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Session 11. 1921. N K W ZEALAND.

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1920.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excelle7icy


Page Pago 1. Extract from the Forty-fourth Annual Report of 1. Statements of Accounts of Governing Bodies the Minister of Education. (8.-l) .. ..2 of Secondary Schools: — Whangaroi High School Board .. .. 28 2. Report of tho Inspectors of Secondary Schools .. 11 Auckland Grammar Schools Board .. ..29 , _ m Thames High School Board .. .. 30 d. Detailed Tables, etc. :- Hamilton High School Board .. .. 30 Secondary Schools :,— New Plymouth High Schools Board.. .. 31 Personnel of Staffs of Secondary Schools .13 Wanganui Girls'College Board .. ..33 Kl Roll, Average Attendance, and Fees of Wanganui Collegiate School Board .. .. 33 Secondary Schools . .. 15 Pahnerston North High School Board .. 34 TC2. Years of Attendance of Pupils . 16 Gisborne High School Board .. ..35 K3. Staffs of Secondary Schools, and Napier High Schools Board .. ..36 Teachers Salaries .. .. 17 Dannevirke High School Board .. .. 37 K3A. Incidental Expenses of Secondary Wellington College and Girls' High School Schools .. .. .. .. 18 Board 38 K4. Holders of Scholarships and Free Places 18 Marlborough High School Board '.'. .' '. 39 K5. National .. .. 19 Nelson College Board 39 K6. Pupils boarding away from Home .. 19 Hokitika High School Board .. .. 41 K7. Recoipts of Secondary Schools .. 20 Rangiora High School Board .. ..41 KB. Payments of Secondary Schools 21 Christ's College Grammar School Board .. 42 K9. Balances and other Monetary Assots and Canterbury College Board— tt,o T J l t bl^ eB t r, ■■ ~ •• •• oq Christchurch Boys'High School .. ..43 KlO. Distribution of Reservos Revenue .. 23 Christchurch Girls'High School .. .. 44 Kll. Lower Departments .. .. 23 Akaroa High Sohool Board 45 Kl2. List of Secondary Schools incorporated Ashburton High School Board .. ..45 or endowed •• •• • • f * Timaru High School's Board .. ..46 Kl3. Manual Instruction Classes .. .. 24 Waimato High School Board .. ..47 District High Schools, — Waitaki High Schools Board .. .. 48 LI. School Attondanoe at Secondary Depart- Otago High Schools Board .. .. .48 ments of District High Schools .. 25 Gore High School Board .. .. .. 49 L2. Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Southland High Schools Board .. ..50 Departments of District High Schools 25 Greymouth High School Board .. .. 50 L3. Staff, Classification, &c, in Detail .. 25

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Number of Schools. (Table Kl.) Schools affording education of a secondary nature are established in every centre of any importance in the Dominion, and are of the following types : Secondary schools, technical high schools, district high schools, private secondary schools, and Maori secondary schools. The majority of the district high schools are in the country centres, the secondary schools and technical high schools being in the larger towns and cities. The secondary schools, which are under the control of twenty-seven separate controlling authorities, may be classed as follows : — (a.) Endowed secondary schools included in the Ninth Schedule to the Education Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 (b.) Secondary schools without endowments established in the manner provided by section 88 of the Education Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. 5 (c.) Endowed secondary schools within the meaning of the Act, but not included above .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. ..39 Of the thirty-nine secondary schools, thirteen are for boys, thirteen for girls, and nine are mixed schools. Four of the schools under (a) are not in operation — namely, Akaroa, Greymouth, Hokitika, and Waimate. At these places secondary education is carried on in the secondary departments of district high schools, to which the High School Boards supply some financial assistance. The number of district high schools in 1920 was fifty-nine, technical high schools nine, Maori secondary schools ten, and private secondary schools registered under the Education Act, 1914, eighteen, making a total of one hundred and thirtyone schools affording secondary education. A separate secondary school for girls was opened at Palmerston North. Roll and Attendance. (Tables Kl, K 2, and LI.) The total number of pupils attending the thirty-five secondary schools included under (a), (b), and (c) above at the end of 1919 and 1920 respectively was — , 1919. , , 1920.— , Boys. Girls. Totals. Boys. Girls. Totals. Roll (exclusive of lower departments).. 5,054 4,014 9,068 5,246 3,950 9,196 Number in lower departments .. 392 294 686 454 361 815 Totals .. .. .. 5,446 4,308 9,754 5,700 4,311 10,011 The roll number, excluding the lower departments, shows an increase of 128 over the figure for the previous year, there being 192 more boys and 64 fewer girls. The number of new entrants was 242 less than in 1919, the decrease being in the number of girls. The roll number on Ist March, which is regarded as the highest roll number during the year, was 10,080.



The following are some of the figures in connection with the roll and attendance of schools in which secondary education is given : — (a.) Secondary Schools (Lower Departments excluded). Roll number at end of 1920.. .. .. .. .. ..9,196 Roll number, Ist March, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. 10,080 Average attendance for the year 1920 .. .. .. .. 9,130 Number of new entrants, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. 4,183 ('"Number of first-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,500"| J Number of second-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. 2,780 ! | Number of third-year pupils.. .. .. .. .. .. 1,609 j of fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-year pupils .. .. .. 1,307 J f Number of pupils at end of year under thirteen years of age .. .. 70" [ Number of pupils at end of year between thirteen and fourteen years of age 596 < Number of pupils at end of year between fourteen and fifteen years of age 2,250 }■ | Number of pupils at end of year between fifteen and sixteen years of age .. 2,814 j [_ Number of pupils at end of year over sixteen years of age .. .. 3,466j (&•.) Secondary Departments of District High Schools. Number on roll at end of 1920 .. .. .. .. .. 2,157 Mean of average weekly roll —Boys, 1,218 ; girls, 1,325 : total .. .. 2,543 Average attendance .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,286 Number of new entrants from public primary schools .. .. .. 1,528 f Number of first-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,1431 ■< Number of second-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. 601 > Number of third-year pupils.. .. .. .. .. .. 413J (c.) Technical High Schools. Number on roll at end of 1920—Boys, 1,485 ; girls, 1,281 : total .. 2,766 f Number under thirteen years of age .. .. .. .. .. 951 J Number between thirteen and fourteen years of age .. .. .. 548 I I Number between fourteen and fifteen years of age .. .. .. 963 f i_Number over fifteen years of age .. .. .. .. .. 1,160J (d.) Registered Private Secondary Schools. Number on roll at end of 1920—Boys, 664 ; girls, 775 : total .. .. 1,439 Average attendance, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,374 under thirteen years of age .. .. .. .. .. 36"| J Number between thirteen and fourteen years of age .. .. .. 102 I | Number between fourteen and fifteen years of age .. .. .. 300 f over fifteen years of age .. .. .. .. .. I,OOIJ Number of teachers —Male, female, 31: total .. .. .. 68 (e.) Secondary Schools for Maoris. Number on roll at end of 1920 .. .. .. .. .. 474 Average attendance, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. .. 415 The total number of children, therefore, receiving secondary education in 1920 was 16,418. Of 1.0,026 children who left the primary schools having passed S6 in 1919, 1,528 entered the secondary departments of district high schools, 4,183 secondary schools, and 1,503 technical high schools : hence a total of 7,214 children, or 71 per cent, of the children mentioned, entered upon a course of secondary education. The number represents 47 per cent, of the total number of pupils leaving the public schools in 1919, of whom a third had not passed S6. In addition to the children enumerated 2,189 proceeded from the primary schools to evening technical classes; of these, 1,614 had passed S6, and 575 had not done so. The average length of stay of boys at secondary schools (group (a) abo\ ) is two years and nine months, and of girls two years and seven months. The following figures show the percentage of children leaving the secondary schools at the stages indicated : — Boys. Girls. (a.) Percentage leaving at end of first year or during second year .. 22 28 (b.) „ second „ third „ .. 28 26 (c.) „ third „ fourth „ ..18 18 (i.) „ fourth „ fifth „ ..19 20 (e.) „ fifth „ sixth „ .. 9 6 (/.) Percentage remaining at end of sixth year .. .. .. 4 2

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The figures are not quite so good as those of last year, there being no apparent tendency to lengthen the period of stay at. secondary schools ; little else can be expected, unless compulsion is exercised, while the age of the pupils remains as high as it is. It is found that the average age of entrants is fourteen years, three-quarters of the entrants being between the ages of thirteen and fifteen years. At the beginning of the year one-thirteenth of the pupils in the schools are under fourteen years of age, three-thirteenths are between fourteen and fifteen years, four-thirteenths are between fifteen and sixteen years, and five-thirteenths are over sixteen years of age. It is clear that the most effective method of increasing the period of secondary education is to lower the age at which it is entered upon. This question, which involves the reduction of the primary-school syllabus, is at present receiving the study and attention of the Department. The opinion is expressed in a recent report of the English Departmental Committee on Scholarships and Free Places that the best age for transfer from the elementary to the secondary school is between eleven and twelve, and rather later if a junior technical school is going to be entered. The one year's instruction for which 25 per cent, of the pupils remain at secondary schools can be of little value, as it means that only a beginning is made in the study of several new subjects. If such pupils had begun upon a specially adapted secondary course at an earlier age it is most probable that they would have been able to leave school at the same age as at present with a much more efficient educational equipment. Curriculum of Secondary Schools and District High Schools. Although there are no departmental regulations directly governing the curriculum of secondary schools, the regulations defining the subjects of instruction to be taught to free-place holders and the prescribed syllabuses of the various public examinations to a large extent control the character of the courses of work undertaken. Instruction mUst be provided for junior-free-place holders in English, history and civics, arithmetic, mathematics, a branch of science, and in two additional subjects which may be one or two foreign languages, science subjects, or some such subject as commercial work, woodwork, drawing, &c. The study of home science is compulsory for every girl holding a junior free place. The Department's Inspectors of Secondary Schools visit all secondary schools inspecting the work, conferring with the teachers on teaching matters, and discussing with the Principals details of organization and method. The work of the pupils is also inspected —frequently by means of written or oral tests —for the award of senior free places and of lower and higher leaving-certificates. Besides the general or professional course, special courses are now provided at most secondary schools for pupils not intending to follow an academic or professional career. The study of Latin is generally excluded from such courses, which frequently have a commercial, agricultural, or domestic bias. From an examination of the subjects taken by pupils it appears that Latin is now taken by only 52 per cent, of the boys and by 34 per cent, of the girls ; French is studied by 76 per cent, of the boys and by 91 per cent, of the girls ; agriculture is taken by 709 boys; commercial subjects by 1,699 boys, or 31 per cent., and by 734 girls; woodwork is taken by 530 boys, and cookery or needlework by 1,789 girls. The fact that some of the subjects mentioned are studied during only a portion of the time spent at the secondary school results in a smaller percentage appearing to study such subjects than is actually the case. In district high schools subjects bearing more or less directly on rural pursuits and domestic life are given prominence. Sixty-two per cent, of the boys take agricultural science, 31 per cent, dairy-work, 55 per cent, woodwork, and 80 per cent, chemistry and physics; while 40 per cent, of the girls take domestic science, and 56 per cent, needlework and cookery. It cannot be said, however, that the rural course is very popular, parents appearing to prefer their children to follow the ordinary programme of work prescribed for public examinations. The task of providing courses both for pupils who intend to continue their scholastic career and for those shortly entering upon some vocation constitutes the difficulty of district high schools where the number of pupils is not sufficiently large to warrant the employment of staffs of teachers numerous enough to teach the wide range of subjects required.



Hostels for Pupils of Secondary Schools. (Table K 6.) The Department has unfortunately been unable to give as much financial assistance as was desirable towards the cost of the erection of hostels in connection with secondary schools ; nevertheless, several hostels were enlarged during the year, and some for which grants had previously been approved are now in course of erection. Twenty-seven hostels were open in 1920 —one more than in the previous year —1,296 boys and 378 girls of the secondary departments and 291 pupils of the lower departments being accommodated in them. Of the boys 380 were at Christ's College, Christchurch., and the Wanganui Collegiate School. In addition to these numbers, 82 pupils were boarding in homes approved by the Principals, and 641 were boarding privately. For these last-named, and also for the large number of children prevented from attending school owing to the boarding difficulty, or forced to make long railway journeys daily, additional accommodation where there is dependable supervision and desirable environment is urgently needed. Free Secondary Education. (Table K4.) Free secondary education is provided on an extensive scale, junior and senior free places being tenable at secondary schools and district high schools, or, under somewhat different conditions, at technical schools. Generally speaking, junior free places are tenable for two years, with a possible extension in certain cases to three years. In the case of their being held at district high, schools they are tenable to the age of seventeen. The means of qualification are — (1.) For entrance to secondary schools and district high schools— (a) Special examinations for Junior National Scholarships, (6) the certificate of proficiency. (2.) For entrance to technical high schools the means of qualification named in (1), or the certificate of competency in S6, with a special endorsement of merit in handwork or in elementary science, which for the purposes of technical schools is deemed to be equivalent to a certificate of proficiency. (3.) For entrance to technical classes other than technical high schools the means of qualification named in (1) or (2), or, under special conditions applicable to industrial courses only, a recommendation by the Inspector of Schools if a pupil is over fourteen years. Senior free places are tenable at secondary schools, district high schools, and technical high schools up to the age of nineteen, and at technical classes other than technical high schools for three or in some cases four years. The means of qualification for senior free places are the Intermediate or other equivalent examinations, or the recommendation of the Principal or Director of the school or classes attended based on the school records and examination results, or the recommendation of an Inspector of Secondary Schools, or, in the case of district high schools, of the senior Inspector of the district, or in part on such a recommendation and in part on the results of a special examination. The recommendation of the Principals of secondary schools is the qualification now frequently offered, the number receiving senior free places in this manner in 1920 being 2,124, representing nearly threequarters of the total number of senior free places awarded. The following table gives a summary of the secondary free places held in 1919 and 1920 for which payment was made by the Government:— Free Places in December, 1919 and 1920. , 1919. ■ , , 1920. , (i.) Secondary schools— Boys. Girls. Totals. Boys. Girls. Totals, (a.) Junior free pupils .. 2,793 2,573 5,366 2,974 2,590 5,564 (6.) Senior free pupils .. 1,187 1,104 2,291 1,242 1,047 2,289 Totals .. .. 3,980 3,677 7,657 4,216 3,637 7,853 /

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Free Places in December, 1919 and 1920 — continued. .. , 1919. , , 1920. , (ll.) District high schools— Hoys. Girls. Totals. Boys. Girls. Totals. (a.) Junior free pupils .. 849 859 1,708 809 867 1,676 (6.) Senior free pupils . . 116 191 307 157 184 341 Totals .. .. 965 1,050 2,015 966 1,051 2,017 (iii.) Maori secondary schools .. 42 48 90 48 50 98 (iv.) Technical high schools— («.) Junior free pupils ..) „ r . . ,„„ „ -_. (1,226 1,000 2,226 (b.) Senior free pupils .. J ' > 601 1,4U3 "' ' M 1 151 199 350 Totals .. .. 1,351 1,403 2,754 1,377 1,199 2,576 Grand totals .. 6,338 6,178 12,516 6,607 5,937 12,544 Of the pupils of Government secondary schools it thus appears that 91 per cent, are receiving free education. Scholarships held at Secondary Schools and District High Schools. (See also Tables K4 and K 5.) National Scholarships. Junior and Senior National Scholarships are awarded by the Government on the results of annual examinations, the junior examination being of a standard somewhat higher than that of the certificate of proficiency, and the candidates being not over fourteen years of age ; and the senior examination being of a standard comparable with the standard of the Public Service Entrance Examination, the candidates being not over sixteen years of age. Scholarships are awarded to all candidates reaching a certain standard, the standard of award being determined so as approximately to provide one scholarship (junior or senior) for every 500 children in attendance at all public schools ; the Junior and Senior Scholarships awarded are in the proportion of nine to five, so that there is one Junior Scholarship among approximately every 750 pupils in attendance at the schools, or among every fifty-five §6 pupils. In the case of pupils from sole-teacher schools — i.e., schools with an average attendance of under thirty-six—the standard of award is made 10 per cent, lower than the general standard. The standard of qualification fixed for the 1920 examinations was 64 per cent, for Junior Scholarships (general standard) and 63| per cent, for Senior Scholarships. The results of the examination were as follows : 220 candidates qualified for Junior National Scholarships, as compared with 211 in 1919, of which number seven were pupils of sole-teacher schools, and fifty-seven were pupils of secondary schools. The number of successful pupils from sole-teacher schools was greater than in the previous year, and the number from secondary schools considerably smaller. The number of candidates qualifying for Senior National Scholarships was 122, of which number only one qualified on the alternative programme provided specially to suit the needs of those taking a rural or domestic course. Junior and Senior National Scholarships are tenable at secondary schools and district high schools, each for three years, provided that the total tenure of the two scholarships in the case of one person must not exceed five years. The holder receives £5 per annum if a junior scholar, or £10 per annum if a senior scholar, with a further sum of £35 per annum in each case if obliged to live away from home. The figures below indicate the number and the value of scholarships current in December, 1919, and December, 1920, respectively. The number of scholarshipholders is, of course, included in the number of free-place holders shown in the preceding section. Number of scholarship-holders—■ 1919. 1920 Boys .. .. .. .. .. .. 481 458 Girls , .. .. .. .. .. .. 285 280 Totals .. .. .. .. 766 738 Number receiving boarding-allowance (included in the above total) .. .. .. .. .. .. 221 201 Number receiving travelling-allowance (similarly included) .. 42 45 Number held at public secondary schools .. .. .. 661 627 Number held at other registered secondary schools .. .. 23 36 Number held at district high schools .. .. .. 82 75 Total annual rate of payment .. .. .. .. £12,913 £12,510



Private Scholarships. Private scholarships are derived from funds provided at certain schools by private donors, by bequest or otherwise. The number of foundation and private scholarships in the last term of 1920 was 147. Of the holders sixty-two were also Government free pupils under the regulations. The total annual, value of the scholarships in cash was £1,647. In addition, free tuition was given by the schools to holders of foundation and private scholarships. War Bursaries for Soldiers' Dependants. Regulations which came into force in January, 1918, provided for the award of bursaries to dependants of killed or disabled members of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. To qualify for a war bursary a child must be eligible for — (a.) Free education at technical classes ; or (b.) A free place at a secondary school, district high school, or technical high school; or (c.) A University or educational bursary at a University college. A bursary entitles the holder to an allowance, in addition to free tuition, of £l 10s. or £3 per annum, in the case of those qualified under (a), £5 for those under (b), or £10 for those under (c). Lodging-allowance is also paid to bursars who are obliged to live away from home to attend school, at the rate of £15 per annum under (a) and £30 under (b) and (c) ; travelling-allowances varying from £5 to £10 per annum are also made when travelling is necessary. During 1920 the number of bursaries held at secondary schools was thirty-eight, the expenditure thereon being £646. Secondary-school Certificates. Three classes of certificates may be issued to free-place holders taking a secondary course of instruction. The intermediate certificate may be granted to junior-free-place holders who have satisfactorily completed under certain conditions a two-years course at a secondary school, district high school, or technical high school, and who in general are qualified in attainment to receive a senior free place. The lower leaving-certificate may be issued to pupils who have satisfactorily completed a three-years course of secondary instruction, including not less than one year of a senior course in which the standard of work is sufficiently advanced in character to meet the requirements of the examination for a teacher's certificate of Class D, or of the Matriculation Examination. Likewise the higher leavingcertificate may be granted to pupils having satisfactorily completed at least a fouryears course of secondary instruction and having satisfied the requirements of the lower leaving-certificate, and, in addition, having completed to good advantage and under certain conditions a further secondary course Of not less than one year. The following are the numbers of certificates awarded in 1912 (the year of their institution), in 1919, and in 1920 :— 1912. 1919. 1920. Higher leaving-certificates awarded .. .. 64 265 307 Lower leaving-certificates awarded .. .. 32 263 270 Applications for certificates declined .. .. 20 49 93 Total number of applications .. .. 116 577 670 Staffs of Secondary Schools. (Table K3.) The number of full-time teachers on the staffs of secondary schools for the last two years was : 1919—males, 186 ; females, 195 : total, 381. 1920—males, 207 ; females, 193 : total, 400. There is an increase of nineteen in the full-time staff, the number of male teachers being twenty-one more and the number of female teachers two less than in the previous year ; the number of male teachers has increased by sixty-one in the last two years. Included in the total number are twenty male Principals and thirteen female Principals, leaving 187 male assistants and 180 female assistants. The average number of pupils per full-time assistant



was twenty-six. In addition to the staff of full-time teachers a number of parttime teachers for special subjects are employed. Regulations made under the Education Amendment Act, 1920, prescribe the number and grade of full-time assistants to be employed in schools of various grades. The head teacher of a district high school generally takes some part in the secondary instruction, and now receives in addition to his ordinary salary the sum of £30 per annum if the average attendance of the secondary department does not exceed sixty, and £50 per annum if it does exceed that number. In 1920 there were in the secondary departments of district high schools HO.special secondary assistants —thirty-six men and seventy-four women —there being two more men and three more women than in the previous year. Salaries and Status of Secondary-school Teachers. (Table K 3.) Under the provisions of the Education Amendment Act of 1920 regulations have been made prescribing definitely the salaries of secondary-school teachers, which are now paid by the Government. jjThe range of salaries payable is as follows : Principals—Men, £600 to £900 ; women, £440 to £680. AssistantsMen, £200 to £540 ; women, £175 to £410. In addition, a married Principal receives house allowance of £60 if a residence is not provided, a head of a department may receive £30, and a married assistant receives £40 per annum. The salaries of Principals are graded according to the size of the school, and the salaries of assistants according to their classification. As a result of the introduction of the new scale, the total annual rate of salaries as payable in December, 1920, was £152,992, as compared with £126,694 in the previous year —an increase of 21 per cent. The cost of salaries per head of the average attendance at this rate is £17-8, as compared with £14-8 in 1919. The following figures indicate the average rates of salary prevailing in 1914, 1919, and 1920 :— ' Average Salaries of Full-time Teachers in Secondary Schools. , 1914. , , 1919. , , 1920. i M. F. All M. F. All. M. F. All. £ £ £ £££ £££ Principals .. ..524 397 482 647 509 596 711 548 647 Assistants .. ..248 163 211 332 252 290 389 289 340 The value of residences, house allowance, and the value of board and residence, when provided, are excluded, from the above figures. A substantial increase in the figures for 1920 compared with those of the previous year is noted, and compared with the salaries of 1914 the following percentage increases have taken place : Male Principals, 35 ; female Principals, 38 ; male assistants, 57 ; female assistants, 77. The averages given include the salaries of teachers who are neither graduates nor hold, teachers' certificates ; if only teachers so qualified were included the figures would be higher. Of 187 male assistants the salaries of forty-four are between £200 and £300, of sixty-two are between £300 and £400, of fifty-two are between £400 and £500, and of twenty-nine are over £500 ; of 180 women assistants the salaries of 121 are between £200 and £300, of fifty-six are between £300 and £400, and of three are between £400 and £500. In the secondary departments of district high schools salaries are paid in accordance with a general scale. The average salaries paid, to secondary assistants in 1919 and 1920 were as follows : — 1919. 1920. £ £ Male assistants .. .. .. .. .. .. 298 341 Female assistants ~ .. .. .. .. . . 268 304 All secondary assistants .. .. .. .. .. 278 316 The total annual rate of salaries paid to secondary departments of district high schools, including the special payments to head teachers, was £36,430, as against £30,550 in 1919. There was a large increase in this figure in 1919, and the further substantial increase in. 1920 is due to regulations of that year again raising the grades of salaries.



Regulations made in 1920 provide for the annual classification by the Department of all full-time assistants employed in secondary schools, and. the first classification has been made, assistants being classified, according to teaching ability, academic attainments, and length of service, into four grades, A, B, C, and D. Teachers not having both academic status and five years' teaching service are classed in the lowest grade, D. The following figures show the number of assistants placed in the various grades : Men—Grade A, 39 ; Grade B, 45 ; Grade C, 53*; Grade D, 78: total 215. Women—Grade A, 33; Grade B, 48; Grade C, 57 ; Grade D, 64 : total, 202. It will be observed, that a large proportion of the assistants are in the lowest grade, being either young or unqualified teachers. The necessity for more adequate provision for the special training of secondary-school teachers is fully realized ; unfortunately, it has been necessary, owing to the expenditure involved, to postpone for the present the carrying into operation of a scheme to meet this requirement. The Inspectors of Secondary Schools report that the younger teachers, owing, no doubt, to the classification scheme, are showing a greater desire to complete their university courses. Owing to the return to duty of many men teachers who were on active service, a considerable improvement in the quality of the teaching and the standard of work accomplished is reported as having taken place during the year. The supply of qualified male teachers is not yet, however, by any means excessive, and in non-university centres difficulty is frequently experienced in obtaining suitable men teachers for the secondary-school staffs. Of the 110 assistants in district high schools, fifty-seven were University graduates and held teachers' certificates, one was a graduate only, forty-three held teachers' certificates only, and nine held neither qualification. Finances of Secondary Schools. (See also Tables K7-K9.) The income of secondary schools is derived from the following sources : — (i.) Rents from special reserves allocated to them by statute : (ii.) Statutory grant given in lieu of special reserves (in one case) : (hi.) Interest upon moneys derived from the sale of reserves and invested in accordance with the Education Reserves Act: (iv.) Income from the secondary-school reserves controlled by the Land Boards divided among the secondary schools in the several land districts in proportion to the number of pupils in average attendance, lower departments excluded : (v.) Government payments — (a) For teachers' salaries and incidental expenses ; (b) subsidies on voluntary contributions ; (c) capitation for manual-instruction classes : (vi.) Special Government grants for buildings and apparatus : (vii.) Tuition fees of pupils : (viii.) Boarding-fees of pupils : (ix.) Miscellaneous sources, such as interest on moneys (other than those obtained by the sale of reserves), donations, and income from special endowments (for scholarships, prizes, &c), rent of premises, &c. The revenue derived from sources (i) to (iv) is the income from endowments, the " net annual income derived from endowments" being this sum less the expenditure incurred in connection with the endowments and school property and upon building purposes approved by the Minister. Under the provisions of the Education Amendment Act, 1920, instead of a capitation payment being made by the Government on account of free pupils, the Boards are now paid the actual amounts expended upon full-time teachers' salaries, together with a grant of £2 10s. per annum per pupil on the roll for incidental expenses and a grant not exceeding £l per pupil for the payment of part-time teachers. In making the payment for salaries a Board's " net annual income from endowments " and receipts from tuition fees are taken into account and deducted from the total amount payable by the Government. The amount chargeable for tuition fees is now prescribed by regulation, being at the rate of £4 per term, reducible to £3 10s. for prompt payment.

2—E. 6.



The following is an approximate summary of the receipts and payments of all secondary schools (lower departments included, Wanganui Collegiate and Christ's College Grammar Schools excluded) for the year 1920. Owing to delay in the receipt of returns from one school the figures are not exactly, but very approximately, correct: —■ Summary of the Statements of Receipts and Payments for the Year 1920 furnished by the Governing Bodies of Secondary Schools. (Wanganui Collegiate and Christ's College Grammar Schools not included.) Receipts. Payments. Endowments— £ £ Sales .. .. .. .. 820 Endowments (including proportion of office Lands vested in High School Boards .. 45,322 expenses) .. .. .. .. 6,787 Secondary-education reserves .. .. 6,810 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. .. 153,979 Interest on moneys invested .. .. 1,314 Incidental expenses of secondary departGovernment grants — ments — Grants for buildings, sites, rent, appa- Office expenses and salaries (excluding ratus, &c, and subsidies .. .. 36,918 endowments) .. .. .. 4,313 For salaries and incidental expenses .. 128,759 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 3,964 Capitation for manual instruction .. 3,302 Cleaning, heating, lighting, and care of School fees .. .. .. .. 11,018 school-grounds .. .. .. 10,187 Lower Department Account .. .. 7,172 Material, examinations, prizes, games, and Hostels Account .. .. .. 55,323 and other incidentals .. .. 4,056 Loans, interest, &c. .. .. .. 10,545 Manual instruction (excluding buildings, Technical Classes Account .. .. 2,890 &c.) .. .. .. .. 2,232 Voluntary contributions, income from pro- Sites, buildings, furniture, apparatus, taxes, perty not reserves, refunds, and sundries.. 11,270 &c. .. .. .. .. .. 80,217 Lower Department Account .. .. 6,811 Hostels Account .. .. .. 57,424 Investments, loans repaid, and interest .. 8,416 Technical Classes Account .. .. 2,873 Scholarships, advances to pupils, and miscellaneous .. .. .. 6,090 £321,463 £347,349 The amount expended exceeded the sum for the previous year by £78,772, the expenditure on salaries being £31,469 greater, on buildings and sites £26,228 greater, and on hostels - maintenance £15,435 greater; the last-named item was, however, compensated to a great extent by increased receipts amounting to £12,034. The total payments for the year exceeded the receipts by £25,886 ; Government grants due, however, at the end of the year covered part of this deficiency on the year's working. The net income from endowments as defined above was £21,321 ; this sum, together with tuition fees and the Government grant for salaries and incidental expenses, should have covered the cost of these items; including, however, an amount of £7,000 due to the Boards at the end of the year there was a deficiency of £8,000 on this account. The deficiency is due, no doubt, to the incidental expenses of some schools being higher than the rate of £2 10s. per head allowed for ;it is found that the cost ranged from £1-63 to £3 - 88, the average cost being £2-66. In some cases the cost is considered to be too high. The large expenditure on buildings is due to the purchase of sites and the erection of new and supplementary schools in several instances; there was also considerable expenditure on hostel buildings. Several Boards have raised loans on the security of their income from endowments in order to finance necessary building operations ; these loans will gradually be repaid out of the income from endowments. The total amount owing by the Boards at the end of the year by way of loans and bank overdrafts was £89,000 ; in addition there were other liabilities of £62,000, malting a total of £151,000. Against this indebtedness credit bank balances and moneys due to the Boards amounted to £90,000, leaving a net debit balance of £61,000 —£19,000 more than it was at the end of 1919. The fact that any expenditure unauthorized by the Department made out of a Board's income from endowments results in a corresponding sum being deducted from the Government's payment to meet the cost of salaries, which are now defined by regulation, places the expenditure of secondary-school Boards to a great extent under the control of the Department, and results in a more uniform treatment of all secondary schools —richly endowed schools having little or no advantage over schools possessing no endowments. The new arrangement for the payment of salaries and incidental expenses came into force during the year 1920, the amending



Act not being passed until towards the close of the year. It will therefore be possible to get a better idea of how the arrangement will work financially when the figures for one complete year are available. Lower Departments of Secondary Schools. (Table Kll.) Lower departments for pupils who have not passed S6 may be held in connection with secondary schools, provided that no part of the cost of instruction or of the maintenance of the department is met out of income from the endowments of the school or from Government grants. Fourteen secondary schools (including Christ's College, Christchurch) have lower departments attached to them, the total number of pupils in 1920 being 815, as compared with 686 in 1919. The roll number included 454 boys and 361 girls, and the total number of teachers was twenty-nine (nine males and twenty females). A large number of the pupils board at the school hostels, indicating that these departments are used by the children of country residents able to afford to send their children away from home to attend school. The tuition fees charged range in the various schools from £6 15s. to £13 10s. per annum, the boarding-fees ranging from £36 to £59 per annum.

2. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INSPECTORS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Sir,— Wellington, Ist July, 1921. Work of the Year. During the earlier portion of the year all the secondary schools in the South Island, together with the Wellington Girls' College, were inspected, from three to five days as a rule being spent in each school. The practice of the preceding year of conferring with individual teachers and with groups of the staff engaged in teaching the same or allied subjects, and of discussing details of organization and methods with the Principal from time to time during the visit, has been in the main adhered to ; in many cases the staff have expressed their appreciation of the opportunities given for such conferences. The Technical High Schools at Christchurch, Dunedin, and Invercargill, the Westport, G-reymouth, and Hokitika District High Schools, and certain registered private secondary schools in Westport, Greymouth, Christchurch, and Dunedin, wore also inspected, several of the latter in company with the District Inspectors. In the latter part of the year all secondary schools in both Islands were visited in connection with the award of senior free places on the Principals' recommendations, and of lower and higher leavingcertificates. In most cases the second-year forms were tested by means of written or oral tests. As a result of these tests and subsequent consultations with the Principals senior free places were awarded under clause 7 (c) to about 1,860 pupils. Some 240 higher and 280 lower leaving-certificates were also issued on the Inspectors' recommendation.



The time of the Inspectors during the second half of the year was also largely occupied with the classification of assistant teachers, as provided for in the new grading scheme. In this connection short visits were also made to all the principal technical high schools with a view to obtaining an. independent estimate of the teachers engaged in teaching the usual secondary subj ccts in these schools ; the information so obtained was available for the technical grading officers in drawing up their classification list. The usual work of editing examination-papers for the Department's June examinations, and of setting, editing, and correcting papers for the public examinations in November and the teachers' certificate examinations in January, was also proceeded with. The Grading of Teachers. In June the Hon. Minister of Education summoned a conference of selected Principals and assistant teachers representative of the different types of secondary schools. In all about twenty delegates attended, including the Secondary-school Inspectors. The sessions extended over two days, and the conference discussed very fully the advisability of introducing some system of classification for secondary-school teachers, the relative rates of pay of men and women teachers, the desirability of making special provision for married assistants, and the grading of secondary schools and the positions therein. The scheme of classification as proposed by the Secondary Schools Assistants' Association was accepted as a basis for the discussions, and many of its leading features were approved, by the conference. m Immediately after the conference the senior Inspector was detained in Wellington to assist the departmental officers in drafting a classification scheme, and the draft was subsequently submitted to the Principals and staffs of all secondary schools for their comment. The Inspectors in all their visits to schools in the latter part of the year also took the opportunity to explain the proposed scheme to the teachers, and were able to gather many valuable suggestions from the criticisms proffered. In November and the early part of December the Inspectors were very fully occupied in assisting with the drawing-up of the Regulations for the Classification of Secondary-school Teachers, and in preparing and publishing the classification list. The scheme, though admittedly not perfect, has been received on. the whole with approval by the teaching profession, and the number of complaints from individual teachers as to their own classification has been remarkably small. As was anticipated, it was found impossible to introduce at once a rigid system of classification ; many longstanding anomalies in staffing and salaries could not be immediately removed, though every effort was made to reduce the number of these without inflicting hardship on the teachers concerned. As a result of the introduction of the scheme the salaries of the assistant teachers of the public secondary schools of the Dominion have been increased, for the years 1920 and 1921 by over £1.8,000 ; this amount will in 1922 be further augmented by over £2,000 through the first payment of annual increments. The average increase for women teachers has been £35-75, for married men £86-33, for single men £3644, and for all male assistant teachers £63-69. The salaries of Principals have also been in most cases materially increased under the new system. As time goes on it will become increasingly difficult for teachers who have not a good academic status to rise to the highest positions in the profession, and in this connection we may say that we have already noticed that younger teachers are displaying a greater desire to complete their university courses. General. The past year has witnessed a considerable improvement in the quality of the teaching and in. the standard of work accomplished in the majority of secondary schools. A great deal of such improvement is due partly to the fact that many experienced teachers who had been away on active service have now resumed their duties, and partly to the recovery of the children from the adverse effects of the influenza epidemic of 1918-19. At the close of 1918 >no fewer than eighteen women teachers were employed in seven boys' schools in place of masters absent with the Expeditionary Force ; the majority of these did faithful and efficient work, but their sphere of usefulness in such schools was obviously restricted. Since that time the number has been reduced very considerably, and during last year only three women teachers were employed, one in each of three separate boys' schools. The supply of qualified male teachers is not yet by any means excessive, and several schools, especially those in towns which are not University centres, have experienced great difficulty in obtaining suitable men for their staffs. Marked progress has been made in the teaching of home science; two of the largest girls' schools in the Dominion have been provided with cookery-rooms for the first time, and several others have been supplied with new laboratories or have been enabled to equip adequately laboratories which hitherto had been sadly deficient in apparatus. The supply of experienced home-science teachers, however, still presents a difficult problem ; a large proportion of teachers in this subject marry at the end of a few years, and practically all the incoming teachers are quite untrained in school method. Conclusion, In every case we have attempted, as far as time would permit, to discuss with teachers all points of special interest to them. Our views on the best methods to be followed in the teaching of alt the principal subjects have been fully set forth in the inspection reports, copies of which are in the hands of both Principals and Boards, and we feel it unnecessary to cover the ground again.



Principals have continued to show a gratifying readiness to discuss debatable points with us, and in almost every case a desire to hear of our experience with better or different methods obtaining in other schools has been evident. Teachers in all schools have rendered us every possible assistance, and have displayed in most instances an obvious desire to profit as much as possible by our visits of inspection. T. R. Cresswell, ) . . c j a i , n r p 1 inspectors of Secondary Schools. The Director of Education, Wellington.

3. DETAILED TABLES, ETC. PERSONNEL OF FULL-TIME STAFFS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1920. Wltangarei High School. —Messrs. R. Lupton ; H. E. G. Smith ; W. A. Given ; R. 0. Buchanan; D. W. Fell; Miss E. Campbell. M.A.; Mrs. E. Hollway, B.A. ; Miss D. McKenzie, B.A. ; Miss V. Clark-Walker. Auckland Boys' Grammar School. —Messrs. J. W. Tibbs, M.A. ; J. Drummond, M.A. ; H. J. D. Mahon, B.A. ; E, Caradus, B.Sc. ; J. K. Davis, M.A. ; P. Drummond, B.A. ; F. W. Gamble, M.A. ; A. W. Short, B.A. ; P. A. Docherty, A.N.Z.I.A. ; J. L. I. Newbrook ; A. R. Gatland, B.A. ; K. J. Dellow, M.A. ; H. F. Brock, M.A. ; W. Caradus, M.Sc. ; G. S. Coldham, M.A. ; W. J. Bishop, M.A. ; C. R. Jones, B.A. ; J. A. Asher, B.A. ; J. H. Harvey, B.A. ; N. A. Winter, B.A. ; H. C. Bourne, M.A. ; E. E. Bilkey ; P. 0. Veale, B.Sc. ; P. A. S. Stein; J. W. 'Bennett; C. C. Robinson, M.A. ; W. T. G. Airey, M.A. ; G. T. Bollhouse, M.A. ; W. C. J. Perry, B.A. ; R. B. Wicks ; J. E. Learning; H. W. Hesse, 8.A., B.Sc. Auckland Girls' Grammar School. —Missos B. Butler, B.Sc. ; W. Picken, M.A. ; M. A. Dive, B.A. ; F. E. Macdonald, B.A. ; Mrs. S. Heap; Misses J. Uhlmann; K. V. Edgerley; I. Robertson; B. S. Macdiarmid; C. F. Hull; B. Al. Bell; B. A. Jackson; G. McMullan; D. E. Horton; A. J. Haslett; A. C. Tizard; M. Macdonald, 8.A.; M. Brosnan; H. Woodhouse; I. J. Paterson ;E. M. Dickinson. Jipsom Girls' Grammar School. —Missos A. C. Morrison, M.A. ; F. I. Patterson, M.A.; H. Kirkbride, M.A. ; L. Matches ;L. Forbes; E. M. B. Lynch, M.A. ; M. E. Freeman, M.A. ; M. C. Terry, M.Sc. ; M. Barnett, B.A. ; D. Holmden, M.A. ; B. Battersby, M.Sc. ; B. Brendel, M.A. ; J. Rudall, B.Sc. in H.Sc. ; C. Dwyer, B.A. ; M. Egerton, M.A. ; Mrs. D. M. Fenwick. Thames High School. —Messrs. R. E. Rudman, M.A., B.Sc. ; W. H. Hoult, M.A. ; J. L. Prussing; H. N. Marshall, B.A. ; Misses E. D. Haselden, M.A. ; E. Wilcox; H. Blacker, B.A. Hamilton High School. —Messrs. E. Wilson, M.A. ; W. Eraser, M.A.; H. D. Tait; E. A. Watkin, 8.A.; 11. R. McGregor; R. O. C. Marks; Misses E. C. Collins, 8.A.; C. G. Harrison, 8.A.; R. E. Rowlandson, 8.A.; T. D. Tompkins, M.A.; G. M. Wyatt; A. J. W. Barribal; E. MeMullen. New Plymouth Boys' High Scliool.— Messrs. W. H. Moyes, M.A., B.Sc. ; A. R. Ryder, M.A., B.Sc. ; R. H. Rockel, M.A. ; C. J. Bottrill, M.A. ; H. V. Searle, B.A. ; A. W. Diprose, B.A. ; J. W. Connell; G. Bertrand; Miss J. McLeod, M.A. ; Messrs. H. E. Glover; W. G. Wilkie; H. L. Calder. Lower Department—Mr. N. D. Day; Misses K. Campbell; E. M. Campbell. New Plymouth Girls' High Softool—Misses J. R. Barr, M.A. ; G. A. Drew, M.A. ; D. V. Burrow, B.Sc. ; P. M. P. Clark, M.A. ; J. S. W. Smith, B.A. ; L. L. B. Sheat, M.A. Lower Department—Misses E. N. Park ; G. Barnett. Palmerston North Boys' High School. —Messrs. J. Murray, M.A. ; J. A. Colquhoun, M.Sc. ; W. P. Anderson, M.A. ; J. J. Stevenson ; H. J. Thompson, M.A. ; G. A. Hansard; H. W. Kerr; E. N. Hogben; E. W. Espiner. Palmerston North Girls' High School.— Misses C. B. Mills, M.A., M.Sc. ; M. Macauley, M.A. ; D. C. Hunt, B.A. ; C. M. Heine, B.A. ; L. Oldridge, M.A. ; E. Billens, B.A. ; G. E. de Lambert. Wanganui Girls' College. —Misses C. M.. Cruickshank, M.A. ; S. E. Gilford, M.A. ; J. R. Currie, M.A. ; A. Blermorhaasett, B.A. ; W. G. Jameson, M.A. ; 0. C. H. Rockel, M.A. ; J. Stewart, B.A. ; E. A. Harvey; R. A. Rosevoar ; F. Simon ; M. H. Treadwell, B.A. Lower Department—Misses B. Craig ; M. Sewell. Wanganui Collegiate School. —Messrs. P. Marshall, M.A., D.Sc, F.G.S. ; J. E. Bannister, M.A. ; J. Allen, B.A. ; G. F. McGrath, M.A. ; F. H. Latham, M.A. ; F. L. Peek; Rev. C. Price, M.A. ; Messrs. D. E. Thornton; C. P. Worley, B.A. ; R. G. C. McNab; A. H. R. Amess, M.A. ; R. A. W. Sutherland, M.Sc. ; C. H. Campbell; R. Youlding. Gisbome High Scliool.— Messrs. F. Foote, 8.A., B.Sc. ; F. J. Wilkes, M.A. ; P. C. Edmondson, M.A. ; G. T. Maunder, M.Sc. ; W. P. Dunphy, B.A. ; T. R. Vernon; Misses J. Knapp, B.A. ; J. A. Sandall; J. M. Chaffey; C. R. Walker. Lower Department—Mr. A. Ashton; Miss D. Moore.



Napier Boys' High School— Messrs. W. A. Armour, M.A., M.Sc. ; N. R. Jacobsen, M.Sc. ; W. Kerr, M.A. ; H. H. Ward, B.A. ;E. S. West, M.A. ;C.H. E. Shcaek, B.A. ; C. J. Bagley ; R. B. Hardy. Lower DepartmentMessrs. E. McD. Todd ; C. Sweet. Napier Girls' High School. —Misses V. M. Greig, M.A., M.Sc. ; C. R. Kirk, B.A. ;A. M. Andersen; J. 0. Gillies ; M. C. Mullay ; S. J. Robinson. Lower Department—Miss P. Duncan; Mrs. F. Taylor. Dannevirke High School. —Messrs. J. M. Summers, M.A. ; F. Heaton, M.A., B.Sc. ; Misses A. L. Loudon, M.A. ; E. M. Bollinger, M.A. ; Mr. H. Drees, B.A. Wellington College.— Messrs. J. P. Firth, B.A. ;A. Heine, B.A. A. C. Gifford, M.A. ; T. Brodie, B.A. ;F. M. Renner. M.A. ; H. B. Tomlinson, M.A.; 0. W. Williams, M.A.; J. S. Lomas, B.A. ;W. Alexander, M.A..LL.B. ; J. Hall, 8.A.,8.5c; H. A. Smithson, M.A.; W. F. C. Balham; J. N. Milla d, B.A. ;A. E. Caddick, M.A.; H. T. M. Fathers ; J. R. Cuddie, M.A.; R. H. Biggar, M.A.; W. V. Jones ;E. J. D. Hercus, M.A., B.Sc.; W. A. Stevens; 0, Taylor, B.A. ; F. Joplin, B.A. ; F. E. Thornton; T. Beard; R. D. Thompson, M.A. ; G. W. Morioe, M..A. ; J. Thompson ; L, J. O'Connell; W. Harwood. Wellington Girls' College.— Misses M. McLean, M.A. ;A. M. Batham, B.A. ; E. A. Newman, M.A.; R. M. Collins, 8.A.; E. M. Rainforth. M.A. ;E. M. Hind, M.A. ; E. Williams; B. Muller, M.A. ;E. M. Duff, M.A.; H. J. Adlington; F. E. Kershaw, M.A.; N. E. Goad, M.A.; J. Kennedy, M.A. ;E. J. Crawford, 8.A.; Mrs. C. E. Wood, M.A. ; Misses F. J. W. Hodges, M.A.; E. F. S. Marshall, B.Sc.; C. H. Shields, M.A.; M. H. Pigott, B.Sc. ; A. F. C. Marsden; D. McCartney; E. Martin; E. G B. Lynch; M. B. Turner; K. McKenzie; E. J. Cornish. Lower Department—Misses McDiarmid ; Ross, M.A.; Ballinger ; L. Kershaw. Marlborough High School. —Dr. J. Innes, M.A. ; Messrs. H. Robson, M.A. ; S. I, Jones ; C. J. R. Price; Misses E. M. Allen, M.A. ; E. M. Pigott, M.A. ; M. E. Virtue, B.A. Nelson College.— Messrs. H. L. Fowler, M.A. ;C. H. Broad, 8.A.; J. G. McKay. B.A. ;F. N. Tuck, B.Sc.; H. P. Kidson, M.A. ; T. J. Morrow, M.A.; A. G. Thompson; J. S. Cornes: R. W. Horman; E. H. Severne; V. C. Kerr. Lower Department—Mr. K. Inwood. Nelson Girls' College. — Misses M. Lorimer, M.A.; M. McEachen, M.A.; A. Eastwood, M.A. ;N. G. Isaac, M.A.; M. K. Wilson; R. Ray, M.A.; R. Kuistcn, 8.A.; L. Richardson; C. Robinson; Z. Sanderson. Lower Department—Miss G. O'Brien; Mrs. K. Moynihan. Christchurch Boys' High School. —Messrs. C. E. Bevan Brown, M.A. ; R. M. Laing, M.A., B.Sc. ; G. J. Lancaster, M.A. ; A. Merton; R. J. Thompson, B.A. ; J. R. Montgomery, M.A. ; W. M. Stewart, M.A. ; H. V. Rowe, M.A. ; Mrs. M. Rhodes, M.A. ; Messrs. D. Arnott, M.A. ; S. P. McCallum, M.A. ; J. H. E. Schroder, M.A. ; R. de R. Worker; R. de B. Adamson, B.Sc. ; W. S. Baverstock, B.A. ; A. A. McLachlan; A. F. McArthur; R. W. Webster. Christchurch Girls' High School. —Misses M. V. Gibson, M.A. ; K. Gresson, M.A. ; E. M. Mcintosh, M.A., B.Sc. ; L. Bing, B.A. ; G. Groonstrcet, B.A. ; E. B. Baxter, M.A. ; M. E. Sims, M.A. ; A. J. McKeo; D. Bone; E. R. Edwards, B.A. ; A. I. Wilson, M.A. ; M. McLean, B.A. ; N. Wagstaff, M.A. ; C. M. Farrow, M.A. ; H. P. Bullard; M. Hall; M. Watson. Lower Department—Miss M. Hansen. Christ's College.— Messrs. A. E. Flower, M.A., M.Sc. ; E. G. Hogg, M.A., F.R.A.S. ; J. Monteath, B.A. ; E. Jenkins, B.A. ; P. M. Baines, B.A. ; H. Hudson, B.A. ; Rev. F. G. Brittan, M.A. ; Messrs. A. L Rowe; J. F. D. White; R. H. O'D. Davis ; R. H. Evans; M. A. H. Fell, B.A. ; J. G. Denniston, B.A. ; Rev. S. Parr, M.A. ; Messrs. A. G. Gurnsey; H. E. Solomon. Lower Department—Messrs. C. L. Young, 8.A., B.Sc. ; G. Strack, M.A. ; J. B. Jackson ; Miss Musgrave. Rangiora High School. —Messrs. J. E. Strachan, M.A., B.Sc. ; A. J. Ferguson, M.A.; G. C. Beattie, M.Sc. ; A. L. Lockhart; Misses G. M. Turner, B.A. ; P. L. Jull; M. Garrett. Ashburlon High School— -Messrs. W. F. Watters, B.A. ; J. Stewart, M.A.; H. H. Allan, M.A. ; J. H. Williamson, B.Sc. ; Misses M. F. Arnott, B.A. ; K. A. McKeage, M.A. ; K. A. Simkin, B.Sc. ; D. I. McClurg. Lower Department—Miss I. Beaumont. Timaru Boys' High School.— Messrs. W. Thomas, M.A. ; A. G. Tait, B.A. ; E. A. Cockrol't, B.A. ; D. Kemshed, M.A. ; C. A. S. Hind; R. A. G. Sawell, M.A. ; W. W. Horwell; N. Moore. Lower Departments—Misses A. Aimers ; P. E. Ronaldson. Timaru Girls' High School— Misses B. M. Watt, M.A. ; E. A. King, M.A. ; A. M. Aitken, B.Sc. ; M. S. Watt, B.A. ; M. W. Watson, B.A. ; D. C. Hardcastle, M.A. ; V. B. Dobie, B.A. Waitaki Boys' High School— Messrs. F. Milner, M.A. ; M. K. McCulloch, M.A. ; D. S. Chisholm, M.A. ; C. M. Littlejohn, M.A., B.Sc. ; W. M. Uttley, M.A. ; H. T. Hall; Percy W. Hargreaves; F. A. Crimp; C. Zimmerman ;H. K. Sumpton; F. F. Cameron, B.A. ;J. Dash. Lower Department—Mr. I). F. Saxton. Waitaki Girls' High Scliool — Misses J. B. Wilson, M.A. ;M. G. Watson, B.A. ; D. M. Stewart, B.A. ; E. E. A. Vickery, 8.A.; M. Allen ; F. L. Howard, B.Sc. i,i Homo Sc. Otago Boys' High School—Messrs. W. J. Morrell, M.A. ; F. H. Campbell, M.A. ; J. Williams, B.Sc. ; W. J. Martyn, M.A. ; J. Reid, B.A. ; A. Watt, M.A. ; H. W. Slater, M.A. ; M. G. Mclnnes, B.A. ; 0. J. Begg, B.A. ; G. S. Thomson, B.Sc. ; R. W. S. Botting ; A. C. Aitken, M.A. ; A. J. Gillman ; G. M. Robertson, B.A. ; B. H. Howard, M.A. ; E. M. Christie, B.Sc. ; H. W. James ; F. M. Peake ; T. J. L. Rantin ; A. P. Nelson, M.A. Otago Girls' High Scliool— Misses F. M. Allan, M.A. ; F. Campbell, M.A. ;M. N. Gellatly, M.A. ; L. A. N. Downes, B.A. ; Mrs. B. Kerr, M.A. ; Misses H. K. Dalrymplo, B.A. ; L. S. Morton, B.A. ; C. Hogg, M.A. ; E. M. Bruce, B.A. ;W. Chapman; J. H. Smith; L. N. Dallaston, B.A. ; E. E. Anderson, M.A. ; E. M. Oddie. Gore Hujh School— Messrs. J. Hunter, M.A. ; J. H. Murdoch, M.A., M.Com; W. H. Waterhouse; S. B. Dunn; Misses L. H. Fyfe, M.A. ; M. L. Smith, M.A. ; R. J. H. Douglas. Southland Boys' High School. —Messrs. T. D. Pearce, M.A. ; J. P. Dakin, B.A. ; J. S. McGrath, B.A. ; M. Alexander, M.Sc. ;J. G. Anderson, M.Sc. ; J. B. Mawson, M.A. ; J. Flannery; J. L. Cameron ; Miss J. R. Mackay. Southland Girls' High School—Misses M. H. M. King, M.A. ; M. Samuel, M.A. ; A. Watt, M.A. ; S. M. Burt, M.A.; Mrs. A. C. Dickson, M.A. ; Misses M. A. Steele ; L. Lawson, B.A. ; D. Lambeth, B.Sc. ; E. E. Earwaker, M.A. ; R. A. White, M.A.


TABLE K1.— Average Attendance and Roll (classified according to Ages) of Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments), as in December, 1920.


'ABLE Kl.—Average Attendance of AND F <OWER ,OLL (( Depa: 0LASSI1 RTMEN' IED A 'S), A; jcordi: fN Dl *g to Ages) of Secondary S :cember, 1920. Iohools (exclusive School. t o ■5 Ik "3" o CO a* 13 to 14 Years. 14 tO 15 Years. 16 ti Yea lie rs. 16 to 17 Years. Over 17 Years. Total all Ages. b.'g. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. I!. G. A. Endowed School !.v inch uded it n the N "mi Scht iduk : to tht ducatia aucanon act, inii. m Act, , 7.9 14. Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School Auckland (Epsom) Girls' Grammar School Thames High School New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Gisborne High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College Marlborough High School NelBon Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Rangiora IJigh School Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High School Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School 167 901 441 303 151 267 119 216 236 165 122 623 501 134 219 186 396 417 119 146 187 156 285 105 454 314 203 196 171 872 437 311 149 243 126 227 236 168 136 634 528 128 226 194 409 426 123 157 203 152 273 112 443 328 187 199 193 920 494 340 159 296 129 243 268 184 135 691 553 150 251 205 452 472 156 173 214 160 294 116 492 355 214 217 5 8 i 2 i 4 8 48 ii 22 6 13 54 ii 26 5 28 19 2 6 11 7 i 50 3 20 219 i6 57 '36 37 160 18 56 30 98 62 21 33 54 24 29 153 10 32 260 22 72 63 46 209 22 64 32 27] 28 10 12 7 92 260 .. 215 .. 125 .. 872 128 .. 97 .. 86 .. 99 .. 80 .. 51 .. 22 16 23 15 15 8 87 72 .. 44 .. 48 .. 243 38 .. 26 .. 23 .. 75 .. 38 .. 49 .. 63 27 25 17 20 10 150 46 .. 36 .. 36 .. 168 41 .. 38 .. 17 .. 209 .. 127 .. 76 .. 634 160 .. 95 .. 62 .. 22 27 10 12 5 9 67 64 .. 38 .. 40 .. 226 57 .. 46 .. 39 .. 128 .. 78 .. 65 .. 409 132 .. 99 .. 50 .. 17 25 5 13 4 8 61 24 24 9 17 8 16 80 60 .. 64 .. 33 .. 203 51 .. 32 . . 30. 71 .. 65 .. 76 .. 273 38 .. 22 .. 24 .. 129 .. 96 .. 69 .. 443 106 .. 65 .. 69 .. 52 .. 40 .. 27 .. 187 48 .. 47 .. 36 .. 27] 128 99 16 38 75 27 41 ieo 27 1 28 215 23 44 25 36 127 io 38 12 125 15 48 20 36 76 7 86 51 8 23 49 10 ii 62 9 79 437 311 62 126 227 86 136 528 61 12 40 57 40 39 194 4 24 iio 128 78 65 426 62 77 2 6 8 14 6 20 3 4 25 25 39 119 13 16 17 24 60 132 25 24 5 9 64 4 8 33 i 6 33 51 152 1 8 52 71 65 76 ii2 *2 26 38 '96 69 5 25 15 il9 73 129 100 328 i5 53 52 40 27 i99 2 19 47 48 Totals 7,729 7,798 8,526 29 21 291 219 1,042 881 1,271 1,2711,119 903 769 659594 4,195 1,119 903 659 3,603 : i ,1 B. Secondary Schools establis ihed in the manner provided by Section wii i 88 1 of the Education Act, 1914. e Jtlduc cation U 131 /«■( Hamilton High School .. .. I Palmerston North Boys' High School .. Palmerston North Girls' High School . . Dannovirke High School Gore High School | 320 324 360 1 .. 6 3 52 204 205 230 .... 18 .. 45 105 103 134 5 .. | 96! 95 110 116 1 12 137 139 159 .... 6 8 15 | 862 866 993 2 1 17 124 8,591 8,6641 9,519 31 22327 236 1,106' i_ i I I 1 i i 35 j 29 13 ' 20 l i 97 61 48 38 29 35 16 193 66 .. 40 .. 36 .. 205 37 .. 21 .. 11 .. 21 9 11 8 8 4 59 20 26 12 15 9 8 62 \ 168 120 101 73 88 39 519 48 37 9 26 38 40 ii 12 ' 101 3c 3(i 103 36 77 347 Totals .. .. .. | 2 1 120 519 31 22 1 978 1,439 1,2391,004J842 747J633 4,714 1,004, 4,714 'i Totals, A and B . . \ I ! I I I I 3,950 C. Endowed Secondan ij Schools within the meaning of the At ct, b mt not included above. Wanganui Collegiate School Christ's Collego Grammar School Totals, 0 2111 214 227.. ..| 10 .. 31 328 318 33417 .. 23 .. 75 539 532 56117 . .1 33 .. 106 9,130'9,196 ! 10,08048 22360 2361,272J 58| ,. I 54i .., 61 .. 214 78 .. ] 56 .. I 69 .. 318 136 .. I IIOJ.. 130' .. 532 I i I i 1 ,575 1,239 1,114842 877633'5,246 1 1 1 I Grand totals, A, B, and C .. !978 3,950


TABLE K2—Classification of Pupils on the Roll in Secondary Schools in 1920, according to Years of Attendance (exclusive of Lower Departments).


Second Year. Third Year. First ear. Fourth Year. Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Total. 6 ° an Boys. lirls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. A. End lowed i Schools i-nclut ded in the N'i 'm,th St ihedult to the 3 Educ ;alion j. Act, 19 ■14. Whangarei High Sohool .. Auokland Boys' Grammar Sohool Auckland Girls' Grammar Sohool Auckland (Epsom) Girls' Grammar School Thames High Sohool New Plymouth Boys' High Sohool New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College.. Gisborne High Sohool Napier Boys' High Sohool Napier Girls' High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College Marlborough High Sohool Nelson Boys' Collego Nelson Girls' Collego Christohuroh Boys' High Sohool Christohuroh Girls' High School Rangiora High School .. Ashburton High School .. Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High Sohool Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High Sohool 36 352 < 41 29 264 28 1 20 148 ) 7 6 84 2 1 22 1 2 92 872 79 ' 171 872 I .. 162 136 82 47 9 I 437 437 110 111 49 37 3 311 311 38 95 : 27 26 75 22 17 37 11 5 21 2 1 13 2 87 243 62 ■ 149 243 ' 45 36 23 18 4 126 126 54 64 92 42 51 48 56 22 35 28 35 i 16 "8 20 27 6 "_ 6 14 3 ISO 168 227 86 227 236 168 136 634 528 128 226 194 409 "2 236 63 206 37 105 I .. 24 8 i7 2 8 2 634 136 197 23 62 23 2 34 75 23 68 181 21 81 I 12 '44 5 1 13 1 3 67 226 528 61 4 45 4 22 151 65 i_o 'so 1 69 44 36 21 25 io "8 4 409 194 .. I .. ( 161 122 97 32 12 2 426 426 35 42 66 23 26 18 17 64 19 25 6 12 38 i 13 I 17 I 1 8 24 5 5 1 3 1 I 1 61 80 203 62 77 123 157 203 152 273 112 443 328 187 1 . . 48 1 9 2 94 55 I .. 28 i7 3 "3 1 152 88 45 32 45 30 i3 273 is 13 4 il2 178 iii 123 99 83 56 35 '20 10 4 443 is 49 3 328 '70 53 36 ' . . 9 i 1 187 60 61 45 24 7 2 199 199 Totals 1,614 1,341 1,279 1,113 728 I 658 384 362 153 106 37 23 4,195 3,603 7,798 B. Secondary Sch, Hamilton High Sohool .. Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girls' High School Dannevirke High School Goro High Sohool ools es, 89 92 itablish, 53 48 ,ed in 46 57 the mc. 46 30 anner ; 42 21 provid. 18 15 led by 5 22 Seclioi 9, 9 n 88 0 11 10 ff the . 5 , Educal 3 tion A 1 ct, 19, 193 205 14. 131 103 324 205 103 23 29 16 36 21 16 13 22 9 10 i 4 i 10 4 6 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 59 62 36 77 95 139 Totals 233 153 140 111 82 : 47 37 28 23 6 4 2 519 347 866 Totals, A and B .. 1,847 1,494 1,419 1,224 810 i 705 , 421 390 176 112 41 25 4,714 3,950 8,664 C. Endowed i i I ! Secon idary i Schools « withi in the meani, ing of : 30 49 the Ac ;i but not in icluded I above 214 318 Wanganui Collegiate Sohool Christ's College Grammar School 73 86 00 77 . , 36 58 9 29 . 6 19 214 318 I .. . Totals 159 137 94 79 38 25 532 532 , . .. Grand totals for 1920 Grand totals for 1919 2,006 2,003 •1,494 i1,692 1,556 1,400 1,224 1,122 : 904 I 845 t 705 I 682 i 500 I 575 390 382 214 184 112 . 109 66 47 25 27 5,246 5,054 3,950 4,014 9,196 9,068 Difference 3 -188 156 102 I 23 I -75 8 30 3 19 _2 192 -64 59 128 From these figuros tho following results relating to the number of years pupils remain at the secondary schools »re obtained: — Boys. Girls. Percentage leaving at end of first year or during second year .. . . 22'3 27'6 „ second „ third „ .. .. 28'2 26-0 third „ fourth „ .. .. 17'6 18'2 fourth „ fifth „ .. .. 18'8 19'8 fifth „ sixth „ .. ..8-8 6.3 Percentage remaining at end of sixth year .. .. . . .. 4-3 2'1 1000 100-0 The average length of stay of tho boys is 2'81 years or 2 years 9 months, and of the girls 2'62 years or 2 yoars ' months.



TABLE K3.—Staffs and Salaries of Staffs of Secondary Schools as in December, 1920 (Lower Departments excluded).

3—B. 6.

School. Koll Number of Full-time Assistant Teachers. a _ _ c_ _rrg - -r33 g as '3 D2 £200-£250. qj 2 a i% £251-£300. fl - 8 c £301-£350. QJ a Salaries of Pull-time Assistants. £351-£400. tir -£4 me As 400. a 5 £401-£450. ssists £401 3 ISA 450. CD o £451 £4ol-£500. ■l-£Z ,500. QJ o Ove Ch QJ a Over £500. er £c 1500. a c tir. _ S HH _. <gi2 .g_ qKhhC-H -Jr, i 1/3/1920. a a o ■I a £ A. Boyst Schools. £ £ Auckland Boys' Grammar School .. j 920 New Plymouth Boys' High School 296 Palmerston N. Boys' High School .. i 230 Napier Boys' High School .. 184 Wellington Boys' College.. .. 691 Nelson Boys' College .. .. 251 Christchurch Boys' High School .. 452 Timaru Boys' High School .. 214 Waitaki Boys' High School .. 294 Otago Boys' High School.. .. 492 Southland Bovs' High School .. 214 31 .. i 30 1,000 10 1 i 27 750 8 . . 29 700 7 ..26 550 27 ..26 600 10 ..25 750 16 1 27 910 9 .. ! 24 650 11 .. I 27 500 19 ..26 800 7 1 [ 27 700 1 2 1 1 1 .. ! 7 1 2 1 1 5 2 4 8 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 8 I 1 7 2 2 2 5 1 2 3 1 2 5 2 1 1 1 1 I 8 1 1 6 2 2 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 4 2 2 1 2 4 1 13,095 5,225 3,813 3,400 12,056 4,845 8,466 3,979 4,198 7,940 4,077 14-2 17-7 i6-e 18-5 17-4 19-3 18-7 18-6 14-3 161 19*1 Totals .. .. .. 4,238 • 4,238 155 , 3 27 | 7,910 155 3 27 7,910 6 32 1 21 1 29 1 19 24 24 71,094 16-1 B. 'iris' Schools. Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. 494 Epsom Girls' Grammar School .. 340 New Plymouth Girls' High School .. 129 Wanganui Girls' College .. .. 243 Palmerston N. Girls' High School .. 134 Napier Girls' High School .. 135 Wellington Girls' College .. 553 Nelson Girls' College .. .. 205 Christchurch Girls' High School .. 472 Timaru Girls' High School .. 160 Waitaki Girls' High School .. 116 Otago Girls' High School.. .. 355 Southland Girls' High School .. 217 Totals . . .. .. 3,553 20 25 640 14 24 560 5 26 ! 480 10 24 600 6 22 480 5 27 480 25 22 650 8 26 520 17 28 640 6 27 520 5 | 23 480 13 27 560 9 j 24 520 143 I 25 7,130 4 3 2 4 2 1 5 2 3 2 2 4 4 S 6 2 2 3 3 11 3 7 3 3 4 2 I I j' '_ 1 6 2 5 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 .. •■ 1 1 I 6,816 4,895 1,920 3,882 2,192 2,111 9,063 2,935 6,513 2,389 1,928 4,835 3,439 13-1 16-< 16151 1614-: 13-1 16-1 131 15-1 3 2 2 1 • 38 _ 57 30 15 3 52,918 14-! Whangarei High School .. .. 193 Thames High School .. .. 159 Hamilton High School .. .. 360 Gisborne High School .. .. I 268 Dannevirke High School .. .. 110 Marlborough High School .. 150 Rangiora High School . . .. 156 Ashburton High School . . .. 173 Gore High School .. .. 159 4 4 : 24 ! 650 3 3 26 700 6 7 28 860 5 4 30 750 2 3 22 675 3 3 25 700 3 3 26 650 3 14 25 650 3 3 26 675 4 i 24 3 26 7 28 4 30 3 22 3 25 3 26 4 25 3 26 650 700 860 750 675 700 650 650 675 1 1 C. 1 1 2 i i 2 | 'ixed Schools. 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 3 l 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3,260 2,740 5,275 4,005 2,290 2,680 2,975 3,000 2,755 16-9 17-2 14-7 14-9 20-8 17-9 19-1 173 17-3 1 1 1 1 •' 1 Totals .. .. .. 1,728. 32 - 34 26 6,310 ! _J____ - 34 26 j 6,310 2 8 4 17 7 6 4 5 5 28,980 ! 16-1 Grand totals .. .. 9,519 187 ! 180 26 21,350 180 26 21,350 8 46 36 i 75 29 29 j 152,992 16-1 28 i 37 34 19 23 3 •' I II


TABLE K3a.—Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments, 1920. Secondary-schools Boards.

TABLE K4. —Number of Pupils holding Free Places and Scholarships in Secondary Schools during the Last Term, 1920.


•53 § CSHr Ml" coo rt h rr rC to t/i "o O HHrr fi ° rtCC is ■"Il 1 S3 O cn O H bo w fco rtrw._? M rO . 1 ■S Ml -a ii *f S° -See '§» irrr Ph £ • £ * 957 * 2'63 «- —! •—" r r> a Oft Q b| el II Is Il IS IS fi r- --Q? S O _ -H_S .« -JO M fl PW " £ £ £ £ 733 503 308 3,226 2-30 1-87 1-90 2-59 i rr_tuo QJ O o__ tc ° Ceo _.a 'otal cost lost per head £ 455 2-36 £ 3,384 1-93 £ 618 3-88 £ 089 1-63 £ 1,270 3-00 £ 312 2-08 c* blj _, T3 rr -J 1 .If g gr- | K.-f rH -1 £ QJ peri If .Id IS o M fl Boa ■f-a _d &d fffl «1_ Ori£ 5 a o o o a ™ 5a „ n "o P o 51 I CO SB M _ a l_ r-_. a "o IS Ml a Or. gS !„ f* W M £ £ 485 824 3-05 1-91 Totals. £ 22,057 2-60 Total cost Cost per head £ £ .. 1,339 263 .. 2-93 1-69 £ 1,350 2-99 £ 968 2-05 £ 600 3-47 £ 960 2-57 £ 1,016 2-48 £ 1,791 2-11 * Return- not receive!

School. Number of Holders of Free Places. Junior. Senior. Totals. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) (6.)' (7.) (8.) (9.) (10.) Schols holi ssCJ. -I Is il IO CD T_ 9 J O Beh fl w M (tl.) vrehipiers. o 12 OJ -3 . S S w§ Jl rH (12.] HI *__ S3_ tH O sh3$ >■ a o 3 3 - CO « fl > ra o o ft T_.cs A "^ Ph [13.) Boys. JJUJH. do ; , (2.) Secondary Schools named in the Nini) Whangarei High School .. 57 Auckland Grammar Schools .. 560 Thames High School .. . . 60 Hamilton High School .. 115 Now Plymouth High Schools .. 157 Napier High Schools .. .. 98 Gisborne High School .. .. 101 Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High Schools 131 Dannevirke High School .. 39 Wellington Colleges .. .. 426 Marlborough High School .. 56 Nelson Colleges .. .. 126 Rangiora High School.. .. 47 Christchurch Boys' High School 256 Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School . . 59 Timaru High Schools . . .. 109 Waitaki High Schools .. 120 Otago High Schools .. .. 294 Southland High Schools .. 124 Gore High School .. . . 39 i Sched: 65 515 45 90 78 85 60 124 73 24 371 40 106 35 ule to ti 122 1,075 105 205 235 183 161 124 204 03 797 96 232 82 256 286 103 205 193 498 246 93 ,,e Edu 20 243 21 55 62 52 37 50 15 161 8 64 4 120 '.cation 7 195 12 29 41 25 13 56 20 0 130 13 69 12 Act or establis, 27 ! 77 438 803 33 I 81 84 ! 170 103 I 219 77 j 150 50 j 138 56 70 181 21 54 291 587 21 64 133 190 16 51 120 376 120 44 77 107 173 103 188 222 405 119 175 34 57 hed um 72 710 57 119 119 110 73 180 93 30 501 53 175 47 ler Sea 149 1,513 138 289 338 260 211 180 274 84 1,088 117 365 98 376 406 147 312 296 720 365 127 Hon 88 thereof 10 145 2 8 21 24 18 19 10 14 7 93 1 .. 50 4 27 30 2 12 29 22 72 1 36 3 .. '/■ f1 2 1 4 1 286 44 96 73 204 122 54 18 64 68 111 51 18 120 26 43 35 111 68 16 406 70 139 108 315 190 70 2 1 4 Endowed Secondary Set tools wi '•thin the mean; ing of the Act, but no rt indue led abo, ve. Wanganui Collegiate School Christ's College Grammar School Totals .. .. 2,974 ■■ I 3 61 655 69 10 18 2,590 5,564 1,242 1,047 I 2,289 ) 4,216 3,637 7,853


TABLE K5. —Number of National Scholarships held in 1920.

TABLE K6. —Pupils boarding away from Home to attend Secondary Schools and Lower Departments thereof.


education District. Total Number hi December, 191 ;ld in !0. Number receiving Boardingallowance (included in Total Number). Number receiving Travellingallowance (included in Total Number). Number held at Public Secondary Schools. Number i held at ' other illegistercd Secondary Schools. Number held at District High Schools Boys. | Girls. Total. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Hawke's Bay Wellington Nelson Canterbury Otago Southland 129 73 17 14 21 21 36 14 56 26 16 24 81 47 81 39 21 22 202 31 42 50 82 40 128 120 43 48 15 16 16 14 17 37 21 17 20 2 4 8 182 22 31 44 72 36 98 99 43 13 4 4 7 9 7 6 6 4 23 13 io 7 8 i Totals 458 280 738 201 -15 627 36 75

School. Boarding at Boarding at Establishments School Hostels. approved by Principal. Secondary Departmi mts. Boarding privately. Total. HH HH C CC So, . a c 01 fi N1S C-rt 'ii _-_Ph r.__ O S|J oPhco H Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Hoys. Girls. Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School Auckland (Epsom) Girls' Grammar School Hamilton High. School Thames High School New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' Collego Wanganui Collegiate School Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girls' High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College Dannevirke High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Gisborne High School Marlborough High School Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Christ's College Grammar School Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High School Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Gore High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School 34 147 190 36 55 15 65 42 i7 41 98 24 31 15 -24 18 12 4 "2 9 80 31 3 'is 20 2 6 "e 11 6 20 52 38 3 2 I 8 9 '22 9 6 10 6 10 43 104 '31 3 147 isjo 51 75 17 71 48 11 117 20 70 50 20 2 49 107 22 37 6 41 23 10 ' 45 9 23 6 18 11 59 112 •■ 60 13 ii 3 71 16 20 11 9 39 3 6 12 45 30 5 4 2 34 181 28 115 64 6 14 5 28 176 24 113 ie "s 24 33 i7 _2 208 45 36 191 20 '20 48 7 'is 27 20 66 34 20 5 'is 26 15 31 10 27 37 Totals I,'-'96 378 29 53 284 357 1,609 788 291



TABLE K7.—Receipts of Secondary Schools for the Year 1920.

Secondary-school Boards. Sales. Grants for Income from Income from Buildings, Reserves j Secondary- T n tH W . flK f Sites. Rent, vested in : education mieresT. Apparatus, Boards. Reserves. &c, and Subsidies. From Endowments. ■om Grovernrnem Receipts for Salaries and Incidental Expenses. Capitation School Fees. for Manual Instruction. Hostels Account. Loans, Fire Insurance. and Interest. Technical Lower Classes Departments Account. Account. Voluntary Contributions, Income from Property not Heserves, Refunds, and Sundries. Totals. Operative Schools. "Whangarei High School.. Auckland Grammar Schools Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth High Schools * Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High School .. Napier High Schools Gisborne High School Dannevirke High School WeUington Colleges Marlborough High School Nelson Colleges Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School .. Christchurch Girls' High School . . Ashburton High School Timaru High Schools Waitaki High Schools. Otago High Schools Gore High School Southland High Schools £ s. d. •• 285 10 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 265 16 0: 157 19 9 6,640 2 10 1,421 13 1 1,047 0 1 137 18 6 55 7 6 274 5 8 935 10 10 659 12 0 1,266 0 0 387 0 0 280 15 10 438 2 6 497 6 3 3,818 15 0 390 15 7 220 8 3 8,844 2 6 914 0 2 400 0 0 41 11 2 944 15 0 455 0 10 419 8 0 7,007 11 1 527 11 2 1,122 6 lOi 2,982 7 11 1,900 14 0 160 10 3 3,128 12 9 323 16 3 110 3 7 2,657 6 2: 176 13 9 £ s. d.| £ s. i! £ s. d. I 3,272 0 0 199 0 Oj 7,398 0 0 26,032 7 l| \ 3,107 0 0 500 0 0 5,460 19 9| 3,334 15 5 : 5,525 3 11 I .. ! 1,780 0 0 10,515 2 0 5,880 3 4 163 5 0 .. ! 5,388 14 3 I 1.250 15 8 ! 2,017 3 10 299 17 7 1,421 6 6' 13,271 18 7 2,468 11 10 190 0 0 .. \ 6.790 1 8 | 2,050 0 0 2,513 15 0 5 1l| 5,552 3 1 '• 2,120 16 9, 6,621 10 8 375 0 o! 2,894 19 9 3,500 0 0 4,206 17 11 4,922 9 7 5,401 4 3 11,272 0 3 261 5 0 2,920 16 11 166 4 9 35 7 9 5,609 13 4; £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 189 14 0 1,328 6 6 1,474 5 0 1 49 5 2 87 0 0 ; 225 3 0 381 13 6; 981 10 0 142 14 6 447 5 414,329 2 8 158 0 0 2,004 0 0\ 7,871 0 0 181 5 6 429 0 5 2,163 7 11 171 18 0 392 13 10] 5,955 1 1 135 4 3 303 13 Ol 6,262 13 11 51 10 6 128 16 8| 445 1 0 1,251 5 7' 50 0 0 66 12 0. 131 7 0, 255 3 3 831 17 8 ! 10,020 0 10 113 15 6j 34 19 0' 370 2 3 103 6 0 399 10 0 1,764 15 0 136 13 7 236 5 0 1,502 16 6 139 16 7 85 1 0' 1,633 10 8 213 9 0 471 6 4; 168 9 0 831 10 0| 783 2 7 250 4 0 526 0 0 147 5 8 113 6 8 146 18 2 267 1 0 I I £ s. d.; £ s. d. £ s. d. 70 18 0 1,800 0 3 1,333 16 4 50 0 0 .. 562 0 0 2,341 14 8 54 5 5 . . 1,134 16 10, 1,449 6 0 .. 871 0 O 1 611 17 9 827 17 0 252 8 0 54 10 3 283 13 0 52 4 0 205 1 9! 4,107 5 11 .. 784 9 8 3,029 19 0 .. 557 10 1 172 16 5 £ s. d., £ s. d. 26 11 7 5,311 5 10 36 15 0 ! 43,202 3 '0 ' 6,228 4 0 58 12 1 7,937 11 6 260 2 7 26,968 3 7 188 0 0\ 14,266 0 0 304 1 6 22,095 11 2 2,834 14 2 17,030 17 4 225 4 9 14,707 8 2 112 7 0' 2,530 6 3 113 18 2 27,508 17 10 29 0 10 3.137 2 10 3.224 2 11! 24,073 19 2 131 19 1, 5.886 6 10 42 18 1 14,929 14 7 287 19 llj 11,717 6 7 2,108 18 3 8,616 18 10 199 0 2 16,464 16 11 7 0 0 12,361 4 6 583 14 8 21,485 12 2 195 8 0 3,921 2 3 299 10 8 9,358 15 7 535 0 0 ! " Totals 820 10 0 44,401 10 2 6,609 10 11 1,018 7 436,917 18 9 128,759 6 5 3,301 14 8 11,017 11 0|55,015 9 11 10,545 6 10 2,890 1 1 7,172 2 5! 11,269 19 5 |319,739 8 1 Greymouth High School Hokitika High School Akaroa High School Waimate High School Non-operative Schools. 225 18 10 40 0 0 297 10 4 356 13 0 200 0 4 65 14 11 48 0 0 6 0 0| 175 19 0 308 0 0 m 291 13 288 0 611 10 532 12 Totals 920 2 2 200 0 4 295 13 111 308 0 0 1,723 16 Grand totals 820 10 0 45,321 12 4 6,809 11 3 1,314 1 336,917 18 9 128,759 6 5 3,301 14 8 11,017 11 0 55,323 9 1110,545 6 10 2,890 1 ll 7,172 2 5 11,269 19 5 321,463 5 * Returns not received; figures estimated.



TABLE K 8.—Payments of Secondary Schools for the Year 1920.

Secondary-school Boards. Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments. Teacner^ 1 ■ '—~~ '— ■— ~~~ — ■ Expenditure S_S__?' ! Material, on Allowances Office Printing, ?n<l Examinations, Endowments. f e °™%™> B °*___ Stationery, «& ; _,___r__l Departments. and Salaries. AflT^ dng> to S&_J 3?1 grounds. j j Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments. Advance s Lower to Departments Pupils, Account. and Miscellaneous. Totals. Manual Instruction (excluding Buildings, &c). Sites, Buildings, Furniture, Apparatus, Taxes, &c. Hostels Account. Investments, Loans repaid. and Interest. Technical Classes Account. Whangarei High School . . 64 18 4 Auckland Grammar Schools .. 3,169 0 4 Thames High School .. .. 161 4 6 Hamilton High School New Plymouth High Schools . . 14 14 0 *Wanganiii Girls' College Palmerston North High School Napier High Schools .. . . 10 19 0 Gisborne High School .. 67 10 0 Dannevirke High School Wellington Colleges .. .. 1,606 11 2 Marlborough High School Nelson Colleges .. .. 146 19 1 Rangiora High School .. 2 15 0 Christchurch Bovs' High School 423 9 6 Christchurch Girls' High School 53 14 2 Ashburton High School .. 20 0 0 Timaru High Schools.. .. 229 18 3 Waitaki High Schools .. 304 7 2 Otago High Schools .. .. 210 19 5 Gore High School Southland High Schools .. 135 13 10 £ s. d. 64 18 4 3,169 0 4 161 4 6 14 14 0 10 19 0 67 10 0 1,606 11 2 £ s. d. 3,175 16 8 24,829 12 1 2,684 16 0 5,630 1 0 7,435 4 2 5,180 0 0 5,860 8 3 | 5,363 10 0 | 4,041 8 10 ! 2,195 8 0 20,800 2 4 2,593 1 8 7,509 19 2 2,564 0 3 8,814 13 7 6,553 5 8 2,885 14 5 5,620 2 5 6,519 17 0 I 12,456 12 9 2.739 13 4 8,326 7 5 £ s. d. 149 13 9 283 8 9 142 0 1 191 9 3 228 4 10 227 0 0 132 1 3 254 0 7 185 17 9 41 8 2 346 11 3 102 11 0 511 8 9 112 12 11 181 6 1 153 5 1 39 7 0 187 8 4 261 12 7 343 3 6 145 5 11 93 12 4 Operative Schools. £ s. d. ' £ s. d.- £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. 122 6 6 77 11 10 105 14 0 .. 234 18 6 569 15 10 1,522 13 81,007 12 7 .. 12,867 13 5 12 8 1 365 13 5 97 14 3 58 11 0 554 9 7 167 8 6 209 13 6 120 4 8 131 17 7 1,456 5 2 114 6 6 469 5 8 161 4 7 12 5 8 4,296 11 3 27 0 0 ' 323 0 0 190 0 0 130 0 0 337 0 0 170 1 0 334 11 10 320 6 10 105 15 3 10,671 15 4 107 9 6 340 4 9 31 6 2 61 12 2 1,876 18 0 62 14 9 201 19 11 52 8 0 75 16 10 1,238 18 11 31 0 6 91 4 6 143 17 3 I .. 192 5 6 842 5 5 1,656 5 3 381 2 11 268 13 8 9,146 4 0 30 1 9 142 2 10 36 19 8 41 10 8 461 9 9 312 6 11 452 17 10 61 16 6 .. 2,402 18 0 66 5 0 82 4 6 2 0 0 161 9 11 2,124 8 7 303 19 11 404 8 « 460 13 9 114 14 6 4.730 8 8 152 13 10 500 6 4 161 18 2 275 8 7 4,646 17 2 315 18 2 238 9 11 6 9 11 57 _ 0 1,365 18 6 83 18 10 534 5 10 154 7 1 171 11 I 8,449 17 5 76 3 3 637 4 9 41 1 3 266 1 11 1,929 18 6 317 15 4 1,000 16 0 128 18 7 132 9 3 10,785 7 3 32 9 3 253 1 0 54 9 10 167 7 9 61 1 8 45 15 7 348 12 7 336 2 10 .. 386 1 4 £ s. d. : £ s. d. 1,606 17 11 252 17 3 724 13 7 1,068 11 8 13,268 9 9 1,211 5 9 8.036 0 0 1.850 0 0 2,232 18 6 13 19 0 6,224 12 11 7,106 11 4 853 15 6 15 14 6 681 4 6 60 5 3 6 2 3 8,482 12 7 200 0 0 686 10 8 45 15 11 2,401 1 0 1,420 18 2 3,061 13 5 169 4 9 1,782 10 2 331 1 9 700 4 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. 70 18 0 1,101 9 10 339 0 0 2,352 4 0 1,337 7 10 1 627 3 10 838 7 10 £ s. d. 29 9 9 129 14 5 53 9 3 106 6 11 174 7 5 183 0 0 61 16 9 1,452 8 1 2 10 0 43 15 0 139 13 2 18 7 6 1,297 18 1 271 17 1 £ s. d. 5,638 5 3 44.632 8 4 4,854 19 9 9,081 18 3 28,487 9 5 16 822 0 0 22,255 18 0 17.060 9 0 14,516 15 8 2,754 13 5 36,767 6 9 3,432 7 1 22,262 16 11 6,427 12 2 19.255 13 2 16,033 16 2 8,401 5 1 16,920 13 4 10,466 7 0 25,639 18 7 4,095 1 3 9.918 5 6 146 19 1 2 15 0 423 9 6 53 14 2 20 0 0 229 18 3 304 7 2 210 19 5 884 0 0 307 12 4 305 9 0 213 8 4 765 3 3 400 6 7 1,145 2 11 23 15 11 29 14 0 180 15 0 21 10 0 245 19 7 83 1 6 477 8 8 142 13 10 135 13 10 Totals .. .. 6,622 13 9 6,622 13 9 153,779 15 0 4,313 9 2 3,964 4 5 10,186 13 1114,056 8 10 12,232 9 10 80,217 6 6 56,639 14 5 8,416 8 9 2,873 8 2 6,811 16 6 5,611 10 10 345,726 0 1 Non-operativt Schools. Greymouth High School .. 3 10 0 Hokitika High School .. 75 1 2 Akaroa High School .. . . 21 7 8 Waimate High School .. 64 4 7 3 10 0 75 1 2 21 7 8 64 4 7 100 0 0 100 0 0 I I 783 i8 7 I 95 0 0 103 10 170 1 905 6 447 9 2 3 1 383 4 6 Totals .. .. j 164 3 5 164 3 5 200 0 0 783 18 7 478 4 6 1,626 6 Grand totals .. 6,786 17 2 153,979 15 0 ,313 9 2 3,964 4 5 10,186 13 11|4,056 8 10 2,232 9 10 80,217 6 6 57,423 13 0 8,416 8 9 2,873 8 2 6,811 16 6 6,089 15 4 347,352 6 7 * Returns not received; figures estimated.



TABLE K9.—Balances and other Assets and Liabilities of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1920.

Assets. Liabilities. Secondary Schools. 1920. Bank Balances and Amounts owing to Investments. Board. Overdrafts and Loans. Other Liabilities. Balance, 31st December, 1920. Total. Total. Operative Schools. Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar School .. Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth High Schools Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High Schools Napier High Schools Gisborne High School Dannevirke High School Wellington Colleges Marlborough High School Nelson Colleges Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School Timaru High Schools Waitaki High Schools Otago High Schools Gore High School Southland High Schools £ s. d. Cr. 471 4 4 Dr. 1,366 12 0 Dr. 4,548 0 4 Cr. 449 8 4 Dr. 14,402 9 5 Cr. 786 18 3 Dr. 3,705 2 0 Cr. 5,838 9 2 Dr. 6,046 1 1 Dr. 96 0 4 Cr. 7.347 12 10 Cr. 70 5 11 Cr. 2,496 15 11 Dr. 1,153 5 4 Dr. 29,026 18 0 Cr. 831 18 9 Dr. 5.818 5 2 Dr. 10,670 12 2 Cr. 24 3 1 Cr. 478 2 11 Dr. 71 13 1 Cr. 7,700 11 3 £ s. d. 0 18 8 5,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 132 12 6 211 18 1 6,526 4 10 275 8 0 15 14 2 2,350 0 0 212 6 6 2,478 6 0 10 12 8 299 4 10 297 7 4 3,429 0 2 174 12 11 34 17 10 7,282 3 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,153 15 0 3,154 13 8 5.342 4 5 10.342 4 5 601 5 6 2,101 5 6 846 4 8 978 17 2 6,087 16 6 6,299 14 7 £ s. d. 44 18 8 7,522 17 3 6,419 0 5 £ s. d. 10,028 14 7 1,086 10 3 439 19 6 5,586 0 9 £ s. d. 10,073 13 3 8,609 7 6 6,419 0 5 439 19 6 18,146 10 11 * £ s. d. Dr. 6,918 19 7 Cr. 1,732 16 11 Dr. 4,317 14 11 Cr. 538 17 8 Dr. 11,846 16 4 12,56010 2 * 11,329 19 6 11.329 19 6 848 11 0 7,374 15 10 5,327 2 1 5,602 10 1 134 15 8 150 9 10 423 17 2 2,773 17 2 11 0 9 223 7 3 2,139 10 10 4,617 16 10 5,572 17 6 5,583 10 2 517 1 11 517 1 11 4,534 11 7 4,534 11 7 254 3 4 553 8 2 776 4 5 1,073 11 9 1,103 13 4 4,532 13 6 1,162 5 11 1,336 18 10 81 11 9 116 9 7 1,284 8 3 8,566 11 3 586 17 0 6,741 15 0 295 8 11 9.978 15 4 4,000 0 0 1,127 16 8 19,225 8 5 3,607 13 1 6,000 0 0 7,708 0 2 12,786 5 3 829 14 2 6,287 18 11 200 0 0 464 1 7 98 0 0 113 2 3 5,984 0 0 10,943 1 1 1,400 0 0 1,465 16 11 3,028 15 1 703 0 3 715 12 0 55 8 3 13,373 2 3 829 14 2 13,029 13 11 495 8 11 10,442 16 11 98 0 0 4,113 2 3 7.111 16 8 30,168 9 6 5,007 13 1 7,465 16 11 10,736 15 3 703 0 3 3,974 19 5 55 8 3 Dr. 2,043 2 9 Cr. 6,545 1 8 Dr. 7,427 3 10 Dr. 344 19 1 Dr. 7.668 19 9 Cr. 125 7 3 Cr. 504 14 7 Dr. 1,528 6 6 Dr. 29,651 7 7 Dr. 473 1 6 Dr. 6.912 8 9 Dr. 9,663 3 6 Cr. 3.829 13 3 Dr. 2,638 0 7 Cr. 61 1 4 Cr. 8,566 11 3 3,259 7 5 Total Dr. 50,409 8 2 30,231 7 6 51,533 1 1 j 81,764 8 7 89,078 8 6 62,216 0 10 151,294 9 4 Dr. 69,530 0 9 Greymouth High School Hokitika High School Akaroa High School Waimate High School Total Cr. 1,504 12 4 Cr. 1,647 16 6 Cr. 1,122 9 10 Cr. 3,180 2 4 Cr. 7,455 1 0 1,710 3 7 1,731 4 0 950 0 0 3,285 1 3 7,676 8 10 1,710 3 7 1,731 4 0 950 0 0 3,285 1 3 Son-operati, 37 1 8 42 0 0 re Schools. 1,710 3 7 1,768 5 8 992 0 0 3,285 1 3 121 6 1 I 17 18 2 Cr. Cr. 121 6 1 Cr. 17 18 2 Cr. 1,710 3 7 1,768 5 8 870 13 11 3,267 3 1 Cr. 7,455 1 0 7,676 8 10 79 1 8 7,755 10 6 121 6 1 17 18 2 139 4 3 Cr. 7,616 6 3 Grand totals Dr. 42,954 7 2 37,907 16 4 37,907 16 4 51,612 2 9 89,519 19 1 89,199 14' 7 62,233jl9 0 151,433 13 7 Dr. 61,913 14 it n •i-


TABLE K10.—Showing Distribution of Reserves Revenues to Secondary Schools for the Year 1920.

TABLE K11. —Lower Departments of Secondary Schools, 1920. —Average Attendance, Roll, Classification, and Staff.


Provincial District. Revenue received. Distribution of Revenue. Amount paid to each School. Secondary Schools receiving Payments. .uckland 'aranaki Vellington lawke's Bay.. £ s. d. 1,733 4 6 1,063 11 6 2,523 17 9 1,843 16 10 £ s. d. 1,733 4 6 1,063 11 6 2,523 17 9 1,843 16 10 Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' and Girls' Grammar Schools .. Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth High Schools Wellington Boys'Collego Wellington Girls' College Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High Schools Gisborne High School Napier High Schools Dannevirke High School Marlborough High School Nelson Colleges Greymouth High School Hokitika High School Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools Waitaki High Schools Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools Gore High School £ s. d. 124 16 1 1,239 4 10 117 17 4 251 6 3 1,063 11 6 890 18 7 820 5 4 302 17 5 509 16 5 650 17 7 831 11 4 361 7 11 84 10 10 519 14 11 241 16 6 213 11 7 441 7 5 220 3 11 242 16 0 78 13 1 larlborough .. lelson Vestland 84 10 10 519 14 11 455 8 1 84 10 10 519 14 11 455 8 1 )tago 983 0 5 983 0 5 Total 9,207 4 10 9,207 4 10 Total 9,207 4 10 -

ti 8 uo2— ■ a _° -. TJ CM Roll Number, 1020. Classiflcatii m according to Standards. Numl Teac onS ber of iliers Itaif. School. <1S Boys. Girls. Class P. 81. 82. S3. '84. 86. S6. Totals. M. F. New Plymouth Boys' High School Now Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Gisborne High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Wellington Girls' College Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College .. ... Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Waitaki Boys' High School 78 42 47 82 48 52 64 34 48 28 18 52 36 102 57 59 i 37 50 55 34 58 76 i i3 13 1 1 7 13 8 5 4 1 13 11 10 4 10 7 7 3 7 7 17 11 8 22 12 12 15 5 8 10 3 10 6 11 13 20 29 19 13 12 9 14 8 37 8 17 30 16 24 17 16 12 15 6 11 19 102 50 55 91 59 58 80 37 52 33 21 65 39 "2 4 2 2 2 I 18 65 39 52 33 3 6 3 2 5 1 ii i 8 2 8 11 5 2 1 1 2 ii 0 Totals 629 381 361 23 30 66 85 139 171 228 742 6 19 Christ's College, Christchurch . . 59 73 21 15 24 13 73 3 1 Grand totals 688 454 361 23 30 66 106 154 241 815 9 20 195



TABLE K12.—List of Secondary Schools incorporated or endowed.

Table K13. —Classes at Secondary Schools approved under Regulations for Manual Instruction for Year ending 31st December, 1920.

Name, Act of Incorporation or Institution. Remarks. * Whangarei High School •Auckland Grammar Sohool "Auckland Girls' Grammar School 'Hamilton High School •Thames High Sohool •New Plymouth High School .. •Wanganui Girls'College Wanganui Collegiate School ' .. 1878, No. 63, Local .. 1899, No. 11, Local. 1906, No. 18, Local. 1908, No. 52. section94. 1878, No. 54, Local. 1889, No. 2, Local. 1878, No. 42, Local. [Nil] Act may be repealed by Gazette notice under Act of 1885, No. 30. •Palmerston North High School t Wellington College and Girls' High Sohool •Dannevirke High School •Napier High Schools •Gisborno High School •Marlborough High Sohool 'Nelson College Endowment, Reg. I, fol. 52. See also D.-16, 1866, p. 9. 1904, No. 20, section 88. 1887, No. 17, Local. 1904, No. 20, seotion 88. 1882, No. 11, Local. 1885, No. 8, Local. 1899, No. 27, Local. 1858, No. 38, and 1882, No. 15, Local. 1883, No. 21, Local .. 1883, No. 7, Local 1881, No. 15, Local. 1878, No. 30, Local .. [Nil] Not in operation. Not in operation. Greymouth High School Hokitika High School .. * Rangiora High School J Christchurch Boys' High School J Christchurch Girls' High School Under management of Canterbury College. Under management of Canterbury Collego. Endowment, Gazette, 1878, Vol. i, p. 131. A department of Christ's Collego, Canterbury. Christ's Collego Grammar School Canterbury Ordinance, 1855 1881, No. 16, Local .. 1878, No. 49, Local. 1.878, No. 26, Local. 1883, No. 19, Local .. 1878, No. 18, Local. 1877, No. 52, Local. 1904, No. 20, section 88. 1877, No. 82, Local. Akaroa High School .. .. "Ashburton High School •Timaru High School .. Waimate High School •Waitaki High Schools.. •Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools •Gore High School •Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools Not in operation. Not in operation. * For scheme of control see New Zealand Ga J For scheme of control see New Zealand Gazette j izette No. 85,1915. *o. 61, 1916. t For scheme of control see New Zealand, Gazette No. 83,1920.

Bub; jects of Instrui in ition, and each Sub; 1 Numl ject. icr of CI; use-i Recei ipts. Expel aditure. Secondary School. ct "Si Ph _3 a a cn _- 1 o fi $ o S a 5 i 1. ■i* H3 a rtl aj cj ir CJ "£'& tHin 1ag ■fi -S 05 OS w 9 ■ca CD OP .9 ti 11 I a cn leap <5 _ agg CJ _ C- §> _ a Clog Jr QJ a sfi w __ O CH CiDOJ _— pj rH -3 Sl r." ~- r a cj g,_ gro S. CQ H> <- S 3 i a -H ID r hh a . a 1 Or. r. _ O 3°HH 3„° sl! H 4| 81* |Jl _ <- a hi 15* fl fi rr « HH O 4 0 "2 £ 61 216 42 66 53 .181 112 81 249 247 78 106 107 171 50 153 82 318 147 127 179 82 105 20 156 85 134 61 80 91 £ £ £ Whangarei High School Hamilton High School Thames High School Now Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girls' High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Dannevirke High School Gisborne High School Marlborough High School Nelson Girls' College Nelson Boys' College Christchurch Girls' High School . . Christchurch Boys' High School . . Rangiora High School Ashburton High School Timaru Girls' High School Timaru Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Otago Boys' High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School Gore High School 2 4 3 8 i 3 6 3 5 0 2 15 4 7 8 4 6 io 2 i 2 4 3 15 13 10 10 10 7 46 39 16 11 8 14 8 12 9 23 18 11 .15 7 9 9 10 9 20 8 18 •' 7 2 2 1 3 1 5 4 4 28 6 18 14 32 20 14 46 54 19 19 17 25 11 25 19 52 22 19 31 11 19 9 16 18 20 8 34 6 i.2 Inform . 178 59 ! » ation not | 106 | 269 | 62 76 42 ] 522 j 306 183 available 178 107 3 25 1 121 5 275 115 161 5 2 5 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 284 4 1 3 I i 4 3 \ 172 • 266 ] 132 1,067 9 7 3 35 9 3 31 i67 Totals, 1920 43 122 38 385 13 35 636 3,640 382 2,441 2,128 Totals, 1919 45 118 34 327 17 582 3,626 724 1,804 525 41

B.—. 6,

TABLE L1.—School Attendance at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1920.

TABLE L2. —Number of Pupils in Secondary Departments of District High Schools taking various Subjects, 1920.

TABLE L3.-Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1920.

4—E. 6.


Education District. o H=a as '" n -Q CD ii 1-5 | Mean of Average Weekly Roll of Four Quarters, 1920. Average Attendance for Whole Year (Mean of Average Attendance of Four Quarters). Average Attendance as Percentage of the Mean of Average Weekly Roll of Four Quarters, 1920. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Hawke's Bay Wellington Nelson Canterbury Otago 355 163 143 170 285 154 595 292 208 246 454 107 85 192 74 82 156 91 101 192 165 171 336 78 99 177 336 357 693 159 184 343 454 192 156 192 336 177 693 343 181 100 65 83 153 70 302 147 214 75 73 91 155 89 322 166 395 175 138 174 308 159 624 313 87-0 91-1 88-5 90-6 91-4 89-8 89-9 91-3 Totals for 1920 .. 2,157 2,157 1,218 1,325 2,543 1,101 1,185 2,286 89-9 Totals for 1919 .. 2,159 2,159 1,195 1,307 2,502 1,084 | 1,191 2,275 90'9 Difference .. -2 18 -2 23 41 17 -6 II -1-0

Subject. Auckland. Taranaki. B. G. B. G. Wanganui. llawke's Welling- | N ,. _ Bay. ton. kelson. Canterbury. Otago. Totals. Percentage. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. English and arithmetic Geography, history, and civics Latin French Mathematics Surveying and mensuration Chemistry and physics Botany Agricultural science Dairy-work Hygiene Domestic science Needlework and cookery .. Woodwork and metalwork Laundry-work Book-keeping and commercial work Shorthand and typewriting Drawing sh i cap! loa a ih and arithnu by, histor letic r y> ic an .. 153 190 92 72 nd 124 163 90 72 153 124 71 8C 71 8C 81 81 ) 78 ) 78 92 92 147 99 146 116 67 . 67 £ 95 95! 312 210 323 ' 321 127 127 165 165 1,047 866 1,163' 1,104 100 83 i 100 95 1CS I . 3h ems win listi Q y (Ultl f-Wl a n ! ir; il) '0 atics ig and mene ry and phys ural science ork isur sics e ra s atio 43 34 .. 134 168 81 54 .. 153 190 81 54 on .... 5 6 .. 153 190 67 46 11 3 .. 153 42 35 26 92 118 20 20 ik 153 153 2 2 66 74 65 67 11 11 55 7S 74 67 11 73 _ 63 . 41 1 68 1 .. 1 57 2 46 42 1 10 69 41 66 57 7 48 46 15 35 38 84 52 146 2 127 29 55 16 27 56 79 131 78 18 1 27 £ 56 7 'is 2 40 £ 19 25' 74! 1 29l 54; 76 156 267 10 235 104 190 151 42 ■ 48 173 225 122 79 71 47 118 149 174 66 63 127 127 100 104 78 87 165 151 111 121 352 620 963 28 836 286 651 321 106 306 701 972 18 741J 254| 308 1 257| 290 469 648 34 59 92 3 80 27 62 I 31 10 26 60 84 1 | 64 22 26 22 i 25 40 56 153 92 68 .. .. I 21 43 ene estii lewi iwo c science ork and coo irk and mel oke stab r y ■ vorl .. .. 137 .. 53 .. .. 150 .. .. rl. 110 .. 58 .. 54 54 34 78 5 60 20 85 2 27 4 '■41 94 34 t .. 29 iio 75 65 .. . .. 65 ioo 2 15 .. ioi 36 140 60 574 55 9 28 dry :-kei 1 nrc '-work .. eping and c nrlr con lme e'r- 23 26 il is 23 - 29 45 42 _ 8 18 28 '51 37 22 'a 39 68 i9 1 i93 io6 321 is 4 1 W< thar ork id and type ewr ri itin ig .. .. 11 18 47 51 51 8 18 71 82 22 16 2 24 42 35 113 47 37 38 84 201 195 136 8 19 17 11 dng 1 Total number of pupils roti 3a al number c oft >upi tils 153 190 92 72 153 71 8C 80 78 92 147 146 67 8 I 95 323j | 127 165 1,047 1,163 100 100 92 312

Note.—In tho column Secondary Department. for "Position on Staff," (5), "H" means Head of a School, and " D" Assistant in the Two normal schools, a regulations for training colli dthough not district high schools, have secondary departments in accordance with the eges. School. MXJCJ a a~ a Name of Teacher. (2) (3) „, d Staff. wm§> Statutory £ S ,|H B ' ~~~~~ Annual Kate q-S=d Academic -,, ... n a' of Salary SSfl Name of Teacher. Status and „°i!"'i" i U V,n nfe ' at End of Year. Classification. onbtaa - 1H - U - (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (71 Staff. Academic Status and Uassifioation. (41 Position on Staff. (6) (1) Auckland — Aratapu Cambridge Coromandel .. 24 Chappell, William Smith, William G. S. 9 Campbell, Robert Meredith, Charles 20 Boden, William J... Hurdsiiold, Edgar C. 27 Moore-J ones, Herbert J. Watkins, Leslie A. 41 Taylor, George H. Wilks, Frank Sutton, Winifred E. £ s. d. 24 Chappell, William .. B H. 48 30 0 0 Smith, William G. S. .. .. I). .. 290 0 0 9 Campbell, Robert .. .. C H. 28 30 0 0 Meredith, Charles .. .. C D. 57 390 0 0 20 Boden, William J... .. B H. 33 30 0 0 Hurdsiiold, Edgar C. .. D D. 83 300 0 0 27 Moore-Jones, Herbert J. .. D H. 46 30 0 0 Watkins, Leslie A. .. A D. 84 320 0 0 41 Tavlor, George II... .. C H. 33 30 0 0 Wilks, Frank .. .. B.A., B D. 53 350 0 0 Sutton, Winifred E. .. .. D. .. 230 0 0 B C c B D D A C B.A., B H. D. 11. D. H. D. H. D. H. D. D. Matamata Paeroa


TABLE L3.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High SchoolS, 1920 — continued.


School. o _ i CM Pi -5-11 a (2) Name of Teacher. (3) Staff. Academic Status and Classification. (4) Position on Staff. Grading, 1920. Statutory Annual Bate of Salary at End of Y ear. (1) (5) («) (7) lUokland — continued. Pukekohe Mm mm Rotorua 55 31 FlavelI, Dennis R... Fletcher, Allen Heward, Gladys H. Lewins, William McIIardio, Winifred E. Wilson, Beatrice A. Tanner, Thomas B. Casey, Ellon G. Walker, William R. C. Gavey, Annie L. .. Marsh, Cyril R. .. Walker, Spenceley.. Taylor, Fanny Hately, Janet P. .. Power, Edward A... Wilton, Elizabeth I. Ross, Nellie Gibson, Henry T. .. Pembcrton, Thomas N. French, Edna D. .. Snell, Edgar P. Howes, Bernard H. I) c M.A., B B.Sc, B B.A., B H. I). D. H. D. D. H. D. H. D. D. H. D. D. H. I). D. H. I). I). H. D. 57 75 71 38 59 £ s. d. 30 0 0 310 0 0 310 0 0 30 0 0 330 0 0 230 0 0 30 0 0 330 0 0 30 0 0 350 0 0 270 0 0 30 0 0 350 0 0 280 0 0 30 0 0 340 0 0 300 0 0 30 0 0 330 0 0 290 0 0 30 0 0 300 0 0 Taumarunui .. Tauranga 48 48 I) M.A., B B.A., B C 30 71 13 50 To Awamutu.. 31 B B.A., B C D B.A., B B.A., B 0 B B C c 49 96 29 67 79 25 74 80 35 82 To Kuiti 52 Waihi 62 Whakatano .. 22 'aranaki— Stratford 188 Tyrer, Florence A. R. Bowler, Frederick (Adlam, Ronald C.) Sage, Constance M. Colquhoun, Mary H. Cathie, Winifred A. Gernhoefer, Amy M. Dunn, Jessie S. .. D B.A., B B M.A., A B M.A., A C A H. D. (R.) D. D. D. D. D. 10 41 76 61 62 61 83 88 50 0 0 410 0 0 330 0 0 340 0 0 330 0 0 290 0 0 260 0 0 230 0 0 Wanganui— Bull's Feilding II 58 Gray, Joseph H. .. Clemance, Herbert J. Richardson, Henry H. Renyard, Frederick C. Daniell, Myra D. .. Ironmonger, Edwin L. McNiven, Jessie de Berry, Leonard F. Thomas, William W. (Jamieson, Catherine) Hird, William E. .. Lehndorf, Chloe R. Thurston, James F. Hall, Percy H. D C B.A., B B.Sc., B B I) H. D. H. D. D. H. D. H. D. (R.) H. D. H. D. 33 72 11 60 84 25 30 0 0 310 0 0 30 0 0 330 0 0 280 0 0 30 0 0 240 0 0 30 0 0 390 0 0 250 0 0 30 0 0 290 0 0 30 0 0 380 0 0 Hunterville .. 13 Marton 39 M.A., B B.A., B B.A., B M.A., B B.A., B C D II 50 Patea 7 29 79 16 66 Taihape 24 lawke's Bay— Hastings 73 Peglor, Leonard F. Ross, Kenneth Hodgson, Ruth J. Hodges, James A... Smith, William Heron, Albert J. G. Smith, Fanny L. .. Curd, Frank B. .. Grace, Eleanor A. .. Robson, Bertha (McRae, James) Tooman, Elizabeth Merrick, Francis S. B.A., B M.A., B B D B.A., B B B.A., B 15 C C c B.A., B C H. D. D. D. H. D. D. H. D. D. (R.) I). D. 10 60 46 30 0 0 390 0 0 330 0 0 250 0 0 30 0 0 370 0 0 310 0 0 30 0 0 340 0 0 280 0 0 Waipawa 41* 21 68 40 24 62 73 53 52 70 Waipukurau .. 36 Woodville 37 350' 0 0 350 0 0 Wellington — Carterton 42 Cowles, Jabez A. .. Haddrell, Olive V. Park, Jean G. Foss, Reginald J. .. Lazarus, Frances Hind, Helen M. .. Nightingale, Henry J. Mather, Winifred M. Tamblyn, Joseph.. Mvers, Phoebe McKay, Sophia A. F. C. McTntyre, James Rocke'l, Cecil F. .. Armstrong, Beryl G. Jackson, William H. Bee, John G. Brown, Alexandra M. Sutherland, Olive R. Ross, Hilda Chatwin, George W. North, Esther M. .. Haslam, Charles N. Lynskey, James H. Denham, Fanny R. (Mrs.) .. B.A., B M.A., B C B C B.A., B M.A., A B.A., B M.A., B B.A., B C D B B.A., B D ■ M.A., A B.A., D M.A., A B.A., B C B.A., B B.A., B B.A., B M.A., B H. D. D. H. D. D. H. D. H. D. D. H. D. I). H. D. D. D. D. H. D. II. D. D. 13 59 75 18 47 94 4-2 94 21 41 80 21 62 88 10 42 61 67 75 18 72 10 35 (>0 30 0 0 340 0 0 280 0 0 30 0 0 360 0 0 260 0 0 30 0 0 260 0 0 30 0 0 360 0 0 290 0 0 30 0 0 380 0 0 260 0 0 50 0 0 390 0 0 330 0 0 290 0 0 260 0 0 30 0 0 330 0 0 50 0 0 410 0 0 320 0 0 • 40 Eketahuna .. Greytown 10 Hutt 31 Levin 38 Masterton 94 Pahiatua 26 Petono 53


TABLE L3.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1920 — continued.


School. (II _„§ c3 fln — m (2) Name of Teacher. (« Academic Status and Classification. iaff. Position on Staff. Grading, 1920. Statutory Annual Rate of Salary at End of Year. (4) (5) 16) '7) Nelson — Motueka 24 Douglas, Arthur .. Neilson, Isabella .. Rumbold, William A. Hopkirk, Susan M. Hiddleston, John F. C. Bruce, Violet Harkness, James H. Dale, Margaret J. Hoare, Brian L. Snodgrass, Sadie M. Watson, John C M.A., A C B.A., B C H. D. H. D. H. D. IT. I). D. D. D. 27 54 13 69 47 £ s. d. 30 0 0 340 0 0 30 0 0 340 0 0 30 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 380 0 0 310 0 0 260 0 0 220 0 0 Reefton 30 Takaka Lower 18 Westport 100 B.A.', B M.A., B 4 61 Canterbury— Akaroa 0 92 Christchurch West Darficld Geraldine Greymouth .. 22 222 10 26 76 Hall, Charles Farnie, Violet C. .. Waller, Francis D. Allard, Charles W. Barrell, Arthur F. Mayne, Arthur J. .. Finlayson, Annie C. Reese, Marion Marriott, Gladys E. Mayne, Helga M. .. Val'lance, Nellio M. Ellis, Leonard R. .. (Petrie, Arthur) Collins, Charles F... Farnie, Dorothy C. Allison, Herbert H. Scott, Walter R. .. Struthcrs, Susan B. McKcnzie, Gordon M. Brunton, John Niven, James Layoock, Irene L. Aitken, Grace M. .. Wilson, Henry L. .. Reynolds, Mary C. Walker, Joseph W. A. Moyle, Mary A. Aschman, Christopher T. Irwin, James Osborn, Mabel E. .. Watson, Lancelot .. (Arnold, Basil E.) .. Garton, Wilfred W. Anderson, Grace M. Hutton, James c M.A., A B.A., B B M.A., A M.A., B M.A., A B.A., B B.A., B C C E C C M.A., B C A B C M.A., B M.A.,M.Sc.,A B C B M.A., B C B.A., B C B.A., A B.A., B C C M.A., A M.A., A M.A., LL.B., B B.A., B B.A., B M.A., Lie. B B.A., B M.A.,M.Sc.,A B.A., B H. I). H. D. I). D. D. D. I). D. I). H. (R.) • H. D. II. D. 1). D. H. D. I). I). H. D. H. I). 11. D. D H. (»■) H. D. 11. 36 47 5 . 40 47 52 51 54 64 59 70 56 99 26 54 34 73 67 107 13 55 67 104 33 09 27 66 7 22 53 36 101 37 63 37 30 0 0 330 0 0 50 0 0 440 0 0 430 0 0 340 0 0 340 0 0 320 0 0 290 0 0 290 0 0 280 0 0 30 0 0 170 0 0 30 0 0 350 0 0 50 0 0 360 0 0 300 0 0 210 0 (I 50 0 0 340 0 0 300 0 0 210 0 0 30 0 0 310 0 0 30 0 0 340 0 0 Hokitika 62 Kaikoura Town 10 Lyttelton 17 Normal 46 490 0 0 320 0 0 30 0 0 210 0 0 30 0 0 320 0 0 30 0 0 Oxford East .. 18 Pleasant Point 25 Southbridge .. 24 Tcmuka 33 Wills, Kathleen P. Methven, James .. Mills, Mary McM. .. Simpson, Anne (Laing, Thomas M. M.) Olliver, Margaret F. L. Dyer, Henrietta E. Borrie, Margaret A. D. H. D. D. (R.) D. D. D. 56 10 350 0 0 30 0 0 300 0 0 290 0 0 Waimate 101 70 43 52 66 330 0 0 300 0 0 180 0 0 Otago— Alexandra C B C M.A., B B.A., B C M.A., A C B B M.A., A B.E., B M.A., A B.A., B M.A., A B.A., B B.A., B 0 C C M.A., A C B.A., B H. D. H. D. D. D. H. D. D. H. D. H. D. D. H. D. H. D. D. H. D. H. D. 33 99 7 42 76 80 38 106 93 34 39 6 37 58 9 62 19 61 81 26 62 7 66 30 0 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 360 0 0 290 0 0 240 0 0 30 0 0 300 0 0 260 0 0 30 0 0 360 0 0 Balclutha Lawrence Mosgiel Normal 31 (i!) 35 17 60 McLean, Alexander Holmes, Mary Nicholson, John McN. Paterson, Janet Dunn, Annio Anderson, Renata V. Harrison, Wilkinson L. McQueen, Henry C. Willocks, Ada M. R. Jack, James A. Bressey, Florence F. McElrea, William .. Stewart, Charles A. Kenyon, Helen McG. Rutherford, John R. Hale, Lily G. Booth, George F. .. Sinclair, Agnes Smith, Phyllis M. . . Maekie, William W. Aitken, Janet W. . . Graham, Walter B. Clapperton, Catherine 470 0 0 330 0 0 30 0 0 340 0 0 30 0 0 340 0 0 270 0 0 30 0 0 340 0 0 30 0 0 330 0 0 Palmerston .. 24 Port Chalmers 37 Tapanui 23 Tokomairiro .. 30 £36,430 0 0




WHANGAREI HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 20 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 265 16 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 5 0 0 Revenue from secondary - education re- Insurance, rates, and repairs .. .. 39 18 4 servo? .. .. .. .. 157 19 9 Transfer to other accounts — New Buildings Account .. .. 39 8 6 General Account .. .. .. 233 18 9 Hostels Account .. .. .. 54 8 7 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 31 1 7 £423 15 9 £423 15 9 New Buildings and Sites Account:— New Buildings and Sites Account:— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 75 10 0 Valuation, new site .. .. .. 16 16 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Legal expenses .. .. .. 22 12 6 count .. .. .. .. 39 8 6 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 75 10 0 £114 18 6 £114 18 0 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 1,31] 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 138 4 10 Hostel games fees .. .. .. 17 6 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 10 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Provisions .. .. .. .. 849 4 0 count .. .. .. .. 54 8 7 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 95 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 362 7 8 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 350 7 6 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. . . 202 15 0 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 54 8 7 Insurance, rates, &o. .. .. 44 12 10 £1,745 2 9 £1.745 2 9 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :— Total receipts .. .. .. 70 18 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 2 2 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 2 2 0 Total payments .. .. .. 70 18 0 £73 0 0 £73 0 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 393 0 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 3,175 16 8 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 455 6 1 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,772 0 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 22 0 0 Government payment for incidental ex- Maintenance of buildings .. .. 109 9 9 penses .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Interest on overdraft .. .. 116 6 School fees.. .. .. .. 189 14 0 Fire insurance .. .. .. 39 1 3 Kerr Scholarship .. .. .. 26117 School furniture .. .. .. 40 4 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- School honours board .. .. 6 15 0 count .. .. .. .. 233 18 9 Sundries .. .. .. .. 5 13 3 Refund income from endowments .. 45 3 9 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 213 IS 1 £4,115 4 4 £4,115 4 4 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. A mounts due to Board. £ s. d. Teacher's' cost-of-living bonus .. .. 710 0 Government capitation due .. .. 16 13 4 Unpaid purchase-money for site, &o. .. 10,000 0 0 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 14 0 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 21 4 7 Boarding-fees due .. .. .. 67 12 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 41 18 8 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 55 9 8 IJnpresonted cheques .. .. .. 3 0 0 Government grant, part-payment for schoolsite .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Cash on hand.. .. .. .. 0 18 8 £10,073 13 3 £3,154 13 8 W. A. Carruth, Chairman. J. MacKinnon, Secretary.



AUCKLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 497 12 11 Board .. .. .. .. 6,616 19 10 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 60 0 0 Revenue from secondary - education re- Repairs .. .. .. .. 1,093 17 0 serves .. .. .. .. 1,421 13 1 Insurance .. .. .. .. 168 911 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Rates .. .. .. .. 723 18 7 ments .. .. .. .. 199 0 0 Interest on mortgages .. .. 69 13 6 Auckland University College refund .. 23 3 0 Legal expenses .. .. .. 15 5 8 Repayment of Jahn mortgage .. 500 0 0 Recoverable expenditure .. .. 40 2 9 Transfers to other accounts — New Building Account .. .. 3,493 8 7 General Account .. .. .. 1,598 7 0 £8,260 15 11 £8,260 15 11 Endowments Capital Account : — Endowments Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 5,000 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 5,000 0 0 £5,000 0 0 £5,000 0 0 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Government grants for new buildings, &c. — Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 7,461 1 II Mount Albert site.. .. .. 5,585 10 0 New buildings, grounds, &o. (Mount AlEpsom additions .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 bert, £6,725; Mount Eden, £448 14s. Howe Street furniture, &c. .. .. 312 10 0 9d.; Epsom, £3,390 17s. 4d.; Howe Sale of stone .. .. .. 10 10 0 Street, £33 2s. 7d.) .. .. 10,597 14 8 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Furniture and apparatus (Mount Eden, ■ count .. .. .. .. 3,493 8 7 £49 7s. Bd. ; Epsom, £68 3s. 2d.; Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 8,081 7 0 Howe Street, £554 os. lid.) .. .. 67111 9 Interest on loans for buildings .. 252 17 3 £18,983 5 7 £18,983 5 7 Secondary Department General Ao- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Teachers'salaries and allowances ..24,829 12 1 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 1,28119 9 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 3,383 10 10 Government payment for salaries of Maintenance of buildings .. .. 1,398 18 3 teachers.. .. .. .. 26,032 7 1 Insurances.. .. .. .. 199 8 9 School fees.. .. .. .. 1,474 5 0 Library .. .. .. .. 44 6 5 War bursary .. .. .. 26 5 0 Sundries .. .. 59 3 0 Transfer from Endowments Income AcWar bursary .. .. .. 26 5 0 count .. .. .. .. 1,598 7 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 471 19 6 £30,413 3 10 £30,413 3 10 — ' I ft- —r Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Loan, Diocesan Pension Board .. .. 1,000 0 0 Auckland City Council debentures .. 5,000 0 0 Sundry creditors — Government capitation due .. .. 966 7 8 Williamson Trust .. .. .. 759 8 6 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 252 13 0 Contractors'deposits .. .. 294 3 9 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 1,326 1 6 J. C. Macky Memorial .. .. 26 3 0 Grants due from Government for buildEric H. Astley Memorial .. .. 410 0 ings— Kenneth Commons Memorial .. .. 2 5 0 Mount Albert .. .. .. 1,121 12 9 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 6,410 8 7 Epsom No. 1 (additions) .. .. 200 0 0 Onpresented cheques .. .. .. 112 8 8 Epsom No. 2 (additions) .. .. 1,475 9 6 £8,609 7 6 £10,342 4 5 A. P. W. Thomas, Chairman. W. Wallace Kidd, Secretary.



THAMES HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 75 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 934 1 9 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 86 4 6 Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to— serves .. .. .. .. 137 18 6 New Building Account .. .. 906 11 2 Goldlields revenue .. .. .. 64 3 6 General Account .. .. .. 117 2 11 Rent .. .. .. .. 48 14 10 £1,184 18 7 £1,184 18 7 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :■— Balance, 31st December, 1919 (mortgage Purchase of sites and improvements .. 494 11 5 investment) .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 375 8 8 Interest on investment of £1,500 .. 140 0 3 Interest on loans for buildings .. 292 0 2 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Balance, 31st Decomber, 1920 .. 1,384 11 2 oount .. .. .. .. 906 11 2 £2,546 11 5 £2,546 11 5 Trust Account :— Trust Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 51 5 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 53 5 2 Interest .. .. .. .. 2 0 2 £53 5 2 £53 5 2 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 939 17 7 teachers .. .. .. .. 437 0 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,684 16 0 Government capitation for free places .. 2,670 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 617 15 10 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance (including material) of manual instruction .. .. 49 5 2 classes for manual instruction .. 58 II 0 School fees .. .. .. 87 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 39 10 0 Loan repaid . . .. . . 160 0 0 Rates and taxes, .fee. .. .. 8 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Interest on overdraft .. .. 57 4 9 count .. .. .. .. 117 211 Conveyance of scholars from distance .. 53 9 3 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 951 4 6 Insurance .. .. .. .. 17 8 2 £4,471 12 7 £4,471 12 7 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Ijiabiliiies. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Loans (Government Insurance Department) 5,352 7 1 Investments on loan or mortgage .. 1,500 0 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 1,066 13 4 Government capitation due .. .. 12 4 4 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 15 12 0 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 573 9 2 Balance, Adams Memoria'Prize Account.. 53 5 2 £6,419 0 5 £2,154 10 8 S. A. Hethe Kington, Chairman. Jas. Kernick, Secretary.

HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Transfer to General Account .. .. 329 13 2 Board .. .. .. .. 55 7 6 Revenue from secondary-education reserves .. .. .. .. 274 5 8 £329 13 2 £329 13 2 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Government grant for new buildings .. 500 0 0 Science fittings and apparatus .. 306 7 5 Transfer from Genera] Account .. 885 13 0 Playing-fields .. .. .. 395 12 6 Furniture and desks .. .. 183 13 1 New buildings .. .. .. 500 0 0 £1,385 13 0 , £1,385 13 0 Hostels Account : — Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 981 10 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 10 17 9 Transfer from General Account .. 87 1 8 Provisions .. .. .. .. 424 9 2 Fuel, light, &e. . . .. .. 48 6 0 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 292 12 9 Repairs to buildings .. .. 84 18 5 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 16 14 3 Rent .. .. .. .. 190 13 4 £1,068 11 8 £1,068 11 8



HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD— continued. Genkral Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920 — continued. Receipts. Payments. Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— £ s. d. count :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 1,276 19 3 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,534 6 0 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 688 15 11 teachers .. .. .. .. 4,923 10 10 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 86 5 0 Government payment for incidental Maintenance of buildings .. .. 54 8 9 expenses .. .. .. 400 0 0 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 16 3 5 Government capitation for classes for Auckland Education Board (manual manual instruction .. .. 225 3 0 salaries) .. .. .. .. 131 17 7 School fees .. .. .. 381 13 6 Library .. .. .. .. 20 111 Refunds .. .. .. .. 21 2 1 Cost-of-living bonus.. .. .. 95 15 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 37 10 0 Transfers to othor accounts— Cost-of-living bonus .. .. .. 137 8 11 Girls'Hostel Account .. .. 87 1 8 Transfer from Endowments Income New Buildings Account .. .. 885 13 0 Account .. .. .. .. 329 13 2 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 132 12 6 £7,733 0 9 £7,733 0 9 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Inabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d Salaries —Technical Department .. 169 2 6 Government capitation due .. .. 249 3 4 Girls' Hostel accounts .. .. .. 52 10 0 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 48 6 8 Cost-of-living bonus unpaid .. .. 99 18 7 Boarding-fees due .. .. '.. 17 0 0 General school accounts .. .. 118 8 5 Refund cost-of-living bonus duo by teachers 58 4 8 War bursaries due by Department .. 37 10 0 Government grants — Apparatus .. .. .. .. 86 0 0 Playing-fields .. .. .. 350 0 0 Cash on hand .. .. .. 0 10 0 Balance, current account .. .. 132 2 0 £439 19 6 £978 17 2 C. L. MacDiarmid, Chairman. R. English, Secretary.

NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st Decembf.r, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 265 8 1 Reserves inspection, £2 25.; law, £12 12s. 14 14 0 Current income from reserves vested in Transfer to— Board .. .. .. .. 935 10 10 New Buildings Account .. .. 1,676 7 1 Revenue from secondary-education re- General Account .. .. .. 169 9 10 serves .. .. .. .. 659 12 0 £1,860 10 11 £1,860 10 11 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Government grants for buildings, site, Purchase of sites .. .. .. 300 0 0 apparatus, &c. (buildings, £2,769; Boys' boardinghouse and site.. .. 1,823 2 11 laboratory, £241 15s. sd. ; gully im- Boys' school and site .. .. 989 15 0 provement, £100; stone wall, £39; Girls'school and site .. .. 332 11 9 site, £300) .. .. .. 3,249 15 5 Girls'boardinghouse and site .. .. 243 6 6 Transfer from Endowments Income Boys' sick-room .. .. .. 44 1 8 Account.. .. .. .. 1,676 7 1 Furniture .. .. .. .. 28 411 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 385 18 11 Laboratory .. .. .. 182 18 6 Rates, rent, and insurance .. .. 183 0 2 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 547 10 0 Interest on loans for buildings .. 637 10 0 £5,312 1 5 £5,312 1 5 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 106 3 1 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 799 14 10 School fees .. .. .. 1,333 16 4 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 300 3 0 Refund of fees .. .. .. 1 11 6 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 398 9 7 £1,499 19 5 £1,499 19 5



NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD— continued. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920 — continued. Receipts. Payments. Hostels Account :— £ s. d. Hostels Account :— £ s. d. Boarding-fees .. .. .. 11,129 9 10 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 365 14 9 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 2,935 13 2 Provisions .. .. .. .. 4,438 9 5 Contractors' deposits .. .. 24 1 3 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 628 0 7 Sale of farm-produce, &c. .. .. 24 2 2 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 1,624 1 8 Tradesmen's accounts .. .. 215 16 3 Furniture, utensils, &o. .. .. 749 2 7 Repairs to buildings .. .. 198 9 2 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 1,266 8 2 Advances to boarders .. .. 2,757 19 7 Transfer to General Account .. .. 1,000 12 11 Refund of contractors' deposits .. 26 1 3 Farm expenditure .. .. 1,002 14 4 Tradesmen's accounts .. .. 211 8 3 £14,329 2 8 £14,329 2 8 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Government payment for salaries of Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 7,435 4 2 teachers and incidental expenses .. 5,525 3 11 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 973 1 7 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of classes for manual inmanual instruction .. .. 142 14 6 struction .. .. .. 12 5 8 Subsidies on voluntary contributions for Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 52 10 0 general purposes (not new buildings).. 85 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 169 9 10 School fees .. .. .. 447 5 4 Donations expended.. .. .. 121 17 5 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Interest on overdraft .. .. 26 5 9 poses (not new buildings) .. .. 98 13 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 105 17 6 Interest on bequests.. .. .. 3 2 1 Bursaries .. .. .. .. 52 10 0 Transfers from — Hostels Account .. .. ..1,060 12 11 Endowments Income Account .. 169 9 10 Balance, 31st Decomber, 1920 .. 1,100 5 4 £8,790 14 5 £8,790 14 5 Bequests Trust Account Bequests Trust Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 75 0 0 Interest withdrawn for purposes of bequest 3 2 1 Interest received .. .. .. 514 5 Balance at New Plymouth Savings-bank 77 12 4 £80 14 5 £80 14 5 Citizens' Donation Account :— Citizens' Donation Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 136 9 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920.. .. 136 18 1 Interest .. .. .. .. 0 9 1 £136 18 1 £136 18 1 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Public Trustee—Mortgage .. .. 11,190 0 0 Government capitation due .. .. 1,783 1 4 Interest on loans .. .. .. 282 15 6 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 38 13 4 Owing on contracts for buildings .. 3,254 0 0 Refunds from pupils due .. .. 267 13 5 Strandon shelters .. .. .. 587 810 Boarding-fees duo .. .. .. 157 3 0 Tradesmen (boys) .. .. .. 4 8 0 Lower-department fees duo .. .. 69 8 6 Tradesmen (Board's) .. .. .. 400 12 0 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 21 10 6 Deposits by parents .. .. .. 61 10 3 Outstanding interest .. .. .. 3 15 Bequests .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 New Plymouth Savings-bank .. .. 75 0 0 Capitation overpaid .. .. .. 1,057 8 7 Salaries paid in advance .. .. 74 3 4 Citizens' Donation Account .. .. 136 18 1 Arbitration fees .. .. .. 12 12 0 Contractors' deposits .. .. .. 8 0 0 Secondary-reserves rents outstanding .. 506 9 8 Salaries .. .. .. .. 012 0 Government grants for buildings .. 3,154 0 0 Rent overpaid .. .. .. 0 3 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 136 18 1 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 442 3 9 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 645 10 11 £18,146 10 11 £6,299 14 ~7 E. Lash, Secretary.



WANGANUI GIRLS' COLLEGE BOARD. [Returns not to hand.]

WANGANUI COLLEGIATE SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments General Account :— £ s. d" General Account :— £ s. d. Cash on hand .. .. .. 36 11 10 Balance, 31st December, 1919, at bank 1,370 13 5 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries . . . . 200 0 0 Board .. .. .. •• 4,127 10 6 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 86 9 9 Loan-moneys received .. .. 9,872 17 10 Proportion of travelling - expenses of Debit balance at bank .. .. 5,27116 0 Board members .. .. .. 57 10 9 Transfer from Hostels Account .. 688 11 0 1 Rates and insurance.. .. .. 529 1 8 Surveys .. .. .. .. 181 9 9 Legal expenses .. .. .. 103 6 7 Maintenance of buildings . . .. 6 17 0 Furniture .. .. .. . . 267 7 7 New buildings .. .. .. 10,615 3 5 Roading estate .. .. .. 2,604 1 0 Purchase of land for agricultural purposes 303 2 11 Donation to Provident Fund . . . . 500 0 0 Cash on hand .. .. .. 28 13 7 Transfer to School Account .. .. 3,193 9 9 £19,997 7 2 £19,997 7 2 Hostels Account : — Hostels Account : — Boarding-fees .. .. .. 13,732 7 3 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 407 3 6 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 5,047 8 8 Provisions.. .. .. .. 4,836 15 9 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 550 0 0 Salaries and wages .. .. . . 4,457 2 11 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 489 6 4 Repairs to buildings .. .. 200 0 0 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 301 8 5 Advances to boarders .. .. 5,259 8 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 1,590 0 0 Transfer to General Account .. .. 688 11 0 £18,779 15 11 £18,779 15 11 School Account :— School Account :— School fees .. .. .. 5,182 5 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 4,956 9 6 Refunds .. .. .. •• 933 17 11 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,064 6 9 School prizes endowment income .. 29 17 6 Maintenance (including material) of Transfer from General Account .. 3,193 9 9 classes for manual-instruction workshop .. .. .. .. 37 12 6 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 204 17 6 Books, &c, for sale to pupils, and other temporary advances .. .. 957 14 6 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 53 2 9 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 5 6 8 Interest .. .. .. .. 1,060 0 0 £9,339 10 2 £9,339 10 2 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Interest on loans accrued .. .. 881 12 4 Fees due .. .. .. .. 1,470 15 10 Loans Outstanding rents .. .. . . 078 7 5 A.M.P. Society .. .. •• 66,900 0 0 Steward's stores .. .. .. 606 18 0 Loans at call .. .. ■• 3,800 0 0 Boys'extras paid, but not charged .. 1,294 310 Owing on contracts for buildings . . 7, 127 0 0 Stock of Agricultural Department . . 535 0 0 Sundry school funds .. . . • • 591 6 7 Cash on hand .. .. . . 28|13 7 House accounts .. . . .. 327 15 2 Sundries .. .. ■ • ■ • 177 19 0 Provident Fund .. .. ■■ 1,022 17 10 Bank overdraft .. .. •• 5,116 9 10 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 155 6 2 £86,100 6 11 £4,613 18 8 J. P. Williamson, Secretary.

5—E. 6.



PALMERSTON NORTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 100 0 8 Transfer to— Revenue from secondary-education re- General Account .. .. .. 232 18 2 serves .. .. .. . . 280 15 10 Hostels Account .. .. .. 148 12 4 Balance, 31st December, 1920 . . 014 0 £381 10 6 £381 10 6 New Buildinqs and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Government grants for — Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 134 16 0 Girls'High School building.. .. 8,845 0 0 Girls'High School building .. .. 8,465 0 0 Boys'Hostel .. .. .. 1,354 0 0 Boys'Hostel .. .. .. 900 0 0 Girls' High School (apparatus) .. 178 0 0 Girls' High School (apparatus, &c.) . . 555 11 1 Balance, 31st December, 1920 . . 210 12 2 Girls' High School grounds .. .. 532 5 1 £10,587 12 2 £10,587 12 2 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account : — Boarding-fees .. .. .. 1,78119 11 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 327 2 4 Refunds of advances to boarders . . 381 8 0 Provisions .. . . .. .. 862 5 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Fuel, light, &c. . . . . . . 138 13 6 i ount .. .. .. .. 148 12 4 Salaries and wages . . . . . . 425 9 9 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 248 0 7 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 148 12 4 Insurance, rates, &c. . . . . 15 15 1 Advances to boarders .. .. 397 15 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 138 0 0 Refund .. .. .. .. 106 7 0 £2,560 0 10 £2,560 0 10 Technical Instruction Account:— Technical Instruction Account: — Total receipts .. .. .. 2,34114 8 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 300 16 3 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 311 5 7 Total payments .. .. .. 2,352 4 0 £2,653 0 3 £2,653 0 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 230 3 9 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,860 8 3 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 957 0 11 teachers and incidental expenses .. 5,880 3 4 Maintenance (including material) of Government capitation for classes for classes for manual instruction .. 105 15 3 manual instruction . . .. 181 5 6 Maintenance of buildings . . . . 206 6 4 Subsidies on voluntary contributions for Rates and taxes .. .. .. 12 12 10 general purposes . . . . .. 138 2 0 Interest on overdraft .. .. 13 19 0 Sohool fees .. .. .. 429 0 5 Library .. .. .. . . 25 19 0 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Agricultural plots (labour) .. .. 13 16 0 poses .. .. .. .. 182 14 0 Examination fees .. .. .. 22 1 9 Library Fund .. .. .. 33 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 183 15 4 Manson Fund .. .. .. 6 0 0 Proceeds, agricultural plots .. .. 10 1 11 Sundry receipts . . .. .. 50 3 10 Examination fees .. .. .. 22 1 9 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 232 18 2 £7,401 14 8 £7,401 14 8 Statement of Amounts due io Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d Unpaid purchase-money for sites, &c. .. 2,300 0 0 Fixed deposits, Manson bequest.. .. 150 0 0 Owing on contracts for buildings .. 10,169 0 0 Government capitation due .. .. 864 6 4 Sundry creditors .. .. . . 317 5 3 Secondary-school fees due . . . . 12 0 0 Bank overdraft .. .. . . 180 1 0 Refunds from pupils due .. .. 91 1 2 Unpresented cheques . . . . . . 406 16 0 Boarding-feos due . . .. . . 12 12 0 Balance, Government grant, Girls' High School .. .. .. .. 785 0 0 Balance, Government grant, Boys' Hostel 9,565 0 0 £13,373 2 3 £11,479 19 6 W. J. Durward, Chairman. William Hunter, Secretary.


GISBORNE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD, General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 599 12 11 Proportion of office expenses . . . . 60 12 9 Current income from reserves vested in Legal expenses .. .. .. 617 3 Board .. .. .. .. 3,801 3 9 Transfers to other accounts — Revenue from secondary-education re- New Buildings Account .. .. 1,106 4 0 serves .. .. .. .. 390 15 7 General Account .. .. .. 2,877 210 Rent .. .. .. .. 16 18 6 Hostels Account .. . . .. 139 7 11 Exchange collected .. .. .. 0 12 9 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 618 18 9 £4,809 3 6 £4,809 3 6 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Loans raised for buildings (balance of Purchase of sites .. .. .. 95 0 0 Burke loan) .. .. 1,449 6 0 Additions (part-payment) .. .. 885 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Architect's fees .. .. .. 100 0 0 count .. .. .. 1,106 4 0 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 502 0 0 Interest on loans for buildings .. 269 10 0 Interest on mortgage .. .. 72 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 632 0 0 £2,555 10 0 £2,555 10 0 Lower Department Account :— Lower DEPARTMENT Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 206 10 4 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 405 010 School fees .. .. .. 871 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 167 13 5 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 26 510 Rates, insurance, &c. .. .. 26 13 9 Refund of school fees .. .. 1 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 450 6 6 £1,077 10 4 £1,077 10 4 Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 5,213 7 2 Hostels Account : — Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,038 6 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 721 7 9 Sale of sideboard .. .. .. 10 0 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 60 12 9 Exchanges collected .. .. 0 4 6 House Account .. .. .. 2,417 2 10 Refund .. . . . . .. 0 16 3 Fuel, light, &o. .. . . .. 395 3 9 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Salaries and wages .. .. .. 1,537 1 I count .. .. .. .. 139 711 Furniture, utensils, &o. •.. .. 470 14 7 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1,425 17 3 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 181 810 Insurance, rates, &e. .. .. 97 7 0 Miscellaneous .. . . .. 798 7 1 Advances to boarders .. 1,141 3 5 Boarding-fees refunded .. .. 710 0 £7,827 19 1 £7,827 19 1 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Government payments for salaries of Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 4,041 8 10 teachers .. . . .. .. 510 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 503 0 5 Government capitation for free places .. 740 15 8 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment capitation for classes for struction.. .. .. .. 75 16 10 manual instruction .. .. 135 4 3 Maintenance of buildings . . . . 78 17 7 School fees .. .. .. 303 13 0 Rates and taxes . . . . .. 80 1 4 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Interest on overdraft .. .. 10 5 6 poses .. .. .. .. 222 14 9 War bursary .. .. .. 210 0 War bursary .. .. . . 210 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .: .. .. .. 2,877 210 £4,792 0 6 £4,792 0 6 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. A mounts due to Board. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. 117 15 0 Government capitation due .. .. 44 13 11 Government Life Insurance Department— Secondary-school fees .. .. .. 4 17 0 First loan .. .. .. .. 1,143 5 0 Refunds from pupils due .. .. 373 0 2 Second loan .. .. .. 1,848 10 0 Boarding-fees due .. .. .. 29 15 (i Private loan .. .. .. .. 3,750 0 0 Lower-department fees due .. .. 6 0 0 Unpaid purchase-money for sites, &o. .. 1,200 0 0 Outstanding rents (endowments) .. 860 10 6 Owing on contracts for buildings .. 4,682 0 0 Outstanding rent (Section 170) .. .. 8 5 0 Sundry creditors—Outstanding accounts 288 311 Government grant .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 164 2 0 Balance, current account .. . . 439 10 0 £13,193 15 11 £5,766 12 1 J. H. Bull, Secretary.




NAPIER HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipt:. Payments. Endowments Income Account : —| £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 815 0 Board . . . . .. . . 438 2 6 Proportion of office expenses . . .. 2 4 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfer to New Buildings Account .. 1,087 14 9 serves . . .. .. .. 497 6 3 Interest on moneys derived from endowments .. .. .. .. 163 5 0 £1,098 13 9 £1,098 13 9 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account— Rent of reserve (now site) .. .. 18 10 0 Purchase of sites (rent) .. .. 187 10 0 Voluntary contributions for new build- Additions, &c, to buildings (school, ings, &c. .. .. .. 20 0 0 £914 7s. lOd. ; hostels, £183 Bs. 2d.) 1,097 16 0 Transfers from other accounts— Furniture, &c. (school, £55 os. lid.; Endowments Income Account .. 1,087 14 9 hostels, £118 19s. 5d.) .. .. 174 0 4 Lower Department Account . . 162 0 3 Equipmont—Manual instruction .. 96 8 7 Secondary Department General Ac- Legal expenses and advertising .. 63 17 10 count .. .. .. .. 342 2 4 Equipment—Science-room .. .. 10 14 7 £1,630 7 4 £1,630 7 4 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 563 2 5 'I'eachcrs' salaries and allowances .. 891 18 4 School fees.. .. .. .. 1,134 16 10 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 256 5 3 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 20 0 0 Rates, insurance, &c. .. .. 5 0 0 Transfer to New Buildings Account .. 162 0 3 Refund of school fees .. .. 2 4 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 360 11 5 £1,697 19 3 £1,697 19 3 Hostels Account:— Hostels Account:— Balance, 31st December. 1919 .. 624 2 8 Proportion of offico expenses .. .. 303 0 0 Boarding-fees .. .. .. 5,872 14 4 Provisions.. .. .. .. 1,205 2 8 Medical fees and expenses .. .. 82 6 9 Fuel and light .. .. .. 21115 9 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 733 5 1 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 494 2 10 Repairs to buildings. . .. .. 136 410 Petty cash, advertising, &c. .. .. 42 0 7 Boarding and laundry fees .. .. 3,003 17 5 Medical fees and expenses .. . . 95 3 9 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 354 10 10 £6,579 3 9 £6,579 3 9 ■ ■!■ I rfcl -. IT-—lf-TIMTg —&J^_ Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. *2,406 11 2 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,363 10 0 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 733 1 0 teachers and cost-of-living bonus .. 599 7 6 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment capitation for free places .. 4,789 6 9 struction.. .. .. .. 61 12 2 Government capitation for classes for Refund, tuition fee .. .. .. 1 11 6 manual instruction .. .. 171 18 0 Maintenance and repairs of buildings .. 114 11 2 School fees (tuition, £392 13s. lOd. ; Rates, £63 15s. Id. ; insurance, £68 4s. sd. 131 19 6 technical, £17 15s. 4d.) .. .. 410 9 2 Cup for trophy .. .. .. 13 5 0 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Typewriters .. .. .. 70 10 0 poses .. .. .. .. 254 14 6 Badges . . . . .. .. 15 14 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 3170 Refund, contractor's deposit . . .. 10 0 0 Interest .. .. . . .. 54 5 5 Sundry payments .. .. .. 5 3 9 Income from property not reserves .. 1,111 10 0 Stationery, games, ft-c. .. .. 1,336 310 Sales (badges) .. .. .. 14 3 6 Transfer to New Buildings Account .. 342 2 4 Stationery, games, &c. .. .. 1,367 6 4 Balanco, 31st December, 1920 .. f3,011 2 7 Donations for prizes.. .. .. 25 7 9 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 19 9 £11,210 6 10 • £11,210 6 10 * Includes £2(SS 17s. (id., balance Stationery and Games Account. t Includes £236 12s. od., balance Stationery and Games Account.



NAPIER HIGH SCHOOL BOARD— continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. £ s. <lLiability in respect of Improvements Ac- £ s. d. Investments on loan or mortgage , .. 2,800 0 0 count .. .. . . .. 142 2 7 Government capitation due — Salaries due to Government .. .. 7 10 0 Free places.. .. .. .. 74 3 2 Voluntary Contributions and Subsidies Ac- Manual instruction .. .. .. 184 10 0 count .. .. .. .. 371 4 6 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 612 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 308 17 1 Boarding-fees due .. .. .. 2 7 6 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 45 12 6 Outstanding rents .. . . .. 34 13 2 Reserves and endowments due .. .. 449 15 2 Government subsidy on voluntary contributions .. .. .. .. 98 10 0 Post Office Savings-bank--General Account .. .. .. 1,524 13 1 Improvements Account .. .. 142 2 7 Cash on hand .. .. .. 20 18 0 Balance, current account .. .. 2,084 3 8 £875 6 8 £7,420 8 4 W. Dinwiddle, Chairman. W. L. Dunn, Secretary.

DANNEVIRKE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920 Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — Endowments Income Account :— Revenue from secondarv-oducation re- £ s. d. Transfers to— £ s. d. serves .. .. .. .. 220 8 3 New Buildings Account .. .. 87 0 0 Goncral Account .. .. .. 133 8 3 £220 8 3 £220 8 3 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account : — Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Interest on site .. .. .. 12 0 0 count .. .. .. .. 87 0 0 Timber bought for hostel additions . . 75 0 0 £87 0 0 £87 0 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 55 7 7 teachers .. .. .. •• 2,017 3 10 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,195 8 0 Government capitation for classes for Incidental expenses .. .. .. 307 10 5 manual instruction .. .. 51 10 6 • Scholarships and bursaries .. . . 10 0 0 School fees . . . . .. 128 16 8 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 53 810 Voluntary contributions for general pur- interest on overdraft .. .. 314 6 poses .. .. .. • • 85 0 0 Insurance and rates . . .. .. 60 11 8 Refunds .. .. .. .. 3 17 0 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 3 5 0 Paddock—Rent .. .. .. 21 0 0 Board to House Master .. .. 33 15 0 Education Board —Cleaning .. .. 2 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 133 8 3 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 279 14 9 £2,723 1 0 £2,723 1 0 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Inabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Unpaid purchase-money for sites, &c. .. 200 0 0 Subsidy on voluntary contributions .. 85 0 0 Cash overbanked .. .. .. 8 3 4 Subsidy on authorised manual-instruction Bank overdraft .. .. .. 212 5 7 apparatus .. .. .. .. 49 15 8 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 75 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. . . 15 12 10 Cash on hand.. .. .. .. 0 14 £495 8 11 £150 9 10 T. H. G. Lloyd, Chairman


WELLINGTON COLLEGE AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920 Receipts. Payments. ENDOWMENTS Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries . . . . 279 3 4 Board .. .. .. .. 8,842 19 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 83 18 3 Revenue from secondary-education re- Repairs, insurance, rates, &c.. . . . 893 710 servos . . .. .. .. 914 0 2 Transfers to other accounts— interest on moneys derived from endow- New Buildings Account .. .. 1,378 5 6 ments .. .. .. .. 299 17 7 General Account .. .. .. 7,422 110 £10,056 16 9 10,056 16 9 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 64 10 0 Investment of money received from sales 350 0 0 Moneys derived from sale of endowments 285 10 0 Transfers to Buildings Account (section Deposits uplifted .. .. .. 3,500 0 0 18, Deserves Act, 1908) .. .. 3,000 0 0 Balance .. . . . . . . 500 0 0 £3,850 0 0 £3,850 0 0 New Buildings and Spies Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Government grant for additions, Wei- Additions, Wellington College .. 1,678 18 0 lington College .. .. .. 1,400 0 0 Furniture and apparatus .. .. 1,034 12 0 Transfers from — Girls'College Hostel. . .. .. 3,009 15 6 Endowments Capital Account .. 3,000 0 0 Interest on loans for buildings .. 55 0 0 Endowments Income Account .. 1,378 5 6 £5,778 5 6 £5,778 5 6 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— School fees .. .. .. 611 17 9 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 254 2 4 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 480 11 3 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 654 13 10 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 183 12 10 £1,092 9 0 £1,092 9 0 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account : — Boarding-fees .. .. . • 50 0 0 Salaries and wages .. .. . . 200 0 0 Transfer from Secondary Department Furniture, utensils, &c. . . . . 219 15 9 General Account .. .. .. 200 0 0 Insurance, rates, &c. . . . . 36 8 9 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 431 4 6 Dairy herd, Wellington College .. 225 0 0 £681 4 6 £681 4 6 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count:— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 2,988 14 8 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 20,355 7 9 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 3,225 4 3 teachers .. .. .. •• 1,800 0 0 Maintenance (including material) of Government capitation for free places . . 10,895 6 6 classes for manual instruction .. 268 13 8 Government capitation for classes for Scholarships and bursaries . . .. 27 10 0 manual instruction .. .. 445 I 0 Maintenance of buildings and furniture School fees .. .. ■• 1,251 5 7 and apparatus . . .. .. 3,422 18 0 War bursaries .. . . • • 87 1 8 Interest on overdraft . . . . 5 5 3 Library donations .. .. .. 26 16 6 Cost-of-living bonus .. .. .. 444 14 7 Government grant for cost-of-living War bursaries .. .. ... 65 16 8 bonus .. .. •. • • 576 12 1 Grant to library . . . . . . 46 6 6 Government subsidy on donations .. 21 6 6 Transfer to Hostels Account .. .. 200 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account 7,422 1 10 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 2,547 10 10 £28,061 17 2 £28,061 17 2 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Loan .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Fixed deposit .. .. .. 2,350 0 0 Loan .. .. .. .. 5,500 0 0 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 34 10 1 Sundry creditors — Lower-department fees due . . .. 18 10 6 Boys' School . . • • ■ • 327 0 2 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 370 16 7 Girls' School .. .. ■ ■ 107 311 Cash on hand . . . . .. 480 11 3 Girls' Hostel .. •. • • 29 17 6 Bank overdraft .. •• .. 3,547 4 2 Unpresented cheques .. .. ... 412 2 5 £10,923 8 2 . £3,254 8 5 G. F. Judd, fro Secretary.




MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to— serves .. .. .. .. 41 11 2 New Buildings Account .. .. 170 4 2 Statutory grant in lieu of endowments .. 400 0 0 General Account .. .. .. 271 7 0 £441 11 2 £441 11 2 New Buildings and Sites account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Transfer from Endowments income Ac- Furniture .. .. . . . . 12 10 0 count . . . . .. .. 170 4 2 Fencing .. .. . . .. 21 6 0 Extension, bicycle-shed .. .. 19 15 0 Forming hockey-grounds, &c... .. 116 13 2 £170 4 2 £170 4 2 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 464 11 1 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,593 1 8 Government payment for salaries and Incidental expenses .. .. .. 311 15 3 cost-of-living bonus to teachers .. 2,468 11 10 Maintenance (including material) of Government capitation for classes for classes for manual instruction .. 41 10 8 manual instruction .. . . 66 12 0 Maintenance of buildings . . .. 202 8 8 School foes .. .. ... 131 7 0 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 28 16 11 Interest .. .. .. .. 013 4 Interest on overdraft .. . . 012 6 Interest on Young Scholarship bequest 10 0 0 Nosworthy bequest—lnterest.. .. 5 9 9 Building contractor's deposit .. .. 18 7 6 Building contractor's deposit .. .. 18 7 6 Transfer from Endowment Income Ac- Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 169 (i 10 count .. .. .. .. 271 7 0 # £3,431 9 9 £3,431 9 9 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Nosworthy bequest for Wrigley Scholarship 500 0 0 Government capitation due .. .. 519 9 Young Scholarship bequest .. .. 200 0 0 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 5 10 Owing on contracts for buildings .. 98 0 0 Reserves revenue due .. .. .. 42 19 8 War bonds, Young bequest .. .. 200 0 0 Balance, Post Office Savings-bank .. 18 411 Balance, current account .. . . 151 111 £798 0 0 £423 7 3 E. H. Penny, Chairman. J. C. Logan, Secretary

NELSON COLLEGE BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Endowment Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Rents .. .. .. .. 944 15 0 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 13 7 7 Interest .. .. .. .. 190 0 0 Insurances .. .. .. .. 418 2 Revenue from secondary-education reserves 455 010 Printing and advertising .. .. 15 0 1 Stationery .. . . .. .. 2 0 6 Governors' and auditors' fees .. .. 14 0 0 Secretary .. .. . . .. 49 1 0 Office rent .. .. . . .. 12 10 0 Office-cleaning and gas .. .. 8 8 2 Telephone .. .. .. .. 5 7 1 Repairs .. .. .. .. 2 10 Valuation of properties .. .. 714 0 Interest on overdraft . . .. . . 0 16 Bank charge .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 Petty cash, postages, and sundries .. 12 0 0 £1,589 15 10 £146 19 1

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NELSON COLLEGE BOARD— continued. Boys' College. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Boarding-fees .. .. .. 6,059 10 10 House expenses .. .. .. 5,375 5 1 Tuition fees .. .. .. .. 917 18 0 Tuition expenses .. .. .. 4,860 7 3 Government capitation— Advances to boarders .. .. .. 1,040 15 3 Free places.. .. .. .. 3,174 13 4 Prizes .. .. .. .. 39 811 Manual instruction .. .. .. 84 15 3 Stationery .. .. .. .. 77 10 5 Government grants— Printing and advertising .. .. 125 10 7 Additional salaries .. . . .. 459 2 6 Gas .. .. .. .. .. 131 12 0 Cost-of-living bonus .. .. 33 15 0 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 40 2 9 Barracks .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Repairs .. .. .. .. 286 910 Boarders' advances .. .. .. 994 18 6 Secretary .. .. .. . . 225 4 0 Sale of produce .. .. .. 618 0 Governors'and auditors'fees .. .. 49 0 0 Scholarships— Endowed .. . . . . . . 86 13 4 Foundation . . .. .. 9 13 4 Insurances .. .. . . .. 93 0 3 Grounds .. .. . . .. 37 0 0 Interest on mortgage .. .. . . 200 0 0 Telephone .. .. . . .. 12 14 2 Office rent, £6 ss. ; cleaning, £3 .. 9 5 0 Refund of fees .. .. .. 15 14 0 Hot-water service .. . . . . 305 0 7 Woodwork class .. .. .. 1 19 4 Agriculture class .. .. .. 610 0 Apparatus and chemicals .. . . 513 18 7 Petty cash, postages, and sundries .. 32 0 0 £11,761 11 5 £13,574 15 2 Girls' College. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Boarding-fees.. .. .. .. 3,960 10 0 House expenses .. .. .. 3,107 7 6 Tuition fees .. .. .. .. 741 16 8 Tuition expenses .. .. .. 3,269 11 11 Government capitation— Advances to boarders . . .. . . 100 0 0 Free places.. .. .. .. 2,766 13 4 Prizes .. .. .. .. 34 18 4 Manual instruction .. .. .. 170 8 0 Stationery .. .. .. .. 26 4 2 Government grants — Printing and advertising . . . . 145 2 11 Additional salaries .. .. .. 339 0 0 Gas .. .. .. .. .. 103 11 3 Cost-of-living bonus .. . . .. 16 17 6 Rates and taxes . . . . .. 415 lo Boarders' advances .. . . .. 92 6 5 Repairs .. .. .. . . 83 18 5 Secretary .. .. .. . . 225 4 0 Governors' and auditors' fees . . .. 49 0 0 Scholarships— Endowed .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Foundation .. .. .. 29 0 0 Barnicoat prize .. .. .. 6 0 0 Insurances .. .. .. .. 65 1 11 Telephone .. .. .. .. 5 7 1 Office rent, £6 ss. , cleaning. £3 .. 9 5 0 Refund of fees .. .. .. 10 10 0 Drains .. .. .. 177 18 5 Grounds .. .. .. .. 113 0 10 Petty cash, postages, and sundries . . 24 0 0 £8,087 11 11 £7,639 17 7 Capital Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Land sold .. .. .. .. 535 0 0 Furniture— £ s. d. Donation from Old Boys'Association .. 2,100 0 0 Boys'College .. .. .. 17 7 0 Cash, Post Office Savings-bank, 31st Do- Girls' College .. .. .. 16 1 0 cembor, 1919 .. .. .. 1,064 10 0 Sanitary Block, Boys'College .. .. 867 17 1 Cash, Bank of New Zealand . . .. 650 15 1 War loan .. .. .. .. 898 1 4 Deposit at bank .. .. .. 2,100 0 0 Cash, Post Office Savings-bank, 31st December, 1920 .. .. .. 96 15 0 Cash (Bank of New Zealand, £442 3s. 6d. ; less unpresented cheques, £36 155.) .. 405 8 6 Cash in hand .. .. .. .. 26 2 6 £4,350 5 1 j £4,427 12 5 Statement of Loans on Mortgage Account as at 31st December, 1920. A. Mortgages owing to Nelson College. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance outstanding at 31st December, 1919 1,950 0 0 Balance outstanding at 31st December, 1920 1,950 0 0 £1,950 0 0 £1,950 0 0 B. Mortgages owing by Nelson College. £ s. d. | £ s. d. Balance outstanding at 31st December, 1919 4,000 0 0 ■ Balance outstanding at 31st December, 1920 4,000 0 0 £4,000 0 0 £4,000 0 0


NELSON COLLEGE BOARD— continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts d,ue to Board. £ s. d, Mortgage on college .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Mortgage securities .. .. 1,950 0 0 Scholarship Endowment Account .. 2,875 0 0 Rents due .. .. .. .. 483 10 0 Library and Reading-room Account .. 2,100 0 0 Interest duo .. .. .. .. 33 0 0 Sundry accounts .. .. .. 13 2 3 Fees due .. .. .. .. 826 13 0 Governors' fees . . .. .. 100 0 0 Capitation, free pupils .. .. .. 280 1 8 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 36 15 0 Advances to boarders .. .. .. 466 2 2 Advances to boarders (arrears) .. .. 50 4 0 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. 90 15 0 War loan .. .. .. .. 1,898 1 4 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. .. 442 3 6 Cash on deposit at Bank of New Zealand 2,100 0 0 Cash on hand.. .. - .. .. 26 2 6 £9,124 17 3 £8,652 13 2 R. Catley, Secretary. [For Greymouth High School Board see page 50.] HOKITIKA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. (High School not in operation.) General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 1,613 410 Proportion of office salaries .. ... 25 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 15 0 Board .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 Subsidy to Education Board .. .. 95 0 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Rates, insurance, and repairs .. .. 48 16 2 serves .. .. .. .. 200 0 4 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1,731 4 0 Interest on moneys derived from endowments .. .. .. .. 48 0 0 £1,901 5 2 £1,901 5 2 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Fixed deposits .. .. .. 1,400 0 0 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 37 1 8 Nil. Balance, current account .. .. 331 4 0 £1,768 5 8 H. L. Michel, Chairman. Daphne Lloyd, Secretary. RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account :— Current income from reserves vested in £ s. d. Proportion of travelling - expenses of £ s. d. Board .. .. .. ■ ■ 279 12 0 Board members .. .. .. 215 0 Arrears of rent .. .. .. 139 16 0 Transfer to— New Buildings Account .. .. 44 1 3 General Account .. .. .. 308 7 9 Hostels Account .. .. .. 64 4 0 £419 8 0 £419 8 0 New Buildings and Sites Account : — New Buildings and Sites Account :— Government grant for — School .. .. .. 1,850 0 0 School .. .. .. .. 1,850 0 0 Shelter-shed .. .. .. 215 7 0 Shelter-shod .. .. .. 200 0 0 Additions and gas .. .. .. 5 6 3 Transferred from. Endowments Income Clerk of works .. .. .. 23 8 0 Account .. .. .. .. 44 1 3 £2,094 1 3 £2,094 1 3 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 33 9 2 Provisions .. .. .. .. 304 6 6 Boarding-fees .. .. .. 318 4 9 Fuel, light, &c. • .. .. .. 73 16 7 Government grant re epidemic .. 51 17 6 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 229 15 1 Transferred from Endowments Income Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 8 6 9 Account .. .. .. •. 64 4 0 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 55 17 3 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 218 15 3 Advances to boarders .. .. 2 0 0 Sanitation, £11 13s. 6d. ; miscellaneous, 15s. .. .. .. .. 12 8 6 £686 10 8 £686 10 8 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 18 1 3 Total payments .. .. .. 307 12 4 Total receipts .. -. .. 252 8 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 37 3 1 £307 12 4 £307 12 4

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RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD— continued. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st Deckmber, 1920 — continued. Receipts. Payments. Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— £ s. d. count : — £ s. d. Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 77 9 1 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,513 15 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,564 0 3 Government capitation for classes for Incidental expenses .. .. .. 263 2 5 manual instruction .. .. 113 15 6 Maintenance of classes for manual inSchool fees .. .. .. 34 19 0 struction.. .. .. .. » 161 9 11 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Maintenance of buildings .. .. 24 16 2 poses .. .. .. .. 32 13 4 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 511 2 Refund .. .. .. .. 19 6 Interest on overdraft .. .. 45 15 11 Agriculture .. .. .. 40 19 3 Refunds .. .. .. .. 218 9 Forfeited deposit and penalty .. 56 17 0 Agricultural plots .. .. .. 218 18 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Contractor's deposit .. .. 50 0 0 ount .. .. .. .. 308 7 9 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 311 5 8 £3,414 2 0 £3,414 2 0 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Inabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. | Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Interest on loans .. .. .. 50 0 0 I Government capitation due .. .. 555 18 6 Loans from building society .. .. 500 0 0 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 70 12 0 Unpaid purchase-money for sites, &c. .. 900 0 0 Hostel fees due .. .. .. 292 0 0 Owing on contracts for buildings .. 4,650 0 0 Government school contract .. .. 4,650 0 0 Girls' Hostel Furnishing Account .. 434 0 0 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 4 7 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 530 4 11 Cash on hand .. ... .. 10 12 8 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 41 11 9 £7,111 16 8 £5,583 10 2 W. A. Banks, Chairman. W. J. Young, Secretary. CHRIST'S COLLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31 st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Sundry debtors .. .. .. 11 16 0 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 109 10 10 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Proportion of office expenses .. .. 138 6 2 ments .. .. .. .. 2,312 9 7 Rent written off .. .. .. 14 16 0 Transfer to— Depreciation Fund .. .. 110 0 0 Sinking Fund .. .. .. 12 0 0 General Account .. .. .. 1,939 12 7 £2,324 6 7 £2,324 5 7 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Sundry debtors'fees.. .. .. 674 8 7 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 279 18 4 Boarding-fees .. .. .. 11,016 12 9 Provisions.. .. .. .. 4,935 11 2 Fuel, light, &o. .. .. .. 750 10 6 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 2,687 13 9 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. 1,196 6 6 Sundries .. .. .. .. 312 13 3 Transfer to General Account .. .. 1,528 710 £11,691 1 4 £11,691 1 4 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Sundry debtors' fees .. .. 45 9 8 Balance, 31st December, 1919 . . 510 16 6 Schooi fees .. .. .. 7,826 3 2 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 7,952 16 7 Interest and rents .. .. .. 2,592 13 4 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,665 6 7 Subscription to Games Fund .. .. 520 12 4 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 1,100 14 4 Scholarship trust funds .. .. 1,100 14 4 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 780 10 4 Profit on disbursements .. .. 188 6 11 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 17 11 7 Sundry creditors'fees .. .. 31 12 6 Interest on overdraft and rent .. 683 13 3 Stationery .. .. .. .. 103 10 0 Board's contributions to pensions .. 437 6 3 Transfer from Hostels Account .. 1,528 7 10 Insurance .. .. .. .. 236 11 6 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 485 18 9 Stationery Account .. .. .. 38 1 11 £14,423 8 10 £14,423 8 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. Mortgage .. .. .. .. 1,250 0 0 Investments on loan or mortgage—Moneys £ s. d. Trust .. .. .. .. 2,200 0 0 derived from sale of reserves .. .. 21,107 8 4 Owing on contracts for buildings .. 2,500 0 0 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 113 8 4 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 485 18 9 Boarding-fees due .. .. .. 228 12 6 Lower-department fees due .. .. 510 0 Outstanding rent .. .. .. 87 2 9 £6,435 18 9 £21,542 1 11 = ii E. R. Webb, Bursar.



CHRISTCHURCH BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31 st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £ a. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses 350 8 8 Board .. .. .. .. 7,007 11 1 Proportion of travelling-expenses of Board members .. .. .. 9 2 4 Legal expenses, £12 12s. ; sale of leases, advertising, commission, <vc., £49 6s. 3d. ; rent of right-of-way, £2 os. 3d. 63 18 6 Transfers to other accounts — New Buildings Account .. .. 1,420 18 2 General Account .. .. .. 4,526 17 5 Hostels Account .. .. .. 636 6 0 £7.007 11 1 £7,007 11 1 » New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account : — Interest on Buildings Sinking Fund .. 54 10 3 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 1,899 910 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- • Purchase of site (Riccarton) .. .. 3,464 15 0 count .. .. .. .. 1,420 18 2 Half-share fence (Riccarton site! .. 11 11 10 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 6,212 2 0 Additions, &c, to hostel ..' .. 890 15 7 Interest on loans for buildings and sites.. 1,420 18 2 £7,687 10 5 £7,687 10 5 Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 1,764 15 0 Hostels Account: — Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Proportion of office expenses .. .. 31 0 0 count .. .. .. .. 407 11 3 Provisions .. .. .. .. 752 3 1 Balance .. .. .. .. 228 14 9 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 147 7 5 Salaries and wagos .. .. .. 959 3 6 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 247 17 2 Library books .. .. .. 6 18 3 Repairs to buildings .. .. 29 2 9 Insurance, rates, Ac. .. .. 23 11 4 Alterations to heating and cooking system .. .. .. 203 17 6 £2,401 1 0 £2,401 1 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :—■ count :— Government payment for salaries of Teacher;'salaries and allowances .. 8,814 13 7 teachers.. .. .. .. 821 17 6 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,290 1 1 Government capitation for free places .. 4,730 5 7 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment capitation for classes for struction .. .. .. 114 14 6 manual instruction .. .. 103 6 0 Bursaries .. .. .. .. 45 6 8 Government grant for apparatus, &c. .. 5 11 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 241 12 7 School fees .. .. .. 399 10 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 4113 8 Rent of 1 acre (Riccarton site) .. 27 10 0 Interest on overdraft .. .. 15 0 0 Sale of material (woodwork class) .. 15 8 1 Rent of additional playground .. 80 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 4,526 17 5 Balance, 31st December, 1920.. .. 13 6 5 £10,643 2 1 £10,643 2 1 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Inabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ 3. d. Loan from National Insurance Company .. 13,000 0 0 Government capitation due — Technical Unpaid purchase-money for sites, &c. — classes .. .. .. .. 123 10 0 Riccarton .. '.. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Boarding-fees due .. .. .. 34 0 0 Opawa .. .. .. .. 4,930 0 0 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 260 12 9 Government capitation overpaid (Account, Government grant for payment of salaries 1918) .. .. .. .. 13 1 1 due .. .. .. .. 98 19 2 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 6,225 8 5 £30,168 9 6 £517 1 11 H. D. Acland, Chairman. D. A. Stringer. Registrar.

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E.— 6


CHRISTCHURCH GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Paymen ts. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses 46 17 6 Board .. .. .. .. 527 11 2 Proportion of travelling-expenses of Board members .. .. .. 6 16 8 Transfers to other accounts— New Buildings Account .. .. 151 10 9 General Account .. .. .. 264 11 2 Hostels Account .. .. .. 57 ] 5 1 £527 11 2 £527 11 2 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 4,668 5 0 Transfer to Buildings Account .. 1,908 12 1 Balance .. .. .. .. 2,759 12 11 £4,668 5 0 £4,668 5 0 « ===== ==^==^ New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Government grant for Avonside addi- Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 3,219 S 4 tional site .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Purchase of sites— Sale of old buildings on hostel-site .. 109 8 0 Additional (Avonside) .. .. 1,962 8 6 Transfers from— Hostel sites .. .. .. 2,481 1 6 Endowments Capital Account .. 1,908 12 1 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 17 14 0 Endowments Income Account .. 151 10 9 Interest on loans for buildings and sites 151 10 9 Balance .. .. .. .. 3,662 12 3 £7,832 3 1 £7,832 3 1 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— School fees .. .. .. 283 13 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 4 2 2 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 25 18 2 Teachers' salaries and allowances ..' 239 12 8 Incidental expenses .. . . .. 65 16 4 £309 11 2 £309 11 2 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 1,441 11 6 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 21 13 8 Sale of old fire-escape .. .. 25 0 0 Provisions .. .. .. .. 526 12 4 Piano-practice fees .. .. .. 36 5 0 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 87 15 10 Transferred from Endowments Income Salaries and wages .. .. .. 461 2 4 Account.. .. .. .. 57 15 1 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 1,402 4 7 Balance, 31si December, 1920 .. 1,501 110 Repairs to buildings .. .. 42 1 2 Insurance, rates, rent, &c. .. .. 474 15 7 Preparing grounds .. .. .. 45 7 11 £3,061 13 5 £3,061 13 5 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count: — Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 71 14 10 teachers .. .. .. .. 686 17 6 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 6,553 5 8 Government capitation for free places .. 5,934 13 2 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 968 3 5 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of classes for manual inmanual instruction .. .. 136 13 7 struction .. .. .. 275 8 7 Government grant for furniture, fittings, Maintenance of buildings (alterations and and apparatus .. .. .. 120 16 9 repairs) .. .. .. .. 124 1 6 School foes .. .. .. 236 5 0 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. .. 79 5 8 Rent (part of Avonside site) .. .. 39 0 0 Proceeds from cookery class .. ... 139 11 11 Transfers from — Lower Department Account .. 4 2 2 Endowments Income Account .. 322 6 3 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 45113 4 £8,071 19 8 £8,071 19 8 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. Amounts due to Board. Loan from State Advances (Avonside pro- £ s. d. Government capitation due-- £ s. d. petty) .. .. .. • ■ 668 5 4 Free places (approximately) .. .. 400 0 0 Unpaid purchase money for sites, Ac. Technical classes .. .. .. 128 10 7 (hostel) ■• •• •• •• 1,400 0 0 Amount receivable from Government toBank overdraft .. .. .. 2,939 7 9 wards purchase of hostel-sites.. .. 3,950 0 0 Government grant for apparatus, Ac. .. 56 1 0 £5,007 13 1 £4,534 11 7 H. D. Acland, Chairman. 1). A. Stringer, Registrar.



AKAROA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. (High School not in operation.) General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 1,122 9 10 Honorarium—Secretary .. .. 7 7 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses . . .. 14 0 8 Board .. .. .. .. 297 10 4 Education Board .. .. .. 100 0 0 Interest on moneys on fixed deposit .. 0 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1,304 12 0 £1,426 0 2 £1,426 0 2 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 283 0 0 Proportion of office expenses, including Refund of stamp duty paid .. .. 25 0 0 rent £97 10s. .. .. .. 194 0 3 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 475 18 7 Provisions.. .. .. .. 114 18 4 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 32 8 7 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 1114 2 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 311 2 0 Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 15 18 7 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. 016 8 Prizes and library .. .. .. 3 10 0 £783 18 7 £783 18 7 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Bank overdraft .. .. .. 117 16 4 War bonds .. .. .. .. 800 0 0 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 3 9 9 Fixed deposit.. .. .. .. 150 0 0 ' Boarding-fees due .. .. .. 42 0 0 £121 6 1 £992 0 0 John Bruce, Chairman. G. W. Thomas, Secretary. ASHBURTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for thr Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in £ s. d. Proportion of office salaries .. .. 20 0 0 Board .. .. .. 1,122 610 Interest on overdraft .. .. 331 1 9 Transfers to — New Building Account ~ .. 543 18 3 General Account .. .. .. 182 10 9 Hostels Account .. .. .. 44 16 1 £1,122 6 10 £1,122 6 10 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Government grant for Girls' Hostel .. 275 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 5,966 11 5 Voluntary contributions for new build- Additions, furniture, &c. — ings, &c... .. . . .. 714 6 Hostei .. .. .. .. 899 13 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Laboratory .. .. .. 70 4 6 count .. .. .. .. 543 18 3 Apparatus, laboratory .. .. 213 9 11 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 6,323 6 5 £7,149 19 2 £7,149 19 2 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— School fees .. .. .. 205 1 9 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 29 16 10 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 38 3 5 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 144 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 69 8 4 £243 5 2 £243 5 2 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— . Boarding-fees .. .. .. 1,633 10 8 Proportion of office expenses . . .. 20 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Provisions .. .. .. .. 816 5 5 count .. .. .. .. 44 16 1 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 131 11 1 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 104 3 5 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 566 19 8 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 188 17 5 • Repairs to buildings.. .. .. 30 7 7 Insurance, rates, and water .. .. 14 8 6 Telephones.. .. .. .. 14 0 6 £1,782 10 2 £1,782 10 2 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 11 7 6 Total payments .. .. .. 52 4 0 Total receipts (woodwork) .. .. 52 4 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 11 7 6 £63 11 6 £63 11 6



ASHBURTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD— continued. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920 — continued. Receipts. Payments. Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — £ s. d. I count :— £ s. d. Government payment for salaries of Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,885 14 5 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,894 19 9 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 600 5 0 Government capitation for classes of Maintenance (including material) of manual instruction .. .. 139 10 7 classes for manual instruction .. 5 0 0 Subsidies on voluntary contributions for Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 35 0 0 general purposes (not new buildings) 100 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 140 18 6 School fees.. .. .. .. 85 1 0 Rates, taxes, and water .. .. 41 12 3 Bursary .. .. .. .. 52 10 0 Expenses—Urquhart case .. .. 1,107 12 11 Urquhart case—Grant, £1,000; repay- Audit, £2 ; bank charges, 10s. .. 210 0 ment to Registrar, £1,048 13s. 9d. ~ 2,048 13 9 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 684 18 9 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 182 10 9 £5,503 11 10 £5,503 11 10 Scholarship Trust Account : — Scholarship Trust Account :— Interest .. .. .. .. 72 11 10 Scholarships and expenses .. .. 41 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 31 1 10 £72 11 10 £72 11 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31sl December, 1920. Liabilities. Sundry creditors— £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. General Account, £739 Bs. ; Boarding Government capitation due .. .. 114 13 4 Account, £80 6s. 3d. .. .. 819 14 3 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 18 18 0 Refund due to Department (Urquhart Boarding-fees due .. .. .. 108 0 0 case) .. .. .. .. 646 2 8 Lower-department fees due .. .. 12 12 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Scholarship Trust debentures .. 1,000 0 0 Unpresented cheques .. .. 40 2 9 Special Prize Memorial Fund .. .. 37 10 0 Balance, current account .. .. 301 17 7 £7,505 19 8 £1,593 10 11 R. Galbraith, Chairman. H. L. Seldon, Secretary. TIMARU HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement or Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. i Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 1,576 3 6 ; Proportion of office salaries .. .. 75 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 18 19 0 Board .. .. .. .. 2,982 7 11 Proportion of travelling - expenses of Board members .. .. .. 22 18 9 Advertising, £3 6s. ; costs, £46 16s. lOd. ; steward of reserves, £50 ; sundries, £2 7s. 6d. ; drainpipes, £10 10s. .. 113 0 6 Transfers to— New Buildings Account .. .. 2,391 010 General Account .. .. .. 1,937 12 4 £4,558 11 5 £4,558 11 6 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Government grants for new buildings— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 500 0 0 Rectory .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Science apparatus, £58 6s. ; desks and Laboratories .. .. .. 500 0 0 cupboards, £8017s. Id. .. .. 139 3 1 Loans raised for buildings .. .. 4,000 0 0 Drinking-fountain, £6 155.; trolly, £8; Interest on loan-donation from Rectory.. 107 5 11 electric-light points, £15 15s. .. 30 10 0 Transfers from Endowments Income Ac- Sundries .. .. .. .. 12 12 10 count .. .. .. .. 2,391 010 Hostel (Girls'), £3,250; furniture, £1,000 4,250 0 0 Rectory (Boys'), £2,821 18s. ; laboratories, £1,008 105... .. .. 3,830 8 0 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 374 0 0 Interest on loans for buildings .. 326 4 11 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 535 7 11 £9,998 6 9 £9,998 6*9 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 109 11 2 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 526 9 0 School fees .. .. .. 784 9 8 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 41 7 5 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 2 4 0 Instalment on cost of Preparatory School building .. .... .. 175 0 0 Interest on balance owing re Preparatory School' .. .. .. .. 20 2 10 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 128 17 7 £894 0 10 £894 0 10


B.— 6

TIMARU HIGH SCHOOL BOARD—continued. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920— continued. Receipts. Payments. Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— £ s. d. count :— £ s. d. Government payment for salaries of Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 303 13 4 teachers .. .. .. .. 4,206 17 11 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 5,620 2 5 Government capitation for classes for Incidental expenses . . .. .. 960 0 1 manual instruction .. .. 213 9 0 Maintenance (including material) of School fees .. .. .. 471 6 4 classes for manual instruction . . 171 11 1 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Maintenance of buildings .. . . 45 7 1 poses (not new buildings) .. . . 15 15 0 Rates, taxes, and insurance . . .. 141 16 5 War bursaries .. .. .. 11 5 0 Repairs to mowers and sundries .. 23 15 11 Rent .. .. .. .. 46 11 9 Repayment of cost of improvements .. 125 8 5 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 1,937 12 4 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 238 0 7 £7,266 6 4 £7,266 6 4 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Loan from Government Life Insurance Government capitation due .. .. 265 16 6 Department .. .. .. 7,708 0 2 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 86 10 0 Owing on contracts for buildings .. 2,642 5 0 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 323 17 11 Sundry accounts .. .. .. 386 10 1 Balance, Government grant .. .. 100 0 0 Cash on hand.. .. .. .. 4 7 6 Balance, current account .. .. 292 19 10 £10,736 15 3 £1,073 11 9 A. C. Martin, Secretary. WAIMATE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. (Secondary School not in operation.) General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 3,199 18 4 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 28 17 0 Current income from reserves vested in Technical-school subsidy .. .. 10 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 356 13 0 Wool-classing fees .. .. .. 810 0 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Petty expenses .. .. .. 16 0 ments .. .. .. .. 172 6 3 Audit, 13s. 4d. ; insurance, £2 12s. 6d. .. 3 510 Refund of insurance.. .. .. 12 0 Rent .. .. .. .. 15 6 3 Refund of removal expenses .. .. 0 16 3 Bank charge .. ~ .. 0 10 0 Refund of legal expenses .. .. 114 6 Fittings at Board-room .. .. 2 9 6 Removal expenses .. .. .. 3 0 0 Legal expenses .. .. .. 3 9 0 Trees, borough freehold .. .. 110 0 Inspection, £2; sale-of-lease expenses, £2 lis. .. .. .. .. 4 11 0 Transfer to General Account .. .. 364 14 6 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 3,285 1 3 £3,732 10 4 £3,732 10 4 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : — Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 207 0 0 count .. .. .. .. 364 14 6 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 118 15 0 Books, &c., to pupils, and other temporary advances .. .. .. 815 9 Prizes .. .. .. .. 14 6 0 Examination fees, £6 6s. ; advertisements, £3 .. .. .. 9 6 0 Stationery and printing .. .. 611 9 £364 14 6 £364 14 6 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ a. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Prizes .. .. .. ■• 16 4 2 Mortgages .. .. .. .. 2,625 0 0 Advertising .. .. .. .. 114 0 War loan .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 93 18 0 Balance, current account .. .. 66 3 3 £17 18 2 £3,285 1 3 S. I. Fitch, Chairman. J. Crawshaw, Secretary.



WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 408 10 6 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 75 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Ranger —Salary .. .. .. 51 2 0 Board .. .. .. .. 1,900 14 0 Auctioneer and solicitor, re sale of leases 178 5 2 Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to— serves .. .. .. .. 160 10 3 New Buildings Account .. .. 90 18 2 General Account .. .. .. 1,039 0 4 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1,035 9 1 £2,469 14 9 £2,469 14 9 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Insurance recovered (Boys'School) .. 3,000 0 0 Purchase of sites, &c.—Girls'Hostel .. 1,575 8 8 Transfers from— Additions—Dormitory (Boys'School) .. 15 9 6 Endowments Income Account .. 90 18 2 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 2,200 0 0 Secondary Department General Account .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 £3,790 18 2 £3,790 18 2 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— School fees .. .. .. 315 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 48 14 10 Proportion of boarding profits, 1920 .. 162 13 1 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 271 19 7 1919 .. 79 17 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 128 7 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 108 8 8 £557 10 1 £577 10 1 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 1,174 7 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 6,519 17 0 Government capitation for free places .. 4,367 9 7 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,016 1 10 Government payment for salaries of Maintenance of classes for manual inteachers .. .. .. .. 370 0 0 struction.. .. .. .. 266 1 11 Government payment for cost-of-living Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 29 14 0 bonus .. .. .. .. 185 0 0 Maintenance of buildings and insurance.. 339 0 4 Government capitation for classes for Transfer to New Buildings Account .. 700 0 0 manual instruction .. .. 168 9 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 85 2 5 Sohool fees .. .. .. 831 10 0 Interest on scholarships .. .. 29 19 0 Share of boarding-fees .. .. 783 2 7 Horse sold .. .. .. .. 7 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 1,039 0 4 £8,955 17 6 £8,955 17 6 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Salaries overpaid by Department .. 500 0 0 Deposits atjcall .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 203 0 3 Government capitation duo .. .. 598 0 4 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 505 13 0 Balance, current account .. .. 429 0 2 £703 0 3 £4,532 13 6 I. Mitch rll, Chairman. J. W. MacKisack, Acting-Secretary.

OTAGO HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 126 14 1 Board .. .. .. ■■ 3,128 12 9 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 40 1 11 Revenue from secondary-education re- Proportion of travelling - expenses of serves .. .. .. .. 323 16 3 Board members .. .. .. 2 3 2 Valuations, &c. .. .. .. 42 0 3 Transfers to— New Buildings Account .. .. 2,450 9 4 General Account .. .. .. 791 0 3 £3,452 9 0 £3,452 9 0 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Government grant for additions, Otago Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 1,129 15 4 Girls'High School .. .. 5,381 18 9 New buildings, additions, furniture, appaTransfer from Endowments Income Ac- ratus, &e.— count .. .. .. .. 2,450 9 4 Class-rooms, Boys'School .. .. 4,592 14 6 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 3,374 15 9 Additions, Girls'Sohool .. .. 5,401 12 6 Interest on loans for buildings .. 83 1 6 £11,207 3 10 I £11,207 3 10



OTAGO HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD— continued. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920- -continued. Receipts. Payments. Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— £ s. d. count :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 2,195 7 3 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 12,197 11 7 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,790 13 5 teachers .. .. .. .. 9,340 11 7 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment payment for incidental ex- struction.. .. .. .. 132 9 3 penses .. .. .. .. 1,598 0 0 | Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 108 15 0 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of buildings .. .. 791 0 3 manual instruction .. .. 250 4 0 Cost-of-living bonus to teachers .. 259 1 2 School fees .. .. .. 526 0 0 Rectory ground-rent .. .. 72 0 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 134 19 8 Balanoe, 31st December, 1920 .. 286 I 3 Government grant for sewing-machines.. 19 5 6 Cost-of-living bonus .. .. 333 8 8 Typewriting, singing, and stationery ' charges .. .. .. .'. 260 0 0 Rectory ground-rent .. .. 72 0 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 108 15 0 Dalrymple prize .. .. .. 4 0 0 G. H. Stewart prize .. .. .. 4 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 791 0 3 £15,637 11 11 £15,637 11 11 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st Decmber, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. 220 16 8 Government capitation due .. .. 310 16 5 Sundry creditors— Secondary-school fees due .. .. 10 13 4 Bursaries Account .. .. .. 4 0 0 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 53 6 3 Grounds .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Government capitation for manual classes Science matorial, &c. .. .. 250 0 0 due .. .. .. .. 216 14 11 Stationery .. .. .. .. 73 9 5 Government grants due— Miscellaneous accounts .. .. 67 511 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 317 12 6 Bank overdraft (No. 2 Acoount) .. 3,249 7 5 New buildings .. .. .. 253 2 6 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 10 0 0 Balanoe, current account (No. 1 Acoount) .. 174 12 11 £3,974 19 5 £1,336 18 10 R. Pulton, Chairman. —■ C. R. McLean, Secretary.

GORE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfer to New Buildings Account .. 110 3 7 serves .. .. .. .. 110 3 7 £110 3 7 £110 3 7 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 24 19 4 Hostel-site Account — Government grants for hostel-site .. 200 0 0 Borough rates .. .. .. 14 14 2 Voluntary contributions for hostel-site.. 130 8 0 Transfer costs (legal) .. .. 8 19 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Grubbing gorse, &c. .. .. 3 0 0 count .. .. .. .. 11037 Principal of loans repaid (hostel-site) .. 450 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 35 19 11 Interest on unpaid purchase-money .. 24 17 8 £501 10 10 £501 10 10 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :— Total receipts .. .. .. 172 16 5 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 31 14 5 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 1 11 10 Total payments .. .. .. 142 13 10 £174 8 3 £174 8 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count ;— Balanoe, 31st December, 1919 .. 215 11 11 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,739 13 4 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. 485 6 0 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,920 16 11 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment capitation for classes for struction.. .. .. .. 85 13 7 manual instruction .. .. 147 5 8 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 34 8 6 Government grant for maintenance of Southland Education Board (cookery and buildings .. .. .. 61 5 0 woodwork classes) .. .. 81 14 2 School fees .. .. .. 113 6 8 Interest on overdraft .. .. 2 11 0 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Sundries .. .. .. .. 21 10 0 poses (not new buildings) .. .. 22 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 72 9 7 Rent of schoolroom .. .. .. 4 10 0 Sale of supplies to pupils .. .. 38 10 0 £3,523 6 2 £3,523 6 2



GORE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD— continued. Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 20 10 3 Government capitation due, technical Borough rates on hostel-site .. .. 34 18 0 classes .. .. .. .. 62 11 9 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 17 12 6 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 4 0 0 Refund, salaries .. .. .. 15 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 52 10 4 £73 0 9 £134 2 1 Alexander Simpson, Chairman. Andrew Martin, Secretary.

SOUTHLAND HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 7,726 0 4 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 60 8 4 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses .. .. 31 5 0 Board .. .. .. .. 2,648 4 1 Miscellaneous (inspection and legal) .. 44 0 6 Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfer to General Account .. .. 2,454 4 6 serves .. .. .. .. 176 13 9 Balance, 31st December, 1920 .. 7,970 111 Refund, legal expenses .. .. 9 2 1 £10,560 0 3 £10,560 0 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 115 12 7 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 8,326 7 5 Government payment for salaries of Incidental expenses .. .. .. 824 3 4 teachers (including cost -of - living Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 25 15 0 bonus) .. .. .. .'. 795 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 291 16 10 Government payment for incidental ex- Rates and taxes .. .. .. 61 9 6 penses .. .. .. .. 4,814 13 4 Rents, £32155. ; refund fees, £1 Is. .. 33 16 0 Government capitation for classes for Physical Instructor, Technical College, manual instruction .. .. 146 18 2 £60; library, £4 19s. sd. .. .. 64 19 5 Government grant for science eq uipment 35 7 9 Board and conveyance .. .. 154 4 2 School fees .. .. .. 267 1 0 Fencing, £10 15s. ; exchange, Is. ; various, £11 3s. 6d. .. .. .. 21 19 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 166 4 9 War bursary .. .. .. 34 10 0 Lady Principal, presentation, £8 155.; Physical Instructor, Technical College, £60 ; gymnasium (rent), £16 .. 84 15 0 Donations, prizes .. .. .. 4 2 0 Government grant, conveyance and board 154 4 2 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 2,454 4 6 Balanoe, 31st December, 1920 .. 687 18 11 £9,782 11 8 £9,782 11 8 Statement of Amount due to Board and of Inabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 54 15 0 Fixed deposits .. .. .. 4,109 4 9 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 13 0 0 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 583 9 4 Government payment for salaries due .. 687 18 11 Cash on hand .. .. .. 44 5 6 Balance, current account .. .. 3,183 7 9 £54 15 0 £8,621 6 3 R. A. Anderson, Chairman F. G. Stevenson, Secretary.

GREYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. (High School not in operation.) General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Balance in hand at beginning of year .. 1,521 19 10 Canterbury Education Board .. .. 100 0 0 Endowments — Office expenses .. .. .. 3 10 0 Revenue from secondary-education re- Balance at end of year .. .. .. 1,710 3 7 serves .. .. ' 225 18 10 Interest on money derived from endowments .. ' .. .. .. 65 14 11 £1,813 13 7 £1,813 13 7 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1920. Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Greymouth Borough debentures .. .. 700 0 0 Bank balance .. .. .. 24 7 9 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 985 15 10 Nil. £1,710 3 7 F. H. Kilgour, Chairman.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,000 oopies), £117 10s.

By Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92l.

Price Is. 3d.]

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1920.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1920.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, E-06

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-6, 1920.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, E-06

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