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Session 11. 1921. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented, to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 70 of the Pensions Act, 1913.

The Commissioner op Pensions to the Hon. the Minister of Pensions. Sir, — Pensions Department, Wellington, 30th July, 1921. I have the honour to furnish herewith, for the information of Parliament, the report of the Department relating to war, old-age, widows', Maori War, miners', epidemic, and police pensions for the year ended 31st March, 1921. The following comparative statements relate to the annual value and gross payments of all pensions administered by this Department for the past two years :—

Pensions in Force, and Annual Value.

Gross Payments.

445 654 54 4



PENSION LEGISLATION. During the year legislation was embodied in the Finance Act, 1920, amending certain of the provisions relating to war, old-age, Maori War, and miners' pensions. The War Pensions Amendment provided for the setting-up of an Appeal Board, on purely medical grounds, to deal with appeals by soldiers who are not satisfied with the amount of pension allowed them, and others refused a pension by the Pensions Board on the grounds that death or disablement was not held to be due to or aggravated by war service. The Appeal Board has already been constituted, and has dealt with a number of appeals lodged throughout the Dominion. An increased expenditure of £50,000 per annum was authorized to be expended on totally disabled soldiers; and the War Pensions Board has disbursed this amount between soldiers in hospital, totally blinded soldiers, soldiers with double amputations, and those totally disabled and in receipt of full pensions. The old-age-pension bonus of £13 per annum, provided purely as a war measure, was incorporated in the statutory pension, and the rights of pensioners to various exemptions under the Act were extended. Miners' pensions payable under the Miner's Phthisis Act, 1915, were increased, in the case of married men and widowers with children under the age of fourteen years to £1 15s. a week, and in the case of unmarried men to £1 ss. a week. A further special concession made in respect of miners' pensions is that no instalment shall be forfeited in respect of any period of absence from New Zealand which does not exceed two years. Military pensions payable to veterans of the Maori War have been increased from £36 to £49 per annum. This means that those pensioners who were unable to qualify for the bonus granted as a war measure, on account of excessive income, now receive the full amount without restriction. As in the case of miners' pensions, those in receipt of the Maori War pension are also permitted to be absent from New Zealand for a period not exceeding two years without forfeiting instalments. Special provision was made in the Appropriation Act, 1920, exempting the cost-of-living bonus payable to superannuated Civil servants from being taken into account in calculating the amount of pension payable to old-age and widow pensioners.

WAR PENSIONS. Total Claims lodged to Date.

Gross Annual Value of all Pensions granted to Date.

Note. —The number of pensions granted as shown herein does not include children's pensions, the values of which, however, form part of the pensions payable to parents (or guardians), and are included in the annual-values total.

Summary of Annual Liability at the 31st March, 1921.


4 44 4

58 46 54

Class of Pension. Number. Annual Value. Average Pension. Soldiers (permanent) ioldiers (temporary) )ependants (temporary) Vidows of soldiers Hirer dependants of deceased soldiers 3,215 19,133 1,371 2,034 6,011 £ 183,032 1,044,821 91,149 226,932 202,931 £ 57 55 66 112 34 Totals 31,764 1,748,865 55



Summary op Payments. The payments for war pensions show a slight increase during the year, the figures compared with those of the previous year being as follows :— 1919-20. 1920-21. ' £ £ Payments made in New Zealand. .'. .. 1,752,900 1,754,382 Payments made in London .. .. .. 58,447 72,994 Payments made in Australia . . .. .. .. 30,849 Payments made in Canada .. .. .. 474 Other foreign payments .. .. .. 258 252 Allotments paid after casualty .. .. .. .. 28,475 Lump-sum payments .. .. .. .. 340 Totals .. .. .. .. £1,812,419 £1,886,952 • The absence- of figures relating to payments of New Zealand pensions in Canada is due to the non-receipt within the financial year of returns from the Canadian Government. These, however, have since been received. Summary of Total. Actual Payments to the 31st March, 1921. £ From Ist September, 1915, to 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. 13,910 Year 1916-17 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 180,389 Year 1917-18 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 515,445 Year 1918-19 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,199,755 Year 1919-20 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,812,419 Year 1920-21 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,886,952 £5,608,870

Pensions payable outside New Zealand as at the 31st March, 1921.

OLD-AGE PENSIONS. European. Maori. Total. Pensions in force at the 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. 19,198 795 19,993 New pensions granted, 1920-21 .. .. .. .. 2,006 146 2,152 Deaths during 1920-21 .. .. .. .. 1,782 98} Cancellations 1920-21 .. .. 423 5) /,,3UO Net decrease .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. 156 Pensions in force at the 31st March, 1921 .. .. ..18,999 838 19,837 Year 1920-21. Total European population at the 31st March, 1921 .. .. .. .. .. 1,204,722 Total European pensioners, sixty-five and over, at the 31st March, 1921 . . .. 16,121 Female European pensioners, sixty to sixty -four, at the 31st March, 1921 .. .. 2,878 Percentage of European pensioners to total European population . . .. .. 1-6 New claims lodged .. .. .. •• •■ •■ •• •• 2,760 New claims rejected .. .. .. • ■ • • • • • • • • 617 Annual liability at the 31st March, 1921 .. .. .. .. .. .. £737,378 Average pension .. .. • • • ■ • ■ • • • • • • £37 3s. Gross expenditure for year .. .. .. •■ •■ •• •• £731,343 Decrease on figures of previous year .. . . .. .. .. .. £1,625 Cost per head of European population .. .. . . . . .. .. 12s. 2d. Credit from national endowment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £30,134 Refunds paid to Publio Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £1,313

Great Britain Australia Other countries Soldiers. Permanent. Temporary. 77 210 37 227 5 23 Temporary. Wives of Soldiers. Dept Widows. Dependants. lendants. Annual Liability. Other Dependants. 18 12 3 196 73 5 718 168 18 £ 60,793 27,565 2,967 Totals 119 460 119 460 33 274 904 91,325



Number of pensioners in homes and hospitals .. .. . . . . .. 940 Amount paid to controlling authorities of these . . .. .. .. . . £36,824 Number of pensioners in mental hospitals .. .. .. .. .. .. 90 Amount paid to Mental Hospitals Department on account of these .. .. £3,124 Absolutely forfeited instalments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £3,806 Instalments forfeited and subsequently paid .. .. .. .. .. £4,919 Total claims lodged to date .. .. .. .. .. 72,035 Total claims established .. .. .. .. .. .. 56,214 Total deaths .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28,958 Total cancellations .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,419 Grand total paid since 1898 .. .. .. .. ..£8,660,131 Total credit from national endowment .. . . .. .. £299,154 WIDOWS' PENSIONS. European. Maori. Total. Pensions in force at the 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. 3,301 143 3,444 New pensions granted, 1920-21 .. .. .. ..587 40 027 Cancellations, 1920-21 .. .. .. .. 621 29 650 Net decrease .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 Pensions in force at the 31st March, 1921 .. .. .. 3,267 154 .. 3,421 Total children in receipt of pensions at the 31st March, 1921 .. .. .. .. 7,802 Year 1920-21. New claims lodged .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 719 New claims rejected .. ..' .. .. . . . . .. .. 123 Annual liability at close of year .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £198,767 Average pension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £58 2s. Gross expenditure for year .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £187,430 Increase on figures of previous year .. .. .. .. .. .. £50,615 Cost per head of European population . . .. .. .. .. .. 3s. Id. Refunds paid to Public Account .. .. . . .. .. .. .. £301 10s. Absolutely forfeited instalments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £1,197 Instalments forfeited and subsequently paid . . ' . . .. .. .. £2,206 Average of total family of pensioners .. . . . . .. .. .. 3-6 Average of family under fourteen years .. . . .. .. .. .. 2-4 Total claims lodged to date .. .. .. .. .. 7,712 Total claims established .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,444 Total number of children benefited .. . . .. .. 15,974 Total deaths .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 117 Total guardians appointed .. .. .. .. .. 69 Total cancellations .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,976 Grand total paid to date .. .. .. .. .. .. £620,116 Total Number of Children on whose Account Pension granted. Number Children of under Pensioners. Fourteen. 1911-12 .. .. .. .. .. .. 791 1,923 1912-13 .. .. .. .. .. .. 657 1,604 1913-14 .. .. .. .. .. .. 421 1,090 1914-15 .. .. .. .. .. .. 458 1,158 1915-16 .. .. .. .. .. .. 444 1,180 1916-17 .. .. .. .. .: .. 421 1,075 1917-18 .. .. .. .. .. .. 509 1,198 1918-19 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,349 3,252 1919-20 .. .. .. .. .. .. 767 1,870 1920-21 .. .. .. .. .. .. 627 1,624 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 6,444 15,974 MAORI WAR PENSIONS. European. Maori. Total. Pensions in force at the 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. 711 ' 228 939 Deaths during 1920-21 .. .. .. .. .. 89 41 130 New pensions granted, 1920-21 .. .. .. .. 1 1 2 Net decrease .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 128 Pensions in force at the 31st March, 1921 .. .. .. 623 188 811



Year 1920-21. New claims lodged .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 Number of pensioners previously in receipt of old-age pensions .. .. .. . . 216 Annual liability at close of year .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £39,739 Average pension .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. £49 Gross expenditure for year .. .. .. .. .. ' .. .. .. £40,213 Cost per head of European population . . . . .. . . .. .. Bd. Refunds paid to Public Account .. . . . . .. .. .. . . £1 16s. Decrease on figures of previous year .. .. .. .. .. .. £4,872 Pensioners in homes and hospitals .. .. . . . . . . .. .. 42 Amount paid to controlling authorities of these .. .. . . .. .. £1,959 Absolutely forfeited instalments .. .. .. .. . . .. .. £471 Instalments forfeited and subsequently paid .. .. . . .. .. .. £300 Total claims lodged to date .. .. .. .. .. 1,879 Total claims established .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,693 Total deaths .. .. . . . . • .. .. . . 880 Total cancellations .. . . .. . . .. .. 2 Grand total paid to date .. .. .. .. .. .. £361,211 MINERS' PENSIONS. Total Pensions in force at the 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. .. 415 New pensions granted, 1920-21 .. .. .. .. .. .. 107 Deaths during 1920-21 .. .. .. .. .. .. 43) .„ Cancellations, 1920-21 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5j Net increase .. .. .. .. . . .. .. —— 59 Pensions in force at the 31st March, 1921 .. .. .. .. .. .. 474 Year 1920-21. New claims lodged . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. 11l New claims rejected .. . . .. .. . . . . .. .. 10 Annual liability at close of year .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £29,686 Average pension . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. £62 12s. Gross expenditure tor year .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £26,972 Increase on figures of previous year . . .. .. .. .. .. .. £10,320 Cost per head of European population .. .. .. .. .. .. s|d. Credit to vote from gold duty .. .. .. . . .. .. . . £2,503 Absolutely forfeited instalments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £333 Instalments forfeited and subsequently paid . . .. .. .. .. .. £327 Total claims lodged to date . . .. .. .. .. 880 Total claims established .. . . .. .. .. .. 790 Total claims rejected . . .. .. .. .. .. 76 Total deaths .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 176 Total cancellations .. .. .. .. .. .. 140 Total amount paid to date .. .. .. .. .. .. £79,750 Total credit from gold duty .. .. .. .. .. £22,287 Total amount paid on account of funeral expenses . . .. .. £1,688 Number of Pensions at each Rate at the 31st March, 1921. Annual Value. £ s. d. 145 at £91 per annum .. .. .. .. .. 13,195 0 0 78 at £65 per annum .. .. .. .. .. 5,070 0 0 251 at £45 10s. per annum .. .. .. .. .. 11,420 10 0 474 £29,685 10 0 Ages (in Groups) of Pensioners at the 31st March, 1921. Miners. Miners' Widows. 20-30 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..2 2 31-40 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..8 12 41-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..29 73 51-60 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..50 80 61-70 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..77 58 71-75 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..32 20 Over 76 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 6 223 251 474



EPIDEMIC PENSIONS. The allowances provided by vote of Parliament to relieve distress arising out of the influenza epidemic of November, 1918, formerly controlled by the Public Health Department through the various Hospital Boards, were taken over by this Department as from the Ist April, 1920. As in the case of pensions, these allowances are being paid monthly per medium of the various post-offices throughout the Dominion. Total. Pensions in force at the 31st March, 1920 .. . . . . . . . . . . 939 Now pensions granted, 1920-21 .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 Cancellations, 1920-21 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Net decrease .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 90 Pensions in force at the 3.lst March, 1921 .. .. .. .. .. .. 849 Year 1920-21. New claims lodged .. . . . . ... . . . . 40 New claims rejected .. .. .. .. . . . . 13 Annual liability at close of year .. .. .. .. .. £71,486 Average pension .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £83 Gross expenditure for year .. .. .. . . . . . . £72,450 Absolutely forfeited instalments .. .. . . . . .. £107 Instalments forfeited and subsequently paid .. .. .. .'. £341 COST OF ADMINISTRATION. £ Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35,173 Cost-of-living bonus . . . . .. . . . . : . .. . . 275 Contribution to Post Office (nine months only) .. .. .. .. .. 7,955 Grant to Mrs. O. K. Philips on account of death of husband as member of crew of transport "Tahiti" .. .. .. .. .. '.. .. .. .. 199 Grant to Mrs. Mary Young in lieu of old-age pension .. .. .. .. .. 15 Honoraria of members of War Pensions Board.. .. .. .. .. .. 2,454 Light, firing, and water . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 98 Medical fees (war pensions) .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. 12,292 Office fittings and requisites, including printing and stationery .. .. • .. .. 2,540 Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,319 Proportion of salaries, High Commissioner's staff . . .. . . .. • . • 145 Telephones .. .. .. .. .. • ■ ■ • • • • ■ 131 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. .. ■ .. •■ •• 1,737 Overtime .. .. .. .. .. .. • • • • ■ • • ■ • 317 Advertising .. .. .. .. .. ... .. •• •• 17 Fees for certificates of age . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . 7 Interpreter's fee .. . . .. . . .. .. • ■ • ■ 1 Cartage .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . • ■ • 2 Commission on money-orders and rate of exchange .. .. .. .. .. 193 Charges on postal drafts through High Commissioner, London . . .. . . . . 62 Loading on life-insurance premiums on account of impaired health . . .. .. 90 Payment of instalments of war pensions collected by unauthorized persons . . .. 67 Sundry payments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • ■ • • 66 £67,155 Number of officers on staff at the 31st March, 1921 .. .. .. . ■ • • 173 Percentage of cost of administration to total expenditure for year (£2,945,802) .. .. 2-27



Table I.—Number of War Pensions in Force at each Rate on the 31st March, 1921.

GENERAL. Table II. —Pensions granted, Deaths, and Cancellations in each Year, with Number in Force and Annual Variation.


Wives and Parents (on Account of Disablement). . On Acooum t of Death. Rate (nearest £1). Soldiers (Permanent). Soldiers (Tomporary). Widows (including Children's Pensions). Parents and other Dependants £ £ 561-300 .. S34-260 .. 201-233 .. .91-200 .. 81-190 .. 71-180 .. 61-170 .. 51-160 .. .41-150 .. 31-140 .. 21-130 .. .11-120 .. 01-110 .. 91-100 .. 81- 90 .. 71- 80 .. 61- 70 .. 51- 60 .. 41- 50 .. 31- 40 .. 21- 30 .. 6-20 22 3 1 62 10 3 5 59 15 38 78 357 325 152 654 89 508 667 167 17 6 13 1,226 4 38 19 38 719 4 128 112 2 15 21 6 50 3 5 7 126 19 21 291 26 370 32 147 181 49 9 28 79 26 105 9 82 195 15 62 411 67 21 10 40 531 8 48 1 1 6 5 8 6 169 63 467 53 1,641 3,476 115 1,231 547 4,079 3 4,123 6,782 44 46 239 3 Totals 3,215 19,133 1,371 2,034 6,011

Year ended 31st March. Number of Pensions granted. Deaths. Cancellations. In Force at End of Yoar. Inoreasc. Deorease. 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 7,487 4,699 2,227 1,694 1,391 1,063 1,210 2,075 2,031 1,740 2,113 2,304 2,399 2,318 2,072 3,320 3,158 2,268 1,823 2,146 2,235 2,289 2,152 Old-age. 38 786 815 935 1,064 928 890 1,038 1,097 1,189 1,112 1,169 1,423 1,469 1,569 1,479 1,582 1,539 1,610 1,535 2,013 1,798 1,880 6 71 292 388 622 690 476 225 259 239 174 211 276 220 643 300 274 277 320 348 310 370 428 7,443 11,285 12,406 12,776 12,481 11,926 11,770 12,582 13,257 13,569 14,396 15,320 16,020 16,649 16,509 18,050 19,352 19,804 19,697 19,960 19,872 19,993 19,837 3,842 1,120 371 812 675 312 827 924 700 629 295 555 156 1,541 1,302 452 140 263 107 121 88 156 Totals 56,214 28,958 7,419


Table II.-Pensions granted, Deaths, and Cancellations in each Year, etc. — continued.

G. C. Fache, Commissioner of Pensions.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (800 copies), £12 10b.

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92l.

Price 6d.]


59897 7 7 7

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TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1921., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, H-18

Word Count

TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1921. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, H-18

TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1921. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, H-18

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