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Session 11. 1921. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to hnth Houses of the General Assembly by Command of llis Excellency.

CONTENTS. General Report— nri: Appendix I —continued. p AGE Principal Survey-work performod during the Year, (b.) Report by E. J. Williams, Tide-computer— with Tables A and B .. .. ..2 Computation of the Harmonic Tidal Constants.. 6 Minor Triangulation .. .. .. :i Values of the Harmonic Constants used in preTopographical, for Selection .. .. ..3 paring the Tide-tables for 1922 .. ..6 Settlement Surveys .. .. .. .. 3 Mean Monthly Values of the Sea-temperature at Native Surveys .. .. .. .. 3 New Plymouth .. .. .. .. 7 Coal- and Gold-mining Survevs .. .. 3 Major Triangulation .. ".. .. .. 8 Appendix ll—Report by H. F. Skey, B.Sc, Director Standard Surveys .. .. .. .. 3 of Magnetic ObservatoryTopographical Survey .. .. .. 3 Vector Diagrams .. .. .. At end. Inspections .. .. .. .. .. 3 Monthly and Annual Curves of the Magnetic DeTidal Survey ..' ..' .! . '. 3 clination .. .. .. .. At end. Magnetic Observatory .. .. .. 4 Monthly and Annual Curves of the Horizontal Proposed Operations for 1921-22 .'.' '.'. 4 Magnetic Force .. .. .. At end. Annencßx I " " Appendix lll—Account of Exploration by Messrs. V) M. Crompton Smith, Chief Draughts- " 19 Head Office Draughting Staff .. .. 5 Table of Hourly Values of the Magnetic Declination Draughtsman's Examination .. .. 6 an( i tno Horizontal Force (bound separately). Surveyors Board .. .. .. .. G

The Surveyor-General to the Hon. Minister of Lands. Sir,— Wellington, 30th August, 1921. I have the honour to present herewith the report on survey operations for the year ended 31st March, 1921. In doing so I would draw attention to the fact that the Surveyor-General in charge of these operations until the 25th October, 1920, was Mr. T. N. Brodrick, Under-Secretary for Lands. The following report is therefore partly based upon the work carried out under lii.s guidance. I have, &c, W. T. Neill, Hon. D. H. Guthrie, Minister of Lands. Surveyor-General.

I.—C. IA.



EEPOET. The attached tables show that the volume of work handled by the Department for the last year has been maintained. The tables give a concise summary of the amount of work completed. Full details are contained in the reports supplied by the Chief Surveyors, which are filed as departmental records. Under the heading of "Rural Surveys," in Table B, an area of 440,448 acres is shown as completed work, as compared with 613,810 acres for last year. The falling-off in the acreage returned is due lo (he smaller area of pastoral country included in this year's return. The area of Native land surveyed shows an increase from 122,248 acres to 266,890 acres. The average cost per acre of rural surveys bas advanced from 2s. to 2s. 2d., and the average cost per acre of Native-land surveys has decreased from 2s. 4d. to Is. 6d., as compared with the prices ruling last year. These figures show that the work is being done at a reasonable price. A second increase of 20 per cent, to the schedule of rates for the mrveys of Native and Crown lands, making a total of 40 per cent, on the 191.3 schedule, was authorized on the 10th March. The effect of this increase will make the cost of surveys done by the staff surveyors more in agreement with the cost of the work done by contract surveyors. The number of surveyors employed during the year under report was eighty, consisting of forty staff, four temporary, and thirty-six on contract, sixty-three of whom were employed in the North Island and seventeen in the South Island. .

Table A.

Table B.

Class of Work. Area, &c. Average Cost. Total Cost. [riangulation, by stafi surveyors .. Topographical, for selection, by stafi surveyors Rural .. Village and suburban, by staff surveyors Village and suburban, by licensed surveyors .. Ibwii, by staff surveyors .. Town, by licensed surveyors Native Land Court, by staff surveyors Native Land Court, by licensed surveyors Native Land Court (paid by applicants) Ooal- and gold-mining areas (paid by applicants) Sawmill areas (paid by applicants) Roads, by staff surveyors Roads, by licensed surveyors 38,100 acres 3,576 acres 438,925 acres 503'5 acres 69'1 acres 249 sec. 140 sec. 6,193 acres 246,452 acres 14,245 acres 2,669 acres 2-2d. per acre 0-42s. l-96s. 20s. 41-45s. 45-14s. per section 30-918. 3-36s. per acre 1-508. £ s. d. 356 17 11 75 13 0 43,087 14 7 503 9 11 142 15 0 562 0 0 216 7 3 1,041 10 6 18,540 3 7 1,523 acres 197-06 miles 13-38 miles £27-91 per mile £30-22 „ 5,499 7 6 405 0 3 *

Land District. Rural Surveys. Native Land Court Surveys. North Auckland Auckland Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington .. Marlborough Nelson Westland Canterbury Otago Southland Acres. 43,588 102,550 55,513 19,307 40,578 6,474 40,331 2,936 9,825 102,278 17,068 Acres. 17,490 110,839 42,702 5,574 88,770 3,038 107 344 1,026 Totals 440,448 266,890


Minor Triangulation. An area of 38,100 acres is shown under this heading. The bulk of the work is in Auckland District, and a small area in Taranaki, and was undertaken to control the settlement surveys. Topographical, for Selection. A small area of 3,576 acres is shown under this heading, at a cost of 0425. per acre. This workis done as a preliminary to settlement surveys, and a portion of the area is on the Great Barrier Island. Settlement Surveys. The settlement surveys comprise Crown lands, land for seltlement, and land for discharged soldiers. The bulk appears in Table A under the head of " Rural," the acreage there shown being 438,925 acres, while the remainder includes village and suburban and I own lands, totalling 787 acres. Native Surveys. During the year an area of 6,193 acres was completed by the staff surveyors, while an area of 260,697 acres was surveyed by private surveyors. The area, surveyed in each land district is given in Table B. Gold- and Coal-mining Surveys. An area of 2 ; 669 acres is shown under this head. The surveys were made by private surveyors, and the fees paid by the applicants. Major Triangulation. This survey is held in abeyance, both as regards the field-work and the office computations. Standard Surveys. Two experienced surveyors are at present engaged on these useful surveys —Messrs. C. A. Mountfort and H. M. Kensington, District Surveyors in Palmerston North and Gisborne respectively. Mr. Mountfort has completed the field-work of twenty-eight miles of road traverse in the vicinity of Feilding, on Bunnyfchorpe-Palmerston Road, Feilding-Colyton-Ashhurst Road, and Bunnythorpe Ashhurst Road. He has also revised part of the Marton standard survey, and is extending the survey of Palmerston North. Mr. Kensington returns thirty-three miles of streets, the plans of which have been completed during the year under report, in the City of Auckland, and reports that the field-work of the standard survey of Gisborne is about half-finished. An examination of the traverse closures shows that the high standard of precision aimed at in these surveys has been maintained. Topographical Survey. This survey is held in abeyance. Inspections. A certain amount of inspect inn work has been carried on by the Chief Draughtsmen and staff surveyors, but on account of the pressure of work in connection with settlement surveys not much of this necessary work has been done during the; year. It is essential that more inspections should be made, so that an adequate cheek can be kept on the: work of the staff and surveyors in private practice. Tidal Survey. The work for the year comprised the preparation of the data to enable a, tide-table for the year 1922 to be prepared by means of the tide-predicting machine at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, England, of the ports of Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, ami Westport. All the computations pertaining to the work required to evaluate the harmonic constants have been completed by Mr. K. ,1. Williams, Tide-computer, with a certain amount of temporary assistance. Tidal records and other meteorological data, together with the surface temperature of the sea, have been received regularly from New Plymouth. Fresh analyses of the six standard ports for which predictions are required have been commenced, and will be continued during next year. In the report of Mr. E. J. Williams, Tide-computer, appended hereto, are given details of the tidal work, and a table showing the sea-temperature at New Plymouth. The computing division is at a great disadvantage on account of the depletion of the staff and the difficulty of securing a suitable computer. The appointment of an assistant computer is indispensable in order that the essential duplicate check is made on all important calculations.




Magnetic Observatory. During the year under report the work of the Magnetic- Observatory at Christchurch and the sub-station at Amberley has been efficiently carried on by the Director, Mr. 11. F. Skey, B.Sc. His full report with diagrams, tables, and seismic published as an appendix hereto. Two outstanding events in the history of the Observatory have occurred within the last year. The first is the discovery by Mr. Skey of a new period in the variation of the horizontal force, which repeats itself in about 329 days, and is almost exactly equal to twelve synodic rotations of the sun. This result was obtained from a preliminary mathematical discussion of the observations at Christchurch, the details of which are published in the appendix. The second event ot special importance was the visit of the survey yacht " Carnegie," of the department of terrestrial magnetism of the Carnegie Institute, Washington. This vessel, under the command of Captain J. P. Ault, arrived at Lyttelton in October, 1920. During the visit a valuable comparison was made between the Observatory standards and those of the Carnegie Institution by the scientific stall of the vessel, assisted by the Observatory staff. It is just five years since the last visit of the " Carnegie "to Lyttelton on her fourth cruise (1915-16). The object of the present cruise is to obtain information regarding the rate of change of the magnetic elements, in order to determine tin- extent and character of the corrections which the existing magnetic charts require to bring them up to date. In this connection a repeat observation at the principal magnetic stations of the Dominion is a pressing work, and should, be undertaken as soon as possible. In addition to the current work of the year the records for the year 1910 were also measured and the results published in the appendix. These comprise various diagrams, tables of the hourly values of the magnetic declination and horizontal force, also a list of the earthquakes recorded at Christchurch (luring 1920 by Milne seismograph No. 16. The mean annual values of the magnetic elements as far as they are available are given in Table C following : —

Table C. —Mean Annual Values of the Magnetic Elements at Christchurch Observatory.

Proposed Operations kor 1921-22. Triangulation. —This survey for the time being is discontinued, but it is anticipated that a start may be made during the coming year. Standard Surveys. —Mr. C. A. Mountfort, District Surveyor, will complete the standard survey of Palmerston North. He will also complete the standard survey of a portion of the Borough of Hamilton, which was commenced in 1907 and left in an incomplete state, and continue the rural standard traverse work in Wellington District. Mr. A. C. Haase, surveyor, is attached to Mr. Mountfort's party in order to receive training and gain experience in this class of work. It is important that more surveyors should be trained to this work as soon as circumstances permit. Mr. H. M. Kensington, District Surveyor, will be fully occupied with the standard survey of Gisborne. Pressing demands for these surveys are being received from all parts of the Dominion, and it is ess'ential that a staff be organized to conduct the standard survey so that in the near future the work may be undertaken in a more uniform and comprehensive manner. Topographical Survey. —lf is proposed to start this work as soon as it is sanctioned by the Government. There is now sufficient equipment on hand to provide at least one party with the necessary instruments for commencing the survey.

Date. Declination B. ol N. Annual Change. Horizontal force. Annual Change. Vertical Force. Annual Inclination Change. South. Annual Ohanm '" Annual Change. Koport . .902 .903 904 10 15-1 10 18-3 10 21-8 + 3-2 + 3-5 + 3-0 C.G.S. Unit. 0-22694 0-22009 0-22044 Y -25 -25 -16 O.G.S. Unit. 0-55277 0-55280 0-55307 y + 9 + 21 + 41 O I 67 40-8 67 42-3 67 44-1 + 1-50 + 1-80 + 1-70 1912-13 1912-13 1912-13 .905 900 .907 16 25-4 + 2-4 0-22628 -23 0-55348 + 28 67 45-8 4-1-80 1919-20 .908 .909 .910 16 37-6 + 1*4 0-22515 -27 0-55485 + 12 67 54-8 -r-i-40 1920-21 .911 .912 913 16 39-0 + 2-5 0-22494 -23 0-55497 - 9 67 56-2 + 1-00 18 41-0 + 0-8 0-22449 -35 0-55478 -13 67 58-2 4-1-60 1913-14 914 .915 .910 16 44-8 10 17-0 16 19-8 + 2-2 + 2-8 ■| 3-2 0-22414 0-22387 0-22355 -27 -32 -27 0-55405 + 7 67 59-8 + 1-67 1914-15 ♦Sept., 1918 •Sept., 1918 917 918 .919 10 53-0 10 55-7 16 58-0 1-2-7 j 2-9 + 3-1 0-22328 0-22304 0-22280 24 24 -19 0-55480 0-55516 0-55507 + 30 - 9 + 18 08 04-8 68 00-7 68 07-8 + 1-90 + 1-10 + 1-40 *Mar., 1921 1918-19 1919-20 .920 17 01-7 0-22201 0-55525 OS 09 2 1920-21 * L'uullulied in No o Zealand J* •urnal of Scicna and Techm 'logy.



Survey Regulations. — proposed to recast and issue a new edition of the Survey Regulations for the guidance of Surveyors under the Surveyors' Institute and Board of Examiners Act, 1908, and the Hlllcs and Directions for the guidance of the officers in the Department under the Land Act, 1908. General. Explorations between Milford Sound and the Hollyford River. During February Mr. D. Macpherson was allowed to join Mr. 8. Turner's expedition I" explore the country between the head of Milford Sound and the Hollyford River, the objects of the expedition being to climb Mount Tutoko and examine the Darran Mountain Range lor a pass Leading from the head of the Cleddan Valley to the Hollyford. An account of the trip, compiled from the reports supplied by Messrs. Turner and Macpherson, wii h illustrations, is given in Appendix 111 hereto. Extract from Report by H. M. Sheet, Chief Surveyor, Auckland.- " Another young Samoan, Mr. A. 8. Meredith, was sent by his home authorities to New Zealand to study our methods of office routine and field surveying. After a short period in the office he joined Mr. L. J. Poll's survey party in the Urewera country. Mr. J. Melei. who is being relieved by Mr. Meredith, left for his home early in January." Extract from He port by G. 11. .17. McClure, Chief Surveyor, Wellington. "Water-supplies to soldier settlements : The only work under this beading was the water-supply installed in the Awapuni Settlement, just beyond the Borough of Palmerston North. A bore was sunk here to a depth of 374ft., the result being verj successful, the pressure at the bore being sufficient to lift water in a pipe to a height of I.") It. above the level of the ground. The supply of water from the Awapuni well is more than sufficient for the requirements of the settlement, and negotiations are in progress for disposing of the surplus at a. fixed rate to neighbouring settlers and others." Full details of the personnel of the staff, both field and office, are given in the report by the Under-Secretary (or Lands. In conclusion I am pleased to place on record the appreciation by the various Chief Surveyors of the manner in which their officers, both permanent and temporary, have carried out their duties during the year, and 1 desire to convey my thanks to the whole of the Survey staff for their good work.

APPENDIX I. (a.) REPORT KV M. CROMPTON SMITH, CHIEF DRAUGHTSMAN!. Hicad Office Draughting Staff. Last year's report gave a rdsumd of the volume of work ahead of this office as a result of a consideration of the- state of the map publications of the Department. At the end of the year it is disappointing to find that no map on the newly projected series has achieved publication yet, though several are in hand as stock jobs. Present exigencies make it impossible to think of increasing staff, which remains below normal. Claims of other Departments for urgent work, such as census maps, have therefore pushed aside and stopped altogether the Department's own work, and finally such general maps as have been produced have been held up owing to difficulties created by pressure of work at the Printing Office. Two much-needed city maps Auckland and Christchurch —are being drawn by draughtsmen in these towns; four borough maps are in hand, and one draughtsman is engaged on cadastral twomile series. Provisional maps of seven counties have been prepared and sent to the Printer; four new cadastral t wo-niile maps are completed, and five in hand, but it is useless sending them for print ing under present conditions. The Auckland and Wellington topo. 1/12500 have been reprinted during the year, and altoget her 1 I 1 maps have been sent to the Printer during the year. Maps for the census of 1921 were prepared, and all those for New Zealand prepared by the district offices were checked and entered into sub-enumerators' books, and the maps lor the Representation Commission begun. Town schemes for the Minister's approval continued in numbers without any serious diminution till the end of the year. Descriptions, maps, &<-., for other Departments during the year amounted to £638, including census maps. Lithographs issued without charge were about 1,600 in number, estimated at about £250 in value. I ) 11A UGHTSMAN 'S EXA M IN A TIO X . Owing to pressure of work this examination was not held till November, when five candidates sat. A first-class certificate as computer was gained by Mr. E. .1. Williams; first-class certificates in draughting were granted to Messrs. C. E. Pfeifer and W. Bardsley, and a second-grade certificate to Mr. C. D. Maher.



The examination has emphasized very strongly the need, always felt, of a departmental bandbook covering all the grounds of the technical branches of the office, both draughting and computing and field. The book is now being planned, and several of the sections are being written by experienced officers in charge of the principal branches. The professional handbooks now in existence will be revised and incorporated in the plan. Surveyors' Board. At the examination in September, L920, twenty-six candidates sat, and twelve passed ; and at the March examination fifteen candidates sat, and six passed. At the end of the March examination the Board considered very fully the position regarding the issue of new Survev Regulations, and came to a conclusion regarding it. enabling the revision to be undertaken during the ensuing year. (b.) COMPUTATION OF TIDAL CONSTANTS BY E. -I. WILLIAMS, TIDE-COMPUTER. The computations required to evaluate the harmonic constants used in predicting the tides of the six standard ports for the year 1922 have been completed. From the harmonic analysis of the measured hourly heights of the tide gauge records of an) port extending over a. period of 370 days is obtained one value of II (semi-range) and one value of K (epoch) for each component for each year of hourly heights analysed. For the larger tides, M2, 82, &C, the values obtained are fairly concordant. In the smaller lid, s, however, on account of tidal observations not being exactly in accordance from year to year, there are considerable discrepancies. Therefore it is necessary to extend the observations over a number of years, and to accept the mean of the values of H and K for each tide, for the completed years of analysis, as the best result. In accordance with the above the following table was prepared and forwarded to the Director, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, London, England, on the Ist June, 1920, for employment in the tide predicting machine, and the tide-tables for 11)22 wenreceived in Wellington on the Ith January, 1921.

Mean Values of the Harmonic Constants used in preparing the Tide-tables for 1922.

fide Symbol, i Auckland. A.~ r.-71 it. 01 A.lull'. 5.88 It. Dm A.-I neilin. I.ytl 3-2311. A. fcelton. Weill 8-20 ft. A 8 = lugton. 2-98 it. W oat port. V, :.-(iu ft. H. K. II. K. II II. , I K. II. K. II. K. II. - K. ... 68-10 18-50 233-57 Ft. 0-012 0-236 0-000 r~ short Period. SI 82 SI Ft. 0-009 11-03 0-597 203-50 0-019 336-59 Ft. 0-007 0-509 0-008 it. 337-10 0-035 129-95 0-173 301-85 o-ol I Ft. 31-12 0-005 141-42 0-098 188-72 0-005 228-48 329-46 188-20 Ft. 0-013 74-64 0-983 33 l-O!) onos 54.92 SO .Ml M2 0-002 50-9S 0-011 141-89 3-791 204-00 0-004 o-oi I 2-802 170-5(1 84-79 35-13 0-004 0-009 2-.-,06 123-00 0-014 128-68 , 0-010 123-38 2-883 348-69 0-005 105-35 , 0-006 125-30 1-597 309-32 49-45 135-35 0-003 334-63 0-013 340-63 3-702 304-20 ,M3 M4 MO 0-048 20402 0-110 127-80 0-023 294-55 0-008 0-095 0-086 281-81 228-49 77-28 0-013 0-257 0-076 245-03 0-019 179-05 0-014 359-86 0-021 108-63 0-026 81-25 0-037 66-42 0-010 192-86 280-40 100-77 0-024 202-01 0-066 35-28 0-020 88-59 <>J Kl K2 0-002 130-02 0-231 107-71 0-142 251-27 0-1 08 0-001 0-118 75-29 11310 57-84 0-087 0-071 0-096 75-72 0-087 89-15 0-144 127-52 0-054 02-78 0-105 SI -50 0-086 101-90 : 0-040 34-45 79-98 340-07 0-096 48-20 0-075 184-91 0-287 327-05 PI .11 Ql 0-073 167-06 0-010 214-22 0-011 59-11 0-021 0-001 0-024 103-64 207-39 43-55 0-025 0-005 0-021 96-80 0-052 126-14 0-008 355-00 ■ 0-018 110-79 0-030 89-85 o-ooo 48-24 0-029 07-31 140-90 22-22 0-023 110-12 0-015 27.".-1 5 0-037 38-40 L2 \2 ■ i.2 0-190 212-0 1 0-7SI 109-09 0-202 180-03 0-127 0-661 0-099 28-87 14-04 68-00 0-189 0-549 0-053 101-32 0-094 104-89 0-670 157-88 0-118 L08-35 0-055 93-58 0-389 : 145-96 0-108 140-71 99-67 109-38 01 lo 269-18 0-745 288-44 0173 310-14 /*8 T2 (MS)4 0-104 168-04 0-077 103-21 0-176 193-71 0-005 0-023 0-080 8-37 I 11-71 359-97 0-034 0-022 0-100 17-52 0-087 202-01 0-032 141-93 0-101 66-46 0-081 220-40 i o-oHi 128-62 0-036 86-45 308-20 134-61 01 II 273-67 0-042 44-18 o-loo 301-30 (2SM)2 R2 0-003 307-32 0-038 0-018 120-79 119-43 0-043 0-010 4-23 0-077 171-09 0-01 I 25-77 0-088 172-05 5-18 0-078 203-08 0-019 244-29 Lon\: Period. Mm MI MSf 0-123 211-03 0-055 268-88 0-075 153-37 0-059 0-009 0-077 IS 1-50 161-91 201-00 0-055 0-003 0-000 84-43 0-055 173-15 OOOO 31-88 0-150 IS5-59 0-087 187-05 O-IKi.i 159-87 0-098 308-38 158-15 13-79 0-016 117-13 0-033 303-53 0-060 99-27 Sa Ssa 0-230 54-00 0-107 293-07 0-073 0-120 26-81 88-39 0-105 0063 272-79 0-087 80-02 0-109 245-99 0-138 124-05 0-073 192-55 191-54 0-120 62-55 0-130 97-45 I i



Continuous records are still being obtained at the New Plymouth tidal station of the tide curve from the self-registering tide-gauge, and other meteorological data, together with the temperature of the sea. The mean values for each month of the temperature of the air, surface of the sea, and height of the barometer from the Ist April, 1920, to the 31st March, 1921, are given below:—

New Plymouth Tidal Station. — Mean Monthly Values.

Considerable difficulty has been experienced in preparing some of the diagrams of the selfregistering tide-gauges of Dunedin, Lyttelton, and to a lesser extent Wcstport, for measurement at the exact local mean-time hours, <\\w apparently to defects in the mechanism of the various tidegauges. The diagrams show in some cases the recording-pencil to be marking in advance of the clock, in others behind the clock, occasionally exceeding half an hour in time, this necessitating an adjustment whenever met with, which not only takes up time but also leaves a. certain element of doubt as to whether the adjustment represents the true tidal curve. With the introduction of new tidegauges, and further co-operation on the part of the authorities concerned, difficulties of this nature should be almost entirely eliminated. The substitute for the apparatus, or abacus, designed by Sir George Darwin for facilitating the reduction of tidal observations has been devised and completed by the purchase of 150 celluloid strips, cut and ruled to required size, and mounting these strips on heavy linoleum (also cut to required size) with small brass pins. This substitute, while being neither as strong nor as ornamental in appearance as the original apparatus purchased twelve years ago from the Cambridge Scientificinstrument Company, answers its purpose equally well, and has one great advantage—that in the event of breakages it can be repaired at a. minimum of cost and time.

Table 1. — Return of Field-work executed by Head Office Staff from 1st April, 1920, to 31st March, 1921.

Hate. Barometer. Attached Thermometer. Temperature of Air. Temperature of Sea. April May June July August September .. October November .. December .. 1920. 1921. In. 30-16 29-90 30- M 30-19 29-94 30-06 30-17 30-01 30-03 Deg. (F.) 59-26 52-81 51-47 49-07 49-68 52-63 56-61 58-67 61-71 Deg. (F.) 59-30 53-16 51-30 48-55 49-00 53-47 56-67 58-23 62-84 Deg. (F.) 58-90 55-52 53-20 51-45 19-51 51-60 54-52 54-50 56-13 January February March 30-12 30-1.3 30-12 65-90 63-21 61-51 67-32 64-29 63-10 59-36 58-25 58-71

Land District. Stan da Completed. Miles Cost i Mlles - per Mile. Standard Surveys iuIn Progress. Coiuplctod. Rural Standard Surveys In Progress. Other Work. .uckland .. j 32-9 £ 41-82 Miles. Total cost. £ s. d. 14 639 10 0 Miles Co8t Miles Cost Mlles - per Mile. Mlles - per Mile. £ 28 25-72 £ s. d. 100 5 2 Wellington 1 492 2 0 123 11 5 lawke's Bay I 40 1,121 3 9



Table 2. —Return of Field-work executed by Staff and Contract Surveyors on Lands administered by Lands and Survey Department, from 1st April, 1920, to 31st March, 1921.

Minor Triangulation. Topography. Eural. Village and Suburban. Town. Roads, &c. Total Cost of Completed Work from 1st April, 1920, to 31st March, 19-21. Land District. Acres. Number! of Sections Other Work. Acres. Cost ! per Acre. Acres. Cost per Acre. Cost per Acre. Acres. Number of Sections Cost per Acre. Cost per Section. Miles. Cost per Mile. Acres. d. s. 0-42 s. 2-55 8. 168 51 22-9 s. 19-48 82 142-8 £ 29-32 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,366 17 2 8,735 3 0 2,935 7 6 14,982 5 7 North Auckland •• • • 3,576 43,588 9-16 Auckland 32,100 2-5 102,550 2-21 169 32 : 18-9 - 117-0 78 ! 36-7 I 106-75 22-50 Hawke's Bay 47,876 1-97 114-1 31 28-6 31 1 26-8 63 13 20-0 27-5 5 18-97 9-25 28 ; 54-3 j 9-25 17-70 859 18 8 4,800 15 10 Taranaki 6,000 0-8 19,307 4-83 21-0 60 i 26-6 2-96 32-78 294 9 3 4,529 14 0 Wellington .. 40,578 2-14 5-75 31-75 83 9 8 6,299 5 9 Nelson 40,331 2-70 18-0 15 33-3 18-29 25-06 239 6 6 4,849 0 11 307 17 8 1,456 5 8 14 5 2 2,054 0 7 198 17 6 1,314 0 6 732 15 10 5,612 0 8 19 10 2 579 4 9 Marlborough 6,474 1-97 750 34 20-09 0-25 1 8-4 259-98 298 38-92 2-25 39-53 Westland 2,936 4-14 9-5 53-60 Canterbury .. 9,825 2-03 160 66-57 Otago 102,278 0 68 12-0 7-14 Southland .. 17,068 0-80 6-38 26-52 Means and totals 38,100 2-2 3,576 0-42 432,811 2-37 572-6 133 22-70 197-29 27-88 8,052 15 1 55,211 17 3



Table 3. —Return of Field-work executed by Staff and Contract Surveyors on Lands administered by other Departments from 1st April, 1920, to 31st March, 1921.

2—C. la.

Land District. Cost Number Cost Acres. per Acres. of per Acre. Sections.! Acre. Rural. Village and Suburban. Number Cost Cost of per Miles. per Sections. Section. Mile. Town. Roads, 4c. Acres. Native-land Survey. Number Cost Number l Cost Other Work. R rJ per Acres. of per divisions. Acre - Sections.-Acre. Mining. Total Cost of Completed Work from 1st April, 1920, to 31st March, 1921. Acres. North Auckland s. s. s. S. £ i £ 7-0 33-7 17,490 17,490 93,594 268 268 664 { s. 312 1-5 s. 3-12 i s. 8. i..! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,012 10 5 £ s. d. 2,012 10 5 Auckland Hawke's Bay 7.637 2-023 70 33-7 i 93,594 42,702 664 { 243 1-5 ] 1-73 6,997 9 5 3,329 6 10 6,997 9 5 42,702 243 1-73 3,329 6 10 Taranaki Wellington 6-15 27-37 6-15 27-37 ! 5,5(4 88,770 5,5(4 88,770 3,038 131 235 131 235 37 3-98 1-12 2,564 2-5 3-98 1-12 11 * • 1,301 17 0 4,934 8 5 1,301 17 0 4,934 8 5 Nelson 2 2,564 1 11 * Marlborough .. .. 3,038 37 2-5 377 7 10 377 7 10 •• * ' Canterbury 22 91 91 43-63 43-63 107 107 10 10 9-35 9-35 248 10 0 248 10 0 Otago 344 344 24 24 171 105 171 105 6 6 I l 509 3 6 509 3 6 .. Southland .. .. 1,026 1,026 17 17 1-7 1-7 87 3 2 87 3 2 Means and totals .. 7,637 2-023 22 | l_ 91 43-63 1315 30-75 i 252,645 1,629 1-49 19,797 16 7 ■"Licensed surveyors (costs unobtainable) ■• 14,245 14,245 113 113 .. 2 2,669 2,669 » 17 17 I



Table 4. —Return showing Surveyors employed and the Work on Hand on 1st April, 1921.

Table 5. —Principal Classes of Office-work done from 1st April, 1919, to 31st March, 1921.

APPENDIX IT. THE MAGNETIC OBSERVATORY, CHRISTCHURCH. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR (H. P. SKEY, ll.Sc). Durino the past year the Magnetic Observatory, Christchurch, and the substation at Amberley have operated successfully. At Christchurch the A.die magnetographs have been kept in continuous operation, and the resulting magnetogranis have been developed and measured at instantaneous Greenwich hours, as has been the practice in previous years. The adoption of Greenwich time Eor curve-measurement is now practically certain to be universal at magnetic observatories very shortly, but it is also certain that, instead of instantaneous values at the hours, mean values over the hour, centring at the Greenwich hour, will be usually published ; but for some researches it will probably be found advisable to also publish instantaneous values for certain days. The mean values of the magnetic elements for the year 1920 arc— Mean Values, Change since 1920. 1919. Magnetic declination (east) .. .. .. 17° 01-7' +3-1' Magnetic horizontal force .. .. .. 0-22261 C.G.S. unit -19y Magnetic inclination (south) .. .. .. 68° 09-2' +1-4' Northerly component .. .. .. .. 0-21284 C.G.S. unit —26y Easterly component .. .. .. .. 0*06618 +13y Vertical component .. .. .. .. 0-55525 +18y Total magnetic force .. .. .. .. 0-59820 +8y

Names of Chief Surveyors. Sui •veyors employed. 1 T r, m 5°" Contract. District. ! rary ' | Work or Settlement. Hand. Stall'. Native Blocks, Ac. "Sf ■ | t °™- R. P. Greville, F.R.O.S. H. M. Skeet.. W. F. Marsh H. J. Lowe .. G H. M. McClure C.Cook H. D. McKellar R. S. Galbraith G. H. Billiard R. T. Sadd .. T. Brook 4 12 4 4 3 2 2 '.. 2 1 5 1 1 7 North Auckland.. Auckland 1 9 Hawke's Bay 6 Taranaki 12 Wellington Marlborough 2 .. Nelson 1 Westland Canterbury Otago 1 Southland Acres. 51,520 155,795 34,929 7,780 28,575 18,581 299,il5 14,200 Acres. 10.404 5 I,SOS 23,259 34.293 51,034 1,560 Miles. ACTl.8. v. 194 5 131 8] 50 326 5 8 48 'k ; :: Totals .. 40 36 010,501 172,792 270-0 13 I i

District. Plans placed on Instrument of Title. il I I si O £1. ■o 45 2 ° c3 id .1 ■« 2 fl Ss Sis T ale 11 1*" £* or Maps drawn for Lithography. , If i - Lithographs North Auckland .. Auckland Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Marlborough Nelson Westland Canterbury Otago Southland 1,038 1,294 468 346 1,437 215 392 200 549 519 172 4,983 1,350 5,702 1,894 2,180 1,103 1,378 1,356 6,737 778 468 131 753 522 194 16 5,855 51 2,013 00 [,684 247 2,003 2,603 2,421 1,449 3,844 164 366 859 1,228 551 459 689 150 102 38 586 194 205 889 890 950 10 II 73 II 18 29 7 10 2 27 23 13 £ s. d. 133 8 0 298 16 11 63 12 0 44 9 0 5 3,107 950 737 400 222 i 25 0 3 51 3 8 01 17 0 33 7 6 126 12 0 40 6 6 580 7 4* 950 Totals 956 [ 878 12 10 0,030 31,947 7,514 18,244 5,061 3,937 27 200 * Revised.



The decrease of magnetic'horizontal force from 1919 to 1920 was noticeably smaller than for the previous year, during which it was 24y, or very nearly the average yearly decrease from 1902 to 1920. Similarly, from 1902 to 1904 the decrease was 25y for each year, and for 1904 to 1905 the amount of decrease diminished to only 16y. The provisional value of H for 1912 shows that a similar diminished decrease occurred from 1911 to 1912 (18y). Preliminary Analysis of Apparent Annual Inequalities of H.F. in successive Years. It was felt desirable, in view of the relationship shown in last year's report to exist between the annual variations in 1905, 1910, 1914, and 1919, that some investigation should be made of the apparent inequalities in various years. It is fairly evident that some relationship existed between the inequalities in years 5 or 9 years apart, or both, independently of any direct connection with position in the sun-spot cycle, and that if the data in every available year were analysed in the same manner, treating it provisionally as entirely cyclic within the twelve months, some indication of periodical order at least might be obtained. The following table gives the results of the analysis for the first four harmonic terms. Correction for secular change was applied to the apparent inequalities according to the known amounts at the time. The phase angles, of course, are given for January Od. It must not be forgotten that the analysis is really a measure of conditions existing over the whole year, and in some degree an averaging of those conditions. If conditions changed very slowly we would expect a progressive change of the phase angles. Rapid changes in periods other than the year would make these angles appear to vary irregularly. At the right-hand side of the table arc given some results of similarly analysing the average annual marches in the stated groups of years. During the period including the years treated of, the years 1905, 1907, and 1918 weic years of sun-spot maximum ; 1901 and 1913 were years of sun-spot minimum. The years 1905 and 1915 were years of maximum solar constant, as observed elsewhere ; 1912 was a year of secondary maximum of solar constant ; 1910 and 1913 were years of solar constant minimum.

Analysis of Successive Annual Marches of Magnetic Horizontal Force at Christchurch

Looking at the amplitudes of these first four components, we see that \\ is large in the years 1903, 1910, 1916, 1920, and small in the year 1913, of sun-spot minimum, and the following year 1914. I' L , is largest in 1910, 19.16, and 1920, the year 1910 being a year of maximum of solar constant and of sun-spottedness, and 1920 being possibly a year of maximum solar constant, but the. solar constant data for 1920 are not yet all available. P 2 is generally large from 1916 to 1920 inclusive. P 3 is largest in 1902 and 1903, diminishing to 1905. The constancy of P.j at 2-86y in 1910, 1916, and 1920 is as remarkable as the largeness of P t and P., in those years. P 4 is large in 1902, and slightly larger and constant in 1903 and 1904. The equality of P 4 at 1-44 in 1905 and 1920 is noteworthy, and also the fact that it is almost exactly onehalf of 2-86, the value for P 3 just noted above. Since P 4 in 1905 =P 4 in 1920, it is probably not mere coincidence that P 2 in 1905=P 2 in 1920—P 3 in 1920 [5-88=8-74—2-86], but that systematic effects are responsible. It was found that the value l-44y for P 4 (1905 and 1920) also occurred thus : a 3 in 1914 = -f- 1-44 ; a 3 in 1917 = — 1-44. And two numerically equal values of 6 4 occurred thus . 6 4 in 1917 = — 1-21 ; b i in»1918 = + I*2l. These are further evidences of systematic effect. Other indications exist, but enough is pointed out to show that the, curve representing the march of H.F. throughout the years is a true periodogram involving other periodicities than the year, and that it is worth while investigating it by the regular methods. This work will be proceeded with ; it is probably a more difficult undertaking than ordinary tidal analysis, but no accurate prediction of future magnetic values can be made without it. Work of that kind may be expected to throw light upon the relationship between the annual and diurnal variations, and it may eventually enable the solar constant curve to be obtained from the results of magnetic observation alone : such would be the ideal result. As was to be expected, the analyses of the march of H.F. for the years 1905, 1910, 1914, 1920 shows in each case striking characteristics. It must be the case that when two melodies played simultaneously yield almost the same symphony as two other melodies played simultaneously, each melody of each pair must be principally a simple composition, or at least they must all differ simply. The table shows the results of the analysis for the four presumably chief harmonic components in these years, and we see that the sum of the phase angles A 2 +A 4 =lßo° in 1905, and=27l° in 1914 ;

(Treate as entire] y eye: ic wit! Lin tl he year ; 0°=, anuary 0i Years. Averaged Marches. 1902. 1903. 1904. I 1905. | 1910. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. Kits. 1902, 1914 .„., 1919. L920. 1003, to "}*.' 1904. 1919. 1JiU - 1016, 1917. 1905, 1915, 1910. 1920. L 7 2-77 I-01 1-66 2-95 i I', I', D 7-5 5-5 4-4 3-2 4-87 3-36 2-28 320 3-13 8-47 5-88 7-57 1-20 2-86 1-44 1-0(5 1-031 3-61 0-82 2-70; 0-43 2-37 I -S3 0-36 3-05 7-99 1-88 7-24 1-92 2-87 0-44 2-11 3-05 6-22 I 1-70 2-49 4-37 5-09 2-56 1-26 3-63 li-91 2-32 1-69 9-09 8-74 2-86 1-44 3-96 1-25 2-is 2-24 2-77 4-59 I -34 0-42 0-80 6-20 0-34 0-92 4-41 5-12 1-99 0-50 7 3-72 l-(l 7<)7 5-3 1-35 1-5 0-79 0-9 142°, 145° 119 I 71 221 ' 350 96 30S I';, 1% A, A A, A :i A i 314" 39 IS 45 276° 39 28 119 194° 48 J 253 151 257° 123° 124 109 172 243 55 197 227° 83 361 206 240° 72 52 200 66° 88 c 87 84 56 , 26 358 322 ' 67" 168 302 128 98° 64 353 343 170° 104 231 64 165° 73 310 296 255" 38 369 IIS 101° 98 349 22 360° 90 354 55 81° 58 340 81 A, l



also, A 3 —A l =l2o° in 1910, and = 61° in 1919. If we go back to 1904 we find almost the same difference for A 3 — A 1 [59°] as in 1919, suggesting a completion of some effect in a. period of 15 years, and this is strengthened by the identity of \\ in 1905 and 1920. We must eventually inquire why 1% completely changes tin- sign of its phase angle between 1919 and 1920 [64°+ 296° = 360°], while P, changes only — 4|° in phase. Also it must be investigated p why A 4 in 1920 is 240° larger than in 1905. lias the equality of the ratio p 2 in 1905 and 1915, and 7T 4 the fact of A 2 -)-A 4 summing a simple multiple of _ in those years, anything to do with the fact that both 1905 and 1915 were years of maximum solar constant as observed at the Solar Physics Observatories ? Also, have the simple, relations between phase angles in 1910 any connection with the fact that 1910 was a year of minimum solar constant ? Analysis of all curves by proper periodogram methods will surely show, when sufficient accurate observations have been obtained. But with regard to the value 2-86 occurring for P 3 in 1910, 1916, and 1920, it will be interesting to see whether 1906 or 1907, or perhaps both, have that value for P.,. Unfortunately, our measures for these years are not yet completed, though under way. It is of especial importance to note that producing the analysed results backward a time is found for each year's components at which the P, and P a components are in the same phase, and it is found that in the above analysis between tin- years 1913 and 1920 these points of time in successive years are separated by 12 synodic solar rotations, taking the solar equatorial belt. This shows the all-compelling power of the sun's rotation on the phenomena, and connects the effects with that period. An investigation has been made, by what may be called the method of jumbles, of the amount of the variation of H.F. at Christchurch in the period of 12 synodic solar rotations, denoted for convenience © 6 i2, the s suffix denoting synodic, to distinguish from ©12, the length of 12 absolute periods of rotation of which © s 12 is the synodic correspondence. The investigations shows that after correcting for the separate average annual variations of II during the two intervals 1902 to 1905 (1 years) and 1913 to 1920 (8 years) a decided variation in O S I2 remains, and, plotting the results for the two intervals, two very similar curves result, with slightly different amplitudes ; and in phase the two curves differ by the expected amount, calculated from the middle of the one interval to the middle of the other, which shows that other variations are coming in also. Indeed, it is probable, that periodicities occur of lengths that are simple multiples of ©si, of which all the lowest come into the same relative phases in 9 years, most of them also in 3or 6 years. They may be due to the earth's influence upon the outlying solar atmosphere, periodically affecting the quantity of radiant energy arriving at the earth. They may be due to such a semi-tidal effect with some kind of valve-action coming in. The sun. being fluid, can oscillate about its mean form quite well ; perhaps it does ; its heating and shrinking while rotating, and consequent ebullition, may make it do so. Such oscillations could be maintained by the minutest tidal forces under certain circumstances. We all know that it lakes a considerable push to set the heavy pendulum of a clock swinging, but a very little power will keep it going, if the periodical application of the power is exactly synchronized, as the escapement ensures. Where can such easily maintained undamped oscillations exist in the sun ? Ido not think they can be primarily electrical. It is easy to suggest quite another thing to prove ; but it seems likely that in addition periodicities will be found of lengths that are simple multiples of the sun's absolute rotation period. Such periodicities will conn- again into the same relative phase in five of our years, and this would explain the connection found between 191 I change of H and 1919 change of 11. Action in a period of 10 or 15 years would also be apparent. Bui why should 1911 and 1919 yield such a degree of symmetry in the average H curve '. To what epoch are they so relatively situated that effects should be complementary ? Was 1917-0 a node of all solar action, or the reverse, or of any particular solar action 1 The two curves over 0 K 12 arc reproduced, also the average annual curves for the two intervals, and it will be seen that both year curves and © s 12 curves differ over the two intervals. But if seems that there is in them almost as much justification for the reality of the © s 12 periodicity as for the yearly periodicity, which is undoubtedly real. The length of 0 S 12 found is almost exactly 328-7 days, or 0-9 of I year. The following table gives approximately the durations of 12, 11, 10 ... to I synodic, solar revolutions, length in years, &c: —

i Synodic Solar Rotations. Length in ! Yeai-s. 1 Year. :i Years. Number of Perioi Is ill 4 1 Years. 5 Years. 8 Stears. 9 Sears. 15 Years. ©s 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 •1 3 2 1 o-9oo l-i 0-825 l-2i 0-750 13 0-675 l-48i 0-600 h"; 0-525 I -905 0-450 2-2 0-375 2-6 0-300 ..-.', 0-225 4-4 0-150 (i-i'i 0-075 13-3 3-8 ;;iV; 40 4-4 5-0 5-715 6-6 8-0 10-0 13-3 20-0 40-0 5-11 5-45 6-0 6-6 7-5 8-58 10-0 12-0 15-0 20-0 30-0 60-0 5-5 (i-oi; 66 7-407 8-3 9-525 11-1 13-8 16-6 22-2 33-3 66-6 S-A 9-69 10-6 11 -85 13-3 15-24 17-7 21-A 35 -h 53-8 106*6 10-0 10-90 12-0 13-3 15-0 17-15 20-0 24-0 30-0 10-0 00-0 120-0 16-6 i<s-i7 20-0 22-2 25-0 28-57 33-3 40-0 50-0 (;<;•('; 10(1-0 200-0 I









The following table gives the corresponding figures for the corresponding length of an absolute rotation :— -

Granted sustained small oscillatory changes in the above periods, it is easy to see that a resultant 15-year periodicity would ensue. © s it and oi2 both approximate closely to 10 months in length. By a combination of years we found we could produce symmetry for 10 months, and in 1913 and 1918 we could trace similarity of trend over 10 months. It may be, then, that the amplitude in one or both of these periods is considerable. As a working hypothesis the above may be of service in the analysis of our magnetic, periodogram. Mean Diurnal Inequalities. The curves of mean monthly and mean seasonal diurnal change of 1) and of H are reproduced as usual. The curves in I) are very similar to those in 1919. The peculiar flattening indicating constancy of declination from 2h. to Oh. 6. in January, 1919, has a, distinct tendency to be repeated nearly two years later, in December, 1920. but it is not so pronounced. The extraordinary drop at 3h. CI. in the March curve for 1920 D is almost entirely due, to the influence of a very stormy day, the 23rd March ; but the peak at IBh. in March is repeated in April, and is a systematic effect. This is not to say, however, that the apparently abnormal storms may not lie ultimately found to he systematic in their occurrence. The rapid turn of the curve at 6h. Gf. in September finds its counterpart in July and August of 1919. The fall from lOh. to I Hi. in September, 1919, is repeated in the 1920 October curve. The average curves for the years 1919 and 192(1 differ principally about 12h., owing chiefly to differences in the winter and equinoctial months about that. hour. As to the corresponding H curves, the June and July curves arc generally smoother in 1920 than in 1919. The drop of Hat 12h. in the average curve for the year is found also in the summer, winter, and equinoctial curves. Mkan Monthly Ranges of THE Diurnal [nequalities. In H the maximum range in 1920 is found in February, as was the oase in 1919. Reference to the diagram published in last year's report will show that for the second half of the year 1920 the trend of the curve follows that for 1918 much more closely than that for 1919. In both 1918 and 1920 there was a large range in August. In the corresponding ranges for 1). iii both 1919 and 1920 the maximum range occurred In February and November, being almost equal in these two months; the minimum range occurred in June. The tendency in 1919 to a peak ol range in May and August is in 1920 very much less. It is rather to be expected that relationships exist bet,ween the annual marches qf the mean monthly ranges of the diurnal inequality in different years, and indeed it. is significant that some such relationship is shown by these in 1910 and 1920, especially in regard to the declination. The accompanying diagram shows these, and shows clearly the minima of difference at three-monthly intervals, and the strikingly similar annual march. In the corresponding ranges of H (diagram given) similar "nodes" occur, but one month later than in I). In fact, the average ranges of the diurnal inequality in H in the mouths April, July, and October were almost identical in 1910 and 1920. ' ' In 1919 peaks of I) range occurred in February, May, August, and November; in 1910 peaks occurred in H range, in these months, while in 1920 pronounced peaks occurred in February and August. Generally the 1910 D range curve much more closely resembles in (.tend the 1920 range curve than it does the 1919 D range curve. The mean range of the diurnal inequality of D in 1910 was 6*6' ;in 1920 it was 7-2'. In H the corresponding figures were 27-3-y and 30--Iy. The difference of range in E, u was therefore about 3-6'y and in H about 3-ly.

Absolute Solar Rotations. Length in Yoars. Number of Periods in 1 Year. 5 Years. © 12 II id 9 8 n I 6 5 4 3 2 1 0-835 1-198 6-0 1-31 6-55 1-44 7-2 1-6 8-0 1-8 9-0 2-06 10-3 2-4 12-0 2-88 14-4 3-6 18-0 4-8 24-0 7-2 36-0 14-4 72-0



The variation of the mean monthly diurnal inequality of D and of H has certainly a well-defined annual part, and the analysis of the curves for a number of years must be undertaken before the connection between diurnal and annual variations can be made clear. I have not had time, to investigate the question whether the seasonal diurnal variations in H in the years 1905, 1910, 191 I, and J9J9 are related at all in the same way as the, annual marches of Hin these years have been shown to be related it seems most probable that they are. ; and, if so, some relationship will be definitely shown to exist for Christchurch between the annual and diurnal variations. It would indeed be pleasant to have a clerical stall' at the Observatory sufficient to enable, such work to be rapidly dealt with. One naturally wants to get the cream from the milk, and such is only possible by the proper machine. As further showing the connection between annual marches of H.F. five years apart, it is notable that the year 1918 of sun-spot maximum was five years after the year of sun-spot minimum, 1913. The curves of annual inarch of H.F. for these years (see diagrams) exhibit a, surprising general resemblance, much more than we should expect if sun-spottcdness was the only variable coi related with the trend of the curve*. It is noteworthy that, the area! differences of these two curves are equal on either side of the mid-year ordinate, suggesting that the excess of the drop from January to April in 1918 was exactly balanced by the excess of the drop from June to September in 1913. The total change of H.F. from January, 1913, to January, 1914, happened to be only ly less than the total change from January, 1918, to January, J919. The mid-points of excess of fall differ by four years and a half, changing in that time from late winter to late summer. The mid-points of defect differ by five years and a half, changing in that time from late summer to late winter. After October they seem to become opposite, the similarity of trend being confined to ten months of the year, a, fact apparently not unconnected with what was found in the mean curve of H.F. for 1911 and 1919, that symmetry could only be found to exist over ten months of the year, and that beyond that the asymmetry exceeded possible observational errors. The curve for the previous sun-spot minimum. 1901, is not available for Christchurch, as magnetograph registration only commenced here at the end of IDOL The sun-spot maximum previous to 1918 was in 1907, and measurements of magnetograms for that year are in progress. Nine, months of declination curves have been measured and declination values got out, but it is not expected to have H.F. hourly values tabulated for 1907 loi some months yet. The measurements of 1912 magnetograms have been completed, but the conversii I mil mates and tabulation arc still incomplete. It is hoped to complete if this year. The provisional value of H.F. for 1912 is 0-22470, which shows a small secular change of JBy from 1911. Similar small changes occurred from 1904 to 1905, and from 1919 to 1920, and were both accompanied by marked change in the form of the curves representing the inarch of H.F. throughout the years. Between 1901 and 1905 a certain amount of inversion of the curve is noticeable, evidenced in the analysis by Ihe change of A a to the adjacent quadrant. From 1919 to 1920 a, slight amount of inversion may be perceived; the change of A., is in the opposite direction. Tin- sum of A.,'s in L904 and 1905 is 173°; in 1919 and 1920 it is 177°. Seasonal Vector Diagrams of Mean Diurnal Horizontal Disturbing Forces. These are published for 1910 and 1920 herewith, and require some comments. Those for 1905 and 1919 were published in the preceding year's report. Looking at these one is struck by the very great similarity in general shape of the summer diagrams in 1919 and L920, and the decided difference in the winter diagrams, from 21h. to 2h. (I. the winter diagrams do not differ much, except that the earlier hours are retarded on the diagram (or the variation accelerated), but from 16h. on to 20h. the difference is marked, and during tlese hours 1905 and 1910 winter diagrams correspond fairly .closely, while from I7h. to 20h. the general trend is somewhat the same, only somewhat smoother and inclined to the full rounded nature characterizing the whole winter diagram in 1919. in which year it indeed seems that the whole diurnal variation in winter was of simpler composition, and gives one the impression of a series of spirals, curves which I believe have in the past been unsuccessfully invoked in the interpretation of these phenomena. It is curious, however, that in many of these curves the position of the hours on the diagram gives one the impression of action in spirals. The slight constriction between lh. and 6h. evident in the 191!) diagram is also seen in the 1920 diagram. In the winter of 1910, 1919, 1920 the westerly disturbing force at about local midnight is large, and exceeds that at 23h. 6. to Oh. G., or local late morning. In the equinoctial night variation, 1910 much more, closely resembles 1919 than it does 1920. A striking difference between the winter vector diagrams in 1905 and 1919 occurs between 6h. and lOh. G. In both years this part of the curve is full and rounded, but tie convexity is directed inwards and south in 1905, and outwards and north in 1919. 2h. 0. seems to generally occupy the same position on the diagram, which means that at that time; of day the direction and intensity of the disturbing force has on the average for the season the most constancy in the different years. Visit of the " Carnegie." The ocean magnetic surveying-yacht " Carnegie," of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, revisited Lyttelt.on in October. The following account of her voyage from Fremantle is taken from the official report of Commander Ault, and after reading it one



is able to comprehend the difficulties and dangers that this gallant little vessel and her crew encounter in their successful efforts to add to our knowledge of terrestrial magnetism. Captain Ault writes 5- " After a. delay of one day spent in preparing records ready for the mail, and in securing two seamen needed to till the ship's complement, we left Fremantle on October 1 at 10.20 a.m., and were towed well out against a, light head wind. During the night the north-west and west-north-west wind together with a southerly current set the vessel well in towards Cape Naturaliste, so that by 8 o'clook on October 2 we were only It) miles off the cape. A gale from the west was blowing at the time, with heavy squalls, making il uncertain that, the vessel could clear Cape Leeuwin. It was decided to run the engine and proc. 1. trusting that the wind would not shift ahead until we got clear of the capo. The engine held the vessel up to her course very well, probably overcoming a point of leeway. "We were thus skirting the coast at a distance of about 10 miles from Bh. until 21b.., the wind shifting ahead just slowly enough to allow us to keep a clear course with careful steering, as flu- direction of the coast-line changed from south by West to soul h-south-east. We cleared the dangerous point of Cape Leeuwin at a distance ol three miles. The gale died down to a, calm during the night as we proceeded on our way south into the cold and stormy regions of high latitudes. " On October 5 the next gale began from the noith-east, and continued with fog, mist, and rain until October 7, shifting through west to south-west. "Another short gale blew from the north-west on the night of October 10. A display of aurora australis was visible during the entire night of October 10. 1920, and again on October 11, in the form of a, seiies of arches of white light stretched across the southern sky. with white vertical streamers extending up to the zenith. "At Bh. 15m., October 12, the vessel was within one mile of the charted position of the Royal Company islands. Slider's Atlas gives the position as 50° 24' 8., 142° 45' E.; H. IL Mill gives 50° 15' 8. ami 142° 45' E. ; and Bartholomew gives 50° 18' S. and 143° 00' E. : the mean ol these. 50° 20' S. and 142° 50' E., was the position assumed. Nothing was in sight, for a, radius of forty miles with very good visibility. The ' Carnegie ' sailed eastward all day at about 50° 20' S. latitude, and there were no signs of land. These islands have been searched for unsuccessfully by several navigators, and they might well be eliminated from the charts. Our own experience in these latitudes in 1915-16 showed the ease with which icebergs could be taken for land when seen at distances even less than 5 miles. For several days before reaching the position given for the Koyal Company Islands birds were particularly numerous- albatross, molly-mawks, petrels, Cape pigeons, &c- and penguins were heard near the vessel at night. Floating kelp was passed in considerable quantities. Hut. these indications cannot be taken always as signs of the proximity of land, as has often been done by earlier navigators in confirmation of their reports of new islands found. " Our heaviest weather began on October 12, a westerly wind developing into a gale, shifting to north-west, back to south-west, again to north-west, and back again to south-west on October 15, moderating at south on October Hi, and maintaining a force of 7 to 9 during the entire five days. "The heavy wind and sea, from the north-west prevented our making the northing necessary for a, passage through Cook Strait useful, so it was decided to proceed to Lyttelton by way of the Snares, south of South Island, a much easier, safer, and direct, route. " The Snares were picked up on October 17 as calculated, and anchor was dropped in Lyttelton Harbour at 3 a.m. of October 21. Owing to calms and head winds the engine was operated for two days before arrival at Lyttelton. The last fifty miles were made running before a heavy southeast wind that came out of a practically clear sky, within one minute, of the dying-out of the northeast wind that had been blowing for several hours. " The, usual meteorological conditions for these latitudes were experienced, but, a fairly complete programme of observations was carried out in spite of fogs, storms, and heavy seas. Declination observations were made daily, and usually twice a day. The total number of miles traversed from Fremantle to Lyttelton was 3,157: hence the average daily run for the 19-7 days at sea was 160-3 nautical miles." It; is fairly obvious that the existence of the Royal Company Islands above water is disproved. Nothing but marine surveys and soundings can show whether there are not shallows which might account for the floating kelp ; if there were shallows the possibility is then that the islands firsl discovered have become submerged. The largest chart error in declination on the voyage was found just off the coast of Australia in latitude 33° 09' 8., longitude I 14° 43' K., when the declination was observed to he 4-8° W., whereas on the British Admiralty chart the declination for that place is given as 6*B° W., and on the United States chart as 6-4° W. The second-largest chart error in declination on the voyage was found by the " Carnegie " at 50° 20' S. lat., 142° 25' E. long., when the declination was found to be 6-B°' E., while the British Admiralty chart showed for that point 5-5° E., and the United States chart 5-8° E. The 'declination observed at 44° 16' S. and 173° 03' E. was 17-6° E., a value 0-3° larger than the values given on both the British and United States charts. This point is approximately 34 statute miles south of Fast Head. At 44° 42' S. lat. and 172° 30' E. long, the value found by the " Carnegie " was 17-6° E., a value 0-2° larger than the British and 0-3° larger than the, United States chart value. The value at Christchurch Observatory for October, 1920, was about 17-1° E., and the Magnetic Survey of IS'i v\ Zealand showed an increasing value for declination of approximately-f 0-2° for <ach+'° of latitude, so that the chart values agree with the Observatoiy values fairly well if we neglect the merely local peculiarities revealed by the survey.


A large chart error was also found by the "Carnegie " at a point, 47° 59' S., 165° 53' E., the observed declination being 184° E., whereas on the charts it is given as 17-5° E. This point is about 100 miles to the south-west, of Stewart Island. At 47° 59' S. 163° 46' E., some 2° west of the above in longitude, the observed value was only 16-9° E. and the chart error only 0-1". The magnetograms for that, day were tolerably quiet so that there is there shown a change of declination of -4- 1-5° in about 95 miles easting—very much more than was expected. It seems, then, that a. magnetically disturbed area, exists to the south-west of New Zealand. In tin- December number of the Journal of Terrestrial Magnetism oiid Atmospheric Electricity a list of the latest annual values at, observatories is published. Christchiiieh values for 1917, 1918; and 191'.) are included, and the provisional values for Samoa (Apia) for these years also, and provisional values for Potsdam for 1918. 1919, and for Seddon for 1919. The list comprises results from thiltyeight magnetic observatories, and values for 1919, final or provisional, are given for ten observations. Melbourne values from absolute observations only are included for 1918 and 1919. Comparison OBSERVATIONS with " CARNEGIE " OBSERVERS. On the 3rd and Ith November, 1920, comparison of declination standards was effected, the observers and instruments alternating their stations. The stations were Last Pillar (E.P.) ol the Absolute House, and Jar rub Leg (J.l'.), the station used in the previous comparison in 1915 L6. The results of all these comparisons are being published by the Carnegie Institution, and the results cannot, be published as regards comparison of standards until the final checking of "Carnegie" results at Washington and comparison of "Carnegie " instruments with the Department's standards are available. In declination the station difference established was K.l'. = J.P. — 0-27' by simultaneous observations, exchanging stations. In H.F. the difference established was E.P. = J.P. + 0-00004 C.G.S. In inclination the difference established was W.P. = J.P. + ()•()'. The comparison was satisfactory, and the differences of Christchurch standards from the international magnetic standard were not appreciably changed, but this will be better shown Later, as indicated above. Twelve sets of observations were made of declination, twelve of horizontal magnetic force, and twelve of inclination, positions alternating. Using the observations with the Christchurch inductor E.I. 109 at E.P. and J.P. made for the comparison, reference to the magnetograph curves shows that in vertical force W.P. = J.P. + sy. Diurnal Inequality of Vertical Magnetic Force on Four Extremely Quiet Days. The four days, 31st October, and Ist, 2nd, and 3rd November were extremely quiet days, and in order to get a comparison of the vertical disturbing force, and the shape of the October—November vector diagram of diurnal disturbing forces in the vertical planes, these days were measured up. The average V.F. inequalities ovei these days are, for Greenwich civil hours (Oh = Greenwich midnight) in y — Oh. -1-6 6h. +0-4 121.. +4-8 18h. 4-1 Ih. -4-4 7h. +2-0 13h. +3-9 19h. -2-2 2h. - 5-1 Bh. + 3-2 14h. + 2-9 20h. + 0-0 3h. -4-4 9h. +4-5 15h. +0-7 21h. -0-0 4h. -3-2 lOh. +4-8 16h. -1-2 22h. -0-3 sh. -1-2 llh. +4-5 17h. -3-5 23h. -0-9 Instantaneous nrdi nates were measured at, the Greenwich hour. It is hoped to publish veitical-force monthly curves for quiet days for 1921. 1 am afraid that an accession of staff will be needed before I can publish accurate vertical-force data for every hour of the year regularly. It is true that a very great deal can be achieved from the discussion of D and H data alone, but quiet-day results for V will further some investigations. Our Adie vertical-force balance was not working at all well in the early years of the existence of the Observatory, but now I feel that the vertical-force curves from the Eschenhagen magnetograph we have working at Amberley are satisfactory, and we should at least, measure quiet days. With regard to the provisional Sanioan results, it may be noted that, in spite of the great difference of geographical position, the change of mean annual values of I) and of H is almost the same as at Christchurch, and the change of inclination is not very different. Acknowledgments. I am grateful for the temporary services of Mr. D. H. Black, B.Sc, which were kindly granted by the Public Service Commissioner lor some time commencing from the visit of the "Carnegie." Mr. Black was ol very great assistance in the reduction of observations made during the intercomparison of instruments, so that, results could be gauged as the work progressed. I must also express my thanks to. my assistant, Mr. H. F. Band, for his willing help during the y< ar, and to Mr. V. J. Rhodes for consenting to ohange papers for me at Amberley. Grateful acknowlcdgmeits must, also be, made for the numerous reports and publications kindly sent to this Observatory by other institutions.




EARTHQUAKE REPORTS. Symbols, Notation, etc. 1. Character ol the earthquake : — d Local shock perceptible at station, its intensity being expressed on the Rossi-Forel scale thus :RF 1, &c. v Near shock (origin less than 9°, or 1,000 kilometres, distant). r Distant shock (origin from 9° to 45°, or 1,000 to 5,000 kilometres, distant). u Very distant shock or teleseism (origin more than 45°, or 5,000 kilometres, distant). 2. Phases of the seismogram [each of the following symbols may denote — (a) the phase itself; or (b) the time of arrival of the first waves of that phase at the station ; or (c) the time of transit of those waves from the origin in seconds : there will be no ambiguity]:— P .. .. .. .. Longitudinal waves, direct (first phase or first preliminary tremors). PR (or PR,), PR 2 .... PR n • • Longitudinal waves, rctlceteil once, twice, n times, at the earth's surface. S .. .. .. .. Transverse waves, direct (second phase or second preliminary tremors). SR (or SR,), SR 2 .... SR„ .. Transverse waves, reflected once, twice, n times, at the earth's surface. Sl' .. .. .. Interval (in seconds) between the arrival of the P waves and the S waves. I'S .. .. .. .. Waves changed from longitudinal to transverse oscillation, or vice versa, through reflection at the earth's surface. L .. .. .. .. Long waves (chief phase or principal part; regular waves). Lj, Lj L n .. .. Successive series of L waves. Lj .. .. .. .. Long waves passing along the major arc of the great circle through the epicentrum and the observatory. (Repeats of L or Lj after a circuit or circuits of the earth are noted in the " Remarks.") M .. .. .. .. Greatest motion in the chief phase. Mj . . .. .. .. Maximum of the Lj waves. C .. .. .. .. Tail or end portion. F .. ■• .. .. End of discernible movement, 3. Nature of the motion : — ' e ! (Beginning of the motion, used either alone or with one of the symbols in , , f '' ''12 denoting phase, e gradualj " l T (period) . . . . . . Time of one complete oscillation (to and fro). A .. .. .. .. Amplitude of the motion, measured from the median line, in millimetres (mm., as shown on the seismogram), or in mikrons (p, actual movement of i In- ground): (/* = L/1000mm.). Ae .. • ■ .. • • E—W component of A. A n .. .. .. .. N-S component of A. A v ■ • ■■ •• •■ Vertical component of A. 4. General: — Time .. .. .. G.C.M.T., Greenwich civil mean time, 0h.0r24 h. = midnight. E (epiccntrum) .. .. Position of epicentre. O (origin) .. .. .. Time of shock at origin. 0 .. .. .. .. Latitude. \ .. .. .. Longitude from Greenwich. A .. .. .. .. Distance from epicentre in degrees (°) or in kilometres (kms.). 5. The Observatory : — (a.) Its position : Lat. 43° 31' 48" S., long. 172° 37' 13" E. Its height, above mean sea-level : 8 met res (25 ft.). (b.) The kind of seismograph : Milne No. 16 (ordinary boom). How installed : Boom N.-S. Natural period : 10 seconds. Magnification : 8. Damping : Nil.

Earthquake Reports.

3—C. 1a.

'ime is [reenwicl civil mean time ; it is given in lours, minu ites, am set;. om Is. 01 i. or i. = mi. ".« it. Amplitude. No. Date. Character. Phase. Time. G.C.M.T. Boom Period. A e . Remarks. I 1920. Jan., 1 P M P n. M. S. 3 III IS :s 11 is 12 21 IS 12 21 36 12 23 12 12 21 12 12 25 06 12 41 12 3 02 51 3 04 54 21 30 24 21 32 IS 21 35 IS 21 36 00 2! 10 30 21 50 24 21 54 18 21 58 24 19 46 21 19 48 21 19 50 12 19 53 00 03 36 00 03 43 12 04 13 48 04 17 30 12 32 00 12 37 30 s. MM. 1 16 0-2 Slight microseisms in evidence. 2 1 L M M P M P 4-0 2-4 ? Microseism. ?S. ? SR,. 3 11 0-4 4 22 5 6 », 29 29 L M ?SR L M S SR., I." M PR t ? S L M r, M 2-0 1-4 Slight microseisms evident. Feh., 3 1-0 3 0-2 Slight microseisms evident. 1-5

C— la.

Earthquake Reports -continued.


Date. Character. Phase. Boom Period. Amplitude. Remarks. No. Time. G.C.M.T. Ac. 1920. Feb. 10 S SR, ? L M L M PR, S L M S L M si;, ? SR 2 ■> L M RK, S L M I' L M PR, s L M P S •'. si; L M P ? S •'. L M P S 1. M 1> S ? L M S ? SR, ? L M I'll, ? S ? L M r s i. M I' S I M I' S L M S SR, ? L M S ? SH, L M PR? S? L M P L M P S SR t L M H. M. S. 9 24 42 9 27 00 9 30 00 9 32 30 9 03 36 9 07 30 7 10 30 7 21 00 7 25 00 7 27 24 10 45 00 10 19 00 II) 51 24 IS 50 IS IS 53 12 IS 59 00 19 00 00 0 14 18 0 IS 12 (I 20 42 0 30 00 21 43 48 21 IS 42 21 53 30 IS 58 48 19 00 00 19 23 48 19 25 00 01 57 06 02 04 12 02 08 00 02 12 12 02 22 54 07 34 00 07 37 30 07 40 12 i>7 II no 1 31 00 4 44 24 4 59 12 5 05 12 11 10 30 11 48 00 11 50 18 12 00 00 IS 52 54 is 56 1:1 19 01 10 19 03 36 21 47 oo 21 51 30 22 13 00 22 25 30 3 07 54 3 12 30 3 14 45 3 2' i 00 05 (II IS 05 07 IS 05 09 50 05 11 54 S 25 12 s 30 oo S 33 50 S 12 12 10 59 12 11 01 40 11 03 36 1 I 00 24 I 50 20 I 52 2 1 1 50 III 2 02 00 19 11 48 19 16 54 19 22 00 19 25 30 14 44 36 14 48 42 14 56 00 02 40 06 02 44 12 02 45 36 02 47 30 02 50 12 S. MM. „ 12 2-6 o-o Microseisms commenced earlier. 10 II „ 27 1-5 In middle of microseisms. 12 „ 27 13 Mar. 20 u 1-0 3-0 I I April 2 A 18° ±. May 7 r 10 1-1 15 10 10 u 10 5-0 1-3 A 50° ±. > 17 13 r 10 4-0 i IS 20 Microseisms running. June 5 u Mi r,-r> 19 9 I 5 i-o 20 July 2 15 0-8 21 2 15 0-9 22 » 1 5 1-0 23 0 6 15 21 24 Aug. 15 r 15 0-7 25 29 r 15 2-1 26 27 Sept. 8 15 (1-9 9 r 15 5-0 a 38° ±. Microseisms running. 28 20 15 Hi 2-0 Large oscillations continued for 21 minutes after Lj, on the record 21 r 10 12-0 2*5


Rough Sketch of Country Near MT: TUTOKO


True Tutoko Peak, looking North from Middle Tutoko Valley.


Sandfly Point, End of Milford Sound Track.

Turner's Fifth Camp: First Crossing from Tutoko to Hollyford Valley.

N a 5 T3 5 p w d P d o 3 o c p H

C —1a

From Foot of Snow Plateau.

Head of Stick-up Creek,

Rock-face dividing newly discovered glacier from flat \ alley, head of Stick-up Creek.

Rock point dividing icefield into glacier and keiall into valley.

True Tutoko, from Madeline (formerly Tutoko).

Mount Madeline (formerly TutokoJ

rue Tutoko. Turner's rass.


Two Leaps of the New Waterfall (estimated at 3,000 ft.). (Foreground rock cuts off one-third.)

True Tutoko, from about 6,000 ft.



Earthquake Reports — continued.

APPENDIX 111. EXPLORATIONS ABOUT MOUNT TUTOKO. The Darran Mountains, lying between the head of Milford Sound and the valley of the Hollyford River, are shown on the Department's maps as an unexplored region, some isolated points therein having received a provisional fixing during the course of explorations made in neighbouring districts. Mr. S. Turner, F.R.G.S., the well-known mountaineering enthusiast, has devoted several seasons to climbing in this little-known region, discovering a very large new fall and a lake, and finding reasons to believe that a peak hitherto shown as Tutoko dn the maps was not the highest in the vicinity, and that the name (which belongs to the highest) should be transferred to another peak some two miles north-west, which is apparently that shown on the original Admiralty chart as 9,691 ft. Desirous of locating his discoveries and settling the doubt as to the identification of Mount Tutoko, Mr. Turner applied to the Department lor the services of a surveyor for reconnaissance work, and Mr. D. Macpherson eventually was allowed to accompany Mr. Turner in February, 1921. Unfortunately, owing to several untoward circumstances, the amount of survey work accomplished was insufficient to effect the primary objects of the trip, but the observations and photographs made seem to an outsider to strengthen Mr. Turner's conclusions as to Mount Tutoko, though Mr. Macpherson is not convinced of this. The fogs and mist, while they did not binder the roar of a very large fall being carried to the ears of the explorers, did prevent any determination or estimation of its size, which previous observers consider to rival the famous Sutherland Kalis. The country climbed is very difficult, and at one time fears were entertained for the safety of the party, which found itself unable to return by the way it had gone out, and was obliged to make a most difficult trip, pushing over largely unknown glacier and ice country, down into the Hollyford Valley, thus crossing quite over the mountain-range and making five days' -travel on three days' provisions, eventually getting out to Martin's Bay. The delay due to this exjDcrience was a considerable factor in preventing sufficient reconnaissance survey being done, as it was necessary to return again to Lake Te Anau—an immense detour—whence the trip would have to be begun again to get back to the mountains, and Mr. Macpherson did not return. The very interesting photographs reproduced here, kindly lent by Mr. Turner lor the purpose, give a good idea of the country, but the accompanying map, drawn from Mr. Macpherson's sketches and Mr. Turner's descriptions and bearings, can only lie considered as an eye-sketch owing to lack of proper intersecting bearings, &c. Two of these photographs are of especial interest as showing (he unknown country surrounding the disputed Tutoko peaks. That of Turner's Pass shows both peaks ; that to the right, now named Madeline, is that which is suggested as being really the peak at present called Tutoko on the maps, while the far-off mountain on the left is the higher new peak, probably the real Tutoko. The next photograph is taken from the top of Madeline (the snow-covered foreground), in a north-westerly direction across Turner's Pass to the real Tutoko, some two miles and a half distant. This view shows to the right the newly found icefield lying round Tutoko, and sending down one glacier to the left (south) into the Tutoko Valley, one to the north-east towards Stick-up Creek and Lake McKerrow, and another one along the flanks of Tutoko and Madeline south-east into the Hollyford Valley, and over and along which the party, after crossing Turner's Pass, descended into the Hollyford Valley.

A />t>ro:ri,t>w/e Cast of I'ltpcr. l'n-p:ir:ition, not given; printing T.'iO copies (including diagrams ,tfec.), £67 10s.

By Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92l.

Price Is. 6V/.]

Amplitude. No. Date. Character. Phase. Time. G.C.M.T. Boom Period. Remarks. Ae. 1920. Nov. 6 It. M. S. 21 23 06 21 24 36 21 25 48 11 08 24 11 13 48 11 16 00 11 26 00 04 59 18 05 08 00 05 12 48 05 23 00 05 44 30 03 50 06 03 56 30 04 00 12 04 04 42 04 06 06 12 24 24 12 30 48 12 48 30 13 14 42 s. 15 MM. H 11 Dec. 10 r r P? L M P? L? M M P S SR! L M P S SR t L M P S L M 16 16 0-5 0-5 3-0 13 r 1-0 A 47° ±. 16 15 4-7

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Bibliographic details

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEYS: SURVEYS (ANNUAL REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, C-01a

Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEYS: SURVEYS (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, C-01a

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEYS: SURVEYS (ANNUAL REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, C-01a

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