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Session 11. 1921. NEW ZEAL A N D.


Laid on the faille of the House of Representatives by Leave.

To the iron. D. H. Glhtirte, Minister of Lands, and the Hon. J. G. Ooates, Native Minister, Wellington. Dear Sirs,— Wellington, 31st October, 1921. We have the honour to submit our detailed report on the Urewera lands, and the proposals for the consolidation of the interests acquired therein by the Crown and of the interests of the Native non-sellers. 1. Historical Review. For a better understanding of the position at the Ist August, 1921., when we met the Natives at Ruatoki pursuant to your instructions, we desire to give a brief review of the circumstances which led up to the special legislation afflicting the Urewera country, of the history of land-titles in that territory, and of the purchases carried out by the Government therein. Prior to the year 1896 it may be said that the Queen's writ did not run in the area which the Legislature in that year defined as the " Urewera District Native Reserve." The tribal lands wore unsurveyed, the Native Land Acts were inoperative, and Native customs and institutions were dominant. But already there were signs of dissatisfaction with the existing state of things, serious quarrels arising out of land claims, and a demand for a tribunal to investigate the same and. determine the matters in dispute. These and the desire of the Government to bring the Urewera Tribe and their titles within the pale led to a Ministerial tour of the territory, undertaken by the Prime Minister (Mr. Seddon) and Mr. (now Sir James) Carroll. The negotiations between them and the Ureweras resulted in the passing of the Urewera District Native Reserve Act, 1896. That Act— (1.) Constituted and defined the boundary of the Urewera District Native Reserve, containing approximately 656,000 acres. (2.) Empowered the appointment of seven Commissioners (two Europeans and five Urewera Natives) to investigate and determine by sub-tribal areas t te ownership of Urewera lands according to Native custom and usage; the Government at its own cost providing the sketch-plans as the basis of the investigations. (?>.) Provided for the appointment of Local Committees (one for each block), from which would be elected, a General Committee " to deal with all questions affecting the reserve as a whole, or affecting any portion thereof in relation to other persons than the owners thereof." The powers of these committees were very vaguely defined, and were left to be prescribed by the Governor in Council. One power, however, was defined beyond dispute, " that the General Committee shall have power to alienate any portion of the district to the Crown, either absolutely or for any lesser estate, or by way of cession for mining purposes." (4.) Provided that the Government could take not more than 400 acres (except with the consent of the General Committee) for accommodation-houses, camping-grounds for stock, and other public purposes ; and could lay out roads and landing-places. The Act of 1896 also provided that, the findings of the Commissioners were subject to appeal to the Native Minister, who had power to finally dispose of the appeals upon such expert inquiry as he might direct. The preparation of sketch-plans took some time, and the Commissioners did not begin work till, the Ist February, .1899. In 1900 an amending Act (the Urewera District Native Reserve Act Amendment.) was passed which brought the Ruatoki Block under the jurisdiction of the Commissioners, and empowered the Native Minister on behalf of the owners to lease such portions of the Urewera District as were not required for immediate settlement. It was provided that the land should be leased under Part Vof the Land Act, 1892. Nothing was ever done under this provision.

I— G. 7.



The Commissioners completed their investigations towards the end of 1902, and meantime made an interim report (Parliamentary Paper G.-6, 1902). Their complete orders, defining the owners of all hapu blocks and their shares, were printed and presented to Parliament as Paper G.-6, 1903. This may be termed the first stage of the ascertainment of titles. It was open to any aggrieved party to appeal to the Native Minister, who could under the 1896 Act direct an. expert inquiry into the appeals and dispose of them on their report. There were 173 appeals (published in New Zealand Gazette dated the 15th November, 1906). These were dealt with by Commissioners between 1906 and March, 1907. Their report is printed as Parliamentary Paper G.-4, 1907, which also contains the final orders under the hand of the Native Minister dated the 30th August, 1907. These orders form the basis of the land-titles in the Urewera district. Parliament in the same year made the Urewera Native Reserve subject to the Mining Act, and empowered the Governor to make regulations to carry out a promise of the late Mr. Seddon to the Ureweras in regard to prospecting and mining for gold. (The Maori Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act, 1907, sections 7 and 8.) It also empowered the Native Land Court to investigate the title of one block (Pukcpohatu) which the second Commission (on appeals) found not to have been investigated by the original Commission. It will be noted that up to 1907 the Urewera lands had been dealt with apart, that the Native Land Court had no jurisdiction, and the ordinary rules relating to the issue and registration of titles, surveys, and alienation did not apply. No private person could, deal with any Urewera land, and it is doubtful whether the Crown could purchase except from, the General Committee, which could not be appointed until the titles were finally ascertained in 1907. Thus the period from 1896 to 1907 was wholly occupied with the litigation relating to the thirty-four tribal blocks into which the territory was divided, involving an area of 650,000 acres. The titles could not be issued, because the sketchplans on which the investigations were based were magnetic surveys. In 1908 the Native Land Commission (Stout-Ngata), in G.-la, 1908, reported : " To complete the titles so far as investigations have proceeded proper surveys are required. The titles, however, are far enough advanced to allow of the Native Land Court exercising jurisdiction in partition, succession, and other cases " ; and recommended that the other steps contemplated in the principal Act of 1896 —namely, the appointment of Local (Block) Committees and the election of a General Committee—be carried out. The Ureweras had offered to the Native Land Commission an area of 28,000 acres, portions of ten different blocks, to be dealt with for settlement by way of lease. The Maori Land Laws Amendment Act, 1908, sections 20 to 22, gave effect to some of the Native Land Commission's recommendations. In March, 1909, the General Committee was constituted. In 1909 the Urewera District Native Reserve Amendment Act was passed. It provided for the conversion of the Urewera title orders into freehold orders under the Native Land Act, 1909, and registrable as such ; extended the jurisdiction of the Native Land Court in all matters (the consent of the Governor in Council being required, to partition and exchange) to Urewera lands, and emphasized the provision that no Urewera land could be purchased by the Crown otherwise than from the General Committee in pursuance of the principal Act. The rules (New Zealand Gazette, Bth September, 1910) provided that this consent should be given by resolution of the committee under its seal. During 1908, 1909, and 1910 numerous attempts were made by the Ureweras, by petition and otherwise, to reopen some of their titles. The right of appeal was conceded by legislation in 191.0 (the Urewera District Native Reserve Amendment Act), and some appeals were dealt with by the Native Appellate Court. But the amendments to the titles were not serious. In the meantime a large section of the Ureweras, led by Rua Kenana, then at the height of his influence, demanded that some of the lands should be sold to the Crown. This led in the winter of 1910 to an arrangement with the General Committee whereby lands in the Waimana or Tauranga, basin, between Waimana and. Maungapohatu, were authorized to be purchased, by the Crown. A special valuation was made by an officer of the Lands and Survey Department, who reported favourably on the Waimana Valley lands, and the Government authorized the Lands Department to conduct the purchases in seven blocks, approved by the General Committee. By March, 1912, the area acquired, all in the Waimana basin, was 40,795 acres, at a cost of £31,353 6s. The negotiations were made difficult by the constant disputes as to titles, by the necessity of conforming to the wishes of the General Committee, and the doubt as to the legality of the course pursued in the purchases by the Crown. The procedure was first to obtain the written consent of the individual owner to the sale of his share, a payment being made to him on the assessed value of his interest. It was contemplated that when a sufficient area was acquired the Crown would define by partition the interests of those who had sold, and the General Committee would then affirm, the sale of that portion, by resolution and thus comply with the law. Political changes in 1912 wore partly responsible for the temporary cessation of the purchases. It appeared to be necessary to push the Urewera titles to completion by undertaking proper surveys. It was said of the old magnetic surveys that " they were useless for title purposes, and in many cases impossible to redefine on the ground, present-day Natives being unacquainted with the location of the named places on the boundary-lines." It was clear that a re-establishment of the old. surveys would be a costly proceeding. In the meantime the Ureweras everywhere were clamouring for a resumption of the purchases ; private syndicates were alleged to be in treaty for the acquisition of timber-cutting rights. During 1915 officers of the Lands and Survey Department made a special valuation of the balance of the Urewera lands, and especially of the timber resources. Except in part of the Whaiti Block the latter were not extensive, were not in sufficient quantities or in locations suitable for milling purposes. The Native Land Purchase Board towards the end of 1914 decided to resume the purchases, and to purchase direct from individual owners without reference to the General Committee. The policy of Crown purchase from individual. Native owners had. been approved



by Parliament in the Native Land Amendment Act, 1913, in regard to Native lands generally. In country the then Native Minister, Mr. (now Sir) W. H. Herries, decided to broaden the scope of the purchases, which had hitherto been confined to the Waimana basin, and to conduct them as part of the general Native-land-purchase policy of the Government. The Native Land Purchase Officer, Mr. W. H. Bowler, resumed the Urewera purchases at the beginning of June, 1915. The blocks under purchase numbered forty-four (some of the original blocks having been subdivided), covering a total approximate area of 518,329 acres. For various reasons several blocks, totalling about 130,000 acres, were excluded from the operations, including the Waikaremoana Block. The progress of the purchases up to the end of July, 1921, may be gauged from the following table :— Acquired by Lands Department — a. r. p. From June, 1910, to 31st March, 1912 .. .. .. 40,795 0 0 Acquired by Native Land Purchase Department— From sth. June, 1915, to 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. 84,770 0 0 From Ist April, 1916, to 31st March, 1917 .. .. .. 56,741 0 0 From Ist April, 1917, to 31st March, 1918 .. .. .. 64,303 1 -1 From Ist April, 1918, to 31st March, 1919 .. .. .. 42,672 2 1 From Ist April, 1919, to 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. 29,996 1.15 From Ist April, 1920, to 31st March, 1921 .. .. .. 9,404 0 0 From Ist April, 1921, to 31st July, 1921 .. .. .. 16,394 028 345,076 I 8 Valued at £193,076 4s. lid. At that date, in the forty-four blocks under purchase the Native non-sellers retained 173,252 acres 2 roods 32 perches', valued at £78,479 15s. or approximately one-third, besides holding six large and two small blocks intact. Parliament had in 1916 (section 4 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1916) made it clear that the old and recent purchases of Urewera lands were legal, and that every individual Native owner " shall be deemed to have and to have had power to sell his interest to the Crown, but to no other person." It became clear during 1918 and 1919 that the Urewera purchases wore dragging. The Native Land Purchase Officer combed the district through on successive occasions, with diminishing success. It seemed as if the limit of those willing to sell was nearly reached. There was a strong and insistent demand in the Press and by local bodies in the Bay of Plenty to have the areas purchased by the Crown made available for settlement. It became necessary to concentrate attention on the problem of how best to dissever the Crown from the Native interests without the intrusion of the latter into the Crown's sphere of settlement prejudicing a comprehensive scheme of roading and. cutting-up and the reservation of forest and watershed areas. Heroic measures entailing the compulsory acquisition by the Crown of outstanding interests were suggested but could not be entertained. The alternative procedure of a Native Land Court partition defining and locating the proportions in each block bought by the Crown and retained by non-sellers did not appear to be satisfactory cither for the Crown or for the non-sellers. In not one of the forty-four blocks under purchase had the Native interests been wholly acquired. But the chief stumbling-block was the fact that in order to make such partition orders effective and registrable it was necessary to undertake a comprehensive and very expensive survey of the whole territory. There was no guarantee that the areas awarded to the Crown would conform to any comprehensive settlement or roading scheme, or that the Court would be guided by settlement conditions. On the other hand, the Court was more likely to be bound to respect the Native occupations and clearings and to make these the nuclei of Native sections, irrespective of whether their locations fitted in or interfered with the roading and cutting-up of the Crown awards. The Crown's experience in the King-country under somewhat similar conditions was not to be lightly repeated. The obvious solution, provided that it did not occupy too much time, was to arrange with the Native non-sellers a scheme that would consolidate the interests acquired by the Crown and those of the non-sellers. The position of the latter was indeed worse than that of the Crown. Their interests were scattered over a huge territory in many different blocks, without any hope under existing law of their ever being brought together into compact areas. Exchanges among themselves would be too costly even if it were practicable to comply with the requirements of the law, which seemed very doubtful. It was as much to their interest as to that of the Crown that a consolidation scheme should be carried out affecting the whole territory. Consolidation of interests as a remedy was suggested to the Native Minister, the Hon. Sir W. H. Herries, during the 1918 session, but, while he approved of the suggestion if the Natives were willing to effect the exchanges, " he did not think that the time was ripe for the Government to start cutting-out in the Urewera country." There was still a possibility of acquiring more shares from Natives willing to sell, and this opinion was justified by the fact that a further 60,000 acres were bought before the consolidation scheme was actually undertaken. But during 1919 and 1920 consolidation as a solution of the Urewera problem was constantly in the official mind. It was approved by the Minister of Lands (Hon. Mr. Guthrie) and officers of his Department. The Kahiti (New Zealand Gazette) of the 20th November, 1919, published a list of non-sellers in the Urewera district, giving the amounts to which they were entitled and the blocks in which they were interested. Early this year the Natives adopted the suggestion, and made strong representations, first to the parliamentary party which visited the Bay of Plenty and East Coast districts, and later to yourselves when you visited Ruatoki in May last. It was at the conference held by you with the Natives during May of this year that it was definitely decided to proceed with a consolidation scheme.


2. The Urewera Lands Consolidation Scheme. The preparation of the necessary data was undertaken by the Native Department, and was carried out by the Native Land Purchase Officer, Mr. W. H. Howler, and the Registrar of the Native Land Court at Rotorua. Lists were compiled giving the names of the Natives who retained their interests, and the value of those interests expressed in pence. Armed with this information, and in accordance with your instructions, we met the Natives at Ruatoki on the Ist August, 1921. They had been first notified through the Kahiti to attend on the 18th July, but that date was altered by a subsequent notice to the Ist August. The officers who attended were Mr. R. J. Knight, of the Lands and. Survey Office, Auckland, representing the Crown ; Mr. H. Carr, Commissioner of the Native Land Court, representing the Native Department; Mr. H. R. H. Balneavis, Private Secretary to the Native Minister ; and Mr. W. H. Bowler, Native Land Purchase Officer. The Hon. A. T. Ngata attended to represent the Native interest; and was later joined, by Mr. H. M. Awarau and Mr. H. T. Fox, gentlemen who had considerable experience and expert knowledge of the execution of consolidation schemes in the Gisborne district. The Ureweras attended in large numbers, every family of non-sellers being represented. A committee of thirty-seven representatives was selected to receive the proposals of the Crown, and the Hon. Mr. Ngata was unanimously asked to act on behalf of the non-sellers. The following is the list of the representatives selected to consider the proposals of the Crown, and who authorized the Hon. Mr. Ngata to conduct the negotiations on behalf of the non-sellers ; and as in the subsequent grouping of the non-sellers the majority of these representatives retained that character, their corresponding group number is given : — Akuhata te Hiko . . ..11 Takurua Tamarau .. .. 32 Albert Warbrick . . .. L Tahuri te Hira . . .. 30 Te Ao Tangohau .. .. 39t0 Takao Tamaikoha .. ..12 Uparaima te Hapi .. . . 17 n Taipeti Matatua .. 40 Erueti Pecnc.. .. 22,27,47 a Tane Hauraki .. ..20 Hauwai Tiakiwai .. .. 26 Tawera Moko . . .. 6 Hurae Puketapu .. .. 44 Taihakoa Poniwahio .. 19 Te Hata Waewae .. . . 5 Tccpa Koura .. .. 47 Kohunui Tupaea .. .. 7 Tihi te Peeti .. .. 39i Mika to Tawhao .. .. 3 Tikareti te Iriwhiro .. 35 Paora Kingi Paora .. .. 1 lit Tv Rakuraku . . 17a Paora Takuta .. .. .. Tupara Kaaho .. ..21 Pikao Kainga Waikaremoana Wahia Paraki . . 37 Te Pouwhare te Roau .. 4 Wircmu Wirihana .. .. 39 Paora Rangiaho . . .. 23 Wiremu Bird .. .. M Te Rahui .. . . .... Wiremu Trainor .. .. 2 Rua Kenana .. 14 Waipatu Winitana .. 44 Rehua te Wao .. .. 24 Wharepouri te Amo .. .. 25 Rotu Kereru .. .. 1 Whetu Paerata . . . . 15 i The proposals of the Crown were outlined by Mr. R. J. Knight at the opening meeting, and, briefly, were as follows : — 1. The consolidation scheme to cover only those blocks in which the Crown had purchased interests. Summarized, the position was that in forty-four blocks, totalling 518,329 acres, the Crown had bought 345,076 acres 1 rood 8 perches, valued at £193,076 4s. lid., and the non-sellers retained 173,252 acres 2 roods 32 perches, valued at £78,479 155., the total estate involved being valued at £271,555 19s. lid. The Crown would not exchange Urewera interests for any Crown lands outside the Urewera country, and for Native interests in blocks other than these under purchase. 2. The Crown asked for complete awards of Te Whaiti 1 and 2, IVlaraotahia, Tawhiuau, and Otairi Blocks, subject to small reservations at Te Whaiti Settlement for non-sellers, who would take the bulk of their interests elsewhere in the territory. 3. The Crown asked that the bulk of its purchases should, be located in the area between the Whakatane River and the Waimana basin south of the Ruatoki Settlement. 4. The Crown asked that the non-sellers should contribute £32,000 worth. of land towards the cost of the arterial roads, connecting Ruatoki with Ruatahuna, and Waimana via Maungapohatu with Ruatahuna. 5. The Crown proposed that the existing titles and surveys and tribal boundaries be cancelled and abolished, and new titles issued to the non-sellers for properly surveyed and roaded sections under the Land Transfer Act. These proposals are outlined here because in the main they were the principles to which the details of the Urewera consolidation scheme were made to conform. The subsequent proceedings occupied us at Ruatoki up to the 25th August. It was found necessary to pay visits of inspection to Te Whaiti and the Waimana Valley, these being made by Mr. Knight, accompanied by Mr. H. M. Awarau. Later, to complete negotiations relating to Waikaremoana Block and the Urewera Reserves, we visited Wairoa and Waikaremoana between the Bth and 15th September. Procedure. Having the compiled lists of non-sellers, and the Crown proposals outlined by Mr. Knight, it was decided to proceed at once to sort out the owners according to their family affinities or proposed locations. The lists were read in public, block by block, the representatives (who had been allotted




group numbers or letters) indicating to which group an owner should go. Disputes as to grouping were determined there and then. The individual names numbered 8,931. Aliases and dedications were thus revealed and noted, misspellings of names corrected, and the names of deceased owners to whom successors had not been appointed were marked off. This was a laborious proceeding, and occupied, off and on, the whole of our stay at Ruatoki. The names of deceased owners having been ascertained, Mr. Carr, a Commissioner of the Native Land Court, assisted by Mr. Balnoavis and Mr. Awarau, held, an inquiry into the appointment of successors. There were over four hundred deceased owners, and the succession orders made numbered 1,081. Legislation is required to validate these as part of the consolidation scheme. We have anticipated this in our grouping of the non-sellers, and incorporated the proposed successors and the interests derived by succession in the proposed new title lists attached, to this report. The grouping was done in group-books provided for the purpose. The complete interests of each individual member of the group from whatever source derived were scheduled. There was continual shuffling and reshuffling of individuals composing a group, the relatives claiming inclusion in one group or the other according to the sources from which rights were derived. This may be accepted as the basis of any scheme for the consolidation of interests in Native land —namely, the formation of the group, the determination of the individuals composing the same, the scheduling of interests in all blocks affected by the scheme, and the location of their consolidated interests in one section, or in as few sections as possible. The appointment of successors to deceased owners should also precede the final and complete grouping and locating. As an instance, there was one deceased owner whose interests totalled £300 in value and whose successors were distributed among seven groups. The apportionment of value to each of these groups would, of course, affect the area of the section that each group would be entitled to receive. The final grouping was determined by the proposals for location. There were 150 groups (a subgroup being reckoned, as a distinct group for the purpose). These appear in consecutive order in the Second Schedule hereto, together with the proposed location of each group or subgroup. Scope of Scheme. The Crown proposals sought at first to limit the scheme to the blocks actually under purchase, forty-four in all, and discouraged exchanges with any Crown lands outside the Urewera Native District Reserve as defined by statute. But during the progress of the negotiations it was deemed, advisable to extend the scope of the scheme so as to include Waikaremoana Block and four reserves (known as the Urewera Reserves) on the south and south-west of Lake Waikaremoana, and also to permit of exchanges with portions of the Whirinaki Block (Crown land) and Herehoretau B 2 (Crown land in the Wairoa County). The Ruatoki Natives asked for the inclusion of Ruatoki 1, 2, and 3 Blocks, but it was found impracticable on account of the valuations. Finally the scheme excluded Ruatoki 1, 2, and 3, Whaitiripapa, Tapatahi, Manuoha, and Paharakeke, and added, — Acres. Waikaremoana .. . . . . . . .. . . 73,667 Urewera Reserves — Whareama .. .. .. .. .. 300 Ngaputahi .. .. .. .. .. ..298 Kopani .. .. .. .. .. .. 800 Heiotahoka . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 2,498 The scheme is set out m detail in the First Schedule to this report. Proposed, L,egislation. The present scheme has been formulated without jurisdiction, and with no authority other than the Ministerial instructions. The whole of the proceedings are therefore informal. Legislation is necessary to give effect thereto, and to determine by whom and the manner in which it shall be carried out. We recommend that the opportunity shall be taken of revising the existing legislation, and to that end place on record our views, viz. : — 1. That all existing legislation relating to the Urewera Native District Reserve be repealed. This means, inter alia — (a.) The abolition of the Local Committees and of the General Committee. There is now no need for these, and the majority of the Ureweras arc opposed to their continuance. (b.) The repeal of the provision relating to the operation of the Mining Act and of any Proclamations issued thereunder. 2. That the consolidation scheme detailed in the First Schedule be confirmed, and that special officers be appointed charged with the duty of carrying the same into effect. For the purposes of the scheme the Native ownership is determined by reference to the grouplists given in the Second Schedule. The special officers shall have power to amend these names and the shares set opposite them, or to transfer any name from one group to another, either for the whole or part of the interest shown opposite such name, or to amend the proposals for the location of the area that any group may be found entitled to, or to amend the proportion that may be awarded to the Crown. This precaution is necessary because in handling the huge mass of material of the Urewera titles errors or miscalculations may have crept in. It is contemplated that differences may arise between the officers appointed to execute the consolidation scheme, or between them and the Natives concerned, prior to the making of an order



under the proposed legislation. In such cases it is advisable that the matters in dispute shall be referred to the Chief Judge of the Native Land Court, whose decision shall be final. The orders made in pursuance of the scheme shall bo signed by the special officers and countersigned by the Chief Judge of the Native Land Court, who shall affix the seal of the Court thereto. Such orders shall operate as vesting-orders of the Native Land Court, and be registrable as such. An order vesting title under the Act shall not be subject to appeal, but it is advisable to have powers of amendment such as were provided by section 39 of the Native Land Court Act, 1894. 3. Crown Awards. —These are set forth in the First Schedule. Where any block is completely awarded to the Crown the Act declares it to be Crown land. Where the rights between Crown and consolidated non-sellers require to be readjusted the Crown will derive its title from a vesting-order made under the Act. In addition to any area to which the Crown is now entitled by purchase from the former Native owners, the Crown is entitled to a contribution towards the cost of arterial roads (up to £20,000 worth of land distributed over the whole of the Urewera country) and to take in land the approximate cost of the survey of the Native sections. These are deductible from the areas of the Native sections, and their extent and location is to be determined by the special officers. The obligation is on the Crown to survey the Native sections in accordance with the direction of the special officers, and to reimburse itself for the cost of same in land. 4. Alienation. —A considerable period must elapse between the passing of the proposed legislation and the issue of the new titles thereafter for the Native sections. The existing Urewera Acts restrict all private alienations. Only the Crown is permitted to deal with Urewera lands either by sale or lease. It is clear that the scheme must be carried out to completion before any alienations are permitted, and we recommend that until the title to any Native section is completed by the making of an order and the endorsement thereon of a proper plan no alienation shall be permitted either to private persons or to the Crown. As regards the Crown, however, cases may arise where a sale to the Crown is desirable in order to adjust a difficulty, and in that case the purchase can take place on the recommendation of the special officers. When the titles are completed, the general law relating to Native lands shall apply. 5. Rales. —The same provisions shall apply to local rates. No Native section shall be liable for rates until, say, a period of one year after the completion of the title thereto, and then only by notification under the hand of the Native Minister. It would not be fair to make these lands rateable until the roading scheme!, to the cost of which they are contributing, is carried out. 6. Special provisions are required for those blocks which, though within the Urewera Native District, arc not included in the consolidation scheme—namely, Ruatoki 1, 2, and 3, Whaitiripapa, Tapatahi, Manuoha, and Paharakeke. It was not possible to bring them into the present scheme, but it may be possible to deal with them, or some of them, partially before the details of the scheme can be carried out, and authority should be given for the purpose. In any case the restrictions against alienation should be applied to them as well as to the lands now included in the scheme. 7. Waikaremoana Block and the Urewera Reserves. —The former is already within the Urewera Native District Reserve, but the latter are not. They were, in fact, Crown lands granted as reserves to the Ureweras in the early days. Two of the reserves, Whareama and Ngaputahi, become Crown land by virtue of the scheme, the other two remain to the consolidated owners. Waikaremoana Block becomes Crown land by virtue of the scheme (a) by exchange as to Native interests consolidated to the north, (5) by agreement to sell as to Native interests owned by Natives living to the south of the lake aud at Wairoa. The consideration for sale in the latter case is stated in the scheme, and the authority of Parliament is required for the necessary finance. 8. Authority is required for the grant of Crown lands to Natives in accordance with the scheme out of Whirinaki Block and Hereheretau B 2. These will become Native lands subject to the jurisdiction of the Native Land Court. General Remarks. We may say that the course decided upon by the Government in the case of the Urewera lands was probably the best that could have been adopted under the circumstances — namely, the carrying-out of negotiations in an informal way, unhampered by legislative and other restrictions —for the settlement of every question affecting this huge territory. The ordinary machinery of the Courts would have been at a serious disadvantage. A Court, acting judicially under statute, could not have conducted negotiations such as resulted in the acquisition of the Waikaremoana forest area, or the settlement of the Te Whaiti Blocks, where the Crown's objective was the large area of valuable milling-timber. Its own rules would have caused delays and adjournments at a time when the fullest advantage had to bo taken of the complete representation of all nonsellers' interests at one place. The Urewera consolidation scheme, if approved and completed, will effect a great saving to the country, especially to the Native Department, and will enable the Lands Department and those Departments associated with it in the settlement of Crown lands to commence operations on a comprehensive scale without any further delay. The following would be some of the chief results of the scheme :— (a.) A complete stock-taking of the ownership of lands in the Urewera country, which comprises 656,000 acres. That ownership is brought up to date in all. details. Instead of being the most backward, they will be as far advanced as the best Native titles in any part of the Dominion. (b.) The work of the Native Land Court will in the future be reduced to making partitions among members of a family, which in practice would mean giving effect to family arrangements, and carrying on the successions to deceased owners.



(c.) Useless and expensive surveys will be obviated, because there is now no need to reestablish and redefine the old magnetic surveys. The surveys necessary to complete our scheme will bo Land Transfer surveys done once to enable the issue of certificates of title. In conclusion, we venture the opinion that among the younger Natives of the Urewera country there is a strong and a genuine desire to be put in a position to farm, some of their lands. They have been hampered in the past by the unsatisfactory nature of the titles, which, as will have been noted from a perusal of this report, have been in a state of turmoil since 1896, formerly during successive investigations and litigation, and. later in the confusion occasioned by the Government purchases. The Urewera Natives were moved to agree to the consolidation proposals chiefly by the consideration that out of the scheme would emerge for the non-sellers defined sections, ready surveyed and accessible by or handy to arterial roads ; that those sections would be free of the old-time restrictions, and owned not tribally or by hapus, but by compact families, with eyes looking forward, and whose only link with the past would be that the sections comprise the homes and cultivations of thoir ancestors. We have, &c, R. J. Knight. H. Carr. H. R. H. Balneavis.

Memorandum by the Hon. A. T. Ngata. To the Hon. Minister of Lands and tho Hon. the Native Minister. Dear Sirs, — I have perused the report on the Urewera consolidation scheme prepared by tho departmental officers who wore associated with me in the Urewera negotiations, and have much pleasure in certifying that it is a correct statement of the scheme and tho proceedings in relation thereto. I desiro to impress on the Government the following matters : — 1. That the execution of the scheme should not be left to the ordinary machinery of the Courts and Departments. I strongly urge that special officers of the Native and tho Lands Departments should be detailed to carry out the same, and I know of none better fitted for the work than those who have been engaged on the preparation of tho scheme during the last three months. There should be attached to them a surveyor who has a thorough knowledge of handling the location of disputed Native sections, and who would have the necessary tact in dealing with the Natives of the district. 2. The exploration and definition of the Native areas should proceed pari passu with that of the Crown awards. It would be a breach of the spirit of the negotiations so successfully conducted if the Crown, on whom the responsibility for surveying and roading has been thrown, were to complete its own titles first and place settlors on the areas awarded to it, leaving Native claims in the air. 3. The concluding remarks of tho report dealing with the utilization by the Ureweras of the lands remaining to them cannot be too strongly emphasized. Igo further Jihan the officers in urging that the State should inaugurate in this district a special scheme for rendering financial and other assistance to the young Urewera farmers. The human material is good. The men are good bushmen, efficient in all that relates to work in bush country. They require not only financial assistance, but above all business assistance. It would not be sufficient—in fact, it would be risky—merely to lend them money on tho security of their lands. There must be business guidance as well to see that the money is applied to the best use to secure the best return. 4. The report is necessarily silent as to any policy for dealing with the areas awarded or to be. awarded to the Crown under the scheme. I may in this connection direct your attention to the history of tho Waimarino Block, which was purchased by tho Ballance Government in 1886. As a purchase of a largo compact forest area in the shortest possible time it stands as a record. In some respects it affords a parallel to the Urewera country. Waimarino was over 600,000 acres in extent, situated in the interior, surrounded on all sides, but at a distance, by a fringe of cultivated lands. It was not penetrated by arterial ways except the Wanganui River. It was unexplored territory. The country had then no forestry policy. The Waimarino area was nibbled at from all sides ; it was the hinterland of two land districts, tho hinterland of many County Councils, a kind of " No-man's Land." The demands of settlement forced it and its magnificient timber resources piecemeal into the market. It was not till the completion of the North Island Main Trunk Railway in 1.908, twenty-two years after the purchase, that the country realized what a magnificent forest asset it had had and lost. History repeats itself in some respects' in the Urewera country. Once more the fate of a territory of over 600,000 acres of forest land, also hinterland, on the edge of two land districts, and of two Native Land Court districts and two Maori Land Board districts, the converging point of possibly four County Council areas, is in the hands of the Government to make or mar. Is it to be left to the nibbling process, to the varying claims of contending jurisdictions, to a gradual evolution pioneered by tho axe and fire ? Or shall we have now an illustration on a grand scale of what is meant by a comprehensive scheme of land-settlement ? We have or are about to have a properly equipped Forestry Department, with its schemes for demarcation, reservation, and. so forth. We have the dearly bought experience of Bay of Plenty farmers in handling bush farms in that district. We have on the East Coast the example of what Maoris can do with their lands if intelligently assisted, financed, and organized. We should be able to benefit by a combination of such talent and cxporionco in the handling of the last important land problem of the North Island. Yours faithfully, A. T. Ngata.



FIB ST SCHEDULE. The Urewera Lands Consolidation Schemi.. 1. The scheme is based on data supplied by the Native Department, which gave the lists of nonsellers and the valuations of their interests expressed in pence, and a schedule showing the value of the interests acquired by purchase by the Crown ; and on the compiled plan 12500 in the Lands and Survey Office, Auckland, of Urewera blocks, giving boundaries, areas, and partitions effected by the Native Land Court. 2. Tho scheme embraces all blocks within the Urewera District Native Reserve, as defined by the Urewera District Native Reserve Act, 1896, except Ruatoki 1, Ruatoki 2, and Ruatoki 3, and subdivisions thereof ; W haitiripapa ; Tapatahi ; Manuoha ; and Paharakeke. It includes lands not within the above reserve but which it was found necessary to include — namely, Whareama, Ngaputahi, Kopani, and Hei-o-Tahoka (known as " Urewera Reserves," Wairoa County); Hereheretau B2 (undivided, interests acquired by the Crown); Whirinaki Block (portions required for exchange with the Natives). 3. The non-sellers have been grouped as shown in the Second Schedule to the report. The process of grouping involved tho incorporation of successors appointed, by tho Native Land Court, and of successors proposed as part of the scheme to owners reported to have died prior to the formulation thereof. The names of deceased owners have therefore disappeared from the lists, and those of the successors have been incorporated in the groups to which they rightly belong. The interests of each individual have been aggregated opposite his name, or if he is in more than one group, the same are distributed according to his wishes. All the steps in the process of grouping successors and distribution of interests are shown in group-books numbered A to G, deposited in the office of the Registrar of tho Native Land Court, Rotorua. The results of the process are the group-lists sot forth in the Second Schedule, which should be confirmed aS a complete statement of the present Native owners and their interests in Urewera lands. 4. The proposals for the location of the interests of the various groups aro given in the summaries at the head of the group-lists ; one summary giving them in consecutive order of the groups, and the other in the order of the blocks to which the groups are assigned. From the latter summary the approximate awards to Grown or Natives are compiled. In some cases awards are complete and definite enough for immediate execution of surveys, in others further inquiries are necessary involving preliminary topographical surveys and adjudication of disputes between the Crown and Natives, or among Natives only. But in most cases the data is sufficient to determine the proportions which the Crown or Natives, or the Natives inter se, are entitled to receive. 5. While adopting the former magnetic surveys and the areas and boundaries thus ascertained for the purposes of the scheme, it is understood that they arc useful only for the purpose of calculating the proportions to which the respective parties to the scheme may be entitled—that the boundaries may bo disregarded on eventual survey, although the nomination of a group or of the Crown to any locality described by the former block-names and sketch-plans should be respected as far as possible. 6. As between the Crown and Natives no variation in area is to bo made on the ground of unequal values, or for reasons of accessibility, or otherwise. 7. The areas of tho Native sections are subject to an assessment as a contribution towards the cost of surveying and forming the proposed arterial roads shown on plan 12500 deposited in the Lands and Survey Office, Auckland. The extent of the liability is £20,000 worth of land, and the assessment against each Native section is to be made by whatever tribunal is authorized to carry out this consolidation scheme. Tho blocks referred to in clause 2 hereof as not included in the scheme, and also the lands referred to in that clause as being outside the Urewera District Native Reserve, but which have been brought into the scheme, are not affected by the proposed roading contribution. 8. The survey of all Native sections shall be carried out by the Crown, at the cost of those sections, to be paid for in land. The cost of the survey shall bo estimated beforehand, and the area of land to defray the same shall be deducted from tho area of the Native section to bo surveyed and awarded to the Crown. That area need not be cut off contiguous to the Native section, or it may take the form of scenic or water-conservation or forest-conservation areas within the boundaries of the Native section. 9. If any Native cultivations or clearings or other improvements aro surrendered by the nonsellers to the Crown in order to facilitate the Crown's settlement scheme, the Crown shall pay compensation for the same. The amount of the compensation and the persons to whom the same shall be payable shall be determined by the tribunal appointed to carry out this scheme. 10. (a.) The Crown shall receive as part of its award the whole of the following blocks : Otairi, Maraetahia, Tawhiuau, Poroporo, Te Tuahu, Paraoanui South, Ohiorangi, Tauwhare, Te Purenga, Tauwharemanuka I, Tauwharemanuka 4, Tauwharemanuka 6, Tauwharemanuka 7, Tauwharemanuka 8, Tauwharemanuka 9. (b.) The Native non-sellers shall receive the whole of the following blocks : —Ruatoki South, Wairiko, Waipotiki, Paraeroa B. (c.) In the other blocks the proportions as between Crown and Natives, the proportions as between Natives and Natives, and the proposed locations, are sot forth approximately in the Second Summary to the Second Schedule, and are subject to adjustment by tho tribunal appointed to carry out this scheme. li. The Crown shall receive two of the Urewera reserves —namely Whareama and Ngaputahi— and shall pay the local rates due by the Native owners on those blocks.

G. -7





12. With regard to Waikaremoana, it was agreed that this block should be vested in the Crown on the following terms : — (a.) By exchange as regards Native owners who have joined groups proposed to be located in lands north of Waikaremoana Block, on the basis of 6s. an acre, the Crown taking the interests thus vacated. The results of these exchanges are already incorporated in the group lists scheduled. (b.) By jiurchase as regards the balance, on the basis of approximately 15s. an acre. The owners entitled to receive this purchase-money are shown in the Waikaremoana Residue Lists 1 to 4 in the proportions set opposite their names, (c.) The terms of the purchase are — (1.) That the reserves mentioned in the Waikaremoana schedules shall be made for the owners proposed on those schedules. The actual location and area to be defined by survey. (2.) Suitable land near the Kopani (Urewera Reserve) shall be purchased for the Natives shown in Waikaremoana Residue 1 List, and the cost thereof paid by the Crown and deducted from the proportion of purchase-money to which such Natives are entitled. (3.) Payment in cash to be made to such owners as the tribunal appointed to carry out this consolidation scheme may recommend. (4.) The balance of tho purchase-money to be paid in debentures carrying 5 per cent. interest. The debentures to bo issued to the Native Trustee. Interest on the debentures to be distributed by the Native Trustee free of cost to the Native beneficiaries. 13. The Crown shall provide suitable areas in Whirinaki Block (adjoining To Whaiti 1 Block) for Groups L (A. Warbrick) and M (William Bird), and any surplus after satisfying Group M shall be for Te Whaiti 1 Native owners, if required. The Crown shall, out of such area as may be awarded to it out of Hereheretau B 2 Block, in tho Wairoa County, provide land to the value of £299 10s. for group 46 (Toriki Reupena). 14. The survey charges made in favour of the Crown against the Ruatahuna Blocks are to be cancelled and the lands released therefrom. 15. Although the Ruatoki 1, 2, and 3, Tapatahi, and Whaitiripapa Blocks are not included in the consolidation scheme as formulated, the tribunal above referred to may find it possible, and should be authorized, to give effect to any exchanges that may be proposed as between Natives and Natives affecting any of those blocks and the blocks already dealt with in tho scheme. 16. The tribunal appointed to carry out this scheme shall have power to amend the group-lists, or to transfer a name from one group to another wholly or for a partial interest, or to alter the proposed location of any group, or to appoint successors to any deceased owner, and amend the lists by the incorporation of such successors. 17. Tho Native Trustee shall be deemed to be the trustee of all owners under disability, unless any other trustee is appointed by the Native Land Court. The tribunal appointed to carry out this scheme may, on the application of the persons interested, nominate trustees for appointment by the Court.

SECOND SCHEDULE. (1.) Summary of Groups and Proposed Locations.

2—G. 7.

No. ol Group. Group-name. -Number 8hareB ln Title. J ' CI,ce - Value. Proposed Location. 1 2a Rotu Numia Pihitahi Wharetuna 6 8 322,463 135,104 £ s. d. 1,343 11 11 562 18 8 Ruatoki South. Ruatoki South : to include kainga, and cultivations east of Whakatane River. Ruatahuna 3 : to inelude clearing and adjoin Tarapounamu-Matawhero. Ruatoki South (east of river) : to cover cultivation. Balance to Parakohe adjoining. Ruatoki South (east of river) : to cover cultivation adjoining 3a. Balance to Wairiko. Wai i-iko. Cultivations on Ruatoki South (east of river). Balance to Waipotiki. Waipotiki. Parakohe : to inelude kainga and cultivations at Waikirikiri, Papakainga in Parekohe. Balance in Ruatoki South. Parekohe. lerenui-Ohaua and Te Kohuru-Tukuroa, Tarapounamu-Matawhero. Paraeroa, 400 acres ; Taneatua, balance. Paraeroa B. Ruatahuna 1 : to join Group 21B. 2 b Wiremu te Popoki (Trainoi) . . 12 106,001 441 13 5 3a Mika te Tawhao 3 8,689 36 4 1 3b Mika te Tawhao 3 12,494 52 1 2 3c 3d Mika te Tawhao Mika te Tawhao 6 7 17,191 210,326 71 12 7 876 7 2 3l 4a Mika te Tawhao To Pouwhare te Roau 14 10 95,865 129,009 399 8 9 537 10 9 4b Te Pouwhare te Roau 16 71,326 297 3 10 5a 5n 5c 5d 1 5d2 5d 3a Te Hata Waewae To Hata Waewae To Hata Waewae Te Hata Waewae Te Hata Waewae To Hata Waewae . . 6 9 21 9 1 2 28,095 107,612 256,802 431,045 44,303 7,320 117 1 3 448 7 8 1,070 0 2 1,796 0 5 184 11 11 30 10 0


SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (1.) Summary of Groups and Proposed Locations — continued.


No. of Group. Group-name. Number in Title. Shares in Pence. Value, Proposed I oration. 5n 3n Te Hata Waewae .. 2 49.302 £ s. d. 205 8 6 Tarapoumauu - Matawhero : to join Group 5c. Ruatahuna 2. Ruatoki South. In suspense : may rcouire a section each in Ruatahuna 3, lerenui-Ohaua, and Ruatoki South. Tn suspense : would take any vacancies in Ruatoki 1 and 2 and Whaitiripapa. Parekohe. (For dividing - line between this and 10, see Group 10.) Ruatoki South. Waipotiki. Parekohe, 120 acres ; balance to Paraeroa B.* Parekohe (at Raroa to adjoin Tapatahi and Waimana Blocks). Omahuru (cast of Tauranga River). Paraoanui North. Tauwharemanuka 3 i to adjoin Tauwharemanuka 2 on east of Tauranga River-. Ruatahuna 1. lerenui-Ohaua. Waikarewhenua and Ranga-a-Ruanuku. Parekohe (Matahi Section). Ruatahuna 3. Parekohe (Matahi Section). Parekohe (Matahi Section). Parekohe (kainga and cultivations). Parekohe (Matahi). Paraoanui North. Parekohe (kainga and cultivations). Parekohe (kainga and cultivations). Paraonui North, or Otara. Parekohe (kainga and cultivations). Maungapohatu. Parekohe (kainga and cultivations). Part Tauranga and Tauwharemanuka 5, called Tawhana. Paraonui North. Otara. Maungapohatu. Ruatahuna 4. In suspense. Parekohe, at Tapuiwabine. Part of Te Omu Hukanui B interest to Parekohe (Waikirikiri); balance to Ruatoki South. Parekohe. Otara. Otara. Ruatahuna 3. Parekohe. Ruatahuna 1 and 5. Te Ranga a Ruannku and Waikare whenua. In suspense : desire Whaitiripapa. Maungapohatu. Tarapounamu-Matawhero (Ngaputahi Section). Tarapounamu - Matawhero {Pukareao Section). Paraeroa. Ruatahuna 1. In suspense : Otara. was suggested. Tauwharemanuka 2. Waipotiki. Maungapohatu. Ruatoki South. Waipotiki. Ruatahuna 5. Te Ranga-a-Ruanuku. Paraeroa. Taraoounamu-Matawhero : to adjoin Ruatahuna 3. 5r. Oa On Te Hata Waewae Tawera Moko Tawera Moko 10 0 8 100,491 44,820 540,577 668 14 3 180 15 0 2,277 8 1 7 Tupaea Rapaera 15 239,072 996 2 8 S\ Te Raukaraka Ereatara 13 192,803 803 11 11 8n 9 10 Te Raukaraka Ereatai-a Mi Tangohau Matehaere te Waara 42 23 5 250,830 88,137 107,929 1.045 2 6 367 4 9 449 14 1 11 Akuhata te Hiko 35 244,114 1,017 2 10 12a 1 12a 2 12b 1 Takao Tamaikoha .. Takao Tamaikoha .. Hopaea Hakeke 9 36 10 11,466 89,742 238,502 47 15 6 373 18 6 993 15 2 12b 2 13a 13b 14a 1a 1 14a Ia 2 14a Ib 14u 14d 14e1 14B 2 14i? 14a 1 14o2 14h1 14h 2 14.1 14k Hopaea Hakeke Putiputi Paparatu . . Putiputi Paparatu .. Rua Kenana Rua Kenana Hori Hiakita Kamaua te Pou Wairiki te Tokatapu Ramari Taupae Taupae Karaka Tipu te Awahou Ngamoni Titoko Ngamoni Titoko Paora Kingi Paora .. Paora Kingi Paora .. Hami Taupo Tawhana Section 6 5 14 11 3 9 12 5 2 21 4 7 6 10 8 3 22 80,772 6,405 239,435 124,010 39,460 68,732 74,968 36,392 21.690 80,219 17,336 24,363 37,148 29,364 36,312 57,173 101,727 336 11 0 26 13 9 997 12 11 516 14 2 164 8 4 286 7 8 312 7 4 151 12 8 90 7 6 334 4 11 72 4 8 101 10 3 154 15 8 122 7 0 151 0 0 238 4 5 423 17 3 14i. 14m 14n 14r 14q 15 Paraonui North Section Otara Section Maungapohatu Section Te Kahuorangi te Pika Tc Maipi family To lbi te Paerata . . 13 57 197 6 10 14 76,782 121,568 956,584 90,428 34,575 215,091 319 18 0 506 10 8 3,985 15 4 376 15 8 144 1 3 890 4 3 10 17a 17b 1 17b 2 16a 18b 19a Tuhitaare Heemi .. Paiaka Rakuraku .. Te Atamea te Whiu Te Atamea te Whiu Makamaka Tuteuaua Makamaka Tuteuaua Taihakoa Poniwahio 111 19 6 13 3 12 16 30,858 75,076 98,248 77,601 29,307 63,889 167,902 128 11 0 312 16 4 409 7 4 323 6 9 122 2 3 266 4 1 699 11 10 19b 19c 20a Taihakoa Poniwahio Taihakoa, Poniwahio Tunc Hauraki (Apihai) 9 21 27 34,115 223,498 360,505 142 2 11 931 4 10 1,502 2 1 20b Tane Hauraki (Apihai) 27 422,890 1,762 0 10 21a 21b 22a 22b 22c 22d 23a 23b 24a 24b 25a 2 25b 1 Tupara Kaaho Tupara Kaaho Erueti Peene Netana te Whakaari Te Heuheu family .. Matioro Taiha Paora Rangiaho Hakuarangi Rangiaho Rehua te Wao Rehua te Wao Te Wharepouri te Amo Te Wharepouri te Arno 28 21 11 13 16 29 29 7 9 10 17 30 518,840 119,622 117,838 221,432 56,522 220,500 248,856 99,483 91,826 110.129 112,718 289,505 2,161 16 8 498 S 6 490 19 10 922 12 8 235 10 2 918 15 0 1,036 18 0 414 10 3 382 12 2 483 17 5 469 13 2 1,200 5 5 *Di viding-line with 8a from Jang: nost of two large cabbage-trees le peg growin; opposite between leg VII on roi -laukaraka's bu ad, draw a line to the hills through the lildings and Vercoe's orchard. loutherni


SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (1.) Summary of Groups and Proposed Locations — continued.


No. of jroup. Group-name. Number in Title. Shares in Ponce. Value. Proposed Location. 25b 2 Rawiri Kokau 1 27,111 £ s. d. 112 19 3 Tarapounamu - Matawhero : to adjoin Group 39b at Tarapounamu. Te Kohuru-Tukuroa. Ruatahunua 2 : to adjoin Ruatahuna 3. Ruatahuna 2 : to adjoin Ruatahuna 3. Ruatahuna 1 • to adjoin lerenui-Ohaua. Karioi. Wairiko (north end). (Desire reserve cultivations on Poroporo Block if possible.) Waipotiki. Waipotiki. Waipotiki. Waipotiki. Tawhana Section (part Tauranga and Tauwharemanuka 5 Blocks). Otara, Ruatahuna 5 (on boundary between 3 and 5 at Otekura and towards Kakanui). Ruatahuna 4. Paraeroa B, 100 acres; balance Ruatahuna 3, to commence on Ruatuhuna Stream, adjoining Group 30, thence to the east. Part to Ruatoki South, on east of Whakatane River ; balance in suspense. Ruatahuna 3. Ruatahuna 3. Ruatahuna 3 and 4. Ruatahuna 5. Tarapounamu-Matawhero (Pukarea.o). Ruatahuna 3 (Tataramoa); Ruatahuna, 5 (Omakoi); Tarapounamu - Mata - whero (Papuoru). Tarapounamu-Matawhero (Papueru). Ruatahuna 5. Ruatahuna 1 and 5. Tarapounamu-Matawhero (Hana Mahihi). Tarapounamu-Matawhero: 5 acres at. Tarapounamu Settlement, near main road, balance to To Umukahawai, Wilson's clearing. Tarapounamu-Matawhero, Marumaru. Ruatahuna 5, at Oputao. Tarapounamu-Matawhero (Tahuaroa). Tarapounamu-Matawhero (Hana Mahihi). Ruatahuna 5 : 5 acres Omakoi, and balance to Tarapounamu -Matawhero (Tarapounamu). Tarapounamu -Matawhero (Heipipi). Waipotiki. Tarapounamu-Matawhero (Tieke). Tarapounamu-Matawhero (Tarapounamu portion to adjoin 39f). Tarapounamu-Matawhero (Tieke). lerenui-Ohaua. Ruatahuna 5. Ruatahuna 3. Ruatahuna 5. Tarapounamu-Matawhero. Ruatahuna 5. Ruatahuna 2. 25c 1 25o2 25d 25e 26 27a Te Wharepouri te Amo Te Wharepouri te Amo To Wharepouti te Amo Te Wharepouri to Amo Te Hauwai Tiakiwai Toko to Mataku ... 3 11 38 26 26 10 11,680 148,611 201,040 .1.18,973 177,039 158,006 48 13 4 619 4 3 840 3 4 495 14 5 740 3 3 660 17 2 27b 27c 27d 27e 28 Akuhata tc Kaha Haereakau te Uatuku Heaku to Owai Heremia family Tutakangahau 19 10 7 8 4 07,232 30,245 22,238 18,597 51,160 280 2 8 126 0 5 92 13 2 77 9 9 213 3 4 29 30 Te Pairi Tuterangi Tahuri te Hira 12 38 43,299 359,919 180 8 3 1,499 13 3 31 32 Orupe Hoani Takurua Tamarau 15 33 128,875 423,526 536 19 7 1,764 13 10 Tamehana te Puia 108,154 450 12 10 33 18 34a 34b 35 36a 1 36a 2 36b Te Horohau Make Make Mikaere Tikareti te Iriwhiro Paratene te Manihera Paratene te Manihera Heemi Riripeti 3 in 26 7 7 8 59,785 89,125 233,288 167,714 81,984 137,220 249 2 1 371 7 1 972 0 8 698 16 2 341 1.2 0 571 15 0 36c 37 38 39a 39b Tipu te Manihera Wahia Paraki Noho Taratoa Ani Motoi Wiremu Motoi or Wirihana .. 6 15 40 9 9 207,324 242,497 471,332 68,924 202,249 863 17 0 1,010 8 1 1,963 17 8 287 3 8 842 14 1 39c 39d 1 39d 2 39e 39e Hori Motoi Taiwera Rawiri Taiwera Rawiri To Ao Tangohau. Tc Pou te Kokau 4 12 22 10 12 67,355 80,275 184,002 209,427 135,239 280 12 11 334 9 7 766 18 6 1,122 12 3 563 9 11 39c 39nl 39ii 2 39j Paitini Wi Tapeka Pa Pirini Pa Pirini Horomona Himiona 3 4 12 7 67,508 29,710 112,012 120,800 281 10 8 123 16 4 466 14 4 503 6 8 39k 39i. 40 41 42 43a 43b 43c 44 45 46 47a 47b 47o 47d 47e 47f 47g 47h 48 49a 49b Rapata Tame Kume Haahi (Tihi) Taipeti Matatua Tekoteko Hatata Pineere Hori WiMei .. Wi Mei .. WiMei .. Now absorbed in Urewera Reserves Residue. Te Wairama Na Toriki Reupena Erueti Peene Hiki Natanahira Tespa Mohi or Koura Paekanohi Waihua Hahona Heemi Haka Tihema Rikiriki Mehaka Te Whaiti Paora Probable sellers Maungapohatu residue Miscellaneous 12 8 6 18 38 17 2 9 15 7 21 33 33 21 39 20 13 3 14 25 12 51,058 69,599 56,100 107,176 156,986 255,968 81,517 138,369 92,455 71,880 184,426 363,433 326,628 170,829 216,748 108,480 45,263 66,719 285,416 63,491 40,460 215 4 10 289 19 11 233 15 0 446 11 4 654 2 2 1,066 10 8 339 13 1 576 10 9 385 4 7 299 10 0 768 . 8 10 1,514 6 1 1,360 19 0 711 15 9 903 2 4 452 0 0 188 11 11 277 19 11 1,189 4 8 264 10 11 168 11 8 Ruatahuna 4. Hereheretau B 2 (Crown land). Hikurangi-Horomanga. Hikurangi-Horomanga. Hikurangi-Horomanga. Hikurangi-Horomanga. Hikurangi-Horomanga. Hikurangi-Horomanga. Hikurangi -Horomanga. Hikurangi-Horomanga. In suspense. Maungapohatu. In suspense. Totals 2,093 '18,728,333 78,034 14 5

G.— 7

SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (1.) Summary of Groups and Proposed Locations— continued.

(2.) SUMMARY OF BLOCKS AND PROPOSED LOCATIONS. Group. £ s. d. £ s. d. Parekohe .. .. .. .. .. .. 4a 537 10 9 5a 117 1 3 8a 803 11 11 10 (pt.) 120 0 0 11 1,017 2 10 14a lal 516 14 2 14a 1b 286 7 8 14b 312 7 4 14d 151 12 8 14e1 90 7 6 14f 72 4 8 140 l 101 10 3 14n 1 122 7 0 14j 238 4 5 16 128 11 6 18a 122 2 3 4,737 16 2 Ruatoki South .. .. •• •• •• •• 1 1,343 1111 2a 562 18 8 4b 297 3 10 6a 186 15 0 8b 1,045 2 6 23a 1,036 18 0 4,472 0 11 Waipotiki ■ ■■ ■■ 3b 399 8 9 1 9 367 4 9 14c 142 5 7 22a 235 10 2 27b 280 2 8 27c 126 0 5 27d 92 13 2 27is 77 9 9 39h 1 123 16 4 23b 414 10 3 2,259 1 10 Wairiko • 3c 71 12 7 27a 660 17 2 732 9 9


No. of Group. Uroup-namc. In Title. Nu ™ ,)er Shares in Title. Pence - Value. Proposed Location. Te Wham i Series. A JV Matekuare te Hira .. .. 26 202,914 £ s. d. 845 9 6 26 Part Whaiti 1, Papakainga, balance Whaiti residue. Whaiti 1 (east of Whirinaki River). Part Whaiti 1, Papakainga; balance Whaiti 1 residue. Ditto. All to Te Whaiti 1 residue. Part Whaiti 1, Papakainga, balance Whaiti 1 residue. Ditto. B 1 C T Te Wharepapa Whatanui .. 25 Tepene Hipirini .. .. 36 ?e 25 36 242,169 304,347 1,009 0 9 1,268 2 3 D E B T F P Emere McCauley .. .. 29 Tihema te Hau . . .. 24 Rama te Tuhi .. .. 10 E E i: 31 la 29 24 LO 75,407 75,248 206,627 314 3 11 313 10 8 860 18 11 G K H * J 'I K A Ngamoni Ngapuhi .. .. 7 Mere te Meihana . . .. 15 Tirana Mauparaoa .. .. 9 Albert Warbrick (ur Arapeti 4 Paerau) Te Whaiti No. 2 residue .. 19 William Bird .. .. 29 :ir VII I 7 15 9 4 58,075 109,761 125,991 27,221 241 19 7 457 6 9 524 19 3 113 8 5 Whirinaki Block (Crown land). L 1 M V I ?e Vi 19 29 325,280 143,906 1,355 6 8 599 12 2 Te Whaiti 2, at Minginui. Whirinaki Block (Crown land). Totals .. .. 233 233 1,896,9461 7,903 18 10 Ureivera Reserve ;s (Te Kopani and Re\ i-o-Tahoka). I Te Kopani and Hei-o-Tahoka. All di- ! visions of latter to be cancelled. Urewera Reserves residue .. I 169 I 911,411 | 3,797 10 11 W< aikaremoana Block. No. of Group. t... ,.„ „ m , Number of Group-name. Owners. Shares. Remarks. Residue 1 Residue 2 Residue 3 Residue 4 Ngati-Ruapani .. 317 Poutahi Hapimana .. 69 Te Haenga Paretipua . . 125 Fpiniha Mitira .. 40 317 69 125 40 2,374,837 392,666 587,879 64,700 "| These represent shares in the purchase-money, the I amount of which is £34,323 9s. lOd. This amount j is subject to such variation on account of the Wai J karemoana Reserves as the tribunal appointed to carry out the scheme may find necessary. Totals .. 551 3,420,082



SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (2.) Summary op Blocks and Proposed Locations — continued. Group. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ruatoki South (East) and Parekohe .. .. .. .. 3a 36 4 1 Ruatoki South (East) and Wairiko .. .. .. .. 3b 52 1 2 Ruatoki. South (East) and Waipotiki .. .. .. 3d 876 7 2 Not definite, but in same series as above .. .. .. 6b 2,277 8 1 ...... 7 996 2 8 Parekohe and Ruatoki South .. .. .. .. 15 896 4 3 Not definite, but in. same series .. .. .. .. 33 450 12 10 — 5,585 0 3 Paraeroa 5d 1 (pt.) 200 0 0 21a 2,161 10 8 25a 409 13 2 2,831 9 10 Taneatua .. .. .. .. .. .. 5d 1 (pt.) 1,590 0 5 1,596 0 5 Paraeroa B 5d 2 184 1111 10 (pt.) 329 14 1 32 (pt.) 50 0 0 564 0 0 Otara ..' .. .. .. .. .. .. I4m 500 10 8 17a 312 10 4 17b 1 409 7 4 29 180 8 3 1,409 2 7 Paraoanui North .. .. .. .. .. .. 12a 2 373 18 6 14e2 334 4 11 14g2 154 15 8 14l 319 18 6 1,182 17 7 Omahuru (east of Tauranga) .. .. .. .. 12a 1 47 15 6 47 15 6 Tauwharemanuka 2 .. .. .. .. .. 22b 922 12 8 Tauwharemanuka 3 .. .. .. .. .. 12b 1 993 15 2 1,916 7 10 Pt. Tauwharemanuka 5 .. ) ■ • • • • • • • I* K 4a; * I 7 3 Pt. Tauranga (Tawhana Section)) .. .. .. .. 28 213 3 4 637 0 7 Maungapohatu .. .. .. .. • • . • 14h 2 151 6 0 14h 3,985 15 4 19c 931 4 10 22d 918 15 0 49a 264 10 11 6,251 12 1 lerenui-Ohaua and Te Kohuru Tukuroa .. .. .. 5b 448 7 8 lerenui-Ohaua .. .. .. .. .. .. 13a 26 13 9 39l 289 19 11 Karioi 26 740 3 3 Waikarewhonua and Rangaaruanuku .. .. .. 13b 997 12 11 19a 099 11 10 Te Rangaaruanuku .. .. .. •• •• 24b 483 17 5 Kohuru Tukuroa .. .. .. .. ■• •• 25c 1 48 13 4 3,735 0 1 Tarapounamu-Matawhero .. .. .. .. .. 5c 1,070 0 2 sd3b 205 8 6 25b 1 1,206 5 5 25b2 112 19 3 20a 1,502 2 1 20b 1,762 0 10 36a2 341 12 0 36c 863 17 0 39a 287 3 8 39b 842 14 1 39c 280 12 11 39d2 766 18 6 39k 1,122 12 3 39f 563 9 11 39g 281 10 8 39h 2 466 14 4 39j 503 6 8 39k 215 4 10 43a 1,066 10 8 13,461 3 9 Hikurangi-Horomanga .. .. •. • • • ■ 47a 768 810 b 47b 1,514 6 1 47c 1,360 19 0 47d 711 15 9 47k 903 2 4 47f 452 0 0 47g 188 11 11 47h 277 19 11 0,177 3 10 Ruatahuna 1 ' Sr> 3a 30 10 0 12b2 336 11 0 21b 498 8 6 25e 495 14 5 1,361 3 11



SECOND SCHE \JULE—continued. (2.) Summary of Blocks and Proposed Locations — continued. Group. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ruatahuna 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5b 668 14 3 2502 619 4 3 25d 840 3 4 43c 576 10 9 2,704 12 7 Ruatahuna 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2b 441 13 5 14a Ia 2 164 8 4 17b 2 323 0 9 34a 249 2 1 34b 371 7 I 32 1,714 13 10 41 446 II 4 3,711 2 10 Ruatahuna 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 14r 376 15 8 31 536 19 7 45 385 4 7 1,298 19 10 Ruatahuna 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. 24a 382 12 2 30 1,499 13 3 36a 1 698 16 2 37 1,010 8 1 39d 1 334 9 7 40 233 15 0 42 654 2 2 43b 339 13 I 5,153 9 6 Ruatahuna 1 and 5 .. .. .. .. .. 18b 266 4 1 38 1,963 17 8 Ruatahuna 3 and 4 .. .. .. .. .. 35 972 0 8 Ruatahuna 3 and 5 and Tarapounamu-Matawhero .. .. 36b 571 15 0 3,773 17 5 Suspense .-.- .. .. .. .. .. 14q 144 1 3 19b 142 2 11 22a 490 19 II 48 1,189 4 8 49b 168 11 8 — 2,135 0 4 Te Whaiti 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. L residue 1,355 0 8 1,355 0 8 To Whaiti I .. .. .. .. .. .. A 845 9 « B 1,009 0 9 C 1-208 2 3 I) 314 3 11 E 313 10 8 F 860 18 II G 241 19 7 H 457 6 9 J 524 19 3 5,835 11 7 Whirinaki (Crown land) .. .. .. .. .. lv • 113 8 5 M 599 12 2 713 0 7 B 2 (Crown land) .. .. .. .. 46 299 10 0 299 10 0 Urewera Reserves .. .. .. .. .. 169 3,797 10 11 3,797 10 II £89,736 4 2 Waikaremoana .. .. .. .. .. _. 551 34,323 9 10 £34,323 9 10 (3.) Group Lists. Group I—Rotu Numia. Group 2b—Wiremu ik Popoki (or Wiremu Trainor). Relative Relative Interest. Interest 1. Hino Numia (f.) .. .. .. 75,479 1. Hape Wharetuna (m.) .. .. .. 1,939 2. Ngahirata Tiopira (f.) .. .. .. 46,384 2. To Haunui Hohia (m.) .. .. .. 6,460 3. Pioioi Rangiaho (m.) .. .. .. 65,149 3. Te Heuheu Na (m.) .. .. .. 7,530 4. Ramahaki Rangiaho or Pioioi (m.) .. 39,923 4. Paturua Pineaha (m.) .. .. .. 8,530 5. Rotu Numia (f.) .. .. .. 54,059 5. Peho Pineaha (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 6. Tiria Numia (f.) .. .. .. 41,469 6. Pihitahi Wharetuna (f.) .. .. 5,046 ' 7. Te Roau Wiremu (m., 18) .. .. 8,441 -L'otal .. .. ..322,463 g. R um atiki Pineaha (m.) .. .. 3,230 (£1,343 lis. lid.) 9. WahanuiNa(m.) .. .. .. 9,036 10. Watarawi Pineaha (m.) .. .. 6,460 Group 2a—Pihitahi Wharetuna. 11. Wiremu te Popoki, or Tcrcina, or Trainor(m.) 40,800 1. Te Awhimate Wiremu (f., 12) .. .. 657 12. Wi Pineaha (m.) .. .. .. 5,300 2. Hukanui Wharetuna (m., 13) .. .. 13,480 3. Matu Wharetuna or Tarakahikatea Wharo- Total .. .. .. 106,001 tuna (m., 16) .. 16,503 (£441 13s. 5d.) 4. Ngahirata Wharetuna (f.) .. .. 43,551 5. Pihitahi Wharetuna or Tereina (f.) .. 44,096 Group 3a—Mika te Tawhao. 6. Tarei Wiremu (1, 14) .. .. .. 627 1. Hawera Mokomoko (m.) .. .. 6,152 7. Waoreti Wiremu (f., 16) .. .. 657 2. Hoani Mokomoko (m.) .. .. .. 935 8. Paapu Heremia (m). .. .. .. 15,473 3. Mokomoko Puihi (m.) .. .. .. 1,602 Total .. .. .. 135,104 Total .. .. .. 8,689 (£562 18s. Bd.) (£36 4s. Id.)



SECON D SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists — continued. Group 3b —Mika te Tawhao. Group sa—Te Hata Waewae. Relative t, T . a . • Interest. Parekohe. Section. 1. Mihiterina Tuhoro (m.) .. .. 1,249 toterert. 2. Tiakipa Tuhoro (ra.) .. .. .. 187 ]. Te Hata Waewae or Te Kotahitanga (m.).. 4,959 3. fina roro(f.)( h,-c). .. .. .. 11,058 2. Te Haumate Mika (m.).. .. .. 7,230 _~ 77177 3. Heeni Waewae (f.) .. .. .. 3,615 lotal •• ■• •• 12,494 4 Hinehoute Hata or Hinoiriakinate Hata (f.) 1,446 (£52 Is. 2d.) 5. Tamarehe Waewae (f.) .. .. 3,015 _ ,„ 6. Waewae te Roau or To Kotahitanga .(in.). . 7,230 Group 3o —Mika te Tawhao. 1. Hiporita Haturini (in.) .. .. .. 187 Total .. .. .. 28,095 2. Hiporita Tuhoro (in.) .. .. .. 1,129 mi 7 | U -idi 3. Mika Tuhoro (in.) .. .. .. 1,249 (.ui.. is. .sci.j 4. Pera Kawana(m.) .. .. .. 13,288 5. Teko Tuhoro (m., 16) .. .. .. 1,249 Group sb—Te Hata Waewae. 6. Tuhoro Haturini (in.) .. .. .. 89 , _ „ , _ „ . lerenui-Ohaua and I c Kohuru-Tukuroa Section. Total .. .. .. 17,191 '1. Te Aira Waewae or Te Kotahitanga (f.) .. 13,191 (£7l 12s. 7d.) 2. Hera Waewae or Ngahiraka Waewae or Te Kotahitanga (f.) .. .. .. 9,576 Group 3d —Mika te Tawhao. 3. Maro Waewae (f.) .. .. .. 12,463 1. Te Iwi Mika (f.) .. .. .. 23,635 4. Meri Waewae or Weriweri Waewae or Te 2. Manapakupaku Mika(m.) .. .. 18,784 Kotahitanga (f.) .. .. .. 14,602 3. Mika te Tawhao (m.) .. .. .. 45,306 5. Mira Waewae or To Kotahitanga (I.) .. 9,500 4. Te PuiaHakaraiaff.) .. .. .. 805 6. Keira Tccpa (f.) .. .. .. 1,129 5. Rangitane Mika(m.) .. .. .. 36,639 7. Tamarehe Waewae (f.) .. .. 6,142 6. Rauhuiate Tawhao (f.).. .. .. 43,340 8. Waewao te Roau or Te Kotahitanga (in.).. 26,438 7. Ripene WiMutu(L) .. .. .. 41,817 9. Te Whareti Niko (f., 14) .. .. 14,511 Total 210,326 Total .. .. .. 107,612 (£B7O 7s. 2d.) (£44S 7s. Bd.) Group 3e —Mika tk Tawhao. 1. Ahcnata to Hata (f., 14) .. .. 668 Group sc—Te Hata Wakwak. 2. Eripi te Hata (m., 15) .. .. .. 668 Tarapounamu-Matawhero Section. 3. Ewa Pomka (f 12), (,/.) .. .. 668 i. Te Atamira KoneneM., 16) .. .. 9,585 4. £waßatu(i., ,11) .. .. •■ /,038 2 . To Aira Waewae or Te Kotahitanga (i.) .. 13,805 5 HerehereWaik.te(f,B) .. .. 10,37. 3. H era Waewae or Ngahiraka Waewae or 0. Hewa Rati, (m 10) 7,033 Te Kotahitanga (f.) 13,805 I 5-" 6P w i- ''"'V, A) .t A. " " ,' 4. Hieke to Whareldri (m.) .. .. 6,040 8. Hmwa Waikite, or Mika (~ (1) .. . . 0,317 ,_ Tg whare ( l > , >317 .-RTwvi ''a' " " I'frt 6. HineitcTaniwha or Te Whare (f.) .. 029 0. To Otutu Wailate m., 5) .. .. 8 758 7 . T e Hirea Pahiri (f.) 40,434 o l U \ R a i U ?"'q ' ?0-4 8 - Kaapote Whare (f.),(r/.) .. .. 9,870 12. Roka,Ratu (t. 9) .. .. .. 7,0.14 Maro Waewae (f.) 13,805 3. TeWalparan Ponika Tihi (1, 11) .. 7,458 10 . Matahcl . a te H ira (f.) 26,173 14. Whatu Ratu (m., 8) 7,634 H , Mere Aira te Tuhcra or Tc K urapa (f.) .. 8,053 m x 1 or acr 12. Meri Waewae or Weriweri Waewae or ifWss <),n" " Te Kotahitanga (f.) 13,805 (t.i.iv) »s. mi.) . 13. Mira Waewae or Te Kotahitanga (f.) .. 13,805 „ . m -r, n,., T 14. Paremata Kawana (f.) .. .. .. 5,534 Group 4a-1e Pouwharei tr Roau. 15. Pita Konene (m.) ' 9,585 1. AnaßehaorParemainaßelia(l.) .. 18,885 , 6 p 0 h 0 Pahiri (f.) .. .. .. 30,841 2. TeAwhenaßeha(m., 17) .. .. 12,981 i 7. Ba ngUho Konene (m.) 9,585 3. Ka Reha (f) . 8,904 i B . Tahe te Whare (m.) 629 4. Kewone Reha (m., 18) 13,072 19 . Tamare he Waewae (f.) 13,805 5. Te Kiki Tamati (t ) 593 2 0. Te Waikoheriki Konene (f., 8) .. .. 112 0. TeKuralamatijf.) 6,713 2 1. Te Waikoheriki (t, 14) .. .. 9,473 7. Te Maara Reha (t. 13) .. .. 23,445 2 2. Te Whare Konene (m., 10) .. .. 112 8. Ngapaki te Pouwhare, or Paki te Pouwhare (m.) .. .. .. .. 34,572 Total _ _ 250,802 9. To Pouwhare te Roau (in.) .. .. 7,005 10. Rebate Wharau(m.) 2,229 (£1,070 os. -.(1.) Total •■ , •• •• l 29 > ()09 Croup 5n I—Te Hata Waewae. (£537 10s. 9d.) „ . Paraeroa and Taneaiua Section. Group 4b—Tk Pouwiiark te Roau. 1. Te Hata Waewae or Te Kotahitanga (m.).. 40,139 1. Amoria Akuhata(l) .. .. .. 10,713 2. Hinehou tcHata or Hineiriakina to Hata (f.) 45,942 2. HerehereTuhoe(f.) .. .. •• 7,230 3. Te Hira Waikite (m.) .'. .. .. 51,117 3. TeHiko Akuhatafm.) .. .. .. 2,741 4. Karepe Waikite (f.) .. .. .. 11,785 4. KehekeheTuhoe(m.) .. .. .. 3,204 5. Matahera te Hira (f.) .. .. .. 118,200 5. MahakiTuhoe(m) .. .. .. 3,204 0. Mihikore Waikite (f.) .. .. •• 13,353 6. MakereHone(f.) .. •• •• 3,204 7. Mira Waewae or Te Kotahitanga (f.) .. 2,700 7. MihikauTuhoe(f.) .. .. •• 1,602 8. Tamarehe Waewae (f.) .. .. 2,706 8. To OwaiPuihi(f.) .. .. .. 3,829 9. Taraipine te Hira (f.) .. .. .. 139,037 9. Rerowaka Tuhoe .. .. .. 935 10. RiaPorourangi(f.) .. .. .. 6,444 Total .. .. .. 431.045 11. RiaTaiuru(f.) .. .. .. 2,235 (£1,796 os. 5d.) 12. Tio Tuhoe (f.) .. .. •■ 4,139 13. TitiaAkuhata(f.) .. .. .. 3,023 14. Tuhoe Tuau (m.) .. .. •• 15,005 Group 5d 2 —Tk Hata Waewae. 15. Whakauru Tuhoe or Whakauru Akuhata (f.) 338 Paraeroa B Section. 16. TeWhctu Tuau (m. ),(d.) .. .. 2,820 1. Te Haumate Mika (m.).. .. .. 44,303 Total .. .. .. 71,320 (£297 3s. lOd.) £184 Us. lid.)



SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists continued. Group 5d 3a—Karepb Waikith. Group 8a —Te Raukaraka Ereatara. Ruatahuna 1 (with Croup 21b). Parekohe Section. Relative Relative Interest. Interest. 1. Karepe Waikite (f.) .. .. .. 3,600 1. Anania to Tawhi (m.) .. .. •• 7,230 2. TeMihikoro Waikite (f.) .. .. 3,660 2. Te Arai Tapu (f.) .. .. .. 8,347 !(. Te Arohi Tiaki or Maria Tiaki (f.) .. 18,075 Total .. •• 7,320 4. Kini Tapu or Ramari Tapu (f.) .. .. 7,230 (£3O 10s Od ) 5- Maui te Tawhi (m.) .. .. .. 1.952 6. Moko Wharetuna (m.) .. .. .. 23,814 7. Morena Wharetuna (f.) .. .. 23,900 Group 5d 3b —Karepe Waikite. 8. Pita te Tawhi or Pukewhakaoke to Tawhi (m.) 5,784 Tarapounamu-Matawhero (with Group sc). 9. Putiputi Paparatu (f) .. ... 14,460 r 10. Te Raukaraka Ereatara or Te Rauparaha 1. Karepe Waikite (f.) .. .. .. 24,651 or Timi Ereatara .. .. .. 9,887 2. Te Mihikore Waikite (f.) .. .. 24,651 11. Te Ruahuihui Hami (f.) .. .. 54,465 12. Tapu Utiera (m.) .. .. .. 7,832 Total .. .. .. 49,302 13. Taumutu Ereatara Cm.) .. .. 9,887 (£205 Bs. Od.) Total 192,803 Group se—Te Hata Waewae. (£BO3 Us. lid.) Ruatahuna No. 2 Section. 1. Hikaworate Tuhera or To Kurapa (m„ 18) 7.150 Q Bb—T.K Raukaraka Ereatara. 2. TeHira Waikite (m.) .. .. .. 3,660 .„.«,,. 3. Kate Tuhera or Te Kurapa (f.) .. .. 2,161 Ruatoki South, Section. 4. Mahakite Tuhera or Te Kurapa (m.) .. 37,850 1. Te Amomanuka Ereatara (m.) .. .. 1,066 5. MataherateHira(f.) .. .. .. 26,644 2. Anania te Tawhi (m.) .. .. .. 1,955 6. Mere Aira te Tuhera or Te Kurapa (f.) .. 40,427 3. Ani .Hako or Te Tawhi (f.) .. .. 2,861 7. Paoro te Tuhera or Te Kurapa (m., 14) .. 9,024 4. Te Arai Tapu (f.) .. .. .. 2,584 8. Pare te Tuhera or Te Kurapa (f., 12) .. 7,156 5. Te Arohi Tiaki or Maria Tiaki (f.) .. 6,750 9. TaraipineteHira(f.) .. .. .. 25,245 6. Te Arohi te Rehe (f.) .. .. .. 1,109 10. WbarewiMakefm.) .. .. .. 1,168 7. Enihi Hako or Te Tawhi (f.) .. .. 2,178 8. HapaiTapu(f.) .. .. .. 4,907 Total .. .. .. 160,491 (J. Hapara Hapai Tapu (f.) .. .. 1,010 (£668 14s. 3d.) 10. Hako Mita (f., 7) .. .. .. 1,763 11. Heemi Mita (m.) .. .. .. 1,763 „ m „ 12. HeniHako(l) 1,222 Groot 6a—Tawera Moko. 13. Hera Koreti (f.) .. .. .. 1,307 Ruatoki South (only). 14. Imio te Tawhi (m.) .. .. .. 219 i tt -d •it u» i ntr. 15. Keka Ereatara (f., 16) .. .. .. 8,017 1 Hen. Rangi (t 10) ,035 „ BM^\r ipu (I) .. .. 15,700 2. Hura Hangi (t., 1Z) .. .. .. l.ugo 17 _ Te K oare Ereatara or Puriri Ereatara (m.) 18,955 3. Kerei Rangi (m.) .. .. .. l,Udo ~ ~ . „,. ~ lt , „ o r/ Q * m t, u-i • i mr t i /*■ \ ii I.IQ 18. Kuia linioti (t.) .. .. .. 2,/7H 4. To Ralnkoia te Mataku (f.) .. .. 31,143 * • nm™i.i„«i moot _ m •• , i \ iva / \ a nin 19. Matewiki hreatara (t.) .. .. .. 10,020 ; r :-Ta n giwai(waka)Moa(m.) .. .. 9,537 - - 21<J 0. Whiti Rang! (m., 8) 1,038 21 . Neta Kaka (1) V 0,460 rp .„, aa son 22. Paapu Wharetuna (f.) .. .. .. 312 ,c.«.-'i'r on" " 23. Paapu Horemia (m.) 15,472 (UNO los. mi.) 2i Parekohai Ereatara or Wharekohai, or Wai- . kowhai Ereatara (f.) .. .. 12,933 Group 6b—Tawera Moko. 25. Papita Ereatara (m.) 1,896 26. PirimaKamureti(i.) .. .. .. 3,277 General,- 27. Pita te Tawhi or Pukewhakaeke te Tawhi 1. Hine Tawera or Hinekirunga Tawera or (m.) .. .. .. .. 7,655 HineteUnupo(f.) .. .. .. 05,599 28. Rahera Rua (f.) .. .. .. 8,684 2. Hinehou Tawera (f.) .. .. .. 4,488 29. Rangikitua Wati .. .. .. 670 3. Ira Tawera or Taumau Tawera (f.) .. 29,126 30. Rangiwarakihi Ereatara (m.) .. .. 13,182 4. Takoto Moko (m.) .. .. .. 9,690 31. Te Raukaraka Ereatara, or To Rauparaha, 5. Tawera Moko (m.) .. .. .. 375,387 or Timi Ereatara (m.) .. .. 14,256 6. Titoki Tawera or Tapui Tawera (f.) .. 24,572 32. Te Ruahuihui Hami (f.) .. .. 20,553 7. Tuirina Tawera (m.) .. .. .. 11,985 33. Tamahou Ereatara (m.) .. .. 1,896 8. Te Ua Tawera (f.) .. .. .. 25,730 34. Tapu te Tawhi (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 35. Tapu Utiera (m.) .. .. .. 7,247 Total .. .. .. 546,577 36. Taumutu Ereatara (m.) .. .. 7,406 (£2 277 8s Id) 37. Te Tawhi Poniwahio (m.) .. .. 24,413 38. Timo te Tawhi (m.) .. .. .. 693 39. TuMita(m., 10) .. .. .. 1,703 Group 7 —Tupaka Rapabra. 40. Tuau Ereatara (m.) .. .. .. 1,795 1. HariataTupaea(f.) 0,400 41 Tv Tapu (m.) 1,292 2. HukaHiki(l) .. .. .. 4,918 42. Tuwharetoa Utiera (m.) .. .. 8,390 3. TeKohunuiTupaea(m.) .. .. 26,848 4. Te Kotuku Wi Keepa (m., 17) .. .. 6,460 ioUI ■■ •• •• h..)U,8.H1 5. KunereTumoana(m.) .. .. .. 34,527 (£1,045 2s. 6d.) 6. Miria Tupaea (f.) .. .. .. 6,460 7. Pihitahi Tamaikoha (I.) .. .. 24,612 8. Pita to Iki (m., 15) 3,471 Group 9-Mi Tangohau. 9. PonuiTumoana(m.) .. .. .. 20,908 I. Ani Ratima (f.) .. .. .. 5,028 10. Puria te Iki (m., 13) .. .. .. 3,650 2. Ani Rawiri Kamau (f.) .. .. 1,076 11. Taekata te lki (m., 9) .. .. .. 0,928 3. Hatata Peita (m.) .. .. .. 156 12. Tamaikoha te Aria ri (m.) .. .. 3,230 4. Te Hauwaho Mi (m.) .. .. .. 4,664 13. Tamo te Iki (in.) .. .. .. 2,354 5. Koura Peita (m.) .. .. .. 1,827 14. Tupaea Rapaera (in.) .. .. .. 81,786 0. Mi Tangohau (m.) .. .. .. 27,120 15. Whata Tupaea (f.) .. .. .. 6,460 7. Pateriki Peita (m.) .. .. .. 712 8. Ponga Paiaka (m.) .. .. .. 1,765 Total .. .. .. 239,072 9. Ranana Kere (m.) .. .. .. 1,765 (£990 2s. Bd.) 10. Rangi tau Paiaka (f.) .. .. .. 8,535



SECOND SCHE DlllM—continued. (3). Group Lists— continued. Group 9—Mr Tawohau— continued. Group 12a—Takao Tamaikoha. Interest. B. Paraoanui North Section. 11. To Rati Paiaka (f.) .. ... .. i ;7fi6 Relative 12. Rebia Tamati (f.) .. .. 7 40 , . Interest. 13. Rehu Kereama (m.) .. . 2 157 1. loAhi Tamaikoha (m.) .. .. 1,775 14. Rihi Paiaka (f.) .. " i' 7 <; 7 2. Hakeke Takao (m.) 3,773 15. Rotohiko Paiaka (m.) .. .. 17 6 5 3. Hapo Tioke (m.) .. .. .. 2 ,271 10. Te Rua Wiremu (in.) .. .. ' 2 78 4. Hapo loko (m., 12) .. .. .. ;{ O 9 17. Te Ruki Tangohau (m.) .. . 18 348 " •' •• 2:! 18. Tamaku Paiaka (f.) .. \\'rm 6. Karahim Tioke (m„ 13) .. .. 1,724 19. Tapu Whareharakeke (m., 18) .. '348 7. Karetu l.iopira (f.) .. .. .. 12,488 20. Tuarite.Kahu(m.) .. .. 557 8. Kohl Takao (m., 19) 5,570 21. Tuhau Peita (m ) I r )5 9 - Konoro Hakeke or Waka Hakeke (m.) .. 1,436 22. TeWehina Wiremu (m.) .. .. 278 10. Koroua Tioke (m.) 842 23. Whareharakeke Peita .. .. 7 - !2 H. Mahta Hakeke (m.) 2,049 12. Mariana Hakeke (f.) .. .. .. 1,73s Total 88 137 13. Mautini Toko (m., 11) .. .. .. ',{ o ,s (£367 4s9dl ' 14. Mereana Hakeke (f.) .. .. .. 22 3 * '' 15. Motu Hakaipari (f.) .. .. .. 057 n„„_, 1A nr ... 16. Te Oarani Hakeke (f.) .. .. .. ] «fl« GItOUP 10—M.ATEHAEUE TE WAARA. , r, t, m -i i / v Z' 17. Paruru Tamaikoha (m.) .. .. 1 418 1. To Hauwaho te Waara (m.) .. .. 25,830 18. Pita Tori (m.).. .. 2 ,325 2. Maata Matehaore (f.), (b-c.) .. .. 13,367 19. To Puawhe Tioke (m., 14) .. ].' 7 24 3. Matehaerete Waara alms Pou te Waara (f.) 48,814 20. Reihana Hakeke or Tiramate Hakeke (f.) .. r,'057 4. Rangitakohe Matehaere (f.) .. .. 14,507 21. Ruahuihui Manihera (f.) .. .. 3'4B<j 5. RarotePuhtkuraMatehaere(f.) .. 5,351 22. Taituha Takao (m.) .. .. .. 3,773 23. Takao Tamaikoha (m.) .. .. 1 418 Total •• •• •• 107,929 24. Tamarau Tiopira (m.) .. .. .. l]us (£449 14s. Id.) 25. Tarewa Hakeke or Hineitarewa Hakeke (f.) 2,079 20. Teko Tiopira (f.) .. .. .. 3,081 Group 11—Akuhata te Hiko. 27. Titia Teko (f., 18) .. .. .. 1770 1. Akuhata te Hiko (m.) .. .. .. 7,338 28 - Titia Tiopira (f.) .. .. .. I^4lo 2. Te Hapuku te Rewa(m.) .. .. 20,875 29. Tiwini Takao (m.) .. .. .. 3,773 3. Hcihei Haturini (f.) .. .. .. 3,948 30 - Tohoroa Tiopira (m.) .. .. ~ 162 4. Te Hue Ngahiri (m.) .. .. .. 1,212 31. Turuhira Tiopira (m.) .. .. .. 1,590 5. Irihapeti te Pairi (f.) .. .. .. 3,015 32. Te Ua te Ua (m.) .. .. .. 273 6. Kiha Hukanui (f.) .. .. .. 10,000 33. To Uru Tioke (f.) .. .. .. 842 7. Kurawha to Rewa (f.) .. .. .. 7,230 34. Waipiro Toko (f., 9) .. .. .. 279 8. Kueri Akuhata (m.) .. .. .. 3,278 35. Wairawaho Hakeke (m.) .. .. 8,902 9. Matariki Putiki (f., 10) .. .. 435 36. Wharetutu Tamaikoha (f.) .. .. 7,790 10. Matewaha Tapaore (f., 1.0) . . . . 17 2 11. Mere Hukanui (f.) .. .. .. 935 Total .. .. .. 89,742 12. Moihiteßeweti(m.) .. .. .. 9,100 (£373 18s. 6d.) 13. Nero te Rewa (f.) .. .. .. 8,414 14. Te Nohopapa Tuterangi (f.) .. .. 070 10 tr tr iv *t i \xt 1 \ ~ ~ , Group 12b—Hopaea Hakeke. 15. Ngamaro te Wao (in.) .. .. .. 3,112 16. Peka Akuhata (f.) .. .. .. 4 343 A - Tauwharemanuka No. 3 Section. 17. Piripi Hukanui or Riripi Hukanui (m,) .. 31,745 1. Te Hauwaho Tamaikoha (m.) .. .. 3,889 18. Pukahu Korotau (in.) .. .. .. 200 2. Hopaea Hakeke (f.) .. .. .. 52,238 19. Rahia te Rewa (f.) .. .. .. 7,230 3. Kahui Hakeke (m.) .. .. .. 72,930 20. Rahora Hukanui (f.) .. .. .. 172 4. Te Kohi Hakeke or Pomare Hakeke (m.) 51,025 21. Te Raubina Tapaore or Te RauhinaMere 5. Marakihau Hakeke (m.) .. .. 5,702 (1, 12) .. .. .. .. 27,761 6. Materoa Hakeke (f.) .. .. .. 2,414 22. Rawinia Hukanui (f.) .. .. .. 437 7. Noti Hakeke, or Te Paid Hakeke, or Paki--23. Te Roihi Pakira(m.) .. .. .. 15,020 J tua Hakeke (f.) .. .. .. 50,090 24. Rotira te Rewa (f.) .. .. .. 1,184 iB. Titia Tuari (1) .. .. .. 15 25. Ruiha Hukanui (f.) .. .. .. 2,674 9. Tuari te Hiko (f.) .. .. .. 108 26. Tahiti Korotau (in.) .. .. 1,507 , 10. Wharerata Paiaka (f.) .. .. .. 91 27. Tamohana Hukanui (m.) .. .. 172 28. Tanatiu Ngahiri (in., 10) .. .. 874 Total .. .. .. 238,502 29. Tikei Tuterangi (f.) .. .. .. 14,460 (£993 15s. 2d.) 30. Tuki te Rewa (m.) .. .. .. 10,934 31. Waikite te Rieweti (m.) 1,387 Group 12b—Hopaea Hakeke. 32. Waurii Hira f. .. .. .. 60(1 „ „ , , . . 33. Weriweri Ereatara or Rere Ereatara (f.) .. 13,093 B. Ruatahuna Interests. 34. Te Whata Hira (tn.) .. .. .. 8,000 1. Hopaea Hakeke (f.) .. .. .. 17,873 35. Wirinia Hukanui (f.) .. .. .. 20,043 2. Kahui Hakeke (m.) .. .. .. 18,280 3. Te Kohi Hakeke or Pomare Hakeke (m.) .. 17,008 Total .. .. .. 244,11.4 4 - Marakihau Hakeke (m.) .. .. 4,492 (£1,017 2s. lOd.) 5. Materoa Hakeke (f.) .. .. .. 864 6. Noti Hakeke or Te Paid Hakeke or Paldtua Group 12a—Takao Tamaikoha. Hakeke(f.).. .. .. .. 21,589 A. Omahuru Section. Total SO 779 (Representing the Parekohe and Omahuru interests of (£336 lis. Od.) tho group.) 1. Karahini Tioke (m.) 200 Group ISa-Putiput! Pa raratu. 2. Koroua Tioko m.) . . .. .. 200 T . , w _ . 3. Matekino Tioke (f.) 200 leremu-O/mua Section. 4. Motu Hakaipari (f.) .. .. .. 10,172 1- Hieko te Wharekiri or Pakitu Wharekiri (m.) 557 5. Puawhe Tioko (m.) .. .. .. 200 2. Putiputi Paparatu (f.) .. .. .. 1,071 0. Teoarani Hakeke (f.) . . . . .. 47 3. Ramarihi Tarei or Ramarihi te Whare7. Timutimu Tioke (m.) .. .. .. 200 harakeke(i) .. .. .. 1,392 8. To Uru Tioke (f.) .. .. .. 200 4. Titihuia Mobi (I.) .. .. .. 1,114 9. Wairawaho Hakeke (m.) .. .. 47 5. To Wharekiri Paparatu (m.) .. .. 1,671 Total .. .. .. 11,466 Total .. .. .. 6,405 (£47 15s. Od.) (£2O 13s. 9d.)

8-G. 7.



SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists— continued. Group 13b—Putiputi Paparatu. Group 14c—Timi Rtini (per Te Whetu Paerata). Waikarewhenua and Te Ranga-a-Ruanuku Section. interert! Inter'™ 1. Pani te Oheihei (f.) .. .. .. 1,946 1. Hiekete Wharekiri or Pakitu Wharekiri (m.) £. P er » *f 9 X "-, " " I'lf} „ t ~ , „ .„ ,„, , . nA 3. Te Raima te Oheihei (m., 5) .. .. 1,940 2. Intekura Hon (f., 18) .. .. .. 1,154 . ..> ' .. „„,. 0 t-n -r.- it\ a aan 4. Rangi Tialuwai (t., 6) .. .. .. 3,89.1 3. Kaari Raima (i.) .. ■■ •• 0,40 urn fe , ... ~ ..' '_. , aAf . 1 m /■>, •i> *• .-vi /i ~ \ ia Aaa •>. amo te Oheihei (m., 7) .. .. 1,946 4. Te Opi Putiputi (f.), (h.-c.) .. . . 14,489 . \ ' „„ Anc . Z ' A .. X v"v n Qn 0. Titin Rnni m., 12 .. .. .. 22,470 5. 1 to H.ori(m.) .. .. .. .. S9U v ' 0. Putiputi Paparatu (f.) .. •• •• 42,722 Total 34 147 7. Ramarihi Tarei or Ramarihi te Whareharakeke(f.) .. .. .. •• 23,098 (£1.42 ss. 7d.) 8. Tamahou or Mci Hori (m.) .. .. 590 9. TamahouMomokino(m.,ll) .. .. 32,215 Group Uu-Wari.kx te Tokatapu. 10. Taukirangi Hon (f., 8) .. .. .. 590 11. Titihnia Mohi(f.) .. .. .. 52,500 1. To Amokura Haurana (f. II) .. .. 3,015 12. Te Waaka Hori (m., 19) .. .. 1,154 2. Kerehitini te Tokatapu (f., 17) .. .. 10,039 13. Wharekiri Paparatu (m.) .. .. 37,000 3. Marara te Iriwhiro (f.) .. .. .. 4,063 14 Wharetuna Hori (m., 13) .. •• 1,154 4. Wairilri Pani or Wairiki te Tokatapu (f.) .. 14,460 5. Whakararo Ha-utana (f., 9) .. .. 3,615 Total 239,435 (£997 12s. lid.) Total 36,392 (£l5l 12s. Bd.) Group 14a—Rua Kenana. 1a 1. Matahi Section. Group 14e I—Ramari Taupae. 1. Makarangi Kamaua (f.) .. •• 3,615 1. Ramari Taupae (f.) .. .. .. 7,230 2. MakereHohaia(i) .. .. •■ 1,205 2. Tawhero Peura (f.) .. .. .. 14,400 3. Mere Kanuehi(f.) .. .. •• 2,052 4. Mere te Rua (1,9) .. •• •• 8,321 Total .. .. .. 21,090 5. Patußu(f.) .. •• •• ■■ 29,914 (£9O 7s. Od.) 0. Pehirangi Kanuehi (f.) .. .. •■ 3,615 7. Pine te Rika or Pinopine te Rika (f.) .. 3,840 8. Raumiria te Haunui (I) .. .. 57,204 Group 14e 2—Ramari Taupae. 9. Rua Kenana (m.) .. .. •• 3,418 i. Anaperate Puawhe (f.).. .. .. 240 10. TukuHoam(f.) .. ■• •• 5,048 2 . Te Arohana to Rewatima (m.) .. .. 241 11 Wari te Whiu (f.) .. .. .. 0,110 3. Hema te Puawhe (f.) .. .. .. 231 TTTTTnT, 4. Heenite Puawhe (f.) .. .. .. 3,615 Total ■• •■ ■• 124,010 5. Hetarakate Puawhe (m.) .. .. 1.0 (£516 14s. 2d.) 0. HoaniTuhukia(m.) .. .. .. 2,169 . 7. Kai Peura (m.) .. •• ■• 4,404 Group 14a—Rua Kenana. 8- Kahura Wharekura (m.) .. .. 231 , ~ i> . 1 a i- 9. Kihoro te Puawhe (m.) .. .. 230 1A 2. Ruatahuna Section, 10. Te Kiri te Puawhe (m.) .. .. 3,856 1. Patußu(f.) .. .. •■ •• 21,106 n. Kiri Peura (m.) .. .. .. 3,640 2. Raumiria te Haunui (f.) •• •■ 15,280 i 2. p ae tawa te Puawhe (m.) .. .. 6,815 3. Tuku Hoani(f.) .. ■• •• 3,074 13. Paraihe te Puawhe (f.) .. .. .. 241 14. Ramari Taupae (f.) .. .. .. 7,802 Total .. .. •• 39,460 15. Rangotahi Taupae .. .. .. 0,51.0 (£lO4 Bs. 4d.) 16. Rukupo Poniwahio (f.) . . .. .. 3,566 . 17. TakaKawhena(m-) .. .. .. 1,047 GROUP 14A-RUA KENANA. -- -- -- jj.gj Ib. Hori Hiakita Section. 20. Tumanako Taupae (m.) .. .. 1,292 1. Erana Kareaha (f., 6) .. .. -• 1,652 21. Whaitiri Taupae (f., 14), (rf.) .. .. 4,251 2. Hiakita Hori or Tuki Tokoahu (m.) .. 3,615 3. Hori Hiakita (m.) 23,765 Total 89,219 4. Kareaha Hiakita (m.) .. .. .. 12,920 (£334 4s. lid.) 5 Matehaere Kareaha (f., 9) .. .. 1,652 0. Pouri Hiakita (1) 20,173 7. Tata Kareaha (m., 5) .. .. .. 1,052 Group 14p—Tipu te Awahoit. * 8. Tiki Kareaha (m., 10) 1,651 1. Ani Kaata (f.) 4,844 9. Wiremu Kareaha (m., 7) .. .. 2. Iripa Whiri (m., 9) .. .. .. 169 mi] (Ta'TrTT, 3. Mariana Kaata (f.) .. •• •• 3,627 Total .. ■• •■ 4. Tipu te Awahou (f.) .. .. •• 8,690 (£286 7s. Bd.) , Total .. .. ■• 17,330 Group 14b—Kamaua te Pou. (£72 4s. Bd.) 1. Te Haupiua Hiakita (f.) .. •• 23,788 2- " 7 245 GBOOT 14al-NoAMONi Titoko. 3. Ihaka te Pou (m.) .. .. •• t ,lio 4. Kamaua te Pou (m.) .. •• •■ 7,583 Parekohe. 5. KakoHcahea 1,311 L Ka narahi te Heuheu (f„ 12) .. .. 891 6. Materoa Rangiaho (f.) 22,618 2 . Ngamoni Titoko (f.) 3,615 7. TeMoanaPuruh.(m.,7i .. .. 1,210 3 , T * m6 te fleuhen (m.) 15,454 8 ' "'ll e ( 'rif ,m " " 1210 4. Tatimaori to Heuheu (f.) .. .. 1,730 9. Ruahuihui Purulu t. 10) .. .. 1.210 Taumaha to Heuheu (f., 10) .. .. 891 10. Tauakete oum.) 3,710 (i . Tit()ko te Heuhel , (m „ 14) .. .. 8 91 !iSr^SSftrS) ) :: :: :: S - _^ Total .. .. •- 74,967 Total 24,363 ' (£312 7s. 3,1.) (£lOl l° s - 3d.)



SECON I) SeHEDTEJliE— continued. (3.) Group Lists— continued. Group 140 2—Ngamoni Titoko. Group 14l —Paraoanui North Section, Paraoanui North ('or Otara). Interest. Sea™ 1. To Hapuku Tahakawa (m.) .. .. 1,938 1 Katußenata(m 9) 2. Hira Himiona (m.) .. .. .. 1,782 2 Paneera Titiko (m ) " " " 2 900 3. Pine te Rika or Pinepine te Rika (f.) .. 9,133 3. Puketotara Titoko (m.)'' '.'. '.'. 20JU 4. Tahakawa Taratoa (m.) .. .. 10,550 4. Tar,ikcTimoti(f.) 1,314 Tangira to Hira (m.) 2,94,! 5 Urukeiha Titoko (f.) 8,810 6. laratoa lahakawa m.) .. .. 18,448 ~ ~t. ■, ~,., 1 /„ i 1) oee 7. Tarena Tahakawa (f.) .. .. .. 5,598 b Wharomkau li toko (m. .. .. 2,96b " _, .. . , > ' ~' ... ( 8. Taupo Himiona (m., 7).. .. .. 0,564 T f I 07 rAu 9. Turohu Tahakawa (f.) .. .. .. 1,938 iotal •' •• •• J/ ' 148 10. Te Uru Himiona (f., 13) .. .. 8,191 (£154 15s. Bd.) 11. Weriweri Himiona (m., 11) .. .. 1,928 12. Weriweri Tahakawa (m.) .. .. 3,660 13. Whatu Rua (m.) .. .. .. 4,109 Group 14n I—Paora1 —Paora Kingi Paora. Parekohe. Total .. .. .. 76,782 1. Te Au Paora (m., 9) .. .. .. 1,500 (£319 18s. 6d.) 2. Te Au Paora Kingi (m.) .. .. 282 3. Hira Paora Kingi (m.) (</.) .. .. 15 4. Maata Paora (f.) .. .. .. 15 5. Maata Paora Kingi (f.) .. .. 7,512 0. Ngutu Paora Kingi (f.) .. .. 15 14m-Otaka SIOTIOK. 7. Paora Kingi Paora (m.) .. .. 8,520 8. Paparinga Wiwi .. .. .. 4,200 1. Te Ao Kiripa (f.) .. .. .. 23 9. Paretai Tangira (f., 9) .. .. .. 7,245 2. Te Aomarama Teepu (in.) .. .. 1,292 3. Te Aramoana Rawiri (m.) .. .. 2,083 Total .. .. .. 29,364 4. Te Arani Maria (f.) .. .. .. 1,446 (£122 7s. Od.) 5- Aran! Mv (f.) 90 v 6. Te Araroa te Oraihe (f.) .. .. 1,446 7. Emere Mihirangi (f) .. .. 1,446 Group 14h 2-Paora Kingi Paora. 8. Te Haawhe Onekawa (f.) .. .. 1,292 9. Haronu Hohaia (f.) .. .. .. 5,090 Maungapohatu. 10. Heahea Onekawa (m.) .. .. .. 7,145 1. TeAu Paora Kingi (m.) .. .. 10,428 11. Hcrita Hohaia (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 2. Hira Paora Kingi (m.) (d.) ■■ ■■ 9,114 12. Hinerangi Pare (f.) .. .. .. 621 3. Maata Paora Kingi (f.) .. .. 2,628 13. Hirini Matori (m.) .. .. .. 4,085 4. Marata (or Maraea) Kingi (f.) .. .. 2,250 14. Hirini te Wharau (m.) .. .. .. 6,630 5. Ngutu Paora Kingi (f.) .. .. 7,800 15. Hopaea Onekawa (m.) . . .. .. 1,292 6. Paora Kingi Paora (m.) .. .. 2,046 10. Te Hura Pare (m.), (d.) .. .. 283 7. Paparinga Wiwi (f.) .. .. .. 1,31.4 17. Ka Hohaia (f.) .. .. .. 4,886 8. Wari Paora Kingi It.) . . .. .. 732 18. Kahutakaka .. .. . . . . 338 19. Kahutakaka Teepu (m.) .. .. 1,933 Total .. .. .. 36,312 20. Te Kaihe Pare (f'„ 17) .. .. .. 884 ~..-, „ ~j , 21. Kararaina Maria (f.) .. .. .. 1,446 ( 22. Kawhena Matori (m.) .. .. .. 3,615 23. Kawhona Taka (m.) .. .. .. 5,784 24. Kiritiatia Hcurea or Tia Heurea (f.) .. 10,909 Group 14j—Hami Taupo. 25. Kohinetakaka Teepu (f.) .. .. 325 1. Rami Taupo (m.) 39,766 26. Koka Hohaia (f ) 465 2. Mere Peura (f.) .. ... •• 2,947 27. Mahuika lava (m.) 15 3. Taupo Hami (m.) 14,460 28. Maro Mv (f) ... 113 1 29. Mere Pare (f.) ... .. .. 251 Total 57,173 30. Mere Riri (f.) 414 ' . , 31. Mere Timi (f.) 40 (£238 4s. 5d.) 32. Muhu Teepu (m.) .. .. .. 1,940 33. Te Oraihi Mv (f.) .. .. .. 90 34. Pare Pare (f, 10) .. .. .. 241 Group 14k—Tawhana Section. 35. Pare Timi (f.) .. . . . . 47 , „ Tjri . ~ . ril 36. Pikake Hirini (f.) .. .. .. 1,656 1. Hape Haturini (m.) 91 8 7. PW Hini (in., 16) 902 2. Heihei Haturini (m) 89 3g . 22 3. Hewa Haturini (m ) W 39. Te Ra i hi Kiripa (m.) 22 4 - Heke-rau to Kapu (m.) 7,332 40 . Rehua Taua (m . ; 10) 7,230 5. Hma lv (1., 10) .. .. .. £,0W 4] . T ame Koria or Tame Pare or Tame .. 1,941 6. HokinatoManukura(l:.) ;■ ■■ «|BW 42. Tame Parehiraka (m.) 1,446 7 - TeHoroTatuor Horopapera latu (m.) .. 11,517 m 8 Hum te Popoki (m 7) 3,453 Tame 56 9. Kaumoana lepene f.) .. .. .. 4,880 4 10. Kereopa to Popoki (m 10) .. .. 3,453 23 11. Marata Titia orle Hiko (f.) . .. 9,609 Onekawa or Taranui Onekam (m.).:. 7,145 12- Materoa Tatu (f.) 4,7 6 48 . Taua Rakuiaku (m .) 4,570 13. Mereana Hakana (f 9) .. .. 5,714 49. Teepu Hohaia (m.) 4,647 H. Mereana te Rewatu (f.) .. .. 97 19 15 PakaweTitia(f) 423 16. Te Ran Wahia (m., 8) 8,287 s2 . Trfruhira Kiripa f. 23 To' ST t P '"1 ] . " ' " 19 Q9O 53. Weriweri Wi Mutu (f.) .. .. .. 1,957 \W S a *rr. "rr'f fa W I'fol 54. Wiha Matori (f.) 3,015 • Tawhi Tv (m. 15) . . .. 2,590 wini > ?^wT g v, ( '• li'm " " 50. Te Wini te Wini Mv (m., 10) .. .. 147 ll' 1° Wahanga Hakana (f., 9) .. .. 0,716 wharerata te N „ 0 (f . 1,440 22. Te Waituhi Tv (m.) .. .. .. 2,590 s Total Total 121 ' 168 (£423 17s. 3d v (£504 17s. 4d.)



SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists— continued. Group 14n—Maungapohatu (Skction. Group 14n—Maungapohatu Suction— continued. Relative Relative Interest. 1 nterest. 1. Ahu Rautao (m.) .. .. .. 6,576 84. Te Nehuata Wiari (f.).. .. .. 1,314 2. Te Ahuru te Rika (in.) .. .. 13,970 85. Ngahiraka Awhorata (f.) .. .. 1,314 3. Akonehi te Pou (f.) .. .. .. 5,256 86. Ngahuia Karanema (f.) .. .. 15 4. Te Amo Awherata (m.) .. .. 1,314 87. Ngauora to Kahuorangi (f.) .. .. 3,230 5. Ani Haturini (f.) .. .. .. 1,349 88. Paku Tuhukia (f.) .. .. .. 203 6. Ani Kaata (f.) .. .. .. 1,577 89. Panipani Toko or Pane Toko (m,, 8) .. 4,737 7. To Aomihia Tamati (f., 19) .. .. 3,410 90. Paparinga Rautao (f.). . .. .. 6,570 8. Aperira Pei or Aperira Teowai (m.) .. 32,154 91. Pare to Pou (f.) .. 0,570 9. Te Araroa te Awhekaie (f.) .. .. 1,298 92. Paremata Mautaranui. . .. .. 15 10. Te Atahaea te Ahuru (m.) .. .. 7,972 93. Patu Ru (f.) .. .. .. .. 6,570 11. Te Au te Ahuru (m.) .. .. .. 7,972 94. Peepi te Pou (m.) .. .. .. 338 12. Hao Kaata (m., 18) .. .. .. 3,724 95. Pine te Rika (f.) .. .. .. 0,570 13. Hape Haturini (m.) .. .. .. 1,455 96. Te Popoki te Wharau (f.) .. .. 1,098 14. Hapuku Tahakawa (m.), (d.) .. .. 1,314 97. Pore Hillman (f., 11) .. .. .. 14 15. Harete te Maipi (f.) .. ..- .. 1,938 98. Pouri Hiakita (f.) .. .. .. 2,722 16. Haturini Wi Mutu (in.) .. .. 2,989 99. Puhata Tauaki (f.) .. .. .. 1,938 1,7. Haturini Papaka On.) .. .. 1,971 100. Pui Tinimone (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 18. Te Hau Tuhi (f.) '.. .. .. 6,570 101. Puru te Kauru (f.) .. .. .. 1,938 19. Hera Waretini (f.) .. .. .. 2,966 102. Putiputi Paapu (f.) .. .. .. 1,292 20. Hokerau te Kapu (m.) .. .. 10,512 103. Rahapa Ihaka (f., 12) .. .. 9,632 21. To Heretipua te Taniwha (f.) .. .. 271 104. Te Rahui Hoora (m.) . . .. .. 3,230 22. Herewaka Himiona (f.) .. .. 15,817 105. To Raihi Kiripa (m.) . . .. .. 1,314 23. Heripo Kaata (m., 10) .. .. 1,577 106. Ramari Korotau (f.) .. .. .. 1,507 24. Hemi Kanuehi (m.) .. .. .. 935 107. Rangi Akuhata (f.) .. .. .. 8,940 25. Hetaraka te Puawho (m.) .. .. 281 108. Rangiaho Haturini (m.) .. .. 1,31.4 26. Heuheu Horopapera (m.) .. .. 14,740 109. Rangibikiao Himiona (f.), (rf.) .. .. 1,938 27. Hewa Haturini (m.) .. . . . . 249 110. Rangimaka Kanuehi (m.) . . .. 935 28. Te Hiko Tuhukia (m.) .. .. 1,029 111. Te Rarua Kiripa (f.) .. .. .. 1,314 29. Himiona te Hira (m.) .. .. 24 112. Rata Maipi (minor), (f.) .. .. 821 30. Hine te Rupc (f.) .. .. .. 1,446 113. Te Rau Rautao (m.) .. .. .. 378 31. Hinehou Konoro (f.) .. .. .. 646 114. Rautao Rautao (m.) .. .. .. 6,570 32. Hinehou te Kahuorangi (f.) .. .. 3,1.49 115. Raumiria te Haunui (f.) .. .. 13,140 33. Hinehou Pita (f.) '.. .. .. 1,456 116. Rcrc te Rahui (f.) .. .. .. 1,940 34. Hinemotu te Maipi (f.), (d.) .. .. 19,31.3 117. Rorcata Kamaua (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 35. Hinekitemotu Akuhata (f.) .. .. 13,498 118. Te Rciri Haturini (f.) .. .. .. 89 30. Hine te Whare (f.) .. .. .. 4 119. Reremoana te Maipi (f.) .. .. 20,027 37. Hinekauia Kawhena (f., 9) .. .. 109 120. Te Rewa Amoroa (m., 8) .. ' .. 14,329 38. Hira te Au (m.) .. .. .. 2,070 121. Te Rewa Timoti (m.) .. .. .. 1,971 39. Hira Himiona (f.) .. .. .. 5,789 122. Te Reweti te Whetu (m.) .. .. 1,314 40. Hiriwa Poniwahio (f.) .. .. 5,370 123. To Rika Mikaerc (m.) .. .. 13,926 41. Hoani Akuhata (m.) .. .. .. 8,940 124. Riripoti Parerimu (f.) .. .. .. 564 42. Hoani te Kahuorangi (m.), (rf.) .. .. 3,263 125. Roka te Kahuorangi (f.) . . . . 3,230 43. Hokina Huta (f.) .. .. .. 187 126. Roono Hillman (m., 10) . . . . 342 44. HuirangitcHira(f.) .. .. .. 10,304 127. Rua Kenana (m.) .. .. .. 20,970 45. Te. Hurinui Apanui or To Hurinui Hoani (m.) 19,615 128. Te Ruakahukura te Ahuru (m.) .. 9,428 46. Ihaka te Pou (m.) .. .. .. 6,570 129. Ruiha Himiona (f.) .. .. .. 15 47. Ipo Maipi (minor) (m.) .. .. 821 130. Takotobiwi Tumekc (f.) . . .. 548 48. Iria te Taniwha (f.) .. .. .. 943 131. Tamara te Taniwha (f.) .. .. 271 49. Te Iwildno Hairuha (m.) .. .. 15,466 132. Tamati Rautao or Tamati Wiwi (m.) .. 16,143 50. Kate Anapipi (f.) ' .. .. .. 2,431 133. Tamo Hillman (m., 9).. .. .. 342 51. Ka Awhea (f.) .. .. .. 302 134. Tamo te Wharetoi (m.) .. .. 728 52. Kaata Taumata. (m.) .. .. .. 9,751 135. Tangi Apirana (f.) .. .. .. 2,628 53. Kahoki te Hacata (£.) .. .. 732 136, Tangiwaka Anania (f.) .. .. 15,988 54. Te Kahutakaka (m.) .. .. .. 5,256 137. Tapahu Niwa (m.), (d.) .. .. 1,452 55. Kako te Taniwha .. .. .. 424 138. Taranaihi Awhea (m.).. .. .. 302 56. Kamau Taranaihi (m.) .. .. 2,628 139. Taranaihi Rawiri (ra.).. .. .. 1,208 57. Kamaua te Pou (m.) .. .. .. 6,570 140. Tarena Tahakawa (f.).. .. .. 1,314 58. Kanapute Kauru (m.) .. .. 3,992 141. Tareti te Taniwha .. .. .. 424 59. Kani Hetekia (m., 20) .. .. 846 142. Tauaki te Hou (m.) .. .. .. 13,327 60. Kanuehi te Waara (m.) .. .. 12,547 143. Tauaki (m.) .. .. .. .. 18,000 61. Katene te Rika (f.) .. .. .. 13,242 144. Tauarine Taranaihi (m.) .. .. 2,628 62. Katiana Kanuehi (in.) .. .. 1,217 145. Taupo Himiona (m., 7) .. .. 744 63. Kauika Tawha(ra), (m., 10) .. .. 1,849 146. Tauru Tuhua (m.) .. .. .. 9,855 64. Te Kauru (m.) .. .. .. 18,000 147. Teka Hekerangi (m.) .. .. .. 8,892 65. Te Kauru Tangira (m.) .. .. 3,230 148. Tckaumarua Hekerangi (m.) .. .. 11,236 66. Keepa Karanema (m.) .. . . 15 149. Tee Kara (m., 13) .. .. .. 525 67. Keitaßua(f.) .. .. •• 10,947 150. Tioke Hakaipari (m.) .. .. .. 057 OS! Kiha Tau (f.) .. .. .. 1,098 151. Tipu te Awahou (f.) .. .. .. 4,223 69. Te Kiri te Puawhe (m.) .. .. 281 152. Tipihau Toki (m.) .. .. .. 15 70. Kiwhakiwhate Kauru (ni.) .. .. 2,584 153. Tiwai Tawhara (m., 9) .. .. 1,849 71. TeKoari Anania (m.) .. .. 3,230 154, Tuhiwai Tahehe (f.) .. .. .. 13,140 72. KohukaMai(m.) .. .. .. 1,938 155. Tuhua te Ahuru (m.) .. .. .. 9,511 73. TeKoutuHikihiki(f.) .. .. 19,460 156. Tukimai Hori (m.) .. .. .. 6,460 74. Makarangi Kamaua (m.) .. .. 5,858 157. Tureke te Taniwha (f.) .. .. 15,288 75. Makuruhau Anania (1) .. .. 16,228 158. Tutara Kauika te Wharau (m.), (rf.) .. 5,988 76. Te Mai te Maipi (m.) .. .. .. 10,844 159. Tute Taumata (f.) .. .. .. 0,570 77. Marata te Hiko (f.) .. .. .. 7,230 100. Tuwairua te Hira (m.) .. .. 0,429 78. Maraea Rakuraku (f.) .. .. 171 161. Tuwhitiki alias Tauaki (m.) .. .. 6,570 79. Mariana Kaata (f.) .. .. ■• 1,314 162. Tuwhitiki te Hou (m.) .. .. 93 80. Matanuku Waipiro (m.) .. .. 1,314 163. Te Uhiaikiha te Taniwha (f., 11) .. 2,760 81. Matatua Maipi (m.) .. .. .. 821 164. Uhitaua Tiopira (f.) .. .. .. 1,410 82. TeMateapiti Tuhukia (f.) .. .. 1,216 165. Te Uira Aronika (f.) .. .. .. 2,628 83. Mere Peka Whaiao (f.) .. .. 1,098 166. Te Umere Hildhild (f.) .. .. 18,253



SECOND SCHED ULE— continued. (3.) Croup Lists — continued. Group 14n —Maungapohatu Section — continued. Group 16—Tuiiitaare Heemi. d„i„-i„„ Eelative Relative Interest. 107. Te Umuariki to Kahuorangi (m.) 3,230 \ g (rf.) .. \\ ''IS 168. Te Uru Himiona (t., 13) .. .. 744 \ /> \ / 169. TeWahangate Whiu (f.) .. .. 6,460 J- -£»™V 170. To Wahataua te Kaawa (m.) .. .. 5,159 f. Keehi Heeim (i), (rf. 15 171. Waiharakeke Maipi (minor), (f.) .. 821 5. Matewaka Tukotahi (f.) .. .. 2,169 172. Waikura Himiona (I.) .. .. 1,314 6. Nohopouaka Heemi (f) 2,007 173. Wari te Whiu (f.) 10,200 7. Ngahuia Paraone (f .. .. 5,05b 174. Wati Ngahere f. 2,018 8. Paraone Tuhitaare (m.), (d.) .. .. 222 ;' w , = A , , :„ ',„ > 1( i 9R q 9. Pin Tukotahi (f.) .. .. .. 2,169 175. Wereta Akuhata (m.) .. .. .. 10,Z08 . . » ' ' ,_„ w . !n . .„„ , ' .ii 10. Ranginui Tokotapu .. .. .. 2,169 176. Wcnwori Himiona (m., 11) .. .. 744 b i „ '.„ 177. Weriweri Tahakawa (m.) .. .. 1,314 - lamata to Kauru (m) 3,846 178. Weriweri te Taniwha (m.) .. .. 424 "• ; "katapu Heemi m. 4 179. Wi Mutu (m.) 189 }j- h^ a ™ \\ eP;mi < m ;> \' ~ , " - 3,561 ,A,i w.. •j. wi j- •/™ \ 90 14. Te Waaka Paraone (m.), (rf.) .. .. 2,109 180. Witen te Wharetor (m.) .. .. 22 ,i, ."\ ' > 181. Whakaataataß.ua (f.).. .. .. 6,570 «• Wharekonehu Tukotahl (tUi).. .. 222 182. Te Wharcrimu Maipi f.) .. .. 821 lb - Wharetapu Haurawhiti or Wharepatu lipi--183. Te Whatu Rua (m.) .. .. .. 16,425 hau (m„ 7) S,IU 184. Whetu Tamati (m.) .. .. .. 3,131 _ , annua 185. Wheua Himiona (f.) 6,078 iotal du ' B ° B 186. Te Whiu te Taniwha (f.) .. .. 423 (£l2B lis. 6d.) 187. Whiri Anania (m.) .. .. .. 15,988 188. To Whitu to Kauru (f.) .. .. 046 189. Karaka Tiki or Ruru (m., 12) .. .. 1,151 Gnovr 17a-Paiaka Rakuraku. 190. Mamaekino Tiki (£., 3) .. .. 383 1. Kume Paiaka (f., 8) .. .. .. 12,804 191. Mere Aira Tiki (f., 8) . . .. .. 1,138 2. Mapere Paiaka (m.) .. .. .. 12,864 192. Mereana Ruru (f., 8) .. .. .. 14 3. Paiaka Rakuraku or Tv Rakuraku (m.) .. 6,707 193. Miki Tiki or Ruru (m., 7) .. .. 1,151 4. Paora Paiaka (m., 10) .. .. .. 12.804 194. Naki Tiki or Ruru (m., 7) .. .. 1,054 5. Pare Paiaka (f.) .. .. .. 12,804 195. Noti Ruru or To Ripoai Tiki or iripoai 0. Puti Hikihiki or Te Ata Hikihiki (f.) .. 7,91.7 Tiki (f., 14) .. .. .. 1,151 7. Ria Paiaka (f.) .. .. .. 7,528 190. Panipani Ruru (f., 0) .. .. .. 14 8. Tarei Paiaka (f.) .. .. .. 113 197. Timi Ruru or Tiki (m., 9) .. .. 1,151 9. Teneti Rakuraku (m.) .. .. .. 1,295 Total .. .. ..956,584 Total .. .. .. 75,070 (£3,985 15s. 4d.) (£312 10s. 4d.) Group 14p.—Te Kahuorangi te Rika. Group 17b I—Te Atamea te Whiu. 1. Hinehou te Kahuorangi (f.) .. .. 878 2. Te Kaawa te Rika (m.) . . .. 27,447 otara Sechm3. To Kahuorangi te Rika (m.) .. .. 43,080 I. Te Atamea te Whiu (f.) .. .. 38,170 4. Tatai te Kaawa (f.) .. .. .. 0,015 2. Bparaima te Hapi (m.) .. .. 10,330 5. Tawhara te Kahuorangi (m.) .. .. 11,531 3. Heu Eparaima (f.) .. .. .. 18,804 0. Tuhua Pari te Ahuru (m.) .. .. 877 4. Huka Heemi (f.) .. .. .. 6,000 5. Te Koro Eparaima (m.) .. .. 18,863 Total .. .. .. 90,428 0. Tiaki Maraea (m.) .. .. .. 15 (£370 15s. Bd.) Total .. .. .. 98,248 Group 14q : Te Maipi Family. (£409 7s. 4d.) 1. Ipo Maipi or Whaiaipo te Maipi (minor), (in.) 6,191 2. Te Iwingaro te Maipi (m.) .. .. 3,500 Group 17b 2—Te Atamea te Wmu. 3. Kupa Maipi (m.,7) .)I2 Ruatahuna 3 Section. 4. To Mapi to Maipi (m., 3) .. .. 995 ].. Te Atamea te Whiu (f.) .. .. 0,049 5. Matatua Maipi (m.) 4,789 2 . Eparaima to Hapi (m.) .. .. 0,797 0. Noho te Maipi (t) 6.868 3. Haroharo Eparaima (f) 3,062 7. Rata Maipi (t., 14) .. .. .. 4,/88 4. Henare Tuahine (m.) .. .. .. 1,142 8. Rimu Maipi,ato Wharonmu Maipi (t„ 12) 4,529 5. H eu Eparaima (f.) 3,062 9. Tangiahua Maipi (f. 808 6 . Huka Heemi (f.) 16,183 10. Waiharakeke Maipi (f.) 2,()50 7, Te Koro Eparaima (m.) .. .. 3,062 „ . r7 7 8. Matekino te Hapi or Mate to Hapi or Matciotal ■• •■ •• M ' o '° kino Tuirina (f.) .. .. .. 11,772 (£144 Is. 3d.) 9. Matewaru te Hapi (m.) .. .. 1,820 10. Ramari te Hapi (f.) .. .. .. 1,526 Group 15.—Te 1111 1c Paekata. 11. Rautipu te Haunui (f.) .. .. 2,628 I Amelia te Aoterangi or Ameria Nikoiu 12. Tuahine Noa (m.) .. .. .. 4,958 (f., 14) .. .. .. ■• 24,707 13. Wi te Hiko (in., 12) .. .. .. 14,940 2. Aneko te Aoterangi (m.) .. .. 62 3. Hukanui Umutaru (m.) .. .. 935 Total .. .. .. 77,601 4. To Ihi te Paerata (m.) .. . . .. II ,809 (£323 6s 9d ) 5. Kokamutu te Naiti (f., 10) .... 60 " 0. Maremare te Naiti (t, 7) . . .. 00 7. Te Matetahuna te Aoterangi or Te Mate- Group 18a—Makamaka Tuteuaua. tahunaNikora(f.) 41,378 Parekohe Section. 8. Paraone Hukanui (m.) .. .. •■ 1,499 9 Patu te Aoterangi or Patu Nikora (f., 10).. 34,700 1. Harohare luteuaua* or Rangiwaitatao 10. Pita te Naiti (m., 13) .. .. .. 00 Tuteuaua (f.) .. .. .. 10.545 11. Tamarote Aoterangi or Tiniwai Nikora (m.) 36,968 2. Moewaka Tuteuaua (f) .. .. 11,232 12. Taurua Hinehou (m., 12) .. .. 2,261 3. To Uaua Tuteuaua (m.) .. .. 7,230 13. TeUmu Hukanui (f.) .. .. ..70,406 14. Te Wharepapaote Paerata (m.) .. .. 180 lotal .. .. .. 29,307 (£122 2s. 3d.) Total . . . . . . 210,091 » Tne balanco ot - Harehare Tutouaaa'a interest, 40,215, ia in 21a (£896 4s. 3d.) (Tupara Kaabo).

It. — /


SEC( )JN D SCH E] )ULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists — continued. Group 18b—Makamaka Tutkuaua. Group 20a—Tanio Hauraki (Apihai). Ruatahuna Section. Interest intereat 0 1- To Anewa Piripi (m.) .. .. .. 33,120 1. Hekerangi Mahaki (in.) .. ..• 2. Tc Are Whare.kotua (in.) .. .. 3,230 2. Kirimatao Makamaka (f., 9) .. .. 1.421 ' • gapuku Rio (ni.) 7,520 3. Makamaka Tuteuaua (m.) .. .. 5,519 4. Haromi te Aare (t.) 29,469 4. Meto Teko (f.) 709 *• Hem Kawanaff.) 5,654 5. Pirau Tuteuaua (m.) 4.204 0. Hine te Aare (t 1/) 5,237 6. Rimu Makamaka (m., 7) .. .. 1,421 l }*'"]." fj?™ (£•> ,;" , .■'•'• " , a ™ 7. Ruru Tuteuaua (m.) 0.703 8. Te Hurrwaka WbarekoU.a (m.) .. .. 49,81,;, 8. Tiari Makamaka (m., 7) .. .. 1.421 ,?/ £1™ u \ Aa ™ (*•■ 19 ) •• •• 5,249 9. Tuhi Hekerangi (f.) 19,173 »• Jihoi te Aare (m.) 14,794 10. Tutu Hekerangi (f.) 10,008 "■ * m} m l"'<*•) ,„, *MBQ 11. To Uaua Tuteuaua (f.) .. .. 130 «■ w « a J* **? t 1 ) J»5!2 13. Kohu te Aare (t., 11) .. .. .. 4,458 m j..i (i o SR q 14. Merania Haaini (f.) .. .. .. 2,500 " "' ) > onJ 15. To Otawa Haami (f., 14) .. .. 2,507 (12m 4s. Id.) 16. Pare te Aare .. .. .. .. 446 17. Pare te Whanoke (f.) .. .. .. 07,528 ~ .„ _ ~ 18. Rairi te Aare (f., 10) .. .. .. 333 Group 19a—Iaiiiakoa Poniwahio. 19. Taihoiho te Aare (,n., 8) .. .. 5,230 1. Te Kai Taihakoa (f.) .. .. .. 7,890 20. Tame Kuka Penehio (in.) .. .. 14,000 2. Te Manawahau Taihakoa (in., 19) .. 3,058 21. Tv to Aare (m., 7), (rf.). . .. .. 4,458 3. Manuariki Taihakoa (m.) .. .. 6,382 22. Tv Kic (m.) .. .. .. .. 7,520 4. Mauriki Taihakoa (m.).. .. .. 1,292 23. Waaka Kie (m.) .. .. .. 6,040 5. Miria Taihakoa (f.. 16). . .. .. 10,103 24. Waihua te Aaro (m., 0) .. .. 5,237 '6. Noti Ruka (f.) .. .. .. 19,821 25. Wairoa Haami (f., 8) .. .. .. 2,507 7. Ngatokorima Taihakoa (m.) .. .. 25,869 26. Wati te Aare (m.) .. .. .. 10,944 8. Te Ohaki Ruka (m.) .. .. .. 10,408 27. Te Whanoke to Aare (m.) .. .. 19,148 9. Paku Taihakoa (m., 12) .. . . 461 10. Te Patutoro Taihakoa (f.) .. .. 10,710 Total .. .. .. 360,505 11. Ruka Boniwahio (m.) .. .. .. 19,288 (£1,502 2s. Id.) 12. Taihakoa Poniwahio (m.) .. .. 18,609 .13. Toko Taihakoa (f.) .. .. ' .. 3,277 14. Tuhituhi Taihakoa (in.) .. .. 462 15. Te Uta Ruka (f.) .. .. .. 10,500 Group 20b—Tane Hauraki (Apihai). 16. W'hiitwhiu Tutakangahau (f.) .. .. 13,640 1. Te Ao te Paoro or Nehu Rua (f.) .. 29,943 2. To Au te Paoro or Kopa te Paoro (in.) .. 33 174 Total .. .. .. 107,902 3. To Awhimato Hoka (f.) .. .. 3,230 (£699 lis. lOd.) 4. Eboia Tamahou (f., 10) .. .. 3/JOl 5. To Haeata Anania (f.) .. .. .. 18,428 6. Hao Anania (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 Grout 19b—Taihakoa Poniwahio, 7. Hao Tamahou (f., 4) .. .. .. 3,964 , in a i ii -i- ,c i . ~ , **• Hauraki to Paoro (m.) .. .. .. Q 006 \ lf-AT mT Lulil( /-) •• ■• !•«* 9. Hine Tamahou (f. 12 2. i kiuki Mokomoko („,.) .. .. 4,73 10. Hinehou to Paoro (i\) 586 ..ahrkoro Mokomoko (f.) .. .. , 11. Kaare Teepu or Matckoraha Teepu (f.) .. 9 308 4. Rawiri Rer (m ,7) .. .. 2,04 i 2. Te Kahunuku te Paoro (ni.) . .. 15(08 5. Ripeka te Porlnpi (t., 10) .. .. 2,103 13. Kaipou te Paoro (f.) .. .. . 2 415 0. likapaKopufm.) 8,414 14. Kapakapa Anania (.) 23 470 lur ta, nh l y ~i V° 4 15- Korite Paoro (f.) ' J,jlB 8 WrAkuiang, ( (n, 14).. .. 2,04 16. Te Kura te Kura (,n.) .. .. 21980 9. Te Whenuanui Kopu (,n.) .. .. 8,414 17 . Meri Hohia (f.) .. .. [^648 r| , . , 18. Moohau Hauraki (f.) .. .. .. 38,166 lutol •• •■ •• 34,115 19. Pini Witeri(m.) .. .. .. 302 (£142 2s. Ltd.) 20. Rama Hauraki (f.) .. .. .. 40,830 21. Raukura Tamahou (f., 15) .. .. 3,901 22. Takarakau .Hohia (f.) .. .. ..10 199 Group 19u—Taihakoa Poniwahio. 23. Tametame Tamahou (in., 10) .. .. 3*961 1. Hiko Tatana (m.) .. .. .. 1,953 24. Time Hauraki (Apihai), (in.) .. .. 58,302 2. Hinehou Tatana (f.) .. .. .. 1,938 25. Tuhiwai Anania (i.) .. .. .. 3,230 3. Huhana Tutakangahau or Ripine Tutaka- 20. Te Uhitere te Paoro (f.) .. .. 22,479 ngahau (f.) .. .. .. 42,374 27. Witeri Anania (m.) .. .. .. 28,925 4. Te Kai Taihakoa (f.) .. .. .. 0,570 5. Karu te Tatana (m.) .. .. .. 227 Tutal •• •• •• 422,890 6. Te Kura te Taniwha (f.) . . . . 20,511 (£1,762 os. lOd.) 7. Te Manawahau Taihakoa (m., 19) .. 6,570 8. Miria Taihakoa (f., 16) .. .. 6,570 9 Ngatokorima Taihakoa (m.) .. .. 6,570 Group 21a-Tupara Kaaho. 10. Paku Taihakoa (in., 12) . . . . 313 . . . ~ ~ . 11. Te Patutoro Taihakoa (f.) .. .. 0 570 1- Aiiama te Ankatata (m.), (rf.) .. .. 45,454 12. Puhata Tauaki (f.) 2 640 1° Au lahakawa (f.) 4,3(53 13. Ruka Poniwahio (m.) .. .. .. 3 506 »• gaki Matika or Te Rapaki Matika (m.) .. 1,796 14. Tarei te Tatana (f.) 3,230 4. Harehare luteuaua (m.) .. .. 41,340 15. Tikapa Tewhatewha (m.) .. .. 3 230 f- J-e Haunui Hohia (m.) 19,990 16. Titiaho te Tatana (f.) 6,243 U" sem,5 em , ri '- )una (f ,,1, ls > m > 17. Tuhituhi Taihakoa (m.) .. .. 313 7. Houkamau to Whenua (f.) .. .. 2,181 18. Tukiwaho Tukuaterangi (m.) .. .. 10 396 8. IhakaraHohia (m.) .. .. 19,743 19. Tukuaterangi Tutakangahau (m.) .. 72,904 '' r p , ,!- ( ''' , ', 8) , 77 20. Te Whenuariri Kopu or Tewhatewha (in.) 3,230 {, lr" Kura , t<! v ( m - 33,297 21. Whiuwhiu Tutakangahau (f.) .. .. 17 520 11- Mariana teWhenua (f.) .. .. 2,181 12. Matamua Wbakamoe (m.) .. . l 7 143 Total .. .. .. 223,498 M'turea Matika (m.) .. ..-• ' 5 1 ' 14. Men Hohia (f.) .. .. H 994 (£931 4s. lOd.) is. Mihaka Matika (m.) .. .. .. 27,031



SECOND SCHEDtJLE— continued. (3.) Group Lists— continued. Group 21a —Tupara Kaaho — continued. Group 22c—Erubti Peene. Relative Relative Intereat. 1 ntereßt. 16. Motuoruhi Whakamoo (f.) .. .. 14,743 1. HiporateHeuheu(f.) .. .. .. 3,238 17. Noema Whakamoe (f.) .. .. 8,863 2. TeHunukuteHeuheu(f.) .. .. 3,238 18. Noho Taratoa (m.) .. .. .. 20,906 3. Keitate Heuheu (f.) .. .. , .. 6,118 19. Te Paina Whakamoe (f.) .. .. 5,143 4. Kcpaßiki (</.).. .. .. .. 1,960 20. Paora Noho (m.) .. .. .. 28,719 5. Kutiate Heuheu (f.) .. .. .. 8,206 21. Punua te Roia (m., 9) .. .. .. 1,221 6. Matatute Heuheu (in.) . . .. .. 2,738 22. Rangiteremauri Minaka, or Rangi, or Rangi 7. Matikate Heuheu (m.) .. .. .. 3,238 Mihaka,orßeupenaMihaka(m.) .. 48,379 8. Miraka Riki (f.), (d.) .. .. .. 4,551 23. Roia te Roia (m., 4) .. .. .. 77 9. Morehu to Heuheu (f.) .. .. ... 2,282 24. Rotu Hine or Rotu Erana (f.) .. .. 1,312 10. Ngamo te Miraka or Te Heuheu (rf.) -.. 3,283 25. Tai te Roia (f., 6) .. .. .. 1,221 11. Pare te Heuheu (f.) .. .. .. 1,827 26. Takarakau Hohia (f.) .. .. .. 3,269 12. Rangitunoa to Heuheu or Miraka (f.) .. 6,420 27. TikinaMihaka(f.) .. .. .. 49,441 13. Rongoteaßiki .. .. .. 718 28. Tuhi Hekerangi or Tutu Hekerangi (f.) .. 11,634 14. Rotongaiote Heuheu (in.) .. .. 3,185 29. Tupara Kaaho or Tupara Tamana (m.) .. 66,726 15. Tuiate Heuheu(f.) .. .. .. 3,238 3(1. To Waihirere Whakamoe (m.) .. .. 10,663 16. Whakararote Heuheu (f.) .. .. 2,282 31. Werewere te Roia (m., 7) .. .. 1,282 — Total .. .. .. 56,522 Total .. .. .. 518,840 (£235 10s. 2d.) (£2,161 16s. Bd.) „ 00 ~ „, v Group 22d—Matioro Taiha. 1. Ani Miki (f.) .. .. .. .. 4,774 2. Te Heuheu Miki (m.) . . .. .. 203 Group 21b— Tupara Kaaho. 3. Houpepe Wati (m), (rf.) .. .. 6,680 1. Anania te Ahikaiata (m.), (rf.) .. .. 25,177 4. Hura Wati . .. .. 1,347 2. TeAuKutu.orTiukaKutu,o.-TimotiKutu - r >- Kiwhi te Wakaunua or Taiha te Waka(m.) .. .. .. .. 8,587 unua(f.) .. .. .. .. 10,939 3. Haunui Hohia (m.) .. .. .. 9,805 0. Korikori Tautau (f., 14) .. .. 3,875 4. Ihakara Hohia (m.) 10,258 7. Kuranui Waihua (f.) .. .. .. 21,940 5. Kaho Timoti (m., 7) .. .. .. 2,548 8. Matioro te Purewa (f.) .. .. .. 13,140 0. Karo te Roia (m., 8) .. .. .. 921 9. Matioro Taiha (f.) .. .. .. 6,718 7. Te Kura te Kura (m.) .. .. .. 8,818 10. Mauniko Taiha (f.) .. .. .. 2,628 8. Mania Moni or Rori Moni (f.) .. .. 5,470 11. Milnmarino te Wakaunua or Pehi te Wa9. Pani Roia (m., 12) .. .. .. 385 kaunua(f.).. .. .. .. 22,271 10 Punua te Roia (m. 9) .. .. .. 559 '*• ™*! *° Wakaunua or Wati te Wakaunua 20,875 1L Ratuate 0(f.) .'.' .. .. 1,820 13. Mootu Wati or Miki (f.) .. .. 3,191 12. Te Rihi Hohia (m.), (rf) .. .. 6,055 14. Ngalnwi Wati (f.) .. .. .. 5,330 13. Te Roia Hohia (m.) .. .. .. 6,655 15. Ngaki to Wakaunua (f.) .. .. 2,572 14. Roia te Roia (m., 4) .. .. .. 537 16. Paekonohi Waihua .. .. .. 1,582 15. Rotu Hine or Rotu Erana (f.) .. .. 780 17. Paetawa Wati or Miki (m., 10) .. .. 6,121 16. Tai te Roia (f., 6) .. .. .. 944 18. Pani Miki (1., 9) .. .. .. 264 17. Taurowa Hohia (m.) .. .. .. 3,150 19. Pango Ruka (...) .. .. .. 2,820 18. Tupara Kaaho or Tupara Tamana (in.) .. 10.655 20. Parekaramu te Ran (f.) .. .. 2,320 19. Turakau Hohia (f.) .. .. .. 1,725 21. Piripi Wati (m., 10) .. .. .. 9,080 20. Werewere to Roia (m., 7) .. .. 1,480 22. Rakeiatu te Komu (m.) .. .. 4,787 21. Wluirepapa Kutu (m.) .. .. .. 12,093 23. Ron te Wakaunua (f.), (rf.) .. .. 15,477 11 V ' 24. Ruru Tautau (m., 12) .. .. .. 5,509 Total .. .. .. 119,622 25. Tata Miki .. .. .. .. 264 . 26. Tautau to Wakaunua .. .. 19,856 (£498 Bs. bd.) 27. Wairama te Wakaunua (f.) .. .. 12,600 28. Te Wakaunua Kaikino (m.) .. .. 3,340 29. Te Wakaunua Ruru or Te Wakaunua Hou- „ oo -n t> pepe (in.) .. .. .. .. 9,925 Group 22a—Erueti Peene. i i i / 1. Makuini Hiroa (f.) .. .. .. 2,169 Total .. .. .. 220,500 2. Makuini Pioi (f., 15) .. .. .. 4,353 (£9lB 15s. Od.) 3. Netana te Whakaari (m.) .. .. 27,147 4. Noti Erueti (f., 11) .. .. .. 2,398 GROur 23a—Paora Ranoiaho. 5. Ngaikiha Erueti (f.) 14,168 L T Aoterangi Paora (m„ 14) .. .. 1,806 (~ Pioi Netana (t. .. .. •• 4,885 2 , Gordon to Koherangi (m., 10) .. .. 731 7. ramahou I ,-ueti (m. 13) .. .. 2,398 3. Hakeke Paora or Kami, Paora (~,., 19) .. 10,385 8 ramihana Erueti (m.) .. .. 21,806 Harehare Turuhira or Hare '.lame (m., 17) 7,386 . .. 1,440 5. Hiria Rangiaho (f.) .. .. . 14,794 I. Imnnga Netana (m.) .. .. 706 6 . H iro Riripeti (f. 3,817 11. Win Netana (m.) .. 7 . T e Koherangi Tamarau (f., 5) .. .. 732 „, , 117 0.,„ 8. Maitaranui Rangiaho (m.) .. .. 20,080 iotal •• '• •' 11/ > 8,18 9. Matioro Ahipene (f.) .. .. .. 1,097 (£490 19s. lOd.) 10. Neera Paora or Nera Paora (f.) .. .. 22,423 11. Noti Paora (f, 13) .. .. .. 1,886 12. Ngatapa Paora (f.) .. .. .. 15,485 „„ „ _ 13. TePaea Ahipene (f.) .. .. .. 1,097 Group 22b—Netana te Whakaari. 14. Te Paea Tumeke (f.) 24,130 1. Hota Hinepau, or Heta Wiremu, or Papi 15. Paea Kingi (f.) .. .. .. 2,250 Wiremu, or Papi te Purewa (m„ 19) .. 43,321 16. Paora Rangiaho (m.) .. .. .. 32,990 2. Maraea Netana (f.) .. .. .. 30,636 17. Papi te Koherangi (m. 8) .. .. 731 3. Maria Netana (f.) .. .. .. 58 18. Te Piriti Paora (f., 14) . . .. .. 3,146 4. Mereana Maraea (f.) .. .. .. 15,010 19. Pohe Tamaikoha (f.) ..' .. 25,572 5. Morehu Maraea (f.) .. .. .. 3,900 20. Potaua Turuhira (m., 11) .. .. 7,386 6. Netana Maraea (m., 14) .. .. 14,995 21. Reremoana te Paea (f.) .. .. 2,436 7. Netana te Whakaari (m.) .. .. 40,722 22. Riripeti Paora (f., 13) .. .. .. 3,146 8. Papa Maraea (m.) .. .. .. 4,057 23. Ruru Paora (m., 17) .. .. .. 5,482 9. Po Hinepau, or Pee Wiremu, or Pee te 24. Tapuhi Whakamoe (f.) . . .. .. 12,557 Purewa (m., 17) .. .. .. 38,304 25. Timi Hon, (m., 5) .. .. .. 1,367 10. Po Netana .. .. .. .. 596 26. Timi te Paea or Timi Puna (m.) .. .. 10,236 11. TawaiPo(f., 12) .. .. .. 12,220 27. Turuhira (f.), (rf.) .. .. .. 291 12. Timi Maraea (m.) .. .. .. 2,618 28. Wharenikau Timi (f.) .. .. .. 2,025 13. Tuhi Netana (m., 17) .. .. .. 14,995 29. Wharepapa Turuhira (in., 4) .. .. 7,386 Total .. .. .. 221,432 Total .. .. .. 248,850 (£922 12s. 8(1.) (£1,030 18s. Od.)



SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group List? — continued. Group 23b —Hakuarangt Rangiaho. Group 25b 1 : Te Wharepouri Te Amo— continued. Relative Relative Interest. Interest. 1. Hakuarangi Rangiaho (f.) .. .. 48,982 20. Rangiihu Rawiri (m.) .. .. .. 6,652 2. Hana Taipeti (f.) .. .. .. 15,698 21. Rangitiriao te Heuheu (f.) .. .. 3,624 3. Hine Taipeti or Hinctaptiirangi Taipeti .. 8,524 22. Rerekai (Mohitai) Mohi (f.) .. .. 1.2,080 4. Matatua Taipeti (m., 14) .. .. 8,524 23. Rupia Heurea ,'f.) .. .. .. 3,451 5. Mohiti Taipeti (m., 15) .. .. 8,524 24. Ruri Heurea (m.) .. .. .. 3,451 0. Rangi (or Rai) Kara (1, 18), (■/.) .. 525 25. Takahiwai Pa (f.) .. .. .. 8,456 7. Taipeti Matatua (m.) .. .. .. 8,700 26. Tarabita Tamehana (f.) .. .. 6,040 27. Terewai Taia (f., 17) .. .. .. 2,373 Total .. .. .. 99,483 28. Te Waikohai Wiremu (1) .. .. 1,208 (£414 10s. 3d.) 29. Wiremu Taia (m.) .. .. .. 2.373 30. Te Wharepouri te Amo (m.) .. .. 54,360 Group 24a—Rehua Te Wao. 31. Whitiaira Hauraki (f.) .. .. .. 29,244 1. Merita Pareihe or Merita Waihinau (f.) .. 14,304 wTrnr 2. Moomoe te Wao (m.) 7,780 Totel ■ • ■■ " 28tf ' 008 3. Ngawai Pareihe or Ngawai Waihinau (f.) .. 14,304 (£1,206 os. 5a.) 4. Ngawaka Iraia (m.) . . . . . . 4,868 „ . " ~ 5. PimiateWao(t) 7,780 Group 25b 2: Rawiri Kokau. 6. Rehua te Wao (m.) .. .. .. 7,780 Rawiri Kokau (m.) .. .. .. 27,111 7. Riongopopoia Ngawaka alias Ngawhika(m.) 3,890 (£ll2 19s. 3d.) 8. Te Wao Ihimaera (m.) .. .. .. 15,560 9. Wharepapa Ibimaera (m.) .. .. 15,560 Group 25c 1: Te Wharepouri Te Amo. 1. Te Ahote Wharepouri (m.) .. .. 1,168 Total .. .. .. 91,826 2. Kuini te Wharepouri (f.) .. .. 1,168 (£382 12s. 2d.) 3. Wharepouri te Amo (m.) .. .. 9,344 Group 24b: Rehua Te Wao. Total .. .. .. 11,680 1. Merita Pareihe or Merita Waihinau (f.) .. 4,598 (£4B 13s, 4d.) 2. Moernoe te Wao (m ..) . . .. 6,160 Wharepouri te Amo. 3. Ngawai Pareihe or Ngawai Waihinau (f. . . 4,598 V, . ,-,-, •, i ~ „> fl 4. Ngawaka Iraia (m.) 29,898 1. Te Aho te Wharepouri (m.) .. .. 13,946 5. Niwa Pimia (f.) 2,307 Te Amo Kokoun (m.) .. .. .. 14,808 0. Pimia te Wao (f.) 7,606 3. Herorate Wharepouri (m.) .. .. 1,880 7. Rehua te Wao (m.) 15,958 4. Kuin. te Wharepouri (f.) .. .. 12,704 8. Rongopopoia Ngawaka alias Ngawhika (m.) 21,875 f- unaoa Pa .. - .1,615 9. Te Uraroa Pareihe or To Ururoa Waihi- 0. Param Kokorm (f.) 6,797 nau(m) .. .. 4.479 7. Paraone Orupe (m.) .. .. .. 4,952 10. Te Wao Ihimaera (m.) 18,650 „. Te Piriti Maui (f.) 1,311 9. Takahiwai Pa (I.) .. .. .. 12,722 Total 116,129 }0. Wharepouri te Amo (m.) .. 62,614 (£483 17s 5d 1 Whitiaira Hauraki (t.) .. .. .. 13,252 Group 25a : Te Wharepouri Te Amo. Total ~.,." •' '■ M8 > 611 „ „„„ (£619 4s. 3d.) 1. Te, Aho to Wharepouri (m.) .. .. 6,938 2. Te Amo Kokouri (m.) .. .. .. 6,240 Group 25d—Te Wharepouri te Amo. 3. Te Hitaua Heurea (m.) 11,044 i. Amio te Puia (f.) 364 4. Hohia Heurea (m.) .. .. .. l ">'"-> 2. Aperahama Rawiri (m.) .. .. 4,388 5. Ira Heurea .. .. •• ■• B,sbi 3. Herita Heemi (f.) .. .. .. 728 6. Iraia Heurea (m.) .. .. .. 6,b81 4. Hitaua Heurea (m.) .. .. .. 26,655 7. Kuini te Wharepouri (f.) .. 6,938 5. Hohia Heurea (m.) 19,680 8. Marata Hekerangi (f.) .. .. .. 17,004 6. Ira Heurea (m.) 23,392 9. Paraone Orupe (m) .. .. .. 240 7. l ra i a Heurea (m.) 13,407 10. Te Piriti Maui (Kokouri), (1.) . .. .. 4,363 8 . T e Kahupine Tamehana (f.) .. .. 3,949 11. Raiha Wiremu or Rangrtautiaki Wiremu (f.) 24 9. Marata Hekerangi (f.) .. .. .. 21,278 12. Rangiihu Rawiri (m.) 1,200 10. Materoa Tamehana (f.) .. .. 738 13. Rupia Heurea (f.) .. .. •■ 1, 760 n. Mahurehure Wiremu (m.) .. .. 334 14. Ruri Heurea or Heurea (m) .. 1,761 12. Mereana Heemi (f.) 2,240 15. Terewai Taia or Hinehou l aia (f., 17) .. 0,379 ,„ jfere te Puia (f) 455 16. Te Waikohai Wiremu (f.) .. .. 384 14 Mika Tamehana (m.) '.'. '.'. '.'. 738 17. Te Wharepouri to Amo 20,901 15. Mita Ruri (m ., i 7) 5,038 18. Wiremu Taia (m, 19) .. .. •• 2,910 i 6. Monehu Tamehana (f.) .. .. 738 19. Whitiaira Hauraki (f.) 15 Nana Tarnehana (f.) .. . . .. 738 m , ~„ , 1Q 18. Pare Ruri (f„ 13) .. .. .. 4,536 Jotal •■ •• •' n^'7ifs 19. Pc Ruri (f., 9) .. .. .. 4,434 (£469 13s. 2d.) 20. Te Piriti Maui (Kokouri), (f.) .. .. 4,140 21. Raiha Wiremu or Rangrtautiaki Wiremu (f.) 2,141 Group 25b 1: Te Wharepouri Te Amo. 22. Rakapa Ruri (f., 10) .. .. .. 3,267 1. Te Aho te Wharepouri (m.) .. .. 6,342 23. Rangiihu Rawiri (m.) .. .. .. 8,760 2. Te Amo Kokouri (m.) .. .. •■ 24,160 24. Rangitiriao te Heuheu (f.) .. .. 2,822 3' Herora to Wharepouri (m.) •■ •• 6,040 25. Rawiri Kokau (m.) .. .. .. 3,988 4 Hitaua Heurea (m.) .. .. .. 9,491 26. Rerekai (Mohitai) Mohi (f.) .. .. 1,122 5. Hohia Heurea (m.) .. •• •- 9,491 27. Rupia Heurea (f.) .. .. .. 3,068 6. Ira Heurea (m.) .. •• •• 6,040 28. Ruri Heurea (m.) .. .. .. 10,043 7' Iraki Heurea (m.) .. •• •■ 9,491 29. Tamehana te Puia (m.) .. .. 455 8. Te Kahupine Tamehana (f.) .. .. 24,100 30. Tarahita Tamehana (f.) .. .. 738 9. Kuini te Wharepouri (f.) .. •- 6,342 31. Terewai Taia or Hinehou Taia (f., 17) .. 9,842 If)! Marata Hekerangi (f.) .. ■• ■• 8,456 32. Tieni Tamehana (f.) .. .. .. 364 11. Materoa Tamehana. (f.).. .. •• 6,040 33. Timi Tamehana (m.) .. .. .. 2,765 12 Mita Ruri (m., 17) .. •• •■ 371 34. Waiariki Tamehana (m.) .. .. 738 13. Mohi Waiariki (m.) .. •• ■■ 2,416 35. Waikohai Wiremu (f.) .. .. .. 3,550 14. Parani Kokouri (f.) .. ■• -• 24,160 30. Wiremu Taia (m.) .. .. .. 7,025 15. Paraone Orupe (m.) .. .. •• 0,040 37. Te Whakahu Tamehana (m.) .. .. 738 10. Pare Ruri (1, 13) •• ■• •• 37 1 38. Te Wharepouri te Amo (m.) .. .. 2,184 17! Pc Ruri (t, 9) • • • • • • 371 18 Piriti Maui (Kokouri), (f.) .. .. 6,040 Total .. .. .. 201,640 19. Rakapa Ruri (m., 10) .. .. ■• 371 (£B4O 3s. 4d.)



SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists — continued. Group 25e —Te Wharepouri te Amo. Group 27b—Akuhata te Kaha. Relative Relative Interest. interest. 1. Te Aho te Wharepouri (m.) .. .. 1,938 1. Akuhata te Kaha or Wehikore (m.) .. 18,023 2. Te Amo Kokouri (m.) .. .. .. 0,400 2. Te Hani Taare (f.) .. .. .. 3,808 3. Hauraki te Wharepouri (m.) .. .. 1,938 3. Hine Whareharakeke (f„ 14) .. .. 1,008 4. Hitaua Heurea (m.) .. .. .. 3.857 4. Karaitiana te Kaha (m.) .. .. 11,887 5. Hohia Heurea (f., 10) .. .. .. 3,857 5. Keka te Haeata (f.) .. .. .. 240 0. Iraia Heurea (m.) .. .. .. 3,858 0. Kere Whareharakeke (in., 9) .. .. 7.19 7. Kahupine Tamehana (f.) .. .. 9,000 7. Merepeka te Reweti (f.) .. .. 5,920 8. Kuini te Wharepouri (f.) .. .. 1,938 8. Peita Kereopa (m.) .. .. .. 120 9. Te Mahurehure Wiremu (m.) .. .. 0,830 9. Ripeka Hof,oreiii (f.) .. .. .. 3,250 10. Marata Hekerangi (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 10. Riripera Monumonu (f.) .. .. 121 11. Parani Kikouri (f.) .. .. .. 0,400 11. Tai Karaitiana (m.) .. .. .. 0.700 12. Raiha Wiremu or Rangrtautiaki Wiremu (f.) 6,830 12. Taiarangi Whareharakeke (f., 7) .. 720 13. Rangitiriao te Heuheu (f.) .. .. 6,460 13. Tiopira Monumonu (m.) .. .. 122 14. Rawiri te Kokau (m.) .. .. .. 1,938 14. Tuhau Peita (f.) .. .. .. 1,810 15. Rupia Heurea (f.) .. .. .. 3,857 15. Tuhi Ngapera (in.) .. .. .. 182 16. Rupi Wiremu (f.) .. .. .. 3,000 10. Tunooti Taopuku (m.) .. .. .. 1,019 17. Ruri Heurea (m.) .. .. .. 3,858 17. Te Ua Monumonu (m.) .. .. 445 18. Takahiwai Pa (f.) .. .. .. 1,938 18. Te ITira Ngapera (f.) .. .. .. 183 19. Tauwhitu Wiremu (in.) .. .. 3,000 19. Wiremu te Purewa (m.) .. .. 9,023 20. Terewai Taia (f.) .. .. .. 965 21. Timi Tamehana (m.) .. .. 9,000 Total .. .. .. 67,232 22. Tukahara to Wharepouri (m.) .. .. 1,938 (£2BO 2s. Bd.) 23. Te Waikowhai Wiremu (f.) .. .. 0,830 24. Wiremu Taia (m.) .. .. .. 963 25. Wharepouri te Amo (m.) .. .. 12,230 26. Whitiaira Hauraki (f.) .. .. .. 5,600 Group 27c—Haereakau te Uatuku. mil 777777; 1. Haereakau te Uatuku (f.) .. .. 4,771 r " tal •• •• •• 118,973 2 . Mate te Uatuku (f., 4), (rf.) .. .. 310 (£495 14s. 5d.) 3. Nikau te Uatuku (f.) .. .. .. 11,233 4. Pene te Uatuku (m., 9) .. .. 1,493 Group 26 —Te Hauwai Tiakiwai. 5. Piritima te Uatuku (Te fritima) (m.), (rf.).. 641 1. Arani Tiakiwai (f.), (rf.) 4,322 «■ Taare te IJatuku (m 6) .. .. 1,493 2. AtereaTawa(,n.),(rf.) 317 '• Tate, te Uatuku (m 16) .. .. 1,493 .3. Hauwai Tiakiwai (m.) 20,520 8. Tatana to Uatuku (m. • .. .. 2,041 4. I tiiti Tiakiwai (rf.) 7,080 »■ Te Uatuku Hohapata (in.) (rf) .. .. 0,49 5. KirikumaraTawa(m.),(rf.) .. .. 700 10. Te Wharemkau te Uatuku (f.) .. .. 291 6. Mahiti Marald (f.) .. .. .. 8,360 „ 7. MahitiTurei(f.) .. .. .. 13,374 ,n,oc on, 3U..M.0 8. MakariniTawa(m.) 148 (£126 Os. fid.) 9. Matehaore Tawa (f.) ...... 148 _ 10. Mihi te Umuariki (f., 16) .. .. 13,663 11. Miriama Turei (f.), (d.) .. .. ■■ 25,179 _ „, 12. Miraka te Umuariki (f., 12) .. .. 8,489 Group 27i>-Heai.u Teowai. 13. Moeata Taare .. .. .. 623 1. Heaku Toowai (m.) .. .. .. 584 14. Momo Tiakiwai (f.) .. .. .. 6,764 2. Hinekura Pei (f.), (rf.) .. .. .. 14,379 15. Noti Turei (f., 17), (rf.) .. .. .. 5,800 3. Hura Pei or Teowai (f.) .. .. 5,198 16 Ngahuia Tiakiwai (f.) .. .. .. 10,072 4. Mere Pei or Merepeka Pei or Merepeka 17. Ngapera Tiakiwai (f., 5) .. .. 3,893 Teowai (f.).. .. .. .. 2,017 18. Ngatua Turei (f.), (rf.) .. .. .. 9,720 5. Te Owai te Waaka (f.), (rf.) .. .. 15 19. To Pare Tiakiwai (f.) .. .. .. 8,954 6. Paahi te Waaka (f.), (rf.) .. .. 15 20. RaroTawafm.) .. .. .. 148 7. Pahere Pei (f.), (rf.) .. .. .. 30 21. Ripeka te Umuariki (f., 18) .. .. 5,173 22. Tatua Taumata (f.) .. .. .. 60 Total .. .. .. 22,238 23. Tiakiwai Turei (m.) .. .. .. 2,584 (£92 13s. 2d.) 24. Tuterangi Tiakiwai (m.) .. .. 5,295 25. Tuwhitiki te Umuariki (m., 14) .. .. 13,603 ■ — 26. Te White Turei (m.) .. .. .. 2,584 Group 27e—Heuemia Family. Total .. .. .. 177,639 i. To Apiha Hatamaria (m., 5) .. .. 1,367 (£740 3s. 3d.) 2. Hatamaria Heromia (f.) .. .. 2,750 3. Heremia Heremia (in.), (rf.) .. .. 5,485 Group 27a—Toko te Mataku. 4. Hinehou Heromia (f.), (rf.) .. .. 15 ,„.„..,, , n A A 5. Hohapata Heremia (f.) .. .. 2,750 1. Te Am. Rawiri <«.. 4,344 \> 15 2. Harata Patutoro (f ) -• •• 2,028 Pellimana Heremia (f.) .. .. 2,750 3. TeHaupapa te Mataku m. .. .. 14,086 6po Heremia 3,465 4. Te Hereaute te Mataku (m.) .. .. 25,139 r 5. IriToko .. .. ■• •■ 3,285 _ . . 18 597 6. Tti Toko (m., 18) 11,522 ioUI ■• " ' " 7. Kawana te Mataku (m.) .. .. 12,292 (.177 .Is. 9<1.) 8. More Tutara Kauika (f.) .. .. 12,099 9. Te Oti Hororiri (f.) .. .. .. 3,127 10. Paratone Hororiri (m.) .. .. 2,816 11. Te Rauoriwa Oti (f.) 2,428 Group 28-Tutakangahau. 12. Tarakawa Toko (m.), (rf.) .. .. 10,946 1. Huhana Tutakangahau or Ripone Tuga--13. Timoti te Mataku (m.) .. .. 12,292 kangahau (f.) .. .. .. 5,024 * 14. Toko te Mataku (m.) .. .. .. 31,879 2. Te Kura te Taniwha (f.) .. .. 29,802 15. Te Wairuku tePiihi(f.), (rf.) .. .. 7,503 3. Tukuaterangi Tutakangahau (in.) .. 10,370 10. Wharekiri te Mataku .. .. .. 2,820 4. Tute Taumata (f.) .. .. .. 5,298 Total .. .. .. 158,606 Total .. .. .. 51,160 (£660 17s. 2d.) ■ (£213 3s. 4d.)

4— G. 7.



SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists — continued. Group 29—Te Pairi Tuterangi. Group 32—Takurua Tamarau. Relative Relative Interest. Interest. 1. Eretimite Pairi (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 1. Harata te Kaaho (m., 17) .. .. 2,780 2. Hinehou Weka(f.) .. .. .. 3,540 2. Hera Tamarau (f.), (rf.).. .. .. 11,226 3. Hinetama Ngahiri (f., 15) .. .. 6,309 3. Heke te Kaaho (m., 17) .. .. 1,200 4. Hopa fc Pairi (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 4. Heriata Apihaka (f.) .. .. .. 3,890 5. Irihapetl te Pairi (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 5. Heriata Paewhenua or Heriata Pae (f.) .. 118,240 6. Kohipiripiri Ngahiri (f., 12) .. .. 874 6. Hinehou Nikora (f.) .. .. .. 10,700 7. Te Oarangi Ngahiri (f., 15) .. .. 874 7. Hineterangi te Mapu or Raha to Mapu or 8. Tarakawa te Pairi (m.) .. .. 3,230 Raharaba te Mapu (f.) .. .. 40,596 9. Wai Weka(f.) .. .. .. 13,098 8. Hori Takurua (m., 8) .. .. .. 4,812 10. Wipiro Ranginui (m.) .. .. .. 1,140 9. Hou Tamarau or Takurua (m.) .. .. 3,952 11. Wipiro Wipiro (m.) .. .. .. 1,314 10. Ka Takurua (f.) .. .. .. , 8,213 12. Te Wirihana te Pairi (m.) .. .. 3,230 11. Te Kapua te Kaaho (m.) .. .. 2,780 12. Keko Tamarau (m.) .. .. .. 18,214 Total .. .. .. 43,299 13. Maata Nikora (f., 14) .. .. .. 7,710 (£lBO 8s 3dl Mareta Tamarau (f.) .. .. .. 17,139 V "' 15. Mateana to Kaaho (f.) .. .. .. 5,852 10. More Tamarau (f.) .. .. .. 8,306 17. Mou Tamarau (f.) .. .. .. 8,782 Group 30—Taituri te Hira. 18. Neronoro Takurua (f.) 9,948 „. ~, 19. Niho Takurua (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 1. To Au Hira (f.) 3,230 20. Ngaikiha te Kaaho (f.) 3,760 2. Hemi Tahun m 15) 5,861 21. Paora te Kaaho (m.) 5,840 3. Hinewhiu Pailieke(t) 8,280 22. Petera Hira (m.) 15,871 4. Hunana lahun.( 12,141 23. Raha Pute (f.) 364 5. TeKonhr Turei (i.) 11,495 24. Rangi Hira (f.) 14,168 6. Matenga lahun (m., 10) .. .. 5,801 25. Reremoana te Kaaho (m.) .. .. 13,933 7. MatutaeraHira(m.) .. .. .. 11,510 20. Ruha te Uatuku (m.) .. .. .. 2,081 8. Mekita Tahun (t 10) 2,972 27. Taiha Tamarau (f.) 21,975 9. Mereana Tamo (f.) . 12,849 28. Takurua Tamarau (m.) .. .. 28,108 10. Mihi Tarei or Mihikitekapua Tarei or Mihi 29. Tiaki Takurua (m., 16) .. .. 4,812 te Whareharakeke (f.) .. .. 74,209 30 . Tie Takurua (m.) 862 1.1. Mini lahun (£., 18) 12,070 31. Waiari Takurua (m.) 3,230 12. Pukaha Tahun (i, 17) .. .. .. 5,860 32. Wiha Hira (m.) .. .. .. 9,538 13. Ramarihi Tarei (f.) .. .. .. 2,336 33. Wowi Takurua (f., 11) .. .. .. 4,814 14. TahuriteHira(m.) .. .. .. 11,510 * [ 15. Tangatahira Renata (f.), (rf.) .. .. 4,140 Total 423 520 16 Taukuri Haki or Tawhiri Haki(t). (rf.) .. 120 ~,,,.'.' ~.'.' 17. Te Wairoa Paerau (f.) .. .. .. 24,338 (£1,764 Us. Ilia.) 18. TeHoro Tatu(m.) .. .. .. 5,068 „ „„ m „ 19. Te Kiato Wahia (m., 8) .. .. 2,372 Group 33-Tamehana te Pitta. 20. Materoa Tatu (f.) .. .. .. 2,372 1. Akenehi Aterea (f.) .. .. .. 5,272 21. Putiputi Tatu(f.) .. .. .. 1,098 2. Hine Hori (f.) .. .. .. 961 22. Te Rau Wahia (m., 8) .. .. .. 5,068 3. Hori Aterea (m.) .. .. .. 3,723 23. Tangirate Kauru (m.) .. .. .. 11,978 4. Hurinui Tawa .. .. .. 30 24 Tatu Horopapera (m.) .. .. .. 1,820 5. Te Kahupine Tamehana (f-.) .. .. 4,672 25. TeUrungaTatu(f.) .. .. .. 2,698 6. Matohaere Tawa (f.) .. .. .. 2,522 26. To Apiha Hatamaria (m., 5) .. .. 2,070 7. Materoa Tamehana (f.) .. .. 22,624 27 Hatamaria Heremia (f.) .. .. 4,140 8. Mereana Heemi (f.) .. .. .. 1,168 28 Heremia Heremia (m.),(rf.) .. .. 8,280 9. Mika Tamehana (m.) .. .. .. 961 29. Hohapata Heremia (f.) .. .. 4,260 10. Noti Matamua (m.) .. .. .. 10,039 30. Pehimana Heremia (f.) .. .. 4,140 11. Raro Tawa (m.) .. .. .. 921 31. Repo Heremia .. .. .. 4,140 12. Rerekai Mohi .. .. .. 480 32. TeKohunui Tupaea (m.) .. .. 12,715 13. Tamati Tawa (m.) .. .. .. 920 33. KiineroTumoana(m.) .. .. 5,447 14. Tamehana te Puia (in.).. .. .. 3,347 34. Pihitahi Tamaikoha (f.) .. .. 19,098 15. Tarahita Tamehana (f.) .. .. 22,024 35. Pita te Iki (m., 15) .. .. .. 3,631 16. Waiariki Tamehana (m.) .. .. 1,168 36. Taokatate Iki(m., 9) .. .. .. 3,631 17. Te Waikohai Wiremu (f.) .. .. 25,408 37. Tame te Iki (m.) .. .. .. 3,631 18. Wiremu Wi (m.) .. .. .. 1,314 38. Tupaea Rapaera (m.) .. .. .. 43,480 '■ ._ Total .. .. .. 108,154 Total .. .. .. 359,919 (£450 I2s. lOd.) (£1,499 13s. 3d.) „ „. „, „ ~ v ' Group 34a —Te Horohau Make. 1. Te Horohau Make or Te Horohau Tawari(m.) 14,031 2. Iti te Horohau (m.) .. .. .. 22,877 Group 31—Orupe Hoani. 3. Wilririwhi te Horohau (m.) .. .. 22,877 1. TeHuti Orupe (m.) i'?*:] Total 59.785 2. KarawluratcMaipi(f.) .. .. 23,123 3. Kawehi Hoani .. .. .. 474 (£249 2s. Id.) 4. Te Kero Orupe (m.) .. .. .. 20,644 i ' .. ~ _ „, 5 Kerohi Hoani (f.) 5 619 Group 34b—Make Mikaere or Tawari Mikaere. 6. KohekeMoko(f.) .. .. .. IJBS 1. Ihipera Wetewete (f., 16) .. .. 1,849 7. Kutia Hoani (m.) .. .. .. 5,6.19 2. Mahia Make (m.) .. .. .. 9,071 8. Miria Hautu (f., 13) .. .. .. 2,335 13. Make Mikaere or Ta wari Mikaere (m.l .. 27,020 9. Moa Orupe (m.) .. .. .. 8,343 ! 4. Mere Ta wari (f.) .. .. .. 1,849 10. Moewaka Tamaruru (f.) .. .. 18,739 '5. Raha Ta wari or Make (f.) .. .. 7,410 1.1. Orupe Hoani (m.) .. .. .. 8,529 6. Te Taniwha Make (m.) .. .. 10,943 12. To Rangi Orupe (m.), (rf.) .. .. 15,372 7. Tawari Tukumaru or Make Tukumaru (m.) 4,080 13. Tame Moa (m.) .. .. .. 820 8. Tukumaru Tawari or Tukumaru Make (m.) 7,400 14. Tini Moa(m.) .. .. .. 820 9. To Waaka Hautapu (111., 17) .. .. 9,100 15. TeWairama Orupe (f.) .. .. 8,310 10. Wharewi Make (m.) .. .. .. 9,200 Total .. .. .. 1.28,875 Total .. .. .. 89,125 (£530 19s. 7d.) (£371 7s. Id.)



SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists— continued. Group 35 —Tikareti te Iriwhiro. Group 37 —Wahia Paraki. Relative Relative Interest. Interest. 1. To Ao to Iriwhiro (f.) .. .. .. 9,514 1. Akuhata Paraki (m.) .. .. .. 25,158 2. Etere Karaite or Wetere Karaihs(m.) .. 12,222 2. Ani Apihaka (f.) .. .. .. 3,890 3. Te Hail Meiha (m.) .. .. .. 6,208 3. Apirana Paraki (m.) .. .. .. 25,161 4. Henare Towai (m.) .. .. ~ 1,820 4. Aranga Paraki (m.) .. .. .. 17,256 5. Hcripo Hiki (in.) .. .. .. 3,230 5. Te Arani Paraki (m.) .. .. .. 2,292 6. Hiki Mikaere .. .. .. .. 12,470 6. Haunui Waihinau (m.). . .. .. 8,448 7. Hinewairangi te Iriwhiro (f.) .. .. 10,705 7. Kanarahi te Waihinau (f.) .. .. 7,120 8. TelriaHild(f.) .. .. .. 10,252 8. Nikora Paraki (m.) .. .. .. 25,159 9. Te. Iriwhiro te Wiremu (m.) .. .. 39,600 9. Paraki Wereta (m.) .. .. .. 23,260 10. Karaihe Taiapo (m.), (rf.) .. .. 3,640 10. Poro Paraki or Poroutaina Paraki (ni.) .. 20,087 11. Marara to Iriwhiro (f.) .. .. .. 1,938 11. Rawiri Paraki (m.) .. .. .. 25,159 12. Moa te Iriwhiro (f.) .. .. .. 9,504 12. Tiaki Apihaka (m.) .. .. .. 3,890 13. Noho Taiapo (f.) .. .. .. 12,526 13. Wahia Paraki (m.) .. .. ..' 25,159 14. Peatatc Iriwhiro (f.) .. .. .. 10,992 14. Te Waiau te Aranga (f.) .. .. 5,300 15. Putiputi teKoau(f.) .. .. .. 5,237 15. Te Waihinau Paraki or Pareihe Paraki (in.) 25,158 16. Raiha Hiki (f.) .. .. .. 10,252 17. Rcremoana Towai (f.) .. .. .. 1,820 Total .. .. .. 242,497 18. Ripoka Towai (f.) .. .. .. 1,820 ,„, „,„ D ~, in m „ *• m ,/ i .' „ (£l,OlO Bs. Id. 19. Tamati Towai (m.) .. .. .. 1,820 v ' 20. TangiTepeneff.) .. .. .. 16,146 21. TienaHiki(l) .. .. .. 13,892 22. Tikareti te Iriwhiro (m.) .. .. 9,504 „ „ 0 XT m 23. Towai Taiapo (f.) 6.460 Group 38-Noho Taratoa. 24. Weka Taiapo (f.) .. .. ~ 10,100 1. Te Arahe Onekawa (f.).. .. .. 3,122 25. Wiki Karaihe (f.) .. .. .. 9,796 2. Te Au Tahakawa (f.) .. .. .. 16,794 26. Te Wiremu Tukumaru (in.) .. .. 1,820 3. Haki Matika or To Rapaki Matika (m.) .. 14,026 — 4. To Hema te Waihirere (f., f0) .. .. 649 Total .. .. ..233,288 5. Henare Tio (m„ 15) .. .. .. 2,408 (£972 os. Bd.) 6. Hine te Whenua (f.) .. .. .. 732 7. Hineiarangi te Tahakawa (f.) .. .. 3,000 Group 30a I—Paratene1 —Paratene te Manihera. 8. Hioi Turuhira (m., 10) .. .. 7,386 i Kre Ruru • 41 341 9. Houkamau te Whenua (m.) .. .. 15,570 2. Irakoihu te Manihera (ni.) '.'. '.'. 1.6,092 10. Kaka te Waihirere (m 12) .. 648 3. Katerina Tukino or Katerina Hera (f.) .. 50,177 U- Te Karauna Waihirere (m., 14) .. .. 648 4. Moewaka Tuteuaua (f.) .. .. 16,554 12. Karepe Waikite (i.) .. .. 11,786 5. Monu te Manihera or Paremokai te Maui- 13 - Koroua te Waihirere ra., 8) .. .. 649 nera /f \ 17 523 14- Manawaru lio (m., 13) .. .. 2,409 6. Paratene to Manihera (m.) '.'. '.'. 15. Maramena Takurua (f 5) .. .. 6,341 7. Paraone Orupe (m.) 2,070 16. Mariana te Whenua (f) .. .. 15,570 8 Raha Ere 3 898 17- Matamua Whakamoe (m.) .. .. 11,417 ' " _JJ 18. Maurea Matika (m.) .. .. .. 11,875 Total 167 714 19. Mihaka Matika (m.) .. .. .. 39,756 /PKQs'lHu 9rl i" 20. Mihikore Waikite (f.) .. .. .. 13,353 (soap ins, aa.) 21. Mihomiho te Au or Karo Lambert (f.) .. 8,000 Group 30a 2-Paratene te Manihera. f- Mituoruhi Whakamoo (f.) .. .. 13,899 „, ~ 23. Nooma Whakamoe (t.) .. .. 11,417 1. Irakoihu te Manihera (m.) .. .. 13,508 24. Noho Taratoa (m.) .. .. .. 25,655 2. Moewaka Tuteuaua (f.) _.. .. 16,554 25. Noho Tio (m., 14) .. .. .. 2,408 3. Monu te Manihera or Paremokai te Manihera 2<j Noti Matamua (m.) .. .. 2 118 (*'■) •• •■ •■ ■• 14,938 27. Te Paina Whakamoe (f.j '.'. '.'. 8,412 4. Paratene te Manihera (m.) .. .. 17,475 28. ■ Pane te Waihirere (f.).. .. .. 048 5. Paraone Orupe (m.) .. .. .. 2,070 29. Paora Noho (m.) .. .. .. 23,400 0. Raha Ere (f.) .. .. .. 3,897 30. Rangi Mihaka or Rcupena Mihaka or Rangi7. To Wci-o te Hokotalu .. .. 13,542 teremauri Mihaka (m.) .. .. 52,520 31. Tamahou Kawhena (m.) .. .. 3,600 ■lotal .. .. .. 81,984 32. Tame te Arahe (m., 14) .. .. 5,654 (£341 12s Oil.) 33. Tapuhi Whakamoe (f.) .. .. 3,240 34. Tikina Mihaka (f.) .. .. .. 54,945 Group 36b—Heemi Riripeti. 35. Tuhoe te Au (m.), (h.-c.) .. .. 8,066 1. Ani Hekerangi (f.) .. .. .. 46,-788 36. Turohu Tahakawa .. .. .. 3,000 2. Te Ao Himiona .. .. .. 17,999 37. Te Waihirere Whakamoe (111.), (rf.) .. 8,177 3. Heemi Riripeti or Kopu Ere (111.) .. 20,071 38. Te Waihuka Whakamaru (f.) .. .. 27,247 4. Mihi Ere (i) .. .. .. .. 7,795 39. Wi Kawana (m.) .. .. .. 1,754 5. Patekaha Ero (m., 18) .. .. .. 7,795 40. Te Whareti Taratoa (f.) .. .. 27,641 (w Taurua Ere (m.) .. .. .. 7,796 7. Tauarau Himiona (m., 16) .. .. 21,180 Total .. .. .. 471,332 8. Te Uru Ere (f. 17) 7,796 (£1,963 17s. Bd.) Total .. .. .. 137,220 (£571 15s. Od.) Group 39a—Ani Motoi. Group 36c —Tipu te Manihera. 1. Te Ma or Te Mamae or Tipu Manihera (f). 46,644 „• [*•■* ( *•■*• " V •-*"* 2. Maria Manihera or Marie te Manihera (f.) 38,110 *• Am M , otol 11-)-:I 1 -)-: ._ w :* •' * • j*'. I ,^ 3. Rangiahua Manihera or Pikakc te Manihen 3. Aperahama Am m.), (A.. c .) .. .. 12,080 (m) 38,134 4. Hawera Am (m 6,04 4. Rangiua Paora .. .. ' .. 12,299 5. Karanema Am (f ) 6,04 5. Te fjrikore te Manihera or Wharemutu te JV'/i 7* i' v Manihera (m.) 40,817 7. Miria Am (f), (A.- C .) 0,040 6. Te Whakamaru Manihera or Te Mara te ?• T , al ™ aA A m ( , ?\ ) .. . "' " l'^ n Manihera (m.) 31,320 9. Te Wai Am (i), (A.-c) 6,QjO Total Total 68 ' 924 (£863 17s. Od.) . (£287 3s. Bd.)

G.— 7


SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists — continued. Group 39b —Wiremu Motoi or Wiremu Wirihana. Group 39e—Te Pou te Kokau. Relative Relative Interest. Interest. 1. Akenehi Wiremu (£, 18) .. .. 15,942 1. Te Arumana to Pou (f.) .. .. 6,040 2. Hohepa Turuhira (m., 9) .. .. 6,551 2. Heneriata to Marearea (f., 14) .. .. 98 3. Kotiro Rehua or Matekino Rehua (f.) .. 42,966 3. Hineiokaru Kiriwai (f.). . .. .. 6,040 4. Marata te Ao (f.) .. .. .. 41,606 4. Kirikau Himiona (f. j .. .. .. 302 5. Motoi Aperahama (f.) .. .. .. 37,551 5. Te Kiriwai te Kokau (f.) .. .. 15,130 6. Pani Taia or Kopani Taia (f., 12) .. 7,221 6. Kiriwora te Rooku (f.) .. .. .. 6,040 7. Taua te Whareteneti (m., 19) .. .. 296 7. Mata te Marearea (m., 7) .. .. 98 8. To Uira Aronika (f.), (h.-c) .. .. 34,146 8. Mihaira te Marearea (f.) .. .. 98 9. Wiremu Motoi or Wiremu Wirihana (in.).. 15,970 9. Ngatangi te Marearea (f., 9) .. .. 98 10. To Pou te Kokau (m.) .. .. .. 31,590 Total .. .. .. 202,249 11. Tiwha Hekerangi (f.) .. .. .. 69,607 (£842 14s. Id.) 12- Wi te Marearea (m., 13) .. .. 98 Group 39c —Hori Motoi or Wepiiia Motoi. Total .. .. .. 135,239 1. Hori Motoi or Wehipa Motoi (m.) .. 19,940 (£563 9s. lid.) 2. Matioro te Purewa or Hincmatioro to Pure- Q 39g-Pait,ni Wi Tapeka. wa (t.) .. .. .. .. 11,802 3. Motoi Aperahama (f.) .. .. .. 18,775 1. Makurata Himiona (f.) .. .. 26,405 4. Tataa Wepiha or Tataa Hori (m.) .. 16,788 2. Paitini Wi Tapeka (m.) .. .. 24,100 _ 3. Paora Paora (m.) .. .. .. 17,003 Total .. .. .. 07,355 (£2BO 12s lid.) Total .. .. .. 07,508 (£2Bl. 10s. Bd.) Group 39d I—Taiwera Rawiri. " 1. Te Akiu Taiwera (f.) 3,150 Group 39h I—Pa Pirini. 2. Te Iriheke te Rangi (m.) .. .. 4,140 1. Anihia Toki (f.) .. .. .. 3,445 3. Manwharo Taiwera (f.).. .. .. 3,150 2. Hinowaho Toki (f.) .. .. .. 7,852 4. Mereana te Rangi (f.) .. .. .. 4,140 3. Kokouri Toki (m.) .. .. .. 8,931 5. Numi te Rangi (m.) .. .. .. 4,140 4. Potahi Toki (f.) .. .. .. 9,488 0. Peita te Peeti (m.), (rf.) .. .. 35,008 7. Pera Taiwera (f., 17) .. .. .. 1,575 Total .. .. .. 29,71.0 8. Pora Tawa (m.) .. .. .'. 4,320 (£123 16s. 4d.) 9. Puhina to Rangi (f.) .. .. .. 4,140 10. Te Wild to Peeti (f.) .. .. 12,702 Geoot aftH 2 _p A p mNl< 11. Wirima Taiwera (f.) 3,150 L Hatu te Whatt. or Tahatu te Whatu (m.).. 26,177 T „ fQ , 80 97--, 2. Hoani Reti (m.), (rf.) .. .. .. 1,800 loiar . . .. .. mi,h-/,) .> -tr • T5 ..- / i ~ o.,i< (£334 9s 7dl 8. Honßeti(m.) .. .. .. 3,83b (■taaaws. to.) 4. Ka Hocra (f.) .. .. .. .. 9,815 ~ ~„ „ „ ~ 5. M'akarita Ka (f.), (h.-c.).. ...' .. 7,347 Group 39d 2-Taiwera Rawiri. 6. Pa Pirini (m.).. 36,212 1. Te Akiu Taiwera (f.) .. .. .. 12,780 7. Pakawe Pirini .. .. .. 2,628 2. Haki Helena (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 8. Te Ruahuihui Tahatu (f.) .. .. 3,230 3. Hapi te Hapi (m„ 14) .. .. .. 11,582 9. Tiaki Pirini (m.) .. .. .. 2,628 4. To Hapi te Rangi (m., 9) .. .. 3,230 10. Toki Pirini (f.) .. .. .. 5,256 5. Herehere Makere (f.) .. .. .. 3,828 11. Te Wohi Toki (m.) .. .. .. 8,943 6. To Iriheke, te Rangi (m.) .. .. 3,612 12. Wharetapu Watene (in.) .. .. 4,140 7. Te Manihera te Wild Taiwera (m., 4) .. 3,332 8. Man whare Taiwera (f.) .. .. 12,080 Total .. ... .. 112,012 9. Mereana te Rangi (f.) .. .. .. 194 (£466 14s 4d ) 10. Muni Haki (f.) .. .. .. 1,117 11. Numi te Rangi (m.) 382 orotjl , 89j—HOBOMONA Himiona. 12. Pakeha Makere (m.) .. .. .. 3,827 ,„,.-.„ 13. Te Peeti te Wild Taiwora (m., 10) .. 794 1. Hare te Matehaere (m.) .. .. 12,080 14. Pera Taiwera (f., 17) .. .. .. 6,040 2. Horomona Himiona (m.) .. .. 24,160 15. Puhina te Rangi (f.) .. .. .. 7,630 3. Maraea te Matehaere (f.) .. .. 12,080 16. Ratahi Taiwera (f.) 2,538 4. Ngataahi Himiona (f.) 24,160 17. Taiwera Rawiri (m.) .. ?. .. 59,143 5. Pc Parekohai Rcone (f.) .. .. 12,080 18. Tamaipoua Makere (m.) .. .. 6,040 6. Petcra Hoani (m., 3) .. .. .. 24,160 19. Te Uatuku Makere (m.) .. .. 3,828 7. Tuki te Matehaere (m.) .. .. 12,080 20. Te Wild te Peeti (f.) .. .. ..24,236 21. Wirinia Taiwera (f.) .. .. .. 12,080 J ,)tal •• •• •• 120,800 22. Witoria Taiwera (f.) .. .. .. 2,539 (£503 6s. Bd.) Total .. .. .. 184,062 Group 39k—Rapata Tame. £766 18s. 6d.) 1. AniPeka(f.) .. .. .. .. 442 on m . rp 2. Hape Tame (m.) .. .. .. 10,840 Group 39e-Te Ao Tanoohau. 3 . Henaro (m '_) ' ii 2 1. Te Ao Tangohau (m.) .. .. .. 31,537 4. Henare Tame (m.) .. .. .. 6,040 2. Te Au Kutu or Timoti Kutu or Tiuka Kutu 5. Heni Peka (f.).. .. .. .. 441 (m.) .. .. .. .. 42,333 6. Niwhai Hakopa (m., 15) .. .. 5,455 3. Eruera Pirihita (m.) .. .. .. 12,080 7. Pire Tame (m.) .. .. .. 6,040 4. Henare te Koari (m., 8) ... .. 9,430 8. Pokaitara Hakopa (m., 13) .. .. 6,174 5. Te Kaho Rama (rf.) .. .. .. 109 9. Rapata Peka (m.) .. . . . . 441 6. Pauro Moihi (m.) .. .. .. 40,011 10. Rapata Tame (m.) .. .. .. 6,040 7. Porere te Ao (f.) .. .. .. 26,218 11. Rihi Peka (f.).. .. .. .. 442 8. Rarauhe Taia (f.) .. .. .. 14,753 12. Tahae Peka (m.) . . .. .. 442 9. Wiira Moihi (f.) .. .. .. 35,647 13. Tame Tame (m.) .. .. .. 7,978 10. WharepapaKutu(m.) .. .. .. 57,309 14. Tata Peka (m.) .. .. .. 441 Total .. .. ..269,427 Total .. .. .. 51,658 £1,122 12s. 3d.) (£215 4s. lOd.)


a.— 7

S KCOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists — continued. Group 39l—Kume Haaui (Tihi). Group 42—Pineere Hori— continued. Relative lloliitivn Interest. Interest. 1. Te Ao Tihi (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 35. Wiii Noa (in.) .. .. .. 4,958 2. Hinehou Tihi (f.) .. .. .. 4,515 36. Whangakiteiirti Hiwarau (m.), (rf.) .. 3,018 3. Kume Haahi (Tihi), (f.) .. .. 9,093 87. Wharerimu te Tapuke (m.) .. .. 5,323 4. Pokokohua Tihi(m.) .. .. .. 15,580 38. Whitiaira Tarei (m.), (rf.) .. .. 4,380 5. Ponika Tihi (m.) .. .. .. 14,048 6. Puke Tihi (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 Total .. .. .. 156,980 7. TePikate Peeti (m.) .. .. .. 6,983 (£654 2s 2d) 8. Tihi to Peeti (ni.) .. .. .. 12,920 . J_ Total Grou, 43A-W1 Mei. (£289 19s. lid.) L Hapo Mci (f 14) 0,770 v ' 2. Hata te Kaaho (m.) .. .. .. 7,960 3. Hine Toko (f., 8) ' .. .. .. 23,596 Group 40—Taipeti Matatua. 4. Hukiki Hurae (m.) .. .. .. 15,896 n . ~ ~ , , ~ , ~ .„,,, 5. Hurae Puketapu (m.) .. .. .. 4,796 Ap.kaera Matatua (f.) 3,300 (i . To Kaaho te Hapi or Te Kaaho Tuirina (m.) 11,532 ?' <,a : No f, ( l 11 ' ) / i ■• " ,f'™ 7. Kaimoni Puketapu (m.), (rf.) .. .. 050 3. ak.tuaHeke(m.) 12,600 „_ Karauna Hurae (f.) .. .. .. 15,890 *■ , a i ( 9i° «'oo7 9. Manuera Tui-ipa (m.l 31,290 5. RitaHeke(f. ( l2) ... .. .. 897 U) . M ci Mci (m„ 15) 0,770 0. lauhe Heke (f., 10) 8,907 1L Noki Mei V ( m ., i' 6) 6,776 . 12. Ngawati te Whanoke (f.) .. . . 80,248 lorn ■■ ■■ ■• °b,lOO 13. p a ku Mci (f., 10) .. .. .. 0,777 (£233 15s. Od.) 14. Pare te Kaaho or Parehe te Kaaho (f.) .. 7,900 15. Pare Mci (f., 12) .. .. .. 0,777 „ ~ m ~. 16. Raiha Puketapu (f.) .. .. .. 656 Group 41-Tekoteko Matata. 17. Turipa Manuera (m!) 21,600 1. Anania te Waaka (in.) .. .. .. 14,020 . 2. Haami te Waiwai (m.) . . .. .. 1,209 Total .. .. .. 255,908 3. Heenite Waaka (f.) .. .. .. 24,559 . m.OOO 10s. Sd.) 4. Hereata Heemi (f.) .. .. .. 242 5. Heriata Heemi (i ) 3,332 Gkoui- 43b-Wi Mei. 6. Kareti Rawiri (f.) .. .. .. 3,640 7. Kino Hatata (f.) .. .. .. 18,213 1. Ka Anania (f.) .. .. .. 18,713 8. KohititiHatata(m.) .. .. .. 13,423 2. Wi Mci (in.) .. .. .. ..02,804 9. Kurataka Pareihe (f.), (rf.) .. .. 120 10. To Mahara Karotu (m.) .. .. 1,092 Total .. .. .. 81,517 11. Maromako Hatata (f.) .. .. .. 1,317 (£339 13 S . i,|.) 12. Pukarute Waiwai (in.).. .. .. 3,028 13. Putete Waiwai (f.) .. .. .. 1,820 Group 43c—Wi Mei. 14. Reremoana Harata (f., 19) .. .. 1,820 _ , 15. Te Taha Heemi 2,002 1- Hapine langiiu (m.) 10,520 10. Tarakawate Pairi (ni.) 1,820 |. Kiwhakiwha Wiremu 5,808 17. Tekoteko Hatata (m.) 13,542 3- Maliaki Tapikl (m.) 10,520 18. Wharetutu Hatata (f.) 1,317 *• Maukau Tangrra (f.) 10,520 5. Te Hana Manuera, (t.) .. .. .. 14,240 Total 107,176 6. Rawinia Mahaki (f.) 14,990 7. laiiwhitu Wiremu (m.) .. .. 7,422 (£440 lis. 4d.) 8. Tiniha Tangira .. .. .. 10,521. 9. Titia Penehio (f.) .. .. .. 29,708 Group 42—Pineere Hori. „, , • rr- ■ „wn ~ ;;A iotlU ■• ■■ ■• 138,369 1. Amena Kiriwera (t.), (rf.) .. .. 2,334 2. Arani Ngahooro (m.) 1,550 (U)7O 10s. Jci.) 3. Aranui Ngahooro (f.) .. .. .. 1,550 4. Te Araroa to Pete (m.) 476 45—In Wairama Na. 5. Hana te Mata (f.) .. .. .. 10,340 I. Ata Na .. .. .. .. 7,530 6. Hikihiki Noa (f.) .. .. .. 4,838 2. Hakere Taoho (f.) .. .. ~ 3,370 7. Hira te Tapuke (m., 15) .. .. 1,183 3. Hariata Taoho (f.) .. .. .. 7,408 8. Hiwarau Hiwarau (m., 14), (rf.) .. .. 828 4. Iriwhare Taoho (m.) .. .. .. 4,921 9. Hiwarau Tarei (m.), (rf.) .. .. 240 5. Kara,whira Taoho (f.) .. .. .. 4,618 10. Hori te Mata (m.), (rf.) .. .. .. 240 6. Matehaere Tarei .. .. .. 7,072 11. Kahupu te Tapuke (!'.) .. .. .. 5,323 7. Te Oraihe te Kohai .. .. .. 9,350 12. Kataea Kiriwera (f.) .. .. ■• 2,334 8. Paaka Taoho (f.) .. .. ..' 2,851 13. Kiriwera Noa (m.) .. .. .. 4,958 9. Pita Taoho (m.) .. .. .. 3,370 14. Noa Harawira (m.), (rf.) .. .. 11,910 10. Rerea Taoho (f.) .. .. .. 4 618 15. Ngaikiha Hori (f.) .. .. .. 12,160 11. Taoho te Whakau .. .. .. 0,036 10. Ngaroata Hiwarau (f.) .. .. .. 3,018 12. Tarapuhi te Kohai (111.). . .. .. 9,350 17. Ngawhakarau Tarei (m.), (rf.) .. .. 4,380 13. Te Wairama Na (m.) .. .. .. 9036 18. Pango Hiwarau (f.) .. .. .. 2,190 14. Wera to Tatana (f.) .. .. .. 8,347 19. Parani Kokouri (£.) .. .. .. 4,140 15. Wharehuia Kohiti .. .. 1,506 20. Pineere Hori te Mata or Pineere Hori (m.) 12,160 21. Poihipi Kiriwera (f.), (rf.) .. .. 2,574 Total .. .. .. 92,455 22. Poono Tarei (in.) .. .. .. 4,140 (£385 4s. 7d.) 23. Te Pouwhenua te Araroa or Te Pou te Ara- , ,m r " a v . «??9 Group 46-Tobiki Reupena. 24. Te Raita Hiwarau .. .. .. 0,018 25. Ramarihi to Tapuke (f.) .. .. 5,323 1. Hera te Waaka (f.) 8,803 20. Rangimatualini Tarei (m.) .. .. 4,140 2. Hoani te Waaka (m.) .. .. ~ 8,803 27. Rangiwhakawaitau Hiwarau .. .. 828 3. Hone te Waaka (m.) .. .. .. 8,803 28. Rawinia Kaeke, or Rawinia Winiata, (f.) .. 4,940 4. Pm-a te Waaka (f.) .. .. .. 8,803 29. Ripeka Kiriwera (f.) 2,574 5. Ratua te 0. (f.) 8,075 30. Ruru Hikihiki (m.) l 1,092 0. .lonki Reupena. (f.) 19,790 31. Tahuatu Ngahooro (m.) .. .. 1,070 7. . re Waaka te Waaka (m.) .. .. 8,803 32. Tara Tarei (m.), (rf.) .. ■• •• 4,380 . 33. Tikitu Tarei (m.).(rf.) .. .. .. 4,380 lotal .. .. .. 71,880 34. Te Urupa Noa (f.) .. .. .. 4,718 (£299 10s. Od.)



SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Croup Lists— continued. Group 47a—Erueti Peene. Group 47c —Teepa Mohi (or Koura) — continued. Matto Relative intercut. Interest 1. Atarota Pine (f.) .. .. .. 7,745 22. Puhirata Teepa (m.) .. .. .. 6,695 2. Erueti Erueti (m.) .. .. .. 6,680 23. Pukuatua Hui (m.) .. .. .. 75,592 3. Erueti Peene (m.) .. .. .. 20,902 2 4. Rangi Wi Tahu (f., 4) .. .. .. 374 4. Hera Erueti (f.) .. .. .. 0,680 25. Rohutu Mohi (f.) .. .. .. 8,075 5. Hiakita Tokoahu or Hiakita Hon (m.) .. 11,105 26. Rua Tamawhatu (m.) .. .. .. 45,183 6. Hine Teepa (m.) .. .. .. 0,095 27. Taua te Whareteneti (m.) .. .. 507 7. Ka Pine (f.) .. .. .. .. 7,745 28. Tauarau Himiona (m., 16) .. .. 7,878 8. Tc Kone Tieki or Kuril Tieki (I.) .. 7,745 29. Teepa Koura or Mohi (m.) .. .. 10,605 9. Kopa Erueti (m.) .. .. .. 10,412 30. Tiare Hori (m., 4) .. .. .. 11,518 10. Matene Pine (m.) .. .. .. 7,745 31. Timi Hori (m.) ' .. .. .. 11,517 11. TeMoana teßuki(m.).. .. .. 7,508 32. Tumoana Pokai (m.) .. .. .. 17,'4]3 12. Morehu Wiremu (f.) .. .. .. 7,745 38, Wairata te Whareteneti (f., 12) ~ .. 913 13. To No Tiaki (f.) .. .. .. 3,732 v 14. Nuku te Urukohai or Nuku Nuku or Nuku Total 320 028 te Tapuke or Kuku te Urukohai .. 10,302 .„. , m|o ... 15. Ngaildha Erueti (f.) .. .. .. 6,680 (fc1,.,0il las. Uu.) 16. Pahira Tiaki or Pakira Tiaki (m.) .. 11,477 17. Pino Peene or Pine Mauri (f.) .. .. 23,662 Group 47d—Paekanohi Waiiiua. 18. Rapai Rapai (m.) .. .. .. 3,827 1. Akuhata Hokcnui (m., 13) .. .. 4,001 19. Tamihana Erueti (m.) .. .. .. 10,412 2. Akuhata Mikaere (m., 10) .. .. 4,946 20. Teti Tiaki (m.) .. .. .. 3,732 3. To Aurere Pareto (m.), (d.) .. .. 5,008 21. Wiremu Mauri (m.), (rf.) .. .. 1,775 4. Te Hata Heke (m.), (rf.) " .. .. 840 5. Hinehou Ratu (f.) .. .. .. 445 Total .. .. .. 184,426 6. Kaaho Tiuka or Timoti (m., 10) .. .. 25,847 (£768 Bs. lOd.) 7. Koroua Heke (m.), (rf.).. .. .. 12,380 8. Te Kurapa Temana (m.) . . .. 007 Groui 47b —Hiki Natanahira. 9. Te Kuru Hokotahi or Te Kuru Keira (f.).. 18,047 1. Ameria Natalia (f„ 14) .. .. 3,100 10. Mahanga Hekenui (f., 11) .. .. 4,001 2. Anuria Whakaki (f., 4) .. .. 601 11. Mahanga Mikaere (f., 9) .. .. 4,946 3. Anania Tio (m., 10) .. .. .. 1,115 12. Maraea .Ratu (f.) .. .. .. 223 4. Anania Whaitiri (m.) .. .. •• 9,640 13. Mere Heke (f.), (rf.) .. .. .. 28,388 5. Ani Hiki (f.) .. .. .. .. 3,512 14. Mere Ratu (f.) .. .. .. 223 6. Hani Hiki (f.) .. .. .. 2,398 15. Ngawini Rangipaeroa (f.) .. .. 8,004 7. Horii Hiki (f.) .. .. .. 35,927 16. Paekanohi Waihua (m.) .. .. 1,582 8. Hiki Natanahira (m.) .. .. .. 7,277 17. Tc Raita Waihua (f.), (rf.) .. .. 9,204 9. Hinehou (te) Paora (f.) .. .. 5,640 18. Rev Heke or Reupena Akuhata (m.) .. 35,632 10. Te Hira Tangohau (m.) .. .. 32,670 19. Ripaki Hokotahi (m.) .. .. .. 4,954 11. Huka Hiki (f.) .. .. .. 2,398 20. Wati Teimana (m.) .. .. .. 223 12. Te Kapiti te Kororiko (f.) .. .. 1.0,551 21. Wiremu te Whetu (m.).. .. .. 668 13. Kara te Rangihau (m.).. .. .. 6,304 14. Maid Natana (m.) 732 Total 170,829 15 Mani Paora or Maninirangi Paora (f.) .. 22,738 (£7ll 15s. 9d.) 16. Maramcna Natana (f.), (rf.) .. .. 1,392 \l Matiu Pokai (m.) 6,727 Group 47e-Hahona Heemi. 18. Mou to Hapuku (t.) .. .. .. 44,53.! 19. Muna Whakaki (f., 12) .. .. 600 I- To Ana Peita or To Eana Peita (f.) .. 8,455 20. Natana Mohi or Natana Koura (m.) .. 16,823 2. Hahona Heemi (m.) .. .. .. 13,434 21. Noho Hiki (f.) .. .. .. 2,398 3. Haimona Hineirahua (m.) .. .. 1,408 22. Ngahiwi te Kapiti .. .. .. 16,791 4. Hera Peita (f.) .. .. .. 3,204 23. Pani Paora (f.) .. .. .. 10,547 5. To Hihi Peita (m.) .. .. .. 5,112 24. Paora Whakaki (m., 6) .. .. 601 6. Hineirahua Kaka (f.) .. .. .. 7,870 25. Po Natana (f., 6) .. .. .. 9,000 7. Hiria te Manu (f.) .. .. .. 0,080 26. Pera Kawana (m.) .. .. .. 13,283 8. Kahukura Heemi (m.) .. .. .. 74 27. Rangimaowa Riripeti (f.) .. .. 1,392 9. Kahutopum Pieta (f.) .. .. .. 5,112 28. Te Reweti Natana (m.) .. .. 6,680 10. Kiekic Peita (f.) .. .. .. 1,113 29. Riripeti te Hira (i.) .. .. .. 50,299 11. Maata Tio (f.).. .. .. ..- 6,680 30. Rua Hiki (m.) .. •- •• 4,019 12. Maldmaki Peita (f.) .. .. .. 5,112 31. Taurua Natana (m.) .. . . .. 29,566 13. Te Manu Aperahama (m.) .. .. 1.3,360 32. Whakaki Whakaki (f., 2) .. .. 601 14. Te Mokena Peita (m., 19) .. .. 5,112 33. Wharetakahia Hiki (m.) .. .. 3,512 15. Neta Kaka (f.) .. .. .. 1,774 .— 16. Nina Hineirahua (m., 16) .. .. 1,408 Total .. .. •• 363,433 17. Okeroa Makemake (f., 8) .. .. 3,204 (£1.514 6s. Id.) 18. Okeroa Peita (f., 8) .. .. .. 1,908 19. Peita Patara (m.) .. .. . . 26,930 Group 470 —Teepa Mohi (or Koura). 20. Pare Hineirahua (f., 9) .. .. 1,408 1. Te Ao Himiona (m.) 9,685 21. P° r ° koru te Manu (m.) 0,080 2. Haruru Taoho (m.) 2,003 22. le Pou Aperahama (m.) .. .. ,340 3. Hiria Wi Tahu (f., 6) 374 23. Te Pou Mana m.) 10,020 4. Hori Teepa (m. 15 24. Raiha Heemi (f.) 74 5. TeKeetilrai(f.) 3,230 25. Raiha Kaka (f.) 7,574 6. Korikori Pokai iff.), (rf.) .. .. 1,234 26. Rangmui Kaka (m.) 6,400 7. Kurataka te Whareteneti (f., 10) .. 912 27. Rawiri te Manu (m.) .. .. 6,680 8. Te Ma Manihera or Tipu Manihera (f) . . 11,758 28. Rawhina Hineirahua (f., 10) .. .. 408 9. Makere Wi Tahu (f., 11) .. .. 374 29. To Rehu Patara (m.) 3,340 10. Matatu Taahu (1 1,484 30. Te Rehu Peita (m.) 11,659 11. Matiu Mohi (m.) 2,057 : «■ lamahou Heemi 74 12. Matiu to Whareteneti (m., 8) .. .. 912 32. Taurua Peita (m.) .. . 700 13. Mereraina Papanui (f.) .. .. 13,360 33. Bala Tio (m.) 6,680 14. Mihikitcao Wi Tahu (f., 8) .. .. 374 34. Tio Aperahama (m) .. .. 10,700 15. Nukutoßatana(m.) 1,691 35. Hineirahua (m 7) .. 1,4(38 16. Ngahaka Wi Tahu (f. 5) . . .. 374 36. Te Waiata Peita (t., 16) . . 5,112 ir, tr oi 1,,, it \ 9 950 37. Waihua Peita (f.) .. .. .. 3,256 \l (h.-c.) .. .. 26,720 39. Wharepapa Peita (m.) .. .. 1,113 20. Patuwaka Wi Tahu (f., 7) .. . . 374 - 77777777; 21. Pohutuhutu Tamawhatu or Pohutu Tama- lmM ■■ •• .. n-1b,.4K whatu(f.)l 38,657 (£903 2s. 4d.) (



SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists— continued. Group 47f—Haka Tihema. Group 48—Probable Sullies— eonUwued. Relative Relative Interest. Inte rest. 1. Eraihia Teneti (m.) .. .. .. 3,723 38. Tuanui Ihaia or Wharetuanui lhaia (m.) .. 11,650 2. Haka Tihema or Kaka Tihema (m.) .. 16,744 39. Waewae tc Mumuhu (f.) .. .. 1,851 3. Haromi te Pouwhare (f.) .. .. 728 40. Te Waihaku Matiu (m.) .. .. 6,630 4. Huhia te Hau (f.) .. .. .. 268 41. Worohia Patarana (m.) .. .. 12,255 5. I. Tauiwi (m., 14) .. .. .. 2,672 42. Wi Kotua Hapeta (m.) .. .. 7,695 6. Kanohi Tihema (m.) .. .. .. 8,016 43. Wharekaraka Matiu (f.) .. .. 6,630 7. Te Kiriwai Raureti (f.) .. .. .. 445 44. Wharepapa Perepe (m.) .. .. 5,908 8. Kiti Eruora (f.) .. .. .. 12,720 — 9. Te Okiekie Ngahooro .. .. .. 438 Total .. .. .. 285,416 10. Pani Tauiwi (f., 3) .. .. .. 2,672 (£1,189 4s. Bd.) 11. Puna Tihema or Tuna Tihema. (in., 15) .. 2,544 12. Rahera Ngahooro (f.) .. .. .. 13,360 Group 49a—Maunoapoiiatu RusmiiE. 13. Teßatan. Ngahooro (m.) .. 438 l. Apirana Karu (m., 16) 525 14. Reha Pene (m) 2,672 2 . Ernini Rawiti ,n„ 11 2,028 5. lawa Tauiw. (m 12) 2,672 3. Eruim Morehu (m., 13) 375 16. Tihema to Hau (m.) .. .. 7,8 8 4. Te Haka Teko (m.), (rf.) .. 6,570 7. To Waimako Ngahooro (f.) .. 438 5 . Harata Hawea f.)(rf.). 13,140 18. Waipatu Tihema (f.) 1,480 0. Himaima Renata (f., 5) .. .. 375 00 wt.- ™ 4 m 'L a-7 oo ™ 7. Hum. Apirana (m. 2,628 20. Whitiaira Ngahooro (t.) .. 28,597 8. Te Kani-a-Takirau Hefa. (m.) .. .. 1,971 ' —-- 9. Te Koro Karu (m., 10) .. . . 525 lotal •• ■• •• 108 >480 10. Ma te Rau (s/a, f.), (rf) .. .. 3,285 (£452 os. Od.) 11. Maraea Paora (f.), (rf.) .. .. .. 10,512 12. Matewai Renata (f„ 7) . . .. 375 Group 47a—Rikiriki Mehaka. 13. Mere Hira Renata (f., 10) .. . . 375 1. Te Hapuku Ngaheru (m.) .. .. 95 14. Pae Renata (m.. 11) .. .. .. 375 2. Kaari te Hapuku (f.) .. .. .. 8,439 15. Pimia Ihaka (f.j .. .. .. 3,285 3. Matetawhiti Rikiriki (f., 2) .. .. 2,226 16. Pipi Ihaka (f.) .. .. .. 3,285 4. Paranihia Rikiriki (f.) .. .. .. 6,505 17. Te Rika Poniwahio (m.) .. .. 1,314 5. Paranihia Turoiti (f.) . . . . .. 302 18. Tataa Renata (m., 8) .. . . . . 375 6. Pare Ngaheru (f.) .. .. .. 2,867 19. Toki Tukiwaho (m.) .. .. .. 3,285 7. Pare Rikiriki (f., 4) .. .. .. 2,226 20. Timi te Wera (m.) .. .. .. 657 8. Raka Mehaka (m.) .. .. .. 8,693 21. Titoko Renata (m., 6) .. .. .. 375 9. Te Rerehu Hapuku (m.) .. .. 8,439 22. Tuhiwai Poniwahio (f.) .. .. 1,314 10. Rikiriki Mehaka (m.) .. .. .. 2,013 23. Wai Toko (f., 6) .. .. .. 29 11. Rua Rikiriki (m., 5) .. .. .. 2,226 24. Te Waimatao Wiri (f., 11) .. .. 2,628 12. Ruiha Rikiriki (f.) .. .. .. 465 25. Whanauhero te Rau .. .. .. 3,285 13. Ruiha Tureiti (f.) .. .. .. 767 Total .. .. .. 63,491 Total .. .. .. 45,263 (£264 10s. lid.) (£lBB lis. lid.) Group 49b—Miscellaneous, Group 47h—Te Whaiti Paora. 1. Eruini Morehu (m., 13).. .. .. 1,036 1. Paora te Whaiti (m.) .. .. .. 13,360 2. Eruini Rawiti (m., 11) .. .. .. 167 2. Te Whaiti Paora (m.) .. .. .. 26,720 3. Era Wini (m. 9) .. .. .. 389 3. Winiata te Wiremu or Winiata Pikako (m.) 26,639 4. Mare Paora (f.) .. .. .. 4,453 5. Mauria Tiriri (f., 7) .. .. .. 12,349 Total .. .. .. 66,719 6. Nataria Kahura (f., 14) .. .. 251 (£277 19s. lid.) 7. Paora Rahia (m.) .. .. .. 9,847 8. Patumoana Ruka .. .. .. 4,340 Group 48—Probable Sellers. 9. Pini te Teira .. .. .. .. 3,939 , — ~,„,,, 1 q--, 10. To Ruahine Taiarahia. (f.) .. .. 1,400 1. Te Ataraute Mumuhu (m.) .. .. 1,851 \> __ 2. I mere Raiha (f.) Io > 3. Hami Parerimu .. .. .. 564 v ' 4. Hira te Mumuhu (m.) .. .. .. 1,851 „, . . ~, ~.,, 5. TeHirauMaihi(rf.) 25,281 m<iB Vl - Bdi" " 0. Hiwera Rakuraku .. .. .. 15 (~168 lis. Bd.) 7. Hoani te Mumuhu (m.) .. .. 1,851 ,_ 8. Hohepa Haami (m.) 4,845 Group A-Matekuarh te Hira. 9. Hone lhaia (m.) .. .. .. 11,650 1. Aramata Potatau (f.) .. .. .. 3,939 10. Huhana Perepe. (f.) .. .. .. 9,190 2. Angiangi te Kauru (m.) .. .. 3,939 11. Hunuku Matiu .. .. .. 15 3. Arihia Pare (f.) .. .. .. 3,939 12. Ihe Paapu (m.) .. .. .. 1,292 4. Haromi Ripeka (f.) .. .. .. 938 13. Ka Hohaia (f.) .. .. .. 723 5. Haute Tuhi or Kaihau Kuoro (f.) .. 29,019 14. Kurei Witeriana .. .. .. 3,486 6. Hemopo Ruakawhena (m., 19) .. .. 2,461 15. Mama Paapu (f.) .. .. .. 1,446 7. Iraia te Hamene (m.) .. 3,939 16. Marama Takuira .. .. .. 6,808 8. Maata to Kauru (f.) .. .. .. 3,939 17. Matiu Mohi (m.) .. .. .. 480 9. Matekohuru Rcwcti (f.) .. .. 5,908 18. MercKorama(f.) .. .. .. 5,810 10. Matokuare te Hira (m.) .. .. 39,387 19. MerehiratcPopo(f.) .. .. .. 5,229 11. Ngapine Poraniko (f.) .. .. .. 15,415 20. Mihaka Rangiaho (m.) .. .. .. 17,430 12. Ngahuia Iraia (f.) .. 19,694 21. Okeroa Mcrito (f.) .. .. .. 432 13. One te Kauru (m.) .. .. .. 3,939 22. Te Oti Patarana (f.) .. .. .. 12,255 14. One Kemara (m.) .. .. .. 13,129 23. Paerakau te Mumuhu (f.) .. .. 1,851 15. Owhato Whata (f.) .. .. .. 5,908 24. Paeroa Matiu (f.) .. .. .. 6,630 16. Parahuia Matokuare (s/a, I.), (rf.) .. 9,827 25. TePakuru Hapeta (m.), (rf.) .. .. 50,562 17. Perenara Ruakawhena (m.) .. .. 2,461 26. Parerimu Matiu (f.) .. .. .. 6,630 18. Pita Kereama (m.) .. .. .. 2,157 27. Parerimu Ranapia (f.) .. .. .. 2,892 19. Rangi Ruakawhena (m., 17) .. .. 2,461 28. Patarana Matiu (m.) .. .. .. 8,859 20. Tamawhatu te Kauru (m.) .. .. 3,939 29. Pianawiti Tawhara (m.) .. .. 217 21. Tangi Tepene (f.) .. .. .. 10,345 30. Ramari Taikehu (f.) .. .. .. 1,743 22. Tukotahi Hoera (m.) .. .. .. 1,392 31. Te Rangikamahea Paora (f.) .. .. 1,820 23. Waea Ripeka (f.) .. .. .. 938 32. Reremoana Paora (f.) .. .. •• 7,694 24. Wai Kereama (f., 14) .. .. .. 2,157 33. Rihi Peneti (f.) .. .. •• 2,892 25. Wai Taiarahia (f.) .. .. .. 1,406 34! Tamakute Tapuke (f.) .. .. 10,112 26. Whetu Henare (m.) .. .. .. 10,338 35. Tangiwai Tawhara (rf.) .. .. 5,229 36. Tarati Patarana (f.) .. .. •• 12,255 Total .. .. .. 202,914 37. Timi Loffley,(m.) .. .. •. 592 (£845 9s, 6d.)



SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Croup Lists — continued. Group B—Te Wharepapa Whatanui. Group D—Emere McCauley— continued, R I'lative Relative Interest. Interest.. 1. Aperahama Hariata (m.) .. .. 3,282 10. Maria Hohepa (f.) .. .. .. 145 2. Epiha Whatanui (in.) .. .. .. 1,077 11. Te Mea Hohepa (m.) .. .. .. 146 3. Harehare te Wane (m.) .. .. 302 12. Mere Paora (f.) .. .. .. 302 4. Hariata Kororiko (f.) .. .. .. 3,939 13. Peita Patara .. .. .. .. 3,939 5. Hariroa Harata (f.) .. .. .. 1,208 14. Raiha to Poi. or Hohepa (f., 16) .. 457 6. Hinehou Keita (f.) .. .. .. 1,561 15. Rangibeuea Hohepa (m.) .. .. 145 7. Hunapo Potatau (f.) .. .. .. 1,969 16. Rangitipa Pukorimii (f.), (rf.) .. .. 1,392 8. Thaia Herapeka, (m.) .. .. .. 9,847 17. Rehu Patara .. .. .. .. 3,939 9. Maata Whatanui or Maata Nikora (f.. 14) 46,219 18. Te Retimana Hohepa (m.) .. .. 145 10. Matehaere Whatanui (in.) .. .. 7,893 19. Retimana Poia (m., 18) .. .. 707 1.1. Marowa Kuoro (f.) .. .. .. 3,285 20. Rina Henare (f.) .. .. .. 829 12. Maukau Whatanui (f.) .. .. .. 7,894 21. Riria Henare (f.) .. .. .. 829 13. Miriama tc Tuhi (f.) .. .. .. 4,081 22. Ritihia Whaaro (f.) .. .. .. 302 14. Mohiti Nikora (m„ 13) .. .. 30,887 23. Tabora Haare (f., 12) .. .. .. 3,514 15. Ngohi Taunoa or Nohi Nikora or Nohi 47,317 24. Tiki Merepeka or Tiki Paaka (h.-e.), (m.) . . 302 Tiniwa (m., 17) 25. Timi Henare (m.) .. .. .. 829 10. Rangiamio Purukamii (m.) .. .. 1,208 26. Toroa Haare (m., 10) .. .. .. 3,514 17. Tamaku Taupo (f.) .. .. .. 491 27. Tutakiwa Haare (in.. 14) .. .. 3,514 18. Tame Keita (m.) .. .. .. 1,561 28. Waina Henare (f.) .. .. .. 1,227 19. Tame te Tuhi .. .. .. 4,681 29. Wirihana Hohepa (m.) .. .. 146 20. Tapui Kohu (m.) .. .. .. 19,412 21. Timi Loffley or Timi Pia (m., 20) .. 14,277 Total .. .. .. 75,407 22. Wepiha Whatanui (m.).. .. .. 0,460 (£314 3s lid i 23. Wai Kereama (f., 13) .. .. .. 12,554 V ' "' 24. Wano te Wano (m.) .. .. .. 302 25. Wharepapa Whatanui .. .. .. 9,862 Group E: Tihema Te Hau. —r—— 1. Amelia Tangihia Potter (f„ 8) .. .. 18 10tal ■• •■ ■• <=*<i..lby 2. Aperahama iritana (m., 9) .. .. 12,519 (£1,009 Os. 9d.) 3. Arapeta Ngakarauna (m.) .. .. 302 4. Haka Tihema (m.) .. .. .. 0,199 Group C—Tepene Hipirini. 5. Hana Edward Huta (f.) .. .. 18 , , , „,. • om, 6. Hapo Nikora (m.) .. .. .. 302 1. Amohaere Wmpo 2,484 7 . Haromi Hakaraia (f.) 3.477 2. Aniohacro Poteue (t. 1,292 8 . Henare Edward Huta (m.) .. .. 18 3. Akutmi Hipmni (n, ) 7,370 9 . I. Tauiwi (»,., 14) .. .. .. 2,065 4. Aran, to. Amo (f., 7) 12,657 iO . Kaari Hakaraia (f.) 5 971 5 AtawharteAmo 3,350 n. K anohi Tihema (m.) 4,727 6. Auta Himiona f 3,939 i 2. Meno Hakaraia (f.) 805 7. Auta laimona (f.) .. .. .. 6,502 18 . NgarofthiaU Baita (f.) 1,392 8. Eparaima liiinna or Eparaima te Hapi (m.) 6,5,4 14, Pani Tauiwi (i , ;j) V ' 2 066 0. Hapi Ngawim (m ) 328 15 . Tamati T a ,i K ahia (m.) 37 .0. Hariata te Amo (f. 18,239 ifi. Tawa Tauiwi (m., 12) 2,065 V li ,n -"w\ ( , } IW9 17- Tawhiri Het,.(f.) 1,45 2. Hon Witenana (m ) 1,392 KB . Thonms Ta ngihia Potter (m., 14) .. 18 13. KarekoteAmo(f) ■• ■■ *'67S 19. Tm e ma te ffi7(m.) .. .. .. 22,148 4. KarekoHeimorKarekol'akal,a(l.) .. 42,949 2 0. Titi Tamatea (f. 4 026 15. Kareko Raman (1) 4,140 2 1. Tohea Hurinui (m.) 3,939 J<>- Mak a retaPaOTa(f. 14) •■ •' iS 22. Tuahine Renata (m.) 302 «• W ' S'Eu 23. Tuna Tihema (I,l', 15) 1,388 J n - N,-n Wmpo (f.) 2,484 2 4. Waretini Paurini (m.) 302 19. Pani Paora (m.) .. .. .. 3,93!) 20. Paora te Hira (m ) 19,727 Tota , 21. Parekaun Paora (. 3,9.19 22. Peepi te Amo (f., 2) .. .. .. 12,055 v ' 23. Pita Tepene (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 24. Puanui te Amo (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 Group E—Rama Te Tuhi. tßadirPwaln ■' " 3 939 '• Hinehou Konaho (f.) 45,201 2?:iftu te MWhSLi(f.r :: :: IS K:;^^ 111 '' 18 ' " S-SS ->8 T-.ii-i i'-,,,,-! im 111 iwi 3. gahupu te Tapuke f. .. .. .. 17,026 28 laiki lai,ra(m. 11) 4,923 4. Kereru Kahupu (m.) 0,847 i7n v w r O / ' ' l'7«r 5. Matetute Tapuke (m.) l',tu .W • Jeir-a wi in.) .. .. •• "''»» 0. Rama te Tuhi or Wbaitiri Kuoro (f.) .. 35,589 31 Tepene H,|,,nnr(m) 13077 7 . Ralnarihi te Tapuk( , (i) . ' .. g ;tO--32. Uniipo ainiona (t.) .. .. .. !),572 Q -r> •. , r .' ,_ c ,1 'ZZ. 33. Te Uruti te Amo (f) 10,587 -H'te%»-eW 10,275 34. Whakaruku Hon,papera .. .. 39,266 ,5' -Si"" 11 ". t<? \ L) ; " , " " "g''J2 ,7 IV7 -i I■u-• ■ • / \ r, o-r. 10. Wharenmu te Tapuke (m.) .. .. 27,139 35. Waitobi Hipmni (m.) .. .. .. 7.370 ' v ' '"" 36. Wiripo te Puanui .. .. .. 4,140 Total 900~027 Total ' (£Bfi<> 18s. lid.)" (£1,268 2s. 3d.) Group G—Ngamoni Noapuhi. Group D.—Emere McCauley. 1. Akutina Waitohi (m., 10) .. .. 2,954 1 Emere McCauley or Emere Mereraiiin. (f.) 33,147 2. Hoani Ngapuhi (m.) .. .. .. 4,430 2. Eparaima Henare (m.) .. .. 829 3. Kahika Ngapuhi (f.) 15,503 3. Haare Hare (No. 2), (m., 3) .. .. 232 4. Kopae Ngapuhi (m ) 15,504 4 Harehare Hare (m., 16) .. .. 3,514 5. Ngalu Waitolu (t., 11) .. .. .. 2,954 5. Hateraka Ihaka (m.) 302 6. Ngamoni Nga|iulii (f.) 15,503 6. Jane McCauley (f.) .. .. .. 2,227 7. Puntia Ngapuhi (m.) .. .. .. 1,227 7. Karaitiana te Rehu (m.). (rf.) .. .. 7,262 8 Kirihaehac Hohepa (f.).. .. .. 145 '" tal •■ •■ •■ 58,075 9. Koheriki Haare (f., 9) .. .. .. 1-420 (£241 19s 7d.)



SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Ltsts — continued. Group H—Mere Te Meihana. Urewera Reserves Residue. Relative Relative Interest. Interest. 1. Meihana Meihana (m.) .. .. .. 1,843 1. Akuhata Wharerauiri (m.) .. ~ 18,000 2. Mere te Meihana (f.) .. .. .. 27,015 2. Amaru Rakai (m.) .. .. .. 551 3. Mereana Konaho (f.) .. .. .. 1,498 3. Anania te Waaka (m.) .. .. 1,500 4. Mihi te Teira (f.) .. .. .. 3,939 4. Ani Apihaka, (f.) .. .. .. 1,200 5. Mohi Konaho (m.) .. .. .. 10,001 5. Apikaira Teihana or Matatua (f.) .. 6,750 6. Pera Horowai or Rahera (m.) .. ... 5,435 6. Apirana Rakai (m.) .. .. .. 783 7. Rawinia Konaho (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 7. Apoapo .. .. .. .. 18,000 8. Taniko Konaho (m.) .. .. .. 7,371 8. Araroa te Pere (m.) .. .. .. 18,000 9. Tohe Konaho (m.), (rf.).. .. .. 8,462 9. Eparaima te Hapi (m.) .. .. 4,500 10. Tori Konaho (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 10. Erana Erana (f.) .. .. .. 164 11. Tukotahi te Horowai or Tukotahi Rahera 11. Ereatara Rakai (m.) .. .. .. 600 (m.) .. .. .. .. 9,140 12. Eria Pukepuke (m.) .. .. .. 3,278 12. Whare Horowai or Rahera (m.) .. .. 5,816 13. Etere Karaihe or Weterc Karaihe (m.) .. 10,345 13. Whirite Meihana (m.) .. .. .. 11,076 14. Hakere Taoho .. .. .. 106 14. Wini Pera Konaho (f.) .. .. .. 7,275 15. Hami Waiwai (m.) .. .. .. 14,273 15. Wowi Konaho (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 16. Hana Rakai (f.) .. .. .. 1,334 17. Hape Erana or Hape Mci (m., 14) .. 918 Total .. .. .. 109,761 18. Hapi Hapi (m., 9) .. .. .. 721 f£457 6s9dr 19. Hapine Tangira (f.) .. .. .. 4,500 [Xrioi os. wa.; 20. Hare Hine or Erana (m.) .. .. 240 21. Harete Erana (f.) .. .. .. 3,601 22. Hariata Taoho (f.) .. .. .. 1,001 Group J—Tiraha Mauparaoa. 23. Hata Paora (m.) .. ■.. .. 17,678 . . m ~., r „„„ 24. Hatahata Waaka .. .. .. 1,20.) 1. Aponna Puranga (f 5,908 25 . Hautu Hautu 107 2. Hapurona ruranga (m.) ~. .. 6,460 2 6. Heke Tiwai or Heke Noa (m.) .. .. 4,199 3. Maka Ngapuhi (i) 14,277 2 7. Hema Whakamoe or Waihirere (f., 10) .. 771 4. Pirn Maka (m 9 3,939 2 8. Hemi te Whioi (m.) 1,092 a £ OT » M *? uka ( f -> "•*» 29. Hemi te Waaka (f.) 1,499 6. Tiraha Mauparaoa (f.) 35,128 30 . Heriata Apihaka (f.) 1,200 7. Tiraha Manuka (f) 2,920 31. Heuheu Na (m.) 4 500 8. Toataua Manuka m. 15,059 32 Hikihiki „ N()a (f-) _ _ 4 m 9. Turanga Manuka (m.) .. .. 12,920 ffinematioro Ahipene or Matioro Ahipene Total 125 QPI ( f -) •• •• •' •• 4 5 00 lotal l«,W»l 34. Hira Meiha (m.) 18,000 (£524 19s. 3d.) 35. Hoani Putangaarangi (m.) .. .. 18,000 36. Huhana Rihari (f.) .. .. .. 9,000 37. Hukiki Hurae (m.) .. .. .. 1,500 Group X—Albert Warbriok (or Arapeti Paerau). 38. Hurae Puketapu (m.) 1,200 39. Iriheke Rangi (m.) .. .. .. 720 1. Arapeti Paerau (m.) .. .. .. 25,281 40. Iriwhare Taoho (f.) .. .. .. 1,002 2. Paerau Warbriok (m.) .. .. .. 1,336 41. Iti Hoani (m.) .. .. .. 1,726 3. Peepi Harina (h.-c), (f.) .. .. 302 42. Ingatua Rakai (m.) .. .. .. 784 4. Wiremu Arapeta (m.) .. .. .. 302 43. Kaaho te Hapi (m.) .. .. .. 4,500 ■ 44. Kaka Whakamoe or Waihirere (m., 12) 771 Total .. .. .. 27,221 45. Kapu Terenoti (f.) .. .. .. 30,311 (£ll3 Bs. fid.) 46. Karaihe Taiapo (m.), (rf.) .. .. 4,363 47. Karauna Hurae (f.) .. .. .. 1,501 48. Karauna Whakamoe or Waihirere (m., 14) 771 49. Keiha Timoti (f.) .. .. .. 2,730 Group M—William Bird. 50. Kino Hatata (f.) .. .. .. 2,999 1. Te Ao Rota (m.) .. .. .. 1,113 51. Kiri Horo (f.) .. .. .. 31,622 2. Ben Savage (m.) .. .. .. 37 52. Kiri Horopapera (f.) .. .. .. 6,652 3. George Gabriel Bird (m., 9) .. .. 40,328 53. Kiriwera Ti wai or Noa (in.) .. .. 4,199 4. Hamiora Rota (m.) .. .. .. 1,114 54. Kohiti Hatata or Kohititi Hatata (m.) .. 2,999 5! Hera Ngatiira (h.-c.), (f.) .. .. 302 55. Koroua Pukepuke (m.) .. .. 1,718 6. Hera Savage (f.) .. .. .. 37 56. Kuini Waikare (m.) .. .. .. 240 7. Hone Savage (m.) .. .. .. 37 57. Kura Kereti (m.) .. .. .. 1,124 8. Hopaea Hamahona (f.).. .. .. 464 58. Kura te Kura (m.) .. .. .. 916 9. Horomona Puti (m., 13) .. .. 17,696 59. Kura-Mihirangi te Raima (f.) .. .. 728 10. Kiekie Hopaea or KieMe Peita (f.) .. 19,392 60. Mahaki or Mabaki Tapiki (m.).. .. 18,000 11. Matiu Savage (m.) .. .. .. 37 61. Mahuc Heripo (m.) .. .. .. 18,855 12. Ma wai Rota (m.) .. .. .. 2,515 62. Mahue Kataea (m.) .. .. .. 2,999 13. Ngaikiha Eru (f.) .. .. .. 1,227 63. Maku Winitana (f.) .. .. .. 6,320 14. Ngakarauna Remi (f.) .. .. .. 1,392 64. Maromako Hatata (f.) .. .. 2,999 15. Ngarangikald Wiri (f.) .. .. .. 302 65. Matamua Hautaruke or Whakamoe (m.) 3,858 16. Peti Arama Karaka (f.) .. .. 302 66. Matekino te Hapi (f.) .. .. 4,500 17. Peti Horomona (f.) .. .. .. 5,217 67. Maukau Tangira (f.) .. .. .. 4,500 18. Raiha Tauaroa (f.) .. .. .. 1,392 68. Mci Erena or Mci Mci (f.) .. .. 917 19. Rangikotua te Wharepapa (m.) .. .. 464 69. Mere Erena or Mere Hine (f.) .. .. 4,004 20. Te Rauoriwa Puti (f„ 10) .. .. 17,697 70. Mere Rakai (f.) .. .. .. 1,335 21. Tangi Rota (f.) .. .. .. 1,113 71. Mereana Rangi (f.) .. .. .. 721 22. Taurangi Rota (m.) .. .. .. 1,114 72. Miria Hautu (f.) .. .. .. 167 23. Tawai Hamahona (m., 14) .. .. 464 73. Moana Hine .. .. .. 404 24. Timi Mawhii (m., 15) .. .. .. 10,112 74. Mokai Hine (f.) .. .. .. 13,959 25. Tipihau Hamahona (m., 16) .. .. 10,576 75. Mokena Rakai (in.) .. .. .. 1,335 26.iTitia Horomona (f.) .. .. .. 969 76. Moori Karetu (f. .. .. .. 455 27.)Titia Ngapera (f.) .. .. .. 1,776 77. More Pukepuke (f.) .. .. .. 1.79 28.|Wairuhirangi Karatara (m.) .. .. 6,680 78. Motuoruhi Hautaruke or Whakamoe (f.) 3,858 29. Wiremu Savage (m.) .. .. .. 37 79. Mutu Raniera (m.) .. .. .. 187 80. Nehemia Wiri (m., 9) .. .. 2,102 Total .. .. ..143,906 81. Noema Hautaruke or Whakamoe (m.) .. 3,858 (£599 12s. 2d.) 82. Noki Erena or Noki Mci (m.) .. ~ 917

5— G. 7.



S ECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists— continued. Urewera Reserves Residue— continued. Waikaremoana Block. Merert! Residue I—Ngati Ruapani, 83. Numi Rangi (m.) 721 ££E* 84. Ngahiraka Karetu (f.) .. .. 455 1. Te Akiu Taiwera (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 85. Ngahiriwa Taoho (f.) .. .. .. 2,251 2. To Amaru Rakai (in.).. .. .. 3,230 80. Ngaikiha Hori (f.) .. .. .. 9,000 3. Te Anania te Waaka (m.) .. .. 5 060 87. Ngatau .. .. .. .. 18,000 4. Ani Apihaka (f.) .. .. .. 12*920 88. O Karetu (in.) .. .. .. 455 5. Apikaera Matatua (f.).. .. .. 81.592 89. Paea Ahipene (f.) .. .. .. 4,500 0. Te Arani Ngahooro (in.) .. .. 4^845 90. Paea Paora (f.) .. .. , ; 17,078 7. Aranui Ngahooro (f.) .. .. 4*845 91. Paina Hautaruke or Whakamoe (f.) .. 3,857 8. Aranui Turipa (in.) .. '993 92. Paka Taoho (in.) .. .. .. 1,002 9. Te Araroa te Pere (m.) .. 517 93. Pakitua Heke (m.) .. .. .. 1,088 10. Arota Puketapu (m.) .. .. .. 12,920 94. Paku Erena or Paku Mci (f., 8) .. 918 11. To Atamea to Whiu (f.) .. 9,090 95. Paora Ramiha (m.) .. .. .. 3,640 12. Te Au Tahakawa (f.) .. 141705 96. Paora Waikare (in.) .. ... .. 240 13. Te Awhekaihe Mohi (f.) 8,075 97. Parani te Winitana (f.) .. .. 11,329 14. Kparaima te Hapi (m.) .. 97'()23 98. Pare Erena or Pare Mci (f., 10) .. 918 15. Erana Erana (f.) .. 215 99. Pare Wiri (f., 17) .. .. .. 2,103 10. Eria Pukepuke (m.) .. ~ 0,460 100. Parehuia Raniera (f.) .. .. 4,870 17. Ktere Karaihe (m.) .. .. .. 16,151 101. Pareranui te Hapi (f.) .. .. 2,234 18. Haami Waiwai (in.) .. .. 10^767 102. Peita Taurua (m.) .. .. .. 3,559 1.9. Hakere Taoho (f.) .. ~ .. 5973 103. Petite Popoki (f.) .. .. .. 1,663 20. Hakopa Taipeti (m.) .. 3,230 104. Peti Waikare (f.) .. -.. .. 240 21. Hakuarangi Rangiaho (f.) .. .. 6,460 105. Pineere Hori (m.) .. .. .. 9,000 22. Hami Karetu (m.) .. .. .. 3^230 106. Pirau te Haka (m.) .. .. .. 1,688 23. Hana te Mataa (f.) .. .. 12920 107. Pita te Kapu (m.) .. .. .. 4,041 24. Hana Rakai (f.) .. .. s'23o 108. Pita Taoho (f.) .. .. .. 2,415 25. Hana Taipeti (f.) .. .. 3*230 109. Puhina Rangi (f.) .. .. .. 721 26. Hanarete Whareherehere (f.) .. . 3 948 110. Pukaha Hautu (f., 14) .. .. 2,250 27. Hape Mci (m., 14) .. .. .. 7404 111. Pukaru Waiwai (m.) .. .. .. 12,455 28. Hape te Wao (m.) .. .. ~ 0460 112. Pukepuke Hoani (m.).. .. .. 3,284 29. Te Hapi te Hapi (m., 6) .. 351 113. Pura Rakai (m.) .. .. .. 1,336 30. Hapine Tangira (f.) .. .. 12,920 114. Pute te Waiwai (m.) .. .. .. 12,452 31. Harata te Kaaho (f., 15) .. .. 6,246 115. Raiha Puketapu (f.) .. .. .. 1,200 32. Harata Tiopira (f.) .. .. .. 7,895 116. Raihia Awatapu (m.) .. .. .. 4,500 33. Harehare Eparaima (f.) .. 6,460 117. Raihia Wairama (m.).. .. .. 14,391 34. Harete Rikipi or Erana (f.) .. 517 118. Rauhina (Pareihe) (f.).. .. .. 18,000 35. Harete Wiremu (f.) ... .. 12,920 119. Rawaho Winitana (m.) .. .. 16,998 36. Hariata Taoho (f.) .. .. .. 3,589 120. Rawinia Kaeke or Winiata (f.).. .. 1,820 37. Te Hau Meiha (in.) .. .. 19,380 121. Rawhira Rakai (f.) (rf) .. .. 551 38. Te Haunui te Haunui (m.) .. 12,920 122. Reretima Hoani (in.) .. .. .. 3,766 39. Te Haunui Hohia (m.) .. .. 5,291 123. Rerewa Natau or Rerewa Wharepapa (f.) 43,862 40. Hautu Hautu .. .. .. 2,512 124. Ripeka Hoani (f.) .. .. .. 3,767 41. Heeni Kawana (f.) .. .. .. 3^230 125. Ripeka te Whioi (f.) .. .. .. 4,716 42. Te Heke te Kaaho (in., 17) .. .. 1077 126. Rita Heke (1, 12) .. .. .. 1,687 43. Heke Noa or Tiwai (m.) .. 8,614 127. Ritihao Whakaii .. .. .. 18,000 44. Hekerau te Kapu (m.) .. .. 3,230 128. Roka Hopa (f.) .. .. .. 2,572 45. Te Hei Apihaka (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 129. Rotu Erana or Rotu Hine (f.) .. .. 3,840 46. Tc Hema Waihirere (f., 10) .. .. 3,322 130. Taihana Raniera (m.).. .. .. 5,039 47. Henare te Tio (m., 15) .. .. 2,153 131. Taimona Karetu (m.) .. .. 455 48. Heni te Whioi (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 132. Taipeti Teihana or Matatua (m.) .. 6,750 49. Hereata Heemi (f.) .. .. .. 4,307 133. Tahau Haoni (f.) .. .. .. 2,572 50. Heni te Waaka (f) .. .. .. 8,290 134. Tamati Waikare (m.) .. .. 240 51. Heriata Apihaka (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 135. Tamawhatu (m.) .. .. .. 3,559 52. Heriata Heemi (f.) .. .. .. 0,460 136. Tame Karetu (m.) .. .., .. 1,547 53. Hou Eparaima (f.) .. .. .. 6,460 137. Tamehana Pukepuke (m.) ..' .. 1,719 54. Te Heuheu Na (m.) .. .. 15,514 138. Tangi Hautaruke (f.) .. .. .. 2,000 55. Hikihiki Noa or Tiwai (f.) .. 8,613 139. Tapuhi Whakamoe or Waihirere (f.) .. 2,257 56. Himiona Tauarau ({.) .. .. ~ 807 140. Tarapuhi Rihari (m.) .. .. .. 9,000 57. Hine Toko (f., 8) .. .. 4,153 141. Taratoa Hoani (m.) .. .. .. 3,285 58. Hinerauwharangi (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 142. Tauhe Heke (f., 10) .. .. .. 1,687 59. Hineruku te Hapimana (f.) ..' .. 12,920 143. Tekoteko Hatata (m.) .. .. 2,999 60. Hiria Tipene (f.) .. .. 6,460 144. Tiaki Tinimeene (m.) . . .. .. 1,200 61. Hone Waikare (m.) .. .. .. 6,632 145. Tiniha Tangira (f.) .. .. .. 4,500 62. Hori Mohi (m.) .. .. .. 8,075 146. Tipare Winitana (f.) .. ' .. .. 16,995 63. Tc Horora Mita (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 147. Titi Tereneti (f.) .. .. .. 30,312 64. Te Houkamau te Whenua (m.). . .. 12,920 148. Tomoana Erena (in.) .. .. .. 3,600 65. Huka Heemi (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 149. Tuahine Tiwai or Noa (m.) .. .. 4,199 60. Hukiki Hurae (m.) .. .. .. 10,707 150. Tupara (m.) .. .. .. .. 18,000 07. Hurae Puketapu (m.) .. .. .. 14,039 151. Tupara Waikare (m.) .. ... 240 08. Ihakara Hohia (m.) .. .. .. 11,751 152. Urupa Tiwai or Noa (f.) .. .. 4,199 09. Irakewa to Tapuke (m.) .. .. 6,460 153. Waereti Pukepuke (f.) .. .. 1,719 70. Te Iriheke te Rangi (m.) .. ~ 7,161 154. Wahanui Na (m.) .. .. .. 4,500 71. Iriwhare Taoho (m.) .. .. ~ 3,589 155. Waharoa te Hapi (f.) .. .. 4,500 72. Iti Hoani (f.) .. .. .. 8,972 156. Waikura .. .. .. .. 18,000 73. Ka Anania (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 157. Wao (Ihimaera), (m.).. .. .. 18,000 74. Te Kaaho te Hapi (111.) .. .. 20,563 158. Waipatu Winitana (m.) .. .. 15,829 75. Tc Kaaho te Kaaho or Reremoana te 159. Wairama Na (m.) .. .. .. 4,500 Kaaho (f.).. .. .. .. 1,076 160. Whaitiri Apihaka .. .. .. 5,090 76. Kaari Eraihia (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 161. Whanako Hautu (m.) .. .. 4,345 77. Kaka Waihirere (m., 12) .. .. 3,322 162. Wharehuia Kohiti (m., 14) .. .. 4,500 78. Kakoa Kiriwera (m.) . . .. .. 1,615 163. Wharetotara Rawaho (m.) .. .. 1,820 79. Te Kapu Tereneti (m.) .. .. 17,226 164. Whariki Hautu (f.) .. .. .. 4,512 80. Te Kapua te Kaaho (m.) .. .. 6,245 165. Whenua Whakamoe or Waihirere (111.. 8) 771 81. Karauna Hurae (f.) .. .. .. 10,700 100. Wi Mci (m.) .. .. .. 7,000 82. Te Karauna Waihirere (m., 14). . .. 3,322 107. Wiki Karaihe (f.) .. .. .. 4,818 83. Karawhira Taoho (f.) .. .. ~ 3,230 108. Wild Taurua (f.) .. .. .. 3,599 84. Kareti Rawiri (f.) .. .. ~ 0,460 169. Winitana Tipare (m.), (...) .. .. 2,977 85. Karo te Roia (m., 8) .. .. .' .. 2,871 86. Kataea Hoka (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 Total ... .. .. 911,411 87. Kataraina Paora (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 (£3,797 10s. lid.) 88. Keiha Timoti (f.) .. .. .. 19,380


SECOND SCHEDULE- continued. (3.) Group Lists— continued. Waikaremoana Block— continued. Waikaremoana Block— continued. Relative Relative interest Interest. 89. Kino Hatata (f.) .. .. .. 12,705 174. Pane to Waihirere (f.).. .. .. 738 90. Kiri Horopapera or Kiri Hiiro (f.) .. 19,380 175. Pango Hiwarau (f.) .. .. .. 5,652 91. Kiriwera Noa or Tiwai (m.) .. .. 8,613 176. Pango Mauruuru (m.). . .. .. 3,230 92. Kiwhakiwha Wiremu or Ahoaho (m.) .. 7,752 177. Paora te Kaaho (m.) .. .. .. 12.705 93. Kobititi Hatata (m.) .. .. .. 12,705 178. Paora Ramiha (m.) .. .. .. 12,920 94. Komene Ereatara (m.) .. .. 1,292 179. Paora Waikare (m., 16) .. .. 5,858 95. Te Koro Eparaima (m.) .. .. 6,460 180. Parani Winitana (f.) .. .. .. 15,073 96. Koroua Waihirere or Whenua Waihirere 181. Pare Mci (f., 10) .. .. .. 7,406 (m., 8) .. .. .. .. 3,322 182. Pare Wiri (f.) .. .. .. 4,307 97. Te Kura te Kura .. .. .. 2,512 183. Paremata Kawana (f.) .. .. 4,522 98. KuraTuripa (f.) .. .. ... 922 184. Pareranui te Hapi (f.).. .. .. 16,150 99. Kuramarotini Hoka (f.) .. .. 3,230 185. Peata te Iriwhiro (f.) .. .. .. 4,522 100. Kuini Waikare (f., 12).. ' .. .. 5,685 186. Peita te Peeti (m.) .. .. .. 5,168 101. Maata Tewhatewha (f.) .. .. 3,230 187. Petite Popoki (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 102. MahakiTapiki(m.) .. .. .. 12,920 188. Peti Waikare (f.) .. .. .. 5,858 103. Mahue Heripo (m.) .. .. .. 21,317 189. Pi Turipa (m.) .. .. .. 923 104. TeMahurehure Wiremu or Te Ahoaho (in.) 1,292 190. Pineere Hori te Mata (in.l .. .. 12,920 105. Mako Matatua (f.) .. .. .. 1,615 191. Pimia te Wao (I.) .. .. .. 0,400 1(10. Manawaru Tio (m., 13) .. .. 2,154 192. Pirau te Haka .. .. .. 0,589 107. Manuera Tarei (m.) .. .. .. 9,090 193. Pita Taoho (m.) .. .. .. 8,073 108. Mangaheia te Arahe (i, 2) .. .. 1,292 194. Pohe Kiriwera (f., 13).. .. .. 1,615 109. Mariana te Whenua (f.) .. .. 12,920 195. Poito te Whareherehere (in.) .. .. 3.230 110. TeMa.romako Hatata (f.) .. .. 15,934 196. Te Poono Tarei (m.) .. .. .. 9,690 111. Matamua Whakamoe (m.) .. .. 16,61.2 197. Poraka te Whareherehere (f.) .. .. 3,230 112. Mateanate Kaaho (f.) .. .. 12.703 198. Porirua Haki (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 113. Matehaere Tarei (f.) .. .. .. 0,400 199. Te Pou te Araroa (m.) .. .. 12,920 114. Matckino te Hapi (f.) .. .. .. 20,503 200. Puhina te Rangi (f.) .. .. .. 7,161 115. Maukau Tangira (f.) .. .. .. 12.920 201. Pukaru Waiwai (m.) .. .. .. 10,767 116. Matewhitu Maururu (f.) .. .. 3,230 202. Pukeko Kawana or Mihomiho Kawana (in.) 4,522 117. Mauwhare Taiwera (f.) .. .. 6,460 203. Pukepuke Hoani (m.) .. .. 8,972 118. Mauruuru Pango (f.) '.. .. .. 6,460 204. Te Pukeiotu Paora Ramiha (m.) .. 3,130 119. Mci Mci (f., 16) .. .. .. 7,404 205. Punua te Roia (m., 13) .. .. 2,153 120. Meiha Matiu (m.) .. .. .. 0,460 200. Pura Rakai (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 121. Mere Erana or Rikipi(f.) .. .. 732 207. Pute to Waiwai (m.) .. .. .. 10,700 122. Mere Hohia (f.) .. .. .. 1,840 208. Raiha te Ahoaho or Wiremu or Rangi•l23. Mere Huka Hiwarau (f.) .. .. 2,422 tautiaki Wiremu (f.) .. .. 1,292 124. Mere Wiremu (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 209. Raiha Puketapu (f.) .. .. .. 14,039 125. Mere Rakai (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 210. Te Raita Hiwarau (f.).. .. .. 5,653 120. Mereana Heemi (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 211. Raihia te Waimarama (m.) .. .. 11,844 127. Mereana to Rangi (f.) .. .. .. 351 212. Te, Raiona Hoka (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 128. Meri Ereatara (f.) .. .. .. 1,292 213. Ramari te Hapi (f.) .. .. .. 4,413 129. Merita Pareihe (f.) .. .. .. 22,610 214. Te Rana Manuera (f.) .. .. .. 15,504 130. Mihipeka Ereatara (f.) .. .. 1,292 215. Rangi Mauruuru (in.) .. .. .. 3,230 131. Mihomiho te Au (f.) .. .. .. 6,460 210. Rangi Whakarewa (f., 15) .. .. 3,230 132. Mini te Hamuli (f.) .. .. .. 0,400 217. Rangimatuatini Tarei (m.) .. .. 9,090 133. Miria Hautu (f.) .. .. .. 0,819 218. Rauhina Paora (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 134. Mita Heemi (m.), (rf.) .. .. .. 4,300 219. Rawaho te Winitana (m.) .. .. 11,843 135. Mitai Mauruuru (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 220. Rawinia Winiata or Kaeke (f.) .. .. 32,300 130. Te Moana Krana or Rikipi (m.).. .. 732 221. Rehua te Wao (m.) .. .. .. 9,090 137. Te Moana Wiremu (in.) .. .. 12,920 ' 222. Te Here Hohapata (in.) .. .. 3,230 138. Moemoe te Wao (m.) . . .. .. 6,460 223. Rere Rewi (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 139. Mootu Kawana (f.) .. .. .. 1,292 224. Rerea Taoho (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 140. Mokai Hine (f.) .. .. .. 15,074 225. Reremoana Harata (f.) .. .. 3,230 141. Mokena Rakai (m.) .. .. 3,230 226. Reremoana tc Kaaho (m.) .. .. 3,015 142. Monumonu Tiopira (in.) .. .. 14,356 227. Rerctima Hoani (m.) .. .. .. 6,675 1,43. Moori Karetu (f., s)' .. .. .. 3,230 228. Rerewa Wharepapa or Natau (f.) .. 19,380 144. Motuoruhi Whakamoe (f.) .. .. 16,612 229. Ria Mohi (f.) .. .. .. 8,075 145. Mutu Raniera (m.) .. ... .. 3,230 230. Tc Rihi Hohia (in.), (rf.) .. .. 1,846 146. Nehemia Wiri (m., 9) .. .. .. 4,307 231. Rihipeti Ereatara (f.) .. .. .. 1,292 147. Te Niniha Kiriwera (f., 8) .. .. 1,615 232. Ripeka Hoani (f.) .. • .. .. 6,676 148. Noema Whakamoe (m.) .. .. 16,612 233. Ripeka Kiriwera (f.) .. .. .. 4,845 149. Noho Taiapo (f.) .. .. .. 4,307 234. Ripeka te Whioi (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 150. Noho Tio (m., 14) .. .. .. 2,153 235. Ripine Wi Mutu (f.) .. .. 23,686 151. Noki Mci (m.) .. .. .. 7,404 236. Rita Heke (f.) .. .. .. 3,359 152. Noti Matamua (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 237. Te Roia Hohia (m.), (rf.) .. .. 1,845 153. Nuku Tauarau .. .. .. 808 238. Roha Hatata (f.) .. .. .. 2,584 154. Numi te Rangi (m.) .. .. .. 7,161 239. Roia te Roia (m., 4) .. .. .. 718 155. Ngahirata Karetu (f., 3) .. .. 3,230 240. Romi Kiriwera (m., 10) .. .. 1,615 156. Ngaikiha Hori (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 241. Rongopopoia (Ngawaka), (m.) .. .. 9,690 157. Ngaikihate Kaaho (f.) .. .. 12,920 242. Rotu Hine or Erana or Kiripi (f.) .. 3,963 158. Ngakorau Taiwera (m.) .. .. 3,230 243. Rua Kenana (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 159. Ngakorau Turipa (m.).. .. .. 923 244. Rumatiki Hoka (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 160. Ngapera Tiopira (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 245. Te Taha Heemi (m.) .. .. .. 7,537 161. Ngaroata Hiwarau (f.) .. .. 3,230 240. Tahau Hoani (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 102. Ngatau Paora Ramiha (m.) .. .. 3,230 247. Taimona Karetu (m.) . ... .. 3,230 103. Ngataua Tauarau (f.) . . .. .. 807 248. Taipeti Matatua (m.) . . .. .. 18,282 104. Ngawaka Iraia (m.) .. .. .. 12,920 249. Taiwera Rawiri (m.) .. .. .. 0,460 165. Ngawai Pareihe (f.) .. .. .. 22,610 250. Taka Heke (m.) .. .. .. 3,359 106. Ngawini Tipare (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 251. Taka Hohia (t, 18) .. .. .. 1,846 167. Te O Karetu or Te Maiiere Karetu (m.). . 3,230 252. Tamati Waikare (m.) .. .. .. 5,857 168. Te Oraihi te Kowhai (f.) .. .. 12,920 253. Tamawhatu te Peeti (in.) .. .. 5,383 169. Paetawate Peeti (m.).. .. .. 12,920 254. Tame te Arahe (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 170. Te Paina Whakamoe (f.) .. .. 10,612 255. Tame Karetu (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 171. Paka Taoho .. .. .. .. 359 256. Taniko Iharaira (f.) .. . . . . 12,920 172. Paku Mci ff., 7) .. .. .. 7,406 257. Taoho te Whakaii (m.) .. .. 15,504 173. Pakeha Tarei (m.) .. .. .. 9,090 258. Tapiki Turipa (m.) .. .. .. 923




S ECON D SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists — continued. Waikaremoana Block— continued. Waikaremoana Block— continued. Relative ivcliitivc Interest. Interest. 259. Tapuhi Whakamoe (f.) .. .. 19,196 17. Tc Kapua Hana (m.) .. .. .. 8,613 260. Tara Tarei (in.) .. .. .. 9,690 18. Kawana Karatau (m.) .. .. .. 12,920 261. Taraparoa te Kaaho (in.) .. .. 3,230 19. Kawhona Akenehi (f.) .. .. .. 6,460 262. Tarapuhi to Kowhai (m.) .. .. 12,920 20. Kiritoha Kihirini (m.) .. .. .. 7,752 263. Taukuri Haki (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 21. Tc Manutangiata Hetekia (m.) .. .. 4,845 264. Taurowa Hohia (m.) .. .. .. 11,750 22. Materoa Erueti (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 265. Tauwehe Heke (f.) .. .. .. 3,300 23. Matetu Kihirini (m.) .. .. .. 7,752 266. Taratoa Hoani (m.) .. .. .. 5,742 24. Mere Kihirini (f.) .. .. .. 6,460 267. Tauwhitu Wiremu or Te Ahoaho (m.) .. 7,752 25. Mere Rakai (f.) .. .. .. 5,383 268. Tawa Turipa (m.) .. .. .. 923 26. Merckaraka te Papa (f.) .. .. 6,460 269. Teihana Waikare (m.).. .. .. 6,460 27. Mihi Arapata (2), (f„ 12) .. .. 3,392 270. Tekoteko Hatata (m.).. .. .. 12,705 28. Mikaera Arapata (m„ 14) .. .. 3,392 271. Tiaki Ngohengohc (m.) .. .. 12,920 29. Morehu Whareparaoa (f.) .. .. 6,460 272. Tihi Pareihe (m.) .. .. .. 4,522 30. Mokaraka Kihirini (m.) .. .. 7,752 273. Tihi te Peeti (m.) .. .. .. 5,168 31. Mokena Rakai (m.) .. .. .. 5,383 274. Tiniha Tangira (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 32. Neri Kihirini (m.) .. .. .. 7,752 275. Tipare te Winitana (f.) .. .. 15,073 33. "Pakira Erueti Whareparaoa (m.) .. 3,230 276. Titia Penehio (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 34. Pani Arapata (f., 6) .. .. .. 3,392 277. Titi Tereneti (f.) .. .. .. 17,227 35. Pani te Raiwa (f.) .. .. .. 1,615 278. Totarapapa Paora. (m.) .. .. 3,230 36. Pango Re wiri (f.) .. .. .. 4,306 279. Towai Taiapo (f.) .. .. .. 4,306 37. Pare Hetekia (f., 12) .. .. .. 3,230 280. Tuahine Tiwai or Noa (m.) .. .. 18,303 38. Te Pare to Kaaho (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 281. Tuhimote Ereatara (m.) .. .. 1,292 39. Patu Akenehi (m.) .. .. .. 1,938 282. Tuhoe te Au (m.) .. .. .. 6,460 40. Peepi to Raiwa (f., 5) .. .. .. 1,615 283. Tuiringa Netana (m.) .. .. .. 6,460 41. Peeti Whareparaoa (m.) .. .. 12,920 284. Tupara Waikare (m.) .. .. .. 5,856 42. Pepi Rina (f.) .. 6,460 285. TuriMaihi(f.) .. .. .. 12,920 43. Pohe Erueti (m.) .. .. .. 6,460 286. Turipa Manuera (m.) .. .. .. 15,504 44. Pomare Mere Karaka (m.) .. .. 3,230 287. Te Kaimoni (m.) .. .. 3,445 45. Poutahi Hapimana (m.) .. .. 12,920 288. Te Unupo Taimona (f.) .. .. 6,460 46. Te Potangaroa Arapata (ni.) .. .. 4,037 289. To Urupa Tiwai or Noa (f.) .. .. 8,613 47. Puna Kihirini (f.) .. .. .. 7,752 290. Tc Ururoa Pareihe (m.) .. .. 22,610 48. Pura Rakai (m.) .. .. .. 5,383 291. Te Urutite Amo (f.) .. .. .. 2,067 49. Putere Whareparoa (f.). ... .. 6,460 292. Te Waaka Hatata (m.) .. .. 9,044 50. Ramarihi Hana (f.) .. .. .. 8,613 293. Te Waha Kiriwera (m., 17) .. .. 1,615 51. Rangi Arapata (m„ 16) .. .. 3,292 294. Wahanui Na (in.) .. .. .. 15,504 52. Rangi Johnson (f., 12) .. .. .. 3,230 295. Waipatu Winitana (in.) .. .. 11,843 53. Rea Mihi (f.) .. .. .. .. 18,380 296. To Wairama Na (in.) . . .. .. 15,504 54. Rewiri Kihirini (m.) .. .. .. 7,752 297. Waikowhai Wiremu or Te Ahoaho (f.) .. 1,292 55. Rina .Johnson (f., 15) .. .. .. 3,230 298. Te Wao Ihimaera (m.) .. .. 12,920 56. Ripeka Hana (f.) .. .. .. 8,613 299. Wera Tatana (m.) .. .. .. 1,938 57. Ruiha Akenehi (f.) .. .. .. 6,460 300. Werewere te Roia (f., 10) .. .. 2,872 58. Tame, Rina (m.) .. .. .. 6,460 301. Weriweri Tahakawa (in.) .. .. 1,938 59. Tamihana Erueti (m.) .. .. .. 6,460 302. Wi Kawana (in.) .. .. .. 4,522 60. Taneroa Mere Karaka (m.) .. .. 3,230 303. Wi Mci (in.) .. .. .. .. 10,076 61. Tapuae Kihirini (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 304. Wild Karaihe (f.) .. .. .. 11,844 62. Taubiri Tauhiri (f., 12) .. .. 3,230 305 Te Wiki te Peeti (f.) .. .. .. 18,088 63. Tio Takerehi (m., 15) .. .. .. 646 306. Wirinia Taiwera (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 64. Tio Rewiri (m.) .. .. .. 4,306 307. Whanako Hautu .. .. .. 4,306 65. Tuihana Kihirini (f.) .. .. .. 7,752 308. WhariM Hautu .. .. .. 0,819 66. Tula Arapata (m., 19) .. .. .. 3,392 309. Wharehuia Kohifi (in., 14) .. .. 15,504 67. Urupcm Hetekia (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 310 Whangakitcuru Hiwarau (m.) .. .. 5,653 68. Te Waiwhero Pcreha (f.) .. .. 6,400 311. Whare Paora (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 09. Whatuira Takerehi (m., 19) .. .. 640 312. Wharepapa Ihimaera (m.) .. .. 12,920 777~7J 313. Te Whareti Taratoa (f.) .. .. 12,920 J- ,jti " •■ •• •• ->»2,bb6 314. Te Wharetotara Rawaho (m.) .. .. 3,230 315. Whareherehere tc Haunui (ni.) . . .. 12,920 ... _ 316. Te Wharewhakain, Tahatu (~,.) .. 3,230 Waikarkmoana Block. 317. Whitu Whareherehere .. .. 718 Residue 3 : Te Haenga Paretipua. _ . o .„ A 0.,r, 1. Ahere Paku (m.) .. .. .. 12,920 iutal •• ■• .. 4d74,8d7 2. Ahipene teHikanga (m.) .. .. 6,460 (£9,895 3s. Id.) 3. Ane tc Kore (f.) .. .. .. 19,380 4. Aperahama Maehe (m.) .. .. 3,230 Waikaremoana Block. 5. Api Paku (m.) .. .. .. 2,423 ~.,,. 6. Api Tamihana (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 Residue 2—Poutahi Hapimana. 7. Erueti Mete or Era Mete (m.) .. .. 8,075 1. To Akau Rina (m.) .. .. .. 6,460 8. Haeata Atamira (m.) .. .. .. 926 2. Apirana Rakai (m.) .. .. .. 5,384 9. Haenga Paretipua (m.) .. .. 12,920 3. Arapata Tautahanga (m.) .. .. 4,037 10. Hani ta Atamira (m.) .. .. .. 926 4. Eriha Rina (m.) .. •• •■ 6,460 11. Hani Hapuku (m.) .. .. .. 1,615 5. Erueti Whareparaoa (m.) .. .. 12,920 12. Haora Mete (m.) .. .. 3,230 6. Hana Rakai (f.) .. ■• •• 5,384 13. Haora. Rangimataeo (m.) .. .. 12,920 7. Hemi Hetekia (m.) .. .. .. 4,845 14. Hapata Maraki (m.) .. .: .. 1,076 8. Hera Arapata (f.) .. .. • • 4,037 15. Hapi Tamihana (m.) .. . . .. 269 9. Hera Kerenapu (f.) .. .. .. 7,752 16. Harata Tamihana (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 10. Te Hina te Raiwa (f., 12) .. .. 1,615 17. Harata Tiopira (f.) .. .. .. 718 11. Hirini Kihirini (m.) .. .. •• 7,752 18. Hare Maehe (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 12. Hiwana Mere Karaka (f.) .. .. 3,230 19. Hare Ponga (m.) .. .. .. 6,460 13. Hohaia Rewiri (m.) .. •• •• 7,536 20. Harehare Maehe (m.) .. .. .. 1,077 14. HonatanaPereha(m.) .. .. .. 6,460 21. Heipine Mutu (f.) .. .. 3,230 15. Hone te Raiwa (m.) .. .. .. 1,615 22. Hekera Ponga (m.) .. .. .. 6,4*30 16. Ingatua Rakai (m.) .. •. ■ • 5,383 23. Heneriata Paku (i\, 19) . . .. 2,423


SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists — continued. Waikaremoana Block — continued. Waikaremoana Block— continued. Relative Relative interest. Interest. 24. Heni Paku (f.) .. .. .. 6,460 106. Teone Kainga (m.) .. .. .. 9,905 25. Heni Tamihana (f.) .. .. • • 269 107. Tewetewe Tamihana (m.) .. .. 270 26. Hepene Tamihana (f.).. .. .. 269 1.08. Tiaki Kara (m.) .. .. .. 6,460 27. Hera Morera (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 109. Tiaki Kainga or Tiaki Paku Kainga'(m.) 9,905 28. Hera Tamihana (f.) .. .. .. 269 110. Tiki Morera (m.) .. .. .. 6,460 29. Hera Whakakapinga (f.) .. .. 3,230 111. Timi Kara (m.) .. .. .. 12,920 30. Heremia Maehe (m.) .. .. .. 1,076 112. Tiopira Whatuira (m.) .. .. 718 31. Heremia Paku (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 113. Tipene Tamihana (m.) .. .. 3,499 32. Te Hina Hura (f.) .. .. .. 3,230 114. Tira Wharcmako (Anaru), (f.), (rf.) .. 1,615 33. Hinerangi Torori (f.) .. .. .. 0,400 115. Titi Haenga (f.) .. .. .. 6,460 34. Hohaia Whatiura (m.) . . . . 718 116. Tohe Atamira (m.) .. .. .. 925 35. Hohepa Maraki (m., 13) .. .. 1,077 117. Toro Morera (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 36. Hold Hura (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 118. Tuahine Mete (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 37. Hone Paku (m.) .. .. .. 2,422 119. Turi Kara (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 38. Hone Riaka (m.) .. .. .. 6,460 120. Waikare Mete (f.) .. .. .. 8,075 39. Hori Kawhe (m.) .. .. .. 25,840 121. Waipa Tapine (f.) .. .. .. 2,907 40. Hori Tupaea (m.) .. .. •• 1,615 122. Watene Kainga or Watene Tuatua (m.) .. 9,905 41. Horiana Maraki (f.) .. .. .. 12,920 123. Wi Maehe (m.) .. .. .. 4,306 42. Ira Kara (f.) .. ■• •• 3,230 124. Te Wini Horiana (m.) .. .. 3,230 43. Iraia Tapine (m.) .. .. •• 2,907 125. To Wharehecra Maraki (m., 12) .. 1,077 44. Irimana Tamihana (m.) .. .. 3,499 45. Iritana Makere Paku (f.) .. .. 5,652 Total .. .. .. 587,879 46. Iwi Hapuku (f.) .. .. •• 1,615 47. Karanema Hapuku (m.) .. •• 1,615 48. Keita Maehe (f.) .. ... •• 4,307 Waikaremoana Block. 49. Kehu Atamira (m.) .. .. .. 926 Residue 4 : Mpiniha Mitira. 50. Kerenapu Tamihana (f.) . . .. *OH . 51. Te Koheriki Maraki (in. 10) .. .. 1,077 R pindm Mitira (m. 3.230 52. Koti Paata (m.) 3,230 2. Erena Wamohu (f.) 403 53. Maata Maraki (f.) 1,077 3. Erma Kara f) 101 54. Maehe Karanama (m.) .. .. 12,920 *■ Era Haronga (m ) 81 55. Mahanga Haora (m.) 12,920 5. Hata Tipoki(m. 3,230 56. Mahanga Maehe m. 1,077 6. 201 57. Maitu Mete (f.) 3,230 7. Hrkdrik. Apatu t.) 3,230 _„ ~ , -„, ~ it , I cir, 8. Hirini Kara (m.) -. .. .. 101 58. Maku Erihana (f.) .. •■ •• 1,010 "• "" \ i m n/r m -v i„\ 90<) 9. KeitaA patu (I.) .. .. .. 3,634 59. Mana Tamihana (m.) .. .. ■■ <">■> ..•_ ,-' ,\ '~ ~ ■... .... ~ , r p -v /™ \ n Alio 10. Ken Rotoatara (t., 12).. .. .. 404 bt). Manakorc Tamihana (m.) .. .. 0,40U \> i ... ■~ 0 i it \ 1 (vi". 11- Kipa Rotoatara (m.) .. .. .. 51 61. Maraea. Hapuku (I.) .. •■ ■• 1,010 i . v .' 62. Maraea Tamihana (f.) 3,500 2. Kopu Hawdk rang! (m.) .. .. 1.292 63. Te Matckohun, Wharemako (f.) .. 8,075 3. Maata to Kan. . .. .. .. 6,460 04. Mere Aomaori (f.) .. • .. 6,460 4. Maata Kmriin, (t.) .. .. 3,633 65 Mere Km t2Wf 14) .. •• 12,920 15. Mangumangu Haronga (t.) .. .. 81 .•' m M. ( ftJ.'/fi 6 160 16. Matene Kirihiti (m.) 3,634 Ob. Mere Meßoberts (f.) .. .. M6O W •? X ( 1 ? ( l ) i(i ! i' " 3 230 18. Mere Keto Morera (f.).. .. .:. 3,634 68. Mere to Ropiha (f., 12) .. -■ d,z.w v / 69. Mihi Whaercte Mete (f.) .. .. 3,230 19. Ngahtrapu Haronga (f.) .. .. 81 70. Mihiata Tipuna. (f.) 3,230 |0. P-vtuApatejm.) 3,230 71 Mika TiDinc (ml ■■ ■■ 6,136 21. Pepi Haronga (f.) 81 1014 22. Pereiha Rotoatara (m.) .. .. 404 72 Minama. Tapmo (f.) ..■ •■ •• *»«* 2 3. Petera Hawaikirangi (m.) .. .. 1,292 73. To Moananui Wharemako (m.) .. 8,070 I _ .^^ wiu TJKi " " 19580 2 5- Rapihana Hawaikirangi, jun. (m.. .. 1,292 75. Pahtra Hoehoe (m.) .. •• •• i»,3ou r, , , . °'' v n ari\ „,. ~ , v • -r, i , /,„ in 9 A9'i 2b. Rawinia Mahaki (f.) .. .. .. 6,460 70. Paku Heremia Paku (in., 14) .. .. 6,±la \ i > 77 P-ik.i Morera (ml •• •■ *i,400 27. Taare Haronga (m.) 80 77. laku morerajm.) , 28. Taare Rotoatara (m. •■ •• •• 404 78. Panapana Mete (i.) .. ■■ 2 9. Tauaraia Hawaikirangi (f.) .. .. 1,292 79. Pane Maata Paku (t.) •■ ■■ £,*££ 4,«.j,._ /™ \ ko 80 Pan! Paata ti) ■■ ■■ 9,690 30. liemi Rotoatara (m.) 50 «0. lam laata (t.) , 31. Tihema Rotoatara (m., 13) .. .. 404 82 Pare Twine 17) " '.'. '■' 2,908 32. Toko Hawaikirangi (m., 17) .. .. 1,292 82. iare laprnc(L ll) •• , 33. Tupara Rotoatara (m.) .. .. 404 83. Penetana Tamihana (m.) .. 8,499 Botoatara (f. 10) .. .. 403 84. Prra Tapmo (m.) i,JOB . __ __ 85. Pikao Kainga (m.) .. •• ■• 'i-"1 „„ w . _. ~,..'.o. /'. ,«, 86. Polly Carroll (f., 14) 5,652 36. Wi Kirihiti (2) (m.) 202 87. Rameka Paretaubiriu or Rameka Kainga 37. Wi lama ti (m) .. .. 3,230 . i) 905 38. Wiramma Rotoatara (t., 14) .. .. 404 „„ „ (m :L " lt , " 9*230 39. Whenua Tipoki (m.) .. .. .. 3,230 88 Rang, l.puna (f.) .. -• 3,230 189. Te Ran-'i Wharemako (m.) .. •■ 1,010 \ 1 90. Rewai Kara (Olsen), (f.) •• •- 3,230 «. -I-. ■ m -i /™ \ ft AfiO lotal .. .. .. 04, /Ull 91. Re wi Tamihana (m.) .. ■• •• 0,-iou 92. Ripine Haora (f.) 6,460 93. Te Rua Morera (m.) .. •• •• 3,230 94 Ruiha Katerina (f.) .. •• •• 3,230 Waikaremoana Reserve A (Te Maara-a-te-Atua). 9s! Ruiha Tamihana (f.) .. 269 Shares. 96. Ruibi Atamira (f.) 926 1. Moemoeite Wao (m. .. .. .. 10 97 Ruta T-iwi (f ) • •• •• 6,460 2. Natau Ihimaera or Wharepapa Ihimaera (m.) 20 98. TakiariPaku'(m., 17)" '.. ■■ 2,423 3. Paora Ramiha (m.) 20 99. Tamati Waikare (m.) 0,460 4. Pimia te Wao (f.) 10 100. Tamehana Kainga (m.) .. •• 2,153 5. Rehua te Wao (m.) . .. . 10 101 T-miwha Maehe •• •• 1,077 6. Rerewa Natau or Rerewa Wharepapa (f.). . 10 102! Tapuae Maraki (m.) 1,070 7. Rongopopoia Ngawaka (m.) .. .. 10 103. Te Tau Arapata (m.) 9,690 8. Te Wao Ihimaera (m.) 20 104. Teka Atamira (m.) .. • • • • 920 — ~- -105. Teo Kara (m.) 3,230 Total 110



SECOND SOTTED TOE— continued. (3.) Group Lists — continued. Waikaiucmoana Reserve B (Taumataua). Waikaremoana Reserve I?— continued. Shares. Shares. 1. Hape te Wao (m.) .. .. .. 10 13. Mereana Rangi (f.) .. .. .. 10 2. Merita Pareihe (f.) .. .. .. 20 14. Moori Karetu (f., 5) .. .. .. 3t> 3. Ngawai Pareihe (f.) .. .. .. 20 15. Nehemia Wiri (m.) .. .. .. 2 4. Rangiwhakarewa Ngawaka (f.) .. .. 5 16. Ngahirata Karetu (f., 3) .. .. 3J 5. To Ururoa Parciho (m.) .. .. 20 1.7. Pare te Kaaho (f.) .. .. .. 5 — 18. Pare Wiri (f.) .. .. .. 2 Total .. .. .. 75 19. Pareranui te Hapi(f.) .. .. .. 20 20. Taimona Karetu (m.) .. .. .. 3J 21. Tame Karetu (m.) .. .. .. 3J 22. Taraparoa te Kaaho (m.) .. .. 5 Waikaremoana Reserve (J (Matu-ahu). 23. Tio Karetu (m.) .. .. .. 3J ..,,,.,, .24. Tuahine Noa (m.) .. .. .. 10 1. Apirana Rakai (m.) .. .. .. o , 2. Hana Rakai (f.) .. .. .. 5 Total _ _ _ 224 3. Te Hau Meiha(m.) .. .. .. 10 4. Heni to Waaka (f.) .. .. .. 5 5. Iti Hoani (f.) .. .. .. .. 10 6. Mutu Raniera (m.) .. .. .. 5 Waikaremoana Reserve (1 (Hopuruahine West and 7. Numi Rangi (m.) .. .. .. 10 Huiarau). 8. Parani Winitana (f.) .. .. .. 10 , Hakere Taoho (in.) .. .. .. 10 9. Pukepuke Hoani (m.) .. .. .. 10 2. Hariata Taoho (f.) .. .. .. 5 10. Pura Rakai (m.) .. .. .. 5 .j Te Haunui Hohia (m.) .. .. .. 3. 1 , 11. Rawaho Winitana (m.).. .. .. 10 4 _ Heuheu Na (m.) .. .. .. 20 12. Teko teko Hatata (m.) .. .. .. 10 5. Hikihiki Noa (f.) .. .. .. 10 13. Tipare Winitana (f.) .. .. .. 10 (j. Hineruku Hapimana (f.) .. .. 20 14. Whaitin Apihaka or Hei Apihaka (f.) .. 20 7. Ihakara Hohia (m.) .. .. .. 10 8. iriwhare Taoho (m.) .. .. .. 5 Total .. .. .. 125 9. Kaari Braihia (f.) .. .. .. 20 10. Kapu Tereneti (m.) .. .. .. 10 11. Karawhiro Taoho (f.) .. .. .. 5 12. Karo te Roia (m., 8) .. .. .. li Waikaremoana Reserve I) (Te Apiti). 13. Kiriwera Noa (m.) .. .. .. 10 1. Hami Waiwai (m.) 10 14. Kino Hatata (f) 10 2. Pukaru Waiwai (m.) 10 15- Mahue Heripo (m.) 6<3. Pute te Waiwai (m.) 10 J. Matehaere Tarei f. 10 17. Te Oraihi Kohai (f.) .. .. .. 20 .|H,i 30 18. Peata te Iriwhiro (f.) .. .. .. 5 19. Pita Taoho (m.) .. .. .. 10 20. Raihia Wairama (m.) .. .. .. 10 21. Reroa Taoho (f.) .. .. . . 5 ~ ~ ... , 22. Rcrotima Hoani (m.) .. .. .. 5 Waikaremoana Reserve E (Mokau). R . ])oka Hoani 1. Etere (Wetere) Karaihe (m.) .. .. 5 24. Roia te Roia (m., 4) .. .. .. IJ--2. Harata te Kaaho (f.) . . .. .. 8£ 25. Taoho tc Whakaii (m.) . . .. .. 20 3. Heni Whioi (f.) .. .. .. .10 26. Tarapuhi Kohai (m.) .. .. '.. 20 4. Heripo Hiki (m.) .. .. •• 5 27. Taurewa Hohia (m.) .. .. .. 10 5. Telria Hiki (f.) .. .. .. 5 28. Titi Tereneti (f.) .. .. .. 10 6. Kapua te Kaaho (m.) .. .. .. 3| 29. Tuirina Netana (m.) .. .. .. 10 7. Kiri Horopapera (f.) .. .. .. 20 30. Wahanui Na (m.) .. .. .. 20 8. Mahu Heripo (m.) .. .. •• 3 31. Wairama Na (in.) .. .. .. 20 9. Mateana to Kaaho (f.) .. .. . . 10 32. Werewere te Roia (m„ 7) .. .. 1^ 10. Ngaikihato Kaaho (f.) .. .. .. 20 33. Wharehuia Kohiti (m., 13) .. .. 20 11. Noho Taiapo (f.) .. . . .. 10 12. Paora te Kaaho (m.) .. .. .. 10 Total .. .. .. 348£ 13. Puhina Rangi (f.) .. •• •• 10 14. Putiputi te Koau (f.) .. .. •• 5 15. Raiha Hiki (f.) .. .. ■• 5 Waikaremoana Reserve H (Takanga). 16. Reremoana te Kaaho (in.) .... ft) * ' 17. Ripeka Whioi (f.) .. .. - • 10 1. Harata te Kaaho (f.) .. .. .. 3J 18. Tepaea Taiapo (f.) .. .. .. 10 2. Heni Whioi (f.) .. .. .. 10 19. Tiena Hiki (f.) .. .. .. 5 3. Heriata Apihaka (f.) .. .. .. 20 20. Towai Taiapo (f.) .. .. .. 10 4. Kapua te Kaaho (m.) .. .. .. 3J 21. Te Waipatu Winitana (m.) .. .. 10 5. Kiri Horopapera (f.) .. .. .. 20 22. Weka Taiapo (f.) .. ■• •• 10 0. Mateana te Kaaho (f.) .. .. .. 10 23. Wiki Karaihe (f.) .. .. .. 5 7. Ngaikiha te Kaaho (f.) .. .. .. 20 8. Paora te Kaaho (m.) .. .. .. 10 Total .. .. .. 194| 9. Pukepuke Hoani (m.) .. .. .. 10 10. Reremoana te Kaaho (m.) .. .. 10 11. Ripeka Whioi (f.) . . .. .. 10 12. Whaitiri Apihaka or Hei Apihaka (f.) .. 20 Waikaremoana Reserve F (Hopuruahine Bast). latoi 146°^ 1. Te Atamea te Whiu (f.) .. '.. 10 2. Eparaima te Hapi (m.) . . .. 20 3. Hami Karetu (m.) .. .. .. 3J Waikaremoana Reserve J (Tikitiki). 4. Hapi te Rangi, jun. (m., 9) .... 10 1 ' 5. Harehare Eparaima (f.) .. .. 10 1. Te Au Tahakawa (f.) .. .. .. 20 6. Heu Eparaima (f.) .. .. •■ 10 2. Matamua Whakamoe (111.) .. .. 20 7. Iriheke Rangi (in.) .. ■• •• 10 3. Mihomiho te Au (f.) .. .. .. 10 8. Te Kaaho to Hapi (m.).. .. .. 20 4. Motuoruho Whakamoa (f.) .. .. 20 9. Karauna Hurae (m.) .. .. .. 10 5. Noti Matamun (m.) .. .. .. 5 10. Keiha Timoti (f.) .. ■• ■• 20 6. Tuhoe te Au(m.).. .. .. .. 10 11. Te Koro Eparaima (m.) .... 10 — 12. Mateldno te Hapi (f.) .. .. .. 20 Total .. .. .. 85 1




SECOND SCHEDULE— continued. (3.) Group Lists — continued. Waikaremoana Reserve X (Te Puna and Patekaha Waikaremoana Reserve L (Marau). Island). Shares. Shares. 1. Hape Mci .. .. .. .. 3 1. Hape Mci .. . . .. 3 2. Hapino Tangira (f.) .. . . 20 2. Hapine Tangira (f.) •■ •• ■■ 20 3. Hatahata Kaaho or Taraparoa te Kaaho (m.) 5 3. Hatahata Kaaho or Taraparoa te Kaaho (m.) 5 4. Hine Toko (f.) .. .. .. 5 4. Hine Toko (f.) .. .. .. 5 5. Hukiki Hurae (m.) .. .. .. 10 5. Hukiki Hurae (m.) .. .. .. 10 0. Hurae Puketapu (m.) .. .. .. 20 0. Hurae Puketapu (m.) .. .. .. 20 7. Ka Anania (f.) .. .. .. 5 7. Ka Anania (f.) .. .. .. 5 8. Karauna Hurae (f.) .. . . . . 10 8. Karauna Hurae (f.) ~ . . . . 10 9. Kiwhakiwha Wiremu (m.) .. .. 3 9. Kiwhakiwha Wiremu (m.) .. .. 3 10. Mahaki Tapiki (m.) '.. .. .. 20 10. Mahaki Tapiki (m.) .. .. .. 20 11. Maukau Tangira (f.) .. .. .. 20 11. Maukau Tangira (f.) .. .. .. 20 12. Mauwhare Taiwera (f.) .. . . 10 12. Mauwhare Taiwera (f.) .. . . 10 13. Mci Mci .. .. .. .. 3 13. Mci Mci .. . . .. .. 3 14. Noki Mci .. . . .. 3 14. Noki Mci . . .. . . 3 15. Paku Mci .. .. .. .. 3 15. Paku Mci .. .. .. 3 16. Pare Mci .. .. .. .. 3 16. Pare Mci . . .. . . .. 3 17. Parehe Kaaho (Pare te Kaaho), (f.) .. 5 17. Parehe Kaaho or Pare te Kaaho (f.) . . 5 18. Peita te Peeti (m.) .. . . .. 20 18. Peita te Peeti (m.) .. .. .. 20 19. Pirau te Haka (m.) .. .. .. 5 19. Rana Manuera (f.j .. .. .. 20 20. Raua Manuera (f.) . . .. .. 20 20. Rawinia Mahaki (f.) .. .. .. 10 21. Rawinia Mahaki (f.) .. .. .. 10 21. Timi Kara (m.) .. .. .. 20 22. Rita Heke .. .. .. .. 1 22. Tiniha Tangira (f.) .. .. .. 20 23. Taka Heke .. .. .. .. 1 23. Tauwhitu Wiremu (m.) . . .. 10 24. Tauwehe Heke .. .. . . 1 24. Turipa Manuera (m.) .. .. .. 20 25. Tauwhitu Wiremu (m.) .. .. 10 25. Wi Mci (m.) .. .. .. .. 3 26. Timi Kara (m.) .. .. .. 20 26. Wild to Peeti (f.) .. .. . . 20 27. Tiniha Tangira (f.) .. .. .. 20 28. Turipa Manuera (m.) .. .. .. 20 29. WiMei(m.) .. .. .. .. 3 30. Wild te Peeti (f.) .. .. -. 20 Total .. .. .. 291 Total .. .. .. 299

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (800 copies. Including map), £011.

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer. Wellington. 1921.

Price Is. 6d.]

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UREWERA LANDS CONSOLIDATION SCHEME (REPORT ON PROPOSED)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, G-07

Word Count

UREWERA LANDS CONSOLIDATION SCHEME (REPORT ON PROPOSED). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, G-07

UREWERA LANDS CONSOLIDATION SCHEME (REPORT ON PROPOSED). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, G-07

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