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Session 11. 1921. NEW ZEALAND


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Memorandum, for the Hon. the Native Minister. Native Department, 18th September, 1921. I have the honour to submit the preliminary results of the census of the Maori population which was taken during the month of April last. * The total Maori population, according to the census, amounted to 52,751 persons. The following table shows the population as recorded in previous years : —

The figures show a substantial increase, but this is probably due a good deal to the inclusion of returned soldiers as compared with the census taken in 1916. The details of the census are set out in the tables attached hereto, and extracts from the reports of the Enumerators are also attached. The census for the South Island was again taken with the European census, the Natives and half-castes there being regarded as living as Europeans. C. B. Jordan, Under-Secretary. EXTRACTS FROM THE REPORTS OF THE ENUMERATORS. Mr. W. E. Goite, Enumerator for the Counties of Mangonui, Whangaroa, Hokianga, Bay of Islands, Whangarei, Hobson, Otamatea, Rodney, Waitemata, Eden, and Great Barrier. A comparison of the figures with those recorded for the 1916 census shows that the Maori and half-caste population has increased by 527, which is very pleasing. The health of the Natives in this district, it is pleasing to report, continues to be good since the dreadful influenza scourge which visited us in 1918 and caused the death of hundreds of valuable lives.

Year. Persons. Increase. Decrease. 1867 (approximate estimate) 1871 1874 (first census) 1878 .. 1881 .. 1886 .. 1891 .. 1896 .. 1901 .. 1906 .. 1911 .. 1916 .. 1921 .. 38,540 37,502 45,470 43,595 44,097 41,969 41,993 39,854 43,143 47,731 49,844 49,776 52,751 502 24 1,875 2,128 2,139 3,289 4,588 2,113 68 2,975


The Maori Councils are responsible for splendid work in enforcing regulations which provide for improved sanitary conditions, and for the general uplifting of the standard of the Native race. The Maori Health Department, under Dr. Buck and his assistants (nurses and inspectors), is to be eulogized for the prompt and capable manner in which the ravages of sickness and disease have been combated in the northern counties, with the happy result that the district is in a clean and healthy condition. During my visits north I have observed little evidence of poverty among the Natives. Many families are amongst the suppliers to the dairy factories, their cheques ranging from £5 to £50 or more per month. They appear to be a happy, prosperous, and contented people, and there appears to be a much greater desire to be industrious than was the case some years ago. A great number follow farming pursuits, ploughing, draining, and shearing, while many are engaged in roadmaking, bushfelling, and gum-digging to " keep the pot boiling." The Maoris are honest and capable workers if left alone, and they would continue to be so if left unspoiled by the pakeha agitator who, unfortunately, at the present time is endeavouring to instil into their innocent minds all the vile tricks of his trade. Tohungaism is now little practised and is virtually extinct. It will remain in that condition until disturbed by some " bright shining light " trying to outshine the famous Ratana when he has completed his projected tour through the country. I understand that Ratana has received numerous invitations to visit various tribes in their centres ; but, in my opinion, he should be strongly advised to stay at home. Mr. W. H. Bowler, Enumerator for the Counties of Manukau, Franklin, Coromandel, Thames, Hauraki Plains, Piako, Waikato, Raglan, Waipa, Matamata, West Taupo, Ohura, Waitomo, Awakino, and Kawhia, and in Waiheke and adjacent Islands. It is pleasing to be able to report an increase of the Maori population in this district. Several of the sub-enumerators report that they have had difficulty in arriving at correct returns. In some cases information has been deliberately suppressed. Some returns, therefore, whilst substantially accurate, probably understate the figures. Certain sections of the Waikato Natives seem to fear that the census details may be used for military or taxation purposes. I would like to express my appreciation of the work of the sub-enumerators. They have had a rather difficult task, and have in all cases carried out their duties in a very efficient manner. Apart from particular cases, the general state of health is reported to be good. The influenza epidemic took a heavy toll in some localities in 1918, but there has been no recurrence or any other serious outbreak. My own conclusion is that the Maori is becoming gradually educated up to a better standard of hygienic living, and that his social and economic position is still on the up grade. A marked drift of population is noticeable in some cases. I think that the reason of this is that more Natives are working for Europeans. A large number are employed in Government works on the Hauraki Plains and elsewhere. It was a wise move to take this census in April instead of in October as was done on the last occasion. The sub-enumerators have generally been favoured with good weather, and I think that the returns are as accurate as it is possible to get them. Mr. T. Anaru, Enumerator for the Counties of Opotiki, Whakatane, Tauranga, Rotorua, and East Taupo. According to the reports of the sub-enumerators the health of the Maoris throughout the districts generally is good, save for whooping-cough in some parts, which is not considered to be serious. In the Whakatane County the majority of the population is engaged in farming and dairying, and the principal crop grown is maize. In the district around Rotorua the Natives are very industrious, most of the land in the vicinity of the kaingas being under cultivation. Mr. H. S. King, Enumerator for the Counties of Hawke's Bay, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Patangata, Dannevirke, Woodville, Pahiatua, Eketahuna, Mauriceville, Masterton, Akitio, Castlepoint, Wairarapa South, and Featherston. The returns show a marked decrease from the census taken in 1916, and there is no reason to doubt the accuracy of the work of the sub-enumerators, as, with one exception, they performed the same work on the occasion of the previous census, and they were all persons well acquainted with the districts and the Natives living therein. A fairly heavy toll was taken from the Maoris during the epidemic which swept through the country at the end of 1918, but I do not think that the total decrease can be attributed to this, and it may be that quite a number were away from their homes following Tahu Ratana, whose journeyings through the country were followed by a large number of Natives. In the Hawke's Bay District very few of the Natives are farming for themselves, but they do most of the shearing, for which they receive good wages. Elsewhere a considerable number of the Natives are farming and dairying in a small way, while a number are engaged in general farm work. The reports of the sub-enumerators show the health of the Maoris generally to be good.




Mr. L. M. Grace, Enumerator for the Counties of Hutt, Makara, Horowhenua, Kairanga, Manawatu, Oroua, Pohangina, and Kiwitea. A comparison of the figures with those of the last Maori census (1916) shows an increase of 176 Maoris and half-caste Maoris in these counties. The sub-enumerators engaged were all good reliable men, and thoroughly acquainted with their respective districts. I have every confidence, therefore, in expressing the opinion that the census returns sent in by them are as accurate as it is possible to obtain under the circumstances. The reports of the sub-enumerators indicate that the health of the Maoris throughout these counties is good. Mr. H. H. Carr, Enumerator for the Counties of Wairoa, Cook, Waikohu, Uawa, Waiapu, and Matakaoa. It will be observed that this return gives an increase in numbers of 1,391 over the figures of 1916. A great part of this increase is due, I think, to a more careful scrutiny on the part of the subenumerators, and also to the inclusion of those absent in 1916 on active service. With the exception of the influenza epidemic of 1918 no serious outbreaks of sickness have been reported. Speaking generally the health of the Maori is no better or worse than that of his pakeha brethren. Sub-enumerators have noticed an entire absence of the Maori whare as a place of abode, the wooden dwellinghouse superseding it almost entirely. The communal system of living is also a thing of the past. In regard to industries and occupations, there is practically no alteration from the previous state shown in 1916. Intermittent occupations, such as shearing, bushfelling, and cropping, are the main lines that are followed. The number of sheep-farms worked and owned by Natives is increasing. Dairying, however, is not so congenial and has fewer followers. The sub-enumerators were, with one exception, all Maoris, and were all personally known to me. I am confident that the work shown is as accurate as it is possible to be. The village of Te Haroto is situated in both Wairoa and Hawke's Bay Counties, being on both sides of the common boundary (the road). The portion in the latter county contains forty-seven inhabitants ; these figures are not included in this return, and will require to be added to those of the Hawke's Bay County. Mr. J. Thomson, Enumerator for the Counties of Clifton, Eltham, Egmont, Hawera, Inglewood, Patea, Stratford, Taranaki, Waimate West, and Whangamomona. The figures disclose a net increase of 153 over the whole of the counties affected. This is very gratifying, seeing that in 1918 the influenza epidemic swept over the whole of the Dominion, carrying off a large proportion of the population. Again nearly all the sub-enumerators report a difficulty experienced in getting the required information from the old Natives, followers of Te Whiti. They are to-day as loyal to their late chief and their " tikangas " as of old, and still continue their old custom of having a large meeting on the 18th of every month at appointed pas throughout the district, and the drink problem at these meetings and at tangis amongst the younger members is causing the leaders some considerable alarm. These gatherings are a great hindrance to the welfare of the Natives, more particularly to those who have started dairy-farming, as they often neglect their work to attend these meetings and tangis, which usually last two or three days and often a week. Another regrettable feature of the followers of Te Whiti is that they are letting pass by their children's opportunities and advantages by not sending them to school to educate them to fight their battles in the commercial world. Since the Maoris have received freehold titles to their unleased lands during the last seven years it has given impetus to their farming and dairying projects. Through want of financial assistance in the early stages most of them have started with but few cows and gradually increased their herds, and in several instances they are now milking over sixty cows. It is only during the last eighteen months, when the majority of the Maoris have received financial assistance from the sales of their leasehold lands to the Crown, who are purchasing on behalf of the lessees, that they have been able to get properly established, and there are now 220 families supplying milk to the butter and cheese factories. It is now widely known amongst the Maoris that a new Department — i.e., Native Trust Office— is being opened up to look after their welfare, and they are looking forward to receive financial assistance to further their farming operations, as they are now realizing it is only by improving and cultivating their lands that they will be able to hold their own in the future. The younger generation is gradually, by slowly breaking away from the old custom of communism and living in one large pa for the hapu, endeavouring to improve their mode of living by the erection of wooden houses, proper methods of sanitation, and working generally for Europeans. The health generally of the Natives in the district may be termed good, but they would be greatly assisted if skilled nurses were appointed to advise and assist. Mr. A. H. MacKay, Enumerator for the Counties of Waitotara, Wanganui, Rangitikei, Waimarino, and Kaitieke. The general health of the Maoris is very good. About forty-one succumbed during the influenza epidemic in 1918 in the Kaitieke County. The Natives are very industrious in their various avocations —viz., farmers, sawmill hands, labourers, &c. In the Rangitikei County some difficulty was at first experienced by the subenumerator, Rangi Marumaru, but on obtaining the help of Mr. Ratana he was able to proceed with his work without further trouble.


MAORIS.— AGES AND SEXES. Table showing the Maori Population in each County (including interior Boroughs and Town Districts) at the Census of the 17th April, 1921, classified according to Age and Sex.


County (including interior under o. un der 10. under 15. Boroughs and Town Districts). " ~ j M. F. M. F. M. ] F. . | 10 and 15 and 20 and j 25 and 30 and 35 and 40 and 45 and J 50 and ! «£* j •»«? « ™» 70 and Under under 15. under 20. under 25. ! under 30. I under 35. under 40. under 4o. under oO. under as.; 60 ; 65 70 over. u>. M . | F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ! M. F. | M. < F. M. | F. M. j F. M. F. \ M. F. | M. F. M. F. j M. \ F. M. j F. i L -I Under 45. jOver 45.j tJ g 3 e^ ecl " Totals M. F. M. F. M. F. M. I F. M. F. Mongonui Whangaroa Hokianga Bay of Islands Whangarei Hobson Otamatea Rodney Waitemata* Islands in Hauraki Gulf Eden Great Barrier Manukau Franklin Raglan Waikato Waipa Kawhia Awakino Waitomo Ohura West Taupo Matamata Piako Ohinemuri Thames Hauraki Plains Coromandel Tauranga Rotorua East Taupo Whakatane Opotiki Matakaoa Waiapu .. Waikohu Cook Uawa Wairoa Hawke's Bay 218 47 262 217 89 69 13 15 10 2 18 4 13 21 118 38 9 43 5 106 5 65 24 17 24 26 39 21 138 104 36 170 131 37 206 38 66 14 186j 65 ! 200 254 70 61 226 288 224 262 69 96 67 84 16 29 14 20 6 16 208 51 250 241 83 82 46 13 20 19 10 16 21 136 36 21 57 4 107 3 64 59 7 37 28 42 27 179 106 51 165 125 71 171 40 72 15 189 71 i i ) L 229 47 260 203 100 57 32 11 10 '48 5 20 20 128 30 18 48 7 110 6 62 50 2 33 37 21 18 127 109 51 159 113 74 144 30 64 18 185 100 198 41 219 204 80 59 33 11 18 1 41 10 8 16 110 22 17 35 9 95 3 50 55 5 29 30 15 23 110 73 45 142 97 44 139 20 61 24 169 97 181 29 182 144 1 74 54 15 4 16 76 6 4 12 69 41 18 39 8 87 4 59 49 9 21 25 14 12 120 73 25 120 96 45 131 29 67 " 28 149 75 170 29 172 142 74 45 20 7 7 1 55 1 5 9 69 50 15 31 5 78 38 47 22 27 10 9 11 108 74 32 104 84 38 143 20 51 18 122 72 115 18 151 132 62 52 21 7 19 1 48 2 7 5 71 72 10 28 4 70 112 22 153 126 59 35 18 10 7 4 28 2 8 6 78 54 15 27 3 89 2 56 37 22 12 15 7 111 96 28 107 65 49 102 27 61 24 102 61 83 11 95 84 36 51 16 9 9 '33 1 12 13 42 30 -7 28 4 76 1 36 42 5 14 12 22 9 98 61 25 89 57 34 90 46 65 17 102 68 68 20 85 94 27 37 13 7 2 1 21 5 16 11 51 30 6 30 3 56 5 46 40 2 17 11 18 2 94 53 27 79 61 24 66 33 41 18 83 60 58 18 74 96 33 24 5 4 6 25 1 9 5 50 22 10 24 4 51 27 42 1 17 5 17 6 51 37 28 90 39 22 56 32 41 28 189 48 81 22 82 72 38 29 10 6 8 1 15 58 17 66 59 31 17 10 6 13 1 20 2 18 28 34 14 7 29 2 28 2 37 28 69 17 54| 43 1 16; 15! 13! 63 69 49 30 21 8 3 6 56 11 61 48 27 12 6 3 2 1 13 74 18 46 55 8 15 5] 2 8 31 18 32 33 9 10 10 4 2 1 11 1 7 26 34 7 7 13 48 13 40 51 37 24 5 8 5 3 12 1 4 12 30 17 10 9 1 31 2 IS 24 1 7 12 9 2 41 17 13 45 37 17 51 13 41 9 56 43 33, 34| 13 ! 8 44 42 41 24 32i 5 14 16 5i 2 2 1 8' 1 17 11 27 16 4 8 1 2 5 1 7 1 2 4 8 3 3 12 1 12 1 11 3 18 8 24 23 17 12 5 1 2 1 3 1 29 26 9 8 6 3 2 2 27 14 19 21 2 3 3 1 5 17 13 16 1 5 6 29 5 28 9 2 12 3 2 1 35 12 19 10 8 11 1 2 3 35 .. 12 .. 19 60 16 3 8 .. 11 .. l 50 3 10 •• 5 •' •• 12 ..j 1 15 .. 4:: 1 '2 2,814 680 3,224 2,806 1,164 965 379 180 *235 22 t562 67 270 399 1,632 696 282 739 111 1,623 51 1,042 839 293 483 421 434 295 2,190 1,593 707 2,403 1,681 809 2,775 578 1,225 453 2,906 1,396 "2I 14 3 ' i"l ••I 4 2 .. •• i •■ ••I 3 .. •• ■• 9 1 14 23 32 16 10 24 5 27 14 8 1 29! 41 6 11 15 1 35 4o" 13 13 7 4 3 27 32 27 44 25 17 64 8 36 10 71 36 9 7 .. 2 1 3 7; 7 33; 20 8j 3 1 ! 2 11 12 1 1 17 26 17 8 13 2 l| -• 8 5 6 6 6 7 ..: 1 43: 23 5! 3 7 10 41 ! 33 33 26 11 14 48 24 2 3 18 25 6 14 61 39 37 18 "I "I 9 13 6 4 14 16 16 25 107 128 40 39 17 15 39 70 6 12 98 115 1 3 62 63 44 74 11 10 28 44 32 32 36 46 13 22 143 170 95 109 37 38 126: 179 118 151 29 75 148; 186 35 27 79, 74 18' 12 173' 187 75 82 57 38 1 28 14 18 15 110 84 29 107 55 55 125 49 53 20 131 75 8 15 47 23 26 58 4 23 33 15 12 14 6 58 29 20 84 36 20 50 24 31 14 107 57 13 22 16 7 58 27 21 80 38 20 81 18 28 24 89 44 34 16 2 11 13 7 5 29 25 12 70 36 22 81 18 20 16 74 35 20 30 35 28 10 19 6 45 2 27 28 1 11 8 11 4 35 26 22 61 35 24 64 18 35 15 95 34 28 22 37 24 10 9 2 51 26 26 9 13 7 4 25 20 20 59 21 9 50 14 21 12 65 21 40 25 8 8 12 8 3 17 13 14 36 31 17 41 4 38 10 54 30 1 8 8 2 8 11 30 4 19 9 20 24 3 32 10 13 20 14 14 8 8 4 2 4 14 7 7 8 3 19 1 16 15 2 2 4 5 1 4 15 1 1 5 4 16 15 4 6 3 3 2 2 14 3 4 17 11 4 4 5 1 2 20 1 5 22 30 5 7 5 18 4 18 6 2 1 21 12 5 17 1 26 21 4 1 11 1 6 •■H 2 .. J:: 12! .. 4.. 16 .. 14 .. 3 .. 1 28 101 .. 7 .. 6 .. 1 .. 14 2 2 2 6 .. 22 .. 18 1 2 .. 19 82 2 .. 17 .. 13 ... 31 .. 6 .. 25 •• •• •" •" 34 I 30 •• •• 34 ■• .. .'. 1 34 2 1 1 ' " i 1 "" 1 I I I 7 24 29 8 58 124 11 33! 21 45| 1 124, 1 19 .. • • 19 19 4 9 31 20 4 29 12 1 6 35 19 8 16 7 8 6 34 3 21 2 2 3 7 21 24 2 2 2 16 38 14 8 41 6 20 14 66 24' 8 34 31 3 35 6 28 14 23 10 1 82 80 1 '58 3 41 6 34 8; . .1 40 1 40 i 21 9 36 19 •• ••! -! 1 ' 'I 1



Waipawa .. Waipukurau Patangata.. Dannevirke Woodville Weber Clifton Taranaki .. Inglewood.. Egmont .. Stratford .. Whangamomona Eltham Waimate West Hawera Patea Waitotara.. Kaitieke .. Waimarino Wanganui.. Rangitikei Kiwitea Pohangina Oroua Manawatu Horowhenua Kairanga .-. Pahiatua .-. Akitio Eketahuna Mauriceville Masterton Castlepoint Wairarapa South Featherston - Hutt Makara Sounds Marlborough Kaikoura . . Waimea .. Takaka Collingwood Buller Grey Westland Amuri .. ' Cheviot Rangiora .. Eyre Heathcote.. Mount Herbert 9 , 12, 12 i 15i 2 10i Si 1 1 9 8 1 4i 8. 7 1 11 8 2 7, 10 3 7 9 4 5 2 2 ! 6 1 8 3 1 7 , 4| 3 ! 4 2 3 4 2 1 1 3 4 2 ! h 2 ! *i h l \ ""I "I •I •• •• I •1 "I •• X l "I • - i 15 175 226 30 353 581 42 755 22 15 8 293 648 311 285 237 424 741 599 3 9 268 242 1,298 168 33 20 3 24 281 21 157 272 212 334 155 256 90 56 35 5 4 6 69 2 1 141 3 19 99 11 19 3 14 18 2 8 26 1 13 16 2 81 6 13 1 5 12] I 6 8 1 6 12 2 I 8 5 2 5 4 •• 4 3 1 1 3 "7 5 3 4 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 7 ' 6 2 6 5 1 -.1 1 22 37 4 50 2 2 2 25 42 20 10 15 30 49 40 20 35 5 52 2 1 32 35 2 57 2 2 21 52 1 53 1 3 1 32 3 21 15 13 35 54 30 18 36 2 61 4 2 20 23 41 2 1 18 21 32 2 15 27 2 35 1 22 31 24 26 30 2 27 17 21 2 37 2 14 19 12 10 3 15 8 5 1 12 1 1 3 10 ii 12 "5 8 7 5 1 12 1 5 7 2 22 1 13 5 1 24 6 3 1 18 14 6 2 22 9 1 1 5 1 2 2 2 6 3 - 1 1 1 7 "3 19 1 46 ■•. 4 1 17 2 2 24] 40 2 15 1 3 17 14 19 14 is 9 5 7 " I •• " •• t 2 16 13 20 8 22 31 33 1 13 1 9 10 17 33 38 •• I 1 6 2 4 2 5 2 12 7 1 3 1 9 1 1 4 11 7 21 52 22 15 14 25 46 44 37 22 21 12 26 45 40 11 2 12 20 24 27 36 34 13 10 17 10 22 40 31 8 2 16 15 15 20 33 36 2 17 1 15 14 10 12 34 31 11 16 14 12 17 19 30 1 -12J 17 15 4 13 19 21 8 -16 10 20 16! 23' io 10 15 13 35 18 8 8 11 16 20 29 16 3 9 6 7 20 14 16 6 6 11 18 29 11 4 5 14 4 17 18 14 -. 4 7 6 3 11 11 14 5 4 4 6 4 11 6 5 8 7 2 5 16 17 7 1 5 4 5 2 20 8 2 5 1 3 3 13 3 4 5 5 5 5 7 6 1 1 2 1 i 9 2 2 4 18 4 5 1 1 80 63 135 i±9 75 3 68 3 4 16 6 6 9 2 17 3 1 ••I A 5 .. I 2 25 20 105 151 5 1 22 24 88 10 2 1 1 24 12 108 11 1 19 22 107 11 18 15 93 11 4 1 14 9 78 10 11 68 15 1 5 7 6 59 7 3 1 11 10 74 4 3 3 18 10 62 5 1 10 13 48 2| 1 7 18 56 6 2 1 9 32 3 1 1 •• 4 5 26 3 1 2 9 7 48 6 1 9 2 37 4 2 7 11 29 5 8 3 15 2 1 2 6 25 2 1 •■ 4 2 21 3 1 5 22 2 1 4 18 2 13 5 -2 1 13 2 2 2 12 2 6 7 1 1 1 3 5 2 2 3 9 2 ! 2 1 9 2 I 2 4 11 1 ' 2 1 " l \ 3 9 " ' 4 4 ' 6 ..I ..I ll 'I I " I "I 1 1 1 2 7 1 i •• ••I 2 •• " 1 1 1 6 1 8 6 8 10 5 5 1 2 •■ " 2 17 11 18 12 14 9 30 7 5 1 1 1 21 12 17 12 16 8 23 3 5 2 2 24 5 9 20 14 19 16 25 9 5 4 ••• 4 23 1 12 12 •• ! 16 1 10 12 19 18 9 11 1 5 1 12 4 4 12 9 12 -7 10 6 2 3 1 1 17 1 17 1 2 15 5 16 5 14 7 3 10 10 8 11 19 2 11 3 2 9 8 6 •• I 5 1 3 7 7 16 5 6 1 1 1 "7 1 4 1 4 9 9 4 3 4 1 -. 2 3 3 5 1 1 3 1 6 2 3 1 1 2 "2 8 10 •• 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 5 •• 5 •V 4 9 20 19 26 17 14 7 1 2 18 19 11 12 15 14 3 2 3i 5 17 6 16 16 18 7 «l 4 1 12 20 18 22 8 12 4 5 1 3 9 5 12 2 6 2 2 15 8 21 10, 3 9 8 2 15 3 5 1 3 1 ••• 4 9 5 4 2 2 1 2 2 6 5 8 4 3 4 3 1 1 3 6 3 10 3 4 4 3 2 5 9 5 7 4 2 6 3 5 2 2 1 2 4 2 3 2 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 "I 3 1 1 1 6 2 3 2 I 1 2 "2 1 • •I i .-.I 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 •I 2 1 "2 1 •• 1 - 1 ••1 2 •• I 2 1 1 -• ..I " . ! •• •• 1 •1 •• I •• I "2 7 1 3 3 I 2 •• 3 •• 2 2 2 2 1 i .: 1 " " io 6 6 5 2 'io 1 3 1 2 1 1 i ... .. - •I •• I 1 4 • • •• ••i •• ..! '12 9 8 6 13 io i2 6 4 1 3 1 1 2 3 5 •• 5 2 2 4 3 1 " 4 1 'ii 4 •• I 1 7 " 6 "2 7 : 1 1 10 8 1 2 •• 5 3 "2 3 1 --J •• "ll 5| 2 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 i 3 1 i ■• 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 •• .. •• !: I * Including 6 males on shipboard. t Including 2 males on shipboard.



MAORIS.— AGES AND SEXES— continued. Table showing the Maori Population in each County (including interior Boroughs and Town Districts) at the Census of the 17th April, 1921, classified according to Age and Sex— continued.

ounty (including interior Under 6 ' Boroughs and Town Districts). — j M. F. 5 and under 10. 10 and under 15. 15 and 20 and 25 and 30 and under 20. under 25. under 30. under 35. i 35 and 40 and 45 and 50 and 55 and ! 60 and 65 and 7Q d under 40. under 45. under 50. under 55. I ™. der •>»«« over. Under 15. 1 Under 45. :Over 45. Unspecified. Totals. M. F. M. j F. ' I M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. j M. F. SL F. M. F. M. F. i 31. F. I ! M. F. j M. I M. F. M. F. M. F. I I M. F. F. Akaroa Chatham Islands Wairewa .. Ellesmere .. Ashburton Geraldine Levels Waimate Waitaki Waikouaiti Peninsula Taieri Bruee Clutha Tuapeka Southland Wallace Stewart Island 1 30 2 2 10 3 3 1 4 4 2 14 11 4 2 2 4 5 3 4 1 6 2 18 20 6 6 6 2 1 11 10 6 3 2 7 4 3 3 7 3 2 4 1 ' 2 ' 5 ' 3 3 .. 13 6 3,763'3,586 169 136! 1 17 3 4 3 7 2 5 5 2 3 2 5 13 4 "l| 6 2 1 2 4 1 12 3 4 3 1 2 I - I *3 2 4 16 5 2 5 3 6 3 1 1 10 3 5 1 4 2 4 1 1 2 ! 1 2 10 7 2 5 5 3 2 4 2 2 4 2 3 2 1 1 6 4 2 5 2 5 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 "l! lj I I 2 6 I 1 2 5 5 1 4 1 2 2 3 1 8 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 6 3 1 6 1 2 •■ 2 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 3 "2 l! 6 : 1 "2! 1 "3 2 4 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 5 1 .. 2 2 .. 1 .. 2 .. * " 2 .. 1 1 1 .. 3 1 1 3 2 i 1 1 2 •" 1 2 1 i • ■ •• 2 3 1 1 i .. 4 .. 3 '.'. 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. i -.1 8 "l 8 '4 5 5 36 245 87 55 17 123 46 64 47 29 51 30 23 54 37 201 1 1 i •• I " I " "2 ' 2 3 -■! ! -' 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ! "l 1 i ■• 1 1 "3 i "4 1 11 1 2 10 6 2 10 5 4 ■•j 2] 9| 1 9 1 3 6 "2! II 4 1 5 2 1 4 3 2 3 6 2 1 8 4 2 3 1 i !! 1 1 .. 4 7 4 3 6 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. •• 1 3 2 4 1 2 _ '14' T, "' 7 4 10 '7 4! 4 2 4 i 2 Totals, North Island Totals, South Island 3,368: 164 I 1391 1 ! 3,312 127 2,887.' 143 1 ,2,642 118 : ! 2,387! 104J 1 i !2,399 ! 95 I i 2,232] I 102 | |l,898 67 1 1,667 54 1,572 41 j 572*1 41 1 l,421i 39' i il,385 I 51 1,146 : 59J 4,233 50 1,013 55 1,044 49 793! 41 793! 41 990 39 775 27 608:458' 34j 20] 621 22 — 497 20 — 396 14 — 343 13 1 526!31 1460261 I 26 ! .. i486J261 235 1 1 I 316J 287j 8 lj 1 1 447 8 471 4 i— 31 9 16 8 50,66! 2,08! Grand totals, Dominion 3,532: 3,316 3,932 3,722 3,439 3,030 2,760 i 2,491 i i 2,494 , 1 2,334 1 1,965 1,721 l,613j ,1,436 1 1,205 1 I 1,283| ! ! 1,093 834 1 834| 1 ;i,029 802 642!478J — I— i 356 557J1 324l 2881 I 1 |455 475 24 ! 1,460, 1,068 643 517! 1410 !236 40 52,75!


MAORIS—SEX, FULL-BLOOD AND HALF-BLOOD. Table showing the Maori Population in each County (including interior Boroughs and Town Districts) at the Census of 17th April, 1921, classified according to Sex and Full-blood or Half-blood.


Maoris. Half-castes. Totals. M. F. County. Maoris. Half-castes. County. Totals. M. F. M. F. M. F. Mongonui Whangaroa Hokianga Bay of Islands Whangarei Hdbson Otamatea Rodney Waitemata Islands in Hauraki Gulf Eden Great Barrier Manukau Franklin Raglan Waikato Waipa Kawhia Awakino Waitomo Ohura West Taupo Matamata Piako Ohinemuri Thames Hauraki Plains Coromandel Tauranga Rotorua East Taupo Whakatane Opotiki Matakaoa Waiapu Waikohu Cook Uawa Wairoa Hawke's Bay Waipawa .. WaipUkurau Patangata .. Dannevirke Woodville Weber Clifton Taranaki Ingle wood Egmoht Stratford Whangamomona Eltham Waimate West Hawera Patea Waitotaf a Kaitieke 1,431 303 1,662 1,402 580 482 172 77 118 9 294 28 136 195 834 345 128 384 47 810 27 510 414 148 248 194 230 147 1,094 829 363 1,259 826 434 1,389 295 592 227 1,504 704 61 13 86 92 15 1 182 283 25 394 11 9 5 144 305 158 152 117 1,273 342 1,483 1,316 496 423 188 74 97 11 225 30 131 170 797 320 130 337 44 759 20 452 387 140 221 179 192 146 1,024 756 337 ' 1,086 772 333 1,210 227 532 200 1,235 664 55 ■2 87 90 13 58 20 45 56 49 33 12 18 10 1 31 2 1 20 18 11 15 15 32 1 39 22 1 7 24 7 2 38 5 3 25 49 19 100 35 65 16 98 21 7 52 15 34 32 39 27 7 11 10 1 12 7 2 14 1 13 13 3 5 22 3 41 16 4 7 24 5 2,814 680 3,224 2,806 1,164 965 379 180 *235 22 f562 67 270 399 1,632 696 282 739 111 1,623 51 1,042 839 293 483 421 434 295 2,190 1,593 707 2,403 1,681 809 2,775 578 1,225 453 2,906 1,396 133 15 175 226 30 1 353 581 42 755 22 15 8 293 648 311 285 237 Waimarino Wanganui Rangitikei Kiwitea Pohangina Oroua Manawatu Horowhenua Kairanga Pahiatua Akitio Eketahuna Mauriceville Masterton Castlepoint Wairarapa South Featherston Hutt Makara, Sounds Marlborough Kaikoura Waimea Takaka Collingwood BuUer Grey Westland Amuri Cheviot Rangiora Eyre Heathcote Mount Herbert Akaroa Chatham Islands Wairewa Ellesmere Ashburton Geraldine Levels Waimate Waitaki Waikouaiti -Peninsula Taieri Bruce Clutha Tuapeka Southland Wallace Stewart Island 217 350 312 3 4 130 108 631 86 17 10 2 15 132 11 87 130 101 151 65 111 31 30 8 1 3 4 16 2 1 57 2 5 35 14 101 31 29 11 41 16 16 21 10 14 10 7 188 9 351 2 269 3 .. 1 4 3 116 3 99 1 559 3 70 7 11 ) 4 2 1 5 8 I 122 1 10 J 61 ) 107 t 70 I ' 153 i 63 I 96 t 35 ) 20 ! 10 [ .. ( 1 1 2 i 11 S 14 1 17 3 10 1 1 3 12 3 14 3 60 3 7 1 4 1 4 L .. 1 .. i 13 3 .. I 9 7 17 3 25 5 17 i 15 i 29 i 12 3 2 ) 11 3 .. > 25 5 23 8 10 21 48 5 1 2 1 14 18 16 13 12 20 12 4 6 1 5 424 3 741 8 599 3 9 0 268 1 242 3 1,298 5 168 1 33 2 20 3 I 24 1 281 21 157 i 272 3 212 i 334 1 155 ) 256 2 90 1 56 5 35 I 5 4 6 r 69 2 1 ! 141 3 I 19 i 99 I 36 i 245 i 87 ! 55 17 123 46 I 64 47 29 81 I 30 1 23 1 54 37 201 34 3 4 33 34 23 76 21 36 10 69 7 10 17 ► . .. i i9 22 43 ! 1 i 10 i 36 16 87 41 l 12 5 36 i 17 34 23 ' 16 11 16 1 7 ) .. i 13 I 2 32 7 : 6 19 6 11 3 2 15 2 4 15 4 25 8 8 1 27 7 3 1 27 1 17 2 1 11 2 160 263 15 345 7 6 3 139 284 142 125 86 7 18 1 9 3 4 17 1 7 1 8 1 4 18 28 2 "6 11 25 25 6 85 25 2 63 7 34 5 5 19 3 25 6 3 -15 Totals, North Island Totals, South Island 25,4215 744 22,7841 686 1,3911 352 1,067 306 50,663 2,088 Grand totals, Dominion 26,165 2 23,4701 1,7431 1,373 52,751 * Including 6 males on shipboard. t Includinf 2 males on shi; iboard.


MAORI AND HALF-CASTE POPULATION. Table showing for each Census since 1891 the Maori Population (including Half-castes living as Maoris) in the North and South Islands and in the Dominion.

* Including, prior to 1921, Maori wives of Europeans—not shown by Islands.

Approximate Cost o Paper.— Preparation not given; printing (500 copies), £12 10s.

By Authority : Marcus F. Makks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92l. Price 6d.]


(Note. —Stewart Island and Chatham Is ilands are included with the louth Islai id.) North Island. South Island. ew Zealand. Males. Females. Both Sexes. Males. ] Females. | ™h Males. Females.* Both Sexes.* 1891 .. 1896 .. 1901 .. 1906 .. 1911 .. 1916 .. 1921 .. 21,725 20,343 21,923 24,161 24,935 24,991 26,812 17,810 16,759 18.784 20,801 21,697 22,554 23,851 39,535 37,102 40,707 44,962 46,632 47,545 50,663 1,136 1,330 1,197 1,377 1,540 942 1,096 1,071 1,193 1,043 1,181 1,423 910 992 2,207 2,523 2,240 2,558 2,963 1,852 2,088 22,861 21,673 23,120 25,538 26,475 25,933 27,908 19,132 18,181 20,023 22,193 23,369 23,843 24,843 41,993 39,854 43,143 47,731 49,844 49,776 52,751 1891 .. 1896 .. 1901 .. 1906 .. 1911 .. 1916.. 1921 .. 1 872 1,082 1,138 1,328 1,391 1,358 1,067 'alf-castes 'included ibovej.f 340 477 301 459 499 257 306 684 1,026 616 953 1,030 494 658 1,469 1,944 1,694 2,151 2,291 1,914 1,743 1,212 1,559 1,439 1,787 1,890 1,615 1,373 2,681 3,503 3,133 3,938 4,181 3,529 3,116 1.125 1,395 1,379 1,657 1,760 1,677 1,391 1,997 2,477 2,517 2,985 3,151 3,035 2,458 344 549 315 494 531 237 352 * Including, prior to 1921, Maori wives of Europeans—not shown by Islands. -f These are half-castes living as Maoris. The half;astcs living as Europeans are included in the European population. MAORI POPULATION UNDER AND OVER 15. rable showing maori population under and over 15 years of age at successive censuses, by Islands and Sexes. (Note. —Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands are included with the South Island.) North Island. South Island. New Zealand. Census Year. Under 15. 15 and Unspeciover. fied. Under 15 and Unspeci15. over. fled. Under 15. 15 and Unspeci- Tnt .„,. » over.* fled. 10tal8 - Males. 1891 1896 1901 1906 1911 1916 1921 7,123 7,097 7,998 9,179 9,694 10,247 10,443 14,483 ! 13,226 13,909 14,915 15,205 14,648 16,338 119 20 16 67 34 97 31 431 543 473 562 642 439 560 704 787 723 804 895 506 527 1 1 11 3 3 9 7,554 7,640 8,471 9,741 10,336 10,686 11,003 15,187 14,013 14,632 15,719 16,100 15.154 16,865 120 20 17 78 37 100 40 22,861 21,673 23,120 25,538 26,473 25,940 27,908 1891 1896 1901 1906 1911 1916 1921 6,255 6,117 7,187 8,195 8,932 9,429 9,650 Female s. 6,697 6,608 7,611 8,676 9,566 9,850 10,068 12,316 11,569 12,399 13,454 13,785 13,924 14,751 119 4 13 63 20 62 24 19,132 18,181 20,023 22,193 23,371 23,836 24,843 11,437 10,638 11,584 12,551 12,747 13,065 14,185 118 4 13 55 20 59 16 442 491 424 481 634 421 418 628 702 619 692 789 480 566 1 8 "3 8 13,378 13,214 15,185 17,374 18,626 19,676 20,093 Both Sei :es. 14,251 14,248 16,082 18,417 19,902 20,536 21,071 239 24 30 141 57 162 64 1891 1896 1901 1906 1911 1916 1921 25,920 23,864 25,493 27,466 27,952 27,713 30,523 237 24 29 122 54 156 47 873 1,034 897 1,043 1,276 860 978 1,332 1,489 1,342 1,496 1,684 986 1.093 2 1 19 3 6 17 27,503 25,582 27,031 29,173 29,885 29,078*i 31,616 41,993 39,854 43.143 47,731 49,844 49,776 52,751

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CENSUS OF THE MAORI POPULATION (PAPERS RELATING TO)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, H-39a

Word Count

CENSUS OF THE MAORI POPULATION (PAPERS RELATING TO). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, H-39a

CENSUS OF THE MAORI POPULATION (PAPERS RELATING TO). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, H-39a

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