board .. .. 51

I—E. 6.


SECONDARY EDUCATION. 1. EXTRACT FROM THE FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. Number of Schools. (Table Kl.) Schools affording education of a secondary nature are established in every centre of any importance in the Dominion, and are at present of the following types : Secondary schools, technical high schools, district high schools, private secondary schools, and Maori secondary schools. The majority of the district high schools are in the country centres, the secondary schools and technical high schools being in the larger towns and cities. There were thirty-five secondary schools in operation, including thirteen separate schools for boys, thirteen for girls, and nine for boys and girls. Two of the boys' schools, although endowed with public property, do not come directly under the control of the Government. The remaining secondary schools are managed by separate Boards in accordance with special Acts constituting them, and the provisions of the Education Act and regulations hereunder. There were fifty-seven secondary departments of district high schools, thirteen technical high schools, ten Maori secondary schools, and twenty registered private secondary schools, making a total of 135 schools providing secondary education. Four district high schools were disestablished during the year and technical high schools established in their place. Number of Pupils receiving Secondary Education. The total number of pupils attending the thirty-five secondary schools mentioned above at the end of 1920 and 1921 respectively was : — , 192), —, , 1921. , Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Totals. Roll (exclusive of lower departments) .. 5,246 3,950 9,196 5,583 4,447 10,030 The roll number shows an increase of 834 over the figure for the previous year, more than half the increase being in the number of first-year pupils. In the last five years the number of pupils has increased by 42 per cent. The roll number on the Ist March, which is regarded as the highest roll number during the year, was 10,765, compared with 10,080 in the previous year. The following are some of the figures in connection with the roll and attendance of schools in which secondary education is given :— (a.) Srcondary Schools (Christ's College and Wanganui Collegiate Schools included). Roll number at end of 1921 .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,030 Roll number, Ist Marcli, 1921 .. .. .. .. ..10,765 Average attendance for the year 1921 .. .. .. .. 9,861 Number of new entrants, 1921 .. .. .. .. .. 4,495 f Number of first-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,008 j Number of second-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. 2,866 j Number of third-year pupils.. . . . . . . .. . . 1,743 [_ Number of fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-year pupils .. .. .. 1,413 f Number of pupils at end of year under thirteen years of ago . . . . 121 | Number of pupils at end of year between thirteen and fourteen years of age 753 -<[ Number of pupils at end. of year between fourteen and fifteen years of age 2,359 | Number of pupils at end of year between fifteen and sixteen years of age . . 3,091 LNumber of pupils at end of year over sixteen years of age .. .. 3,706




(b.) Secondary Departments of District High Schools. Number on roll at end of 1921 .. .. .. .. .. 2,176 Mean of average weekly roll —Boys, 1 ,*275 ; girls, 1,358 : total .. .. 2,633 Average attendance .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,440 Number of new entrants from public primary schools . . .. .. 1,626 f Number of first-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,214 <j. Number of second-year pupils . . . . . . .. .. 560 of third-year pupils. . .. .. .. .. .. 402 f Number of pupils at end of year under thirteen years of age . . .. 26 [ Number of pupils at end of year between thirteen and fourteen years of age 282 <j Number of pupils at end of year between fourteen and fifteen years of age 637 I Number of pupils at end of year between fifteen and sixteen years of age 712 [_Number of pupils at end of year over sixteen years of age .. .. 519 (c.) Technical High Schools. Number on roll at end of 1921—Boys, 1,782 ; girls, 1,567 : total . . 3,349 f Number under thirteen years of age .. .. . . . . .. 143 j Number between thirteen and fourteen years of age . . . . . . 706 | Number between fourteen and fifteen years of age .. . . .. 1,089 [_Number over fifteen years of age .. .. .. .. .. 1,411 (d.) Registered Private Secondary Schools. Number on roll at end of 1921- Boys, 535 ; girls, 1,099 : total . . . . 1,634 Average attendance, 1921 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,551 f Number under thirteen years of age . . . . . . . . . . 32 | Number between thirteen and fourteen years of age . . .. . . 146 <J Number between fourteen and fifteen years of age . . .. .. 288 | Number between fifteen and sixteen years of age . . . . . . 488 • over sixteen years of age .. .. . . .. . . 680 Number of teachers--Male, 30 ; female, 63 : total .. .. .. 93 (c.) Secondary Schools for Maoris. Number on roll at end of 192 L .. .. .. .. .. 488 Average attendance, 1921 .. .. .. .. .. .. 455 The total number of children, therefore, receiving secondary education in 1921 was 18,134, being 1,716 more than in 1920. Of the 11,383 children who left the primary schools in 1920 having passed S6, 3,972 entered secondary schools in 1921, 1,626 the secondary departments of district high schools, and 1,634 technical high schools, hence a total of 7,232, or 64 per cent., of the children mentioned entered upon a course of secondary education. The number represents 45 per cent, of the total number of pupils leaving the primary schools in 1920, of whom more than one-quarter had not passed S6. In addition to the pupils mentioned as having proceeded to a secondary course of education, 2,116 entered technical schools or classes, of which number 1,475 had passed S6 and 641 had not. Length of Stay and Age of Pupils. The average length of stay of pupils at secondary schools has varied very little during recent years, boys remaining on the average two years and ten months and girls two years and eight months. The following figures show the percentage of pupils leaving the secondary schools at the stages indicated : — Roys. Girls. (a.) Percentage leaving at end of first year or during second year . . 19 17 (b.) Percentage leaving at end of second year or during third year 33 37 (<;.) Percentage leaving at end of third year or during fourth year . . 14 19 (d.) Percentage leaving at end. of fourth year or during fifth year .. 23 17 (c.) Percentage leaving at end of fifth year or during sixth year .. 8 8 (/.) Percentage remaining at end of sixth year .. .. .. 3 2 It is gratifying to find that the percentage of pupils leaving at the end of the first year shows a considerable fall, for the opinion is general that one year's tuition in secondary schools as they are at present constituted can be of very little real value to the pupil. In the case of district high schools the proportion ieaving at a correspondingly early stage is greater, but as the course of work is more in the nature of an extension of the primary course the wastage is not so serious. More than half of the pupils leave the secondary schools at the end of two years, and as



the average age of the pupils at that stage is fifteen years ten months little else can be expected. The question that is receiving serious consideration is whether the present arrangement of the primary and secondary systems of education provide the best educational equipment for the large number of children leaving school finally at the age of fifteen or sixteen years. The conclusions arrived at are set out in the following paragraph. Post-primary Education. A conference of educationists held in April of the current year, after fully considering the matter, passed certain resolutions which it is proposed to carry into effect as opportunity offers. The principal proposal is that the primary course should end when the average child has completed his twelfth year. (The present average age of children at the end of the year in S6 is fourteen years.) The child should then enter upon his post-primary course at a junior high school, three-fifths of which course will be common to all the pupils and include such subjects as English, arithmetic, geography, history and civics, general science, and drawing and practical geometry, the remaining two-fifths having an academic, commercial, industrial (including domestic), agricultural, or art bias, according to the special aptitude of the individual. Pending the elaboration and adoption of a complete scheme, the proposal is to experiment in three types of such post-primary schools : — (a.) A junior high school in one of the four chief centres. (6.) Another in a town in which all the post-primary pupils could be taken for a three-years course in a junior high school, (c.) Another in a country district in which the post-primary pupils of a number of small schools could be provided for in a district high school with a jiinior-high-school course. At the conclusion of the junior-high-school course pupils desiring to proceed further will, of course, enter a senior high school or technical high school. The chief point of the proposed change is that the school course will be divided into 6-3-3 year periods, instead of 8-2 or 8-4 year periods as at present, and pupils leaving after nine years' schooling will have received a much more useful, wellbalanced, and complete course than is possible under the present arrangement. Curriculum of Secondary Schools and District High Schools. Although there are at present no departmental regulations directly governing the curriculum of secondary schools, the regulations defining the subjects of instruction to lie taught to free-place holders and the prescribed syllabuses of the various public examinations to a large extent control the character of the courses of work undertaken. Instruction must be provided for junior-free-place holders in English, history and civics, arithmetic, mathematics, a branch of science, and in two additional subjects which may be one or two foreign languages, science subjects, or some such subject as commercial work, woodwork, drawing, &c. The study of home science is compulsory for every girl holding a junior free place. The Department's Inspectors of Secondary Schools visit all secondary schools, inspecting the work, conferring with the teachers on teaching matters, and discussing with the Principals details of organization and method. Written and oral tests are also given to second-year pupils in English, arithmetic, and usually in other subjects up to the standard of the Intermediate Examination, and Principals' recommendations for the award of senior free places and of the various leavingcertificates are dealt with. General improvement in the quality of the teaching is reported, teachers, on the whole, displaying a growing interest in educational reform and in modern methods of instruction. In the main the courses provided at secondary schools are of an academic character, but the necessity of providing for pupils not intending to take up a scholastic or professional career is being increasingly realized. Short courses are now provided in most schools, suitable for pupils remaining only one or two years, from which the study of foreign languages and mathematics is generally excluded ; commercial courses are also followed by a large number of pupils, and instruction in such subjects as agriculture, needlework, and cookery is fairly general. Of the



total number of pupils only 55 per cent, of the boys and 33 per cent, of the girls now take Latin, while 90 per cent, of the boys and 93 per cent, of the girls take French ; about 1,500 boys and 1,000 girls take commercial subjects, 750 boys take agriculture, and only 688 girls now study botany, its place having been taken by home science. The course provided in the secondary departments of district high schools is intended to be of a less academic nature than that of the secondary schools, and to have a bearing more or less upon rural pursuits. The result is that 65 per cent, of the boys and 22 per cent, of the girls study agricultural science, and 28 per cent, of the boys and 18 per cent, of the girls learn dairy-work. Subjects connected with home life are also largely taken by the girls. Only 29 per cent, of the pupils learn Latin. A number of the pupils, however, in these schools prefer to follow the usual scholastic course, with the result that the teachers in small schools have a difficult task in teaching a wide range of subjects to a limited number of pupils. The present proposals for reorganizing the post-primary system will eliminate this special difficulty of the district high school as it is now constituted. Destination of Pupils leaving the Secondary Schools. In close connection with the suitability of the courses provided at secondary schools is the destination of the pupils after leaving. From returns received concerning 2,200 pupils who left the ordinary secondary schools at the end of the year 1921 it appears that 7 per cent, continued their education at the University, 13 per cent, went to other schools or classes for commercial or other training, and 16 per cent, entered the teaching service. Thirty-six per cent, of the girls took up duties at home, and 24 per cent, of the boys proceeded to fanning occupations. The principal avocations followed by the remainder were : clerical work in commercial houses, &c, 12 per cent. ; Government services, 2-5 per cent. ; shops, 4 per cent. ; engineering and similar trades, 2 per cent. ; other trades, 2 per cent. ; and professions such as architects, surveyors, &c, 3 per cent. Hostels for Pupils of Secondary Schools. (Table K(i.) The policy of accommodating country pupils in hostels attached to the secondary schools is favoured by the Department, and, as far as possible, financial assistance is being given for the erection of hostels. Unfortunately, the enforced restriction of all building operations has led to the postponement of the erection of a few urgently needed hostels. The majority of schools now have hostels connected with them, the buildings as a rule being the property of the Boards, but in. a few cases being rented. In nearly every instance the hostels are now controlled by the Board of Governors, and in many cases they are a source of revenue. There were 1,223 boys and 407 girls of the secondary departments and 264 lower department pupils accommodated in school hostels in. 1921. Of the boys, 370 were at Christ's College, Christchurch, and the Wanganui Collegiate School. In addition to these numbers, 98 pupils were boarding at establishments approved by the Principals, and 562 were boarding privately. For these last-named, and also for the large number of children prevented from attending school owing to the boarding difficulty, or forced to make long railway journeys daily, additional accommodation where there is dependable supervision and desirable environment is still needed. Free Secondary LiDUcation. (Table K4.) Free secondary education is provided on an extensive scale, junior and senior free places being tenable at secondary schools, district high schools, technical high schools, and other technical schools. Generally speaking, junior free places are tenable for two. years, with a possible extension in certain cases to three years. In the case of their being held, at district high schools they are tenable to the age of seventeen. The means of qualification are— (1.) For entrance to secondary schools and district high schools — (a) Special examinations for Junior National Scholarships, (b) the certificate of proficiency.



(2.) For entrance to technical high schools the means of qualification named in (1), or the certificate of competency in S6, with a special endorsement of merit in handwork or in elementary science, which for the purposes of technical schools is deemed to-be equivalent to a certificate of proficiency. (3.) For entrance to technical classes other than technical high, schools the means of qualification named in (1) or (2), or, under special conditions applicable to industrial courses only, a recommendation by the Inspector of Schools if a pupil is over fourteen years. Senior free places are tenable at secondary schools, district high schools, and technical high schools up to the age of nineteen, and at technical classes other than technical high schools for three or in some cases four years. The means of qualification for senior free places are the Intermediate or other equivalent examinations, or the recommendation of the Principal or Director of the school or classes attended based on. the school records and examination results, or the recommendation of an Inspector of Secondary Schools, or, in the case of district high schools, of the senior Inspector of the district, or in part on such a recommendation and in part on the results of a special examination. Recommendation is the qualification now frequently offered, the number receiving senior free places in this manner in 1921 being 2,170, representing nearly three-fifths of the total number of senior free places gained. As a result of the free-place system 1.3,821 children were receiving free secondary education in 1921- -8,540 in secondary schools, 2,029 in district high schools, 3,140 in technical high schools, and 112 in Maori secondary schools. The number represents 91 per cent, of the pupils of all Government schools affording secondary education. The following table gives details of the free places held in 1920 and 1921 :— Free Places in December, 1920 and 1921. , —1920. , 1921. —^ (i.) Secondary schools — Boys. Girls. Totals. Boys. Girls. Totals, (a.) Junior free pupils .. 2,974 2,590 5,564 2.713 2,941 5,654 (b.) Senior free pupils .. 1,242 1,047 2,289 1,723 1,163 2,886 Totals .. .. 4,216 3,637 7,853 4,436 4,104 8,540 (ii.) District high schools («.) Junior free pupils .. 809 867 1,676 841 870 1.711 (6.) Senior free pupils .. 157 184 341 145 173 318 Totals .. .. 966 1,051 2,017 986 1,043 2,029 (iii.) Maori secondary schools .. 48 50 98 50 62 112 (iv.) Technical high schools — (a.) Junior free pupils .. 1,226 1,000 2,226 1,445 1,202 2,647 (b.) Senior free pupils .. 151 199 350 232 261 493 Totals .. .. 1,377 1,199 2,576 .1,677 1,463 3,140 Grand totals .. 6,607 5,937 12,544 7,149 6,672 13,821 Scholarships held at Secondary Schools and District High Schools. (Tables K4 and K5.) National Scholarships. Junior and Senior National Scholarships are awarded by the Government on the results of annual examinations, the junior examination being of a standard somewhat higher than that of the certificate of proficiency, and the candidates being not over fourteen years of age ; and. the senior examination being of a standard comparable with the standard of the Public Service Entrance Inanimation, the candidates being not over sixteen years of age. Scholarships are awarded to all candidates reaching a certain standard, the standard of award being determined so as approximately to provide one scholarship (junior or senior) for every 500



children in attendance at all public schools ; the Junior and Senior Scholarships awarded are in the proportion of nine to five, so that there is one Junior Scholarship among approximately every 750 pupils in. attendance at the schools, or among every fifty-five S6 pupils. In the case of pupils from sole-teacher schools — i.e., schools with an average attendance of under thirty-six —the standard of award is made 10 per cent, lower than the general standard. The standard of qualification fixed for the 1921 examinations was 64| per cent, for Junior Scholarships (general standard) and 63 per cent, for Senior Scholarships. The results of the examination were as follows : 216 candidates qualified for Junior National Scholarships, of which number ten were pupils of sole-teacher schools, and fifty-one were pupils of secondary schools. The number of successful pupils from sole-teacher schools was greater than in the previous year, and the number from secondary schools smaller. The number of candidates qualifying for Senior National Scholarships was 124, of which number only two qualified on the alternative programme provided specially to suit the needs of those taking a rural or domestic course. Junior and Senior National Scholarships are tenable at secondary schools and district high schools, each for three years, provided that the total tenure of the two scholarships in the case of one person must not exceed five years. The holder receives £5 per annum if a junior scholar, or £10 per annum if a senior scholar, with a further sum of £35 per annum, in each case if obliged to live away from home. The figures below indicate the number and the value of scholarships current in December, 1921. The number of scholarship-holders is, of course, included in the number of free-place holders shown in the preceding section. Number of scholarship-holders— 1921. Boys .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 426 Girls .. .. .. .. .. 273 Totals .. *.. .. .. .. .. 699 Number receiving boarding-allowance (included in the above, total) .. 172 Number receiving travelling-allowance (similarly included) . . . . 47 Number held at public secondary schools .. . . . . . . 569 Number held at other registered secondary schools .. .. . . 24 Number hold at district high schools .. .. . . .. 75 Number held at technical high schools . . . . .. . . 31 Total annual rate of payment .. .. .. .. .. £.11,693 Private Scholarships. Private scholarships are derived from funds provided at certain schools by private donors, by bequest or otherwise. The number of foundation and private scholarships in the last term of 1921 was 188. Of the holders 114 were also Government free pupils under the regulations. War Bursaries for Soldiers' Dependants. Regulations provide for the award of bursaries to dependants of killed or disabled members of the New Zealand .Expeditionary Force. To qualify for a war bursary a child must be eligible for— (a.) Free education at technical classes ; or (b.) A free place at a secondary school, district high school, or technical high school; or (c.) A University or educational bursary at a University college. A bursary entitles the holder to an allowance, in addition to free tuition, of £l 10s. or £3 per annum in the case of those qualified under (a), £5 for those under (6), or £10 for those under (c). Lodging-allowance is also paid, to bursars who are obliged to live away from home to attend school, at the rate of £15 per annum under (a) and £30 under (6) and (c) ; travelling-allowances varying from £5 to £10 per annum are also made when travelling is necessary. During 1921 the number of bursaries held at secondary schools was thirty, the expenditure thereon being £565.



Secondary-school Certificates. Three classes of certificates may be issued to free-place holders taking a secondary course of instruction. The intermediate certificate may be granted to junior-free-place holders who have satisfactorily completed under certain conditions a two-year course at a secondary school, district high school, or technical high school, and who in general are qualified in attainment to receive a senior free place. The lower leaving-certificate may be issued to pupils who have satisfactorily completed a three-years course of secondary instruction, including not less than one year of a senior course in which the standard of work is sufficiently advanced in character to meet the requirements of the examination for a teacher's certificate of Class D, or of the Matriculation Examination. Likewise the higher leavingcertificate may be granted to pupils having satisfactorily completed at least a fouryears course of secondary instruction and having satisfied the requirements of the lower leaving-certificate, and, in addition, having completed to good advantage and under certain conditions a further secondary course of not less than one year. The following are the numbers of certificates awarded in 1912 (the year of their institution), in 1920, and in 1921 :— 1912. 1920. 1921. Higher lcaving-certificates awarded .. .. 64 307 305 Lower leaving-certificates awarded .. .. 32 270 255 Applications for certificates declined .. .. 20 93 80 Total number of applications .. .. 116 670 64.0 Staffs of Secondary Schools. (Tablo K3.) The number of full-time teachers on the staffs of secondary schools at the end of 1921 was 405, as compared with 400 in the previous year. This number includes 20 male and 13 female principals and 191 male and 181 female assistants. In addition a number of part-time teachers were employed. The staffing of schools now being controlled by regulation, the average number of pupils to each assistant teacher in the various schools is fairly uniform, and, taking the highest roll during the year of all schools, works out at twenty-seven pupils per assistant teacher. The second annual classified list of assistant teachers was issued at the end of the year, and of the twenty-one appeals against classification four were allowed. That so little exception was taken to the work of the classifying officers is a tribute to the manner in which the many difficulties connected with the new scheme were overcome. Of the total number of assistants, 18 per cent, are classified in the highest grade (Grade A), 23 per cent, in Grade B, 28 per cent, in Grade C, and 31 per cent, in the lowest grade (Grade D). Some of the smaller schools have been unable to obtain teachers possessing the required classification to fill the vacant positions on their staffs, the difficulty being due partly to the fact that the number of tea,chers classified in the higher grades is comparatively small, and partly to the disinclination of teachers for various reasons to move to the smaller centres. On the other hand, the complaint is made by women teachers, especially, that some of their number are holding positions of a lower grade than they are qualified to fill, to which the answer is that the service is hard to find in which a higher position is immediately available for every member as his qualifications improve, and also that the present proposals for a reorganized system of secondary education, will provide a much wider scope for the activities of secondary teachers. Provision for the training of secondary-school teachers is still inadequate, and although a certain number of young teachers now take a training-college course, it is frequently necessary to appoint to the junior classes teachers with high academic status but no training in methods of teaching. The effect on the pupils of these classes who have just left the hands of highly trained teachers in the primary schools cannot be other than unsatisfactory. In some of the larger schools the heads of departments now devote special attention to directing the work of the junior teachers, arranging schemes of work for them, and suggesting generally methods of teaching. The position will not, however, be entirely satisfactory until it is possible to ensure that every secondary-school teacher receives an adequate training in the art of teaching. Reforms in this direction have been under consideration for some time and will be given effect to when financial conditions permit.



The head teacher of a district high school controls the secondary department and takes some part in the instruction, receiving on that account an addition to his ordinary salary of from £30 to £50 according to the number of pupils in the secondary department. Special assistants are also employed for the secondary departments ; in 1921 there were 103 such assistants —33 men and 70 women. Salaries of Secondary-school Teachers. The Dominion scale of salaries of secondary-school teachers which came into force in the year 1920, briefly, is as follows: Principals—Men, £600 to £900; women, £440 to £680. Assistants—Men, £200 to £540 ; women, £175 to £410. In addition, a married Principal receives house allowance of £60 if a residence is not provided, a head of a department may receive £30, and a married assistant receives £40 per annum. The salaries of Principals are graded according to the size of the school, and the salaries of assistants according to the classification of the position held. The total rate of salaries, including those of part-time teachers, as payable in December, 1921, was £152,135, or £14 18s. per head of the highest roll number. The following figures indicate the average rates of salary prevailing at threeyearly intervals since the year 1915 : — Average Salaries ok Full-time Teachers in Secondary Schools. , -1915. -, r 1918. , , 1921 , M. F. All. M. F. All. M. F. All. I' i* i' i.' V 4? C jQ £f Principals .. ..585 436 535 615 434 568 734 542 658 Assistants .. .. 266 1.87 232 300 201 246 383 284 335 The value of residences, and board and residence, and of house allowance when payable, is excluded from the above figures. Of 191 male assistants the salaries of twenty-eight were over £500, of forty-seven between £400 and £500, of sixty-seven between £300 and £400, and of forty-nine below £300. Of 181 female assistants the salaries of twenty-one were over £350, of forty-two between £300 and £350, of sixty-two between £250 and £300, and of fifty-six under £250. In considering these figures it should be borne in mind that nearly one-third of the teachers are classified in the lowest grade, and that many have no teaching experience whatever. In other countries the salary scales of which are sometimes compared with the New Zealand scale teachers cither do not enter the service until they have received a training or else they serve for a term of years as junior teachers before the salary scale applies to them. In the secondary departments of district high schools salaries are paid in accordance with a general scale. The average salaries paid to secondary assistants in 1921 were as follows: Male assistants, £345 ; female assistants, £307 ; all assistants, £319. The total annual rate of salaries paid to teachers of district high schools, including the special payments to head teachers, was £35,566, which is equivalent to £13 10s. per head of the average weekly roll number. Lowur Departments of Secondary Schools. (Tabic Kll.) Lower departments for pupils who have not passed S6 may be held in connection with secondary schools, provided that no part of the cost of instruction or of the maintenance of the department is met out of income from the endowments of the school or from Government grants. Fourteen secondary schools (including Christ's College, Christchurch) have lower departments attached, to them, the total number of pupils in 1921 being 774, as compared with 815 in 1920. The roll number included 433 boys and 341 girls, and the total number of teachers was twenty-nine (seven males and twenty-two females). A large number of the pupils board at the school hostels, indicating that these departments are used by the children of country residents able to afford to send their children away from home to attend school. The tuition fees charged range in the various schools from £9 9s. to £13 10s. per annum, the boarding-fees ranging from £48 to £60 per annum.

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Finance. (Tables K7-K9.) The income of secondary schools is derived from the following sources : — (i.) Rents from special reserves allocated to them by statute : (ii.) Statutory grant given in lieu of special reserves (in one case) : (iii.) Interest upon moneys derived from the sale of reserves and invested in accordance with the Education Reserves Act: (iv.) Income from the secondary-school reserves controlled by the Land Boards divided among the secondary schools in the several land districts in proportion to the number of pupils in average attendance, lower departments excluded : (v.) Government payments—(a) For teachers' salaries and incidental expenses ; (b) subsidies on voluntary contributions ; (c) capitation for manual-instruction classes: (vi.) Special Government grants for buildings and apparatus : (vii.) Tuition fees of pupils: (viii.) Boarding-fees of pupils : (ix.) Miscellaneous sources, such as interest on moneys (other than those obtained by the sale of reserves), donations, and income from special endowments (for scholarships, prizes, &c), rent of premises, &c. The revenue derived from sources (i) to (iv) is the income from endowments, the " net annual income derived from endowments" being this sum less the expenditure incurred in connection with the endowments and school property and upon building purposes approved by the Minister. The " net annual income " and receipts from tuition fees are deducted from the amount payable to the High School Board by the Department for salaries. The following is a summary of the receipts and payments of all operative secondary schools: — Summary op the Statements o\? Receipts and Payments for the Year 1921 furnished by the Governing! Bodies of Operative Secondary Schools. (Wanganui Collegiate and Christ College Grammar Schools not included.) Receipts. Payments. Endowments— £ Sales .. .. .. .. 1,330 Endowments (including proportion of office £ Lands vested in High School Boards .. 43,373 expenses) .. .. .. .. 7,454 Secondary-education reserves .. .. 12,701 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. .. 153,543 Interest on moneys invested .. .. 516 Incidental expenses of secondary departGovernment grants— ments — Grants for buildings, sites, rent, apparatus, Office expenses and salaries (excluding &c, and subsidies .. .. .. 92,663 endowments) .. .. .. 4,705 For salaries .. .. .. .. 139,516 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 3,813 For incidental expenses.. .. .. 25,076 Cleaning, heating, lighting, and care of Tuition fees .. .. .. .. 10,106 school-grounds .. .. .. 12,069 Lower Department Account .. .. 8,179 Material, examinations, prizes, games, and Hostels Account .. .. .. 66,962 j other incidentals .. .. .. 4,945 Loans, interest, &c. .. .. .. 3,811 Maintenance of buildings, rates, and taxes ... 9,028 Technical Classes Account .. .. 5,394 Sites, buildings, furniture, and apparatus .. 130,584 Voluntary contributions, income from property Lower Department Account .. .. 8,137 not reserves, refunds, capitation for manual Hostels Account .. .. .. 69,171 instruction, and sundries .. .. 13,815 Loans repaid, and interest .. .. 8,402 Technical Classes Account .. .. 4,755 Scholarships, manual instruction, advances to pupils, and miscellaneous .. . . 8,547 £423,442 Total .. .. £425,153 The amount expended exceeded the sum for the previous year by £78,000 ; the capital expenditure on new buildings being £59,000 greater, and the expenditure on hostels £12,000 greater. The latter increase was balanced by a corresponding increase in the receipts. The cost of maintenance, including salaries and incidental expenses, was practically the same as in the previous year. The Department's allowance of £2-5 per head for incidental expenses should have been sufficient to cover the total expenditure under this heading, but in some schools the expenditure was greater than the allowance. The cost ranged from £l'B6 to £3*3 per head, with the outstanding exception in which the cost was £5 - 05. The average cost per head for all schools was £2-54.



The net annual income from endowments, as defined above, amounted to £13,000, which sum was deducted from the Department's payments to the Boards for salaries. Hostels for school boarders were conducted by fourteen Boards, five of which ran the hostels at considerable profit; five others made a loss on the year's working, the remaining four making the revenue and expenditure approximately balance. The expenditure of over £130,000 on new buildings represents the cost of large building operations in connection with schools and hostels at several of the centres. The Government's contribution towards this expenditure by way of direct grants was nearly £93,000 ; the balance being met by income from endowments or by loans raised on the security of these endowments. Several Boards have raised loans in this way which will be gradually paid off from endowment income. The total debit balance of all Boards at the end of the year amounted to approximately £80,000. The following payments were made by the Department on account of secondary education during the year ending 31st March, 1922 : — Payments to Education Boards for— £ District high schools : Secondary teachers —Salaries .. .. 33,495 National Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,693 Payments to secondary schools and colleges for — Salaries and incidental expenses . . .. .. . . 157,660 Manual instruction capitation .. .. .. .. .. 3,561 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. .. .. .. 743 New buildings, equipment, furniture, sites, &c. —Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. .. .. ..81,197 Rebuilding high school destroyed by fire . . . . .. 4,156 Prom reserves revenue in accordance with Education Reserves Amendment Act, 191.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,958 Conveyance of pupils to secondary and district high schools . . . . 6,112 Marlborough High School: Statutory payment . . .. . . 400 Inspectors'salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,437 Inspectors' travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. ; . 466 Total .. .. .. ... .. .. £310,878

2. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INSPECTORS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Sir,— Wellington, Ist June, 1922. Work of the Year. All secondary schools of the North Island, exclusive of the two Wellington Colleges, were inspected during the first and second terms, for periods ranging from three to six days in each school. Detailed reports upon organization and methods of teaching were forwarded to the respective Boards and Principals, and during our visits these matters were discussed with Principals and staffs individually or by means of conferences. During the latter half of the year Wellington College was inspected, and all secondary schools in both Islands were visited in connection with Principals', recommendations for the award of senior free places and of the various leavingoertificates. Written and oral tests were given to second-year forms in English, arithmetic, and usually in other subjects up to the standard of the Intermediate Examination. 1,820 senior free places were awarded in accordance, with clause 7 (c), and higher and lower leaving-certificates issued to pupils who had fulfilled the required conditions. Registered private secondary schools were also inspected, some for purposes of report on the working of the schools, and in all cases in connection with the granting of higher leaving-certificates. Individual teachers were observed at work during all visits, and Principals consulted with reference to their efficiency. These observations and reports were used as a basis for revising the classification list in December. A period of nearly three weeks was spent in attendance- at the sittings of the Appeal Board appointed for the hearing of appeals of teachers against their classification. The Board was composed of a Chairman appointed by the Minister, a representative of the Department who was not a grading officer, and a representative elected by the secondary-school teachers of the University

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district in which the Board sat. Sittings were held in Christchurch, Wellington, and Auckland, no session being required in Dunedin. Only twenty-one appeals against classification were proceeded with by appellants—six in Auckland, nine in Christchurch, and six in Wellington ; of these, one. appeal was not opposed by the grading officers, and three others were allowed by the Board, the remaining seventeen being unsuccessful. Considering the very many difficulties that presented themselves to those responsible for tin; substitution of an entirely new and clearly defined system of classification and staffing for the haphazard methods that had hitherto prevailed, it was very gratifying to find that the percentage of appellant teachers was so small. Several anomalies, natural consequences of the former conditions, still persist, but the number of these will gradually diminish, and their disappearance should in itself do much to reduce still further the present small percentage of appeals. Staffing. So far a number of schools have been unable to fill, all vacancies on the staff with teachers possessing the classification required by regulations. This difficulty is partly due to the fact that the supply of teachers in the higher grades is comparatively small, and partly to the disinclination of teachers, especially those who are married, to face the expense of removal from one town to another. Others, again, who have not completed their University work elect to remain in a, large centre rather than seek promotion in souk; smaller town where they will have no opportunity of attending University lectures. The difficulty is to some extent inevitable during the early years of a new grading scheme ; and as teachers complete the service necessary for the higher grades the number available will naturally increase. The provision by means of which teachers of exceptional merit may pass more rapidly through the various grades should also increase the supply. Since, for the reasons above indicated, schools in the smaller towns are chiefly affected, the situation .might be relieved by offering more inducement to teachers to seek employment in these schools by granting a bonus, or by paying reasonable transfer expenses where such transfer is approved by the Department. The need for economy, however, is a serious obstacle in the, way of this proposal, as, indeed, of any that involves increased expenditure. The grading-sysfem has occasionally been condemned by reason of this difficulty in staffing, but, though teachers from time to time suggest modifications, the general feeling appears to be favourable towards it, as offering a definite prospect of promotion and a fairly clear view of ultimate possibilities. The lack of this view was one of the strongest reasons which formerly induced teachers to take up teaching temporarily and leave it as soon as possible for other professions. It was unfortunate that so shortly after the new scheme was launched financial stress seriously hindered its further progress, but the same stress has naturally reacted upon other professions, and in that way increased the supply of teachers. There is reason to hope that in normal times the salaries now offered for the higher positions will be sufficient to induce a large number of these teachers to adopt teaching as their life's work. Training of Teachers. Reference; has previously been made in these reports to the need of training for secondary teachers. The position has not materially altered, and teachers of high academic qualifications but without teaching experience must frequently be placed in charge of junior classes. The effect upon pupils who leave highly trained and experienced teachers to begin their secondary work under such conditions is often apparent throughout their whole course. On the other hand, a certain number of applicants for grading have already passed through a training college, and it is desirable, as soon as the supply is sufficient, to admit no teacher to the secondary schools who is without training or experience. Valuable work of this character has already been accomplished in some of the larger schools where heads of departments have been appointed. These have arranged schemes of work, suggested methods of treatment, and criticized and directed the work of junior teachers. Teachers' Associations. In May, 1921, the Secondary Schools Association and the Secondary Schools Assistants' Association decided to amalgamate. Hitherto Principals and assistants have, for the most part, met in separate bodies for the discussion of various matters connected with secondary education. In future they will meet annually in one association to deliberate upon topics of common interest. The change, will make for closer co-operation between Principals and staffs, and consequent unity of effort in the cause of education. The Inspectors welcomed the invitation to be present at both conferences as a valuable opportunity of hearing the views of representative teachers. (lenekal. The improvement in the quality of teaching mentioned in the last report has been steadily maintained. Teachers, on the whole, display a growing interest in educational reform, and a readiness to discuss the comparative values of various methods of instruction. Meetings of the staff or of groups of teachers are held in most schools, in order to secure co-ordination and uniformity of teaching. While it is unnecessary to review what has already been given in inspection reports, certain features are worthy of special notice. The tendency in most schools is to define more clearly the various courses of work open to the pupils, so that those who are not preparing to enter the professions or to take up University work may have a complete course suited to their needs and capable of accomplishment within the period



during which they remain at school. As a consequence the study of Latin is being more closely restricted to those who require it for special examinations. This is spieeially noticeable in girls' schools, and in some schools it has practically disappeared from the curriculum. In such cases it is desirable to include translations of Greek and. Latin authors in the literature; under study, and to devote sufficient time to French to allow it to be dealt with thoroughly enough in all branches, including oral work, grammar, and translation, to compensate for the elimination of the study of the dead languages. A small proportion of the, pupils take no foreign language, and give the time to English, commercial, subjects, agriculture, and woodwork. The number of pupils who fail, after two years to reach a standard sufficient to justify the continuance of their free places suggests that they should concentrate upon a more restricted syllabus. Then; are still, however, parents who believe that the exclusion of Latin from a pupil's studies is an unjustifiable deprivation, and consequently the subject is often substituted for others more suited to his natural aptitude and ability, as well as to the length of time he is likely to remain in a secondary school. Conclusion. The tone of the secondary schools is excellent, and discipline is maintained with little or no show of force. The prefect system is used in most schools, and in one much of the discipline is entrusted to a- School Council under the guidance of the Principal. A feature worthy of special commendation is the large, amount of time voluntarily given by teachers to organized games, school clubs, and the various institutions which make for character-building as well as for the rational employment of leisure time. J. DIIUMMONI), ) T c a j oil ■n, r v, > Inspectors ot Secondary schools" E. J. Parr, ) l ' The Director of Education, Wellington.

3. DETAILED TABLES, ETC. PERSONNEL OT FULL-TIME STAFFS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1921. Whangarei High School— Messrs. R. Lupton; H. E. G. Smith; W. A. Given, M.A. ;H. B. Quinn, M.A. ; D. W. Fell, M.A. ; Misa E. Haselden, M.A. ; Mrs. E. Hollway, B.A. ; Miss V. Clark-Walker, B.A. ; Miss W. B. Lamb. Auckland Boys' Grammar School. —Messrs. J. W. Tibbs, M.A. ; H. J. D. Mahon, B.A. ; J. K. Davis, M.A. ; B. Caradus, B.Sc. ; F. W. Gamble, M.A. ; W. T. Foster, M.A. ; P. A. Dooherty, A.N.Z.I.A. ; A. R. Gatland. B.A. ; K. J. Dellow, M.A. ; H. F. Brock, M.A. ; W. Caradus, M.So. ; G. S. Coldham, M.A. ; W. J. Bishop, M.A. ;J. L. I. Nowbook; P, Drummoud, B.A. ;A. W. Sbort, B.A. ; C. R. Jones, M.A. ; J. H. Harvey, M.A. ; J. A. Asher, B.A. : N. A. Winter, B.A. ; H. C. Bourne, M.A. ; J. W. Bennett; B. E. Bilkey ; P. 0. Veale, B.Sc. Auckland Girls' Grammar School— Mines W. Pieken, M.A. ; M. A. Dive, B.A. ; F. Maedonald, B.A. ; Mrs. S. Heap ; Misses J. Uhlmann ; K. V. Edgerley, M.A. ; I. Robertson, M.A. ; N. I. Maclean, M.A. ; H. Woodhouse, M.A. ; B. Macdiarmid, M.A. ; G. McMullan, B.A. ;C. L. F. Hull, M.A. ;B. A. Jackson; D. E. Horton, M.A. ; A. C. Tizard, M.A. ; M. Maedonald, B.A. ; E. M. Dickinson, M.A. ; I. J. .Paterson; D. Maclean, M.A. Epsom Girls' Grammar School. —Misses A. C. Morrison, M.A. ; F. I. Patterson, M.A. ; H. Kirkbride, M.A. ; A. L. Matches ; M. B. Freeman, M.A. ; L. Forbes ; M. B. Esson, M.A. ; M. C. Terry, M.Sc. ; M. Barnett, B.A. ; D. Holmden, M.A. ; C. Dwyer, B.A. ; B. B. Battersby, M.Sc. ; B. Brendcl, M.A. ; J. C. S. Rudall, B.Sc. ; L. G. Hutton. Thames High School. —Messrs. R. E. Rudman, M.A., B.Sc. ; W. H. Hoult, M.A. ; J. L. Pressing ; H. H. Marshall, B.A. ; Misses G. H. Heward, M.A. ; D. Bingham, M.A. ; E. Wilcox. Hamilton, High School— Messrs. E. Wilson, M.A. ; VV. Eraser, M.A. ; H. Tait, B.A. ; H. V. Searle, B.Sc. ; R. R. McGregor ; R. 0. C. Marks, B.A. ; G. F. Saunders, M.A. ; S. E. Senior ; Misses E. Campbell, M.A. ; C. G. Harrison, B.A. ; R. E. Rowlandson, B.A. ;G. Wyatt; W. Barriball, B.A. ;E. McMullan ;M. D. Bishop. New Plymouth Boys' High School— Messrs. W. H. Moyes, M.A., B.Sc. ; A. R. Ryder, M.A., B.Sc. ; R. H. Rockel, M.A. ; Miss J. McLeod, M.A. ; Messrs. C. G. Bottrill, M.A. ; A. VV. Diprose, B.A. ; J. W. Connell; A. J. Papps, B.A. ; G. F. Bertrand ; F. J. Eggleton ; W. G. Wilkie. New Plymouth Girh' High School.— Misses E. M. Mcintosh, M.A.. B.Sc. ; G. A. Drew, M.A. ; P. M. P. Clark,. M.A. ; J. H. Wilson, B.Sc. ; J. M. Smith, B.A. ; L. L. B. Sheat, M.A. Wanganui Collegiate School. —Messrs. I). P. Marshall, M.A., D.Sc. ; J. S. Bannister, M.A. ; J. Allen, B.A. ; F. H. Latham, M.A. ; F. L. Peck ; H. W. Austin, M.A. ; C. H. Campbell ; W. Jess, M.A. ; J. J. S. Corner, 8.A., B.Sc. ; R. G. (.'. McNab, M.A. ; G. F. McGrath, M.A. ; R. A. W. Sutherland, M.Sc. ; D. E. Thornton ; F. F. Miles, M.A.




Wanganui Girls' College. —Misses C. M. Cruickshank, M.A. ; S. E. Clifford, M.A. ; J. R. Currie, M.A. ; A. Blennerhasset, B.A. ; A. M. Budd, M.A. ; 0. C. H. Rockel, M.A. ; 11. A. Bell, B.Sc. in H.Sc. ; E. A. Harvey, B.A. ; M. H. Treadwell, B.A. ; C. B.Sc. in H.Sc. Napier Boys' High School. —Messrs. W. A. Armour, M.A., M.Sc. ; N. R. Jacobsen, M.Sc. ; W. Kerr, M.A. ; H. H. Ward, M.A. ; E. S. West, M.A. ; C. H. Strack, B.A. ; C. J. Bagley ; R. B. Hardy. Napier Girls' High School— Misses V. M. Greig, M.A., M.Sc. ; C. R. Kirk, B.A. ; S. J. Hill ; A. M. Anderson ; J. O. Gillies ; C. L. Gumming, M.A. ; S. j. Robinson, M.A. Gisborne High School. —Messrs. F. Foote, B.A. ; W. P. Dunphy, 8.A., B.Sc. ; P. C. Edmondson, B.A. ; T. P. Grist; G. T. Maunder, M.Sc. ;C. M. Taylor ;E. J. Wilkes, M.A. ; Misses J. M. Brosnan, M.A. ; ,1. Knapp, B.A. ; J. A. Sandall; J. Stewart, M.A. ; C. R. Walker. Dannevirke High School. —Messrs. J. M. Summers, M.A. ; H. Drees, M.A. ; F. Hcaton, M.A. : Misses B. M. Bell, M.A. ; A. L. London, M.A. Palmerslon North Boys' High School. —Messrs. J. Murray, M.A. ; J. A. Colquhoun, M.Sc. ; W. P. Anderson, M.A. ; J. J. Stevenson; H. J. Thompson, M.A. ; G. A. Hansard; H. W. Kerr; R. T. Cole, B.A. ; W, Randell ; K. W. Low. Palmerston North Girls' High School— Misses C. B. Mills, M.A., B.Sc. ; V. J. VV. Hodges, M.A. ; M. J. MacAulay, M.A. ; C. M. Heine, B.A. ; E. Billcns, B.A. ; W. S. Eraser, B.A. ; K. L. Simkin, B.Sc. in H.Sc. Wellington Boys' College.— Messrs. T. R. Cresswoll, M.A. ; A. Hine, B.A. ; A. C. Cifl'ord, M.A. ; F. M. Renner, M.A. ; T. Brodie, B.A. ; H. B. Tomlinson, M.A. ; W. Alexander; J. S. Lomas, B.A. ;J. Hall, B.Sc; R. H. Biggar, M.A. ; G. VV. Moricc, M.A. ; J. N. Millard, B.A. ; E, J. I). Hercus, M.A. ; A. E. Caddick, M.A. ; H. T. M. Fathers, B.A. ; VV. F. C. Balham ; J. R. Caddie, M.A. ; J. Thompson, M.A. ; W. V. Jones ; F. Joplin, B.A. ; F. E. Thornton; T. E. Beard, B.A. ; VV. 11. Stevens, B.A. ; VV. G. Harwood, 8.A.; A. Jackson, B.A. ; G. G. Aitken, B.A. ; P. Ruston; E. Espiner, B.A. ; E. C. Wiren. Wellington Girls' College. —Misses M. J. McLean, M.A. ; A. M. Batham, B.A. ; E. A. Newman, M.A. ; E. M. Rainforth. B.A. ; F. E. Kershaw, M.A. ; E, M. Johnston, JI.A. ; E. Williams, B.A. ;R. Collins, B.A. ; Mrs. C. E. Wood, M.A. ; Misses 0. Haddrell. M.A. ; N. E. Coad, M.A. ; E. M. Lynch, M.A. ; E. J. Cornish, B.Sc. ; A. F. Marsdon; K. Martin, B.A. ; E. Mackay; H. Blacker, B.A. ; M. A. Pigott, B.Sc. ;M. B. Turner, B.A. ; C. Tsheremissinoff, B.A. ; K. Mackenzie ; G. F. S. Marshall, B.Sc. ; t>. McCartney, M.A. ; D. Johnstone, B.A. ; J. 1. Stewart, B.A. : J. Mackenzie, M.A. ; A. Pope, B.Sc. ; A. Sewell, B.A. ; Mrs. Hursthouse. Lower Department—Misses A. Cocker, M.A. ; L. Kershaw ;K. Thomas; C. Warburton ; M. Barber. Marlborough High School. —Dr. J. Innes, M.A. ; Messrs. H. Robson, M.A. ; S. I. Jones, B.A. ; C. J. R. Price, B.A. ; Misses E. M. Allen, M.A. ; E. M. Piggott, M.A. ; M. E. Virtue, B.A. Nelson Boys' College. —Messrs. H. L. Fowler, M.A. ; C. H. Broad, B.A. ; J. G. McKay, B.A. ; F. L. Tuck, B.Sc. ; B. A. Watkin; T. J. Morrow, M.A. ; G. P. Worloy ; E. H. Scvcrne ;V. E. Kerr; H. P. Isaac. Nelson Girls' College. —Misses M. Lorimer, M.A. ; M. McEachcn, M.A. ; A. Eastwood, M.A. ; N. G. Isaac, M.A. ; L G. Hale, M.A. ; R. Ray, M.A. ; R. Kurston, B.A. ; C. Robinson, M.A. ; J. McLeod. Lower Department —Misses G. O'Brien ; K. H. Satchell. Christchurch Boys' High School. —Messrs. G. Lancaster, M.A. ; R. M. Laing, M.A., B.Sc. ; R. J. Thompson, B.A. ; H. P. Kidson, M.A., B.Sc. ; J. R. Montgomery, M.A. ;D. Arnott, M.A. ;A. Merton; A. G. Thompson; R. de B. Adamson, B.Sc. ; J. H. E. Schroder, M.A. ; L. J. O'Connoll, B.A. ; R. V. de R. Worker., B.A. ; H. S. Baverstoek, M.A. ; A. A. McLachlan, B.A. ;A. E. McArtbur; H. W. Gout-lay; L. B. Quartermain, M.A. ; H. E. Dyer, M.Sc. ; A. W. Page, M.A. ; J. M. Stewart, M.A. ; H. V. Rowe, M.A. Christchurch Girls' High School. —Misses M. V. Gibson, M.A. ; K. Gresson, M..A. ; L. Bing, B.A. ; G. Grecnstreet, B.A. ; E. B. Baxter, M.A. ;M. E. Sims, M.A. ; A. J. McKeo; 1). Bone; E. R. Edwards, B.A. ;A. I. Wilson, M.A. ; M. McLean, B.A. ;N. Wagstaff, M.A. ; C. M. Farrow, M.A. ;L. Oldridgo; H. Bullard ; M. Hall; M. Merton, B.A. ; Mrs. C. Young; Misses B. Oilman, B.Sc. ; E. J. Hall, M.A. ; M. Watson ; J. Berkeley ; H. Smith. Lower Department—Miss C. Glen. Christ's College.— Messrs. E. C. Crosse, M.A. ; A. E. Flower, M.A., M.Sc. ; E. G. Hogg, M.A., F.R.A.S. ; J. Monteath, B.A. ; B. Jenkins, B.A. ; P. Baines, B.A. ; H. Hudson, B.A. ; A. L. Rowe; J. F. 0. White, B.A. ; R. H. O'D. Davis; R. H. Uvans; M. A. H. Fell ;J. G. Denniston, B.A. ; Rev. S. Parr, M.A. ; Messrs. H. E. Solomon; G. Strack. Lower Department—Miss Musgrave; Messrs. A. G. Gurnsey ; J. 1). H. Buchanan. Rangiora High School. —Messrs. J. E. Strachan, M.A., B.Sc. ; A. J. Ferguson, M.A. ; G. C. Beattie, M.Sc. ; A. L. Lockhart; Misses G. M. Tuiner, B.A. ; P. L. Jull j M. Garrett. Ashburton High School— Messrs. W. F. Watters, B.A. ; J. Stewart, M.A. ; H. H. Allen, M.A. ; A. S. Hogg, M.Sc. ; T. Thomson; Misses M. F. Arnott, B.A. ; K. A. McKeage, M..A. ; M. Finlay, B.Sc. Lower Department—Miss I. Beaumont. Timaru Boys' High School. —Messrs. W. Thomas, M.A. ; A. G. Tait, B.A. ; E. A. Cockroft, B.A. ; D. Kemshed, M.A. ; C. A. S. Hind; R. 0. A. Sawell, M.A. ; VV. VV. Horwell ;N. Moore, B.A. ;J. D. Salmond, M.A. Lower Department—Misses A. Aimers ; B G. Ronaldson ; K. Hind. Timaru Girls' High Sclwol— Misses B. M. Watt, M.A. ; E. A. King, M.A. ; M. Ronaldson, B.A. ; M. S. Watt, B.A. ; M. W. Watson, B.A. ; D. C. Hardcastle, M.A. ; V. B. Dobie, B.A. Wailaki Boys' High School. —Messrs. F. Milner, M.A. ; M. K. McCulloch, M.A. ; D. S. Chisholm, M.A. ; C. M. Littlejohn, M.A., B.Sc.; W. M. Uttley, M.A. ; H. T. Hall; P. W. Hargreaves; F. A. Crimp; C. Zimmerman; J. Dash; H. K. Sumpster; F. F. Cameron. B.A. Lower Department—Mr. D. F. Saxton.


Waitaki Girls' High School— Misses J. B. Wilson, M.A. ; D. M. Stewart, B.A. ; E. E. A. Vickery, B.A. ; D. C. Hunt, B.A. ; F. L. Heward, B.Sc. in H.Sc. ; M. Allan. Otago Boys' High School— Messrs. W. J. Morrell, M.A. ; F. H. Campbell, M.A. ; J. Williams, B.Sc. ; W. J. Martyn, M.A. ; J. Reid, B.A. ; A. Watt, M.A. ; H. W. Slater, M.A., B.Sc. ; M. G. Mclnnes, B.A. ; R. W. S. Betting ; 0. J. Bogg, B.A. ; G. S. Thomson, B.Sc. ; A. C. Aitken. M.A. ; A. J. Gillman ; G. M. Robertson, B.A. ;B. H. Howard, M.A. ;E. M. Christie, B.Sc. ; H. W. James, B.A. ;F. M. Peake; T. J. L. Rantin, B.A. ; M. Watt. Otago Girls' High School— Misses F. M. Allan, M.A. ; F. Campbell, M.A. ; M. N. Gellatly, M.A. ; L. A. N. Downes, B.A. ; Mrs. B. Kerr, M.A. ; Misses H. K. Dalrymple, B.A. ; L. S. Morton, 'B.A. ; P. J. Jones, M.A. ; A. M. Aitken, B.Sc. ; E. M. Bruce, B.A. ; W. Chapman, H.Sc. Dip. ; J. H. Smith, B.A. ;L. N. Dallaston, B.A. ; E. M. Oddie ; M. W. May, B.A. Gore High School. —Messrs. .1. Hunter, M.A. ; G. Jobberns, M.A. ; J. M. C. Boyne, M.A. ; S. B. Dunn ; Misses L. H. Fyfe, M.A. ; M. L. Smith, M.A. ; H. A. Henderson, M.A. ; R. J. H. Douglas. Southland Boys' High School— Messrs. T. D. Pearcc, M.A. ; J. P. Dakin, B.A. ; J. S. McGrath, B.A. ; M. Alexander, M.Sc. ; J. G. Anderson, M.Sc. ; J. B. Mawson, M.A. ; J. Flannery ; J. L. Cameron ; Miss J. R. Mackay. Southland Girls' High School— Misses M. H. M. King, M.A. ; M. Samuel, M.A. ; A. Watt, M.A. ; S. Burt, M.A. ; M. A. Steele ; L. L. Lawson, B.A. ; I). Lambeth, B.Sc. ; E. Earwaker, M.A. ; R. A. White, M.A.

TABLE K1.—Average Attendance and Roll (classified according to Ages) of Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments) as in December, 1921.


a J . S§ 1.3 to 1.4 14 to 15 15 to 16 16 to 17 Over 17 Total all £ S<. S5J "%£ Years. Years. Years. Years. Years. Ages. School. « *2 IS (§* OJ — -H ~.^" 5? o» o I « « I I II • £ B. G. B. G. B. G. B. I G. B. G. B. G. B. G. ■< !_._.! ! I CO II Over 17 Years. Total all Ages. b.|g B. G. li. G. A. Secondary Schools. conda: Whangarei High School .. . . 194 204 218 .... 4 0 29 24 40 34 32 20 8 7. 113 91 Auckland Boys'Grammar School .. 924 945 995 9.. 59 .. 204 .. 314 .. 207 ..152 .. 945 .. Auckland Girls'Grammar School .. 425 431 475 1] .. 94 .. 149 .. 99 .. 78 .. 431 Auckland (Epsom) Girls' Grammar 344 350 375 .. 2 ... 17 .. 93 .. 95 .. 80 .. 63J .. 350 School Thames High School .. .. 136 138 159 1 1 3 4 24 20 14 25 12 17 12 5 66 72 Hamilton High School .. .. 313 317 356 I 1 10 5 34 27 62 41 56 33 30 17 193 124 New Plymouth Boys'High Sohool .. 258 238 262.... 17 .. 52 .. 71 .. 53 .. 45 .. 238 .. New Plymouth Girls' High School .. 140 144 149.. I . . 10 .. 37 .. 37 .. 37 .. 22 .. 144 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 213 215 238 .. 2 .. 9 .. 43 .. 80 .. 48 .. 33 . . 215 Palmerston North Boys' High School ! 216 227 240 .. .. 13 .. 57 .. 62 .. 59 .. 36 .. 227 .. Palmerston North Girls' High School 138 140 155.. 1 ...13 .. 38 .. 45 .. 32 .. 11 .. 140 Gisborne High School .. .. 265 263 292 I.. 16 8 30 33 50 44 41 22 11 7 149 114 Napier Roys' High School . . .. 176 182 192 2 .. 5 .. 42 .. 48 .. 41 .. 44 .. 182 Napier Girls'High School .. .. 153 162 174 14 .. 31 .. 49 .. 42 .. 26 .. 162 Dannevirke High School . . .. 95 99 104 .... 2 3 18 8 15 20 12 7 10 4 57 42 Wellington Boys' College .. .. 704 724 76714 .. 81 .. 190 .. 219 .. 136 .. 84 .. 724 Wellington Girls' College .. .. 655 671 729 .. 5 .. 89 .. 107 . . 200 .. 120 .. 90 .. 671 Marlborough High School .. '. . 151 155 167.... I 9 7 19 22 19 21 15 21 8 14 70 85 Nelson Boys'College .. .. 220 217 229 2..'l6 .. 50 .. 66 .. 49 .. 34 .. 217 .. Nelson Girls' College .. .. 202 206 222 .. 1 .. 13| .. 46 .. .58 .. 47 .. 41 .. . 206 Christchurch Boys' High School .. 473 473 507 5 .. 38 ..] 102 .. 154 .. 101 .. 73 .. 473 .. Christchurch Girls' High School . . 472 483 517 .. 8 .. 38 .. 102 .. 165 .. 99 .. 71 .. 483 Rangiora High School .. .. 137 137 154 3.. 4 ll| 25 21 22 17 11 12 3 8 68 69 Ashburton High School .. . . 159 166 177 1 3 4 7, 24 20 27 18 14 21 6 21 76 90 Timaru Boys'High School.. .. 196 200 211 1.. 12 ..I 37 .. 63 .. 51 .. 36 .. 200 .. Timaru Gills' High School .. .. 151 159 163 10 .. 34 .. I 42 .. 48 .. 25 .. 159 Waitaki Boys'High School .. 279 270 285 0.. 19 ..I 60 .. 81 .. 49 .. 55 .. 270 .. Waitaki Girls' High School .. 127 129 143 7i .. 28 .. I 35 .. 32 .. 27 .. 129 Otago Boys'High School .. .. 463 504 527 1.. 33 .. 113 .. 180 .. 95 .. 82 .. 504 .. Otago Girls' High School .. .. 359 373 393 .. 1 .. 18 . . 99 .. 109 .. 87 .. 59 .. 373 Gore High School.. .. .. 164 166 180 2 .. 11 8 18 21 22 27 21 16 12 8 86 80 Southland Boys' High School .. 201 188 209 3 .. 23 .. I 44 .. 52 .. 38 .. 28 .. 188 Southland Girls'High School .. 208 217 225.. 3 .. 20 .. 59 .. 62 .. 45 .. 28 .. 217 9 1 2 14 I I '2 1 2 1 I I 5 2 81 3 lo 17 13 in 5 4 5 10 9 13 8 14 3 89 7 20 99 80 17 33 37 is 32 22 42 7 26 i 4 90 14 2 9 L6 1 is| 41 5 38 3 I 1 8 3 4 4 12 38 II 7, *71 8 21 10 i 25 6 i9 27 ..I 7i 33 i 18 8 59 8 28 i ■ ' i Totals .. .. .. 9,311J9,49310,189J52 29 379 328 l,172Jl,0671,5811,3731,093'985,'769 665J5,046J4, 447 665J . i i i ' i i l i I. B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .. j 223, 2161 245 3.. 10 .. 32 .. 66, .. 48 .. 57i ..[ 216i .. Christ's College, Christchurch .. j 327| 321.1 33137.. 36 .. 88J .. 7l| ... 51 .. 38 .. 321 .. Totals .. .. .. 550| 537J 576 40 1 .. 46 .. 120 ..137 .. 99 .. 95 .. 537 .. I _' i , i Grand totals .. .. '9,86l'l0030'l0,765 92^9425 328'1,292'1,067 l,718'l,373i,192985!864665'5,583-4,447 I 1 I I'll j [ I j_

E.-6. ;

TABLE K2—Classification of Pupils on the Roll in Secondary Schools in 1921 according to Years of Attendance (exclusive of Lower Departments).


First Year. Second Year. Third Year. Fourth Year. Fifth Year. Sixtli Year. Totals. -o • a 3 School. g-g Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. °^ . . ; ; , A. Secondary Schools. Whangarei High School 56 41 32 31 16 16 9 3 .. I .. .. I .. 113 91 204 Auckland Boys' Grammar 388 .. 271 .. 166 .. 99 .. 18.. 3, .. 945 .. 945 School Auckland Girls' Grammar .. 160 ... 129 .. 84 .. 46 .... 1.1 .. 1 .. 431 431 School Auckland (Epsom) Girls' .. 141 .. 95 .. 69 .. 30 .. 15 350 350 Grammar School Thames High School .. 21 38 25 22 13 9 7 3 66 72 138 Hamilton High School .. 75 52 61 40 24 18 29 13 3 1 1 .. 193' 124 317 New Plymouth Boys'High 83 .. 67 .. 53 .. 28 .. 5, ... 2 .. 238 .. 238 School New Plymouth Girls'High .. 65 .. 36 .. 20 .. 15 .. I 8 ,144 144 School Wanganui Girls'College .. 73 .. 79 .. 30 .. 16 .. I 11 .. 6 .. 215 215 Palmerston North Boys' 85 .. 78 .. 41 .. 12 .. 10 .. 1 .. 227 .. 227 High School Palmerston North Girls' .. 82 .. 32 .. 17 .. 7 .. I 2 140 140 High School Gisborne High School .. 71 68 36 27 30 15 10 3 2 1 149 114 263 Napier Boys'High School 63 .. 53 .. 34 .. 18 .. 13 ! .. 1 .. 182 .. 1.82 Napier Girls' High School .. 67 .. 49 .. 30 .. 13 .. I 2 .. 1 .. 162 162 Dannevirke High School 22 23 14 10 14 6, 6 2 I 1 .. .. 57 42 99 Wellington Boys' College " 300 .. 207 .. 127 .. 82 .. 5 .. 3 .. 724 .. 724 Wellington Girls'College .. 286 .. 167 .. 127] .. 64 .. 22 .. 5 .. 671 671 Marlborough High School 32 41 20 19 .12 16 4 8 2 1 . . .. 70 85 155 Nelson Boys' College .. 67 .. 64 .. 43 .. I 30 .. 8 .. 5 .. 217 .. 217 Nelson Girls' College .. .. 79 .. 56 .. 27 .. 31 .. 12 .. 1 .. 206 206 Christchurch Boys' High 172 .. 139 .. 70 .. 62 .. 18 .. 12 .. 473 .. | 473 School Christchurch Girls' High .. 195 .. 137 .. 89 .. 44 .. 15 .. 3 .. 483 : 483 School Rangiora High School .. 35 39 17 15 10 8 5 6 1 1 .. .. 68 69, 137 Ashburton High School 25 34 32 21 6 17 11 16 2 1 .. 1 76 90 166 Timaru Boys' High School 70 .. 58 . . 36 .. 26 .. 9 .. 1 .. 200 .. I 200 Timaru Girls'High School .. 61 .. 40 .. 33 .. 18 .. 7 159' 159 Waitaki Boys'High School 97 .. 83 .. 41 .. 33 .. 14 .. 2 .. 270 .. I 270 Waitaki Girls'High School .. 45 .. 39 .. 25 .. 15 .. 5 L29 129 Otago Boys' High School 196 .. 156 . . 90 .. 51 .. 9 .. 2 .. 504 ..I 504 Otago Girls' High School .. 169 .. 106 .. 65 .. 22 .. 11 373 373 Gore High School .. 36 33 26 27 12 12 9 6 2 2 I .. 86 80 166 Southland Boys' High 71 .. 52 .. 33, .. 20 .. 12 188 .. ; 188 School Southland Girls' High .. 85 .. 59 .. ] 43 . . 28 2 .. 217, 217 School Totals .. 1,9051,877 1,4911,236 871; 776 551 409 134 129 34 205,0464,4479,493 "3, 1 2 1 1 3 6 1 5 1 5 1 12 1 "2 "2 1 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School 77| .. 62 . . 38 .. 22 .. 14 .. 3i .. 216 .. 216 Christ's College, Christ- 89 .. 77 .. 58 .. 49 .. 29 .. 19 .. 321 .. 321 church Totals .. j 166 1 .. 139 .. 96 .. 71 .. 43 .. 22J .. 537 .. 537 Grand totals .. 2,1311,8771,6301,236 967 776 622 409J 177 129J 56J 20J5, 5834,447 10030 From these figures the following results relating to the length of time pupils remain at the secondary schools are obtained : — Boys. Girls. Percentage leaving at the end of the first year or during the second year . . 18-7 17-2 second „ third „ .. 33-0 36-9 third ., fourth „ .. 14-2 18-8 fourth „ fifth „ .. 22-8 17-7 fifth „ ' sixth „ . . 7-9 7-8 „ sixth „ seventh „ .. 3-4 ]■(> 100-0 100-0 The average length of stay of the boys is 2-82 years, and of the girls 2-70 years.


TABLE K3.—Staffs and Salaries of Staffs of Secondary Schools as in December, 1921 (Lower Departments excluded).

B—E. 6.


School. Roll Number, 1/3/1921. Number of Full-time Assistant Teachers. CD a S 5 ft £200-£250. £251-£300. £301-£350. Salaries of Full-time Assistants. £351-£100. £401-£450. £451-£500. Over £500. ° - s -:—- « Li «-"i-i . fn g ■g no ri rt ,h OS . "8 CO r/2 s a ! a a at i o a a <d a CD 1 o a o a s a o Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School Auckland (Epsom) Girls' Grammar School Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girls' High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Gisborne High School Dannevirke High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College Marlborough High School Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Rangiora High School Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Bovs' High School Waitaki Girls' High School Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Gore High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School 218 995 475 375 159 356 262 149 238 240 155 192 174 292 104 767 729 167 229 222 507 517 154 177 211 163 285 143 527 393 180 209 225 4 33 3 7 9 9 7 6 2 26 3 9 18 3 4 8 11 19 3 7 4 : 18 14 I I 9 5 5 2 28 3 8 19 3 3 6 5 14 4 1 8 £ 700 1,000 600 560 700 800 750 440 600 700 480 700 480 750 650 900 650 700 750 520 800 640 680 700 650 520 500 480 850 560 700 700 520 I 3 1 3 2 2 2 4 3 1 2 4 1 2 10 1 3 6 1 1 1 2 4 3 I 1 1 2 5 2 4 7 1 6 7 1 3 2 1 3 2 2 1 7 1 2 6 2 1 3 2 5 2 1 2 I 2 i i i 2 1 1 1 5 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 6 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 7 2 5 1 1 1 3 1 2 I 1 8 i i 2 ' 1 1 o 6 1 3 3 3 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 i j i 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 7 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 i l 2 4 1 3,365 15-4 13,608 13-7 6,101 12-8 4,794 12-8 2,720 17-1 5,345 15-0 4,855 18-5 1,880 12-6 3,225 13-5 3,923 16-3 2,260 14-6 3.626 18-9 2,173 125 4,640 15 9 2,070 19-9 12,066 15-7 9,060 12-4 2.710 16-2 4,365 19-1 2,990 13-5 7,871 15-5 6,766 13-1 2,730 17-7 2,990 16-9 3,702 17-5 2,408 14-7 4,746 16-7 2,011 i 14-1 8,110 15-4 5,140 131 2,895 16-1 4,080 19-5 2,910 12-9 2 •- 1 Totals .. .. .. 1 10,189 10,189 191 I 191 181 181 21,730 21,730 16 16 56 56 33 33 62 62 27 27 42 42 40 40 19 19 20 | o 27 | 28 j 152,135 | 14-1 I I .1 il


TABLE K3a.—Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments, 1921.

TABLE K4. —Number of Pupils holding Free Places and Scholarships in Secondary Schools during the Last Term, 1921.


Secc mdary-sci kool Boat ■as. _! "9 ■so - 2 ft 3 §=0 PS «1 ■53 « - 2 am 3 b M g o w O a u B* ,S,a H be B a"a a m =e H ■S r/i BO O O || ■a m a a) asa es o bIJQ a„ P-.a J3 S«S Z a 2 B-S fi — is Ph Z 0)"g .a -B H Hp.« a ™ tea ,9fl -S * §> M W W O < £ « t a o • Iff ■3 o Is© a W1C 5 ir, 3 c Iff |l SEE 3 o cm S.S> 3 o a n a 6D 3 a a £ £ Total cost . . 621-63 4,224-2; Cost per head , 2-85 2-2£ £ £ 621-63 4,224-23 2-85 2-29 £ 499-59 314 £ 893-1 2-51 £ 976-62 2-38 £ 1,202-53 5-05 £ 1,301-9 3-30 £ £ 740-83 511-66 2-02 1-86 £ 194-4 3,4; 1-87 £ 3,487-96 2-33 £ £ 187-96 332 2-33 1 £ 332-25 1-99 2-2£ l-9t J gg S SB O bote a ga is a ■si IS Is o K •si am £ be I a ■a- r „ 3 . a o o o a o I a .a,a H 1 a M DO a <n si ■a* a "o o S II s O or/3 S l1 If Total. £ £ Total cost .. 1,324-47 325-73 Cost per head 2-94 2-12 I 1,553-62 3-06 £ 1,206-06 2-33 £ 42217 2-38 £ 1,015-25 2-70 £ 1,120-01 2-62 £ 2,076-50 2-26 £ 530-08 2-94 £ 946-7 2-18 £ 25,541-41 2-54

School. Number of Holders of Government Free Places. National Scholarship-holders (included in Column 4). S"S 2.3 OCO.' H 4J tf 0) ■8*21 2* "■* 5°9 a SsiS S3 aj a a-H o s 8 " a •STL" 3 .a ' "* « re o ■ElW.S (1) i Junior. I Senior. Total. Junior. Senior. (5) (6) (2) (3) . G) (7) . __ (?) A. /Seco. mdary Schools. Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School Auckland (Epsom) Girls' Grammar School Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Dannevirke High School Palmerston North Boys' High School .. Palmerston North Girls' High School .. Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Gisborne High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College Marlborough High School Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High School Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Gore High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School 145 619 284 223 92 206 143 90 143 60 148 104 101 102 181 159 451 98 109 124 95 222 318 101 63 96 131 82 338 245 116 121 145 38 183 246 865 118 402 98 321 31 123 86 292 75 218 40 130 ; 48 191 30 90 51 199 22 126 60 161 39 141 46 227 500 659 177 628 38 136 70 179 65 189 21 110 135 357 134 452 49 150 111 174 53 -149 60 197 40 122 134 472 109 354 38 153 56 177 | 62 207 I ! 4 47 20 16 7 10 10 3 8 4 8 4 6 4 7 38 24 2 5 11 2 19 11 7 11 io 4 34 16 4 15 17 5 23 14 3 1 5 9 7 4 1 3 1 3 5 21 7 1. 5 9 8 10 9 2 4 9 7 1 4 1 10 2 1 3 3 1 1 11 3 2 8 11 4 1 5 1 1 i 6 1 1 7 5 3 3 8 4 1 8 3 1 Wanganui Collegiate School Christ's College Grammar School B. Ei ndowed Schools. 2,886 I 8,540 1 389 1 182 8 59 Totals 6,654 389 j 182 74 114


TABLE K5.—Details of National Scholarships held in 1921.

TABLE K6.—Pupils boarding away from Home to attend Secondary Schools and Lower Departments thereof.


To Education District. Boys, j ital Number. j ai , I Grand j Ulrla - Totals. Number held Number held 1 Number held nSj!"??! K 0 at Number at Secondary at District at Technical f „Z«M*mfiZrr £ ecei , v . mB Schools. High Schools High Schools. te q,5,™,' y Boardingocnoois. allowance . (included in Total Junior, Senior. Junior. Senior. Junior. Senior. Junior. Senior. Number). Number receiving Travellingallowance (included in Total Number). Auckland .. 109 ?aranaki .. 26 Vanganui .. 20 lawke's Bay .. 24 Wellington .. 64 Telson.. .. 12 lanterbury .. 78 Hago .. . . 67 Southland .. 26 75 184 14 40 22 42 11 35 33 97 22 34 31 109 44 111 21 47 104 51 12 1 7 .. 6 3 37 13 16 8 .. 1 2 .. 17 20 8 4 1 6 2 1 . . 16 21 9 2 1 2 15 64 29 1 2 1 10 16 14 3 1 15 50 29 20 2 2 .. 4 2 29 64 20 14 5 3 4 1 17 36 5 .. .. 6 16 23 3 i6 "5 Totals .. 426 388 181 64 11 27 4 17 7 172 388 181 64 11 27 47 273 699

School. Board School : Secc ling at Hostels. jndary D Board Establis approi Princ ling at shments ved by cipal. lepartme; its. Boarding privately. Total. -P -P a ce iw . Mb a Art S ■521X1 ►IN Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School Auckland (Epsom) Girls' Grammar School Hamilton High School Thames High School Now Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Wanganui Collegiate School Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girls' High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College Dannevirke High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High Sohool Gisborne High School Marlborough High School Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Rangiora High School Christchurch.Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Christ's College Grammar School Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High School Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Gore High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High Sohool 42 1 24 8 63 24 50 87 25 14 9 21 31 4 46 26 9 3 31 4 166 55 47 23 3 166 53 91 7 2 60 93 44 7 16 195 33 2 12 195 47 6 30 30 59 21 18 4 65 12 48 2 16 50 41 4 7 4 2 19 21 35 40 33 24 6 1 6 11 40 5 83 39 31 11 78 5 5 19 13 12 45 55 13 17 2 12 49 72 15 42 4 29 71 3 12 7 26 175 23 80 22 5 3 9 175 28 83 31 164 28 12 40 10 i3 177 35 51 3 26 15 25 2 41 20 '80 43 20 "l5 19 is 24 5 5 24 29 Totals 1,223 407 40 58 219 343 1,482 I 808 264



TABLE K7.—Receipts of Operative Secondary Schools for the Year 1921.

Secondary-school Boards. Sales. Income from Income from Reserves Secondaryvested in education Board. Reserves. From Endowments. Grants for Tnitinrt Fp<>s Buildings, Government Government | lumon Bees - Sites, Rents, Receipts Receipts for I Apparatus, for Incidental &c, and Salaries. Expenses. . Subsidies. From the Government. Hostels Account. Loans raised and Interest on Investments. Technical Lower Classes Departments Account. Account. Voluntary Contributions. Income from Property not Keserves, Refunds and Sundries, Capitation for Manual Instruction. Totals. Interest. I . .1 £ s. d. Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar Schools .. fl,168 15 0 Thames High School .. Hamilton High School .. .. | New Plymouth High Schools Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High Schools Napier High Schools Gisborne High School .. .. 150 15 6 Dannevirke High School Wellington Colleges .. .. 10 0 0 Marlborough High School Nelson Colleges Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School Waitaki High Schools Timaru High Schools Otago High Schools Gore High School Southland High Schools.. I £ s. d. 312 6 0 I 8,013 2 5 1,119 4 1 52 0 0 956 18 10 980 12 3 299 5 0 i 3,406 9 11 I 8,496 3 7 400 0 0 1,124 10 0 279 12 0 6,857 0 11 375 5 8 1,087 13 0 1,991 14 9 2,529 14 8 3,045 11 4 2,045 18 8 £ s. d. 242 15 5 2,414 18 1 188 16 10 397 1 10 1,423 12 2 443 1 8 677 13 7 1,168 5 7 942 3 10 435 9 11 2,385 2 4 130 11 4 485 4 8: £ s. d. 199 0 0 168 0 0 148 16 3, £ s. d.j 3,000 0 0 30,700 0 0 500 0 0 7,522 12 0 4,543 7 9 10,385 0 0 96 10 0 4,200 0 0 630 0 0 3,577 1 9 £ s. d. 3,139 5 4 23,919 9 4 2,459 12 8 4,710 15 0 7,540 18 5 2,442 10 0 5,948 1 6 5,831 19 3: 1,259 7 10 2,083 9 2 17,578 16 10 2,694 5 7 7,372 17 4 2,793 13 3 8,301 16 5 6,904 6 8 2,893 12 8 6,417 0 4 5,065 0 9 12,581 15 7 2,694 13 9 4,883 1 1 £ s. d. 626 5 0 4,595 0 0 397 10 0 890 0 0 1,020 0 0 567 10 0 982 10 0 912 10 0 644 11 5 260 0 0 3,472 10 0 417 10 0 1,125 0 0 385 0 0 1,267 10 0 1,282 10 0 442 10 0 1,072 10 0 945 0 0 2,287 10 0 404 16 8 1,077 10 0 £ s. d. £ s. d.i 271 0 0 2,341 13 9 1,540 0 0 151 0 0 293 1 0 745 16 6 494 3 4 14,781 2 6 290 5 0 8,583 7 10l 494 16 0 2,095 6 6 523 0 2 ; 8,010 16 6) 410 17 0 5,843 15 10 88 3 4! 1,302 9 4| 6,058 18 11 190 5 6! 757 18 0ll0, 370 5 5 184 16 8l 1,401 19 10 433 0 0 2,143 15 0 352 15 0 1,961 0 Oj 73 12 2 2,004 4 4 826 10 0 620 7 0 426 17 10 : 584 13 4 146 16 8 269 15 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,488 4 6 90 0 0 .. 546 15 0 5,034 0 0 14 14 10 .. 1,574 19 0 2 14 9 .. 956 5 0 2 13 4 652 13 3 10 3 7 307 12 0 .. 988 17 6 212 4 0 306 17 2 45 0 0 190 17 0 24 19 8 .. 557 17 1 3,000 0 0 .. 915 16 8 314 18 9 146 10 9 £ s. d. 94 9 0 659 2 1 42 8 1 362 16 3 396 1 3 2,362 5 7 460 16 3 3,267 9 10 225 3 0 130 4 5 717 9 6 52 9 0 458 9 0 453 12 lOi 336 1 5 523 10 0. 196 10 6! 1,018 4 10 661 7 4 1,014 8 1 88 15 0 292 18 7 £ s. d. 10,027 14 6 73,209 6 11 4,858 11 8 14,974 2 7 32,644 8 9 16,306 7 4 26,078 3 10 21,867 10 2 18,042 4 1 3,630 0 2 44,400 1 9 3,895 5 0 22,990 13 11 10,150 13 10 19,551 7 9 15,782 0 3 7,010 16 0 19,367 13 4 13,739 17 3 26,308 12 2 9,563 10 5 9,043 6 6 •• •• 4,651 19 3 • 4,075 15 9 76 16 4 6.527 0 0 196 0 0 6,177 11 3 5,803 5 0 311 9 8 617 2 7 1 110 4 7 327 12 5 •- Totals .. .. 1,329 10 6 1,329 10 643,373 3 43,373 3 1 1 12,701 6 6 515 16 3 92,662 19 1 139,516 8 9 25,075 13 1 10,105 15 4 66,962 9 111 3,811 12 11 5,393 18 9 8 179 2 2 13,814 11 10 423,442 8



TABLE K 8.—Payments of Operative Secondary Schools for the Year 1921.

Secondary-school Boards. incidental expenses or secondary Departments. Teachers' — — = Expenditure Sa '^ r d les Material, . on Allowances Office Printing, * J g Examinations, Endowments. Stationery, -£ Prizes, Departments. and Salaries. Ind & Q »S&r» a | 00 '" I^identals. Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments. Capital Maintenance Expenditure of ° and Taxes. ™»~. Apparatus. Hostels Account. Loans repaid, and Interest. Technical Classes Account. Lower Departments Account. Manual Instruction, Advances to Pupils, and Miscellaneous. Totals. Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar Schools Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth High Schools .. Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High Schools Napier High Schools .. I Gisborne High School Dannevirke High School Wellington Colleges Marlborough High School Nelson Colleges Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School Waitaki High Schools Timaru High Schools Otago High Schools Gore High School .. Southland High Schools £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. | £ s. d. £ s. d. ' £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 124 19 6 3,460 0 0 I 169 16 9 115 12 3 124 11 8 211 12 0 | 227 6 6 3,109 3 4 2,354 3 10 .'. .. .. 88 12 6 9,985 18 4 2,739 6 3 24,367 15 2 412 9 0 485 10 6 2.047 19 10 1,278 5 4 1,074 12 6 34,120 0 0 .. 287 18 0 .. 8 15 0 66,822 11 7 199 8 1 2,738 19 7 84 2 9 20 12 0 314 5 2 80 11 10 223 0 8 484 17 3 .. 727 8 10 .. .. 221 2 7 5,094 8 9 5,185 8 4 167 0 0 107 13 7 347 1 11 271 6 5 133 15 2 7,224 6 1 I 1,185 7 6 .. .. .. 255 3 7 14,877 2 7 157 17 0 6,766 10 8 223 10 6 117 15 8 476 6 3 159 0 0 486 0 1 5,794 1 11 13,910 7 10 1.185 0 0 I .. 1,465 14 10 | 94 17 1 30,837 1 10 20 0 0 3,760 13 8 326 3 3 220 5 1 535 8 11 120 13 6 254 12 21 0 0 7,368 8 3 212 2 4 .. 610 13 3 1,191 12 9 14,641 2 2 6,111 6 11 158 12 11 182 12 2 627 3 3 333 9 9 378 18 9 10,904 16 9 2,249 2 0 .. 4,480 6 8 .. 137 8 0 25,563 17 2 27 14 6 6,029 17 4 179 12 7 155 11 6 336 10 4 69 2 4 411 15 4 5,210 12 0 8,597 3 2 .. .. 1,219 1 11 2,225 8 3 24,462 9 3 89 5 2 4,531 10 4 194 3 6 74 15 4 245 4 2 27 10 4 121 16 1 6,112 7 7 5,556 9 4 977 15 0 .. 655 17 1 148 17 11 18,735 11 10 2,075 14 8 34 17 6 39 2 0 81 6 6 ! 39 1 11 107 5 7 1,015 6 9 .. .. .. .. 146 16 3 3,539 11 2 2,065 5 11 21,860 7 7 287 6 4 585 13 2 1,972 16 7 I 642 3 1 1,487 18 1 9,282 14 6 7,684 10 0 386 1 5 .. 1,543 0 6 434 6 6 48,232 3 8 2,710 0 0 106 3 11 23 17 0 154 2 4 \ 48 1 10 746 16 2 .. .. .. .. .. 117 4 11 3,906 6 2 172 14 1 7,777 14 9 500 17 10 260 4 8 487 8 11 75 18 3 724 15 0 2,040 12 7 10,766 1 9 115 0 0 .. 943 0 0 599 17 7 24,464 5 5 2,825 0 6 84 19 6 68 18 11 111 3 8 60 12 7 9 17 8 4,688 0 9 1,299 5 5 26 19 0 .. .. 422 16 9 9,597 14 9 796 19 7 7,683 18 5 295 3 0 248 7 9 506 2 3 503 19 5 260 4 7 6,235 8 6 2,727 13 0 1.507 18 1 .. .. 183 16 0 20,949 10 7 32 15 2 6,895 18 7 334 9 7 185 14 2 491 2 11 194 14 6 175 1 10 2,074 14 11 2,454 16 2 1,524 11 4 .. 266 15 6 225 19 10 14,856 14 6 57 9 0 2,921 2 11 41 9 10 180 8 5 191 17 2 8 8 1 168 0 7 582 15 5 1,818 15 11 389 6 9 .. 194 1 9 678 18 5 \ 7,229 14 3 338 15 0 6,704 2 2 292 14 7 113 19 0 623 18 9 89 7 11 733 3 9 9,270 18 11 1,198 11 8 .. .. 324 5 1 680 7 5 20,370 4 3 304 15 1 6,092 9 1 163 11 6 136 7 6 * 570 12 5 139 13 7 345 18 5 5,573 14 9 .. 900 2 6 .. 914 12 3 73 19 2 15,215 16 3 191 17 6 13,292 8 5 409 13 7 388 2 2 1,120 4 4 158 11 3 560 18 3 12,198 2 0 .. 162 3 0 .. .. 480 19 6 28,963 0 0 2,889 15 8 106 18 9 48 11 0 240 17 0 133 15 0 115 16 0 | 4,640 9 0 .. .. 274 7 6 .. 110 5 9 8,560 15 8 134 11 8 6,862 13 9 131 12 3 53 1 1 462 11 3 299 9 5 280 10 7 . .. .. .. .. 22 10 0 8,247 0 0 Totals 7,453 13 6 153,543 8 6 4,705 9 5 3,812 14 11 ,12,068 15 7 4,945 8 4 9,027 12 9 130,584 3 0 69,170 15 10 8,402 6 3 4,754 14 2 8,137 2 2 8,546 15 9 425,153 0 2 ! ' ! I i - i 8,546 15 9 425,153 0



TABLE K9.—Balances and other Assets and Liabilities of Operative Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1921.

Assets. Liabilities. Secondary Schools. 1921. Bank Balances and Amounts owing to Investments. Board. Overdrafts and Loans, j Other Liabilities. Balance, 31st December, 1921. Total. Total. Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar Schools .. Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth High Schools Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High Schools Napier High Schools Gisborne High School Dannevirke High School Wellington Colleges Marlborough High School Nelson Colleges Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School Timaru High Schools Waitaki High Schools Otago High Schools Gore High School Southland High Schools £ s. d. I Dr. 6,918 19 7 Gr. 1,732 16 11 Dr. 4,317 14 11 Cr. 538 17 8 Dr. 11,846 16 4 Dr. 221 3 3 Dr. 2,043 2 9 Cr. 6,545 1 8 Dr. 7,427 3 10 Dr. 344 19 1 Dr. 7,668 19 9 Cr. 125 7 3 Gr. 504 14 7 Dr. 1,528 6 6 Dr. 29,651 7 7 Dr. 473 1 6 Dr. 6,912 8 9 Dr. 9,663 3 6 Cr. 3,829 13 3 Dr. 2,638 0 7 O. 61 1 4 Cr. 8,566 11 3 £ s. d. 24 15 4 5,000 0 0 207 17 2 231 18 6 944 14 8 2,348 2 8 150 0 0 3,931 5 9 0 1 4 358 5 8 5,220 5 0 39 11 7 2,426 9 3 482 16 4 1,037 12 7 8,078 9 6 £ s. d. 5,046 0 0 6,023 8 6 619 0 7 277 4 7 1,339 8 11 4,206 3 1 1,461 11 4 464 4 11 1,751 4 10 168 15 0 52 13 1 1,531 5 9 1,174 17 3 438 15 7 526 2 11 1,279 2 3 2,739 13 0 427 18 11 1,572 5 1 1.099 2 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 5,070 15 4 11,023 8 6 2,075 9 1 826 17 9 7,047 4 10 509 3 1 2,284 3 7 10,871 15 6 6,554 5 9 70 0 0 1,611 11 4 72 10 1 4,395 10 8 1,751 4 10 7,830 9 9 168 16 4 389 7 1 Figures not available. 410 18 9 6,751 10 9 9,691 17 9 Figures not . available. 1,174 17 3 26,625 11 3 438 15 7 7,163 16 0 565 14 6 6,000 0 0 1,279 2 3. 11,318 2 11 5,166 2 3 910 15 3 6,225 18 8 2,609 17 8 9.177 11 11 £ s. d. 7,193 5 4 375 0 2 129 2 3 2,043 12 3 3,949 6 3 3,465 15 3 669 10 5 391 18 6 700 0 0 5,148 10 0 2,759 14 11 442 1 8 j 80 5 5 i 4,669 0 2 551 3 11 2,285 13 11 69 4 11 £ s. d. 7.193 5 4 2,450 9 3 7,047 4 10 129 2 3 12,915 7 9 4,019 6 3 3,538 5 4 669 10 5 8,222 8 3 389 7 1 700 0 0 14,840 7 9 29,385' 6 2 7,163 16 0 6,442 1 8 11,398 8 4 4,669 0 2 6,777 2 7 2,285 13 11 69 4 11 £ s. d. Dr. 2,122 10 0 Cr. 8,572 19 3 Dr. 6,220 7 1 Gr. 380 0 10 Dr. 10,631 4 2 Cr. 2.534 19 6 Dr. 1,926 14 0 Gr. 3,726 0 3 Dr. 6,471 3 5 Dr. 220 10 9 Dr. 289 1 3 Dr. 8,088 17 0 Dr. 28,210 8 11 Dr. 6,725 0 5 Dr. 5,876 7 2 Dr. 10,119 6 1 Cr. 497 2 1 Dr. 5,866 7 4 Cr. 324 3 9 Cr. 9,108 7 0 Totals Dr. 69,530 0 9 Dr. 69,530 0 9 30,482 5 4 30,482 5 4 32,198 18 0 32,198 18 0 62,681 3 4 , 95,382 2 11 62,681 3 4 j 95,382 2 11 34,923 5 4 34,923 5 4 130,305 8 3 130,305 8 3 I Dr. 67.624 4 11 Dr. 67,624 4 11


TABLE K10.—Showing Distribution by the Government of Reserves Revenue to Secondary Schools for the Year 1921.

TABLE K11. -Lower Departments of Secondary Schools, 1921.— Average Attendance, Roll, Classification, and Staff.


Provincial District. Revenue received. Distribution of Revenue. Amount paid to each School Secondary Schools receiving Payments Auckland £ s. d. 2,385 14 0 ' j r W At T) Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' and Girls' Grammar Schools .. Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth High Schools Wellington Colleges ■Wanganui Girls'College Palmerston North High Schools Gisborne High School Napier High Schools Dannevirke High School Marlborough High Sohool Nelson Colleges Greymouth High School Hokitika High School Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools Waitaki High Schools Gore High School Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools £ S. d. 174 2 11 1,717 14 2 159 16 10 334 0 1 1,067 8 2 1,726 12 1 331 13 0 473 8 7 667 5 7 812 12 8 271 9 5 91 14 10 545 6 9 266 4 10 216 19 2 498 15 11 253 5 3 89 4 1 259 17 1 Taranaki Wellington 1 1,067 8 2 1 2,531 13 8 I ' Tl: Hi Nt W W Hawke's Bay.. ] 1,751 7 8 < ] Pa Gi Ni Marlborough Nelson Westland ! 91 14 10 : 545 6 9 : 483 4 0 l Di M N< C,i It Otago 1,101 2 4 i I 1:1 01 w G< Total I 9,957 11 5 Sc Total 9,957 11 5

■a !-■ p > B,o Num 192 ill iber, 11. is P. s: Classification S2. i G. B. (1. B. accoi ». ding to Standards. S4. SB. SO. Tol B. G. B. G. B. G. I B. ;als. o H te' m Olai School. o fi 1 B. G. B. G. B. G. M. F. New Plymouth Boys' High School .. New Plymouth Girls' High School . . Wanganui Girls' College Gisborne High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Wellington Girls' College Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Waitaki Boys' High School 95 38 42 63 60 57 62 31 53 25 20 08 36 100 2 .. 10 9 10 14 16 39 100 1 2 2 2 44 65 42 55 26 1 7 8 11 10 8 9 3 14 14 11 19 13 \9 30 16 is 10 42 55 26 2 2 9 44 65 2 2 4 3 33 62 65 3 1 14 1 .. 4 6 2 3 14 8 13 20 5 20 17 3 33 62 65 14 .. 2 ii 20 i 59 26 (i 5 14 9 2 1 11 12 20 12 2 59 26 6 2 1 1 3 14 73 38 5 .. 4 .. 6 .. 2 2 8 1 1 7 5 1 14 4 3 13 9 5 20 18 14 73 38 1 Totals 650 370 341 10 15 15 22 6 19 15 32 46 56 53 80 91 151 115 341 5 21 370 Christ's College, Christchurch 60 63 .. 1 7 7 19 21 8 1 63 2 Grand totals 710 433 341 10 15 15 23 6 26 15 39 46 75 53 101 91 159 115 433 341 7 22


TABLE K12.—List of Secondary Schools incorporated or endowed.

Table L1.—School Attendance at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1921.

TABLE L2. —Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1921.


Name. Act of Incorporation Remarks or Institution. Remarks. *Whangaroi High Sohool 1878, No. 63, Local .. Act may be repealed by Gazette notice under Act of 1885, No. 30. •Auckland Grammar Sohool ♦Auckland Girls' Grammar School ♦Hamilton High Sohool ♦Thames High School ♦New Plymouth High School •Wanganui Girls'College Wanganui Collogiato School 1899, No. 11, Local. 1906, No. 18, Local. 1908, No. 52. section 94. 1878, No. 54, Looal. 1889, No. 2, Local. 1878, No. 42, Local. [Nil] .. .. Endowment, Reg. I, fol. 52. See also D.-16, 1866, p. 9. •Palmerston North High Schools f Wellington College and Girls' High School ♦Dannevirke High School •Napier High Schools ♦Gisborne High School.. •Marlborough High Sohool •Nelson College 1904, No. 20, section 88. 1887, No. 17, Local. 1904, No. 20, section 88. 1882, No. 11, Looal. 1885, No. 8, Local. 1899, No. 27, Local. 1858, No. 38, and 1882, No. 15, Local. 1883, No. 21, Local .. Not in operation. 1883, No. 7, Looal .. : Not in operation. 1881, No. 15, Local. 1878, No. 30, Local .. , Under management of Canterbury College. [Nil] .. ... Under management of Canterbury College. Endowment, Gazette, 1878, Vol. i, p. 131. Canterbury Ordinance,! A department of Christ's College, Canterbury. 1855 1881, No. 16, Local .. Not in operation. 1878, No. 49, Local. 1878, No. 26, Local. 1883, No. 19, Local .. Not in operation. 1878, No. 18, Local. 1877, No. 52, Local. 1904, No. 20, section 88 1877, No. 82, Local. Greymouth High School Hokitika High School •Rangiora High School J Christchurch Boys' High School [Christchurch Girls' High School Christ's College Grammar School Akaroa High School *Ashburton High Sohool •Timaru High Sohool .. Waimate High School •Waitaki High Schools.. •Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools •Gore High School •Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools * For scheme of control see New Zealand Ga: For scheme of control sec New Zealand Gazette N aette No. 85,19L5. o. 61,1916. I- For scheme of control see New Zealand Gazette No. 33, 1920

1 'o H te Loll Number at 31st December. Mean ol Roll ol f Average il Four Qt Weekly larterg. Mean of ance ol Average Attend- : Four Quarters. Education District. "o M o H h §8 Se § S ., ,S £ 5 ?S »a S. ■S j pi.S feS >» §§ -si* -at* 1 °§ hS 4» 2 %£ a>.-. °—I "t. am ! fl-g 2? §2 * Is la Is * Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls, i Total. .. I Auckland l'aranaki Wanganui Hawke's Bay Wellington Nelson Canterbury Otago .. *.. 13 5 4 9 4 13 9 463 92 125 360 I 182 639 315 i 5 59 136 150 113 2 12 28 32 18 2 24 26 38 35 | 4 59 127 105 65 4 28 66 51 33 7 69 168 226 169 2 31 86 110 86 244 69 69 109 205 92 338 149 254 65 72 111 196 108 370 182 498 134 141 220 401 200 708 331 225 64 64 101 195 85 316 139 232 457 60 124 63 127 104 205 182 377 99 184 339 655 172 311 Totals for 1.921.. 57 2,176 26 282 637 712 519 1,275 1,358 2,633 1,189 1,251 2,440 Totals for 1920. . 59 2,157 1,218 1,325 2,543 I I 1,101 1,185 2,286 Difference -2 1.9 ; 57 33 90 I 88 66 154

Subject. Number of Pupils taking Subjects. Boys. Girls. Percentage of Whole Number. Boys. Girls. Knglish and arithmetic Geography, history and civics Latin French Mathematics Surveying and mensuration Chemistry and physics Botany Agricultural science Dairy-work Hygiene Domestic science Needlework and cookery Woodwork and metalwork Laundry-work Book-keeping and commercial work Shorthand and typewriting Drawing 1,057 1,042 356 679 1,034 8 821 227 685 293 60 1,135 1,122 275 791 1,045 674 236 254 203 295 507 668 100 98 34 64 98 1 77 21 65 28 1 100 99 24 70 92 59 21 22 18 26 45 59 567 53 152 47 125 15 1.75 106 111 14 4 11 1 15 9 9 Total number of pupils 1.00 100 1,057 1,135


TABLE L3.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1921

4—B. 6.


Note.—In the column for " Secondary Department, " R " Re! of the charge of the secondary dej: Two normal schools, althoug regulations for training colleges. Position o: lieving As. iiirl nl .. ;h not dis n Staff," (5), " H " moans Head of a School, and " D " , sistant. In the ease of the head teacher the addition to sal inly is shown. strict high schools, have secondary departments in accorc A .1; •d Assistant in the lary on account lanee with the Stuff. Annual Rate of Salary or Allowance at End of Year. School. Average Attendance, L921.I Academic Status Position Nome of Teacher. and on Classification. Stair. 0)_(2) (3) (4) (li) (6) Auckland— Aratapu Cambridge (', iromandel Dargaville Matamata Paeroa Rotorua Taumarunui 13 34 13 21 38 38 30 21 Chappell, William . . .. B.A., B H. Smith, William G. S. .. C D. Jones, Griffith R. .. .. C H. Meredith, Charles .. .. C D. de Lambert, Ethel G. .. C D. Boden, William J. .. .. B H. Smith, Roy V. .. .. .. D. Davidson, George A. .. D H. Hill, William .. .. D D. Moore-Jones, Herbert J. .. D H. Watkins, Leslie A. .. .. M.A., A D. Hammond, Gladys M. .. B.A., B D. Taylor, George H. . . .. C H. Wilks, Prank .. .. B.A., B D. Sutton, Winifred E. .. .. .. D. Lewins, William .. .. B. Sc. H. MeHardie, Winifred E. .. B.A., B D. Monzies, lsobel J. .. C D. Tanner, Thomas B. .. .. D H. Casey, Ellon C. .. .. M.A., B D. Walker, William R. C. .. B.A., 15 H. Gavcy, Annie L. .. .. C I). White, Fergus G. .. .. B D. Walker, Spenceley . . .. B IT. Taylor, Fanny J. .. .. B.A., B D. Hately, Janet P. .. .. C I). Carnachan, R. . . .. C II. Wilton, Elizabeth I. .. .. B.A., B 1). Ross, Nellie .. .. B.A., B D. Gibson, Henry T. (ii) .. C II. French, Edna D. . . .. B D. Grossman, Mabel R. . . .. B .1). Morrison, Margaret A. .. C D. Snell, Edgar F. .. .. 0 H. Howes, Bernard H. . . .. C D. £! s. d. 30 0 0 330 0 0 30 0 0 390 0 0 270 0 0 30 0 0 230 0 0 30 0 0 310 0 0 30 0 0 320 0 0 270 0 0 30 0 0 350 0 0 240 0 0 30 0 0 340 0 0 260 ■() 0 30 0 0 340 0 0 30 0 0 360 0 0 270 0 0 30 0 0 360 0 0 290 0 I) . 30 0 0 340 0 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 310 0 0 260 0 0 220 0 0 30 0 0 350 0 0 Tauranga 40 Te Awamutu 52 Te Kuiti 46 Waihi 82 Whakatane 25 Wanganui— Bull's 17 Gray, Joseph H. . . .. D H. Clemance, Herbert John .. C I). Ironmonger, Edwin L. .. I) II. McNiven, Jessie .. .. .. I). Bates, Frederick A. . . .. | M.A., A H. Thomas, William W. .. B.A., B D. Lohndorf, Chloe R. .. .. B.A., B I). Blyth, Thomas A. .. .. 1) II. Jamieson, Catherine.. .. B.A., B I). Hird, William E. .. .. M.A., B II. Hall, Percy H. .. .. I) I). Daniell, James S. . . .. .. R. 30 0 0 310 0 0 30 0 0 270 0 0 30 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 30 0 0 300 0 0 30 0 0 380 0 0 230 0 0 11iinterville ,\1 arton 38 Ohakune 14 Taihape 18 11 awke's Bay— Waipawa 50 Smith, William (hi) .. ..I B.A., B II. Lockhart, John A. . . .. B D. Irvine-Smith, Fanny L. .. ' M.A., B I). Curd, Frank B. ' .. .. B II. Grace, Eleanor A. .. (! I). Roy, Rubina Augusta . . .15.A., B 1). Robson, John T. .. .. C H. Glover, Harold Edwin . . I .. I). Bagloy, Benjamin .. . . C H. Tooman, Elizabeth .. .. B.A., B T). Merrick, Francis S. .. .. C I). 30 0 (1 300 0 0 320 0 0 30 0 0 350 0 0 260 0 0 30 0 0 270 0 0 30 0 0 350 0 0 350 0 0 Waipukurau 31 Wairoa 19 Woodville 32 Wellington— Carterton .. 44 Foss, Reginald J. .. B H. Colquhoun, Mary H... .. B I). Park, Jean G. .. . . C I >. ' Lynskey, James H. .. .. B.A., 15 II. Lazarus, Frances . . .. C I). Hind, HelonM. .. .. B.A., B I) Nightingale, Henry J. .. M.A., A II. Mather, Winifred M... .. B.A., 15 D. Tamblyn, Joseph .. .. M.A., 15 H. Sinclair, Mary A. . . .. B.A., 15 D. McKay, Sophia A. . . . . C D. M clntyre, James .. .. D H. Rockel, Cecil F. . . .. B D. Armstrong, Berylc (I. .. I 15.A., 15 D. Edie, John K. . . . . 15 H. Dale, Annabella S. .. .. B.A., 15 1). Norman, Norah P. . . .. j M.A., A D. Jackson, William H... .. I 1) H. Bee, John O. .. .. j M.A., A 1). Brown, Alexandra M. . . B.A., I) I). Sutherland, Olive R... .. M.A., A I). Duloy, Edith L. .. .. I) I). Chatwin, George W. .. .. C II. Edmed, Mildred C. .. .. C I). t 30 0 0 350 0 0 300 0 0 30 0 0 360 0 0 270 0 0 30 0 0 270 0 0 30 I) 0 390 0 0 300 0 0 30 0 0 380 0 0 280 0 0 30 0 0 350 0 0 260 0 0 50 0 0 410 0 0 340 0 0 300 0 0 • 230 0 0 30 0 0 320 0 0 Eketahuna 47 Greytown 20 Hutt 33 Levin 39 Martinborough 32 Masterton 100 Pahiatua 27



TABLE L3.-Staff and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1921 — continued.

Staff. School. Average Attendance, 192], Academic Status Position Name of Teacher. and on Classification. Staff. _J3) ' (4) (6) _ Annual Rate of Salary or i Allowanceat End of Year. (1) J2) (6) Wellington— continued. Petone 39 Bedingfield, Douglas S. .. B.A., B H. McLeod, David .. .. M.A., B.Sc, B I). Denham, Fanny R. (Mrs.) .. M.A., B D. £ s. d. 30 0 0 360 0 0 320 0 0 Nelson — Motueka 31 Douglas, Arthur .. .. C H. Dunn, Annie .. .. B.A., B D. Cowin, Robert A. .. .. R. Rumbold, William A. .. C 11. Hopkirk, Susan M. .. .. B.A., B D. McBoth, Helen A. .. .. I) D. Hiddleston, John V. ('. .. C H. Bruce, Violet M. .. .. B.Sc. in II.So.,B D. Harkness, James H. . . B.A., 15 H. Dale, Margaret J. .. . . M.A., B D. Hoare, Brian L. .. . . .. D. Watson, John .. .. C D Dale, Daniel .. .. .. I). 30 0 0 320 0 0 166 0 0 30 0 0 340 0 0 260 0 0 30 0 0 290 0 0 50 0 0 390 0 0 340 0 0 290 0 0 230 0 0 Reefton 35 Takaka Lower 10 Westport 109 Canterbury— Akaroa Christchurch West .. Geraldine Greymouth Hokitika Kaikoura Town Lyttelton Normal Oxford East Pleasant Point Southbridge 37 80 57 9 22 44 14 21 17 20 214 Hall, Charles .. ... C H. Farnie, Violet C. .. .. M.A., A D. Waller, Francis D. . . . . B.A., B H. Allard, Charles W. .. . . B D. Barrell, Arthur F. .. .. M.A., A I). Mayne, Arthur J. . . M.A., 15 I). Finlayson, Annie C. .. .. M.A., A I). Reece, Marion (ii) .. . . B.A., B D. Marriott, Gladys E. .. . . B.A., B D. Mayne, Helga M. .. .. C D. Vallanee, Nellie M. .. .. C I). Collins, Charles F. .. ... C H. Farnie, Dorothy 0. .. .. M.A., B D. Farnie, Winifred .. .. .. D Allison, Herbert H. . . .. C H. I Scott, Walter R. .. .. B.A., A D. Farnell, Daisy A. (Mrs.) .. B.A., 15 I). MeKenzie, Gordon M. ■• C D. Irvine, Thomas .. .. M.A., A H. Niven, James .. .. M.A., M.Se., A D. Grant, Charles G. .. .. C R. Stirling, Catherine A. G. .. .. R. Wilson, Henry L. .. . . B 14. Reynolds, Mary C. .. . . M.A., B D. Walker, Joseph W. A. .. C H. Moyle, Mary A. .. .. B.A., B I). Aschman, Christopher T. .. C H. Irwin, James .. .. M.A., A D. Osborn, Mabel E. . . .. B.A., B D. Watson, Lancelot .. .. C H. Gunn, Heilen C. W. . . .. B.A., B D. Garton, Wilfred W. .. . . M.A., A H. Struthers, Susan B. . . . . B D, H utton, James .. .. M.A., LL.B..B H. Wills, Kathleen P. . , .. B.A., B D. Methven, James . . .. B.A., B II. Mills, Mary McM. . . . . M.A., Lie. 1). Fowler, Martin . . .. .. R. Biunton, John . . .. M.A., B H. Laing, Thomas M. M. . . B.A., B 1). Olliver, Margaret P. .. .. M.A., M.Se., A D. Borrie, Margaret A. .. .. B.A., B.Sc. in I). H.Sc, B McLean, Alexander . . .. C H. Holmes, Mary . . .. B 1). Stokes, Gertrude M. E. .. 15 D. Nicolson, John McN. . . 0 H. Paterson, Janet . . . . M.A., B D. Turner, Malcolm F. .. . . B D. Anderson, Renata V. . . C D. Harrison, Wilkinson . . . . M.A., A II. Nelson, Alexander P. .. M.A., B D. Willocks, Ada M. R. .. .. B D. Jack, James A. .. .. B II. Bressey, Florence F. . . .. M.A., A D. MeElrea, William .. . . B.E., B H. Stewart, Charles A. . . .. M.A., A D. Kenyon, Helen McG. .. B.A., B D. Rutherford, John R. . . M.A., A H. Burn, David W. M. . . . . M.A., B I). Booth, George F. . . . . B.A., B II. Sinclair, Agnes .. .. C I). Smith, Phyllis M. .. .. C 1). Mackie, William W. .. .. C H. Buchan, James W. . . . . .. D. Bowie, John .. . . B.A., B H. Clapperton, Catherine .. j B.A., B D. Yardley, Mary H. .. .. j M.A., A D. 30 0 0 340 0 0 50 0 0 450 0 0 440 0 0 360 0 0 350 0 0 320 0 0 300 0 0 290 0 0 280 0 0 30 0 0 350 0 0 230 0 0 I 50 0 0 390 0 0 280 0 0 220 0 0 50 0 0 350 0 0 170 0 0 140 0 0 30 0 0 310 0 0 30 0 0 340 0 0 490 0 0 320 0 0 30 0 0 270 0 0 30 0 0 320 0 0 30 0 0 350 0 0 30 0 0 310 0 0 170 0 0 50 0 0 400 0 0 340 0 0 270 0 0 Temuka 37 Waimate Otago— Alexandra 30 0 0 320 0 0 260 0 0 50 0 0 380 0 0 260 0 0 250 0 0 30 0 0 300 0 0 280 0 0 30 0 0 360 0 0 36 • Balclutha 61 Lawrence 31 Mosgiel 12 Normal 45 480 0 0 330 0 0 30 0 0 400 0 0 30 0 0 350 0 0 270 0 0 30 0 0 270 0 0 30 0 0 350 0 0 230 0 0 Palmerston 23 Port Chalmers 40 Tapanui 26 Tokomairiro, Milton 36 £35,566 0 0



4, STATEMENTS OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS, AND OF AMOUNTS DUE TO BOARDS AND LIABILITIES, OF GOVERNING BODIES OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. WIIANGAKKI HIGH SCHOOL HOARD. General- Statement of Accounts tor the Yeah ended 31st Deoembek, 1921. Receipt*. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 31 1 7 • Proportion of office salaries .. .. 25 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 10 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 312 6 0 j Survey and valuation fee, insurance, and Revenue from secondary-education re- rates .. .. . . .. 89 19 6 serves .. .. .. .. 242 15 5 Transfers to— New Building Account (law-costs) .. 9 4 10 General Account (repairs to buildings) 227 6 6 General Account (balances, &o.) .. 99 18 6 Balance, 31st December, 1921 . .. 124 13 8 £586 3 0 £586 3 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 75 10 0 Purchase of site .. .. ~ 3,000 0 0 Government grant for purchase of site Law-costs . . . . . . . . !) 4 10 for boys'school and hostel .. .. 3,000 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 75 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Account .. 9 4 10 £3,084 14 10 £3,084 14 10 Hostels Account : — j Hostels Account : — Boarding-fees .. .'. .. 2,019 7 6 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 362 7 8 Government grant, additions to hostel .. 300 0 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 10 0 0 Hostel games and sports subscriptions , . 22 6 3 Provisions .. .. .. 1,197 8 1 Balance, 31st December, 1921 ' . . 374 17 9 Fuel, light, &o. ... . . .. 129 6 3 Wages of matron and staff . . .. 450 2 8 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. . . 195 9 5 Repairs to buildings and additions .. 300 0 0 Insurance, rates, interest, &c. .. 26 16 11 Other expenses . . . . . . 14 19 6 Refund of boarding-fee .. .. 8 0 0 Sports and games .. .. .. 22 1 0 £2,716 11 6 £2,716 11 6 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :—■ Balance, 31st December, 1920 ... 220 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 220 £2 2 0 £2 2 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : — Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 213 18 1 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,460 0 0 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 621 12 8 teachers .. .. .. .. 3,139 5 4 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 22 0 0 Government payment for incidental ex- Maintenance of buildings . . .. 227 6 6 penses .. .. .. . . 626 50 j Interest on overdraft incurred on this Government capitation for classes for account . . . . .. . . 1 18 6 manual instruction ... .. 61 4 0 ! Manual-instruction classes .. .. 61 4 0 School fees . . . . .. 271 0 0 i Balances and accessories for agricultural Voluntary contributions for general pur- and home-science instruction .. 99 18 6 poses (not new buildings) . . .. 10 0 Refund of school fees . . . . 3 10 0 Kerr's scholarship .. .. .. 32 5 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 174 12 3 Transfers from Endowments Account— For buildings .. . . . . 227 6 6 For balances and accessories for agricultural and home-science instruction . . . . .. . . 99 18 6 £4,672 2 5 J £4,672 2 5 Statement of A moulds due, to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. | Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sites, unpaid purchase-money .. . . 7,000 0 0 Buildings and Sites Account —Boys' High Road across to school-site .. .. 150 00 j School site, due from Government .. 5,000 0 o Hostels Account—Water-supply rates .. 314 7 I Rents . . . . .. .. 18 0 0 Secondary General Account — Cash over- J Boarding-foes . . . . . . 24 0 0 banked . . .. . . .. 26 19 2 Secondary-school fees .. .. . . 4 0 0 Water-supply rates . . . . 311 7 I Balance, current account .. .. 24 15 4 Advertising ........ 0 7 0 Stationery .. . . . . . . 19 6 School fees overpaid .. . . .. 7 0 0 £7,193 5 4 £5,070 15 4



AUCKLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts fob the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 618 10 2 Hoard .. .. .. .. 8,013 2 5 I Proportion of office expenses .. .. 101 7 3 Revenue from secondary - education re- Travelling-expenses of Board members ~ 0 7 6 serves .. .. .. .. 2,414 18 1 Repairs .. .. .. .. 358 14 10 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Insurance .. .. .. .. 110 6 2 merits .. .. .. .. 199 0 0 Rales .. .. .. .. 806 I 3 Auckland University College refund . . 650 7 1 Interest on mortgages .. . . 60 0 0 Legal expenses . . .. . . 33 12 0 Recoverable expenditure .. .. 650 7 I. Epsom grounds .. .. .. 78 5 7 Transfers to other accounts— General Account .. .. .. 1,074 12 (i Buildings and Sites Account .. 7,385 3 3 £11,277 7 7 £11,277 7 7 Endowments Capital Account: Endowments Capital Account:— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 5,000 0 0 Moneys derived from sale of endowments 70 5 0 Sale of Board's interest in improvements on endowments .. .. .. 1,098 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 6,168 15 0 £6,108 15 0 £6,168 15 0 New Buildings and Situs Account:— New Buildings and Sites Account: — Government grants for new buildings, &c. - Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 8,081 7 0 Mount Albert Sohool .. .. 27,700 0 0 New buildings, grounds, furniture, apEpsom additions .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 paratus, &o. (Mount Albert, £30,868 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- 14s. lOd. ; Mount Eden, £210 1 (id. (id. ; count .. .. .. .. 7,385 3 3 Epsom, £2,927 18s. sd. ; Howe Street, Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 4,325 16 2 £34 4s. Bd.) .. .. ..34,04114 5 Interest on overdraft . . . . 287 18 0 £42,410 19 5 £42,410 19 5 Seoondaby Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — COUNT :— Balance, 31st December, 1920 . . 471 19 6 Government payment for salaries of Ten hers'salaries and allowances .. 23,919 9 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 24,367 15 2 Incidental expenses .. . . .. 4,595 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. . . 4,224 4 8 School fees .. .. .. 1,540 0 0 War bursary .. .. .. 8 15 0 War bursary .. . . .. 815 0 Maintenance of buildings .. . . 821 2 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Insurance .. .. .. .. 253 10 6 count .. .. .. .. 1,074 12 6 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,934 9 0 £31,(i09 16 4 £31,609 16 4 I ■ r i k^—i ' — - Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ a. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Overdraft and unpresented oheques .. 1,075 9 1 Auckland City Council debentures .. 5,000 (I 0 Due to Williamson Trust Fund .. .. 31 7 7 School fees .. .. .. .. 11l 0 0 Due to Macky Trust Fund .. .. 23 3 0 Rents .. .. .. .. 1,269 3 8 Due to Vaile Library Trust Fund .. 40 8 6 Government grants — Due fo Kenneth Commons Trust Fund .. 2 4 0 Mount Albert School .. .. 3,789 15 7 Contractor's deposit .. .. .. 50 0 0 Epsom School .. .. .. 400 0 0 Capitation overdrawn from Department .. 30 6 9 Government capitation— Diocesan Pension Board's loan .. .. 1,000 0 0 , Boys' School .. .. .. 167 14 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 197 10 4 I Girls' School ... .. .. 138 10 3 Epsom Girls'Sohool .. .. 117 5 0 £2,450 9 3 £11,023 8 6



THAMES HIGH SCHOOL BOAKD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipt!. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries . . .. ' 75 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 929 9 5 Proportion of office expenses . . .. 617 9 Revenue from secondary-education re- Travelling-expenses of Board members 12 18 0 serves .. .. .. .. 188 16 10 Rates .. ..- .. .. 9 2 4 Goldtiolds revenue . . .. .. 31 7 3 Drainage . . .. .. .. 95 10 0 Rent .. .. .. .. 09 18 4 Transfers to— Auckland education reserves .. . i 38 15 10 New Building Account .. .. 805 18 7 Royalty on metal .. .. .. 49 13 3 General Account— Rates and insurance .. . . 223 0 8 Interest on overdraft . . .. 9 15 3 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 69 18 4 £1,308 0 11 £1,308 0 11 New Buildings and Sites Account -.— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1,384 11 2 Grounds improvement .. .. 484 17 3 Grounds improvement .. .. 500 0 0 Principal of loans repaid .. . . 395 2 3 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Interest on loans for buildings .. 332 6 7 count .. .. .. .. 805 18 7 Transfer to General Account .. .. 1,095 17 6 — Balance. 31st December, 1921 .. 382 6 2 £2,690 9 9 ——-—- £2,690 9 9 Trust Account :—■ >—*— ■ ■ • —*= Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 53 5 2 Trust Account : — Interest .. .. .. .. 2 2 5 Balance, 31st December, 1921, Post — Office Savings-bank . . .. 55 7 7 £55 7 7 .' ■ . £55 7 7 Secondary Department General Ac- ■ count: — Secondary Department General AcGovernment payment for salaries of count : — teachers.. .. .. .. 2,447 8 4 Balance, 31st December, 1920 . .. 951 4 6 Government payment for incidental ex- Teachers' salaries and allowances . . 2,738 19 7 penses .. .. .. .. 397 10 0 ', Incidental expenses .. .. .. 499 11 9 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance (including material) of manual instruction ~ .. 42 8 1 classes for manual instruction .. 13S 15 8 School fees .. .. .. 151 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 188 15 9 Government capitation for free places, Pates and taxes, &c. . . . . 5 6 2 1920 '.. .. .. .. 12 4 4 Interest on overdraft .. .. 915 3 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Conveyance of scholars from distance . . 48 10 6 count .. .. .. .. 232 15 11 Insurance .. .. .. .. 28 18 9 Transfer from New Buildings Account .. 1,095 17 6 Law-costs .. .. .. .. 7 16 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 299 14 11 Travelling-expenses.. .. .. 16 19 8 £4,678 19 1 £4,678 19 1 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s, d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Borough Council .. .. .. 2,000-0 0 Rents .. .. .. .. 509 2 6 Principal of loans .. .. .. 4,957 410 Secondary-school fees .. .. .. 36 12 0 Interest on purchase, Borough Council .. 90 0 0 Salaries due from Department .. .. 73 6 1 Trust Account .. . . .. 55 7 7 Balance, current account .. . . 152 9 7 £7,047 4 10 £826 17 9 HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL HOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Transfer to General Account, for repairs Board .. .. . . .. 52 0 0 to buildings, insurance, and. on account Revenuo from secondary-education re- of previous advanco to Hostel Account 258 8 6 serves .. .. .. .. 397 110 Transfer to Hostel Account for rent .. 190 13 4 £449 I 10 £449 1 10 Buildings and Situs Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grants—- Extensions, school building .. .. 7,000 0 0 Extensions, school building .. 7,000 0 0 Playing-fields .. .. .. 108 9 10 Furniture and apparatus .. .. 172 12 0 Science apparatus .. .. .. 115 16 3 Playing-lields .. .. .. 350 0 0 General Account (rofund of advance) .. 298 51 I £7,522 12 0 £7,522 12 0 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 744 19 0 Proportion of office expenses .. 22 16 6 Discount (refund) .. .. .. 017 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 417 12 7 Transfers on loan from General Account 248 17 8 Fuel, light, &c. . . .. .. 39 12 0 Transfer from Endowment Income Salaries of teachers for supervision . . 103 ti 8 Account for rent .. .. ... 190 13 4 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 202 9 11 Furniture, utensils, &c. (piano, £55; sundries, £10 16s. 6d.) . . . . 65 16 6 Repairs to buildings . . .. 23 14 1 Insurance, rates, interest, &o. .. 60 14 1 Law-costs .. .. . . .. - 36 7 6 Rent .. .. .. .. 190 13 4 Sundry expenses .. .. .. 22 4 4 £1,185 7 6 - £1,185 7 6

B.— 6


HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL HOMU)-continued. - Genebal Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921 continued. Receipts. Payments. Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— £ s. d. count :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 131 18 6 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 5,185 8 4 Government payment for salaries of Incidental exponses .. .. 893 1 11 teachers.. .. .. .. 4,710 15 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 37 10 0 Government payment lor incidental Maintenance of buildings . . . . 59 12 9 expenses . . .. .. 890 0 0 Technical department salaries . . 169 2 6 Government capitation for classes for Insurance . . . . . . 74 2 5 manual instruction .. .. 216 3 5 Crockery .. .. .. .. 13 10 0 School fees .. .. .. 279 15 0 Prizes .. .. .. . . 35 1 1 Refunds .. *.. .. .. 0 18 2 Transfer to Girls' Hostel Account .. 248 17 8 Cost-of-living bonus recovered from Balance, 31st December, 1921 . . 231 18 6 teachers .. .. .. .. 58 4 8 War bursaries — 1920 .. .. .. .. 37 10 0 1921 .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 School fees (1920) .. .. .. 13 6 0 Transfers from-— Building Sites Account (Capital) .. 298 5 1.1 Endowments Income Account .. 258 8 0 £0,948 5 2 £6,948 5 2 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Hoard. £ s. tl. Hostels Account .. .. .. 40 16 11 Boarding-fees duo .. .. .. 63 10 0 Secondary General Account—Due to De- Secondary-school fees due . . 43 6 8 partment, salaries, &o. . . . . 88 5 4 Salaries due from Department . . . . 169 16 8 Salary refund .. . . . . 0 113 Balance, current account . . . 231 18 6 £129 2 3 £509 3 1 NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, L 921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses, office Board .. .. .. .. 956 18 10 ! furniture .. .. .. 119 17 3 Revenue from secondary-education Proportion of travelling-expenses of reserves .. .. .. 1,423 12 2 Board members .. .. .. 6 0 0 Arbitration and law expenses .. 31 19 9 Transfers to — New Building Account .. .. 1,820 7 I General Account lor repairs to buildings and rates .. . . .. 402 6 11. £2,380 110 ■ £2,380 11 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Building and Sites Capital Account:— Government grants— Balance, 31st December, 1920 . . 385 18 11 Girls' School .. .. .. 1,723 0 0 New buildings, additions, furniture, apBoys' School .. .. .. 1,193 7 9 paratus, &c.— Boys'sick-room .. .. .. 1,627 0 0 Boys' School site .. .. .. 1,569 4 6 Sales, office furniture .. .. 4 7 3 Girls' School alterations .. .. 1,709 11 0 Transfers from — Boys'sick-room .. .. .. 1,748 810 Endowments Income Account .. 1,820 7 1 Office furniture .. .. .. 4 7 3 Hostel Account, for sick-room .. 105 10 6 Furniture (school, £274 15s. 7d. ; Hostel Account, for girls' boarding, laboratory, £293 12s. lid.) .. 568 8 6 storeroom, and shelter .. .. 194 1 10 Girls'boarding .. ;. .. 194 I 10 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 637 6 5 Principal of loans repaid .. . . 609 14 (i Interest on loans for buildings . . 575 5 6 £7,365 0 1.0 £7,365 0 10 Lower Department Account: — Lower Department Account: — Balance, 31st December, 1920 . . 398 9 7 Teachers' salaries and allowances . . 923 6 8 School fees .. .. .. 1,488 4 6 Incidental expenses .. .. .'. 342 8 2 New Plymouth Savings-bank . . .. 200 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 420 19 3 £1,886 14 1 £1,886 14 I



NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD— continued. General Statement of Accounts fob the Year ended 31st December, 1921 — continued. Receipts. Payments. Hostels Account— £ s. d. Hostels Account :—. £ s. d, Boarding-fees .. .. .. 11,368 17 3 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 369 4 0 Itefunds of advances to boarders .. 2,484 16 2 Provisions .. .. .. .. 4,154 16 6 Rent, grazing .. .. .. 4 3 4 Fuel, light, &o. .. .. . . 473 4 5 Refunds of tradesmen's accounts .. 923 5 9 Salaries of teachers for supervision . . 100 0 0 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 2,251 17 1 Furniture, utensils, &o. .. .. 933 0 3 Repairs to buildings .. . . 315 2 5 Insurance, rates, interest, &c. . . 804 711 Advances to boarders .. .. 2,792 7 3 Farm expenditure .. .. .. 756 4 11 Tradesmen's accounts .. .. 960 3 1 Transfers to Building Account— Towards sick-room .. .. 165 10 6 Towards girls' storeroom, &c. .. 194 1 10 Balance, 3.lst December, 1921 .. 511 2 4 £14,781 2 6 £14,781 2 6 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1,100 5 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 7,540 18 5 ! Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 6,700 10 8 Government payment for incidental Incidental expenses .. .. .. 976 12 5 expenses .. .. .. 1,020 0 0 ! Maintenance (including material) of Government capitation for classes for classes for manual instruction .. 11 3 3 manual instruction .. .. 118 14 10 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 70 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 494 3 4 i Maintenance of buildings .. .. 242 0 4 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Rates and taxes .. .. . . 243 19 9 poses (not new buildings) .. .. 104 3 6 I Interest on overdraft incurred on this Refunds .. .. .. .. 98 12 11 I account .. .. .. .. 10 11 9 War bursaries .. .. . . 70 0 0 Special prizes .. .. . . 3 2 1 Contractors'deposits .. .. 4 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 429 4 4 Sale of lime .. .. . . 010 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 402 6 11 £9,853 9 11 £9,853 9 11 Statement of Amounts due to 'Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Ronts paid in advance .. .. 149 15 2 Rents .. .. .. .. 199 410 Building contracts .. . . . . 150 0 0 Secondary-reserves rents .. .. 150 5 8 Public Trustee (loan) .. .. .. 10,580 5 6 Lower-department fees .. .. 50 19 0 I nterest on loans .. .. .. 291 10 0 New Plymouth Savings-bank .. .. 200 0 0 Cash in hand . . .. . . 200 0 0 Boarding-fees .. . . .. 212 3 0 Sundry creditors, Boys' School .. . . 244 I 7 Advances to boarders .. .. .. 457 18 4 Sundry creditors, Girls' School .. .. 79 010 Fees .. .. .. .. 017 6 Tradesmen .. .. .. .. 5 18 2 Salaries due from Government .. .. 68 0 7 Strandon shelters . . .. .. 453 7 0 Investments .. .. .. .. 220 15 2 Overpaid capitation .. .. . . 528 14 4 Balance, current account .. .. 723 19 6 Bequests .. .. .. . . 78 8 4 Citizens' Donation Account .. .. 142 6 10 Contractors' deposits .. .. .. 12 0 0 £12,915 7 9 £2,284 3 7



WANGANUI GIRLS' COLLEGE BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1,578 18 6 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 12 10 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 7 10 0 Board . . .. .. .. 980 12 3 Transfers to— Revenue from secondary-education re- New Building Account .. .. 225 2 4 serves .. .. .. .. 443 1 8 General Account— For repairs to buildings . . .. 139 3 8 For rates and fire insurance .. 114 17 ti For salaries, &c. .. .. 462 8 3 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 2,041 0 8 £3,002 12 5 £3,002 12 5 Building and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Interest .. .. .. .'. 60 00 j Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 995 010 Sale of hay (new site) .. .. 8 0 0 Furniture for school .. .. 21 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Interest on loans for sites .. .. 212 2 4 count .. .. .. .. 225 2 4 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 935 010 £1,228 3 2 £1,228 3 2 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 389 2 8 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 372 10 0 School fees .. .. .. 546 15 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 237 2 5 Sundry refunds .. .. .. 1 0 10 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 325 4 5 £935 17 8 £935 17 8 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 2,247 15 11 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 85 3 4 Boarding-fees .. .. .. 6,553 9 10 Provisions.. ~ .. .. 2,642 19 10 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,918*12 4 Fuel, light, &c .. .. .. 548 18 8 Proceeds from sale of books, &c, to Wages of matron and staff .. .. 1,249 13 3 boarders .. .. .. 101 5 3 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 109 I 0 Sundry refunds . . .. .. 10 0 5 Repairs to buildings .. .. 41 6 I Insurance, rates, interest, &c. .. 27 15 2 Advances to boarders .. .. 2,137 0 0 Balances for household expenses .. 38 18 10 Transfer to sundry refunds and advertising .. .. .. .. 68 10 6 Rent of hostel . . .. .. 258 1 9 Books, &c, for sale to boarders .. 160 19 10 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 3,402 15 6 £10,831 3 9 • £10,831 3 9 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 4,010 4 2 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,442 10 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,287 11 8 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,202 10 9 penses .. . . .. . . 567 10 0 Maintenance classes for manual instruoGovernment capitation for classes for tion .. .. .. .. 154 7 10 manual instruction .. .. 262 8 7 j Maintenance of buildings .. .. 139 3 8 School fees . . .. .. 290 5 0 | Rates and taxes . . . . .. 114 17 6 Sundry fees, music, &,c. .. .. 2,081 5 6 , Music department .. .. .. 859 8 6 Miscellaneous (use of baths, &c.) .. 10 11 6 Part-time teachers .. .. .. 473 2 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Refund fees and pew rents .. .. 91 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Tncome Ac- Maintenance of equipment .. .. 86 6 5 count for buildings .. .. 254 1 2 Ditto for salaries .. .. .. 462 8 3 Balance, 31st December. 1921 .. 4,018 2 6 £10,419 2 6 £10,419 2 (i Statement of Amounts due to the, Board, and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. I Amounts due to Board,. £ s. d. Buildings and Sites Account— j Endowments Income Account—Rents Balance due on new site .. .. 3,856 19 7 outstanding .. .. .. 266 19 I Interest on loans .. .. .. 70 o 0 Buildings and Sites Account—Pent of new Hostels Account —Rent of house accrued. . 17 6 8 site .. .. .. .. 2 18 Sundry creditors . . .. .. 75 0 0 Lower department school fees .. .. 60 19 3 Hostels Account— Boarding-fees .. . . .. 212 6 2 Advances to boarders .. .. 1,277 13 0 Miscellaneous (£2 His. 6d,, 2s. (id., £15 12s. 2d.) .. .. .. 18 11 2 General Account— Secondary tuition .. .. .. 8 0 0 Fees .. .. .. .. 455 12 6 Government capitation . . .. 549 8 5 Salaries due from Department and sundry fees .. .. . . 589 I 10 Part-time teachers . . . . .. 238 0 0 Balance of incidental expenses .. 27 10 0 Subsidy on bequest . . . . .. 500 0 0 Investments .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Interest aoorued .. .. .. 37 10 0 Cash, on hand .. .. .. 810 12 s £4,019 6 3 £6,554 5 9


WANGANUI COLLEGIATE SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st Decemrer, 1921, Receipts. I Payments. General Account :— £ s . d. General Account :— £ s. d. Cash in hand, 31st December, 1920 .. 28 13 7 Balance, 31st December, 1920, at bank 5,271 Hi 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 200 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 4,125 16 6 Proportion of office expenses .. 86 9 9 Interest on moneys dorived from endow- Proportion of travelling-expenses of ments .. .. .. .. 157 8 7 Board members .. .. .. 60 0 8 Loan-moneys received .. .. 19,497 9 11 , Interest and insurance rates.. .. 869 8 11 Bank balance at 31st Docembor, 1921 .. 6,261 8 0 Auction sales and surveys .. .. 30 4 0 Legal expenses .. .. .. 160 17 4 Contributions to Provident Fund .. 222 7 7 New buildings .. .. .. 12,549 17 4 New furniture .. .. .. 1,347 18 6 Reading estate ... .. .. 1,092 0 8 Purchase of land for school farm .. 1,790 12 9 Purchase of residence for a master .. 973 4 4 Transfer to Hostels Account. . .. 578 6 1 Transfer to School Account .. .. 4,787 12 8 Cash on hand .. .. .. 50 0 0 £30,070 10 7 £30,070 16 7 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 14,265 5 9 Proportion of office expenses .. 483 4 (i Refunds of advances to boarders. .. 4,672 14 4 j Provisions .. .. .. .. 5,141 0 4 Transfer from General Account .. 578 6 1 Fuel, light, &c. .. 827 3 0 Salaries of teachers for supervision . . 660 0 0 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 4,024 19 4 Furniture, utensils, &o. .. .. 474 10 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. 430 1 2 Insurance, rates, interest, &o, .. 3,068 6 5 Advances to boarders .. .. 4,407 1 5 £19,516 6 2 £19,516 6 2 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count :— School fees .. .. .. 4,491 13 6 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 5,553 19 7 Refunds .. .. .. .. -658 17 3 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,154 110 School Prize Fund income .. .. 72 11 11 Workshop .. .. .. .. 29 5 0 Transfer from General Account .. 4,787 12 8 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 201 5 0 Books, &c, for sale to pupils, and other temporary advances .. .. 605 17 3 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 201 0 0 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 205 6 8 Interest .. .. .. .. 1,060 0 0 £10,010 15 4 • £10,010 15 4 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. Loans— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account — £ s. d. A.M.P. Society .. .. .. 85,000 0 0 Rents .. .. .. .. 849 11 3 Private .. .. .. .. 850 0 0 Boarding-fees due .. .. .. 1,997 11 9 Private .. .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Advances to boarders .. .. 600 0 0 Interest on loans accrued .. .. 1,240 19 9 Boys' extras paid, but not charged .. 975 10 11 House accounts .. .. .. 291 10 9 House stores on hand .. .. 448 0 2 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 6,261 8 0 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 400 0 0 Cash on hand .. .. .. 50 0 0 £95,143 18 6 £5,320 14 1

6—E. 6.




PALMERSTON NORTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 014 0 serves (administered by Land Boards) 677 13 7 Transfers to — General Account, for repairs to buildings . . .. .. .. 316 8 10 General Account, for insurance . . 62 9 11 Hostels Account, for rent, .. . . 138 0 0 New Buildings Account, for Girls' High School Grounds Account . . 150 0 0 Balance 31st December, 1921 .. 10 0 10 £677 13 7 £677 13 7 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grants for — Balance, 31st December, 1920 . . 210 12 2 Hostels Account, Boys' High School 9,350 0 0 Hostels Account, Boys' High School .. 9,424 12 6 Memorial library, Boys' High School 250 0 0 Memorial Library Account, Boys' High Girls' High School Account . . 785 0 0 School .. . . . .' .. 500 0 0 Voluntary contributions for new build- Buildings and furniture, Girls' High ings, &c—Memorial library .. 125 0 0 School . . . . .. .. 755 0 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Grounds Account .. . . .. 225 3 11 count .. .. ... .. 150 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 v 455 8 11 £11,115 8 11 £11,115 8 11 Hostels Account .-— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 1,734 12 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 248 0 7 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 360 14 6 Provisions . . .. .. .. 879 1 2 Transfers on loan from Endowments Fuel, light, &o. . . . . . • 146 8 9 Income Account .. .. . . 138 0 0 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 496 2 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 . . 263 16 1 Furniture, utensils, &o, .. .. 36 5 0 Repairs to buildings .. . . 148 11 0 Insurance, rates, interest, &o. . . 154 10 6 Advances to boarders .. .. 364 19 10 Other expenses .. .. .. 23 3 9 £2,497 2 7 £2,497 2 7 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :— Total receipts .. .. .. 5,034 0 3 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 311 5 7 Total payments .. .. .. 4,480 6 8 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 242 8 0 £5,034 0 3 £5,034 0 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : —■ count : — Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 183 15 4 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 6,111 6 11 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. 1,301 18 1 teachers .. .. .. .. 5,580 3 2 Maintenance (including material) of Government payment for incidental ex- classes for manual instruction .. 39 9 2 penses .. . . .. .. 982 10 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 26 0 0 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of buildings . . .. 316 8 10 manual instruction . . . . 192 12 5 Rates, taxes, and insurance . . . . 62 9 11 School foes .. .. .. 494 16 0 Interest on overdraft incurred on this Voluntary contributions for general pur- account, and bank charge .. 10 4 6 poses . . . . . . 52 010 Examination fees, • I nivorsity . . 210 9 Free-placo capitation, 1920 .. . . 367 18 4 I Library, Girls' High School .. .. 40 13 7 Examination fees .. .. .. 21 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 394 6 1 Interest (Manson Fund, £6; Balsillie Scholarship, £9) .. . . . . 15 0 0 Sundry receipts .. .. . . 55 3 0 Transfers from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. . . 378 18 9 £8,323 17 10 £8,323 17 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. , Amounts due to Board £ s. d. Building contracts .. .. 1,002 0 0 Interest, reserve revenue . . .. 93 1 1 Sites, unpaid purchase-money .. .. 2,300 0 0 Government grant for library, Boys' High Sundry creditors — Sohool .. .. .. . . 250 0 0 Hostels Account .. .. . . 54 11 6 Government grant for hostel, Boys' High Secondary-school Account .. .. 109 3 9 School .. .. .. .. 215 0 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 72 10 I Library Account, from Old Boys' Association . . . . '. . . . 375 0 0 Boarding-fees due . . . . .. 52 10 0 Advances to boarders . . . . .. 95 6 6 Technical-instruction material . . . . 204 10 0 Salaries due from Government.. . . 67 3 9 Fees . . . . . . . . 8 0 0 Government capitation, manual and science 101 0 0 Fixed deposit .. . . . . 150 0 0 £3,538 5 4 £1,611 11 4



GISBORNE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 396 4 0 Proportion of office-expenses . . .. 58 16 11 Current income from reserves vested in Legal expenses .. .. .. 30 8 3 Board .. .. .. .. 3,406 911 Transfers to — Revenue from secondary-education re- New Buildings Account .. .. 1,802 511 serves .. .. .. .. 942 0 7 General Account, for repairs to buildExchange recovered. . .. .. 0 3 3 ings and salaries .. .. 2,853 6 8 £4,744 17 9 £4,744 17 9 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account — Moneys derived from sale of endowments 325 5 0 Transfer to Buildings Account .. 150 15 6 Less paid to outgoing tenant .. .. 174 9 6 £150 15 6 £150 15 0 lii ii.niNos and Sites Capital Account: — Buildings and Sites Capital Account:— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 705 11 6 Additions, &c, school .. .. 4,811 2 4 Government grants for additions, and Architect .. .. .. .. 242 8 9 sports and Cadet room .. .. 4,000 0 0 Now furniture, school .. .. 194 14 6 Government subsidies on voluntary con- Tennis-courts .. .. .. 279 18 2 tributions for tennis-courts.. .. 200 0 0 Laundry and cloak-room, hostels .. 526 17 0 Voluntary contributions for tennis-courts 4 9 0 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 529 5 0 Transfers from— Interest on loans for buildings .. ■ 448 10 0 Endowments Capital Account .. 150 15 6 Endowments Inoome Account .. 1,802 5 11 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1.69 13 10 £7,032 15 9 £7,032 15 9 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 450 6 6 Teachers' salaries and allowances . . 490 0 0 School fees.. .. .. .. 956 5 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 135 8 3 Maintenance of buildings, &c. (furniture, £6 19s. 3d.; repairs, £7 16s. 6d.) .. 14 17 9 Rates, insurance, &c. (insurance, buildings, £5 6s. Bd. ; other, £2 3s. Id.; rates, £8 Is. 4d.) . . . . .. 15 11 1 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 750 14 5 £1,406 11 6 £1,406 11 6 Hostels Account : — Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .'. 4,777 16 5 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1,270 14 0 Refund of advances to boarders .. 1,065 19 5 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 58 16 11 Balance,. 31st December, 1921 .. 989 7 6 Provisions (house accounts) .. .. 2,139 11 11 Fuel, light, water .. . . .. 391 3 2 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 1,471 14 1 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 183 19 7 Repairs to buildings. . .. .. 65 17 2 Insurance, rates, interest, &c. . . 99 16 7 Advances to boarders .. 1,049 3 1 Other expenses .. .. .. 96 610 £6,833 3 4 £6,833 3 4 Sioondaby Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Government payment for salaries of Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 4,531 10 I teachers .. .. .. .. 1,259 7 10 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 541 13 4 Government payment for incidental ex- Maintenance (including material) of penses .. .. .. .. 644 11 5 classes for manual instruction (includGovernmont capitation for classes for ing salary) . . .. .. 145 15 5 manual instruction . . . . 170 14 0 Maintenance of buildings (furniture, School fees .. .. .. 410 17 0 £27 17s. 3d. ; repairs, £31 14s. 3d.) .. 59 11 0 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Rates and taxes (rates, £32 16s. 3d. ; poses (not new buildings) (gymnasium- insurance, buildings, £20 6s. Bd. ; other fittings) .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 insurance, £9 Is. Bd.) .. .. 62 4 7 Interest on War Bond .. .. 214 9 Interest on overdraft incurred on this Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- account .. .. .. .. 3 2 6 count .. .. .. .. 2,853 6 8 Gymnasium-fittings .. .. .. 57 610 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 9 12 10 £5,401 4 (i £5,401 4 0 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Overpaid rent .. .. .. 17 10 0 Rents (endowments and reserves) .. 1,438 6 4 Section 170, Stanley Road .. .. 1,200 0 0 Rent, Section 170, grazing .. .. 310 0 Government Life Insurance Department . . 2,402 10 0 Lower-department fees due .. .. 23 10 0 Private loan .. .. .. 3,750 0 0 Boarding-fees due .. .. .. 188 13 6 Hostels Account— Advances to boarders .. .. .. 78 15 0 Mr. Foote (rectory) .. .. . . 200 0 0 Secondary school fees .. . . .. 18 10 0 Current accounts .. .. .. 109 1 2 (Iredits, boarding-fees .. .. 20 19 6 Incidental expenses, boarders.. .. 10 9 7 Boarders'incidentals paid in advance .. 19 3 9 Secondary-school Account — Current accounts .. .. .. .. 14 14 6 Overdraft at bank .. .. .. 417 19 9 £8,222 8 3 £1,751 4 10



NAPIER HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. En oowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 7 16 0 Board .. .. .. .. 299 5 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 317 (i Revenue from secondary-education re- Legal expenses .. .. .. 16 1 0 serves .. .. .. 1,168 5 7 Transfers to — Interest from moneys derived from en- New Building Account .. .. 1,087 10 0 dowments .. .. .. 168 0 0 General Account, for repairs to buildings arid maintenance .. .. 411 15 4 Hostels Account, for maintenance and repairs.. .. .. .. 108 10 9 £1,635 10 7 £1,635 10 7 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Building and Sites Capital Account :— Transfers from— Rents of new site .. .. .. 187 10 0 Endowments Income Account .. 1,087 10 0 Additions, alterations, &c.— Secondary Department General Ac- Sohool .. .. .. ... 1.740 14 7 count .. .. .. .. 4,123 2 0 Hostel .. .. .. .. 2,421 8 11 Furniture, equipment, &c.— School .. .. .. .. 347 7 9 Hostel .. ' .. .. .. 513 10 9 £5,210 12 0 £5,210 12 0 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 360 11 5 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 894 15 3 School fees.. .. .. .. 1,574 19 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 269 6 8 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 50 0 0 Rates, insurance, &c. .. .. 5 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 716 8 6 £1,935 10 5 £1,935 10 5 Hostels Account:— Hostels Account:— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 354 10 10 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 329 7 2 Boarding-foes .. .. .. 6,988 7 6 Provisions.. .. .. .. 3,187 19 2 Refund of advances to boarders .. 1,015 0 7 Fuel, light, &o. .. .. .. 533 3 4 Medical attendance .. .. . . 2 0 0 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 1,888 6 1 Refunds .. .. .. .. 5 8 5 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 821 12 1 Transfers on loan from — Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 319 13 11 Endowments Income Account .. 108 10 9 Petty cash, advertising, medical fees .. 159 5 1 Secondary Department General Ac- Advances to boarders.. .. .. 1,080 5 3 count .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Janitor's wages, cleaning, &c.. .. 229 8 8 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 23 • 5 1 Insurance .. .. .. .. 42 2 5 £8,597 3 2 £8,597 3 2 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 3,011 2 7 Teachers'salaries and allowances, secondGovernment payment for salaries of ary and part time. . .. .. 0,029 17 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 5,757 16 1 Incidental expenses .. .. -. . 740 10 9 Government payment for incidental ex- Maintenance of classes for manual inpenses .. .. .. .. 912 10 0 struction.. .. .. .. 43 1 0 Government capitation for classes for Scholarships and bursaries . . .. 14 17 8 manual instruction . . .. 184 10 0 Maintenance of buildings . . .. 253 14 7 Subsidies on voluntary contributions for Rates and taxes .. .. .. 78 15 9 general purposes (not new buildings) 96 10 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 79 5 0 School fees (tuition, £523 os. 3d. ; tech- Typewriters .. .. .. 232 4 7 nieal, £20 155.) .. .. .. 543 15 2 Badges .. .. .. .. 37 12 7 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Lantern-slides .. .. .. 12 2 6 poses (not new buildings) .. .. 58 11 11 Sundry payments .. .. .. 14 14 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 15 17 4 Drainage (property not a reserve) .. 114 10 10 Income from property not reserves .. 1,074 18 0 Stationery, games, &c. .. .. 1,756 5 1 Free-place capitation (balance, 1920) . . 74 3 2 Transfers to— Stationery, games, &c. .. .. 1,883 14 7 Hostels Account .. .. .. 100 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 14 14 10 Buildings and Sites Capital Account.. 4,123 2 0 Sales of badges .. .. .. 20 5 6 Balance, 31st Decomber, 1921 .. 438 2 4 Donations . . .. .. .. 13 0 Sundry receipts . . .. .. 7 14 6 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 411 15 4 £14,069 2 0 £14,069 2 0



NAPIER HIGH SCHOOL BOARD—continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 99 18 4 Rents due .. .. .. .. 55 2 6 Stationery and games accounts .. 128 14 8 Interest from Department .. .. 94 2 3 Salaries due to Government . . .. 17 10 0 Lower-department fees .. .. 512 0 New Boys' High School Improvements Boarding-fees due .. .. .. 97 13 6 Account .. .. .. .. 251 17 9 Advances to boarders .. .. ..' 714 8 Girls' High School Voluntary Contribu- Secondary-3chool fees .. .. .. 9 5 0 tions Account .. .. .. 171 9 8 Rents, private endowments .. .. 23 12 0 Manual instruction .. .. .. 107 13 0 Investments .. .. .. .. 2,800 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank—lmprovements Account .. .. .. .. 143 11 0 Post Office Savings-bank — General Account . . .. .. .. 37 19 6 Balance, current account .. .. 949 15 3 £669 10 5 £4,395 10 8 \ DANNEVIRKE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account:-- £ s. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to— serves .. .. .. .. 435 911 New Building Account .. .. 328 4 4 General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 107 5 7 £435 9 11 £435 9 11 Buildings ano Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grants for new buildings .. 630 0 0 Interest of sites— Money owing . . 14 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Furniture .. .. .. .. 57 0 6 count . . .. .. .. 328 4 4 Hostel .. .. .. .. 944 6 3 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 57 2 5 £1,015 6 9 £1,015 6 9 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1 15 0 Balance, 31st December. 1921 .. 1 15 0 £1 15 0 £1 15 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account:— count: — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 281 9 9 teachers .. .. .. .. 1,758 1 8 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,075 14 8 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 194 7 11 penses .. . . .. . . 260 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 64 18 7 Government capitation for classes for Interest on overdraft incurred on this manual instruction 106 14 11 account .. .. .. .. 13 18 0 School fees .. . . . . 88 3 4 Rates and insurance.. .. . 42 7 0 Retrospective allowance .. .. 325 7 6 Hawke's Bay Education Board .. 87 15 0 Rent from lease of site .. .. 21 0 0 Prizes .. .. .. . . 45 3 3 Hawke's Bay Education Board (cleaning) 2 9 6 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 15 12 10 Transfers from — Post Office Savings-bank, £15 12s. 10d.; interest, £2 13s. 4d. .. .. 18 6 2 Endowments income .. .. 107 5 7 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 133 18 4 £2,821 7 0 £2,821 7 0 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ a. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Unpaid purchase-money for sites, &c. .. 200 0 0 Secondary-school fees .. .. .. 10 0 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 189 7 1 Salaries clue from Government .. .. 158 15 0 Cash in hand .. .. .. 0 14 £389 7 1 £168 16 4



WELLINGTON COLLEGE AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921 Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 210 17 7 Board .. . . .. . . 8,496 3 7 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 84 1 8 Revenue from secondary-education re- Repairs, insurance, rates, &c.. . .. 1,770 6 8 serves ..' .. .. .. 2,385 2 4 Transfers to General Account — Interest on moneys derived from endow- For repairs to buildings .. .. 1.487 18 1 mcnts .. .. ~ .. 148 16 3 For salaries, &o. .. .. .. 4,259 3 4 Buildings and Sites Account .. .. 3,217 14 10 £11,030 2 2 £11,030 2 2 Endowments Capital Account:— Endowments Capital Account : - Balance, 31st December,, 1920 .. 500 0 0 Transfers to Buildings Account (section Moneys derived from sale of endowments 10 0 0 18, Reserves Act, 1908) . . .. 1,860 0 0 Deposits uplifted .. .. .. 1,350 0 0 £1,860 0 0 £1,860 0 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :•— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant for additions, Welling- Brook Streot property .. .. 663 11 0 ton College .. .. .. 1,501. 4 0 Additional accommodation, Wellington Partition in laundry, Wellington. College 8 9 0 Girls' College .. .. .. 879 3 9 Additional site, Girls' College . . 879' 3 9 Partition in laundry .. . . 8 9 0 New Girls' College site, preparation .. 1,049 5 0 Additional accommodation. Wellington Contractor's deposit, new Girls' College College .. .. .. .. 1,410 13 0 site .. .. .. .. 133 10 0 Furniture and apparatus .. .. 1,377 18 7 Insurance recovered.. .. .. 151. 15 0 Girls' College Hostel.. .. .. 3,757 16 2 Transfers from— .. Interest on loans for buildings, furnittrre, Endowments Capital Account .. 1,860 0 0 dc, .. .. .. .. 386 I 5 Endowments Income Account .. 3,217 14 10 Dismantling telescope .. .. 2 2 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 867 14 4 New Girls' College site, preparation .. 1,183 1 0 £9,668 15 11 £9,668 15 11 Lower Department Account : — Lower Department Account :— School fees .. .'. .. 652 13 3 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 480 11 3 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,370 18 6 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 819 0 7 Incidental expenses . . . . .. 156 11 2 Rent of buildings .. .. .. 567 8 9 £2,023 11 9 £2,023 II 9 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account -.— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 5,525 13 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 431 4 6 Sale of cow .. .. .. 12 0 0 Salaries and wages .. .. . . 1,699 18 3 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 475 5 5 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 2,027 2 0 Rent .. .. .. .. 46 0 0 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 20 16 4 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 2,056 15 7 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 294 19 2 Provisions .. .. .. .. 1,901 12 11 Fuel, light, &o. .. .. . . 420 13 8 Repairs to buildings, furniture, Ac. .. 278 7 2 Grounds .. .. .. .. 31 1 6 Printing and stationery . . .. 2 8 5 Advances to boarders .. .. 911 10 8 Other expenses .. . . . . 416 2 Household requisites . . . . 0 8 0 Interest on loans for furniture . . 54 5 9 £8,115 14 6 £8,115 14 6 Secondary Dupartment General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : - count : — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 2,547 10 10 teachers .. .. .. .. 17,578 10 10 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 21,860 7 7 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses ~ .. \.. 3,487 19 2 penses .. .. .. .. 3,472 10 0 Maintenance (including material) of Government capitation for classes for classes for manual instruction . . 191 3 9 manual instruction .. .. 495 19 6 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 87 10 0 School fees . . . . . . 1,302 9 4 Maintenance of buildings and furniture, War bursaries .. .. .. 68 15 0 and apparatus .. .. .. 1,487 18 1 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Interest on overdraft .. .. 87 0 9 poses '.. .. . . .. 10 0 Grant to library .. .. .. 68 12 0 Government subsidy on donations . . 5 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account— For salaries .. .. .. 4,259 3 4 For repairs to buildings .. .. 1,487 18 1 Balance, 31st December; 1921 .. 1,146 0 I £29,818 2 2 £29,818 2 2 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. (Figures not available.)


MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ a. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfer to General Account, for repairs serves .. .. .. .. 130 11 4 to buildings .. .. .. 530 11 4 Statutory grant in lieu of endowments 400 0 0 ' I £530 11 4 £530 11 4 —r i--- "=■■--■■ i Secondary Department General AcSecondary Department General Ac- count :— count: — Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 2,710 0 0 Balance, 3lst December, 1920 (including Incidental expenses .. .. .. 332 5 1 Post Office Savings-bank) .. .. 169 610 I Maintenance (including material) of Government payment for salaries of classes for manual instruction .. 73 6 11 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,694 5 7 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 717 3 1 Government payment for incidental ex- Rates and taxes .. .. .. 29 13 1 penses .. . . .. .. 417 10 0 ; Interest on overdraft .. .. 0 5 0 Government capitation for classes for Building contractor's deposit .. .. 2 10 0 manual instruction .. .. 49 19 0 Memorial tablet, wreath .. .. 41 3 0 School fees .. .. .. 190 5 6 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 158 5 8 Interest .. .. .. .. 0 3 7 Interest on Young Scholarship bequest 10 0 0 Building contractor's deposit .. 2 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 530 II 4 £4,064 11 10 £4,064 11 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Nosworthy bequest for Wrigley Scholarship 500 00 ' Reserves revenue .. .. .. 4 3 2 Young Scholarship bequest .. .. 200 0 0 Technical Instruction Account .. .. 34 13 3 Salaries due from Government .. .. 13 16 8 Investments (Young bequest) .. . . 200 0 0 Balance, current account .. . . 139 17 2 Cash in Post Office Savings-bank . . 18 8 6 £700 0 0 [ £410 18 9 NELSON. COLLEGE BOARD. General Statemrnt of Accounts for the Year ended 31st Drchmber, 1921. Endowment Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Rents from Board's reserves .. .. 1,124 10 0 Law-costs .. .. .. .. 8 2 2 Government revenue, endowments .. 485 4 8 Insurances .. .. .. .. 418 2 Printing and advertising 3 17 6 Stationery .. .. .. .. 010 0 Governors' and auditors' fees .. .. 14 10 0 Secretary .. . . .. . . 41 1 0 Office-rent .. .. .. .. 12 10 0 Office-cleaning and gas .. .. 8 7 2 Telephone .. .. .. .. 7 7 1 Survey, &c. .. .. .. .. 43 10 0 Interest on overdraft .. .. .. 16110 Bank charge .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 Petty cash, postages, and sundries .. 110 0 £1,609 14 8 £172 14 I




NELSON COLLEGE BOARD— continued. Boys' College. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Boarding-fees .. .. .. 5,128 9 4 House expenses .. .. .-. 5,746 7 3 Tuition fees .. .. .. .. 861 14 0 Tuition expenses .. .. .. 4,955 10 1 Government capitation— Advances to boarders .. .. . . 917 1.0 9 Free places .. .. .. 186 11 8 Prizes .. .. .. .. 77 0 1 Manual instruction .. .. .. 8118 6 Stationery .. .. ... .. 77 2 1 Government grants — Printing and advertising .. .. 86 11 10 Salaries of staff, 1920 .. .. 246 5 8 Gas ..' .. .. .. .. 122 7 0 Salaries oi staff, 1921 .. .. 4,682 4 4 ' Rates and taxes .. .. .. 48 7 11 Boarders' advances .. .. .. 997 9 0 j Repairs . . .. .. .. 247 9 3 Refund .. .. .. .. 12 0 Secretary .. .. .. .. 209 4 0 Grant for science equipment .. ~ 173 1 6 Governors' and auditors' fees .. .. 49 10 0 Scholarships— Endowed .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 Foundation .. .. . . 13 0 0 Insurances .. .. .. .. 83 17 0 Grounds .. .. .. .. 74 2 7 Interest on mortgage .. .. . . 230 0 0 I Telephone .. . . . . .. 18 3 1 Office-lent, £6 ss. ; cleaning, £2 15s. .. 9 0 0 Special prizes.. .. .. .. 37 17 6 Law expenses .. .. .. 916 7 Drains .. .. .. .. 208 3 3 Agriculture class .. .. . . 14 0 9 Apparatus and chemicals .. .. 135 5 7 Petty cash, postages, and sundries .. 31 10 0 Sports .. .. .. .. 4 10 0 £12,358 16 0 £13,481 6 7 Girls' College. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Boarding-fees .. .. .. 4,128 5 0 House expenses .. .. .. 3,536 0 9 Tuition fees .. .. .. .. 885 1 6 Tuition expenses .. .. .. 3,512 4 8 Government capitation— Advances to boarders .. .. .. 128 18 0 Free places.. .. ~ .. 93 10 0 Prizes .. . . .. .. 80 6 3 Manual instruction .. .. .. 153 9 0 Stationery .. .. .. .. 28 8 7 Government grants for salaries of staff .. 3,289 5 8 Printing and stationery .. .. 118 10 0 Boarders' advances .. .. ~ 115 0 1 Gas.. .. .. .. .. 102 18 8 Refund of salary, art instructor.. .. 50 0 0 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 610 5 Repairs .. .. .. .. 842 2 9 Secretary .. .. .. .. 209 4 0 Governors' and auditors' foes .. .. 49 10 0 Scholarships— Endowed .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Foundation .. .. .. 29 0 0 Barnicoat prize .. .. .. 3 0 0 Insurances .. .. .. .. 50 9 6 Telephone .. .. .. .. 7 9 4 Office-rent, £6 55.; cleaning, £2 15s. .. 9 0 0 Scientific apparatus .. .. .. 6 3 11 Law expenses .. .. .. 2 610 Grounds .. . . 13 13 0 Petty cash, postages, and sundries .. 23 15 6 £8,714 11 3 £8,769 12 2 Capital Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Stock sold .. .. .. .. 1,756 19 1 Furniture, Girl's College ' .. .. 26 11 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 234 2 0 Sanitary Block, Boys' College .. .. 886 11 1 Cash, Post Office Savings-bank, 31st De- Married couple's quarters .. .. 243 13 0 cember, 1919 .. .. .. 96 15 0 Deposit at bank .. .. .. 2,173 10 0 Cash, Bank of New Zealand .. .. 405 8 6 Cash, Post Office Savings-bank, 31st DeBank of New Zealand .. .. .. 2,173 10 0 cember, 1920 . .' .. .. 96 15 0 Cash on hand .. .. .. 26 2 6 Additions to sanatorium .. .. 183 10 0 Bank overdraft ~ .. .. 191 17 9 Maids' room . . .. .. .. 200 7 6 Inscribed stock .. .. .. 833 6 4 Hostel-site .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 £4,884 14 10 £5,144 3 11 £27,567 16 9 £27,567 16 9 Statement of Amounts due to Board and, of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Mortgage on college .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Rents due .. .. .. .. 474 10 0 Scholarship Endowment Account .. 2,875 0 0 Interest duo .. .. .. .. 23 7 6 Library and Reading-room Account .. 2,173 10 0 Fees due .. .. .. .. 596 4 8 Governors' fees .. .. .. 100 0 0 Advances to boarders .. .. .. 433 13 8 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 191 17 9 Cash at Post; Office Savings-bank .. 98 15 0 Cash on deposit, Bank of "New Zealand .. 2,173 10 0 War loan (Scholarship funds) .. .. 1,000 0 0 Mortgage securities .. .. 1, 950 0 0 £9,340 7 9 £6,748 0 10



GREYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. (Not in operation; returns not available.) HOKITIKA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. (High School not in operation.) General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1,731 4 0 I Proportion of office salaries .. .. 25 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 2 8 6 Board .. .. .. .. 43 6 8 Subsidy to Education Board .. .. 95 0 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Rates, insurance, and repairs .. .. 47 1 10 serves .. .. .. .. 37 910 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,710 3 2 Interest on moneys derived from endowments .. .. .. .. 67 13 0 £1,879 13 6 £1,879 13 6 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Nil. Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. 1,37115 2 Hokitika Savings-bank .. .. 338 8 0 £1,710 3 2 RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 14 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 279 12 0 Transfers to other accounts— Hostels Account .. .. .. 69 19 4 General Account .. .. .. 28 14 2 New Building Account .. .. 47 2 3 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 119 16 3 £279 12 0 £279 12 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Buildings and Sites ( 'apital Account :— School .. .. .. .. 4,575 0 0 Purchase of sites .. .. .. 1,575 0 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. 76 19 3 School building .. .. .. 3,003 18 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Furniture .. .. .. .. 102 10 0 count .. . . .. .. 47 2 3 Agricultural plot . . .. .. 9 110 Rent, agricultural land .. .. 8 2 6 £4,699 1 6 £4,699 1 6 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 1,170 18 4 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 218 15 3 Arrears of fees .. .. .. 231 1 6 Provisions .. .. .. .. 487 6 11 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 87 1 4 count .. .. .. .. 69 19 4 Wages of matron and staff .. .. 245 3 4 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 66 4 3 Insurance, rates, interest, &c. .. 72 0 7 Other expenses .. .. .. 247 17 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. 179 19 0 £1,538 3 5 £1,538 3 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account ; — count :— Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 311 5 8 teachers.. .. .. .. 2,426 14 9 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,825 0 6 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses .. .. .. 311 14 8 penses . . .. .. .. 385 00 j Interest on overdraft .. .. 13 9 0 Government capitation for classes for Agriculture .. .. .. 304 11 0 manual instruction .. .. 62 7 0 Manual and technical .. .. 32 3 3 School fees .. .. .. 184 16 8 Insurance .. .. • .. .. 9 17 8 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Technical Account .. .. .. 54 9 0 poses (not new buildings) .. .. 27 10 0 Rent .. .. .. .. 10 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 2 4 6 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 17 16 6 Audit fees (fines) .. .. .. 5 3 (i Agriculture .. .. .. 68 19 3 Arrears, 1920 (capitation) .. .. 492 6 6 Arrears, 1920 (Education Board). .. 131 5 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 17 15 7 Transfer to Endowments Income Account 28 14 2 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 48 10 4 £3,881 7 3 £3,881 7 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. (Returns not available.)

6—E. 6.



CHRIST'S COLLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOARD General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 87 2 9 Proportion of office salaries and office Interest on moneys derived from endow- expenses .. .. .. 134 6 0 ments .. .. .. .. 2,957 15 6 General estate expenses .. .. 239 Ii 5 Transfers to — Reserves Fund .. . . . . 200 0 0 General Account . . .. .. 2,471 5 10 £-3,044 18 3 £3,044 18 3 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 12,847 8 5 Proportion of offices expenses .. 225 0 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 5,502 2 4 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. . . 872 10 6 Salaries and wages . . .. .. 2,966 5 7 Furniture, utensils, &<: .. .. 426 0 0 Transfer to School General Account .. 1,646 14 7 Repairs to buildings .. 1,008 11 I Other expenses .. .. .. 200 4 4 £12,847 8 5 £12,847 8 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count:— School fees .. .. .. 10,335 010 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 485 18 9 Interest and rents .. .. .. 207 10 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,652 0 10 Subscription to Games Fund .. .. 521 8 2 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,271 16 9 Scholarship trust funds .. .. 1,244 511 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 1,244 511 Profit on disbursements .. .. 216 8 5 Maintenance of buildings . . .. 285 17 5 Transfers from— Rates, taxes, and insurance .. . . 206 0 0 Hostels Account .. .. .. 1,646 13 10 Interest on overdraft and rent .. 1,252 0 3 Sundry Estate Accounts .. .. 2,964 9 0 Board's contributions to pensions .. 352 8 9 Grant to Prize Fund .. .. 50 0 0 Stationery Account . . .. . . 45 12 2 Transfers to— Chapel Account . .. .. 114 1111 Games Account . . .. .. 543 14 II Buildings Account .. .. 1,731 8 6 £17,185 16 2 £17,185 16 2 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Unpaid purchase-money for sites .. 3,450 0 0 Rents .. .. .. .. 815 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 7 0 3 Lower-department fees .. .. 19 16 8 Boarding-fees .. .. .. 391 16 0 Advances to boarders .. .. .. 1,296 14 7 Secondary-school fees .. .. .. 131 19 6 £3,450 0 0 ; £1,856 2 0


CHRISTCHURCH BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses, Board .. .. .. .. 6,607 011 and proportion of travelling-expenses Court award in settlement of claim for of Board members .. .. 253 510 putting Reserve 1176 in order .. 250 0 0 Exponses connected with— Endowments . . .. ./. 47 3 5 Share of cost of inspection of reserves 189 10 4 Contract for putting Reserve 1176 in order .. .. .. .. 307 0 0 Transfer to other accounts — New Buildings Account .. .. 2,954 410 General Account— For repairs to buildings .. .. 340 4 7 For salaries .. .. .. 2,765 11 11 £6,857 0 11 £6,857 0 11 BUILDINOS AND SITES CAPITAL ACCOUNT :— BUILDINGS AND SITES CAPITAL ACCOUNT :— Sale of hay.. .. .. .. 15 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 4,475 19 1 Interest on Buildings Sinking Fund .. 67 12 5 Purchase of site, Opawa .. .. 5,421 7 (i Transfer"from Endowments Income Ac- Field draining and levelling (Ricearton count .. .. .. •• 2,954 410 site) .. .. .. .. 661 5 6 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 9,182 8 5 Interest on loans for buildings and sites.. 1,507 18 1 Isolation accommodation for infectious diseases at hostel .. .. . . 152 15 ti £12,219 5 8 £12,219 5 8 Hostels Account : — Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 2,143 15 0 Balance, 3lst December, 1920 .. 379 14 5 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 963 12 5 Proportion of office expenses . . .. 116 1 3 Provisions .. .. . . .. 980 0 2 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 222 9 9 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 1,113 14 9 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 91 19 2 Repairs to buildings .. .. 133 13 5 Insurance and interest .. .. 59 14 2 Library books .. .. .. 10 0 4 £3,107 7 5 £3,107 7 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1,869 14 11 teachers .. .. .. •• 6,956 12 4 Incidental exponses .. .. .. 1,553 12 5 Balance, Government capitation for free Maintenance of classes for manual inplaces (1920) .. .. ■• 1,197 16 7 struetion.. .. .. .. 103 16 0 Government capitation for classes for Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 7,683 18 5 manual instruction .. .. 147 9 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 230 3 6 Government payment for incidental ex- Insurance .. .. .. .. 30 1 1 penses .. .. . • • • 1,267 10 0 Rent of additional playground .. 80 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 433 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 2,522 9 7 Government payment for salaries and incidentals (balance, 1920) . . .. 147 7 6 Sale of material (woodwork class) .. 14 17 5 Interest .. • • 144 11 7 Sale of firewood (Opawa site) .. .. 101 5 0 Adjustment of stock, &c. .. .. 57 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account — For maintenance of buildings .. 340 4 7 For salaries .. .. .. 2,765 11 11 £13,573 15 11 £13,573 15 11 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. | Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sites: Unpaid purchase-money, Ricearton Rents .. .. .. .. 971 11 9 site .. .. ".. -. 6,000 0 0 I Boarding-fees .. .. .. 36 10 0 Principal of loans, National Insurance Com- Technical capitation .. .. .. 162 15 6 pany .. •• •• •• 13,000 0 0 Secondary-school fees .. .. .. 4 0 0 Hostels Account —Sundry creditors .. 72 910 Secondary General Account — Due to Department—Salaries, &c. .. 2,689 5 1 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 7,623 11 3 £29,385 6 2 £1,174 17 3




CHRISTCHURCH GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses, Board .. .. .. .. 375 5 8 and proportion of travelling-expenses of Board members .. .. 19 1 8 Share of cost of inspection of reserves . . 13-13 6 Transfer to other accounts— New Buildings Account .. .. 167 8 8 General Account, for repairs to buildings 175 110 £375 5 8 £375 5 8 Endowments Capital Account:— Knuowmknts Capital Account: Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 2,759 12 11 Transfers to Buildings Account .. 2,759 12 11 £2,759 12 11 £2,759 12 11 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant for purchase of hostel- Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 3,601 8 3 site .. .. .. .. 3,950 0 0 Purchase of sites .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 House-rent (Avonside site) .. .. 78 0 0 Structural alterations to hostel .. 74 14 11 Transfers from— Principal of loans repaid .. .. 1,418 11 4 Endowments Capital Account 2,759 12 11 Interest on loans for buildings and sites 106 0 0 Endowments Income Account .. 167 8 8 Balance, 31st December, 1921 . . 245 12 11 £7,200 14 6 £7,200 14 6 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— School fees .. .. .. 274 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 . . 25 18 2 Sale of work .. .. .. 32 17 2 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 208 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 58 15 6 Balance, 31st December, 1921 . . 14 3 6 £306 17 2 £306 17 2 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 1,901 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1,501 110 Piano-practice fees .. .. .. 33 10 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 64 10 9 House-rent, Shrewsbury Street .. 20 0S) Provisions .. .. ■ .. .. 694 10 4 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,994 18 0 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 136 12 2 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 613 13 11 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. . . 342 8 2 Repairs to buildings .. .. 57 1 8 Insurance, rates, rent, &c. .. . . 516 .3 2 Care of grounds .. .. .. 18 6 0 Moving-expenses .. .. .. 11 10 0 £3,955 18 0 £3,955 18 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1920 . . 570 12 5 teachers .. .. .. .. 6,478 6 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 6,895 18 7 Government capitation for free places Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,206 1 2 (balance, 1920) .. .. . . 395 7 10 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment capitation for classes for struction.. .. .. .. 225 19 10 manual instruction .. .. 318 9 1 , Maintenance of buildings (alterations and Government payment for incidental ex- repairs) .. .. .. .. 145 7 7 penses .. .. .. .. 1,282 10 0 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 29 14 3 Government payment for salaries and Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 212 5 5 incidentals (balance, 1920) .. .. 30 12 6 Government grant for apparatus . . 47 15 9 School fees .. .. . . 352 15 0 Proceeds from cookery class .. .. 205 0 11 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. 175 1 10 £9,285 19 3 £9,285 19 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. ' Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sites —Unpaid purchase-money, hostel .. 4,500 0 0 Rents .. .. .. .. 152 5 6 Principal of loans, State advance .. 649 14 0 | Boarding-fees.. .. .. .. 55 5 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 2,014 2 0 . Technical capitation .. .. .. 166 7 10 Salaries from Department .. .. 64 17 3 £7,163 16 0 £438 15 7



AKAROA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921 Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account:— £ s d. Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1,304 12 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 15 15 0 Current income from reserves vested in Travelling-expenses, members of Board 2 13 4 Board .. .. .. .. 314 8 9 Medals .. .. .. .. 6 15 6 Interest on moneys on fixed deposit .. 0 0 0 Fencing in reserves .. .. .. 15 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,584 17 5 £1,625 1 3 £1,625 1 3 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Voluntary contributions for new build- Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 22 4 1 ings, &c. .. .. .. 22 4 1 £22 4 1 £22 4 1 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 540 18 3 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 475 18 7 Rent of hostel .. .. .. 21 1 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 231 0 2 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 695 8 7 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 54 10 6 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 155 1 8 Furniture, utensils, &.o. .. .. 51 17 8 Repairs to buildings .. .. 46 16 3 Insurances, rates, &c. .. .. 7 0 8 Other expenses .. .. .. 82 12 4 Rent of hostel .. .. .. 152 10 0 £1,257 7 10 £1,257 7 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Inabilities. £ s. d. | Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Bank overdraft .. .. .. 60 11 2 Boarding-fees .. .. .. 78 0 0 Investments .. .. .. .. 800 0 0 Fixed deposit .. .. .. 150 0 0 Cash in Post Office Savings-bank .. 22 4 1 £60 11 2 £1,050 4 1 ASHBURTON HTGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of offico salaries .. .. 20 O 0 Board .. .. .. .. 1,050 4 0 Interest on overdraft .. .. 389 6 9 Rates, reserves .. .. .. 37 9 0 Rates, reserves .. .. .. 37 9 0 Transfers to— General Account, for repairs to buildings .. .. .. .. 168 0 7 New Buildings Account .. .. 472 16 8 £1,087 13 0 £1,087 13 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Butldinos and Sites Capital Account :— Grant for service equipment .. .. 76 16 4 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 6,323 6 5 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Hostel additions .. .. .. 406 19 4 count .. .. .. .. 472 16 8 Apparatus, manual .. .. .. 170 13 7 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 6,356 8 10 Furniture .. .. .. .. 5 2 6 £6,906 1 10 £6,906 1 10 Lower Department Account : — Lower Department Account :— School fees.. .. .. .. 190 17 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 38 3 5 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 41 8 2 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 144 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 50 1 9 £232 5 2 £232 5 2 Hostels Account : — Hostels Account -.--■ Boarding-fees .. .. .. 2,002 9 5 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 104 3 5 Refunds .. .. .. •• 114 11 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 20 0 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 954 Hi 0 Fuel, light, &o. .. .. .. 114 7 5 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 616 17 8 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 37 8 0 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 58 16 2 Insurance, rates, and water .. .. 16 10 8 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 81 5 0 £2,004 4 4 £2,004 4 4 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 117 6 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 56 7 6 Total receipts (woodwork) .. .. 45 0 0 £56 7 6 £56 7 6

7—E. 6.



ASHBURTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD - continued. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921 — continued. Receipts. Payments. Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— £ s. d. count : — £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 684 18 9 l Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,921 2 11 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 422 3 6 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,893 12 8 Maintenance (including material) of Government capitation for classes for classes for manual instruction .. 52 6 3 manual instruction .. . . 133 16 0 i Scholarships and buisaries .. .. 81 10 4 Government payment for incidental ex- Maintenance of buildings .. .. 129 10 10 penses .. .. .. .. 442 10 0 Rates, taxes, and water .. .. 38 9 9 School fees .. .. .. 73 12 2 Expenses—Urquhart case .. .. 295 19 2 Bursaries .. .. .. . . 52 10 0 Repayments to Department on account Voluntary contributions for prizes .. 7 4 0 of Urquhart ease .. .. .. 246 2 8 Refunds' .. .. .. .. 8 0 6 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 271 19 3 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 168 0 7 £4,459 4 8 £4,459 4 8 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of .Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Boaid. £ s. d. Scholarship Account .. .. .. 15 0 0 Rents .. .. .. .. 72 3 0 Urquhart case .. .. .. 400 0 0 Lower-department fees .. .. 34 16 0 Secondary General Account .. ... 27 1 8 Hostels Account .. .. .. 77 0 0 Bank overdraft .. .. 6,000 0 0 Boarding-fees.. .. .. .. 109 11 5 Technical and manual .. .. .. 64 5 4 Secondary-school fees .. .. .. 8 0 0 Salaries due from Department .. .. 131 6 10 Bursary .. .. .. .. 29 0 4 Balance, current account .. .. 11 14 9 Scholarship Account—Bank .. .. 27 16 10 £6,442 1 8 £565 14 6 TIMARU HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account -.— £ s. d Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 50 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 2,529 14 8 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 54 14 10 Proportion of travelling-expenses of Board members .. .. .. 15 13 9 Costs, £26 15s. 6d. ; steward of reserves, £50; sundries, £13 4s. ; drainage, £94 7s. .. .. .. .. 184 6 6 Transfers to— New Buildings Account .. .. 1,879 1 2 General Account .. .. .. 345 18 5 £2,529 14 8 £2,529 14 8 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 535 7 11 Science apparatus .. .. .. 110 12 5 Government grants for laboratories .. 100 0 0 Sanitary Block .. .. .. 598 7 6 Loans raised for buildings .. .. 3,000 0 0 Rectory bath-house .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Transfers from — Removal of old buildings .. .. 302 19 6 Endowments Income Account .. 1,879 1 2 Hostel (Girls'), £2,623 15s. lOd. ; furniGeneral Account, paid by Rector—ln- ture, £298 6s. 2d. ; laboratories, terest and instalment account .. 466 13 4 £266 Bs. 7d. .. .. .. 3,188 10 7 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 492 14 10 Laying out grounds, roadway, &c. .. 213 18 6 School furniture .. .. .. 94 3 3 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 513 19 2 Interest on loans for buildings .. 386 3 4 Bank interest re buildings .. .. 65 3 0 £6,473 17 3 £6,473 17 3 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, Ist January, 1921 .. .. 128 17 7 Salaries .. .. .. .. 670 6 0 Tuition fees .. .. .. 915 16 8 Cleaning .. .. .. .. 24 16 4 Printing and stationery .. .. 4 4 0 Prizes .. .. .. .. 6 3 6 Repairs .. .. .. .. 19 9 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 1 14 8 Bank charge .. .. .. 010 0 Desks, forms, blackboards .. .. 64 10 9 Tiled roof .. .. .. .. 22 18 0 Instalment on buildings .. .. 100 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 130 2 0 £1,044 14 3 £1,044 14 3



TIMARU HIGH SCHOOL BOARD—continued. General Statement of Accounts fok the Year ended 31st December, 1921 continued. Receipts. Payments. Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— £ s. d. Government payment for salaries of £ s. d. | Balance. 31st December, 1920 .. 238 0 7 teachers .. .. .. .. 5,065 0 9 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 6,092 9 1 Government capitation for classes for Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,01050 manual instruction .. .. 186 16 6 ! Maintenance of classes for manual inSchoolfees.. .. .. .. 426 17 10 I struction.. .. .. .. 29 7 8 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. 96 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 204 4 9 Rent .. .. .. . . 717 6 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. , ~ 141 13 8 Government payment for incidental ex- Sundries .. .. .. .. 33 6 6 penses .. .. .. . . 945 0 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 115 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account, for repairs, rates .. .. 345 18 5 Balance, 31st December, 1921 687 1 3 £7,760 12 3 £7,760 12 3 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Principal of loans, Government Life Insur- Rents .. .. .. .. 635 14 10 ance Department .. .. .. 10,138 610 Technical Instruction Account .. .. 87 15 5 Sundry creditors .. . . .. 80 5 5 Secondary-school fees .. .. .. 81 18 8 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 1,179 16 1 Salaries due from Department .. .. 473 13 4 £11,398 8 4 £1,279 2 3 WAIMATE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. [School not in operation.] General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 3,285 1 3 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 30 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Petty cash, £2 ; audit, 13s. 4d. ; bank Board .. .. .. .. 356 13 0 charges, 10s. .. .. .. 3 3 4 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Rent, £16 ss. ; insurance, £2 12s. 6d. . . 18 17 6 ments .. .. .. . . 175 0 0 Subsidy, Tochnical Classes Association, Office-rent, ss. ; refund of insurance, £1.0; wool class for High School £1 6s. .. .. .. .. 111 0 pupils, £3 10s. .. .. .. 13 10 0 Refund of valuation fees .. .. 3 3 0 Valuation fees, £12 lis.; advertisements. 14s. .. . . .. .. 13 5 0 Transfer to General Account .. 346 0 2 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 3,396 12 3 £3,821 8 3 £3,821 8 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Transfer from Endowments Income Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 186 15 0 Account .. • • • • • • 346 0 2 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 126 5 0 Prizes .. .. .. .. 16 4 2 Examination fees, £11 lis. ; advertisements, £5 ss. .. .. .. 16 16 0 £346 0 2 £346 0 2 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. ■ ■ 29 4 3 War loan .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Investments, mortgages .. 2,625 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 193 18 0 Balance, current account .. .. 77 14 3 £29 4 3 £3,396 12 3



WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments|lncomeJAccount : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account i — £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1,035 9 1 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 106 5 0 Current income from reserves vested in Ranger—Salary .. .. . . 20 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 1,991 14 9 Auctioneer and law costs .. .. 105 11 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Valuator .. .. ... . . 35 14 0 serves .. .. .. .. 311 9 8 Repairs, endowment buildings .. 69 4 0 Transfer from Hostels Account . . 61 12 8 Proportion of travelling-expenses of Board members .. .. .. 2 10 Transfers to— New Buildings Account .. .. 1,500 0 0 General Account .. .. .. 733 3 9 Hostels Account • • • • • • 616 2 8 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 187 4 9 £3,400 6 2 £3,400 6 2 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 2,200 0 0 : Purchase of site, &0., Girls' Hostel .. 1,826 12 2 Reinstatement, Boys' School . . 4,997 0 0 Additions, dormitory, Boys' School . . 57 10 0 ■ Girls' Hostel .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Alterations, Girls' School" .. .. 46 1 0 Sewing-machines .. .. .. 30 0 0 Reinstatement, Boys' School.. .. 5,190 19 6 Interest on deposit.. .. .. 24 19 8 Fittings .. .. .. 1,112 ' 0 Transfer from Endowment.-) Income Ac- Water-supply, Boys' School . . .. 612 3 5 count .. .. .. ..- 1,500 0 0 Military hutment' .. .. .. Hi 8 1 Sewing-machines, Girls' School .. 60 0 0 Coal-shed .. .. .. .. 145 0 0 Window-shutters and coal-chute .. 74 14 0 Maps .. .. .. .. 20 3 3 Clock, Boys' School .. .. 14 5 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 0 2 6 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 981 0 9 £10,251 19 8 £10,251 19 8 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 108 8 8 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 216 13 4 School fees .. .. .. 409 10 8 Incidental expenses .. .. 151 0 6 Proportion of boarding profits .. 148 7 1 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 298 11 II £666 5 9 £666 5 9 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 619 0 0 : Proportion of office expenses .. 25 0 0 Sale of range (repairs) . . .. 17 0 Provisions .. .. .. . . 233 17 2 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 43 19 8 count .. .. .. .. 616 2 8 Wages :. . . .. .. 204 5 8 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 23 14 8 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 629 0 6 Repairs to buildings .. . . 17 19 8 Insurance, rates, interest, &c. .. 17 16 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 26 13 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. . . 61 12 8 £1,260 4 4 £1,260 4 4 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 85 2 5 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 6,704 2 2 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. 1,076 11 6 teachers .. .. .. .. 5,819 0 0 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment payment for incidental ex- struction .. .. .. 115 18 1 penses .. .. .. .. 1,072 10 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 39 9 4 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of buildings . . . . 733 3 9 manual instruction .. .. 319 510 Refund of capitation overpaid, 1920 .. 500 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 826 10 0 Transfer to Lower Department Account 148 7 1 Proportion of boarding profits .. 811 16 9 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 983 6 6 Scholarships .. .. .. 35 9 4 Government payment for adjustment, 1920 .. •■ •• 598 0 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Account 733 3 9 £10,300 18 5 £10,300 18 5 Statement of Amounts due to Board and, of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Building contracts .. .. .. 4,190 00 : Rents .. .. .. .. 658 3 0 Oamaru Borough —Water and light supply 239 9 6 Reinstatement, Boys' School .. .. 2,003 0 0 Furniture unpaid .. .. .. 200 0 0 Boarding-fees .. .. .. 20 0 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 39 10 8 Secondary-school fees .. .. .. 10 0 0 Salaries due from Department .. .. 48 10 0 Fixed deposit .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 412 9 3 Cash on hand .. .. .. 14 0 0 £4,669 0 2 £5,166 2 3



OTAGO HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st Deoemlsek,, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current incomo from reserves vestod in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 140 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 3,045 11 4 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 39 16 4 Revenue from secondary-education re- Proportion of travelling - expenses of serves .. .. .. .. 617 2 7 Board members .. .. .. 018 0 Valuations, &c. .. .. .. 113 2 Transfers to— New Buildings Account .. .. 2,929 18 2 General Account . . .. .. 540 18 3 £3,662 13 11 £3,662 13 11 Buildings and Sites Capital Account : — Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— Government grant for additions, Otago Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 3,374 15 9 Girls' High School .. .. 2,118 1 3 Additions, Girls' School .. .. 7,412 19 8 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Interest on loans for buildings .. 162 3 0 count .. .. .. .. 2,929 18 2 Rebuilding at rectory .. ... 4,062 2 4 Rebuilding at Otago Boys' High School Legal Charges Account, overdraft .. 41 17 6 Rectory.. .. .. .. 4,059 10 0 Proceeds of sale of old material from rectory .. .. .. .. 25 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 5,920 18 10 £15,053 18 3 £15,053 18 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary' Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 286 1 3 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 13,292 8 5 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,076 11 4 teachers .. ' .. .. .. 12,569 5 3 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment payment for incidental ex- struction.. .. .. .. 290 4 6 penses .. .. .. .. 2,287 10 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 118 15 0 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of buildings .. .. 560 18 3 manual instruction . . .. 448 17 2 Rectory ground-rent .. .. 72 0 0 School fees .. .. .. 584 13 4 Tennis-courts —Girls' School .. .. 681 2 6 Refunds .. .. .. . . 22 6 8 Balance, 31st Docember, 1921 .. 177 16 6 Government grant for sewing-machines 12 10 4 Government capitation for part-time free pupils .. .. .. .. 298 19 0 Rectory ground-rent .. .. 72 0 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 118 15 0 Dalrymple prize .. .. .. 319 9 G. H. Stewart prize .. .. 4 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 540 18 3 Proceeds of sale of old heating-boiler .. 20 0 0 £17,269 16 6 £17,269 16 6 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Building contracts .. .. .. 214 13 4 Rents .. .. .. .. 204 17 5 War bursaries due .. .. .. 30 0 0 Secondary-school fees .. .. .. 4 0 0 Tennis-courts .. .. .. 104 15 4 j Salaries due from Government .. 189 1 6 Miscellaneous accounts .. .. 201 15 3 War bursaries due from Government .. 30 0 t) Bank overdraft .. .. .. 6,225 18 8 Balance, current account .. .. 482 16 4 £6,777 2 7 £910 15 3



GORE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Insurance on hostel building and workserves .. .. .. .. 110 4 7 men .. .. .. .. 23 12 0 Balance 31st December, 1921 .. 5 11 5 Borough rates .. .. .. 34 18 0 Transfers to General Account— For repairs to buildings .. ~ 57 6 0 £115 16 0 £115 16 0 Agricultural Endowment Account: — Agricultural Endowment Account:— Income from Reserves .. .. 38 15 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 38 15 0 £38 15 0 £38 15 0 Buildings and Sites Capital Account :— BUILDINGS and Sites Capital Account :— Government grants for hostel in course Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 35 19 II of erection .. .. .. 5,685 0 0 Hostel in course of erection .. 4,640 9 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 1,008 11 1 £5,685 0 0 £5,685 0 0 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account : — Total receipts .. .. .. 314 18 9 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1 11 10 Total payments .. .. .. 274 7 6 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 38 19 5 £314 18 9 -. £314 18 9 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 72 9 7 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 2,889 15 8 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. 530 1 9 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,616 3 I. Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment capitation for classes for struction .. . . .. 17 12 9 manual instruction .. .. 90 18 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 57 6 0 Government grant for carpenter's tools 27 7 0 Southland Education Board (cookery anil School fees . . .. .. 146 16 8 woodwork classes) . . .. 90 18 0 Refunds .. .. . . .. 78 10 8 Refund to paying-pupil .. .. 115 0 Rent of schoolroom.. . . .. 5 10 0 Sale of supplies to pupils . . .. 44 10 0 Government payment for incidental expenses . . .. .. .. 404 16 8 Transfers from Endowments Revenue Account— Repairs and maintenance, buildings .. 57 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 43 1 6 £3,587 9 2 £3,587 9 2 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. tl. i Amounts due to Board. £ s. d' Building contracts .. .. .. 2,184 13 8 j Rents .. .. .. .. 16 18 3 Borough rates . . .. .. 53 1 9 j Mataura endowmont for agricultural Hostel Buildings Account — classes .. .. . . . . 25 0 0 Advertising .. .. ... 1 4 0 Grants due from Government .. .. 1,183 1 0 Insurance on workmen .. . . 16 0 0 Rent, class-room .. .. .. 510 0 Secondary General Account — : Balance, salaries .. .. .. 715 0 Advertising, rent, and sundry accounts 23 15 1 : Balance, incidentals .. .. .. 2 14 0 Due Hostel Buildings Account .. 619 5 Secondary General Account — Incidentals overpaid by Department .. 0 10 0 Fume cupboard .. .. .. 7 10 0 Capitation, science classes .. . . 24 16 2 Salaries due from Department .. 153 15 8 Fees for technical classes .. . . 10 0 Borough of Gore—Due for compensation .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 1,037 12 7 £2,286 3 11 £2,565 12 8



SOUTHLAND HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 7,970 111 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 60 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. 30 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 2,045 18 8 Inspection and legal expenses .. 44 11 8 Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to General Account — serves .. .. .. .. 327 12 5 For repairs to buildings .. .. 236 17 6 For rates and insurance .. .. 43 13 1 For salaries .. .. .. 1,958 8 10 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 7,970 ill £10,343 13 0 £10,343 13 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 687 18 11 teachers.. .. .. .. 4,883 1 1 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 6,862 13 9 Government payment for incidental ex- Incidental expenses . . .. 946 14 0 penses .. .. .. .. 1,077 10 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 236 17 6 Government capitation for classes for Rates and taxes .. .. .. 43 13 1 manual instruction .. .. 244 7 4 War bursary .. .. .. 22 10 0 Sohool fees .. .. .. 269 15 0 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 108 7 7 Interest .. .. . . . . 146 10 9 War bursary .. .. .. 22 10 0 Gymnasium (rent) .. .. .. 26 1 3 Transfers from Endowments Income Account:— For repairs to buildings .. .. 236 17 6 For rates and insurance .. .. 43 13 1 For salaries .. .. .. 1,958 8 10 £8,908 14 10 £8,908 14 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Ijiabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 69 4 11 Endowments Income Account—Collocted by Lands Department .. .. 47 16 3 Rents .. .. .. .. 903 13 3 Interest accrued, but not due .. 113 1 11 Technical Instruction Account—Capitation, manual and technical .. 11 11 10 Salaries due from Government .. 22 19 2 Fixed deposit .. .. .. 7,187 10 0 Balance, current account .. .. 890 13 6 £69 4 11 £9,177 11 11 ■■— , i g - ~i . .---.—

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing {925 copies), £80.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 922

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1921.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1922 Session I, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1921.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1922 Session I, E-06

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1921.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1922 Session I, E-06

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